BF 1301 .M64 Copy 1 ','-wxA^**..--Ss.-MJ^SsS*,-*-s'.*-,j>... ,,,S' />*,.-,..-.■,,, S ,.-r-,s,.-.,*,sS,:S-. ivi laiify 33£. vS6C&SBS&&S!&J&?&&&ZSOi!ZZ%^Z& Copyright^ 10 . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. [SPIRITUAL SCIENCE. PflRlTUAUSfi tEMIIJSJMISJMISISIm .;'•■ ^ LIBRARY of CONGRESS Twe Copies Received FEB 5 1904 Copyright Entry 1-1— Itif3 XXc No. CLAS i y. COPY S Copyright. 1903. by the Author Dr. GEORJEAN MILLER. Press of APPEAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, Girard, Kansas. PREFACE. "Whomsoever the Lord loveth, he chasteneth." At this writing it looks a little that way. For up yonder in Tennessee and West Virginia the lords are chastening the people quite severely. ' A few lords claim the coal that they never created and to which they have no more right than the Czar of Russia. There are three things to which title cannot be given. Those three things are air, water and earth (land). Those three things are alike the property of all — bird, animal, fish and woman. For the lord or lords to hold and prevent others from using those three things is an evil and tyranical act — a species of reli- gious robbery. Air, water and land belong to those who placed them here. I propose to show in this book that we can only claim that which we create and that society rests upon a lie. I will prove this by scientific analysis. I will demonstrate beyond all cavil, that law is altogether of man's begetting and was purposely instituted to de- feat and take the place of Justice. Law is the begot- ten of religion and religion is the first-born of priest- craft. I shall prove beyond controversy that evil is the creation of man and that all evil upon this planet is directly traceable to man and not to woman (Eve). I will show to any unprejudiced mind that the priests have been and are the cause of evil upon our globe. I shall further prove that life is not a mystery and that the priests who pose before the people in the — re- names of religion, medicine and law, are either hypo- crites or knaves. Again, I will fully elucidate the truth that God and Lord are priestly creations and hence a fabrication — a dual condition at that; I will show to any rational mind that priestcraft is the curse of the earth and that religion is the bane of the earth. Again, I will demonstrate to any just person, What, How, Who and Where we are, a proposition that has not been correctly answered before nor since the time of Job. I will prove that immortality is a fact, yes more, a Divine Truth. Further, I will satisfy any sane mind that death does not take place until after our second birth, and not then until we have righted the evils of life. The end of evil is death. Again, I will prove scientifically and philosophically that Divinity is Feminine and that we have a Divine Mother. I will further demonstrate that She has NO law, but that justice is everywhere present in Eterni- ty. I will further satisfy the truthful and enquiring mind that eternity is one vast and wonderful tem- ple supported by principle, and in this eternity are contained the beautiful and magnificent that our Di- vine Mother has in store for Her children. Thus I pre- face my lessons, and all I ask of anyone is a just and impartial decision, a rational and unprejudiced read- ing. Lay aside your evils and seek for THE Truth, who comes to us robed in problems. DE. GEOKJEAN MILLEB. LESSON I. My dear children, I want you to become acquainted with yourselves. That is, to know what you are, how you are, who you are and where you are. When you have become familiar with yourself, then it will be quite easy for you to become acquainted with your companions, parents and teachers. To know what you are is the first thing for you to learn. Can you answer the question, What are you ? I will tell you. You are a trinity — a triune being. A trinity consists of three things. In your arithmetic you may have seen the figure or picture called a triangle. This triangle has three sides or supports. The surveyor rests his compass upon a triangle. He might tell you it was a tripod, because of its three legs. But they are in the form of a triangle and support his compasses. A three legged stool rests upon a triangle. If there were but two legs it would be dual and the support would be wanting. The stool would be useless. In life as well as in mathematics, the triangle is a most important figure. In fact it is a necessity and I want you to make yourselves familiar with it so you will become wise in the affairs of life. By a trinity you would infer that you are composed of three things. Your inference would be correct. Of your creation you have never been correctly taught, and it is my object in this book to give you the Truth. Armed wth the truth, you cannot be easily deceived nor misled. You are a trinity — a creation and an effect — you had a "beginning and it is most important that you should know of that fact, wherefore we ask the question, What are we? The question, Who made you? is misleading, and the answer generally FALSE. Who made you is a question born of ignor- ance, and is a delusion and a snare. Only an ignor- ant and vulgar person would ask so senile a question. 1 — What is the first question or proposition ? 2 — What are the questions asked? 3 — What is the first thing to learn? 4 — Do you know, what are you? 5 — Of what does a trinity consist? 6 — To what figure are we cited? 7 — What is a tringle sometimes called? 8 — Can you describe a triangle? 9 — Will two legs support a stool? 10 — Why? Does the triangle apply to life? 11 — Is it important? By studying the triangle and learning its use, what do we become? 12 — Have we been correctly taught? 13 — What are we besides being a trinity? 14 — With what fact should we become acquainted? 15 — The question, Who made you? is what? 1G — Of what is it born? 17 — Is it vulgar? LESSON ii. In our first lesson I told you that you were a trin- ity and I also discoursed to you about the triangle and some of its uses. I will now talk to you about that trinity and ask you the question: How are you? That is., how are you constructed? Of what do you nor misled. You are a trinity — a creation and an consist? How are you organized? This is another most important question, and one with which all, both young and old, should become acquainted and never forget. It belongs to our foundation, the very rock upon which we should build, the predicate, and with it you cannot become too familiar if you would make life a success. I doubt very much if you can answer this great question : How are you ? When you meet each other you greet by saying, How are you ? That is, you mean, How is your health? This question of mine does not allude to or refer to your health, but to your state of being — your construction — all that there is of you; your head, body, arms and legs. "What is included in this construction? I answer, a trinity. Of what does that trinity consist? Answer — matter, spirit and vir- tue. Those three things are essential to your very being — your very existence. You could not have been born had you not been a compound of those three things. Those three things are not compounded the —10— same as medicine. They all belong to and are a part of yon. They are all separate from each other. The matter is no part of von — spirit is yon. The matter is the clothing and support to yon (the spirit). When yon were born, a sweet little babe, yon were a complete trinity — a triune being, a most beautiful creation. Spirit — you yourself are located in the head. Your brain contains the faculties through which you think, act and control your body, legs and arms. To your mother are you indebted for being here, and that mother should have an ocean of love for her babe, and that babe when grown should never forget that mother's love. The mother's first duty is to her child, her second duty to herself. The father's first duty is to the mother, his second duty to his child, and his third duty to himself. The child's first duty is to the mother. To be just and led with love is the imperative duty of all. 1 — What is this lesson about? 2 — What is the question asked? 3 — Is it important? 4 — When you meet each other how do you greet ? 5 — To what does this question allude? G — Is it a foundation? I — Of what does the trinity consist? 8 — What does it include ? 9 — Could you be born a duality? 10 — How are we spoken of as a compound? Please explain. 11 — What is spirit in this connection? 12— What is matter? 13 — When born what were you? —11— ; 14 — In what part of the organism are we located 15 — For what purpose are the faculties ? 16 — To whom are we debtors ? 17— For what? 18 — What should the mother have? 19 — What should the child never forgot? 20— What is a mother's first duty? 21 — Her second? 22— The father's first duty? 23— His escond? 24— What his third? 25— What is a child's first duty? 26— What is the dutv of all? T? LESSON III. "What are we ? How are we and who are we ? Here we have three problems. Two of them I gave you in the two preceding lessons. We will now deal with the third problem. As I stated in regard to the first two propositions I will again reiterate. I doubt if you can answer this very interesting question, Who are you? This query does not allude to your nationality, but has a direct meaning that relates to your very ex- istence as a living, moving, active being. As such, the question is directed to everyone who reads. Who are you? Answer: A personality. You were born a distinct and separate personality. It requires virtue in the shape and form of a Soul to make a personality. If you did not have a soul you would not be a triune being and hence not a personality. Matter and Spirit must be gathered and united here where Dame Na- ture has a home. All life must begin with nature. First, born into nature, and second, born out of na- ture. A triune being has two births. A duality has but one. A duality is without reason. It is but an in- dividuality. All evil life is a duality and hence we should say the individual, to whatever we allude that is dual. Only personalities have the opportunity to become immortal. I am giving you these les- sons to aid you to become immortal. I am blazing a pathway through the forests and —13— jungles of ignorance and superstition so you may catch a gleam of eternity's sun. Your soul came from where that light shines perpetual and forever. To continue in possession of that soul is the object I have in view, in my presentation of these les- sons. Ignorance is not excusable, and yet you are ignorant of those sublime truths. To acquire wisdom we must study spritual science. The science of which you read is material. Plainly speaking, five-sixths of so-called science is no science at all. To acquire truth we should first be just. Again, only as you get the truth can you acquire Wisdom. When people tell you that a God gave } T ou your soul, they are telling you a false- hood. It required your mother to give you birth and it requires a Divine Mother to furnish a soul. Xot anything is so far from the truth as the falla- cious teaching of the God theory. Those who teach that dogma are ignorant of life, of the answers to the questions, What, How and Who are we. 1 — How does our lesson begin? 2 — What is the query asked in this lesson? 3 — Give the answer? ■4 — What is required to make a personality? 5 — How were you born? 6 — Without a soul what would you be ? 7 — What is said of matter and spirit? 8 — Where must all life begin? 9— What is said of birth ? 10 — Is it so with a duality? 11 — What name is apjuied to a duality? 12 — Has an individuality reason? —14— i:> — W'liyr 14 — What lias the opportunity to become immortal? 15 — For what purpose are these lessons given? 16 — From whence came your soul? 1 7 — Is ignorance excusable? IS — Have we been ignorant? 19— Of what? 20 — Plow can we acquire wisdom ? 21 — What is said of material science? 22 — What must first be acquired ere we get the truth ? 23 — Wheh are people telling falsehoods? 24— What is far from the truth ? 25 — Why do people teach that dogma? NOTE TO TEACHERS. You should explain to the full satisfaction of the pupil the difference between a truth and a theory — I say the God theory. For hundreds of thousands of years this proclaiming of a God has been in vogue, and yet it remans a theory. No theorem can be produced. It is not a problem. Truth comes to us in problem. When I solved the problem and found that a Divinity was at the head of affairs, another more perplexing came up. Can there be a God? NO! Every problem answered in words of purest light — a Divine Mother. I have seen that Mother and I have conversed with Her several times. If you still seek for further truth place yourselves upon the spiritual plane and those from that plane will testify. No one has ever seen a god except those in human forms. Countless thous- — 15— ands have sought for a God and sought in vain. Xo scientist has ever been able to produce a problem out of that God theory. Give your reason sway and teach those tender little blossoms the Divine Truth. As you progress you will become happier and happier un- til your life will be one joyous day. Your soul m will be in harmony with you more and more as the chains 01 ignorance and superstition are sundered. —16— LESSON IV. "We have disposed of three very grave and important questions in our first three lessons, and now we are confronted with another problem that has been a very difficult one throughout all the many centuries. Where are we? is a query that no sage, scientist nor philoso- pher has ever been able to answer. It is a problem for spiritual scientists, and one that can only be solved from a spiritual standpoint. Spiritualism has given us the opportunity and made it possible for us to study science spiritually. Spirit- ualism gives us a fulcrum upon which we can rest our scientific lever; wherefore we are better able to answer this great question. Where are we? If you will step out of the house of a clear evening and look up into the heavens you will see what astron- omers call the milky way. This is a great, white look- ing belt or circle and is made up of suns that are the centers of planetary systems, like our own sun, and other most wonderful divisions. Of those divisions I will not now speak. This great circle contains in its completed circumference, three hundred abodes or divisions. Those abodes are separate and distinct one from the other, and yet they are united, very similar to the union of links in a chain. Every abode occupies the same amount of territory. Some of those abodes —17— are a perfect sphere, others are only in part a sphere. The outside of the abode is constructed so as to rep- resent some musical instrument or mathematical fig- ure or some form of life. Each and every one of those abodes have a diameter of seventy-six quadrillion de- cillion of our miles. "Where the circle is most narrow is where the abode is a complete sphere from center to circumference, and it is here the astronomers can make their measurements if they wish to test the truth concerning my statements. We are at the end of that circle, or more properly the terminus, where the two ends of the great circle come together. Our abode is the three hundredth and completes the circle. . Our abode being a complete and perfect sphere. If you will multiply seventy-six quadrillion decillion by three hun- dred, the number of abodes, you will get the mean circumference of that great circle, sometimes called the milky way or milkmaid's path. My children, you will not be able to grasp so im- mense a proposition as those diameters present, but I would have you know something of magnitude. I am trying to aid you, so you can form some kind of an idea of that wonderful eternity. This milky way, great as is its circumference, is but an infinitesimal part of that unfathomable eternity. The abode to which you belong will be your home forever. The center of the abode will be your center. From that center you expand, radiate, progress and reach out. The head of an abode is a woman. That is, a woman has charge, the complete control. She directs and is the chosen representative of our Divine — IS— Mother. This representative must be a person of great virtue, great maternity, scientific attainment and executive ability. I have on several occasions con- versed with the woman who is to be our Divine Moth- er's representative — that is, have charge of this abode. Multiply four quadrillion octillion years by thirty-six and the answer will give you the number of years this lovely and loving woman has been an inhabitant of eternity. My children, I am giving you divine truths; no theory, no priestly hallucination. There are no devils or gods in eternity. Those kinds of individuali- ties are here in human forms and they are the only ones you will ever see. 1 — What has been the difficult problem these many centuries ? 2 — Has it been answered? 3 — How can it be solved? 4 — What gives us the opportunity? 5 — With what does spiritualism provide us ? G — Can you tell where we are ? 7 — What do we see in the heavens ? 8 — Of what does it consist ? 9 — How many abodes are there in this circle? 10 — Are they separate divisions? 11 — Have they any connection? 12 — Are they all of the same size and shape? 13 — What do they represent? 14 — What is the diameter of an abode? 1.5 — Can the astronomers have the opportunity to test those statements? 16 — Where are we? 11 — Wlmt is our abode? —19— 18 — What does it complete? 19 — How can we get the circle's circumference? 20 — Can we grasp those propositions ? 21 — Why are they given? 22 — Is this circle a great part of eternity? 23 — What is said of our abode? 24 — Where is our center ? 25 — Who has charge of an abode? 26 — What does she represent? 27 — What must she be? 28 — What does the writer say of this woman? 29 — How long has she resided in eternity? 30— What is all this called? 31— Why truths? 32 — What will you not find in eternity? 33 — Where are they to be found? 31 — Are they personalities? 35 — What has this lesson taught us ? ]S T OTE. The teacher will find the blackboard a most neces- sary factor. In fact it is a necessity. We must demon* strate instead of praying. Prayer brings corruption, dependence, serfdom. Prayer binds us to matter, de- stroys reason and makes of us slaves to the hypnotizer and his fake presentations. Truth asks to be heard. Demonstration is the hearing. Truth comes through reason and demonstration. Ignorance is the insipid, filthy stream that runs under the altar of prayer, sac- rifice and incense. —20— LESSON V. In our last lesson we established ourselves, or more properly located our future home. The question was, Where are we ? Having answered the question we will now proceed in search of more truth, accumulate more wisdom, and further strengthen our position by adding to our foundation. Another question of great moment confronts us. Our place in the abode — where is it? That great circle has an outside and an inside circumference. We are on the outside cir- cumference and twelve solar spheres from vacant; territory. Mind, I told you that our abode completed the great circle. Directly outside of our abode and in the direction going away from our abode and the great circle is an immense region of vacant territory. The distance across that territory is immensity itself. To get out there to that vacant territory we must cross twelve solar or sun spheres. The diameter of one of those spheres is one trillion, eight hundred billion of our miles. Multiply this diameter by twelve, the number of solar spheres, and -we have the distance we must travel to reach that vacant territory. One of those solar spheres is sufficiently large to contain a great many planetary systems. Now, children, if we would travel in an opposite direction, say toward the inner circumference of the great circle; then cross over to the opposite side of our circle, and then cross the —21— abode,, where we came in contact with the inner circumference, when we arrived on the other side, we would see another circle, similar to our own. When a great number of those circles are completed, and united they form one grand sphere. Xow, my children, who do you suppose it is that lays out and plans this stupendous magnificence? Have you the least idea? Do you know? Spiritual- ism has furnished us with keys. All we have to do is to use those keys. By the use of those keys we gain admission to the great temple of Spiritual Science and there Truth opens up her volumes and Ave discover that we are but babes living on the con- fines of eternity and that a Divinie Mother is the Great Architect. By the study of spiritual science we discover What, How, Who and Where we are, and who plans all the great things of magnitude that belong to that eter- nity. We are living here upon a planet to prepare ourselves for our second birth. Now this planet belongs to a plan- etary system. This system has one sun and several planets. The system is located in a solar sphere and this solar sphere belongs to an abode which we call Our Abode. This abode is one of three hundred abodes that make one circle or Milky Way or Milk Maid's Patli. All of this stupendous system belongs to our Divine Mother. We have had a beginning, but not so with our Divinie Mother. She hath always been. There never was a time when She was not a mother. She hath always progressed and She always will. That loving Mother, adorning and beautifying —22— Her wonderful eternity for Her children. Do we ap- preciate this work of our loving Mother? Will you love that Mother and practice her virtues ? 1 — What was accomplished in our last lesson? 2 — "What will we do now ? 3 — What query confronts us? 4 — What is said of circumferences ? 5 — Of which circumference are we? 6 — How many spheres are there between us and va- cant territory? 7 — In what direction is that territory? 8 — Is it immense ? 9 — How many solar spheres must we cross to get the,re ? 10 — What is the diameter of one of those spheres? 11 — How do we get the distance? 12 — What is seen on the opposite side of our circle? 13 — What is said of a great number of those cir- cles? 14 — Who plans all of this? 15 — How do we get this? 16 — What must we do? 17— Where is truth found? 18 — What do Ave discover? 19 — What must we study to acquire all of this wis- dom? 20 — Upon what are we living? 21 — For what purpose? 22 — To what does this planet belong? 23 — Of what does this system consist? 24 — Where does it belong? 25 — To what docs the solar sphere belong? 26 — Is it our abode? Why? v? — What does our abode aid in doing? 28 — To whom does all this belong? 29 — In what are we different from our mother? 30 — What is said of our mother? 31 — Does she progress? 