fm,^tmi. J'JL HI 1886 BY THE SAME AUTHOR F*erL Pictures of F^arm Life. PRICE, 75 CENTS. J. W. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Publishers, RICHMOND, VA. COjVLNIENDATIONS. " His picture of a Virginia farm-house and its surroundings is perfect. The inspi- ration of all he sings is pure." — Richmond State. " The author has drawn a picture as real as the ' Deserted Village.' All through the volume we see poetic genius. Mr. Claytor deserves only words of commenda- tion." — Editorial in Southern Churchman. " These poems are like the pleasant regions that inspire them — sunny, elevated and breezy. They are as pure as the air of Otter, and present to the mind pictures as pleasant as are the landscapes of Bedford to the eye." — The Industrial South, Rich- mond, Va. " The author of these poems is a man of thought and culture, who writes with a genuine love of nature, and a fine mastery of the English language. The descrip- tions of Virginia farm life are characterized by great fidelity and by a simplicity of diction which suggests that the author has modelled his stylfi. after that of one of the most elegant and pleasing of all our English poets — the authbr