CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST, 1904-1905 College & Society Goods PENNANTS, FLAGS AND BANNERS FOR ALL PURPOSES NOVELTIES and ARTISTIC CREATIONS for Decorating Hall, Chapter House and Den W. H. PHELPS & CO. Successors to THE NELSON-PHELPS CO. Clinton Building COLUMBUS, OHIO Copyrighted, Jg04, by If'endell H. Phelps 2 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. \"' Gopyr(s:ht& f^^^^^ • 1904-05. With this issue of our catalogue we announce the change from our former firm name — The Nelson-Phelps Co. — to W. H. Phelps & Co., and that we shall continue to serve our many friends with the same excellent class of goods, fair treatment and promptness which has characterized this well known house. We believe that we have just cause for the feeling of pride and satisfac- tion that is ours; pride because of the distinctive reputation we have won among college folk of making the best and most, attractive line of Pennants, Flags, Banners, Cushions, Etc., Etc., on the market; and satisfaction by reason of the immense growth in our business which has been the reward of our efforts. We have given no mean amount of thought and labor to make this Catalog and Price List cover the ground completely in a most condensed as well as comprehensive form. Heretofore we have illustrated our goods by colored plates, but, owing to the difficulty in procuring true tints, the repre- sentations were often misleading, hence we have discontinued their usage. The illustrations presented herewith are reproduced from photographs of the original articles and are therefore correct in every detail. To a great many people there is little or no difference in the quality of a pennant, banner, cushion or whatever the article may be. To this class there seems to be but one thought — the size, how large an article they can get for their money. They apparently have the idea that the work is entirely mechanical; that some sort of machine does the whole business, and that to decrease the cost it is but necessary tO«tilrn on more power. However, we feel there are enough people who appf^crate the quality of material used, the artistic results a first-class designer produces, and the perfect workmanship effected by the employment of the most skilled labor to justify the effort we are making and it is to this latter class that we address ourselves. W. H PHELPS & CO. TERMS Cash must accompany all orders. Remit by Postoffice Money Order, Express Money Order or Bank Draft. C. O. D. orders must be accompanied by cash equal to one-fifth of the value of the goods as an evidence of good faith on the part of the customer. Goods are always shipped by express unless otherwise ordered. Small orders may be sent by Ordinary Mail at consignee's risk, or will be forwarded by registered mail when eight cents additional is sent with amount of order. Be patient and keep happy — goods are always shipped promptly. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. COLLEGER FRATERNITY PENNANTS FELT PENNANTS While our efforts are equall\^ divided among the various articles which we produce, yet we take particular pride in our Felt Pennants for the more prominent reason that they are the original and were for a long time the only article which we manufactured. They have well merited the distinction of being the foundation of our success. In the production of Felt Pennants we employ only the best of materials and the most skilled workers. Our feltings are direct from the leading mills of this country and are of the highest quality procurable, embodying a beau- tiful lustre finish and perfect colors, many of the shades being dyed especially for us. The ribbons are best grade satin and gros grain, pure silk throughout and parallel with the feltings as regards color. The entire Pennants are stitched with all silk thread. In short we have included in the making of our goods only the best of everything from the most important to the most insignificant details. We do not claim to make a grade of goods which others may not, but we do maintain that we are offering the very best and most artistic pennants which can be produced, and at moderate prices. The illustrations appearing herein are reproduced from photographs taken from the