>p% « * ^^^^ ' *^ ^ *j ^>5-. o ^0^ A ^P*^ * o « o ' » • • % '^^ <1> "^ ^^^^^^&* ^^J ;. ""-^^o* J°^ 1 * o ■\ • A i I TT^ 3^2^X27 ^^^r:;^*^OdL e^<:€^ THE ^^3(^0^ DE¥ OF HEEMON. BY MARTHA A. DANIEL. SECOND EDITION, RETISED, WITH ADDITIONS. rl876. " As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion ; for there the Lord commanded tha blessing, even life for evermore." [Psalm cxxxiii. 3. \4 ^lp:wiston: J, ALDEN SMITH, PRINTER, NO. 1, JONES BLOCK. 1858. Si^ r^.y^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, BY MARTHA A. DANIEL, In the Clerk's Office of the U. S. District Court of Maine.' PREFACE. HaviDg found much pleasure and profit ia medita tion, while searching the word of God, the writer would make no other excuse for presenting this little volume to the public, than that of duty to God and to her fellow-beings. She does not presume to offer this collection as an illustration of God's Holy Word, but merely the lan- guage that flowed from the heart while meditating thereon. She now submits it to the hand of God ; hoping, by His blessing, it may prove beneficial to many of its readers. DEW OF HERMON. GOD'S PROMISE TO HIS CHURCH. epart from me, all ye workers of iniquity ;. for the Lord hath heard ttie voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my supplication^ the Lord will receive. my prayer. [Ps. 6; 8, &. Depart, ye foolish ^ far from me. Ye workers of iniquity ; Ye who have sought my soul to slay. In secret lurking by the way, Your mauths are filled with vain deceit. And mischief to your tongue is sweet. Give ear now to my voice, O Lord, And hearken to my cry, my Uod ; Arise, O Lord; for me awake, Thou wilt receive for mercy's sake i I'll lay me down in peace, for thou Makest me dwell in safety now. The Lord hath heard my weeping voice. In him my soul can now rejoice ; My feeble prayer he will receive, For in his name, I still believe ; I will sing to the Lord, for he Hath dealt in mercy unto me. THE DEW OF HERMON. 51 REJOICING THROUGH DELIVERANCE. will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy; for thou has consid- ered my trouble ; thou hast known my soul in adversity ; [Ps. 31: 7. God of love, thy every blessing Calls upon me to rejoice : Now my soul thy peace possessing, Gladly strives to raise her voice. Once my years vrere spent with sighing, And my life was spent with grief ; Thou, God, my faith was trying ; Now in thee I find relief. For thou hast my woes considered. Thou hast known mj^ soul in pain ; Thy great mercy hath delivered, I've not trusted thee in vain. PRAYER THE CHANNEL OF ALL GOOD Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall established. Prov. 16: 8. Commit thy works all to the Lord, No more upon thyself rely, God's holy spirit and his word, Shall all thy strength and wants supply. 52 THE DEW OF HERMON. Soon as the morning sun shall pour Its rays on this terrestrial sphere, Arise and humbly fall before Thy maker, who thy voice shall hear. Ask for that strength that shall abide When sorrows gather o'er thy soul ; That from the tempest thou mayest hide, When high the stormy billows roll. Pray for that grace to suffer on, With thy dear Lord, while here below ; That thou mayst reign where he is gone, And all his heavenly glories know. He shall sustain thee in the hour When this thy earthly house decays, And crown thee then, with strength and power, Eternally his name to praise. That glory, yet is not revealed. But, when aside the veil is drawn,* Those blessed truths shall be unsealed, When we, ascending, hail that morn. THE DEW OF HERMON. 53 THE OFFICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. And when he is come he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment, [John 16: 8. Oh who can know the immortal mind, That penetrates the heart of man ; The length and depth is undeJBned, Beyond a mortal's power to scan. From early youth's unclouded morn, And down life's dark and weary night, The Holy Spirit sheds upon Our path a ray of sacred light. And when our feet abroad would stray In paths of sin, that Spirit's nigh, To point us to the narrow way. That leads to blest abodes on high. The Gospel with its trumpet voice, Has sounded often in our ears. And bids us make the happy choice, Renouncing all our doubts and fears. But man in vain may preach the word. It ne'er will reach the sinner's heart. Unless the spirit of the Lord, Should through rich grace that light impart. But when the Comforter is come, Reproving all the world of sin, Confusion fills the mind with gloom, And dark forebodings reign within. 54 THE DEW OF HERMON. Come, heavenly spirit, from above, We will no more thy goodness grieve,, Nor more refuse that melting love. That us from our sins retrieve. If we through Christ are reconciled, And by our faith in him made free, God then will own us for his child, And by his grace we'll welcome thee. Come, take possession of my soul ; stay and make thy dwelling here ; Erect thy temple, take the whole, And reign without a rival near. Then shall my soul, inspired with zeal» Proclaim redeeming love abroad, While sinners, who their guilt shall feelj Shall turn repenting to the Lord. THE DECLARATION OF THE YOUNG CONVERT. And she said to the king. It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came , snd mine eyes had seen it; and behold the half was not told me ; thy wisdom and prosperity exeeedeth the fame which I heard. [Rings 10: 7,8. 0, while the heralds of the Lord Proclaim the word that he has given, And seeking, not their own reward. But pointing sinners up to heaven. THE DEW OF HERMON. 66 How doth the unbelieving heart Reject the dear Redeemer's word ; Believing not, until they start To prove the sayings they have heard. But when their Savior's face they view, And all his loveliness behold, They say : Yes, the report was true, But Oh, the half was never told. His goodness far exceeds his fame, Or any thing that man can tell; For living faith in Jesus' name Hath saved my soul, and all is well. His word will guide my feet aright, And lead me in the heavenly way : He is the way, the truth, the light ; My feet from him shall never stray. He gives me rest, he gives me peace, And Christ is all I want below ; His praise I'll sing, and never cease, His goodness I will ever show. By faith in him, I stand secure, Then let the rain in torrents come : If built on Christ I shall endure. And rest at last with him at home. But I will praise him while I stay On earth, then join with saints above. And praise him through eternal day, And sing anew the song of love. $6 THE DEW OF HERMON. TRUSTING iGOD FOR MERCY. Ketnember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; according to thy mercy retneniber thou me for thy goodness sake,0 Lord. Good and upright is the Lord, therefore will be teach sinners the way. [Psalms 25: 7, 8. Remember not, Lord, all the sins of my youth. My many transgressions against divine truth ; But in thy rich mercy remember thou me, For the sake of thy goodness, O Lord, let it be I How oft I've forsaken the guide that was given. And turning I wandered, and sought not for heaven ; But now, thou hast called me, and 1 will obey. Away from salvation my feet shall ne'er stray. How good and how upright is Jesus, our Lord He therefore will ever teach sinners the word. The meek, he will guide them, and teach in their youth, The paths of the Lord, are all mercy and truth . THE DEW OF HERMON. 57 THE PATH OF LIFE. Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is ful- ness of joy ; at thy right hand there are pleasures for ever- more. [Ps. 16; 11. Thou wilt show me the path of life, Where I may walk and live ; For in thy kingdom is no strife, Peace freely thou dost give. Thy presence is my fullest joy, I want no joy beside ; Thy labors are my my blest employ, Let me dwell near thy side. At thy right hand are pleasures free, For all for evermore ; may I ever live to thee, And thy great name adore. And when my days on earth are past , And all my work is done, I'll reach my journey's end at last, ' And enter heaven my home. THE TRUTH THAT MAKETH FREE. Every one that is of the truth, heareth njy voice. Pilate saitb unto him — What is truth 1 Oh, what is truth? God's word is truth ; Now let its sanctifying power Direct the heart of every youth, And keep them through life's darkest hour. 5S THE DEW OF HERMON, O, may the spirit of the Lord^ Come now, to lead our youthful feet In thy commands, exxseeding broad, Where truth and mercy gently meet. The truth can make us free indeed, And then we shall be free from sin ; By faith we are called Abram's seed, We through the promise enter in. Christ Jesus is the truth, the way That leads us to that blest abode ; He is our guide through life's short day^ Our Friend and Brother on the road. FAITH THE POWER THAT OVERCOIMES THE WORLD. "VVho is he that overeometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of Grod 1 [1 John 5; 5. Dear Savior, to thy side we flee, Escaping sin and misery. Surrounded by a world of strife, Amid the toil and cares of life. But with that love that maketh free, We gladly come by faith to thee ; Thou art our refuge: in thy name We hide ourselves from guilt and shame. TCHE DEW Of HERMON. 