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This of coui'se involved co-opei-ation on the part of the officers themselves, and to that end the publishers made earnest effort, by means of circulars and advertisements, to secure from every officer in the army the facts of his record as he wished it presented. Many offlcei's responded, but mauy did not, and what the book lacks in i-espect of fullness as to details is attributable to this failure on the part of a large number of officers to respond to the often repeated solicitation of the publishers. The thanks of the publishers are due to Colonel Guy V. Henr}^ U.S.A., for voluntarily placing at their service his valuable book of " Civilian Appointments," and to Captain Geo. F. Price, 5th Cavalry, for similarly giving them the use of his interesting work, "Across the Continent with the Fifth Cavalry," both of which have been freely availed of. They also tender their thanks to General Horatio G. Wright, chief of engineers, and to General Godfrey "Weitzel, of the same corps, General S. B. Holabird, quartermaster-general, General Stephen Y. Benet, chief of ordnance. Colonel M. I. Ludington, Major W. B. Hughes, and Captain John L. Clem, of the quartermaster's department. Colonel S. C. Lyford, of the ordnance, and to Colonel John B. Nicholson, recorder of the grand commander}'' of the militar}' order of the Loyal Legion, for favors and assistance received. They also desire to make acknowledgment for assistance derived from the use of Major Wil- helm's " Military and Naval Encyclopaedia." RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. GENERAL. Sherman, W. T. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; cjradiuite M. A., class of 1840 ; 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, ]840 ; served in Florida war, 1840-42 ; promoted 1st It. Nov. 30, 1841 ; on duty in various Southern States and in Pennsylvania 1842-46; on breaking out of war with Mexico applied for duty in the field, and was assigned to Co. F, 3d Art., then under orders for California ; A D.C. to Brig.- Gen. S. W. Kearney, Military Governor of California, and A.A.G. on the staff's of Col. E. B Mason and Brig.-Gen. Per- sifer F. Smith, 1847-49; hvt. capt. May 30, 1848, for gallant and meritoi-ious ser- vice in California during the war with Mexico ; bearer of dispatches from Gen. Smith to War Department, and after six months' leave of absence joined Co. C, 3d Art. at Jefferson Bks., Mo.; appointed capt. and A.C.S. Sept. 27, 1850; sta- tioned at St. Louis, Mo., and New Or- leans, La., 1850-52 ; resigned from the armj' to enter upon civil pursuits ; resig- nation accepted, to take eflect Sept. 6, 1853; re-entered the army by appoint- ment as col 13th Inf. May 14, 1861 ; com- manded a brigade in the first battle of Bull Pain, Va., July 21, 1861 ; appointed brig.-gi'n. vols. Ma\' 17, 1861, and as- stgned to duty in the Uept. of the Cum- berland ; in command of Dept. Oct. -Nov. 1861, when he was transferred for duty to the Dept. of the Missouri, and ordered to report to Maj.-Gen. Halleck at St. Louis; on inspection duty at Sedalia, Mo., and commanding camp of instruction at Ben- ton Bks., Mo., 1861-62 ; commanding post of Paducah, Ky., expediting and facilitating operations in progress up the Tennessee and Cumberland liivers, and organizing a division to be commanded by himself; bore a distinguished part in the battle of Shiloh. and in the operations against Corinth ; appointed maj.-gen. vols. May 1, 1862; commanding Dist. of Memphis and an expedition against Vicks- burg, 1862; assigned to command of 15th Army Corps Jan., 1863; participated in capture of Arkansas Post; took part in operations preceding and attending siege of Vicksburg ; appointed brig. -gen. U.S.A. July 4, 1863 ; assigned to command of the Dept. of the Tennessee Oct. 27, 1863 ; joined his forces to the army under Gen. Grant at Chattanooga, Tenn., and bore a conspicuous part in the battle of that name ; moved with great energy to tlie relief of Gen. Burnside at Knoxville, Tenn , and returned to Chattanooga, 1863 ; made an expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Miss., destroying much railroad and war material thereabouts, and re- turned to Vicksburg ; received thanks of Congress Feb. 19, 1864; assumed com- mand Mil. Div. of the Mississippi March 18, 1864; captured Atlanta, Ga., and made his march to the sea which terminated in the capture of Savannah, Ga., Dec 21, 1864; received thanks of Congress Jan. 10, 1865; marched north- ward from Savannah, captured Colum- bia, S. C, compelling the evacuation of Charleston ; repuUed the enemy under Gen. J. E. Johnston at Beiitonville, and joining his forces with those of Gen. Scho- field at Goldsboro', moved against Gen. Johnston, who, on April 26, surrendered his army on the same lerms as had been granted Gen. Lee; assigned to command of Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, 1865 ; pro- moted to It. -gen. July 26, 1866; assigned to command of Mil. Div. of the Missouri ; sent on special mission to Mexico, 1866; promoted to gen. March 4, 1869 ; relin- quished command of the army Nov. 1, 1883, and proceeded to his home in St. Louis, Mo., to await retirement. 6 UECOKDy OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL. Sheridan, Philip H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., chiss of 1853 ; bvt. '2d It. and assigned to 1st Inf. Jiilv 1, 1853; stationed in Texas 1853-55; 2d It. 4th Inf. Nov. 22, 1854; commanding recruits en route ior Califor- nia; on escort duty with Williamson's expedition to the Columbia River, Wash- ington Ter. ; stationed at Fort Vancouver 1855; engaged in atfair with Yokima Indians at the Ca.scades April 28, 185(j ; in cliarge of Yokima Reservation and on general frontier service in Washing- ton "Ter. and Oregon 1857-60; 1st Tt. March 1, 1861; Tippointed capt. 13th Inf. May 14, 1861 ; stationed at Jeffer- son Bks., St. Louis, Mo. ; president of board to audit claims arising under ad- ministration of Gen. Fremont; assigned to duty as acting chief Q.M. and C.S. of the Army of the Southwest 1861; acting chief Q.M. on the staff of Gen. Halleck ; appointed col. 2d Mich. Cav. May 25, 1862; engaged in scouting and raiding south of Corinth, Miss. ; in com- mand of a brisrade of cavalry he defeated a superior force of the enemy under Gen. Chalmers near Booneville, Miss. ; appointed brig.-gen. vols. July 1, 1862; repulsed an attack of the enemy under Col. Faulkner near Rienzi, Miss. ; com- manding 3d Div., and subsequently 1st Div., Army of the Ohio; participated with distinction in the battle of Perry- ville, Ky. ; commanded a division in McCook's Corps. Army of the Cumber- land ; participated with great distinction in the battle of Murfrecsboro', T6nn., 1862; appointed maj.-gen. vols. Dec. 31, 1862 ; bore a conspicuous part in the op- erations preceding and attending the bat- tle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; accompanied the movement of Gen. Sherman tt) Knox- ville, Tenn., for the relief of Gen. Burn- side 1863 ; ordered to AVashington and placed in chief command of the cavalry of tbe Army of the Potomac ; took an active and distinguished part in the " Wil- derness" campaign, and made an expedi- tion to the rear of Lee's army, penetrat- ing to within two miles of Richmond and having several encounters with the enemy ; assigned to command of the Mil. Div. of the Shenandoah (Middle Military Divis- ion) ; attacked and defeated Gen. Early at the crossing of the Opequan, and again at Fisher's Hill; appointed brig.-gen. U.S.A. Sept. 20, 1864; again defeated Earlv at Cedar Creek ; appointed mai.-iren. U.S.A. Nov. 8, 1864; destroyed the Va. Cent. R.R., the James River Canal, and large quantities of supplies ; met and de- feated Early again at AVaynesboro', Va. rejoined Gen. Grant in front of Peters- burg, Va. ; engaged in the final campaign against Petersburg and Richmond ; led the pursuit of Lee and was present at his capitulation 1865; received the thanks of Congress; since the war has commanded Mil." Div. of the Southwest, Mil. Div. of the Gulf, Dept. of the Gulf, 5th Mil. Dist. (Louisiana and Texas), Dept. of the Mis- souri, and Mil. Div. of the Missouri ; as- sumed command of the army on relin- quishment of same by Gen. Sherman, pre- paratory to the latter's retirement, Nov. 1, 1883. MAJOR-GENERALS. Hancock, Winfield S. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsvlvania ; graduate M. A., class of 1844 ; bvt. 2d It. 6th Inf. July 1, 1844; stationed at Fort Towson, Ind'ian Ter., 1844-46; 2d It. 6th Inf. June 18, 1816; stationed at Fort Washita, Indian Ter. ; on duty in. Alis- souri, Cincinnati, O., and Newport Bks., Ky., 1846-47 ; engaged in affair with Mex- icans at El PuenteNacional .lune 11, 1847; at San Antonio, Contreras,and Cherubusco Aug. 20, 1847, and Molino del Rey Sept. 8, 1847 ; bvt. Isl It. for gallant and meritori- ous conduct at Contreras and Cherubusco Aug. 20, 1847; engaged at Chapultepec Sept. 13, 1847; on tluty in city of Mexico 1847-48; stationed at Jefferson Bks., Mo., and Fort Crawford, regt'l Q M., 1848- 49; stationed at P\)rt Snelling; stationed at St. Louis, regt'l adj., 1849-55; ap- pointed capt. and" A. Q.M. Nov. 7, 1855; stationed at Fort Myers, supplying the forces operating against Florida Indians, 1855-57 ; stationed at Fort Leavenworth ; accompanied Harney's expedition to Utah; stationed at Fort Bridger, Utah, Benicia Bks., and Los Angeles, 1858-61 ; ap- pointed brig.-gen. vols. Sept. 23, 1861; engaged in action at Lee's Mills April 16, 1862, and numerous skirmishes during operations in front of Yorktown, Va. ; commanded forces engased in battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 4, 1862, win- ning a brilliant and important victory ; commanded forces engaged in action of Garnett's Hill, June 27, 1862; ]iartici- pated in engagement at Savage Station, Va., June 29, 1862; took part in battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862; bore a distinguished part in the battle of Antietam, during which ho was assigned to command of the 1st Div. 2d Army Corps Sept. 17, 1862; made an important reconnoissaTice in force from Harper's Ferry to Charlestown, Va., and hud a skirmish with enemy ; appointed maj.- GENERAL OFFICERS. gen. vols. Nov. 29, 1862; piirticipated with distingiiished 2;allantry in the battle of Fredericksburg," Va., l3ec. 13, 1862; bore conspicuous part in the Chancellors- ville campaign April 29-May 13, 1863; succeeded to command of 2d Corps June 10, 1863 ; permanently assigned to same June 25, 1863; bore a most efficient and distinguished part in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa , where he was severely wounded, July 1, 1863; rejoined command in Dec. 1863; dispatched to the North to stimu- late recruiting ; resumed command March, 1864; participiited with great distinction in the " Wilderness" campaign, and com- manded in chief at the battles of Deep Bottom iiud Reams' Station, and of Eoyd- ton Plank-road, Va. ; appointed brig.- gen. U.S.A. Aug. 12, 1864, "for galhint and distinguished services in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and in all the operations of the army in Virginia under Lt.-Gen. Grant ;" tendered the thanks of Congress ; organ- ized the 1st Army Corps of Veterans 1864- 65; commanded Middle IMil. l)\v. and Mid. Dept. 1865; appointed maj.-gen. U S.A. July 26, 1866; in comnumd of Dept. of the Missouri and conducted an expedition against hostile Indians 1866- 67; in command Dept. of the Gulf and Mil. Div. of the Atlantic 1867-69 ; in com- mand Dept of Dakota 1869-72 ; in com- mand Mil. Div. of the Atlantic 1872 to present time. Schofield, John M. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois ; gradu- ate M. A., class of 1853; com. 2d"lt. 2d Art. Aug. 31, 1853; served on Southern coast 1853-55, and as asst. prof, at M. A. 1855-60; com. as capt. 1st Art. May 14, 1861; served as chief of staif to Gen. Lyon in Missouri from May to Aug. 1861, and appointed brig. -gen. vols. Nov. 1861, and commanded the militia of Mis- souri from that date to the spring of 1862, when he was placed in command of the Dept. of Missouri. lie resigned this posi- tion in September, but assumed it again in May, 1863, with the rank of maj.-gen. The forces under his command operated with success in Arkansas after the capture of Vicksburg, and took Little Rock. In Feb. 1864, Schofield was appointed com- mander of the Army of the (Jhio. He con- tributed to the success of Sherman's bril- liant campaign, which resulted in the capture uf Atlanta. About the end of Oct. 1864, he was sent with the 23d Corps to Chattanooga, with orders to report to Gen. Thomas at Nashville. He comnuxnded at the battli' of Franklin, where he was at- tacked by Hood on Nov. 30, and, having repulsed the enemy, fell back towards Nashville during the night. In this ac- tion Hood lost 1750 killed and 3800 wounded ; the entire loss of the Union army was 2300. This campaign was ended by the decisive victory gained by Gen. Thomas near Nashville on Dec. 15-16. Com. as brig.-gen. U.S.A. Nov. 30, 1864, and bvt. as maj.-g(!n. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. In Feb. 1865, the State of North Carolina was constituted a military department, of which Gen. Schofield was appointed com- mander, with instructions to co-operate with Gen. Sherman. He captured Fort Anderson, occupied Wilmington on Feb. 22, and formed a junction with Gen. Sher- man at Goldsboro'. In the spring of 1867 he was appointed commander of the 1st Mil. Dist., which comprised the State of Virginia. He became Secretary of War in May, 1868, but resigned in March, 1869, and was then promoted to be maj.-gen. of the regular army, and assigned to com- mand the Dept. of the Missouri. He became commander of the Mil. Div. of the Pacific. Appointed superintendent of the M. A. at West Point July, 1876, where he re- mained until Jan. 21, 1881, when he.was ordered to command the Mil. Div. of the Pacific ; Nov. 1, 1883, succeeded Lt.-Gen. Sheridan in command of the Mil. Div. of the Missouri. Pope, John. Born in Kentucky. Ap- pointed from Illinois; graduate M. A., class of 1842; bvt. 2d It'^ Top. Engineers July 1, 1842, and com. as 2d It Top. En- gineers May 9, 1846; served on surveys, etc., from 1842 to 1846; was actively en- gaged in the Mexican war, and bvt. 1st It. for gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey, and bvt. capt. for gallantry at Buena Vista; surveying in the Northwest 1849-50, and in New Mexico 1851-53; com. as 1st It. Top. Engineers March 3, 1853; survey duty 1853-59; com. as capt. Top. Engineers July 1, 1856. Appointed brig.-gen. vols. Maj- 17, 1861, he held im- portant commands in Missouri, and in Dec. 1861, surprised a Confederate camp at Milford, which he captured with large sufiplies, thus forcing the Confederate Gen. Price to S. E. Missouri ; following up his success, now in command of the Army of the Mississippi, in co-operation with Admiral Foote, New Madrid was taken (March 14, 18G2). Promoted to be maj.-gen. March 21, 1862, and a month later (April 8) captured Island No. 10 in Mississippi River, with upward of 6500 prisoners and about 125 cannon and 7000 small-arms. Uniting with the combined armies under Gen. Halleck, he partici- pated in the advance upon Corinth, and 8 RECORDS OF LIVIjSG OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. upon the evacuation of that place (May 30) pursued the Confederate army as far 'as Baldwin. Called to the East in June, he was made a hrig.-gen. in the regular army (July 14, 1862) and placed in com- mand of the Army of Virginia, compris- ing the forces of Fremont, McDowell, and Banks, to which were added those of the Army of the Potomac arriving from the Peninsula of Virginia. The unsuccessful battle of Bull Run was fought Aug. 29- 30, and the next day (Sept. 1) that of Chantilly ; a few days later Pope re- signed his command, and resumed com- mand of the Dept. of the Northwest. Since the war he has commanded various military divisions and departments, and is now (188o) in command of the Mil. Dept. of the Pacific. Com. as maj.-gen. U.S.A. Oct. 26, 1882. BRIGADIER-GENERALS. Howard, Oliver O. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine; graduate M. A., class of 1864; bvt. 2d It. of Ordnance July 1, 1854 ; served at various arsenals until 1856 ; com as 2d It. Ordnance Feb. 15,1855; served against Seminole Indians j in 1857, and at M. A. 1857-61 ; resigned June 4, 1861 ; appointed col. 3d Maine | Vols. June 4, 1861, and commanded a brigade in the battle of Bull Run, July 21 ; appointed brig. -gen. vols. Sept. 1861 ; served in the Peninsular campaign 1862, and at the battle of Fair Oaks (June 1) was twice wounded, losing his right arm ; rejoined the army Aug. 1862, and was en- gaged in the battles of Antietam and Fred- ericksburg ; appointed maj.-gen. vols. Nov. 1862; at the battle of Chancellors- ville (May, 1863) he commanded the 11th Army Corps, as also at Gettysburg July, 1863 ; received the thanks of Congress for services at Gettysburg 1863 ; transferred with his command to Tennessee Oct. 1863, he was engaged in the battles of Lookout Valley and Missionary Ridge. In April, 1864, the 11th and 12th Corps were united to form the 20th Corps, and Gen. Howard was assigned to the command of the 4th Corps, Army of the Cumberland, and in the July following to that of the Army of the Tennessee, being engaged around Dalton, at Kesaca, Kenesaw Mountain, siege and occupation of Atlanta, and in the various actions and battles during the famous march to the sea with Gen. Sher- man, and subsequent invasion of the Car- olinas, terminating with the surrender of Gen. J. E. Johnston at Durham Station, N. C , April 26, 1865. Appointed com- missioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freed- men, and Abandoned Lands May, 1865, which position he retained till June, 1872. Gen. Howard was appointed a brig. -gen. U.S.A. Dec. 21, 1864, and bvt. maj.-gen. U.S.A. 1865; commanding the Dept. of the Columbia from July, 1874, to 1880; superintendent M. A. from June 21, 1881, to Sept. 1, 1882; commanding Dept. of the Platte 1882-83. Terry, Alfred H. Born in Connecticut. Appointed from Connecticut ; col. 2d Conn. Inf. May 7, 1861 ; served in the three months' campaign in Virginiij, and engaged in the battle of the first Bull Run, Va. ; in Gen. Sherman's Port Royal expedition Nov. 1861, and in the Dept. of the South to April, 1864; brig. -gen. vols. April, 1862, and bvt. maj.-gen. Aug. 1864 ; engaged at the bombardment of Fort Pulaski, Ga., and action of Poco- taligo, S. C. ; commanding division of the 10th Corps, and engaged at the actions on James Island, S. C., and operations against Forts Sumter, Wagner and Gregg, on Morris Island, S. C. ; commanding division of the 10th Corps, Army of the James, and engaged at the action of Ches- ter Station, battle of Drurj-'s Bluff, actions in front of Bermuda Hundred, Va., Deep Bottom, battle of Fussel's Mills, siege of Petersburg, actions of Newmarket Heights, Newmarket Roads, and Williamsburg Road, Va. ; commanding 10th Corps May to Dec. 1864; maj.-gen. vols. April 20, 1865; commanding the expedition in the attack on and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; commanding corps and engaged in the capture of Wilmington, N. C, and action of Northeast Creek, N. C. ; re- ceived thanks of Congress for services at Fort Fisher; June, 1865, to Aug. 1866, commanding Dept. of Virginia ; brig.- gen. U.S.A. June 15, 1865; commanding Dept. of Dakota from Sept. 1866, to pres- ent time. Augur, Christopher C. Born in New York. Appointed from Michigan; grad- uate M. A , 1843 ; bvt. 2d It. 2d Inf. July 1, 1843 ; com. as 2d It. 4th Inf. Sept. 1845; served in Texiis 1844-46, and actively en- gaged in the JMe.xican war 1846-47 ; com. assist It. 4th Inf. Feb. 16, 1847; frontier duty 1848-61 ; coin, as capt. 4th Inf. Aug. 1, 1852. In the civil war he became maj - gen. vols., and served in the defenses of Washingt(»n 1861-62, in operations on the Rappahannock, and in the Shenandoah Valley, 1862, was engaged at Cedar Moun- tain, where he was severely wounded ; en- gaged in action and siege of Port Hudson, 1863; It.-col. 12th Inf. July 1, 1863; com. as col. 12ih Inf. March 15," 1866. He was bvt. maj -gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field, and GENERAL OFFICERS. 9 has been in command of various depart- ments since the close of the war. In t'oni- mand of the Dept. of the South, 18n9-82; brig-.-Ejen. USA. March 4, 1862; at pres- ent in command of tlie Dept. of the Mis- souri. Crook, George. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed lVt)m Oliio; <:jriiduate M. A., class of 1852; bvt. 2d It. 4th Inf. July 1, 1852; served on frontier duty 1852-61, in llogue River expedition 1856, and in command of Pitt liiver expedition 1857; engaged in several actions, in one of which was wounded with an arrow; corn, as 2d It. 4th Inf. Julv 7, 1853; 1st It. 4th Inf. March 11, 18'>6 ; capt. 4th Inf. Mav 14, 1861 ; col. .3Gth Ohio Vols. Sept 12, 1861. In the civil war served in West Virginia operations 1861-62, engaged at Lewis- burg; in Northern Virginia campaign 1862; in Maryland campaign 1862, en- gaged at South Mountain and Antietam ; in operations in West Virginia 1862-63; in Tennessee campaign 1863, engaged at TuUahoma, Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, and pursuit of AVheeler, with constant skirmishes; in Northern Virginia 1864, making constant raids and in numerous actions; in Sheridan's Shenandoah cam- paign 1864, engaged at Berry ville, Fish- er's Hill, Strsisburg, Opequiin, and Cedar Creek ; in command of cavalry of Army of the Potomac 1865, engaged at Din- widdle Court-House, Jettersville, Sailor's Creek, Farmville, and Appomattox Court- House, and in command of the district of Wilmington, N. C, 1865-66. Bvt. maj. U.S.A. "May 23, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Lewis- burg, Va. ; brig. -gen. vols. Sept. 7, 1862; bvt. It.-col. Se^pt. 17, 1862, U.S.A., for gallant and meritorious services at Antie- tam ; bvt. col. U.S.A. Oct. 7, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Farmingt"n ; bvt. maj.-gen. U.S. Vols. July 18, 1864, for gallant' and dis- tinguished services in West Virginia; maj.-gen. U.S. Vols. Oct 21, 1864; bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1864, and bvt. maj -gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Fisher's Hill ; mustered out of volunteer service June 15, 1866; maj. 3d Inf. July 18, 1866; It.-col. 23d Inf. July 28, 1866. Since the war Jie has been on Rifle Tactics Board 1866, and in command of the Dists. of Owyhee and Boise, and Dept. of Columbia 1866-72, and actively engaged against hostile Indians; com- manded the Dept. of Arizona 1872-75, quelled all Indian disturbances and com- pelled theni to sue for peace. He was appointed brig.-gen. U.S.A. Oct. 29, 1873 ; assigned to commiuid the Dept. of the Platte March, 1875, where his services were very valuable in several encounters with the hostile Indians, and in forcing them back upon their reservations. At l)i'es('nt in coiinnand of Dept. of Arizona. Miles, Nelson A. iiorii in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; cnUued the volunteer service as It. in the 22d Massachusetts Vols. Oct. 1861 ; was distinguished at Fair Oaks and at Malvern Hill ; became adj. -gen. of a brigade; was appointed col. 61st New York Vols. Sept. 30, 1862, which he com- manded at Fredericksburg ; was severely wounded at Chancellorsville ; appointed brig.-gen. May 12, 1864; distinguished in the Richmond campaign of 1864; ap- pointed bvt. maj.-gen. Dec. 1864; col. of 40th Inf. U.S.A. July 28, 1866 ; trans- ferred to the 5th Inf. March 15, 1869; bvt. brig.- and maj.-gen. U.S.A. March 2, 1867- In 1876 he was transferred with his regiment to Dakota Ter. , where he has performed efficient services in subjugating the hostile Sioux and other Indians; com. brig.-gen. U.S.A. Dee. 15, 1880; at present commanding Dept. of the Columbia. MacKenzie, Ranald S. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M.A., class of 1862, and entered the army as an engineer officer; engineer of 9th Corps, and wounded at second battle of Bull Run; of Sumner's grand division at Fredericks- burg, as assistant to Lt. Comstock, chief eng. officer Army of the Potomac, Dec. 1863 ; engaged at Chancellorsville, and in constructing and laying bridges in advance of the army following the Confederate forces through Maryland into Pen,n.sylva- nia, and engaged at the battle of Gettys- burg, as assistant to Gen.' Warren, chief eng. officer Army of the Potomac ; subse- quently in providing bridges for pursuit of Lee, and continuously employed on engi- neering duty until opening of Richmond campaign May, 1864; assistant to Maj. Duane, chief eng. officer Army of the Potomac ; then in command of his com- pany through battles of the Wilderness ; wounded before Petersburg June, 1864, while in command of regiment; returning, commanded regiment during Early's at- tack on Washington July, 1864, and in command of brigade in subsequent pursuit and battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, where he was again wounded. Appointed brig.-gen. vols, and resumed command before Petersburg Nov. 1864; at Five Forks he commanded a division of cavalry, which rendered important ser- vice ; bvt. from 1st It. to maj.-gen. for gallantry. In Jan. 1866, he returned to duty with his corps, in which he had at- tained the rank of capt., and in March, 1867. was appointed col. of inf. ; trans- 10 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY ferred to the 4th Cav. 1870, and was very eflScient accainst depredators along the Mexican frontier ; com. as brig. -gen. U.S.A. Oct. 26, 1882; now in command of Dept. of Texas. ADJUTANT-GENERAL . Drum, Richard C. Enrolled as a private in Company K, 1st Pennsylvania Volun- teers, December 8, 1846, and was mustered into service December 16, 1846; served "with his regiment in the war with Mexico (being engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz) until discharged at Vera Cruz, Mexico, March 17, 1847, having been appointed a 2d lieutenant U. S. Infantry February 18, 1847 ; 2d lieutenant 9th Infantry April 9, 1847 ; transft-rred to the 4ih Artillery March 8, 1848 ; promoted 1st lieutenant 4th Artillery September 16, 1850; brevet captain and assistant adjutant-general March 16, 1861 ; vacated commission of 1st lieutenant 4th Artillery May 14, 1861 ; major and assistant adjutant-general Au- gust 3, 1861 ; lieutenant-colonel and assist- ant adjutant-general July 17, 1862; colonel and assistant adjutant-general February- 22, 1869; and brigadier-general and adju- tant-general June 15, 1880; brevetted 1st lieutenant September 13, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, — colonel September 24, 1864, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, and brigadier-general March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service in the adjutant-general's department dur- ing the war. Service: Joined the 9th Infantry May 19, 1847, and served there- with in the war with Mexico (engaged at the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Mo- lino del Rey, Chapultepec, and Garita de Belen) to July, 1848, when he joined the 4th Artillery and served with that regi- ment en route from Mexico to Fort Mon- roe, Va., to August 14, 1848; at Fort Monroe, Va, to October 21, 1848; Fort Pickens, Fla., to April 25, 1819; Baton Rcnige, La., to June 4, 1850; on leave to October 20, 1850; on detached service with light battery to March 11, 1851; with regiment at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to May 23, 1851 ; on detached service, conducting recruits to Fort Kearney, Nebr., to July 21, 1851 ; with regiment at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to Aug. 12, 1851 ; Fort Johnson, N. C, to June 6, 1852; Fort Brady, Mich., to October, 1853; Fort Leavenworth, Kans., to May 25, 1855; on detached service as acting commissary of subsistence of a battiilion of the 6th Infantry en ronfe to Fort Kear- ney, Nebr., to July 1, 1855; with regi- ment in the field, Nebraska Territory, on expedition agidnst hostile Sioux Indians (being engaged at the action of lilue Wate"r, Nebr., September 3, 1855), to Oc- tober 24. 1855; aide-de-camp to General W. S. Harnej', commanding the Sioux expedition, to June 30, 1856; command- ing section of artillery in the Tnpeka ex- pedition, July, 1856; acting depot quar- ternuister at Fort Leavenworth October, 1856 ; aide-de-camp to General P. F. Smith, commanding the Department of the West, also acting assistant adjutant-general at headquarters of that department, to May, 1858; with regiment at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., from June 4, 1858 (also adjutant of school from Sep- tember, 1858, to January 9, I860, and ordnance officer to April 21, 1860), to April 3, 1861 ; awaiting orders and en route to California to May 6, 1861; on duty as assistant adjutant-general at Head- quarters Department of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal., to June, 1865; Head- quarters Department of California to Oc- tober 1, 1866; Headquarters Department of the East, New York City, from De- cember 27,' 1866, to January 6, 1868; Headquarters Third Military District, At- lanta, Ga., to August 1, 1868, and of the Department of the South to March 20, 1869 ; at Headquarters Military Division of the Atlantic, Philadelphia, Pa., from April 3, 1869, to December 16, 1872, and at New York City to November 26, 1873 ; Headquarters Military Division of the Missouri, at Chicago, 111., from November 28, 1873, to May 2, 1878; on duty in the adjutant-general's oflSce, Washington, D. C, to present date. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENER- ALS. With the rank of Colonel. Kelton, John C. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from PeuTisvlvania ; graduate M.A., class of 1851 ; bvt. 2d It. 6th Inf. Julv 1, 1851 ; 2d It. 6th Inf. Dec. 31, 1851; 1st It. Mav 9, 1855; regt'l Q.M. Nov. 27, 1855, to Feb. 15, 1857; bvt. capt. and A.A.G. May 11, 1861 ; accepted May 17, 1861 ; capt. and A.A.G. Aug. 3, 1861 ; col. 9th Missouri Inf. Sept. 19, 1861 ; re- signed March 1, 1862; col. and A.A.D.C. vols. Jan. 4, 1862; accepted April 10, 1862; mustered out vols. Mav 31, 1866; maj. and A.A.G. July 17, 1862; It.-col. and A.A.G. March 23,-1866; col., A.A.G. June 15, 1880; bvt. It.-col. and bvt. col. U.S.A. for most valuable and arduous ser- vices both in the field and at headquarters ; ADJUTANT-GENEKALVS DEPARTMENT. 11 bvt. brig. -gen. U.S.A. for valuable and ar- duous servit'os duriiiji; tlie war, both in the field and at headquarters. Williams, Robert. I3orn in Virs^inia. Appointed from Virginia ; graduate M.A., class of 1851; bvt. 2d It. 1st Dragoons July 1, 1851 ; 2d It. July 15, 1853 ; Ist It. June 7, 1855 ; bvt. eapt. and A.A.G. May 11, 18(Jl ; aceepted May l(i, 1861; eapt., A.A.G. Aug 3, 18G1 ; col. 1st Ma.ssa- chusetts cav. Oct. 7, 18G1 ; resigned Oct. I, 1862; maj., A.A.G. July 17, 1862; It.-col., A.A.G. Feb. 22, 1869 ; col., A.A.G. July 1, 1881 ; bvt. It.-col. U.S.A. for meritorious and faithful services during the war ; bvt. col. and bvt. brig. -gen. U.S.A. for diligent, faithful, and meri- torious services in the adjt.-gen.'s dept. during the war. With ihe rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Whipple, William D. Born in New Yorlv. Appointed from New York; grad- uate M. A., class of 1851 ; bvt. 2d It. 3d Inf. July 1, 1851 ; 2d It. Sept. 9, 1851 ; 1st It. Dec. 31, 1856; bvt. eapt., A.A.G. May II, 1861 ; accepted May 18, 1861; eapt!, A.A.G. Aug. 3, 1861 ; inaj., A.A.G. July 17, 1862; lt%col., additional A.D.C. Feb. 10, 1862; accepted April 4, 1862; brig.- gen. July 17, 1863 ; aceepted July 17, 1863 ; expired by limitation July 4, 1864 ; brig. -gen. Sept. 6, 1864; accepted Sept. 26, 1864; mustered out vols. Jan. 15, 1866; It.-col. and A.A.G. March 3, 1875; col. and A.D.C. to the gen. Jan. 1, 1873, to Jan. 1, 1881 ; bvt. It.-col., bvt. col., bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and mi-ritorious services in the At- lanta campjiign, and in the battles before Nashville, Tenn.; bvt. maj. -gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the war. McKeever, Chauncey. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Maryland ; grad- uate M. A., class of 1849; bvt. 2d ft. 1st Art. Julv 1, 1849; 2d It. 3d Art. July 27, 1850; 1st It. Dec. 24, 1853; bvt. eapt., A.A.G. July 1, 1861; accepted Julv 4, 1861; eapt, "A.A.G. Aug. 3, 1861; maj., A.A.G. July 17, 1862; It.-col., A.A.G. vols. Aug. 20, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1862; It.- col., A.A.G. March 3, 1875; bvt. It.-col. U.S.A. Sept. 24, 1864, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; bvt. col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for diligent, faithful, and meritorious services in the adj. -gen. 's dept. during the war; bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Ruggles, George D. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; graduate M. A., class of 1855; 2d It. 2d Inf. July 1, 1855; 1st It. May 2, 1861; regt'l adj. 2d Inf. Sept. 10, 1807, to July 1,^1861; 1st It. 12th Inf. May 14, 1861 (declined); bvt. eapt. and A.A.G. July 1, 18(;i ; accepted July 2, 1861; eapt., A.A.G. Aug. 3, 1861 ; maj., A.A.G. July 17, 1862; col., additional A.D.C. June 28, 1862; accepted June 29, 1862; mus- tered out as additional A.D.C. May 31, 1866; It.-col., A.A.G. June 15, 1880; bvt. It.-col. and bvt. col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and merito- rious services during the campaign ter- minating with the surrender of the insur- gent Army of Northern Virginia; bvt. brig.-gen. vols. April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Rich- mond, Va., and the surrender of the in- surgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee. ■ Vincent, Thomas M. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1849; bvt. 2d It^ 2d Art. July 1, 1853; 2d It. Oct. 8, 1853; 1st It. Oct. 20, 1855; eapt. 18th Inf. May 14, 1861; de- clined; regt'l Q M. 2d Art. Juno 1, 1861, to July 1, 1861 ; bvt. eapt., A.A.G. July 3, 1861, accepted July 6, 1861 ; eapt., A. A. G. Aug. 3, 1861; maj., A.A.G. July 17, 1862; eapt. 2d Art. July 25, 1863; re- signed com. of eapt 2d Art. June 11, 1864; bvt. It -col. and bvt. col. Sept. 24, 1864, " for meritorious and faithful services dur- ing the war;" l)vt. brig.-gen. March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war." Lieut. -col., A. A. G. July 1, 1881. With the rmik of Major. Grec 'e, Oliver D. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; graduate M. A., class of 1854 ; bvt. 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, 1854; 2d It. 2d Art. Nov. 25, 1854; 1st It. April 25, 1861; eapt., A. A. G. Aug. 3, 1861 ; accepted Aug. 18, 1861 ; maj , A.A G. July 17, 1862; lt":-c(d., A. A. G. vols. Aug. 20, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1862; eapt. 2d Art. Oct. 1, 1863, to June 13, 1864; bvt. eapt. U.S.A. July 21,1861, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run, Va. ; bvt. It.-col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services In the battle of Crampton's Gap, Md. ; bvt. col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, ft>r gallant and meritorious services during the war. Breck, Samuel. Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M A., class of 1855; bvt. 2 It. 1 Art. July 1, 12 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. '55 ; 2 It. July 1, '55 ; 1 It. April 11, '61 ; capt., a a.g. Nov. 29, 1801, aec. Dec. fi, '61; vac. com. of 1 It. 1 Art. Feb. 20, '62; maj.. a.a.d.c. May 23, '62, ace. May 23, 62; ace. May 23, '62; maj. a. a.g. July 17, '62; vac. com. of maj., a.a.d.c. July 17, '62 ; It.- col. bvt. Sept. 24, '04, " for mer. and faith, ser. dur. the war;" col. bvt. and brig.- gen. bvt. March 13, '65, "for dil., faith., and mer. ser. in the adjt.-gen.'s dept. dur. the war." Wood, Henry C. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine; 2d It. 1st Inf. June 27, 1856. Frontier service 1856-61 ; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1861 ; engaged at the action of Independence, Dug Spring, and battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., and sHghtly wounded ; 1st It. 1st Inf. May 10, 1861'; 1st It. Uth Inf. May 14, 1861 ; capt. 11th Inf. Oct. 24, 1861 ; ordnance officer on the staff of Gen. B'remont 1862; provost-mar- shal-general's office, Washington, 1804; maj. and A. A.G. U.S.A. June 24, 1864; in the adj. -gen. 's i)ffice, Washington, D. C, to Sept. 1867; A. A.G. 3d \Mil. Dist., Atlanta, Ga., to Jan. 1868; bvt. It.-col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo. ; bvt. col. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for diligent, faithful, and meritorious services in the adj. -gen. 's dept. during the war; A. A.G. i)ept. of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1868. Taylor, Joseph H. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky; graduate M. A., class of 1856; bvt. 2d It. 1st Cav. July 1, 1856; 2d It. Jan. 16, 1857; 1st It. April 22, 186] ; capt. 6th Cav. May 14, 1861; acct^ited July 12, 1861 ; bvt. maj. June 1, 1862, "for gallant and meritori- ous services in the laattle of Fair Oaks, Va. ;" It. col., A. A.G. (Act July 17, 1862) Aug. 20, 1862; bvt. It.-col. Sept. 17, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ;" bvt. col. vols. March 3, 1865; maj., A. A.G. March 30, 1866; accepted May 1, 1866; resigned com. of capt. 6th Cav. May 1, 1866; relieved as It.-col., A. A.G. (Act July 17, 1862) June 11, 1866; bvt col. Aug. 13, 1866, "for faithful and meritori- ous services during the war." Martin, James P. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky; graduate M. A., class of 1800; bvt. 2 ft. 6'th Inf. July 1, 1860; 2 It. 7th Inf. Dec. 20, 1860; 1st It. May 14, 1861 ; capt. Jan. 2, 1863; bvt. maj. July 2, 1863, " for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa.;" bvt. It.-col. July 22, 1865, "for faithfulness and meritorious services;" maj., A. A.G. April 10, 1869; accepted April 20, 1869; resigned com. of capt. 7th Inf. April 21, 1869. Piatt, Edward R. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont ; graduate M. A., cla.ss of 1849; bvt. 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, 1849 ; 2d It. 2d Art. Julv 8, 1850; 1st It. Oct. 8, 1853; capt. Mav"l5, 1861; It.-col., A.I.G. vols. Sept. 4, 1862, to Nov. 1, 1863; maj and judge-adv. vols. Nov. 2, 1863; mustered out July 28, 1865 ; A.D.C. June 4, 1868, to Dec. 31, 1871; maj., A. A.G. March 6, 1873 ; bvt. maj. U.S.A. July 21, 1861, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run, Va. ; bvt. It.- col. U.S.A. Dec. 13, 1802, for gallant and meritoriou.artment of the Gulf and present in the Teche, Port Hudson, and Ked River campaigns; judge of the Provost Court, New Orleans, La.; judgeadvocate-gen- eral's oifice, U.S.A., "Washington, D. C. ; assistant to the chief of archives, Wash- ington, D. C. ; captain 11 Infantry July 2,^1863; judge-advocate 5 Military Dis- trict, New Orleans, La. ; transferred to 29 Infantry; major and judge-advocate U.S.A. February 2-5, 1867 ; judge-advo- cate Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn.; J. A. Mil'y Div. of the South; J. A. Mil'y Div. of the Atlantic; prof, of law U. S. Mil'y Academy ; on duty in Bureau of Mil'y Justice, Wash.; brevet captain U.S.A. June 27, 1862, for gallant and meritoi-ious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; brevet major U.S.A. May 28, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in the Red River campaign ; brevet lieut. -colonel U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Winthrop, William. Born in Connec- ticut. Appointed from New York; pri- vate Company P, 7th New York State Militia, April' 17, 1861; discharged June 3, 1861; 1 lieut. 1st U.S. Sharpshooters Oct. 1, 1861 ; captain 22 September, 1862 ; A.D.C. vols. March, 1863; mustered out 16 September, 1864; major and judge-ad- vocate, U.S. Arm}-, September 19, 1864; accepted September 24, 1864 ; brevet lieut. - colonel and brevet colonel March 13,1865, for faithful and meritorious services on the field during the war, and in the Bureau of Military .Justice. Burnham, Horace Blois. Born in Co- lumbia County, New York, September 10, 1824; admitted to the bar at Wilkesbarre, Penna. , Aug. 12, 1844, and practiced law in the courts of that State until 1861 ; commenced organization of 3-year regi- ment of volunteers July 26, 1861 ; mus- tered as lieutenant-colonel of 67tli Regi- ment Infantry at Philadelphia, Pa., Oc- tober 31, 1861; took station at Annap- olis, Md., April 3, 1862; accompanied regiment to Harper's Ferry, Va., in Feb- ruary, 1863; April, 1863, stationed at Berryville, Va. ; attacked by General Early June 10, 1863; joined General Milroy's forces, and engaged in affair at Opequan River, Va. ; participated in bat- tle of Winchester during 12th, 13th, and 14th June, 1863; joined forces at Mary- laTid Heights, Md., June 16, and escorted stores, ordnance, etc., from Harper's Ferry to Washington, D. C. ; joined Army of the Potomac, in Maryland, in July, 1863, and participated in all its actions and campaigns during that year ; ordered to Washington, December 26, 1863, as member of general court-martial, and detailed as judge-ad- vocate; October 31, 1864, was appointed judge-advocate; accepted November 29, 1864, and was commissioned as judge-ad- vocate, U.S. Army ; judge-advocate of general courts-martial under orders of War Department until 1866; received from Abraham Lincoln, President, bre- vets as lieutenant-colonel and colonel vols. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritori- ous services during the war; on duty in the Bureau of Military Justice from May 23,' 1866, until April 18, 1867, when as- signed chief judge-advocate of the First Military District, Richmond, Va., and continued so engaged until June, 1870; additionally assigned as judge of the Hustings Court, Richmond, Va., Septem- ber 11, 1867; relieved, and appointed one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, June 9, 1869, and elected president thereof; performed such duty until relieved, June 1, 1870; June 3, 1870, assigned to Department of the South ; April 24, 1872, additionally as- signed to temporary duty in Department of Texas; relieved November 2, 1872; November 20, 1872, assigned to duty in the Department of the Platte, and now judge-advocate. Headquarters Department of the Platte, Omaha, Nebraska. Barr, Thomas F. Appointed major and judge-advocate U.S. Volunteers Feb- ruary 26, 1865, and transferred to perma- nent establishment as major and judge- 16 KECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. advocate, TJ. S. Army, February 2 >, 18(57 ; he received the brevet of lieut. -colonel of volunteers December 2, 18G5, for faithful and meritorious services durinc^ the war ; he was on duty in the judge-advocate- general's office, Washington, D.G.., from April 22, IBGo (on temporary duty in the Fourth Military District from Sept. 17 to Oct. 17, 18G7, and in April and June, 18G9) to March 31, 1870; judge-advocate of the Dept. of the East (on temporary dutv in the judge-advocate-general's office from July 1,3 to Oct. 31, 1872) to April 25, 1873; judge-advocate of the Dept. of the South to June 19, 1873; on special duty as member of a board " upon a sub- ject to be presented by the Secretary of War," to Oct. 4, 1873, and member of the Military Prison Board to Nov. 22, 1873 ; judge-advocate of the Dept. of Dakota and member of the Military Prison Board to January 10, 1880; on duty in the office of the Secretary of "War, also member of the Militarj'- Prison Board to present date. Curtis, Herbert P. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Massachusetts; 2 lieutenant 1 Massachusetts Cavalrv Jan- uary 4, 18G2; 1 lieutenant July 19,"'l8G2; at Hilton Head, S. C. ; joined the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of Antietam, South Mountain, actions of Aldie, Kelly's Ford, battles of Fredericks- burg and Gettysburg; captain 1 Massa- chusetts Cavalry February G, 1864; mus- tered out June 2G, 18G5; major and judge-advocate volunteers June 21, 18G5; accepted July 4, 18Go ; brevet lieutenant- colonel and cohmel volunteers Dec. 2, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in his department ; transferred to U. S. Army February '25, 1867, as major and judge-advocate; in the Bureau of Mili- tary Justice, Washington, D. C, from 1865 to 1870; Omaha, 1870-71 ; San Fran- cisco, 1871-77; Washington, D. C, 1877- 82 ; professor of law at the Military Acad- emy, West Point, Aug. 28, 1882. Goodfellow, Henry. Appointed from Pennsylvania; served in Arctic expedition under command of Surgeon E. K. Kane from May, 1853, to October, 1855; re- ceived gold medal awarded by British government to officers of that expedition, also the silver Victoria medal awarded by Parliament to all who served in national or private Arctic expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin ; admitted to Philadel- phia bar July, 18-39, and to the bar of Cir- cuit Court U. S. March, 1861 ; captain 26 Pa. Vol. May 5, 18G1 ; engaged as such at siege of Yorktown, April, 1862; battles of Williamsburg, May, 18G2; siege of Richmond and battles of Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville ; acting major of regi- ment at Gettysburg (where severely wounded through rightarm) ; judge-advo- cate and acting aide-de-camp 3d Division, 2d Corps ; engaged at battle of Mine Run, Va., the battles of the Wilderness, and Spottsylvania, May 12, when severely wounded; brevet lieutenant-colonel and brevet colonel of volunteers for gallant and meritorious conduct at the liattles of Gettysburg, and battles of Wilderness and Spottsylvania ; major and judge-advocate Nov. 28, 18G5 ; seccuid lieutenant 31st Inf. ; declined May 11, 186'); on duty in judge- advocate-general's office until May, 1867; judge-advoca'e 4th Military District, Vicksburg, 3Iiss. ; on duty at Jefferson, Texas, May to September, 1869; judge-ad- vocate D.'pt. of Texas to Nov. 1869; judge-advocate Department of the South, Atlanta, Georgia, until June, 1870; on duty in judge-advix'ate-general's office, Washington, until 1875, when assigned to duty in War Dept. to perform duties which had been in charge of Assistant Judge-Advocate-General Dunn, this de- tail being after Gen. Dunn's promotion to office of judge-advocate-general, the office of assistant having become abolished upon occurrence of vacancy. On duty in office of Secretary of War until March, 1880, when assigned to duty in judge-advocate- general's office Oct. 1882; judge-advocate Dept. of Mo., Fort Leavenworih, Nov. 8, 1883 ; detailed as judge-advocate court of inquiry relation to loss of steamer " Pro- teus," conveying Arctic relief party, and into failure of the expedition for the relief of Lieut. Greely at Lady Franklin Bay. Gardner, Asa B. Born in New York. Appointed fr..m New York; 1 It. 31 N. Y. Vol. May 27, '61; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '61 ; capt. 22 N. Y. Vol May 31, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 5, '62; capt. 22 N. Y. Vol. June IS, '63; hon. must, out July 24, 1863; capt. vol. bvt. March 13, 'G5, " for gal. and mer. ser. dur. the war ;" 1 It. vet. res. corps Feb. 11, '65. ace. May 16, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 13, 'GG ; 2 It. 9 Inf. July 20, '66; ace. Aug. 13, '66; 1 It. Feb. 14* '68; trs.to 1 Art. April 3, '69; uiaj. j.a. Aug. 18, '73, ace. Aug 19, '73; resgd. com. 1 It. 1 art. Aug. 19, '73 ; prof, of law at M. A., Julv 29, '74 (act June 23, '74). to Aug. 28, 78; Mil. Division of the Atlantic, 1878-83. aUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. With the rank of Brlgadler-Oeneral. Holabird, Samuel B, Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Conn. ; gradu- QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 17 ate Military Academy, class of 1849 ; brevet second lieutenant First Infantry July 1, 1849; second lieutenant June 10, 1850; 1st lieut. May 81, 1856; served on frontier duty 1849-58; regimental quar- termaster July 1, 1852, to May 31, 1858; recruiting service 1858-59; adjutant Mil- itary Academy September 2, 1859, to May 13, 18G1 ; lieutenant-colonel volunteers, Inspector-General Dix's Division (First Division New York Volunteers), May 1 to 13, 1861 ; captain and assistant quar- termaster May 13, 1861 ; May 29, 1861, to June 10, 1861, quartermaster at Har- risburg, Pennsylvania; June 10, 1861, to August 13, 1861, in the field, Hagerstown, Md., with Patterson's column ; August 21, 1861, to March 31, 1862, at Frederick, Md. ; March to June, 1862, chief quar- termaster of the division commanded by Major-General Banks ; July to October, 1862, chief quartermaster Second Army Corps, under General Pope, afterwards made the Thirteenth Army Corps, com- manded by General Williams, and en- gaged in the actions of the Northern Vir- ginia campaign and the Maryland cam- paign ; Oct. 27, 1862j to Dec. 4, 1862, at New York, engaged in fitting out Banks' expedition ; accompanied expedition to Ship Island, Miss. ; chief quartermaster Department of the Gulf December 17, 1862, to July 15, 1865; at the siege of Port Hudson ; depot quartermaster New Orleans, La., October-December, 1865; chief quartermaster Department of Lou- isiana October, 1865, to March, 1866 ; Washington, D. C, March, 1866, to Feb- ruary, 1867 ; chief quartermaster Depart- ment of Dakota, March 12, 1867, to April 18, 1872; chief quartermaster Department of Texas June 6, 1872, to August 15, 1875 ; chief quartermaster Military Di- vision of the Missouri October 31, 1875, to May 6, 1878; chief quartermaster Mil- itary Division of the Pacific and Depart- ment of California May 12, 1878, to Oc- tober 15, 1879; on duty in quartermas- ter-general's office, Washington, D. C, November 11, 1879, to April 30, 1882 ; in charge of the general depot of quarter- master's department, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, May 1, 1882, to July 2, 1883; appointed quartermaster-general U.S.A., July 2, 1883 ; major, additional aide-de- camp July 2, 1802 ; colonel, additional aide-de-camp July 11, 1862; mustered out of volunteer service May 31, 1866; lieu- tenant-colonel, deputy quartermaster-gen- eral July 29, 1866 ; colonel, assistant quar- termaster-general January 22, 1881 ; brig- adier-general, quartermaster-general July 2, 1883; brevet major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; translator from the French of General Jomini's " Treatise on Grand Military Operations." ASSISTANT aUARTERMASTER. GENERAL. With the rank of Colonel. Tompkins, Charles H. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from New York ; cadet Military Academy 1847-49 ; resigned to engage in civil pursuits ; re-entered army as private First Dragoons January 21, 1856; corporal and sergeant, etc., January 10, 1861 ; engaged in affair with hostile Indians, Pyramid Lake, Nevada, July 2, 1860; second lieutenant Second Cavalry (now Fifth Cavalry) March 23, 1861 ; made a brilliant attack on Confederate force stationed at Fairfax Court-House, Virginia, charging through the town three times, routing the enemy and inflicting considerable loss upon them. May 31, 1861 ; engaged at Bull Run, Virginia, July 21, 1861, where he won commenda- tion from his brigade commander for con- spicuous gallantry ; regimental quarter- master August 3, 1861 ; captain and act- ing assistant quartermaster November 13, 1861 ; colonel First Vermont Cavalry April 24, 1862; lieutenant-colonel and quartermaster of volunteers (Act of Con- gress, July 4, 1864) June 13, 1866 ; lieu- tenant-colonel and deputy quartermaster- general July 29, 1866 ; colonel and assist- ant quartermaster-general January 24, 1881 ; participated in battles of General Banks' and Pope's campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley and second Bull Run, and returned to staff duty after Antietam campaign ; brevet major for gallant con- duct at Fairfax Court-House, Virginia, March 13, 1865 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel for meritorious services in campaigns of Generals Banks and McDowell 1862-63 ; brevet colonel for meritorious services in Quartermaster's Department 1863-65, and brevet brigadier-general for faithful and meritorious service during rebellion. Has served since the war as depot quarter- master at Washington, commissary quar- termaster Fifth Military District, and of Departments of Alaska, Arizona, and Texas, Military Division of the South, Department of Dakota and Military Di- vision of the Missouri. 18 KECORDS OF LIVING OPFICERS U. S. ARMT. Saxton, Rufus. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; graduate Military Academy, class of 1849 ; 1849, brevet second lieutenant Third Ar- tillery ; 1849-50, served in Florida Indian war ; 1850-52, acting assistant quarter- master in Texas; 1853-54, chief quarter- master Northern Pacific Railroad Explor- ation ; conducted an exploring expedition from the mouth of the Columbia River across the continent to the north of Lewis and Clark's route, through a region of country never before traversed by wliite men ; 1855, first lieutenant Fourth Ar- tillery ; 1855-59, on coast survey duty ; 1859-60, assistant instructor of artillery tactics at Military Academy ; 1861, cap- tain and major of Missouri Volunteers ; appointed colonel of Missouri Volunteers, but not allowed to accept ; chief quarter- master on stall" of General Lyon, in mili- tary operations in Missouri; chief quar- termaster on stafl:' of General McClellan, in West Virginia campaign ; appointed colonel of Twenty-second Massachusetts Volunteers (Senator "Wilson's regiment), but not allowed to accept; 1861, chief quartermaster of General Sherman's ex- peditionary corps to Port Royal, S. C, and of the Department of the South. Had entire charge of organization in New York Citj' of the transportation for this expedi- tion. 13,000 men, 1200 horses, ammuni- tion, heavy siege ordnance, and supplies for a six months' siege were put afloat at once. The fleet passed in safety through one of the severest storms ever known oft' Cape Hatteras ; 1862, brigadier-general of volunteers in Army of the Potomac, and in command of defenses of Harper's Ferry, Va. ; 1862-65, military governor of the Department of the South, being charged with the organization and recruitment of colored troops, and command of the District of Beaufort, S. C. ; also, between same dates, in command of JNIorris Island and of the bombardment of Charleston ; 1865, brevet major-general volunteers, superintendent volunteer recruiting ser- vice and assistant commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands for States of Georgia, South Caro- lina, and Florida ; brevet major, brevet lieutenant-colonel, brevet colonel, and brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army ; 1866, mustered out of volunteer service; 1866, chief quartermaster on Northern frontier; majorand quartermaster ; 1867- 1869, chief quartermaster, Third Military District and Department of the South ; 1869-1873, chief quartermaster, Depart- ment of the Columbia; 1873, lieutenant- colon-el and deputy quartermaster-general ; 1873-1874, chief quartermaster, Depart- ment of the Lakes ; 1874-1875, chief quartermaster, fourth quartermaster's uistrict, Department of the East ; 1875, in charge of Philadelphia general depot of the quartermaster's department ; 1875- 1879, cliief quartermaster. Department of the Missouri ; 1879-1882, chief quar- termaster. Military Division of the Pa- cific and Department of California ; 1882, colonel and assistant quartermaster-gen- eral ; 1883, commanding Jeft'ersonville Depot of the quartermaster's department, and disbursing quartermaster, Louisville, Kentucky. Bingham, Judson D. Born in New York. Appointed from Indiana ; gradu- ate of Military Academy, class of 1854; second lieutenant Second Artillery July 1, 1854; first lieutenant March 12, 1856; captain, assistant quartermaster May 13, 1861 ; lieutenant-colonel, quarter- master volunteers (Act of Congress, July 17, 1862j January 1, 1863 ; colonel, quartermaster volunteers (Act of Con- gress, July 4, 1864) August 2, 1864; brevet major, brevet lieutenant-colonel, and brevet colonel March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brigadier-general April 9, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the war; major and quartermaster July 29, 1866; lieutenant-colonel, deputy quartermaster- general March 3, 1875; colonel, as- sistant quartermaster-general, 1883 ; since October 20, 1879, chief quartermaster. Department of Missouri, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas. Perry, Alexander J. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Connecticut; graduate of Military Academy, class of 1851 ; lirevet second lieutenant Second Artillery July 1, 1851 ; second lieuten- ant July 1, 1852; first litnitenant Sep- tember 27, 1854 ; captain, assistant quar- termaster May 17, 1861 ; lieutenant-colo- nel, quartermaster volunteers (Act of Congress, July 17, 1862) from August 20, 1862, to January 15, 1863; colonel, quartermaster volunteers (Act of Con- gress, July 4, 1804) from August 2, 1864, to January 1, 1867; brevet major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brig- adier-general March 13, 1865, for faith- ful and meritorious service in the Quartermaster's Department during the war ; major, quartermaster Julj'^ 29, 1866 ; lieutenant-colonel, deputy quar- teruiaster-general March 3, 1S75; col- oml, assistant quartermaster- general, 1888 ; chief quartermaster, Division of Atlantic, New York City, 1883. QUAllTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 19 DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER- GENERALS. Wli/i tlie rank of Lieidcruint-Colonel. Hodges, Henry C. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont ; MILITARY STOREKEEPERS. With the rank of Captain. Gill, William H. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; military storekeeper June 12, 1858; captain and military storekeeper July 28, 1866; tendered his resignation Dec. 7, 1870; honorably dis- charged Dec. 16,1870; appointed captain, military storekeeper March 25, 1882, with same grade ;ind rank held at date of resig- nation and discharge; from Capt. Gill's entry in the army to the time of his resig- nation he was stationed at Fort Leaven- worth, Cincinnati, New York, and Phila- delphia ; his property responsibility and duties, especially during the Rebellion, were great, and the oificial files show him an excellent record ; stationed at Schuyl- kill Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., since July 1, '82. Alligood, Charles A. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pa. ; military storekei'per ordnance department jNIar. 27, 1861 ; military storekeeper quartermaster's department Sept. 19, 1861 ; captain, mili- tary storekeeper July 28, 1866 ; stiitioned at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., to Feb. '68; at Fort INIonroe, Va., to Sept. '70; A Q.M. Baltimore, Md., to June, '72; at Phila- delphia, Pa., and on leave of absence to Oct. '73; acting assistant Q.M. Colum- bia, S. C, to Nov. '75; at Fort Wads- worth, N. Y., to Nov. '82; post Q.M. Fort McHenry, Md., to Oct. '83; in charge of clothing ami equipage of Q M. Dept. Fort Monroe, Va., since Oct. 30, '83. Rodgers, John F. Born in Connecticut. Appointed fnmi N. Y. ; military store- keeper July 21, '62; capt. and military storekeeper July 28, '66; St. Loui-<, Mo., 1867-68; Jeffersonville, Ind., 1869-70; Philadelphia, 1872-81; on inspection duty connected with clothing and equi- page U.S.A. since July 1, '82. Hull, Gustavus A. Born in New York. Appointed from Kentucky; appointed act- ing M. S. K. April 1, 1862; commissioned military storekeeper quartermaster's de- partment U. S. Army July 21, 1862; cap- tain July 28, 1866; in charge of army clothing depot, Louisville, Ky., from April 1, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1866; from Feb. 28, 1866, to April 30, 1866, in charge of clothingdepot at Jeffersonville, Ind. ; from May 1, 1866, to Oct. 31, 1866, in charge of clothing depot at Cincinnati, Ohio; from Nov. 1,'^1866, to Nov. 9, 1870, in charge of clothing depot at Jeffersonville, Ind.; from Dec. 13, 1870, to Feb. 13, 1871, in charge of Q.M. depot. Fort D. A. Russell, at Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter. ; from March 9, 1871, to March 20^ 1871, on duty at Q. M. depot, Omaha ; from March 22, 1871, to Nov. 15, 1872, post quartermaster and acting commissary of subsistence at Fort Sanders, Wyoming Ter. ; from Nov. 18, 1872, to April 20, 1873, post quartermaster at Camp Douglas, Utah Ter. ; from April 21, 1873, to March 28, 1874, depot quarter- master at Ogden, Utah; from April 8, 1874, to Nov. 1, 1875, on duty at Q.M. d-epot, Philadelphia ; from Dec. 1, 1875, to Nov. 30, 1878, in charge of clothing depot at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; in charge of depot of army clothing at San Fran- cisco, Cal., since Dec. 12, 1878. Barrett, Addison. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from ^fass. ; sergt. gen. ser. Aug. 16, '62; discharged Apr.^1, '63; capt. and C. S. vols. Deo. 21, '64; bvt. maj. vols. Sept. 14, '65, for faithful and meritorious service ; capt. and military storekeeper Jul}' 28, '66; mustered out of vol. service Dec. 8, '66; at Charleston, S. C, to Dec. '70; at San Franci-co, Cal., to April, '73; at Jeffersonville, Ind., since April 8, '73. Martin, William P. Born in Ireland. A]ipointed from Connecticut ; private 1st U. S. Artillery March, 1839 ; at Platts- burg, N. Y. ; sergeant 1st U. S. Artillery and at Fort Adams, R. I., to September, 1845; at Fort Barrancas, Fla., to May, 1846 ; engaged in the Mexican war, and lost a leg at the battle of Churubusco, Mexico; discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability ; ordnance sergeant U. S. Army 1849 to 1861, and at Forts Adams, R. I., and Griswold, Conn. ; first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster 3d Rhode Island Volunteers August, 1861; with General Sherman's expedition to Port Royal, S. C, October, 1861 ; pi>st commis- sary of subsistence and in charge of baker- ies Hilton Head, S. C, to May, 1863 ; cap- tain and assistant commissary of subsist- ence U. S. Volunteers August, 1862; at Key West, Fla. ; commissary of subsist- ence and assistant mustering ofBcer, Tren- ton, N. J., July, 1863, to August, 1864; charge of commissary depots at Bermuda Hundred, Va., to December, 1864; Jones Landing, Va., to April, 1865, and Peters- burg, Va., to September, 1865; at Fort Larned, Kan., October, 1865, to March, 1866 ; on an inspecting tour in Kansas and Colorado to April, 1866, and from June to October, 1866 ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for faithful services during the SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. 33 war; brevet lioutenant-coloncl and colonel U. S. Volunteers for faithful and merito- rious services in the subsistence depart- ment; captain and military storekeeper quartermaster's department U. S. Army March, 18')7 ; stationed at Fort Snellinsr, Minn., to 18(;0 ; Charleston, S. C, '70-'72 ; Mil. Div. of the Pacific, 1873-78; St. Louis, Mo., 1878-83. COMMISSARY-GENERAL OF SUB- SISTENCE. ]Vifk the rank of Brigadi.er-Oeneral. McFeeley, Robert. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointt-d from Pa. ; graduated at M. A., class of '50; bvt. 2d lieut. of In- fantry July 1, 1850; served on frontier dutv"l850-(il ; 2d lieut. 4th Infantry July 13, '1852; 1st lieut. 4th Infantry Feb. 3, 1855; capt. and C. S. May ll,'l861; in active service during the entire period of the rebellion ; major and C. S. Feb. 9, 1863; bvt. lieut. -col. and bvt. col. March 13, 1865; assistant commissary-general 1866 to '75, for faithful and meritorious services during the rebellion ; appointed brigadier- general and commissary- general of sub- sistence, 1875. ASSISTANT COMMISSARY-GEN- ERALS OF SUBSISTENCE. With rank of Colonel. Simpson, Marcus D. L. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; grad- uated from M. A July 1, 1846; brevet 2d It. 2d Artillery July \\ 1846; 2d It. March 3, 1847 ; 1st It. Oct. 27, 1847 ; capt. and commissary of subsistence March 26, 1855; major, com. sub. July 1, 1861; It - col. and assistant commissary-general Feb. 9, 1863 ; col. and assistant commissary- general June 23, 1874 ; served at Fort Co- lumbus, New York Harbor, 1846; served in Mexican war under Gen Scott; took part in all the battles from Vera Cruz to capture of city of Mexico ; was one of the " forlorn hope" at storming of Chapulte- pec; reL'imental quartermaster 2d Artillery March 8, 1848, to March 26, 1855 ; Fort- ress Monroe, Va., 18-18-58; Pensacola, Florida, 1853-55; chief commissary Sioux Expedition 1855-56; in commissarv-gen.'s office at Washington, D. C, 1856, 1857 ; Fort Leavenworth, 1857-58; in commis- sary-general's office, 1857-58; Fort Leav- enworth, 1858; in commissary-general's office 1858-59; chief commissarv Dept. Pacific, 1859-61 ; during War of Rebel- lion served in cominissary-generars office from August, 1861, to May, 1866 ; special duty at San Francisco IVIay, 1866, to Jan. 1867; in com.-gen.'s office at Washington, D. C, from Jan. until Oct. 1867 ; chief commissary Division of the Pacific Nov. 1867, to Oct. 1873 ; chief commissary Di- vision of the Atlantic and Department of the East Oct. 1873-Oct. 1879 ; chief com- missary Divi>ion of the Missouri since November, 1879. Clarke, Henry F. Born in and ap- pointed from Pennsylvania; cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was grad- uated, and promoted in the armv to brevet 2d lieut. 2d Artillery July 1, 1848 ; served in garrison at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 1843-44 ; Fort Hamilton, N. Y., 1844-45 ; Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1845; Fort Co- lumbus, N. Y., 1845; in the military oc- cupation of Texas 1845-46; in the war with ]\[exico 1846-48, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto May 8, Re-aca de la Palma May 9, and Monterey Sept. 21-23, 1846 ; second lieut. 2d Artillery June 18, 1846; engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz March 9-29 ; battle of Cerro Gordo April 17-18; skirmish of Amazoque May 14; capture of San Antonio Aug. 20; bat- tle of Churubusco Aug. 20 ; battle of Mo- lino del Rey Sept. 8, 1847 ; first lieut. 2d Artillery Sept. 8, 1847 ; at the storming of Chajiultepec Sept. 13, and assault and cap- ture of the city of Mexico Sept. 13-14, 1847; brevet captain Sept. 13, 1847, for gallant and mei'itorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico ; on recruit- ing service 1848; at Military Academy 1848-51 ; as asst. instructor of artillery June 6, 1848, to Aug 16, 1849, and asst. professor of mathematics Jan. 8, 1850, to Sept. ], 1851 ; in Florida hostiliiies against the Seminole Indians 185] -.52 ; adjutant 2d Artillery Sept. 2, 1852, to June 30, 1855; at Fort Monroe, Va., 1852-53, and at Pensacola, Fla., 185.3-55; at Military Academy as instructor of artillery and cavalry Sept. 11, 1855, to Aug. 6, 1856 ; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., 1856- 57; appointed captain and commissarj^ of subsistence Jan. 12, 1857; chief C. S. Utah Expedition Mnd Department of Utah from July 15, 1857, to June 26, 1860; June 27, 1860, commanding officer Dept. of Utah bears testimony to the able manner in which he has conducted his duties; as- signed to duty in the office com gen. subs. Aug. 8, I860; services during the rebel- lion against the United Slates 1861-66; ordered on expedition for the relief of Fort I'ickens, Fla., April 1, 1861; chief 0. S. Dept. Fla. April 13-May 31, being engaged in the defense of Fort Pickens April 19-May 31, 1861 ; reported to Gen. McDowell, and announced as chief C. S. of 34 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. his command July 2, 1861 ; served in the Manassas campaign, Leing engaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21," 1861 ; pro- moted major C. S. Aug. ?>, 1861 ; announced as chief C. S. Army of the Potomac Aug. 3, 1861 ; appointed colonel, additional A. D. C, Sept. 28, 1861 ; served as chief commissary of subsistence Army of the Potomac from Aug. 20, 1861, to Jan. 5, 1864 ; in the organization and adminis- tration of subsistence aft'airs pertaining to that army while occupying the defenses of Washington, D. C, Aug. 20, 1861, to March, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, April-Aug. 1862 ; being pres- ent at the siege of Yorktown, April 5- May 4, 1862 ; engaged in the operations attending the seven days' change of base from the Chickahominy to the James River, June 26-July 2, and the evacu- ation of the Peninsula ; in the Maryland Campaign Sept. -Nov. 1862, being present at the battles of South Mountain and An- tietam Sept. 14 and 17, 1862 ; on the march to Falmouth, Va., Oct. 31-Nov. 13 ; at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; at the battle of Chancellorsville May 2-4, 1863 ; in the Pennsylvania cam- paign June and July, being present at the battle of Gettysburg July" 1-3, 1863; in pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va. ; in the Rapidan campaign Oct.-Dec, and Mine Run operations Nov. 26-Dec. 3, 1863 ; appointed colonel by brevet for gal- lant and meritorious services during the campaign of 1862 in Maryland ; pur- chasing and depot C. S. at New York City from iVIar. 1864, to Oct. 31, 1867; pro- moted lieut. -colonel, asst. com.-genl. subs. June 29, 1864 ; in addition to his other duties, in general charge of the subsistence dept. in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey from July 25, 1864, to Oct. 31, 1867 ; appointed brig. -general by brevet for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg ; appointed major- general bj' brevet for faithful and meri- torious services in the subsistence depart- ment during the rebellion ; mustered out as colonel, additional A. D. C, May 31, 1866 ; served as chief C. S. Military Divis- ion of the Missouri at St. Louis and Chi- cago, from Feb. 6, 1868, to July 15, 1875, and in general supervisory charge and direction of supplying the Indians on the Missouri River Agencies and in the In- dian Territory with subsistence stores in 1869 ; purchasing and depot C. S. at Bos- ton, Mass., from'july 24, 1875, to Oct. 1, 1876; and at Baltimore, Md., from Oct. 1, 1877, to Oct. 20, 1879 ; chief C. S. Military Division of the Atlantic and Department of the East from Oct. 25, 1879, to ; station, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y. ; promoted colonel, asst. com. gen. subs. May 20, 1882. With the rank of Lieutenant-Colotiel. Burns, William W. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduated from M A., class of '47; brevet 2d It. 3d In- fantry July 1, 1847; 2d It. 5th Infantry Sept.' 8, 1847; 1st lieut. Aug. 12, 1850; regimental quartermaster 5th Infantry Nov. 1, 1856, to Aug. 18, 1858; captain, commissary of subsistence Nov. 3, 1858 ; major, commissary of subsistence Aug. 3, 1861 ; brig.-gen. vols. Sept. 28, 1861 ; major-gen. vols. Nov. 29, 1862; resigned volunteer rank March 20, 1863 ; lieut. -col., assistant commissary-general June 23, 1874; served in the war with Mexico; on recruiting service and frontier duty 1848- 54; recruiting service 1854-56; engaged against the Seminoles in Florida 1856-57 ; Utah campaign 1857-58 ; supervising com- missary Indian Territory '58-61 ; chief commissary of subsistence Army of the Ohio 1861 ; commanding brigade Shenan- doah Valley Nov. 1861 ; Virginia Penin- sula campaign INIarch-July, 1862; wounded at Savage Station ; engaged, commanding division, in the Rappahannock campaign ; chief commissary, Department of the Northwest, Sept. 1863, to 1865 ; chief com- missary, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, Oct. 1865, to 1866; chief commissary. Department of the Car- olinas, June-Aug. 1866; Mil. Mayor of Charleston July, 1868; brevet It. -col. June 29, 1862, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Savage Station, Va. ; brevet col. June 80, 1852, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Glen- dale, Va. ; brevet brig.-gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; depot commissary, New York ; chief commissary, Dept. East, 1868 to 1872; chief commissary, Division of Pacific, Dept. of California,' 1872 to 1879 ; depot commissary, Baltimore, 1879 to 1883. Beckwith, Amos. Born in Vt. Apptd. from Vt. ; grad. M. A., class of '50; bvt. 2 It. 1 art. July 1, '50; 2 It. Feb. 22, '51 ; 1 It. Aug. 21, '54; capt. com. sub. May 10, '61, ace. May 16, '61 ; vac. com. of 1 It. 1 art. May 14, '61 ; maj. com. sub. Sept. 29, '61 ; coi. A.A.D.C. Jan. 1, '62, ace. July 11, '62; It.-col. bvt. Sept. 1, '64, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the Atlanta campaign" ; col. bvt. Sept. 1, '64, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the campaign against Atlanta"; brig.-gen. vol. bvt. Jan. 12, '65; brig.- gen. bvt. March 13, '65, " ft>rgal. and mer. ser. in the campaign terminating in the surrender of the insurgent army under G(!n Jos. E. Johnston" ; maj -gen. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. in SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. 35 the sub. dept. diir. the war" ; must, out as col. A.A.D.C. May 31, '66; It.-col. asst. com. -gen. sub. June 23, '74, ace. July 3, '74. Du Barry, Beekman. Born in N. J. Apptd. from N. J.; grad. M. A., clas.s of '49 ; bvt. 2 It. 1 art. July 1, '49 ; 2 It. 3 art. Feb. 13, '50; 1 It. Dec. 24, '53 ; capt. com. sub. May 11, '01, ace. May 20, '01; vac. com. of i It. 3 art. May 14, '61, but served as such to May 20, '61 ; niaj. com. sub. Eeb. 9, '63; It.-col. bvt. March 13, '65, "for mer. ser. dur. the war"; col. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war." Haines, Thomas J. Born in N. H. Apptd. from N. H. ; grad. M. A., class of '4'J ; bvt. 2 It. 1 art. July 1, '49 ; 2 It. 2 art. July 1, '49; 1 It. July 9, '53; regtl. adjt. Oct". 1, '55, to Aug. 3, '61 ; capt. 'loth Inf. May 14, '61, declined; capt. com. sub. Aug. 3, '61, ace. Aug. 13, '61; vac. com. of 1 It. 2 art. May 15, '61. but served as .such to Aug. 13, '61 ; col. A.A.D.C. May 1, '62, ace. June 20, '62; maj. com. sub. Feb. 9, '63; It.-col. bvt., col. bvt., and brig. -gen. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. .ser. dur. the war" ; must, out as col. A.A.D.C. May 31, '60. Bell, George. Born in Md. Appoint- ed from Md. ; graduated from M. A., class of '53; bvt. 2d It. 4 Art. July 1, 1853; 2d It. 1 Art. Oct. 31, 1853; 1 It. June 30, 1855; captain 14 Infantry, de- clined; May 14, 1861; captain, commis- sary of subsistence Aug. 3, 1861 ; It.-col. commissary of subsistence Aug. 20, 1862, to Aug. 1, 1865 ; major, commissary of subsistence Feb. 9, 1863; served in garri- son in N. Y. 1853-54 ; frontier duty 1854- 56-57-59; against Seminole Indians in Florida 1856 ; coast survey 1859 to 1861 ; bearer of dispatches from the commander- in-chief to the com'd'g officer at Indian- ola, Tex., Mar. -April, 1861; defense of Washington April, 1861 ; depot commis- sary and quartermaster, Md., April-June, 1861 ; as assistant in the organization of the subsistence department for and serving in the Manassas campaign July, '01; in charge of Alexandria sub. depot, Va., and of the instruction of volunteer commissa- ries, Aug. '61-March, '62; as principal asst. commissary to tlie Army of the Po- tomac in the Virginia Peninsular cam- paign, March-Aug. '62; in charge of the Alexandria subsistence depot and instruc- tion of volunteer commissaries Aug-Nov. 1863 ; and in charge of subsistence depot at Washington, D.C., Nov. 1863, to Oct. 1865; chief of commissariat. Department of Washington, Oct. 1865; chief of com- missariat, Department of the Potomac, Dec. 1866-'67; of the First Mil. District (Va.) '67; purchasing and depot com- missary, Washington, I). C, March, '69- Dec. '76; acting depot Q. Master, Wash- ington, D. C, July-Dec. '74, and March to Aug. '75; chief com. Dept. South and pui'chasing commissary, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. '77-July, '78; and purchasing and depot commissary, Cincinnati, O., Oct. '78-Nov. '79 ; C. C. S. Dept. South, Newport, Ky., Jivly, '78-Nov. '79 ; chief C. S. Dept. Md., and purchasing and depot C. S., Nov. '79; bvt. major March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; bvt. It.-col. March 13, 1865, for meritori- ous services during the war ; bvt. col. March 13, 1865, for' faithful and meritori- ous services during the war ; bvt. brig.- gen. April 9, 1865, for faithful and mer- itorious services in the subsistence depart- ment during the war. Morgan, Michael R. Born in Nova Scotia. Appointed from Louisiana ; cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to June 30, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the army to 2d lieutenant 8d Artillery July 1, 1854; 1st lieutenant 3d Artillery November 11, 1856; captain 11th Infantry May 14, 1861; captain, commissary of subsistence Au- gust 3, 1861 ; major, commissary of sub- sistence November 17, 1865; brevetted major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel July 6, 1864, for distinguished services as chief commissary of subsistence of the armies operating in the campaign of 1804 before Richmond, Va. ; brevetted briga- dier-general U.S. Army April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee ; served in garrison at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 1854-55; Fort Snelling, Minn., 1855-56; and Pre- sidio of San Francisco, Cal., 1857 ; on frontier duty at Forts Jones and Miller, Cal., 18-37, and Home Lackee Reserva- tion, Cal., 1857-58; in garrison at Beni- cia, Cal., 1858 ; on Spokane expedi- tion, Washington Territory, 1858, Iteing engaged in the combat of Four Lakes September 1, 1858; combat of Spokane Plains September 5, 1858, and skirmish on Spokane River September 8, 1858 ; on frontier duty at Fort Vancouver, Wash- ington Territory, 1858 ; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. (artillery school for practice) 1859 ; on Harper's Ferry expe- dition to suppress John Brown's raid 1859; and in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. (ar- tillery school for practice) 1859-61 ; dur- ing the rebellion of the seceding States, 1801-60, as chief of commissariat to the Port Royal expedition, S. C, August 12, 1801, to" March 31, 1802, when' he was 36 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. relieved and ordered to report to the com- missary-general of subsistence ; ordered to return to Hilton Head and resume his duties as commissary of subsistence, De- partment of the South, April 8, 1862 ; re- lieved from duty in the Department of the South and ordered to report to the commissary-general of subsistence October 2, 1862; assigned temporarily to duty in Washington, D. C, October 28, 1862; assigned to 10th Army Corps with rank of lieutenant-colonel from November 8, 1862; ordered to report to Major-General David Hunter December 30, 1862 ; an- nounced as chief commissary of subsist- ence. Department of the South, on stafi" of major-general commanding, January 20, 1863 ; present on Morris Island dur- ing operations against Forts Sumter, Wagner, and Gregg July-November, 1863 ; relieved from duty as chief commis- sary of subsistence, Department of the South, and ordered to report to com- manding general 10th Army Corps in order to be chief of staff of 10th Army Corps May 1, 1864 ; appointed chief com- missary of subsistence of the army in the field. Department of Virginia and North Carolina, on the staff of Major-General B. F. Butler May 6, 1864 ; announced as chief commissary of subsistence 10th Army Corps May 6, 1864 ; present near Bermuda Hundred May 5-June 17, 1864 ; announced as chief commissary of subsist- ence of the armies operating against Rich- mond on the staff of Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant June 16, 1864; siege of Petersburg June 17-September 28, ''1864; combat of Cbapin's Farm September 29, 1864 ; siege of Petersburg September 30, 1864-March 29, 1865; engagements be- fore Petersburg March 30-April 2, 1865, and pursuit of the insurgent army, termi- nating April 9, 1865, on the capitulation of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox Court-House ; assigned to duty at head- quarters armies of the U.S. as inspector of the subsistence department with rank of lieutenant-colonel June 6, 1865 ; or- dered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to take charge of subsistence depot August 25, 1865; announced as chief commissary of subsistence United States forces, Kansas and the Territories, November 6, 1865 ; lieutenant-colonel by assignment to re- main on duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as purchasinganddepot commissary of sub- sistence, and to 'have . . . general charge of the Subsistence Department at the occupied posts supplied by him December 5, 1865 ; relieved from assignment as in- spector of the subsistence department with rank of lieutenant-colonel December 29, 1865 ; chief commissary of subsistence, Department of the Missouri, from May 28, 1866, to November 11, 1873, on the staffs of Major-General John Pope, U.S. Vols., Major-General W. S. Hancock, U.S.A., brevet Major-General A. J. Smith, U.S. A., Major-General P. H. Sheridan, U.S.A., Major-General J. M. Schofield, U.S.A., and Brigadier and Brevet Major-General John Pope, U.S.A. ; at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., from May 28, 1866, to Sep- tember 12, 1868 ; at Fort Hays, Kan., during the organization by Major-General Sheridan of expedition against hostile In- dians from September 13, 1868, to Novem- ber 19, 1868 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from November 20, 1868, to September 30, 1869 ; at St. Louis, Mo., from October I, 1869, to June 30, 1870 ; and at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from July 1, 1870, to November 11, 1873 ; relieved from duty as depot commissary of subsistence at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., October 11, 1869; assigned to duty as depot commis- sary of subsistence at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., January 13, 1871 ; ordered to New York City for assignment to duty as pur- chasing and depot commissary of subsist- ence October 31, 1873 ; relieved from duty as purchasing and depot commissary of subsistence at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and as chief commissary of subsistence, Department of the Missouri, November II, 1873 ; reported for duty in New York City in accordance with orders of the War Department November 15, 1873 ; assigned temporarily to duty as chief commissary of subsistence, Military Division of the Atlantic and Department of the East, De- cember 6, 1876 ; ordered to report to the commanding general, Department of Da- kota, for assignment to duty as chief com- missary of subsistence of that department March 6, 1877; relieved from duty in New York City May 10, 1877; reported for duty and announced as chief commis- sary of subsistence. Department of Dakota, May 12, 1877 ; ordered to inspect the sub- sistence department at posts on the Mis- souri River from Fort A. Lincoln up- ward, and those in the Territory of Mon- tana May 24, 1877 ; ordered to inspect the subsistence department at posts situ- ated in Dakota Territory east of the Mis- souri River September 5, 1877 ; ordered to inspect the subsistence department at Sioux City and at posts on the Missouri River up to and including Bismarck April 16, 1878; station changed from St. Paul, Minn., to Fort Snelling, Minn., the headquarters Department of Dakota having been removed to that post July 1, 1878 ; station changed from Fort Snelling to St. Paul, the headquartt-rs Department of Dakota having been re-established in SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. 37 that city August 9, 1878; assigned to duty as purcliasing and depot commissary of subsistence at St. Paul, Minn., April 5, 1879; ordered to inspect the subsistence department at Fort Assiniboine, Mon- tana Territory, August 9, 1879; ordered to make an inspection of the subsistence department at Forts Stevenson and Bu- ford, Dakota Territory, and the several posts in the Districts of the Yellowstone and Montana June 12, 1880; station changed from St. Paul to Fort Snelling, the headquarters De|)artment of Dakota having been transferred to that post June 4, 1881 ; ordered to report to the com- manding general Military Division of the Pacific and Department of California for assignment to duty as chief commissary of subsistence of that division and depart- ment October 2, 1882 ; relieved from duty as chief commissary of subsistence, Depart- ment of Dakota,' October 31, 1882, and from duty in the department November 9, 1882 ; reported for duty and announced as chief commissary of subsistence of the Military Division of the Pacific and of the Department of California with station at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., No- vember 18, 1882. With the rank of Major. Hawkins, John P. Born in Ind. Appd- from Ind. ; grad. M. A., class of '52; bvt. 2 It. 6 inf. Julv 1, '52 ; 2 It. 2 inf. June 23, '54 ; 1 It. Oct. 12, '57 ; regtl. qm. Oct. 1, '58, to Aug. 10, '61; 1 It. 14 inf. May 14, '61, declined; capt. com. sub. Aug. 3, '61, ace. Aug. 20, '61 ; vac. com. of 1 It. 2 inf. Aug. 10, '61, but served as such to Aug. 20, '61 ; It. -col. com. sub. (act Julv 17, "^'62) Nov. 1, '62, to Apr. 13, '63'; brig. -gen. vol. Apr. 13, '63; ace' Apr. 13, '63; maj. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for gal. and mer. ser. dur. the siege of Mobile, Ala." ; It.-col. bvt. and col. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for gal. and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; brig.- gen. bvt. and maj. -gen. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the "field dur. the war" ; maj. -gen. vol. bvt. June 30, '65, " for gal. and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; must.' out of vol. ser. Feb. 1, '66; maj. com. sub. June 23, '74. Small, Michael P. Born in Pa. and apptd. from Pa. ; graduate M.A., class of 1853; 2d It. 2 Art. Sept. 21, 1855; 1st It. April 27, 1861 ; capt., com. of subsist- ence Aug. 3, 1861 ; It.-col., commissary of subsistence Aug. 14, 1863, to May 25, 1865; col., commissarv of suhsistenco May 25, 1865, to Dec. '29, 1865; major, commissary of subsistence tjune 23, 1874; frontier duty 1855-58 ; against the Semi- nole Indians in Florida 1856-57 ; garrison duty 1857-61 ; on Harper's Ferry Expe- 4 dition, John Brown's Raid, 1859 ; chief commissary and quartermaster, llolla, Mo., of the Southwestern District of Mo., 1861-62; chief commissary 13lii Army Cori)s and of the army in the field in the Toche campaign Sept.-Nov. 1863; chief commissary of the Department of Va. and N. C. "Feb. 1864, to Feb. 1865; of the Army of ihd James and Depart- ment of Va. Feb. to June, 1865; Military Division of the Southwest and Division of the Gulf May-Dec. 1865; ]New Or- leans, La., Na.-hville, Tenn., and super- vising commissary of subsistence of the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, and part of Alabama and Georgia, Feb. -Nov. 1866 ; chief commissary De()artment of the Tennessee Nov. 1866, to March, 1867 ; chief com. Department of th(! Cumber- land March, 1867, to July 16, 1869; pur- chasing and depot C. S. Sun Francisco, Cal., Sept. 25, 1869, to Dec. 10, 1872 ; chief C. S. Dept. of Arizona Feb. 20, 1873, to May 19, 1875; purchasing and depot C. S. Chicago, 111., June 25, 1875, to Nov. 30, 1880; chief C. S. Dept. of Texas and purchasing and depot C. S. San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 20, 1880, to Aug. 31, 1883; jiurchasing and depot C. S. New York City, N. Y,, Sept. 20, 1883, to date ; brevet major March 13, 1865, for meritorious services in the subsistence department during the war; brevet It.-col. March 13, 1865, for meritorious services in his de- partment during the war ; brevet colonel March 13, 1865, for meritorious services in the subsistence department during the war ; brevet brig.-gen. April 9, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in his department during the war; brevet col. vol., Jan. 1, 1865, for distinguished and meritorious services in the campaign of 1863-64. Sullivan, Thomas C. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio ; grad. M. A., class '56; 2 It. 1 art. July 1, '56; 1 It. Apr. 27, '61; capt. 18 inf. May 14, '61, declined; capt. com. sub. Aug. 3, '61, ace. Aug. 22, '61 ; vac. com. of 1 It. 1 art. Feb. 20, '62; It.- col. com. sub. (act July 17, '62) Aug. 20, '62, to Jan. 27, '63 ; maj. bvt. and It.-col. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; It.-col. com. sub. (act July 17, '62) Mar. 21, '65, to Aug. 1, '65; maj. com. sub. A)ir. 14, '75. Barriger,John W. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Ky. ; grad. M. A., class '56; 2 It. 2 art. July 1,^'56; 1 It. May 2, '61 ; 1 It. 5 art. May 14, '61, declined ; capt. bvt. July 21, '61, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the bat- tle of Bull Run, Va."; capt. com. sub. Aug. 3, '61, ace. Aug. 26, '61 ; It.-col. com. sub. (act July 17, '62) Nov. 17, '63; vac. com. of 1 It. 2 art. Mar. 30, '64 ; maj. 38 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, bvt., It. -col. bvt., col. bvt., and brig. -gen. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war"; relieved as It. -col. com. sub. (act July 17, '62) Aug. 1, '65; maj. com. sub. Nov. 21, '75. Wilson, Thomas. Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1853; bvtr 2d It. 6 Infantry July 1,"^ 1853; 2d It. 5th Infantry Oct. 26, 1854; 1st It. April 1, 1857; captain, com- missary of subsistence Oct. 25, 1861 ; It.- col., commissary of subsistence Dec. 26, 1863, to Aug. 1, 1865; major, commissary of subsistence May 20, 1882; served in frontier duty 1853-'54-'55-'56 ; against the Seminole Indians in Fla. l856-'57; acting asst. adjutant-general, defenses of Washington July-Oct. 1861 ; commissary of subsistence, Annapolis, Md., Oct. 1861- May, 1862; in the Virginia, Peninsular, Maryland, and Rappahannock campaigns May, 1862-June, 18h3 ; defenses of Wash- ington June-Dec. 1863; chief of com- missariat. Army of the Potomac, in the Richmond campaign ending with the capitulation at Appomattox C. H. ; brvt. major, It. -col., col., and brig-gen. Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; brvt. ^col. vol. Aug. 1, 1864, for faithful and meritorious services in the field ; brvt. brig. -gen. vol. Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war Bell, William H. Born in Fa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1858; brevet 2d It. 3 Infantrv July 1, 1858; 2d It. Dec. 6, 1858; 1st It. May 14, 1861 ; captain, commissary of subsistence June 11, 1862; served on frontier duty 1859-61; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., 1861 ; operations on the Upper Potomac May to June, 1861 ; Manassas campaign, provost duty, Washington, D. C, July to Aug. 186i ; Military Academy Sept. 1861, to June, 1862; on duty at Aquia Creek Aug. to Dec. 1862; frontier duty 1863-65; brevet major March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in New Mexico ; Sept. '66, relieved from duty in New Mexico; May, '67, to April, '68, on duty as chief C.S. Dept. C.S. at Fort Harker, Kansas; May, 1868, on duty in office comm'y-gen'l of sub. Washington, D. C. ; Sept. '68, or- derrd for duty as chief C.S. Dept. of Alaska, at Sitka, Alaska; chief C.S. Dept. Alaska from Feb. '69, to Jan. 1870; Nov. 1870, assigned as chief C.S. Dept. of the Columbia, at Portland, Or- egon ; inspector of Indian supplies July, 1876; Oct. 1878, relieved from dutv as chief C.S. Dept. Columbia; Jan. 1879, temporary duty in office commissary-gen'l subsistence; Jan. 30, 1879, to New Or- leans, La., as purchasing and depot C.S. ; May, '79, ordered to Washington as pur- chasing and depot C.S. ; Oct. 1, '79, per- forming duties of purchasing C.S. tem- porarily in Baltimore, Md. ; Dec. 1881, on duty as chief C.S. Department of the South, at Newport, Ky., and purchasing commissary at Cincinnati, Ohio ; Aug. 14, 1883, promoted to the rank of major in the subsistence dept. With the rank of Captain. Oilman, Jeremiah H. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1856; brevet 2d It. 1 Art. July 1, 1856; 2d It. Oct. 31, 1856; 1st It. April 27, 1861 ; captain 19th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; captsiin, commissary of subsistence Feb. 9, 1863 ; served on fron- tier duty. Fort Brown, Tex., 1856-57; Fort Adams, R. I., 1857-58; Barrancas Barracks, Fla., 1858-61; in deferse of Fort Pickens, Fla., Jan. to May, 1861; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., May to July, 1861 ; on recruiting service July to Oct. 1861 ; in command of battalion, Ky., Oct. 1861 ; chief of artillery in Kentucky at Camp Nuni Oct. to Nov. 1861 ; inspector of artillery. Department of the Ohio and the Cumberland, Nov. 1861, to March, 1863; engaged in inspecting and organizing the artillery. Army of the Ohio, Nov. 1861, to March, 1862; inspector and acting chief of artillery. Army of the Ohio, in the Ten- nessee and Mississippi campaign March to June, 1862 ; engaged in the operations and actions of that campaign, including the battle of Shiloh ; operations in North Alabama and as chief of artillery and acting ordnance officer in advance into Kentucky June to Oct. 1862; engaged in the battle of Perryville ; in.-^pector of ar- tillery. Army of the Cumberland, in Gen. Rosecrans's Tennessee campaign, and en- gaged in the battle of Stone River; in- specting the subsistence department, Armv of the Cumberland, May to July, 1863"; chief of commissariat, Dejiartment of the Susquehanna, Aug. 1863, to April, 1864; purchasing commissary of subsistence at lialtimore, Md., April, 1864, to March, 1865; depot commissary at Richmond, Va., April to July, 1865; purchasing and depot commissary at Detroit, Mich., and in general charge of commissariat in Michigan and Wisconsin Dec. 1865, to Sept. 1866; commissary duty, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. to Nov. 1866; chief of com- missariat. Department of Dakota, Nov. 1866, to Nov. 1873 ; chief commissary, Department of the Missouri, Nov. 1873, to Dec. 187tf; assistant to commissary general of subsistence, ^^'ashington, D. C, Dec. 1879, to present date, '"83; brevet SUBSISTENCE DEPAKTMENT. 39 major April 7, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Sliiloh, Tennessee I brevet It.-col. Dec. 31, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Gushing, Samuel T. Born in R. I. Appointed from K. I. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1860; brevt. 2d It. lOth Infantry July 1, I8G0; 2d It. 2d Infantry Jan. 19, 1861 ; 1st It. May 14, 1861 ; cap- tain Feb. 15, 1862 ; captain, commissary of subsistence, F'eb. 9, 1863 ; served on frontier duty 1860-61 ; served during the war of the Rebellion ; defenses of Wash- ington June-July, 1861 ; Manassas cam- paign as A.D.C. to Col. D. S. Miles, 2d Infantry, commanding the reserve divis- ion, and as acting asst. inspector-general at the headquarters of Gen. McDowell, July-Aug. 1861 ; asst. signal officer at Washington, D.C., Sept. 1861-Mar. 1862 ; in charge of signal office, Washington, D. C, March-Oct. 1862 ; chief signal officer Army of the Potomac, Oct. 1862-May, 1865; appointed major in signal corps May 29, 1863, declined; asst. chief signal officer at Washington, D. C, May-July, 1863 ; instructor of signal duty Military Academy June, 1863-Jan. 1864; commis- sary dutv in Tenn., Ky., Ind., and Miss. 1864-66; frontier duty 1866; chief com- missary. Department of the Platte, Aug. 1866, to March 4, 1867 ; brevt. major March 13, 1865, for faithful and meri- torious services during the war; Fort Laramie, Dak., and Cheyenne to Dec. 1, 1867 ; chief C.S. Dept. Texas, April, 1868, to May, 1873; chief C.S. District of New Mexico, Oct. 187;<, to July, 1874 ; purchas- ing commissary Louisville, Ky., Nov. 1, 1874; chief C.S. Dept. of the South, July 15, 1875, to February 10, 1877; at Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 20 to Feb. 10, 1877 ; pur- chasing commissary at San Francisco from Feb. 22, 1877, to October 20, 188it; chief C.S. Dept. Columbia in the field during campaign against the hostile Ban- nock Indians July, August, and Septem- ber, 1878 ; chief C.S. Dept. Columbia, Nov. 6, 1880 to May 1, 1883; on special duty in the office of the commissarj'-gen- eral of subsistence at Washington since May 25, 1883. Elderkin, William A. Born in New York. Appninted from New York ; grad. M. A., class of '61 ; 2d It. 1st art. May 6, '61; 1st It. May 14, '61; capt. com. sub. July 4, '64, ace. July 21, '64; resgd. com. of 1st It. 1st art. Aug. 16, '64 ; maj. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war." Penrose, Charles B. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; captain, commissary of subsistence volunteers Aug. 3, 1861 ; va- cated May 13, 1865; captain, commissary of subsistence May 13, 1865; brevet major May 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the subsistence department during the war ; brevet It.-col. Nov. 11, 18()7, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; brevet major vol. March 13, 1865, for meritorious services during the war. Nash, William H. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; first entered the ser- vice as military telegraph operator at Parkersburg, West Va., June 1, 1861, servinir as such until Nov. 26, 1862; cap- tain, commissary of subsistence volunteers, Nov. 26, 1862; vacated Nov. 17, 1865; captain, commissarv of subsistence, Nov. 17, 1865; brevt. major, Nov. 17, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the subsistence department during the war; brevt. major vol. .March 31, 1865, for gal- lant and distinguished services. Eagan, Charles P. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Washington T. ; 1st It. 1st Wash. T. Vol. June 21, '62 ; must, out April 1, '65; 2d It. 9th Inf. Aug. 30, '66, ace. Sept. 5, '66; l.st It. Jan. 2, '69; unassd. June 14, '69 ; assd. to 12th Inf. Jan. 1, '71 ; capt. com. sub. June 23, '74, ace. July 3, '74; resgd. com. of 1st It. 12th Inf! July 3, '74. Whitehead, Frederick F. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Mo. ; private 1st Mo. Infantry May, 1861; 1st It. and ad- jutant 7 Mo. Infantry June 1, 1861 ; mus- tered out May 20, 1863; captain, assistant adjutant-gi'ueral May 1, 1863; mustered out Sept. 19, 1865; 1st It. 18 Infantry July 28, 1866 ; captain, commissarj^ of sub- sistence April 14, 1875; served, engaged at the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo. ; battle of Pittsburg Landing, siege of Cor- inth, action of Medon Station, battles of second Corinth, Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, and siege of Vicksburg; battlesof Chattanooga, D«llas, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, PeachTree Creek, Atlanta, Ezra Church, Jonesboro', pur-uitof the Rebel Gen. Hood, battles in front of Macon, Sherman's Georgia and Carolina campaigns, siege of Savannah, and battle of Bentonville; temporary asst. adjutant-general 15th Corps, and on staff of Gen. Logan, commanding Army of the Tennessee; at New Orleans, La , Pur- chasing and Depot Co'iimissary of Subsist- ence ; l^revet captain March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Champion Hill, Miss. ; brevet major Msirch 2. 1867, for gallantand mer- itorious services in the siege of N'icksburg, Miss ; brevet major vol. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during thecampaign in Georgia and the Carolinas. 40 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Weston, John F. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; 1 It. 4 Ky. ciiv. Dec. 24, '61 ; capt. ¥eh. 9, '63; maj. Nov. 1, '64; must, out Aug. 21, '65, paid to Aug. 31, '65 ; 2 It. 7 cuv. Aus;. 9, '67, ace. Aug. 26, '67 ; 1 It. Nov. 27, '68 ; regtl. qm. Jan. 1, '71, to Feb. 29, '72; cap"t. com. sub. Nov. 24, '75, ace. Dec. 9, '75; resgd. com. of 1 It. 7 cav. D^c. 9, '75. Woodruff, Carle A. Born in New Tork. Appointed at large ; 2d lieutenant 2d Artillery October 22, 1861 ; command- ing Battery B 2d Artillery at Camp Dun- can, Washington, D. C, to February, 1862 ; with Horse Artillery, engaged in the operations of the Cavalry Corps, Army of tiie Potomac, 1862 to" 1865; at siege of Yorktown ; battle of Williams- burg ; actions of Slatersville, Chickahom- iny, Mechanicsville, Meadow Bridge, Seven Days' Fight ; battles of Gaines' Mills and" Malvern Hill; 1st lieutenant 2d Artillery July 24, 1862; actions of Shepherdstown, Charlestown, and War- renton ; battle of Fredericksburg (in re- serve) ; Stoneman's raid towards Rich- mond, commanding portion of Horse Battery M 2d Artillery, April and May, 1863 ; battle of Beverly P'ord, Va. ; ac- tions of Hanover and Hunterstown, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; actions of Monterey Springs, Williamsport, Boons- boro', Hagerstown, and Falling Waters, Md., and Battle Mountain, Ya. ; expedi- tion to Hartwood Church ; actions of James City and Brandy Station ; move- ment to Centreville ; actions of Buckland Mills and Morton's Ford ; Sheridan's raid towards Richmond May, 1864 ; ac- tions of Craig's Meeting - House and Meadow Bridge; Sheridan's raid toward Gordonsville, Va., June, 1864; battle of Trevilliun Station ; movement to Shenan- doah Valley ; actions of Walpert's Cross- Roads and Opcquan Creek ; commanding Horse Battery M 2d Artillery September, 1864, to August, 1865; action of Lacey Springs, Va., December 2, 1864 ; march of Sheridan's Cavalry from Winchester, Va., to near Petersburg, Va., February and March, 1865; battles of Waynesboro', Dinwiddle C.H., Five Forks; skirmish at Namozine Creek ; battle of Sailor's Creek ; action of Appomattox Station and capitulation of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox C.H., April 9, 1865; chief of artillery 3d Division, Cav- alry Corps, A. P . (General Custer's Di- vision); march of Sheridan's cavalr}' to unite with General Sherman in North Carolina April, 1865; May 24, 1865, com- manded Horse Battery M 2d Artillery at grand review of Army of the Potomac in Washington, D. C. ; August, 1865, eti route with 2d Regt. of Artillery to Cali- fornia ; stationed at Angel Island, Fort Point, Presidio, and on duty in San Fran- cisco, Cal., as assistant commissary of musters, mustering out California Volun- teers until July, 1866; captain 12th In- fantry July 28", 1866, declined; August, 1866, to January, 1868, on recruiting ser- vice at Washington, D C, and Gover- nor's Island, N. Y. ; at Alcatraz Island, Cal., until April, 1870; assistant commis- sary of subsistence, acting assistant quar- termaster, post adjutant, and treasurer, and for a time commanding post; captain 2d Artillery Mav 6, 1869; joined Battery G 2d Arti"llery"May, 1870, at Fort Ko- diak, Alaska ; commanding Fort Kodiak until October, 1870; at Presidio, Cal., to Sept. 1871 ; at Alcatraz Island to Jan. 1872; at Presidio, Cal., to Nov. 1872, when the 2d Artillery was ordered to the Division of the Atlantic (East); at Ra- leigh, N. C, until Sept. 1874; command- ing post of Spartanburg, S. C, to Nov. 1874; at Raleigh, N. C., to Aug. 1875; at Summerville, S. C, and Charleston, S. C, to July, 1876; at Fort Reas, In- dian Territory, to Dec. 1876; at Wash- ington Arsenal, D.C., Wilkesbarre, Pa., and Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Dec. 1877 ; San Antonio, Texas, and Fort Brown, Texas, to November, 1880; commanding Little Rock Barracks, Ark., to Novem- ber, 1881 ; commanding Newport Bar- racks, Ky., since November, 1881 ; brevet captain July 8, 18ti3, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Get- tysburg, Pa.;" brevet major June 11, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Trevillian Station, Va. ;" brevet lieut. -colonel March 13, 1865, "for good conduct and gallant ser- vices during the war." Clague, John J. Born in England. Appointed from Minn. ; served as jji'ivate and non-com. officer in Co. F 6th Minn. Infantry from 28 June, '62, to 11 Oct., '64, at which date he was com. as capt. 18 U.S. Inf.; hon. mustered out 21 Feb., '66; apptd. 2d It. 40th Inf. 2 March '67, and transferred to 12 Inf. 3 Aug., '70; 1st lievit. 1st Sept., '73; commissioned as capt. and com. of sub. 30 Aug., '80. Wells, Willard. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Mass. ; 1st It. 21 Mass. Inf. 5 Aug., '61 ; hon. mustered out 1st Oct., '62, and on same date apptd. captain 34 Mass. Inf. ; hon. mus. out 16 .June, '65; apptd. 2d It. 19 Inf. 11 May, '66, and trans, to 37 Inf. 21 Sept., '66;"lst It. 5 Nov., '68; trans, to 5th Artillery 1st June, '71 ; com. as captain and com. sub. 24 May, '82. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 41 SURGEON-GENERAL. Wif/> fhe rank of Br'igndier-Gencral. Murray, Robert. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland ; assistant sur- geon U.S. Army .June, 1846 ; at Fort Gra- tiot, Mich., to September, 1846 ; o) muie to California September, 1840; at Los Ansyeles, Monterey, and Camp Far West, California, to October, 1850; at Fort In- dependence. Boston, Mass., to January, 1852; in New York City to April, 1854; in California to .June, 1861 ; surgeon U.S. Army June, 1860; in Washington, D.C., July to September, 1861 ; medical direc- tor and purveyor, Department of the Cumberland, to December, 1862; medical purveyor, Philadelphia, to April, 1865; medical purveyor, ^Military Division of the Pacilic, San Francisco, Cal.; lieuten- ant-colonel and a.ssistant medical pur- veyor U.S. Army July, 1866 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel and colonel U.S. Army for faithful and meritorious services dur- ing the war ; medical purveyor, San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1867; colonel 1876; Washing- ton, D. C, 1876-8o ; appointed surgeon- general Nov. 23, 1883. CHIEF MEDICAL PURVEYOR. With the rank of Colonel. Baxter, Jedediah H. Born in Ver- mont. Appointed from Vermont ; sur- geon 12th Mass. Infantry June 26, 1861 ; honorably mustered out April 17,1862; surgeon U.S. Volunteers April 4, 1862; vacated July 30, 1867 ; It.-col., assistant medical purveyor July 20, 1867 ; It.-col., chief medical purveyor March Iv!, 1872 ; col., chief medical purvevor June 23, 1874 ; brevet col. July 20, 1867, for faith- ful and meritorious services during the war; brevet It.-col. vols. March 30, 1865, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States ; brevet col. vols, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. SURGEONS. With the rank of Colonel. Sutherland, Charles. Born in Phila- delphia. Assigned to duty as acting as- sistant surgeon at Fortress Monroe, Va., and in New Mexico; commissioned as assistant surgeon Aug. 1852 ; served with troops on the plains, also at Fort Webster, Fort Fillmore, Fort Craig, Santa Fe, and Fort Stanton, New Mexico, to Sept. 1857 ; Fort Moultrie, S. C, to January, 1858 ; on leave until September, 1858; Fort Davis and Fort Duncan, Texas, to Feb. 1861 ; reported for duty to surgeon-gen- eral March, 1861 ; sailed April, 1861, on secret expedition to Fort Pickens, Santa Nosa Island, Florida; jnirticipatcd in the two bombardments of Fort Pickens, and in the assault on Wilson's Camp, on the island; at Fort Pickens to March, 1862; conunissioned as surgeon April, 1862; Fort Warren^ Mass., to June, 1862 ; medi- cal purveyor to the armies under Major- Oeneral Ualleck, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.; medical purveyor to the Army of the Tennessee, Columbus, Ky.,and Mem- phis, Tenn., to March, 1863; fitted out the hospitals at the latter place ; acting medical inspector Army of the Tennessee, and with that army until surrender of Vicksburg .July, 1863 ; medical director, Department of Virginia and North Caro- lina, to November, 1863; member retiring board, Wilmington, Del., to .January, 1864; medical director of hospitals, An- napolis, Md., to May. 1864 ; purchasing medical purveyor, Washington, D. C, until close of the rebellion ; commissioned as lieutenant-colonel and assistant medi- cal purveyor July, 1866 ; in Washington, D. C., to June, 1870; acting chii'f medi- cal purveyor. New Yorlc City, to .June, 1876; commissioned as colonel and sur- geon June, 1876 ; acting assistant medical purveyor. New York, to July, 1878; on leave to Sept. 1879; on duty as medical director of the Military Division of the Pacific, Presidio of San Francisco, since Oct. 27, 1879 ; brevetted lieut. -colonel for meritorious services in the campaign and surrender of Vicksburg ; brevetted colonel for meritorious services and diligent dis- charge of duties in the war. Keeney, Charles C. Born in New York. Appointed from Michigan; asst. surg. July 12, '42, ace. July 23, '42; dis- banded Sept 23, '42; reapptd. March 19, '45, ace. March 28, '45 ; capt. asst. surg. March 19, '50; maj. surg. June 23, '60; It.-col. med. ins. June 11, '62, ace. June 21, '62; It.-col. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; must, out as col. med. ins. Oct. 31, '65; It.-col. surg. June 26, '76, ace. Aug. 8, '76. Head, John F. Born in Massachusetts. Apptd. from Massachusetts; asst. surg. Aug. 6, '46, ace. Aug. 13, '46; capt. asst. surg. Aug. 6, '51 ; maj. surg. Sept. 6, '60; It.-col. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; It.-col. surg. June 26, '76, ace. July 29, '76. ASSISTANT SURGEON-GENERAL. With the rank of Colonel. Vacancy Sept. '83. 42 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. SURGEONS. With the rank of Lieiitennnt- Colonel. Hammond, John F. Born in South Carolinii. Apptd. from S. C. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Feb. 16, '47, ace. March 24, '47; capt. asst- surg. Feb. 16, '52; maj. surg. Feb. 26, '61 ; It.-c-l. bvt. March 13, '6-'), "for faith, and mcr. ser. dur. the war"; It.-col. surg. .June 26, '76, ace. Aug. 1, '76. Baily, Elisha I. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Feb. 16, '47, ace. Feb. 25, '47; capt. asst. surg. Feb. 16, '52; maj. surg. May 15, '61 ; It.-col. bvt. March 13, '65, "" for faith, and Dier. ser. dur. the war" ; It.-col. surg. June 26, '76, aec. Aug. 11, '76. ASSISTANT MEDICAL PUR- VEYORS. With the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Swift, Ebenezer. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Ohio ; 1 lieutenant asst. surg. Aug. 30, '47, ace Feb. 14, '48; capt. asst. surg. Aug. 30, '52; maj. surg. May 21, '61; It.-eol.' med. dir. (act Feb. 25, '65) Feb. 25, '65; It.-col. bvt. and col. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; col. med. dir. (act Feb. 25, '65) to June 30, '65; brig.- gen. bvt. July 20, '67, "for mer. ser. vol- untarily rendered during the prevalence of cholera at Fort Harker, Kans." ; It.-col. asst. med. pur. Oee. 31, '76. McParlin, Thomas A. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland ; acting asst. surg. U. S. A March 15, 1848 ; at Vera Cruz, Mexico, April to June, '48 ; assistant surgeon U. S. Army March 3, 1849; at Las Vegas, N. M., to August, 1851 ; P'ort Union, "N. M., to June, r852 ; with recruits en route to Fort Smith, Ark., to December, 1852; at Fort Mc- intosh, Texas, to June, 1853; East Pas- cagoula, Mis.*?., and New Orleans Barracks, La., to December, 1853 ; Fort Merrill, Texas, to June, 1854; captain and assistant surgeon June 29, 1854; at General Smith's headquarters. Corpus Christi, Texas, to October, 1854; Fort Brown, Texas, to October, 1856; in Florida to September, 1857 ; Fort Leaven- worth to January, 1858; Fort Walla Walla and Cascades, W. T , May, 1859, to November, 1861 ; major and surgeon U. S. Army May, 1861 ; at Chicago,'^Ill., to June, 1862 ; medical director of the Army of Virginia (General Pope's Army) to September, 1862; hospital duty, An- napolis, Md., to January, 1864 ; medical director, Army of the Potomac (being assigned to duty by the President accord- ing to his brevet rank of It.-col.), to July 1865; med. dir., Mil. Div. of the Gulf, and medical director, 3d Military Dis- trict, 1867 and 1868 ; medical director. De- partment of Louisiana, September, 1865; brevet lieu t. -colonel and colonel U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. A. for meritorious services during the war, to date March 13, 1865 ; accepted brev. brig.-genl. Mar. 13, '65; brev. brig.- genl. U. S. "a., to date Nov. 26, 1866, for meritorious and distinguished services at New Orleans, La., where cholera and yellow fever prevailed ; at U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from July, 1868; surgeon U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. , July, 1868,'to Oct. 1873 ; post surgeon, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. '73, to Oct. '75; chief medical officer, District of New Mexico, Nov. '75, to Oct. '77 ; attending surgeon U. S. A. NewYork City, Nov. '77; Fort Hamilton, Aug. '78; New York City, May, '79, to April, '81 ; lieut.-col. and asst. med. pur. April 13, 80; It -col and asst. med purveyor, San Fran- cisco, Cal., Dept., June, '81, to Sept. '83; on purveying duty at U.S.A. Depot, N. Y. City, Sept. f883. SURGEONS. With the rank of Ijieidenant- Colonel. Perin, Glover. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; assistant surgeon Dec. 4, 1847; captain, asst. surgeon Dec. 4, 1852; major, surgeon May 21, 1861; It.- col., surgeon April 28, 1877 ; served in the war with Mexico ; in Texas, Newport Barracks, Ky., Florida, Fort Snelling, Minn., New Mexico, and Military Acad- emy, 1848-61 ; Department of the Cum- berland to 1802; Department of the Ohio 1862 ; medical director Department of the Cun:berland to 1864; Evansville, Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio, to 1865; Newport Barracks, Ky., from 1865 to 1870; post surg. Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1870 to '71 ; med. director Dept. of Missouri until 1880; med. director Dept. of Dakota from 1880 to present time ; brevet It.-col. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritori- ous services during the war. Campbell, John. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; assistant surgeon Dec. 13, 1847; captain, asst. surgeon Dec. 13, 1852; major, surgeon May'^21, 1861; col., medical director Feb. 25, 1865, to June 30, 1865; It.-col., surgeon Nov. 8, 1877 ; served in the war with Mexico ; in Texas, California, New York City, Fort Crawford, Wis., Fort Ridgely, Minn., MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 43 Military Academy, Plattsburgh Bar- racks, N. Y., Washington, D.C., 1848- 61; at Fort Pioif the medical director and acting medical inspector, 10 Corps, Army of the James, to October, 1864 ; assistant medical purveyor, Depart- ment of Virginia and North Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., to February, 1865; assistant medical purveyor, Department of Virginia, and in the office of the Medi- cal Director to June, 1865; captain and medical asst. surgeon U. S. A. July 28, 1866; purveyor Richmond, Va., to August, 1866; attending surgeon, Head- qrs. Dept. of Va., Richmond, Va., to Ma^', 1867; at Camp Hamilton, with Headquarters near Fort Monroe, Va., to September, 1867 ; attending surgeon Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Va., Richmond, Va., from September, 1867, to April, 1869; major and surgeon U. S. A. June 26, 1876 ; brevet captain U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; brevet major and lieuten- ant-colonel U. S. A., for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; post surgeon at Willet's Point, N. Y., from April, '69, to June, '71 ; post surgeon Fort Hays, Kansas, July, '71, to August, '74; Fort Wallace, Kan., Aug. '71, to July '75; St. Ausrustine, from October, '75, to Nov. '78; Fort W^ood, N. Y. H., from Dee. '78, to July, '79; post surgeon Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., July, '79, and at- tending surg. Headquarters Division of Atlantic and Department of the East, Governor's Island, to date ; member Med. Examining Board from March 1, '83, to date. Tilton, Henry R. Born Feby. 1, 1836, at Barneu:at, N. J. Graduated at the Medical Department of the University of Penna., 1859; commissioned asst. surgn. with rani< of 1st lieut. Aug. 26, 1861 ; on duty at Key West Bks., Fla., Sept. to Dec. 1861; on sick-leave to March, 1862; on duty at Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla., to June, 1862, also in charge of the Marine Hospital at Key West; on duty with battery of artillery and in charge of General Hospital No. 3 at Beaufort, S. C, to Oct. 1862 ; on sick-leave to Jany. 1863 ; on duty in St. Louis, Mo., to May, 1863 ; in charge of the Floating Hospital, Nashville, on the Mississippi River, during the siege of Vicksburg, to Aug. 1863 ; on duty as executive officer at the General Hospital at Jetfersori Bks., Mo., Sept. 1863, to Dec. 31, 1864 ; in change to Oct. 1865; on duty with the 3d Infy. at Scholield Bks., St. Louis, Mo., to April, 1866; at Fort Lyon, Colorado, till Nov. 1870; promoted lo rank of caj)t. July 28, 1866; in skirmishes with Cheyenne Indians, Sept. 8 and Oct. 7, 1868: on leave to March, 1871 ; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, to July, 1872; with 6 cos. 8th Infty. on Gen. Stanley's expedition to the Valley of the Yellowstone River, Montana, to Oct. 1872; at David's Islnnd Nov. 1873, to Ai>ril, 1874; at Fort Wad.s- worth, N. Y. H., to May, 1874; at Fort Sully, Dakota, till July, 1876 ; promoted to surgeon with the rank of major, July 26, 1876; at Fort Bedford, Dakota, to Oct. 1876 ; at Cantonment, mouth of Tongue River, and Fort Keogh, Montana, Nov. 1876, to' July, 1878; in fight with Cheyennes, Jany. 8, 1877; on Gen. Miles's expedition after Nez Perces, fnmi Sept. 18 to Oct. 22, 1877, which resulted in their capture ; on leave from July, 1878, to March, 1879; at Fort Riley, Kan., from March, 1879. Horton, Samuel M. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsj'lvania; asst. surgeon U. S. Army, August 26, 1861 ; at the new house of refuge general hospital, St. Louis, Mo., to October, 1862; floating hospital, Nashville, Tenn., to November, 1862; in the field with the 3d Corps and 1st U. S. Infantry to September, 1863 ; at general hospital. New Orleans, La., to Januarj', 1865; hospital duty at Jefierson Barracks, Mo., New Albany, Ind., and St. Louis, Mo., to July, 1865; at Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, to November, 1865; captain and asst. sur- geon U S. A. July 28, 1866; Fort Kear- ney, Neb., to May, 1866 ; post surgeon Fort Kearney, Neb., to May, 1866 ; post surgeon at Fort Phil Kearney, Dakota Ter., to August, 1868; post surgeon at Omaha Barracks to Dec. 1869; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to June, 1872 ; at Fort McKavett, Texas, to June, 1876 ; at Fort McHenry, Mary- land, to Aug. 1879; at camp on White River, Colorado, in the field, to March, 1880 ; at Fort Douglas, Utah Ter., to Oct. 52 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1883 ; major and sursjeon U. S. A. June 26, 1876 ; brevet captain and major U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services dur- ino; the war. Happersett, Jno. C. G. Born in Pa. appointed from i'a.; asst. surgeon U. S. A. Aug. 26, 1861 ; on duty at U. S. A. genl. hospital, St. Louis, Mo., until November, 1861 ; with battalion of regular troops, in the field, in ISlissouri, and on march with the same to St. Charles, Mo.; in the oper- ations resulting in the capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10; with battalion 1st U. S Inft. in the advance upon Corinth, Miss., from Hamburg Landing, Tenn. River, and in operations resulting in the evacuation of same ; in fortifications there, and at battle of October 2 and 3, 1862 ; retired from field duty Oct. 1862, and assigned in charge of genl. hosp. No. 2, Jackson, Tenn.; March, 1863, on duty in office of supt. of genl. hospitals, Mem- phis, Tenn.; • May, 1863, in charge of Overton Genl. Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., until Feb. 7, 1865; executive officer Jef- ferson Genl. Hospital, Jeifersonville, Ind., to June, 1865; office of asst. surgeon-gen- eral U. S. A., Louisville, Ky., until June, '65; in charge of Crittenden Genl. Hos- pital, Louisville, Ky., to Nov. 1865; Jefferson Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind., until Dec. 1865 ; medical director's office, Dept. of the Carolinas, Charleston, S. C, to Sept. 1866 ; suigeon-in-chief Bureau Freedmen, etc., to April, 1867; post sur- geon, Charleston, S. C., to August, 1868; post surgeon. Fort Washington, Md., to July, 1871 ; post surgeon. Fort Garland, Col., to June, 1873; post surgeon. Fort Lyon, Col., to April, 1876 ; post surgeon. Fort Hamilton, New York H;trbor, to June, 1880 ; post surgeon, Fort Ringgold, Texas, to Oct. 1880; post surgeon, Fort Brown, Texas. Woodhull, Alfred A. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from Kansas; asst. surgeon U.S. Army September 19, 1861 ; hospital duty Georgetown, D. C, to Oct. 1881; with 2d U. iS. Infantry and other troops, Washington, to March, 1862; with 23d and other regular infantry. Army Potonu\c, to Nov. 1862 ; charge of Stewart Mansion general hospital and attending officers, Baltimore, to December, 1862; in the office of the medical director. Middle Military Department, Baltimore, to Octo- ber, 1863 ; in the office of the medical director Department of Virginia and North Caroliini, Fort Monroe, Va., to May, 1864; medical director's office Army of the James to May, 1865; acting medical inspector from August, 1864 ; hospital duty, Point of Rock's, Va., May, 1865 ; in the office of the surgeon-general, Wash- ington, D. C, from June, 1865, to April, 1868 (chiefly occupied with catalogue, surgical section, Army Medical Museum) ; captain and asst surgeon U.S.A. July 28, 1866; major and surgeon U.S.A. October 1,1876; brevet captain, major, and lieu- tenant-colonel U.S.A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; member Army Medical Board, New York, May-Dec. 1868; temporai-y duty Fort Leavenworth, Feb. -May, 1869; post sur- geon. Fort Larned, Kan., June, 1869- Nov. 1870; post surireon, Fort Lyon, Colorado, Nov. 1870-June, 1873; post surgeon, McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., July, 1873-Nov. 1875 ; post surgeon, Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1875-April, 1877; post surgeon, Alcatraz Island, Cal., June, 1877-Mav, 1878, with duty at Fort Halleck, Nov".- ,lune-Oct. '77; post surgeon. Point San Jose, Cal., May, 1878-Sept. 1881 ; leave of absence, Oct. 1881-March, 1882; depot surgeon, David's Island, New York, April, 1882. Billings, John S. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Ohio; acting asst. sur- geon U.S.A. November, 1861; assistant surgeon U. S. Army April 16, 1862; charge of hospitals at Washington, D. C, and "West Philadelfihia, Pa., to March, 1863; o|ierating surgeon field hospital 2 Division, 5 Corps, Army of the Potomac, at Chancellors ville, Va., with the 7th and lOtb U. S. Infantry, May, 1863; charge of field hospital 2 Division, 5 Corps, Armj' of the Potomac, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; hospital duty at David's and Bedloe's Islands, New York Harbor, October, 1863, to February, 1864; member of a board of enrollment, with the special expedition to the Isle a Vache, W. I., February, 1864; acting medical inspector Army of the Potomac, April, 1864; in the office of the medical director Army of the Potomac, August to December, 1864; in the office of the surgeon-general, Washington, D.C., from December, 1864, to date; captain and assistant surgeon U.S.A. July 28, 1866 ; major and surgeon, December 2, 1876 ; brevt. captain, major, and lieu- tenant-colonel U.S A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Gibson, Joseph R. Boin in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pa. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Apr. 16, '62, ace. Aug. 1, '62; capt. bvt. and maj. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; capt., asst. surg. July 28, '66 ; It.-col. bvt. Sept. 28, '66 ; "for meritorious and distinguished ser- vices at Hart's Island, New York Harbor, where cholera prevailed"; maj., surg. Mar. 19, '77. Huntington, David L. Born in Mas- MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 63 sachusetts. Appointed from Pennsylva- nia ; asst. suriieon U. S. Army July 11, 18U2 ; at hospital and in the medical di- rector's office, Fort Monroe, Va., to April, 1803 ; with the 13th Army Corps, Depart- ment of the Tennessee, to July, 1863; in the medical director's office, Dept. of Tenn., in the field to January, 1865 ; med- ical director Department of the Tennessee to August, 1865; Christian Street Hos- pital, "Pliiladelphia, Pa., to April, 1806; captain and asst. surgeon U.S.A. July 28, 1866; en route to and at Fort Union, N. M., to August, 1866; at Fort Marcy, Santa Fe, NT M., to April, 1807; post surgeon Fort Bayard, N. M., from April, 1807, to 1868; major and surgeon U.S.A. April 28, 1877; brevet captain, major for faithful and meritorious services during the war; It. -col. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Santa Fe, N. M., 1868 ; Ft. Selden, N. M., 1869; Fort Trumbull, Conn., 1870-72;. Fort Stevens, Oregon, '72-'73 ; Fort Lap- wai, Idaho, '73; Fort Stevens, Oregon, '74 ; San Francisco, Cal., Army Med. Ex- amining Board, 1875; Angel Island, Cal., 1875 ; Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C, 1875-81 ; Division of Surgical RccordB, S.G.O., 1881. Williams, John W. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia; acting assistant surgeon U.S. Army March to July, 1802 ; atlhe Patent Office General Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; asst. surgeon U. S. Army July 11, 1802; at the Douglas General Hospital, Washington, D. C, to September, 1862; temporary duty on the field of Antietam, Md., to October, 1862; in charge of the Trinity General Hospital, Washington, November, 1862 ; with reserve artillery, Army of the Potomac, to January, 1863, and present at the battle of Fredericks- burg, Va. ; with the 1st U. S. Cavalry May to September, 1863, and present at the battle of Beverly Ford, action of Up- perville, buttle of Gettysburg, actions of Funkstown, Williamsport, Manassas Gap, aiid Brandy Station ; with tiie 2d U. S. Cavalry to August, 1864, and present at the operations at Mine Kun, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Todd's Tavern, raid around Kichmond, actions of Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, battles of Me- chanicsville, Cold Harbor, raid to Trevil- lian Station, battle of Trevillian Station, feint at Deep Bottom, Petersburg Mine explosion, actions of Berryville, Smilh- field, and Kearneysville ; surgeon-in-chief 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Shen- andoah, to March, 1805, and present at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, actions of Port Republic, Woodstock, bat- tle of Cedar Creek, and raid from Win- chester to Petersburg, Va. ; executive officer Jarvis General Hospital, Baltimore, Md., to August, 1865; post surgeon Fort MeHenry, Baltimore, Md., to September, 1805; at Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, Md., to December, 1865; post surgeon Hancock Barracks, Md., to May, 1866; en route with battalion 8th Infantry to Charleston, S. C, May, 1806; captain and asst. surgeon U.S.A. July 28, 1866; charge of general hospital, Hilton Head, S. C, to l3ecember, 1866; post surgeon Hilton Head, S. C, to January, 1868; post surgeon Raleigh, N. C, to August, 1868; post surgeon McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., from September, 1868, to September, '69; post surgeon Charleston, S. C, from Sept. '69, to May, '70; post surg. Fort Sullivan, Me., from May, '70, to June, '72 ; post surgeon Fort Rice from June, '72, to Oct. '76 ; surg.-in-chief ex- ploring expedition to Black Hills, Dakota, Lt.-Col. Custer, 7th Cav., com'd'g, July and August, 1874; surgeon-in-chief of expedition against Sioux Indians, Brig.- Gen. Terry com'd'g, Depart, of Dakota, from May 1 to Oct. 31, 1876; post surg. (temporary' duty) Washington Arsenal from Nov. 1870, to June, 1878; post sur- geon Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from June, 1878, to Mav, 1882 ; post surg. Fort Walla Walla, W'. T., from Sept. 1882; major and surgeon U.S.A. November 8, 1877 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services in action at Berryville, Va. ; brevet major U.S.A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Waters, William E. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia; asst. surgeon District of Co- lumbia Militia 13 May, 1801, to Aug. 3, 1861 ; surgeon of volunteers Aug. 3, 1861, accepted August 27, 1861 ; assistant sur- geon U.S. Army April 16, 1862; hos- pital duty to April, 1863, and inspector of hospitals, Washington, D. C!., to Septem- ber, 1804; in the office of chief medical officer Military Division of West Mi.ssis- sippi. New Orleans, La., to Jul}", 1805; at Marine Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., to April, 1806 ; en route to and post surgeon Fort Bridger, Utah, from April, 1866, to May, 1870 ; post surgeon at Fort Adams, R. I., from July, 1870, to Sept. 1872; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from Oct. 1872, to Oct. 1873; at Fort Riley, Kansas, from Oct. 1873, to Sept. 1876; 'on duty at Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from Feb. '77, to Dacities of commander, operat- ing and consulting surgeon, A.A.Q.M., A. A. C.S., and ordnance ofBcer ; the trans- actions of said vessels being as follows: "Empress," number of trips, six (6); number of sick and wounded transported, three thousand three hundred and eighty- three ; number of deaths, lifty-eight (58) ; number of miles traveled, seven thousand live hundred ahd forty-six (7546). " City of Alton," number of trips, three; num- ber of sick and wounded, about fifteen hundred (the records of this boat are not available, she was relinquished because of damage to her hurricane roof). " City of Louisiana," renamed the " R. C. Wood," having been reconstructed for hospital purposes (rebuilt from the hull up), num- ber of trips, thirty-three (33) ; number of sick and wounded transported, eleven thousand and twenty-four (11,024) ; num- ber of deaths, two hundred and nineteen (219) ; number of miles traveled, thirty- four thousand eight hundred and five (34,805). The " R.'C. Wood" was snagged four times, was fired into twice by the enemy with artillery and musketry, and finally blew out her boilers in Cypress Bend, Mississippi River, on the night of the 13th of April, 1865. "Baltic," prin- cipally employed in the removal north of the sick of the Andersonville and other exchanged prisoners, and clearing hos- pitals at the cliise of the war. During the above period Surgeon Azjiell was also constituted " superintendent of hospital transportation on the Mississippi River and all its tributaries, with authority to issue such orders and give such instruc- tions to surgeons in charge of hospital boats as, in his judgment, the interests of the service require;" July 5, 1865, again placed in charge of the marine general * Viz. 1861-2, on board to examine surgeons re- ported fur inconiiieteiicy ; 18G'2. surgeon in cliarKe of the marine general liospital, St. Louis, M". ; also de- tailed liy the surgeon-general as president of the medical board of the West tor the examination of candidates for the graiies of surgeon and asst. surgeon U.S. Vids., and by the asst. surg.-general on board to examine the conoin ted from New York ; pvt. CO. B, 176 N. Y. vol. Oct. 7, '62 ; dischgd. Sept. 22, '63 ; asst. surg. vol. Dec. 24, '64, ace. May 12, '65 ; 1 \t. asst. surg. May 14, '67, ace. May 28, '67 ; vac. com. of asst. surg. vol. May 28, '67 ; capt. vol. bvt. and maj. vol. bvt. June 3, '67, for faith, and mer. ser.; capt. asst. surg. May 12, '68. Lippincott, Henry. Born in N. S. Appointed from California; asst. surg. 6 Cal. vol. July 15, '65; must, out Oct. 31, '65; 1 It. asst. surg. Feb. 28, '66, ace. May 30, '66 ; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 11, '68. McElderry, Henry. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from Md. ; private Co. A 10 Md. 19 June, '63 ; hospital steward July, '63 ; med. cadet 30 March, '64, to 30 March, '65 ; asst. surg. 28 Feb. '66 ; captain and asst. surgeon 28 Feb. '69. Patski, Julius H. Born in Prussia. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. 15 N. Y. 13 July, '63 ; asst. surgeon 15 N. Y. Horse Artil- lery 15 June, '64; hon. mustered out 22 Aug. '65; asst. surgeon 15 Nov. '67; capt. and asst. surgeon 30 March, '69. Pope, Benjamin F. Born in New York. Apptd. from New York ; asst. surgeon 10 N. Y. Heavy Artillery July 18, 1864, to July 19, 1865; with regiment, 18th Corps, Army of the James, in front of Petensburg and Richmond, Va. ; pres- ent in General Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley cami)aign, and at the occupation of Petersburg, Va. ; assistant surgeon U.S. Army May 14, 1867; captain and asst. surgeon May 13, 1869; at Fort Adams, R. I., from April, 1867, to Sep- tember, 1868, when ordered to Depart- ment of California ; at Fort Halleck, Nevada, Nov. 1868, to Nov. 1869 ; De- partment of Arizona to Feb. 1871 ; Dept. of South at Elizabethtown, Ky., and Humboldt, Tenn., to May, 1874; De- partment of Texas at Fort Stockton to May, 1878; ordered to New York for ex- amination for promotion May, 1878 ; Dept. of the East at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., to Sept. 1880; Dept. of Dakota at Fort Sully, D. T., to April, 1882 ; on duty in the ofBcc of the Surgeon - General U.S.A., in charge of the division of rec- ords and pensions to date (Oct. 1883). Bartholf, John H. Born in New Jer- sey. Appointed from New York ; asst. surgeon 18 New York Infantry Novem- ber" 5, 1862 ; present at the battles of Fredericksburg and Salem Church ; at Frederick, Md. ; asst. surgeon volunteers January 12, 1865; mustered out October 9, 1865; asst. surgeon U.S. Army May 14, 1867 ; at Richmond, Va., from May, 1867 ; captain and asst. surgeon May 23, 1869 ; bvt. captain volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Corson, J. K. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; sergt. Co. K, 4 Pa. Inf., 20 April, '61, to 26 July ; asst. surgeon 35 Pa. Inf. 26 March, '63; hon. mustered out 11 June, '64; bvt. major 13 March, '65 ; asst. surgeon 7 Oct. '67 ; capt. and asst. surgeon 23 Julj^, '69. Dickson, John M. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsvlvania ; asst. surg. 93 Pa. Inft. 26th March, 1863; surg. 213 Pa. Inft. 18th March, 1865; asst. surg. 16th Nov., 1868; capt. asst. surg. 31st July, 1869; graduate of med. dept. University of Pennsylvania, and of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy ; act- ing med. cadet U. S. A., at Satterlee U. S. A. Gen. Hospital, West Philadelphia, June 3d, 1862. King, William I. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; as- sistant surgeon 29th July, 1837 ; captain, asst. surgeon, 11th Feb., 1847; major and surgeon 29th Aug , 1856 ; brevet lieut.- colonel, brevet colonel, 13th March, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; lieut.-col., surgeon 29th June, 1876; colonel and surgeon 17th March, 1880; retired 30th June, 1882, by opera- tion of law. Kimball, James P. Born in Berkshire, New York, August 21st, 1840; graduated in medicine at Albanv Medical College, December, 1864; received degree of A.M. from Hamilton College, 1882 ; appointed assistant surgeon 121st N. Y. Inf Decem- ber 24, 1864; mustered into service Janu- ary 16, 1865, and served with the Sixth Corps in the Armj' of the Potomac until the close of the war ; transferred to 65th N. Y. Inft June 25, 1865, and honorably mustered out July 17, 1865; appointed assistant surgeon U. S. Army with rank of 1st lieutenant. May 14, 1867 ; promoted to ca{)tain November 22, 1869; stationed at Fort Delaware, Del., to June 10, 1867 ; ordered to Department of Dakota, June 4, 1867; post surgeon at Fort Buford, Da- kota, from August 3, 1867, to August 12, 1870; and at Fort Stevenson, Dakota, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 57 August 15, 1870, to November 4, 1871 ; on leave of absence November 4, 1871, to February 8, 1872 ; ordered to Department oftheGiilf February 19, 1872 ; postsurgeon Little Koek, Arkansas, March 12, 1872, to March 27, 1873 ; ordered to Department of Dakota March 12, 187:^; in the field (chief medical officer) from April 5, 187-j, to September 26, 1873, with Yellowstone expedition, under command of Gen. Stan- ley ; on leave of absence October 2, 1878, to November 27, 1873; post surgeon at Fort Kandall, Dakota, from December 6, 1873, to March 17, 187r) ; ordered to pro- ceed to Fort A. Lincoln, Dakota, for duty with troops in the field, ^larch 2, 187f) ; ordered to Department of the East, April 16, 1876; post surgeon. Fort Brady, Mich., May 18, 1876, to September "l, 1877, except from July 14, 1876, to Aug- ust 19, 1876, absent on detached service with troops in Yellowstone country ; on duty with troops at Wilkesbarre, Penn., during riots, September 19, 1877. to Oc- tober 28,1877; post surgeon, Carlisle Bar- racks, Pa., October 28,^1877, to December 11, 1877; on duty at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., December 15, 1877, to July 6, 1878 ; attending surgeon, headquarters military division of the Atlantic, and Dept. of the East, July 6, 1878, to Sep- tember 10, 1879 ; ordered to Department of the Platte August 25, 1879 ; in the field with Ute expedition. White River country, Colorado, from October 1, 1879, to December 9, 1879 ; post surgeon, Fort Sanders, Wyoming, December 11, 1879, to May 16, 1881 ; now post surgeon, Fort Sidney, Nebraska. Munn, Curtis E. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Massachusetts; hospital stwd. 1 Mass. cav. D.'C. 21, '61 ; disc/iqd. July 10, '63 ; asst. surg. 27 Mass. vol. July II, '63 ; must, out Dec. 30, '64 ; surg. 2 Mass. vol. Jan. 19, '65; 7nust. out Ju]y 14, '65, paid to July 26, '65; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Dec. 5, '68 ; capt. asst. surg. Dec. 2, '69. Ewen, Clarence. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; asst. surg. 53 N. Y. Inf. 8th Sept., 1862; asst. surg. 182 N. Y. Inf. 13th December, 1S62 ; asst.. surg. 29 U.S. Inf. 2d Nov., 1864; asst. surg. 16th Nov., 1868; capt. asst. surg. 23d December, 1869. De Witt, Calvin. Born in Pennsylva- nia. A))pointed from Pa. ; capt. 49 Pa. vol. Oct. 24, '61 ; renfrd. Jan. 18, '63 ; 1 It. asst. surg. May 14, '67, ace. May 24, '67 ; capt. a*st. surg. May 14, '70. Cronkhite, Henry M. Born in New York. Appointed from Coloradn; pri- vate co. C, 26 N. Y. vol., July 29, '61; diitchffd. May 28, '63 ; 1 It. asst. surg. May 14, '67, ace. June I, '67 ; capt. asst. surg. May 14, '70. O'Reilly, Robert M. Born in Penna. Appointed from Penna. ; »ctg. medical cadet U. S. Army, June, 1862, to Janu- ary, 1864; medical cadet U. S. Army to October, 1865; on duty in general hos- pitals in Philadelphia and Chattanooga, and in the office of the medical director Army of the Cumberland in the Atlanta campaign ; assistant surgeon U. S. Army May 14, 1867; at Fort Trumbull, Ct.; en route, via Nicaragua, to vSan Francisco, Cal., with recruits; post surgeon Camp Date Creek, A. T., Camp McDowell, A. T., Camp Reno, A. T., Fort Whipple, A. T., and Camp Halleck, Nevada; en route toFortUnion, N. M., with 8th Cav- alry, June, 1870; in the field with 8th Cavalry in Colorado, through the sum- mer; post surgeon, Sidney, Neb., Fort Laramie, Wyoming Ty., and Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming Ty., to June, 1875; Fort McHenry, Md., and Fort Ontario, N. Y., to June, 1878; Charleston, S. C, and McPherson Bks., Georgia, to July, 1880 ; on sick-leave to May, 1882, and since on duty in office of att'Miding surgeon, Washington, D. C. Heizmann, Charles L. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. May 14, '67 ; ace. June 5, '67 ; capt. asst. surg. May 14, '70. White, Robert H. Born in Virginia. Apptd. from Penna. ; graduate of Jeffer- son College, Penna., and of the Univer- sity of New York City ; asst. surgn. U. S. Army May, 1867'; at Jacksonville and St." Augustine, Fla., to December, 1867; post surgeon Mobile, Ala., from December, 1867, to April, 1873; captn. asst. surgn. May 14, 1870; post surgeon Fort Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., May, 1873, to November, 1875; on detached service at New Orleans, La., from Sept. 1871, to Feb. 1875; on the stafl'of Gen. Brooke, comd'g. troops in New Orleans, from Nov. 1875, to Dec. 29, 1870; service on staff of Gen. Ord, as attending surgeon, Headqrs. Dept. of Texas, San Antonio, and as post surgeon at Fort Riuirgoid ; from Jan. 1880,^ to Nov. 1883, on^luty in New York City, and at the U. S. ]\Iilitary Academy, West Point, N. Y., on staff of Generals Schofield, Howard, and Merritt Girard, Alfred C. Born in Switz'd. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. suric. May 14, '67; ace. May 30, '67 ; capt. asst. surg. May 14, '70. Girard, Joseph B. Born in France. Apptd. from Michigan ; acting assistant surgn. U. S. Army, at Fort Morgan, C. T., May to June, 1867; asst. surgn. 68 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. U. S. A. from May, 1867, to ; captain, assistant surgeon May 14, 1870; served in Department of Platte from May, 1867, to June, 1871, inclusive, as follows: At Fort Morgan, Colorado, May, 1867, to May, 1868 ; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, May, 1868, to April, 1869; at Fort Laramie, W. T., April to July, 1869; atFort D. A. Russell, W. T., Julv to October, 1869 ; at Fort Fetter man, W/T., October, 1869, to January, 1870; at Sidney Barracks, Nebraska, February to April, 1870; at Fort Fred Steele, W. T., April, 1870, to June, 1871; on leave of absence to Januar\', 1872; at Newport Barracks, Ky., February and March, 1872 ; in Department of Arizona from April, 1872, to May, 1876, inclusive, as follows: At Fort McDowell, A. T., and in the field with Gen. Crook against Apache Indians, from May, 1872, to May, 1873; at Fort Apache, A.'T., June, 1873, May, 1874; at Fort Lowell, A. T., May, 1874, to May, 1876 ; in Department of the East from August, 1876, to Apj-il, 1879; at P^ort Wayne, Michigan, during the entire period; in Department of Texas from April, 1879, to Februarj', 1881 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, during the entire period ; in Department of Arizona from February, 1881, to the present; at Fort Grant, A. T., March, 1881, to July, 1882; at Fort Lowell, A. T., from July, 1882. to present date. Lauderdale, John V. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It., asst. surg. May 14, '67; ace. May 25, '67; capt., asst. surg. Ahiy 14, '70. Loring, Leonard Y. Born in Missouri. Apptd. from Missouri ; asst. surgn. U. S. Army May, 1867; in the field against hostile Indians and in Kansas from May, 1867, to June, 1872; captn., asst. surgn. May 14, 1870 ; served at Bedloe's Island, N. Y. Harbor, and at Plattsburgh Barracks, N. Y., to July, 1874; at Camp Apache, A. T., and Fort Yuma, Cal., to Oct. 1877 ; on leave and at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to December, 1878 ; at Fort Hays, Kan., Camp Supply, I. T., and Fort Dodge, Kan., to October, 1882 ; on leave and at Fort Adams, R. I., until April, 1883, and at present post surgeon at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Harbor. Wilson, William J. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Missouri ; acting asst. surgn. U. S. A. from Sept. 1864, till March, 1865; while attached to 6th Ohio Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, present at the fights at Davis Fai-m, front of Petersburg, Va., Oct. 1, 1864; Boydton Plank Road, Oct. 27, '64; Stony Creek Station, Dec. 1, 1864; with 1st Maine Cavalry at raid on Weldon R. R., and fight atHicksford, Dec. 5 to 11, 1864; fight at Hatcher's Run, Feb. 1865; contract renewed April 7, 1865; on duty in City of Petersburg, Va., till May 20, 1865; com- missioned asst. surgeon 13th Ohio Cavalry May 6, 1865, and served with that regi- ment at Powhattan C. H., Va., till mustered out August 10, '65 ; in private practice in Missouri, '65 till '67, when, on Oct. 9, 1867, appointed asst. surgeon U. S. Army; assigned to duty as attending surgeon on Gen. Ord's Staff; Holly Springs, Mississippi, till Janj'. 10, '68, then post surgeon Holly Springs, Miss., till Sept. 1868; post surgeon, Jackson, Miss., till March 8, 1869; went with 24th Infantry to Texas March, 1869; at Galveston, Tex., till May, 1869 ; post surgeon Fort Brown, Tex., till Aug. 1871 ; leave of absence Sept. 1 till Dec. i, 1871; ordered to New Mexico; post surgeon Fort Selden, N. M., Feb. till May, 1872 ; post surgeon Fort Bayard, N. ■'M., May, 1872, till Oct. 1875; on leave of absence and entered the Egyptian service; went as chief medical officer of Egyptian expedition against Abyssinia from Dec. '75, till March 7, 1876 ; severely wounded in that battle, and decorated by His Highness the Khedive with order of the Medjidith ; returned to United States January, 1877, and ordered to New Mexico; post surgeon Fort Craig, N. M., Feb. '77, till June, 1878 ; post surgeon Fort Niagara, N. Y., from Aug. '78, till Oct. 1880; post surgeon Fort Meade, Dakota, Oct. 1880, till '83; captain and asst. surgeon July 5, 1870. W^eisel, Daniel. Born in Maryland. Apptd. from jMaryland ; asst. surg. 9th Oct., 1867 ; capt., asst. surg., 9th Oct.', 1870. Woodruff, Eza. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Ky. ; asst. surg. 15 Ky. Vol. March 7, '63; must, out Nov. 18, '63; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Nov. 25, '68 ; capt., asst. surg. March 7, '71. Elbrey, Frederick W. Born in Va. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Nov. 26, '68 ; capt., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71. Matthews, Washington. Born in Ire- •land. Apptd. from Iowa ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Dec. 19, '68; capt., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71. Steinmetz, W^illiam R. Born in Ger- many. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. gen. ser. May 3, '60; hosp. stwd. Jan. 23, '61; dischgd. March 16, '65; 1 It., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Nov. 24, '68 ; capt., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71. Hall, John D. Born in N. H. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '68, ace. Dec. 14, '68; capt., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 59 Harvey, Philip F. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Iowa; 1 It., nsst. surg. Nov. IG, '68, ace. Nov. 2(J, '68 ; oapt., asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71. Cowdrey, Stevens G. Born in N. H. Apptd. from N. Y. ; asst. surg. 16th Nov., 1868; capt.. a.sst. surg. 16th Nov., 1871. Byrne, Charles B. Born in Md. Ap- ptd. from Md. ; 1 It a.sst. surg. Nov. 16, '68; ace. Dec. 21, '68; ea])t. asst. surg. Nov. 16, '71 Winne, Charles Knickerbocker. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; asst. surgeon and surgeon 74th N.Y.M. April iS, 1861 ; asst. surgeon U.S. Army August 5, 1861 ; on duty in Western Va., tirst with Gen. McClelhin's column, suhsequently on hospital duty at Bern by, Clarksburg, and Parkersburg, until October, 1862 ; chief medical officer at Evansville, Ind., in charge of five hos- pitals, to February, 1863; in charge con- struction gen. hospital, Madison, Ind. ; acting medical purveyor, Pittsburg, Pa., until July, 1863 ; on duty with Army of the Potomac as surgeon-in-chief. Artil- lery Brigade, 5th Corps, surg. -in-chief, 2d Div. 5th Corps, medical inspector, 5th Corps, to July, 1865 ; post surgeon, Madi- son Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., July, 18()6; capt. July 28, 1866; charge of quarantine hospital, Tybee Island, G-a., to Sept. '66; post surgeon, Mobile, Ala., to March, 1867; post surgeon, Oglethorpe Bks., Savannah, to June, 1868; brevet captain and major for faithful and meri- torious services during the war; brevet lieut.-col. for meritorious and distin- guished services at Tybee Island, Ga., when cholera prevailed ; on leave of ab- sence in EiuMpe until Jan. 18G9 ; post sur- geon. Fort Niagara, N. Y., until Nov. '69; post surgeon, Fort llipley, Minn., until Sept. '71 ; post surgeon. Fort Shaw, Mon., until April, '73; resigned Oct. 15, 1873; reappointed asst. surg. and 1st lieut. Nov. 10, 1874; post surg.. Sidney Bar- racks, Neb., until Nov. 1877; post surg.. Fort McPherson, Neb., until Feb. 1878; on sick-leave; capt. 1879; post snrg.. Fort Washahic, Wy., until June, 1880; post surg.. Fort Brady, Mich., to Oct. '80; post surg., Fort Schuyler, until March, 1883; on leave of absence; post surgeon. Fort Winticld Scott, Cal., from June, '83. Ainsworth, Frederick C. Born in Vt. Apptd. from Vt. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 13, '74; capt. asst. sur. Nov. 10, '79. Havard, Valery. Born in France. Ap- ptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 20, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Hoff, John Van R. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 15, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Paulding, Holmes O. Born in D. C. Aj)ptd. from D. C. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74 ; ace. Nov. 13, '74 ; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Adair, George W. Born in Mich. Ap- ptd. from Mich. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 14, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Brown, Paul R. Born in N. Y. Ap- ptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 13, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Moseley, Edward B. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 20, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Semig, Bernard G. Born in Hung'y. Apptd. from Cal. ; hosp. stwd. May 20, '63; dischgd. June 27, '64; med. cadet July 2, '64, to April 5, "65 ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; aec. Nov. 24, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Skinner, John O. Born in Md. Apptd. from Md. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 24, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Finley, James A. Born in Ky. Ap- ptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 14, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. De Loffre, Augustus A. Born in France. Apptd. from La. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; ace. Nov. 13, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Wilcox, Timothy E. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; asst. surg. 6 N. Y. H. Art. Jan. 4, '65; dischgd. May 11, '65 ; asst. surg. vol. April 25, '65 ; ace. May 12, '65; must, out June 4, '6(5, paid to June 9, '66 ; 1 It. asst. surg. May 14, '67; aec. May 25, '67; resgd. July 1, '68; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10. '74; ace. Nov. 15, '74 ; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Maus, Louis M. Born in Md. Apptd. from Md. ; 1 It. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '74; aec. Nov. 16, '74; capt. asst. surg. Nov. 10, '79. Taylor, Blair D. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia ; 1 It. , assistant surg. June 26, '75, aec. July 1, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Price, Curtis E. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Illinois ; assistant surgeon 12Tenn. Cav. May 11, '64 ; surg. 12 tenn. Cav. March 10, '65; It.-eol. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, " for val. andmer. ser. dur. the war, and more especially forgal.cond. in the battle of Nashville, Tenn." ; must, out Oct. 7, 1865, paid to Oct. 24, '65; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 29, '75 ; capt. June 30, '80. KECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Worthington, James C. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Maryland ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 1, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Turrill, Henry S. Born in Connecti- cut. Appointed from N". Y. ; asst. .surg. 17 Conn. Vol. Feb. 13, '64; must, out July 19, '65, paid to Aug. 2, '65; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 24, '75; capt. Jmie 30, '80. Comegys, Edward T. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 1, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Reed, Walter. Born in Va. Appointed from V:i. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. .July 3, '75 ; capt. June 30, '80. Kilbourne, Henry S. Born in New York. Appointed from Wisconsin ; lit., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 3, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Merrill, James C. Born in Massachu- setts. Apjiointed from Mass. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 2, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Hall, William R. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 1, '75 ; capt. June 30, '80. Barnett, Richards. Born in Missis- sippi. Appointed from Miss. ; 1 It., asst. surg. .June 26, '75, ace. July 9, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Torney, George H. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Md. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 1, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Crampton, Louis W. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Pa. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 4, '75; capt. June 30, '80. Porter, Joseph Y. Born in Fla. Apptd. from Fla. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 12, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, '80. Wood, Marshall W. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. E, 186 N. Y. Vol., Sept. 5, '64; dischgd. June 15, '65; hosp. stwd. July 15, '70; dischgd. Feb. 12, '75; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 2, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, '80. Taylor, Marcus E. Born in Miss. Apptd. from Mi.ss. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 4, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, 80. Gardner, John De B. W. Born in Md. Apptd. from Md. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 27, '75; capt., asst! surg. June 26, '80. Shannon, William C. Born in N. H. Apptd. fron. Me. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 2, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, '80. Tesson, Louis S. Born in Mo. Apptd. from Mo. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 3, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, '80. ' Spencer, William G. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It., asst. surg. June 26, '75, ace. July 3, '75; capt., asst. surg. June 26, '80. Gardner, Edwin F. Born in Me. Apptd. from Me. ; pvt. Co. A, 1 bat. Me. Vol., March 22, '65 ; dischgd. Aprils, '66 ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, ace. Aug. 19, '76. Corbusier, William Henry. Born in New York City April 10, 184-1. Acting .assistant surgeon from May 30, 1864, to June 14, 1865; with the 6th Illinois Cay- alry to .Jan. 24, 1865, and present at the following engagements : Abbeyyille and Oxford, Miss., Aug. 12; Hurricane Creek, Miss., Aug. 14; Shoal Creek, Ala., Nov. 9 ; Lawreneeberg, Tenn., Nov. 22 ; Camp- bellville and Lvnnville, Tenn., Nov. 24; Nashville, Tenii., Dec. 15 and 16, and Hollow-Tree Gap, Tenn., Dee. 17, 1864; with the 9th Illinois Cavalry from Jan. 24 to March 16, 1865; at Smallpox Hos- pital, Eastport, Miss., from March 16 to June 11, 1865; act. asst. surg. from Aug. 19, 1867, to Dec. 16, 1868 ; post surgeon Amite Cit_y, Louisiana; act. asst. surg. from July 17, 1869, to May 30, 1875 ; post surgeon Cam-) jMcDermit, Nev., until Nov. 16, 1872; Camp Date Creek, Ariz., from Jan. 5 to Aug. 30, 1873 ; Rio-Verde Indian Agency from Sept. 12, 1873, to Feb. 27, 1875 ; in the field from Feb. 18 to May 28, 1874, against Apache Indians ; accompanied the Apache tribes when moved iVom the Rio-Verde Agency to the San Carlos Agency in March, 1875; act. asst. surg. from May 1 to Aug. 5, 1876; 1st lieutenant and assistant surgeon Aug. 5, 1876 ; captain Aug. 5, 1881 ; post sur- geon Fort Macon, N. C., from May 9, 1876, to April 29, 1877 ; on duty at Charles- ton, S. C, from May 1 to June 7, 1877; post surgeon Chattanooga, Tenn., from June 9 to July 24, 1877 ;'Q.M. Depot Jef- fersonville, Ind., from July 25 to Nov. 3, 1877; Camp Sheridan, Neb., from Nov. 23, 1877. to April 27, 1880; Fort Wash- akie, Wyo. Ter., from June 2, 1880, to Nov. 9, 1881 ; Fort Mackinac, Mich., from April 27, 1882. present station. Buell, James W. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, ace. Aug. 21, '76; capt. Aug! 5. '81. Shufeldt, Robert W. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from D. C. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, ace. Aug. 18, '76 ; captain Aug. 5, 1881. Appel, Daniel M. Born in Fa. A])ptd. from Pa. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, ace. Aug. 20, '76; capt. Aug. 5, '81. MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. 61 Cuningham, Thomas A. Born in Va. Apptd. from Va. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aue;. 5, '76, ace. Aug. 25, 70 ; capt. Aug. 5, '81. Perley, Harry O. Born in Me. Apptd. from Mich. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, ace. >"ept. 1, '76; eapt. Aug. 5, '81. Burton, Henry G. Born in Vt. Apptd. from Vt. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Aug. 5, '76, aec. Aug. 21, '76; oapt. Aug. 5, '81. Robinson, Samuel Q. Born in Mass. Ap])td. from Mass. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Jan. 9, '77, ace. Jan. 20, '77 ; capt. Aug. 5, '81. Davis, William B. Born in Va. Apptd. from Va. ; 1 It., asst. surg. Jan. 9, '77, ace. Jan. 19, '77 ; capt. Aug. 5, '81. With the rank of First Lieutenant. Biart, Victor. Born in Belgium. Ap- pointed from Kansas ; asst. surg. 1st lieut 6th June, 1878; captain, 6th June, 1883 ; acting assistant surgeon, December 18, 1876, to March 1, 1877; May 1, 1877, to Sept. 12, 1877; October 11, 1877, to January 5, 1878; February 8, 1878, to June 21, 1878. Gray, William W. Born in Tenn. Apptd. from Tenn. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 6, '78, aec. June 20, '78. Brechemin, Louis. Born in Phila- delphia, May 25, 1852; acting assistant surgeon U. S. Army February 1, 1878; at Saint Louis Barracks, Mo., February 5, 1878, to May 6, 1878 ; ordered to De- partment of Dakota ; at Fort Sully, D. T., May 28 to June 9 ; in field with battalion 1st and 11th Infantry under orders to establish summer camp near Bear Butte, D. T., June 9 to July 1 ; commissioned as 1st lieutenant and assistant surgeon U. S. Armv, June 6, 1878, accepted July 9; at Camp J. G. Sturgis, D. T., and scouting to Sept. 1, 1878; post surgeon Camp Ruhlen, Bear Butte Creek, D. T., afterwards Fort Meade, D. T., to Oct. 1879 ; at Fort Meade, D. T., to May, 1881 ; post surgeon. Fort Yates, D. T., June, 1881, to' October, 1882; on leave of absence from Nov. 1882, to March, 1883 ; post surgeon. Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, Alichigan, from March, 1883. La Garde, Louis A. Born in La. Ap- pointed from Kv. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 6, '78, ace. June"l9, '78. Powell, James L. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Md.; 1 It. asst. surg. June 6, '78, aec. Feb. 22, '79. Kane, John J. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, ace. July 9, '79. Banister, John M. Born in Ala. Ap- pointed from Ala. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, ace. July 9, '79. Brewster, William B. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, ace. July 8, '79. Appel, Aaron H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed I'rom Pa. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, ace. July 8, '79. Richard, Charles. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, ace. July 8, '79. Carter, W. Fitzhugh. Born in Va. Apptd. from Va. ; 1 It. asst. surg. June 3, '79, aec. July 8, '79. McCreery, Geo. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; asst. surgeon Feb. 17, '80. Newton, Richard C. Born in Mass. Apptd. from N. J. ; asst. surgeon Feb. 17, '80. Cochran, J. J. Born in Mass. Apptd. from N. Y. ; asst. surgeon 16 June, '80. Ebert, Rudolph G. Born in Conn. Apptd. from Conn. ; asst. surgeon 16 June, '80. Gibson, Robert J. Born in Conn. Appt. from Conn.; asst. surg. 16 June, '80. Benham, Robert B. Born in Ohio. Appt. from Ohio ; asst. surg. 16 June, '80 ; post surgeon at Fort Assiniboine '81-83. Gorgas, William C. Born in Ala. Appt. from Ala.; asst. surg. 16 June, '80. Strong, Norton. Born in Mich. Appt. from Michigan ; asst. surg. 16 June, '80. Taylor, Arthur W. Born in N. Y. Appt. from N. Y.; asst. surgeon 16 June, '80. Arthur, W. H. Born in Pa. Appt. from Md.; asst. surgeon 18 Feb., '81. Bushnell, George E. Born in Mass. Appt. from Wis.; asst. surg. 18 Feb., '81. Birmingham, Henry P. Born in N. Y. Appt. from Minn.; asst. surgeon 18 Feb., '81. Wyeth, Marlborough C. Born in R. I. Appt. from N. J.; asst. surgeon 18 Feb., '81. Carter, Edward C. Born in Va. Appt. from Va ; asst. surgeon Oct. 22, '81. Raymond, Henry I. Born in Ind. Appt. from Ind.; asst. surg. 22 Oct., '81. Maddox, Thos. I. C. Born in Md. Appt. from Md.; asst. surgeon 22 Oct., '81. Johnson, Richard W. Born in Texas. Appt. from Minn.; asst. surg. 22 Oct., '81. Hopkins, W. E. Born in Va. Appt. from Cul.; asst. surgeon 23 May, '82. Barrous, Charles C. Born in Miss. Appt. iVom Miss.; asst. surg. 14 June, '82. Munday, Benjamin. Born in Va. Appt. from Va.; asst. surg. 20 June, '82. Wilson, Geo. F. Born in Oregon. Appt. from Ore. ; asst. surg. 24 June, '82. Owen, William O., Jr. Born in Tenn. Appt. from Virginia ; asst. surg. 14 June, 1882. 62 RFX'ORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Egan, Peter R. Born in Ireland. Appt. from N. Y ; asst. surg. 17 June, '82. Wakeman, William J. Born in Con- necticut. A]jpt. from Connecticut ; a.sst. suri^eon May 123, '82. Everts, Edward. Born in Texas. Appt. from Cal.; asst. sura;. 20 June, '82. Macauley, C. N. Berkeley. Born in Minn. Appt. from Mass.; asst. surgeon lOth Aug., 1882; Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., Aug"y 2G, '82-May 5, 1883; post sur- geon Fort Bennett, D. T., June 22, 1883. MEDICAL STOREKEEPERS. Captains. Johnson, Henry. Born in So. America. Appt. from Pa.; med s. k. vol. Aug. 13, '62, ace. Aug. 25, '62 ; capt. med. "s. k. July 1'8, '66, ace. May 16, '67. Beall, George T. Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from N. M. ; capt. med. s. k. July 28, '66, ace. Nov. 1, '66. Cherbonnier, Andrew V. Born in La. Appt. from Md.; capt. med. s. k. July 28, '66, ace. Nov. 19, '66. O'Donnoghue, Florence. Born in D. C. Appt. from D. C. ; capt. med. s. k. Aug. 3, '67, ace. Aug. 14, '67. PAYMASTER-GENERAL. Brigadier -General. Rochester, William B. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y.; additional paymaster June 1, 1861 ; vacated April 1, 1867 ; major and paymaster Jan. 17, 1867 ; brig. -gen., paymaster-general Feb. 17, 1882;^bvt. It.-col. Mar. ^3, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. ASSISTANT PAYMASTER. GENERALS. Colonels. McClure, Daniel. Bom in Indiana. Apptd. from Military Academy ; cadet July 1, '45; bvt. 2 It. m. rif. July 1, '4!l ; resgd. Nov. .SO, '50; maj. pm. Oct. 23, '58, ace. Oct. 29, '58 ; it.-col. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war " ; col. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for faith. and mer. ser. in the pay dept." ; col. asst. pm.-gen. July 28, '66, ace. Dec. 6, '66. Febiger, George L. Born in Penn. Appointed from Del.; major and pay- master. May 3, 1861 ; brevet lieut. -col- onel, March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service during the war ; lieut. - col. dist. jnvymaster-general Dec. 31, 1879; col. asst. paymaster-general Jan. 24, 1881. DEPUTY PAYMASTER- GENERALS. Lieutenant-Colonels . Smith, Rodney. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed frotn Ky.; major and paymaster Feb. 23, 1864 ; It.-col. deputy paymaster- general Jan. 24, 1881. Rucker, William A. Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich.; captain, commis- sary of subsistence Aug. 30, 1862 ; resigned Dec. 4, 1862 ; additional paymaster Nov. 26, 1862; vacated May 19, 1866; major and paymaster April 16, 1866 ; It.-col. deputy paymaster-general Oct. 1, 1882; served at Washington, D. C, and Santa Fe, N. M.; brevet It.-col. vol. Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; served at Hilton Head, South Carolina, during the war, from Jan. 4, 1863, to Oct. 1863, besides the service above recorded, and since the war at St. Louis, Mo., Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, Cal., Fort Leavenworth, Ks., and Ft. Snelling, Minn. PAYMASTERS. Majors. Johnston, William H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Oliio; major and addi- tional paymaster vol. Sept. 5, 1861 ; mus- tered out July 20, 1866 ; major and pay- master July 28, 1866; served under Gen- erals Rosecrans and Fremont in West Va. to July, 1862 ; Army of the Potomac, 15th Corps, Western army ; States of Ken- tucky, Tennessee, and Georgia ; 23d Army Corps while advancing on Atlanta, Ga., and Army of the Tennessee, 1864; at Cin. and Columbus, Ohio, 1865 to 1866; on duty at Washington, D. C, Riclimond, Va., Forts Randall and Dakota, D. T., and Fort Vancouver, W. T., to Aug. 1869; was on duty in Washington Ter., Idaho, and Oregon 1867, '68, '69; Dept. of Dakota October, 1869, until June, '72; Dept. of the Gulf July 3, '72, until .June, '74; New Mexico to '75, when ordered back to New Orleans ; Dept. of the Mo. '75 to '80 ; Arizona to Dec. '82 ; brevet It.- col. Mar. 2, 1867, for faithful and merito- rious services in the pay department during the war ; brevet It.-col. vol. Mar. 12, 1866, for faithful services in the paj'^ depart- ment. Gibson, William R. Born in South PAY DEPARTMENT. (i3 Carolina. Appointed from ()roc;on ; major and additional paymaster June 1, 18(11 ; vacated April 1, 18(57; military store- keeper quartermaster's department Mar. 14, 1857; vacated commission of military storekeeper Aua;. 31, 1861, on accepting appointment of additional paymaster ; major and paymaster Jan. 17, 18(J7 ; bre- vet It.-col. vol. INIar. 13, ISCS, for faithful and valuable services in tlie pay depart- ment. Sprague, Charles J. Born in Maine. Appointed from Cal ; 1 It. Inf. Mar. 24, '47, ace. Mar. 25, '47 ; 1 It. 9 Inf. Apr. 9, '47; regtl. adjt. June — , '47, to Oct. 9, '47 ; capt. Oct 9, '47 ; disbanded Aug. 26, '48; add. P.M. Aug. 17, '61, ace. Sept. 12, '61; It -col. vol. bvt. Mar. 18, '65, "for faith, and mer ser. dur. the war"; map, P.M. Jan. 17, '67 ; vac. com. of add. P.M. Jan. 17, '67 Reese, Henry B. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; add. P.M. June 1, '61, ace. July 11, '61 ; It.-col. vol. bvt Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war"; maj., P.M. Jan. 17, '67; vac. com. of add, P.M. Jan. 17, '67. Smith, William. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Minn. ; add. P.M. Aug. 29, '61, ace. 8ept. 4, '61 ; It.-col. vol. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for faith, and. mer. ser. dur. the war" ; must, out Julj"- 20, '66, paid to Julv 31, '66; maj., P.M. Jan. 17, '67, ace. Mar. 26, '67. Terrell, Charles M. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; major and additional paymaster U. S. Army June 30, 1862 ; vacated March, 1867; major and paymas- ter Jan. 17, 1867 ; brevet It.-col. vol. Aug. 15, 1865, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices. Stanton, Thaddeus H. Born in In- diana. Apjiointed from Iowa; private Co. A, 3d batt. D. C. Vol., April 15, '61 ; dischgd. Julv 15, '61 ; capt. 19 Iowa Vol. Aug. 18, '62^; dischgd. Dec. 18, '62 ; add. pm. Oct. 3, '62. acc^ Dec. 18, '62; It.-col. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war"; maj., pm. Jan. 17, '67 ; vac. com. of add. pm. Jan. 17, '67. Glenn, George E. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; major and additional paymaster Nov. 24, 1862; vacated Dec. 4, 1867; major and pavmaster Jan. 17, 1867. Canby, James P. Born in Delaware. Appointed from Delaware ; add. pm. May 28, '64, ace. June 30, '64; It.-col. vol. bvt. Jan. 8, '67, "for faith, ser. in the pay dept."; maj., pm. Jan. 17, '67; vac. com. of add. pm. Jan. 17, '67. Hall, Peter P. G. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2d It. 26 Pa. Infantry May 31, 1861; 1st It. Aug. 25, 1861; mustered out Feb. 16, 1863; major and additional paymaster vol Nov. 6, 1863 ; mustered out Nov. 15, 1865; majoi- and paymaster Jan. 17, 1867; 1st lieut. and regimental adjt. Aug. 25, 18(51 ; regimen- tal adjt. at time of muster out. Candee, George W. Born in N. J. A))f)ointed from 111. ; major and addi- tional paymaster vol. Feb. 23, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866; major and paymaster Jan. 17, 1867. beney, Israel O. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from N. H. ; major and addi- tional paymaster vol. May 28, 1864; mustered out Dec. 1, 1865; major and paymaster Jan. 17, 1867. Carey, Asa B. Born in Conn. Ap- pointed from Conn. ; graduated from M. A., July 1, 1858; brvt. 2d It. 6th Inf. July 1, 1858; 2d It. 7 Infantrv Oct. 22, 1858; 1st It. 13 Infantry May'H, 1861; captain Oct. 24, 1861 ; major and pay- master Oct. 5, 1867; brvt. major Mar. 28, 1862, for gallant and meritm-ious services in the battle of the Apache Canon, New Mexico; brvt. It.-col. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the war agjiinst the Navsijo Indians. Gould, William P. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Nev. ; add. pm. June 1, '61, ace. June 17, '61 ; It.-col. vol. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war"; must, out July 1, '67 ; maj. pm. Oct. 18, '67, ace. Oct. 21, '67 ; negatived by the Senate July 25, '68, and revoked Aug. 1, '68, paid to Oct. 30, '68; re-apptd. Mar. 8, '69, to rank from Oct. 18, '67, ace. Mar. 22, '69. Bridgman, Frank. Born in Mass. Appointed from Iowa; major and addi- tional paymaster Sept. 5, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 1, 1869; major and paymaster Feb. 3, 1869; brvt. It.-col. vol. Nov. 24, 1865. for faith t'ul and meritorious services. ^A^illa^d, John P. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from Wis. ; 1st It. 31st Wis Inf. Dec. 24, 1862; mustered out April 11, 1863; captain, A.D.C. March 11, 1863; mustered out Jnlv 10, 1866 ; 2d It. 17th Infantry Feb. 23,^1866; 1st It. Feb. 23, 1866; transferred to 26th Infantry Sept. 21, 18(56; unassigned May 19, 1869; as- signed to 15th Infantry Dec. 15, 1870; captain March 31, 1874; major and pay- master INIarch 3, 1875; engaged at the action of Horner's Gap, advance on Tulla- hooma, battles of Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, reconnoissance to Buzzard's Road, campaign and capture of Atlanta, Ga., and battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; A.D.C. July 11, 1866, to March 28, 1870; regi- mental quartermaster 15th Infantry Oct. 64 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1, 1871, to March 31, 1874; brevet cap- tain March 2, 18G7, for s;allant and meri- torious services in the battle of Chatta- nooga, Tenn. ; major March 2, 18t57, for galhint and meritorious services in the capture of Atlanta, Gi. ; brevet It. -col. March 2, 1867, for sjallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn.; brevet major vols. June 3, 1865, for faith- ful services ; brevet It. -col. and col. vols. June 3, 186-5, fori^aliant and meritorious services diirinif the Atlanta campaign and the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. Coxe, Frank M. Born in Penn. Ap- pointed from Penn.; 2d lieut. 87th U.S. Colored Troops, Nov. 2, 1863; 1st lieut. May 9, 1864; 1st lieut. 8lst U.S. Colored Troops, Dec. 1, 1864; brevet major vols., brevet lieut. -colonel vols., and brevet col- onel vols. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service during the war ; captain 87th U. S. Colored Troops, July 7, 1865 ; captain 84th U.S. Colored Troops, Aug. 31, 1865; mustered out March 14, 1866; captain 40th Infantry, July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 25th Infantry, April 20, 1869 ; major and- paymaster March 3, 1875; vacated commission of captain 25th Infantry, April 29, 1875. Bates, Alfred E. Born in Mich. Ap- pointed from Mich. ; graduated from M. A. June 23, 1865 ; 2d It 2d Cav. June 23, 1865; 1st It Oct. 19, 1865; captain Jan. 26, 1869 ; major and paymaster Mar. 3, 1875 ; regimental quartermaster 2d Cav. Sept. 1, 1866, to Mav 1, 1867; adju- tant 2d Cavalrv May 1, 1867, to Jan. 26, 1869. Wilson, Charles I. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from N. Y. ; originally appointed as assistant surgeon U.S.A. from District of Columbia; ap- pointed as paymaster U.S.A. from New York; a.ssis'ant surgeon May 28, 1861; captain, assistant surgeon May 28, 1866; resigned Jan. 1, 1867; appointed captain 16th Infantry Jan. 22, 1867; unassigned April 17, 18(i9 ; honorably discharged Dec. 31, 1870; major and paymaster March 3, 1875; brevet captain Mar. 13, 1865, for meritorious and distinguished services in the battles of Todd's Tavern and Yellow Tavern, Va. ; brevet major Mar. 13, 1865, for highly meritorious and distinguished services in his department in twelve en- gagements in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia; brevet major Mar. 2, 1867, for meritorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. Eckels, William H. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pa. ; 1 It. 9 Pa. Cav. Oct. 17, '61 ; capt. 9 Pa. Cav. May 22, '63; must, out Nov. 25, '64; maj., P.M. Mar. 3, '75, ace. Mar. 22, '75. Blaine, John E. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Mont.; M. S. K. Q.M.dept. June 16, '68, ace. Aua:. 16, '68; resgd. May 1, '70; maj.', P.M. Mar. 3, '75, ace. Apr. 1, '75. Roche, James R. Born in Maryland. Appointed from D. C". ; maj , P.M. Mar. 3, '75, ace. Apr. 1, '75. Tower, Albert S. Born in Canada. Appointed from Mich. ; major and pay- master Mar. 3, 1875. Maynadier, William M. Born in Maryland. Appointed froni ]Md. ; 2d It. 1 Art. May 1, 1861 ; 1st It. May 14, 1861 ; captain June 4, 1864; mustered out Dec. 8, 1870 ; major and paymaster April 26, 1875. Brodhead, Josiah A. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from Mass. ; capt., A. Q M. vol. Apr. 14, '62, ace. Ap. 30, '62; add. P.M. Nov. 26, '62, ace. Dec. 8, '62; resgd. com. of capt., A. Q. M. Dec. 8, '62; It.-col. vol. bvt Dec. 27, '65, "for faith. ser. in his dept."; must, out Apr. 1, '69; maj., P.M. July 25, '75, ace. July 29, '75. Arthur, William. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from New York ; 1st It. 4 N. Y. Art. Jan. 29, 1862; captain Jan. 1, 1863; major Dec. 23, 1863; mustered out April 6, 1865; captain Vet. Reserve Corps Jan. 19, 1865; mustered out Feb. 22, 1866; 2d It. 3d Art. Feb. 23, 1866 ; 1st It. July 28, 1866; major and paymaster July 26, 1875; regimental quartermaster 3d Art. Feb. 1. 1873, to July 28, 1875 ; brevet cap- tain March 2, 1867, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Spottsyl- vania, Va. ; brevet major March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ream's Station, Va. ; brevet major vol. Feb. 20, 1865; hrevet It.-col. vol. March 13, 1865, for gallant conduct in the battles of Spottsylvania and Ream's Station, Va. Thomas, Henry G. Born in Portland, Me. Apptd. from Me. ; private Co. G, 5 Me., April 27, '61 ; capt. 5 Me. Inf. May 4, 1861 ; engaged in battle of first Bull Run Julv, 1861 ; "mustered out Aug. 26, 1861 ; col.' 79th U. S. Col. Inf. March 20, 1863; mustered out Julv 11, 1863; col. 19 U. S. Col. Inf Jan. l"6, 1864; brig.-gen. vol. Nov. 30, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866; capt. 11 Inf. Aug. 5, 1861; major 41 Inf. (declined) July 28, 1866; trans- ferred to 20 Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; major 4 Inf. Oct. 22, 1876; transferred to* Pay Department May 23, 1878; served on regimental recruiting service from Oct. 1, 18()1, to July, 1862; mustering and dis- bursing duty in Mass. Oct. 1, 1862 ; joined regiment in the field Oct. 1862; engaged at the action of Snicker's Gap, Va. ; en- gaged at the actions of Bristoe Station, PAY DEPARTMENT. 65 Rappaluuinock Station, and operations at Mine Kiin,Va.; organiziniij I'J U.S.C.T. at Benedict, Md., in Jan. and Feb. 1864; coniniandincj Camp Birney, Md., Feb. to May, 18(j4; tomnjanding brigade 9lh Corps, Army of the Potomae, to Nov. 1804; engaged at tlie battles of the Wil- derness, Sjiottsylvania, Petersburg, explo- sion of tlie mine, Weldon Kailroad, and Hatclier's Run, Va. ; transferred to the Army of tlie James Nov. 1804 ; command- ing brigade and division, 2oth Corps, Army of the James, and temporarily commanding corps ; engaged in the oper- ations belore liieiimond, Ya. ; brev. major May 12, 1804, for gallant and meritorious services in llie battle of Spott.'-vlvania, Ya. ; brevet It.-col. July 30, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Ya. ; brevet col., brig.- gen., and major-gen. vols. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Sharp, Alexander. Born in Penna. Apptd. from Mo. ; niaj., pm. Jan. 26, '77, ace. March 19, '77. Keefer, John B. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; maj., pm. Feb. 13, '77, ace. Feb. 22, '77. Wham, Joseph W. Born in 111. Apptd. from 111. ; pvt. Co. G 21 111. Yol. June 10, '61 ; sergt. Nov. 1, '04; dischgd. July 27, '05; 1 U. 21 111. Yol. July 28, '65 ; must, out D'ec. 16, '65, paid to Jan. 24, '66 ; 2 It. 35 Inf. May 22, '67, ace. May 31, '67; dischgd. Jan. 1, '71; maj., pm. March 3, '77, ace. March 6, '77. Sniffen, Culver C. Born in N. Y. Ajiptd. from N. Y. ; maj., pm. March 3, '77, ace. Maich 6, 1877. Smith, Thomas C. H. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Ohio; It.-col. 1 Ohio Cav. Sept. 9, '61 ; dischgd. April 27, '63 ; brig.- gen. vol. Nov. 29, '62, ace. April 27, '63 ; must, out Jan. 15, '66, paid to Jan. 31, '66 ; maj., pm. April 17, '78, ace. Mav 6, '78. Baird, George W. Born in Connec- ticut. A]ipoinled from Conn. ; pvt. 1 battv. Conn. 1 art Aug. 25, '02; pvt. Co. H, 1^3 Kegt. Yet. Kes. Corps, Dec. 19, '63 ; dischgd. Mar. 14, '64 ; col. 32 U. S. C. T. Mar. 18, '64 ; must, out Aug. 22, '65, paid to Aug. 28, '65 ; 2 It. 19 Inf. May 11, '66 ; trs. to 37 Inf. Sept. 21, '66, ace. Feb. 28, '67 ; 1 It. Apr. 27, '67 ; trs. to 5 Inf. May 18, '69; regtl. adjt. Jan. 1, '71, to June 26, '79 ; maj. pm. June 28, '79 ; ace. June 26, '79 ; vac. com. of 1 It. 5 Inf. June 26, '79. Lamed, Daniel R. Born in Conn. Appointed fium Conn. ; captain, assistant adjutani-general vol. Mar. 13, 1803; re- signed June 1, 1865; major and paymas- ter June 23, 1879; brvt. major vol. Aug. 1, 1804, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the campaign in P;ast Ten- nessee ; at llie siege of Knoxville, and in the battles of the late campaign trom the Eaiiidan to Petersburg ; brvt. It.-col. vol. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meri- torious services in the camjiaign from the Kapidan to Petersburg, Yirginia. Robinson, Geo. F. Born in Hartford, Oxford Co., Maine, August 13lh, 1832. Entered the volunteer sei vice as a jirivate Co. B, 8tii Maine Yols., August 1.5th, 1803, going to South Carolina ; in March, 1804, came to Yorktown, Ya., regiment form- ing part of the "Army of the James," was in all the engagements it was in, until wounded May 2blh, 1864; wounded four times by Payne in his allt^mpt upon the life of Secretary Seward April 14th, 1865; discharged May 19lh, 1865, "by reason of muster out in compliance with telegram of May 3d, 1805, from A. G. 0." ; appointed a clerk in the Treasury Depart- ment in June, 1865; resigned in Novem- ber, 1866 ; appointed a clerk in the War Department, Q. M. Gen. office, January 8th, 1869; March 1st, 1871, received from Congress a gold medal and five thousand dollars " for heroic conduct on the 14th of April, 1865, in saving the life of the Honorable Wm. H. Seward, then Secre- tary of State of the United States" ; June 23d, 1879, apjiointed major and paymaster U. S. A. ; resigned clerkship in War Department and accepted conmiission as above June 27th, 1879 ; August 6th, 1879, ordered to report to the commanding gen- eral Depaitment of Texas for duty ; Sep- tember 20tli, 1881, relieved from duty in Dept. of Texas and ordered to report to commanding general De}it. of the Mi.-souri for assignment to duty in the district of New Mexico; now (Mch. 19th, 1883) stationed at Fort Union, N. M. Creary, William E. Born in New York. Appointed fixjm Michigan ; en- listed at the age of nineteen, Apr. 27,1801, in Third Michigan Infantry; transferred on account of wounds to Yeteran IJcserve Corps October 19, 1803; discharged June 10, 1804; re-enlisted June 13, "l804; on detached service in War Dept., assigned to Second Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged August 23, 1800; jiarticipated in the following engairements : First Bull Run, Ya., July 19 and 21, 1801; York- town, Ya., April, 1802; Williamsburg, Ya., May 5, 1802; Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, \a., May 31 and June 1, 1802; battle of the Orchard, front of Richmond, June 25, '62; Charles City Cross-Roads, Ya., June 30, 1862; Malvern Hill, Ya., July 1, 1862 ; Harrison's Landing, Ya., 66 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. close of seven daj-s' fight, July 2, '62; Second Bull Run, or Groveton, Va., Aug- ust 29 and 30, '02; Frodericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1802; Chancellorsville, Va?, Mav, 1863 ; Gettysburg, Pa., Julv 2 and 3, 1863 ; Falling Waters,^Md., July", 1863; Manas- sas Gap, near Front Royal, Va., July, 1863 ; also a number of skirmishes ; after the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, was detailed as chief clerk of 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Army Corps, and acted as aide-de-camp to General H. G. Berry, of Maine, and General Regis de Trobriand, of New York, until transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps ; appointed asst. postmaster United tStates Senate in 1871 ; promoted to postmaster 1874; continued as postmaster until appointed major and paymaster June 23, 1879; was indorsed on personal meiit by sixty-five U. S. senators, the Michigan delegation in House of Rep- resentatives, and others, for the position of major and paymaster, and was by Presi- dent Hayes nominated " on account of war record and social standing as an officer of the U. S. Senate"; was unanimously confirmed by the U. S. Senate without a reference to Military Committee. Dodge, Francis S. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Mass. ; private Co. F, 23d Mass. Vols., 9 Oct., 1861 ; cor- poral ; discharged 19 Dec, 1863; 1st lieut. 2d U. S. Colored Cavalry 20 Dec, 1863; captain 6 July, 1865; mustered out 12 Feb., 1866; 1st lieut. 9th Cavalry 28 July, 1866; captain 31 July, 1867; major and paymaster 13 Jan., 1880. McClure, Charles. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Penn. ; captain, commissary subsistence vols. 28 April, 1862; brevet major vols., brevet lieut. - colonel vols., and brevet colonel vols. 21 Oct., 1865, fi>r faithful and meritorious service; captain, commissary subsistence U.S.A. 17 Aug. 1866; brevet major 17 Aug., 1866, for faithful service in the sub- sistence department ; major and paymaster 30 August, '80. Witcher, John S. 1st It. 3 W. Va. Inf. 13 Dec. '62; capt. Sept. 8, '63; major 24 May, '64; It. -col. 6 May, '65; bvt. hrig.- gen. 13 March, '65; hon. mustered out 30 June, '65 ; major and paymaster 30 Aug., 1880. Whipple, Charles H. Born in New York. Appointed from Minnesota ; major and paymaster Feb. 18, 1881. Comegys, William H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; major and pay- 181. N. Born in Ohio, major and paymaster master Feb. 18. 1? Bash, Daniel Appid. trom 111. 18 Feb., '81. Tucker, William F., Jr. Born in Mass. j Appointed from III ; major and pay- I master Feb. 21, 18S2. ] Muhlenberg, John C. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; major and p:iy:naster 20 March, '82. Poole, De Witt C. Born in Amster- dam, New York. April 17, 1861, enrolled to serve three months First ReLciment of Wi.-consin Volunteers ; mustered into service of United States May, 1861 ; in engagement at Falling Waters, Virginia, June, 1861 ; mustered out with organiza- tion, adjutant of regim^-nt, 1861 ; Septem- ber, 1861, commi.-it-ioned lieut. -colonel 12th Regt. Wisconsin Infantry; mu.>-tered into U. S. service November, 1861 ; with regiment in campaign in Southwestern Missouri winter of 1862; in expedition sent to reinforce army in New Mexico, from Fort Rilej', Kansas; jt)ined expe- dition into Central Mississippi winter of 1863 ; in advance on the Tallahatchie River, Miss.; returned to Memphis, Tenn.; ill engagement on the Cold Water, and at Hernando, Miss., May, 1863; ordered to Vickshurg in siege until surrender, July, 1863; November, 1863, commissioned lieut -colonel Veteran Reserve Corps ; or- dered to duty in Wa*nington June, 1864 ; joined reijiment White House Landing, Va.; in engagement June, 1864; ordered to Washington, acting provost marshal District of Columbia July, 1864 ; ordered in charge provost marshal's otHce Utica, New York, thence to Baltimore, Md., thence to Scranton, Penna.. thence to duty with chief mustering officer State of Wisconsin, 1864-65; December, 1865, commissioner Freedman's Bureau, At- lanta, Ga.; resigned March, 1866 ; Feb- ruary, 1867, appointed captain 25lh Regi- ment U. S. Int., accejited April, 1867; joined regiment Memphis, Tenn ; on re- ctern Tennessee and Georgia, 1867-68; Indian Agent Sioux Indians, Dakota, from June, 1869, to Deeember, 1870; assigned to 22d Infantry Oct. 1870; with company in expeditions to Yellowstone country in 1871-73 ; trarri.^on duty, 1872; riots New Orleans, 1874-75 ; Sioux Indian war, 1876-77 ; labor riots Chicago and Wilkesbarre, Pa , Julv, 1877; irarrison duty, 1878; Western' TexHS, 1879-80; recruiting service New York, 1881-82; appointed major and paymaster U. S. Army July, 1882. Smith, George R. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. June 16, 1875; 2d" It. 12th Infan- try June 16, 1875; 1st It. Jan. 11, 1881; major and paymaster .luly 5, 1882. Clayton, Henry. Born in Del. Appt. from Pa. ;, 1st It. Purnell Legion, Mary- CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 67 land Cavalr_y, 30th Nov., 'HI ; lion, mus- tered out 2r)th Oct , '()4; captsiin 19th Inf. 28th July, 18«)6; transferred to 17th Inf. 5th July, '70; re-igned 31st Doc, '72; appt. nuijor and paymaster 7th September, 1882. Smyth, William H. Born in N. Y. Appt. from N. Y.; major and paymaster 20th Sept., '82. Baker, John P. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; 2d lieut. 1st Dragoons iMareh 23. ISIil ; 1st lieut. 1st Dragoons May 13, 18(Jl ; capt. 1st Cavalry July 17, 1862; capt. and A.D.C. Vol. 'Aug. 20, 1862; revoked Feb. 14, 1863; brvt. major April 9, 1864 ; brvt. lieut. -colonel March 13, 1865; resigned July 1, 1868; major and paymaster December 8, 1882. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. M^ith the rank of Brigadier -General. Wright, Horatio G. Born in Conn. Apjiointed from Conn.; graduate M.A., class of 1841 ; 2d It. Eng. July 1, '41 ; from 1841 to 1861 he periormed duty as assistant to the board of engineers; as- sistant prolessor of French and prolessor of engineering at the Military Academy ; supenniendiiig the construction of tortifi- catiuns, improvements of rivers, and on lighi-house duty in Fh'rida ; promoted captain (14 years' service) July 1, '55 ; he took part in the destruction of Norfolk Navy Yard April, '61 ; received and de- cline d tlie appointment of major 13th Inf. May 14, '61 ; was engaged in construction of defenses of Wa>hington, D. C, from May to July, 1861 ; was chief engineer in the Manassas campaign and engaged at the battle of Bull Kun ; promoted major engineers Aug. 6, '61. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers Sept. 14, 1861, and commanded brigade from Sept. 1861, to Feb. 1862, and from the latter date to June, 1862, he commanded the land forces in the Florida expedition; commanded a division in the attack on Sece.ssi<>nville, James' Island, S. C, June 16, 1862; in command of the Department of Ohio from August, 1862, to March, 1863 ; he commanded a division (Army of the Potomac) in the Pennsylvania campaign May-July, 1863 ; in theKajiidan campaign Sept.-Dec. 1863, where he com- manded the 6lh Corps at Rappahannock Station Nov. 7 ; commanded division Apiil-May, 1864, and subsequently 6th Corps (Army of the Potomac), in the Richmond campaign May-.Tuly, 1864, participating in all the battles of that bloody campaign. lie was promoted major-general of volunteers May 12, 1864, and commanded the Gth Corps in the Washington campaign July, 1864, and was engaged in the defense of th(! capital ; engaged in the Shenandoah campaign August-Dec. 1864, and in the Richmond campaign Dec 1864, to April, 1865; he afterwards commanded vaiious districts until mustered out of volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866; he Wfis brevetted brigadier and major-general U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services ; he was promoted lieutenant-colonel in his corps Nov. 23, 1865; colonel March 4, 1879, and was appointed chief of engi- neers with the rank of brigadier-general June 30, 1879. Colonels. Newton, John. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Va. ; graduate M.A., class of 1842 ; with the exception of some three years at West Point as professor of engineering and while chief engineer of the Utah expedition of 1858, he was en- gaged in constructing fortifications on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts until the out- break of the civil war in 1861, when, after serving as chief engineer of the Department of Pennsylvania and of the Shenandoah, he was, in August, 1861, ap- pointed brigadier-general of volunteers and commanded a brigade in the defrnses of Washington, at the same time per- forming the duties of an engineer in the construction of those works until the spring of 1862 ; with the Armj' of the Potomac he led his command in the expe- dition to West Point, Ga., at Gaines's Mill, and at Glendale, Va., at South Mountain and Antietam, Md., and at Fredericksburg, December, 1862, where he commanded a division ; promoted to be major-general March, 1863, he com- manded the Third Division of the Sixth Corps in the storming of Marye Heights, May 3, 1863 ; at Gettysburg he succeeded to the command of the First Corps July 2, 1863, which he retained until the reor- ganization of the army, March, 1864, when he was transferred to the West, where he led a division of the Fourth Corps in the campaign whiih resulted in the capture of Atlanta, Si-ptember, 1864; comnumded various districts in Florida from October, 1864, to January, 1866, wlien he resumed duty with his corps, in which he had risen to be lieutenant- colonel, and since that date hsis been charged with important engineering du- ties, the most imjiortant of which was in 68 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. removing the obstructions at Hell Gate and other points on East River, New York Harhor. Raynolds, \A/illiam F. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1843 ; brevet 2d It. 5 Infantry July 1, 1843; trans, to Top. Eng. July 20, 1843 ; 2d asst. top. eng. in the im- provement of the Ohio River 1843-44 ; survey of the northeastern boundary of the United States 1844-47 ; in the 'war -with Mexico 1847-48; 2 It. March 3, 1847 ; preparing maps of northeastern boundary survey 1848-50; survey for water-supply to Washington, D.C., 1850- 51 ; 1 It. March 3, 1853 ;'' survey of North- ern Lakes 1851-50; capt. (14 years' ser- vice) July 1, 1857 ; light-house duty 1 850-59 ; in charge of exploration of Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers 1859- 61; chief top. engineer of the Depart- ment of Virginia July-Oct. 1801 ; ap- pointed col. and additional A.D.C. March 31, 1802; Department of "West Virginia October 1801-April, 1862; Mountain De- partment April-June, 1802; chief eng. of Middle Department and 8ih Army Corps January 1803-April, 1864 ; trans- ferred to engineers March 3, 1863; maj. March 3, 1808 ; in charge of the defenses of Harjier's Ferry during the rebel inva- sion of Pennsylvania June, 1803; chief eng. of the defenses of Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1863; i-uperintending engineer of survey of North and Northwest Lakes and engi- neer of light-houses on Northern Lakes, and in charge of harbor improvement of the entire lake region from April 14, 1864- April, 1870; brevet It. -col. and brevet col. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meri- torious services during the war ; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, 1865, for meritori- ous services in the field during the war ; It.-col. March 7, 1867; in charge of im- provement of Western rivers, St. Louis, Mo., from April, 1870- Jan. 7, 1873; charge of harbor improvenipnt, Mobile, Ala., January to April, 1873; eng. 4lh Light-house Dist. from April, 1873 ; pro- moted colonel Jan. 2, 1881. Stewart, Charles S. Born at sea. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; graduated at M. A., class of '4H, at the head of his class ; served from date of graduation to 1801 as profes- sor of mathematics M. A., and superin- tending the construction of the forts in Boston Harbor; first lieut. Corps of En- gineers July 1, 1853; captain of Engi- neers July 1, I860 ; was actively employed during the entire period of the rebellir>n, and partici})atcd in the battleof "Williams- burg, etc. ; major of Engineers March 3, 1863, and bvt. licut.-col. Feb. 23, 1865, for long and faithful services ; bvt. colonel Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion, but declined the latter brevet; lieut. -col. Corps of En- gineers March 7, 1807 ; 1806-(;7, at Phila- , delfihia, in charge of harbor improve- ments to the Delaware ; since that time as senior member of the Board of Engineers of the Pacific Coast, and in charge of the construction of Fort Scott and the fortifi- cations at Angel Island, etc. Blunt, Charles E. Born in New Hamp- shire. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1846; brevet 2d It. Eng. July 1, 1846; 2d It. Feb. 28, 1848; 1st It. Feb. 2, 1854 ; captain (14 years' ser- vice) July 1, 1800; major Mar. 3, 1863; It.-col. Mar. 7, 1867; col. June 30, 1882; served assistant engineer in the construc- tion of Fort "Winthf op, Mass. , 1846 to '54 ; superintending engineer of survej'of East Dennis Breakwater, "Wood's Hole, and Provincetown Harbor, Mass., and repairs of Hyannis Breakwater, Mas-s., Plymouth Beach, Mass., 1852-'53 ; Fort Montgom- ery, Rouse's Point, N. Y., 1854-'65; re- pairs of Forts Mackinac, "W^ayne, Porter, Niagara, and Ontario 1854-'01 ; .^^erved during the war of the Rebellion ; assistant engineer defenses of "Washington May- Nov. 1861 ; superintending engineer of the defenses of Boston Harbor and Massa- chusetts Bay Nov. 1861-Jan. 1865; in charge of Forts Porter and Niagara Nov. 1861-May, 1863; Fort Montgomery and harbor improvementson Lakes Champlain and Ontario 1861-'66 ; construction of Forts Independence and Warren, Mass., June, 1865-April, 1867 ; member of a Board of Engineers on the defenses in the vicinity of Boston, Mass., Jan. 1865- May, 1807; constiuction of Fort Ontario, and river and harbor improvements on Lake Ontario and River St. Lawrence 1807 to 1809 ; construction of Forts Taylor and Jeflerson, Fla., and engineer 7lh L. H. District 1809 to 1874; con.-^truction of defenses of Portsmouth Harbor, N. H., Feb. to June, 1874; construction of Forts Wayne and Porter, river and harbor im- provements on Jj»Ue Erie, and engineer 10th L. H. District 1874 to 1877 ; construc- tion of Fort Porter, and river and harbor improvements on Lake Erie (ea^t of San- dusky) 1877 ; construction of defi-nses of coasts of Maine and N. H ; and engi- neer 1st L. H. District 1879 to 1883, and of Ist and 2d district 1882; in ciiarge of river and harbor improvements Maine and New Hamp.'-hire 1883. Duane, James C. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1848; brevet vd It. Eng. Jnly 1, 1848; 2d It. Mar. 10, 1853; 1st It. July 1, 1855 ; captain 12th Infantry (declined) COKPS OF ENGINEERS. 69 May 14, 1S()1 ; cupt. Eno;ineers Au!», and oapt. March 3, '03 ; served during the war of the Rebellion as chief engineer of a Division in the Army of the Ohio ; in the defense of Cumberland Gap ; in fortifying Pittsburg, Pa. ; as assistant to chief of Engineers in Washington, D. C. ; in Baltimore, Md. ; as chief engi- neer of the Middle Department and 8th Army Corps; at the Military Academy, and as member of special board of engi- neers for the defense of San Francisco, Cal. ; he was brevetted It.-col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and particularly for his services in the defense of Cumberland Gap and the ulterior operations of Gen. Morgan's forces; he declined the brevet of colonel tendered him for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; since the war he has been engaged as assistant to the chief of Engineers in various duties connected with the Atlantic spaboard de- fenses and the improvement of rivers and harbors. Comstock, Cyrus B. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1855 ; brevet 2d It. Engineers July 1, 1855; 2d It. Sept. 1, 1855; 1st It. July 1, 1800; captain March 3, 1803; It.-eol., j acting inspector-gen. vol. Nov. 19, 1863, to March 28, 1804 ; major Engineers Dec. 28, 1805; It.-col. July 17, 1881 ; served at Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla., and Fort Carroll, Patapsco River, Md., 1855-59; asst. prof, natural and experimental phi- losophy, Militarj' Academy, Sept. 1859- July, 1801 ; served during the war of the Rebellion ; defenses of Washington Aug. 1861-March, 1802; asst. to the chief eng. Army of the Potomac March-June, 1802 ; senior engineer, stafl" of General Sumner, June-July, 1802 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia, Peninsular, Maryland, and Rappahannock campaigns ; chief eng. Army of the Tennessee, and engaged in the siege of Vicksburg ; senior aid<'-de- camp to Lt.-Gen. Grant March, 1864- July, 1800 ; engaged in the actions of the Richmond campaign ; chief engineer of the expedition to Fort Fisher; senior en- gineer on the staff of Gen. Canby in the Mobile campaign ; aide-de-camp to Gen. Grant with the rank of col. July, 1806, to May, 1870; brevet major July 4, 1803, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brevet It.-col. May 0, 1804, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; brevet col. Jan. 15, 1805, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, 1805, for gallant and m'eritori- ous services in the campaign ending with the capture of Mobile, Ala.; brevet col. vol. ; brig. -gen. vol. for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher ; brevet major- gen, vol. March 20, 1805, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defenses ; in charge of Lake Survey 1870-1883; member of Miss. River Commission Jan. 30, 1879, and presideijt of same Dec. 1, 1882 ; member of permanent board of en- gineers August 2, 1882. Weitzel, Godfrey. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of 1855; bvt. 2 It. Eng. July 1, '55; 2 lieutenant July 27, 1850, and 1 It. Jul}', 1860; from date of graduation to the opening of the war of the Rebellion he was engaged as assistant engineer on the defenses of New Orleans, La., and as assistant professor of engineering at the Military Academy ; he served as chief engineer on the staff of General Butler in the expedition to New Orleans, April, 1802, and i-endered important services on that occasion ; appointed brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers August 29, 1802; com- manded brigade under General Banks in Louisiana in April-Maj', 1803, and com- manded division at the siege of Port Hud- son, May-July, 1863; he commanded a division of the 19th Corps in the Lafourche campaign, and in the Western Louis- iana campaign, 1803 ; and division of the 18th Corps in operations before Richmond in May, 1864 ; commanded 18th Corps, Army of the James, from Sept. to Dec. 1864, and 25th Corps from Dec. 1864, to Feb. 4, 1806 ; his command was fore- most in the occupation of Richmond, April 3, 1865 ; he was brevetted maj. Oct. 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the Battle of Thibodeaux, La.; It.-col. July 8, '63, for gallant and meri- torious services in the capture of Port Hudson, La.; col. Sept. 29, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Harrison, Va. ; brief. -genl. and maj.-genl. U. S. A. March 13," '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army under Gen. Robert E. Lee, and for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; he became a major in the corps of Eng's, Aug. 8, 1800, and It -col. June 23, 1882; since the war he has been engaged as superintending engineer in the construction of Forts Knox and Popham, Me. ; in charge of the Eleventh Light- House District until July 31, 1882 ; of St. Mary's Falls Canal and St. JIary's River, Mich., and various surveys and improvements of rivers and harbors in Eastern Michigan until July 31, 1882, and of the management and repairs of COKPS OP ENGINEERS. 