>c:—\^' '■^■ "^ ^ . f^ ^ '^ '^^ \'W^/ ^.^^ ^-. ^ PHILIPPINES MILITARY MEMORANDUM BOOK AND MAR 1901. Copyright by thk Publishbr, Captain A. von BRANDIS, 150 East 65th Stkeet, New York. ft"" s'f THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received MAY. 7 1901 Copyright entry CLASS[^<2/'XXo. Na. /? ONE DOLLAR. PHILIPPINES MILITARY MEMORANDUM BOOK AND MAR 1901. NEW YORK : LEMCKE & BUECHNER, 812 Broadway. OTTO SCHMIDT & SON, 967 Third Ave. BRENTANO'S, 31 Union Square. WASHINGTON : BRENTANO'S, 1015 Penn. Ave. CHICAGO : BRENTANO'S, 218 Wabash Ave. PARIS : BRENTANO'S, 37 Ave de L'Opera. SAN FRANCISCO : MANILA : PREFACE. THIS map with about thirteen hundred geographical notes is in- tended to serve as a guide in the Philippine Isiands, to remind of events and of those who participated therein, to promote explora- tion of slumbering resources in manifold particulars, to become a companion of permanent utility for all visitors of the islands, to be welcome in the homes of those who returned from there and to all who take at heart the welfare and dtvelopment of our distant colonies. April 1901. Thk Author. The author will welcome all reports which might tend to further complete the work. If a sufficient number of suitable item^j should thus be furnished the publication of an Appendix is contemplated. But he begs to be excused of useless return Qorrespondeoce, which otherwise might assume top wide proportions, If an AppeB^ix will be issued, such as indicated aboye, it will be prepared in such a manner that the holder of a copy of this memorandum booK can easily insert it into his copy. The contents of this map-book constitute ih the main, part lo, of an elaborate worfe: "The American in the Philippines" which will be published as soon as a sufficient number of subscriptions has been secured. The price per copy is $3.00. CONTENTS OF THE COMPLETE BOOK. Parts 1 to 8 (see particulars below) contain about 5,000 terms in English and Malay. Part 9 contains about 4,500 terms from Malay into English. The seafaring terms, though also Included in those 4,500 terms, have moreover been arranged separately, and cover about thirty typewritten pages, which like the pages of the present map-notes have not been counted in the book pages of parts 1 to 9, as mentioned below. The book pages marked liere are type- written pages, and from hence a provisory estimate. CONTENTS SPECIFIED. , Typewritten pages. Parti. Introduction, including numerals - - - I to IX " 3, Vocabulary of 1,400 most needed words, from Eng- lish into Malay 1—51 " 3. General Notes (Manila, minerals, vegetation, etc.) 5-2—60 " 4. Vocabulary of about 1,500 seafaring terms, from English into Malay —117 " 5. Mercantile Terms and measures . - - , US— 122 " 6. Course-Distances from Manila - • . . 12*— 126 " 7. Vocabulary of about 1,900 terms of military inter- est, from English into Malay .... 137—300 " 8, Sentences English and Malay side by side, mostly Maritime 201—213 " 9, Vocabulary, 4,500 terms from Malay into English 214—325 " 10, Map of Luzon, shoreline— map of the Philippine Islands, with about 1,300 notes on localities (which is in this present publication about 50 pages.) Extra addition : Seafaring Terms from Malay into English ex- trocted from part 9, about 30 condensed pages. (Copyrighted.) P i 1 S s p i'?S "•I In the map which appears upon the opposite page and which was copyrighted in 1900 by W. C. andF. P. Chnrch, the telegraph lines on Luzon, so as they were in the spring of 1900, are marked. 1551 miles long, 160 stations, 8 ends of lines entering Manila, while 4 more ends to enter Manila were contemplated. They were erected by the U. S. Signal Corps, Col. Allan, 21 ofldcers, 331 men, and were laid three times; at first, while follow- ing troops to keep up connection with Headquarters, by light copper wire, which later was replaced by durable iron wire, and finally were laid in regular order upon high poles. Since then the same Corps has connected all principal islands by submarine cables, also the island Jolo in the far Southwest of the Philip- pines. MAP NOTES. SECOND SERIES. ABBSEVIATiONS. Most of tUe abbreviations are explained in the first series upon the margin of the map. Here are a few more: Whenever the name of a Capital city is not mentioned, it bears the same name as the province or district itself. Under the name of each province or district will be found a list (if any) of cities of 10,000 inhabitants and over, arranged In the order of population. Figures after a degree mark (°) stand for arc-minutes. All de- gree Hgurss above 100 are for Longitude East of Greenwich, those below WO are for Latitude North, No other longitude or latitude occurs here. (01-3-23) (year-month-day) (1901-March-23rd.) DISTANCES, if not otherwise specified, are calculated from the Capital of the Province or District, and are not figured by the roads, but as the bird flies from point to point. (1. S) refers to "first Series" of map-notes. % before a name indicates that the locality is marked on the map either by its full name, by its initial or by merely a spot • . To make a larger diversity of marks would have been liable to produce confusion; and would therefore rather lessen than in- crease the practical value of the work, The letters by which certain mountains in the map of Luzon have been marked, begin, like the numbers, from the north; but to facilitate eventual reference the following list is furnished: "A" near 122°, 18°20; "C" n°5; "D" 16°—, 121°—; "E" from 17 SSW; "F" near number 2 •G" J4°10, 131 °5; 'H' • 14°5, 121 °30; ■N" ■ 14°5, 122°45. <0' ' 123°5; •P" 123°30; 'R' ' 124°-. The Author. Abucay o 7,200, 25 SE 3 mi (00-5-24, 32 vol) (00-11-16, 32 vol ) Acaii Valley, i Cebu (99-7-24, 23 1.) Abulusan ri, fr mt Moses, 1 S, 17°25' W to ri Catalangan. # Abujog 9,100, i Leyte, S 35 mi. Ackle ?, Aclan ri, pr Ilo-Ilo. mouth near Calibo (00-9-15, 35. vol.) ©Agno ri (1, S) (99-11-15, 18, 4, C, 34. 1) (99-12-36, 13 I ) Agsarah ? (? Sara, pr Ilo-Ilo (00-4-17, 26 vol.) Aguilar 4,400, see Salassa. ©Agusan (Agasan) o 900, d Misamis. E 15 mi, 8°32, ri see Butuan (00 5-14, 40 -vol.) fr A. N on b : Taguluan, Hasa'an, (Pt. Gorda), Balingsac, Bagakai (35 mli fr A. WNW on b : Gu- san, (cptl Cagayan near mouth of ri VV), Kamarines, Opot, Malugan, Salomaog (18 mi.) Agutag ? com, i Panay (00-8-24, 6 1.) Alaminos o 8,000, 21 (82 ? mi.) Alaminos o 4.600, "G" N 2 mi. Alanbasi ? com, i Leyte (00-9-22. 43 vol.) Alang-Alang o 8.600 (18 mi) i Leyte (00-8 23, 43 vol.) # Alava o 6,100, 16 NE by E 20 mi (00-5-6.) # Albay (1, S. 37) (00-2-1. 6, 8. 13. 14, 40., 47. I.) Albuera o 4,600 (18 mi) i Leyte. Albuquerque o 6,600, pr Bohol. Alcala (Santa Cruz) o 5,200, 22 (27 ? mi) (00-6-12,;G. Cavesrany cpt'd.) 9 Alcala o 5,500, 7 N by W 22 mi, Aparri S 22 mi. Alcoy o 5,000 (44 ? mi) i Cebu. Alegria o 11,500 (90 ? mi) i Cebu, 9 Alfonso 7,700, 29 SSW 31 mi (99-12-4, 3 I. 3. A.) #Aliaga (1. s) (99-10-27, 31, G. Young) (99-11-12) (00-5-17, 47 vol) (00-6-24, 28, 30, Lt Draper 22, I.) Alilem cptl 8,000, d Amburayan, 9 S ? (00-2-23, 3 C, 29. 1.) Alimodian o 11,800 (12 mi) pr Ilo-Ilo (99-11-20, 19.. 26, 1.) Blank pages for insertions such as Troops, Battles, Dates, etc., and also observations, discoveries, etc. Alorang o »,700 (4 ml) d MisamiiS. 9 Alubijit 6,700, d Misamis, b Makajalar, W. eatraocd, Amaroa ?, i Luzon (10-2-11, 33 vol.) Arabian o 5,500 (13 mi) pr E— Negros. # Amuiong com, 7 N 15 ml (00.11-14.) Anabo ? (?Anao) i Luzon (99-11-13, 4. 1, 11. C.) Anao 7,000, 19 (17 ? mi.) Anao-Aon o 600 (10 mi) d Surigao. # Anda o 3,800, 18 N 62 mi, 1 Cabaroyan. Anda 4,0o0 (56 ? mi) pr Bohol. Angadanan o 2.700, 8 S 23 mi (00-11-8, 16. 1.) # Angat o 8,000, Manila, N by E 23 mi (99-4-25.) # Augeles O 3,000, 23 N 10 mi (99-8-12. 18) (99-9-2.22, 37 I. Hos, 1. A.) (99-10-12) (99-11-6. 17. 1, 4. C. Scouts.) #Angusan ri, fr N of b Davao to b Butuan. Anilao o 2,7o0. pr Ilo-Iio, NE 14 mi. # Anini o 4,800, pr Antique, SW— Extreme. S 22 mi. Anislac ?, pr Albay (Ol-l-l, 47 vol.) Antequera o 5,800 (10 mi) pr i Bohol. Antipolo o 3,500. 30 NW 8 mi (99-6-3.) # Antique (Antiki) ol.2o0, S of cptl 4 mi, pr Antique, a 839. i Panay SW, 145 com, cptl San Jose de Buenavista 5,600, 10''43, 20 more o, 4 over 10,000, Bugason. Pandan, Sibalom, Culasi, ri (00-1-17, 18, 19. I.) (00-2-4, 6. I.) (00-3-9. 19., 44. I.) (00 12-8, 38 vol.) # Apalit 11,800, 22 E 11 mi (fr Manila casco, 00-4-3.) # Aparri (1. S) (99-5-16, g. b. Concord) (99-12-11, surr. to Newark) (00-1 17, 16 I) (00,3-9, 10, 48 I.) Apayos d, 4 E, "B" N. # Apo vo 8800 (10331, 10825) d Davao, 6°56, 125°—. # Arayat (1. S) (99-5-21, g. b.s. join G. Lawton) (99-10-5, 11, Vt, 13, 22, 22. 1, 4. C, launch upon ri) (Mt. Arayat, 00-1-7, 36. 1.) Arevalo o 3,600 (4 mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. # Argao o 34,000, i Cebu SSW 33 mi, 9°54. Argo Gula ? ("Argo-Sugar") (99-8-31, It Col Byrne 6. 1.) # Aringay ri, 14 WSW, o 3,000, 13 S14 mi;(Boang, 99-11-2,21, G. Young, C, Macabeles.) Aripa com, 7 NW by N 10 mi. # Aritao o 700, 15 SSW 15 mi (99-12-33, 34. 1.) Asingan o 3,500 (36 ? ml) 16 (99-11-15, G. Young.) Asturlas o 6,000 (109 ? mi) i Cebu. Atbalongan See Catbalongan. # Atimonan o 10,000, 35 E 15 mi (00-3-28, 30 vol.) Ayala o 17,900, d Zamboanga, W by N 9 mi. Ayungon o 1,100, pr E-Negros (NE ?) Ayuquitan o 3,200 (9 mi) pr E.Negros. Azagra o 4,000 (19 ? mi) pr Romblon. # Ba'ao o 6,800, "O" S 11 mi. Bacabulos ? ? (99-5-6, 3 1.) # Bacay (Bucay) o 2,500, 6 ESE 7 mi, on ri Abra. # Bacoc (Bokoc) com, 5 ENE 27 mi, "B" SW by S 24 ml. # Bacolod cptl 6.300, pr "W— Negros, northerly W, 10° 42. #lBacolor (1. S, 22) (99-8-9) (01-2-13, Gov. installed.) Bacon o 8,400, pr E— Negros SE, vo 6244, See Negros. # Bacon o 13,000, 37 ESE 23 mi. # Bacoor (Bacora) o 13,000, 29 E 4 mi (99-10-3,33, "Baltimore") (99-11-19) (00-1-3, 7) (00-9-24 36.) # Bacoor b, betw Old and New Cavite (99-7-1, election) (99-10-2, Baltimore, 4. 1, 5 A, Sig, Mar, Sailors) (99-11-19, 14. 1) (00.1-17, 4., 28, I.) 9 Badayon o 8.000, pr Bohol. Badajoz o 3,200 (9 ml) i Romblon. 