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I searched eight years and a half before I succeeded in finding them. While searching for these, however, I discovered several hun- dred other McClungs, of whom I had never heard before. At first I had no thought of publishing the results of my research, but as time passed and the genealogical data began to accu- mulate, the necessity for preserving it in a more permanent form and giving it a wider circulation became apparent. The record will be found to la.ck imiformity, owing to the fact that my system of registration was not complete when the work began, but developed as the work proceeded. The rec- ord begins with the earliest known ancestor and traces the descendants of his eldest son down to date, then traces the descendants of the second son and then the third, and so on to the youngest. Two numbers, separated by a hyphen, precede each name. The first number represents the number of the child in the. family. The second number represents the generation to which he belongs. The volume contains a record of nine gen- erations, including the names of about 3,500 M.cClungs, ex- clusive of those who have acquired the name by marriage into the family. The length of the biographical sketches does not repre- sent the relative merit of the individuals. Many who deserve extensive mention do not receive it because either they or their kindred have neglected my repeated requests for infor- mation concerning them. No attempt has been made either to flatter or to slander any one. The names of the various branches are chosen arbitrarily. They are neither inclusive nor exclusive. For example, the Pittsburgh branch does not include all the McClungs who live in Pittsburgh. On the other hand, some who belong to the Pittsburgh branch do not live in Pittsburgh or even in the State of Pennsylvania. Again, the Texas branch constitutes but a very small proportion of those bearing the name Mc- Clung who live in Texas. It is quite probable that the South Carolina, Georgia, McClyUNG Geneai^ogy. Alabama, Tennessee and Texas branches are closely related. It is also probable that the Toronto, Buffalo. Canada, Michi- gan and Erie branches are related. However, in the absence of positive proof of their relationship, they are classified under separate heads. Abbreviations: b. — born; d. — died; ni. — married; dau. — daughter ; wid. — widow. Other abbreviations are only such as are in common use. Let us now indicate the method of tracing a lineage ac- cording to the system used in this volume. On page 57, line 42, you will find the name Thelma McClung. Her number is T-9, which indicates that she is the first child in her father's famil}^ and tliat slie belongs to the 9th generation. To find the name of her father, trace ba.ckward to the first person previously recorded belonging to the 8'th generation. This we find three lines above to be 1-8 Hugh Mitchell McClung. To find her grandfather, trace back to the first person of the 7th generation. This we find on the same page to be 1-7 James Cowan McChmg. To find her great-grandfather, trace back to tlie first person belonging to the 6th generation. This we find to be 5-6 James Harvey McClung, recorded on page 57, line 23. To find her great-great-grandfather, trace back to the first person belonging to the 5th generation. This we find to be 2-5 Patrick Mc'Clung, recorded on page 54, line 9. To find her great-great-great-grandfather, trace back to tlie first person of the 4th generation. This we find to be 6-4 William M.cChmg, recorded on page 47, line 41. Her next earlier ancestor is 7-3 James McClung, page 43, line 37. Her next earlier ancestor is 2-2 William McClung, page 18, line 29. Her next earlier ancestor is i-i James McClung, page 9, line I. Great care has been taken to make the record accurate; nevertheless a number of errors have been discovered. Doubtless many more will yet be discovered. Where quota- tions contain errors in spelling, the errors are quoted inten- tionally. Friends will confer a favor upon the author if they will kindly inform him of any errors they may discover. I oft'er to serve as repositor of future records of the fam- ily. I acknowledge my obligation to all who have furnished me with genealogical data for this re.cord. To Mr. Horace A. McClung, the proprietor of the Mc- Clung Printing Company, of Pittsburgh, through whose gen- erous co-operation the publication of this volume was made possible, I tender my gratitude. William McClung. Philadelphia, Pa., September i, 1904. INTIIODUCTION. The McClung family is of Scotch-Irish descent. The history of this race begins in the time of Agricola, the Roman general, who, when he had conquered all the present territory of England and carried his victorious ban- ners north to the Grampian hills of Scotland, found there a foe who could effectually resist his further advance, and com- pel him to acknowledge them an unconquered and unconquer- able race. Their early glory came in the days of Wallace and Bruce, when they won their independence from the English Crown. Their highest ideal of freedom was realized in the days of John Knox, when they bid defiance to tyrants and vindicated their belief that Kings and Queens were amenable to law, and could not enslave and oppress their subjects with impunity. The Scotch-Irishman is of composite race whose basis is the Romanized Briton, from whence he gets his Celtic blood. Occasional intermarriages with the Picts, Angles, Danes and Norse, introduced a tinge of Saxon and Teutonic blood. At a later date the race was 'slightly modified by the Norman invasion. Long before the emigration to Ireland began, these racial characteristics had thoroughly blended in one composite whole, which formed the racial basis for tlie Scotch-Irish-American of the present day. Some have made the grievous mistake of supposing the term Scotch-Irish to mean the blending of the Scotch and Irish races. As a matter of fact no such blending of these races has ever occurred to any great extent, at least in modern times. Mutual antipathies resulting from conflicting re- ligious beliefs served as an effective barrier against such a racial amalgamation. The native Irish are zealous Roman Catholics. The Scotch are equally zealous Protestants. It was on account of religious intolerance and persecution that the latter left their bonny heath. Plow could anyone suppose that they could so soon forget their former woes and wed the very cause of their complaints? The term Scotch-Irish im- plies the temporary residence of a Scotchman in the Emerald Isle. The true Scotch-Irish have not a drop of Irish blood flowing in their veins. They are pure, unadulterated Scotch. This, then, is the race from whence our fathers sprung. The memory of their heroic faith and deeds is our immortal leg- McClung Genealogy. ac3^ Their deeds have been recorded by the wizard pen of Scott ; their joys and sorrows sung by "Bobby Burns," RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS. It is deemed appropriate to here enumerate some of the quaHties that especially characterize the Scotch-Irish. They are preeminently a liberty-loving race. The sense of equity and fairness is in them developed to a remarkable degree ; and when this sense is horrified by evidences of ruthless oppres- sion, they .instinctively throw down the challenge to the op- pressor. Their love of liberty is attested by the blood of Scots- men shed on more than two hundred battlefields. In Amer- ica, the Scotch-Irish were the first to raise the cry for Amer- ican Independence ; and when the crisis came they were among the first tO' shoulder the musket and rally to the stand- ard of the patriots. Howe, in his Historical Collections, says of the Scotch-Irish of the Valley of Virginia : "They were among the bravest and most effective militia when called into the field. General Washington signified his opinion of them when in the darkest day of the Revolutionary struggle, he expressed his confidence that if all other resources should fail, he might yet repair with a single standard to West Aug- usta and there rally a band of patriots who could meet the enemy at the Blue Ridge and there establish the boundary of a free empire in the west. This saying of the father of his country has been variously reported ; but we have no reason to doubt that he did in some form declare his belief that in the last resort, he could yet gather a force in western Vir- ginia which the victorious armies of Great Britain could not subdue. The spirit of these sires still reigns in their descend- ants as the day of trial, come v/hen it may, will prove." Another characteristic is their boldness and love of ad- venture. King James recognized this quality in the Scotch when he sought to reestablish the depopulated province of Ulster at the close of the Tyrone Rebellion. This adventur- ous spirit descended from sire to son and had not a little to do with their emigration to this land and their v/resting it from the hand of the savage. By their pioneer settlements along the Shenandoah Valley, the Scotch-Irish formed an impregnable barrier between the Cavalier of tidewater Vir- ginia and the Indian savage of the Trans-Alleghenies. A.nother characteristic is their love of learning. Wherev- er the Scotch-Irish went they planted their classical schools — "little log colleges" — which formed the nucleus of our Sem- inaries and Universities of the present day. McClyUNG G^iNEALOGY. The tinal characteristic of the Scotch-Irish is their love of rehgion and the home. No sooner had they erected in the new settlements a shelter for the protection of their wives and children, than they erected a house for the worship of God. Wherever this love of religion and the home prevails there of necessity will be found manly virtue, noble integ- rity and good citizenship. The McClung family has to a good degree possessed these predominant characteristics of the race. Their names are to be found on the muster rolls of every war in the history of the nation ; a larger list on the registers of our higher edu- cational institutions ; a far greater list on the registers of our churches ; and it is to be confidently hoped a goodly com- pany are registered in the Lamb's Book of Life. EARLIEST RECORDS AND TRADITIONS. The earliest known record of the McClung family locates them in Galloway, Scotland. The name clearly indicates their Highland Scotch origin. Tradition says that three Mc- Clung brothers named James, John and Robert, left Scotland on account of religious persecution and settled in the province of Ulster, Ireland about 1690. They were Presbyterians of the "true blue" type. They are believed to have first settled in Larne, County Antrim, Ireland. Later some of the family lived in the same county near Coleraine. Miss Mary Semple, of Mt. Hill, Larne, Ireland, says: "Hugh Houston, about the time of the persecution, fled from Greenock (others say Wigtonshire) in Scotland to Larne, County Antrim, Ireland. His son Samuel married Margaret McClung. The McClungs belonged to Larne, but it is quite recently I heard of them, as it is more than sixty years since the last of the family removed to Belfast. Many of them re- moved to America." The first to emigrate to America, so far as known, was Thomas, who came from Moate in County West Meath, Ire- land and settled first near Christiana, Pa., in 1729. About the year 1731, John McClung landed at Boston with an aunt and settled in Brookfield, Mass. In 1734, he left Brookfield and went to Lancaster County, Pa. He was joined there by his father and the rest of the family about the year 1740. The reunited family consisted of the father, whose name was James; the mother whose name is unknown, and eight chil- dren some of whom were married and had families of their own. The names of the eight are as follows : i James, 2 Wil- 8 McClung Genealogy. Ham, 3 Hugh, 4 Charles, 5 Matthew, 6 Mary, 7 Isabel and 8 John. These all settled for a while in Lancaster County, Pa. About 1742, I James, 2 William, and 3 Hugh emigrated to the "Borden Grant" in Augusta (now Rockbridge) County, Vir- ginia. 3 Charles, 4 Matthew, 5 Mary and 6 Isabel, remained in Lancaster County or vicinity ; while John, a little later set- tled in the Susquehanna Valley in Buffalo township, North- umberland County, Pa. From there his descendants went east, north and west. Other emigrations of McClungs from Ireland occurred at various times until within the past ten or twelve years. They are doubtless all descendants of one of the three original brothers. According to the official census of Ireland in 1890, there yet remained about 313 McClungs in Ireland at that date, and all in the province of LTlster. ORIGIN OF THE NAME. Oft repeated efforts to ascertain the origin of the name McClung, have been futile. That subject still remains a matter of conjecture. If, as some suppose, it has the same origin as the name McClean, then the McClungs may trace their lineage back to Gillean or Macgilean, who dwelt in Lorn, fought in the battle of Largs, and whose name signifies a ser vant of St. John ; Mac, the Celtic prefix meaning son of ;" "GiTle meanmg' Servant ; "an" a contraction of iohan meaning John the Saint ; hence a son of the servant of St. John. There is greater probability, however, that the original name was Lang, (in Scotch meaning long) or that it was sim- ply Lung; the Celtic prefix Mac abbreviated to Mc and a doubling of the "c" resulting in the present form. The name MacClung appears in a list of names collected by Lord Stair and published in Patronymica Britanica under the title of "Seven Hundred Specimens of Celtic Aristocracy" or "Almacks Extraordinary." JAMES McCLUNG'S ENCOUNTER WITH THE INDIANS Page 44. \ 1-1 JA^IMES IVICCLUNa, b. in Scotland. Emigrated from Scotland to Ireland, and from thence to Pennsylvania, U. S. A., about 1740. He died about 1744; landed with his family at Philadelphia, Pa., and is thought to have settled in Lancaster, County, Pa. The name of his wife is unknown. Eight children viz. : i James, 2 William, 3 Hugh, 4 Charles, 5 Matthew, 6 Mary, 7 Isabel and 8 John. 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland; d. be- tween 1779 and 1785, in Rockbridge Co., Va. Emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania about 1740; thence to Rock- bridge Co., Va., with his brothers, William and Hugh, about 1742. He is thought to have married Mary McKy. The fol- lowing quotation from a newspaper clipping may be of in- terest : "John McKy had but few relatives. The McClungs were his nephews. Some say he gave them a tract of land ; others, that they gave him a little gray mare in turn. It is said when James McClung married a girl who had gone out to service, (they called her a serving girl) that old Grandfather said : 'O never mind, wives are hard to get ;' which shows some wiere somewhat clannish. John McKy died in 1773. Henry McClung and William McClung were two of the ap- praisers of his estate." He is believed to be the James McClung, Sr., who in 1753, signed a call to the Rev. John Brown to become pastor of Timber Ridge Presbyterian church in Augusta (now Rock- bridge) Co., Va. See Foote's Sketches of Virginia, pages 96-98. He is also supposed to be the James McClung whose will is recorded at Lexington, Va., in Will Book No, i, and is as follows : "In the name of God Amen : this second day of October Anno Dom. One thousand seven Hundred and Seventy nine I James McClung, of Rockbridge County & commonwealth of Virginia being sick & weak in Body but of sound & dispos- ing memory & calling to mind the Mortality; of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. Principally & lirst of all I recommend my soul to God who gave it & my Body to the dust to be decently intered at the discression of my Executors and for such worldly Estate 10 McClung Genealogy. wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose of in manner following: Imprimis I order that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my son Henry his Heirs and assigns for ever one hundred and forty acres of land part of the tract I now live on adjoining James Dougherty's and Samuel Lyles Land. Item I give and bequeath unto my son William his heirs and assigns for ever Eighty acres of land the part on which I now live. Item I give and bequeath to my son James one chest & one pair of blankets. Item I give and bequeath to my son Henry one large pot and one pair of blankets. Item I give and bequeath to my son William one horse and saddle one Pair of Steel yards my grind-stone cane cut- ting knife chairs Tongs and crooks and all my iron tools and utensils one blanket and one quilt and one large Bible and two volumes of Harvey's works and one large Jugg. Item I give and bequeath to Mary McClung Williams Daughter a small Gilt Trunk. Item I order that the remainder of my estate be equally divided amongst my three sons James Henry and William and my daughter Agnes Gray. And lastly I do hereby consti- tute and appoint my two sons, James and Henry, executors of this my last Will and Testament and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament and all other Will or Wills by me heretofore made I do declare to be void to all intents and purposes. Witness my hand and seal this second day of September Anno Dom. 1779. JAMES McCLUNG. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said James McClung to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us. JAS. McCARRELL. his RICHARD X CARR. mark. JAMES LYLE, JR." On Sep. 5, 1786, William McClung was made co-executor. William McClung, Joseph Reid and Thomas Buford were the administrators. Four children, viz. : 1-3 — Henry McClung, b. probably in Ireland about 1739; McCivUNG Genealogy. U d. Feb. 3, 1784; "age 45 years''; m. Esther Caruthers, b. about 1744; d. Oct. 27, 1818, "age 74 years.'' Their bodies lie buried in the Timber Ridge Presbyterian church-yard at Timber Ridge, Va. The following is an extract of his will : "In the name of God, Amen. This twenty-fourth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, I, Henry McClung, of Rockbridge, county and State of Virginia, being weak of body but of sound mind and memory. Calling to mind the mortality of my Body, and that it is appointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament ; firs, I recomend my Soul to God ho gave it, and my Body to the Grave, to be Buried at the Discretion of my Executors, not Doubting but that the will be united again by the mity Power of God at the Last Day, and so far as such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me with I give, Bequeath and dispose of in the following manner: First, I order that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by Executors out of my personal Estate. Second, I give and bequeath to my Well Beloved Wife Easter on Large brown Mar together with her saddle and all my household fur- niture to be her entire property. I likewise order that my Wife Easter have a sufficient Maintenance , Give her by my son James and her Living in my Dwelling house during her natural life. I likewise order that my Negro Girl Moll be kept by my Executors for the use of my Wife Easter during her natural life ; But, Provided that she should not appear to be useful, then my executors may with the advise of my wife may dispose of her at any time they may think proper, and the anuel Profits arising from such Disposal to be my Wife Easters property during her natural Life. Thirdly [Son William one third part of land I now live on Lying on South Side of my plantation and joining Lines with William McClung and Samuel Lyle. To son James one third of land middle part on which dwelling house stands. To Samuel north-west part. James, William and Samuel to pay to son Henry. To my two daughters Margaret and Easter. My three youngest sons William, Samuel, and Henry.] (The part in the brackets is an abstract not quoted ver- batim). (Signed) HENRY McCLUNG. Six children viz. : 1-4 James McClung, b. Dec. 7, 1767; d. Jan. 14, 1817; m. Mar. 1791, Elizabeth McPheeter, b. June 30, 1770; d. Dec. 13, 1813. Both are buried in Timber Ridge church-yard. Three children viz. : 12 McCivUNG Genealogy. 1-5 Henry McClung, minor at time of his father's death. 2-5 John A. McClung, d. in Florence, Ala. 3-5 James Harvey McClung, b. June 5, 1805, near Tim- ber Ridge Church, Rockbridge Co., Va.; d. Feb. 3, 1870, in Covington, Ky. Before his marriage he clerked at Sweet Springs, W. Va. ; m. Jan. 24, 1841, at Charlottesville, Va., Elizabeth Widderfield ; b. April 5, 1822; d. Dec. 21, 1890; dau. of James H. Widderfield. They lived at Sweet Spring, W. Va., and Charlottesville, Va. He taught school on the Scotts- ville turnpike ; also farmed a few years and then engaged in merchandizing at Phillippi, Va. Went to Cincinnati, Ohio, about 1849; a year later he moved to Covington, Ky., where he spent the remainder of his life. Five children viz, : 1-6 Lafayette Hampton McClung, b. Oct. 13, 1841, at Sweet Springs, W. Va. ; farmer ; m. Laura B. Fryer. No is- sue. . Address : Butler, Kentucky. 2-6 Elizabeth V. J. McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1843 ; d. Nov. , 1843. 3-6 James Motier W. McClung, b. July 4, 1845, d- Was a merchant ; dealt in stoves and housefurnishing goods ; m. Mary Anderson ; no issue. Address, Covington, Ky. 4-6 William H. Ringold McClung, b. June 15, 1847; <^- June I, 1902. Merchant, Covington, Ky. ; m. ist, Nov. 8, 1870, Nancy Elizabeth Pratt; b. Oct. 9, 1845; d. Nov. 7, 1884. Five children viz. : 1-7 Mark Motier McClung, b. Aug. 23, 1871 ; m, Dec. 24, 1890, Eva Northcut, Covington, Ky. 2-7 William McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1876. Address 219 Crescent Ave., Covington, Ky. 3-7 Albert McClung, b. Jan. 30, 1879; Covington, Ky. 4-7 Leona McClung, b. Oct 16, 1881. Covington, Ky. 5-7 Lizzie May McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1884. Covington, Ky. William H. Ringold McClung, (4-6) m. 2nd, Lucinda C. Pollitt, of Maysville, Ky. One child, viz.: 6-7 Eva Cannon McClung. Maysville, Ky. 5-6 Horace Jefferson McClung, b, Aug. 14, 1855 ; m, ist, Lizzie Ryder, of Butler, Ky. Horace Jefferson McClung, (5-6) m. 2nd, Emma Mills, of Covington, Ky. He was once a stove merchant on Linn St., Cincinnati, Ohio. He is said to possess fine business qualifications. Address, Latonia, Ky. 2-4 William McClung. He is supposed to be the man who emigrated from Rockbridge Co., Va. to Texas and died near Houston without issue, leaving about 360 acres of land for which heirs cannot be found. McClung Genealogy. 