rX 807 .B6 Dopy 1 SALAD SECRETS COPYRIGHT 10SO F. M, BRIGGS TVs Ec A little extra work in preparing salad in new and attractive ways will add greatly to the general health of the whole family. These recipes, so condensed, will enable one to see quickly what in- gredients in the house can be used, or what can easily be procured. It is hoped that this booklet will prove itself a help in many homes. SALAD "Multum in parvo" — "much in little." Most recipes are lost in an ocean of words. Here are the plain principles, upon which almost any salad may be made according to the taste, enterprise and ingenuity of the maker. For reasons of economy and health, they should be used daily. The salad greens (lettuce, endive, water-cress, chicory, dandelion) as well as practically everything used for salads, should be thoroughly chilled. Only good, sound, crisp materials are desirable, while much depends upon the attractive appearance of the salad when served. Cut lettuce, vege- tables or other ingredients into odd and variable shapes, giving attention to color schemes and table decorations. Lemon juice is preferable to vinegar in fruit salads. Garnishes: Eggs, beets, celery tops, asparagus tips, chopped parsley, powdered yolks, olives, capers, cherries, nuts, carrots, radishes, green pep- per rings, orange and lemon peel, pickle, pimento, rice and sliced lemon. All measures are level, t — teaspoon; tb — tablespoon; c — cup; nuts — English walnut meats, sliced; eggs — hard-boiled half hour; oil — olive or salad oil. Where no salad dressing is mentioned in any Of these recipes, it is a matter of individual taste as to which shall be used. APR 16 IE ©CI.A566552 SALAD DRESSING }4 t salt, % t pepper, 3 tb oil; beat; 1 tb lemon juice. ^4 t salt, y» t pepper, 4 tb oil, y 2 t onion juice, 4 tb vinegar. FRENCH FRENCH FRENCH MAYONNAISE: Beat raw yolk, add 1 c olive oil slowly, 1 tb lemon juice salt. MAYONNAISE: Raw yolk, boiled yolk, y 2 t mustard, % t salt, juice y 2 lemon. Beat well. y 2 c oil, beat again; beaten egg-white. MAYONNAISE: 1 c oil, 1 t mustard, 1 tb powd. sugar, 1 t salt, pinch cayenne, 2 raw yolks; beat 5 minutes; 6 tb vinegar, y 2 cup whipped cream. FRUIT DRESSING: 1 c each, sweet or sour cream, mayonnaise, powd. sugar. CURRY: y 2 t curry powder, 1 t salt, % t pepper, 6 tb oil, 4 tb vinegar. BOILED: It each; mustard, salt, flour, 2 t sugar, 1 tb melted butter or oil, % c milk, *4 c vinegar, 1 raw egg. Beat well; boil until it thick- ens. (Good.) BOILED: \y 2 t mustard, 2 t salt, 2 tb sugar, 3 raw eggs, 2 tb oil, y 2 c vinegar, iy 2 c milk. BOILED: 2 t mustard, 2 t salt, 2 t sugar, 1 t flour, 1 raw egg, 1 tb butter, % c vinegar, y 2 c cream. In all boiled dressings, add vinegar very slowly, after heating other ingredients. SIMPLE VEGETABLE SALADS Asparagus, cabbage, celery, corn, cucumber, cauliflower, endive, potato, radish, tomato, watercress. Cut vegetables into fancy or small pieces ; mix with any dressing. Asparagus cauliflower, corn and potato should be cooked. Various garnishes with any of the salad greens may be used. SIMPLE FRUIT SALADS Apple, banana, cherry, date, fig, grape, grape-fruit, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raisin and strawberry. All fruits should be sound, ripe and uncooked. Marinate with French dressing, sweeten, add whipped cream. Serve on heart of lettuce or endive. LOBSTER LOBSTER LOBSTER naise SHELL-FISH SALADS Cut fine; mix with dressing; serve on lettuce. Can of lobster, cut in cubes; equal amount celery. 1 c lobster, y 2 c celery, 2 tb chopped pickle or capers, mayon- CRAB: 1 c meat, V 2 sliced nuts, 2 tb nasturtiums. CRAB: 2 c meat, 1 c chopped celery, lemon juice to taste. SHRIMP: 1 can shrimps, 1 c chopped cucumber pickles. OYSTER: Equal quantities oysters, celery; 1 tb minced onions, mayon- naise, lettuce. Garnish; olives and capers. OYSTERS: 1 c oysters, V 2 c celery, y 2 cup sliced pecans. Garnish with celery tops or fancy cuts of beets. CLAM: Marinate Little Necks with French dressing. Serve on water- cress. Garnish: Sliced lemon, cut-up gherkins. SCALLOP: Slice thin slightly boiled scallops. Garnish: sliced lemon, hard-boiled egg. 5 FISH SALADS HALIBUT: Add to fish, cooked