9 Badian o 9,400, i Cebu, SW 51 mi # Badoc O 10,900, 4 S by W 21mi (00-3-9) (00-7-21) (00-9-22, 12 I.) # Bagabac o 1,900, 15 NE 14 ml, # Bagac 1,700, 25 SW 10 mi. 9 Baganga o 1,100, d Mati, NNE 55 ml, 7°41, Bagbag com, 34 ? (00-2-3) (bridge near Calumpit junction, passed 99-4-24, Iowa, Neb, N. Dak.) Bagbag ? com, i Leyte (00-9-12, 43. vol,) Bago o 7,000 (15 mi) d Davao. Bago 7,100, pr W— Negros, 'ZSW 18 mi. # Bayombon com, 32 WNW on opp bank. Baguio o 661 (16 ? mi) 14. # Bagumbayan com, fr Mariquina N 2 ml. # Bailen o 4,200, 29 SSW 20 mi. # Bais 9,300, pr E— Negros NNW 15 mi. Balabac i, Straits, o 200, N of Borneo. Balabac o 700, d Benguet (99-8-11, 13,) # Balamban o 9,300 (43 ? mi) i Cebu W-coast. # Balanga cptl (1. S. 25 ) (00-6-2, 12. 1.) Balangiga o 6,600, i Samar. Balasan f, i Panay (00-10.11, 26 1.) Balasig mt, 7 SSW 28 mi, 8 NNW 15 mi. Balate o 5,100, d Capiz, ENE 40 mi. # Balau'ang o 12,200, 13 NNE 15 mi. # Balayang ri, b 25,000, mt, 33 WSW 17 mi (Oo-l-lS, 46. I, g. b. Marietta.) Baleno (Balenao) o921 (10 mi) i Masbate (99-9-14.) Baler b, 17 NE, mt (? Sabani) (l. S, "E") 3280 (99-4-12, Yorktown) (00-3-1, G. Funston, Col. Kenner.) Balicuatro i's, Point, i Samar NW. Balincaging o 2,400 (52 ? mi) 18 (00-1-22, 36. 1.) #Balingasac o 4,000, d Misamis, on b, 8°45, fr Agusan N 18 mi. Baliran i. o 6,20), i Leyte N. Baliuag (Balivag) o 14,000, 27 N 10 mi (99-5-1, 23, 27. vol. Maca- 1-8-14, 3. I) (99-12-4, 3 I.) Baluarte com, 20 S 10 mi (99-5-15, G. Lawton) (00-11-1, 4 C.) Baluga com, See Salassa. Balulut ? fr Angeles E to Magelang, 22 NE (99-11-11. 13.) Balut i, i Mindanao S— Extreme, mt 2350. Baluyo com, i Samar W, SE 6 mi, 11°43. # Bambang o 3,400, 15 S 7 mi (99-11-11, 13, 36, vol, C,) # Banalakan (San Andres) h, i Marinduk NW. Banate o 6,800, pr Ilo-Ilo ENE 27 mi, 11°—. Banaue o 600, (27 ? mi) 10. # Banban o 3,200, 19 S 16 ml, # Banga o 9,100, pr Capiz W 23 mi. # Banga Port in b Sibugei, 7°31, 123°24. # Bangar o 9,000, 13 N by E 22 mi (00-1-12.) Bangaya, See Makaturin. # Bangued (1. S. 6) (99-12-5, 23. I) (00-3-7, 33. 1) (00-6-25) (00-7-21) (00-10-6, 26, 33. vol) (00-11-22, 33. VOl) (01-2-8, 5. I.) Bangui o 5,600, 4 NNE 27 mi (S9-i2-15.) Banguirupan, pr Albay, 37 (00-12-8) (01-1-1, 47, vol.) # Bani o 4,300, 16 W 30 mi. # Banna o 2,600, "B" WNW 18 mi (99-12-11, 3. C,) Bano Point (Banod Point) i Marinduk SW— coast, near o Gazan (00-11-2, 28. vol.) #Banos (Los) ("The Baths") o 2,800, "G" NE hotsprings (99-7-31, 21. 1, 1. A) (00-1-8, .37. I) (90-9-13 ) Banta ?, near Caloocan (99-3-27.) Bantayan o 10,000. i Cebu, 1, W fr N -Extreme of i Cebu N 68 mi. Ban ton i, o 3,400, pr Romblon, NW 25mi. Baombong mt ?, i Panay (00-12-13, 18 1.) Baragondon ? ? (01 . 46. vol.) # Baras o 1,200, 30 SE 2 mi. 9 Baras o, b, rl, i Catanduanes SE. Barbasa o 3,200, pr Antique. Barili o 31,000, i Cebu NNW 23 mi. Barotac Nuevo o 11,800, pr Ilo-Ilo NE 15 mi. Barotac Viejo o 5,600, pr Ilo-Ilo NE 36 i»i (00-6-8, 261.) Baru ("new") o 12,300, i Leyte "WNW 20 mi. Barugo ?, i Leyte (00-11-5, 43 vol.) # Basey (Vasey) o 13,800, i Samar W, 11°27. # Basilan i, Straits, d 12,000, pr Mindanao SW— Extreme, (3 mts each 10,000 ?) cptl Isabela de Basilan 1,300, N. Bata'an pr (1. S. 25) (in S-mts, 99-12-24) (0O-IO-I8. 18. 1.) # Batac o 17,600, 4 S 10 mi (00-4-15, 16, 30, 34. vol, 3. C.) # Batan b 13,000, pr Caplz W 14 mi. Batan (Batana, Batanes) i's, 1 NNW, 20°15, pr 9,500, a 125, cptl San Domingo 3,000, 5 more 0. # Batangas (1. S. 34) (in mts, 45. 1) (00-3-25, 38 I) (? Manuan, 00-7-21, 23, 24, 38. vol.) Batau'an b, i Cebu "W, 10°52, N 38 mi. # Bato com, i Catanduanes near S— Extreme. # Bato ( 'Stone") o 3,700, i Leyte W, 10°18. Batoo— Lampan Point ("Batoo— Lampong"="Stone-buoys"), i Mindanao SW, W— Extreme. # Bau'ang 7,700, 13 S 5 mi, ri 14 W. # Bau'ang o 40,000, 34 NW 4 mi. • Bay 1,800. 32 SW 9 mi. Bayabac and Bayabas corn's, See Salassa. % Bayambang (not Bayombong) o 8,500, 16 SE 20 ml (00-10-25, 171.) • Bay-Bay ("Ba'i-Ba'i"— "well-well") o 17,400 (87 ? mi) i Leyte (00-0-12.) • Bayombong (1. S. 15) (99-11-28, 5. C( (99-18-17.) Bebon ? (? Bacon), i Negros (99-7-19, 6 1.) % Benguet (1. S. 14) (00-1-17, 33 I.) Biac-na-bato com, ? pr Bulacan E (97-12-14, Sp.— Fil. Treaty) (99-12-13, 4. C) (00-6-7, 15) (01-1- .) 9 Bicol (Vicol) ri, fr 37 through Lake Bato (1. 8.) junction with ri Palantuan 36 NW, to b San Miguel (00-2-21, g. b, Paragua.) Bigoa (Biga'a) o 8,000, 27 NE3 mi (99-3-29, 30.) • Bikobian h, 8 E by N. Bilikan, i Leyte fr NW— Extreme NE, Bimmauya ? (? 18) (00-1-14, 36. 1.) O Binacayan com, 29 E by N 2 mi. % Binalbangan o 5,100, pr W— Negros S by "W 36 mi, 10°12, 9 Binalonan o 10,300, 16 E 27 mi. • Binan(g) o 19,800, 32 W 25 mi, on Laguna (00-1-2, 6, 7, 4., 11. C, 14., 46. I, 30. vol, A) (00-9-4, 14, 28. vol.) • Binangonan o 7,600, 30 SW 7 mi. Binkugan com, fr Higo W 2 mi, on b Davao, 125 °45, • Binmaley o 13,800, 16 E 3 mi. • Bintacan ri, f r Mt Moises, 8 E by N 30 mi, WSW to ri Catalan- gan, to 8 N, % Bislig 7.600, b, i Mindanao E, d Surigao, 80°13. Bittin ?, i Luzon (01-2-9, Hos, 49. vol.) Blockhouse No. 4, near Pasig (99-3-17, 10. Penn) (99-3-18, 22. 1.) Blockhouse No. 5, near La Loma (99-10-9, 25. I, 4. A.) #Boac 14,700, 39 E 46 mi, i Marinduk (00.7-31) (01-1-17, 27, 1. 1.) • Boayagan o, 1 Mindanao S, at inner angle b Sarangani. Boayan o, d Kota-batoo ESE 30 mi. • Bobon o 4,800, i Samar. Bobon ?, i Negros (99-7-19, 6. 1.) • Bocaue (Bocave) o 10,300, 27 E 4 mi (99-3-29.) Bogo 16,300, i Cebu, N by E 65 mi. • Bohol prs. i's Bohol and Dauis, 248,000, a 1617, cptl Tagbilaran 8.600, 40 more 0, 7 over 10,000, Tubigon 15,9000, Loon, Signipl, Siquijor (i), Maribojoc, Loboc, Calape (N.) • Bolinao, b, o 4,100. 16 NW 36 mi (13 islets) (99-4-30, Dewey.) Boljoon 7,400 (57 ? mi) i Cebu (mts, 00-5-20, 23. 1.) #Bombon (Laguna de Taal) lake, in which i, to 1,200 Taal, 33, • Bondoc Point, "N" S by W 60 mi. • Bongabon 2.100, 20 NE by N 26 mi. • Bongabon o 271, i Mindoro S by E 52 mi (00-2-28.) Bongao (Bangao) , Sooloo i's. Boot T Peninsula, i Luzon (00-12-8, 5. C, 21. 1.) 9 Borauen o 21,300 (26 ? mi) i Leyte, W of centre, 11°—. Borbon o 2,800. i Cebu N by E 51 mi. • Borongan o 9,400, i Samar, central E— coast. • Boso-Boso o 900, 30 N by W 8 mi. % Botolan o 4,600, 18 SE 4 mi (99-10-10) (99-18-9) (00-1-9, 25, 25., 37. 1) (00-2-28,) Buat i, com, pr Samar S 6 mi. • Buena Vista o 3,600 (i mi) Ilo-Ilo (99-10-10, 13. 1) (01-3-12, 2, 1.) • Bugason o 14,000, pr Antique N 24 mi, 10°3 (00-10-30, 44. vol.) • Buhi (L S) (00-6-11.) • Bukas i's, betw i's Mindanao (N) and Siargao. # Bulacan (i. S. 27) (00-1-25, 11. C) (01-2-26, pr Gov installed.) Bulacan Point, 1 Panay NW— Extreme (00-11-11.) # Bulak-Bulak com, i, Burias NW, 123°11. 9 Bulalakao Point, com 516, i Mindoro near SE— Extreme (70 mi.) 9 Bulaluan Point, W— Extreme of b Sarangani. # Bulan ("Moon") o 11,000, "R" SW 30 mi (00-1- , 43., 47, 1, Rait dolph L. B.) % Buluan Lake, Kotabatao SE by E 60 mi. Bulungan com, pr Antique NNW 57 mi, Bulukan ? com, i Panay ? (00-11-11, 47. vol.) # Bulusan o 5,300, 37 ESE 6 mi, "R" SE 5 mi. Bungam i, Tawi-Tawi group (99-9- , garrisoned.) ^Burgos com, Manila NE 16 mi. # Burias i, d 1,600, cptl San Pascual N, 13°2. # Buruanga o 4,000, pr Capiz W 66 mi, # Busainga o, i Burias NE near NW— Extreme, 123°—. Bustos 7,000 (2 mi) 27 (99-8-10, 13. 14, 3. I, Eng.) ©Busuanga i See Calamianes, South Side harbor 12°2, 120°13. # Butol (Vutol, Putol, Botol) com, 29 W 1 mi (00-1-7, 28. 1.) 9 Butuan b, ri, o 10,500 (55 ? mi) d Sarigao, 125°30 (year 1521 first landing of Magellan (00-5-14), ri Agusan (Butuan.) Butuan Lake f r o Butuan N by E 40 mi. Cacagan Nuevo o 6,200, and Cabagan Viejo o 3,600, 8 N 20 mi. Cabalian o 4,800, i Leyte SSE 72 mi. Cabanagan ? (? Cabangan) i Luzon (00-11-28, 16. I.) Cabanatuan (1. S) 99-6-10) (99-10-27, G. Young) (99-11-1, 5, 7, 22 I) (00-7-8, 22, 34, vol) (00-9-1, 23, 34. vol.) # Cabangan o 3,000, 18S by E 15 mi (00-6-15, 25. I.) (00-7-14, 15, 19., 25. 1) See also Cabanagan. Cabangcalan o 7,600 (54 ? mi) pr W— Negros. Catoaroon ? (99 12-17, 17. 1.) Cabatuan ("grottos") 6. Surigao SE 24 mi. Cabatuan o 18,200, pr Hollo NNW 13 mi (99-11-23) (00-7-19, native pol) (00-11-12, 26. vol.) # Cabayan o 844, 14 NE 12 mi (00-5-30, Gov. Corino cptd.) Cabayugan com, See Salassa (99-10-18, 3., 4. C.) # Cablao o 8,000, 20 SW 7 mi (00-3-17, 22. I) (00-5-30) )00-12-15. 23. 1.) # Cabicungan ri. 2 E 14 mi. Cable ?. (not far fr Manila) (99-2-11, 1. Mont ) # Cabugao O 8,300, 5 N by E 18 mi (00-3-5, 33. 1) (00-9-9, 3. C.) Cabugaoan d, cptl, betw 7, 6, 4 and Aparri, "B" "W. Cabug-Cabug ? (? Kabo-Kabo) (00-3-22, 18. 1.) Cabuntog o 4,200 (78 ? mi) d Surigao. 9 Cabusao com, ri Bicol, b San Miguel, 36 NW. # Cabuyao o 9,000, 29 SE 19 mi, 32 W 20 mi (00-1-1, 39. 1) (00-9-14.) # Cacayan ri, fr 10 N 15 mi to Chico Cagayan. Cadiz Nuevo o 7,000 (34 ? mi) pr "W— Negros. 9 Cagayan ri, fr "E" N to 8 and to Aparri. # Cagayan Lake, 1 SSW 35 mi, "A" SW. O Cagayan ri, i Mindanao central, fr vo Makaturing NE to b Makajalar, 124°45, See Cagayan cptl- O Cagayan cptl 9,000, d Misamis, W of angle of b Makayalar, on ri C, some ml inland (00-4-7, 26, 40. vol) (00-6,14, 40. vol.) (01-3- , Surr to 28. vol.) Cagayan islet, Sooloo Archipel. Cagayancillo o 3;000 (95 ? mi) pr Antique. Cagays ? ?, i Mindanao (00-4-7, 40. vol.) Cagidiocan o 3,600, pr Romblon. Cagsua o 20,400, 37 (2 mi.) Caibiran o 4,200 (260 ? mi) i Leyte. 10 Caigan ? (00-1-13, 22. 1) (?Caimaii Point, Luzon W— coast) (Cai- man "Crocodile.") # Cainta o 2,300, pr Morong, fr Pasig NE 2 mi (99-3-16.) # Calabanga o 5,700, 36 N by E 7 mi (00-2-20, 45. vol.) # Calaca o 8,300, 34 NW 21 mi (00-1-18, 20, 46. 1.) Calaclan Point, b Sabig, inner centre (99-9-23, Charleston Mon- terey, Concord, Zaflro, Baltimore.) Calamaniuga(n) (1. S. Aparri) 00-2-28, 16. 1) (00-3-1, 16. 1.) ©Calamba (?Calambang(a)) o 11,500, pr Laguna, fr Manila SE by E 32 mi, (99-7-26, 27,28, 30, 21. I) (99-10-3, 23) (99-12-24, 21. I) (00-1-1, 9, 37., 39. I) (00-3-24, 39. I) (arms.) (00-7- 19, 26, 27, Sig, 4. C, 1., 21 I, Wash, cascos, g. b.) (00-9-3, 39. I) (00-10.3, 19, 25, 21. I, 39. vol.) # Calamianes i's, pr 16 500, a 340, 12°—, 120°—, cptl Cuyo 8,300, 3 more 0, largest i Busuanga, N. # Calape o 10,000, pr, i Bohol N by E 20 mi, 9°52, 123°52. # Calisao o 13,800, 16 E by S 9 mi (00-6-14, 4, C, 34. 1.) # Calatagan o 1,000, 34 W by N 27 mi. Calauag o 2,800 (57 ? mi) 35. # Calauang o 3,100, 32 SW 15 mi. # Calbayoc 30,300. i Samar W, NW 27 ml (00-3-3) (00-3-26, 43. vol.) Calbayon-Mataginao ?, i Samar (00-11-24, 29. V(ri) )00-12-7, 29. vol.) Calbiga, See Calviga. # Calibijan ri (border pr's) "N" W 27 mi to Ragay. # Calibo (Calivo) o 10 ,800, pr Caplz W by N 25 mi (00-6-19, 6. 