50 In thee we safely may repose, Secure from all our hidden foes. Thou art our head and captain sure. Of our salvation, make us pure. Lead us to that immortal fount. And to the top of Pisgah's mount, That we may view the promised land. While on the mountain's top we stand. DESIRING TO BE MORE LIKE CHRIST. Tint the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peacea- ble, gentle, and easy to to be entreated, full of mercy and ^ood fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy, [James 3: 17. Give me that wisdom from above, That is first pure, then peaceable^ And gentle, full of fruits, of love, With all that grace desirable, To make my heart a temple pure, Where universal love may reign, Where true religion may endure, My steps to guide, my soul sustain, I yield myself and all to God, To live for him and for his cause, In righteousness to serve the Lord, And peaceably maintain his laws. 60 THE DEW OF HERMON. I would before thy footstool bow With gratitude, for blessings given, And humbly pray, that thou wouldst now, Just now prepare my heart for heaven. UNWAVERING FAITH IN GOD'S PROMISES. Eor the which cause I also suffer these things; neverthe- less, I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. [2 Timothy 1 : 12. Lord, we know in whom we trust, And pray to thee in faith. To keep us humble in the dust, And faithful unto death. Thou art our help in time of need. When every other power Has failed us, then to thee we plead, In life's most fearful hour. Thou art our joy, when on the board The plenteous feast is spread ; We humbly ask a blessing poured, On this our daily bread. ^ When we sit down and when we rise, In faith we'll look to thee. That we may run and win the prize, Which at the end we see. THE DEW OF HERMON. 61 And when on earth our race is o'er. Our prayer shall change to praise. Where sin and sorrow come no more, To cloud those heavenly rays. THE RENEWED HEART. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature : oW things are passed away ; behold all things are become new. 2 Cor. 5; 17. If any man be in the Lord, Behold all things are new, His soul goes out in prayer to God, That he may swift pursue. No more in the ways of death His feet with pleasure tread, But praising God with eyery breath, His soul with love is fed. Once he was blind, but now he sees The glory of the Lord ; And now upon his bended knees, Pours out his soul to God. Once he was dead, but now he lives To praise his Savior's name ; Himself unto the Lord he gives, And owns his rightful claim. 62 THE DEW OF HERMON. Once he was lost, but now is found By him who doth redeem ; Once he was deaf, but now the sound Of love is sweet to him. Once he was poor, but now is rich In faith, and hope, and love, And all those gracious blessings, which Are sent from heaven above. Once he was naked, but he now Is clothed with righteousness ; He joyfully performs the vow, He made when in distress. His hopes, his joys, his aime are new; Old things are passed away ; He gives the praise to whom 'tis due, Nor wishes to delay. REJOICING IN HOPE. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory: 1 will come to visions and relations of the Lord [2 Cor. 12: 1. For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool : for I will say the truth : but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. [2 Cor. 12: 6. Once when my soul in darkness bound Was struggling for the light No human aid on earth was found, To rescue me from night. THE DEW OF HBRMON. 63 But God's own arm outstretched, did save; He raised my thoughts above, Then to my drooping spirit gave The fulness of his love. And then it was my spirit heard That sweet and loving voice, That spake that all-prevailing word, And bade my heart rejoice. I saw my Savior on the tree Between the earth and heaven ; I saw him dying there for me, That I might be forgiven. Again, I saw him on the throne, At the right hand of God ; I heard him plead for me alone. Through his atoning blood. I saw the Father smile, and knew That plea was heard above ; Then quick the Holy Spirit flew, The witness of his love. And to my happy spirit gave The earnest of that rest ; Yes, Jesus Christ hath power to save ; I knew that I was blest. 64 THE DEW OF HERMON, I will this blessed truth declare ; But lest ye think me vain, I will awhile my words forbear, But, glory to His name. LIFE AND IMMORTALITY. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales : and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. [Acts 9: 18. Man in darkness weeps alone, And the past a mystery lies, "With the future all unknown, Thickly hidden from his eyes, Till the Spirit from above. Sends a ray of sacred light, Eilling all the soul with love, Then the blind receiveth sight. Then the past in beauty stands. Well arrayed in truth divine ; Through the future's golden sand^, Opening fields of glory shine. Hope and faith shall then prevail O'er the shades of gathering gloom, And the soul her sweets inhale, Where immortal flowers bloom. THE DEW OP HERMON. 66 THE YOUNG CONVERT'S INVITATION. Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him. We have foand him of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. jind Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing oodm out of Nazareth 1 Philip saith unto him. Come and see, John 1:45, 46. Come ye sinners, we have found him Of whom Moses in the law Wrote : he bade us come around him, And his heavenly face we saw. Yes, 'tis Jesus, son of Joseph, The despised, poor Nazarene ; He of whom Esaias, the prophet Wrote, that should the world redeem. He is mighty to deliver, And to save from every sin ; He our wise and gracious giver, Gave himself our souls to win. He is surely God's annointed. Sent to heal the broken heart ; He hath been by God appointed, All these blessings to impart. Ask no questions, unbeliever ; We have told the truth to thee. Think ye him a bold deceiver ? Stop no longer ; come and see. 66 THE DEW OF HERMON. He will fill your soul with glory, Clothe you in a robe of white ; Then you'll tell the pleasing story, How he brought you into light. Come, poor sinner, stop no longer, Christ is knocking at the door ; Will ye perish still with hunger. While there's plenty yet in store ? He will give thee bread of heaven, He will ever dwell with thee ; All thy sins shall be forgiven. If thou wilt but come and see. PROFESSING CHRIST BEFORE THE WORLD = Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel,th«t hj the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye ornci- liod, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. [Acts 4: 10. Oh, why stand ye all here. With amazement and fear. While ye witness the deed that is done? Be it known unto you. And all Israel too, That in Jesus this power is alone. For it is through his name, That I am what I am, I will own him my Savior and King,— THE DEW OF HERMON. 67 He whom ye crucified, And whom ye have denied. True salvation to my soul did bring. O , ye gave him the cup, But my God raised him up. To relieve and deliver my soul : Brought by his mighty hand, Now before you I stand, A true witness that Christ can make whole. I will praise then his name, And will spread broad his fame, For the mercy he's shown unto me ; Verily he is good : He will wash in his blood, All poor sinners who to him will flee. He will turn none away Who his call will obey ; He hath freely salvation prepared, And therefore if ye'll come. There is plenty of room. For this truth his own words have declared. He will save you from sin. And will bid you come in, To that glorious mansion above ; Then aloud ye will raise Your glad voices in praise, For that deep and mysterious love. ^8 THE DEW OP HERMON. THE W0;RLD the CHRISTIAN'S FIELD OF LABOR. Oo work to-day in my vineyard. [Matt. 21 : 28. Go, then, disciple of the Lord, Go work for him to-day ; His vineyard o'er the earth is broad, Why wilt thou longer stay? See longing souls that faint for bread. That bread of life divine : Wherewith thy soul hath oft been fed. Since Jesus Christ was thine. Speak to that poor, distrusting heart. That trembling stands with fear ; Cans't thou no words of peace impart, That wounded heart to cheer ? Point to the bleeding Lamb above. Who died the world to save ; To reconcile us to his love. His precious life he gave. THE DEW OF HERMON. 