original articles. The numbers significant of the various styles represent the shape and design of the Pennant proper and the style of lettering or emblem, and in no instance do they relate to the lettering. Any lettering desired may be placed on any of the numerous styles, and in any combination of colors wanted. When ordering be careful to write your name and address plainly and give explicit instructions. State number wanted, lettering to go on same (printing letters schoolboy fashion thus: YALE), style, size, colors and all information necessary for us to produce precisely what you want. We carry an immense stock on hands from which we can usually fill j'our order to the smallest detail, but in event that we do not have just what you want in stock, we gladly make it up especially for you and never substitute. We are familiar with the correct shades of all the leading Colleges and National Fraternities, but request our customers to attach samples of colors when ordering Flags for local Fraternities, Sororities, Societies and Classes. It must be remembered that there are many shades of the various colors and we will be pleased to match ^our colors perfectly if you will send sample clippings and thus assist us in making you a correct flag. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. FELT PENNANTS PRINCE* 101 The Pennants listed below, illustrations of which appear on this and the page opposite, are styles most generally adopted by Colleges and Schools but by no means exclusively, as they are frequently preferred for Fraternity and Society Pennants. This shape, triangular, is technically termed "pennant," from which is derived the name applied to College and Fraternity flags in a general way. They are made in two proportions, namely 1x2 and 1x3, from which we vary in a few sizes to facilitate economy in cutting. Made in any combination of colors and any lettering desired. Size-Inches Each 10x24 $ .60 12x28 75 15x30 1.00 18x36 1.25 24x48 1.75 30x60 3.00 36x72 3.50 72x144 7.50 Size-Inches Each 3, 121, ] [26, 131, 136 ), 141, 151 and 153. With Initial Letters Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. $ 6.00 9x30 $ .60 $ 6.00 7.50 10x36 75 7.50 10.00 12x42 1.00 10.00 12.50 15x48 1.50 16.50 18.00 18x60 1.75 18.00 30.00 24x72 2.50 27.00 36.00 30x90 4.25 45.00 81.00 36x108 5.50 60.00 With Fl 11 Name Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. $ 7.00 9x30 $ .70 $ 7.00 8.50 10x36 85 8.50 11.50 12x42 1.15 11.50 14.00 15x48 1.75 18.00 22.50 18x60 2.00 22 50 33.75 24x72 :. 3.00 31.50 42.75 30x90 4.50 48.00 90.00 36x108 6.00 67.50 10x24 $ .70 12x28 85 15x30 1.15 18x36 1.40 24x48 2.00 30x60 3.50 36x72 4.00 72x144 8.00 Pennants measuring ten inches or under in width at heading have two sets of double ribbon streamers for tying to staff and sizes twelve inches or over at heading have three sets of double ribbon streamers. We can make sizes 30x60 inches and larger more serviceable by substituting for the ribbon a strong canvas heading set with brass grommets, or eyelets, when so ordered. Unless the canvas heading is specified in your order the pennants will be made regular with ribbon streamers. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 116 121 126 131 *rA 151 — Official Phi Gamma Delta Pennant. 153— Shaded Letters. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. FELT PENNANTS-Continued 301 A variety of names have been applied to this shape Pennant, correctly called Burgee, by both makers and customers which has made misunderstand- ings not infrequent. Our feature of placing all shapes under the one name of Pennnats and giving a style number to each of our many designs elimi- nates any possible error in ordering. Styles number 301 to 341, inclusive, are made in the more popular pro- portions of 3x6x1, and also 3x9x1, the latter making a graceful effect when extremely long names are necessary. Styles 301, 306, 311, 316, 321, 326, 331, 336 and 341. With Initial Letters Size-Inches Each Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. 10x20 $ .60 $ 6.00 8x24 $ .60 $ 6.00 12x24 75 7.50 10x30 75 7.50 15x30 1.00 10.00 12x36 . 