1) (01-1-27, 6. I.) Calinog o 8,900, pr Ilo-Ilo N by W 38 mi (00-12-14, 38. vol. # Calisay com, "N" NE 7 ml. Callagan, See Salassa. # Calolbon o 4,400, i Catanduanes, 13°35 on b SW. # Caloocan o 10,000, Manila N 4 mi (99-2-10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 1. Wash, Neb, 1. S. Dak, 20. Kans, I.Mont. 13. Minn. 2. Oreg, Sig, A, "Monadnock) (99-3-11, 15, 25, 3., 23. 1, 2. Oreg, 1. Mont, 20. Kans) (00-9- .) Caloompan ri, fr Lipa N, passing Rosario and Iba'an to 34. Calulet com, 13 E 6 mi, See San Fernando (1. S. 13.) # Calumpit o 14,900, 27 NW 12 mi (99-3-27. 20 Kans, 10. Penn) (99-4-4, 25, 27. Mont, A, C) (99-5-14, near C, N 3 mi, Utab A.) CaMga o 4,300, i Samar SE 10 ml (00-5-22.) Camalaniuga, See Calaminuga. # Camalig o 15,000, 37 "W 7 mi (00-2-23, 40. vol ) Camalig com, Manila N, Marilao N 1 mi, ri Atagtog to ri Marilao NNE, (99-3-27.) Caman com. See Salassa. # Camiguin i (namesake of i N of Luzon) near NW— coast i Mindanoa, d Misamis, o Catarman (Catasman) 4,900, NW— coast near Two-Peaks mt 4797, in year 1871 a new vo NNW, Mambajao N, o Maginoc SE, Sagay S. Camilig o 23,400, See San Miguel de Camiling, (00-3-20, 37,45., 47. 1) (00-10-26, 9. C) (00-11-24, 9. C.) Camiling ri, to ri Agno, fr mt "D" (99-12-27, 29) (00.10-30, 17. 1) (00-11-1.) Canagan com, 6 NE 9 mi. Canaren, See Kraan. Cancan ("stride") o 9,400'(31 ? mi) pr Boliol. Candaba o 14,600, 27 N by W 16 ml (00-5-26, 22. 1.) Candava (Candaba) lake, a morass 20, 27 (99-5-30, g. b. passes up- ward.) #CandelarIa o 8,900, 18 N 20 mi (00-8-4, 30. 1.) Candljay o 7,900 (54 ? mi) pr Bohol. 0Candon Point, fr o Candon NW 5 mi (1. S.) % Candon com, i Catanduanes W, 13''40. CangWling ? com, near islet Limay, fr Orion S 5 mi (00-11-1, 4. C.) Cantilan o 10,000 (37 ? mi) a Surigao. • Caoayan o 6,000, 5 S 3 mi. • Capalonga o 17,000, "N" WNW 30 ml. Capangan o 683, 14 NW 7 mi, • Capas 2,900, 19 S 11 mi (99-11-12, 13, 25, 9. I, 36, vol, C.) • Capiz (Kapis) pr 189,000, a 4543, 323 com, i Panay N and NW, cptl 13,700 (99-12-10, 18., 19., 26. I, 6 A, SCOUtS, f rom IlO-IlO overland, (00-3-10. Surr), 32 more o, 7 over 10.000, Panay 15,500, h Batan, Ibajay, Mambusao, Calibo, Macato, Pani- tan. Capul o 2.300, iSamar, See Kapal. Caraga o 4,000, d Davao. • Caraga o 8,700, d Mati NNE 35 mi, on Pacific. • Caramon com, i Catanduanes "W. 13°53. • Car-Car o 30,300 (23 ? mi) i Cebu, central. • Cardona o 2,600, 30 SSW 3 mi. Carig o 2,400, 8 S by W 39 mi (00-9-14, 16. 1.) Carigara o 13,700, 1 Leyte W by N 20 mi. Carles o 10,300, d Concepcion, i Panay NE. Carlota (La) o 13,400 (29 ? mi) pr W— Negros (99-6-15, 1. Calif.) % Carmen (Cannon) o 3,300, 35 ? mi) i Bohol (10-10-3, 44. vol.) Carmen ? i Luzon (? pr Cavite) (00-8-31, 44. vol.) Carmona o 4,000, 29 SE 23 mi (00-1-4, 39. 1) (00-9-2, gig.) Carranglan o 937,20 N by E45 mi (99-11-10, 28, Surr to 4. C) (00-1-14, 41. 1.) Cariguran b, 17 NE 26 mi, deep, 17 mi long, 3 mi wide, o 1,500, in- land fr inner angle of b (?) (maps lately found incorrect.) • Casiguran o 8,700, 37 SE 24 mi, "R" NW 7 mi, close to it W is Juban 6,000 (See also Banquiruhan.) Castellano com, 20 NE 1 mi. Castellanos ?, i Negros (99-9-23, surr to 6. I) (99-10-2, election.) Castelliana (La) ? i Negros (99-8-6, 6. 1.) • Castillejos o 3,400, 21 N by "W 7 mi (00-9-25, 25. 1.) Catabangas ? (? Catalongan) (00-5-10, 45. 1.) Catadman (Catarman) o 10,500, 1 Samar NNW 53 ml (00-4-30, 43. vol.) Catalongan ri, ft mts 8 SE to 8 N. • Catanduanes i, 38 N, 14°— (00-1-17, 43., 47. 1.) # Catarman (Catasman) o 4,900, 1 Camiguln, d Misamis N by W 50 mi, See Two-Peaks (00-5-1, 10.) • Caibalogan cptl 6,500, i Samar W, 12°— (00-1-27, 43. 1) (00-8-12, 13, 29. vol) (00-10-27, 29. vol) (01-2-23.) • Cateel (Katel) o 3,500, p Mati, NNE 115 mi, 7°47. • Catman, 6,100, 1 Cebu E, 10°45. # Catubig 9,600, i Samar NNE 42 mi (00-4-15, 16, 17) (00-4-5, 8, 43, 1) (00-9-15, 29. vol.) Cauayan o 4,600, pr W— Negros, W— coast, SSW 55 mi. Cauayan o 3,100, 8 S by E 15 mi. Cauit (Kauit) b, Point, i Mindanao, 7°33, 133°5 (another Point Cauit marked in same map NE— Extreme, 9°20.) # Cavinti o 5,500, 32 E by S 9 mi (00-2-28) (00-3-3, 37. 1) (00-&4.) Cavitan o 1,200, pr Antique (30 ? mi) (00-1-28, 19. 1.) #Caviteli (1. S) (98-6-1, Olympia, Baltimore, Raleigh, Petrel, Concord. Boston, McCulloch ) # Cavite Viejo (1. S. 29) (99-10-8, 13., 14. 1, 4., 6. C) (01-1-3, 4, 4. I, mar, navy.) # Cayan o 650, 11 NE 4 mi. Cebang ?, i Leyte (00-3-29, 43. vol.) #Cebu 1, Ipr and 1 d, 504,000 (? 700,000), a 2,400 ( ? 2,092), cptl 85,200, E, central (99-2-22, surr) (99-8-25, S3. I) (99-9-18, 22, 23, 6., a3. I) (99-11-26, 36. vol) (00-1-8, 19. 1) (00-9-2) (00-11-3,6. A) 53 # more o, 22 more over 10,000, Argao 34,000, Car-Car, h Sib- onga, Dalaguete, Carill, Talisay, San Nicolas, Bogo, Man- daue, Danao, Dumanjug, Malabuyoc, San Fernando, Gina- tilan, Opon, Alegria, Naga, Toledo, Tubuan, El Pardo, Sam- boan, Bantayan.) # Cbico Cagayan ri, largest tributary fr Wtori Cagayan, 10 NNE. # Chico Pampanga ri, f r Lake Canasen, is the main stream f r W to form "Rio Grande de la Pampanga" at Arayat with ri Gapan fr N (tug "Oceania," 99-10-22, 23.) # Claveria o 4,600, 2 E 15 mi, near mouth of and E of ri Cabi- cungan. Cobo ? (? Kabo-Kabo) (00-11-24, 47. vol.) Colangan (1. S) (Calangan) mt. # Colasi b, com, "N" ESE 22 mi (00-3-31, 19. I.) Colo?? (99-7-29,23.1.) Coloranto b, "H" S by W 25 mi. Comanzi?? (00-1-6,25. 1.) Compostela o 4,400, i Cebu. # Concepcion d, I Panay NE 19,300, a 683, (administr. pr Cebu.) cptl 6,700, f r cptl Ilo-Ilo 104 mi, 3 more 0, 1 over 10,000, Carles 10,300, (01-3- , surr to 26. 1.) Concepcion o 13,600, 19 S by E 12 ml (99-11-10, 17. 1.) Consolacion o 4,600, (7 ml) i Cebu (00-2-6, 19. 1.) # Corcuera o 2,000 (4 mi) pr Romblon. Cordoba o 5,000. i Cebu. Corella o 4,230, pr Bohol. Corona mt ?, i Luzon (00-7-22, 34: vol.) Coronado Point, i Mindanao NW, fr Gorda Head W 6 ml. 15 • Corregidor (Mariveles) i (1. S) pr 569, a 16, cptl San Jose, 514, channel N width 2 mi, channel 8 7 ml, to Cavite (28) 34 ml (30naut. mi.) Cortes en Bohol o 6,000, pr Bohol, NNE (?) 40 ml. Cosucos ? See Cucucos. Cotabatoo, See under K. Cresta mt, 1 S 8 ml, 17°21. Cristlna ?, 1 Panay (00-8-9, 19. 1.) • Cuadrado mt, 18 SE 33 ml. Cuartero (Guartero) o 5,200, pr Capiz (00-10-29, 18. 1.) Cubagoan d, cptl, betw 4, 6, 7 and Apayos, near "B." Cucucos ? (? Cnblao, 20 (3 ml) (99-10-18) (00-10-25, 33. vol.) • Cuenca o 6,700. 34 N by W 12 ml (00-3-16.) Cuingayan com, Manila NE 14 mi. • Culasi 10.600, pr Antique N 52 mi. Cuyapo 9,350, 20 NW by N 36 mi (? 00-5-87.) Cuyo cptl 8,300, 1 Paragua, Calamianes i's. Da' an Bantayan o 8,500 (103 1 mi) 1 Cebu. • Daet (1. 8( (00-5-29) (00-6-3, 45. I.) #iDagami o 25,000 (20 ? mi) i Leyte, centre, 10°58 (00-3-11, 43 VOL) • Dagupan ri, 14S by W (99-11-19, 20, 26, G. Wbeaton, 13. 1.; • Dalaguete o 21,300, i Cebu SSW 49 mi, 9°46. Damageo Bridge ?, 1 Luzon (00-7-3, 30, 1.) 9 Danao o 15,500 (4 mi) i Cebu E, 10°33, mt 2600 N 26 mi. • Dao 8,000, pr Antique 8 25 mi, 10°31. • Dao o 8.800, pr Capiz S 17 mi. Dapa 1,900, d Surigao, Dap-Dap com, i Samar W, NW 10 mi. • Dap-Dap o 2,600, i Samar E, NE 35 mi. Dap-Dap Point, 1 Cebu E, NNE 12 mi. 16 Dapltan d, 1 Mindanao NW on Visaya Sea, 12,600, a 4, cptl 4,000, at inner angle of b, 3 more o, Dipolo 4,600, Haya 1,100, Lu- bungan 5,200 (Perin ?). # Dapuan (Dapaun) o 500, d Mati E, 7°35. Dapuan o 400, d Surigao. Das Marinas, See Perez das M. Dasol o 2,400, 18 N 45 mi (00-1-23, 34. I) (00-3-6, 36. vol.) # Dauin 8,000, pr E— Negros S 8 ml, 9 "9. Dauis i, o 9,000, pr Bohol, S 1 mi. Dauit Point, i Mindanao, 8°29, 123°—. # Davao (Vergara) b, on Pacific, i Mindanao SE, d, cptl 8,000 at head of b, E of vo Apo, 5 more o, Luzon 7,500, Bago 7.000, Caraga 4,000, Baganga 2,700, Quinablagan 500. Delcamen 1 (? Carmen) (99-12-1, 35. 1,) Dewey-Camp near Tambo. suburb N of Paranaque, pr Manila S 6 ml (99-12-1.) Dlkalungau mt, in ridge parallel to rl Mindanao, fr b Illana 8E. # Dikanilarin b, 17 SSE 10 mi. Dilasac b, 15 SE. Dilao 4,600 (3 mi) Manila. # Dilulap ri, fr NE— mts of Luzon and S of ri Catalangan. Dimalansan b. h, 8 E by N. # Dimiao o 8,000 (23 ? mi) pr Bobol SE. Dinagalan b, 17 S by N, "E" SE. # Dinagat 1, o 5'300, d Surigao NNE 14 mi. Diualupijan com 738, 25 N by W 14 mi (bridge to Liana Hermosa 00-1-3, 32. I) (00-2-2, 6.) Dingle o 11,000, pr Ilo-Ilo, N by E 19 mi (00-9-14, 18. 1) (00-12-17, 38. vol.) # Dingras o 12,600, 4 ESE 8 mi (99-12-10, 34. I) (01-2-15, 34. C ?). Dipolo o 4,600, d Dapltan, 8W 9 mi. Disubungan b, 7 E by S, 8 E by N. # Dolores O 3,000, 6 ENE 8 mi (99-8-12, occupied.) Doniglay ? ?, i Luzon (00-1-S4. 33. 1.) # Donsol 5,500, 37 SW 19 mi (00-1- , Kobbe) (00-2-21, 47. vol) (00-12-7.) Duenas o 7,100 (28 ? ml) pr Ilo-Ilo. Duero o 7,100 (42 ? ml) pr Bohol (00-13-15, 16., Sig.) # Dulag (Dulug) 10,100, i Leyte E, 8 20 mi, 10°57. Dumaguete cpti 13,600, pr E— Negros SE near S— Extreme of I Cebu (01-1-27, 6. I.) # Dumalag o 8,0o0, pr Caplz S by W 35 mi. Dumali Point, i Mindoro E— Extreme, 39 SE. # Dumangas o 14,100, pr Ilo-Ilo NE 12 mi, 10°51, (00-6-4, 7, 14. 18. 27, 18. I, 26. vol) (00-8.28, 26. vol) (00-9-1.) Dunalufitian ? mt (00-6- .) Dumanyug o 13,200, 1 Cebu W— coast. SW 35 mi. # Dumarao o 5,100, Br Capiz S by E 10 mi. Eastern-Negros pr 94,809, cptl Dumaguete SE (E— Extreme of Southern Negros) 9°17, 17 more o, 1 over 10,000, Tanjay (19 ? mi) near vo Bacon. # Echague o 5,700, 8 S by E 23 mi, on W-bank ri Cagayan (00-6-9, 18. I.) Egana o 2,000 (13 ? mi) pr Antique (00-1-17. G. Hughes.) El Pardo o 10,600, i Cebu (99-6-26, occupied) (Guadalupe, 99-8-83, 25, 28, 33. I.) # Engano c, islet at NE— Extreme i Luzon (99-6-21, transp. Cen- tennial.) # Enrile o 7,000, 7 SW 8 mi. # Ermite o 4,700, Manila near Southern city-gate. # Escalante o 3,000, W— Negros NE (85 ? mi) (99-5-27, Sig, boat) (in some map it is in E— Negros, N by E 104 mi, 10°50, 123°34.) Esperanza ? com, i Luzon (01-3-17, 15. I, 7. A.) # Fabonga o 1,600, d Surigao on lake's SW— Extreme, SSE 25 mi. Fiesta ?, i Cebu, nerer San Lucia (01-1-29.) Flecha (Banganian) Point, i Mindanao S, on b Illana W. # Florida-Blanca o 7,700, 32 W 7 mi (99-10-27, 30, 36. vol) (99-11-2) (00-1-17) (00-6-23, 32. vol.) Frorista ?. i Luzon (00-11-24, II. C.) Fuedos i. 1 Cebu S, fr S— Negros E, Fuga i, W of i Camiguin N of Luzon, fr Pamplona N. # Gabo Port, i Dinigat, S— Extreme,-9°53. 