73 the Louisville and Portland Canal, Ken- tuck}', until July 31, 1882; in cliiirge of various surveys and improvement of rivers and liarbors in Eastern Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, and New Jersey, and of the defenses in Delaware Bay and River, 1882-3; since January 1, 1879, he has been a member of the following boards of engineers, viz. : On bridges across the Ohio River ; on feasibility of utilizing the water-power of the Des Moines Rapids Canal ; on plans for build- ing j)iers on east coast of Lake Michigan ; on modification of plans for Davis Island Dam, Ohio River ; on the improvement of the Cascades of the Columbia River, Oregon ; on the plans for Harbor of Refuge, Grand Marais, Michigan ; on plans for Harbor of Refuge, Milwaukee Bay, Wi>consin ; on bridges between Louis- ville, Ky., and New Alban}', Ind. ; at Henderson, Ky.; at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and at Wheeling, West Virginia ; on projects and estimates for Saugatuck Harbor, Michigan ; on works of improvement on Great Kanawha River, West Virginia, and on the encroachments upon Chicago Harbor, Ills. Foe, Orlando M. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate M.A., class of 1856 ; brevet 2d It. Top. Engineers July 1, 1856; 2d It. Oct. 7, 1856;^ 1st It. July 1, 1860; col. 2d Mich. Infantry Sept. 16, 1861 ; mustered out Feb. 16, 1863 ; brig.- gen. vols. Nov. 29, 1862; transferred to Engineers March 3, 1863 ; captain March 3, '1863 ; major March 7, 1867 ; It.-col. June 30, 1882; served asst. top. engineer in the survey of the Northern lakes Dec. 1856-May, 1861 ; served during the war of the Rebellion ; chief top. engineer of the Department of the Ohio May-July, 1861, including Western Virginia cam- paign ; on the staff of Gen. McClellan at Washington, D. C, July-Sept. 1861; commanding regiment, defenses of Wash- ington, Sept. 1861-March, 1862 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsula, Northern Virginia, and Rappahannock campaigns; in command of brigade 9th A.C. N^ovember, 1862, to February, 1863, and of division 9th Army Corps Feb.- April, 1863; chief engineer of the Cen- tral District of Kentucky ; of 23d Army Corps and of the Army of the Ohio May- December, 1863, including the Knoxville campaign ; chief engineer of the Military Division of the Mississippi ; engaged in the actions in the invasion of Georgia and march to the sea; engaged in the actions in the invasion of the Carolinas, ending with the surrender of the rebel army under Gen. J. E. Johnston, at Durham Station, N. C, April 26, 1865; engineer, secretary of light-house board 1865-70; on light-house and river and harbor duty 1870-73 ; aide-de-camp to General Sher- man, with the rank of colonel, 1873-84 ; member of the light-house board 1874-84. brevet major July 6, 1S64, for gallant ser- vices in the siege of Knoxville; brevet It.-col. September 1, 1864, for gallant ser- vices in the capture of Atlanta; brevet col. Dec. 21, 1864, for gallant services in the capture of Savannah ; brevet brig.- gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the campaign termi- nating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. J. E. .Johnston. Houston, David C. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class^of 1856; bvt. 2 It. Eng. July 1, '56; 2 It. Oct. 31, '56 ; from 1856 to 1861, he served as assistant professor at the Military Academy ; as assistant engineer in the construction of defenses at Hampton Roads, Va. ; in command of a detachment of Engineer troops in Oregon, and as assistant engineer con- structing fortification at Sandy Hook ; 1 It. May 2, '61 ; assistant engineei- in the construction of the defenses of W^ashing- ton ; participated in the actions of Black- burn's Ford, July 18, '61, and Bull Run, July 21, '61, as division engineer ; served as chief engineer 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, of the Dept. of the Rappahannock, and of 3d Army Corps; participated in the actions of Cedar Mountain and the 2d Bull Run; appointed maj. and A.A.D.C. 3Iay 26, '62; bvt. capt. Aug. 10, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; chief engineer 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, and partici- pated in battles <.>f South Mountain and Antietam ; brevetted major Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Maryland Campaign ; chief engineer, Dept. of the Gulf; capt. Eng. March 3, '63 ; participated in siege of Port Hudson, for gallant and meritorious services in which he received the brevet of It.-col. June 17, '63; served with expedi- tion to mouth of Rio Grande, and in Red River Campaign ; member of Boards of Engineers for defenses of San Francisco, Cai., and for defenses of Willet's Point, N. Y. ; brevet colonel March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion ; member of Board for defenses of Boston and vicinity ; superin- tending construction of defenses of Narragansett Bay, R. I., and of river and harbor improvements in States of Rhnde Island and Connecticut ; major Eng. March 7, '67 ; in charge of harbor im- provements. Lake Su]ierior and western 74 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY coast of Lake Michigan, and of Michigan City and New Buffalo, on eastern coast, and of various engineering operations on rivers of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ken- tucky since 1870. Elliot, George H. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass ; graduate M. A., class of 1855 ; brevet 2d It. 4 Art. July 1, 1855; 2d It. 1 Art. July 1, 1855; trans- ferred to Engineers Jan. 26, 1857 ; 1st It. Aug. 3, 18(11 ; captain March 3, 1863 ; maj. March 7, 1867 ; It.-col. Aug. 8, 1882 ; served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y., 1855;"^ frontier duty, 1856; Fort Mc- Henry, Md., 1856-57; asst. eng. in the construction of the defenses of San Fran- cisco Harbor, 1857-61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion ; superintend- ing engineer fortifications San Francisco Harbor July-No v. 1861 ; asst. engineer in the defenses of th- Pacific Coast Nov. 1861, to Nov. 1865; superintending- engineer of the fortifications of Alcatraz Island Mar. 1862, to Jan. 1867 ; of the fort at Fort Point Jan. 1867, to Feb. 1870; of defenses of the Pacific Coast Nov. 1865, to Jan. 18i;7, and of surveys for military defenses near San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 1867, to April, 1869; member of Board of Engineers for Pacific Coast Dec. 1866, to Feb. 1870; engineer, sec- retary of the Light-house Board April, 1870,"^ to May, 1S74 ; inspecting light- house system in Europe April-Sept. 1873 : in charge of the Washington Aqueduct Nov. 1870, to Oct. 1871 ; assistant to the chief of Engineers May, 1874, to Nov. 1882 ; superintending engineer of the improvement of the Conn. R., Conn., Nov. 1882, to May, 1883 ; of the harbor of Scituate, Provincetown, and Plymouth, Massachusetts, March-April, 1883 ; of the harbors of Wareham and Hyannis, Mass., and Stonington, Conn., March, 1883, to date ; of the harbors of Nantucket and Wood's HoU, Mass., Newport and Block Island, R. I., the rivers Taunton, Mass., and Providence and Pawtucket, R. I., Narragansett Bay, R. I., and Little Narragansett Bay, R. I., and Conn. , and of the defense of Narragan- sett Bay, R. I., and New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 1882, to date; member of Joint Board of Army and Navy OflBcers on loca- tion, etc., of bridge over the Thames River at New London, Connecticut, June-July, 1883. Robert, Henry M. Born in S. C. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1857; brvt. 2d It. Eng. July 1, 1857; 2d It. Dec. 13, 1858; 1st It. Aug. 3, 1861 ; captain Mar. 3, 1863 ; major Mar. 7, 1867; lieut. -colonel January 10, 1883 ; served, Military Academy 1857-8: on duty in Oregon in explorations and as superintending engineer, defenses of San Juan 1858-60; served during the war of the Rebellion, asst. eng. in the construc- tion of the defenses of Washington, D. C, April-Oct. 1861 ; superintending en- gineer Fort Mifflin, Pa., defenses of New Bedford Harbor, Mass., 1861-65 ; Military Academy 1865-67 ; chief engineer militarj' Division of the Pacific 1867-71 ; superin- tending engineer of light-hotises, fortifi- cations, and river and harbor improve- ments in Oregon and Washington Ter. 1871-73; of light-houses on Lake Michi- gan 1874-5 ; of river and harbor improve- ments on Lake Superior, Green Bay, and Lake Mich., north of Milwaukee, 1875- 83 ; of defenses of northern frontier, and river and harbor improvements at Buffalo, and on Lakes Ontario and Champlain, and the Niagara, St. Lawrence, Grass, and Ticonderoga Rivers, 1883. Merrill, William E. Born in Wis. Appointed from Va.; graduate M. A., cla.ss of 18.59; brvt. 2d It. Em,'. July 1, 1859; 2d It. Feb. 20, 1861 ; 1st It. Aug. 6, 1861; captain Mar. 3, 1863; col. 1 U. S. Vet. Engineers Aug. 30, 1864; mustered out Sept. 26, 1865 ; major Engineers Mar. 7, 1867; lieut.-colonel Engineers Feb. 20, 1883 ; served construction of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, Ga., and Fort Clinch, Fla., and removal of obstructions in Savannah River, Ga., 1859-60; Military Academy 1860-61, act. asst. prof, engineering; served during the war of the Rebellion, asst. eng. Department of the Ohio July- Sept. 1861 ; prisoner of war Sept. 1861- Feb. 1862 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular campaign, wounded in the attack above Lee's Mills in tempo- rary charge of the defenses of Washington May-June, 1862; engaged in the actions of the Northern Virginia campaign ; su- perintending engineer of the defenses of Newport and Covington, Ky., Sept.-Oct. 1862 ; chief engineer of the Army of Kentucky Oct. "" 1862, May, 1863; in charge of the Topographical Department of the Armv of the Cumberland May, 1863-July, 1864; chief eng. of the Army of the Cumberland and engaged in the actions of the Tennessee campaign May- Oct. 1863 ; engaged in the actions in the invasion of Georgia ; in command of En- gineer regiment July, 1864, to Sept. 1865 ; Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1865; on dutv at Nashville June, 1865-Nov. 22, 1865 ;'su- perintending engineer of the defenses of Mobile and Pensacola Dec. 1865, to April, 1866 ; on duty at Engineer Bureau, Washington, D. C, Sep. 1866-Jan. 1867 ; chief eng. on the staff of com. gen. militarv Division of the Missouri and in CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 75 charge of improvement of harbors of Chi- cago nnd Michigan City 18()7-70 ; in charge of imp. of the Ohio and otiier rivers since 1870; brevet captain April It), 1862, for gallant and meritorious conduct in an engagement with the ene- my before Yorktown, Va.; brevet major Sept. 19, 1862, for faithful and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia; brevet It. -col. Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, Tennessee; brevet col- onel March 13, 1805, for faithful and meritorious services in the battles of Re- saca and New Hope Church, Georgia. McFarland, Walter. Born in N. J. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1860; bvt. 2 It. Eng. July 1, '60; 2 It. May 1, '61; 1 It. Aug. 6, '61; on duty as assistant engineer at New Orleans, at Forts Taylor and Jefferson, Florida, 1860-61-62; participated in the defense of Fort Pickens, Florida ; accompanied naval expedition for fortifying the passes of the Mississippi River, and took part in an engagement at Southwest Pass; bvt. capt. Nov.' 23, '61, for gallant and meritorious services during the bombard- ment of Fort Pickens, Florida ; superin- tending construction of defenses of Key West, and of Fort Jefterson, Fla., and asst. enar. in operations against Charleston, S. C, 1862-63; capt. Eng. March 3, '63; chief eng. 16th Army Corps; bvt. maj. April 11, '65, for able, zealous, and efficient services in the operations under- taken against Charleston, S. C, in 1863 ; It.-col. A.A.G. (act July 17, '62) from ■June 2 to Aug. 1, '65; in charge of con- struction of Forts Taylor and Jefferson, Key AVest, Fla., 1867-9; major of En- gineers March 7, '67 ; in charge of con. of Fort Wayne 1869-70; in charge of improvement of Tenn. River 1871-5; in charge of con. of Forts Ontario and Niagara, and engineer 10th L. H. District 1876-83 ; now in charge of the improvement of Conn. River. Babcock, Orville E. Born in Vt. Appt. from Vt. ; graduate from M. A., class of '61 ; 2d It. Eng. May 6, '61 ; 1st It. Nov. 17, '61 ; Army of the Potomac 1861-3; It.-col. volunteers Jan. 1, '63; capt. of Engineers June 1, '63; attached to 9th Corps during siege of and surrender of Vicksburg, and at siege of Knoxville, where he was brevetted maj. for gallant and meritorious service; chief eng. Dejit. of Ohio 1864 ; aidc-de camp to General Grant in the Richmond Campaign, 1864, and bvt. It.-col. May 6, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of the Wilderness May 6, '(j4 ; bvt. col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion ; bvt. brig.- gen. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the Rebellion ; Head-Quarters of the Army, 1866-9; major of Engineers March 21, '67 ; on duty with the Presi- dent, and in charge of public buildings and grounds, Washington, with the rank of col. of Engineers, 1869-77 ; engineer 5tli and 6th L". H. District 1877-83. Wilson, John M. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Washington Territory ; graduated from U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1860; brevet 2d lieu- tenant, 1st Artillery, July 1, 1860; trans- ferred to Ordnance October 9, 1860 ; served as assistant ordnance officer at Fort Mon- roe Arsenal, Va , 1860-61, and at Wash- ington Arsenal 1860-61 ; transferred to 1st Artillery January 14, 1861 ; 2d lieu- tenant, 2d Artillery, January 28, 1861 ; 1st lieutenant, 2d Artillery, May 14, 1861; transferred to Topographical En- gineers July 24, 1862 ; transferred to En- gineers March 3, 1863 ; captain corps of Engineers June 1, 1863; lieut.-col., asst. inspector-general Military Division of West Mississippi May 26, 1864, to August 1, 1865; major of Engineers June 3, 1867 ; served during the war of the Rebellion in the defenses of Washington April-July, 1861 ; in the Manassas Campaign July, 18(il, being engaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21," 1861 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C, July, 1861, March, 1862 ; in the Virginia Peninsula Cam- paign (Army of Potomac) March-August, 1862, being engaged in the siege of York- town Api-il 5-May 4, 1862; battle of Williamsburg May 4-5, 1862 ; action of Slatersville May 9, 1862; skirmish at Gaines' Mill May 23, 1862 ; action of Me- chanicsville May 23-24, 1862; battle of Gaines' Mills June 27, 1862; battle of Malvern Hill June 30-July 1, 1862; skirmish at Harrison's Landing July 2, 1862 ; action at Malvern Hill August 5, 1862; in the Maryland Campaign as as- sistant topographical engineer (Army of Potomac) Sept.-Oct. 1862 ; being en- gaged in the battle of South Mountain September 14, 1862; battle of Antietam Sep. 17, 1862, and skirmish at Charlestown, Va., October 17, 1862 ; as suptg. engineer of the construction of defenses of Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 1, 1862, to March 20, 1863'; asst. prof, of Spanish at U. S. Mil- itary Academy March-June, 1863 ; assist- ant engineer of the construction of de- fenses at Baltimore, Md., June-July, 1868; superintending engineer of the de- fensive works at Memphis, Vicksburg, and Natchez August, 1863, to May, 1864 ; 76 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. inspector-gx-neral Military Division West Mississippi May, IHCA, to September, 1865; in the Mobile Campaign March- May, 1865, being engaged in the siege and capture of Spanish Fort, March 28-April 8, 1865 ; storming of Blakely April 9, 1865; occupation of Mobile April 12, 1865, and surrender of General Dick Tay- lor's army at Citronelle, Ala., May 4, 1865 ; detailed to present to the Secretary of AVar the Confederate flags captured in the Mobile Campaign May, 1865 ; in charge of the construction of fort at Ship Island, Miss., and defenses of New Or- leans September 16, 1865, to January 10, 1866 ; in command of engineer depot and company at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and in charge of disposition of engineer prop- erty in Arkansas and Missouri Jan. 28, 1866, to Sept. 4, 1866 ; assistant engineer in the improvement of the Hudson river Sept. 4, 1866, to January 21, 1871; super- intending engineer of "forts Ontario and Niagara, of harbor improvements on Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence river, and of the survey of the Third Sub-division of the Northern Transportation route, from the Great Lakes to tidewater, January, 1871, to December, 1875 ; superintending engi- neer of forts Stevens and Canby, of river and harbor improvements in Oregon and Washington Territories, including Co- lumbia, Willamette, and Snake rivers and Cascade canal, and engineer 13th Light- house District, December, 1875, to Octo- ber 21, 1878 ; superintending engineer of the river and hai-bor improvements of Lake Erie west of Dunkirk, December, 1878, to Oct. 24, 1882, and engineer of the 10th Light-house District July, 1881, to December, 1881 ; in charge of the Island 2d Divisions, office of the Chief of Engi- neers, U. S. Army, since October 26, 1882 ; brevet captain June 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mills, Va.; brevet major July 1, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; brevet lieut.-col. April 8, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Spanish Fort, Mobile Harbor, Ala.; brevet col. April 8, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services at Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, Ala.; brevet colonel of volunteers March 26, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the cam- paign against the city of Mobile and its defenses. Barlow, John W. Born in New York. Appointed a cadet from Wis. to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, enter- ing in June, 1856, and being graduated No. 14 in his class May 6, 1861 ; promoted May 6, 1861, to 2d It. 2d Artillery U. S. Army, and to 1st It. May 15, 1861 ; served during the Rebellion of the seceding States 1861-66 ; drilling volunteers at Washing- ton, I). C, May-July, 1861 ; in the Ma- nassas campaign of July, 1861, being en- gaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C, July, 1861-March, 1862 ; in the Va. peninsular cam])aign (Army of the Po- tomac) April-August, 1862, being en- gaged in the siege of Yorktown (on Engi- neer duty) April 5-May 4, 1862; with Battery M, 2d Artillery, in battles of Wil- liamsburg May 4-5, 1862 ; battle of Han- over C. H., May 27, 1862 ; promoted brevet captain May 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Han- over C. H., Va. ; seven days' battles be- fore Richmond, Va., especially at Malvern Hill July 1, 1862, remaining with rear guard during the movement of army to James River, and the transfer of the army to the defense of Washington, D. C. ; transferred to Topographical Engineers July 24, 1862, and to "the Corps of Engi- neers March 3, 1.863 ; at Military Academy as asst. prof, of mathematics and ethics Sept. 1862, to Jan. 18, 1863;' with Engi- neer battalion Armv of the Potomac June 28, 1863, to Feb. 17, 1864, being engaged in the battle of Gettysburg July 1-3,^1863; in constructing bridge over Potomac River at Berlin July 18, 1863; in laying, repairing, and guarding bridges over the Rappahannock Aug. 1-23, over Bull Run at Blackburn's Ford Oct. 17, 1863, and across the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford Nov. 7, 1863 ; in the Mine Run opera- tions Nov. 26-Dec. 3, 1863, and in making roads and reconnoissanccs, building block- houses and erecting defensive works ; pro- moted captain Corps of Engineers July 3, 1863 ; at the Military Academy as asst. prof, of mathematics Feb. 26 to June 20, 1864 ; in the Georgia campaign July 12 to Aug. 27, 1864 ; as chief engineer of the 17th Army Corps July 22-Aug. 27, 1864, being engaged in the battle of Atlanta July 22, 1864, and siege of Atlanta to Aug. 27, 1864, including the repulse of the sortie of July 28, 1864; promoted brevet major July 22, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious services in the Atlanta campaign ; on sick-leave of absence Aug. 27 to Nov. 13, 1864; in charge of the defenses of Nash- ville, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1864, to Oct. 1, 1865, being engaged in the battle of Nash- ville Dec. 15-16, 1864; promoted brevet lieut.-col. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle before Nashville, Tenn.; as superintending engi- neer of the construction of Fort Clinch, Fla., Oct. 20, 1865, to Nov. 19, 1867; of Fort Montgomery, N. Y., and harbor im- CORPS OF ENGINEKllS. 77 provements on Lake Cluimplain Dec. 18(17, to May 30, 1870; jji-omoted rnHJor Corps of J]ngineers April 23, 1809 ; at Chicaiio, 111., as chief enn'ineer on the stail" of tiie lt.-£jeneral comdg. the Military Division of the Missouri June 1, 1870, to June 30, 1874, being engaged in the preparation of troops for military purposes ; in the field during summer of 1871, making recon- noissance of head-waters of JNIissouri and Yellowstone Rivers, including the region subsequently designated as the Yellow- stone National Park ; accomjianied sur- veying party July-Sept. 1872, from Boze- man, Montana, down the Valley of the Yellowstone River ; engaged Aug. 14 in a severe battle with the Sioux Indians ; in the fall of 1873 making an astronomical determination of the longitude of Bis- marck and Fargo, N. P. R. R. ; July 1, 1874, to May, ''1883, stationed at New London, Conn., charged with the im- provement of certrtin rivers and harbors on Long Island Sound, being engaged in the supervision of surveys and making plans for the permanent improvement of the harbors of Stonington, New London, Clinton, New Haven, West Haven, New Haven Breakwater, Miiford, Bridgeport, Soulhport, Norwalk,Conn., Mamaroneck, N. Y., Port Jefferson and Greenport, L. I., and the Thames and Housatonic Rivers, Conn. ; also preliminary examina- tions for improving the harbors of Madi- son, Branford, Black Rock, Stamford, Westport, and Duck Island, Conn., Stony Brook, Southold, and Peconic River, Long Island, Pawtuxet, Bissell's Cove, Paw- tucket River, R. I., and the Upper Conn. River, N. H., and Vt. ; transferred April, 1883, to Milwaukee, Wis., and placed in charge of a district of harbor works, including the harbors on the west shore of Lake Michigan north of Mil- waukee, and on the south shore of Lake Superior east of Superior City. Hains, Peter C. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; graduate M. A., class of 1861 ; 2d It. 2d A^rt. June 24, 1861 ; 1st It. June 24, 1861 ; trans, to Top. Eng. July 24, 1862; trans, to Eng. March 3, 1863 ; captain July 18, 1863 ; major Sept. 22, 1870 ; served during the war of the re- bellion ; engaged in the Manassas cam- paign and defenses of Washington ; Julv, 1861, to March, 1862, engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsula, Mary- land, Rappahannock, and Vicksburg cam- paigns, ending with the surrender of Vicksburg and capture of Jackson July 16, 1863 ; superintending engineer of the construction of the defenses of Natchez Aug. 18(;3-April, 1864; chief eng. De- partment of the Gulf July, 1864-July, 18G5 ; examination of the (condition of Forts Macon and Caswell, N. C, Aug. 1865-July, 1866 ; asst. engineer of the improvement of the Des Moines and Rock Island Rapids Aug. 1866 ; brevet captain May 27, 1862, for gallant and mciritorious services in the battle of Hanover Coiu't- Ilouse, Virginia ; brevet major July 4, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brevet It. -col. March 13, 18(55, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; colonel of the 10th New Jersey Vols. May 29, 1865; in command of the eng. depot and post of Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from Sept. 1867, to Oct. 1870; engineer of the 5th Light-House Dist. from^Oct. 1870, to July, 1874, and, in addition, engineer of the 6th Light-House Dist. from July, 1871, to July, 1874 ; engineer secretary to light-house board July, 1874, to July, 1879 ; engineer of 6th Light-House Dist. from July, 1879, to Aug. 1882 ; in charge of the improvement of the Potomac River in front of the citv of Washington, D. C. (Potomac flats), Aug. 1882 ; and of the defenses of Washington, D. C, since No- vember, 1882. Gillespie, George L. Born in Tennes- see. Appt. from Tenn. ; graduate M. A., class of -62 ; 2d It. Eng. 17 June, '(i2 ; 1st It. 3d March, '63; capt. 22 April, '64; Army of the Potomac 1862-'65; bvt. major Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and meri- torious services duringthe campaign before Richmond, Va. ; bvt. It. -col. April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign from Winchester to Appomat- tox C. H., Va. ; chief, eng. Dept. of the Gulf 1865-'67 ; con. of defenses of Ports- mouth, N. H., Harbor, 1867-68; engineer 10 L. H. District 1869-72 ; major 5 Sept. '71 ; detached services 1873 ; engineer officer Mil. Div. of the Mo. 1874-78; Portland, Oregon, in charge of defenses at mouth of Columbia River, 1878-'82; in charge of the construction of Forts Wood, Hamilton, and Columbus, etc., 1882-'83. Suter, Charles R. Born in New York. Appt. from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '62; 2d lieut. Eng. 17 June, '(;2 ; 1st It. 3 March, '63; capt. 17 June, '64; Army of the Potomac 1862-'63 ; Dept. of the South 'i;:3-'65; bvt. capt. July 18, '63. for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Morris Island, S. C. ; examining condition of various forts on Ga. and S. C. coasts, 1865-'66 ; survey of Tapper Miss. 1866-'68 ; on duty at Cin., Ohio, 18(i9-'70 ; major 10 Oct. '71 ; in charge of improve- ment of the Miss., Mo., and Ark. Rivers, and engineer loth L. II. District, 1870- '83. Smith, Jared A. Born in Maine; 78 KKCORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY graduated from M. A. June 17, 1862; 2d It. Eni^ineers June 17, 1862; 1st It. March 3,^1863; captnin June 25, 1864; major Jan. 13, 1874; bvt. 1st It. Aug. 9, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in tlie battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; bvt. major March 18, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war of the Rebellion ; assistant engineer of army corps under Major-General Banks, in Northern Virginia, July 10 to Nov. 24, 1862 ; engaged in battle of Cedar Moun- tain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862 ; also in skirmishes near Rappahannock, Bealeton, and Catlett Stations, Va., in Aug. 1862; on leave of absence and in hospital from injuries and sickness incurred in field from Aug. 28 to NoA". 22, 1862; assistant professor Geog- raphv, History, and Ethics, U.S. Military Academy, Nov. 26, 1862, to Aug. 11, 18()3; assistant engineer in construction of fortifications and batteries on coast of 3faine Aug. 19, 1863, to Aug. 9, 1864; on engineer lecruiting service Dec. 1, 1863, to Aug. 9, 1864; assistant engineer of de- fenses of Baltimore, Md., Aug. 10 to Sept. 22, 1864; of Fort Mongomerv, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1864, to March 2, 1865, and of Fort Ontario, N. Y. (in local charge), March 3, 1865, to Nov. 1866 ; assistant engineer on harbor improvements on Lake Ontario 1866 ; superintending en- gineer of construction of defenses of New Bedford, Mass., and improvement of Plymouth Bench, Mass., Nov. 1866, to June 1, 1869; of examinations for im- provement of Taunton River and Dux- bury Beach, Mass., 1868; assistant engi- neer on Geodetic Survey of the Northern Lakes June 1, 1869, to April 1, 1871 ; and on survej's and plans for a harbor of ref- uge in Lake Huron April 1, 1871, to Dec. 1, 1873; on leave of absence in Europe May 28 to Sept. 26, 1873; assistant engi- neer on defenses of Kev West and Drv Tortugas, Fla., Dec. 12,' 1873, to Jan. 29, 1874; superintending engineer of con- struction of dofen?es of Key West and Dry Tortugas, Fla., and of construc- tion and repair of light-houses in Sev- enth District Jan. 29, 1874, to Dec. 16, 1876; superintending engineer of Wabash River improvements, Ind. and 111., since Jan. 22, 1876 ; of improvement of harbors of Michigan City, Ind., and New Buffalo, Mich., since July 1, 1878; of surveys and improvements on White River, Ind., since July 8, 1878, and during same time of va- rious surveys on the Kankakee River, In- diana and Illinois ; consulting engineer in selection of plans for State-house in Indiana 1877 ; and of various civil works 1877 to date ; member of various boards of engineers on harbor and river improve- ments 1877 to date ; on leave of absence in Europe Sept. 15, 1880, to April 30, 1881. Mansfield, Samuel M. Born in Con- necticut. Appt. from Conn. ; graduate M. A., class of '62; 2d It. Eng. 17 June, '62; 1st It. 3 March, '68; capt. 15 Aug. '64 ; major 2d Sept. '74 ; Army of the Potomac 1862, on staff of his father, Major-Gen. Mansfield; colonel 24th Conn. Volunteers, Nov. 18, 1862; Dept. of the Gulf 1862-'63 ; bvt. capt. June 14, '63, for gallant and meritorious conduct in action at Port Hudson, La. ; mustered out of volunteer service Sept. 30, '68 ; con. of fort at Sandy Hook 1868-'64 ; con. of de- fenses to Narragansett Bay, 1864-'65; bvt. major and bvt. It. -col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion ; survey of the Upper Miss. River ]865-'66; Willet's Point '()7 ; com- manding depot and post Verba Buena, Col., 1868-'70; at N. Y. under orders of Lt.-Col. Newton, 1871-'72; in charge of harbor improvements on Lake Michigan 1875-'78; on leave in Europe 1879-'80; in charge of improvements of the harbors of Galveston and Brazos Santiago, Texas, since 1880. King, William R. Born in New York. Appt. from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '63 ; 1st It. Eng. 11 June, '63 ; capt. 81 Dec. '()5 ; major 2d Sept. '74; Dept. of North Carolina 1863-'64; chief eng. 18th Army Corps 1864 ; participated in opera- tions before Richmond ; bvt. capt. Dec. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign of '64 in the District of North Carolina; asst. engineer Depts. of North Carolina and Va. 1864-'65; bvt. major April 9, '65, for gallant conduct in the field ; Bureau of Engineers, Washing- ton, 1865-'67; at hd. qrs. Corps of Eng. 1868-'70 ; commanding Co. B, Battalion of Engineers, 1875-76; secy, to Sutro Tunnel Commission 1872-73; in charge of improvement of Tennessee and Cumber- land Rivers since 1876. Benyaurd, Wm. H. H. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appt. from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '68 ; 1st It. Eng. 11 June, '63 ; capt. 1 Maj-, '66 ; major 4 March, '79 ; Army of the Potomac 1863-65 ; bvt. capt. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Rich- mond, Va. ; bvt. major Apl. 1, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va. ; West Point 1865-'66; asst. professor of engineering M. A. 1866-'68; on duty Davenport, Iowa, 1869-'70; in charge of Ouachita and Yazoo River improvements 1875-'80; in charge of harbors Memphis and Vicks- burg 1879-'82; in charge of improvement CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 79 of harbors of Cbifti^o ami Cnlumet, 111., and of the Illinois River, since 1882. Lydecker, Garrett J. Born in N. J. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 'f^78. CORPS OF KNOINEEKy. 83 Adams, Henry M. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Massaciiusetts ; graduate M. A., class of IBOO ; 2d lieuten- ant Engineers June 18, ISOd ; 1st lieuten- ant July 10, IStitJ ; captain September 2, 1874 ; served with engineer company at West Point, N. Y., October 1, 18(;(i, to September 2, 1807 ; at the Military Acad- emy as assistant professor of engineering, August 31, 1807, to August 28^ 18(59; as assistant engineer on the defenses of New Orleans, La., improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi River, and of Galveston Harbor, Tex., and surveys for river and harbor works in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, September 1, 18(19, to June 1, 1874 ; on survey of the Northern and Northwestern lakes and the Mississippi River June 6, 1874, to December 31, 1878; as assistant to the chief of engineers U. S. Army, at Washington, D. C, since Jan- uary 2, 1879. Mercur, James. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of 186(i; 2 It. Eng. June 18, '('.(5; 1 it. Mar. 7, '(w ; asst. eng. survey' of Northern lakes '()()-'(;7 ; on duty at Mili- tary Academy, West Point, N. Y., '(17- '72; adjutant Bat. of Eng's and post at West Point '7o-'7(; ; capt. 9 Dec. '75 ; on duty under orders of Col. Newton, Astoria, N. Y., 1877-'79 ; in charge of improve- ment of Norfolk, Beaufort, and Edenton Harbors, etc., 1880-'83 ; in charge of con. of Fort Macon 1882-'83 ; member of board advisorv to State Harbor Coms. of Va. 1880-'8*3. Davis, Charles E. L. B. Born in Conn. Feb. IG, 1844. Appointed from Connecticut; graduate M. A., class of 186G; 2d It. Eng. June 18, 18(56; 1st It. March 7, 18(57 ; "captain Sept. 12, 1877; on detached service. Military Academy, 1867-71 ; quartermaster Battalion Engi- neers May 1, 1871, to Nov. 30, 1872; on duty under Capt. Howell, New Orleans, 1873-6 ; improvement of Galveston Har- bor, Tex., May 1, 1876, to June 10, 1881; in charge of improvement of Sabine Pass, Texas, Blue Buck Bar, Sabine, and Neches Rivers, Texas, from June 16, 1881, to November 1, 1881, and engineer of the 10th Light-house District from Dec. 1, 1881, to^Aug. 1, 1882; engineer 10th and 11th Light-house Districts since Aug. 1, 1882. Wheeler, George Montague. Born in Grafton, Worcester, Massachusetts, Oct. 9, 1842. Appointed as the first cadet from the then Territory of Colorado June, 1862; graduated from M. A. June 18, '66; commissioned as 2d lieut. of En- gineers June 18, '66, and assigned to duty upon military contour survey of Point Lobos, Cal., preliminary to fortifications of outer lines of defense of San Francisco Harbor ; finishing the same, in charge of the field work in Mar. 1867 ; commissioned as 1st lieut. of Engineers March 7, 1867; assistant upon construction of sea wall and other works of defense at Fort Point, Cal., until August, 1868 (construction of sea wall, preparation of approaches to works of defense, repairs of existing works, ])ro- tection of sea wall in front of the fort at Fort Point, construction of roads, etc.); Sept. 1868, detailed upon staflT of Brig, and Bvt. Major-General E. O. C. Ord, commanding general Department of Cali- fornia, engaged upon surveys of militarj'^ reservations ; collating data relative to Government title to same for the entire Pacific coast ; commander of military ex- pedition for reconnoissance in Southeastern Nevada-in 1869 (of which a report, with detailed topographical map, was sub- mitted to the general commanding) ; transferred to Washington, D. C. (Feb. 1871), to perfect projects for explorations and surveys in Western interior ; com- mander of expedition for exploration and survey in Nevada and Arizona 1871 ; from 1872 to date engaged as superintend- ing engineer in charge of military and geographical surveys of tlie territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian (area 1,443,360 square miles), organized by him under the Engi- neer Department, of which 16 quarto, 624 octavo, and 93 regular atlas sheets, maps, and 66 others have been issued (area surveyed, 359,065 square miles) ; commissioned capt. of Engineers March 4, 1879 ; appointed commissioner of the U. S. and delegate of the War Dept. to the 3d Int. Geog. Congress and Exhibi- tion at Venice, Italy, in 1881, submitting thereupon a detailed report, embracing also data concerning the origin, organiza- tion, history, and progress of all the Gov- ernment "Topographical surveys of the world ; at present stationed at Washing- ton, D. C, as in charge of U. S. geo- graphical surveys. Quinn, James B. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate M. A. class of 1800 ; 2d It. Eng. June 18, 1866 ; 1st It. March 7, 1867; c^aptain March 4, 1879; on duty with Engineer Battalion 1867-8; in charge of con. Forts Jelferson and Taylor 1869-70; on duty under Col. Thorn, i3os- ton, Mass., 1871-2; on duty under Capt. Howell, Galveston, Texas, 1872-6 ; quar- termaster Battalion Engineers Dec. 22, 1876, to Feb. 29, 1880; comdg. Co. A, Batt. of Engrs. to April 30, 1881 ; in charge of the improvement of the Yellow- stone River and of the Missouri River 84 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. above the mouth of tlie Yellowstone 1881 -83. Lockwood, Daniel W. Born in N. Y. Appt. from N. Y. ; ijraduate M. A., class of 1866 ; 2d It. P^n--. ISth June, '66 ; 1st It. 7th March, 1867 fcapt. 30th June, 1879; on duty with Co. D, Eng. Battalion 1867 -8 ; on detached service hd.-qrs. Mil. Div. of the Pacific 1869-70; engineer otEcer on staff of comdg. gen. Dept. of Arizona 1870-1 ; on du\y with Lt. Wheeler's ex. expeditions 1871-2; on duty under Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., 1872-9; on duty under order of Major Howell, New Or- leans, La., 1880-2; in charge of the im- provement of harbors on Lake Michigan and of the Grand River 1883. Ruffner, Ernest H. Born in Ivy. Appointed from Virginia ; graduate M. A. class of 1867; 2d'' It. Eng. June 17, 1867 ; 1st It. June 17, 1867; captain Oct. 31, 1879; survey of the lakes 1867-8; on dutj' under orders of Genl. Reynolds, De- troit, Mich., 1869-70; engineer officer on staff of genl. commanding Dept. of Mo. 1870-9; in charge of improvement of Kanawha River under orders of Major Craighill 1880-82 ; commanding Co. A, Battalion of Engs., and in temporary charge of Depot and Post at Willet's Poin't '83. Mallery, John C. Born in Penna. Appointed from Ala.; graduate M. A., class of 1867 ; 2d It. Eng. 2 June, '67 ; 1st It. 17 June, '67 ; cajit. 21 Mar., '80 ; survey of the Lakes 1867-8 ; Military Academy, West Point, 1869-74; engineer officer, De- partment of the Pacific, 1874-8; adjutant and treasurer Battalion of Engineers, West Point, 1878-9 ; comdg. Co. C, Bat. of Engineers, 1880-82. Sears, Clinton Brooks. Born June 2, 1844, at Penn Yan, N. Y.; left sopho- more class at college and enlisted as a private, Co. G, 95Lh Regiment Ohio Vol. Inft., July 24, 1862; corporal Aug. 19, 1862 ; was in the battle of Richmond, Ky.; participated in Buell's campaign after Bragg ; the battle of Perry ville, Ky.; and in Rosecrans' Stone River campaign, be- ing on detached duty ; rejoined regiment in Feb. 1863, at Memphis, Tenn.; ap- pointed acting color-sergeant of his regi- ment April 25, 1863, and as such partici- pated in the Vicksburg campaign, being in both assaults on Vicksburg, two attacks on Jackson, Miss., and in several minor engagements ; was honorably discharged Sept. 20, 1863, to accept a cadetship to which he had been appointed by President Lincoln, upon the recommendations of Gens. Grant and Sherman (assigned to represent the 4th District of Virginia) ; was graduated at the U. ff. Military Academy June 17, 1867 (class standing, 3d) ; commissioned 2d and 1st liciit. in the Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., June 17, 1867 ; asst. instructor artillery tactics and practical military engineering at U. S. Military Academy July 5 to Aug. 31, 1867 ; on duty with Engineer Battalion Nov. 1, '67, to Feb. 1, '69; asst. instructor practical military engineering, signaling, and telegraphy at U. S. Military Acad- emy to Feb. 1, 1870; assistant engineer on Lake Erie harbor improvements to March 23, 1870; engineer officer on the general staff Military Div. of the Pacific to July 21, 1870; chief engineer on staff of Genl. Canby, Dept. of the Columbia, to May 6, 1871 ; assistant engineer on the defenses of San Francisco Harbor to Aug. 14, 1871 ; executive engineer in charge of improvement of Wilmington Harbor, Cal., to Sept. 3, 1875; being temporarily detached Feb. 1873, to make a survey for the improvement of Estero Bay, at Moro, Cal.; on leave Oct. 1, 1875, to Jan. 1, 1876 ; assistant engineer defenses of Boston Harbor to Aug. 28, 1876 ; at the U. S. Military Academy as ]irincipal assistant professor of civil and military engineering to Aug. 25, 1877 ; prin. asst. prof, geog- raphy, history, and ethics to July 1, 1878; and prin. asst. prof, of nat. and ex. phi- losophy and astronomy to April 13, 1882 ; also during the last year in charge of the construction of the new astronomical ob- servatory at West Point; com. as capt. Corps of Engs U. S. A. April 9, 1880 ; ex- ecutive officer Construction Department Mississippi River Commission since April 24, 1882, with station at St. Louis, Mo. ; member American Society of Civil Engi- neers ; fellow National Academy of De- sign ; member Military Order Loyal Le- gion, U. S. ; honorary degree of A. B. from Ohio Wes. University, 1881, with degree of A. M. to follow in three years. Turtle, Thos. Born in Ireland. Appt. from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1867 ; 2d It. Eng. June 17, '67; 1st It. August 13, '67; capt. Jan. 2, '81; on duty with Eng. batt. '67-'68 ; survey of battle-field of Gettysburg '69; on duty with Eng. batt. '69-'70; under orders of Col. Ben- ham, Boston, Mass., '71-'72; under orders of MHJor Craiffhill '72-'83. Maguire, Edward. Born in Tennessee. Appt. from Tenn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867; 2 It. of Eng. June 17, '67; 1st It. Feby. 15, '69; capt. June 14, '81 ; on duty with Eng. batt. '67-'69 ; adjt. Eng. batt. '69-'70 ; under orders of Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., '71-'75; under orders of Major Craighill, Baltimore, Md., '75-'76; eng. officer Dept. of Dakota '76- '83. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 85 Mahan, Frederick A. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 18(;7 ; 2 It. Eng. June 17, '67; 1st It. Feby. 22, '(19; capt. June 17, '81 ; on duty with Eng. batt. '()7-'(i9 ; comdg. detachment of Eng. at Mil. Acad. ; survey of government reservations at West Point '(i9-'72 ; under orders of Major Mer- rill, Cinn., 0., '72-'73 ; under orders of Maj. Gillmorc, Savannah, Ga., '7.3-'74 ; under orders of Maj. Merrill '74-'83. Powell, Chas. F. Born in Illinois. Appointed from S. C. ; graduate M. A., class of 1807 ; private and corporal Co. B, and sergt. -major 5th Wis. Infty. May 10, '61, to "Sept. 28, '03; 2 It. Eng. June 17, '67; 1st It. Apr. 23, '09; capt. June 17, '81; on duty with Eng. batt. '67-'70; under orders of Major Comstock '71-'74 ; recruiting officer Batt. of Eng., Detroit, Mich., '71-'74; under orders of Maj. Comstock, Detroit, Mich., '74-'76 ; under orders of Capt. Adams, Memphis, Tenn., '77-'78; under orders of Major Gillesj)ie, Oregon, '79-'80; in charge of improve- ments harbor, rivers, and defenses of coast, Oregon, '81-'82 ; eng. 13th L. H. Dist. ■81-'83. Hinman, Frederick A. Born in Mich- igan. Appointed from Virginia ; gradu- ate M. A., class of 1867; 2d lieut. Corps of Engineers June 17,1867; at Willet's Point, N. Y. Harbor, with Co. B, Bat- talion of Engineers, Aug. 17, 1807, to Sept. 25, 1872, with the following excep- tions : at Gettysburg, Penna., with de- tachment of Engineers surveying battle- field (detachment A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S.) Aug., Sept., and Oct. 1869; adjutant (pro tem.) Battalion of Engineers and the Post of Willet's Point, N. Y. Harbor, signal oflBcer Battalion of Engineers, and commanding officer Co. D, Battalion of Engineers, May 1, 1871, to June 16, 1871 ; 1st lieut. Corps of Engineers Oct. 1, 1869 ; at Chicago, 111., as asst. engineer on river and harbor improvements Oct. 4, 1872, to Dec. 19, 1873; at Mobile, Ala., as asst. engineer on river, harbor, fortifi- cation, and light-house works Dec. 28, 1873, to July 8, 1874; captfiin Corps of Engineers June 17, 1881 ; at Chicago, 111., Madison, Wis., and Milwaukee, Wis., as asst. engineer on the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers improvement July 14, 1874, to June 21, 1883 ; on leave of ab- sence abroad Dec. 27, 1882, to May 31, 1883 ; at Milwaukee, Wis., as superin- tending engineer in temporary charge of the river and harbor improvements on Lake Superior, east of Superior City, on Green Bay, and on the western shore of Lake Michigan north of Milwaukee from June 22, 1883. 7 Payson, Albert H. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A,, class of 1868 ; 2 It. Eng. June 15, '68; 1st It. June 1, '70; cajit. 15 of June, '82 ; on duty with Eng. Batt. '08-69 ; on duty at Mil" Acad. '09-72 ; on duty with Batt. of Eng. '72-74; under orders'of Col. Thorn, Boston, Mass., '74-75; on duty at M. A. '75-70; on Board of Eng.' of Pacific Coa.st '77-80 ; eng. 12 L. H.^Dist. '83. Knight, John G. D. Born in England, Jan. 24, 1840. Ajipointed cadet from Missouri in 1804 ; graduated and com- missioned 2d It. of Engineers June 15, 1868; commissioned 1st It. of Engineers Jan. 22, 1870 ; capt. of Engrs. (14 years' service) June 15, 1882; on graduating, leave of absence June 15 to Sept. 30, '68; on duty with battalion of Engineers at Willet's Point until Aug. 8, 1870; thence , on duty on permanent sea-coast defenses at Fort Schuyler until Feb. 1874, having been in charge of fortifications at this ])lace and Willet's Point Nov. and Dec. 1870, and July, Aug., and Sept. 1873 ; as- signed to duty as Engr. officer Mil. Div. Pacific March 16, 1874; assigned to duty, in addition, as. Engr. officer Dept. of Cal- ifornia April 7, 1874 ; assigned to duty as asst. prof, of mathematics at the U. S. Mil. Academy Aug. 30, 1874; in addition on duty with Battalion of Engrs. at West Point from March 10 to March 29, 1876 ; with department of French from Sept. 13 to Oct. 5, 1878, and in charge of de- partment of mathematics during April, 1878 ; relieved from dut}' at the Academy Aug. 30, 1881 ; on leave of absence until ordered to duty with Miss. River commis- sion April 17, 1882; assigned to charge of 1st district of Miss. River Aug. 30, 1882. Hoxie, Richard L. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Iowa ; bugler, private, and corporal Co. F, 1st Iowa Cav. , June 13, 1861, to June 9, 1864; graduated from M. A. June 15, 1868; 2d It. Engineers June 15, 1868 ; on duty with Eng. Batt. '68-70; under orders of Col. Benham, Boston, Mass., '71-72; with Lt. Wheeler on exploring expedition '72-74 ; chief eng. District of Columbia '74-80; on duty under Major Lydecker, Wash., DC, '82-83; 1st It. Sept. 22, 1870; captain (14 years' service) June 15, 1882. Marshall, W^m. L. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; private Co. A, 10 Ky. Cav., Aug. 16, '62 ; discharged Sept. 17, '63 ; graduate of M. A., class of 1808 ; bvt. 2 It. Eng. June 15, '68 ; 2 It. Feby. 22, '69 ; 1st U. June 21, '71 ; capt. June 15, '82 ; on duty with Eng. Batt. '08-72; with Lt. Wheeler on exploring expedition '72-70 ; under orders of Capt. King, Chattanooga, '77-80; improve- 86 RECORDS 05 LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY ment of Miss. River from mouth of While River to Warrenton, '82-83. Willard, Jos. H. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; e;raduate of M. A., class of 1868 ; brevet 2 It. of Engineers, June 5, '68; 2 It. April 23, '69; 1st It. July 11, '71 ; capt. June 15, '82 ; on dutj' witii Eng. Batt. '68-72; under orders of Col. Newton, xVlbany, N. Y., '72-80; comdg. Co. B, Batt. of Eng., '82-83. Price, Philip M. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduated from M.A., class of 1869; 2d 'it. 2d Art. June 15, 1869 ; transferred to Engineers June 10, 1872; 1st It. Sept. 30, 1873; captain Jan- uary 10, 1883 ; on duty at M. A. '72 ; on duty with Co. " B," Batt. of Eng., '73-74 ; with Lt. "Wheeler's exploring expedition '74-75; on duty under Major Comstock, I Detroit, Mich., '75-77 ; on duty under Capt. Adams, Detroit, Mich., '77-78; on duty under orders of Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., '78-80 ; on temporary duty under orders of commanding gen- eral, Dept. of Texas, '80; on duty under orders of' Capt. Powell, Oregon, '80-83. Greene, Francis "V. Born in R. I. Appointed from D. C. ; graduate M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 4th Art. June 15, '70; trans, to Eng. June 10, '72 ; 1st lieut. Jan. 13, '74; on detached service under Dept. of State '72-73 ; on duty with Co. '' B," Batt. of Eng., '74; wiith Lt. Wheeler's exploring expedition '74-75; on duty with Maj. Comstock, Detroit, Mich., '75-76; on duty at oflSce of Sec. of War '76-77 ; mil. attache to U.S. Legation at St. Petersburg '77-79; on special duty under orders Sec. of War, completing report on Russian army, '79 ; asst. to Eng. Com- mission of District of Columbia '79-83 ; capt. '83. Palfrey, Carl F. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine ; graduate M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 2d Art. June 15, '70; trans, to Eng. June 10, '72 ; 1st It. Eng. Sept. 2, '74 ; on detached service under Dept. of State '72-74 ; at M. A. '74-78 ; on duty at Dept. of Arizona '80-82 ; on duty under orders of Col. Mendel! , San Francisco, Cal., '83; capt. '83. Bixby, William H. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1873 ; 2d It. Eng. June 13, '73 ; 1st It. Dec. 9, '75 ; on duly with Batt. of Eng. '73-78; on duty at M. A. '78-79; with Ninth Corps of the French Army '79-80 ; on .special duty in Europe '80-82 ; adjt. of Ball, of Eng. '82-83 ; capt. '83. With the rank of First Lieutenant. Bergland, Eric. Born in Sweden. Ap- ? Dinted from 111. ; 2d It. 57 111. Infantry ►ec. 26, 1861 ; 1st It. July 20, 1862 ; mustered out Julv 7, 1865; graduated from M. A., class 1869; 2d It. 5 Art. June 15, 1869 ; transferred to Engineers June 10, 1872; 1st lieutenant June 10. 1872; at Fort Monroe, Va., '72 ; on duty at M. A. '73-75; with Lt. Wheeler's exploring expedition '75-78; on duly at M. A. '78- '79; asst. prof, of ethics and law at M. A. '79-82; on duty at West Point '83; on duty under orders of Maj. King, Chat- tanooga, Tenn., '83. Taber, Henry S. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1873 ; 2d It. Engineers June 13, 1873 ; 1st It. January 29, 1877; quartermaster battalion Engineers Sept. 2, 1876, to Dec. 22, 1876 ; capt. of Engineers July 3, 1883 ; on duty with batt. of Eng. '75-78 ; on duty at M. A. '78-79; on duty at M. A. as asst. instructor of prac. mil. eng. '80-82 ; on duty in Dept. of Dakota '82-83 ; capt. , '83. Rossele, William T. Born in Ala. Apptd. from N. J. ; graduate M. A., class of 1873 ; 2 It. of Eng. June 13, '73 ; 1st It. Sept. 12, '77; on duty with batt. of Eng. '73-76 ; on duty at M. A. '76-79 ; on duty under orders of Col. Thorn, Port- land, Me., '80-82; on dutv underorders of Col. Gillmore, Jacksonville, Fla., '82-83. Bailey, Thomas N. Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. ; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1873; 2d It. Engineers June 13, 1873; 1st It. Oct. 16, 1877; on duty with bait, of Eng. '73-74; under orders of Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., '74-76; on duty at M. A. '76-79; Eng. officer Dist. of New Mexico '80 ; Eng. officer Dept. of Mo. '80-82 ; on duty under orders Dept. of State '82-83. Symons, Thomas W. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from Mich. ; graduated from M. A. June 17, 1874; 2d It. Ens. June 17, 1874; 1st It. May 2, 1878;\vith batt. of Eng. '74-76 ; with Lt. W^heeler's ex- ])loring expedition '76-79 : Eng. officer Dept. of Columbia '79-82. Leach, Smith S. Born in Ind. Apptd. from Ind. ; graduated from M. A. June 16, 1875; 2d'' It. Eng. June 16, 1875; 1st It. March 4, 1879 ; on duty with batt. of Engineers Sept. 14, '76-78; recorder of Board of Eng. on improvement of Miss, and Mo. Rivers '78-79 ; secretary and disbursing officer of the Miss. River Com- mission '79-83. Kingman, Dan. C. Born in N. H. Apptd. from N. H. ; graduate M.A., class of 1875; 2d It. of E^ng. June 16, 1875; 1st It. March 4, 1879 ; with batt. of Eng. '75-78; on duty at M. A. '78-79; on duty at M.A. as Asst. Prof, of Civil and Mil. Eng. '79-80; on duty at Dept. of Platte '80-83. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 87 Griffin, Eugene. Born in Me. Apptd. from Mo. ; <>radiiHted from ]\I. A. June 16, 1876 ; '2d It. En-j. June Ki, 1875 ; Lst It. June 30, 1S79; with butt, of Eng. 75- 78; wilii Lt. Wheeler's explorinuj expe- dition "78-79 ; witii batt. of Eng. ''79-83. Young, Willard. Born in Utah. Apptd. from Utah; graduate of M. A., chi.ss of 1876; 2d It. of Eng. June IH, 1876; 1st It. Oot. 31, '79 ; with batt. of Eng. '75-77 ; with Lt. Wheeler's exploring expediticju '77-79; on duty at M.A. as Asst. Prof, of Civil and Mil. Eng. '79-83. Black, William M. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of 1877 ; 2d lieut. of Eng. June 15, '77; 1st lieut. March 31, '80; with Batt. of Eng. '77-79; on duty under orders of Maj. Craighill '79-80; on duty under orders of Capt. Ludlow, Phila., Pa., 'SO- BS. Fisk, Walter J. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from Iowa; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2d It. Eng. June 16, '77; 1st It. April 9, '80; with Batt. Eng. '77- 79 ; on duty under orders of Lt.-Col. Gillmore '79-82; on duty under orders of Maj. Mansfleld, Galveston, Tex., '82-83. Roessler, Solomon W. Born in 111. Appointed from III. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2 It. Eng. June 15, '77; 1 It. Dec. 31, '80; with Batt. of Eng. '77- 79 ; on duty at M. A. '79-83. Derby, George McC. Born at sea. Appointed from Mo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878 ; 2 It. of Eng. June 14, '78 ; 1 It. Jan. 2, '81 ; with Batt. of Eng. '79- 80; on duty under orders of Col. Newton, N. Y. City, '80-83. Lusk, James L. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of 1878; 2 It. of Eng. June 14, '78 ; 1st It. June 14, '81 ; with Batt. of Eng. '79 ; on duty at M. A. '79-80; adjt. of M. A. '80-83. Abbot, Fred. V. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed cadet at U. S. M. Academy June 20, 1875; 2nd It. Corps of Engineers June 13, 1878 ; on duty as asst. instructor practical mil. engineering July 4, 1879, to Aug. 28, 1879 ; on duty at Engineer School of Application, Willet's Point, N. Y.*, Nov. 30, 1879, to May 31, 1882; 1st It. of Engrs. June 17, 1881 ; June 8,1882, on duty under immediate orders of Maj. O. H. Ernst, on the improvement of the Mississippi River between the mouths of the Illinois and Ohio Rivers. Casey, Thomas L., Jr. Born in New York February 19th, 1857. Appointed at large; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1879 ; 2d It. Engineers June 13, 1879 ; 1st It. June 17, 1881 ; at Willefs Point, N. Y., Sept. 28, 79, to June 8, '82 ; in Phila., Pa., June 8th, '82, to Aug. 13th, '82; on Transit of Venus P]xpedition to South Africa Aug. 13th, '82-Apr. 27th, '83; on duty in Phila. April 27th, '83, till present time. Bingham, Theodore A. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from N. H ; grad- uated from M. A. June 13, 1879; 2d It. Engineers June 13, 1879; 1st lieutenant June 17, 1881 ; with Batt. of Engineers '80; eng. officer Dept. of Arizona '83. Townsend, Curtis McD. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. Eng. June 30, '79; 1st It. June 15, '82; with Batt. of Eng. '80; on duty under orders of Maj. Craighill, Petersburg, Va.,.'83. Fiebeger, Gustav J. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2d It. Eng. Oct. 31, '79; 1st It. June 15, '82; with Batt. of Eng. '80; at M. A. '83. Carter, Oberlin M. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. Eng. June 12, '80; 1 It. June 15, '80; with Batt. of Eng. '80; eng. officer Dept. of Mo. '83. Goethals, George W. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. Eng. June 12, '80; 1st It. June 15, '82; with Batt. of Eng. '80-'82; eng. officer Dept. of Co- * lumbia '83. Mills, John. Born in Michigan. Ap- pointed from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. Eng. June 11, '81 ; 1st It. June 15, '82; with Batt. of Eng. '82; adjt. of Batt. of Eng. '83. Biddle, John. Born in Michigan. Ap- pointed from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2d It. Eng. June 11, '81 ; 1st It. '83 ; with Batt. of Eng. '82-'82. Hodges, Harry F. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass.; graduated from M. A. June 11, 1881 ; additional 2d It. Engineers June 11, 1881 ; 2d It. July 17, 1881 ; 1st It. Feby. 20, 1883 ; with bat. of Eng. '82-83. Warren, James G. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y.; 2d It. of Eng. April 6, '82; 1st It. '83; with bat. of Eng. '82-83. Burr, Edward. Born in Mo. Apptd. from Mo.; graduate of M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d It. Eng. June 13, '81 ; 1st It. '83 ; with bat. of Eng. '82-83. Crosby, Oscar T. Born in La. Apptd. from Miss.; graduate M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d It. Eng. June 23, '82 ; 1st It. '83 ; with bat. of Eng. '82-83. Beach, Lansing. Born in Iowa. Apptd. from Iowa ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d It. Eng. June 30, '82 ; 1st It. '83 ; with bat. of Eng. '82-83. 88 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. ]Fi/A ihe rank of Brigadier-Genei^al. Benet, Stephen V. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida ; graduate M. A., cla:«s of '49, No. 3 in the class of 43 grad- uates ; bvt. 2d It. of Ordnance July 1, 1849, and 2d It. of Ordnance July 10, 1851 ; special duty ordnance bureau 1850-2, and on duty at various arsenals 1852-9 ; Mili- tary Academy 1859-61, as principal asst. professor of geography, history, and ethics, andas instructor of ordnance and gunnery, 1861-4, and in addition to his duties at the Military Academy, served on various important boards and conducted experi- ments with P-arrott guns at the West Point foundry ; captain of Ordnance Aug. 3, '61 ; bvt. major and bvt. lieut.-col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the ordnance department ; major of Ordnance Dec. 22, '66 ; served in command of various arsenals and on special duty until June 23, 1874, when he was promoted to the command of his corps with the rank of brigadier-general, and has been stationed at Washington from that date to present time ('83). With the rank of Colonel. McAllister, Julian. Born in N. Y. » Appointed at large by President Tyler ; graduate of M. A., class of 1847 ; 2d It. 2d Artillery July 11, 1847 ; served in Mexico during the war ; transferred to Ordnance April 13, 1848; 1st It. March 3, 1853; captain (14 years' service) July 1, 1861 ; major April (i, 1866; It. -col. June 23, 1874; col. June 1, 1881; bvt. major and bvt. It.-col. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the ordnance department ; brevet col. March 13, 1865, for zeal, ability and faithfulness in the discharge of his duties as senior ordnance officer in the Department of the Pacific ; inspector of ord., projectiles, and equip- ments '65-67; comdg. Benicia Arsenal '67-69 ; chief ord. officer Dept. of Cal. and comdg. Benicia Arsenal '70-76; comdg. Benicia Arsenal '76-83. Crispin, Silas. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1850 ; bvt. 2 It. of Ord. July, '50 ; 2 It. Oct. 31, '51 ; 1 It. July 1, '54 ; capt. Aug. 3, '61; bvt. col. March 13, '65; major March 7, '67; It.-col. April 14, '75; col. Aug. 23, '81 ; purchasing agent N. Y. City '65-69; under orders of Jan. 20, '66, he was directed to report to chief of ord. ; directed to examine muskets at Alleghany Arsenal Feb. 20, '66 ; purchasing agent and chief ord. officer Mil. Div. of Atlantic '70-74 ; comdc;. N. Y. agency and chief officer Mil. Div. of Atlantic 74-78 ; comdg. the ord. agency and prest. of ord. board and construction of ord. '78-83. Bayler, Thomas G. Born in Ya. Ap- pointed from Va. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1857; bvt. 2d It. Ordnance July 11, "1857 ; 2d It. Jan. 25, 1861 ; 1st It. Feb. I, 1861; captain 12 Infantry (declined) May 14, 1861 ; captain Ordnance March 3, 1863; major March 7, '1867; It.-col. May 29, 1879; col. Dec. 4, 1882; bvt. maj. Sept. 1, 1864, for gallant services in the capture of Atlanta ; bvt. It.-col. Dec. 21, 1864, for gallant services in the cap- ture of Savannah ; bvt. col. March 13, 1865, for meritorious services in the cam- paigns of Atlanta, Savannah, and the Carolinas; senior ord. officer Mil. Div. of Miss. '65-66 ; comdg. Ft. Monroe Arsenal '6()-76 ; directed to examine gun-carriage at Wash. Arsenal Aug. 20, '66 ; comdg. Ft. Monroe Arsenal and member of board on experimental guns '75-76 ; comdg. N. Y. Arsenal and member of ordnance board '76-81 ; comdg. N. Y. Arsenal and prest. of ord. board '81-83. With tlie rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Whittemore, James M. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1860; brevet 2d It. 2d Art. July 1, 1860 ; 2d It. 3d Art. Sept. 27, 1860 ; transferred to Ordnance May 5, 1861 ; 1st It. Julv 1, 1861; captain March 3, 1863; major June 23, 1874; It.-col. Aug. 2,1879; brevet major March 13, 1865, for merito- rious services in the Ordnance Department during the war ; comdg. Indianapolis Ar- senal '6.5-'66 ; asst. at Watervleit Arsenal '66-'69 ; comdg. Kennebeck Arsenal '70- '76; comdg. Frankford Arsenal '76-'80; on duty at office of chief of Ord. and in temporary command of Washington Ar- senal '80-'83. Buffington, A. R. Cadet U. S. Mili- tary Academy July 1, 1856, to May 6, 1861 (member of the 3d and last 5-year cla.=s) ; graduated and promoted to brvt. 2d It. of Ordnance May 6, 1861 ; 2d It. of Ordnance May 14, ISiil ; served during Rebellion of seceding States 1861-'66 ; in drilling volunteers Washington, D. C, May 7 to June 5, 1861 : assistant Ordnance officer St. Louis Arsenal June 8 to Oct. To, 1862 ; temporarily comdg. April 9 to July II, '62; promoted 1st It. Ordnance July 22, 1862; being engaged in additional du- ties of mustering Missouri and Illinois Volunteers ; aiding with artillery and men in defense of Pilot Knob, Mo., threat- ened with attack ; as asst. adj. -general 5th Div. Army of the West, and in drilling and organizing employes of the St. Louis Arsenal into a regiment of Mo. Militia, of which he was commissioned the colonel bv ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 89 Governor Gamble ; in command of Wheel- ing, Va., Ordnance Depot and cliief Ord- nance officer District Western Va. from October 25, 1862, to Sept. 12, 1863; pro- moted capt. of Ordnance March 3, 1863 ; in charge of inspection and the rifling of sea-coast cannon and the armament of the Northeast coast Sept. 19, '68, to July 13, 1864, and command of N. Y. Arsenal July, 1864, to July 18, 1865; brvt. major March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices in the Ordn. Dept. ; in command of Baton Rouge Arsenal Sept. 14, 1865, to July, 186)7, and chief Ordnance officer Military Division of the Gulf and 5th Military District for nearly same time; on leave July to Nov. 1867 ; in command of Watertown Arsenal Nov. 1867, to May, 1868 ; assistant Watertown Arsenal May, 1868, to October 20, 1868; assistant Water- vleit Arsenal October 20, 1868 (assigned to command of Detroit Arsenal Dec. 15, 1870), to Feb. 1872; Feb. 1872, to April 7 assistant, and from that time to May, 1873, superintendent of the armament of the Southern forts; from May 14 to Oct. 1873, asst. Watervliet Arsenal ; in command of Indianapolis Arsenal Oct. 15, '73, to April 19, 1875; major Ordnance June 23, 1874; in command of Alleghany Arsenal April 19, 1875, to December, 1880; on leave in- specting arms for Egyptian Government December 6, 1865, to'April 22,187(5; in command of Watervliet Arsenal Dec. 1880, to Oct. 3, 1881 ; promoted to It.-col- onel of Ordnance June 1, 1881 ; member of Board on Heavv Ordnance and Projec- tiles July 13 to May, 1882; act of Con- gress approved March 3, '81 ; in command of National Armory Oct. 3, 1881, to date. Flagler, Daniel W. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N.Y. ; graduate of M.A., class of 1861 ; bvt. 2 It. of Ord. June 24, '61 ; 2 It. June 24, '61 ; 1 It. Aug. 31, '61 ; capt. March 3, '63 ; brevet lieuten- ant-colonel March 13, '65; maj. June 23, '74; It. -col. Aug. 23, '81; on special duty to Ord. officer, '65-66 ; in charge of the Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Va., April and May, 1865; in charge of receiving arms from disbanded volunteer troops from the States of Delaware and Pennsylvania, at depots at Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., May and June, 1865; directed to proceed to Ft. Fisher, N. (J., Dec. '66 ; assigned to command of Augusta Arsenal '66-70; comdg. Rock Island Arsenal '70- 83; on board at Indianapolis, Ind., in re- gard to removal of Indianapolis Arsenal Jan. 1881 ; on ordnance inspection duty at San Antonio, Texas, Fort Lowell, Ar- izona T., Benicia, Cal., and Vancouver, Washington T., Feb. and March, 1883. Mordecai, Alfred. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from D. C. ; gradu- ated from M. A. June 24, '61 ; brevet 2d It. Top. Eng. June 24, 1861 ; 2d It. Aug. 3, 1861 ; transferred to Ordnance Oct. 23, 1861 ; 1st It. March 3, 1863; capt. June 1, 1863; major June 23, 1864; It.-col. Dec. 4, 1882;" brevet major Sept. 7, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. ; brevet It.-col. ^March 13, 1865, for distinguished services in the field and faithful and mer- itorious services in the Ordnance Depart- ment during the war ; senior ordnance officer in Gen. Thomas' army '65-66 ; In- structor of Ordnance and Gunnery at M. A. '66-69 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '69-70; comdg. Ft. Leavenworth Arsenal and chief ordnance officer Dept. of Mo. '70-73 ; comdg. Fort Leavenworth Ar- senal '73-74 ; Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnerv at M. A. '74-81 ; comdg. the Watervliet Arsenal '81-83. Wiih the rank of Major. Lyford, Stephen C. Born in N. H. Apptd. from N. H. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1861 ; bvt. 2 ft. 1 Drag. (1 Cav.) June 24, '61 ; 2d It. June 24, '61 ; trans, to Ord. Oct. 24, '61 ; 1 It. March 3, '63 ; capt. Sept. 15, 1863 ; bvt. It.-col. March 13, '65; major June 23, 1874; asst. inspec- tor of cannon and projectiles. New York City, '65 ; on duty at Military Academy '65-()7 ; comdg. Detroit Arsenal '67-68 ; comdg. Charleston Arsenal '68-70 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Halleck '70-72; principal asst. in Ord. Bureau '72-74; on duty in office of Chief of Ordnance '74-80 ; comdg. Frankford Arsenal '80-83. Parky, Francis H. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. June 24, 1861 ; brevet 2d It. 2 Dragoons June 24, 1861 ; transferred to Ordnance Oct. 24, 1861 ; 1st It. March 3, 1863; captain Dec. 1, 1865; major April 14, 1875; brevet captain March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department ; brevet major Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices in the Ord. Department and in the field ; senior Ord. officer Army of Potomac to '65; comdg. Charleston Arsenal '65- ()8 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '68-69 ; comcfg. Detroit Arsenal '69-71 ; asst. at Wash. Arsenal '71-73 ; asst. at Fort Mon- roe Arsenal '73-76 ; comdg. Ft. Monroe Arsenal '76-79 ; comdg. the Atlantic Powder Depot '79-80; comdg. the Picca- tinny Powder Depot '80-83. Farley, Joseph P. Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; graduated from M. A. June 24, 1861 ; brevet 2d It. 2d Art. June 24, 1861 ; 2d It. June 24, 1861 ; transferred 90 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. to Ordnance Oct. 24, 1861; 1st It. March 3, 1863; Ciiptain April G, 18ti6; major Mar. 25, 1876; brevet captain March 13, 1865, for meritorious services in the Ord- nance Department during the war; on duty at M. A. '65-67; asst. at Washing- ton Arsenal '67-68; asst. at Frankford Arsenal '68-71 ; asst. at Rock Island Ar- senal '71-74; asst. at Nat. Armory at Springfield, Mass., '74-76; comdg. Ken- nebec Arsenal '76-83 Babbitt, Laurence S. Born in Mass. Appointed at large ; graduated from M. A. June 24, 1861 ; "2d 'it. 3d Art. June 24, 1861 ; transferred to Ordnance Oct. 26, 1861; 1st It. Mar. 3, 1863; captain Dec. 22,1866; major May 10, 1878; A.D.C. Nov. 19, 1868, to Aug. 8. 1870; brevet 1st It. July 21, 1861, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Bull Run, Va. ; brevet captain Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department during the war ; comdg. Louisville Depot to '65; comdg. Vancouver Arsenal '65-71 ; comdg. St. Louis Arsenal '71-76; chief Ord. officer Dept. of Columbia '76-79; comdg. Ft. Monroe Arsenal '79-83. Marye, William A. Born in Md. Appointed from Citl. ; graduated from M. A. June 17, 1862; 2d It. Ordnance June 17, 1862; 1st It. Mar. 3, 1863; cap- tain March 7, 1867 ; major May 27, 1878 ; asst. at Watervliet Arsenal to '65; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '65-70; asst. at Water- town Arsenal '70-74 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '74-76 ; a.sst. Benicia Arsenal '76-79 ; comdg. the Augusta Arsenal '79 -83. Arnold, Isaac, Jr. Born in Conn. Apptd. from Conn.; graduate of M. A., cla.ss of 1862 ; 2d It. 2d Art. June 17, '62 ; transferred to Ord. Apr. 27, '63; 1st It. Apr. 27, '63 ; capt. March 7, '67 ; major May 27, '70 ; senior ord. ofiicer Dept. of South to '65 ; asst. at Alleghany Arsenal '6-5-66 ; comdg. San Antonio Arsenal '156- 69 ; asst. Springfield Armory '69-71 ; asst. at Alleghany Arsenal '71-73; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '73-75; asst. at Indi- anapolis Arsenal '75-83. Comly, Clifton. Born at Dayton, Ohio, May 31, 1841. Appointed cadet from Ohio to U. S. Military Academy 1858 ; graduated June 17, 1862 ; 2d It. 1st 'Cav- alry June 17, 1862 ; 1st It. July 27, 1862; adjutant 1st Cavalry July 19, 1862, to May 26, 1863 ; served in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Po- tomac) July-Aug. 1862; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac) Sept.- Oct. 1862; engaged in the combat of Crampton's Gap Sept 14, 1862; battle of Antietam Sept. 17, 1862; skirmish at Sharpsburg September 19, 1862; detached service Oct.-Nov. 1862; in the Rappahan- nock Campaign (Army of the Potomac) Dec. 18'i2, May, 1863 ; being engaged in the action at Kelly's Ford, Va., March 17, 1863; engaged in " Stoneman's Raid" toward Richmond, Va., April 28 to May 8, 1863 ; transferred to Ordnance Depart- ment May 26, 1863; served as asst. ord- nance ofiicer Watertown Arsenal, Mass., June 11, 18(i3, to June 1, 1864; as assist- ant in the Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 10-Dec 1, 1864; at Fort Pitt Foundry, Washington, D. C., as assistant constructor and assistant inspector of cannon and projectiles Dec. 1864, May, 1867 ; as chief ordnance officer. Depart- ment of the Platte, May, 1867, Dec. 1867 ; captain Dec. 15, 1867; as assistant ord- nance officer Rock Island Arsenal, 111., Dec. 1867, June, 1871, and in command of San Antonio Arsenal, Texas, and as chief ordnance officer Department of Texas June, 1871-November, 1879 ; major August 2, 1879; member of Ordnance Board, New York City, Nov. 1879, Aug. 1881 ; instructor of ordnance and gunnery U.S. Military Academy Aug. 28, 1881, to date. McGinness, Jno. R. Born in Ireland Apptd. from Ohio ; graduate of M. A. class of 1863 ; 1st It. of Ord. June 11, '63 bvt. major Mar. 13, '65 ; capt. Feb. 10, '69 major June 1, '81 ; on dut}' at Ord. office '65-66 ; under orders of chief of Ord. at Washington, D. C, '66-67 ; asst. to chief of Ord. '67-68; asst. at Springfield Arm- ory '68-69 ; chief Ord. officer Dept. of Platte '69-71 ; comdg. Omaha Ord. Dept. '71-72 ; instructor of ord. and gunnery at M. A. '72-74; asst at Wate'rtown Ar- senal '74-76; chief Ord. officer, Dept. of South, '76-78 ; comdg. the St. Louis Pow- der Depot '78-83. McKee, George 'W. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed at large ; graduated from M. A. June 11, 1863"^ 1st It. Ordnance June 11, 1863; captain June 23, 1874; major Aug. 23, 1881; brevet captain and brevet major March 13, 1865, for efficient and valuable services during the war; senior ordnance officer at Winchester, W. Va. , to '65 ; asst. at Alleghany Arsenal (on temporary duty in La. and Texas) '65-66; on duty at M. A., West Point, '66-67 ; asst. at Water- town Arsenal '67-68; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '68-71 ; asst. at St. Louis Arsenal '71-73; asst. at Nat. Armory, Biloxi, Mass. (temporarily detached), '73-74 ; asst. 'at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., '74-75 ; recorder of board on experimental guns '75-76 ; asst. Nat. Armory, Spring- field, Mas=., '76-78; commanding Wash- ington Arsenal '78-80 ; assistant at Rock ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 91 IslandArsenal '80-81 ; member of ord. board '81-83. Phipps, Frank H. Born in Mass. Ap- poinled from Pa. ; firaduated from M. A. June 11, 18(i3; 1st It. Ordnance June 11, 1863; capt. June 23, 1874 ; major Dec. 4, 1882; brevet captain March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the ordnance department ; senior ord. officer Dept. of Missouri to '65 ; asst. at St. Louis Arsenal '65-67; asst. at Watertown Arse- nal '67-68; asst. at Washington Arsenal '08-71 ; asst. at Prankford Arsenal '71-76 ; chief officer Dept. of Gulf '75-76 ; re- corder of ord. board '76-79; commanding San Antonio Arsenal and chief ord. offi- cer Dept. of Texas '79-82 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '82-83. With the rank of Captain. Rollins, James H. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; graduate M. A.,^class of 1862; bvt. 2d It. 4th Art. June 17, "62; 2d It. 2d Art. July 24, '62; trans- ferred to Ordnance April 29, '63 ; 1st It. Apri) 27, '63; bvt. capt March 13, '65; capt. July 5, '67 ; waived promotion to major Aug. 2, '79, on account of ill health ; asst. at St. Louis Arsenal '64-71 ; com- manding Augusta Arsenal '71-73 ; asst. at Waiervliet Arsenal '73-79; on sick-leave '79-83. Reilly, Jas. W. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy from July 1, 1859, to June 11, 1863, when he was graduated; commis- sioned 1st lieutenant of Ordnance June 11, 1863 ; served as assistant ordnance officer at Watertown Arsenal, Mass., July 23, 1863, to February 24, 1864 ; as inspector of ordnance at Fort Pitt and other foun- dries, Pittsburg, Pa., March 9, 1864, to July, 1864 ; as inspector of ordnance De- partment and xVrmy of the Tennessee July 11, 1864, to November 11, 1864, being engaged in the campaign of Atlanta, Ga., including the battles of July 22 and 29; as chief ordnance officer Department and Army of the Ohio November 11, 1864, to April, 1865, being engaged in the cam- paign of November and December, 1864, in Tennessee; brevet captain March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorions services in the campaigns of November and De- cember, 1864, including the battles of Franklin and Nashville ; on leave of ab- seitce April, 1865; as assistant ordnance officer Washington Arsenal May, 1866, to June, 1867; as assistant ordnance officer Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., Juno 13, 1867, to September 11. 1871, except while on detached duty at West Point, June. July, and August 'of 1869, 1870, and 1871; at West Point as a-sistant instructor of ord- nance and gunnery, and assistant profes- sor of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology, September 16" 1871, to August 16, 1872, and as principal assistant professor of law and ethics from Aug. 28, 1872, to August 30, 1874; as assistant ordnance officer Benicia Arsenal, Cal., October 8, 1874, to June 11, 1875 ; on the staft' "f the lieuten- ant-general commanding Military Divis- ion of the Missouri, as chief ordnance offi- cer, from June 22, 1875, to July 10, 1880; on leave of absence to October 10, 1880; as assistant ordnance officer Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., October 10, 1880, to No- vember 10, 1880^ commanding the Alle- ghany Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., from De- cember 1, 1880, to date. Kress, John A. Born in Pennsylvania. Apptd. from N. Y. ; major 94th N. Y. Infty. July 9, '62; It.-col. Nov. 1, '62; re- .signed Dec. 11, '63; 2 It. Ord. Nov. 24, '63 ; accepted Dec. 12, '63 ; 1st It. July 16, '64 ; bvt. major Apr. 3, '65 ; capt. June 23, '74 ; senior ord. officer Army of James to '65; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '65-'69 ; asst. at Alleghany Arsenal '69-'71 ; com- manding Vancouver Arsenal '71-'79 ; comdg Vancouver Ar., '76, and '77, detailed for duty in connection with the geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region, in charge of J. W. Powell, and continuously detailed for duty with the U. S. geological surveys from Jan. 1878, to date; in 1879, also served as secy, of the commission for the revision and codification of laws relating to public lands. Michaels, Otho E. Born in Germany. Apptd. from N. Y.^ 2 It. Sig. Corps Sep. 30, '63, accepted Oct. 15, '63 ; vacated Dec. 10, '63 ; 2 It. Ord. Nov. 24, '63, accepted Dec. 10, '63 ; 1 It. Sept 12, '64 ; bvt. capt. Mar. 13, '65; capt. June 23, '74 ; asst. at Watervliet Arsenal '64-t;8 ; on temporary 92 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. duty at Detroit Arsenal '68-09 ; asst. at Watertown Arsenal '(59-73 ; asst. at Alle- ghany Arsenal '73-75; chief ord. officer Deyit. of Columbia "75-70; chief ord. officer Dept. of Dakota '76-80; asst. at Frankford Arsenal '80-83. Butler, John G. Born in Pennsylvania. Appoiiiled from Pa. ; ;randsc>n of Major Thomas S. English, Marine Corps U. S. Navy ; appointed cadet at the Military Academy from the State of New York Sept. 1, 18{)8 ; graduated number 3 June 14. 1872, and was commissioned from that date 2d It. 13th Infantry ; on graduating, leave of absence until Sept. 30, 1872, when he joined his company at Camp Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah Ter. ; on leave of absence April 1-30, 1873 ; on duty as asst. engineer in military reconnoissance to Northwestern Wyoming and the Yellow- stone National Park from Mav to Oct. 1873; leave of absence Nov. 1-80, 1873; on duty as assistant to chief engineer Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb. ,^ until April, 1874 ; promoted 1st lieutenant 13th Infantry March'27, 1874; on duty at Ft. Fred. Steele and Medicine Bow, Wyoming Terry, (at the latter jdace in command of company and post) until Aug. 1874; in charge of a field party of Lieut. Wheeler's explorations and surveys west of the 100th Meridian in Colorado and New Mexico until Dec. 1874, and on office duty in Washington, D.C, until Jan. 1875 ; trans- ferred to ordnance department Nov. 1, 1874 ; assistant at the Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, from Jan. 1875, to Aug. 187fi ; on duty at the Military Academy as acting assistant Professor of Mathe- matics from Aug. 30, 187(i, to Aug. 28, 1880, and in addition as assistant instructor of ordnance and gunnery from Sept. 1, 1878, to Aug. 28, 1880; promoted captain of Ordnance April 24, 1880 ; chief ord- nance olSce Department of Dakota, Seyit. 13, 1880, and inspector of rifle practice Dept. of Dakota Oct. 9, 1880; in charge of competition for places on the rifle team of the Division of the Missouri Oct. 1881, and the rifle team of the Department of Dakota August, 1882; now at head- quarters Department of Dakota, Ft. Snel- ling, Minn. Heath, Frank. Born in England. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. Jun.e 15, 18(i8; 2d It. 3d Art. June 15, 18t;8; l.st It Ordnance Nov. 1, 1874; cap- tain Dec. 18, 1880; acting asst. prof, of mathematics at M. A. '75-70; asst. at Frankford Arsenal '7tJ-78 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal "78-79 ; comdg. the Chey- enne ord. dept '79-83. Taylor, Daniel M. Born in Washing- ton City, D. C, August 31st, 1847. Cadet (appointed at large) at the U. S. Mil. Academy from July 1st, 18()5, to June 15, 1869, when he was graduated and pro- moted in the army to 2d lieutenant 1st Artillery June 15, 1809; served in garri- son at Fort Schuyler, New York Harbor, July 31st, 18(;9, to October, 1K70; con- ducting recruits to Fort Randall, Dakota Terr., November 1.5th to December lOth, 18H9 ; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, October 31st, 1870, to Aug- ust, 1872; engaged during this time, also on three occasions, in suppressing illicit distilleries in Brooklyn, New York, and in conducting recruits from New York to Newport Barracks, Ky. ; also in enforcing election laws in New York City ; at U. S. Mil. Academy as acting assistant professor of French August 28th, 1872, to January 19th, 1870, and assistant instructor of artillery tactics April 2d to August 29th, 1874; transferred to ordnance dept. as 1st lieut. of Ord. Nov. 1st, 1874; served as assistant at Rock Island Arsenal, 111., February 15th, 1870, to August 6th, 1878 ; chief ordnance officer Dept. of the Mis- souri, and comdg. officer Fort Leaven- worth ordnance depot, August 7th, 1878; , promoted captain of Ordnance June 1st, 1881 ; aide-de-camp to Brevet Major-Gen- eral Pope June 10th, 1881. Lyle, David A. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduated from M. A. June 15, 1809; 2d It. 2d Art. June 15, 1869; 1st It. Ordnance Nov. 1, 1874; cap- # tain Aug. 23, 1881; acting asst. prof, of philosophy at M. A. to '75 ; asst. at Be- nicia Arsenal '75-70 ; asst. at Nat. Armory at Springfield, Mass., '7<')-79 ; asst. at Nat. Armory, and member of the board on life- saving apparatus, etc., at Springfield, M«ss., under orders of Secty. of Treasurv, '79-83. Rockwell, Jas., Jr. Born in New YorTv. A])ptd. from N. Y.; graduate of M. A., class of 1870 ; 2d It. 1st Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1st It. of Ord. Nov. 1, '74, accepted Nov. 10, '74; capt. Dec. 4, '82; asst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., '75-70; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '70-78 ; asst. in- structor of ord. and gunnery at M. A. '78 -81; comdg. Ft. Abraham Lincoln ord. depot '81-83. With the rank of Fust Lieutenant. Ayres, James C. Born in Wis. Apptd. from Wis.; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2d It. 3d Inf. June 12, '71 ; 1st It. of Ord. Nov. 1, '74; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '75-78 ; on temporary duty as chief Ord. officer of Dept. of Platte '78- 79 ; comdg. Fort Abraham Lincoln, Ord. Dept. '79-81 ; jisst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., '81-83. Lyons, Marcus W. Born in N. J. Apptd. from N. J.; graduate of M. A., cla>s of 1872 ; 2d It. 13th Inf. June 14, '72 ; 1st It. of Ord. Nov. 1, '74; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal to '75 ; asst. at Alleghanv 94 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, Arsenal '75-79 ; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '79-81 ; asst. at Frank ford Arsenal '81-83. Whipple, Charles W. Born in N. H. Appointed from D. C; e^raduate of M. A., c-lass of 18»!8 ; 2d It. 3d Artillerv June 15, 1808; 1st It. Ordnance July 19^ 1875 ; asst. to Lt. MetCHlf at Phila. '76-77 ; asst. to constructor of ord. Cold Spring, N. Y , '79-81 ; asst. on foundry duty at West Point Foundry '81-83. Russell, Andrew H. Born in Mass. Apptd. fn>m Mass.; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2d It. 3d Cav. June 12, '71 1st It. of Ord. Apr. 21 , '76 ; asst. instructor of ord. and gunnery at M. A. to '77 actint: asst. prof, of philosophy at M. A '77-78 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '78- 79; a.sst. at Watertown Arsenal '79-81 asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '81-82 commanding Fort Lowell Ord. Dept '82-83. Birnie, Rogers, Jr. Born in Md Appointed from Md.; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2d It. IS'^Inf. June 14, '72; 1st It. Feb. 18, '74 ; trs. to Ord. June 13, '78 ; on duty with the Eng. survey west of the 100 meridian '79 ;" asst. at Nat. Armory at Springfield, Mass., '79-80; asst. to constructor of ord. West Point '80-81 ; asst. on foundry duty at West Point '81-83. McNutt, Ira Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; 2d It. 3d Art. June 15, '70; 1st It. of Ord. June 13, '78; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '79-80; chief Ord. oflBcer Dept. of South '80-82; asst. at Frankford Ar- senal '82-83 Morrison, Chas. F. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2d It. 6th Cav. June 12, '71 ; 1st It. Jan. 27, '75; trs. to Ord. Apr. 14, '79 ; asst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Ma's., "80-83. Baker, Frank. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2d It. 13 Infantry June 14, 1872; 1st It. Nov. 1, 1874; trs. to Ord. April 18, 1879; asst. Rock Island Arsenal '80-81 ; asst. at Benieia Arsenal '81-83. Mitcham, Orin B. Born in A"a. Ap- pointed from Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2d It. 2d Art. June 17, '74; 1st It. of Ord. June 23, 1879; asst. Prof, of French Language and English Studies '80-81 ; asst. at Rock Island Arsenal '81 -83. Borup, Henry D. Born in Minn. Ap- pointed from Minn. ; graduated from M. A. June 15. 1876; 2d It. 2d Art. June 15, 1876; 1st It. Ordnance Sept. 13, 1879; asst. at Frankford Arsenal '80-82; asst. on foundry duty at West Point '82-83. Bruff, Lawrence L. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Maryland ; cadet Sept. 1, 1872, to June 15, 1876; class number, 3 ; 2d It. 3d Artillery June 15, 1876; served at Fort Reno, I. Ty., Oct. 1876, to Jan. '77; Indianapolis Arsenal, Ind., Jan. to April, '77 ; Sacket's Harbor, N. Y., April to July, '77 ; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., July, '77, to April, '78; Rail- road Riots July and Aug. '77 ; Fort Mon- roe, Va. (Arty. School), April, '78, to November, '79 ; 1st lieut. Ord. Dept. Oct. 30, '79; Rock Island Arsenal, 111., Dec. '79, to date. Clark, Charles H. Born in Mass. Ap- jiointed from Mass. ; graduated from M. A. June 16, 1875; 2d It. 1st Artillery June 16, 1875; 1st It. Ordnance June 16, 1880; acting asst. instructor of Ord. and Gun- nery at M. A. '81-'83. Medcalfe, William M. Born in Md. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. June 15, 1876 ; 2d It. 4th Art. June 15, 1876 ; 1st It. Ordnance March 18, 1881 ; acting asst. prof, of mathematics at M. A. to '82 ; acting asst. instructor of ord. and gunnery at M. A. '82-'83. Crozier, William. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Kan. ; graduated from M. A. June 15, 1876; 2d It. 4th Art. June 15, 1876; 1st It. Ordnance July 11, 1881 ; act- ing asst. jirof. of mathematics at M. A. '82- '83. Gordon, Wm. B. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2d It. 4th Art. June 15, '77; 1st It. of Ord. Nov. 4, '81 ; asst. at Frank- ford Arsenal to '82; asst. at Watervliet Arsenal '82-'83. Hobbs, Frank E. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1878 ; 2d lieu- tenant 2d Artillery June 14, 1878; mem- ber of the Military Division of the At- lantic Rifle Team in 1879 and in 1880; recorder of the Getty Board on Heavy Ordnance and Projectiles 1881-2; 1st lieutenant Ordnance Department Decem- ber 16, 1882. ORDNANCE STOREKEEPERS. With the ranh of Captain Adams, William. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Pa. ; ord. storekeeper Sept. 13, '62; accepted Sept. 28, '62; capt. and ordnance storekeeper July 28, '66 ; on duty at Fort Monroe Arsenal '63-83. Morgan, Algernon S. M. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; 2d It. 12th Pa. Inf. April 25, '61 ; hon. must, out July 31, '61 ; It.-col. 63d Pa. Inf. Aug. 1, '61 ; col. Oct. 6, '62; hon. must, out April 18, '63; ord. storekeeper Dec. 5, '63 ; accepted Dec. 12, SIGNAL CUKPti. 95 '03 ; capt. and ord. storekrepor July 28, '66; on duty at Alleghany Arsenal 'CA- 78 ; on duty at Kock Island Arsenal '78- 79: on duty at Alleghany Arsenal '79-83. Rexford, William H. Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. ; 1st It. 24th Mich. Inf. Aug. 13, '()2; capt. Dec. 20, 'C2 ; hon. must, out Nov. 1, '03; ord. storekeeper May 10, '05; accepted May 22, '05; capt. and ordnance storekeeper July 28, '06 ; on duty at Detroit Arsenal '66-67; in charge of Mt. Vernon Arsenal '67-73 ; on duty at Benicia Arsenal '73-78; awaiting orders at Benicia Barracks '78-79 ; on temporary duty at Benicia Barracks '79- 80; on duty at Benicia Barracks '80-81 ; on duty at Indianapolis Arsenal '81-83. Young, Daniel J. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from AV. Va. ; ordnance store- keeper Dec. 26, '65; accepted May 1, '66; capt. and ord. storekeeper July 28, '66; in charge of Harper's Ferry depot '67-70 ; on duty at N.Y. Arsenal '70-73 ; on duty at St. Louis Arsenal '73-70; on duty at Watervliet Arsenal '77-83. Grealish, Michael J. Born in Ireland. .'Vppointed from Kansus ; ord. storekeeper June 4, '66; accepted July 20, '66; capt. and ord. storekeeper July 28, '66; in charge of Hilton Depot, S. C, to '67 ; in charge of PikesVille Arsenal, Md., '67-76; on duty at Augusta Arsenal '76-83. McNally, "Valentine. Born in Scot- land. Appointed from D. C. ; captain, ordnance storekeeper Mav 5, 1882 ; on duty at ord. office, Wash.,"D. C, 1883. SIGNAL CORPS. Chief Sifjnal OJficer ivith t/te rank of Brig- adier-General. Hazen, "W. B. Cadet at M. A. from September 1, 1851, to July 1, 1855, when he was graduated and promoted in the army to brevet second lieutenant of In- fantry, July 1, 1855; served on frontier duty^at Fort Beading, Cal., 1855; Fort Lane, Oregon, 1855; second lieutenant 4th Infantry Sept. 4, 1855; .scouting 1850, being engaged in skirmishing at Apple- gate Creek January 3, and Big Kanyon February 12, 18-50, conducting Rogue River Indians to Grande Ronde Reserva- tion, Oregon, 1850, and at Fort Yamhill, Oregon, 1850 to 1857 ; on frontier duty in conducting recruits to Texas 1858 ; Fort Davis, Texas, 1858; scouting against Apache Indians 1858, being engaged in a skirmish at Guadeloupe Mountains Juno 14, 1858; Fort Inge, Texas, 18:-)9, and scouting, 1859. being engaged in skir- mishes with Kickapoo Indians on the Neuces May 10 and October 5, and with Comanche Indians on the Yahoo Novem- ber 3, 1859, where he was wounded ; bvt. first lieutenant May Ki, 1859, for gallant conduct in two several engagements with the Indians in Texas ; on sick-leave of absence, disabled by wounds, 1859-'01, and at the Military Academy as assistant instructor of infantry tactics, February 21 to September 18, 1801 ; first lieutenant 8th Infantry April 1, 1801 ; captain 17th Infantry May 14, 1801, declined ; captain 8th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States, 18f)l- '00, in recruiting and organizing regi- ment at Cleveland, Ohio, September 18 to October 29, 1801 ; colonel 41st Ohio Vol- unteers October 29, 1801 ; in defense of Ohio frontier November, 1861 ; in opera- tions in Kentucky November, 1861, to February, 1802 ; in the Tennessee cam- paign in command of brigade (Army of the Ohio) February to May, 1802, being engaged in the movement ria Nashville to Pittsburg Landing February 17-April 0, 1802; biUtle of Shiloh April 7, 1802; an advance on Corinth, Miss., May 10-25, 1802; in operations in Tennessee July 4 to September 25, 1802, being engaged in repairing Nashville and Decatur Railroad July 10 to August 4, 1802 ; in command of Murfreesboro' August 15 to September 10, 1802, and movement to Louisville, Ky., September 10-25, 18(i2 ; on the ad- vance into Kentucky, being engaged in the battle of Perryville, October 8, 1802, and in several skirmishes October 8-20, 1802, while in pursuit of the rebel army under Gen. Bragg ; in the Tennessee cam- paign (Army of the Cumberland) October 20,1862, to January 20, 1803, being en- gaged in march to Nashville, October 20 to November 10, 1802 ; skirmish near Mur- freesboro' December 25, 1802, and battle of. Stone River, December 31, 1802, to January 2, 1803; brig-gen. U. S. Vols. Nov. 29, 1862 ; in the Tennessee cam- paign (Army of the Cumberland) Febru- ary 20 to Scjitember 22, 1803, being en- gaged in numerous skirmislies about Readyville, February to June, 1803, and at Woodbury, April 1 and May 12, 1803; advance on "TuUahoma June 24 to July 4, 1803; in command of the troops in Ten- nessee Valley August to September, 1863, and participating in numerous skirmishes ; battle of Chickamauga September 19 to 20, 1803, and skirmish at Rossville, Ga., Sept. 21, 1803 ; brevet major Sept. 20, 1803, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; in operations about Chattanooga Sept. 22 to November 25, 1803, being engaged in the movement with fifty-two pontoons to Brown's Ferry. 96 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. October 2»i, LSfiS, with which a bridge across the Tcnne.-see River was formed, Lookout Valley seized after a severe skir- mish, October 27, 18(;3, and the line of supplies of the army reopened ; ca]iture of Nineteenth Alabama regiment at Orchard Knob, November 23, 1863, and battle of Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel November 24, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; in East Tennessee campaign November 28, 1863, to March 5, 1864, being engaged in operations against Longstreet's rebel forces, December, 1863, to January, 1864 ; in command at Lenoir January 24 to Feb- ruary 16, 1864, and pursuit of Longstreet from Knoxville to Morristown, and back to Newmarket, February 16 to March 2, 1864 ; in the invasion of Georgia May 3 to December 21, 1864, being engaged in the demonstration against Rocky Face Ridge, May 9, 1864 ; battle of Resaca May 15, 1864; actions at Adairsville, May 17, at Cassville, May 19, at Pickett's Mills, May 27, and near Kenesaw Mountain, June 17, 1864; battle of Kenesaw Moun- tain June 21 to 23, 1864 ; skirmishing on the Chattahoochee River July 5, 1864 ; combat of Peach Tree Creek July 19, 1864 ; siege of Atlanta July 22 to September 22, 1864 ; brevet colonel'Sept. 1, 1864, for gal- lant and meritorious service in the capture of Atlanta, Ga. ; in command of Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, Aug. 17, 1864; battle of Jonesboro' Aug. 31, 1864; at East Point September 5 to October 4, 1864 ; pursuit of General Hood's rebel army to Gadsden, Ala., October 5 to 25, 1864 ; march to the sea from Atlanta to Savannah November 16 to December 13, 1864 ; participating in skirmishes at Clin- toc, November 21, at Oconee River, No- vember 25, at Statesboro', December 4, and at Cannouchee River, December, 7, 1864, and assault and capture of Fort Mc- Allister, December 13, 18s through California, New Mexico, Colo- rado, Utah, and Wyoming; joined Troop G, 1st Cavalry, as captain, at Fort Bid- well, California, December 25, 1882. First Lieutenants. Adams, John Q. Born in New York. Appointed from Ohio ; enlisted as a pri- vate Company C, 88th Ohio Volunteers, May 26, 1862; discharged September 26, 1862 ; quartermaster sergeant Company I, 10th Ohio Cavalry, October 15, 1862; pri- vate Company B, Battalion of Cavalry Miss, M. v., February 23, 1863; 2d lieu- tenant Signal Corps March 3, 1863 ; mus- tered outAugust 22, 1865; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry August 17, 1867; brevet 1st lieutenant U.S.A. for gallant and merito- rious services in the Signal Corps at the battle of Alatoona, Ga. ; 1st lieutenant 1st Cavalry September 14, 1869; brevet cap- tain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services in the Signal Corps at the capture of Fort McAllister and Savannah, Ga., and during the war. Garvey, Thomas. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private and non-commissioned officer 2d U. S. Artil- lery August, 1863, to August, 1868; en- gaged with battery at actions of Culpepper, Raccoon Ford, Robinson River, battles of Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, actions of St. Mary's Church, Deep Bottom, Lee's Mills, Deep Run, Stony Creek, Vaughan Road, Boydton Road, Stony Creek, Hick- ford, Dinwiddic Court-House, Lisbon Centre, High Bridge, Farmville, and ca- pitulation of the rebels at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia; examined by a regimental board for promotion previous to discharge ; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry October, 1868; 1st It. 1st Cav. 20 June, '72; educated at St. Jarlath's College, Ireland. Boutelle, Frazier A. Born in New York. Appointed from the army; quar- termaster sergeant Co. A, 5th New York Cavalry, June 4, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 5th New York Cavalry November 5, 1862; 1st lieutenant April 2, 1864; mustered out August 31, 1864; captain 5th New York Cavalry January 10 1865; mus- tered out July 19, 1865; private Company F, 1st Cavalry, February 12, 1866 ; corpo- ral April 20, 1866; sergeant January 1, 1867 ; sergeant-major 1st Cavalry Decem- ber 1, 1867 ; discharged February 12, 1869 ; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry January 2, 1869 ; 1st lieutenant July 31, 1873; regimental adjutant May 25, 1875, to October 16, 1877. Ward, Frederick K. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduated from Military Academy June 15, 1870; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 15, 1870; 1st lieutenant November 11, 1875. Bomus, Peter S. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 15, 1870; 1st lieutenant June 5, 1876. Hein, Otto L. Born in District of Co- lumbia. Appointed from District of Co- lumbia ; graduated from Military Acad- emy June, 1870 ; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 15, 1870; 1 lieutenant June 30, 1877. Knox, Thomas T. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1871 ; 2d lieutenant 1 Cavalry June 12, 1871 ; regi- mental quartermaster Oct. 1, 1873, to Nov. 11, 1875; 1 lieutenant March 4, 1879. Miller, William H. Born in Alabama. Appt. from Ala. ; graduate M. A., class of '72 ; 2d It. 1st Cav. 14 June, '72 ; 1st It. 4 March, '79. Tutterly, Herbert E. Born in New Hampshire. Appt. from N. H. ; graduate M. A., class of '72; 2d It. 1st Cav. 14th June, '72; 1st It. 4 March, '79. Hoyle, George S. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia; graduated from Military Academy June 13, 1873 ; 2 lieu- tenant 1st Cavalry June 13, 1873; 1 lieu- tenant April 29, 1879. Edwards, Frank A. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from District of Co- lumbia ; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry October 1, 1873; 1 lieutenant September 7, 1879. Backus, George B. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appt. from Col. ; graduate M. A., class of '75; 2d It. 1st CavTl6th June, '75; 1st It. 12 Jan., '80. Wainwright, Robt. P. P. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '75; 2d It. 1st Cav. 16 June, '75; 1st It. 12 June, '80. Pitcher, John. Born in Texas. Appt. from D. C. ; graduate M. A., class of '76 ; 2 It. 4th Inf.'l5 July, '76 ; trans, to 1 Cav. 28 July, '76 ; 1st lt.*27 Nov. '82. Second Lieutenants. Galbraith, Jacob G. Born in Minne- sota. Appt. from Pa. ; graduate M. A , class of '77: 2d It. 1st Cav. 15 June, '77. SECOND KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 105 Brown, William C. Bora in Minne- sota. Appointed from Minnesota ; grad- uated from Military Academy June, 1877 ; additional 2d lieutenant 2d Cavalry 15 June, 1877 ; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry July 3, 1877. Brown, Oscar J. Born in Georgia. Appt. from Ga. ; graduate M. A., class of '77; 2d It. 1st Cav. 3d July, '77. Landis, J. F. Reynolds. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appt. from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '78; 2d It. 1st Cav. 15 June, '78. Foltz, Frederick S. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed at large ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1879; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 13, 1879. Robertson, Samuel C. Born in Vir- ginia. Appt. from Tenn. ; graduate M. A., class of '79; 2d It. 1st Cav. 13 June, '79. Mills, Albert L. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; graduated from JNIilitarj' Academy June 12, 1879; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 13, 1879; on duty at Military xVcademy as asst. instructor of tactics from July 1 to Aug. 28th, 1879. Aleshire, James B. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of '80 ; 2d It. 1st Cav. June 12, '80. Scott, William S. Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas; graduate M. A., class of '80; 2d It. 1st Cav. June 12, '80. Tate, Daniel L. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; graduate M. A., class of '80 ; 2d It. Ist Cav. June 12, '80. Goode, George W. Born in Missouri. Appointed at large ; graduated from Mil- itary Academy June, 1880; 2d lieutenant 1st Cavalry June 12, 1880. SECOND REGIMENT OF CAV- ALRY. Colonel. Hatch, John P. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1845; hvt. 2d lt.^3d Inf July 1, '46; transferred to Mounted liifles (now 3d Cav.) July 17, '46; 2d It. April 18, '47; 1st It. June 30, '51 ; capt. Oct. 13, 'OO ; at Newport Bks., Ky., and Jefferson Bks., Mo., serving as acting regtl. adj. to Nov. '4(i ; participated in military occupation of Texas, and engaged in battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, siege of Vera Cruz, affiiir of Puente del Medio, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico, '47-8; bvt. 1st It. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious con- duct at the battles of Contreras and Chu- rubusco ; bvt. capt. Sept. 13, '47, for gal- lant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chapultepec; acting regtl. adjt. May to July, '47; regtl. adjt. Nov. '47-May, '50; at Jefferson Bks., Mo., on recruiting service in N. Y., and with his regiment at Camp Sumner, near Ft. Leavenworth, '48- 9 ; en route to Oregon, and acting asst. adjt.- gen. of 11th Mil.'^Dept. (Oregon), '49-50; detached service to Sept. '50; on recruit- ing service at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. to Oct. '51 ; comdg. co. at Jefferson Bks., Mo., and actg. regtl. adjt. '51-52; in gar- rison at Indianola, Edcnberg, Forts Mer- rill and Ewell, and on field service in Texas, '52-54 ; on recruiting service, '54- 56; comdg. compy. at Ft. Union, N. M., and engaged in operation against Gila In- dians, '50-57 ; participated in coml>at at the Canon delos nutre Camelos May 24, '57; acting A.A.Q.M. and C.S. Ft. De- fiance, N. M., to Sept. '58; engaged in operation against Navajo Indians and in command of trooj/s in a skirmish near Laguna Legra Sept. 25, '58; stationed at Fort Craig, N. M., and on escort duty to Nov. 9, '59; at Fort Craig and Albu- querque as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S., and as depot commissarv and chief commissary Dept. of N. M. "'60-61; at Fort Marcy, N. M., in organizing company as a light battery of art. to Oct. '61 ; brig. -gen. vol. Sept. 28, '61 ; commanded a brig, of cav. at Annapolis. Md., during winter of '61-62, and distinguished himself by several daring reconnoissances about Gor- donsville, Rapidan, and Rappahannock; commanded cav. of 5th Army Corps dur- ing operations in Shenandoah Valley on March 28-July 29, '62 ; participated in the combat at Winchester ; participated as a comdr. of Div. of Inf. in Northern Va. and Md. campaigns Aug. and Sept. '62, and engaged in the combat at Grove- ton, and in the battles of Manassas, Char- lotte, and South Mountain ; absent from duty on account of wound to ^eb. 18, '63, and on general court-martial service to July 28, '63 ; in command of draft rendez. in Phila. to Nov. '63, and of cav. station at St. Louis to Feb. '64 ; bvt. major Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and mer. services at battle of Manassas; bvt. It. -col. Sept. 14, '<)2, for gallant and mer. services at battle of South Mountain ; major 4th Cav. Oct. 27, '63; comdg. Dist. of Fla., District of Hilton Head, the Northern District, Sea- coast Division, the Dept. of South, the national forces operating on John Island, S. C, in the attack at Honey Hill, S. C, and theaction atTuIlefenning River, S. C. ; co-operating with Gen. Sherman in his march up the coast and several skirmishes 106 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, with the enemy '64-65 ; bvt. col. and brig.- gen. U.S.A. and maj.-gen. vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and mcr. services in the Held during the war of Rebellion ; must, out of vol. service Jan. 15, '66 ; in Texas comdg. regt. '66-68 ; A. A. I. G. Dept. of Texas to May, '68; at Carlisle, Pa., as supt. of mtd. recruiting service to April, '70; in command at Ft. Concho, Texas, to Jan. '73; It. -col. 5th Cav. Jan. 16, '73; exchanged into 4th Cav. April 10, '73; at hdqtrs. Dept. of Texas Jan. to Sept. '73; comdg. his regt. and post at Ft. Clark, Texas, to June, '75 ; member of Board on Armv Supplies Jan. to June, '76; comdg. Ft. Sill, Ind. Ty., Ft. Elliot, Texas, '76- 81 ; col. 2d Cav. June 26, '81 ; comdg. post and regt. at Ft. Custer, Montana, '83. Lieutoiant-C'olonel. Alexander, Andrew J. Born in Wood- ford Co., Kentucky, Nov. 21, 1833. Ap- pointed from Missouri ; second lieutenant and first lieutenant Mounted Rifles (3d Cavalry) May 14, 1861 ; ordered for duty at Fort Leavenworth ; ordered to Wash- ington on duty in the ofBce of Genl. Mc- Clellan; was present at the battle of Wil- liamsburg, and with the advance of the Army of the Potomac in pursuit of Lee's army to Chickahominy ; engaged in vari- ous fights at Slater's Mills, White House, Chickahominy, Hanover Court- House, and Seven Days' battles ; was then on duty with Genl. Banks, commanding Dept. of Washington ; in Sept. 1862, appointed It.- col. and asst. adjt.-genl. 3d Army Corps, with which served in the battle of Fred- ericksburg ; in 1863, was transferred in same capacity to the Cavalry Corps, just being organized ; was in the Stoneman raid, battle of Beverly Ford, in the actions of Aldie, Middlcburg, Upperville, Hano- ver, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Boons- boro', Williamsport ; temporarily on duty during the winter of '63 and '64 at the Cavalry Bureau, Washington ; asst. adjt.- genl. 17th Army Corps, and engaged at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, actions of Nickerjack Creek, battles of 20th, 21st, 22d, and 28th of July in front of Atlanta, battles of Jonesboro' and Lovejoy Station, engaged in pursuit of rebel Genl. Hood to Gaylesville, Ga. ; transferred to Genl. Thomas' army at Nashville ; engaged in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, actions of Spring Hill, Pulaski, and sub- sequent pursuit of the rebels to the Ten- nessee River; in the spring of 1865 was placed on brevet rank of brigadier-general, in command of the 4th Brigade, 4th Di- vision, Cavalry Corps of the Mississippi ; was engaged in the fight of JNIontevallo, Ala., and battle of Ebeiiezer Church, cap- turing three pieces of artillery from the rebel Genl. Forrest in this battle ; engaged in the battle of Selma, and in pursuit of Forrest after the battle captured five pieces of artillery ; was finally in the battle of Columbus, Ga. ; was placed on duty as chief of staff of Genl. Stoneman, com- manding the Dept. of the Tennessee; rejoined regiment, 3d Cavalry, April, 1866 ; major 8th Cavalry July, 1866 ; bre- vet captain July 1, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsula campaign in Virginia; brevet major July 3rd, 1863, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the Gettysburg campaign ; brevet It.-col. July 20th, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta cam- paign ; brevet colonel April 2, 1865, for gallant and mcritoi-ious services at the capture of Selma, Ala. ; brigadier-general by brevet April 16, 1865, for distinguished skill and gallantry in the cavalry engage- ments at Ebenezer Church, Alabama, and Columbus, Georgia, and for steadfast devo- tion to duty in the field during the war ; lieut.-col. 2nd Cavalry March 20th, 1879. Majors. Brisbin, James S. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; private Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861 ; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry April, 1861 ; engaged at the battle of First Bull Run (twice wounded); captain 6th U. S. Cavalry August, 1861 ; engaged in the Peninsular campaign of the Army of the Potomac, and General Pleasonton's cam- paign to the Blue Ridge ; colonel 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry January, 1864; in the Department of the Gulf, and engaged in the Red River expedition and battle of Sabine Cross-Roads ; organizing troops in Kentucky, commandingdi vision, anfl chief of staff to General Burbridge; engaged in an expedition against the rebel salt-works in Virginia; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Marion, Va. ; on duty in Kentucky and Arkansas ; briga- dier-general U. S. Volunteers May, 1865; brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers for meritorious services during the war ; bre- vet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bev- erly Ford, Va. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Marion, Va. ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; trans- ferred to the 9th U. S. Cavalry July, 1866 ; major 2d U. S. Cavalry January, 1868. Baker, Eugene M. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointcid from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 18-59 ; bvt. 2 It. 2 Drag. July 1, SECOND REGIMENT OF CAVALKY 107 '59 ; 2 It. 1 Drag. Feb. 28, 'GO jilt.! Cav. May 7, '61 ; atcav. school Carlisle, Pa., and at Ft. Cliurcliill, Nev., '59-61 ; par- ticipated in siege of Yorktown, and en- gaged at Williamsburg April and May, ^62; bvt. major May 5, '(12, for galhintand meritorious services at battle of Williams- burg, Va. ; engaged in skirmish at Falls Church, Va., Sept. 4, '62; in battles of South Mountain and Antietam Sept. 14 and 17, '62 ; capt. Jan. 16, 'G2 ; on special duty at Wash., D. C, to Marcli, '63 ; par- ticipated in action of Beverly Ford, Va., May 10, '63; in affiiir at Middleburg, Va., June 21, '03, and in pursuit of enemy from Gettysburg to Warrenton, Va., July, '63; inspector of cav. horses and comdg. 1st Cav. '63-64 ; bvt. It.-col. Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Winchester, Va. ; comdg. reg. A. A. adjt.-gen. of Cav. Corps at N. O., La., '65 ; stationed at San Fran, and on frontier duty in operations against hostile Indians, etc., since '66; bvt. col. Dec. 1, '68, for zeal and energy while in command of troops operating against hostile Indians 1866, '67, '68; major 2d Cav. April 8, '69. Gordon, David S. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Kansas ; 1st sergt. Frontier Guards (organized for defense of Wash- ington) March, '61 ; 2 It. 2 Drag. April 26"; '61 ; 1 It. 2 Cav. June 1, '61 ; A.D.C. to Gen. Keyes, and engaged at the first battle of Bull Hun ; taken jirisoner by rebels and confined in Libby prison, Rich- mond, Va., Castle Pinckney, Charleston, and Columbia jails, S. C, and Salisbury, N. C. ; exchanged Aug. '62; inspector of parole camp Annapolis, Md. ; joined reg. and engaged at battles of Fredericksburg, Va. ; A. A. adjt.-gen. on the staft'of Gen. Schenck ; commanding Middle Dept. Baltimore, Md., and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; capt. 2d U. S. Cav. April 25, '63; joined reg. and eng. at the actions of Massachusetts Gap, liappahan- nock Station, Culpepper C.-H., Barnett's Ford, Furnaces, battles of Todd's Tavern, raid to Haxall's Landing and Chatfield's Station, actions of Y'ellow Tavern, Deep Bottom, Old Church, battle of Cold Harbor, action of Hawes' Shop, raid to Charlottesville, and battle of Trevillian Station ; comdg. reg. in the Shenandoah Valley Aug. to Oct. '64; recruiting officer at Cinn., 0., Nov. '64, to Jan. '65 ; comdg. reg. Point of Rocks, Md., March to Nov. '65; en route to Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., and Ft. Lyon, C. T., to Dec. '65 ; at Ft. Lyon, C. T., to Oct. '66 ; en roide to and at Ft. Laramie, D. T., to Jan. '67; en route to the relief of Ft. Kearney, D.T., and at that post to July, '68 ; engaged in action with hostile Indians, and escorting mail and governnicnt trains ; en route to Ft. Fetterman and Russell, D. T. ; bvt. major U.»S.A. for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; major 2d Cav. June 25, '77. Captains. Spaulding, Edward J. Born in N. Y. xVppointed from army ; private, corporal, and sergeant Co. I, 2d Drag., and Q.M. ; sergt. 2d Cav. Jan. 22, '57-Sept. 22, '62 ; 2d It. 2d Cav. July 17, '62; regt. com. Oct. 1, '62-Feb. 12, '67 ; brcvetcapt. June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; 1 It. June 9, '63; capt. Feb." 12, '67. Wheelan, James N. Born in Pa. Appointed from N. Y^.; private and 1st serut. 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles July 18 to Dec. 6, 1861 ; second lieutenant 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles December 7, 1861 ; cap- tain 1st New Y^'ork Volunteer Mounted Rifles February 7, 1862; major 1st New Y'ork Volunteer Mounted Rifles August, 1862; lieutenant-colonel 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles, August 17, 1865 ; served in Virginia and North Car- olina ; honorably mentioned in orders from the War Department for engage- ment with rebels under General R. A. Pryor, in front of Suflblk ; also for en- gagement at Charles City Court-House, resulting in the capture of an entire bat- talion of Confederate troops ; brevet col- onel U.S. Volunteers for gallant and mer- itorious services during the war ; second lieutenant 2d U.S. Cavalry, February 23, 1866; first lieutenant 2d"^ U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866; captain Dec. 15, 1873. Norwood, Randolph. Born in Md. Appointed from Md. ; second lieutenant 1st Maryland Volunteer Cavalry Oct. 30, 1861 ; first lieutenant 1st Maryland Vol- unteer Cavalry Feb. 14, 1863 ; engaged in the Shenandoah Valley 1862, and actions of Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1863 ; captain 1st Maryland Volunteer Cavalry September 1, 1863; on recruiting and staff duty to June, 1864; with army in front of Petersburg, and Cavalry Division 10th Army Corps, to November, 1864 ; resigned November, 1864; second lieutenant 2d U.S. Cavalry February, 1866 ; first lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalrv August 31, 1866; captait. Julv 19, 1876. Gregg, Thomas J. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; private and corporal Co. -'C," 125th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, August to November, 1862; sec- ond lieutenant 6lh Pennsylvania Cavalry November, 1862; engaged in the Rappa- hannock campaign and Stoneman's raid 108 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICEES U.S. AKMY. to Eichniond ; aide-de-camp to General Gregg ; engaged in the Pennsylvania cam- paign, ^Vrmy of the Potomac, actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburg, Upper- ville, Aldie (wounded), battle of Gettys- burg, operations at Mine Kun, battle of New Hope Church, raids into the Shenan- doah Valley, actions at Todd's Tavern, South Anna, Ground Squirrel Church, Meadow Bridge, Hawes' Shop, battle of Cold Harbor, action of Gaines' House, battle of Trevillian Station, Sheridan's raid to Charlottesville, actions of Tun- stall's Station, St. Mary's Church, Darby- town, Lee's Mills, Deep Bottom, and bat- tle of Keam's Station; captain 8th Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and, by consolidation, 16th Penns3'lvania Cavalry, June and August, 186.5; second lieutenant 2d U.S. Cavalry, February 22, 1866 ; first lieuten- ant Sept. 1, 1866 ; regimental commi.ssary November 3, 1868, to July 15, 1870; brevet captain and major U.S. Army March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; captain 2d Cav. July 19, 1876. Huggins, Eli L. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Minnesota; private and corporal Co. " E," 2d Minnesota Volun- teers, July 5, 1861, to July 14, 1864 ; en- gaged at the action of Mill Spring, and in the operations of the Army of the Cumberland; wounded and taken pris-' oner at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September, 1863 ; paroled Octobt-r, 1863 ; discharged July, 1864 ; private Co. " K,'' 1st Minn. Artillery, Feb. 16 to Feb. 25, 1865; 1st lieutenant 1st Minnesota Artil- lery March 1, 1865 ; at Chattanooga, Tenn., to October. 1865; 2d lieutenant 2d U.S. Artillery February 23, 1866 ; 1st lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery December, 1866; 1st lieutenant Dec. 24, '1866; trans- ferred to 2d Cavalry April 11, 1879 ; cap- tain April 23, 1879. MacAdams, James G. Born in Canada. Appointed from Ky. ; 2 It. 6 Ky. Cav. Feb. 28, '63 ; honorably mustered out July 14, '65; capt. 6 Ky. Cav. Aug. 1, '65 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 6, '65; 2 It. 2 Cav. March 7, '67 ; 1 It. June 18, '68 ; capt. May 9, '79. Hamilton, Samuel T. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; private, corporal, and sergeant Co.*. I and B, and commissary sergeant and quartermaster sergeant Co. B, 15 Pcnna. Cav., Aug. 22, '62-June 21, '65 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 18, '67 ; 1 It. Nov. 27, '68; capt. June 14, '79. O'Brien, Martin E. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Iowa ; private Co. D, and first sergeant Co. C, 1 Arkansas Cav- alry, June 3, '62-Oct. 12, '63 ; captain 2 Ark. Cav. Oct. 12, '63-Aug. 20, '65, when he was honorably mustered out ; 2 It. 2 Cav. Aug. 7, '67; 1 It. Dec. 3, '68; cap- tain April 1, '80. Rawolle, William C. Born in Prussia. Appointed from New York ; second lieu- tenant 2d N. Y. Artillery October 26, 1861 ; first lieutenant March 4, 1862; cap- tain and additional aide-de-camp U. S. Volunteers June 21, 1862; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meri- torious services in the Army of the Po- tomac, from August, 1862, to January, 1863, including the battles of 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, War- renton. Sulphur Si)rings, and Fredericks- burg ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Volunteers for services in the West, in- cluding the cavalry campaign in East Tennessee, and expeditions into Northern Mis.aissippi, and for gallant daring at the battle of Brice's Cross-Roads, Mississippi ; second lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry June 6, 1868; first lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry xipril 26, 1869 ; regimental quartermaster 2d U. S. Cavalry July 15, 1870, to Sep- tember 15, 1874 ; adjutant March 31, 1878, to August 31, 1880; captain Dec. 20, 1880. Clark, William Philo. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1868 ; 2 It. 2 Cav.'june 15, '68 ; 1 It. July 10, '68 ; regimental adjt. July 31, '69, to'july 1, '76; A.A.D.C. on staflT of General Crook Aug. '76-Jan. '78; capt. 2 Cav. Jan. 25, '8L Swigert, Samuel M. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; graduate M. A., class of 1868; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 15, '68; 1 It. Oct. 26, '69 ; capt. Oct. 20, '81. Fowler, Joshua L. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1868 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 15, '68 ; 1 It. Nov. 4, '69 ; regimental quartermaster Sept. 15, '74-Mav 1, '80; capt. Oct. 26, '81. First Lieutenants. Doane, Gustavus C. Born in 111. Ap- pointed I'rom D. C. ; 1st It. Miss. m. b. March 23, '64 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 23, '65 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. July 5, '68 ; 1 It. Dec. 4, '71. Augur, Colon. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; 2 It. 2 Cav. Aug. 3, '68 ; 1 It. Dec. 15, '73 ; A.D.C. to Brevet Major-General Christopher C. Augur '83. Dinwiddie, William A. Born in Ind. Appointed from Iowa; hospital steward 40 Iowa Inf. Aug. 13, '62-May 15, '63; asst. surg. 22 Iowa Inf. May 16, '63 ; hon- orably mustered out Feb. 21, '65; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 20, '68 ; transferred to 2 Cav. March 22, '69 ; 1 It. March 3, '75. Coale, John H. Born in Md. Ap- SECOND REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 109 pointed from Md. ; capt. coin. sub. Aus^;. 30, '62; It. -col. com. sub. (act July 17, '62) Jan. 1, '63-May 10, '65; brevet maj. June 24, '65, for faithful and merito- rious services ; lionorably mustered out June 26, '65; 2 It. 27 Inf. Oct 2, '67; tran.s. to 9 Inf. June 14, '69 ; transferred to 2 Cav. Mar<-li 17, '7o ; 1 It. June 25, '77. Robinson, Frank M. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; 2 It. 41 U. S. C. Inf. Oct. 1, '64 ; honorablv mustered out Dec. 10, '65; 2 It. 125 U.S.C. Inf. April 26, '66 ; honorably mustered out Dec. 20, '67 ; 2 It. 19 Inf. Mar. 13, '68 ; unassigned March 31, '69; assigned to 2 Ciiv. July 14, '69; 1 It. March 31, '78. Pearson, David C. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M.A., class of 1S70; 2 It. 2 CaV. June 15, '70; 1 It. April 23, '79. McCIernand, Edward J. Born in 111. Appointed from 111. ; graduate M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 15, '70; 1 It. May 9, '79. Schofield, Charles B. Born in Illi- nois, June 26, 1849. Entered U. S. Mil- itary Academy June, 1866, and gradu- ated June, 1870; appointed 2d lieut. 2d Cavalry June 15, 1870, and served with the regiment in Montana from October, 1870, to August, 1878; in engagement with hostile Indians on Yellowstone River in August, 1872 ; served in the In- dian campaign of 1876, under General Terry ; in engagement with hostile In- dians, May, 1877, under General Miles ; served in Nez-Perces campaign in fall of 1877 ; appointed aide-de-camp to Major- General J. M. wSchofield, U.S.A., in Octo- ber, 1878; first lieut. June 14, 1879; served with Gen. Schofield at West Point from October, 1878, to January, 1881 ; at New Orleans from Januarv, 1881, to May, 1881 ; in Europe to May, 1882; and at San Francisco, California, from Octo- ber, 1882, to Kingsbury, Frederick W. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Wisconsin ; grad- uate M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 15, '70; 1 It. April 1, '80. Allison, James N. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of 1871 ; private Co. C, 39 Ky. Inf., Aug. 10, '63 ; discharged June 3, 'fiS ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 12, '71^; 1 It. Dec. 20, '80. Roe, Charles F. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1868; 2 It. 1 Cav. June 15, '68; tran.sferred to 2 Cav. Oct. 29, '70; mus- tered out Dec 28, '70 (sec. 11, act July 15, '70) ; 2 It. 2 Cav. Dec. 9, '71 ; regimental adjt. Nov. 2, '76-Mar. 81, '78; 1 It. Dec. 20, '80. La Point, Henry C. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vt. ; graduate M. A., class of 1873 ; private Co. K, 1 Vt. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 30, '64; discharged .lune 24, '65; 2 It.' 2 Cav. June 13, '73; 1 It. Jan. 25, '81. Sibley, Frederick W. Born in Texas. Appointed from Ga. ; graduate M. A., class of 1874; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 17, '74; 1 It. Oct. 20, '81. Huntington, Henry D. Born in Ver- mont. Appointed from Iowa; graduate M. A., class of 1875 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 16, '75; 1 It. Oct. 26, '81. Second Lieutenants. Fuller, Alfred M. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of 1876; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 15, '76; transferred to 2 Cav. July 28, '76. Hoppin, Curtis B. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1877 ; additional 2 It. 1 Cav. .lune 15, '77 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 25, '77. O'Brien, Alonzo L. Born in Virginia. Appointed from W. Va. ; graduate M. A., class of 1879; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 13, '79. Brett, Lloyd M. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1879; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 13, '79. Lewis, Thomas J. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from La. ; graduate M. A., cla.«s of 1879; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 13, '79. Fuller, Alvarado M. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from army ; private, corporal, and sergeant Co. B, 2 Cav., Jan. 1, '70-Jan. 1, '75; private and sergeant- major 2 Cav. Apl. 1, '76-July 8, '79"^; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 28, '79. Holton, Frederick D. Born in Ver- mont. Appointed frt)m Vt. ; graduate M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 12, '80. Ruskin, Francis D. Born in Michi- gan. Appointed from Mich.; 2 It. 11 Inf. Sept. 1, '79; transferred to 2 Cav. Apl. 18, '81. Carleton, Guy. Born in Texas. Ap- pointed from Texas ; graduate M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 11, '81. Allen, Henry T. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ky. ; graduate M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 13, '82. Irwin, Francis G., Jr. Born in Ken- tuckv. Appointed from Tenn. ; graduate M. A., class of 1882 ; 2 It. 2 Cav. June 13, '82. 110 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. THIRD REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Colonel.. Brackett, Albert G. Was born in Cherrv Vallev, ■ Otsee^o County, New York f February 14, 1828. He removed to Indiana in the autumn of 1840, and tiie next year volunteered for the Mexican war, and was elected second lieutenant of Company I, Fourth Indiana Volunteers, and mustered into the service of the United States at Jeffersonville, Ind., to date from June 1, 1847, and was promoted first lieu- tenant of the company June 18, 1847 ; he was stationed at the School of Instruction, Mier, Mexico, during July and August, 1847, and marched thence to Vera Cruz ; his regiment formed a part of General Lane's column on the march towards the city of Mexico ; he was engaged, in the fall of 1847, in the skirmishes at Paso de Ovejas and La Hoya, in the battle of Hu- amantla, in raising the siege of Puebla, and in the combat and bombardment of Atllxcq; he subsequently served in the city of Puebla and at Napaloucan, on the national road between Vera Cruz and the city of Mexico, and thus continued until the end of the war ; he served for a time while in Puebla as first lieutenant of a battery of artilh^ry, which was composed of Ohio and Indiana volunteers ; he served during the Mexican war with great credit, and was honorably discharged on the Kith of July, 1848; he then returned to his home, where he prepared and published, in 1854, an interesting history of the doings of General Lane's brigade in Central Mex- ico in 1847 and 1848; he was engaged in civil pursuits at Logansport, Ind., when he was appointed a captain in the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, to date from March 3, 185-5; he was assigned to recruiting ser- vice at Logansport, Ind., and Rock Island, 111., and continued on that duty till the 5th of August, when he joined his com- pany at Jeflerson Barracks, where he had station until the 27th of October, when he marched with tiie regiment to Texas, and arrived at Fort Mason January 14, 1850, where he served until July, when he changed station to Camp Sabinal, and subsequently served at Forts Clark and Mcintosh, Camps Hudson, Van Camp, Ives, and Verde, and was frequently in command of stations and expeditions ; he defeated a band of Li pans on the Guada- lupe River, on the 8th of March, 1850, and killed and wounded a number, recap- tured a large quantity of property, inclu- ding sundry land-papers of great value, and a draft for one tiiousand pounds ster- ling, which they had stolen during one of their raids on the Itio Cibola ; he was en- gaged (commanding) in the pursuit of a band of Comanches near the Arro3-a de las Eticinas, between Eagle Pa.ss and Laredo, on the 1st of February, 1857, and com- manded his company in an impoi-tant movement on the Great Comanche trail and into tlie State of Chihuahua, during which he pursued and routed a party of Comanches near the Presidio de San Vi- cente, on the 2d of May, 1859 ; he accom- panied Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, who was commanding the Department of Texas, in the spring of 1800, during the border dis- turbances with Cortinas, and served on the Rio Grande until the next autumn ; he was conspicuously active in Texas, success- ful in his encounters with hostile Indians and in defending the border from the in- cursions of the i-avages and the marauding operations of Cortinas, and received upon several occasions the thanks and commen- dations of the department commander and of General Scott ; when the State of Texas was surrendered to the insurgents, he marched with his company from Camp Verde on the 21st of Februarj', 1801, and, having joined other companies of the regi- ment at Green Lake, proceeded to Indian- ola, where, on the 31st of March, the de- tachment embarked on the steamship " Coatzacoalcos" and sailed for New York Harbor, and proceeded thence to Carlisle, where the troops arrived on the 13th of April ; his company, having been refitted and mounted, proceeded to Wasliington, and a few daj's later crossed the Potomac over the Long Bridge into Virginia with the first troops on the li3d of May, 1801, and participated in the capture of Alex- andria, and he was then assigned lo a temporary station at Arlington; he com- manded a squadron of the regiment in the skirmish at Blackburn's Ford, Va., on the 18th of July, 1861, which was an impor- tant affair ; the squadron was exposed to a heavy fire, and the men not only served as cavalry, but also assisted the artillerymen to bring their guns into action ; he par- ticipated in the battle of Bull Run, wliere his company served as an escort to General McDowell during the entire day, having been detailed for that duty on the 19th ; during the disastrous retreat his company, with the regular cavalry, constituted about all there was of a rear-guard, and by vig- orous and intelligent action did much to restore order among the volunteers, who had ()een abandoned by their own ap- ])ointed officers ; having obtained, in Sep- tember, a leave of absence for the purpose of accepting a commission in the volunteer service, he proceeded West, where he served as an aide-de-camp to Governor Yates, of Illinois, and commanded Camp THIllD REGIMENT OF CAVALKY. Ill Douii'las, at Chicago, until Fobnmrv, 1802 ; he was appointed colonel of the Ninth Il- linois Cavalry, to date from October 20, 18G1, and marched with the regiment to Missouri, and thence to Arkansas as a part of Steele's brigade of General Curtis'n army ; he defeated the enemy at the Wad- dell Farm, in Jackson County, Ark., on the 12ih of June, 1802, and saved a valu- able train belonging to the government ; and on the 27lh he attacked, with two battalions of his regiment, a superior force of the enemy at Stewart's Plantation, near Village Creek, in Jackson County, Ark., and fought them until dark, losing thirty- three otHcers and men killed and wounded, and as many horses, and inflicting a severe loss upon the enemy; he was wounded in the breast bj' a rifle-ball, but retained the command throughout the action ; he was also engaged in the action at Cache Bayou, Ark. ; he was made a brevet major, to date from June 28, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious services in the campaign of 1862 in Arkansas, and was promoted a major in the P'irst Cavahy, to date from July 17, 1862; he served as chief of cavalry in the Department of Missouri, and as a muster- ing and disbursing officer and as an assist- ant commissary of musters at St. Louis in 1863 ; he commanded a cavalry brigade in West Tennessee, and was employed in de- fendiTig the Memphis and Charleston Rail- way, and was an assistant inspector-general of cavalry in the Department of the Cum- berland, and a special inspector, in 1864 ; he participated in the siege and battles in front of Atlanta and the battle of Nash- ville, and was made a brevet lieutenant- colonel, to date from September 1, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign ; he was mustered out of volunteer service on the 26th of October, 1864, and was made a brevet colonel, to date from March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war of the Rebellion ; he prepared, during the war, a history of the United States Cavalry from 1793 to 1863, which was pub- lished in 1865; he joined and commanded his regiment at New Orleans in September, 1865, and accompanied it to the Pacific Coast in January, 186*5, where he com- manded the Presidio of San Francisco, Drum Barracks, Los Angeles, Fort Chur- chill, and Fort Vancouver ; he also com- manded the District of Nevada during a part of the year 18()6, and was very suc- cessful in the conduct of operations against hostile Indians, and inflicted upon them a loss of three hundred and twenty-seven killed, wounded, and captured in the com- bats of the year with the regulars and volunteers who were serving under his command ; he commanded the District of Summit Lake and Nevada in 1867, and was on duty in Arizona when he was pro- moted lieutenant-colonel of the Second Cavalry, to date from Juno fl, 1868; he joined his regiment at Fort McPherson, Neb., in March, 1869, and commanded it until May, when he marciied with four companies to Fort Ellis, Mon., where he arrived in July, and remained until De- cember, in the mean time distributing sup- plies to the Crow Indians; he then re- joined the regimental headquarters at Fort Omaha, where he had station until March, 1871, when he was assigned to the com- mand of Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., which he retained until June, and suppressed on the 30th of April a riot among the coal- miners at Carbon ; he again served at Fort Omaha from June, 1871, to September, 1872, when he was assigned to the com- mand of Fort Bridger, and was subse- quently transferred to Camj) Stainbaugh, and had service at the two stations until September, 1873; he also commanded the District of Wind River from May to Sep- tember, 1873 ; he was on general court- martial duty at Omaha during October, 1873, and thereafter on a leave of absence until February, 1874, when he joined at Fort Sanders, where he served until Sep- tember, 1877, and commanded the station and his regiment at different periods, hav- ing occasional leaves and detached service, chiefly on general court-martial duty, to other stations within the department ; he commanded his regiment during the change of stations from the Department of the Platte to the Department of Dakota, and marched with the headquarters from Fort Sanders, Wyo., to Fort Ouster, Mon., during September and October, 1877; he served in the Department of Dakota until the summer of 1879, and commanded the District of the Yellowstone from March to June; he was promoted colonel of the Third Cavalry, to date from March 20, 1879, and joined his regiment at Fort Laramie, Wyo., in July, and served at the station until October, when he was ordered to field service against the' hostile Utcs of Colorado ; he proceeded to Rawlins, W\'o., where he established a camp of thirteen companies belonging to the Ninth Infan- try, Third and Fifth ('avairy, which was broken up on the 28th of November, when he returned to Fort Laramie, and served there until April, 1880, when he changed station with his headquarters to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he ar- rived on the 27th, and served until May, 1882, except tours of general court-martial .service at Camp Douglas, Salt Lake City, and Rock Creek; he declined, on the 10th 112 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY of August, 1880, tlie appointment of super- intendent of the mounted recruitinc; ser- vice ; he was elected, in February, 1881, a vice-president of the National Association of Veterans of the Mexican War, and sub- sequently was elected a vice-president of the Wyoming Academy of Science ; he was transferred, in May, 1882, with his regiment from the Department of the Platte to the Department of Arizona, where he commanded Forts Thomas and Grant, and directed the Held operations against the hostile Apache Indians until August, 1882, when, having been ap- pointed sujierintendent of the mounted recruiting service, he relinquished the command of his regiment and proceeded' to Jeflerson Barracks, where he arrived on the 1st of October, 1882, and entered upon the duties of his office; he is now (May, 1883) employed in gathering recruits for the mounted service, and forwarding tliem to their regiments on the frontier. Lieutenant- Colonel. Clendenin, David R. Born in Penna. Appointed from III. ; captain and major 8th 111. Cav. Sept. 18, '(Jl ; lieut.-col. Dec. 6, '()2 ; engaged in the cavalry campaigns of the Army of the Potomac to '(J4 ; com- manding regiment in the Dept. of Wash- ington, and the cavalry operating against the rebel General Early during his inva- sion of Maryland, 18lii, and engaged at the battle of Monocacy, Md., July 9, '(54 ; brevet col. vols. Feb. 20, '65, and brevet brig. -gen. vols. July 11, '65, for meritori- ous services ; honorablj' mustered out July 17, '65; major 8th Cav. Jan. 22, '67; It."- col. 3d Cav. Nov. 1, '82. Majors. Carlton, Caleb H. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of 1859; bvt. 2d lt.-7th Inf. July 1, '59; 2d It. 4th Inf. Oct. 12, '59; 1st lt."May 14, '61 ; at Newport Barracks 1st Oct. 1859, to April, 1860; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., April, 1860; with Blake's e.vpedition from St. Louis, Mo., to Fort Vancouver, W. T., via head-waters? Missouri River and Mili- tary Road, May to Oct. 1860 ; at Fort Hos- kins, Oregon, Oct. 15, 1860. to April, 1861 ; Presidio, California, and San Bernardina, Southern California, April to Oct. 1861 ; on duty at Washington, D. C, Nov. 1861, lo March, 1862; participated in siege of Yorktown April 15 to May 4, 1862;"cap- tain June 30, 1862; participated in battles of Gaines' Mills June 27, 1862, and Mal- vern Hill July 1, 186*2; brevet major July 4, 1862, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the Peninsular campaign ; participated in the battle of 2d Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862, and Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 ; on recruiting service Nov. 24, 1862, to Feb. 19, 1863; on mustering-out duty at "Washington, D. C, March 17 to June 24, 1863; colonel 89th Ohio Vols. July 7, 1863; participated in the battle of Chick- amauga Se|)t. 19-20, 1863; prisoner of war Sept. 20, 1863, to March 7, 18(i4 ; bre- vet lieut.-col. Sept. 20, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; participated in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain June 20 to July 2, 1864, and siege of Atlanta July 22 to Sept. 2, 1864; commanding post of Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1864, to May 13, 1865; commanding Western District of Kentucky May 13 to June 23, 1865; commanding regiment at Ft. Wood, New York Harbor, July 28 to Sept. 28, 1865; in command of Ft. Ontario, N. Y., Oct. 1865, to March, 1867 ; camp at Omaha. Neb., March-Mav, 1867 ; Ft. Laramie and Ft. Fetterman, W. T., May, 1867, to May, 1869; unassigned March 23, 1869; profes- sor military science at Miami University, Ohio, Nov." 23, 1869, to Oct. 1871 ; as.«igned to 10th Cavalry Dec. 15, 1870; at Ft. Sill and in- field Oct. 1871, to Nov. 12, 1872; on leave and in Europe Nov. 1872, to June, 1873; at Ft. Sill and in lield in Kiowa and Comanche Expeditions June, 1873, to March 27, 1875; Ft. McKavett, Texas, and in field April 17, 1875, to*July 11, 1876; in corad. of Ft. Fetterman Nov. 12, 1876, to May 25, 1877; recorder of board for post schools, post and co. funds, member of retiring board, board of survey, etc., Oct. 10, 1877, to May 3, 1878; in the field and on Cheyenne Expedition in Da- kota and Nebraska June to Dec. 21, 1878 ; in command of Fort Sidney, Neb., from March, 1879, to Oct. 8, 1879; in field Oct. 8 to Dec. 1879 ; in command at Ft. Sidney Dec. '79, to April, 1880; Ft. San- ders April-May, '80; in field June, '80; siclv-leave July 8, '80, to June, 1881 ; in- spector of national cemeteries June 18, '81, to April 1, 1882; leave April 1, '82, to Nov. 1882; on duty at Ft. Lowell, A. T., since Nov. 1882. Nolan, Nicholas. Born in Ireland. Appoin],ed from army ; private Company M, 4 jVrt., December 9, '52 ; corporal Nov. 1, '55; dischgd. Oct. 9, '57; corpl. Co. M, 4 Art., Oct. 9, '57; trs. to pvt. Co. K, 2 Drag., Sept. 1, '58; corpl. Dec. 1, '58; 1 sergt. Dec. 4, '59 ; sergt. May 22, '60 ; trs. to sergt. Co. B, 6 Cav., Sept. 5, '61 ; 1 sergt. Sept. 21, '61 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. July 17, '62, ace. Sept. 22, '62; 1 It. bvt. Aug. 1, '63, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Brandy Station, Va."; 1 It. 6 Cav. July 5, '64; capt. bvt. Mar. 31, '65, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of DinwiddieC. H., Va." ; THIKD REGIMENT OF CAVALllY. 113 cupt. 10 Cav. July 28, '(ifi ; major 3d Cav. 19 Dec. '82 ; was woundod on the inoniing of Oct. 14, 18iV3, whilst carrying dispatches from General Meade, then cominandinf the 6th Division (General Prentiss), and received the first shock of the attack ; his regiment sutfering heavily, having his colonel and niiijor killed, his lieutenant-colonel, cap- tain, and first lieutenant wounded ; Colonel Chester Harding, Jr., succeeded to the THIKD REGIMENT OF CAVALRY 115 conimaiul of his i-egi merit ; he partici- pated in the siege of Corinth, and the campaign of the " Army of Soutiieast Missouri," the commanding generHl (Davidson )presenting him with a jiistol for gallantry, leading a battalion of cavalry in a charge on a guerrilla camp ; served in the campaign down the Mississippi and against the rebel General Forrest, in Western Tennessee; his regiment was consolidated with the Engineer Corps of the West at Nashville, Tenn., February, 1864, forming the First Engineers, Mo. Vol , Morton being assigned to Co. "H" ; he served on the Nashville and North- western R. R. and siege of Atlanta, par- ticipating in the flank movement around Atlanta, and battles of Jonesboro' and Lovejoy's Station, after his time expired ; he was discharged at East Point, Ga., Sept. 14, 1864, having served continuously 3 years 1 month and 15 days, receiving on his discharge a certificate of having participated with his regiment in all of its marches, campaigns, skirmishes, and bat- tles ; had never been in arrest or confine- ment, and had distinguished himself for bravery in battle; leaving the army at Atlanta, he hurried home to accept a com- mission in the 43d Infantry, Mo. Vols., under his old colonel (Harding), narrowly escaping the Centralia (Mo.) massacre, Sept. '28, '64, where many of his old comrades were slain ; he declined the ap- pointment, and organized the enrolled militia in Daviess, Coldwell, and Ray Counties, Mo., to meet the invasion of the rebel General Price, and commandnd in the engagement on Fishing River, Mo., Oct. 15, "64, where the Guerrilla Chief- tain ''Bill Anderson" and many of his band, composed of the notorious James and Younger brothers and like characters, were killed, thereby wiping out the last vestige of armed hostility in Northwest Missouri ; he declined appointment of second lieutenant 9th XJ. S. Vet. Vols. February, 1865, to accept candidacy for appointment of cadet to West Point ; he was a|){)ointed cadet U. S. Military Acad- emy to date July 1, '65, and graduated No. 25 in his class June 15, 1869 ; was assigned to the 3d Cavalry as second lieutenant, to date June 15, 1869, and joined his troop ("A") at Fort Union, New Mexico, at the expiration of his graduating leave ; was sent to Sheridan, Ks., and conducted to Ft. Union a detachment of recruit.s in Dec. 1869, encountering heavy storms ; served at Cimarron, Ute agency, winter of '69-70 ; was quartermaster and com- missary of one column of his regiment from Ft. Union, N. M., to and at Camp Rawlins, Ariz., Feb. 20 to Aug. 10, 1870; was quartermaster and commissary, post adjutant, and serving with troop Camp Verde, Ariz., from Aug. 16, '70, to Dec. 11, '71, making plans, estimates, and partially building Fort Verde ; while in temporary command of his trooj) in June, 1871, was ordered in yiursuit of a hostile band of Tonto and Pinal Apaches that had attacked Agua Frio ranch, killed the herders and driven oft" 160 head of horses, mules, and cattle, following them into Tonto Basin, and having four successive and successful engagements, tor which himself and command were complimented in general orders, headquarters Depart- ment of Arizona, and he was recommen- ded to Congress for brevet for gallantry in action; accompanied his regiment to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and served at Sidney Barracks, Neb., from June, '72, to April 5, '75, as post adjutant, thougli per- forming active scouting duty most of the time, that post occupying a position be- tween the great Sioux tribes and their allies, the Southern Cheyennes, and the buffalo country; was on the expedition after the renegade Cheyennes, spring of 1875, and engineer officer of the Black Hills expedition May 25 to Oct. 19, '75, and engineer duty at Omaha, Neb., Nov. and Dec. '75, making maps from his field notes, which comprised tln^ first autlientic information of that unexplored region ; was acting commissary of subsistence at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, winter of 1875-6, and adjutant of the Big Horn ex- pedition February and March, 1876, par- ticipating in all the skirmishes of that ex- pedition, and the battle of Crazy Horse Village March 17, 1876; acting regi- mental adjutant and quartermaster of cav- alry with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition ; participated in the skirmish on Tongue River June 9, battle of the Rosebud June 17, and afternoon skirmish at Slim Buttes, 1876 ; was promoted first lieutenant in his own troop September 25, 1876, which he commanded till Sept. 10, '78, and served at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from Nov. 1, '76, to July 5, '77 ; on leave of absence to Oct. 26, '67 ; commanding his troop on winter expedition to the Black Hills of Dakota from Fort Laramie De- cember, '77, and Jan. '78, and expedition to Little Missouri from Fort Laramie to September 10, '78, when he was selected for the mounted recruiting service, and was post adjutant and treasurer at the cavalry depot Jefierson Barracks, Mo., from Oct. 1, '78, to February 1, '81 ; on duty and e7i route to his troop at Fort McKinney, Wyo., till May 11, '81, and on duty with troop at the latter post until it was ordered to Department of Arizona 116 llECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY May 2, '82, takiiis: station at Fort Tliomas, Arizona, May 24, 1882 ; accompanied ex- pedition after hostile Apaches, whicii cul- minated in the en2;agenient on Chevelon's Fork July 17, 1882; post adjutant Fort Thomas and commanding troop Aug. 2, '82, where he is still serving ; promoted to captain 3d Cav. '83. First Lieutenants. Simpson, James F. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Connecticut; second lieutenant 14th Connecticut Vol- unteers' 18fi2 ; engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va.; taken prisoner, and confined in Libby prison, at Kichmond, Va., until paroled June, 1863 ; 1st It. 4 Feb. '63 ; captain 14th Connecticut Volunteers Oct. '63 ; engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., action of Morton's Ford, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, Petersburg, action of Keam's Station, and battle of the Weldon Railroad, Va. (se- verely wounded) ; resigned November, 1864 ; captain 2d Regiment U. S. Veteran Volunteers February, 1865, to March, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 40th U. S. Infantry August, 1867; brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va.; brevet captain U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Ream's Station, Va.; trans, to 25 Inf. 20 April, '69 ; trans, to 3 Cav. 15 March, '71 ; 1st It. 14 Dec. '77. Steever, Edgar Z., A.M. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsyl- vania ; entered West Point July 1, 1867 ; graduated from Military Academy June 12, 1871, No. 2 in his class ; 2d lieutenant 3d Cav. June 12, 1871 ; on duty as assist- ant instructor of tactics and military sig- naling and telegraphy at Military Acad- emy from July 5, 1871, to August 21, 1871 ; on graduating leave August 28 to November 30, 1876 ; with regiment on frontier service in Nebraska and Dakota November 30, 1871, to October 1, 1872; on detached service in command of Amer- ican Palestine Exploring Expedition, en- gaged in a topographical survey of Moab, Gilead, Bashan, and the Hauran, Asia, from October 1, 1872, to October 1, 1874; with regiment on frontier service in Ne- braska and Wyoming October 1, 1874, to September 9, 1876 ; on duty as acting as- sistant professor of mathematics at West Point Military Academy September 9, 1876, to August 28, 1880 ; 1st lieutenant May 18, 1878 ; on duty with regiment on frontier service in Wyoming September 27, 1880, to May 2, 1882 ; on detached serv. conductinsr reconnoissance in North- ern Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho June"l8, 1881, to September 8, 1881 ; on duty with regiment in New Mexico and Arizona May 2, 1882, to date; regimental adjutant September 1, 1883. j Schw^atka, Frederick. Born in Galena, j Illinois, September 29, 1849, and with his parents immigrated to Oregon in j 18-53. His early life was spent at Astoria, Albany, Eugene City, and Salem, mostly at the latter point, with the early history of which he was more or less intimately connected ; he entered West Point June 8, 1867, having passed a successful exam- ination and continued his studies unre- mittingly until 1871, when he graduated June 13, and was assigned to active service as 2d lieutenant in the 3d U. S. Cavalry, then serving in Arizona ; he was after- wards (Dec. '71) transferred to the De- partment of the Platte ; he meanwhile turned his attention to the study of law and was admitted to the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Nebraska J\Iay 5, 1875; he then studied medicine and sur- gery and graduated at the Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, in New York, March 1, 1876; rejoining his regiment he served in the Sioux war of 1876, partici- pating in the actions of the Rosebud (June 17, 1876) and Slim Buttes (Sept. 9, 1876), and minor Indian skirmishes; at his own request was granted leave of ab- sence to command the Franklin search party in the Arctic Ocean, in which he was employed from June 19, 1878, to September 22, 1880, the object of the ex- pedition being to find the records and relics and determine the fate of the British Northwest Passage Expedition of Sir John Franklin, which sailed from Eng- land in the "Erebus" and "Terror" in 1845, and of which but very little had ever been ascertained ; the expedition under Lieutenant Schwatka's command made the longest sledge journey in the world, a distance of 3251 miles, being ab- sent from its source of supplies eleven months and twentj' days, subsisting off of the game of the country, the trip having been undertaken with but one month's rations provided, the party living on the same food as did their Esquimaux allies and guides ; it encountered the lowest temperature ever recorded by white men traveling in the field, viz.: 71 degrees Fahrenheit, or 103 degrees below freezing point; it discovered and buried many of the skeletons of Sir John Franklin's lost party, secured numerous relics, and other- wise cleared away much of the mystery connected with that ill-fated expedition ; on March 20, 1879, Lieut. Schwatka was promoted to a 1st lieutenancy in the THIRD REGIMENT OF CAVALRY 117 8d Cavaliy, and October 10, 18S1, was appointed aidc-de-oamp on the stuff of General Nelson A. Miles, commanding the Department of the Columbia, and is at present stationed at Fort Vancouver on that dutj' ; he has received numberless honorary distinctions since his return from the North, and is at jiresent honor- ary and corrcspondinc; member of many European and American scientific — es- pecially geographi(!al — societies, and has by special request delivered lectures in many of the principal cities of the East. Chase, George F. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of '71; 2 It. 9 Inf. 12 June, '71; trans, to 3 Cav. 8 May, '72 ; 1 It. 20 Mar. '7'J. Allen, James. Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Indiana ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1872 ; 2d lieu- tenant 3d Cavalry June 14, 1872; 1st lieutenant July 24, 1879. Reynolds, Bainbridge. Born in New York (West Point). Appointed from Indiana (at large, being a resident of In- diana) ; graduated from Military Acad- emy June 13, 1873 ; 2d lieutenant 3d Cavalry June 13, 1873; regimental adju- tant August 21, 1879 ; 1st lieutenant Au- gust 21, 1879. Foster, James E. H. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; private Co. A, Ind. Battorv, Pennsylvania Artillery, 19 May, '64, to" 29 Aug. 'FA; pvt. Co. F, 155tli, and Co. G, 19ist, Pa. Inf., 21 March, '05, to 23 June, 'fi5 ; 2 It. 3 Cav. 1 Oct. '75 ; 1 It. 30 Nov. '79. Dodd, George A. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa.; graduate of M. A., class of '76; 2 It. 8 Cav. 15 June, '76; 1 It. 29 Feb. '80. Cummings, Joseph F. Born in Browns- ville, Texas, July 16, 1851. Appointed cadet at U.H. Military Academy in 1871 ; second lieutenant Tenth Cavalry June 15, 1876; transferred to 3d Cavalry July 28, 1876 ; joined regiment at Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyoming, Oct. 1, '76 ; on scout against hostile Indians Oct. 20 to 30, '76 ; joined troop L at Camp Robinson, Neb., Nov. 16, 1876; in command of Troop C from Jan. 10 to June 4, '77; on scout with troop C in Black Hill? from Feb. 16 to April 17, 1877; captured Indian vil- lage Feb. 23d ; complimented in G.O. No. 8, March 14, Dept. of the Platte; in com- mand of Troop L from June 16, '77, to Dec. 14, '77 ; took part Sept. 4, '77, in the attempt to capture " Crazy Horse" ; scout- ing after train-robbers Sept. 19 to 23, '77 ; from Oct. 25, '77, to Nov. 25, '77, escort- ing Sioux Indians from Camp Robinson, Neb., to their new agency on Missouri 9 River in Dakota ; stationed at New Red Cloud Agency, Dakota, Nov. 25, '77, to Oct. 28, '78; on scout after hostile Chey- enne Indians Oct. 6 to Oct. 21, '78 ; trans- ferred to Troop C and to Camp Robinson, Neb., Oct. 28, 1878 ; on scout after Chey- ennes Nov. 23 to Dec. 10, '78 ; .stationed at Fort Robinson, Neb., Nov. '78, to June 28, '80; took part in fights with Chey- ennos who attempted to escape from Fort Robinson, Jan. 9 to 22, '79; stationed at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, June 29, '80, to Jan. 30, '81 ; promoted to be 1st lieutenant Jan. 30, '81 ; joined Troop K at Fort AVashakir, Wyoming, April 13, '81 ; on reconnoissance with Governor of Wy- oming to the Yellowstone National Park July '23 to Aug. 28, 1881; chancred sta- tion with rest of the regiment from Wy- oming to Arizona May, 1882; on scout in Arizona June 1, '82, to June 25, '82; in camp near Whipple Barracks, A. T., June 25 to July 8 ; stationed at Fort Verde, A. T., July 9 to present time. Cummings, John T. Born in Texas, Apptd. from Texas ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870 ; 2d It. lOth Cav. June 15, '76 ; trs. to 3d Cav. July 28, '70 ; 1st It. Jan. 30, '81. Hardie, Francis H. Born in Cal. Apptd. from N. J.; 2d It. 3d Cav. Julv 28, '76, accepted Aug. 18, '76 ; 1st It. Feb. 21, '81. Hunter, George K. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; add. 2d It. June 15, '77; 2d lieutenant 3d Cavalry Dec. 14, '77; 1st It. May 24, '81. French, F. Halverson. Born in Va. Apptd. from Md.; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2d'lt. 3d Cav. June 15, '77; 2d It. May 18, '78; 1st It. June 26, '81. Porter, John M. Born in Ala. Apptd. from Ala.; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2d It. 3d Cav. June 13, '79 ; 1st It. June 26, '82. Mackay, James O. Born in N. S. Apptd. from Nev.; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2d It. 3d Cav. June 13, '79 ; 1st It. '83. Beach, Wm. D. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y.; graduate of M. A., class of 1 879 ; 2d It. 3d"Cav. June 13, '79 ; 1st It. '83. Second Lieutenants. Converse, George L., Jr. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A.; 2d lieut. 8d Cav. June 12, 1880. Morgan, George H. Born in Canada. Appointed from Minnesota; graduate M. A. ; 2d lieut. 8d Cav. June 12, 1880. Boughton, Daniel H. Born in Minne- 118 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. sota. Appointed from Iowa; s:raduate M. A. ; 2d lieut. 3d Cav. June if, 1881. Johnson, Franklin O. Born in Minne- sota. Ap[)ointed from Minnesota; grad- uate M. A. ; 2d lieut. 3d Cav. June 11, 1881. Dickman, Joseph T. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A. ; 2d lieut. 3d Cav. June 11, 1881. W^est, Parker W. Born in California. Appointed from Louisiana; graduate M. A. ; add. 2d lieut. 3d Cav. June 11, 1881 ; 2d lieut. June 20, 1881. Davis, Britton. Born in Texas. Ap- pointed from Texas ; graduate M. A. ; add. 2d lieut. 5tli Cav. June 11, 1881 ; 2d lieut. 3d Cav. July 1, 1881. Dugan, Thomas B, Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Maryland ; grad- uate M. A. ; add. 2d lieut. lOtli Cav. June 13, 1882 ; 2d lieut. 3d Cav. June 26, 1882. FOURTH REGIMENT OF CAV- ALRY. Colonel. Royall, William B. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Mo. He served in the Mexican War as 1st It. of Co. D, 2d Mo. Mounted Vols., from July 31, '-10, to Aug. 14, '47. He reported at Ft. Leavenworth in the summer of 1846, and marched with his regiment to Santa Fe, and while serv- ing in New Mexico during the year 1847 was engaged in the battle of Caiiada, the skirmish of Embudo, and the assault upon and capture of the Puebla de Taos. He was assigned, with Capt. Burgwin, of the 1st Drag., to the duty of charging the fortitications of the Puebla de Taos, where he was distinguished for conspicuous gal- lantry. On the expiration of the term of service of his regiment it was consolidated into five companies and reorganized as the Santa Fe Battalion. He was then com- missioned by the President, under Section 21 of the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1847, a first lieutenant and adjutant of the battalion, to date from August 14, 1847, and ordered to Missouri on recruit- ing service. After securing the required number of men he reported at Fort Leav- enworth, and in May, 1848, started with his detachment for Santa Fe, having in charge Paymaster Bryant (who had eighty thousand dollars with him), a supply- train of fifty wagons, and five hundred head of beef-cattle. When encamped near the junction of Coon Creek and the Ar- kansas Iviver, between Forts Dodge and Larned, he was attacked at daybreak on the 18th of June, 1848, by three hundred Comanche warriors. He had scarcely time to corral the cattle and secure the horses when the Indians charged through his camp and made repeated eff'orts to stam- pede the stock. In these charges nine war- riors were killed and many were wounded. The Indians then fled across the river in a southerly direction, when he mounted thirty-four picked men and pursued them four miles in the sand-hills, killing four- teen and having four men severely wound- ed. He was outnumbered three to one and was encumbered with the supply-train and cattle, but he succeeded in placing on record as creditable a combat with hostile Indians as can be found in the annals of frontier service. When he arrived at Santa Fe the war was ended and the troops were preparing to return home. He was then assigned with the recruits on escort duty to Gen. Sterling Price, and marched with the command to Independence, Mo., where he was mustered out of service on the 20th of October, 1848, and returned to civil pursuits. In consideration of his gal- lant services in the combat on Coon Creek he was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, to date from March 3, 18.55, and was the senior first lieutenant of the appointments in that grade in the four new regiments created bj' the act of Congress of March 3, 1855, of those who had previously served as lieutenants of volunteers during the war with Mexico. He received his appoint- ment at Columbia, Mo., and proceeded to Pittsburg, Pa., where he served on re- cruiting service until July, when he joined the regiment at Jeflerson Barracks and was assigned to the command of a detach- ment of Company C, which he retained until the 24th of August, when the head- quarters of his company joined and he returned to company duty until the 20th of September, when he was detached to recruiting service at Columbia, Mo. He rejoined his company at Jefferson Bar- racks in October, and marched with the regiment to Texas, and arrived at Fort Mason January 14, 1850, where he had station until June, and participated in an expedition to the head-waters of the Con- cho, and was engaged in a combat with hostile Comanches on the 1st of May, and won a special mention in the official re- port for gallant conduct. He was then assigned to recruiting service at Philadel- phia, where he served until November, 1858. He then conducted a detachment of recruits from Carlisle to Texas, and re- joined the regiment at Camp Radzimin- ski December 31, 1858, and assumed the command of Company C, which he re- tained until the 10th of February, 1860. FOURTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 119 He was cn2:ngt'd in the brilliant combat with hostile Oomanehcs on u tributary of tiie Nescutungii, near Fort Atkinson, May 13, 1859, and was highly commended for conspicuous gallantry and energy, and won a special mention for particular ser- vices in holding the enemy in check until the main command arrived on the scene of action, and in very adroitly capturing their horses, for which, in the language of the report, "great credit is due him." He was also complimented in orders by General Scott. He changed station to Camj) Cooper in June, 1859, participated in the Cimarron expedition October-Nf)- vember, 1859, and changed station in December to Camp Lawson, where he served until May, 18H0. He was then transferred to Fort Inge, where he had station (on leave of al)sence June, 1860- February, 1801) until March 19, 1861, when he marched to Indianola (command- ing company) and embarked on the steam- ship Emj)ire City just in time to escape capture, and arrived at Carlisle on the 27th of April, 18G1. He was promoted a captain March 21, 1861, and participated in General Patterson's Shenandoah cam- paign, and was engaged in the action of Falling Waters and the skirmishes near Martinsburg and Bunker Hill ; served in the defenses of Washington during the winter of 1861-62, and participated in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Williamsburg, and in almost daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance towards Richmond, the battle of Hanover Court-House, and the recon- noissance towards Ashland, and was made a brevet major, to date from May 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hanover Court-House. He was commanding two squadrons of the regiment on the extreme right of the Army of the Potomac, in the vicinity of the Pamunkey River, when he fought the action of Old Church, June 13, 1862, and received six sabre wounds while engaged in hand-to-hand conflicts with the enemy. He made a stubborn fight, but was over- whelmed by superior numbers, and, al- though surrounded and grievously wound- ed, he cut through the enemy and joined the main army. He received two sabre contusions on the right side of the head ; a cut two inches long on the forehead ; a long cut on the left cheek which bled profusely ; a cut on the right wrist, dividing a ten- don ; and an incised fracture, four inches long, of the left parietal bone. These wounds, attesting the severity of the con- flict, disabled him from lield service for some years. He was made a brevet lieu- tenant-colonel, to date from June 13, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at Old Church, and was ottered, in September, 1862, the colonelcy of the Twenty-seventh New Jersey Volunteers, which he was compelled to declinebecauseof his wounds, which incapacitated him for Held sei'vice, and his sense of justice forbade him to accept the pay of ^i grade when he was unable to discharge the duties belonging to it. Tills was a keen disappointment, because it was understood that an a])puint- ment of brigadier-general of volunteei's would soon follow if he accepted. When he was able to travel, although still sutlVr- ing from his wounds, he reported at Wash- ington in October, 1862, for the purpose of joining the regiment, but it was decided to send him to Louisville as a mu.stering and disbursing officer, where he served until March, 1864. He was then trans- ferred to the Cavalry Buretiu at Wash- ington, where he served until May, when he was appointed superintendent of the Mounted Recruiting Service at Carlisle and conunandant of the drafted camp of that district. He was promoted a major in the regiment December 7, 1863, and was made a brevet colonel, to date from March 13, 1865, for arduous and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the Unilfed States. He was relieved from duty at Carlisle in April, 1866, and ordered to Nashville, Tenn., where he commanded four companies of the regi- ment until November, when he was re- lieved by the lieutenant-colonel and per- formed garrison duty until April, 1867. He was then ordered to North Cart)lina and instructed to inspect the cavalry ser- ving in the Second Military District. When this duty was completed he was appointed chief of the Bureau of Civil Ali'airs, and served in tliat position from May to August, 1867, and prepared the registration-books and designated all tha registrars of elections in the Carolinas. He was relieved at his own request, and assigned to the post of Morganton, where his duties were of a delicate and impor- tant nature, involving the execution of the reconstruction acts of Congress in fif- teen counties of Western North Carolina. He discharged them with great judgment and marked fidelity to the government, and continued in command of the station until August, 1868, when he was trans- ferred to Raleigh, and was ordered thence in September, with a detachment of the regiment, to frontier service. He took the field at Fort Harker, Kan , on the 1st of October with four companies, and com- manded in the afl'airon Prairie Dog Creek, Kan. He relinquished the command to a 120 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. senior major on tlie 23d, and was assigned to Fort Kiley, where he had station until April, 1869, when he marchod a detach- ment of recruits to Fort McPherson, Neb. He served with the Republican River ex- pedition of 18G9, which resultt^d in open- ing the beautiful valleys of that river and its tributaries for settlement, and com- manded the expedition from July 30 to August 24, and was engaged (command- ing) in the afl'airs on the Republican River, near Spring Creek, Nebraska ; in the sand- hills near Frenchman's Fork, Colorado ; in the sand-hills south of Julesburg, Col. ; and in the Niobrara pursuit, and (second in command) in the brilliant action at Summit Springs, Col. He served at Fort JlcPherson from the 24th of August to the 15th of October, 18G9, when he availed himself of a leave of absence, and joined a detachment of the regiment at Fort D, A. Russell, Wyo., December 22, 1869, where he had station until March, 1872, and performed garrison duty and com- manded the detachment of seven compa- nies at diflerent periods. He then pro- ceeded to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Grant on the 6th of June, and com- manded the station until the 9Lh of July, when he was assigned to court-martial duty at Fort Whipple, where he served until the following October. •He was then on leave of absence and detached service at San Francisco until March, 1873, when he rejoined at Camp Lowell, commanded the regiment a few days, and proceeded to Camp Grant, where he arrived on the 28th of March, and commanded the sta- tion until the 20th of April, when he was ordered to San Diego and Los Angeles as a member of a board to purchase cavalry horses. He continued on that duty until July, when he was assigned to duty at the headquarters of tlie Department of Cali- fornia as an inspecting officer until July, 1874. He rejoined at Camp Lowell, and assumed command of the regiment on the 18th of July, and served at the station until the 1st of May, 1875, when he marched with the headquarters and six companies, by the way of the Rio Grande, to Fort Lyon, Col., where the conjmand was distributed, and on the 28th of June he relinquished the command of the regi- )nent at Fort Haj'S, Kan., and availed himself of a leave of absence. He as- sumed the command of Fort Dodge, Kan., on the 23d of November, and a few days later (December 2, 1875) he was |)ro- moted lieutenant-colonel of the Third Cavalry, which terminated a sorvice of nearly twenty-one years in the Fifth Cav- alry. He was transferred to the Depart- ment of the Platte, and assigned to the command of Fort Sidney, Neb., wliicli he relinquished in January, 1876, and pro- ceeded to Philadeljjhia, where he served as a meml)er of a board convened by the War Department for the purpose of con- sidering questions of general interest to the service, relating to supplies and the best methods of issue. "While he was thus employed General Crook applied for him to comnuvnd the cavalry during the Sioux campaign of 1876. He returned to the de- partment, and was employed in purchas- ing horses during April and May, and joined the expedition on the 18th of May and commanded his regiment in the field. On the organization of the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition at Goose Creek on the 4th of August, a battalion of the Sec- ond Cavalry was added to his command, which gave him fifteen companies. He was distinguished for conspicuous gal- lantry in the action on Rose-Bud Creek, Mon., and participated in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. \yhen the expedition was disbanded at Fort Robinson, Neb., on the 24th of October, he was appointed anting assistant inspector-general of the Department of the Platte, and continued in the discharge of the duties of that office until September, 1882, when he pro- ceeded to Fort Whipple, Arizona, and assumed the .command of the Third Cav- alry, "which he retained until he was pro- moted colonel of the Fourth Cavalry, to date from November 1, 1882. Lleideiiani-Colo7iel. Forsyth, George A. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Illinois; 1st It. 8 111. Cav. '61 ; captain '62 ; major Slh Illinois Volunteer Cavalry; brevet lieu- tenant-colonel U.S. Volunteers; brevet colonel U.S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Ope- quan and Middletown, Virginia ; brevet brigadier-general U.S. Volunteers for dis- tinguished services and cons[)icuous gal- lantry ; honorably mustered out 1865; major 9th U.S. Cavalry July, 18G6 ; bvt. lieutenant-colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddle Court-House, Virginia ; bvt. colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia ; brevet brigadier-gen- eral U.S. Army for gallant conduct and meritorious services in an engagement with hostile Indians on the Arickasee Fork of the Republican, on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20lh days of August, 1868; lieutenant-colonel and military secretarj'- to Lieutenant-General Sheridan 1868-81 ; lieutenant-colonel 4th Cavalry June 26, 1881. FOURTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 121 Majors. Mizner, John Kemp. Born in New York. Appointed from Michiii;!!!! ; cstdet at the U.S. Military Acddemy from July 1, IS.'J'i, to July 1, 1850, when he was graduated and promoted in the army 1o brevet second lieutenant of Dragoons July 1, 1856; served at the cavalry school for practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1856-57 ; second lieutenant 2d Dragoons Feb. 28, 1857, and on frontier duty quelling Kansas disturb- ances 1857 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1857-58 ; Fort Laramie and on LTtah ex- pedition 1858-59; scouting 1859; Fort Laramie, Dak., 1860 61 ; first lieutenant 2d Dragoons May 9, 1861 ; 2d Cavalry August .3, 1861 ; served during the rebel- lion of the seceding States 1861-66; cap- tain 2d Cavalry Nov. 12, 1861; in the defenses of "Washington. D.C., Novem- ber, 1861, to March, 1862; colonel 3d Michigan Cavalry Volunteers March 7, 1862 ; in command of regiment in opera- tions against Island No. 10, Mississip])i River, resulting in its capture April 8, 1862; in the Mississippi campaign April 22 to July 6, 1862, being engaged in the advance upon and siege of Corinth April 22 to May 30, 1862, and pursuit of rebels to Baldwin ; commanding brigade May 30 to June 10, 1862; in command of cav- alry brigade guarding the railroad from luka, Miss., to Decatur, Ala., and operat- ing agiiinst and having several skirmishes with the enemy's cavalry in Northern Alabama July 6 to September 8, 1862 ; as chief of cavalry of the Army of the Mis- sissippi Sei>t. 8 to Nov. 4, 1862, being engaged (commanding division) in the battle of luka, Sept.' 19, 1862, battle of Corinth, Oct. 3-4, 1862, and pursuit of the enemy with several skirmishes to Ripley, jNfiss., Oct. 1862; brevet major Oct. 4, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Corinth, Miss. ; in command of cavalry brigade in flank movement on Oxford, Miss., Nov. 4 to Dec. 31, 1862; chief of cavalry of the District of Jackson, Tenn., Jan. 3 to April, 1863, being engaged in skirmishes at Brownsville, Jan. 14, and Clifton, Feb. 20, 18()3 ; in operations in Northern Mis- sissippi, as chief of cavalry of left wing, 16th Army Corps, May to Sept. 1, 1863; brevet lieut.-col. June 12, 186.3-, for gal- lant and meritorious services in action at Panola, Miss. ; in command of brigade Sept. 1, 1863, to Jan. 27, 1864. being en- gaged in the capture of Grenada, Aug. 14, 1863, action of Wyatt's Ford, Oct. 13, 1863, and numerous raids, actions, and skirmishes ; on veteran furlough Feb. 1 to March 17, 1864; in command of regi- ment at St. Louis, IVFo., on provost-giiard duty, March-May, 186-1; in command of brigade and post opposite Little Rock, Ark., May-June, 1864; Duvall's Bluff, Ark., June-August, 1864; Brownsville, Ark., Aug. 1864, to March, 1865; in movement to New Orleans, La., and op- erations against Mobile, Ala., IMareh 12 to April 12, 1865 ; brevet brigadier-gen- eral U.S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion ; on march to and in garri- son at Baton Rouge, La., May, 1865; in command of cavalry brigade in move- ment via Shreveport, La., to San Antonio, Te.xas, June 1 to Aug. 3, 1865, and of the post of San Antonio Sept. 5 to Nov. 1, 1865; acting assistant inspector-general for chief of cavalry of the Military Di- vision of the Gulf Nov. 1 to Dec. 27, 1865 ; in command of sub-district of San Antonio Jan. 4 to Feb. 3, 1866, and of Central District of Texas Feb. 3 to 12, 1866; mustered out of volunteer service Feb. 12, 1866; on leave of absence Mar. 23 to June 28, 1866 ; on frontier duty at Fort McPherson, Neb., 1866 to 1869. and guarding surveying parties engaged in building N. P." R^R., 1867; majop 4th Cav. Jan. 26, 1869; on frontier duty in Texas 1869 to '71 ; duty in Indian Terri- tory 1872 to '81 ; in New Mexico 1881 to date. Noyes, Henry E. Born in Maine. Appointed from Mass. ; graduated from M. A. June 24, 1861 ; second lieutenant 2d Dragoons (2 Cav.) June 24, 1861 ; en- gaged in the actions of the Manassas cam- paign, defenses of "Washington, Port Royal, S. C, Florida, Maryland, Rappa- hannock, and Pennsylvania campaigns 1861-63 ; operations before Petersburg, actions of the Shenandoah campaign, act- ing assistant inspector - general cavalry corps, Military Division of the^Iississippi, battle of Nashville, assault and capture of Selma, Ala., 1864-65; 1st lieut. 2 Cav. Feb. 15, 1862; brevet captain Aug. 1, 1863. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Brandy Station, Va. ; capt. 2d Cavalry Jan. 25, 1865; brevet major April 2, 1865, for gallant and meri- torious services in the capture of Selma, Ala. ; major 4th Cav. June 17, 1879; on frontier duty from Nov. '65 to" date. Beaumont, Eugene B. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; graduated from M. A. Mav 6, 1861 ; second lieut. 1 Cav. (4 Cav.) May 6, 1861 ; 1st lieut. 4 Cav. Sept. 14, 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the Manassas, Virginia, Peninsular, Rappa- hannock, Pennsylvania, Rapidan, and Richmond campaiijns, 1861-64 ; Shenan- doah campaign and actions of the Mili- 122 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. b. ARMY. tary Division of the Mississippi 1864-65; captain, A.D.C. Vol. May 13, 1863; bvt. captain Nov. 7, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Rap- pahannock Station, Va. ; major, asst. ad- jntant-general vol. Oct. 29, 1864; brevet lieut.-ci/l. vol. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the cam- paign in Tennes.f the regiment in Northern AV'yoming from May to November, 1878, and commanded the column which was dispatched to thi relief of the troops be- sieged by the Ute Indians at Milk Creek, Col. He made a remarkably rapid march from Rawlins, Wyo., to the scene of dan- ger, where he arrived on the 5th of Octo- ber, 1879, rescued the troops from their perilous position, and in a short skirmish dispersed the enemy. He then pushed ft)rward to the agency on White River, found the buildings destroyed, the agent and his employes murdered, and the women and children taken into cajttivity. He at once made arrangements for the pursuit and chastisement of the savages, and had penetrated their mountain fast- nesses about twenty-five miles when he was halted, at the request of the Interior Department, and ordered to return to White River; here he encamped until the latter part of November, when he returned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he served until the next spring, when he changed station, with the regimental headquarters and four companies, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he arrived on the 2d of May, 1880. He declined, in August, 1880, the superintendency of the mounted recruiting service rather than relinquish the opportunities for field service in com- mand of the regiment, which he held with- out interruption from October, 1876, to August, 1882, when he was appointed superintendent of the mounted recruiting service ; but a few days later the assign- ment was revoked, and he was appointed superintendent of the Military Academy, to date from September 1, 1882. Lieutenard-Colonel. Compton, Charles E. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from Iowa. He was engaged in railway engineering in the State of Iowa when the government called for volunteers to suppress the Rebellion. He enlisted for three months in the First Iowa Infantry on the 7th of May, 1861, and served as a first sergeant until the 24th of May, when he was appointed ser- geant-major, and served in that grade until he was honorably discharged on the 21st of August, 1861. He served in General Lyon's campaign in Southwestern Mis- souri ; was engaged in the action at Dug Springs, and a few days later in the battle of Wilson's Creek, where his regiment, which occupied a position in the Third Rrigade of the first column, was distin- guished for its vigor, coolness, and con- s])icuous gallantry, and where he won a special mention in the official report of the lieutenant-colonel commanding the regiment for valuable aid and assistance on that occasion. He carried from the field the national colors which were dis- played by his regiment during the battle, delivered them to the adjutant-general of Iowa, and received from that official, in the name of the State, a beautiful silk flag as a recognition of his valuable services during the campaign. He re-entered the army on the 19th of October, 1861, as a captain in the Eleventh Iowa Volunteers, and was actively employed near Daven- port until December, 1861, in recruiting and organizing his company. He was then transferred to Renton Barracks, near St. Louis, whence he moved, in the spring of 1862, to Pittsburg Landing, where his regiment formed a part of the Iowa bri- gade in General McClernand's division and participated in the battle of Shiloh. He moved thence to Corinth, where he ar- rived in May and remained until Septem- ber, when he marched with his regiment to luka, but arrived too late to participate in the battle at that place. He returned to Corinth for the battle of the 3d of Octo- ber, remained there until December, when he was sent to Holly Springs, Miss., and thence to Memphis, Tenn., and in Jan- uarj', 1863, was ordered to Lake Provi- dence, La., where he was serving when he was appointed major of the Forty-seventh United States Colored Troops, to date from May 5, 1863. He continued on duty at that station until February, 1864, when he participated in General Sherman's ]Me- ridian campaign, serving as an aide-de- camp for Brigadier-General Crocker, com- manding a division in the Seventeenth Army Corps. He then proceeded to New York City and thence to Washing- ton, where he was assigned in May, 1864, to duty in the office of the inspector-gen- eral of the army, and was thus employed until September. He also participated in the defense of Washington during General Early's raid in July, 1864. He joined his regiment at Vicksburg in October, 1864, and was appointed inspector of General Hawkins's division of United States col- ored troops, and continued on that duty until April, 1865. He was promoted lieu- tenant-colonel of the Fifty-third United States Colored Troops, to date from De- cember 9, 1864; accompanied (General Hawkins's division in January, 1865, from 128 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Vicksburg to Algiers (opposite New Or- leans), and thence in Febiiuuy to Pensa- cola by water, whence the division was marched overland to participate in the operations against Mobile. He was en- gaged with the division in the capture of Fort Blakely, and received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel, to date fi'om March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign against Mobile. Lieutenant-Colonel Compton was strongly urged in May, 1865, for the colonelcy of the Fort\'-sixlh United States Colored Troops, and would have received the ap- pointment but for the fact that the regi- ment was reduced below the number of men required by law to entitle it to a col- onel. After the fall of Mobile he returned to special duty in the ofBee of the inspector- general of the army, where he served until September, 1865. when he was appointed inspector-general of the Department of the South, and continued in the discharge of the duties of that position until he was mustered out of volunteer service on the 8tli of March, 1866. Upon the increase of the regular army he was appointed major of the Fortieth Infantry, to date from July 28, 1866. He accepted the commission in September, and upon re- porting at Camp Distributiim, Va., was assigned to the command of the station and to duty connected with the organiza- tion of his regiment. He embarked in February, 1867, with six companies for North Carolina, and while en route the command was shipwrecked near Fort Fisher, the vessel, government stores, and all personal eUVcts being lost. He served at Forts Johnson and Macon and at Golds- boro', N. C, and was actively employed during the reconstruction period and until March 15, 1869, when, because of the re- duction of the armj"-, he was transferred to the list of unassigned officers and placed on dutj^ in the Freedmen's Bureau as as- sistant commissioner for North Carolina. He continued in the discharge of the duty until ila}', when he was transferred to Nashville as superintendent of education in the Freedmen's Bureau for Tennessee, and received the thanks of General How- ard for the promptness, fidelity, and accu- racy displayed by him in transacting and closing the business of the ofBce. He was assigned on the 15th of December, 1870, with his original rank to the Sixth Cav- alry, and joined his regiment in Febru- ary, 1871, at Fort Richardson, Texas, where he served until March, 1871, when he was ordered to Kansas, and had stations at Forts Hays, Ilarker, and Dodge until August, 1875. While en route with a small escort to Camp Supply, I. T., on an inspecting tour, he was attacked on the 22d of June, 1874, by a party of hostile Indians at Buffalo Creek, and, after a running combat for twelve miles, defeated the enemy with the loss of only one man wounded ; two days later, when returning to his station, he was again attacked by hostile Indians in the Bear Creek Hills, thirty-five miles south of Fort Dodge, and after a severe combat asrain defeated them with a loss of nearly all their property and seventeen warriors killed and wounded. He participated in Colonel Miles's cam- paign of 1874-75, during which he com- manded a battalion of the Sixth Cavalry and operated chiefly in the Indian Terri- tory and Northern Texas from July, 1874,. to February, 1875, and was engaged in the combat with the Kiowas, Cheyeunes, and Comanches on Red River, Texas, August 30, 1874, where he was distinguished for leading his battalion in a gallant and suc- cessful charge against the enemy. He was complimented in orders for gallantry on this occasion, and was nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet colonel, to date from August 30, 1874, for zealous and valuable services duiing the campaign. These operations ended, he resumed station at Fort Dodge, where he served until his regiment was ordered to Arizona. He conducted the second bat- talion to Santa Fe, where the six compa- nies separated for their respective stations, and lie proceeded to Camp Lowell, where he arrived in October, 1875. He served at Camps Lowell, Grant, and Apache, and commanded his regiment from Octo- ber 16, 1875, to March 2, 1876 ; from Oc- tober 9, 1876, to Julv, 1878; and from May 12, 1879, to July 6, 1879. He had charge of the field operations in South- eastern Arizona from April, 1878, to July, 1879, and the ability with which he con- ducted the operations, and his quickness, vigilance, and discretion in covering im- portant places with troops at the right time won him a conspicuous and compli- mentary mention in the annual report of the department commander for the year 1879. He was promoted in July, 1879, lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth Cavalry, to date from Ajiril 29, 1879, and, having relinquished his command in Arizona, proceeded to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he arrived on the 22d of August and joined the regiment. He served with the troops which were dispatched under the command of Colonel JMerritt to the relief of the besieged troops at IMilk Creek, Col., participated in raising the siege and skirmish at that place on the 5th of Oc- tober, and marched thence to the Ute Agency on White River, where he had riFTII EEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 129 command of the cavalry until November, when he returned to Fort I). A. Kussell. He ])rocecdcd in March, 1880, to AVhite liiver, and conducted the cavalry to Kaw- lins, Wyo. He marched from Fort D. A. Kussell on the 27lh of April with two com- panies of the regiment, arrived at Fort Sidney, Neb., on the 1st of May and as- sumed the command of the post, which he retained until January 15, 1882, and was employed on general court-martial duty at Salt Lake, Fort D. A. Eussell, and Fort McKinney. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until May 15, 1882, when he rejoined at Fort Sidney, where he is now serving. When Colonel Merritt was appointed superintendent of the Military Academy Lieutenant -Colonel Compton succeeded to the command of the regi- ment, which he has held since August 4, 1882. Majors. Upham, John J. Born in Delaware. Ap|iointed from Wisconsin. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 1st of July, 1859, and assigned to the Ninth Infantry as a brevet second lieuten- ant, but, without joining that regiment, was appointed a second lieutenant in the Sixth Infantry December 2, 1859, and was promoted, in his regiment, a first lieutenant May 4, 1861, and a captain September 9, 1861. On the expiration of his graduating leave he was assigned to Governor's Island, where he had station until after his transfer to the Sixth Infan- try. He then proceeded to California and served at Fort Crook and Bcnicia Bar- racks during the years 1860-61, and was the adjutant of the regiment from July to September, 1861. He served in the de- fenses of Washington during the winter of 1861-62; participated in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown and the battle of Malvern Hill, and served in the defenses of Washington during the summer of 1862. He participated in the Pennsylvania campaign, and was engaged in the battle of Gettysburg and in the pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, and was made a brevet major, to date from July 2, 1863, /or gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg. He was stationed in New York Harbor from August, 1863, to January, 1864, when he was assigned to duty as a mustering and disbursing officer, and served in that capacity until April, 1865, and had stations at Elmira, Philadelphia, and Detroit. He then served in Georgia and South Carolina until June, 1866, when he availed himself of a leave of ub-ence and visited Europe. He returned to the United States in April, 1867, and served in the Carolinas until March, 1869, and had stations at Ciuirles- ton, Wilmington, and Florence. He was then ordei'ed to the frontier, and served at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, Fort Smith, Ark., and Crawfordsville and Gi- rard, Ivan., until January 1, 1871, when he was transferred to the Sixth Cavalry and continued to serve in Kansas, Texas, and the Indian Territory, where he had considerable field service until August 13, 1874, when he relinquished the command of his company at Kingfisher's Creek, Indian Territory, having been promoted a major in the Fifth Cavalry, to date from August 1, 1874. He served at Fort Leavenworth from January to April, 1874, as a member of a board of officers convened to refiort upon changes, if any, to be made in horse-equipments, and con- tinuf d on duty in the Department of the Missouri until the regiment arrived at Fort Lyon, Col., and the companies were assigned to stations, and on the 7th of September, 1875, he assumed command of Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, where he served until June 6, 1876, when he was ordered, to field service in the Department of the Platte. He joined the headquarters of the regiment on the 10th of June and served in the District of the Black Hills and with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition until the following October, and was engaged in the combat at War Bonnet (Ind)an Creek), Wyo., the skir- mish at Slim Buttes,Dak., and commanded the rear-guard (a battalion of the regi- ment) in the second sligned officers and served on reconstruction duty in Virginia, having charge of Shenandoah and Warren counties, until August, 1869, when he was transferred to Mississippi and conmianded the post of Corinth and had charge of Tishomingo County until the work of reconstruction was completed. He was then employed on recruiting ser- vice at New York and Brooklyn until December 15, 1870, when he was assigned, with his original rank, to the Fifth Cav- alry, to date from December 30, 1870. He joined his company at Fort McPher- son, Neb., in July, 1871, where he had station until November, when he accom- panied the first detachment of the regi- ment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in January, 1872, where he served until January, 1873. He participated in the winter cam- paign of 1873 against the Apache Indians and was engaged in the combat on Pinto FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 135 Creek. He was then assigned to Camp Lowell, where he had station until Oc- tober, 1874, and was employed on escort duty to Fort Yuma in May and June, 1873, and on field service in July and August, 1873. He was actively employed during the spring of 1874 in a campaign against the San Carlos Apache Indians, and cummanded a detachment of the reg- iment in the affairs (five) in the Santa Teresa Mountains and near old Camp Pinal, the combats (two) in the Pinal Mountains, and in the affairs north of the San Curios Agency and on the south side of Salt River near the Big Canon. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to he a brevet major, to dale from April 9, 1873, for gallant conduct in the closing campaign against the Tonto- Apache Indians ; and a brevet lieutenant- colonel, to date from April 17, 1874, for gallant conduct in the campaign against the San Carlos Apaches. He changed station, in October, 1874, to the San Carlos Agency, where he served until the 25th of November, when he conducted a party of military prisoners to Alcatraz Island, Cal., and then availed himself of a leave of ab^^ence until June, 1875, when he was assigned to temporary duty at Fort Riley, Kan., and employed in issuing supplies to destitute citizens until July, when he proceeded to Fort Wallace, Kan., and re- joined his companj'. He served at that station, having occasional tours of field service and commanding in the combat at Canon Creek, Kan., October 27, 1875, until July, 1876, when he moved by rail to Cheyenne, whence he marched to Fort Robinson, Neb., and had station during the summer and fall months, and partici- pated, on the 23d of October, in the cap- ture of a Sit)ux village at Chadron Creek, Neb. He served with the Powder River expedition during the fall and winter of 1876, and was engaged in the, brilliant action at Bates Creek (north branch of Powder River, Wyo.). Upon the dis- bandment of the expedition he was as- signed to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he arrived in January, 1877, and had station until June, 1878, and was em- ployed on field service in Northern Wy- oming during the summer of 1877, and commanded a battalion (five companies) of the regiment from IMay to July. He was employed during the summer of 1878 on field service (commanding a squadron) near the Ross Fork (Idaho) Indian Agency, and in November was assigned to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he had station (served as a member of a board of officers, in January and February, 1879, at Fort Robinson, to inquire into the cause of the outbreak of Cheyenne prison- ers who had been confined at that post) until March, 1879, wlien he availed him- self of a leave of absence until October. He then rejoined his company on White River, Col., and served with the Ute ex- pedition until January, 1880, when ho availed himself of a sick-leave of absence until August, 1880. He then rejoined his com]>any at Fort Robinson, where he has since served as a company, and at times as a post, commander. Kellogg, Sanford C. Born at Troy, New York, lie enlisted, on the 29th of Maj', 1862, in the Thirty-seventh New York National Guards, and served as a private until September 2, 1862, when he was honorably discharged from the ser- vice. His regiment was stationed at Bal- timore for the protection of the city against a threatened invasion of Maryland, but had no field service against the enemy. He was appointed, March 11, 1863, an aide-de-camp of volunteers with the rank of captain, and assigned to the staff' of Major-General George H. Thomas, com- manding the Fourteenth Corps, Army of the Cumberland. He reported for duty at Murfreesboro' in April, 1863, and served continuously as an aide-de-camp until the death of General Thomas at San Francisco, Cal., on the 28th of Manh, 1870, having meantime been appointed, from New York, a second lieutenant in the Eigh- teenth Infantry, to date from February 23, 1866. He was promoted in that regi- ment a first lieutenant, to date from May 15, 1866, and was mustered out of volun- teer service to date from July 10, 1866. He was present at every battle in which General Thomas was engaged from April, 1863, to the end of the war of the Rebellion, among which may be named Hoover'a Gap ; the battles around Chattanooga, including Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and Lookout Mountain ; Buz- zard'tt Roost, Resaca, Adairsville, Cass- ville, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Moun- tain, Peach Trre Creek, and the battles about Atlanta during August, 1864, end- ing with the battle of Jonesboro' and the occupation of Atlanta ; the battle of Nash- ville and the pursuit of General Hood's army into Alabama. He was made a bre- vet major, a brevet lieutenant-colonel, and a brevet colonel of volunteers, to date from June 3, 1865, for faithful services and for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and at the battle of Nashville, and the following bre- vets in the regular army were afterwards conferred upon him, to date from INIarch 2, 1867 : a brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chat- 136 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICEES V.S. ARMY. tanono;a ; a brevet major for jjallant and nieritoriovjs services at the battle of At- lanta, and a brevet lieutenant-colonel for irallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville. He was also com- mended by General Thomas, in an official report of January 20, 18G5, to favorable consideration for important services after the Atlanta campaion and during the op- erations at Nashville. Upon the reduction of the army he was placed on the list of tmassigned officers, to date from April 26, ]86fl, and so continued until December 15, 1870, when he was assigned, with his original rank, to the Fifth Cnvalry. He (•erved as acting judge-advocate of the De- partment of the Lakes and on the statf of Brigadier-General Cooko from June 1, 1870, to February 1, 1871, when he pro- ceeded to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he joined the regiment on the 6th of Feb- ruary. He was promoted a captain, to date from January 11, 1871, and continued to serve at that station, having occa-ional tours of field service, until the 27th of November, 1871, when he moved with the first detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and while en roicfe was ordered, on the 3d of December, to report at the headquarters of the Military Division of the Missouri, where he served on the statf of Lieutenant-General Sheri- dan until February 3, 1873, during which period he had station at Chicago, and par- ticipated in a reconnoissance of tlie Yellow- stone River to the mouth of Powder River, and was engaged in several skirmishes with hostile Sioux during the movement. He rejoined his company in Arizona in April, 1878, and served at San Carlos Agency, Camps Grant and Apache, with occasional tours of field service, until May, 1874. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until November, when he re- joined at Camp Apache, where he had sta- tion until July, 1875. He then marched to Fort Lyon, Col., and proceeded thence by rail to Fort Gihson, I. T., where he arrived in September, and served until June, 1876, when he moved by rail to Cheyenne and participated in the cam- paigns against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming, and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was engaged in the atfair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wj'o., and in the skir- mishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the disbandment of the expedition in October he was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he bad station until April, 1880, and was employed on field service in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 1877 ; in tlie capture of disaflfected In- dians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in January, 1878; on field service in Idaho during the fall and summer of 1878; on leave of absence during the Avinter and spring of 1879, and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 1879, and was engaged in raising the siege and action of JVIill Creek, Col., and during the return march from White River had his right hand so severely frozen that he was com- pelled to submit to an amputation of two fingers. He changed station, in April, 1880, to Fort Laramie, where he served until July 10, 1881, when he was ordered with his company to Tongue River, Mon., there to await the arrival of the lieutenant- general of the army for escort duty to the Yellowstone Park. He returned from that duty to Fort Laramie, September 27, 1881, where he had station until June, 1882, when he was transferred to Fort McKin- ney, W^'o., where he has since served as a company, and at times as a post, com- mander. Price, George F. Born in New York City, N. Y., and removed at an early age to California, where he was ensjaged in business pursuits at the beginning of the war of the Rebellion ; he at once offered his services to the government, and was appointed a first lieutenant in the Second California Cavalry September 3, 1861, atid was promoted a captain November 14, 1861 ; he served at Camp Alert, near San Francisco, from September, 1861, to May, 1862, when he was transferred to Nevada, and commanded an expedition which was dispatched to Truckee River to effect a treaty of peace with the Piute Indians ; upon the successful completion of this duty he made an extended recon- noissance of the east side of the Sierra Nevada from Smoke Creek to Adobe Meadows, and received the thanks and congratulations of the department com- mander ; he was then assigned to Fort Churchill, Nevada, where he served until August, when he marched with the Utah expedition to Ruby Valley, whence he was dispatched to Carson City to superin- tend the forwarding of army supplies from that place to Salt Lake City; upon the completion of this duty he rejoined his company at Fort Douglas, Utah, where he had station until May, 18C3; he participated in a campaign against the Shoshone Indians in January, 1863, and was engaged in the brilliant action at Bear River, and in the combats (three) at Cedar Fort and Spanish Fork Canon, and was commended in orders and reports for the courage and determination which he displayed during the action at Bear River, and for conspicuous gallantry in the com- FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 137 biits lit Spanish Fork Canon ; he was then assigned to the command of Fort Bridgcr, and participated, in July, ]8()?