32 — Who adorns eternity? For whom? 33 — Do we appreciate this? 3-4 — Will you love that Divine Mother ? How ? The teacher should draw a circle. Then two dotted circles, one on the outside, the other inside. Those dotted circles represent the two circumferences. Then draw a sphere to represent our abode. Try and im- press your pupils with the grahdness and magnitude of all this and then draw the comparison of the bible theory of creation, to those beautiful truths. -24— LESSON VI. In our last lesson I told you that we had a Divine 3 rather, and it was this loving Mother who did all the planning for the constructing of abodes, circles and solar spheres. You see, my children, we are dealing with problems that belong to eternity. Forever, eter- nity, Love and our Divine Mother are not problems. Why? you will ask. Because they are beyond oar mental range. They are more than we are able to grasp. We are lost, amazed at the wondrous depths, the stupendous magnitude and we are content to con- fine ourselves where we belong. We must approach step by step. Tbe light of eternity would be too much for us — that beauty and sublimity we could not stard, if we were to be ushered into that great temple be- fore being prepared. Our Divine Mother has made it easy for Her children. She possesses the love and wisdom. She is a perfect trinity — a distinct and sep- arate personality. If She was not neither would we be. In fact, we would have no existence, hence would not be here. The possibilities that are presented to us as we progress fill us with admiration and awe. We are not such a trinity as our Divine Mother. We in- clude matter and matter cannot cross the circle of justice. To have a beginning we had to be created in matter. We had our start in nature. Nature has al- ways been at work. Nature is kept at work by our Di- —25— vine Mother and Her children. How is it done ? By the use of principles. Here we live in nature and we have material bodies. Xow, we should so live that when we pass out of these material bodies we should be borne upon the spiritual plane and then you will be without one particle of matter and be a counterpart of that Divine Mother. You will be in Her image — a resemblance of that Mother, to whom all are indebted for the opportunity to become immortal. If we live spiritual and virtuous lives here we will be borne upon the spiritual plane of the spirit world and in the likeness of Divinity. The Mother of all, and yet not the creator of all, but has made it possible for us to be, to exist, to move, think and progress — to act, do and think as we please and no one knows our thoughts. The two words that lead all words and are at the same time pre-eminent throughout eternity, are these, Mother and Love — robed in virtue, maternity and spirit, supported by principle, no beginning, boundless and more than eternity, the dearest of names known to the children of woman. Sublimity herself. The name of our Divine Mother is Love. 1 — With what are we dealing? 2 — What arc not problems? 3— Why ? 4 — How must we approach? 5 — What would be too much for us? 6 — Must we be prepared? :— For What? 8 — Who has made it easy for us? 9 — What does she possess ? 10— What is she? — se- ll — If she were not, what would be the result? 12 — What is presented as we progress? 13 — Do we differ from our Divine Mother? 14— How? Explain. 15 — Where cannot matter go? 16 — Where do we get our start? 17 — How is nature kept at work? 18— How? 19 — How should we live? 20 — How should we be born? 21 — What will we resemble? 22 — Are we indebted to her? 23— For what? 24 — What kind of lives should we live? 25— Who is mother of all? 26 — Is she creator of all? 27 — Has she made anything possible? Explain. 28 — What are the two leading words ? 29 — What is said of maternity and spirit? 30 — What is the name of our Divine Mother? 31 — Is she more than eternity? XOTE. The parents and teachers should not let opportunity escape of drawing the contrast between the teachings of spiritualism and the silly myths and allegories of religion. The six days creation — a little globe, a little priestly imagination, a little man created out of dust; a little breath given to arouse him, a little rib from which Eve sprang. All of which were created by a little god. How wonderful! -27- LESSOX VII. In our first lesson you were told that you were a trinity, made up of three parts or things which we called matter, spirit and virtue. In this lesson we will consider the first proposition. That is, we will talk about matter and learn of its uses and necessities. Mat- ter in its original state is dead; that is, matter is with- out life, inactive, not anything but matter. This is the matter out of which suns and planets are made — yes, all that is connected with them in the shape of mat- ter. This matter is subject to many changes. The kinds of minerals, gases, transparent and rarified mat- ter, liquids, etc., that can be made out of original mat- ter are almost without number. It is beyond our cal- culation. Matter is not created. Matter has always been — is indestructible, hence shall always be in use one way or another. Matter is the crude of ether. Every solar sphere contains four storehouses that con- tain this crude, dead matter. Those storehouses are of immense size and are located one in each quarter of the sphere and in the center of the quarter. Cut an orange into four quarters. Those quarters will an- swer to the quarters of a solar sphere. Those store- houses furnish all the matter that is used in the con- struction of suns and planets in the solar sphere where they are located. Those storehouses are spherical in shape or form and are several millions of miles in —28— diameter, yes, "billions of miles. Children, do yon not think this a pretty good sized storehouse? Those storehouses and their contents belong to our Divine Mother. She provides those houses for Her children. Here they get their material and they can have all they can use by conforming to the require- ments of Justice. All storehouses of matter are in charge of men. Those men must be messengers of Justice and must be persons of great executive ability. They have billions of messengers to aid in dealing out matter to those who come for it to construct their sys- tems. Every particle of matter must be taken ac- count of and when the s}^stem has run its course this matter must be returned again and their account can- celed. System, Order and Harmony prevail through- out eternity. We dare not act unjustly, even with dead, crude matter. Do you not think that those men who claim to own great bodies of land, mines, water and other effects, will have an immense debt to can- cel? Best easy, my children, justice will be done. 1 — What were we taught in our first lesson? 2 — Of what does this lesson treat? Explain. 3 — What is meant by dead matter? 4 — Is matter a necessity? 5 — For what is it used ? G — Can crude matter be changed ? 7 — "What is created out of it? 8 — Is matter created? 9 — What is matter? 10 — Where is this matter obtained? 11 — How many of those stores in a sphere? 1 2 — How are they located ? 13 — How can we illustrate? 14 — What is the form of a storehouse? 15 — What is the diameter? 16 — To whom do they belong? 17 — For whom are they provided? 18 — Who has charge? 19 — What is required to get matter? 20 — Is this matter taken in account ? 21 — Is it returned? 22 — What prevails throughout eternity? 23 — Can we act unjustly? KOTE. This lesson branches 'off of Xo. 1. It is also con- nected with V and YI. Here teachers should recapit- ulate for by so doing they will be better able to note the progress of the pupils. We must get the children imbued with the truths and facts contained in those lessons. —30- LESSOX VIII. In the previous lesson I told you of those immense storehouses where the matter was kept for building purposes. That those houses and their contents were the property of our Divine Mother and that She had pie and study. The surveying and building of plane- tary systems is left for Her children to do. Mother provided them especially for Her children, so they could procure the material and add practice to princi- could do all of such work, but She prefers that Her children shall do it. Thus She gives us the opportu- nity to show our ability — our wisdom. In this way we begin to aid our Divine Mother, to help Her in creating and becoming factors of importance to Her forever in Her eternity. Our Divine Mother does not sit upon a throne, neither does she wear a crown. She does not reign — She has no altars, no places of worship. Her temples are dedicated to the science of eternity — the Divine Arts and the Divine Virtues. After your second birth when you have acquired the wisdom so you can have your planetary system you will have the opportunity to visit the great storehouse of matter. This will be the first building that you will see that belongs to our Loving Mother. All that you have previously seen belongs to Her children; their work, produced by their efforts, and you will have the same privilege; provided you succeed in reaching the —31— spiritual plane. Having told you of those storehouses that contain matter, I will now proceed and give you an account of another great structure. This spherical shaped edifice is called the Store- house of Principles of and for matter. This place is located near the center of the solar sphere and there is but one such edifice in each sphere. Those princi- ples are not matter. They are separate and distinct from matter. As much so as the flame on the end of the wick is distinct from the oil in the lamp, and yet they affinitise with and direct matter in countless ways. Those principles have instinct, while the finer or more subtle, possess intelligence. The number of those principles is very great and the different kinds are immense. Their combinations go beyond our men- tal calibre. This storehouse and its contents also be- long to our Divine Mother. The principles and de- signs for a material creation are all kept here for all those who build systems in the sphere where it is lo- cated. A messenger of Justice has charge. The store- houses of principle of matter, like those of matter, are always placed in charge of men. When you have become better acquainted with spiritual science you will learn why this is so. The messenger in charge of our storehouse of prin- ciples has visited us more than a score of times and it has been from him that I received my information. He has lived in the spirit world more than forty bil- lion of our years. (You may think this a long time, my children, but, you must remember, we are dealing with eternity.) This messenger is a lovable and lov- ing man. He is a great teacher and is a man of great —32— executive ability and scientific attainments. He has more than a trillion assistants and many times more pupils. The messengers who are building systems go to this storehouse for their principles and designs. Our little planet has but an infinitesimal amount of the collection that is contained in that wonderful storehouse. If it were not for those principles we would have no suns, no planets. By the use of those principles matter is made serviceable. Fire is an ef- fect. That effect is produced by the application of the principle called heat. Heat applied to something that is combustible, such as wood, oil and coal, produces fire. By this fire we cook our meals, and warm our- selves when cold. 1 — What did Ave learn in our previous lesson ? 2 — To whom do they belong ? 3 — For whom provided ? •i — For what purpose? 5 — Who surveys and builds suns and planets? 6 — Why does she not build them ? 7 — Why does she give her children the opportunity ? 8 — Does our mother sit upon a throne? 9 — Has she a crown? 10 — Does she reign? 11 — Has she any places of worship? 12 — Any altars? 13 — What has she for her children? 11 — To what are they dedicated? 15 — What is said in relation to our second birth? 16 — What privilege will be granted us? 17 — That which we have previously seen, to whom does it belong? —33— 18 — "What privilege will be ours? 19 — What is the next edifice spoken of ? .20 — Where. is it located? 21 — Are those principles matter? 22 — Can yon give the illustration? 23 — What is their effect on matter? 24 — Have they knowledge ? 25 — What is said of their number, kinds and combi- nations ? 26 — To whom belongs this edifice? 2 7 — What is kept there? 28 — Who has charge? 29 — How long has he lived in eternity? 30 — Why have men charge? 31 — What is said of this messenger? ' 32 — What is said of our planet? 33 — How is matter made serviceable? 31— What is fire? 35— What is heat? 36 — How is it made serviceable ? NOTE. Parents and teachers should be governed by an as- piration that has the whole planet for a school honse. Teach, train and lead the young along those spiritual science lines and the product will be women and men of calibre — broad range and virtuous attainments. Aid the little ones to grasp all they can assimilate. Sever the coils of the serpent of tyranny, avarice, jeal- ousy, prejudice and cruelty, and become women and men and not the pitiful slaves of priestcraft. —34- LESSOJST IX. To build a sun and planets the messengers go to the storehouse of matter and get what is required. All suns and planets are spherical, round, like an orange or ball. The creating or building begins in the center and matter is added to matter. The building is from the inside out toward the surface. To change this crude matter, principles are brought from the store- house of principles of matter. Those principles are applied or infused, and the kind of principles used designate the kind of mineral produced. Coal, gas and oils are produced in this way. Water and air re- quire the more subtle principles. Everything in the body of the planet is first created, then the water, and last the dress to the planet, called atmosphere. The planet proper being completed, the atmosphere is next to be completed. This atmosphere contains much that you know not anything about. All the rarified matter that is required for the botanical or vegetable king- dom is placed in the air, all of which is invisible. We cannot see the air, neither its contents. This air and that which it contains is of greatest value. The planet proper is but the foundation, the support or walls to all that is beautiful in life and the support of life. The mineral kingdom includes all that is under our feet, while the kingdoms of life and their clothing live in the air, are contained in the air, except a very —35— little that is held in the embrace of water. Water is the dividing line between the earth and air— visible and invisible matter, life and her garments. Air is the most important of all things created out of matter. After the air conies the water. Electricity is created out of matter. The poles of matter are the places of egress and ingress. The principles used in the creation of electricity are of several kinds, and hence there are several grades of electricity. Elec- tricity belongs to matter. Matter is the home of elec- tricity. Electricity has to do with matter and not with life. One kind of elecrticity is adhesive or attractive, another is repellant or repulsive. By the working of those grades* do we get our rain. Electricity can be likened unto a perfect watch that records time per- fectly. If we allow dust or little grains of sand to get into our watch it will no longer keep perfect time. It runs hap-hazard, jumps and starts. Electricity is the most subtle thing created out of matter that has force, power. When coarse matter in the shape of evil inter- feres with the more subtle grades of electricity, then we have the thunder bolt, cyclones, extremes of various kinds, and all life is placed in jeopard}'. Evil is very material. The thoughts of an evil man, one who is avaricious, tyrannical, cruel — one who lusts for power, who tramples the rights of others under his feet. Such a one's thoughts are more material than electricity. They disturb the harmony, set aside order and interfere with system. Those evil thoughts go into the atmosphere and are to electricity just what the grains of sand are to the watch. Here is an illus- tration of a man who has manv more times evil than a — 36— viper, so that when he died, as we are told, he Was so evil that he could not be permitted to remain on the material plane and the messengers took him away and placed him in confinement and put him to work. That was Cecil Rhodes of Africa, a villianous man, one with- out one principle, an avaricious glutton worth two hundred millions. All matter — he strove for matter. He will now make matter and pay his debts and then he will be annihilated. He had no thought for any- thing but matter, and he elevated matter and placed it in the air in the shape of life. Children, if you would be immortal, copy not after such loathsome beasts as Cecil Ehodes. 1 — With what does our lesson deal ? 2 — What is the shape of suns and planets? 3— How built ? 4 — How is crude matter changed ? 5 — Is the mineral produced governed by the prin- ciples used ? 6 — How comes coal, etc. ? 7 — How about water and air? 8 — Ho we know of the air's contents? 9 — What is the order of creating? 10— What is the air called? 11 — What is placed in the air? 12 — Can we see it? 13 — Has it value? 14 — What is most beautiful ? 15 — What does the mineral kingdom include? 1G — Where does life and her clothing reside? 17— What is water? 18 — What is the most important? 19 — What comes after air? 20 — Is electricity created? 21— From what? 22 — What is said of the poles of matter? 23 — Has electricity grades? 24 — How is it made ? 25 — Where does it belong? 26— Has it to do with life? 27 — What is said of the kinds of electricity ? 28 — How is rain produced? 29 — To what is electricity likened? Explain. 30 — Is there anything more subtle than electricity ? 31 — What interferes with the working of electricity ? 32 — What is produced? 33 — What is said of evil men's thoughts? '34— What does evil do ? 35 — Can you give the illustration recorded? 36 — Who is spoken of? 37— Was he evil? 38 — What was done with him ? 39 — What will become of him? 40 — Should we copy after such men? -38- LESSON" X. Principles, like matter, have no beginning. They are not created, because they have always been. They are a part of eternity. Science and Art are co-equal with Eternity and time. They have no limit, because no beginning. All but matter are progressive. Matter being dead, cannot progress. Do you see, my chil- dren, how silly it is for men to strive as they do to accumulate the most worthless thing in all eternity? Evil men sacrifice every principle for matter, called wealth. This cannot be taken with them, and since they have no principle they are borne upon the ma- terial plane decrepid, miserable beggars — a loathe- some growth, matter individualized. When man thinks and acts evil, then the act and deed goes to the principles of matter and evil life is the result. The principles will work with whatever we provide. The mill will grind whatever we place in the hopper. All evil life is matter individualized. This would not, could not be if man were just. Man is the cause of every evil upon our planet. To stop evil men must cease to think and act evil. To get rid of serpents, tigers, cats, flies, bugs, sharks, hawks, etc., etc., we must cease giving them support by thought and deed. Every beastly thing on our planet is supported by the avarice and propagated by the lusts and licenciousness of man. Beastly as are panthers, lice, lizzards, snakes, — *9— etc., etc., those evil creations are not as beastly as the evil men who create and support them. A stream of water never rises above its source. I am dealing with evil in this lesson because it belongs to matter. All evil life must have a little spirit. This little spirit with much evil comes from men. Spirit is a prisoner in the coils of individualized matter. The more evil the Jess spirit. Matter covets matter. The more evil a man is the less he respects the rights and liberties of others. Evil 'is no respecter of innocence nor old age. Hence evil men enslave their fellow men. Cruelty and fanaticism, vanity and egotism in man is no re- specter of spirit life in others. All evil men are dom- inated by matter, one way or the other. The prize they covet is power, either position or wealth. They have not shame — no sympathy. For all evil, like mat- ter, is dead to decency and good breeding. Now, my children, take away the principles that are used in the making of our planet and all that belongs to it and what remains ? Can you tell what is left to those gluttons of wealth and power? Do you not see how silly and idiotic it is for man to practice evil? The support of evil is ignorance. Ignorance is like dead matter. It requires something to move it. The men who are responsible for ignorance are the men who mostly aid in the individualizing of matter. The min- eral kingdom, water and air and all that the earth con- tains was placed here by messengers of Justice and it belongs in part to them and part to our Divine Mother. Hence no one has a right to take or hold more than they require for their individual support or those depending upon them. No one can claim that which —40— they have not created. Xo man nor men can give title to land. When men and governments hold the title to land, water, mines, etc., etc., they do so by an evil process which is robbery — stealth by laws that are the creations of evil men for their evil practices. The beginning of evil took place upon this planet when men began to seek for power, praise, vanity and service. Thus it was that religion began its terrible career of slavery, idolatry, sorrow and tears, cruelty and oppression. 1 — What does our lesson treat of ? 2 — What is said of principles? 3 — Of science and art? 4 — Why no limit? 5 — In what does matter differ from the others ? (5 — What is the most worthless thing in eternity ? 7 — Should principle be sacrificed for matter? 8— Why? 9 — What are men without principle? 10 — What is the result of evil thinking and acting? 11 — Will a mill grind good as well as evil? 12— What is evil? 13 — Could this be if man were just? 14 — Who is the cause of evil? I-") — How can evil be stopped? 16 — Can the evils named be obliterated? 17 — By what is evil supported and propagated? 1 8 — Are the evils as beastly as their creators ? 19 — With' what are we dealing? 20— Why? 21 — How is spirit united to evil? 22 — What does matter covet? —41— 23 — Who respects not the rights of others? 24— Why ? 25 — Who enslave their fellows? 26 — How are evil men dominated? 27 — In what are they lacking? 28 — What is said of good breeding? 29 — What is left to man when the principles de- part ? 30 — What supports evil*? 31 — Who is responsible for ignorance? 32 — To whom does the earth, air and water belong? 33 — Can we claim that which we do not create? 34 — Can title be given ? 35— Why? 36 — When did evil begin? 