69 CHRIST OUR EXAMPLE. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. [Rom. 14: 7, Behold the Lamb of God below, Who left the realms of eadless day; And 'mid a world of guilt and woe, Upon him took the form of clay. His life was spent in doing good ; He had not where to lay his head ; Thousands his hand supplied with food. He healed the sick, he raised the dead. He lived our true example here, And died our sacrifice at last ; His blood alone now brings us near To God, in whom our hope is fast. The first disciples followed in The path their Savior's feet had trod ; They lived not to themselves, for sin Still separated man from God They warned the sinner to repent, And sought, through Christ, a world to save ; O'er mountains and through vales they went, And unto each a portion gave. And counted their own lives not dear, They truly suflTered for his sake ; Like him they toiled and labored here, And strove the sinner to awake, 70 THE DEW OP HERMOF. We are disciples of the Lord — Partakers of his righteousness, And may we spread his name abroad ^ And live like him a world to bless^ Then let our lives show forth his praise^ By steadfast faith and works of love ; The God of grace prolongs our days, To gather souls for joys above. PERSEVERANCE. 4.nd let us not be weary in well doing : for in due season w« shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opporta- nity, let us do good unto all men. [Gal. 6: 9, 10. Toil on ye christian pilgrims, In virtue's beaten way ; Toil on, the harvest cometh. And will not long delay. 0, be thou never weary. But follow Christ the Lord ; Then at the blessed harvest. Thou 'It reap a rich reward. Reflect the light of glory Wide o'er the darksome globe, 'Till all who turn, believing. Put on the righteous robe. Then in thy crown of glory They'll shine as stairs above ; And with thee drink the pleasure That flows from Jesus' love. THE DEW OP HERMON. 71 CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY, .Ind Jesus said unto him. No man having put his hand to th« plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of Ood. [Luke 9: 62. Awake, my soul, thy task perfornij Before the gathering blast Bursts forth in a terrific storm. And all thy hopes be past. Arise, and with thy strength pursue The labor that thy God Hath given thee on earth to do, To spread his name abroad. And look not back, but pressing on, The prize thou wilt obtain; And thou shalt go where Christ has gone, And in his kingdom reign. Put on the armor of the Lord, And fight till thou hast won ; A crown above is thy reward. With that blessed '« Well done." Then let not fear, or aught below Deter thee on the road; But follow on, and tliou shalt know Thy Savior, Christ the Lord. 'Tis life eternal him to know, To all who do his will; Where'er they meet, where'er they go. His love their souls shall fill. 7^ THE DEW OF BERM(M. 0, love divine, now fill my soul, And shield me all my way : And though the stormy billows roll^ I ne'er will eease to pray. THE INFLUENCE OF UNGODLY ASSOCIATION, n Corinthians, 6: 14, 15, 16. Art thou a follower of Christ ? And dost thou now on him rely ? Why wilt thou then be still enticed y. And turn thy Savior to deny 1 O, be not yoked unequally Together with an infidel : For how can Jesus Christ agree With darkness and with Belial ? What fellowship hath righteousness With the unrighteousness and sin Of those whose hearts only possess What God himself hath called unclean f How doth the temple of the Lord Agree with idols made of clay ? The temple of the living God Are ye whose sins are washed away- Now God will come, the scripture saith, And walk with you and be your God ; But unbelievers down to death Will lead you, if you heed their word. 9 THE DEW OF HERMON. 73 AGAINST WORLDLY-MINDEDNESS. And Jesus answered, and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things. But one thing is needful. [Luke 10: 41, 42. When weary I wander with trouble and care, The world sometimes proving a dangerous snare, The words of my Savior oft memory brings, Thou art careful and troubled about many things. When grief and deep sorrow o'erwhelmeth my soul, Or when baser passions my mind would control, Then comes the reproval as if borne on wings. Thou'rt careful and troubled about many things. When eagerly striving with little success, In my humble manner ray people to bless. In vain comes the tempter and to mo he sings, Thou'rt careful and troubled about many things. But Lord l^m determined thy work to pursue, I want nought on this earth but thy will to do , I want not the vain world, for trouble it brings: I would not be troubled about many things. I wish not for honor, for wealth, or for fame, But always be trusting my Savior's dear name ; For all worldly pleasures will take to them wings, I would not be careful about many things. But there is one subject which shall be my care, How I shall my heart for God's temple prepare ; This is one thing needful, true pleasure it brings, I will not be troubled about many things. 74 THE DEW or HERMOI!?. THE DUTY OF FORGIVENESS. So that contrariwise, ye ougkt rather to forgive him, aud eom^ fort him, l«st perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you, that ye would confirm your love toward him. For to this end di^^ I write,that I might know the proof of you , whether ye be obedient in all things. [2 Cor. 2; 7, 8, 9*. Forgive, forgive, and comfort such, Lest they be swallowed up with grief;. Nor let them sorrow over much, But kindly come to their relief. Even as Christ did not condemn, And gave the earnest of his love. Ye should confirm your love toward them, Thereby your own obedience prove. The Lord our God is judge of all, And he will judge in righteousness ; He hears the needy when they call, The widow and the fatherless. The Lord is great, he dwells in heaven. High on his everlasting throne ; The Lord is good, to man he's given, That precious gift that will atone. To that blest fountain we may go, And wash that we may all be clean ; He will our hearts make white as snow, Although like crimson they have been. THE DEW OF HERMOK. 75 BROTHERLY LOVE. He that lovetli his brother abideth in the light, and there is aone occasion of stumbling in him. [1 John 2: 10, O thou great source of love and light. Inspire us with thy love divine, That we may love with -all oui* might, And all we have shall then be thine. If we continually abide Near the great source of light above, Not all the joys on earth beside Can lure us from a brother's love. If heirs of his sure promise given, To Abram and his seed by faith ; Bound to the same bright home in heaven, Saved from the powers of sin and death. The Son of God shall be our light, To guide our steps in wisdom's way ; No cause of stumbling, for more bright It shineth on to perfect day. Let each the other's burden bear. Avoiding all beseting sin ; And each remove the other's snare, Till we the heavenly prize shall win. If here below our joys are one, How sweet shall be our peace above, With all our toils and labors done. United with our head in love. 76 THE DEW OF HERMON. A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING. 1 Chronicles, 16: 36. Give ye thanks now to the Lord Call upon the name of God, All his wondrous works make known, Sing ye psalms before his throne, Talk of all his works and fame, Glory in his holy name, Let the hearts of them rejoice, That seek God, their blessed choice ; Seek the Lord and his strength free, Seek his face continually. remember he hath done Wonders great beneath the sun, And the judgments of his mouth Are abroad in all the earth ; 0, ye seed, his chosen ones. Ye his servants, Jacob's sons. He is your great Lord your God, Be ye mindful of his word ; Even the covenant of grace. Which he made to Abram's race; And he hath confirmed the same Unto Israel by name : Saying, I will give the land Canaan, into thy hand. When ye were but e'en a few. Sojourners and strangers too ; When ye from one nation went, And where'er ye pitched your tent ; i:he dew of hermok. 