1.00 10.00 18x36 1.50 17.50 15x45 1.50 15.00 24x48 2.00 22.50 18x54 2.00 21.00 30x60 4.50 49.50 24x72 3.00 31.50 36x72 5.50 60.00 30x90 5.50 60.00 72x144 9.50 108.00 With Fu 36x108 11 Name 6.50 72.00 Size-Inches Each Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. 10x20 $ .70 $ 7.00 8x24 $ .70 $ 7.00 12x24 85 8.50 10x30 85 8.50 15x30 1.25 12.50 12x36 1.15 11.50 18x36 1.85 20.00 27.00 54.00 15x45 18x54 1.75 2.50 17.50 24x48 2.50 5.00 27.50 30x60 24x72 3.50 36.00 36x72 6.00 69.00 30x90 6.00 69.00 72x144 10.00 117.00 Slyles 308 36x108 and 351. 7.00 81.00 Size-Inches Each Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. 12x24 $ .70 $ 7.00 30x60 $ 5.00 $ 54.00 15x30 85 8.50 36x72 6.00 69.00 18x36 1.85 20.00 72x144... 10.00 117.00 24x48 2.50 27.00 When ordering, state plainly ivhat lettering is desired — --whether initial letters or full name. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 301 306 311 316 321 326 -ms^ WMA 331 308 351 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. FELT PENNANTS-Continued The rectangular flag has become quite popular for numerous purposes, most prominent among which is its general adoption for Official Fraternity Flags. It is also well adopted for Chapter flags, accommodating letteting representative of both Fraternity and Chapter in a variety of pleasing and well balanced arrangements. These flags are fitted regularly with three sets of double ribbon stream- ers. In the larger sizes we can substitute for the ribbon a strong canvas heading set with brass grommets, or eyelets, when so ordered. These flags are made up in the standard proportions 2x3. Styles 601 and 631. With Initial Letters Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ .75 15x24 1.10 18x30 1.50 24x36 2.00 Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ 85 15x24 1.25 18x30 1.75 24x36 2.50 Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. $ 7.50 11.00 16.50 22.50 32x48 36x60 48x72 72x108 $ 3.75 4.50 8.00 14.00 $ 42.50 50.00 90.00 162.00 With Ft ill Name Per Doz. Size-Inches Each Per Doz. $ 8.50 32x48 $ 4.25 $ 45.00 12.50 18.00 27.00 36x60 48x72 72x108 5.50 9.00 15.50 60.00 99.00 171.00 OFFICIAL FRATERNITY FLAGS Styles 650, 653. 657, 661 and 668. Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ 1.00 15x24 1.40 18x30 2.00 24x36 3.00 $ 10.00 32x48 $ 4.25 14.00 36x60 5.50 21.00 48x72 9.00 30.00 72x108 15.50 Per Doz. $ 45.00 60.00 99.00 171.00 FELT We have a complete assortment of all colors of Felt in stock at all times and can supply our customers with any shades desired, at the following prices: 36 inches wide per yard, $ .80 72 inches wide per yard, 1.50 White .95 1.80 W. H. PHELPS Sc CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 601 631 650 — Beta Theta Pi Dragon Flag. 653— Phi Delta Theta Official Flag. 666— Delta Lpsilon Official Flag. 672 10 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. FELT PENNANTS-Continued 507 508 Styles 501, 508 and 507. Size-Inches Each 9x18 $ .60 12x24 85 15x30 1.40 18x36 1.75 Size-Inches Each With Initial Letters Per Doz. Size-Inches Each $ 6.00 24x48 $ 2.00 9.00 30x60 4.50 14.00 36x72 5.50 18.00 72x144 16.00 With Full Name Per Doz. Size-Inches Each 9x18 $ .70 12x24 1 00 15x30 1.50 18x36 2.00 Per Doz. $ 22.50 51.00 60.00 180.00 $ 7.00 24x48 $ 2.50 $ 27.00 10.00 30x60 5.00 54.00 15.00 36x72 6.00 67.50 22.50 72x144 17.50 189.00 Prices of St^de 508 are the Same as those quoted for Styles 501, 506 and 507 with the full name. Size 9x18 has two sets of double ribbon streamers; Sizes 12x24 and larger have three sets of streamers. ATHLETIC EMBLEMS Our Athletic Emblems for sweaters, jerseys and gym shirts are made of best grade felt processed especially for the purpose, and in any colors and designs desired. These letters and monograms are extensively used for "home made'' cushions, and we will be pleased to furnish our customers with anything they may want in this line. We are makers of "Official Letters' ' to many of the leading colleges and special atten- tion is given to the correctness of this work. Athletic Boards and Managers will profit by communicating with us on the subject. Size. 4 inches or under Each 6 inches 8 inches 10 inches = 12 inches '. " Single Two Letter Th ree Letter Letters Mon ograms Monograms $ .05 $ .10 $ .15 .08 .13 .18 .10 .15 .20 .15 .20 .25 .20 .25 .30 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 11 LAPEL PENNANTS 931 912 921 992 991 993 911 922 Lapel Pennants are worn on the coat lapel, from which custom they derive their name, and are also ver}' much in vogue for souvenirs and favors for banquets, cotillions and similar functions. FELT LAPEL PENNANTS 901 and 931 — 3x7 inches, one letter, head bound with satin and gros grain ribbon and bow Each, 20 cents. 