37 — Who began? Parents and teachers will bear in mind that I am giving Divine Truths and that it is of the ntmost im- portance that the children be made acquainted with every fact. Do not hurry nor crowd them, give them time. You are dealing with children, some of whom may have acquired evil. To get rid of this evil is your duty as well as to present those truths. Be firm, be just, be merciful, be loving, then suggest, impigne Aour thoughts upon the child when asleep. Thus you can eradicate evil. The children of this generation are drunk with avarice. Bear that in mind and act ac- cordingly. —42- LESSON XL Suns and planets have their beginning as such. I have told you how they are created. When the}' have run or fulfilled the time for which they were built, then they die. The sun is the first to wane. As the matter is consumed by the principles, the strength or energy diminishes and when that time comes the planets begin to show weakness and life decreases. A few centuries and there remains no life. Then the principles begin to withdraw. First, those in the at- mosphere, and when they have all been returned to the storehouse, the rarified matter which was a part of our air, is all precipitated in the water. The princi- ples used in making water next disappear and the mat- ter is all precipitated and becomes a part of the earth. The principles used in constructing the mineral king- dom now are gathered up and their departure takes place. The planet is now dead — yes, cold, crude, dead matter. Those gluttons after wealth will now have a feast. It is such a one as no person cares for. The sun and planets have disappeared and all that is left Is the matter and the orbit. This matter must be re- turned to the storehouse of matter. The orbits are closed up and there remains no sign of a system ever having been located there. The accumulations of the wealthy and rulers go with that dead matter, and their possessors, too, if they have not finished paying their —43— debts. It will be a sorry time for evil doers and sup- porters. Thus will evil be clothed in the dark, black shroud of oblivion. When people become worship- pers, matter becomes god and the possessors of matter are looked upon as gods. Evil idolizes matter, but shuns Virtue. Evil acts by stealth and manoeuvers through the ruts of policy, but discards principle and spirit. Out of what was evil born ? Can you answer ? Reli- gion is the cause, evil the effect. From whence came religion? Priestcraft created religion. Religion is an effect, produced by the teachings of men called priests. Thus religion had its origin in man. Being evil, it is not found in eternity. It lives and dies among its creators and supporters. Religion belongs to matter, lives and thrives in mat- ter. Is cruel, remorseless, jealous, revengeful, filled with hate, spleen and prejudice. It stops not, but per- petrates the most hideous crimes. A glutton whose avaricious maw is never satisfied. It rules with hands of blood. It has its chosen and its rulers and with fire, -word and fagot it cuts its trails of horror and mis- ery in every land, in every clime. It is more brazen than the serpent, more terrible in anger than the tiger, and its thirst for blood surpasses the cravings of a vampire. Priestcraft has and will perpetrate any crime in tin- name of its religion and its creeds. It has no shame — like matter, dead to decency and good breeding, it feels only like matter, which is no feeling. It i- ever drunk with avarice and passion. It is an in- grate and will turn like a panther upon its own kin 'when they refuse its idols. To kill and slay is pastime —44— and sport. It is the inventor of every mode of torture. It is the enemy of principle, spirit and virtue. It is a robber, a thief, for it takes of that which it does not produce. It is a creator and supporter of evil, but lives upon that which others have provided. It is a tiling of matter, materiality, materialism. Those three things are the tripod that form a seat for evil. Reli- gious, medical and political priestcraft form the trian- gle of evil upon which tyranny has erected a throne. Virtue is never found among cruel, evil men. My children, shun evil. . Have not anything to do with evil people. Spurn priestcraft and hearken not to them if you would travel in the avenue that leads to immortality. Never idolize matter. Never worship. Matter belongs under our feet. Matter is to be used for the purposes for which it was and is intended, not anything more or less. Of matter, all are equal share- holders. Do not pray nor practice idolatry of any kind. It is degrading, material and leads to submission, depen- dence and slavery. Bear in mind, the priests arc the monsters of the earth. They arc the fathers of all of the sorrows and miseries. The creators and supporters of evil life, the enemies of Justice and Truth, the de- stroyers of every good. 1 — Will suns and planets continue forever? 2 — What is the first to wane? 3— What next? 4 — What becomes of the principles? 5 — "What is the course of disintegration? G— Tell us? 7 — What becomes of the matter? —45— 8 — What is said of the orbit? 9 — What becomes of wealth? 10 — Of the owners? 11 — What takes place when people worship? 12 — How does evil act? 13 — From what was evil born? 14 — What is religion? 15— What evil? 16 — How comes religion? 17 — Its origin? 18 — Has the priest or his religion a place in eter- nity? 19 — Where does religion belong? 20 — Tell what religion is ? 21 — Give some more? 22— What will priestcraft do ? 23 — Upon what is it drank? 24 — Has it gratitude? 25 — Of what is it the enenry? 26 — What does it create? 27 — Does it live on its creations? 28— Why is it a robber? 29 — What three things form the triangle for tyran- ny? 30 — Is virtue found with such men? 31 — As children, what arc we told to do? 32 — Give some more ? 33 — Have all an interest in matter? 34 — What does prayer lead to ? 35 — Who is the cause of sorrow and misery? 36 — Who are the enemies of justice and truth? — 1G— LESSON XII. In this lesson we will take up the second propo- sition — Life. In our last lesson we finished/ for the time, our discourse' on the first proposition, which was matter, its uses and abuses. I have told you that we are a trinity, and that this trinity consisted of three things — matter, spirit and virtue; therefore, our pres- ent lesson will include the second proposition — spirit. Spirit is life. Life of many kinds is produced by spirit. There can be no life without spirit. All spirit is alike but all life is not. There are many grades upon our planet. Evil has extended the list. Where there is no evil the grades run in mathematical order and there is no discord, no poverty, no crime, no de- vouring of flesh, no idols, no worship, no tyranny. Spirit is created. Matter is not created, but evil can be created out of matter. Thoughts are things. Now, if our thoughts are evil they cannot be spirit, but if those evil thoughts surround a very small particle of spirit then they live and we have evil life. Spirit is held a prisoner and growth takes place. Matter has no gender. Man provides the gender for evil. All spirit is feminine, hence all femininity should be free to act and do, but it is not so upon our planet. Femi- ninity is a slave; man is ruler. That tiny part of spirit enclosed in evil is made to perform the disagreeable function of propagating evil life. If men were not —47— evil, this would not, could not be. Herein comes the great curse of evil men. Spirit held in bondage and forced to produce — femininity a slave, a serf, a beg- gar. And, my dear children, our priests of religion, medicine and politics (sometimes called law) uphold, sustain and demand this slavery — bondage — this pol- luting of spirit and this propagating of evil life. Man's lust and avarice feeds this evil life. His licencious- ness and jealousy enslaves spirit and holds it a pris- oner. Evil embracing and murdering spirit — how chilling and horrible — how wanting is the earth of manly men, of gallant boys. Spirit is created by per- sons of principle; people who support Justice and Love Truth. Every grand thought is a creative of spirit. When you send a thought out through the faculties of the brain, that thought creates either spirit or evil. Your thoughts go out through the faculties addressed. Xow if those faculties are thoroughfares for evil, then evil is the result, but on the contrary, if you are a per- son of principle, then those faculties respond in uni- son and spirit is the product. It is a safe proposition for us to say, that if a person does not possess prin- ciple, be is not just, and a person who is not just is not honc-t. To be a spiritual being should be the object of everyone. Spirituality gives immortality. To become immortal we must have something to our credit that will insure us of immortality. That something must be spirit and that spirit cannot be created by people of evil. Hence we should be persons of principle, for without principle yon cannot create spirit. Principle supports and sustains spirit. When we spurn evil — 4S— thoughts, evil in people and proclaim against evil, then are we acting from motives of principle and our mo- tives are called spiritual. Thus we become spiritual beings and by our thoughts we become creators of spirit. Surely thoughts are things. Every human being has twelve faculties in the brain that correspond to the twelve Divine Virtues. When we support and love Justice, that faculty is enlarged and developed. Now, when we proclaim and advocate Justice, then our thoughts are addressed to that facul- ty and we become creators of virtue. The most sub- lime part of our thought is in the semblance of a sub- stance and that is Virtue. Bear in mind Virtue is more than spirit. When you support and sustain and main- tain Justice, you show your wisdom. You can create spirit through any of the faculties by supporting the right and opposing the wrong. This you can do by the knowledge you possess, but you must show wisdom to create Virtue. Love goes with spirit. Passion goes with and belongs to evil. 1 — What proposition have we under consideration ? 2— What is it called? 3 — What is a trinity? 4 — What is spirit? 5 — Are there many kinds of life? 6 — Is spirit essential to all life? 7 — Is all spirit the same? 8— Is life ? 9 — What has extended the grades? 10 — What runs in mathematical order? 11 — Plow comes spirit? 12— Is matter? —49- 13 — How comes evil? 14 — What are thoughts? 15 — Can evil survive of itself? 16 — Has matter gender? IT — How comes its gender? 18 — What is the gender of spirit? 19— Who rules? 20— Is that just ? 2 1 — What is the great curse of evil men ? 22 — Who upholds this evil? 23— What feeds evil life? 24 — In what is the earth wanting? 25 — How is spirit created? 26 — Have we faculties? 21 — How can they be used? 28 — What is a safe proposition ? 29— What should be the object of all? 30 — What does it give? 31 — How can we become immortal? 32 — What is that something? 33 — What is requisite to create spirit ? 34 — What supports spirit? 35 — When are we acting from principle ? 36 — Are our motives anything? 3:— What? 38 — What have we that corresponds to the twelve virtues ? 39 — How do we enlarge a faculty? 40 — How do we become creators of virtue? 41 — What is virtue? 42 — What is required to create spirit ? 43— What virtue? —50— 1 ! — What goes with spirit? 45 — What with passion? 46— What should we all strive to be? A P. of P. 4;_.yyhy? Because P. supports S. —51— LESSON" XIII. By this time my beloved children we have made the astonishing discovery that there are two kinds of life upon our planet, spiritual beings and evil beings. Spirit was first provided by the messengers. To this spirit the messengers added principles. Those prin- ciples had to be procured from somewhere, for with- out principles life could not be started or created. Thus, spirit life was the result and the messengers of Justice the creators; and it was good. The first life placed upon the planet was the vegetable kingdom; the second was the bird; the third was the animal; the fourth was the fish and the fifth was woman. All of this life was started by the messengers who built this little globe of ours. And all of that life was started and created out of the same kind of spirit. Eemem- ber, I told you that spirit was all alike. If you take all the water on our earth and extract the salts and minerals your water would all be alike. It would be pure, like rainwater. Water in the form of vapor as- cends in the air. This ascending of vapor is the work of one grade of electricity, and where there is no evil this ascending is pure and perfect. Not one particle of the mineral kingdom ever interferes or intrudes. Thus, rainwater is pure. It is in no way contaminated. Spirit can be likened to water. However, water is not life. The home of water is in the lap of matter — —52— the earth. The home of spirit is in the atmosphere, from whence it is called forth when required for the propagation of the life of the vegetable kingdom. When evil men place evil in the air by their thoughts and deeds, then the spirit in the air becomes contami- nated just as water will by coining in contact with filth from a sewer drain. Spirit is very subtle. She is all feminine. She does not possess one particle of knowl- edge. In fact, knows not airything. She is suscepti- ble to intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. She is a problem that challenges our admiration and calls forth our grandest and sublimest efforts. Spirit creat- ing spirit by thoughts passing through our faculties. Those faculties are grown out of the very best ma- terial — the purest food we eat. To eat the purest of food and think the noblest thoughts will make grand women and men out of every child who practices Jus- tice or who is given the opportunity to do so. If we are just, then are we spiritual beings. Thus you will understand the proposition of spirit creating spirit. We are spirits; spirit borne into material bodies. Do you get the idea? Xow children, I want } r ou to under- stand this proposition, so you will understand the dif- ference between spirit and evil. An evil thought is the result of evil, and when it passes through, the fac- ulties it is only a semblance of spirit. It goes out un- accompanied by principle, and is coarse, consisting only of rarified matter and hence does not contain either spirit or principle. Our air contains more of this evil than spirit, because five-sixths of the race are given to evil thinking and doing. Your brain is to you just what a mill is to the one who owns it. Your faculties —53— are the machinery, and the machinery will turn out just what you give it to grind or place in the hopper. This matter passing through our faculties is almost unexplainable. I have not the proper word to give you. Spiritually 'you can readily comprehend how it is. The machinery of your brain (the faculties) is grown, or in other words, the spirit principles are the builders and constructors. The principles of matter aid, to some extent, in the furnishing of material. Xow, that is the process. But as we grow to maturity should we be forced or of our own volition practice evil, then little by little the principles of spirit have less and less to do and the matter principles take the place and evil is produced instead of spirit. All this evil is due to beastly, ignorant men groveling after matter. To the messengers are we indebted for life, aye, for every good and beautiful thing on our globe. Yes, and to beastly men are we indebted for every viper, pest, vermin and all that is vulgar, licentious and re- pulsive. Those messengers are the children of Justice. This planet and its contents belong to them. Evil only is the property of man and evil men have no just right to traffic in anythig else. Evil women have been made so by more beastly men. When woman was placed in subjection to man by the pernicious priests, then femininity was no longer at liberty to act out her freedom, and as the beastly venom of man was more and more impigned upon her she began to bring forth more and more like her cruel oppressor, and at last women began to look and act like men. In a word they became masculinized with evil. They lost their —54— beauty, their virtue and their freedom. Women are like steam engines that have no governors — their in- tuition, seership and wisdom have departed. They have been despoiled of their birth rights oy ignoble and licentious men and now, poverty stricken, they stand at the very threshold of eternity, unprepared for a sec- ond birth and do not know of that Divinity after whom they have been fashioned. Spirit and femininity never created discord. Spirit is beautiful and when once created remains forever. "Tis a joy unspeakable — a glory that is yours throughout all coming time. But on the other hand, if your creations have been evil, then you will be a thing of evil. Your posses- sions will be the product of your thinking and acting while you inhabited your clay house. You will not possess one item that gives immortality! You will be a veritable beggar, standing like the thing you have made of yourself — a loathesome being amid your idols of matter. Children, I am giving you sublime truths and I want you to remember them and live round, beautiful lives. Spirit will carry you to Avhere the birds sing, animals frisk and play and children are bright and happy and where the gluttons and monsters of earth cannot enter. I will not deceive you, my children; I am not mis- leading you. I Avould not write you one falsehood. Let others say what they will, follow me and you will be born upon the spiritual plane of the spirit world a joyous and happy being. I love children and I would have them become immortal and live forever. Yes, partaking of all that is sublime in that wonderful eternity, where a Divine Mother's loving hand will rti- —55— rect and Her love lead to eljsian fields of bliss such as mortals cannot imagine, neither the wisest of the chil- dren of women picture. The rubbish created by evil men will have passed away as a mirage to be seen no more forever. The light of eternity will illumine your path. Your hopes will be realized for a Divine Moth- er's love will fill every aspiration and that Mother's smile be your guiding star through countless ages to come. 1 — What have we discoursed ? 2— What are they called? 3 — What kingdom was first placed here?. 4 — Xame them in their order. 5 — Who provided the spirit? 6 — What was added? 7 — Are they necessary? 8 — Has spirit grades? 9 — Has water? 10 — How does water ascend? 11 — How is it aided? 12 — To what is spirit likened ? 13 — Where is the home of water? 1-1— Of spirit? 15 — How was spirit contaminated? 16 — What is spirit? IT — What the gender? 18 — Does she possess anything? 19 — To what is she susceptible? 20 — Is she anything? 21 — What does spirit create? -How ? 23 — What is said of our faculties? — 56— 24 — Wha1 can children become? 25 — What are we when just? 26 — What are we? 2 3 — Where born ? 28 — Do yon understand the proposition? 29— What is the result of evil? 30 — Could there be evil thoughts if there were no evil back of the thoughts? 31 — What is a semblance? 32— Of what ? 33 — What does the air contain? 34r— Why?- 35 — What is the brain to us? 36 — What are your faculties? 37— What will they turn out? 38 — Can we understand? How? 39 — How come our faculties? • 40 — What part do the matter principles play ? 41— What is it all called ? 42 — How do spirit principles lose control? 43 — What is produced? 44 — To whom is this due ? 45 — To whom are we indebted for life? 46— What else? 47 — To whom for evil? 48 — Who are those messengers? 49 — What belongs to them? 50 — What is the property of men? 51 — Has he a just right to traffic in anything else? 52— Why? 53 — How have some women been made evil? •VI — How was it done? 55 — What was femininity robbed of? 56 — What have women become? 57— With what? 58 — What did woman lose ? 59 — Who robbed woman of her birthright? 60 — After whom was woman fashioned? 61 — What is said of discord? 62 — What is said of spirit and the future? 63 — If our creations are evil, then what? 6-1 — What will we be? 65— What is all this ? QQ — What is wanted of us? 67 — What will spirit do? 68 — What are we told to do? 69 — What will be the outcome? TO — What does the writer want of children? 71 — Can the beauties of that eternity be pictured? 1 2 — Who will direct and lead ? 73 — What will pass away as a mirage? 14 — What lights our path? 75 — Will our hopes be realized? T6— How? 77 — What will be our guide? XOTE. Parents and teachers should make themselves fa- miliar with this lesson, so as to be able to impart the truths and facts contained therein. Children have a right to the truth and I am giving it in these lessons. I understand my subject and I am giving a synopsis of years of study under the ablest of teachers. Teach and train the children and lead them by precept and example. Select your company and mingle only with people as your business requires. Be just, temperate and prudent, resist evil with all the will at your com- mand and discard your Bibles, gods and religion and make a way for Justice and Truth and you will find wil- ling teachers to guide your weary footsteps? —59- LESSON" XIV. In our last lesson I told you that the messengers had given of their own spirit to start life upon this planet. I have also told you how we can create spirit. Thus far we have learned two very important propo- sitions — the creating of spirit and the making of evil. I hope, my dear children, you will never he guilty of stooping so low in the scale of being as to create evil. In your everyday life you see the terrible effects of evil and now that you know the end of evil is death, you will aspire to create that which is immortal and secure for yourselves the boon of immortality? Prin- ciples we cannot create, but we can extend, cultivate and practice principle. There are three great divis- ions of principles. The first are the principles that go with matter; the second are the spirit principles; that is, those that go with, lead, sustain and support spirit. The first grade possesses intel- ligence, the second possesses knowledge, and the third grade possesses wisdom. Those are the more numerous. The third great order of principles are the prin- ciples of eternity. Of these we will have something to say farther on, for just now we have to do with the principles of spirit. How came those messengers in possession of those beautiful principles? That is the question. Principles must be procured ere life —60— could be given a start and then the support which is requisite and necessary. In placing life upon a planet we are dealing with a great enterprise, my children. This is an undertaking of magnitude and it is a work that requires Wisdom. Knowledge can build so ordinary thing as a railway, or proclaim some delusion such as religion, evolution, Christian science, theosophy, mental science, etc., etc., where sophistry is about all that is required, but spirit is very subtle and requires scientific lore — Wisdom, my children. The handling of spirit must be done scien- tifically and not religiously. We sec what religion and the priests have done here and we should not permit anv intrusion from them. Do you recollect where the principles of matter were procured ? This figure represents a solar sphere. The four dots in the center of each quarter represent the four storehouses of matter. The two dots on the line running up and down represent the two storehouses of principles. The one being the house for the matter principles, the other is where the spirit principles and .many designs of life are kept, and it was from this storehouse that the principles of spirit were procured and every design and form of variety and kind were procured by the messengers. This storehouse is much larger than the one dedicated to the principles of mat- ter and there is but one in each sphere. Life cannot be started anywhere in the sphere without applying at —61— this store where the principles and designs are kept. The principles of spirit are not spirit. They belong- to onr Divine Mother, as also the edifice in which they are kept. Women are always to be found in charge. To preside over so immense a building and be compe- tent to direct and teach requires no ordinary mind. The woman in charge of our storehouse of spirit prin- ciples has been to see us many times and I have receiv- ed a course of instructions that are and have been of great assistance to me. This grand woman is so ma- ternal that we call her by the tender name of mother. When she lived in her material body, as we are now, she was not a mother. She was a teacher of spiritual science, yet most of her time was given to teaching the young and as an instructor she had no equal. This wise and lovely woman has been an inhabitant of the spirit world more than fifty billion of our years. This is more time than you are able to grasp, but recollect we are talking about and dealing with that which be- longs to eternity. Yes, a most wondrous and beautiful theme. When time is united to eternity we are dealing with that which knows not a beginning. Religion is only narrow — spiritualism has no bounds. Forever and eternity arc inscribed over the entrance to her temples. When people who call themselves spiritualists and talk religion and Hi hie. you can tell them that is not spir- itualism. Spiritual science is taught in this great storehouse and quite likely sometime you will go to school there, and when you have progressed you will be able to as-i>t in waiting upon those who come there to procure supplies for the purposes of life. You will find children, birds and animals in that immense in- —62— M nation. Animals and birds progress the same as children. Progression is the password. 