13 3-4 Samuel McClung. 4-4 Capt. Henry McClung, d. 1846 ; in. Nov. 16, 1802, Elizabeth Alexander; b. Nov. 17, 1782; d. 1869. She was a sister of Dr. Archibald Alexander, the first President of Princeton Seminary. Henry McClung was captain of Artil- lery in the war of 1812; trustee of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) from 1812 to 1830. See sketch of him in Washington and Lee University Historical Papers, No. 4, page 181, by Dr. J. A. Waddell. Capt. Henry McClung once lived on what is since known as the "Poorhouse" farm in Rockbridge Co., Va. He removed to Lexington, Va., and kept hotel. Later he removed to Staunton, Va., and kept hotel there. Seven children, viz : 1-5 Elvira E. McClung, d. m. June 19. 1828, James Gam- ble Lyle, b. April 5, 1803; d. Sep. 29, 1837; son of Capt. Wm. Lyle, whose second wife was a sister of Dr. Archibald Alexan- der, of Princeton. James Gamble Lyle graduated at Wash- ington College in 1823, receiving the degree of A. B. He was a lawyer; went to Alabama, where he died. His widow re- turned to Virignia and resided with her mother and brother Henry. 2-5 Janetta W. McClung, d. m. Oct. 31, 1832, Wm. S. Kyle, d. A lawyer of Wetumpka, Ala. Two sons, viz. : 1-6 Campbell Kyle, d., unm. 2-6 Col. Osceola Kyle; named for Indian chief; became prisoner of war at Johnson's Lsland during the Civil War. Wetumpka, Ala. 3-5 Agnes McClung, d. 1880, unm. She was for many years the coadjutor of Miss. M. J. Baldwin in conducting the Augusta Female Seminary at Staunton, Va. She was re- garded as a most estimable lady. 4-5 Henry C. McClung, d. Sep. 13, 1838. in Houston, Tex., unm. Graduated at Washington College 1828. He kept hotel in Staunton, Va. He was later a steamboat captain. 5-5 William A. McClung, d. July 5, 1853, in Montgom- ery, Ala., unm. Graduated at Washington College, 1833. 6-5 James Archibald McClung, d. Dec. 1870, unm. Kept hotel in Staunton, Va. 7-5 Virginia McClung, d. June, 1889; m. Feb. 17, 1853; Hon. Joseph Addison Waddell, b. Mar. 19, 1823; Grad. Wash- ington College, 184T ; studied law at University of Virginia, 1841-2. Lawyer, editor, member Virginia Legislature, 1865 ; Virginia Convention, 1867; Senate, 1868; Clerk Virginia Court of Appeals ; Author of "Annals of Augusta Co., Va. :'' L.L.D., Washington College, 1889; no issue. Address, Staun- ton, Va. 14 McCivUNG Genealogy. 5-4 Margaret McClung, d., m. Aug. 18, 1825 ; James Mc- Cutcheon, Fairfield, Va. 6-4 Esther McClung, d. Dec. 11, 1852; m. Sep. 22, 1814, her second cousin,. Joseph McClung, b. July 26, 17^5; d. Mar. 23, 1866, son of John McClung and Elizabeth Alexander. Esther was Joseph's second wife. For issue see index. 2-3 William McClung; d. about 1794; date of his will, Nov. II, 1793; probated Feb. 4, 1794; m. Jane . Six children, viz. : 1-4 Mary McClung; d. She is mentioned in her grand- father's will, and received at his bequest "a small gilt trunk ;" m. Nov. II, 1794, John McCullough. 2-4 Jane McCullough; d. ; m. Sep. 4. 1800, Thomas Mc- Cullough. 3-4 Elizabeth McClung, b. June 30, 1770; d. Dec. 13, 1813; m. Mr. Williams, and moved to Highland Co., Ohio. d-4 James B. McClung; b. Aug. 7, 1774; d. Oct. 10. 1843. Was for many years a ruling elder in Timber Ridge Presbyter- ian Church, Timber Ridge, Va. ; m. Sep. 2, 1799, Mary Mc- Chesney; b. Nov. 13, 1778; d. July 30, 1850, sister of Dr. John McChesne}^ Six children, viz. : 1-5 Jane McClung; b. June 26, 1800: d. June 10, 1843, unm. 2-5 Eliza McClung; b. May 27, 1802; d. Sep. 27, 1849, unm. 3-5 William A. McClung; b. Sep. 22, 1804: d. Feb. 7, 1877. His portrait is published in the McCormick Genealogy, by Leander J. McCormick. m. Nov. 14, 1854, Katherine Isabel- la Kendall, of Xenia, Ohio; b. Apr. 27, 1830; d. 1902, at Tim- ber Ridge, Va. Five children, viz. : 1-6 James Albert McClung; b. Nov. 11. 1855; ^1- J"^y 3^, 1859. 2-6 Mary Alice McClung; b. Nov. 3, 1858; m. Apr. 20, 1881, H. E. Moore, of Monmouth, Va. 3-6 Ella Belle McClung; b. Mar. 9, 1861 ; d. 1899; m. June 5, 1888, Rev. J. M. Todd, Due West, S. C. 4-6 Frank Lee McClung; b. June 14, 1863; merchant at Timber Ridge, Va. ; m. Susie Kinnear. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Elizabeth Campbell McClung; b. Sep. 8, 1898. 2-7 Katherine Bell McClung; b. Feb. 12, 1900. 3-7 John William Kendall McClung; b. Feb. 29, 1904. 5-6 John William McClung; b. Apr. 14, 1865. Graduated Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Principal of schools at Tampa, Fla. ; m. July 22, 1903, Mary B. Lithgow, of Louisville, Ky. Address, 311 7th Ave., Tampa, Fla. 4-5 Mary McChesney McClung; b. Sep. 13, 1806; d. May McClung Genealogy. 15 I, 1849; m. Aug. 7, 1832, Hugh G. McCroskey ; b. Aug. 29, 1803. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Virginia Adeline McCroskey; b. July 24, 1834; d. Sep. 20, 1850. 2-6 James William McCroskey; b. Jan. 10, 1840; d. Sep. 18, 1850. 3-6 Mary Cornelia McCroskey; b. June 10, 1838; d. Feb- ruary 28, 1887; m. David Graham, of Delphi, Ind. 4-6 Amanda McCroskey; b. February 15, 1842; m. Dr. Thomas C. Bradford; d. ; 815 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 5-6 Joseph Addison McCroskey; b. June 4, 1844; m. Fannie Smart, of Cincinnati, Ohio. 5-5 Nancy "Agnes" McClung; b. May i, 1809; d. Oct. 7, 1846; m. 1844, Robert Shields, of Ohio. 6-5 Lavenia P. McClung; h. July 19, 1819; d. Sep. 23, 1886. Her portrait is published in the McCormick Geneal- ogy; m. Aug. 31, 1847; James Harvey Shields, of Ohio. Three sons, viz. : 1-6 James William Shields; b. July 2, 1849; d. July 25, 1850. 2-6 John William Shields; b. Sep. 6, 1855; mi. Address, Garnett, Kan. 3-6 Horatio Harper Shields; b. Dec 10, 1858; d. May 5, 1868. 5-4 Samuel McClung; d. intestate prior to Oct. 5, 1812. 6-4 Nancy McClung; m. James Farley. They moved to Highland, Co., Ohio. 3-3 James McClung; b. about 1728; d. ; m. 1750, Eliza- beth "Bettie" Houston, aunt of Gen. Sam Houston, of Texas, and dau. of Robert Houston. See ''Houston Family," by Rev. Samuel Rutherford Houston, D.D., page 36. Nine chil- dren, viz. : 1-4 Mary McClung; d., m. Peter Casseday. Twelve children. 2-4 Agnes McClung; m. Mr. Snodgrass. 3-4 Jane McClung; m. Mr. Patton, 4-4 Annie McClung; m. Dec. 27, 1791, James Martin. 5-4 Esther McClung; m. Sep. 9, 1902, John McCullough. 6-4 Margaret McClung; d. ; unm. at the house of Wm. H. Letcher, father of Gov. John Letcher, Lexington, Va. 7-4 John McClung; m. in Rockbridge, Co., Va., Dec. 6, 1 814, Jane Beggs. They emigrated to Texas and reared a large family. They are believed to have had a daughter, Phebe, heir of her grandfather, James McClung. See his will. 8-4 James McClung; b. 1770, near Lexington, Va. ;m. 16 McCltUng Genealogy. Mary Ann Henry ; d. Aug 9, 1834. She was a descendant of the Patrick Henry family of Va. ; emigrated about 1815 to Madison Co., Ky. ; thence about 1825 to Charleston, Ind. ; thence to Livonia, Ind. Ten children, viz. : 1-5 James McClung; d. in infancy. 2-5 Samuel Addison McClung; b. 1805; d. Aug. 5, 1829; unm. Died of yellow fever in New Orleans, La. 3-5 William McClung; d. in infancy, 4-5 James Henry McClung; h. Sep. 2t„ 1807; d. Sep. 28, 1833 ; m. Jan. 24, 1832, Mary Collins. Two sons, viz. : 1-6 Samuel Addison McClung; b. Nov. 28, 1832; m. Mar. 19, 1854, Jennie E. Brown. He was for many years a whole- sale dealer in boots and shoes at Louisville, Ky. Emigrated to Wichita, Kan., where he continues the shoe business. Six children, viz. : 17 James Edward McClung; b. Mar. 11, 1855. 2-7 Charles Lorraine McClung; b. Dec 20, 1862. 3-7 Harry Collins McClung; b. May i, 1865. 4-7 Jennie McClung; b. Feb. 16, 1868. 5-7 Mamie B. McClung; b. Dec. 20, 1870; m. Andrew Baird, Sec. Y. M. C. A. at Minneapolis, Minn. 6-7 Harriet Day McClung; b. June 25, 1873. 2-6 James Henry McClung; b. Feb. 7, 1834; d. Feb. 4, 1899; graduated at Wabash College; m. 1856, Clarissa Good- lander. Three children, viz.: 1-7 William H. McClung; m. ; address, Muncie, Ind. 2-7 Mary F. McClung; m. 1881, Frank H. Barton. Ad- dress, Urbana, 111. 3-7 Charles T. McClung; m. ; name of wife unknown. 5-5 Eliza Houston McClung; b. June 13, 181 1 ; m. ist, Dr. Andrew Rodgers ; d. She married 2nd, John McKinney ; d. St. Paul, Minn. 6-5 Mary A. McClung; b. June 5, 1813 ; d. 1887; m. 1834, Dr. John Samuel Brown Kelso; b. 1808; d. 1892. Leaven- worth, Ind. Five children, viz. : 1-6 James Samuel B. Kelso; b. 1836; d. 1901 ; m. Mrs. Cooper. 2-6 William Henry Kelso; b. 1838; m. Diama Bradford. Orchardville, 111. 3-6 Thaddeus P. Kelso; b. 1845; m- Matttie Sands, Sey- mour, Mo. 4-6 Mary J. Kelso; b. Oct. 14, 1849; m. 1866, T- A. Cal- lahan; b. 1839, Blufif City Ky. 5-6 Elizabeth E. Kelso; b. 1851 ; d. Oct, 1851. 7-6 John Lyle McClung; b. Mar. 4, 1815; d. Aug. 2, McCiyUNG Genealogy. 17 1854; m. June 28, 1838, Lydia A. Scott; b. 1816, dan. of John and Priscilla Scott. Eijc^ht children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Ellen McClung; b. May 8, 1840; d. May 13, 1867; m. Marion W. Smith, of Greenville, Ind. Four chil- dren, viz : 1-7 Rosa Smith; d. 2-7 Frances Marian Smith; m. Mr. McGraw, of Still- water, Okla. 3-7 Lillie Smith; m. Mr. Holland, of Los Angeles, Cal. 4-7 Flora Smith; d. 2-6 Samuel Casseday McClung; b. Nov. 11, 1841. R. D. No. 3, Borden, Ind.; m. Feb. 28, 1867, Rebecca J. Miller; b. Feb. 8, 1847. See family portrait. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Sylvester Addison McClung; b. Dec. 4, 1867; vocal instructor; m. Nov. 4, 1891, Carrie Williams. Address, Wil- liams, Ind, Three children, viz. : 1-8 Wendall McClung. 2-8 Beryl McClung. 3-8 Merlin McClung. 2-7 Samuel Oscar McClung; b. Sep. 27, 1869; lecturer on the x\pocalypse ; m. ist, Dec. 31, 1890, Jane E. Williams; d. Dec. 3, 189 — , He m. 2nd, Nov. 12, 1893, Caroline Kern. Address Williams, Ind One child, viz. : 1-8 Lyle Casseday McClung; b. about 1894. 3-7 Grace Estella McClung; b. June 27, 1871 ; m. Aug. 2, 1893, Robert J. Overton. Address, New Philadelphia, 111. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Claude C. Overton. " 2-8 Forest Overton. 3-8 Joseph Overton. 4-7 Frank Vincent McClung; b. Nov. 7, 1875; m. Ad- dress, Stonington, Ind. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Bertha R. McClung, b. May 5, 1900. 2-8 Glenn A. McClung, b. July 28, 1901. 3-6 Silas Addison McClung; b. Oct. 2, 1843; m. Nov. 23, 1882, Ella Thixton ; b. Oct. 20, 1853. Address, 557 Third St., Louisville, Kv. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Dr. RoyTodd McClung; b. Sep. 8, 1883 ; Dental Sur- geon. Adi.ress: Louisville, Ky. 2-7 John William McClung; b. Nov. 9, 1885, 3-7 Earl McClung; b, Dec, 2, 1888 (dau.). 4-6 Juliette McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1845; ^- .T"ne 21, 1847. 5-6 Margaret Jane McClung; b. June 11, 1848; d. Sep. 23, 1854- 6-6 John Lyle McClung; b. Aug. 10, 1850; d. He is 18 McClung Genealogy. reported to have been killed by falling timber in a fire at Cripple Creek, Colo. 7-6 Josephine McClung; b. May 6, 1852; d. about 1896; m. Nov. 4, 1873, Tilghman Williams. Address, Williams, Ind. Five children, viz.: 1-7 James S. Williams. 2-7 Jessie Williams. 3-7 Byrd E., "Birdie" Williams; b. about 1880. She is postmistress at Williams, Ind. 4-7 Richard Williams. 5-7 Harry Williams. 8-6 Lucretia McClung; b. May 3, 1854; m. Moses Rob- erts. Address Williams, Ind. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Ida Roberts. 2-7 Florence Roberts. 3-7 Clarence Roberts. 4-7 Caddie Roberts; d. Sep. 19, 1893. 5-7 Edna Roberts. 8-5 Lavenia McClung; b. Mar. 12, 1817; d. about 1870; m. 1st, Mr. Graham. She m. 2nd, Rev. James Brownlee. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Henry Brownlee, Urbana, 111. 2-6 Silas Addison Brownlee, 111. 9-5 Harriet Newell McClung; b. Jan. 31, 1820; m. Silas C. Day, a retired captialist, of New Albany, Ind. 10-5 Margaret McClung; d. 9-4 Samuel McClung; d. in Maysville, Ky. 4-3 Agnes McClung; d. ; m. Mr. Gray. 2-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG; b. probably in County Antrim, Ireland. Emigrated from Ireland to America about 1740. He landed at Philadelphia and settled for a while in Lancaster Co., Pa. About 1742 he emigrated with his broth- ers James and Hugh to Augusta (now Rockbridge) Co. Va. He settled in the "Borden Grant." near Timber Ridge. The deed to his land is on record at Staunton, Va., and was made by Benj. Borden, Jr., for 314 acres, three rood and 25 polls. Price paid, £9, seven shillings. The deed is dated Mar. 19, 1746. It states, however, that the land was sold to William McClung by Benj. Borden, Sr. As Benj. Borden, Sr., died in 1742, this fixes the date of Wiliam McClung's emigration to Virginia as not later than 1742, unless perchance the pur- chase was made before leaving Pennsylvania. He signed a call for the pastoral services of Rev. John Brown at Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church in 1753, and subscribed to his salary in 1754-1755. "Widow" McClung is evidently a misreading of "William." See Foote's Sketches McCivUNG Genealogy. 19 of Virginia. He was on the first bench of elders in Timber Ridge church along with xA.rchibald, Alexander and others, during Rev. John Brown's pastorate. William Henry Rufifner, in Historical Papers of Washing- ton and Lee University, says of him : "The family of Wil- liam McClung was an important one, and touched the college at many points. Mr. McClung Avas married twice, and his family was large and became well connected. His daughter Susan, married a son of Robert Alexander, who is now listed as the first rector of Washington and Lee University, An- other daughter married Col. Samuel McDowell. He was the brother of Col. James McDowell, who was the father of Gov. James McDowell, both of whom were trustees." The following is a copy of William McClung's will, which is on record at Lexington, Va., in Will Book No, i. 'Tn the name of God, Amen ; the 20th day of Sept, 1783, I William McClung of Rockbridge County being of sound and disposing memory and caling to mind the mortality of my body, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following: and first T recommend my soul to God wlho gave it and my body to the dust to be decently intered at the discretion of my Executors. I order and it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my Execu- tors. I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Samuel Lyle one bond on Robert Taylor and Thomas Steel for £16, 8. to him and his heirs. I give and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas McClung the plantation whereon T formerly lived containing two him- dred and nineteen acres to him and his heirs forever, also his maintainance and schooling to be paid out of my personal estate and if my said Grandson Thomas McClung should die in non-age the said land to be equally divided betwixt my two sons James and John McClung by a line running direct- ly across said tract. The west End with the buildings and orchards to be my son James's part and the other my son John's Part to them and their heirs forever. I order that my land be croped or rented b}^ my Executors till my said Grandson :-hall attain to Lawful age and applyed as my Per- sonal Estate. Lastly T do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons James and John McClung and my Grandson William Lyle Executors of this my last Will and Testament also Guardians of my Grandson Thomas McClung and I do hereby revoke and disanull all former and other Will or Wills by me in any- wise heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this my Last 20 McCivUNG Genealogy. Will and Testament I. witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal the day and year above written. WM. McCLUNG, (L. S.) Signed sealed published and declared in the Presence of JAS. LYLE, JR. J. TATE. FRANCIS ROSS. BETSEY LYLE. At a court held for Rockbridge County 4th May 1784.'' William McClung was twice married. The names of his wives are unknown. It is believed that he married both wives in Ireland. The order of the ages of their children is unknown. It is also unknown which are children of the first wife, and which of the second. It is said that Elizabeth and Mary were sisters ; that Sarah was a half sister of John, and that John was a half brother of James. Nine children, viz. : 1-3 Elizabeth McClung; b. 1724; d. Mar. 3, 1773; m. about 1746 in Rockbridge Co., Va., Thomas Paxton ; b. 1719, in Ire- land; d. Sep. 27, 1788. For their history see the Paxton and Marshall Family Genealogies, by William McClung Paxton. of Platte City, Mo. 2-3 Charles McClung; b. in Ireland; d. 1762, in Lan- caster Co., Pa. ; presumably unmarried, as he divised his lands and other property to James, Matthew and Charles — the young sons of his brother Matthew, and to his brother John. In 1752, Daniel Ferree, of Lancaster Co., Pa., conveyed to Charles and his brother Matthew, jointly, 308 acres of land. 1-4 Thomas McClung; d. The names of his parents are unknown. He inherited a plantation from his grand- father, William McClung. He was a minor in 1783. See will, page — . He married Mary . In 1800 they sold a farm specified as the one which he inherited from his grand- father. He sold Mar. 26, 1800, to William Caruthers, 75 acres ; Apr. I, 1800, to Joseph McClung, 83^^ acres; June 4, 1805, to John Donnell, lot No. 34 in Fairfield, Va. ; and Sep. 30, 1805, to Alex. Moore, 138 acres for $1,456.00. In some of the deeds his wife is called Mary ; in others, Polly. Nothing further is known of them. 3-3 Matthew McClung; b. probably in County Antrim, Ireland ; d. 1802, in Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. ; m Martha Cunningham, niece (sister's daughter) of James Campbell, who owned the land on which Lexington, Va., was laid out. Matthew resided on Pequea Creek, near the present village of Leaman Place, Pa., about ten miles COWAN McCLUXG AND WIFE Tases 54, 56. McCl/UNG GENEAIvOGY. 21 east of Lancaster City. His will is on record in Lancaster, Pa. Seven children, viz. : 1-4 James McClung; probably died early, leaving no issue. 2-4 Matthew McClung; b. Sep. 17, 1758; d. Oct. 5, 1796. Resided in Leacock Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. ; m. Eliza- beth Jones; b. 1762; (dau. of David Jones, from England) d. July 19, 1829, at the home of her son-in-law, Jacob Strick- ler. Six children, viz.: 1-5 Charles McClung; b. Jan 30, 1782; d. Oct. 7, 1814; m. Jan. 24, 1811, Elizabeth Eckman. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Catherine McClung; m. Dr. John Steele, of Paradise, Pa., and removed about 1856 to St. Paul, Minn. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 James Steele; d. young. 2-7 Elizabeth McClung Steele; m. Gen. Theodor Schwan, U. S. A. ; no issue. 3-7 Mary Hume Steele; d young. 4-7 Charles Sibley Steele; mi. Fannie Dawson. One child, viz. : 1-8 Charles Terrell Steele. 5-7 Jane Rachel Steele; nu Dr. Everton J. Abbot, of St. Paul, Minn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Catherine McClung Abbot. 2-8 John Steele Abbot. 3-8 Lorena Abbot. 4-8 Rachel Abbot. 5-8 Theodor Schwan Abbot. 6-7 Clara Martha Steele; m. G. Duffield Slaymaker; d. One child, viz. : 1-8 Catharine Slaymaker, d. 2-6 Martha McClung; m. Dr. John Leaman, of Leaman Place, Pa, Three children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Leaman; d. young, 2-7 Dr. Brainerd Leaman, Address, Leaman Place, Pa. ; m. Josephine Musselman. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Charles McClung Leaman; d. young. 2-8 Henry Musselman Leaman, d. young. 3-8 Walter Leaman, 3-7 Sallie Leaman; d. young. 2-5 Martha McClung; b. Jan 20, 1784; d. June 16, 1816; m. Feb, 23, 1804, Gen. Nathaniel Watson, who was Brigadier- General in the war of 1812. Seven children, viz.: 1-6 Elizabeth Marie Watson; d. unm, 2-6 Jane Watson; m. Rev. John Patton, of Philadelphia, Pa, Two children, viz.: 22 McClung Genealogy. 1-7 Martha Patton; d. unm. 2-7 Jennie Patton; d. about 1891 ; niu William McClure, a law^yer, of Chicago Two children, viz. : 1-8 Ralph McClure, of Boston, Mass. 2-8 Alexander McClure, of Boston, Mass. 3-6 Martha Watson; d. unm. 4-6 Margaret Watson: d. unm. 5-6 Mary Watson; m. George Eckert, a merchant of Philadelphia. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Rebecca Eckert; d. young, 2-7 Mary Watson Eckert; m. Col. R. Dale Benson, Sr., of Philadelphia, Pa. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Maud Eckert Benson. 2-8 Bertha Dale Benson. 3-8 R. Dale Benson, Jr. 4-8 Mary Eleanor Benson. 6-6 Hannah Watson; d. young. 7-6 Rachel Watson; m. Mr. Watson, 922 Clinton street, Philadelphia, Pa. 3-5 Dr. Hugh McClung; b. Mar. 8, 1786; d. about 1814; unm. in St. Stephens, or Mobile, Ala. He was a great favo- rite with all the family. 4-5 David J. McClung; b. Aug 10, 1878; d. young. 5-5 Elizabeth McClung; b. Sep. 11, 1750; d. 181 5, unm. 6-5 Jane McClung; b. Feb. 23, 1795; d. Sep. 29, 1862; m. June I, 1824, as second wife of Jacob Strickler. Address, Columbia, Pa. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Elizabeth McClung Strickler; m. Col. Robert Crane, of Jersey Shore, Pa. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Jane Strickler Crane; m. Dr. John K. Lineaweaver, of Columbia, Pa. Four children, viz.: 1-8 Robert Crane Lineaweaver; d. young. 2-8 Janette Crane Lineaweaver; m. Howard B. StaufTer. 3-8 John Krause Lineaw:eaver ; d. young. 4-8 Frederick William Lineaweaver. 2-7 George Crane, of Columbia, Pa. ; m. Mrs. Emdly M. Gossler nee Washobaugh. No issue. 3-7 Creacie Crane; m. Harry C. Chapman, of Philadel- phia, Pa. One child, viz.: 1-8 Bessie McClung Chapman. 4-7 Robert Crane, of Lizette, Pa. ; m. Mary A. Hershey. One child, viz. : 1-8 Augusta Hershey Crane. 5-7 Elizabeth McClung Crane, of Columbia, Pa. ; unm. 2-6 Capt. Jacob McClung Strickler ; was a captain in the McCivUNG Genealogy. 23 Civil War ; m. Creacie Crane, sister of Robert Crane. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Jacob Paul Strickler, of U. S. Marine Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2-7 Jennie McClung Strickler, (twin) ; m. George A. Shipman, of Germantown, Pa. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Blanche Shipman. 2-8 George A. Shipman. 3-7 Creacie Crane Strickler; (twin) m. Bernard T. Ma- lone, of Philadelphia, Pa. Three children, viz.: 1-8 Jennie Shipman Malone. 2-8 Watson Malone. 3-8 Frank Crane Malone; was killed by a railway train in 1893. 3-6 Martha McClung Strickler; m. Gen. Bartram A. ShaefTer, of Lancaster, Pa. He was a general in the Civil War. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Elizabeth Shelly Shaeffer; m. Charles E. Gast, of Pueblo. Col. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Hugh Gast ; d. young. 2-8 Robert Shaeffer Gast, 2-7 Jane McClung Shaeffer; m. Dr. George G. Shively; d. 1893. Wavnesboro, Pa. Six children, viz.: 1-8 Liliie Shively. 2-8 Bartram Shively. 3-8 Bettie Shively. 4-8 Richard Shively. 5-8 Charles Shively. 6-8 Mary Shively. 3-7 John Charles Shaeffer, of Lancaster, Pa ; m. Mary L. Parker. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Bartram Augustus Shaeffer. 2-8 Martha Strickler Shaeffer. 4-7 Martha Strickler Shaeffer; m. William R. Gregg, of Pueblo, Col. No issue. 4-6 Jane McClung Strickler; m. Christian S. Kauffman, of Columbia, Pa. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Clara Vergenial Kauffman ; m. Hon. James Wilson Lee, of Franklin, Pa. 2-7 Christian Charles Kauffman ; an attorney of Colum- bia, Pa. ; m. Margaret R. Wilson. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Helen Jean Kauffman. 2-8 James Lee Kauffman. 3-8 Elizabeth Wilson Kauffman. 3-7 Hugh McClung Kauffman; d. young. 24 McClung Genealogy. 4-7 Jean McClung Strickler Kauffman; m. Samuel W. McCuen, of Oil City, Pa. Two children, viz, : 1-8 Donald Lee McCuen. 2-8 Jean McClung McCuen. 5-7 Oliver Allen Kauffman; d. young. 6-7 Catherine Elizabeth Kauffman; d. young. 5-6 Matthew McClung Strickler, of Columbia, Pa. ; m. Rebecca Cooper. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Mary Ella Strickler; d. unm. 2-7 Charles McClung Strickler, of Philadelphia, Pa. 3-7 Matthew McClung Strickler, of Philadelphia, Pa. 3-4 Col. Charles McClung; b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 13, 1761 ; d. at Harrodsburgh Springs, Ky., Aug. 9, 1835 ; m. in Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1790, Margaret White; b. in Iredell Co., N. C, Apr, 8, 1771 ; d. in Knoxville, Tenn, Aug, 27 1827, dau. of Gen, James White and his wife, Mary Law- son, Charles McClung emigrated from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Knoxville, Tenn., in 1788, Possessing only the rudiments of an English education and such a knowledge of surveying as he had acquired by six weeks study, he was employed by Gen. James White to survey the original site for the city of Knoxville. Soon after his arrival in Tennessee, he took rank with the first men of the territory. In 1792 he was ap- pointed Clerk of the County Court of Knox Co., which office he filled for a number of years to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He was an active and influential member of the convention which formed the constitution of the State. In addition to his other labors, he followed surveying ; and most of his fortune was made by speculations in real estate. He was a man of fine personal appearance ; six feet high, weighing 160 pounds; erect and energetic in his movements. He possessed a systematic, comprehensive and discriminating mind, with a good judgment of men and a refined sense of honor. He was liberal, kind and generous. In 1810, having acquired a handsome competency, he retired from the activi- ties of business life, to his farm ten miles west of Knoxville, where he indulged his taste for literary and other congenial pursuits. He bequeathed to his descendants an unsullied reputation. See portrait. Nine children, viz. : 1-5 Mary Lawson McClung; b. May 28, 1792; d. June 16, 1828; m. Aug. 5. 181 1, Chancellor Thomas Lanier Wil- liams; b. Feb. I, 1786; d. Dec, 3, 1856, His twin brother was the great grandfather of Lieut, Richmond P, Hobson. Seven children, viz. : 1-6 Rebecca Williams, b, Oct, 21, 1812; d, at Lexington, McClung Genealogy. 25 Ky. ; m. ist, Nov. 24, 1826, Dr. B. B. Mitchell, son of Gov. David Brydie Mitchell, of Georgia. One child, viz.: 1-7 Thomas Lanier Williams Mitchell; b. Dec. 20, 1831 ; d. 1849. Rebecca Williams; (1-6) m. 2nd, June 6, 1844, Richard Pindell Shelby, of Lexington, Ky. Three children, viz. : 2-7 Mary Pindell Shelby; b. Mar. 14, or Apr. 16, 1845; m. her first cousin, William B. Napton, of Napton, Mo. For issue, see page — . 3-7 Richard Pindell Shelby; d. young. 4-7 Susan Shelby; d. young. 2-6 Charles McClung Williams; b. Nov. 29, 1815; d. young. 3-6 Margaret McClung Williams; b. Oct. 7, 1817; m. ist, May 31, 1841, Hon. John Gaines Miller; b. Oct. lO, 1812 ; d. of Danville Ky., and Boonville, Mo. Member of Congress from Mo. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Louis Williams Miller; b. Apr. 29, 1842; d. 1876, of Boonville Mo. ; m. Eva Scott, of Mo. Three children. 2-7 William Miller; b. Mar. 14, 1844; d. Apr. 2, 1844. (twin). 3^7 Bettie Miller, b. Mar. 14, 1844; d. Mar. 24, 1844 (twin). 4-7 Fannie Pergy Miller, L; b. 1846; d. 1846; age, eight months. 5-7 Mary Miller; b. 1848; m. 1868, William Gilmore Bell. Address, Austin, Tex. Issue. 6-7 Fannie Percy Miller, 11. ; b. 1850; d. 1888; m. in Boonville, Mo., Edward Byers. Address, Nashville, Tenn. Issue. 7-7 Maggie Miller; b. 1852; m. ist, Bowling Haddox, on his deathbed. She m. 2nd Alexander Cunningham, of Nash- ville, Tenn. Four children. Margaret McClung Williams; (3-6) m. 2nd, May 11, 1873, Hugh Douglas; b. 181 1 ; d., of Virginia, and Niashville, Tenn. No issue. 4-6 Malinda Williams; b. Feb. 9, 1820; d. ; m. Mar. 27, 1838, Judge William B. Napton, of St. Louis, Mo. At least five children, viz: „ , 1-7 William B. Napton, Jr.; b. Jan. 5, 1839. Napton, Mo.; m. his cousin, Mary Pindell Shelby. See page — . Seven children. The name of only one is known, viz.: 1-8 Roberta Napton; b. Dec. 25, 1884. 2-7 Thomas Williams Napton; b. Mar 26, 1841. 3-7 John Napton; b. June 8, 1843. 4-7 James Smith Napton; b. Aug 2.'], 1845. 26 McClung GkneaivOGY. 5-7 Charles McClung Napton; b. 1847. 5-6 Frances Elizabeth Williams; b. June 4, 1823; d. Feb. 13, 1894; m. June 18. 1844, Dr. John Walker Percy; d. Aug. 4, 1864, at Percy, Miss. One child, viz.: 1-7 Maria Walker Percy; b. 1848; d. Oct. 22, 1876; m. Sep. 20, 1873, John Seymour McNeily, Vicksburg, Miss. No issue. 6-6 Louis Williams; b. Feb. 9, 1825; d. young. 7-6 Mary Lawson Williams, b. Sep. 12, 1826; d. Oct. 18, 1891, at "Evergreen," Haymarket. Va. ; m. Jan. 21, 1845, Edmund Berkeley; b. Feb. 29, 1823, of "Evergreen," Hay- market, Va. Thirteen children, viz. : 1-7 Elizabeth Burrell Berkeley; b. Nov. 30, 1845. Ad- dress, Haymarket, Va. 2-7 Edmund Berkeley; b. Apr. 17, 1847; ^^i- ! Atlanta, Ga. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Rev. Alfred Berkeley; is an Episcopal minister. 2-8 Green Berkeley. 3-7 Frances Calender Berkeley; b. Dec. 23, 1849. Hay- market, Va. 4-7 Eva Percy Berkeley; b. 1851. v 5-7 Lewis Berkeley, b. Aug. 21, 1853. 6-7 Mary McClung Berkeley ; b. June 2, 1855 ; m. June 21, 1881, John Seymour McNeily^ as his second wife. Vicks- burg, Miss. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Mary Berkeley McNeily; b. Dec. 22, 1882. 2-8 Fannie Percy McNeily; b. Dec. 29, 1884. 3-8 Margaret Preston McNeily; b. Feb. 9, 1887. 4-8 Kate Seymour McNeily; b. Jan. 6, 1892. 5-8 John Seymour McNeily; b. Dec. 20, 1894. 7-7 Lucy Fontaine Berkeley, b. Apr. 19, 1857. Haymar- ket, Va. 8-7 Edmonia Churchill Berkeley; b. Nov. 9, 1859. Hay- market, Va. 9-7 Annie Beverly Berkeley; b. Nov. 22, i860. Hay- market, Va. 10-7 Margaret Williams Berkeley; b. Aug. 6, 1862. Haymarket, Va. 11-7 Katherine Noland Berkeley; b. Mar. 19, 1865. Hay- market, Va. 12-7 Thomas Lanier Williams Berkeley; b. Jan. 29, 1868. Haymarket, Va. 13-7 Hugh Douglas Berkeley; b. July 21, 1872. Hay- market, Va. 2-5 Hugh McClung; b. May 2,2, 1794; d. young. McCiyUNG Genealogy. 27 3-5 Matthew McClung; b. Oct. lo, 1795; d. Oct. 5, 1844; Graduated at the University of North Carolina. He was a most successful merchant, leaving been a member of the large wholesale dry goods firm of Cowan, McClung & Co., of Knox- ville, Tenn., which is still one of the largest dry goods cencerns in the South, m. June 9, 1818, Eliza Jane Morgan, b. Feb. 15, 1802; d, Aug 18, 1870, dau. of Calvin Morgan. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 Calvin Morgan McClung; b. May 14, 1820; d. Feb. 19, 1857; 111- June 14, 1855, Kitty Grosh Morgan, b. July 24, 1834, dau. of Calvin C. Morgan. One child, viz : 1-7 Calvin Morgan McClung; b. Aug. 5, 1856; d. Apr. 7, 1857. 2-6 Margaret McClung; b. Mar. 15, 1822; d. Apr. 6, 1886; m. June 9, 1842, Robert Henry Gardner, b. July 24, 1808; d. Sep. 21, 1883, of Nashville, Tenn. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Sarah McClung Gardner; b. May 30, 1844; m. H. Bruce Buckner. Seven children, viz : 1-8 Margaret Gardner Buckner; m. Dec. 18, 1883, Myron K. Peck. Address : Nashville, Tenn. Issue. 2-8 Robert Henry Buckner; d. 3-8 H. Bruce Buckner, Jr.; m. Nov. 5, 1889, Bessie Lit- tlefield, dau. of William Littlefield. Address: Nashville, Tenn. Issue. 4-8 Dr. Matthew Gardner Buckner; m. Oct. 20, 1897, Elizabeth Jackson, dau. of Judge Howell E. Jackson. Nash- ville, Tenn. Issue. 5-8 William Buckner; d. (twin). 6-8 Clarence Buckner. 7-8 Marshall Buckner. 2-7 Robert Henry Gardner; b. July 20, 1848; d. Aug. 10, 1866. 3-7 Matthew McClung Gardner; b. Apr. 29, 1852; m. May 12, 1891, Sadie Polk Fall, Nashville, Tenn. Three chil- dren, viz. 1-8 Robert Henry Gardner; b. Aug. 26, 1894. 2-8 George William Fall Gardner; b. Nov., 1901. 3-8 Matthew McClung Gardner; b. Jan., 1903. 3-5 Sarah Morgan McClung; b. July 3, 1824; d. June 9, 1844; unm. 4-6 Charles James McClung; b. Aug. 26, 1826; m. ist Oct. 16, 1851. Margaret Cowan; b. Apr. 15, 1832; d. Nov. 17, 1883 ; eldest dau. of James H. Cowan, of Knoxville, Tenn. Three children, viz. 28 McClung Genealogy. 1-7 Lucy Cowan McClung; b. Aug. 7, 1852; m. June 5, 1873, Jacob Litton Thomas; b. Dec. 3, 1840; of Nashville, Tenn. Seven children, viz : 1-8 (A son) Thomas, d. 2-8 Charles McClung Thomas; b. Sep. 27, 1875. 3-8 Jesse Thomas; b. Feb. 4, 1877. 4-8 Hugh McClung Thomas; b. Jan. 3, 1879. 5-8 Jacob Litton Thomas, Jr.; b. Oct. 11, 1881. 6-8 Margaret Cowan Thomas; b. Jan. 19, 1883. 7-8 Matthew G. Thomas; b. Sept.' 15, 1884. 2-7 Dr. Matthew Grainger McClung; b. Sep. 25, 1854; d. in New York City Jan. 15, 1888; m. June i, 1876, Bessie Bowen; b. Nov. 12, 1857; dau. of Keith Bowen, of Aberdeen, Miss. Address Knoxville, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Mary Bowen McClung; b. Sep. 11, 1877; d. Mar. 23, 1896. 2-8 Margaret Cowan McClung; b. Sep. 18, 1878. Knox- ville, Tenn. 3-8 Annie Dee McClung; b. Dec. 27, 1880; m. Jan. 21, 1904, Frederick William Chamberlain, of Knoxville, Tenn, 4-8 Minnie Keith McClung; b. Apr. 18, 1883. 5-8 Charles James McClung; b. June 8, 1885. 3-7 EHza Morgan McClung; b. Sep. 29, 1858; d. July 16, i860. 5-6 Franklin Henry McClung; b. Nov. 23, 1828; d. May 4, 1898; m. May 4, 1854, Eliza Ann Mills; b. June 12, 183^; d. Sep. 4, 1881, dau. of Adam L. Mills, of St. Louis, Mo. Ten children, viz. : 1-7 Calvin Morgan McClung; b. May 12, 1855; grad. at University of Tennessee, and at Yale College ; wholesale hardware merchant of Knoxville, Tenn.; m. Mar. 3, 1881, An- nie McGhee; b. Nov. 7, 1862; d. Sep. i, 1898; dau. of Charles McClung McGhee, of Knoxville, Tenn. See page — . Two children, viz. : 1-8 Eliza "Lida" Mills McClung, b. Aug. 17, 1882; m. Dec. 2, 1902, William Cary Ross, b. Mar. 31, 1879. Gradu- ated at Yale College, 1900. Address: Knoxville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-9 William Cary Ross, b. Sep. 28, 1903. 2-8 May Lawson McClung, b. Sep, 30, 1885. 2-7 Franklin Henry McClung, b. July 30, 1856, unm, Knoxville, Tenn, 3-7 Essex McClung, b. Feb. 19, 1858; d, Apr, 5, 1858. 4-7 Matilda Mills McClung, b. Nov, 5, 1859; d, July 31, 1873. COL. CHARLES McCLUNG. ]'age 24. McClung Genealogy. 29 5-7 Eliza Morgan McClung, 1). July 2, 1861 ; d. June 28, 1863. 6-7 Aurelia Essex McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1863; m. Sep. II, 1888, Rogers Van Gilder, b. Sep. 25, 1861. Address: Knox- ville, Tenn. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Frank McClung Van Gilder, b. Feb. 14, 1890. 2-8 John Somers Van Gilder, b. Feb. 7, 1892. 7-7 Charles James McClung, Jr., b. July 12, 1866. Whole- sale hardware merchant, Knoxville, Tenn. 8-7 Robert Gardner McClung, b. July 3, 1868. Attorney, 333 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. 9-7 Thomas Lee" McClung, b. Mar. 26, 1870. Ex-Captain of Foot-ball at Yale College ; Manager Freight Department S. R. R., Columbia Building, Louisville, Ky. 10-7 Ellen Marshall McClung, b. May 23, 1872, m. Jan. 26, 1897; John Webb Green, b. June 9, 1859. Address: Knox- ville, Tenn. 6-6 Lawson Smith McClung, b. Oct. 7, 1830; d. May 19, 1832. 7-6 Matthew McClung, b. Mar. 11, 1833; m. Apr, 27. 1858, Julia Frances Anderson, b. June 14, 1837, dau. of Thomp- son Anderson, of Nashville, Tenn. Seven children, viz.: 1-7 Mary Shelby McClung, b. O'ct. 6, 1859; d. May 2, i860. 2-7 Margaret Gardner McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1861 ; d. "Aug. 26, 1862. 3-7 Birdie McClung, b. Sep. 9, 1863 ; d. Sep. 10, 1863. 4-7 Thompson Anderson McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1865 ; m. Oct. 22, 1889, Leila Mott Garrett, b. Feb. 26, 1867, dau. of Thomas W. Garrett, of Marietta, Ga. Address: Knoxville, Tenn. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Katharine McClung, b. Aug. 2, 1890. 2-8 Julia Frances McClung, b. Dec. 13, 1893. 5-7 Matthew McClung, b. Dec. i, 1868. Ex-Captain of Base-ball at Lehigh University. Address: 215 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa. 6-7 Pattie Green McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1871 ; d. Sep. 4, 1897; m. Nov. 16, 1892. Charles Christopher McGehee. Ad- dress : 679 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Gladys McGehee, b. Jan. 12, 1894; d, Jan. 12, 1894. 2-8 Pattie McGehee, b. Aug. 18, 1897. 7-7 Julia Munford McClung, b. Feb. 3, 187'^^; d. July 14, 1879. 8-6^ Amanda Park McClung, b. Mar. 6, 1835; d. Apr. 29, 1839. 30 McClung Genealogy. 9-6 Alexander McClung, b. July 5, 1837; d. Feb. 16, 1839. 10-6 Capt. Hugh Lawson McClung, b. Dec. 24, 1839 ; d. Feb. 15, 1862, unmar. He was a Confederate Captain and was killed in battle at Fort Donelson, Tenn., while com- manding a company of infantry. 11-6 Ellen Christy McClung, b. Jan. 30, 1843; "i- June 5, 1867, John Marshall, b. Apr. 23, 1841 ; d. July 3/1871. Was killed in a railway accident. Resided at Nashville, Tenn. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Eliza McClung Marshall, b. Feb. 21, 1868; m. Jan. 19, 1892, Francis McGavock Ewing, b. Dec. 25, 1861, Glen- cliff, R. F. D., Nashville, Tenn. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Randal Milton Ewing, b. Dec. 25, 1892; d. Dec. 26, 1892. 2-8 John Marshall Ewing, b. Sep. 3, 1894. 3-8 Andrew Ewing, b. May 8, 1900. 2-7 Johnnie Marshall, b. Sep. 9, 1870; m. Nov. 23, 1893, Lemuel Russell Campbell, of Nashville, Tenn. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 William Bowen Campbell, b. Jan. i, 1895. 2-8 (A son) Campbell. 3-8 (A son) Campbell, b. Mar. 15, 1900. 4-8 Ellen Marshall Campbell, b. Feb. 4, 1902. 4-5 James White McClung, Sr., b. June 6, 1798; d. May 31, 1848. Graduated at the University of North Carolina; studied law ; emigrated to Huntsville, Ala., and rose to the front rank in his profession. He was a member of the State Legislature ; Speaker of the House ; President of the Senate ; and at the time of his death, was a candidate for the United States Senate without opposition; m. ist Apr. 29, 1823, Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell, b. about 1802; d. Apr. — , 1833, dau. of Da- vid Brydie Mitchell, Governor of Ga. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Charles William McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1824; d. Mar. 30, 1879; m. ist 1857, Laura Bunch; d. May 24, 1861. No issue. Charles William McClung, (1-6) m. 2nd Alice Deaderick. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Pleas. McClung, m. Feb. 21, 1888, Margaret Dobbins. Address: Birmingham, Ala. One child, viz.: 1-8 Frank McClung. 2-7 David Deaderick McClung, unmar. Knoxville, Tenn, 3-7 Lillie McClung, m. Nov. 28, 1895, Kenneth K. Scott. Issue. 2-6 Mary Ann Cameron McClung, b. Dec. 6, 1825 ; d. McClung Genealogy. 31 July 29, 1879; m. Apr. 15, 1846, Pleasant Miller McClung, b. Aug, 19, 1824; d. June 20, 1863. For issue see page — . 3-6 David Brydie Mitchell McClung, b. Apr. 29, 1827; d. young. 4-6 Hugh Lawson White McClung, b. at Huntsville, Ala., May 11, 1829; d. Feb. 14, 1891, in Rockport, Texas. He was educated at West Point and was a Civil Engineer; m. Nov. 15, 1870, Trophic Catherine Carlisle, of Aberdeen, Miss., b. July 13, 1841. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Sarah Paine McClung, b. Nov. 18, 1872, 330 W. 21st St. New York, N. Y. 2-7 Hugh Carlisle McClung, b. Dec. 16, 1874. Address: Philadelphia, Pa. 5-6 Thomas Fearn McClung, b. about 183 1 ; d. young. 6-6 Matthew McClung, b. Mar. 19, 1833; d. Sep. 10, 1897. Upon the death of his mother he was adopted by John Rob- inson, of Huntsville, Ala., and was known as Matthew Mc- Clung Robinson. He m. Mar. 19, 1871, Eliza Ann Snodgrass, b. Feb. 18, 1853, in Cherokee Co., Ala. Address: 929 H St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Five children, viz.: 1-7 John Arthur McClung Robinson, b. May 28, 1872, Address: Washington, D, C. Employed in office of Southern R. R. 2-7 Mary Louise McClung Robinson, b. July 7, 1874; m. May 16, 1894, William L. Stephens. Washington, D. C. 3-7 Matt. McClung Robinson, b. Oct. 22, 1876; m. May 8, 1901, Frances Anna Meyers. Address: Washington, D. C. He is employed in the office of the Southern R. R. 4-7 Charles Hugh McClung Robinson, b. Aug. 24, 1879. Address: Washington, D. C. Employed in the office of the Southern R. R. 5-7 Laura Joe McClung Robinson, b. Aug. 11, 1885. Address : Washington, D. C. James White McClung, Sr., (4-5) m. 2nd, 1834. Eliza- beth F, Spottswood, b. Feb. 2, 1812; d. Sep. 18, 1837, dau. of Elliott Spottswood, a descendant of Gov. Alexander Spotts- wood, of Virginia. Two children, viz.: 7-6 James White McClung, Jr.- b. Oct. 4, 1835 ; d, Jan. 25, 1888, in Arkansas; m. ist, Bettie Heiskell, d., dau. of Mitchell Heiskell, of Morganton, Tenn. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Elliott Spottswood McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1869. Ad- dress: Madera, Cal. ; m. Oct. 20, 1892, Jennie Alice Davis, b. Apr. 5, 1871 ; d. Feb. 3, 1902. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Jesse Davis McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1894. 2-8 Lawrence McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1898. 32 McClung Genealogy. Elliott Spottswood McClung, (1-7) m. 2nd, Oct. 28, 1903, Jennie Mildred Beck, b. Oct. 2y, 1883. 2-7 (An infant) McClung, d. in infancy. James White McClung, Jr., (7-6), m. 2nd about 1872, Sarah T. Balard, b. 1856, of Canton, Ark. Four children, viz.: 3-7 Florence May McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1873. 4-7 Mary Elizabeth McClung, b. Aug. 30, 1878. 5-7 Virginia Lee McClung, b. Nov, 26, 1881 ; d. Jnly 8, 1887. 6-7 Orra Alice McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1885. Sarah T. Balard McClung, wid. of James White Mc- Clung, Jr. (7-6), m. 2nd G. H. Pinkston, of Canton, Ark. 8-6 Elliott Spottswood McClung, b. Aug. 24, 1837; d.. Nov. 24, 1901 ; m. July 12, 1866, Pattie Booth, b. Jan. 12, 1845; <^'- Apr- 28, 1903; dau. of Stephen Sorsby Booth, of Vicksburg, Miss. No issue. Knoxville, Tenn. James White McClung, Sr, (4-5), m. 3rd June 6, 1839, Margaret Patrick, b. June 6, 1819: d. of Huntsville, Ala. Five children, viz.: 9-6 William Penn McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1840. Address: Memphis, Tenn. He is a commercial traveler, ixi. Oct. 28, 1869, Virginia Taul Anderson, b. Jan. 9, 1845. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 William Anderson McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1870. St. Louis, Mo. 2-7 Annie Parsons McClung, b. Nov. 28, 1872; m. 1898, John R. Robinson. Address : Memphis, Tenn. 3-7 Jessie A. McClung, b. Jan. 13, 1876. Address: Memi- phis, Tenn. 4-7 Septimus Cabiness McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1877. Ad- dress: Ogden, Utah. 10-6 Annie Parsons McClung, b. Apr. 18, 1842; m. June 28, 1868, Andrew Jackson White, b. Nov. 22, 1843; d. Dec. 7, 1876. Chattanooga, Tenn. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Margaret McClung White, b. Apr. 29, 1869. 2-7 William McClung White, b. Dec. 7, 1870. 3-7 Frank McClung White, b. Nov. 14, 1872. 4-7 Arthur McClung White, b. Oct. 14, 1874. 5-7 Bessie May White, b. Jan. 14, 1876. 1 1-6 Frank Armstrong McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1843; m. Feb. 10, 1870, Buell Drake, b. Dec. 18, 1845. Address: Shal- low Ford, Tenn. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Leva McClung, b. Sept. 27, 1871. 2-7 Margaret McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1876; m. Oct. 16, 1899 Barton Russell, of Louisville, Ky. 12-6 Howard McClung, b. 1846; d. in infancy. HUGH CARLISLE McCLUNG Page 31. McCivUNG Genealogy. 33 13-6 Arthur Henderson McClung, Sr., b. July 4, 1848, of Pickensville, Ala.; m. Nov. 23, 1871, Mary Adelle Lee, b. Sep. 18, 1850, of Pickens Co., Ala. She is related on the pa- ternal side to Gen. Robert E. Lee, and on the maternal side to Stonewall Jackson, her grandmother being the aunt of that famous military leader. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Margaret Lee McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1873; m. O. A. Ouinn, of Mississippi. ~ 2-7 Bessie Martin McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1875; m. li. P. Funderbark, of Pickensville, Ala. 3-7 Minnie Lee McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1877; m. T, W. Johnson, of Mississippi. 4-7 Mary Lee McClung, b. July 21, 1881 ; d. July 28, 1881. 5-7 Arthur Henderson McClung, Jr., b. June 5, 1884; d. Aug. 2^, 1885. 