77 He reproved kings for your sake, That he might you mighty make ; ^uft'ering none to do you wrong. Nor to do his prophets harm ; Sing now to the Lord your God, All the earth show forth abroad His salvation day by day, In his own appointed way ; Spread his glory all around Where the heathen may be found :, And his marvellous works among All the nations, every tongue ; For great is the Lord our God, Greatly to be praised abroad ; He is also to be feared — And above all gods revered, For the gods of all the land ; Idols are made with the hand ; But the Lord the heavens made And without our feeble aid ; . Honor is before his face, Strength and gladness in his place ; Give to God the glory due To his name, and fear him too ; Come before him, come and bring Thankfully an offering ; Worship him in holiness. For he is our righteousness ; Fear before him all the land, — By his power the world shall stand ; Let the heavens above be glad. And let not the earth be sad ; 78 THE DEW OF HERMON. But rejoice and let men say, Our Lord reigneth even to-day : Let the fields obey his voice, All that is therein rejoice ; Let the deep unfathomed seas Roar ; then shall the lofty trees Of the dark and mighty wood. Sing out, for the Lord is good ; At the presence of the Lord, For he comes, the Judge adored. , give thanks now to the Lord ; Say ye, save us now, God Of our great salvation here, Gather us together near : From the heathen of the land, Us deliver by thy hand. That we may give thanks, and raise Loud our voices in thy praise ! Blessed be the Lord again, — All the people said Amen. THE BACKSLIDER. Is it nothing to j'ou, all ye that pass by 1 behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done un- to me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger. [Lam. 1: 12. O, see ye not the deep distress That we are in before the Lord ? Against his law we did transgress. We now receive a jufet reward. THE DEW OF HERMON. The city of Jerusalem Lieth in waste, her gates are burned ; The Lord in justice doth condemn The rebels, who his mercy spurned. The ways of Zion now do mourn. For none come to her solemn feasts ; 0, God of grace, thou long hast borne The sins of her polluted priests. 0, turn thou us now to the Lord : Renew our days as those of old, That we may serve the living God, And dwell within his peaceful fold. THE BACKSLIDER REPROVED. Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backsliding? shall reprove thee; know therefore, and see, that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord God of hosts. [Jer. 2: 19. O righteous God, my sins I own, Thou art most faithful, just and true ; Beneath a load of sin I groan, Beneath thy just displeasure too. Ah I why did I forsake my God That led me in the perfect way 1 Why did I not obey the word ? No more from thee to go astray ? S# THE DEW OF HERMOlSr, Upon my awn defenceless head, I have called dawn thy mighty wrath : Me, by thy spirit thou hast led, But I foraook the narrow path. And to myself, I have procured The frawn af an offended God ; How can thy vengeance be endured. The wrath af the Almighty Lord ? Therefore it is, we knaw and see^ An evil and a bitter thing, Thus to forsake, and fear not thee : Transgression dath correction bring, Keprove, O Lard, but da nat slay, And use the rod, bat not the sword, That we ance more may find the way. And learn to trust thy holy Word. THE PUNISHMENI OF THE APOSTATE. And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the citj, tlirougli the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and that cry for all the abom- inations that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in mine bearing, Go ye after hinj through the city and smite; let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity. [Ezek. 9: 4, .5 0, righteous God, and judge of all, Before whom ancient Israel fell , O, listen to our latest call, And spare us yet thy love to tell. lO THE DEW OP HERMON. 81 Lord tear these idols from our hearts, And cleans'e thy sanctuary now ; Before the day of grace departs, Help us submissively to bow — That when from heaven thou shalt descend, Surrounded by an angel band, Thou wilt our helpless souls defend, And strengthen by thy powerful hand. Come, seal us thine forevermore, That when that awful day shall come. When thou shalt on the nations pour Thy wrath, and seal their final doom, — We may escape without delay. Bearing thy mark upon our brow, The terrors of that awful day, Lord come and be our Savior now. O may we make our peace with thee, Now while it is the accepted time. That we may all thy glory see. And in thy righteous garment shine. BACKSLIDERS INVITED TO RETURN. Hosea 6 : 1, 2, 3- Come, weary souls, return again. And seek the presence of the Lord ; Come unto him with all your pain, And he will heal you by his word. 82 THE DEW 01" HEKMON. Seek Him, and pray with living faith, And he will raise you by his mip;ht ; Kevive your soul, and save from death, That ye may yet live in his sight. If then ye follow on to know The Lord, who saved you by his grace, And serve him faithfully below, Ye shall behold him face to face. Ye shall behold his glorious light, Kefreshed bj^ showers of grace divine ; And walk with him in robes of white, And in his blessed image shine. And while eternal ages roll, He'll fill your heart with joy and praise ; That by His stripes ye were made whole, 'Tis by His death your souls he'll raise. O, grieve not that celestial dove That hovers o'er thy sinking frame, He would embrace thee with his love, And bear thee to the bleeding Lamb. TitE DEW OF HERMON. THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL. Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved: how long shall thy vaiu thoughts lodge within thee 1 [Jer. 4: 14. Wash thine heart from every stain, That thou mayest be blest ; How long shall vile thoughts and vain, Lodge within thy breast 1 Jesus hath prepared a place Where we all may go ; 'Tis the healing stream of grace. Freely doth it flow. Bkssed Jesus, quickly come, Wash us in thy blood, That we never more may roam, From our gracious God. Nothing but thy blood applied Can baptize the soul ; Nothing in the world beside. That can make us whole. 84 THE DEW OF HEKMON. THE WANDERER'S PRATER Look clown from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness, and of thy glory ; where is thy zeal and thy strengths the sounding of thy bowels, and of thy mercies toward me; Arc they restrained 1 Doubtless thou art our ftither, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not; thou, Lord, art our Father, our Kedeemer; thy name is from evei'lasting. Isaiih 63: 15, 16. Dear Lord, look down from heaven above, Behold us from thy holy place ; Where is thy zeal, thy strength, thy love? I long to see thy glorious face. Are all thy mercies now restrained 1 Or dost thou still remember me 1 My heart is sick, my head is pained, JVIy eyes are dimmed, I cannot see. Doubtless thou art my Father still. Though Abraham now knoweth it not ; Acknowledged not by Israel, Among thy people I'm forgot. Forever Lord thou art the same, My great Redeemer, Father, Friend ; From everlasting is thy name, And through thy name, what joys descend. In thy great name I humbly bow, , come and wipe away these tears ; Thou hast heard prayer, and even now, I feel thee better than my fears. THE DEW OF HERMON. B5 GOD'S CHASTISEMENT A PROOF OF HIS LOVE. Job 5: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Behold, how happy is the man Whom God correcteth from above ; Despise not, then, the blessed plan, The chastening of Almighty love. He maketh sores, and bindeth up, He woundeth, and his hands make whole ; And oft he gives the bitter cup, To cleanse and purify the soul. And when through troubles thou dost go In six, he shall deliver, yea, Surely in seven there shall be no Evil to touch or hinder thee. In famine he shall thee redeem From death, 'till thy appointed hour ; . In war thou shalt first look to him, — He can destroy the sword's power. And from the scourge of every tongue Thou shalt be hid ; nor be afraid When the destruction shall among The nations spread— God is thine aid. S6 THE DEW OF fiERMOJ?. ENDURANCE. For our light affiietionSj which is but for a moment, worketU fur us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. [2 Cor. 4:17. Look to the Lord, he hears thy sighs, And knoweth all thy bitter tears ; Come unto me, the Savior cries, My love shall cast out all thy fears. For all our light afflictions here, Which in a moment will be past, "Worketh for us it doth appear, A weight of glory at the last. If we with Christ endure below, • We sure shall reign with him above ; And those eternal joys we know, Will fill the soul with perfect love. Our hearts filled with this gracious hope, We triumph over all our pain ; In sweet assurance we look up, In Christ we shall that bliss obtain. THE LORD OUR REFUGE. I am as a wonder unto many, but thou art my strong refage. Psalm 71: 7. Dear Lord, how many on me gaze, And wonder that I still endure ; But unto thee be all the praise, In thee alone I am secure. THE DEW OF IIERMON. 