125''43. # Galiano o 1,300, 14 W by S 8 mi. Galisao (? Calasiao) (00-6-14,) # Gamn o 6,100. 8 SSE 9 mi. Gandara o 15,600 (10 ? mi) i Samar. # Gapan rl, See Pampanga, o 20,000, 20 E 4 mi[ (00-6-27) (00-9-4, 4. C) (01-1-12, 18, 22. I, 4. C.) Garcia Hernandez, o 5,000 (34 ? mi) pr Bohol 8, 124''17. # Gattaran o 800, 7 N by W 32 mi, Aparri S 23 mi. Gazan o 4,800, i Marinduk SW— coast. # Gerona o 9,300, 19 N 8 mi (99-11-16, G. MacArthur) (00-4-6.) Getafe o 3,400 (65 ? mi) pr Bohol. Gigaquit o 7,100, d Surigao. Qinatilan o 12,100, i Cebu Southern W— Coast. Ginigaran ?, i Samar (99-12-8.) # Glan-Masila ("Great-Glan") (Kanalasan) h, com, ri in b Sar- angani S, E of Sumban Point at entrance of b S., i Min- danao S. Glandulman, See Guindulman. # Goa o 7,700, "O" E by N 8 mi. Gorda Head c, i Mindanao WNW— Extreme, f r W— Extreme 5 ml Point Coronado, 122°—. Gtorda Point, i Cebu "W, 10°15 (an other on b Ilakajalar 8°30.) Granada o 2,900 (8 f mi) pr W— Negros. Grion ? ?, i Luzon (00-4-18, 35. vol.) Guadalupe com, Manila E 6 mi (99-2-19, Calif, Idaho) (99-3-1. 14, 22, g. b. Laguna d. B, 1. Wash, 2. Oreg, 20., 22. I, 4. C, 6. A.) Guadalupe com, d Surigao S by E 80 mi. Guadalupe ? com, i Cebu (00-10-21, 19. 1.) Gua-Gua o 10,700, 22 SSW 3 ml (99-9-3,9, g. b. Laguna d. B, 9. 1) . 9. 1.) Guam i, about 2000 mi K of Manila (Taifun, 00-11-16.) # Gubat 13,400, 37 ESE 33 mi, on Pacific (00-3-13, incend) (01-3-12, Surr. to47. vol-) Qnlguinto o 5,100, 27 NE 2 mi (99-3-30) (99-4-11) (99-10-8. 18, 16. 1) (00-9-16, 3. 1.) # Guljulungan o 7,000, pr E— Negros N 50 mi, lO'S. Guimaras i, Straits, W of i Negros, opp Ilo-Ilo, a about 200. # Guimbal o 11,000, pr Ilo-Ilo SW 18 mi. Guinan o 11,300 (90 ? mi) 1 Samar SE— Extreme. Guinapak Rock, under water NE fr i Camiguin N of Luzon (99-11-2, Charleston.) Guindulman (Glandulman) o 8,100, pr Bohol NE 40 mi. % Guinobatan o 20,500, 37 W by N 8 mi (00-3-14, 47. 1) (00-8-30, 11. C) (00-10-7, 11. C) (00-12-17, 19, 27, 9. C) (01-0-31, 9. C) (01-2-16, 9. C.) Guisljan o 6,200, pr Antique N 26 mi. # Gumaca o 7,600, 35 E 25 mi. Hagoney o 20.000, 27 W by N 10 mi (10-2-13, 3. I, ammtml. fr Swamps.) Hassa'an (Hlassan) See lasa'an Haya o 1,100, d Dapltan. Hermosa (Liana Hermosa) o 2,600, 25 N 11 ml (00-7-14, 38. TOl.) # Higo li on b Davao W— angle, 126 °48, Hilang (Hang) ("disappeared") (00-2-7, 11. C.) # Hilongos (Ilongos) o 13,800 (66 ? mi) 1 Leyte, Southern W— coast, 10°22, ia4°43, (00-3-13, 43. I) (00-5-6, 23. I) (00-6-34) (00-8-18, 44. vol) (00-11-22, 44. vol.) Hindang o 5,300 (9 ? mi) i Leyte. Hinundangan o 7,900 (62 ? mi) i Leyte. Hinundayan o 3,900, i Leyte SE by S 67 mi. Humingan com, near San Quintins, 20 N by W 43 mi (99-11-10, G. Lawton.) # Jabonga, See Fabonga. # Jaen o 4,700, 20 NNE 1 mi (00-10-20, 24. I.) # Jagna o 1,200, i Bohol E, NE 25 mi. Jaguaya o 2.500, (31 ? ml) pr Capiz. # Jala- Jala o 1,700, 30 S by E 14 mi. Jolar ri, cptl Ilo-Ilo, Jaligui (Jaliki) ri, com, i Cebu W, N by W 40 ml, ]0°55. Jamindan o 5,000 (6 ? mi) pr Capiz. Janinay o 28,000 (3 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo (Pototan, 00-6-8- ) Jaro o 9,500, pr Ilo-Ilo (99-2-12 22, 18. 1, 6. A) (99-11-18. 21, 18.. =96. 1, 6, vol) (Santa Barbara, 00-10-2.) Jaro O 12,500, i Leyte W 18 mi (00-3-16, 43. vol) (00-8-26, 27, 43., 44, 1.) # I'asa'an o 9,400, d Misamis MNE 22 mi. # Iba com, 22 N 18 mi (99-12- , 25. 1) (00-1-3, 6, 25. 1, 3. C.) # Iba'an o 8,900, 34 ENE 6 mi. # Ibajay o 11,400, pr Capiz WNW 62 mi. Ibisan o 5,000 (6 ? mi) pr Capiz. Igbaras o 12,100 (24 f mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. Igcabucao (Igcabucoa) ?, i Panay (00-13-17, 20. vol.) Ignacio ?, 1 Luzon (00-12-18, 49. vol.) 21 • Iguig 4,000, 7 N 9 mi. Jiatong 3,600, i Samar. Jlmalaud o 5,600 (59 ? ml) pr E— Negros. O JImaylan o 6,800, pr W— Negros S by W 44 ml. Jimenez o 8,700 (75 ? mi) d Mlsamis (00-12.1, 40. vol) (01-1-21, 11, 28. Hos. C, 40. vol.) Jimeno o 3,300 (26 ? mi) pr Capiz. Jinagaran o 13,600 (28 ? mi) pr W— Negroes. Ilaga ?, i Panay (See Pavia) (99-11-21, 18.1.) • Ilagan (1. S. 8) (00-12.31.) Ildefonso ? (near 20, just N of Maasin) (99-5-13, 14) (99-11-24. 3, 1.) ^ Iligan b, o 6,000, i Mindanao N, at inner angle of b, 124°—, d Misamis WSW 65 mi (00-3-2. 24, 16. 1.) % Illana b, i Mindanao S, fr i Basilan NE. Hog 6,100, pr W— Negros SSW 52.mi, • Ilo-Ilo pr 473,000, 1 Panay SE, cptl 10,400 (on ri Jalar) 10°33, (98-12-28, exped. arrived) (99-2-8, 11, 12. 15., 18. incend, at Molo, smburb) (99-3.1, 9, 18. 1, 6. A):(99-9-15, 1. Tenn) (99-11-14. 21, 18., 19., 26. I, 6. A) (00-2-12. 23, 18. 1, 26. vol) (01-1-11) 41 more o, 17 mare over 10,000, Janinay 28,700, Miagas, Cabatuan, Pototan, Dumangas, Leon, San Joaquin, Passi, Oton, Santa- Barbara, Igbaras, Alimodian, Barotoc-Nuevo, Dingle, Guimbal, Sara, Pavia, (at Ilo-Ilo cptl, 00-4-14 cable broken by Eartliquake))01-l-ll, Delgado Surr to G. Hugbes.) Ilongos, See Hilongos. Imus (1. S) (99-6-19, G. Wheaton) (99-7-1, election) (99-9-6. 29, 4. I^ 5. A) (99-10-3- 5, 6. 11. 13, 4.. 14. I) (99-11-20, 24, 25. 28, CO. L ?', 5. A) (00-1-4. 7. 8, 4., 28., 30. I. 6. A) (00-9-24, 26) Inabanga o 10,000 (41 ? mi) pr Bobol. Inautan o, i Samar "W, S 18 mi, 11°38. • Indan o 5,800, "N" NE by E 12 mi (00-1-7) (00^-30.) • Indang o 1,500, 29 S 22 mi (00-1-6, 4., 11. C, 30., 46. 1, A) (01-3-12, 2.1.) LofC. Inopacan o 4,200 (92 ? mi) i Leyte. Jolo (Sooloo) Sultanship, some 160 i's, principal i : Jolo (Sooloo) 17,000, (500 Aborigins, 600 Chinese, 16,000 Mohammedan Ma- lays) (99-5-19, 23. 1, garrison) Iriga (1. S) (00-3-10, Incend.) # Irirum (Yrlrum) o 143, i Mindanao W, S by W 60 mi. % Issbela de Basilan cptl d i Basilan NNW, i Mindanao SW— Ex- treme. Isabela o 11,000, pr W— Negros. Isabela pr (1. S. 8) (01-3-23, Aguinaldo cpt'd by G. Funston.) Isiu o 1,600, 37 SE 24 mi (closely W of o Casiguran.) ITO ? (? 19) (99-12-19, 25. I.) Kab-Kabo (See also Cobo) com, i Samar W, 10°22, fr W— coast E 21 mi, fr N— coast 11 mi. Kalaklan Point, b Subig (99-9-23, bombarded, Charleston, Mon- terey, Concord, Zafiro, Baltimore.) Kalo Point, E—Negros, 9°29. Kamainsi (? Comansi) Point, in head of b Pujada. Kanalasan, See Glan-Masilan. Kanaren, See Kraan. 9 Katadman o 8,200, i Samar NW, opp i Bobon, N fr Kabo-Kabo, NNW 40 mL Kataingan Port, i Masbate S, 12°—, 124°—. Kinatilan, See under G. Kiplt (Galena Point) 1 Mindanao NW, W of b and ri Kipit, W of b Sindangan, E of Point Gorda. 9 Kota-Batoo ("stone buildings") d 3,000, i Mindanao on Celebes Sea, and on b Illana E (formerly residence of Gov.-Gen'l) cptl 295, fr h Palak (Pollok) S 5 (? 10) mi, on northern branch of ri Mindanao, one more o, Tamantaco 1,900 (3 mi) (ta- bacco, cacao, sugar, maize, cotton) (00-1-3, 31. 1.) # Kraan (Kanaren, Canaren) ri, com (coal) 1 Mindanao, fr Point Polo E 5 mi, 6°6, 124°22. # Labo (Loboo) o 4,200, "N" NE 9 mi (00-5-18, 28.) Laboagan ? com, pr Alba E (00-5-7) Labuan ("harbor") ?, i Negros (99-10-1, 6. 1.) Lacup com, 5 ENE 36 ml. Lacy o 6,400 (25 ? mi) pr Bobol. Lagat ? com, 7 "W ? SW (? Magat) (00-5-19.) Lagatan com, 34 NE by E 22 ml. Lagayan com, 5 NE by E 22 mi. Laglag com, pr Ilo-Ilo N 25 mi. Lagonoy b, 36 E, cptl d 8,500, pr Camarines. La Granja o 3,400 (25 ? mi) i Samar (99-12-7, 6. 1.) Laguan b, i, i Samar NW, near Port Palapa(g) (00-10-12, 4. A.) #Laguna, La (de Bay) ("lake" of Bay) (1. S. 32) (99-4-9... 17) (00-1-20. 23, 4 engagements.) # Lalloc (La-Lo) o 6,500. Aparri S 13 mi, # Lambunao o 8,000 (21 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo NNW (99-11- , G. Hughes) (00-5-31) (00-7-11, 26. 1.) Lambusan o, i Cebu "W, N 48 mi, 11 °1. Lampag ? ? (00-4 26, 44. vol.) % Lanang o 4,800, i Samar E, ESE 42 mi, 11°30. Langarang o 11,800 (138 ? mi) d Mlsamis. Lantag (? Lampag, Lagat) com, 5 NE 10 ml. Laoag (I. S. 4) (99-12-10, Navy.) Laoang o 8.000, i Samar. La Paz ?, pr Leyte ? (? pr Ilo-Ilo) (00-3-5, 43. I) (00-4-26, 23. I) (00-11-12, 12. 1.) La Paz 2,800, pr Tarlac SE 9 mi (99-3-2, Tenn. 6. A,) La Paz 3,600, pr Ilo-Ilo, suburb. Lapo o 6,000, 6 NNE 13 mi (00-7-8, 35. vol.) Las Pinas o 4,000, Manila S 8 mi (99-6-10) (99-7-1, election) (99-7-ir, 21. I, (00-9-24, 26.) Lebac h, ri, i Mindanao S— Coast, 6°32. # Legaspi h, 6,000, 37 NE 2mi (99-12-4) (00-1-21, Nashville) (00-2-26) (00-3-9,10, 11., 47. vol) (00-4-18, 47. vol) (00-7-1, 2, 4., 6., 47. vol) (00-10-20, U. C.) Legaspi mt 3889, i Mindanao, in range near NE— Extreme parallel to E— coast, opp i's Bukas. # Lemery o 2,900, on right hank ri Pansipil. conn, hy bridge to o Taal, 34 N 15 mi (00-1-18, 19, 20 , 38., 46. 1) (00-6-4.) Lemery o 3,700 (30 ? mi) pr Concepclon, i Panay NE. Leno, See Linao. Leon 14,000 (16 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo (99-11-20, 26. vol) (00-6-20, 26. vol.) Lepanto com, pr Lepanto, 11 NW 8 mi. Leyte 1. pr 270,000, a 3,800, cptl Tacloban 5,200, NE, 43 more o, 11 over 10,000, Dagami 25,000 central, Borauen, Tanau'an, Maasin, Polo, Baybay, Hilongos, Carigara, Jaro, Baroo, Du- lag. Leyte o 6,700, Leyte N, WNW 35 ml. Lezo o 5,500, pr Capiz. Liago ? ? (00-4-11, 47. vol.) # Liangao o 6,300, d Surigao E, SSE 65 mi. on b, 8°25. Lihacao o 4,000, pr Capiz W by S 25 mi. Libas (San Julian) o 3,600, i Samar E 35 ml. Libmanan o 14,500 (1. S) (00-2-20, 40. vol) (00-5-21, 45. 1, ll.C .) # Ligao 17,400, "P" SW 5 mi (00-6-34, 47. vol.) # Liganasan (Biguasin) lake through which ri Mindanao flows, 40 mi to ri mouth. Lila 4,500 (18 ? mi) pr Boeol. # Lilio 5,000, 32 S 9 mi, "H" NNW 9 mi (00-1-32, G. Schwan,) Liloan o 4,000, pr Leyte, N— Extreme of islet Panaon, S by E 80 mi. Liloan o 8,400, 1 Cebu NNE 11 mi. Linibones islet, NW— Extreme pr Cavite (in the cove, (00-13-19, 4. C, boat-crew.) • Linao (Leno) b, com, fr i Basilan E, 6°44 (00-3-2. 16. 1.) Linao com, near Aparri, i Luzon N (00-3-31, 49. vol.) Linas o, i Samar E, 11°52. Liuay com, "F" NE 5 mi. on Manila b. Lingayen (1. S. 16) (99-8-2, Saturnus, "Pampanga") (99-11-7, 13. I, 33. vol, 6. A, Sig, Navy) (99-11-9. G. Wheaton's exp. ar- rives.) • Lipa (1. S) (00-1-13, 14, 15.; 38, 39. I, 30. VOl) (00-5-32, 11. C) (00-7-21,33.1.) % Loay 7 200, pr Bohol E 11 mi. Loboc o 10,000, pr Bohol E by N 12 mi. Loctugan o 3,500 (5 ? mi) pr Capiz. Loculan o 2,100 (80 ? mi) d Misamis (00-5-14, 40. vol) (00-7- , 4. 