>, in the capture of Mopocha's hand of Slioi-hones on the west side of the Wind River Mountains, which event marks the end of hostilities with that tribe; and ujion the termination of his duties at Fort Hridger he was complimented h}' tlie general com- manding for the ability which he dis- played in exercising his comniiind and in dealing with the overland travel ihat passed his post during the summer; he was employed during the summer of 18G4 in making a wagon-road reconnoissance from Salt Lake City to El Dorado Can(m on the Colorado River ; during this move- ment he erected a monument over the grave of the victims of the Mountain Meadow massacre of 1857 ; his command suffered many privations for four months in that desert country, but he made a suc- cessful reconnoissance and gained much valuable information from that heretofore comparatively unknown region ; he served at Rush Valley and Fort Bridger from September, 186-t, to March, 1865, when he was appointed acting assistant adju- tant-general and acting assistant inspec- tor-general of the Distrif't of the Plains, which embraced Nebraska, Utah. Wyo- ming, and parts of Colorado and Kansas, including Denver and Fort Leavenworth, and was in supervisory charge of the dis- trict during the absence of the general commanding on the Powder River expe- dition, and was commended as having oc- cupied the position with ability and to the entire satisfaction of the general com- manding the Division of the Missouri; he al>o served as acting assistant adju- tant-general of the District of Nebraska during October and November, 1805, and as an aide-de-camp and acting assistant adjutant-general for the general com- manding the District of Utah from the 14th of January to the 30th of April, 1866, and was recommended for brevet commissions for gallantry in the action at Bear River and the combats at Cedar Fort and in Spanish Fork Carion ; hut the recommendation was not favorably considered, because the services were ren- dered in the Indian country during the war of the Rebellion; he received, how- ever, in recognition of his services, in connection with other officers serving in Utah, a joint resolution of thanks of the Legislature of California ; was elected an honorary member of the Siskij'ou (Cal.) Light Guards, jind was appointed, from California, a second lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalry, to date from February 28, 1866, which was the first appointment made to the regular army from the volun- teer forces which had served on the Pa- cific coast during the war of the Rebel- lion'; he continued to serve in volunteer commission until .July 9, 186C., when he was honorably discharged at Fort Leav- enworth ; he then proceeded to Washing- ton, and, having reported at the head- quarters of the regiment, was assigned to Nashville, Tenn., where he arrived in Sejitembcr, and commanded a company until he was promoted a first lieutenant, to date from July 31, 180G ; he had a skir- mish with guerrillas near Ilartsville, Tenn., on the 17th of October, 1866, when in pursuit of a party charged with robbing a pay-car of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad ; he served as post- adjutant and judge-advocate of a general court-martial at Raleigh, N. C, from No- vember, 1866, to .June, 18G7, when he was transferred to Ivingston, and thence to Morganton and Asheville; he served as quartermaster and commissary at Ashe- ville, organized the registration boards in the counties of Western North Carolina, and was judge-advocate of a military commission at Salisbury ; his most im- portant service during the reconstruction period was the preparation of a report upon the operations of a scaling law which had been enacted by the Legislature of North Carolina trt govern the settlement, in gold coin or its equivalent, of private debts contracted in Confederate currency during the rebellion against the United States, and the principles announced in that report were subsequently adopted in general orders from the headquarters of the Second Military District as the rule to govern the civil courts in the Carolinas ; he was assigned, in February, 1868, to the staff of Brigadier-General E. R. S. Canby as assistant to the judge-advocate of the Second Military District, and served in that position until the civil gov- ernments of the Carolinas were estab- lished in accordance with the require- ments of the acts of Congress; during this period he was also employed as judge- advocate of military commissions at Cam- den and Columbia, and as military com- missioner for the counties of Polk and Rutherford in North Carolina during the spring elections of 1868 ; and when the work of reconstruction was completed he was charged with the duty of transfer- ring all unfinished civil cases in the office of the judge-advocate of the district to the attorney-general of the State in which they had originated ; he then availed him- self of a leave of absence until January, 1869, when he reported at Fort Harker, Kan., and commanded a detachment of 138 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. recruits at that station and in the field until April ; he then rejoined his com- pany at Fort Lyon, Col., and marched with a battalion of the regiment across the country to Fort McPherson, Neb., and was engaged en route in combats with hostile Sioux and Cheyennes at Beaver and Spring Creeks ; he participated in the operations of the Republican River expe- dition from June to November, 1869 (commanded a coiuipany until the 19th of July, and thereafter starved as adjutant of tile expedition), and was engaged in the atfairs near Spring Creek, in the sand- hills near Frenchman's Fork, at Rock Creek, in the brilliant action at Summit Springs (recommended for the brevet of captain for gallantry), in the aifair in the sand-hills south of Julesburg, the Nio- brara jinrsuit, and the atfair on Prairie Dog Creek, where he won a special men- tion in theoificial report " as meriting the highest praise for dash and gallantry," and also for having, in connection with Lieutenant Volkmar, Fifth Cavalry, " un- doubtedly saved the lives of Maj. Frank North (commanding the Pawnee scouts) and the guide, AVilliam Cody;" he served as adjutant of a battalion of the regiment en route from Fort McPherson to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., during No- vember, 1869, and was battalion adjutant for seven companies at Fort D. A. Russell from April, 1870, to December, 1871, when he was detached from the regiment, then under orders for Arizona, and con- tinued on duty at that station, with a de- tachment of men and horses, awaiting the arrival of the Tiiird Cavalry from Arizona, until March, 1872, when he pro- ceeded, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in June; he was appointed regimental quartermaster to date froin May 1, 1872, and served at thrtt station, in charge of construction of public buildings, until October, when, having been promoted a captain, to date from August 29, 1872, he joined his com- pany at Camp Date Creek, where he served until December, when he partici- pated in the Apache campaign of 1872- 73, during which his command was en- gaged in the affairs (two) in Haby Caiion, at Indian Run, in Red Rt>ck Caiion, on Turkey Creek, north of Baby Caiion, and at the mouth of Baby Canon ; he then operated from Camp Verde, on the east side of the Rio Verde, by the way of Tonto Ba.>in, on the east side of the Mazatzal and Salt River Mountains and the northeast side of the Pinal Mountains, to Camp Grant, having a com- bat en route on the east branch of the Rio Verde. He returned to Camp Date Creek in March, 1873, and commanded the sta- tion until May. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet major, to date from January 1, 1873, for . gallant conduct in the Tonto I3asin. When in command of Camp Date Creek he was charged with making the necessary ar- rangements for the removal of the Apache- Yuma Indians to the Verde Reservation, and upon the completion of the duty re- ceived the thanks of the department com- mander for the successful manner in which the movement was begun and for the judi- cious execution of his instructions. He commanded Camp McDowell from the 27th of May to the 19th of June, 1873, when he was selected to take charge of the reconnoissance and construction of the military telegraph line from San Diego to Prcscott and Tucson, and was employed upon that duty until December, when the entire line was completed. He was then ordered to San Francisco to superintend the preparation of the cartography per- taining thereto, and upon the completion of the duty in April, 1874, availed himself of a leave of absence until April, 1875, when he returned to San Francisco, and proceeded thence, by the way of San Diego, Tucson, and Fort liayard, to Fort Cum- mings, N. M., where he joined the head- quarters of the regiment and marched up the Rio Grande to Santa Fe, where he re- joined his company on the 8th of June, and marched thence, by the way of Fort Uniim, to Fort Lyon, Col., and moved thence by rail to Fort Hays, Kan., where he arrived on the 29th of June, and had station, with occasional tours of field ser- vice, until the 17th of July, 1876, when he moved by rail to Cheyenne, Wyo., and while marching thence to Fort Laramie was intercepted at Chug Water by a dis- patch which directed him to join the regi- ment in the field. He made forced marches' and joined on the north branch of the North Cheyenne River, and participated in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedi- tion, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the disband- ment of the expedition in October at Fort Robinson he was assigned to Fort Mc- Pherson, where he had station until July, 1877, and was detached from December 21, 1876, to January 18, 1877, on escort duty (commanding) with two and a half million dollars, government fiinds, in transit from Omaha to San Francisco, and returned to Omaha with four million dollars in gold coin. He served at Omaha during the railroad riots of July, 1877 ; participated in the operations of the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces FIFTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 139 during September and October, 1877, and upon tlie disbandment of the expedition was assigned to Fort McKinney, Wyo., where be served until January, 1878, when bo was assigned to general court- martial service at P'orts Fetterman and D. A. Russell until March, when be availed himself of a leave of absence and visited Europe. He returned to the United States in September, and rejoined bis company at Fort McKinney in Octo- ber, 1878, where be had station until Oc- tober, 1879, when he marched to Rock Creek, and moved thence by rail to Raw- lins, Wj^o., and joined the reserve of the Ute expedition, and served at that place (escoi'tcd I'aymaster Stanton to White River) until tlie 29th of November, when he was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he served until April 27, 1880. He then marched to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he arrived on the 1st of May, and bad station until Marcli, 1882, having tours of detached service as judge-advo- cate at Sail Lake City in November, 1880, and at Fort D. A. Russell in April, 1881 ; conducting a detachment of recruits to San Francisco, Cal., in September, 1881 ; on duty at the headquarters of the Mili- tary Division of the Pacific from the 14th of September to the 7tb of December, 1881, purchasing cavalry horses ; and as judge-advocate at Rock Creek, Wyo., in February, 1882. He availed himself of a leave of absence from March to Septem- ber, 1882, when be joined the regimental beadquarters at Fort Sidney and was se- lected for a tour of recruiting service. He reported at Jefferson Barracks on the 1st of October, 1882, and was assigned to New York City, where he is now serving. Hayes, Edward M. Born in New York. He enlisted in August, 1855, as a musician in the mounted service, and was stationed at Carlisle and Jefferson Barracks until December, 1856, when he was assigned to the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, and joined his company at Camp Cooper, Tex., in February, 1857, and participated in the combat at the bead-waters of the Brazos River, the brilliant actions at Wichita Village, and at Small Creek, a tributary of the Nescutunga, the operations of the Wichita expedition of 1858-59, and was specially mentioned in department general orders for good conduct in the affair at Pecan Bayou in January, 1860. Upon the expiration of his enlistment he returned to bis home in Ohio, where be attended school until April, 1861. He then entered the military telegraph service, and was assigned to the national army in West Virginia, and was engaged in the battle of Rich Mountain, the capture of Pe- gram's forces and the town of Beverly. He then served at Clarksburg, Buchanan, and other places in West Virginia until the spring of 1862, and had charge, as a volunteer, of two guns at the repulse of the enemy near Fairmont. He was then attached to Mitchell's division of General Buell's army at Huntsville, Ala., and was severely wounded in a skirniisii near Fay- etteviile, Tenn., August 27, 1862, during the retreat towards Louisville, Ky. He was appointed a second lieutenant of Ohio Cavalry, to date from October 9, 1862, and was mustered into the service of the United States as a first lieutenant of the Tenth Ohio Cavalry, to date from Janu- ary 15, 1863, and served in that grade un- til March 24, 1864, when he was promoted to a captaincy in his regiment. He served with the cavalry corps of the Army of the Cumberland, and jiarticipated with his regiment in the action at Liberty Gap and in many cavalry skirmishes atiout Mur- freesboro' during the winter and spring of 1863. Upon the reorganization of the cavalrj' corps his regiment was assigned to the Third Division, and he participated in General Sherman's campaigns to the end of the war. He served as an aide-de-camp for General Kilpatrick from May, 1864, to July, 1865, and participated in the bat- tles at Resaca (wounded), the raid around the Confederate army at Atlanta, and in the battles and engagements at Lovejoy's Station, Waj'nesboro', Jonc'^boro', Macon, Griswold, and Savannah, Ga. ; Aiken, S. C. ; Monroe Cross-Roads, Averysboro', and Bentonville, N. C. ; and was present at the surrender of General Johnston's army at Durham Station, N. C, April 26, 1865. The campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas were marked by many cavalry skirmishes and engagements, in which be participated as an aide-de-camp for Gen- eral Kilpatrick. He was made a brevet major of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for gallant' and meritorious ser- vices during the campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas, and was mustered out of service, to date from July 24, 1865. He was appointed, from New Jersey, a second lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalry, to date from February 28, 1866, and was in charge of ordnance and commissary stores at Harper's Ferry from May to August. He then joined his company at Winchester, Va., and served as commissary and quar- termaster until December, when, having been promoted a first lieutenant, to date from August 20, 1866, be was assigned to reconstruction duty in North Carolina, and served at Raleigh, Fort IJalteras (commanding), and Morganton (commis- sary and quartermaster) until September, 140 EECOFvDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. 1868, when he was transferred to frontier service and participated, as quartermaster of a battalion of the regiment from Octo- ber, 18(58, to April, 18G9, in the campaigns against the hostile Sioux and Clieyennes in Kansas, Colorado, and the Indian Ter- ritory, and was engaged, in Octoher, 1868, in the affairs on Prairie Dog Creek, Shuter Creek, and the north branch of Solomon Kiver. He then availed himself of a leave of absence, and rejoined his company at Fort JMcPherson, Neb., and served as quartermaster of the Kepublican River expedition from the 9th of June to the 24th of August, 1869, and was engaged in the affair at Rock Crec^k, the brilliant action at Summit Springs, the ati'uir in the sand-hills south of Julesburg, and in the Niobrara pursuit. He was appointed regimental quartermaster, to date from June 22, 1869, and served in that position and as quartermaster at Fort McTherson iintU May 1, 1872. He commanded a detachment of the regiment in an affair with hostile Sioux at Birdwood Creek, Neb., May 24, 1871, and was quartermas- ter of the escort for Lieutenant-General Sheridan and the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia in the Republican River Valley during January, 1872. When the first detachment of the regiment moved, in November, 1871, to Arizona, he was re- tained at Fort McPherson until April, 1872, in charge of enlisted men and horses awaiting the arrival of the Third Cavalry. He was then appointed an aide-de-camp for Brevet Major-General William H. Emory, commanding the Department of the Gulf, and served at New Orleans until April, 1875, when he was promoted a cap- tain, to date from August 15, 1874. He then reported at Fort Leavenworth, and while awaiting the arrival of his company from Arizona served as quartermaster lor a battalion of the Sixth Cavalry en route from Fort Lyon to Santa Fe, and returned ■with the first battalion of the regiment to Fort Lyon, where he joined his company in September, 1875, and conducted it to Camp Supply, I.T., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until June 9, 1876, when he proceeded to Chey- enne, Wyo., and served during the oper- ations against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming, and with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was ensraged in the affair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo., and the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was as- signed to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he had station until August, 1877, being detached at Chicago during the railway riots of July, '77. He then changed station to Fort Washakie, Wyo., where he served (commanding post and company) until September, 1878. He then availed him- self of a leave of absence until July, 1879, when he was appointed recorder of a board of ofRccrs convened at Washington, D. C, to examine candidates for superin- tendents of national cemeteries, and con- tinued on that duty until June, 1880, when he rejoined his company at Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he had station un- til May, 1882, when he was transferred to Fort Washakie, Wyo., where he is now serving as a company commander. Payne, J. Scott. Born in Virginia. He was graduated from the Military Acad- emj^ on the 18th of June, 1866, and as- signed to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted, in the regi- ment, a fir.trict of East Ten- nessee, 1871-73, and was associate editor of the Knoxville Dnib/ Whig from Octo- ber, 1869, to February, 1870, and editor of the Knoxville 2)(7/7?/ Whig and Register during 1870-71. He was reappointed a second lieutenant in the Sixth Cavalry, to date from February 3, 1873. He joined bis regiment in Kansas, and had stations at Forts Dodge, Lyt>n, and Wallace, and participated in field operations in Kansas and Texas until September, 1874, and was engaged in a combat with hostile Chey- ennes, Kiowas, and Comanches on Red River, Texas, August 30, 1874, and served as adjutant for Major Riddle's battalion of the Sixth Cavalry. He was transferred, by act of Congress of June 23, 1874, to the Fifth Cavalry as a first lieutenant with his original rank, and joined at Camp Mc- Dowell, A. T., in February, 1875. He commanded a company at that station and en routCy bj" the way of Camp Verde and Fort Wingate, to Santa Fe until June, when, having been promoted a captain, to date from June 4, 1875, he joined his com- pany and conducted it from Fort Union, N. M., to Fort Dodge, Kan., where he arrived on the 10th of July, and served, commanding company and post, with oc- casional tours of field service, until July FIFTH REGIMENT OF C ATA LEY. 141 17, 187fi. He then procoocled by rail to Cheyenne, and while marching thence to Fort Laramie was int'^rcepted at Chug 'Water by a dispatch which directed him to join the regiment then in thx? field. He made forced marches and joined on tlie north branch of the North Clieyenne River, and served with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim Buttcs, Duk. Upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until January, 1878, and was engaged in the Wind River ex- pedition against the Nez Perces during September and October, 1877, and in the capture of disaffected Bannack Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency, in January, 1878. He was then assigned to Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., where he served until March, when he availed himself of a leave of ab- sence until June. He then rejoined his company and served with a battalion of the regiment in Northern Wyoming until Decemberj and soon thereafter availed himself of a sick-leave of absence until July, 1879, when he conducted a detach- ment of recruits to Cheyenne, and rejoined his company at Fort D. A. Russell on the 28th of August. He was ordered, in Sep- tember, to field service against the disaf- fected Utes of Colorado, and, joining Major Thornburgh's command at Fort Fred Steele, participated iu the march to- wards the agency on White River, during which occurred the memorable and dis- astrous action and siege at Milk Creek, Col., ^Oth of September-5th of October, 1879, where he exercised the command (being twice wounded) after the death of Major Thornburgh, who fell early in the engagement, and until the arrival, five days thereafter, of Captain Dodge, Ninth Cavalry. The occasion was one demand- ing the exercise of the highest qualities an officer can possess, and his conduct during the prolonged defense, under the most disheartening circumstances, was bej'ond praise, while tiie records of the army afford no brighter instance of gallant and zealous devotion to duty. He was thanked and complimented in orders, letters, and re- ports of Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Crook for distinguished services, and also received the thanks, bj' joint resolution, of the sixth Legislative Assembly of Wyo- ming Territory for his bravery, heroic conduct, and efficient services during the engagement and subsequent siege. He returned to duty with his company at Fort D. A. Rus.«ell on the 29th of November, and in January, 1880, was summoned to Washington to testily before a Congres- sional committee concerning the causes which led to the Ute outbreak. He re- turned to his station in February, where be served until April, when be was trans- ferred to Fort Niobrara, in Northern Ne- braska, where he served as a company, and at times as a post, commander until Aug- ust 10, 18(52, when he proceeded by rail to Fort I). A. Russell, where he had station until November 12, 1882, wlu-n he was transferred to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he is now serving as a company com- mander. Woodson, Albert E. Born in Ken- tucky. He removed in 1859 to Washing- ton Territory, where he engaged in civil pursuits and was for a time the private secretary of the governor of the Territory. He enlisted, May 27, 1802, in the First Washington Territory Volunteers, and served as a private and hospital steward until April 14, 1803. He was then ap- pointed a second lieutenant in his regi- ment, and served at Forts Walla Walla and Vancouver until March 2-5, 1805, when he was mustered out of service and returned to civil pursuits. He was ap- pointed, from Idaho Territory, a first lieu- tenant in the Thirty-sixth Infantry, to date from August 5, 1807, and served at Fort Sanders (employed during the summer of 1808 on escort duty with engineers of the Union Pacific Railway), Forts Bridger and Douglas, until May 19, 1809, when, his regiment having been consolidated with the Seventh Infantry, he was placed on the list of unassigned officers and served as commissary at the Whetstone Indian Agency and on recruiting service at Sioux City until November, 1870. He was highly complimented by the commissary- general of subsistence for faithful and efficient services at the Whetstone Agency, where he discharged the duties of his office in a satisfactory and business-like manner. He was assigned, December 15, 1870, to the Fifth Cavalry with his original rank, and joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., on the iOth of March, 1871, where he had station until November, when he accom- panied the first detachment of the regi- ment (commanding company), by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in January, 1872. whence he marched, in April, to Cam)) Verde, where he had station until March, 1873. He commanded a com|iany during the Ajiache campaigns of 1872-73, and was encaged in the affairs at the Mexican crossing of the Verde River and on the west side of the Verde River south of Camp Verde, and was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet captain, to 142 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. date f'rom December 31, 1872, for gallant conduct in an enicagenient with the Apa- che-ilojavo Indians in the Red Rock country. He was a member of a board of officers convened at Los Angeles f(jr the purchase of cavalry horses, from April to May, 1873. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until Fehruary, 1874, when he was placed on duty at the head- quarters of the Military Division of the Pacific, and finally rejoined at Camp Grant in April, where he served as a company commander and commissary until July, 1875. He then conduct'-d a fietachment (D, H, L) of the regiment from Arizona to Fort Lyon, Col., where he arrived in September, and served, with occasional tours of field service, until July, 1876, when he moved by rail to Cheyenne to partici]iate in the Sioux campaign in Northern Wyoming, Daly the guns, and the aflTairs at Fosse Point ami Plains' Store; the Port Hud- son campaign, including the first and sec- ond assaults upon, and the siege of. Port Hudson, and was a volunteer for the storm- ing party. He then participated in the Red River campaign, and was engaged in the battle of Sabine Cross- Roads, and was commended for conspicuous gallantry ;. the battle of Pleasant Hill (adjutant), where the regiment lost one hundred and twenty-one olHcers and men, and was again commended for conspicuous gal- lantry; the battle of Cane River, where he was highly commended by his brigade commander for leading the assault, and where his brilliant conduct contributed largely to the success of the National army ; the siege of Alexandria and the engagement on Mansura Plains. His regiment was consolidated in June, 1864, with the One Hundred and Sixty-second New York Volunteers, and he served with the new organization as a first lieutenant until December 9, 1864, when he was pro- moted a captain, and on January 1, 1865, he was promoted a major. The new or- ganization was transferred to the Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg, and he participated in the engagements on the north side of the James River pre- ceding the explosion of the mine. He then participated in the Shenandoah Val- ley campaign of 1864, and was engaged in the battle of Cedar Creek and other en- gagements and combats of less importance, and commanded his regiment upon several occasions. He was employed during the summer of 1865 as acting assistant adju- tant-general of the District of Georgia, and until he tendered his resignation, which was accepted, to take effect July 28, 1865. He received the brevets of first lieu- tenant, captain, and major, to date from March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Sabine Cross- Roads, Pleasant Hill, and Cane River Crossing, La., and was made a brevet lieutenant-colonel of New York Volun- teers by the State of New York in recog- nition of gallant and meritorious services during the war of the Rebellion. He was appointed, from Connecticut, a second FIFTH REGIMENT OP CAYALRT. 143 lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalrj^, to date from January 22, 1807, and was pro- moted in the rei^iment, a first lieutenant February 14, 1868, and a oajitain May 9, 1877. lie joined his coni]>any in South Carolina on the 17th of April, and served at Aiken and Edi;;etield until November, when he was transferred to Washington and served with the escort for General Grant until August, 1808. He then availed himself of a sick-leave of absence until No- vember, when he joined a battalion of the regiment in Kansas and commanded a company during the campaigns against the hostile Sioux and Cheyennes until July 17, 18(39. He served with the Cana- dian Itiver expedition and in camp near Fort Lyon, Col., during the winter and spring of 1868-69, and while nuirching across the country to Fort McFherson, Neb., was engaged in May, 1809, in the combats with hostile . Sioux and Chey- ennes at Beaver and Spring Creeks. His company (M) was surrounded at Spring Creek by a large force of warriors under the famous Cheyenne chief. Tall Bull, but he succe.'^sfully resisted their assaults until the arrival of the main column, when he participated in the vigorous pursuit which followed. He served with the Republican River expedition during June and July, 1809, and was engaged in the afiair on the Republican River near Spring Creek, in the sand-hills near Frenchman's Fork, in repulsing a night attack of the enemy at Rock Creek, and in the brilliant action at Summit Springs. He then availed him- self of a sick-leave of absence until April, 1870, when he rejoined at Fort McPher- son, and served at that station. Plum Creek, North Platte, and Fort D. A. Rus- sell until December, 1871. He then ac- companied the second detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Bowie in Februaiy, 1872, where he served until Augu-t, when he was transferred to Camp Grant, and thence, in April, 1873, to Camp Apache. He participated in the Apache campaigns of 1873-74, and was engaged in the com- bats northeast of the forks of Tonto Creek (slightly wounded), in the Sun- flower Valley near the Four Peaks, at AVMld Rye Creek, and near the head- waters of Cherry Creek. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet lieutenant-colonel, to date from June 10, 1873, for gallant conduct in an engagement with Tonto-Apache In- dians in Tonto Basin ; and a brevet col- onel, to date from January 16, 1874, for gallant conduct in an engagement with Apache Indians at Four Peaks. He served at San Carlos agency as a company com- mander, commissary, and quartermaster, from March to October, 1874, when he Avas selected for recruiting service, and had stations at Chicago and Ncav York until December, 1870, when he rejoined at Fort McPherson, where he served as adjutant and company commander until May 9, 1877, when he joined his company, by promotion, al that station. He served at Chicago during the railway riots of July, 1877, and then availed himself of a leave of absence until November, when he rejoined his company at Fort IVlcKinney, Wyo., where he had station, with a tour of 'field service to the Little Missouri River, until May, 1878. He was then employed on fiefd service in Northern Wyoming until December, when he Avas assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until April, 1880, and was employed on general court-mar- tial duty at Salt Lnke City in December, 1878, on field service in the sand-hills of Western Nebraska during January and February, 1879, in the Ute ex|>edition during the fall and winter of 1879, and participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. He was transferred in April, 1880, to Camp Sheri-lan, Neb., and commanded the po.'.t until October, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until May, 1881. He then re- joined his company at Fort Robinson, Neb., where he has since served as a company, and at times as a post, com- mander. Volkmar, William J. Born in Penn- sylvania, and served during the Confed- erate invasion of his native State as a ser- geant in the Thirty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers from the 19th of June to the 4th of August, 1803. Upon the recom- mendations of his captain and colonel, for gallant conduct in battle during the Get- tysburg campaign, and of the faculty of the high school of Philadelphia, from which institiition he holds the degrees of B.A. and M.A., he was appointed a cadet at the Military Academy, and was gradu- ated on the iSth of June, 1868, and as- signed to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted in the regi- ment a first lieutenant March 19, 1870, and a captain April 2, 1879. He reported at Fort Harker, Kan., October 4, 1808, and was assigned to the command of a detach- ment of cavalry recruits, which he was employed in arming, equipping, and drilling until the 2d of November, when he accompanied the detachment to Fort Dodge, Kan., and was engaged en route in a combat (November 15) with Cheyenne Indians near Fort Larned. He was serv- 144 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS IJ. S. ARMY. ing as an acting aide-de-camp for Colonel iSully, commanding the Indian Territory expedition, when he was ordered to join his company, then with another column, at Fort Wallace, Kan. He then served (commanding company) with the Cana- dian River expedition and in camp near Fort Lyon during the winter and spring of 18G8-G9, and while matching across the country with a hattalion of the regiment (acting engineer officer) was engaged in May, 18G9, in the combats with hostile Sioux and Cheyennes at Beaver and Spring Creeks, and narrowly escaped death in the combat at the latter place. He was recommended for the brevet of first lieutenant for conspicuous gallantry upon that occasion. He particijiated as acting engineer and signal officer in the operations of the Republican River expe- dition from June to November, 1809, and was engaged in the atiair at Rock Creek, the brilliant action at Summit Springs (distinguished for gallantry and recom- mended for the brevet of captain), the affair in the sand-hills south of Julesburg, the Niobrara pursuit, and the aflair on Prairie Dog Creek, where he won a spe- cial mention in the official report "as meriting the highest praise for dasli and gallantry," and also for having, in con- nection with Lieutenant Price, Fifth Cavalry, "undoubtedly saved the lives of Major Frank North (cominnnding Pawnee scouts) and the guide, William Cody." He then served at Fort McPher- son, where he was principally employed as acting engineer and signal tifiicer, quar- termaster and commissary until February, 187 L He then availed himself of a sick- leave of absence until May, when he joined his company at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and served at that station until December, 1871, when he accompanied the second de- tachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDow- ell in Januarj', 1872, and was soon there- after assigned, at the request of Brigadier- General Oliver 0. Howard, to the difficult and dangerous duty of attempting, under a flag of truce, to open communication with the hostile Apaches. He was then employed in conducting recruits to Camps Grant, Lowell, and Apache, and served on general court-martial duty at Camp Apache until July, when he rejoined his company in the field near Camp Hualpai. He was selected in August, 1872, to com- mand Camp Date Creek, where he ren- dered important and highly valuable ser- vices during the outbreak of the Apache- Yuma Indians on the 8th of September. He was selected in December, 1872, for recruiting service, and had stations at Cleveland, Philadelphia, and St. Louis, and was adjutant of the cavalry station at St. Louis Barracks until May, 1875, when he was assigned to temporary duty in the ofiice of the chief engineer of the Depart- ment of Missouri. He served in that position until December, when he was appointed chief signal officer of the de- partment, and was employed in giving instructions in military signaling and telegraphy until December, 1876, when ho was appointed aide-de-camp for Brig- adier-General Pope (now major-general). He continued in the discharge of the du- ties of these offices, and performed at in- tervals the duties of assistant adjutant- general, judge-advocate, and chief ord- nance and engineer officer until after his promotion to a captaincy in the regiment, when he was relieved in July, 1879, from staft' duty at his own request and joined his company at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. He joined Major Thornburgh's command which was organized in September to op- erate against the disaffected Utes on White River, Ccd. ; but before the command marched from Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., he was recalled by the lieutenant-general of the army for special duty at Chicago, 111., as recorder of a board of cifficers which was convened to consider disputed matters relating to the battles of Chicka- mauga and Stone River. Before com- pleting this duty, and in January, 1880, he was again appointed an aide-de-camp for Brigadier-General Pope, and served in that position at Fort Leavenworth, Ivan., until June G, 1881, when he was appointed an aide-de-camp (with the rank of lieutenant-colonel) for the lieutenant- general of the army, and is now serving in that position at Chicago, 111. Forbush, William C. Born in Massa- chusetts. He was graduated from tho Military Academy on the l-5th of June, 18G8, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted, in the regiment, a first lieutenant March 19, 1870, and a captain May 1, 1879. He joined his company at Fort Hays, Kan., on the 5th of October, and participated, during October and November, 18G8, in a campaign against the hostile Sioux and Cheyennes on the western border of Kan- sas, and was engaged in the combats on Prairie Dog Creek, Shuter Creek (distin- guished for gallantry and recommended for the brevet of first lieutenant), and the north branch of Solomon River. He served as an acting aide-de-camp for Major Carr during the Canadian River expedi- tion, and in camp near Fort Lvon, Col., from'December, 18G8, to April, 18G9, when FIFTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 145 he was appointed quartermaster of a bat- talion of the regiment eii route to Fort Mc- Pherson, Neb., and was engaged in the combat with hostile Sioux and -Cheycnnes at Beaver Creek May 13, LSGO. He served as adjutant of the regiment from July 12, 1809, to October 5, 1876, having stations at Fort McPherson, Neh., Camps Mc- Dowell and Lowell, A. T., and Fort Hays, Kan. He was acting assistant adjutant- general of the District of the Republican from July, 1809, to November, 1871 ; of the District of the Black Hills, June and .luly, 1870, and was engaged in the affair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo. ; of the cavalry corps of the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition from the 4th of August to the 8th of October, 1876, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim JUittes, Dak., and was commended in gen- eral orders for invaluable services and un- tiring zeal and efficiency as a staft' officer under the most trying circumstances in the field. He was then selected for re- cruiting service, and was emjiloyed as ad- jutant at St. Louis Barracks until Septem- ber, 1878, when he was relieved and joined at Fort McKinney, Wyo., in January, 1879, where he sei'ved as adjutant until JNIay. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until October, when hejoineci his company at Fort Washakie, Wyo., where he served until May, 1880, when he changed station to Fort Robinson, Neb., where he arrived in June and served until January, 1881. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until June, 1881, when he rejoined his company at Fort Robin- son, and a few days thereafter chanced station to Fort Sidnej', Neb., where he is now serving as a company commander. Augur, Jacob A. (son of Brigadier- Oeneral C. C. Augur). Born in New York. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 15th of June, 1869, and a>;signed to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted, in the regiment, a first lieutenant January 11, 1871, and a captain June 14, 1879. He rclinqui-hed the graduating leave on the 7th of .luly and joined his company at Fort McPherson, Neb, on the 2d of August, and served with the Republican River expedition of 1869 and was engaged in the affair on Prairie Dog Creek. He was then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, AVyo., and soon thereafter availed him«clf of a leave of absence until March, 1870, when he was attached for duty to Com- pany K, Pii route from Washington, D.C., to the Department of the Platte, and re- join<»d his company in May at Pine Bluffs, Neb., where he served until August, when be marched to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had station until August 16, 1871, and was employed on escort duty with the In- dian Commissioners to Fort Laramie and with an expedition from Fort McPherson to the Republican River during the fall of 1870. He was appointed, July 28, 1871, an aide-de-camp for Brigadier-General Aucur, and served in that position from August 17, 1871, to June 30, 1878, when he was relieved at his own request. He had stations during this period at Omaha, San Antonio, and New Orleans, and in addition to his duties as an aide-ile-camp, served as acting assistant adjutant-general for the Department of Texas from Feb- ruary 5, 1872, to May 6, 1873, and from November 1, 1873, to January 20, 1874; as actincc engineer officer for the Depart- ment of Texas from July 22, 1873, to May 11, 1874; and as acting judge-advocate for the Department of the Gulf from January to July, 1878. He joined his com- pany in the field in Northern Wyoming July 27, 1878, and was assigned, in De- cember, to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had station until April, 1880, and was employed on field service in Western Nebraska during January and February, 1879, and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 1879, and partici- pated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. He changed station, in April, 1880, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he has since served, with occasional leaves of absence and tours of detached service, as a company commander. First Lieutenants. Thomas, Earl D. Born in Illinois. He served during the war of the Rebellion as a private, corporal, and sergeant-major in the Eighth Illinois Cavalrv from April 1, 1862, to April 23, 1865, when he was discharged from volunteer service, having accepted a cadet appointment to the Mili- tary Academy. He served with the Army of the Potomac and participated in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Williams- burg and in almost daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance towards Richmond, in General Stoneman's raid towards Mechanicsville, in the seven days' battles ending in the evacuation of the Peninsula, the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, the actions at Darnestown and Boon«bor(»', the cavalry campaign in London Valley, the battles of Fredericks- burg, Beverly Ford, and Gettysburg, the action at Falling Waters, and other en- gagements of less importance. He served with the cavalry corps, 1863-64, and at AV'^ashington and Fairfax Court-House, 1864-65. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 15th of June, 146 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1869, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first liiiutenant March 1, 187*2. He joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., on the 30th of Sejitoinbcr, 1869, where he served, with occasional tours of field service, until March, 1872. He had a successful combat (conunanding) with hostile Sioux at Red Willow Creek, Neb., June 8, 1870, and ■was highly commended in general orders for cons]iicuous gallantry upon that occa- sion. When the first detachment of the regiment moved from Fort ^McPherson in November, 1871, to Arizona, he was con- tinued on duty at that station in charge of public property until March, 1872, when he proceeded to Omaha as a witness before the United States court, and in June conducted a detachment of recruits, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in August. He partici- pated in the Apache campaigns of 1872- 74, and was engaged in the affair north of the Four Peaks, the action at the Caves in Salt River Canon, the affairs on Pinto Creek, in the Music Mountains, in the Diamond River country and in theCerbat Mountains. He was also emploj^ed in making a wagon road reconnoissance from Camp McDowell to Wickenberg in Octo- ber, 1872; in superintending the removal of tiamaspaie's band of Apache-Mojavfs from the Colorado River to the Verde Reservation in June, 1873; as quarter- master and commissary at Camp Hualpai, preparatory to the abandonment of the station, July-August, 1873 ; in operating against hostile Apaches in the Santa Maria, Bradsliaw, and New River Moun- tains, December, 1873; in operating against the Hualpais with Apache-Mojave scouts, Fcbruury-April, 1874, until he compelled all the Indians belonging to that tribe to surrender at the La Paz Reservation ; and as depot quartermaster at Fort Whipple from July, 1874, to June, 1875. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet cap- tain, to date from December 28, 1872, for gallant conduct in the engagement with Tonto-A])ache Indians at the Caves ; and a brevet major, to date from April 4, 1874, for distinguished services in the campaign against the Hualpai Indians. He was ap- pointed, March 22, 1875, an aide-de-camp for Brevet Major-General Kautz, com- manding the Department of Arizona, and engineer officer on the department staff, and discharged the duties of these posi- tions until March 6, 1878, when he was relieved from duty as an aide-de-camp by the retirement of Brevet Major-General Kautz from the command of the depart- ment, but continued to serve as engineer officer on the department staff until April 30, 1878. He was also employed during this period as a quartermaster from Se[)- tember 2, 1875, to April 16, 187G, in con- nection with the construction of military roads in Ai'izona, and his operations in- cluded the reconnoissance and construction of wagon roads from Prescott to Skull Valley and from Prescott to Camps Verde and McDowell. The department com- mander mentions his excellent manage- ment in the annual report for 1875-76, and says " that the aid furnished through the military service has had the effect to secure the greatest possible amount of work that could be obtained out of the money appropriated, probably nearly doubling the result that would have been obtained had the work been let to con- tractors." He also made new surveys of Camps Grant (including the timber lands of Mount Graham), Verde, Thomas, Apache, and McDowell. After nearly si.x years of important and conspicuous service in Arizona he availed himself of a leave of absence until October, 1878, when he rejoined the regiment at Fort Washakie, Wyo., and commanded a company at that station until January, 1880, and was em- ployed during May and June, 1879, in constructing a wagon road from Fort Washakie to Rawlins, Wyo , and on escort duty during August and Septem- ber, 1879, with a United States surveying party in the Yellowstone Park. He was then assigned to the important position of quartermaster at Rawlins, Wyo., where he was charged with the duty of forward- ing supjilies to the troops on Snake and White Rivers until June, 1880, wh^n he was appointed property quartermaster at the headqiuirters of the Department of the Platte, and is now serving at Omaha, Neb., in the discharge of the duties of that position. Rockwell, Charles H. Born in Ohio. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the loth of June, 1869, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieu- tenant August 29, 1872. He served at the Academy as an assistant instructor of artillery until the 28th of August, when he availed himself of the graduating leave of absence and joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., on the 30th of November, where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until November, 1871, when ho accompanied the first detachment of the regiment (commissary and quartermaster), by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Grant in January, 1872, where he FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 147 served a? a company commander, commis- sary, and quartermaster until October, when he was appointed regimental quartermaster, to date from August 29, 1872, and held the position until October 5, 1876. He joined the headquarters at Camp McDowell on the 14th of Decem- ber, but, a few days later, joined the troops in the field and participated in the Apacbfi campaign of 1873, and was en- gaged in the affair on Pinto Creek. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to bo a brevet captain, to date from April 9, 1873, for gallant conduct in the closing campaign against the Tonto- Apache Indians. He was a member of a bosird of officers which was convened at Los Angeles and San Francisco for the purchase of cavalry horses, April-July, 1873, and thf-n availed himself of a leave of absence until January, 1874, when he conducted a detachment from Benicia Barracks to Arizona, and rejoined the regimental headquarters at Camp Lowell in Marcli, where he served as commissary and quartermaster until May, 1875. He then marched with the headquarters, by the way of Fort Bayard, Santa Fe, and Fort Union, to Fort Lyon, and proceeded thence to Fort Hays, Kan., where he ar- rived on the 29th of June, and served as quartermaster, with occasional details as commissary and adjutant (acting regi- mental adjutant, November 15, 1875- March 20, 1876), until April, 1876, when he was appointed a member of a board of officers which was convened for the pur- chase of cavalry horses, and continued on that duty until July. He then proceeded to Fort Laramie, Wyo., for the purpose of participating in the Sioux campaign in Northern Wyoming, Dakota, and Mon- tana ; but, being unable to overtake the regiment, was assigned, in August, to Fort D. A. Russell, Wj'o., where he was employed in arming and equipping re- cruits for the cavalry regiments in the field until November, when he was ap- pointed ciiief commissary of the Powder River expedition, and served in that position until February, 1877. He then had station at Fort D. A. Russell until May, when he entered upon a tour of field service in Northern Wj^oming which continued until October. He was engaged in the operations against the hostile Nez Perccs, and commanded the escort on duty with the lieutenant-general of the army from Fort Washakie, Wyo., by the way of the Big Horn Mountains, to Fort Custer, Mon. He then served at Fort iMcPherson until January, 1878, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until the 29th of June. He rejoined at Fort McPherson and cominanded a company until September 20, 1878, when he was selected for recruiting service arid had stations at St. Louis and Boston until October, 1880, when he was transferred to Cincinnati atid thence to Jeffer-on Bar- racks, where he had station until January, 1882, when he rejoined at Fort Sidney, Neb., where he has since served, with oc- casional tours of detached service, being employed at times as a company com- mander, post adjutant, quartermaster, commissary, and as acting regimental adjutant. Greely, Adolphus W. Born at New- burvport, Mass. He sei'ved during the war of the Rebellion as a private, corpoi-al, and first sergeant in the Nineteenth Massachu- setts Volunteers from July 26, 1861, to March 18, 1863, when he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Eighty-first United States Colored Troops. He was promoted, in that regiment, a first lieu- tenant April 26, 1864, and a captain April 4, 1865. He particijjated in the action at Ball's Bluff, the siege of Yorktown, the action at West Point, the battle of Fair Oaks, the affair before Richmond known as Heintzcl man's skirmLsh, the action at Peach Orchard, the skirmish at Savage Station, the battles of White Oak Swamp (wounded) and Malvern Hill, the affair near Fairfax Court-House, the battle of Antietam (twice wounded, and in hospital until November 10, 18(;2J; with the for- lorn hope that crossed the Rappahannock December 11, 1862, and in the battle of Fredericksburg. He was then transferred to the West and participated in the siege of Port Hudson. His regiment was mus- tered out of service November 1, 1866, but he was retained until March 22, 1867, when he was honorably discharged and made a brevet major of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for faithful and mer- itorious services during the Avar of the Rebellion. He was appointed, from Lou- isiana, a second lieutenant in the Thirty- sixth (present Seventh) Infantry March 7, 1867, and was employed for some time on recruiting service for the Thirty-ninth In- fantry and Ninth Cavalry. He was trans- ferred, upon the reduction of the army, to the Second Artillery, to date from July 14, 1869, but the order was subsequently revoked and he was assigned, August 7, 1869, to the Fifth Cavalry with the same date, and was promoted a first lieutenant May 27, 1873. He was serving as acting chief signal officer of the Department of the Platte when he was trnnsferred to the regiment, and continued on that duty until JMarch, 1871, when he joined his company at Fort Laramie, Wyo., where 148 RECORDS OF LITIXG OFFICERS F. S. ARMY. he served as a company commander, com- missary, and quartermaster until July, when ho was assigned to duty in the office of the chief signal officer of the army, where he served until June, 1881, and was employed as a station inspector, as super- intendent of the construction of military telegraph lines in Texas, and as a general assistant in the Wushington office. He was assigned to the command of the Arctic expedition of 1880, but the order was sub- sequently revoked because of an unfavor- able report made by a board of naval offi- cers upon the vessel which iiad been selected for the service. The Lady Franklin Hay expedition was then organized during the spring and summer of 188', and in July he sailed from St. John's, N. F., in com- mand, with the intention of remaining absent for two years. The' object of the expedition is to establish a supply and meteorological station at Lady Franklin Bay and make explorati()ns northward from that place. Lieutenant Greely was for six years a student of Arctic explora- tions, and his e'xperiences of twelve years in the signal service of the army, particu- larly in compiling observations and fore- casting the daily weather reports, have been such as to qualify him for the scien- tific part of the work, and it is hoped that the result of his researches will add valu- able information to the subject of Arctic explorations. Barnard, Phineas P. Born in New York. He served during the war of the Rebellion as an assistant quartermaster of volunteers, with the rank of captain, from JMay 13, 18i_;8, to December 6, 18(3-'), and was made a brevet major of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services. He was appointed, from Michigan, a 2d lieut. in the Fourth Infantry, to date from March 7, 1807, and was made, to date from the same day, a brevet first lieutenant and a brevet captain for faithful and meritorious services during the war of the Kobellion. He served at Fort Laramie, Wyo., until March 23, 1809, when he was placed on the list of un- assigned officers, where ho remained until July 14, 1869, when he was transferred to the Fifih Cavalry. He was promoted a first lieutenant June 4, 1875. He joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., in September, 1809, where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until November, 1871, when he accompanied the first de- tachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in January, 1872, where he served as com- missary and quartermaster until June, and thereafter as receiving and shipping quar- termaster at Ehrenberg, on the Colorado River, until May, 1875, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until Septem- ber. He then joined at Fort Hays, Kan., and served at tliat station, Fort Robinson, and Fort McPherson, Neb., and Fort Mc- Kinney, Wyo., until October, 1879, and was chiefly employed as commissary and quartermaster, and commanding a com- pany during the summer of 1878. He was ordered before a Retiring Board in De- cember, 1879, and having been found in- capacitated for active service, was granted a sick-leave of absence until further or- ders. Hall, William P. Born in Missouri. He was graduated from the Jlilitary Academy on tiie loth of June, 1808, and assigned to the Nineteenth Infantry as a second lieu- tenant. He served with his regiment at Batesvillo, Ark., until March "^31, 18G9, when he was placed on the list of unas- signed officers, where he remained initil July 14, 1869, when he was transferred to the Fifth Cavalry, and was promoted a first lieutenant July 1, 1876. He joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., August 22, 1869, and served with the Republican River ex- pedition until November, and was engaged in the affiiir on Prairie Dog Creek. He then had stations at Fort McPherson, Plum Creek, and North Platte, with oc- casional tours of field service, until No- vember, 1871, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until February, 1872. He then rejoined at Fort D. A. Russell, AYyo., and a few weeks later accompanied a detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Crittenden in June, where he commanded a company and the post until January, 1873, and was charged with the difficult duty of protecting tlie settlers in the Seno- ita Valley against the incursions of preda- tory Apaches who infested the border. During this period he had three affairs (in the valley) and one combat (AV'hetstone Mountains) with the enemy, and con- ducted his operations with so much en- ergy and judgment as to win the congratu- lations of the department commander. He participated in the Apache campaign of 1873 ; served as commissary (relieved July, 1874) and quartermaster at Camp Grant from October, 1873, to September, 1874, when he availed himself of a sick- leave of absence until September, 1875. He was then assigned to temporary duty at St. Louis Barracks, where he served until December, when he rejoined at Fort Dodge, Kan., where he had station (post adjutant) until June, 1870, when he was appointed acting regimental quartermas- FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVxVLRY. 149 tor, and participated in the Sioux cnm- paigii in Nortliorn Wj'oniing, and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 187G, and was engaged in the aflair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wye, and in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. He was ap- pointed regimental quartermaster October 5, 187f), and had station at Fort D. A. Russell until April, 1880. He was also employed as quartermaster for the Wind River expedition of 1877, for the Held op- erations of the regiment in Northern Wy- oming during the summer of 1878, and as chief quartermaster for the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado dur- ing the fall of 1879, and participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col., and in the atfair (commanding) at Rifle Creek, Col., Oct 20, 1879, where he repelled the attacks of a superior force of the enemy and successfully extricated his small command from a perilous position. He changed station in April, 1880, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he served as post and regimental quartermaster until August, 1882, when he was transferred with the regimental headquarters to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he is now serving as post and regimental quartermaster and commissary of subsistence. Schuyler, Walter S. Born in New York. He was gratluatcd from the Mili- tary Academy on the 15th of June, 1870, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a iirst lieutenant July 29, 187G. He joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on the 9th of October, where he served (on escort dutj' with a surve\'ing party during the summer- of 1871) until December, 1871, when he accompanied the second detach- ment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisct) and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in February, 1872, where he had station, with occasional tours of detached duty, until June. He then entered upon a tour of field service, which continued, with few interruptions, until Februarj^ 1875. He participated in all the Apache campaigns of tluit [leriod, and was engaged in the brilliant action at Muchos Canons ; the afl'airs on the Santa Maria, Sycamore Creek, and in the Red Ro>-k country; the actions (commanding) on Pinto Creek, on Lost River, on the Black Mesa, on the east branch of the Verde River, on Cave Creek, on Caiion Creek, in the Supersti- tion and Arivapa Mountains; near the Gila River, in the Mazatzal Mountains; on the west side of the Four Peaks; in the Four Peaks, and near the north peak of the Mazatzal Mountains. He super- intended the removal of the Apache- 11 Yuma Indians from Camp Date Creek to the Verde reservation in May, 1873, and was in charge of the agency for several months. He was among the most active, untiring, and successful of the young offi- cers who pai'ticipated in the Apache cam- paigns of 1872-75, and was twice nomi- nated to the United States Senate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from Sep- tember 25, 1872, for gallant conduct in the engagement at Jluchos Caiions ; a brevet captain, to date from June 26, 1873, for gallant conduct in the engage- ment on Lost River; a brevet major, to date from April 28, 1874, for gallantry in the action at Salt River; and a hnvet lieutenant-colonel, to date from 3[ay 14, 1874, for gallant conduct in the engage- ment in the Red Rock country. He availed himself in April, 1875, of "a leave of absence and visited Europe, and upon his return to the United States rejoined at Fort Hays, Kan., in March, 187G, and served as acting regimental adjutant until the 1st of June, when he was appointed an aide-de-camp for Brigadier-General George Crook, and immediately proceeded to Fort Fetterman, whence he made a daring march, with a few men, across the country, which was infested with hostile Sioux, to Goose Creek, Wj'o., where he joined the general and participated in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was engaged in the skirmi-bes at Slim Buttes, Dak. He participated in the Powder River expedition during the win- ter of 1876-77, and was engaged in the brilliant action at Bates Creek (north branch of Powder River), where he was distinguished for good judgment and con- spicuous gallantry. He served with the expedition against the hostile Utes of Col- orado during the march from Rawlins, Wyo., in October, 1879, to the relief of the besieged troops on Milk Creek, Col., and participated in raising the siege and action at that place on the 5th. He was on a leave of absence from January, 1880, to January, 1882, when he was relieved, at his own request, from duty as an aide- de-camp for Brigadier-Creneral George Crook, and joined his company at Fort Sidney, Neb., where he is now serving. Michler, Frank. Born in New York. He was gi'aduated from the JVIilitary Academy on the 15th of June, 1870, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieu- tenant November 12, 1876. He joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on tlie 9th of October, where he had station (serving at Chug Water, August-September, 1871) until December, 1871, when he accompa- nied the second detachment of the reiii- 150 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. ment by the wny of San Francisco enroide to Arizona. He was detached at San l)ie£C*> and marched overhind, in charge of men and horses, to Fort Yuma, where he re- joined his company and arrived at Camp ilualpai in February, 1872. He was en- gaged in a skirmish in the Bin; Canon of Bill Williams' Fork on the 5th of July, 1872. He participated in the Apache cam- y)aie a brevet first lieutenant, to date from September 25, 1872, for gallant conduct in the engagement at ^^uchos Canons; and a brevet captain, to date from Janu- ary 22, 1873, for gallant conduct in an engagement at the head of Tonto Creek. He served at Camp Hualpai from the 10th of April to the 5th of July, 1873, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until January 10, 1874, when he was appointed an aide-de-camp for Major-General Scho- field, and served at San Francisco and AVest Point until July 1, 1878, and there- after as adjutant of the Military Academy until February 28, 1881. He was then relieved and granted a leave of absence until October, when he joined his com- pany at Fort Niobrara, Neb. He was em- ployed during April, May, and June, 1882, in making a survey of a p;irt of southwest Dakota, with a view to laying out a wagon road across the Sioux reservation, in ac- cordance with Treaty stipulations, the road beginning at Fort Niobrara, Neb. He changed station, in August, 1882, to Fort J). A. Russell, Wyo., and thence, in No- vember, to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he is now serving, Davis, George B. Born in Massachu- setts. He served during the war of the Rebellion as a sergeant, quartermaster- sergeant, and second lieutenixnt in the First Massachusetts Cavalry from Sep- tember 10, 18G3, to July K!, 1865, when he was discharged, to date from June 2(), 1865. He participated in the Richmond and Petersburg campaigns of 1804-65, and was engaged in the l)attles of the Wilder- ness and Todd's Tavern ; in General Sheridan's cavalry raid (May, 1864) ; the actions at Beaver Dam, Yellow Tavern, and Meadow Bridge ; the battle of Hawes' Shop ; the actions on the Jerusalem I'lank Road ; the siege of Petersburg, including the actions (three) on the Weldon Rail- way, Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, Ri'am's Station, and Hatcher's Run. He served at the headquarters of the armies operating against Richmond, March-May, 1865, and at the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, May-June, 186-5. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 12th of June, 1871, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieu- tenant May 9, 1877. He joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on the 29th of Sep- tember, where he had a station until De- cember, when he accompanied the second detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Bowie in February, 1872, where he served as commissary and quartermaster until the 19th of August. He was then assigned to field service at Calabasas, where he re- mained until November, when he re- turned to Camp Bowie and served with occasional tours of field service, until August 9, 1873, when he was assigned to duty at the Military Academy as assist- ant professor of Spanish from August 30, 1873, to August 28, 1875; as assistant professor of French from the 12th of Jan- uary to the 21st of September, 1876; as assistant professor of chemistry, minf^ral- ogy, and geology from January 16, 1877, to January 12, 1878; and as principal as- sistant professor of Spanish from August 28, 1875, to August 28, 1878. He rejoined the regiment in the Department of the Platte in September, 1878, and partici- pated (commanding company), during October, in the pursuit of hostile Chey- ennes northward from Sidney into the sandhills of Northwestern Nebraska. He then marched to Fort AVashakie, Wyo., where he had station as a company com- mander until December, when he was transferred to Fort D. A. Russell, where he served as a company commander, com- missary, quartermaster, and ordnance officer until April, 1880, when he was transferred to Fort Niobrara, in Northern Nebraska, where he has since served, with occasional tours of detached service and leaves of absence, as a company com- mander, commissary, and quartermaster. Parkhurst, Charles D, Born at Rox- bury, Mass. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 14th of June, 1872, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieutenant August 23, 1878; he availed himself of the graduating leave until the 23d of September, when he was assigned to duty at Benicia Barracks (con- ducting recruits to Nevada) and San Francisco until the 19th of October, when he sailed on the steamship Newbern as commissary and quartermaster for a de- FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 151 tac'hnient of recruits by the way of the Gulf of California and the Colorado River to Arizona, and joined his com- pany at Camp Date Creek on the 29th of Novenihor; lie participated in the Apache campai<:;n of 187'i-73, and was en.<:;aged in the atfairs on the north fork of Baby Caiion (commandinc;), in repulsins; a night attack at the forks of Baby Canon, at Indian llun, and on the east branch of the Verde River ; he served as adjutant at Camp Date Creek, March-May, 1873, and as adjutant, company commander, signal officer, commissary, and quartermaster at Camp McDowell (commanding post July- September, 1874) until May, 1875, hav- ing occasional tours of field service; he participated in the Apache campaign of 1874, and was engaged in three affairs in the Arivapa and Mazatzal Mountains during April and May, 1874 ; he was twice nominated to the United States Sen- ate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from Januarj- 1, 1873, for gallant conduct in the Tonto Basin ; he was on a leave of absence from the 14th of May to the 14th of October, 1875, when he rejoined at Fort Hays, Kan., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until July 17, 1876; he then proceeded by rail to Cheyenne, and marched thence to Goose Creek, "Wyo., where he joined the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedi- tion, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. ; upon the disband- ment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was assigned to Fort McPherson, Neh., where he had station until August, 1877, and was employed in Omaha during the railway riots of July, 1877; he then participated in the opera- tions of the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perce* during September and October, 1877, and upon the disband- ment of the expedition was assigned to Fort !McKinney, "VVyo., where he had station, with occasional tours of field ser- vice, until September, 1878; he then availed him=elf of a leave of absence until July, 1879, when he rejoined at Fort McPherson and commanded a company at that station and during the operations of the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado until October, and thereafter served on company duty until January, 1880, when he was appointed quartermas- ter of the Ute expedition, and discharged the duties of the position until May, 1880, when he rejoined his company at Fort Robinson, where he served chiefly as quar- termaster until March, 1882; he then changed station to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he served as a company commander and quartermaster until August, when he was transferred to Fort McKinney, where he is now serving as a company com- mander. Watts, Charles H. Born in New York. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 14th of June, 1872, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieutenant April 2, 1879; he availed himself of the graduating leave until the 26th of September, when he was assigned to duty at Benicia Barracks until the 19th of October, when he sailed on the steam- ship Newbern with a detachment of re- cruits, by the way of the Gulf of Cali- fornia and the Colorado River to Arizona, and joined the regiment at Camp Lowell on the 30th of November, and conducted a detachment of recruits to Camp Mc- Dowell, and proceeded thence to Camp Grant, where he arrived on the 27th of December, and was employed as quarter- master until February 1, 1873, when he joined his company in the field and par- ticipated in the Apache campaign of that year; he was present at ttie outbreak at the San Carlos Agency which resulted in the death of Lieutenant Almj^, and was engaged in the atlairs in the Santa Teresa Mountains and near the San Carlos Agency; he commanded a company at San Carlos Agency and Camp Grant, with few interruptions, from May, 1873, to January, 1875, and was emploj^ed in garrison duties, with occasional tours of field service; he was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from April 9, 1873, for gallant conduct in the closing campaign against the Tonto-Apache In- dians ; he marched, in May, 1875, with the first detachment of the regiment, by the way of the Rio Grande, Santa Fe, and Fort Union, to Fort Lyon, Col., where he arrived on the 25th of June, and had station until October ; he then availed himself of a leave of absence until Janiuxry, 1876, when he rejoined at Fort Lyon, where he served until the 5th of June ; he then proceeded by rail to Cheyenne, and marched thence to the Black Hills of Wyoming and partici- pated in the operations against the hos- tile Sioux until the 7th of Julj', when he was wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol and disabled for duty until December, when he rejoined at Fort Mc- Pherson, Neb., where he had station until November, 1877 ; he was employed at Chicago (commanding company) during the railway riots of July, 1877, and par- ticipated in the operations of the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces (commanding company) during Septem- 152 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. ber and October, 1877; upon the disband- ment of the expedition he was assigned to Foi't McKinney, Wyo., where he served until May, 1878, when he entered upon a tour of field service witli a battal- ion of the regiment, which continued until December ; he was then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wye, where he had station until September, 1879, when he availed himself of a sicl<-leave of absence until April, 1880; he then rejoined at Fort D. A. Russell, and soon thereafter was transferred to Camp Sheridan, N(;b., where he served as a post and company commander until May, 1881, when he changi'd station to Fort Robinson, Neb., wliere he is now serving. London, Robert. Born in North Car- olina. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 13th of June, 1873, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a Urst lieutenant May 1, 1879. He reported at Camp Lowell, A. T., on the 18th of November, and joined his company at Camp Grant on the 12th of December. He partici]iated in the Apache campaign of 1874, and was engaged in the combat near old Camp Pinal; the affairs (six) in the Pinal and Santa Teresa Mountains, north of San Carlos Agency and on the south side of Salt River, southeast of the Big Canon (where the murderer of Lieu- tenant Almy was killed). He was com- mended in the official report for valuable services during these operation*, and was twice nominated to the United States Sen- ate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from April 3, 1874, for gallant and distin- guished services in the campaign against the San Carlos Apache Indians. He served as commissary at San Carlos Agency May-November, 1874, and at Camp Apache with tours of field service until June, 1875, when he returned to San Carlos in command of a company ; but orders having arrived for the transfer of the regiment to the Department of the Missouri, he returned to Camp Apache in July, and marched by the way of Fort "Wingate, Santa Fe, and Fort Union to Fort LyoTi, Col., and proceeded thence to Fort Gibson, I. T., where he arrived in September and served as adjutant and commissary until December. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until February, 1876, when he was assigned to duty at St. Louis Barracks, where he served until June, when he rejoined his company and participated in the campaign against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was en- gaged in the afl'airs on the south branch of Cheyenne River and at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo., and in the skir- mishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was as- signed to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until June, 1879, and was employed during the summer of 1877 as quartermaster for a battalion of the Fifth Cavalry operating in Northern Wyoming and in field operations in Idaho Territory during the summer of 1878. He com- manded a company, with few interrup- tions, from December, 1878, to December, 1880; served at Fort McKinney, Wyo., from July to October, 1879, and marched thence to Rawlins, Wyo., where he served with the reserve of the Ute expedition until November. He was then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had sta- tion until April, 1880, when he was trans- ferred to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he is now serving. Eaton, George O. Born in Maine. He enlisted in the Fifteenth Maine (veteran) Volunteers, at Belfast, cm the 1st of Feb- ruary, 1865, and served in the Shenandoah Valley until the assassination of President Lincoln, when his regiment was dis- patched to Washington and employed on guard duty during the trial of the con- spirators. Plis regiment was transferred to Savannah, Ga., after the Grand Re- view, as part of an army intended to op- erate against the French troops in Mexico, and remained there for some time, when it was ordered to Georgetown, S. C., and he was honorably discharged at Hilton Head on the 11th of August, 1865. Four years later he accepted an appointment to the Militarj'^ Academy, where he was graduated on the 13th of June, 1873, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieu- tenant May 1, 1879. He was assigned to duty with a detachment of recruits at Benicia Barracks, Cal., and sailed, by the way of the Gulf of California and the Col- orado River, to Fort Yuma, and marched thence to Camp Verde, where he arrived on the 19th of December, and served during his tour of duty in Arizona as a company commander, commissary, and quartermaster. He participated in the Apache campaign of 1874, and was en- gaged in the combat at Sunset Pass and in the affairs (two) at Snow Lake, near Jarvis Pass (commanding), and was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from December 5, 1874, for gallant and distin- guished conduct in a scout made by him through the country in the neighborhood of Jarvis Pass and Little Colorado River FIFTH EEGIMEXT OF CAVALRY. 153 during November, 1874. He commnnded a company of Indian scouts at the Verde Reservation, and later the escort which conducted the Verde Indians to San Carlos Agency, and rendered important service on the oast branch of the Verde River, where the Indians engaged in a tight among themselves, which resulted in a loss of eighteen killed and fifty wounded before he could interpose his authoritj- and restore order. He had only sixteen men, and the occasion demanded the exercise of rare judgment and superb courage. His report of the affair was submitted just as the change of department commanders was made, and but for this liis services upon that trying occasion would have received a conspicuous mention. He marched, in ilay, 1875, from Camp Verde, by the way of Fort Wingate, Santa Fe, and Fort Union, to Fort Lyon, Col., and proceeded thence to Fort Hays, Kan., where he arrived on the 29th of June and had station, with occasional tours of field service, until May, 1876, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until July. He then rejoined his company and participated in the cam- paign against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of AVyoming, and was serv- ing with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition when he was wounded at Rose Bud Creek, Mon., on the 7th of August, by the accidental discharge of a pistol while he was attempting to check a night stampede of the horses belonging to his company. He served with the command to the mouth of Powder River, when he was detached for medical treatment, and rejoined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., in September, where he had station until July, 1879 (sick-leave, April, 1877, to February, 1878 ; commissary and quarter- master A^iril, 1878, to July, 1879), when he availed himself of a sick-leave of ab- sence until October, 1880. He then re- joined at Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he served until July, 1881, when he was de- tached to Toneuft River, Mon., for escoi-t duty to the Yellowstone Park with the lieutenant-general of the army ; and upon the completion of this duty in September lie returned to Fort Laramie, where he served until the summer of 1882, when he availed liiniself of a leave of absence until March, 1883. Bishop, Hoel S. Born in "Wisconsin. He was graduated from the Military Acad- emy on the 13th of June, 1873, and as- signed to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant, and was promoted a first lieu- tenant June 1, 1879. He was assigned to duty with a detachment of rp<-ruits at Benicia Barracks, Cal., and sailed, by the way of the Gulf of California and the Col- orado River, to Fort Yuma, and marched thence to Fort Whipple, where he arrived on the 14th of December and had station during his tour of ."^ervice in Arizona. He partiiipated in the Apache campaign of 1874, and was engaged in the affairs in the Diamond River country and at Mears' AVells in the Cerbat Mountains, and was twice nominated to the United States Sen- ate to be a brevet first lieutenant, to date from April 4, 1874, for distinguished ser- vices in tTie campaign against the Hualpai Indians. He marched, in July, 1875, from Fort Whipj)le, by the way of Fort Win- gate, Santa Fe, Forts Union, Lyon, and Dodge, to Camp Supply, I. T., wliere he arrived in Sefitember, and had station, with occasional tours of field service, until June, 1876, and was highly commended by the department commander for prompt- ness, energy, and efiiciency in a successful pursuit and chastisement of a party of Osage Indians near the Cimarron River on the 22d of January, 1876. He partici- pated in the campaign against the Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 1876, and was engaged in the affair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wj'o., and in the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was as- signed to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he had station until August, 1877, when he was transferred to Fort Washakie, Wyo., and participated (commanding In- dian scouts) in the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces. He then served as adjutant, commissary, and quarter- master at Fort Washakie frorci October, 1877, to .July, 1879. He captured, after a vigorous pursuit, a band of Bannack In- dians on Buffalo Fork of Snake River, twenty miles south of the Yellowstone Park, on the 16th of September, 1878. He was then transferred to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he served until Oc- tober, 1879, when he participated in the movement against the Utes of Colorado, and was engaged in raising the siege and action at Mill Crer-k, Col., on the 5th of October. He served as chief commissary of the Ute expedition until December, 1879, and thereafter commanded the bat- talion of the regimf'nt on White River, Col., until March, 1880, when he returned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had sta- tion until April. He was then transferred to Fort Laramie, Wyo., and was selected in October for recruiting service, and served at Jefferson Barracks until Oc- tober, 1882, when he rejoined his company at Fort Laramie, where he is now serving. 154 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Second Lieutenants. Andrus, Edwin P. Born in New York. Ho was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 16th of June, 1875, and assigned to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant. He declined a transfer as a second lieutenant to the Seventh Cav- alry, to date from June *2G, 1876. He joined at Fort Wallace, Kan., on the 1st of October, where he had station, with frequent tours of field service (engaged in the atfair on Caiion Creek, Kan.), until July, 1876, when he was transferred to Fort Robinson, Neb.', and served in sum- mer camp (engaged in the atfair on Chad- ron Creek, Neb.) until the 1st of Novem- ber, when he joined the Powder River expedition (November-December, 1876), and participated in the brilliant action at Bates Creek (north branch of Powder River), Wyo. He had station at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., from January, 1877, to October, 1878, and was emploj'ed on field service and in the Nez Perces campaign as adjutant for a battalion of the Fifth Cavalry and commanding Indian scouts, during the summer and fall of 1877, and on field service in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 1878. He then served at Fort McPherson, Neb., as adju- tant, commissar^', and quartermaster, until October, 1879, when he proceeded to Raw- lins, Wyo. (commanding company), and participated in the operations against the hostile Utes of Colorado until November, when he returned to Fort McPherson for the purpose of closing his accounts as com- missary and quarternnister, and, upon the completion of these duties, was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he served until April, 1880. He then changed station to Fort Niobrara, Neb., and served at that post and Fort Robinson, being chiefly employed in making surveys and reconnoissances, until October, when lie was placed in charge of the ordnance station at Cheyenne, Wyo., and continued on that duty until January, 1881. He then rejoined his company at Fort Robin- son, where he has since served with occasional tours of detached service, as a company officer, quartermaster, commiss- ary, and ]>ost adjutant. Swift, Eben, Jr. Born in Texas. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 14th of June, 1876, and assigned, on the 15th, to the Fourteenth Infantry as a second lieutenant. He was transferred, at his own request, to the Fifth Cavalry, to rank from July 28, 1876, and joined the regiment in the Black Hills of Dakota on the 12th of October. Upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in October, he was as- signed to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until April, 1880. He par- ticipated in the Nez Perces campaign dur- ing the summer of 1877, serving for a time as battalion adjutant and company com- mander, and in the capture of disaffected Bannack Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in January, 1878, as battalion adjutant, commissary, and quartermaster. He served in field operations in Northern Wyoming during the summer and fall of 1878 ; in field operations against hostile Cheyennes in the sand-hills of AVestern Nebraska, January-Februarj-, 1879, as battalion adjutant and company com- mander; and in the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado (acting as- sistant adjutant-general), October-Decem- ber, 1879, and participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. He served as acting adjutant of the regiment from January 28, 1878, to April 28, 1879, when he was appointed regimental adju- tant, to date from June 4, 1878. He changed station, in April, 1880, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he served as post and regimental adjutant until August, 1882, when he was transferred with the regimental headquarters to Fort Sidney, Neb. Foster, Fred. AV. Born in Pennsyl- vania. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 14th of June, 1877, and assigned, on the 15lh, to the Fifth Cavalry as a second limitenant. He joined at Fort Washakie, Wyo., on the 30th of December, where he had station until May 15, 1878, and was employed (February- April) in survej'ing a militar}' wagon road from Fort Washakie to Rawlins, Wyo. He was then employed on field service until the 21st of July, when he was as- signed to Fort McKinnej', Wyo., where he served (commanding companj') until July, 1879. He then conducted a detach- ment of military prisoners to Fort Omaha, Neb., and, after a brief leave of absence, rejoined his company in the field at Raw- lins, Wyo., on the 28th of November, and conducted a company to Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyo., where he had station until April, 1880, when he was assigned to tem- porary duty at Fort Robinson, Neb., whence he was transferred, in June, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where be has since served as a company officer and post com- missary. Goldman, Henry J. Born in Han- over, Germany, and emigrated at an early age with his parents to the United States. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 14th of June, 1877, and assigned, on the 15th, to the Fifth FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 155 Cavalry as a second lieutenant. He joined at Fort McKiiiney, Wye, on the 17lli of December, where he had station until July, 1870, and was employed on escort duty (commanding) to Fort Keogh, Mon., January-February, 1878. He served as engineer officer for an expedition to the Little Missouri River, Dakota, March- April, 1878; as a company commander May-October, 1878 ; on field service in Northern Wyoming June-July, 1878 ; and as post adjutant from November, 1878, to January, 1879. He was then trans- ferred to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until October, 1879, when he served with the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado, and participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. He served as adjutant for a battalion of the Fifth Cavalry on White River, Col., during the winter of 1879-80. He then proceeded to Fort D. A. Russell, where he arrived on the 2d of April, and availed himself of a leave of absence un- til August, 1880. He rejoined at Camp Sheridan, Neb., where he had station (ad- jutant) until May, 1881, when he was transferred to Fort Robinson, Neb., where he has since served, with occasional tours of detached service and leaves of absence, as a company officer and post adjutant. Paddock, James V. S. Born in Illi- nois. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 14th of June, 1877, and assigned, on the 1.5th, to the Fifth Cav- alry as a second lieutenant. He joined at Ft. Sidney, Neb., on the Gth of December, where he had station until May 15, 1878, when he entered upon a tour of field ser- vice in Northern Wyoming, which con- tinued to the 11th of December. He was then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until Sep- tember, 1879, when he joined Major Thornburgh's expedition against the dis- affected Utes of Colorado, and marched from Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., towards the agency on White River, Ck)l. (command- ing company), and was twice wounded during the memorable action and siege at Milk Creek, Col., 29th of September-.5th of October. He received an honorable mention in department orders and a joint resolution of thanks from the Sixth Legis- lative Assembly of Wyoming Territory for his bravery, heroic conduct, and effi- cient services during the engagement and subsequent siege. He was absent, on a cer- tificate of disabilitv and leave of absence, from October 18, 1879, to October 2, 1880, when he rejoined his company at Fort Niobrara, Neb., where be is now serving as a company officer. ' Barnett, John T. Born in Indiana. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 13th of June, 1878, and assigned, on the 14th, to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant. He jt)ined the regiment at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on the 1st of October, where he remained until the 2-'3th of November, when he availed himself of a sick-leave of absence, which continued until October 1, 1879. He then rejoined at Fort D. A. Russell, and was employed on light duty until the 25th of November, when he again availed himself of a sick-leave of absence, which continued until December, 1882, when he was ordered to light duty in the Depart- ment of Texas, where he is now serving. Macomb, Augustus C. Born in Mich- igan, and was appointed, from at large, a second lieutenant in the Fourth Infantrj', to date from January 28, 1878. He served with a battalion of the Fifth Cavalry in Northern Wvoming during the summer and fall of 1878, and at Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyo., until March 8, 1879 (engaged in field operations against the hostile Cheyennes (commanding company) in the sand-hills of Western Nebraska January- February, 1879), when he was relieved from duty with the regiment. He was transferred ;^at his own request, to the Fifth Cavalry, to rank from June 3, 1879, and joined at Fort D. A. Russell on the 27th of June, where he served until October, 1880, when he participated in the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado, and was engaged in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. He served at the White River Agency, Col., until Novem- ber, when he returned to Fort D. A. Rus- sell, where he had station until April, 1880. He was then transferred to Fort Niobrara, where he is now serving as a company officer. Welborn, Luther S. Born in Indiana. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 12th of June, 1879, and assigned, on the 13th, to the Fifth Cav- alry as a second lieutenant. He joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on the 29th of September, and participated in the expe- diticm against the hostile Utes of Colorado (October, 1879- March, 1880), and was engaged in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col., and served at the White River Agency, Col. (commanding com- pany from the 20th of December, 1879, to the 2d of April, 1880), until March, 1880. He then returned to Fort D. A. Russell, whence he was transferred, on the 29th of April, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he has since served, with occasional tours of detached service and leaves of absence, as a company officer. Brooks, Lorenzo L. C. Born in Iowa. 156 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARilT. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 12th of June, 1879, an^ assigned, on the loth, to the Fifth Cav- alry as a second lieutenant. He joined his company at the White River Agency, Col., on the 27tli of October, where he served until March, 1880. He has since served, with occasional tours of detached service and leaves of absence, as a com- pany officer at Fort D. A. Russell, Wj'o., Fort Robinson, Neb. (commanding com- pany), Fort Sidney, Neb., and Fort Lara- mie, Wyo. Waite, Henry De H. Born in New York. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 12th of June, 1879, and assigned, on the 13th, to the Third Infantry as a second lieutenant. He was transferred, at his own request, to the Fifth Cavalry, to rank from September 4, 1879, and joined his company at Fort AVashakie, Wyo., on the 1st of October, where he served (adjutant) until May, 1880, when he was assigned to Fort Lara- mie, Wyo., where he had station until ]May, 1882, when he was transferred to Fort Washakie, where he is now serving as a company officer. Almy, William E. (a son of Rear- Admiral John J. Almy, United States Navy). Born in the District, of Colum- bia. He was graduated from the Military Academy on "the 12th of June, 1879, and assigned, on the 13th, to the Third Infan- try as a second li'Utenant. He was trans- ferred, at his own request, to the Fifth Cavalry, to rank from September 4, 1879, and joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on the 29th of September, and partici- pated (as cavahy adjutant) in the expedi- tion against the hostile Utes of Colorado (October-November, 1879), and was en- gaged in raising the siege and action at Milk Creek, Col., and served at the White River Agency, Col., until the 22d of No.- A-ember. He returned to Fort D. A. Rus- sell on the 29th, where he served (com- manding company) until April 27, 1880, when he was transferred to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he has since served, with occasional tours of detached service and leave of absence, as company commander, post adjutant, and acting signal and ord- nance officer. Cornish, Lester W. Born in Massa- chusetts. He was graduated from the Military Academy on tlie 10th of June, 1881, and assigned, on the 11th, to the Fifth Cavalry as a second lieutenant. He joined, on the expiration of the graduat- ing leave, at Fort Niobrnra, Neb., where he served until August 10, 1882, when he proceeded by rail to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until Novem- ber 12, 1882, when he was transferred to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he is now serv- ing as u company officer. SIXTH REGIMENT OF CAV- ALRY. Colonel. Carr, Eugene A. Born in Erie County, N. Y. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 1st of July, 1850, and assigned to the Mounted Rifles (now Third Cavalry) as a brevet second lieu- tenant, and was promoted, in that regi- ment, a second lieutenant June 30, 1851. He served at Carlisle until June, 1851, when he joined his company at Jetferson Barracks, and served at that station until June, 1852, when he was ordered to Fort Leavenworth for frontier service. He participated in two expeditions to the Rocky Mountains during 1852-53 ; served as adjutant, quartermaster, and commis- sary for Major Sanderson's command from June to October, 1852, and as adjutant, quartermaster, and commissary for Cap- tain Van Buren's command from July to October, 1853. He served during the winter of 1852-53 at Fort Scott, Mo , and in the fall of 1853 was transferred from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Gibson, in the Cherokee Nation, and thence to Texas, where he was actively emjiloyed in field service, and was severely wounded in a combat with the Mescalero Apaches near Mount Diavolo on the 10th of October, 1854. He was promoted, for gallantry in this atfair, a first lieutenant in the First (present Fourth) Cavalry, to date from March 3, 1855. He then participated in the Sioux expedition of 1855 ; served at Fort Leavenworth and in field service in Kansas in 1856 ; was employed in quelling the Kansas border disturbances and served as an aide-de-camp for Governor Robert J. Walker from the 1st of May to the 22d of December, 1857, when he was ordered to special duty at Washington, where he remained during the winter. He was promoted a captain, in his regiment, June 11, 1858, and participated in the Utah ex- pedition of that _year. He was then or- dered to Fort Washita, where he had station until April, 1861, and served with the expedition to the Antelope Hills in 1859, with the Kiowa and Comanche ex- pedition of 1860, and was engaged in sev- eral skirmishes with the hostile Indians. Captain Carr marched in May, 1861, under the command of Major Emory, from Fort Washita to Fort Leavenworth, and at once entered upon active service in SIXTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 157 General Lyon's campaign in Southwestern Missouri. He participated in the action at Dug Si)rings and in the battle of Wil- son's Creek, where he commanded his companj' and won the brevet of lieutenant- colonel, to date from August 10, ISfil, for gallant and meritorious services. He was commissioned, in September, 18G1, col- onel of the Third Illinois Cavalry, to date from August 15, 1801, and was an acting brigadier-general in General Fremont's Hundred Days' campaign, and later served under Generals Hunter, Halleck, and Curtis. He commanded during January, 18f)'2, about twenty-five hundred cavalry' which, moving from Rolla towards Sjuingfield, were employed as a force of observation. He was assigned in Febru- ary to the command of the Fourth Division of the Army of the Southwest; partici- pated in the pursuit of the enemy into Arkansas; was engaged in the battle of Pea Ridge, where he was conspicuous for daring and coolness in locating and di- recting the deployment of his division on' the extreme right during the battle of the second day, and where, although thrice wounded, he held his ]iosition for seven hours, and by superb fighting contributed in a great measure to the brilliant success of the National army. The casualties in liis command exceeded seven hundred, more than half the entire loss in the two days' battle. He was appointed a briga- dier-general of volunteers, to date from March 7, 1862, in the recognition of dis- tinguished services on that occasion. He afterwards participated in the operations against Little Rock, the march to Helena during the summer of 18G2, and was promoted, in November, 1862, a major in the Fifth Cavalry, to date from July 17, 1862. General Carr commanded the Army of the Southwest during the fall of 1862, and was preparing for an active campaign when failing health compelled him to retire from the field; he was after- wards assigned to the command of the St. Louis District of Missouri, where he served during the winter of 1862-63. He commanded the Fourteenth Division of the Thirteenth Army Corps during the Vicksburg campaign of 1863, and was en- gaged in the battles of Magnolia Church and Port Gibson (leading), the capture of Jackson, the action at Edwards' Station (commanding), the battle of Champion Hill, the capture of the enemy's works at Big Black River Bridi^e, the assaults upon Vicksburg, 18th (loading) and 22d of ]May, and the siege and capture of Vicks- burg, 23d of May-4th of July. He was conspicuous for courage and ability in the battles of this memorable campaign, and won the highest commendation from hia corps commander. The corps in which General Carr was a gallant leader ojiencd and led the way to the fields of Magnolia Church, Port Gibson, and Champion Hills, where he was remarkable for the vigor of his operations, capturing at Ed- wards' Station a railway train of commis- sary and ordnance stores. The corps fought and won the battle of Big Black River, where General Carr's division had the extreme advance of the National column, and began and ended the engage- ment ; his division also made the first lodgment in the enemy's M'orks at Vicks- burg on the 22d of May, where he was conspicuous for coolness under fire and for holding his command so steady that not a regiment faltered on that occasion. He was recommended for promotion as a re- ward for his skill, valor, and distin- guished services during this campaign, which resulted in the defeat of the enemy in five battles, the occupation of Jackson, and the capture of Vicksburg; he was made a brevet colonel, to date from May 17, 1863, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at Big Black River Bridge. Gen- eral Carr commanded the left wing of the Sixteenth Army Corps at Corinth during the fall of 1863, and in December was transferred to Little Rock, where he com- manded the Second Division of the Army of Arkansas until January, 1864. He was afterwards assigned to the command of a cavalry division in the Department of Arkansas, which he retained until May, 1864; participating in the expedition against Camden ; was engaged in the actions at the crossing of the Little Red River, at Poison Spring (commanding), at Prairie D'Ane, and the crossing of the Saline River at Jenkins' Ferry. He was then assigned to the command of the Dis- trict of Little Rock, where he served until January, 1865, and was engaged with the enemy at Clarendon on the 2bth of June. He commanded the Third Division of the Six'teenth Army Corps during the oper- ations against Mobile in the spring of 1865, and was distinguished for gallantry at the siege of Spanish Fort, the capture of which compelled the evacuation of Mobile. He also participated in the as- sault on Fort Blakel}', and was made a brevet major-general of volunteers, to date from March 11, 1865, for valuable services during the campaign. Reserved on the march to Montgomery, Ala., and commanded the St. Francis River District until Januar}^ 15, 1866, when he was mustered out of volunteer service and was subsequently made a brevet brigadier- general, to date from March 13, 1865, for 158 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Little Rock, Ark. ; and a bre- vet major-general, to date from IMarch 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the war of the Rebellion. Upon the expiration of a brief leave of absence he proceeded to North Carolina, and was assigned, in March, 1806, to the command of a de- tachment of the regiment and the post of Raleigh. He continued on this duty until April, 1867, when he was placed on wait- ing ordei-s. He was assigned, in Septem- ber, to duty at the headquarters of the Department of "Washington, where he served as acting judge-advocate until A23ril, 1868, and thereafter, and until about the end of Sept. as acting assistant inspector-general and discharge officer. He was then ordered to St. Louis for duty with a battalion of the Fifth Cavalry, the companies of which were moving from stations in the Southern States to Kansas for the purpose of participating in a cam- jiaign against the hostile Sioux and Chey- ennes. He joined in the field on the 23d of October, and served with the battalion until the 30th of July, 1869. During this period he commanded an expedition on the western frontier of Kansas in the fall of 1868, and was engaged in the combats of the 18th, 2oth, and l>6th of October on Beaver and Shuter Creeks and on the north branch of Solomon River. He com- manded an expedition to the Canadian River during the winter of 1868-69; and when marching across the country, in May, 1869, from Sheridan, Kan., to Fort Mc- Pherson, Neb., fought and defeated a large force of Cheyennes on Beaver Creek, Kan. He vigorously pursued the enemj' for three days, and again inflicted a severe loss upon them at Spring Creek, Neb. He commanded the expedition to the Re- publican Kiver during June and July, 1869, and by a scries of brilliant operations against the savages opened that country' to settlement. He commanded in the aftair at Rock Creek, Col., and in the brilliant ac- tion at Summit Springs, Col., on the 11th of July, where he signally defeated the band of Dog Soldiers under the celebrated Cheyenne chief Tall Bull, thus securing a lasting peace to the long-distracted fron- tiers of Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado. His conspicuous services during these oper- ations were esteemed of so much value and importance to the country that he received the congratulations of the department commander Brigadier-General Augur, of Lieutenant-General Sheridan, and of Gen- eral Sherman, and the thanks, by joint resolutions, of the Legislatures of Ne- braska and Colorado. He was stationed at Fort ]\[cPher=on, Neb., from the fall of 1869 to the 27th of November, 1871, when he succeeded to the command of the regi- ment and conducted the headqiuirters and six companies to the Department of Ari- zona. He arrived in January, 1872, at Camp McDowell, where the regiment was concentrated and distributed ; had station there until February, 1873, and was em- ployed part of the time on gi^neral court- martial duty at Prescott and San Fran- cisco. He was promoted lieutenant-col- onel of the Fourth Cavalry January 7, 1873, but, without joining that regiment, exchanged with Lieut.-Col. Hatch, to date from April 10, 1873. He changed station, with the headquarters of the regiment, to Camp Lowell in February, 1873, where he served in charge of the construction of that post, until April, 1874, when he was sent to San Diego and Los Angeles as president of a board of officers which was convened to purchase cavalry horses. Upon .the completion of this duty he availed him- self of a sick-leave of absence and visited Europe. He resumed thecommand of the regiment at Fort Hays, Kan., in June, 1875, and except a brief tour of field ser- vice in November, remained at that sta- tion until June, 1876. He was then trans- ferred, with the headquarters and eight companies, to Cheyenne, Wyo., for the purpose of participating in the Sioux cam- paign of that year. He moved from Chey- enne to Fort Laramie and operated in the country north and east of that place, and commanded the District of the Black Hills until he was relieved by Colonel Merritt. He then served with the regiment as sec- ond in command until the organization of the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedi- tion at Goose Creek, Mon., on the 4th of August, when he again succeeded to the command, which he retained until the ex- pedition was disbanded, on the 2-lth of Oc- tober, at Fort Robinson, Neb. He com- manded the regiment in the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak., on the 9th and 10th of September. He was then assigned, with four companies, to Fort McPherson, where he arrived on the 7th of November and had station until the summer of 1879. He was detached, in July, 1877, to Chi- cago, where he commanded a battalion of cavalry during the railway riots. While East, on a 'brief leave of absence, he was assigned to duty as a member of a Retiring Board convened in New York City, where he served until the fall of 1879, when, having been promoted colonel of the Sixth Cavalry, to date from April 29, 1879, he proceeded to Arizona and assumed the command of his regiment at Camp Lowell on the 1st of October, 1879, and was as- SIXTH KEGIxMENT OF CAVALEY 159 signed to the command of field operations in Southeastern Arizona, where ho was Hctivelj^ emphiyod during tlie year 1880 against the hostile Apaches of Southeastern Arizona, Western New Mexico, and old ]\[exico. He has since had stations at Forts Apache and Lowell, and was con- spicuously presented to the favorahle at- tention of the country by a gallant and successful defense against the attempted massacre of his command by the White Mountain Apaches at Cibicu Creek in August, 1881, because of the arrest and subsequent killing of the medicine-man and prophet Nockaydetklinnc, -which para- lyzed the hostile White Mountain In- dians. Lleiitenant-Colonel. Morrow, Albert P. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; sergt. Co. K, 17th Pa. Inf., April 18, '61 ; discharged Aug. 1, '61 ; sergt. Co. C, 1st sergt. Co. I, and sergt. - major 6th Pa. Cav., Sept. 9, '61 ; 2d lieut. 6th Pa. Cav. March 27, '62 ; 1st It. Nov. 20, '62; capt. Feb. 8, '64; major Feb. 10, '65; bvt. col. March 13, '65; It.-col. 6th Pa. Cav. March 29, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65 ;. capt. 7th Cav. July 28, '66, accepted Oct. 26, '66; major 9th Cav. Mar. 6, '67, accepted Apr. 20, '67 ; It.-col. 6th Cav. Dec. 17, '82; A D.C. to Gen. Sher- man '80-83. Majors. Arnold, Abraham K. Born in Penn- sylvania. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 1st of July, 1859, and assigned to the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry as a brevet second lieutenant, and was appointed to the regiment a sec- ond lieutenant June 28, 1860. He served at Carlisle until October, 1860, when he conducted a detachment of recruits from New York by sea to Indianola, whence he marched by the way of San Antonio to Fort Inge, Texas, where he joined on the 2d of December, and was employed during the winter and spring of 1860-61 as adjutant, commissary, and quartermas- ter, and in tield operations against hostile Indians. He commanded his company during the last tour of field service which was performed in Texjis by any part of the regiment, and pursued, in February, 1861, a party of Comanches who had organized a formidable raid upon the settlements be- tween Camp Wood and Fort Inge. He conducted his operations with so much energy and intelligence that he soon forced them to retreat across the Rio Grande. He marched from Fort Inge for the sea-coast March 19, 1861, and upon arrival at Indianola embarked with the second detachment of the resriment on the steamship Empire City just in time to escape capture, and sailed for New York Harbor, and proceeded thence tu Carlisle, where he arrived on the 27tli of April. He was promoted a first lieutenant Ajiril 6, 1861, and was appointed adjutant of the regiment June 1, 1861. He partici- pated in General Patterson's Shenandoah canipaign, and was engaged in the action at Falling Waters and in the skirmishes near Martinsburg and Hunker Hill ; served in the defenses of Washington during the winter of 1861-62; partici- pated in the Manassas and Virginia Pen- insular campaigns, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Wil- liamsburg, and in almost daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance to- wards Eichmond. Ho resigned liis posi- tion as adjutant May 9, 1862, to accept the command of a company, and was en- gaged with the enemy at Hanover Court- House, where, with his squadron, he com- manded the advance and opened the battle. He participated in the reconnoissance to- wards Ashland, aud charged with his squadron through tiie town in conjunction with another squadron of the regiment, and dispersed tlie enemy, captured some prisoners, and destroyed a large quantity of supplies. He was severely wounded in the disastrous charge of the regiment at Gaines' Mill, which disabled him for any service until September, 1862, when lie was appointed a mustering and dis- bursing officer, and served in New York and Boston until September, 1863. He was promoted a captain July 17, 1862, and commanded the regiment almost con- tinuously from October 12, 1863, to July 24, 1864, and was engaged in the combat at Bristoe Station, the operations at Mine Run, in the raid to and action at Char- lottesville, the action at Stannardsville, the skirmish near JMorton's Ford, the bat- tle of Todd's Tavern, the actions at Beaver Dam, Y'ellow Tavern and Meadow Bridge, the skirmish near Meclianicsville, the bat- tles of Cold Harbor and Trevillian Station, and marched to the relief of General Wil- son at Reams' Station when that ofHcer made his raid on the South Side Kailroad. He then availed himself of a leave of ab- sence, and when en route to rejoin the regiment was assigned to the Militar}' Academy as an assistant instructor of cavalrv tactics, and held the position from August 23, 1864, to August 28, 1869, when, having been promoted a major in the Sixth Cavalry, to date from June 22, 1869, he was relieved and ordered to join his regi- ment. During his service at the Military Academy he prepared and published a valuable work entitled "Notes on Horses 160 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. for Cavalry Service." He was made a brevet captain, to date from June 27, 18G2, for callaiit and meritorious services at tlie battle of Gaines' Mill, and a brevet major, to date from May G, 18f)4, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern. He proceeded to Texas, and, after servimsc at Fort J3rown and Waco, joined the headquarters of his regiment at Fort Richardson on the 18th of June, 1870, and thereafter served in that State and Kansas, and was emploj'ed in the usual srarrisoii and field duties until September, 1872, when be was appointed a disbursing officer in the Freednien's Bureau and served at New Orleans, La., until Novem- ber, 1878, when be availed himself of a leave of absence until the spring of 1879. He then rcyoined his regiment, and was placed in command of the field operations in Southeastern Arizona against the bos- tile Apaches who were raiding in New Mexico. He served with an expedition into old Mexico in the neighborhood of Lake Guzmar and co-operated with the forces in New Mexico and with the Mex- ican troops, which resulted in destroying a large band of savages. "When relieved from this command in October, 1879, be was thanked by the department commander for the efficient discharge of bis many and difficult duties. He then served as a post commander until the winter of 1880-81, ■when be was appointed acting assistant inspector-general of the Department of Arizona, and continued in the discharge of the duties of that office until the sum- mer of 1882, when be was relieved at his own request and served with his regiment until December, when he was again ap- pointed an acting assistant inspector-gen- eral and assigned to the important duty of inspecting the military posts within the Department of Arizona. Biddle, James. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from New York ; first lieu- tenant 10 N. Y. Vol. May 2, 1861 ; mus- tered out August 31, 1861 ; captain 15 In- fantry August 5, 1861 ; brevet major Sep- tember 1, 1862, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the battle of Richmond, Ky. ; colonel 6th Indiana Cavalry Nov. J.1, 1862; brevet lieutenant-colonel De- cember 16, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet brigadier-general volun- teers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mustered out of volunteer service June 27, 1865; transferred to 24th Infantry September 21, 1866; transferred to lltii Infantry April 25, 1869; transferred to 1st Cavalry January 1, 1871; major 6th Cavalry February 2*1, 1873. Perry, David. Born in Connecticut. Appointed from New Jersev ; second lieu- tenant 1st U. S. Cavalry "^March, 1862; first lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry July, 1862 ; captain 1st U. S. Cavalry Novem- ber, 1864 ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gal- lanti'y in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Owyhee River, Idaho Territory ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Mal- heur River, Oregon. Capfains. Whitside, Samuel M. Born in Canada. Appointed from the army ; enlisted as a private general mounted service Novem- ber 10, 1858; transferred to 6th Cavalry July 27, 1861; sergeant-major August, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 6th Cavalry October, 1861 ; acting aide-de-camp to General McClellan, and engaged in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac while said army was under bis command ; acting aide-de-camp to General Banks, and en- gaged in the operations before Fort Hud- son ; acting assistant quartermaster of command ; aide-de-camp to General Mar- tindale, commanding District of Washing- ton ; 1st lieutenant 6tb Cavalry January 25, 1864; aide-de-camp to General Pleas- onton, Army of the Potomac ; severely in- jured at Culpepper Court-House, Va. ; mustering and disbursing oflScer, State of Rhode Island, Providence, April, 1864, to February, 1865; chief commissary of musters Army of the Shenandoah, muster- ing out of service 30,000 men ; cajitain 6th Cavalry October 20, 1866 ; brevet captain and major for faithful and meritorious services; with regiment in Texas from November, 1865, to January, 1871 ; on recruiting service at Philadelphia, Pa., January, 1871, to January, 1873 ; with regiment in Arizona from December, 1875, to Jul}', 1882; on general recruiting ser- vice since July, 1882, at Washington, D. C. Madden, Daniel. Born in England. Appointed from the army; enlisted as a private Company E, 2d Dragoons, Decem- ber 9, 18-50; transferred to Company H, 1st Dragoons, August 22, 1854 ; at Car- lisle Barracks, Penna., to March 6, 1851 ; in New Mexico to December, 1855, en- gaged in expeditions against the Navajo, Apache, and White Mountain Apache Indians; discharged December 9, 1855; re-enlisted in Company B, 2d Dragoons, May 1, 1856; corporal January 1, 1857; sergeant June 15, 1857 ; 1 sergeant April SIXTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. IGl 1, 1850; in Kansas to September, 1857; in tlie IJtali exiiedition and in Utah to May, 18G1; discbariced us 1st sergeant April 28, 18G1 ; re-enlisted in fith Cavalry August 14, 1861 ; commissary sergeant G Cavalry August 14, 18G1 ; 2'lieutenant 6 Cavalry November 1, 1861 ; engaged at tbe battle of Williamsburg, action of Sla- tersville, New Kent Court-House, New Bridge, Mecbanicsville, battle of Hanover Court-House, Seven Days' fight (acting aide-de-camp to General McClellan), ac- tion of Falls Cliurch, Charlestown, Hills- boro', Philomont, Uniontown, Upperville, Barber's Cross-Roads, Amisville, Sulphur Springs, and Beverly Ford (wounded) ; mustering and disbursing officer, Boston, Mass., September, 1863, to May, 1864; 1 lieutenant 6 Cavalry May 4, 1864 ; joined regiment and engaged at the battle of Trevillian Station, action of Darby's ilills, battle of Deep Bottom ; assistant provost-marshal Army of the Shenan- doah November, 18G4, to February, 1865; on duty with Major-General Casey, Wash- ington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., March to April, 1865 ; brevet 1st lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; brevet cap- tain for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee; captain 6 Cavalry May 10, 1867; in Texas from November, 1865, to April, 1871 ; stationed at Austin, Weatherford, Buffalo Springs, Fort Grif- fin, and Fort Richardson ; in Kiinsas from May, 1871, to Se|)tember, 1875; stationed at Fort Harker, Fort Riley, Fort Hays, cantoninent North Fork Red River and Fort Supply, I. T. ; in Ari- zona from November, 1875, to date ; sta- tioned at Fort Grant, Camp J. A. Rucker, Fort Bowie, Fort Thomas, and at Fort Hauchuca ; on recruiting service New York City from October, 1880, to Octo- ber, 1881; rejoined regiment in Arizona November, 1881. Tupper, Tullius C. Born in Ohio. Appointed from the army; private and 1st sergeant Company E, and sergeant-major 6th Cavalry from July 19, 1861, to Sep- tember 22, 1862 ; 2 lieutenant 6 Cavalry July 17, 1862; accepted September 22, 1862; adjutant 6th Cavalry 25 October, 1863, to il November, 1864; 1 lieutenant 6th Cavalry Sf-ptember 28, 1864; captain 6th Cavalry September 17, 1867; brevet 1st lieutenant July 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Get- tysbu7'g ; brevet captain and major March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war ; participated in the following battles and affairs during the war of the Rebellion, viz. : 1862, Williiims- burg, Hanover Coui-t-llouse, Va., Sugar Loaf Mountain, Antietam, Md., Aldie, Philomont, U{)[ierville, Barber's Cross- Roads, White Sulphur Springs, and Fred- ericksburg, Va. ; 18G3, Stoneman's Cav- alry raid May 1 to , Beverly Ford and Brandy Station, Va. ; Upperville June 21 ; Gettysburg, Williamsport, Md.; July 6th ; Funkstown, Culpepper, Catlett's Station, Mine Run, Va. ; 1864, Wilderness May 5 to 7th, Todd's Tavern, Sheridan's cavalry raid 9th to 13 May, Yellow Tavern May 11th, Meadow Bridge May 12, Havves' Shop, Trevillian Station, Deep Bottom, Opequan Creek, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Raid to Gordonville December 8th to 28th ; Indian engagements, Little Wi- chita River, Texas, 1870; Cimarron River, Ind.Ter., April6, 1874; Red River, Texas, August 31, 1874; San Francisco River, N. M., Sept. 1877; Hatchet Mountains, Mexico, April 28, 1882 ; on recruiting ser- vice from Januai'y to September, 1865; with regiment in 'Texas from November, 1865, to December, 1867; with comjiany in New Orleans from Jany. 1868, to April, 1869; with regiment in Texas from April, 1869, to March, 1871 ; in Kansas from April, 1871, to August, 1875; in Arizona from October, 1875, to . Chaffee, Adna R. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from army ; private Co. K, 6th Cavalry, July 22, 1861 ; sergeant October 1, 1861 ; first sergeant September 26, 1862; engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, action of Slatersville, battles of Mecban- icsville, Hanover Court-House, actions of Sugar-Loaf Mountain, Philomont, Union- town, Upperville, Barber's Cross-Roads, battle of Fredericksburg, and General Stoneman's raid of April, 1863 ; second lieutenant 6th Cavalry March 13, 1868; engaged at the actions of Fairfield (se- verely wounded), battle i)f Brandy Sta- tion (wounded), and action of Todd's Tavern; in General Sheridan's raid, and engaged at the actions of Yellow Tavern, Salem Church, battles of Trevillian Sta- tion, Deep Bottom, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek ; regimental adju- tant November 11, 1864, to December 12, 1866 ; regimental quarterma.ster December 12, 1866, to October 12, 1867 ; first lieuten- ant 6th Cavalry February 22, 1865 ; en- gaged at the battles of Dinwiddie Court- House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of Ap'pomattox Court-House ; brevet first lieutenant July 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg ; brevet captain March 31, 1865, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Dinwiddie Court-House ; captain 6th Cavalry October 162 KECORDS OF LIYII^G OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 12, 18G7 ; brevet major March 7, 1868, for gallant and efficient services in an entrajie- ment with Comanche Indians, on Paint Creek, Texas; engaged in the "Miles" campaign against Cheyenne Indians, In- dian Territory, Aug. ''74, to Feby. '75; recommended for brevet of lieut.-colonel U.S.A. " for distinguished services in suc- cessfully leading a cavalry charge over rough and precipitous bluffs, held by hos- tile" Indians, in the battle of Red River, August 30, 1874, and for diligent and faithful services during the campaign" ; in charge of San Carlos Indian reservation July, 1879, to May 31, 1880; took part in the campaigns against White Mountain Indians tte|itember to November, 1881 ; commended in department orders for part taken in engagement with renegade White Mountain Indians on " Big Dry Wash," Arizona, July 17, 1882; in command of his troop, I, 6th Cavalry, and with Gen- eral Crook in his campaign into the Sierra Madrt^ Mountains, Sonora, Mexico, 1883; Fort McDowell, A. T., July, 1883. Rafferty, William A. Born in New Jerse}^ Appointed from N. J. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1865; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 23, '65; 1st It. May 1, '66; capt. May 14, '68. Foulk, W. S. Born near Carlisle, Penn- sylvania, Sept. 13, 1827. Entered the military service of the U. S. Govt. April 20, 18G1, at breaking out of the rebellion, a 2d lieut. of a company recruited in that city; company immediately attached to the 7th Pa. Infy. for the " three months' service," K Co. of that regt. ; served as commissary and quartermaster of the regt. ; promoted and mustered 1st It. same regt. ; participated in all the marches and with the regt. under command of Gen'l Patterson, of Phila. ; hon. must, out with the regt. Aug. 1861 ; Aug. 9, '61, recruited a company in Pittsburg, over the full quota; proceeded with it to Harrisburg, Pa., and there attached to the 46th Penn- sj'lvania Vol. Infantry ; mustered in for three years, or during the war, captain of B Co., to date Aug. 26, 1861 ; marched in same year iVom Harrisburg, Pa., to Kalo- rama Heights, D. C. ; to Darnstown, Md. ; to Edward's Ferrv ; to Muddy Branch, Md. ; to Frederick City, Md. ; to Wil- liamsport, . Md. ; to Hancock, Md. ; to Williamsport, Md.; to Martinsbnrg, Va. ; to Bunker Hill, Ya. ; to Winchester, Ya. ; to Shenandoah River; Winchester, Ya. ; Strasburg, Ya. ; Harrisonburg, Ya. ; to New jMarket, Ya. ; to Luray Yalley ; to New Market ; to Tom's Brook, Ya. ; thence ■ufffl Winchester, on Banks' retreat, to the Potomac; to Winchester, Ya. ; to Wil- liamsport, Md. ; to Front Royal ; to War- renton ; to Culpepper, Ya. ; to ]\[adison Court-House; to Little Washington ; to Culpepper; participated in all the many and fatiguing marches, skirmishes, bat- tles, etc., of the company and regt. ; thence to the battle of Cedar Mountain, fought August 9, 1862 ; terribly wounded while at head of his Co. in that battle, — shot through the foot ; taken prisoner and con- veyed to rebel field hospital ; thence to Staunton, Ya., rebel prison ; thence to Libby Prison, Richmond ; thence to Aiken's Landing, and sent to Washing- ton on parole ; prisoner in Staunton and Libby for eleven weeks; June 9, 1863, promoted and commissioned lieut. -col. of the regt. ; joined at Stafford Court-House ; marched to Acquia Landing, to Lees- burg, to Edward's Ferry, to Frederick City, Md., to Littlestown, to Gettysburg, and participated in the battle there; pur- suit of Lee's retreating army from Gettys- burg to the Potomac, to Falling Waters, to the Rappahannock River, to the Rapi- dan, to Brandy Station ; thence by rail- road South, under Hooker, to Louisville, Ky., Nashville and Dechard, Tennessee; returned with the regt. to Pa. on veteran furlough ; superintended the recruiting at Pittsburg, Pa., several months; com- manding the post of Erie, Pa. ; took bat- tery of artillery and small-arms from Pittsburg to Erie, Pa., when latter city and Canadian frontier were threatened; recruited there, on short notice, two full companies of men composed of the leading citizens for protection of that city ; the prominent and leading citizens of that city, gratified with his conduct and the effi- ciency of himself and command, tendered them hospitalities ; from Erie to Nash- ville, Tennessee, 1864; there, under com- mand of Gen'l G. H. Thomas, received and forwarded for several ni07iths and more from five to seven thousand men daily; was in command of all the Ex- change Barracks there; one of the com- mittee appointed by Gen'l Thomas, in gen'l orders, to adopt badge Army of the Cumberland ; honorably mustered out at the close of the war lieut. -col. July 29, 1865; went direct to Philadelphia, Pa., and there entered into large coal operation with leading citizens of that pliice ; May 11, 1866, in Philadelphia, rec'd commis- sion 2d lieut. 18th Infantry U.S.A. ; ac- cepted 18lh August, 1866; ordered and went to Newport Barracks, Ky. ; thence to Old Ft. Kearney, Neb. ; left in com- mand of it by Gen'l Gibbon for many months; was commissary, quartermaster, post treasurer, etc. ; transferred to the 31st Infantry 21st Sept., 1866; 1st lieut. March 1, 1867 ; joined company same year SIXTH REGIMENT OP CAVALEY. 163 at Cnmp Douglas, Great Salt Lake Citj', Utah; unassigncd 19th May, 18f')9; at- tached to 1st Infantry same j'car at Fort Porter, BulUilo, N. Y. ; was commissary, quartermaster, post treasurer, and post adjt. there ; 15th Doc., 1870, was assigned to 10th Cav'y, and joined it same year in the Indian Territory ; promoted captain 3d March, 1873 ; served in the Indian Terri- tory and Texas until Jan'y, 1874; out of service from Jan'y, 1874, to 14th June, 1878; commissioned captain of cavalry; assigned to the Gth Cav. 10th Aug., 1878, ¥ Troop; joined regt. at Camp Thomas, A. T., Dec. 1878 ; served with troop until Jan'y, '80, at Thomas and Ft. Grant; on leave until Nov. 1881 ; joined troop at Ft. Grant, A. T., Nov. '81 ; served with troop (and several months in command of post) until Sept. '82; was sent to Fort Yuma, Cal., at his own request, for benefit of his health (up to March 5, 1883). Kramer, Adam. Born in Germany. Appointed fiom Pennsylvania; enlisted as a private in Company " F," 2d Dra- goons, ]May 16, 1857; served in Kansas to the summer of 1857; in Utah and Ne- braska to 1861 ; with the Army of the Potomac to June, 1862; discharged May 16, 1862; private Compan}' "I," 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 25, 1862; sergeant October 30, 1862 ; 1st sergeant November 1, 1862; 1st lieutenant March 1, 1863; captain May 8, 1863; with regi- ment to the close of the liehdlion, and engaged in the following battles and en- guicements, viz., siege of York town, bat- ties of Antietam, Md., Murfreesboro', Tenn., and Chickamauga, Ga.; mustered out June 21, 1865; 2d lieutenant 2d U.S. Colored Cavalry December 7, 1865 ; mus- tered out February 12, 1866; 2d lieuten- ant 6th Cavalry April 27, 1866; 1st lieu- tenant December 12, 1866; commanding company, acting assi>tant quartermaster, and assi.~tant commissary of subsistence, and recruiting officer tor the post of Fort GrifKn, Texas, from to ; captain August 1, 1874; on leave of ab- sence Se|)lember, 1870, to the spring of 1871 ; returned and rejoined regiment in the Department of JNlissouri ; on detached service with company in the Department of the Gulf from January, 1872, to De- cember, 1872; on recruiting service from January 1, 1873, to August 10, 1874; with regiment in Indian Territory until summer of 1875; at Fort Verde, A. T., to June, 1877; at Fort Apache to October, 1882 ; and engaged in tlie following affairs ■with hostile Indians: Ash Creek, A. T., May 7, 1880; Chevalono Fork, A. T., July 17, 1882; at Fort Lowell, A. T., since October, 1882. Wallace, William M. Born in "Wis- consin. Appointed from New York ; second lieutenant 8th U.S. Infantry Octo- ber, 1866 ; with company at Georgetown, S. C., to January, 1868 ; first lieutenant 8th U.S. Infantry September, 1867; at Wilmington, N. C., Darlington and Co- lumbia, S. C; on duty with chief signal officer, U.S. Army, Washington, D. C, September, 1868, to April, 1869 ; at Fort Johnson, N.C., to Mav,1869; unassigned May, 1869, to I)ecem"ber, 187('; assigned to 6ih U.S. Cavalry December, 1870. Abbott, Lemuel A. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont; enlisted as a private 10th Vermont Infantry July 28, 1862 ; 1st sergeant 10th Vermont Infantry September 1, 1862 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C, to June, 1863; 2d lieutenant March 20, 1863, and engaged in the pursuit of the enemy to Warring- ton, Rapidan campaign, battles of Rapidan Station, Kelly's Ford, action of Brandy Station, operations at IMine Eun, arid action of Locust Grove ; with 6th Corps Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness (slightly wounded), Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, and the siege of and battles around Petersburg, Va. ; 1 lieutenant 10th Vermont Infantry July 31, 1864; engaged in the defenses of Maryland against the rebel raid under General Early ; battle of Monocacy (severelj' wounded), Shenandoah cam- paign, action of Snicker's Gap, Charles- town, and battle of Opequnn Creek (twice severely wounded) ; captain 10th Vermont Infantry December, 1864; in the Rich- mond campaign. Army of the Potomac, December, 1864. to April, 1865 ; engaged in the siege of Petersburg, csipture of tho intrenched picket line of the enemy, as- sault which terminated the siege, pursuit of the rebel army, battle of Sailor's Creek and capitulation of the rebel army at Ap- pomattox Court-House, Va. ; on the march to North Carolina to operate against the rebel army under General Johnston, and return to Washington, D. C. ; mustered out June 26, 1865"; 1st lieutenant 97th U. S. Volunteer Infantry November 6, 1865 ; at Mobile, Alabama, to 3Iarch, 1866; regimental adjutant December, 1865, mustered out April 6, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 6th Cavalry July 2, 1867 ; at New Orleans, La., to Februarj', 1868; seriously ill with yellow fever at New Orleans, La., in Sep- tember, 1867 ; at Fort Richardson, Texas, April to September, 1868; scouting on the Wachita River for Comanche Indians Juno, 1868 ; on civil service in Texas pro- tecting loyal citizens and arresting des- peradoes September to December, 1868; 164 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. services officially acknowledged by the commanding general 5th Military District for the arrest of fmr noted desperadoes, at * Jefferson, Texas, from March to June, 1869; Shreve]iort, La., to December, 18(>9, and from January to February, 1870 ; 1st lieutenant September 10, 1869; regimental quartermaster November 25, 1809, to May 17, 1873; at Fort Richardson, Texas, April to Decem])er, 1870, and from January to March, 1871 ; with regiment on the march to Fort Hays, Kansas, March to May, 1871 ; at Fort Riley, Kan., to December, 1871, and from January to May, 1872; in the field to October, 1872 ; in camp near Fort Hays, Kansas, from October, 1872, to November, 1872; on leave of absence from November, 1872, to May, 1873; at Fort Hays, Kansas, from June, 1873, to July, 1874, doing troop duty and scouting after hostile Indians; on duty as acting assist- ant quartermaster of the Miles Indian Territory expedition from August, 1874, to January, 1875, and of cantonment on the Sweetwater, Texas, from February to July, 1875; acting engineer officer with regiment oi roxte to Arizona from August to October, 1875; on duty as acting assist- ant quartermaster, assistant commissary of subsistence, and post adjutant, scouting, etc., Fort Grant, A. T., from October, 1875, to May, 1877; on duty as inspector of Indian supplies at San Carlos Indian reservation, A. T., from June, 1877, to June, 1878; commanding Camp Thomas and inspector of Indian supplies at San' Carlos, A. T., from July to December, 1878; on leave of absence from December, 1878, to December, 1879; at Camp Thomas, A. T., from January to June, 1880, doing troop dihy, scouting, etc. ; captain" Cth Cavalry June 3, 1880 ; at Fort Verde, A. T., from July, 1880, to March, 1881 ; commanding troop K, Gth Cavalry, scout- ing, etc. ; on sick-leave of absence from April, 1881, to April, 1882; at Fort Apache, A. T., and in the field scouting after hostile A})ache Indians, etc., from May to Novemlier, 1882; engaged in bat- tle with A\"hife Mountain Apache Indians at Chevalous Fork of the Little Colorado River, A. T., July 17, 1882; at Fort Lowell, A. T., from November, 1882, to August, 1883. Kendall, Henry M. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Ind. ; corpl. and pvt. 5 Bat. Ind. I. Art. Sep. 23, '01, to Jan. 5, 'C3 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. July 17, '67, accepted Aug. 29, '67; 1 It. Sept. 11, '69; capt. Feb. Id, '81. Gordon, Charles G. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from California; corporal company B, 2d California Cav- alry, September 14, 18.61 ; private Septem- ber 30, 18G2 ; di>charged April 2.j, 1864 ; 2d lieutenant 6ih Cavalry Septenib'-r 2H, 1867; 1st lieutenant February 21, 1870; regimental quartermaster April 4, 1874, to September 3, 1878 ; captain Gth Cavalry August 30, 1881. Overton, Gilbert Edmond. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 2 lieutenant 4th New York Cavalry Sep- tember 26, 1861 ; engaged in the Shenan- doah Valley until mustered out April 30, 1862; 1 lieutenant and adjutant 12th New York Cavalry October 25, 1862 ; mustered out March 2, 1863 ; reappointed to same position September 21, 1863 ; en- gaged at the actions of Newbern, Kins- ton, and Wise's Forks, N. C. ; mustered out Julv 19, 1865; 2 lieutenant 6th Cav- alry October 2, 1867 ; 1 lieutenant May 22, 1872; regimental adjutant April 5, 1873, to April 3, 1874. First Lieutenants. Perrine, Henry P. Born in N. J. Ap- pointed from N. J.; graduate of !M. A., class of 1869; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 15, '69; 1 It. June 20, '72. Kerr, John B. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Kv. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 15, '70; 1 It. Aug. 1, '74; adjt. Sept. 30, '76. Anderson, George S. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from New Jersey; graduated from Military Academy June 12, 1871 ; 2d lieutenant 6th Cavalry June 12, 1871; 1st lieutenant September 20, 1874. Stanton, William. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from Mich. ; pvt., Corp., and sgt. Co. G, 43 Ohio Inf., Sept. 3, '62, to Mar. 11, '63; 2 It. 2 Art. Sept. 3, '67; ace. Sept. 9, '67 ; 1 It. Nov. 16, '74 ; trans, to 6 Cav. Feb. 6, '77. Kingsbury, H. P. Born in N. C. Apptd. friim N. C. ; graduate of ]\r. A., cla-^s of '71 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. 12 June, '71 ; 1 It. 27 Jan. '75. West, Frank. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of '72; 2 It. 6 Cav. 14 June, '72; 1 It. 11 July, '78. Hanna, Robert. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ind.; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 14, '72 ; 1 It. July 11, '78. Carter, William H. Born in Tennes- see. Appointed from at large ; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1873; 2d lieutenant 8th Infantry Jiine 13, 1873 ; transferred to 6th Cavalrv November 28, 1874; 1st lieutenant April 14, 1879, and regimental quartermaster since that date. Craig, Louis A. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri ; graduated SEVENTH REGIMENT OF CAVALKT. 165 from Militnry Academy June, 1874; 2d rR'Utenunt 9th Infantry Juno 17, 1874; transferred to 6th Cavalry May 25, 1875; 1st lieutenant November 30, 1879. Toney, Timothy A. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2 It. G Cav. June 10, '75; 1st It. June 3, '80. Baird, Wm. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Appointed cadet at Mil'y Acad'y from "at large" Sept. 1870; graduated and commissioned 2nd lieut. (ith Cav'y June Kith, 1875 ; assigned to Troop " A" ; joined troop and served at Ft. Apache, Ariz., Nov. 1875; present with troop and regiment at movement of Chiricahua tribe from Southern Arizona and Old Mexico to San Carlos, Ariz. ; also in at- tack on Ft. Apache by renegade Apaches 1876 ; escorting funds to Tucson, A. T., June, 1877, and rejoined and served with troop at Ft. Verde, A. T. ; transferred to • Troop " K" March, 1878, and joined and served at Whijiple Bks., A. T., till July, 1878, when returned to Ft. Verde in com- mand of Troop; commanded Co. " B," Indian Scouts, from July 6th, at Fort Verde, A. T., and scouting operations in Tonto Basin; relieved Dec. 1878; on sick-leave till August, 1879; conducted recruits from Jefl'erson Bks., Mo., to Ariz. August, 1879; served with troop at Ft. Verde 1879; and along road from Prescott to Ehrenberg, A. T., command- ing escorts and guards over U.S. mail ; A.A.G. and Chief Q.M. in the field, Dist. of the Colorado, during campaign against Chimchuivis Indians April and May, 1880 ; president of board for purchase of pack-mules July, 1880, serving in Ari- zona and CalitVirnia. Scott, Geo. L. Born in Oreg. Apptd. from Oreg. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2 It. eY'av. June 16, '75; 1st It. May 29, '81. Dravo, Edward E. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated from Jlilitary Academy June, 187G ; 2 lieutenant 6 Cavalrv June 15, 1876; 1 lieutenant August " 30, 1881; actg. regtl. adjt. from Oct. 27, '82, to May 31, '83 ; regtl. adjt. from June 1, '83. Cheever, Benjamin H., Jr. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia; 2 lieutenant 6th Cavalrv 15 August, 1870; 1 lieutenant 30 December, 1881. Second Lieutenants. Blocksom, Augustus P. Born in Ohio. Appointed fivmi Ohio ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 15, 1877. Gatewood, Chas. B. Born in Va. 12 Appointed from Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. '77. Bailey, Albert L. Born in Texas. Ap- pointed from Texas ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 14, '78; trs. to 6 Cav. Aug. 9, '78. Glass, John N. Born in Tenn. Ap- pointed from Tenn.; graduate of M. A. class of 1878; add. 2 ft. 10 Cav. June 14, '78 ; 2 It. June 25, '78 ; trs. to 6 Cav. Aug. 9, '78. Wilcox, E. Farnsworth. Born in Mich. Apjiointed from Cal. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; add. 2^^^,. 12 Inf. June 14, '78; 2 It. June 28, '78; trs. to 6 Cav. Feb. 13, 1882. Cruse, Thomas. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky ; graduated from Military Academy June 13, 1879; 2 lieutenant 6lh Cavalry June 13, 1879; served in New Mexico and Arizona, and engaged in action in the lollowing affairs with hostile Apaches, viz.: Memtrillo Caiion, N.M., April 6, 1880; Mescalero Agency, April 16, T880 ; Cibicu Creek, Arizona, August 80, 1881 ; attack on Fort Apache, A.T., September 1, 1881 ; Cheva- lous Fork, A.T., July 17, 1882; com- manded Company A, Indian Scouts, when they turned traitors at Cibicu; at Fort Lowell, A.T. Blake, John Y. F. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Ark.; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 12, '80. Sands, George H. Born in D.C. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 12, '80. Hodgson, Frederick G. Born in Ga. Appointed from Georgia; graduated from Military Academy June, 1881 ; 2 lieuten- ant 6 Cavalry June 11, 1881. Stotsenburg, John M. Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. June 11, 1881. Forsyth, William W. Born in Ga. Appointed from Georgia; graduated from ^Military Academy June, 1882 ; 2 lieuten- ant 6th Cavalry 13 June, 1882. West, Barrington K. Born in Ky. Appointed from Kv. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. "6 Cav. June 13, '82. SEVENTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Colonel. Sturgis, Samuel D. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduated from Mili- tary Academy July 1, 1846; brevet 2d lieutenant 2d Dragoons July 1, 1846 ; sec- ond lieutenant 1st Dragoons Februarj' 16, 1847; served in the war with Mexico; 166 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMT. regimental quartermaster April 1, 1851, to March 1, 1852; served in the frontier 1851-54; first lieutenant July 15, 1853; engaged in the action against the Apaches April, 1854; captain 1st Cavalry March 3, 1855; served on the frontier 1855-61; engaged daring these periods in the actions against the Apaches, Kiowas, and Co- manches ; major 1st Cavalrj^ (4th Cav- alry) May 8, 18G1 ; served in Missouri ; in command of the Reserve Army Corps and the defenses of Washington ; North- ern Virginia campaign ; Maryland cam- paign ; Rappahannock campaign ; opera- tions in Central Kentucky ; chief of cav- alry. Department of Ohio; operations in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Missis- sippi ; brevet lieutenant-coU)nel August 10, 18G1, for gallant and meritorious (ser- vices in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo.; brigadier-general volunteers August 10, 1861 ; brevet colonel August 29, 1862. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of second Bull Run, Va.; lieuten- ant-colonel 6th Cavalry Oct. 27, 1863 ; brevet brigadier-general March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of South Mountain, Md.; brevet major-general March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered out of volunteer service August 24, 1865; col- onel 7th Cavalry May' 6, 1869. Lieutenant-Colonel. Evans, Andrew W. Born in Md. Appointed from Md. ; graduate M. A., class of 1852 ; brevet 2d lieutenant 7th In- fantry July 1, 1852 ; second lieutenant March 3, 1855; first lieutenant September 20, 1856 ; captain 6th Cav. May 14, 1861 ; served at Newport Barracks, on frontier duty and coast survey, 1852-61 ; served in the war of the Rebellion; served in New Mexico 1861-63; Army of the Po- tomac 1863-65; brevet major Feb. 21, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Valverde, N. M. ; colonel 1st Maryland Cavalry April 15, 1864 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the cavalry action at Appomattox C. H. ; mustered out of volunteer service August 8, 1865; major 8d Cavalry May 10, 1867 ; brevet colonel Dec. 25, 1868, for gallant and meritorious services resulting in the capture and destruction of a Comanche Indian village at the western base of the Wichita Mountains December 25, 1868 ; lieut.-col. 7th U.S. Cav. April 2, 1883. Majors. TUford, Joseph G. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky.,- graduated from M. A. July 1, 1851 ; brevet second lieutenant Mounted Rifles July 1, 1851 ; second lieu- tenant Jan. 27, 1853 ; first lieutenant June 15, 1858; cajitain Mounted Rifles (3d Cav.) July 31, 1861 ; served at Cav. School and on frontier duty 1851-62; en- gaged in actions in New Mexico, Ten- nessee, and Chattanooga campaigns ; bre- vet major Feb. 21, 1862, fur gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Val- verde, N. M.; brevet lieutenant-colonel March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritor- ious services during the war ; major 7th Cav. Nov. 14, 1867. Merrill, Lewis. Born in Pennsylvania. Cadet U.S. iSIil. Acad. May, 1851, to July, 1855,- when graduated and appointed bvt. 2d It. 1st Dragoons July 1st, 1855; served in garrison at Jetferson Bks., Mo., '55; frontier duty Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas, '55; second lieut. 2d Dra- goons Doc. 13th, '55; served in garrison Carlisle Barracks '.jG ; in quelling Kansas disturbances '56-57-58 ; on Utah expedi- tion '58; Fort Kearney, Nebraska, '58; sick-leave of absence '68-59 ; Kiowa and Comanche camfiaign '60; frontier ser- vice Fort Larned, Fort Riley, and Fort Scott, Kansas, '60-61 ; first lieut. 2d Dra- goons April 24th, '61 ; frontier duty Fort Leavenw(;rth, Kansas, '61 ; mustering in and organizing volunteer troops, Omaha, Nebraska, Council Bluff's, Iowa, and St. Louis, Missouri, May, '61, to July, '61 ; colonel and chief of cavalry staff of Major- General Fremont August, '61 ; organized and appointed colonel regt. " Merrill's Horse," Missouri Vol. Cav., August 23d, '61 ; captain 2d Cavalry (2d Dragoons) Oct. 1st, '61 ; commanding 1st Brigade, 5th Division, Army of Southwest, to De- cember, '61 ; in the field operating again>t guerrillas. Western and Northern Missouri, to May, '62; commanding Military Dis- trict of St. Louis to August, '62 ; brigadier- general Missouri State troops and com- manding District of North Missouri to May, '63; commanding Cavalry Division, Department of Missouri, to July, '63; com- manding 1st Brigade, Cavalr}' Division, Army of Arkansas, to Jany. '64 ; mean- time engaged in action near Little Rock Sept. 9, '63, and battle and capture of Little Rock Sept. 10, '63. and commanding pursuit of retreat of rebel army and sev- eral engagements, capturing over four hundred prisoners, to Oct. '63; brevet major Sept. 10, '62, for "gallant and mer- itorious service against rebel forces in North Missouri; brevet It. -colonel Sept. 10, '63, for gallant and meritorious service in battle of Little Rock; commanding outposts on north of Little Rock Oct. to Dec. '63; commanding West Division SEVENTH REGIMENT OP CAVALRY. 167 Cavalry Bureau Feb. 'G4, to Oct. 'G4, during vvhicli organized and coiiiiiianded 1st I'rovisional Brigade of Cavalry, Dc- purtmentof Missouri, in t'ampaign against Price's invasion of Missouri ; in action at Franklin, Mo.; transferred to Army of Cumberland January, '65; commanding troops at bciidquarters Army of the Cum- berland on march from P^astport, Tcnn., to Cluittanooga, Tenn., and Cavalry Bri- gade in operations against rebel forces in Northwest Georgia and North Alabama, and escorting supplies to Atlanta, Ga., to July, '65; brevet colonel March 5, '6o, for "gallant and meritorious service against rebel forces under command of rebel Gen. Wofford, and which terminated in his sur- render" ; brevet brigadier-general March 13th, '65, for "gallant and meritorious service during the war"; court-martial duty at Nashville, Tenn., July to Dec. '65; mustered out of volunteer service Dec. 44th, '65; commanding squadron 2d Cavalry Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Feb. to Sept. '66; acting inspector-general De- partment of the Platte Sept. '66, to Sep- tember, '68, and judge-advocate Depart- ment of the Platte to March, '69; major 7th Cavalry Nov. 27th, '68; frontier duty in field April to June, '69, near Fort Hays, Kansas; judge-advocate courts-martial Fort Harker and Santa Fe, New Mexico, to November, '70; Fort Leavenworth to Juh', '70; commanding artillery battal- ion, acting as cavalry, in the field, Kan- sas frontier, to November, '70; command- ing troops in Southeastern Kansas to March, '71 ; commanding troops in North- west South Carolina to June, '73; en- gaged in suppression of Ku-Klux con- spiracy ; received by letter thanks of War Department and of Gen. Terry, command- ing Department of the South, for "great work and al>ilit_y" in mastering and break- ing up Ku-Khix conspiracy; received thanks of Legislature of South Carolina for "conspicuous ability" in same; sick- leave of absence to Aug. '74 ; frontier duty Ft. Rice, Dak., Aug. -Sept. '74; command- ing two battalions 7tli Cav. en route to and at New Orleans Oct. '74; at Shreveport, La., commanding District of Red River, to Feb. '76 ; chief of military staff of President of Centennial Exhibition, Phil- adelphia, Penna., March to Nov. '76; frontier duty Fort Lincoln, Dakota, to May, '77 ; commanding battalion 7tb Cav. in Yellowstone expedition and Nez Perce campaign to November, '77, during which engaged in action against Nez Perccs at Canon Creek, Montana, Sept. 14th, '77; Fort Lincoln, D. T., to July, '78; in the field at Bear Butte, Dak., and in cam- paign against Cheyenne Indians to Nov. '78; commanding battalion 7th Cavalry Standing Rock (now Ft. Yates) to May, '80; commanding troojis in the field pro- tecting construction of Northern Pacific Railroad to Dec. '80; member of Whitta- ker court-martial, New York, N. Y., to May, '81 ; commanding troops in the field protecting construction of Northern Pa- cific Railroad to Dec. '81 ; duty in St. Paul, Minn., to June, '82; commanding troops in the field protecting construction of Northern Pacific Railroad to Dec. '82; leave of absence to March, '83; Ft. Yates to April, '83; degree of A.M. conferred by university at Lewisburg, Penna. ; member of Military Order of Loyal Le- gion ; honorary- member of Society of Actuaries. Ball, Edward. Born in Pennsylvania. Ap]H)inted from the army; enlisted as a private in Company H, 4th Infantry, No- vember 25, 1844; transferred to Company E June 2, 1846; discharged November 25, 1849; private Co. H, 1st Dragoons, ]May 7, 1850; corporal January 1, 1851; 1st sergeant June 1, 1851; discharged May 7, 1855; private Co. H, 1st Dra- goons, March 7, 1856; corporal Aug. 1, 1856 ; 1st sergeant August 13, 1856 ; pri- vate July 16, 1857; corporal March 27, 1858; 1st sergeant May 5, 1858; dis- charged Januarj"^ 7, 1861 ; 1st sergeant Companv H, 1st Dragoons, January 7, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 12th Infantrv, May 14, 1861 ; transferred to 2d Cavalry Sep- tember 20,1861; 1st lieutenant April 5, 1862 ; regimental quartermaster Septem- ber 24, 1862, to July 25, 1865; captain Julv 25, 1865; major 7th Cavalry April 1, 1880. Captains. Tourtelotte, John E. Born in Connecti- cut. Appointed from Minnesota; cap- tain 4th Minnesota Volunteers December, 1861 ; lieutenant-colonel 4th Minnesota Volunteers August, 1862; engaged at the battles of luka, Corinth, and siege of Corinth, Miss. ; commanding regiment and engaged at the battles of Raymond, cap- ture of Jackson, battles of Champion Hill, ]Missionary Ridge, and assault and siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; commanding brigade and engaged at the defense of Allatoona, Ga. (wounded); colonel 4th Minnesota Volunteers October, 1864; in Sherman's march to the sea and campaign of the Carolinas, and engaged at the siege of Savannah, Gn., and battle of Bentonville, N. C. ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Vol- unteers for gallant and meritorious ser- vices ; resigned June, 1865; captain 28th U. S. Infantry July, 1866; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious 168 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMT. services nt the siege of Vicksturg, Miss. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Allatoona, Ga. ; brevet colonel \J. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bentonville, N. C. Ilsley, Charles S. Born in Maine. Appoiiit(>d from Maine ; private 71st New York State Militia April to August, 1861, and engaged at the first battle of Bull Eun ; captain 15th Maine Infantry De- cember i;3, 1861 ; at Ship Island, Miss., and Fort Pickens, Fla. ; engaged at the cajjture of New Orleans, action of Thibo- deaux. La., Mustang Island and Fort Es- jieraza, Texas ; acting assistant inspector- general on stafl' of General Ransom at Brazos, Santiago, Texas, to April, 1864; in the Red River campaign and engaged in the battles of Sabine Cross - Road-^, Pleasant Hill, and Cane River, La. ; in General Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley camjtaign and engaged at the battles of AVinchester, Va. ; acting assistant inspec- tor-general on the staff of General Sew- ard November, 1864, to March, 1865, and May, 1865 ; captain 6th New York Ar- tillery April 3, 1865; on the staff of Gen- eral Frank Fessenden to June, 1865, and aide-de-camp to General. W. H. Emory to July, 1865; 2d lieutenant and 1st lieu- tenant 16th Infantry February 23, 1866; brevet captain for gallant and meritori- ous services during the war; aide-de- camp to General Pope, commanding De- partment of the Lakes from January, j868; unassigned April 17, 1869; as- signed to 1st Cavalry December 15, 1870 ; transferred to 7th Cavalry December 23, 1870; captain July 11, 1871 ; relieved as aide-de-camp to General Pope, August, 1879, at his own request; joined troop at Fort jNIeade September, 1879. Moylan, Myles. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from the army ; enlisted as a private Company " C,'' 2nd Dragoons, ■June 8, 1857; corporal October 1, 1858; sergeant October 1, 1860 ; 1st sergeant May 17, 1861 ; discharged April 1, 1862; 1st sergeant Company " C," 2d Cavalry, April 1st, 1862 ; 2d lieutenant 5th Cavalry February 19, 1863 ; engaged at the actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Upperville, Ash- ly's Gap, AV'illiam's Ford, Bnonsboro', Funkstown, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Brandy and Bristoe's Stations ; out of service October 20,1863; private Com- pany A, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry, De- cember 2, 1863; sergeant December 26, 1863; 1 lieutenant January 25, 1864; captain December 1, 1864 ; at headquar- tei's 24lh Corps and engaged in the ter- minating campaign of the Army of the Potomac ; brevet major volunteers for gallant and distinguished services during the late campaign in Virginia ; mustered out November 14, 1865; private general mounted service January 25, 1866 ; cor- poral March 10, 1866; private 7th Cav- alry August 20, 1866 ; sergeant-major September 1, 1866; 1st lieutenant 7th Cavalry July 28, 1866; regimental adju- tant February 21, 1867, to December 31, 1870; captain March 1, 1872. McDougall, Thos. M. Born in "\Vi^. Apptd. from Kan. ; 2d It. 48 U.S. Inf. Feb. 18, '64 ; hon. must, out June 1, '65 ; capt. 5th U.S. Vol. Inf June 2, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 10, '66; 2 It. 14 Inf. May 10, '66; accepted July 20, '66; trans, to 32 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st It. Nov. 5, '60; bvt. capt. March 2, '67; trs. to 21 Inf. Apr. 19, '69; unassigned Oct. 21, '69; assigned to 7th Cav. Jan. 1, '71 ; capt. Dec. 15, '75. Nowlan, Henry J. Born in Corfu. Ap})ointed from New York; 1st lieuten- ant 14th New York Cavalry January 17, 1863; engaged in the Red River cam- paign 1863 ; investment and siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, and operations in that vicinity ; captured by the rebels June, 1863; escaped from them March 1865; with the 15th Corps in Sherman's campaign through the Carolinas; re- joined regiment at New Orleans, La., May, 1865; captain 18th New York Cav- alry with expedition to Texas, being se- verel}'' wounded at Yorktown, Texas; mustered out May 31, 1866; 2 lieutenant 7th Cavalry July 28, 1866; 1 lieutenant December 3, 1866 ; engaged in Indian ex- peditions under Generals Hancock and Custer 1867, and under Generals Sully and Custer 1868 and 1869; served in ex- pedition under Genl. Terry against Sit- ting Bull's band of Sioux in 1876, and pursuit and fight with hostile Nez Perces at Canon Creek, Montana, In 1877; regi- mental commissary November 1, '07, to Jul}' 15, 1870; regimental quartermaster March 1, 1872, to June 25, 1876 ; captain June 25, 1876. Bell, James M. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; private 86th Ohio Infantry May to June, 1862; 1st lieutenant 86th Ohio Infantry June 10, 1862, in "West Virginia; mustered out September 25, 1862; captain of an in- dependent company Pennsylvania Cav- alry June 30, 1863, and engaged protect- ing the State against Lee's invasion, and at the action of North Mountain ; mus- tered out August 9, 1863; cai)tain 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry October 8, 1863; with the Army of the Potomac, and en- gaged at the operations of Mine Run, "battles of the "Wilderness, Spottsj'lvania, SEVENTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 169 North Anna, action of ILnvcs' Shop, buttle of Trevillian Station ; actions of Pocp Bottom, Ream's Station, Co£;gin's Point (vvonnded). White Oak Road, and battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; opening- communication between Generals Sher- man's and Schotield's armies in Nortii Carolina March, 18n5; with Sherman's army and engaiicd at the battle of Betiton- ville, action of Kaleigh, and capitulation of Johnston's army near Durham Station, North Carolina ; at Fayetteville May to July, 18G5 ; mustered out July 15, ISfiS; 2d fieutenant 7th Cavalry July 28, 1806 ; joined regiment at Fort Riley, Kan., Jany. 18G7; engaged against hostile In- dians (three times) near Fort Wallace, Kan., 1867; brevet 1st lieutenant and captain for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., and brevet major for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Ream's Station, Va. ; 1st lieutenant 7th Cavalry April 2, 1867; acting assistant quarter- master detachment 7th Cavalry in the field April to September, 1868, and of General Custer's command winter IS'lS to 1869, being engaged at the battle of the Washita; with General Sully's command September, 1868, engaged with Indians three times ; regimental quarteri'liaster Nov. 1, 1867, to March 31, 1869, and from Oct. 26, 1869, to Dec. 31, 1870; en- gaged as escort survey of boundary be- tween the Uiiited States and British pos- sessions 49th parallel during summer of 1873 ; captain June 25, 1876 ; engaged in campaign against Nez Perces Indians 1877 ; took part in action against them at Canon Creek, M. T.,Sept. 1877; took part in capture of Gall's band of Sioux Indians at Poplar Creek, M. T., Jan. 2, 1881 ; en- gaged as escort to construction parties of N.^P. R. R. in the summer 1880, 1881, 1882. Jackson, Henry. BorninEng. Appt. from III.; pvt. and corp. Co. A, 14th ill. Cav., and sergt.-maj. 5th U. S. Cav. Dec. 28, '63, to May 13, '65 ; 2d It. 5th XJ. s". Cav. May 14, '65; 1st lieut. Dec. 28, '65; hon. must, out March 16, '66 ; 2d It. 7th Cav. July 28, '66, accepted Nov. 12, '66; 1st It. July 31, '67, accepted Oct. 22, '67; capt. June 25, '76. Godfrey, Edward Settle. Born in Ohio. Appointed from M. A. ; private Co. D, 21st Ohio Vol. Inf. April 2(>, 1861; Cleve- land, O., to May 12, '61; Gallipolis, 0.,to July, '61; with Brig.-Gen. J. D. Cox's Division in operations in Kanawha Valley to Aug. '61 ;" honorably discharged at Co- lumbus, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1861 ; appointed cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from 6th Congressional District, Ohio, July 1, 1863; graduated and promoted to 2d lieu- tenant 7th Cavalry June 17, 1867 ; on graduation leave of absence to Sept. 30, 1867; Fort Harker, Ks., to Oct. 8, '67; Medicine Lodge Creek, Ks., commanding battery of Galling guns with escort to Indian Peace Ccmimission to Nov. 10, '67; Fort Leavenworth, Ks., Nov. 18, 1867, to April 4, '67, commanding Troop K ; 1st lieutenant 7th Cavalry, Feb. 1, 1868 ; 7th Cav. Jan. 16 to April, '68; commanding Troop E, 7th Cav., to June, '68; in the field near Fort Hays, Ks., to July, '68; near Fort Larned, Ks., July and August, '68; with Sully's expedition south of the Arkansas River Sept., Oct., and Nov. '68; battle of Washita, Ind. Ter., Nov. 27, '68; with Sheridan's expedition in Indian Ter. Dec. '68, Jan. and Feb. '69; with Cus- ter's column after hostile Indians in Staked Plains and Indian Ter. March, '69; near Fort Hays, Ks., to May 17, '69; on leave of absence to July 15, '69 ; in the field on Saline River, Ks., to Nov. 30, '69; Fort Harker, Kansas, to Feb. 14, 1870; in the field as adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S. of forces on Kansas frontier to June, '70; near Fort Hays, Ks., to Sept. '70; on leave of absence Oct. '70; near Fort Hays, Ks., and Fort Wallace, Ks., Nov. "70; Fort Leavenworth, Ks., to March 12, '71 ; Yorkville, S. C, March 29, '71, to Jan. '72; Columbia, S. C, as witness in " Ku- Klux" cases Dec. '72; Chester, S. C, fo Jan. '73; Yorkville, S. C, to March 12, '73; Memphis, Tenn., to April 5, '73; Yankton, Dak., to May 7, '73 ; with Stanley's Yellowstone expedition, escort- ing N. P. R. R. survey. May 7 to Oct. 1, '73 ; action at mouth of Big Horn with hostile Indians Aug. 11, '73; conducting recruits from Fort Snelling to regt. to Oct. 15, '73; Fort Rice, Dak., to June 30, '74 ; with Custer's Black Hills expedition as assistant engineer ofliicer to Sept. 2, '74 ; Colfax, La., commanding post Oct. 7, '74, to Jan. '76; McComb City, Miss., com- manding post to April 18, '76; camp near Fort Lincoln, Dak., to May 17, '76; Yel- lowstone expedition against hostile In- dians to Sept. 26, 1876 ; being engaged in the battle of the Little Big Horn, :\L T., June25and 26,1876; Fort Lincoln, Dak., to Oct. 15, '76; expedition to disarm and dismount Agency Indians on the Mo. River to Nov. 16, 1876; leave of absence to March 3, '77; captain 7tli Cavalry Dec. 9, 1876; Fort Rice, Dak., to May 1, 1877; in the field on Yellowstone and Mo. Rivei's to Sept. 30, '77; being engaged in action at Bear Paw Mts.j M. T., between U. S. forces and Nez Perces Indians under "Chief Joseph" Sept. 30, '77, where he was wounded; Fort Rice, Dak., to June 170 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 24, '78; Fort i'ates, Dak., disabled by ■wounds to Nov. '78, and for duty to July 2, 1879; at U. S. Military Academy as senior assistant instructor of cavalry tac- tics from Ausj. 27, 1879, to date. Mathey, Edward G. Born in France. A])]U)inlcd from Indiana ; enlisted as a private 17th Indiana Volunteers June, 1861; 1st ser;;eant Company "C" May 31, 1861; discharged May 1, 1862; 2d lieutenant 17th Indiana Volunteers Mav 1, 1862; resigned August 10, 1862; 2d lieutenant 81st Indiana Volunteers Sep- tember 1, 1862; engaged at the battle of Stone River; 1st lieutenant March 21, 1863: engaged at the action of Liberty Gap and baitle of Chickamauga ; captain November 8, 186;! ; engaged a"t the action of Rocky Faced Ridge, battle of Resaca, action of Kingston, battle of Kenesaw Mountain, action of Marietta, and siege of Atlanta; major September 12, 1864; engaged at the buttle of Jonesboro', Love- joy Station, Franklin, and Nashville ; commanding regiment in the last two battles; mustered out June 13, 1865; 2d lieutenant 7th Cavalry September 24, 1867; 1st lieutenant May 10, 1870; cap- tain September 30, 1877. Gibson, Frank M. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2d It. 7th Cav. Oct. 5, '67; accepted Oct. 28, '67 ; 1st It. July 11, '71 ; capl. Feb. ,5, '80. De Rudio, Charles C. Born in Italy. Appointed from New York ; private Company "A," 79th New York Volun- teers, August 2.5, 1864 ; discharged Octo- ber 17, 1864 ; 2d lieutenant 2d U.S. Col- ored Troops November 11, 1864; mus- tered out January 5, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 2d Infantry August 31, 1867; unassigned April 17, 1869; assigned to 7th Cavalry July 14, 1869; 1st lieutenant December 15, 1875; captain December 17, 1882. Edgerly, Winfield S. Born in New Hampshire. Ajipointed from New Hamp- shire ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; 2d lieutenant 7th Cavalry June 15, 1870; 1st lieutenant June 25, 1876 J regimental quartermaster June 25, 1876, to November 14, 1876 ; captain '83. First Lieutenants. Nave, Andrew H. Born in Tenn. Ap- pointed from Tenn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 1 It. 7 Cav. June 12, '71 ; 1st It. June 25, '76. \A/allace, George D. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Caro- lina; graduated from Military Academy June 14, 1872; 2 lieutenant 7 Cavalry June 14, 1872 ; 1 lieutenant June 25, 1876 ; regimental adjutant June 25, 1876, to June 6, 1877. Varnum, Charles A. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Fla. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2 It. 7 Cav. June 14, '72; 1st It. June 25, '76. Hare, Luther R. Born in Ind. Ap- pointtjd from Texas; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2 It. 7 Cav. June 17, '74; 1 It. June 25, '76 ; rcg. qr.-m. Nov. 30, '81. Garlington, Ernest A. Born in S. C. Appointed from Ga. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876; 2 It. 7 Cav. June 15, '76; 1st It. June 25, '76; comd'g Arctic Relief Expedition, 18S3. Robinson, William W., Jr. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Wisconsin ; pvt. Co. " E," 7 Wis. Inf., March 17, '65 ; dis- chargi'd July 3, '65 ; 2 It. 3rd Cav. June 15, '69; trs. to 7 Cav. June 26, '76; 1st It. Aug. 14, '76 Wilkinson, John W. Born in Mo. Appointed from Mont. Tv. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872 ; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 14, '72 ; trs. to 7th Cav. June 26, '76 ; 1st It. Dec. 9, '76; adj't Nov. 30, 1881. Fuller, Ezra B. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111.; graduate of M. A., class of 1873; pvt. Co. "E," 141 111. Inf., May 17, 1864; discharged Oct. 10, '64; pvt. Co. "M,"8 111. Cav., Feb. 2, '65; discharged July 17, '65; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 13, '73 ; trs. to 7 Cav. June 26, '76 ; 1 It. Sept. 30, '77. Gresham, John C. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876; 2 It. 3rd Cav. June 15, '76; trs. to 7 Cav. June 26, '76 ; 1 It. June 28, '78. Scott, Hugh Lenox. Born in Ken- tucky September 22, 18-33. Appointed at large; graduated from Military Academy June 14, 1876 ; 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry June 15, 1876 ; transferred to the 7th Cav- alry June 26, 1876 ; on Sioux expedition from Fort A. Lincoln, D.T., Ortooer, 1876 ; on Nez Perces expedition, 1877 ; on scout from Fort A. Lincoln towards the Black Hills December, 1877 ; on the Black Hills and Cheyenne Indian Ex]iedition, 1878; 1st lieutenant June 28, 1878; on frontier garrison duty at Fort Potter, D.T., from December, 1878, to October, 1882 ; on frontier and garrison duty at Fort Meade, D.T., since November, 1882. McCormick, Lloyd S. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio ; graduate of ]M. A., class of 1876; 2d It. lOth Cav. June 15, '76; trs. to 7th Cav. June 26, '76; 1st It. June .30, '78. Russell, Albert J. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Conn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2d It. 10 Cav. June 1 5, '76 ; trs. to 7 Cav. June 26, '76 ; 1 It. Nov. 30, '81. Sickel, Horatio G., Jr. Born in Penn- EIGHTH EEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 171 sj'lvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy June 14, '76 ; 2 lieutenant 14 Infantry 15 June, 1876; transferred to 5lli Cavalry July 28, 1876; appointment, by transfer, to be 2d It. 5th Cav. revoked by G.O. 103, A.G.O. of 1876, and transferred to 7th Cavalry by same order, to date from July 28, 1876 ; 1st lieutenant Dec. 17, 1882. Second Lieutenants. Slocum, Herbert J. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from 111. ; 2d It. 25 Inf. June 21, '76, accepted July 26, '76; trs. to 7 Cav. July 28, '76. Nicholson, William J. Born in Dis- trict of Columbia. Appointed from Dis- trict of Columbia; 2 lieutenant 7 Cavalry Auo;ust 15, 1876. Brewer, Edwin P. Born in Ohio. Apptd. frt.m Ohio ; 2 It. 7 Cav. Aug. 31, '76, accepted Sept. 4, '76. Mann, James D. Born in Ind. Apptd. from Ind. ; ixraduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2 It. 7'Cav. June 15, '77. Baldwin, William H. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa.; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 It. 5 Cav. June 15, '77 ; 2 It. 7 Cav. Sept. 30, '77. Squiers, Herbert G. Born in Canada. Appointed from Minnesota; 2 lieutenant 1 Infantry Oct. 12, 1877 (expired by con- stitutional limitation December 3, 1877) ; reappointed 2d lieutenant 1st Infantry January 26, 1878, to rank from Oct. 12, 1877 ; transferred to 7 Cavalry 31 August, 1880. Spilman, Baldwin D. Born in Va. Apj)td. from Va. ; r, A. T., March 17, 1869; fight with Indi- ans on head-waters of San Carlos River, A. T., March 18, 1869 ; fight with Indi- ans in Pinal Mountains, A. T., March 19, 1869 ; fight with Indians in Buro Mountains, N. M., July 4,1869; battle witli Indians in Chirichua Mountains, A. T., October 20, 1869; fight with Indians in Chirictiua Mountains, A. T., October 24, 18G9 ; fight with Indians in Chirichua Mountains, A. T., October 28, 1869 ; fight with Indians in Dragoon M'untains, A. T., January 27, 1870; fight with Indians in Dragoon Mountains, A. T., January 28, 1870; fight with Indians in Pinal Mountains, A. T., January 1, 1871 ; fight with Indians at Sands' Ranch, Tule Lake, Cai., December 21, 1872 ; fight with Indians in Lava Beds, Tule Lake, Cal., Jan. 16, 1873; fight with Indians in Lava Beds, Tule Lake, Cul., Jan. 17, 1873; fight with Indians near Sands' Ilanch, Tule Lake, Cal., Jan. 23, 1873; fight with Indians in Lava Beds, Tule Lake, Cal,, April 13, 1873; fight wiih Indians in Lava Beds, Tule Lake, Cal., April 14, 1873 ; battle with Indians at Silver Creek, Oregon, June 23, 1878 ; battle with In- diiins at Birch Creek, Oregon, July 8, 1878; fight with Indians at John Day's River, Oregon, August 20, 1878; engage- ment with Indians tut Cedar Springs, A. T,, October 2, 1881 _; fight with Indians in Dragoon Mountains, A. T., October 4, 1881. ChpfaJus. Young, Samuel B.M. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; private 12tli Pennsylvania Yolunteers April to July, 1861 ; captain 4th Pennsyl- vania Cavalry August, 18f')l ; major 4lh Pennsylvania Cavalry September, 1862 ; lieutenant-colonel 4th Pennsj'lvania Cav- alry October, 1863 ; engaged in the cav- alry' operations of the Army of the Poto- mac ; wounded at the action of Sulphur Springs, Ya.; commanding provisional brigade and wounded at the action of Kearnstown, Ya. ; colonel 4th Pennsyl- vania Cavalry December, 1864 ; wounded at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Ya. ; commanding brigade cavalry corps. Army of the Pot7; depot and disbursintc quartermaster 3d Military District; brevet major and lieutenant- colonel U. S. Volanteors, for faithful and meritorious services durinu; ihe war; first lieutenant 34tli U. S. Infantry June, 18G7 ; hrevet captain U. S. Army, for faithful and efficient services during the war ; quartermaster 3d Military District, Atlanta, Ga., from '67 to '69. Foote, George F. Born in New York. Ap})()inted from Tennessee; enlisted as a private Company E, 14th Michigan Vol- unteers, January 2, 18G2; 1 serin-eant Jan- uary 7, 1862; 2d lieutenant 14th Michigan Infantry March 15, 18G3; 1st lieutenant and adjutant September 1, 18G4 ; brevet major and lieut. -colonel volunteers for gallant and lueritorious services during the war; captain 14th Michigan Infantry May 26, 1865; mustered out July 18, I860; 2d lieutenant 9th Infantry July 28, 1866; brevet 1st lieutenant for gallant ancl meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia; 1 lieutenant 9th In- fantry April 21, 1868; unassigncd June 14, 1869; assigned to 9th Infantry Dec. 17, 1869; transferred to 8th Cavalry Feb- ruary 1, 1870; regimental quartermaster Mav 1, 1870, to August 31, 1879 ; captain 8tirCavalry 18 January, 1881. Hennisee, Argalus G. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Maryland ; 1 lieu- tenant 1st Eastern Shore Maryland Vol- unteers September 30, 1861 ; captain July 24, 1862; engaged in protecting telegraph lines and prevention of blockade runners supplying rebels to June, 1863; engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. ; judge- advocate-general court-martial at Harper's Ferry, Wilmington, Del., and Baltimore, Md. ; acting assistant adjutant-general 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Corps ; in the de- fenses of Baltimore, IMd., May to August, 1864; discharged February 11, 1865^; 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry January 22, 1867; at post of Madison, Ark., from May 10, '67, to April 1, '69; 1 lieutenant May 14, 1868 ; unassigned March 31, 1869 ; a-^signed to 8th Cavalry January 1, 1871 ; regimental adjutant October 22, 1868, to March 16, '81 ; captain 8th Cavalry 16 March, 1881. Boyd, Orsemus B. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867; corpl. Co. "I," 89 N. Y. Inf., Sept. 16, '61, to Sept. 26, '62; 2 It. 114 N. Y. Inf. Sept. 27, '62 ; resigned Fehy. 14, '63; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 17.^'67; 1st It. Oct. 13, '68; capt. June 26, '82. Ropes, James M. Born in Utica, New York. Appointed from Now Jersey; 1st lieutenant 2d California Cavalry August 29, 1861; post adjutant, Benicia Barracks and Arsenal, Cai., to Miirch, 1S()2 ; com- manding provost-guard, San Francisco, Cal., to January, 1863 ; cajitain January 31, 1863; commanding Camp Indepen- dence, Cal., to July, 1864 ; engaged in scouting hostile Indians, and in action of Big Fine Creek ; commanding Camp Leonard and Fort Tejon to January, 1864, and Camp Babbitt to Sejitember, 1864 ; at Camp Union, Sacramento, and Benicia Barracks, Cal., to February 1, 1866 ; brevet major volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the war March 13, 1865; nuistered out February 1, 1866; 2d lieutenant 8th Cavalry June 18, 1867 ; 1 lieutenant December 28, 1868 ; adjt. 8th Cavalrv 17th March, 1881, to 9th Oct., 1882; captain 9th October, 1882. First Lieutenants. Luff, Edmund. Born in Sackett's Harbor, Jeflerson Co., N. Y. Appointed from Illinois ; private Board of Trade Bat- tery, Illinois Artillery, July 22, 1862; corporal April 4, 1863; discharged Feb- ruary 20, 1864 ; 1 lieutenant 12 Illinois Cavalry February 25, 1864 ; captain Oc- tober 13, 1864 ; mustered out October 2, 1865; 2 lieutenant 8 Cavalrv November 20, 1867 ; 1 lieutenant May 23, 1870; cap- tain April 2, 1883. Weeks, Harrison S. Born in Mich. Apptd. from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1868; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 15, '68; 1 It. Dec. 28, '71. Pullman, John W. Born in Mich. Apptd. from Wash. Ty. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1869; 2 It. 8 ^Cav. June 15, '69; 1 It. Jan. 15, '73. Sprole, Henry W. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; graduated from Military Academy June, 1869 ; 2 lieutenant 8 Cavalry June 15, 1869 ; 1 lieutenant March 29, 1878. Wood, Edward E. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; was graduated from Military Academy June 15, 1870; commissary sergeant Co. C, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sept. 8, 1862; 1st sergeant April 5, 1864; 1st lieu- tenant 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry July 22, 1864; acting adjutant 17th Pennsyl- vania Cavalry October, 1864, to June 16, 1865 ; 1st lieutenant 2d Provisional Penn- sylvania Cavalry June 16, 1865J on the staff of the 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac, as assistant to the com- missary of musters, June 20, 1865, to Julv, 1865; mustered out August 7, 1865; 2d lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, 1870; 1st lieut. 8th Cavalry July 31, 1873; acting assist- 176 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. ant professor of French, IT. S. Military Acadcmv, Dccemher 8, 1872, to Auijust 28, 1870; assistant professor of French August 28, 187f'), to .tune 24, 1879; aide- de-camp to Major-General J. M. Scho- ficld, U. S. Army, from Juno 24, 1879, to November 22, 1882. Williams, Richard A. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsjivania ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; 2 lieutenant 8th Cavalry June 15, 1870 ; served and took part in various cam- paigns against Muscalero and Jacarilla Apaches in 1870-71-72 in New Mexico; in affair with Kiowas and Comanche In- dians June 12, 1872, near Ute Creek, N. M., and in action with Kiowa Indians August 10, 1872, at Palo Duro River, Texas ; campaigns against the Utes and Cheyennes in Colorado and Indian Ter- ritory 1873-1874; served on Texas bor- der of Rio Grande, between Fort Brown and Fort Ringgold, 1875 to 1879; 1 lieu- tenant May 17, 1876; participating in several crossings to Mexico in border troubles 1875 and 1876; acting assistant adjutant-general District of Rio Grande June, 1877, to January 1, 1878, at Fort Brown, Texas; scouting at Fort Clark, Texas, part of 1879 and 1880; adjutant mounted recruiting service at cavalry depot, Jefferson B irracks, Missouri, 1881 and 1882 (temporarv duty) ; Fort Duncan, Texas, October, 1882, to April 29, 1883; at Fort Olurk, Texas, from that time to date. Goodwin, Edward A. Born in Vir- ginia. Aipptd. Irnm W. Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; pvt. Co. "A," 1st W. Va. Cav., Feb. 13, '65; discharged Julys, '05; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 15, '70 ; fit. Oct. 3, '70. Fountain, S. W. Born Dec. 13, 1840, at Parkersl)urg, Wood County, West Vir- ginia. Enlisted May 2, 1804, in Company K, 140 Ohio Volunteer Infantry; served in Kanawha Vallej^ West Va., and on Hunter's raid to Lynchburg as far as Meddow's Bluff; was discharged the ser- vice by reason of expiration of term of service Sept. 12, 1864 ; appointed cadet at U. S. M. Acadeni}', and reported June 2, 1866; was appointed by the Hon. T. A. Plants, M. C. from the 15th Ohio Con- gressional District; graduated June 15, 1870; was promoted to 2d lieut. 8th Cavy. June 15, 1870; served on frontier duty, ecouting' in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas; was stationed at Forts Wins^ate, McRae, and Selden, New Mexico, Forts Ringgold, Mcintosh, Brown, and Clark, and Camps Edinburg, Alamo, Santa Ma- ria, and Del Rio, Texas ; was on duty as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. while building Fort Wingate, N. M ; was promoted 1st lieut. 22d Oct. 1878; should have been jiromoted June 28, 1878, excei't for the error of the adjutant-general of the army, such error having occurred by reason of a misinterpretation of the act of .June 18, 1878 ; the error was acknowledged liy the A.G.O., but redress was refused; was on duty as adjutant Fort Ringgold Sept. 1877, and accompanied the commanding officer when U. S. troops crossed the Rio Grande and took possession of the city of Carnuigo, situated on San Juan River, three miles from the Rio Grande, Mexico, and repi'esented the C. 0. in consultation with Alcade and in making written agree- ments for the withdrawal of the troops ; on leave of absence from May 20, 1881, till Sept. 19, 1881 ; now stationed at camp near Del Rio, Texas. Phelps, Frederick E. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; cadet at the U.S. M. A. from July 1, 1865, to June 15, 1870, when he was graduated and pro- moted in the arm}' to 2d lieut. 8th Caval- ry, June 15, 1870; served in conducting recruits to New Mexico Sept. 27 to Nov. 10, 1870; Fort Craig, N. M., to Jul\', 1871 ; Fort Bayard, JST. M., to March 25, 1874, being engaged, while scouting against Apaches, in fights July 30 and Aug. 20, 1872 ; conducting insane soldier to Washington March 25 to May 6, 1874 ; sick-leave of absence May 6, 1874, to May 15, 1875; with Batt. 6th Cavalry on marcii from Kansas to Arizona iMay 15 to June 15, 1875; Fort Bayard, N. M., to Dec. 1875, in charge of construction of U.S. military telegraph line from Las Lunas, N. M., to Fort Craig, N. M., to April 12, 1876; Ringgold'^ Barracks, Texas, to .July 8, 1876 ; leave of absence from April 14 to June 7, 1876 ; Fort Bay- ard, N. M.,to Aug. 1876; Ringgold Bar- racks, Tex., to July 2, 1877 ; leave of absence Sep. 8 to Oct. 12, 1870 ; Fort Clark, Texas, July, 1877, to March 2, 1878; scouting against Apache and Li- pan Indians, being engaged in fights Sep. 29 and Nov. 30, 1877 ; in the field from March 2 to May 11, 1878; Fort Clark, Texas (sick), to Oct. 23, 1878, and scout- ing from Oct. 23, 1878, to Jany. 2, 1879; Fort Clark, Texas, to Aug. "l879; and Fort Mcintosh, Tex., Sep. f879, to Mav, 1883; 1 lieut. 8th Cavalry March 20, 1879 ; leave of absence Sep. 20, 1880, to Feby. 5, 1881 ; on temporary duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Feby. 6 to Sep. 1, 1881; commanding recruits to Tex. lo Sep. 27, 1881 ; at Fort Mcintosh to April .30, 1883; Fort Clark, Tex., to ; in the field July 9, 1883, to Sep. 1, 1883. Hickey, James B. Born in Md. Ap- NINTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 177 pointed from N. T. ; graduate of M. A., c-lass of 1871 ; 2d It. 8 Cav. June 14, '72 ; 1 It. Apr. 28, '79. Pond, George E. Born in Connecti- cut .Inly Stli, 1847. Appointed from Con- necticut; i)rivate Company K, 21 Con- necticut Infantry, 9 December, 1863; discharged June 7, 1805; graduated from Military Academy June, 1872; 2 lieu- tenant 8 Cavalry 14 June, 1872; 1 lieu- tenant 18 January, 1881. O'Conner, Charles M. Born in Towa. Ap])td. from Iowa; graduate of M. A., cla.-s of 1873; 2 It. 8 Cav. June 13, '73; 1 It. ^lar. 17, '81. Gillmore, Quincy O'M. Born in N. Y. Ajiptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1873; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 13, '73; 2d It. 8 Cav. Mar. 19, '75, accepted Apr. 3, '75; 1 It. June 20, '82. Ellis, Eugene A. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870 ; 2d It. 8 Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1 It. Oct. 9, '82. Second Lieutenants. King, Josiah H. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; 2d lieu- tenant 8th Cavalry August 15, 1876 ; 1st lieutenant May 23^ 1883. Guest, John. Born in Pa. Apptd. from j\ld. ; 2d lieut. 8th Cav. Aug. 15, '70, accepted Aug. 21, '76. Lester, Charles H. Born in Connecti- cut. Appointed from Connecticut; grad- uated from Military Academy June, 1803; 2d lieutenant 2d Cavalry June 11, 1803; lirevet 1st lieutenant for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. ; 1st lieutenant 2d Cavalrj' ]May 30, 1804; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services in the action at Deep Bottom, Va. ; regimental adjutant IMarch 0, 1806, to July^ I, 1800; captain 8th Cavalry July 28, 1806; resigned May 13, 1869 ; 2d lieutenant 24th Infantry Au- gust 0, 1873; transferred to 8th Cavalry 31st October, 1870. Kendall, Henry F. Born in France. Apptd. from Texas; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; add. 2d It. June 14, 1878; 2d It. June 28, '78 ; trs. to 20tb Inf. Sept. 9, '78; trs. to 8th Cav. June 3, '79. Shunk, William A. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiiuia ; graduated from ]\lilitarv Academy June, 1879; 2d lieu- teiutnt. 8th Cavalry 13th June, 1879. Johnson, John A. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated from Military Academy June, 1S79; 2d lieutenant 8th"Cavalry June 13, 1879 ; graduated from U. S. School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry June, 1883 ; on duty at same as instructor since September 1, 1883. Pinder, Joseph W. Born in Ga. Ap- ptd. from Ga. ; 2d It. 8th Cav. Aug. 13, '70; accepted Aug. 19, '76. Gaston, Joseph A. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated from Military Academy June, 1881; 2d lieutenant 8th Cavalry 11th June, 1881. Crowder, Enoch H. Born in Mo. Apptd. from Mo.; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2d It. 8th Cav. June 11, 1881. Hammond, Andrev^r G. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Connecticut; graduated from Military Academj' June, 1881 ; 2d lieutenant 8th Cavalry June 11, 1881. NINTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Colonel. Hatch, Edward. In Mai'ch, April, and May, 1801, served in volunteer or- ganizations at Washington, created for safety of the National Capital ; June and July, 1801, occupied in enlisting men for the volunteer service in Iowa ; July 20, 1861, placed in command of Camp Mc- Clellan, Davenport, Iowa; engaged in organizing one regiment of cavalry, four of infantry ; August 12, 1861, mustered in as captain 2d Iowa Cavalry ; Sept. 5, 1861, promoted major 2d Iowa Ca\alry ; No- vember 11, 1861, promoted It. -colonel 2d Iowa Cavalry; December 1st, talcing field in command 2d Iowa Cavalry, the colonel of regiment being ordered to command brigade ; Feb. 20, 1802, commanded regi- ment in action near Brill's Point, Mis- souri, in cavalry action ; March 10,1862, commanding regiment in cavalry action Charleston, Missouri; March 11, 1802, commanding regiment in cavalry action Sykeston, Mississippi ; March 12, 1862, commanding regiment in action before New Madrid, and capture of that place; March 19, 1862, commanding regiment in action Point Pleasant, Missouri ; April 7, 1802, commanding regiment in action Island No. 10; April i^\ 1802, comnu\nd- ing regiment, Tiptonville, Tennessee; April 20, 1802, commanding regiment in action at Monterey, front of Corinth ; May 4, 1802, commanding regiment in action at Glendale, Mississippi ; May 0, 1802, commanding regiment in 3Iemphis and Charleston Railroad, attack on outpost of the enemy ; May 8, 1862, commanding regiment in action front of Corinth ; May 9, 1802, commanded regiment in battle of Farmington ; May 20, 1862, commanded 178 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. 2d luwa Ciivalry and 2d Miehi.can Cavalry in raid on Kailn-ad and ai'tion San Jacouto, aMiVsi-sipiii ; Ma}' 28, 18G2, com- manded rei^iincnt, in General Elliott's raid to Boonsvill«, Jlississippi ; June 4, 1862, commanded rejjiment inaction Blockland, Mississippi ; June 9, 18G2, commanded regiment in skirmish Guntown, Mis- sissippi ; July 1, 18G2, commanded regi- ment in action at Boonsville, Mississippi, General Sheridan commanding; a fight lasting twelve hours, in which General Sheridan (then Colonel Sheridan), in com- mand of a brigade of two regiments, de- feated the rebel General Chalmers with 6000 men, capturing prisoners from nine regiments ; August 27, 1862, commanded regiment in cavalry action at Rienza, Mississippi; September 10, 18G2, promoted colonel 2d Iowa Cavalry, to date June 30, 1862, vice Elliott promoted ; commanded 2d Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army .Mis- sissippi ; September 19, 1862, commanded 2d Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army J\Iis- sissippi, in battle, opening the action on the enemy's left at Peyton's Mill, defeat- ing and routing the enemy's cavalry ; the brigade present in the general action in the evening; September 20, 1862, com- manded brigade in action at Thompson's Corner; Septf'uiber 22, 1862, ordered to command 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Mississippi ; September 30, 1862, commanded brigade in action enemy's cavalry at Roar's Mill, below Corinth; October 2d to 4th, commanded the above brigade of two regiments and battery in the preliminary skirmish and battle of Corinth ; in this battle the brigade held the right of'our line, dismounted, until re- lieved by division commanded by General Hamilton, when it was moved to the centre to support Robinet's battery, where the troops were then thrown into con- fusion, and recovered lost ground in a charge of brigade, dismounted, with in- fantry troops; 0(;tober G, 1862, in action on left of the battle of the Hatchie ; October 7 to 20, in pursuit of the enemy ; November 1, marclied in advance of Army of Mississippi from Corinth to join Gen- eral Grant's army at La Grange, Ten- nessee; Novembec 6, 1862, commanded brigade in cavalry action at Salem, Mis- sissippi, defeating the enem^^'s cavalry; November 8, 18G2, commanded brigade of cavalrj', Hudsonville, Mississippi ; No- vember 9, 1862, in command of brigade attacked Jackson's rebel Cavalry Corps at Cold Water, Mississippi ; November 18, 1862, commanded brigade at Holly Springs, Missi.-sippi, in cavalry action ; November 29, 1862, assigned with brigade of cavalry, consisting of three regiments and battery, to Army Tennessee, and or- dered to report to General McPhersun as chief of cavalry of tliat arm_y ; D.-comhcr 3, 1862, commanded above brigade in action at Oxford, Mississippi ; December 4, 1862, commanded brigade in action at Water Valley, Mississippi, the enemy's cavalrj' thoroughly routed; Decembers, 1862, commanded brigade in battle Cotfee- ville, Mississippi ; December 9 to 16, 1862, commanded brigade engaged in raid on JNIobilc u'ld Ohio Railroad, destroj-ing 36 miles of this railroad; commanded the rear guard in retreat of the army from Central Mississippi to January 1, 1863; March 12, 18G3, then in command of regi- ment, by order General Hamilton, made raid on Central Mississippi Railroad, destrojnng bridges; April 16, 18(J3, marched with General Grierson into Mis- sissip]>i on his raid, detached south of Columbus, Mississippi: April 23, 1863, in action with cavalry at Palo Alto, Miss. ; April 24, 18G3, in cavalry action at Oko- lnna. Miss., destroying stores and bar- racks ; April 25, 18G3, in cavalry action at Birmingham, Mississippi ; ^lay 1, 1863, ordered to take command of the mounted force of the Dejtartment of the West Ten- nessee, consisting of brigade of cavalry, brigade mounted infantry ; May 4, 1863, to 18th, known as Hatch's division, commanded above division in raid through Mississippi to Alabama; May 23, 1863, commanded the same troops, defeating the enemy's cavalry at Suiatala, Mississi]ipi ; May 26 to June 8, 1863, engaged in raids on railroad communications in Mis'^issippi connected with Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi ; June 11, 1863, division known as Hatch's division discontinued, the Mounted Infantry dismounted and sent to Vicksburg bj'^ order from Depart- ment of West Tennessee ; was phued in command of brigade known as the 1st Brigade, consisting of 4 cavalry regiments and 2 batteries; June 20, 1863, com- manded this brigade in cavalry action at Panola, Mississippi; June 21, 1863, in cavalry action on Cold Water, Mississippi ; Jul}' 13, 1863, placed in command of cav- alry brigade and brigade of infantry, with artillerjf ; attacked Forrest in Jnckson, Tennessee, defeating him, in command of two divisions; July 23, 1863, placed in command of cavalry of the Department of Tennessee, and, with brigade of Mounted Infantry and two batteries of artillery, dispatched against the rebel General Pil- low in Middle Tennessee, resulting in the defeat of one of his divisions at Jack Creek, Tenn , capturing of the rebel gen- eral in command. General Campbell and staff', compelling Pillow to abandon his ISINTH REGIMENT OP CAVALRY. 179 operati(in>: in Tennessee ; commanded same tronps (in raids) during August, Septem- ber, and October, 1803, and also in charge of (protecting) Memphis and Ohio Kail- road from Memphis to Corinth ; October 20, 18G3, in command of the cavalry of Department of West Tennessee, some- times called the Cavalry Corps of the Department of West Tennessee ; attacked the Confederate cavalry corps at Salem, ]Slississi])pi, an engagement of some hours, resulting in rout of the Confederates; Oct. 31, 1803, in command of three brigades, attacked the enemy's cavalry under Forrest at Inghram's Mills, Mis- sissippi, routing Confederate cavalry ; No- vember L', 1803, attacked enemy in the fortifications of Wyatt, Mississip))i, on tlie Tallahatchie, after severe lighting during the day, carried the works during the night, capturing prisoners and stores; Nov. 10, 1803, in command of three brigades, met General Chalmers, Confederate, with force of 5000 men, at Collinsville, Ten- nessee, defeating him, capturing prisoners and material, among the prisoners the Confederate Maj. -General George ; Nov. 20, 1803, employed with command break- ing up and dispersing the enemy's ir- regular cavalry in Tennessee until De- cember; December 1, 1803, in command of cavalry in action with enemy's cavalry corps, commanded by Lt. -General Stephen D. Lee, at Saulsbury, Tennessee, Con- federates withdrawing fi'om the field ; De- cember 4, 1803, in command of cavalry in action at Moscow, Tenn., with Confederate cavalry commanded by Stephen D. Lee, a severe action, resulting in defeat of Con- federates ; was badly wotinded in this en- gagement, shot through the lungs, and shoulder shattered ; sent north Feb. 1, 1803; April 9, 1864, placed in command cavalry bureau and cavalry depot at St. Louis, and school of instruction at St. Louis ; April 28, promoted brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers ; July, 1804, in com- mand of division Cavalry and Infantry of 10th Corps in A. J. Smith's command in Northern Mississippi, taking part in actions of that army, commanding division in assault on works at Hurricane Creek ; September 1, ordered into camp near Memphis to organize 15 regiments of cav- alry into brigades, and division known as 1st Division Cavalry, Army Tennessee, or Hatch's division ; Sept. 15, 1864, marched with the above command to Middle Ten- nessee, crossing Tennessee River, Clif- ton, pursuing the Confederate General Wheeler into Alabama ; October 2, 1864, was on the march to the crossing of Ten- nessee River by General Hood with Con- federate army in movement upon Nash- ville, ordered General Hatch's division to his front, where, Oct. 10, 1864, was jilaced in conunand of all cavalry in the neigh- borhood of Army of the Cumbei'land, con- sisting Croxtt)n's division and Capon's Brigade of Cavalry ; with this force daily engaged to November 10, in skirmish with the enemy ; Nov. 21 to 23, in action with advanced corps Hood's army at Lawrencfburg, Tennessee; Nov. 25, 1804, in command of two divisions in action at Vale Mills, Tennessee ; Nov. 27, in command of two divisions in action at Campbellvillo, Tennessee; Nov. 28, 1864, in command of two divisions in action with Hood's army at Linnesville, Tenn. ; reported to General Thomas at Columbia, assigned by Gen. Wilson to command 5th Division Cavalry Corps, M.D.M., consisting of 3 brigades, 5 regi- ments each ; Nov. 29, 1864, in coinmai d 5lh Division in action Duck River and Spring Hill; November 30, in command of division in battle of Franklin, Ten- . nessee ; December 1, 1804, in cavalry action at Brentwood Hills, Tennessee ; December 15 and 10, 1804, in command 5th Division at battle of Nashville; as- saulter' the three forts on the enemy's left, carrying them by storm, capturing many guns ; December 18, 1804, in cfivalry action of the Harpeth River, capturing guns and prisoners ; December 24, 1864, in action at Rutherford Creek, Tennessee ; December 25, in action at Pulaski, Tenn.; December 14, 18f)4, ]iromoted major-gen- eral by brevet; Jan. 1, 1805, in action with Hood's rear-guard, crossing the Mis- sissippi line; to July lo, 1805, in com- mand of Northern Missi.ssippi at East- port ; August 1, 1805, in comnjand of Dis- trict Alabama ; September 1, 1865, in command District East Tennessee, hdqrs. Kno.xville, Tenn. ; January 15, 1866, mustered out of the volunteer service; July 28, 1806, appointed colonel U. S. Army, and assigned to 9th U. S. Cavalry ; September 30, 1866, ordered to command of New Orleans; May 1, 1867, ordered to regiment and Department Texas ; placed in command of regiment, marched to northern frontier, Texas, engaged in op- erating against hostile Indians ; served in Texas and Louisiana until Jan. 1, 1871 ; ordered to St. Louis, superintendent ; Jan. 31, 187-5, ordered to l^ecai-tment of Texas, placed in command of District Rio Gi'ande, relieved from comm;ind tliis dis- trict in November, 1875, ordered to De- partment Missouri; Jan. 1, 1876, ordered to command District New Mexico; 1877, campaign against Chiricahua Indians and Southern IJtes; 1S78, campaign against Hot Spring Indians ; 1879, against Hot 180 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMT. Sprinc; Indians, known as Victorio's and Nana's bands; 1880, campaign against Mescallero; 1879, campaign against Ute Indians; November, 1881, relieved from command District New Mexico; hdqrs. of regiment and jiost at present. Ft. liiley, Kansas ; 1877, in charge of border troubles in Texas ; 1878, on Ute Indian commis- sion. Lieutenant-Colonel. Dudley, Nathan A. M. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; first lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry Mar. 1855; engaged in the Sioux Indiiin expe- dition ; commanding company at the ac- tion of Ash Hollow, and in the defeat of the Cheyenne Indians at Platte Bridge, Neb. ; in an expedition from Ft. Laramie, D. T., to Fort Snelling, Minn. ; ct)m- manding company against the Spirit Lake Sioux Indians, 185G to 1857 ; in the Utah expedition, 1857 to 1861 ; captain 10th U. S. Infantry May, 1801 ; on provost duty Washington, D.C., October, 1801, to February, 18i52; cohjnel 30th Ma?sachu- setts Vohmteers February, 18G2 ; com- manding brigade during the bombard- ment of Forts Jack.