87 Thou art my refuge, strong and higb, No other refuge can I see ; For thou dost hear the raven's cry, Then surely I may trust in thee. Thou art my shield — in thee I trust ; Thou cans't the needed grace impart ; And when the trump shall wake my dust, I then shall see thee as thou art. I LOOKING FOR TUB PROMISE. But the end of all things is at hand ; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. [Peter, 4 : 7. Watch unto prayer then, my soul, Whife dark temptation's nigh, While o'er my troubled spirit roll Billows of sorrow high. The end of all things is at hand. Go dry that starting tear ; There is a fair and better land, Where enters nought to fear. With watchful heart and sober mind I'll wait thy coming. Lord, Till I that glorious rest shall find, The promise of my God. 88 THE DEW OF HERMOH. GRATITUDE FOR PAST FAVORS. Ilitherto hath the Lord helped us. [1 Samuel 7:12. Through troubled seas, and conflicts sore, We hitherto have been led on. And bounding waves have ceased to roar, When Jesus by our side hath gone. . Lo, Jesus stands with outstretched arms, Hark ! hear his voice: Peace, Peace, be still ; Our troubled souls again are calm, xVnd we submissive to his will. High as the heavens we now would raise Our voice in honor of his name ; With joyful hearts we'll sing His praise, And o'er the world His love proclaim. We consecrate our all to thee, Lord, that we to thee may live ; And day by day our prayer shall be, Lord, to us thy spirit give. Do thou forgive our follies past, Renew us by thy grace and power ; Receive us to thyself at last, Secure from dark temptation's hour. 11 THE DEW OP HERMON. 89 GOD'S GRACE SUFFICIENT. And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelation, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, my grace is suflBcient for thee. [2 Cor. 12: 7, 8, 9. I blessed the day that I was born, Rejoicing every breath ; But given there was to me a thorn, — Afi&iction deep as death. Lest through abounding faith and light Which God to me had given, I might now judge it meet and right To exalt myself to heaven For this thing I besought the Lord That it might far depart, And that the grief my soul abhorred. Be banished from my heart. God, in his mercy heard my prayer, — I saw his smiling face ; He answered, this thy soul can bear, Sufficient is my grace. $d THE DEW OF HERMOSf. THE BENEFITS OF AFFLICTION. Before I was afflicted I went astray ; but now have I kept thy word. [Psalm 119: 67. How oft my feet have gone astray, And vrandered from the God of love, How oft forsook the perfect way, That leads the soul to joy above ;; While God his gracious bounties gave, My life to bless, my soul to save. But when affliction's trying hour Came near, I fled to Him in tears ; I felt that nothing but his power Could from my heart dispel these fears ; I saw him with compassion move, I threw me in his arms of love. And now I love to keep his word, — 'Tis light and truth to guide my way : Such heavenly joy those leaves aflford, I never more may go astray ; Long, long I his forbearance proved. While in the paths of sin I roved. Now, when afflicted I rejoice. And bow and kiss the chastening rod : For well I know 'tis Father's voice. It is a voice that comes from God ; He calls me near his blessed side. And says, Forever here abide. THE DEW OF HERMON. 91 His word shall ever be my joy, My song by day, my peace by night ; His works shall be my blest employ, His praise my ever new delight, And when my days on earth are o'er, I'll sing his praise forevermore. ENCOURAGEMENT. I will hear what Grod the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints; but let them not turn again to folly. Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him — that glory may dwell in our land. [Psalm 85: 8, 9. Cease my soul, thy vain ambition. Hearken to thy Maker's word ; He hath witnessed thy condition , And thy oft repinings heard. He will speak to this our nation, And to all the saints abroad ; Peace, for surely his salvation Is nigh them that fear the Lord. Let them not return to folly. But speak forth a Maker's praise. Till our land be filled with glory, And the knowledge of his ways. He will surely bless our labors, If we do not cease to pray ; \ Come then, all ye friends and neighbors. Let us work for God to-day. 92 THE DEW OF HERMON. UNFAITHFULNESS LAMENTED. Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel, saith the Lord; and be strong, Joshua, son of Josdech, the high priest ; and be strong all ye people of the land, saith the Lord and work ; for I am with you saith the Lord of hosts. [Haggai 2: 4. How have we so unfaithful proved 1 Neglecting our blest means of grace ; How oft repeated warnings moved In vain our hearts to seek God's face. 'Till weak and helpless we were found, Our way hedged in on either hand : But while the foe was gaining ground, We heard the voice of God's command. Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel ! , And thou, be strong, Joshua ! Now in the midst of thee I dwell ; Go, all ye people, work to-day. For I am with you, saith the Lord, As when ye out of Egypt came ; According to my holy word. My spirit shall with you remain. With willing hearts we then obeyed The message of the Lord our God ; No more the dews of heaven are stayed, As a chastisement from the Lord. THE DEW OF HBRMON. 93 Now in the strength and power and might Of the eternal great "I am," Who gave us strength and set us right, We'll carry forth his glorious plan. 'Till life's last morning sun shall dawn, When we shall bid this earth farewell, And rise triumphant in that morn, Forevermore with Christ to dwell. WATCHFULNESS. He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my hous* ; he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight. [Psalm 101 : 7 Ye saints of God, arise ! Your houses guard with care, That sin may not before your eyes Take the possession there. For slander and deceit, And crimes of every hue Will strive to gain within a seat, And tarry there with you. keep your own hearts pure, That you may ever be A terror to the evil doer. That they may from you flee. God surely will destroy The wicked of the land, But all his saints shall still enjoy The blessings of his hand. 94 THE DEW OF HEKMON. A CALL TO DUTY- Come and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be iiv more a reproach. Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upoc me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said Let us rise up and build. So they strength- ened their hands for this good work. [Neh. 2: 17, 18. come and let us build the wall, That we may never be, Accounted a reproach by all The numerous enemy. The Lord our God is good indeed, Our stores and barns are filled, He'll give us strength whene'er we need, Let us rise up and build. Strengthen your hand in this good work. Let each perform his part, Dispel your fears if any lurk Within your every heart. Then let our prayers ascend on high. They surely will prevail, Our great Redeemer is near by. In him we cannot fail. THE DEW Ot HERMON. 95 DECISION. So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof; for the people had a mind to work. Neh. 4: 6. O Lord, may we like Judah's host, Prepare to build up Zion's walls; In thy great strength we make our boast ^ While Satan and his kingdom falls. Our enemies all laugh and mock, They round the wall with envy lurk ;: But vain is their malicious talk, If we now have a mind to work. The work already doth progress, The wall is half completed now, For thou hast promised us success, If to thy throne we humbly bow* We'll make our prayers now to our God, And set a watch against the foe ; Assist us now, our blessed Lord. To use the spear, the shield, the bow. THE GREAT WORK OF THE CHRISTIAN. And I seut my messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down : why shall the work cease, whilst I have it and come down to you '? Neh. 6; 3. In vain the foe with all iheir charm, Allures me to the field ; They only think to do me harm, If I to them should yield. 96 TSE Dirw OF HEKBfOir. There is a great work to be done: Why should the building eease ? i>own from the wall I cannot come,. — Then le; me work in peace. They n^eed not threaten or accuse^, To gain their wicked end, Tor like the ancient faithful Jews, Our cause we will defend. And in the strength of Israel We'll wrestle and prevail, Nor fear the sons of Belial, Who oft our cause assail. The Lord doth hear his people cry, And strengtheneth all their hands ; We are the apple of his eye, — We'll do as he commands^ CHRISTIAN RESPONSIBILITY. And I said, ^ould such a man as I flee 1 and who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his< life I I will not go in. [Neh. 6: 11. Should such a one as I, now flee- Before my numerous enemy 1 I, who have been redeemed with blood. And called a messenger of God? 12 THE DEW OF HERMON. 