1 — "What was our last subject? 2 — What have we learned thus far? 3— What are they? 4 — What is seen in everyday life ? 5 — Tell what is said of principles? 6 — How many divisions are there? 7— Give them? 8 — With what does our lesson deal? 9 — What is the query? 10 — Are they necessary? 11 — What is said of placing life? 12 — What is required? 13 — What can knowledge do? 14— What is subtle? 15 — Has religion to do with spirit? 16— What has? 17 — Where did the principles of matter come from? 18 — What does this figure represent? 19 — What do the dots represent? 20— Name them? 21 — Tell what is procured at this store? 22 — Could life be started if this storehouse was absent? 23 — To whom does this belong? 24 — Who has charge? 25— Tell all that is said of her? 26 — Give something more? —63— 27 — What is narrow? 28 — What is spiritualism ? 29 — What is taught in this storehouse ? 30 — What is said of animals, etc. ? -64- LESSON XV. The designs for the various kinds of life and the principles for the support of life are all kept in the storehouse of spirit principles. Those are the only places where they can he procured and we must be in good standing with Justice or Her messengers will not accommodate us, and we could not build a system and place life upon the planets. By this time, my children, wc have learned some most important facts. Facts that neither you nor your parents and teachers knew of before. The facts I will especially refer to are : First — the spirit provided for the life of this planet be- longs to messengers of Justice; and again, you now know that those principles belong to our Divine Mother. And also, that those principles are builders and possess more wisdom than the people who live upon this planet. Had we as a people been civilized, we would have become acquainted with those beautiful truths with the advent of that civilization, but our people arc not civilized. They are groveling in the filth and debris of matter. T want you who read these lines to elevate your- selves and at least become civilized, if not enlightened. We can only become a civilized people by becoming a people of principle. Until this takes place you will not have attained to that standard called civilized, and neither can vou be born at vour second birth —65— upon the spiritual plane of the spirit world. Those are facts and I want you to know it. I told you that the messengers had given of their own spirit. That spirit belongs to them and they only are responsible to themselves; but all who partake of that spirit prod- uct become debtors to those messengers. Now, it is expected of us to return an equivalent. At least we should show a little gratitude. But a people without principle have no gratitude. And where gratitude is wanting in a people we find no civilization. How many of the priests of religion, medicine and law do you find or know who possess one grain of gratitude or one particle of principle. Place your cap and con- sider those statements and know that T am giving you much food for thought. Evil is the product and ef- fect of religion. Religion never reflects. Religion is not founded upon principles, hence there is no grati- tude, and there can be no civilization. There is a great debt hanging over the people of our planet and it will have to be canceled. By our evil thoughts and deeds we enslave spirit and make her aid in the support of evil. Those prin- ciples will work with whatever is provided — spirit or evil. There is no partiality. You are at liberty to think as you please, to provide for them just what you please. Xo one can see your thoughts. They are your own property. Xo one can rob you of them. Wherefore if your thoughts are evil you are responsi- ble. But if you are forced to do an evil act by those in power, whether they be priests, rulers, parents or whomsoever, then the debt belongs to them and not you — whoever rules in favor of law against Justice. —66— It had been better if such person had never been born. Such debts must be settled and Justice will see to it that they are. Justice acts for our Divine Mother. We cannot misuse principle and go free. Trample upon principles here and you will not have their support and aid after your second birth. We cannot progress without principle. The bird cannot fly without wings. Every evil thought and deed must be replaced by spir- it and principle — wherever and whenever you owe it to others. Most children are born without evil, not because their parents are not evil; no, but because the spirit principles have drawn spirit from the air. Those chil- dren would grow up spiritual women and men if they were not falsely taught, mislead, lied to and deceived. Their little craniums are crammed with the polluting virus of religion and its creeds. If the priest of relig- ion fails to cage those tender flowers, the priests of medicine and law stand ready, like sharks, to do their dirty work. The highway of policy is strewn with the tiny carcases that once contained pure, innocent life. How many children are forced to degrade and be- mean themselves by idolizing and worshipping priests and their gods? In this way they evolute, retrograde from pure little innocent children, and instead of growing and acquiring spirit they are infused with evil and in consequence cannot be born upon the spirit plane at their transition, which is the second birth. This is sad to contemplate. It is the truth and can- not be denied. Our own mothers are slaves one way or another. They have been kept ignorant of- the —67— truth, and yet, but few of them know that something is woefully wrong. As babes we are the property of our mothers. We belong to them. They gave us our little bodies — our life is of their life. That little spirit was born of her spirit, while at the same time her Di- vine Mother furnished the soul. Who should have the truth if not our mothers and their children? I ask, Who ? Children, I am giving you the guide to immortality and I wish to touch upon every point so you cannot be deceived or misled. Keep your eyes and ears open and use your reason. Think often of your Divine Mother and spurn from you the idea of prayer and a man-made god. Our Divine Mother refuses prayer. She asks for Virtue and your love. Talk to that Di- vine Mother as you would to your little baby sister. If your earth mother is a devoted and loving mother she will not command you to fall down and worship her when you want a piece of bread to still your hun- ger. She will not require you to supplicate for a drink when you are thirsty. Will she? Prayer from her child would be repulsive in the home of Love. Passion seeks for praise. Passion is the opposite of Love. Evil people are dominated by passion, for evil knows not Love. Love leads with smiles and joy. Love is Virtue personified in a Divine Mother. 1 — What is kept in the storehouse of spirit prin- ciple- ? 2 — Are there any other places ? 3 — What have we learned? 4 — What are those principles? 5 — What do they possess? — C>8— 6 — Are we civilized? 7_Why? 8 — What is requested of us ? 9— Why? 10 — How can we become civilized? 11— How? 12 — Who are debtors? 13 — What is expected of us? 14 — What is said of gratitude ? 15 — Of religion? 16— -Can there be civilization without gratitude? 17 — Can we think? 18— How? 19 — Are our thoughts visible? 20 — When are we responsible? 21— When not? 22 — What is said of law vs. justice? . £8 — For whom does justice act ? 24 — Arc principles necessary to progress? 25— Why? 26 — If we owe others what must we do? 27— When ? 28 — How arc most children born? 29— State how? 30 — What loads them to evil? 31— How? 32— Of what are the priests guilty? 33 — How arc children made evil? 34— What is the truth? 35 — What are mother- ? 3G— How? 37JLD0QS the baby belong to the mother? —69— 38— Why? 39 — "Who should have the truth? 40 — "What are we told to do ? 41 — Of whom should we think? 42— How ? 43 — Do you ask for bread by prayer? 44 — What is repulsive in the home of love ? 45 — What seeks for praise? 46 — What is the opposite of love? 47— What is love ? 48 — Have we learned anything of importance in this lesson ? 49 — Each give your views ? -70— LESSON XVI. In the preceding lessons we have learned a few things that we did not know before. We have learned that the principles and designs for life were procured at the storehouse of spirit principles. The number of those principles and designs runs into the quadril- lions. The vegetable kingdom alone contains designs and combinations so numerous that we are startled and amazed. Of the great variety we have but, a very few here upon our earth. This storehouse of spirit principles opens up an immense field for the lovers of science. Here, like in the storehouse of principles of matter, study is coupled to work. AVe are taught to unite and combine and as far as we go we perfect our- selves. We are correctly taught. Our parents and teachers should do the same here and not falsify and deceive. Tt is idle to waste time in hoarding wealth and teaching and § practicing religion. This you now know and you also know that both are evil. Hence I ask you to study spiritual science. Whatever you loam of spiritual science here will be of help to you over there. The messengers must know something of science or they could not construct a planet and place life upon it. .Most all of the instructions given in our so-called high grade schools are only so much trash. Children -lion Id be taught reading, writing, grammar and arith- —71— metic. Then will they be prepared for the study of spiritual science. I told you what composed a duality. The vegetable kingdom is a duality, consisting of spirit and matter and the principles that accompany them. Those principles (a certain grade) and the mat- ter and spirit that supplies the vegetable kingdom, reside in the air. That is, the air is a kind of reser- voir for most all — a little can be found in the water. It is of great importance to us to keep that atmos- phere pure and untainted, and we should not permit one evil thought to escape us and go into that air. Evil thoughts going into that air, are to that air just what filth would be to the spring from which we pro- cure our drinking water. Do you' get the idea ? The atmosphere is many times more subtle than water and an evil thought is just as filthy, aye, more so, than the filth from a sewer or drain. Water can and does puri- fy itself, but our air cannot get rid of that evil thought only by precipitating it to the earth. Here it grows into all manner and kinds of evil vegetation and other evil life, all of which are dual. All evil life is most tenacious. Xo doubt you have heard it said that the cat had nine lives. Why? Be- cause the cat is an evil creation and hence a beast, and should not be permitted in the home. By placing evil in the atmosphere, we deplete the supply of spirit and help create evils that destroy all that is of use and beauty. You eat your fill of the products of the vegetable kingdom without furnishing one particle of spirit to give that product. Those evils destroy our crops, fruits, berries, etc., and make it most difficult for us to raise what is required without a great amount of extra labor. If we are creators of evil, then we are only entitled to that which we create. We have no just right to anything that is good for we are the ene- mies of all that sustains and supports life. The people who do not aid in providing for spirit life are purloin- ers, robbers, and they will be brought to account by Justice and Her messengers. Evil cannot unite with spirit in growing the vegeta- ble kingdom, because the principles refuse or cast them oft'. But the evils attack all of such growth from without. ' Those evils come as active, moving life and bite, sting, devour and lay their larva or eggs that produce their kind. It is in this way that evil is most dangerous and grievous to dual life. Evil men who monopolize vegeta- ble life and speculate upon it are thieves. They are handling and collecting revenue upon that to which they have no right. Evil people have only a right to the evil things created. That which we cre- ate, aid and support is for us. But evil never respects the rights of others. Religion has no shame. Born in iniquity and supported by falsehoods it preys upon the toil of others and then prays to its god whose name i- mammon. This avarice, idolatry, etc., it transmits to every evil thing it aids in creating and supporting. Evil life will feed on evil life, just as evil people will rob each other, or anyone else. The things created savor of their creator and supporters. 1 — What have we learned in the preceding lessons? 2 — How numerous are those principles and designs ? 3 — What is said of the vegetable kingdom? 4 — Have we many ? 5 — Is this storehouse a place for scientists ? 6 — What are we taught ? 3 — And in what way? 8 — Should parents and teachers teach falsely ? V— Why? 10 — "What is idling away time ? 11 — What do we know about religion? 12 — What are we asked to do? 13— Why? 14 — Is it necessary to he scientific in order to build planetary system ? 15 — What is said of high grade schools? 16 — What should children be taught? 17— Why? 18— What is a duality? 19 — Give an example? 20 — What resides in the air ? 21 — What is of great importance to us? 22 — Elucidate ? Explain. 23 — Is air more subtle than water? 24 — How is evil contracted? 25 — Can water purify itself? 26 — Can the air? 27— How? 28— What does this evil become? 29 — What is tenacious ? 30— What is said of the cat ? 31 — Do we destroy anything by our evil thoughts? 32— What ? • 33 — Is evil a detriment? 34— How? _„74— 35 — What are we entitled to? 36 — Give some reasons ? 3 1 } — For what will the evil doers be brought to jus- tice ? 38 — Why does evil not unite with the vegetable kingdom, etc.? 39 — How does evil work on the vegetable kingdom? 40 — Why are evil men called thieves? 41— What is it to be a thief? 4"? — Is evil a respector? 43 — How can we detect evil? 44 — How religion? 45 — What is transmitted? 4(5 — Does the thing created look like its creators? 4 7 — What do you think of this lesson? NOTE. The teacher can so word the questions (by adding to them) that the child will be greatly aided in remem- bering. Never frustrate a child by trying to puzzle it. Be a guide, point out the way and make all things clear. To muddle a child's little brain is as unreas- onable as it would be to throw a spadeful of dirt into your drinking water and expect it to be just as palat- able afterwards as before. Cultivate sense; we have all been practicing folly long enough. Show your horse sense and not your pusilanimity. LESSOX XYIL In this lesson I wish to say something about birds. Children should love birds. In fact, all good children do, also grown people. I would advise you not to associate too freely with those who have no love for birds and lowers. The bird is a problem not generally under- stood and yet it is easy of solution. It is because of ignorance that the bird is not known and appreciated. The birds placed upon our planet were all of the triune order, except a very few. Those were scavengers and. all but the buzzard were water fowl — such only were of dual construction, and they were not evil. They are harmless and feed upon dead fish, etc. However, as religion advanced and supplanted virtue, evil bird life began to appear. Hawks, eagles, butcher birds, magpies, etc., came and increased with great rap- idity. The English sparrow is a bird of evil. These birds of evil can easily be detected. They prey upon other birds — eat their Qg^ and young, destroy their nests and often take possession of those nests. So small a bird as the English sparrow will drive away the birds of use and beauty and occupy their nests. The sparrow is similar to the mouse. They will live around a building and steal at every opportunity. They never feed on bugs and worms as other birds. They will de- stroy a garden by eating the bloom and afterwards the seed. Such is the English sparrow, one of the most evil of all small boasts. Those evil, beastly look- ing birds, should be destroyed at every opportunity. All birds of use and beauty are a trinity. The linnet, canary, chicken, dove, pigeon, robin, etc., I cannot give their names, but by a little observation anyone can detect an evil bird and easily learn to know those that are of value. Xo one need be ignorant of the facts. The birds of use and beauty are continually sought after by evil, beastly men and boys and s^metknes women. They seek them for their flesh and plumage. They destroy those innocent and beautiful companions of ours and leave the things of evil to go on propa- gating. Many of those goodly birds were given us after evil life began to attack our orchards and gar- dens. But people are ignorant and do not know this and then many people are too evil to care to know. Religion never, solved a problem, wherefore we cannot expect it of its progeny. All beasts of evil are like their creators and supporters. The priests of religion, law and medicine prefer that others should toil and it is those priests who have se- lected the few and conferred upon them what they call the divine right to rule. But you will observe it is not a just right for it always takes chicaner}', theft. murder and police or soldiers to sustain those appoint- ed and annointed. Their's is passion, and they hate Virtue, spirit, sublimity and all that is good and chaste. Their theme is blood. Their food is flesh and blood. They teach the bloody atonement, and then with a brazen face equal only to that of a veritable demon they make their dupes believe they are eating of the ilesh and drinking of the blood —77— of a human being, whom they say was the son of the God of the Jews. Children, stop and consider this hor- rible delusion. My dear children, it has been the priests who have taught the people to kill and eat our birds and animals. I have seen boys so evil that they took delight in cutting off the wings of a beautiful red bird. How comes such evil? I have told you that there are three kinds of priests. They form the tripod that makes evil so flagrant, brazen and successful. They are the fathers of false- hood and their success is due to hypocrisy and deceit. The tyrants of the earth depend upon those priests. For the tyrant could not rule nor remain in power but for- those villians. They are at work for tyranny in all the corners, the little nooks and places wherever they think they can deceive and mislead the ignorant pub- lic. Children, if you have no respect for each other or yourselves, do try and have a little for the poor birds. Those birds have souls. They will live and progress when your priests and tyrants, your cruel men and boys will be no more. Eternity has a place for birds and animals as well as for womankind. It is only ig- norant people who deny my teaching, people who are saturated with the virus of religion, whose blood is cold and chill to the thought of Justice, Mercy, Truth and Love. It is a sad spectacle to see parents leading their little ones into the very dens of evil, aye, the jaws of death. ? Tis sad, children being led to their doom by those who should guard and protect them. Priestcraft and its dupes can always be detected, you can always know Ihem bv old numbers, old tricks, lack —78— of principle, lack of virtue, cruelty, fanaticism, passion for religious relics, ignorance, superstition, tithing., something for nothing; a Joseph's coat of many colors that all must respect or else be denied the right to life, liberty ami the pursuit of happiness. - Birds and animals have just as much right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as you and I. When we deprive them of life and sell their plumage and their flesh we are committing a crime that will come- up before us in that life beyond the grave and condemn us for our cruelty and shame us until we seek the gloom of oblivion. To eat the flesh of those innocent animals and birds that have souls, and who are as immortal as any of us — think of it ! They will rise up and condemn us for our evil acts, our cruel deeds and our lack of sym- pathy — our want of spirituality and virtue. Cease practicing idolatry and then you will stop being a can- nibal. Shame to cruel, beastly men and vain women! 0, shame! Weighed in the balance and found want- ing will be the final summing up of the great majority of the people of this planet. I see the dark and dismal cloud that hangs over the people of this earth — its name is retribution. 1 — Of what does this lesson treat? 2 — What should children love? 8 — What is the advice given ? •1 — What is a problem? 5 — Is the bird understood? 6— Why ? 7 — What was the order of birds? S — Were thev scavenger birds? —79— 9— What was their food? 10 — When virtue was supplanted by religion what was the result ? 11 — Name a few? 12 — How can evil birds be detected? 13 — What is said of the English sparrow? 14 — What should be done with evil birds ? 15 — Xame some of the birds that are a trinity? 16 — Who seek for the lives of birds of use and licauty? IT — What is said of goodly birds? 18 — Can people be too ignorant to care? 10 — Why? Give your views. 20 — What do evil beasts resemble? 21 — Give an example? 22 — Who established the divine right to rule? 23— Is it just? 21— Why ?' 25— What is theirs ? 26 — What is their theme? 21 — What do they make believe? 28— What is this called? 29 — Who taught the people to cat birds, etc. ? 30 — How many kinds of priests arc there: 31- --Can you name them? 32 — What do they form ? 33— Of what arc they the fathers? 34 — To what is their success due? 35 — Who depend upon them? 36 — Would there be tyrants if there were no priests? 37 — Where are those priests found ? 38 — What are we asked to do? —SO ltinue 40 — What will be no more? 41 — For what has eternity a place? 42 — Why clo people oppose this- teaching? 43 — What is a sad spectacle? 44 — How can priestcraft be detected? 45 — Go on? 46 — When are we committing a crime ? 