1.) • Longos 1,400, 32 NE 5 mi (99-4-11, taken) (00-12-31, 15. 1.) • Loo O 724, 14 NE by N 18 mi. • Looc b, com 1,200. i Lubang E, 13°44, 120''17. O liOOg Port, See Tablas, pr Romblon, 12°16, 12r57. • Loon o 15,400 (17 ? mi) pr Bohol "W. Lopez 6,400, 35 E 30 mi. 9 Lubang i, o 6,500, pr Mindoro WNW 74 mi. • Lubuao 21,100, 22 S 4 mi (00-1-5, 28. I,( Lubnngan o 5,200, d Dapitan SW 10 mi. • Lucban o 12,800, 35 NW 8 mi. Lucena o 6,500 (7 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. Luhoa ? (near 20) (99-10-29, 38. I, 3. A, Hos. • Luisiana 3,800, 33 SE 13 mi. Luk Port, i Tablas W, see Loog Port. 26 Lukakate com, See Salassa. Lumbang o 4,300, 32 NNE 1 mi. Lnmbara (Lumubara, See Lubuas ?) (00-1-7.) # Lunisijan o 3,000 (25 ? ml) pr Antique. Lupao o 608, 20 (See Luliao) (99-11-12, 22. 1, 3. C, Macabeles.) Luzon 1 N (expedition in mts, 99-12-12, 3. C.) Luzon o 7.500 (45 ? mi) d Davao (00-15-18, 45. vol) (99-5-4, Oreg, Dak, 3. 1, Utah A.) Maasin ? (near 20) i Luzon (99-11-24, 3. 1) (00-10-30.) % Maasin (Masin) o 18,500, i Leyte S 80 mi, 124°50 (00-10-30, 35. vol.) # Maasin o 9,700. pr Ily-Ilo NW 10 mi. # Mabalakat (Makalabat) o 10,600 22 N 15 mi (99-11-7. 10. 28, 7. I. 4, C, scouts) (00-1-17, 18, 19., 3., 17. I, C) (00-2 2) (00-3-31, 9. I) (in mts W, 00-6-29) # Macabebe o 10,400, 22 SE 7 mi. Macato o 10,100, pr Capiz W by N 34 mi (00-2-24, 6. 1.) MacCrobon o 5,800, i Leyte (Mac S 60 ml at angle of b) (MacCaba- han.) 9 Mactan (Magtan( 1 by cptl Cebu, i Cebu E (Magellan -f by ar- row, 1521.) Madalag o 2,700, pr Capiz W 23 ml (00-1-30) Madrigal com, 1 Negros "W, S by W 20 mi (99-12-15, 6. 1, native po- lice.) # Magalang o 8,300, 22 N by E 7 mi (99-11-6. 10, 31. vol, 17. 1, 1. A, Eng, Sig,) # Magalannes o 1,200, 29 SW by S 35 mi. Magaldan ? (16 NE) (99-11-10, 33. vol.) Magallanes o 1,100, pr Romblon NW— coast. # Magallanes o 2,400, 37 S by E 24 mi. # Magamanor com, i Catanduanes on the northern b central W, 14°. Magangan o 300, 14 ENE 10 mi. # Magarao o 5,700, 36 N 4 mi. # Magat ri, "E," 15, 8 S, to ri Cagayan (junction 8 SE 10 mi, 99-12-7, 24. I.) Magdalena o 2,400, 32 S 7 mi (00-2-7. 2 8, 37. 1, 4. C) (00-3-14, 37. 1) (00-7-18.) # Magsingal o 8,400, 5 N by E 9 mi. Maguindanao ? lake in centre of 1 Mindanao. # Maguinoc o 4,700, i Camlguin SE, d Misamis N 48 mi. # Majayjay (Banajao) mt, "H" 6097, o 6,500, N 10 mi (00-1-23, 37., 39.1) (00-8-1.) Mainbun new cptl i Jolo, S— coast, S. # Malnit o 4,500, d Surigao SE 17 mi, on NE— Extreme of lake. # Makajalar b. 1 Mindanao NW, d Misamis, 8°30, 124''30. # Makalelon o 3,000, "N" WSW 45 mi. Makalon o 6,100, 1 Leyte W, S by W 72 mi. ©Makaturin vo in range Soogoot (Bangaya), latest eraptioa 1872, fr Kota-Batoo E or NE 25 mi. Malabagum ?, 1 Luzon (00-6-22, 11. C.) Malabog ? ? (00-4-20, 3. C.) Malabon com, Manila N 4 mi, on b (99-2-9. 11. 34. 27, Callao, Monad- nock) (99-3-1, 4. 9. Neb, g. b. Bennington.) Malabrigo Point, 34 ESE 17 mi. Malabuyoc o 13,100. 1 Cebu SSW 55 mi, 123°58. # Malalag h, 1 Mindanao on western inlet in b Davao. # Malanao Lake, i Mindanao N, fr b Iligan SE 25 ml. % Malanday com, fr Mariquina N 1 mi. # Malaslqui o 8,900, 16 SE 16 mi. Malaspina vo 8200, i Negros NE, f r Bacolod SE 23 mi. # Malate o 2,300, Manila S 2 mj (99-7-30, 31) (98-8-13.) #Malaueg o 3,800, 7 WNW 33 mi, on ri Saltan. Malaya o 700 (8 ? mi) 11. Malayoo ('"Malay") Point, i SatnarW 12°13. # Malibay o 2,909, Manila S 5 mi. Maligay b, i Mindanao, betw Flerha Point and b Dumankilas, 7°30. iss'ie. Malilipot o 6,000, 37 N by E 12 mi, 123°14 Malinao o 10,000, 37 N 18 mi. Malindy mt ?, i Panay N (00-9-19, 44. vol.) Malinta com, 1 mi N of Tinajeros, N of Manila 5 mi (99-3-26, 22. 1.) Malitbog 7,900, i Leyte S 80 mi, on b (00-3-29, 43. vol.) # Malolos (1. S) (00-1- , 3. I) (99-.3-31, taken) (99-4-10) (00-1- , 3. 1) (00-7-4, 3..I) (00-9-20, 3. I) )00-ll-24, 3., 30. I.) Maluguinao, See Matuguinao. Malumu ?, i Luzon (00-6-3,16. I.) # Mambayao o 18,000, i Camignin N (53? mi) d Misamis. # Mambulao ("place of gold") b 1,200 (read lead) "N" NNW17 mi, on b. Mambusao o 11,000, pr Capiz SW 13 mi (00-10-10, 18. 1.) Manada'an ?, i Panay (00-7-11, 26. vol.) Mananan ?, pr Batangas (00-7-21, 34. vol.) Manavag o 17,5000 (19 ? mi) 16. Mandaue o 15,3000, i CebuE, NE 3 mi. Manduriao o 6,700 (4 mi) pr Ilo-Ilo (99-2-25.) # Mangatarem o 10,000, 16 S by E 17 mi (99-11-24. 29, 23. 33., 36. 1) (00-1-20, 36. I.) Mangonone ? com, near Bacoor, pr Cavite (00-9-15.) Manguirin o 1,300, 36 S by E 9 mi (00-6-24 ) Manicblng f (Maniling ?) com, i Luzon (00-9-13, 14. 24. 1, 34. vol.) • Manila b, diameter about 30 mi, entrance 11 mi, cptl (1. S) fr Manila S : Ermita, Malate, Pineda, Pasai, Malibay, Tombo, Paranaque, Las Pinas (8 mi), Pamplona 8SW 11 mi, fr Las Pinas SW : Talaba on ri Zapote (10 mi), then S : Ambang, Mamba, Ligas, San Nicolas, then W : Baltoo, Palico, Imus (fr Manila 16 mi), fr Manila N : Caloocan (4 mi), Balintauac, Talisapa, Bagbag, San Bartolome, Novaliches (10 ml), side- ward : Gaya-Gaya), San Jose, Surupatay ("the title of a high ofiflcial"), Tiebic, (Norzagaray 23 mi); Angat 8,000, Marunco, Polo, San Miguel 20,500 (36 mi) ; f r San Miguel NNE : Bali- ron, Tartara, Santa Lucia, Mayontoc (5 mi), Penaranda (15 mi) , f r Penaranda SW8mi: cptl San Isidro (1. S. 20), fr Manila to Tambobong, 25,000, 4 mi, Maiabon, Trajeros, Polo 7,900, Malanday, Marilao 5,100, Loanboy, Bonglo, Bocaue 10,300, Biga'a 8.100, Burul, com ?, Bulihan, Culiani, Caimbao, Tulay, Baliuag 14,100 (98-7-15, 31., 1. Calif, Malate) (98-8-1. 2, Span, fire) (98-8-13, clear for action) (98-8-13, taken, armist) (98-10-25, Fil. retire by instr) (98-12-15, Astor B, home) (99-2-11, S of Manila 12 mi, 14. 1, 4. C) (99-2-15, arrests by 1. Oreg, 13. Minn) (99-4-28) (99-5-20, Ovenshine) (In the engagements near Manila after the first shots at Santa Masa by pickets of the 3. Nebraska, 99-3-5, the following troops participated: 14. 18. 22. 23. 1, 1. Calif, 1. Color, 13. Minn, 1. Neb, 3. Oreg. 10. Penn, 1. Wyo, 20. Kans, 1. Mont, 1, 1. North Dak, 1. Wash, 1. Idaho, 1. South Dak, 1 Tenn, 3 , 6. A, Utah A, Astor B., 4. C, Eng, Hos C) (00-5-5, G. Otis departs) (00-7-1, G. Ricarte cpt'd betw Paco and Santa Ana) (00-7-16, pris. rerolt) (00-11-84, Lt. Kennedy.) Manning ? (? Maguiling mts) com, i Luzon (00-6-4, 34. 1) (00-7-4.) ©Manjuyod o 7,500, pr E— Negros, N 35 mi, 9°44. • Mansalay o 379, i Mindoro E, S 64 mi, Mantalingayan vo, i Paragua, fr Puerto Princesse N. Mauuan ? See Batangas. Maragondon o 8,300, pr Cavite 43 mi (01- - .) Maravilla ?, i Cebu (01-2-13, 19. 1.) Maria o 5,400, pr Bohol, upon i Siquijor SW 40 mi. Mariano ? com, ? (01-1-29, 15 I.) Maribacan Convent, Manila S, fr Malate SSE 2 mi. SO # Maribojoc o 10,900, (9 mi) pr Bohol SW. Marigodon Point, com (? Maridudon) , "P" SSW. 12°57, 123°30 (00-6-16, 3. C.) Marilao o 5,100, pr Bulacan (27) SE 8 mi (99-3-27) (99-4-11.) Marinduk i, 35 SE 50 mi, pr Mindoro, 39 E 44 mi (00-10-15, 29. vol pris. returned.) Maripipi o 2,000, i Leyte, fr o Leyte 1 mi. # Mariquina (San Mateo rl) ri, o 10,.300, Manila ENE 10 mi (99-2-7, 17. 24. 26. 27, on rord, inc, 1. Neb) (99-3-5.16. 21. 31, 23. 1., Color) (99-8-11. 13, 4. C) 21., 24. I) (99-10-7. 8, 14. 1) (00-5-24) (00-9- ) (Bantalon, 00-10- , 1. Neb, 20. Kans, 1. Wash.) Mariveles i, See Corregidor (i Slcogon, 99-10-16, boat's crew.) Marunco?? (99-4-26.) # Masbate i, with i Tikao, pr Masbate 26,500, o 123, cptl ? (? Mas- bate 2,300, ? Palanoc) (1762-10-5) (1763-2-10) (98-8-13) (98-12-10) (99-2-4) 12°—, 25 com, 10 more o, none 6,000. Masln, See Maasin. # Maslnloc h 3,000, 18 N 15 mi. Masingloc Port near NW— Extreme of i Luzon. Mataginas? ? (00-5-11, 23, 1.) # Mati ("dead") d, i Mindanao SE, 9,800. cptl at inner angle of b Pujada, 600, 6°46, 126°—, 6 more o, none 10,000, Caraga 8,700 NNE 35 ml on Pacific. 9 Matiquio com, 32 NNW on opp bank of Laguna, N. # Matnog 3,700, "R" S 12 mi (00-12-27, 47. vol.) Matnguinao mt, com, i Samar N 20 mi (00-3-8, 43. 1, 4. vol) (00-5-11.) Matutung vo, i Mindanao, fr S— Extreme N by W 120 mi. Mauban o 9,300, 32 E by S 20 mi, "H" NE 15 mi (01-1-8, 30. vol.) # Mavitac o 1,400, 32 N 10 mi, fr Siniloan W 4 mi (00-9-16. 17. 18, 37. vol.) Maycau'ayan, See Meycanayan. Medellin o 8,200, i Cebu. Mercedes o 3,400, d Zamboanga NNE, 30 mi. Mercedes o 8,200. i Cebu. # Mexico 17,000, 22 NE 17 mi (99-10- , 4. C) (00-6-9, G. Hizon cpt'd.) Meycanayan, com, fr Polo N 2 mi, (27) (99-3-26) )99-9-80, 16. 1.) # Miagas 22,100, pr Ilo-llo SW 24 mi, on coast. Mina o 4,400, pr Ilo-llo. # Minalin o 6.400, 22 ESE 5 mi. # Minanga com, 8 E 13 mi. # Mindanao i and adjacent i's 611,000 (400,000 Mohammedans and Pagans, 200,000 Christians), a ;M,000, 8 d's including d i Basi- lan, Kota Batoo, Dapitan, Davao, Mati, Misamis, Surigao, Zamboanga (00.4- , 11 garrisons.) Mindanao ri, navigable 60 mi for 314 draught, sources betw. vo,s Makaturin and Apo, flows through lakes Llganasan and Buluan (? Mindanao Lake) (? Magumdanao) in centre of i, 7°28, 125°—, size 15 by 20 mi, See Zota-Batoo. # Mindora i, pr 106,000, a 4,000 (? 3,000) cptl (1. S. 39) h Calapa.n 5,600, 27 more o. 2 over 10,000, Santa Cruz de Napo 15,000, and Boac (upon i Marinduk.) Mlnduriao, ?, 1 Panay (99-11-10, 18. 1.) Minglanilla o 6,8000 (5 mi) pr "W— Negros. Misamis d , i Mindanao N opp i's Visaya, inclnding i Camiguln 80°45, 123°10, gold mines, cptl Cagayan 9,400, 31 more o, one over 10,000, Mombuyao 18,000 (53 ? mi) (rice, cacao, gold ) # Misamis o 6,100 (85 mi) across W— inlet of b Iligan. Mint com in NE— angle of b Sarangani, 15 mi fr vo Matutnng. Moalboal (Mualbual) o 9,500, i Cebu (00-10-7, 44. vol.) Mogpoc o 5,200 (10 ? mi) i Masbate. Mogpoc com, f r Boac N 3 mi. Molo 9,500, pr Ili-Ilo NW 1 mi. # Montalban o 3,000, Manila NE 17 mi (99-12-19. 29, 27., 45, 47. 1, 11. C, A) (00-11.22, 27., 46. vol.) Monte Maridudon (See Marigodon.) # Morong (1. S. 30) (99-6-5, occupied) (00-1-27, 27. 1.) Mundaca, a steamer (cptd by "Panay," 99-9-22.) Munes (Munos) ?, i Luzon (00-10-10, 24. I.) Muntilupa o 5,100, pr Manila SE 21 mi, on Laguna, (99-6-28, g. b. Napidan) (99-10-12. 13, 27. vol, 37. 1) (00-9-26.) Murcia o 8,000 (8 mi) pr W— Negros. Murcielagos islets, i Mindanao N, S'S, 122''26, fr Point Kipit N. Mutuantiam ? ? (00-4-18, 35. vol.) # Naga o 10,900, i Cebu E, SSW 11 mi, 10°12 (00-6-20, 30, 19. I.) Nagaba o 8,000 (5 mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. Nagapan ri ? (? Gapan ri) (no date, .) # Nagcarlang o 13,000, 32 S by W 9 mi. Nagpartian o 2,000, 4 N 22 mi. Naguilian o 10,4000, 13 SE 11 mi (99-12-7, 24. 