97 And who is there, if as I am, Would flee before a mortal man, Or would into the temple go To save his life from any foe ? 1 will not go, for God on high Beholds with his all-seeing eye ; He will protect, and on me pour A blessing from his heavenly store. He'll keep me, too, from hidden foes ; My spirit shall in him repose ; In him is strength, in him is grace : 0, when shall 1 behold his face. HUMILIATION AND PRAYER. Unto thee, Lord, do I lift up my soul. [Psalm 25: 1. O Lord, to thee we lift our souls ; To thee our thoughts aspire : Thou art the centre round which rolls, Our every fon(^ desire. But far, yes, far as yonder sky Is from this lower sphere. So far thy thoughts from ou»s, high Above to us appear. 98 THE DEW OF HERMON. But in the image of thy Son We see thy mercy shown ; For all the works that he hath done. Were done for us alone. For us be lived, for us he died, For us he spilt his blood, For us the Lord was crucified, To bring us home to God. Yet how have we received thy laws ? Obeying not the truth ; Rejecting Christ without a cause, And hating his reproof. With contrite hearts, O Lord, we pray, Thou wilt our lives yet spare; In mercy save us, that we may Yet in thy victory share. And may our songs be raii?ed above,. To praise thy holy name : Redeeming grace and dying love,. Shall be the sacred theme. TnE! DEW OP HBRM02f. 99 DELIVER US FROM EVIL. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, Saying, Oh, that thou wouldst bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God grant- ed him that which he requested. [1 Chron. 4; 10. O that thou wouldst but keep me, From every evil way, That I may never leave thee, Or from true pleasure stray. Now give me faith to conquer, And reach that happy shore, That I may never suffer Or sin against thee more. "While sin's dark surges leaving, A burden on the breast, Like troubled waters heaving, The spirit cannot rest. For sin is sorely grievous, Now to our burdened souls ; We pray thou wouldst not leave us. While dark the surges roll. O God, then grant my humble And penitent request, That I may never stumble, But in my Savior rest. 100 THE DEW OF HERMON. And when my days are numbered, And thou shalt call me home, His praise shall be remembered, When I have ceased to roam. For on my lips his praises. Eternally shall dwell ; Among the souls he raises, His wondrous love to tell. THE SAINT'S REST. There remaineth, therefore, a rest to the people of God, [Heb. 4: 9. To thee I pome, my blessed Lord, In thee I may find rest ; Encouraged by thy holy word, I come with my request. I would not wander all the day In sorrow and in sin. But would thy righteous call obey, Have faith, and enter in. And 0, my soul, from all thy works Of death and darkness cease ; O, search me, Lord, if still there lurk a The hindrance of my peace. THE DEW OF HBRMON. 101 If truly I am born of God, Let love now fill my breast ; The love that's promised in thy word, The earnest of that rest. Let all I am be lost in thee. From thence no more to move ; Dear Lord this is the rest for me, — The rest of perfect love. REPENTANCE FOR WORLDLY SORROW. am afraid of all my sorrows ; I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent. [Job 9; 28. My Father, who art full of love, — Whose love can never failj Now let my prayer ascend above, And in thy courts prevail. O , save my soul from guilt and shame, And cleanse me in thy blood ; Prepare me that I may proclaim A great and gracious God. Now, Lord, on me thy spirit pour, And sanctify my heart ; Bid this tumultuous ocean's roar Be still, and peace impart. 102 THE DEW OF HEKMON. And let me never more complain Of leanness in my soul ; But by thy love and power restrain. And every whit make whole. Of all my sorrows I'm afraid, 1 know thou wilt not hold Me innocent, for I've betrayed My trust : my love is cold. Now by thy mighty power come down, And rescue now ray soul ; Me with thy richest mercy crown, And all my fears control. A PRAYER FOR RENEWING GRACE. There Is therefore now no condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. [Ex)m. 8: 1, 2. Now, Lord, come by thy spirit. Renew our souls in thee ; Through thy atoning merit From inbred sin make free. There is no condemnation To them which are in Christ ; Delivered from temptation, By sinners ne'er enticed. THE DEW OF HERMON. 108 Who walk not by the faahion Of flesh or worldly lust, Imbued with Christ's compassion, Their lives in him they trust. For now by faith in Jesus, From sin's delusive spell This gracious gospel frees us, His wondrous love to tell. Come, now by thy great power Break sin and (Satan's chains ; May we this gladsome hour Be cleansed from sin's remains. Come, Lord, and sanctify us, O , sprinkle with thy blood ; Of other good deny us. But 0, not this, my God. We grasp thy gracious promise. We will not let thee go Till thou remove the darkness, And light and peace bestow. 104 THE DEW QF HEKMOIS', GIVING ALL FOR CHRIST. But a certain man named Annanias, with Sapphira his wife, soM ft possession J and kept back part of the price. -[Acts 5: 1,2- Let nat my soul one moment stay. Till Christ is all my own ; Nor stop till I have learned the way. To serve my God alone. My blessed Lord, I would be thine. Yes, thine with all my heart ; All that I am, and all of mine^ I will keep back no part. Ib aught on earth that strives to share My love for thee, my God, It from my heart this moment tear. And cleanse me with thy blood. Thou blessed Comforter now come. O may the Spirit seal Me ever thine, thy will be done, O Lord thyself reveal. thou wilt come, I feel thee near, To fill my soul with love ; Thy love shall cast out every fear, come, thou heavenly Dove. Then shall my soul exulting prove, The breadth, and depth, and heighth, And length of thy unchanging love, Thy power and thy might. 13 THE DEW OF IIERMON. 10r> THE CHRISTIAN'S TRIUMPH. <-> thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt. MiiLt. 14: ;^L When Jesus by his love divine, Forgave iny &ins and set me free, The glorious sun began to shine, Then gloom and doubt were swift to iiee. But when the storm commenced to rise, And fierce temptations o'er me roll, And clouds bedimmed the upper skies, Then gathered doubts around my soul. But when I heard my Savior speak, And say, thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? if weak, Remember what my gospel saith , Ask ye my Father in my name, And he will give it unto you ; Then kindled love into a flame, All spectre doubts soon from me flew. And now upon the sea of life, I ride triumphantly along ; Amid the cares, and toil, and strife, I raise my voice in sacred song. And though the billows toss and foam, I travel safely with no fear ; By faith in Christ I see my home, Beyond this narrow bounded sphere. 106" THE DEW OF HERMON. And when I reach that port of peace, I'll raise my voice in strains more loud. To him who gained my soul's release, Di&pelling that thick gathering cloud. Let saints and angels join the theme, That hath begun our song below, Around the throne of Christ the Lamb,, That saved us from our mighty foe. PRAISING GOD FOR RENEWING GRACE. And ia that day thou shalt say, Lord, I will praise thee; though thou wast angry with tne, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. [Isa. 12; 1. 0, Lord, I will praise thee. Thy mercy hath raised me From sorrow and sin ; Thine anger that burneth, To love often turneth My spirit to win. Thy mercy was proffered, Atonement was offered, To rescue my soul ; My heart unbelieving, While Satan deceiving, Still kept the control. THE DEW OF HERMON. 107 But through thy rich treasure, Thy love without measure, Was sent from thee, Lord ; For thy word hath taught me, A great price hath bought mo, — The price of thy blood. Thou art now forever My Savior, and never Will I cease to sing Thy praises ; while dwelling On earth, I'll be tolling Of Jesus my king. Thy comfort abideth, For it never hideth From me in distress ; Thy word shall endure, Remaining secure, Forever to bless. REHEARSING GOD'S MERCIES. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. But as for me, m.y feet wore almost gone ; ray steps had well nigh slipped. [Psalm 73: 1, 2. Truly Israel, God is good, When we trust in him for food, And to all whose hearts are clean, Where no sin doth intervene. 