47 — Have they rights? 48 — Of what are we admonished to think? 49 — Will we be condemned? 50 — By whom? 51 — What are we told not to practice? 52 — Will we be weighed ? —SI- LESSON XVIII. So far we have learned that the vegetable kingdom is a dual and that the bird is made up in part of both trinity and a duality. After the bird comes the ani- mal. The animal is a triune combination. There were no animals placed upon this planet with a dual structure. All animals were of more or less use. The elephant, mastodon, camel and horse were of great service. In fact, they were almost indispensible. The}' were a reasonable family and could be taught almost everything that could be taught to a child ex- cept talking. They aided in clearing the land and planting crops. The elephant and mastodon and the flying dragon were used in transporting whatever was to be transported. The lion was another most service- able animal. Her duties were similar to that of our dog. All of those animals were as docile and harmless as babes, for they knew not of evil. They were not in the least contaminated. You] all know how useful are cows, sheep, goats, etc., etc. As man became more evil and the air became more and more loaded with the evil thoughts and perfidious deeds of men, and all of those noble animals began to fear man. By and by evil was imparted to those noble creatures. When man began to kill and eat the flesh of animals, then came the crisis. One of those grand animals could not be made to pas- by where a fellow creature had been —82— slain. Then men began to punish them and force them to do evil. They tried to teach them to aid in running down their fellow creatures. The lion and the flying dragon were the first to break away from man's tyranny. Many animals are now extinct, but, my children, you will have the opportunity to see every kind of animal and bird that ever inhabited our little globe provided you practice the truths taught in this little book. Bear in mind evil had its source and rise in man. It could come from nowhere else. Many animals were given as playmates and companions to children. There was not anything wanting to make children happy and contented. They were ever joyous and smiling, for evil was not among them. Now all is changed. The ani- mals and birds fear man and depart at his approach. Men became murderous and cannibals. We have now a dual creation that in variety outnumbers the origi- nal triune families. This evil dual creation, born of the imbecility and perfidy of man, is not noticed — no difference is perceptible to those material educators and educated, those magpies of knowledge. Some are called scientists, reverends, fathers, professors and L. L. D., M. D. and various other names and titles, all of whom pretend to know all about those creations and yet no two of them agree. They will proclaim a theory and pronounce it a truth; which is deception and hence they are falsifiers. Some will tell you that all of this evil is necessary. That out of this evil good is evolved. As though a serpent would eventually become a sweet little canary and be a joy forever. Yes, in order to have grapes, flowers, fruits, berries and grains we must first have evil vegetation. Some teachers will tell you to pray and to thank something they call God for your miserable condition. All of which is imbecile, narrow, flagrant, ignorant nothing- ness. A dual ruling: possessed only of intelligence, not even a little knowledge. Just think — ail of this evil evolving, forever existing in an evolutionary stage, and after an eternity the two most evil things are evolved. Man and his God. Yes, people will tell you those posers are wise. It is pitiful, my children, to see millions of people wallowing in this filth of ignorance, superstition and fanaticism. Children, I am trying to instruct you so yon will be able to evade the snares that have been set for you by a licentious triumvirate. I am pointing out the way that leads to immortality, and if you will heed my teaching you will receive the reward that is life forever more. You have no doubt been taught that God means or is spirit. In other words. God consists of matter and spirit. He is, therefore, according to the understand- ing we have of theology, a duality. I have taught you that a duality is not immortal and I have also taught you that most all active, moving dualities are evil, and again that a thing of evil can only live so long as it retains a little spirit. Xow, if those religious teach- ers had known what life was and is, they might have shaped their God a little different. But as it stands, we discover the fact that instead of a God creating man, man has created or evolved a God. Plainly putting it — priests created God. This, my children, is the sum and matter of the whole affair. Children are very much like little birds and animals —84— that have no one to extenuate for them — no shepherd. They are always subject to the wolves and other beasts. Children, I am your friend; a shepherd, if you please to call me such. I am not seeking for your pennies, I have no missionaries hired to attend to other people's affairs and private business, no Peter's pence for a crowned pontiff to collect; no children, I want you to be happy and free, here and now and hereafter. I will not rob you of one birthright. I would teach you to p.ossess the same spirit, the same virtues and the same liberties that I possess; yea, and I would do more if I could. Man has fenced woman and her children in a bleak, arid desert. The fence is called law. By force they are kept there to do the dirty work for knaves and lrypocrites. Poor woman, poor child, I extend to you the hand of a brother, the paternal feeling of a father. Smile through your tears and ask for a Divine Moth- er's Love, smile and blessing to be with you. Over yon- der you shall be free. 1 — What is the leading subject? 2 — What have we previously learned ? 3 — What is the animal? 4 — Are there duals ? 5 — Was the animal of great service? — What are some of their names? 7 — Could they be taught ? S — In what way were they serviceable? 9 — What is said of the lion? 10 — How docile were they? 11 — Why was this? 12 — How came they to fear man? —So- lS — What took place when man killed them? 14 — Did they abhor blood ? 1 5 — What did man do with them ? 16 — What did they try to teach them? 17 — Who were the first to break away from man's tyranny ? 18 — Have we all of those animals now? 19 — What are we promised? 20 — What are we to remember? 21 — How were children made happy? 22 — Has this changed? 23 — Do they love man? 24 — What have we now ? 25— Is it noticed? 26— Why? 2;— What are they called? 28 — What do they pretend? 29 — Do they agree? 30 — What will they proclaim ? 31— Is that right? 32— What is it? 33 — What do some of them tell ns ? 31 — Is evil necessary? 35 — What is imbecile ? 36 — Do they possess knowledge? 3 " — What two things are most evil ? 38 — How long has theory been evolving them ? 39— What is pitiful? 40 — Who have laid a snare? 41 — Does this book teach how to evade them? 42 — By theology what is our understanding of God? 18 — What have we been taught about duals? —86— 19 — If those priests had known of life would they have created a dual God? Why? 50 — What is the sum of the whole affair? 51 — To whom are children likened? Why? 52 — Who is our friend? 53 — Does he ask for your pennies ? 54— Why not? 55 — What does he wish us to possess ? 56 — Has he a desire to do more ? 57 — What is said of women and children 58 — What is that fence called ? 59 — Why are women kept under law? GO — What is extended to woman and child? 61— What are they told? NOTE. Teachers are requested to make themselves familiar with the points made in each lesson and to draw the child's attention to them. There are hut two sides to this question — virtue and evil. I am cham- pioning virtue, and I have shown thus far how unreas- onable and unscientific are the claims of my opponents. Teach, the young correctly and you need not fear for them in after years. I am striking a blow at the root of evil, and if I am properly supported, child slavery will be wiped out in America. This is part of the mis- sion of spiritualism. —87— LESSON XIX. I will start this lesson with what you Plight tail a curious fact. A fact with which no one has wer been familiar, or if they have they have preferred to be si- lent. Swine have ngaired in our so-called civilization quite prominently. In some sections of our country they are a necessity. They are neither animal nor beast, but I will class them with the animal. They were placed upon the planet by the messengers after the earth had been changed and the poles reversed. They were given to take the place of animals and birds eand oil bearing nuts and other oil bearing vegetation, with those people who had become flesh eaters and who continued to kill and eat of the trinne creation. The messengers believed the people would hearken and no longer commit those terrible crimes. When swine were introduced the people were told by a seer why they had been placed here and this seer admonished the people and requested of them to no longer practice evil, but to hearken to the advice as given by the mes- sengers. The people as a rule were inclined to follow this advice, but the priests stirred them up and de- nounced the teachings and advice of the seer. They proclaimed that their God had given them dominion over all things upon the earth and further, they would put to death anyone who would teach differently. The priests, as leaders, set out in many places at the head —88— oi' their follower.- and they put to death every medium upon whom they could lay hands. The seer with her family escaped to the mountains. The priests contin- ued to teach the people that if they grew hungry, to kill and' eat, for their God had so commanded. In some few places the priests had no power and there the people hegan the growing of swine and ceased the slaying of animals and birds. Swine are a dual creation and a most curious and complex combination of matter, spirit and principles. Their make-up partakes of the principles mostly that are used in growing nuts, olives and the like — oil pro- ducing vegetation. Then again, there are a few prin- ciples that can be found in some fish, such as the black sucker, mullet and cat fish. But very little spirit is required for the growing of swine. Swine are led, ma- nipulated and directed by principles. They are the oddest and most curious of all dual creations. They are a study worthy the attention of our scientists and especially the poor excuses we have among us. The matter principles used in the swine construction are a blending of the instinct with the intelligent prin- ciples and then a unification with knowledge that is derived from spirit principles. It is a most intricate study, but children, I am trying to lead you to see and understand without using the terms and words as gen- erally applied and used by the so-called scientists. It is for you I am writing these lessons and I want you to understand me. All of the subjects treated of in my lessons should be made familiar to you. You cannot read and study these lessons too much. This subject of swine you may not fully comprehend —so— now. but by and by, as yon progress, yon will gather wisdom. I am giving considerable space to this swine question, because people do not know anything about swine and they couple them with all other life, just as they do the beast creation: not knowing the difference between good and evil. I do not want you, my chil- dren, to give up and be as ignorant as most of the so- called educated are. They know not the origin or creation of swine, neither why the swine were placed here, neither for what purpose. When swine are properly bred, cared for and reared and fed they produce lard and meat that takes the place of the now extinct oil bearing trees and nuts that they produced. But few people know how to care for swine and hence do not know how to produce good lard and meat. Meat is not flesh. The meat of shell fish and a very few others, and the meat of swine is the only meats that we should eat. Swine meat can be made just what is wanted. Men are greater hogs than the swine that they compel to be hogs. A cleanly owner of swine will have no hogs. I presume, children, you know that every truth and fact that we undertake to teach and present to the world the same is always opposed by ignorant people, and generally those opposers are of the orders of priestcraft. The faculty of memory is probably the only one of all the faculties that they care to culti- vate. We might liken such people to phonographs. They are repeaters. That is, they spin out that which hss been given them by others. They are always re- ferring to back numbers. Originality is no part of —90— them. They seem only to be possessed of a little mem- ory and this they do not use to any good purpose. They are a kind of walking machine; never use reason and deprecate it in others. To start those machines, tickle their vanity or present a truth and they are ready. Wind up your phonograph and it will do the same. ] — Of what does our lesson treat? 2 — Have they received any definite attention? 3— What are they ? 4 — With what are they classed? 5 — When were they placed here? 6 — By whom? 7 — Why were they given ? 8 — What did the messengers expect of the people? 9— Who told the people ? 10 — Did the people hearken ? 11 — How did the priests act? 12 — Did they slay the seer? 13 — Did the priests continue in their evil? 14 — Where did the people grow swine? 15 — What are swine? 16 — Of what do they consist? 1 7 — Of what does their makeup partake ? 18 — Where else can some of the principles be found? 19 — Is much spirit required? 20— What directs the swine ? 21— Are thev odd? 9 22 — For whom are they a study 23 — Is the study intricate? 24 — For whom are these lessons specially prepared? 2~) — What is requested of us? 20 — Why is so much space given to swine? — 91— 27 — Should we remain ignorant? 9 28 — Do people know anything about swine? 29 — What is said of meat and lard? 30— Is flesh meat? 31 — What are the only meats we should eat? 32 — "Who oppose truth? 33 — What is said of memory? 3-1 — What are such people likened? Resemble? 35 — What have we learned in this lesson? -92- LESSON XX. Our last lesson was devoted to a separate and distinct creation and in the singular number. We will now take up with a plural, the fish. They followed the an- imals and there were a great many kinds. Most all of the more beautiful have disappeared. The fish were all of dual construction. Why this was the case I have never enquired of the messengers, hence cannot give the reason. I have seen and talked with fish who were triune (Otherwise they could not have come here). They came here as visitors from an adjoining system. My guide and teacher had them pay us a visit, and it has and always will be a pleasant memory. The mer- maid is not with us, but, the mermaid is not altogether a fiction. She has an existence as real as you and I. Yonder among the countless suns and planets, where the mermaid has a home and is one of the living, I know it will surprise you to be told those truths and facts, but, my children, we are very ignorant here upon our planet and you will so find when you have been in the spirit world long enough to find it out. Truth comes to us in problems. She never comes in any other way. Priestcraft never solves problems. They never use reason. They are sophists and have no regard for truth. They can couple a Jonah to a whale's stom- ach for three days and nights and declare it to be a fact, because it is so very irrational and belongs to a —93— god-myth. Xo doubt many of those priests would burn this book and banish the author or torture him, but they can do neither. The time -has come for Justice and Truth to have a hearing and I am one who is record- ing a little. It is well that the fish placed in our waters were of dual construction, instead of being trinities. The suffering among those fish would have been greater perhaps than the terrible sufferings to which birds and animals have been subject, and so I say it is well. The number of beast life now in our water is tremendous. From the eel to the shark and from the water snake to the devil fish there are evils in the water too numer- ous to write about in this small book. There were fish placed in our waters that were so beautiful tney were wonderful to look upon, but they have passed away, as is everything of beauty and also of utility passing. The whale family had their place. They were a curios- ity. They were as harmless as a flock of sheep and seamen often had them for pets. Bear in mind, chil- dren, that spirit never does wrong, never' commits an outrage, never interferes with the liberties of others, never commits a crime of any kind. It is the individ- ualized matter that is in power when crime or other wrong is committed, and it matters not whether it be man or his creation, the devil fish, that commits the wrong. The man should be placed in a cell and kept there the rest of his natural clays and the devil fish should be killed. Do not forget this truth. Thespiritnever commitsovert acts. When anyone does wrong they have grown evil. There is either jealousy, prejudice, vanity, avarice, li- centiousness or hate or some other evil. It cannot be —04— otherwise. Evil in some form or other is growing in that person's cranium instead of spirit. Avarice, one of the worst branches of evil, is always to be found with the capitalists of the world. Passion goes with avarice. They are without feeling. Their whole evil brain structure is becoming individualized matter. They are matter gormandizers. They care not for the misery their gluttony creates or entails. Evil has no shame. Modesty and chastity are unknown factors among the rulers of the earth. There is not anything sacred known to the people of evil, except their own, whether it be faith in some religious creed, in power or wealth. Evil only recognizes evil. Spirit and Virtue are spurned by evil people. Spirit being substance requires free- dom and to grow and acquire knowledge and wisdom must be associated with virtue. Spirit does not grow when surrounded by and with evil. Spirit only quick- ens when her associate, Virtue, accompanies her. When virtue is present so also is> principle. Spirit must receive her virtue; from the personality where she re- sides. That personality must also provide the support lor her. That support is principle. If a person is lack- ing in principle their tiny spirit has no support and in- stead of the faculties being under the control of spirit they are altogether at the service of evil. Evil works in and through those faculties, just the same as if the spirit was manipulating affairs. A person can bo so evil as not to possess one-thirtieth part of spirit in a brain where the total is one thousand. Thus you will perceive that the person would contain nine hundred and seventy parts of evil in a total of one thousand. Virtue derives he]' support from the principles of eter- —95— nity, and hence is beyond the grasp of evil. If we would be immortal we should spurn evil; never toy with nor harbor evil. Evil people are worse than the evil beasts they create and support. Mark: The thing created is not so great as its creator. Spirit when first created can be likened to a drop of water. It is beautiful — yet it stands alone awaiting support. It cannot think nor act — like a drop of water that can be converted into vapor and pass off into a million particles mingling with countless other particles, so with spirit, she passes into other spirit until the original particle is lost sight of. One particle of spirit will continue to divide until like the drop of water, it has associated with so many other par- ticles that her creator knows her not. 1 — Of what does our lesson treat? 2— What do they follow? 3 — What is said of kinds? 4— Of the beautiful ? 5 — What is their construction ? 6— Why was this? "> — Are there trinities ? 8 — How do we know ? — At whose instance did they come ? ] — What is said of the mermaid ? 11 — Where can she be found? 12 — At what are we astonished? 13 — When will we know of our ignorance? 14 — How does truth come to us? 15 — Does she come in any other way ? 16 — What are priests ? 1? — Whv do thev not have the truth? 18— What can they do? 19— Why can they? 20 — What can they not do? 21— What is well? And why? 22— What is fearful? 23 — What ones are named ? 24 — What has and is passing away ? 25 — What was and is a curiosity? 26 — To what are they likened? 21 — What are we to bear in mind? 28 — What is in power when wrongs are perpetrated? 29 — What should be done with such evils ? 30 — What must we not forget? 31 — Name a few evils? 32 — Could it be otherwise ? 33 — What is growing in the cranium ? 34 — What is said of avarice ? 35 — Of passion ? 36 — To whom do they belong? 37 — What does evil recognize? 38 — What does spirit require? 39 — To what must she be joined? 40 — When does spirit quicken ? 41 — Can virtue be present and not principle ? 42 — From whom must spirit receive her companion ? 43 — Can evil work our faculties? How? 44 — How evil can a person become ? 45 — Eecite the example? 46 — What supports virtue ? . 47 — Is a thing created greater than the creator ? 48 — To what is spirit likened? 49 — For what does it wait ? 50 — Does it think? 