6-7 James White McClung, b. about 1888. 5-5 Charles McClung, b. July 28, 1800; d. Dec. 25, 1827; m. July 3, 1821. Malvina Louisa Miller; d. Dec. 3, 1831, dau. of Pleasant M. Miller. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Charles McClung, b. Sep. 17, 1822; d. Oct. 26, 1838. 2-6 Pleasant Miller McClung, b. Aug. 19, 1824; d. June 20, 1863. Was killed in battle by having both legs shot away on Summit Hill, Knoxville, Tenn. ; m. Apr. 15, 1846, his cousin, Mary Ann Cameron McClung, b. Dec. 6, 1825; d. July 29, 1878. dau. James White McClung, Sr. See index. Four children, viz.: 1-7 Maria Fearn McClung, b. Aug. 22, 1847; f"- Aug. 20, 1872, Allan M. French, b. Feb. 4, 1847; ^- July H, 1879. 713 Henly St., Knoxville, Tenn. Three children, viz.: 1-8 Isabella L. French, b. June 9, 1873 ; m. Sep. 5, 1900, James Park White. 2-8 Pleasant M. French, b. Sep. 30, 1875 ; d. May, 1898. 3-8 William B. French, b. Dec. 5, 1877. 2-7 Eliza Morgan McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1849; d. Nov. 25, 1872; m. Feb. 15, 1872, Henry T. Ault. One child, viz.: 1-8 Frederick Olmstead Ault, b. Nov. 21, 1872. Ad- dress: Knoxville, Tenn. 3-7 Mary Pleas McClung, b. Aug. 30, 1851 ; m. June 4, 1888, Charles B. Thompkins. No. issue. 4-7 Sarah Mitchell McClung, b. Jan. 5, 1861 ; m. Nov. 3, i88t. Barton Keller, b. May 18, 1861. Address: Albu- querque, New Mex. Two sons. 3-6 Albert Stewart McClung, b. July 3, 1827; d. 1828. 6-5 Betsy Jones McClung, b. May 6, 1803; d. Apr. 8, 34 McClung Genealogy. 1829; m. Sep. 5, 1820, John McGhee, b. Oct. 15, 1788; d. June 8, 1851, of McGhee, Tenn. Five children, viz.: 1-6 Margaret White McGhee, b. July 2, 1821 ; m. ist Aug. 6, 1840, Andrew Russell Humes, b. Apr. 9, 1817 ; d. Sep. 25, 1847. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Betsy Jones Humes, b. Sep. 6, 1841 ; m. June 10, 1886, John Tate McDonald Hair, McGhee, Tenn. No issue. 2-7 Thomas William Humes, b. Aug. 2, 1843 5 i""- Dec. 19, 1867, Mary C. Sexton. Vonore, Tenn. Six children, viz. : 1-8 Margaret Humes, m. 2-8 Alfred Humes, m. 3-8 Andrew Russell Humes, m. Apr. 24, 1901, Hattie Eldridge, of Chattanooga, Tenn. 4-8 Henrietta Humes. 5-8 Charles McGhee Humes. 6-8 Medora Humes. 3-7 Margaret Humes, b. Nov, 11, 1845; m. Sep. 18, 1865, Sinclair David Gervais Niles, of McGhee, Tenn. Ten chil- dren, viz.: 1-8 Barclay McGhee Niles, d. 2-8 Andrew Russell Niles, d. 3-8 Sinclair Gervais Niles, m. June 2, 1903, his first cousin, Mary Humes Dismukes, of Nashville, Tenn. 4-8 Bettie Humes Niles, d., m. Apr. 4, 1893, William Jasper Trammell, of Marietta, Ga. One child, viz.: 1-9 (A son) Trammell, b. July 6, 1894. 5-8 John Louis Niles, m. 6-8 Margaret Niles. 7-8 Andrea Niles. 8-8 Charles Warren Niles. 9-8 Cornelia Dismukes Niles. 10-8 Mildred Niles. 4-7 Andrea Russell Humes, b. Nov. 22, 1847; rn. Nov. 18, 1869, John Lewis Dismukes, b. Mar. 4, 1844, 1720 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Margaret Humes Dismukes, b. Nov. 10, 1870; d. Mar. 23, 1872. 2-8 William Miller Dismukes, b. Tune 26, 1872; m. June 30, 1897, Daisy Lawrence Walton, dan. of William B. Wal- ton. One child, viz.: 1-9 John Lewis Dismukes, b. Mar. 31, 1899. 3-8 Mary Humes Dismukes, b. May 25, 1874, m. June . 2, 1903, Sinclair Gervais Niles, her first cousin, of Nashville, Tenn. See index. 4-8 Cornelia McGhee Dismukes, b. Sep. 17, 1876 (twin). McClung Genealogy. 35 5-8 Blanche Dismukes, b. Sep. 17, 1876; d. Oct. 27, 1876. (twin). Margaret White McGhee, (1-6) 111. 2nd, Sep. 6, 1852, Jo- seph Warren Jenkins Niles, d. Feb. 5, 1876, of New England. Three children, viz. : 5-7 Charles McGhee Niles, b. June 23, 1853; m. Apr. 7, 1897, Elizabeth Storrs Barton. McGhee, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 (A child) Niles, b. Sep. 6. 1898; d. 6-7 Joseph Warren Niles, b. Nov. 7, 1855 ; m. about 1898, Ella Moody. 7-7 Amelia, "Minna" Gervais Niles, b. Apr. 8, 1858; m. Apr. 18, 1882. George H. Rogers, of Birmingham, Ala. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Humes Rogers, b. June, 1883. 2-8 Florence Rogers, b. Aug. 21, 1888. 2-6 Barclay McGhee, b. Sep. 2, 1823; d. June 16, 1856; m. 1st Nov. 2. 1843, Elizabeth Moore Henley, b. Jan. 26, 1819; d. Aug. 28, 1844. dau. of Arthur H. Henley, of Monroe Co., Tenn. She was a lineal descendant of Henry HI. King of England. See "Americans of Royal Descent," page 550. One child, viz. : 1-7 Elizabeth Moore McGhee, b. Aug. 16. 1844; d. June 4, 1900; m. Mar. 20, 1866, J. La Fayette Johnston, b. Nov. 24, 1827; d. Feb. 15, 1891. Six children, viz.: 1-8 Hugh McClung Johnston, b. Jan. 26, 1872 ; m. Apr. 18, 1901, Mace Russell, dau. of William L. Russell. Knox- ville, Tenn. One child. 2-8 Samuel McGhee Johnston, b. Oct. 6, 1874. 3-8 Thomas Harden Johnston, b. Nov. 20, 1876; m. June 5, 1902, Nona Grace McDermott. 4-8 Carl Lay Johnston, b. 1879. 5-8 Annie May Johnston, b. Jan. 16, 1882; d. Nov. 8, 1885. 6-8 James Ebenezer Johnston, b. Mar. 18, 1884, Barclay McGhee, (2-6) m. 2nd, Feb. 4, 1846, Mary Reller Henley, b. Nov. 20, 1820; d., sister of his first wife. Five children, viz. : 2-7 Ann Evelina McGhee, b. Nov. 21, 1846; d. Nov. 9, 1884; unm. 3-7 Margaret White McGhee, b. Dec. 5, 1849. Address: Mountainville. Tenn.; m. Mar. 22, 1867, Charles Calhoun Jones, b. 1840, of South Carolina; d, Sep. 18, 1900. He was killed by Thomas C. Howard in Madisonville, Tenn. ; his death being the sequel to a feud in which at least four men have lost their lives. Nine children, viz.: 36 McClung Genealogy. 1-8 Ophelia Lavinia Jones, b. July 26, 1868; m. Houston Kennedy. 2-8 Barclay Joshua Jones, b. Dec. 27, 1869; m. Alice Copley. 3-8 Sarah Maggie Elisabeth Jones, b. Feb. 28, 1872. 4-8 Ada Jones, b. May 16, 1874; d. m. Richard Robin- son, d. 5-8 Moultrie Jones, b. Jan. 30, 1877. 6-8 Ole Lara Jones, b. Feb. 10, 1879. 7-8 Ewa-yea Jones, b. Aug. 18, 1881. 8-8 Charles Hoskins Jones, b. Dec. 21, 1883. 9-8 Ruler Jones, b. Aug. 21, 1886. 4-7 John Barclay McGhee, b. Nov. 13, 1851 ; m. Dec. 17, 1873, Sarah Adaline Harrison, d. 1897. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Joseph Harrison McGhee, b. Dec. 30, 1874; m. 2-8 Mamie Sue McGhee, b. Apr. 10, 1876. Address: Rex, Tenn. 3-8 May Lawson McGhee, b. Feb. 17, 1878; m. 1900, as second v^ife of Thomas C. Howard, b. 1874; d. Mar. 19, 1902. He was killed in Knoxville, Tenn., by Joshua and Moultry Jones, as the result of a feud. No issue. 4-8 Alvah McGhee, b. Nov. 25, 1879; m. Nov. 9, 1893, as first wife of Thomas C. Howard, same as above. Two children, viz. : 1-9 Irene Lawson Howard, b. June 18, 1895. 2-9 May Lawson McGhee Howard, b. 1897. 5-8 Charles McClung McGhee, b. Oct. 2, 1881. 6-8 Barclay McGhee, b. Jan. 5, 1884. 7-8 John McGhee, b. Nov. 29, 1885. 5-7 Lavinia Moore McGhee, b. Aug. 18, 1853; m. June 13, 1869, Joshua Rhett Jones, b. Sep. 10, 1850. No issue. Address : Mountainville, Tenn. 6-7 Mary Abbot McGhee, b. Sep. 14, 1855; d. Dec. 28, 1861. Mary Keller Henley McGhee, wid. of Barclay McGhee, (2-6), m. 2nd, Mr. Parker. 3-6 Jane Davidson McGhee, b. Mar. 4, 1825; d. May 21, 1825. 4-6 Polly Lawson McGhee, b. Aug. 23, 1826; d. Sep. 16, 1826. 5-6 Charles McClung McGhee, b. Jan. 23, 1828; m. ist, June 10, 1847, Isabella McNutt White, b. July 10, 1827; d. May 13, 1848, dau. of Hugh A. M. White, of Knoxville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-7 John McGhee, b. May 5, 1848; d. Aug. 14, 1849. \^^^^^^^K^^^KKm^^^ ■■■ ^^^^^Hj^^Haj^ y 1 1 . ^^^^H I Jn l^K w^^'^M m'' ^^H i^^^^^t^m^ '^H "k ^B B \va^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ANDREW McCLUNG Page 58. McCivUNG GeneaIvOgy, 37 Charles McClung McGhee, (5-6), m, 2nd, Apr. 14, 1857, Cornelia Humes White, b. Feb. 4, 1836; d. Feb. 3, 1903; sister of his first wife. Five children, viz. : 2-7 Margaret White McGhee, b. Mar. 2, 1858; m. Jan. 7, 1880, George White Baxter, b. Jan. 7, 1855. Address: 505 Locust St., Knoxville, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Cornelia Humes Baxter, b. Aug. 17, 1882; m. Apr. 10, 1901, as second wife of Hugh Tevis, of San Francisco, Cal. ; d, June 6, 1901, in Yokohama, Japan. Address: Denver, Colo. One child, viz. : 1-9 Hugh Tevis, b. Feb. 5, 1902. Denver, Colo. 2-8 Margaret Lawson Ba.xter, 1). Mar. 29, 1886. Knox- ville, Tenn. 3-8 Katharine Annie Baxter, b. Mar. 5, 1890. 4-8 Charles McGhee Baxter, b. Jan. 25, 1892, 5-8 Eleanor Baxter, b. Feb. 7, 1895. 3-7 May Lawson McGhee, b. Jan. 5, i860; d. Mar. 28, 1883; m. Oct. 20, 1881, David Shelby Williams, b. May 19, 1856, of Nashville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 May Lawson Williams, b. Mar. 5, 1883, d. July 12, 1883. 4-7 Annie McGhee, b. Nov. 7, 1862; d. Sep. i, 1898; m. Mar. 3, 1881, Calvin Morgan McClung, b. May 12, 1855. For issue see index. 5-7 Bettie Humes McGhee, b. Jan. 28, 1865 ; m. Feb. 10, 1886, Laurence Davis Tyson, b. July 4, 1861, 839 Temple Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Charles McGhee Tyson, b. Aug. 10, 1889. 2-8 Isabella McGhee Tyson, b. June i, 1894. 6-7 Eleanor Wilson McGhee, b. Nov. 2, 1871 ; m. Apr. 19, 1893, James Columbus Neely, Sr., b. Mar. 12, 1867. Ad- dress : 400 Adams St., Memphis, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 James Columbus Neely, Jr., b. Feb. 28, 1895; d. Apr. 26, 1895. 7-5 Martha McClung, b. June 18, 1805; d. young. 8-5 Hugh Lawson McClung, b. May 26, 1810: d. Apr. 11, 1891 ; m. 1st, Nov. 5, 1829, Rachel Kibby Trigg Morgan, b. Aug. 19, 1810; d. Dec. 2, 1842, dau. of Rufus Morgan. Knoxville, Tenn. Seven children, viz. : 1-6 Margaret White McClung, b. Dec. 3, 1830; d. July 30, 1865; I'll- Hon. Rufus W. Cobb, twice governor of Ala. Address : Helena, Ala. Two children, viz. : 1-7 John Williams Cobb, b. Dec. 24, 1850; m. Birming- ham, Ala. 2-7 Fedora Cobb, b. Jan. 16, 1859; "^- Richard Fell, Helena, Ala. 38 McClung Genealogy. 2-6 Rufus Morgan McClung, b. May 20, 1832; d. Apr. 27, 1887; m. 1st, Dec. 29, 1858, Rachel F. Trigg, d., dau. of Judge Connelly F. Trigg, of Knoxville, Tenn. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Mary Campbell McClung, b. Nov. 29, i860; d., m. Dr. Johnson, of Richmond, Va. No issue. 2-7 Guy McClung, b. Jan. 28, 1862; m. He is a grocer of Terrell, Tex. 3-7 Connelly Trigg McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1863, of Ter- rell, Tex, 4-7 Hugh Lawson McClung, b. June 6, 1865, of Terrell, Tex, Rufus Morgan McClung, (2-6) m. 2nd, June 11, 1872, Mrs. Mary E. Taylor, nee Bearden, of Philadelphia, Pa., b, Oct, 9, 1832; d. at Terrell, Tex., Oct, 9, 1902, dau, of Marcus D, Bearden, of Knoxville, Tenn,, and mother of Dr. J. Madison Taylor, of Philadelphia. One child, viz. : 5-7 Rosalie Heaton McClung, b. Apr, 7, 1873, unm. Address : Terrell, Tex, 3-6 Jam«s White McClung, b, Apr. 16, 1834; d, June 21, 1834, 4-6 Elizabeth Trigg McClung, b, Apr, 20, 1836; d, July 9, 1885; m. Mar, 6, 1856, William P. Barker, d,, of Birming- ham, Ala, Six children, 5-6 Mary Frances McClung, b, Jan, 16, 1838; m, Jan. 21, 1862, William B. FranciscOj d. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Fannie Francisco, b, Feb, 27, 1864; m. W, H. En- gram, 2-7 Richard Bearden Francisco, b, Feb. 21, 1866. 3-7 Rufus McClung Francisco, b, Feb, 5, 1868, 4-7 William B. Francisco. 6-6 Rachel Florence McClung, b. Sep, 9, 1840; m, Jan. 29, 1863, Dr. Marcus La Fayette Rogers, b. Feb. 21, 1826; d. Dec, 4, 1878, Address : Knoxville, Tenn. Three children, viz, : 1-7 Rachel Morgan Rogers, b. Nov, 16, 1865; m, Sep. 28, 1896, Whitfield Emerson Huff; d. May 29, 1903, of Rome, Ga. Issue. 2-7 Amy Maxwell Rogers, b. Feb. 20, 1867; d. May 20, 1896; m. June 3, 1886, Jackson Smith, of S, Car, No issue, 3-7 Marcus La Fayette Rogers, Jr., b, Feb, 16, 1870; d, June 14, 1899; m. 7-6 Charles Alexander McClung (Devil Charlie), b, Ott, 24, 1842; d, m, 1st, Feb, 5, 1868, Corrie Miller, b, in S, Car, d. Address: Abbeville, S. Car. Five children, viz,: 1-7 Corrie Yetta McClung, b. Nov. 2^, 1868, McClung Genealogy. 39 2-7 Mary Yarbrough McClung, b. Dec. 26, 1869; d. Oct. 2, 1871. 3-7 Rufus Morgan McClung, b. May 15, 1871 ; d. June 9, 1879. 4-7 Mary Yarbrough McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1873; m. Apr. 5, 1893, W. P. Ferguson, of Charleston, S. C. 5-7 Charles Hugh McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1880. Charles Alexander McClung, (7-6), m. 2nd, Sarah Aman- da Miller, sister of first wife. One child, viz. : 6-7 Sarah Morgan McClung, b. Nov. 4, 1883. Hugh Lawson McClung, (8-5), m. 2nd, July 31, 1845, Anna Gillespie, b. Jan. 28, 1825; d. Dec. 29, 1875; dau. of George T. Gillespie, of Russellville, Tenn. Two children, viz.: 8-6 Blanche McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1846; d. Oct. 15, 1894; ni. Feb. 21, 1867, Maj. Thomas Shapard Webb, b. Sep. 26, 1840. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Thomas Shapard Webb, b. Dec. 20, 1867 ; m. June 29, 1893, Helen Sanfley, dau. of Judge Sanfley, of Stanford, Ky. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Thomas Shapard Webb, b. June 28, 1894. 2-8 Rowan Sanfley Webb. 2-7 Sanna McClung Webb, b. Sep. 19, 1869; unm., Knox- ville, Tenn. 3-7 Hugh McClung Webb, b. Nov. 26, 1871, unm, 4-7 James Lewis Webb, b. Jan. 6, 1875 ; d. Feb. 5, 1890. 9-6 Hugh Lawson McClung, b. June 2, 1858 ; m. Dec. 15, 1892, Ella Gibbins, b. Nov. 20. 1870, dau. of William E. Gibbins. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-7 Ellen McClung, b. Nov. 14, 1893. 9-5 Margaret Ann Malinda McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1812; d. July 27, 1864; m. Jan. 31, 1833, as his second wife, Judge Ebenezer Alexander, b. Dec. 23, 1805; d. Apr. 29, 1857; son of Adam Rankin Alexander. Nine children, viz.: 1-6 Margaret White Alexander, b. Oct. 31, 1833; d. Oct. 16, 1873; m. 1st, May i, 1855, Alexander McMillan, b. Mar. 21, 1829; d. Jan. 11, 1865. Four children, viz.: 1-7 Annette McMillan, b. July 20, 1856; m. Jan. 31, 1878, Herbert Winbourne Hall, b. Nov. 18, 1850. 1402 W. Clinch St., Knoxville, Tenn. Four children, viz.: i-'8 Alexander McMillan Hall, b. Nov. ig, 1878. 2-8 Lucy Cowan Hall, b. Mar. 16, 1881. 3-8 Margaret Hall, b. Mar. 13, 1883. 4-8 Herbert Winbourne Hall, b. May 21, 1885; d. Sep. 27, 1886. 2-7 Margaret McClung McMillan, b. Dec. 25, 1857; m. 40 McCi^uNG Genealogy. Jan. 22, 1882, Martin J. Condon, b, Oct. 29, 1857, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Martin Joseph Condon, b. Agr. 29, 1883. 2-8 Alexander Condon, b. Jan. i, 1886; d. Apr. 6, 1887. 3-8 Mamie Condon, b. Mar. 21, 1891. 3-7 Alexander McMillan, b. Nov. 5, 1859; m. Jan. 17, 1883, Carrie Sinclair Gillem, b. Feb. 25, 1863, dau. of Gen. Alvan C. Gillem. 1221 White Ave, Knoxville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Alexander McMillan, b. Feb. 25, 1884. 4-7 Mary Alexander McMillan, b. Feb. 17, 1864; m. Dec. 12, 1888, Edward Henegar. 1007 Circle Park, Knox- ville, Tenn. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 (A child) Henegar, d. 2-8 Herbert Benton Henegar, b. Mar. 30, 1891. 3-8 Martin Joseph Henegar. 4-8 Margaret McClung Henegar. 5-8 Anne Elizabeth Henegar, b. Jan. 3, 1897. 6-8 Mamie Henegar. 7-8 Henry Alexander Henegar, b. Nov. — , 1901. Margaret White Alexander, (1-6) m. 2nd, July 12, 1867, Dr. James C. Mcintosh, b. Feb. i, 1825. Three "children, viz. : 5-7 James C. Mcintosh, Jr., b. Nov. 28, 1868; m. Jan. 26, 1886. Sarah Ann Reed. Issue. 6-7 Sarah Bartlett Mcintosh, b. June 21, 1870; m. Nov. Nov. 18, 1903, as his second wife, Benjamin Davis Brabson, D. S., of Knoxville, Tenn. 7-7 Laura Mabry Mcintosh, b. Oct. 9, 1873; m. 1896, Henry Failing, of Cincinnati, Ohio. 2-6 Charles McClung Alexander, b. Jan. 5, 1837 ; d. Dec. 23, 1862; m. July 28, 1859. Lucinda Foster Cowan, b. June 9, 1839, dau. of James H. Cowan. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Lucy Dickinson Alexander, b. July 9, i860; m. ist, Nov. 30, 1880, Mustoe B. Given, b. Apr. 25, 1854; d. June 21, 1889, of Louisville, Ky. One child, viz.: 1-8 Lucie Dickinson Given, b. Feb. 20, 1884. Lucy Dickinson Alexander, (1-7) m. 2nd, Nov. 22, 1892, Jonathan Tipton, b. May 13, 1859; d. June 15, 1903. Ktiox- ville, Tenn. 2-7 Margaret McClung Alexander, b. Feb. 6, 1862; d. June 17, 1862. 3-7 Charles McClung Alexander, b. Aug. i, 1863; d. Feb. 16, 1864. 3-6 Eliza Jane Alexander, b. Oct. 11, 1839; d. Apr. 26, 1 841. 4-6 Mary Hill Alexander, b. Nov. 22, 1841 ; d. June 20, McClung Genealogy. 41 1868; m. Nov. I, 1866, Alexander Allison, b. May 15, 1840, of Knoxville, Tenn. No issue. 5-6 Matthew McCIung Alexander, h. Oct. 5, 1844; d. Feb. I, 1887; m. 1871, Lucy Hunter, dau. of Dr. William Hunter, of A^irginia. Tw;0 children, viz.: 1-7 Charles McClung Alexander, b. Aug. 15, 1872. 2-7 William Hunter Alexander. 6-6 Fannie Percy Alexander, b. Nov. i, 1846; m. Sep. 20, 1871, Judge AVilliam Truslow Newman, b. June 23, 1843, of Atlanta, Ga. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Isabel Lawson Newman, b. Oct 25, 1872 ; m. Oct. II, 1899, Walter Howard, of Atlanta, Ga. ; d. Jun.e 11, 1902, at Asheville, N. C. 2-7 Margaret Newman, b. Apr. 2, 1874. 3-7 Lucy Marion Newman, b. Dec. 10, 1877; m, June 23, 1903, Lieut. Louis Seidjesmund Deidrich Rucker, Jr., of i6th Infantry, U. S. A. 4-7 William Truslow Newman, b. July 9, 1880. 5-7 Fannie Percy Alexander Newman, b. Sep. 20, 1883. 6-7 Henry Alexander Newman, b. Jan. 4, 1889. 7-6 Lucy Dickinson Alexander, b. Mar. 31, 1849; ™- May 5, 1870, Maj. John Scott Payne, U. S. A., b. Dec. 7, 1844; d. Dec. 16, 1895. Chapel Hill, N. Car. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Laura Rollins Payne, b. Aug. 26, 1873 ; m. Oct. 24, 1900, Charles Staples Mangum, of Chapel Hill, N. C. 2-7 William Henry Payne, b. Jan. 28, 1880. 3-7 Arthur Alexander Payne, b. Jan. 28, 1883. 8-6 Eben Alexander, b. Mar. 9, 1851 ; m. Oct. 15, 1874, Marion Smith, b. Oct. 25, 1852, dau. of Rev, John Howard Smith. Chapel Hill, N. Car, Four Children, viz.: 1-7 Eleanor Spurrier Alexander, b. Oct. 16, 1875 ; m. Sep. 8, 1897, Andrew Henry Pattterson, of Athens, Ga. One child, viz. : 1-8 Mary Fries Patterson, b. Dec. 29, 1898. 2-7 Ebenezer Alexander, b, Sep. i, 1879. 3-7 John Howard Alexander, b. Jan. 2, 1882; d. Nov. 24, 1899. 4-7 Margaret McClung Alexander, b. Mar. 14, 1885. 9-6 Isabella Lawson Alexander, b. Mar. 9, 1856; m. Dec. 9, 1875, 1''^ Winship Cook, b. Sep. 22, 1852; d. Apr. 9, 1884. 205 W. 107th St., New York City. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Ethel Cook, b. Nov. 20, 1876. 2-7 Howard Cook, b. July 22, 1881. 4-4 Hugh McClung, b. 1763; d. Nov. 17, 1830, unm. He lived in Strasburg, Lancaster Co., Pa. He was buried 42 McCiyUNG Genealogy. in Leacock Presbyterian church-yard, one or two miles north of Leaman Place, Pa. In 1826 he was burgess of the bor- ough of Strasburg, and had previously been a member of the borough council. He was reputed to be a man of wealth. In his will he devises $15,000 to his niece, Martha Watson, for life; and to Catherine and Martha, the two daughters of his deceased nephew, Charles McClung, $3,000 each. To his nephew, Hugh L. McClung, of Knoxville, Tenn.. $10,000, and to his niece, Jane Strickler, $3,000. He also devises to his brother, Charles McClung, of Knoxville, Tenn. 5-4 (A son) McClung, d. in childhood. 6-4 (A son) McClung, d. in childhood. 7-4 (A son) McClung, d. in childhood. 4-3 William McClung, b. in Ireland ; d. in Wilmington, Del. Emigrated from County Antrim, near Coleraine, Ireland, to America about 1740. Settled in Wilmington, Del. He was a merchant ; m. Rebecca Linn. Five children, viz. : 1-4 Gen. John McClung, b. in Wilmington, Del., about 1796; d. Jan. 20, 1856, "age 60 years." He was a dry goods merchant in Wilmington, Del., until 1853. Held several of- fices in connection with the city government. Was appoint- ed Captain of first company of light infantry of First regi- ment of Delaware militia, Apr. 30, 1827. Appointed Major of same regiment May 9, 1828. Appointed Adjutant General of Delaware, Oct. 4, 1833. Appointed United States Marshall four years for the District of Delaware by President Tyler, Feb. 8, 1845. Appointed Postmaster of Wilmington by Pres- ident Franklin Pierce. Re-appointed to same Feb. 23, 1854, and continued in office to the time of his death. He was a prominent Free Mason, being at one time Grand Master of Delaware. He was highly respected by all for his integrity both in private and civil life. He m. at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12, 1847, Margaretta Howell Burton, b. Mar. 22, 1818; d. May 21, 1888, dau. of Dr. John Burton, of Philadelphia. Three children, viz. : 1-5 John Burton McClung, b. July 28, 1848; unm. Ad- Iress: 128 N. loth St. Philadelphia, Pa. 2-5 William Linn McClung, b. Oct, 24, 1850; d. Aug. 20, 1852. 3-5 Annie McClung, b. Jan. 14, 1853 ; m. Dec. 2, 1879, Andrew Culton Stuart, b. Dec. 22, 1850; d. Aug. 11, 1885, of Philadelphia. Address : 128 N. loth St. Philadelphia, Pa. One child, viz. : 1-6 Margaretta C. Stuart, b. Oct. 28, 1880; d. Feb. 4, 1881. 2-4 Rebecca Linn McClung, b. d. May 4, 1858, unm. McClung Genealogy. 43 3-4 Eliza Ann McClung, d. Oct. i8, 1861, unm. 4^4 William McClung, Jr., d. ; m. Mary . Four children, viz. : 1-5 John McClung, d.. unm. Was killed in the Federal Army during the Civil War. 2-5 William McClung, d., unm. 3-5 Rebecca McClung, m. Capt. Cleland ; d. Wilming- ton, Del. 4-5 Mary McClung, d. ; m. G. M. D. Cann, of Wilming- ton, Del. 5-4 Wesley McClung, d. unm. in Wilmington, Del. 5-3 Sarah McClung, d. ; m. 1750, Samuel Lyle, b. about 1726; d. 1796. They resided in Rockbridge Co., Va. For issue see Lyle Manuscript, by Prof. Duncan C. Lyle, of Mc- Donogh, Md. 6-3 Mary McClung, b. in Ireland about 1734; d. Oct. 27, 1827. Buried in Lexington, Ky., age 93 years; m. Jan. 17, 1754, in Rockbridge Co., Va., Col. Samuel McDowell, b. Nov. 7, 1733; d. Oct. 25, 1817, in Mercer Co., Ky. Buried at Lexington, Ky. He was Judge of the first county court held in the District of Kentucky. Nine children, viz. : 1-4 Mary McDowell, b. Oct. 9, 1755 (twin). 2-4 Magdalene McDowell, b. Oct. 9, 1755, (twin) ; d. m. Andrew Reid. 3-4 Sarah McDowell, b., d. ; m. Caleb Wallace, a gradu- ate of Princeton College. No issue. 4-4 William McDowell, b. Mar. 9, 1762. 5-4 Martha McDowell, b. June 20, 1766; m. Oct. — , 1788, Col. Abraham Buford. 6-4 Joseph McDowell, b. Sep. 13, 1768. 