108 THE DEW OF HERMON. But my sins were rising high, And my steps had slipped, well nigh With my feet upon the brink, One more step, and lo ! I sink. Jesus ready stood to save Ere I sank below the wave, Stretching out his mighty hand, Bid me in his faith to stand. Lord, I would in thee believe ! Thou wilt graciously receive ; Thou shalt guide me in thy way With thy counsel, day by day. And if faithful here below, Ever more thou wilt bestow Grace and wisdom, to impart Peace and comfort to the heart. After that, thou wilt receive Me to glory, there to live, And with thee to reign above, Evermore to sing thy love. THE DEW OF HERMON. 109 GOD'S WORD THE CHRISTIAN'S INHERI- TANCE. Thy testimonies have I taken as anieritage forever; for they are the rejoicing of my heart. £Psalm 119; 111. Thy testimonies, God of love, Shall be my heritage ; They lead my soul to things above, From childhood unto age. Them have I taken, ne'er to part With them — they are my guide — A"Sid the rejoicing of my heart, — What can I want beside, I have inclined my heart to thee, Thy statutes to perform ; For they are all things unto me, They clothe and keep me warm. Thy gracious words are my delight, My comfort all the day ; My soul shall sing thy praise by night. And thy commands obey. Thou art my heritage above, Long shall thy word endure ; It points to my Redeemer's love, Bids me in heart be pure. Thy words shall raise me from the grave, To meet thee in the air ; For thou hast died my all to save, Thou wilt not leave me there. 110 THE DEW OF HERMON. THE FULFILMENT OF THE SCRIPTURES. Fo? verily, I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Matt. 5: 18. Till heaven and earth shall pass away, Thy law shall never fail ; Thy blest command we would obey, God, let it prevail. Thy law is love — to love our God, And love our fellow man ; Transgressors feel thy chastening rod. Thy love, they never can. The faithful soul that loves the Lord, With all his heart and.raind, Receives the truths thy words aiford, With joy that's undefined. In Christ thy word has been fulfilled. Thy word hath purified ; Through all our soul thy truth distilled. It cleansed and sanctified. THE DEW OF HERMON. Ill LOOKING TO GOD. My heart is fixed, God, my heart is fixed; I nill suig aiiU give praise. Psalm 57: 7. My heart is fixed, God on thee, I'll sing and give thee praise, Nor fear what foes can do to me ; Thy truth shall guide my ways. Though oft the hosts of darkness rise, And seek to cloud my sky ; On thee, by faith, I've fixed my eyes, Tis vain for them to try. Thy mercy reacheth unto heaven, Thy truth up to the cloud ; At morn, at noon and at even, I'll pray and cry aloud. For thou hast heard my fervent prayer. And stayed my heart on thee ; Thou wilt protect me from the snare The foe hath laid for me. 112 THE DEW OF HERMON. THE REVELATION OF THE SPIRIT. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. [1 Cor. 2; 9, 10. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath beard, Nor doth the heart of man conceive, The things which God hath by his word, Prepared for those who do believe. But God hath unto us revealed, The mysteries of hidden things ; For by His Spirit we are sealed. The Spirit all this knowledge brings. The Lord gives life, and peace, and health, And all the joys of social bliss ; He giveth all we want of wealth. We thank, and praise the Lord for this. But he hath given eternal life. And pleasure that will never end. Where neither care, nor toil, nor strife Shall enter, where rich dews descend. God's kingdom is in every heart. That doth by simple faith receive His blessed truths, that will impart, I'rue peace to all who will believe. 14 THE DEW OF HERMON. 113 His gracious kingdom here below, Shall be a kingdom glorified ; Then we his perfect love shall know, And dwell with all the sanctified. It doth not yet to us appear. That we shall be in heaven above ; But if we love and serve Him here, We shall be perfect in His love. And when our blessed Lord shall come, To our salvation without sin, To take His ransomed people home, We shall be made like unto Him, THE PERFECT MAN IN CHRIST. Till we all come, in the unity of the faith, and of the knowl- edge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the mes-s- ure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. [Eph. 4: 13. Lord, may we each our gifts improve, That is by grace bestowed ; And by thy Holy Spirit move, And keep the heavenly road, Till we are perfect all in one. United in the faith. And knowledge of thy blessed Son, — The mystery of his death. 114 THE DEW OF HEKMON. Then from that blest immortal fount. Of everlasting life, We'll drink, then with an angel mount Above this world of strife. Then Christ shall dwell within our hearts. His gracious promise saith ; For where love enters, sin departs, That sin that worketh death. Our spirits then shall soar above, And with the saints in light, May comprehend this wondrous love, In length, and depth, and heigh th. THE CHRISTIAN'S DUTY. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. [Heb. 12; 14. O God of peace, with power instil Thy holy principle of love , Into every heart, till peace shall fill The earth, as it does heaven above. May discord and contention cease. With all men let us follow peace, And holiness of heart and life, Without which none shall see the Lord ; For questions that engender strife. Are by the Holy One abhorred : Let carnal minds these wilds pursue, But saints have better work to do. THE DEW OF HERMON. 115 BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST. But we all, with opsn face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glo- ry, eroa as by the Spirit of the Lord. [2 Cor. 3: 18. But now we all with open face, Behold the glory of the Lord As in a glass; and by his grace, We see his spirit in the word. And while his glory we behold, , glory to the namo of God ; Our hearts into Jiis image mould, As by the spirit of the Lord. Then let us ever keep in view, The glorious prize for which we run ; And eagerly may we pursue Our journey, till the prize is won. For Jesus is our leading star, He is our sun of righteousness ; He is the prize for which we are All striving ever to possess. If we by faith behold his face, And follow in the heavenly road, We soon shall win the blessed race, We shall be soon made like our Lord. 116 THE DEW OF HERMON. SALVATION NOT OBTAINED BY WORKS. Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight. Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known uutoyou: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, house of Israel. [Ezekiel 36: 31, 32. The Lord hath sprinkled with his blood, And cleansed from all iniquity, And purified us by his word, Our labors blessed abundantly. But this was not for our sake, But for the sake of His great name ; For we the Lord did oft forsake, Now for our ways we're filled with shame. We loathe ourselves in our own sight, When we remember all our ways ; For this is no small thing, or light, That we are spared to sing His praise. But He would have the heathen know, That He is God,, and doth provide, And that His people where they go, Are blest, and greatly multiplied. THE DEW OF HERMON. 117 THE CROSS THE CHRISTIAN'S GLORY. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. [Gal. 6: 14. I glory in the cross of Christ, And God forbid that I should be By worldly glory e'er enticed, But ever seek humility. By faith in Christ I'm crucified, To all the world of sin and shame ; By faith in him we're sanctified, there is power in Jesus' name. The world is crucified to me, No more I seek its fleeting chcirms ; For Jesus Christ by faith I see, 1 rest supported in His arms. Forever here, let me rest. And glory in his holy name ; In Him my soul is ever blest, In him my faith shall still remain. 118 THE DEW OF HBRMON. THE STAR OP BETHLEHEM. Waon they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the afcar, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was . When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. [Matt. 2: 9, 10. When gentle eve steals o'er the earth, My humble voice I raise, All free from toil, all care and mirth, My God, I'll sing thy praise. O let thy^Spirit now descend, May I a tribute bring. To my Redeemer, Savior, Friend, To thee, my God and King. The waning moon is shining low, Where flows the crystal tide, And balmy zephyrs gently blow. As on the waters glide. The feathered tribes now cease their flight. Their evening notes proclaim ; All nature sweetly doth unite, In one delightful strain. The planets harmonizing shine, In their appointed sphere ; And rolling oceans ! how sublime The heavens and earth appear. THE DEW OF HERMON. 