peas, potatoes, pickled beets in small cubes CODFISH: 2 c free from bones, 1 c celery, 2 eggs. Chop; mix. SALMON: Shred fish; serve in border of spinach, vinegared. HADDOCK: 1 pint flaked, 3 small pickles, V 2 c nuts. SARDINE: 1 can, 2 eggs, lemon juice, French dressing on lettuce. SARDINE: Halve, bone, lay on bed of chopped egg whites. Sift on yolks. WH ITEFISH : Cut large pieces, lay on lettuce. Cover with chopped pickled beets, celery, boiled carrots and peas. BLUEFISH: 1 pint fish, 1 c celery, 3 gherkins, 6 sardines, 2 yolks, French dressing. SHADROE: Rub well with yolk, mustard, salt, vinegar; replace in egg- whites (which have been preserved in halves). Set on watercress. FLOUNDER: 2 c fish, y 2 c celery, y 2 c apple, 1 c lettuce shreds. 6 MEAT SALADS CHICKEN: lc celery, 2 c chicken (white meat), 1 tb capers. CHICKEN: 2 c chicken, 2 c celery, V 2 c nuts. CHICKEN: 1 can mushrooms, 1 pint chicken, 1 c apple, V 2 c nuts. TURKEY: White meat, French boiled chestnuts, capers. GAME: Remove bones; shredded lettuce, eggs. HAM: Chopped or deviled ham, egg, celery. Garnish: gherkins, olives halved. VEAL: May be substituted in any of the chicken recipes. ROAST BEEF: Cut beef and fried bacon fine, sprinkle with nasturtiums. Garnish: sliced radishes. LAMB: 2 parts boiled lamb, y 2 part pickle. Cover with sliced egg. TONGUE: Cut meat very fine; chopped egg, celery, pickled beets. 7 CHEESE SALADS 1. 1 cream cheese, y 2 c sliced nuts; form into little balls. 2. Grated cheese, yolk, green pepper. Garnish: egg whites cut into rings. 3. Scatter bits of Edam or pineapple cheese on bed of lettuce. 4. Deviled ham, cream cheese, radishes cut very fine. Spread on small triangles of buttered toast; lay on salad greens. 5. Snappy or pimento cheese; mash with butter and chopped olives. 6. Mash Neufchatel cheese, shape in balls, roll in finely chopped parsley and set on lettuce. French dressing. 7. Cook prunes with lemon juice ten minutes; remove pits and fill with cream cheese, nuts and mayonnaise. EGG SALADS 1. Chop whites, marinate with dressing; sift yolks on top. 2. Halve eggs, mix yolks with chopped chicken, moisten with dressing and replace in egg-whites. 3. Mix yolks with deviled ham and refill the halves. 4. Chopped lettuce, eggs, olives. Mayonnaise. 5. Lay on chopped broiled bacon, slices of egg. Garnish with lemon. NUT SALADS 1. 3 dozen walnut halves, parboiled; lay on small salad leaves. 2. Sliced nuts, celery, Maraschino cherries cut very fine. 3. Break up boiled chestnuts on lettuce heart. Garnish: pecans. 4. 1 c each; pecans, hazelnuts, walnuts, celery. 9 VEGETABLE COMBINATION SALADS TOMATO: Alternate sliced tomato and cucumber. French dressing. TOMATO: Remove inner portion. Refill with equal parts, celery, apples, nuts, all chopped fine. CUCUMBER: Onion, radishes, cucumber in thin slices on water-cress. CUCUMBER: Cut up cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, nuts and green pepper. CABBAGE: Shredded cabbage, walnut pieces, salt, one sweet pepper. BEET: Cut out centres; mix with chopped celery, nuts, salt, lemon juice, dressing. Refill. ASPARAGUS: 1 can, V 2 c cheese; mix; 1 c cream. BEAN: 1 c lima beans, 1 c peanuts, celery salt. POTATO POTATO POTATO CELERY Potato cubes, chopped celery, apple, parsley, cream. Small slices potato, cucumber, onion, beet, sifted yolk. Mashed potato, chopped cabbage, pickle, nuts, sliced egg. Equal parts celery hearts, apples, walnuts, lemon juice, cream. 10 FRUIT COMBINATION SALADS APPLE: Apple, orange, chestnut, celery, lemon juice, sugar. CHERRY: 2 c red cherries, exchange pits for cracked hazel nuts. Serve in cups made from orange skins. DATE: Dates, apple and pecan nuts. Mayonnaise. GRAPE: 2 c white grapes, skins and seeds removed; 1 c pecans. GRAPE-FRUIT: Remove pulp with sharp knife from oranges and grape- fruit. , PINEAPPLE: 1 c pineapple, 3 oranges, 3 bananas, 2 c celery, 1 c cream. ORANGE: Remove pulp and cut with boiled chestnuts. FIG: Equal parts figs, dates, nuts, pineapple, lemon juice, sugar, whipped cream. CRANBERRY: Cut jelly into cubes; sprinkle with chopped pecans. PEACH : 5 large peaches, 1 orange, 1 c white grapes seeded and skinned, % c cherries, 1 c powdered sugar. o 11