7-4 Dr. Ephraim McDowell, b. in Rockbridge Co., Va., Nov. II, 1771. He became a celebrated surgeon of Danville, Ky. 8-4 Polly McDowell, b. in Rockbridge Co., Va., Jan. 11, 1773- 9-4 Caleb Wallace McDowell, b. Apr. 17, 1774. 7-3 James McClung, b. probably in County Antrim, near Coleraine, Ireland ; d. near Fairfield, Rockbridge Co., Va., 1798. Emigrated from Ireland 1740. Landed at Philadel- phia. Lived about two years in Lancaster Co., Pa. Emi- grated in 1742 to the "Borden Grant" in Augusta (now Rock- bridge) Co., Va., and settled on a farm on the east bank of South River, three miles east of Fairfield. He erected his home in a narrow glen between the river and the moimtain and about midway between the Little Mary and Big Mary Creeks. The original house was burned; but his neighbors 44 McCr^UNG GeneaivOgy. assembled and built another for him and had it ready for occupancy within a week. This building is still standing, after the elapse of more than a century. This residence will be referred to hereafter as "Mary Glen." Two reasons have been assigned for his having selected this location instead of the level and more open portions out in the valley. First, because of its proximity to the moun- tain, where the grazing was fine and where game was abun- dant. Second, the chance of greater immunity from the incur- sion of Indians. The following well-authenticated story is told of James McClung: Soon after his emigration to Virginia, while in the timber making rails with which to fence his farm, he was attacked by five savage Indians, who proposed to relieve him of his scalp. He asked permission to finish splitting his log before being scalped. His request was granted. Under the circumstances he found the log very difficult to split. He asked the Indians to assist him. Thinking they should have his scalp all the sooner, they consented. He placed them on opposite sides of the log, with their fingers in the split, giv- ing them orders to pull with all their might while he should drive in the wedge. Then with a desperate stroke he knocked out the wedge, causing the log to close upon their fingers, thus holding them, fast while he, amidst their shrieks and curses, dispatched them with his axe. Since this tragic incident has been attributed to Daniel Boone and others, the sources of this information will here be given. The first is Mr. John H. Denison, the owner of the farm where the episode occurred. He asserts that he was raised an orphan boy in the home of James McClung's grand-son, James Gardner McClung, and that the said James Gardner often talked of the event and attributed it to his own grandfather. The second is Miss Susan Hite, still living at the age of near- ly 78 years. She asserts that she was born and reared in the immediate neighborhood of the McClungs ; that she has often heard the incident related, and that she never heard it attributed to any other than James McClung. She likewise had often seen the Indian graves on the original McClung farm. The third is Mrs. Hettie McClung Hanna, who was born and reared within two miles of where the scene occurred. She asserts she has always understood it was a McQung who did the killing, but can not say which one of themi it was. The fourth is Phebe McClung, a grand-daughter of James McClung. She lived about eighty-five years; and a short while before her death, told the writer personally that it was > o w 2: I^H P^B ■■■■ ^^^H '9HH p ■ ^^n H^ ■^w Bib'^ 1 1 ^i|^- M ^^^B^v^ ilii H ■1^ •'¥ H ^^^^^^B^* ^t"- i / m B i^' ^^M rl^flH^^H B s» > w/Fi^ 'i^^im B ^mM i^ J ikiHMi ■ihmI mt McCivUNG Genealogy. 45 her own grandfather who killed the Indians. They were buried near the place where they were killed; namely, on the second level above the "Cold Spring," which flows into Little Mary's Creek, three miles east of Fairfield, Va. James McClung was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and for his services received grants of land in Kanawha Co., Va. (now West Virginia), and in Kentucky. His will is on record in Lexington, Va., and is as fol- lows : "In the name of God, Amen : This twenty-fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, I, James McClung, of Rockbridge County and State of Virginia, being in a sick and frail state of body but of sound mind and memory, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament, in the manner and form following: First, I order all my lawful debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Second, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Ann a horse and saddle, a bed and furniture, and to have a decent maintainance provided for her by my son James dur- ing her natural life. Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca, a horse and saddle, also one hundred acres of land, being part of a tract of one thousand acres in the State of Kentucky, provided she live single or to her heirs of her own body, if she marries, to them and their assigns forever, otherwise I ap- point that at her death the said land shall go to my son Wil- liam and his heirs forever. Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth one hundred acres of said above mentioned Kentucky land, provided she hath heirs of her own body, otherwise I order that said hundred acres shall also go to be the property of my son William or his heirs and assigns forever. Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my son Samuel six hun- dred acres of land, either of the above mentioned survey in Kentucky or out of a tract of land in Virginia, Canaway (Kanawha) County, Peter's Creek, such choice to be to him, his heirs and assigns forever; also I bequeath to him a horse and saddle and a decent suit of Cloaths. Sixthiv, I give and bequeath to my son James the tract of land I now dwell on, with all its appurtenances and all lands I hold in this county of Rockbridge and elsewhere, ex- cept what is above mentioned or bequeathed to him, his heirs and assigns forever ; also all my movable estate and stock of every kind, likewise a negro girl named Phillis, And do make and ordain my said son James sole execu- 46 McClung Genealogy. tor of this my last will and testament, and do hereby revoke and disannulall other wills, legacies or executors by me here- tofore named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, published, pro- nounced and declared in presents of JAMES McCLUNG, (Seal.) JOHN LYLE, SR., JAMES McCRORY, WILLIAM PATTON. JOHN McCLUNG. This will was probated Oct. 2, 1798, by James McClung, mentioned therein and attested by John Lyle and William Patton. James McClung, m. Ann Gray. Fourteen children, viz.: 1-4 Nancy (Agnes G.) McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1752; d. Mar. 8, 1833 (Nancv is often called Agnes. The 'G.' is be- lieved to stand for Gray, the maiden name of her mother) ; m. William Patton, b.'Sep. — , 1740; d. Nov. tq. 1825. They lived near Fairfield, Va. Six children, viz.: 1-5 Anna Patton, b. July 11, 1782; d. Sep. 17, 1850. 2-5 Margaret Patton, b. Jan. 23, 1792; d. Nov. 28, 1874. "aged 82 years." 3-5 John Patton, m. Six children, viz. : 1-6 Alexander Patton, 2-6 Joseph Patton. 3-6 Phebe Patton. 4-6 Sarah Patton. 5-6 Nancy Patton. 6-6 Margaret Patton. 4-5 McClung Patton, b. May to, 1795; d. Mar. 2, 1865: m. Elizabeth Trice, b. Mar. 19, 1809; d. Dec. 9, 1870. Two children, viz.: 1-6 James Trice Patton, b. July 20, 1826; d. May 12, 1 891. He received a liberal education. Was at Washington College in 1844-45. After leaving college he studied law with Governor Letcher. Obtaining license, he began the practice of law in Lexington, Va., and in connection with his practice, for some years edited the Lexington Gazette. He became associate editor of the Richmond Whig in 1853. A short time before the Civil War he purchased the Parkers- burg Gazette. Lie also edited a paper in Wheeling, W. Va., before going to Parkersburg. In 1870-71 he was member of the Virginia Ilouse of Del- McCivUNG Genealogy. 47 egates. He was elected Judge of the County Court of Rock- bridge ; went upon the bench in March, 1880, and served a full term of six years. In this position he presided with dignity and ability. The latter part of his life he spent in literary pursuits, m. 1859, Agnes M. Barclay, dau. of Col. A. T. Bar- clay, of Lexington, Va. Judge Patton was a fluent and agreeable writer. His "Old Afen of Rockbridge," contributed to the Lexington Ga- zette, showed an intimate knowledge of the county's history, and preserved in an interesting form much interesting and valuable history of the old families of Rockbridge County. Seven children, viz.: 1-7 McClung Patton. 2-7 Telford Barclay Patton. 3-7 Trice Patton. 4-7 Mary Patton, m. Alexander. Address : Fairfield, Va. 5-7 William Patton. Address : Lexington, Va. 6-7 Bessie Patton. Address: Fairfield, Va. 7-7 Archibald Patton. 2-6 William Patton, m. Miss Gibson. 5-5 James Patton. Danville, Va. 6-5 (A son) Patton, m. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Isaac Patton, b. Dec. 11, 1803; d. Nov. 6, 1863; m. Apr. 13, 1830, Deborah Wilson. One child, viz.: 1-7 Hannah Agnes Patton, b. May 14, 1852; d. May 21, 1883; m. Apr. 30, 1874, James Samuel Legrand McClung. See index. 2-6 William G. Patton, b. Feb. 22, 1818. 2-4 (A dau.) McClung, b. ; m. Matthew Patton, of Day- ton, Ohio. One son, viz.. 1-5 William Patton, of Dayton, Ohio. 3-4 (A dau.) McClung, m. Andrew Reid. They resided at "Mulberry Hill," one mile below Lexington, Va. They owned a fine home and lived in luxury. "One negro did noth- ing but care for the roses." "Silk window curtains hung down to the floor." 4-4 (A dau.) McClung, m. Mr. Trotter. 5-4 Mary McClung, m. Mr. Hamilton. They lived in Indiana. 6-4 William McClung, b. probably at "Mary Glen," three miles east of Fairfield, Rockbridge Co., Va., 1761-2; d. at his residence one mile east of Greenback, Loudon Co., Tenn., Feb. 14, 1837, "i" his seventy-sixth year." He prob- ably received his education at Liberty Plall Academy, now Washington and Lee University. He was a teamster in 48 McClung Genealogy. Washington's Army during the Revohitionary War. The following incident is told of his army experiences : Oil a certain occasion he was driving an army wagon containing some empty barrels. The road being very rough, the bar- rels made a rumbling noise. The British army, encamped not far away, heard the noise and, supposing it to be the drums of the American troops, called for a line of battle and made ready for a fight. He emigrated from Rockbridge Co., Va., to Wilkes Co.,. Ga., May 15, 1787. He was a farmer. The following church certificate was given him by the session of the Presbyterian church at Timber Ridge, Rock- bridge Co., Va. : "That the bearer, William McClung, was a single young man when he left this society the 15th of May, 1787, and from his childhood behaved without blame or reproach, was admitted to full communion with the church and left us free froni) any imputation that would expose him to public shame or the censures of the church, is certified at Timber Ridge Sept. 2nd, 1788. By JOHN LYLE, WM. WALKER, JOHN McCLUNG, Elders." He m. in Green Co., Ga., Nov. 12, 1789, Euphemia Cun- ningham, b. Eeb. 9, 1769; d. Jan. 28, 1843, dau. of Patrick Cunningham, who is said to have been a wealthy cotton planter. The following pen-picture of Euphemia is given by her grand-daughter: "Height about 5 ft. 2 inches; weight about 130 lbs. ; hair dark auburn ; eyes light brown ; nose slightly prominent; co'snplexion fair, fresh and healthful; not prematurely aged in appearance. She was an exceedingly neat and cleanly housekeeper." The following church cer- tificate was given William McClung upon his departure from Wilkes Co., Ga. : V "Smyrna, Ga., Jan. 13, 1806. "That the bearer, William McCIung, an Elder, and Eu- phemia, his wife, have lived in this congregation a number of years past and behaved in a sober. Christian manner — are in the communion of the church and leave us with unim- peachable character, is certified by the pastor, ERAS. CUMMINS. "Pr. order of Session." William McClung owned a farm of 391 acres in Wilkes Co., Ga., on Upton's Creek. He also owned a farm of 213 c o o McClung GeneaIvOGY. 49 acres in Green Co., Ga., on Richland Creek. About the year 1806 he emigrated with his family to Blount Co., East Ten- nessee, and lived for one year on the Houston farm, on Nine Mile Creek, eight miles southwest of Maryville, Tenn. The next year he entered a 300-acre farm on Baker's Creek, Blount (now Loudon) County, adjoining the present village of Greenback, Tenn. Here, about the year 1810, he built a large brick house, in which he dwelt the remainder of his life. He was an Elder in the Baker's Creek Presbyterian church for probably thirty years. The following pen-picture of him was furnished by Will- iam Craig, who knew him intimately for twenty-five years: "William McClung was tall, slender, raw-boned, about six feet high ; slightly stoopt in his old age. In his prime he stood erect. He had rather narrow shoulders; head m.edium size ; hair gray and medium length ; beard heavy ; upper lip clean shaven, according to the custom in his day ; eye-brows rather heavy ; nose medium size ; cheek bones prominent ; eyes, dark gray, sharp and piercing; face lean. He Was a raw-boned man. He was a man of good sense, lively, and full of fun ; joking with the neighbors, and servants in his employ. He was a very religious man." He seems to have been a man of fair education. The only civil office he ever held so far as known was that of Justice of the Peace. His will is as follows : I Wm McClung of Blount County and state of Tennessee do make this my last will and Testament in maner following that is to say 1st that all my just debts be fully paid 2nd After the discharge of my funeral expences that my Beloved wife Euphemia McClung be and remain in full possession of all my Estate both real and personal that is in Blount County during her natural life and after her decease I give and bequeath to my Children herein after named in manner following 3rd I give and bequeath to my Son Patrick McClung the tract of Land whereon I now live lying and being in Blount County to be and remain his and his heirs and assigns forever 4th I give and bequeath to my son John McClung two Quarter sections of land lying and being in Monrow County where on said John now lives, to be and remain his and his heirs and assigns forever 5th That my personal Estate be equally divided by sale or otherwise amongst my seven surviving Children namely James Patrick Polly Jane Nancy John & Phebe 50 McCiyUNG Genealogy. 6th A schedule of the cash and value of property given to some of my Children is a part of my last Will and Testa- ment and is folded with it 7th As to the people of color now in my possession or their Children my will is that they shal be free at my decease and that my Executors are hereby authorised to appropriate $50 for the express purpose of helping to defray the expence of their transportation to Liberia should they be willing to go 8th Should any of the legatees of this Will be dissatis- fied with the distributions that may be made, said dispute or disagreement shal be left to three disinterested men whose decision shall be final these men to be mutually chosen. 9th I do hereby nominate and appoint my Beloved wife Euphemia McClung James Houston & Patrick McClung ex- ecutors of this my last Will and Testament in withness where- of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this i8th April 1834 WM McCLUNG Attest : Charles W C Norwood, John McConnel, Isam Adams I William McClung having in the year of our, Lord Eight- een Hundred and thirty four, and April i8th, executed my last will and testiment and in the Seventh article of Said wlill did provide for the freedom of all the people of Color then in my possesion and their children, I now deem it necessary in view of the difficulties that might arise to them from existing Law, do dem it necesary to make Som alteration in the said Seventh article of the afore said Will which is as follows, viz : that all the people of colour belonging to me remain in the possession of and under the protection of my son Patrick McClung untill they feal themselves prepared and in readi- ness to comply with the requisitions of law and Slaves emancipated by Will or otherwise and further I ordain that the $50 appropriated for their transportation shall be given provided they colonize at any place on the coasts of aflFrica In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 3rd day of Tune 1836 Wm McCLUNG (Seal) Attest: John M Rankin, John Eakin, Inter lined before signed While carrying a basket of corn to feed his hogs, he stepped upon a corn-cob, fell, and dislocated his hip, which accident hastened his death. He was buried in the family grave-yard, about two furlongs south of the house. His wife was buried by his side. Eight children, viz.: 1-5 James McClung, b. May 21, 1791 ; d. July 5, 1841. He was a volunteer in the War of 1812, and served as escort to Gen. William Henry Harrison ; m. Aug. 8, 1816, Margaret McCltUng Genealogy. 51 Montgomery, b. about 1798; d. Aug. — , 1862, "age 64 years." They emigrated from Greenback, Tenn., to Athens, Ala.; thence in 1836 to Holly Springs, Miss. ; thence Dec. 24, 1840, to near Marion, Ark., where they both died. He burned the first brick ever made in Holly Springs, Miss. Seven chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 William McClung, b. Apr. 26. 1817; d. 1839, unm. He was killed by a band of 150 Indians while surveying land near Bexar, Tex. Four Indian arrows were found in his heart. When first attacked he cut his wav through and made his escape, but returned to rescue a wounded companion and was killed. Twelve of his companions were also killed. Only one escaped to tell the tale. 2-6 James Wesley McClung, b. in Athens, Ala., Apr. 20, 1820; d. Sep. 14, 1897, in Wilderville, Ore. Farmer and mechanic; m. ist Caroline Lewis; d. about 1852. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 James Robert McClung, b. Aug. 9, 1845, unm. Far- mer. Address: Uz, Tex. 2-7 (An infant) McClung, d. in infancy. 3-7 Carter Barnard McClung, b. Oct. 2, 7848. He is a miner of copper. Address: Chico, Calif.; m. Apr. 25, 1880, Mary Ann Ferren. b. Feb. 12, 1864. Six cAjildren, viz. : 1-8 Katie Lee McClung, b. Mar. 10, 1881 ; d. Sep. 10, 1888. 2-8 Cora May McClung, b. Oct. 18, 1882; d. Aug. 16, 1888. 3-8 Susie Ann McClung, b. Sep. 14, 1885. 4-8 Lula Alsadie McClung, b. May 3, 1889; d. 1891. 5-8 Freddie Nicholas McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1891. 6-8 William Silas McClung, b. Mar. 26, 1897. 4-7 Adelia McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1850; d. Sep. 12, 1852. 5-7 (An infant) McClung, d. in infancy. James Wesley McClung, (2-6) v.i. 2nd, Nov. 17, 1853, Eliza Wallace, of Crittenden Co.. Ark., b. about 1832; d. May 6, 1887, aged 55 years. Eleven children, viz.: 4-7 John William McClung, )/. Oct. 11, 1854; d. Oct. 18, 1856. 5-7 Nancy McClung, b. Nov. 14, 1856; d. about 1864. 6-7 George Washington McClung, b. Feb. 16, 1859; d. about 1862. 7-7 Martha Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 28, 1861 ; m. July 24, 1880, George W. Turner, b., d. Feb. 14, 1894. Ad- dress: Wills Point. Tex. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Joseph Carter Turner, b. Mar. 14, 1882. 2-8 Eliza Ellen Turner, b. Dec. 16, 1883; m. Dec. 20, 52 McCivUNG Genealogy. 1899, William Robbins, a locomotive fireman on the Texas Pacific R. R. Address : Longview, Tex. 8-7 Joseph Earl McClung, b. Jan. 14, 1864. Address : Wilderville, Ore. 9-7 Charles Houston McClung, b. Mar. 9, 1866. Gold miner. Address: Grants Pass, Ore.; m. Jan. 2, 1891, Estella Angell, b. June 25, 1874. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Edward McClung, b. Oct, 12, 1891. 2-8 Gertrude McClung, b. Sept. 11, 1893. 3-8 John McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1896. 10-7 Andrew McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1869; d. 1884. Was accidentally drowned in a river. 1 1-7 Olliver Perry McClung, b. Feb. 25, 1871 ; d. age 3 years. 12-7 Lucy L. McClung, b. Feb. 6, 1873. Address: Wil- derville, Ore.; m. Avery Ferren, b. Mar. 9, 1857. One child, viz. : 1-8 Timothy Ferren, b. Mar. 18, 1890. 13-7 Herschel McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1876. Address: Wilderville, Ore. 14-7 Samuel McClung, b. July 10, 1878. Address: Wil- derville, Ore. 3-6 Jane McClung, b. Dec. 12, 1829; d. Jan. 31, 1899; m. Aug. 13, 1848, Col. Olliver Perry Lyles, b. Nov. 27, 1827; d. Apr. 18, 1893. He was a Colonel in the Confederate Army and commanded 23rd Arkansas regiment. After the Civil War he resided in Memphis, Tenn., and became one of the leading attorneys of that city. Address: 510 Vance St., Mem- phis, Tenn. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Theodore Lovejoy Lyles, b. June 25, 1849; d. Feb. 24, 1859. 2-7 William Leonidas Lyles, b. Sep. 17, 1851 ; m. ist, Apr. 26, 1870, Mrs Lizzie Wilber. One child, viz. : 1-8 Olliver Perry Lyles, Jr., b. Apr. 2, 1871 ; d. at At- lanta, Ga., Nov. 14, 1893 ; m. While preparing for an athletic contest he fell and was paralyzed. He was very courtly in his bearing. William Leonidas Lyles, (2-7) m. 2nd Ella Crowder. Address: 143 E. May St., Dallas Tex. 3-7 Margaret Susan Lyles, b. Tan. 22, 1854; d. Nov. 2, 1854. 4-7 Charles Lawson Lyles, b. May 10, 1856; d. Oct. 5, 1883; m. July I, 1880, Blanche D. Cocks. Oine child, viz.: 1-8 Charles Phillip Perry Lyles, b. Aug. 2, 1882. 5-7 Mary Bell Lyles, b. May 19, i860; m. Oct. 19, 1879, JUDGE ASHBELL GREEN McCLUNG. Page 59. McCivUNG GeneaivOGy. 53 Seth C. Cocks, a policeman of Memphis, Tenn. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 Amy Virginia Cocks, b. July 19, 1882. 2-8 Blanche Jane Cocks, b. Aue. 2, 1884. 3-8 Annie Lyles Cocks, b. Aug. 5, i88q. 4-8 Eunice Lavenia Cocks, b. June — , 1893. 5-8 Alice Elrod Cocks, b. Apr. 2, 1895. 6-7 Olive Blanche Lyles, b. Mar. 12, 1862; m. July 11, 1895, Richard Gordon Walker. Address: 510 Vance St., Memphis, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Dorothy Gordon Walker, b. June 25, 1896. 7-7 George Washington Lyles, b. Oct. 6, 1867; d. Oct. 7, 1890, unm. Memphis, Tenn. 4-6 Margaret McClung, b. Dec. 10, 1832; m. ist, about 1849, William T. Trice. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Florence Trice. 