119 Is it not like Jerusalem, Where rose the eastern star, Which shone o'er ancient Bethlehem, That sages followed far ? O, star of hope ! it still doth bring Good tidings to our race ; Salvation through our heavenly King, Illuminating grace. But if perchance a meteor's ray, Should shine upon the place, And we mistake the glimmering way, 'Twill lead us far from grace. But if we follow on to know What God designs for his, And ask him but his will to show, 'Twill lead where Jesus is. let no good that we have known, Or beauty here outshine The crowning goodness thou hast shown. That we might all be thine. 120 THE DEW OF HERMON. THE TRIUMPH OF THE GOSPEL. There shall be an handful of corn in th» earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon ; and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. [Psalm 72: 16. Once in a silent upper room, Wliere dwelt the humble few, A voice arose amid the gloom, In prayer sincere and true. These faithful mourners bowed the head. By bitter grief oppressed ; Deserted by the world they fled, And sought a quiet rest. Again they met with one accord. To read, and sing, and pray, And hear the blessed word of God, On Pentacostal day^ But suddenly there came a sound. Descending from above. That made that holy place resound, With songs of Jesus' love. For as the rushing mighty winds, The Holy Spirit came ; And thousands who renounced their sins, Believed on Jesus' name. Then everywhere they preached the word, And multitudes believed The gospel of the blessed Lord, Which many had received. 15 THE DEW OF HERMON. IM From north to south, and east to west, Their T»ords like arrows flew. For soon the members of the blest, Were scattered like the dew. And now throughout our blessed land, The gospel trumpet sounds, And blessed is the Christian band. Where holy love abounds. Though on the mount of Palestine, The holy seed was sown By Jesus, the poor Nazarene, Who toiled and sweat alone — The fruit now shakes like Lebanon, We hear the music sweet, From morning till the set of sun, Where'er his people meet. HUMAN LIFE. What is your lifel [James 4: 14. What is your life ? a vapor That rises in the air, That but a moment lingers, Although it seems so fair. What is your life? a shadow, That vanishes away ; It tarries but a moment, For death makes no delay. 122 THE DEW OF HERMO^L What is your life ? a flower. That bloometh in the monOy And fadeth in an hour, Or at the evening dawn. What is your life ? a journey ; We're travellers here below,. To that blest, happy country. Or to the world of woe. Awake, O thou, from sleeping. Prepare to meet thy God ! Forevermore believing In Jesus Christ the Lord. I WOULD NOT LIVE ALWAYS, Job 7: 16. How blest in youth to make the choice Of wisdom's path of rest and peace^^ That makes the soul in age rejoice. When hopes of life and pleasure cease. We would not always live below, Where scenes of joy so soon are past : But onward gladly would we go, Where youth and beauty ever last. THE DEW OF HERMON. 123 For there the spirit, ever young, Shall never feel the waste of time^ But shall with an immortaltongue, Rejoice in strains of love sublime* But we will wait till God shall call Our spirits home to rest above ; Obediently performing all Our works of faith, and hope, and love* GOD'S PROMISE SURE. ^eoiotts in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saintSi [Psalm 116: 15. Rest, rest from thy labor of love ; Thy Savior hath bidden thee go To rest that is sweeter above, Than aught thou hast tasted below. Thy prayers and thy labors are blest, The Lord is not slack to perform ; He heard thy most fervent request,* And sheltered thy babes from the storm. Let Christians rejoice and be glad, In him that is faithful and true ; We would not be mournful or sad, For thou art now praising him too. » I • " Be kind sweet friends, to my orphan babes." ( Dying H request of Mrs. M ) 1^ THE DEW OF HERMON*. And when we shall meet him above, We'll praise him in notes more divine'; For all that compassionate love, That in his divinity shine. THE DYING CHRISTIAN.* For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain. [Phil. 1: 21. He gladly resigns his commission from heaven, With all of his labors, his hopes and his fears ; He knows from the hand of the Lord they were given, He yields them again in the midst of his years. His toil and his sufferings will soon have an ending, Then peace in his bosom forever shall reign ; His spirit to God is in triumph ascending, To live hath been Christ, and to die now is gain. Around his death-bad now loved ones are bending, While heavenly music is filling the room, For mortals with angals their voices are blending. While death is preparing his work for the tomb. The light of the earth is now fadin^; before him. But glory from heaven breaks forth on his sight. He sees the Redeemer, and hastes to adore him. To dwell in his prasance— forever in light. * Suggested on reading an account pf the closing ^o®"*^ *** th« lite of the Rev. D. M. M. CONTENTS, God"'8 Promise to his Church, . . 4 The Christian's love for the Church, . . 5 The Church's Deliverance, ... 6 The Church's Invitation, ... 7 The Church 's Triumph, ... 8 The Safety of the Church, . -9 The Unity of the Church, . . . 10 God's care for his Church, . . 11 The Church exhorted to praise God for his manifold Blessings, . . . 12^ God the Church's Strength, . . 14 The Church the light of the World, . 15 A call for more Laborers into the Vineyard, 16 The Commission, . . . 18 Askina: for the Witness, . . 19 The Witness Given, . . .20 Preparing for the service of Godj . . 21 A prayer for the Sealing Power, . 22 The Work of God his servant's delight, 23 The Heavenly Vision, . . 24 The Savior's Last Command,! . . 26 Humility, . . . . 27? 126 CONTENTS. Fervent zeal for the cause of God, . 23 The Faithful Pastor, . . 29 The Reward of the Faithful, ' . .30 Trust in God recommended, . 30 Burden of soul for Sinners, . . 32 Punishment of the Wicked, . . 33 The Prosperity of the Righteous, . . 34 The vanity of Human Glory, . . 35 Self-Righteousness Condemned, . . 36 Salvation through Obedience and Faith, 37 The bin of Omission, .... 39 The Danger of Delay, ... 40 The Condition of Salvation, . . .40 The Voice of God, .... 42 Pious Example, 43 Free Salvation, .... 44 The Great Salvation, .... 45 Contrition, ..... 46 The Riches of God's Grace, ... 47 Praying for Deliverance, ... 48 The Sinner's Plea, .... 49 Deliverance through Faith, . . 50 Rejoicing for Deliverance, ... 51 Prayer the Channel of all Good, . 51 The Office of the Holy Spirit, . . 53 The Declaration of the Young Convert, . 54 Trusting God for Mercy, ... 56 The Path of Life, .... 57 The Truth that maketh free, . . 58 Fai th the Power that overco mes the World , 59 CONTENTS. 12? Desiring to be more like Christ, . , 59 Unwavering Faith in God's Promise, . 60 The Renewed Heart, . . . . 61 Rejoicing in Hope, .... 62 Life and Immortality, .... 64 The Young Convert's Invitation, , 65 Confessing Christ before the AVorld, . 66 The World the Christian's Field of Labor, 68 Christ our Example, . . . .61) Perseverance, ..... 70 Christian Activity, . . . .71 The Influence of Ungodly Association, 72 Against Worldly Mindedness, . . 73' The Duty of Forgiveness, . . 74 Brotherly Love, . . . .75 A Psalm of Thanksgiving, . . . 76 The Backslider, . ... 78 The Backslider Reproved, . ; . 79 The Punishment of the Apostate, . 80 Backsliders Invited to Return, . . 81 The Preparation of the Gospel, . . 83 The Wanderer's Prayer, . . .84 God's Chastisement a Proof of His Love, 85 JEndurancs, ..... 86 I'he Lord our Refuge, ... 86 Looking for the Promise, . ; ; ^7 Gratitude for Past Favors^ : i . i^8 God's Grace SuflScient, . j ; 89 The Benefit of Affliction, . . .90 Encouragement, . . , . 91 128 CONTEKGfS. Unfaithfulness Lamented, Watchfulness, . . . , A Call to Duty, Decision, .... The Great Work of the Christian, Christian Responsibility, Humiliation and Prayer, Deliver Us from Evil, The Saint's Rest, .... Repentance for Worldly Sorrovr, . A Prayer for Renewing Grace Giving all for Christ, . The Christian's Triumph, Praising God for Renewing Grace, Rehearsing God's Mercies, God's Word the Christians Inheritance, The Fullfilment of the Scriptures, Looking to God, .... The Revelation of the Spirit, The Perfect Man in Christ, . The Christian's Duty, Becoming more like Christ, Salvation not obtained by Works, The Cross the Christian's Glory, The Star of Bethlehem, The Triumph of the Gospel, . Human Life, ..... I Would not Live Always, God's Promise Sure, The Dying Christian 32 89 92 93 9* 96 96 96 97 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 123 12A May 1859 I ^^^^ Jf^ "^ ' 'o...' .a"^ V ''^^'Vg*"^^ \ >.'* s w*^ • ia'7 \__ ^ ,.. 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