1.) #Na'ic ("Landing") o 9,200, 29 SW 17 mi (00-1-9, 4., 11. C, 30., 46. 1, A) (00-2-9, 11. C) (00-5-4, 11. C) (00-9-21, 4. C) (01-2-14, 46. vol.) Nalbogan com, See Salassa. # Nalupa 3,000, pr Antique N 27 mi, # Namacpacan o 8,600, 13 N27 mi (99-11-23, G. Young) (00-2-26. 3. C.) Narbacan (1. S) (99-13-5... G. Young, C, 33. I, A, Macabebes) (00-10-24, 3. C.) # Nasiping o 1,000, 7 N by W 27 mi. Naso Point and Nasog Point, 1 Panay SW— Extreme and NW— Ex- treme. Nasugbu b, o 8,600, 34 WNW 46 mi, 33 W (00-10-11, 28. vol.) Natungos' a boiling lake at a height of 1200 feet, "G" N near Los Naujan o 8,300, i Mindoro SE by E 14 mi. Naval 3,200 (59 ? mi) i Leyte. Kavas o 5,30U (75 ? mi) pr Capiz. Navas (Las) o 2,800, i Samar. • Navotas o 9,200, Manila N 5 mi, on b. ONegros i, 323,000, a 3,300, 3 prs: Western— and Eastern— Negros, mt Negros (? int Bacon) 6244, S, 120 com, (99-7-2. 18.33, Calif. 6. I) (99-10-6. 27, 6. 1, Gov. installed.) Nin b, i Masbate W n°lS, 123'17, h Mandao. Niuac com, See Salassa. • Norzagaray o 5,300. 27 NE 14 mi, Manila N by E 35 ml (99-4-25) (00-6-4. 14, 35. vol) (00-11-16, Philig C.) Noveleta o 2,800, 29 WSW 3 mi (99-10-8, 13., 14. 1. 4. C, A, mar., "Petrel.") • Novaliches o 1,900, Manila NNE 10 mi (99 3-24) (99-4-22, Tuliahan ri, G. Lawton) (99-10-8, Petrel) (99-11-21, 16. 1) (00-9-18. 27, vol.) % Nueva Caceres (1. S. 36) (00-4-8, 45. vol) (00.8-24, 45. 1.) Numancia o 6,100, pr Capiz. Numancia o 4,100 (50 ? mi) d Surigao. • Oas o 10,400, 37 NW 22 ml. Odiogan o 5,900, pr Romblon W by N 19 mi, upon i Tablas NW. O'Donnell o 2,000, 19 SW by S 14 mi (99-11-20, 25, 1) (00-11-4, 13. I.) Olongapo Port, b Sublg E (99-12-9, 10) Oluntanga i, i Mindanao S, fr i Basilan N by E, f r b Dumankilas W, fr b Sibugei E. Opol (? Opot) b, com, d Misamis, fr mouth of ri Cagayan W 5 mi. Opon o 11,500, i Cebu E by S 9 mi, upon I Mactan. Oquendo o 5.200 (20 ? mi) i Samar. • Orani ri, o 6,400, 4 mi inland, 25 N 10 mi (99-9-17, "Urdaneta") (99-10-2, Callao, Mindoro, Cardoqui, Basco, an armed lighter, mar. fr Cavite, bluejackets fr Baltimore, Petrel, Helena.) • Oras o 5,700, i Samar E, NE 46 mi, 12°9 (00-6-14, 32. 1.) • Orion o 10,400, 25 S by E 5 mi (00-4-11, 32. vol) (00-6-14) (00-10-8, 32. vol.) 34 Ormoc 8,100, i Leyte W on b, 1I°— (00-4-26. 43., 44. vol) (00-7-14), (00-8-24) (00-10-15, 44. vol cpture G. Alvarez.) Oromtuleta ?, 1 Mindanao (00-7-13) OroQuieta o 9,000, d Misamis W 62 ml (00-7-14. 34, 26, g. b. Callao 40. vol.) • Oslob 6,000, i Cebu SSW 78 mi, 9°27. • Oton o 13,400, pr Ilo-Ilo W 7 mi, about 123°33. Paete o 2,900, near 33 N (99-4-n, taken) (00-9-1, 37. vol.) • Pagbilao o 5,000, 35 E 4 mi. • Pagsanjan o 6,300, 32 E 4 mi (99-4-11, taken) (00-3-4) (00-9-14) fr P. N : Lumbung, Longos, Paete, Pakil, Panggil ("to call'"), Siniloan, fr P. ESE i Cavinti; fr C. SE: Luisiana, Pagsanjan ri. Pagsaneoan ? ? (00-8-1, 11. C.) Pagsanaman ? com, i Luzon (00-8-20, 11. C.) Pakil o 1,700, See Pagsanjan, 32 N 9 mi (00-3-5, 43. 1.) • Palak ("Separated") See Kota-Batoo. • Palanas h 3,700, i Masbate NE middle, 13°18 (00-9-29, 29. vol.) • Palanog Port, i Masbate, NW of Palanas 15 mi, 12°23, 123°37. Palantuan ri, fr "N" to junction with ri Bicol 36 NW to com Cabuaso in W— angle b San Miguel, • Palapag o 5,800, i Samar, N by E 60 mi. on N— coast. Palauma ? i Luzon (00-11-23) Palaven (Paragua) i, W— Extreme of Philippines. Palistina ?, 1 Luzon (00-7-35) Palo (Palos) 17,700, i Leyte S 44 mi (00-5-5. 29, 43. 1.) Palompon o 7,900, i Leyte W, WSW 43 mi, 11 °2. Pambujan o 7,400, i Samar N 67 mi. Pampoan com. 20 ENE 4 mi (00-6-25) • Pampanga ri (Rio Grande de Pampanga) (1. S) (99-11-7) (in Its Delta. 00-7-4) (00-9-1) Pamplona ri, "E" NNE, o 2,400, fr Aparri W by N 23 mi, (99-12-20, bat. Newark, mar. Callao) (00-5-7, 45. 1.) Panagsagan ? i Bohol (00-12-12. 29, 19. 1, 44. vol,) Panaon i, 1 Leyte near 8E— Extaeme. • Panay i, a 4,700, 4 pr's Including pr i Bohol, Antique (Antiki), SW, Capiz NW, Ilo-Ilo SE, and d Concepcion, under admin, of Cebu, (typhoon, 90-11-9.10), Panay o 15.000 (4 mi) pr Capiz. Pandacan o 2,400, Manila E by N 2 mi (99-3-9, incend.) • Pandan o 13,700, pr Antique N 72 mi, in bend of b (00-10- , 44. vol.) • Panggil (? Panjil) O 2,500, 32 NNE 9 mi (00-7-26, 38. 1) (00-8-24, 27., 37. vol.) Panglao o 7,000 (lO ? mi) pr Bohol. • Paniki o 8,700, 19 N 16 mi (99-11-18) Panispin creek, h, betw Lemery and Taal. Panitan o 10.000, pr Capiz S by W 5 mi (00-1-11, 18. 1.) Panon (Pano'an) i, betw i's Leyte and Mindanao, near Leyte SE. Pantilan ?, i Luzon ( ? ,46. vol.) • Paoay o 10,800, 4 SSW 12 mi. Paombong o 10,300, 2? W by N 10 mi (99-4-13, 3. A.) Papaya com, 20 ENE 10 mi (00-6-14( Paragua (Palavan) i, pr 45,000, a 2,315. mts 6560, cptl Puerto Princesse 1,600, fr i Borneo N. Parakale com, "N" N 15 mi on b (red lead.) Paranaque o 9,900, Manila S 6 mi (99-3-30, Monadnoc) (99-7-1, election) (00-9-24. 26) Paranan b, 8 E, com S of b 3 ml. Paranas o 7,400 (8 ? mi) i Samar (00-5-16) % Parang-Parang (fights" or "swords") ri and anchorage S o£ Palak, d Kota-Batoo. Pardo (El), 1 Cebu, See El Pardo. Paric 3,500, i Samar. • Pasacao h 1,600, 36 SSW 13 mi (00-4-15, 45. vol) (1-3- , 46. vol, 47. 1, g. t). Don Juan de Austria.) Pasai (Posai) com, fr Manila betw Malate and Maiabay (98-7-30) Pasajon (? Pasajan) ?, i Luzon (00-9-14, 11, C.) Pasib ri, fr mt "B" E into ri Chico-Cagayan. • Pasig ri, fr Laguna de Bay NW to b Manila 7 mi, (by curves 19 mi), 22,090, at moutb of ri Mariquina (riSan Mateo) into Laguna, Manila E 7 mi, (Span gunb. Arayat, sunk on northern bank) (98-5-17), raised (99-10-26) by Helena and 5 gunbs. (99-3-7, near ri, 20. 1, Wyo, Neb, g. b's) (99-3-13. 14.. 15. 18, 20., 22. 1, 2. Oreg, 1. Wash, 6. A, 4. C) (00-1-2) (00-9- ) fr Pasig N by E: Cainta, Mariquina, Malanday, Bagum- bayan, San Mateo Cuingayan, Burgos, Mont-Alban. • Passi 13.800, pr Ilo-Ilo N by E 30 mi (99-11-26, 18. 1) (00-13- , 26. vol.) • Pasuquin o 5,600, 4 N 10 mi (99-3-14) (00-11-5, 34. 1.) • Pateros o 2,800, Manila ESE 10 mi (99-2-14, 17. 19, Calif, Idaho, Wash, A, g. b. Laguna d, B., g. b. Helena) (99-3-14. 5., 6. A, g. bs,) • Patnongan o 5,900, pr Antique N 9 mi (00-2-6. 18, 19. 1 ( (00-4-28) Pavia 19,200, pr Ilo-Ilo N 6 mi (99-11-21, 6. A, 18. I) (00-6-30) (00-10-1, 26. vol.) Payo 2,800, i Catanduanes, central, 10°55 (00-10-16) Paz, See La Paz. ©Penaranda (Panaranda) o 7,70o, 20 NE 8 mi (00-3-6. 24, 22., 34. vol) (01-1-16) 9 Perez das Marinas o 4,700, 29 S by E 18 mi. fr Imus S, (99-6-19.30) (99-10-12, G. SchvFan) (.00-1-8) Perim com upon i ? (Rizal's exile.) • Piat o 2.700, 7 NW by W 15 mi (00-5- ) • Piddlg 10,800, 4 E 7 mi. • Pila o 6,000, 32 S W 5 ml. Pilar o 4,300 (38 ? mi) i Cebu. • Pilar o 5,500, 37 S byW 18 ml. on b (h Putiao) (00-11-30, 36. vol.) • Pilar Port h, i Siargao. centre of E— coast. Pill O 3,600 (9 ? mi) 36 (00-9-28, 37., 45. vol.) • Pililla 2,000, 30 SE 6 mi. Pinacapuan de Tumanini ri, fr mt Cresta, 7 SE 30 mi to o Tuma- nini, 8 NNW 10 mi. Pinaobiuyan mt 8230, pr Ilo-Ilo NW 30 mi. Pinamungayan o 5,400, 1 Cebu. • Pinas, See Las Pinas o 4,000, pr Manila S 8 mi, (99-9-17, 21, 1) (00-9-24. 26) • Pineda o 9,800, Manila S 4 mi. Pito com, 13 E 14 mi. • Pitogo o 3,000, '-H" ESE 27 mi. • Pola b, ri, o 573, 89 SE 27 mi. • Polangui o 10,000, 37 NW, "P" W 5 mi (00-3-18, 45. 1.) • Polillo h, 1,400, i Polillo, 23 E 22 mi. • Pollok, See Palak and Kota-Batoo. • Polo O 7,500, 27 SE 8 mi (99-3-26) (00-9- ) • Polo Point, i Mindanao S, 5°55, 124° 15, Pompone ? (? Pampoan), i Luzon (01-1-5, 45. vol.) 9 Pontabangan o 1,500, 20 NNE 38 mi. Pontevedra o 9,500 (32 ? mi) pr Capiz. Popoton com, i Samar, 12°18, almost interior centre. • Porac o 8,500, 22 NW 6 mi (99-8-10) (99-9-3. 11. 28. Maj. Bell, 27. 1) (99-10-16. 17. 28, 9., 36. I) (99-11-2, 36. vol, 4. C) (00-1-23) Poto 7,000, 1 Cebu. Pototan o 14,500, pr Ilo-Ilo N by E 10 mi (00-2-26) (Janinay, 00-6-8) Powder Magazine betw Malate and Pasai. Pozzorubio o 9,100, 16 E by N 32 ml (99-11-18) Puca mt, 6 E 25 mi. Puerto Princesse cptl 1,600, i Paragua S— Extreme, SE— coast. Pujaga b, 1 Mindanao SE, fr b Davao E, 6°30. Pulllan o 10,000 (8 ? mi) 27 (00-4-17, 35. vol.) Pumping Station, Manila E by N on rl San Mateo, f r o Pasig N, (99-2-17, 1. Neb, 20. Kans on road to Tariquina, N of Pump- ing Station) (99-2-22, 1. Neb) (99-3-35, 26, 1. Mont, 3. 1, 20. Kans, 2. Calif A, 1. Wash.) Putiao b, See Pilar. 37 S. # Quiangan (1. S. 12) (99-8-13, 3. 1.) Quiem (Quiom) ?, i Luzon (00-12-30, Eng.) (01-1-1, 5. 1.) Quinablagan o 900, d Mati NNE 58 mi. Quinablagan o 8,900, f r Malolos NE 6 mi, f r 27 7 mi (99-4-23) (99-8-13) Quingua o 8,900, 27 (7 ? mi) fr Malolos NE 4 mi (99-4-3. 23, C, 1. Neb.) • Ragay b, "N" S (SW), o (1. S) (00-3-1, Brooklyn.) • Redondo mt, 25 SW 10 mi. Reservoir N of Pasig moutb, in ward Tondo, E, f r moutli in b E by N (99-3-1, 1. Neb.) Reunion o 2,300, d Surigao. Riago com, near 37 (00-4-13, 47. 1.) # Romblon i, 35 SE 100 mi, pr with ajacent i's Tablas, Sibuyan and Maestro-Campo, 39,000, a ? 813, 16 com, cptl, h 6,800, 1 NW. 13°35, 123°17, N (99-12-18) 8 more 0, none 6,000. Romblon ?, i Panay ? (99-12-18, Concord, Pampanga, 18. 1.) Ronda o 4,4400, i Cebu. Resales o 11,500, 20 NNW 42 mi (99-11-16, Maj. Ballance.) Bosario o 12,400, 34 NE 12 mi (00-1-14) (00-9- ) Bosario o 6,400, 29 W by S 5 mi (99-10-9, G, Schwan) (99-11-14, 13. 1) (00-7-1) Saban ? i pr Cavite, (99-10-12, G. Schwan.) Sabang ?, I Leyte (00-13-14, 43. vol.) # Sablayan h 851, 1 Mlndoro W— coast central, SSW 57 mi. # Sacasacan o 700, 10 N by E 10 mi. Sagay o 5,100, i Camigain S (48 ? mi) d Misamis. Sagod (Sogod) o 4,700, i Leyte S by E 85 mi. Salassa o 7,000, 16 S 3 mi, fr S, SSE on road: Nalbogan, Salo- maki, Gauagan, Caman, Aguilar 4,400, Baluga, Ninag, Luka- kate, Bayabog, Bayabas, Cabayugan, Umagui, Manga- tarem 10,000, 16 SSE 18 mi. Salcedo o 4,500 (60 ? mi) i Samar. Salomaqui com, See Salassa. # Saltan ri. See Malaueg, 7 WNW. Salvacien ? com, 1 Luzon (00-8-17, 45. vol,) % Samal i in b Davao, 9 Samar ("disguise") i, pr 200,000, a 4.800, including adjacents 254 com, cptl Catbalogan 6,500, 37 more o, 5 over 10,000. Calbayog 30.350, NW— coast 12 mi, Candara, Basey, Guiuan, Catarman. Samboan o 10,400 (68 ? mi) i Cebu. # Sambulau'an Port, b lUana, NNE of h Tiguma, 7°34, 123°18. Sampaloc com, o Manila suburb NE. Sampaloc com, pr Tayabas (35) N 8 mi (00-1-29, 28., 39. 