-on and St. Philip, and in the occupation of New Orleans, La.; military commander of city May to June, 1862; commanding brigade in an expe- dition to Viclxsburg, Miss., and with bat- teries of regiment engaged during the pas- sage of Farrjigut's fleet at Vicksburg, Miss. ; commanding right wing, and after the death of General Williams, the forces, and engaged at the battle of Baton Rouge, La. ; commanding defenses of New Or- leans, La., August, 1862 ; acting assistant inspect<,)r-general Department of the Gulf; commanding an ex])ed tion to Winter's Plantation to open communication with Farragut's fleet April, 1863 ; commanding brigade of infantry and two regiments of cavalry in a reconnoissance of Port Hud- son, and engaged at the action of Plain Store, and sifge and assault of Port Hud- son ; commanding brigade and engaged at the actions of Bnyou la Fourche, and Cox's Plantation ; acting assistant inspec- tor-general Department of the Gulf, Aug. 1863 ; chief of stafl" to General Banks in his Texas expedition November, 1863, to February, 1864; commanding brigade of cavalry and horse batter}' in the Red River campaign, and engaged at the ac- tion of Natcliitoches, battles of Sabine Cross-Roads, Cane River Crossing, action of Nelson's Log Cabin, and guarding the supply-train of the command during the retreat; organizing cavalry in the De- partment of the (lulf, and commanding cavalry brigade, valley of the Monocacy, Md., April to August, 1864; major 15th U. S. Infantry September, 18G4; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers Janu- ary, 1865;" assigned to duty according to his brevet rank of general IMarch, 1865; commanding post of Tullahoma from Sep- tember, 1865, and in the Freedmen's Bu- reau, ^lemphis, Tenn., to December, 1865 ; joined 15th U. S. Infantry at Vicksburg, Miss., and commanding post to May, 1868 ; brevet major U. S. army for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Baton Rouge, La.; bvt. lieut.-col. U. S. army for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Port Hudson, La ; brevet colonel U. S. army for gallant and meritorious service s during the war ; trans- ferred to the 24th U. S. in anlry by the reorganization of the army ; commanding post" of Natchez, Miss., 1868-69. Henry, Guy V. Apptd. at large ; cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1856, to May 6, 1861, when he was grad- uated and pnmioted in the army to second lieut. 1st Artillery May 6, 1861 ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States 1861-66 ; in drilling volunteers at Wash- ington, D. C, Mti^y-July, 1861 ; in the Manassas campaign of July, 1861 (first lieut. 1st Artillery May 14, 1861), on the staff' of Brig. -Gen. McDowell, being en- gaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; in the defenses of AVashington,D.C., Julj' to December, 1861 ; in command of company at Key West, Fla., Dec. 1861, to May, 1862; in command of battery at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C, May, 1862, to June, 1863, being engaged in the action of Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct'. 22, 1862 (bvt. capt. Oct. 22," 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Poco- taligo River, S. C), and General Hunter's advance on Charleston, S. C. (commanding battalion), April, 1863; in operations against Charleston, S. C. (commanding battery), July-Nov. 1863, being engaged in the descent upon Morris l.-land July 10, bombardment of Fort Sumter Aug. 17-23, siege of Fort Wagner July 10 to Sept. 7, 1863, and as acting chief of artil- lery. Department of the South, June, 1863 (colonel 40th Massachusetts Volunteers Nov. 9, 1863) ; in command of regiment at Folly Island, S. C, Nov. 1863, to Jan. 1864; in command of light brigade in ex- pedition to Florida Feb. 4 to Apr. 24, 1863, being engaged in the action of Camp Fin- nega'n February 8, 1864, battle of Olustee February 20, 1864 (brevet major Febru- ary 20, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Olustee, Fla.), and skirmishes at Gainesville, Baldwin, Starke, Lake City, and Cedar Creek Feb- ruary to April, 1864 ; in command of bri- NINTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 181 gade, 18th Corps (Army of the James), May, 18(;4, to Jan. 18G5; in operations before llit'limond, Va., beinij ens^acfed at Bermuda Hundred May G to 20, 1864, par- ticipating in the attack on Drury's Bhitf May 12 to 10, 18fS4, battles of Cold Harbor June 1 to o, 1804, siege of Petersburg June to Sept. 1804(bvt. lieut.-col.Sept. 29, 18G4, for galhmt and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va.), including the mine assault June 80, 18G4, and in front of Fort Harrison (bvt. brig.-general U. S. Volunteers Oct. 28, 1864, Ifor gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Petersburg, Va.) Sept. 1864, to Feb. 1865; on leave of ab-ence Feb. to April, 1865; in command of sub-district of the Plains, Military Division of the Missouri, April to July, 1865; awaiting orders Aug. to Oct. 17, 1865; in garrison at Fort Ham- ilton (bvt. colonel March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the rebellion; mustered out of volunteer ser- vice June 16, 1805), N. Y., October 17 to November 6, 1865; as aide-de-camp to Maj.-Gen. Parke, commanding Southern District of New York, Nov. '6, 186-5, to Jan. 27, 1866 ; in garrison at Fort Knox, Me., Feb. to Mai\;h, 1866; Fort Preble (captain 1st Artillery Dec. 1, 1865), Me., March to April, 1866; Calais, :Me., April to June, 1866, and Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., June, 1886, to April, 1867 ; on leave of absence April 4, 1867, to June, 1867; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., to Dec. 1867; in- structor at Artillery School, Ft. Monroe, Va., to June, 1869; nipmber of Board of Artillerj^ Officers to witness experiments with heavy guns at Ft. Delaware, Del., Nov. 1868; at Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y., to Dec. 1870; engaged in quelling Fenian dis- turbances on the Canadian frontier, and in breaking up illicit whisky distilleries, Brooklyn, N. Y. (transferred to 3d U. S. Cavalry Dec. 1870) ; at Camp Halleck, Nev., and e?i route to Angel Island, Cal., Feb. 1871 ; en route to and at Camp Mc- Dowell, Arizona, to July, 1871 ; joined General Crook at Tucson, A. T., July, 1871 ; commanding thme companies of cavalry and engaged scouting Apache ]7idians to Dec. 1871 ; en route to and at Benicia, Cal., to March, 1872 ; en route to and at Ft. D. A. Pais.-ell, W. T., March to May, 1873; at Ft. Laramie (Indian dis- turbances), March, 1872; member of board to purchase cavalry horses, Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1872; commanding camp on Laramie River, AV. T., and engaged scouting May to Nov. 1 873 ; at Ft. Russell, W. T., to Jan. 1 874 ; member of Board of Officers to deter- mine and fix the cavalry accoutrements, equipments, and supplies, Ft. Leaven- worth, Kas., Jan. 6, 1874, to Feb. 1874; 13 sick-leave of absence to May, 1874 ; at Ft. Russell, W. T., and Camp Robinson, Neb., to Mwy, '75; com7iianding expedition to the Black Hills Dec. 26, 74, to Jan. 11, '75, when himself and command were badly frozen ; sick-leave of absence to April, 1876; at Fort Russell, W. T., to May, 1876; commanding battalion in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition against Sitting Bull and Sioux Indians, and engaged at Tongue River and t'atile of Rose Bud Creek, Montana, v/here he was severely wounded through the face, losing use of left eye, June 17, '76; at Ft. Russell, recovering from wound, to Oct. '76 ; in command of Benicia Barracks, Cal., to June, 1877; at Fort Laramie, W. T., to Aug. '77; Camp Robinson and scouting to October, '77, being engaged in command of battalion in capture of Crazy Horse Village ; at Ft. Sanders, W. T., to May, '78 ; scouting and in camp on Little Missouri River to Aug. '78 ; sick-leave of absence and in Europe to August, '79 ; in Ute River expedition Sept. to Dec. '79; at Fort Sanders, W T., to May, '80; on sick- leave in California to April, '81 ; on spe- cial dutj' at Salt Lake, Utah, to June, '81 ; major 9th U. S. Cavalry June 26, '81 ; at Ft. Stanton and scouting in New Mexico to Nov. '81 ; commanding Fort Sill, In- dian Territory, from Nov. '81 to date; author of Military Records of Civilian Appointments U. S. Army, and Army Catechism for Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers U. S. Army. Majors. Dewees, Thomas B. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from the army ; private and 1st sergeant 2d Dragoons, 1858 to October, 1861 ; at Camp Floyd, Utah, and en route to Washington, D. C, September, 1858, to October, 1861; 2 lieutenant 2 Cavalry October 24, 1861; with regiment in the Peninsular cam- paign to July, 1862 ; at Carlisle Barracks and on recruiting duty to November, 1862; 1 lieutenant July 17, 1862; re- joined regiment at Falmouth, Va., Jan- uary, 1863; with regiment to June, 1863 ; wounded at the action of Beverly Ford, Va., and taken prisoner by the rebels, confined at Libby Prison, Macon, Charles- town, and Columbia to November 4th, 1864 ; escaped, and after travelling over 400 miles arrived in our lines December 5th, 1864 ; rejoined regiment February, 1865; in Shenandoah Valley spring and summer, 1865 ; adjutant 2d Cavalry July, 1865, to March, 1866; at Fort" Riley, Kan., regimental quartermaster, to July, 1866; captain 2d Cavalry July loth, 1866; at Fort McPherson, Neb., "^to Jan- 182 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.'S. ARMY. uary, 18G7 ; Fort Laramie, W. T., to September, 18G8; Fort Russell, W. T., to April, 1869; Fort Sanders, W. T., to September, 18G9 ; Omaha Barracks, Ne- braska, to April, 1870; brevet captain June 9, 1863, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; at P'ort Fred Steele, Wyoming Territory, from April, 1870, to Nov. 1875; in the Sioux campaign from Feb. to Oct. '74 ; at Red Cloud Agency, Fort Fetterman, Nov. '75, to Nov. '76; with Gen. Crook's command from Feb. '76, to Nov. '76; campaign of 1876; Fort Sanders from Nov. '76, to Sept. '77 ; en route to Fort Keogh, M. T., Sept. and Oct. '77; Fort Keogh Nov. '77, to May, 1881 ; with Gen. Miles's command in 1879 to the British line at Fort IVIaginnis, M. T., from May, '81, to Sept.; on duty St. Paul, Minn., from Sept. '81, to Jan. '82; major 9th Cavalry Oct. 26, '81 ; joined regt. at Fort Riley Jan. 31, '82; with hi-adqrs. regt. from Jan. '82, to Feb. '83 ; at Fort Reno, I. T., in command from Feb. '83. Benteen, Frederick W. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from Missouri; first lieutenant 10th Missouri Cavalry Septem- ber 1, 1861; captain October 1, 18G1 ; en- gaged at the actions of Wet Glaze, Springfield, Salem, second Springfield, Cane Creek, Sugar Creek, battle of Pea Ridge, actions of Batesville, Kickapoo, Cotton Plant, defense of Helena, Ark., :actions of Millikin's Bend, Bolivar, and Greenville; major 10th Missouri Cavalry December, 1862; engaged at the actions of Tuscumbia, Tupelo, and Alabama Vallej^ ; commanding regiment and en- gaged at the battle of luka, INIiss., action -of Florence, siege of Vicksburg, action of Brandon Station, capture of Jackson, raid to Meridian, and action of Bolivar ; com- manding brigade and engaged at the actions of Big Blue Osage, Charlotte Prairie, and Pleasant Ridge ; command- 'ing regiment and engaged at the action -of Montevallo, assault and capture of tielma, Ala., and Columbus, Ga. ; lieu- -tenant-colonel 10th Missouri Cavalry February 27, 1864; mustered out June 30, 18G5; colonel 138th U.S. Colored Troops July 15, 1865; at Atlanta, Ga., to January, 1866-; mus-tered out January '6th, 1866; brigadier-general JMissouri militia; captain 7th Cavalry July, 1866; brevet major for gH'lhMit and meritorith U. S. Infantry Janu- ary, 1864; transferred to the 36th U.S. Infantry September, 1866 ; captain 39th U. S. Infantry January, 1867 ; unassigned April, 1869; assigned to the 9th U.S. Cavalry December, 1870 ; brevet first NINTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 183 lieutent\nt U. S. Army for gallant and meritcirious services in action at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee; bvt. captain U. S. Army for f^allant and meritorious services at the battle of Cliickamauijfa, Georgia. Carroll, Henry. Born in New York. Appointed from the army ; private Lii^ht Battery 3d U. S. Artillery January, J8u9 ; at Fort Ridgely, Minn. ; engaged in expe- ditions against hostile Indians in Dakota Territory ; tirst sergeant 3d U. !S. Artil- lery May, 18G1 ; engaged in the Port Royal, S. C, expedition ; occupation of Jacksonville and Fernandina, Fla ; oper- ations on James Island, S. C,. ; capture of Morris Island ; and siege and bombard- ment of Forts Sumter, Wagner, and Gregg, 8. C ; slightly wounded during the operations on Morris Island, S. C. ; discharged January, 18G4 ; re-enlist* d in the od U. S. Artillery at Washington, D. C, February, 1864; engaged at the battle of the Wilderness ; second lieuten- ant 3d U. S. Cavalry May, 18G4 ; joined regiment in Arlcani^as; commanding com- pany, acting assistant quartermaster, as- sistant commissary of subsistence, and adjutant to June, 1866; acting assistant quartermaster, assistant commissary of sub>istence, acting ordnance officer, and post adjutant. Fort Slephens, C. T., Au- gust to November, 186G ; assistant com- missary of subsistence, Los Pintos, N. M., to January, 1867 ; captain 9th U. S. Cav- alry January, 1867. Hooker, Ambrose E. Engaged drill- ing, organizing, and equipping California militia" 1861-68; lieut.col. 6t'h Cal. Vols. Feb. 186^, at Benicia Barracks, Cal. ; en- gaged in quelling Indian disturbances in N. California ; comdg. Benicia Barracks, Gal., Feb'y, '64, to Aug. '65; comdg. Mil. Dist. of Nev. to June,"'66 ; It.-col. 2d Cal. Cav. Nov. 1865 ; engaged in action against hostile Indians; bvt. col. U. S. Vols, for faithful and meritorious services; Ist'lt. 8th IT. S. Cav. July, 1866; regt. adjt. and acting asst. adjt. -gen. Dist. of Ariz, to '67 ; engaged against the A[)ache Indians; capt'yth li. S. Cav. March, '67; tempo- rary court-martial duty New Orleans, La. Beyer, Charles D. Born in N. Y. App(jint.d from La.; 2d It. 81st U.S. Inf. Oct. 17, '65; hon. must, out July 15, '67; must. gen. ser. and Co. " B," and pio- neers l.-t Inf., Aug. 12, '58, to Oct. 14, '65 ; ca])tain 41st Inf. June 16, '67, accepted July 15, '67; trans, to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69 ; trans, to 9th Cav. Jan. 1, '71. Cooney, Michael J. Born in Ireland. Appointed from New York ; private, cor- pora!, and sergeant 1st Csivalry, from De- cember 4, 1856, to December 4, 1861 ; private Co. "M," 6th Cavalry, December 18, 1861 ; first sergeant January 1, 1862; saddler-sergeant 6th Cavalry January 20, 1868 ; quartermaster-sergeant 1863 ; dis- charged March 22, 1864 ; quartermaster- sergeant March 22, 1864; di-charged De- cember 30, 1864 ; captain 5th Colonxl Cav- alry January 1,1865 ; mustered out Mai-ch 16, 1866; tirst lieutenant 9th Cavalry July 28, 1866; captain January 1, 1868. Parker, Charles. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois; capt. 71st Illi- nois Infantry July 22, 1862; guarding Ohio and Mobile Railrcad to November, 1862; mustered out October 29, 1863; cai>tain 17th Illinois Cavalry January 7, 1864; engaged against rebel guerrillas at Rocheport, Fayette, Hollzclaw's Farm, and Point of Rocks ; march to the relief of General Ewing at Leesburg, Mo. ; actions of Boopville, Lexington, Inde- pendence, Little Blue, and Osage ; com- manding squadron accom|)anying flag of truce to arrange terms of surrender for rebel General Thompson ; garrison duty, Kansas; major 17tli Illinois Cavalrv ; 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry July 28, 1866 ; 1st lieutenant 9th Cavalry June 12, 1867 ; on duty in Texas ; out of servit e by the reorganization of the army ; brevet 1st lieutenant and captain for gallant and meritorious services in battlt! ; reap])ointed captain 9th Cavalry May 1, 1874, to rank from January 16, 1870; in an aftair with Mescalero Apaches in the fall of 1868 and spring of 1870, on the Pecos River, Texas ; in the cam])aign and several affairs with the Comanches, Keowas, and Cheyenne Indians in the fall and winter of 1874 ; commanding in a severe all'air against " Navia" and Warm Spring A]jaches August 12, 1881, near Salmal, New Mexico. Moore, Francis. Born in Scotland. A]ipointed from Louisiana ; major 65th U.S. Colored Troops ; brevet lieutenant- colonel U.S. Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; sec- ond lieutenant 9th U.S. Cavalrv Julv, 1866 ; first lieut. 9th U.S. Cavalry July 18, 1867; regimental quartermaster 9th U.S. Cavalry September, 1870; capt. Aug. 24, '72. Rucker, Louis H. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois; pvt., sgt., and 1st sgt. Co. " G," 8th 111. Cav , September 14, '61; 2d It. 8th 111. Cav. March 1, '64 ; 1st It. Dec. 14, '64; hon. must, out April 21, '65 ; 2d It. 9lh Cav. July 28, 'G6 ; ac- cepted Jan. 12, '67 ; 1st It. July 31, '67 ; capt. Mar. 20, '79. Dawson, Byron. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana; 1st si;t. Co. " L," 3d Ind. Cav., Sept. 5, 'i;2 ; dis- charged Aug. 31, 'G4 ; 2d It. 3d Ind. Cav. 184 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Sept. 1, '64 ; trans, to 8th Ind. Cav. April 1, '64; capt. May 4, '65; hon. must, out July 20, '6.5 ; 2d'lt. 9th Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted May 10, '67 ; 1st It. July 31, '67 ; capt. April 4, '79. Loud, John S. Born in New York. Ap[)i>inted from New York; private 7th New York National Guards May 25, 1862; dischartfed September 5, 1862; Ist lieuten- ant rith New York Cavalry January 5, 1868; engaged at the action of Tarboro', N.C. ; captain 12th New York Cavalry Janiuiry 25, 1864; entjaged at the actions of Newbern, Batchelor's Creek, Wise's Forks, Kingston, Goldsboro', and Raleigh, N. C. ; with the 18th Corps, Army of the James; brevet 1st lieutenant and captain U.S.A. for meritorious services during the war; 2d It. 9th Cavalry January 22, 1867; 1st It. July 31, 1867; regimental adjutant 9th Cavalry September 13, 1867, to January 13, 1880; on Texas frontier, 1867 to 1875; A. A. A. general. District of New Mexico, from February, 1876, to February, 1882; captain 9th Cavalry January 13, 1880. First Lieidenants. Cusack, Patrick. Born in Ireland. Appointed from N. Y. ; capt. 6th U.S. Cav. March 1, '65 ; hon. must, out April 15, '66; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. " K," 4th Art. ; sgt. and 1st sgt. Co. " B," and Fj:t. maj. 6th Cav. Sept. 8, '55, to Jan. 19, '65 ; 2d It. 9th Cav. March 7, '67 ; bvt. capt. Sept. 12, '68; accepted Maj' 20, '67; 1st Ir. July 31, '67. Dimmick, Eugene D. Born in New Yol'k. A})pointed from New York ; pri- vate 6th New York Cavalry April to July, 1861, and from October, 1861, to May, 1862 ; second lieutenant 5th New York Cavalry May, 1862; first lieutenant 5th New York Cavalry August, 1862 ; eijgaged at the actions of Harrisonburg, Culpepper, battles of Cedar Mountain (commanding company), second Bull Run (escort to Gi'ueral ]?anks). South Moun- tain, Antietam, Brandy Station, Chan- tilly, actions of Warrcnton Junction, Thoroughfare Gap, Beverly Ford, Han- over Junction, battle of Gettysburg, and actions of Boonsboro' and ilagerstown (severely wounded, taken prisoner, and released) ; captain 5th J^ew York Cav- alry July, 1863; discharged on account of disability arisins; from wounds November, 1868; second lieutenant 18th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps February, 1864 ; at Albany, N. Y., and on the Canada border during the Fenian raids; second lieutenant 9.h U. S. Cavalry August, 1867; 1st It. 10 Jan. '70. Olmstead, Jerauld A. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 4 Cav. June 15, '70; trs. to 18 Inf. June 13, '72; 1 It. July, '72; trs. to 9th Cav. Aug. '81. Valois, Gustavus. I3orn in Prussia. Appointed from the army ; sgt. Co. " C," 4 ]\Id., and 1 sgt. Co "£," and qm. sgt. 3 Md. Inf. Apr. 12, '62, to Apr. 26, '64 ; 1 It. 8 Md. Inf. Apr. 27, '64; capt. May 9, '65; hon. must, out May 29, '65; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. I 5 Cav. Dec. 11, '65, to Aug. 11, '68; 2 It. 9th Cav. July 18, '68; ace Aug. 11, '68; 1 It. Aug. 25", '72. Hughes, Martin B. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1869 ; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 15, '69 ; 1 It. May 24, '73. Conline, John. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Ga. ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; enli.-ted as a private. Company E, 1st Vermont Volunteers, May 2. 1861 ; discharged August 15, 1861 ; private Company E, 4th Vermont Volunteers, March 1, 1862; dis- charged September 5, 1863 ; 2 lieutenant 9th Cavalry June 15, 1870 ; 1 lieutenant November'l5, 1875. Taylor, F. Beers. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed frtim N. Y. ; 2 It. 25 Inf. Sep. 5, '67; accepted Sep. 13, '67; trs. to 18 Inf. Apr. 26, '69 ; trs. to 9th Cav. Sep. 18, '75 ; 1 It. Feby. 25, '76. Gibbon, David J. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; pvt. Co. K, 5 Ohio Inf., June 20, '61 ; dis. Oct. 13, '62; sgt. Sig. Corps Sep. 12, '70; 2 It. 9th Cav. Mar. 4, '72 ; accepted Mar. 22, '72 ; 1 It. June 28, '78. Davenport, Thomas C. Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2 It. 9th Cav. June 14, '72; 1 It. June 28, '78. Goodwin, Millard F. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Ariz. Ty. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872 ; 2 It. 9th Cav. June 14, '72; 1 It. Apr. 14, '79. Humphrey, Ballard S. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from Virginia ; enlisted in U.S. Army December, 1857 ; private Battery I, 1st Artillery, Dec. 1, 1857; artificer Nov. 30, 1859 ; transferred to ordnance department Aug. 1, 1860; trans- ferred to Company I, 1st Artillery; 1st sergeant August, 1861, to October, 1862; engaged at the first battle of Bull Run, action of Hall's Bluff, siege of Yorktown, battles of Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Sav- age Station, White Oak Swamji, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Va., and Antietam, Md. ; 2d lieutenant 1st Artillery October 22, 1862 ; in the Department of the Gulf to July, 1864 ; engaged at the actions of Bayou Teche, Fort Bisland, and assault of Port Hudson (severely wounded) ; in NINTH KEGIMENT OF CAVALRY. 185 the expedition to Sabine, Texas, and Mad- isonville. La. ; in the deicnses of Wash- incjton, D. C, to Marcii, 18G5; at Plcas- an't Valley, Md., to May, 1865; Fort Mc- Henry, Md., to November, 18G5; Texas to June, 18G6; brevet 1st lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services in an assault on Port Hudson, La. ; 1st lieuten- ant 1st Artillery Juno 4, 1804; brevet captain for good conduct and gallant ser- vices during the war ; honorably mustered out January 1, 1871, and appointed 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry December 12, 1872; 1st lieutenant June 24, 1879; at llichmond, Va., a>signed to J. B. Magrudi-r's Light Battery I, 1st Artillery, at Newport, R. I., December, 1857 ; served there until November, 1858 ; transferred to Fort Leavenworth, Kiinsas ; served at that until Januarv, 1861 ; served in Texas fnmi 1873 to "1876; New Mexico, Color- ado, and Utah until November, 1881 ; Indian Territory from 1881 to present date; engaged in three aftairs with Vic- torio's band of Apache Indians in New Mexico durinsr the years of '79-80 ; en- gagement of Malvern Hill, 1st and 2d ; on registration duty in Louisiana during the year of 1867, during the reconstruc- tion of that State ; was actively employed in New Orleans, La., during the riots of 1868. Wright, Henry H. Born in Dist. of Col- umbia. Ap[>ointed from Dist. of Columbia; 2 lieutenant 9 Cavalry December 12, 1872; on frontier duty ; commanded detachments of Companies C and E, 9tli Cavalry, and Navajo Indian Scouts, and participated in the following Indian engagements, vix. : Southern Warm S])rings Apache Indians on the Cachillo Negro River, N.M., Sep- tember 2, 1876; with the Chiricahua In- dians, under "Juh," January 24, 1877; with the Southern Warm Springs Apaches (Vicuirio's) near Ojo Caiiente, N.M., May 3, 1877 ; with the Mescalero Apachps, near Alamo Canon, Sacramento Moun- tains, N.M., June 29, 1878 ; with the Mes- calero Apaches, Dog Canon, Sacramento Mts., N.M., Aug. 5, 1878; with the Apache IndiHns under Victorio, San Francisco Mountains, N.M., May 31, 1879 ; with the Apache Indians under Victorio and Mano, on the Palmas River, N.M., September 18, 1879 ; 1 lieutenant 9 Cavalry March 18, 1880. Guilfoyle, John F. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1877; 2 lieutenant 9th Cavalrj' June 15, 1877 ; 1 lieutenant November 1, 1881. Second Lieutennnts. Emmet, Robert F. Born in New York December 13,1854. Appointed at large ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1877 ; 2 lieutenant 9lh Cavalrj' .luno 15, 1877; 1 lieutenant January 20, 1883; served with regiment in the Apache cam- paigns of 1879 and 1880 against Victorio ; acting eniiineer officer of the District of New Mexico from March to October, 1881 ; appointed aide-de-camp on the staff of General Pope, commanding Depart- ment of Missouri, since January 7, 1882, which position he now holds. Day, Matthias W. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 ft. 10 Cav. June 15, '77; 2 It. 9 Cav. Mar. 1, '78. Schaeffer, Charles M. Born in Penn- sylvania. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; 2 It. 15 Inf. June 14, '78 ; trs. to 9 Cav. June 12, '79. Finley, Walter L. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa.; graduate of M. A , class of 1879; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 13, '79. Taylor, Charles W. Born in New York. Apjitd. from N. Y. ; gradmite of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 13, '79. Parker, Montgomery D. Born in Mas- .«achusetts. Apptd. from Mass. ; 2 It. 9 Cav. Sept. 1, '79; accepted Sep. 26, '79. Burnett, George R. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1880; 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry 12 June, 1880. Budlong, Alton H. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from the army ; pri- vate and corporal Company I, 3d Inf.fntrv, July 9th, 18T0, to 1872; discharged ^'o- vember 2, 1872; private, corporal, and sergeant Company C, and quartei-mastei- sergeant 6th Cavalry, Jany. 14, 1873, to Jan. 13, 1878; quartermaster-sergeant and sergeant-major 6th Cavalry Jan. 28, 1878, to Sept. 5, 1880 ; 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry June 24, 1880; accepted Sept. 5, 1880. McBlain, John F. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from the army; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. L, 2d Cav., Oct. 7, '72, to June 29, '77 ; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. L, 2d Cav., Oct. 22, '78, to July 16, '80; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 24, '80; accepted July 16, '80. Powell, Philip P. Born in Virginia. Apptd. from the army; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. D, 6 Cav., 0"ct. 27, '75, to Julv 24, '80 ; 2 It. 9 Cav. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 24, '80. Gardner, John H. Born in Illinois. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; add. 2 It. 8 Cav. June 11, '81 ; 2d It. 9 Cav. Aug. 19, '81. Stevens, Charles J. Born in New 186 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. York. Apptd. from N". Y. ; graduate of M. A., ckss of 1882; 2d It. 9 Cav. June 13, '82. TENTH REGIMENT OF CAV- ALRY. Colonel. Grierson, Benjamin Henry, Born in Pittsburg, Pa., July 8, 182ii, and at the l>ri'aln at Marion, East Tennessee ; brevet lieut.-col. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; It.-col. 10 Cav. 20 March, '79. Majors. Mills, Anson. Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Texas ; cadet Military Acad- emy, West Point, N. Y., June, 1855, to February, 1857 ; surveyor of the El Paso and Presidio Land District of Texas 1858 to 1861 ; surveyor for the State of Texas on the boundary survey between Texas and New Mexico 1859; sergeant Clay Guards, District of Columbia Volunteers, March to May, 1861 ; 1st lieutenant 18th Infantry 14th May, 1861; recruiting and mustering duty in Ohio to February, 1862 ; joined detachment of the regiment — three battalions— at Nashville, Tenn. ; adjutant of regiment to October, 1862; engaged at the battle of Corinth, Miss., April' 8,"'1862; comn.anding Company A, 1st Batt., to December, 1862 ; commissary of subsist- ence Kegular Brigade, Army of the Cum- berland, to April, 186.3; engaged at the battle of Stone Kiver, Tenn., December 31, 1862, and January 1 and 2, 1863 ; cap- tain 18th Infantry, Co. H, 1st Batt., April 27, 1863; commanding company to Sep- tember, 1864 ; engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 26th, 1863, and the battles of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19 and 20, 1863; Missionary Kidge, Tenn., December 25, 1863, and the actions of llesaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, and Neal Dow Sta- tion, Ga. ; battles of Utoy Creek, Ga., At- lanta, Ga. (wounded), and Jonesboro', Ga., September 1, 1864; commanding 1st Battalion and regiment Se|)tember to Oc- tober. 1864 ; inspector-general Di.«trict of the Etowa on the staff of General Steed- man to February, 1865; engaged at the battles of Nashville, Tenn., December 15 and 16, 1864, and Decatur, Ala., December 24, 1864; recruiting service July to No- vember, 1865; en route in command of Cos. A and H, 1st Batt., t)i« Jefl'erson Bar- racks, Mo., and Forts Leavenworth, Biley, and Dodge, Kan., to Fort Aubrey, Kan., November and December, 1865 ; comdg. Fort Aubrey, Kan., Jan. to April, 1866; invented the looped cartridge-belt for me- tallic cartridges ; member of the Board of Visitors from Texas to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., June, 1866; commanding Fort Bridger, Utah, November, 1866, to September, 1867 ; es- corting Union Pacific Railroad engineers with company to December, 1887 ; at Fort Fetterman to May, 1868; at Fort Sedg- wick, C. T., to April, 1869 ; at McPherson Barracks, Ga., to October, 1870 ; command- ing post Laurens Court-House, S. C, No- vember and December, 1870 ; transferred to 3d Cavalry, Co. M, January 1, 1871 ; commanding Fort Whii)ple, A. T., April and May, 1871 ; at Fort McDowell to De- cember, 1871 ; commanding expedition into Tonto Ba.sin, A. T., June, 1871 ; at Fort McPherson, Neb., to May, 1872; com- manding North Platte Station, Neb., May, 1872, to April, 1875; commanding Big Horn expedition, Cos. B and D, 2d Cav., F, H, and M, 3d Cav., and E and H, 4th Infantry, August and September, 1874; commanding escort. Battalion Cos. I and M, Professor Marsh's Paleontologi- cal Expedition on Niobrara River, Neb., June and July, 1873; commanding Fort Sheridan, Neb., April to September, 1875; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., to Novem- ber, 1876; commanding battalion, Cos. E and M, 3d Cav., Powder River expedition, February to April, 1876 ; engaged at the battle of Crazy Horse on Powder River, March 17, 1876 ; commanding battalion, Cos. A, B, D, E, and M, 3d Cav., on Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition against the Sioux, May to October, 1876 ; engaged at the actior, Sheridan's raid to Gordonsville, battle of Trevillian Station, action of St. Mary's Church, siege of Petersburg, ac- tions of Darbytown and Lee's JVIills: act- ing aide-de-camp to General Gregg, com- manding cavalry Army of the Potomac August, 1864 ; joined the Army of the Shenandoah ; acting aide-de-camp to Gen- eral Sh'Tidan, and engaged at actions of Barryvillt', Halltown, Smithfield, and battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill ; first lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry Septem- ber, 1864 ; lieutenant-colonel 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry October, 1864 ; engaged in organization of cavalry, and command- ing regiment and post of Camp Nelson, Kentucky, to April, 1865; guarding line of railroad against guerrillas, from Lex- ington to Covington, and commanding posts of Paris and Covington, Kentucky, to June, 1865; member of Board of Ex- aminers, to examine volunteer ofHcers, Department of Kentucky, to November, 1865; commanding regiment at Louis- ville, Kentucky, and en route to Helena, Arkansas, to March, 1866 ; brevet colonel LT. S. Volunteers for gallant and meri- torious services ; joined 6th U. S. Cavalry at Austin, Texas, July, 1866; regimental quartermaster November, 1866; captain 10th U. S. Cavalry July, 1866; recruit- ing duty, Louisville, Kentucky, and Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, to July, 1867; joined company at Fort Leavenworth, and engaged in General Hancock's Indian campaign, and guarding line of Kansas Pacific Ilailroad to December, 1867; at Fort Pviley winter of 1867 to 1868 ; en- gaged in Sheridan's campaign against the Indians, 18G8, in relief of Colonel For- sythe's command by a forced march Oc- tober, 1868, commanding Companies H and I in the action of Beaver Creek (nien- tii»ned in General Department Ordfrs for said action, and engaged in other Indian scouts 1868 to 1869 ; at Camp Supply, In- dian Territory, to 1870; brevet first lieu- tenant U. S. Army for gallnnt conduct at the battle of Winchester, Virginia ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant conduct at the battle of Winchester, Virg'nia ; brevet nuijor and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for^ gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in the action with Indians on Beaver Crtek, Kansas. Amos, George A. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from District of Columbia ; pri- vate Co. B, 16th Vi'ginia Vol., Sept. 1, 1862; second lieutenant 16th Virginia Vol., December 8, 1862; mustered out June 10, 1863; second lieutenant Veteran I'eserve Corps July 1, 1863 ; resigned October 28, 1864, and accepted captaincy in 2d N. Y. Artillery Nov. 7, 18()4 ; brevet major volunteers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious servi(!es during the cam- paigns of 1864 and 1865 ; mustered out September 29, 1865; .second lieutenant 2d Cavalry April 19, 1866; captain 10th Cavalry July 28, 1866; brevet major March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritor- ious services in action at Hatcher's Run, Va. ; dismissed June 7, 1870; dismissal amended by act of Congress June 8, 1874, so as to give him an honorable discharge with same pay and allowances as if he had been honorably discharged under Sec. 3, Act July 15, 1870 ; .specially restored by act of Congress and reappointed capt. 10th Cav. Mav 11, '78, with rank from July 28, '66, act 23 April, '78.* Baldwin, Theodore A. Born in N. J. Apptd. from tiie army; pvt. and q.m.- sgt. 19 Inf. Mav 3, '62, to May 3, '65; 2 It. 19 Inf. Feb.^g, '65; 1 It. Feby. 9, '65, accepted May 19, '65; capt. July 23, '67 ; unassigned Mar. 31, '69; as? igned to 10 Cav. Dec. 15, '70. Viele, Charles D. Born in New York. Appointed from New Yoi-k ; second lieu- tenant 1st Infantry October 24, 1861 ; first lieutenant Ajiril 6, 1862 ; brevet cap- tain July 4, 1863, for gallant and meri- torious service during the siege of Vicks- burg, Miss. ; ca])tain 1st Infantrv April 22, 1868; unassigned April 8, 1869; as- signed to 10th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1871. Norvell, Stevens T. Born in Michi- gan. Afipointed from the army ; private Co. A, 5 Infantry, Jamuirv 23, 1858; sgt. Oct. 3, 1858 ; 1 sgt. May 1,^1861 ; sergeant February 1, 1862; discharged January 23, 1863 ; sergeant Co. A, 5 Infantry, * RetiieJ from active servico September 1.1. 1883, on account of disability incident to the service; was wounded five times during the war of the Kebellion, and twice since during engagements willi Indians on the frontier. 190 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. January 23, 18fi3 ; acting 2d lieutenant 5 Infantry from January 28, 1802, to February 18, 18(53; second lieutenant 13 Infantry February 19, 18r)3; first lieu- tennnt July 12, 18')3; adjutant 1st bat- talion Au^rust 1, 1864, to October 1, 18fi5; quartermaster 2 battalion October 1, 1805, to May 20, 1800 ; transferred to Slst In- fantry Se[>teniber 21, 1800; caj)tain June 10, 1808; unassigncd May 15, 1809; as- signed to 10 Cavalry January 1, 1871. Lee, Philip L. Burn in Va. Ap- pointed from Va. ; pvt. Co. " F," N. Y. Cav., Aug. 28, 'G2 ; dis. Apr. 7, 'Go; 1 It. 10 N. Y. Cav. Apr. 7, '05; hon. must, out Oct. 7, '65; 1 it. 10 Cav. July 28, '06, accepted June 3, '07; capt. Apr. 10, '69. Kennedy, William B. Born in Ire- land. Apptd. from Cal. ; lit. 1 Cal. Cav. June 13, '63; capt. Nov. 12, '03 ; lion, must, out May 22, '66 ; 1 It. 10 Cav. Jan. 22, '07, accepted Mar. 26, '07; capt. June 7, '70. Keyes, Alexander S. B. Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Massa- chusetts ; second lieutenant U.S. Volun- teers ; second lieutenant 12th U.S. In- fantry February, 1866 ; transferred to the 30th U.S. Infantry September, 1866; first lieutenant 30th U.S. Infantry February, 1867; unassigned ISIarch, 1869; trans- ferred to tiie 10th U.S. Cavalry April, 1870; brevet captain U.S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war; captain Dec. '73. Kelly, Joseph M. Born in New York. Appointed from Pennsylvania; private 19th Pennsylvania Volunteers, April, 1801 ; first lieutenant 69th Pennsylvania Volunteers August, 1861 ; engaged in Banks's advance on Winchester, Va., February, 1802; sieg« of Yorktown, bat- tles of Fair Oaks, S«ven Days' fight. Pope's Virginia campaign, battles of South Mountain, Antielam, and Freder- icksburg (wounded) ; first lieutenant Vet- eran Reserve Corps March, 1804; captain Veteran Reserve Corps April, 1805; (irst lieutenant 38th U.S. Infantry March, 1807; unassirrned 11 Nov., '69; assigned to 10 Cav. 1870; captain 15 Apr., '75. Lebo, Thomas C. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2 It. 11 Pa. Inf. April 20, '01 ; hon. must, out August 1, '01 ; 2d It. 1st Pa. Cav. Nov. 21, '61 ; 1 It. Feb. 2, '63 ; capt. Dec. 13, '64 ; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65 ; 1 It. 10 Cav. June 12, '67 ; accepted July 16, '07 ; capt. May 17, '70. Smither, Robt. G. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana ; enlisted as a private at the age of 14, on the 28th day of July, 1801. in Company I, 20th Regi- ment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry ; served in that regiment until November 4, 1862, when discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability ; served in Com- pany E, 107th Regiment Indiana Volun- teer Infantry, from July 9 to July 18, 1863, inclusive (during Morgan's raid through Indiana) ; re-entered the service as first sergeant Company II, 7th Regi- ment Indiana Cavalry Volunteers, on the 9th day of August, 1863; appointed 2d lieutenant Company H, 7th Indiana Cav- alry Volunteers, September 1, 1864; mustered as such September 30, 1864; promoted to 1st lieutenant same company March 7, 1805, and mustered as such April 9, 1805, and commissioned as cap- tain of same com[)any June 1,1865, but could not muster as such until mustered out at Austin, Texas, on the 18th day of February, 1806, on account of the officer who was commissioned as major not being ■ able to muster in as such, the regiment being reduced below the authorized num- ber ; he performed the duties of captain from date of receiving commission as such, and conducted company from Austin, Texas, to Indianapolis, Indiana, as its captain, and where it was disbanded and received tiiuil payment, to include March 16, 1806 ; the company thi-n being desig- nated as "Company A," it having been consolidated with Company I in Septem- ber, 1865; was severely wounded through the base of the neck in the sabre charge of his regiment at the battle of Okolona, Miss., February 22, 1864; in a charge of the regiment at the battle of Egypt Sta- tion, Mi-s., on General Grierson's raid, on the 28th day of December, 1864, was severely wounded in the right thigh; during the last three months that he was connected with the 7th Indiana Cavalry served on the staff of General George A. Custer as commander of his escort, con- sisting of two companies; 1st lieutenant 10th Cavalry June 12,1867; regimental adjutant 10th Cavalry January 25, '77, to November 18, 1881; captain November 18, 1881 ; organized and commanded for several years troop K, 10th Cavalry ; A. A. A. and C. C. S. with troops in the field September 10 to November 30, 1874 ; post adjutant Ft. Concho, Texas, from Feb. 5, 1877, to March 19, 1880 ; A. A. A. District of the Pecos January 28, '78, to February 7, 1881. Morrison, John F. Born in New York. Appointed from Minnesota; enlisted as a private in Company A, 1st Minnesota Volunteers, April 29, 1801 ; engaged at the 1st battle of Bull Run, actions of Ball's Bluff and Berryville, Va. ; dis- cliarged March 11,1802; 1st lieutenant, adjutant, 2ii Minnesota Cavalry October 2U, 1863 ; engaged in actions against TENTH EEGIMENT OF CAVALKY. lai Sioux Indians on the upper Missouri liiver ; mustered out November 17, 1805; 2d lieutenant 10th Cavalry March 7, 1807; 1st lieutenant July 31, 1807; regi- jiientiil quarterniu'^ter June 30, 1875, to August ;^1, 1878; adjutant 10th Cavalry 18 November, 1881, to '21 December, 82; captain 19 December, 1882. Pratt, Richard H. Born in New York. Apjidinted fnun Indiana; corporal Com- jianv " A," 9th Indiana Volunteers, April 20,1801; discharged July 29, 1861; ser- geant Company A, 2d Indiana Cavalry, !Sei)tembcr 18, 1861 ; 1 lieutenant 11th In- diana Cavalry April 20, 1864; captain Septemhi-r 1,1804; must«'red out May 29, 1805 ; 2d lieutenant 10 Cavalry March 7, 1867; bvt. 1st lieutenant and captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious service during the war; 1st lieutenant 10th Cav- alry July 31, 1867 ; capt. lOlh Cavy. Feb- ruary 17, 1883. First Lieutenants. Cooper, Charles L. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from Pa.; private in Co. B, 71st Regiment N. G. S. N. Y., May 27, 1862; difcharged hy expiration of service Sept. 2, 1862 ; private in Co. A, 21st Ilegiment N. G. S. N. Y., June 27, 1803 ; discharged hy expiration of service August 6, 1863 ; apptd. 2d lieut. 127th U. S.' Colored In- fantry September 5, 1804 ; served on staff of Brig. -Gen. William Birney, U.S. Vols., in 2d Div. 10th Army Corps ; promoted 1st lieut. 127lh U. S. Col. Inf. March 5, 1865 ; mustered out October 20, 1865, hut served and paid in volunteers to Nov. 3, 1865; appointed 2d lieut. 39th U. S. In- fantry July 28, 1866 ; promoted 1st lieut. 39th U. S": Infantry Oct. 5, 1867 ; unas- signed April 20, 1869; assigned to 10th U. S. Cavalry Jan. 1, 187f; appointed adjutant 10th Cavalry Dec. 21, 1882. Woodward, Samuel L. Born in New Jersey. Ap]iointed from Kentucky ; en- listed as a private in Company G, 6th Illinois Cavalry, February 1, 1802; clerk at General W. T. Sherman's headquarters September, 1802 ; present at the battles of Shiloh and advance on Corinth ; 2d lieutenant Gth Illinois Cavalry Novem- ber 1, 1802; 1st lieutenant March 10, 1803; captain and assistant adjutant-gen- eral volunteers July 21, 1803; on staff of General Grierson commanding bi-igade of cavalry December, 1802, to July, 1803; engatred in the pursuit of the rebel General Van Dorn through Tennessee and North- ern Mississippi raid from La Grange, Tenn., to Baton Rouge, La. ; on the staff of General Grierson commanding cav- alry. Department of the Gulf, to July, 1863 ; Cavalry Division 16th Corps and Cavalry Corps to January', 1865; engaged at the actions of West Point, Okaloiia, Ivy Farm, Guntown, Old Town Creek, raids to Oxford, Miss., and from JMem- phis, Tenn., to the Mobile and Ohio Rail- road, and Vicksburg, and capture of Egypt Station, Mis?.; major and assistant adju- tant-general volunteers Feb. 11, 1805; a-sistant adjutant-general Cavalry Corps, Military Division of West Mississippi, New Orleans, La., to September, 1865; engaged at the reduction and capture of Forts Blakcly and Spanish, ai:d city of Mobile, Alabama, and in General Grier- son 's raid from Mobile Bay to George- town, Ga., Columbus, Miss., and New Orleans, La. ; mustered out Sejitember 19, 1865 ; 2d lieutenant 10th Cavalry June 18, 1807; at Fort Riley, Kan., Sep- tember, 1867, to April, 1808; regimental adjutant October 1, 1807, to October 1, 1870; 1st lieutenant December 11, 1867; engaged in an expedition from Fort Gib- son, Cherokee Nation, to the Wichita Mountains June to July, 1868; brevet captain and major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services during the raid through Mississippi April, 1803, and for gallantry during the figbt at Egypt Sta- tion, Miss., December, 1805; acting as- sistant adjutant-general, district of the Indian Territory, Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, and Fort Sill, I. T., from July, 1808, to 1874; A. C. S. Ft. Sill, I. T., from July, 1871, to May, 1872; engaged in ex- pedition against hosti'e Indians from July, 1874, to January, 1875; took part in en- gagements against hostile Indians at Fort Sill, I. T., in''l871, Wichita Agency, I. T., in 1874, Guadaloupe Mts., and Mescalero Agency, 1880; post adjt. Fort Concho, Texas, from 1875 to 1876 ; on general mt'd. rec'tg. service in Cincinnati, Ohio, and St. Louis Barracks, Mo., from Oct. 1876, to Oct. 1878; A.A.Q..AI. St. Louis Barracks from May to Nov. 1877; absent, sick, from Nov. '78, to Nov. '79; at Fort Davis, Texas, and sub-posts from Nov. '79, to Dec. '82; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. Fort Davis from May to Dec. 1880, and from May to Nov. 1882; absent with leave from Dec. '82, to April, '83 ; commanding com- pany of instruction at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from April, '83, to date. Beck, William H. Born in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. Appointed from Il- linois ; corporal Company B, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, April 16, 1801; dis- charged July 29, 1801 ; quartermaster-ser- geant 6th Illinois Cavalry September 21, 1801 ; appointed "adjutant of the 6th Cav. Rect. 111. Vols. ... to rank as 1st It. from 21st Oct., 1802"; 1st lieutenant 6th Illinois Cavalry November 1, 1862; re- 192 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. "Bifijned February 28, 1863 ; 2d lieutenant lOth Cavalry June 18, 1867 ; regimental quartermaster September 1, 18G7, to De- cember 31, 1874; 1st lieutenant December 11, 1867. Colladay, Samuel B. Born in Penn- sylvania. Ai)ptd. from Pa. ; pvt. 18 Pa. Vols., Natl. Grd.*. of Phila., Apr. to July, 1861; pvt. 6th Pa. Cav. (Rush's Lancers) Aug. '61; 2 It. 6th Pa. Cav. Jany. '63; engaged with regiment and taken prisoner in a charge against the rebel cavalry at the battle of Brandy Station June, '63 ; confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., to Mar. '64; 1st It. 6th Pa. Cav.; resigned Juno, 1864 ; 1st It. 6th Pa. Cav. Feby."''65; capt. 6lh Pa. Cav. Apr. '65 ; entraged with regt. in the field ; 2 It. 10 U. S. Cav. Aug. '67. Davis, William, Jr. Born in Indiana. Apptd. from Ind. ; 1st It. 1 Mo. Cav. June 7, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '65 ; 2 It. 10 Cav. Aug. 17, '67; accepted Oct. 9, '67; 1st It. Mar. 3, '73. Harmon, William R. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; 2d It. 70th Ohio Inf. Jan 6, '62; 1st It. Feb. 11, '62; resigned Sep. 3, '62 ; 2d lieut. 10 Cav. Aug. 17, '67 ; accepted Aug. 28, '67 ; 1st It. Dec. 6, '73. Maxon, Mason M. Born in Wiscon- sin. A]iptd. from Wis ; graduate of M. A., class of 1869; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 15, '69; 1st It. Apr. 24, '75. Nordstrom, Charles M. Born in Maine. Apptd. from Me. ; pvt. Co. E, 1 Me. Cav., Aug. 26, '62; discharged May 28, '65; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 18, '67; accep- ted July 12, '67; 1 It. Sep. 1, '69. Hunt, Levi P. Born in Missouri. Ap- pointed from Mo.; graduate of M. A., class 1870; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 15, '70; 1 It. June 30, '75. Ward, Charles R. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2 It. lO^Cav. June 12, '71; 1 It. May 17, '76. Jones, Thaddeus W. Born in North Carolina. Apfiointed from North Caro- lina; graduated from Military Academy June 14, 1872; 2 lieutenant 10 Cavalry June 14, 1872; 1 lieutenant November 20, 1879. Evans, George H. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872 ; 2 It. 10 Cav. June 14, '72; 1st It. Nov. 14, '81. Ayres, Charles G. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 2d lieutenant 25 Infantry October 31, 1874; transferred to 10th Cavalry September 18, 1875; 1st lieutenant 21 December, 1882. Second Lieutenants. Jouett, James S. Born in Ky. Ap- ptd. from Md. ; 2d It. lOtb Inf. Jan. 20, '75, accepted Feb'y 8, '75 ; trs. to lOih Cav. Feb'y 6, '77. Esterly, Calvin. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Kansas ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; 2d It. lOlh Cav. June 15, '77. Bigelow, John, Jr. Born in New York. Appointi'd from New York ; graduated from Military Academy, class of 1877 ; 2d lieutenant'lOth Cavalry June 15, 1877. Read, Robert D., Jr. Born in Tennes- see. Appointed from Tennessee ; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1877 ; 2d lieutenant 10th Cavalry June 15, 1877. Eggleston, Millard F. Born in Ind. Apptd. from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2d It. 10th Ca^. June 15, '77. Grierson, Charles H. Born in 111. Apptd. from Mo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2d It. 10th Cav. June 18, '79. Finley, Leighton. Born in S. C. Ap- ptd. from S. C. ; 2d It. 15th Inf. Sept. 1, '79, accepted Sept. 1, '79; trs. to 10th Cav. Nov. 11, '79. Watson, James W., Jr. Born in Mis- sissippi. Appointed from Mississi))pi ; graduate of Military Academy, clanse of Fort Pickens 1861; battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; de- fenses of Washington 1861-62; engaged in the actions of the Virginia, Peninsu- lar, j\Iaryland, Rapjiahannock, and Penn- sylvania campaigns 1862-63 ; defenses of AVashington 1863-64 ; actions of the Richmond campaign 1864, commanding the artillery of the 2d Corps ; command- ant of cadets and instructor of artillery M.A., July to iSept. 1864; in command of artillery 9th Corps, Army of the Poto- mac, operations in front of Petersburg, 1804-65; on duty in Cal. 1865-67; brevet major June 27, 1862, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; brevet lieut.-colonel Sept. 17, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam ; col. 4th N. Y. Art. Aug. 28, 1863; brevet brig.-gen. vol. Aug. 1, 1864, for gallant and distin- guished services in the battles of the Po, Spiittsylvania Court-House, and during the operations in front of Petersburg, Va. ; brevet col. March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the rebel attack on P\irt Steadman, Va. ; bvt. brig. -general March 13, 1865, for gallant and merito:ious services in the field dur- ing the war ; brevet maj.-gen. vol. April 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at Forts Steadman and Sedgwick, Va. ; mu>tered out of volunteer service Sept. 26, 1865; major 2d Art. Feb. 5, 1867; on duty in Oregon and Alaska 1868-72; on duty at "Artillery School 1874-81 ; col., A.D.C. to general of the army 1881 to date; lieut.-col. 3d Art. June 30, 1882 ; transferred to 1 Artillery Nov. 10, 1882. Majors. Mendenhall, John. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ind.; graduated fron\ M. A. July 1, 1851 ; brvt. 2d lieut. 1 Dra- goons Julv 1, 1851 ; transferred to 4th Artillery Feb. 20, 1852; 2d lieut. Oct. 8, 18.53; on duty in Carlisle and Fort Mifflin, Pa., 1851-52; Texas, N. Y., and Kansas 1858-55; engaged with hostile Indians 1855; hostilities in Florida against the Seminoles 1857; frontier duty 1857-58; New York and Virginia 1859-61 ; 1st It. Mar. 12, 1856 ; Fort Monroe, Va., 1861-62; engaged in the acticms of the Tennessee and Miss, cam- paign, 1862; operations in North Ala- bama, Tennessee, and Kentucky 1862 ; engaged in the actions in the invasion of Georgia, operations in the vicinity of Chattanooga, and Department of the Cumberland 1864-65; on duty in Md., Pa., and N. Y. 186-5-67, '68; ca'ptain July 3, 1861 ; brevet major April 7, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; major, judge- advocate volunteers IMar. 17, 1863 ; bre- vet It.-col. Sept. 20, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga ; It.-col., asst. insjiector-gen- eral Feb. 27, 1864, to Sept. 26, 1864; brevet col. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mus- tered out of volunteer service Oct. 23, 1865; major 1 Art. Jan. 10, 1877 ; served, Ft. Wayne, Mich., 1859; North Caro- lina '70-72; California '73-76; Alaska (Sitka) '76-77; Ft. Warren, Mass., '77- 79; Newport, R. I., Ft. Adams, '79-80; Gov.'s Id., New York, '80-81; N. Y. City '81-82; California '82-83; Modock campaign ' 73. Frank, Royal T. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed cadet U.S. Mil. Academy July 1, 1854; graduated July 1, 1858, and ap- pointed brevet 2d lieutenant 5th Infantry ; promoted 2d lieutenant 8th Infantry Oct. 19, 1858; served at Newport Barracks, Ky., until June, 1859, and in New Mexi- co and Texas until May, 1861 ; engaged in skirmish with the Kiowa and Comanche Indians at Hatche's Ranch, N. M., July 23d, 1860, receiving a letter of thanks from the department commander and honorably mentioned in general orders from the headquarters of the army ; sur- rendered a pi'isoner of war in Texas ]\Iay 9, 1861, and held as such until exchanged in Feby. 1802; promoted 1st lieutenant May 14, 1861 ; on provost duty in the de- fenses of Washington, D. C, Feby. and March, 1862, and at the headquarters Army of the Potomac during the Penin- sular campaign ; in command of regiment 194 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. durini; the Maryland and Rappahannock campaii:;n ; and of company during the Gettysburg canipHign ; brevet major July 8, 1862, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the Peninsular campaign, and brevet lieutenant-colonel Dec. 13, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Frederic Ksburg, Ya. ; on duty with regiment in suppressing draft- riots in New York City July, 1863 ; and as actg. asst. adjt. -general of the general recruiting service until May, 1866; com- manding post of Wilmington, N. C, from May, 1866, to May, 1868, and of Darling- ton, S. C, to Sept. 1868 ; on duty at Co- lumbia and Ahhyville, S. C, to March, 1869; coiudg. Fort Johnson, N. C, to March, 187'(), and of Raleigh to Nov. 1870; transferred to 1st Artillery Dec. 15, 1870; serving at Forts Hamilton and Wadsworth, N. Y. H., to Nov. 1872, and Fort Pulaski, Ga., to Nov. 1873; St. Augustine, Fla., to Dec. 1875; and at Fort Adams, R. I., to Oct. 1876; at Co- lumbia, Summerville, and Charleston, S. C, to Feby. 1877; and at the Washing- ton Arsenal, Washington, D. C, to April, 1877; at Fort Adams, R. I., to July, 1877; and at Philadelphia, Reading, Easton, and Mauch Chunk, Pa., during the labor riots to Oct. 1877 ; at Fort Adams, R. I., to June, 1881; promoted major Janv. 2, 1881, and commanding Fort Trun"ibull, Conn., to Nov. 1881 ; commanding battrtlion 1st Arty, during the centennial observances at Yorktown, Va., in Oct. 1881 ; commanding 1st Ar- tillery en route to the Mil. Div. of the Pacific from the Mil. Div. of the Atlan- tic Nov. 1881; and Alcatraz Island, Cal., since Nov. 17, 1881. Randol, Alanson M. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate of . M. A., class- of 1860; col. 2d"N. Y. Cav. Dec. 23, '64; lion. must, out June 23, '65; bvt. brig.-gen. June 24, '65; bvt. 2 It. 4th Art. July 1, 'GO; trans, to Ord. Oct. 9, '60 ; trans, to 3d Art. Jan. 14, '61 ; 2d It. 1st Art. Nov. 22, '60; 1st It. May 14, '61 ; capt. Oct. 11, '62; major 3d Art. April 19, '82; trans, to 1st Art. May 5, '82; in active service during the rebellion ; bvt. capt. June 30, .'62, for gallant and meri- torious service in action at New Market, Va. ; bvt. major Jul}- 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Get- tysburg; bvt. It. -col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Five Forks; bvt. col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the rebellion. Captains. Taylor, Frank E. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia; 2d and Istlicutennnt 1st Artil- lery Aug. 5, 1861 ; commanding Company A, 1st Artillery, and engaged in rei)elling the rebel assault on Santa Rosa Island, Fla., 1861 ; in the defense of Fort Pickens, Florida, during the bombardments of that place and in the occupation of Pensacola, Florida ; actions of Irish Bend, La., Ver- milion Bayou, and siege and assault of Port Hudson, La. ; commanding battery in the Teche and Red River campaigns; engaged at the action of Sabine Cross Roads, battle of Pleasant Hill, and actions of Cane River, La., and Marksville, La. ; commanding hor.«e batteries K and L, 1st Artillery, in the Shenandoah Valley cam- paign, 1864, and engaged in the actions of Smithfield, battle of Winchester, Va., and Fisher's Hill ; actions of Mount Jnckson, New Market, Va., Port Republic, Wood- stock, and battle of Cedar Creik, Va. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Port Hudson. La. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va. ; captain 1st Artillery February 1, 1866. Haskin, William L. Born in Maine. ApiH>inted at large; second lieut. 1st U.S. Artillery August, 1861 ; at Fort Washing- ton, Md., to November, 1861 ; at Fort Pickens and Pensacola, Fla., January to July, 1862 ; engaged at the action of Fort Bisland and siege of Port Hudst)n ; in re- serve at the action of Alexandria, and engaged in the Red River expedition ; commanding battery, and engaged at the action of ^Nlansura, La. ; en rmde with battery to New York City July to Au- gust, 1864; on recruiting duty to Janu- ary, 1865; with battery in the defenses of Washington, D. C, and aide-decamp to the chief of artillery, 22d Army Corps, to October, 1865; at Fort Trumhull, Conn., to October, 1867; brevet captain U.S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle and capture of Port Hudson, La. ; brevet major U.S. Army, for good conduct and gallant servis in action at Bermuda Hun- dred and Petersbur;;, Va. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Deep Bottom, Va. ; adjutant of the Artillery School U. S. Army and post of Fort Monroe, Va., from February, 1868, and recorder of the board to revise the U.S. Art. Tactics from August, 1868, to Nov. 1870; with rea;i- meut, Plnttsburg Barracks and Fort Ham- ilton, until December, 1871 ; ensj^arjed with battery in suppression of illicit distilleries, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Professor of Miliiar}' Science and Tactics, Bowdoin College, Me., from January, 1872, to June, 1875; promoted captain Feb. 7, 1865; received honorary degree M.A. from Bowdoin College July 10, 1872; admitted to the Cumberland bar, Superior Court, Me., April 21, 1874; member of military com- mission to Japan, China, India, Persia, Tuike}", Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, and England from July, 1875. to February, 1877 ; with battery from Feb- ruarj', 1877, to date ; engaged in suppress- ing railroad riots from July to October, 1877; commanding Fort Columbus from July, 1878, to July, 1880; recorder of Army Equipment Board 1879; command- ing Light Battery from July, 1880, to date; member of Light Artillery Board 1881. Ward, Thomas. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1863 ; 2d It. 1st Art. June 11, '63; 1st It. July 18, 'Hi; capt. Nov. 1, '76; bvt. 1st It. June 3, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor ; bvt. capt. March 1.^, '65, ft)r good conduct and gallant services duiing the rebi^llion. Ingalls, James M. Born in Vt. Ajiptd. from the army ; pvt. and corpl. Co. " A," 2d batt. 16th Inf., and com. sgt. and qni. sgt. 16th Inf. Jan. 2, '64, to May 21, '65; 21 It. 16th Inf. May 3, '65; 1st It. May 3, '65, accepted May 21, '65; trs. to 2d Inf. April 17, '69 ; trs. to 1st Art. Jan. 1, '71 ; capt. July 1, '80. Andruss, E. Van A. Born in N. J. Apptd. from N. J.; graduate of M. A., class of 1864 ; 2d It. 1st Art. June 13, '64 ; 1st It. May 10, '65; capt. Jan. 2, '81; Army of Potomac '64-65 ; bvt. 1st It. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious service at the capture of Petersburg, Va. McMurray, Junius W. Born in Mo. Apptd. from Mo. ; 2 It. 1 Mo. Inf. May 9, '61 ; trs. to 1 Mo. 1 Art. June 10, '61 ; 1 It. Sept. 1, '61 ; capt. Nov. 1, '63 ; bvt. It.- col. March 13, '65; hon. must, out July 20, '65; capt. 2 Mo. 1 Art. July 21, '65; hon. must, out Nov. 20, '65 ; 2 It. 1 Art. Feb. 23, '66; 1 It. March 20, '66, accepted April 7, '66; capt. April 19, '82. Dillenback, John W. Born in New York. Apptd from N. Y. ; enlisted in Co. " G," lOlh N. Y. Heavy Artillery, August 7, 1862; served with regiment in the de- fenses of Washington, D. C, until August, 1863 ; commission^'d by the President cap- tain in the 4th U. S. Colored Infantry August, 1863; commanded batuilion on picket and scouting dutv at Williams- burg, Va., to April, 1864; on duty at Poiiit Lookout, Md., till May, 1864 ; joined Army of the James May, 1864 ; en- gaged in the operations of the Army of the James for the capture of Petersburg, Va., till June 15, 1864; severely wounded while charging battery No. 10 in the de- fenses of Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 ; engaged in repelling the attack on Fort Harrison, Va., September 30, 1864; with first expedition under General Butler for the cajiture of Fort Fisher, N. C, Decem- ber, 1864; engagi^d in the operations that resulted in thn full of Fort Fisher, N. C, January 15, 1855; wounded in the attack on Sugar-Loaf, N. C , in the advance on W^ilmington, N. C. ; with General Sher- man's army at the capture of Raleigh, and surrender of General Johnson's army April, 1865 ; served in North Carolina till the autumn of 1865; commanded suc- cessively Forts Malum and Stanton near Washington until April, 1866 ; br^'vet major and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Vol- unteers, for gallant and meritorious ser- vice during the war ; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery February 23, 1866 ; first lieutenant 1st Artillery May 1, 1866 ; with light batteries of regiment in New Orleans, La., and Brownsville, Texas, to May, 1867; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., to December, 1867 ; at the Artillery School U. S. Army, Fort ilonroe, Va., from December, 1867, to May, 1869; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. II., from May, 1869, to November, 1872; at Savannah, Ga., on duty with battery and disbursing otBcer Freedmen's branch adjutant-gen- eral's department until October, 1874; joined light battery of regimi-nt October 1, 1874, at Charleston, S. C. ; appointed regimental quartermaster March 1. 1875, and served as such to June 30, 1882 ; at Charleston, S. C, from October 1, 1874, to November, 1875; at Fort Adams, New- port, R. I., from November, 1875, to De- cember, 1881 ; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., from December, 1881, to August, 1882 ; promoted captain 1st U. S. Artillery June 30, 1882; at Alcatraz Island, Cal., from August, 1882, to date. Shaw, Richard G. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Rhode Island ; FIRST REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. 197 captain 8d Rliodc Islnnd Volunteer Heavy Artillery; entjajjed in General Sliernian's Port Royal, South Carolina, expedition ; at Hilton Head and Bay Point, S. C. ; commanding company, and engaged in the operations resulting in the capture of Morris Ishind, S. C. ; commanding battery in the operations against Fort Sumter, S. C, and commanding battery Gregg to January', 1864; major 14th Rhode Island Colored Heavy Artillery January, 18(i4 ; commanding battalion of regiment in the Department of the Gulf to October, 1805; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery Maj^, 1860; tirst lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery Jul}'', 1860; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services on Morris Island, South Carolina; captain Sept. 20, '83. First Lieutenants. Russell, Edmund K. Born in New Yoric. Appointed from New York; sec- ond lieutenant G7th New York Volunteers ,]une, 1861 ; first lieutenant 67th New York Volunteers April, 1862; engaged in the Virginia Peninsular campaign ; in reserve at the battle of Chantilly ; en- gaged at the action of Williamsport, Md., and battles of Marye's Heisrhts and Salem Heights, crossing of the Rappahannock, and battle of Gettysburg ; captain 67th New York Volunteers May, 1863; assist- ant commissary of subsistence 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, July, 1833 ; as such and aide-de-camp engaged at the battle of Rappahannock Station, General Grant's Virginia campaign, and siege of Petersburg, Va., to July, 1864; transferred to the 65th New York Volunteers ; with the 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, in front of Washington, D. C, during the repulse of the rebel General Early ; in Sheridan's Vallej'' campaign, and in the terminating campaign of the Army of the Potomac, to the surrender of General Lee ; major 65th New York Volunteers Julv, 1865; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Art^illery August, 1866; at Fort Wads- worth, New York Harbor, to December, 1867 ; first lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery August, 1867. Chamberlin, Lowrell A. Born in Mas- sachusetts. Apfiointed from Massachu- setts ; first sergeant 2d Massachusetts Vol- unteer Light Battery July, 1861 ; second lieutenant Maryland Volunteer Light Battery November, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Gaines' Mill, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Va., Antie- tam, Md., and Fredericksburg, Va. ; first lieutenant Maryland Volunteer Light Buttery January, 1868, and engaged at U the battle of Chancellorsvillc and action of Salem Church, Va. ; aide-de-camp to General Tyler, commanding the Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac, June, 1863 ; engaged at the battles of Gettys- burg, Penn., Rappahannock Station, oper- ations at Mine Run, battle of the Wilder- ness, action of Todd's Tavern, and battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va. ; aide- de-camp to General De Russey, defenses of Washington, D. C, July, 1864, to July, 1865; first lieutenant 5th Veteran Volun- teers July, 1865; regimental adjutant August, 1865; at Fort Wadsworth, New York Harbor, to Jul}', 1866 ; second lieu- tenant 1st U. S. Artillery July, 1866; first lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery Octo- ber, 1867. Nichols, Frederick C. Born in Can- ada. Appointed from Missouri ; major 9th U. S. Veteran Volunteers ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war; brevet colonel U. S. Volunteers for galhmt and meritorious services during the war ; second lieutenant 14th U. S. In- fantry January, 1867 ; first lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry October, 1868; unassigned July, 1869; assigned to the 1st U. S."" Ar- tillery January, 1871. Merrill, Abner H. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1866; 2d It. TArt. June 18, '66; 1st It. May 1, '70. Webster, Isaac T. Born in New York. Apptd. from Neb. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1866; 2d It. 3d Art. June 18, '66 ; trs. to 1st Art. Sept. 28, '66 ; 1st It. Jan. 1, '71. Davis, John M. K. Born in District of Columbia. Apptd. from Ark. ; gradu- ate of M. A., class of 1867 ; 2 It. 1st Art. June 17, '67; 1st It. Dec. 23, '71; adjt. Aug. 17, '77. Barber, Thomas H. Born in England. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867 ; 2d It. 1st Art. Juno 17, '67 ; 1st It. July 10, '72. Capron, Allyn. Born in Fla. Apptd. from N. C. Graduate of il. A., class of 1867 ; 2d It. 1st Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st It. Aug. 19, '73. Cotton, Gilbert P. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from La. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1807; 2d It. 1st" Art. June 17, '67; 1st It. Sept. 11, '73. Hubbell, Henry W^., Jr. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; private 7th Regt. N. Y. State Militia in the service of the United States from April 17 to June 3, 1861, serving in the defenses of Wash- ington, D. C.; volunteer aide-de-caiup to Brig. -Gen. H. G. Wright, commanciing 3d Brigade, Sherman's Division, Expedi- 198 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. tionary Corps to Port Roval, S. C, Nov. 7, 1861 ; 2d lieiit. 40th Regt. N. Y. Vol- unteers Nov. 30, 1861 ; appointed aide- de-camp to Brig. -Gen. H. G. Wright at Tj-bee Island, Georgia, December 24, and at investment of Fort Pulaski, Ga , occu- pation of Fernandina and Jacksonville, and operations against Charleston, S. C, including action at Secessionville, James Island, S. C, June 15, 1802; honorably mentioned ; accompanied Gen. Wright to headquarters Department of the Ohio, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, September, 1862; on tem- porary duty on the staff of Brig.-Gnn. Gillniore in Kentucky October, Novem- ber, and December, same year ; accompa- nied Gen. Wright to the Army of the Potomac in April, 1863, he being assigned to the command of the 1st Division 6th Army Corps ; engaged in the campaign of jMay, June, and July in Maryland and Pennsylvania, including the battle of Get- tysburg, July 2 and 3, and the pursuit of Lee's army into Virginia; mustered out of service as a supernumerary ofBcer, owing to consolidation of regiment, Oct. 4, 1863; passed examination before Artil- lery Board at Washington June 25, 1867, and appointed 2d lieutenant 1st Regiment of Artillery with rank from June 18; ac- cepted appointment July 17; reported for duty at regimental headquarters. Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., August 17, and as- signed to Battery M stationed at that post December, 1868 ; ordered to Light Battery K, and joined it at Sedgwick Barracks, New Orleans, La.; in March, proceeded with battery by steamer to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas; April, marched to Fort Riley, Kansas, to form part of the command designated as a school of in- struction for field artillery (Light Bat- teries K, 1st, A, 2d, C, 3d, and B^ 4th Ar- tillery) ; during the summer, scouting against hostile Indians on the Republi- can River, battery equipped as cavalry; in September, 1870, relieved from duty with Light Battery and ordered to Bat- tery B, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. Harbor; in May, 1871, ordered to the Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va. ; graduated May, 1872, and ordered to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor; in November, proceeded with Battery C to Fort Pulaski, Georgia ; post adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S. , Oc- tober, 1873, to October, 1874, at St. Fran- cis Barracks, St. Augustine, Florida; post adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S. ; pro- moted 1st lieutenant November 17, 1873 ; October, November, and December at Charleston Arsenal, S. C, and in camp at Summerville, S. C, returning to St. Augustine in the latter month ; proceeded with battery to Fort Trumbull, New Lon- don, Conn., December, 1875, and in July, 1876, to Fort Sill, I. T. ; September, 1876, to September, 1878, on duty as professor of military science and tactics at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos- ton, Mass. ; Sept. 1878, to November, 1881, at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, post adjutant ; on special duty on the staff of Major-General Hancock during the centennial celebra- tion at Yorktown, Va., October, 1881 ; proceeded with regiment to Califitrnia in November, 1881, and stationed at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, post adju- tant. Van Ness, William P. Born in N.Y. Appointed from Mich. ; 2 It. 1 Art. Sept. 20, 1867 ; accepted Sept. 30, 1867 ; 1 It. Sept. 1, 1874. Patterson, Robert H. Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. ; 2 It. 1 Art. Sept. 23. 1867; accepted Sept. 25, 1867; 1 It. Oct. 1, 1874. Best, Clermont L., Jr. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; 2 lieutenant 1 Artillery October 3, 1867 ; 1 lieutenant February 7, 1875 ; regimental quartermaster since June 30, 1882. Harris, Henry L, Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1809 ; 2 It. 1 Art. June 15, 1869 ; 1 It. Nov. 1, 1870. Pope, John, Jr. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1868 ; 2 It. 26 Inf. June 15, 1868 ; unas- signed May 19, 1869 ; assigned to 1 Art. July 14, 1869 ; 1 It. Nov. 22, 1877. Murray, Arthur. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri ; trraduated from Military Academy June, 1874 ; 2 lieuten- ant 1st Artillery June 17, 1874 ; 1 lieuten- ant June 14, 1878. Andrews, Henry M. Born in N.Y. Appointed from N.Y. ; graduate of M.A., class of 1874; 2 It. 1 Art. June 17, '74; 1 It. July 6, 1878. Rice, Frank S. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2 It. 1 Art. June 17, 1874 ; 1 It. July 1, 1879. Honeycutt, John T. Born in Missis- sippi. Appointed from Mississippi ; grad- uated from Military Academy June, 1874; 2 lieutenant 1st Artillery June 17, 1874; ] lieutenant July 18, 1879; acting asst. prof, of mathematics at the U. S. M. A. from Aug. 28, 1878, to Aug. 28, 1881, and asst. prof, of math, from Aug. 28, 1881, to Aug. 28, 1882. Wisser, John P. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1874; 2 lieuten- ant 1st Artillery June 17, 1874 ; 1 lieuten- ant January 13, 1880; acting asst. prof. SECOND EEGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. 199 in department of chemistry, mineralogy, and 2;eoloc:y U. S. Military Academy Aus;. 28, 1878, "to Dec. 1880; asst. prof, same Dec. 1880, to Aug. 28, 1882; instructor in department of applied sciences, course of chemistry, U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., Aug. 28, 1882, to present. Oyster, Joseph S. Born in D.C. Ap- pointed from D.C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874; 2 It. June 17, 1874; 1 It. Mav 15, 1880. Bliss, Tasker H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2 It. 1 Art. June 16, 1875; 1 It. July 1, '80. Patterson, Thomas C. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Ohio ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; 2 It. 1 Art. June 15, '77 ; 1 It. Jan. 2, '81. Todd, Albert. Born in R. T. October 21, 1854. Appointed cadet at Military Academj'^ from Kansas, 1878 ; graduated June 14, 1877; appointed 2 lieut. 1st Art. June 15, '77; on graduating leave of ab- sence and waiting orders to Dec. 5, '77 ; served in garrison at Fort Adams, R. I., Dec. 5, '77, to May 1, '80; at Artillery School for practice, Fort Monroe, Va.. May 1, '80, to Aug. 1, '81 ; professor of Military Science and Tactics at State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan- sas, Aug. 1, '81, to '83; promoted 1 lieut. 1st Arty. April 19, '82. Slaker, Adam. B> rn in Illinois. Ap- pointed from Illinois; graduated from Military Academj' June, 1877 ; additional 2d lieutenant5th Artillery, June 15, 1877 ; 2 lieutenant 1st Artillerv, October 13, 1877 ; 1 lieutenant June 30, 1882. \A^hite, John V. Born in Miss. Ap- pointed from ]Miss. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2"lt. 4 Art. June 15, '77 ; 2 It. 1 Art. Nov. 22, '77 ; 1 It. '83. Second Lieutenants. Marsh, Frederick, Born in N. Y. Ajiptd. from Mo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 lt.-2 Art. June 15, '77 ; 2 It. 1 Art. Mar. 15, '78. Price, David. Born in Wales. Apptd. from Iowa; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; add. 2"lt. 1 Art. June 15, '77; 2 It. 2 Art. June 7, '78 ; trs. to 1 Art. June 14, '78. Harlow, Frank S. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from Yt. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2 It. 9 Inf. June 13, '79; trs. to 1 Art. Aug. 11, '79. Runcie, James E. Born in Iowa. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2 It. 5"Cav. June 13, '79; trs. to 1 Art. Aug. 11, '79. Stuart, Sidney E. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from ISIassachusetts ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1880; 2 lieutenant 1 Artillery June 12, 1880. Rafferty, William C. Born in Ind. Apptd. from 111.; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. 1 Art. June 22, '80. Chamberlin, John L. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '80; 2 It. 1 Art., \2 June, '80. Bailey, Charles. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880 ; 2 It. 1 Art. June 12, 1880. Harmon, Millard F. Born in Penna. Apptd. from Penna. ; graduate of M A., class of 1880; 2 It. 5th Inf. June 12, '80; tr. to 1 Art. July 21. '80. Hunter, Charles H. Born in Penna. Apptd. from Penna. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880 ; 2 It. 19th Inf. June 12, '80 ; tr. to 1 Art. March 18, '81. Benson, Harry Coupland. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio as cadet U. S.M.A. July 1, 1878; graduated No. 7, June 12, 1882 ; commissioned a 2d lieut. in 1st Artillery June 13, 1882 ; joined at Alcatraz Island Sept. 30, 1882 ; post ad- jutant Alcatraz Island, Feb. 1 to date. Rodman, Samuel, Jr. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Mass. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; add. 2d li. ut. 5th Artillery June 13, '82 ; 2d lieut. 1st Artillery June 30, '82. SECOND REGIMENT OF ARTIL- LERY. Colonel. Ayres, Romeyn B. Born in New York. Appointetl from New York ; grad- uated from M. A. July 1, 1847; 2d Heut. 4 Art. Julv 1, 1847; 2d lieut. 3 Art. Sept. 22, 1847; 1st lieut. Mar. 16, 1852; served in the war with Mexico ; in garrison in Maine, Rhode Island, Missouri, Texas, New York, and California, 1848-55 ; fron- tier duty 1855-59 ; Fort ]\[onroe 1859-61 ; captain 5th Art. May 14, 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the Manassas campaign 1861 ; chief of artillery 6th Army Corps ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular camjiaign 1862; actions of the Maryland campaign 1862; actions of the Rappahannock campaign 1862-63 ; com- manding brigade 5th Army Corps ; actions of the Pennsj'lvania campaign, command- ing division 5th Army Corps, 1863; actions of the Rapidan and Richmond campaigns 1863-65; surrender of Gen. Lee; in com- mand of 3d Division, Provisional Corps, 1865; commanding District of the Shen- andoah 186-5-66; brig. -gen. vols. Nov. 29, 1862 ; brevet major July 2, 1863, for gal- 200 RECORDS or LIVING OmCERS U.S. ARMY, lant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettj'sburg ; brevet lieut.-col. May 5, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness ; brevet maj.-gen. vols. Aug. 1, 1804, for conspic- uous gallantry in the battles of the Wil- derne-s, Spotlsylvania Court-House, Jeri- cho Jtlills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Globe Tavern (Weldon R. R.), and for faithful services in the campaign ; brevet col. Aug. 18, 18(54, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; bvt. brig.-genl. March 13, 18G5, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, Va. ; brevet maj.-gen. Mar. 13, 18G5, for gallant and meritorious services in the lield during the war; mustered out of volunteer ser- vice April 30, 186G; lieutenant-col. 28th Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 19th Infantry Mar. 1-5, 1869; transferred to 3 Artilb'ry Dec. 15, 1870; col. 2 Artil- lery July 18, 1879. Lieutenant- Colonel. Gibson, Horatio G. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Pa. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1847 ; brevet 2d lieut. 2 Art. July 1, 1847 ; 2d lieut. 3 xirt. Sept. 8, 1847; 1st It. May 26, 1851 ; regimental quartermaster Nov. 1, 1858, to May 14, 1861 ; served in the war with Mexico ; on duty Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort Colum- bus, New York, 1848; frontier duty 1849- 52; engaged during that period in various actions with the Indians; California and Oregon, Fort Sullivan, Me., Jefl". Bks., Mo., Fort Gibson and Fort Washita, I. T., 1852-54; Cal. and Ore. 18-5.5-61; cap- tain May 14, 1861 ; defenses of Washing- ton 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular and Maryland cam- paigns 1862; Rappahannock campaign 1862-63 ; operations in Kentucky and East Tennessee 1863-64; in command of bri- gade, 23d Corps, and Dept. Cumb., 1865; on duty in Mo. and Maine 1865-67 ; brevet major May 5, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious fervices in the battle of Williams- burg, Va. ; brevet lieut.-col. Sept. 17, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam ; lieut.-col. 2 Ohio Art. Aug. 1, 1863; cl. Aug. 15, 1863; brevet col. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war; brevet brig. -gen. vol. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mustered out of volunteer ser- vice Aug. 23, 1865; major 3d Art. Feb. 5, 1867; lieut.-col. 2 Art. April 19, 1882. Majors. Langdon, Loomis L. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; cadet at the U. S. Military Af^ademy from July 1, 18-50, to July 1, 18.54, when he was graduated and promoted in the army to hvt. second lieut. of Artillery July 1, 1854; served in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854; in Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians 18-54-56 (second liout. 1st Artil- lery Aug. 21, 1854), being engaged in an action in command of the advance guard against Billy Bowlegs, in Big Cypress Swamp, April 7, 1856 ; on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Brownsville, Texas, and at Brazos Santiago, 1857-60; on duty at Ft. Brown during the yellow fever epi- demic which carried off half the command Sept.-Nov. 1858 ; in charge as tcting asst. Q.M. of the dismantling of Ft. Brown, Ringgold Barrack*, Ft. Mcintosh, and Ft. Duncan, Eagle Pass, on the Rio Grande, and the transportation of the [lublic property therefrom, 1859-60; in j-ellow fever epidemic of 1859 at Browns- ville, Texas; in the absence of the river garrisons, organizing the citizens of Brownsville and assisting them to "de- fend their lives and proj)erty from the attacks of the outlaw Cortinas and his band," 18-59-60, for which he received the public thanks of the citizens (first lieut. 1st Artillery July 13, 1860) ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States 1861- 66: in defense of Ft. Pickfns, Fla., Feb. 7, 1861, to Jan. 7, 1862; being engaged in the repulse of the attack on Santa Rosa Island, Fla., Oct. 9, 1861 (captain 1st Artillery Aug. 28, 1861), and the bom- bardments of Ft. Pickens Nov. 22-23, 1861, Jan. 1, 1862; in garrison at Ft. Jef- ferson, Dry Tortugas, Fla., Feb. -June, 1862 ; in operations in South Carolina June 14, 1862, to Feb. 5, 1864, being en- gaged (commanding siege and field bat- teries) in the descent upon Morris Island June 10, 1863, and siege of Ft. Wagner July 10-26, 1863 ; in command of battery and artillery brigade in the expedition to Florida Feb. 5, to April 26, 1864, being engaged in the battle of Olustee (" Ocean Pond") Feb. 20, 1864 (bvt. major Feb. 20, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Olustee, Fla.) ; as chief of Artillery, 1st Division, 10th Army Corps, in operations on James River, near Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 5-Sept. 28, 1864, being engaged in the actions of Howlett's House and Wer Bottoni Church, Va., May 10, 1864; "assault and capture of the right of the enemy's intrenchments," near Chester Station, May 11-14, 1864; battle of Drury's Bluff May 16, 1864; defense of Bermuda Hun- dred intrenchments, with frequent skir- mishes. May 20-Aug. 28, 1864, and siege of Petersburg Sept. 1864; in command of SECOND EEGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. 201 battery in operations before Richmond Sept. 29, 1864, to March 27, 1805, being engag<'d in the assault and capture of New Market Heights Sept. 29, 1804 fbvt. lieut. -colonel Sept. 29, 1804, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the attack on Ft. Gilmore, Va ) ; repulse of attack on New Market Road Oct. 7, 1804 ; as chief of Artillery of 25th Army Corps (Army of the James) Feb. 14-June 18, 1805, and as such participating in the capture of the rebel capital, Richmond, Va., April 3, 1865 ; asst. inspector general June 22- July 10, 1805; chief of artillery with General Weitzel's expedition to the Rio Grande, to recover munitions of war sold to the Imperialists by the surrendered Confederates June-Aug. 1865; on sick- leave of absence Aug. -Nov. 1805 ; in com- mand of battr-ry at Brownsville, Texas, and Brazos Santiago, Texas, Nov. -Dec. 1805, and at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, Jan. -May, 1806; judge-advocate general court-martial May, ' 1806, to April 20, 1807 (during part of this time also acting judge-advocate Department of the East) ; on leave of absence in Europe April 21, to Oct. 20, 1867 ; in garrison at Ft. Ham- ilton, N. Y. H. (commanding batterv), Oct. 21, 1867, to March 17, 1871, being detached at various times on s]ieeial ser- vice in connection with the suppression of the Fenian disturbances on the northern frontier, and in charge of the U. S, quartermaster's depot at Pittsburg, Pa. ; in command of battery at Plattsburg Bar- racks, N. Y., March 18, 1871, to Oct. 29, 1872, being detached on various occasions on court-martial duty at N. Y. City; at David's Island Rendezvous Oct. 31-Nov. 1872; in command of Ft. Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Fla., Nov. 17, 1872, to Jan. 1, 1874 ; present with his battery during the yellow fe, Juno 29, 1879, to Jan. 6, 1880 ; on special dutv, hdqrs. Dept. of the East, Jan. 21, 1880, and court-martial service at Ft. Wayne, Detroit, Michigan, and at Boston, Mass., to April 1, 1880; recorder of the Warren Court of Inquiry April 2, 1880, to Dec. 9, 1881; in carrison at Ft. McHenry, Md., Dec. 10, 1881 ; member of the genl. court- martial sitting at Washington, for the trial of " Sergeant Mason for shooting at Guiteau," Feb. 1882; commanding Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., May 25, 1882, and commanding battalion 2d Artillery on the march from Baltimore to Camp Washington, Montgomery Co., Md., Juno 27-30, 1882 ; in camp at Camp W^xshing- ton, Md., with his regiment as superin- tendent of rifle practice and instructor in infantry tactics July-Nov. 1882 ; on the excursion march of the regiment to South Mountain and Antietam, Md., and to Gettysburg, Pa._, Nov. 2-12, 1882; in gar- rison at Washington Barracks, D. C, Nov. 24, 1882; superintendent of rifle practice and instructor in infantry tactics at the hdqrs. 2d Artillery, Washington Barracks, D. C, and Camp Washington, Md., Nov. 24, 1882, to Nov. 1883. Gunther, Francis L. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1859; bvt. 2d'' It. 1st Art. July 1, '59; 2d It. 4th Art. Nov. 2, '59; 1st It. 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 2, '63 ; major 2d Art. June 26, '82 ; served in W. Va. '61 ; Army of Ohio '02 ; bvt. capt. Apr. 7, '62, for gallant and meritor- ious services at the battle of Shiloh ; Army of Cumberland '62-63 ; bvt. maj. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Stone River; Army of Ohio '6-3-64; M. A. '64-66; bvt. It.-col. and bvt. col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion ; special duty in Va. '67-68, since then serving with his regiment. Elder, Samuel S. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pm. ; pvt., corpl., sgt., and Ut sgt. Co. "C," 2d Art., June 1, '53, to May 31, '58 ; 2d It. 1st Art. Mar. 23, '61 ; accepted Apr. 1, '61 ; 1st It. May 14, '01 ; capt. Aug. 1, '63 ; maj. 2d Art. June 30, '82 ; commanding com]iany at the action of Falling Waters ; commanding battery and engaged at the siege of Yorktown ; in the Virginia Peninsular campaign with battery, and engaged at the battles of Kettle Run, second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and Freder- 202 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS TJ. S. ARMY. icksburg ; commanding Horse Batterj^ en- gaged in the Stoneman's raid towards Richmond, battle of Beverly Ford, action of Aldie, Middlesburg, Upperville, Han- over, Hunterstown, battle of Gettysburg, pursuit of rebels, action of Monterey, Smilhburg, Hagerstown, Boonsboro', Falling Waters, expedition to Hartwood Church to destroy enemy's gunboats on Rappahannock, actions at Culpepper, Siimerville Ford, Liberty Mills, James City, Brandy Station, movement to Cen- treville, and action of Gainesville; joined battery on Foley Island, S. C, Dec. 1863; comdg. Horse Battery Light Brigade, and engaged in raid through Florida, action of Camp Finnigan, Gainesville, Baldwin, Starke, Lake City, Cedar Creek, battle of Olustee, and covering the retreat after the battle; joined Army of the James, and engaged at the action of Procter's Creek and battle of Drury's Bluff; chief of Art. ISth Corps, Army of Potomac, and en- gaged at battle of Cold Harbor and opera- tions in front of Petersburg to June 24, 'G4 ; taken prisoner by the rebels and con- fined in rebel prisons to Nov. '64, when he escaped, and rejoined his battery in front of Petersburg, Va. ; engaged in pursuit of rebel army under Genl. Lee, and present at the cai)itulation of Appomattox Court- House, Ya. ; at Richmond, Va., to Sept. '65; Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, to Feb. '66, and Ft. Wadsworth to May '69; bvt. capt. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Antietam, Md. ; bvt. maj. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious i-ervices at battle of Olustee, Fla. ; bvt. It. -col. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va. Captains. Rodgers, John I. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Apptd. from Pa ; graduate of M. A., class of '61 ; 2 It. 2 Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st It. May 14, "61; capt. June 11, '64; served in Shenandoah Valley and Dept. of the Gulf during the rebellion.* Williston, Edward B. Born in Ver- mont. Ap])ointed from California ; 2d heut. 2d U.S. Artillery August 5, 1861 ; 1st lieut. Sept. 27, 1861 ; on duty with 3d Art. in California, and en route to Wash- ington, D. C, to December, 1861 ; on duty with Light Battery " D," 2d Artillery, Franklin's Division, and 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July loth, 1863 ; com- manding the battery from August 5, 1862, to July 15, 1863, and engaged in the fol- lowing battles and actions: second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Freder- * Promoted major Ist Art. 1883. icksburg, Marye's Heights, Salem Church, Franklin's Crossing, Gettysburg, and Funkstown ; transferred to the cavalry corps and commanding Horte Battery "D," 2d Artillery, 1st Brigade Horse Artillerj', Army of the Potomac, from July 15, 1863, to August 8, 1865, and en- gaged in the following battles and actions : Culpepper, Raccoon Ford, Rapidan Sta- tion, Jack's Shop, Madison Court-House, Rapidan, Morton's Ford, Stevensburg, White Sulphur Spring?, Brentville, Oak Hill, second Rapidan, Bealton, Rappa- hannock Bridge, Muddy Run, Rixeyvill^-, Mine Run, Todd's Tavern, Spottsylvania C. H., Beaver Dam Station, Ground Squir- rel Bridge, Yellow Tavern, Ashland Cross-Roads, Meadow Bridge, Mechan- icsville, Milford Station, Hanoverton, Hawes' Shop, Old Church, Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, White House, Berry- ville. Sulphur Springs Bridge, Newtown, Strasburg, Summit Point, Kearneyville, Smilhtield, Opequan, second Berryville, Lockis Ford, Winchester, Woodstock, Front Royal, Luray ; captain March 8, 1865 ; brevet captain for gal. and mer. services in action at Salem Heights, Va. ; brevet major for gal. and mer. services in the Gettysburg campaign ; brevet lieut. - col. for gal. and mer. services in the bat- tle of Winchester, Va. ; brevet colonel for gal. and mer. services during the war ; en route to California and stationed at San Diego, Fort Yuma, and Presidio of San Francisco, to January, 1867; en route to and stationed at Fort Monroe, Va., in- structor in U.S. Artillerv School to June, 1869; transferred to Battery " F," 2d Artillery, and en route to Alaska, com- manding District of Renay and post of Kodiah, and A.A.I.G. on the staff of com- manding general, Dept. of Alaska, to No- vember, 1870; stationed at Presidio, en route to Raleigh, N. C, 1870-73 ; sta- tioned at Marion and Morganton, N. C, assisting in the suppression of illicit dis- tilling, to April, 1877; stationed in AVash- ington, D. C., and enroute to Texas, sta- tioned at San Antonio, Fort Clark, P'ort Duncan, Corpus Christi and Fort Ring- gold, member of the Light Battery Board, etc., to Dec. 1881 ; commanding Light Battery " F," 2d Artillery, at Fort Leav- enworth, Kan., and instructor of artillery U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School. Civil History : graduate Norwich University, Vermont; civil engineer. Hamilton, Frank B. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; i^raduate of M. A., class of 1862; 2d It. 3d Art. June 17, '62; 1st It. June 18, '64; capt. 14th Inf. July 28, 'G6, accepted Nov. 24, '66 ; trs. to 2d Art. Dec. 15, '70; served in Army of Po- SECOND REGIMENT OF AllTILLERY. 103 tomac '02 and 'G3 ; brevet 1st It. Sept. 17, '62, for t;allant and meritorious services at battle' of Antietani, Md. ; bvt. capt. July 3, '63, f'lr c;allantand meritorious services at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; West Point '63-66; frontier duty '66-70; since that date with his regiment. Dunn, William McKee, Jr. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiaiui; pri- vate Company K, 6th Indiana Infantry, April to August, 1861 ; re-enlisted in Company C, 67tli Indiana Inftintry, 8th August, 1862 ; discharged IDth November, 1862 ; 2d lieutenant 83d Indiana Infantry 19th November, 1862; engaged in Sher- man's first assault on Vicksburg and bat- tle of Arkansas Post; aide-de-camp to General Sullivan March, 1863; on duty at General Grant's headquarters during the siege of Vii'ksburg ; acting aide-de- camp on the stafi' of General Grant Octo- ber, 1868, to April, 1865; captain and as- sistant adjutant-general volunteers April, 1865; 1st lieutenant 10th, Infantry No- vember 29, 1865; captain 21st Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned April 19, 1869; assigned to 2d Artillery January 1, 1871 ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services in the campaigns and the battles of Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Richmond, and Petersburg, Va. Ramsay, J. G. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed at large; second lieutenant 2d XJ. S. Artillery August, 1861 ; first lieu- tenant 2d U. S. Artillery November, 1861 ; at Fort Pickens, Barrancas, and Pensa- cola, Florida ; adjutant 2d U. S. Artillery November, 1863 ; captain and assistant adjutant-general U. S. Volunteers Decem- ber, 1864; served in Middle Militarj' Division ; with regiment in California from September, 1865, to March, 1869; regimental quartermaster May, 1866 ; bre- vet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; cap- tain 2d U. S. Artillery February, 1867. Litchfield, Henry G. Born in New Tork. Appointed from the army ; private and 1st sergeant Companv G, 2d Battalion 18th Infantry, March to Julv, 1862; 2d lieutenant 18th Infantry 14th July, 1862; inspector of regular brigade, 14ih Corps, Army of the Cumberland, April, 1863, to August, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of Missionai'v Ridge, Chickamauga, Resaca, New Hope Church May and June, 1864 ; Kenesaw Mountain, action of Neal Dow Station, battle of Peach Tree Creek, and action of Utoy Creek, Ga. ; 1st lieutenant 18th Infantry'April 27, 1863; acting ord- nance ofiScer 1st Division, 14th Corps, and engaged at battles of Atlanta and Jones- boro', Ga. ; inspector 14th Corps ; en- gaged in Sherman's march to the sea; lieutenant-colonel and assistant inspector- general 14th Corps, Army of the Cum- berland, Dec. 1864; in Sherman's Carolina campiiign and march to the sea, and en- gaged at the battles of Averysboro' and Bentonville, N. C. , act'g asst. adjutant- general and asst. inspector-general De- {lartment of Kentucky October, 1865, to February, 1866; transferred to 36th Infan- try September 21, 1866; joined regiment at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. ; acting asst. adjutant-general Department of the Platte April, 1866; captain 22d February, 1869; unassigned 19th May, 1869 ; assigned to 2d Artillery January 1, 1871 ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Ben- tonville, N. C. ; A.D.C. 1st May, '66, to 6th April, '75. Woodruff, Carle A, Born in New York. Appointed at large ; second lieu- tenant 2d U. S. Artillery October, 1861 ; commanding battery at Camp Duncan, Washington, D. C, to February, 1872; with horse artillery. Army of the Po- tomac, and engaged at siege of Yorktown, battle of Williamsburg, actions of Sla- tersville, Chickahominy, Mechanicsville, Meadow Bridge, Seven Daj^s' Fight, and battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill ; first lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery July, 1862 ; engaged at actions of Shepherds- town, Charlestown, Warrenton, in re- serve at battle of Fredericksburg, Stone- man's raid to Richmond (commanding portion of horse battery), battle of Beverly Ford, actions of Hanover and Hunters- town, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Monterey Springs, Williamsport, Boones- boro', Hagerstown, Falling Waters, Bat- tle Mountain, expedition to Hartwood Church, actions of James City and Brandy Station, movement to Centreville, actions of Buckland Mills and Morton's Ford, Sheridan's raid to Richmond, actions of Craig's Meeting-House, raid to Gordons- ville, battle of Trevillian Station, move- ment to the Shenandoah Valley, actions of Walpert's Cross-Roads, and Opequan Creek ; commanding horse battery Sep- tember, 1864, to August, 1865, and en- gaged at the action of Lacey Springs, Sheridan's march to near Petersburg, action of Waynesboro', battle of Din- widdle Court-House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, action of Appomattox Station, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia ; e?t 7-oute to California, and at Angel Island, Fort Point, and Presidio, Cal., to July, 1866; captain 12th U. S. 204 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS tT. S. ARMY. Infantry, July, 18G6 (declined) ; on re- cruiting duty to JanuBry, 1868; at Alca- traz Island, Cal., to July, 1809; acting assistant quartermaster, assistant com- missary of subsistence ; post adjutant and treasurer from" March, 1868; captain 2d U. S. Artillery May, 1869 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn- sylvania ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Trevillian Station, Virginia; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Graves, William P. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Kentucky; second lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery Mar. 1862; first lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery August, 1863 ; brevet first lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Man- assas, Virginia ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the defense of Fort Sanders, Tennessee ; captain 2d Artillery 25 March, '73. Wilson, James E. Born in D.C. Ap- pointed from D.C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1862; 2 It. 5 Art. June 17, '62; trs. to 2 Art. Oct. 6, '62; 1 It. Nov. 4, '63 ; capt. 2 Art. March 12, '75; Army of Po- tomac '62-64 ; comdg. battery in defenses of Wash. '64-65; since that date with his regiment. Califf, Joseph M. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; second lieutenant Seventh U. S. Colored Infantry Sept. 1803 ; recruiting duty in Maryland and Virginia winter '63-64; in South Carolina and Florida from March to August, 1804; in Army of the James from August, 1864, to March, 1865 ; in trenches before Richmond winter of '64- 65; engaged in actions of Cedar Creek, Fla., Darbytown Road, Fort Harrison, Armstrong's Mills, Hatcher's Run, assault on Petersburg, and capitulation at Appo- mattox Court-House, Va. ; in Texas from May, 1865, to November, 1866 ; provost- marshal post of Lavaca, Texas; 1st liout. 7th U. S. Col. Infantry March, 1865; brevet captain U. S. Volunteers for gal- lant and meritorious services ; second lieu- tenant 3 U. S. Artillery August, 1867 ; at Fort Adams, R. I., to Feby. 1869; at Fort Macon, N.C., February and INIarch, 1869; at Fort Pulaski, Ga., from April, 1869, to April, 1870; Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., from April, 1870, to June, 1871 ; at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Aug- ust and September, 1871 ; with light bat- tery Charleston, S. C, from October, 1871, d in actions with Ind:- ans and in the battle with Indians on Yellowstone River July, 1873 ; on signal duty under chief signal otficer of the army 1873 to 1879; transferred to 2d Ar- tillery April, 1879; on duty at U. S. Ar- tillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., Mav, 1880; graduated May, 1882; on special duty with chief signal officer of the army June, 1882, to October, 1882 ; serving with battery October, 1882, to date ; brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatch- er's Run, Va. ; brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war. 206 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMT. Mitchell, George. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Conn. ; capt. 7tli U. S. Veloniri Volunteers; brevet mnj. U.S. Vol.-!. for fiiithful services ; brevet lieut.- col. U.S. Vols, fur giilliint and meritorious servi.-es during the war; 2 It. l-Sth U. S. Inf. April '66; trans, to 31.-5t Inf. Sept. '66 ; l:^t It. .Slst U. S. Inf. June, '68; un- assigned May, '69; assigned to 2 Art., Dee. 15. '70. Scantling, John C. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana ; at the com- ineueement of the war of the rebellion enlisted and was enrolled at Logan*port, Ind., 16th April, 1861, as a corporal Co. K, 9th Indiana Infantry, and mustered into service 2 Ith April, 1861, at Indian- apolis, Ind., for three months" service; en roxde to the field via Wheeling and Grafton, W. Va. ; Philippi, Laurel Hill, and Carrick's Ford campaigns May, June, and Jul}', 1861, being engaged in the ac- tions at Pliilippi 3d June, Laurel Hill July, and Carrick's Ford, AV. Va., July, 1861 ; mustered out of service at Indianap- olis, Ind., 29th July, '61 ; private and 1st sergeant Co. A, 2d Batt., 17th U. S. Infantry, 1st January, 1862, to 31st Dec. 1864; on recruiting service Logansport, Ind., January to July, 1862; Fort Preble, Maine, Aug. to Dec. 1862; Falmouth, Va., winter '62-63; Chancellorsville campaign 28th April-6th May, 1863, being engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville 30th April, l^t, 2d, 8d, 4th May, 1863; 7th May-llth June, 1863, at Falmouth ; Gettysburg campaign 11th June to 6th July, 1863, being engnc:ed at the battle of Gett^^sburg 2d, 3d, lib July, 1863 ; pursuit of the re- treating Confederate Army to Williams- port, Md., being engaged in many minor aftairs 6th-15th July, 1863 ; recross Poto- mac, Berlin, 17th July, being engaged at AVapping Heights in Manassas Gap 23d July, 1863; cantonment Warrenton Junc- tion, Va., 26th July, 1863; New York City riots Aug. -Sept. 1863; cantonment Culpepper, Va., Sept. -Oct. 1863; in the Eapidan campaign 11th Oct.-7th Nov. 1863, being engaged at the actions of Brandy and Rappahannock Stations, Va., also Mine Run campaign Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, 1863; cantonment Kettle Run, Va., guarding the Orartge and Alexandria R. R. Dec. 1863-May, 1864; in hospital, sick, Alexandria, Va., 10th May-Aug. ; on det. ser. Fort Preble, Maine, Sept.-3lst Dec. 1864; appointed 2d lieut. Co. E, l.S7th Regiment Indiana Infantry, 18th March, 1865 ; on recruiting service Logansport, Ind., 20ih March "to r2th April, 186-5; promoted captain l-57th Reg. Indiana Infantry 3d April, 1865; promoted major 155th Regiment Ind. Infty. 18th April, 1865; at Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., organizing company and regiment 15th-25th April, 1865; with regiment in Washington, D. C, and Alexandria, Va., April and Ma}-, 1865 ; commanding regi- ment Dover, Del., and Eastern Shore of Maryland May and Aug. 1865; comdg. Provisional Brigade, Dover, Del., June and July, 1865; 2d lieut. 15th U. S. Infty. May 11, 1866 ; accepted 6th Sept. 1866 ; re- port and on duty Newport Barracks, Ky., Sept. 14, 1866; en route for Mobile, Ala., commanding Cos. I and K, 1st Batt. 15th Infty. 29th Oct.-2d Nov. ; in quarantine Fort ]\lcInto?:h, Mobile Bay, commanding I and K Cos., 15tb Infty. (16 cases cholera), 3d Nov.-19th Nov. 1866; post of Mobile, Ala., comdg. Co. I, 15th Inft.v-, Nov.-Dec. 1866-Jan. 1867; tranferred to 33d Infty. 21st Sept. 1866; on duty post of Macon, Ga., 8lh-16th Jan. 1867; A.A.Q.M. and C.S., post of Dahlonega, Ga., 26th Jan. 1867-9th Aug. 1868; promoted 1st lieut. 33d Infty. 1st July, 1868; en rouie to the port of Mobile, Ala., 12th-16th August, 1868, comdg. Co. F, 33d Infty. ; en rouie to the post of Huntsville, Ala., 24th-2.5th Aug. 1868; on leave of absence 1st Sept.- 22d Oct. 1868; A.A.Q.M. post of Union Springs, Ala., 23d Oct.-llth Nov. 1868; on dutv post of Huntsville, Ala., Nov.- Dec. 1868-Jan., Feb., Mar. 1869 ; on duty post of Columbia, S. C, March, April, May, 1869; unassigned 3d May, 1869; assigned to duty, headquarters Dept. of the South, Atlanta, Ga., 15th Mav, 1869; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S., Goldsboro', N. C, 26th May-19th Nov. 1869 ; on duty in the office of chief commissary of subsistence, Dept. of the South, Atlanta, Ga., 3d Dec. 1869-llth January, 1876; assigned to the 2d Artillery 1st January, 1871 ; comdg. Fort Cape Disappointment, Washington Territory, 14th Feb. 1871-Oct. 1872; en route east with regiment commanding Battery E, 2d Art., lst-14th Nov. 1872^; on duty Fort Macon, N. C, comdg. Bat- tery E, 2d Art., Nov. 1872-April, 1874 ; on leave of absence 9th Dec. 1872-Jan., Feb., 8th March, 1873; on sick-leave March, April, May, June, 1873 ; on leave of absence April, 1874 ; at United States Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., 1st May, 1874, to 1st May, 1875; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. posts of Marion and Morgan- town, N. C, 31st Mav, 187-5, to 26th Sept. 1876 ; on duty Light Battery A, 2d Art., Fort McHenry, Md., 1st Oct. 1876, to 1st Oct. 1878; on leave of absence July, 1877 ; commanding Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1st Oct. 1878, to 2d Jan. 1879; comdg. Bat- tery D, 2d Art., Ft. McHenry, Md., Jan. 18'i9, to Sept. 1881 ; on leave of absence 16th June-15th Aug. 1880; transferred SECOND REGIMENT OF AETILLERY. 207 -with Lattery to Washington Barracks, D. C, 2olh Feb. 1881 ; on leave of absence 28lh Aug.-lBlb Oct. 1881; in summer encampment at Camp Washington, Gaith- crsburir, Md., 22d June to 1st Nov. 1882, and 22d June to lOtli Oct. 1883; acting Ordnance officer Washington Barracks, D. C, Oct. 1881, to date. Grimes, George S. Born in England. Appointed from New York ; private Com- pany G, 116th New York Infantry, and sergeant-major 80th and 93d U.S.C. In- fantry, August IG, 18G2, to March 29, 18G5; 2d lieutenant 81st U.S.C. Infantry March 30, 18G5 ; 1st lieutenant January G, ]8(iG; mustered out November 30, 18GG ; 2d lieutenant 39th Infantry, January 22, 18G7 ; accepted March 23, 'G7 ; 1st lieu- tenant July 20, 1878 ; transferred to 25th Infantry April 20, 18G9 ; unassigned July 13, 18G9 ; assigned to 2d Artillery De- cember 15, 1870. Taylor, Asher C. Born in New York. Appointed from Wisconsin; private 3d Wisconsin Volunteers April, 18G1 ; cor- poral 3d Wisconsin Vols. June, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of AVinchester, Cedar Mountain, and Antietam ; sergeant 3d Wisconsin Volunteers October, 1862 ; sergeant-major of regiment April, 1863; engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville (wounded), Gettysburg, and Falling Waters; in General Sherman's Atlanta, Georgia, and Carolina campaigns, being engaged at the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, siege of Atlanta, siege of Savannah, and battles of Averysboro' and Bentonville ; first lieutenant 3d Wisconsin Volunteers October, 1864 ; acting regimental adju- tant to April, 1865, and as adjutant to Au- gust, 1865; second lieutenant 15th U.S. Infantry October, 1867; first lieutenant 15lh U.S. Infantry August, 1868; unas- signed 1869; assigned to 2d Art. January 1,''1871. Caziarc, Louis V. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; first lieutenant U.S. Volunteers; brevet captain U.S. Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against Mobile and its defenses ; second lieutenant 11th U.S. Infantry Jul}'^, 186G ; first lieutenant 11th U.S. Infantry No- vember, 1868; unassigned April, 1869; assigned to the 2d U. S. Artillery Janu- ary, 1871. Kilbourne, Charles E. liorn in Ohio. Apyiointed from Ohio; graduated from Military Academy June, 1866; 2d lieu- tenant 2d Artillery June 18, 1866 ; 1st lieutenant Decembers, 1868. Eastman, James E. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Mich. ; gra'duate of M. A., cla.ss of 18G6 ; 2d It. 2d Art. June 18, 'GO ; 1st It. May 6, '69. Rogers, Robert M. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Georgia ; private Com pan v A, 3d W. Va. Cavalrv, Octo- ber 19, 1861; discharged April, 1862; 2d lieutenant 5th W. Va. Infantry April 8, 1862; mustered out November 20, 1862; 1st lieutenant 73d Oliio Infantry Nov. 20, 1862 ; mustered out November 5, 18G3 ; graduated from Military Academy June 17, 1867; 2d lieutenant 2d Artillery June 17, 1867; 1st lieutenant April 13, 1870. Richmond, Eph'm T. C. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland ; graduated from Military Academy June 17, 1867 ; 2d lieutenant 2d Artillery June 17, 1867 ; 1st lieutenant April 1, 1872. Schenck, Alexander Dubois. Born Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio, 27 Oct., 1843. Enrolled 17 April, 1861, as a i)rv. Co. " F," 1st regt. O. V. Infty., and mustered into service 29 April, 1861, for three months, and served Columbus, Ohio ; Lancaster and Philadelphia, Pa. ; and Washinirton, D. C. ; Manassas campaign, July, 1861, being engaged in the action at Vienna, Va., 17 June, 1861 ; battle of Bull Run, Va., 21 July, 1861 ; mustered out at Dayton, Ohio, 16th Aug., 1861 ; again enrolled 31 Aug., 1861, as sergeant Co. " B," 2d regt. O. V. Infty., and mustered into ser- vice 18 Sept., 1861 ; served in operations in Kentucky 1861-62, being engaged in the actions at West Liberty, Ky., Oct. 1861, and at Piketon, Ky., Dec. 1861 ; operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama, 1862-63, being engaged in the movement on Bowling Green, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1862 ; march to Huntsville, Ala., under General O. M. Mitchell, Feb. -April, 1862; acting hos- pital steward at Louisville, Ky., June- July, 1862; in skirmishes near Battle Creek, Ala., July, 1862; in advance to Nashville, Tenn., and into Kentucky, Aug. -Oct. 18G2, being engaged in the battle of Perrysville, Ky. (wounded), 8 Oct., 1862, and in pursuit of General Bragg's rebel forces, and movement to Nashville, Tenn., 1862; in Major-Gen- eral Rosecrans' Tennessee campaign (Rose- crans' division, Scribner's brigade. Four- teenth Corps, Army of the Cumberland), 7 Nov., 18G2, to 5 Jany., 1863, being en- gaged in the battle of Stone River, Tenn., srDec, 18G2-3 Jany., 1863 ; advance on Tullahoma, Tenn., 24 June-4 July, 1863 ; action at Hoover's Gap, Tenn., 25-6 June, 1863; pa.ssage of Elk River 3 July, and Tennessee River 2 Sept., 1863 ; move- ment on Chattanooga, Tenn., to 8 Sept, 1863; when received appointment and left the army to report as cadet at U.S. 208 KECORDS OP LIVING OFFICEES U.S. AR31Y. Military Academy, AVe-t Point, N. Y. ; (lischarj,^ed as ser<;-eant Co. " B," 2d rpgt. O. V. Infty., 18 Sept., 1883; cadet U.S. M. A. to 17 June, 18G7 ; second lieuten- ant 2d U.S. Arty, (.served) ; on graduat- ing leave to 30 Oct., 1867 ; in garrison at Alcatraz Island, horbor of San Francisco, Cal., to 24 Feb., 1868; at U.S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., to 1 May, 1869; in garrison, commanding detach- ment at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 1869-70 ; with recruits to Tucson, Ari- zona, 1870; in command of detachment of recruits to Fort Yuma, Cal. ; Fort Klamath, Or. ; Fort Vancouver, ~W. Ter. ; Camp McDf'rmitt, Nev., 1870 ; on leave to March, 1871 ; on duty at Cavalry Recruit- ing Depot. St. Louis, Mo., 1871 ; in com- mand of detachment to San Francisco, Cal., 1871; Camp Tulare, Cal., July- Aug. 1871 ; A.A.Q.M., Presidio, Cal., 1871-72; Point San Jose, Cal., 1872; Charlotte, N. C, 1872-73 ; fir^t lieuton- ant 2d Arty. 27 Jany., 1873; Fort Mc- Henry, Md., 1873-74; recommended lor commission as colonel of engineers in the Egyptian army, 1874, declined ; State University of Iowa, Iowa City, la., as professor of Military Science and Tactics 1874-7 ; eniraged in organization of Iowa State Guards ; commissioned major I. S. G. 15 May, 1875 ; colonel 1st regt. I. S. G. 18 Feb , 1876 ; Washington Arsonal, D. C, 1877; Martinsburg,^V. Va. (B.' & O. E. R. riots), 1877 ; Fort McHenry, Md., 1877; Fort Johnson, N. C, A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Post Fearnier, and in charge of the National Cemeteries at Wilmington, Newberne, Raleigh, and Salisbury, N. C, and Florence and Beaufort, S. C, 1877-80; Fort Brown, Tex., 1880; Fort McHenry, Md.,1880; Washington Bar- racks, D. C, 1881 ; Yorktown, Va. , cele- bration, 1881 ; cainpat Gaithersburc:, Md., 1882 ; with Light Battery 1880-82 ; Wash- ington Barracks, I). C, 1883. Curtis, Edwin S. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867; pvt. Co. D, 48 N. Y. Inf., Sept. 1, '61; dis. Sept. 16, '63; 2 It. 2 Art. June 17, '67 ; 1 It. Feb. 13, '73. Wager, Barnet. Born in New York. Appointed from Jlississippi ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1867; 2 lieutenant 2d Artillery June 17, 1867; 1 lieutenant March 25, 1873. Crawford, Medorem, Jr. Born in Ore- gon. Appointed from Oregon; graduated from Military Academy June, 1867; 2 lieutenant 2d Artillery June 17, 1867 ; 1 lieutenant June 17, 1874. Gifford, John H. Born in Indiana Apptd. from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867; pvt. Co. K, 16th Ind. Inf., Apr. 23, '61 ; dis. May 23, '62 ; 2 It. 2 Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st It. ISTov. 1, '74. Smith, Seiree. Born in Missouri. Ap- pointed from Kansas ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; 2d lieu- tenant 6th Cavalry 15 June, 1870; 1 lieu- tenant 4 October, 1872 ; regtl. qr. mr. 6th Cav. 17th May, '73, to 4th April, 1874; transferred to 2d Artillery February 6, 1877 ; regimental quartermaster since Jan- uary 20, 18H1. Wolfe, Nathaniel. Born in Kentucky. Ap])ointed from Kentucky ; volunteered with the Louisville, Ky., Home Guards, to resist the advance of the rebel General Buckner, September, 1861 ; sergeant-major 28th Kentucky Volunteers January, 1862; first lieutenant 28th Kentucky Volunteers April, 1862; aide-de-camp to Genl. Ward May to June, 1862 ; assistant to the ord- nance officer, Louisville, Ky., to July, 1862; ordnance officer District of Ken- tucky to September, 1862 ; aide-de-camp to General Granger, and acting assistant adjutant-general Army of the Ohio and Cumberland to March, 1864; engaged at the actions of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and Eaglesville, Ky. ; second lieutenant 34th U. S. Infantry June, 1867; acting assist- ant adjutant-ireneral 4th Military District, Vicksburg, Miss., from 'r)7 to '68 ; unas- signed '69; assigned to 2d Artillery 14 July, '69; lstlt.'28 Apl. '75. Reed, Henry A. Enlisted August 14, 1862, in 24lh Wisconsin Vol. Infantry, and served with same continuously until mustered out at the close of the war, June 10, 1865 ; engaged in battles of Perryville, Stone RivfT, Chattanooga campaign, Chickamauga, defense of Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, East Tenne>>ee, and At- lanta campaigns, and Nashville ; promot< d through the different grades of non-com- missit. 8, 1859 ; 1st sergeant Aug. 20, 1861; appointed 1st licut. 11th Maine Vols. June 30, 1863 ; in command of several batteries during the siege of Charleston, S.C. (one of them the famous Swamp Angel while bombarding the city) ; A. A. I. G. 3d Bri-ade, 1st Div., 10th Army Corps, April 25, 1864; promoted capt. 11th Maine Volunteers July 1, 1864; A. A. I.G. 1st Div., 10th A. C.,Dec. 1864; A. A. I. G. District Henrico, Richmond, Va., and inspector-general of Department of Va. ; must, out with regiment Feb. 9, 1866 ; participated in following engage- ments : siege of Charleston, S. C. ; Rich- mond and Petersburg Turnpike, Va., 7 to 10 May, 1864; Drury Bluff, Va., 12 to 16 May, i864 ; Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 16 to June 21, 1864; Strawberry Plains, Va., 26 July, 1864; Deep Bottom, Va., July 28 and 14 Aug., 1864 ; Fussell's Mill, Va., 16 and 18 Aug., 1864; Petersburg, Va. , 27 Aug. to 25 Sept., 1864 ; Newmarket Road, Va., 29 Sept. 3 and 7 Oct., 1864; Darbvtown and Charles City Roads, Va., 13, 27, and 28 Oct., 1864; New Market Heights, Va., 10 Dec, 1864; Hatcher's Run, Va., 30 March to April, 1865 ; as- sault. on Fort Gregg, Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Rice's Station, Va., 6 April, 1865; Deer Creek, Va., 7 April, 1865; Appomattox Court-House, Va., 9 April, 1865; wounded by bursting of "Swamp Angel" gun (internal injury to left ear), and slightly at Fus.-ell's M'ill, Va., Aug. 18, 1864; promoted major brevet "for conspicuous gallantry in the assault on Fort Gregg,"Va.," April 2, 1865; and lieut.-col. bvt. " for gallant and meritori- ous service during the war" ; appointed 2 lient. 2 Inf. U.S.A. from Maine, Sept. 2, 1867 ; 1 lieut. bvt. " for gallant and meri- torious services in the capture of Fort Gregg, Va.'" ; capt. bvt. " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ajipo- mattox Court-House, Va."; unassigned 17 April, 1869 ; assigned to 3 Art. 14 July, 1869 ; on det. ser. dept. comsy. Charleston, S.C, from June, 1869, to Sept. 1870; on det. ser. with detachment of recruits for 3 Art. at Atlanta, Ga. ; joined Batt. D at Key West, Fla., Feb. 1871 ; transferred to Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; graduated number 6 April 25, 1872 ; jnined Batt. H at Fort Pulaski, Ga., May, 1872 ; 216 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. changed station to David's IsL, N. Y. H., Nov. 1872; and at Fort AVarren, Bonton Harbor, Sept. 1874 ; to Madison Barracks, N. Y., Dee. 1875; promoted 1st lieut. to Batt. B, at Fort Niagara, N. Y., July 2, 1877 ; on riot duty from July 23 .to Oct. 27, 1877 ; changed station to Fort Barrancas, Fhi., Nov. 1881 ; on duty as A. A. Q. M. at different posts and stations for five years, and A. C. S. for six years. Postley, Clarence A. Born in New York. Appointed from Colorado; grad- uate of M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 3 Art. June 1-5, '70; 1 It. Mar. 20, '79. Birkhimer, William E. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Iowa ; private Company M 4 Iowa Cavalry March, 18(i4, to Aug- ust, 1865 ; graduated from Military Acad- emy June, 1870; 2 lieutenant 3 Artillery Juno 16,1870; 1 lieutenant April 10, 1879; on duty in department natural and ex- perimental philosophy, West Point, N.Y., Sept. 1874, to Sept. 1876 ; on duty in Sig- nal Bureau, U.S.A., July, 1878, until June, 1882; author of the "Law of Ap- pointment and Promotion in the Regular Army of the United States," 1880. Rudolph, Benjamin K. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Rhode Island ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1870; 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery June 15, 1870; 1st lieutenant 23 April, 1879. Lemly, Henry R. Born in North Car- olina. Apptd. from N. C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2 It. 5th Cav. June 14, '72 ; trs. to 3d Art. Oct. 7, '78 ; 1st It. Feby. 23, '80. Myers, John E. Born in New York. Appointed from Nebraska; graduated from Military Academy June, 1873; 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery June 13, 1873 ; 1st lieutenant September 20, 1880. Williams, John R. Born in New York. Appointed at large to the U. S. Mil. Acad, from New York ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1876; 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery June 15, 1876; 1st lieutenant March 15, 1881. Dowd, Heman. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876; 2 It. 3d Art. June 15, '76; 1st It. Nov. 1,'81. Ludlow, Henry H. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Tenn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2 It. 3 Art. June 15, '76; 1st It. Nov. 3, '82. Satterlee, Charles B. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Penn.«ylvania ; graduated at U. S. Military Academy June 14, 1876; 2d lieutenant "3d Artillery Juno 15, 1876; served in garrison at Fort Niagara, N. Y., Oct. '76 ; Jatiy. to July, •'77 ; Oct. '77-Jany. '78; at Columbia and Gorrdeysville, So. Carolina, Nov. and Dec. '76; at Tallahassee, Florida, and Colum- bia, So. Carolina, Dec. '76, and Jany. '77; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., West Philadel- phia, and Scranton, Pa., during suppres- sion of Labor Riots, July to Oct. '77 ; in garrison at Fort Ontario, N. Y., Febv. to May, 1878 ; at U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., June, '78, to May, '80; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, June, '80, to Sept. '81 ; with Light Battery " C," 3d Artillery, on march of 901 miles from N. Y. City to Yorktown, Va., and return, Sept. 15 to Nov. 25th, '81 ; in garrison at Little Rock Barracks, Arkansas, Dec. '81, to May, '82 ; on duty in Mississippi River Valley during overflow of 1882 ; in garri- son at Ft. Barrancas, Florida, May-June, '82; professor military science and tactics at Orchard Lake, Michigan, July '82- Sept. 15, '83; first lieutena'nt 3d Artillery Januarj' 31, '83; in garrison at Jackson Barracks, Loviisiana, Oct. '83, to Second Lieutenants. Foster, Charles W^. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2 It. 3 Ar"t. June 15, '76. Woodward, Charles G. Born in Mary- land. Apptd. from Md. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 It. 4 Art. June 15, '77; 2 It. 3 Art. July 2, '77. Scriven, George P. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878 ; 2 It. 8 Int. June 14, '78 ; trs. to 3 Art. June 13, '79. Howard, Douglas A. Born in Illinois. Ajiptd. from 111. ; graduate of IM. A., class of 1878; 2 It. 9th Inf. June 14, '78; trs. to 3 Art. June 13, '79. Gibson, William W, Born in Connec- ticut. Apptd. from Conn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. 5 Inf. June 13, '79 ; trs. to 3 Art. July 11, '79. Loveridge, Wilbur. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880 ; 2 It. 3 Art. June 12, '83. Rumbough, David J. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from Virginia; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1880; 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery June 12, 1880. Bartelett, George T. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from Kansas; graduated from Military Academy June, 1881 ; 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery J^une 11, 1881. Bennett, Charles A. Born in New Jersey. Apptd. from N. J. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. 3 Art. June 11, '81. Miller, Edward A. Born in Kentucky. Apjild. from Ky. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. 3 Art. June 13, '82. FOURTH EEGIMENT OP ARTILLERY, 217 FOURTH REGIMENT OF ARTIL- LERY. Colonel. Best, Clermont L. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; gradu- ated from M. A. July 1, 1847 ; brevet 2d lieut. 1st Artillery July 1, 1847 ; 2d lieut. 4th Artillery Sept. 13, 1847 ; 1st It. Seftt. 12, 1850; served during the war with Mexico; on duty in Virginia, Missouri, and Louisiana 1848-49 ; engaged in the actions against the Seminole Indians in Florida 1850; on duty in New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas 1850-55 ; expe- dition against the Seminoles 185G-57 ; frontier duty 1857-61 ; captain April 29, 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the North- ern Virginia, Maryland, Rappahannock, and Pennsylvania campaigns; chief of artillery of the 5th Corps 1862 ; inspector- general and chief of artilierj' 12th Corps 1863 ; in command of 1st Division Re- serve Artillery, Dept. of the Cumberland, 1864; Instructor of Artillery Washing- ton, D.C., 1864-65; brevet major May 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of ' Chancellorsville, Va. ; brevet lieut.-col. July 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettj'sburg, Pa. ; relieved as It.-col., asst. ins. gen. April 4, 1864; brevet col. Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant services during the war; major Ist Artillery Feb. 5, 1867; lieut.-col. March 15, 1881; transferred to 4th Art. Oct. 27, 1881 ; colonel 4th Art. 1883. Lieutenant-Colonel. Mendenhall, John. For record see page 193. Majois. Livingston, La Rhett L. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1853 ; brevet 2d lieut. 1st Art. July 1, 1853; 2d lieut. 3d Art. Dec. 24, 1853 ; 1st lieut. January 3, 1856 ; served in Florida and on frontier dutv 1853-61 ; captain Oct. 26, 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia, Peninsu- lar, Rappahannock, and Shenandoah cam- paigns 1862-65; brevet mnjor July 1, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill ; brevet It.- col. Aug. 28, 1864, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Smithfield, Va. ; iiuijor 4th Artillery April 10, 1879. Graham, William M. Born in Dist. of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery June, 1855 ; in the Everglades of Florida July, 1855, to Nov. 1856 ; on the frontiers of Texas December, 1856, to April, 1861 ; commo.nding company and engaged in the attack on and pursuit of the Mexican bandit, Cortina*, Decem- ber, 1859, to February, 1860 ; first lieu- tenant 1st U. S. Artillery March, 1861 ; captain Light Battery 1st U.S. Artillery October, 1861 ; engaged in the o])erations of the Army of tlie Potomac December, 1861, to April, 1864; commanding 2d Brigade Horse Artillery, Army of the Potomac, August, 1863, to April, 1864 ; mustering and disbursing duty. Concord, N. IL, July, 1864, to February, 1865; acting assistant inspector-general. Middle IMilitary Division, ]March,1865; colonel 2d District of Columbia Volunteers April to September, 1865; brevet major U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in the Peninsular campaign ; brevet lieu- tenant-colonel U.S. Armj' for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of An- tietam, Md. ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet briga- dier-general U.S. Army for galhint and meritorious services during the war ; maj. 4th Artillery April 10, 1879. Pennington, Alexander C. M. Born January 8, 1838, at Newark, N. J. ; cadet at U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1855, to July 1, 1860, when" he was graduated and promoted in the army to bvt. 2d It. of artillery July 1, 1860 ; served in garrison at Ft. Mon,roe, Va., 1860-61 ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States 1860-66 (second lieutenant 2d Ar- tillery Feb. 1, 1861) ; in garrison at Wash- ington, D. C, Feby. 10 to April 4, 1861 ; attached to Light Battery of 1st Artillery (Magruder's) in defense of Fort Pickens, Fla. ; in Battery H, 2d Art., April 19, 1861, to January 16, 1862, being engaged in the bombardments of November 22- 23, 1861, and January 1, 1862; (first lieu- tenant 2d Artillery May 14, 1861) ; in Virginia Peninsular campaign, in Light Battery A, 2d Art. (Horse Battery), Army of Potomac, March-Aug. 18G2, being en- gaged insitge of Yorktown April 8-May 4,1862; battle of Williamsburg Mav 5, 1862 ; action of Mechanicsville Mav" 2.3- 24, 1862; battle of Gaines' Mill June 27, 1862 ; in seven days' retreat to James River, and battle of Malvern Hill July 1, 1862; in the Maryland campaign (Army of Potomac) in Light Battery A, 2d Art. (Horse Battery), S^ept.-Nov. 1862, being engaged in the action of Boonsboro' Se])t. 15, 1862; battle of Antietam Sept. 16-17, 1862 ; action of Shepardstown Ford Sept. 19, 1862, and march to Falmouth, Va., in command of Light Battery M, 2d Art. (Horse Battery), September-Nov. 1862 ; attached to Pleasontou's Cavalry Brigade ; 218 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. action near Marti nsburg, Ya., Oct. 2, 1862; Nolan's Ford Oct. 12, Philumont Nov. 2, Union Nov. 3, Upperville Nov. 4, Barber's Cross-Koads Nov. 6, and Cor- bin's Crois-lloads Nov. 11, 1852; in the Rappahannock campaign commanding Horse Battery M, 2(1 Art. (Army of Po- tomac) ; battle of Fredericksburg' Dec. 13, 1802 ; battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 2-4, 1863; Beverly Ford June 9, 1803; in Pennsylvania campaign commanding Horse Battery M, 2 Art., attached to Custer's Brigade, Kilpatriek's division of cavalry (Army of Potomac) (bvt. captain June 9, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Beverly Ford, Va.), June-July, 1803, being engaged in skir- mish at Hanover, Pa., Jun'e 30, 1863; action at Hunterstown, Pa., July 2, 1803 ; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1803, and pursuit of the enemy to AVarrenton, Va. (bvt. major July 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in Gettysburg campaign), with skirmishes at M McPherson, Neb. ; Oct. 1873, except while with expedition FOUKTH EEGIMENT OF AKTILLERY, 221 into Southeastern Nevada against Sho- shone Indians, May 8th, 1875, to October 5th, 1875, and except while transferring engineer property from Los Angeles, Cttl., to Camp Independence, Cal. ; in garrison, Aleatraz Island, Cal., April G, 1870, to Aug. 26, 187C ; conveying re- cruits to Camp Eobinson and to Spotted Tail Agency, Neb., Aug. to Sept. 1870 ; frontier duty from Aug. 26th, 1870, to Jan- uary 13th, 1877, except while engaged on Powder River expedition (Gen. Crook's winter campaign against Sioux and Chey- ennes), Nov. 3d to Dec. 29th, 1870; in gar- rison at Alcatraz Island, Cal., January 13th, 1877, to April 28tli, 1877; professor Military Science and Tactics at Univer- sity of California May 8th, 1877, to May, 1879; in garrison at Fort Point, Cal., 1879, to August, 1879; in garrison. Fort Canby, Washington Territory, Sept. 1st, 1879, to April 'l5th, 1880 ; i'n garrison. Fort Monroe, Va., May 1st, 1880, to May 1st, 1882, except while on duty at Wash- ington Arsenal during the Guiteau ex- citement; mounted recruiting service (Jeft'erson Barracks, Mo., and taking re- cruits to 6th Cavalry in Arizona) Maj' 3d, 1882, to June, 1882; in garrison, Fort Adams, R. I., from July 5th, 1882, to date ; in the field and in garrison have had frequentdetailsas A. A. Q. M., A. A. C. S., adjutant, etc., such as fall to many ofBcers, if not all. Fuger, Frederick. Born in Germany. Appointed from the army; enlisted in the U. S. army August 2lst, 1850, and was assigned to Company A, 4th Artillery, September, 1856 ; served under General Harney in Florida, and engaged against hostile Indians to September, 1857 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and in the Utah expedition under General Johnston ; engaged against hostile Indians at Egan Caiion, Nev., during July and August, 1800 ; served as corporal and sergeant to 1861 ; re-enlisted in July, 1861 ; left Camp Floyd and arrived in Washington City October, 1861 ; joined the Army of the Potomac near Alexandria, Va., Dec. 1801 ; engaged on the Rappahannock River March 30th, 1862; appointed 1st sergeant Battery A, 4th Artillery, May, 1802; served in the Peninsular campaign, and participated in the battles of Fair Oaks, June 1st, 1862; Allen's Farm, June 29th, 1862; Savage Station, June 29th, 1862; White Oak Swamp, June 30th, 1862; Malvern Hill, July 1st, 18f;2 ; slightly wounded in the head at White Oak Swamp June 30th, 1862; engaged at the battle of Antietam, slightly wounded in left arm, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, and Gettysburg; actions of Sulphur Springs and Bristoe Station ; 2d lieut. 4th Artillery, October, 1863 ; engaged at Par- ker's Store, Va., in command of Horse Battery A, 4th Artillery, from December, 1863, to May, 1864, and engaged at the battle of Rappahannock Station, opera- tions at Mine Run, battle of the Wilder- ness; engaged in Sheridan's raid from May 9th to "25th, 1864 : actions of Meadow Bridge, Strawberry Hill, Hawes' Shop, and Yellow Tavern ; engaged at White Oak Swamp and Riddle's House June 13, 1804; Wilson's raid, from June 22d to July 2d, 1864; actions of Nottoway Court- House, Stony Creek, Ream's Station, and engaged at the battle of Winchester, Va., actions of Summit Point, Kparneysville, Berryville, and Bunker Hill ; General Sheridan's raid en rorde via the Shenan- doah Valley, and joined the Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg Febru- ary, 1865 ; engaged at the battles of Din- widdle Court-House, Five Forks, actions of Scott's Cross-Roads, W'ilson's Farm, battle of Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. Ennis, William. Born in R I. Ap- pointed from R. I.; graduate of M. A., class of 1864; 2 It. 4 Art. June 13, '64; 1 It. May 8, '06. Strong, Richard P. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; pri- vate 71st New York State Militia April to July, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 139 New York Infantry September, 1802 ; acting adjutant to October, 1862; acting signal oiScer to June, 1863; at Fort Monroe, Va., New- port News, and on steamer Ironsides, James River, to November, 1862; Deep Creek, Va., to March, 1863 ; siege of Suf- folk to May, 1803; with General Dix's expedition to Richmond to August, 1803; 1 lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps June, 1803, to May, 1806 ; member of examining hoard of applicants for commissions in the Signal Cor[is to November, 1803; pres- ident of board to January, 1804 ; assistant superintendent of recruiting for Signal Corps, and inspecting duty Now York City, Providence, Boston, and Chambers- burg, Pa., to September, 1804 ; command- ing signal camp of instruction George- town, D. C, December, 1863; at siege of Washington, D. C, July, 1864 ; with head- quarters 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, September to December, 1864 ; present at the siege of Petersburg and action of Boj^dlon Plank Road, Va. ; commanding barracks of Signal Corps, New Orleans, La., December, 1864, to March, 1865; on statf of General Steele to September, 1805 ; present at the cavalry raid through Ala- bama, siege and assault of Fort Biakely, capture of Mobile, and movement on EECORDS or LIYIXG OFFICERS U.S. AEMT. Montc;omcry, Ala. ; chief sipnal officer, aidc-de-canip, and provost-marshal-general AVc-^tern District of Texas, June to Sep- tember, 18(3.5; aide-de-camp to General Sleole, New York City, November to De- cember, 186-5; en 7-oute to S.-m Francisco, ChI., Januarj' to February, 1866 ; aide-de- camp to the CDmmandiniJC gv^neral Depart- ment of the Columbia, and acting assistant adjutant-general of the department, at Portland^ Oregon, to November, 1867; 2 lieutenant 7 Infantry February, 1866; 1st lieutenant May, 1866; enrouie from Port- land, Oregon, to Washington, D. C, No- vember, 1867, to January, 1868; in office of chief signal officer, Washington, D. C, to March, 1868; assistant in-struotcr of military signaling and telegraphy U. S. Military Academ}^ March to September, 1868 ; brevet captain and major volunteers for faithful and meritorious services ; bre- vet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meri- torious services at the cafiture of Fort Blakely, Ala. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services during the war; in office of chief signal officer Washing- ton, D. C, from September, 1868, to Dec. 1868 ; acting signal officer Department of the South from'^Dec. 1868, to July, 1869; unassigned May 19, 1869 ; assigned to 2-5 Infantry July, 1869 ; transferred to 4 Ar- tillery September, 1869 ; at Fort Wasliing- ton, Md., Sept. 1869, to May, 1871 ; at artillery school, Fort Monroe, Va., May, 1871, to May, 1872; commanding signal service school of instruction Fort Myer, Va., from May, 1872, to January, 1883; assistant to the chief signal officer Dec. 1882; on duty in officeof chief signal officer January, 1883, to July, 1888 ; comdg. Bat- tery " U,"4th Arty.j^P'ort Warren, Mass., from July 7, 18S3, to date. Dunwoody, Henry H. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Iowa; graduate of M. A., class of 1866 ; 2 It. 4 Art. June 18, '66 ; 1 It. Feby. 5, '67. Craig, Robert. Born in Pennsylvania. Api'ld. from Pa. ; graduate of IM. A., class of 1866; 2 It. 4 Art. June 18, '66; 1 It. Feby. 5, '67. O'Brien, Michael. Born in Ireland. Apptd. from the army; pvt., art., and armorer ord., and hosp. stewd., July 11, '59, to June 4, '64; 2 It. 1 xVrt. MaV 18, '64 ; 1 It. 1 Art. Apr. 15, '67 ; 1st It. 4"Art. Sep. 1, '79; accepted Sep. 6, '79. Stewart, Wm. F. Born at Rhode Island. Appointed 2d lieutenant 4th Ar- tillery December 1, 1866; awaiting orders at Fort Whipple, Va., December, '66, and January, 1867 ; served with battery at Erie, Pa., .January to April, 1867; sup- pressing Fenian raid into Canada Fort Porter, N. Y., April to August, 1887; A. D. C. to Bvt. Maj.-Gen. Barry on tour of inspection through Northern New York April, 1867; at Fort Washington, jSId., August, 1867, to November, 1868; Fort Wayne, Mich., November, 1868, to May, 1869 ; Fort Monroe, Va., artillery school of practice, May, 1869, to May, 1871 ; promoted to 1st lieutenant November 19, 1869; on detached service Richmond, Va., July, 1869; Fort McHenry, Md., May to August, 1871 ; Raleigh, N. C, August, 1871, to November, 1872; Alcatraz Island, Cal., December, 1872, to June, 1873 ; fron- tier duty Sitka, Alaska, July, 1873, to August, 1874; Presidio of S. F., Cal., September, 1874, to April, 1876; on de- tached service, recruiting at Sacramento, Cal., May and June, 1875; as witness be- fore U. S. Court at Portland, Oregon, March, and November and December, 1875 ; at Yerba Buena Island, Cal., April, 1876, to March, 1877; frontier duty Fort Canby, W. T., March, 1877, to November, 1878 ; witness before U. S. Court at Port- land, Oregon, June, 1877 ; served in the Nez Perces campaign June to August, 1877; as adjutant of artillery battalion June and July, 1877; being engaged in action of the Clear Water, Idaho Terri- tory, July 11 and 12, and skirmish at Kamiah, 1. T., July 13, 1877; conducting Indian prisoners and sick and wounded soldiers from Fort Lapwai, I. T., to Fort Vancouver, W. T., August, 1877 ; on duty guarding Indian prisoners at Fort Van- couver, W. T., August 7 to 29, 1877; on Bannock campaign June to October, 1878 ; serving as adjutant of artillery and in- fantry battalion June, and of District of the Malheur July, 1878 ; at Camp Harney, Oregon, July, Malheur agency August, and Camp Harney August and September, 1878 ; in charge of Indian prisoners Aug- ust and September, 1878 ; served at Fort Point, Cal., November, '78, to January, 1879; Presidio of S. F., Cal., January, '79, to July, 1881 ; frontier duty at Fort Canby, W. T., July to October, 1881 ; Fort Warren, Mass., November, 1881, to September, 1882; Fort Snelling, Minn., September, 1882, to date. Miller, Crosby P. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont ; corporal Com- pany G, 16th Vermont Infantry, Septem- ber, 1862, to March, 1863 ; 'graduated from Military Academy June, 1867; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 17, 1867; 1st lieutenant December 1, 1869. Jones, Samuel R. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867 ; 2 It. 4th Art. June 14, '67 ; 1st It. Aug. 22, '71. Howe, Walter. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from N. M.; graduate of M.A., POURTH REGIMENT OP ARTILLERY. 223 class of 18G7 ; 2cl It. 4th Art. June 17, '07; 1st It. Sept. 1, '72. Leary, Peter, Jr. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland ; 2d It. inde- pendent company, Mar\'land Light Artil- lery, Aug. 18, 1802 ; engaged at llie action of Berryville and the Opequan, and the battle of Winchester, 1803 ; actions of the Catoctin Mountain and Frederick, and the battle of the Monocacy, 1804 ; 1st lieu- tenant April 8, and honorably mustered out June 17, 1805; 2d lieutenant 4th Ar- tillery July 2, 1807 ; assigned to Lt. Com- pany'" B,'"' Aug. 1, 1807; in the tield as adjutant, quartermaster, and commissary of subsistence of Batteries "K," 1st Ar- tillery, and "X!," 3d Artillery, mounted as cavalry, under Bvt. Brig. -Gen. W. M. Graham, cant. 1st Artillery, June and Jul\-, 1809, scouting the valley of the Republican River in Kansas ; at the artil- lery school Fort Monroe, Ya., from May 1, 1870, to January, 1871 ; January 24, 1873, 1st lieutenant ; in the field in Modoc war from April 1 to Jime 14, 1873, par- ticipating in actions of April loth, lOih, and 20th ; at Fort Stevens, Oregon, from July 8, 1873, to June 17, 1877; in the field as acting chief commissary of sub- sistence of Gen. Howard's command in Nez Perces war from June 21, 1877, to end of campaign ; at the artillery school, Fort Monroe, ^Va., May 1, 1878, to May 1, 1880. Civil History : private secretary and aide-de-camp to the governor of Maryland from Jan. 1800, to'June, 1807. Taylor, Sydney W. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from New York ; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery Sep- tember 3, 1807 ; 1st lieutenant April 20, 1873; served with battery at Fort Mc- Henry, Md., from Oct. 1867, to May, 1809; served with battery at Fortress Monroe, Ya., from May, 1809, to May, 1871 ; served with battery at Fort Mc- Henry, JId., from May, 1871, to Aug. 1871 ; served with battery at Rutherford county, N. C, during Ku-Klux troubles, from Aug. 1871, to "^Oct. 1872; on leave of absence during the month of Oct. 1872 ; assigned to light battery of regiment and served with it at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from Nov. 1872, to March, 1873 ; participated in the Modoc war from March, 1873, to June, 1873 ; served with light battery at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from June, 1873, to Oct. 1873, guarding captured M"doc Indians ; present with light battery at Fort Klamath, Oct. 3, 1873, during the execution of the Modoc Indians ; served with light battery at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from October, 1873, to June, 1874 ; on leave of absence from June, 1874, to Sept. 1874 ; assigned to a foot battery of regiment Oct. 1, 1874, and served at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., until Jan. 1875; served with battery at Alcatraz Island, Cal., from Jan. 1875, to April, 1870; sm-ved with battery at the Presidio of San Fran- cisco, Cal., from April to Aug. 1870; served with battery at Red Cloud Agency, Neb., from Aug. to Nov. 1870; served on winter campaign in Neb. again«t hostile Sioux Indians from Nov. 1870, to Jan. 1877 ; served with battery at the Pre.-idio, San Francisco, Cal., from Jan. to July, 1877; served with battery during cam- paign against hostile Nez Perces Indians from July to Nov. 1877 ; served with bat- tery at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from Nov. 1877, to June, 1878; served with batterv at Alcatraz Island, Cal., from June, 1878, to July, 1881 ; on leave of absence during the month of June, 1880 ; served with battery at Fort Winfield Scott, Cal., from July to Oct. 1881 ; served Avith batlejry at "VYilcox, Arizona, from Oct. to Nov. 1881 ; guard- ing the Southern Pacific R.R. during Apache outbreak ; on duty with battery at Fort Adams, R. I., from' Nov. 1881, to present time, Sept. 1, 1883. Everett, William. Born in Me. Apptd. from N. H.; graduate of M. A., class of 1808; 2d It. 4th Art. June 15, '08 ; 1st It. April 20, '73. Anderson, Harry R. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; capt. 0th U.S. Vol. Inf. April 28, '05 ; hon. must, out June 12, '00; 2d It. 0th Inf. March 7, '67; accepted May 8, '07 ; unassigned April 22, '09; assigned to 4th Art. July 14, '09; 1st It. April 29, '73. Lundeen, John A. Born in Sweden. Apptd. from Minn. ; graduate of M.A., class of 1873; 2d It. 4th Art. June 13, '73; 1st It. March 7, '74. Totten, Charles A. L. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Connecticut; graduated from Military Academy June, 1873 ; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery .June 13, 1873; 1st lieutenant November 1, 1874; has served at following posts : on Angel Island, S. F. Harbor; West Point, N.Y.; Fort Columbus, Governor's Island ; leave months ; Presidio, S. F. ; in field, Chiri- cahua campaign, A.A.A.G. of ])ursuit ; Piattsburg, NI^Y. ; Sackett's Harbor, New York ; Fort Warren, Boston ; Fort Adams, Newport ; prof. mil. sci. and tac. Garden City, L. I., at present. Cummins, Albert S. Born in Michi- gan. Appointed from Michigan ; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1873; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 13, 1873 ; 1st lieutenant May 29, 1875. Garrard, Joseph. Born in Kentucky 224: KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Dec. 1851. Appointed from Kentucky; graduated from Militnr}' Academy June 13, 1878; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 13, 1873; l>t lieutenant August 1, 1875; served with regiment at San Francisco, Cal., until Sept. 25, '76 ; professor of mil- itary science at North Georgia Agricultu- ral College, Ga., from Jan. 1877, to June, 1880; with regiment at San Francisco, Cal., and New London, Conn., until May, 1882; U. S. Artillerv School, Fort Mon- roe, until I\[ay, 1884. Dyer, Alexander B. Born in North Carolina. Appointed at large ; gradu- ated from Military Academy June 13, 1873 ; 2J lieutenant 4th Artillery June 13, 1873 ; 1st lieutenant August 13, 1875 ; regimental ailjutant September 6, 1879. Walker, Leverett H. Born in Penn- sylvanin. Ajipointed from Illinois ; grad- uated from Military Academy Juno 12, 1871 ; 2d lieutenant 15th Infantry Juno 12, 1871 ; 1st lieutenant November 2, 1875 ; acting engineer officer District of New Mexico from March to September, 1876 ; commanding escort to "Wheeler's expedition west of 100 meridian from July to December, 1873; on duly at U. S. Military Academy as asst. instructor of tactics from September 1, 1876, to Septem- ber 3, 1880; transferred to 4th Artillery AuEcust 12, 1882. Paddock, George H. Born in 111. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 18-73; 2(1 lieut."4th Art. June 13, '73; 1st lieut. April 19, '77. Macomb, Montgomery M. Born in Mich. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2d It. 4th Art. June 17, '74 ; 1st It. Sept. 6, '79. Wilson, James L. Born in Virginia (now W. Va.) Dec. 3, 1848. Joined 2d W. Va. Infty. in Sept. 1862, at the age of 13 years and 10 months ; was regularly enrolled as drummer Dec. 1, 1862; regt. made mounted infantr}- Aug. 1863 ; en- rolled as buijler ; regt. consolidated with 3d W. Va. Mounted Infantrv in Sept. 1864 ; made 6th W. Va. Vet. Vol. Cav. ; continued as bugler; captured in action in Nov. 1864 ; taken to Richmond and served in Peinberton Prison till Feb. 15, 1865, when he was paroled; sent to Col., Ohio ; exchanged in March ; joined regt. in Washington in April ; ordered with regiment to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, in June, to Julesburg, Colorado, in July, to Ft. Laramie, Dakota Ter., in September, to Laramie Bridge, North Platte, in Oc- tober, when term of service expired ; dis- charged at Omaha Dec. 5, 1865 ; appointed .through compi'titive ex. to West Point in 1870; graduated No. 5 in class numbering 41 in 1874; appointed 2d lieut. 4th Art. in June, 1874; joined regl. in San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; ordered to artillery school May, 1875; relieved May, 1876; joined regt. in Cal. ; ordered to Red Cloud Agency with batt. 4th Art. Aug. 1876 (Sioux war) ; to Light Batter\', Presidio, Cal., Oct. 1876; ordered to the field with Light Battery B, 4th Art., equi|)ped as cav., in 1877; Nez Perccs war in 1878 with Light Battery B as cav. ; Bannock war Sept. 1881 ; to Arizona with battalion 4th Art. ; Apache war ; regt. changed station with 1st Art. Nov. 1881 ; at pres- ent serving with company at this post. Anderson, George L. Born in Wis- consin. A]iptd. from Wisconsin ; grad- luited from ^lilitary Acadeny June, 1874; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery J^une 17, 1874 ; served in campaigns against the Nez Perces Indians 1877, and the Bannocks Indians 1878 ; 1st lieutenant November 11, 1841. Deems, Clarence. Born at Charlottes- ville, Va., Oct. 10, 1850. Appointed ca- det to U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 1870, from Baltimore, Md. ; griiduatcd June 17, 1874, number 13; appointed 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 17, 1874; on duty with regt. at Alcatraz Island, Presidio, and Point San Jose, Cal., to Apr. 1, 1876; reported at artillerj' school. Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, 1876; gradu- ated number 9 May 1, 1878 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Mar\iand Agricultural College from July, 1878, to Julv, 1881 ; rejoined regiment at Alcatraz Island, Cal., July, 1881 ; at Fort Warren, Mass., from November, 1881, to Septem- ber, 1882; at Fort Adams, R. I., from September, 1882, to date ; 1st lieutenant 1883. Second Lieutenants, Jones, James M. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2d lieut. 4th Artillery June 16, '75. French, John T., Jr. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1876 ; 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 15, 1876 ; served in Department of Platte, on Powder River Expedition, 1876 ; grad- uated at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, April 30, 1880; on detached duty at Mili- tary Academy from Aug. 28, 1880, until present time. Springett, Howard A. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate of M.A., class of 1877 ; 2d lieut. 4th Artillery June 15, '77. Totten, John R. Born in Fla. Apptd. from Neb. ; graduate of M. A., class of FIFTH EEGIMENT OF AETILLEPvY. 225 1878; 2d liout. 1 Tnf. Juno 14, 1878; trs. to 4th Artillery June 28, '80. Alexander, Walter S. Born in Mas- sachusetts. Appointed from at large; graduated from Military Academy June, 1879 ; 2d lieutenant 5th Infantry June 13, 1879 ; transferred to 4th Artillery July 11, 1879. Schroeder, Henry A. Born in "Wis- consin. Apptd. from Wisconsin ; gradu- ate of M. A., class of 1880; 2d lieut. 4th Art. June 12, '80. Strong, Frederick S. Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., chiss of 1880 ; 2d lieut. 4lh Artillery June 12, '80. Fish, Williston. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; irraduato of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2d lieut." 4th Artillery June 11, '81. Phillips, Charles L. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Maine; graduated from Military Academy Junell, 1881 ; addi- tional '2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 11, 1881 ; 2d lieut. July 1, 1881. Townsley, Clarence P. Born in New York. Appointed frcmi Iowa ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1881 ; ad- ditional 2d lieutenant 4th Artillery June 11, 1881; 2d lieut. Oct. 21,1881. Liseak, Ormond M. Born in Califor- nia. Ap[)(iinted from California; gradu- ated from ]\Iilitar3' Academy June, 1882; 2d lieut. 4th Artillery June 13, 1882. Cronkhite, Adelbert. Born in New York. A]ipointed from Arizona; gradu- ate of M.A., class of 1882 ; 2 lieut. 4th Artillery June 13, '82. FIFTH REGIMENT OF ARTIL- LERY. Colonel. Hamilton, John. Born at sea. Apptd. froiu Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1847 (No. 2 o> class) ; 2 It. 3 Art. July 1, '47; 1 It. Feb. 13, '50; capt. April 25, 'Gl ; maj. 1 Art. Aug. 13, 'HG ; It.-col. 5 Art. Jan. 2, '81 ; served in Mexico during the war, frontier duty '48-Gl ; Port Koyal ex- pedition 'Gl ; Dept. of South 'G1-G4 ; bvt. maj. April 11, 'G2, for gallant and meri- torious services at Secessionville, S. C. ; bvt. col. Feb. 20, 'G4, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Olustee, Fla., where he was wounded. Lieutenant- Colonel. Closson, Henry W. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from Vt. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1854; 2d It. 1 Art. July 1, 1854; 1st lieut. Oct. 31, 185G; frontier duty 1854-Gl; Fort Taylor, Fla., 18G1 ; cap- tain 19th Infantry May 14, 18G1, declined ; captain 1st Art. Slay 14, 1861 ; defense of Fort Pickens 18G1-G2 ; chief of artillery, Dist. of Pensacola, 18G2 ; engaged in ac- tions of the Teche campaign 18G3 ; en- gaged in the actions of the Ked River cam- paign, chief of artillery, UUh Corps, 18G4; Mobile expedition as chief of artillery Aug. 18G4 ; in command of artillery and ordnance of the Cavalry Corps, Middle Military Division, Nov.-Dec. 1864; on duty in Md., N. Y., and on recruiting duty 1865-66 ; brevet major July 8, 18G3, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Port Hudson, La. ; brevet It.- col. Aug. 23, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious services in the ca])ture of Fort Morgan, Ala. ; major 5th Artillery Nov. 1, 1876; litut.-col. 5 Art. 1883. Majors. . Jackson, Richard H. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private, cor- poral, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Com- pany " L,'' 4th U.S. Arty., from 12th De- cember, 1851, to 13th September, 1859; served in Florida against the Seminole Indians and in Nebraska and Western Territories ; passed the examination be- fore a regimental board and the academic board at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., September, 1859; appointed brevet 2d lieut. 4ih U.S. Art., 13th September, 1859 ; 2d lieut. 1st Arty., 13th July, 18G0 ; served at Fort Monroe, Va., and in Texas; 1st lieut. 1st Arty., Maj' 14th, 1861 ; commanding company and acting asst. inspr. ; general and act- ing asst. adjutant-general at Fort Pickens, Fla. ; engaged in the defense of Fort Pickens during the bombardments of that place, and in the capture of Pensacola, Fla. ; captain 1st U.S. Arty., 20th Feb- ruary, 1862 ; commanding battery and acting asst. inspr.-general 10th Army Corps, Department of the South ; lieut.- col. and asst. inspr.-general U.S. Vols., 10th Corps, April loth, 18G3 ; acting chief of arty, and asst. inspr.-general on Morris and Folly Island during the oper- ations against Fort Sumter and Charles- ton, S. C. ; asst. inspr.-general, chief of arty., and chief of staff. Army of the James ; brevet brigadier-general vols. 1st January, 1865, for gallant and meri- torious services in the campaign of 1864 ; commanding 2d Division 25lh Corps, and engaged in the campaign ending in the surrender of General Lee at Apjjomattox C. H. ; in Texas to February, 1866; brigadier-general U.S. Vols. 19tli May, 18G5; brevet major-general U.S. Vols. 226 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICEES U.S. AKMT. 24th November, 18G5, for gallant and meritorious services curing the war; served continuously in the field during the war of the liebellion ; brevet major U. S. Army 15th May, 1804, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va. ; brevet lieut.-col. U.S. Army 7th October, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Newmarket Heights, Va. ; brevet col. U.S. Army and brevet brig. -general U.S. Army loth March, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; act- ing asst. inspr.-general, Department of the East, July, 1866; major 5th U.S. Arty. 1st July, 1880. Wildrick, Abram C. Born in N. J. Apptd. from N. J. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1857 ; col. 39 N. J. Inf. Oct. 11, '64; bvt. brig.-gen. Apr. 2, '65; hon. must, out June 17, '65 ; bvt. 2 It. 3 Art. July 1, '57; 2 It. Oct. 5, '57; 1 It. Apr. 27, '61 ; cupt. Feb. 20, '62; major 5 Art. Nov. 3, '82; frontier duty '51-61; San Francisco '61-64 ; army of Potomac '64- 65; bvt. major Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during siege of Petersburg. Miller, Marcus P. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Mass. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1858; bvt. 2d It. 4th Art. Julv, '58; 2d It. Sept. 27, '59; 1st It. May 14, '61 ; capt. May 11, '64 ; Fort Monroe '58- 60; brevet captain July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at Malvern Hill, Va. ; special duty at Wash. '63-64 ; Army of Potomac '64-65; bvt. maj. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in cavalry campaign from Winchester to Richmond; bvt. It.-col. March 31, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Dinwiddle Oourt-House, Va. Captains, Rawles, Jacob B. Born in Mich. Ap- ptd. from ]\Iich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1861 ; 2d It. 3d Art. May 6, 1861 ; 1st It. 5th Art. May 14, 1861, accepted June 28, 1861 ; capt. July 28, '66 ; drilling volun- teers at Wash. May-July, 1861 ; quarter- master 5th Art. Oct. '61, to Dec. '62; in command of battery at New Orleans to Mar. '63 ; expedition to Mobile Bay Aug. '64 ; engaged in action at Hatcher's llun Mar. '65; bvt. major Apr. 9, '65; battle of Five Forks Apr. '65; comd'g battery at Little Rock Arsenal, Ark., Oct. '66. Randolph, Wallace F. Born in Penn- sylvania. A|>pointed from Pennsj'lvania ; sccoad lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery May, 1861 ; fir.st lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery 3Iarch, 1862; captain 5th U. S. Artillery July, 1866 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia (Taken prisoner by the rebels and confined in Libby Prison, Piichmond, Va., till he escaped by means of the "Tunnel," and after much e.vposure regained the Union lines) ; brevet major U. S. Army for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Brewerton, Henry F. Born in New York. Apjiointed from Maryland ; 2d lieut. 5th Artillery 14th May, 1861, and assigned to Light Battery K, 5th Artil- lery, and at Light Artillery School of In- struction, Camp Cameron, Pa. ; act'g regt. quartermaster to October, 1801 ; adjutant Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac, to January, 1862; signal officer artillery brigade to March, 1862; eni^aged in the Peninsular campaign from Manassas (in- cluding siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg to Chickahominy), and in command of section of Light Artillery protecting pas- sage of troops during battles of Fair Oaks and Seven Pines, and during battles of seven days (Gaines' Mills, Jlei-hanics- ville, and Malvern Hill) with Horse Bat- terj' C, 3d Artillery, under General Stone- man ; comd'g section covering reti'eat of the army; with General Averill ; comd'g section of Horse Battery C, 3d Artillery, at White Oak Swamp and White Oak Swamp Bridge; promoted 1st lieut. Bat- tery E, 5th Artillery, March 1, 1862; on recruiting service; mustering and disburs- ing duty and assistant commissary of mus- ters, Dept. of the Susquehanna, Dec. 1863, to July, 1864; with General Shei'idan in Shenandoah campaign and comd'g Light Batter}' B, 5th Artillery ; cajitured Octo- ber 19, 1864, and prisoner of war in Libby Prison, Va., from October, 1864, to April, 1865, when exchanged; with Light Bat- tery B, 5th Artillery, at Cumberland, Md., to October, 1865 ; Fort Monroe, Va., to January, 1867, and battalion adjutant 5th Artillery ; acting assistant adjutant- general and inspector-general to the ma- jor-general comd'g; comd'g Battery B, 5th Artillery, at Fort Monroe, Va. ; with Light Battery F, 5th Artillery, at Rich- mond, Va., from January. 1867; comd'g battery and post of Camp Williams, Va., and with light battery to September, 1808 ; brevet captain" U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious service at battle of Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864; captain 5th Artillery Se])tember 18, 1868; comd'g Battery M, 5th Artillery, at Fort Jeft'er- son. Dry Tortugas, Fia., November, 1868, to March, 1869; at Fort Preble, Maine, to June, 1873 ; comd'g battery and post at Fort Preble, JMaine, 1870, 'and comd'g Battery M and battalion 5th Artillery at St. Albans, Vt., during Fenian raid; on FIFTH KEGIMENT OF AETILLERY. 227 special duty at Newport, R. I., 1873, un- der the orders of the mnjor-geiieral eonid'g the division, and transferred to tlie com- mand of tlie light battery of the regiment same year at Fort Adams, R. I. ; at Charleston, S. C, from February 3 to February 21, 1877; absent on detached serviee at JeflTersonville, Indiana, pur- chasing linrscs for Light Artillery service, from Maj' 4 to May 17, 1877; absent on detached service at Louisville, Ky., pur- chasing horses from June 6 to July 9, 1878; at Atlanta, Ga., from April 18, 1879 ; absent on detached service at Wash- ington, D. C, member light artillery board, from July 9 to Sept. 3, 1881 ; com- manding post of McPhorson Barracks, Ga., from November 12 to December G, 1881 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., com- manding Light Battery F, 5th Artillery, from December 9, 1881, to January 17, 1883 ; under the provisions of General Orders 96 of 1882 from hdqrs. of the army, transferred to Battery 0, 5th Artil- lery, at Fort Moni'oo, Va., as instructor at the Artillery School, December 19, 1882; transferred at his own request from Bat- tery C to Battery K, 5tli Artillery, S. O. 8, hdqrs. army, A. G. O., January 10, 1883 ; reported for duty at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., and assumed command of Battery K January 18, 1883. Kinzie, David H. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Kansas; 2 lieutenant 5 U. S. Artillery May, 1801 ; 1 lieutenant 5 U. S. Artillery August, 1862; captain 5 U. S. Artillery April, 1871 ; brevet 1 lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; brevet major U. S. Army for good con- duct and gallant services during the war. Brinckle, John R. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Delaware 2d It. 5 U. S. Artillery May, 18(51 ; 1 lieutenant 6 U. S. Artillery September, 18G2 ; bvt. ca|itain XJ. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Ya. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Forces under General Robert E. Lee. Weir, Gulian V. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; private 7lh New York State Militia April to June, 1861; 2 lieutenant (Battery " C") 5 Ar- tiller\' May, 18G1 ; at camp of Organiza- tion and Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa., to March, 18G2 ; engaged in the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, Groveton, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, and Antietam; 1 lieutenant (Battery " L'') October 8, 18G2 ; engaged in the battles of First and Second Fredericksburg and Get- tysburg (commanding battery) ; chief of artillery and commanding battery, and engaged at the battle of Snicker's Gap and Winchester, action of Moorefield, battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek ; on recruiting service. New York City, February, 18G5, to November, 18G6 ; at Fort Monroe, Vii., to June, 1867 ; regi- mental and post adjutant and assistant adjutant-general, Columbia, S. C, to May, 1868; bvt. 1 It. for gallant and meritori- ous services during the Peninsular cam- paign, Virginia ; bvt. captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg; with Light Batterv ("G") from* May, 1868, to N(ivembor, 18G9 ; with Battery " E" from November, 18G9, to Mav, 1870 ; at Artillery School from May, 1870, to May, 1881 ; with Battery " I" from May, 1871, to November, 1871 ; with Battery "M" from 1871 to date; captain Nov. 10, '74. Van Reed, Wm. E. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; corporal 5th Penna. Infantry April 20th, 18G1 ; by promotion 2d lieutenant 5th Regiment U.S. Artillery 14th May, 1861 ; Ist^lieut. July 2d, 1863 ; brevetted captain U.S. Army August 18th, 1864, for gallant services during the op- erations on the Weldon Railroad ; ca]itain 5tli Artillery March 1st, 1875; served in the 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, at siege of Yorktown, Mechanicsville, physically disabled while handling the guns of his section, Gaines' Hill, Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville ; 12th Corps, Army Cumberland, War- trace, Tenn., Bridge])ort, Ala. ; Army Potomac, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Thatcher's Run, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, Quaker Road, Bethesda Church, North Anna, Tolopotomy, But- ler House, Siege of Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Appomattox Court - House, April 9, 1865 ; acting A. A.-Genl., Genl. R. O. Tyler Comdg. Artillery Reserve, Army JPotomac, May, 1863 ; chief artil- lery, 2d Division, 5th Corps, during the operations on the Weldon Rnilroad ; div. commanded by Genl. R. B. Ayres ; horse wounded at Gaines' 3Iills by shell ; was struck by bullet, flesh-wound above the belt, at Weldon Railroad ; in command of "D," 5th Artillery, and " K," 5th Artillery, part of the time while in the field ; after surrender at Appomattox marched to Richmond and then to Wash- ington; took part in grand review Army of the Potomac ; member military order 228 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. Loyal Legion of the United States since Sept. 0th, 18fi5; also a member of the Militai-}' Service Institution Jan. 1st, 1879. McConnell, Charles C. Born in Penn- sylvania. Aji]ioinled from Pennsylvania ; second lieutenant 5th U.S. Artillery, May, 18(;i ; first lieutenant 5th U.S. Ar- tillery, August, 1863 ; brevet first lieuten- ant U.S. Army for gallant and meritori- ous services in the Peninsular campaign in Virginia; brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania ; bre- vet major U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the rebel at- tack on Fort Steadnian, Virginia. Beck, William B. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsj-lvania ; first lieutenant 11th Pennsylvania Vol- unteer Infantry April, 1801; on the Up- per Potomac to June, 1861 ; second lieu- tenant oth U.S. Artillery May, 1861 ; recruiting, mustering, and disbursing duty to January, 1863 ; with battery in the field to JSovember, 1863; and in AVashington to February, — ; command- ing battery and consolidated batteries, 5th LT.S. Artillery, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Po Kiver, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Hatcher's Eun, and action of Boydton lload, Virginia ; first lieutenant 5th LT.S. Artillery January, 1865 ; at Newport Barracks March, 1865; Fort Kichmond, New York Harbor, to Octo- ber, 1865 ; acting assistant inypector-gen- eral, Di.rtrict of Fort Monroe, Virginia, Novenrber, 1865, to April, 1866 ; with battery at Fi)rt Monroe and Columbia to November, 1867; regimental quartermas- ter and commissary, 5th TT.8. Artillery, October, 1867; at Columbia to Januarj', 1868; Kichmond, Virginia, to October, 1868; Fort Jetlerson, Florida, to March, 1809 ; brevet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorii'us services at the battle of Po lliver, Virginia ; brevet cap- tain U.S. Army for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Boydton Plank Road, Virginia ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia; brevet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war; captain October 30, 1876. Crabb, George W. Born ih Pennsyl- vania. A]ipointed from Pennsylvania ; second lieutenant 5ih U.S. Artillery May, 1861 ; first lieut. 5th U.S. Cavalry Feb- ruary, 1865; brevet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Antietam, Maty- land ; brevet captain U.S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia ; capt. Apr. 17,'^ '81. Morris, Charles. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass.; graduate of M. A., class of 1805 ; 2 It. 19 Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1 It. June 23, '65; trs. to 37 Inf. Sep. 21, '66; trs. to 5 Inf. May 19, '69; trs. to 5 Art. December 15, '70; captain March 6, 1882. Fessenden, Joshua A. Born in Me. Appointed from Me. ; sgt. Co. B, 1 Me. Cav., Sept. 18, '61; discharged April 1, '02 ; 2 It. 1 Cav. April 24, '62 ; 2 It. 5 Art. Sept. 6, 1862; 1 It. Nov. 30, 1865; capt. June 26, '82. Mills, Samuel M. Appointed a cadet to the U. S. Military Academy June, '61, from Penn.sylvania ; graduated June, '05, and appointed a second lieutenant in the 19th U. S. Infantry to date from June 23, 1865; appointed a first lieutenant, same regiment, to date from same date, June 23, 1865; joined for duty at Augusta, Ga., Oct. 1, 1865; served in garrison in com- mand of company at Augusta, Ga. ; on detached service at headquarters District of Georgia as acting aide-de-camp and act- ing assistant adjutant-general on the statf of Bvt. Maj.-Gen. John H. King command- ing ; relieved from duty on the statf in Jan- uary, 1866, to accompany regiment to De- partment of Arkansas ; in command of Companies " D" and "E," 2d Battalion, 19th Infantr}"^, en roide to Little Rock, Ar- kansas ; on frontier duty in command of compan}', and station at Paraclifta, Ar- kansas, until April 25, 1806 ; ordered with company to Camden, Ark., on frontier duty at Camden, Ark., as acting assistant adjutant, and inspector-general of Ouach- ita River District, and appointed adju- tant 2d Battalion, 19th Infantry, Col. C. C. Gilbert commanding; served in these capacities until district was discontinued ; November 9 and 10, 1800, in command of an expedition for the arrest of certain des- peradoes ; congratulated in orders by Gen. E. O. C. Ord, commanding department; in the reorganization of the armv, Nov. 1806, the 2d Battalion, 19th Infantry, be- came the 28th Infantry ; appointed adju- tant of the 28th U. S. Infantry, and or- dered to Little Rock, Ark. ; adjutant of the post of Little Rock ; early in 1867, when the sub-district of Arkansas was or- ganized under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, appointed acting assistant ad- jutant-general on the statf of Bvt. Maj.- Gen. C. H. Smith, Col. 28th Infantry, commanding ; continued in these duties until the district was discontinued, in FIFTH REGIMENT OF AETILLERY. 229 1859 ; in the consolidation and reorgan- izalion of tlie army, 18G9, the '28lh Infan- try became tlie 19th Infantry; ai^pointed the adjutant of this regiment, 19tli In- fantry ; served with the 19th Infantry as adjutant, and as adjutant post of Little Kock, Arkansas, until May, 1870, when transferred to the 6lh U. S. Artillery ; joined and served with battery at New London, Conn., until Oct. 1, 1871, tem- porarily performing duty as aide-de-camp to Maj.-Oen. McDowell, commanding De- partment of the East ; trans, to Light Bat- tery " F," 5th Artillery (Duponl's), at Newport, R. I. ; served with battery until ordered to duty at the U. S. Military Academy ; joined August 1, 1872, for duty at Military Academy ; on duty at the Mili- tary Academy in the department of tactics, under Bvt. Maj.-Gen. Upton, as assistant instructor of infantry, artillery, and cav- alry ; on duty with the U. IS. Military Academy, detachment of cavalry ; in com- mand of cavalry from June until Septem- ber, 1873; relieved from duty as assist- ant instructor of infantry tactics, and from command of cadetcompany, and appointed, September 1, 1873, senior assistant instruc- tor of artillery, and to the command of Light Battery ; in command of cavalry and senior instructor of cavalry tactics from November, 1874, until March, 1875; appointed treasurer U. S. Military Acad- emy June, 1875; accompanied corps of cadets to Philadelphia Centennial Exhi- bition as treasurer, quartermaster, and commissary; September, 1876, relieved from all duty in tactics, and appointed quartermaster and commissary of cadets, under the act of Congress approved Aug- ust 7, 1876, and with the supervision of all expenses and payment of all accounts per- taining to corps of cadets; served in this capacity until September, 1879, when he was relieved from duty at the Military Acad>'my ; on leave of absence in Europe until May 1, 1880, when he joined for duty and instruction at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; comj)leted course of studies, etc., May, 1882; reported to Maj.- Gen. Hancock, commanding Military Di- vision of the Atlantic, as quartermaster and commissarj' of the post and of the di- vision and department stafl', Governor's Island, New York, May 1, 1882; served in these capacities until Dec. 15, 1882, when he was ordered to Washington, D.C., and assigned to duty in the office of the chief signal officer, U. S. Army, as acting signal officer, and property and disbursing officer, and assistant quartermaster of the signal service and still on these duties; promoted captain 5th Artillery, to date from April 18, 1883. 16 First Lieutenants. Day, Selden Allen. Born in Ohio. Ajipointed from the army ; private, cor- poral, and sergeant Company C, 7th Ohio Infantry, June 20, '61, to February 4, 1863; engaged at the action of Cross Lanes, and operations against the rebel Generals Floyd, Wise, and Jackson ; cam- paign under General Shields, and action of Winchester, March 23, 1863 (slightly wounded) ; sergeant 7th Ohio Infantry, engaged at the action of Port Kepublic June 9, 1862 (slightly wounded), and bat- tle of Cedar Mountain Aug. 9, '62; hos- pital steward U.S.A. February, 1863, to May, 1864 ; in Baltimore and" Fort Mc- Henry, Md., to May, 1864; 2 lieutenant 5 Artillery April, 1864; joined battery and engaged at the battle of Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, and occupation of Kichmond, Va. ; in Washington, D. C, May to October, 1865; brevet 1 lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services during the war; 1 lieutenant 5 Artillery July, 1866 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., to May, 1867 ; president of board of registration and elections, and military commissioner un- der reconstruction acts in Virginia to September, 1868 ; Camp Williams, Kich- mond, Va., to January, 1869, and Nor- folk, Va., January, 1869; at Fort Adams, Newport, K. I., from February, 1869, to April, 1873 ; Fort Monroe, Va., to May, 1874; Fort Trumbull, Conn., to Decem- ber, 1875; Fort Barrancas, Fla., to April, 1877 ; Charleston, S. C, and Atlanta, Ga., to Julv, 1881 ; New York City to October, 1882; now at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H. ; graduated from the artillery school. Fort Monroe, Va., 1874, and from the medical college of the State of South Carolina 1880. Roemer, Paul. Born in Germany. Ap- pointed from the army ; enlisted in gen- eral service U. S. Army August, lb58 ; corporal and sergeant, 1859 ; at Fort Co- lumbus, N. Y. H., to Sefitember, 1861 ; transferred to 5 Artillery and 1 sergeant Battery C, engaged at the battles of Me- chanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Kun, Fredericksburg, Chancel- lorsville, and Gettysburg ; discharged August, 1863, and re-enlisted; regimental recruiting service to June, 1864 ; 1 sergt. Battery C, and engaged at the battles of Deep Bottom, Va., Boydton Road, siege of Petersburg, and repulse of the rebel attack on Fort Steadman ; 2 lieutenant 5 Artillery April, 18ti5; with battery at Chattanooga July to October, 1865; Key West, Fla., to April, 1866, and Tampa to 230 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Decembor, 186G ; 1 lieutenant August, 1866; at Key West, Fla., to April, 18*17; at Fort Jefferson to December, 1867 ; com- mandino; battery August, 1866, to Decem- ber, 1867 ; commanding Fort Jefterson during the prevalence of the yellow fever epidemic September to November, 1867 ; •with battery at Key West, Fla., Decem- ber, 1867, to May, 1868, and from Novem- ber, 1868, to March, 1869; post treasurer and adjutant Fort Warren, Boston Har- bor, to August, 1869; with light battery of regiment at Washington, D. C, from August, 1869, to July, '70, and with light battery at Fort Adams from July, '70, to Oct. 1, '71 ; transferred to Battei'y H, 5th Art., Fort Trumbull, Conn. ; at Fort Trumbull until Oct. 28, '72; in command of Ft. Mc Henry, Md., until Nov. 23, '72 ; ■with battery at Ft. Trumbull until May 1, '74; at Art. School until May 1, '75; transferred to Battery G, 5th Art., Platts- burg, N. Y. ; transferred to Key West, Fla., Dec. '75; in command of battery from June, '76-Dec. '76; comdg. battery from Dec. '77-Feb. '79; battery transferred to Atlanta, Ga., March 1, '80; comdg. battery from May, '80, to September, '80 ; transferred to Fort Hamilton with Battery G, Nov. '81 ; comdg. battery until March, '82, and again from Nov. '82, to present date ; transferred to Fort Columbus, N. Y. IL, June 4, '83. Zalenski, Edmund L. Born in Poland. Apptd. from Conn. ; 2 It. 2 N. Y. Art. Feb. 22, '65 ; hon. must, out Sept. 29, '65 ; 2 It. 5 Art. April 18, '66, accepted July 2, ••66; 1 It. Feb. 17, '67. Roberts, Benjamin K. Born in Tenn. Apptd. from Conn. ; 2 It. 7 Iowa Cavalry July 25, '63 ; hon. must, out Dec. 22, '64 ; cnpt. A.A.G. Nov. 12, '64 ; bvt. major March 13, '65; hon. must, out Julj' 1, '66 ; 2 It. 5 Art. April 18, '66, accepted July 2, '66 ; 1 It. Feb. 7, '67. Thorp, Frank. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine; 2d lieutenant 28th Kegt. Maine Infantry 14th October, 1862; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Harbor, and East New York, Long Island, November and December, 1862 (Banks' expedition); at Camp Chalmette, La., Warrenton and Pensacola, Fla., January and February, 1863 ; at Donaldsonville"i La. (Fort But- ler), April and May, 1863 ; at siege of Port Hudson, La., commanding company, June, 1868; at Donaldsonville and Baton liouge. La., July and August, 1863; mus- tered out of service at Augusta, Maine, August 31st, 1863; 2d lieuten^ant 1st Maine Light Artillery December 30, 1863, to January, 1868; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. comdg. battery and post, March, 1867, and October, 1867 ; at Fort Jetferson, Florida, from January, 1868, to March, 1869; at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, ISIarch, 1869, to September, 1870; at Fort Trum- bull, Conn., from September, 1870, to May, 1874; at artillery school. Fort Mon- roe, Va., from May, 1874, to May, 1875; at Fort Adams, R. I., from May, 1875, to November, 1875; at Charleston, S. C, from November, 1875, to May, 1879; at Atlanta, Ga., from April, 1879, to Novem- ber, 1881 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., from November, 1881, to August, 1883; regimental quartermaster from November 22d, 1876; at Camp Barry, Washington, D. C, April, 1864, with Artillery Brigade, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania Court-House, North Anna River, Tolopotomy Creek, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, Ream's Station, Poplar Spring Church, assault on Petersburg, and pursuit of Lee's army as far as Farmville, Va. ; gar- risoned Fort Sedgwick (Fort Hell) from November, 1864, to April, 1865; at Alex- andria, Va., May and part June, 1865; in grand review at Washington ; mustered out of service at Augusta, Maine, June 2nth, 1865; 2d lieutenant 5Lh U. S. Artil- lery, 11th May, 1866; at Monroe, Va., December, 1866; at Fort Jetlerson, Fla., January and February, 1867 ; at Key West, Fla., March, 1867. Hills, Elbridge R. Born in Ohio. Conditionally appointed a cadet to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., from the 14th Congressional Dis- trict of Ohio March 10th, 1862; cadet at the U. S. Military Acadeniy from July 1st, 1862, to June 18th, 1866, when he was graduated and prt)moted to 2d lieutenant (Battery "H") 5th Artillery, June 18th, 1866; served in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va., from October 20th, 1866, to June 10th, 1867; attached to and commanding Battery " B," 5th Artillery, from jNIay l.st, 1867, to November 8th, 1867; left Fort Monroe, Va., with Battery "B," 5th Artillery, June 10th, 1867, for Charles- ton, S. C, arriving June r2th, and receiv- ing orders to take post at Colimibia, S. C. ; left Charleston on the morning of the 13th June, and reached Columbia the evening of the same daj' ; promoted 1st lieutenant (Battery "H") 5lh Artillery September 28th, 1867; post adjutant at Columl)ia, S. C, from March 6th to Au- gust 20th, 1868; on duty at Columbia, S. C., until August 24th, 1868, when the battery ("H") left under orders for Fort Macon, N. C, arriving August 25th, 1868; on duty at Fort Macon, N. C, till September 24th, 1868, performing the duties of post adjutant, A. A. Q. M., and FIFTH REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. 231 A. C. S. ; per S. O. No. 210, par. 12, A. G. O., September 2d, 18(J8, wsis relieved from duty with Battery " H," and ordered to join Battery "L," 5th Artillery, at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortue:as, Fla. ; left Fort Macon September 24th, 18G8, and reported for duty at Fort Jefferson Octo- ber 14th, 1868 ; on duty at Fort Jefferson, Fla., from October 14th, 1868, to March 10th, 1869, when the req,-iment left under orders for the New England stations ; served at Fort Warren, Mass., from March 17th to April 21st, 1869, as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. ; transferred from Battery "L" to Battery " B," per S. O. No. 74, par. 4, A. G. O., March 30th, 1869; joined Battery " B" at Fort Adams, R. I., April 24th, 1869, where he remained on duty till November 30tb, 1875, except while detached to Malone, N. Y., to prevent Fenian raids into Canada May and June, 1870, where he performed the duties of adjutant of the troops there posted ; on detached service at New York City with the troops from Fort Adams, R. I., from Nov. 6th to 9th, 1870, and while absent with leave from May 6th to July 21st, '69, and September 2d, '69, to March 2d, '70; appointed adjutant of the 5th Artillery Sept. 1st, 1870 (which position he now holds) ; left Fort Adams, R. I., with head- quarters 5th Artillery, for Charleston, S.C., November 30th, 1875, and arrived at that place December 4th, 1875, where he served in garrison until April 17th, 1879, when regimental headquarters were trans- ferred to McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga. ; on leave of absence from September 11th, to Nov. 9th, 1876; served at Mc- Pherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., from April 18th, 1879, to Nov. 12th, 1881, when the regimental headquarters left under orders for Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., arriving Nov. 15th, 1881; on leave of absence from June 19th, 1880, to Sept. 18th, 1880; performed the duties of A. A.C.S., post treasurer, and acting ord- nance officer at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., from June 30th, 1881, to Nov. 10th, 1881; .served at Fort Ham- ilton, N. Y. H., from Nov. 15th, 1881, to the prc-ent time. Reilly, Henry J. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from the army ; pvt., corjil., and sgt. Co. B, 5th Art., Sep. 22, '64, to Dec. 30, '66; 2 It. 5 Art. Dec. 1, '66, accepted December 30, 1866 ; 1st lieutenant Sep- tember 18, 1868. Lomia, Luigi. Born in Italy. Apptd. from Texas ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867 ; 2 It. 5 Art. June 17, '67 ; 1 It. Mar. 24, '69. McClellan, John. Born in Illinois. Apptd. from Minn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1867 ; 2 It. 5 Art. June 17, '67 ; 1 It. Jan. 5, '70. Wood, Oliver E. Born in Connecticut. Apptd. from M. A. ; enlisted as private in the 1st Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Cavalry, at Hartford, Conn., July 29, '62 ; on dutj' at Fort Trumbull, Conn., with detachment of unassigned recruits from July 30 to Sept. 5, '62 ; joinejl regiment at Washington, D. C, in Sept. '62, and a.s- signed to Company B ; detailed on special duty as clerk at hd.-qrs. 11th Corps, Army of Potomac, at Gainesville, Va., in Oct. '62, and subsequently at Fairfax Court- House, Va., and at Stafford Court-IIouse, Va., till January, '63 ; transferred with regiment from Army of Potomac to the hd.qrs. 8th Corps, Middle District, at Baltimore, Md., as provost-guard, in Jan- uarj', '63 ; detailed on special duty as clerk in provost-marshal's office, and subse- quently in office of asst. adjt.-genl., hd.- qrs. 8th Corps, till Sept. 9, '63 ; honorably discharged from Co. B, 1st Conn. Cavalry, by S. 0. No. 404, Par. 13, War Dept., A. G. O., Sejit. 9, '63, to accept appointment as cadet at U. S. Military Academy ; ap- pointed from the army by the Secretary of War on personal application, to fill a vacancy in the 8th Cong. Dist. of Va. ; reported for dutv at West Point Sept. 15, '63; cadet at West Point fr. Sep. 15, '63, to June 17, '67 ; graduated cadet June 17, '67, and commissioned second lieutenant 5th Arty.; assigned to Battery C ; on grad- uating, leave of absence from June 17 to Sept.^SO, '67, per G. O. 69, A. G. O., July 22, '67 ; joined Battery C at Fort Monroe, Va., Sei>t. 30, '67; under instruction at the U. S. Artillery School established at Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '68; appointed instructor of non-commissioned officers at the artillery school, per G. O. 48, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Oct. 5, '68; on detached service with Battery C at Raleigh, N. C, during " election trou- bles," frcun Oct. 17, '68, per S. O. 117, Hd.- Qrs. Arty. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Oct. 16, '68; appointed post adjutant at Ra- leigh, N. C, per Orders 39, Hd.-Qrs. Post of' Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 19, '68; relieved from duty at Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 10, '68, and returned with battery to Fort Monroe, Va., per S. O. 79, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. South, Nov. 6, '68 ; graduated from the Artillery School May 1, '69; commanding Battery C from April 25 to ^lay 1, '69 ; transferred from Battery C to Battery L per S. O. 14, Hd.-Qrs. Army, A. G. 6., Jan. 18, '69, and ordered to join Battery L at Fort Warren, Mass. ; relieved from duty at Artillery School per S. O. 61, Par. 9, Hd.- Qrs. Arty. School, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '69; reported for duty with Bat- 232 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. tery L, at Fort Warren, Ma.ss., May 9, '69 ; absent with leave for thirty days from Aug. 31 to Oct. ], '69, per S. O. 69, par. 3, Ild.-Qrs. Mil. Div. Atlantic, Aug. 25, '69; absent on detached service on genl. court-martial at Fort Independence, Mass., from Mar. 16 to Mar. 20, 70, per S. O. 43, Ild.-Qrs. Dept. East, March 11, '70; on detached service with battery at St. Albans, Vt., and Malone, N. Y., from May 26 to June 2, '70, during the so-called " Fenian invasion" ; temporarilv attached to Batterv D from July 13 to July 20, '70, per Orders 96, Hd.-Qrs. Fort Warren, Mass., July 13, '70; absent on detached service on genl. court-martial at Fort Preble, Me., from July 25 to July 28, '70, perS. O. 141, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. East, July 20, '70 ; firomoted to 1st lieutenant, to date Irom June 11, '70, and ordered to Battery K, at Fort Sullivan, Maine, per S. O. 146, Ild.-Qrs. Dept. East, July 26, '70 ; relieved from duty at Fort Warren, Mass., per Orders 112, Fort Warren, Mass., July 31, '70; joined Battery K at Fort Sullivan, Me., Aug. 17, '70; absent on detached service on genl. court-martial at Fort Preble, Me., from Sept. 13 to Sept. 19, '70, per 8. O. 177, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. East, Sept. 9, '70; appointed post adjutant and treasurer per Orders 43, Fort Sullivan, Me., St'pt. 30, '70; commanding Battery K from Oct. 19 to Nov. 1, '70 ; appointed signal instructor per Orders 52, Fort Sul- livan, Me., Nov. 7, '70; absent on de- tached service on genl. court-martial at Fort Independence, Mass., from Dec. 12 to Dee. 20, per S. O. 241, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. East, Dec. 1, '70; absent on detached ser- vice on genl. court-martial at Fort Preble, Me., from Jan. 10 to Jan. 15, '71, per S. O. 4, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. East, Jan. 7, '71 ; relieved from duty as post adjutant, treas- urer, and signal instructor, per S. O. 11, Fort Sullivan, Me., March 31, '71; ap- pointed A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per S. O. 11, Fort Sullivan, Me., March 31, '71; absent on detached "service at Houlton, Me., from July 18 to July 25, '71, under instructions from the qr.mr.-general to sell Hancock Barracks at auction ; ab.sent on detached service at Houlton, Me., from Sept. 23 to Oct. 10, '71, under instructions from the Secretary of War through Hd.- Qrs. Dept. East, Sept. 16, '71, to investi- gate dejiredations committed by certain parties on Hancock Barracks, and to pre- fer charges under the Revised Statutes U. S. ; relieved from duty as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per Orders 18, Fort Sullivan, Me., June 17, '72; appointed A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per Orders 26, Fort Sullivan, Me., Aug. 16, '72; appointed post adjt., treasurer, and signal officer, per Orders 28, Fort Sullivan, Me., Aug. 31, '72; absent on detached service on genl. court- martial at Fort Preble, Me., from Oct. 2 to Oct. 9, '72, per S. O. 187, Hd.-Qrs. D(>pt. East, Sept. 27, '72 ; relieved from duty as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S., post adjt. and treasurer, per Orders 35, Fort Sulli- van, Me., Oct. 28, '72; absent with leave for seven days from Nov. 11 p'r Orders 38, Fort Sullivan, Me. ; extended 23 days per S. O. 222, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. East, Nov. 15, '72; rejoined battery from leave Dec. 8, '72; appointed A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per Orders 7, Fort Sullivan, Mc, Feb. 10, '73 ; appointed post adjutant and treasurer per Orders 10, Fort Sullivan, Me., Feby. 25, '73 ; commanding post and battery from Aug. 13 to Sept. 6, '73; left Fort Sullivan, Mc, with Battery K (the post of Fort Sullivan abandoned), Oct. 9, '73, en route to Madison Barracks, N. Y. ; arrived at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Oct. 12, '73; absent on detached service at Fort Sullivan, Me. (settling accounts), from Nov. 5 to Dec. 5, '73, per S. O. 51, Hd.- Qrs. M. D. A., Oct. 29, '73; appointed post adjutant per 0. 92, Mad. Bks., N. Y., Dec. 5, '73 ; on special duty in command of Batty. D, 8d Arty., from March 28 to Apl. G, per O. 22, Mad. Bks., Mar. 28, '74-; appointed A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per O. 49, JMad. Bks., JS. Y., June H, '74; commanding Battery K from June 13 to July 29, '74 ; relieved from duty as A. A. Q.M. and A.C.S. and post adjt. per Orders 68, Madison Bks., N. Y., July 27, '74; transferred from Battery K to Battery B per S. 0. 25, Hd.-Qrs. Army, July 14, '74 ; joined Battery B at Fort Adanis, R. I., Aug. 1, '74 ; absent with leave for 30 days from Nov. 9, '74, per S. O. 214, Hd.-Qrs. M. D. A., Oct. 31, '74; extended 30 days per S. O. 225, Hd.-Qrs. M. D. A., Nov. 28, '74; rejoined battery, from leave Jan. 9, '75; commanding Battery B from Mar. 12 to Mar. 24, '75 ; transferred from Bat- tery B to Battery L Mar. 28, '75, per S. O. 17, Hd.-Qrs. Army, March 23, '75; on special duty in command of Battery A from May 15 to May 29, '75, per Orders 39, Fort Adams, R. I., May 14, '75; or- dered to New York City Nov. 29th, per telegraphic instructions from Hd.-Qrs. Mil. Div. Atlantic same date, to make neces- sary arrangements as qr.mr. and com'y of transport General Meade on voyage to Kcj' West and Barrancas, Fla. ; rejoined battery in New York City Dec. 3, 1875; sailed from N. Y. Dec. 3, 1875, on trans- port General Meade, with Batteries B, G, H, I, L, and M, e?i roitie for Key West, Fla. ; arrived at Key West Dec. 9 and at Barrancas Dec. 14, 1875; appointed A. A. Q.M. and A.C.S. to date from Dec. 3d, FIFTH llEGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. 233 per Orders 2, Fort Barrancus, Fla., Dec. 17, 1875; relieved from duty as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. per Orders 38, Fort Barrancas, Fla., April 24, 187G ; in camp at Camp Morgan, on Bayou Grande, near Fort Barrancas, from June 12 to Sept. 20, '7G; transferred from Battery L to Light Bat- tery F, per S. 0. 173, Hd.'-Qrs. Army, Aug. 22, '7G; joined Light Battery F in camp at Summerville, 8. C, Oct. 1, '70; absent with leave for five months from Oct. 2d, per S. O. 191, A. G. O., Sept. 14, and S. O. 260, A. G. O., Dec. 18, '7G ; rejoined Light Battery from leave at Charleston, S. C, Feb. 8, '77 ; absent on detached service on gen'l court-martial at Fort Johnston, N. C., from April 1 to April 5, '77, per S. O. 59, Hd.-Qrs. Dcpt. South, March 28, 1877 ; marched from Charleston to Summerville, S. C. (28 miles), June 27, '77, in command of Light Battery F ; in camp at Camp William Hays, Summerville, S. C, from June 27 to October 29, 1877 ; returned to Citadel Barracks, Charleston, South Car- olina, October 29, 1877 ; in camp at Camp Ganseevoort, Summerville, S. C, from May 25 to .November 6, '78 ; marched with Light Battery from camp at Summerville to barracks at Charleston, S. C, Nov. 6, '78; transferred from Light Battery F to Battery M, per S. O. 191,'Hd.-Qrs. Army, Sept. 3, '78; temporarily attached to Light Battery from Oct. 1, '78, to Nov. 14, 78, under authority of War Dept. ; joined Battery M at Fort Barrancas, Fla., Nov. 21, '78 ; changed station with battery from Fort Barrancas, Fla., to McPherson Bar- racks, Ga., June 13, '79; commanding Battery M from Oct. 30 to Nov. 15, '79; commanding battery from Apr. 20 to Apr. 2G, 1880 ; absent on detached service on genl. court-martial at St. Augustine, J'la., from Aug. 18 to Aug. 26, 1880, per S. 0. 95, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. South, Aug. 12, 1880; temporarily assigned to duty with Battery G from Dec. lO"^ '80, to Feb'y 1, '81, pe'r R. 0. Gl, Hd.-Qrs. 5th Art'y, McPherson Bks., Atlanta, Ga., Dec. IG, 1880; absent with leave 4 months and 10 davs from May 24 to Oct. 4, '81, per S. O. 99, Hd.- Qrs. Army, A pi. 30, '81 ; changed station with batterv from McPherson Bks., Ga., to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., Nov. 15, '81 ; appointed acting ordnance officer of Forts Hamilton and La Favette,.N. Y. H., per Orders 225, Ft. Hamilton, Nov. 17, 1881; commanding Battery M from Feb'y 20 to Mar. 3, '82; attended the obsequies of the late Col. Onaleta, of the Spanish army, attache of the Spanish Legation at New York City, May 3, 1882, in pursuance of orders ; took part in the public ceremonies on Decoration Day, May 30, '82, at New York City, in pursuance of orders ; trans- ferred from Battery M to Battery L Oct. 28, '82, per S. O. 245, Ild.-Qrs.Army, series of 1882 ; in command of Battery L from Oct. 31 to Nov. 1, '81. McCallum, William R. Born in New York. Appointed from Tcnn. ; graduate of M.A., class of 18G7; 2d lieut. 6th Art. June 17, 'G7; 1 lieut. Jan. 1, '71. Adams, Thomas R. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Miss. ; graduate of M. A., class of 18G7 ; 2d lieut. 6th Artillery June 17, 'G7; 1 lieut. Mar. 2, '71. Curry, James. Born in Virginia. Ap- pointed iVum civil life; entered the U. S. Army as a recruit September 1, 1849; served until March, 1852, at Fort Moul- trie, S. C, in the Second Artillery, em- ployed there as commissary clerk ; ordered to Florida, and on arrival at Pilatka, March, 1852, selected by Brevet Brig.- General Thomas Childs for clerk at the headquarters Dept. of Florida, Tampa Bay; stationed there until the yellow fever epidemic of 1863, and, after General Childs' death. Lieutenants Cook and But- ler, 2d Artillery, and Dr. Redfield, A. A. Surg. U.S. Army, also falling victims to yellow fever, twenty-two men, two women, and two children having also died, the command of the depot and post devolved on him as the ranking non- commissioned officer ; from the peculiar and stringent rules adopted by him, and for his care and preservation of the public property and funds until such times as a commissioned officer could safely come and assume command, for this service he was recommended for a commission of second lieutenant, but never got any re- cognition from the War Department ; in the Seminole war of 1855 and 185G he was in two campaigns against that tribe of Indians, then led by the celebrated chief, " Billy Bowlegs" ; during the first cam- paign, while in charge of a train of wag- ons carrying subsistence stores from Fort Myers to Fort Simon Drum in the Ever- glades, he was attacked by a larger force than his own, having only twelve of a guard; he parked his train, fought his little battle, and drove otf the Indians with loss to them and none to his party, and brought his train into Fort Shackel- ford ; appointed quartermaster-.~ergeant of the 2d Artillery September, 1854 ; captain and commissary of subsistence 18G2, and placed in charge of the depot of supplies at Fort Monroe, Va. ; brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel, and commissioned a colonel in 18G5 ; during his service in the commissary department was recom- mended for promotion by Generals Dix, Ord, Turner, Terry, and Miles, for the valuable services ho performed in connec- 234 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. tion with the followins: expeditions, etc. (copied from the record*) : General Sher- man's expedition to Port Royal, S. C. ; General Butler's expedition to Fort Hal- teras, N. C; General Burnside's expedi- tion to North Carolina ; General l)ix's York River opening ; General Butler's Bermuda Hundreds, James River, Va. ; General Smith's (Baldj^) Cold Harbor, Va. ; General Terry's attack and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; honorably mus- tered out of volunteer service as a colonel March 13, 1867; commissioned a second lieutenant in the 5th U.S. Artillery June 18, 18G7 ; first lieutenant 5th Artillerv April 12, 1871. Whistler, Garland N. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 2d lieut. 5th Artillery Oct. 9, 1867 ; Isflieut. October 7, 1874. Sawyer, J. Estcourt. Born in D. C. Appointed from New York ; 2d lieut. 5th Artillery Nov. 11, '67, ace. Nov. 12, '67 ; 1st lieut. Nov. 10, '74. Johnson, David D. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed cadet " at large" in 1864; grad- uated, and promoted to 2d lieutenant 5th Art. June 15, 1868; 1st lieut. 5th Art. Mar. 1, 1875 ; service, in garrison at Fort Jeflferson, Fla.,Sept. 25, 1868, to March, 1869; Fort Preble, Maine, March 19, 1869, to March 17, 1870; Washington, D. C, April 2 to July 2, 1870, and at Ft. Adams, R. I., July 4, 1870, to Aug. 1872; at the Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., as acting assistant professor of chem- istry, mineralogy, and geokigy, Aug. 25, 1872, to Aug. 20, 1873, and pVincipal as- sistant professor same department Aug. 20, 1873, to Aug. 28, 1879, also assistant instructor of artillery tactics Sept. 30, 1874, to April 10, 1875; in Europe under authority of War Department "for the purpose of observing the methods and systems of the German universities, and of taking a course of instruction in one or more of these universities on the subjects of chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and electrics," from Aug. 1879, to Aug. 1881 ; in garrison at St. Augustine, Fla., Sept. 1 to Nov. 1881, and at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, Nov. 1881, to present time. Morton, Alexander L. Born in Ky. Appointed from JNIo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1868 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15, '68; 1st It. Nov. 22, '76. Duvall, William P. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from Md. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1869 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15, '69 ; 1st It. April 9, '77. Sage, George E. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois ; 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry September 30, 1868 ; unas- signed March 13, 1869 ; assigned to 5th Artillery Julv 14, 1869; 1st lieutenant February 21, 1881. Homer, William B. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass.; graduate of M. A., class of 1870 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15, '70; 1st It. April 18, '81. Coffin, William H. Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. ; graduate of M. A., cla.ss of 1873 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15, '70 ; 1st It. April 17, '81. Brown, Edward T. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1873; 2d lieu- tenant 5th Artillery June 13, 1873 ; 1st lieutenant June 13^ 1882, Baldwin, John M. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1875; 2d lieutenant 5th Artillery June 16, 1875 ; aide-de-camp to Genl. H. J. Hunt from Jany. 21, 1881, to March 24, 1883; 1st lieutenant June 26, 1882. Bush, James C. Born in Connecticut. Appointed from Connecticut ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1875 ; 2d lieutenant 5th Artillerj^ June 16, 1875; 1st lieutenant November 1, 1882. Second Lieutenants. Hamilton, William R. Born in Wis. Apptd. from Wis. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15, '76. Adams, Granger. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 15,'76. Galbraith, William W^. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1877 ; 2d It. 5th Artillery June 15, 1877. Massey, Solon F. Born in New York. Appointed from Ohio; graduated from Military Academy June, 1877 ; 2d lieu- tenant 5th Artillery June 15, 1877. Benet, J. Walker. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2d It. l5th Inf. June 12, '80; trans, to 5th Art. March 18, '81. Allen, Samuel E. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 11, '81. Blunt, Albert C. Born in New York. Appointed from "at large;" graduated from Military Academy June, 1881 ; ad- ditional 2d lieutenant 3d Artillery June 11, 1881 ; 2d lieutenant 5th Artillery Oc- tober 29, 1881. Fitch, Graham D. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 13, '82, Newcomb, Warren P. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Connecticut; graduated from Military Academy June, FIRST REGIMENT OP INFANTRY. 