2-7 Margaret Trice, m. Mr. Rosenbaum, or Roseboro. Address : Denison, Tex. Several children. 3-7 William Trice, m. Address: Denison, Tex. 4-7 Tandy Trice, m. Address : Nocona, Tex. Margaret McClung, (4-6) m. 2nd, Mr. Brown. She m. 3rd and 4th, names unknowin. 5-6 Robert McClung, b. Mar. 8, 1834; d. about 1844. 6-6 John Calvin McClung, b. July 22, 1836; d. Mar. — , 1900, at Strayhorn, Miss. Merchant, farmer and land tradei. m. ist, Jan. 23, 1866, Cassie Turner, b. about 1848; d. Aug. 4, 1877. Two children, viz. : 1-7 George Calvin McClung, b. June 28, 1867. Address: 510 S. Hedge St., Hillsboro, Texas; m. Aug. 2, 1896, Sophia Johnston, b. June 6, 1875. Three children, viz. : 1-8 John Barnett McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1897. 2-8 Calvin McClung, b. Aug. 27, 1898. 3-8 Elmer McClung, b. Mar. 23, 1901. 2-7 John David McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1868. Address: Lovelaceville, Ky. ; m. Aug. 22, 1898. Kittie B. Culver, b. July 14, 1880. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Eileen McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1900. 2-8 John Culver McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1903; d. Feb. 3, 1904. John Calvin McClung, (6-6) m. 2nd, Fannie Calvert. Eight children, viz. : 3-7 Charles Lyles McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1883. Address: Goode, Miss. 4-7 William Carlton McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1885. 5-7 Stella McClung, b. Jan. 26, 1887; d. Sep. 7, 1889. 54 McClung Genealogy. 6-7 Don McClung, b. Nov. 15, 1889. ' 7-7 Dorsey McClung, b. Dec. 26, 1891. 8-7 Ella May McClung, b. Sep. 10. 1894. 9-7 (A dau.) McClung, d. in infancy. 10-7 James Barnet McClung, b. Aug-. 22, 1898. 7-6 Samuel McClung, b. Sep. i, 1839; d. about 1844. His death was very sudden and mysterious. The family could never ascertain the cause of his death. 2-5 Patrick McClung, b. in Wilkes Co., Ga., May 5, 1793 ; d. at Greenback, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1869. He emigrated with his parents from Wilkes Co., Ga., to Loudon Co., Tenn., about 1806. He was about six feet high and weighed about 160 pounds. Fair complexion, sandy hair, gray-blue eyes, heavy brow, broad shoulders, strong physique, erect and portly in his bearing. He was a gallant horseback rider; always rode a fat horse ; would ride no other kind. He was a soldier in the war with the Cherokees. For this service his widow drew a pension to the time of her death. He was a prosperous farmer and stock raiser. He inher- ited the old homestead of his father. He was a very pious man. and served as ruling elder in the Baker's Creek Presbyterian Church for probably thirty years. His body lies buried in the Baker's Creek church-yard. He m. ist, May 30, 1821, Margaret Cowan, b. June 19, 1802; d. Sep. 3, 1838, dau. of Andrew Cowan, a Presbyterian elder, who resided on the present James Howard farm on Nine Mile Creek, Blount Co., Tenn. Seven children, viz.: 1-6 Cowan McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1822; d. at Kerens, Tex., June 7, 1895. He emigrated from Greenback, Tenn., to Texas. Engaged in merchandizing for a while, then engaged in farm- ing and stock raising. He was a very devout Christian. He resided near Kerens, Texas; m. ist, Oct. 2, 1850, Elizabeth Lott, b. Oct. 19, 1.832; d. July 22, 1876. Eleven children, viz.: 1-7 William Cowan McClung, b. Aug. 23, 1851 ; d. Nov. 17, 1891. He was a ranchman and stockdealer, besides having other commercial interests. He was a successful business man, and at the time of his death owned a large quantity of valua- ble land and several hundred head of cattle. He m, Jan. 15, 1874, Emma Selmon, b. Sep. 24, 1856, dau. of Dr. J. T, Selmon. Address: Kerens, Tex. Eight chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 William Walter McClung, b. Nov. 5, 1874. Address : Corsicana, Tex. 2-8 Luther Thurman McClung, b. Oct. 4, 1876. Farmer. Address : Kerens, Texas. McClung Genealogy. 55 3-8 Elizabeth Bell McClung, b. Aug. 3, 1878; m. Dec. 18, 1900, Rufus S. Clayton, Athens, Texas. 4-8 Willie McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1880 (dau.). Kerens, Texas. 5-8 George Albert McClung, b. June 8, 1883. Kerens, Texas. 6-8 Cowan McClung, b. Dec. 15, 1885, d. Aug. 27, 1896. 7-8 Lena McClung, b. Apr. 25, 1889. Kerens, Texas. 8-8 Lola McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1891. Kerens, Texas. 2-7 Mary Margaret McClung, b. Dec. 16. 1853 ; m. Oct. TO, 1877, James Edgar Pettigrew, b. Mar. i, 1855. He is a policeman. Address : 425 Washington St., Waco, Texas. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Elizabeth Blanche Pettigrew, b. July 21, 1878; d. Nov. 22, 1879. 2-8 Cowan Edgar Pettigrew, b. May 2, 1880. Waco, Tex. 3-8 Jennie Eugenia Pettigrew, b. Aug. 17, 1885; d. Apr. 4, 1887. 4-8 William Craig Pettigrew, b. Dec. 25, 1887. Waco, Texas. 3-7 Sarah Eugenia McClung, b. Aug. 28, 1855; d. May 16, 1895 ; m. ist, Jan. 28, 1875, John W. Barron, d. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 William Franklin Barron, b. Feb. 11, 1876; d. Apr. T, t88i. 2-8 Ollie Churchwell Barron, b. July i, 1879. Address: Kerens, Texas. 3-8 John Cowan Barron, b. Aug. i, 1881, Kerens, Texas. Sarah Eugenia McClung Barron, (3-7) m. 2nd, Sept. 13, 1883, Bluford Napoleon McKinney. Address: Will's Point, Tex. Four children, viz.: 4-8 Emma Odella McKinney, b. Jan. 30, 1885. 5-8 Mary Bertha McKinney, b. July 13, 1887. 6-8 Beulah George McKinney, b. Mar. 26, 1890. 7-8 Lottie McKinney, b. Jan. 17, 1893. 4-7 Ashbell Green McClung, Sr., b. May 7, 1858 ; m. Jan. 26, 1881, Lulu .Selmon, b. Nov. 20, 1859. Kerens, Texas. Nine cliildren, \\7.. : 1-8 Leila Ocie McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1882. She is a teach- er. Address : Kerens, Tex. 2-8 Edgar Monroe McClung, b. Dec. 5, 1883. 3-8 Bessie McClung, b. Nov. i. 1885; d. Mar. 19, 1886. 4-8 John Selmon McClung, b. Jan. i, 1887. 5-8 Ashbell Green McClung, Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1888. 6-8 George McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1890; d. Jan. 22, 1897. 56 McClung Genealogy. 7-8 Pearl Lee McClung, b. Mar. 8, 1892. 8-8 William Jesse McClung, b. Dec. 30, 1893. 9-8 Andrew Craig McClung, b. Jan. 28, 1896. 5-7 Patrick Monroe McClung, b. Feb. 14, i860; m. Dec. 26, 1886, Janette Bruner. Address: Kerens, Tex. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 Roy Clifton McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1888; d. Dec. 10, 1888. 2-8 Mary Ethel McClung, b. May 28, 1890. 3-8 Earl Monroe McClung, b. Dec. 3 1891. 6-7 George Andrew McClung, b. Aug. 3, 1862; d. Oct. 22, 1864. 7-7 Beulah Jane McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1864; m. July 19, 1883, Rev. Rufus Bell Evans, a Methodist minister. Address: Frost, Texas. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Fannie George Evans, b. Julv 2, 1884; d. 2-8 Mary Bell Evans, b. Sept. 17, 1886; d. 3-8 Abner Norman Evans, b. Nov. 8, 1887. 4-8 Allie Cloe Evans, b. June 23, 1890. 8-7 Robert Lott McClung, b. June 15, 1868; m. Dec. 23, 1894, Callie Beare, b. Oct. 24, 1877. Address: Kerens, Tex. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Theresa McClung, b. Oct. 16, 1895 ; d Apr. 16, 1898. 2-8 Gladys McClung, b. Aug. 8, 1898. 9-7 Arthur Watts McClung, b. July 15, 1872; m. May 5, 1895, Nettie Tnmon, b. July 8, 1875. Address: Kerens, Tex, Two children, viz.: 1-8 Etta McClung, b. Apr. 5, 1896; d. June 4, 1897. 2-8 Marvin McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1897. 10-7 Jesse Morgan McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1875; m. July 18, 1898, Cora Ward. He is teachin^^ at Dawson, Tex. 1 1-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy. Cowan McClung, (1-6) m. 2nd, Sep. 19, 1882, Mary F. Bell. No issue. Address : Frost, Tex. 2-6 William Houston McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1824; d. Feb. 20, 1827. 3-6 Jane McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1826; d. Sep. 13, 1869; m. Mar. 28, 1850, Thomas W. Sheddan, Duncanville, 111. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Charles McClung Sheddan, b. Feb. 4, 1853 ; m. Martha Gould. Address : Robinson, 111. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Luora G. Sheddan, b. Aug. 20, 1874. He lives in Kansas. 2-8 Myrtle Sheddan, b. Dec. 9, 1875 ; m. Address : Indian- apolis, Ind. McClung Genealogy. 57 3-8 Carl P. Sheddan, b. Apr. 14, 1877 ; m. Dec. 27, 1897, Lucy Cawood. Address : Robinson, 111. 4-8 Oliver Otey Sheddan, b. Nov. 16, 1878; d. Aug. 10, 1880. 5-8 Ivy Dessie Sheddan, b. Nov. 27, 1880. Address: In- dianapolis, Ind. 6-8 Olga Edna Sheddan, b. Jan. 22, 1883. Address : In- dianapolis, Ind. 7-8 Charles Lyman Sheddan, b. Nov. 20, 1885. Address: Robinson, 111. 2-7 Patrick Alexander Sheddan, b. Sep. 22, 1855 ; d. Mar. 21, 1876 (twin). 3-7 Robert Wilson Sheddan, b. Sep. 22, 1855 (twin) ; m. Oct. 15, 1878, E. R. Dunlap. Address: Knoxville, Iowa. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Maude L. Sheddan, b. Nov. 20, 1881. 2-8 Frank D. Sheddan, b. June 25, 1885. 3-8 Elizabeth M. Sheddan,' b. Oct. 28, 1896. 4-6 Caroline McClung, b. Sept. 17, 1828: d. Feb. 27, 1846; rn. Feb. 20, 1845, Isaac Wright McConnell, d. She is said to have been a very handsome little woman. One child, viz. : 1-7 (A child) McConnell, b. 1846; d. in infancy. 5-6 James Harvey McClung, b. Dec. 26. 1830; d. at Dun- canville, 111., June 17, 1864; m. ist, Nov. i, 1853, Martha J. Sheddan, b. May 27, 1833; d. 1857. Two children, viz.: 1-7 James Cowan McClung, b. Nov. 5, 1854; d. in Fresno, Cal., Sep. 5. 1889. After the death of his parents he was brought from Illinois to Tennessee, and was reared by his uncle. John Cunningham McClung, who sent him to Mary- ville College to be educated. After attending college for a while, he taught school. Later he established a pharmacy at Morganton, Tenn. He was a man of medium size, with light hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. He was exceedingh^ good- natured and genial in disposition ; m. Dec. 19, 1880, Blanche S. Heiskell, dau. of Mitchell Heiskell, of Morganton, Tenn. On May 19, 1882, he emigrated to Fresno, Cal., where he engaged in farming and carpentry. He was very skillful in the use of tools. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Hugh Mitchell McClung, b. July 11, 1882. He is a contractor, and resides at Fresno, Cal. ; m. 1902, May . One child, viz.: 1-9 Thelma McClung. 2-8 Myrtle McClung, b. De.c. 17, 1884; d. Sep. 17, 1885. 3-8 Mabel McClung, b. Aug. 30, 1886; d.Feb. 13, 1891. 58 McClung Genealogy. 4-8 Milton Cowan McClung, b. Nov. 3, 1888. He is at- tending school. Address : R. D. No. 4, Fresno, Cal. Blanche S. Heiskell McClung, wid. of James Cowan Mc- Clung, (1-7) m. 2nd, Mr. Cheuveront, of Fresno, Cal. Three children, viz. : 1-8 George Cheuveront, b. about 1894. 2-8 Claud Cheuveront, b. about 1900. 3-8 Gladys Blanche Cheuveront, b. about 1902. 2-7 William Wylie McClung, b. July 26, 1857 ; d. Sep. 28, 1857. James Harvey McClung, (5-6) m. 2nd, Nov. 24, 1858, Ra- chel Lavenia Houston, b. Jan. 24, 1833; cl- May 19, 1864, dau. of James Houston, who was a second cousin of Gen. Sam Hous- ton, the President of Texas. They emigrated to Duncanville, 111., where they died. Their bodies lie buried in the Presby- terian church-yard near Duncanville, 111. Two Children, viz. : 3-7 Andrew Baker McClung, b. Aug. 13, 1859; d. June 9, 1887. He attended Maryville College ; m. May 11, 1882, Nan- nie Beal, b. Aug. 28, 1864. Address : Brick Mill, Tenn. Two children, viz. : 1-8 John Ernest McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1883. Address: Jacksborough, Texas. 2-8 Anna Porter McClung:, b. June 5, 1887. A student at Maryville College, Tenn. Nannie Beal McClune, wid. of Andrew Baker McClung, (3-7) m. 2nd, Dr. Edward Anderson Wine. Address: Mont Vale, Tenn. 4-7 Margaret Ann McClung, b. Aug. 14, 1861 ; d. at Friendsville, Tenn., July 5, 1879; m. Dec. 12, 1878, Dr. Chris- topher Columbus Webb. He was educated at University of Tennessee and University of Pennsylvania. Graduate Jefifer- son Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa. Address: Charles- ton, 111. 6-6 Andrew McClung, b. Mar. 18, 1833. He emigrated to Texas in 1850 and spent several years in farming. He then de- voted a few years to mining gold in Arizona. Under the pro- visional government of Arizona, he was once elected senator of that Territory. In recent years he has devoted himself to agriculture and dairying. He is an enthusiastic student of economics and sociology; m. Mar. 12, 1868, Emily A. Rector. Address: San Antonio, Texas. See portrait. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Mary Elizabeth McClung, b. Feb. 13, 1869. 2-7 Claiborne Rector McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1871. 3-7 Nancy Evelyn McClung, b. Aug. 27, 1872 ; m. May 12, McClung Genealogy. 59 1896, Henry Caley, of England. He is a land speculator. Ad- dress : Cotulla, Texas. 4-7 Patrick Cowan McClung, b. Sep. 5, 1874; d. Feb. 23, 1893, unm. 5-7 Hallie McClung, b. Nov. 23, 1878. Address: San Antonio, Texas. 7-6 Judge Ashbell Green McClung, b. Feb. 17, 1835. He emigrated to ^exas, Sep. i, 1855. He is an attorney and real estate dealer. For many years he served as Judge of Precinct No. I, including the City of Fort Worth, Texas and tv^elve miles square adjacent. At the solicitation of many business and professional men. including the entire legal fraternity of Fort Worth, he accepted under protest the candidacy for the mayoralty of that city. He resides at 1201 E. Third St., Fort Worth, Texas; m. ist. May 12, 1874, Mrs. Mattie White Bost- wick, nee Reynolds, b. about 1852; d. Dec. 31, 1892, wid. of Charles H. Bostwick, an attorney of Fort Worth, Texas. See portrait. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Lulu Pearl McClung, b. July 11, 1876; d. Sep. 6, 1876. 2-7 Charles Bostwick McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1879; d. Jan. T5. 1879. 3-7 Adah Beall McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1883; m. June 11, 1902, Owien Gustavus Adams, b. May 8, 1877. Fort Worth, Texas. One child, viz. : 1-8 Melvin McClung Adams, b. May 31, 1903. Ashbell Green McClung, (7-6) m. 2nd, Feb. i, 1894, Clem H. Cleaves. No issue. Fort Worth, Texas. Patrick McClung, (2-5) m. 2nd, July 18, 1839, Hannah Graham Swan, b. July 12, 1803, near Campbell's Station, Knox Co., Tenn. ; d. Mar. 14, 1898, dau. of George Swan and his wife, Elizabeth Graham. Four children, viz. : 8-6 George Washington McClung, b. Apr. 30, 1840. Emi- grated to Texas in 1859. For many years he was a shepherd. He is now a grocery merchant. Granbury, Texas. See por- trait, m. Jan. 20. 1874, Mattie A. Lott, b. July 23, 1854. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Graham McClung, b. Nov. 28, 1875; d. Mar. 25, 1876. 2-7 George Absalom McClung, b. Aug. 31, 1878. He owns a large cattle ranch and deals extensively in cattle ; m. Aug. 8, 1897, Linnye Allison, b. June 4, 1879. George's Creek, Texas. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Hallie McClung, b. June 29, 1898. 2-8 Clyde McClung, b. Oct. 28, 1900. 3-7 Claude McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1882; d. Feb. 13, 1883. 60 McCr^uNG Genealogy. 4-7 Audie Pearl McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1884. Graduated from High school 1903. Attending Commercial College at Denton, Tex. 5-7 Lottie McClung, b. Dec. 28, 1886. 6-7 John Lester McClung, b. June 14, 1889; d. Feb. 22, 1890. 7-7 (A son) McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1891 ; d. Feb. 14, 1891 (twin). 8-7 (A son) McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1891 ; d. Feb. 14, 1891, (twin). 9-6 John Cunningham McClung, b. May 3, 1841, near Greenback, Loudon Co., Tenn. ; d. at Maryville, Tenn., Feb. 28, 1901. He inherited the old homestead. He was an Elder in the Baker's Creek Presbyterian church for over thirty years, and a member of the Board of Directors of Maryville College for over seventeen years. He served three years as a volun- teer in the Federal Army. He resided on the old homestead near Greenback, Tenn, until Sep. 15, 1898, when he retired from the active duties of life and moved to Maryville, Tenn., in order to be near the college where he might educate his children. Although not a highly educated man himself, he thoroughly appreciated the value of an education. He sent each of his nine children and two of his nephews whom he reared, to college. The number of years he sent these eleven pupils to .college, if added together, would amount to over thirty years. He was a man of positive convictions. He was too out- spoken in his denunciation of wrong to be universally popular, and yet he was universally respected as a man of lofty mo- tives and irreproachable integrity. He was nearly six feet high ; weighing about 170 pounds, with fair hair, blue eyes, a long flowing beard and ruddy com- plexion. He was cheerful in disposition and at proper times and places was very fond of jesting and mirth. See portrait, m. Oct. 30, 1866, Sorelda Emeline McBath, b. June 25, 1843, dau. of Russell McBath and his wife, Eliza Jane Chenoweth ; paternal grand-daughter of Andrew McBath and his wife, Lucinda Johnson ; paternal great-granddaughter of William McBath and his wife, Martha Rowland ; maternal grand-daughter of Richard Chenoweth and his wife, Hellen Hammer; maternal great-granddaughter of Adam Hammer and his wife, Charity Armsted. Charity belonged to a house of English Lords. Ten childreji, viz.: 1-7 Lenna McClung, b. Aug. 25, 1867; m. Dec. 27, 1886, JOHN CUNNINGHAM McCLUNG. Page 60. McCiyUNG Genealogy. 61 John E. Montgomery, b. Sep. 22, 1864. Address: Knoxville, Tenn. Nine children, viz.: 1-8 Samuel Collie Montgomery, b. Sep. 21, 1888. 2-8 Vola Janette Montgomery, b. Sep. 29, 1889. 3-8 Claude E. Montgomery, b. Sep. 19, 1890. 4-8 Walter Ashbell Montgomery, b. Feb. 18, 1892. 5-8 Ralph Ale.xander Montgomery, b. Nov. 26, 1893. 6-8 Lloyd Montgomery, b. Mar. 3, 1896, (twin). 7-8 Lela Montgomery, b. Mar. 3, 1896; d. July 8, 1896, (twin). 8-8 Cecil May Montgomery, b. Aug. 8, 1897. g-8 Leon Montgomery, b. Aug. 25, 1900. 2-7 Rev. William McClung, b. Oct. 13, 1868, at the Mc- Clung residence one mile east of Greenback, Loudon Co., Tenn. Attended public school from six to fourteen years of age. At the age of fifteen he entered Maryville College, where he graduated with the class of 1892. Spent the summers of 1891 and 1892 at the Chicago Bible Institute. Spent three months at the World's Fair, Chicago, in the employ of the Columbian Rolling Chair Co. Preached one year at Pratt City, and Thomas, Ala. Studied Theology at the McCormick Theolog- ical Seminary with the class of 1896. Spent the summer of 1896 in city evangelization in Chicago. Was licensed to preach the gospel by DesMoines Presbytery, at Leon, Iowa, April 21, 1897. Was ordained to the gospel ministry and installed pas- tor of the Presbyterian church at Earlham, Iowa, May 11, 1897. Preached at Lincoln Park Presbyterian church, of Knoxville, Tenn., from 1899 to 1902. Served as Pastors Assistant at Oli- vet Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1903. Served as Assistant Superintendent of People's Rescue Mission, Roch- ester, N. Y., 1903-1904. Compiler of this Genealogy. 3-7 Vemendo Brown McClung, b. June 18, 1870. Attend- ed Maryville College several years. Spent ten months in Chicago in 1893. Six months employed at the World's Fair at Chicago. Proprietor and Business Manager of the War Eagle Laundry. Knoxville, Tenn. See portrait. 4-7 Ira Patrick McClung, b. Nov. 20, 1871 ; d. July i, 1874. 5-7 Etta McClung, b. Jan. 10, 1873. Attended MarvA^ille College until the Sophomore year. Taught school. Attended the Chicago Bible Institute. Served as Pastor's Assistant at the Erie Chapel. Chicago; at the First Presbyterian church of East Liverpool, Ohio, and at North Presbyterian church, Cleve- land, Ohio. Address: Cleveland, Ohio. See portrait. 6-7 Rena McClung, b. Aug. 7, 1874. Attended Maryville College several years. Bookkeeper in a mercantile house for 62 McClung Genealogy. six years; m. Nov. i6, 1901, David J. Greer, of Greenback, Tenn. 7-7 Carrie Graham McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1877. Attended Maryville College several years. Taught in a Collegiate Insti- tute in Kentucky. Attended the Chicago Bible Institute, 1902, Address: Ottumwa, Iowa. See portrait. 8-7 Dennie McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1878. Educated at Maryville College, Tenn., and at the Union Business College, La Fayette, Ind. Employed as clerk in the office of a whole- sale hardware house at Ottumwa, Iowa. See portrait. 9-7 Carl Russell McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1880. Received his education at Maryville College. Spent a few months on a Texas cattle-ranch in 1901. Clerked in a furniture store in Fort Worth, Texas. Emigrated from Fort Worth, Texas, to Ottumwa, Iowa, where he was employed as a clerk in a retail hardware house. He is now employed by a mining syndi- cate in St. Elmo, Col. See portrait. 10-7 Clarence Milton McClung, b. Oct. 24, 1884. At- tended the Preparatory Department of Maryville College two or three years, then emigrated in 1902 w:ith his mother and sister to Ottumwa, Iowa, where he continued his studies in the city schools. Address : Ottumwa, Iowa. See portrait. 10-6 Elizabeth Euphemia McClung, b. Sep. 11, 1842; d. Jan. 28, 1843. 1 1-6 Patrick Alexander McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1843; ^■ May 21, 1864; unm. He was a Federal soldier and was killed in battle at Resaca, Ga. After being mortally wounded in the face, he heard a dying soldier plead for water. He managed to crawl to where the soldier lay, and when last seen by his comrades was giving him a drink of water from his canteen. He was buried in the National Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn. 3-5 Mary McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1795 ; d. Feb. 20, 1845 ; m. about 1821, Samuel Steele, b. about 1788; d. about 1873. Brick Mill, Tenn. Six children, viz. : 1-6 Mary McChesney Steele, b. Dec. 3, 1823; d. 1864: m. Nov. I, 1855, Abner L. Heartsill. Cleveland, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-7 Samuel Abner Heartsill, b. Apr. 20, 1858; m. Callie OAvens. Cleveland, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Annie Lee Heartsill, d. age six years. 