51 — Give the illustration? I hope teachers will be able to grasp the truths con- tained in this lesson. Do not forget: Thoughts Are Things. If you- will follow the instructions as laid down in this book and are a medium you can call for witnesses from the spiritual and ascertain for your- selves whether I am giving facts. We have had enough religious materialism. What is now wanted of our mediums is Spirituality. -98- LESSON XXI. In our first or previous lessons we have treated of the first four kingdoms of life — the vegetable, bird, animal and fish kingdoms. Each of those kingdoms are separate and distinct one from the other. I have given them in their mathematical order. The vegeta- ble never evolutes into the bird. A vegetable is a vegetable and never becomes a bird. To a spiritual scientist the theory of evolution is most silly and fool- ish. Such folly would not be indulged in if the ad- vocates of such nonsense would but approach life from a spiritualist standpoint. To endeavor to solve the great problem of life from a material or religious standpoint is so much time wasted. Matter at its very best gives but intelligence. Now, if Ave would under- stand matter we must proceed spiritually, for here is where we first find knowledge — that is, knowledge be- gins with spirit. Matter cannot create matter but spirit can and does create spirit. Again evil is created by using our spiritual machinery for other purposes than that for which that machinery was intended. Our faculties are most beautifully arranged. There are three faculties proper that belong to the three Divine Arts. Then there is one faculty that belongs exclusively to science. This faculty has its spiritual affinities and they are quite numerous. Cruelty and brutality and beastliness b]unt the scientific faculty and destroy the —99 — spirit's supports. The viviseetionist is a beast and not a scientist — a magpie full of other peoples' theories and his own conceit. We first find knowledge as an accompaniment of spirit. Take the babe, cultivate train and gently lead it along spiritual paths, spurning evil at ever step, give it full liberty to carry out its own little ideas, and it will groy natural and in time not only create spirit but virtue also. This growing of virtue begins when the child advances spiritually and begins to acquire wis- dom. As the child progresses in virtue, so also is a little virtue created. - This virtue goes to the circle of Justice. The conductors and supports to that Vir- tue are the principles of eternity. Birds and animals are creators of spirit and virtue. Upon this planet they give more spirit and virtue than those human be- ings called men. Proportion and ratio goes with this statement. This brings us to the fifth propositon, which is womankind — scientifically not mankind. For mankind would be an evil proposition and therefore we do not propose to place him where he does not belong. Do not forget that this study of life is a wonderful and sublime pursuit, filled with exciting problems. To fully understand and comprehend, it will require of us to begin at the beginning, at the very foot of the lad- der, and to ascend or progress, step by step, round after round. We should examine ourselves and un- derstand our condition before we commence with so great and beautiful a problem. First we should have an aspiration for. and to learn, the truth. Second, we should have the fortitude and patience to pursue our LcfC. — 100— course and studies irrespective oi' what others might say or do. And, third, our object should be the spirit- ualizing of ourselves — to rid ourselves of all evil and live the life of a spiritual being, a triune being, a com- plete and perfect personality. A spiritual person is one who is just, temperate, prudent and aspiring. Be careful that you practice justice to yourself as well as toward others, for the practicing of virtue should al- ways begin at home. Again, the proper study of womankind is woman. In order to be better prepared for our progressive march, we will entertain ourselves for a while with nature and strengthen our position by building or adding to our foundation and make our- selves secure against the assaults of evil. The very first question that confronts us is this: What is na- ture ? This question has perplexed many people, and, though many claim to be educated and have a great deal to say about nature, yet in their writings and lec- tures they plainly reveal their ignorance of that beau- tiful problem. I have never received a satisfactory answer, even from some of the ablest declaimers, scien- tific, political, medical or religious. Do you know wny? I will tell you. It is because people are not acquainted with the problem of life. In my youth I asked many people, What is life? What is nature? All had differ- ent ideas; no two would agree. In fact, they were un- able to tell me. I asked the clergy and the doctors, because they posed before the people as teachers of life and the healers of the ills of life. I found them superficial, only soap bubbles, ignorant and unable to answer those quetsions of which the general public thought so little, aud yet with which those hypocrites — 101 — were expected to be familiar because of their great pretentions and much talk. The problem of life can- not be answered until we have made a careful study of nature. Thus the question arises : What is nature ? Nature is a duality. Of what does that duality consist? Answer : Matter and spirit. Nature to be harmonious and agreeable must be a duality. Not anything else belongs to the domain of nature except those prin- ciples of which I have taught you. The principles of matter infused into crude matter make matter service- able and the mineral kingdom is produced. Then fol- low the water and the air. Now we have the first part of nature, the foun- dation upon which the second depends. The first is necessary for the resting place and growth and sup- port of the second part of nature. That part is spirit. Spirit principles are in the possession of knowledge and wisdom. They are progressive. If we do not support those principles of wisdom and give them aid, in time they will depart from us — a few now and a few then, and by and by the lower order of principles only re- main and have all to do, and the result is a one sided condition. Then come the extremes. I will give you a hint. Some of those principles of matter arc a thous- and times more subtle than dynamite and ten thous- and times ten thousand more powerful. Those are the principles that produce earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. Thus, my chil- dren, you will begin to realize why we have up- heavals, plagues, etc., etc. When men interfere with nature, as they have done and are doing, upon our little globe, by their thoughts and rapacious deeds of —102— evil, the} 7 are hastening the sealing of their own doom and endangering the existence of all good and useful life as well as themselves and their evil creations. Evil is unnatural. Evil destroys harmony by changing the order that produces harmony and also destroys the system that supports and directs order. Order is above harmony. System is above order. System, order and harmony form the triangle that supports Justice in the affairs of nature upon a planet. The messengers left this planet in perfect harmony. They instructed the people what and how to do; but, there were men who had passion. Vanity and passion demand applause, obedience to command, service, worship. Men made their own laws and now you see the result. When you read or hear of cyclones, floods, pests and pestilence think of the cause, for these calamities are but the effects produced by evil and it is an easy affair to lo- cate the blame. The first and only cause for evil rests with and in man. God is power. Outside of power, oi that which gives power to men to rule, there is no God. The proper name of that god is Mammon. Priests are unnatural. Their teachings, their god and religion are unnatural. Jealousy, prejudice and all other branches of religion are unnatural. Laws are unnatural, for when we depart from Justice we are un- natural, because we go contrary to nature. Justice is everywhere present in eternity. There are no laws in eternity, hence no laws in nature. Law is fiction. Laws are the effects of evil and tyranical men. With the end of evil men comes the end of law. 1 — Of what did we treat in our previous lessons? 2— What are they? —103 — 3 — Have they order ? 4 — Do birds evolute from vegetables ? 5 — What is silly ? 6 — How should we approach the life problem ? H — What is time wasted? 8 — At best what does matter give? 9 — Where do we first find knowledge ? 10 — Can matter create? 11 — Can spirit? 12 — How is evil created? 13 — How are our faculties arranged? 14 — Xame the Divine Arts ? 15 — Are they represented? 16 — What is said of science? IT— What blunts this faculty? 18 — What is said of vivisection? 19 — Where do we first find knowledge? 20 — What is said of the babe ? 21 — When does growing of virtue begin? 22 — Where does this virtue go? 23 — What are the supports to virtue? 21 — What else creates spirit and virtue ? 25 — Do they equal man? 26 — What is the fifth proposition? 27 — Why not mankind? 28— What is full of excitement? 29 — Where should we begin? 30 — How advance ? 31— What should we do? 32 — What should we have first? 33— What second ? 34— What thirdly ? —104— 35 — What is the spiritual person? 36 — Of what must we be careful? 37— Where begin? 38 — What is the proper study of womankind? 39 — How are we to secure ourselves against evil assaults ? 40 — What is the first query ? 41 — What do many reveal in their writings? 42 — Has a proper answer been given? 43— Why? 44 — What did the author experience in his youth ? 45 — What did he ask the clergy and doctors ? 46 — How did he find them ? 47 — What is required before solving the problem of life? 48— What is nature ? 49 — Of what does. that duality consist? 50 — Is this duality necessary? 51 — Give the first part of nature? 52 — Second part? 53 — Must Ave give aid to those principles ? 54 — If we .do not what may occur ? 55 — What comes? 56 — What is the hint given? 57 — Do we know how earthquakes are produced? 58— How? 59 — When is man sealing his own doom? 60 — Is evil natural ? 61— Why? 62 — What is above order? 63 — Harmony ? 64 — What form the triangle ? —105— 65 — How did the messengers leave this planet ? 66 — Did they instruct people? 67 — Can we locate the blame for our evils ? 68— Where? 69 — Who makes law ? TO — How comes power? M — What is that power called? 72 — What is the name of that God? 73 — What is unnatural? 74 — Where is justice? 75— What is law? 76 — Are there laws in eternity? 77— Why? 78 — When will law cease ? 79 — What have we been taught in this lesson? —106— LESSON XXII. Evil is in the ascendent upon our planet. That is, evil directs the affairs of life, business, etc. That is altogether unnatural. To monopolize the land, water and atmosphere is an unnatural proceeding. Neither are ours ; they do not belong to us. Thoy are the prop- erty of those who placed them here. To take by force (man made law) and hold possession of more than is required for our needs and wants is an unjust, and hence an unnatural, procedure. Every daughter and son of woman is entitled to their portion and no act of man nor men can take that right from them. We have no right but of occupancy, and that occupancy includes only the land, water and air that we can justly use. We are robbers when we hold possession of that which does not belong to us and exact tax or rental. My children, you cannot help but see the truths contained in those statements. The accumu- lation of wealth and power is an unjust and unnatural piece of business, coupled with fraud, chicanery, deceit and hypocrisy and no rational mind will deny the same. This wholesale kind of robbery was first inaugurated by the priests of religion. There were those among the people who did not believe in, or practice as di- rected by, the priests, and so by the laws of religion (called the canons of the church) they had their lands and beholdinss confiscated. That is, their own was —107— taken from them and added to the church property. Thus was the monopolizing of land begun upon our earth. In time the priests of religion became very wealthy and as opposition to their nefarious practices grew less they began to prey upon each other and the one religion stood as the head of many factions which afterward developed into creeds. The more powerful became rulers. One set of priests made declaration that their God sanctioned only the head of their creed to rule: another set declared otherwise, and in this way was the divine right formulated. War in all of its horrors followed, each creed claiming to have the sanction of their God, and the head pontiff or king was the divinely appointed. At that time all of the land upon our earth was lo- cated along and on both sides of the equator except the islands. There were four continents, each one separate from the other. The islands lay between those continents and the poles. But few of those islands had ever been visited, and as to the continents they did not have more than about six hundred millions of people. The crimes that had been committed in the name of religion were terrible, and the messengers, seeing this conflict and fearing the one sided condition that was sure to follow, determined to put an end to the whole affair. They selected the few who had re- mained true to ancient teachings, and took them to a place of safety. There were not above two hun- dred person-. When these people had made all pos- sible arrangements for their safety, the messengers turned the earth over in its orbit and changed the poles. The then poles became part of our present —108— equator, and the then equator, or a small portion, be- came our present poles. All of the people upon the planet, except those in safety were drowned, and thus, for the time at least, the carnival of blood was ended. This took place seven hundred and forty thousand years ago. In turning the planet the earth's motion was somewhat disturbed and the orbit was partly broken into. If astronomers will observe they will discover a slight wabble to the earth's motion as also that several minutes more are consumed by the earth in making its yearly journey. Now, children, I have given you a little scrap of history to go with your scientific studies. It will give you a little rest and interest you at the same time. When evil cannot find spirit to abuse, fight and plunder, then evil will attack evil. The more powerful assail and rob the weaker and make slaves ,of the con- quered. Religion being material, its supporters and followers have much evil and but very, very little spirit. Wherefore, virtue is not to be found in re- ligion, neither in the fathers of religion. There being- no virtue, then there is neither Justice, Mercy nor any other Divine attribute and the supporters and believers in religion are the most cruel, fanatical and henious of all things upon the planet. Religion does not recog- nize any right as belonging to those who do not recog- nize its claims. Tyranny, avarice -and vanity go with religion and neither are ever satisfied, its followers are brazen and will intrude themselves whenever and wherever they can. They are ever causing unrest, in- harmony and confusion. They practice all manner and kinds of evil. They have not honor among themselves. — 109 — They violate their own religions obligations and will perjure themselves for matter. There is no tie, no oath that can hold the men of evil. They are like the tiger. They have their jungles, and there, surround- ed by their whelps, they spurn their own acts, called law. They despise those who make their wealth and give them power. They retort with the hiss of a ser- pent and apply the lash like a demon. From out of religion cometh this evil. History has written the defi- nition of this most terrible word, religion. Those who do not believe me, peruse history and examine your own biography and that of those whom you know, and when you can say with honor that you are just, then write the biography of those whom you know are just, and see how much of a library you will have. Evil is ambitions and boisterous. Spirit cultivates Aspiration, is gentle as the dove, seeks for quiet and thrives on melody. Spirit courts serenit} r , is joyous and mirthful. Her companion is Mrtue and she longs for knowledge and Wisdom. Hope leads her as a little child. Music and her sister arts are her delight. She loves Truth and hence is the daughter of liberty. She is like a little child, she improveth in wisdom as she advanceth in years. She would be led, not driven. She hath and knoweth no law, for Justice is Her only code. She being just, re- quires freedom. Her home is eternity; her destiny forever, her support principle, her claim, a Divine Mother's Love. Whatever is natural is right — the un- natural is evil. The child praying to its parent for bread is unnatural, the parent supplicating a god is unnatural, wherefore prayer is evil, hence not a spiritual act but an act of evil. Evil being matter —110— individualized rides in the car and thus the first part of nature becomes the master, while spirit, the second part, becomes the slave — quantity dominating quality. Now, my children, do not expect to master all that J have given by one reading. There will be much that you will not understand at first, so I want you to read the book many times and ask your parents and teachers to explain and aid you. If they are spiritual they wlil take delight in giving you help. Persevere and as- pire to be teachers and helpers in the great work of a true reformation. 1 — "What is the first statement ? 2— What is unnatural? Why? 3 — To whom do they belong? 4 — What is said of force ? 5 — Have we any rights ? 6 — Can that right be taken? v — How have we a right ? 8 — Of what does that occupancy give title ? 9 — How do we become robbers ? 10 — Can we see the truths in those statements? 11 — What is an unnatural piece of business? 12 — To what is it coupled? 13— Can it be denied? 14 — Who first inaugurated this kind of robbery? 15 — Did all believe as the priests taught? 10' — What was done to them? 17 — What was this the beginning of? IS — What took place in time? 19 — What developed out of all this? 2€ — Who became rulers? "31 — Were there declarations made? — Ill— 22— For what? 23 — What was formulated? 24r— What followed ? 25 — Who was claimed as the appointed? 26 — How was the land located upon the earth? 27 — How many continents were there? 28 — Any islands ? How were they located ? 29 — What is said of those islands? 30 — Also of the continents ? 31 — What was terrible? •32 — What did the messengers see and do? 33 — How many good people were found? 34 — When those few were cared for what was done ? 35 — Was the equator changed? 36— State the position? 37 — What became of the people? 38 — What was ended for a time? 39 — When did this occur ? 40 — Was the earth's motion effected? 41 — What will astronomers discover? 42 — What is this recital called? 43 — When is there no spirit for evil to plunder what will it do? 44 — What is said of religion? 45 — Of its followers? 46 — Have they virtue ? 4? — Does religion recognize right ? 48 — What are its followers? 49 — What is never satisfied? 50 — What have they not among themselves ? 51 — What do they violate? 52 — Can any tie hold men of evil? — M^- 53— What arethey like? 54 — What does it spurn? 55 — Whom does it despise? 56 — How does it retort ? 57 — Where can we get the definition of the word religion ? 58 — If we do not believe, what is requested ? 59 — Do you think we would have much of a library ? 60 — Is evil ambitious? 61 — What is said of spirit? 62— What next ? 63 — What is her companion ? 64 — How is she led? 65 — What is her delight? 66 — What does she love? 67— Is she like a child? Why? 68— What would she ? 69 — Does she know law ? 70— What is her code ? 71 — What does she require? 72 — Where is her home? 73 — What is her destiny? 74 — What's her support ? 75: — Her claim? 76— What is right ? 7 7— What is wrong? 78 — What is unnatural for a child ? 79 — For a parent? 80 — Is prayer spiritual? Why? 81 — When evil rides what becomes of spirit? 82— What is it called ? —113— 83—. . .D.. . ? 84 — What are we asked to do? 85 — What have we learned in this lesson ? -114— LESSON XXIII. There are two things that we can create that become immortal and are an aid or help to our Divine Mother. What do you suppose they are? Those two things are spirit and virtue. Spirit life begins upon planets and progresses toward the sphere of Love which is the great center of the abode to which we belong. Beautiful thoughts, supported by principle, create spirit. Virtuous and sublime thoughts create virtue. When we are heroically supporting Jus- tice that faculty in our cranium which is dedicated to Justice is brought into requisition, and, in ratio to our sincerity and determination, coupled with the depths of our feelings which rest upon and are supported by principle, to that degree, or in that proportion, are we creating virtue. The soul within is looking after that virtue and aids in the creation of that virtue. This virtue is the most beautiful thing that we can create. When the soul has collected a little sphere of this vir- tue it is sent to the circle of Justice and your name is affixed at the place where it is received and you are credited for that virtue. At the very place where that virtue enters the great circle of Justice, you, too, will enter, when the time comes. That virtue has preceded you many billions of our years. But, my children, how happy we will be to find there, on our entrance, that which no mind can picture, no tongue describe. That — 115 — virtue meets you; you are at home. Your house is in order, your ecstacy is at the flood and will ever be so to those who are just. Not anything can ever mar your progress. You have a home in Eternity, not made with hands, but with thoughts that are as perpetual as time. They had their beginning, but they shall never end. You built upon principle, and hence your im- mortality is secure. You will live and progress for- ever. Children, strive to gain that inheritance. Be just and fear not. The bliss and the possibilities that are in store you know not, but ye can know. I have drank of the fountain and so can you. You may be poor. So, too, was I. Evil may weigh heavi]y upon you and there have been times when this monster evil would have crushed me into the earth. Persecution and prosecution have had their play. Victory remains with me. While penning these lines there hovered around me the beautiful and loving form of Justice. Could I describe, I would. But, children, I cannot. I would love to make you happ}^ and serene forever, Hope, and place your trust in our loving Divine Mother. Spirit remains here — (bear in mind I am talking to you as a spirit. You are a spirit; I am a spirit — as much so as we ever will be unless we have been think- ing and doing evil. Then we are not spiritual. The little spirit within may be a slave and have no liberty to act, and consequently our machinery be at the ser- vice of evil, in which case we would not be as much spirit as we will be, provided we do not become too evil and be annihilated. Do you get the idea?) — where it is created for the purpose of aiding in propagating — 116 — other life. Spirit can only acquire knowledge and wis- dom when united to virtue in the form of a soul. When a planet has run its course, then the spirit that is left is taken to the storehouse of spirit principles. The principles go of themselves. Spirit is of the singular number. It is not graded, for it is all alike. Virtue is more than spirit. You, as a distinct and separate spirit, create spirit through the faculties of the spirit, but to create virtue, the faculties of virtue must be employed and then your soul can act. Now, if we have no thought of virtue, never think of virtue, neither support nor care for. virtue, neither do we care for the soul, the gift of our Divine Mother, and hence we create no virtue and are not uniting ourselves to that soul. Do you understand? Do you now begin to un- derstand why it is that so few people are born upon the spiritual plane of the spirit world ? Those virtues are twelve in number and I want you to learn their names and then learn the definition of each. Be- come familiar with them and practice their inculca- tions. The twelve Divine Virtues are the attributes of our Divine Mother. And again, we should not for- get that Mother gave us the soul that makes of us a personality, and we should at least return sufficient virtue to show our gratitude. Don't you think so? You would not be what you are, a personality, but for that soul. The spirit must have virtue to form around before it can think, reason or act in any way. The principles of spirit use spirit to grow our fruits, ber- ries, grains and other vegetation. When spirit once rinds virtue then it becomes a personality and then progression is the word, and spirit, happy with virtue, — 117 — becomes a moving, acting, thinking reasoning indi- vidual, whether bird, animal or human. Thus spirit united to a soul progresses forever. Now that we are spirits thus prepared, we should lose no time, no opportunity to perfect ourselves as much as possible for that future that never ends, but is always the future. Travel as fast as we will, that future becomes no less. It is ever in advance, ever beckoningusontonew fields of discovery, new problems for solution. You are now a personality. You have been taught what matter is — the first proposition in nature — and I have told you how spirit is created, and that you are a spirit. That is the second proposition in nature. The soul does not belong to the domain of nature. I have taught you how to secure- that soul and become immortal. That soul is created in the home of Love. It is created out of the twelve Divine Virtues, either by our Divine Mother or Her messen- gers of Love, generally the latter. Now, when you create virtue, our Mother and Her messengers take that virtue, when there is sufficient of it, and create a soul. Thus you furnish the virtue for the most beautiful thing in Eternity, and when you meet that soul you will know it, as though it had always been in your presence. Again, that little soul will know you. That meeting will be more to you than I am able to tell, or you are able to realize here and now. We can all become creators. You now know how to create spirit and virtue and you also know how to create evil. Which do you prefer? Xow is your time to choose. Would you be immortal and create for immortality, oi- do you prefer to remain among the idols of fiction. — 118 — the fabrications of avaricious and cruel men, a gor- mandizer of matter, a worshipper of gods, a thing of evil, with no hope of immortality after your second birth ? You must choose. jS"o one can do for you that which you must do for yourselves. I am leading you by the hand along the only pathway that leads to im- mortality. I am aiding you to help yourself. Can you refuse to choose ? 