235 1882; 2d lieutenant 5tli Artillery June 13, 1882. Carbaugh, Harvey C. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Illinois; grad- uated from Military Academy June, 1882 ; 2d lieutenant fith Artillery June 13, 1882. Treat, Charles G. Eorn in Me. Ap- pointed from Wis. ; fi;raduate of M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d It. Sth Art. June 13, '82. Young, Richard W. Born in Utah. Appointed from Utah ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; add. 2d It. 3d Art. June 13, '82 ; 2d It. 5th Art. June 26, '82. FIRST REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Colonel. Shafter, William R. Born in Michi- gan. Appointed from Michigan ; 1st lieu- tenant 7th Michigan Infantry August, 18G1 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown ; action of West Point; buttles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Glendale, and Mal- vern Hill; mustered out Aug. 22, 18(i2; major 19tli Michigan Infantry September, 1862 ; engaged at the action of Thompson Station, Tenn. (taken prisoner March, 1803, and exchanged May, 1803) ; lieuten- ant colonel 19th Michigan Infantry June, 1803; mustered out April, 18(14; colonel 17tb U. S. Colored Troops April 19, 1864; brevet brigadier-general volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mustered out November, 1866 ; lieut. -colonel 41st Infantry July, 1866 ; unassigned March 15, 1869; assigned to 24th Infiintry April 14, 1869; colonel 1st Infantry March 4, 1879; brevet colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. Lieutenant-Colonel. Bartlett, Charles G. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; ser- geant 7th JSftvv York Mihtia April, 1861 ; captain 5th New York Volunteer Infantry May, 1801 ; engaged at the action of Big Bethel, and in building Fort Federal Plili, Baltimore, Md. ; captain 12th U.S. In- fantry August, 1861 ; recruiting duty, Rutland, Vt., and Saratoga Springs, N. Y., to July, 1862; mustering and dis- bursirigduty, Augusta, Me., to September, 1862 ; lieutenant-colonel 150th New York Volunteer Infantry September, 1862; en- gaged at the battle of Gettysburg, and pursuit of Lee to the Rapidan ; guarding Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad ; en- gaged at the battle of Resaca, Ga. ; act- ing assistant inspector-general, Depart- ment of the Ohio, May, 1804, to .January, 1865 ; in operations of the 23d Corps to April, 1864; at Knoxville, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky. ; colonel 119th U.S. Col- ored Infantry August, 1864; command- ing brigade, Department of the Kentucky, part of 1865; president of a board of ex- aminers, and chief of office for " Collection of Missing Rolls and Returns frt)m ex. Kentucky Regiments," Louisville, Ky. ; brevet brigadier-general U.S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war; transferred to the 30th US, Infantrv September, 1866; transferred to 4th U.'S. Infantry March, 1869; brevet major U.S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Resaca, Georgia ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Arm}' for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; major 11th Infantrv Jan. 10, '76; lieut.-col. 1st Regiment 1883. Major. Collins, Edward. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from tiie army; pvt., artif., corp. and sgt. Co. "A," Eng., June 4, '46, to June 4, '51 ; sgt. Co. " A," Ens;., June 11, '51, to June 11, '61 ; 1st It. f7th Inf. May 14, '61, accepted July 9, '61 ; capt. May 25, '63; maj. 1st Inf. June 26, '82. Captains. Bates, Kinzie. Born in Michigan. Appointed from Michigan ; second lieu- tenant 1st U.S. Infantry August, 1861; first lieutenant 1st U.S. Infantry Novem- ber, 1861 ; engaged at the capture of New Madrid, Mo. (commandins; a two-gun battery in action against the rebel gun- boats at the capture of Island No. 10) ; battle of Corinth, Miss., and siege of Vicksburij, Miss. ; regimental quarter- master March, 1862, to December, 1863; regimental adjutant to March, 1866; cap- tain 1st U.S. Infantry March, 1866 ; brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Corinth, Miss. ; brevet major U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Tollman, Thomas M. Born in Me. Appointed from Me. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1865 ; 2d It. 6th Cav. June 23, '65; 1st It. .Jan. 25, '66; capt. Nov. 18, '67; trs. to 1st Inf. Jan. 1, '71. Tisdall, William N. Born in Penn.syl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry Oc- tober, 1861 ; commanding company at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., November, 1861, to August, 1862; at Fort Scott, Kan., to January, 1863 ; conveying pub- lic funds from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., via Fort Kearney, Neb., Denver City, C. 236 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. T., to Santa Fe, N. M., February to April, 18G3; en route from Fort Union, N. M., to join regiment, April to June, 1863; fir^t lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry July, 1863; engaged in the siege of Vicksburg, and at Vicksburg, Miss., to August, 1863; at Carrollton, La., to October, 1863 ; engaged in a cam- paign in Western Louisiana October, 1863; at New Orleans, La., to March, 1864; on general recruiting service Phil- adel])hia, Penn., to May, 1864 ; muster- ing and disbursing officer Trenton, N. J., to August, 1864; on general recruiting service, and mustering and disbursing officer, Philadelphia, Penn., to Novem- ber, 1864; genera] recruiting service 1865; regimental quartermaster May, 1865; captain 13 Jan. '69; unassijjned 8 April, '69; assigned to 1st Inf. Jaii. 1, '71. Dougherty, William E. Born in Ire- land. Appointed from the army ; enlisted as a private in general service April 10, 1860 ; private Company K, 1st Infantry, December, 1860; corporal July, 1861; served in the De])artment of Texas Janu- ary to March, 1861 ; transferred to Com- pany G November, 1861 ; 1st sergeant 1st Infantry May, 1862; joined the Army of the Potomac and engaged in part of Pen- insular campaign, and at the battles of 2d Bull Run, Antietam, action of Sheperds- town, battles of Fredericksburg (com- manding company), action of Leestown (two actions), and Snicker's Gap (com- manding company) ; 2d lieutenant 1st In- fantry February, 1863 ; engaged in Grant's Mississippi campaign, battle of Big Black River and siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; wounded at the siege of Vicks- burg ; assistant commissary of musters 3d Division 13th Army Corps May, 1863, to August, 1864; in the Teche expedition, and engaged at the actions of Grand Co- teau (2 actions) and Spanish Lake; in the Red River expedition, and engaged at the battles of Manstield, Pleasant Hill, actions of Bayou Rapids, Alexandria, and Ba- you de Glaize, La. ; engaged in seven (7) minor actions on Bayou Rapids, and in lines covering Alexandria, La., in April, 1864; battle of Avoyelles Prairie, and ac- tion near Mansura, La., April, 1864 ; battle on Bayou de Glaize, La., April, 1864 ; with regiment at New Orleans, La., August, 1864, to May, 1865; brevet 1st lieutenant for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; 1st lieutenant April 9, I860 ; provost-mar- shal t)f the Parishes of Jeft'erson and Or- leins, La., to May, 1866; captain IMarch 1, 1878; agent for " Lower Brule" and "Yanktannai" Sioux, in Dakota, from March, 1878, to November, 1881. Hamilton, John. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army; private, cor- poral, and sergeant 1st Inf. lOtli April, '60, to 18th March, '63 ; 2d It. 1 U. S. Inf. Mav, 1863 ; 1 It. 1st U. S. Inf. March, 1866 ; bvt. 1 It. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious service during th(i siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; captain 1st March, '78. Callinan, Daniel F. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; pvt., corpl., sgt., and 1 sgt. Co. "E," 1 Inf., Sept. 5, '60, to Oct. 2, '63 ; 2 It. 1 Inf. Aug. 10, '63 ; ace. Oct. 2, '63 ; 1 It. July 28^, '66 ; capt. July 1, '79. Heiner, Robert G. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsvlvania ; 2 It. 22d U. S. Colored Troops December, 1863 ; engaged in front of Petersburg, Va., and in the actions of Newmarket Heights, Dutch Gap, Chapin's Farm, and Fair Oaks, Va. ; 1 It. 22d U. S. Colored Troops January, 1865; 2 It. 11th U. S. Infantry February, 1866; 1 It. 11th U. S. Infantry July, 1866; trs. to the 29th U. S. Infantry by the reorganization of the army; unassigned April, 1869; assigned to 1st Inf. 14th July, '69; captain "iigth Sept., '79. Pierce, Francis E. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; capt. 108 New York Vol. Aug. 18, '62; maj. Sept. 17, '62; It. -col. March 2, '63 ; brig. -gen. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the war ; must, out May 28, '65; paid to May 31, '65; col. 8 U. S. Vet. Vol. June 15, '65; must, out March 22, '66 ; 2 It. 1 Inf. May 8, '66 ; ace. June 9, '66 ; 1 It. Sept. 9, '67 ; regtl. qm. Feb. 20, '74, to Jan. 8, '80; capt. Jan. 8, '80. Parker, Leopold O. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Va. ; 2 It. 4th U. S. Vol. Jan. 14, '65 ; must out June 18, '66 ; 2 It. 1st Inf. Oct. 9, '66; ace. Oct. 22, '66; regtl. adjt. Sept. 25, '67, to May 20, '68 ; trs. to 4 Cav. Sept. 16, '69 ; 1 It. Feb. 10, '70; regtl. adjt. Jan. 1, '72, to May 6, '75; capt. Nov. 12, '79 ; trs. to 1 Inf. Dec. 6, '80; taking rank from May 21, '80. Humbert, James. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; second lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry No- vember, 1866 ; acting assistant quarter- master and assistant commissary of sub- sistence, post of Charlotte, N. C, Decem- ber, 1866, to June, 1867 ; post adjutant, Charlotte, N. C, to December, 1867; with company at Columbia, S. C, to June, 1868; first lieutenant 8th Infantr}' June, 1868; at Fort Macon, N. C, commanding com- pany to May, 1869 ; on cavalry recruiting duty, Philadelphia, Pa., from May, 1869, to '70; assigned to the 17th Infantry De- SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 237 ccnibor, 1870; trans, to 1st Inf. April 23, '78; capt. Sept. 15, '82. First Lieutenants . Lynde, Frederick M. Born in Michi- fjan. Apptd. from Wis. ; sergt. Co. B, 4th Vt. Vol., Sept. 21, '61 ; 2d it. 4th Vt. Vol., Jan. 20, '62 ; must, out July 31, '62, paid to Aug. 1, '62; pvt. Co. C, 1st Wis. II. Art., Aug. 18, '63; sergt. 1863; ])vt. Aug. 21, '64"; sergt. Feb. 17, '65; dischd. Sept. 21, '65; 2d It". 22 Inf. July 28, '66. ace. Oct. 4, '66 ; 1st It. Feb. 25, '69 ; unass'd May 15, '60; assd. to 1st Inf. Jan. 1, '71. Armstrong, Robert G. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; private Company G, 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, April, 1861, to June, 1864; ■2d lieutenant 1st Infantry January, 1807 ; regimental adjutant May, 1868, to April, 1869; 1st lieutenant May 29, 1874. Booth, Charles A. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; captain and assistant adjutant-general U. S. Volun- teers ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; brevet lieutenant-colonel IT. S. Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the war; second lieuten- ant 1st U. S. "infantry March, 1867; 1st It. 1st March, '78. Scott, Douglas M. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Pa. ; 2d It. 4th Cav. June 16,. '67, ace. July 6, '67; trans, to 1st Inf. Sept. 16, '69 ; 1st It. June 28, '78. Markland, Matthew. Born in Ken- tucky. Appointed from Kentucky ; pri- vate CompanyTF, 22d Kentucky Infantrj', December, 1861, to January 20, 1865; 2d lieutenant 1st Infantry October, 1867; 1st lieutenant .June, 1878. O'Connell, John J. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private and artlKeer Company A, battalion Engineers, February, 1865, to November, 1867 ; 2 lieutenant 1st Infantry October, 1867; 1 lieutenant June, 1878. Edmunds, Frank H. Born in Mich. Apptd. li'oin Dakota; graduate of M. A., class of '71 ; 2 It. Junel2, '71 ; 1 It. May 6, '79. Reed, Hugh T. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1873 ; 2 It. 1 Inf. June 13, '73 ; 1 It. July 1, '79. Maus, Marion P. Born in Md. Ap- pointed fiom Md. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2 It. 1 Inf. June 17, '74 ; 1 It. Sep. 29, '79. Wilhelmi, Louis. Born in Prussia. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; 2 lieu- tenant 1 Infantry October 15, 1875; 1 lieutenant March 16, 1880; regimental adjutant March 16, 1880. Barry, Thomas H. Born in New York. Apjiointed from New York ; graduated from Military Academy, .June, 1877; 2 lieutenant 7 Caviilry June 15, 1877; transferred to 1st Jnfantrv August 31,1880; 1 lieutenant March il, 1882; regimental quartermaster March 11, 1882. Pettit, James S. I3orn in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; 2d lie'ut. 1 Inf. June 14, '78; 1 It. Sept. 15, '82. Second Lientennnis. Carrington, Frank De L. Born in Ga. Appointed from Ga. ; graduate of M. A., cla^s of 1878; add. 2d'^lt. 1 Inf. June 14, '78; 2d It. 23d Inf. June 25, '78; tr. to 1 Inf. June 28, '78. Starr, Charles G. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1878; additional 2d lieutenant 1 Infantry June 14, '78 ; 2d lieutenant June 28, '78. Phister, Nat. P. Born in Ky. Apptd. from Ky. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878; add. 2'd It. 1 Inf. June 14, '78; 2d It. June 28, '78. Brant, Louis P. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1873; 2 It. 2rinf. June 13, '73; 2d It. 1st Inf. Aug. 7, '79; ace. Aug. 19, '79. Strother, Lewis H. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Va. ; 2 It. 1 Inf. Sept. 1, '79 ; accepted Sept. 10, '79. Mason, John S., Jr. Born in Califor- nia. Appninted from Texas; 2 It. 1 Inf. Sept. 11, '79; ace. Sept. 27, '79. Wever, Benj. S. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., cla,ss of 1880; 2d It. Tlnf. June 12, '80. Vogdes, Charles B. Born in Florida. Apptd. from Rhode I.'land ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2d It. 1 Inf. June 12, '80. Connolly, Thomas. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army ; pvt., corp., and sergt. Co. C, 19 Inf., June 12, '71, to June 12, '76; pvt., corp., and eergt. Co. H, and sergt.-maj. 21 Inf., and sergt. gen. ser. July 12, '76, to July 13, '80; ""2 li'eut. 1 Inf. June 24, '80 ; ace. July 13, '80. SECOND REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Colonel. Wheaton, Frank. Born in R.I. Ap- pointed from R. I. ; first It. U.S. Cav. Mar. '55; at Jeiferson Bks., St. Louis, Mo., Nov. '55; Ft. Leavenworth and in quelling Kansas border troubles to Aug. 238 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. '56 ; escortinpj Sioux captive chiefs to Ft. Kearney, Neb., Aug. '55, and engaged in action with Ciieyenne Indian.s on Wood River, near Ft. Kearney ; at Ft. Leaven- worth Nov. '56 ; on reg. recruiting .service to Feby. '57; Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, to May, '57; adjutant, quartermaster, and commissary of subsistence on the staff of Major Seilgwiclv, commanding centre col- umn Cheyenne expedition, to July, 1857 ; regimental quartermaster and aide-de- caini) to Colonel Sumner, commanding the expedition, and engaged at the actions of Solomon's Fork and near Grand Saline ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to November, 1857; aide-decamp to General Smith, commanding Department of the West, and at AVashington, D. C, Philadelphia, Penn., St. Louis, ]Mo., and while organ- izing the Utah expedition, at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., till his death. May, 1858 ; aide-de-camp to General Harney, com- manding Utah expedition, to August, 1858; with regiment en 7-oute to Council Grove, I. T. ; adjutant and quartermaster for 3Iajor 'E.mory , en route to Fort Gibson, C. N., and in the pi-otection of Fort Ar- buclcie, C. N. ; scouting duty, on survey of the Military Reservation of Fort Ar- buckle and establishment of Fort Cobb, I. T., to April, 1860; on general recruit- ing service, mustering and inspecting duty, Albany, N. Y., to July, 1861 ; cap- tain 1st U.S. Cavalry March, 1861 ; lieu- tenant-colonel 2d Rhode Island Volun- teers July, 1861, and engaged at the bat- tle of first Bull Run, Va. ; colonel 2d Rhode Island Volunteers July, 1861 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C, and building Fort Slocum, to March, 1862 ; in the Peninsular campaign and engaged at the actions of Young's Mills, Warwick Court-House, Lee's Mills, siege of York- town, buttle of Williamsburg, actions of Slatersville, White House, New Bridge, Mechanicsville, Oak Grove, battle of Seven Pines, action of Sj'camore Church, battles of Charles City Cross- Roads, Mal- vern Hill, and action at Harrison's Land- ing, Va., engaged at the battles of second Bull Run, actions of Chantilly and Ger- mantown, attack on Maryland Heights, battle of Antietam, action of Williams- port, and battle of Fredericksburg ; brigadier-general U.S. Volunteers No- vember, 1862; commanding brigade, and engaged at the storming of Marye's Heights, battles of Salem Church, Gettys- burg, actions of Fairfield, Funkstown, Williamsport, battle of Rappahannock Station, op'^rations at Mine Run, and ac- tion of Locust Grove ; major 2d U.S. Cavalry November, 1863; commanding brigade, and engaged in the defense of Harper's Ferry, actions of Hall town, Charlestown, battles of the Wilderness, Sf)ottsylvania Court-House, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, and Ream's Station ; commanding twelve regiments of the 6th Corps in the attack on the rebel General Early in front of Washington, D. C, and engaged at the actions of Snicker's Gap, Charlestown, and battle of the Ope- quan ; commanding division 6th Corps, and engaged at the battles of Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Arm- strong's Mills, capture of Petersburg, bat- tle of Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. ; com- manding a division en route to North Carolina, to operate against the rebel General Johnston, and on the march to Washington, D. C. ; commanding Terri- tories of Nebraska, Dakota, and Montana, headquarters Fort Laramie, D. T., and Omaha, Neb., August, 1865, to May, 1866, and employed conducting operations against the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Indians ; brevet major-general U.S. Vol- unteers for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of the Opequan, Fi.-h- er's Hill, and Middleton, Va. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; brevet colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; brevet brigadier-general U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Va. ; brevet nuijor-^eneral U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; lieu- tenant-colonel 89th U.S. Infantry July, 1866 ; organizing and commanding regi- ment and post of New Orleans, La., De- cember, 1866, to September, 1867 ; mem- ber of Retiring Board, New York City, March to November, 1868; trans, to 21 Inf. 15 March, '69; colonel 2 Inf. Dec. 15, 1874. Lieutenant-Colonel. Merriam, Henry C. Born in Maine. Educated at Colby University. Volun- teer service: Capt. 20th Maine; battles of Antietam, Shepardstown Ford, and Fredericksburg; joined Genl. Ullmann's expedition to Louisiana in 1863 to or- ganize colored troops, and served with them to the end of the war, which found him in command of the oldest colored regiment in the United States service, having been mustered into service as the 1st La. N. G. in September, 1862, by order of Genl. Butler ; at siege and as- saults of Port Hudson, action at Donald- soiiville, campaign and siege of Mobile, SECOND EEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 239 leading the final assault on Fort Blakely at his personal request, April 9, 1865 ; the result was tlie capture of the fort, with more than six thousand prisoners, and the occupation of Mobile and all its defenses. This was tlie last assault of the war ; mus- tered out and resumed study of law. Kegu- lar army service : appointed major 38 Inf. July 28, 186G ; commanding Inf. Res. Batt. ; Custer's Indian campaign in Kansas, 18G7 ; marched to New Mexico ; pursued and defeated Kiowa Indians under Satanta on the Upper Arkansas July 12; commanding Fort Bayard, N. M., 1867-9 ; commanding expedition against Apache Indians ; captured an Apache village in the Mogollon Mts., June, 1869 ; trs. to 24 Inf. at consolida- tion ; commanding Fort Blise, Texas, 1869-70; at Fort McKavett, 1871; com- manding Fort Duncan, 1872 (-Mexican Revolution) ; commanding Fort Ring- gold, 1873 ; commanding mounted troops against marauders on Lower Rio Grande ; commanding Fort Brown, 1873-4 ; in Europe ; at Fort Brown, 1875 ; com- manding Fort Mcintosh, 1876, during last Mexican Revolution ; bombarded Mexican Federal force of Colonel Peblo Quintana, April 10th, redressing out- rages against Americans ; crossed Rio Grande August 22, and rescued U. S. Conmiercial Agent Haines, who had been captured by tlie Revolutionary force of Col. Estrada ; crossed the Rio Grande again on the night of September Gth ; captured town of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and held it in military possession for pro- tection of American and other foreign merchants for seven days, until assur- ances were given by responsible Mexican authorities for the safety of American residents, the Revolution being substan- tially over ; joined 2d Inf. as lieut.-col. 1876 ; to department of the Columbia dur- ing Nez Perce war 1877 ; commanding depot of supplies and communications Lewistown, Idaho, relieving Gen. Alfred Sully, 1877 ; established, planned, and built Fort Cceur d'Alene, Idaho, 1878-9; established Camp Chalon, W. T., 1879-80 ; established Fort Spokane, W. T., 1880; commanding Fort Colville 1881-2 ; re- sumed command of Fort Spokane, Sep- tember, 1882, his present station (1883). Honors received : bvt. It.-col. U. S. A. for "gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862;" bvt. col. U. S. A. for "conspicuous gallantry at the assault and capture of Fort Blakel.y, Ala., April 9, 1865;" bvt. col. U. S. Volunteers for "faithful and meritorious services in the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defenses March 26, 1865;" he has also two elegant s\vords — one presented by his first command, Co. " H," 20th Maine Vols., and one presented by American merchants of Nuevo Laredo, in recognition of his services in the pro- tection of their lives and property in 1876; he has also been recommended by Maj.-Gen. E. O. C. Ord, U. S. A., for an additional brevet for distinguished ser- vices at Laredo. Majo7'. Smith, Leslie. Born in Ireland. En- listed in the U. S. Army at Phihidel])hia, Pa., July 27, 1849 ; joined principal re- cruiting depot, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, August, 1849 ; detailed as clerk in depot office September, 18-i9 ; ap- pointed corporal and chief clerk July, 1850 ; promoted sergeant July, 1851 ; per- forming the duties of clWef clerk up to July 27, 1854, when discharged by expi- ration of tern^ of service ; appointed pay- master's clerk to Major R. U. Chilton, paymaster U. S. Army, in 1854, and re- mained on duty with him until he resigned, April 29, 1861, having served five years of the time in Texas ; appointed 2d lieut. 1st Infantry April 30, 1861, and ordered to report to the commissary -general of subsistence, in WashiuEjton, D. C, for duty ; reported for duty May 10, 1861, and was assigned to the duty of receiving and issuing the subsistence stores to the large army then forming in and around Washington, remaining on this duty until October, 1863, having accounted for more than twenty ruiliion dollars' worth of stores ; and six months after being relieved accounts were closed in the Treasury De- partment without an error, or one cent of loss to the government ; promoted 1st lieut. July 28, 1861, and captain April 6, 1862; reported for duty with regiment in New Orleans, La., October 31,^1863; provost- marshal of Algiers, La., from Novr. 22, 1863, until February 29, 1864 ; with regi- ment until April 26, 1864, when ordered to Dept. of the South as commissary of musters ; reported for dutv at Hilton Head, S. C, May 26, 1864, and remained on duty until Sept. 1866, the last year in Charleston, performing the duties of mus- tering officer in addition to those of com- missary of musters; appointed major by brevet March 13, 1865, "for faithtul and meritorious services during the war" ; with regiment at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., from September, 1866, until March, 1869 ; judge-advocate of a military commission in New Orleans, La., trying citizens from January until September, 1867, when taken down with _\ ellow fever ; about one quarter of the command at 240 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Jackson Earracks died of the epidemic in two nionths ; regiment transferred to Dc- paitment m Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1865 ; 2d lieiit. 17th Inf. June 28, '65 ; 1st It. June 23, '65 ; trans, to 35th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unassigned Aug. 12, '69; assigned to 2d Inf. June 3, '70; capt. Feb. 9, '78. McKeever, Samuel. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; first lieutenant 16th Massachusetts Volun- teers April, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Fair Oaks, Glendale, and Malvern Hill, Va. ; resigned August, 1862; captain 28th Massachusetts Volunteers October, 1862; engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va. ; captain Vet- eran Reserve Corps August, 1863; en- gaged in the defense of Washington, D. C, and Fort Stevens July, 1864 ; brevt. major and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Volunteers for gallant aftd meritorious services dur- ing the war ; second lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry February, 1866; first lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry February, 1866; bvt. captain IJ. S. Army for gallant and mer- itorious services during the war; trans. to 2d Inf. 17th April, '69; captain 4th March, '79. Miller, John. Born in New York. Appointed from the army ; private 50th Mass. Inf. Sept. '62-Aug. '63 ; 2d lieut. 4th Mass. Cav. Jan. '64 ; 1st lieut. Feb. '64; hon. must, out Nov. 14, '65; second lieutenant 4th U.S. Infantry July, 1862 ; first li(;utenant 4th U.S. Infantry October, 1863; captain 4th U.S. Infantry July, 186G; brevet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia ; bre- vet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Get- tysburg, Pennsylvania ; trans, to 2d Inf. April 17, '69; captain June 7, '79. Harkins, Charles. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Nev. ; pvt. Co. H, 6 Inf., Dec. 3, '53 ; corpl. Oct. 1, '56 ; sergt. May 1, '57; dischgd. Dec. 3, '58; pvt., corpl., and sgt. 2d Mass. Cav. March 26, '63, to Jan. 9, '65; 1st It. 124 U.S. C. T. Jan. 10, '05; must, out Oct. 24, '65; 2d It. 2d Inf. Feb. 23, '66; ace. April 21, '66; Ist It. July 28, '66 ; capt. Sept. 26, '81. Catley, Henry. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Oregon ; jn-ivate and cor- jioral Companj' " K," 9tii Infantry, 1853 to 1857; hospital steward U.S.A. July 15, 1857; discharged June 21, 1860, and re- appointed hospital steward; discharged December 31, 1864; 1st lieutenant and regimental quartermaster 1st Oregon In- fantry January, 1865; mustered out Feb- ruary, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 16th Infantry February, 1866; 1st lieutenant August, 1866; transferred to 2d Infantry April, 1869 ; captain 2d Infantry June 22. First Lieutenants:. Haines, Abner, Jr. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; private and cor- poral 20th Ohio Volunteers April to Au- gust, 1861 ; private 78th Ohio V'olunteers April, 1862; taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry, Va. ; second lieutenant 54th Ohio Veteran Volunteers February, 1864 ; en- gaged at the battles of Resaca, Dalton, Kenesaw Mountain, Nickajaek Creek (wounded), Jonesboro', Lovejoy's Sta- tion, and the siege of Atlanta, Ga. ; in General Sherman's Carolina campaign, and engaged at the battle of Bentonville, aiwi capture of Raleigh, N. C. ; firjt lieu- tenant 54th Ohio Veteran Volunteers February, 1865; captain 54th Ohio Vet- eran Volunteers February, 1865; second lieutenant 16th U.S. Infantry March, 1866 ; trans, to 2d Inf. April 17, '69 ; 1st lieut. Jan. 1, '71. Ulio, James. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from the army; private 9th U. S. Infantry Mav, 1855; sergeant and first sergeant 9th U. S. Infantry July, 1855; at Fort Monroe, Va., to December, 1855; en route to, and at Fort Vancouver, W. T., January to April, 1856 ; at Fort Dal- las, Oregon, to May, 1856 ; engaged in an expedition again^^t the Yakima Indians to October, 1856; at Fort Simcoe, W. T., to May, '59 ; with the escort to the North- west Boundary Commission to November, 1859; at Fort Cdville, W. T., to July, 1860 ; re-enlisted in the 9th U. S. Infantry, 242 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS IT. S. ARMY. November, IS'IO ; sergeant and first ser- geant '.Hh U. S. Infantry November, 18(50 ; at Fort Colville, W. T., to May, 1861 ; at Fort Yamhill, Oregon, to November, '01 ; at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to October, 18(J2 ; second lieutenant Gth Cali- fornia Volunteers October, 1862; first lieutenant and adjutant 6th California Volunteers February, 1863; at San Fran- cisco, Cal., to March, 1863 ; post adjutant Benicia Bai'racks,Cal., to Februar\', 1864 ; post adjutant Fort Humboldt, Cal., and assistant adjutant-general District of Humboldt to August, 1864; captain Gth California Volunteers August, 1864; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., to September, 1864; comnianding provost guard, San Francisco, Cal., to July, 1865; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., August to October, 1865; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for faith- ful and meritorious services; private 16th U. S. Infantry February, 1866 ; sergeant and first sergeant od Battalion of Regi- ment February, 1866 ; at Sackett's Har- bor, N. Y., to April, 1866; second lieu- tenant 16th U. S. Infantry April, 1866; at Sibley Barracks, Na-^hville, Tenn., to May, 1866; at Memphis, Tenn., ]\Iay to June, and July to August, 1866 ; adjutant 1st Battalion 16ih U.^S. Infantry, Ogle- thorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., and post adjutant to November, 1866 ; post adju- tant, Macon, Ga., March, 1867, to August, 1868 ; commanding comjiany, September, 1867, to August, 1868; regimental adju- tant September, 1868; adjutant of regi- ment and assistant adjutant-general. Dis- trict of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga., frus ser- vices at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; bre- vet major for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the operations before Petersburg, Va. ; with co. and engaged in suppressing the Fenian raid 1866; commanding Madi- son Barracks, N. Y., from Sept. '66, to March, 1867; commanding Fort Morgan, Colorado, from June, 1867, to May, 1868 ; comdg. CO. at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from June, 1868, to March, 1871 ; comdg. co. at Frankfort, Ky., from Mch. 1871, to April, 1872; comdg the post at Paducah, Ky., from April, 1872, to Jany. 1873 ; comdg. CO. at Little Rock, Ark., from Jan. 1873, to May, 1873 ; comdg. co. at Fort Sanders from May, 1873, to June, 1876; comdg. CO. oji campaign against hostile Sioux In- dians in 1876, and engaged with same at Slim Buttcs, Dak., Sep. 7, 1876; on re- cruiting service at Buffalo, N. Y., from Oct. 1876, to 1878; comdg. co. at Fort Sanders and Fort Fetterman from Oct. '78, to Dec. 1879 ; comdg. Fort Fetterman from Dec. 1879, to May, 1880, from Oct. 1880, to May, 1881, and from Nov. 1881, to May, 1882; comdg. co. at Fort D. A. Russell from June to Aug. 1882, and at Fort Omaha, Neb., from Aug, '82, to present date. Coates, Edwin M. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois; member of tlie Ellsworth Zouaves August, 1860; 1 lieu- tenant 11th New York (Fire Zouaves) Infantry April, 1861 ; engaged in the ad- vance on Alexandria, Va. ; resigned July, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 2d Cavalry August, 1861 ; transferred to 12th Infantry Septem- ber, 1861 ; 1 lieutenant October, 1861 ; quartermaster of the battalion March, 1862; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, January, 1863; joined regiment at Fal- mouth, Va. ; adjutant 1st Battalion 12th Infantry ; in the field with regiment, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864 ; left field by being disabled from the POIJKTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 249 fnll of his horse; on recruiting chity to Sepfombrr, 18(J6 ; captain 12th Infantry April, 18(i5; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of the "Wilderness, Va. ; with regiment at Fort Sedgwick, C. T. ; at Fort'D. A. Russell, D. T., from ; transferred to SOtli In- fantry September, 1866; transferred to 4 Infantry March, 1869; joined regt. in "Washington Oct. '66; left for plains Jan. '67; servf'd in West until Mar. '71 ; regt. sent to Kentucky, remaining until Dec. '7*2, and then to Little Rock; left there May, '73, for Lava Beds, but were stopped over at Dept. of Platte. Herrmann, Von, Charles J. Born in Prussia. Appointed from Connecticut ; major and additional aide-de-camp No- vember 5th, 1861 ; on the staft' of General Wool at Fort Monroe, Va. ; engaged in the capture of Norfolk, Va. ; on the staff of the provost-marshal general. Depart- ment of the Gulf, November, 1862, to September, 1863; on the staff of General Banks to August, 1864; in the Texas and Red River campaigns and engaged at the action of Saline Cross-Roads, battle of Pleasant Hill, and actions near Alexan- dria and Atchafalaya River; member of Board for Inspection of Hospitals in Mis- souri to January, 1865; on the staff of Gen. Miles'of the 1st division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the ter- minating campaign in front of Peters- burg, Va., and actions of Oak Plank Road, Southwark Station, and Fuyette- ville, N. C. ; brevet lieut. -colonel volun- teers for coolness, gallantr}', and valuable services during the recent campaign ter- minating with the surrender of the insur- gent army under General R. E. Lee; as- sistant commissary of musters, Boston, Mass., to March, 1866; honorably mus- tered out captain 33 Infantry July, 1866 ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, La. ; unassignid May 3, 1869; assigned to 4 Infantry February, 1870;, appointed ad- ditional A. D. C. under Act of Aug. 14, '61 ; was vet. A. D. C. of Volunteers, of Army Register of '61 and '62. Bisbee, William H. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from the army ; en- listed in the U.S. Army September, 1861 ; second lieutenant 18th U.S. Infantry June, 1862; engaged in the Mill Spring campaign, siege of Corinth, pursuit of the rebel General Bragg, and battles of Perry- ville and Stone River ; first lieutenant 18th U.S. Infantrv December, 1862; ad- jutant 2d battalion 18th U.S. Infantry Ajiril to December, 1863 ; engaged in the Tullahoma campaign, and battle of Hoo- ver's Gap (woundedj ; on mustering and disbursing duty, Boston, Mass., Septem- ber, 1863, to April, 1864; adjutant 2d battalion 18th U.S. Infantry August, 1864 ; in the Atlanta campaign, and en- gaged at the action of Pumpkin-Vine Creek, battles of New Hope Church, Ken- esaw Mountain, action of Neal Dow Sta- tion, battle of Peach-Treo Creek, action of Utoy Creek, siege of Atlanta (wounded), and battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; at Lookout Mountain, Ga., October, 1864, to Septem- ber, 1865; Louisville, Ky., to October, 1805; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; en route to Fort Kearney, Neb., December, 1865; at Fort Kearnev, Neb., to May, 1866; Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., to December, 1866 ; post adjutant August to September, 1866; engaged in expeditions against hostile Indians ; aide-de-camp and acting assistant adjutant-general. Depart- ment of the Platte, December, 1866, to January, 1867 ; transferred to the 27th U.S. Infantry by the reorganization of the army; captain 27th U.S. Infi\ntry December, 1866 ; brevet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; brevet captain and major U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; aide-de-camp to General Augur, and judge-advocate. Department of the Platte, from '67 to '69 ; unassigned 14 June, '69 ; assigned to 25 Inf. 5 July, '70; trans, to 4 Inf. 27 Oct., '70. Luhn, Gerhard L. Born in Germany. Appointed from the army ; private, cor- poral, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Com- pany E, e'th Inf., January, 1853, to No- vember, 1802 ; siege Yorktown, Gaines' Mills, 2d Bull Run, Antietam ; 2 It. 4 Inf. February, 1863; engaged at the bat- tles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, Pa. ; 1 It. June, 1804 ; engaged at the bat- tles of North Anna, PopotamaiJ Creek, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and operations terminating in the surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee ; bvt. captain for gallant and meritorious services in front of Peters- bursr, Va. ; capt. 4 Inf. Dec. 31, 1875. Quinn, Thomas F. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army. General ser- vice : music boy U. S. A. April, 1853; at Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, to Feb- ruary, 1854; assigned to 2d Art. March, 1854 ; served through the Seminole In- dian troubles to March, 1857 ; at Fort In- dependence, Boston, Mass., April, 1857, to April, 1858; discharged by expiration of service. General service : recruit, Feb- ruary, 1859 ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to October, 1860; assicned to the 4th Inf. at Fort Vancouver, W. T., Novem- ber, 1860; at Fort Dalles, Oregon, and 250 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. San Pedro, Cal., to Novemb'^r, 18G1 ; at AVashini^ton, D. C, to March, 1802; principal musician of regiment Decem- ber, 1801 ; with Army ot the Potomac, and engas^ed at the siege of Yorktown ; battles of Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietani, Fredericksburg, (Jhancellorsville, and Gettysburg; sergt.- niaj. of regiment July, 1803 ; in New York City during riots of 1803; second lieutenant 4th Infantry October, 1803; at Forts Richmond and Wood, N. Y. Harbor, to April, 1804 ; regimental and general recruiting service to January, 1865; at Gen. Grant's headquarters dur- ing the pursuit and surrender of the rebel army under Gen. R. E. Lee ; 1 It. 4 Inf. February, 1805; provost duty Richmond, Ya., to July, 1865; New York Harbor to October, 1805 ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to March, 1867 ; engaged in sup- pressing Fenian hostilities on Northern frontier ; bvt. capt. for gallant and meri- torious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; at Forts Fetterman and Laramie, Dakota, from June, '07, to March, '71 ; at Frankfort, Ky., from March, '71, to December, '72; on general recruiting ser- vice from Jan., '73, to Jan., '74; at Fort Bridger, Wyo., from Feb., '74, to March, '76 ; capt. 4th Inf., Jan. 10, '76 ; at Camp Brown from April, '70, to September, '76 ; at Cantonment Reno, Powder River, "Wyo. Ty., from October, '76, until July, '78; on leave until February, '79; en- gaged with Gen. Merriti's command Oct. 2 to 5, '79 ; in the forced march from Raw- lins to Milk River, Colorado, to rescue Thornburgh's command, and on White River, Col., until July, '80; at FortSan- d rs, July, '80, till May, '82, when latter post was abandoned ; engaged on Military road from Forts Bridger to Thornburgh, June, 1882; at Fort Omaha, Neb., Oc- tober, 1882, till Bubb, John W. Born in Penns3'lva- nia. Appointed from the army ; private, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Company E, Battalion 12 Infantr}', 13 September, 1861, to Ajiril 24, 1800; 2 lieutenant 12 Infantry February 5, 1800 ; 1 lieutenant February 6, 1806; accepted April 25, 1866 ; transferred to 30 Infantry Septem- ber 21, 1806; transferred to 4 Infantry March 23, 1869; R. Q. M. 4 Infantry from April 1, 1872, to June 1, 1875; cap- tain March 16, 1879. Spencer, James H. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; private Company K, 6 Massachusetts In- fantry, April, 1861, to August, 1861; regiment attacked in Baltimore 19 April, 1801 ; sergeant Company F, 20 Massachu- setts Infantry, August, 1801, to Novem- ber, 1803 ; 1 lieutenant 20 Massachusetts Infantry November, 1863; captain July, 1864 ; mustered out July, 1865 ; 2 lieuten- ant 12 Infantry February, 1866; 1 lieu- tenant February, 1860 ; transferred to 30 Infantry September, 1866; transferred to 4 Infantry March, 1869; captain March 20, 1879; in battles of Balls Blufl', Va., October 21, 1801 ; siege of Yorktown, Va., West Point, Va., May, 1802; Fair Oaks, Ma}' 31, 1802; seven days' fighting, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, While Oak Swamp, Nelson's Farm, Malvern Hill ; September, 1802, Md., South Moun- tain, Antietam (severely wounded) ; 1803, Bristoe Station, Mine Run, Wilderness; 1804, Va., Cold Harbor, two engage- ments at Deep Bottom, Mine exjilosion, Jerusalem Plank Road, two engagements at Ream's Station, Va. ; wounded and taken prisoner August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station; exchanged February 22, 1865; battle of High Bridge, Va., April 7, 1865 ; fight with Indians near mouth of Sweet- water, Wyo. Ter., March, 1809; engage- ment near Fort Steele, Wyo. Ter., May, 1869, and at Whisky Gap, AVyo. Ter., October, 1869 ; in command of Ute Indi- ans to be used in Gen. Crook's expedition, 1876 ; campaign of 1878 after Cheyenne Indians. Neide, Horace. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Pennsylvania; 2d lieutenant U. S. Volunteers May, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Glendale ; taken pris- oner, and paroled July, 1862, and ex- changed August, 1862; received gunshot wound in left arm ; captain Veteran Re- serve Corps June, 1863 ; lieutenant-colonel 13th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps ; brevet colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gal- lant services at the battles of Mecbanics- ville, Gaines' Mill, and Charles City Cross- Roads, Virginia ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers for gallant services at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Charles City Cross-Rnads, Vir- ginia, and for faithful and meritorious services during the war; first lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry July, 1860; unas- signed May, 1809 ; assigned to 4th U. S. Infantry December, 1870; brevet captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Vir- ginia; brevet major U. S. Army, for gal- lant and meritorious services in action at Glendale, Virginia; captain 27 April, 1880. Keefe, Joseph. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from the army; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Company E, 2d Artillery, December, 1853, to October, 18G2 ; brevet 2d lieutenant 2d Artillery FOUETn KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 251 Octotcr, 1802 ; 2d lieutenant 5th Artillery October, 18t)2 ; 1st lieutenant July, 18GG ; brevet 1st lieutenant for gallant and mer- itorious services during the defense of Fort Sanders, Tenn. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Va. ; captain 9ih Cav. June 12, 18G7 (declined) ; transferred to 4th Infantry May, 1875; captain 4th Infantry February 4, 1882. First Lieutenants. Setor, Henry. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; capt. 54th N. Y. Inf. April IG, 1864; hon. must, out April 14, 1860; 2d It. 4th Inf. May 11, 1860; ace. June 7, 1800; 1st It. May*17, 1872. Price, Butler D. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; 2d lieutenant 2d Penna. Cavalry January, 1862; 1st lieutenant February, 1863; served with regiment through all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (except that of the Wilderness), to March, 1865; regiment attached to cavalry corps. Army of the Potomac ; 2d lieutenant 4th Infantry, May, 1806 ; 1st lieutenant No- vember, 1873 ; regimental adjutant since September, 1881. Webster, George O. Born in Conn. Apptd. from Conn.; graduate of M. A., class of 1860 ; 2d It. 4th Inf. June 18, 1806 ; 1st It. Nov. 25, '73. firown, Rufus P. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduated from Mil- itary Academy, June, 1800 ; 2 lieutenant 4 Infantrv June 18, 1800 ; 1 lieutenant Jan. 10, 1876. True, Theodore E. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; corpl. Co. B, 7 111. Vol., April 25, '01 ; disch. July 25, 1801 ; sergt. Co. D, 41 111. Vol., July 30, '61 ; 2 It. 41 111. Vol., Feb. 15, 1802 ; capt. 6 U. S. C. Art. Nov. 28, '63 ; resigned Sept. 14, '64 ; 2 It. 4 Inf. Julv 24, '06, ace. Aug. 29, '00 ; regtl. adjt. Feb. 20, '76; 1 It. Feb. 26, '70. Bailey, Edward L. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from New Hamp- shire ; captain 2d New Hampshire Inf. June, 1861 ; major July, 1802; lieut.-col. February, 1803; colonel May, 1863; 2 lieutenant 4 Inf. March, 1807 ; brevet 1 lieutenant U.S.A. for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Williams- burg, Va. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Ivun, Va. ; brevet lieut.-col. for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; 1 lieutenant 4 Inf. February, 1870. Scott,"john. Born in Scotland. Ap- pointed from III. ; corpl. Co. H, 25 111. Inf., July, '01 ; 2 It. February, 1803 ; 1 It. April, '03 ; capt. March 1, '04 ; bvt. major vols, for faithful and meritorious services ; 2 lieutenant 30 Infantry March, 1867; regtl. q.m. Jan. 1, '69, to March, '69; transferred to 4 Infantry March, 1809; regtl. q.m. 4 Infantry March 1, 1876; 1 fieutenant March 1, 1876. Young, Robert H. Born in Ky. Ap- ptd. from Kv. ; pvt. Co. F, 9th Ky. Cav., Aug. 12, 18(32; corpl. Sept. 1,'62; sergt. Jan. 1, 1863; dischd. Sept. 11, '63; capt. 54th Ky. M. Inf. Sept. 30, '64; must, out Sept. 1, 1865, paid to Sept. 16, '65; 2d It. 30th Inf. Mar. 7, 1867, ace. May 30, '67 ; trs. to 4th Inf. Mar. 23, '69 ; 1st It. June 28, '78. O'Brien, John J. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private 4th U. S. Artillery 1854 to 1859 ; private 1st New York Lincoln Cavalry : taken prisoner by rebels near Centreviile, Va., November, 1801 ; rejoined regiment November, 1802 ; second lieutenant 1st New York Lincoln Cavalry Dec. '62 ; capt. 1st N. Y. Lincoln Cavalry November, 1804 ; engaged at the action of Moorfield, battles of Winches- ter, New Market, Piedmont, action of Lexington, and battle of Lynchburg ; commanding escort to General Hunter ; on duty with General Torbert, and en- gaged at the battles of Winchester, "Fish- er's Hill, actions of Nineveh, Waynes- boro', battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, and capitula- tion at Appomattox Court-House, Va. ; private 12th U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; second lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry May, 1807 ; transferred to 4th U. S. In- fantry March 23, 1869 ; 1st It. 16th March, 1879. Robinson, Henry E. Born in Perin- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1871 ; 2d lieutenant 4th Infantry June 12, 1871 ; 1st lieutenant March 20, 1879. Merriam, Lewis. Born at Houlton, Maine, April 4, 1844. Appointed from Maine; sergeant Company H, 20 Me. Vols., Aug. 5, 1802, to May 29, 1805 ; par- ticipated in the battles of Antietam, Shep- herdstown Ford, Chanoellorsville, Brandy Station, Aldie, Middleburg, Gettysburg, Williamsport, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, and the Wilderness; captured at the battle of the Wilderness May 5, 1804; confined at Danville, Va., till May 12; at Andersonville, Ga., till September 25 ; at Florence, S. C, till about February 15, 1805; escaped from cars en route to Florence about Sept. 27, and recaptured same day ; escaped from Florence about October 18, but after nine days of terrible suffering from exposure and hunger, and 252 KECORDS or LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. having successfully passed severtil guard stations, was again recaptured near the forks of the Pedee River, S. C, and taken back to Florence ; escaped near Wilming- ton, N. C, February 18, 1805, while en route to Salisbury, and after four days of wandering about in the swamps without a particle of food, and but poorly clothed to keep out the cold, which was very se- vere for the season, succeeded in passing the Confederate picket-lines, and evading their rear- and provost-guards, on the night of the 21st, and entered the Federal lines at Wilmington, N. C, February 22, 1865 ; 2d lieut. G7th U.S.C.T. Oct. 24, '64, to May 29, '65, which does not appear on the Army Register, as he was never mustered on the appointment, by reason of being a prisoner of war; 2d lieut. 61st U.S.C.T. May 29, 1865, to Dec. 1865; 2 lieut. 65 U.S.C.T. Feb. '06, and 1st It. June 1, '66, and honorably mustered out January 8, '67; 2d lieut. 4th Inf. July 27, '72, and 1st lieut. April 27, '80. Second Lieutenants. Mason, Charles W. Born in Cal. Apptd. from Ohio; 2 It. 13 Inf. Jan. 20, '75; trs. to 4 Inf Feb. 15, '75; 1 It. Feb. 4, '82. Lovering, Leonard A. Born in Vt. Apptd. from N. H. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 4 Inf. June 15, '76. Rowland, Carver. Born in R. I. Apptd. from R. I.; graduate of M. A., class of 1870 ; 2 It. 4 Inf. June 15, '76. Chase, George N. Born in W^is. ; Apptd. from Mo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; add. 2 It. 1 Inf. June 15, '77; 2 It. 4 Inf. Julv 1, '77. Wolf, Silas A. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1878 ; add. 2 It. 4 Inf. June 14, '78; 2 It. June 28, '78. Leyden, James A. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Pennsylvania; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1879; 2 lieutenant 4 Infantry June 13, 1879. Brown, Edward H. Born in Mich. Apptd. from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. 4 Inf. June 13, '79. Andrus, Frank B. Born in Michigan. Appointed from Indiana; graduated from Military Academy June, 1881 ; 2 lieu- tenant 4 Infantry June 11, 1881. Johnson, Carter P. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from the army; pvt., cor()l., and sgt. Co. F, 3d Cav., Sept. 12, '76, to April 24, '82 ; 2 It. 4 Inf. March 27, '82, ace. April 25, '82. Hollis, Magnus O. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1882; 2 lieuten- ant 4 Infantry June 13, 1882. FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Colonel. Wilkins, John D. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from Pa ; graduate of M. A , class of 1840 ; bvt. 2 It. 4 Inf. July 1, '40; 2 It. 3 Inf. Dec. 31, '46; 1 It. Nov. 10, '51 ; capt. Apr. 17, '61 ; served in the war of Mexico 1846-48; bvt. It. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; frontier dutv, 1848-61; Army of Potomac 1862-65; bvt. major July 1,' 62, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Malvern Hill ; bvt. It. -col. May 3, 1803, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville ; maj. 15 Inf. May 6, '64; trs. to 33 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; It.-col. staif, asst. inspector-general June 13, '67; trs. to 8 Inf. Mar. l5, '69; It.-col. Feb. 19, '73 ; col. 5 Inf. June 22, '82. Lieutenant- Colonel. Cochran, Melville A. Born in Me. Appointed from Me. ; capt. 10 Inf. Aug. 5, '61; trs. to 2 Inf. Apr. 17, '09; maj. 12 Inf. Mar. 4, '79; It.-col. 5 Inf. 1883; bvt. maj. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of -Chicka- mauga. Major. Snyder, Simon. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2 It. 5 Inf. Apr. 26, '51 ; 1 It. June 25, '61 ; capt. July 1, '63; maj. 5 Inf. 1883. Captains. Casey, James S. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from New York; pri- vate Companj^ H, 7th New York State Militia, April to June, 1861 ; 2d lieuten- ant 5th Infantry August, 1861 ; 1st lieu- tenant September, 1861 ; captain Decem- ber, 1803 ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services during the rebel at- tack on Fort Steadman, Va. Overshine, Samuel. Born in Pa. Ap- ptd. from Md. ; 2 It. 5 Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1 It. Sept. 25, '61 ; capt. Mar. 30, '64. Butler, Edmund. Born in Ireland. 2d It. 5tli Infantry»7th Oct., 1861 ; special duty with inspector of vol. troops in Kansas and Missouri ; in command of Co. A, 1st Missouri Cavalry ; attached to Co. E, 1st U.S. Infantry, 1862; mustering officer, consolidating and re-mustering Kansas volunteers; complimented offi- cially by department commander for set- tling, without resort to force, "difficult and delicate" question of claim of certain FIFTH EEGIMEN^ OF INFANTRT. 253 Kansas troops on the Missouri border not to have been enlisted for tliree years or durinc; the war, as sliown by the muster- rolls, but as " Home-Guards," and refusal of troops raised as artillery to serve as in- fantry ; post quartermaster Ft. Leaven- wortli, Ks. ; ordered to New Mexico ; joined 5th Infantry in Camp Peralta, N. M. ; a a. quartermaster at Albuquerque, N. M. ; 18G3, in command of Los Pinos, N. M. ; 1864, capt. 14th May; marched to Texas with Hd.-Qrs. 5th Infy. as acting regtl. quartermaster ; rebuilt Fort Bliss, Texas, after re-occupation ; 18G5, ordered to Navajo country to take command of old Fort Wingate 1st January ; in com- mand of expedition composed of Califor- nia and New Mexican volunteer cavalry, Pueblo Indians, and citizen volunteers against Navajo Indians in Canon de Chelle ; struck tribe under Manoelito Grande returning from Apache country to their old home in Chusca Valley; at- tack in the Cienega Amarilla, and recap- ture of large herd of .sheep, ponies, etc. ; capture of Sarcillo Largo's family ; attack in Chusca Valley ; drove Indians out of the Caiion de Chelle ; marched 72U miles in 22 days, 21 hours in saddle on one occa- sion, 18 in another ; two days without ra- tions ; results of expedition, — dispersion of Indians, abandoning everything, 31 Indians killed, 27 prisoners, recapture of stolen herds, received surrender of Ma- noelito Grande, 2000 to 3000 prisoners sent to new reservation on the Pecos River ; thanked by department commander, and recommended for brevet majority for gal- lantry and success ; 1866, ordered to pro- posed line of Kansas Pacific Railway ; marched from Ft. Wingate, N. M., to Ft. Wallace, Ivans., Nov. and Dec, GOO miles ; Dec. 1868, ordered to Arickaree Fork with 80th Infantrj', to bring in bodies of killed in Forsyth affair ; two feet of snow ; exhumed bodies under tire of main body of Sioux ; two bodies, those of Lt. Beecker, 3d Infty., and Dr. Moers had been taken out of graves by Sioux, probably in re- venge for rifling of Sioux graves on the Republican by civilian scouts ; articles of clothing belonging to the two ofBcers found in the graves ; 1869, guarding Smoky Hill Stage Route from Wallace to Denver ; Indian operations ; comdg. fortified camp at Hedingon Lake; 1870, volunteered with his company for expedi- tion against Pawnees under Gen. C. R. Woods; 1871, comdg. Fort Wallace, Ks. ; guarding line of Kansas Pacific ; October, ordered with two companies to South- eastern Kansas for protection of Missouri River, Fort Scott, and Gulf Railroad against organized land-leaguers ; comdg. Southeastern Kansas; 1872, Oct., ordered to the plains; Dec , cam}) fever; on sick- "leave in Europe ; 1873, June, rejoined at Ft. Dodge, Ks. ; comdg. guards on line of Atchison and Santa Fe Railroad ; 1874, served through cxp"dition against Co- manches and Kiowas in the Indian coun- try and Texas, under Gen. N. A. Miles; 1875, in camp on North Fork hington, D. C, from June, 1868, to Mar. 1869 ; at hd.-qrs. Dept. of the Mo. (unassigned May 14, 1809; as- signed to 0th Infantry February 15, 1870) ; Ft. Leavenworth, Kas., and St. Louis, Mo., March, 1809, to May, 1870; with General Sehofield at hd.-qrs. Mil. Div. of the Pac. May, 1870, till July, 1876 ; at U.S. M. A., West Point, N. Y., from July, 1876, to Jany. 1881 ; actg. asst. adjt.-genl. of Dept. West Point, in addition to duties as A. D. C. April, 1877, to Janv. 1881 ; at N. Y. City Jany. 1881, to Oct. 1882; A. D. C. to Genl. Schotield at Presidio of San Fran- cisco, Cal., Oct. 1882, to ; major 6 Cav. 1883. Powell, James W., Jr, Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y'. ; pvt. Co. B, 7 N. Y. S. M., Apr. 21, '61 ; dischgd. June 3, '01 ; 1 It 71 N. Y. Vol. June 20, '61 ; 1 It. Vet. Res. Corps May 22, '03, ace. May 28, '03 ; capt. Oct. 28, '63, ace. Nov. 18, '03 ; maj. vol. bvt. and It. -col. vol. bvt. Mar. 13, '05, " for gal. and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; must, out June 3, '66 ; capt. 42 Inf. July 28, '06, ace. Oct. 20, '00; trs. to Inf. Apr. 22, '09. Schindel, Jeremiah P. Born in Penn- sylvania. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1 sero^t. Co. A, 104 Pa. Vol., Sept. 6, '01 ; dischgd. Nov. 4, '01 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. Oct. 24, '61, a'cc. Nov. 4, '61 ; 1 It. bvt. Aug. 30, '62, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Bull Run (2d), Va."; capt. bvt. July 2, '63, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." ; 1 It. 6 Inf. Feb. 8, '64; regtl. Q.M. July 1, '65, to Aug. 1, '66; capt. Feb. 25, '68. Britton, Thomas. Born in England. Appointed from the army ; drummer Co. I, 4 Kentucky Inf., October, 1847, to July, 1848; served with the army of Gen. Scolt in Mexico ; general service recruit U. S. A. 1848, and assigned to the 6 Inf. ; served on the plains, and engaged scouting In- dians ; with the army to Utah, 1858, and march from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Benicia Barracks, Cal., a distance of over two thousand miles; served as a cor- poral, sergeant, and 1st sergeant in his regiment to November, 1802; with the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles ot Games' Mills (severely wounded, being shot in the head), Malvern Hill (charge of wagon- train during the battle of 2 Bull Run), and Antietam ; ordnance sergeant U. S. Army November, 1862; 2 It. 6 Inf. Nov. SIXTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 261 18r)2; enj^aged at the battles of Chan- cc'Uorsville and Gettysburg, wounded; sup|iressing riots in New York and in tlie harbor to May, 18(!5; reconstruction duty in North and South Carolina and Georgia to December, 18(i8 ; 1 It. (^ Inf. March, 1866; capt. ;i9 Inf. July, 1868; declined the appointment, preferrinc; to remain in a regiment where he had served over twenty years ; bvt. 1 It. and capt. U. S. A. for giilliint and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; at Fort Gibson, I. T., from 1869 to 1871 ; capt. 6 Inf. March 1, 1872; on general recruiting service till May, 1873, since which served in command of his company in Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Utah, and Wye. Baker, Stephen. Born in Micliigan. A]i|)ointed from army ; pvt. Co. E, G Inf., Aug. "20, '60; corpl. March 7, '62; sgt.- maj. 6 Inf. April 1, '63; pvt. Co. F, 6 Inf., Aug. 24, '63; sergt. Sept. 1, '63; sergt. Co. D, 6 Inf., March 18, '64; 1 sgt. March 20, '64; disch. July 10, '64; 1 sergt. Co. D, 6 Inf., July 11, '64 ; q. m. serc;t. 6 Inf. Oct. 6, '64; 2 It. and 1 It. 6 Inf. May 3, '65; ace. May 12, '6.5; regtl. q. m. March 1, '67, to Sept. 1, '68; capt. June 8, '74. Murdock, Daniel H. Born in Penn- svlvania. Appointed from Iowa; pvt. Co. D, 3 Iowa Cav., Aug. 30, 1862; corpl. Aus;. 3, 1864; disch. Oct. 5, '64; 2 It. 122 U. "S. c. t. Oct. 5, '64; 1 It. Jan. 10, '65; must, out Feb. 8, '66 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. Feb. 23, '66; aec. May 2, '66; 1 It. July 28, '66 ; capt. Oct. 7, '74. Munson, Jacob F. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. C, 83 N. Y. Vol., Sept. 14, '61; corpl. Mav 8, '62 ; serjjt. November 11, '62 ; 2 It. 83 N. Y. Vol. Oct. 21, '63 ; must, out June 23, '64; 2 It. 8 U. S. Vet. Vol. Dec. 31, '64; 1 It. vol. bvt. and capt. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war ;" must, out Feb. 15, '66; 2 It. 6 Inf. Mav 11, '66; ace. May 28, 'W,; 1 It. Oct. 31, '66; regtl. adjt. Ai)ril 1, '67, to April 22, '69, and from Mav 29, '69, to Jan. 31, '75; capt. Dec. 15, "'80. Badger, William. Born in New Hamp- shire. Appointed from New Hampshire ; captain 4tb New Hampshire Infantry Sep- tember, 1861 ; in the Department of the South to April, 1864 ; engaged on the Port Royal expedition, action of Pocotal- igo, operations on Morris Island, S. C, anci the Oiustee expedition to Florida ; temporarily commanding regiment at Ber- muda Hundred, Va. ; colonel 4th New Hampshire Infantry Februarj', 1865 (not mustered) ; captain Hancock's corps June, 1865 ; brevet major volunteers for gallant 18 and meritorious services during the war; mustered out April 20, 1866; 2d lieuten- ant 6th Inf. May 19, 1866; 1st lieut. 9th February, 1867; brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services during the war; captain December 15, 1880; inf. l)attalion adjutant at Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., in 1873 and 4 ; built Fort Yates, D. T., in 1875, 6, and 7; as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. broke up Ft. Wise, D. T., sold and shipped away all the property in 1878; opened and built the wagon-road near N. P. R.R. from Mandan, D. T., to Glendine, Mont., in 1879, as A.A.Q.M. ; in camp at White River, Col., in Ute campaign in 1880; or- dered on gen. recruiting service Sept. 15, 1881 ; reUeved and ordered on duty at U. S. Mil. Prison, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, as executive otficer, Oct. 31, 1882. Penney, Charles G. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Oliio; pvt. Co. C, 76th Ohio Vols., Aug. 16, '62; dischd. Julv 10, '63 ; 2d It. 51st U. S. C. T. July 10, '63 ; 1st It. Jan. 8, '61; capt. Mar. 20, '64; must, out June 16, '66 ; 2d It. 38th Inf. July 28, '66, ace. Oct. 3, '66 ; 1st It. bvt. March 2, '67, "for gal. and mer. service in the battle of Vicksburg, Mi.ss." ; capt. bvt. Mar. 2, '67, "for u:al. and mer. ser. in the capture of Fort Blakely, Ala." ; regt'l adj't 38th Inf. May 4, 1867, to Nov. 11, 1869; 1st It. 38th Inf. Nov. 4, 1867; unassd. Nov. 11, 1869 ; assd. to 6th Inf. Dec. 15, '70; regtl. qm. Oct. 30, '71 ; capt. '83. First Lieutenants. Thibaut, Fred. W. Born in Germany. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 2d It. 7th N. Y. Inf. April 23, '61; 1st It. July 11, '61; capt. Sept. 28, '62 ; hon. must, out May 8, '63 ; capt. Vet. Res. Corps Oct. 15, '63 ; brevet major July 19, '65; hon. must, out June 29, '67; 2d It. 6th Inf. Jan'y 22, '67, ace. June .30, '67; 1st It. F<}b'y 25, '68. Crowell, William H. H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; private Company F, 1st Ohio Artillery, April to July, 1861 ; 2d lieutenant 15th Ohio I3attery December 12, 1861 ; engaged in battle of Hatchie, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1862; engaged at battles of Philippi, West Virginia, and Laurel Hill, June, 18(il ; resigned December 15, 1862; captain 2d Ohio Artillery Sep- tember 9, 1868 ; mustered out August 23, 1865; 2d lieutenant 17th Infantry Janu- ary 22, 1867 ; 1st lieutenant December 17, 1867; unassigned May 27, 1869; assigned to 6th Infantry December 15, 1870 ; regi- mental adjutant since April 10, 1882; cap- tain 1883. Garland, John. Born in Ireland. Apptd. from Mich.; 2 it. 23 Mich. Vol. July 19, '62; capt. Aug. 19, '62; maj. Mar. 25, '65; must, out June 28, '€5; paid 2G2 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. to July 19, 'G.5; 2 It. 6 Inf. Mar. 7, "67; jicc. May 4, 'G7 ; regtl. qm. Sept. 1, '68, to April 22, '69; 1 It. Dec. 31, '68; unassd. April 22, '69; as.sd. to 6 Inf. Oct. 18, '69; rcfrtl. qm. Oct. 16, '69, to Oct. 30, '71. Groesbeck, Stephen W, Born in N, Y. Apptd. from 111. ; qm.-serE;t. Co. H, 4 Iowa Cav., Oct. 28, '61; 2 ft. 4 Iowa Cav, Nov. 1, '62; must, out April 4, '63; 2 It. Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 16, '64 ; ace. Nov. 21, '64 ; must, out Jan. 14, '67 ; 2 It. 42 Inf. July 28, '66; ace. Jan. 15, '67; trs. to 6 Inf. April 22, '69; 1 It. Oct. 7, '74 ; regtl. adj't Feb. 1, '75, to March 30, '80. Wetherill, Alex. M. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; 2 lieutenant 6th Infantry May 9* 1867; 1 lieutenant April 28, 1875. Craft, David L. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. 8 Pa. Res. May 1, '61 ; trs. to Sig. Corps Aug. 1, '63 ; 2 It. Sig. Corps Sept. 2, '63; hon. must, out Sept. 4, '65; second lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry Au- gust, 1867 ; brevet first lieutenant U. S. Army for gallantry in maintaining his po- sition under great exposure on the Appo- mattox Signal-Tower during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia, in the late war, Avhile his station was for some time de- liberately cannonaded by rebel batteries; brevet captain U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services in the Signal Corps during the war; 1 It. Oct. 31, '76. Thompson, Richard E. Born in Me. Apptd. Irom R. I. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1868; 2 It. 6 Inf. Jan. 15, '68; 1 It. March 30, '80. Townsend, Thos. G. Born in D. C. Apptd. from D. C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. June 12, '71 ; 1 It. Dec. 15, '80. Walker, George B. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indjana; graduated from Military Academy June 14, 1872; 2 lieu- tenant 6 Inf. June 14, 1872 ; 1 lieut. De- cember 15, 1880. Wagner, Arthur L. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois; graduated from Military Academy June, 1875; 2 lieuten- ant 6 Infantrv June 16, 1875 ; 1 lieutenant October 18, 1882. Byrne, Bernard A. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; 2 It. 6 Inf. Oct. 15, '75; 1 It. Dec. 31, '82. Ingalls, Charles H. Born in Me. Ap- pointed from Me. ; 2 It. 6 Inf. Feb. 29, '76; 1 It. June 26, '83.* Byrne, Charles. Born in "Wash. Ty. Appointed from Tex. ; 2 It. 6 Inf. Jan. 9, '77; 1 It. '83. * C'lias. IT. Ingalls was ftppointcd capt. and asst. qr.- mr. July 2, 1883, Stevens, Robert R. Born in Texas, Apptd. from Miss. ; graduate of M. A,, class of 1877 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. June 15, '77 ; 1 It. 1883, Second Lieutenants. Torrey, Zera W. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. June 12, '80. Shaw, John J, Born in N. Y. Ap- ptd. from army; pvt., corpl., sgt., and 1 sergt. Co. "C," 6 Inf., June 24, '75, to July 7, '80; 2 It. 6 Inf. June 24, '80. Turner, Reuben B. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A,, class of 1881 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. June 11, '81. Kennon, Lyman W^, V. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Rhode Island ; graduate from Military Academy June, 1881 ; additional 2 lieutenant 1st Infantry June 11, 1881 ; 2 lieutenant 6th Infantry July 19, 1881. Dinkins, Simeon M. Born in Ala. Apptd. from Ala.; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; add. 2 It. 11 Inf. June 11, '81; 2 It. 6 Inf. July 31, '81. SEVENTH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Colo7iel. Gibbon, John. Born in Pa. Apptd. from N. C. ; graduate of M.A., class of 1847; bvt. 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, 1847; 2d It. 4th Art. Sept. 13, 1847; served in war of Mexico, being present at the capture of city of Mexico; 1st It. 4lh Art. Sept. 12, 18c-0 ; frontier duty from '48-54 ; at M.A. '54-59; capt. 4th Art. Nov. 2, '59 ; brig.- gen. of vols. May 2, '62 ; during the civil war he served as chief of artillery of Gen. McDowell's army till May, 1862, when he was appointed brigadier-general of volun- teers, and assigned to the command of a brigade in the Army of the Potomac ; in Nov. 1862, he was placed in command of a division, which he led in the battle of Fredericksburg, where he was wounded; at the battle of Chancellorsville he was engaged in the storming of Marye's Heights ; at the battle of Gettysburg he received severe wounds while in command of the Second Corps, and was engaged in Gen. Grant's Richmond campaign at the battles of the Wilderness, Spoltsylvania, Cold Harbor, etc. ; he subsequently com- manded the Twentj'-fourth Army Corps, and was constantly engaged in tlie oper- ations about Petersburg against the army of Gen. Lee, up to the surrender of the latter in April, 1865; bvt. maj. Sept. 17, SEVENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 263 '62, for ci^lliint and meritorious services at battle of Antietam, Md. ; bvt. It.-col. Dec. 16, 18(i2, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; bvt. col. July 4, 1803, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Gettys- burg, Pa. ; mai.-gon. U. S. Vols. June 7, '64 ; bvt. brig.lgen. U.S.A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at battle at Spottsylvania ; bvt. maj.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at capture of Peters- burg, Va. ; must, out of volunteer service Jan. 15, '66; col. 36th Inf. July 28, '66; trans, to 7th Inf. March 15, '79 ; frontier duty '68-83. Lieuiennnt-Colond. Chipman, Henry L. Born in New York. Appointed from Michigan; cap- tain 11th Infantry May, 1861 ; lieutenant- colonel 2d IMichigan Infantry 24th May, 1861 ; resigned June, 1861 ; colonel 102d U. S. Colored Infantry April 15, 1864; bvt. brig. -gen. volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mus- tered out volunteers 30lli September, 1865 ; transferred to 29th Infantry September, 1866 ; transferred to 11th InYantry April, 1869; bvt. major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chan- cellorsville, Va. ; bvt. lieut. -colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; major 3d Infan- try October 20, 1873 ; lieutenant-colonel 7th Infantry May 19, 1881. Major. Smith, Alfred T. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1860; bvt. 2d It. of Inf. July 1, '60; 2d It. 8th Inf. Oct. 13, '60 ; Army of Potomac '61-(i2 ; 1st It. 8th Inf. May 14, '61 ; bvt. captain Jul}' 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Pen- insula campaign ; M. A. '62-65 ; capt. 8th Inf. Sep. 19, '63 ; bvt. maj. and bvt. It.- col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the rebellion ; col. 156 111. Vols. April 4, '65; must, out of vol. service Sep. 20, '65 ; major 7th Inf. 1883. Captains. Rawn, Charles C. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; pvt. 25th Pa. Inf. May 2-July 26, '61 ; 2d It. 7th Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st It. July 9, '62; capt. Nov. 4, '63. Benham, Daniel W. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; pvt. 6th Ohio Inf. April to Aug. '61 ; 2d It. 18th Inf. Oct. 21, '61 ; 1st It. Febv. 19, '62 ; capt. Feby. 8, '65 ; trs. to 36th 'inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; trs. to 7th Inf. May 19, '69. Comba, Richard. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private 7th U. S. Infantry January, 1855; corporal, STir- geant, and first sergeant in regiment ; in the Utah expedition of 1858, and in New Mexico to June, 1861 ; engaged in an ex- pedition against the Navajo Indians, and in action with rebels at San Augustine Springs, N. M. ; command surrendered, and paroled; at Rouse's Point, N. Y., July, 1861, to September, 1862; joined regiment in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the action of Snicker's Gap and battle of Fredericksburg (com- manding company as first sergeant) ; sec- ond lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry Febru- ary, 1863 ; engaged at the battles of Chan- cellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded) ; on regimental recruiting duty September, 1863, to October, 1864; first lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry November, 1863 ; com- manding post of Marianna, W. Fla., De- cember, 1865, to April, 1866; captain 7th U. S. Inf. March, 1865 ; commanding Fort Brooke, Fla., to April, 1868; brevet first lieutenant, captain, and major U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. ; frontier duty 1868-83. Freeman, Henry B. Born in Ohio. Appointed from the army; private Com- pany C, lOtli Infantry, July, 1855; dis- charged February, 1856; private and 1st sergeant. Company B, 2nd Battalion, 18 "infantry, July to November, 1861 ; 2 lieutenant 18 Infantry October, 1861 ; 1 lieutenant May, 1862 ;'ca])tain July, 1866 ; transferred to 27 Infantry September, 1866; unassigned June 14, 1869; as- signed to 7 Infantry January 7, 1870; adjutant 1st Battalion, 18th Infantr}', from March 16, 18G3, to November 1, 1865; prisoner of war Sejitember 20, '63 ; Feb. 24, '65, escaped from prison, joined Gen. Sherman's army at Columbia, S. C. ; act- ing asst. adjutant-general 17th Army Corps from that date until April, '65; since 1866 has been on the frontier in Dept. of Dakota and the Platte ; was en- gaged in Sioux war of 1866, '67, and '68 ; campaign of '69 on Republican River, Kan. ; in command of six companies 7th Inf. during Yellowstone campaign of '76 ; in command of escort to Sitting Bull Com- mission at Fort Wabash, Dominion of Canada, 1877 ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Kirtland, Thaddeus S. Born in Conn. Apptd. from armv ; pvt. Co. — , 18 Inf., Oct. 1, '61 ; 2 It. 18 Inf. Oct. 30, '61 ; ace. Nov. 7, '61; 1 It. July 22, '62; trs. to 36 264 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Inf. Sept. 21, 'GG; capt. July 28, 'G6 ; trs. to 7 Inf. May 19, '69. Qlifford, Walter. Born in IST. Y. Ap- pointed from army ; pvt. and cor pi. gen. serv., and Co. "A," 1 Butt. IG Inf., and sergt.-maj. 16 Inf., Mar. 19, '60, to Aug. 18, '63; 2 lieutenant 16 Infantry, Aug. 10, '63; ace. Aug. '63; 1 It. bvt. Sept. 19, '63, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga."; 1 It. 16 Inf. May 14, '64 ; trs. to 34 Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; capt. July 31, '67; unassd. Apr. 14, '69; assd. to 7 Inf. Jan. 1, '71. Sanno, James M. J. Born in N. J. Apptd. from M. A. ; cadet July 1, '59 ; 2 It. 7 Inf. June 11, '63; 1 It. Dec. 3, 'G3 ; regtl. adj't Sept. 5, '64, to May 19, '69, and from Sept. 1, '69, to May 15, '71 ; capt. 28 Inf. July 28, '66 (declined) ; capt. 7 Inf. May 15, '71. ■Williams, Constant. Private 31st (af- terwards 82d) Penna. Vols, and the Army of the Potomac July, 1861, to Oct. 1862; enlisted in the genl. service U. S. Army February, 1863 ; second lieutenant 7th Inf. June, 1863; with regiment in the Army of ihe Potomac to Aug. 1863 ; at Fort Schuvler, N. Y. H., Sept. 1863, to March, 18G4 ; 1st lieut. Jan. 1, 1864, Co. D ; on recruiting duty New York City to Oct. 1864; in New York Harbor to May, 1865; at St. Augustine, Fla., to August, 1865; aide-de-camp at hdqrs. District of East Florida, Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. to Oct. 1865; post adjutant and provost-mar- shal-genl. St. Augustine, Fla., to Dec. 1865; post adjutant Jacksonville, Fla., to Feb. 1866 ; A.C.S. of depot and post of Tallahassee, Fla., to Aug. 1866; on genl. recruiting service in New York and Pennsj'lvania to April, 1867; adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S. of sub-depot genl. rect. service, Bedloe's Island and Fort Wood, N. Y. H., from April, 1867, to Dec. 18G8; at Marianna, Fla., with his company (D) Dec. 2, 1868 ; at St. Augus- tine, Fla., Jan. 1869; Marianna, Fla., 1869; Tallahassee, Fla., March, 1869; transferred to Co. F, 7 Inf. (new organ- ization) ; at Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo., May, 1869; on leave of absence from Aug. 27 to Sept. 26, 18G9, and from Mav 18 to Oct. 10, 1870; at Fort Buford, D. T., Oct. 1870; in arrest from Nov. 22, 1870, to July 29, 1871 ; comdg. company July, 1871 ; at Fort Shaw, M. T., June 18, 1872 ; captain (Co. E) 7 Inf. May 10, 1873; transferred to Co. F, 7 Inf., July 9, 1873; in summer camp (Camp Lewis), Trout Creek, M. T., protecting new road to Musclcshell River, April 18 to Nov. 4, 1874; at Fort Benton Sept. 3, 1875; conidg. company and post on D. S. from Oct. 20, 1875, to Nov. 2, 1875; on D. S. from Nov. 13 to 26, '75 ; on D. S. from Jan. 30, '76, to Feb. 6, 1876; on D. S. from March 2 to 14, '76 ; on D. S. from April 26, '76, to May 4, '76 ; superin- tendent of target practice ; on D. S. from Sept. 5, '76, to Nov. 6, '76 ; on D. S. from Feb. 1 to March 4, '77; on D. S. from April 16 to May 3, 1877 ; on D. S. at Fort MacLeod, Canada, from June 30, 1877, to Aug. 7, 1877 ; comdg. company at battle of Big Hole, M. T., Aug. 9, '77, where he was severely wounded in right side and slight wound in scalp ; sick, wounded, Aug. 9 to Nov. 4, '77 ; acting post adj't Ft. Benton Dec. 22 to 31, '77; on D. S. Jan. 21 to 29, '78 ; on D. S. at Ft. Belknap, M. T., issuing annuities to Gros Ventres, Feb. 1 to March 3, '78; D. S. at Fort Shaw, M. T., March 6 to 10, '78; on issuing rations to Indians at Milk River March 17 to 24, '78; D. S. at Helena, M. T. ; witness in civil court March 24 to April 9, '78; comdg. post Ft. Benton April 26 to May 2, '78, and May 26 to June 2, '78, and July 9 to Aug. 25, '78; changed stations from Ft. Benton to Ft. Snelling Oct. 3, 1878; D. S. at St. Paul, Minn. ; member genl. court-martial Jan. 6 to 24, '79 ; D. S. Aug. 10 to 18 at Mille Lacs, Minn. ; with leave Sept. 10 to 27, '79 ; comdg. company on White River, Col., Oct. 1,"'79, to June 11, '80; sta- tioned at Fort Snelling, Minn., from June 23 to Aug. 2, '80; changed stations from Fort Snelling, Minn., to Fort Lin- coln, D. T., Aug. 4, 1880; guarding steamer General Sherman at Bismarck, D. T., landing Aug. 20 and 21, '80; sick, from July 15 to 24, '80; D. S. attending genl. court-martial at Fort Stevenson, T>. T., from June 27, '81 ; D. S. to Glen- dine, M. T., from Jan. 22 to Feb. 2, '82; sick from June 15 to July 5, '82 ; changed stations from Ft. Lincoln, D. T., to Ft. Laramie, Wyo., arriving Nov. 21, '82. Coolidge, Charles A. Born in Mass. Apptd. from the army; pvt. 16 Inf. Oct. '62, to July, '64 ; 2 It.' 7 Inf. May 18, '64 ; 1 It. July 20, '64 ; capt. Aug. 9, '77. Benson, Henry M. Born in Missouri. Appointed from California ; 1 lieutenant 1 California Infantry August 27, 1861 ; in the march from California to New Mexico across Yuma Desert; engaged against Confederate guerrillas, vicinity of Tucson, A. T., and in expeditions and scouts against hostile Indians; captain March, i863;' in New Mexico and Ari- zona Ty. to August, 1864 ; major 4 Cali- fornia infantry^May 22, 1864; command- ing Fort Whipple, A. T., and expeditions against hostile Indians south and west of tiiat place; mustered out January 31, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 18 Infantry February, SEVENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 265 1860 ; 1 lieutenant February, 180G ; trans- ferred to 3f) Infantry September, 186(5 ; joined at Fort Columbus and tbere till November; conducting recruits to Fort Riley and en route to station to December, 1866; at Fort Sanders commanding com- pany, A.C.S., A.A.Q.M., and post adju- tant to July, 1877; at Camp Douglas till May, 1869"; A.C.S., A.A.Q.M., and post adjutant ; on leave till April, lb69 ; trans- ferred to 7 Infantry May 19, 1869 ; com- pany duty till May, 1870; on march to MontaTia till June ; at Camp Baker from June, 1870, to October, 1871 ; A.C.S., A. A.Q.M., and post adjutant ; at Fort Shaw from October to August, 1874; regi- mental adjutant from October, 1871, to November, 1874 ; on general recruiting service from September, 1874, to Oct. 1876 ; on sick-leave from October, 1876, to Julj', 1877 ; in Montana from July to October ; in Nez Perces campaign, se- verely wounded at Camas Meadows ; on sick-leave from September to August, 1878 ; at Fort Snelling from August, 1878, to August, 1879 ; A.C.S. ; on sick- leave to October ; at San Diego Bar- racks from October, 1879, to May, 1880 ; captain May 1, 1882; on sick-leave since in San Diego and Hawaiian Islands await- ing retirement. Firftt Lieutenants. Reed, William L. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Cal. ; 1 It. and reg. quarter- master 6 Cal. Inf. Mar. 14, 1863, to Dec. 1, 1865, when he was hon. must, out; 2d It. 5 Inf. Febv. 23, 1866; 1 It. July 28, 1866; unas^igned Mav 19, 1869 ; assigned to 7th Inf. Jany. 1, 1871. Quinton, William. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Illinois ; private 19th Illinois Volunteers April, 1861 ; second lieutenant 19th Illinois Volunteers Octo- ber, 1861 ; on duty in the U. S. Signal Corps December, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Perryville, Stone River, and Chickamauga; first lieutenant 19th Illi- nois Volunteers February, 1863 ; second lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps March, 1863 ; engaged at the battle of Missionary Ridge, action of Buzzard's Roost, and in the Atlanta campaign ; at San Antonio, Tex., to May, 1866; first lieutenant 33d U. S. Infantry June, 1867 ; unassigned 3 May, 1869; assigned to 7 Inf 3 May, 1870. Jackson, Allan H. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; captain 91st New York Volunteers October, 1861 ; at Key "West and Pensacola, Fla., New Or- leans, and Baton Rouge, La., to February, 1863 ; major 134th New York Volunteers February, 1863 ; engaged at the battles of Chanceliorsville and Gettysburg, Penn. ; transferred to the Department of the Cum- berland September, 1863; lieutenant-colo- nel 134th New York Volunteei-s March, 1863 ; colonel 134th New York Volunteers December, 1863 ; engaged at the action of Wauhatcliie, battle of Chattanooga, cam- paign to Knoxville, action of Rocky-Face Ridge, battles of Resaca, Dallas, Peach- Tree Creek (wounded), actions of Pine Mountain, Cul])'s Farm, Kenesaw Moun- tain, Atlanta, Sherman's march to the sea, and capture of Savannah, Ga. ; inspector- general of Savannah on the stafl' of Gen- eral Geary ; engaged in the campaigns of the Carolinas and present at the surrender of the rebel General Johnson ; 2 lieuten- ant 7 Infantry August, 1866; brevet 1 lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services at Chanceliorsville, Va. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; on staff duty military district of Florida, at Tallahassee, Saint Augustine, and Jacksonville, from November, 1866, to March, 1869; 1 lieutenant January 1, 1871 ; with regiment in Territories of Wy- oming and Montana from 1869 to 1875; at Fort Whipple, Va., as acting signal officer from May, 1875, to July, 1876, re- joining regiment in the field during the Sioux campaign at personal request ; par- ticipated in 'the battle of " liig Hole," Montana, against the hostile " Nez Perces" August 9, 1877 ; regimental adju- tant from March 1, 1882. Robinson, Daniel. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; enlisted Sep- tember 26, 1849 ; assigned to Co. "C," 7th Infantrj', at Tampa, Florida ; in the field against the Seminole Indians until July, 1850; during the remainder of this year at Jeflerson Barracks, Mo., Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas ; on a scout against Indians to the Arkansas River, and returned to Fort Leavenworth ; in the following spring marched to Fort Gibson, Indian Territory ; at Forts Washita and Arbuckle until spring of 1858 ; in the Utah Expedition ; stationed at Camp Floyd until spring 1860; on the march to Arizona, and in the field against Apaches under Cochise until June, 1861 ; engaged in two fights at Apache Pass, on the 5th and 8th of Feb- ruary, 1861, and wounded in the last; in New Mexico until spring 1863 ; engaged at Valverde, also skirmishes at Albu- querque and Peralto, N.M. ; corporal, ser- geant, and 1st sergeant in regiment; ord- nance sergeant U.S.A. at Fort Simmons ; defenses of Washington Until August 10, 1863 ; appointed 2d lieut. 7th Infantry ; promoted 1 lieut. 10th May, 1864 ; on regi- 266 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS IT. S. ARMY. mental recruiting service, and with regi- ment in New York Harbor, at Forts La- fayette and Scliuyler until May 3, 18G5; out of service; private, sergeant, quarter- master sergeant 2d Battalion I6lh In- fantry; at Lookout Mountain, Nashville, and Memphis, Tenn^ ; re-appointed 2 lieut. 7th Infantry May 28, 18G6 ; joined regi- ment at St. Augustine, Florida, and served at Fernandina and Gainesville until spring 1869 ; at Camp Douglas, Utah, until JVIay, 1870; promoted 1st lieut. March 1, 1872; in Montana until September, 1870 ; on re- cruiting service at Columbus Barrack%, Ohio, until autumn 1878 ; in command of company at Alleghany Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., from July 22 until August 20, 1877, protecting public property against rioters ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., and in Ute cam- paign of 1879 ; at Cantonment Bad Lands, D.T., from June, 1880, to November, 1882 ; since then at his present station, Fort Laramie, Wyo. Burnett, Levi F. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; private Com- pany A, 84th New York Infantry, Au- gust, 1862 ; engaged at the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Md. (severely wounded) ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps August, 1863; discharged May, 1864 ; 2 lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps May, 1864 ; adjutant 21st Regiment Vet- eran Reserve Corps Maj', 1864 ; acting as- sistant adjutant-general in the office of the acting assistant-provost-marshal-general, disbursing officer, and superintendent of volunteer recruiting service. Wheeling, Va., August, 1864, to May, 1865; adju- tant post of Trenton, N. J., to January, 1866; bureau duty, Louisville, Ky., March, 1866; brevet 1 lieutenant volun- teers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of South Mountain, Md. ; brevet captain volunteers for gallant and meritorious services at the baitle of An- tietam, Md. ; 2 lieutenant 36th Infantry May, 1867 ; brevet 1 lieutenant U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war ; on bureau duty at Louis- ville, Ky., from Feb. 1866, to April, 1869; transferred to 7th Infantry May 19, 1869 ; 1 lieutenant May 10, 1873 ; adjutant 7th Infantry Nov. 5, 1874, to Oct. 1, 1880; ;ict. asst. adjt.-gen. " District of Montana" Nov. 5, 1874, to Sept. 1878; on recruiting service Oct. 1, 1880, to Oct. 6, 1882. Kendrick, Frederick M. H. Born in New York. Appointed from Tennessee ; private 10th New York National Guards April to July, 1861; 2 lieutenant 31st Massachusetts Infantry December, 1861 ; provost duty New Orleans, La., May to August, 1862 ; captain 1 Loui^ana In- fantry August, 1862 ; engaged m the ac- tions of Grand Lake, Irish Bend, New Town, Vermilionville, Op^lousas, Cane River, siege and assault of Port Hudson, and action of Donaldsonville, La. ; cap- tain Veteran Reserve Corps March, 1864, to October, 1867 ; engaged in the defense of Washington during the rebel General Early's raid 1864; guarding prisoners at Elmira, N. Y., September, 1864, to July, 1865; mustering duty at Buffalo, N. Y., to Dec. 1865; awaiting orders in N. Y., to March, 1866; acting assistant adjutant- general, and acting inspector-general bureau of refugees, freedmen, and aban- doned land.-', Memphis, Tenn.,tG October, 1867 ; 2 lieutenant 7th Infantry October, 1867 ; with regiment in Florida from Dec. 1867, to May, 1869; with regiment in Dept. of the Platte from May, 1869, to May, 1870 ; in Montana from May, 1870, to Jan. 1883; engaged in Sioux campaign 1876 ; promoted 1st lieutenant Aug. 9, 1877 ; with regiment in Dept. of the Platte from Jan. 1883. Van Orsdale, John T. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872 ; 2d It. 7l1i Inf. June 14, '72 ; 1st It. Aug. 20, '77. Booth, Charles A. Born in Vt. Apptd. from Vt. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1872; 2d It. 7th Inf. June 14, '72; 1st It. April 15, 1878. Worden, Charles A. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; grad- uated from Militarj' Academy June, 1872 ; 2d lieutenant 7th Infantry June 14, 1872; 1st lieutenant March 20, 1879. Harden, Edward E. Born in Kj'. Apptd. from Ky. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874 ; 2d It. 7th Inf. June 17, '74 ; 1st It. March 4, '81 ; R.Q.M. March 31, '82. Young, George S. Born in Va. Apptd. from W. Va. ; 2d It. 7th Inf. Jan. 20, '75 ; 1st It. March 31, '82. Johnson, Alfred B. Born at Fort Ter- rett, Tex. (now abandoned). Appt. from Minnesota as 2d lieutenant 7th U. S. In- fantry Oct. 15, 1875, and ordered to duty at Fort Shaw, Montana ; participated in the Sioux campaign on tlie Yellowstone in 1876 ; in June, 1877, was made A.A.Q M. and ordered to Missoula, Montana, to build the new post of Fort Missoula ; in January, 1878, was ordered to duty at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, where he re- mained until May, when he again joined his company at Fort Shaw, M. T. ; in the field during summer of 1879 on Muscle- shell River, in Montana ; in October was ordered to Ft. Snelling, Minn., where he remained doing company duty until July, EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 267 1880, whon he was ordered to Fort Ste- venson. D. T., remaining tliere until Oc- tober, 1880, when he was ordered to tlie headquarters of the Department at Saint Paul, Minn., for duty, where he remained until November, 1882, when he was re- lieved from duty and ordered to join iiis company then en route to Fort Bridger, "Wyoming; promoted 1st lieutenant IMay 1, 1882; served as A.A.Q.M. and com- manding his company from Nov. until April, 1883, when he was ordered to Fort Fred Steele, Wyoming, where he per- formed the duties of post adjutant until May 1, when he was ordered to report to Brig.-Oeneral Alfred H. Terry, U. S. A., Ft. Snelling, Minnesota, commanding De- partment of Dakota, for duty as aide-de- camp, upon which duty ho is at present. Second Lieutenants. Woodbridge, Francis, Born in Mich- igan. A]ipt)inted from Pa. ; pvt. gen. ser. Mav 11, '69 ; disch. July 1, '74 ; 2 It. 7 Inf. Feb. 1, '76; ncc. Feb. 19, '76. Jackson, James B. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 lieut. 5 Inf. June 15, '77; 2 It Inf. Aug. 9, '77. Frederick, Daniel A. Born in Ga. Appointed from Georgia ; graduated from Militarv Academy June, 1877; add. 2 It. 10 Inf."'june 15, 1877; 2 It. 7 Inf. Aug. 9, 1877. Greene, Lewis D. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; graduated from Military Academy June, 1878; 2d lieutenant 7 Infantry June 14, 1878. Howell, Daniel L. Born in Iowa. Ap- pointed from Iowa; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. 7 Tnf. June 13, '79. McCoy, J. Espy. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; 2 It. 7 Inf. Sep. 1, ■79 ; ace. Oct. 18, '79. Barbour, John L. Born in Missouri. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. 7 Inf. June 11, '81. Mclver, George W. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Caro- lina; graduated from Milit>iry Academy June 12, 1882; 2 lieutenant 7th Infantry June 13, 1882. Goodin, James A. Born in Kentucky. Apptd. from Kv. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. 7 Inf. June 18, '82. EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Colonel. Kautz, Augustus V. Born in Ger- many. Appointed from Ohio; private Co. G, 1st Ohio Vols., June 8, 1840 ; dis- charged June 14, 1847; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1852; brevet 2d It. 4th In- fantry Julv 1, 18.52; second It. March 24, 1853; 1st "it. Dec. 4, 1855; on frontier duty 1852-59 ; engaged in various actions with hostile Indians, and twice wounded ; served during the war of the Rebellion ; captain Gth Cav. May 14, 1861 ; col. 2d Ohio Cavalry Sept. 2, 1862; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular campaign ; in command at Camp Chase, Ohio, Dec. 1862-April, 1863; Army of the Ohio April, 1863, to Jan. 1864; cap- ture of Gen. Morgan 1863; actions of East Tennessee campaign Nov. -Dec. 1863 ; in command of cavalry division. Army of the James, April, 1864, to March, 1865, jiarlicipating in the operations about Petersliurg and Richmond ; in command of 1st Division 25th Army Corps March- May, 1865; acting judge-advocate-gen- eral, Military Division of the Gulf, March-Aug. 1866 ; on duty at Nashville and Grenada 1867 ; brevet major June 9, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Monticello, Ky.; brig. -gen. vols. May 7, 1864 ; brevet lieut. -col. June 9, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in an attack on Petersburg, Va. ; brevet col. Oct. 7, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in action on the Darbytown Road, Va. ; brevet major-gen. vol. Oct. 28, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious services during the campaign against Richmond, Va. ; brevet brig. -gen. and brevet major-gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; mustered out of vol- unteer service Jan. 15, 1866; It.-col. 34th Infantry July 28, 1866; transferred to 1.5th Infantry March 15, 1869; col. 8th Infantry June 8, 1874; in command of Dept. of Arizona March, 1875, to March, 1878 ; commanding post of Angel Island, Cal., since March, 1878; member of the military commission that tried the assas- sins of President Lincoln, May and June, 1865 ; author of The Company Clerk, Cus- toms of Service for Non-Comrnissioned Officers and Soldiers, and Customs of Ser- vice for OtEcers. Lieutenant-Colonel. Bryant, Montgomery. Born in Kan- sas. Appointed from Missouri ; second lieutenant 0th U.S. Infantry February, 1857 ; with company, and acting assistant quartermaster and assistant commissary of subsistence at Fort Kearney, N. T., to May, 1858; en route to Utah with the Utah expedition, and en route to Benicia, Cal. ; at Fort Yuma, Cal. ; engaged in expedition against the Mojave Indians; at Fort Mojave, A. T., April, 1859, to 268 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS V.S. ARMY. May, 1861 ; first lieutenant 6th U.S. In- fantry May, 1861 ; eti route across the desert to Los Ano;eles, Cal., and at that post to August, 1861 ; captain 6th U.S. Infantry June, 1861 ; commanding two companies en 7-oute to reinforce Fort Yuma, Cal., and at that post to October, 1861 ; en 7'oiite to San Diego, Cal., and Washington, D. C, to December, 1861 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, and Fredericksburg, Va. ; at Fort Hamilton, AVillett's Point, and Fort "Wood, New York Harbor, August, 1863, to JMay, 1865; recruiting duty October, 1863, to March, 1864 ; in the Department of the South, at Hilton Head, Orange, 1868; commanding post of Fort Gibson, C. N., June to October, 1867; brevet major U.S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Freder- icksburg, Va. ; commanding post of Fort Gibson, C. N., from Januarv, 1868, to '69; major 14th Inf. Oct. 7, '74; It.-col. 8th Inf. June 22, '82. 3Iajor. Burt, ATidrew S. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; sergt. Co. A, 6 Ohio Vols., April 12, '61 ; dischgd. July 16, '61 ; 1 It. 18 Inf. May 14, '61, ace. July 16, '61 ; capt., A.A.D.C. April 3, '62, ace. April 2.5, '62; bvt. capt. June 19, '62, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Mill Spring, Ky." ; capt. 18th Inf. May 80, '63; vac. com. of capt. A.A.D.C. May 30, '63; bvt. maj. Sept. 1, '64, "for gal. smd mer. ser. dur. the Atlanta campaign, and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga."; trs. to 27 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 9 Inf. June 14, '69; maj. 8th Inf. 1883. Captains. Andrews, John N. Born in Del. Ap- pointed from Del. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1860 ; bvt. 2 It. of Inf. Jan. 1, '60 ; 2 It. 8 Inf. Jan. 28, '61 ; 1 It. May 14, '61 ; Army of Potomac '61-63; bvt. capt. Aug. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Cedar Mountain ; 9 Army Corps 64-65; capt. 8 Inf. June 21, '64; bvt. major Nov. 29, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Franklin ; 8 Army Corps '65; bvt. It.-col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion. Worth, William S. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; second lieu- leiuint 8th U. S. Infantry April, 1861 ; first lieutenant 8lh U. S. Infantry June, 1861 ; regimental adjutant September, 1861; resigned adjutancy March, 1862; aide-de-camp to General A. J. Smith and engaged in the Corinth campaign ; aide- de-camp to General Hunt, chief of artil- lery, Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the different campaigns of that army from September, 1862, to April, 1865; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallantry in the attack on the enemy's lines before Petersburg, Va. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in the lines before Petersburg and in the opera- tions of the army from April 1 to 10, 1865 ; captain 8th U. S. Infantry January, 1866. Baily, Charles M. Born in Indian Ter- ritory. Appointed from Massachusetts; 2d lieutenant 8th Infantry March 7, 1867 ; accepted May 17, 1867 ; joined company (E) June 21, 1867, at Raleigh, N. C. ; at Lancaster, S. C, Nov. 1 to 14, 1868, in command of detachment 8th Infantry assisting civil authorities in preserving peace; at Charleston, Summerville, Co- lumbia, Chester, S. C, Tallahassee, Fla., and Brunswick, Ga., to October, 1870; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from Octo- ber, 1870, to October, 1871 ; Chicago, 111., October, 1871, to May, 1872; Fon Cam- eron, Utah, May, 1872, to July, 1874; acting assistant quartermaster Fort Apa- che, Arizona Ty., from October 7, 1874, to May 27, 1877 ; acting commissary sub- sistence from Sept. 12, 1875, to Mav 27, 1877; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. Fort AVhip- ple, Arizona Ty., from June 30, 1877, to March 12, 1878; promoted 1st lieutenant (F) to date from May 30, 1877 ; in charge of ofiice chief commissary subsistence De- partment of Arizona from April 13, 1878, to May 15, 1878; appointed regimental quartermaster October 1, 1878; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., from September 15, 1878, to March, 1880; at Angel Island, Cal., from March, 1880; present station '83; in the field (Arizona Territory) from Sep- tember 5, 1881, to December 20, 1881; appointed regimental adjutant March 1, 1882. Porter, Charles. Born in Ireland No- vember 26, 1838. Enlisted April 26, 1858 ; served in Company E, 5th Infantr}', and as quartermaster-sergeant of regiment, August, 1858, to November, 1863 ; at va- rious posts in Utah and New Mexico; participated in campaign against Navajo Indians winter of 1860-1861, and in oper- ations against Confederate forces in New Mexico, 1862; appointed second lieutenant Company A, Filth Infantry, October 31, 1863; commanding company from Decem- ber, 1863, until September, 1866 ; oper- ating against Indians on the plains and in New Mexico September to December, 1864, March to July, 1865; commanding Fort Marcy, N. M., August to November, 1865 ; at Fort Sumner, N. M., December, 1865, to September, 1866; in command of EIGHTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 2C9 Compsiny E, Fifth Infontry, September to December, 186G; en route io and at Fort Bayard, N. M. ; A.A.Q.M. and A.aS. of post December, 1806, to June, 1807; at Fort Sumner, N. M., with Company A until November, 1867; commandinu; de- tachments of Companies I and G, Third Cavalry, in action ag-ainst Navajo Indians at the 15osyne Kediimlo, N. M., July, 1807; slightly wounded; at Fort Lyon, Colorado, from November, 1867, to April, 1808; en route to Jeflt'erson City Peniten- tiary, Mo., with prisoners, April, 1868; on leave of absence April-May, 1808 ; on duty at Bedloe's Island, New York Har- bor, J\Iay to August, 1808; en route with recruits to Fifth Infantry August and Sep- tember, 1808; operating against hostile Indians on the plains from October, 1868, to February, 1869; A.A.Q.M. at Fort Wallace, Kansas, October to December, 1869 ; transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, January 18, 1870; on duty with company at Columbia, S. C, and with Company C at Spartanburg, S. C, from March to October, 1870; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, with company from Octo- ber, 1870, to July 5, 1872 ; en route to Fort Eice, Dakota, and on Yellowstone expedi- dion to October, 1872; promoted captain Company B, August 1, 1872 ; commanding company from September, 1872, to March, 1879 ; at Omaha Barracks, Nebraska, from October, 1872, to May, 1873 ; en route to DaKota on Yellowstone expedition, and on return route therefrom to Fort D. A. Eus- sell. Wyoming, from May to October, 1873 ; at Fort^D. A. Eussell to February 22, 1874; en route to and at Spotted Tail Agency, Dakota, February until July, 1874 ; en route to Camp Verde, Arizona, until September, 1874 ; at Camp Verde until October, 1875; at Preseott, Arizona, until July, 1876; at Camp Verde, A. T., until July, 1878; commanding Compan\^ B, Indian Scouts, on scouts after hostile Apaches in September and October, 1876; commanding post June to December, 1877, May to J uly, 1878 ; commanding Company B, Indian Scouts, June, 1877, to July, 1878 ; in command of scouts after hostile Apaciies September, 1877, January, Feb- ruary, xVpril, May, and June, 1878; on Bannock campaign in Oregon and Idaho July to October, 1878 ; at" Fort Yuma, Cal., in command of post, October, 1878, to April, 1879; on leave of absence April to xiugust, 1879 ; on general recruiting service August, 1879, to August, 1880; commanding company from September 1, 1880, to present date ; at Beniciu Barracks, Cal., until September, 1881 ; on detached service with companj' against hostile Apa- ches in Arizona September 6 to December 21, 1881 ; at Benicia B.irracks, Cal., from December 21, '81, to July 26, '82 ; en route to, stationed at, in command of. Fort Gas- ton, Cal., from Jiily 20, '82, to February 20, 1883, present date ; acting Indian agent Hoopa Valley Agency, Cal., August 1, '82, to date. Corliss, Augustus W. Born in Maine, ISIarch 25, 1837. Appointed from the army; second lieutenant and adjutant 1st New England (afterwards 1st Rhode Island) Cavalry from December 26, 1801, until February 24, 1802; 1st litnitenant 7th Squadron Ehode Island Cavalry June 14, 1862; mustered in June 24, 1862 ; pro- moted major and commanding squadj'on same date ; mustered out October 2, 1862 ; major 2d Eegiment Ehode Island Cavalry October 3, 1802; mustered in December 24, 1802 ; lieutenant-colonel January 15, 186.3; mustered in January 19, 1863 ; re- signed July 11, 1863; engaged in battles at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and Antie- tam, Maryland, in September, 1862, and at Franklin, Louisiana, and siege and capture of Port Hudson, Louisiana, in 1863; private Company " H," 2d Battal- ion 15lh U. S. Infantry, March 14, 1865; 1st sergeant April 1, 1865; 2d lieutenant July 21, 1865; 1st lieutenant July 21, 1865 ; adjutant 1st Battalion October, 1865; transferred to the 33d U. S. Infan- try by reorganization of the army Septem- ber 21, 1866; regimental quartermaster January 17, 1867 ; in charge of National cemeteries at Marietta and Andcrsonville, Georgia, from May 9, 1807, to March 27, 1869 ; in reduction of the army was as- signed to Company "B," 8th U. S. In- fantry, at Goldsboro', North Carolina, May 3, 1869; on duty with company at Goldsboro' until November 1,1869; Ea- leigh November 1, 1809, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, from November 0, 1869, to February 22, 1870 ; on duty with com- pany at Charleston, South Carolina, and with detachments at Brunswick, Georgia, and at Abbeville, South Carolina, from February 22, 1870, until October 24, 1870; with company at David's Island, New York Harbor, from October 28, 1870, to July 5, 1872; commanding company on Yellowstone expedition 1872; on duty with company at Omaha Barracks, Ne- braska, from October 18, 1872, until May 24, 1873; captain 8ih U..S. Infantry (Company " C") May 29, 1873 ; command- ing Company on Yellowstone expedition from May 24 to October 14, 1873 ; on duty with company at Fort David A. Eussell, Wyoming Territory, from October 14, 1873, to February 22, 1874 ; commanding company in Sioux expedition, and at Spotted Tail Indian Agency, from Feby. 270 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 22, 1874, to July 15, 1874; ordered with regiment to Arizona July 29, 1874, and comniandini^ company, and Fort Mc- Dowell, Arizona, from September 27, 1874, to June 23, 1878; on duty with company in the Bannock Indian cara- jiai<;n June to September, 1878; on duty with company and commanding; Fort Mc- Dermit, Nevada, from September, 1878, to April 29, 1880; on duty with company at Benicia IJarriicks, California, from May 3, 1880, to May 19, 1880; on duty with company at Angel I-land, San Francisco Harbor,' California, from May 20, 1880, to August 9, 1882, except while on duty with company in the Apache campaign in Arizona from September to December, 1881 ; on duty with company at Fort Halleck, Nevada, from August 11, 1882, to date, February, 1883. Wells, Daniel T. Born in Vermont. Ap|)ointed from the army ; second lieu- tenant 1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry October, 1861 ; first lieutenant and cap- tain 1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry ; with regiment in the field to August, 186:?, and engaged in the operations of Banks' Corps ; captured by the rebels at the battle of id Bull Run, Va. ; paroled for three months to conduct prisoners of war to Union lines; joined regiment in the field, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign ; second lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry February, 1863; with 1st Mich- igan Volunteer Cavalry to August, 1863 ; joined 8lh U. S. Infantry August, 1863 ; on detached service with prisoners to John- son's Island, New Orleans, La., Fortress Monroe, and Middle Military Department; at Hart's Island, N.Y.H., to April, 1864; with company in the 9th Army Corps ; commissary of musters 18th Army Corps June to December, 1864; engaged at the siege of Petersburg, battle of Chapin's Farm, and capture of Fort Harrison ; joined company near Baltimore, Md., De- cember, 1864; commanding company to February, 1865 ; acting assistant inspector- general 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, to April, 1865; with company to May, 1865; assistant commissary of mus- ters, 8th Army Corps, to August, 1865 ; aide-de-camp to Gen. Ayres, and acting assistant adjutant-general, Winchester, Va., January to April, 1866; first lieu- tenant 8th U. S. Infantry February, 1866 ; commanding company at Raleigh, N. C, to June, 1866, and atMorgantown, N. C, to September, 1866 ; acting assistant ad- jutant-general Military Command of North Carolina to April, 1867 ; regi- mental adjutant November, 1866; adju- tant. Post of Raleigh, N. C. ; resigned position of regimental adjutant March, \ 1868; commanding company June to De- cember, 1868 ; Sub-Post of Laurensville, S. C, October to November, 1868 ; at Co- lumbia, S. C, to March, 1870; Spartan- burg, S. C, to July, 1870; commanding company April to May, 1870; captain loth Dec, '74; frontierduty 1870-83. Savage, Egbert B. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 1st lieuten- ant 115th New York Infantry August, 1862; captain November, 1862; engaged at the actions of Maryland and Bolivar Heights and Harper's Ferry, Va., and at the surrender of that post to the rebels, September, 1862 ; at Parole Camp, Chi- cago, HI., to November, 1862; in the Department of the South, and engaged at the action of Camp Finnegan and battle of Olustee, Fla. ; in the Army of the James, and engaged at the action of Ches- ter Heights, Bermuda Hundred, battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, explosion of the mine, actions of Deep Bottom, Chapin's Farm (wounded), first and second expedi- tions to Fort Fisher, N. C. ; transferred to the 47th New York Infantry June, 1865 ; honorably mustered out August, 1865 ; 2(1 and 1st lieutenant 15th Infantry February, 1866 ; transferred to 33d Infantry Septem- ber, 1866; at post of Selma, Ala., from to ; transferred to 8th Infantry May 3, 1869; captain May 30, 1877. Wilhelm, Thomas. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; captain 6th Pennsylvania Infantry from April 22 to July 26, 1861 ; captain 2d Pennsylvania Artillerv from December 19, 1861, to November 24, 1862; major 2d Pennsj'lvania Artillery from November 25, 1862 ; colonel Pennsylvania volunteers from April 20, 1864; commanding First Brigade, First Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1864 ; wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor ; acting assistant inspector-general First Division, Twentj'- second Corps, 1864 ; honorably mustered outof service July 11, 1865; appointed cap- tain Seventh United States Veteran Volun- teers July 19, 1865, and ordered to Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, as provost-marshal of that city ; mustered out of the latter regiment April 24, 1866, and appointed second lieutenant 8th Infantry May 11, 1866 ; on duty with Company F at New- hern, North Carolina, from June 30, 1866, to December 26, 1867 ; first lieutenant 8th Infantry August 14, 1866 ; on duty with Company C at Georgetown, South Carolina ; acting assistant quartermaster and commissary of subsistence from De- cember 28, 1867, to January 23, 1868; on detached service at Salisbury, North Caro- lina, superintending work at the Na- tional Cemeterj^, from January 23 to Feb- EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 271 ruary 26, 1868; adjutant 8th Infantry March 1, 1868; on duty at Raleigh, North Carolina, from March 1st to 16th ; at Charleston, South Carolina, from May 18 to July 20, 1868; at Summcrville, South Carolina, July-August, 1868; brevetted captain U.S.A. for gallant and merito- rious services at the battles of the Wilder- ness ; brevetted major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor; at Columbia, South Caro- lina (acting assistant adjutant-general District of South Carolina from August 14, 1868, to February 1, 1861)), from Au- gust 25, 1868, to October 23, 1870; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from Octo- ber 28, 1870, to July 5, 1872 ; en route to Omaha Barracks, Nehra^a, from July 5, 1872, to July 11, 1872; at Omaha Bar- racks, Neb., from July 11, 1872, to Oct. 1, 1872; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from Oct. 2, 1872, to July 18, 1874 ; enroute to Arizona from July 18, 1874, to September 4,1874; at Fort Whipple, A. T., from September 4, 1874, to March 12, 1878 ; at Angel Lsland, Cal., from March 21, 1878, to June 27, J1878; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., from June 27, 1878, to February 5, 1880, and at Angel Island, Cal., since February 6, 1880 ; promoted captain 8th Infantry (Co. F) June 7, 1879 ; acting as- sistant adjutant-general and acting judge- advocate of the Department of Arizona from March, 1875, to February, 1878 ; on duty as acting judge-advocate at hdqrs. Division of the Pacific and Department of California from Feb. 25, 1882, to Nov. 8, 1882. Whitney, Folliot A. Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. ; 2 It. 1 Md. Cav. April 25, '62 ; must, out April 7, '63 ; paid to April 8, '63 ; 2 It. Vet. Res. Corps June 6, '63, ace. June 11, '63; 1 It. vol. bvti, capt. vol. bvt., and maj. vol. bvt., March 13, '63, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices ; must, out June 18, '66 ; 2 It. 8 Inf. May 15, '66, ace. June 20, '66 ; 1 It. Nov. 21, '66 ; regtl. q.m. May 17, '77, to Sept. 19, '78 ; regtl. adjt. July 4, '79 ; captain Feb. 6, '82. Powell, James W. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; private Co. A, 13 Ohio Inf. April 22 to Aug. 18, '61; 1 It. 1 Ohio Inf., Aug. 24, '61 ; engaged at the battle of Shiloh and siege of Corinth ; res. June 17, '62 ; capt. 10 U. S. Colored Inf. Nov. 30, 1863 ; engaged in the campaign Army of the James before Richmond, Va., 1864 to 1865, and in the expediiion to Texas; must, out vols. May 17, 1866; 2 It. 15 Inf. March 28, 1866 ; trans, to 33 Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; 1 It. March 7, 1867 ; trans, to 8 Inf. May, '69 ; i>romoted capt. July 3, 1883. First Lieutenants. Winslow, Gordon. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; private 6 N. Y. Inf. August, 1862; 2 It. 5 N. Y. Inf. August, 1862 ; engaged at the battle of Antietam, action of i>lackford's F(ird, and battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; 1 It. De- cember, 1862 ; engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville ; regiment must, out May, 1863 ; remust. as 1 It. 5 New York Inf. October, 1863 ; engaged at the battles of Bethesda Church and Petersburg, Va. ; capt. July, 1864, and engaged at the bat- tles of the Weldon Railroad, Chapel House, and Hatcher's Run, Va. ; acting aide-de-camp to Gen. Warren Nov. 1864, and engaged at the battles of Dabney Mills, actions of Quaker Road, ]5ovdton Plank Road, White Oak Road, battle of Five Forks, and capitulation of Af>pomat- tox Court-House, Va. ; must, out August, 1865; 2d lieut. loth Inf. March, 1866; trans, to 13 Inf. September, 1866 ; 1 It. January 17, 1867; at Eufala, Ala., from to ; transferred to 8 Infantry May, 1869 ; bvt. major vol.-:. for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; engaged in suppressing riots on 7th Ave- nue, New York City, July, 1863. Earnest, Cyrus A. Born in Ohio. Appointed frf)m Ohio ; private 2d Ohio Infantry April to July, 1861 ; engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run,Va.; private 30th Ohio Infantry August, 1861 ; 1st ser- geant to November, 1861; 2d lieutenant Nov. 1861 ; engaged in the action of Car- nifex Ferry and battles of 2d Bull Run, Va., and South Mountain, Md. ; 1st lieu- tenant June, 1862, and commanding com- pany at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; regimental adjutant March, 1863 ; captain May, 1863, and engaged at the siege and assault of Vickshurg, Miss., siege of Jack- son, battles of Kenesaw Mountain, At- lanta, and Jonesboro', Ga. ; actingassistant inspector-general 2d Division, 15th Corps, August, 1864; engaged in Sherman's march to the sea, assault of Fort McAl- lister, Ga., campaign of the Carolinas, and battle of lientonville, N. C. ; major May, 1865; major and aide-de-camp, volunteers, June, 1865; on the stall" of Major-General W. B. Hazen ; mustered out volunteers August, 1865, and as A. D. C. February, 1865 (G. O. 71, A. G. O. 66). Civil his- tory: graduate Sterling INLedical College, Columbus, O., Feb. 1867 ; 2d lieut. 3.3d In- fantry July, 1866; transferred to 8th In- fantry May 3, 1869; 1st lieut. Augast 1, 1872 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel volunteers for valuable and constant services during the war, March, 1865; brevet 1st lieuten- ant U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious 272 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. services diirins; the siege of Vicksbnrg, Miss. ; liix'vet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services during the At- lanta campaign ; brevet major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Fort McAllister, Ga. ; at Mc- Pherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., 1867; post qu:irtermaster Demopolis, Ala., 1868; at Huntsville, Ala , Charleston, S. C, and Kaleigh, N. C, 1868; commanding escort to special paymaster to the Eastern Cherolcees, N. C. and Tennessee, 1869; Charleston, S.C., 1869-70; David's Island, N. Y. H., 1870-72; participated in Yel- lowstone expedition of 1872; Omaha Barracks, Neb., 1872; commanding com- pany, Yellowstone expedition of 1873 ; on Sioux campaign and camp at Spotted Tail's Agency, Dak., 1874; post quarter- master Fort Yuma, Cal., 1874 to 1878; meantime engaged in Nez Perce expe- dition, 1877; commanding Fort Yuma, Cal., Nov. 1877, to Feb. 1878; leave of absence across the sea April to November, 1878 ; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., Dec. 1878 -May, 1879 ; commanding San Diego Bar- racks, Cal., Feb.-Maj', 1879; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., 1879-80, and post quarter- master Feb.-Sejjt. 1880 ; on general re- cruiting service Oct. 1880 to Oct. 1881 (one year), with stations at Columbus Barracks, 0., Indianapolis, Ind., Rich- mond, Va., Charleston, S. C, and Provi- dence, R. I. ; post quartermaster Fort Bid- well, Cal., Jan. 1882, to Sept, 1883; at Ar.gel Island, Cal., Oct. 1883. O'Connell, John. Born in Ireland. Apptd. from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. H, 71 N. Y. Vol., May 1, '61; script. -maj. July 7, '61; 2d It. 71 N. Y. Vol.^June 16, '62; 1 It. Aug. 5, '62; capt. Mar. 16, '64 ; must, out July 30, '64; capt. 5 U.S. Vet. Vol. Feb. 11," '65; must, out Apr. 14, '66; sec- ond lieutenant 8th U.S. Infantry, Jan- uary, 1867; at Salisbury, Greensboro', and Raleigh, N. C, to May, 1868; com- manding mounted party December, 1867, to May, 1868 ; on duty in Bureau Refu- gees, Freed.men, and Abandoned Lands ; at Charleston, Summerville, and Colum- bia, S. C, to September, 1868 ; command- ing detachment 8th U.S. Infantry at Atken, S. C, to February, 1869; with company at Columbia and Charleston, S. C, Goldsboro', Raleiorh, and Chapel Hill, N. C, to October, 1870; at David's Isl- and, New York Harbor, from October, 1870, to '71 ; frontier duty 1871-83 ; 1 It. 29 May, '73. Summerhayes, John 'W. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; pri- vate 20th iMassacluisetts Volunteers Sep- tember, 1861, and engaged at the action of Ball's Bluff, Va. (wounded, taken prisoner by rebels, and escaped) ; sergeant 20th Massachusetts Volunteers, and en- gaged at the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, battles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White-Oak Swam]>, Glendale (wounded), Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antictam, and Fredericksburg ; sergeant - major 20th Massachusetts Volunteers January, 1863; second lieutenant 20th Massachusetts Vol- unteers March, 1863, and engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, action of Falling Waters, operations at Mine Run (wounded), actions of Bristoe Station, and Morton's Ford, Va. ; first lieutenant 20th Massachusetts Volunteers April, 1863; captain 20th Massachusetts Volunteers Octcmer, 1863, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania, action of Bowling Green, battles of North Anna, Po River, Cold Harbor, action of Gaines' Farm, siege of Pe- tersburg, battle of Five Forks ; A. A. Inspector-Genl. 2 Div., 2 Corps, Army of Potomac; bvt. maj. for gallant and mer. ser. in the campaign ending in the sur- render of Genl. Lee and his armv ; 2 It. 33 Inf. Jany. '67 ; bvt. 1 It. U.S.A. for gallant and mer. ser. at battle of Ball's Bluff; bvt. capt. U.S.A. for gallant and mer. ser. at battle of Cold Harbor ; trs. to 8th Inf. May 3, '69 ; 1 It. Dec. 15, '74. Ray, Henry P. Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Wisconsin ; private and sgt. 2d Wisconsin Volunteers April, 1861- 63 ; engaged at the action of Blackburn's Ford, Va., and battle of first Bull Run, Va. ; lieutenant 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery' July, 1863 ; engaged in the de- fense of Washington during the rebel General Early's raid of 1864 ; captain 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery September, 1864 ; hon. must, out 30 of Mav, '65 ; capt. 6th U. S. Vet. Inf. Aug. 14, '65; hon. must, out April 12, '66 ; second lieutenant 33d U. S. Infantry March, 18(;7; trs. to 8 Inf. 3 May, '69 ; 1st It. 31 Dec, '75. McMinn, William H. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. Co. F, 3 Cal. Vol., Nov. 12, '61 ; 1 sergt. Dec. 19, '61 ; dis- charged March 16, '62; 2 It. 3 Cal. Vol. March 27, '62 ; resgd. June 20, '63 ; 1 It. 196 Pa. Vol. July 22, '64 ; must, out Nov. 17, '64; capt. 213 Pa. Vol. March 1, '65; must, out Nov. 18, '65, paid to Nov. 23, '65; 2 It. 8 Inf. March 7, '67, ace. May 27, '67; 1 It. May 17, '77. Bailey, Charles M. Born in Ind. Ty. Apptd. from Mass. ; 2 It. 8 Inf. March 7, '67 ; 1 It. May 30, '77 ; adjt. March 1, '82. Hyde, John McE. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; private 71st New York Militia May to July, 1861; engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. NINTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 273 (woiHuled) ; 2 lieutenant 88th New York Infantry Januarj', 18(32; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of second Bull Run (wounded), Fredericksburg, and Chanoellorsville ; 1 lieutenant and adju- tant June, 1863 ; on recruiting duty New York City to October, 1863 ; 1 lieutenant and adjutant 39th New York Infantry December, 1863 ; major May, 1864 ; lieut.- colonel January, 1865 ; engaged at the action of Morton's Ford, battles of the Wilderness, action of Po lliver, battles of Spottsylvania Court-House, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Deep Piittom, Farmville, and capitula- tion of Appomattox Court-House, Va. ; mustered out volunteers May, 1865; 2 lieutenant oSd Infantry September, 1867; transferred to 8th Infantry May, 1869; 1 lieutenant March, 1878 ; bvt. It.-col. vols, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; bvt. col. vols. for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. Lynch, Edward. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from the army ; private U. S. Armj' July, 1858 ; joined the 3d XJ. S. In- fantry at Santa Fe, N. M., January, 1859 ; in New Mexico and Texas to March, 1861 ; with the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the laattle of first Bull Run, Peninsular campaign, battles of second Bull Bun, Fredericksburg, Chan- cellorsville, and Gettysburg (wounded); sergeant-major of regiment October, 1862; second lieutenant 1st Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps December, 1863 ; aide-de- camp to General Robinson, and acting assistant adjutant-general. District of Northern and Western New York, Octo- ber, 1865, to Februarj', 1866; awaiting orders to June, 1866; private 34th.U. S. Infantry August, 1866 ; sergeant 34th U. S. Infantry August, 1866 ; sergeant-major of regiment December, 1866 ; at Grenada, Miss., to August, 1868; second lieutenant 33d IT. S. Infontry July, 1868; trs. to 8 Inf. May 3, '69; 1 It. July 4, '79. Mott, Wallace. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; graduated from Military Academy June, 1871; 2 lieutenant 8 Infantry June 12, 1871 ; 1 lieutenant .July 26, 1880; regimental quar- ternuister since ]\Iarch 1, 1882. Pitcher, William L. Born in Texas. Apptd. from D. C. ; 2 It. 10 Cav. Dec. 18, '71 ; trs. to 8 Inf. June 13, '72; 1 It. Mar. 1, '82. Second Lieideyimits. Hutton, James A. Born in Gal. Ap- pointed from Cal. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1876 ; 2 It. 8 Inf. 15 June, '76. Haden, John J. Born in Mo. Apptd. from Texas ; grad. of M. A., class of 1877 ; 2 It. 8 Inf. 15 June, '77. Wilson, Richard H. Born in Mich. Apptd. from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2 It. 8 inf. 15 June, '77. Ames, Robert F. Born in R. I. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; 2 It. 8 Inf. 1 Sept. '79. Terrett, Colville P. Born in D. C. Apptd. from Md. ; i)vt. Sig. Corps 13 July, '78; discharged 16 Oct. '79; 2 It. 8 Inf. 1 Sept., '79. Hubert, Edgar. Born in Ga. Apptd. from Ga ; graduate of M. A., class of 1880; 2 It. 8 Inf. 12 June, '80. Mercer, William Allen. Born in Buf- falo, N. Y., March 19, 1855. Appointed second lieutenant 8th Infantry Nov. 23, 1880; at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from Dec. 1880, to June, '81 ; at Fort Yuma, Cal., from June, '81, to Se])t. '81; in the field, Apache campaign, from Sept. '81, to Dec. '81 ; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., from Dec. '81, to May, '82 ; at Fort McDermit, Nevada, from May to Sept. '82; member of the Department of California and Di- vision of the Pacific Rifle-Teams Aug. and Sept. '82; ordered to Benicia Barracks, Cal., Sept. '82; appointed post adjutant Nov. '82 ; now at Benicia Barracks, Cal. Stafford, John. Born in Illinois. Ap- pointed from the army ; private, corporal, and sergeant Company K, 1 Cavalry, June, 1876, to May, 1882 ; he participated in the campaign against the hostile Nez Perce Indians of Idaho in 1877, being present in the engagement with the hostiles at Rocky Canyon, Montana, Sept. 13, '77 ; took part in the JBannock and Piute war of 1878, being present in the engagement at Birch Creek, Ogn., July 8, 1878, and again at the Umatilla Agency, Ogn., July 13, 1878 ; for faithfulness in the discharge of his duties he was recommended for promotion in Jan. 1880; 2 lieutenant 8 Infantry March 27, 1882; Benicia Barracks, Cal., 1883. Smith, Charles, Jr. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from the army; pvt., corp., sgt., and 1 sgt. Co. H, 3 Art., 15 May, '80, to 14 Aug. '82; 2 It. 8 Inf. 26 July. Johnson, Henry, Jr. Born in Delaware. Appointed from California ; 2 lieutenant 8 Infantry October 15, 1875; 1st It. 8 In- fantry July 3, 1883. NINTH REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Colonel. Mason, Job S. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 274 EECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1847 ; 2fl U. 3d Art. July 1, 1847 ; 1st It. Sept. 7, '50; capt. 11th Inf. May 14, 'Gl ; served in the war of Mexico ; in ChI., frontier duty, '48-'61 ; col. 4th Ohio Vol. Oct. 3, '61; served in W. Va., Shenan- doah Valley, and Army of Potomac 'fil -63; bricr.-2:en. vol. Nov. 29, '62; Dept. of Pacific ""'64-60; maj. 17th Inf. Oct. 14, '64; bvt. It. -col., bvt. col., and bvt. brig. -gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in tlie field during the rebellion ; must, out of vol. service April 3, '66 ; trs. to 35th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trs. to 15th Inf. March 15, '69 ; It.-col. 4th Inf. Dec. 11, '73 ; trs. to 20th Inf. Feb. 25, '81 ; col. 9th Inf. '83. Lieutenintil IVIarch 22, 1869 ; acting assistant inspector-general Department of Wash- ington from September 18, 1868, to March, 1868; department discontinued, went with regiment to Department of Califor- nia ; stationed at Fort Mojave, A. T., from June, 1869, to February, 1871, most of the time commanding post ; at Angel Island, Cal., from March 7, 1871, to May, 1872; commanding at Camp McDermitt, Nev., June and Jul}', 1872 ; commanding Camp Halleck, Nev., from July 20, 1872, to June 23, 1874; recorder of Infantry Equipment Board to December, 1874 ; rejoined for duty at Camp Ilallcck, Nev., Dec. 22, 1874; detailed on recruiting ser- vice Oct. 1, 1876, to Oct. 1, 1878;'com. manding Fort Thomas, Arizona, from December, 1878, to June, 1880; absent, sick, until 1881 ; on duty at Fort Grunt, Arizona, June, July, and August, 1881 ; ordered to Fort Yuma, Cab, in Septem- ber; in tho field in pursuit of hostile Apache Indians from i^eptember to No- vember, 1881 ; comnuindiug Fort Lowell, Arizona, till Sept. 9, 1882; commanding at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., from Sept. 17, 1882. Woodruff, Edward C. Born in New York. Appointed from New .lersey ; drum-major and hospital steward 2d New Je^-sey Infantry May, 1861, fo July, 1861, and acted as an officer in the 2d New Jer- sey Infantry, and engaged at the battle of first Bull Run, Va. ; 1st lieutenant 5th New York Cavalry September, 1861, to March, 1862; mu.stered out April, 1862; 2d lieutenant 7th Infantry :March, 1862 ; joined regiment at Rouse's Point, N. Y. ; joined Army of the Potomac October, 1862; regimental adjutant, and engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg and Chan- cellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. ; 1st lieutenant September, 1863 ; with regi- ment in N. Y. Harbor August, 1863, to May, 1865; captain 7th Infantry Decem- ber, 1864 ; ordered to Florida May, 1865 ; provost-marshal disti'ict of Florida to Au- gust, 1865; aide-de-camp and acting as- sistant adjutant-general on the stiifi" of the commanding general district of Florida to December, 1866; acting assistant adjutant- general district of Florida to May, 1867 ; brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services during the war; acting assistant inspector-general district of Florida from May, 1867, to Dec. 1868; una'signed May 19, 1869; assigned to 12th Infantry July 14, 1869. Egbert, Harry C. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Pennsylvania; 1st lieutenant 12th Infantry September, 1861 ; adjutant 2d battalion 12th Infantry March, 1862; engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain ; captured and confined in Libby Prison ; exchanged November, 1862 ; engaged at the battle of Fredericks- burg ; commisssiry of musters 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, March, 1863; en- gaged at the battles of Rappahannock Station, Chancellorsville, Va., and Get- tysburg, Pa. ; captured b^^ rebels and escaped ; engaged in the operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Bethesda Church, Va. (wounded) ; 288 RECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. captain 12th Infantry April, 18G5 ; bre- vet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the Inittlo of North Anna, Va. ; brevet major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious i-ervices at the battle of Be- thcsda Church, Va. ; on inspecting duty in the State of Illinois; at Georgetown, S. C, commanding post, 1868; command- ing post of Montgomery, Ala., 1868-9; commanding post of Camp Independence, Cal., 1860-73; commanding port of Fort Yuma, Cal., 1874-5; commanding bat- talion 12th Infantry in Nez Perces cam- paign, 1877; commanding post of Benicia Barracks, Cal., 1877-8 ; commanding bat- talion 12th Infantry in Bannock cam- P'lign, 1878; commanding post of Fort Verde, Arizona, 1878-80; judge-advocate Dept. of Arizona, 1880-82, and engaged in campaigns against White Mountain and Ciiiricahua Indians, 1881-2; on duty at :Madison Barracks, N. Y., 1883. MacGowan, Alexander B. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on December 16, 1830; 1st lieut. 1st California Volunteer Infantry August 16, 1861 ; mustered in with Co. H on August 14, 1861; served in California, Arizona, and New Mexico; promoted captain 6th California Volun- leer Infantry July 11, 1863; served in California until mustered out on October 31, 18;i5 ; appointed 2 lieutenant J2th U. S. Infantry on February 23, 1866; promoted 1st lieut. same date ; served in New York, Virginia, Washington, South Carolina, and California; promoted cap- tain August 30, 1871; served in Califor- nia, Idjtlio, in Nez Perce campaign and in the Bannock campaign ; served in Ari- zona and against the Apaches in their at- tack on Fort Apache ; at present serving in New York ; at various times A.A.Q.M., A.C.S., ordnance officer, acting signal officer, and acting Indian agent. Viven, John L. Born in New York. Appointed from New Mexico ; quarter- master-sergeant 1st California Cavalry August, 1861 ; acting sergeant-major 1st California Cavalry and Infantry 1862 and 1863; district clerk and provost-ser- geant at Fort Craig, N. M. ; engaged against the rebels at Pichacho Pass, Tuc- son, A. T., and in scouting hostile In- dians; 2 lieutenant 1 New Mexico Cav- alry March, 1864; 1 lieutenant March, 1865; 2 lieutenant 12 Infantry February, 1866 ; aide-de-camp to General Carleton to May, 1866; 1 lieutenant April, 1866; in Washington, T>. C.,from Sept. 1866, to April, 1869; R.G.M. 12 Inf. '69-71; at Angel Island, Cal., '71-72; Fort Yuma, Cal., '73, '74, '75; Fort Hall, Idaho, '76- 77; at Fort Yuma, Cal., '78-79; Fort Apache, '80-81; Fort Thomas, A. T., since to Oct. '83 ; on recruiting service at St. Louis, Mo.; comdg. company in Nez Perce campaign '77, and Bannock cam- paign '78; captain 12th Infantry March 31, ■'1873; brevet captain U.S.A. for faith- ful and meritorious services during the war. Dove, William E. Born in Ohio. Ap- pt)inted from Ohio; private, corporal, and sergeant Company B, 126 Ohio Infantry, August 8, 1862, to March 24, 1865; I'st lieutenant 196th Ohio Infantry March 24, 1865; mustered out September 11, 1865; 2d lieutenant 12th Infantry Februarv 23, 1866; 1 lieutenant July 28, 1866; captain September 1, 1873. Norvell, John M. Born in Michigan. Appointed from Michigan; 2d lieutenant 2 Michigan Infantry May, 1861 ; regi- mental adjutant June, 1861 ; acting as- sistant adjutant-general of Richardson's brigade, and engaged at the action of Blackburn's Ford and battle of first Bull Run, Va. ; captain and assistant adjutant- general volunteers August, 1861 ; with First Division, 2d Army Corps, and en- gaged in the Peninsular campaign, battle of Fair Oaks, and Seven Days' Fight ; major and assistant adjutant-general vol- unteers August, 1862 ; engaged at the bat- tles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg ; assigned to 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, September, 1863, to Mar. 1864; with 2d Division, 2d Corps, to the close of the war, and engaged in all its battles from the Wilderness to the sur- render of General Lee ; brevet lieutenant- colonel volunteers for meritorious services in the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee; 1st lieutenant 31 In- fantry July 28, 1866 ; on the Upper Mis- souri River ; acting assistant quartermas- ter and assistant commissary of subsistence and commanding company at Fort Bu- ford, D. T., for two years; built most of post; unassigned May, 1869; assigned to 12 Infantry January 1, 1871 ; regimental adjutant February, 1871; brevet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet major U.S.A. for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of the Wil- derness, Va. ; at post of Angel Island, Cal., from ; captain Januarj^Sl, 1874. Brown, Hugh G. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Iowa; 2d It. 15th Iowa Vols. Dec. 1, '61 ; Lst It. July 9, '62 ; capt. A.D.C. vols. Aug. 28, '63, ace. Sept. 14, '63 ; maj. vols, bvt. Sept. 29, '64, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the campaign of 1864"; It. -col. vols, bvt. March 31, ^'65, " for gal. cond. in the field" ; 2d It. 18th Inf May 2, '66, ace. June 18, '66 ; must, out of vol. ser. July TWELFTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 289 10, 'GG; trs. toSGthlnf. Sept. 21, '06; 1st It. Nov. 25, 'GO; capt. bvt. Mar. 2, 'G7, " for gal. and mcr. ser. in the siege of Vicks- burg, Miss."; maj. bvt. JMar. 2, 'G7, " for gal. and nier. ser. in the cajitiire of Fort Harrison, Va."'; unassigned May 19, '69; assd. to 12th Inf. Dec. 15, '70; capt. Mar. 20, '79. Craigie, D. J. Born in Scotland. Ap- pointed from Iowa ; 1st lieut. 8th Iowa Infantry September, 1861 ; engaged in the fall campaign in the State of Missouri, and battle of Shiloh, Tennessee, Gth and 7th of April, 1862 ; commanding com- pany and severely wounded, being taken prisoner by the rebels and again recap- tured by friends ; absent, sick, from wounds to August, 1862; joined company near Corinth, Mississippi ; appointed aide- de-camp on tlie staif of General Thomas A. Davies, commanding Second Division, Army of the Tennessee ; engaged at battle of Corinth, Mississippi, 3d and 4lh of Oc- tober, 1862; in pursuit of retreating rebel army and minor engagements in that vicinitj' ; in the army of the reserve at the battle of luka, Mississippi ; on the staff of Gen. Davies, comdg. the District of Colum- bus, Columbus, Ky., Dist. of Holla, Kolla, Missouri, arid portion of the Missouri campaign of 1863 ; District of North Kansas, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and portion of the Missouri-Kan.sas campaign, fall of 1864; captain and assistant adju- tant-general of volunteers 1864, and as- signed to Department of Kansas ; assistant lidjutant- general District of Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, March, 1865; July, 1865, reported at Fort Leavenworth, Kan- sas, to commander Department of Kansas ; mustered out of service October 31, 1865 ; 2d lieutenant 12th Infantry May, 1866 ; joined regiment in Washington, D. C, August, 1866 ; assigned temporarily to Company G, 3d Battalion, 12th Infantry; reported for duty with his company (E), 1st Battalion, 25th August, 1866 ; ap- pointed adjutant 1st Battalion 1st Septem- ber, 1866 ; regimental adjutant 1st Decem- ber, 1866; resigned adjutancy October, 1869; assigned to and joined Company D at Fort Yuma, California, November, 1869; depot quartermaster and commis- sary of subsistence Yuma Depot, Arizona, June, 1870, to August, 1871 ; regimental quartermaster March 1, 1871, to Febru- ai'v, 1876; assigned to Company A, Fort Mojave, Arizona; detached temporarily from A to duty with Company II at Fort Halleck, Nevada; acting assisjant quar- termaster at Halleck from September, 1876, to November, 1877 ; joined company at Prescott, Arizona, May, 1878; acting assistant quartermaster at Fort Verde, Arizona, portion of 1878; depot quarter- master and assistant commi-sary of sub- sistence at Yuma Depot, Arizt)na, Novrm- ber, 1878, to March, 1879 ; hence to Whip- ])le Barraclvs, Arizona, with coni]iany, for duty; detailed assistant to Colonel Kobert N. Scott, U.S.A., in llebellion Kecord Office, War Department, Washington, D. C, June, 1879, to March, 1881 -^ brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shi- loh, Tennessee ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritoriims ser- vices at the battle of luka, Mississippi ; at headquarters of the regiment, Wash- ington, D. C., and Angel Island, Califor- nia, from December, 18()6, to October, 1869, and August, 1871, to January, 1876; captain December If!, 1880; joim-d company at Fort Grant, Arizona Terri- tory, April, 1881, from duty in Kebellion Ficcord Office, Washington, D. C. ; Fort Btiwie, Arizona Territory, with company, 1881-82; San Diego, California, portion of 1882; thence to PhUtsburg Barracks, N. Y., with company, September of 1882. Halloran, James. Born in Ireland. Enlisted April 18, 1855, and joined the 9th Infantry in its organization at Fortress Monroe, Va., as a bugler ; sailed with the regiment for Foi-t Vancouver, Washing- ton Territory, in December, 1855; served in the campaigns against the Puget Sound Indians, and participated in two engage- ments ; served in the campaign against the Yakima Indians; marched with the first troops into the Walla AV'alla Valley, and took part in the three days' encrage- ment there, and received an arrow wound in the forehead, 1856 ; served in the cam- paign against the Spokane, Cosur d'Alene and Pen d'Orille Indians, and discharged at Fort Colville, W. T., April ISih, 1860 ; commissioned 2d lieut. 1st Infantry, Washington Territory Volunteers, Sep- tember 17, 1862, and served in Oregon until mustered out of service JNIarch 17, 1865 ; appointed 2d lieut. 12th U. S. In- fantry December 1, 1866 ; served in Wash- ington, D. C, West Virginia, Arizona, and California; promoted 1st lieutenant August 30, 1871, and served in California until September, 1878, when ordered to Arizona ; was stationed at various posts in the southern part of the Territory until September, 1882, when ordered to the De- partment of the East; promoted captain October 16, 1882, and now serving at Madison Barracks, New York. First L'leuienants. Hurst, Joseph H. Born in England. Apptd. from Minn. ; sergt. Co. A, 141 Pa. Vol., Aug. 7, 'G2; dischgd. Feb. 16, 290 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 'G3; 1 It. 141 Pa. Vol. Feb. 16, 'G3 ; capt. April 21, 'Go; must, out May 28, '65, paid to May 31, '6'); 2 It. 12 Inf."Marcii 7, '67, ace. May 6, '67 ; 1 It. bvt. March 7, 'G7, ** fur gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Chanccllorsville, Va." ; capt. bvt. March 7, '67, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the bat- tle of Spottsylvania, Va." ; 1 It. 12 Inf. Jan. 31, '74. Kingsbury, George W. Born at Ches- ter, Windsor Co., Vermont, August 30, 1840; enrolled September 1.5, 1862, as a private in Co. "K," 16th Vermont Vol- unteers; appointed corporal, same com- pany, October 1, 1862; iionorably mus- tered out t)f service with company August 10, 1863 ; again enlisted January 9, 1864, as a private in Company F, 17th Vt.Vols., for three years ; honorably discharged April 9, 1864, by reason of promotion to second lieutenant same company ; engaged in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 3, and 4, 1863, and battles of Wilderness, Va., and Spottsylvania Court-House,Va., from Maj' 5 to 1-5, inclusive ; seriously wounded through the chest at the battle of Spottsyl- vania May 15, 1864, by a minie ball, cal. 69, entering left side immediately below axilla, passing within one-half inch of the heart, through the left lung, thence to the spine, pus'^ing between the spinal cord and aorta, carrying away a portion of the ver- tebra and lodging in the right side outside the 8th and 9th ribs ; honorably discharged for wounds received in action October 5, 1864 ; received three brevets, one for "gal- lant and meritoi-ious service at the battle of the Wilderness, Va." ; appointed sec- ond lieutenant V.R.C. October 25, 1864, and assiirned to the command of Companj' "D," 23d Regiment; stationed with his company at Jetfersonville, Indiana, from Dec. 1864, until May, 1865, and then at Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; at the mustering outcanipsof Wis. Vols, until Dec. 1865; on duty in the bureau R. F. and A. lands from April, 1866, to October, 18G8, in the States of V^irginia, Kentucky, and Alabama, as sub-assistant commis- sioner; appointed second lieutenant 43d Regiment of Infantry, U.S. Armj^, ]\Iay 31, 1867 ; on duty with his company, " C," at Fort Wayne, JNIichigan, from Novem- ber, 1868, to April, 1869 ; unassigned and awaiting oi-ders from April, 1869, until January, 1870; assigned to the r2th In- fantry January 5, 1870, and ordered for duty with his company, " E," at Camp Gaston, Cal. ; on duty at Camp Gaston, California, from January, 1870, to April, 1875, as acting asst. quartermaster, com- missary, and post adjutant; piirticipated in the campaign against the Modoc In- dians in Soulhern Oregon in 1873 ; was a member of the military commission for the trial of Captain Jack and other Modoc Indian prisoners of war ; quartermaster, commissary, and adjutant at Fort Kla- math, Oregon, and acting asst. adjutant- general Dist. of the Lakes ; promoted first lieutenant 12th Infantry, U.S.A., July 8, 1874; served at Angel Island, Cal., from October, 1875, until April, 1878 ; ap- pointed regimental quartermaster 12th Infantry Feb. 1, 1876, and served in this capacity until July 1 , 1879 ; quartermaster and commissary at Angel Island ; served at Whip)tle Barracks, Prescott, A. T., as A.A.Q.M., A.C.S., and post treasurer from April, 1878, until August, 1879, and at Fort Apache, A. T., until September, 1880 ; engaged repairing military wagon road until December, 1880; served at Fort Thomas, A. T., from January, 1881, until May, 1882, as A.A.Q.M., A.A.C.S., and post adjutant; total service to March 4, 1883, twenty years ; present station Madi- son Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Wilson, George S. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana; corpl. and sergt. Co. C, 17th liegt. Indiana Vol. Inftry., May, 1861, to Feb. 1864 ; 2d lieut. March 1, 1864; 1st lieut. June 3, 1864; mustered out volunteer service Aug. 8, 1865; 2d lieut. 12th U. S. Infantry July 2, 1867; regtl. adjutant June 12, 1873, to Feb. 20, 1875; 1st lieut. Dec. 28, 1876; served during war of rebellion, 1861-1865, July to November, 1861, in West Virginia; Dec. '61, to Feb. '65, in Armj' of the Cum- berland, participating with his regiment in the campaign of that army in Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia; regiment served as mounted infantry in " Wilder's Brigade" from Feb. 1863, until mustered out of service; Feb. to May, 1865, on cavalry raid, under Major-General J. H. Wilson, through Alabama and Georgia ; participated in the following engagements : Assault on Green Briar, W. Va., Oct. 2, '61 ; battle of Hoo- ver's Gap, Tenn., June 24, 'G3 ; operations around Chattanooga, Tenn., August 20- Sept. 10, '63; affair at Thompson's Cove, Tenn., Oct. 3, '68; affair at McMinnville, Tenn., Oct. 4, '63; battle of Farmington, Tenn., Oct. 7, '63; affairs at Woodland, Pumpkin-Vine (twice), Big Shanty, Ga., May 18 to 28, '64 (Atlanta campaign); battle of Kenesaw Mtn., Ga., June 27, '64; affair at Stone Mtn., July 19, '64; affair at Flat Rock, Ga., July 27-28, '64; in trenches around Atlanta, Ga., under fire Aug. 1 to 14, '64; from Atlanta, Ga., iva Rome, down Coosa River, Oct. 5 to 31, '64, ten engagements; Ebenezer Church, Fla., April 1, and Selma, Ala., April 2, '65 (Wilson's cavalry raid) ; in latter en- TWELFTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTKY. 291 gagement was severely wounded while commanding company ; August 8, 'G5, to July 2, '67, out of service ; reported for duty with i2th Infantry August 1, '67; served in "Washington, D. C, and West Va. August to Dec. '67; January, '68- March, '69, in South Carolina and Ala- bama ; April, '60, to Sept. '82, in Califor- nia, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. Haskell, Harry L. Born in Maine. Apptd. from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. A, 125.N. Y. Vol., Aug. 26, '62; sergt.-maj. 125 N. Y. Vol. Aug. 26, '62; 2 It. 125 N. Y. Vol. March 16, '63 ; capt. Dec. 7, '63 ; must, out Sept. 22, '64 ; capt. 7 U. S. Vet. Vol. May 10, '65 ; must, out April 27, '66 ; 2 It. 12 Inf. Aug. 30, '67 ; ace. Sept. 3, '67 ; unassd. June 3, '69 ; assd. to 12 Inf. Aug. 3, '70; 1 It. June 30, '77. Tassin, Augustus G. Born in France. Appointed from Indiana ; 1 lieutenant 35 Indiana Iniantry September, 1861 ; en- gaged at the action of Mill Spring, Ky., New Hope, DubWin's Ford, battle of Stone River, and action of Snow Hill; captain Jun(», 1863 ; engaged at the action of Cum- berland Gap, battle of Perryville, actions of Mielhnont, battle of Chickamauga (wounded), action of Ringgold, battles of Lookout Mountain (wounded), Chatta- nooga, jMi.ssionary Ridge, and Ringgold, actions of Tunnel Hill, Rocky- Faced Ridge, Buzzards' Roo!;t, battles of Dalton, Resaca, actions of Pumpkin-Vine Ridge and Dallas, battle of New Hope Church and Kene.^aw Mountain (wounded three times) ; lieut.-colonel July, 1864 ; engaged at the actions of Smyrna and Chattalioo- chie River, battles of Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro', and Lovejoy Station, actions tif Athens and Columbia, battles of Franklin (wounded) and Nashville (wounded); topographical engineer on the staff of General Whittaker, in charge of the supplj'-trains and .pontoniers, Army of the Cumberland, receiving the thanks of Major-General Thomas for construct- ing within two (2) hours in the face of the enemy and u'nder fire of Forrest's Cavalry, covering the retreat of Hood's arm}' after the battle of Nashville, the ponton-bridge across Duck River, Co- lumbia, Tenn., on which the Army of the Cumberland crossed in its pursuit of Hood's shattered forces towards the Ten- nessee River; colonel 35 Indiana Infantry !March, 1865; commanding a brigade, District of Texas, to October, 1865; de- clined the brevets of brigadier- and major- general U. S. Volunteers; captain 12 In- fantry July, 1866; brevet m«jor U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tenn. ; brevet lieu- tenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Atlanta, Ga. ; brevet colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet brigadier-general for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain ; declinpd the brevet of major-general U.S.A.; stationed with regiment at Washington, D. C, October, 1866-April, 1869 ; commanding Company "I," 12th Infantry, and Forts Whipple, Strong, Corcoran, and Greble, Virginia, parts of the old defenses of the national capital, March-October, 1868; ordered with regiment to Pacific coast April, 1869, and commanding company on scouting and garrison duty at Camp Halleck, Ne- vada, April, 1869-December, 1870; com- manding Camp Halleck, Nevada, at dif- ferent periods, 1869-1870; honorably dis- charged the service of the United States at his own request December 1, 1870, to enable him to accept commission in the French Army during the Franco- Prussian war of 1870-1871; private U. S. Signal Corps June 18, 1872, to April 3, 1873, and honorably discharged as such to accept commission of second lieutenant r2th Infantry to date from March 19, 1873 ; on duty as signal officer at the School of Instruction of the Signal Service, Fort Whipple, Virginia, by order of the President of the United States, April- August, 1873; commanding Company " K," 12th Infantr}', post adjutant, quar- termaster, commissary, signal officer, and treasurer, at Camp Gaston, California, September-December, 1873 ; on duty with Company "A," 12th Infantry, and post adjutant, quartermaster, commissary, and treasurer, at Camji Wright, California, during parts of 1873-4-5; on duty with Company "A," 12th Infantry, and post adjutant, quartermaster, commissary, sig- nal officer, and treasurer, at Camp Mo- jave, Arizona, during parts of 1875, '77, and '78; commanding post and quarter- master depot at Ehrenberg, Arizona, Sep- tember, 1876-August, 1877 ; in charge of public buildings and grounds, headquar- ters Department of Arizona, April-July, 1878; promoted first lieutenant 12th In- fantry June 28, 1878; on duty in the field with Company "1," 12th Infantry, and in temporary charge of Company "H," 8ili Infantry, in Eastern Oregon, De- partment of the Columbia, in the Oregon Indian war of 1878 ; depot quarterma.ster at Umatilla, Oregon, September and Oc- tober, 1878 ; on duty willi Coinjfany " I," 12th Infantry, at Fort Grant, Arizona, November and December, 1878 ; com- manding Company "D," Indian Scouts, Department of Arizona, in the field against hostile Apaches, January-March, 292 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1879; commanding Company " D," 12th Infantry, at Fort Apache, Arizona, Mar.- June, 1879; post quartermaster and com- missary at Fort Grant, Arizona, July, 1879-Aiigust, 1880; inspector of Indian supplies at the San Carhjs Indian Agency, Arizona ; commanding Company " H," 12th Infantry, and temporarily Troop "G,'" Gth Cavalry, and post treasurer at Fort Thomas, Arizona, September, 1880- February, 1881 ; on duty at the United States Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia, since October, 1882. Smith, Frederick A. Born in N. Y. Appointed from M. A. ; cadet July 1, 'G9 ; 2d It. 12th Inf. June 1-3, '73 ; 1st It. June 28, '78, 12th Inf. ; regtl. adjt. Nov. 17, '78. Von Schrader, Frederick. Born in 111. Apptd. from Mich. ; 2d It. 12th Inf. Oct. 1, '73; ace. Oct. 15, '73; 1st It. Nov. 17, '78. Wotherspoon, William W. Born in D. C. Apptd. from D. C. ; 2d It. 12th Inf. Oct. 1, '73, aco. Oct. 10, '73 ; 1st It. March 20, '79; regtl. q.m. July 1, '79. Geary, William L. Born in California. Appointed from Pennsylvania; musician 28th Pennsylvania Infantry July, 1801, to September, 1802; graduate from M. A., class of 1874; 2d lieutenant 12th Infantry June 17, 1874; 1st lieutenant December 16, 1880. Evans, Robert K. Born in Miss. Apptd. from Miss. ; graduate M. A., class of '75; 2d It. 12th Inf. IGih June, '75; 1st It. 8th June, '82. Howard, Guy. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed at large; 2d lieutenant 12th In- fantry Aug. 31, 1876 ; 1st lieutenant July 19, 1882. Wood, Palmer G. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from Cal. ; 2d It. 7th Cal. Vol. Oct. 28, '64 ; 1st It. Dec. 7, '65 ; must, out Apr. 26, '66 ; 2d It. 5th Inf. Feb. 23, '66, ace. May 27, '66; 1st It. Jan. 7, '67; unassd. May 19, '69 ; assd. to 12th Inf. July 14, '69 ; resgd. May 24, '73 ; paid to May 31, '73; 2d "it. 12th Inf. March 1, '77, ace. March 31, '77 ; 1st it. 16th Oct. '82. Second Lieutenants. Mills, Stephen C. Born in New York. Appointed cadet from Illinois, 1873; graduated and promoted additional 2d It. 17th Infantry June 15, '77; 2d lieut. 12th Infty. June 30, '77 ; leave of absence and waiting orders June-Dec. '77; served at Angel Island, Cal., Dec. '77-April '78; detached service in Arizona April-June ; in the tield against Bannock Indians June -Sept. ; changing station Sept. -Oct. ; at Fort Apache and Camp Thomas, A. T., Oct. '78-Febry. '80; in the field comdg. Co. " D," Indian Scouts, D. of A., Febry. '80- June, '81 ; scouting in New Mexico, Ari- ztina, and Mexico ; engaged with Warm Spring Apaches, San Amlreas Caiion, N. M., April 7,^80; with Mescalero Apaches La Luz Canon, N. M., April 17, '80; leave of absence June-Sept. '81 ; in the field comdg. Indian scouts Sept. '81-June, '82; engaged with Chiricahua Apaches at Mount '^Gniham, A. T., Oct. 2, '81 ; at Dragoon Mountains, Oct. 4, '81 ; scout- ing Mexican border winter of 1881 and '82; pursuit of Chiricahua and Warm Spring Apaches April, '82 ; engaged at Sierra Media, Mexico, April 28, '82; Whipple Barracks, A. T., and changing station Julv-Sept. '82; Madison Barracks, N. Y.,Sept. '82. Waltz, Millard F. Born in N. Y. Apptd from 111. ; graduate M. A., class of '77; add. 2d It. 17th Inf. 15th June, '77; 2d It. 12th Inf. 30th June, '77. Darr, Francis J. A. Born in Ohio. Appointed at large, but living in N. Y. when appointed ; graduated from ^Military Academy June, 1880; 2 lieutenant 12 In- fantry June 12, 1880 ; served on the fron- tier in Arizona '80-81-82, in command of company of Indian scouts; s-erved in cam- paign and scouting operations against White Mountain Indians 1881 ; served in campaign and scouting operations against Chiricahua Indians in 1882, being in en- gagement with Chiricahua Indians April 29, 1882, near Hatchet Mts , Mexi.'O ; served in garrison Madison Bks., N. Y., from Nov. '82, to date. Clark, Wallis O. Born in Massachu- setts July 12, 1854. Appointed to We.-t Point 1872 ; entered 1873 ; graduated 1877 ; commissioned additional second lieut. 7th Cavalry June 15, 1877; joined at Fort A. Lincoln, Dakota, Dec. 3, '77 ; assigned to H Co., and joined at Fort Rice, Dakota, same month; commi.sfioned 2d lieut. 6th Cavalry December 31, 1877; joined at Fort Bowie, Arizona, June 17, 1878; served as post quartermaster, commissary, and adjutant, during the following twenty months; assumed command of Company C, Indian Scouts, March, 1880, from which time till July 1, 1882, was engaged scout- ing in Southeastern Arizona, being sta- tioned in the mean time at Forts Apache, Thomas, Grant, Bowie, and Camp Price; transferred to 12th Infantry Feb. 13, 1882; joined at Madison Barracks, N. Y., No- vember 10, 1882. Abbot, Charles W^., Jr. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Rhode Island ; 2 lieutenant 12 Infantry February 16, 1881. McCarthy, Daniel E. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '81 ; 2 It. 12 Inf. 11 June, '81. THIETEENTII REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 293 Barth, Charles Henry. Born in Iowa. Appointed cadet U. S. M. A. from Kan- sas Aug. 20, 1877 ; graduated June 10, 1881 ; June 11, 1881, assigned as a '2d lieut. to the 12th Infantry; .=erved with regi- ment in Arizona until Sept. 10, 1882; since then in the Dcpt. of the East. Anglum, Daniel F. Born in Massachu- setts. Apptd. from army; pvt., corpL, sgt.,»and 1 sgt. Co. C, 12 Inf., 11 June, '81, to 30 April, '82 ; 2 It. 12 Inf. 27 March, '82. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Bradley, Luther P. Born in Connec- ticut. Appointed from Illinois ; lieuten- ant-colonel 51 Illinois Infantry Octoher, 1801; on recruiting duty to February, 18G2; engaged at the capture of Island No. 10; New Madrid, actions of Farm- ington and Nashville, Tenn. ; colonel 51 Illinois Infantrj' October, 18G2 ; com- manding brigade, and engaged at the battles of Stone Eiver, Chickamauga (wounded), Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree. Creek, Atlanta, and Jonesboro", Ga. ; brigadier- general volunteers July, 1864; in the campaign against the rebel General Hood, and engaged at the battle of Spring Hill, Tenn. (wounded); resigned June, 1865; lieutenant-colonel 27 Infantry July 28, 1866; trans, to 9 Infantry March 15, 1869 ; colonel 3 Infantry March 20, 1879; trans- ferred to 13 Infantrj- June 14, 1879 ; brevet colonel U. S. A. for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Resaca, Ga. ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. A. for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. Lieutenant-Colonel. Crofton, Robert E. A. Born in Ire- land. Appointed from Del. ; capt. 16 Inf. May 14, '61 ; ace. June 21, '61 ; niaj. bvt. April 7, '62, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn." ; It. -col. bvt. Nov. 25, '63, "for gal. and mer. ser. in the battles of Chickamauga, Ga., and Mission Ridge, Tenn." ; maj. 14 Inf. Sept. 25, '68; trs. to 17 Inf. March 15, '69; It - col. 13 Inf. April 27, '79. Major. Van Horn, James J. Born in Ohio. Appointed from M. A. ; cadet July 1, '54 ; bvt. 2 It. 1 Inf. July 1, '58; 2 It. 8 Inf. Julv 19, '58; 1 It. Miiy 14, '61 ; capt. Feb. 19, "'62; maj. bvt. June 4, '64, "for gal. 20 and mer. ser. in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va." ; maj. 13 Inf. June 7, '79. CajHains. Clift, Emory W. Born in New York. Appointed from Michigan ; 1 lieutenant 13 Infantry May 14, ""1861 ; regimental quartermaster Sejitember, 1861 ; with regi- ment to February, 1862 ; acting assistant quartermaster and commissary of subsist- ence, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to April, 1862; with regiment to November, 1862; resigned staff appointment November, 1862; regimental recruiting service to May, 1868; commanding unassigned re- cruits 13 Infantry to June, 1863 ; with company to July, 1863 ; assistant provost- marshal 17th Army Corps to September, 1863 ; engaged at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; commanding company to Novem- ber, 1863, and engaged at the action of Col- liersville, Tenn. ; commanding company December to January, 1864; acting assist- ant quartermaster, Huntsville, Ala., to March, 1864 ; assistant commissary of musters, Detroit, Mich., June to Septem- ber, 1864; captain 13 Infantry September, 1864; mustering and disbursing officer to May, 1865; commanding company Sept. 186'5, to July, 1866 ; general recruiting service to March, 1868; at Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, to April, 1868; commanding company in Montana June to July, 1868; commanding escort to gov- ernment train from Fort Ellis to Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., to August, 1868; com- manding company to July, 1869, and en- gaged against hostile Indians at Shield River and Conroy's Mountain ; command- ing expedition to mouth of Museleshell River, M. T., to September, 1869 ; at head- quarters Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., October, 1869, to February, 1870; commanding company to June, 1870; at Camp Baker, M. 1'., locating site for post, to July, 1870; commanding company to Jan. 1871 ; commanding Fort Bridger, W. T., September to Oct(»ber, 1871; com- manding company from January to April, 1872, and from May, 1872, to ; com- manding p-ost of Fort Bridger,"W. T., from September, 1872, to . De Courcey, Ferdinand E. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private, corporal, and sergeant Company K, 2 Inf., December 22, 1857, to Jur.e 22, 1861 ; 2d It. 13 Inf. May 14, 1861 ; 1 It. October 24, 1861 ; captain November 21, 1865; regimental adjutant 13 Inf. October 1, 1862, to November 1, 1864. MacArthur, Arthur, Jr. Born in Mass. Appointed from "Wisconsin ; 1 lieut. 24 "Wi-consin Vol. August 4, '62 ; maj. Jan. 25, '64; It.-col. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, 294 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, Stone River, Tenn., Mission Ridge and Dan- ridge, Ga."; col. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, "for galhmt and meritorious services in the bailie of Franklin, Tenn., and in tiie Atlanta campaign"; It. -col. 24 Wis. Vol. May 18, '65; must, out June 10, '65; paid to June 21, '65; 2 It. and 1 It. 17th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; ace. April 30, '66 ; trs. to 26 Inf. September 21, '66; capt. 36 Inf. July 28, '66; ace. October 12, '66; unassd. May 19, '69; assd. to 13 Inf. July 5, '70. Waterbury, William M. Born in N. Y. Appoinled from New York ; 2 It. 4 New York Art. Jan. 4, 1862; 1 It. Jan. 6, 1863; must, out Jan. 3, '65; 1 It. 19 Inf. July 28, 1866 ; unassigned March 13, 1869; assigned to 13 Inf.Vuly 14, 1869; capt. Oct. 18, 1871 ; served on the staff of Brig. -Gen. J. J. Abercrombie as aide-de- camp and ordnance officer, also upon the stall" of Brig. -Gen. M. D. Hardin as aide- de-camp and A. A. I. G. This staff ser- vice was from 29th of October, 1862, until July, 1863. Ellis, Philip H. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from Md. ; pvt. Co. L, 6 Pa. Cav., Nov. 11, '62; sergt. Dec. 1, '62; 2 It. 6 Pa. Cav. May 1, '63 ; 1 It. March 12, '64; must, out Nov. 3, '64; 2 It. 13 Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; ace. April 27, '66 ; trs. to 31 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1 It. Dec. 28, '66; unas- signed Juno 21, '69; assigned to 13 Inf. Jan. 1, '71 ; captain April 1, '72. Bascom, Gustavus M. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; captain and aide- de-camp to General Cox, 23d April, 1861 ; ca|itain and assistant adjutant-general volunteers August 20, 1861 ; engaged at the actions of Gauley Bridge, Princeton, W. Va., battles of Frederick City and South Mountain ; assistant adjutant-gen- eral 9th Corps ; engaged at the battle of Antietam ; major and assistant adjutant- general volunteers October 7, 1862; in West Virginia to April, 1863 ; assistant adjutant-general District of Ohio to No- vember, 1863 ; engaged at the action of Dandridge ; lieut.-colonel and assistant adjutant-general 23 Corps January 25th, 1864, to Jan. 31, 1865; engaged at the battle of Resaca and action of Dalton ; at Department Headquarters, Knoxvilie and Louisville, to March, 1865 ; assistant ad- jutant-general to Geni'ral Stoneman ; en- gaged at the capture of Salisbury, N. C.,' and the raid throughout Southwest Vir- ginia and North Carolina ; brevet lieut.- colonel and colonel volunteers for faithful and meritorious services; hon. must, out July 1, 1865; 1 lieutenant 17 Infantry January 22, 1867; commanding company at Galveston, Texas, to December, 1867; regimental adjutant Decfmber 17, 1867, to February 1, 1869; at Galveston, Texas, and Ft. Griffin from May, 1867, to Oct. '68 ; on G. R. S. at Governor's Island from Nov. '68, to July, 1869; unassigned 27 jNIay, '69; assigned to 13 Infantry July, '69; R. Q. M. Aug. 1, 1871, to Dec.'ll, '73 ; captain December 11, 1873; brevet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Anlietam, Md. ; bvt. major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Resaca, Ga. Rogers, Benjamin H. Born in R. I. Appointed from R. I. ; pvt. Co. F, 1 R. I. Vol., May 2, '61 ; dischgd. Aug. 1, '61; corpl. Co. F, 1 R. 1. Art., Oct^ 7, 1861; sergt. May 29, '62; trs. to 1 R. I. Cav. Nov. 22, '62; dischgd. Oct. 10, '64; 2 It. 12 Inf. March 16, '66; ace. May 4, '66; trs. to 21 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1 It.'Fc-b. 18, '67; unassd. July 9, '70; assd. to 13 Inf. Jan. 1, '71 ; capt. Feb. 18, '74. Pratt, Henry C. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 2 lieutenant 38 New York Infantry January, 1862 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Vyilliamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Glendale, Malvern Hill, and Second Bull Run, Va. ; 1 lieutenant July, 1862; cap- tain November, 1862; on the staff of Gen- eral Stoneman, and engaged at ihe battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; on the staff of General Sedgwick and engaged at the battles of Marye's Heights and Salem Heights, Va. ; 1 lieutenant 13th New York Heavy Artillery Ajjril, 1864; cap- tain December, 1864; in the defenses of Bermuda Hundred, Va., May, 1864, to April, 1865 ; 2 lieutenant 13 Infantry May 11, 1866; 1 lieutenant July 1, 1867; regi- mental adjutant September 1, 1871, to June 10, 1876; captain June 10, 1876; brevet 1 lieutenant U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Blackburn's Ford, Va. Auman, William. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; private Companj^ B, 25 Pennsylvania In- fantry, April 18 to July, 18(il ; corporal and sergeant 48 Pennsylvania Infantry September 9, 1861, to July 23, 1864; 2 lieutenant 48th Pa. Vol. July 24, 1864; 1 lieutenant September 12, 1864 ; captain June 4, 1865 ; brevet captain volunteers for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out July 17, 1865; participated in seventeen general engagements ; severely wounded in face April 2, 1865 ; 2 lieutenant 13 Infantry May 11, 1866; 1 lieutenant October 5, 1867 ; regimental quartermaster January THinTEENTH EEGIMENT OF INFANTHY. 295 1, 1870, to August 1, 1871 ; captain March 20, 1879. Guthrie, John B, Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Company 0, 1st Kentucky Infantry, April, 1801, to Dc- cemher, 1802; engaged at the actions of Secessionville, W. Va., Charlestown, Cotton Mountain, and pursuit of the rebel General Floyd; wounded at Cotton Mtn.; 2 lieutenant December, 1862; trans-ferred to the Dejiartnient of the Ohio January, 1862; engaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, action of Sparta, battle of Perryville, action of ifanchester, and battle of Stone River, wounded ; on regi- mental recruiting duty May to Septem- ber, 1803 ; engaged at the battles of Cliat- tanooga, Ciiiclvamauga ; action of Dalton and bailie of Resaca ; 2 lieutenant 13 In- fantry July 28, 1806; at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., December, 1860, to April, 1807; acting assistant quartermaster, and assistant commissary of subsistence at Fort Shaw, M. T., June to September, 1867 ; at Fort Shaw from 1867 to 1869 ; on duty at Peovo, Utah, 1869 to '71 ; at Camp Stambaugh, Wy. Ty., May, '71, to Oct. '71; at Camp Brown, Wv. Ty- (now Fort Washaki), Oct. '71, to Oct. '74; at New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, Miss., and Holly Springs to Sept. '78 ; on gen- eral recruiting service Oct. '78, to Oct. '80; on duty in Dept. Mo., May, '81, to date; 1 It. Sept. 1, '71 ; capt. May 7, '82; engaged in action with hostile Indians in Stein's Pass Range, Ariz., April, '82. First Lieutenants. Cavenaugh, Harry G. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Del. ; corpl. Co. I, 1 Del. Vol., Sept. 19, '01; sergt. Nov. 13, '02; sergt. Co. I, 1 Del. Vet. Vol., Dec. 19, '03 ; 1 It. 1 Del. Vet. Vol. July 26, '64 ; capt. Dec. 26, '64 ; must, out July 12, '05, paid to July 13, '65; 2 It. 37 Inf. July 28, '00, ace. OLt. 29, '66; tr». to 5 Inf. May 19, '69 ; unassd. June 5, '69 ; assd. to 13 Inf. March 31, '70; 1 It. Sept. 4, '71. Chance, Jesse C. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; pvt. Co. E, 25 Ohio Vol., Aug. 9, "62; dischgd. March 17, '65; 2 It. 103 U. S. C. T. March 17, '65 ; must, out Ai)ril 10, '00 ; 2 It. 13 Inf. Jan. 22, '67, ace. April 4, '67; unassd. July 20, '69 ; assd. to 13 Inf. March 4, '70 ; 1 It. Oct. 18, '71. Bishop, John S. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Ajipointed from Induina ; drilling three months' volunteers and receiving recruiting commissions of major and lieu- tenant-cilonel Illinois Volunteers April, 18(il ; major 32d Illinois Vols. Nov. '64; resigned to allow consolidation of regi- ments; private 08th Illinois Infantry May, 1802; sergeant May, 1862; 1 lieu- tenant and adjuant June, 1862 ; at Camp Butler, 111., to July, 1802 ; in the defenses of Washington and post adjutant Alexan- dria, Va., to Sejitember, 1802; cor])oral 107 Indiana Legion July, 1863; 1st lieut. and captain 107 Indiana Legion July, 1803; resigned June, 1804; lieut. -colonel 108 U. S. Colored Infantry July 1, 1864; at Taylor Barracks, Louisville, Kj'., July, 1804; commanding posts of Owensboro', Ky., August, 1864, Mumfordsville, Ky., and dependencies September, 1864, and Rock Island Barracks, 111., to June, 1865; president of a general court-mar- tial November, 1804, to January, 1865, and from March to September, 1865; commanding sub-district of Columbus, Jliss., to October, 1865; guarding Mobile & Ohio Railroad, Corinth to We.-t Point, Miss., to December, 1865; colonel Octo- ber 16, 1865; commanding post of Oko- lona, Miss., December, 1805 ; sub-assistant commissioner of Freedmon's Bureau No- vember, 1805 ; member of Board of Ap- prizal to tix rental and damage to build- ings used by the United Stales in the Northern District of Mississippi to Jan- u>iry, 1800; commanding post of Colum- bus and Northern District of Mississippi to February, 1806; member of a board of examination for offieers for the U. S. Col- ored Troops, Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1800 ; hon. mustered out March 30, 1806 ; 2d lieut. 30th Inf. March, 1867; at regi- mental headquarters Larrens Fork, D. T., July, 1867 ; acting assistant quartermaster and assistant commissary of subsistence and adjutant Camp "VVhittelsey, D. T., July to September, 1807; at North Platte, Neb., September, 1807, to July, 1808; acting assistant quartermaster, assistant commissary of subsistence, and adjutant Camp Sargeant, North Platte, Neb., and building Camp Sargeant October, 1867, to July, 1808; at Fort Sanders, D. T., July to S(;ptember, 1808 ; scouting after hostile Indians September to October, 1808 ; at Fort Sanders, D. T., from October, 1808, to Jul}', 1809; transferred to 4 Infantry March 23, 1809; unassigned June 17, 1869; assigned to 13th Inf. November 22, 1809; assigned to 13th Infantry Nov. 22, 1869; e?i i-oute to St. Paul, Minn, (hdqrs. Dep. Dak.), and thence to Camp Coxe, M. T., Dec. '69, to Jan. '70; at Camp Cooke, M. T., Jan. 23, '70, to June 11, '70; commanding Camp Cooke Feb. 1, '70, to June 11, '70 (post destroyed and abandoned) ; acting asst. quarternnister and acting commissary of subsistence at Camp Cooke, and en route and at Fort Benton Feb. 1, '70, to June 21, '70; 296 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, en route to and at Fort Rawlins (prov.), Utah, June 21, '70, to March, '71 ; acting itsst. quartermaster and acting commissary subsistence June 21, '70, to March 8, '71 ; at Camp Douglas, Utah (sick), March to April, 1871 ; Ist lieut. 13th Inf. Jan. 19, '72; at Fort Bridger to April, '72; sick atPhrenden to Oct. '72; at Camp Stam- haugh, Wyoming, to Oct. 26, '78 ; acting asst. quartermaster and acting commissary subsistence May 16, '73, to Oct. 26, '73"; at Fort Fred. Steele to Feb. '74; Red Cloud Expedition to Feb. '74 ; at Camp Robinson, Neb., to June, '74; at Fort Fred. Steele to Oct. '74; at New Orleans, La., to May, '75 ; at Holly Springs, Miss., to Oct. 5, '76, and from Nov. 11, '76, to Dec. 5, '76 ; comdg. post Columbus, Miss., Oct. 7, '76, to Nov. 11, '76; acting asst. quartermaster and acting commissary of .subsistence Holly Springs, Miss., and Co- lumbus, Miss., May 29, '76, to June 9, '76 (leave of absence), and from Sept. 1, '76, to Dec. 5, '76; at New Orleans, La., to June, '77 ; at Baton Rouge Bks. to July, '77 ; en route to and at Wilkes- barre, Pa., to Nov. 21, '77; acting asst. quartermaster and acting commissary of subsistence at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 5, '77, to Nov. 21, '77; at Baton Rouge Barracks to July 23, '79; acting asst. quartermaster and acting commissary of subsistence Baton Rouge Bks. May 3, '78, to July 23, '79; en route to and at Little Rock Barracks, Ark., to June 29, '80; en rotde to and at Fort Leavenworth, to July 3, '80; eyiroute to and at Fort Win- gate, N. M., to April 19, '82; acting asst. quartermaster to Mar. 1, '82; and acting commissary subsistence from June 29, '80, to February 1, '82; regimental quarter- master from Sept. 1, '80, to Mar. 1, '82; at Fort Cumings, N. M., to April 16, '83 ; in the field in S. W. New Mexico to Sept. 5, '83; at Fort Cumings, N. M., from Sept. 6, '83, to ; adjutant Fort Cum- ings, N. M., and in the field S. W. New Mexico from Oct. 30, '82. Fornance, James. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1871 ; 2d lieutenant 13th Infantry June 12,1871; 1st lieutenant June 29, 1872; regimental adjutant since July 24, 1879. Tyler, William W. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; pri- vate and sergeant Company E, 94th New York Infantry, October, 1861, to May, 1862; Ist lieutenant 94th New York In- fantry May, 1862; captain March, 1863; 1st lieut. Veteran Reserve Corps June, 1863; captain Dec. 10, 1863; mustered out September, 1867 ; 2d lieutenant 9th Cavalry August, 1867 ; 1st lieutenant Dec. 9, 1871 ; transferred to 13th Infantry Aug. 1, 1881. Mumford, Thomas S. Born in Texas. Apptd. from Md. ; graduate M.A., class of '71 ; 2 It. 9 Cav. 12 June, '71; trs. to 13 Inf. 13 June, '72 ; 1st It. 8 Jan., '73. Griffith, Emerson. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate M.A., class of '72; 2d It. 13 Inf. 14th June, '72; 1st It. 10th June, '76. Oilman, Benjamin H. Born in N. H. Apptd. from 111.; graduate M.A., class of '72; 2d It. 13th Inf. 14th June, '72; 1st It. 13th June, '78. Jamar, Mitchell F. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from Md. ; graduate M.A., class of '72; 2d It. 13th Inf. 14th June, '72; 1st It. 2Gth March, '79. Fletcher, Edmund L. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from army; pvt. Co. "E," 15th Inf., 2d Aug., '72, to Uth March, '73 ; 2d It. 13th Inf. 9th Jan., '73; 1st It. 30th June, '79. Holmes, Samuel N. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; 2d It. 13th Inf. 13th June, '73; 1st It. 24th July, '79. Cecil, George R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia; graduated from Military Academy June 17, 1874 ; 2d lieu- tenant 13th Inf. June 17, 1874; 1st lieu- tenant 13th Inf. July 24, 1883. Peshine, John H. H. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from New Jersey ; 2d lieutenant 31st U. S. Colored Infantry December 14, 1864; mustered out No- vember 7, 1865; 2d lieutenant 13th In- fantry October 1, 1873; 1st lieutenant May'l, 1882. Second Lieutenants. Davies, 'William S. Born in New York, Appointed from California; grad- uated from Military Academy June 17, 1874 ; 2d lieutenant 13th Infantry June 17, 1874. Gor, James B. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of '75; 2d It. 13th Inf. 1.5th June, '75. Hall, Charles S. Borninlnd. Apptd. from Ind. ; graduate M. A., class of '76; 2d It. 13lh Inf. 15th June, '76. Buck, William L. Born in Alabama. Apptd. from Ala. ; graduate JM. A., class of '78; 2d It. 13lh Inf. 14th June, '78. Saffold, Marion B, Boin in Alabama. Apptd. from Ala. ; graduate M. A., class of '79; 2d It. 13th Inf. 1st Sept., '79. Stolbrand, Vasa E. Born in Illinois July 14, 18-59. Appointed from South Carolina; 2d lieut. 13th Infantry Sept. 1, 1879. Hughes, William N. Born in Tenn. Apptd. from Tenn. ; graduate M. A., class of '79 J 2d It. 13th Inf. 1st Sept., '79. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 297 Scott, Albert B. Born in Texas. Ap- piMiitcd from iSId. ; p;riidiiale M. A , class of '80; 2a It. 13th Inf. l'2th June, '80. Elliott, Charles P. Born in S. C. Apptd. from S. C. ; ccraduate M. A., class of '82; 2d It. 13th Inf. 13th June, '82. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Hunt, Lewis C. Born in Wis. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; o;raduated from M. A. July 1, 1847; brevet 2d It. 3d Infantry July 1,1847; 2d It. 4th Infantry Sept. 13, 1847 ; served in the war with Mexico; 1st lieut. April 15, 1852; captain May 23, 1855; served at Sackett's Harbor and Fort Columbus, N. Y., 1848-52; frontier duty 1852-61; defenses of Washington, D. C., Feb. to Mar., 1802; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular campaign ; severely wounded at the bat- tle of Fair Oaks ; operations and expedi- tions in the vicinitj- of SurtV)lk, Va., ISept.- Dec, 1802; North Carolina Dec, 1802- May, 1803 ; battles of Kingston, White- hall, and Goldsboro' ; in command of Draft Rendezvous, Ct., July, 1803, to Mar. 1804 ; special duty jNIissouri and Arkansas March-June, 1864; in com- mand of the defenses of New York Har- bor July, 1804, to Jan. 1860; frontier duty Oct. 1866, to August, 1868 ; colonel 92 New York Vol. May 25, 1802 ; brevet major May 25, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; brevet It.-col. Dec. 14, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Kinston, N. C. ; brig. -gen. vol. Dec. 24, 1862; major 14th Infantry June 8, 1863 ; brevet colonel Mar. 13, 1805, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brig.-gen. Mar. 13, 1805, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; mustered out of volunteer service Jan. 15, 1800 ; trans- ferred to 4th Infantry Aug. 21, 1866 ; It.- col. 20 Infixntry Mar. 29, 1868; trans- ferred to 4th Infantry Feb. 25, 1881 ; col. 14th Infantry May 19, 1881. Lieutenant- Colonel. Douglass, Henry. Born in New York. Appointed at largo ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 18-52; brevet 2d It. 7th Infantry July 1, 18.52; 2d It. 8th Infantry Dec. 31, 1853; 2d It. 9th Infantry Mar. 3, 1855; 1st lieut. Sept. 10, 1856 ; served in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., Fort Monroe, Va., frontier duty, asst. prof, of drivwing, Military Academy, 1852-61 ; captain 18th Infintry May 14, 1801 ; engaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; defenses i)f Washington, 1). C, July to Oct. 1861 ; engaged in the acticms and operations of the Tennessee and Mississippi campaigns Feb. -June, 1862; with the army under Gen. Buell through Miss., Ala., Tenn., and Kv., June-Sept. 1862; skirmish near Chaplin Hills, battle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862 ; engaged in the actions under Gen. Rosecrans in his Tennessee campaign Nov. 1862-April, 1863; wounded in the battle of Stone River; recruiting service April- Sep. 1863 ; mustering and disbursing duty Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 1863-Jan. 1864; in charge of chief mustering and disburs- ing office. State of Ohio, Sept. 1804-June, 1806; frontier duty 1866; brevet major Dec. 31, 1802, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfieesboro', Tenn. ; major 3d Infantry July 28, 1866 ; unassigned Mar. 15, 1869 ; on Indian duty, superintendent of Indian affairs for Ne- vada, until December, 1870; assigned to 11th Infantry Jan. 1, 1871; It.-col. 14th Infantry Jan. 10, 1876. Major. Drum, William F. Born in New York. Appointed from Minnesota ; drilling three months' volunteers ; acted as a private in the 2d Ohio Volunteers, and engaged at the battle of first Bull Run, Va. ; second lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry August, 1861; in Washington, D. C, \o March, 1802; first lieutenant 2d U.S. Infantry October, 1861 ; commanding companj' and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run (in reserve at the battles of Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, and White-Oak Swamp), Antietam, action of Shepherdstown, and battles of Freder- icksburg and Chancellorsville ; acting in- spector provost-marshal's department. State of Wisconsin, May to July, 1863; commanding company in New York City August to September, 1863; captain 2d U. S. Infantry May, 1863 _; engaged at the operations at Mine Run ; in reserve at the battles of Rappahannock Station and Bristoe Station ; chief ambulance officer 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Febru- ary to November, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Poplar Grove Church ,«and first Hatchet's Run ; in New York Harbor and inspector of Prison Camp, Elmira, N. Y., to Feb- niary, 1865; lieutenant-colonel 5th New York Volunteers vVpril, 1865 ; engaged at the battle of Five Forks, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. ; colonel 298 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 5lh New York Volunteers May, 18G5; guarding mustered-out troops Hart's Isl- and, Nesv York Harbor, June to August, 1865; joined company of the 2d U. S. In- fantry, and at Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, to November, 18G5; with com- pany at Louisville, Ky., to September, IBGt; ; brevet major U. S. Army for gal- lant services during the campaign of 18G-4 before Richmond, Vn. ; brevet lieutenant- colonel U. S. Army for gal hint and meri- torious services at tlie battle of Five Forks, Va. ; acting assistant adjutant-gen- eral Military District of Kentucky, Louis- ville, Ky., from September, 18GG, to 'G8; major 14 Inf. 22 June, '82. Captains. Trotter, Frederick E. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; member of the 7th New York State Militia; captain 102d N. Y. Volunteers April, 18G1 ; in the defenses of "VVashingiun, D. C. ; en- gaged at the actions of Bolivar and Mary- land Heights and Banks' Shenandoah Valley campaign ; major 102 N. Y. Vol- unteers July, 1862; engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain (wounded in foot and arm) ; must, out March, 1863, by reason of disability arising from wounds re- ceived ; captain Vet. Res. Corps June, 1863; in the provost-marshal's Bureau, "Washington, 1). C, and superintendent War Department building to November, 1864 ; maj(»r 1st Regiment Vet. Res. Corps March, 1864; comilg. Draft Rendezvous, camp of rebel prisoners, provisional bri- gade, and provost-inarsbal of troops, El- mira, N. Y. ; lieutenant-colonel 1st Regi- ment Vet. Res. Corps March, 1865; bvt. colonel and brigadier-general U. S. Vol- unteers ; major 44th U. S. Inf. October, 1866 ; appointment revoked December, 18G6 ; captain 45th U. S. Infantry, to dale- from July, 1866; brevet major and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; trans, to 14th Infantry July 22, 1869. Bainbridge, Augustus H. Born in New York. Appointed from the army ; sergeant 14th U.S. Infantrj' ; 2d lieut. 14th U. S. Infantry July, 1862; engaged at the battles of Gaines' Mill, Alalvern Hill, action of Snicker's Gap, battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Petersburg, and Weldon Railroad, Va. ; bvt. captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Weldon Railroad, Va. ; quartermaster of the 1st Battalion of the 14th U.S. Infantry July, 1864; regimental quartermaster December, '64 ; captain 14th U. S. Infantry August, '66. Carpenter, Gilbert S. Burn in Ohio. Apjjointed from the army ; 2d lieut. 19th Ohio Volunteers April to August, 1861 ; engaged at the action of Rich Mountain, W". Va. ; 1st sergeant 18lh U. S. Inf. September, 1861 ; engaged at the action of Mill Spring, Ky., battle of Pitti-burg Landing, and siege of Corinth ; 2d lieut. 18th U. S. Infantry June, 1862 ; 1st lieut. 18th U.S. Inf. November, 1862; engaged at the battles of Perryville and Stone River (^-everely wounded) ; assistant to the commissary -general of Prisoners, An- napolis, Md., to May, 1864; in the adju- tant-general's otBce, Washington, D. C, to October, 1865; with company at Fort Dodge, Kan., Fort Lyon, C. T., and Fort Caspar, D. T. ; bvt. captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; capt. 18th U. S. Infantry January, 1867; trans, to 45th U. S. Infantry Jan. 22, 1867 ; trans, to 14th Inf. July 22, 1869. Burke, Daniel W. Born in Connecti- cut. Appointed from the army ; enlisted in the U. S. Army, and assigned to the 2d U. S. Infantry June, 1858 ; corjxiral, sergeant, and 1st sergeant in regiment ; engaged against hostile Indians in Minne- sota, Dakota, and Nebraska to April, '61 ; engaged at the battles of Dug Springs and Wilson's Creek, Mo. ; severely wounded and taken prisoner by the rebels ; rejoined command and Army of the Potomac March, 1862 ; engaged at the battles of Gaines' Mill (wounded). Savage Station, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, and Shepherdstown ; 2d lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantr}', to date from July, 1862; commanding company and engagecl at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, and Gettysburg (severely woundf'd) ; 1st lieut. 2d U. S. Infantry," July, 1868; recommended for office duty, owing to being incapacitated for field duty, from wounds received ; mustering officer, Phil- adelphia, Pa., November, 1863, to July, 1864 ; regimental recruiting service, San- dusky, Ohio, and Wheeling, Va., to Oc- tober, 1865 ; general recruiting service, Trenton, N. J., to September, 1866; com- manding post of Franklin, Ky., to April, 1867 ; captain 45th U. S. Infantry, Jan- uary, 1867 ; commanding post of Jefter- sonville, Ind., to November, 1868; at Nashville, Tenn., to April, 1870; trans, to the 14th U. S. Infantry July, 1869 ; at Fort Randall, D. T., April to August, 1870 ; commanding post, and depot com- missary of subsistence at the supply depot, near Cheyenne, W. T., from September, 1870, to August, 1872; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Get- rOURTEENTH REGIMENT OP INFANTRY. 299 tysbvirg, Pa. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel TJ. S. Army ibr j^allant and meritorious services durinji^ the war ; at Fort D. A. Russell, AV. T.', from August, 1872. Davis, George W. Born in Connecti- cut. Ajipointcd from Connecticut; quar- termaster-serginint 11th Connecticut In- fantry November 27, 1801, to April 5, 18G2; present at the battle of Newbern, N. C. ; 1st lieutenant lltli Connecticut Infantry April 5, 1802 ; at Newport News, Va. ; quartermaster lltli Connecticut In- fantry, Sept. 1, 1862; present at the bat- tles of South Mountain, Antietani, march to Falmouth, battle of Fredericksburg, siege of Suffolk, and Keys' raid towards Richmond; acting asst. quartermaster 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 18th Corps, April 27 to May 5, 1804; acting asst. Q.M. 2d Division, 18th Corps, May 7 to Nov. 1, 1864, and present at the battles of Drury's Blufl', Cold Harbor, Fort Harrison, and the operations around Petersburg ; staff quar- termaster at headquarters 18th Corps Nov. 1 to December 6, 1864, and act. asst. quar- termaster of the Mid. Dept., Army of the James, at Point of Rocks, Va., Dec. 6, 1864, to March 12, 1865; in charge of hos- pital steamers, land transportation, the building of hospitals, storehouses, bar- racks, and wharves ; staff quartermaster at the forts, Army of the James, March 12, 1865, to May 22, 1805, and present with the Army of the James in the opera- tions near Petersburg, Va., April 2 and 3, 1804, and at Appomattox Court-House, April 9, 1804 ; captain and assistant quar- termaster of volunteers May 22, 1805; division quartermaster with rank of major, 3d Division, 25th Corps, ^lay 31 to Aug. 19tb, 1804, and of the 2d Division, 25th Corps, Aug. 19 to Oct. 22, 1804; acting chief quartermaster 25th Corps Oct. 27 to Feb. 5, 1866; at Brazos Santiago, Ring- gold Barracks, and Brownsville, Texas ; brevet major volunteers March 13, 1865, for fiiithful and meritorious services dur- ing the war ; honorably mustered out of volunteer service April 20, 1866; captain 14th Infantry Januarv 22, 1867; at Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, April, 1867 ; conducting recruits to Fort Randall, D.T., May, 1807; at David's Island, N.Y. Har- bor, to July, 1807; conducting recruits to California July, 1867; at Angel Island, Cal., to August, 1867; conducting recruits to Arizona to December, 1867 ; command- ing company at Camp Date Creek, Ari- zona, from December 3, 1867, to May 25, '69 ; en rouie to Louisville, Ky., to July 20, 't)9 ; comdg. Co. and post at Lebanon, Kv., to April 24, 1870; conidg. Co. at Fort Randall, Dak., to June 23, '70; at Ponca Agency, Dak., to Aug. '70; at Fort Sedgwick, Col., to Feb. 24, '71 ; at Fort Laramie, W. T., to March 29, '73 ; on leave of absence to Juno 5, '78; comdg. Co. at Sidney Barracks, Neb., to Feb. 17, '74; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., to March 10, '74; at Sidney Barracks, Neb., to .Tune 24, '74; at Fort Cameron, Utah, to Aug. 2.'?, '74 ; on special duty in charge of the construction of barracks, officers' quarters, and hospital at Fort Douglas, LFtah, to Feb. 14, '76 ; on special duty under the orders of the quartermaster- general at San Antonio, Texas, superin- tending the construction of the San An- tonio quartermaster's depot to Feb. 12, 1878; on leave of absence to June 26, 1878; on engineer duty at Washington, D. C, in connection with the building of the Washington national monument, from June 26 to date. Kennington, James. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; enlisted in the U.S. Army, and was assigned to the 2d U.S. Infantry October, 1849 ; served in California till latter part of 1853 ; corporal 2d U.S. Infiintry, 1853 ; engaged scouting hostile Indians, and at the battle of Table Rock, Rogue River Valley, Cal., 1853; en route via the Isthmus of Panama with regiment to Carlisle Barracks, Pa. ; re- cruiting and organizing regiment at that post; sergeant 2d U.S. Infantry, 1854; 1st sergeant 2d U.S. Infantry, 1854 to July, 1801 ; en route to Minnesota, at Forts Ripley, Minn., and Abercrombie, D. T., to 1857; engaged in building latter post; at Fort Ridgeiey, Minn., to 1861; en rouie to Pittsburg, Pa., and Hagers- town, Md. ; re-enlisted and a.ssigned as first sergeant to the 11th U.S. Infantry July, 1861 ; with regiment. Regular Bri- gade, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of first Bull Run, Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill (acting as sergeant- major of regiment during the seven days' fight), and second Bull Run ; second lieu- tenant 11th U.S. Infantry November, 1862; first lieutenant 11th U.S. Infantry May, 1864; engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsyl- vania Court-House, Cold Harbor, Peters- burg, and Weklon Railroad, Va. ; at Rich- mond, Va. ; unassigned April, 1869; assigned to the 14th U.S. Infantry .Tanu- ary, 1871 ; at Camp Carling, W. T., to July, 1872; brevet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia: brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant ana meritorious services during the war; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. t., from July, 1872, to ; capt. Dec. 10, 1873. Tobey, Thomas F. Born in Rhode 300 EECORDS OF LIYING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Island. Appointed from the army ; ser- geant 10th Rhode Island Volunteers May, 18G2 ; second lieutenant 7th Rhode Island Volunteers July, 18G2; captain 7th Rhode Island Volunteers Septembpr, 1862 ; engaged at the actions of Amisville and Warrenton, Va., and battle of Fred- ericksburg, Va. (wounded); major 7th Rhode Island Volunteers January, 1863 ; engaged at the siege of Vicksburg and occupation of Jackson, Miss. ; resigned February, 1864 ; private 14th U. S. In- fantry February, 1865 ; sergeant 14th U. S. Infantry March, 1865; second lieuten- ant 14th U. S. Infantry Mav , 1865; first lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry May, 1865; regimental adjutant January, 1866; resigned the position of regimental adju- tant September, 1867 ; engaged in the ac- tion against Indians near Jordan Creek, Oregon ; capt. Nov. 23, '74. McConihe, Samuel. Born in New Hampshire. A])pointed from New York ; captain 93d New York Infantry Decem- ber, 1861 ; engaged at the siege of York- town and battle of Williamsburg ; guard to headquarters of the army to September, 1862; engaged at the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville ; guarding rebel and general prisoners at headquarters of provost-marshal July to December, 1863 ; major December, 1863 ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness (commanding regiment), Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, action of Strawberry Plains, battles of Deep Bottom, Poplar Spring Church, Pe- tersburg and first Boydton Road ; colonel December, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of Hatcher's Run and second Boydton Road ; 2d and 1st lieutenant 14th Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; captain February 25, 1876; brevet captain IJ.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness ; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spott- sylvania, Va. ; brevet lieut. -colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. volunteers. Weston, Charles B. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; prt. Co. " C," 8th N. Y. Inf., May 29, '62, to Sept. 10, '62; sgt. Co. K, 156th N. Y. Inf., Sept. 15, '62, to Feby. 11, '64; 1st It. Feb. 11, '64; capt. Oct. 18, '64; hon. must, out Oct. 23, '65; 2d It. 14th Inf. Febv. 23, '66 ; 1st It. Feb. 23, '66 ; capt. April 23, '79. Warrens, Charles N. Born in Prussia. Appointed from Missouri ; 1 lieutenant 4 Missouri Infantry May, 1861 ; at Bird's Point, Mo., Cairo, 111., and in pursuit of rebels up the North Missouri Railroad ; 1 lieutenant regiment of Engineers and Mechanics August to Novembpr, 1861 (not mustered); provost - mar-hal, St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., and assistant pro- vost-marshal at Otterville, Mo. ; captain 6th Missouri Cavalry June, 1862 ; major July, 1862; resigned' October, 1862; cap- tain 29 Missouri" Infantry October, 1862; engaged in the assault of Vicksburg and Chickasaw Blutf (wounded), and in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss., to June, 1863; resigned June, 1863, on account of dis- ability arising from wounds received ; captain Veteran Reserve Corps Septem- ber, 1863 ; at Detroit, Mich., to June, 1865 ; acting assistant inspector-goneral District of Michigan to January, 1866; on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau, New- port News, Va., to October, 18f)6 ; 2 lieu- tenant 18 Infantry May 11, 1866 ; at Fort Sanders, D. T., December, 1866, to Feb- ruary, 1867 ; transferred to 27 Infantry September, 1866 ; 1 lieutenant 27 Infantry January 7, 1867 ; at Fort McPherson, Neb., to May, 1867 ; en route with re- cruits to Fort Philip Ivearnej', D. T. , to July, 1867; regimental quartermaster July, 1867, to June, 1869; post commis- sary of subsistence to December, 1867, and post quartermaster to August, 1868; en route to Fort D. A. Russell, D. T., and North Platte Station, Neb., engaged in an expedition against hostile Indians from September, 1868 ; transferred to 9 Infantry June 14, 1869 ; transferred to 14 Infantry May 22, 1871 ; regt. Q.M. 14 Inf. Jany. 1, 1873; resigned' R.Q.M. 14 Inf. June 30, 1878 ; capt. 14 Inf. April 2, 1883. First Lieutenants. Quentin, Julius E. Born in Germnnj'. Appointed from New York ; entered the volunteer service March, 1862; engaged at the battles of Cedar Creek (wounded in the wrist), defense of Suffolk, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; in Europe, and en- gaged at the battles of ]\[onticello, Ma- genta, and Solferino; lieutenant-colonel 103d New York Volunteer Infantry ; cap- tain Veteran Reserve Corps ; second lieu- tenant 45th US. Infantry July, 1866; first lieutenant 45th U.S. InAintry March, 1867; transferred to 14th U.S. Infantry July, 1869. Sladen, J. A. Private Co. "A," 33d Massachusetts Volunteers, August 6, 1862 ; corporal August 9, 1862; on dutj' with regiment at Arlington Heights, Alexan- dria, and Fairfax Court-House, Aug. -Nov. 1862 ; on picket duty with regiment in Army of Potomac, winter of 1862-63 ; en- gaged with regiment in battle of Chancel- lorsville May 2-4, 1863 ; detailed as clerk at Gen. Howard's headquarters, 11th Army rOUKTEENTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 301 Corps, May 21, 1803; in the Pennsylvania campaign, June-September, 1808, being engaged in the battle of Gcttj'sburg July 1-3, 18G3 ; took part in the pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va. ; on duty with the Eleventh Corps guarding the Orange and Alexandria liailroad July, 18G3 ; en route with sanae command to the Army of the Cumberland, in Tennessee, September 24-October 4, 18G3 ; on duty with the com- mand during the winter operations for the relief of Chattanooga, its occupation, and during the battle of Missionary Ridge, winter of 1863-04 ; transferred witb Gen- eral Howard to headquarters of the 4th Army Corps April 10, 1804; engaged in the Atlanta campaign, actively partici- pating in the engagements at Tunneil Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, and Buzzard's Roost, and the capture of Dalton, Ga., May 7-12, 1864; engaged in battle of Resaca, Ga., May 13-15, 1864; action of Adairsville, Ga., May 17, 1864 ; action of Cassville, Ga., May 19, 1804 ; battle of Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864; battle of Pickett's Mill, Ga., May 27, 1864; engagements and skir- mishes about Pine and Kenesaw Moun- tains, Ga., June 20-July 2, 1864, includ- ing the battle of Little Kenesaw June 27, 1864; action of Smyrna Camp Ground, Ga., July 4, 1864; action at Powers' Ferry, Ga., June 18, 1864 ; in battle of Peach-Tree Creek July 20, 1864; en- gaged in siege of Atlanta July 22-Sep- tember 2, 1804 ; transferred to headquar- ters of the army and Department of the Tennessee with Major-General Howard, who assumed command thereof July 27, 1864 ; engaged in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864, which resulted in the capture of Atlanta Sept. 2, 1864 ; in occupation of Atlanta September 2-Oc- tober 4, 1804; in pursuit of rebels under General Hood into Alabama, with fre- quent engagements, October 4-November 11, 1864; 2'd lieutenant 14th U. S. C. T. November 11, 1864; assigned to duty as aide-de-camp to Major-General Howard, commanding Army and Department of tiie Tennessee ; march to the sea from At- lanta to Savannah, Ga., November 16- December 13, 1864, participating in nu- merous actions and skirmishes, including the combat of Griswoldville ; in siege of Savannah, December 13-21, 1864; surren- der of Savannah December 21, 1804; ap- pointed acting assistant adjutant-general of the artillery brigade at headquarters of the Tennessee December 24, 1804; in the invasion of the Carolinas January 4-April 26, 1865, being engaged in the action of Pocotaligo, S. C, Jan. 14, 1805; Rivers Bridge, S C, February 3, 1865; Orange- burg, S.C., February 12, 1865; Congaree Creek, February 15, 1865; Clieraw, S.C, March 3, 1805 ; Fayetteville, N.C., March 11, 1865 ; brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. Vol- unteers for gallant and meritorious con- duct during Athuita and Carolina cam- paign March 13, 1865; battle of Benton- vilie.N.C, March 20-21, 1865; occupation of Goldsboro', N.C., March 25, 1805; on duty at Washington, D.C., as aide-de- camp to Major-General Howard May 12, 1865; first lieutenant 14th U.S.C.T." Oc- tober 24, 1865; mustered out of volunteer service March 20, 1866 ; second lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry March 27, 1866; trs. to tlie 20th U. S. Infantry September 21, 1866 ; brevet first lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., March 2, 1867 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Jones- boro, Ga., March 2, 1867 ; first lieutenant 26 U. S. Infantry_ July 17, 1867 ; recorder of military commission to investigate bounty and pension frauds against colored soldiers and sailors, in Tennessee, Ala- bama, and Washintrton, D.C., December 17, 1869-March 5, 1870; assigned to 14tli U. S. Infantry December 15, 1870; on duty as quartermaster of expedition under General Howard, visiting the hostile In- dians of New Mexico and Arizona, 1872 ; on duty as Special Indian Commissioner, by request of the Honorable the Secretary of the Interior, April-June, 1873; trans- ferred with General Howard to headquar- ters Department of the Columbia August, 1874; acting judge advocate of the De- partment of Columbia September 1, 1874- February, 1878 ; on duty as adjutant-gen- eral of the Department of the Columbia August 6-September, 1875; during the Nez Perce war from July 17-Sei)tember 22, 1877 ; assigned as adjutant-general of the department April 18-August 3, 1878, during the Bannock War; in the field during the Bannock campaign August 21 -September 15, 1878 ; on duty as depot quartermaster, Vancouver Depot, W. T., September, 1878-Ajiril, 1879; re-assigned to duty as adjutant-general of the Depart- ment of the Columbia February 24-June 5. 1879; transferred to West Point, N. Y., a4 aide-de-camp to Bvt. Maj.-Gen. How- ard, January 20, 1881 ; assigned to duty as adjutant-general of the Department of West Point January 21, 1881-Sept. 1, 1882 ; transferred to Hdqrs. Dept. of the Platte, as aide-de-camp to Brig. -Gen. How- ard, Sept. 1, 1883. Hasson, Patrick. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Pa. ; pvt., corpl., sgt. Co. E, 4th Inf., Janv. 12, '56, to Janv. 12, '61 ; 2d It. 14th Inf. Jauy. 22, '67 ; 'ist It. April 23, '72. 302 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Buchanan, James A. Born in jNIary- laiul. Apiitd. Iroai Md ; 2d lieut. 