902 and 932—3x7 inches, two letters, trimmed same as 901 and 931 Each, 25 cents. 903 and 933— S'axS inches, three letters, trimmed same as 901 and 931 Each, 30 cents. 911 and 921 — 3x6 inches, one letter, untrimmed and without ribbon bow Each, 10 cents. 912 and 922 — 3x7 inches, two letters, untrimmed and without ribbon bow. Each. 15 cents. 913 and 923 — 3^4x8 inches, three letters, untrimmed and without ribbon bow Each, 20 cents. LEATHER LAPEL PENNANTS Leather Lapel Pennants are made of Velvet Finish Sheep Skin, leather letters and leather strip same color as letters sewed across the head. 901 and 931 — 3x7 inches, one letter Each, 20 cents. 902 and 932 — 3x7 inches, two letters Each, 25 cents. 903 and 933— 3;^x8 inches, three letters Each, 30 cents. RIBBON BADGES Our Ribbon Badges are made of best grade Satin and Gros Grain rib- bon No. 12 (two inches wide) . The badges are hemmed at the head and the letters are of best quality felt. 991 — 2x12 inches, one letter Each, 20 cents. 992—2x12 inches, two letters Each, 25 cents. 993 — 2x12 inches, three letters Each, 30 cents. L.f 12 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. SILK PENNANTS By combining the finest quality of material with the best of workman- ship we have attained in the making of Silk Pennants the highest possible degree of excellency. The Pennants are hemmed entirely by hand and the edges of the letters are folded by our original process before stitching. Styles 101, 106, 111, 116, 121, 126 and 131. Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 10x24 $ 1.00 8x24 $ 1.00 12x28 , 1.30 10x30 1.50 15x30 1.50 12x36 2.00 18x36 2.00 15x45 2.50 Styles 301, 306, 311, 316, 321, 326 and 331. Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 10x20 $ 1.00 8x24 $ 1.00 12x24 1.30 10x30 1.50 15x30 1.75 12x36 2.00 18x36 2.50 15x45 2.75 Styles 501 and 506. Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 9x18 $ 1.00 15x30 $ 2.00 12x24 1.50 18x36 2.50 Styles 601, 631. 650, 653, 657, 661, 666 and 672. Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ 1.25 18x30 $ 2.25 15x24 1.50 The abo've prices are for ihe Pennants ivithout the lettering. The letters are charged extra at the follo^ving prices per letter: Size Each Size Each 4 inches or le^^s 15c 8 inches 30c 5 " 20c 10 " : 40c 6 " 25c 12 " 50c Divided letters are charged for as two separate letters. Lettering can be placed on both sides of Silk Pennants at double price. The size of lettering is governed by the length of name or number of letters to be placed on pennant, each letter requiring as much space in width as it is high. The total cost of Silk Pennants should be calculated as follows: For example, a pennant is desired 12x24 inches, lettered "W W C". Cost of Pennant is $1.30, 3 letters 4 inches high, at 15 cents, 45; total cost of Pennant $1.75. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 13 BUNTING PENNANTS AND FLAGS Our Bunting Pennants and Flags are made of best grade Standard Navy bunting, all wool and dyed in the yarn. They have strong canvas headings set with brass grommets, or eyelets, and are made throughout to give the best of service. Made in any designs desired for Colleges, Schools, Frater- nities, Yacht and Athletic Clubs, Societies, Commercial purposes, Etc. Bunting is made only in the following colors: Red, White, Navy Blue, Yale Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Black. Styles 101, 106 and 141. Size Each Size Each l^^x3 feet or less $ .75 6 xl2 feet $ 7.50 2 x4 feet 1.15 7'ixl5 feet 12.00 3 x6 feet 1.50 9 xlS feet 15.00 4^x9 feet 3.75 12 x24 feet 22.50 Styles 301, 306 and 341. Size Each Size Each l>^x3 feet or less $ 1.00 6 xl2 feet $10.00 2 x4 feet 1.50 7:5^x15 feet 15.00 3 x6feet 2.00 9 xl8 feet 20.00 4>^x9feet 5.00 12 x24 feet 30.00 Styles 501 and 506. Size Each Size Each l'/.x3 feet or less...;. $1.10 6 xl2 feet $15.00 2 x4 feet ....._ 1.75 7i^xl5 feet 