1 — How does our lesson begin ? 2 — What are they? 3 — Where does spirit begin? 4 — Does spirit progress? 5 — Where to? 6 — How is spirit created? 7 — How virtue ? 8 — How is this done? 9 — What looks after that virtue? 10— Is it beautiful? 11 — What becomes of it? 12 — Do we get credit? 13 — What is said of that circle? 14— When ? 15 — Will it be long before we enter? 16 — What takes place at entering? 17 — Can our entrance be described? 18— Why? 19 — What is in order? 20 — What will ever be. so ? 21 — Can our happiness be marred? 22— Why ? 23— What, is .said of those thoughts? 21— Why? —119— 25 — How long will we live ? 26 — Should we strive? '2 "i — For what ? 28 — What do we not know? 29— Can we? 30 — Can we drink at the fountain ? 31 — What is said of evil? 32 — What happened when these lines were penned ? 33 — Can it be described? 34 — What are we told to do ? 35 — How are we talking to each other? 36 — Are we as much so as we ever will be? 3?— What is said of evil? 38 — Can we become too evil? 39 — When can spirit acquire knowledge ? 40 — What becomes of spirit when a planet has run its course? 41 — What of the principles? 42 — Has spirit grade?' 43— Why? 44 — Is spirit equal to virtue ? 45 — When can our souls act? 46 — Can you tell me when no virtue is created? 47 — Do you understand it ? 48 — What do we now understand ? 49 — How many virtues are there ? 50 — What are we requested to do ? 51 — What are those twelve virtues? 52 — What are we not to forget? 53 — Can we show our gratitude, and how? 54 — What must spirit have before it can think, etc. ? 55 — What do those principles with spirit ? _120— 56 — When does spirit become a personality? 57 — When this takes place what occurs? 58 — What should we not do? 59 — Can we reach the end of the future ? 60 — What are we now ? 61 — What have we been taught? 62 — Does the soul belong to nature ? 63 — Where is it created ? 64— Out of what? 65 — Who creates the soul? 66 — Can we help our Mother? 67— How? 68 — What is the most beautiful thing in eternity? 69 — Would we know a soul created out of our vir- tue? 70 — What is said of our meeting that soul ? 71 — Do we know how to create three things? 72— What are they ? 73 — Which do you prefer? 74 — Should we choose now ? 75 — Can others choose for us? 77 — What is this pathway ? 78 — What have we learned in this lesson in a gen- eral way ? To teachers and parents: Please glean the points I have made and present them with all the ability at your command. I am giving Divine Truths. I have given some things that have heretofore never been re- corded by anyone upon this planet. You will find that all is rational and natural and hence no fiction. I am not a romancer. I have no time to falsify. Thous- and of problems are here before me awaiting solution. — 121 — I have turned aside to help you. Do not ask who I am, but get at the facts and truths I have recorded. Sometime you will know me and then you will be happy that you followed the path I laid out for you. I know I have given the truth, but not all, yet enough. Great changes are coming. .]99. LESSON XXIV. What are the names of those twelve Divine Virtues? I will give them to you in their mathematical order — Justice, Temperance, Prudence, Aspiration, Fortitude, Philanthropy, Patience, Mercy, Hope, Truth, Wisdom, Love. We are born in matter. Our coming in matter was our first birth. When first born we could not think. We were helpless little babes. But there was that soul, created out of those twelve Virtues, and that soul, aided by the spirit principles, aided and conducted our little spirit self. That spirit (you and I) was furnished by our mothers. Now, if our fathers were spiritual men, then by their thoughts and kind words and love toward our mother they aided that mother, and also gave a little spirit. But if they had no thought resting upon principle and were given to evil, then they gave us no spirit. Their duty toward our mothers is to give support spiritually for that new life — you and I. We had no previous existence. We were a new creation and our success as spiritual beings depended upon our creators, our parents. That spirit was a part of our mother's thoughts, the substance of her thinking. That spirit was collected by the spirit principles and placed in its proper place. Those principles belonged to our mothers. They had been loaned to them by our Divine Mother. Those principles belong to us only, —123— when, by spiritual thoughts and deeds, we make our- selves worthy and can claim and possess them. Then they are ours forever — a gift from our Divine Mother. I want you to understand about your beginning. I want to make it as plain as it can be written. Again, the first particle of spirit that was provided for us was taken possession of by those principles. Our soul had not yet come. We were like unto a tiny drop of water — no form, no thought. Those principles gave it form. The parents must give the thought that produces the spirit. But, if they gave no spiritual thoughts, then those principles took of our mother's spirit or procured it from the air she breathed. This little spirit — you and I — just beginning, was surround- ed by prepared matter. That was furnished by the principles of matter. The placing of that matter was attended to by the spirit principles, and they possess Wisdom. You see, my children, the supplying depends upon our parents, and you will observe how necessary it is that they be spiritual and not material. For three months this new creation — you and I — was ma- nipulated by those spirit principles. Our mother's soul was in communication, and aided in this 1 new creation, yet unknown to our mothers, they were ignorant of life and its creation. The people of our planet are ig- norant of spiritual science, of all that is sublime and beautiful, but at the same time they subscribe to re- ligion and waste their time and means in supporting a bagnio of priests. At the end of three months (that was our age) our soul came. It was sent by a messen- ger of Love. I know this messenger and have conversed with her many times. She has charge of the place —124— from which all the little souls that come to this system and to the system where Sinus is (sometimes called the Dog Star). This lovely woman has a great number of messengers who assist her in this work. When the little soul came it took up its place of residence in the vcrv center of spirit. Up to this time we were but a dual creation. Xow, however, all is changed; we are triune, we are a personality, and to remain such we must practice principle. We were born in matter; we must be born out of matter and progress to the home from whence our soul came. To secure a home in the great Sphere of Love we muct practise virtue. Those virtues can lead and teach us. Those virtues are the attributes of our Divine Mother. They emanate from Her and penetrate to every part of Eternity. Look at our sun. It sends it rays to every part of our planetary system. But for that sun there would be no life in this system. Heat, light, etc., are principles. Our Divine Mother is to her eternity much more than that sun is to our plunetary system. This is the best illus- tration that can be given, and yet, it is weak, a poor comparison. We should reflect back those virtues by being virtuous and creating virtue. We should be so virtuous that we, too, could send out virtue in imitation of our Divine Mother., we might say; that wherever our Mother is, there is the center of all immensity. Xow suppose we become little, centers by creating a halo of virtue around us. We can never be at the head of a band of messengers until we excel in virtue. Here and now is the place to begin. You and I were created here. To our parents are we under ob- ligatioris for just what wc an; or were as children. —125— They furnished the foundation. Spirit of itself is immortal, but spirit by itself would be of no more im- portance in Eternity than a drop of water. For being- important are we indebted to our Divine Mother. She furnished the principles and then the soul. Those be- long to Her and are a part of Eternity. But spirit, without that soul, would remain with nature. Spirit must imbibe, collect, take on and grow virtue; where- fore, if we would become immortal, we must grow our- selves (spirit) to that soul's requirements. Children, I am addressing you as spirits, not as evil or having a particle of evil. You act, think and move as a spirit. You are free to think as you please. The soul is there in the very center of your brain awaiting your actions. It is for you to make the effort your- selves if you would have that soul, so as to secure your immortality. You must weave the connections — not with religion and its evils; I have told you how. In giving you these lessons I am giving you a helping hand and I shall expect of you an effort in the right direction. It is much easier and more pleasant to be virtuous than to be evil. Virtue gives immortality. Evil has not anything to offer, except it be annihilation, death. I am doing my duty by womankind; you must do yours. I point out the way but I cannot force you against your desires or wills to travel that path. You must have the Aspiration. It is as easy to get clean of evil as it is to get rid of dirt on your hands or face by washing them. Justice is the first of our Mother's Vir- tues, and it i- Justice and Her messengers who attend to those evil doers. Their time will come. To be just is the beginning of virtue. Be just to yourself, and —126— then demand the same from others. For your first birth your parents were responsible, for your second birth you are responsible. This second birth people call death. This is not true. You do not die. You pass out of your material bodies, and, if you have been evil, you are material and you will remain in and upon the material plane. But if you are a spiritual person you will be taken by the messengers to the spiritual plane, away from matter, from material surroundings and material and evil people. Prejudice, Jealousy, Avarice, Vanity, Cruelty, etc., etc., are all material and hence evil. Be just and defend yourselves if evil assails you. Resist evil with thought and voice. Do not permit evil to enslave you. Trample it into the earth where it belongs, for matter should be at our service and its proper place is under our feet. 1 — How many and what are the names of the twelve Divine Virtues? 2 — How were we born ? 3— What is it called? 4 — What were we when first born? 5 — How were we aided? 6 — Who furnished the spirit? 7 — What is said of our fathers? 8— What is their duty ? 9 — What were we? 10 — Upon whom did our success depend? 11 — How was the spirit collected and placed? 12 — How can we possess those principles? 1 3 — Are they a gift ? 14 — What should we understand? 1 5 — At our beginning was the soul present ? -—127— 16 — What were Ave like? 17 — What gave the form? 18— The spirit? 19 — How were we clothed? 20 — How was it provided? 21— How placed? 22 — Why should parents be spiritual? 23 — How long did the principles care for us? 24— What aided? 25 — Of what were our mothers ignorant? 26 — Of what are the people ignorant ? 27 — When our soul came how old were we? 28 — By whom was our soul sent? 29 — Of what has she charge? 30 — What is said of this woman? 31 — What place did the soul occupy? 32 — Up to this time what were we? 33— What now ? 34 — Must we be born again? 35 — Toward what place do we progress ? 36 — What must be done to gain a house ? 37 — What are those virtues? 38 — Can yon give an illustration? 39— What is heat ? 40 — What should we do ? 41 — Where is the center of eternity? 42 — What can we do if we will? 43 — Where is the place to begin? 44— What is spirit by itself? 45 — To whom are we indebted for being important ? 46— Why? 47 — Where would spirit remain ? —128— 48 — To what must Ave grow ourselves to become im- mortal ? 49 — How do we think? 50 — What is the soul doing? 51 — Have we been told how to weave the connec- tions ? 52— How ? 53 — What does virtue give? 54— What has evil 1 to offer? 55 — How eas}* is it to be virtuous ? 56 — Which is the first virtue? 57 — What should we demand from others? 58 — Who is responsible for our second birth ? 59 — What do people call it? 60— Is it true ? 61 — Where do we remain if we have been evil? 62 — Where are we taken if spiritual ? 63 — What should we resist? 64 — Where does evil belong? 65 — What have we learned from this lesson ? ■129- LESSOX XXV. I have discoursed to you on the subject of life, spirit, you yourself; of your beginning and your creators, a most beautiful theme containing many problems, prob- lems that have heretofore never been satisfactorily answered. I have told you that Truth comes to us ill problems. Those problems must be solved before we can claim or possess Wisdom. You will please ob- serve how foolish and deceitful are the claims of priest- craft when they tell you that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. There is not even hog sense in such a statement. Such gibberish has been doled our to womankind for thousands of years, and, strange as it may seem, this folly dished out with the spoons of deceit and sophistry, has been swallowed by myraids of human beings and pronounced good. Even people calling themselves spiritualists, liberals and progres- sionists subscribe to such fabrications. I do not want you who read these lessons to be Jonas, neither to pose as whales. Problems are solved by spiritual science. Thus we acquire Truth, and in proportion to the amount of truth in our possession, so in that ratio have we acquired Wisdom. Xo more: no less. Wisdom is the eleventh of the Divine Virtues. I will in this connection give you another sublime truth. Wisdom is the light of Eternity. Ignorance is darkness. Keligion is one dark and dismal night of ignorance. Where there is — 130 — religion there is not Wisdom, and hence no Truth. Truth leads to Wisdom and Wisdom gives us light. Thus is the darkness dispelled and we are free. Spirit grows toward the light. A tree grows upward through the air and the affinity of attraction, caused by gravi- tation, toward the light. If we are just to ourselves we will grow tow r ard that soul. That soul was created out of those twelve Virtues. It has its beginning. Your soul was created in the sphere of Love millions of years ago. It remained there to receive instructions and be prepared before it was sent forth, wherefore our souls have wisdom of which we know not. That soul acts through the faculties of intuition and conscience. There is no person living but at some time has been warned by that soul not to commit evil. You have heard the remarks, "The prick of conscience;" she or he was "Too conscientious," and similar remarks. If we do not heed those warnings the faculty becomes closed and is of no use to us or the soul. Evil is re- pulsive to virtue, and yet that little soul will remain until every debt has been canceled. It remains true to its Divine Mother and the messenger that created it. When Justice has been satisfied then that soul withdraws and we are left a duality. Then the spirit principles withdraw. The tiny bit of spirit goes with those principles and is left in the air or taken to the storehouse. Evil goes back to matter. This ends all. That is death — annihilation. Again, my children, do you see the necessity of being just? How very important it is for us to be persons of principle. The contemplation of death brings gloom. Oh, horrid nightmare of religion, thy victims — 131 — number millions! Let no one who reads this book ever again sacrifice principle, neither trample upon Justice. I am giving yon truths that you cannot deny without committing evil. You can play the role of hypocrite, tyrant, glutton, priest and knave here and now, but with your second birth you cease to rule, to rob, to ply your knavery only in a very limited way, and then only with those very much like yourself. You will remain upon the material plane and unless you have been one whose acts have caused hundreds of hearts to ache you will quite likely remain there for ten or twenty years before the messengers call for you. But if you are a Shylock, a glutton, and have brought sorrow and tears, caused misery and crime, perpe- trated henious offenses, taken away the liberties of others, then at your exit from your material casket you will be taken charge of by a messenger and you will never again visit the earth. Never will you see green fields nor hear the laugh and speech of inno- cence. Your day has passed forever; you will be placed by yourself and then you will begin your work of re- paying and adjusting your accounts, of settling your debt?, canceling your obligations. No principle, no vir- tue. When the accounts are squared then comes the end — known no more forever. Oblivion is the only claimant. This, my children, is the end of evil. Would you sacrifice immortality for a flesh pot? 1 think not. I am in hopes that everyone who reads these lessons will turn over a new leaf and begin to undo the evils of which they are guilty and adopt the practicing of principle and the support of Justice. I am giving you the only guide to immortality. I know — 1S2— that immortality is a truth. I have settled that matter for myself and if you doubt me, set to work as I have and prove it for yourself. I! is easy of accomplishment. Much more so than to rob your neighbors by despoil- ing them of life, liberty and hard earnings. "Rulers and officials, generally speaking, are thieves. They are always planning and scheming to rob someone, if not a whole multitude. It is a lamentable fact, and yet the great majority of the people are too ignorant to percieve it. The fact is this: The few are con- tinually pilfering the many. But, my children, the days are growing less. The people have about run their course. This people will pass away and there shall be no more evil upon this planet. Ye who are young will live to see the beginning of the end ; yea, the beginning is now with us, and the leavening i? a I: work. Remember what I tell you and have no fear. 1 — What is a beautiful theme? 2 — How does truth come ? 3 — How can we gain wisdom? 4 — What is silly ? 5 — Is it true ? ("J — What has been doled out? 7— Was it called good ? 8 — How are problems solved ? — What is said of wisdom? 10— What is the light of eternity? 11 — What is religion? 12 — What leads to wisdom ? 1 3 — How does spirit grow ? 14 — If we are just what will we do ? 15 — Out of what is the soul created? —133 — 16 — Where and when was it created? IT — What faculties belong to the soul? 18 — Does the soul give warning? 19 — Should we use those faculties? 20— What will the soul do ? 21 — When the soul withdraws, what are we? 22 — Describe what takes place with the evil? 23 — What is important? 24— What is horrid? 25 — What is expected of those who read this book? 20 — Where do the evil remain? 27— What becomes of the Shylocks? 28— Describe? 29 — Also the end of evil? 30 — Would you sacrifice immortality ? 31 — What are we asked to do? 32 — What is the name of this book? 33 — Can we prove immortality? 34— How ? 3o — Ts it easy — easier than what? 36 — What is said of rulers and officials ? 