1, 30. vol) (00-2-4, 30. vol.) # San Andres h, See Banalakan. # San Antonio o 7,300 20 W 2 mi (00-6-28, Lt, Draper.) San Antonio mt, i Marinduk in E— range. # San Antonio o 1,600, 33 NE 9 mi. # San Antonio o 5.000, 18 S by E 22 mi (99-9-9) (01-1-25, 15. 1.) San Augustin c, i Mindanao SE-^Extreme, S of b Pujada, on b Davao E. O San Bernardino Straits, along S— coast i Luzon, specially N of 1 Samar. San Bias ? com, i Panay (00-7-1, 26. 1.) San Carlos (1. S) fr 16 SE 10 mi (00-3-30, 17. 1 ) San Carlos, ward to com Catatrava 2,700, pr W— Negros S 75 mi. Sanco Point, i Mindanao, E— coast central, fr Bislig E. San Cristobal mt 7357, "H" NNE 5 mi. San Diego ri moutb. near San Pablo (00-1-21,30. 1, C) San Domingo de Basco cptl 3,000, Batan i's. San Enrique o 3,600, pr "W— Negros. San Enrique o 3,000 (27 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo (99-3-28) # San Esteban Point, o 2,100, 5 S by E 17 mi. # San Fabian o 9,000, 16 NE 14 mi (99-9-U, gunb Paragua) (bom- barded, 99-11-7. 10, 13. 1, Bennington, Princeton, Helena, Manila, Callao, Samar.) # San Felipe o 4,300, 18 S by E 20 ml. San Felipe Castle, See Zamboanga. San Felipe Neri 5,500, Manila E 3 mi (99-2-7) # San Fernando o 3,300, 36 S 7 mi, mt 36 S 10 mi. # San Fernando o 13.300, 22 NE 4 mj (99-5-22) (99-6-1. 16. 22, Maca- bebes.) San Fernando (? wbicb) (99-10-xl) (99-10-29, 4. C.) San Fernando o 12,200, i Cebu SW 15 mi. # San Fernando cptl (1. S. 13) (99-8-2. 7. 8, 9, Concord, Yorktown, Callao, Pampanga, 9., 16., 17., 22. 1, 51. Iowa, 11. A) (99-8-9 Calulet 6 mi.) # San Francisco de Malabon o 9,000, 29 S by W 7 mi, (99-10-10. 11. 13. I, 4. A, Eng) (01-2-21, 4. I) (01-3-22, Surr to 4. I.) San Francisco com, 34 NE 27 mi (00-1-18) (00-2-16, 39, 1 ) San Francisco del Monte, Manila NE 4 mi (99-2-23, Utah A.) San Francisco com, ? 13 (San Fernando, mts, 00-1-3, 3. C) (00-3-3. 3. C.) Sauguil vo, i Mindanao, f r S— Extreme NNE 10 mi. San Jacinto h, i Ticao, NE— coast centre. • San Jacinto o 5,100, 16 E by N 14 mi (99-11-11, 12. Hos, >6. 1, 33. TOl) (00-5-7) Sanildefonso ? (near 20) (99-5-13.14) • San Joaquin o 14,000, pr Ilo-Ilo ,"W 34 ml (in mts, 00-1-17, Q. Hughes.) San Jose o 9,000, 36 E 34 mi. % San Jose o 1.300, 6 SSE 12 mi (99-11-9. 12, 22. 1, 8. C, Macabebea.) 9 San Jose o 10,000, 34 N 9 mi. San Jose o 2,400, pr Bulacan (27), fr Manila NE 19 ml (00-9- ) • San Jose de Buena Vista cptl 5,000, pr Antique, fr SW— Ex- treme i Panay N 30 mi, 10''43 (00-1-17, G, Hughes) (00-10-10) San Jose o 852, 20 N 32 mi (99-11-9) (00-3-27. 31) San Jose ?. i Samar (00-3-11, 43. vol.) San Isidro de Campo o 3,400, i Leyte S 12 mi, on b. • San Isidro cptl (1. S. 20) (petroleum) (99-5-17) (99-7-30, 1. 1) (99-9-11,4.1) (99-10-20. 29,22,1) (gunb. "Mariveles," 99-10-19) (00-1-31, 34. vol) (00-4-7, execution) (00-5-25) (00-6-3) (00-10-24, 17. 1) (01-1-21. 25) 9 San Juan de Guimba o 3,000, 19 NE 15 mi. San Juan de Soite o 300, d Surigao E, SSE 125 mi (01-1-26, 40. 1.) San Juan o 6,000, pr Bohol. San Juan del Monte o 2,000, Manila E 4 mi (99-2-4. Ins. flre.) • San Juan o 14,000, 34 E by N 26 mi (? 00-2-26, 3. C.) • San Juan o 12,200, 13 N 4 mi (? 00-2-26, 3. C.) San Juan ri, across road to Isidro (20.) #San Luis o 10,.300, 22 ENE 11 mi (99-5-10, g. bs, 8. incend) (99-8-12, 22. I.) San Luis o 5,200, 34 NW 10 mi. San Luis Isabela ? com (99-12-3, 24. 1.) # San Manuel o 600, 16 E by N 30 mi (99-11-18, G. Young) (00-4-8) (00-5-6. 8, 13. I.) # San Marcelino o 4,000, 18 SSE 25 mi. O San Marcial com, 6 S by E 6 mi. # San Mateo o 6-700, Manila NE 13 mi (99-8-11, 29, 4. C, 21., 24. 1) (99 11-11. 12. 22, 16., 24, 1) (99-12-18, 9.30 a. m. G. Lawton, -f ) (99-12-19, 7., 27., 29. 1, 11. C) (00-8-24, 27. vol) (00-9- ) # San Miguel de Maguma o 20,500, 20 SE by E 10 mi, 27 N by E 35 mi (99-5-8. 13. 23. 29, 3. I) (00-4-29, 35. vol) (00-6-3. 10) (00-8-1) (01-2-11, Surr to 35. 1.) 9 San Miguel de Camiling com, 19 NNW 20 mi. #San Miguel (Sarrat) ("heavily burdened") o 9,000, 4 SE 4 mi. San Miguel o 7,300, pr Ilo-Ilo NW 9 mi. San Miguel o 4,100, 1 Leyte NW 19 mi (OO-fi-20. 36, 43. vol.) San Miguel Point i's, "R" W by S 30 mi. San Miguel b, "N." "O," 36 N (00-2-20...25, landing 40., 46. 1. A, Sig, Eng, Marietta.) San Migael com, 19 S by E 4 mi. San Narciso o 7,300, 18 S 20 mi, # San Narciso o 1,100, "N" SSW 35 mi, San Nicolas o 17 800, i Cebu. # San Nicolas o 9,600, 4 S 2 ml. # San Nicolas o 10,200, 16 E 35 mi (99-10-18, 4. 1) (99-11-13. 14. 15. 18. 19, 18., 45, I, 3, C. 33. vol) (00-12-31, 32. vol.) San Nicolas com, fr Imus E 2 mi, pr Cavlte (39-10-9. 11. 14) # San Pablo o 19,600, 82 SW 3 mi (00-1-14, 19. 20. 21, 31, 37., 39. 1. 30. vol, C) (01- - , 49. vol.) 9 San Pascual, See Burias. # San Pedro o 7,400, pr Antique N 4 mi. 43 # San Pedro Mascati o 3,900, Manila SSE 4 mi, (99-2-4. 5. 18.19.20. 23. 27. 28. 20., 23. I, 1. Idaho, 1. Calif, 1. Wash, 1. Neb, 1. Mont, 3., 6. A, Eng, Utah, Oreg, g. bs.) (99-3-4. 6. 11. 12. 16. (99-3-4, 13.17, near blockhouse 4. C, 30., 22. 1, 10. Penn, Wash, Oreg, 6. A) (99-4-18, 15 cascos, 14. I. 4. C, 1. N. Dak, 1. Idaho, A., gunbs Laguna d. B., Napitan, Oeste) (99-6-9, G. Pio del Pinar cptd.) # San Pedro Tunasan o 3,700, 29 SE 19 mi, on Laguna (99-11-5. 6. 19, 4. C, 17. 1.) San Quintin o 726, 6 WSW 8 mi on ri Abra (00-6-25) # San Quintin o 6,900, 20 N 45 mi (99-11-12, 3. C. 22. 1, Macabebe) (00-10-4. 34, 3. C.) San Rafael O 8,500, 27 NNE 12 mi (99-9-6. 11, 3. 1.) San Remiglo o 6,200 (69 ? mi) i Cebu. San Remigio o 2,500 (11 ? mi) pr Antique. San Rock (suburb to Cavite Nuevo) com 5,000 (99-2-9, 51. Iowa, Calif A, Wyo A) # Santa o 8,500, 5 ESE 4 ml. # Santa Ana o 6,100, 23 NE by E 13 ml, fr Arayat 3 mi (99-10-7, 34. I.) Santa Ana o 3,300, Manila E 3 mi (98-8-13) (99-3-5. 15, 6. A, 1. Oreg, 13. Minn) (00-3-38, Insurg. repulsed by residents.) Santa Ana o 900 (30 ? mi) d Misamis (01-1-19, 38. vol.) .Santa Barbara o 13,000, pr Ilo-Ilo N 8 mi (99-2-14, 18. 1) (99-11-32, 18. 1) (Jaro, 00-10-2) Santa Barbara o 7,600, 16 E by S 12 mi (99-9-9, "Oregon") (99-11-22, 18. 1.) % SantaJCruz de Ilocos Sur o 5,900, 5 S 35 mi. Santa Cruz de Malaban o 8,500, 29 SW 9 mi (99-10-10, Q. Schwan.) # Santa Cruz de Laguna (1. S. 32) (994-9. 10. 11.. taken) (00-1-19, 17. 1) (00-2-14, 42. 1) (00-3-7, 37. vol) (00-4-13, Good Friday) (00-5-3, 44. I) (00-6-1, 11. 16, 33., 37. 1, 11. C) (00-10- , 34. VOl) (00-11-13, 4. C) Santa Cruz de Mlndoro o 300, i Mindoro. # Santa Cruz de Napo, h 15800, i Marinduk NE, pr Minaoro E 55 mi, (00-9-12) Santa Cruz com, 8 W by N 13 mi. Santa Cruz com, 7 W 32 ml. Santa Fe o 3,100, i Cebu. Santa Fe ?, i Leyte (00-7-34) Santa Lucia o 7,100, 5 S 32 mi (00-1-34, 3. C) (00-5-39) Santa Lucia ? com, 1 Cebu (01-1-39, 44. I.) % Santa Maria de Luzon o 2,600, 8 E 10 mi. 9 Santa Maria de Ilocos Sur o 10,000, 5 SSE 16 mi (00-13- ) # Santa Maria de Pandi o 10,500, 27 ENB 16 mi (99-4-13, 10. Penn, 3. Oaeg, A.) # Santa Maria de Zamboanga o 3,200 N 60 mi, d Zamboanga W— coast. Santander o 4,700 (88? ml) 1 Cebu. Santa Kita mt, 21,25. Sauta Rita o 7,400, 33 suburb (99-5-33. 25, Kans, Mont, Utah A) (99-8-10) (99-9-3. 9. 11, 36. I) (99-10-18. 23, 36. I.) Santa Rita o 4,400, 1 Samar SE 35 mi. Santa Rosa o 4,300, 30 N 7 mi (99-10-37, G. Young. Santa Rosa o 9,400. 39 SE by E 27 mi. \ • Santiago o 4,100, 5 S by E 19 mi. I # Santiago Point c, com, 34 W by N 27 mi (00-1-21, 37. 1.) Santo Cristo com, 20 SE by E 5 mi. Santo Domingo de Basco cptl 3,000, i's Batan. # Santo Domingo o 8,900, 5 N 4 mi. Santolan com, near waterworks (99-3-6. 25, Neb, Col, Wyo, Utah, Oreg, A, gunb.) Santo Tomas o 6,500, 13 SW 25 mi (99-11-14. 15, 13. 1.) 45 • Santo Tomas o 10,800, 34 S by E 23 mi, "G"— SW 3 mi (99-11-18. 19, 30. I, 3. C) (00-1-9.11.) 14, 20, 36., 37.. 39. 1, A, C) (00-12.30, 1. C.) Santo Tomas o 4,300, 32 E 10 mi (99-5-4, Macfarthen.) • Santor o 2,900, "E" WSW 14 mi, 20 NE 24 mi (00-6-4) • San Vincente i, 1 S 5 mi, in channel (00-11-21, 45. vol.) • Sapian o 4,900, pr Capiz W 10 mi, • Sapongan Lake, d Surigao SE 30 mi. Sara o 11,000 (75 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. Sarangani b, i Mindanao S, fr S— Extreme NNW. • Sarapsap o 7,100, 18 N by E 58 mi. Saravia o 15,300 (8 ? mi) pr W— Negros. Sariaya o 7,000. "H" S 8 mi (00-1-19. 21, 38. I, 11. C) (00-7-26) (00-8-23, 30. vol) (00-10-23, 38. vol.) Sebaste o 3,700 (66 ? mi) pr Antique. Sebu, See Cebu. • Sexmoan o 8,000, 23 S 4 Sevilla o 5,900 (47 ? mi) pr Bohol. Siagon islet, near Corregidor i (99-10-16, boat's crew "Mariveles.") • Siargao i, f r i Mindanao N— Extreme E by N 75 ml. Siassi i, Tawi-Tawl Group (99-5- , garrisoned by 23, 1.) Siaton Point, i Negros E— Extreme, o 8,100 (203? mi) pr E— Negros. Sibala com, pr Antique ESE 20 mi, mt i Panay NE. Sibalom 11,700 (6? mi) pr Antique (00-1-17, G, Hughes) (00-9-11, 19. 1.) Sibayan mt, "P" N by W 16 mi, "O" SE 5 mi. • Sibonga Port, o 23,500, i Cebu SW 6 mi, 9°41, 123°3. • Sibug ri, 10, 8 , 8 NW 5 mi. Sibuh?? (99-12-10,4. C.) Sibuget b, i Mindanao S, fr i Basilan N 70 mi, 7°31. Sibul 1 (? Sibulan) (99-12-10) (00-6-1, 35. 1.) 46 Sibulau 6,300 (4 mi) pr E— Negroes, See Sibul and Tibuan (99-8-20) Sibutu (outside treaty boundary, taken in) i near Borneo (Burni) N (99-12-21, U. S flag raised witn the assistance of the Dato.) Signipi o 11,800, pr Bohol. Siguboy o 900, d Mati SW 18 mi. Slkogon i, channel near NE— coast i Panay (99-10-16) • Silang 7,400, 29 SSE 26 mi:(00-l-6... 11, 4., 11. C, 28., 30., 38., 45., 46. 1, A) (North of Silang: 4., 11. C, 4., 28, 38., 45. 1, Astor B.) SUay o 14,500. pr W— Negros N 9 mi. • Sinait o 8,000, 5 N by E 22 mi (00-9-12, 12. 1) (00-10-6, 3. C.) Sindangan b, i Mindanao NW, 8°5, 122°50. • Similoan o 5,700, 32 N 10 mi (00-5-30) (00-7-26) (00-9-16. 17. 18) • Siquijor (Sikijor) o 11-800, upno i S., pr Bohol SW 38 mi. • Siroma o 679, 36 NNE 34 ml. Sogod 6,700, i Cebu. Sogod o 4,700 (56 ? mi) i Leyte. • Solana a 5,600, 7 WNW 5 mi. • Solano 4,200, 15 N 3 ml. • Solsona b, o 4,000, 4 E by 8 12 mi. Sooloo. See Jolo. Sorsogan (1. S) (00-1- , Kobbe) (00-8-17, 47. vol) (00-11-20, 47. vol.) 9 Suay o 3,000, pr W— Negros S by W 46 mi. • Subig (1. S) (00-1-29, 25. 1) (00-11-10, 25. 