24.00 3 x6 feet 2.50 9 xl8 feet 30.00 4>^x9 feet 7.50 12 x24 feet 45.00 Styles 601 and 606. Size Each Size Each l>^x2 feet or less $ 1.10 6x 9 feet $ 9.00 2 x3feet 1.50 8x12 feet 24.00 3 x4>4 feet 2.50 10x15 feet 30.00 4 x6 feet 3.00 12x18 feet 37.50 The abo'Ve prices are for the Pennants -ivitkout the lettering. The letters are stitched on both sides of the Pennants, and are charged extra at the following prices per letter: Size Per Letter Size Per Letter 4 inches or less $ .20 21 inches $ .80 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 .25 24 .30 30 .35 36 .40 42 .45 48 .50 60 .65 72 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 Any design or monogram will be made to order. Prices on special sizes will be quoted upon application. 14 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. LEATHER PENNANTS Leather Pennants were originated by us and placed on the market for the first time last season. They met with immediate success and have stead- ily grown in popularity as an inside decoration. Leather pennants are made entirely of Velvet Finish Sheep Skin, body, letters and streamers, and are stitched with pure silk thread. We carry in stock at all times a complete line of the standard colors and can make up the Pennants in any of our numerous designs. Styles 101, 106, 111, 116, 121, 126 and 131. With Initial Letters With Full Name Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 10x24 $ 1.25 10x24 $ 1.50 12x28 1.75 12x28 2.00 15x30 2.25 15x30 2.50 9x30 1.25 9x30 1.50 10x36 1.75 10x36 ,... 2.00 Styles 301, 306, 311, 316, 321, 326 and 331. With Initial Letters With Full Name Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 10x20 $ 1.25 10x20 $ 1.50 12x24 1.75 12x24 2.00 15x30 2.50 15x30 2.75 8x24 1.25 8x24 1.50 10x30 1.75 10x30 2.00 Styles 501 and 506. With Initial Letters With Full Name Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 9x18 ' $1.25 9x18 $1.50 12x24 2.00 12x24 2.25 Styles 601 and 631. With Initial Letters With Full Name Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ 1.75 12x18 $ 2.00 15x24 2.50 15x24 2.75 Styles 650, 653, 657, 661, 666 and 672. Size-Inches Each Size-Inches Each 12x18 $ 2.00 15x24 $ 2.75 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. LEATHER BANNERS 15 ^ " "^-^ - Tf w-w.*:ariw.M. 2111 The above plate illustrates one of our many original creations which has met with great popularity for Chapter House and "Den" decoration. The banners are made of Velvet finish Sheep Skin, the colors of College, School or Fraternity being combined in a very pleasing and artistic manner. The designs are made of as many different pieces of leather as there are colors employed and in no instance are the colors painted. All leather used by us is colored in the process of tanning. In making up the Banners bearing Coats of Arms, Shields, Badges, Monograms, Etc. , the correct colors are placed on the banner proper, to which is added sufficient pyrography to give the design character and life. 2111 — Full skin of Velvet Finish Sheep, bearing Coat of Arms, Shield, Badge, Emblem, or Monogram in correct colors Each, $6.00 2121 — The lower half of Velvet finish Sheep Skin, measuring about 3 to 4 square feet, upon which is stitched leather letters representative of College, School or Fraternity in correct colors Each, $3.00 We can supply you with plain skins for your own decoration at $1.75 and $2.00 each, according to size. A full skin contains from 7 to 8/2 square feet. All of the standard colors are carried in stock. 16 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. #> ^^^m ■ ^2«2';^C?.^rS";T^-F'W3'f5'^ n 'm " ' SILK BANNERS With unsurpassed facilities in Silk Banner making we are enabled to supply our patrons with anything they may want in this line. Silk Banners may be made by painting the lettering on in gold leaf and pure oil colors, hand embroidering it, or sewing silk letters on. They may be trimmed and mounted in a variety of styles to suit the purpose and taste of the customer. As the price of Silk Banners depends upon the style and amount of work, size, trimming, etc., we request our customers to send us a description of the banner wanted and about how much money is to be expended for the article. We will then be pleased to submit a special design, complete descriptions and quote lowest prices. W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 17 t ^i^S^K '««*feai4avp MINSTRELS FELT BANNERS Felt Banners are not infrequently found a most acceptable substitute for Silk Banners when the latter are too expensive for various purposes. The Felt Banners may be made in innumerable styles, and prices cannot be quoted until we know size, lettering and trimming desired. Write us stating purpose for which the banner is wanted, about what amount is to be expended for it and we will tell you just what we can make, submit sketch and quote prices. 