37— What is a lamentable fact? 38 — What about the days? 39 — What will the young live to see? 4 0— What is with us? 11 — What are we requested to do? Parents and teachers can explain to the young those parts of the lesson that refer to men of evil — the rich, official-, etc. You know that but very few are just. 1 want you to be just. If you do not, you will have —134— your regrets, remorse and sorrow. I am like unto one who has been called to present the claims of Justice be- fore the end of this people. ■135- LESSO^ XXVI. When we have been in eternity six to eight quadril- lion octillions of our years we will have become suffi- ciently wise to create a soul. We can create spirit and bring forth life here and now with but little effort. But to create a soul is quite another thing, my children. Virtue is more than spirit. The Virtue of Justice is always just. The Virtue Wisdom includes every Vir- tue that precedes her. We will have to become ac- quainted with those Virtues and understand them ere we can create so valuable a piece of workmanship. Then again, when we have attained to that wisdom we must have Love. This sublime and beautiful Virtue is not a problem. All of the other virtues are, but not so with Love. She stands out and beyond the grasp or range of the finite. She is more than Eternity, and forever will be more than we can comprehend. Love aids our Divine Mother, and She will aid us, if we but make ourselves worthy. The people of our planet are too ignorant to even comprehend spirit; are unac- quainted with life, and so it is impossible to give them much of a dissertation upon so important a proposition as those beautiful Divine Virtues. If we would create a soul we must furnish the virtues required. When I create a soul I take that soul and present it to our Divine Mother in the home of Love. Our Mother gives it the divine spark, Divithene, and from that moment —136— that soul belongs to our Mother, and, like our Divine Mother, eternity is forever its home. Now, if you have the faculty of conscience opened, that little soul of yours will make its presence known to you. This is done in several ways, for it depends upon some kind of medium- ship when those faculties that belong to it are not in use. You may feel the magnetic chill, or even get the though direct. If you are sensitive you may get a re- sponse, even though you be very evil. There are those who are good and spiritual in a degree who have not a particle of mediumship. Do not forget you have twelve faculties for those virtues to work through. Bear in mind mediumship is a faculty — in fact, several of our faculties respond. It is only ignorant people who will tell you that mediumship is a gift. Hypnotism is black magic, and I advise you never to permit anyone to practice it upon you. Hypnotic development never produced a spiritual medium. All hypnotists are sur- rounded by a black, motley crowd of spirits. I again warn you to have not anything to do with those hyp- notizers. It would be just as foolish to expect to de- velop the faculty of mechanics or painting by the hyp- notic process as to expect the development of medium- ship. Bear in mind, a knowledge of words may be as barren of Wisdom as a rock is of sense. Beason be- longs to and is the leading faculty of all the spiritual faculties. Beason is or should be the guide. Beason coupled to the virtuous faculties gives the profound scientist. Science is strictly a spiritual proposition. Rob science of its spiritual robes and you have plucked r hi rd of beauty, of all that made it beautiful. Be- side-, it pines, lingers and dies. Science is just,- tern- —la;— perate. aspiring and possesses the fortitude to express its convictions; philanthropic, patient, merciful, hope- ful, truthful, wise and loving. The vivisectionist, vac- cinationist and lyniphites are not the possessors of one virtue or spiritual acquirement and hence are only bawlers. That is, make much ado to attract attention. They lack every qualification that is required of or for a scientist. They are cruel, brazen, deceitful and in a word beastly. Even good breeding and chastity is seldom permitted a place with those medical (so- called) scientists. Xo one, my dear children, can be a scientist until they have acquired spirituality and vir- ture. Science is like a tender, affectionate and loving- mother. It is through and by spiritual science that we discover and locate the road that leads to immor- tality. That which is called medical science is a spe- cies of cannibalism combined with fakerism that was born of religion and imposed upon the people the same as all other frauds have been. Wherever and whenever you discover tyranny, cruelty, licentiousness and their accompaniments, you can rest certain that among such people there is neither science, spirituality nor virtue. Do you know why ? Yes ; because there is no principle. Where there is no principle there is no honor. When men have given up all honor they should be spurned as vipers. Science, like Christianity, has been misused, been debased, has been trampled in the filth of evil by coxcombs — men of avarice, of vanity, avaricious glut- tons who have no regard for Justice or liberty. I love science, I love Christianity, I love Spiritualism. They open the way for me to know what, how, who and where I am. They direct me along the only avenue that leads —138— to immortality. They make known to me the wonder- ful possibilities that lie before me. They drive away the horrid nightmare of delusion and open up an ever beautiful vista to my enquiring mind. I have drank at the fountain, I have quenched my thirst, and I would have you who read these lines do the same. The door to the great Temple of Eternity has been opened for me and I have* seen the beginning that never ends. - I am preparing for that second birth; I am building a home inside that beautiful temple and I want you to do the same. I would have every little child on this globe of ours to enjoy with me the scenes and raptures of delight that will be mine when this fitful hour has passed, and I have finished the work that is mine. No one can destroy the work I have begun. Priests and tyrants may wish. They can do no more. Justice shall have a hearing and Truth shall be given that which be- longs to Her, and then comes the end of evil, of de- ceitful men, of tyrants and their kingdoms. Unto that day let all prepare. Unite, one for all and all for one, that none shall say I have not liberty. 1 — When will we be able to create a soul? 2 — Why so long? 3 — What is more than spirit? 4 — What does wisdom include ? 5 — What other virtue must we possess ? 6 — Is Love a problem? 7 — Are the other virtues ? 8 — How great is Love ? 9 — Who does Love aid? 10 — If we create a soul, who gives the virtue ? 11 — To whom do we give it? — 139— 12— What does she do? 13 — Is it hers? 1-1 — Has it a home ? 15 — Can our soul make its presence felt ? 16— How? 17 — What is mediumship? 18— Have all the faculty? 19 — What is hypnotism? 20 — Of what are we warned? 21— Why ? 22— How foolish is it? 23 — What is said of a knowledge of words ? 24 — What of reason? 25 — What gives the scientist? 26 — What is science ? 2 7— Give the illustration? 28 — Is science just ? 29— What else? 30 — Who are bawlers? 31— Why are they? 32— What are they? 33 — What is essential for a scientist ? 34 — Unto what is science likened? 35 — By the study of science what do we discover? 36 — What is so-called medical science? 37 — How can we know fakers from spiritual scientists ? 38 — Do you know why? 39 — What else is lacking? 40 — How has science been used? 41 — By whom ? 42 — What do we love ? —140— 43— Why ? 44— What else? 45 — Where can we drink ? 46 — What was opened? 4 7 — What was seen? 48 — Should we prepare? •49— For what ? 50 — Where should we have our home ? 51 — What is said of children? 52 — Can his work be destroyed? 53 — What is said of tyrants? 54 — What of justice ? 55— What of truth? 56 — Then what comes? 57 — For what shall we prepare? 58 — What are we told to do? 59 — Have we been benefited by this lesson 60— In what way? ■141- LESSOX XXVII. There are no laws in Eternity. Laws are man-made. Justice is everywhere in Eternity. Justice provides system — system gives order and order produces har- mony. You have heard it said that natural law govern- ed this or that. Do not be surprised when I tell you that >uch a thing as law has no place in nature. Laws are an institution of priestcraft. Laws were created to take the place of Justice. In no other way could the priests efface Justice from among the affairs of men. For millions of years have the priests made even- effort to eradicate the name of Justice from among the children of woman, but they have failed. That soul within kept alive the torch and here and there was emblazoned the beautiful name of Justice that never had marred the life of one being. Justice gives us our rights. Law robs us of those rights. Justice cannot be manipulated in behalf of evil, but law can. Law is a mongrel. Tis like a string that is made out of many fibers. It can be twisted many times and then tied into many knots. Law is a hypocrite, a knave, the first born of religion. Law is necessary for the suc- cess of evil, the czar of Russia, pope of Rome and all other rulers and tyrants could not exist but for law. Our Declaration of Rights contains the prin- ciples, but our Constitution fall- shorl of providing —142— the substance. That Constitution should have con- tained the word of all words for the guidance of the people, JUSTICE (append, for all, special privileges to none). Our liberties would then have been safe. Truth would have received a hearing. Truth is the mother of liberty. Law is the support of tyrants. The priests, with their religion and law, oppose Justice and Truth. Such a thing as religious liberty has no place, in the books of common sense. It is but the gabble of magpies, a tool of the sophists, a devil fish with many tentacles, a beguiler, a deceiver, a knave that misleads and ensnares the children of woman. Priestcraft is the curse of the earth, its religion the bane of the earth, and laws are the tools' for its children to prac- tice its chicanery and robbery. Laws pass away when evil ceases to exist. If there were no evil people, there would be no law. Hence law is an effect. Trace this effect to its source and you will get the answer. Lib- erty is an effect. Freedom gives us liberty, wherefore freedom is the cause. Freedom is an effect, the cause Truth. Truth is an attribute of ouf Divine Mother. Farther we cannot go, we have reached the source. The fountain head. What holds two grains of sand to- gether? Is it law — the so-called law of affinity? No. If not law what is it? I answer, the principles that have united with matter that make a unit, or solid, out of two particles, or units. Thus, my children, you will perceive that law is a mirage, a soap bubble, a tool for sophists. Nothing less, nothing more. The practicing of Justice is the beginning of Wis- dom. Spirit, to be of importance, must be supported by principle. To make spirit of still greater impor- —143— tance, we must ally or adjoin, grow it to virtue. Here is where we must get and secure the recognition of Justice. Thus we become the children of Justice when we reach the Circle of Justice. Then Justice turns us over to Truth. We are now messengers of Truth. The next important move is to become messen- gers of Love. This takes place when we have made ourselves proficient in all the virtues up to and in- cluding Wisdom. We remain in the Circle of Love until love grants us permission to take up our residence in- side the sphere of Love. There is our home. The sphere of Love is of immense dimensions. I have told you that the diameter of the abode is seventy-six quad- rillion decillions of our miles. This is an immense diameter, but, my children, we are dealing with that which appertains to Eternity, and we must prepare ourselves accordingly. Our Divine Mother has much for Her children to do. For instance, the surveying and building or preparing of those immense abodes is one of the employments. This is a gigantic under- taking, and yet, my children, it is infinitesimal when compared to some of the other employments that are given us. True, we cannot comprehend the amount of territory that is contained in one of those abodes, but we can try. Our little undertakings here are truly trivial when we draw the contrast. However, we are all young. We are only children. We have not yet been born out of matter. We are encumbered with those material bodies of ours. We cannot converse to- gether by thought transference and receptance. We must use our vocal organs if we would make our wants known. Over yonder, my children, it will not be —Ml — so. The grander your character here the greater your opportunities yonder. Your foundation must be prin- ciple. Virtue, like spirit, must have the support of principle. The principles that support virtue arc called the principles of Eternity. When you become 1 an in- habitant of Eternity you must have principle for your support instead of matter. Recollect, matter is only used in the construction of suns and planets and that which appertains to them. The most important factor is the creation and brinsino; forth of life. The ter- ritory usedfor this purpose is very small when compared to the territory that is used for other purposes. I am in in hopes that some of you who read these lessons will have sufficient Aspiration to become messengers of Justice. You can if you will. It is clone by practicing and promulgating those twelve Divine Virtues. Then again, you are preparing yourself for your transition from this mortal to the immortal. The transition is our second birth. To say, "The child died," is too silly for discussion, and yet, we feel it is necessary to say something more upon the subject. Tile child did not die. The ignorance and hypocrisy of the priests of religion and medicine is so very infamous that it would seem to any rational mind that the time had come that an estoppal or muzzle of some kind should be affixed to those vultures of the race. This America, once the hope of all the lovers of liberty, is being de- spoiled and stripped of every principle, every virtue. Let the prie>t> say what they will, there is no death i scept thai of evil, takes place here. The transition of little children is fearful to contemplate. Can you not locate the cause? Deprived of their birthright —115— &nd hurried into Eternity, as is the case in ninety cases in every one hundred, is a crime that is most rapidly hurrying the end of all. It is a horrid and dismal state of affairs. It is so unnatural that it causes a shudder as we write. 1 — How does our lesson begin? 2 — Who makes law? 3 — Where is justice? 4 — What does she provide ? 5 — What have we heard said ? 6 — Was it true ? 7 — Who are the institutors of law ? 8 — Why were laws created? — Why and in what have the priests failed? 10 — How was justice retained ? 11 — What does justice give? 12 — How does law operate? 13 — Can justice be used for evil? 14 — What is law? 15 — To what likened? 16 — Of what is law the first born? 17 — For what is law a necessity? IS — Who exist by law? 19 — What is said of our Declaration ? 20 — What of the Constitution? 21 — What should that Constitution contain ? 22 — What would have occurred? 23 — Of what is truth a mother? 2 1 — What supports tyrants? 25 — Who and what opposes justice and truth? 26 — What is not common sense? 2* — What is said of priests, their religion and law? — 146— 28— What is an effect? 29 — What are we told to do? 30 — What is said of liberty, etc. ? 31 — How are two grains of sand united? Explain. 32— Then what is law ? 33 — What is the beginning of wisdom? 34 — How is spirit made important? 35 — How more important? 36 — When do we become messengers of truth ? 37 — What is the most important move? 38 — When does this take place? 39 — How do we get in the sphere of love ? 40 — Is that home? 41 — Can yon give the diameter of our abode ? 42 — What is said of this diameter? 43 — Who has work ? 44 — For whom? 45 — Name some of the work? 46 — What is said of the undertaking? 47 — Can we grasp it? 48 — W T hat are we? 49 — With what are we encumbered? 50 — What can we not do ? 51 — What must we do? 52 — Is it so over yonder? 53 — What gives greater opportunity? 54 — Is virtue supported? 55 — By what? 56 — What takes the place of matter? 57 — What is the most important factor connected with matter ? 58 — What is said of this territory? —147— 59 — What are the hopes entertained of us? 60— Can we ? 61— How? 62 — What is too silly for discussion? 63 — Do children die? 64 — What is said of the priests? 65 — What was America? 66 — Who has despoiled us? 67 — What is fearful to contemplate? 68 — Who is the cause of all this? 69 — What have we learned of value ? 70 — What is the most important truth ? 71 — The most important fact in this lesson? •148- LESSOX XXVIII. In our last lesson we had something to say about the forced transition of little children. I do not like to dwell upon the subject, for it is too sad. But Jus- tice must be done, and I love Justice, and love to pre- sent Her claims. I am a supporter or Justice and a defender of Truth, and I know their enemies, and while I remain here I shall do my duty to Virtue and the little children. I shall see the despoilers brought to the bar and I will be one who will not shirk one respon- sibility nor one duty. Those beasts in human forms who for greed and gluttony enslave children and force them to toil and wear out their lives to enrich them selves with lucre shall be brought low. Every child despoiled will have an opportunity to see those beastly dragons repay the theft of life, of sorrow and misery. Have hope, my dear children, for I tell yon a truth. I know. I have solved^ many problems, I have been the recipient of much wisdom, and I come t( - you with this little book that you may share with me. I want yon to be with me and to share with me the joys that are in store. The opportunities/ you are rob- bed of here by beastly men will be returned to you and you shall have the privilege of acquiring that which i> yours- They that cause you to cry for bread will shed ten-fold more bitter tears. For every unjust act to ;i child they shall pay ten-fold. Justice requires —149— that the measure be full. Hearken unto me, I will not de- ceive you. I am giving you of the bread of life; eat and you shall never again go hungry. In our Divine Mother's Eternity we will receive bountifully. She is a Mother of Love and Her children are the messengers that will guide and instruct us and prepare us for the future that lies ever beyond, and the horizon of which we will never reach. The meridian will ever be over us, for there is neither morning nor evening. The light of Eternity never sets. Its lustre never grows dim. The morning and evening never come. Ti> forever the noon hour, ever at meridian and for- ever a delight and a joy. Our studies, recreations and work, like Eternity, and forever mapped out before us. Our Divine Mother never dictates, never commands. She only requests. She has Her time for study, recre- ation and work, and Her children follow Her example. First, recreation; second, study; third, recreation; fourth, work. Our work is but one-fourth of our time, so, too, is our study. Eecreation consumes half of our time. To visit is a most glorious pastime. Think of going to an adjoining abode, the miles we must travel to get there, and then the reception that is ten- dered us. Tho' you may never have seen those people, yet they are your sisters and brothers, your near and dear friends, children of our Divine Mother; Her mes- sengers of Love, and they know how to love or they could not have become messengers of Love. They take delight in entertaining you. Their places of amuse- ment are such that we here have but a faint glimmer of what an entertainmenl is. I have several times con- versed with a lovely woman from our abode who has —150— a band of over three million players (musicians). She told me that there were bands containing an hundred times more players. I was much surprised when she told me that nine out of ten were women and children and again, that they gave some wonderful entertain- ments. That scarcely a year (of our time) passed but that there was some great jubilee, a wonderful musi- cale, and the attendance on such occasions was beyond my comprehension. The entertainments given by poets and painters is another most sublime feature. Theatrical plays interspersed with music, painting and poetry, all of which go beyond the reach of our poor, little, weak imaginations. Then again, there are the libraries where the historical societies hold forth. Those libraries, my children, are so large and contain so many volumes, that it is almost mystifying. Histo- ries of Eternity almost without number, and then the biographies, works on science and the Divine arts, etc. All of those and much more. Why, my children, Eternity is a very busy place. It is no place for idlers or idol- ators. It will take us forever, and then we will not see the end. Can you get the idea of no end? Evil has an end; people who are too evil will be annihilated. But aside from evil there is no annihilation. Spirit united to virtue is immortal. I know this is a truth. I have seen and talked to our Divine Mother. That loving Mother has told me of Her beautiful Eternity. She has told me many beautiful things and it would be a great pleasure for me to sit down and have you with me so I could tell you about that loving Mother and the many beautiful things She told me. There will be some people, no doubt, who will say that I am —151— only imaginative ; that it was not true. Do not believe them, but hearken to what I have told you, and fol- low the path that I have given you to travel in. I know how evil people are, and I also know, that, as a rule, people who are evil and are given to falsehood judge other people by themselves. Wealth and posi- tion are the only objects most people have in view, and to acquire the same they will stoop to all kinds of evil. Of life they know not anything. Of their destiny they have no conception. They do not want the truth; they care not for facts. They oppose Justice when and where they can. They practice deception and hypoc- risy and when the fitful fever overtakes them they call around the bedside priests like unto themselves and make peace with their God. Such shams and delusions are only fit company for the followers of religion. On every hand truth presents us with her phenomena. Who has given Truth a welcome by solving any of those problems ? We have our theological, medical and law schools, where delusion and deception are taught, in the main, and where Justice and Truth are discarded or seldom alluded to. Then again we have those who are called spiritualists and liberals, another motly crowd, scarce removed from priestcraft, who play with phenomena as children play, in the sand. They, too, are delusive, for they proclaim themselves that which they are not. On every hand, my children, you see the statues of delusion, the hand work of evil. To destroy those rookeries is a part of my work. Hence I have given you this little book, this guide to immortality, that none might err but all have an op- portunity to prepare for a fruitful harvest. Krishna —158— has told us that. "'As we sow, so also shall we reap." In this hook I have told you how to prepare and sow your crop. It remains for you to choose whether you will sow properly or improperly. I have done my duty, you must do yours. Xo one can sow a spiritual harvest for another to gather. Be not deceived, neither be thou content until all are free. Whosoever teaches differently from the inculcations and precepts given in this book are in error, and you will so find after your second birth. May our Divine Mother's Love and smile and blessing- be with all of Her children, is the sincere wish and As- piration of yours truly, THE AUTHOE. 1 — How does our lesson begin? 2 — Is it pleasant to dwell upon ? 3 — What must be done ? 4 — Who are supporters of justice ? 5 — What is said of duty? G — Who shall be brought low ? 7 — Will children have an opportunity? 8— What ? 9 — What is in store? 10 — If robbed here will we get our due ? 11 — What will come to those who rob childhood? 12 — What is given us? 13 — Shall we ever again be hungry? 11 — What is told us of our Divine Mother? 15 — What is she? 1G — What lies beyond? 1 7 — Will we never reach ? is— Whal will be over us? — 153— 19 — What never sets? '20 — Never grows dim? 21 — Never comes? '22 — What is it forever? 23 — What is mapped out? 24 — Does our mother command? 25 — How is her time divided? 26 — Who follow her example? 2? — What is glorious? '28 — What is said of messengers of love? *29 — What of amusements ? 30 — What of hands? 31— Of players? 3'2 — Of entertainments ? 33 — Of jubilees ? 31— Of poets ? 35— Of libraries ? 30— Of history? 3! — Science? 38— Art ? 39— Of eternity? 40 — Of our Divine Mother? 41 — Her eternity? 42 — What would be a great pleasure ? 43— What are we told to do? 44 — What are the objects of most people? J-5 — Do they want the truth? 4(5 — Fact- ? 4* — With whom do they make peace? 48— Is it true? 49 — What is said of theology, etc.? 50 — What of spiritualists, etc.? — 154 — 51 — What makes them delusive? 52 — What statues see we on every hand ? 53 — What is this book called? 54 — What has Krishna told us? 55 — Who must sow? 56 — What must we sow? 57 — Are we to be content? 58 — What is the opposite of' the teachings of this book ? 59 — How does our lesson close ? 60 — Are we wiser for having read these lessons ? 61 — Have we any resolves to make ? FEB 5 1904