14th Inf. Mar. 7, ]S(i7 ; Ist liout. Dec. 10, 1873. McCammon, William W. First lieu- tenant 22d ^Missouri Volunteers July, 1861 ; enga_o;ed in operations against New Madrid and Island No. 10, and march to Corintli, jNIiss., from Hiclcman, Ky., 1802 ; assigned to 2itii Missouri A'^oluntcers, but attaclied to 10th JMissouri Vohmteers ; provost-marshal 3d Division (C. S. Ham- ilton's), Army of tlie Miss. ; engaged in battles of luka, Corinth, and campaign to Oxford, Miss. ; captain 24tli ilissouri Volunteers, October 13, 18G2; acting as- sistant adjutant-general 2d 13rigade, 3d Division, Army of the Miss., from Feb- ruary 23, 18*)3, to June 23, 1863, on Yazoo Pass (Cold Water) e.x])edition, in battles of Raymond, Miss., May 12, Jackson, Miss., May 1-5, Chanijiion Hills May 16, and through siege of Vicksburg ; relieved as a'^sistant adjutant-general June 23, 1803, and assigned to duty as inspector-general of same brigade, which had now become 2d Brigade, 3d Div., 17th Army Corps; continued on such duty until the sur- render of Vicksburg, when the division became 3d Division, 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee ; continued as in- spector-general, same brigade, on march from Memphis, Tenn , to Chattanooga, Tenn. ; through battle of Missionary Ridge ; relieved as inspector-general and again appointed acting assistant adjutant- general of brigade August 12, 1804 ; on duty as such ollicer at Resaca, Ga., dur- ing the attack of Hood, October 12 and 13, 1804, as he made his way north after being squeezed out of Atlanta, Ga., by General William T. Sherman ; continued on same duty through Fort Yuma, Cal., frohi January 1, 1808, to March 30, 1809 ; acting regimental adjutant from April 2.5 to May 1, 1809; apjKunted regimental ad- jutant May 1, 1869, date of consolidation of 14lh Infiintry and 4oth Infantrj', and continued as such regimental statf officer to date ; adjutant-general Sioux e.xpedition under connnand of General John E. Smith during winter of 1873-4; is at present on duty at camp on White River, Colorado, as regimental adjutant 14th Iif- fantrj' ; acting rcginu-ntal adjutant from April 25, 1809, to July 23, 1809 ; regi- mental adjutant from July 23, 1809 ; 1st lieut. Dec. 10, 1873; in charge of Red Cloud Indian Agency on North Platte River, under (Jenl. John E. Smith ; col. 14th Inf. during winter of 1871-2; adju- tant-general Sioux expedition from Fort Laramie, Wyoming, 1873-4; Sept. 12, 1883, regimental adjutant 14th Infantry, stationed at Fort Sidney, Neb. Austin, Albert. Born in Connecticut. Appointed trom Connecticut; private 8th Connecticut Volunteers September, 1861 ; corporal 8lli Connecticut Volunteers Sep- tember, 1861 ; engaged at the capture of Roanoke I>land, battle of Newborn, bom- bardment of Fort jSIacon, actions of Fred- erick and ^Middletown, battles of South Mountain and Antietam ; sergeant 8th Connecticut Volunteers October, 1862; engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, defense of Suffolk (commanding Fort Huger), and raid to Richmond, Va. ; dis- charged December, 1863; re-enlisted in the 8th Connecticut Volunteers December, 1863 ; engaged at the action of Walthall Junction (wounded and lost right thumb) ; acting commissary-sergeant of regiment; engaged at the cajiture of Foi t Harrison, Va. ; headquarter-guard to the ISlh and 24th Corps September, 1864, to February, 1805 ; engaged in the occupation of Rich- mond, Va. ; second lieutenant 11th Con- necticut Volunteers May, 1805; acting provost-marshal, assistant quartermaster, and assistant commissary of subsistence sub-district of Virginia; first lieutenant 11th Connecticut Volunteers Oct. 1865; regiment.'il quartermaster Nov. 1865 ; 2d lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry Aug. 1867; commanding company of recruits. Angel Island, Cal., October to November, 1867, and Infantry troops at Fort Whipple, Arizona, to September, 1868 ; acting as- sistant quartermaster, assistant commis- sary of subsistence, post adjutant, and post treasurer. Camp Lincoln, Arizona, from September, 1808-69 ; dejiartmcnt of Cumberland, 1869-70; department of Da- kota and Platte 1870-83. Johnson, Charles A. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Wis. ; pvt. Co. K, 1st Wis. Inf., April 20, '61, to Aug. 21, '61; pvt., sgt., and 1st sgt. 13th Batt., Wis. 1st Art., July 4, '63, to March 22, '65 ; 2d It. 51st Wis. Inf. April 6, '65; hon. must, out May 6, -05 ; 2d It. 14th Inf. Aug. 9, '67 ; 1st it. Jan. 23, '76. Murphy, John. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed Irom army; pvt., sgt., and 1st sgt. det. drag, and Co. "B," 5th Art., May 21, '58^ to May 21, '63; pvt., sgt , and" 1st sgt. dot. Cav."and Co. I, 5th Art., June 4 to Aug. 21, '67.; 2d lieutenant 14th Infantry, Aug. 16, 1867; 1st lieut. February 1, 1870. Taylor, Frank. Born in France. Ap- pointed from Iowa ; pvt. and sgt. gen. ser. Oct. 24, '60, to April 1, '63 ; 2d if. 2d Inf. Oct. 29, '67; unassigned April 17, '69; assigned to 14th Inf. Jiilv 31, '09 ; 1st It. Feb. 25, '76. Yeatman, Richard T. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; graduate of M.A., FIFTEENTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY 303 class of 1872; 2d It. 14th Inf. June 14, '72; 1st It. 1883. Patterson, George T. T. Born in Oliio. Appointt'tl from Oliio; griuluated from Militiiry Academy June, 1872; 2d liou- tenant 14tli Inf. June 14, 1872; roijjiniental quartenuastor since A]>ril 23, 1879 ; 1st It. 14th Inf. Marcl) 15, 1883. Lovell, Robert A. Born in Kansas. Appointed from Kentuclcy ; 2 lieutenant 14 Infantry July 27, 1872; accepted Auc;. 2, '72; joined co. and post of Fort Fet- terman, Wyoming, Sept. 13, 1872; served at Fort Fetterman until July 11, 1874; en route, changing station, from Fort Fet- terman to Fort Cameron, Utah, July 11 to August 1, 1874; served at Fort Cam- eron, Utah, from Aug. 1, '74, to Aug. 11, '76 ; en route with company to Fort Rob- inson, Neb., Aug. 11 to 28, 1876; served at Camp Robinson until Sept. 18, '76 ; on leave of absence from Sept. 18, '76, to Jan- uary 4, 1877 ; joined post of Ft. Douglas, Utah, January 11, 1877; served at Fort Douglas, Utah, with occasional tours of detached service and field service until Oct. 23, 1878 ; on leave of absence from Oct. 23, '78, to May 10, '79; served at Fort Douglas until Dec. 1, '80; on leave of absence Dec. 1, '80, to Nov. 22, '81 ; joined company at cantonment on Uncom- pahgre, Colorado, Nov. 21, '81, and served there until April 18, '83; promoted 1st It. 14th Infantry Ajtril 2, '83 ; en route to camp on White River, Col., until April 28, 1883; served at latter post until its abandonment Aug. 7, 1883; relieved from duty with company and ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Ks., Aug. 14, 1883, for tour of duty at the U. S. School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry ; joined Fort Leavenworth Aug. 19, '83. Second Lieutenants. Calhoun, Frederic S. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Dakota; private Company B, 137 Ohio Infantrv, 19 May to 19 Au- gust, 1864 ; 2 lieut. 14 Infantrv March 10, 1875. Justin, Joseph H. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed fiom Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2d lieutenant 14 Inf. June 16, 1875. Mulhall, Stephen J. Born in New York. Appointed from the army ; private and musician 4 Artillery June 26, 1862, to June 25, 18<)5 ; private and musician Com- pany I, 42 Infantry and 6 Infantry, July 20, 1867, to July 23, 1869 ; private general service Julv 7, 1875; discharged March 18, 1876; 2 lieutenant 14 Infantry Feb- ruary 29, 1876. Goodwin, Wiiliam P. Born in 111. Apptd. from Ohio; 2 It. 14 Inf. Aug. 15, '76. Kimball, William A. Born in Ind. Apptd. from Utah ; 2 It. 14 Inf. Aug. 31, '76. Reynolds, William B. Born in Wash- ington Territory. Ajjpointed from Marj'- land ; graduated from Military Academy June, i879 ; 2 lieutenant 14 Infantry June 13, 1879. Eastman, Frank F. Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois; graduated from Military Academy June, 1879 ; 2 lieuten- ant 14 Infantry June, 1879. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Colonel. Whistler, Joseph N. G. Born in Wis- consin. Ai)j)ointed from Fla. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1846 ; bvt. 2 It. 8 Inf. July 1,^- '46 ; 2 It. 3 Inf. Jan. 7, '47 ; 1 It. June 6, '52; capt. May 14, '61 ; served in the war of Mexico, '46-48 ; bvt. It. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious con- duct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; frontier duty '48-61 ; captured in Texas in '61, and paroled as prisoner of war ; West Point '61-63 ; Army of Po- tomac '63-65 ; bvt. major May 24, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at battle North Anna, Va. ; bvt. It. -col. June 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va., where he was wounded; maj. 13 Inf. Dec. 31, '64; bvt. col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the rebellion ; bvt. brig. -gen. U. S. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious conduct during rebellion'; must, out of vol. service Dec. 19, '65; trs. to 31 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 22 Inf. March 15, '69; It.-col. 5 Inf. Feb. 18, '74; frontier duty '66-83; col. 15 Inf. 1883. Lieutenant- Colonel. ' Swaine, Peter T. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1852; brevet 2d It. 1st In- fantry July 1, 1852 ; 2d It. Dec. 31, 1852 ; 2d It. 10th Infantry March 3, 1855; 1st It. Aug. 8, 1855 ; regimental quarternuister Dec. 7, 1855, to Aj)ril 30, 1860 ; served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y., Car- lisle Barracks, Pa., and on frontier duty 1852-57, and in Utah expedition uiuler General Albert Sidney Johnson July, 1857, to July, 1800; recruiting service Newport Barracks, Ky., 1860-61 ; served during the war of the Rebellion : captain 15th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; engaged in 304 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. tho actions of the Tennessee and Missis- sippi Ciimpaigu March-June, 18G2; in command of itirst battalion 15th Infantry battle of Shiloh April 7, 1862, and siege of Corinth, Miss., May 28, 1862, and operations through North Alabama, Ten- nessee, and Kentucky June-Sei)t. 1862; colonel 99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Sept. 4, 1862; in defense of Cincinnati, Ohio, and relief of Lexington, Ky., Sept. 4-Nov. 17, 1862; in command of a tem- porary brigade ; engaged in the actions of the Tennessee campaign under General Rosecrans Nov. 1862-Sept. 1863 ; wound- ed while in command of 99th O.V.I., battle of Stone River ; commanded bri- gade at battle of Cliiekamauga ; asst. supt. recruiting service for Ohio Dec. 1863-Jan. 1864; in command of Cincinnati, O., Feb. -April, 1864; commanding 2d Bri- gade, 1st Division, 23d Army Corps, in- vasion of Georgia ; engaged in the various actions and skirmishes" from June 23, 1864, to Aug. 18, 1864 ; leading in the flank attack at Kenesaw Mountai^i, and in tlie capture of Decatur, Ga., by a charge of this brigade while at head of the 23 Corps in advance upon Atlanta July, 1864; engaged in the battles in front "of •Atlanta, siege of July-Aug. 1864; com- manded D. strict of Newport and Coving- ton, Ky., September-^Iarch, 1864-65; mustered out of volunteer service Dec. 31, 1864; in conmiand of 2d Battalion, 15th Infantry, Department of Tenn., Feb.- Aug. I860; judge-advocate Dist. of Au- gusta, Ga., Aug. -Dec. 1865; command- ing 1st Battalio'n, 15th Inf., Ala., Jan.- April, 1866 ; in command of District of Memphis, Tenn., June 17, 1866-67; in command of Paducah, Ky., 1867-69, and of Montgomery, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga., 1869-72; disbursing officer for War Dept. and stationed in St. Louis, Mo., 1872-76; on frontier duty in New Mexico, Colo- rado, and Dakota 1876-1883, command- ing 15th Infantry the greater portion of this period ; brevet major April 7, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shib)h, Tenn. ; bvt. It.-col. Dec. 31, 1862, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Murfreesboro' (Stone River), Tenn.; brevet colonel March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; major 16th Infantry Dec. 29, 1865; transferred to 2.5th Infantry September 21, 1866 ; transferred to 2d Inf. March 15, 1869; It.-col. 15th Infantry Oct. 24, 1874. Major. Bray ton, George M. Born in Massa- chusetts. Apjiointed from Ohio; 1 lieut. 15 Inf. May 14, 1861 ; recruiting duty July, 1861, to May, 1862; resimental quartermaster May, 1862, to January, 1863; mustering and disbursinu- officer Ilarrisburg, Pa., to October, 1863; capt. 15th Inf. January, 1863 ; joined regiment in the field at Chattanooga, Tenn., Octo- ber, 1863 ; engaged at the battle of Mis- sionary Ridge, Tenn., and action of Taylor's Bridge, Ga. ; mustering and disbursing duty Louisville, Ky. ; joined battalion at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., October, 1864; commanding 3 Battalion, 15th Inf., December, 1864; provost-mar- shal District of Etowah Januarj' to July, 1865; assistant inspector-general Depart- ment of Georgia August to December, 1865; joined company at Fort Adams, R. I. ; joined regiment and at Mobile, Ala., January to May, 1866; command- ing Baiteries Glodden and Mcintosh, Mobile Bay, to July, 1866, and Fort Mor- gan, Ala., to January, 1867; transferred to 33d Inf. September 21, 1866; joined company, and at Macon, Ga., to April, 1867; at Atlanta, Ga., to June, 1868; at post of Augusta, Ga. (commanding), Montgomery, Ala. (commanding), Hunts- ville, Ala., Selma, Ala., Montgomery, Ala., and Ft. Macon, N. C. ; transferred to 8 Inf. May 3, 1869; commanding Fort Macon, N. "C, to August, 1869, and at Fort Ma- con, N. C.,to February, 1870; at Colum- bia and Newberry, S. C, to Oct. 1870; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from Oct. 1870, to July, 1872 ; en route to Fort Rice, D. T., to August, 1872; on Yellowstone Expedition, escort to surveying party Northern Pacific Railroad from Fort Rice, D. T., west to the Yellowstone River, Montana, and return, from Au- gust, 1872, to October, 1872, and Fort D. A. Russell, U. T., from October, 1872; with regiment in the Dept. of the Mo. since 1872 ; promoted major 15th Inf. February 6, 1882; brevet major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Caftaina. Whittemore, Edward W. Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Massa- chusetts; 2d lieut. 17th U. S. Inf Octo- ber, 1871 ; engaged at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va., and taken prisoner by the rebels; 1st lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. May, 1862; capt. 17th U. S. Inf. March, 1865; transferred to 35th U. S. Inf. S'^ptember, 1866; transferred to the 15th U. S. Inf. Aug. 1869; brevet major U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services. McKibbin, Chambers. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from the army ; en- listed general service 22d Sept. ; appointed 2d lieut. 14th Inf. same date ; engaged at FIFTEENTH EEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 305 the battle of Gaines' Mill as a citizen and severely wounded ; 2d lieutenant 14th In- fantry September 'J.2^ 1802; served with regiment in the campaigns Army of the Po- tomac, excejit (iettyshurg, being wound- ed at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia ; 1st lieutenant June, 1804 ; engaged at the battle of the Weldon Rail- road (wounded), and severely wounded August 18, 1804; transferred to 32d In- fantry September 21, 186G ; eaptain 35th Intantrv July 28, 1806; transferred to 15th Infantry August 12, 1869 ; brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant services in the battle of North Anna River, Va., and during the operations on the "Weldon Railroiid, Va. Steelhammer, Charles. Born in Swe- den. Ai)])t)inted from the arni}' ; private Co. B, 83d N. Y. Infantry, May 27, '61, to May 12, 'G2 ; Imsp. steward May 12, '62, to Sept. '64 ; 2d It. 17th Inf. Sept. 2, '64; 1st It. Sept. 2, '64 ; trs. to 35th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; eaptain Nov. 1, '66; trs. to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '69. Shorkley, George. Born in New York. Appointed from Pennsylvania; 1st lieut. 51st Pa. Inf. Sept. '61 ; adjt. June,'02; capt. April, '04 ; participated in campaigns of the regiment and Olh Army (Jorps as adjt. and as adjt.-gen'l and insp'r-gen'l on Gen. Hartranft's staft' and 9th Army Corps ; brevet major vols, for gallant and distin- guished services during the operations be- fore Petersburg, Va. ; assigned to duty by the President according to brevet rank Dec. '64 ; appointment of maj. of Pa. Vols, declined ; bvt. It.-col. vols, for gallant and meritorious services at Fort Steadman, Va. ; bvt. col. vols, for long, faithful, and valuable services; participated in thirty- seven battles and affrays ; six times wounded, and seriously wounded in left arm at Antietam, Md. (ball extracted), and at "mine," Petersburg, Va., fingers of right hand carried away by cannon- ball, and at Fort Steadman, Va., in right thigh (ball extracted); appointed 2d It. and 1st lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '60; capt. Oct. 13, '67 ; brevet capt. U.S.A. for gallant Jind meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; brevet major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Fort Steadman, Va. ; with regiment and on special reconstruc- tion duty on staff, Dept. of Ala., '66-68; with regt. in Texas '68-69, and on Indian frontier in New Mexico and Colorado '09 -79 ; on special duty connected with rifle- liring and small-arms for the army from '79 to '83; captain and coach of the Rifle Team of Regulars, Division of the Mis- souri, winning the Hilton Trophy at Creedmore in 1880, etc. Humphreys, Henry H. Horn in Penn- sylvania. Appointed Irom Pennsylvania ; 1 lieutenant 2 Penna. Hcavv Artillery October 3, 1802 ; resigned A})ril 26, 1865; major and aide-de-camj) volunteeis ; bre- vet lieutenant-colonel volunteers for valu- able and meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General R.E.Lee; 2 lieutenant and 1 lieutenant 17 Infantry February 23, 1866; transferred to 35 Infantry September 21, 18(i6; transferred to 15 Infantry August 12, 1809 ; captain 15 Infantry January 15, 1873; brevet captain U.S.A. fur gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; brevet major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet lieut. - colonel U.S.A. for gallant and meritori- ous services at the fall nf Petersburg, Va., and pursuit of the rebel army under Gen- eral Robert E. Lee. Conrad, Casper H. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from D. C. ; pvt. Co. I, 120 N. Y. Inf., Aug. 18, '62; trs. to Co. B, 1 Vet. Res. Corps, Apr. 8, '04; dis. July 31, '65; 1 It. 35 Inf. Mar. 7, '67; trs. to 15 Inf. Aug. 12, '09 ; capt. Jany. 25, '65. Hartz, Wilson T. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; sgt.-maj. 6 Pa. Inf. Apr. 22, '61, to July 22, '61 ; 1 It. 70 N. Y. Inf. Oct. 22, '61 ; hon. must, out Oct. 28, '62; captain and assistant adjutant-general U.S. Volun- teers ; brevet major U.S. Volunteers, Oct. 23, '62, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices ; second lieutenant 15th U.S. Infan- try May, 1866 ; first lieutenant 15tb U.S. Infantry June, 1867 ; brevet first lieuten- ant U.S. Army for gallant and meritori- ous services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia; brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia; brevet major U.S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Fredericks- burg, Virginia ; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '76 ; captain 23 Aug. '77. Brinkerhoff, Henry R. Born in Ohio. Ajipointed from IMissouri ; first lieutenant 30th Ohio Volunteers August, 1801 ; hon. must, out July 23, '64 ; engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and siege and assaults of Vicksburg, Miss. ; lieutenant-colonel 52d U. S. Colored Troops May, 1803, fo May, 1866; hon. must, out May 5,1860; engaged at the actions of Coleman's Cross-Roads, Miss. ; second lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry June, 1867; first lieutenant 15lh U.S. Infantry November, 1867 ; with regiment in the Second Military District, and Dept. of the South ; capt. Sept. 18, 1878. 306 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. Bean, John W. Born in Vt. Apptd. from N. H. ; 2d It. 5th ]SI. H. Inf. Oct. 15, '61 ; 1st It. July 31, '62 ; capt. Jan. 1, '63 ; lion. must, out Sept. 20, '64 ; engaged at siege of Yorktown, battles of Rappa- hannock Station, Fair Oaks (wounded), Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross-Roads, and ]Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg (se- verely wounded), in Hancock's Div. 2d Corps, Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor, and Ream's Station; bvt. 1st It. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorit)US services at battle of Fredericksburg; bvt. capt. U.S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Cold Harbor; 2d It. 35th Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; A. A. Q. and C. S. Ft. Bliss, Tex., July, '67,to.Iune, '68; conidg. post Indianola, Tex., to Nov. '68; comdg. post at Cape Verde, Tex., to Apr. '69; trs. to 15th Inf. Aug. '69; 1st It. Dec. 13, '71 ; capt. Mar. 5, '79 ; serving with reg. Dept. of Mo., '69-83. Stafford, Stephen R. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. "G," 13th N. Y. Inf., and Co. K, 3d N. Y. Cav. ; 2d It. Mav, '61, to Sept. '61; 2d It. N. Y. Art. Aug. 22, '62 ; 1st It. Feb. 22, '64 ; capt. .Jan. 10, '65 ; bvt. maj. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services ; hon. must, out June 5, '65; 2d It. 38th Inf. May 21, '67; unassigned Nov. 11, '69; assgd. to 15th Inf. Mar. 5, '70 ; 1st It. Jan. 15, '73; capt. Jan. 31, '82. Fh'st Lieutenants. Burnham, David R. Born in Penna. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 1st It. 67th Pa. Inf. Aug. 28, '61 ; capt. Jan. 7, '64 ; hon. must, out Sep. 5, '64 ; 2d It. 35th Inf. .June 18, '67; trs. to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '69; 1st It. Jan. 1, '75. DeLany, Cyrus M. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; private, corporal, and sergeant Company Ji, and sergeant- major 30th Ohio Infantry July 30, 1861, to September 24, 1864 ; 2 lieutenant and adjutant 30th Ohio Infantry September 25, 1864; 1st lieutenant and adjutant De- cember 28, 1864; captain April 1, 1865; 2d lieutenant 35th Infantry October 30, 1867 ; transferred to 15th Infantry Aug. 12, 1869; 1st lieutenant June 9, 1875. Chapin, Edward S. Born in Connec- ticut. Apptd. from Iowa ; pvt. Co. A, 44 Iowa Inf., May 11, '64; dis. Sept. 15, '64; graduate of M. A., class of 1870; 2 It. 4 Art. June 15, '70; 1 It. Nov. 19, '73; trs. to 15 Inf. Aug. 12, '82. Cornish, George A. Born in Alabama. Apptd. from Ala. ; graduate M. A., class of 1873 ; 2 It. 15 Inf. June 13, '73 ; 1 It. Jany. 25, 1873. Clark, Dillard H. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky; private Co. D, 14 Kentuckj^ Cavalry, August 20, 1862; discharged September 16, 1863; graduated from Military Acadcmv Juno, 1873; 2 lieutenant 15th Infantry .June 18, 1873 ; 1 lieutenant February "29, 1876 ; regimental quartermaster since January 1, 1881. Cory, William O. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from the armj' ; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. H, and com.-sgt. 7th Inf., Oct. 5, '64, to Mav 21, '67; 2lt. 24 Inf. May 21, '67 ; 1 It. July 16, '68 ; unassigned April 25, '69; assigned to 24 Inf. Dec. 15, '70; hon. must, out Jany. 1, '71 ; 2 It. 15 Inf. Oct. 1, '73; 1 It. Feby. 22, '77. McGunnegle, George K. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland; 2 lieutenant 15 Infantrj^ October 1, 1873'; 1 lieutenant August 23, 1877. Smith, Theodore. Born in Germany. Ap])ointed from the army ; private gen- eral service October 31, 1867 ; transferred to Signal Corps September 8, 1868; cor- poral'May 1, 1870; sergeant July 1, 1870; discharged October 31, 1870 ; sergeant Sig- nal Corps November 15, 1870; discharged October 11, 1873 ; 2 lieutenant 15 Infantry October 1, 1873; 1 lieutenant October 6, 1877. Kinzie, George H. Born in Illinois. Ajipointed from Illinois; private Com- jianv D, 134 Illinois Infantry, May 16, 1864 ; discharged October 25, 1864 ; 2'lieu- tenant 15 Infantry October 1, 1873 ; 1 lieu- tenant September 18, 1878 ; regimental adjutant since November 1, 1880. Davis, Thomas F. Born in New York. Appointed from New York (at large) ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1875; 2 lieutenant 15 Infantry June 16, 1876 ; 1 lieutenant March 5, 1879. Cooke, George F. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; 2 It. 15 Inf. Oct. 15, 1875 ; 1 It. Nov. 3, '79. Mitchell, David D. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; 2 It. 15 Inf. Feby. 29, '76; 1 It. Jany. 31, '82. Second Lieutenants. Pague, Samuel S. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed Ir'om Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 187() ; 2 It. 15 Inf. June 15, 1876. Paxton, Alexis R. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2 It. 15 Inf. March 3, '67. Maney, James A. Born in Tenn. Ap- pointed from Tenn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 It. 16 Inf. June 15, 1877 ; 2 It. 15 Inf. Aug. 23, '77. May, Will T. Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind.; graduate of M. A., class of 1879; 2 It. 15 Inf. June 13, '79. SIXTEENTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTKY. 307 Blauvelt, William F. Born in N. Y. Appdinted from the army ; pvt., Corp., and scrt. Uatt. D, 4 Art., Fcby. 28, '78, to July 8, '80 ; 2 It. 16 Inf. June 24, '80. Boyd, Edward. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; pvt. and sp;t. Sig. Corp.* July 22, '77, to Nov. 20, '82; 2 It. 15 Inf. Nov. 22, '80. Rowan, Andrew S. Born in Ya. Ap- pointed IVom W. Va. ; gxaduate M. A., clas.s of 1881 ; 2 It. 15 Inf. June 11, '81. Cotter, John. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from tlie army ; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Battery A, 2d Artillery, March 27,'' 1877, to April 20, 1882; 2"lieutenant 15 Infantry March 27, 1882. Welsh, Blanson C. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from Military Academy Juno, 1882; 2 lieutenant 15 Infantry June 13, 1882. • SIXTEENTH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Culonel. Blunt, Matthew M. Born in N Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1853; brevet 2d It. 1 Art. July 1, 1853 ; 2d It. 2d Art. Sept. 30, 1853 ; Istiieut. March 31, 1855; served in Florida against the Seminole Indians 1852-55 ; assistant professor Military Academy 1855-59 ; in garrison Fort Independence, Mass., 1859-61 ; captain 12 Infantry May 14, 1861; served at Tortugas and Fort Pickens 1861-62 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular campaign March-August, 1862 ; wounded at battle of Gaines' Mill June 27, 1862; engaged in the Northern Virginia campaign August- September, '62 ; comdg. regiment at battle of ]\Ianassas ; actions of the Marjdand campaign September-November, 1862; in the Ivai)])ahannock campaign Dec. 1862- July, 18(')3; superintendent reg. recruit- ing service Aug. 1863-May, 1864; engaged in the actions of the Richmond campaign June-Julv, 1864; on mustering duty in N. Y. aiid Delaware Oct. 1864, to Oct. 1865; commanding regiment Florida Oct. 1865, to Jan. 1866; brevet major July 1, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; brevet It. -col. Dec. 13, 1862, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Freder- icksburg, Va. ; brevet col. June 19, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; major 7th In- fantry July 30, 1865; transferred to 14th Infantry March 15, 1869 ; It.-col. 25 In- fantry Oct. 7, 1874; colonel 16tli Infantry July "3, 1883. Lieutenant-Colonel. Hough, Alfred L. Born in New Jersey April 28, 1826; in mercantile business in Philadelphia, Pa., before the war of the rebellion; a member of the "Artillery Corps of Washington Grays" of Philadel- phia from 1853 ; went witii that comjiany in 17th Pa. Volunteers into war of the rebellion as sergeant; mustered in April 18, 1801 ; proceeded to Washington, D. C, with regiment, which was nuxde part of the column under Col. Chas. P. Stone to co-operate with Gcnei'al Patterson at Har- per's Ferry ; discharged .June 29 to accept captain's commission in 19th U. S. Infty. ; joined headquarters of regiment at Indian- apolis, Ind., and on regimental recruiting service till April, 18<)2 ; organized com- pany, took it to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., and joined regiment April 27 ; in opera- tions before Corinth, Miss., and subsequent movements of Genl. Buell against Genl. Bragg till July, when ordered to recruit- ing rendezvous of the regiment at Indian- apolis on recruiting duty ; in March, 1863, proceeded with new company to Mur- freesboro', Tenn., and rejoined regiment; appointed commissary of musters for 2d Division 14th Army Corps, and acted as aide-de-camp to division commander, Gen- eral Negley, in campaign ending with battle of Chickamauga and occupation of Chattanooga in Sept. 1863 ; brevetted major for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Chickamauga ; transferred to headquarters, Dept. of the Cumberland, as chief mustering officer, and on duty as such throughout operations at Chatta- nooga and campaign ending with the fall of Atlanta; in Atlanta till November, 1864; thence to Chattanooga with head- quarters of Department, and on duty with it there during Nashville campaign ; pro- ceeded to Nashville with headquarters January, 1865, and appointed acting as- sistant adjutant-general ; brevetted lieut.- colonel and colonel for services during the war; in Nashville with headquarters till November, 1866; in Louisville, Ky., with headquarters till 1808, when appointed aide-de-camp to Maj. -General George H. Thomas, and remained on that duty with him till his death in Jlarch, 1870; pro- ceeded with General Thomas to San Fran- cisco, Headquarters Military Division of Pacific, in May, 1869, and during the summer accompanied him on tour of in- spection through the IMilitary Division, extending to Alaska; assigned to 13th Infty. in April, 1870, and joined company , at Camp Douglas, Utah ; on duty with 308 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. company in Utah till Feb. 1874, when promoted to major 22cl Infty. ; in com- mand at Fort Brady, Mich., till July, '75; in command at Fort Mackinac, Mich., till Aug. 1S76; in command of six companies of regiment detached in Yellowstone Valley in campaign against Sioux Indian.s till July, 1877 ; in command of same bat- talion in Chicago to suppress riots till Au- gust ; in command of regiment at Wilkes- barre, Pa., on same duty till October, and then returned to station at Fort Mackinac; in command at Fort IMackinac till May, 1879, when ordered to Indian Territory with four companies of regiment to resist encroachments of settlers in Territory ; in command at Fort Gibson, I. T., till Octo- ber, when ordered with battalion to Colo- rado on expedition against Utf^ Indians ; in the field in Colorado till Feb. 1880, when ordered to Texas with battalion ; in command at Fort McKavett, Texas, and on duty at Fort Clark, Texas, till Feb. 1882, when promoted to licut.-col. 16th Infty. ; in command at Fort Davis, Texas, till August, and since then to date in com- mand at Fort Concho, Texas. Major. Jewett, Horace. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine ; first lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry May, 1861; captain 15th U. S. Infantry December, 1862 ; brevet captain U. S. Army fur gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Shiloh and Murfreesbcn-o', Tenn. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services during the Atlanta cam- paign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia; major 16 Inf. Jan. 31, '82. Capiains. Vance, Duncan M. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; first lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry May, 1861 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktovvn, Seven Days' Fight, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, actions of Blackburn's Ford, Leetown, Snicker's Gap, and battle of Fredericksburg, com- manding company in the above engage- ments; provost-marshal 2d Division, 5th Corps, May to August, 1863; engaged at battles of Chancellorsville, Gettj'sburg, and action of Manassas Gap; aide-de-camp to General Ayres, New York City, Au- gust, 1863 ; recruiting and mustering duty September, 1863, to March, 1865; captain 11th U. S. Infantry January, 1864; with regiment in the field, and engaged in the operations terminating in the surrender of General R. E. Lee ; commanding com- pany, Richmond, Va., to May, 1866; act- ing assistant adjutant-general, district of Henrico, Richmond, Va., to May, 1867; commanding company and posts of City Springs to November, 1867, and of Libby Prison to March, 1868; acting assistant judge-advocate, 1st Militarv District, Oc- tober, 1868, to March, 1860; transferred to 16th U. S. Infantry April, 1869 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and mer- itorious services during the Peninsular campaign ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Theaker, Hugh A. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; 1 It. 16 Inf. May 14, '61 ; commanding com] any engaged at action of Hoover's Gaji, battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and ac- tion of Buzzard's Roost ; A. C. S. and ord- nance officer, Dept. of Dakota, April, '64, to December, '65; capt. July 28, '64; trs. to 34 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 16 Inf. April 14, '69. Wedemeyer, William G. Born in Germany. Appointed from the army ; private 16 Infantry November, 1861 ; ser- geant 16 Infantry December, 1861, and engaged at the siege of Corinth ; ser- geant-major 16 Infantry (1 Battalion) July, 1862; 2 lieutenant 16 Infantry Au- gust, 1862, and engaged at the battle of Stone River (wounded) ; 1 lieutenant 16 Infantry February, 1863 ; commanding provost-guard 1st Division, 14th Corps, April to October, 1863; engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; assistant commissary of musters. Department of the Cumberland, to September, 1864; commissary of musters, 3d Cavalry Di- vision, to August, 1865, and engaged to Sherman's march to the sea ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., to September, 1865; at Fort Ontario, N. Y., to December, 1865; captain 16 Infantry November, 1865; at Nashville, Tenn. ; transferred to 34 In- fantry, September 21, 1866; transferred to 16'lnfantry April 14, 186i) ; in Missis- sippi from 1867 to 1870; brevet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga. Rose, Thomas E. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; private 12tii Pennsylvania Volunteers to July, 1861 ; captain 77th Pcnnpylvania Volunteers October, 1861 ; en rouie to Louisville, Ky., October, 1861 ; at Nolin River, K3^, to December, 1861 ; en route to Green River, Ky., and engaged in action with the rebels December, 1861 ; at Green River, Ky., to February, 1862; en routeto Nashville, Ky., to March, 1862; engaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battle of Perryville, action of Corinth, and battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. (commanding regiment) ; colonel SIXTEENTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 309 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers January, 1863; engaged at the battles of Liberty Gap, Teiiii. (conjinanding 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps), and Chickamauga, Ga. ; eaptured by rebels and taken pris- oner to Libl'>y Prison, lliehmond, Va. ; escaped by the tunnel, but was recaptured at Williamsburg, Va. ; exchanged Maj', 1864; in the Atlanta campaign and en- gaged at the action of Pine Mountain, battle of Kencsaw IMountain, action of Smyrna Station, battle of Peacli-Tree Creek, siege of Atlanta, battles of Jones- boro' and Lovejoy's Station ; at Pulaski, Tenn., November, 1864; engaged at the action of Columbia, Tt-nn., battles of Franklin, Nashville, and pursuit of the rebel General Ilood ; at Nashville, Tenn., April to June. 1865; commanding 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Army Corps, to December, 1865; e>i roide to Texas June, 1865; at Victoria, Texas, to December, 1865; commanding 1st Division, 4th Army Corps, December, 1865; brevet brigadier- general U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services; captain 11th U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Libert}' Gap, Tenn.; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Arm^' for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; unassigned April 14, •69; assigned to 16th Infantry February 15, '70. Morse, Charles E. Born in England. Apptd. from the army ; pvt. and sgt. Co. C and B, 1st and 2d 15att.,and Q.M. sergt. 2d Batt., 17th Inf., Jan. 8, '63, to Oct. 16, '65; 2d It. 17th Inf. Oct. 9, '65; 1st lieut. 17lh Inf. Oct. 9, '65; trans, to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '60 ; capt. Oct. 2, '68 ; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to 16th Inf. Jan. 1, '71. Hale, Clayton. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Illinois ; capt. 59th Illi- nois Inf. July 17, '61 ; major April 1, '63 ; lieut. -colonel 5th Dec, '63; hon. must, out Dec. 8, '65; second lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry Februiiry, 1866; first lieutenant 16th U.S. Infantry February, 1866; trans- ferred to the 31th U. S. Infantrv Septem- ber, 1866; transferred to the 16th LI. S. Infantry April, 1869; captain 16th U. S. Infantry September, 1871 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Ten- nessee ; brevet major U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee; brevet lieut. -colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Frank- lin, Tennessee. Clapp, William H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; member of the 21 New York Light Guards; private 71st New York State Vols., and engaged at the battle of First Bull Run, Va.'; 2 It. 42 Ohio Vols. September, 1861 ; engaged in the campaign in Eastern Kentucky; captain and acting assistant adjt.-gen. U. S. Vols, to April, 1862; 1st lieutenant and adjutant 42d Ohio Vols. April, 1862; engaged at the action of Middle Creek, Ky., capture of Cumberland Gap, Ky., action of Tazewell, Tenn., first assault on Vieksburg, action of Chicka.saw Bayou, capture of Arkansas Post, and siege of Vieksburg, Miss. ; captain and assistant adjutant-general U. S. Vols. May, 1863 ; engaged in the capture of Yazoo City ; on the stafl'of Gen. Herron to July, 1864 ; present at the .'urrendi^r of Brownsville, Texas, and the Trans-Mississipj)i Depart- ment ; hon. must, out Dec. 5, 1865; bvt. It. -col. U. S. Vols, for faithful and meri- torious services during the war; 2 It. 11 U. S. Inf. February, 1866; 1 It. 11 U. S. Inf. Februarv, 1866; adjt. 11 U. S. Inf. December, 1806; trs. to 16 Inf. April 14, 1869 ; capt. Dec. 25, 1874, Ward, Henry C. Born in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 10, 1843; entered volunteer service as private, and sergt. -maj. 15th Mass. July 31, 1861, when seventeen years of age; promoted 2d It. 15th Mass. Vols. March 14, 1863 ; participated in battle of Ball's Bluff Oct. 21, 1861 ; joined Second Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac, at its organization ; participated in battles of Yorktown, Fair Oaks, before Richmond, Va., sevfn days' battles, in- cluding Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Antietam (wounded), and Gettysburg; l" It. 57 jMass. Vols. Nov. 1863, and promoted to captain July 31, 1864 ; joined 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac; participated in battles of Wilderness, May 5 and 6, 1804, Spottsyl- vania. May 10 and 12 (wounded May 12, 1804), Cold Harbor, battles before Peters- burg, summer of 1804, Weldon Railroad, Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Run, Yel- low Farm, and Fort Steadman March 25, 1805; taken prisoner at battle of Fort Steadman, Va., while brigade officer of day in command of pickets 9th Corps, and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. ; released from jirison April 2, 1805, on parole ; exchanged immediately after- wards, and joined regiment in field ; par- ticijiated in general reunion of Army of Potomac in Washington at close of war ; mustered out of volunteer service at Bos- ton, Mass., July 30, 1865, services being no longer required; 2 It. 11 U. S. Inf. 23 February, 18()6 ; 1 It. 11 Inf. 23 Feb. '00 ; brevet capt. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser. at battle of Fort Stead- 310 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. man Msirch 25, 18G5; trs. to 16 Infantry on reorganization of army 14th April, 1869; regtl. q. m. 16 U. S. Inf. from March 1, 1875, to 8th Februnry, 1880; capt. 16 U. IS. Inf. Feb. 8, 1880. ' Ewing, Evarts S. Born in Tennessee. Appoiiued from Missouri ; bugler and private Company D, quartermaster-ser- geant, chief bugler, and commissary-ser- geant 1st Iowa Cavalry, July, 1861, to September, 1863 ; captain and commissary of subsistence of volunteers ; brevet major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of volun- teers for faithful and meritorious services ; 2 lieutenant 16 Infantry February 23, 1866; 1 lieutenant March 19, 1866; trans- ferred to 34 Infantry September 21, 1866 ; transferred to 16 Infantry April 14, 1869; regimental quartermaster I6th Infantry March 9, 1880; cajitain 16 Infantry April 30, 1880 ; brevet captain and major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Mahon, Stephen K. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Iowa ; private 36th Iowa Volunt' er Infantry October, 1862; ser- geant-major 36ih Iowa Volunteer Infan- try October, 1862 ; e7i route from Keokuk to St. Louis November, 1862; Memphis, Tenn., December, 1862 ; Helena, Ark., January to February, 1863 ; on Yazoo Pass expedition ; first lieutenant and adju- tant 36ih Iowa Volunteer Infantry June, 1863; engaged in defense of Helena and capture of Little Rock, Ark. ; at Little Rock to March, 1864 ; bearer of dispatches February, 1864 ; engaged at action of Elkin's Fort, .battle of Prairie d'Ana, capture of Camden, and action of Mark's Mills; taken prisoner by the rebels April, 1864; escaped, and was recaptured, being exchanged February, 1865; second lieu- tenant 11th U. S. Infantry February, 1866; first lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; at Camp Grant, Richmond, Va., to April, 1867, and October to No- vember, 1867; president of a board of registration April to October, 1867 ; at Camp Schofield to December, 1867 ; mili- tary commissioner of counties in Virginia to December, 1868; commanding post of Lexington August to October, 1868; at Camp Schofield, Va., February to March, 1869; transferred to 16th U.'S. Infantry April, 1869; at Corinth and Vicksburg to June, 1869; member of a military com- mission Jackson, Miss., to August, 1869; inspector of registration to December, 1869; at Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1870, and from March to June, 1870; commiiiuling detachment March, 1867 ; at Nashville and Humboldt June, 1870, Jackson to August, 1870; inspecting duty Jeffersonville, Ind., October, 1870, to January, 1871 ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in defense of Helena, Arkansas ; at Jackson, Miss., from January, 1871, to '72 ; frontier duty '72 to '83 ; capt. July 8, '82. Vinal, William H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; musician, private, and corporal 17 Battery Ohio Light Ar- tillery July, 1802, to August, 1865; en- gaged in the assault on Chickasaw Bayou, capture of Arkansas Post, operations against Vicksburg, battles of Fort Gib- son, Champion Hills, action of Black River, siege of Vicksburg, pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, expedition to Don- aldson ville, Teche campaign, action of Carrion Crow Bayou, ojierations ]\lobile, and siege of Forts Morgan, Spanish, and Blakely, Ala.; 2 lieutenant 11 Infantry February 23, 1866 ; 1 lieutenant October 4, 1866 ; president of board of registra- tion, military commissioner 18 Division of Virginia, and commanding post of Warrenton; transferred to 16 Infantry April 14, 1869 ; acting assistant quarter- master and commi-:sar3' of subsistence post of Lauderdale, Miss., 1869 ; at post of Jackson, Miss., from January, 1870, to June, 1874; at Baton Rouge Barracks, La., to Julj', 1875; at post of Jackson, Miss., until June 27, 1877; comdg. post, A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S., during 1877; at Fort Rile}', Kansas, to November 15, 1880; at post San Antonio, Texas, to March 12, 1881 ; at Fort McKavett, Texas, to August 21, '82 ; at Fort Concho, Texas, to December 23, 1882 ; present station Fort Davis, Texas ; engaged in scout after Indian marauders 1877 ; on expedition against Chej-enne Indians 1878; in cam- paign against Victoria and his band of Apache Indians in New Mexico 1880; detached service at Monroe, La., during summer 1873, and at Philadeljihia, Miss., during spring 1873 ; regimental adjutant from July 1, 1880, to April 11, 1883 ; cap- tain 16th Infantry April 11, 1883. First Lieutenants. Noble, Charles H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Indiana ; private and corporal Company K, 1st Indiana Cav- alry, June 20, 1861 ; served in West Vir- ginia under Gens. Reynolds and Milroy ; escort to Generals Fremont, Sigel, and Howard in their Virginia campaigns; taken prisoner by the rebels at the battle of second Bull Run, Va. ; joined Army of the Potomac and attached to the head- quarters of the army, and engaged in the Richmond campaign to June, 1864; 2d lieutenant 16th Infantry Feb. 2:!, 1866; transferred to 34th Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; 1st lieutenant c4 Infantry Feb. 10, SIXTEENTH EEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 311 1807 ; transfcrrod to 16th Infantry April 14, 1809; in Mississippi from to . Palmer, George H. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Illinois ; pvt. 1st 111. Cav. April, 1801 ; engai^ed in Mulligan's de- fense and surrender of Lexington, Mo., 8ept. 18, 10, and 20, 1801 ; first lieutenant 83 Ills. Infantry August, 1802; engaged at tlie battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 3, 1803, when Wheeler, Wharton, and Forrest attacked the place with 8000 men ; Union strength 850 men ; the rebels beaten, and lost in killed, wounded, and prisoners 070 men, or three-fourths as many men as the Union troops had in the fight; capt. March, 18(i3, and engaged in pursuit of rebel Gens. Forrest and Wheeler in Ken. and Tenn. in 1804, and at the ac- tions of Nashville, Franklin, Pulaski, and Florence ; 1804-()5, commanding a com- pany of Mounted Infantry, — selected men, — and engaged in scouting duty in Ken- tucky and Tennessee ; engaged in fifteen fights with rebel scouting parlies and guerrillas ; April, 180-3, in pursuit of Capt. J. C Lea, commanding Confederate Cavalr}' raiding through Tennessee and Kentucky; fight with him on the 2d of May, 1805, near Henderson, Ky. ; drove him across Green River and broke up his command ; 2d It. 27th Infantry June 22, 1807; stationed at Forts C. F. Smith, M. T., and Phil Kearney, D. T. ; en- gaged in scouting duty after hostile In- dians until May, 1868 ; served in Wyo- ming and Colorado until July, 1809 ; un- assigned and awaiting orders from June 23, 1809, to July 19, 1809; on duty in Miss, (reconstruction) until May, 1870; on dulv in the Southern States until June, 1877 ; Wigned to 10th Inf. Dec. 10, 1870; served in Kansas and Colorado until Nov. 1880 ; commanding company in pursuit of hostile Indians under Dullknife 1879; on mounted duty in Middle Park, Colo., in 1880; served'^in Texas since Nov. 1880. Richards, William V. Born in Ireland. Appniiited from Michigan ; comdg. Co., 4th Jlich. Inf., at rendezvous, Adrian, Mich., from April, 1801, till June, 1801; in camp instruction as instructor of tactics with 1st Mich. Inf., at Ann Arbor, Mich., from June, 1801, to Sept. 1801 ; 1st lieu- tenant, adjutant 1st U. S. Lancers Nov. 1801, to March, 1802; 1st lieutenant 17th Mich. Inf. July, 1862 ; regimental adju- tant July, 18''.2 ; engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam (severely wounded), and Fredericksburg, Va. ; at Falmouth, Va., and acting assistant adju- tant-general of the 1st biv., 9th A.C., Army of the Potomac, to March, 1803; aide-de-camp to Gen. Wilcox and engaged at the actions of Bull's Gup, E. Tenn., Blue Springs, Clinche's Ford, Walker's Ford, Strawberry Plains, Mos.sy Creek, and Morristown, E. Tenn. ; acting assist- ant adjutant-general of Wilcox Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potonuic, May, 1804; judge-advocate 1st Div., 9th Corps of the army, and A.A.A.G. of the Poto- mac, December, 1804, lo April, 1805; en- gaged at the battles of the Wilderness, action of Nye River, battle of Spottsyl- vania, action of Shady Grove, Va., bat- tles of Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Peebles' Farm, B5-()9 ; unassi<;;ned Apr. 17, '69; assio-ned to 14tb Inf." July 14, '69; major 18 Inf. Dec. 15, '80; frontier duty ] 870-83. Coptahis. Kline, Jacob. Born in Pa. Apptd. from I'u. ; 1 It. IG Inf. Sept. 9, '61 ; Q. M. 1 Batt. 16 Inf. Sept. '62, to Sept. '63 ; capt. Sept. 30, '64 ; trs. to 25 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 18 Inf. Apr. 26, '69; bvt. capt. Apr. 7, '62, for gal. and mer. ser. in battle of Shiloh ; bvt. maj. Sept. 1, '64, for gal. and mer. ser. during Atlanta campaign. Kellogg, Edgar R. Born in New York. Appointed from the army; pri- vate 24th Ohio Volunteers April^ 1861 ; sergeant - major 24th Ohio Volunteers June, 1861 ; si'cond lieutenant 24th Ohio Volunteers July, 1861 ; engaged at the action of Greenbrier lliver, West Vir- ginia ; private 16th U.S. Infantry No- vember, 1861 ; lance-sergeant and ser- geant-major 1st Battalion 16th' U.S. In- fantry ; engaged at the battle of Shiloh ; second lieutenant 16th U.S. Infantry April, 1862; first lieutenant 16th U.S. Infantry May, 1862 ; engaged at the bat- tle of Murfreesboro' ; in the Atlanta cam- paign, and engaged at the battle of Jones- boro', Ga. (wounded); rejoined regiment January, 1865 ; on recruiting dutv March to February, 1866; captain 16th U.S. In- fantry February, 1865 ; with regiment to August, 1866; trans^ferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry by the reorganization of the army ; brevet captain U.S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; trs. to 18 Inf. Apr. 26, '69. McLaughlin, William H. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1865; 2 It. 17 Inf. June 23, '65; 1 It. June 23, '66; trs. to 26 Inf. Sept. 21, HM ; capt. July 81, '67; unas- signed May 19, '69 ; assigned to 18 Inf. Jany. 1, '71. Keeler, BirneyB. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; 1st lieut. 142 New York Vol. Inf. September, '62 ; served in the defenses of Washington, D. C. ; regimental adjutant, February, 1863 ; engaged at the siege of Suifolk ; Peninsu- lar campaign under General Dix and pur- suit of General Lee after the battle of Get- tysburg, Pa. ; transferred to Department of the South August, 1863; acting asst. inspector-general 1st Brigade, Gordon's Division, "August, 1863, to April, 1864; engaged in the o[)erati(ms on JNLirris Island, S. C. ; injured by the fall of his horse (killed in action) on John's Island February, 1864; aide-de-camp to General Turner, commanding 2d Division, lOtli Corps, April, 1864;" captain 142d New York Infantry, April, 18(i4; in the Army of the James, and engaged at the action of Swift's Creek, battle of Drury's Biuft', ac- tions of Ware Bottom Church, Walthall Junction, siege of Petersburg, battle of the Mine (injured), actions of Chapin's Farm, Laurel Hill, capture of Fort Har- rison, and action of Darbytown Eoad ; as- sistant commissary of musters 2d Division, 24lh Corps, and engaged at the capture of Fort Fisher (wounded) and campaign against Wilmington, N. C. ; commissary of muster 10th Corps, and engaged in Sherman's campaign from Goldsboro', N. C, to Ealeigh, N. C ; maj. and judge- advocate of vols. June, 1865 ; in the Dept. of Virginia to May, 1866 ; brevet major volunteers for gallant and distinguished conduct in the storming of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; brevet lieut. -col. volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign of 1864 ; 1st lieut. 39th Inf. July 28, 1866; regimental quartermaster January, 1867 ; captain June 5, 1868 ; un- assigned April 20, 1869 ; assigned to 18th Inf. Jan. 1, 1871 ; brevet capitain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services in ac- tion at Chapin's Farm, Va. ; brevet maj. for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Fort Fisher, N. C. ; acting as- sistant inspector-general District of Lou- isiana, New Orleans, La., from January, 1868, to April, 1868; asst. secy, of civil alfairs 5th Mil. Dist. from April, 1868, to September, 1868; acting judge-advocate Dept. Louisiana from September, 1868, to April, 1870; acting a'^st. adjt.-gcn. Dept. South from January, 1870, to Jan. 1871 ; commdg. Co. I, 18th Inf. Lloyd, Thomas J. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed i^rom Pa. ; graduated from Mili- tary Academy June, 1865; 2d lieut. 13th Inf. June 23, 1865; 1st lieut. June 23, 18(i5; captain Dec. 3, 1868; unassigned June 11, 1869; assigned to 18th Inf. Jan. 1, 1871. Durham, Cass. Born in Tnd. Ap- pointed fi'om Ind. ; graduated from IMili- tary Academy June, 1865; 2d lieut. 16th Inf. Juno 23, 1865; 1st lieut. June 23, 1865; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, 1869; captain June 30, 1877. Paul, Charles R. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. J. ; private 7th New 318 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. Jersey Inf. Auscnst, 18G1, to August, 1862; 2d licut.'^ IGth New Jersey Inf. August, 18G2; brevet major U. S. Vols. for services in tlic Shenandoah Valley ; aide-de-camp to Gen. Torbett, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1864 ; brevet iieut.-col. U. S. Vols, for services before Petersburg ; aide de-camp to Gen. Revere, Armv of the Potomac, January to May, I8f5.3; 1st lieut. August, 18(13; acting asst. adjutant-general in the Army of the Potomac during the war, and with the 6tli Cor))s, under General Sheridan, in the Shenandoah Valley; captain August, 1864 ; major 2d New Jersey Infantry July, 186-5; brevet major volunteers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Va. ; 2d lieut. and 1st lieut. IGth Inf.^Feb. 23, 1866; com- manding company at Memphis, Tenn., to May, 1867; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, 1879; captain March 20, 1869) brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Peters- burg, Va. Potter, Carroll H. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Massachusetts ; capt. A. A. G. Oct. 21, 1861 ; maj. A. A. G. Feb. 25, 1865; col. 6 N. S. V. Inf. March 27, 1865; hon. must, out October 10, 1866 ; 1 It. 18 Inf. July 28, 1867 ; regimental adjutant April, 1869; capt. March 28, 1879; bvt. brig. -gen. vol. March 13, 1865, for meritorious services during the war. Bomford, George M. Born in N. Y. Appointed from the army; pvt. Co. C, 7 N. Y. S. M., April 29 to June 3, 1861 ; 1 It. 42 New Yorii Inf. June 28, 1861 ; capt. Feb. 19, 1862; It. -col. Aug. 2, 1862; honorably must, out starch 16, 1863 ; pvt. and sergt. Co. "D," Batt., 15 Inf., Aug. 25, 1864, to Dec. 31, 1864; 2 It. 7 Inf. Nov. 12, 1864 ; 1 It. Nov. 12, 1864 ; ace. Dec. 31, 1864; A. A. adjt.-gen., A. A. in- spector-general, and A. D. C, to Gen. John Newton, comd'g district of Middle Florida, from '6-5-66 ; bvt. capt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Antietam ; bvt. maj. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritori- ous services at battle of Fredericksburg. Miller, William A, Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; pvt. and 1 sergt. Cos. F and E, 8 Ky. Inf., Sept. 17, 1861, to March 20, 1865; 2 It. 16 Inf. Feb. 23, 1866; trs. to 2-5- Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; 1 It. Sept. 21, 1866; trs. to 18 Inf. April 20, 1869 ; capt. Feb. 20, 1882. First Lieutenants. Adams, Henry H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; private and cor- poral Co. C, 98 Ohio Inf., Feb. 2, 1864, to June 26, 1865; 2 It. 16 Inf. Feb. 23, 1866 ; trs. to 25 Inf. Sept. 21, 1866 ; 1 It. Sept. 21, 1866 ; trs. to 18 Inf. April 26, 1869. Leahy, Michael. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; pvt. Co. B, 3 Art. ; bvt. corp., sergt., and 1 sergt., Co. " C ;" 1 Art. Julv 15, '-53, to Nov. 30, '63; 2 It. 1 Art. Oct. 31, '63; 1 It. Oct. 14, '64 ; trs. to 18 Inf. Aug. 3, '69; bvt. 1 It. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Olustee, Fla., and bvt. capt. Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritori- ous services in action on Darbytown road, near Richmond, Va. Baldwin, James H. Born in Massa- chu.^etts. Appointed from Massachusetts;- 1 lieutenant 35 Massachusetts Infantry August 16, 1862; transferred to 3 Com- pany Massachusetts Heavy Artillery January 19, 1863; captain 1 Battery Massachusetts Heavy Artillery May 26, 1863, to October 20, 1865 ; 2 lieutenant 16 Infantry March 30, 1866 ; transferred to 25 Infantry September 21, 1866; 1 lieu- tenant July 31, 1867 ; transferred to 18 Infantry April 26, 1869. Bates, Robert F. Born in New York. Appointed from Pennsylvania; private Company D, 53 New York Infantry, Sep- tember 16, 1861, to March 21, 1862; ser- geant Company I), 121 Pennsylvania In- fantry, August 13, 1862, to February 29, 1864;- 1 lieutenant 121 Pennsylvania In- fantry March 1, 1864, to June 2, 1865; 2 lieutenant 18 Infantry March, 1867; 1 lieutenant March 28, 1873 ; brevet 1 lieu- tenant U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at tlie battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Hinton, Charles B. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia ; 2 lieutenant 25 Infantry May 6, 1867; transferred to 18 Infantry April 26, 1879; 1 lieutenant May 4, 1874. Hoyt, George S. Born in New Hamp- shire. Appointed from Wisconsin ; pvt. 7th Wisconsin Volunteers August, 1861; first sergeant 7th Wisconsin Volunteers; engaged at the battles of Rappahannock Station, action of Warrenton, battles of Gaines' Mill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, and Antietam ; second lieu- tenant 7th Wisconsin Volunteers October, 1862; commanding company, and engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; first lieutenant 7th Wisconsin Volunteers January, 1863; commanding company, and engaged at the battle of Chancellors- ville, and action of Fitzhugh Crossing, Va. ; captain 7th Wisconsin Volunteers April, 1863 ; engaged at the action of Brandy Station, battle of Gettj'sburg, operations at Mine Run, battles of the EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, !19 Wildornoss (wounded), Petorslnirg, Wel- don Riiilroad, and action of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; major 7th Wisconsin Volun- teers Deccnnbcr, 18()4 ; enijaged at the capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. ; second lieutenant 18th U. S. In- fantry June, 181)7 ; engnujed against hos- tile Indians in Dakota Territory ; 1st It. 5 Oct., '74. Barnhart, Frank H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa.; pvt. Co. " G," 6 Pa. Inf. April 22, '61 ; dis. July 2(), '61 ; corpl. Co. " A," and sgt. maj. 50 Pa. Inf. Aug. 19 to Nov. 25, '64 ; 1 It. 50 Pa. Inf. Nov. 26, '64; capt. March 21, '65; hon. must, out July 80, '65; 2 It. 25 Inf. June 18, '67, aec'. July 20, '67 ; trs. to 18 Inf. April 26, '60 ; 1 It. June 30, '77. Anderson, John. Born in Massachu- setts. A|)pointed from Ma.ssachusetts ; Private 1st Michigan Sharpshooters, 1862, to December, 1863; second lieutenant 57th Massachusetts Volunteers February, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and the explosion of the mine, Virginia (severely wounded) ; discharged for disability arising from wounds Jan- uary, 1865; second lieutenant 20th Regi- ment Veteran Reserve Corps March, 1865, to June, 1866 ; brevet first lieutenant and captain IT. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Va. ; second lieutenant 25th U. S. Infantry August, 1867 ; trans, to 18th Inf. '69; 1st lt.''l7th Oct. '78. Todd, John H. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentuekj' ; 2d lieutenant 18th Infantry August 22, 1867; 1st lieu- tenant March 20,1879. Floyd, Daniel H. Born in Md. Apptd. from Ind. ; graduate'of M. A., class of 1870; 2d It. 9th Cav. June 15, '70; trs. to 18th Inf. Sept. 18, '75; 1st It. July 1, '79. Wheeler, William D. Born in N. Y. Apptd. from M. A ; graduate of M. A., class of 1871 ; 2d It. 18th Inf. June 12, '71 ; 1st It. Feby 6, '82. Warwick, Oliver B. Born in Ala. Apptd. in Ala. ; 2d It. 18th Inf. Oct. 1, '73; ace. Oct. 15, '73; 1st It. Feby. 20, '82. Second Lieutenants. Cabaniss, Charles H., Jr. Born in Va. Apptd. from Va. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1874; 2d It.'^lSth Inf. June 17, '74. Turner, George L. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1874; 2d lieu- tenant iSth Inf. June 17, 1874. Patten, William S. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1875; 2 It. 18 Inf. Oct. 16, '75; ace. Oct. 20, '75. Wood, William T. Born in Illinois. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877 ; add. 2 It'. 4 Inf. June 15, '77 ; 2 It. 18 Inf. June 30, '77. McClure, Charles. Born in Penn.syl- vania. Appointed from Pa.; captain, commissary of subsistence vol., April 28, 1862 ; vacated Sept. 1866 ; capt., com. sub., Aug. 17, 1866 ; major aiul paymaster Aug. 30, 1880; served brigade com. sub. lat Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Feb. 1863; chief commis>ary of subsistence 1st Div., First Corps, to Julv, 1863 ; acting chief C. S. 1st Corps to April, 1864 ; chief com. of sub. 4lh Div., 5lh Corps, to Aug. 1864 ; in.spector of the commissary depart- ment of the armies operating against Rich- mond to Nov. 1864 ; acting as aide-de- camp in Gen. Pope's Virginia campaign, and at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Rac- coon Ford, Chancellorsville, Fredericks- burg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Petersburg ; depot and purchasing C. S. at Cleveland, , to May, 1865, and Chicago, 111., to Aug. 1865; Fort Union, N. M., from Sept. 1865, to Oct. 1866 ; chief com. of sub. Dist. of New Mexico Oct. 1866, to May, 1870; assistant to com. genl. sub. U.S.A., Washington, D. C, from June 1, '70, to Oct. 6, 1873; purchasing and depot C. S. at Sioux City, la., to August 1, '76; inspector Indian supplies June 29, 1875; Sioux City, la., to Oct. 1876 ; depot qr.mr. Sioux City, la., and Yankton, I). T., July 2, '75, to Dec. 1875 ; chief C. S. Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., from Aug. 22, '76, to May, 1877 ; acting chief C. S.^from May to September, 1877 ; purchasing and depot C. S. St. Paul, Minn., from May to Dec. 23, 1877; inspector Indian supplies St. Paul, Minn., from Sept. 1876, to Dec. 1877 ; purchasing and depot C. S., Wash- ington, D. C, Jan. 23, '78, to May, 1878; purchasing and depot C. S., Boston, Mass., from May 11, '78, to Oct. 18, '80; on duty as paymaster Leavenworth, Kans., Nov. 1880, to Dec. 1882 ; paymaster Boston, Mass., from Dec. 1882, to ; brevet major Aug. 17, 1866, for faithful services in the subsistence department ; brevet major vol.. It. col. vol., and col. vol., Oct. 21, 1865, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices ; bt. It.-col. Dec. 1, '68, U.S.A., "for gallant and meritorious services in the field with the Army of the Potomac in 1862" ; expired by constitutional limitation Mar. 4, '77. Steele, Charles L. Born in IMissis- sippi. Apptd. from Tenn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1879 ; 2 It. 18 liif. June 13, '79. 320 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Slocum, Stephen L. H. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 2 It. 18 Inf. Sep. 1, '79 ; f\cc. So]it. n, 79. Campbell, Peter. Born in Canada. Appointed from the army; private and corporal Company G, 33 New York In- fantry, May 22, 1861, to March 24, 1862; corporal and sorijoant Company H, and sergeant-major 14 New York Heavy Ar- tillery Novcmhcr 13, 1863, to June 23, 186.5; 2 lieutenant 14 New York Heavy Artillery June 24, 1865, to August 26, 1865; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st, sergeant Company D, and quartermaster- sergeant and sergeant-major 18 Infantrv January 12, 1871, to July 11, 1880; 2 lieutenant 18 Infanti'y June 24, 1880. Hardin, Charles B. Born at Berlin, Illinois, Aug. 10, 1854; private Troop G, ].st Cavalry, Aug. 17, '72; served tlirough Modoc war 1872-3 ; corporal Troop G, Ist Cavalry, Dec. 20, 1876 ; discharged June 5, 1877 ; private Troop G, 1st Cavalry, Oct. 15, 1878; corporal April 17, 1879; sergeant April 8, 1880; examined for pro- motion April 20, 1881 ; received the " mei-itorious non-commissioned officer's certificate as candidate for promotion" June 18, 1881 ; on recruiting service at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from July 1, 1881, to April 24, 1882; 2d lieut. 18th In- fantry March 27, 1882; accepted April 24, 1882. Beacom, John H. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. 18 Inf. June 13, '82. NINETEENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Cvlonel. Smith, Charles H. Captain 1st Maine Cavalry Oct. 19, 18G1 ; major Feh. 16, 186:-{; It.-col. Mar. 1, 1863; col. June 18, 1863; hrevet brig.-gen. vol. Aug. 1, 1864, for distinguished conduct in the engage- ment at St. Mary's Church ; brevet maj.- gen. vol. Mareh 13, 1865, for higlily dis- tingui^hed and meritorious services ; mus- tered out Aug. 11, 1865; col. 28th Infan- try July 28, 1866 ; brevet brig. -general TJ. S. A. aiarch 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Sail- or's Creek, Va. ; bvt. maj.-gen. IT. S. A. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritori- ous services during the war; transferred to 19th Infantry March 15, 1869. Lieutenant- Colonel. Bliss, Zenas R. Born in R. I. Ap- pointed from R. I. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1854; brevet 2d It. 1st Infantry Julv 1, 18-54; 2d It. 8th Infantry March 3, 1855; 1st It. Oct. 17, 18(i0; served on frontier duty in Texas 1854-61 ; while on the march from from Ft. Quitman, Texas, to San Antonio April-May 9, 1861, was surrendered to the Texas rebels under Gen. Van Dorn, and remained a prisoner of war until April 5, 1862; commanded "northern defenses of Wa>hington May- Aug. 1862; engaged in the Rappahannock campaign Dec. 1862, to March, 1863 ; on duty in K}-., Vicksburg (on expedition to and capture of Jackson, Miss., July and August, 1863), Middle Tennessee (in com- mand of Military District of Middle Ten- nessee January to March, '63), and Vir- ginia, March,' 1863, to April, 1864; in command of 1st Brigade, 2d Division 9th Army Corps, Richmond campaign. May, 1864; in command of brigade at siege of Peter.sburg July-Aug. 1864 ; on Board of Examination Oct. 1864, to June, 1865; recruiting service July 13, 1865, to March 2, 1866; on duty in Md., Pa., and N. Y., March to May, 1866 ; in command of Mil- itary District of Chester, S. C, and asst. commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, June 7 to August 13, 1866 ; recruiting service Sept. 1866 ; on duty in La., commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Jackson Bks., and Ship Island from Janiuiry, 1868, to April, 1870; transferred to Texas fron- tier 1870; captain Mav 14, 1861 ; col. 10th R. I. Vol. May 26, 1862; col. 7th R. L Vol. Aug. 21, 1862; brevet major Dec. 13, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; bvt. It.-col. May 7, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of the Wil- derness, Va. ; mustered out of volunteer service June 9, 1865 ; major 3nth Infan- try Auir. 6, 1867 ; transferred to 25th In- fantry March 15, 1869; lieut.-colonel 19th Infantry March 4, 1879. Major. Offley, Robert H. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; second lieu- tenant 1st U. S. Infantry May, 1857 ; first lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry May, 1861 ; captain 1st U. S. Infantry November, 1861 ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi ; major 19 Inf. 6 May, '79. Captains. Lyster, William J. Born in Michigan. Apptd. from Michigan ; 2d It. and adju- tant 2 Mich. Inf. 25 May, '61 ; hon. must, out 21 June, '61 ; 1 It. 19 Inf. 14 May, '61; captain 9 Aug. '64; bvt. captain 7 April, '62, for gallant and meritorious NINETEENTH KEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 321 sorvjcos at Shiloh; bvt. major 20 Sept. '03, for gallant and meritorious services at ChicKamaiiga ; bvt. It. -col. 1 Sejit. 'G4, for gallant and meritorio0; unassigned April 20, 1869; assigned to 19th Infantry July 5, 1870; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bethesda Church, Va. Smith, J. H. Born in Ky., Jan. 29, 1840. Entered the U. S. service as 1 It. 2d Ky. Inf. ; was mustered in on the 8th of May, 1861, for three months' service ; remustered as 1st lieutenant on the 3d of June, 1861, for three years; pro. captain 28th January, 1862 ; captain 25th June, 1863, Vet. Res. Corjis ; distdiarged at his own request 31st October, 1865; appointed captain 13th U. S. Infantry 7tli iMarch, 1867; a.ssigned to 19th Infantry 15th De- cember, 1870 ; was in service continuously from 8th day of May, 1861, to 31st Octo- ber, 1805; served in Western Virginia until January, 1802, and was wounded in an engagement at Barboursville, Va. , and in engagements on that line ; served in Jan. 1862, Buell's army until Shiloh, Tenn., where he was severely wounded, and received brevet major, U.S.A., for gallantry in said action. Towle, George F. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from Texas ; served six months in a company of Texan Rangers and engaged against hostile In- dians in 1859; tirst lieutenant 4th New Hampshire Volunteers Sept. 18, 1861 ; in Gen. Sherman's expedition to Port Royal, S. C, November, 1861 ; captain 4th New Hampshire Volunteers Jan. 17, 1862; in Wright's Brigade, Florida expedition, January, 1862 ; provost-marshal at Fer- nandina to March, 18(;2 ; in command of boat expedition capturing tlie blockade- runner " British Empire" at Matanzas Inlet, Fla , April, 1862 ; provost-marshal at St. Augustine, Fla., to September, 1802; commanding companv at battle of Pocotaligo, S. C.,'Oct. 22, 1802; in the first expedition against Charleston, S. C. ; at Folly Island, and present at the descent* on Morris Island and operations against Fort Sumter, 1803 ; served through the siege of Forts Wagner and Gregg, S. C, July 10 to Sept. 7, 1803 ; inspector-general U.S. forces Morris Island ; on tlie stall' of General Terry in the Dei^artmi'iit of the South, of the First Division, lOih Corps, and of the 10th Corps, Army of the James; engaged as inspector of Terry's division at the actions of Swift Cr., Ches- ter Station, Weir Bottom Church, battle of Drui'v's Blutt", three actions in front of Bermuda Hundred, siege ol Petersburg, action of Deep Bottom, battle of Fussell's 322 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Mills, New Market Heights, Laurel Hill, New Market, Williamsburg, Charles Cil}', and Darbytown Roads; inspector-general of second Fort Fisher expedition ; major 4th New Hampshire Volunteers Jan. 1805 ; lieutenant-colonel and inspector-general 10th Army Corps Feb. 18(J5; engaged at the capture of Wilmington, action at North East Cr., and capture of Raleigh ; detailed on duty paroling General John- son's army April, 18G5; inspector-general Department of North Carolina and Army of the Ohio July, 18(i5; first lieutenant 19th U.S. Infantry Feb. 23, 1860; on duty at Newport Rarracks, Kj'., May to July, 1800; commanding company at Camden, Arkansas, July to Oct. 1800; ordnance officer, Department of the Ar- kansas, and in command of company at Little Ruck Arsenal Oct. 1866, to JSiov. 1867 ; on duty at Hamburg, Ark., to Au- gust, 1808; post quartermaster, commis- sary, and adjutant at Camden, Ark., Oc- tober, 1808 ; brevet captain U.S. Army for galhint anil meritorious services at the siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. ; brevet maj. U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fussell's Mills, Va. ; lirevet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; on duty at Little Rock, Arkansas, March, 1869, to May, 1870; post signal officer Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., May to Sept. 1870; on duty with company on Ship Island, Miss., to Nov. 1870^; at Greenville and Jackson Barracks to Dec. 31, 1870; in charge of recruiting rendez- vous Milwauivee, Wis., Jan. 1871, to Feb. 1872; depot adjutant Newpi>rt Barracks, Ky., April, 1872; in charge of recruiting rendezvous at Providence, R. I., June to Dec. 31, 1872; on duty with company at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, Jan. 1873 ; ordered with detachment to Colfax, La., March, 1873 ; post adjutant Alex- andria, La., comnuuiding post Alexan- dria, La., September, 1873; on duty with company at Baton Rouge, La., Nov. ' 1873; fit Ilai'risonburg, La., commanding detachments to May, 1874 ; commanding company at Fort Lyon, Colorado, to July, 1875; in command of company and post at Fort Dodge, Kansas, to Oct. 1876 ; in command Fort Larned, Kansas, Dec. 1870 ; at Fort Dodge, Ks., to July, 1877 ; at Fort Elliott, Texas, to April, 1878 ; captain liHh U.S. Infantry March 18, 1878 ; at Fort Lyon, Colorado ; in the field for interception of the runaway Cheyennes August and September, 1878 ; in command of Fort Lyon to May, 1879 ; ordered with company from Fort Lyon, Col., to Baxter Springs, Kansas, May, 1879; detached service with company in the field continuously from May, 1879, to July, 1881, guarding the N.E. part of In- dian Territory against unlawful invasion and removing intruders ; at Fort Gibson, I. T., July, i'881, to Nov. 1881 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, Nov. 1881, to April, 1882; detached from regiment as aide-de-camp to Major-General Terry commanding De- partment of Dakota at Fort SnoUing, Minnesota, April, 1882 ; cadet at Western Military Institute and University of Nash- ville, Tennessee ; county surveyor in Texas to April, 1861. Witherill, Charles T. Born in Maine. Appointed from Me. ; private 0th Maine A-^olunteers May, '61 ; sergeant 6th Maine Volunteers March, 1862; second lieuten- ant 0th Maine Volunteers August, 1803 ; captain 0th Maine Volunteers ; served in Army of the Potomac during the war, and at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Va. (was wounded twice), at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House (wounded), and in front of Petersburg, Virginia (wounded) ; engaged at the Shenandoah Valley campaign ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; first lieutenant 28th U. S. Infantry July 1806 ; bvt. captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Marye's Heights, Va. ; brevet major U. S. Arm}' for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Va. ; trans, to 19th Inf. 31st March, '69; captain 20 March, '79. Vance, Richard. Born in Kentucky. Private in Co. " F," 2eth Kv. Vol. Inf., Oct. 1, 1801 ; 2d It. Co. "F", 20th Ky. Vol. Inf., June 22, 1862; 1st It. and adjt. 26th Ky. Vol. Inf. Jan. 1, 1803; mustered out and discharged July 27, 1805; ap- pointed 2d It. 19th Inf Feb. 23, 1806; transferred to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; 1 It. 19th Sept. 1866; consolidated into 19th Inf. March 31, 1869; captain 19th Inf. June 19, 1879. Robinson, Thomas B. Born at .sea. Appointed from the army ; private and corporal Company B, 2d Battalion, and quartermaster-sergeant 2d and 1st Bat- talion of the 12th Infantry April 20, 18()2, to August 27, 1806; 2 I'ieut. 8 Infantry June 10, 1806; at Chester, S.C.,Fort Ma- con, N.C., Goldsboro' and Raleigh, N.C., Anderson and Laurensville, S. C, to September, 1808; 1 lieutenant August 6, 1807 ; at Laurensville and Columbia, S.C., and Fort Macon, N.C., to September, '69 ; unassigned May 3, 1869; assigned to 19th Infantry September 1, 1869; captain 24th November, 1879. NINETEENTH EEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 323 Fir'st Lieutenants. Leefe, John G. Born in Enoland. Apjxiinted from New York ; 1st lieuten- ant 102(1 N. Y. Infantry Sept. 20, 1862; reg. qrmr. Fob. 24, 18(53, declined ; acting asst. qrnir. 1st Brigade, 3d Div. 19 Corps, March to July 12, 1803 ; present at action of Fort Bisland, and at assaults, siege, and surrender of Port Hudson, La. ; act- ing asst. qrmr. 3d Division, 19lh Corps, August to October, 1868 ; present at naval combat of Sabine Pass, Texas, and action of Carrion Crow Bayou, La. ; acting asst. qrmr. at headquarters 19th Corps to Jan. 1864 ; present at actions of Vermilion Prairie and St. Martinsville, La. ; acting reg. adjt. to March, 1864 ; acting ordnance officir at headquarters Army of the Gulf to July, 1804, and with fleet of Admiral Porter on lied Kiver, from Alexandria to Springfield Landing and back toSemmes- port. La.; wounded 14th May, 1864, in action near Fort de Pai.'^sy, lied River; captain 102 N. Y. Infantry' Feb. 16, 1864, and on duty with regiment in Louisiana and Virginia till Aug. 4, 1864; present at action of Deep Bottom, Va., July 25 and 26, 1864; acting assistant adjutant- general 1st Division, 19th Corps, to July, 1865; present at battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va. ; skirmishes at Mount Jackson, Newmar- ket, and Newtown, Va. ; captain and as- sistant adjt. -general of volunteers June 15, 1865; on duty at Augusta, Ga., as as- sistant adjt. -general, headquarters 4lh Division, Department of Georgia, to Oc- tober 26, 1865 ; brevet major U. S. Volun- teers for gallant services at the battle of the Opequan, Va. ; brevet lieutenant- colonel of U. S. Volunteers for gallant services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Va. ; brevet major of New York Volun- teers for gallant and meritorious ser- vices ; honorably mustered out Novem- ber 22, 1865; 2d lieutenant 19th Infan-- try May 11, 1866; 1st lieutenant Nov. 18, 1867; regimental adjutant Nov. 23, 1866, to March 31, 1869 ; regimental qrmr. April 12, 1869, to April 30, 1876; bre- vet 1st lieutenant U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Opequan, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at tlie batUe of Fisher's Hill, Va. Vernon, Charles A. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa ; 2 It 3 Pa. Cav. 18 April, '62; hon. must, out 8 July, '62; 2 It. 3 Pa. Cav. 9 May, 1863; hon. must, out 24 Aug '64; 1 It. 6 Pa. Cav. 19 Feb. '65; captain 22 March, '65; hon. must. out 7 Aug. '65 ; 2 It. 4 Cav. 7 March, '67 ; 1 It. 13 Jan. '68; trans.|to 19 Inf. 10 July, '73. Hall, Charles B. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine; private 25th Maine Infantry July, 1802 ; 1st sergeant August, 1862; 2 lieutenant September 29, 1862; on duty in Virginia to June, 1863; in the Department of the Gulf to August, 1864; ordnance officer 3d Brigade, 1 Division 19 Army Cor])s March to June, 1804; en- gaged at the action of Cane River Cross- ing, Sabine Cross-Roads, aiid battle of Pleasant Hill, La. ; acting assistant adj.- gen. and aide-de-camp of a brigade to July, 1804; in reserve at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; provost-marsl)al of a brigade October, 1864, to January, 1865; acting assistant inspector-general of a brigade January, 1805; in Washington, D. C., to June, 1865; acting assistant adjutant- general District of Western South Caro- lina .lune to September, 1805; 2 lieuten- ant 28 Infantry January 22, 1807; 1 lieutenant December 28, 1868; unas.'^igned March 31, 1869 ; assigned to 19 Infantry Dec. 23, 1870; regimental quartermaster May 1, 1876, to Feb. 24, 1882; regimental adjutant since Feb. 24, 1882 ; brevet 1 lieu- tenant U. S. A. for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La. ; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La. Vedder, Simon C. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 1 lieutenant 16 New York Infantry April, 1861, and engaged at the first battle of Bull Run, Va. ; commanding eomj)any and engaged at the action of West Point, battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Golden Farm, and Charles City Cross Roads ; ad- jutant of regiment and engaged at the battle of second Bull Run, Va. ; captain and assistant commissary of subsistence of volunteers July, 1864; in the Department of Washington, Washington, I). C, to June, 1865; brevet major of volunteers for meritorious services ; 2 lieuteiuuit 28 Inf. March 7, 1867; transferred to 19 Inf. 31 March, 1869 ; 1 lieutenant March 18, 1878; regimental quartermaster since February 24, 1882; on duty as acting signal under orders chief signal officer of the army from Feby. 20th, 1875, to Dec. 1st, 1880. Payne, John A. Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Illinois; ])rivate ]2lh Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry April, 1861 ; first lieutenant Birge's Sharpshooters August to December, 1861 ; recruiting and drill- ing men ; first lieutenant 1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry December, 1861 ; cap- tain 1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry Oc- tober, 1862; served in Southeast and Southwest Missouri ; captain 14th Mis- souri V^eteran Volunteer Cavalry Decem- ber, 1864; major 14th Missouri Veteran 324 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Volunteer Cavalry June, 18G-5; served on the plains against ho'-tile Indians; second lieutenant 28lh United States Infantry May, 18i;7 ; transferred to the 19lh United States Infantry ]\Iarch, 18G9 ; 1 lieut. 13 May, '78. Spencer, George K. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Iowa ; private 2d Iowa Volunteers May, 1861, to Sept. 1862 ; first lieutenant 3.5th Iowa Volun- teers September, 1862 ; captain 35th Iowa Volunteers July, 1863; engaged at the battle of Jackson, Miss., May, 1863 ; siege ofVicksburg, battles of Jackson, Miss., July, 18G3, Pleasant Hill, La., action of Bayou-de-Glaze, La., and Old River Lake, Ark., battle of Tupelo, pursuit of the rel)el General Price through Arkansas, Mis- souri, and Kansas, battle of Nashville, iind the siege of Fort Sjianish, Ala. ; sec- ond lieutenant 19th U.S. Infantry August. 1867 ; bri'vet first lieutenant U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Tupelo, Miss., and Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet captain U.S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Fort Spanish, Ala. ; 1st lieuten- ant May 13, '78. Williams, William M. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Uhio ; |)vt. Co. G, and qm.- sgt. 4.3th Ohio Inf. 31 July, '62, to 12 J\me, '63 ; 2d It. 4.5th Ohio Inf. 12 Aug., '68 ; Isi It. 2 April, '64 ; adjutant of regi- ment from June to Dec. '64 ; capt. 18 Feb., '65 ; engaged in General Burnside's East Tennessee campaign; Sherman's Atlanta campaign, and battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; bvt. major U.S.V. for good conduct in action during the pursuit of the rebel Gen. Morgan through Ind. and Ohio ; 2d lieut. 28th' Inf. 13 Nov., '67; trans, to 19th In- fantry 31 March, '69 ; 1st lieutenant Nov. 27, 1878. Guard, Alex. McC. Born in Illinois. Apptd. from Ohio ; graduate M.A., class of '71 ; 2 It. 19 Inf. 12 June, '71 ; 1 It. 20 March, '79. Gardener, Cornelius. Born in Neth- erlaiid. Appointed from Michigan ; grad- uated from Military Academy June, 1873 ; 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry June 13, 1873 ; participated in campaign against North- ern Cheyennes under Dull Knife 1878 ; 1st lieutenant June 19, 1879; participat'-d in campaign against Utes in 1880; quarter- master of Gen. Buell's column 1880; post Q.M. and A.C.S. at Fort Brown, Texas, from .March 1, 1883. Taylor, Alexander H. M. Born in England. Apjiointed trom New York; private Co. B, 38th N. Y. Infantry, No- vember 30, 1861, to September 10," 1862; sergeant general service U.S.A. Septem- ber 10, 1862, to April 30, 1863, and from March 5, 1864, to March 31, 1864; hosp. stewd., U.S.A., May 24, 1872, to October 15, 1873 ; 2d lieutenant 17th Infantry March 16, 1866; A.D.C. Dec. 12, 1866, to Sept. 15, 1867 ; 1st lieutenant September 1, 1867; hon. discharged December 1, 1870, and appointed 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry October 1, 1873; 1st lieutenant November 24, 1879. Hewitt, Christian C. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from West Virginia ; graduated from Military Academy June 17, 1874; 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry June 17, 1874; 1st lieutenant Juno 15, 1882. Eckerson, Theodore H. Born in Ore- gon. Appointed at large from AVashing- ton Terr. ; graduated from Military Acad- emy June 17, 1874 ; 2d lieut. 6th Inf. June 17, 1874; served on frontier duty at Fort Lincoln, Dakota Territory, Oct. 3 to Dec. 1874, and Standing Rock Indian Agency to Sept. 15, 1875; resigned Sept. 15,1875 (Civil History: Professor of Military Science and Tactics Riverview Military Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) ; tele- graphed for api)ointment to serve in the field after Custer massacre; 2d lieut. 5th Cavalry Aug. 15, 1876; cancelled Sept. 1876, there being no vacancy ; 2d It. 19th Infantry August 15, 1876; served >it Re- cruiling Depot, Fort Columbus, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1876, to March 3, 1877 ; on fron- tier duty at Fort Dodge, Kan., March 11 to July" 9, 1877, and Fort Elliott, Texas, July 21, 1877, to December 8, 1878, and on leave of absence Dec. 8, 1878, to March 9, 1879; at Ft. Elliott, Tex., March 9, 1879, to Sept. 22, 1879, and at Ft. Dodge, Kan., Oct. 3, 1879, to Oct. 27, 1879; in tlie field with Gen'l Mackenzie's L^te expedition as adjt. batt. 16th and 19th Inf. and adjt. 3d Batt. Inf. column (also A. A. A. -Gen'l dur- ing the last month) Oct. 27, 1879, to Nov. 7, 1880; at Ft. Hays, Kan., Nov. 9, 1880, to Dec. 6, 1880; on leave of absence Dec. 6, 1880, to January 5, 1881 ; at Ft. Hays, Kan., January 5,'l881, to Oct. 30, 1881; at Fort Brown, Tex., Nov. 7, 1881, to Dec. 12, 1882, passing through yellow-fever epidemic; 1st lieut. 19th Infantry Oct. 11, 1882; at Ft. Clark, Tex., Dec. 13, 1882, to April 4, 1883 ; on leave of absence (Bos- ton, Mass.) April 4, 1883, to July 3, 1883; at Fort Clark, Tex., July 3, 1883, to date; son of Major Theo. J. Eckerson, quartermaster U. S. Army. Second Lieutenants. Evans, William P. Born in Wiscon- sin. Appointed from Wisconsin; gradu- ated from Military Academy June, 1878; 2d It. 19th Infantry June 14, 1878. Ives, Edward B. Born in Ind, Apptd. TWENTIETH REGIMENT OF INEANTEY. 325 from Tnd.; p;radu(ite M. A., class of 1878 ; 2d It. I'lth Inf. 14th June, 1878. French, Francis H. liorn in Indiana. Appfd. tVoin Ind.; i;raduatc M. A., class of '70; 2d It. r.ttii inf. 13th June, '79. Smith, Edmund D. Born in Connec- ticut. Appointed from Conn. ; graduated from ^lilitary Academy June, 1879; 2d lieutenant 19th Infantry June IB, 1879. Ogle, Alfred McC. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of '79 ; 2d It. 19th Inf. 13th June, '79. Cunningham, John M. Born in 111. Appointed from 111.; 2d It. 19th Inf. 1st Sept., '79. Roberts, Harris L. Born in D. C. Ajiptd. from D. C; graduate M. A., class of '80; 2d lieut. 4th Inf. 12th June, '80; trans, to 19th Inf. 22d March, '81. Fowler, Charles S. Born in Maine. Apptd. from the army ; pvt. Co. G, 4th Cav., 14th Nov., '72; 'dis. 14th Nov., '77; pvt.,corpl., and sgt. Co. B, 19th Inf.,22d Augu.st, '78, to (ith July, '82; 2d It. 19th InfT, 7lh July, '82. Geary, Woodbridge. Born in Oregon. Ap}ttd. from Oregon; graduate M. A., class of 1882 ; 2d 'it. 19th Inf. 15th June, 1882. TWENTIETH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Colo7iel. Otis, Elwell S. Born in Maryland. Apjuiinted from New York ; capt. 140th N. Y. Inf. 13 September, 1862; It.-col. 23d December, '63 ; hon. must, out 24th June, '65 ; bvt. col. U. S. V. for gallant' and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; brevet bi'ig. -general U. 8. V. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Chapel House, Va. ; lieut. -col. 22d Inf. 28th July, '66; brevet col. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; colonel 20th Inf. 8th February, '81 ; at this date (1883) superintendent School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., which he organ- ized. Lientenant-Colonel. Layton, C. Rodney. Born in Delaware. Appointed from Delaware ; capt. 1 Del. Inf. May 16, 1861 ; major July 1, 1861 (not mustered) ; engaged in guarding bridges, etc., on the line of the Philadel- ])hia, AVilmington, and Baltimore Euil- road ; captain 11th Infantry Aug. 5, '61 ; recruiting duty New Bedford, Alass., and Wilmington, Del., to May, 1862; com- manding battalion at Gen. Sturgis' head- 22 quarters, near Tenallytown, Md. ; joined regiment in the field, and engaged at tho battles of 2d Bull Kua, Antietam, Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and actions at Boteler's Mills ami Lee- town ; tem]iorary duty in New York Sep- tember, 1863; recruiting duty at Detroit, Mich., to 1865; mustering duty summer and fall of 1864 ; joined regiment in front of Petersburg, Va., March, '65; provost- guard Army of the Potomac, judge-advo- cate of a military commission or court- martial, Richmond, Va., summer of 1865 to June, 1866; acting judge-advocate De- partment of Virginia and Potomac ; act- ing judge-advocate 1st Military District of Virginia to October, 1868, and of the 5th Military District, Texas, to April, 1869; transferred to 16th Infuntry April, 1869; rejoined re<:iment, and command- ing post of Corinth, Miss ; acting judge- advocate 4tli IMilitary District to jNlarch, 1870; with company in Tennessee, Ala- bama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Flor- ida ; brevet major for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; p.-m. duty La. and Ind. Ter. ; com- manding post of St. Francis Barracks, St. Augustine, Fla., Frankfort and Newport Barracks, Ky., Thomas Barracks, Ala., and Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter. ; nuijor 20tli Infantry March 4, 1879; trans. U) 5th In- fantry May, 1882; served in Texas and Kansas ; at Forts Brown and Einggold, and Fort Dodge, and after transfer lo 5th Infantry at Fort Keogh, Montana ; pro. lieut.-col. 20th Inf. April 2, 1883. Major. Bates, John C. Born in IMissoviri. Appointed from Missouri; 1 It. 11 U. S. Inf. May, 1861 ; capt. 11 U. S. Inf. May, 1863 ; trs. to 20 U. S. Inf. September, 1866; bvt. maj. U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services in the field ; bvt. It.-col. U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services during the operations re- sulting in the fiill of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the Insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee ; maj. 5 Inf. 6 March, 1882; trs. to 20 Inf. 24 May, 1882. Cap fains. Patterson, John H. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; 1 It. 11 Inf. May 14, 1861 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown ; battles of Gaines' Mills and Malvern Hill, Va. ; on recruit- ing duty August, 1862, to March, 1863; engaged at the battles of Chaneelk)rsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Rajijiahannock Sta- tion, operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Bethesda Church, Peters- 326 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1>ur£]C, Weldon Railroad, Cliapel House, Hatcher's Run, Va. ; A. D. C. 2 Brigade, '2. Div. , 5 Corps, July to December, 1864 ; on recruiting duty February to Novem- ber, 1805; capt. 11 Inf. July 28, 1866; trs. to 20 Inf. Sept. 21, 1866 ; brevet capt. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chapel House, Va. Wheaton, Loyd. Born in Michigan. Appointed from Illinois; 1 sergt. Co. E, 8 Illinois Inf., April to July, f861 ; 1 It. 8 Illinois Inf. July, 1861 ; capt. March, 1862; engaged at the battles of Shiloh (severely wounded), Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, and siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; major August, 186.3, and engaged near Jackson, Miss. ; July, 1864; on the staff of Gen. Logan April, 1863, to April, 1864 ; acting assistant in- spector-genl. 17 Corps and prov. -marshal 15th Corps; acting judge-advocate 15 Corps; It. -col. December, 1864, and en- gaged at the siege of Fort Spanish, Ala. ; col. 8 Illinois Inf. May, 1866 (not mus- tered) ; bvt. col. volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the cam- paign against the city of Mobile, Ala., and its defenses ; capt. 34 Inf. July 28, 18()6 ; unassigned April 14, 1869 ; assigned to 20 Inf. September 1, 1869; bvt. maj. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; tvt. lieut.-col. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Fort Blakely, Ala. Fletcher, William. Born in N. Y. Appointed from the army ; private 1st Oiiio Volunteers 1846 ; in the war with Mexico, and engaged at the battles of Monterey, Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo, and defense of Puebla ; enlisted in the 1st U. S. Artillery, and served two enlistments ; in Texas, and engaged scouting hostile Indians ; private 8th U. S. Infantry 1859 ; corporal and sergeant in regiment ; second lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry October, 1861 ; first lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry March, 1862; engaged at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Seven Days' Fight, battles of Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Chan- cellorsville ; on mustering duty February to November, 1864; rejoined regiment, and engaged in the operations in front of Petersburg, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of second Bull Run, Va. ; transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry by the reorganization of the army; captain 20th U. S. Infantry November, 1866. Harbach, Abram A. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from the army ; pri- vate 1st Iowa Volunteers April, 1801 ; served under Gen. Lyon, and engaged at the actions of Dug Spring and Forsythe, and battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo. ; en- listed in the 11th IT. S. Infantry Decem- ber, 1861 ; second lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry June, 1802 ; on regimental re- cruiting service to April, 1863; engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded), Rappahan- nock Station, and operations at Mine Run, Va. ; mustering and disbursing duty in Iowa and Pennsylvania February, 1864, to May, 1805 ; adjutant of the 2d' Battal- ion, 11th U. S. Infantry ; at Richmond, Va. ; transferred to the 20th U. S. Infan- try by the reorganization of the army ; adjutant 20th U. S. Infantry ; brevet cap- tain U. S. Army for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; captain 20th U. S. Infantry January, 1867. McNaught, John S. Born in Ma.ssa- chusetts. Appointed from the army ; en- tered the service under the name of John Mcintosh ; private 11th Infantry August, 1861 ; sergeant October, 1801 ; 'ist sergt. February, 1862; engaged at the' siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Mal- vern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, action of Leetown, and battle of Fredericksburg ; 2d lieutenant 11th Infantry Feb. 19, 1863; engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, operations at iiine Run, and battles of the Wilderness (wounded) ; 1st lieutenant 11th Infantry May 29, 1804; engaged at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; at Richmond, Va., to Aug. 1866; general recruiting duty at Governor's and Bedloe's Island, N. Y. Harbor, Brooklyn, N. Y., New York City, and Newport Barracks, Ky., September, 1866, to Jan- .uarv, 1869 ; transferred to 20th Inf Sept. 21, '1866; captain 20th Inf. Oct. 5, 1867; at Baton Rouge, La., February to April, 1869; at Fort Abercrombie, D. T., May, 1869, to September, 1870; brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; at Fort Wads worth, D. T., from October, 1870, to Oct. 1873; at Fort Pembina, D. T., to Dec. 1877 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to April, 1880; at Fort Duncan, Texas, to Feb. 1881; at Fort Ringgold, Texas, to Nov. 1881 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to July, 1883; at Fort Hayes, Kansas, to date. Coe, John Nichols. Born in Portland, Maine, July 21, 1830. Enlisted in 11th U. S. Infantry April 14, 1862; served as private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st ser- geant Co. H, 1st Battalion, and commis- sary and quartermaster-sergeant 11th In- fantry to April 1, 1805; appointed 2d lieu- tenant nth Infty. March 12, '05; 1st lieut. March 12, 1805; adjutant 2d Battn., 11th Infantry, from June 18, '05, to Oct. 4, 'G5 ; TWENTIETH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 327 qm. 2d Battalion, 11th Infantty, from Oc- tober 4, 'G5, to September 21,186r, ; R. qm. 20 Infantry Dec. G, 'GG, to June 19, 'G8 ; captain 20 Infantry (Co. H) June 19, '68; served with regiment in the field from Dec. '62, to close of the war of the Rebellion; stationed at Richmond, "\'^a., from May, '65, to Jan. '67; in Louisiana from Jan. '67, to April, 'f')9 ; at various ]iosts in Indian country (Dakota) most of the time from May, 'G9, to Dec. '77; in Texas (along the Rio Grande) from Jan. '78, to Nov. '82, and since that time at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. McCaskey, William S. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; private 1st Pennsylvania Infantry April to July, 1861 ; 1st sergeant Company B, 79th Pennsylvania Infantry, Septemher, 1861, to Octoher, 1862; engaged at the battle of Perryville, Ky. ; 2d lieutenant October 9, 1862; 1st lieutenant April 10, 1863; captain July 1, 1863; regiment served as veteran volunteers to July, 1865; engaged at the action of Stone River, Tenn., Deep (lap, battle of Chick- amauga, siege of Chattanooga, 1st and 2d actions of Buzzard's Roost, battle of Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, action on the Chattahoochie River, investment of Atlanta, battle of Jones- boro' (wounded), Sherman's march to the sea, investment of Savannah, campaign tlirough the Carolinas and Virginia, bat- tles of Averysboro' and Bentonville,N.C. ; mustered out Julv, '65; 2d lieutenant and 1st lieutenant 13th Infantry Feb. 23, 1866 ; adjt. 2d Butt., 13th Infantry, July, 1866; transferred to 22il Infantry September 21, 1866 ; regimental adjutant January to M'lV, 1867; regimental quartermaster 22d Infantry February, 1868, to July, '69 ; transferred to 20th Infantry July, 1869 ; regimental quartermaster January to Sep- tember, 1871 ; captain September 5, 1871 ; served in Dakota Territory ; commanding- Fort Ripley, Minn, from October, 1871, to '73; served at Forts Ripley and Snelling, Minn., to Dec. '77; Dept. Texas, Fort Brown, Dec. '77-Sept. '81 ; gen. recruiting service, '81-83; Fort Gibson, Ind. T., 1883. Bradley, Charles O. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from New Hamp- shire ; private and first sergeant 1st New Hampshire Volunteers April to August, 1861 ; served around Washington and in the Shenandoah Valley ; captain 13th New Hampshire Volunteers 1862, and engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, siege of Suffolk, Va., and in front of Pe- tersburg, Va., to June, 1864; resigned; captain 1st New Hampshire Heavy Ar- tillery August, 1861; served around Washington, D. C, to June, 1865; 1st lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry February, 1866 ; transferred to the 20th U. S. In- fantry by the reorganization of the army '69 ; captain 25th Aug. '74. Taylor, Rodney M. Born in New York. Ajipointed fi-om New York; major 12th New York Volunteer Cavalry ; brevet lieutenant-colonel IT. S. Volunteers for faithful and mesritorious services ; bvt. colonel U. S. Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services ; 1st lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry July, 1866; unassigned Augu-t, 1869 ; assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry January, 1871 ; captain 22d Oct., 1876. Maize, W. R. Born in Penna. Ap- pointed from Penna.; pvt. Co. K, 19th Penn. Vols., 18 April, 1861 ; discharged 9 Aug. 1861 ; 2d lieut. 78th Pa. Vols. 27 Aug., 1861 ; 1st lieut. 1 Sept., 1863 ; served as aide-de-camp to the bvt. brigadier-gen- eral commanding 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 14th A. C, during the campaign from Murfreesboro', Tenn., to Chickamauga and Chattanooga in 1863 ; served on the staff of the 1st Division, 14th A. C, with Bvt. Major-Generals R. W. Johnson, John H. King, and W. P. Carlin during the campaign from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta and Jonesboro', Ga., in 1864; mustered out 4 Nov., 1864; ajipointed 2(i It. 2d Infantry 23 April, 1866; 1st lieut. 22 January, 1867 ; brevet cajitain 2 March, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; un- assigned 17 April, 1869; assigned to the 20th Infv. 2 April, 1870; captain 20th Infantry'May 7, 1882. First Lieutenants. Harwood, Paul. Born in Penn. Ap- pointed from Connecticut; private 8th New York State Militia April to August, 1861 ; in Maryland, Washington, D. C, and Virginia, and engaged at the battle of First Bull Run, Va. ; second lieutenant 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery April, 1862, and engaged in the Virginia Penin- sular campaign, being captured at the battle of Gaines' Mill and exchanged Au- gust, 1862 ; with regiment in the defenses of Alexandria, Va., to May, 1864 ; first lieutenant 2d Connecticut Heavy Artillery December, 1863; joinpd the Army of the James and engaged in the operations in front of Bermuda Hundred, Va., to June, 1864 ; resigned June, 1864 ; major 57th- U. S. Colored Troops July, 1864; com- manding regiment at Huntersville, Ark., to August, 1804 ; acting assistant adju- tant-general, headquarters U. S. Colored Troops, Department of Arkansas, to June, 1865 ; colonel 57th U. S. Colored Troops 328 KECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. June, 18G5; in the Department of Arkan- sas to June, 1866 ; commanding post of Fort Stanton, N. M., August, 1866 ; «/t route to Fort Union, N. M., October, 1866 ; second lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry March, 1867; joined regiment at Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., Julv, 1867; at Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., August, 1867, to June, 1868, and post adjutant from Jan- uary, 1868; first lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry January, 1868 ; at Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., to July, 1868; acting regimental adjutant and engaged in a campaign against the Sioux and Chey- enne Indians 1868 ; unassigned 14 June, '69 ; assigned to 20 Inf. 3 Sept., '69. Manley, John A. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; private 64 New York Infantry August, 1861 ; with regiment in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of'^Fair Oaks, Gaines' Mill, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, Antietam, and Fredericksburg ; 1 lieutenant 64 New York Infantry December, 1862; engaged in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded); captain July, 1863 ; engaged at the battle of Bristoe Station, operations at Mine Run, battle of the "Wilderness, action of Po River, and battle of Spottsyl- vania Court-House ; taken prisoner by the rebels May, 1864, and exchanged Decem- ber, 1864; 2 lieutenant 18 Infantry March 7, 1867; 1 lieutenant August 21, 1868; unassigned April 26, 1869 ; assigned to 20 Infantry December 1.5, 1870. Lord, Thomas W. Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Maine; private 17th Maine Volunteers July, 1862; ser- geant 17th Maine Volunteers August, 1862; in the defenses of Washington, D. C, to October, 1862 ; engaged at the battle of first Fredericksburg, Va. ; second lieu- tenant 17th Maine Volunteers March, 1863 ; engaged at the battle of Chancel- lorsville, Va. (wounded and lost left leg by amputation); discharged September, 1863, by reason of disability arising from wounds received; second lieutenant 17th Kegiment Veteran Reserve Corps Decem- ber, 1863; post adjutant Indianapolis, Ind., to April, 1864 ; aide-de-camp on stafl;' of the commanding general, and acting assistant adjutant-general District of In- diana ; first lieutenant 17th Regiment Vet- eran Reserve Corps June, 1864 ; asst. com- missioner and provost-marshal Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, Richmond, Va., and Chesterfield County, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Volun- teers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; second lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; acting assistant adjutant-general at the headquarters ; superintendent regi- mental recruiting service Detroit, Mich., November, 1866, to June, 1867; regi- mental adjutant January, 1867; brevet first lieutenant U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; unassigned 8 Aug., '69; assigned to 20 Inf. 14 July, '69; Ist It. 1 Oct., '71. Hamner, William H. Born in Tennes- see. Appointed from New York ; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Com- pany H, and quart ermaster-sertieant 1st Artillerj'- from February 13, 1856, to Oc- tober 14, 1861, and engaged in the defense of Fort Sumter, S. C., April, 1861; 2d lieutenant 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artil- lery October, 1861 ; in the Department of the South, and engaged on General Sher- man's Port Royal expedition ; on duty in the U. S. Signal Corps fifteen months ; 1 lieutenant 3 Rhode Island Heavy Artillery Mav, 1863; captain June 9, 1863; 2 lieu- tenant 20 Infantry October 16, 1867; 1 lieutenant July 27, 1875. Rodman, John B. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; graduate JI. A., class of '68 ; 2d It. 20 Inf. 15 June, '68 ; 1st It. 4 Aug., '75; adjt. 4 Nov., '73. Cushman, Herbert. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Apptd. from Pa. ; 2 It. 20 Inf. 23 June, '68; 1st It. 22 Oct., '76. Low, William H. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduate M. A., class of '72; 2d It. 20 Inf. 14 June, '72; 1st It. 7 April, '77. Huston, Joseph F. Born in New York. Apptd. fiom N. Y. ; graduate M A., class of '73; 2d It. 20 Inf. 13 June, '73; 1st It. 28 June, '78. Reynolds, Alfred. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from New Jersey ; graduated from Military Academy June, 1874; 2 lieutenant 20ih Infantry June 17, 1874; 1 It. June 1, '80. Tilton, Palmer. Born in Massachu- setts. Apptd. from Mass. ; 2d It. 20 Inf. 15 Oct., '75; 1st It. 22 Jan., '81. Foster, Herbert S. Born in Calais, Vermont, Aug. 8, 1853. A]ipointcd cadet from Vermont to the U. S. Mil. xVcadeiny ; cadet from July 1, 1872, to June 14, 1876, when he was graduated and ])romoted to 2d lieutenant 20th Infantry June 15, '76; served on frontier dutv at Fort A. Lin- coln, Dakota, Oct. 4, to" Oct. 15, 1876 ; on expedititin down the Missoiu'i River Oct. 15 to Nov. 10, 1876; at Fort Pembina, Dakota, Nov. 24, 1876, to Dec. 18, 1877; conducting insane soldier to "Washington, D.C., on delay, and en ronie to station Dec. 18, 1877, to Jan. 31, 1878; at Fort Brown, Texas, Jan. 31, 1878, to May 18, TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 329 1880, except while on leave of absence, Feb. 27 to June 8, 1879, and on detached service at .Santa Maria, Texas, October 14 to Oct. 22, 1870; acting as regimental ad- jutant and acting assistant adjutant-gen- eral District of the llio Grande May 14 to June 17, 1878; on detached service with Light Battery " F," 2d Artillery, at Cor- pus Cbristi, Texas, May 20, 1880, to May 3, 1881 ; absent, with leave, on surgeon's certitit'ate of disability as result of injuries received in line of duty May 8 to Nov. 30, 1881; 1st lieutenant 20th Infantry June 4, 1880; at Fort Dodge, Kansas, Nov. 30, 1881, to Oct. 2, 1882, except while absent on detached service as member of general court-martial at Fort Lyon, Colorado, April 22 to May 7, 1882, and conducting convicts to militarv prison, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, June 15 to 20, 1882, and investigating trouble between troops and citizens at Fort Larned, Kansas, July 29 to 30, 1882; at Fort Supply, Indian Territorj', October 9, 1882, to date, except while absent on detached service, conduct- ing recruits from cantonment on north fork of the Canadian, I.T., to FortSupplv, I.T., Nov. 2 to 7, 1882. Dent, John C. Born in Oregon. Ap- pointed from Fla. ; 2d It. 20th Inf. 15 Aug., '7G; 1st It. 6 May, '82. Second Lieutenants. Sharp, Frederick D. Born in Missouri. Appointed from District of Columbia ; 2d lieutenant 20th Infantry December 14, 1876. Greene, Henry A. Born in N.Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of '79 ; 2d It. 20th Inf. 13 June, '79. Irons, James A. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '79 ; 2d It. 20th Inf. 13 June, '79. Rogers, James S. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Colorado ; graduate M. A., class of '80; 2d It. 20th inf. 12 June, '80. Moore, Henry B., Jr. Born in New Jersey. A])|iointed from Missouri ; grad- uated from ^lilitarv Academv June, 1880; 2d lieutenant 20tirinfantry .lune 12, '80. Webber, Edwin H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2d It. 20th Infantry 24 Nov., '80. Hill, Roland G. Born in Iowa. Ap- pointed from Iowa ; graduate M. A., class of '81 ; 2d It. 20th Inf. 11 June, '81. Morrison, John F. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of ^81 ; 2d It. 20th Inf. 11 June, '81. Waters, James H. Born in Wis. Ap- pointed from Wis. ; graduate M. A., class of '81 ; 2d It. 20thlnf. 11 June, '81. Alvord, Benjamin, Jr. Born in Wash- ington Territory. Appointed from Dis- trict of Columbia ; graduated from Mili- tary Academy June, 1882; 2d lieutenant 20th Infantry June 13, 1882. TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Morrow, Henry A. Born in Virginia. Ajipointed from Michigan ; colonel 24th Michigan Volunteers August, 1862 ; joined Army of the Potomac September, 1802 ; engaged at the battle of Fredericks- burg, action of Fitzhugh Crossing, battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (wound- ed). Wilderness (wounded), and Dab- ney's Mills, Va. (severely wounded) ; commanding Brigade, winter of 1863, to 1864 ; commanding expedition to Port Royal, Va., April, 1863; commanding expedition to Westmoreland Court-House, Va., June, 1863; commanding Brigade in the operations of the Army of the Po- tomac under General Grant, and assigned to dutj- according to his brevet rank of brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers ; bre- vet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers, for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Dabney's Mills, Va. ; lieutenant-colonel 36th U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; trans, to 13 Inf. 15 March, '69; colonel 21 Inf. 27 April, '70. Lieutenant-Colonel. Chambers, Alexander. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1853 ; brevet 2d It. 5th In- fantry July 1, 1853 ; 2d It. March 3, 1855 ; regimental adjutant June 9, 1857, to Aug. 7, 1861; 1st It. Jan. 19, 1859; served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y. ; fron- tier duty, against the Seminole Indians in Florida ; in garrison Jefferson Bar- racks, ]\[o. ; frontier duty Utah expedi- tion, New Mexico, Fort Fauntleroy, N. M. ; on Navajo expedition 1853-61 ; cap- tain 18Lh Infantry May 14, 1861 ; muster- ing duty in Iowa April, 1861-March, 1862 ; engaged in the actions of the Ten- nessee and Mississippi campaign April 4- Sept. 19, 1862 ; wounded twice at the bat- tle of Shiloh, and wounded at the battle luka, which disabled him ; engaged in the operations of the Vicksburg campaign Jan. -Aug. 1863 ; in command of Brigade at Vicksburg Aug. 1863, to Feb. 1864; on duty in Iowa May-Nov. 1864; in com- mand of Battalion, 18th Infantry, at Look- out Mountain Jan. -Aug. 1865; on duty 330 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 1865; Louis- ville, Ky., Oet.-Nov. 1865; frontier duty Nov. 1865-June, 1866 ; col. 16 Iowa Vol. March 24, 1862; brevet major April 7, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; brevet It.- col. Sept. 19, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of luka, Miss. ; brevet col. July 4, 1863, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brig. -gen. vol. Aug. 11, 1863, to April 6, 1864; brevet brig.-gen. vol. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Champion Hills, Miss., Feb. 4, 1864, and Meridian, Miss., Feb. 14, 1864; trans- ferred to 27 Infantry Sept. 21, 18G6 ; major 22d Infantry March 5, 1867 ; trans- ferred to 10th Infantry March 15, 1869 ; unassigned June 24, 1869 ; assigned to 4th Infantry Feb. 4, 1870; It.-col. 21 Infantry Oct. 22, 1876. Major. Pearson, Edwd. P. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Private in Ringgold Artillerj", 2.5th Pa. Vols., April 18 to May 1, 1861 ; 1st It. and adjutant 25th Pa. Vols. May 1 to June 24, 1861 ; 1st lieut. 17th Regular In- fantry May 14, 1861, accepted June 24, 1861 ; promoted captain 17th Regular In- fantry Aug. 16, 1862 ; promoted major by brevet 3 May, 1863, for "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va." ; promoted li<'ut.- col. by brevet Sept. 1, 1864, for "gallant and meritorious services during the At- lanta campaign"; 1862, served with the 17th Regular Infantry, in the Army of the Potomac (Fitz John Porter's 5th Army Corps), at the siege of Yorktown, Va., battles of Gaines' Mill, Va., Malvern Hill, Va., second Bull Run, Va., Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg, Va. ; 1863, served on the stalf of Major-General Howard, commanding 11th Army Corps, in the Army of the Potomac, at the battles of Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. ; in the fall of 1863 transferred with Gen. Howard's Army Corps to the Army of the Cumberland, in Tennessee, and par- ticipated in the battles of Lookout Valley, Tenn., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the march to the relief of Knoxville; 1864, as a staff otRcer with Major-General How- ard, commanding the 4th Army Corps, participated in battle of Re?aca, Ga., in the skirmishing and battles in the vicinity of New Hope "church, Ga., Dallas, Ga., Picket's Mill, Ga., and Kenesaw Moun- tain, Ga. ; as a stafl" officer wiih Major- General Stanley, commanding 4th Army Corps, participated in the battles of Jones- boro', Ga. (which gave us Atlanta), and Lovejoy Station, Ga ; served as a statf officer to Major-General Howard, com- manding the right wing of General Sher- man's army, on the march through Geor- gia from Atlanta to Savannah ; 1865, as a statf officer to Major-General Howard, commanding the right wing of General Sherman's army, participated in the march from Savannah, Ga., to Goldsboro', N. C, including the battle of Bentons- ville, N. C. ; in the summer of 1865, at Louisville, Ky., as chief commissary of musters of the Army of the Tennessee, on the staff of Major-General Logan, super- intending the muster-out of troops ; April, 1866, accompanied the 17th Infantry to Texas; Sept. 1866, to Nov. 1868, on re- cruiting service, rejoining 17th Infantry in Texas; April, 1869, to April, 1870, with 17th Infantry in Virginia and North Carolina; May, 1870, to "Oct. 1873, with the 17th Infantry on frontier service in Dakota and Montana Territories ; Oct. 1873, to March, 1874, on sick-leave of absence (broken leg); March, 1874, to July, 1875, with 17th Infantry on frontier service in Dakota Territory ; leave of absence for two months ; August, 1875, to July, 1878, with 17th Infantry on frontier service in Dakota Territory ; leave of absence for two months ; September, 1878, to November, 1880, with 17th Infantry on frontier service in Dakota and IMontana Territories; Nov. 1880, to May, 1881, on leave of absence, rejoining 17th Infantry in Montana Territory ; 'May 19, 1881, promoted major 21st Infantry, joining that regiment Sept. 1881, serving on the frontiers of Idaho Territory and Oregon ; at present (March, 1883) in command of the U. S. troops at Fort Klamath, Oregon. Capiains. Miles, Evan. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; 1st lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Aug. 1861 ; recruiting dut}' December, 1861, to Ma}', 1862; with regiment. Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericks- burg, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of Spott- sylvania, Wilderness, North Anna, Be- thesda Church, Weldon Railroad, and Chapin's Farm, Virginia; brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant services at battle of Weldon Railroad, Va. ; captain 12th Inf. January, 1865; trans, to 21st Inf. Dec. 1866. Downey, George M. Born in Md. Appointed from Va. ; 1st lieut. 14th U.S. Inf October, 1861 ; capt. 14th U.S. Inf. October, 1865; transferred to the 32d U.S. Inf. September, 1866 ; transferred to the TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 331 21st U.S. Inf. A,pril, 1809 ; bvt. capt. U.S. Army for giilhint and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pu. ; brevet major US. Army for gallant and meri- torious services during the war. Burton, George H. 15orn in Del. Ap- pointed from Del. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1805 ; 2d lieut. l'2th Inf. June 23, '6-5; 1st lieut. June 23, '05; trans, to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, 'GO; captain Aug. 10, 71. Pollock, Robert. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Cal.; sergt. Co. H, l?t Va. Vol., Jan. 6, '47; 2d lieut. 1st Va. Vol. May 6, '47 ; must, out July 31, '48 ; niaj. 3d Cal. Vol. Sept. 4, '01 ; lieut.-col. Dec. 12, '61 ; col. Mar. 29, '03 ; must, out Nov. 14, '04; lieut.-col. 2d Cal. Vol. Jan. 7, '65; col. vol. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser."; must, out June 23, '00; 1st lieut. 32d Inf. July 28, '66 ; ace. Feb. 18, 1807; trs. to 21st Inf. April 19, 1809; captain Feb. 19, '73. Jocelyn, Stephen P. Born in Vt. Apptd. from Vt. ; pvt. Co. A, 6th Vt. Vol., Aug. 22, '63; discharged July 0, '64; 1st iieut. 115th U. S. C.^T. Aug. 1, '64; must, out Feb. 10, '60; 2d lieut. 6th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; ace. April 13, '60 ; 1st lieut. July 28, '66 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1, '71 ; 2d lieut. 21st Inf. March 9, '71 ; ace. May 23, '71 ; 1st lieut. 21st Inf. Apr. 14, '73, with rank from July 28, '66 (act Feb. 25, '73); capt. May 19, ''74. Spurgin, William F. Born in Ky. Appointed from Ind. ; 1st lieut. 54th In- diana Inf. June 19, 1862; mustered out Sept. 20, 1862; captain 15th U. S. Col^ orec^ Troops April 9, 1864 ; transferred to 100th U. S. Col. Inf. June 9, 1804; mus- tered out Dec. 20, 1805; 1st lieut. 38th Inf. July 28, 1800; transferred to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, 1809; unassigned April 14, 1870; assigned to 21st Inf. Jan. 1, 1871; captain June 2, 1876; regimental quar- termaster 38th Inf. March 29, 1867, to Nov. 11, 1869; regimental quartermaster 21st Inf. July 8, 1874, to June 2, 1876; brevet captain March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in action at John- sonville, Tenn. ; brevet major March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet major vol. March 13, 1865, for special gallantry at Johnson ville in November, 1864, and at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864, and fV)r faithful and meritorious services in the Bureau of Refugees, Freed- men, and Abandoned Lands; quarter- master and commissary Battalion of Ca- dets, treasurer Military Academy since Sept. 2, 1881. Boyle, William H. Born in Bay Ridge, Long Island, New York. A|)pointed 2d lieutenant 5th New York Artillery Janu- ary 19, 1862; served with company in New York Harbor and Baltimore, Kid., to Maj', 1802, and at Harper's Ferry, Va., up to the surrender of that place by Gen- eral Dixon Miles (col. 2d Inf.), September 15, 1862 (in the engagement 13ih, 14th, and 15th); prispner of war; on duty at; Annapolis, Md., and Chicago, 111., to No- vember, 1862 (when exchanged) ; on duty in charge guard at West Hospital Build- ing, Baltimore, Md., guarding wounded Confederate officers, to September, 1863; with company and post adjutant Fort Marshall, Md., to March, 1804; then or- dered with company to Harper's Ferry, Va., Department of West Virginia, Gen- eral Franz Sigel commanding ; in com- mand of company and present in all en- gagements and battles during the cam- paigns of the army under General David Hunter, U. S. Army, to Lynchburg, Va., and his retreat over the West Virginia Mountains into the Kanawha Valley, West Virginia ; also General George Crook, U. S. Army, in his campaign in Loudon and Shenandoah Valleys, and General Philip H.Sheridan, U. S. Army, in his campaign in the Shenandoah and Virginia Valleys, to November, 1864; asst. provost-marshal at Harper's Ferry, Va., November 6, 1864 (General John D. Stronson, headquarters) ; promoted ,1st lieutenant 5ih New York Artillery 27th December, 1864 ; hon. must, out 9lh March, 1865; captain 5th New York Ar- tillery March 25, 1865; appointed in- spector 2d Brigad*', 2d Infantry Division, Dept. of West V'irginia, April 17, 1865; promot<-d major 5th New York Artillery May 20, 1865, and commanded battery and troop in the defenses of Maryland Heights, Md. ; hon. must, out July 19, 1865; appointed 2d lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry May 10, 1860 ; joined regiment at Taylor Barracks, Louisville, Ivy., and assigned to duty with Company " B," sta- ti(jned at Jettcrsonville, Ind.; post adju- tant and with company to December, 1866; at Taylor Barracks, Ky., to May, 1867; commanding troops and jiost War- saw, Ky., to September, 1868; promoted 1st lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry Aug. 15, 1867; on duty as executive officer Freed- men's Bureau to Dec. 1808; at Taylor Barracks, Ky., and Atlanta, Ga., to April, 1809; awaiting orders Bay Ridge, Long Island, N. Y., to July, 1809; ap- pointed acting Indian agent Umatilla Indian Agency, Oregon, May 7, 1809 ; at Umatilla Indian Agenc}', Oregon, to May, 1871 ; assigned to the 21st U. S. In- fantry December 15, 1870; en route to join company in the Dept. of Arizona, in charge of recruits, from May to August, 332 KECOEDS OP LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1871, and joined company at Whipple Barracks, I'rescolt, Arizona ; command- ing company and post to Feb. 1872 ; with company at i)o.st to August, 1872 (partici- pated in two (2) scouts while in the de- Vartment, and recommended for a brevet by department commander) ; en route to Department of the Columbia from August to October, 1872; stationed with company at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to Dec. 1, 1872; left Vancouver, W. T., with Battalion, 21 U. S. Infjintry, for the (Lava Beds, California) campaign against Modoc Indians December 1, 1872; de- tailed acting adjt. quartermaster and com- missary of subsistence of the battalion, December 4, 1872, and asst. quartermaster and commissary of subsistence for the troops in the field December 20, 1872 (on duty in ihe field to July, 1873) ; act. asst. adjutant-general Dept. of the Columbia (in the field) from .Tune 23, 1873, to .luly 28, 1873 ; recommended for brevet for services during the Modoc campaign by General Jetf. C. Davis commanding ; on duty as aide-de-camp to Brevet Major- General Jeft". C. Davis, U. S. Army, from August 1, 1873, to September 1, 1874; on duty per order W. D. as act. chief com- missary of subsistence, and depot com- missary of subsistence. Department of the Columbia, from .lanuary 21, 1874, to No- vember 21, 1874, and from June 27, 1870, to Sept. 7, 1876 ; on duty per order Sec- retary of War ; inspector of Indian sup- plies for Oregon, Washington Tery., and Alaska, from October 20,1874, to July 30, 1876 (visited the Indians in Alaska and throughout the Defit. of the Columbia during this time) ; aide-de-camp to Bvt. Maj.-Genl. O. O. Howard, U. S. Army, commanding Dept. of the Columbia from May 13, 1875, to June 4, 1877 ; pro- moted captain 21st U. S. Infantry April 23,1877; on duty with company and in command post Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from June 8, 1877, to September 28, 1877 ; en route with company from Oct. 9 to Oct. 17, 1877, from Fort Lapwai, Idaho, to Vancouver Barracks, AV. T. ; ordered with company in the campaign against hostile Bannock and Piute Indians June 6, 1878 ; in the field until September 17, 1878, when the battalion again returned to Vancouver Barracks, W. T. (engaged in battle Umatilla Agency) ; orders with company November 20, 1878, to pro- ceed to .John Day River and capture Chief Niackerry and his band of Indians, who had left their reservation without permission and would not return ; cap- tured the band on the 22d and sent them to their reservation, and brought Niack- erry and seven (7) of his chief men to Vancouver Barracks, W. T., Nov. 2G, 1878; remained in command of company at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to March, 1879; detailed in charge of delegation of Indians (Moses and chiefs of Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Cayouse Indians) con- ducting them to Washington, D. C, from March 26 to May 10, 1879 ; at Vancouver Bks., W. T., to March 8, 1880; en route with company to San Francisco, Cal.; ar- rived March 11, 1880, at Presidio, San Francisco, Cul., to May 3, 1880, and then returned to Vancouver Barracks, W. T., and remained on duty with slight inter- mission up to the present time (1883). Evans, George W. Born in Mary- land ; appointed from Maryland ; captain 1 Md. Infantrv Dec. 23, 1861 ; mustered out Dec. 23, 1864 ; 2d It. 32 Infantry Jan. 22, 1867; 1st It. Dec. 9, 1867; unas'signed April 19, 1869; assigned to 21 Infantry Oct. 21, 1869; captain March 20, 1879'; adjutant 21 Infantry Aug. 31, 1871, to March 20, 1879 ; brevet 1st It. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet captain March 2, 1807, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Stone, Ebenezer W. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; captain 1st Mass. Infantry May 24, 1861 ; mustered out May 25, 1864 ; It.-col. 61 Mass. Infantry Feb. 28, 1865; mustered out July 16, 1865; 2d It. 12 Infantry May 11, 1866; trans- ferred to 21 Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; 1st It. March 26, 1808; unassigned April 19, 1869; assigned to 21 Infantry Dec. 15, 1870; captain Nov. 11, 1879; A. D. C. Sept. 25, 1868, to May 1, 1869 ; brevet 1st lieut. March 2, 1807, for gallant and mer- itorious services at the battle of Williams- burg, Va. ; brevet captain March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; brevet maj. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; brevet It.-col. March 2, 1807, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet col. vol. April 9, 1805, for gallant and meritorious services during the catnpaign resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the sur- render of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Hughey, James A. Born in Delaware. Appointed from Delaware ; 1 It. 3 Del. Inf. 7 Nov. '61 ; captain 5 Dec., '62; hon. must, out 6 Dec, '64 ; captain 8 U. S. Vet. Inf. 7 Sept., '65; hon. must, out 28 April, '66 ; 2d It. 30 Inf. 28 July, '60 ; 1-^t It. 21 May, '08; unassigned 19 May, '69; as- signed to 21 Inf. 15 Dec, '71 ; captain 15 Aug., '80. TWENTY-FIEST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 333 First Lieutenants. Bradley, Thomas H. Born in Illi- nois. A|ipoini('(l fVom Missouri ; private Missouri Cuvalry December, 1861 ; on ex- tra duty as clerk at the hea'iquarters, De- partnKint of the Mississippi, March to August, 18(52; at the headquarters of tlio army to iSeptembor, 1862; at the head- quarters Department of the Ohio to June, 18C8 ; captain and as-istant adjutant-gen- eral U. S. Volunteers June, 1868; tempo- rary duty in the Department of the Oiiio June, 18(i3; in the tield, reorganizing the 1st, 2d, 7th, and 8th Tennessee Volun- teers, June to August, 1803 ; ordered to "VVasliington August, 1863; on duty in the War Department, Washington, D.C. ; major and assistant adjutant-general U. S. Volunteers ]\lay, 1865 ; second lieu- tenant 11th U. S. Infantry May, 1866; brevet 1st lieutenant and captain U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war; first lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry August, 1868; in the War Department, Washington, D. C, from 1868 to 1882. Ross, John M. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from New York ; 2 It. 38 U. S. C. Inf. 3 March, '65; 1 It. 17 June, '67; hon. must, out 21 March, '67 ; 2 It. 21 Inf. 7 March, '67; 1 It. 15 Oct., '71. Ebstein, Frederick H. E. Born in Prussia, April 21, 1847; enlisted in gen- eral service Nov. 18, 1864, and assigned to Co. H, 4th U. S. Inf. ; joined company in Virginia; appointed corporal August, 1865; i^erved at Battery Barracks, N. Y. H., Fort Schuyler, N. Y^. H., Fort Wayne, Mich., 1865-66 ; promoted sergeant Jan- uary, 1866 ; chief clerk Headquarters Dept. of the Ohio and at Headqrs. Dept. of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., to March, 1867 ; at Headquarters Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., March to October, 1867 ; appointed 2d lieut. 18th Inf. Sept. 12, 1867; at Fort Fetterman, D. T., to June, 1868; at Fort Sedgwick, Col. T. (post adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C,S.) to March, 1869, and at Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1860 ; on waiting orders, by reason of consolidation of 18th and 25th Inf., to Julv, 1869; assigned to 21st Inf. July, 1869, at Camp Date Creek, A. T. (post adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S., and in charge of Apache-ilojave and Apache- Yuma Indians), September, 1869, to Au- gust, 1872 ; at Camp San Juan Island, W. T. (post adjutant, A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S.), September, 1872, to March, 1874 ; on detached service at Sitka, Alaska, Sep- tember and October, 1873; promoted 1st lieut. Feb. 19, 1873; at Vancouver Bar- racks, W. T., to May, 1873 ; and at Fort Klamath, Oregon (acting asst. adjt.-gen. District of the Lakes, and post adjutant), May, 1874, to July, 187(; ; appointed regtl. quartermaster 21st Inf. July 19, 1876, and on duty as A.A.Q M. and A.C.S. Van- couver Barracks, W. T. ; acting chief quartermaster in the field, Nez Perces Expedition (cm staff of Brevet Maj.-Gen. 0. O. Howard), June to October, 1877; engaged against hostile Nez Perce In- dians at Cottonwood, Idaho, and Camas Meadows, Montana; chief quartermaster in the field, Bannock Expedition (on staff of Bvt. Maj.-Gen. O. O. Howard), June to September, 1878 ; engaged against hostile Bannock Indians at Umatilla Agency, Oregon; disbursing quartermas- ter for the Bannock Expedition, Vancou- ver Barracks, W. T., September, 1878, to December, 1879; at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to September, 1880; resigned ap- pointment as regimental Q.il. September 30, 1882; on general recruiting service (depot adjutant, principal depot David's Ishind, N. Y. H.), October, 1880, to Oc- tober, 1882; on leave of absence in Eu- rope to May, 1883 ; at Fort Canby, W. T. (post adjt.,'A.A.Q.M., and A.C.S.), May, 1883. Rheem, Edward B. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa ; pvt. Co. "A," 7th Pa. Res. Inf., July 8, '64 ; discharged June 16, '64 ; 2d lieut. 32d Inf. Oct. 30, '67 ; trans, to 21 Inf. April 19, '69 ; unassigned Aug. 19, '69; assigned to 21st Inf. Jan. 29, '71; 1st lieut. July 8, '74. Fletcher, Robert H. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; 2d lieut. 21st Inf. July 27, '72; 1st lieut. April 23, '77. Cornman, Daniel. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1873 ; 2d lieut. 21st Inf. June 13, '73; 1st lieut. June 17, '77. Duncan, Joseph W. Born in Texas, June 29, 1853. Appointed from Mo. ; 2d lieut. 21st Inf. Oct. 1, 1873; 1 lieut. May 10, 1878. Wood, Charles E. S. Born at Erie, Ph., Feb. 20, 1852. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '74 ; 2d It. 21 Inf. 17 June, '74 ; acting aide-de-camp to Gen- eral Howard, campaign against hostile Nez Perces Indians, 1877 ; adjutant-gen- eral of troops in the field in the above campaign, and as such was present at the negotiation of Joseph's surrender Oct. 5, 1877; adjutant-general in the field, cam- paign against hostile Bannocks and Pi- utes, 1878 ; present at the negotiations preliminary to settling Sulk-tash-kasha (Chief Moses) on the Chelan Reservation, and sent to Washington to represent Gen- eral Howard in the matter before the War and Interior Departments Oct. and 334 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Nov. 1878; sent to Yakima by Gen. Howard a« his representative to procure release of Chief Moses from custody under charge of accessory to murder of certain whites, March, 1879; acting judge-ad- vocate Department Columbia to Decem- ber .31, 1880; junior counsel in Williams vs. Graham (third judicial district, W. T.), involving the right of a government otficer to prohibit fishing with set nets in tide-water adjacent to a government reser- vation, 1880; transferred with General Howard to Department West Point ; ad- jutant Jlilitary Academy 28 Feb., 1881, to 8 Sept , '81 ; acting judge-advocate Dept. West Point 8 Sept., 1881, to 1 Sept., 1862; transferred with Gen. Howard to Dept. of Platte; War Dept. 1882. Civil history: admitted to the bar of Washington Terri- torv as attorney and counsel lor-at-law, 1880; Ph.B., Scliool of Political Science, Columbia CoUeue, N. Y., 1882; LL. li. and M. A., Columbia College, N. Y., 1883. Wittech, Willis. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1874 ; 2 It. 21 Inf. 17 June, 74 ; 1 It. 7 Aug.. '79. Williams, Charles A. Born in Va. Appointed from Mo. ; graduated from M. A. June 17, 1874 ; 2d It. 21 Infantry June 17, 1874; 1st It. Nov. 11, 1879. Eltonhead, Francis E. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa.; graduate M. A., class of '75; 2 It. 21 Inf.le June, '75; 1 It. 15 Au£c., '80. Bonesteel, Charles H. Born in Conn. Apptd. from Dak. ; graduate M. A., class of '70 ; 2d It. 21 Inf. 15 June, '76 ; 1st It. 188!?. Farrow, Edward S. Born in Mary- land, 18;>5. Apptd. cadet from Md. in '72; graduated from Military Academy June '15, 1876 ; 2 It. 21 Inf. June 18, 1876 ; commanded company throughout the Nez Perces campaign in 1877; commanded a company throughout the Bannock and Piute war in 1878; comni'inded troops and Indian scouts in the field, and captured the tribe of hostile " Sheep Eater" Indians in Salmon River Mountains in 1879, and was nominated by President Hayes for the brevets of first lieut. and capt. ; instructor of tactics at Mil. Academy since Feb. 23, 1881 ; author of " Mountain Scouting" and "Military Gymnastics," adopted as te.\t-book at West Point; promoted first lieut. Sept. 17, 1883. Second Lieutenants. Bailey, Harry L. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of '76; 2 It. 21 Iiif.lo June, '76. Patten, F. Jarvis. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine; graduated from M. A., June 15, 1877; additional 2d It. 21 Infantry June 15, 1877; 2d It. June 17, 1877. Sparrow, Solomon E. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. ; graduated from M. A. June 14, 1878; 2d"'lt. 21 Infantry June 14, 1878. Truitt, Charles M. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Kansas; graduate M. A., class of '74; 2d It. 21 Inf. 13 June, '79. Parke, John S., Jr. Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. ; graduate M. A., class of '79 ; 2 It. 21 Inf. i3 June, '79. Brooke, Edward H. Born in Oregon. Appointed from Oregon ; 2d It. 21 Inf. 28 Nov. '79. Hearn, Lawrence J. Born in Texas. Apptd. from Ky. ; 2d It. 21 Inf. 24 Nov., 1880. Keman, Francis J. Born in Fla. Ap- pointed from Fla. ; 2d It. 21 Inf. 11 June, 1881. TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Stanley, David S. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of '52; bvt. 2d It. 2d Drag. 1st July, '52; 2d lieut. 6th Sept., '53 ; 2d It. 1st Cav. 3d March, '55 ; captain 4th Cav. 16th March, '01; frontier duty 1852-61, serving with distinction against Indians, especially the Comanches ; served in several actions in Missouri in '61 ; brigadier-gen. vols. 28th Sept., '61 ; major-general 29th Nov., '62. He commanded a division of the army of General Rosecrans at the battle of Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862, and distinguished himself as commander of all the cavalry at the great battle of Stone River, which ended Jan. 2, 1863. About August 1, 1864, he ob- tained command of the 4th Corps in Sher- man's army, then near Atlanta. General Stanley and his corps were sent back to Nashville in October, 1864, with orders to report to General Thomas. He took part in the battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, where be was severely wounded. He was brevetted brigadier- and major- general U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gal- lantrv. Appointed colonel 22d Infantry July'28, 1860. In 1872-73 he commanded expeditions in Dakota and Montana, where he had several successful encounters with hostile Sioux Indians. Lieutenant-Colonel. Dallas, Alexander J. Born in D. C. Appointed from at large; private Co. H, 3d Battalion D. C. Vols., April 27, 1801 ; discharged June 11, 1861 ; captain 12th TWENTY-SECOND KEGIMENT OF INFANTllY. 335 Tnfnnfry May 1-1, 1801 ; recruitincj duty New Yi>rk City May, 18G2; coimnanding company and engaged in defense of Har- per's Fcrrj', Ya. ; recruiting dut}' New York City June to August, 1862 ; in Gen. Banks' retreat from Culpejiper, Va., and engaged at the action of White Sulphur Springs, Va. ; with tlie 5th Corps, Army of tlie Potomac, and engaged at the bat- tles of Antictam and Fredericksburg ; commissary of musters 4th Corps and at Draft Camp, Carlisle, Penna., to Sept. 1863 ; acting field-officer of the regiment, and engaged at the operations of Mine Hun, Virginia; commanding regiment at Kettle Run, Va., Nov. 1868, to March, 1864; president of board to examine can- didates for transfer to the U. S. Navy, and in command of a detachment to Baltimore, Md., May, 1864; joined regin)ent and en- gaged in action on the Norfolk Eailroad and at the siege of Petersburg, Va., to June 28, 1864 ; aide-de-camp to the pro- vost-marshal general Army of the Poto- mac July-Nov. 1864 ; acting provost- marshal-general Army of the Potomac Oct. and November, 1864 ; in charge of lines of transportation of the armies oper- ating against Richm(jnd,Va., Washington, D. C., to April, 1865; commanding 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, at Elmira, New York, Sept. 1865; Fort Hamilton Sept. 1865; PvichmondjVa., Jan. 1866; Peters- burg and City Point, Va., Dec. 1866; brevet nu\jor July 30, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Pe- tersburg, Va. ; transferred to 30th Infan- trj^ Sept. 21, 1866; major 23d Infantry Feb. 22, 1869. Naval history: midship- man U. S. Navy 1846-50; aide-de-camp to Commodore Perry during latter part of Mexican war ; second lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps October, 1854; resigned September, 1855. Civil history : hydro- graphic aid U. S. Coast Survey on Cali- fornia coast and connected with surveys of James River, Va., Beaufort Harbor and Cape Fear River, N. C, Charleston, S. C, Savannah River and Calivogue Sound, Ga. ; attached to a party engaged in deep-sea soundings for delineation of Gulf Stream; in charge of repairs of coast-survey vessels ; assistant to architect- in-chief Central Park, New York City. Major. Hall, Robert H. Born in Mich. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1860; brevet 2d It. 5th Infantry July 1, 1860; on frontier duty 1861 ; served during the war of the rebellion ; 2d lieut. 10th Infantry Jan. 23, 1861 ; 1st It. June 1, 1861 ; captain Aug. 31, 1863 ; operations and actions in New Mexico June, 1861, to Aug. 1862; actions of the Ruppahan nock campaign Dec. 1862, to Jan. 1863 ; special duty Washington March-Sept. 1863; aide- de-camp to General Hooker Sept. 18(!3, to July, 1864; operations and actions about Chattanooga October, 18(53, to May, 1864; actions incident to the invasitm of Georgia May 5 to July 25, 1864 ; commanding lOth Infantry Aug. 1864; wounded at Weldon Railroad, Va. ; on sick-leave Aug.-Nov. 1864; commandins regiment at Fort Co- lumbus, N. Y., Nov. to Dec. 1864; Fort Potter, N. Y., 13urksville, Va., and Wash- ington, D. C, Dec. 1864, to Oct. 1865; frontier duty 1865-71 ; at Military Acad- emy 1871-78; on frontier duty 1878-79; on dutv at Fort Porter, N. Y., 1879-83; major '22d Infantry May 21, 1883; on frontier duty 1883 ; brevet major Nov. 24, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Lookout jMountain, Tenn. ; brevet It. -col. Aug. 19, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Dickey, Charles J. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; first lieutenant 13th Infantry 14 May, 1861; brevet captain 4 July, '63, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brevet major 1 Sept. '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; captain 18th Infantry 5 Nov. '64 ; transferred to 31 In- fantry 21 Sept., 1866; transferred to 22d Infantry 15 May, '69; asst. com. of muster 2d and 3d Division, 15th Army Corps ; com. of muster 15th Army Corps from May, '63, to July, '65 ; participating in the campaign against Vicksburg, Atlanta, and march to the sea, battles of Chickasaw Baj'ou, Arkansas Post, assault on Vicks- burg May 19, 1863, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, assault on Kenesaw Moun- tain, Atlanta, July 22 and 28, '64, Jones- boro'; on duty in War Department Feb. '72, to April, '73 ; Yellowstone expedition in 187^3; commanding Fort Mackinac, Mich., from July, 1874, to June, 1875; Sioux campaign, Gen. Terry's expedition, in '76; commanding post of San Antonio, Texas, Feb. '80, to Nov. '82; commanding Fort Marcy, N. il., since November, '82. Clarke, Francis. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; private, cor- poral, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Co. G, 3d Infantry, June 4, 1850, to June 28, 1861 ; 2d It. 13th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; 1st It. Oct. 24, 1861 ; captain Oct. 10, 1865; trans- ferred to 31st Infantry Sept. 21, 1866; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, 1869; engaged at the action of Chickasaw Bayou, 336 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U. S: ARMY. stormincj of Arkansas Post, action of "Walnut Hill, siege of Vicksbiirg, action of Colliersville, and battle of Missionary Ridge; brevet captain July 4, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brevet major Nov. 24, 18G3, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of 3Iissionary Ridge, Tenn. ; at Crow Creek Agency, D. T. Irvine, Javan B. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from Minn. ; private Co. A, 1st Minn. Infantry, April 29, 1861 ; dis- charged May 15, 1861 ; private Co. A, 1st Minn. Infantry, July 9, 1861; discharged Dec. 2, 1861; ist lieut. 13th Infantry Oct. 36, 1861; captain April 7, 1866; trans- ferred to 22d Infantry Sept. 22, 1861 ; regimental quartermaster 13th Infantry Nov. 1, 1862, to March 1, 1865. Miner, Charles W. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; pvt. Co. D, 2d Ohio Inf., 17th April, -61, to 9th August, '61 ; captain 22d Ohio Inf. 1st Mav, '62; hon. must, out 28th Aug., '65; 2d U. 19th Inf. 31st March, '66; trans, to 28th Inf. 21st Sept., '66; 1st It. Lst Jan., '67; cupt. 22d Inf. 7th March, '67. Goodloe, Archibald H. Born in Ky. Appointed from Kv. ; graduated from M. A. June 23, 1865"; 2d It. 13th Infantry June 23, 1865; 1st lieut. June 23, 1865; transferred to 22d Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; captain July, 1872; served in garrison at Jeft'erson Barracks, Mo., and on frontier duty 1865-66; quartermaster 2d Battalion 13th Infantry May 8, 1866, to Sept. 21, 1866 ; regimental quartermaster 22d In- fantry Jan. 1, 1867, to Jan. 31, 1868; ad- jutant 22d Infantry Jan. 31, 1868, to March 1, 1869; regimental quartermaster 22d Infantry July 30, 1869, to July 1, 1873. Hooton, Mott. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; first ser- geant 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers June, 1861 ; second lieutenant lst Pennsylvania Volunteers July, 18()1 ; captain 1st Penn- sylvania Volunteers October, 1861 ; at the headquarters of General McCall, com^ manding the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, October, 1861, to June, 1862; in the move- ment of Gen. McDowell's corps to Fred- ericksburg, Va., May, 1862; engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, retreat to Harrison's Landing, battle of second Bull Run (severely wounded), Gettysbui'g, movement to Contreville, bat- tle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, action of New Hope Church, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-IIou^e, and Betiie-da Church, Va. ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of the Wilderness, Va. ; second lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry February, 1866; first lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry February, 1866 ; transferred to the 3l3t IJ. S. Infan- try by the reorganization of the army ; trans, to 22d Inf. '69; captain 5th Aug., '72. Thorne, Piatt M. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; captain 150 N. Y. Infantry Oct. 10th, 1862; mustered out June 8," 1865; 2d It. 13th Infantry Feb. 23,1866; 1st It. April 5, 1866 ; transferred to 31 Infantry Sept. 21, 1866 ; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, 1869; captain Mar. 4, 1879; regimental quartermaster 22d Infantry July 1, 1872, to Mar. 4, 1879; brevet major vol. Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; bvt. lieut.-col. vol. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services ; as- signed to duty May 26, 1865, as assistant inspector-general of the Army of Georgia, with the rank and pay of lieut.-col., per S. O. 254, War Dept. ; mustered out as lieut.- col. Conway, William. Born in Albany, N. Y. Assisted to recruit and organize Co. "G," 73d N. Y. Vols., and mustered in the service U.S. as 1st lieut. at Camp Scott, S. I., N. Y. H., June 27th, 1861 ; defenses of Washington until Nov. 1861 ; expedition to lower Maryland on the Po- tomac 1861 ; night expedition from Port Tobacco, Md., lo Mathias Point, Va., ac- companied by gunboats Dec. 1861 ; or- dered Liverpool Point, Md. ; night' ex- pedition into Virginia on lower Potomac accompanied by gunboat Jany. 1862; ex- pedition to Stafford C. H. spring 1862; siege of Yorktown, Va., April and May, 1862; participated in the following en- gagements : Williamsburg, Va., May, 1862; Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st and June 27th, 1862; Seven Days' retreat be- fore Richmond, Va., June and July, 1862; Fraz^r's Farm, Va., June, '62; Malvern Hill, Va., July, '62; expedition to Malvern Hill, August, 1862 ; Hay- market, Bristoe Station, August, 1862; Bull Run, Va., Aug. '62; Chjuitilly, Va., Sept. '62; Chancellorsville, Va., May, '63; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, '63; Manassas Gap, Wapping Heights, Va., July, '63 ; Locust Grove, Mine Run, Va., fall '63; Wilderness, Va., May, 'G4 ; Spottsylvania, Va., May, '64; North Anna'River, Va., May, ''64; Cold Har- bor, Va., May, '64; Petersburg, Va., June, '64 ; honorably mustered out June, '64; employed in Drafting Bureau, N. Y., '65; appointed 2d lieut. 16th Infy. March 22, '66 ; ordered to Nashville, Tenn., July, '66; ordered to Middle Tenn. Sept. '66; transferred to 25th Infy. Sept. '66 ; ordered to Memphis, Tenn., TWENTY-SECOND EEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 337 Dec. 'GG ; ordered to take station Padii- cah spring 'C>7 ; promoted 1st It. A])ril 4, '67 ; ordered to join company at Mem- phis, Tenn., fall '07 ; ordered to take sta- tion at Coviniiton and Mason Depot, Tenn., and to Pulaski, Dodge, Twiggs, and Wil- cox Counties, Ga., during the elections '08; unassigned April, '09 ; ordered to open rendezvous at Davenport, Iowa, July, '69; ordered to Leavenworth, Kas., De- pot Dec. '09; assigned to 2'2d Infy. April, '70; ordered to Fort Sully, Dak., Aug. '70; escorting engineers N. P. K. R. sur- vey to Powder River, Monta., under Gen. Stanley, '7'2 ; expedition up Yellowstone under Genl. Stanley, '73 ; ordered to Fort Gratiot, Mich., July, '74; ordered to New Oidcans, La., during riots, '74 ; returned to Fort Gratiot, Mich., May, '75 ; ordered to Yellowstone River, Monta., with com- panies of regt. to reinforce command under Genl. Terry in operations against hostile Indians under Sitting Bull July, '76; expedition against hostile Indians under Genl.'s Terry and Cook Aug. and Sept., 1870; ordered in cantonment on Yellowstone River near Glendisil Creek, Monta., Sept. '07 ; escorting supplies from cantonment to Fort Keogh, on Tongue River, Monta., till May, '67; ordered to Ft. Keogh, Mon., May, '67 ; expedition on Powder and Little Missouri Rivers under Col. Lazell, 1st Inf., after hostile Indians June, 1877 ; ordered to Chicago, 111., dur- ing riots, also to Pittsburg and Wilkes- barre. Pa., Jul}-, '77; ordered to return to Ft. Gratiot, Mich., Oct. '77; ordered on recruiting service Sept. '78 ; stationed Da- vid's Island, N. Y. H. ; ordered to Colum- bus Barracks, Ohio, as depot adjutant May, '79 ; promoted capt. July 4, '79 ; ordered to return to David's Island, N. Y. H., as de- pot adjt. Aug. '79; ordered to take station at Fort Clark, Texas, Nov. '80 ; ordered to Fort Mcintosh, Tex., August, '81 ; or- dered to Fort Duncan, Tex., Dec. '81 ; ordered to Fort Lewis, Col., Nov. '82, pi'e>ent station. Ketchum, Hiram H. Born in Canada. Apjitd. from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. "K," 10 N. Y. Inf., 20 Sept., '61; dis. 29 Sept., '62; pvt. Co. I, 1 N. Y. £ng., 10 Sept., '64; dis. 30 May, '65; 2 It. 13 Inf. 23 Feb., '66; trans, to 22 Inf. 21 Sept., '66; 1 It. 31 July, '67 ; capt. 20 July, '82. Daugherty, Will W. Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. ; private Co. G and sergt. -major 27th Ind. Infantry Aug. 19, 1861, to Nov. 14, 1802; 2d It. 27 Ind. In- fantry Nov. 14, 1862; 1st lieut. Mar. 7, 1863 ; mustered out Nov. 4, 1804 ; 1st It. and adjt. 27th Ind. Vols, from March, '63, to Feb. '04; 1st It. and adjt. 27th Ind. Vet. Vols, from Feb. '04, to Nov. 4, '64 ; 2d It. 18 Infantry Mar. 7, 1807 ; 1st It. Jan. 2, 1809; unassigned April 26, 1869 ; assigned to 22d Infantry Jan. 1, 1871 ; captain Sept. 7, 1882 ; regimental quartermaster 22d Infantry Oct. 1, 1881, to Sept. 7, 1882. Luttrell, Ward G. S. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2d It. 3d Pa. Cav. May 17, 1803 ; engaged at the battle of Brandy Station, action of Aldie, battle of Gettys- burg, actions of Shepherdsldwn, Culpep- per Court-House, Occoquan, battle of New Hope Church, and action of Parker's Store ; at headquarters Army of the Po- tomac Feb. 1804; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania C. H., North Anna, Cold Harbor, and siege of Petersburg, June to December, 1864 ; 1st lieut. 3d Penna. Cav. Oct. 5, 1864 ; en- gaged at the battle of Boydton Road, Va. ; captain 3d Penna. Cav. Oct. 31, 1804 ; commanding squadron and engaged at battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 8, 1864 (severely wounded); on sick-leave until April, 1865; consolidated with 5tli Pa. Cav. 1805 ; mustered out Aug. 7, 1805 ; 2d lieut. 13th Infantry May U, 1806; accepted Aug. 11, 1860 ; reported for duty at Newport Bks., Ky., Sept. 1860; trans- ferred to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, 1800 ; in com- mand of Co. K, 31st Inf., en route from Governor's Island, N.Y.H.,to Fort Leav- enworth, Kan., Oct. 1800 ; on duty at Fort Leavenworth until May, 1807; comdg. Co. and adjt. Bat. 13lh, 22d, and 31st Inf., ewj'OM/e to Ft. Stevenson, Dakota; comdg. Bat. 21st Inf. at Ft. Stevenson until June, 1808 ; on leave from June, 1808, to Aug. 22, 1808; A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Hancock from Aug. 22, 1808, to March 19, 186^; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, 1869 ; on duty at Ft. Stevenson from April, 1809, to May 27, 1809; on leave June, 1869, to July, 1809 ; at Fort Sully until June 12, 1870; on duty at hdqrs., Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., as acting ord- nance ofEcer, acting ch. signal ofBcer, and A.A.Q.M., from July 5, 1870, to Feb. 7, 1871; awaiting orders. Fort Snelling, Minn., Feb. 7, 1871, to May, 1871 ; on duty at Ft. Randall, D. T., from May, 1871, to Sept. 1871 ; on Yellowstone expe- dition commanded by Maj. J. N. G. Whistler September and October, 1871 ; A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. W. S. Hancock Nov. 1, 1871, to Oct. 1, 1883; 1st It. 22d Inf. July 1, 1872; captain 22d Inf. April 24, 1883; brevet conlirmations by the U.S. Senate March 1, 1809, for which no com- missions were issued in consequence of an Act of Congress approved March 1, 1869 ; 1st lieut. for gallant services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 8, 1804 ; cap- tain for gallant and nitritorious services 338 EECORDS OF LIYIXG OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. in the campaign terminating in Lee's ."sur- ronder April 0, 1805, to rank from March 2,\8Cu. Civil history : admitted to Phil- adelphia Bar January 17, 1863. First Lieuienants. Cusick, Cornelius C. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N.Y. ; 2d It. 132d N. Y. .Infantry Aui,'. 14, 1862; 1st It. July 1, 1863 ; inustcred out June 29, 1865; 2d It. 13th Infantry June 20, 1866; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; transferred to22d Infantry May 15, 1869 ; 1st It. Aug. 6, 1872; is the only army representative of the Si.x Nations of New York, is a hereditary chief, was installed to that oflBce Sept. 6, I860: &uccessor to William Chew, sachem. Lockwood, Benjamin C. Born in Ken- tucky. • Apptd. from Ky. ; pvt. Co. F, 6 Ky. Inf., 1 Oct., '61 ; dis. 17 April, '63 ; 2 It. 54 Kv. Inf. 30 Sept., '64; hon. must, out 1 Sept., '65; 2 It. 31 Inf. 7 March, '67; trs. to 22 Inf. 15 Mav, '69; 1 It. Oct. 5, '72. Campbell, William J. Born in Ire- land. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. Co. A, 18 Pa. Inf., 24 April, '61 ; dis. 5 Aug., '61 ; pvt. Co. A, and com.-sgt. and sgt.-maj. 95 Pa. Inf., 21 Aug., '61, to 10 Feb., '63; 1 It. 95 Pa. Inf. 10 Feb., '03; hon. must, out 2 Nov., '64 ; 2 It. 22 Inf. 21 May, '67 ; 1 It. 12 May, '75. Smith, Oskaloosa M. Born in Indian- apolis, Indiana, Oct. 11, 1845. Enlisted in Co. I, 13th Ind. Vol. Infy., Dec. 1, 1861 ; appointed quarterma-ter-sergt. of the regt. June 19, 1804; honorably dis- charged Nov. 30, 1864; served in Dec. 1861, in Western Virginia; from Jan. to Mar. 1862, at Green Spring Hun, Va. ; in Shields' division, in the Shenandoah Val- ley', during his campaign of 1862; at Har- rison's Landing, Va., July, 1862; at Suf- folk, Va., Aug. 1862, to Aug. 1863; on Morris and Folly Islands, S. C, from Aug. 1863, to Feb. 1804; at Jacksonville, Fla., from Feb. to May, 1864 ; in the Army of the James May to Nov. 1804, in front of Petersburg and at Cold Harbor; appointed 1st lieut. and adjt. 155t(i Ind. Vol. Inf. Apr. 25, 1805; served in Vir- ginia and at Camden, Del., to July 1 ; act. asst. inspt.-genl. Dist. of Del. and E. Shore of Md., at Wilmington, Del., July 1 to Aug. 4, 1865; mustered out Aug. 4, but retained in service until Au^. 20, 1865; appointed 2d lieut. 31st U. S. Inf. June 18, 1867 ; at Fort Totten, D. T., Oct. 1867, to July, 1869 ; transferred to 22d Inf. upon the consolidation of the 22d and 31st Regts. of Inf., May 15, 1809; at Fort Sully, D. T., July, 1869, to Aug. 1870; at Crow Creek Agency, D. T., Aug. 1870, to May, 1871 ; at Fort Sully and on the ex- pedition to the Yellowstone River May to Nov. 1871 ; at Fort Randall, D. T., May, 1872, to June, 1874; during part of that time served at Indian agencies and on the Yellowstone expedition of 1873; at Fort Wayne, Mich., July to Sept. 1874; at New Orleans, La., Sept. 1874, to May, 1875, during the White LcMgue difficul- ties ; at Ft. Wayne, Mich., May, 1875, to July, 1876; in Montana during the Sioux troubles July, 1870, to July, 1877 ; pro- moted 1st lieut. June 28, 1876 ; at Chicago, III., during the riots, July, 1877; at Fort Wayne, Mich., Aug. 1877, to June, 1879; appointed regimental quartermaster June 25, 1879; at Ft. McKavett, Texas, July to Nov. 1879; at Ft. Clark, Texas, Nov. 1879, to Nov. 1882; appointed adjutant of the regt. Oct. 1, 1881 ; at Santa Fe, New Mexico, act. asst. adjt.-genl. Dist. of New Mexioo, Nov. 22, 1882, to Feby. 23, 1883 ; at Fort Lewis, Colorado, March, 1883, to date. Webster, John McA. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio; 2 It. 197 Ohio Inf. 20 April, '65; hon. nui>t. out 31 July, '65; graduate M. A., class of '71 ; 2d It. 22 Inf. 12 June, '71 ; first It. 4 March, '79. Kell, William H. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; pvt. Co. F, 1 Ohio Inf., 17 April, '61 ; dis. 16 Aug , '61 ; pvt. Co. I, 2 Ohio Inf., and Co. E, 18 Ohio Inf., 15 Sept., '62, to 10 June, '63; 2d It. 22 Inf. 12 Dec, '72; 1 It. 25 June, '79. Casey, Edward W. Born in Califor- nia. Apptd. from La. ; graduate M. A., class of '73; 2 It. 22 Inf. 13 June, '73; 1 It. 11 June, '80. Ballance, John G. Born in Illinois. Ap))ointed from 111. ; graduated from Jl. A., June 16, 1875 ; 2d It. 16 Infantry June 16, 1875; transferred to 22 Infantry July 1, 1875; 1st It. Feb. 28, 1881; regimental quartermaster Sep. 22, 1882. Sharpe, Alfred C. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Iowa ; cadet July 1, '72; re- signed June 29, '75 ; 2d lieut. 10th Cav- alry June 21, '76 ; accepted July 26, '76; transferred to 22d Inf'antr}' July 28, '76 ; joined Company "H" in camp at mouth of Glendive Creek, JSIontana, Oct. 1, '76 ; particijiated in "Sioux War," '76-77; in action with hostile Indians under Sitting Bull, at Spring Creek, M.T., Oct. 11, and at Clear Creek, M.T., Oct. 15 and 10, 1876 ; in expedition under Gen. Miles against Lame Deer April-May, 1877; in engagement at Lame Deer's villag(!, head- waters of the Rosebud River, M.T., May 7, 1877; served with company at Chicago and in Pennsylvania coal regions during labor riots July to October, 1877 ; at Fort Wayne, Michigan, 1877-79; admitted to TWENTY-THIKD REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 339 the bar by the Supreme Court of Miehicjan April 17, '79; served with eoni[iany and on detaclicd service at Fort McKavett, Fort Griflin, and Fort Chiric, Texas, 1879 -82; first lieut. June 30, 1881 ; on duty at Fort Lyon, Colorado, as A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., and rt'cruiting oflBccr, 1882-83. Crittenden, John J. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ky ; 2 It. 22 Inf. 14 Dee., '70; 1 It. 2(i July, '82. Mosher, Theodore. Born in Md. Ap- pointed from the army ; private and ser- treant Sis;. Corps 8 Aui::., '"0) to 20 April, ''77; 2 It. 22 Inf. 19 April, '77; 1 It. 22 Sept. '82. Martin, Medad C. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from Vt. ; graduate M. A., class of '77 ; 2 It. 22 Inf. 15 June, '77 ; 1 lieut. 22 Inf. April 24, 1880. Second Lieutenants. Getty, Robert N. Born in N.Y. Ap- pointed Irum N.Y'. ; graduate M. A., class of '78; 2 It. 22 Inf. 14 June, '78. Jones, Frank B. Born in Miss. Ap- pointed from Miss, to the U. S. Military Academv ; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1870*; 2d It. 22 Infantry June 13, '79. Ord, Edward O. C. Born in Cal. Ap- pointed from Texas ; 2 It. 22 Inf. Sept. 1, 1879. Hodges, Henry C, Jr. Born in Wash. Ter. Apjiointed at large ; graduate from M. A. June 11, 1881 ; 2 It. 22 Infantry June 11, 1881. Wills, John H. Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; graduate M. A., class of '81 ; 2d It. 22 Inf^ 30 June, '81, Chapman, James R. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; graduated from M. A., June 12, 1880; 2d It. 22 Infantry June 12, 1880. Patten, George H. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1882; 2 It. 22 Infantry June 13, 1882. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Black, Henry M. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa.; graduate of M. A., cla.*s of '47 ; bvt. 2d It. 4lh Inf. 1 July, '47 ; 2d It. 9th Inf. 20 Aug., '47 ; 1st It. *9lh Inf. 3 March, '55; captain 10 Sept., '56; served in the war with Mexico; on frontier duty 1848-61; Pacific coast 1861-64; colonel 6th Cal.. Vols. Feb. 1, '63; hon. must, out 27 Oct. '65 ; maj. 7 Inf. July 25, '63 ; Mil- itary Academv 1864-68; bvt. It. -col. and bvt! col. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during tlie Hp])ellion ; It.-col. 4 Inf. 7 Oct. '68; una.-signed 15lh March, '69; assigned to 18th Inf. 1 July, '70; col. 23 Inf. 6 Feb. '82. Lieutenant Cokm el. Lazelle, Henry M. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from JNIass.; graduated from M. A. July 1, 1855; brevet 2d It. 1st Inf. July 1, 1855; 2d It. 8th Inf. Oct. 9, 1855; served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y'., and on frontier duty 1855-61 ; severely wounded in action against the Apache Indians; captured by the Texas insur- gents May 8, 1861; exchanged July 28, 1802; Ist'lieutenant April 27, 1801; as- sistant commissary-general of jirisoners from June, 1862, to October, 18()3 ; in charge of the exchange of prisoners of war at Vicksburg, Miss., during summer of 1862 ; served during the war of the Re- bellion ; captain June 11, 1801 ; col. 16th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 23, 1868; in command of regiment against Moshy's Guerrillas ; in command of Cavalry BriL'aerations at 340 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. APwMY, Mine Euii, battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, and Pe- tersburg, Va. ; commanding regiment June to September, 18(34; engaged at the battle of the Wi'ldon Eailroad, Va. ; com- missary of musters, 2d Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, September, 18G4 ; aide-de-camp to General Ayres, and engaged at the battles of Chapin's Farm, and action of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant ser- vices at thii battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gallant services at the battle of the Wel- don Eailroad, Va. ; trans, to lOtli Inf. 14th April, 'G9; major 23d Inf. Feb. 8th, 1880. Captains. Brady, George K. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa.; pvt. Co. " B," 12th Pa. Inf., 25th April, 'fJl ; dis. 8ih July, '61 ; 1st It. 14th Inf. 14th May, 'Gl ; joined regiment in Army of the Potomac Jan. 'G2 ; reg. qm. Jan. 18G2, to July, '64; engaged at battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Eun, Chancellorsville, Get- tysburg, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, and Petersburg ; cajitain lOlh June, 'G4; A. A. A. G. 1st Eeg. IJrigade 2d Div. 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac ; engaged at ilie battle of Weldon Eailroad, where he was wounded and taken prisoner ; paroled from Libby Prison S^'pt. 'G4; trans, to 23d Inf. 21st Sept., 'G4 ; bvt. major U.S.A. for gal- lant services at battle of Weldon Eailroad ; bvt. It. -col. U.y. A. for meritorious services during the war. Randall, George M. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. 4th Pa. Inf. April to Aug. 'Gl ; major 14th N. Y. Art. IGlh Aug., '64; It. -col. 1st June, '65; hon. mustered out August, '65 ; bvt. colonel vols, for gallantry in the attack on Fort Steadman, Va. ; 2d It. 4th Inf. Oct. '61 ; 1st It. Gth Nov., '62; captain 23d Sept., '65; unassigned March, '69; assigned to 23d Inf. January, '71; bvt. captain U.S.A. for gallant iind meritorious services at battle of Antietani ; bvt. major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petei'.-ibui'g, Va. Kenton, James. Born in England. Ap- pointed from the army ; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Co. D, 6th In- fantry, Nov. 22, 1853, to Nov. 23, 1858 ; private, serueant, and 1st sergeant Co. A, 2d Batt. 14th Infantry May 14, 18G0, to Oct. 2.'>, 1861 ; 2d It. 141 h Infantry Oct. 5, 1861 ; Ist It. Feb. 19, 1862 ; capt. Nov. 4, 1865; transl'crred to 23d Infantry Sept. 21, 186G ; adjutant 2d Batt., 14th Infantry, Aug. 1, 18G5, to Nov. 4, 1866; bvt. cap- tain March 13, 18G5, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Gettys- burff. Pa. Haskell, Joseph T. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; cajitain and asst. commissarj' of subsistence U. S. Vols. ; brevet major U. S. Vols, for meritorious services in his department during the war ; brevet lieut.-col. U. S. Vols, for faithful and zealous services in the Sub- sistence Department ; bvt. colonel U. S. Vols, for faithful services in the Subsist- ence Department ; captain 28d U. S. Inf. July, 18GG. Smith, Thomas M. K. Born in Pa. Appointed from the army ; private, corp'l, and sergeant Co. B, 1 Batt., 17 Inf., 31si March, 1864, to 23d July, '64 ; 2d It. 17th Inf. 2d Julv, '64; 1st It. 2d July, 1864; trans, to 26th Inf. 21st September, 1866 ; captain 7th March, '67; unassigned 19th May, '69; a.ssigned to 23d Inf.^l5th De- cember, '70. Wheaton, Charles. Born in E. I. Appointed from E. I. ; 1 It. 2 Mass. Inf. May 25, 1861 ; must, out July 26, 1862 ; captain commissary of subsistence July 17, 1862 ; It. -col. commissary of subsist- ence June 9, 1865; must, out May 31, 1866; captain 33 Infantry July 17, 18G7 ; unassigned May 3, 1869 ; assigned to 23d Inf. Jan. 1, 1871 ; brevet maj. vols. Mar. 13, 1865, for meritorious services in his department during the war ; brevet It.- col. vols. Dec. 1, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department; brevet colonel vols. Dec. 1, 1865, for the same. Pollock, Otis W. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 1st lieutenant 63J Ohio Infantry 10th October, 1861, during the organization of the regiment;, was sta- tioned at Marietta, Ohio; adjutant 63d Ohio Infantry February, 18G2 ; moved with the regiment to Commerce, Mo., the latter ]iart of February, 1862 ; there joined Gen. Pope's army and marched on New Madrid ; was present at siege and capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10, after which accompanied same army on trans- ports down the Mississippi to the neigh- borhood of Fort Pellon, which movement being abandoned, returned up the Missis- sippi, Ohio, and Tennessee to Hamburg Landing, and there joined in the advance on ('orinth under Gen. Halleck ; was pres- ent at the afl'air at Farmington, also imme- diately after at the evacuation of Corinth by Confederate troops under Beauregard, and its occupation by Gen. Halleck ; pro. to captaincy of the 63d Ohio Infantry 30th June, 1862 ; was present at battle of luka. Miss., Sept. 19, 1862, under Gen. Eosecrans ; opposed to Price in command TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT OP INFANTRY. 341 of Confederate troops in luka ; also at battle of Corinth, Oct. 4, 18G2, under Gen. Rosccrans, resisting attack by Con- federate troops under Price and Van Dorn ; accompanied Grant's movement towards Grenada, Miss. ; ordered back from near O.xford with Poller's Ohio brii^ade to repel Foust's attack on our communications in Tennessee ; was pres- ent at battle of Parker's Cross- Roads ; re- turned to Corinth May, 1803 ; relieved troops in Memphis, which were ordered to Vicksburg; on duty as member of gen- eral court-martial at Jklemphis during the summer of 1803 ; in the fall joined the troops returning from Vicksburg and Madrid to, and occupied the railroad between Nashville, Tenn., and Hunts- ville, Ala. ; was acting assistant adjutant- general of Foller's Ohio brigade from November, 1863, to March, 1864; was present at the capture of Decatur, Ala., its occupation and defense, in the spring of 1864 ; while there was on stall' of Gen. John D. Stevenson (who commanded the troops as chief of grand guards and out- posts) ; when the troops marched thence to Chattanooga in April he occupied the same position on staff of 4lh Division, 16th Army Corps, aiad continued to do so until January, 1865, the division in the mean time having been changed to 1st Division, 17th Army Corps; commenced the Atlanta campaign about the 1st of ilay, 1864 ; was present at the battles of Resaca, Dallas, action of Big Shanty, battle."^ of Kenesaw Mountain and neigh- borhood of Atlanta ; pursuit of the rebel General Hood, Sherman's march to the sea, and capture of Savannah, Ga. ; com- manded the 63d Ohio Infantry during the Carolina campaign, and engaged at the actions of Salkatche and Edisto ; assist, provost-marshal and judge-advocate 17th Corps from April, 1865, until mustered out on the 8th of Julv, 1865 ; 2d lieuten- ant 14th Infantry 23d February, 1866; 1st lieutenant 14th Infantry 23d Febru- ary, 1866; transferred to 23d Infantry 21st September, 1866; at Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from May to De- cember, 1866; in California to March, 1867 ; at Ft. Vancouver, W. T., and Ft. Dalles, Oregon; acting assistant quarter- master and assistant commissary of sub- sistence of a detachment in the field ; act- ing assistant adjutant-general District of the Lakes, Oregon, commanded by Brevet Maj.-Gen. George Crook ; lieut.-colonel 23d Infantry; stationed at Camp Warner, Oregon, and on recruiting service from January, 1868, to December, 1868; ap- pointed adjutant 23d Infantry Dec. 11, 1868 ; stationed at Portland, Oregon, and 23 Fort Vancouver, W. Ty., until Feb. 3, 1872 ; moved thence to Arizona ; stationed at Fort W^hijiple, A. T., from March 20 to Jaiuiary 22, 1873, at which time was promoted from the adjutancy to captain ; went on leave ; rejoined at Ft. McDowell, A. T., Nov. 7, 1873; commanded Co. C and post until July 7, 1874 ; moved thence with regiment to Department of the Platte; stationed at Fort Omaha from Sept. 4, 1874, until May 11, 1876 ; moved thence to Sidney Barracks ; commanded company and post until Nov. 2, 1876; went thence on Powder River expedition under General Crook until January, '77; after returning was stationed at Ft. Leav- enworth, Kan., until July 21, 1878; dur- ing the summer of 1877 was at St. Louis, Mo., with eight companies of the regi- ment with other troops, who were ordered there for the purpose of suppressing the labor rioters ; stationed at Fort Hays, Kan., from July, 1878, until February, 1879; was in the campaign in ])ursuit of the Cheyennes who had escaped from the Indian Territory in the fall of 1878 ; went from Fort Hays in February, 1879, to North Fork of the Canadian ; remained there in cantonment until May, 1880; moved thence to the Uncomjiahgre River in Colorado ; was in the field during the summer, and escort to the Ute commission during their negotiations with the Utes. which resulted in the removal of the Un- compahgre Utes to their present reserva- tion in Utah, and the Soutliern Utes to their present location ; stationed at can- tonment on the Uncompahgre, Colorado, from the fall of 1880 until September, '81 ; moved thence to Fort Bliss, Texas, where now stationed (April, 1883). Eskridge, Richard I. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; musician 2d Iowa Inf. Sept. 10, 1861; disch. May 1, 1862; pri- vate and sergeant Co. I, 2 Mo. Cav., Jan. 9, 1864, to Feb. 8, 1865 ; 1 It. 14 Mo. Cav. Feb. 8, 1865; capt. Aug. 28, 1865; must, out Nov. 14, 1865; 2 It. 14 Inf. Feb. 23, 1866; 1 It. March 22, 1866; trans, to 2i Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; capt. Sept. 1, 1878; regt. quartermaster 23 Inf. June 8, 1867, to Sept. 1, 1873 ; bvt. capt. Sejit. 26, 1867, for conspicuous gallantry in charging a large band of Indians strongly fortified in the Infernal Caverns, Pitt River, Califor- nia, Sept. 26, 18(i7. Goodale, Greenleaf A. Born in Or- rington. Me.; resided from 1855-58 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa ; 1858-61, Bucksport, Me. ; enlisted May 7, 1861, Co. E, 6th Maine Vol. (Infantry); Corp. Aug. 1862; sergt. May 3, 1863 ; served with Army of the Potomac and in siege of Yorklown, Hancock's Brigade at Lee's Mills, Wil- 342 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. liamsburc;, Golding's Farm, Savasje Sta- tion, "White Oak Swamp, second Bull Run, Marye's Heights, Salem Heights, and Gettysburg ; 1st lieut. 5th Inf. Corps d'Afrique, Jan. 18L)4 ; joined regt, at Fort St. Philip, La. ; capt. 77th U. S. Colored Troops May, 18()4 ; consolidated with 10th U. S. Colored Hy. Art. Oct. 1865; com- manded company at Fort St. Philip, Pass Manchac, Chalmette, and Camp Parapel, La., and Ship Island, Miss. ; brev. major TJ. S. Vols, for services during the war ; hrev. capt. U.S.A. for services at Gettys- burg, Pa. ; appointed 1st lieut. 23d Inf. U.S.A. July 28, 1866; promoted captain same regiment June 25, '78; commanded company from Feb. 1867, to Oct. 1874, and from Oct. 1876, to Feb. 1883, in Cali- fornia, Oregon, Wash. Terrify, Arizona, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, Indian Terrify, and New Mexico ; on recruiting service in N. Y. City from 1874 to 1876. Stille, Louis R. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Pennsylvania; 2d It. 3d Pa. Cav. Sept. 1862; 1st It. May, 1863; capt. 3d Pa. Vol. Cav. May, 1864 ; brevet major U. S. Vols, for gallant and merito- rious services during the operations re- sulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee ; 2d It. 14th U. S. Inf. March, 1866; trans, to the 23d U. S. Inf. Sept. 1866 ; 1st It. 23d U. S. Inf. Oct. '66 ; capt. March 20, 1879. First Lieutenants. Manning, William Cheney. Born at Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1842; private, musician, corporal, and sergeant-maj. 1st Mass. Inf. from May 22, 1861, to Feb. 20, 1863; discharged on latter date as sergt.- major on account of wounds received at second battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862 ; secretary of military board for examina-* tion of political offenders at Washington during March and April, 1863; first lieu- tenant and adjutant 35th U. S. C. Inf. May 18, 1863; captain Aug. 25, 1864; A.A.A.G. of various districts, • Depart- ment of the South, in 1864-(i5 ; maj. 103d U. S. C. Inf. March 19, 1865; military superintendent of public schools at Savan- nah, June 15, 1865; commanding Fort Pulaski, Ga., and regiment portions of 1865-66 ; commanding District of Savan- nah, embracing thirty-two counties. Mar. and April, 1866 ; 'honorably mustered out May 5, 1866; second lieut. 14th U. S. In- fantry May 11, 1866; transferred to 23d U. S. Inf. by reorganization of the army, Sept. 21, 1866; first lieut. Feb. 7, 1867; adjutant July 8, 1868, to Dec. 7, 1869; acting and general instructor of mus- ketry, Dept. of the Missouri, April 2, '81, to present time ; engaged in action at Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 18, '61; battle of first Bull Run, siege of York- town, battle of Williamsburg, action at Fair Oaks (.lune 25, '62, wounded), bat- tles of Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, action of Kettle Run, battles of sec- ond Bull Run (wounded), and Fredericks- burg, siege of Fort Wagner, battles of Chester (twice wounded). Honey Hill, actions of Denan Neck, Pillifinny,Coosaw- hatchie, and siege of Charleston ; action with Apache Indians, Mazatzal Mts., Arizona, Dec. 13, 1872. Trout, John F. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; pvt. 10th Pa. Inf. April-July, '61 ; 1st sgt. Co. " B," 45th Pa. Inf., Sep- tember, 1862; capt. 45th Pa. Inf. Sept. '62, to April, '65, when he was promoted to major ; hon. must, out May 5, '60 ; 2d lieut. '9th Inf. May 15, '66 ; 1st lieut. Nov. 10, '67; out of service Jan. 2, ^'69; ap- pointed 1st lieut. of Inf. March 25, 1870; assigned to 23d Inf. Jan. 1, '71. Rice, William F. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Ky. ; private Co. G, 1 Mass. Infantrj^ ; and private, sergeant, and 1st sfrgeant. Companies JF, E, and A, 19th Mass. Infantrv, May 23, 1861, to Nov. 13, 1863 ; 2d 'lieut. 19th Mass. Infantry Nov. 13, 1863; 1st lieut. Nov. 15, 1868; captain Aug. 17, 1864; mustered out Oct. 4, 1874 ; 1st lieut. 26 N. Y. Cav. Dec. 30, 1864 ; mustered out June 30, 1865 ; 2d lieut. 23d Infantry July 28, 1866; 1st It. Julv 8, 1868 ; R.Q.M. 23d Inf. September 6, 1873. Hay, Charles. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; private Co. C, 8th Ohio Infantry, and private and corporal Companies H and B, and commissary sergeant 23d Ohio Infantry April 23, '61, to July 24, 1864; captain 5th U. S. Vet. Infantry Feb. 20, 1865; mustered out May 28, 1860; 2d lieut. 36th Infantry Jan. 22, 1807; unassigned May 19, 1869; assigned to 23d Infantry July 14, 1869; 1st lieut. Jan. 1, 1871; in battle of Carni- fex Ferry, W. Va., Sept. 10, 1861 ; South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862; Antie- tam, Sept. 17, 1862; engagement at Giles C. H., W. Va., May 10, 1862; engage- ment at Lexington, Virginia, June, 1864; Lynchburg, Va., June 18, 1864 ; served during rebellion in W. Va., Va., and Maryland; from April, 186.5-May, 1866, stationed at Washington, D. C, Hart- ford, Conn., Providence, R. I., Staten Island, and Hart's Island, N. Y. H. ; from 1867 to 1883, stationed at North Platte, Neb., Fort Sanders, Wyoming Ty., Fort Douglas, U. T., Ft. Boise, Idaho, Camp Harney, Ogn., Ft. Vancouver, Wash. Ty., Ft. McDowell, Arizona, Ft. Omaha TWENTY-rOURTn REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 343 and Ft. Sidney, Nebraska, Ft. Leaven- worth and Ft. Hays, Kas., cantonment Nth. Fork Canadian River, Ind. Ty., cantonment on Uncompahgre, Colorado, Fort Bliss, Texas. Dodge, Frederick L. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from N. H. ; pri- vate 44lh Massachusetts Volunteer Militia August, 18G2, to June, 18()3 ; in North Carolina, and engaged at actions of Whitehall, Kinston, and Goldsboro', N. C. ; first lieutenant 18th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry March to July, 1865; in Virginia, and near Washington, D. C. ; acting aide-de-camp. Brigade, 9th Army Corps, May to June, 1865 ; second lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry March, 1867 ; first lieutenant June 22, 1873. Clarke, William L. Born in Del. Appointed from Del. ; 2d It. 36 Infantry Nov. 20, 1867 ; unassigned May 19, 1869 ; assigned to 23d Infantry Aug. 3, 1870; 1st it. Sept. 6, 1873 Brodrick, Patrick T. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Ind. ; graduate M. A., class of '68; 2 It. 25 Inf. 15 June, '68; unassigned 26 April, '69; assigned to 23 Inf. 14 July, '69; 1 It. 24 Julyp74; adju- tant 1 Oct.' '76. Pardee, Julius H. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. M. ; graduate M. A., class of '71 ; 2 It. 25 Inf. 12 July, '71 ; trans, to 23 Inf. 4 Aug. '71 ; 1 It. 16 March, "77. Wieting, Orlando L. Born in Pa. Appointed from I'a. ; pvt. Co. " F," 1 Pa. Art., 4 June, '64 ; dis. 9 June, '65 ; gradu- ate M. A., class of '70; 2 It. 3 Cav. 15 June, '70; resigned 29 Dec. '70; 2 It. 23 Inf. 30 July, '72; 1 It. 25 April, '77. Pratt, Edward B, Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Mich. ; 2d It. 23 Infantry Dec. 12, 1872; 1st lieut. June 25, 1878. Cowles, Calvin D. Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. ; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1873; 2d^lt. 23 Infantry June 13, 1873; 1st It. March 20, 1879. Heyl, Charles H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. J.; 2 It. 23 Inf. 1 Oct. '73 ; 1 It. 20 March, '82. Lockwood, James B. Born in Md. Appointed from Md. ; 2 It. 23 Inf. 1 Oct. '73; 1 It. '83. Second Lieutenants. Bolton, Edwin B. Born in Miss. Ap- pointed from ^liss. ; graduated from M. A. June 16, 1875; 2d ft. 23 Infantry June 16, 1875. Claggfett,^ Royier. Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. ; 2d lieut. 23 Inf. 16 Aug. '70. Febiger, Lea. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; 2 It. 23 Infantry Aug. 15, '76. Allen, Dyer S. Born in Ark. Ap- pointed from D. C. ; 2d It. 23 Inf. Aug. 31, '76. Nichols, William A. Born in New ]VIe.\ico. Appointed from Kans. ; 2d It. 23 Infantry May 7, 1877; commission ex- ])ired by constitutional limitation ; reap- pointed Jan. 26, 1878, to rank from May 7, 1877. O'Connor, Stephen. Born in Now York. Appointed from the army ; pri- vate, corporal, sergeant, and quarter- master-sergeant Companies B, E, and C, 8 Infantry, June 21, 1860, to March 26, 1867; served in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas ; surrendered prisoner of war May 9, 1861; San Antonio, Texas ; pris- oner of war until December 10, '62; es- caped across the Rio Grande and rejoined at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, via Eagle Pass, Texas, Monterey, mouth of Rio Grande, and Mexico and New Or- leans ; served during Gettysburg and Wil- derness campaigns ; re-enlisted in front of Petersburg Julv 9, '64 ; 2d It. 8 Infantry Dec. 28, 1866 ; 1st lieut. Jan. 4, 1869 ; un- assigned May 3, 1869; assigned to 23 In- fantrv Jan. 1, 1871 ; out of service March 16, 1877; appointed 2d It. 23 Infantry June 9, 1877; expired by constitutional limitation Dee. 3, 1877 ; reappointed Feb. 11, 1878, with rank from June 9, 1877. Pendleton, Edwin P. Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from R. I. ; graduated from M. A. June 13, 1879 ; 2d U. 23 In- fantry June 13, 1879. Dapron, John A. Born in South Caro- lina. Apptd. from D. C. ; 2 It. 23 Inf. 24 Nov., '80. Allaire, William H. Born in Arkan- sas. Apptd. from 111. ; graduate M. A., class of '82 ; 2 It. 23 Inf. June, '82. TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Potter, Joseph H. Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. ; graduate M. A., class of '43; bvt. 2d It. 1st Inf. 1st July, '43; 2d It. 7th Inf. 21st Oct., '45; 1st It. 30th Oct., '47; capt. 9th Jan., '56; served in war with Mexico, and was brevetted 1st It. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Monterey; fron- tier duty 1848-61 ; col. 12th N. H. Inf. 22d Sept., '62; brig.-gen. vols. 1st May, '65; major 19th Inf. 4th July, '63; It.-col. 30th Inf. 28th Julv, '66; served in Army of the Potomac 1862-5 ; bvt. It.-col. 13th 344 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICEES U.S. AEMY. Dec, '62, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Fredericksburg ; bvt. col. 3d May, '02, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Chancellors- ville ; bvt. brig.-gen. loth March, '05, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of Gen. Lee ; Gen. Potter was wounded and made prisoner of war at Chancellors- ville, but was exchanged a few months later, and at once regained his command in the tield ; trans, to 4th Inf. 15th March, '69; colonel of the 24th Inf. 11th Dec, '73. Lieute7iant- Colonel. Yard, John E. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Cal. ; 2d It. 9th Infantry Nov. 12, 1861 ; 1st It. May 30, 1803 ; captain July 28, 1800 ; major iOth Cav. March 7, 1807; unassigned Dec. 15, 1870; assif>;ned to 20th Infantry Jan. 1, 1871; It.-col. 24th In- fantry March 4, 1879. Major. O'Beirne, Richard F. Born in Canada. Appointed from Michigan ; first lieuten- ant 14th U. S. Infantry May, 1801 ; bat- talion quartermaster 14th U. S Infantry August, 1801 ; captain 14th U. S. Infantry October, 1801 ; on recruiting duty to May, 1862 ; engaged at the actions of Leetown, Snicker's Gap, and operations at Mine Eun, Va. ; on recruiting duty March to July, 1803 ; ordnance officer, Eegular Di- vision, 5th Corps Army of the Potomac, and eno^aged at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, action of Shady-Grove Head, bat- tles of Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and the Weldon Kailroad (wounded); ord- nance officer on staff" of General Hunt, commanding the city of New York ; member of a military commission Janu- ary to July, 1805 ; in "Washington and Idaho Territories; engaged against hos- tile Indians at the action of Owyhee Canon October, 1866 ; scouting duty and conducting recruits from San Francisco to Fort Yuma, Cal., and Tucson, A. T. ; transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry by the reorganization of the army ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of North Anna, Va. ; brevet lieut. -colonel IT. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; trans, to 21st Inf. 19th April, '09; major 24th Inf. 20th March, '79. Captai7is. Hood, Charles C. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; private, corporal, and sergeant Co. G, 31st Ohio Infantry, Aug. 20, 1861, to Feb. 3, 1864; com. as 2d It. 31st Ohio May, '63, but not mustered in the regiment, being below the minimum of strength ; did duty, however, as It. from May, '63, until Feb. '64, when he was com. 1st It. ; 1st It. 31st Ohio Inf. Feb. 3, 1864; capt. October 20, 1804; mustered out July 20, 1805; engaged in a skir- mish with Morgan's cavalry near Gal- latin, Tennessee; battles of Stone Eiver, Chickamauga, Resaca, Atlanta campaign, and campaign through Geoi'gia to Sa- vannah and the Carolinas ; wounded at the battle of Chickamauga, and in action with Roddy's cavalry ; capt. 41st Infantry July 28, 1800; transferred to 24th Infantry Nov. 11, 1869. Clous, John W. Born in Germany. Appointed from the army; 2 It. 6 U. S. Inf. November, 1802; 1 It. 6 U. S. Inf. March, 1805; capt. 88 U. S. Inf. Jan. 1867; trs. to 24 U. S. Inf. November, 1869; bvt. 1 It. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; bvt. capt. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Gilmore, John C. Born in Canada. Appointed from New York ; capt. 16 N. Y. Vols. May, 1861 ; engaged at the battle of first Bull Run, action of West Point, battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Golding's Farm, Va. ; maj. 16 N. Y. Vols. September, 1862; engaged at the battles of Charles City Cross-Roads, Mal- vern Hill, second Bull Run, actions of Crampton's Pa.=s, battles of Antietam, and first and second Fredericksburg, Va. ; It.-col. 193 New York Vols. March, 1865; served in the Shenandoah Valley ; brevet col. U. S. Vols, for faithful services ; 2 It. 12 U. S. Inf. May, 1800; trs. to the 30 U. S. Inf. by the reorganization of the army; adjt. 30 U. S. Inf. December, '66, to January, 1807; capt. 38 U. S. Inf. January, 1807; bvt. maj. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; bvt. It.-col. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; trs. to 24 Inf. Nov. 11, '69. Crandal, Frederick M. Born in Pa. Appointed from Md. ; 1 It. 33 111. Inf. Aug. 15, '61; mustered out Nov. 23, '62; capt and assistant adjt.-genl. Oct. 2, '62; vacated Aug. 8, '63 ; cok 48 U. S. Col. Inf. Aug. 8, '63 ; mustered out Jan. 4, '60 ; 1 It"; 38 Inf. July 28, '06 ; capt. 41 Inf. June 12, '07 ; trs. to 24 Inf. Nov. 11, '09 ; bvt. capt. and bvt. major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas; bvt. It.-col. IMarch 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort TWENTY-FOURTH llEGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 345 Blakely, Ala. ; bvt. brig.-gcnl. vol. Oct. 24, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices. Johnson, Lewis. Born in Germany. Appoinlcd from Ohio; private 10 Ind. Vol. April, 1801, and engaged at the battle of Rich Mountain, Va. ; 1 It. 10 Indiana Vols. August, 'Gl ; engaged at the battles of Mill Spring, Ky. (wound- ed), and siege of Corinth, Miss, (wound- ed) ; oapt. lb Ind. Vols. Aug. 18(52; en- gaged at the battle of Perrj'ville, actions of Rolling Forks, Hoover's Gap, battle of Chickamaiiga, action of Rossville, siege of Chattanooga, battles of Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Buzzard's Roost, and actions of Tunnel Hill and Dalton, Ga. ; col. 44 U. S. Colored Troops, Sep- tember, 18G4; engaged in the defense of Dalton, Ga., again^^t an attack of the rebel Genl. Wheeler's cavalry, repulse of the rebel Genl. Forrest, at the action of Mill Creek, and at the battles of Nash- ville, Tenn. (wounded); commanding 1 Colored Brigade, Army of the Cumber- land, 2 Brigade, District of East Tenn., District of Northern Alabama, and post of Huntsville, Ala., to April, 186G; bvt. brig. -gen. U. S. Vols, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; 1 It. 41 U. S. Inf. July, 1866 ; capt. 41 U. S. Inf. December, 1867 ; bvt. capt. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Mill Springs, Ky. ; bvt. mnj. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Co- rinth, Miss. ; bvt. It. -col. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at th'e battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. ; trs. 24 Inf. 11 Nov. 18G4. Morgan, James N. Born in 111. Ap- pointed from 111. ; 2d It. 22d 111. Infantry June 25, 1861 ; 1st It. March 1, 18G2 ; capt. June 13, 1862 ; mustered out July 7, 1864; capt. 144th 111. Infantry Sept. 10, 1864; major Sept. 26, 1864; It.-col. March 18, 1865; mustered out July 14, 1865; en- gaged at the actions of Charleston and Belmont, Mo. ; engaged at the capture of New IMadrid, action of Farmington, and siege of Corinth, Miss. ; engaged at the skirmish at Nashville Nov. 5, '62 ; ac- tions of Nolansville, Columbia, battle of Stone River, actions of Dandridge, Dal- ton, Resaca, Adairsville, and battle of New Hope Church, Ga. ; 2d It. 38th Infantry July 28, 1866; 1st It. June 12, 1866; trs. to 24th Infantry Nov. 11, 1869; captain June 20, 1873 ; brevet 1st It. and brevet capt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; brevet major March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of New Hope Church, Ga. Nixon, John B. Born in Virginia. A])pointed from 111. ; enlisted in volun- teer service June 30, 1862 ; 2d It. 102d 111. Inf. Vols. Sept. 2, 1862; 1st It. 102d 111. Inf. Vols. April 20, 1863 ; capt. 17th U. S. Col. Inf. Dec. 3, 1863 ; acting asst. insp - gen. post of Nashville, Tenn., from April 26, 1865, to Nov. G, 1865; commdg. 17th U. S. Col. Inf. from Nov. 6, 1865, to Feb. I, 1866 ; commanding garrison of Leba- non, Tenn., fnjm Feb. 6 to March 6, '66; brevet major and brevet It.-col. U. S. Vols. March 13, 1865, for faithful and merito- rious services during the war ; mustered out Nov. 3, 1866 ; appointed 1st It. 38th Inf. June 12, 1867; transferred to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, 1869; regimental quarter- master 24ih Infantry from March 1, 1871, to Jan. 5, 1877 ; ca])t. 24th Infantry Jan. 5, 1877. Thompson, J. Milton. Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. ; pvt. 7th N. H. Inf. 7th Nov., '61, to 27th Jan., '03; 1st It. 33d U. S. Col. Inf. 27th Jan., '63 ; capt. 7th Nov., '63 ; hon. must, out 31st Jan., '66; 2d lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry July, 18G6 ; 1st lieutenant 38th U. S. In- fantry November, 1867 ; translerred to the 24th U. S. Infantry November, 1869; brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services at James Island, S. C. ; captain 23d Dec., 1878. Markley, Alfred C. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; sergeant Co. K, 197th Pa. Infantry, July 11, 1864; discharged Sept. 5, 1864 ; 2d lieut. 127 U. S. Colored Infantry Sejit. 9, 1864; 1st It. March 5, 1865; mustered out Oct. 20, 1865; 2d It. 41 Infantry July 28, 1866; 1st It. March 31, 1868 ; transferred to 24 Infantry Nov. II, 1869; captain March 20, 1879;"' adju- tant 41 Infantry Dec. 25, 18GG, to June 14, 1867. Custer, Bethel M. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; private Co. C, 19 Pa. Infantry, April 18, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 9, 1861 ; corporal and sergeant Co. C, 90 Pa. Infantry, Sept. 17, 1861, to Feb. 27, 1864 ; 2d It. 32 U. S. Colored Infantry, March 4, 1864; 1 It. Nov. 26, 3864; mus- tered out Aug. 22, 1865; 1 It. 11th U. S. Colored Infantry Oct. 22, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 12, 1866 ; engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg ; campaign against Stone- wall Jackson ; battles of Cedar Monntain, Rappahannock Station ; action of Thor- oughfare Gap, and battle of second Bull Run ; wounded, left on the field, and pa- roled ; engaged in the Chancellorsville campaign, battle of Gettysburg, and cam- paign of the 1st Army Corps to March, 1864 ; engaged in siege operations from Morris Island ; engaged in action of White's Point, and capture of enemy's 346 EECORDS OF LIVING OFPICEKS V.S. ARMY. earthworks on James Island, S.C. ; 2d It. 38th Infantry July 28, 1866 ; transferred to 24th Infantry" Nov. 11, 1869; 1 It. March 1, 1871; captain June 18, 1880; refijimental qurtrtermaster May 15, 1877, to^April 30, 1880; frontier duty 18G6-70; bvt. 1 It. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at James Island, South Carolina. First Lieutenants. Leggett, Henry F, Born in Ohio. Ap- pointedfrom Ohio ; enlisted in Co. H, 12th Ohio Vol. Inf., 13 May, 1861; mustered into service 4 June, 1861 ; in battle of Scarry Creek, W. Va., 17 July, 1861; acting sergeant-major July 20 to October 20, 1861 ; in battle Carnifex Ferry, W.Va., September 10, '61 ; appointed 1st It. 59th O.V.I, to date Sept. 26, 1861 ; mustered as such October 20, 1861 ; in battle Ivy Moun- tain, East Kentucky, Nov. 19, 1861 ; A. D. C. to Brig.-Gen. J. T. Boyle.U.S.Vols., Dec. 13, 1861, to May 1, 1862; in battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 7, 1862; resigned April 18, 1862, and same day commis- sioned and mustered as captain 9th Ken- tucky Vol. Infantry ; participated in the siege of Corinth, Miss., with his regiment in April, May, and June, 1862; in battle of Perrysville, Ky., Oct. 13, 1862; Chick- amauga, Tenn., Sept. 17, 18, and 19, 1862 ; storming of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1862 (wounded in shoulder) ; in the march to the relief of Knoxville, E. Tenn., Dec. 1863, to April, 1864; in the campaign to Atlanta, Georgia, May 4, 1864, to close, engaging in all the battles of that cam- paign in which the 4th Army Corps par- ticipated, and was wounded at Peach-Tree Creek, July 22, 1864 ; mustered out with the regiment at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 15, 1864 ; appointed 2d lieut. 38th Infantry July 17, 1867; on duty as A.A.Q.M. and A. C. S. from Feb. 1868, to April, 1869; on scout in the Guadaloupe Mountains, Texas, and Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, April 1 to June 6, 1869 ; marched to Texas, October, 1869, and transferred to 24th Infantry Nov. 11, 1869 ; promoted 1st lieut. 24ih Infantry Sept. 14, 1872; stationed at the following posts : Newport Barracks, Ky., Forts Union, Cummings, Craig, and McRae, New Mexico, and Forts Quitman, Duncan, Brown, and Mcintosh, Texas, and in San Antonio, Texas, on special duty ; Forts Reno and Sill, Indian Territorj' ; present station Fort Sill ; bre- vet 1st lieut. U.S.A. July 17, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious conduct at storming Missionary Ridge, Tenn. ; brevet captain U.S. Army July 17, '67, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Peach-T'ree Creek, Ga. ; received an appoiniment as brevet major U.S.A. July 17, '67, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Lovejoy Station, Ga., but the U.S. Senate having failed to confirm the same until after the passage of the law abolishing brevets, the last ap- pointment expired by constitutional limi- tation ; on duty as A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. at Fort Reno, 1. T., Jan. 21, '81, to June 30, 1882 ; on duty as A.A.Q.M. at Fort Sill, I. T., from July 1, 1882, to Dec. 31, 1882 ; on duty as A.C.S. and po^t ordnance officer at Fort Sill, I. T., from July 1, 1882. Bullis, John L. Born in Macedon, AVayne County, N. Y. Appointed from Ark. ; corporal Co. H, 126 N. Y. Infantry, Aug. 8, 1862; dischargfd Aug. 17, 1864; captain 118 U. S. Colored Iniantry Aug. 18, 1864; mustered out Feb. 6, 1866; 2d It. 41 Infantry Sept. 3, 1867; transferred to 24 Infantry Nov. 11, 1869; 1 It. June 20, 1873. Wessells, Morris C. Born in New Jersey. Apptd. from Mo. ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 18 Dec, '71; 1st It. 15 May, '77. Pierce, Jacob R. Born in Kentucky. Apptd. from Miss. ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 18 Dec, '71 ; 1 It. 28 June, '78. Wygart, Henry. Born in New York. Apptd. from Ark. ; graduate M. A., class of '72 ; 2 It. 24 Inf.^14 June, '72; 1 It. 9 July, '78. James, William H. W. Born in Ten- nessee. Appointed from Tenn. ; graduated from M. A. June 14, 1872; 2d^lt. 24 In- fantry June 14, 1872 ; 1st It. July 9, 1878; adjutant Jan. 7, 1879. Mills, Frank H. Born in Texas. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 1 Oct. '73 ; 1 It. 20 Aug. '78 ; R.Q.3I. 1 Nov. '82. Kane, John I. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 2d It. 24 Inf. 31 Oct., '74; 1 It. 23 Dec, '78. Marsletter, James S. Born in Vir- ginia. Apptd. from W^ Va. ; 2d It. 24 Inf. 20 June, '75 ; 1 It. 7 Jan. '79. Crane, C. J. Born in Mississippi 30 April, '52. Appointed to the Military Academy from Texas Sept. '72; graduated June 15, '77 ; assigned to Co. B, 24th In- fantry ; 1st lieut. 20 March, '79; on grad- uating leave from June 15 to Dec. 19, '77; served at Fort Clark, Tex., from 19 Dec, '77, to 24 Feb., '78 ; at Ft. Duncan, Tex., from Feb. 27, '78, to June 24, '79, much of the time in command t>f compy. ; from Ft. Duncan was with Genl. MacKenzie's expedition into Mexico in June, '78, and on several scouts with Co. E, 4 Cav. ; left Ft. Duncan June 24, '79, to join Co. C at Ft. Ringgold, Tex. ; at Ft. Ringgold in command of company from Julv 9 to Dec. 19, '79; on leave till Mch. 19, '80; at Ft. Ringgold in command of company till June 1 ; relieved Capt. Andrew Geddes, TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. 347 25 Inf., at Pefia, Colorado Ter., July 6; relieved from command at Pefia, Colorado, "by Capt. Kinzie Bates, l?t Inf., Sept. 10; at Ft. Davis, Tex., from Sept. 12 to Nov. 18; arrived at Fort Sill, Ind. Tory., Jan. 2, '81, where Capt. B. M. Custer assumed command of his company ; at Ft. Sill till Mch. 22 ; ordered by dept. comdr. to report at Ft. Elliott, Tex., for duty as A.A.Q.M., A.A.C.S., etc. ; at Ft. Elliott from March 27 to Dec. 31, '81; prof, military science and tactics at the Agricultural and Me- chanical College of Texas from Jan. 19, '82. Augur, Annon A. Born in Mich. Ap- pointed from Mich. ; graduate of M. A., class of '77 ; 2 It. 24 liif. 15 June, '77 ; 1 It. 18 June, '81. Brereton, John J. Born in N. J. Ap- pointed from N. J.; graduated from M. A., June 15, 1877; 2d It. 24th Infantry June 15, 1877; 1 It. May iO, 1882. Dodge, Charles, Jr. Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from the army ; private and ser- geant, general service, June 14, 1875, to Oct. 28, 1878 ; 2d»lt. 24th Infantry Oct. 25, 1878 ; promoted 1st lieut. June 30, 1883. Second Lieutenants. Leavell, Benjamin W. Born in Ohio. Apptd. from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of '79 ; 2 It. 24 Inf. fs June, '79. Ripley, H. L. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from the army ; private and cor- poral Co. E, batt. engineers, April 1, 1876, to July 9, 1879 ; 2d It. 24th Infantry June 28, 1879. Black, William. Born in Iowa. Ap- pointed from Iowa; pvt. and sgt. Signal Corps 7 Oct., '71, to 30 Aug , '79 ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 1 Sept., '79. Palmer, Alfred M. Born in Indiana. Apptd. from the army ; pvt. Co. I, 5 Art., 22 April, '67; dis. 22 April, '70; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. "M," sgt.-maj. and Q.M. sort. 4 Art. 16 May to 7 July, '80; 2 It. 24''Inf. 24 June, '80. Brett, James E. Born in N. C. Ap- pointed from the army; private Co. K, 12 Infantry, and hospital steward, Sept. 23, 1870, to Julv 12, 1880; 2d It. 24th In- fantry June 24,^1880. Hovey, Henry W. Born in Me. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 23 Nov., '80. McCoy, Frank B. Born in Ga. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; 2 It. 24 Inf. 26 Nov., '80. Batchelor, Joseph B., Jr. Born in N. C Appointed from N. C. ; cadet fi-om April 19, '76, to June 20, '80; 2d It. 24th Infantry Nov. 29, 1880; detailed Aug. 29, 1883, prof. mil. science Bingham Scliool, N. C. Collins, Charles L. Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of '82; 2 It. 24 Inf. 13 June, '82. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Andrews, George L. Born in R. I. Apjiointed from Mo. ; caf)tain Missouri Engineer Battalion 1861 ; It.-col. 1st Mo. Vol. April 24, 1861 ; col. 1 Mo. 1st Art. Sept. 1, 1861 ; engaged at the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo., actions of Booneville, McCullough's Store and Dug Spring, Mo., commanding regiment and brigade, and engaged at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo. (wounded) ; discharged from vol. service Sept. 5, 1861 ; major 17th Infantry May 14, 1861 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular campaign and actions of the Rappahannock campaign, in command of regiment ; recruiting ser- vice Fort Preble, Maine, Oct. 1864 ; New- port Barracks, Ky., Feb. 1865; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Aug. 1865; Fort Sully, D. T., 1866; frontier dutv 1868; brevet It.-col. August 30, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Second Bull Run, Va. ; brevet col. May 3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; lieut. -col. 13th Infantry Oct. 14, 1864; unassigned March 15, 1869 ; assigned to 25 Infantry Dec. 15, 1870; col. Jan. 1, 1871. Lienteyiant- Colonel. Brotherton, David H. Born in Penn. Apptd. from Penn. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1854 ; bvt. 2 It. 5 Inf. 1 July, '54 ; 2 It. 3 March, '55 ; 1 It. 22 Aug., '59 ; cap- tain 25 Sept., '61 ; frontier duty 1854-61 ; served in New Mexico during the rebel- lion ; bvt. major Feb. 21, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Valverde, N. M. ; majt)r 7 Inf. 20 March, '79 ; lieut.-col. 25 Inf. 1883; frontier duty 1866-83. Major. Meats, Frederick. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois; 2 lieutenant 9 Infantry April, 1861 ; 1 lieutenant 9 In- fantry May, 1861 ; lieut.-colonel volun- teers October, 1861 ; mustered out Nov. 1861; captain 9 Infantry Aug. 27, 1863; brevet major for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; major 25th In- fantry 1883. 348 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, Capia'ins. Vanvalzah, David D. Born in 111. Appointed from Pa. ; 1st lieut. 12tli Inf. May 14, '01 ; ctipt. Aug. 10, '04; trans, to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '06; unassigned March 24, '09; assigned to 25th Inf. Jan. 1, '71 ; brevet capt. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant ser- vices in the battle of the Wilderness and during the canipaiiin before Richmond. French, John W. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed at large ; second lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry October, 1801 ; in the Gettj'sbui'g campaign of the Army of tho Potomac ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, and Poplar Spring Church ; assistant commissary of musters, 9th Array Corps ; volunteered to sink ob- structions in the James Kiver, under rebel batteries ; aide-de-camp to General In- galls in the last campaign of the Army of the Potomac ; first lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry January, 1800 ; captain 40th U. S. Infantry July, 1800; brevet first lieu- tenant U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of the Wel- don Railroad, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, '69. ' Bentzoni, Charles. Born in Prussia. Appointed from the army ; enlisted in the U. S. Army May, 1857; corporal and sergeant August, 1857 ; served at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, to August, 1801 ; transferred to the lllh U. S. Infan- try and first sergeant in regiment to No- vember, 1801 ; second lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry November, 1801 ; first lieu- tenant lltii U. S. Infantry March, 1862; served in the Army of the Potomac parts of the campaigns of 1802 and 1803, and in the whole of the campaign of 1804 ; col- onel 5Gth 17. S. Colored Troops Novem- ber, 1864; commanding Eastern District of Arkansas 1865 and 1860 ; brevet capt., major, and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war; captain 40th U. S. Infantry July, 1806; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, 1809. Schooley, David. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; capt. 2d Pa. Art. Aug. 26, '02; maj. May 18 '65; hon. must, out Jan. 29, '60; Army of Potomac, '02-65; captured at Petersburg; capt. 40th Inf. July, '66; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, '69. Lawson, Gaines. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee; private 4th Tenne-see Volunteers December, 1862; first sergeant 4th Tennessee Volunteers February, 1803 ; captain 4lh Tennessee Volunteers August, 1864 ; engaged at the action of Strawberry Plains, siege of Knoxville, actions of Bull's Gap, Paint- liock, Greenville, Kingston, capture of Cumberland Gap, and action of McMinn- ville, Tenn. (taken prisoner by rebels) ; major 4th Tennessee Volunteers July, 1805; lieutenant-colonel 4th Tennessee Volunteers (not mustered) ; captain 39th U. S. Infiintry July, 1866; brevet major and lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, 1809. Robe, Charles F. Born in N. Y. Apptd. fi'om Michigan ; 1st lieut. 147th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 23, '01 ; hon. niust. out March 11, '64; capt. Vet. Res. Corps March 5, '04 ; hon. must, out Sept. 7, '00; 1st lieut. 29th Inf. July 28, '00; un- assigned April 25, '69 ; assigned to 25th Inf. Jan. 31, '70; captain Jan. 25, '72. Courtney, Michael L. Born in Ire- land. Appointed from 111. ; sergeant Co. I, 102 111. Infantry, July 26, 1802; dis- charged April 8, 1803; 2d It. 102 111. In- fantry April 9, 1803; \ It. Aug. 9, 1863; mustered out Dec. 21, 1863 ; It.'-col. 16 U. S. Colored Infantry Dec. 21, 1808; mus- tered out April 30, 1866 ; 2 It. 39 Infantry July 28, 1800; 1 It. May 31, 1807; trans- ferred to 25 Infantry April 20, 1809; cap- tain Mar. 3, 1875; engaged at the action of Woodburn, Tenn. ; regimental quar- termaster Aug. 1863; engaged in the op- erations against Gen. Forrest, battle of Chattanooga, action of Pulaski, and bat- tle of Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet 1st It. and brevet captain Mar. 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Pu- laski, Georgia ; brevet major Mar. 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Gray, Cyrus N. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Minn. ; private 22 Ind. Vol. Inf. July, 1801 ; engaged at the actions of Booneville, Springfield, and Black- water, Mo., battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., luka, iliss., and Buell's camjiaign to Louisville ; sergt. -major 22 Ind. Vol. Inf. July, 1862; engaged at the battles of Perrysville, Ky., Stone River, Tenn., Chickamauga, Ga., and Missionary Ridge, Tenn ; 2d Heut. 15th U.S. Colored Inf. Nov. 1803 ; 1 lieut. and jsidjt. 15 U.S. Col. Inf. Mar. 1804; captain Mar. 1805; assistant commissary of musters, Militaiy Division of Tenn., and assistant mustering and disbursing ofiicer. State of Tennessee, July to November, 1805; resigned Nov. 1805; 1st lieut. 39 Inf. 12 June, 1867; transferred to 25 Inf. 20 April, 1869; regimental adjutant August, 1869, to January, 1870; captain 22 March, 1879. Kendale, Frederick A. Born in N. TWENTY-FIFTH EEGIMENT OF INFANTUY. 349 H. Appointed from N. H. ; private 11 Iiid. Vol. JMav, 18()1 ; transferred to Ist N. H. Vol. Au'^Mist, 1861 ; 2 lieut. 4tli N. H. Vol. Sept. ]8»U; eni,^aged in the Port lioyal expedition ; in the Dept. of tlie South to April, 1864; 1st lieut. 4 N. H. Vol. Jiiny. 1863; engaged in the aetion of Pocotaligo, S. C, operations against Forts Sumter and Wagner, S. C, and in the expedition to Florida January, 1864; captain 4 N. II. Vol. Sept. 1864 ; in the Army of the James and engaged at the actions of Bermurla Hundred, Drury's Blutf, battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, explosion of the mine, and battle of Fus- sel's .Mills, Va. ; assistant commissary of musters, 3d Division, 10th Corps, Sept. 1864 ; engaged at the capture of Fort Harrison and in the operations terminat- ing in the surrender of General Lee ; mustering duty Richmond and Peters- burg, Va , to August, 1865; capt. 8th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery August, 1865; joined regt. in Texas Oct. 1865; asst. commissary of musters, District of the Rio GraTide, to March, 1866 ; 2 lieut. 40 Inf. 28 Julv, 1866; 1st lieut. 31 July, 1867 ; transferred to 25 Inf. 20 April, 1869; capt. 25 Inf. 22 ]\[arch, 1879; served as A. A. U.S. Marshal, Western Texas, 1870 ; since then with his regiment except a period of two years when he was instructor of military afiairs in a college ; graduate at Bowdoin College, Maine, in 1860; degree of M.A. conferred by same college in 1868. Baxter, Quimby H. Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. ; 1st sergt. Co. H, 9th N. H. Inf., Aug. to Nov. 1862 ; 2d It. Nov. 22, '62 ; 1st It. Feb. 15, 1864 ; hon. must, out June 10, 1865; 2d It. 108th U. S. C. Inf. Sept. 20, 1865; hon. must, out March 21, 1866 ; 2d It. 39th Inf. July 28, 1866 ; l.st It. Julv 31, 1867 ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, 1869; capt. Dec. 31, 1880. Stivers, Edwin J. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from III. ; musician 89th 111. V(d. Aug. 1862; principal musician 89th 111. Vol. to Dec. 1862; sergt.-major 89th 111. Vol. ; 2d It. 17th U. S. Colored Troops Nov. 1863; capt. 17th U. S. Col'd Troops Aug. 1865; member of a court-martial April to November, 1865; 2d It. 40th Inf. U. S. July, 1866; brev. 1st lieut. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Na>hville, Tenn. ; 1st It. 40th Inf. Sept. 15, 1868 ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, 1869; mentioned in official re- port of 89th 111. Vol. Inf. for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Chickamauga ; capt. 25th Inf. Feb. 20, 1883. First Lieutenants. Sanborn, Washington I. Born in Me. Appointed from Washington Territory ; 2d It. 1st Wash. Terr. Vol. Oct. 1862; on duty at Fort Dallas, Oregon, Fort Walla Walla, W. T., and Fort Boise, T. T. ; en- gaged in an exjtedition against the Snake Indians at Fort Vancouver, W. T. ; aide- de-camp to the general commanding the District of Oregon Juno, 1864; capt. and acting assistant adjt.-gen. IT. S. Vol. Feb. 18(i5; 2d It. 13th U.^'S. Inf. May, 18G6 ; with 22d U. S. Inf. at Fort Randall, D. T., January to May, 1867; with company at Cam]i CVn)k, M. T., from .lune, 1867 ; as- signed to 25th Inf. Jan. 1, 1871 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, to June, 1^73; a. a. q. m. and a. c. s. at Fort Quitman, Texas, to June, 1876 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, from Jan. 1877, to Jan. 1878; at San Felipe, Texas, to Jan. 1879 ; a. a. q. m. at Galves- ton and Fort Worth, and with Co. 20th Inf. at San Antonio, Texas, to June, '80; at Fort Randall, D. T., to Sept. 1880; on recruiting service at Cleveland and Cin- cinnati, Ohio, to Oct. 1882, at Fort Snell- ing, Minn., from Nov. 1882, until present date. Wilson, David B. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Va. ; 1st It. ISlst Pa. Inf. Aug. 1862, to May, 1863 ; 1st It. 1st U. S. Vet. Inf. Aug. 4, 1864; hon. must, out June 9, '65 ; 2d It. 40lh Inf. Julv 28, '66 ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, '69; 1st It. Dec. 20, '71. Sweet, Owen Jay. Born in Kent, Litchfield Count}', Conn., Sept. 4, 1845. Appointed from New Y''ork ; 2 lieut. 137th N. Y. Vols. September 3, 1862; in 1862 in skirmishes at Bolivar Heights, Halltown, Charlestown, Berrvville, and Winchester, Va. ; 1 lieut. 137th N. Y. Infty. 19th March, 1863; in 1863 in skirmishes at Occoquan Creek, Dumfries, Snicker's, and Manassas Gaps, Va., near Gettysburg, Pa., and at Fairplay, Md. ; engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chan- cellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. ; captain 137th N. Y^ Inf. March 12, 1864"; in 1864 in Sherman's Atlanta campaign, in skirmishes at Villanow, Gordonsville, Snake Creek Gap, Pumpkin-Vine Creek, Powder Spring, Nickajack Creek, Steep Banks, Price's Ferry, Turner's Ferry, Chattahoochie River, and Macon R. R., Ga. ; in battles and engagements at Rocky Faced Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, AUatoona Mts., Dallas, Lost Mt., Pine Knob (wounded in right shoulder), Nase's Creek, Kulp's Farm, in front of Marietta, Kenesaw Mt., Peach-Tree Creek, near Decatur, fighting in front, siege, and cap- ture of Atlanta, Ga., Sherman's march to the sea, skirmishes at Davisboro', near Milledgeville, Louisville, Sandersville, near Millen and Buckhead Creek, Wil- 350 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. liamson's Planlation, and fighting in front, and siege and capture of Savannah ; in 1865, Sherman's campaign through the Carolina.? ; in skirmishes at Bhickville, Little and Big Edisto Rivers, Maxwell's Meadows, and New Bridges on the Black- water River, Lexington C. H., William's Milb, McDaniel's, Evans', and Sikes' Plantations, Fayetteville, Cheraw, Jack- son's Cross-Roads, Winnsboro', Wadcs- boro', Little River, near Goldsboro', at Smithfield, near Raleigh, and at Jones' Cross-Roads ; engagements at Averysboro' and B''ntonville ; bvt. maj. vols. March 13, 18B5, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion ; mustered out of vol- unteer service June 9, 1865; appointed 2d It. 40th U. S. Infantry 27th May, 18G7 ; superintendent of civil affairs eleven countii:s, comprising the limits of Post of Plymouth, N. C, part of 1867; Assis- tant Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A. L. Carteret Co. N. C, part 1868 ; mili- tary commissioner of Carteret County, part of 1868 ; transferred to 25th U. S. Infty. 25th April, 1869; in expedition against Apache Indians through Sacra- mento and Guadaloupe Mountains to the Llano Estaoado, Texas, winter 1871 ; in skirmish with Apache Indians near Canon Los Lamentus, Texas, Aug. 1872 ; promoted 1 lieutenant August 19, 1872; commanding escort to government sur- veying party in vicinity of Canadian River, Indian Territory, during Nov. 1873; in skirmish with Kiowa Indians on China Tree Creek, Texas, April, 1874 ; engaged in the operations against the Apaches, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians, resulting in their capture and surrender in Indian Territory and Northern Texas, 1874, and winter 1875. Tear, Wallace. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Illinois; private 96th Illinois Volunteers August, 18G2 ; sergeant 96th Illinois Volunteers ; served with the Army of the Cumberland ; first lieutenant 14th U. S. Colored Troops November, 1863 ; regimental quartermaster March, 1865, to March, 1866 ; with regiment and engaged at the action of Dalton, Ga., defense of Decatur, Ala., and battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; second lieutenant 40th U. S. In- fantry August, 1867 ; trans, to 25 Inf. 20 April, '69; 1 It. 30 Nov. '73. Ritzius, Henry P. Born in Prussia. Appointed frona Pennsylvania ; private 5th New York State Militia April, 1861 ; first sergeant 52d New York Volunteers Septemher, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Sta- tion, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill, Va. ; second lieutenant 52d New York Volunteers June, 18G2; engaged at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; provost-mar- shal 1st Division, 2d Corps, September, 1862, to March, 1863 ; with regiment and engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Va., and G'-ttysburg, Pa. ; first lieutenant 52d New York Volunteers September, 1862; captain 52d New York Volunteers September, 1863, and engaged at the opera- tions at Mine Run, Va. ; major 52d New York Volunteers May, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, action of Strawberry Plains, and battles of Deep Bottom and Ream's Station, Va. ; lieu- tenant-colonel 52d New York Volun- teers May, 1865 (but was not mustered owing to the regiment being below the required number of men) ; first lieutenant 7th Regiment U. S. Veteran Volunteers, ' Hancock's Corps, August, 1865; with com- pany and on court-martial duty at Phila- delphia, Pa., Fort Delaware, Dcd., and Harrisburg, Pa., to May, 1866; second lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry October, 1867 ; trans, to 25 Inf. 20 April, '69 ; 1 It. 3 March, '75. Reade, Harry. Born in Mass. Apptd. from Kansas ; 2 It. 25 Inf. 4 March, '72 ; 1 It. 11 April, '78. Ord, James C. Born in Mich. Apptd. from Wyoming ; 2 It. 25 Inf. 1 Oct., '73 ; 1 It. 20 March, '79. Scott, Walter S. Born in Arkansas. Appointed from Cal. ; 2 lieut. 25 Inf. 81 Oct., 1874; accepted 16 Nov., 1874; 1st lieut. 25 Inf. 22 March, 1879. Hodges, Charles L. Born in R. I. Apptd. from army; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Cos. H, E, and G, sgt.-maj. 65 N. Y. Inf. 20 Aug., '61, to 19 July, '65 ; pvt., corpl., and sgt., and 1st sgt. Co. D and sgt.-maj. 18 Inf., and pvt. and corpl. gen. ser. 17 Nov., '69, to 13 Feb., '75; 2 It. 25 Inf. 20 Jan., '75; 1 It. 1 June, '80. Tully, Redmond. Born in Ireland. Appointed from army; private, corporal, sergeant, and 1st sergeant Co. K, 1st Art., June 12, '55-Dec. 11, '61; 2d It. 1st Art. Nov. 15, 1861 ; at Key West, Fla., March, 1861, to June, 1862; commanding section of artillery in an expedition to Fort Myers, Fla. ; second lieutenant 1st U. S. Artil- lery, Nov. 15, 1861 ; commanding Light Battery K, 1st U. S. Art., en roxite to Washington, January, 1862; en route to Beaufort, S. C, June, 1862 ; in the De- partment of the South to April, 1863 ; en- gaged in tlie attack at Port Royal Ferry, S. C.,and the first attack on Fort Sumter, S. C. ; first lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery June 1, 1863 ; in North Carolina to July, 1864 ; commanding four pieces of artillery in the raid against Jacksonville, N. C. ; KETIRED FEOM ACTIVE SERVICE. 351 with tlie Army of the James, and com- manding battery at the actions of Deep Bottom and Deep Eiin, Va. ; in front of Petersburg, Va., and engaged at the battle of LaurerHill, Va. ; with the 25th Army Corps, Army of the James, in tli(! occu- pation of Iviehmond, Va., April, 1805; in Texas to January, 18GG ; bvt. capt. U. S. Army Oct. 7, 18G4, for galhint and meri- torious services at the battle of Laurel Hill, Va. ; transferred to 12lh Inf. March 5, 1869; honorably mustered out Jan. 1, 1871 ; 1st It. Inf. March 22, 1881 (act of Congress March 3, '81); assigned to 25th Inf.^'April 3, '81. Loughborough, R. H. R. Born in Va. Appointed from Va ; 2d It. 25 Inf. 15 Oct., 1875 ; accepted 20 Oct., 1875 ; 1st lieuten- ant 25 Inf. C, Aug., 1881. Andrews, George (son of Col. George Lippit Andrews, 25 Inf.). Born in Prov- idence, R. I., 26 Aug., 1850. Appointed from Ariz. ; graduated from M.A.; 2 It. 25th Inf. 15 June, 1876; 1 It. 25 Inf. 19 Feb.", 1883. Second Lieutenants. McMartin, John. Born in North Caro- lina. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2 It. 25 Inf. June 15, '77. Glenn, Edwin T. Born in North Car- olina. Appid. from N. C. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1877; 2 It. 25 Inf. June 15, '77. Reed, Harvey D. Born in New York. Apptd. from the army ; pvt. and corpl. Co. E, Batt. of Eng., June 1, '76, to Aug. 19, '79 ; 2 It. 25 Inf. Aug. 14, '79 ; ace. Aug. 20, '79. Devol, Carroll A. Born in Ohio. Ap- puinted from Oliio; 2 It. 25 Inf. Sep. 1, '79 ; ace. Sep. 5, '79. Edwards, Eaton A. Born in Ireland. Apptd. from tlie armv ; \)\t. Co. K, 10 Conn. Inf., Oct. 16, '6l"; dis. Aug. 25, '64 ; hosp. stewd. Aug. 20, '64; dis. Julv 16, '80; 2 It. 25 Inf^June 24, '80; acc.'july 16, '80. Webb, George W. Born in Maryland. Ap))td. from the army ; pvt. and artf. Co. H, 83 Inf. ; pvt., corpl., and sgt. Co. B, 8 Inf., and com. -sgt. l)ec. 12, '66. to May 16, '76; sgt. and 1st sgt. Co. B, 8 Inf., May 27 to July 7, '80; 2 It. 25 Inf. June 24, ''80; ace. July 8, '80. Leonhaeuser, Harry A. Born in Penn- sylvania. Ap])td. from Pa. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1881 ; 2 It. 25^ Inf. June 11, '81. Green, James O. Born in Wisconsin. Apptd. from Wis. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882 ; 2 It. 25'^Inf. June 13, '82. Ahern, George P. Born in New York. Apptd. from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1882; 2 It. 25 Inf. June 13, '83. Captain in the Army in acco?'(iance with Act of Congress approved July 24, '76. Olmsted, George T., Jr. Born in New Jersey. Apptd. from New Jersej- ; grad- uate of M. A., cla.ssof 1865; 2 It. 19 Inf. June 23, '65; 1 It. June 23, '65; capt. Nov. 18, '67; unassigned March 31, '69; assigned to 2 Art. Jany. 1, '71 (out of ser- vice July 24, '74 ; ajip. capt. in the army July 24, '76) ; capt. in the army July 24, '76; ace. Aug. 16, '76. RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. Major- Generals. McDowell, Irwin. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointi-d from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1838; brevet 2d lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '38; 2d it. July 7, '38; on duty on north- ern frontier and recruiting service '38-41 ; adjutant and instructor at Military Acad- emy '41-45 ; 1st lieut. Oct. 7, '42 ; A.D.C. and asst. adjt.-gen. on staff of Gen. Wool '45-47 ; participated in battle of Buena Vista Feb. 22-3, '47 ; brevet capt. Feb. 23, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mex. ; brevet capt. and A.A.G. of the Army of Occupa- tion May 13, '47-48; asst. adjt. -general at War Dept. '48-49 ; at army headquarters N. Y. City, of 2d Mil. Dept., of 6th Mil. Dept., of Dept. of Texas, '49-58; brevet maj. and A.A.G. March 31, 1850 ; at army headquarters N. Y. City, at headquarters Dept. of Texas, and on inspection duty, to April, '61; brig. -general U.S.A. May 14, '61 ; was assigned in May, '61, to the command of the Department of Northeast Virginia, and the defense of Washington on the Virginia side of the Potomac, and to the Army of the Potomac, which he com- manded at the battle of Bull PiUn, July 21, '61 ; on the accession of General Mc- Clellan to command, McDowell was placed in comnuind of a division of the Army of the Potomac, and on the reorganization of that army (March, 1802), of the 1st 352 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Corps of tliiit army ; major-general of volunteers Maj' 14, 18(32 ; comdg. the Department of the Rappahannock April, 1862; of ■ the 3(1 Army Corps, Army of Virginia, Aug. 18G2, and during General Pope's campaign in Northern Virginia was engaged at Cedar Mountain, Rappa- hannock Station, and second Bull Run ; in July, 18(j4, placed in command of the Department of the Pacific; brevet maj.- gen'l U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; in command of Department of California June, 1866 ; Department of the East 1868; promoted to be major-general U.S.A. Nov. 25, 1872, and in December as.signed to the com- mand of the Division of the South ; in command of the Division of th^ Pacific June 26, 1876; retired Oct. 15, 1882, by operation of law (Sec. 1, act June 30, 1882). Robinson, John C. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N.Y. ; cadet at the U. S. Military Academy 1835-38; 2 It. 5 Inf. Oct. 27,' '39; at Madison Barracks, Sack- ett's Harbor, N.Y., to May, 18-40 ; at Green Bay, Wis., to August, 1841; en roide to Florida, and at Jefferson Barracks, Mo , to November, 1841; Fort Brady, Mich., to July, 1843; Fort Mackinac, Mich., to 1845 ; joined the Army of Occupation of Mexico at Corpus Christi, Tex., Septem- ber, 1845; first lieutenant 5th U. S. In- fantry June 18, 1846 ; regimental quarter- master, ]\larch to September, 1847 ; in the Mexican war, and engaged at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma ; quartermaster of General P. F. Smith's brigade, and distinguished at the battle of Monterey, Mexico ; in the march to and occupation of the city of Jlexico, via Sal- tillo. Point Isabel, and Vera Cruz ; at Tacabaya, ^Mexico, and East Pascagoula, Miss. ; at Forts Smith, Ark., and Gibson, C.N., 1848 to 1850 ; captain 5th U. S. In- fantry August 12, 1850 ; regimental quar- termaster frum Jan. 27, '49, to August 12, '50; on recruiting duty Syracuse, N.Y. , to fall of 1852 ; commanding recruits for the 7th U. S. Infantry, en route from Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, via New- port, Ky., to Fort Arbuckle, C.N., fall of 1852; joined companj'- at Phantom Hill, Tex., December, 1852; engaged against hostile Indians 1853 and 1854; at Ring- gold Barracks, Tex., to fall of 1856; en route to and in Florida to summer of 1857 ; commanding expeditions against Indians in the Everglades, Palm Hammock, and Big Cypress Swamp, Fla. ; enroute to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and in the Utah ex- pedition to November, 1857 ; command- ing Fort Bridgcr, Utah, to 1858; at Camp Floyd, Utah, and commanding Fort Ephraim, San Pete Valley, tt) summer of '59 ; at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, to February, 1861 ; commanding Fort Mc- Henry, Baltimore, Md., to May, 1861 ; mustering duty Detroit, Mich., to Sep- tember, 1861 ; colonel 1st Michigan Vol- unteers September 1, '61 ; major 2d U. 8. Infantry February 20, 1862 ; brigadier- general'U. S. Volunteers April 23'^ 1862; commanding brigade at Newport News, and troops in the neighborhood of Ports- mouth, Va., to May, 1862; commanding brigade and engaged at the battles of Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, action of Brisloe Station, battles of second Bull Run, Chantilly, and Fredericksburg ; commanding division and engaged at the battles of second Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, operations at Mine Run, action of ]Milch- ell's Station, battles of the "\Vildernes.«, Spottsylvania Court-House, and Todd's Tavern, and while leading his division was wounded in knee, resulting in the loss of his left leg; commanding military dis- tricts of Northern and Western New York to Januarj', 1866; military commander and assistant commissioner Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands for the State of North Carolina to November, 1866; brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers June 27, 1864, ibr gal- lant and meritorious services in the field during the war; colonel 43d U. S. In- fantry July 28, 1866 ; commanding De- partment of the South to Maj% 1867, De- partment of the Lakes to February, 1868; judge-advocate Department of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., to May, 1868 ; brevet lieu- tenant-colonel U. S. Army July 1, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. ; brevet col- onel U. S. Army May 5, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the W^ilderness, Va. ; brevet brigadier- general U. S. Army March 13, 18^65, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; brevet major- general U. S.'Army March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; commanding regi- ment and pited Gen. McClellan's army at Harriscm's Landing, and Gen. Butler's at Fort Monroe and Bermuda Hundred, and Gen. Grant's at City Point; during Wilderness campaign for a short time commanded depot of Gen. Grant's army at Belle Plaine ; commanded a division in the fortifications of Washing- ton during the Breckenridge and Early raid thereon ; on sick-leave June, 1867, to June, 1868, during which traveled in KETIRED FROM ACTIVE SEEYICE. 355 Europe; in 18G9-70, and subscqucntl_v, made tours of inspection of Texas and tli(! llio Grande, parts of Utah, California, and the lower Columbia liiver, and Pufijct's Sound and Fort Town*end ; July, 1875, to March, ]87('),on duty visiting European armii'S ; on February 6, 1882, retired as over G"J years of aae ; placed by Act of Congress of Aug. 7, 1882, in charge of design and construction of new building for use of the U.S. pension office at Wash- ington, to cost $400,000, on which em- ployed February, 1SS3. Cooke, Philip St. G. Born in Va. Appointed from Va. ; graduate of M. A., cla'-s of 1827 ; brevet 2d lieut. Inf. July 1, '27; 2d lieut. nth Inf. July 1, '27; regi- mental adjutant Sej)t. 7, '32-April 1, '33; 1st lieut. 1st Drag. JNIarch 4, '33 ; served on the Western frontier and in the Black Hawk war '27-46; captain May 31, 1835; on expedition to California during war with ^Mexico '46-47 ; maj. 2d Drag. Feb. 16, '47; brevetted lieut.-col. Feb. 20, '47, for meritorious conduct in California; It.- col. July 15, '53 ; he commanded the cav- alry of "the Utah Expedition '57-58, and was in comnnind in Utah '60-61 ; colonel June 14, 1858; brig. -gen. U.S.A. Nov. 12, '61 ; participated in the Peninsular campaign of the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged at Yorktown, Williams- burg, Gaines' Mill, and Glendale ; he held various commands during the years '63, '64, '65, and commanded the Dept. of the Platte and the Dept. of the Lakes '66-68; he was brevetted maj. -gen. U.S.A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war ; and was retired for over forty-five years' service Oct. 29, 1873. Hammond, William A. Born in Md. Appointed from JNId. ; asst. surg. June 29, 1849 ; cai)t. and asst. surg. June 29, '54; resigned Oct. 31, '60; assist, surg. May 28, '61 ; brig. -gen. and surg.-genl. April 25, '62; out of service Aug. 18/64 ; restored to the army and placed on the re- tired list as brig. -gen. and surg. -gen. Aug. 27, '79. under act of March 15, '78. Holt, Joseph. Born in KJ^ Apptd. from I). C. Upon the resignation of John B. Floyd (December, 1860) Holt was ap- pointed to succeed him as Secretary of War, and during the eventful months which preceded, as well as on the occa- sion of the inauguration of President Lincoln, he actively co-operated with the general-in-chief in maintaining order and suppressing threatened traiiorous out- breaks at the ca|.ital. He was a member of the commission ajipointed to investigate the military claims against the Dept. of the West. On Sept. 3, 1862, President Lin- coln appointed him judge-advocate-gen- eral of the army, with the rank of colonel, and upon the establishment of the Bureau of Military Justice he was retained at its head with the same title, but with the in- creased rank of brigadier-general, dating from June 22, 1864. In this capacity he bore a conspicuous part in various im- portant courts-martial, courts of inijuiry, and military commissions, notably that before which were arraigned the assassins of President Lincoln. He received the brevet of major-general March 13, 1865, for faithful, meritoricjus, and distinguished services in the Bureau of Military Justice during the war. He was retired at his own request, IxMng over sixty-two years of age, Dec. 1, 1875. Brice, Benjamin W. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of '29 ; resigned Feb': 13, '32 ; appointed major and }iaymaster March 3, '47; disch. March 4, '49; appointed maj. and paymaster Feb. 9, '52 ; colonel and paymaster-general Nov. 29, '64 ; on Dec. 2, 1864, he received the brevets of lieut. - colonel, colom-l, and brig. -general, i»nd on March 13, 1865, that of major-general for faithful, meritorious, and distinguished services in the pay department during the war ; brigadier-general and paymaster- general July 28, 1866 ; retired at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age, Jan. 1,'72. Humphreys, Andrew A. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '31 ; brevet 2d lieutenant 2 Art. July 1, 1831 ; 2d lieutenant July 1, 1831 ; 1st lieutenant Aug. 16, 1836 ; served in Florida war ; resigned Sept. 30, 1836 ; ap- pointed 1st It. Top. Eng. Feb. 13, 1839, to rank from July 7, 1838 ; captain May 31,1848; major Aug. 6, 1861; assigned to duty on the stati" of General McClellan December, 1861, upon the transfer of the Army of the Potomac to the Virginia peninsula, was appointed its chief topo- graphical engineer, serving as such throughout the camjiaign; appointed brig, general of volunteers April 28, 1862 ; as- signed to command of a division (Sept. 13, 1862) of new troops attached to the Fifth Corps ; engaged at Fredei-icksburg Dec. 1862; engaged at Chiincellorsviilo May 3-4 ; brevetted colonel December, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; on May 20, 1863, he was assigned to the 2d Div., 3d Corps, which he commanded with great ability at Gettysburg ; he was promoted nuijor-general of volunteers on July 8, and appointed chief of stall' to the connnanding general Army of the Potomac ; assigned to the command of the 2d Army Corps 356 KECORDS OF LIVING OPFICERS U.S. AEMY Nov. 25, 1804, which bore a conspicuous part up to the final action at Farmville, April 7 ; brev. briu;aclicr-gener!il March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., and maj.- gen. same date for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Sailor's Creek ; continued in the volunteer service until Aug. 31, 180(1; on Aug. 8, 1866, he was appointed chii^f of engineers U.S.A., with the rank of brigadier-general, which po- sition he retained till at his own request he was rctir*'d for over forty years' service, June 30, 1879. Townsend, Edward D. Born in Mass. Appointed froiti Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of '37 ; 2d lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '37; served in Florida war 1837-8; regimental adjutant July 7, 1838, to Aug. 18, 1846; 1 lieut. Sept. 16, 1838 ; brevet captain, as- sistant adjutant-general Aug. 8, 1846; captain 2d Art. April 21, 1848; vacated commission of captain 2d Art. April 21, 1848; brevet nuijor, assistant adjutant- general July 15, 1852; lieut. -colonel, as- sistant adjutant-general March 7, 1861 ; chief of staff to Lieut. -Gen. Scott March- November, 1861 ; colonel, assistant adju- tant-arked at Alexandria and proceed'd to Hampton Koads. He participated in the siege of Yorktown, where on the morning of the evacuation he was ordered to the front, and by a prompt and vigorous pursuit in- tercepted the enemy's rear-guard ; but his forces being inadequate to hold them with- out reinforcements, they succeeded in es- caping under cover of the night. He was lett with his command to guard the branch of the Lee's Mill road which leads to Al- len's farm, and the next morning it was ascertained that the enemy's right at Wil- liamsburg could be turned by this route. Troops were S( nt to him with oi'ders to make the attack ; but because of a lack of knowledge of the ground and the lateness of the hour he did not succeed in the movement, which, if successful, might have produced important results. General Emory commanded the brigade of regu- lar cavalry at the battle of Hanover Court- House, where he distinguished himself by separating the wings of the Confederate army, capturing many prisoners, including a North Carolina regiment, and in push- ing his cavalry to the front and right, effectually destroying the railway bridges between Hanover Junction and the Chick- ahominy, and driving the eneni}' out of Ashland. He was twice thanked on the field by the general commanding for the success of his brilliant operations, and at a later day received the brevet of eohmel, to date from M«y 27, 1802, for gallant and meritorious services. After General Stu- art's celebrated raid around the Army of the Potomac, which General Emory at- tempted to intercept with the Sixth Penn- sylvania Lancers where the Yorktown road crosses the Pamunkey and Kichmond Railway, he was chiefly employed on out- post duty in guarding the line of the Pa- munkey up to Hanover Court-House until the Confederates, under General Jackson, passed down and opened the battle of Gaines' Mill. He was then to tiie rear, and on the left flank, of the enemy, occu- jiying Hanover Old Church, with his scouts covering the road to Hanover Court-House. He at once destroyed all the crossings on the Tolopotomy, ob- structed the highways, and assembled his forces where the road crossed the main RETIKED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 361 highway to Rifhmond. The enemy, how- ever, pn-sed to the left, hut their proiiress was seriously impeded by the activity of General Emory's skirmishers. • About noon on the 2()th of June lie was ordered to fall back to Old Church, which he was reluctant to do, as he was well to the rear, and on the left flank, of the enemy, and in an adviintajjjeous position to attack ; but the ord(!r beinu: repeated, he slowly retired as the National forces were jiressed back by the enemy, still holding the Pamuiikey road and being most of the time to the rear of the enemy's left flank, until he was ordered, with other forces, to cover the retreat at the White House Landing, from which point General McClellan had de- termined to transfer the National base of supplies to the James River. General Emory was then ordered to Yorktown, whei-e, after a brief service, he embarked his brigade at Hampton Roads, and ar- rived at Harrison's Landing about the 4th of July, when, it being deemed im- practical)le to continue the organization of the brigade, he was assigned to the com- mand of the First Brigade, Second Divis- ion, of the Fourth Army Corps. He re- tained this command while the army re- mained at Harrison's Landing and during the retrograde movement to Yorktown, which place he was ordered to occupy and prepare for defense — a task involving great labt)r, not only in reconstructing the works, Imt also in leveling the approaches which had been thrown up by the Army of the Potomac during the siege of the preceding April. He was relieved from this duty, at his own request, for field service about the end of September and ordered to Baltimore, where he was placed in command of the new troops at that jilace for the purjiose of organizing a division. On the 10th of November he embarked with six regiments on ocean steamers and sailed to Old Point, where lie was joined by other regiments and placed in command of all the forces, num- bering about twelve thousand men. He sailed on the 4th of December, with six- teen vessels, for Ship Island, where he arrived on the loth, and thence, six days later, for New Orleans, where he arrived on the 21st, and on January 3, 18G3, he was ])laced in command of the troops at Carrollton, La., and of the Third Division of the Nineteenth Army Corps. He moved his division, in March, to Baton Rouge, and, on the 13th, marched thence and attacked Port Hudson to create a di- version to enable Admiral Farragut to pass that place with his fleet. He then proceeded to the Teche country, where, on the 13th of April, he attacked Bisland, a strongly fortified camp of the enemy, the defense of which was aided by gunboats. His division made the direct attack, which drove the Confederates within their works and forced their retreat during the night, which he followed to Alexandria, march- ing one hundred miles in four days. He was assigned, in June, to command the defenses of New Orleans while General Banks' army was occupied with the sicgo of Port Hudson. He had only sixteen hundred men, and, this fact coming to the knowledge of the enemy, a large army was moved against the city, either to cap- ture it or force an abandonment of the siege of Port Hudson ; but General Phnory was equal to the emergency, and when the enemy crossed the Plaquemine and moved down the 15ayou Lafourche for the pur- pose of seizing Brashear City and attack- ing New Orleans in the rear, he dispatched all his forces to the place where the rail- way crossed the Bayou Lafourche, and in two engagements (June 21-22) defeated the enemy with a severe loss, but Brashear City was cut off and fell into their hands. The enemy then moved against Fort But- ler, at Donaldsonville, which had been left almost without a garrison, notwithstand- ing the works commanded the passage of the river. General Emory succeeded, with the assistance of the naval forces, in rein- forcing the fort, and then awaited the assault, which was begun with great vigor about one o'clock a.m. on the 28th of June, and handsomely repulsed with a heavy loss to the enemy. He then re- turned his forces to New Orleans, and was actively engaged in strengthening the defenses of the city when the fall of Port Hudson, on the 8th of July, relieved the place from further danger, and he was returned to the command of his division in the Nineteenth Corps. A few weeks later he was compelled to go North for medical treatment, and upon his return (about which time he was pro- moted to the colonelcy of the Fifth Cav- alry, to date from October 27, 1803) joined the army at New Iberia, and was assigned to the command of the First Division of the Nineteenth Corps, and moved to Franklin, where he commanded the corps during a part of January, 1804. His division moved in March, 1804, as a part of the Red River expedition, and met the fleet, under Admiral Porter, at Alexan- dria. The enemy attacked the advance- guard of the army at Sabine Cross-Roads on the 8th of April, driving them back with considerable loss and capturing a large number of guns and wagons. General Emory, then in the rear, was ordered to the front, and, after a rapid 362 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY, inarch of three miles, met the men, who were retreatinf the volunteer service Jan. 15, '60, and served with his regiment in the South, becomiiii,' col. 16 Inf. Feb. 22, '69, and transferring to the 2 Inf. Mar. 15, '69; he commanded his regiment till, owing to inability resulting from wounds received in the line of duty he was retired, Feb. 19, '73, and with the rank of brig.-genl. Mar. 3, 1875. Mcintosh, John B. Born in Fla. Ap- pointed from at large. Second lieutenant in the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry June 8, 1861, and joined at Darnestown, Md., on the 27th of June, and participated in General Patterson's Shenandoiih cam- jiaign, and was engaged in the action at Falling Waters and in the skirmishes near ^lartinsburg and Bunker Hill. He was constantly employed on picket and reconnoissance duty until the 14th of Sep- tember, when he was transferred to Washington and served in the defenses of the city during the winter of 1861-62. He participated in the Manassas, Virginia Peninsular, and Maryland campaigns, and was engaged in the skirmish at Cedar Run, where he led his squadron in a charge against the enemy's pickets and forced their retreat across the stream ; the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Williams- burg, and in almost daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance towards Richmond ; the battle of Hanover Court- House and the reconnoissance towards Ashland. He was appointed, on the 11th of June, quartermaster and commissary of the Regular Cavalry Brigade, and con- tinued on that duty until the 10th of Jul}', and displayed much energy and ability in conducting his train to Malvern Hill and thence to Harrison's Landing. He was assigned by General McClellan, on the 11th of July, to the command of the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, the colonel having been killed in action. He obtained permission to wait upon the governor of Pennsylvania and solicit the colonelcy of that regiment, and, having been provided with favorable letters from Generals McClellan, Newton, and Frank- lin, he jiresented them in person ; but the governor, while recognizing the recom- mendations of these distinguished oiRcers, considered it his duty to bestow the com- mission upon the lieutenant-colonel, whereupon Lieutenant Mcintosh returned at once to the regiment. He was engaged in the skirmish at Sycamore Church, where he made a gallant charge upon the enemy, and was specially commended in the rtqiort of General McClellan for his conduct. He was distinguished in a skir- mish in the White Oak Swamp (where the Eighteenth Virginia Cavalry was de- feated), and won the brevet of major, to date from August 5, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services. He served with the regiment as a part of the rear-guard of the Army of the Potomac dui-ing the evacua- tion of the Peninsula, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and An- tietain, tlie pursuit of the cncMiiy tf) the Potomac, and the skirmish near Shep- herdstown. He was ])romoted a tirst lieu- tenant June 27, 1862, and was appointed colonel of the 'Third Pennsylvania Cav- alry November 15, 1862, ami immediately assumed command of his regiment, and was actively employed during the winter of 1862-63 in maintaining an extended picket-line on the right flank of the Na- tional army. He was ordered, on the 15th of February, 1863, to destroy the Orange and Ale.\ander Railroad bridge at the Rap]>ahannock station. A division of in- fantry ordered to create a diversion in his favor was forced, by severe storm, to re- turn on the first day. He was informed of the withdrawal of the infantry support and authorized to return, if, in his judg- ment, the storm would prevent a success- ful execution of his orders. He decided to push forward, and towards the end of the second day had his command (five hundred cavalrymen) concealed in a belt of woods contiguous to the bridge. He there received another mes.-age authoriz- ing him to return without executing his orders; but he continued his jireparations for the attack, and when all was ready moved rapidly towards the bridge and drove the enemy across the stream. He then dismounted his men, formed a skir- mish-line on the banks, and held the po- sition, under the fire of the enemy, while his axe-men cut the supports of the bridge and burnt it, and also destroyed a small bridge across Tin-pnt Run. He worked all night, and, having executed his orders, started for the main army, which he rejoined on the 18th of Feb- ruary, and was deservedly complimented upon the successful termination of his hazardous undertaking. When General Hcjoker reorganized, in January, 1863, the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac into a cavalry corps, Colonel ^IcTntosh was selected to command the Second Bri- gade of the Second Division. He was en- gaged with his brigade in the action at Kelly's Ford, March 17, 1863, which was the first cavalry combat of the war in which a division was enga^red on either 366 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. side. Genonil Averill, ^vho commanded the Second Division, reported to the Sec- retar}'^ of War that " to the intrepidity, promptitude, and excellent judgment of Mcintosh on that occasion our success was chiefly attributable." He commanded his brigade in the battle of Chancellors- ville, and was first engaged with the en- emy's cavalry, which were driven from Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, be- yond Rapidan station, tiius covering the operations of General Buford's column under General Stoneman, and insuring his unobstructed march to the rear of General Lee's army. He was then re- called to the main army (crossing at Ely's Ford) while the battle of Chancel- lorsville was in progress. He was trans- ferred, on the 22d of June, to the com- mand of the P^irst Brigade of the Second Division, then commanded by General (D. M. M.) Gregg, and participated in the Pennsylvania campaign, and was en- gaged on the right of the National army at the battle of Gettysburg, where he re- sisted General Stuart's efforts to turn that flan Ik, and began the cavalry combat al- most iiJimediately after his brigade had relieved General Custer, who was ordered to join General Kilpatrick on the left of the armj'. Being convinced that the en- emy's oavali'v were in force near his right front, he ordered a regiment to advance and take possession of a stone barn inter- mediate between the two lines, and then press the enemy's pickets. This move- ment having developed that the enemy were in the woods to the right of the Han- over road, Colonel Mcintosh moved with the other regiments of his brigade to the support of his advanced line, and, finding himself greatly outnumbered, called for reinforcements, which were promptly fur- nished by sending General Irwin Gregg's brigade to his assistance and ordering the immediate return of General Custer's bri- gade. General Gregg then assumed com- mand of the entire force, and a stubborn cavalry combat raged for some time, and until Colonel Mcintosh, who had pushed a regiment well down on the enemy's flank, ordered a charge, which was hand- somely executed, and after several charges and counter-eharges the enemy withdrew from that flank of the National army. On the morning of the 4th he was dispatched to the left and instructed to march thence to Emmittsburg and intercept the Confed- erate cavalry. He arrived at the town at half-past seven o'clock a m. of the 5th, to learn that the main body had passed two hours in advance of his arrival ; but, find- ing a squadron serving as a rear-guard for the infantry, he charged it so vigorously that the commanding officer in his ha=ty retreat dropped a letter which indicated the position each Confederate corps would occupy that night. This letter, which gave the flrst information of the exact whereabouts of the corps of the Confed- erate army, was at once forwarded to the cavalry headquarters. He then pushed his command over the mountains and overtook the rear of one of the Confed- erate corps, which he attacked so vigor- ously that it was compelled to form a skir- mish line to the rear. At this juncture he was ordered to report to General Sedgwick, when he was attached to a brigade of in- fantry, and the united force was instructed to pursue the enemy over the mountains by the same road from which he had just been recalled. This movement was con- tinued to Waynesboro', when he moved to Leitersburg, where he had a sharp action with the enem3''s infantry, and a few daj's thereafter he rejoined the main army at Funkstown, Md. He was made a brevet lieutenant-colonel, to date from July .3, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg. After the Confederate army had recrossed the Potomac at Williamsport, Md., he was ordered to Harper's Ferry, where, with his division, he crossed the river and marched on Shepherdstown, and engaged the enemy's cavalry (under General Fitz- hugh Lee) in an obstinate all-da\' fight, but at nightfall the contending forces evacuated their positions. He then moved to Warrenton, and during August and until the 18th of September was employed on picket and reconnoissance duty, when he was ordered to cross Hazel Run and approach Culpepper from the right. The entire cavalry corps moving foiv ward, a warm engagement followed, and the enemy retired behind the town, having suffered a considerable loss in men and guns. Colonel Mcintosh, with his brigade on the right, again encoun- tered the enemy soon after leaving Cul- pepper and forced tfiem into a retreat, which he followed all day, and encamped for the night near Cedar Mountain. He was again engaged on the 14th and 15th at the Ra]iidan, across which river the enemy had retired. He then returned to Culpepper, and marched thence with his brigade to Catlett Station to guard the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, and con- tinued on that duty until the 1st of Oc- tober, when he was severely injured by a fall from his horse and sent to Washing- ton for medical treatment, where he re- mained until the 14th, when he was ap- pointed commandant of the cavalry station at Giesboro' Point, and continued in com- KETIKED FEOM ACTIVE SEEYICE. 367 mand of the station, drilling, equippinc^, and iiudiulinu; now rem that station ; but when the march to the sea was begun and General Hood in- vested Nashville his occupation was gone, and he reported to General Thomas, who assigned him, on the 8th of November, to the command of a division of cavalry, which he retained until October 12, 186-5. He was engaged in tlie battle of Nashville, and was highly complimented on the field by General Thomas for "skill, energy, and ability," and in the telegraphic report to the President at the end of the first day's battle General Thomas said: "I must not forget to report the operations of Brigadier-General Richard W. John- son in successfully driving the enemy, with the aid of the gunboats under Lieu- tenant-Commander Fitch, from their es- tablished batteries on the Cumberland below the city of Nashville." He was made a brevet major-general of volun- teers to date from December 16, 1864, and a brevet brigadier-general to date from March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritori- ous services at the battle of Nashville. He was then assigned to the command of the JNIiddle District of Tennessee, and lield that highly important civil-military position until January 15, 1866, when he was mustered out of volunteer service and received the brevet of major-general to date from March 13, ISflS, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war of the Rebellion. He was con- spicuous during the war for bis skill and energy, and he displayed great personal courage at Stone River, Chickamaugn, Missionary Ridge, and during the invasion of Georgia. He was provost-mar-hal-gen- eral of the ^Military Division of the Ten- nessee from October 12, 1865, to August 13, 1865, and acting judge-ad vocitte of the same division from December 5, 1865, to August 13, 1866, and of the Department of the Tennessee from August 18, 1866, to Slarch 1-5, 1867, and of the Department of the Cumberland from March 15, 1867, to October 12, 1867, when he was retired from active service with the rank of major-general (changed to brigadier-gen- eral by act of Congress of March 3, 1875, not having "lost a leg or arm") for wounds received in the line of duty. He is the author of a pamphlet entitled "Manual of Arms for Colt's Breech- Loading Carbine and Navy Revolver," which came into general use as the troops were supplied with these arms. He was the orator at the organization of the So- ciety of the Army of the Cumberland on the 7th of February, 1867, in Mozart Hall, Cincinnati. He was professor of military science in the Missouri State University from July, 1868, to July, 18()9, when he, in common with all officers on the retired list, was relieved from dutj'. The degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by the university. He was elected in September, 1869, professor of military science in the University of Minnesota, but resigned the position Januaj\y 1, 1871, and engaged in the real estate business at St. Paul, where he has since lived, having business interests at Montrose and Duluth. He has fully disproved the commonly ac- cepted idea that military service dis- qualifies a man for civil pursuits. His success has demonstrated that the educa- tion and experience acquired in the army with reference to system and regularity are the foundations of prosperity in all departments of business and in all the walks of life. He published in the spring of 1881 an admirably written " Memoir of Major-General George H. Thomas," which is recognized as a valuable contri- bution of material for the use of the future historian of the war of the Rebellion. He was the candidate of the Democratic party for governor of Minnesota at the general election of 1881. Sweeney, Thomas W. Born in Ire- land. Appointed from New York; sec- ond lieutenant Burnett's regiment New York Volunteers 1846 ; engaged in the war with INIexico (being woiuub'd twice and losing his right arm at the battle of Chu- rubusco) ; received the brevet of captain from the governor of New York and a silver medal from the city of New York for his services in the Mexican war; sec- ond lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry March KETIKED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 371 3, 1848; at Fort Yuma and San Diego, Ctil., to 1854; first lieutenant I'd U."s. Inf. June 11, 18")1 ; engaged in actions against liostilc Indians; on regimental recruiting duty, is'ew York City, 1854 to 1855; in Nebraska to 1861; engaged in actions against the Sioux Indians ; captain 2d U. S. Infantry January 19, 1861 ; en- gaged in the defense of the St. Louis Ar- f^enal and at the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo. ; liiigadier-genei'al U. S. Volunteers during the three months' service ; engaged in General L\'on's ^lissouri campaign and at the battle of "Wilson's Creek (severely wounded); acting assistant adjutant-gen- eral of a division in General Fremont's cam]iainn in Southwestern Missouri ; col- onel 512(1 lUin.us Volunteers Jan. 21, 1862 ; engaged at tiie cajiture of Fort Donelson, Tenii. ; in charge of prisoners of war e?t 7-oute to Alton, 111., February, 1862; en- gaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Cor- intli, pursuit of the rebel Gen. Beauregard, battles of luka and Corinth (wounded); brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862 ; commanding division 16th Army Corps and engaged protecting the jNIem- phis and Charleston Railroad ; major 16tli U. S. Infantry October 20, 1863; at Pu- laski November, 1863; as brigadier-gen- eral U. S. Volunteers in the Atlanta cam- paign, and engaged in the occupation and defense of Snake-Creek Gsyi, battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, ac- tion of RulF's ^lills, and in the repulse of an attack of the rebels July 22, 1864 (the day on which General McPherson was killed) ; received a sword from the city of Brooklyn for services during the war of the rebellion ; commanding ]iost of Nash- ville, Tenn., to July, 1865; out of service December, 1865, to iSIovember, 1866 ; com- manding posts of Augusta and Atlanta, Ga. ; on garrison duty in the South, and unassigned until retired with rank of brigadier-general May 11, 1870, for loss of rieht arm and wounds received in line of duty. Hardin, Martin D. Born in 111. Ap- pointed at large; graduate M. A., class of 1859 ; brevet 2d )t. 3d Art. July 1 , '59 ; 2d It. Jan. 2, '60;- on garrison and fron- tier duty '59-61 ; 1st ft. May 14, '61 ; in the defenses of Washington and as A.D.C. to Col. il. J. Hunt, commanding Reserve Artillery, Army of the Potomac, partici- pating in the siege of Yorktown, seven days' battles in front of Richmond, bat- tles of Groveton and the second Bull Run, in the latter of which he was twice wounded, '61-2; brevet captain Aug. 29, 186)2, for gallant and meritorious services at the battl(! of Groveton, Xn. ; bvt. major Aug. GO, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 3Ianassas, Va. ; lieut.-eol. 12lh Pa. Reserves July 8, '62; col. Sept. 1, '(i2, conuiuinding ?>d Brigade Pa. Res. ; in defenses of Washingt^m ; on provost and court-martial duty in Wash- ington ; commanding his regiment and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg and the action of Falling Watt^rs ; command- ing a brigade and entraged in the Rapidan cam]iaign, participating in the battles of Bristoe Station, Ra})pabannoek Station, and Mine Run ; while eniraged in guard- ing the railroad at Catlett's Station, Va., he was severcdy wounded by a guei-rilla, resulting in the loss of his left arm, '62-3 ; brevet lieut.-coI. Dec. 14, 1863, for gallant and meritorious sel'vices in an encounter with a band of guerrillas ; oi\ court-mar- tial duty, commanding draft rendezvous at Pittsburg, Pa. ; commanding brigade and engaged at battles of Spottsylvania, North Anna (where he was again wound- ed), Tolopotomy, and Betliesda Church, Va., to May, '64 ; brevet colonel May 23, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of North Ann", Va. ; honor- ably mustered out of volunteer service June 11, '64; appointed l)rig.-gen. vols. July 2, '64; engaged in the defense of Washington against General Early and commanding district of Raleigh, N. C, '64-5; brevet brig. -gen. TJ. S. A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the rebellion ; honorably nuistered out of volunteer ser- vice Jan. 15, '66 ; major 43d Inf. July 28, '66; superintended recruitment of his regiment at Detroit, ]\lich., and com- manded it to jVFarch 15, '69, vvlien it having been consolidated with the 1st Infantry, be was transferred to the hitter; he was retired with the rank of bi-igadier-general for loss of left arm and wounds received in line of duty D.'c. 15, 1870. Fessenden, Francis. Born in Me, Appointed from Me.; captain 19th U.S. Infantry Jlay 14, 1861 ; on recruiting duty July, 1861, to .lanuary, 1862 ; command- ing company. Army of the Cumberland, to April, 1862; engaged at the battle of Shi- loh (severel_y wounded in the arm) ; colo- nel 25th ilaine Volunteers September 25, 1862, to July 10, 1863; comman.ling 3d Brigade, Casey's Division, in the Depart- ment of Washington, I). C. ; member of board for examination of officers, and mem- ber of a general court-martial ; command- ing 1st Brigade, Abercromliie's- Division, temporarily encamped at Chantilly, Va. ; colonel 30th JMaine Volunteers Jan. 11, 1864, and engaged in the Red River cam- paign ; commanding regiment and en- gaged at the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads ; 372 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. battles of Pleasant Hill and Monett's Bluff, La. (severely wounded andlostright leg) ; brisradier-general U.S. Volunteers May 10, 1864 ; member of a military com- mission, Wa'^lnngton, D. C, October, 1864, to Mareb, 1865; commandinc: 1st Infantrj' Division, Department of West Virginia, to July, 186') ; commanding 1st Brigade, Hancock's Corps, July, 186.T ; member of board for examination of offi- cers July to August, 1865 ; member of the Wirtz military commission August to Oc- tober, 1865 ; president of court of inquiry and of a militfiry commission November, 1865, to ]\Iarch, 1866; maj.-gen. vols. Nov. 9, 1865; assistant conunissioner Bureau of Refugees, FVeedmen, and Aban- doned Lands, Districts of Maryland, West Virginia, and the Sbenandoah Valley, July to September, 1866; brevet major- general U.S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; brevet major U.S. Army, July 6, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; bre- vet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Arnijf, same date, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Montell's Bluff, La. ; bre- vet brigadier-general U.S. Army March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in- the field during the war; brevet major-general U.S. Army, same date, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; declined the appointment of lieu- tenant-colonel 45th U:S. Infantrv August, 1866; transferred to the 28th U.S. Infan- try' by the reorganization of the army ; retired on bis own apjilication with the rank of brigadier-general U.S. Army, for wounds received in line of duty, Novem- ber 1, 1866. Long, Eli. Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky.; second lieutenant 4th U.S. Cav- alry June 27, 1856 ; on recruiting duty to April, 1857; in an expedition against the Cheyenne Indians summer of 1857; at Forts Riley and Leavenworth, Kan., to 1858; 671 route to Utah May, 1858 ; on the Arkansas river summer of 1859 ; in the expedition against the Kiowa and Co- manche Indians summer of 1860 ; at Fort Lyon, C'.T., to December, 1861 ; first lieu- tenant 4th U.S. Cavalrv March 1, 1861 ; captain 4th U.S. Cavalry May 24, 1861; engaged at the action of Tuscumbia Creek, battles of Chaplin Hills and Stone River (wounded) ; colonel 4th Ohio Cavalry Feb. 23, 1868; commanding cavalry brigade, and engaged in actions near Murfreesboro', Tullahonia, Elk River, and Chickamauga, pursuit of tl;e rebel General Wheeler, and battle of Farinington (wounded) ; com- manding troops in the raid on the Knox- ville and Chattanooga Railroad, and action of Knoxville, Tenn. ; in General Sher- man's Atlanta campaign, and engaged in the defeat of the rebel Generals Wheeler and Roddy, reconnoissance on Dalton (wounded), and raid on Lovejoy's Sta- tion; briadier-general U.S. Volunteers August 18, 1864; commanding 2d Divi- sion Cavalry Corps, and engaged at the capture of Selma, Ala. (wounded) ; com- manding District of New Jersey Septem- ber, 18'i5, to January, 1866 ; brevet maj.- general U.S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in action ; commanding company in Texas to August, 1866 ; brevet major U.S. Army Oct. 7, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Farmington, Tenn. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U.S. Army Dec. 3, 1863, for gallant and meri- torious services during the defense of Knoxville, Tenn. ; brevet brigadier-gen- eral US. Army March 13, 1865, for "gal- lant and meritorious services at the cap- tiire of Selma, Ala. ; brevet major-general U.S. Army Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field; retired Aug. 16, 1867, with the rank of major- general U.S. Army, for disability arising from wounds received in battle; reduced in rank on the retired list to brigadier- general by operation of the Act of March 3, 1875. Colo7iels. Alexander, Edmund B. Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed from Kv. ; graduate M. A., class of 1823; brevet 2 It. 6 Inf. July 1, '23; 2 It. 3 Inf. July 1, '23; on garrison and frontier dut}' '23-27 ; 1 It. Dec. 29, '27 ; on garrison and frontier duty '27-38 ; capt. 3 Inf. July 7, '38 ; capt. and assistant-quartermaster July 7, '38 ; on duty in Indian Territory, Arkansas, Lou- isiana, and Washington, D. C, to the breaking out of the war with Mexico; participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico; brevet maj. Ajiril 18, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mex. ; bre- vet lieut.-col. Aug. 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mex. ; on frontier duty to 1851, when he became major 8 Inf. Nov. 10, '51 ; on garrison and frontier dutj' to 1863, becoming colonel 10 Inf. Mar. 3, '55; brevet brig. -gen. Oct. 18, 1865, for meritorious services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States ; on duty on various staff and ad- ministrative capacities, and comniiinding his regiment till retired for over forty-five years' service Feb. 22, 1869. RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 373 Seawell, Washington. Born in Vir- cjinia. Ap]iointod Irom Vtx. ; graduate M. A., cla^s of ]825; brevet 2 It. 7 Inf. July 1, '25; 2 It. July 1, '25; on frontier and engineering duty, as Indian agent and in Florida war to 1842; 1 It. 1 Dra- goons Mar-'h 4, %33 (declined) ; 1 It. 7 Inf. July 12, '33; A.U.C. Nov. 5, '34-May 5, '30; capt. July 31, '36; brevet major July 18, 1841, for meritorious and successful services in the war against the Florida In- dians ; garrison, Indian, and special duty to 1845, when he participated in the mili- tary occupation of Texas and in the war with jMexico, being engaged in the defence of Fort Brown, Texas; major 2 Inf. Mar. 3, 1847 ; on garrison and frontier duty, be- coming lieut.-col. 8 Inf. Feb. 23, 1852, and col. G Inf. Oct. 17, I860; he was re- tired for disability in line of dutv Feb. 20, 1862, and on Mar. 13, 18G5, wasl)revetted brig.-genl. for long and faithful service in the army. Hunter, David. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from 111. ; grad- uate M. A., class of 1822 ; 2 It. 5 Inf.^July 1, '22; 1 It. June 30, '28; capt. 1 Drag. Mar. 4, '33 ; on frontier and garrison duty to Jvily 4, 1836, when he resigned ; re- entered the army as major and paj'master Mar. 14, 1842, and served in that capacity on various stations and with the army in the war wiih Mexico down to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion in 1861, when (May 14) he was appointed colonel Sixth U. S. Cavalry, and three da3-s later brigadier-general of volunteers, as such commanding division at Bull Run (July 21), where he was wounded ; promoted to be major-general of volunteers Aug. 13, 1861; in May, 1864, Hunter succeeded General Sigel in command of the De- partment of We>t Virginia ; the battle of Piedmont and subsequent march against Lynchburg occurred the following month ; in 1865 was a member of the military commission to try the conspirators engaged in the as.'assination of Lincoln ; he was brevetted Mar. 13, 1865, brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Piedmont ajid during the cam- paign in the Valley of Virginia, and major-general for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; retired from active service July 3, 1866, at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age. Carrington, Henry B. Born in Con- necticut. Appointed from Ohio ; adjutant- general Ohio when war began in 1861 ; lorwarded two regiments in 60 hours from tir?t call ; organized and placed in West Virginia 9 regiments State militia before muster of 3 months U. S. Volunteers; complimented by Secretary of "War, Gen- 26 erals Scott and Wool ; appointed visitor to Military Academy; colonel 18tli U. S. Infantry May 14, 1861 ; rccomnu-iided by General Scott ; assigned to command Camp of Instruction for 15th, 16th, 18th, and 19th U. S. Infantry at Camp Thomas, Ohio; took the field with 12 companies 18th and 4 companies 16th Infantry No- vember, 1861 ; designated by General Buell to command brigade of 0th and 85th Ohio, 2d Minnesota, and 18th Infantry; re- ported with command to (icneral Thomas, Lebanon, Ky. ; ordered by adjutant-gen- eral to first complete regiment; filled the three battalions to nuiximum ensuing season ; ordered to Indiana as chief M. and D. officer July, 1862; brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers November'29, 1862; took command District of Indiana March 23, 1863; ordered to Cleveland, Ohio, June, 1863, to organize ten regiments of 100 day men; on invasion of Morgan, July 8, ordered back to Indiana ; commanded State militia. District and Draft Rendez- vous, while in Indiana ; received thanks of Governor Bramlette for aid to raise siege of Frankfort, Ky. ; exposed "Sons of Liberty"; joined his regiment in De- partment of the Cumberland upon muster out as General U. S. Volunteers Septem- ber, 1865; president military commission at Louisville, Ky., to try guerrilla?, No- vember, 1865; ordered with regiment to the plains ; commanded Fort Kearney, Neb., December, 1865, East Sub-District Nebraska, February, 1866, and the expe- dition of May, 1861, to open wagon road to Montana, i-ia Powder River ; estab- lished forts on the line during harassing warfare with the Sioux ; commanded Fort Phil. Kearney and " Rocky Mountain District," 186(3; Fort McPherson, Neb., 1867, and Fort Sedgwick, Col. Ter., 1868 and 1869 ; retired from active service De- cember 15, 1870, for accidental wound in line of duty ; professor military science and tactics at Wabash College, Indiana, December 11, 1869, to 1873. Morrison, Pitcairn. Born in N. T. Apptd. from N. Y. ; 2 It. U. S. Art. Oct. 27, 1820; trs. to 4 Art. June 1, 1821 ; trs. to 2 Art. Aug. 16, 1821 ; trs. to 4 Inf. Aug. 29, 1822; 1 It. 4 Inf. August, 1826; capt. 4 Inf. September 13, 1836; in the war with Mexico ; bvt, niaj. U. S. Army May 9, 1846, for gallant and meritori- ous conduct in the battle of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico; maj. 8 U. S. Inf* September 26, 1847 ; command- ing regiment September 1, 1848, to Nov. 1849 ; commd'g post of Fort Lincoln, Tex.^ 1850 and 1851 ; at San Antonio, Fort Croghan, camp near Fort Mason, Camp Johnstone, Camp McKavett, and Fort 374 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Chadbourne, Texas ; lieut.-col. 7 U. S. Inf. June 9, 1853; col. 8 U. S. Inf. June 6, 1861 ; commanding regiment Septem- ber, 1861, to August, 1863; retired Oct. 20, 1863, for disability in the line of duty; brevet brig. -gen. U. S. Army March 13, 1865, for long and faithful service in the army. Swords, Thomas. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1829; bvt. 2 It. 4 Inf. July 1, 1829; 2 It. 4 Inf. July 1, 1829; on garri- son and engineering duty in the South to 1833; 1 It. 1 Drag.^March 4, 1833 ; fron- tier, Indian, and recruiting service, '33- 87 ; capt. March 3, '37 ; oapt. and A. Q. M. July 7, '38 ; participated in the war with Mexico, and engaged in the battle of San Pasqiial, Cal. ; maj. and q. m. April 21, '46; bvt. It.-col. 3Iay 30, 1848, for meritorious conduct while serving in the enemv's country; It.-col. and D. Q. M. G. Aug. 1, '56 ; col. and A. Q. M. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; served during the war of the Rebellion as chief quartermaster, Depart- ment of the Cumberland, Ohio and Ten- nessee ; was engaged in the battle of Chickaiiuauga, Ga., and brevetted March 13, '65, brig.-genl. and maj.-genl. foi faithful and efficient services in the quar- termaster's department during the war. He was retired, being over sixtj'-two years of age, Feb. 22, 1869. Blake, George A. H. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Penns\lvania ; 1 It. 2 Dragoons June 11, 1836;' in Fla. to 1841, and engaged against the Seminole Indians in actions at Fort Mellon, Jupiter Inlet, and other engagements ; capt. 2d Dragoons December 3, 1839 ; in the In- dian Territory and Texas ; in the war with Mexico, and engaged at the battle of Cerro Gordo, defense of Pnebla, battles of Contreras, Molino del Rey, Chapul- tepec, and city of Mexico ; bvt. maj. U. S. Army August 17, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in atfair at St. Au- gustine, Mexico; maj. 1 Dragoons, July 23, '50; in Missouri, 'Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and AVashington Territory, to 1861, and en- gaged against the Apache and Navajo Indians ; It.-col. 1 Cavalry May 13, 1861 ; col. 1 Cav. Feb. 15, 1862; engaged at the •Seven Daj's' Fight and battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. (slightly wounded) ; chief com- missary of musters, department of Vir- ginia, to April, 1863 ; chief commissary of musters, Cav. Corps, Army of the Po- tomac, to December, 1863; present at the actions of Aldie, Middletown, Upperville, and battle of Gettysburg ; special duty in the Cavalry Bureau, Washington, D. C, to April, 1864; commanding Cav. Depot, Geisboro' Point, Md., to September, '64; special duty to February, 1865 ; member of a military commission, Washington, D. C, to March, 1866; bvt. brig.-genl. U. S. Army March 13, 1866, for gallant and efficient services during the Gettys- burg campaign ; commanding regiment and post of Fort Vancouver, W. T , and retired at his own request for over forty years' service, Dec. 15, 1870. Hoffman, William. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y.; graduate M. A., class of 1829 ; brevet 2 It. 6 Inf. July, '29 ; 2 It. July 1, '29; on garrison and frontier duty '29-31 ; served as a volunteer staff officer and commanding a piec(> of artil- lery with a mounted escort of infantry and mounted rangers from Fort Leaven- worth, accompanying a caravan of Santa Fe traders from Kansas City to the cross- ing of the Arkansas River, in the sum- mer of 1831 ; joined General Scott's forces at Fort Niagara as a volunteer with the 2d Inf. in the Black Hawk War in the summer of 1832, and continued with it to Chicago and Rock Island with Genl. Gaines' command on the Sabine from March to December, 1836; 1 It. Nov. 16, '36 ; in the war with the Seminole In- dians in Florida to 1841 ; capt. Feb. 1, '38; on recruiting and frontier duty, and mustering in volunteers for the war with Mexico to 1846 ; participated in the war with Mexico, and engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Amazoque, San Antonio, [Churubusco, Molino del Rej', Chapultepec, and cap- ture of the city of Mexico, receiving the brevets of major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and of lieut.- col. Si'pt. 8, '47, for gallant and merito- rious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey ; major 5 Inf. Apl. 15, '51 ; trans- ferred to 6 Inf. Feb. 20, '52 ; It.-col. 8 Inf. Oct. 17, '60; on recruiting, garrison, and frontier duty, including the Sioux and Utah Expeditions, from the close of the Mexican war to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when he was taken prisoner by the rebels in Texas ; he served during the war as commissary-general of Prisoners at Washington, becoming col. 3 nf. Apl. 25, '62 ; he was brevetted brig.- genl. Oct. 7, '64, for faithful and merito- rious services during the Rebellion, and maj.-genl. March 13, '65, for faithful, meritorious, and distinguished services as commissary-general of prisoners during the Rebellion ; he was retired at his own reque-;t for over forty years' services May 1, 1870. Day, Hannibal. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from Vt. ; graduate M. A., class RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 375 of 1823 ; 2 It. 2 Inf. July 1, '28 ; on garri- son, engineering, recruiting, and frontier duty to tiie time of the Florida war, be- coming 1 It. April 4, '82, and capt. July 7, '38; participated in the Florida and Mexican wars, and served on frontier duty in California to 18-52; maj. Feb. 23, '52; on garrison and frontier duty in Nortb western Territories to 1801 ; It.-col. Feb. 25, '01 ; col. 6 Inf. June 7, '02; com- manded a brigade in the Pennsylvania campaign of 1803, and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg ; be was retired Aug. 1, '03, at his own request for over forty years' service, and on Mar. 13, 1805, was brevetted brigadier-general for long and faithful service in the army. Shepherd, Oliver L. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1840; brevet 2 It'^ 4 Inf. July 1, '40 ; 2 It. 3 Inf. Oct. 2, '40 ; 1 It. Nov. 3, '4-> ; served in the Florida war, the Mili- tary Occupation of Texas, and the war with Mexico, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca^de la Palma, Na- tional Bridge, Plan del Rio, Oka Laka, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico, and re- ceiving the brevets of captain Aug. 20. '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and CiiurubuscO; and of major Sept. 13, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cha- pultepec ; capt. Dec. 1, '47; on garrison and frDUtier duty, including scouting and skirmishing with Indians, to 1861 ; lieut.- col. 18 Inf. May 14, '61 ; participated in the Tennessee and Mississippi campaigns of 1861-62 ; commanded a brigade of regulars in the battles of Stone River '02- '63; brevet col. Maj' 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Corinth, Miss. ; colonel 15 Inf. Jan. 21, '03; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; retired at his own request for over thirty years' service, Dec. 15, 1870. Schriver, Edmund. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; grailuate M. A., class of 1833 ; brevet 2 ft. 2 Art. July 1, '33 ; 2 It. July 31, '34 ; 1 It. Nov. 1, '36 ; bvt. capt. and A.A.G. July 7, '38; capt. 2 Art. Aug. 17, '42; on garrison duty at the Military Academy as a-st. instructor of infantr}- tactics, in the adjutant-gen- eral's oiRce in Washington, and in the Florida war to 1846, when he resigned (July 31) ; re-entered the army May 14, '61, as It.-col. 11 Inf.; received the ap- pointment of col. and A.A.D.C. May 1§, '02; chief of stuff of 1st Corps (Arniy of the Potomac) March 15, 1802, to January, 1803 ; he was appointed colonel of staff and inspector-general U.S.A. March 13, 1863, and participated in the Rappa- hannock and Richmond campaigns ; he was brevetted brigadier-general Aug. 1, '64, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, and major-general March 13, '65, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war; inspector-general of the Military Division of the Pacific; retired Jan. 4, '81, being over sixty-two years of age. Brooks, Horace. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1835; brevet 2 It. 2 Art. July 1, '35; 2 It. Dec. 28, '35; served in the war against the Florida Indians, being bre- vetted 1 It. Dec. 31, '35, for gallantry and good conduct in that war ; was on duty at the Military Academv as asst. professor of Mathematics '36-3'J ;" 1 It. Feb. 8, '37 ; on frontier, recruiting, and garrison duty to 1846; capt. June l8, '40; in war with Mexico, and engaged in siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Amazoque, San Antonio, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico, receiving the brevets of major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Con- treras and Churubusco, and of lieut.-col. Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey ; on garrison and frontier duty, including the Utah expedition, Indian skirmishing, and the border troubles in Kansas, to 1861 ; major Apl. 28, 1861 ; It.-col. Oct. 26, '61 ; col. 4 Art. June 1, '03 ; served during the war of the Rebellion in garrison and on retiring and other boards, as superinten- dent of volunteer recruiting service, as chief mustering and disbursing officer at Columbus, Ohio, and in command of his regiment; he was brevetted brig. -gen. Mar. 13, '65, for meritorious services dur- ing the war, and was retired at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age, Jan. 10, 1877. Vogdes, Israel. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of 1837; 2 It. 1 Art. July 1, '37; 1 It. July 9, '38 ; capt. Aug. 20, '47 ; on duty at Military Academy as assistant princi- pal professor of Mathematics '37-49; in operations against hostile Seminoles in Florida, and on garrison duty '49-61 ; maj. May 14, '61 ; engaged in defense of Fort Pulaski, commanding post, and pri-joner of war to Aug. 1862; on staff of Genl. Jno. F. Reynolds and in com- mand at Folly Island, S. C, to 1863; brig.-gen. vols. Nov. 29, '62; It.-col. 5 Art. June 1, '03; col. 1 Art. Aug. 1, '63; engaged in attack on Morris Island, S. C, and in operations against Fort Sumter 376 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS* U.S. ARMY. and city of Charleston to 18C4 ; on duty ill Florida and commanding at Norfolk and Portsmoutli, Va., '('A-(>o; brvt. brig.- gen. Apl. 9, '65, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the field during the war ; honorably mustered out of the volunteer service Jan. 15, '66; commanding regi- ment till retired at his own request for over forty years' service Jan. 2, 1881. Cady, Albemarle. Born in N. H. Ap- pointed from N. H. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1829; brevet 2d lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '29; 2d lieut July 1, '29; 1st It. Dec. 31, '36 ; capt. July 7, '38 ; on frontier and engineering duty, and in Florida war '29-42; on frontier duty and in war with Mexico to 1848; participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Amazoque, San Antonio, Churubusco, and Molino del Rey, in the latter of which he was wounded; was brevetted major Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Molino del Rey; on garrison, recruiting, and frontier duty, including the Sioux expe- dition and Indian fighting, to 1857; maj. Jan. 27, '53; superintendent g'-neral re- cruiting service and on frontier duty to 1861; lieut.-col. 7th Inf. June 6, 1861; served on the Pacific coast, becoming col. 8th Inf. Oct. 20, '63, and in command of draft rendezvous at New Haven, Conn., 'Gl-64; retired for disability in line of duty May 18, 1864; bvt. brig.-gen Mar. 13, '65, for long and faithful service in the army. Graham, Lawrence P. Born in Va. Appointed from Va. ; second lieutenant 2d Dragoons October 13, 1837 ; in Flor- ida to June, 1842, and engaged against the Seminole Indians in the ^battle of Lochahatchee ; first lieutenant 2d Dra- goons January 1, 1830; at Fort Jesup, La., to 1845; captain 2d Dragoons, Aug. 31, 1843 ; en route to and at Corpus Christi to 1816 ; in the war with Mexico, and en- gaged at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterey; brevet maj. U. S. Army May 9, for gallantry and good conduct at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico ; com- manding two squadrons en route from Monterey, Mexico, to Los Angeles, Cal., June to November, 1848; in California to June, 1849; eyi route with a detach- ment of recruits from Carlisle, Pa., to Santa Fe, N. M., April to July, 18-50; in New Mexico to August, 1852; engaged in the Navajo Indian expedition 1852; on cavalry recruiting duty New York Citv October, 1852, to^Oclober, 1854; at Forts Leavenworth, Kan., Laramie, D. T., Randall, D. T., and in the field in Kan- sas; engaged in expeditions on the Plains and in the expedition to Utah ; major 2d Dragoons June 14, 1858; superintendent cavalry recruiting service and command- ing depot, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Sep- tember, 1861 ; brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers Aug. 31, 1861; lieutenant- colonel 5th Cavalry Oct. 1, 1861; organ- izing and commanding cavalry brigade at Washington, D. C, and in the Army of the Potomac, to April, 1862; president of a general court-martial, St. Louis, Mo. ; president of a board for examination of invalid officers and non-commissioned offi- cers for promotion, Annapolis, Md., to fall of 1866; colonel 4th U. S. Cavalry May 9, 1864; brevet brigadier-general March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritori- ous services during the war; member of board of examination of applicants for commissions in the cavalry, Washington, D. C, to December, 1867 ; inspector-gen- eral 5th Military District, New Orleans, La., January to June, 1868; president of a retiring board, St. Louis, Mo., July to December, 1868; commanded his regi- ment in Texas to Dec. 15, 1870, when he was retired, at his own request, for over thirty years' service. Bomford, James V. Born in N. Y. Appointed from D. C. ; graduate M.A., class of 1832 ; brevet 2d It. 2d Inf. Julv 1, '32 ; 2d It. Oct. 6, '34 ; on frontier, engi- neering, and garrison duty, and in Florida war to 1838, becoming 1st It. 8th Inf. July 7, 1838; on frontier and garrison duty to the breaking out of the war with Mexico, being promoted captain March 4, '45; participated in the military occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico, being en- gaged at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, 3Ionterey, siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, San Antonio, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, the storm- ing of Chapultepec, and the capture of the cit}' of Mexico ; brevetted major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious con- duct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; lieut.-col. Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey ; on frontier and garrison duty to 1861, becoming major 6th Inf. Oct 17, '60, and in 1861 was made a pris- oner of war bv the rebels in Texas ; on Jan. 10, '62, became lieut.-col. 16tli Inf., with which rank he joined his regiment upon being exchanged, and served with it and on staft' duty, being engaged in the battle of Perryville, Ky., and receiving, for gallant and meritorious services in that battle, the brevet of cohmel, Oct. 8, 1862; he subsequently served in various staff and administrative employments ; was brevet- ted brig.-gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, KETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 377 and was retired, beini!; over sixty-two years of age, June 8, 1874. Kilburn, Charles L. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from I'a. ; graduate M.A., class of 18412 ; brevet 2d it. 1st Art. July 1, '42 ; transferred to 3d Art. July 10, '43 ; 2d It. June 27, '44; on garrison dut}' to 1845, when he participated in the military oc- cupation of Texas and the ensuing war with Mexico; took part in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista; was brevetted 1st iieut. Sept. 23, '4C>, lor gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey, and capt. Feb. 23, '"47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista ; he became 1st It. Feb. 16, '47, and served on garri- son duty to Sept. 13, 1853, when he re- ceived an appointment as captain and com- missary of subsistence, in which ci,ipacity he served principally in Florida and at New Orleans, La., to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion in 18G1 ; he was promoted to major and commissary of sub- sistence May 11, 18G1 ; Iieut. -col. and as- sistant commissary-general Feb. 9, 18G3, and col. and asst. com.-gen. June 29, 18G4 ; served as chief commissary of various de- partments to 18G5, receiving, March 13, 'G5, the brevet of brig. -gen. for faithful and meritorious services during the wur ; since 18G5 he has served as chief commis- sary of the Military Division of the At- lantic, the Department of the Atlantic, and of the Military Division of the Pa- cific. He was retired, being over sixty- two years of age. May 20, 1882. Reeve, Isaac V. D. Born in N.Y. Appointed from N.Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1835; brevet 2 It. 4 Inf. July 1, '35; 2 It. May 2, 1836 ; 1 It. 8 Inf. July 7, '38 ; on garrison and frontier duty and in Florida war, participating in several skir- mishes with the Seniinoles, to the breaking out of the war with Mexico ; capt. June 18, '46 ; participated in the military occu- pation of Texas, and in the war with Mexico, being engaged at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of San Antonio, Churubusco,Molino del Rey,Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico ; lie was brevetted major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and lieuten- ant-colonel Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey ; down to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he was on frontier duty, including two expeditions against the Apaches, and in 18G1 was made a prisoner of war by the rebels in Texas ; major 1 Inf. May '14, '61 ; It.-col. 13 Inf. Sept. 16, '62 ; col. Oct. 14, '64 ; was chief mustering and disbursing ofTicer at New York, and in command of draft rendezvous at Pitts- burg, Pa., 'G2-G5; was brevetted briga- dier-general March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during tlie war ; served on garrison and frontier duty in command of iiis regt. till he was retired, at his own request, for over thirty years' ser- vice Jan. 1, 1871. King, John H. Born in Mich. Ap- pointed from Mich. 2 It. 1 Inf. Dec. 2, '37 ; conducting recruits from N. Y. City to FortTowson, Ind. Tcr., to May, '38 ; with regiment at Tampa Bay, Pilatka, Pico- lota, and other posts in Florida to August '41 ; 1 It. March 2, '39 ; in Wisconsin to 1846 ; shipping volunteers to Mexico, serv- ing on the Rio Grande, and on recruiting duty Galena, 111., to April, '47 ; capt. Oct. 31, '46; conducting recruits to and organ- izing company at Jefl'erson Barracks, Mo., April, '47 ; at Vera Cruz to Jan. '48; in Texas to April, '61 ; commanding six com- panies of 2 Cav. and tiiree of 1 Inf. en route from Texas to N. Y. City, April, '61 ; commanding company at Washing- ton Arsenal to May, '61 ; major 15 Inf. May 14, '61 ; comnuxnding Newport Bar- racks, Ky., July to Dec. '61 ; command- ing battalions of 15, 16, and 19 Inf. spring of '62; commanding battalions of 15 and 16 Inf. and engaged at the battle of Siii- loh, advance on Corinth, march to the Ohio River, and battle of Murfreesboro' (commanding battalion of regt. wounded, and elbow dislocated by fall of his horse) ; brigadier-general vols. Nov. 29, 'G2 ; com- manding regular brigade from April, '63, to close of the war ; Iieut. -col. 14 Inf. June 1, '63 ; engaged at battles of Chickamauga, Resaca, New Hope Church, Konesaw Mountain, actions of RutT's Station, Neal Dow Station, battles of Peach-Tree Creek and Usoy Creek ; brevet colonel Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; com- manding divisicni for thirty days during the Atlanta campaign ; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Rufl*'s Station, Ga. ; brevet maj.-gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; brevet maj.-gen. vols. May 31, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; commanding district in Georgia to Jan. '66; col. 9 Inf. July 30, '65 ; commanding regt. at Angel Island, Cal., Dee. 'GG, to' July, '69 ; at'^Fort Rus- sell, W. T., to Sept. '72; commanding regiment and post at Omaha Barracks, Neb., and Fort Laramie, AV'.T., till re- tired at his own request, being over sixty- two years of age, Feb. 20, 1882. Cram, Thomas J. Born in N.H. Ap- 378 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. pointed from N.H. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1826; brevet'2 It. 2 Art. July 1, '26; 2 It. 4 Art. July 1, '26; 1 It. April 10, '35; resigned Sept 16. '36; re-entered army as capt. Top. Eng. July 7, '38 ; pre- vious to his resignation served at the Mil- itary Academy as a>st. prof, of mathe- matics and principal asst. prof, of natural and expi'rimental philosophy ; after his re- appointment to the army he was engaged in various surveys to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion ; he became maj. Aug. 6, '61, and lieut.-col. Sept. 9, '61; was appointed additional aido-de-camp September 25, '61 ; served on the stalf of General Wool, '61-63; transferred to en- gineers March 3, '63 ; in charge of harbor improvements, Lake Erie, west of Cleve- land, Ohio, and of Lake Huron, improve- ment of St. Clair Flats, and of St Mary River, and construction of Fort Wayne; col. Nov. 23, '65; brevet brig. -gen. vols. Mar. 13, '65, and bvt. brig. -gen. and maj.- gen. Jan. 13, '66, for faithful and meri- torious services during the war ; retired, being over sixty-two years of age, Feb. 22, 1869. Whiteley, Robert H. K. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Del. ; gradu- ate M. A., class of 1830; brevet 2 It. 2 Art. July 1, '30; 2 It. July 1, '30; 1 It. Dec. 28, '35; on garrison and ordnance duty and in Florida war to 1838, receiving the brevet of captain July 19, '36, for gallant conduct in the war against the Florida Indians ; 1 It. Ordnance Julv 9, '38; capt. Mar. 27, '42; maj. Auff. 3, ^61 ; brevet col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the ordnance de- partment, and brevet brig.-genl. (same date) for meritorious services in the ord- nance department; col. April 6, '66; re- tired, being over sixty-two years of age, Apr. 14, 1875. Dawson, Samuel K. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A , class of 1839; 2 It. 1 Art. July 1, '39 ; on frontier and garrison duty, in military occupation of Texas and war with Mexico, becoming 1 It. June 18, '46, and participating in ,the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo and La Hoya ; brevet captain Apl. 18, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo ; on garrison and frontier duty and in operations against hostile Seminoles in Florida to the break- ing out of the war of the Rebellion ; maj. 19 Inf. May 14, '61 ; participated in the defense of Fort Pickens, Fla. ; lieut.-col. 15 Inf. July 4, '63 ; engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, where he was wounded ; brcvetted col. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chick- amauga, Ga. ; brevet brig.-genl. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; col. 19 Inf. July 28, '66 ; unassigned Mar. 15, '69; retired for disa- bility incurred in line of duty Mav 11, 1870. Allen, Robert. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1836 ; brevet 2 lt.'^2 Art. Julv 1, '36 ; 2 It. Aug. 16, '36 ; 1 It. July 7, '38 ; on fron- tier duty, in the Florida war, and removal of the Cherokee Indians to the West, and on garrison duty to 1846, when he was ap- pointed capt. and A.Q.M. May 11, '46 ; in the war with Mexico, participating in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churu- busco, and the capture of the city of Mex- ico, receiving the brevet of major April 18, '47, for gallant and meritoritius conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo ; capt. 2 Art. Oct. 19, '47 ; vacated line commission Oct. 19, '47; on duty principally as chief quar- termaster of the Pacific Div. to the break- ing out of the war of the Rebellion ; maj. and Q.M. May 17, '61 ; chief quartermaster Dept. of Missouri ; col. and additional A. D. C. Feb. 19, '62 ; brig.-genl. vols. May 23, '63; brevetted It. -col., col., and brig.- genl. July 4, '64; maj.-genl , and maj.- genl. vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; col. and asst. Q.M. genl. July 28, '66; honor- ably mustered out of the volunteer service Sept. 1, '66; retired, for overforty years' service, Mar. 21, 1878. Pitcher, Thomas G. Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana; graduate M. A., class of 1845; brevet 2 It. 5 Inf. July 1, '45; 2 lieut. 8 Inf. Sept. 21, '46; partici- pated in the military occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico, being engaged at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Pal ma, Monterey, siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, San Antonio, Churubui^co, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico, receiv- ing the brevet of 1 lieut. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; reg- imental quartermaster Oct. 2, '48, to July 9, '49; 1 It. June 26, '49; regimental adju- tant July 9, '49, to July 1, '54; capt. Oct. 19, '58 ; on frontier duty in Texas and New Mexico to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when he partici- pated in the Virginia campaign of 1862, being engaged and severely wounded in the battle of Cedar Mountain, for gallant and meritorious services in which he was brevetted major Aug. 9, '62; brig.-gen. vols. Nov. 29, '62; major 16 Inf. Sept. 19, '63 ; assistant to provost-marshal-general in Vermont and Indiana 1863-66 ; brevet It.-col. and brevet col. March 13, '65, for RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. Z19 gallant and meritorious services during the war, and brevet brig. -gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; honorably mus- tered out of tiie volunteer service April 30, '06 ; col. 44 Inf. July 28, '66 ; superin- tendent of the IMilitary Academy '66-71 ; unassigned March 15, '69; assigned to 1 Inf. December 16, '70; governor Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.'C, '71-77; retired for wounds received in line of duty June 28, 1878; superintendent N. Y. State Sol- diers' and Sailors' Home since 1880. Reynolds, Joseph J. Born in Ken- tucky. Appointed from Indiana; grad- uate M. A., class of 1843; brovet 2 It. 4 Art. July 1, '43 ; 2 It. 3 Art. May 11, '46 ; 1 It. March 3, '47; resigned Feb. 28, '57; previous to his resignation he served on garriSon and frontier duty, participated in the military occupation of Texas, and was assistant and ]>rincipal assistant professor in the departments of Geography, History, and Ethics, and of Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy, at the Military Acad- emy ; April 25, 1861, he was appointed colonel and brigadier-general of Indiana Volunteers, and on May 17, 1861, was commissioned brigadier-general of U. S. Volunteers, serving in West Virginia ; he again resigned Jan. 23, 1802; he served without commission in organizing Indiana Volunteers; was reappointed colonel Aug. 21, and promoted brigadier-general Sept. 17, 1862; promoted to be major-general of U. S. Volunteers Nov. 29, 1862 ; ^he served with the Army of the Cumberland in nu- merous actions and in the battle of Chick- amauga Sept. 19-20, 1863; at the battle of Chattanooga he was chief of stall" of the Army of the Cumberland ; in command of the defenses of New Orleans, La., Jan.- June, 1864, and subsequently commanded the 19th Army Corps ; he commanded the Department of Arkansas from Nov. 29, 1864, to April 25, 1866 ; appointed colonel of the 26th U. S. Infantry July 28, 1806 ; commanded District of Texas 1867-08 ; unassigned March 15, 1869 ; assigned to 25th Infantry Jan. 8, 1870, and transferred to 3d Cavalry Dec. 15, 1870 ; brevet briga- dier- and major-general March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat- tles of Chickamauga, Ga., and of Mission- arj^ Ridge; retired for disability incurred in line of duty June 25, 1877. Gregg, John I. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; private Co. D, 2d Pennsylvania Volunteers, Dec. 29, 1846 ; discharged April 14, 1847 ; first lieutenant Infantry Feb. 18, 1847; first lieutenant 11th In- fantry April 9, 1847; captain 11th In- fantry Sept. 5, 1847; engaged in the war with Mexico; disbanded Aug. 14, 1848; captain 5th Pennsylvania Reserves June, 1861; colonel 5th Pennsylvania Volun- teers 1801; resigned volunteer commi.s- sion ; captain 6th Cavalry May 14, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Williamsburg, actions of Slatersville, Ellison's Mills, battle of Hanover Court-House, and the first two days of the Seven Days' Fight ; colonel 16lh Pennsylvania Cavalry No- vember 14, 1802; engaged at the battle of Kelly's Ford; commanding Cavalry Bri- gade, Army of the Potomac, April, 1803, to April, 1865; engaged at the actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburg, Upper- ville, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Shep- herdstown, Culpej)per, Sulphur Springs, Bristoe Station, battle of Todd's Tavern, actions of Ground Squirrel Church, Hawes' Shop, battles of Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, actions of St. Mary's Church, Deep Bottoin (severely wounded), Stoney Creek, Hatcher's Run (wounded), battles of Dinwiddle Court-House, Five Forks, action of Amelia Court-House (wounded), battle of Sailor's Creek, and action atFarmville; prisoner in the hands of the rebels April 6th to 9th, 1865; com- manding District of Soutluvest Virginia to August, 1805; bureau dut^'. New Or- leans, La., to October, 1866; present at the New Orleans riots and member of the Investigating Commission ; brevet briga- dier-general U. S. Volunteers Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and distinguished services in the engagement at the defenses of Rich- mond on the Brock Turnpike, and at the battle of Trevillian Station, Va. ; brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; brevet major U. S. army March 17, 1863, for gallant and meritori- ous services at the battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. army Oct. 12, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Sulphur Springs, Va. ; brevet colonel U. S. Army Oct. 7, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Deep Bottom, Va. ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; colonel 8th U. S. Cavalry July 28, 1866; with regi- ment on the Pacific coast till retired for disability incurred in line of duty April 2, 1879. Swayne, Wager. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; major 43d Ohio Inf. Aug. 31, 1861 ; lieut.-col. Dec. 14, 1861; col. Oct. 18, 1862; engaged at the battles of luka, Corinth, and raid into Alabama ; participated in the Atlanta campaign, Sherman's March to the Sea, and cam- paign of theCarolinas ; severely wounded, with loss of right leg, at the action of 380 EECOKDS OF LIVING OrFICERS U. S. ARMY. River's Brido;e, S. C. ; brevet brig. -gen. vols. Feb. 5, 1865 ; brig. -gen. vols. March 8, 1805; maj.-gen. vols. June 20, 1865; col. 45th Inf. July 28, 1866 ; brevet brig.- pen. and brevet niaj.-gen. March 2, 1867,, for gallant and meritorious services in the action of River's Bridge, S. C, and during the war ; honorably mustered out of vol- unteer service Sept. 1, '67 ; on duty as asst. commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freed- men, and Abandoned Lands for Alabama 1865-68; commanding District of Nash- ville, Tenn., 1868-69; unassigned and on special duty in War Department, Wash- ington, D. C., 1869-70 ; retired for loss of right leg from wound in line of duty July 1, 1870. Smith, John Eugene. Born August 3, 1816, in Canton of Berne, Switzerland, parents arrived in Philadelphia, Penna., Dec. 24, 1810. Went to St. Louis, Mo., March, 1833, from thence to Galena, 111., where he resided until 1861 ; appointed A.D.C. with rank of colonel of cavalry Feb. 18, 1861, by the Hon. Richd. Yates, Governor of the State of 111. ; reported for duty April 15, 1801 ; as>isted in or- ganizing the three mos. troops, also the ten provisional regts. authorized by the State of III., to be held in readiness upon call by the United States; July 23 com- missioned colonel 45 Regt. 111. Vols. ; or- ganization of said regiment completed and mustered in the service of the U.S Dec. 26, 1861 ; present at Forts Henry, Donel- son, siege of Corinth, and Mississippi campaign comdg. brigade since May 10, 1862; promoted brig. -gen. vols. Nov. 29, 1862; assigned to command of 8th Div., left wing 16th Army Corps ; Dec. 26, 1862, present and participated in all the campaigns and actions of the Army of the Tenn., including the great March to the Sea, until the surrender of the Confederate forces ; relieved from duty with the Army of the Tenn. and assigned to command of the Dist. of West Tenn. until hon. mus- tered out April 30, 1866; bvt. maj.-gen. vols. Jany. 12, 1865, for faithful and effi- cient services and for gallantry in action ; appointed colonel 27th Inf. July 28, 1866; stationed 18 months in the Powder River country at Fort Phil Kearney, during the time constantly skirmishing with hostile Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe Indians without serious results, owing to instruc- tions to act strictly on the defensive pend- ing negotiations with the Indians; unas- signed March 15, 1869; on special duty in War Department until assigned to 14 Inf. Dec. 20, 1870 ; retired May 19, 1881 ; bvt. brig.-gen. U.S.A. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; bvt. maj.-gen. U.S.A. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Savan- nah, Georgia, Dec. 1864. De Trobriand, Philip R. Born in France. Appointed from N. Y. ; col. 55 N. Y. Inf. Aug. 28, "61 ; transferred to 38 N. Y. Inf. Dec. 21, '02; engaged at the siege of Yorktown and battle of Wil- liamsburg ; commanding brigade on the march from Poolesville to Fredericksburg and engaged at the battles of Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, ac- tions of Manassas Gap, Auburn, and bat- tle of Kelly's Ford ; honorably mustered out Nov. 21, '63; appointed brig.-gen. vols. Jan. 5, '64 ; commanding troops and defenses of the city of N. Y. May to June, '64 ; commanding brigade 2 Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the action of Deep Bottom, assault of Petersburg, battles of Jerusalem Road, Peebles' Farm, action of Boydton Road, raid to Hicks' Ford on the Weldon Rail- road, battle of Hatcher's Run, capture of Petersburg, battle of Five Forks, and commanding a division in the opera- tions terminating with the surrender of Genl. Lee ; brevet maj.-gen. vols. April 9, '65, for highly meritorious services dur- ing the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee; honorably mustered out of volunteer service Jan. 15, '66; ap- pointed col. 31 Inf. July 28, '66 ; brevet brig.-gen. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; he was transferred to 13 Inf. Mar. 15, '09, and commanded his regiment and various posts and districts in the South and on the frontier till, at his own request, he was retired, being over sixty-two years of age, Mar. 20, 1879. Crittenden, Thomas L. Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. ; private Kentucky mounted ri'giment Aug. 17, '36; dis- charged Sept. 18, '36 ; It.-col. 3d Ky. Inf. Oct. 4, '47 ; honorably mustered out July 21, '48; appointed brig. -genl. vols. Oct. 27, '61 ; commanded a division at the battle of Shiloh ; promoted maj.-genl. vols. July 17, '02; commanded a corps at the battle of Stone River and at Chickamauga; re- signed Dec. 13, '64 ; appointed col. 32 Inf. July 28, '60; brevet brig.-gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tennessee; and transferred to 17th Inf. March 15, '69 ; on frontier duty with his regiment until retired at his own request, being over sixty-two yPiirs of age, May 19, 1881. Clary, Robert E. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1828; brevet 2d It. Inf., and 2d It. 5th Inf. July 1, '28 ; 1st It. April 1, KETIKED FEOM ACTIVE SERVICE. 381 '36 ; on frontier duty '28-38 ; capt. and A. Q. M. July 7, '38 ; capt. 5th Inf. April 3, '39; in Florida war and on quarter- master duty, bnconiini;; major and qni. May 17, '61 ; col. and additional A. D. C. July 5, '62 ; chief quartermaster of va- rious departments, and on duty as assistant to the quartermaster-general, becoming It.-col. and deputy qm.-genl. April 15, '64, and col. and asst. qm.-genl. July 29, '66; brevettcd March 13, "'65; col. and brig.-gonl. for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; honorably mus- tered out of his volunteer rank May 31, '66 ; retired at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age, Feb. 22, 1869. Oakes, James. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; graduated from the Military Academy on the 1st of July, '46, and was assigned to the Second Dragoons (now Second Cavalry) as a bvt. second lieutenant, and was promoted in that regiment a second lieutenant July 29, 1847, and a first lieutenant June 30, 1851. He served in the war with Mexico, and ■was engaged in the Chihuahua expedition, the siege of Vera Cruz, the skirmish at Medelin, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Con- treras, Churubusco, Molino del Eey, and the operations before, and capture of, the city of Mexico. The skirmish at Medelin was ended by the Second Dragoons, under Major Sumner, charging the stone bridge in column of fours. The leading four consisted of Sumner, Adjutant Neill, Reg- imental Quartermaster Lowry, and Oakes. The Mexican force was followed several miles on a road which was lined with fences, woods, and undergrowth. Lieut. Oakes, accompanied by Sergeant Lentz and Private Keith, getting ahead of the column, came on the rear of the retreating enemy, when about thirty took a road to the right, while the main body continued on the direct road. He followed the de- tachment until he had sabred and dis- mounted nearly all of them, when he re- turned to his command in the town of Medelin, and was then sent back to the camp near Vera Cruz for medical assist- ance. He served on the staff of Col. Har- ney at the battle of Cerro Gordo, and was especially mentioned for distinguished ser- vices and gallantry, and was commended in the highest terms by Major Sumner for efficiency at Molino del Key. He was made a brevet first lieutenant, to date from March 25, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the affair at Mede- lin, and a brevet captain, to date from Sej)t. 8, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Molino del Eey. He was acting adjutant of the Second Dragoons from April to November, 1847, when he was appoirited regimental quar- termaster, and served in that position until Aug. 15, 1849. After the Mexican war he was ordered to Texas, where he served until June, 1853, and had stations at Austin, and at Forts Graham, Lincoln, Mason, and Terrett. lie was engaged in two combats with the Conumches betweea the Nueces and Kio Grande on the 11th of July and 12ih of August, 1850, and in the latter was twice severely wounded, and he now suffers from the effects of one of the wounds. He was employed on the coast survey from Sept. 29, 1853, to April 4, 1854, and was on cavalry recruiting service at Jefferson Barracks when he was appointed a captain in the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, to date from March 3, 1855. He recruited his company at Pitts- burg, and joined at Jefferson Barracks on the 24th of August and marched with the regiment to Texas, and arrived at Fort Mason on the 14th of January, 1856, and was actively employed in the field during the following spring and summer. He overtook a party of Waco Jndians on the 22d of February near the head-waters of the Nueces, and severely punished them. He routed a party of Comanches on the 1st of May near the head-waters of the Concho, and on the 30th of August had three engagements with hostile Indians near the junction of the Pecos and the Eio Grande, in which he killed and wounded some and compelled the others to seek safety in Mexico. He was com- mended in orders from the headquarters of the army for success and gallantry in these affairs. He changed station to Fort Clark in August, 1856, and commanded the post until May, 1858, when he re- moved with his company to Fort Belknap, where the regiment was ordered to con- centrate for the march to Utah ; but the order was countermanded, and he returned to Fort Clark and served there until De- cember, 1858, when the condition of his wounds compelled him to accept a sick- leave of absence. He rejoined his com- pany at Fort Inge in February, 1860, where he was serving when the secession movement was inaugurated. He was a man of energj' and determined purpose, and when he received Twiggs' " Order of Exercises," which required him to surren- der the government property to the State commissioners and march iiis company to Indianola and there embark for New York, he dispatched couriers to Fort Dun- can, Fort Clark, and Camp Wood, and urged a united action for the purpose of moving northward, out of the State, in defiance of the order, and requested that officers might be sent to Fort Inge to dis- 382 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. cuss the proposition and adopt a plan of action. Unfortunately for his plans, Cap- tain French had abandoned Fort Duncan and started for the mouth of the Rio Grande before the courier arrived there. An answer was returned from Fort Clark that it was impossible to move the four companies of infantry as proposed, be- cause they had no transportation. Lieut. Hood was sent from Camp Wood to make the necessary arrangements, but when he announced his purpose to resign if Ken- tucky should secede, Captain Oakes said that it was useless for himself to under- take the movement alone, as he had only seven days' rations, and some of the posts farther north were already in the possession of the State troops, having been surren- dered before he received the order of ex- ercises. He accordingly started from Ft. Inge on the 19th of *March,^ 1861, and marched his command to Green Lake, where he was again compelled to avail himself of a sick-leave of absence. He then returned to San Antonio to await the arrival of the last troops before leaving the State, and while there learned that it was intended to capture the infantry un- der the command of Col. Reeve, in viola- tion of the agreement made with the insur- gents. Although in feeble health, he vol- unteered to take his old guide and travel across the country until he met Col. Reeve beyond Fort Clark and turn him back, to leave the State by the way of the El Paso and Santa Fe roads. But the depart- ment commander, relying upon the good faith of the insurgents, and perhaps afraid to trust any person because so many were deceiving him, declined the offer, and the result was that the entire command was captured and paroled, and five days after making this otfer the department commander and all his staff were in the power of the insurgents. He was then intrusted with dispatches, and made his way out of the State by the way of Aus- tin, Brenham, and Galveston, and escaped capture. He received a vote of thanks, enrolled on parchment, from the Secession Convention for sending an expedition against hostile Indians (under Lieutenant Arnold) after the State had seceded, which resulted in driving them across the Kio Grande ; and it may be added that for performing this service he was repri- manded by the department commander. He was promoted a major in the regiment April 6, 18G1, and a few weeks later was appointed a brigadier-general of volun- teers, to date from May 17, 18G1, which he declined on account of ill health caused by wounds received in action, being un- willing tp draw the pay when he could not perform the duties of the grade. He relinquished his sick-leave in May and proceeded to Wheeling, Va. , where he served on mustering duty until Septem- ber, when he rejoined and commanded the regiment at Washington until .Janu- ary 14, 1862. He was promoted lieuten- ant-colonel of the 4th Cavalry, to date from November 12, 1861, and joined his regiment — then serving with the Army of the Ohio — and commanded it during the Tennessee and Mississippi campaign, and participated in the movement on Nash- ville, the march to Pittsburg Landing, the battle of Shiloh, and the advance on, and siege of, Corinth. He was transferred with his regiment in September, 1862, to the Army of the Mississippi, and was en- gaged in the battle of Corinth. He was then assigned to mustering and disbursing duty at Jackson, Mich., where he served until April 29, 1863, when he was ap- pointed assistant provost-marshal-general for Illinois, and was stationed at Spring- field until September, 1866. He was, at the same time, mustering and disbursing oflicer and superintendent of the volunteer recruiting service for the State, and also commanded the District of Illinois from September, 1865, to August, 1866. He was made a brevet colonel and a brevet brigadier-general, to date from March 30, 1865, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States. He was promoted colonel of the 6th Cavalry, to date from July 31, 1866, and joined his regiment at Austin, Texas, on the 1st of February, 1867. He served with it in Texas, the Indian Ter- ritory, Kansas, and Arizona, and had sta- tions at Austin, and at Forts Richardson, Riley, Hays, and Lowell, and performed the duties pertaining to a post and regi- mental commander until April 29, 1879, when he was retired from active service, at his own request, having served over thirty years. Palmer, Innis N. Born at Buffalo, N. Y. He was graduated from the Mili- tary Academy on the 1st of July, 1846, and assigned to the Mounted Rifles (now Third Cavalry) as a brevet second lieuten- ant, and was promoted, in that regiment, a second lieutenant, July 20, 1847, and a first lieutenant January 27, 1853. He joined his regiment at Jefferson Barracks, October 29, 1846, and started from that station on the 11th of December for ser- vice in the Mexican War, and arrived at Vera Cruz on the 9th of March, 1847. He participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Con- treras, Churubusco, Chapultepec (severely wounded), and in the assault upon, and RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 383 capture of, the city of Mexico. He com- manded Company B of the police in the city of Mexico from December 18, 1847, to June 5, 1848 (dale of leavinsj tlie city), and was made a brevet first lieutenant, to date from August 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and a brevet captain to date from September 13, 1847, for gallant conduct at Chapullepcc. Ho returned to Jetferson Barracks in July, 1848, and was emj.loyed on regimental re- cruiting service until September. He served as acting adjutant of his regiment from November 25, 1848, to March 2.5, 1849, when he was assigned to regimental recruiting service at St. Louis, where he served until May, when he rejoined his regiment at Camp Sumner, near Fort Leavenworth, and marched with it to Or- egon City, where he arrived about the loth of October. He served as acting adjutant of his regiment from October 14, 1849, to May 1, 1850, when he was appointed ad- jutant, and held the position until July 1, 1854. He served during this period, at Oregon City and Fort Vancouver ; and, returning East, served at Jefferson Bar- racks in 1851, and during the years 1852- 54 was emploj'ed in Indian campaigns in Texas, and had stations at Forts Merrill, Ewell, and Inge. He was on recruiting service in Baltimore when appointed a captain in the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, to date from March 8, 1855. He joined his company at Jefferson Barracks, Au- gust 27, 1855, and marched with the regi- ment to Texas, and arrived at Fort Mason January 14, 1856, where he served imtil July, when he was assigned to the com- mand of Camp Verde, which he retained until May, 1858, and was employed during Jnnuary and February, 1858, in operations against hostile Indians near the head- waters of the Brazos and Colorado Rivers. . He returned to Fort Mason in May, 1858, and about one month later proceeded to Fort Belknap, where the regiment was ordered to concentrate for the march to Utah ; but the order was revoked, and he was a.ssigned, on the 27th of July, to duty at that post, where he served until Jan- uarj-, 1859, when he was ordered to Wash- ington and assigned to special duty until Ma}', when he availed himself of a leave of absence with permission to visit Europe. He returned to dutj' in October, 18G0, and conducted a detachment of recruits to Texas, and rejoined his company at Camp Cooper January 5, 1_^61. Hi; started from that station on February 21, and marched his company to Green Lake, where he was joined by five other companies, which com- posed the first detachment of the regiment out of Texas. He then conducted the bat- talion to Indianola, and there embarked on the steamship Coatzacoalcos, and arrived in New York Harbor on the 11th of April, 18<)1, and proceeded with Companies D and H directly to Washington, where he was employed in guarding the Treasury building and served in the defenses of the city. He was promoted a major in the regiment April 25, 18(il,and commanded the regular cavalry in the Manassas cam- paign. He was commended in the report of his brigade commander, and was made a brevet lieutenant-colonel, to date from July 21, 18G1, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bull Run. He served as a member of a board convened at Washington in August, 1861, for the examination of officers who were reported to be unable to perform field service. He commanded the regiment in the defenses of Washington from the 28th of August to the 26th of September, 1801, and was appointed in October a brigadier-general of volunteers, to date from September 23, 1861, and continued to serve in the defenses of Washington until March, 1862, when he participated in the Virginia Peninsular campaign as a brigade commander in the Fourth Corps, Army of the Potomac, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown and in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Glendale, and Malvern Hill. He was then employed in organizing and forwarding to the field New Jersey and Delaware vol- unteers, and in superintending camps of drafted men at Philadelphia, until Decem- ber, 1862, when he was transferred to North Carolina, where he served until June, 1865, and commanded at different periods the First Division of the Eighteenth Army Corps, the Department of North Carolina, the District of Pamlico, the Eighteenth Army Corps, the defenses of Newbern, the Districts of North Carolina and Beau- fort, and participated in March, 1865, in General Sherman's movements, and was engaged in the action of Kinston. He was promoted in December, 1863, lieuten- ant-colonel of the Second Cavalry, to date from September 23, 1863, and was made a brevet colonel and a brevet brigadier-gen- eral, to date from March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and meritorious sei'vices during the war of the Rebellion, and a brevet major- general of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for long and meritorious services. He was mustered out of volunteer service on the 15th of January, 1866, and joined his regiment at Fort Ellsworth, Kan., on the 21st of May, and commanded it until September, when he availed himself of a leave of absence until December, and re- , joined the regiment at Fort Laramie, Wy- 384 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. oming, and commanded it until August, 18(j7, and again from November, 18G7, to July, 1868. He was promoted colonel of the Second Cavalry, to date from .June 9, 1868. He served as a member of a board convened at Washington to pass upon a system of cavalry tactics from July, 18G8, to June, 1869, when he rejoined his regi- ment and served at Omaha Barracks until September, 1872. He was then transferred, with his regimental headquarters, to Fort Sanders, Wyoming, where he served until the fall of 1876. He also commanded the District of the East Platte during the sum- mer of 1872 ; served as a member of a Cav- alry Equipment Board convened at Fort Leavenworth in 1874, and as a member of a Board on a Carbine Cartridge in 1875. He availed himself of a sick-leave of ab- sence from September, 1876, to March 20, 1879, when he was retired from active ser- vice, at his own request, having served over thirty years. Grier, William N. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa ; graduate M. A., class of '3-5; brevet 2d It. 1 Dragoons July 1, '35; 2d It. June l-i, '36; Ist It. Apri'l 14, '38; at the Military Academy as in- structor in cavalry tactics, and on frontier duty to the breaking out of the war with Mexico ; capt. Aug. 23, '46 ; partici- pated in the war with Mexico ; brevet major March 16, '48, for gallant and mer- itorious conduct in the battle of Santa Cruz de Rosales ; on frontier duty inclu- ding various Indian expeditions aiid skir- mishes, to 1861 ; major 2d Dragoons April 20, '61 ; acting inspector-general Army of the Potomac ; It.-col. 1st Cav. Feb. 15, '62; commanded his regiment in the Vir- ginia Peninsuhvr campaign, participating in the several engagements of that cam- paign, being wounded at the battle of Williamsburg, and receiving the brevet of col. May 5, '62, for gallant and meri- torious services in that battle ; chief mus- tering and disbursing officer for the State of Iowa, '63-65; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war; col. 3d Cav. Aug. 31, '66; chief mustering and disbursing officer for Western Pennsylvania ; super- intending mounted recruiting service, and on frontier duty with his regiment, '66-70; retired at his own request for over thirty years' service, Dec. 15, 1870. Cullum, George W. Born in N. Y. Appointed from Pa.; graduate M. A., class of 1833; brevet 2 It. Eng. July 1, '33; 2 It. April 20, '36; capt. July 7, '38; from his graduation to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he was en- gaged in various important engineer duties; he was A.D.C. from April 9 to Aug. 6, 1861, when he became major of Engs. and A. A.D.C. with the rank of colonel, serving in the latter capacity on thestaif of Lieutenant-General Scott, gen- eral-in-chief ; he was appointed brigadier- general vols. Nov. 1, 1861, and was chief of staff and of Engineers to JMajor-Gen- eral HuUcck while commanding the De- partment of Missouri and Jlississippi, and general-in-chief of the armies of the U.S. 1861-64; he was promoted to lieut.-col. Engs. March 3, 1863; engaged in estab- lishing defensive works, directing at Cairo operations auxiliary to the Western ar- mies in the field, making armed reconnois- sances of Columbus, Ky. ; as chief of Engineers in campaign and siege of Cor- inth, and fortifying its approaclies after its evacuation ; as member of special and engineer boards, and in organizing the defenses of Nashville, Tenn., the great depot of supplies for Western armies ; and us superintendent of U.S. Military Academy 1864-66 ; brevet colonel, briga- dier-general, and major-general March 13, 1865, for faithful, meritorious, and distin- guished services ; promoted to col. Engi- neers March 7, 1867 ; member of the board of engineers for fortifications from 1866- 74 ; retired from active service, being over sixty-two years of age, Jan. 13, 1874. Benham, Henry W. Born in Conn. Ajipointed from Conn. ; graduated first in his class at the Military Academj'' July 1, 1837; brevet 2 It. Eng. July 1, '37; asst, engineer on the improvementof Savannah River, Ga., '37-38; first lieut. Corps of Engs. July 7, '38; superintending engi- neer of the repairs of Ft. Marion and St. Augustine Sea-wall, Fla., '39-44; of re- pairs of the defenses of Annapolis Har- bor '44-45 ; of the repairs of St. Augustine Sea-wall, Fla., '45-46; of repairs of Fts, Mifflin and McHenry '45, and of the re- pairs of Fts. Madison and Washington '46-47; in the war with Mexico; served- as engineer on the stafls of Genls. Taylor and Wool ; was engaged and wounded in the battle of BuenaYista, Feb. 22-23, '47 ; bvt capt. Feb. 23, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista ; Gen. Scott recommending a second brevet of major for "his great services" in that action ; asst. eng. and supt. eng. in, charge of the repairs of the defenses of New York Harbor '48-9 ; captain Corps of Engineers May 24, '48; superintending engineer of the construction of the Sea- wall for the protection of Gt. Brewster Isl- land, Boston Harbor, '49-52; of building the Buffalo light-house, N. Y., '52; and of Washington Navy Yard '52-3 ; as as- sistant in charge of U. S. Coast Survey Office at Washington, D. C, and on duty EETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 385 in Europe cormocted therowith March 29, '58, to Nov. 1, '56; with 11. E. Lee and G. B. McClelhm, was sek;cted from the ensjineers for jiromotion in the new reg'ts of '55 ; major 9ih Infantry March 3, '55, declined ; memher of commission for New Yoriv Docks '55; superintending engineer of the building of Fts. Winthrop and In- dependence. Boston Harbor, '5G-7 ; of Ft. at Clark's Point, New Bedford Harbor, and repairs of Ft. Adams, Newport Har- bor, and of improvements of Plymouth and Provincetown Harbors '57-58 ; of building Sandy Hook fort '58-()l, and of the Potomac Aqueduct '00; member and president of special boards of engineers for modifj'ing plans of Sandy Hook fort 'GO ; and engineer of tlie quarantine commis- sioners of New York Harbor '59-00; served during the rebellion of the Seced- ing States '01-0 ; as chief engineer of Gen. McClellan, Dept. of the OIho, May 14 to July 22, '61, laying out and building forti- fications at Cairo and Bird's Point; was temporarily on the staff of Gen. T. A. Morris, in militarj' operations- at Laurel Hill, West Va., July 6-11, '61; and in command of all the troops that pursued, routed, and killed Gen. Kobt. S. Garnett, capturing his trains with artillerj' July 13, '61 ; and thus, as the gen. comdg. re- ported, "Secession was dead in West Va." ; bvt. colonel July 13, '61, for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Corrick's Ford, Va. ; this commission (the first battle brevet of the war) makes him the senior bvt. maj. -general of the Corps of Engineers ; and he was recom- mended to be bvt. brig. -gen. by the board of general officers for this action ; major Corps of Engs Aug. 6, '61 ; brig. -general TJ. S. Vol. Aug. 13, '61 ; acting inspector- general, Dept. of the Ohio, Aug. 5-16 ; in West Virginia campaign Aug. -Nov. '61 ; in command of brigade at Npw Creek Aug. 16; commanded the leading and only brigade engaged at the action and rout of Floyd, at Carnifex Ferry, Sept. 10, '61; and on Nov. 14 to 16, '61, in the skirmishes and second rout of Floyd, from Cotton Hill to Raleigh, West Va., with great loss of baggage and trains, and his Chief of Cavalry, Col. Croghan, killed, thus ending, as rebel accounts stated, the " ill-fated campaign in West Virginia in a blaze of glory for the Yankees" ; superintending engineer of the fortifica- tions of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, March 8-20, 1862; in command of the northern district of the Dept. of the South March 21 to June 21, 1802; present and in command at the bombardment and capture of Ft. Pula.ski, Ga., April 10-11, '62 ; June 16, '62, ordered the assault on Se- cessionville, S. C, which failed from being made after sunrise, instead of at earliest light or befoi'e, as ordered, and by the un- authorized premature recall ol' tlie troops ; as superintendingengineer of tlie construc- tion of the fortifications of Portsmouth Harbor, N. H., Sept. 8, '62, to Feb. 28, '63 ; lieut. -colonel Corps of Engs. March 3, '08 ; reorganized and commanded ?]ngineer Brigade (Army of the Potomac), being en- gaged in throwing jionton bridges across the Ra}i[)aliannock for the passage and retreat of the army at Chancelforsville April 29-May 5, '03 ; his horse shot under him at the " crossing" below Fredericks- burg April 29, 1808; laid the ponton bridges at Franklin's crossing in face of the enemy June 5, '03; reorganized the ponton trains in Washington July, '03, to Ma}', '64 ; and laid most of the ])ont^ouri River; hastening back to Fort Dalles found the Indians greatly excited, the Yakima Indians under arms, and their agent. Major Bolan, murdered; proceed- ing with 102 enlisted men and four officers early in October, into the Yakima coun- try, when, near the present site of Fort Simcoe, was attacked by a large force of Indians, who were driven out of the tim- ber for the night ; next morning his camp was completely surrounded, his animals cut otf from grass and water; hourly dur- ing the day squads of mounted Indians were seen approaching and joining the war party ; Father Pamdoza, a Catholic priest, who was held as a prisoner, declared the number exceeded two thousand fit to bear arms ; they made, however, so little impression this day upon the command that they withdrew at night, affording an opportunity to reach ground more favor- able for marching in retreat that night, and the third day successfully kept a body of pursuing warriors at bay, while retreating to the Dalles, bringing all the wounded, and the commissary-ser- geant, who in the last charge upon the savages, was killed ; returned under Major Reims, 4th Infantry, and again under Col. George Wright, 9th Infantry, into the Yakima country 1855 and 1856; major 7th Infantry September 25, 1861 > 390 KECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY, served during the war of the Rebellion on the stuff of General McClellan as com- mandant of general headquarters, having under his command in that capacity the 93d Regt. N. Y. Vols., and remaining so employed through the Virginia and Mary- land campaigns of Gen. McClel an, the sub- sequent campaign of Gen. Burnside, and through a portion of General Hooker's ; was appointed provost-marshal-general for Maryland, but, in consequence of General Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, was as- signed to duty on the staff of Gen. Couch, commanding at Harrisburg, Penna., and served thereon until July 25, 1863 ; dis- missed from the service by Secretary Stan- ton for alleged "disloyal conduct and the utterance of disloyal sentiments" July 25, 1863 ; allowed a court of inquiry by joint resolution of Congress March 3, 1879; declared " wrongfully dismissed," and re- turned to service from Washington Ter- ritory July 1, 1879, as colonel of Infantry, to rank from February 19, 1873; assigned to 23d Infantry December 11, 1879; retired February 6, 1882. Woods, Charles R. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio; graduate M. A., class of 1852; brevet 2 It. 1 Inf. July 1, '52; 2 It. July 31, '52; on duty at Fort 'Columbus, N. Y. H., Sept. 30 to Oct. 24, 1852; at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., to Nov. 1852 ; thence he proceeded to Texas and joined company Dec. 16, 1852; served therewith to May 12, 1855, when he left to join the 9th Infantry, to which he had been assigned March 3, 1855; recruiting for regiment from June 12, 1855, to Nov. 28, 1855, having been promoted to 1st lieut. Oct. 16, 1855; with regiment at Fort Monroe, Va., to Dec. 15, 1855; thence with regiment to and in Washington Ter- iritory to Nov. 3, 1857 ; on leave of absence to January 21, 1858; on recruiting service ■ and en route to company to Sept. 17, 1858 ; with regiment in Washington Territory ■to April 29, 1860; on general recruiting service at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to April 20, 1861 ; captain April 1, 1861 ; on •duty at Generals Patterson's and Banks' headquarters in Maryland to Aug. 18G1 ; on recruiting service at St. Louis, Mo., to October 3, 1861 ; mustered into service as ■colonel 76th Ohio Volunteers 13th October, 1861 ; .commanding 44th Ohio Volunteers ■in the West Virginia campaign from Oc- tober 14, 1861, to Nov. 13, 1861 ; 10th Ohio Volunteers in same campaign to Nov. 18, 1861 ; at Newark, Ohio, organizing, drill- ing, and equipping his regiment to Feb. 9, 1862; commanding regiment in the Dis- trict of West Tennessee to Feb. 21, 1862; 3d Brigade, 3d Division, District of West Tennessee, to April 6, 1862; his regiment in same brigade to April 25, 1862 ; the brigade to August, 186:.' ; 2d Brigade, 3d Divi-sion, Army of the Southwest, to Oct. 15, 1862 ; 3d Division, Army of the South- west, to October 28, 1862; 2d Brigade, 3d Division, to December 16, 1862; his regi- ment in 15th Corps to April 2, 1863, and 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Corps, to July 30, 1863 ; brevet It. -col. July 4, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Vicksburg, Miss., and brevet col. Nov. 24, 1863, for gallant and mer- torious conduct in the battle of Chatta- nooga, Tenn. ; on leave of absence to Au- gust 18, 1863 ; brig. -gen. vols. Aug. 22, 1863 ; commanding 2d Brigade, 1st Di- vision, 15lh Corps, to Sept. 1, 1863, and 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Corps, to Oct. 31, 1863 ; 1st Division, 15th Corps, to November 23, 1863, and 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Corps, to December 23, 1863 ; on leave of absence to January 13, 1864; commanding 1st Division, 15th Corps, to February, 1864; major 18th In- fantry April 20, 1864 ; commanding l-^t Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Corps, to July 15, 1864; 1st Division, 15th Corps, to Au- gust, 1864 ; resumed command of same division Sept. 23, 1864, and remained in command thereof to July, 1865; brevet major-general volunteers November 22, 1864, for l«ng and continued services and for special gallantry at Griswoldsville, Ga. ; brevet brig. -gen. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Atlanta, Ga., and brevet major-general (same date) for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ben- tonville, N. C. ; commanding Department of Alabama from July 18, 1865, to June 1, 186G ; Department of the South to Au- gust 18, 1866 ; mustered out of volunteer service September 1, 1866; transferred to 27th Infantry September 21, 1866; lieut.- col. 33d Infantry July 28, 1866 ; command- ing District of the Chattahoochie to March 1,1867; on permission to delay to June 14, 1867; una.-signed March 15, 1869; as- signed to 5th Infantry March 24, 1869; commanding depot, Newport Barracks, Ky., to April 16, 1869; commanding post of Fort Wallace, Kansas, May 1, 1869, to (and troops in field at Kit Carson, C. T.) Feb. 20, 1871 ; on sick-leave to July 15, 1871 ; member of Army Regulation Board to March, 1872; on S.C.D. to March 5, 1873; commanding Fort Larned, Kas., to March 28, 1873 ; col. 2d Infantry March 3, 1874 ; on sick-leave and on S.C.D. from March 28, 1873, till retired for disability incurred in line of duty Dec. 15, 1874. Woodward, George A. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; capt. Pennsylvania Reserves May 27, 1861 ; assigned to 2d RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 591 Rcgt. June, 1801 ; promoted to major Apr. 2, 18G2 ; engaged at the battles of Mechan- icsville (commandirig extreme right of Union line), Gaines' Mill, and Charles City Cross-Koads (or Glendale), in which battle was twice wounded ; taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. ; promoted Jieut.-col. Feb. 20,1803; commanding regiment, and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 18()3; at close of Gettysburg campaign applied for honorable discharge on account of disa- bility from wounds; withdrew that appli- cation at request of division commander, by whom was tendered the position of in- spector-general of the division ; pending consideration of such tender, received an appointment as major in Invalid Corps accompanied by a letter from the provost- marshal-general explaining that no higher grade than that of major had yet been created in that corps, but that if, as was expected would soon be the case, higher grades should be authorized, his claim to higher rank would be duly considered; major Invalid Corps, August 24, 1863; and lieut.-col. Sept. 2o,1863; colonel Dec. 4, 1863; col. 22d Regt. Vet. Res. Corps to July 20, 1866, when he was honora- bly mustered out of the volunteer service ; performed duty while in Vet. Kes. Corps, commanding the depot camp of the corps in Washington, and camps in Philadel- phia, Columbus, and Cleveland; member and subsequently president of a board for the examination of applicants for com- missions in the Vet. Res. Corps ; special duty in the inspector-general's depart- ment, making " investigations within the cities of Washington and Alexandria, and the department of Washington, into the matter of granting passes at the vari- ous pass-offices and headquarters issuing them," and "a general examination of the subject of the transit across our lines and the Potomac River of persons and goods within the Department of Wash- ington, and as high up the Potomac as Harper's Ferry ;" president of a military commission Washington, D. C. ; tour of inspection duty to Hartford, Conn., on returning from which found communica- tion with Washington cut by enemy ; re- ported for duty to Genl. C'adwallader in Philadelphia, and by his orders proceeded to Washington, by sea, in command of five companies of convalescents organized from hospitals, to assist in defense of Washington ; president of a board for transferring enlisted men to Vet. Res. Corps ; being in Washington awaiting orders on the night of President Lin- coln's assassination, volunteered his ser- vices, and acted as tield-otiicer of the day in charge of the special guards established that night; president of a military com- mission at Columbus, Ohio ; temporarily commanding District of Ohio; accepted appointment as lieutenant-colonel 45 Inf. U. S. Army Sept. 18, 1866; assigned to duty superintending regimental recruiting service at Louisville, Ky. ; superintended recruitment of and oi'ganized the 45th Regt. Inf. U. S. Army ; ordered with it to Na>hville, Tenn., April, 1867 ; on recommendation of his division com- mander was brevetted colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Genl. Meade forwarding such recommendation with the following in- dorsement: " Respectfully forwarded, con- curring in the recommendation that Lt - Col. Woodward be brevetted colonel for Gettysburg, and furthermore that he be brevetted brig. -genl. for distinguished good conduct in the field during the war"; in 1869 the 45th and 14th Regi- ments of Infantry having been consoli- dated, was retained as It. -col. 14lh Inf. ; took post at Taylor Barracks, Louisville, Ky. ; on court-martial duty at Louisville and Charleston, S. C, until July, 1870; proceeded to Fort Randall, Dakota, and assumed command of regiment, establish- ing Camp Lovell ; proceeded in command of regiment to Omaha, Nebraska, and by order of department comm-inder estab- lished regimental headquarters at Fort Sedgwick, Colorado; in spring of 1871 in command of four companies marched to and assumed command of Fort Fetter- man, Wyoming Territory ; was offered and declined appointment of acting in- spector-genl. of department; took com- mand of Sidney Barracks, Nebraska, Maj'^, 1873 ; commanding post of Fort McPher- son and District of the Republican, Ne- braska, 1874 to June, when proceeded to Fort Cameron, Utah, and assumed com- mand of post; promoted to colonel 15th Inf. U. S. Army Jan. 10, 1876; on sick- leave on account of breaking out of an old wound in foot; retired for disability re- sulting from wounds March 20, 1879. Fry, James B. Born in Illinois. Ap- pointed from 111.; graduate M. A., class of 1847 ; brevet 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, '47 ; 2d It. 1st Art. Aug. 20, '47; 1st It. Feb. 22, 1851; joined his regiment in the city of Mexico during the Mexican war; on gar- rison and frontier duty and at the Military Academy, of which he was adjutant from Aug. 1, '54, to Aug. 31, '59, becoming bvt. captain and asst. adjt.-gen. March 16, '61 ; chief of statf to Brig. -Gen. McDowell dur- ing his campaign of 1 861, taking part in the first battle of Bull Run ; captain and asst. adjt.-general Aug. 3, 1861 ; col. and addi- 392 KECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS V.S. ARMY. tional A.D.C. Nov. 14, '61 ; chief of staflF to Major-General Buell in 1861-62; major Aprir22, 1862, and It.-col. Dec. 31, 1862 ; provost-marshal-general of the U.S. (hrig- adier-general) from 1868-66 (as provost- marshal-general he put into the army by conscription, su^.stitulion, and voluntary enlistment 1,120,621 men; arrested and returned to the army 76,562 deserters ; made an exact enrolment of the national forces, showing that there remained in the country liable to conscription, but not called out, 2,254,073 men; and collected, under a money-commutation clause of the enrolment act, $26,866,316.78) ; brevetted colonel March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Eun (first), Va., brig. -gen. (same date) for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Shiloh, Tenn., and Perryville, Ky.,and maj.-gen.(same date) for faithful, meritorious, and distinguished services in the provost-marshal-general's department during the war; promoted colonel March 8, 1875; served since 1866 as assistant ad- jutant-general of the Military Divisions of the Pacific, the South, and the Atlantic, and retired at his own request, for over thirty years' service, July 1, '81. Laidley, Theodore T. Born in Ya. Appointed from Va.; graduate M. A., class of 1842; brevet 2d lieut. Ordnance July 1, '42; participated in the war with Mexico, receiving the brevets of captain April 18, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo, and major Oct. 12, 1847, for gallant and meri- torious conduct \n the defense of Puebla ; he became captain for fourteen years' ser- vice July 1, 1856 ; was promoted to major June 1, 1863; he was brevetted lieut.-col. and colonel Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the ordnance de- partment, became It.-col. March 7, 1867, and colonel April 14, 1875 ; he was retired at his own request, for over forty years' service, Dec. 4, 1882. Cuyler, John M. Born in Ga. Apptd. from Ga.; asst. surgeon April 1, 1884 ; at the Chickasaw Agency 1834 ; in Louisiana to 1838 ; present at the Creek and Seminole Indian wars 1836 and 1839-40; at Wash- ington, D. C, to 1842 ; Savannah, Ga., to 1846; in the war with Mexico to 1848; captain and assistant surgeon February 11, 1847; major and surgeon Feb. 16, 1847; at the Military Academy, West Point, N. y., to 1855; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to 1858; Fort Monroe, Va., to 1862; mem- ber of a medical board. New York City, April to June, 1860; lieutenant-colonel and medical inspector June 11, 1862, to October 31, '65 ; acting medical inspector- general, Washington, D. C, 1863 to 1865; president of a medical board, Philadel- phia, January to September, 1863 ; super- intending the removal of the sick and wounded from North and South Carolina and in Washington, D. C, January, 1865, to October, 1866 ; brevet colonel and brigadier-general U. S. Army for faithful and meritorious services during the war; post surgeon Fort Wadsworth, New York Harbor, October, 1866 ; medical director Department of the East ; colonel June 26, 1866; retired, by operation of law, June 30, 1882. Roberts, Joseph. Born in Del. Ap- pointed from Del.; graduate M. A., class of 1835; brevet 2d lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '85; 2d lieut. June 10, '36; 1st It. July 7, '88; on garrison and frontier duty, as yiroi'essor at the Military Academy, en- gaged in operations against the Seminoles in Florida, and on duty at the Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va., becoming captain Aug. 20, '48 ; he was promoted to major Sept. 3, '61, and was appointed col. 3d Pa. Art. Mar. 19, '63; promoted to It.- col. Aug. 11, '63 ; was brevetted col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and brig.-gen'l March 13, '65, and brig.-gen'l vols. April 9, '65, for meritorious and distinguished services dur- ing the war; he was honorably mustered out of his volunteer rank Nov. 13, '65, be- came colonel Jan. 10, '77, and was retired, being over sixty-two years of age, Julj' 2, 1877. Elliot, Washington L. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; cadet at the Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., June, 1841, to July, 1844 ; resigned July, 1844; second lieutenant Mounted Rifles May 27, 1846 ; with regiment, and engaged in the war with Mexico, until the surrender of Vera Cruz, Mexico ; on regimental recruiting service ; first lieutenant Mounted Rifles July 20, 1847; at Fort Laramie, D. T., September, 1851 ; en route to Jeft'erson Barracks, Mo. ; regimental quartermaster April 1, 1852, to July 20, 1854; in Texas to 1854; captain 3d Cavalry July 20, 1854; in Texas and New Mexico to De- cember, 1860 ; on mustering duty, Elmira, N. Y. ; in Missouri, and engaged at the action of Springfield and battle of Wilson's Creek ; colonel 2d Iowa Cavalry Septem- ber 14, 1861 ; major 1st U. S. Cavalry November 5, 1861 ; commanding Brigade of Cavalry, Army of the Tennessee, and engaged at the capture of New Madrid, Island No. 10, siege of Corinth, and raid on the Mississippi and Ohio Railroad ; brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers June II, 1862 ; chief of cavalry Army of Vir- ginia, August, 1862, and wounded at the battle of second Bull Run, Va. ; brevet RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 393 lieutenant-colonel IT. S. Army, April 7, 18G2, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Island No. 10, on the Mississippi River; brevet colonel U.S. army, May 30, 18(i'2, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the raid on the Missis- sippi and Ohio liailroaJ, and in the siege of Corinth, Miss. ; in the Department of the Northwest September, 1862, to Feb- ruary, 18G3 ; commanding Dejiartment November, 1862, to February, 1863; in tlie Middle Militarj^ Department to July, 1863; commanding division. Army of the Potomac, to October, 1863 ; command- ing 1st Cavalry division, Army of the Cumberland, and engaged reinforcing General Burnside in East Tennessee; commanding troops engaged at the action of Mossy Creek, Tenn. ; chief of cavalry, Army of the Cumberland ; engaged in the Atlanta campaign and pursuit of the rebel General Hood ; commanding division 4th Corps, December, 1864, to April, 1865; engaged in the battles around Nashville, Tenn.; en rouie to Texas, June, 1865; commiinding District of Kansas, August, 1865, to Februarj', 1866 ; brevet brigadier- general U. S. army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; brevet major-general U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war; brevet major-general U. S. Vol- unteers March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Nashville, Tenn. ; honorably mustered out of volunteer service March 1, 1866; lieutenant-colonel 1st Cavalry August 31, 1866 ; commanding regiment Fort Van- couver, W. T., February to October, 1867 ; commanding district of the Owyhee, head- quarters Fort Boise, I. T. ; colonel 3d Cav- alry April 4, 1878 ; retired at his own request for over thirty years' service March 20, 1879. King, William S, Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; asst. surgeon July 29, 1837; in Florida to January, 1840; at Fort Atkinson, I. T., to June, 1846 ; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to September, 1847; with the army of invasion and occupation of Mexico to July, 1848 ; en route to and at Monterey, Cal., to January, 1851 ; in the field to July, 1851 ; at Monterey, Cal., to September, 1852 ; San Diego, Cal., to March, 1854; Fort Moultrie, S. C, to September, 1856 ; major and surgeon Au- gust 29, 1856 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, to July, 1858; medical director and pur- veyor, San Antonio, Texas, to January, 1859 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, to May, 1859 ; medical purveyor and post surgeon, Albuquerque, N. M., to October, 1860; medical director, Santa Fe, N. M., to June, 1861 ; medical director, Army of Northeast Virginia, to August, 1861 ; of the Department of the Shenandoah, to May, 1862; of Philadelphia, to June, 1863; of the Department of the Susque- hanna, to October, 1863 ; and of the De- partment of the Ohio, to March, 1864; superintendent of hospitals, Cincinnati, to December, 1865; post surgeon, Cincin- nati, to November, 1866 ; brevet lieuten- ant-colonel and colonel U. S. A. March 3, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; medical director. De- partment of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich. ; retired by operation of law, June 30, 1882. Wood, Samuel. Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; graduate M. A., class of 1837 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. July 1, '37 ; 1 It. Dec. 25, '37; capt. Feb. 27, '43; served in the Florida war, being engaged in the battle of Okee-cho-bee ; became major 15 Inf. April 9, '47, and took part in the war with Mexico, being engaged in the battles of Contreras, Molino del Rey, and Chapul- tepec, for gallant and meritorious conduct, in which latter battle he was brevetted major and lieut.-col. Sept. 13, 1847; was disbanded and restored to the commission of Capt. 6 Inf. Aug. 7, '48; he was ap- pointed major and paymaster Dec. 24, '56 ; was brevetted It.-col Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and became lieut. -colonel and deputy paymaster-general June 7, '79; was promoted to col. and asst. P.M. genl. June 8, '80, and retired at his own request, for over forty years' service, Jan. 24, 1881. Lugenbeel, Pinkney. Born in Mary- land. Appointed from Ohio ; graduate M. A., class of 1840; brevet 2d lieut. 5th Infantry July 1, 1840; 2d It. Sept. 22, 1840; 1st It. June 29, 1846; regimental adjutant Feb. 1, 1847, to April 16, 1855; served in the Florida war, frontier duty, and the entire war with Mexico, 1846-'48; brevet captain August 20, 1847, for gal- lant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; brevet major Sept. 13, 1847, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battles of Chapul- tepec ; wounded in the battle of Churu- busco; frontier duty 1848-55; Fort Mon- roe, Va., and recruiting service, lb55; Capt: 9 Inf. Mar. 3, '55 ; frontier duty 1855-61 ; served during the war of the Rebellion ; commanding Fort Vancouver, Wash., instructing volunteers, Dec. 1861, to June, 1863 ; maj. 19 Inf. Dec. 31, 1862 ; frontier duly June-Oct. 1863 ; asst. pro- vost-marshal-general for Oregon and Washington Territories 1863-64; super- intendent reg. recruiting service; inspec- tor-general District of Michigan Jan. 394 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMT. 1864, to March, 1865 ; commanding battal- ion Lookout Mountain Mar. 1865;judse- advocate Department of Georgia July, 1865, to Jan. 18(50 ; frontier duty Jan. 1866, to June, 1807; It.-col. June 25, 1807; transferred to Ist Infantry Mar. 15, 1869; col. 5th Infantry Dec. 15, 1880; retired, being over sixty-two years of age, Feb. 6, 1882. Brannan, John M. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Ind. ; was graduated at the Military Academy in the class of 1841, being assigned to the 1 Art. with the rank of brevet"'2 It. July 1, 1841, and becoming 2 It. May 16, '42 ; promoted to 1 It. Mar. 8, '47 ; he was appointed reg- imental adjutnnt April 17, '47, and so re- mained to Nov. 4, '54 ; he took part in the war with Mexico, being engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, and Churubusco, and the capture of the city of Mexico, being severely wounded at the latter; he was brevetted capt. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; he was pro- moted to capt. Nov. 4, '54, and served in the operations against hostile Seminoles in Florida, and on garrison duty to the break- ing out of the war of the Rebellion, when he was appointed brig.-genl. vols. Sept. 28, '61 ; he commanded the forces engaged in the reduction of the enemy's works on the St. John River, compelling the evacu- ation of Jacksonville, Fla., and in the action of Pocotaligo, and was brevetted It.-col. Sept. 25, '02, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Jackson- ville, Fla. ; he M'as promoted to major Aug. 1, 'O.S, commanded a division in the Army of the Cumberland, and was en- gaged in the action of Hoover's Gap, the advance on Tullahoma, and the battle of Chickamauga, being brevetted col. Sept. 20, '08, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in that battle; chief of artillery and commanding artillery reserve in the Dept. of the Cumberland, beinu: engaged in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Dal- las, and Kenesaw Mountain, the passage of the Chattahoochie, and the siege of Atlanta ; he was brevetted maj.-genl. vols. Jan. 23, '05, brig.-genl. U.S.A.' Mar. 13, '05, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign against Atlanta, Ga.,- and maj.-genl. (same date) for gallant and meritorious services in the tield during the war ; he was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service May 81, '66, and de- clined the appointment of It.-col. 22 Inf. July 28, '60 ; was promoted to It.-col. 4 Art. Jan. 10, '77, and transferred to 1 Art. Mar. 16, '77 ; on the 15th of March, 1881, lie became col. 4 Art., and was retired, being over sixty-two years of age, April 19, 1882. Huston, Daniel, Jr. Born in Me. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1848 ; brevet 2d lieut. 8 Inf. July I, 1848; 2d lieut. 1st Inf. June 30, 1849; 1st lieut. Dec. 31, 1852; capt. Dec. 8, '56; on garrison, frontier, and recruiting duty to the breaking out of the war of the Re- bellion ; engaged in military operations in Missouri, becoming col. 7th Mo. Cav. Feb. 21, 1862; he was brevetted major Aug. 10, 1861, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the battle of "Wilson's Creek, Mo. ; and lieut. -col. July 4, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing tlie siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; he was promoted to major 11th Inf. Aug. 1, '63; was honorablj' mustered out of the volun- teer service Dec. 30, '64 ; on board of ex- amination of applicants for commissions in colored troops, and in command of his regiment '63-66; brevet col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; transferred to 23d Inf. Dec. 24, '08, and promoted to col. 5th Inf. Feb. 6, '82; he was retired, at his own re- quest, for over thirty years' service, June 22, 1882. Howe, Albron P. Born in Me. Ap- pointed from Me. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1841 ; 2d lieut. 4th Art. July 1, 1841 ; 1st lieut. June 18, 1846 ; on garri- son and frontier duty and at the Military Academy as professor to the breaking out of the war with Mexico ; engaged in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Molino del Rey, Contreras, Churubusco, and the capture of the city of Mexico; brevet capt. Aug. 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious con- duct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; on garrison duty to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, becoming capt. March 2, 1855; served in W. Va. campaign of 1801 ; commanded brigade of light artillery in the Peninsular campaign in Va. 1802 ; brig. -gen. vols. June 11, '62 ; engaged in the battles of Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettvsburg, 1802-63 ; maj. 4th Art. Aug. II, i803; on duty in Washington 1804- 66 ; brevet lieut. -col , col., brig. -gen., and maj.-gen. U.S.A. March 13, 1865, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the Rebellion ; honorably mustered out of vol- unteer service Jan. 15, 1866; lieut. -col. 20th Inf. (declined) July 28, 1866; lieut.- col. 2d Art. April 10, '79 ; col. 4th Art. April 19, 1882 ; retired by operation of law June 30, 1882. De Russy, Gustavus A. Born in New York. Appointed from Virginia ; second lieutenant 4 U. S. Artillery Mar. 8, 1847; engaged in the war with Mexico ; brevet KETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 395 first lieutenant and captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras, Churubusco,and Cha- pultepec, Mexico ; regimental quartermas- ter 1847 to 1857; at Fort Monroe, Va., August to October, 1848 ; first lieutenant 4th U.S. Artillery May 10, 1840 ; at Fort Pickens, Fla., to Aug. 1849; depot com- missary of subsistence, Tampa, Fla., to October, 1850; at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, to 18-53; Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., to 1856 ; quartermaster and com- missary of subsistence Pilatka and Lake Monroe, Fla.; commanding Fort Center and supplying Fort McCrea, Fla. ; quar- termaster at Fort Myers, Fla., to October, 1857; captain 4 U. S. Artillery Aug. 17, 1857; en route for Utah, May, 1858; at Ft. Kearney, Neb., to 1859; Ft. Ridgely, Minn., to 1861 ; Fort McHenry, Balti- more, Md., May to August, 18(31 ; with the Artillery Reserve, Army of the Poto- mac, to June, 1862 ; chief of artillery. General Hooker's Division, Army of the Potomac, August, 1862 ; engaged in the Peninsular campaign ; mustering and re- cruiting duty, New York, October to Nov. 1862; commanding Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac, December, 1862, to April, 1863 ; colonel 4th New York Volunteer Artillery March, 1863 ; briga- dier-general U. S. Volunteers May, 1863; commanding defenses of Washington, D. C, to August, 1865; district of' Mo- bile to January, 1866 ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in action near Pair Oak.^, Va. ; brevet It - col. U. S. Army for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the war ; com- manding Ft. Delaware, Del., to July, '66 ; maj. 3d U. S. Art. July 26, 1866; It.-col. Aug. 25, 1879 ; col. 4th Art. June 30, '82 ; trans, to 3d Art. July 17, '82; retired by operation of law Nov. 3, '82. Hinks, Edward W. Born in Maine. Appointed from Massachusetts ; second lieutenant 2d Cavalry April, 1861 ; lieu- tenant colonel 8th Ma.ssachusetts Volun- te^-rs April, 1861 ; commanding party en- gaged in cutting out the U. S. Frigate Constitution from Annapolis Harbor; col. 8th Massachusetts Volunteers May, 1861 ; resigned regular commission June, 1861 ; in Baltimore, Md., to July, 1861 ; col. 19th Massachusetts Volunteers, and en- gaged at the action of Ball's Bluff, siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, bat- tles of Fair Oaks, Oak Grove, Peach Or- chard, Savage Station, White-Oak Swamp, and Glcndale (severely wounded) ; re- joined command August, 1862, and en- gaged at the battles of Chantilly, South Mountain, and Antiotam (twice severely woundi^d) ; brigadier-general U. S. Vol- unteers November, 1862; member of a general court-martial March to June, 1863 ; commanding draft rendezvous and assist- ant to the provost-marshal-general, and superintendent volunteer recruiting; re- cruiting for the State of New Hampshire ; mustering and disbursing officer and mili- tary commander of the State of New Hampshire July, 1863, to March, 1864; commanding district of St. Mary's, Md., and depot of prisoners, Point Lookout, Md., to April, 1804 ; commanding 3d Di- vision, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to July, 1864 ; engaged at the action of Bay- lor's Farm and assault on Petersburg June, 1864; left the field from disability arising from wounds ; president of a gen- eral court-martial July to Sept. 1864 ; commanding draft rendezvous. Hart's Isl- and, N. Y. Harbor, to January, 1865 ; assistant to the provost-marshal-general and superintendent volunteer recruiting service, Southern Division of New York, to March, 1865; same duty for4;he West- ern Division of Pennsylvania June, 1865; brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services ; resigned June, 1865; lieutenant-colonel 40th In- fantry July 28, 1866 ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Va. ; commanding post of Fort Macon, N. C, and provost-marshal- general 2d Military District, Charleston, S. C, from 1866 to 1867; trans, to 25th Inf. 15 March, '69; retired with rank of colonel 15 Dec, '70, for wounds received in line of duty. Starr, Samuel H. Born in New York. Appointed from the army ; private, cor- poral, and sergeant 4th Art. 1832-37 ; ser- geant Battalion U. S. Engineers 1847-48; in the Mexican War, and engaged at the siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and City of Mexico ; brevet second lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons June, 1848 ; second lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons July, 1848; in Texas 1848-54; first lieu- tenant 2d U. S. Dragoons Nov. 1851 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Fort Kearney, Neb., Fort Laramie, D. T., and Fort Pierre, Neb., to 1861, being engaged in the Sioux Indian and Utah expeditions ; on the staff of General Mansfield, Wash- ington, D. C, 1861 ; mustering duty in Vermont and Pennsylvania June to Sep- B96 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICEKS U.S. AKMY. tember, 1861 ; colonel 5tli New Jersey Volunteers August, 18G1 ; commanding brigade to May, 1862, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, Va. ; commanding regiment, and engaged at the battle of Williamsburg (wounded); commanding brigade, and engaged at the battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Seven Days' Fight, Malvern Hill, and retreat to Har- rison's Landing, Va. ; resigned colonelcy of volunteers October, 1862 ; on recruiting dutv, Washington, D. C, to April, 1863; major 6th U. S. Cavalry April, 1863; joined regiment, and engaged at the action of Upperville (commanding regular bri- gade, and wounded), Gettysburg cam- paign, and aetic)n of Fairtield, Pa. (wounded, losing right arm) ; chief mus- tering and disbursing officer, Ohio, Oc- tober, 1863, to September, 1864; com- manding Remount Camp, Pleasant Val- ley, Md., November, 1864; special in- spector of cavalry. Armies of the Potomac and James, to August, 1865 ; en route with regiment for Texas October, 186.5; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Williams- burg, Va. ; brevet lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army i^v gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the action of Upperville, Va. ; brevet colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the action of Fair- field, Pa. ; retired with rank of colonel 15th Dec, 1870, for loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Marshall, Elisha"G. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduate M. A., class of 1850; brevet 2 It. 4 Inf. Julv 1, '50 ; 2 It. 6 Inf. May 15, '51 ; on frontier duty, including the Utah expedition, march to California, and Indian skirmish- ing, and on recruiting service to breaking out of the war of the Rebellion ; becom- ing 1 It. March 26, '55 ; capt. May 14, '61 ; on mustering and disbursing dutv '61-2 ; col. 13 N. Y. Infantry April 20," '62; in Peninsular campaign, Va., and engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Mal- vern Hill ; brevet maj. June 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; engaged in battles of Manassas, Antietam, and Fred- ericksburg, in which latter he was severely wounded ; brevet It. -col. Dec. 13, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; honorably mustered out of volunteer service Mav23, '63 ; col. 14 N. Y. Art. Jan. 4, '64 ; com- manded a brigade in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, assault on Petersburg (June 17, '64, where he was wounded), siege of Petersburg, and the action succeeding the mine explosion, where he was made prisoner, and for gal- lant and meritorious services in which action he was brevetted col. July 30, '64 ; he was brevetted brig. -gen. vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices, and brig. -gen. U.S.A. (same date), for gallant and meritorious service during the Rebellion ; major 5 Inf. June 12, '65; honorably mustered out of volunteer ser- vice Aug. 26, '65; on frontier duty till retired with the rank of colonel for wounds received in line of duty Dec. 15, 1870. Rodenbough, T. T. Second lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons March, 1861 ; post adjutant and quartermaster, Carlisle Bar- racks, Penna., to January, 1862 ; first lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry May, 1861; in the defense of AVashington, and com- manding company in the Peninsular cam- paign, being captured by the rebels near Centreville, Va., and paroled and ex- changed one week after ; captain 2d U. S. Cavalry July, 1862; organizing company October, 1862, to January, 1863; engaged at the battle of Beverly Ford, action of Upperville, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Williamsport, Boonsboro', Funkstown, Falling Waters, Manassas Gap, and Brandy Station ; commanding regiment, performing picket duty winter of 1863 and 1864, and in Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry campaign, being engaged at the battle of Todd's' Tavern, actions of Culpepper Court-House, Old Church, battles of Tre- villian Station (wounded). Cold Harbor, and actions of Winchester (wounded and lost right arm) ; on general recruiting service Philadelphia November, 1864, to April, 1865; member of board to examine breech-loading arms, Springfield Armory, Mass., January, 1865; colonel 18th Penn- sylvania Cavalry April, 1865 ; bvt. briga- dier-general U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; assigned to duty according to his brevet rank, and comdg. brigade, Dis. of Cum- berland, June to Nov. '65; on staff of Maj. -Gen. Dodge, and A.Q.M. Gen. U. S. forces in Kansas and the Territories, Dec. '65, to May, '66 ; major 42 Inf. July, '66 ; with regiment and prest. of a board of ex- amination to May, '67 ; comdg. post of Plattsburg, N. Y., to Dec. '67 ; bvt. major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Trevillian Station ; bvt. It. -col. for gallant and meritorious services at the action of Winchester, Va. ; bvt. col. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. ; bvt. brig. -gen. for gallant and meritori- ous services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; comdg. regiment and post of Madi- RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 397 son Bks. from Dec. '67, to 'G9 ; unassigned 15 March, '09; retired Dec. 15, '70, with rank of colonel for loss of right arm from wound in lino of duty. Lewis, John R. Born in Penn. Sept. 22, 1834. Enlisted the 20th of April, 1801, and served as sergeant Co. 11, 1st Vt. Inf., in Peninsular campaign, hattle of Big Bethel, etc. ; discharged Aug. 15, 1861 ; capt. of Co. I, 5th Vt. Vols., Sept. 16, 1861 ; niaj. July 16, 1862; It.-col. Oct. 6, 1862, and'servcd in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac until May 5, 1864, on which date lost left arm at shoul- der-joint from gunshot wound ; col. 5th Regl. Vt. Vols. June 5, 1864 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 11, 1864; col. 1st Regt. Veteran Res. Corps Sept. 8, 1864 ; ac- cepted Sept. 12, 1864; served on hoard for examination of officers for transfer to Vet. Reserve Corps to Dec. 26, 1864; on board for examination of enlisted men in hos- pital for transfer to Vet. Res. Corps, etc., to June, 1865 ; brevet brig.-genl. vols. March 13, 1865; in command of Post of Elmira, N. Y., to October, 1865 ; awaiting orders at Buffalo, N. Y., to Dec. 1865; insp.-genl. on staff of Brig.-Genl. Clinton B. Fisk at Nashville, Tenn., to August, 1866 ; asst comr. Bureau R. F. & A. L. (witb brevet rank), Nashville, Tenn., to Jany. 1867; maj. 44th Regt. U. S. Infty. Jany. 22, 1867; accepted April 1, 1867; mustered out vol. commission March 31, 1867; ins.-genl. on staff of Col. and Bvt. Brig.-Genl. C. C. Sibley, at Savannah, Macon, and Atlanta, Ga., to 1869 ; unas- signed March 15, 1869; assistant commis- sioner B. R. F. & A. L., State of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga., to April 28, 1870; brevet It.- col. U. S. A., March 2, 1867; brevet col. U. S. A., March 2, 1867; retired with rank of col. U. S. A. April 28, 1870; total active service eight years and eleven months. Yates, Theodore. Born in Mo. Ap- pointed from Mo. ; capt. 1 Mo. Inf. April 25, '61 ; hon. must, out Oct. 10, '61 ; capt. 13 Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; ace. Oct. 11, '61 ; trans, to 31 Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; retired with rank of colonel Nov. 1, '67, for wounds in line of duty; bvt. maj. Julj' 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the sieg'' of Vicksburg. Walker, Moses B. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; captain 12th U. S. Infantry August, 1861 ; colonel 37th Ohio Volunteer Infantry September, 1861 ; bvt. brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; brevet major and lieutenant- colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services during the war ; recruit- ing duty in Ohio August, 1865, to Febru- ary, 1866 ; col. U. S. Army December, 1870; retired December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. Kilpatrick, Robert L. Born in Scot- land April 20, 1825; served in British Army from April 20, 1841, until March 23, 1851 ; raised Co. B, 5th Ohio Infantry Vols., April 20, 1861; appointed captain April 22, and mustered in May 9, 1861 ; in West Virginia July 10, 1861 ; present at action at lilue's Gap Jan. 7, 1862 ; bat- tle of Port Republic June 9, 1862 ; cap- tured by rebels during retreat from this battle, and held a prisoner two months eleven days ; on duty at Covington, Ky., organizing and drilling volunteers during the Kirby Smith raid, and then com- manded provost-guard at Camp Lew "Wal- lace, near Columbus, Ohio, until Novem- ber, 1802 ; joined regiment at Harper's Ferry, Va., November, 1862; present at defense of Dumphries, Va., Dec. 27, '62; promoted lieutenant-colonel April 13, '63; commanded regiment at battle of Chan- cellorsville, Va., May 1, 2, and 3, 1863; severely wounded and lost right arm in action on the forenoon of the 3d ; com- manded regiment at battle of Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864; present at bat- tle of Resaca, Ga., May 14 and 15, 1864; commanded regiment on the night of the 15th, when it cut out and brought off four pieces of artillery and the flag from a rebel hill redoubt near Resaca ; present at action at Pumpkin-Vine Creek and battle of New Hope Church, Ga., May 25 until June 1, 1864; resigned commission Aug. 17, '"64; appointed captain Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 28, 1864, and to a company of provisional cavalry and provost-marshal of Camp Stoneman, D. C. ; appointed assistant provo. -marshal Military District of Wash- ington, and commander of Forrest Hall prison November 22, 1864 ; ordered to Alexandria, Va., to duty with provost- marshal of defenses south of the Potomac Jan. 18, 1865 ; on duty in Washington, D. C, May 8th until August, 1865; as- signed to Co. G, 6th Regiment V. R. C, stationed at Johnson's Island, Ohio, from August until December, 1865; must, out June 30, 1806 ; captain 42d U. S. Inftry. July 28, 1866 ; recruiting service at Brook- lyn and Albany, N. Y., November, 1866, until April 15, 1867 ; joined depot at Hart's Island, N. Y. H. ; at Sackett's Harbor in command of Co. F May 9, '67, until May 4, 1868; commanding post of Fort Ontario, N. Y., until April 10, 1869 ; military commissioner of 11th District of Virginia, and superintendent of registra- tion and election June 3, 1869, until Feb. 10, 1870; general recruiting service at N. 398 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. York City from Aug. 3 until Dec. 15, '70, when retired with full rank of colonel ; volunteer brevets of major and lieutenant- colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; army brevets of major for gallantry in the battle of Port Repub- lic June 9, 1862, and lieutenant-colonel for gallantry in the battle of Chancellors- ville, Va. Conrad, Joseph. Born in Germany. Appointed from Maine ; captain od Mis- souri Volunteers April, 18G1 ; major 3d Missouri Volunteers September, 18Gl,and engaged at the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo., action of Carthage, Mo., battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., and siege of Corinth, Miss. ; lieutenant-colonel 15th Missouri Volunteers May, 1862; colonel 15th Mis- souri Volunteers November, 1862, and en- gaged at the battles of Perryville, Chick- amauga. Missionary Ridge (wounded), and Lookout Mountain ; commanding brigade. Army of the Cumberland, in the Atlanta campaign ; engaged at the action of Spring Hill, Tenn., battles of Nash- Anlle, Tenn. (wounded), and Franklin, Tenn. (wounded) ; commanding 3d Bri- gade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, November, 18G4, to June, 1865; commanding 2d Di- vision, 4th Corps, to October, 1865; com- manding Sub-District of Victoria, Texas, to February, 1866 ; brevet brigadier-gen. TJ. S. Vols, for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign ; captain 29th U. S. Infantry July, 1866; brevet major U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious conduct in the Atlanta campaign ; brevet lieut.-col. U.S.A. for gallant and meritori- ous conduct at the battle of Franklin, Tenn. ; brevet colonel U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Na.shville, Tenn.; transferred to 11 Inf. April 25, 1869, and on frontier duty until retired with rank of colonel, Oct. 23, 1882. McNett, Andrew J. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; capt. 93d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 11, 1861; lion. must, out June 12, 1863 ; It.-col. 141st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 13, 1864; hon. must, out June 8, 1865; bvt. brig.-gen. July 28, 1866, for distinguished services at battles of Resaca, Dallas, Culp's Farm, and Peacli-Tree Creek; capt. 44th Inf. July 28, '66; bvt. maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Resaca, Ga. ; bvt. It.-col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Peach-Tree Creek ; unassigned May 27, '69; retired with rank Dec. 15, '70, for loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Catlin, Isaac S. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; col. 109th N. Y. Vol. Inf. ; bvt. brig.-gen. U. S. Vols. ; bvt. maj. -gen. U. S. Vols, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Va. ; capt. 46th U. S. Inf. May, 1867; unassigned July, 1869; bvt. major U. S. armj^ for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of the AVil- derness, Va. ; bvt. It.-col. U. S. army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Va. ; col. JJ. S. Army May, 1870; retired May, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. Pulford, John. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from Michigan ; 1st It. 5th Mich. Vols. June, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Peach Or- chard, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill (wounded and taken prisoner), and Fredericksburg, Va. ; capt. 5th Mich. Vols. May, 1862 ; major 5th Mich. Vols. Jan. 1863, and engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. (wounded) ; It.-col. 5th Mich. Vols. May, 1863, and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded), actions of Wapping Heights, Salem Heights, Kelly's Ford, operations at Mine Run, and the battle of the Wilderness, Va. (wounded) ; col. 5th Mich. Vols. June, 1864, and engaged at the actions of Deep Bottom (commanding brigade), Boydton Plank-Road (wounded), battles of Hatch- er's Run and Sailor's Creek, Va. ; com- manding brigade. Provisional Division, Army of the Tennessee ; bvt. brig.-gen. U. S. Vols, for gallantry in action and efficiency in the line of duty ; 1st It. 37th U. S. Inf. Feb. 1866 ; on frontier duty ; unassigned May 19, 1869; retired with rank of col. Dec. 15, '70, for wounds in line of duty. Preston, Albert W. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; private 13th N. Y. Vols. April, 1861 ; 1st sergt. 13th N. Y. Vols. May, 1861 ; trans, to the 25th N. Y. Vols. 1861 ; 1st It. 25th N. Y. Vols. Nov. 1861 ; capt. 25th N. Y. Vols. Dec. 1861 ; engaged in the Peninsular campaign and at the battle of Antietam, Md. (severely wounded); capt. lOth Regt. Vet. Reserve Corps June, 1863 ; acting ordnance officer and assistant inspector-general 3d Bri- gade, 8th Corps, July to December, 1864; commanding company in the defenses of Washington, D. C. ; acting assistant adju- tant-general in Mississippi Dec. 1865, to Sept.""l867 ; bvt. major U. S. Vols, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the vari- ous actions upon the Peninsula from Han- over Court-House to Malvern Hill, and also at the battle of Antietam ; 2d It. 8th Cav. Sept. '67 ; joined regt. in the Dopt. of Pacific ; A. A. Adjt.-Gen. Dept. of Cal. April to Nov. '68; bvt. 1st lieut. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; bvt. capt. RETIKED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 399 U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; on duty in Washington from 18(58-70; re- tired with rank of col. Dec. 15, 1870, for wounds in line of duty. Thorn, George. Born in N. H. Ap- pointed from N.H ; graduated from M. A., (lass of '39, andbvt. 2dlieut. Top. En- gineers July 1, lo30; served on various surveys, etc., from 1840 to the period of the Mexican war, in which hepartici])ated, serving as aide-de-camp to Gen. Pierce ; first It. Top. Engs. Sept. 26, '49 ; survey duty, and in charge of niilitarv works, etc., from '48 to '61 ; capt. of Top. Engs. July 1, 1853 ; major Top. Engs. Sept. 9, 18G1 ; was constantly employed, filling various posi- tions of importance in line of his profes- sion during the entire period of the civil war, part of the time in the field, partici- pating in the Corinth campaign, and in the battle of Cedar Creek, etc. ; bvt. It. -col., bvt. col., and bvt. brig. -gen. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during tlie Rebellion ; It. -col. of Engineers July iO, 1866 ; col. of Engineers 21 March, '80 ; from the close of the Rebellion, 1865, to present date, '83, Col. Thorn has been constantly employed in charge of har- bor improvments, etc., and on April 23, having attained the age of 64, he was re- tired from active service. Getty, George W. Rorn in D.C. Ap- pointed from D.C. ; graduated from M. A. Julv 1, 1840; second lieut. 4th Art. Julv 1, 1840; fir.-t lieut. Oct. 31, 1845; served on the northern frontier 1840-42; Fort Monroe, Va., and Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1)^42-46-47 ; served during the Mexican war in the army under General Scott ; in Virginia, Florida, the two campaigns against the Seminoles, New York, N.C., Michigan, 1848-57; frontier duty 1857- 68, during Kansas disturbances ; frontier duty 18.58-61 ; brevet captain Aug. 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; captain 4 Art. Nov. 4, 1853 ; trans- ferred to 5 Art. May 14, 1861; lieut.-col. additional aide-de-camp Sept. 28, 1861 ; in command of a battalion of artillery in Ohio ; engaged in the actions with the rebel batteries on the Potomac Nov. -Dec. 1861 ; Virginia Peninsular, Maryland, and Rappahannock campaigns, 1862; de- fense ofSutl'olk, 1835; in command of the storming column in assault of Hill's Point, 1863; acting inspector-general of the Army of the Potomac, 1864; Richmond campaign, wounded at the battle of the "Wilderness May, 1864; Petersburg and Shenandoah campaigns 1864; defenses of Washington ; assaults upon the works at Petersburg 1865; capitulation of General Lee; in command of 1st Division Pro- visional Troops 1865 ; in command of the District of the Rio Grande Feb. to Aug. 1866 ; District of Texas Aug.-Oct. 1866 ; District of New Mexico 1867 ; brig. -gen. vol. Sept. 25, 1862; brevet It. -col." April 19, 1863, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the siege of Suffolk, Va. ; major 5 Art. Aug. 1, 1863 ; brevet col. May 5, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battles of Winchester and Pusher's Hill, Va. ; brevet brig. -general March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the capture of Peters- burg, Va. ; brevet maj.-gen. March 18, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; col. 37th In- fantry July 28, 1866 ; mu=tered out of volunteer service Oct. 9, 1866 ; transferred to 3d Infantry Mar. 15, 1869; transferred to 3d Art. Jan. 1, 1871 ; transferred to 4th Art 17 July, 1882, and retired by op- eration of law in 1883. Hunt, Henry J. Born in Mich. At an early age ho was taken to the Maumee Valley, in Ohio, from which State, at the age of 16, he was appointed to West Point, and graduated in 18.39 as second lieutenant of the Second Artillery, going at once to the frontier at Detroit, where he served during the Canada border troubles. He was promoted to first lieutenant June 18, 1846, and served during the Mexican war with distinction, being engaged at the siege and capture of Vera Cruz March, 1847; Cerro Gordo April, 1847; Churu- busco and capture of San Antonio August 20, 1847 ; Contreras, Molino del Rey (where he was twice wounded) Sejjt. 8, 1847 ; storming of Chapultepec Sept. 13, 1847, and the battles and captui'c of the city of Mexico, Sept. 13-14, 1847. For his gallantry at Contreras and Churu- busco he was brevetted captain, and major for Chapultepec. After the Mexican war he served in garrison at Forts McHenry and Monroe and on the Indian frontier until the breaking out of the rebellion. In 1856 he was nuide a member of the board of artillery officers which prepared the system of tactics and instructions for the use of light artillery which has since been in use in the army. September 28, 18.52, he was promoted to captain, and May 14, 1861, was made major of the newly-organized Fifth Artillery. His first service in 1861 was at Harper's Ferry, and next at the defense of Fort Pickens. At the first battle of Bull Run he was in command of all the artillery of the left wing, and after the defeat was en- gaged organizing the reserve artillery of the Army of the Potomac. September 28, 1861, he was made colonel and aide- 400 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. AEMY. de-camp and assigned to command of the artillery reserve corps he had organized, and from that time until the surrender at Appomattox his history was a brilliant part of that of the Army of the Potomac. He was made brigadier-general of volun- teers September 15, 1862, the commission being conferred for "specific distinguished service," and July 6, 1804, was brevetted major-general of volunteers for gallantry at Gettysburg and distinguished conduct in the campaign from the Rapidan to Pe- tersburg. He received the brevet of col- onel in the army for Gettysburg, brigadier- general for Petersburg, and major-general for gallantry and distinguished conduct during the war. He became lieutenant- colonel Third Artillery August 1, 1863, and colonel Fifth Artillery April 4, 1869. Early in 18G2 General Hunt became chief of artillery of the Armj' of the Potomac, and served in that capacity until the sur- render, being the only field officer of artil- lery whose whole service during the war was with his own arm of the service. His last active duty was in command of the Department of the South, with headquar- ters at Newport Barracks, Ky. Retired, 1883, by operation of law. Ekin, James Adams. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; 1 lieutenant and regimental quartermaster 12th Pennsylvania Inf. April 25 to Aug. 5, 1861 ; captain and assistant quarter- master vol. 7 August, 1861 ; asst. quarter- master and acting asst. commissary of subsistence Pittsburg, Pa., to October, 1861 ; asst. quartermaster Indianapolis, to December, 1803 ; captain and assistant quartermaster U. S. A. March, 1863 ; It.- col. and quartermaster vols. February 1, 1864, to August 1, 1864; chief quarter- master Cavalry Bureau, Washington, D. C, to February, 1864; It. -col. and chief quartermaster Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1864 ; col. and quartermaster in charge of the 1 Division of the quartermaster-gen l.'s office Wash- ington, D. C, August, 1864; It. -col. and deputy quartermaster-general IT. S. A. July 29, 1800 ; on duty in the office of the quartermaster-genl. Washington, D. C, April, 1870; chief quartermaster of the Fifth Military District and Department of Texas, May, 1872; chief quartermaster division and department of the South ; in charge of the Jeffersonville department of the quartermaster's department Jeffer- sonville, Ind., and disbursing agent of thequartermaster's department Louisville, Ky., August, 1883 ; col., assistant quarter- master-general U. S. A. Feb. 13, 1882; bvt. brig. -gen. vols. Mar. 8, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services during the war ; bvt. maj., It.-col., and col. U. S. A. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritori- ous services during the war; brig.-genl. U. S. A. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Aug. 31, 1883, retired from active service under the provision of Section 1 of the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1882 (S. O. 200,'^H. Q. of the A.). Pennypacker, Galusha. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; entering the service as a private on the outbreak of the civil war, he was on Aug. 22, 1861, ajipointed captain in the 97th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, and on Oct. 7 major; he became It.- col. June 7, and colonel Aug. 15, 1864; served in the department of the South to April, 1864; engaged in operations in and against Charleston ; with the 10th Corps, Army of the James, he participated in the attack on Drury's Bluil', May, 1864 (thrice wounded), and engaged in operations on the N. side of James River, and in front of Petersburg to Sept. 1864 ; commanded a brigade in the assault and capture of Port Harrison (wounded) and action of Darbytown Road ; in the final and suc- cessful attack upon Fort Fisher he led his brigade with great bravery, receiving severe wounds which confined him to the hospital till April, 1866, when he resigned, being meanwhile (Feb. 1865) appointed brigadier-general ; in July, 1866, he was appointed colonel of the 34th Infantry, U.S.A. ; transferred to the 16th Regiment in 1869 ; brevet brigadier-general for Fort Fisher, and major-general for gallant ser- vices during the war ; he served in com- mand of his regiment on garrison and frontier duty till 1883, when he was re- tired for disability resujting from wounds received in line of duty. Professors, with retired pay of Colonel. Bartlett, William H. C. Born in Pa. Appointed from Mo. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1826 ; 2d It. of Eng. July 1, '26 ; prof, at M. A. April 20, '36 ; retired at his own request, being over 62 years of age, with pay of colonel, Feby. 14, '71. Wier, Robert W. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; teacher at M. A. May 8, '34 ; prof. Aug. 8, '46 ; retired (over 62 years of age) with pay of colonel July 25, '76. Kendrick, Henry L., LL.D. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. H. ; graduate of M. A., class of 1835 ; bvt. 2d It. 2d Inf. July 1, '35; 2d It. April 1, '36; trs. to 2d Art. June 16, '36 ; 1st It. June 20, '37 ; capt. June 18, '46 ; prof, at M. A. March 3, '57 ; brig.-genl. (declined) Sept. 23, '61 ; retired at his own request, being over 62 KETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 401 years of age, with pay of colonel, Dec. 13, '80. De Janon, Patrice. Born in S. A. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; sword-master Jany. (i, '4G ; proi*. Jul}' 1, '57; out of service from Dec. 16, '(i-S, to March 4, '65 ; retired bv operation of law, with pay of colonel, June 30, '82. Forsyth, John, D.D., LL.D. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; chaplain 10th N. Y. State Militia July 2, 1862; mustered out Sept. 6, 1862 ; chaplain and professor of ethics and law Military Ac- ademy July 28, 1871 ; retired with pay of colonel, being over 62 years of age, Dec. 12,1881. Lieute}ia7it- Colon els. Ruff, Charles F. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from M. A.; cadet Sept. 1, '34; 2 It. 1 Drag. July 1, '38; resgd. Dec. 31, '43; It.-col. 1 Mo. m. vol. June 18, '46; resgd Sept. 17, '46 ; capt. m. rif July 7, '46, ace. Aug. 22, '46 ; maj. bvt. Aug. 1, '47, " for gal. and mer. cond. in the afiair at San Juan de los Llanos, Mex."; maj. m. rif Dec. 30, '56; It.-col. 3 Cav. June 10, '61; retired Mar. 80, "64, "for dis- ability resulting from sickness and ex- posure in line of duty" (Act Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17) ; col. bvt. and brig. -gen. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. in recruiting the armies of the United States." Whiting, Daniel P. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. ; cadet July 1, 1828; brevet 2 It. 7 Inf. July 1, 1882^; 2 lieut. Dec. 15, 1833 ; 1 lieut. June 8, '36 ; captain April 18, 1845; major bvt. April 18, 1847, for gal. and mer. cond. in the battle of Cerro Gordo; major 10 Inf. Dec. 20, 1860; lieut.-col. 6 Inf. Feby. 15, 1862; retired Nov. 4, 1863, for disability resulting from sickness and exposure in line of duty. Chapman, William. Born in Md. Apjitd. from M. A.; cadet July 1, '27; bvt. 2 It. 5 Inf. July 1, '81 ; 2 It. Mar. 4, '33 ; regtl. adjt. Nov. 7, '83, to June 30, '38; 1 It. Dec. 81, '36 ; capt. June 8, '45; maj. bvt. Aug. 20, '47, " for gal. and mer. cond. in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco" ; It.-col. bvt. S'*pt. 8, '47, " for gal. and mer. cond. in the battle of Molino del Rey"; maj. 2 Inf. Feb. 25, '61 ; It.-col. 3 Inf. Feb. 20, '62; col. bvt. Aug. 80, '62, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the'battle of Bull Run (2d), Va." ; retired Aug. 26, '63, "for disability resulting from sickness and exposure in line of duty" (Act Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Leonard, Hiram. Born in Vt. Appt. from N. Y. ; add. pm. »Nov. 24, '46, ace. Nov. 30, '46; maj. pm. Mar. 2, '49; It.- col. dep. pm.-gen. Sept. 6, '62; col. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. dur. the war" ; brig. -gen. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, " for faith, and mer. ser. in the pay dept. dur. the war"; retired Jan. 1, '72, at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age (Act July 17, '62, sec. 12). Hill, Bennett H. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed cadet from Dis- trict of Columbia 1st July, 1833; grad- uated 1st July, 1837, and appointed 2d It. 1st Regt. of Artillery the same date ; served in Florida war ; in the Cherokee country in removing Indians West; on New York frontier during Canada disturb- ances, and on Maine frontier pending boundary disturbances from 1837 to 18'^9 ; in war with Mexico in years 1846, 1847, and 1848; present at siege of Vera Cruz ; appointed capt. 1st Regt. Artillery 12 Julj^, 1848 ; en 7-oute to Oregon and at Steila- coom, Washgtn. Territory, 1849, '50, '51, '52, '53; in Florida hostilities against Seminole Indians 1854, '55, '56; in cum- mand of Fort Brown, Texas, at beginning of hostilities, which post he refused to surrender to a large Texan force ; trans- ferred to Fort Jefferson, Fla.. 1861, and at Kev West, Fla., 1861 and 1862 ; major 2d Artillery U.S.A. 28th August, 1861; chief mustering officer in West Virginia ; actg. asst. provost-marshal-general, and commanding Military District at Jlichi- gan 1862, '63, '64, '65; lieut.-col. .5th Regiment of Artillery, U.S.A., August, 1863 ; bvt. col. and brig.-genl. 81 Jany., 1865 ; in command of Fort Jefferson, Fla., sub-district of Key West, Fla., and regi- ment in 1865, '66, '67, '68, '69 ; retired from active service, Dec. 15, 1870, at his own request, after 30 years' service. Sitgreaves, Lorenzo. Born in Pa. Appt. from M. A.; cadet July 1, '27; bvt. 2 It. 1 Art. July 1, '82; 'I It. Sept. 30, '33; resgd. Aug. 31, '36; 2 It. Topo- graphical Engineer July 7, '38; 1 It. Julv 18, '40; bvt. ^capt. Feb. 23, '47, " for gal. and mer. cond. in the battles of Buena Vista"; capt. Top. Eng. March 3, '53; maj. Aug. 6, '61 ; trs. to Eng. March 3, '68; It.-col. April 22, '64; retired July 10, '66, " for disability resulting from long and faith, ser. and exposure in line of duty" (Act Aug 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Wessells, Henry W. Born in Litch- field, Conn. Appointed from Conn.; graduated from ]SI.A. ; cadet July 1, 1829; bvt. 2 lieut. 2 Inf. July 1, 1833; 2 lieut. June 28, 1836 ; 1 lieut. July 7, 1838 ; capt. Feb. 16, 1847; bvt. major Aug. 20,1847, for gal. and meritorious 'conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; maj. 6 Inf. June 6, 1861 ; col. 8 Kansas Vols. Sept. 29, '61; resigned vol. com. Feb. 7, 402 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 1862; brig.-ved that he might settle his voluminous accounts ; he was relieved accordingly, and the duty of adjusting his accountability occupied about a year, for the property which had rolled in and out of his charge under the confusing pressure of war necessity amounted in value to $120,000,000; awaiting orders till June, 1869, when he was assigned to duty as act- ing assistant quartermaster at Pittsburg, Pa., where he remained till June, 1873, when he was assigned to Fort Wood, N.Y.H., as post quartermaster; he re- mained in that position till July 19, 1875, when he was placed on sick-leave, and RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 425 continued thereon till retired, on the 30th of June, 1882, by virtue of the act of that date. Gilbreth, Benjamin H. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine; ordnance store- keeper Ordnance Department U.S. Army May, 1861 ; commanding Kennebec Ar- senal, Me., to September, 1866 ; captain and ordnance storekeeper Ordnance De- partment U. S. Army July, 1866; acting as.sistant quartermaster, assistant commis- sary of subsistence, and ordnance store- keeper of Kennebec Arsenal, Me., from September, 1866, to date of retirement, 30th June, 1882. Mallery, Garrick. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; capt. 71 Pa. Vol. June 4, '61 ; A. A. A. G. of Brig, and comdg. com pan J' engaged at the actions of Lou- donville, Munson's Hill, Falls Church, siege of Yorktown, battles of "West Point, • Hanover Court-House, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Peach Orchard (comdg. left wing of regiment). Savage Station, Winchester, and Culpepper ; taken prisoner at Rich- mond and confined in Libby Prison ; re- ceived two wounds, one left arm and left groin; comdg. regiment in engagements in Virginia in '62; judge-advocate of courts-martial July, '64, to Sept. '65 ; en- tered the Vet. Res. Corps July, '64 ; It.- col. 3 Reg. V.R.C., comdg. the regiment to Jan. '66 ; brevet col. U.S.V. for gallant and meritorious services during the war; capt. 4th Infantry July, '66; bvt. maj. U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in a skirmish at Garrett's Farm, Va. ; bvt. lieut.-colonel U.S.A. for gal- lant and meritorious services at battle of Peach Orchard, Va. ; inspector of Freed- men's Bureau to July, '66, and afterwards A. I.e. and A. AG. of Freedmen's Bu- reau, Va. ; secretary of state and adjt.- gen. of Virginia ; unassigned April '69 ; assigned to 1st Inf. Dec. 1870 ; special duty at Washington and on frontier duty with his regt. '70-79, when he was retired for wounds received in line of duty. Pyne, Charles March. Born in New Jersey. Entered service as corporal Co. A (National Rifles), 3d Battalion D.C. Vols., April 15, 1861 ; served in Washington, D.C, April 15 to June, 1861 ; in Col. Stone's Brigade, Gen. Patterson's Army, June to Aug. 1, 1861 ; mustered out of volunteeer service July 15, 1861 ; apptd 2d lieut. 6th U.S. Infantry Aug. 5, 1861 ; served Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Aug. 19 to December, 1861 ; Washington, D.C, December, 1861, to March 10, 1862; with 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Army of the Potomac, till Aug. 30, 1862; wounded (lost left leg) in Second Battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, 1862 ; prisoner ; ex- changed October, 1862 ; disabled until No- vember, 1863 ; promoted to 1st lieut. 6th Infantry Aug. 8, 1863; on duty Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor, November, 1863, to January, 1864 ; recruiting duty, New- ark, N. J., and New York, N. Y., Janu- ary to May, 1864 ; disabled May to Oc- tober, 1864; inspector and mustering oflS- cer, office assistant provost-marshal-gen- eral and superintendent volunteer recruit- ing service. Southern District of New York, October, 1864, to May, 1865; post adjutant post of Savannah, Ga., June, 1865; acting judge-advocate District of Port Royal, Hilton Head, S. C, July to November, 1865; acting judge-advocate Department of South Carolina, Depart- ment of the Carolinas, and Department of the South, Charleston, S. C, Novem- ber, 1865, to November, 1866 ; promoted to capt. 42d Inf. July 28, 1866 ; served at Hart Island, N. Y. Harbor, November, 1866, to April, 1867 ; in command Fort Niagara, N. Y., April, 1867, to April, 1869; commanding regiment April, 1869; unassigned May 1, 1869 ; recruiting officer at Washington, D.C, June 1, 1869, to February, 1870; acting signal officer and assistant to chief signal officer, Washing- ton, D.C, April 18^; 1870, to December 15, 1870; retired from active service Decem- ber 15, 1870, '' for disability resulting from wounds received in the line of duty" ; on retired list ever since ; brevet first lieuten- ant Aug. 30, 1862, " for gallant and mer- itorious service in the second battle of Bull Run, Va."; brevet captain January 23, 1865. Stewart, James. Born in Scotland. Ap- pointed from the army ; second lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery November, 1861 ; first lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery Julv, 1863 ; capt. 18th U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; bvt. capt. U. S. Army for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia ; retired Mar. 20, '79, for wounds and injury received in line of duty. Ellsworth, Ephraim D. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; ord- nance storekeeper Ordnance Department U. S. Army November, 1861 ; at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Va. ; capt. and ordnance storekeeper Ordnance Department U. S. Army July, 1866 ; commanding Cham- plain Arsenal, Vermont, from April, '62 ; retired 30 June, '82. Thompson, William. ■ Born in Pa. Appointed from Iowa ; capt. 1 Iowa Cav. Julv 31, '61 ; maj. May 18, '63; col. June 20, "'64 ; brig.-gen. vol. bvt. Mar. 13, '65, 426 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. "for cal. and mer. ser." ; must, out Mar. 15, '66 ; capt. 7 Cav. July 28, 1866 ; ace. Dec. 29, '66 ; maj. bvt. Mar. 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in action at Prairie Grove" ; It.-col, bvt. Mar. 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in action at Bayou Metoe, Ark."; retired Dec. 15, '75, at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age (Sec. 1244, Rev. Stats).. Bates, James A. Born in Scotland. Appointed from N.Y. ; private Co. F, 12 N. Y. S. M., April 19, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 5, 1861; 1 lieut. 12th N. Y. Vol. Dec. 10, 1861 ; capt. Dec. 29, 1862 ; must, out April 21, 1864 ; paid to June 7, 1864 ; 1st lieut. Vet. Res. Corps June 3, 1864; accepted June 15, 1864 ; major vol. brevet Mar. 19, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; capt. Vet. Res. Corps March 15, 1865; lieut. -col. vol. bvt. Mar. 16, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service ; mustered out Oct. 2, 1866 ; capt. 4.3d Inf. July 28, 1866 ; accepted Oct. 3, 1866 ; major bvt. March 2, 1867, for gal- lant and meritorious service in the battle of Gaines' Mills, Va. ; lieut. -colonel bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; unassigned April 8, 1869 ; retired Dec. 15, 1870, for loss of right leg from wounds re- ceived in l)n<^ of duty. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Born May 28, 1842, in Pittsfield, Mass. Received military education in Berlin under Major- General von Frohreich, of the Prussian army, 1855 to 1858. Graduated at Uni- versity of London, after studying at Uni- versity College and at Heidelberg ; private N. Y. Vols. Aug. '61 ; 1st lieut. lOlst N. Y. Vols. Feb. 13, '62; commdg. company (G) at Seven Pines, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Charles 'City Cross-Road (Glendale), and Malvern Hill; regtl. ad- jutant at Manassas, Groveton, and Chan- tilly (wounded); resigned Oct. 16, '62; adjt. 119th N. Y. Vols. Oct. 17, '62; capt. 119th N. Y. Vols. March 25, '63; major August 20, '63 ; not mlistered ; Freder- icksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (wounded, lost right leg, and taken pris- oner) ; capt. V. R. C. iSfov. 12, '63 ; on duty, Albany, N. Y., Dec. '63; ordered to duty in War Department Mav, '64 ; major 23d Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 17, '64 ; bvt. It.-col. and bvt. col. U. S. V. for gal- lant and meritorious services at Gettys- burg and during the war ; capt. 44th Regt. U. S. Inf. Dec. 1, '66; bvt. major and bvt. It.-col. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at Gettysburg and during war ; duty in War Dept. till Jan. '70; retired as captain April 28, '70; continuous service from Feb. 13, '62. Meyer, Edward S. Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio; enlisted in Co. F, 4th Ohio Vols., April 19, 1861, for three months; re-enlisted in same June 5, 1861, for three years ; sergeant ; transferred to 19th Ohio Vols. Sept. 6, 1861 ; 1st lieut. 19lh Ohio Vols. Nov. 1, 1861; resigned Jan. 1, 1862, paid to Jan. 16, 1862, to ac- cept appointment as capt. 107th Ohio Vols. Nov. "11, 1862; resigned to accept majo- ralty in 5lh U. S. Vet. Vols. ; major 5th U. S. Vet. Vols. Feb. 18, 1865; lieut.-col. and colonel vol. bvt. and brig. -gen. vol. bvt. March 13, 1865, for gallant and mer- itorious service during the war ; must, out March 20, 1866; captain 35th Inf. July 28, 1866; accepted Oct. 19, 1866; major bvt. April 7, 1862, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; lieut.-col. bvt. May 2, 1862, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; unassigned. Feb. 12, 1870; assigned to 19th Inf. Aug. 5, 1870; transferred to 9th Cav. Jan. 1, 1871 ; retired Aug. 24, 1872, for disability resulting from wounds received in line of duty. Clarke, Charles E. Born in Conn. Apptd. from Mich. ; capt. 6th Mich. Vol. Aug. 20, '61 ; major Jan. 20, '63 ; It.-col. May 1, '64; must, out Aug. 20, '65, paid to Sept. 6, '65 ; capt. 38th Inf. July 28, '66, ace. Oct. 23, '66; maj. bvt. March 2, '67, "for gallant and meritorious service in the siege of Port Hudson, La." ; unassd. Nov. 11, '69; assd. to 17th Inf. April 25, '70; retired June 28, '78, "for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty" (sec. 1251, rev. stats.). Greene, Charles T. Born in Maryland. Appointed from New York; private 22d New York State militia May, 1862 ; second lieutenant 60Lh New York Volunteers August, 1862 ; aide-de-camp to General Greene, commanding 2d Div., 2d Corps, Banks' Army of Virginia ; engaged at the action of Culpepper, battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg ; first lieutenant 60th New York Volunteers August, 1863; captain and assistant ad- jutant-general U. S. Volunteers Sept. "l863 ; with the 3d Brigade, r2th Corps, and engaged at tne action of Wauhatchie, Tenn., battles of Lookout Mountain, Mis- sionary Ridge, and Ringgold (severely wounded, lost right leg) ; on court-mar- tial duly, New York City, May, 1864, to May, 1865 ; on the staff of the command- ing general 3d Brigade, 14th Corps, and Bartlett's Division; on mustering duty, New York, July to September, 1865; bvt. major U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war; cap- tain 42d U. S. Inf. July, 1866 ; on re- RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 427 cruiting duty, Boston, Mass., November, 18G6, to Apnl, 1867 ; brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Ringgold, Ga. ; retired with rankofcapt. Dee. 15, '70, for loss of right log and wound in line of duty. Gallupe, George S. Born in N. York. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; 1st iieut. 8th Pa. Res. Vet. Corps April 17, 1861; captain July 29, 1861 ; major Nov. 2, '63 ; mustered out May 24, 1864 ; colonel 5th Pa. Art. Sept. 10, 1864 ; must, out June 30, 1865, paid to July 4, 1865 ; oapt. 43d Inf. July 28, 1866, ace. Oct. 20, 1866; major bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious serv. in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; lieut.-col. bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battlrt of Charles City Cross-Roads, Va. ; una.ssigned April 8, 1869; assigned to 1st Infantry June 7, 1869; retired March 1, 1878, for disability resulting from injury and disease contracted in line of duty (sec. 1251, rev. stats.). Gardner, Hezekiah. Born in Illinois. Appointed from New York ; captain 100 Illinois Vols. Aug. 30, 1862; mu.st. out Aug. 18, 1864, paid to Aug. 20, 1864; captain Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 15, 1864, ace. Sept. 21, 1864 ; major vol. bvt. and lieut.-col. bvt. March 13, 1865, for mer- itorious conduct in the battle of Chatta- nooga and in the charge on Missionary Ridge ; mustered out Oct. 28, 1866 ; capt. 44th Infantry July 28, 1866, ace. Oct. 29, 1866 ; major brevet March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the bat- tle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn.; unas- signed May 27,1869; retired Dec. 15, 1870, for loss of right leg from wounds received in line of duty (act Aug. 3, 1861, sees. 16 and 17). Crone, Louis E. Born in Saxony. Ap- pointed from Massachusetts ; corporal Co. E, 22 Mass. Inf., Sept. 20, 1861; disch. Sept. 4, 1862 ; 2d Iieut. 22d Mass. Oct. 31, 1862 ; 1st Iieut. 22d Mass. Dec. 16, 1862 ; hon. must, out June 20, 1863 ; 2d Iieut. Vet. Res. Corps June 15, 1863, accepted June 20, 1863 ; honorablv mustered out July 3, 1866 ; captain 42d Infantry Julv 28, 1866, ace. Aug. 25, 1866; unassigned April 22, 1869 ; retired Dec. 15, 1870, for loss of left arm from wound received in line of duty. Lewis, John. Born in Md. Apptd. from Pa. ; private, corporal, and sergeant Co. E, 4th Art., Feb. 11, 1828, to July 9, 1832; private Co. E, 4th Art., June 18, 1833, to Nov. 20, 1836; hospital steward June 12, 1837, to Oct. 9, 1837; private, corp'l, sergt., and 1st sergt. Cos. E and D, and q.m. -sergt. 4th Art., and orderly sgt. Nov. 1, 1839, to Nov. 17, 1862; m. sk. Nov. 27, 1865, ace. Dec. 8, 1865; Ist Iieut. 3d Pa. Art. Nov. 17, 1862; hon. must, out Nov. 25, 1865; captain m. sk. July 28, 1866 ; retired June 30, 1882 (act July 28, 1866). Kilgour, William M. Born in Penna. Appomted from 111. ; 2d It. 13th 111. Vol. May 24, 1861 ; resigned Feb. 3, '62; maj. 75th 111. Vols. Sept. 2, '62 ; It.-col. Feb. 3, '63 ; col. vol. bvt. and brig.-gen. bvt. June 18, 1865, for meritorious service; must, out June 12, 1865, paid to June 30, 1865 ; captain 41st Inf. July 28, 1866, ace. Nov. 22, 1866 ; major bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mission Ridge, Tenn. ; lieut.- col. bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of At- lanta, Ga. ; colonel bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; wholly re- tired with one year's pay and allowances Dec. 16, 1867; reinstated as captain 24th Infantry March 8, 1873 ; retired June 20, 1873, for disability resulting from wound received in line of duty. Catlin, Robert. Born in Illinois. Ap- pointed from Wash. Territory ; graduated from M. A. ; cadet July 1, 1859 ; 2d Iieut. 5th Art. June 11, 1863 ; 1st lieutenant bvt. Aug. 18, 1864, for gallant and meri- torious service during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; captain bvt. Aug. 21, 1864, for gallant and meritorious service on the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; re- tired April 26, 1865, for loss of left leg from wounds received in battle ; captain 43d Infantry July 28, 1866, accepted Nov. 24, 1866; unassigned April 8, 1869; re- tired Dec. 15, 1870. Barnitz, Albert. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Ohio; sergt. Co. G, 2 Ohio Cav., Aug. 22, '61 ; discharged June 1, '62 ; 2 It. 2 Ohio Cav. June 1, '62 ; 1 It. Feb. 18, '63; capt. Feb. 26, '63 ; maj. March 20, '65; must, out Sept. 11, '65; paid to Sept. 16, '65 ; capt. 7 Cav. July 28, '66 ; ace. Jan. 10, '67 ; maj. bvt. March 2, '67; "for gal. and mer. ser. in action at Ashland Station, Va."; It.-col. bvt. March 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Sailor's Creek, Va."; col. bvt. Nov. 27, '68, " for dis. gallantry in the battle of Washita, Ind. T., Nov. 27, '68, in which engagement he was severely wounded" ; retired Dec. 15, '70, " for disa- bility resulting from woimds received in line of duty" (act Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Huxford, William P. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. D, 4 Mich. Vol., June 10, '61 ; corpl. , — ; discharged Aug. 15, '62; pvt. Co. B, 162 N. Y. Vol., Sept. 6, '62; sergt.-maj. 428 EECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 162 N. Y. Vol. Sept. 6, '62; capt. 162 N. Y. Vol. Jan. 3, '63 ; must, out Ot-t. 12, '65 ; paid to Oct. 22, '65; capt. 42 Inf. July 28, '66; ace. Oct. 13, '66; maj. bvt. March 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the assault on Port Hudson, La."; retired Sept. 10, '68, "for disability resulting from disease induced by wounds received in line of duty" (act Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Reeves, Thonnas H. Born in N C. Appointed from Tenn. ; pvt. 4 Tenn. Inf. Nov. 15, '61, to Feb. 19, '63; 1 It. Feb. 19, capt. May 29, maj. Aug. 10, '64; It.- col. June 5, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 2, '65; capt. 39 Inf. July 28, '66; retired June 5, '68; bvt. maj., It.-col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion. Gelray, Joseph W. Born in England. Appointed from Mass. ; private Co. A, 2 Mass. Vol., May 25, 1861 ; corporal May 26, 1861 ; sergt.'Co. H, 2 Mass. Vol., Dec. 22, 1861 ; 2 lieut. 2 Mass. Vol. Feb 12, 1863 ; must, out Oct. 13, 1864; captain 57 Mass. Vol. Oct. 19, 1864; must, out Nov. 14, 1864; major 4 Mass. Heavy Art. Dec. 7, 1864; must, out June 17, 1865; paid to July 14, 1865 ; capt. 45 Inf. July 28, 1866 ; accepted Oct. 14, 1866 ; major bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; lieut.-col. bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; unassigned July 22, '69 ; retired Dec. 15, 1870, for loss of right arm from wounds received in line of duty; commissioned colonel 59 Mass. Vet. Vol. Inf. Aug. 22, 1864, but never had suffi- cient number of men to muster as such under existing orders ; commissioned col- onel of the militia of Massachusetts, and ap- pointed assistant inspector-general on the staff of Governor John A. Andrew, of that State, Sept. 4, 1865, and served as such to the end of his term as Governor ; present residence Boston, Mass. Whyte, Frederick. Born in England. Appointed from D. C. ; artif. ord. Aug. 1, 1843, to Oct. 31, 1845; ord. sk. August 9, 1865 ; capt. ord. sk. July 28, 1866 ; retired June 30, 1882. O'Connell, William. Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army ; pvt. det. drag, and sgt. 1 Cav. Nov. 24," 1854, to Aug. 1, 1861 ; 1st lieut. 3d 111. Cav. Aug. 29, ^'61 ; 2d lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, 1861 ; 1 lieut. Dec. 14, 1862; capt. Sept. 27, 1866; brevet major for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion ; retired April 2, 1879, wound in line of duty. Butler, J. Hartwell. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Conn. ; 2d lieut. 2d Artil- lery May 22, 1861 ; accepted June 3, '61 ; 1st lieut. June 10, 1861 ; brevet captain June 80, 1862, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Glendale, Va. ; bre- vet major Nov. 8, 1863, for gallant and meritorious service in the action near Cul- pepper, Va. ; retired Feb. 7, 1865, for loss of left foot from wound received in line of duty ; captain 42d Inf. Jan. 22, 1867 ; ac- cepted April 1, 1867 ; unassigned Apr. 20, '69; retired, with rank of capt., mounted, May 14, 1870. Vande Wiele, JohnB. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; corpl. Co. E, 8th N. Y. S. M., April 25, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 2, 1861; 1 lieut. 4th N. Y. H. Art. Nov. 1, 1861 ; capt. Sept. 29, 1862; must, out Feb. 1, 1865; brevet maj. vol. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during; the war; 1st lieut. 1st U. S. Vet. Vol. Mav 20, 1865; captain 8 U. S. Vet. Vol. Aug. 24, 1865; must, out April 28, 1866 ; captain 10th Cav. Jan. 22, 1867 ; ace. March 28, 1867 ; brevet major March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Reams' Station, Va.; retired March 20, 1879, for disability re- sulting from disease contracted in line of duty (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Wells, Elijah R. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from army ; pvt. Co. H, 2d Drag. April 8, 1858; corpl. April 1, '61; sergt. June 1, 1861 ; 1st sergt. July 22, '62; 2d lieut. 2d Cav. July 17, 1862; accepted Oct. 15, 1862; brevet 1 lieut. June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; 1st lieut. 2d Cav. Nov. 25, 1863 ; brevet captain Oct. 19, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; brevet major March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; captain 9th Cav. July 28, 1866 (declined) ; captain 2 Cav. May 7, 1867; retired Apr. 23, 1879, for disability resulting from wound received and disease contracted in line of duty (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). White, George Q. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 14, 1839; enlisted as private Co. B, Istlll. Art. (Taylor Chicago Bat- tery), July 16, 1861 ; pal-ticipated in en- gagements at Fredericktown, Oct. 21, and Belmont, Mo., Nov. 7, 1861 ; appointed captain asst. qm. vols. May 12, 1862; ac- cepted May 31, 1862; on duty with Missis- sippi River ram fleet and marine brigades as quartermaster and ordnance oflScer from June, 1862, to November, 1864; at first siege of Vicksburg, June, 1862; engage- ments at Milliken's Bend. La., and Haines' Bluff, August, 1862 ; Fort Hindman, Ar- kansas River, January, 1863 ; second siege of Vicksburg, March to July, 1863, and skirmi-shes on Mississippi, Yazoo, and Tennes. transferred to 1st Cav. Dec. 23, 1870; re- tired April 4, 1879, for disability resulting from wound received in line of duty. Albee, George W. Born in N.H. Ap- pointed from Minn. ; private Co. G, 1st U. S. Sh. Sh., June 25, 1862; discharged Oct. 22, '62 ; private 3 Bat. Wis. Light Art. Dec. 23, '63 ; 2 lieut. 36th Wis. Vol. March 8, '64 ; 1 lieut. .Jan. 16, '65; 1 It. vol. brevet March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; mus- tered out July 12, '65 ; paid to July 24, '65 ; 2 lieut. 36 U. S. Colored Troops Sept. 18, '65; mustered out Oct. 28, '66; paid to Nov. 29, '66 ; 2 lieut. 41 Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 4, '67 ; 1 lieut. brevet March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., declined ; 1 lieut. 41 Inf. Nov. 4, '67 ; EETIRED FROM xVCTIVE SERVICE. 443 transferred to 24 Inf. Nov. 11, 'GO ; retired June 28, '78, for disability resulting from disease contructed in line of duty. Walter, Isaac N. Born in N.Y. Ap- pointed from Ohio ; sergt. Co. F, 2d Ohio Vol., April 17, '61 ; discharged July 31, 'Gl ; private Co. C, 5th Ohio Vol., iSept. 6, '61 ; 2 It. 47 Ohio Vol. Jan. 11, 'G2 ; 1 It. Feb. 25, '63 ; mustered out June 22, '64 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. April 24, '67; accepted May 20, '67 ; 1 It. Nov. 18, '67; retired Dec. 31, '70, for disability resulting from sickness and exposure in line of duty. Shurly, Edmund R. P. Born in Eng- land. Appointed from Illinois; private 26th N. Y. Vols. April, 1861 ; second It. N. Y. Vols. May, 1861; fir.-,t lieut. 26th N. Y. Vols. June, 1861; capt. 26th N. Y. Vols. August, 1861 ; engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, South Mountain, second Bull Run, Chanliliy, Antietam, Rappahannock Sta- tion, and Fredericksburg (sev. wounded); capt. Veteran Reserve Corps August, '63; commanding company to March, 1864; acting assistant adjutant-general Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois, to fall of 1865 ; on stalf of Gen. Ord, Detroit, Mich., to November, 1865 ; bvt. major U. S. Vol- unteers for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; bvt. lieut.-col. U. S. Vols, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; par- ticipated in foUowing-nanu'd battles dur- ing the Rebellion : 1st Bull Run, Slaughter Mountain, Va., Rappahannock Station, Va., Tlioroughfare Gap, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericks- burg; act. asst. adjt.-gen. to Gen. Sweet, Camp Douglas, 111. ; aided in suppressing the conspiracy to release the prisoners of war and destroy Chicago ; second lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. May 1866; on duty on the plains ; resigned February, 1867 ; 2d lieut. 27 U. S. Inf. March, 18G7 ; at Forts -Philip Kearney, C. F. Smith, D. A. Rus- sell, Laramie, and Fetterman, D. T. ; com- manded troops in battle with Indians at Fort Reno, 1867 ; engaged in actions with hostile Indians (severely wounded) and on escort duty ; bvt. first lieut. U. S. Army for gal. and mer. service during the war; retired Dec. 2, 1868, for disability result- ing from wounds received in line of duty. Stephenson, William. Born in Eng- land. Appointed from army ; pvt. Co. C, 1 Batt. 13 Inf., Nov. 16, '64 ; corp. March 1, '65; sergt. Feb. 20, '66; sergl.-maj. 13 Inf. Dec. 1, '66 ; 2 It. 27 Inf. June 8, '67 ; ace. Aug. 17, '67 ; 1 It. Dec. 2, '68 ; unas- signed June 14, '69 ; assd. to 8 Cav. Jan. 1, '71; retired April 23, '79, "for disa- bility resulting from disease contracted in line of duty" (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Williams, Henry R. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. D, 84 N. Y. Vol., May 18, '61 ; corp. Nov. 1, '61 ; 2 It. 84 N. Y. Vol. Oct. 1, '62 ; must, out April 25, '64; paid to April 27, '64; pvt. gen. ser. June 16, '64 ; 2 It. vet. res. corps Jan. 5, '65 ; ace. Jan. 9, '65 ; 1 It. vol. bvt. Nov. 7, '65, "for gal. and mer. ser." ; must, out Jan. 17, '67 ; 2 It. 45 Inf. July 28, '66 ; ace. Jan. 18, '67 ; 1 It. Dec. 12, '68 ; unassd. July 22, '69 ; retired Dec. 15, '70, "for disability resulting from wound received in line of duty" (act. Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Whitman, Royal E. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine ; sergt.-niaj. 23 Maine Vol. Sept. 10, '62; disch. March 1, '63 ; capt. 23 Maine Vol. March 1, '63 ; must, out July 15, '63 ; maj. 30 Maine Vol. Dec. 29, '63 ; It.-col. Sept. 1, '64 ; col. Aug. 14, '65 ; must, out Aug. 20, '65 ; paid to Aug. 28, '65; 2 It. 3 Cav. July 2, '67 ; ace. July 15, '67 ; 1 It. bvt. July 2, '67, " for sallantry in the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads, La." ; 1 It. 3 Cav. Aug. 12, '69 ; retired March 20, '79, " for disability resulting from injur}' received and disease contracted in line of duty" (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Sands, James H. Born in Ind. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; 1 It. 6 Ind. Cav. Aug. 5, '62 ; capt. Aug. 18, '62 ; must, out June 17, '66 ; paid to June 28, '65 ; 2 It. 6 Cav. Sept. 24, '67 ; ace. Oct. 2, '67 ; 1 It. Dec. 1, '69; regtl. adjt. April 3, '74, to Sept. 30, '76; retired Nov. 30, '79, "for disa- bility resulting from disease contracted in line of duty"l;Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Walter, Isaac N. Born in New York. Appointed from Ohio ; sergt. Co. F, 2 Ohio Vol., April 17, '61 ; discharged July 31, '61 ; private Co. C, 5 Ohio Vol., Sept. 6, '61 ; 2 lieut 47 Ohio Vol. Jan. 11, '62 ; 1 lieut. Feb. 25, '63 ; mustered out June 22, '64; 2 lieut. 6 Cav. April 24, '67; ac- cepted May 20, '67 ; 1 lieut. Nov. 18, '67; retired Dec. 31, '70, for disability resulting from sickness and exjiosure in line of duty. Gross, Frank P. Born in Penna. Ap- pointed from Ind. ; sergt. -major 9tli Ind. Vol. Aug. 27, '61 ; 1 U. 9 Ind. Vol. Oct. 8, '61; resigned April 26, '63; 1 It. Vet. Res. Corps Oct. 24, '63 ; accepted Nov. 30, '63 ; mustered out Aug. 25, '67 ; 2 It. 9 Cav. Aug. 9, '67 ; accepted Aug. 26, '67 ; 1 It. Dec. 22, '69 ; retired June 28, '78, for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty. Von Luettwitz, Adolphus H. Born in Prussia. Appointed from Kansas ; pri- vate Co. E, 54 N. Y. Vol., Jan. 1, 1862; discharged June 18, '62; 2 It. 54 N. Y. Vol. June 18, '62 ; 1 It. Sept. 1, '62 ; capt. Nov. 1, '62; mustered out Sept. 18, '65; 444 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 2 It. 3 Cav. Aufij. 30, '67 ; accepted Aug. 31, '67 ; 1 It. Jan. 26, '70; out of service July 8, '70; 1 It. 3 Cav. Sept. 8, '74, with former date and rank from Jan. 26, '70; accepted Sept. 14, '74 ; retired May 5, '79, for loss of right leg from wound received in line of duty. Walton, John M. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. ; 2 It. 4 Cav. Oct. 24, '67; accepted Oct. 26, '67; 1 lieut. Jan. 1, '71 ; regtl. qm. March 25, '70, to April 30, '72; retired June 28, '78, for disability incurred in line of duty. Nelson, William H. Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. ; lit. 5 Tenn. Cav. Aug. 6, '6.3 ; mustered out Aug. 14, '65 ; 2 It. 7 Inf. May 18, '66 ; accepted Oct. 24, '66 ; 1 It. March 7, '71 ; retired March 20, '79, for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty. Hoppy, Edward. Burn in Germany. Appointed from N.Y. ; private Co. D, 2 Art., May 31, '54 ; trans, to Co. E, 8 Inf., May 7, '67 ; discharged May 31, '59 ; pri- vate Co. D, 2d Art., June 11, 18-59; dis- charged Feb. 24, '62 ; 2 It. Vet. Res. Cor. July 23, '63 ; accepted July 28, '63 ; 1 It. vol. bvt. and capt. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, for gallant service in the bnttle of Bull Run, Va., and for faithful and meritorious service during the war ; mustered out Dec. 26, '66 ; 2d It. 44 Inf. July 28, 1866 ; ac- cepted Dec. 27, 1866 ; 1 It. bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the batUe of Bull Run (1st) Va. ; un- assigned May 27, '69 ; assigned to 9 Inf. Aug. 3, '70; 1st It. Sept. 15, '71 ; retired Nov. 8, 1871, for loss of left arm from wound received in line of duty. Allsworth, Edward. Enlisted in Co. H, 2d U. S. Art., July 1, 1842, for five years ; transferred to Light Co. A, 2d Artillery, Feb. 3, 1847 ; discharged July 1, 1847, in Puebla, Mexico, expiration of term of service ; re-enlisted in Co. H, 2d Artillery, in Puebla, Mexico, July 27, 1847, for the term of during the war with Mexico ; engaged in the siege and taking of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, af- fair at Amozouque, battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, storming of Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico; discharged Aug. 19, 1848, ex- piration of term of S'^rvice ; enlisted in Company C, 1st U. S. Artillery, Nov. 3, 1848, for five years; served as corporal and private ; discharged Nov. 3, 1853, ex- piration of term of service ; enlisted in Co. G, 38th Massachusetts Vols., Jan. 5, 1864 ; engaged in the Red River campaign, bat- tles of Cane River, Mansura Plains, and numerous skirmishes, and in Gen. Sheri- dan's Shenandoah Valley campaign ; en- gaged in battles of Opequan, or Winches- ter, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek ; disch. from Co. G, 38th Massachusetts Vols., Jan. 3, 1865, to accept appointment of captain 119th U. S. Colored Infantry ; served as captain of 119th U. S. Colored Infantry until mustered out of regiment April 27, 1866 ; appointed 2d lieutenant 40th U. S. Infantry Julv 28, 1866 ; brevet 1st lieut. U. S. Army March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; transferred to 25th Infantry April 20, 1869 ; 1 lieutenant 25th Infantrv Jan. 25, 1872; retired June 28, 1878, for disa- bility in line of duty. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Born in Ohio. Appointed from M. A. ; cadet Sept. 1, '68 ; 2 It. 43 Inf. June 15, '68 ; unassd. April 8, '69 ; a.ssd. to 13 Inf. July 14, '69; 1 It. April 1, '72; retired June' 29, '72, "for disability resulting from injuries received in line of duty" (act Aug. 3, '61, sees. 16 and 17). Budd, George W^. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N . Y. ; 1 sergt. Co. G, 2 Iowa Cav., Aug. 30, '61 ; 2 It. 2 Iowa Cav. June 1, '62; capt. Feb. 7, '65; must, out Sept. 19, '65; 2 It. 9 Cav. Aug. 17, '67; ace. Sept. 12, '67 ; 1 It. April 20, '72; retired June 28, '78, " for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty" (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Rice, James H. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. ; 1 It. 19 Mass. Vol. Aug. 28, '61 ; capt. Sept. 7, '62 ; capt. vet. res corps June 24, '63 ; ace. July 1, '63 ; maj. vol. bvt. and It. -col. vol. bvt. March 13, '65, "for faith, and mer. ser. during the war" ; must, out March 31, '67 ; 2 It. 44 Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; ace. April 1, '67 ; 1 It. bvt. March 2, '67, "for gallantry in ac- tion in front of Richmond, Va., June 25, '62" ; capt. bvt. March 2, '67, " for mer. ser. during the war" ; trans, to 17 Inf. May 27, '69; 1 It. Dec. 31, '72; retired Dec. 23, '73, " for disability resulting from disease contracted in lino of duty" (Sec. 1251, Rev. Stats.). Dunton, Warren R. Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont; 1st sergt. Co. E, 5th Vermont Infantry, 16th September, 1861; discharged 20th June, 1862; 2 It. 5th Vermont^Infantry 21st June, 1862; 1st lieut. 14th December ; hon. discharged for disability from wounds received in ac- tion 31st March, 1863; 1st lieutenant Vet. Res. Corps 15th Oct., 1863, ace. 21st Oct., 1863 ; capt. 6th Jan., 1865, ace. 13th Jan., 1865; brevet major 13th March, 1865; honorably mustered out 30th June, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 2d Infantry 22d Januarj--, 1867, accepted 26th March, 1867; unas- signed 28th March, 1870; assigned to 19th Infantry 3d August, 1870; 1st U. 31st December, 1872 ; retired 28th June, EETIKED FEOM ACTIVE SERVICE. 445 1878; brevet 1st lieutenant March 2, '67; disability in line of duty. Yeckley, Jonathan A. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; pvt. Co. D, 120 N. Y. Vol., Auy;. 7, '62; discharged Awj;. 25, '63 ; 2 It. vet. res. corps Jan. 30, '(if) ; ace. Mav 22, '65 ; must, out March 31, '67 ; 2 It'. 44 Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; ace. April 1, '67; unassd. May 27, '69; a.ssd. to 20 Inf. July 14, '69; 1 It. Jan. 15, '73; re- tired June 28, '78, " for disability result- ing from wounds received in line of duty" (Sec. 1251, Kcv. Stats.). Duff, George. Born in Scotland. Ap- pointed from Pennsvlvania ; private Co. D, 102 Pa. Vols., Aug, 16, 1861 ; corporal Nov. 1, 1861 ; 1st sergt. July 1, 1862; 2d lieut. 102 Pa. Vols. Jan. 1, 1863; 2d It. Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 15, 1864, ace. Sept. 24, 1864; mustered out Nov. 23, 1806 ; 2d lieut. 43d Infantry July 28, 1866, ace. Nov. 24, 1866 ; 1st lieut. brevet March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; transferred to 1st Inft. Aprir8, 1869; 1st lieut. Feb. 13, 1873; retired June 28, 1878, for di.«ability re- sulting from wound received in line of duty (sec. 1251, rev. stats.). Jennings, Gilbert S. Born in N. Y. Appointed from New York ; major 26th New York Vols. May 21, 1861 ; It.-col. Dec. 1, 1862; must, out May 28, 1863; major Vet. Res. Corps July 16, 1863, ace. July 23, 1863 ; lieut.-col. Sept. 25, 1863, ace. Oct. 3, 1863 ; col. vol. bvt. March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; mustered out Sept. 11, 1866;' 2d lieutenant 43d Infantry Jan. 22, 1867, ace. March 28, 1807 ; 1st lieut. bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Groveton, Va. ; captain bvt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; transferred to 1st Infantry April 8, 1869 ; 1st lieut. May 4, 1873 ; retired June 28, 1878, for disabi'lity resulting from wound received in line of duty (sec. 1251, rev. stats.). Rutherford, Robert G. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; en- tered the volunteer service November, 1861 ; engaged at the battles of Rappa- hannock and 2d Bull Run, Virginia; re- ceived severe injury to the right knee and contracted rheumatism ; entered the Vet- eran Reserve Corps September, 1863; cap- tain Veteran Reserve Corps ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Rappahan- nock Station , Virginia, and for meritorious services during the war ; brevet lieutenant- colonel U. S. Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rap- pahannock Station, Va., and for merito- rious services during the war ; 2d lieut. 45th U. S. Infantry March, 1807 ; unas- signed July, 1809; assigned to 12th U. S. Infantry August, 1870; brevet 1st lieut. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Virginia; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; 1st lieut. May 24, 1873 ; retired June 28, 1878, disability in line of duty. Bannister, John. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. ; private and corporal Co. K, 27th N. Y. Inf., May 16, 1861, to May 31, 1863 ; pvt. and 1st sergt. Co. M, 24th N. Y. Cav., Dec. 8, 1863, to Jan. 21, 1865; 1st lieut. 24th N. Y. Cav. Jan. 21, 1865; hon. mustered out July 19, 1865; 2d lieut. 43d Inf. Jan. 22, 1867; brevet 1st lieut. March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Peters- burg, Va., July 8, 1864; unassigned April 8, 1809 ; assigned to 20th Infty. July 14, 1809; 1st It. July 12, 1873; retired Nov. 30, 1879, loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Bronson, Nelson. Born in Connecti- cut. Appointed from Connecticut; pri- vate U. S. Marine Corps 1847; 1st sergt. 8th Connecticut Volunteers September, 1861 ; 1st lieutenant 8th Connecticut Vol- unteers March, 1862; engaged at the cap- ture of Roanoke Island, battle of Newbern, bombardment of Fort Macon, battles of South Mountain and Antietam (severely wounded in finger, arm, and hip) ; 1st lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps August, 1803; on recruiting duty in Delaware; commanding companies, Baltimore, Md. ; militai-y assistant Camden Street Hos- pital ; post quartermaster, commissary of subsistence, and ordnance ofiicer Hart- ford, Conn.; on duty in Bureau of Freed- men. Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, Georgia, December, 1805, to October, 1866; 2d lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry July, 1866 ; transferred to 6th U. S. In- fantry April, 1869; 1st lieut. June 8, 1874 ; retired November 30, 1879, wound in line of duty. Orleman, Louis H. Born in Ger- many. Appointed from District of Co- lumbia ; in the 103 New York Vol. Inf. January, 1862 ; engaged in reconnois- sances in North Carolina; 1 lieutenant 119 New York Volunteer Inf.; engaged in the Rappahannock campaign and battle of Fredericksburg ; capt. 119 New York Vol. Inf. May, 180.3; topographical engi- neer ofBcer of brigade and division 11th Army Corps .January, 1863, to August, 1864 ; engaged at the battles of Chan- cellorsville, Gettysburg, pursuit of the enemy, surveys along the Orange and 446 KECORDS OF LIVII^G OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Alexandria Railroad, Virginia, and sur- veys about Bridgeport, Alabama, and the Chattanooga Railroad ; engaged at the action of Wauhatchie, battle of Mission- ary Ridge, and expedition for the relief of Knoxville ; constructing defenses in Tennessee and Alabama, Dec. '63, to Aug. 1864; topographical engineer, Military Division of the Mississippi, to July, 1865 ; engaged at the siege of Atlanta, battle of Jonesboro', erecting defenses at Atlanta, March to the Sea, siege of Savannah, constructing and surveying defenses at Savannah, invasion of the Carolinas, bat- tles of Averysboro', Bentonville, occupa- tion of Goldsboro', capture of Raleigh, and capitulation of the rebel army at Durham Station, N. C. ; on the march to "Washington, and with Gen. Schurz on his tour of inspection through the South- ern States Julv to December, 1865; 2 It. 10 U. S. Cav. September, 18G7 ; at Forts Riley, Hays, and Wallace to 1869; en- gaged in Sheridan's Indian campaign, 1868, in the relief of Gen. Forsyth's com- mand, October, 1868, and action of Beaver Creek, Kansas ; mentioned in General Department Orders for this action ; scout- ing duty to 1869 ; at Camp Supply to '70; at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from Oct. 1870, to ; 1 It. Oct. 16, 1874; retired Nov. 20, 1879 ; disability in line of duty. Carter, Robert G. Born in Maine. Appointed from Mass. ; graduate M. A., class of 1870 ; private Company H, 22 Mass. Inf., Aug. 15, 1862; discharged Oct. 14, 1864 ; 2^1t. 4 Cav. June 15, 1870; 1 It. Feb. 21, 1875; retired June 28, '76; disability in line of duty. Cottel, Hampden S. Born in Maine. Appointed from Illinois ; sergt. Com. C, 15 111. Inf., May 24, 1861; discharged Dec. 10, 1862; 2 It. 15 111. Inf. Dec. ll, 1862; capt. Aug. 20, 1863; hon. must, out June 3, 1864; 1 sergt. 9 U. S. Vet. Inf. April 12, 1865; disch. July 19, 1865 ; 2 It. 30 U. S. C. Inf. Aug. 17, 1865; 1 It. Oct. 26, 1865; hon. must, out Dec. 10, 1865; 2 It. 89 Inf. June 18, 1867; unass. April 20, 1869; ass. to 15th Inf. August 30, 1870; 1 It. March 3, 1875; retired Feb. 29, 1876 ; dis. in line of duty. Craycroft, William T. Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. ; graduate M. A., class of 1869 ; 2 It. 7 Cav. June 15, 1869 ; 1 It. Dec. 2, 1875; retired June 28, 1878 ; dis. in line of duty. Braden, Charles. Born in Michigan. Appointed from Michigan ; appointed cadet from 6th District of Michigan Oc- tober 17, 1865 ; graduated No. 19 in a class of 39 June 15, 1869 ; appointed 2d lieut. 7th Cavalry June 15, 1869 ; on grad- uating leave of absence until September 29, 1865 ; joined regiment near Fort Hays, Ks. ; marched with regiment to Fort Leavenworth, Ks., Oct. 20 to Nov. 5, 1869 ; on duty with detachment of recruits from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Union, N. M., Dec. 1 to Dec. 20, 1869; marching from Sheridan, Ks., to Fort Union; on duty at Fort Leavenworth to March 19, 1870; at Fort Lyon, Col., to about May 20, 1870, being on an expedition under Col. R. I. Dodge to locate a road from Lyon to Union ; scouting in Colorado and Kansas to Nov. 30, 1870, marching over 2000 miles during the summer, being ad- jutant and A.A.Q.M. of the expedition and in command of a company of Indian scouts; at Fort Wallace, Ks., from Nov. 30, 1870, to May, 1871 ; at Columbia, S. C, and Winnsboro', S. C, to Oct. 14, 1871 ; at Yorkville, S. C, from Oct. 1871, to Dec. 18, 1872, engaged in Ku-Klux op- erations ; on leave of absence from May 20, 1872, to Aug. 15, 1872; at New Or- leans, La., from Dec. 23, 1872, to April 1, 1873, during political troubles ; at Yank- ton, Dakota, from April 12 to May 7, 1872, being with regiment during the great snow-storm of April, 1873 ; on expedition to and up the Yellowstone under General Stanley from May to October, 1873 ; en- gaged in chase after Indians Aug. 4, 1873, and in a tight with Sioux Indians near mouth of the Big Horn River, Montana, Aug. 11, 1873, where in command of the advanced guard of 17 men was wounded in the left thigh, the bone being badly shattered ; was carried 400 miles in a litter, and then sent to Fort A. Lincoln, Dak., for treatment ; at St. Paul, Minn., from Nov. 1873, to March, 1874, under treat- ment ; on sick-leave to Aug. 18, 1876 ; on mounted recruiting service to Sept. 30, 1876 ; conducting a detachment of 500 re- cruits from St. Louis, Mo., to Fort D. A. Russell, Wj'oming; on sick-leave from Oct. 1876, to June 28, 1876, when retired "for wounds received in action"; pro- moted first lieut. 7th Cav. Dec. 9, 1875; after being retired was engaged at a pri- vate school at Riverdale, N. Y., from Dec. 1878, to June, 1879 ; at West Point, N. Y., teaching a private school, from Sept. 1879, to Nov. 1881 ; residing in Philadel- phia, Pa. , engaged in manufacturing en- terprise, to Sept. 1882 ; at West Point, N. Y., from Sept. 1882, to date. Abbott, Asa T. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Minnesota ; private Company E, 1st Minnesota Infantrj^ and Signal Corps, April 29, 1861, to September 4, 1863 ; 2 lieutenant Signal Corps August 31, 1863; mustered out August 29, 1865; 2 lieutenant 28 Infantry March 7, 1867 ; unassigned March 31, 1869; assigned to 3 RETIEED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 447 Artillery July 14, 1869; 1 lieutenant June 30, 1876; brevet 1st lieutenant U.S.A. for faithful and meritorious services in the Signal Corps durinc; the war; retired April 23, 1879,for disability in line of duty. Boswell, Benjamin D. Born in Ind. Appointed from Iowa; 1st serc;t. Co. I, 4 W. Va. Infantry, Aug. 1, 18(il ; di.'^ch. Nov. 10, 1861 ; 2d It. 4 W. Va. Inf. Nov. 11, 1861 ; 1st lieut. Dec. 8, 1862; captain Mar. 1, 1803; transferred to 2 W. Va. Inf. Dec. 21, 1864; major Dec. 29, 1864 ; hon. mustered out Julv 16, 1865; 2d lieut. 29 Inf. June 18, 1867; bvt. 1st It. June 18, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; brevet captain June 18, 1867, for meritorious ser- vices during the war ; trans, to 11th Inf. April 25, 1869 ; first lieut. Feb. 8, 1877 ; retired June 28, 1878, disability in line of duty. Miller, William H. Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Illinois ; private 9th Indiana Volunteers April to August, 1861, and engaged at the actions of Phi- lippi, Carrick's Ford, and Laurel Hill, W. Va. ; private 48th Indiana Volunteers, October, 1861 ; color-sergeant 48th Indi- ana Volunteers December, 1861 ; engaged at the siege of Corinth, battles of luka, Corinth, and the Tallahatchie campaign ; first sergeant 48 Indiana Volunteers Octo- ber, 1862 ; in General Grant's expedition to Oxford, Miss., 1862; second lieutenant 48th Indiana Volunteers January, 1863; in the Yazoo Pass expedition, and engaged at the action of Lake Providence, battles of Port Gibson, Jackson, Cham])ion Hill, and siege and assaults of Vicksburg, Miss. ; captain 48th Indiana Volunteers August, 1863 ; at Vicksburg, Miss., to September, 1863 ; in the march to Chattanooga Nov. 1863, and engaged at the battle of Mis- sionary Ridge and action of Huntsville, Ala. ; in General Sherman's Atlanta cam- paign of 1863, and in his Georgia and Carolina campaigns, being engaged at the siege of Savannah, capture of Columbia, actions of Cheraw, Fayetteville, battle of Bentonville, and actions of Goldsboro' and Raleigh, N. C. ; major 48th Indiana Volunteers April, 1865, but was not mus- tered, on account of the regiment being below the required number ; brevet major U. S. Volunteers ; second lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry June, 1867 ; at Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., November" 1867, to July, 1868 ; guarding Union Pacific Railroad to September, 1868 ; engaged in an expe- dition against the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians from September, 1868, to ; transferred to 9th Infantry June 14, 1869; 1st lieut. July 1, 1877; retired June 28, 1878, disability in line of duty. Keyes, Charles W. Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine ; enlisted as a vol- unteer August 2, 1862, and was mustered into the U. S. service as a private in Company B, 28th Maine Infantry, Sep- tember 10 ; was promoted to sergeant Oct. 2, '62, and to hospital steward' Feb- ruary 1, '63; served in the Gulf Depart- ment under Gen. Banks, and participated in the battles of Port Hudson and Don- aldsonville. La. ; was severely wounded in left arm at the latter engagement; was mustered out of service with the regiment at Augusta, Me., August 31, 186-3; No- vember 10, 1863, enlisted as a private, and was attached to Company F, 2d Maine Cavalry ; was discharged by reason of promotion February 27, 1864, and com- missioned first lieutenant of Company E, 32d Maine Infantry ; was attached to the 2d Brigade and 2d Division of the 9th Corps (General Burnside's) and partici- pated in all the fighting in the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, and Spottsylvania Court-House from the 5th to the 12th of May, inclusive ; was seriously wounded the last day, resulting in the loss of left foot; was discharged Sept. 27, 1864; in January, 1865, was offered a major's com- mission by Governor Cony, but could not accept on account of weak physical con- dition ; was commissioned 2d lieutenant Company F, Maine Unattached Infantry, January 20, 1865, and was stationed on the coast at Belfast, Me. ; was mustered out by reason of close of the war July 7, 1865; November 30, 1866, was appointed by the President 2d lieutenant of the 44th Regiment of Infantry, U. S. Army, and went on duty June 1, 1807, with the regi- ment ; was placed on detached service July 4, 1868, and assigned to duty as as- sistant military superintendent of the War Department Buildings at Washington, D.C. ; December 1, 1869, was ordered to duty under General O. O. Howard, and was sent to Kentucky as superintendent of education for the State, under the gov- ernment orders through the Freedmen's Bureau ; was brevetted 1st lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Fort Butler, La., June 28, 1863, and captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May 12, 1864, and was placed on the retired list of the U. S. Army as 1st lieutenant and brevet cap- tain Dec. 31, 1870, wounds in line of duty. Kuhn, Henry H. Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; pri- vate 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers April, 1861 ; engaged at the action of Draines- ville, Va., battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Charles City Cross-Roads, 448 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg (wounded), action of Kettle Run, and operations at Mine Run, Va. ; first lieu- tenant 23d U. S. Colored Troops April, 1864; engaged at the battle of the Wil- derness and the mine explosion, Peters- burg (wounded) ; discharged on account of wounds November, 1864 ; second lieu- tenant Veteran Reserve Corps Januarv, 186.5; at Chicago, 111., to Sept. 1865; at Cairo to December, 1865; sub-assistant commissioner for the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen,and Abandoned Lands, Cedar Keys, Fla., to Nov. 1866; 2d lieut. 42d Infantry January, 18G7 ; acting assistant quartermaster and assistant commissary of subsistence. Hart's Island, New York Harbor, April to May, 1867 ; at Madison Barracks, New York, to February, 1868 ; member of a general court-martial New York Citj' ; retired with rank of captain Dec. 31, 1870, and with rank of 1st lieu- tenant March 3, 1875, wounds in line of duty. Briggs, Thomas B. First entry into the U.S. military service June 17, 1846; Mexican War ; discharged May 26, 1847 ; entered the service in the War of the Re- bellion Apl. 18, 1861, as 1st sergt. Co. A, 1 R. I. Vol. Inf., for 3 mos. ; discharged Aug. 2, 1861 ; mustered as captain in 3d R. 1. Vol. Hy. Art. August 20, 1861 ; resigned May 22, 18G2, while in command of intrenchments at Beaufort, S. C. ; mus- tered as 1 lieut. in 11th U.S. Col. Hy. Art. Sept. 22, 1863 ; ord. officer Fort Es- paranza, Texas, from Jany. to June, 1864 ; post Q.M. at Fort Jackson, La., from Feby. to May, 1865; post Q.M. Bra.«hear City, La., from July to Sept. ; mustered out of service at New Orleans, La., Oct. 2, 1865 ; entered the regular service July 20, 1867, as 2 lieut. 3d Infy. ; en route from Fort Harker, Ks., to Fort Lyon, Col., Sept. 1867; post adjutant at Fort Lyon, Col., from Dec. 5, '67, to Apl. 1869; un- assigned Aug. 11, 1869; assigned to 14th Infy. Apl. 27, 1870; 1 It. Feb. 9, 1874; post Q.M. and adjutant Fort Hall, Idaho, from Sept. 1866, to Mch. 1877, and from Feby. to Sept., 1878; ordered before Re- tiring Board Apl. 1881 ; retired from ac- tive service March 15, 1883. Second Lieutenants. McQuiston, Henry. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio ; enlisted in the 6th U. S. Cavalry July, 1861 ; sergt. 6th U. S. Cavalry ; second lieutenant 6th U. S. Cav- alry July, 1862 ; actively engaged with his regiment in the Army of the Potomac, and was severely wounded at the battle of Upperville, Va. ; retired September, 1863, for incapacity resulting from wounds re- ceived in battle, in conformity witli an act of Congress of August, 1861 ; in the De- partment of the Missouri ; captured by the rebel General Price while engaged in the defense of Potosi, Mo. ; post adjutant Benton Barracks, Mo., to December, 1865 ; post adjutant, acting assistant quartermas- ter, and assistant commissary of subsist- ence to November, 1867 ; relieved from duty at his own request ; brevet first lieu- tenant U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Upperville, Va. ; retired Sept. 26, 1863, wound in line of dut}'. Davison, James. Born in England. Appointed from the army ; enlisted in the U. S. Army March, 1854 ; assigned to the 3d U. S. Artillery ; private, corporal, ser- geant, and first sergeant 3d LT. S. Artil- lery to 1857 ; regimental quartermaster- sergeant 1861 ; engaged in actions against Indians in Washington Territory and Ore- gon ; with the Artillery Reserve, Head- quarters Army of the Potomac, from April to September, 1862 ; brevet second lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery October, 1862; second lieutenant 5th U. S. Artil- lery, October, 1862 ; with battery of the 4th U. S. Artillery, and engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellors- vil'e, and Gettysburg (wounded); mus- tering and disbursing officer in New York, Vermont, and Florida ; brevet 1st lieut. U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; retired January, 1864, for incapacity resulting from wounds re- ceived, in conformity with an Act of Con- gress of August, 1861 ; at headquarters 2d Military District, Charleston, S. C, from September, 1867, to ; retired with rank of second lieutenant, mounted, July 28, 1866 ; and with rank of second lieutenant March 3, 1875, wound in line of duty. Bayne, Andrew C. Born in Scotland. Appointed from N. Y. ; private 16th New York Volunteer Infantry May, 1861 ; en- gaged at battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. ; 2d lieutenant 16th New York Volunteer In- fantry, September, 1862; 1st lieutenant 16th New York Volunteer Infantry Oct. 1862; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of West Point, Fair Oaks, Gaines' Mill (severely wounded in head and through right thigh), second Bull Run, Crampton's Gap, Antietam (wounded), Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville (se- EETIRED PROM ACTIVE SERVICE. 449 verely wounded) ; 1st lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps July, 18G3 ; captain Vet- eran Reserve Corps May, 18G4 ; 2d lieu- tenant 42d U. S. Infantry July, 186G; regimental adjutant June, 1867 ; trans- ferred to the Gth U. S. Infantry April, 18G9 ; regimental quartermaster (3th U. S. Infantry May, 1869; brevet first lieuten- ant U. S. Army for gallant and meritori- ous services at the battle of Marye's Heights, Va. ; brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services during the war; retired March 25, 1871, disa- bility in line of duty. Hogarty, W^illiam P. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. ; educated at Al- fred University, N. Y., at which he was pursuing a course of studies when the Re- bellion of 1861 broke out, with a number of other students of that college aban- doned his studies and enlisted as a private in Company D, 23d N. Y. Vol. Inf., in April, 18G1, and was mustered into the service of the United States May 16 fol- lowing ; September, 1861, was detached from his company and assigned to duty with Light Rattery B, 4th U. S. Artillery, with which he served without intermis- sion, participating in all the battles, skir- mishes, and combats in which that battery was engaged until discharged Jan. 29, 1863, by reason of the loss of left arm, torn oft" at the shoulder by a cannon-ball at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. During that time he participated in the following engagements: capture of Falmouth, Va., 1862 ; engagement at Rap- pahannock Station, Va., August, 1862; anillery engagement at Sulphur Springs, Va., August, 1862; battle of Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862; battle of Groveton Aug. 29, 1862; Second Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862; battle of South Mountain Sept. 14, 18G2; in this engagement the section of the bat- tery to which he belonged was detaciied from the battery to accompany the skir- mish line through Turner's Gap; battle of Antietam Sept. 17, 1862, and battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; ap- pointed 2d lieut. Veteran Re.«erve Corps Jan. 30, 1865, and assigned to the com- mand of Co. K, 21st Regiment V. R. C, which he retained until the organization was broken on account of cessation of hos- tilities ; assigned to duty in the Freed- men's Bureau, and stationed at Louisville, Ky., May, 1866; promoted to 1st lieut. and capt. by brevet for gallant and meri- torious services during the war to rank from March 13, 1865 ; appointed 2d lieut. 45ih U. S. Inf. July 28, 1866; promoted to 1st lieut. U.S.A. by brevet for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va , to rank from March 2, 1867; on recruiting service at Coving- ton, Ky., 1866-67; on duty in Freedmen's Bureau 1867-68 ; on leave of absence in Europe on surgeon's certificate of disabil- ity, undergoing medical treatment to re- cover loss of hearing occasioned by ex- posure in service, 1868 ; in command of Co. H, 45th Inf., and post of Pulaski, Tenn., 1869 ; in command of company and post of Chattanooga, Tenn., 18G9 ; on duty with company at Union, W. Va., 1869 ; left out in the consolidation of the 45th with the 14th Inf. because of physi- cal disabilit}' ; on recruiting service at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1870; retired Dec. 31, 1870, by reason of disability re- sulting from the loss of loft arm and deaf- ness contracted in the military service of the United States. Madden, Frank. Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from New York; private Co. B, 65th, Co. K, 38th, and Co. H, 40th N. Y. Infantry, March 1, 1862, to April 23, '64 ; private general service and Co. K, 44th Infantry, July 19, 1865, to November 14, 1866 ; 2d lieutenant 42d Infantry July 28, 1866; unassigned April 22, 1869; retired December 31, 1870; loss of left leg from wound in line of duty. Mangan, Michael. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Wisconsin ; private, cor- poral, and sergeant Co. E, 6th Wisccmsin Infantry, June 28, 1861, to July 1, 1865; 2d lieutenant 6th Wisconsin Infantry July 1, 1863; honorabl}^ mustered out April 3, 1864 ; 2d lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps March 18, 1864; honorably mustered out September 6, 1866; 2d lieutenant 45th In- fantry January 22, 1867 ; unassignetl July 22, 1869; retired December 31, 1870; loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Magnitzky, Gustave. Born in Prussia. Appointed from Massachusetts ; private and sergeant Co. C, sergeant and 1st ser- geant Co. G, 20th Massachusetts Infantry, and Co. E, 21st Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1861, to May 6, 1864; 1 lieuten- ant 20th Massachusetts Infantry May 6, 1864; captain 20th Massachusetts Infantry September 12, 1864; mustered out July 16, 1865; 2 lieutenant 39th Infantry March 7, 1867 ; unassigned April 20, 1869; assigned to 14th Infantry August 3, 1870; brevet 1 lieutenant U.S.A. for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet captain U.S.A. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va. ; retired Nov. 14, 1871, wounds in line of dutj'. Williams, William N. Born in Ire- land. Appointed from Indiana ; first ser- geant 6th Indiana Vols. April to August, 1861 ; engaged at the actions of Philif)pi, Laurel Hill, and Carrick's Ford, Va. ; 450 RECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. private 6th Indiana Volunteers August, 1861 ; sergeant-major of regiment Septem- ber, 1861 ; second lieutenant 6th Indiana Volunteers March, 1862; cominanding company and engaged at the battle of ShilohjTenn. ; first lieutenant 6th Indiana Volunteers May, 1862 ; aide-de-camp to General Crittenden July, 1862 ; captured by the rebel General Forrest at Murfrees- boro', Tenn., July, 1862; paroled October, 1861 ; thrown from his horse while skir- mishing with the rebel cavalry near Salem, Tenn., and injured ; engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; rejoined company October, 1863 ; commanding company and engaged in action near Brown's Ferry and at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Ga. ; resigned June, 1864; second lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry June, 1867 ; at Fort Dodge, Kansas, from to ; retired June 28, 1878, disability in line of duty. Piatt, Benjamin M. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kansas; captain A. A. G. May 16, 1862; major March 13, 1865; honorably mustered out Nov. 25, 1865 ; bvt. 1st lieut. July 2, 1867, for galUuit and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; brevet captain July 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; bvt. major vol. March 2, 1865 ; 2d lieut. 44lh Inf. July 2, 1867; unassigned May 27, 1869 ; retired Dec. 31, 1870, disability in line of dulj'. Reed, Thomas B. Born in Penna. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; sergeant and 1st sergeant Co. D, 5th Penna. Re- serves, June 5, 1861, to March 5,1863; 1st lieutenant 5th Penna. Reserves March 5, 1863; must, out June 11, 1861; captain 205th Penna. Infantry September 3, 1864 ; brevet lieut -colonel volunteers for faithful and meritorious services during the war; must, out June 2, 1865; 2d lieut. 29th Infantry July 22, 1867 ; unassigned April 25, 1869; assigned to 9th Cavalry July 14, 1869 ; transferred to 24th Infantry February 3, 1870 ; retired November 14, 1871, for disability in line of duty. Walker, Samuel. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; private Co. H, 13th Pa. Inf., April 2.5, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 6, 1861 ; pvt. and sergeant Co. F, 155th Pa. Inf., Aug. 22, 1862, to March 12, 1864; 2d lieut. Vet. Reserve Corps Feb. 20, 1864; brevet 1st lieutenant and brevet captain U. S. Vol. March 13, 1865, for gallant and merito- rious services during the war; honorably mustered out Aug. 27, 1868; 2d lieut. 45th Infantry Sept. 16, 1868; unassigned July 22, 1869; retired Dec. 31, 1870, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Moore, Michael. Born in New York. Appointed from army; musician 13th Infantry April 30,1812; disch. May 1, 1817 ; musician Co. A, 2d Infantry, Feb. 4, 1819, to Feb. 12, 1834; musician Co. A, and principal musician 2d Infantry Sept 2, 1834, to Sept. 2, 1840; sergeant Co. B May 4, 1841, to March 27, 1869; 2d lieut. 9th Inf. Jan. 19, 1869; unas- signed June 14, 1869; retired Dec. 15, 1870, dii^ability from old age. Benjamin, Edward A. Born in Conn. Appointed from La. : 2d It. 6th Cavalry Doc. 12, 1872; transferred to 3d Infantry Oct. 13, 1873; retired June 28, 1878, in- jury in line of duty. Chaplains. Wright, Alpha. Born in Vt. Ap- pointed from Nebraska; chaplain 25 Mo. Infantry and 1st Mo. Engineers April 25, 1863, to April 20, 1864; honorably mus- tered out March 6, 1865; chaplain 2d U. S. Vol. Infantry March 7, 1865; hon- orably mustered out Dec. 11, 1865; post chaplain Ajiril 3, 1867; retired Oct. 3, 1879, at his own request, over sixty-two years of age. Chase, Dudley. Born in Connecticut. Appointed from California ; hospital chap- lain U. S. Army April 7, 1864 ; hon. mus- tered out Aug. 21, '65; in service to Sept. 30, '65; chajtlain U.S.A. (Act 5 July, 1838) April 17, 1866; post chaplain Apr. 3, 1867; retired June 30, 1882, by opera- tion of law (Sec. 1, Act June 30, 1882). White, David. Born in Tenn. Ap- pointed from 111 ; private Co. I, 107th 111. Jnfantrv, Aug. 2, 1862; discharged March 10, 1864; chaplain 107th 111. In- fantry March 10, 1864; honorably mus- tered out June 21, 1865; post chaplain April 5, 1867; retired June 30, 1882, by 0}>eration of law. Reynolds, Charles. Born in England. Appointed from Kansas ; chaplain 2d Kansas Cavalry Jan. 9, 1862; honorably mustered out Dec. 31, 1864 ; post chaplain April 3, 1867 ; retired June 30, 1882, by operation of law. Woart, John. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Pa. After his collegiate studies were concluded he studied law in his native citj'. Just before he was to be allowed to commence the practice of law he entered his name as a candidate for Holy Orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church. The desire to do so dated back to his earliest recollections. He pursued his divinity studies at the theological sem- inarj' in Virginia in order to be near a dear brother who was then residing in that State. His flrst parish was in Maryland, for one year. His second in New Jersey, for five years. He then removed to Bos- KETIRED FROM ACTIVE SEEVICE. 451 ton, Maissachnselts, nnd Wiis rector of Christ Church in that city for ten years. His liealth fiiiletl somewhat owing to ex- traordinary duties, nnd, after remaining one year witliout a charge, he spent nearly two years in the care of a parish in the western part of that State. For the fur- ther benefit of his health he then went to New Orleans, and performed ministerial duties in that city and in St. Mary's Parish, on Bayou Teche, for several years, when he was invited to the rector- ship of a church at Dayton, Ohio; from which city, in less than three years, he went to Philadelphia, and otRciated in a large parish near that city until thesecond year of the late rebellion, when his great interest in the struggle then going on in- duced him to give most of his time to hos- pitals and aftlicted families, unofficially, until he was applied to go to the South as a hospital chaplain. The first few months he was stationed at Savannah. After- ward he took charge of a large hospital at Hilton Head, South Carolina. At the same time, by request of army officers and their families residing there, he acted as chaplain at that post. On the 2d of June, 1866, he was mustered out of the volunteer service and received an appointment as post chaplain at Fort Union, New Mex- ico. In the autumn of 1869 he was ordered to the Dept. of Dakota, and resided at Ambercrombie until the spring of the year 1873, when he was ordered to Fort Snel- ling, Minnesota. In the autumn of that year he was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where he remained until the spring of 1882. In the Dept. of the Missouri and in Dakota he was accustomed to go to different posts not provided with chap- lains, and to visit extensive neighbor- hoods, by permission of department com- manders, to render services. Upon leav- ing Leavenworth he had an order to report for duty to the commander of the Dept. of the Pacific, and was assigned to Angel Island, in the harbor of San Francisco. In July of that year his name was placed upon the Armj' Retired List by act of Congress. By invitation he went in the following August to Eureka, Humboldt Bay, California, and tc^k charge of Christ Church in that city. Van Wyck, George P. Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. ; chaplain 56 N. Y. Infantry April 8, 1868; honor- ably mustered out Oct. 17, 1865; post chaplain Aug. 7, 1867; retired Aug. 1, 1869, disability in line of duty. Palen, Vincent. Born in New York. Appointed from Va. ; hospital chaplain May 31, 1862; honorably mustered out Sept. 1, 1867 ; post chaplain Sept. 11, 1867; retired Dec. 1, 1868, disability in line of duty. Collins, Gamaliel. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Pa. ; chaplain 72d Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry August, 1861 ; present with his regiment in all the battles fought by the Army of the Poto- mac to July 10, 1864; mustered out Aug. 24, 1864; severely injured at the battle of Antictam, Md. ; post chaplain U.S. Army October, 1867 ; at Fort Lyon, C. T., to July, 1869 ; at Fort Havs, Kansas, July, 1869 ; retired October 3,' 1879, at his own request, being over sixty-two years of age. Gonzales, Manuel J. Born in Fun- chal, Madeira. Apptd. from District of Columbia; hospital chaplain August 6, 1862; mustered out September 15, 1863; hospital chaplain October 17, 1863; mus- tered out August 4, 1865; chaplain 9 Cav- alry December 26, 1868; retired June 30, 1882, by operation of law. Gilmore, Alexander. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from New Jersey ; post chaplain U.S.A. July 2, 1870; retired May 17, 1879, at his own request, being over 62 years of age. Porter, Jeremiah. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Texas ; chaplain 1st 111. Light Artillery Mar. 5, 1862 ; hon- orably mustered out July 31, 1865; post chaplain July 2, 1870; retired June 30, 1882, by operation of law. Kelley, Moses J. Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Me. ; chaplain 6 Maine In- fantry Aug. 14, '62; honorably mustered out Aug. 15, '64; post chaplain July 2, '70 ; retired Oct. 3, '79, at his own request, being sixty-two years of age. SUPPLEMENT. CONTAINING COKKECTED VEKSIONS OF RECORDS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN, RECORDS ACCIDENTALLY OMITTED FROM THE BODY OF THE BOOK, AND ERRATA. ADJUTANT - GENERAL'S DE- PARTMENT. Sheridan, Michael V. Was born in Ohio. He served as a volunteer aide-de- camp for Brigadier-General Sheridan from July 1, 1862, to September 7, 1863, and was engaged in the battles of Booneville (Miss.), Perry ville, and Stone River, and was specially mentioned in official reports for valuable services. He served as a second lieutenant in the Second Missouri Volunteers from September 7, 1863, to June 28, 1864. He participated in the Chickamauga campaign, and was engaged in the battle of Chickamauga, the siege of Chattanooga, the battle of Missionary Ridge, the campaign for the relief of Knoxville during the winter of 1863-64, and in the action of Dandridge, Tenn. He accepted, June 29, 1864, an appoint- ment as an aide-de-camp of volunteers, with the rank of captain, to date from May 18, 1864, and served on the staff of Major-General Sheridan until August 1, 1806, and was engaged in the battles of the Wilderness and Todd's Tavern, the action of the Furnaces, the battle of Yel- low Tavern, the actions at Meadow Bridge and Richmond, the battles of Tolopotomy and Hawes' Shop, the action at Metadequin Creek, the battles of Cold Harbor and Trevillian Station, the actions at Malhiry's Ford, Tunstall Station, St. Mary's Church, Darbytown, and Lee's Mill, and (with the Army of the Shenan- doah) in the actions at Kernstown and Berry ville; the battles of Ojiequan and Fisher's Hill, the action at Woodstock, the battle of Cedar Creek, and the action at Waynesboro', and (in the closing Rich- mond campaign of 1865) in the battles of Dinwiddle Court-House, Five Forks, and Sailor Creek ; and was present at the sur- render of the Confederate Army of North- 462 ern Virginia at Appomattox Court-House, April 9, 1865. He was then transferred to the Division of the Gulf, where he served until August 1, 1866, when he was mustered out of volunteer service. He was appointed, from Ohio, a second lieu- tenant in the Fifth Cavalry, to date from February 23, 1866, and joined the regi- ment at Washington, D. C, on the 10th of October, where he served until the 23d, when he was appointed a captain in the Seventh Cavalry, to date from July 28, 1866. He joined his regiment on the 1st of November, and served in Kansas and Colorado until July 1, 1867, when he was appointed an aide-de-camp for Major-Gen- eral Sheridan, and has served in that po- sition to the present time, having been appointed an aide-de-camp (with the rank of lieutenant-colonel) for the lieutenant- general of the arm}', August 1, 1870, and military secretarj' April 9, 1878. He was made a brevet major of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for' gallant and meritorious services; a brevet major, to date from March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Ope- quan ; and a brevet lieutenant-colonel, to date from March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fish- er's Hill. He was appointed major and assistant adjutant-general June 7, 1883, and is now on duty at the headquarters of the army in Washington. SENIOR INSPECTOR-GENERAL. Sacket, Delos B. Born in New York. He was graduated from the Military Academy on the 1st of July, 1845, as- signed to the Second Dragoons (now Second Cavalrj') as a brevet second lieu- tenant, and served with that regiment until September, 1846, when he was ap- SUPPLEMENT. 453 Jointed a second lieutenant in the First )ragoons (now First Cavalry), to date from June 30, 1846. He was promoted, in that regiment, a first lieutenant De- cember 27, 1848. He served in the mili- tarj' occupation of Texas and in the Mexi- can War, and was engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Kesaca de la Palma, and Monterey, where he was distinguished for gallant bearing. He participated in the famous charge at Kcsaca de la Palma, where Captain May, with eighty dra- goons, captured eight guns and the Mexi- can General Vega. During the charge his horse was wounded and fell with him into a water-hole. He disengaged him- self with great difficulty, and, gaining the bank, seized a horse from a Mexican trooper and rejoined his squadron. He was specially mentioned in the official re- port of Colonel Twiggs for conspicuous conduct on that occasion, and was made a brevet first lieutenant, to date from May 9, 1846, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battles of Palo Alto and Kesaca de la Pahna. He was assigned at the end of the war to duty in the Indian Territory, Arkansas, and New Mexico, where he served until 1850, when, after a brief tour of recruiting service, he was transferred, in December, to the Military Academy as an assistant instructor of cavalrj' tactics, and was employed on that duty until he was appointed one of the original captains in the First (present Fourth) Cavalry, to date from March 3, 1855. The headquarters of his regiment were established, in orders, at Jefl'erson Barracks; but shortly thereafter they were transferred to Fort Leavenworth, where he joined after a tour of regimental recruiting service. He was emploj'ed in removing intruders from the Indian lands in Kansas, 1855-5G ; served at Washing- ton in 1857 as a member of a board of officers which was convened to revise the army regulations ; and, returning to fron- tier service, was engaged in quelling the Kansas border disturbances of 1857-58, participated in the Utah and Chej-enne expeditions of 1858 and in the Antelope Hills expedition of 1859. He then availed himself of a leave of absence and visited Europe. Upon his return to the LTnited States he was assigned to Fort Arbuckle, I. T., where he was stationed at the be- ginning of the war of the Kehellion. He marched, under the command of Major Emory, to Fort Leavenworth, where he arrived late in INFay. He was promoted a major in his regiment, to date from Janu- ary 31, 1861, and upon arrival at Fort Leavenworth was informed of his pro- motion to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the 30 Fifth (old Second) Cavalry, to date from May 3, ISfil. He proceeded to AVashing- ton, where he arrived about the middle of June, and was assigned to duty with Brigadier-General Mansfield as acting in- spector-general, and discharged the duties of the position until the next August, when he was a.ssigned to New York City as a mustering and disbursing officer ; on the 1st of October, 18G1, he was appointed an inspector-general with the rank of colonel, and served as inspector-general of the Army of the Potomac from December, 1861, to January, 1863; participated in tlie Virginia Peninsular, Maryland, and Bappahannock campaigns, and was en- gaged in the battles of Gaines' Mill, Glen- dale, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and other en- gagements of less importance. Colonel Sacket was then placed in charge of the inspector-general's office in the War De- partment, where he served until the latter part of May, 1863, when he was appointed a member of a board of officers which was convened to organize the Invalid Corps. Upon the completion of this duty, in Au- gust, he was made a member of a retiring board, and so continued until April, 1864, when he began a tour of inspection which embraced the Departments of the Ten- nessee, the Cumberland, Arkansas, and New Mexico, and occupied his time until August, 1865, when he returned to New York City, and awaited orders until April, 1866. He was made a brevet brigadier- general and a brevet major-general, to date from March 13, 1865, for gallant, faithful, and meritorious services in the field during the war of the Bebellion. Colonel Sacket made a tour of inspection on the Pacific coast during the summer of 1866, and thereafter served as inspector- general of the Department of the Ten- nessee and of the Cumberland from No- vember, 1866, to October, 1868. He was then transferred to the Division of the Atlantic, where he served until October, 1872, when he was assigned to duty in the War Department, and acted under the instructions of the Secretary of War until July, 1876. He was then assigned as inspector-general of the Division of the Missouri, and continued to dis- charge the duties of the position, liav- ing station at Chicago, until Januarv 2, 1881, when, having become the senior in- spector-general of the army, he was pro- moted a brigadier-general and transferred to Washington, D. C, where he is now servinir. 454 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. SURGEON-GENERAL. With the rank of Brigadier-General. Murray, Robert. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland; assistant sur- geon U.S. Army June, 1846; at Fort Gra- tiot, Mich., to September, 1846; eti route to California September, 1846; at Los Angeles, Monterey, and Camp Far West, California, to October, 1850; at Fort In- dependence, Boston, Mass., to January, 1852; in New York City to April, 1854; in California to June, 1861 ; surgeon U.S. Army June, 1860 ; in Washington, D. C, July to September, 1861 ; medical director and purveyor. Department of the Cumber- land, to December, 1862; medical y)ur- veyor, Philadelphia, to April, 1865; med- ical purveyor, Military Division of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. ; lieutenant- colonel and assistant medical purvej'or U.S. Army July, 1866 ; brevet lieutenant- colonel and colonel U.S. Army for faithful and meritorious services during the war; medical purveyor, San Francisco, Cal., 1867 to 1876; appointed surgeon with rank of col. 26 June, 1876; medical di- rector Division of the Missouri 1877 to 1882; appointed asst. surgeon-general De- cember 18, 1882; medical director Division of the Atlantic and Dept. of the East Sept. 1882, to November, 188-3 ; appointed sur- geon-general Nov. 23, 1883. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL MEDI- CAL DEPARTMENT. Hammond, John F. Born in South Carolina. A})pointed from S. C. ; assist- ant surgeon Feb. 16, 1847 ; captain and assistant surgeon Feb. 16, 1852 ; major and surgeon Feb. 26, 1861 ; It.-col. and surgeon June 26, 1876; served in the war with Mex- ico, and present at the siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and city of Mexico ; resident surgeon in the general hospital. Bishop's PaTace, city of Mexico ; wiih the 2d Infantry en route to and at Jeft'erson Barracks, Mo., to 1849; with troops in- fected with cholera to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., March, 1849; medical director of troops infected with cholera from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Santa Fe, N. M., May to July, 1849; with troops engaged ill an expedition against the Navajo In- dians fall of 1849 ; at Santa Fe, bocoro. Forts Conrad and Fillmore, N. M., to Aug. 1852 ; in Florida durins; an epidemic of yellow fever Nov. 1852, to Oct. 1853; at San Francisco, Fort Reading, and San Diego, Cal., Feb. 1854, to July, 1858; medical director of troops engaged in an expedition against hostile Indians, and present at the battles of Four Lakes and Spokane Plains, W^. T. ; at Fort Town- send, Puget Sound, Nov. 1858, to Aug. 1859; member of armv medical board, New York City, May, 1800; at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, June, 1860, to May, 1861 ; at Washington Ar- senal, D. C, May, 1861 ; at Fort Jeffer- son, Tortugas, Fla., to March, 1862 ; med- ical director 2d Corps, Army of the Po- tomac, to July 18, 1862, and present at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Wil- liamsburg, Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Wtiite Oak Swamp, Glen- dale, and Malvern Hill, Va. ; on duty with the chief medical purveyor, president of the army medical board, member of medi- cal boards, and of the army retiring board, and attending surgeon, New York City, from Aug. 1862, to April, 1870 ; attending surgeon hdqrs. Dept. of Texas, and post surgeon at Austin and San AnKmio, Texas, from April, 1870, to April, 1871 ; jiost sur- geon at Fort Richardson, Texas, from April, 1871, to April, 1872; medical di- rector Dept. of Texas from April, 1872, to April, 1875; attending surgeon New York City from May, 1875, to November, 1877 ; post surgeon at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, from April, 1878, to April, 1883; brevet It.-col. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services durinor the war. MAJOR AND SURGEON. Taylor, Morse K. Born in New York. Appointed from Iowa; second lieutenant 1st Regiment Michigan Volunteers Dec. 1, 1847, to July 18, 1848; war with Mex- ico ; was at Vera Cruz, Cordova, and Or- izaba ; surgeon 26th 111. Volunteers from Aug. 29, 1861, to Aug. 8, 1862; served in Northeast Missouri, Island No. 10, New Madrid, Point Pleasant; was at the battle of Farmington, Miss., May 9, '62, and capture of Corinth May 30, '62, and recon- noissance to Booneville, Miss., Army of the Mississippi ; appointed surgeon of U. S. Volunteers Aug. 8, 1862, and assigned to the charge of the U. S. G'-neral Hos- pitals at Keokuk, Iowa, which position lie held until honorably muslen d out of the service Oct. 18, 1865; appoinied lieut.- colonel U. S. Volunteers by brevet for faithful and meritorious services Oct. 7, 1865; appointed captain and assistant sur- geon U. S. Army May 14, 1867; served as post surgeon Fort Brady, Michigan, from July, '67, to June, '69; post surgeon Fort SUPPLEMENT. 455 Gratiot, Mich., June, '69, to July, '70; post surgeon Thomas Barraclis, Hunts- ville, AUihama, from August, '70, to De- cember, '73; post surgeon Austin, Texas, Janiuiry, '74, to Jul}', '75; post surgeon and attending surgeon, department head- quarters, San Antonio, Texas, July, '75, to October 1, '80; post surgeon at Fort Wayne, Mich., and attending surgeon Detroit, Mich., from November, '80, to Oct. 1, '83; promoted to major and sur- geon June 30, 1882; post surgeon Fort Sill, I. T., Nov. 20, 1883. CAPTAINS AND ASSISTANT SURGEONS. DeHanne, J. Victor. Born in New York. Appointed from New York ; pri- vate Company B, 176lh New York Infan- try, Oct. 7, 18G2, to September 22, 18(33 ; with regiment in Louisiana; taken pris- oner by the rebels at the capture of Brash- ear City, La.; released alter live weeks' imprisonment; discharged September, '03, on surgeon's certificate of disability ; med- ical otticer of a revenue steamer January, 1864; acting asst. surgeon U. S. Army and at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, 1). C, June to July, 1804; asst. surgeon volunteers December, 1864; on duty with Hardin's Division and at division head- quarters, Washington, D. C, to May, 1865; charge of Post Hospital, Camp Barry, D. C., and with the artillery bri- gade, Bladensburg, Md. ; charge of Freed- men's Hospital, Augusta, Georgia; sur- geon-in-chief Bureau Refugees, Freed- men, and A. L., District of Georgia, Oct. '66, to June, 1867 ; asst. surgeon U. S. Army May 14, 1867 ; attending surgeon headquarters 3d Military District, At- lanta, Ga., from Jul}', 1867; brevet cap- tain and major volunteers for faithful and meritorious services. Girard, Alfred C. Born in Switzerland. Appointeil from N. Y.; A. A. surgeon from 1864 to 1867 ; asst. surgeon May 14, 1867 ; with 6th Infantry, Charleston, S. C., and Indian Territory, to Oct. 1867; Charles- ton, S. C, to Dec. 1867 ; Aiken, S. C, with 5th Cavalry to March, 1868; Fort Pike, La., with 39th Inf. to Jan. 1869; Baton Kouge, La., with 20th and 19th Infantry to July, 1870; Fort McKavett, Tex., with 9th Cav., 24th and 25th Inf. to Nov. '70; Fort Duncan, Tex., with 24th, 25th Inf. and 9th Cav. to Aug. 1871 ; Fort Brown, Tex., witli 10th Int. and 4ih Cav. to Sept. 1872; Kinggold Barracks, Tex., with 10th Inf. and 9th Cav. to Nov. 1872; Fort Pu- laski, Ga., with 1st Artillery to Sept. 1873 ; Yorkville, S. C, with 18th Inf. to May, 1874; U. S. Mil. Academv, West Point, to Oct. 1876; Fort Kandall, W. T., with 1st Inf. to June, 1878 ; Fort Keogh, M.T., with 5th Inf. and 2d Cavalry to date (Oct. 1883). MAJOR AND PAYMASTER. Dodge, Francis S. Born in Massachu- setts. Appointed from Mass.; private and corporal Co. F, 23d Mass. Vols., Oct. 9, '61-Dec. 19, '63 ; 1st It. 2d U. S. Colored Cavalry Dec. 20, 1863 ; acting ordnance officer 3d Div., 18th Corps, 3d Div., 25th Corps, and 3d Div., 10th Corps, from Aug. '64, to Apr. '(')r>, when relieved at his own request; capt. July6, '65; honorably mus- tered out Feb. 12, '66; 1st lieut. 9th Cav. July 28, '66; capt. July 31, '67 ; engaged at the CHjjture of Iloanoke Island, battle of Newbern, actions of Kingston, White- hall, Goldsboro', N. C, and defense of Suffolk, Va. ; engaged at the battle of Drury's Blutf and siege of Petersburg; engaged in the operations of the Army of the James north of the James Kiver, action of Fair Oaks, capture of Ft. Fisher, and cam(iaign in North Carolina ; in Texas July to Nov. 1865; on duty in Bureau of llefugees, Freodmen, and Abandoned Lands, La., Nov. '65, to Jan'y, H'A) ; sta- tioned in Texas from 1867 to '75, inclu- sive, and in New Mexico during 1876-79, in commaTid of Co. D, 9th Cavalry ; par- ticipated in numerous scouts and expedi- tions against hostile Indians during this period, among them one (comjiosecl en- tirely of the 9th Cavalry) to the Guada- loupe Mountains in January, 1870, which, under his command, destroyed a large camp of Indians, killed tbeir chief, amd captured a number of ponies; a second camp was subsequently destroyed in this vicinity by Company D, 9th Cavalry, in the summer of 1872 ; in September, 1879, while in command of his conifiany and on scouting duty in Northwestern Coloi-ado, hearing of the attack by the 'White lliver Utes on the command of Maj. Tliornburg, he marched at (mce to their relief, and joined them in their rifle-pits near Milk Creek ; for tliis action he was appointed major and paymaster, to date from Jan. 13, 1880. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Heap, David P. Born in Turkey in Europe. Appointed from Pa. ; graduate M. A., class of '64; 1 It. Eng. June 13, '04; captain March 7, '67 ; maj. June 23, '82 ; with Engineer Battalion, Army of 456 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. Potomac, in the Richmond campaign and siege of Petersburg 1804-5 ; bvt. captain April 2, '05, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Va. ; at Willefs Point, N.Y., '65-00; construction of Fort Ontario '66-67 ; im- provemonts of harbors on Lakes Superior and Michigan '67-70; engineer officer De- partment of Dakota 70-71 ; with Major Barlow during summer of '71, making re- connois^ance and exploration of region afterwards designated as Yellowstone Na- tional Park ; asst. to General Gillmore, Charleston, S. C, '71-3; on duty under General Warren, Newport, R. I., '73-80; on detached duty in charge of engineer exhibit, Centennial Exhibition, '75-77; L. H. Engineer 10th District '80-81 ; on detached service as military representative of the United States to congress of elec- tricians, and honorary commissioner of the United States to the Paris Electrical Exhibition of '81 ; in charge of harbor improvements on the east shore of Lake Michigan 1882-83 ; Engineer Secretary' Light-House Board, '83. Bixby, William Herbert. Born in Massachusetts 27 Dec. 1849. Entered U. S. M. A. from Mass. in 1869. Appointed (from M. A.) 2d lieutenant Corps of En- gineers 13 June, 1873 ; appointed 1st lieutenant Corps of Engineers 9 Dec. 1875; appointed captain Corps of Engi- neers 16 April, 1883 ; served with Battal- lionof Engineers at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., 1873-5; at Military Academy 1875-9; acting assistant professor 1875-8, and as- sistant professor 1878-9, of civil and niili- tary engineering; Eleve ExterneaTEcole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees at Paris, France, 1879-1881 ; appointed by the U. S. to follow the aiitumn manoeuvres of the French Army in France Sept. 1880; dec- orated " Chevalier de la Legion d'Hon- neur" bv the French government 25 Sep. 1880; ordered Aug. 20, 1881, to July 1, 1882, to Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy, and England, to procure informa- tion in relation to turrets, armor-plates, etc. ; adjutant Battalion of Engineers at AVillet's Point, N. Y. H., July 1, 1882- Julv 1, 1883 ; on duty in Now York City 1883-4. SECOND EEGIMENT OF ARTIL- LERY. Calef, John H. Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts ; graduate M. A., class of 1862; 2d lieutenant 5th Artillery 17 June, 1802; transferred to 2d Artillery October, 1862; 1 lieutenant 4 November, 1863; regimental adjutant from November 6, 1864, to March 16, 1875; captain 10th Cavalry (declined) 12 June, 1807; captain 2d Artillery 16 March, 1875; brevet captain 6th July, 1804, for gallantry and good conduct at Gettysburg and in tho campaign from the llapidan to Petersburg, Va. ; brevet major 13 March, 1805, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. CAPTAIN OF ENGINEERS. Post, James C. Born in New York. Appointed from New York; graduated from Military Academy June 23, 1865 ; second lieutenant 5th Artillery June 23, 1865; served on artillery duty at the Military Academy July 5 to September 1, 1865; in garrison at Little Rock, Ark., December 8, 1865, to January 10, 1866 ; as acting ordnance ofBcer, Department of Arkansas, January 10 to July 1, 1866 (transferred to Engineers May 1, 1866; first lieutenant May 1, 1866); served with Companj' E, Engineer Battalion, at Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo., July 1, 1866, to March 1, 1807; as assistant engineer in the improvement of Boston Harbor, Mass., May 23 to July 24, 1867 ; in the construc- tion of the defenses of Portsmouth, N. H., July 24 to September 1, 1867 ; at the Mili- tary Academy, Instructor of Mathematics, September 1, 1867, to September, 1871; with Company B, Engineer Battalion, Willet's Point, N. Y., September 1, 1871, to June 17, 1872 (captain Oct. 10, 1871); adjutant Battalion of Engineers June 17, 1872, to September 13, 1872; commanding Companv C, Battalion of Engineers, Sep- tember 13 1872, to May 21 , 1874 ; assistant engineer in the construction of the defenses of Hampton Roads, Va., Charleston Har- bor, S. C, Savannah, Ga., and of the river and harbor improvement in South Caro- lina, Georgia, and Florida May 21, 1874, to November 28, 1882; in temporary charge as engineer of this same district November 28, 1882, to March 31, 1883; consulting engineer to National Board of Health on South Atlantic coast 1879 and 1880; in charge of the improvements of the Kentucky, Tradewater, Big Sandy, Guyandotte, and Little Kanawha Rivers, Kentucky and West Virginia, April 13, 1883, to the present time. POST CHAPLAIN. Parker, John D., Ph.D. Born in Homer, New York. Educated at the University of Michigan and the Chicago Theological Seminary; elected professor SUPPLEMENT. 457 of natural science in Lincoln College, Topeka, Kansas, in 1867 ; appointed super- intendent of the Kansas Institution for the Blind in 1871 ; founded the Kansas Acad- emy of Science in 1867 ; founded the Kan- sas City Academy of Science in 1875 ; ap- pointed post chaplain from Missouri July 29, 1882; stationed at Fort McKavetl, Texas, until the fort was abandoned, June 30, 1883, when he was stationed at Fort Stockton, Texas : transferred in October, 1883, to Fort Hays, Kansas. SECOND REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Ames, Luther S. Born in New York. Appointed from Illinois; private Co. A, and quartermaster-sergeant and sergeant- major G-lth Illinois Infantry, September, 1861, to December, 1863; engaged in the capture of New Madrid, Island No. 10, Mo., and Corinth, Miss., and the pursuit of the rebel General Beauregard ; in the battles of Corinth and luka. Miss., Oct. 1862, and the march from Mississippi to Middle Tennessee, fall of 1863 ; 1st lieu- tenant and regimental quartermaster 64ih Illinois Infantry Dec. 1863; acting adju- tant of regiment during the Atlanta cam- paign, being engHged in the battles of Re- saca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Nick- ajack Creek, Ga., and those of the 22d and 28th of July, 1864 ; captain July, 1864, and engaged in the battle of Jones- boro', Ga., and the capture of Atlanta, Ga., and the pursuit of the rebel General Hood into Northern Alabama ; in Sher- man's march to the sea and the Carolina campaigns, being engaged at Pocotaligo and the capttire of Columbia, S. C. ; act- ing assistant adjutant-general 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 17lh Army Corps, February, 1865, and in the engagements at Cheraw, S. C , Bentonville, N. C, and the capture of Goldsboro' and Ealeigh, N. C, and the surrender of the rebel General Johnston and army ; in the march from Kaleigh to "Washington, D. C, and participated in the "Grand Review," May, 1865; acting commissary of subsistence 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, to July 11, 1865, when mustered out of volunteer service ; 2d lieutenant 16th Infantry May 11, 1866; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. post of Augusta, Ga., to October, 1867; in Georgia, Ala- bama, and Florida during " reconstruc- tion" ; transferred to 2d Infantry April, 1869; 1st lieutenant March 18, 1872; ordered to Department of the Columbia, July, 1877; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. post of CcEur d'Alene, Idaho; building pust from January to October, 1879 ; A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S. Fort Spokane, W. T. ; engaged in building post from November, 1882, to date. ELEVENTH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Krause, David. Born in Pa. Apptd. from Pa. ; 1st lieutenant 14th Inf. May 14, 1861 ; quartermaster 1st Battalion, 14th Inf., from June, 1862, to July, 1863 ; Ciiptain July 31, 1863; brevetted major March 13, 1865, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; on garrison and frontier duty in the South, on the Pacific coast, in Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado; major 11th Inf.l883. SIXTH REGIMENT OF INFAN- TRY. Lee, D. Mortimer. Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. ; private Co. E, 2d Conn. Inf., May 7, 1861, to Aug. 7, 1861 ; sergeant Co. K, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery, April 4, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1863; 2d lieut. 29th Conn. Colored Infantry Jan. 1, 1864; 1st lieut. Feb. 1, 1865; hon- orably mustered out Oct. 24, 1865; 2d It. 19th Inf. Feb. 23, 1866; transferred to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, 1866; 1st lieut. Sept. 12, 1866; transferred to 5th Inf. May 19, 1869; unassigned June 22, 1869; assigned to 6th Inf. Jan. 1, 1871 ; captain Oct. 31, 1876. FIFTH REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. Montgomery, Robert H. Born in Pennsylvania. He enlisted in the mounted service in August, 1860, and joined the Fifth (old Second) Cavalry at Fort Inge, Texas, in December, 1860, where he served as non-commissioned officer until the State was surrendered to the insurgents, when he marched to Indianola and embarked with the second detachment of the regi- ment on the steamship Em]iire City, and sailed for New York, and proceeded thence to Carlisle, where he arrived on the 27th of April, 1861. He participated as a non- commissioned oflicer in General Patter- son's Shenandoah campaign, and was en- gaged in the action at Falling Waters and in the skirmishes near Martinsburg and Bunker Hill, served in the defenses of Washington during the winter of 1861 -62, and in the Manassas, Virginia Penin- sular, and Maryland campaigns, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Williamsburg, and in almost 458 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance towards Richmond, the battle of Hanover Court-House, the reconnois- sance towards Ashland, the action at Old Church, the reconnt)issance towards the AVliite House, the sliirmlsh in the White Oak Swamp, and with the regiment as a part of tlie rear-guard of the Army of the Potomac during the evacuation of the Peninsula, the battles of S"Uth Mountain and Antietam, the skirmish near Shep- herdstown, the engagement near Hall- town, the skirmishes near Union and Up- perville, the action at Markham Station, the skirmish at Barbee's Cross-Roads, the action at Amisville, the battle of Freder- icksburg, and the skirmish and reconnois- sance near Falmouth. He was discharged from his enlistment on the 17th of De- cember, 18G2, having been appointed a second lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalry to date from November 29, 1862, and com- manded a company from December, 1862, to October, 1863. He served during the winter of 1862-63 near Falmouth, Va., and was engaged in March in the action at Kelly's Ford, participated in General Stoneman's raid towards Richmond (April -May), and was engaged in the action near Raccoon Ford (where he captured the men of a Confederate battery), and tlie skirmish at South Anna Bridge, and during June was engaged in the battle of Beverly Ford, the skirmish at Aldie, and the actions at Middletown and Snicker's Gap. He then participated in the Penn- sylvania and Central Virginia campaigns, and was engaged in the battle of Gettys- burg, the actions at Williamsport, Boons- boro', Funkstown, and Falling Waters, the engagement at Manassas Gap, the skirmish near Front Royal, the action and battle of Brandy Station, the action at Morton's Ford, and the combat of Bristoe Station. He was made a brevet lirst lieutenant to date from Dec. 9, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Brandy Station, and was rec- ommended in the fall of 1868 by Generals Emory and Merritt for the appointment of brevet major for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Gettysburg. He was captured October 29, 1863, while on picket duty at Elk Run, Va., and his name was drop[ied from the rolls of the army ; but when the circumstances at- tending his capture were fully under- stood he was restored to the service, and rejoined the regiment from a prisoner of war April 29, 1865. He was promoted a first lieutenant April 25, 1865, and served as regimental quartermaster from August 3, 1865, to December 31, 18(>6, when he was appointed regimental adjutant, and held the„po6ition until July 12, 1869. He sci-ved during this period at Cumljcrland, Md., Washington, D. C, and Fort Mc- Pherson, Neb., and was also emjjloyed from March to December, 1869, as re- corder of a board of officers convened at Washington to examine candidates for appointment to the army, and as an aide- de-camp for Brevet Major-General Emory from November, 1867, to August, 1868. He was relieved at his own request from duty as regimental adjutant and partici- pated in the closing operations of the Republican River expedition, and com- manded a company in the atfair in the sand-hills south of Julesburg and in the Niobrara pursuit, and served as quarter- master of the expedition during Septem- ber and October, and participated in the affair on Prairie Dog Creek, Kan. He was assigned in November to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until Dec. 12, 1871, and was promoted a captain to date from Jan. 3, 1870. He accompanied the second detachment of the regiment from Fort D. A. Russell by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Mc- Dowell in January, 1872, where he served until June, when he entered upon a tour of field service which continued until February, 1873, and was engaged in the brilliant combat at Muchos Canon, the affairs on the Santa Maria, in the Red Rock country, and on Pinto Creek. He was then assigned to Camp Grant, where he served until May, when he was trans- ferred to Camp McDowell, and thence to Camp Apache, Avhere he arrived in June. He then availed himself of a leave of absence until October, when he con- ducted a detachment of recruits to the Pacific coast, and rejoined his company at Camp Apache in January, 1874, and was engaged in November and December in the afl'airs at Lake and Caiion Creeks. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet majoi-, to date from September 25, 1872, for gallant con- duct in the engagement at Muchos Caiion, and a brevet lieutenant-colonel, to date from December 8, 1874, for gallant and distinguished conduct during a reconnois- sance made by him through Tonto Basin during November and December, 1874. He had station at Camp Apache until July, 1875, when he conducted a detach- ment (B, G, I) of the regiment from Ari- zona to Fort Lyon, CoL, whence he moved by rail with his company to Fort Hays, Kan., where he arrived in September, and had station, with occasional tours of field service, until June, 1876, when he moved SUPPLEMENT. 459 by rail with a detachment of the rea;iment to Cheyenne, and participated in the Sioux campaiiijn in Norlhern Wyoming-, Dakota, and Montana, and was engaged in the affair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo., and in the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. He was assigned, upon the disbandmentof the expedition in October, to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had sta- tion until April, 1880, and was employed on field service in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 1877-78, in the cap- ture of disaffected Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in January, 1878, and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 1879, and participated in raising the siege and action of Mill Creek, C«l. He was transferred in April, 1880, to Fort Niobrara, in Northern Nebraska, where he has since served as a company, and at times as a post, commander. FIFTEEXTH REGIMENT OF IN- FANTRY. Lloyd, Edward. Born in Va. Apptd. from 1). C. ; private and sergeant Signal Corps from July 22, 1871, to Nov. 26, 1880; 2 lieutenant 15 Inf. Nov. 26, 1880; on garrison and frontier duty in New Mexico and Dakota to date. CHAPLAIN U.S.A. Scott, Rev. Winfield, D.D. Born in Novi, Mich., Feb. 26, 1837. Graduated at University of Rochester, N. Y., 1859; Rochester Theological Seminary 1861 ; Doctor of Divinity by California College 1881 ; pastor of churches at Leavenworth, Kan., Denver, Colorado, Oakland and San Franc'sco, Cal., from 1865 to 1882; captain 126th Regt. N. Y. V. I. Aug. 22, 1862; mustered out from wounds Sept. 28, 1864; commanded the 125th and 126th Kegts. N. Y. V. I. consolidated through battles of Wilderness, Po River, and Si)ott- sylvania Court-House, Va., May, 1864; recommended by brigade and division commanders to colonelcy of 126th Regt. for meritorious services in these battles ; wounded five times, and mustered out from wounds before the commi.ssion was granted ; appointed chaplain July 27, 1882. RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SER- VICE. Brigadier- Oeneral. Ingalls, Rufus. Born in Me. Ap- pointed from Me. ; graduate M. A., class of 1843 ; brevet 2d It. Rifles July 1, '43 ; 2 It. 1 Drag. March 17, '45; 1 It. Feb. 16, '47; capt. A.Q.M. Jan. 12, '48; capt. 1 Drag. Oct. 22, '54; served with his regi- ment on the frontier in the war with Mexico, receiving the brevet of 1 It. Feb. 4, '47, for gallant and meritorious con- duct in the conflicts of Embudo and Taos, New Mexico, and on various expeditions till 1860, when he was ordered to Wash- ington, D. C. ; was appointed It. -col. and A.A.D.C. of volunteers Sept. 28, '61; he became major and quartermaster for four- teen years' service Jan. 12, '62, and ren- dered most valuable and efiicient service as chief quartermaster for the volunteer forces, and in providing for the embarka- tion of the Army of the Potomac to the Virginia Peninsula, in transferring the vast supplies of that army on the occasion of its change of base from the York to the James River, and as its chief quarter- master in the subsequent evacuation of the Peninsula and the establishment of a new base of supplies at Acquia Creek ; he was appointed brig. -gen. of volunteers ^lay 23, 1863, and served as chief quarter- master of the Armies of the Potomac and the James, establishing a depot for the supply of those armies at City Point on the Potomac; he was brevetted It. -col., col., and brig. -gen. July 6, 1864, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, and maj.-gen. U.S.A. and maj.-gen. vols. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; he was promoted to It. -col. and dep. qm.-gen. July 28, 1866, and to col. and asst. qm.-gen. July 29, 1866 ; was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service Sept. 1, 1866; he served at the headquarters of the army, and as chief quartermaster of the Military Divisions of the Atlantic and the Missouri, and on the 23d of February, 1882, was appointed brig. -gen. and quartermaster-general, in which capacitj' he served till retired. Colo7iels. Neill, Thomas H. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa.; graduate M. A., class of 1847 ; brevet 2d It. 4th Inf. July 1, '47 ; 2d It. 5th Inf Sept. 8, '47 ; 1st It. July 31, '50; capt. April 1, '57; from his gradua- tirious services in the bat- tle of Chancellorsville, Va.; was promoted to major 11th Inf. Aug. 26, '63; com- manded a division during the Richmond campaign of 1864 and siege of Peters- burg ; was brevetted colonel May 12, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; engaged in the battle of Winchester Oct. 19, '64; was brevetted brig. -gen. U.S.A. and maj.-gen. vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war ; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; lieut.-col. 1st Inf. Feb. 22, '69; unassigned March 15, '69 ; assigned to 6th Cav. Dec. 15, '70 ; commandant of cadets at the Military Academy from July 1, '75, to June 30, '79 ; colonel 8th Cav. April 2, '79, in which command he remained till re- tired in 1883. Van Voast, James. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y.; graduate M. A., class of 1852; brevet 2d It. 3d Art. July 1, '52 ; 2d It. Aug. 22, '53 ; 1st It. 9th Inf. March 3, '55; regt. qm. July 4, '55, to June 11, '58; capt. Mar. 1, '61 ; maj. 18th Inf. Dec. 29, '63; It. -col. 16th Inf. Aug. 16, '71; col. 9th Inf. Feb. 20, '82; retired 1883. Lieute7iant- Colonel and Deputy Pay- master-Genei-al. Potter, J. B. M. Born in R. I. Ap- pointed from R. I.; major and additional paymaster June 1, '61 ; vacated August 1, '64; major and paymaster July 1.5, '64; brevet It.-col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; lieut.-col. and deputy paymaster-general Mar. 17, '82; retired by operation of law Oct. 1, '82. Captains. Schirach, Frederick Charles von. Born at Kiel, Prussia, February 26, 1842. Service in State troops: entered service April 19, 1861, at New York City ; private Co. D, 5th Regt. N. Y. S. Ma. ; at New York, Annapolis, Washington, Georgetown Heights, and three months' campaign under Gen. Patterson in Vir- ginia; discharged Aug. '61, in New York ; assisted in recruiting and organ- izing 54th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols. Sept. '61 ; mustered on rolls as mus. band and Co. A (while doing officer's duty) from October 14, '61 ; appointed 2d lieut. March 1, '62 ; 1st lieut. March 10, '62 ; mustered Janu- ary 1, 1863 ; campaigns in Shenandoiih Valley, Luray Valley, Rappahannock, and Rapidan ; engagements and battles at Cross Keys, Freeman's Ford, Rapidan, Manassas Junction, 2d Bull Run, and minor engagements and skirmishes un- der Gens. Fremont, Pope, Sigel, Howard, and Schurz ; severely wounded, gunshot wound through right ankle-joint, at 2d battle of Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862 ; left on thfe battle-field and made prisoner of war Aug. 31, '62; sent through the lines and subsequently exchanged in Sept. '62; in Baptist Church Hospital, Alexandria, Va., until Nov. '62; sick-leave to New York, where right leg was amputated be- low knee Nov. 28, '62 ; reported for duty at Washington in early March, '63, and soon after joined regt. in the field ; hon- orably mustered out May 27, '63. Service in U. S. Vols. : appointed 1st lieut. Vet. Res. Corps May 26, '63, accepted May 28, '03; assigned to Co. A, 10th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, on duty at Harrisburg, Williamsport, and Elmira, guarding prisoners of war and member of general court-martial, also at Scranton and other places to quell draft riots ; captain 7th Vet. Res. Corps, appointed March 25, ac- cepted April 1, '65 ; commanded Co. D, garrison duty and guarding medical stores at Washington; waiting orders at St. Louis ; staff duty in Freedmen's Bureau at Baltimore ; bvt. major vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; honorably mustered out Jan. 6, '67. Service in Regular Army : Appointed 1st lieut. 43d U. S. Inf. 28th July, '60, accepted Jan. 7, '67; staff duty in Freedmen's Bureau at Baltimore, and with regt. (Co. F) at Fort Wayne, Mich. ; regtl. and post quartermaster from Feb. 1 to April 7, '69, unassigned same day upon consolidation of 4.3d Inf. Avith 1st Inf.; waiting orders at Philadeliihia ; on duty under Gen. Canby at Richmond, Va., in summer '69; waiting orders at Philadelphia; on duty in Freedmen's Bureau at Charleston, S. C, in charge of claims and bounty cashes fron) fall '09, to Feb. '70; bvt. capt. U. S. Army for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run (2d), Va. ; retired with full rank of captain Dec. 15, 1870; since May, '71, traveling in Europe; present address, Liibeck, Germany. Churchill, Charles C. Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania ; SUPPLEMENT. 461 second lieutenant 3d Artillery March 3, 1848; first lieutenant June 30, 1852 ; cap- tain May 14, 18(il ; retired for disability incurred in line of duty, February 28, 1862. First Lieutenant. Love, George M. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed frum N. Y. ; seroeant and ser- geant-major 21st New York Infantry May to Au2;ust, 18G1 ; first lieutenant 44th New York Volunteers August 23, 1861; captain January 2, 1862; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Hano- ver Court-House and Malvern Hill, Va. ; honorably mustered out September 4, 1862 ; major llGlh New York Volunteers Scj)tember 5, 1862 ; commanding regiment in the Department of the Gulf, and en- gaged at the action of Plain Store, La., and assault of Port Hudson, La. (severely wounded) ; colonel July 16, 1863 ; en- gaged at the action of Cox's Plantation, battles of Sabine Cross-Koads, Pleasant Hill, actions of Cane River Crossing and Mansura, La. ; in Shenandoah Valley campaign, and engaged at the battles of Wincliester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, W. Va. ; commanding brigade in the 19th Corps eighteen months ; brevet brigadier-general U.S. Volunteers March 7, 1865 ; received a bronze medal of honor from the Secretary of War ; honorably mustered out June 8, 1865; second lieu- tenant 11th Infantry March 7, 1867, and on the same date received the following brevets: 1st lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services in action at Plain's Store; captain for gallant and meritori- ous services in the assault on Port Hud- son, La. ; major for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; and lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the war; transferred to 16th Infantry April 14, 1869; first lieutenant March 1, 1875 ; on garrison and frontier service till 1883, when he was retired. E E E A T A. On page 12, in Benjamin, Samuel W., for " W'read "N." On page 18, in the record of Saxton, Eufus, omit the paragraph beginning with the word " Had" in the seventh line, etc., and including the word " Hatteras" in the fifteenth line. On page 23, sixth line from top of second column, after the word Churubusco read "(in storming party)"; also in seventeenth line from top of page, for " Oct. 17, 1852," read " Feb. 17, 1853." On page 29, in the record of Humphrey, Charles F., after the figures " 1879" in the tenih line read as follows: "was fur- loughed Jan. 28, 1865, for twenty-five days from headquarters Army of the Po- tomac for soldierly conduct during the campaign of 1864." On page 30, in the record of IMcCauley, Charles A. H., in the fourth line after the figures " '70," read "ordered to report to Secretary of the Navy May, '74; a.ssigned to duty with Transit of Venus expedition to Au.-tralia." On page 40, for " Wells, Willard," read "AVillard, Wells." On page 48, in Bill, Joseph U., for " U" read " H." On page 56, in Patski, Julius H., for " s" read " z." On page 58, in Woodruff, Eza, for "Eza" read "Ezra." On page 61, in Powell, James L., for " James" read " Junius," and in Maddox, Thomas I. C, for " I" read "J." On page 63, for "Deney" read "Dew- ey." On page 91, in the record of Phipps, Frank H., for "senior ord. officer Dept. of Missouri to '65," read "assistant at Ft. Monroe Arsenal from July to Dec. '63 ; assistant at St. Louis Arsenal from Jan. '64, to Jan. '65; senior ordnance officer Dept. of the Mississippi from Jan. '65, to June, '65." On page 110, in the record of Braekett, Albert G., for " 1828" in the date of birth, read "1829." On page 116, in the record of Schwatka, Frederick, in the twenty-third line, after the figures "1876" add "and then ap- peared that month before medical exam- ining board as candidate for that corps, and was rejected." On page 117 strike out all after the word "societies" in the third line from end of record, and add " engaged on ex- plorations and surveys in Alaska Terri- tory under Gen. Miles from May 29, 1883, to Sept. 22, 1883, having explored and surveyed the entire length of Yukon liiver. 462 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS U.S. ARMY. 2435 miles long, making a raft journey of over 1300 miles." On page 154, in the record of Goldman, Henry J., after the word "States" in the fourth line read " where he received his early education in the public schools at Troy, New York." On page 192, in the name of Nordstrom, Charles M., for " M" read "E." On page 213, for "James B. Burbank" read " Burbank, James B." On page 214, in Thurston, George P., for "P"^-ead "A." On page 241, in Miller, John, for "John" read "James." On page 253, for "Wyllys, Lyman," read "Lyman, Wyllys." On page 273, for " Mason, Job S.," read " Mason, John S." On page 300, for " Charles N. Warrens" read " Charles H." On page 303, for " Justin" read " Gus- tin." On page 307, for " Boyd" read " Llovd." On page 337, for " Luttrell, Ward G. S.," read " Ward, G. S. Luttrell." On page 348, for " Kendale" read "Kendall." On page 349, same record, after the figures " 1866" in the tenth line from end, insert " brevetted 1st lieut. and capt. March 2, 1867, for gallant and mer- itorious services at Fort Harrison, Va.," and for " graduate," in the third line from end, read "graduated." On page 349, for " Baxter, Quimby H.," read " Quimby, H. Baxter." On page 399, for " Thorn" read "Thom." On page 405, for " Frendenberg" read " Freudenberg." On page 417, in the name of " Thomp- son, A. B.," for " A." read " Ai B." On page 427, for " Lewis, John," read " Livers, John." INDEX. PAGE Abbot, Charles W., Jr., 2 It. 12 Inf. 292 Abbot, Frederic V., 1 It. Eng 87 Abbot, Hetirv L., It. -col. Eiig 71 Abbott, At^a i'., 1 It. retired 44G Abbott, Lemuel A., cajit. Cav 163 Abercronibie, William It., 2 It. 2 Inf. 245 Adair, Ge.)rKe W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 59 Adam, Kmil, capt. 5 Cav 1.32 Adam;?, Granger, 2 It. 5 Art 234 Adams, Henry H., 1 It. 18 Inf. 318 Adams, Ileiirv M., capt. Eng 83 Adams, JohnQ.. 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Adams, Milton B., maj.Eng 81 Adams, Moses N., post cliap 98 Adams, Thomas R., 1 It. 5 Art 233 Adams, William, ord. sk 94 Ainsworth, Fred. C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 59 Ahem, George P., 2 It. 25 Inf 351 Albee, George E., 1 It. retired 442 Alden, Charles H., maj. Med. Dept 48 Aleshire, James B., 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Alexander, Andrew J., It.-col. 2 Cav 106 Alexander, Cliarles T., maj. Med. Dept 47 Alexander, Edmund B., col. retired 372 Alexander, Richard H., maj. Med. Dept 45 Alexander, Walter S., 2 It. 4 Art 225 Allaire, William H., 2 It. 23 Iiif 343 Allen, Charles J., maj. Eng 80 Allen, Henry T., 2 It. 2 Cav 109 Allen, James, 1 It. 3 Cav 117 Allen, Leven C, 1 It. 16 Inf. 312 Allen, Robert, col. retired 378 Allen, Samuel E., 2 It. 5 Art 324 Allen, D. S., 2 It. 23 Inf 343 AUigood, Charles A., m. sk. Q.m. Dept 32 Allison, James N., 1 It. 2 Cav 109 Allsworth, Edward, 1 It. retired 444 Almy, William E., 2 It. 5 Cav 156 Alvord, Benjamin, brig.-gen. retired 356 Alvord, Benjamin, Jr., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Ames, Luther S., 1 It. 2 Inf 242 Ames, Roliert F., 2 It. 8 Inf 273 Anderson, George L., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Anderson, George S., 1 It. 6 Cav 164 Anderson, Harry R., 1 It. 4 Art 223 Anderson, John", 1 It. 18 Inf 319 Anderson, Thomas M., It. -col. 9 Inf 274 Andrews, George, 1 It. 25 Inf 351 Andrews, George L., col. 25 Inf 347 Andrews, George P., col. 1 Art 192 Andrews, Henry M., 1 It. 1 Art 198 Andrews, John N., capt. 8 Inf 268 Andrus, Edwin P., 2 It. 5 Cav 1.54 Andrns, Frank B., 2 It. 4 Inf 252 Andius<, E. Van Arsdale, capt. 1 Art 196 Angliim, Daniel F., 2 It. 12 Inf 293 Appel, Aaron H., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Appel, Daniel M., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Amies, George A., capt 10 Cav 189 Armstrong, Robert G., 1 It. 1 Inf 237 Armstrong, Samuel E , capt. retired 431 Arnold, Abraham K., maj. 6 Cav 1.59 Arnold, Isaac, maj. Ord. Dept 90 Arthur, William, pm. Pay Dept 64 Arthur, William H., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Atwell, William P., capt. retiied 436 Atwood, Edwin B., capt. Qm. Dept 28 PAOR Augur, Ammon A., 1 It. 24 Inf 347 Augur, Christopher C, brig.-gen 8 Augur, Colon. I It. 2 Cav 108 Augur, Jacob A., capt. 5 Cav Mo Auman, William, capt. 13 Inf. 294 Austin, Albert, 1 It. 14 Inf 302 Austine, William, maj. retired .-. 407 Avei-y, Frank P., 2 It. 3 Inf. 247 Avery, Robert, It.-col. retired 406 Avi,s, Edward S., 2 It. 5 Inf 2.58 Ay res, Charles G., 1 It. 10 Cav 192 Ayres, James C, 1 It. Ord. Dept 93 Ayres, Romyn B., col. 2 Art 199 A/.pell, Thomas F., asst surg. Med. Dept 54 Babbitt, Lawrence S., maj. Ord. Dept 90 Babcock, John B., capt. 5 Cav 142 Babcock, Orville E., It.-col. Eng 75 Bache, Dallas, maj. Med. Dept 49 Backus, George B., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Bacon, George E , 1 It. 16 Inf. 312 Bacon, John M., capt. 9 Cav 182 Badeau, Adam, capt. retired 434 Badger, William, capt. 6 Inf 261 Bailey, Albert S., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Bailey, Charles J., 2 It. 1 Art 199 Bailey, Clarence M., capt. 8 Inf. 268 Bailey, Edward L., 1 It. 4 Inf 251 Bailey, Harry L., 2 It. 21 Inf 334 Bailey, Hobart K., 1 It. 5 Inf 2.58 Bailey, Thomas C. J., capt. retired 420 Bailey, Thomas N., 1 It. Eng 86 Baily, Charles M., 1 It. 8 Inf 272 Baily, Elislia I., It.-col. Med. Dept 42 Baily, Joseph C, maj. Med. Dept 47 Bainbridge, Augustus H., capt 14 Inf 298 Bainbridge, Edmund C, maj. 3 Art 211 Baird, Absalom, It.-col. asst. ins-gen 14 Baird, George W., pm. Pay Dept 65 Baird, William, 1 It. 6 Cav 165 Baker, Eugene M., maj. 2 Cav 106 Baker, Frank, 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Baker, John P., pm. Pay Dept 67 Baker, Stephen, rapt. 6 Inf 261 Baldridge, Benjamin L., post chap 98 Baldwin, Frank D., capt. 5 Inf 254 Baldwin, James H., 1 It. 18 Inf 318 Baldwin, J(diu A , 1 It. 9 Inf 277 Baldwin, .John M., 1 It. 6 Art 2.34 Baldwin, Theodore A., capt. 10 Cav 189 Baldwin, William H., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Ball, Edward, maj. 7 Cav 167 Ballance, John G., 1 It. 22 Inf 338 Bancroft, Eugene A., capt. 4 Art 219 Bankhead, Henry C, maj. retired 413 Banister, John BL, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Bannister, John, 1 It. retired 445 Barber, Merritt, maj. A. G. Dept 13 Barber. Thomas H., I It. 1 Art 197 Barbour, John L., 2 It. 7 Inf 267 Barlow, John W., maj. Eng 76 Barnard, Phineas P., 1 It. ft Cav 148 Barnett, Charles R..capt. Qni. Dept 30 Barnett, .lohn T., 2 It. 5 Cav 155 Barnett, Richards, asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Barney, George F, 2 It. 2 Art 210 Bamhart, Frank H., 1 It. 18 Inf 318 Barnitz, Albert, capt. retired 427 463 464 INDEX. PAGE Barr, Thomas F., maj. j. a 15 Barrett, Adilison, m. sk. Qui. Dept 32 Barrett, Grcftorv, Jr., 1 It. 10 Inf 280 Burriger, Joliii W., niiij. Sub. Dopt 37 Barrows, Charles C, as«t. surg. Med. Dept 61 Barry, Thomas H., 1 It. 1 Inf. 237 Barry, Thomas W., post chap 99 Baretow, George I'., capt. 3 Art 212 Barth, Charles H., 2 It. 12 Inf 293 Bartholf, .John H., a.sst. surg. Med. Dept 56 Bartlett,CharU-8 G , It.-col. 1 luf 235 Bartlutt, Geory;e T., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Bartlctt, William C, 1 It. 3 Inf. 246 Bartlett, William II. C, prof, retired 400 Basciim, Gustavus M.. c.ipt. 13 Inf. 294 Bash, Daniel N., pni. Pay Dept 06 Batchelder, Richard N., It.-col. Qm. Dept 20 Batchelor, Joseph B., Jr., 2 It. 24 luf 347 Bates, Alfred E., pm. Pay Dept 64 Bates, Francis II., capt. retired 416 Bates, .lames A., capt. retired 426 Bates, .lohn C, maj. 20 luf 325 Bates, Kinzie, cajit. 1 Inf 235 Bates, Robert F., 1 It. 18 Inf. 318 Ba.xter, Jedediah 11., col. Med. Dept 41 Baxter, John, Jr., 2 It. 9 Inf... 277 Baylor, Thomas G., col. Ord. Dept 88 Bayne, Andrew C.,2 It. retired 448 Beach, Lansing II., 1 It. Eug 87 Beach, Warren C, capt. 11 Inf. 283 Beach, William D.. 2 It. 3 Cav 117 Beacom, John H., 2 It. 18 Inf 320 Beall, George T., med. sk 62 Bean, John W., capt. 15 Inf 306 Beaumont, Eugeue B., maj. 4 Cav 121 Beck, William B., capt. 5 Art 228 Beck, William H., 1 It. 10 Cav 191 Beckwith, Amos, It.-col. Sub. Dept .34 Belcher, .Tolin H., capt. Qm. Dept 25 Belger. James, maj. retired 413 Bell, George, maj. Sub. Dept 35 Bell, George, Jr., 2 It. 3 Inf 247 Bell, James F., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Bell, James M., capt. 7 Cav 168 Bell, William H., capt. Sub. Dept 38 Bella.s, Henry H., 1 It 4 Cav 123 Bend ire, Charles, capt. 1 Cav 103 Benet, J. Walker, 2 It. 5 Art 234 Benet, Stephen V., brig.-gen. chf. of ord 88 Benham, Daniel W., capt. 7 Inf 263 Benham, Henry H., 2 It. 2 Inf 243 Beuham, Henry W., col. retired 385 Benham, Robert B., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Benjamin, Edward A., 2 It. retired 450 Benjamin, Samuel N., maj. A. G. Dept 12 Bennett, Charles A., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Bennett, Clarence E , capt. 17 Inf 313 Bennett, Frank T., capt. 9 Cav 182 Benson, Harry C.,2 It. 1 Art 199 Benson, Henry M., capt. 7 Inf 264 Benteen, Frederick W., maj. 9 Cav 182 Bentley, Edwin, maj Med. Dept 54 Bentzoni, Charles, capt. 25 luf 348 Benyaurd, William H. H., maj. Eng 78 Bergland, Eric, 1 It. Eng 86 Bernard, Reuben F., maj. 8 Cav 172 Best, Clermont L.,coI. 4 Art 217 Best, Clermont L., Jr., I It. 1 Art 198 Beyer, Charles D., capt. 9 Cav 183 Biart, Victor, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Biddle, James, maj. 6 Cav 160 Biddle, John, 1 It. Eng 87 Bigelow, .John, Jr., 2 It. 10 Cav 192 Bill, Joseiih H., maj. Med. Dept 48 Billings, John S., nuO- Med. Dept •52 Bingham, Jud.son I)., It.-col. Qm. Dept 18 Bingham, Theodore A.,1 It. Eng 87 Bird, Charles, capt. Qm. Dept 31 Birkhimer, William E., 1 It. 3 Art 216 Birnnugham, Henry P., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Birnie, Rosters, Jr., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Bisbee, William H.,capf.4Inf 249 Bishop, Hoel S., 1 It. 5 Cav 153 Bishop, John S., 1 It. 13 Inf 295 Bissell, Lyman, maj. retired 409 PAOB Bixby, William H., 1 It. Eng 86 Black, Henry M., col. 23 Inf. 330 Black, William, 2 It. 24 Inf 347 Black, William M., 1 It. Eng 87 Blaine, John E., pm. Pay Dept 64 Blaine, Malnor (!., post chap 98 Blake, Charles M.,po8t chap 98 Blake, George A. H., col. retired 374 Blake, John Y. F., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Blauvelt, William F., 2 It. 15 Inf 307 Bliss, Tasker H., 1 It. 1 Art P. 199 Bliss, Zenas R., It.-col. 19 Inf. 320 Bhicksom, Augustus P., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Blunt, Albert C.,2 It. 5 Art 234 Blunt, Asa P., capt. Q.M. Dept 27 Blunt, Charles E., col. Eng 68 Blunt, Matthew M , col. 16 Inf 307 Bluut, Stanhope E., capt. Ord. Dept 92 Boehm. Peter M., capt. retired 432 Bolton, Edwin B., 2 It. 23 Inf. 343 Bomford, George N., capt. 18 Inf. 318 Bomfonl, James V., col. retired 376 Bomus, Peter S., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Bouesteel, Charles H., 2 It. 21 Inf 334 Bootes, Levi C, It.-col. retired 403 Booth, Charles A.,1 It.l Inf. 237 Booth, Charles A., 1 It. 7 Inf. 266 Borden, George P., 1 lt.5 luf 257 Borup, Henry D., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Boswell, Benjamin D., 1 It. retired...., 447 Bottsford, Charles E , 1 It. 10 Inf. 280 Boughton, Daniel H., 2 It. 3 Cav 117 Bourke, John G., capt. 3 Cav 114 Bourne, William R , capt. retired 436 Boutelle, Frazier A., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Bowen, Edgar C, capt. retired 430 Bowen, William H. C, 1 It. 5 Inf. 258 Bowker, Hugh D., 1 It. retired 442 Bowman, Alpheus H., capt. 9 luf. 276 Boyd, Oisemus B., capt. 8 Cav 175 Boyle, William H, capt. 21 Inf. 331 Brackett, Albert G , col. 3 Cav 110 Braden, Charles, 1 It. retired 446 Bradford, James H., capt. 19 Inf. 321 Bradley, Charles 0., capt. 20 Inf 327 Bradley, Luther P., col. 13 Inf 293 Bradley, Thomas H., 1 It. 21 Inf. 333 Brady, George K , capt. 23 Inf 340 Brand, Thomas T., capt. retired 420 Brannan, John M. col. retired 394 Brant, Louis P., 2 It. 1 Inf. 237 Brayton, George M., maj. 15 Inf. 304 Breclieniin, Louis, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Breck, Samuel, maj. A. G. Dept 11 Breckinridge, .loseph C, maj. asst. ins.-gen 14 Brennan, James, 1 It. 17 Inf. 315 Brereton, John J., 1 It. 24 Inf. 347 Brett, James E., 2 It. 24 Inf 347 Brett, Lloyd M., 2 It. 2 Cav 109 Brewer, Edwin P., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Biewerton, Henry F., capt. 5 Art 226 Brewster, William B., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Briee, Benjamin W., brig.-gen. retired 355 Bridgman, Frank, P.M. Pay Dept 63 Bridgman, Victor H., 2 It. 2 Art 209 Briggs, Thomas B., 1 It. retired 448 Brinckle, John R., capt. 5 Art 227 Brinkerhoff, Henry R., capt. 15 Inf. 306 Brisbiu, James S., maj. 2 Cav 106 Bristol, Henry B., capt. retired 419 Britlon, Thomas, capt. 6 Inf 260 Brodhead, Josiah A., P.M. Pay Dept 64 Brodrick, Patrick T.,1 It. 23 Inf 343 Bronson, Nelson, 1 It. retired 445 Brooke, Edmund H., maj. retired 412 Brooke, Edward H., 2 It. 21 Inf. . 334 Brooke, John, maj. Med. Dept 54 Brooke, John R., col. 3 Inf. 243 Brooks, Horace, cid. retired 375 Brooks, Lorenzo L. C, 2 It. 5 Cav 155 Brotherton, David H.. It.-col. 25 Inf. 347 Brown, Andrew M., capt. retired 422 Brown, Edward T , 1 It. 5 Art 234 Brown, George Le R., 1 It. 11 Inf. 284 Brown, Harvey E., maj. Med. Dept 54 INDEX. 465 PAOE Brown, IXiigli G., capt. 12 Inf. 288 Brown, Joseph 1?., It.-col. Med. Dept 4;5 Brown, Justus M.. m;ij. Med. Dept 54 Briiwn, Niithan W., hiig.-gen. retired 350 Brown, Oscar J, '2 It. 1 Cuv 105 Blown, Paul R., asst. gurg. Med. Dept 69 Brown, Rufus 1'., 1 It. 4 luf. 251 Brown, William C, 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Browne, Edward II., 2 It. 4 luf 252 Brownell, Francis E., 1 It. retired 438 Brun, John P., niij. retiri'd 409 Brnfl', Lawrence L., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Brumback, Virpil J., 2 It. 2 Inf 24:5 Brnsh, Daniel H., 1 It. 17 Inf. 315 Br.vaiit, Culleri, capt. Ord. Dept 92 Brjaiit, Montgomery, It.-col. 8 Inf. 207 BuU), John W., capt. 4 Inf. 250 Biulianan, James A., 1 It. 14 Inf. 302 Bucli, William L., 2 It. 13 Inf. 296 Budd, George W., 1 It. retired 444 Budd, Utho W., capr. 4 Oav 123 Budlong, Alton H., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Buell, James W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Biiffiiigton, Adelhert R., It.-col. Ord. Dept 88 Bnllis, John L., 1 It. 24 Inf. H46 Burl/ank, Clayton S., 1 It. 10 Inf. 280 Biirl'ank, .Jacob E., maj. retired 412 Bui liaiik, James B.,capt.3 Art 213 Bnike, Daniel W., capt. 14 Inf 298 Burnett, George R., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Burnett, Levi F., 1 It. 7 Inf '-'60 Burnhani, David R., 1 It. 15 Inf. 306 Buniliam, Horace B.,mnj.j. a 16 Burns, James M., 1 It. 17 Inf 315 Burns, William W., It.-col. Sub. Dept 34 Burr, Edward, 1 It. Eng 87 Burrowes, Thomas B., capt, retired 420 Burt, Andrew S., miij. 8 Inf 208 Burton, George H., capt. 21 Inf. 331 Barton, Ilenrv G., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Burton, Randall 407 Bush, Edward G,, maj. 6 Inf. 259 Bush, James C, 1 It. 5 Art 234 Bnsli, Joseph, maj. 16 Inf 259 Bushiiell, George E., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Butler. Edmotid, capt. 5 Inf. 252 Butler, J.din G., capt. Ord. Dept 92 Britler, John H., capt. retired 428 Buttlcr, William C, 2 It 3 Inf 247 Byrno, Bernard A., I It. 6 Inf. 262 Byrne„ Charles, 1 It. 6 Inf. 202 B.\rne, Charles B., asst. surg. Med. Dept 69 Byrne, Charles C, maj. Med. Dept 48 Cabaniss Charles II., Jr., 2 It. 18 Inf. 319 Cadv, Albemarle, col. retired 376 Caldw.ll, Dani' 1 G., asst. surg. Med. Dept 55 Caldwell. James N., maj. retired 408 Calef, John H., capt. 2 Art 456 Calhoun, Frederic S., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Califf, Joseph M., 1 It. 3 Art 215 Callahan, Charles M., capt. 4 Cav 122 Callinan. Daniel F., capt. 1 Inf 236 CMni|>lielI, George J., 1 It. retired 439 Cami'bell. John, It.-cul. Med. Dept 42 Cani|.liell, Joseph B., capt. 4 Art 219 Campbell, Lafayette E., capt. Qni. Dept 28 Campbell, Peter, 2 It. 18 Inf. .320 Campbell, William J., 1 It. 22 Inf 338 Canby, James P., pni. Pav Dept 63 Caudee, G^'orge W., pm Pay Uept 63 Capron, Allyn, 1 It. I Art 197 Capron, Thaddeus H., 1 It. 9 Inf. 276 Caraher, Andrew P., capt. 8 Cav 174 Carlau'rh, Harvey C, 2 It 5 Art 235 Card, Benjamin C, ninj. Qm. Dept 21 Carev, .\sa B., pm. Pav Dept 63 Carlaid, John, I It. inf 261 Carleton. Gnv, 2 It. 2 Cav 109 Carlin, Will am P., c(d. 4 Inf 247 Carlton, Caleb H., maj. 3 Cav 112 Carpenter, Gilbert S., capt. 14 Inf. .298 Carpenter, Louis H , capt. 10 Cav 188 Carpenter, William L., 1 It. 9 Inf 276 CaiT, CamilloC. C, capt. I Cuv 101 Carr, Eugene A., col, Cav _ 156 PAOB Carrington, Frank de L., 2 It. 1 Inf.... 237 Carrlngton, Henry B., col. retired 373 Carroll, Henry, capt. 9 Cav 183 Carroll, Samuel S. maj.-gen. retired 353 Carter, Edward C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Carter, Alason, capt. 6 Inf 254 Carter, Oberlin M., 1 It. Eng 87 Cirter, Robert G., 1 It. retired 446 Carter, W. Fitzhugb, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Carter, William H., 1 It. 6 Cuv 164 Casey, Edward W., 1 It. 22 luf 338 Casey, James S., capt. 5 Inf 252 Casey, Thomas L., It.-col. Eug 70 Casey, Thomas L., Jr., 1 It. Eng 87 Catlev, Henry, capt. 2 Inf. 241 Callin, Edward H., 2 It. 2 Art 2u9 Catlin, Isaacs., col. retired 398 Catlin, Lynde, capt. retired , 419 Catlin, Robert, capt. retired 427 Cavenaugh, Harry G., 1 It. 13 Inf. 295 Caziarc, Louis V., 1 It. 2 Art 207 Cecil, George R., 2 It. 13 Inf 296 Chaffee, Adna R., capt. 6 Cav 161 Chamberlin, John L., 2 It. 1 Art 199 Chamberlin, Lowell A., 1 It. 1 Art 197 Chambers, Alexander, It.-col. 21 Inf 329 Chance, Jesse C, 1 It. 13 Inf 295 Chance, Josiah, 1 It. 17 Inf 314 Chandler, Elias, 2 It. 10 Int 312 Chandler, John G., It -col. Qm. Dept 19 Chapin, Edward S., 1 It. 15 luf 306 Chapman, James R., 2 It. 22 Inf 339 Chapman, William, It.-col. retired 401 Chase, Constantine, 1 It. 3 Art 214 Chase, Dudley, chap, retired 450 Chase, George F., 1 It. 3 Cav 117 Chase, George N., 21t. 4 Inf. 252 Chatfleld, Walter H.,2 It. 6 Inf. 258 Cheever, Benjamin II., Jr., 1 It. C Cav 165 Cherbonnier, Andrew V., med. sk 62 Chester, James, capt. 3 Art 212 Chipman, Henry L, It.-col. 7 Inf 203 Chubb, Charles St. J., 1 It. 17 Inf. 315 Churchill, Charles A., 2 It. 6 Inf 268 Churchill, Charles C, capt. retired 460 Chynoweth, Edward, 2 It. 17 Inf 315 Clagett, J. Rozier, 2 It. 23 Inf. 343 Claque, John J., capt. Sub. Dept 40 Clapp, William H., capt. 16 Inl. 309 Clark, Charles H., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Clark, Dillard H., 1 It. 15 Inf. 306 Clark, Edwin R., 1 It. 10 Inf 281 Clark, Joseph C, Jr., maj. retired 415 Clark, Sidney E., 1 It. 2 Inf. 242 Clark, Wallis 0., 2 It. 12 Inf 292 Clark, William P., capt. 2. Cav 108 Clarke, Charles E., capt. retired 426 Clarke, Charles J. T., 2 It. 10 Inf. 281 Clarke, Francis, capt. 22 Inf 335 Clarke, Henry F., col. Sub. Dept 33 Clarke, Robert D., ni.aj. retired 412 Clarke, William L., 1 It. 23 Inf 343 Clary, Robert E., col. retired 380 Clay, Thom.as J., 2 It. 10 Inf. 281 Clayton. Henry, pm. Pay Dept 66 Cleary, Peter J. A., asst. surg. Med. Dept 55 Cleghorn, John F., capt. retired 434 Clem, John L., capt. Qm. Dept 31 Clements, Bennett A.,miij. Med. Dept 47 Clendenin, David R., It.-col. 3 Cav 112 Clifford, Joseph C, capt. Ord. Dept 92 Clifford, Walter, capt. 7 Inf 264 Clift, Emorv W., capt. 13 Inf. 293 Clilz. Henry B., C(d. 10 Inf 277 Closson, Henrv W., It -cid. 5 Art 225 Clous, John \V., capt. 24 Inf 344 Coale, John H., 1 It. 2 Cav 108 Coates, Edwin M., capt. 4 Inf. 248 Cidib, Edmund M.,1 It. 2 Art 2leday, Abner, col. retired 387 Dougherty, John J., 1 It. 11 Inf. 2S4 DougbcTtv, William E., capt. 1 Inf 230 Ponghis, William ()., 1 It. retired 4:i9 Douglass, Henry, It.-eol. U Inf. 297 Dove, William K., capt. 12 Inf 288 Dowd, Heman, 1 It. :i Art 210 Dowdy, Uohert W.. 2 It. 17 Inf 315 Downey, George BI., capt. 21 Inf 3:50- Drak<', Alexander E., capt. retired 418 Dravo, Edward E., 1 It. 6 Cav IG."! Drew, George A., capt. 3 Oav 114 Drum, John. 1 It. Ill Inf 280 Drum, Uicliard C, liriR.-gen. ndjt.-geu 10 Drum, William F., maj. 14 Inf 297 Duane, James C, col. Eng 68 Du Biirrv, Beekman, It. -col. Sub. Dept 3!> Du Bois," Richard C, 1 It. retired 439 Dudley, Edgar S., 1 It. 2 Art 209 Dudley, Nathan A. M., It.-col. 9 Cav 180 Duff, George, 1 It. retired 44.") Dugan, Thomas B., 2 It 3 Cav 118 Duggan, Walter T , 1 It. 10 Inf. 280 Dunbar, George W., post chap 98 Duncan, Joseph W., 1 It. 21 Inf 333 Duncan, Thomas, It.-col. retired 402 Dunn, Thomas S., miij. retired 413 Dunn, William McK., brig.-gen. retired 3.'i6 Dunn, William BlcK., Jr., capt. 2 Art..i 203 Dunning, Samuel W., 2 It. 16 Inf. 312 Dunton, Warren R., 1 It. retired 444 Dunwoody, Henry H. C, 1 It. 4 Art 222 Durham, Cass, capt. 18 Inf 317 Dutton, Clarence E., capt. Ord. Dept 91 Dnvall, William P., 1 It. 5 Art 234 Dyer, Alexander B., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Dyer, S Allen, 2 It. 'iS Inf 343 Eagan, Charles P., capt. Sub. Dept 39 Ealiin, Chandler P.. capt. 1 Art 195 Earle, Richard T., I It. 2 Inf 243 Earnest, Cyrus A., 1 It. 8 Inf 271 Eastman, Fntnk F., 2 It. 14 Inf 303 Eastman, James E., 1 It. 2 Art 207 Eiiston, Langdon C, col. retired 388 Eaton, George 0., 1 It. 5 Cav 152 Eaton, John B., 1 It. 3 Art 214 Eaton, Joseph H, maj. retired 409 Ebert, Rudolph G., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Ebstein, Frederick H. E., 1 It. 21 Inf 333 Eckels, William II., pm. Pay Dept 64 Eckerson, Theodore H., 1 It 19 Inf 324 Eckerson, Theodore .1., maj. Qm. Dept 23 Edgar, William F., maj retired 407 Edgerlv, Winfield S., capt. 7 Cav 170 Eilgerton, Wriglit P., 1 It. 2 Art 209 Edmunds, Frank H., 1 It. 1 Inf. 237 EdwardN, Eaton A., 2 It. 25 Inf. 351 EdwardK, Frank A.. 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Egan, James, capt. retired 429 Egan, John, capt. 4 Art 219 Egan, Peter R., asst surg. Med. Dept 62 Egbert, Augustus R., 1 It. 2 Inf 242 Egbert, Ifarrv C., ciipt. 12 Inf 287 Eggleston, Millard F., 2 It. 10 Cav 192 Ekin, James A., col. retired 400 Elbrey, Frederick W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 58 Elder, Samuel S., maj. 2 Art 201 Elderkin, William A., capt. Sub. Dept 39 Eldridge, Bogardus, 1 It. 10 Inf 281 El lot, George H., It.-col. Eng 74 Elliott, Charles P., 2 It. 13 Inf. 297 Elliott. Washington L., col. retired 392 Ellis, Euuene A., 1 It. 8 Cav 177 Ellis, Philip H., capt. 13 Inf. 294 Ellsworth, Ephraim D, capt. retired 425 Elting, Oscar, cajit. 3 Cav 115 Eltonhead, Francis E., 1 It. 21 lof 334 Eniety, Jonas A.. 2 It. 11 Inf. 284 Emmet, Robert T.,2 It. 9 Cav.. 185 Emory, William II., bri^r.-gen. retired 358 England, George A., post chap 98 English. William. 2 It. 17 Inf 316 Eniiis, William, I It. 4 Art 221 Enos, Herbert M., maj. retired 413 Ernst, Oswald H., maj. Eng 79 PAQE Erwln, James B., 2 It. 4 Cav 124 Eskridge, Richard I , capt. 23 Inf. 341 Esterly, Calvin, 2 It. 10 Cav 192 Evans, Andrew W., It.-col. 7 Cav 166 Evans, George H., 1 It. 10 Cav 192 Evans, George W., capt. 21 Inf 332 Evans, Robert K., 1 It. 12 Inf 292 Evans, William P.. 2 It. 19 Inf. 324 Everett, William, 1 It. 4 Art 223 Everts, Edward, asst. surg. Med. Dept 02 Ewen, Clarence, asst. surg. Med. Dept 57 Ewers, Ezra P., capt. 5 Inf. 254 Ewing, Evarts S., capt. 16 Inf. 310 Ezekiel, David 1., 1 It. retired 440 Faick, William, capt. 2 Inf 240 Farley, Joseph P., maj. Ord. Dept 89 Farnsworth, Henry J., capt. 8 Cav 174 Farrow, Edward S., 1 It. 21 Inf 334 Febiger, George L., col. Pay Dept 62 Febiger, Lea, 2 It. 23 Inf. 343 Fechet, Edmund G., capt. 8 Cav 174 Fessenden, Francis, brig.-gen. retired 371 Fessenden, Joshua A., capt. 5 Art 228 Fiebeger, Gustav J., 1 It. Eng 87 Field, Edward, capt. 4 Art 220 Finley, James A., asst. surg. Med. Dept 59 Finley, Leighton, 2 It. 10 (;av 192 Finley, Walter L., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Fish, Williston, 2 It. 4 Art 225 Fisk, Walter L., 1 It. Eng 87 Fitch, Graham D., 2 It. 5 Art 234 Fitch, William G., 1 It. retired 4.i8 Fitz Gerald, Michael J., capt. retired 432 Fitzpalrick, Patrick, 1 It. retired 444 Flagler, Daniel W., It.-col. Ord. Dept 89 Fleming, Hugh B , maj. retired 410 Fletcher, Edmund L., 1 It. 13 Inf. 296 Fletcher, Joshua S., Jr., maj. 23 Inf. 339 Fletcher, Robert H., 1 It. 21 Inf. 333 Fletcher, William, capt. 20 Inf 326 Flint, Franklin F., col. retired 387 Floyd, Daniel II., 1 It. 18 Inf 319 Floyd-.Iones, Do Lancey, col. retired 387 Foltz, Frederick S., 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Foote, George F., capt. 8 Cav 174 Footo, Morris C, capt. 9 Inf. 276 Forbes, Theodore F., 1 It. 5 Inf 257 Foibush, William C, capt. 5 Cav 144 Ford, George E., capt. retired 432 Fornance, James, 1 It. 13 Inf 296 Foise, Albert G., capt. 1 Cav 103 Fotsyth, George A., It.-col. 4 Cav 120 Forsyth, James W., It.-col. 1 Cav 99 Forsyth, John, prof, retired 401 Forsyth, Lewis C, capt. Qm. Dept 27 Forsyth, William \V., 2 It. G Cav 165 Forwood, William H., maj. Med. Dept 50 Foster, Charles W., capt. Qm. Dept 24 Foster, Charles W., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Foster, Fred. W., 2 It. 5 Cav 154 Foster, Herbert S., 1 It. 20 Inf 328 Foster, James E. H., 1 It. 3 Cav 177 Fonlk, William L.. capt. 6 Cav 162 Fountain, Samuel W , 1 It. 8 Cav 17G Fowler, Charles S., 2 It. 19 Inf 325 Fowler, Joshua L., capt. 2 Cav 108 Frank, Royal T., maj. 1 Art .•...., 193 Frederick, Daniel A., 2 It. 7 Inf. 267 Freeilley, Henry W., maj. retired 412 Freeman, Henry B.,capt. 7 Inf. 263 Fremont, Francis P., 2 It. 3 Inf 247 French, F. Halverson, 1 It. 3 Cav 117 French, Francis H., 2 It. 19 Inf 325 French, John T., Jr., 2 It. 4 Art 224 French, Jcdin W., capt. 25 Inf 348 French, William E. P., 2 It.3 Inf. 247 Freinlenberg, Charles G., It.-col. retired 405 Fry, James B., col. retired 391 Ftyer, I'lencowe E., maj. Med. Dept 49 Fnger, Frederick, 1 It. 4 Art 221 Fuller, Alfred M..2 It. 2 Cav 109 Fuller, Alvarado M., 2 It. 2 Cav I(i9 Fuller, Ezra B., 1 It. 7 Car 170 Furey, John V., capt. Qm. Dept 27 Gageby, James 11., capt. 3 Inf. 245 468 INDEX. PAGE Galbraith, Jacob G., 2 It. 1 Cav 104 Galbiaitli, William W., 2 It. 5 Art 2:54 Gale, George H. G., 2 It. 4 Cav 125 Galliipc, George S.. capt. retired 427 Ganleiier, Corneliiis, 1 It. 19 Inf. 324 Gardiner, John de B. W., asst. BUrg. Med. Dept.... 60 Gardner, Asa B , niaj. j. a 16 Gardner, Edwin F., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Gardner, Hezekiah, capt. retired 427 Gardner, John H., 2 It. i) Cav 186 Gardner, William II., maj. Med. Dept 54 Garland, John S., capt. retired 416 Garlington, Ernest A., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Garrard, Joseph, 1 It. 4 Art 223 Garretty, Frank D.,capt. 17 Inf. 314 Garvey," Thomas, 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Gaskill, Edwin C., capt. retired 436 Gaston, Joseph A., 2 It. 8 Cav 177 Gatewood, Charlea B., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Gayle, Edward E., 2 It. 2 Art 209 Geary, William L., 1 It. 12 Inf. 292 Geary, Woodbridge, 2 It. 19 Inf. 325 Gelray, Joseph W., capt. retired 428 Gentry, William T., maj. 9 Inf. 274 Gerlach, William, 1 It. 3 Inf. 246 Getty, George W., col. retired 399 Getty, Robert N., 2 It. 22 Inf 339 Gibbon, David J., 1 It. 9 Cav 184 Gibbon, John, col. 7 Inf. 262 Gibson, Augustus A., It.-col. retired 403 Gibson, Edwin 0., 1 It. 10 Inf. 280 Gibson, Frank M., capt. 7 Cav 170 Gibson, George, It.-col. 3 Inf. 243 Gibson, Horatio G., It.-col. 2 Art 200 Gibson, Joseph K., msy. Med. Dept 52 Gibson, llobert J., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Gibson, Williara R., pm. Pay Dept 62 Gibson, William W., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Gitford, John II., 1 It. 2 Art 208 Gilbreiith, Erasmus C, capt. 11 Inf 283 Gilbretli, Benjamin H., capt. retired 425 Gile, George W., It.-cul. retired 406 Gill, William H., m. sk. Qm. Dept 32 Gillespie, George L., maj. Eiig 77 Gilliss, James, maj. Qm. Dept 23 Gillmore, Quiiicy A., col. Eng 69 Gillmore, Quinty O'M., 1 It. 8 Cav 177 Gilman, Benjamin H., 1 It. 13 Inf. 296 Gilmaii, Jeremiah H., capt. Sub. Dept 38 Gilmore, Alexander, chap, retired 451 Gilmore, John C, capt. 24 Inf. 344 Girard, Alfred C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 57 Girard, Joseph B., asst. surg. Med. Dept 67 Gla^s, John N., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Glassford, William A., 2 It Sig. Corps 97 Glenn, Edwin F., 2 It. 25 Inf 351 Glenn, George E., pm. P.iy Dept 63 Goddard, Charles E., maj. Med. Dept 49 Godfrey, Edward S., capt. 7 Cav 169 Godwin, Edward A., 1 It. 8 Cav 176 Goe, James B , 2 It. 13 Inf. 290 Goetlials, George W., 1 It. Eng 87 Goldman, Henry J., 2 It. 5 Cav 1.54 Gonzales, Manuel J., chap, retired 4.51 Goodale, Greenleaf A., capt. 23 Inf 341 Goode, George W., 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Goodfellow, Henry, maj. j. a 16 Goodiu, James A., 2 It, 7 Inf. 267 Goodloe, Archibald H., capt. 22 Inf 336 Goodwin, Millard F., 1 It. 9 Cav 184 Goodwin, William P., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Gordon, Charles G., rapt. 6 Cav 164 Gordon, David S., maj. 2 Cav 107 Gordon, William B.. 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Gorgas, William C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Gould, William P., pm. Pay Dept 63 Graham, Lawrence P., col. retired 376 Graham, William M., maj. 4 Art 217 Granger, Robert S.col. retired 387 Graves, William P., capt. 2 Art 203 Gray, Charles C, maj. retired 410 Gray, Cyrus N., capt. 25 Inf. 348 Gray, William W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Grealish, Blicliael J., ord. sk 95 Greble, Edwin St. J., 2 It. 2 Art 209 PAOB Greely, Adolphus W., 1 It. 5 Cav 147 Green, James 0., 2 It. 25 Inf 351 Green, John, maj. 1 Cav 100 Greene, Charles H., capt. 17 Inf 314 Greene, Charles T., capt, retired 426 Greene, Francis V., capt. Eng 86 Greene, Frank, 2 It. Sig. Corps 97 Greene, Henry A., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Greene, Lewis D., 2 It. 7 Inf 267 Greene, Oliver D , m;y. A. G. Dept 11 Greenleaf, Cliarles R., maj. Med. Dept 60 Greenoiigh, George G., 1 It. 4 Art 220 Greer, John E., capt. Ord. Dept 92 Gregg, John I., col. retired 379 Gregg, Thomas J., capt. 2 Cav 107 Gregory, James F., ciipt. Eng 82 Gresbam, John C, 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Grier, William N., col. retired 384 Grierson, Benjamin H., col. 10 Cav 186 Grierson, Charles H., 2 It. 10 Cav 192 Griffin, Eugene, 1 It. Eng „ 87 Griffith, David A., 1 It. 3 Inf 246 Griffith, Emerson, 1 It. 13 Inf. 296 Griniea, Edward B., maj. Qm. Dept 24 Grimes, George S., 1 It. 2 Art 207 Groesbeck, Stephen W., 1 It. 6 Inf. 262 Gross, Frank P., I It. retired 443 Grover, (Jnvier, col. 1 Cav 99 Grugan, Frank C, 1 It. 2 Art 205 Crumley, Edward I., 2 It. 17 Inf. 316 Guard, Alexander McC, 1 It. 19 Inf 324 Guentlier, Francis L., maj. 2 Art 201 Guest, J(din, 2 It. 8 Cav 177 Guilfoyle, John F., 1 It, 9 Cav 185 Guuther, Sebastian, capt. 4 Cav 122 Gustin, Joseph H., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Guthrie, John B., capt. 13 Inf. 295 Haden, Jidin J., 2 It. 8 Inf 273 Ha^ner, Peter V., col. retired 386 Haines, Abuer, Jr., 1 It. 2 Inf. 241 Haines, Thomas J., maj. Sub. Dept 35 Hains, Peter C, maj. Eng 77 Hale, Clayton, capt. 10 Inf 309 Hale, Jo.seph, 1 It. 3 Inf 246 Hall, Charles B., 1 It. 19 Inf 323 Hall, Charles S., 2 It. 13 Inf. 296 Hall, John D , asst. surg. Med. Dept 68 Hall, Peter P. G., pm. Pav Dept 03 Hall, Roliert H., maj. 22 Inf. 338 Hall, William P., 1 It. 5 Cav 148 Hull, William R , asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Halleck, Walter F., 1 It. retired 441 Haller, Granville 0., col. retired 389 Halloran, James, 1 It. 12 Inf 289 Hambriglit, Henry A., maj. retireil 412 Hamilton, Frank B., capt. 2 Art 202 Hamilton, John, col. 5 Art 225 Hamilton, John, capt. 1 Inf. 236 Hamilton, John M., capt. 5 Cav 134 Hamilton, Samuel T., capt 2 Cav 108 Hamilton, William R, 2 It. 6 Art 234 Hammond, Andrew G., 2 It. 8 Cav 177 Hammond, John F., It.-col. Med. Dept 42, 4.H Hammond, William A., brig.-gen. retired 355 Hamner, William H., 1 It. 20 Inf 328 Ilanipson, Jesse A. P., capt. 10 Inf 279 Hancock, Winfield S., miy'.-gen 6 Haiidbury, Thomas H., capt. Eng 82 Handfortli, Benjamin F., 2 It. 11 Inf 284 Hanna, Robert, 1 It. 6 Cav 164 Hanna, Valentine C, maj. retired 412 Hannay, John W.,1 It. 3 Inf. 246 Happersett, John C. G.,niaj. Med. Dept 52 Harbach, Abram A., capt. 20 Inf 326 Hiirdie, Francis H., 1 It. 3 Cav 117 Hardin, Charles B., 2 It. 18 Inf 320 Hardin, Edward E., 1 It. 7 Inf 206 Hardin, Martin D., brig.-gen. retired 371 Hare, Luther R., 1 It 7 Cav 170 Hiirgous, Charles E., 1 It. 5 Inf 257 Harkins, Charles, capt. 2 Inf. 241 Harlow, Frank S.,2 It. 1 Art 199 Harmon, Millard F., 2 U, 1 Art 199 Harmon, William R.,1 It. 10 Cav 192 Harnej', William S., brig.-gen. retired 354 INDEX. 469 PAGE Harris, Henry L., 1 It. 1 Art 108 Hiinis, Moses, capt. 1 Cav 1(12 Hiurison, Georgo F. E., 1 It. 2 Art 20'J Harruld, ChiisKiiilier W., 1 It. 3 Art 214 Hurt, Vi-rlinK K., iiinj. 5 Ciiv 1:^.0 HiirtHUtr, Albert, iiiHJ. Med. Dept 50 llartz, Wilson T., capt. 15 Inf 305 Harvey, I'liilip F., asst. surg. Med. Dept 6!t Harwood, Paul, I It. 20 Inf. 327 Httsbrouck, Henry C, capt. 4 .\rt 21U Hascall, Herbert A., capt. retired '. 420 Haskell, Harry L., 1 It. 12 Inf. 2'JO Haskell, Joseph T , capt. 23 Inf 340 Haskin, William L., capt. 1 Art 1H4 Hasson, Patrick, 1 It. 14 Inf .*.... 301 Hatch, Kdward, col. 9 Cav 177 Hatch, John P., col. 2 Cav 105 Hatfield, Charles A. P., 1 It. 4 Cav 123 Hathaway, Forrest H., capt. Qia. Dept 31 Haughey, James A., capt. 21 Inf 332 Havard, Valery, asst. surg. Med. Dept 59 Hawkins, Hamilton S, capt. 6 Inf 278 Hawkins, John P., maj. Sub. Dept 37 Hawley, William, maj. retired 415 Hay, Charles, 1 It. 23 Inf 342 Hay, Leonard, capt. 9 Inf. 275 Hayes, Edward M., capt. 5 Cav 139 Haymaii, Samntd li , It.-col. retired 403 Hays, Joseph H.,1 It. retired 440 Ha-i!en, William B., brig.-gen. chf. sig. officer 95 Head, George E, capt.3Iiif 245 Head, John F., col. Med. Dept 41 Heap, David P., maj. Eiig 79, 455 Hearn, James A., capt. retired 423 Hearn, Lawrence J., 2 It. 21 Inf 334 Heath, Frank, capt. Ord. Dept 93 Heger, Anthony, maj. Med. Dept 47 Hein, Otto L., 1 It. 1 Cav T. 104 Heiiier, Robert G., capt. 1 Inf 230 Heistand, Henry 0. S., 2 It. 11 Inf 284 Heizmann, Charles L., asst. surg. Med. Dept 57 Hendershott. Henry B., capt. retired 411! Hennisee, Argalns G., capt. 8 Cav 175 Henry, Guy V., It -col. 9 Cav ISO Henton, James, capt. 23 Inf 340 Herrick, Osgood E.,post chap 97 Hess, Frank W., capt. 3 Art 213 Heuer, William H., capt. Eng .S2 Hewitt, Christian C, 1 It 324 Heyl, Charles H., 1 It. 23 Inf 343 Heyl, Edward M., capt. 4 Cav 122 Hickey, James B., 1 It. 8 Cav 170 Hill, Bennett H., It.-col. retired 401 Hill, George D., capt. retired 435 Hill, Kowland G., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Hills, Elbridge R.,1 It. 5 Art 230 Hinks, Edward W., col. retired 395 Hiiimati, Fredeiick A., capt. Eng 85 Hiiiton, Charles I?., 1 It. 18 Inf 318 Hoag, .fohii il.,capt. retired 435 H.ibart, ( harles, capt. 3 Inf 246 Hobbs, (iiailes W., 1 It. 3 Art 215 Hol.bs, Frank E., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Hock, Ormentiz J. C, 21t. 17 Inf. 315 Hodges, Charles L., 1 It. 25 Inf 350 Hodges, Harry F., 1 It. Eiig 87 Hodges, Henry C, It.-col. Qm. Dept 19 Hodges, Henry C, Jr., 2 It. 22 Inf. 339 Hodgson, Frederick G., 2 It. 6 Cav 105 Hoff, .loim Van K., asIC Lodor, Richard, m^^^i. 3 Art 210 Lot;nn, Thomas H., capt. 5 Inf. 25.') Lomia, Lui;;!, 1 It. 5 Art 231 London, Robert, 1 It. 5 Cav 152 Long, Eli, hrig.-gen. retired 'Mi Long, Oscar F., 1 It. 5 Inf. 258 Lord, James H., capt. Qra. Dept 27 Lord, Thomas W., 1 It. 20 Inf. 328 Loring, Leonard Y., asst. snrg. Med. Dept 58 Lott, George G., 1 It. 11 Inf. 283 Loud,.Tohn S., capt 9 Cav 184 Loughhorough. Kobert II. R., 1 It. 25 Inf 351 Love, George M., 1 It. IG Inf. 461 Lovell, Robert A., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Loveridge, Wilbur, 2 It. 3 Art, 210 Lovering, Leonard A., 2 It. 4 Inf. 2.52 Low, Willium H., Jr., 1 It. 20 Inf 328 Lowe, William B , capt. letircd 416 Lndington, Klisha H., maj. retired 409 Liullngton, Marshall I., niaj. Qm. Dept 20 Ludlow, Henry H., 1 It. 3 Art 216 Luillow, William, maj. Eng 79 Luff, Edmund, 1 It. 8 Cav 175 Lngenbeel, Pinkney, col. retired 393 Luhn, Gerhard L., capt. 4 Inf. 249 Lundeen, John A., 1 It. 4 Art 223 Lusk, James L., 1 It. Eng 87 Lydecker, Garrett J., maj. Eng 79 Lvford, Stephen C, maj. Old. Dept 89 Ljie, David A., capt. Ord. Dept 93 Lyman, Wyllys, capt. 5 Inf. 2.53 Lynch, Edward, I It. 8 Inf 273 Lynde, Frederick M., 1 It. 1 Inf. 2:'.7 Lynde, Isaac, maj. retired 407 Lyon, Marcus W., 1 It. Ord. D.pt 93 Lyster, William J., capt. 19 Inf 320 MacAdams, James G., capt. 2 Cav 108 MacArthur, Arthur. Jr., capt. 13 Inf. 293 Macaulev, Carter N. B., asst surg. Med. Dept 62 MacConi'iell, Charles C.capt. 5 Art 228 Macfeely, Robert, brig.-gen. com -gen 33 MacGowan. Ale.\auder B., capt. 12 Inf 288 Mackay, James 0., 1 It. 3 Cav 117 Mackenzie, Alexander, maj. Eng 79 Mackenzie, Ranald S., brig.-geu 9 Mackliu, James E., 2 It. 11 Inf. 284 MacMnrray, Junius W., capt. 1 Ait 196 MacNutt, tra, 1 It. Ord. Dept 91 Macomb, Augustus C, 2 It. 5 Cav 155 Macomb, John N., col. retired 386 Macomb, Montgomery M., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Macoml)er, John H., post chap 98 Madden, Daniel, capt. 6 Cav IGO Madden, Frank, 2 It. retired 449 Maddux, Thomas J. C, as.'it. surg. Med De|)t 61 Magiiit/.ky, Gusfave, 2 It. retired 449 Magruder. David L., It.-col. Med. Dept 43 Maguire, Edward, capt. Eng 84 Malum, Frederick A., capt. Eng 85 Mahon, Stephen K., capt. 16 Inf. 310 Maize, William R., capt. 20 Inf 327 Maley, Thomas E., It.-col. retired 4U5 Mallery, Garrick, capt. retired 425 Malloiy, John C, capt. Eng 84 Mallory, John S., 2 It. 2 Inf 243 Maney, James A., 2 It. 15 Inf 306 Mangan, Michael, 2 It. retired 449 Manley, John A., 1 It. 20 Inf. 328 Mann, James D., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Mann, William A., 1 It. 17 Inf. 315 Manning, William C.,1 It. 23 Inf 342 Mansfield, Francis AV., 1 It. 11 Inf 284 Mansfield, Samuel M., maj. Eng 78 Manotte, Ileniy, 1 It. retired 442 Marcy, Raiidcplpli B., brig.-pen. retired S.56 Markland, Matthew.l It. 1 Inf 2:'.7 Markley, Alfred C, capt. 24 Inf 345 Marsh, Frederick, 2 It. 1 Art 199 PARE Marshall, Elisha 0., col. retired 396 Marshall, .lames M., capt. Qm. Dept 28 Marshall, William L., rapt. Eng 85 Marsteller, James S., 1 It. 24 Inf 346 Martin, James P., nuij. A. (J. Dept 12 Martin, John W., 1 It. 4 Cav 123 Martin, Medad C, 2 It. 22 Inf 339 Martin, William P., m. sk. Qm. Dept ','.'2 Marye, William A., mnj. Orel. Dept 90 Mason, Charles W., 1 It. 4 Inf 2.V3 Mason, Edwin C, It.-col. 4 Inf 248 Mason, John S., col. 9 Inf 273 Mason, John S., Jr., 2 It. 1 Inf 237 Mason, Stanton A., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Massey, Sidon F., 2 It. 5 Art 234 Mathey, Edward G., capt. 7 Cav 170 Matile, Leon A.. 1 It. 11 Inf. 284 Matthews, Washington, asst. surg. Med. Dept 58 Maurice, Thomas D., 1 It. 2 Art 206 Mans, Louis M., asst. snrg. Med. Dept 59 Maus, Marion P., 1 II. 1 Inf C07 Maxon, Mason M., 1 It. 11) Cav 192 May, Will T., 2 It. l.'i Inf 306 Maynadier, William M., pm. Pay Dept 64 McAdam, William T , post chap 98 McAllister, Julian, col. Ord. Dept 88 McArthur, .loseph H., maj. retired'! 409 McArthur, Malcolm, capt. 17 Inf 313 McBlain, John F.,2 It. 9 Cav 185 McBlair, John H., Jr., 1 It. retired 438 McCaleb, Thomas S., 2 It. 9 Inf 277 McCallum, William B , 1 It. 5 Art 2.33 McCammon, William W., 1 It. 14 Int. 302 McCarthy, Daniel E., 2 It. 12 Inf. 292 McCarty, James M., 2 It. 9 Inf 277 McCnskey, Williiim S., capt 20 Inf 327 McCauley, Charles A. II., capt. Qm. Dept 30 McCleave, William, capt. retired 431 McCleery, John B., post chap 98 McClellan, Ely, ninj. Med. Di pt 50 McClellan, Joiin, 1 It. 5 Art 231 McClernand, Edward J., 1 It. 2 Cav 109 McClure, Charles, pm. Pay Dept 66 McClure, Charles. 2 It. 18"lrif 319 McClure, Daniel, col. Pay Dept 62 McConihe, Samuel, capt. 14 Inf -300 McCook, Alexander McD., col. 6 Inf. 259 McCormick, Loyd S., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 McCoy, Frank B., 2 It. 24 Inf. 247 McCoy, J. Espy, 2 It. 7 Inf. '/67 McCrea. Tully" capt. 1 Art 194 McCreery, George, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 McDonald, David N., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 McDonald, John, capt. retired 429 McDonald, John B., 2 It. 10 Cav 192 McDonald, Robert, capt. 5 Inf 2.54 McDougall. Charles, It.-col. retired 402 McDougall, Thomas M., capt. 7 Cav 169 McDowell, Irvin, maj -gen. retired 351 McElderry, Henry, as.-t. surg. Med. Dept 56 McFailand, Walter, It.-col. Eng 75 McFailand, William C, lit. 16 Inf 312 BIcGilvray, John, capt. 2 Art 204 McGinness, John R., maj. Ord. Dept 90 McGinniss, James T., cajit. retired 431 McGonnigle, Andrew J., maj. Qm. Dept 24 McGown, George, capt. retired 422 McGrath, Hugh J., 2 It. 4 Cav 124 McGregor, Thomas, capt. 1 * av 101 McGunnegle, George K., 1 It. 15 Inf. 306 Mcintosh, John B., brig.-gen. retired 365 Mclver, George W., 2 It. 7 Inf 267 McKee, George W , maj. Old. Dept 90 McKee, James C, maj. Meil. Dept 47 McKeever, (Jhauncey, It.-col. A. G. Dept 11 McKeever, Samuel, capt. 2 Inf. 241 McKibbin, Chambers, capt. 15 Inf. 304 McKibbin, David B., m;ij. retired 412 McLaughlen, Nap.deoii B., maj. retired 414 McLaughlin, William II., ciipt. 18 Inf 317 McLean, Nathaniel H., If.-col. retired 4o4 McLellan. Curwen I!., maj. 10 (^av 1S8 McLouglilin, George H., capt. retired 420 McMartin, .lohn, 2 It 2.". liit 351 McMillan, James, maj. retired 415 472 INDEX. PAOE McMinn, William H., 1 It. 8 iQf 272 McNally, Cliristuplier H., capt. retired 418 McNallv, Valentine, ord. sk 95 McNaiiglit, John S., capt. 20 Inf 320 McNctt, Andrew J., col. retired 398 BIcNutt, AUa-rt S., 2 It. 9 Inf 277 MeParlin, Tlionuia A., It.-col. Med. Dept 42 McQuiston, Henry, 2 It. retired 448 McWafty, Robert, post cliap 99 Meactiam, Fraiili, asst. surg. Med. Dept fi5 Mears, Freilfrick, maj. 28 Inf. 347 Medcalfe, William M., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Meigs, Montgomery C, brig.-gen. retired 354 Mellen, Henry B., 1 It. retired 441 Mendell, George II., It.-col. Eng 71 Mendenhall. John, It. -col. 4 Art 193 Mercer, William A., 2 It. 8 Inf 273 Mercur, James, capt. Eng 83 Merrell, William H., capt. retired 430 Merriam, Henry C, It.-col. 2 Inf 238 Merriam Lewis. I It. 4 Inf 251 Merrill, Aimer H., 1 It. 1 Art 197 Merrill, James C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Merrill, Lewis, mai.7 Cav 166 Merrill, Slierman M., post chap 99 Merrill, William E., It.-col. Eng 74 Merritt, Tlionias E.» capt. retired 433 Menitt, Wesley, col. 5 Cav 124 Mesplie, Toiis^aint, post chap 98 Metcalfe, Henry, capt. Ord. Dept... 92 Meyer, Edward S., capt. retired 426 Midi.ielis, Otlio E., capt. Ord. Dept 91 Michler, Francis, 1 It. 5 Cav 149 MidiUeton, Johnson, V. D., m;ij. Med. Dept 50 Middleton, Passmore, asst. surg. Med. Dept 56 Miles, Evan, capt. 21 Inf 330 Miles, Nelson A., brig. -gen 9 Miller, Edward A., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Miller, Alexander, M., mnj. Eng 81 Miller, Charles P., 1 It. retired 439 Miller, Crosby P., 1 It. 4 Art 222 Miller, James, capt. 2 Inf 241 Miller, John, capt. retired 423 Miller, Marcus P., capt. 4 Art 226 Miller, Samuel W., 2 It. 5 Inf. 2.58 Miller, William A., capt. 18 Inf 318 Miller, William H., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Miller, William H.. 1 It. retired 447 Millis, John, 1 It. Eng 97 Mills, Albert L., 2 It. I Cav 10,5 Mills, Anson, maj. 10 Cav 187 Mills, Frank H., 1 It. 24 Inf. 346 Mills, Samuel M.,1 lt.5 Art 228 Mills, Stej.hen C, 2 It. 12 Inf. 292 Mills, William, capt. 2 Inf. 240 Miltiraore. Alonzo E., capt. Qm. Dept 28 Miner, Charles W., capt 22 Inf 336 Minor, Christopher C, 2 It. 9 Inf 277 Minor, William C, capt. retired 430 Mitcham, Grin B., 1 It. Ord. Dept ii4 Mitchell, David D,, 1 It. 15 Inf 306 Mitchell, George, 1 It. 2 Art 206 Mitchell, William, 1 It. 3 Inf. 246 Mizner, Henry R., It.-col. 10 Inf. « 277 Mizner, John K., maj. 4 Cav 121 Moale, Edward, capt. 3 Inf 245 Moffatt, William, 2 It. 2 Inf. 243 Monahan, D'-ane, capt. 3 Cav 113 Montgomery, Alexander, It.-col. retired 404 Montgomerv, Robert H., capt. 5 Cav 457 Moon, Henry B., Jr., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Moore, Francis, capt 9 Cav 183 Moore, James M., maj. Qm Dept 21 Moore, .lohn, maj. Mod. Dept 45 Moore, Jlichael, 2 It. retired 45ii Moore, Orlando H., It.-col. 17 Inf. 312 Mordecai, Alfred, It.-col. Ord. Dept 89 Morgan, Algernon S. M., ord. sk 94 Morgan, George H., 2 It. 3 Cav 117 Morgan, Hi-nry C, capt. retired 420 Morgan, .Tamos N., capt. 24 Inf 345 Morgan, Michael R., maj. Sub. Dept 35 Morris, Arthur, capt. 4 Art 220 Morris, '^harles, capt. 5 Art 228 Morris, LouisT., capt. 8 Cav.. 173 PAOE Morris, Robert M., maj. retired 408 Morrison, Charles C, 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Morri.son, John F., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Morrison, John T., capt. 10 Cav 190 Morrison, Pitcairn, col. retired 373 Morrison, Theophilus W., 1 It. 16 Inf. 311 Morrow, Albert P., It.-col. 6 Cav 169 Morrow. Henry A., 21 Inf. 329 Morse, Charles E., capt. 16 Inf 309 Morton, Alexander L.,1 It. 5 Art 234 Morton, Alfred, capt. 9 Inf. 275 Morton, Charles, 1 It. 3 Cav 114 Moseley, Edward B , asst. snrg. Med. Dept 59 Mosher, Theodore, 1 It. 22 Inf. 3.39 Mott, Wallace, 1 It. 8 Inf. 273 Mount, John F., 1 It. 3 Art 213 Moylan, Myles. capt. 7 Cav 168 Muhlenberg, William C, 2 It. 2 Inf. 243 Muhlenberg, John C, pm. Pay Dept 66 Mulhall, Stephen J., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Mullikin, James R., 1 It. retired 440 Mumford, Thomas S., 1 It. 13 Inf 296 Munday, Benj., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Munn, Curtis E., asst. surg. Med. Dept 67 Munson, Jacob F., capt. 6 Inf. 261 Munson, Samuel, capt. 9 Inf 274 Murilock, Daniel H., capt. 6 Inf. 261 Murphy, John, 1 It. 14 Inf 302 Murray, Arthur, 1 It. 1 Art 198 Murray, Cunliflfe H., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Murray, Robert, col. Med. Dept 41, 454 Murry, Alexander, capt. retired 418 Mver, Albert L., 1 It 11 Inf 284 Myers, John E.,1 It. 3 Art 216 Myers, William, It.-col. Qm. Dept. retired 407 Myrick. John B., capt. 3 Art 211 Nash, William H., capt. Sub. Dept 39 Nave, Andrew H., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Nave, Orville J., post chap 99 Neide, Horace, rapt. 4 Inf. 2.50 Neill, Thomas H., col 4.59 Nelson, Anderson D., It.-col. retired 403 Nelson, William, capt. retired 429 Nelson, William H.. 1 It. retired 444 Newcomb, Warren P., 2 It. 5 Art 234 Newton, John, col. Eng 67 Newton, John, 2 It. 16 Inf 312 Nowfon, Richard C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Nichols, Frederic C, 1 It. 1 Art 197 Nichols, William A., 2 It. 23 Inf. 343 Nicholson, William J., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Nickerson, James D., 1 It. 17 Inf 315 Niles, Alanson E., capt. retired 436 Niles, Lotus, 1 It. 2 Art 209 Nixon, John B.. capt. 24 Inf 345 Noble, Charles H., 1 It. IG Inf. 310 Noble, Henry B., capt. retired 422 Nolan, Nichcdas, maj. 3 Cav 112 Nordstrom, Charles E., 1 It. 10 Cav 192 Norris, Basil, maj. Med. Dept 43 Norton, Thomas H., capt. retired 417 Norvell, John M.. capt. 12 Inf. 288 Norvell, Stevens T., capt. 10 Cav 189 Norwood, Randolph, capt. 2 Cav 107 Nowlan, Henry J., capt. 7 Cav 168 Noyes, Charles R., 2 It. 9 Inf 277 Noyes, Henry E., maj. 4 Cav 121 Nugent, Robert, maj. retired 414 Oakes, James, col. retired 381 O'Beirne, Richard F., maj. 24 Inf. 344 O'Brien, Alonzo L., 2 It. 2 Cav 109 O'Brien, John J., 1 It. 4 Inf. 251 O'Brien, Lyster M., capt. 17 Inf. 314 O'Brien, Martin E., capt. 2 Cav 108 O'Brien, Michael, 1 It. 4 Art 222 O'Connell, John, 1 It. 8 Inf 272 O'Coiinell, .John J., 1 It. 1 Inf. 237 O'Connell, William, capt. retired 428 O'Connor, Charles M., 1 It. 8 Cav 177 O'Connor, Stephen, 2 It. 23 Inf 343 O'Donnoghue, Florence 62 Offlev, Robert II., maj. 19 Inf 320 Ogle, Alexander, 1 It. 17 Inf 315 Orle, Alfred McC, 2 It. 19 Inf. 325 O'Hara, James, 1 It. 3 Art 214 INDEX. 473 PAGE Olmstead, Kroeman E., 1 It. rotirpd 440 Olmsted, GeorgB T., Jr., capt. U.S.A 3.51 Olmsted, .leiniild A., 1 It, 9 Ciiv 184 Old, Kdwiird O. C, 2 It. 22 Inf. ;W9 Old, .Iiiincs C, 1 It, 25 Iiif 350 O'Ueilly, Robert M., asst. suig. Med. Dept 57 Orleniiiii, LouIh H., 1 It. retired 445 Osborne, Niitban W., It.-col. 6 Inf. 259 Ossood, Ilenrv B., 1 It. 3 Art 214 Otis, Elmer, It.-col. 7 Civ 171 Otis, Ehvell S., col. 20 Inf. 325 Ovensliine, Samuel, capt. 5 Inf 252 Overman, Lewis C, miij. Enp 81 Overton. Gilbert E., capt. 6 Cav 164 Owen, William 0., Jr., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Oyster, .losepli S., 1 U. 1 Art 199 Paddock, George H., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Paddock, .lames V. S., 2 It. 5 Cav 155 Page, Cliarles, It.-col. Med. Dept 43 Page, .John H., capt. 3 Inf 245 Pague, Samuel S., 2 It. 15 Inf. 306 Palen, Vincent, chap, retired 451 Palfrev, Carl F., capt. Eng 86 Palmer, Alfred M., 2 It. 24 Inf. 347 Palmer, George, 2 It. 9 Inf 277 Palmer, George H., 1 It. 16 Inf 311 Pal?ner, Tunis N., col. retired 382 Pardee, Julius H., 1 It. 23 Inf 343 Parke, John B., capt. 10 Iixf. 278 Parke, John G., It.-col. Eng 70 Parke, John S., Jr., 2 It. 21 Inf 334 Parker, Charles, capt. 9 Cav 183 Parker, Daingerfield, capt. 3 Inf 244 Parker, Francis H., maj.Ord. Dept 89 Parker, James, 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Parker, John D., post chap 99, 456 Parker, Leopold 0., capt. 1 Inf 236 Parker, Jlontgomery D., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Parker, Richard C, capt. retired 421 Parkhurst, Charles D., 1 It. 5 Cav 150 Parnell, William R.. capt. 1 Cav 103 Partello, Joseph M. T., 2 It. 5 Inf. 258 Patch, Alexander M., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Patten, F. .Tarvis, 2 It. 21 Inf. 334 Patten, George H., 2 It. 22 Inf. 3.39 Patten, William S.,2 It. 18 Inf 319 Patterson, George T. T., 2 It. 14 Inf. 303 Patterson, John H., capt. 20 Inf. 325 Patterson. Robert H., 1 It. 1 Art 198 Patterson, Thomas C, 1 It. 1 Art 199 Patzki, Julius II., asst. surg. Med. Dept 56 Paul, Charles R , capt. 18 Inf. 317 Paul, Gabriel R., brig. -gen. retired 364 Paulding, Holmes 0., asst. surg. Med Dept 59 Paulding. William, 1 It. 10 Inf 281 Paxton, Alexis R., 2 It. 15 Inf. 306 Payne, John A., 1 It. 19 Inf 323 Payne, J. Scott, capt. 5 Cav 140 Pavson, Albert H., capt. Eng 85 Pearson, Daniel C, 1 It. 2 Cav 109 Pearson, Edward P., maj. 21 Inf. 330 Pease, William B., 1 It. 9 Inf 276 Pease, William R., capt. retired 417 Pendleton. Edwin P., 2 It. 23 Inf. 343 Penney, Charles G., 1 It. 6 Inf 261 Penninaton, Alexander C. M., maj. 4 Art 217 Penuork, William T.,1 It. retired 438 Pennypaeker, Galusha, col. retired 400 Penrose, Charles B., capt. Sub. Dept .39 Penrose, William H., ma.1.l2 Inf 28fi Perin, Glover, It.-col. Med. Dept 42 Perkins, Rollin,! It. retired 440 Perley, Harry 0., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Perrine, Henry P., 1 It. 6 Cav 164 Perry, Alexander ,T., It.-col. Qm. Dept 18 Perry, David, maj. 6 Cav 160 Perry, Robert C, It.-col. retired 406 Peshine, .Tohn H. H., 1 It. 13 Inf 296 Pettit, James S., 1 It. 1 Inf. 237 Phelps, Frederick E., 1 It. 8 Cav 176 Philbriek. ,Iolin H.,2lt. 11 Inf 284 Phillips, Charles L., 2 It. 4 Art 225 Phipps, Frank H., maj. Ord. Dept 91 Phister, Nat. P , 2 It. 1 Inf. 237 PAOE Piatt, Benjamin M., 2 It. retired 4.50 Pickering, Abner, 2 It. 2 Inf 243 Pierce, Francis E., capt. 1 Inf 236 Pierce, Jacob R.. 1 It. 24 Inf 346 Pinder, Joseph W., 2 It. 8 Oav 177 Piper, Alexander, It.-col. 3 Art 210 Pitcher, John, 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Pitcher, Thomas G., col. retired 378 Pitcher, William L., 1 It. 8 Inf 273 Pitman, John. capt. Ord. Dept 92 Piatt, Edward R., maj. A. G. Dept 12 Poe, Orlando M., lt.-c Inf. ^ 350 Reade, Philip, 1 It. :i Inf 246 Reed, Harvey D., 2 It. 25 Inf. 3,51 Reed, Heiirv A., I It. 2 Art 2(18 Reed, Hu-hT.,! It 1 Inf. 2:57 Reed, Thuiuas B., 2 It. retired 450 Reed, Walter, asst, surg. Med. Dept 60 Reed, ■\Vllliam I., 1 It 7 Inf. 2G5 Reese, Henry B., pm. Pay Dept 63 Reeve, Isaac V. 1)., col. retired 377 Reeves, Thonisis H., capt. retired 428 Regan, James, 1 It. 9 Inf 276 Reillv, Henry J., 1 It. 5 Art 231 Reilly, James W., capt. Ord. Dept 91 Remington, Philip H., capt. 19 Inf 321 Rendlebrock, Joseph, capt. retired 429 Rexfonl, William H., ord. sk 95 Reynolds, Alfred, 1 It. 20 Inf. 328 Reynolds, Bainbridge, 1 It. 3 Cav 117 Reynolds, Charles, chap, retired 4.50 Reynold.s, Charles A., maj. Qm. Dept 21 Reynolds, Frank, capt. retired 4.')0 Reynolds, Jdseph J , col. retired 379 Reynolds. William B, 2 It. U Inf. 303 Rheem, Edward B.,1 It. 21 Inf 333 Rice, Edmnnd, capt. 5 Inf 2.i5 Rico, Frank R., 1 It. retired 442 Rice, Frank S., 1 It. 1 Art 198 Rice, James H , 1 It. retired 444 Rice, William F., 1 It. 23 Inf 342 Richard, Charles, asst. snrg. Med. Dept 61 Richards, James R., Jr., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Richards, Mel/, ir C, 2 It. 2 Art 209 Richards, William V., 1 It. 16 Inf. 311 Richmond, Ephraim T. C, 1 It. 2 Art 207 Ricketts, Janus B., maj.-gen. retired 353 Ripley, Henry L.. 2 It. 24 Inf. 347 Rittenhonse, Bi-njamin F., capt. retired 431 Ritzius, Henry P., 1 It. 25 Inf. 3.50 Rives, Wright, capt. retired 421 Roach, George H., 1 It. 17 Inf. 315 Robe, Charles F.. capt. 25 Inf 348 Robert, Henry M., It-col. Eng. 74 Roberts, Benjamin K., 1 It. 5 Art 230 Roberts, Cvriis J?., capt. 17 Inf 314 Roberts, Harris L., 2 It. 19 Inf. 325 Roberts, Joseph, col. retired 392 Robertson, Edgar B., 1 It. 9 Inf. 277 Robertson, Jame-i M., maj. retired 414 Robertson, Samuel C, 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Robinson, Angustns G., maj. Qm. Dept 22 Robinson, Daniel, 1 It. 7 Inf 265 Robinson, Frank U., 1 It. 2 Cav 109 Robinson, George, post chap 98 Robinson, George F., pm. Pay Dept 65 Robinson, Henry E., 1 It. 4 Inf. 251 Robinson, John C, n)aj.-gen. retired 352 Robinson, Samuel Q., asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Robinson, Thomas B., capt. 19 Inf. 322 Robinson, William W., Jr., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Roche, James R., pin. Pay Dept 64 Rochester, William B., lirig.-gen. pm.-geu 62 Rockefeller, Charles M., 1 It. 9 Inf 276 Rockwell, Almon F., capt. Qm. Dept 26 Rockwell, Charles H., 1 It. 5 Cav 146 Rockwell, James, Jr., capt. Ord. Dept 93 Rodenbough, Theophilns V., col. retired 396 Roder, John W., capt. 4 Art 220 Rodgers, Alexander, 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Rodgprs, John F. m. sk. Qm. Dept 32 Rodgers, John I, maj. 1 Art 202 Rodman, .b.hn B ,1 It. 20 Inf. 328 Rodman, Samnel, Jr., 2 It. 1 Art 199 Rodney, George B., capt. 4 Art 219 Roe, Charles F., 1 It. 2 Cav lo9 Roe, Charb-s F., 1 It. 11 Inf. 2S3 Roe, Fayette W., 2 It. 3 Inf. 247 Roemer, Paul, 1 It. 5 Art 229 Bob&sler, Solomou W., 1 It. Eng 87 PAGE Rogers, Benjamin H., capt. 13 Inf. 294 Rogers, James S , 2 It. 20 Inf. 329 Rogers, Kobert M., 1 It. 2 Art 207 Rogers, William P., 1 It. 17 Inf. 314 Rogers, William W., capt. 9 Inf. 275 Rollins. James H., capt. Ord. Dept 91,437 Romeyn, Henry, 1 It. 5 Inf. 257 Ropes, James .M., capt. 8 Cav 175 Rose, Thomas E., capt. 16 Inf 308 Ross, John M., 1 It. 21 Inf 333 Rossell, William H., capt. retired 417 Rossell, William T., 1 It. Eng 86 Rowan, Andrew S., 2 It. 15 Inf 307 Rowan, Hamilton 2 It. 2 Art 209 Rowell, Charles W., 1 It. 2 Inf 243 Royall, William B., col. 4 Cav 118 Rucker, Daniel H., brig.-gen. retired 357 Rucker, Francis D., 2 It. 2 Cav 109 Rucker, Louis H., capt. 9 cav 183 Rucker, William A , It.-col. Pay Dept 62 Ruff, Charles F., It.-col. retired 401 Ruffner, Ernest H,, capt. Eng 84 Uuger, Thomas H., col. 18 Inf 316 Ruggles, George D., It.-col A. G. Dept 11 Ruhlen, George, 1 It. 17 Inf 315 Rumbough, David J., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Runcie, James E., 2 It. 1 Art 199 Ruukle, Benjamin P., maj. retired 410 Russell, Albert J., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Russell, Andrew H., 1 It. Ord. Dept 94 Russell, Edmund K., 1 It. 1 Art 197 Russell, George B., capt. 9 Inf 274 Russell, Gerald, capt. 3 Cav 113 Rutherford, Robert G., 1 It. retired 445 Sacket, Delos B, brig.-gen. ins -gen 13 Saffold, Marion B., 2 It. 13 Inf. 296 Sage, Corwin, 2 It. 17 Inf 316 Sage, Georee E., 1 It. 5 Art 234 Sage, William H., 2 It. 5 Inf 258 Sage, William N., capt. 11 Inf. 283 Sanborn, Washington I., 1 It. '^5 Inf. 349 Sanderson, George K., capt. 11 Inf. 283 Sands, George H., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 Sands, James II., 1 It. retired 443 Sanford, George B., maj. 1 Cav 100 Sanger, Joseph P., capt. 1 Art 195 Sanger, Louis II., capt. 17 Inf. 313 Sanno, James M. J., capt. 7 Inf. 265 Sarson, Horace B.,1 It. 2 Inf 242 Satterlee, Charles B., 1 It. 3 Art 216 Savage, Egbert B., capt. 8 Inf 270 Sawtelle, Charles G., It.-col Qm. Dept 19 Sawyer, J. Estcourt, 1 It. 5 Art 2:'.4 Saxton, Rufus, col. Qm. Dept 17 Scantling, John C, 1 It. 2 Art 206 Schaeffer, Charles M., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Schenck, Alexander D., 1 It. 2 Art 207 Schindel, Jeremiah P., capt. 6 luf 266 Schnfield, Charles B., 1 It. 2 Cav 109 Schofield, John M., maj.-gen 7 Schooley, David, capt. 25 Inf. 348 Schreiner, Herman, capt. retired 433 Schriver, Edmund, col. retired 375 Schroeder, Henry A., 2 It. 4 Art 225 Schuyler, Walter S., 1 It. 5 Cav 149 ScUwan, Theodore, rapt. 11 Inf 282 Schwatka, Frederick, 1 It. 3 Cav 116 Schwenk, Samuel K., capt. retired 429 Scott, Albert B., 2 It. 13 Inf. 297 Scott, Douglas M., 1 It. 1 Inf 237 Scott, George L., 1 It. 6 Cav 165 Scott, Hugh L.. 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Scott, John, 1 It. 4 Inf. 251 Scott, Robert N., maj. 3 Art 210 Scott, Walter S.,1 It. 25 Inf. 350 Scott, William S., 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Scott, Winfield, ])Ost chap 99 Scriven, George P., 2 It. 3 Art 216 Scully, James W., capt. Qm. Dept 24 Sears. Clinton B., capt. Eng 84 Seawell, Washington, col. retired 373 Sebree, Leroy E.. 2 It. Sig. Corps 97 Sellers, Edwin E., capt. 10 Inf 278 Sellmer, Charles, 1 It. 3 Art 215 INDEX. 475 PAGE Semifj, Bprnard G., asst. surg. Med. Dept 5i) Seton, Ili-iiry, 1 It. 4 Inf. 251 Seyliuiii, Stcplieti Y., 2 It. 10 Inf 281 Seyiiiiiur, Tninian, luiij. rcliivd 410 Sliafler, William K., col. 1 Inf. 2:55 Shaler, Charles, capt. Ord. Dcpt 92 Sliamioii, William C, asst. sing. Bled. Dept 60 Sharp, Ale.xander, pm. Pay Dept 6.5 Sharp, Frederick Dent, 2 It. 20 Inf 32!) Shar|., Thomiis, 1 It. 17 Inf. 314 Sharpe, Alfred C, 1 It. 22 Inf 338 Shaw, .h.hn J., 2 It. G Inf. i62 Shaw, Uichard G., capt. 1 Art 196 Shea, Tliumas, It.-col. retireii 406 Shell.y, Isaac 0., 1 It. IG Inf. 312 Shepherd, Oliver L., col. retired 375 Sheridan, Michael V., maj. a.a.g 13,452 Sheridan, Philip H,, It.-gen '. 6 Sherman, William T., general , 5 Shoemaker, Frank I/., capt. 4 Cav 123 Shoemaker, William B., cajit. retired 424 Sliorkley, George, capt. 15 Inf 305 Shufeldt, Robert W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 bhunk, William A., 2 It. 8 Cav 177 Shurly, Kdmund U. P., 1 It. retired 443 Sibl-y, Frederick W., 1 It. 2 Cav 109 Sickel, Uoratio G., Jr., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Sickli's, Daniel E., maj.-gen. retired 352 Simons, .lames, It.-col. retired 404 Simpson, George W., post chap 98 Simpson, James F., 1 It. 3 Cav 116 Simpson, James H., col. retired ! 3bG Simpson, J(din, capt. Qm. Dept ^8 Simjison, Marcus D. L., col. Sub. Dept 33 Simpson, William A., 1 It. 2 Art 209 Sinclair, James IJ., capt. retire., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Sl>rague, Charles J., pm. Pay Di'pt 63 Sprague, Wellington G., cajif. retired 436 Springett, Howard A., 2 It. 4 Art 224 Sprole, Henry W., 1 It. 8 Cav 175 Spnrgin, William F., capt. 21 Inf 331 Sqniers, Herbert G.,2 It. 7 Cav 171 Stacey, May H., capt. 12 Inf 286 StaI1brd,John,2 It. 8 Inf 273 Slaff.ird, Stephen R., capt. 15 Inf 306 StarilK>pe, Philip W., maj. retired 413 Stanley, David S., col. 22 Inf 334 Stanton, Thaddeus H., pm. Pay Dept 63 Stanton, William, 1 It. G Cav 164 Stanton, William S., capt. Eng 82 Starr, Charles G.,2It. 1 Inf 237 Starr, Samuel II., col. retired 395 Starring, William S., capt. Uril. Dept 92 Steednian, Richard R., 2 It. Ifi Inl 312 Steele, Charles L., 2 It. 18 Inf. 319 Steelbammer, Charles, cajit. 15 Inf. 305 Steever, Edgar Z., Jr., 1 It. 3 Cav 116 Steinmetz, William R., asst. surg. Med. Dept 58 Stembel, James McB., 1 It. 9 Inf 277 Stephenson, William, 1 It. retired 443 Sternberg, George M., maj. Med. Dept 49 Stevens, Charles J., 2 It. 9 Cav 185 Stevens, Robert R., 1 It. 6 Inf. 2G2 Stewart, Charles S., col. Eng 68 Stewart, James, capt. retired 425 Stewart, Joseph, It.-col. retired 404 Stewart, William F., 1 It. 4 Art 222 Stickney, Amos, maj. Eng 79 Stiles, Daniel F., 1 It. 10 Inf 280 Stille, Louis R., capt. 23 Inf 342 Slivers, Charles B , capt. retired 418 Stivers, Charles P., 2 It. 9 Int 277 Stivers, Edwin J.,1 It. 25 Inf 349 Stolbrand, Vasa E., 2 It. 13 Inf 296 Stoll, Walter R., 2 It. 9 Inf. 277 Stone, Ebenezer W., capt. 21 Inf 332 Story, John P., capt. 4 Art 220 Stotsenburg, John M., 2 It. (i Cav 166 Stottler, Victor E., 2 It. 10 Inf 281 Stouch, George W. H., 1 U. 3 Inf 246 Straiig, Edward J., capt. Qm. Dept 26 Stretch, John F., 1 It. 10 Inf. 280 Strong, Frederick S., 2 It. 4 Art 225 Strong, Norton, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Strong, Richard P., 1 It. 4 Art 221 Strotber, Lewis H., 2 It. 1 Inf. 237 Stuart, Sidney E., 2 It. 1 Art 199 Sturgeon, Sheldon, capt. retired 419 Sturgis, Samuel D.,col.7 cav 165 Sullivan, Thomas C, maj. Sub. Dept 37 Summerhayes, John W., 1 It. 8 Inf. 272 Summers, John E., It.-col. Med. Di'pt 43 Sumner, Edwin v., maj. 6 Cav 130 Sumner, Samuel S., uuij.SCav 171 Suter, Charles R., maj Eng 77 Sutherland, CharIe8,coI. Med. Dept 41 Swaim, David G., brig.-gen. j. a. gen 14 Swaine, Peter T , It.-col. 15 Inf 303 Swayne, Wager, col. retired .379 Sweeney, Henry, capt. 4 Cav 123 Sweeny, Thomas W., brig.-gen. retiied 370 Sweet, Owen J.,1 It. 25 Inf. 349 Sweitzer, Nelson B., It.-col. 8 Cav 171 Swift, Ebenezer, It.-col. Med. Dept 42 Swift, Ebenezer, Jr., 2 It. 6 Cav 154» Swift, James A., 2 It. Sig. Corps 97 Swigert, Samuel M., capt. 2 cav 108 Swords, Thomas, col. retired 374 Synimes, John C.,capt. retired 417 Symons, Thomas W., 1 It. Eng 86 Taber, Henry S., 1 It. Eng 86 Tassin, Augustus G., 1 It. 12 Inf 291 Tate, Daniel L., 2 It. 1 Cav 105 Taylor, Allred B., capt. retired 430 Taylor, Alexander H. M., 1 It. 19 Inf 324 Taylor, Arthur W., an»t. surg. Meil. Dept 61 Taylor, Asher C, 1 It. 2 Art.. 207 476 INDEX. PAGE Taylor, Blair D., asst. surg. Med. Dept 59 Taylor, Charles W., 2 It. 'J Cav 185 Taylor, Daniel M., capt. Ord. Dept 93 Taylor, David 15., 1 It. 11 Inf. 284 Taylor, F. Beers, 1 It. 9 Cav 184 Taylor, Frank K.,capt. 1 Art 194 Taylor, Frank, 1 It. 14 Inf 302 Taylor, Joseph H., uiaj. A. G. Dept 12 Taylor, Marcus E., asst. surg. Med. Dept 00 Taylor, Jlorse K., niaj. Med. Dept 54, 454 Taylor, liodney M., capt. vO Inf. 327 Taylor, Sydney \V., 1 It. 4 Art 223 Tear, Wallace, 1 It. 25 Inf 350 Terrellj Charles M., pm. Pay Dept 63 Terrett,ColvilleP.,2 lt.8 Inf. 273 Terry, Alfred II., brig.-geri 8 Tesson, Louis S., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Theaker, Hugh A., capt. 16 Inf. 308 Thilmut, Frederick W.. 1 It. 6 luf. 201 Thies, Frederick, 2 It. 3 Inf. 247 Thoni, George, col. Eng. retired 399 Thomas, Karl D, I It. 5 Cav 145 Thomas, Henry G., pm. Pay Dept 04 Thompson, Ai B., capt. retired 417 Thomp,ion, Charles B., 1 It. 5 Inf i68 Thompson, J. Milton, dipt. 24 Inf. 345 Thompson, John (;., capt. 3 Cav 114 Thouipsou, John P., 1 It. 3 Inf -40 Thompson, Jolin T., 2 It. 2 Art 210 Thompson, Kichard E., 1 It. 6 Inf. 262 Thompson, William, capt. retired 425 Thompson, William A., capt. 4 Cav 123 Thorne, Piatt M., capt. 22 Inf 336 Thorp, Frank, 1 It. 5 Art 230 Throckmorton, Charles B., capt. 4 Art 218 Thurston, George A., I It. 3 Art 214 Thurston, Walter A., 2 It. 10 Inf 312 Tidball, John C, It.-col. 1 Art 193 Tidhall, Joseph L., capt. retired 410 Tiernon, John L , cajit. 3 Art 212 Tilford, Joseph G., maj. 7 Cav 100 Tillson, John C. F., 2 It. 5 Inf. 258 Tilton, Henry 11., uiaj. Med Dept 51 Tilton, Palmer, 1 It. 20 Inf. 328 Tisdall, William N., capt. 1 Inf. 235 Tobey, Thomas F., capt. 14 Inf. 299 Todd, Alliert, 1 It 1 Art 199 Todd, John U., 1 It. 18 Inf. 319 Tolmau, Tlumuis M., capt. 1 Inf. 235 Tomkins, James S., capt. retired 430 Tompkins, Ch^irles 11., col. Qm. Dept 17 Torney, George li., asst. surg. Med. Dept GO Torrey, Zerali W., 2 It. 6 Inf 262 Totten, Charles A. L., 1 It. 4 Art 223 Totten, John 11., 2 It. 4 Art 224 Touey, Timothy A., 1 It. Cav 105 Tourtellotte, John E., capt. 7 Cav 107 Towar, Albert S., pm. Pay Dept 04 Towle, George F., capt. 19 Inf. 321 Town, Francis L., maj. Med. Dept 49 Townsend, Alfred, capt. retired 434 Tovvuseud, Curtis McU., 1 It. Eng 87 Towusoud, Edward D , brig.-geu. retired 350 Townsend, Edwin F., It.-col. 11 Inf 282 Townsend, Thomas G., 1 It. Inf. 202 Townsley, Clarence P., 2 It. 4 Art 225 Tracy, Albert, maj. retired 40l Travis, Pierce M. B., 2 It. U Inf.... .■^._. 284 Treat, Charles G., 2 It. 6 Art 235 Tremaine, William S., maj. Med. Dept 54 Trimble, Joel G., capt. retired 430 Trijipe, Percy E., 2 It. 10 Cav 192 Trotier, Frederick E., capt. 14 luf. 298 Trout, John F., 1 It. 23 Inf. 342 Troxel, Thomas G., capt. 17 Inf.. 314 True, Theodore E., 1 It. 4 Inf. 251 Truitt, Charles M., 2 It. 21 Inf 324 Tucker, William F., Jr., pm. Pay Dept 60 Tully, Redmond, 1 It. 25 Inf. 350 Tupper, Tullius C, capt. Cav 101 Turnbnll. John G., capt. 3 Art 211 Turner, George L., 2 It. 18 Inf. 319 Turner, Uenben B., 2 li. Inf. 262 Turuer, William J., 1 It. 2 luf. 243 PAQB Turrill, Henry S., asst. surg. Med. Dept 00 Turtle, Thomas, capt. Eng 84 Tutherly, Herbert E., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Tyler, Charles K., 2 It. 10 Inf. 312 Tyler, John, 1 It. retired 440 Tyler, Richard W., capt. retired 435 Tyler, William W., 1 it. 13 Inf. 2s6 U'lio, James, 1 It. 2 Inf 241 Upham, Frank Kidder, capt. 1 Cav I(i3 Upham, John J., maj. 5 Cav 129 Valois, Gustavus, 1 It. 9 Cav 184 Vance, Duncan M., capt. 10 Inf 308 Vance, Richard, capt. 19 Inf 322 Van Derslice, Joseph H., capt. retired 422 Van Deusen, George W., 2 It. 4 Cav 124 Vande Wiele, John B., capt retired 428 Van Horn, James J., maj. 13 Inf. 293 Van Home, Thomas B., post chap 98 Van Home, William M., capt. 17 Inf 313 Van Liew, Frederick T., 2 It. 2 Inf 243 Van Ness, William P.,1 It. 1 Art 198 Van Orsdale, John T., 1 It. 7 Inf 266 Van Reed, William E., capt. 5 Art 227 Vanvalzali, David D., capt. 25 Inf 348 Van Vliet, Frederick, maj. 10 Cav 188 Van Vliet, Robert C, 2 It. 10 Inf 281 Van Vliet, Stewart, col. retired 388 Van Voast, James, col. retired 460 Van Wyck, George P., chap, retired 451 Varnev, Almon L., capt. Ord. Dept 92 Varnum, Charles A., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Vedder, Nicholas, maj. retired 411 Vedder, Simon C. 1 It. 19 Cav 323 Vernon, Charles A., 1 It. 19 Inf 323 Vickerj', Richard S., asst. surg. Med. Dept 65 Vielo, Charles D., capt. 10 Cav 189 Vinal, William H., 1 It. 10 Inf 310 Vincent, Albert 0., 1 It. retired 438 Vincent, Thomas M., It.-col. A. G. Dept II Viven, John L., capt. 12 Inf 288 Vogdes, Anthony W., 1 It. 5 Art 204 Vogdes, Charles B., 2 It. 1 Inf 237 Vogdes, Israt-l, col. retired 375 Volknuir, William J., capt. 5 Cav 143 VoUum, Edward P., maj. Med. Dept 44 Von Herrmann, Charles J., capt. 4 Inf. 249 Von Luettwitz, Adolphus H,, 1 It. r<'tired 443 Von Schrader, Frederick, 1 It. 12 Inf 292 Von Shirach, Frederick C., capt. retired 435 Vose, William P., 1 It. 2 Art 205 Vroom, Peter D., capt. 3 Cav 113 Wade, James F., It.-col. 10 Cav 187 Wager, B,irnet, 1 It. 2 Art 208 Wagner, Arthur L., 1 It. 6 Inf 262 Wagnei', Henry, capt. 1 Cav ItH Wainwright, Robert P. P.,1 It. 1 Cav 104 Waite, Henry De }1.,2 It. 5 Cav 156 Wakeman, William J., asst. surg. Med. Dept 62 Walcott, William H., capt. retired 421 Walker, George B., 1 It. Inf 262 Walker, John H., capt. retired 422 Walker, John P., capt. 3 Cav 114 Walker, Leverett H., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Walker, Moses B., col. retired 397 Walker, Robert C, maj. retired 415 Walker, Samuel, 2 It. retired 450 Walker, Thomas W., capt. retired 416 Wallace, George D., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 Wallace, Gi-orge W., It.-col. retired 402 Wallace, William M., capt. Cav 163 Wallen, Henry D., dd. retired 389 Walter, I.saac N., 1 It. retired 443 Walton, John M., 1 It retired 444 Waltz, Millard F., 2 It. 12 Inf 292 Ward, Charles R., 1 It. 10 Cav 192 Ward, Eilward W., capt retired 433 Ward, Frederick K., 1 It. 1 Cav 104 Ward, George S. Luttrell, 1 It. 22 Inf 337 Ward, Henry C, capt. 10 Inf 309 Ward, Thomas, capt. 1 Art 196 Waring, John K., I It. 2 Inf 243 Warner, Edward R., cai't. 3 Art 211 Warren, James G.. 1 It. Eng 87 Warrens, Charles H., capt. 14 luf 300 INDEX. 477 PAGE Warwick, Oliver B., 1 It. 18 Inf yl9 Wiiterbury, William M., capt. 13 Itif 2114 Waterniaii, Jolm C, 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Waters, James H., 2 It., 20 Inf" 329 Watere, William E., niaj. Med. Uept 53 Watson, James W.,2 It. 10 Cav 192 Watson, Malbone F., capt. retired 422 Watts, Charles H., 1 It. 5 Cav 151 Weaver, Erasmus M., Jr., 2 It. 2 Art 209 Webb, George W., 2 It. 25 Inf 351 Webber, Edwin H., 2 It. 20 Inf 329 Webster, Edmund K., 1 It. 2 luf. 243 Webster, George 0., 1 It. 4 Inf 251 Webster, Isaac T., 1 It. 1 Art 197 Webster, John McA., 1 It. 22 Inf. 338 Webster, Warren, maj. Med. Dept 48 Wedenieyer, William G.,capt. IC Inf 308 Weeks, George H., maj. Qm. Dept 22 Weeks, Harrison S., 1 It. 8 Cav 175 Weir, Gulian V.,capt.5Art 227 Weir, Robert W., prof, retired 400 Weisel, Daniel, asst.surg. Med. Dept 58 Weitzel, Godfrey, It.-col. Eug 72 Welborn, Luther S., 2 It. 5 Cav 1.55 Wells, Almond B., capt. 8 Cav 174 Wells, Daniel T., capt. 8 Inf 270 Wells, Elijah U., capt. retired 428 Welsh, Blanton C, 2 It. 15 luf. 307 Wesendorff, Ma.\, capt. 1 Cav 103 Wessells, Henry W., It.-col. retired 401 Wessells, Henry W., Jr., capt. 3 Cav 113 Wessells, Morris C.,1 It. 24 Inf 346 West, Barrington K., 2 It. 6 Cav 165 West, Frank, 1 It. 6 Cav 164 West, Parker W., 2 It. 3 Cav 118 Western, Charles B , capt. 14 Inf 300 Weston, John F., capt. Sub. Dept 40 Wetherill, Alexander M., 1 It. 6 luf 262 Wever, Benjamin S.,2 It. 1 luf 237 Wham, Joseph W., pm. Pay Dept 65 Wharton, John S., capt. 19 Inf 321 Wheaton, Charles, capt. 23 Inf ; 340 Wheatou, Frank, col. 2 Inf 237 Wheaton, Lloyd, capt. 20 Inf 326 Wheelan, James N., capt. 2 Cav 107 Wheeler, Daniel D., capt. Qm. Dept 29 Wheeler, Fred., 1 If. 4 Cav 124 Wheeler, George M., capt. Eng 83 Wheeler, William B.,1 It. 18 Inf 319 Wheeler, William H.,2 It. 11 Inf 284 Wherry, William M., capt. 6 Inf 259 Whipple, Charles H., pm. Pay Dept G6 Whipple, Charles W., 1 It. ord 94 Whipple, Stephen G., capt. 1 Cav 101 Whipple, William D., It.-col. A. G. Dept 11 Whistler, Garland N., 1 It. 5 Art 234 Whistler, Joseph N. G , It.-col. 5 Inf 303 Whitall, Samuel R., 1 It. 16 Inf 311 White, David, chap, retired .. 450 White, George Q.,capt. retired 428 White, John C, capt. 1 Art 438 White, John v., 2 It. 1 Art 199 White, Robert H.,a8st. surg. Med Dei)t , 67 Whitehead, Frederick F., capt. Sub. Dept 39 Whiteley, Robert H. K., col. retired 378 Whiting, Daniel P., It.-col. retired 401 Whitman, Royal E., 1 It. retired 443 Whitney, Folliot A., capt. 8 Inf. 271 Whitney, John, 1 It. 11 Inf 283 Whiteide, Samuel M., capt. 6 Cav 160 Whittemore, Edward W., capt. 15 Inf 304 Whittemore, James M., It.-col. Ord. Dept 88 Whittlesey, Joseph H., maj. retired 408 Whyte, Frederick, eai)t. retired 428 Wieting, Orlando L., 1 It. 23 Inf 343 Wikoff, Charles A., Ciipt. 11 luf 282 Wilcox, .lames H. G., 2 It. 7 Cav 171 Wiloox, John A.,m.ij. 8 Cav 171 Wilcox, Timothy E., asst. .«urg. Med. Dept 59 Wilder, Wilber E., 1 It. 4 Cav 124 Wildrick, Abram C, maj. 5 Art 220 Wilhelrn, Thomas, capt. 8 Inf. 270 Wilhelmi, Louis, 1 It. 1 luf 237 Wilkins, John D., col. 5 Inf. 252 PAGE Wilkinson, John W., 1 It. 7 Cav 170 AVilkin.son, Melville C, 1 It. 3 Inf 246 Willard, John P., pm. Pay Dept 63 Willard, J(jseph H., capt. Eng 86 Willard, Wells, capt. Sub. Dept 40 Wilcox, E. Farusworth, 2 It. 6 Cav 16:"> Wilcox, Orlando B.,col. 12 Inf. 284 Williams, Arthur, 2 It. 3 Inf 247 Williams, Charles A., 1 It. 21 Inf 334 Williams, Charles W., capt. t^m. Dept 29 Williams, Constant, ca])t. 7 Inf 264 Williams, Ephraim, 1 It. retired 440 Williams, George A., maj. retired 410 Williams, Henry K., 1 It. retired 443 Williams, John R., 1 It. 3 Art 216 Williams, John W., maj. Med. Dept 53 Williams, Richard A., 1 It. 8 Cav 176 Williams, Robert, col. A. G. Dept 11 Williams, William M., 1 It. 19 Inf. 324 Williams, William N., 2 It. retired 449 Williston, Edward B., capt. 2 Art 202 Wills, David, post chap 98 Wills, John H., 2 It. 22 Inf. 339 Wilson, Charles I., pm. Pay Dept 64 Wilson, David, post chap 98 Wilson, David B., 1 It. 25 Inf 349 Wilson, George F., asst. surg. Med. Dept »... 61 Wilson, George S.,1 It. 12 luf 290 Wilson, James E., capt. 2 Art 204 Wilson, James E., 2 It. 5 Inf. 258 Wilson, James L., 1 It. 4 Art 224 Wilson, John M., It -col. Eng 75 Wilson, Richard H., 2 It. 8 luf 273 Wilson, Thomas, maj. Sub. Dept 38 Wilson, Thomas H.,2 It. 2 Inf 243 Wilson, William J., asst. surg. Med. Dept 58 Winue, Charles K., asst. surg. Med. Dept 69 Wiuslow, Gordon, 1 It. 8 Inf 271 Wint, Theodore J., capt. 4 Cav 122 Winthrop, William, maj. j. a 15 Wisser, John?., 1 It. 1 Art 198 Witcher, John S., pm. Pay Dept 66 Witherell, Charles T., capt. 19 luf 322 Wittich, Willis, 1 lt.21 luf. 334 Woart, John, cliap. retired 450 Wolf, Silas A., 2 It. 4 Inf. 2,52 Wolf, Nathaniel, 1 It. 2 Art 208 Wolverton, William D., maj. Med. Dept.. 50 Wood, Abram E., 1 It. 4 Cav 123 Wood, Charles E. S., 1 It. 21 Inf 333 AVood, Edward E., 1 It. 8 Cav 175 Wood, Henry C, maj. A. G. Dept 12 Wood, Marshall W., asst. surg. Med. Dept 60 Wood, Oliver E., 1 It. 5 Art 231 Wood, Palmer G., 1 It. 12 Inf. 292 Woiod, Thomas J., brig.-gen. retired 357 Wood, William H., col. retired 387 Wood, William T., 2 It. 18 Inf 319 Woodbridge, Francis, 2 It. 7 Inf 267 Woodbury, Thomas C, 1 It. 16 Inf 312 Woodhull, Alfred A., maj. Med. Dept 62 Woodruff, Carle A., caiit. 2 Art 203 Woodruff, Charles A., capt. Sub. Dept 40 WoodrutT, Dickinson, It.-col. retired 403 Woodruff, Edward C, capt. 12 luf. 285 Woodruff, Ezra, asst. surg. Med. Dept 58 Woodruff, Thomas M., 1 It. 5 luf. 258 Woods, Charles R., col. retired 390 Woods, Samuel, col. retired 393 Woodson, Alliert E., capt. 5 Cav 141 Woodward, Charles G., 2 It. 3 Art 116 Woodward, George A., col. retired , 3^0 Woodward, Joseph J., maj. Med. Dept 50 Woodward, Samuel L., 1 It. 10 Cav 191 Wooley, Fredeiick, 2 It. Vi Inf 281 Worden, Charles A., 1 It. 7 luf 266 Worth, William S., capt. 8 Inf. 268 Worthington, James C, asst. sui g. Wed. Dept 60 Wortherspoon, William W., 1 It. 12 Inf 292 Wright, Alpha, chap, retireil 450 Wright, Henry II., 1 It. 9 Cav 186 Wright, Horatio G., brig.-gen. chf. Eng 67 Wright, Joseph P., maj. Bled. Dept 49 Wright, William D., 2 It. Slg. Corps 97 478 INDEX. PAGE Wyatt, ■Waltef S., 1 It. 9 Inf 277 Wyeth, Marlborough C, asst. surg. Med. Dept 61 Wygant, Henry, 1 It. 24 Itif 346 Wyllys, Lyman, capt. 5 Inf 253 Wyse, Francis 0., It.-col. retired 4<->4 Yard, John E., It.-col. 24 Inf 344 Yates, Theodore, col. retired 397 Yeatman, Richard T., 2 It. 14 Inf 302 FAOB Young, DanielJ., ord.sk 95 Young, George S., 1 It. 7 Inf 266 Young, Richard W., 2 It. 5 Art 2:15 Young, Robert H., 1 It 4 Inf 251 Young, Samuel B. M., maj. 3 Cav 113 Young, Willard, 1 It. Eng 87 Zalinski, Edmund L., 1 It. 6 Art 230 For Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, etc., USE (liquid.) Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E. N. Horsford, of Cambridge, Masi, A PEEPARATION OF THE PHOSPHATES OF LIME, MAGNESIA, POTASH, AND IRON WITH PHOSPHORIC ACID IN SUCH FORM AS TO BE READILY ASSIMILATED BY THE SYSTEM. As Food for an Exhausted Brain, In Liver and Kidney Trouble, In Sea-Sickness and Sick Headache, In Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Constipation, In Inebriety, Despondency, and Cases of Impaired Nerve Function, HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Has become a necessity in a large number of households throughout the world, and is universally used by physicians of all schools. It is not nauseous, but agreeable to the taste. No danger can attend its use. Its action will harmonize with such stimulants as are necessary to take. IT 3IAKES A DELICIOUS DRINK, "With "Water and Sugar only, and is an excellent substitute for Ijemons or Limes. We have received a very large number of letters from physicians of the highest standing, in all parts of the country, relating their experience with Ihe Acid Phosphate, and speaking of it in high terms of commendation. Horsford's Acid Phosphate is for sale by all druggists. Pamphlets mailed free on application. EUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, Providence, R. I. XHIRTY-SIX YEARS' SITCCHSSFVI. BUSINESS. Gross Assets, $8,900,000. Surplus, $1,950,000. Penn Mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PTJRELY MUTUAL. Of Philadelphia. SECURITY is the first consideration, LOWEST COST the next. The "PENN" is unequaled in these essentials to first-class insurance. B®"" The Policy contracts of this Company leave nothing to be desired, embracing all the liberal features of every other. They become INCONTESTABLE three years from date. They are absolutely NON-FORFEITABLE, the entire "reserve" at lapse being applied either to the EXTENSION of the original sum insured, or to the purchase of PAID-UP insurance, at the option of the member. SAHUEI C. HUEY, Pres't. :H. S. STEPHENS, 2d Vice-Pres't. EDWARD M. NEEDLES, Vicc-Pres't. JESSE J. BARKER, Actuary. HENRY C. BROWN, Sec'y. COLGATE & COMPANY'S Black Harness"Soap^ FOR CI.EAIVING AND OII.ING HJRJVJESS, CARRIAGE, AJ^D BUGGY TOPS, OR ANY ARTICLE MADE OF LEATHER OR RUBBER. ThiB Soap is the best article of its kind in the market. Its large and increasing sale shows it to be the most popular Harness Soap manufactured. COLGATE & COMPANY'S STABLE SOA.P, FOR lY ASHING SORES, CUTS, BRUISES, GALLS, SCRATCHES, ETC. 2 HORSTMANN BROTHERS & CO., Fiftli and Cherry Streets, ^HMY AND j^AVY GoODS. fi@" INQUIRIES BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. fi@°- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT ON APPLICATION. HORSTMANN BROTHERS & CO., Fifth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia , Pa, IDI?.E2^EL &c CO., 3^ Sotjth: Thiii^id Sti^eeit, :PH:iijj^3DEXj:pia:iA., Issue Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit, Suy and Sell Bills of Es:chang^e on all parts of Europe, Ifegotiate State, Municipal, and Railroad SeouMties, Bny and Sell Government Bonds and Stocks, Transact a General Banking BusineM* 8 T^'^ Manhattan Though eleven months old only, is already recognized by the press on both sides of the Atlantic as one of the leading magazines of the country. Its contributors have been, and will continue to be, among the best and most famous writers in the United States and Great Britain. Among those who have contributed, or will contribute, to the magazine during the year 1883 are JOHN Q. WHITTIER, DR. JAMES McCOSH, JULIAN HAWTHORNE, JOHN FISKE, EDMUND C. STEDMAN, ERNEST INGERSOLL, RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD, WILLIAM H. RIDEING, EDWARD P. WHIPPLE, EDGAR FAWCETT, KATE FIELD, LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON, HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, PHILIP BOURKE MARSTON, GEO. PARSONS LATHROP, HENRY C. REDDER, EDITH M. THOMAS, S. G. W. BENJAMIN, EDNA DEAN PROCTOR, PROF. J. LEONARD CORNING, JOEL BENTON, DAVID KER, GEORGE EDGAR MONTGOMERY, H. C. BUNNER, JOHN VANCE CHENEY, NORA PERRY, R. K. MUNKITTRICK, EDMUND W. GOSSE, W. J. LOFTIE, JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY, BENJAMIN F. TAYLOR, LUCY H. HOOPER. Its illustrations have constantly increased in value and importance, and some of the beat known artists, both draughtsmen and engravers, in the country have been, or are now, engaged on work for its pages. It is now ranked as one of the leading illustrated monthlies of the United States. In typography, press-work, and paper, no pains or expense have been or will be spared. The fascinating novel, "Beatrix Kandolph," will be concluded in the December number. In the November number is begun " Tinkling Cymbals," by Edgar Fawcett, a novel of Newport and New York society, which will run for six months. The preparations for the year 1884 will make every number of that year a star number. The price of The Manhattan is $3.00 a year, in advance, postage free. 25 cts. a number. To clubs of five persons, if sent all at once, the price is $2.50 a year, postage free, for each member of the club, with a copy gratis for a year to the person sending the club. Subscribers may remit in postal notes, or in bank checks, or drafts, or by registered letters to THE MANHATTAN MAGAZINE COMPANY, Temple Court, Ne'w York City. THIS Philadelphia Record. THE GREAT DAILY OF THE KEYSTONE STATE. Issued every day, including Sunday, it forms an uninterrupted and unrivaled channel of communication, with a constituency of readers which is not excelled in any quarter in number, intelligence, or amplitude of means. In addition to exceptionally full reports of occurrences, — local, domestic, and foreign, — the "Record^' gives especial prominence to agricultural, scientific, sporting, and dramatic notes and events, household knowledge, fashions, etc. Fearless editorials on all important topics are features of the paper. Exclusive of the Sunday issue, the price is Three Dollars per year, or Thirty Chits per month; with the Sunday issue, Four Dollars per year. A VALUABLE PAPEE FOR AUY LOCALITY. Address THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD, 917 & 919 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 6 Naval Battles, Ancient and Modern. By EDWARD SHIPPEN, Medical Director, United States Navy; Contributor to Hamersly^s " NavaX Encyclopeedia," etc. A. Concise and Spirited History of the Most Celebrated Naval Engagements, from Salamis, B.C. 480, to the Bombardment of Alexandria, A.D. 1882. " The wonderful record of patriotism and valor dis- played by the naval heroes of the past loses nothing in the telling when Dr. Shippen is the recorder." — Dr. Johji B. Hamilton, Surgeon-General, U. S. Marine Hotpital Ser- vice, Washington, D.C. "The sulijects chosen, and the importance of the issues at stake in almost every one of these conflicts, give the book an interest which none who attempt to read it can help feeling." — The Globe Democrat, St. Louis, Mo. "Dr. Shippen has written a very interesting book, — far more interesting than most histories, and, we may add, more valuable than a good many of them." — TAe Army and Navy Register, Washington, D.C. " Men's imaginations will never cease to be fired by the story of Lepanto, the Invincible Armada, the Se- rapis and Bonhomme Richard, Trafalgar, the Monitor and Merrimac, and the many others equally noteworthy which Dr. Shippen tells in his interesting book." — The New York Observer. The work is illustrated on an extensive and original scale. In addition to thirty tinted full-page pictures of Famous Battles, there are also thirty engravings of Galleys and War Vessels, showing the improvements and changes from the time of the Persians (500 B.C.) to a.d. 1882. THE BEST SELLING BOOK OF THE SEASON. One agent took 1.36 orders in three weeks, another 39 in three days, another 30 in four days, another 40 in one week, etc. SIZE: Length, 9% in.; Width, 6% in.; Thickness, 214, »«• 719 Pas:es. Prices: Clotfa. $3.00. lUeatlier. $3>50. AGENTS "WANTED.— Time nnay be saved and good territory secured by sending 75 cents for full canvassing outfit at once. J. C. McCURDY 8l CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., Chicago, 111., Cincinnati, 0., or St. Louis, Mo. IN PRESS. (A. Companion "Volnme to "Naval Battles.") The Great Battles of the World. (onsr Xjj^JsriD.) By Captain CHARLES KING, U,S,A,, Author of " Winning Sis Spurs," etc. "We have examined the work in manuscript, and can truly say that it is delightful reading, reflecting, as it does, not alone the author's graceful skill in composition, but his keen soldierly zest in battle-scenes as well. . . From Marathon to Sedan, all the great conflicts that have been largely influential in setting up or overthrowing dynasties, in riveting the bonds of tyranny, or in winning independence for states and peoples, find place and treat- ment. . . ." — Tlie United Service, for December, 1883. A Vivid Portrayal of the Martial Deeds of Epaminondas, Alexander, Hannibal, Julius Csesar, Godfrey de Bouillon, Saladin, Richard Coeur de Lion, Joan of Arc, William the Conqueror, Gustavus Adolphus, Wallenstein, Frederick the Great, Na- poleon, Grant, Lee, and a host of others of hardly less renown. Fully Illustrated with Maps and Plans, Specimens of Arms and Armor, and the various Implements of Warfare from the Earliest Times, Pictures of Famous Battle-Scenes, etc. Over 700 rages. Prices: In Cloth. $3.00. Leather. $3.50. READY FOR AGENTS FEBRU ARY 1, 1884. Canvassing Outfit, 75 cents. Choice of territory may now he secured. Address J. C. McCURDY & CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA, PA., CINCINNATI, 0., CHICAGO. ILL., or ST. LOUIS, MO. 6 SPBCIAI. OFFER TO ARMY OFFICERS. IN OBDER TO GET SAMPLES of those belts placed through the Army, we will send one of them, postpaid, to any Member of the Army on receipt of $2.00, and 20 cents to pay for postage, registra- tion, etc. This offer will hold good only 60 days from the diite of this publication, and the name of the " Army Record" must be mentioned by those remitting. The regular price is $3.00 each. Messrs. L. R. Hamersly & Co., the publishers, have kindly allowed us to refer to thcni as to our standing and honorable dealing. ^^~ ALL IN SEARCH OF HEALTH SHOULD WEAR DR. SCOTT'S ELECTRIC BELTS. To Promote the Circulation, to Stimulate the Organic Action, to Renew Vital Ener gy, and Assist Digestion. Universally approved by the Ijeading Physicians as the Best, Safest, and Most Effectual Remedy for Spinal Complaints, Incipient Consumption, Diarrhoea, Pleurisy, Tumors, Asthma, Bronchitis, Epilepsy, Lumbago, Debility, Dropsy, Paralysis, Loss of Voice, Hysteria, Cutaneous Diseases, Nervousness, Indigestion, Palpitation, etc., and has cured some of the most obstinate and distressing cases, after all other reme- dies (so-called) have failed. PffWE, $3.00. PRICE, $3.00. LINED WITH MEDICATED FLANNEL, 8ATEEN OUTSIDE. SENT, POSTPAID, ON TRIAL. Its Extraordinary Cures are Truly Marvelous. There is no shock whatever, but a most agreeable feeling enjoyed in wearing them. They can be worn day or night. They are lined with red flannel, and sateen outside. From C. W. Hornkti. PeoniA, III. Dr. Scott, — I have spent several hundred dollars in the city of Peoria, doctoring for kidney, liver, and ner- Tous diseases during twelve years, but have received no permanent benefit. I have since worn one of Dr. Scott's Electric Belts, and am entirely cured. I have also found great relief from neuralgiain the use of his Hair Brush. Bllicott City, Mb. Dr. Scott, — Tour garments have been of more benefit to me during the past few mouths than all the medicine I have taken for years. R. H. TUOMPSON. Miiny thousands of such testimonials from all parts of the globe can be seen at our office. Mr. Morris Franklin, the venerable President of the great New York Life Insurance Company, will vouch for the merits of our goods. The Bank of the Metropolis, New York, will vouch for our financial responsibility. The price will be returned in every case where the goods are not as represented. If you will order on these terms, and send us the price, with 20 cents added for packing and registration, we will send it on trial, post- paid, guaranteeing safe delivery into your hands; or ask your dealer for them. Remit by post-office money order, drafts, currency, or stamps. Make all orders payable to AGENTS wanted'"^verywheke. GEO. A. SCOTT, 842 Broodwo/, N. Y. Dr. Scott's Electric Corsets. New prices, $i.oo, $1.50, $3.00, $3.cx). 1 ^ ___. ».rm<3 Dr, Scott's Electric Brushes. New prices, $1.00, $1.50, $a.oo, $3.50, $3.00. / "° **'"* lerms. 7 VALUABLE MILITARY BOOKS Published by D. VAN NOSTRAND, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS, NEW YORK. <«» ACROSS THE CONTINENT WITH THE FIFTH CAVALRY. By Captain Geo. F. Price, U.S.A. Illustrated with Four Portraits on Steel. Octavo. Cloth, $fi.OO. FROM EVERGLADE TO CANON WITH THE SECOND DRAGOONS. By Brevet-General Theo. F. Rodenbough, U.S.A. Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs and many Engravings. Royal 8vo. $6.00. CAVALRY: ITS HISTORY, MANAGEMENT, AND USES IN WAR. By J. Roemeh, LL.D. 8vo. Cloth, $4.00. A TREATISE ON MILITARY LAW, And the Jurisdiction, Constitution, and Procedure of Military Courts. By Lieutenant R. A. Ives, U.S.A. Octavo. Law sheep, $4.00. A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. By Colonel J. G. Benton, U.S.A. Octavo. Cloth, $5.00. NEW CAVALRY TACTICS. By General Philip St. George Cooke, U.S.A. Ifimo. Morocco, $1.50. THE PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY AND GRAND TACTICS. Translated from the French of General G. H. Dufour. 12mo. $1.50. ELECTRICITY IN THEORY AND IN PRACTICE ; Or, The Elements of Electrical Engineering. By Lieutenant B. A. Fiske, U.S.N. Octavo. Cloth, $2.50. HISTORY OF BREVET RANK. By Genera] James B. Fry, U.S.A. 12mo. $3.00. ARMY SACRIFICES; Or, Briefs from Official Pigeon-Holes. By General James B. Fry, U.S.A.- 16mo. Cloth, $1.25. MILITARY BRIDGES, For the Passage of Infantry, Artillery, and Baggage Trains. By General H. Haupt. Illustrated. 8vo. $6.50. MILITARY RECORD OF CIVILIAN APPOINTMENTS IN THE UNITED States Army. By Colonel Guy V. Henry, U.S.A. 2 vols. Cloth, $10.00. A TREATISE ON GRAND MILITARY OPERATIONS. Translated from the French of General Baron de Jomini, by General S. B. Holabird, Quartermaster-General U.S.A. Illustrated by Maps and Plans. 2 vols. 8vo. And Atlas. $15.00. THE REBELLION RECORD. By Frank Moore. Illustrated with 158 Steel-Engraved Portraits of Distinguished Generals and Prominent Men, with Numerous Maps and Plans of Battles. 12 vols. Octavo. Cloth, $60.00. AMONG THE SIOUX OF DAKOTA; Or, Eighteen Months' Experience as an Indian Agent. By Captain D. C. Poole, U.S.A. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. MILITARY DICTIONARY. Comprising Technical Definitions, By Colonel H. L. Scott, U.S.A. 8vo. $4.00. SERVICE MANUAL FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF NEWLY-APPOINTED Commissioned Officers. By General Henry D. Wallen, U.S.A. 12mo. $1.00. THE ELEMENTS OF FIELD FORTIFICATIONS. For the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. By Prof. J. B. Wheeler, U.S.M.A. 12mo. $1.75. ELEMENTS OF THE ART AND SCIENCE OF WAR. For the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. By Prof. J, B. Wheeler, U.S.M.A. 12mo. $1.75. THE WEST POINT SCRAP BOOK. Being a Collection of Legends, Stories, Songs, etc. 69 Illustrations. Octavo. $3.50. 8 nn. NEW^ YORK, 1884. TTBOUT sixty million copies of The Sun have gone out of our establish- rt ment during the past twelve months. J If you were to paste end to end all the columns of all The Suns printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip of interesting information, common-sense wisdom, sound doctrine, and sane wit long enough to reach from Printing House Square to the top of Mount Coper- nicus in the moon, then back to Printing House Square, and then three- quarters of the way back to the moon again. But The Sun is written for the inhabitants of the earth ; this same strip of intelligence would girdle the globe twenty-seven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer of a copy of The Sun during the past year has spent only one hour over it, and if his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has afforded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading night and day. It is only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspapers, or of its influence on the opinions and actions of American men and women. The Sun is, and will continue to be, a newspaper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no matter how much the process costs, which presents the news of all the world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which is working with all its heart for the cause of honest government, and which, therefore, believes that the Re- publican party must go, and must go in this coming year of our Lord, 1884. If you know The Sun, you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most inter- esting year in its history. If you do not yet know The Sun, it is high time to c:et into the sunshine. XERMS XO TlflAlT^ SUBSCRIBHRS. The several editions of THE SUN are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : DAILY— 50 cents a month, Sg^ a year; with Sunday edition, S7. SUNDAY— Eight pages. This edition furnishes the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional interest to everybody, and literary reviews of new books of the highest merit. Si a year. "WEEKLY— 8S1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter of the daily issues ; an Agri- cultural Department of unequal'ed value, special market reports, and literary, scientific, and domestic intelligence ma2e THE "WEEKLY SUN the newspaper for the farmer's household. To clubs of ten with $10, an extra copy free. Address J. v/. ENGLAND, Publisher, The Sun, New York City. 9 1844 i883 Season of 1883 ^^^ '84. F. A. Hoyt & Company Invite you to inspect their Fall and Winter Novelties, many of which were selected by Mr. F. A. Hoyt personally while in Europe. Our assortment and quality of Boys' Clothing As usual, are far in advance of any other establishment. Ladies' Habits and Over-Garments made to order. Army and Navy Uniforms. Assembly Buildings, Tenth and Chestnut Streets. 10 STA]SDARD HOUSEHOLD REIMEDIES. Pr. p. Jayne's family ]\Iedicines ARE PREPARED WITH GREAT CARE, EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE, And are so admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease, that no family should be without them. They consist of Jayne's Expectorant, for Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Consumption, and all Pulmonary and Bronchial Affections. It promotes expectoration and allays in- flammation, Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General De- bility, etc. An excellent Tonic for Children, and a beneficial remedy in many of the ailments of the young. Jayne's Carminative Balsam, for Bowel and Summer Complaints, Colics, Cramp, Cholera, etc, A certain cure for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Inflammation of the Bowels. 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In settlements and localities where the attendance of a physician cannot be readily obtained, families will find these remedies of great service. The directions which ac- company them are in plain, unprofessional language, easily understood by all ; and in addition, Jayne's Medical Almanac and Guide to Health, to be had gratis of all agents, contains besides a reliable Calendar, a Catalogue of Diseases, the symptoms hy which they may he known, together with advice as to the proper remedies to be used. ALL OF DJR, 2>. JAYNE & SON'S FAMILY MEDICINES ABE SOLD EVERYWHERE. 11 VAUUAgU^ WORKS OF RtftRmCt. WORCESTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY OF THE ENGI.ISH I^AIVGXTAGE. If ew Edition, with Supplement. 2058 Pages. Library Sheep, Marbled Edges. $10.00. "TES LABQEST A17D UOST COMFLETS CICTIO^ABT OF THE ENGLISH LAtTOUAQE FUBLISEEB." LIPPINCOTT'S GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD. New Edition. Thoroughly Revised, containing Census of 1880. Imperial Octavo. 2680 Pages. Library Sheep. $12.00. 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