18 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. LEATHER CUSHIONS 4 ..^^t^- 3123 Leather cushions have met with great popularity for Chapter House and Den decoration, being true works of art and at the same time useful and durable. They are made by original methods of the finest quality Velvet finish Sheep Skin, colored in the process of tanning. The designs are made of as many different pieces of leather as there are colors employed and in no instance are the colors painted. The work includes sufficient pyrography to give the designs character and life. The Cushions are made with silk floss pillows (accepted as the most sanitary) and are finished complete in every detail. 3101 — Leather Cushion, front to have lettering representative of College, School or Fraternity in correct colors, back plain, made complete Each, $7.50 3116 — Leather Cushion, front and back to have lettering as wanted, in any colors or combination of colors, made complete Each, $8.00 3123 — Leather Cushion, front to have Coat of Arms, Badge or- Monogram , back plain, made complete Each, $8.50 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. 19 LEATHER CUSHIONS-Continued 3134— Leather Cushion, front to have Coat of Arms, Badge or Monogram, back to have lettering as wanted, made complete Each, $9.00 3142 — Leather Cushion, front and back to have Coat of Arms, Badge or Monogram,' made complete Each', $10.00 SILK CUSHIONS We are excellently equipped for making Silk Cushions of the highest quality and most artistic el^ects, including Lettering, Coats of Arms, Badges, Monograms and an endless variety of designs. The letters or designs may be sewed on, hand embroidered or the two combined, the work being done by the most skilled needleworkers. Prices of Silk Cushions depend on the elaborateness of the design and the process and amount of work required. Let us know what you want and we will quote prices and send complete descriptions and sketch if desired. FELT CUSHIONS Our Felt Cushions are made of first quality upholstering felt and best grade trimmings. In quoting prices of Front and Back we mean that the two sides of the cushion are furnished with the lettering stitched on and without trimmings or pillow. The term Made Complete means that the lettering is stitched on and the two sides stitched together by machine over silk floss pillow and the edges bound with satin ribbon. Made with any lettering and colors desired. 3401 — Felt Cushion, initial letters on front, back plain: Front Made Front Made Size-Inches and Back Complete Size-Inches and Back Complete 16x16 $1.50*: $3.00 20x20 $2.00 $4.00 18x18 1-75 o~ 3^50 22x22 . 2.25 4.50 3412 — Felt Cushion, full name of Collie, School or Society; Initials and Date; Fraternity Letters and Chapter name, and similar combinations: Front Made Front Made Size-Inches and Back Complete Size-Inches and Back Complete 16x16 $1.75 $3.50 20x20 $2.25 $4.50 18x18 2.00 4.00 22x22 2.50 5.00 3426 — Felt Cushion, official College or Fraternity Pennants sewed on front, back plain: Front Made Front Made Size-Inches and Back Complete Size-Inches and Back Complete 20x20 $2.25 $4.50 22x22 $2.50 $5.00 20 W. H. PHELPS & CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. INDEX Athletic Emblems 10 Bunting Pennants 13 Felt 8 Felt Banners 17 Felt Cushions 19 Felt Pennants 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 Introductory 2 Lapel Pennants — Felt ... 11 — Leather 11 Leather 15 Leather Banners . .. ... 15 Leather Cushions 18, 19 Leather Pennants 14 Official Fraternity Pennants 8 Ribbon Badges : 11 Silk Banners 16 Silk Cushions 19 Silk Pennants 12 Terms 2