1) (01-2- , Surr.) Sudlon mts, i Cebu (00-1-8) Sugut (Soogoot) mts, f r Kota-Batoo E 23 mi. Sulat o 4,600, i Samar. Sulug com 1 (in near mts, 99-12-24) • Sumag o 4,300, pr W— Negros SSW 4 mi. Sumban Point, at entrance to b Sarangani S. 47 # Surigao Straits: fr i Bohol S, f r i Leyte SE, fr i Mindanao NW, fr i Dinagat W; d i Mindanao N— Extreme, 96,000, 85 com, (abaca, palay) cptl 6,300 N— Extreme, 25 more o, 2 over 10.000, Butu'an, Cantilan, Suso com, i Cebu W, toward the middle line, N 44 mi, 10"55. Suyo com, 6, WSW 6 mi. 5 E 13 mi, # Suyoc o 750, 11 SE 9 mi. Taal (1. S. 33) lake, See Bombon, o T. and o Lemery (00-1-19. 30, 38., 46. I, '-Nasbville") (00-3-13, 47. vol) (00-6-V) (00-7-6. 22, 28. vol, Sig) (01-3-10, 39. I.) Taaleno a steamer (cptd by "Mariveles," 99-9-23) # Tabaco o 17,400, 37 N 15 mi (00-2-2. 13, 47. vol) (00-5-22, 43. I.) # Tabang o 2,900, 7 NNW 33 mi. Tablas i, pr Mlndoro, W of i Romblon, mt 2405, Port Loog on SW— coast 4,500 (00-6- ) Tabogon o 8,600, i Cebu, northern E— coast, N 43 mi, I0°45 (00-9-30) Tabuan ? (? W— Negros) (99-10-1, 6. I.) Tacloban cptl 5,300. pr Leyte, northern E— coast, (0O-8-1, Col^ gun explo) (00-4-27, 43. vol) (00-9-30, 43. vol.) # Tagadan mt ? (? i Luzon near 5) (99-13-4, 34.1.) Tagatay ? ?, i Luzon (00-6-14, 47. vol.) Tagayan ? See Tuagayan. #Tagbilaran cptl 8,600, pr Bohol SW. Tago o 1,900, d Surigao E, SE 77 ml. Tagolo Point, 1 Mindanao N, nearest point to i Negros, b Dapitan NE— Extreme. Tagoloan o 3,400. d Misamis NE 10 ml. # Tagudin o 4,000, 5 S 45 mi (00-2-7) 9 Tagulg 9.700, Manila ESE 8 ml, on Lagnna (99-3-14, 18, 6. A, g. bs, 1. Wash. 23. 1) (99-4-20. 37, 17 ml N of Taguig, Wash.) Tagulaya o on b Davao W. 6°52. • Taisoa (Teson) o 7,000, 3i ENE 15 ml (00-4-16, 38. vol) (00-12-12, 18. I.) Talambang o 6,200 (1 ? mi) 1 Cebu. • Talavera o 2,700, 20 N 20 mi (99-10-27, G. Young) (99-11-1) (00-10-10. 44. vol.) Talibon o 7,300, pr Bohol, on N— coast, 40 mi. Talisay o 8,100, 34 N 28 mi, on Lake Bombon at foot of mta Suagay S (missing, 00-1-12) Talisay o 19,000, i Cebu SW 6 mi (00-1-12, 21. 1) Talisayan o 1,700 (55 ? mi) d Misamis. • Talubin o 600, 10 E by S 7 mi. Tambo com, on Manila b, f r Paranaque N 1 ml (98-7- ) Tambobong o 25,000, Manila N by W 5 mi. 9 Tambongan h, i Catanduanes N on b, 14°—. Tamontako o 1,900, Kota-Batoo 3 mi. Tanaban (? Tanauang) o 18,500, i Leyte S 6 mi (99-11-11, 17. 1) Tanauan o 20,000, 34 N by E 25 mi (00-1-13, 38. I) (00.7-21) (00-9-23, 39. vol.) Tanauan o 18,500, i Leyte S 6 mi. See Tanaban. O Tanay o 4,500, 30 SE 4 mi. ©Tandac ("dance") or as in some mapiTanda ("beacon")i 5,200, d Surigao E, SE 76 mi, 9 "3. Tangadan mt ? (near 6 or 5) (99-124. 7, 33., 34, 1, 3. C) (00-2-6) Tangalan o 3,000 (51 ? mi) pr Capiz (00-2-24, 6. 1.) Tanjay o 12,400, pr E— Negros NW 16 mi. Tanon Straits, betw 1'3 Cebu and Negros. Tanya ?, i Panay (00-12-12) Tapaz o 2,900, pr Capiz SSW 22 mi. Taragnan o 3,900, 1 Samar (00-5-22, first Mass— Surr) (00-6-28) #Tarlac (1. S. 19) (99-11-12,36. I, 4. C) (99-12-2. 3. 10, 25., 36. I) (00-5-22, Surr) (00-6-15, G. Macabulos cptd. Tarrijor, rfee Torrijos. 9 Tayabas (1. S. 35) (00-1-20. 23, Hayes' C, 30. vol) (00-2-^4) Tayug (1. S) (99-11-12. 21. 25, 3. C, 22. 1, Macabeles) (99-12-2, 34. 1) (00-8-1. 12) Tayum o 2,400, pr Abra NE 2 mi (01-2-2, 5. 1.) • Ternate o 1,800, 29 SW 17 mi. • Teresa o 4,200, 30 NW 3 mi. Tarragona ?, 1 Leyte (01-1-9, 43. vol.) Teson, See Taison. Tetuan o 5,600 (1 mi) d Zamboanga. Tibaguin ?, i Luzon (00-6-3, 3. 1) (00-7-3, 3. 1.) • Tibiao o 5,400, pr Antique N 44 mi. Tibuan ?, i Negros (99-8-20) ® Tigbauan o 9,100, pr Ilo-Ilo SW 7 mi. ® Tiguma b, h, lUana b, 7''44, 123''24, fr Sambulauan NNE. Tikao com, i Tikao E, near S of centre of i. ® Tikao i, f r i Masbate N, 38 W 40 ml. Tila Pass ?, i Luzon (99-12-2, 33. 1.) Timakao mt, i betw the two mouths of ri Mindanao (5 mi apart), See Kota-Batoo. Tinaka Point (Cape Sarangani) i Mindanao S— Extreme. Tinuba mts, i Mindanao NW (00-3-4, 9. I.) % Tivalbal o 4,00, 14 NW 8 mi. • Tivi o 10,200, 37 ^N 20 mi. Tobogan ri, sources : "N" NW 14 mi, W to o Capalonga Tobantin-Brldge ? (99-11-24, 35. 1.) Toledo o 11,000, (39 ? mi) i Cebu. Tolon b, 1,500, i Negros SW. Tolosa 5,600 (14 1 mi) i Leyte. Tonoxia'an 1 com, i Cebu (00-12-12) Torrijos o 3,100, pr Mindoro, I Marinduk, E 44 mi (00-9-3, 13. 14, 29. vol.) Trocin ? nearBulan (1. S) (00-4-26) • Tuagayan com. i Mindanao E, 8°7 (99-12-4 (00-6-13. 14) • Tuao 5 000, 7 W by N 14 mi, fr Aparri SSW 53 mi (00-5-21) (00-7-15) Tubal mt, d Surigao, 9°r. Tubay (Tabay) o 500 (70 ? mi) d Surigao. • Tubig 3,400, i Samar E, ENE 36 mi, ir58, (01-3-22, 6. C.) Tubigon o 15,900 (28 ? mi) pr Boliol. Tuboc 1,100, 11 SE 7 mi. Tubuan ?, i Negros (99-9- , 6., 17., 19. 1,) Tubud (Tugod) Point, i Mindanao NW— coast, 123° 20, fr Pt. Tagalo S 2 mi. Tubungan o 4,400, pr Ilo-Ilo WNW 19 mi (00-10-15, 26. vol.) • Tuburan o 10-800, i Cebu SW— coast, SSW 66 mi. % Tuguegarao (1. S. 7) ) : Marague, Pangul, Hermita, Mauangan, Malaueg, Santa Cruz (32 mi W.) • Tamanini o 4,000, 8 NNW 10 mi. Tungalio com, suburb N fr Paranaque. Two-Peaks mt 4797, i Camiguin N of i Mindanao. Ubay o 3,600 (48 ? mi) pr Bohol. Ulila com, "G" NW 5 ml. Umagui com. See Salassa. Umbao ?, i Luzon (00-11-26, 9. C.) Umingan (Hnmingan) o 5,800, 20 N by W 45 mi. • Urdaneta o 16,600, 16 E by S 23 mi. Urdaneta mt 6214, d Surigao SE 40 mi. • Uson 2,100. i Masbate NE (56 ? mi.) 51 Vaderrama o 4,400 (25 5 mi) pr Antipue (00-3-10) Valdez ? (Viscayas) (99-7-28, 6. 1.) Valencia o 6,900 (36 ? mi) pr Bohol. 9 Valladolld o 14,000, pr W— Negros S by W 18 mi. Vlcol, See Bicol. # Victoria o 10,400, 19 NE 6 mi (99-11-16) # Viga o 2,900, 37 N by E 4 mi. # Viga com, 1 Catanduanes, northern centre, # Vlgan (1. S. 5) 99-11-26., 28. 22, .33, 1, C, scouts, Oregon, CoUao, Samar) (near V, S9-12-4, 34. I) (00-1-4. 33. 1) (0o-7-4. first election.) Vilar o 6,700, pr Bohol. Villaba o 3,300 (97 ? mi) Leyte. Villa Real o 6,100 (50 f mi) . Samar. Villasis 13,000, 16 ESE 24 mi. Villavieja o 900, 6 S 22 ml (00-8-15. 28, 33. vol, 4. 1.) # Vintar o 11,800, 4 ENE 4 mi (00-4-16) (00-10-24, 34. vol.) 9 Virac o 5,800, i Catanduanes on b to SE 13'35 (00-1- , Kobbe.) Visaya i's: Panay, Bohol, Cebu, Negros, Samar, Leyte, Romblon, e c. Vutol, See Butol. Waterwork fr Manila E 7 ml on Mariquina ri (99-2-6) Western-Negros pr 227,000, 130 com, a 1,929, cptl Bacolod 6,300 NW, 25 more o, 8 over 10,000, Saravia, Silay, Valladolld, Jinigaran, La Carlota, Pentevedra, Miniluan, Isabela. Zambales pr, N in mts near Mangatarem, 99-11-16. 28, 3., 33., 36. 1) (00-1-24, 36. 1.) 9 Zamboanga d, i Mindanao S"W, on Basilan Straits, cptl 21,300, with Castie Filipe near by (99-5-11. 24, natives attack Span) (99-8-26) (99-11-16. 18, 23. I, "Castine," natives, Moros (00-7-4) 4 more o, none over 6,000, Tetuan6,600, Marcedes 2,400, Santa Maria 2,200, Ayala 1,900. 52 Zamboanguita o 5.600 (16 ? ml) pr E— Negros (99-8-26, Dato "Mundi" defeats Insurg.) Zapote ri, northern part of border-line betw prs Manila and Ca^ vite, ank betw Las Pinas and Bacoor (98-5-30, Filipinos de- feat attacking Span troops) (00-1-1, 38. I) (00-9-34) Zaragosa o 5,200, 30 NNW 10 mi. Zarraga o 5,300 (8 ? mi) pr Ilo-Ilo. Zumarraga o 4,600 (9 ? mi) i Samar. WORDS OF MII.ITARY INTEREST IN ENGLISH AND MALAY. (About one hundred and sixty of them) selected from 5,000 use- ful terms contained In the manuscript book " The American In the Philippines," (Copyrighted.) The hints for pronunciation presented below will, if followed, fully enable one to be understood by any Islander who speaks Malay. But as local and individual pronunciation varies among the Malays themselves, an inexperienced ear may be puzzled ; therefore be prepared for slight changes. An example of such deviation Is the following : the Malayan equivalent for the Eng- lish word "sea" Is very generally spoken 80 that It sounds like the English word "loud" with a t at the end. Having been originally given its spelling by the Arabians, it still sometimes sounds as Indicated in parenthesis, and at times like the term spelled by the author. So there are really three varieties of pronouncing this term, but everyone speaking Malay will under- stand either of them. In the Maylayan words in this vocabulary only the vowels a, e, ee, o, oo, are used. Pronounce : a as in father, also for short a. e as in let, also for longe, never as in he. ee as in eel, seldom very short. as in follow. 00 as in foot or fool. a'oo, a'ee, e'ee and similars approximately as one syllable, at times really so. a'hoo, a'hee, etc., with a distinct b. h in the beginning of a word is often dropped, 80 at the end of a word is k (g, q) here c. y as in yes, aJways as a consonant, also in dy, ty, ny. Straight vowels long, whether heavy or light, slanting voweis short, whether heavy or light, heavy vowels with emphasis, whether long or short. fOne can easily improve pronunciation by listening, even though individual pronunciation may slightly vary. To find one who can speak Malay, one may inquire by saying: (Speak Ma- lay?) "6er'-ka-ta ma-la-yoo?" or "bee-tya-ra ma-la-yoo?"or one may inquire : (Is there one who speaks Malay?) '-a-da o-rang ber-^a- ta ma-la-yoo?" or "a-da o-ran bee-tya-ra ma-la-yoo?" or "a-da o-rang bee'as-sa ma-la-yoo?" The Malay is for every tongue the easiest of all languages to pronounce well enough to be understood. (By reading, aloud, tongue and ear can be trained.) A way, to walk, go, march, dya-i!aw. To walk, go, march, ber'-dya-to«. Street, rooba. Highway, mainroad, dya-Zan &e-s»r. dya-ian rad-ya, a-la-mon. Wagon-road, dya-Jon-ka-ree-ta. Path, \oo-roong, dya-Za» «oor»-peet, dya-ton fcei-y««l. Causeway, gue-lOng 55 Ta-ga-io {Ta-ga-log) , or other local languages, {Additional to Ma- layan terms, etc. Path In rice fields, ga-^flnp-on. Round-about-way, dya-/on yang ba-feec ba-leec. Shortening-way, per'-seem-pBng-an. Turn-again-way, dya-Jan-ma<-tee. Sandy-way, dy«-ian pa-«cer. Muddy-way, dya-i!an ber'loom-poor. Stony-way, dya-Zan ba-too. Boad-gulde, O-rang toon-dyooc dya-lan. Railway, dya-ton bCs-see, dya-Jan peng-gn««-leeng-an. Bridge, pier, Jetty-head, etc.,rfva77»-5a<-.,# ,>*\ ^^■^^.. ''■^f' S '^^ A^^ .S-^, K :-;-!. . sj.'* .^\^ .'^ .v^: ^= o:^ %^. ^'^^^ *t. -= -> "\^ ^. <^'r> ° ¥ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 441 090 A IS^' (J ,iiiX , ( ^' '' >^ '.'>!'. ' ,. fr /.ii,5 • •