2-6 William McClung Steele, b. June 23, 1825. A re- tired merchant, of Maryville, Tenn. ; m. Aug. 2, 1853, Sarah E,. Warren, b. Sep. 17, 1827; d. 1900. Three children, viz.: McCiyUNG Genealogy. 63 1-7 Cornelius Warren Steele b. June 8, 1854. Knoxville, Tenn. ; in. Jan., 1883, Sarah Heath. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Heath McClung Steele. 2-8 Annette Steele. 2-7 Leander Singleton Steele, b. Sep. 17, 1855. Knox- \ ille, Tenn.; m. 1st, June, 1885, Alice Barbary George, d. One child, viz. : 1-8 James Blair Steele. Leander Singleton Steele, {2-']) m. 2nd, Mrs. McCamp- bell. 3-7 Mary Evaline Steele, b. Jan. 17, 1857 ; ni, Jesse Rich- ardson, a photographer of Maryville, Tenn. 3-6 James Alexander Steele, b. Sep., 1826; d. in Kansas about 1893; m. about 1862, Miss Rankin. At least three chil- dren, names unknown. 4-6 Eliza Eugenia Steele, b. Nov., 1828; d. (twin).; m. 1851, Leonidas A. Gamble, a dentist of Richview, 111. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Patten Gamble. 2-7 William Gamble. 3-7 Euphemia Gamble; m. Mr. Ritchie. Salisbury, Mo. 5-6 Rebecca Euphemia Steele, b. Nov., 1828; d. about 1837 (twin). 6-6 Sarah Willmonia Steele, b. Sep., 1831 ; d. about 1858; m. 1856, Philander Houston, d. One child, viz. : 1-7 Sarah Houston. 4-5 Jane McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1797; d. May 15, 1868; m. June 17, 1817, John Billingsley Hale, b. Jan. 3, 1793; d. Brick Mill, Tenn. Twelve children, viz.: 1-6 Margaret Euphemia Hale, b. July 25, 1818; d. ; m. Feb. 2, 1837, Charles C. Stranahan. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Martha Jane Stranahan, b. Apr. 27, 1838; d. ; m. Kinney Hixon. No issue. 2-7 Sarah Celinda Stranahan, b. Jan. 22, 1841 ; m. Mr. Morgan. 3-7 Mary Ann Stranahan, m. Mr. Foster. Cincinnati, O. 4-7 Charles Stranahan. Chattanooga, Tenn. 5-7 Alice Stranahan. 6-7 Ira Stranahan. 2-6 Sarah Billingsley Hale, b. Feb. 22, 1820; m. Nov. 4. 1841. Lafayette Williamson ; d. May 18, 1878. Daisy, Tenn. Seven children, viz.: 1-7 Nancy Jane Williamson, b. 1843 ; m. Milton Spring- field of Menlo. Ga. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Dosier Springfield, b. Nov., 1878. 64 McClung Genealogy. . ■ ' 2-8 Hyrarn Springfield, b. Nov., 1881. 3-8 Bertha Springfield, b. Apr., 1885. 2-7 William Alexander Williamson, b. Feb. 14, 1844; m. 1st, Susan Hale; d. One child, viz.. 1-8 Lucy Wiliamson, d. William Alexander Williamson, (2-7) m. 2nd, Dec. 19, 1876, Dora Temple, b. Oct. 28, 1857. Daisy, Tenn, Four chil- dren, viz. : 2-8 James Lafayette Williamson, b. Aug. 2, 1879. 3-8 Jaquilena Williamson, b. Oct. 10, 1881 ; m. Nov. 15, 1897, Luther Kelly. Daisy, Tenn. 4-8 Mary B. Williamson, b. May 30, 1885. 5-8 Nellie Williamson, b. Apr. 21, 1888. 3-7 Polly Mianda Williamson, b. about 1845; d. Sep 16, 1877 ; unm. 4-7 Sarah Canzada Williamson, b. about 1847 ; m. Jan. ; 1878, Edward Alexander Hicks. Retro, Tenn. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 William Marcus Hicks. 2-8 Dorris Hicks. 3-8 Etddie Hicks. 4-8 Georgie Hicks. 5-7 John B. W^illiamson, b. about 1853; m. ist, about 1873, Mary Farmer. Moody, Texas. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Ella Williamson, b. 1876; d. in infancy. 2-8 Thomas Lafayette Williamson, b. Dec. 25, 1877. 3-8 EJmer Williamson. 4-8 John Williamson. John B. Williamson (5-7) m. 2nd, Lillie Manley, Four children, names of two viz. : 5-8 Georgie Williamson. 6-8 Oscar Williamson. 6-7 Benjamin Lafayette Williamson, d. age about 12 years. 7-7 Charles Elbridge Williamson, d., age about 10 years. 3-6 Alexander McClung Hale, b. Sep. 15, 1821, d., unm. 4-6 Mary Hale, b. July 19, 1823; m. May 13, 1852, J. D. Malone. Villa Rica, Ga. 5-6 Nancy Jane Hale, b. Oct. 17, 1825 ; m. Dec. 14, 1848, Robert M. Hayes. 6-6 Phebe Hale, b. Jan. 24, 1828; m. Sep. 21, 1852, James A. Hayes. Atlanta, Ga. 7-6 Lucinda Ann Hale, b. Mar. 28, 1830; m. Feb. 2, 1854, David C. Thompson, Sr., d. Dec, 1897. Trigonia, Tenn. Nine children, viz. : WM ' ij^fflSy'a-'^-i ''■1 1 .ji^vTSr^ ''f^^B^^^^^sT^^^^m^HK^^^BE. ^H ^H| ^J^^K 'MK" 1 ^«^^i^s^22i^E!^SSffi£SSi8BES5BsH ^^^ MRS vSORELDA EMELINE McCLUNG Page 6o. McCiyUNG GeneaivOgy. 65 1-7 L€€ Alexander Thompson, b. 1854; m. Hettie Jen- kins. McGhee, Tenn. Issue. 2-7 Nannie Thompson, b. 1857; in. Louis Johnson. Ad- dress : Lenoir City, Tenn. 3-7 Mary Ellen Thompson, b. 1859; d. 1887. 4-7 Robert H. Thompson, b. i860; m. Edna Beeson. Ridgeland, Miss. 5-7 David C. Thompson ,Jr., b. 1862; d. 1887, unm. 6-7 Margaret A. Thompson, b. 1865 ; m. Ben Calloway. "i^uniotley. Tenn. 7-7 Minnie L. Thompson, b. 1867. Trigonia Tenn. 8-7 Amanda L. Thompson, b. 1869; m. B. F. Nailes. Jalapa, Tenn. 9-7 William McClung Thompson, b. 1872 ; m. Katie Thompson. Trigonia, Tenn. 8-6 William Hale, b. May 30, 1832 ; d. unm. 9-6 Ruth Canzada Hale, b. Aug. 15, 1834; m. Aug. 21, 1855, Samuel Newton Malcom. Uceba, Tenn. Eight .chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 James Barkley Malcom, h. Sep. 22, 1856; m. Dec. 9, 1887, Maggie Cook. He is County Court Clerk of Loudon, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Maud Stephens Malcom, b. Nov., 1888. 2-8 Clifford James Malcom, b. Apr 12, 1890. 3-8 Carl Cook Malcom, b. Dec. 31, 1891. 4-8 Robert Samuel Malcom, b. Aug. 8, 1893. 5-8 (A dau.) Malcom, b. Jan. 10, 1895. 2-7 Ann Isabel Malcom, b. Oct. i, 1858, unm. Uceba, Tenn. 3-7 John Terre Malcom, b. Nov. 16, i860; m. Oct. 7, 1883, Mary L. Moore. Lkeba, Tenn. Three children, viz.: 1-8 Horace Chumley Malcom, b. Nov. 7, 1884. 2-8 Ruth Jane Malcom, 1). Mar. 12. 1887. 3-8 Stella Malcom^ 1>. June 6, 1889. 4-7 Rev. Wilham David Malcom, b. Nov. 27, 1863. Graduated Maryville College, 1892; McCormick Theological Seminary, 1895. Pastor Presbyterian church, Atalissa, Iowa, 1895-1898; Worthington, Ind., 1898-1900; Scottsburg, Ind., 1900; m. Sep. 2. 1896, Nettie P. Richards. One child, viz. : 1-8 Marlyn Neola Malcom, b. Mar. 22, 1900. 5-7 Enola Mianda Malcom, b. Sep. 15, 1866; m. Aug. 21, 1895, Rev. Thomas Judson Miles, b. Mar. 15, 1865. Grad- uated Maryville College, 1893. Principal Grassy Cove Acad- emy, 1893-1899. Studied Theology at Lane Theological Sem- 66 McCiyUNG GeneaivOgy. iiiary, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1899-1901. Principal Hyden Acad- emy, Hyden, Ky., 1901. Four children, viz.: 1-8 Mary Miles, b. May 8, 1896. 2-8 Emma Miles, b. Nov. 21, 1897. 3-8 Ruth Miles, b. May 18, 1899. 4-8 David Malcom Miles, b. Jan. i, 1902. 6-7 Alexander Hale Malcom, b. June 6, 1869. Keystone, Wash. 7-7 Nannie Lodosca Malcom, b. Dec. 9, 1871 ; m. May 27, 1893, James Andrew Summers, an electrician of Knoxville, Tenn. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Ruth Summers, b. Feb., 1894; d. July 2, 1894. 2-8 Paul Summers. 3-8 Bernice Summers. 4-8 (A child) Summers. 8-7 George Andrew McClung Malcom, b. Apr. 26, 1874. Colfax, Wash. 10-6 (A dau.) Hale, b. Nov. 10, 1836; d. in infancy. 1 1-6 Eliza Mianda Hale, b. Nov. 16, 1837; d. 12-6 John Calvin Hale, b. June 19, 1840. Employed in U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. ; m. Jan. 17, 1861, Sarah M. Hudgeons, b. 1845; d. Mar. 10, 1900. Eleven children, viz. : 1-7 William Alexander Hale, b. Dec. 10, 1861 ; d. Feb. 13, 1864. 2-7 Eliza Jane Hale, b. Apr. 16, 1864; m. about 1881, D. J. Greer. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Homer Greer. Merchant, Maryville, Tenn. ; m. 1901, Mary Howard. One child, viz.: 1-9 (A child) Greer, b. 1902. 2-8 Dora Greer. 3-8 Horace Greer. 4-8 Nellie Greer. 5-8 Hugh Greer. 6-8 Eva Greer. 7-8 Harold Greer. 3-7 Charlie Stranahan Hale, b. Feb. 16, 1866; d. Apr. 7, 1879. 4-7 James Albert Hale, b. July 28, 1868; m. Knoxville, Tenn. 5-7 Samuel Newton Hale, b. Apr. 4, 1872; m. Aug. 21, 1898, Flora Ann Huffstutler. Friendsville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 (A son) Hale, b. Sep., 1900. 6-7 Laurah Euphemia Hale, b. Apr. 8, 1874; m. Sep. 24, McCivUNG Genealogy. 67 1891, Samuel Parks Woods, Brick Mill, Tenn. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Arthur Thompson Woods, b. Sep. 16, 1892. 2-8 Edna Pearl Woods, b. Jan. 5, 1894. 3-8 Bertha May Woods, b. Aug. 8, 1896. 4-8 (A dau.) Woods. 7-7 John Patrick Hale, b. Aug. 15, 1875. Greenback, Tenn. 8-7 Jennie Hale, b. May 25, 1877; d. Mar. 7, 1878. 9-7 Robert Malone Hale, b. Sep. 27, 1879. 10-7 Walter McDonald Hale, b. June 27, 1883. 1 1-7 Carl Mathes Hale, b. May 22, 1885. Friendsville, Tenn. 5-5 Nancy McClung, b. July 4, 1801 ; d. Nov. 21, 1881 ; m. Jan. 31, 1828, James Humphreys. McPherson, Tenn. Four children, viz. : 1-6 William C. Humphrejrs, b. Dec. 7, 1828; d. July 8, 1853 ; m. 1852, Leona McCroskey. One child, viz. : 1-7 Anderson Humphreys : m. Colfax, Wash. Two children, viz. : 1-8 William Humphreys. 2-8 Addie Lee Humphreys. 2-6 Adaline Humphreys, b. Oct. 24, 1830; d. May 25, 1854. 3-6 Van Buren Humphreys, b. Jan. 27, 1832 ; d. Apr. 10, 1883; m. Dec. 20, 1866, Margaret E. McPherson, of McPher- son, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-7 James Franklin Humphreys, b. Aug. 6, 1868. Mc- Pherson, Tenn. 2-7 Hettie Ann Humphreys, b. Feb. 5, 1872. McPher- son, Tenn. 3-7 Mary Euphemia Humphreys, b. Dec. 4, 1874; m. June 8, 1899, James Crow. Decher, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Inez Humphreys Crow, b. Jan. 21, 1901. 4-7 Flora Ellen Humphreys, b. Apr. 10, 1877. McPher- son, Tenn, 5-7 Kite Tolie Humphreys, b. Feb. 2, 1880; d. July 12, 1881. 4-6 Sophronia Humphreys, b. Mar. 29, 1835 ! d. Jan. 28, 1872; m. Jan. 25, 1853, Ignatius W. Beard, b. Feb. 12, 1828; d. Nov. 17, 1900. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Theodocia A. Beard, 1). Sep. 22, 1855; d. Sep. 8, 1871. 2-7 Elvira Jane Beard, b. Aug. 15, 1857; m. Aug. 28, 1877, Rufus Alexander Gilliland, b. Feb. 2^, 1850. Qeveland, Tenn. Six children, viz. : 68 McClung Genealogy. 1-8 Cora Lillian Gilliland, b. Sep. 20, 1878. 2-8 Florence Cordelia Gilliland, b. Oct. 14, 1880; d. July II, 1881. 3-8 Vinnie Lener Gilliland, b. July 10, 1882. 4-8 Ida Agnes Gilliland, b. Aug. 8, 1885. 5-8 Clinton Edgar Gilliland, b. Aug. 30, 1887. 6-8 Fannie Charlotte Gilliland, h. Oct. 28, 1894. 3-7 James Marion Beard, b. May 20, 1859; d- Mar. 7. 1876. 4-7 Nancy Alice Beard, b. Sep. 10, 1861 ; d. July 9, 1882. 5-7 William Welcome Beard, b. Feb. 26, 1865 ; m. Feb. 14, 1892, Katie A. Witt. Georgetown, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Edith Beard, b. July 17, 1893 ; d. Sep. 19, 1893. 2-8 Bertha Beatrice Beard, b. Apr. 18, 1895. 3-8 Ignatius Walter Beard, Jr., b. Feb. 14, 1897. 4-8 Dona May Beard, b. Jan. 4, 1899. 5-8 Irene Witt Beard, b. Mar. 8. 1901. 6-7 Eliza Emma Beard, b. Oct. i, 1868; d. July 20, 1890. 6-5 Rev. William McClung, M. D., b. Oct. 8. 1804; d. July 9. 1827, unm. He studied medicine at McGhee, Tenn., under Dr. Harris. He then went to Alabama. Was licensed to practice medicine by the Medical Board of Huntsville, Ala., Dec. 7, 1824. He practiced medicine at Mooresville, Ala., for about a year, beginning about Dec. 10, 1824. He then entered the Cumberland Presbyterian Ministry, which he pursued until his death. He was a classical student. He was buried near Hunts- ville, Ala. 7-5 John McClung, b. Feb. 19, 1808; d. Feb. 27, 1893; m, Feb. 5, 1828, Nancy J. Wilson, b. Jan. 6, 1807; d. Aug. 21, 1878. He was a farmer, and lived four miles south of Madi- sonville, Tenn. His pastor often said of him that he was bet- ter posted in Theology than half the preachers of his day. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Martha Ann McClung, b. Nov. 24, 1828; m. Feb. 26, 185 1, John C. McSpadden. Madisonville, Tenn. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Nancy Isabell McSpadden, b. Dec. 22, 1851 ; m. Aug. 15, 1876, W. L. Wilson. Address: MoHne, Kan. 2-7 Eliza Jane McSpadden, 1). Dec. 22, 1853 ; d. Mar. t8, 1854. 3-7 William McClain McSpadden, b. June 7, 1855 ; m. Aug. 1, 1876, Margaret McCaslin. Moline, Kan. 4-7 Sarah Ann McSpadden, b. Apr. 25, 1857 > ^- z < e z z z p o z o c o z w c 0) McClUNG GfiiNEALOGY. 69 5-7 Martha Caroline McSpadden, b. Dec. 29, 1859, unm. 6-7 John Archibald McSpadden, b. Nov. 16, 1862; m. Miss Wilson. 7-7 Euphemia Enialine McSpadden, b. Mar. i8, 1866; ni. Sep. 28, 1893, E. C. Miller, Mount Vernon, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Esther Anna Miller, b. July 28, 1894. 8-7 Robert Wilson McSpadden, b. Sep. 18, 1868. Ad- dress: Moline, Kan.; m. Miss McCasline. One child, viz.: 1-8 Ralph McSpadden. 2-6 William McClung, b. Aug. 14, 1831 ; d. June 25, 1862. He was a Federal soldier. Came home on a furlough and died about two weeks later, unm. 3-6 Robert Wilson McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1836; d. Aug. 12, 1894; m. June 26, 1866, Martha Ann Magill, b. Mar. 6. 1836. Address: Madisonville, Tenn. Two children, viz.: 1-7 John Magill McClung, b. June i, 1867, unm. Hotel proprietor. Madisonville, Tenn. 2-7 Jane Elizabeth McClung, b. June 12, 1870, unm. Madisonville, Tenn. 4-6 Euphemia Jane McClung, b. June 24, 1840; d. Aug. 31, 1876; m. Dec. 19, 1871, Frank Wilson. Three children, viz. : 1-7 John Logan Wilson, b. Nov. 15, 1872. 2-7 Nancy Jane Wilson, b. Aug. 23, 1875. 3-7 W. L. Wilson. Address: Moline, Kan. 5-6 Elizabeth Caroline McClung, b. June 22, 1844, unm. Address : Madisonville, Tenn. 8-5 Phebe McClung, b. Mar. 10, 1811 ; d. O.ct. 14, 1841 ; m. 1830, James Harvey McConnell ; d. Apr. 15, 1868, of Brick Mill, Tenn. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Betsy Ann McConnell, b. Aug. 24, 1831 ; d. Aug. 26, 1861; m. Aug. 21, 1851, W. B. Malcom. Five children, viz.: 1-7 James Harvey Malcom; m. Mattie McCully. Ennis, Texas. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Lonnie Malcom. 2-8 Ellen Malcom. 2-7 Samuel Malcom; d. in Texas. 3-7 Nancy Parthena Malcom, b. Sep. 2, 1856, (twin) ; m. July 5, 1877, Gaines Blackburn Ross, b. Jan. 15, 1853. Ad- dress: Maryville, Tenn. Four children, viz.: 1-8 John Ross, b. June 28, 1878; d. June 29, 1878. 2-8 William Arthur Ross, b. July 7, 1879; m. Miss Rea- gan. 70 McClung Genealogy. 3-8 Charles Harvey Ross, b. Jan. 5, 1882; d. May 23, 1887. 4-8 Samuel Edgar Ross, b. Nov. 19, 1883; d. Sep. 5, 1884. 4-7 Phebe Elzena Malcom, b. Sep. 2, 1856, (twin) ; m. John Logan. Clover Hill, Tenn. One child, viz.: 1-8 Eirnest Logan, b. Oct. 23, 1890. 5-7 John E. Malcom; m. Carrie D. Snapp. Address: Greenville, Tenn. 2-6 Margaret E. McConnell, b. Feb. i, 1833; m. Jan. 12, 1858, R. Frank Walker; d. 1895. Maryville, Tenn. Three children- viz. : 1-7 Laurah Walker, b. Nov. 12, 1858; m. Sep. 19, 1883, Horace McBath, b. Dec. 22, 1859. Graduate Maryville Col- lege, 1881. Oklahoma, Okla. Five children, viz.: 1-8 Earl Walker McBath, b. Mar. 20, 1886. 2-8 Frank Bogle McBath^ b. Apr. 8, 1889. 3-8 Nolan Crawford McBath, b. Jan. 7, 1893. 4-8 George Alex. McBath, b. Ott. 21, 1895. 5-8 Helen McBath, b. Oct. 14, 1898. 2-7 Jennie Walker, b. June 29, 1861 ; m. Dec. 18, 1895, Rev. Frank E. Moore. Graduate Wabash College, 1886; Lane Theological Seminary. 1889. Pastor New Providence Pres- byterian church, Maryville, Tenn., 1889-190T. Pastor Louis- ville, Ky., 1901. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Margaret Moore, b. June 10, 1897. 2-8 Edith Moore, b. Sep. 30, 1898. 3-7 Robert S. Walker, b. Apr. t7. 1867; m. Oct., 1892. Daisy Hannah. Maryville, Tenn. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Lloyd Walker, 2-8 Lora Walker, 3-6 Amanda Jane McConnell, b. Sep. 3, 1834; m. Nov. 26, 1857, George Alexander McLin, of Sweetwater. Tenn. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Edward McLin, b. Sep 3, 1858; m. Jan. 3, 1882, Nellie Cook. Rome, Ga. Two children, viz. : 1-8 George Clifton McLin, b. June, 1885. 2-8 Helen McLin, b. Jan., 1895. 2-7 Margaret Ann MftLin, b. June 10, 1862; m. Oct. i, 1889, Bartow Smith. 320 McKee St., Knoxville, Tenn. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Rhoten Smith, b. July 12, 1890. 2-8 Glenn EVans Smith, b. Mar. 3, 1894. 3-8 Russell McLin Smith, b. Nov. 15, 1895. 3-7 George McLin, b. Apr. 4, 1869; unm. Address: Sweetwater, Tenn. McClung Genealogy. 71 4-6 William McClung McConnell, b. June 12, 1836; d. June 17, 1871 ; m. Mar. 15, i860, Esther Johnson, b. Mar. 17, 1835. Columbus City, Iowa. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Robert F. McConnell, b. Dec. 27, i860; m. June 28, 1883, Cynthia Reiner. Monmouth, 111. Three children, viz.: 1-8 William Reiner McConnell. 2-8 Charles Francis McConnell. 3-8 Archie Robert McConnell. 2-7 Phebe McConnell, b. Jan. 16, 1863; m. Oct. 11, 1888, J. M. Glass, b. Mar. 29, 1862, a merchant of Columbus City, Iowa. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Lena Glass, b. Apr. 25, 1890. 2-8 Edith Glass, b. June 16, 1894 (twin). 3-8 Edna Glass, b. June 16, 1894 (twin), 3-7 Ida Jane McConnell, b. Mar. 12, 1864; m. Sep. 2, 1891, Rev. J. A. Greer, b. Oct. 16. 1856. United Presbyterian minister. One child, viz.: 1-8 Alda Greer, b. July 25, 1893. 5-6 Rev. James Humphreys McConnell, b. Mar. 11, 1838; d. 1903. Presbyterian minister; m. ist, Jan. 24, 1867, Margaret I. Henry; d. Oct. 19, 1885. No issue. He m. 2nd, Jan. 3, 1888, Ella E. Carson. Maryville, Tenn. One child, viz. : 1-7 Paul Carson McConnell, b. Jan. 25, 1892. Maryville, Tenn. 6-6 John Newton McConnell, b. Oct. 29, 1839; m. Mary Scott. Brick Mill, Tenn. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Jennie McConnell. 2-7 Margaret McConnell. 3-7 Anna Bell McConnell. 4-7 William McConnell. 5-7 Ralf McConnell. 6-7 Walter McConnell. 7-4 Phebe McClung, b. Feb. 13, 1765; d. Mar. 23, 1827; m. Nov. 9, 1790, James Houston, b. Nov. 30, 1763; d. Dec. 7, 1810, son of Matthew Houston and his wife, Martha Lyle. Matthew Houston was a brother of Gen. Sam Houston's grand-father. Phebe McClung's husband was therefore a first cousin of Gen. Sam Houston's father. At least two sons, viz. : 1-5 James Houston, Jr., b. June 18, 1794; d. ; m. Oct. 17, 1816, Ann Houston. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Betsy Ann Houston, m. Mr. Means. 2-6 Phebe Houston, m. John GrifHtts, Friendsville, Tenn. 3-6 Rachel Levenia Houston, m. James Harvey Mc- Clung. For issue, see index. 72 McClung Genealogy. 2-5 Matthew McClung Houston, m. Nov. 19, 1821, Mary Gillespie. 8-4 Rebecca McClung, m. Sep. 19, 1798, William Tel- ford. 9-4 Matthew McClung, b. Feb. 13, 1769, in Rockbridge Co., Va. ; d. Apr. 21, 1813, at Red Oak, Brown Co. O. ; m. in Rockbridge Co., Va., Apr. 11, 1793, Elizabeth Curry, b. Feb. 20, 1777; d. July 18, 1849, in Putnam Co., 111. She was only a little over sixteen at the time of her marriage. Soon there- after they went upon pack-horses along the trail over the mountains and settled for a little time at Mt. Carmel, Ky. But as there was some difficulty in securing titles to land there, they crossed over the Ohio river and settled at Red Oak, O. Another record says they married at Bn-ant's Station, Ky. He was an elder in the Red Oak Presbyterian church, and represented that church in the first Presbytery ever held in that section. He was a farmer and blacksmith. Height about five feet; weight 140 pounds; light hair; blue eyes. He was very fond of horses ; liked to handle a horse no one else could manage. Died from the effects of a fall from; such a horse. Eleven children, viz.: 1-5 Mary McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1794; d. June 19, 1882; m. John L. Johnston, White Hall, 111. Seven children, viz.: 1-6 Betsy Ann Johnston, d. about 1853; m. Mr. Craig. 2-6 Martha Johnston. Lives in Green Co., 111. ; m. Mr. Stublelefield. 3-6 Nancy Johnston. Lives in Green Co., 111. m. Mr, Stubblefield. 4-6 Mary Johnston, d. about 1892, in Cal., unm. 5-6 James Johnston, d. about 1843, i^^ Morgan Co., 111., in childhood. 6-6 Jane Johnston, d. about 1854, in Morgan Co., 111. 7-6 Sarah Johnston, d. about 1847, i'^ Green Co., 111. 2-5 Col. James McClung, b. Sep 13, 1796; d. Sep T5. 1840; m. Martha Moore. He was once a member of the Illi- nois Legislature. Address: Wlnite Hall, 111. No issue. 3-5 Robert McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1799; d. Feb. 2^] , 1835, in Cincinnati, Ohio; m. Nancy Savage. One child, viz.: 1-6 Jane McClung, m. ist, John Foster, Sr. One child, viz. : 1-7 John Foster, Jr., Jane McClung Foster (1-6), m. 2nd, Joseph Johnston, Sr. Address: LaSalle, 111., or Cal. One child, viz.: 2-7 Joseph Johnston, Jr. 4-5 Howe McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1800; d. June 29, 1818, near Troy, Ohio, unm. McClung Genealogy. 73 5-5 Harvey McClung, h. Dec. 6, 1802, in Brown Co., Ohio; d. July 18, 1846, at Hennepin, 111.; ni. iMay 14, 1829, at Tacksonvi'lle, 111.. Sarah Bird, b. Pec. 23, 1802: d. April 19, 1885. They were among the iirst couples married at Jackson- ville, 111. Nine children, viz.: 1-6 James Alexander McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1830; d. Feb. 6, 1832. 2-6 Emeline McClung, b. Apr. 16, 1831 ; d. May 8, 1832. 3-6 Mary Jane McClung, b. Jan. 6, 1833; m. Feb., 1851, Robert Culter. Riverside, Cal. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Horace Mann Culter. 2-7 Ella Culter. 3-7 Grey Culter. 4-6 Sarah McClung, b. Aug. 25, 1835, (twin) ; d. Feb., 1870; m. 1858, George Sparling. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Jane Sparling, 2-7 Sade Sparling. 3-7 Fred Sparling. 4-7 Samuel Sparling. 5-7 Kate Sparling, d. about 1890. 5-6 Elizabeth McClung, b. Aug. 25, 1835, (twin) ; m. 1855, James Persell Worrell. Larned, Kan. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Sarah Isabel Worrell, b. Mar. 13, 1855. She is en- gaged in newspaper work ; m. Mr. Ball, Washington, D. C. 2-7 Leni Leota Worrell, b. Apr. 3, 1857 ; d. young. 3-7 Paris Lemoin Worrell, b. Nov. 2^, 1859 ; d. young. 4-7 Don Carlos Worrell, b. Oct. 21, i860; d. young. 5-7 Leon Marsellous Worrell, b. O'ct. 18, 1862; d. young. 6-7 George Hyatt Worrell, b. Oct. 4, 1865. 7-7 Mary Winona Worrell, b. Apr. 15, 1869. 8-7 Minnie Myrtle Worrell, b. Mar. 18, 1873. 6-6 Rev. John Samuel McClung, b. Dec. 24, 1837, in Morgan Co., 111. Graduated at Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., Class of 1864. Graduated at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111., Class of 1867. He is a Presbyterian Minister. Address: 820 S. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan.; m. June 5, 1867, Carrie Tomlin, b. May 15, 1844. Seven chil- dren, viz. : I 7 Mary Louise McClung, b. Oct. 4, 1868; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Hunter G. Myers. Address : Kansas City, Kan. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Ruth Myers. 2-8 Mildred Myers. 2-7 Ida Grace McClung, b. Dec. 28, 1870; d. Feb. 26, 1892, while a member of the Senior Class in Park College, 74 McCi^uNG Genealogy. Parkville, Mo, She was an exceedingly brilliant student. Took prize in College for scholarship. 3-7 Charles Hervey McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1872; d. Feb. 4, 1873- 4-7 Robert Edwin McClung, b. Apr. 5, 1874; d. Sep. 23, 1893, while a member of the senior class in Park College, Parkville, Mo. 5-7 Franklin Tomlin McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1876. Ad- dress : Wichita, Kan. 6-7 Alice Gertrude McClung, b. Mar. 23, 1881. Ad- dress : Wichita, Kan. 7-7 Clarence Almeson McClung, b. Sep. 13, 1883; d. Aug. 26, 1884. 7-6 Emily H. McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1840; d. N'ov. 5, 1893; m. Aug., 1874, Isaac P. Baldwin. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Bessie Baldwin, b. about 1876. Resides with her uncle, John S. McClung, at Wichita, Kan. 2-7 James Clark Baldwin, b. about 1879; f'- F^^- 28, 1901. Lived with his uncle, John S. McClung. 8-6 Martha Ellen McClung, b. May 23, 1842; m. about 1873, A. A. Thrope. Address: Larned, Kan. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Ora Thrope. 2-7 (A child) Thrope, d. 9-6 Catherine Bird McClung, b. May 23, 1844; d. Nov. 30, 1845. 6-5 Kliza. McClung, b. Sep. 29, 1804; d. Jan. 27, 1884, unm. Granville, 111. 7-5 Nancy McClung, b. Sep. 30. 1806; d. Feb. 8, 1890; m. Robert W. Moore. Granville, 111. One child, viz.: 1-6 Eveline Moore, d. in infancy. 8-5 Alexander C. McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1808; d. Nov. 8, 1830, unm. 9-5 William McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1809, at Red Oak, Ohio; d. near Hennepin, 111., Oct. 10, 1861 ; m. ist, Apr. 24, 1834, Elizabeth Salisbury, b. Jan 27, 1814, at Red Oak, Ohio; d. Feb. 23, 1847, dau. of Samuel Salisbury and his wife, Sarah Donaldson. In 1834 they emigrated from Red Oak, O'hio, to Putnam Co., 111., and settled on a farm six miles south-east of Hennepin. He was an elder in the Union Grove Presby- terian church, and was a devout student of the word of God. He was buried in Union Grove cemetery. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Sarah Jane McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1835; d. Jan. 31, 1862; m. Mar. 5, 1855, Marcus Warren Evans, a farmer of South Salem, Ohio. Two children, viz.: McCivUNG Genealogy. 75 1-7 Rev. William McClung Evans, b. Jan. 7, 1856, at South Salem, Ohio. Graduated at University of Wooster, in class of 1879. Graduated from Western Theological Semi- nary, at Allegheny, Pa., in class of 1882. Pastor of the Pres- byterian church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; m,. Oct. 9, 1883, An- nie Laura West, of Homestead, Pa. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Hazel West Evans, b. about 1886. 2-8 Lulu West Evans, b, about 1888. 2-7 Mary Frances Evans, b. May 10, 1859 J ""i- J^"- ^' 1884, Jacob S. West, farmer. Address : Dodge Centre, Minn. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Laura Evans, West. 2-8 South West. 3-8 Lowry Hay West. 4-8 Jay West. 5-8 Flossy West. 6-8 Marcus Wallace West. 7-8 Grace West. 2-6 James Salisbury McClung, b. July 1, 1838. Ad- dress: Pueblo, Col. Supt. of Pu1)lic Schools since 1879. m. Apr., 1866, Lois W. Clark, b. 1843. Four children, viz.: 1-7 Lulu Clark McClung, b. June 9, 1867 ; m. Sep. 18, 1891, Albert A. Rollestone, a banker of Cripple Creek, Colo. Address, Victor, Colo. 2-7 Herbert James McClung, b. Aug. 24, 1869. In a bank in Pueblo, Colo. ; m. Mattie Drake. 3-7 Frederick Agassiz McClung, b. April, 1873. With an Electric Co., Pueblo, Col. ; m. Bertha Ford. 4-7 Gratia Delavan McClung, b. Sep. 29, 1881. Ad- dress : Pueblo, Col. 3-6 Elizabeth Mary McClung, b. Jan 11^ 1841 ; m. Dec. 17, 1874, Daniel Peterson; b. Apr. 2, 1835. A farmer. Ad- dress: Tonica, 111. No issue. 4-6 Louisa Ann McClung, b. Jan. 22, 1843 ; d. Dec. 26, 1861, unm. 5-6 Martha Ellen McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1845; "i- Nov. 9, 1869, Robert Stewart Brown; b. 1834; d. Dec. 24, 1872. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Edwin Stuart Brown, b. June i, 1871 ; d. July 7, 1871. 2-7 Robert Alexander Brown, b. Aug. 10, 1872. Gradu- ated at Marrietta College in class of 1895. Principal of an Academy at Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1896, and afterward at Cedar- ville, Ohio. Now teaching in a Mission School near Mexico City, Mex. 76 McClung Genealogy. William McClung, (9-5) m. 2nd, Jan. 6, 1848. Mary Wal- lace, b. Au.s: 21, 1809: d. Nov. 26, 1874. One child, viz.: 6-6 William Wallace McClung, b. July 14, 1849: m. Nov. 12, 1874, Rebecca A. Price, d. He is a real estate dealer. Ad- dress : 1706 Champa St., Denver, Col. One child, viz.: 1-7 Nira Burnette McClung, 1). June 21, 1882. Address: Denver, Col. 10-5 Willis McClung, b. Aug. 11, 181 1; d. July 16, 1885. He lived near White Hall, and Murrayville, 111. Elder in the Presbyterian church; m. ist, Emily Wright, d. No issue. He m. 2nd, Sarah . No issue. 11-5 Sarah Ann McClung, b. Mar. 13. 1813; d. July 15, 1814. 10-4 Rev. John McClung, b. in Rockbridge Co., Va. ; m. Aug. 29, 1797, Jane Lyle, dau. of William Lyle and his wife, Nancy Cilmore, of Rockbridge Co., Va. Emigrated from Vir- ginia to Kentucky; thence to Indianapolis, Ind., where in July, 1821; he entered a farm of 160 acres in Washington township, town 16, north range 4 east, section 8. He was a "New Light" minister, and in the spring of 1821 preached the first sermon ever preached in Indianapolis. "He continued to preach there in the grove on the circle all summer and fall." At the election Apr. i, 1822, he was a candidate for Associate Judge. At the first 4th of July celebration ever held in In- dianapolis, July 4, 1822, he preached from Prov. 14: 34. "Righteousness exhalted a nation ; but sin is a reproach to any people." "He died north of town, Aug. 18, 1823." See Logan's History of Indianapolis. His widow and four children, namely: Samuel, William, Cynthia and Paulina, were living near Indianapolis, Ind., in 1852. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Lyle McClung. He wrote to his uncle, Samuel McClung, of Dahlonega, Iowa, on January 25, 1836. He was then living near Indianapolis. Tn-d. He is supposed to have died prior to 1852, as his name does not appear in a list of the children living at that date. 2-5 Samuel McClung. He taup^ht school during the winter of 1835-36. He wrote his uncle, Samuel McClung, June 21, 1839, viz.: "Have not sold farm yet. Six Germans here yesterday wanting to buy." 3-5 William McClung. 4-5 Cynthia McClung, m Mr. Steers. One child, viz.: 1-6 Harriet Steers, b. about 1834. 5-5 Paulina McClung, m. Mr. Stoop. 6-5 John McClung, Jr. Surveyed a canal down the White River in Indiana, in 1835. In 1836 he was living at Noblesville, Ind., and was "keeping store for Mr. Coones." X >i McClung Genealogy. 77 I have l)een unable to find any living descendant of Rev. John McClung, (10-4). This branch of the family is sup- posed to be extinct. If any of them are living", and this page should reach their eye, 1 would be pleased to hear from them. 11-4 Samuel McClung, b. May 21, 1773, in Rockbridge Co., Va. ; d. July 16, 1852, in Dahlonega, Iowa ; m. in Ken- tucky, Apr. 5, 1804, Mary Cloyd, b. Nov. 20, 1773 ; d. Oct. 24, 1852. He emigrated from Va. to Ky. ; thence to Clark Co., O. ; thence to Jefferson Co., Ind. ; thence to Montgomery Co., ind., three miles south-west of Crawfordsville ; thence in 1847, to Dalhonega, Iowa. Farmer. Five children, viz. : 1-5 Jane Lapsley McClung, b. Jan. 6, 1806; d. Dec. 3, 1878; m. Oct. 13, 1825. Caleb Brown, Agency, Iowa. 2-5 James Cloyd McClung, b. May 19, 1808; d. July 23, 1892. See portrait. m. ist, Apr. 15, 1831, Mary Chandler, d. Sep. 16, 1834. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Mary Jane McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1832; d. Dec, 1854, unm. 2-6 Samuel Brown McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1833 ; d. Oct. 2, 1903; m. Feb. 3, 1856, Mary Elizabeth Thompson, b. Dec. 25, 1838. He lived ten miles north-east of Ottumwa, Iowa, find was a farmer and dairyman. See portrait. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Laura Alice McClung, b. Jan. 30, 1858; m. Mar. 12, 1889, Alexander Campbell Glenn. Address: Batavia, Iowa. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Mary J. Glenn, b. 1892. 2-8 John C. Glenn, b. 1893. 3-8 Walter S. Glenn, b. 1894. 4-8 Earnest Glenn, b. 1896. 2-7 Clara Augusta McClung, b. Oct. 4, i8=;9; m. Nov. 14, 1880, M. N. Smith. Address: R. D. No. 2, Hedrick, Iowa. 3-7 Fred Chandler McClung, b. Aug 26, 1867; m. May 8, 1894, Lizzie Ritter, b. Jan. 11, 1871. Address: R. D. No. I, Ottumwa. la. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Jeane Edward McClung, b. Dec. 19, 1894. 2-8 Blanche Marie McClung, b. May 9, 1897. 4-7 James Walter Sims McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1880: m. Feb. II, 1902, Maude Spurling. Address: Ottumwa, la. James Cloyd McClung, (2-5) m. 2nd, May 16, 1837, Mar- garet Ellen Scott; b. Feb. 11, 1816. Address: Hedrick, Iowa. See portrait. Seven children, viz.: 3-6 Rebecca Ellen McClung, b. Jan. 25. 1840; d. Dec. 28, i860; m. Feb. 21, i860, William Henry Kitterman.Topeka, K'an. No issue. 4-6 James Scott McClung, b. June 12, 1841 ; d. July 3, 78 McClung Genealogy. 1889, unm. Died from injuries received in a mine in Butte, Mon. See portrait. 5-6 John Smith McClung, b. June 24, 1845 ; farnner. See portrait; m. Mar. i. 1870, Amanda Harlan, b. Sep. 26, 1847. Dahlonega, Iowa. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Ralph Harlan McClung b. Dec. 12, 1870. Dahlonega, la. ; m. Aug. 26, 1900, Luella Trout, b. Aug. 20, 1880 ;d. Jan. 28, 1903. One child viz. : 1-8 Cloyd Trout McClun?, h. Aug. 8, 1901. 2-7 Maude Myrtle McClung, b. Mar. 16, 1874; m. Apr. 17, 1901, Rufus Knapp. Querida, Colo. 6-6 Susan Frances McClung b. Mar. 21, 1847; "i- Nov. 25, 1869, George Thomas Redmon, b. Apr. 6, 1845. R. D. No. I, Hedrick la. See portrait. Sij^ children viz.: 1-7 Arvel Cloyd Redmon b. Oct. 7, 187 1 ; m. Dec. 31, 1899, Christina Burkhardt, b. Mar. 17, 1871. Hedrick, Iowa. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Lolita Fern Redmon, b. Sep. 10, 1900. 2-8 Velma Burkhardt Redmon, b. Sep. 6, 1903. 2-7 Mary Almeda Redmon, b. Sep. 14, 1873; d. Feb. 11, 1880. 3-7 Edith Ellen Redmon, b. Mar. 6, 1876. Graduated at Ames College in 1897. Has been teaching since. Hedrick, Iowa, R. F, D. No. i. 4-7 Finkle LeRoy Redmon, b. Jan. 26, 1878. Grocer ; m. Nov. 22, 1903, Blanche Edith Knight, Hedrick, Iowa. 5-7 Alice Lorena Redmon, b. June 20, 1880. 6-7 Jessie Maude Redmon, b. Jan. 29, 1885. 7-6 Martha Matilda McClung, b. June 3, 1849. See por- trait; m. Nov. 22, 1868, Leonard S. Wilson, Hedrick, Iowa, Three children viz. : 1-7 (A dau). Wilson. 2-7 Dick Wilson. Address : Hedrick, Iowa. 3-7 Grace Wilson, m. Nov., 1899, Mr. Douglas. St. Joseph, Mo. 8-6 Millard Henry McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1855. See por- trait; m. Dec. 22, 1881, Bell Hartley. Portland, Ore. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Chloe Edna McClung, b. O'ct. i, 1881. 2-7 Zoe Eva McClung, b. Apr. 27, 1883. 3-7 Millard Hartley McClung. 9-6 Ryland Brown McClung, b. Nov. 29, 1857. See por- trait; m. June 15, 1890, Eva Hoyt. Portland, Ore. One child, viz. : 1-7 Ryland Eugene McClung, b. June 16, 1895. 3-5 Elizabeth Wallace McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1810; d. McClung Genealogy. 79 Nov. 21, 1897; m. Jan. 15, 1828, Eli P. Farmer, Bloomington, Ind. 4-5 Sarah Woods McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1813 ; d. Aug. 23, 1889; m. May 22, 185 1, Nathan Horner, Monroe City, Iowa. 5-5 Amanda Melvina McClung, b. May 24, 1816; d. Aug. I, 1901 ; m. July 2, 1839, Moses Chamberlain or Cumberlin. Address: Seymour, Iowa. 12-4 Elizabeth McClung, b. in Rockbridge Co., Va. ; d. near Troy, Ohio, from an over-dose of opium carelessly ad- ministered by a nurse, m. Oct. 18, 1797, Alexander Telford. Troy, Ohio, Three children, viz. : 1-5 James Telford, d. age 55 years ; m. Seven children, viz. : 1-6 Rev. Alexander Telford, d. about 1893, ^Z^ ^5 yeari He was a Presbyterian minister, m. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Elizabeth Telford, teacher at Hastings, Minn. 2-7 Stella Telford, teacher at Hastings, Minn.. 3-7 Agnes Telford. Address: Hastings, Minn. 2-6 Murray Telford, d. age 55 ; farmer ; m. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Mary Elizabeth Telford, Bookkeeper in First Na- tional Bank, Troy, Ohio. 2-7 Wilbur Telford. Studied architecture at Columbus, Ohio. 3-7 Elizabeth Telford, d. age 32; m. Two children. She survived both. 4-6 Howe Telford, d. age 21. 5-6 Mary Ann Telford, d. age 25. 6-6 Nannie Telford, m. Charles H. McCullough. Ad- dress: Troy, Ohio. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Eugene T. McCullough, Troy, Ohio. 2-7 Heber A. McCullough, Troy, Ohio. 3-7 Walter G. McCullough. Graduated at Ann Arbor University, 1895. Is a lawyer. Troy, Ohio. 4-7 George E. McCullough. Attended Wooster Univer- sity. Studied medicine. 5-7 Frank A. McCullough, Troy, Ohio. 7-6 Hugh Telford, d. age 8 years. 2-5 Finley Telford, d. ; m. No issue. 3-5 Jane Telford, d. unm. age 70 years. 13-4 David McClung, b. in Rockbridge Co., Va., July 6, 1776; d. at Troy, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1841. He was a farmer and cabinet maker. Learned his trade in Philadelphia, Pa. He was small of stature, and had and exceedingly pleasant voice. He m. 1st, in the upper part of Rockbridge Co., Va., Oct. 16, 1803, Polly Cloyd; d. Mar. 6, 1807. Two children, viz.: 80 McClung Genealogy. 1-5 Houston McClung, b. Feb. 4, 1805; d. Oct. 15, 1805. 2-5 Cloyd McClung, b. Sep. 16, 1806; d. May 18, 1836; m. February 12, 1833, Mary Culbertson. No issue. David McClung, (9-4) m. 2nd, in Va., Apr. 12, 1808, Nancy Henderson, b. Nov. 16, 1782; d. Nov. 9, 1862. Troy, Ohio. Seven children, viz. : 3-5 James Henderson McClung, b. Mar. 31, 1809; d. Dec. 19, 1838; m. Mar. 20, 1832, Mary C. Morgan, d. One child, viz. : 1-6 Heber McClung, d. age about 35 ; m. Miss Hatha- way, d. No issue. 4-5 Hervey McClung, b. Jan 9, 181 1 ; d. Jan. 31, 1824, 5-5 John Telford McClung, b. July 5, 1813; d. Nov. 20, 1877, unm, 6-5 Benjamin Franklin McChmg, b. Nov. i, 1815; d. July 24, 1881 ; m. Feb. 6, 1838, Amanda Taylor, b. Jan. 11, 1817; d. Feb. 4, 1868. One child, viz. : 1-6 Charles Livingston McClung, b. Aug i, 1840; ni. Nov. 21, 1866, Annie H. Mackey, b. July 2, 1840. He was a civil engineer and surveyor. Lived formerly at Columbus, Kan. Present address: 2112 N. Tenth St., Kansas City, Kan. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Clarence Erwin McClung, b. Apr. 5, 1870. Graduat- ed in Pharmacy. Prof, of Chemistry in State University of Kan. Lawrence, Kan. ; m. Annie Drake. 2-7 Elizabeth B. McClung, b. Nov. 13, 1873; m. Jan. 2, 1892, Wesley R. Childs ; b. June 26, 1869. Kansas City, Kan. One child, viz. : 1-8 Annie K. Childs, b. June 18, 1894. 7-5 Paulina McClung, b. Nov. 11, 1817; d. Mar. 2, 1842; m. Oct. 24, 1839, J- W. Young. One child, viz.: 1-6 (A dau.) Young, d. young. 8-5 William Burgess McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1820; d. Sep., 1898; m. May 29, 1851, Nancy Mitchell, d. May, 1900. He was a farmer. Was one of the founders of the Ohio State Agricultural College, and a Supt. and director of the same. He was a member of the Ohio State Legislature. Resided at 1301 Highland St., Columbus, Ohio. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Caroline McClung, b. Sep. 24. 1852; m. Dec. 18, 1884, J. S. Hutson. Address: 1301 Highland St., Columbus, Ohio. No issue. 2-6 William Edward McClung, b. Oct. 30, 1859; "i- Dec. I, 1892, Ella lUirry, b. Aug. i860. New Philadelphia, Ohio. One child, viz. : 1-7 Jane Fribley McClung, b. Feb. 6, 1895. 9-5 David Addison McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1826; d, June CHARLES LIVINGSTON McCLUNG. Page So. McClung Genealogy. 81 9. 1887; m. Jan, 4, 1853, Elizabeth Harker, Kokomo, Ind. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Paulina McClung, b, Oct. 18, 1853 ; m. Henry C. Davis. Kokomo, Ind. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Emma Davis. 2 7 Harvy Davis. 3-7 George Davis. 2-6 George Henry McClung, b. July 10, 1857; d. Jan. 28, 1866. 3-6 John Cloyd McClung, b. Dec. 9, 1859. ^^ i^ ^ farm- er of Troy, Ohio ; m. Jennie Frazier. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Cloyd McClung. 2-7 Mary McClung. 3-7 Zeda McClung. 4-6 Emma McClung, b. July 26, 1862. Kokomo, Ind. 5-6 Louisa McClung, b. Aug ig, 1867; m. Edward R. Anderson. Kokomo, Ind. Two daughters. 14-4 Capt. James McClung, b. about 1777; d. "before the Civil War, a^ed 83 years." He was buried in Mt. Carmel cemetery near Vesuvius^ Va. He was a captain of militia. The following sketch of him was written by Judge James Trice Patton, and published in the Lexington, Va. Gazette, May 16, 1873. "It shall be my province now to treat of a man in a rather different sphere of life from those heretofore mentioned — of one whose name is not familiar to those bear- ing it in remembrance, either as a politician, legislator, jus- tice of the peace, practical farmer, nor in any special capacity for which those hitherto treated of have been noted ; but mainly in the character of an active devout Christian. Capt. James McClung was a man especially remarkable in that re- spect. As an evidence of that fact you miay mention his name to anyone who now retains a knowledge of him and the first idea that would arise in connection with that recollec- tion would be that of his Christian character; or let those testify who have been accustomed to hear his memory re- ferred to, and I venture the prediction it would be that their knowledge of him was from hearing him spoken of as pe- culiarly a Christian man. The birthplace of Capt. McClung was on the east bank of South River a few miles in an east of south direction from the town of Fairfield, where an invit- ing plot of ground between the river and the mountain was selected by one of the first settlers of his name in the Valley. Land with a good strong soil, but steep in places, plenty of timber and delightful springs of cool, delicious water. There were until very recently other lands in that vicinity belong- 82 McClung GeneaivOgy. ing to different branches of the same family and in whose hands they had been retained from the earliest settlement of the county. The residence of Capt. McClung's father was at the mouth of the "Little Mary" where a log house after the prim- itive style of buildings among the early settlers was ere.cted, but scarcely a vestige now remains to mark the spot. It is a rather narrow strip of land between the river and the moun- tain side of the well-known Diggs Survey, famous for its min- eral deposits. In the course of the family inheritance this tract of land passed from James McClung the first, to James McClung of whom I write, and about half of it is still owned by the present James McClung living thereon, having been owned by one of that name since its first settlement. The residence of Capt. James McClung, the subject of this sketch, was on that portion of the tract higher up the river where he spent the years of his life after his marriage. He was the youngest of fourteen children, and like most of the descend- ants of the first settlers, was of Scotch-Irish stock of the true blue Presbyterian stamp, and from my earliest knowledge of him was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church. He was a constant attendant at the house of God, and so zealous was he in that observance that he has been known to walk from his home, a distance of twenty miles to attend a meeting of Presbytery at Staunton. I once heard a venerable gentle- man, who occupies one of those offices in the rear of the court house at Lexington, make a remark of Capt. James McClung somewhat to the following effect : I have never known the individual, who in my view lived so near to God and have so much of the image of his blessed Master as did Capt. James McClung. He would walk a long distance and attend for several days at a time upon the preachmg of the Gospel when a revival of religion was going on. During the greai revival of the Presbyterian church which took place some thirty odd years ago, Capt. McClung devoted himself to that revival, and aided much in its progress. It was known as "Jones" revival throughout the churches in this section of the Valley by its being gotten up and conducted mainly, so far as human aid was concerned, by a Presbyterian minister by the name of Jones. He would attend the meetings ; walk from church to church while they lasted, and his gift in pray- er was so devout, so eloquent that his prayers had a powerful effect upon the audience. Indeed the Rev. Mr. Jones would seek his assistance in that way to get up a religious feeling at his appointments and to keep it up when once aroused. Lfpon one occasion on being called out to lead in prayer, he McClung Geneai^ogy. 83 commenced the utterance of his devotions in a secluded part of the church, and warming up as he proceeded, his prayer be- came so devout, so touching, that Mr. Jones came down from the pulpit and led him forth before the audience. The old man never ceased or faltered in his prayer, but grew more el- oquent as he advanced, as though unconscious of any inter- ruption, so much absorbed was he in his supplication before the throne of grace. His Christian counsel was much sought for by those touched with an awakening sense of their sinfulness ; by those experiencing doubts of their worthiness ; by ministers even, and especially by young men preparing for the ministry. At one time the Rev. VVm. S. Plumer, meeting with him on the occasion of a religious service, sought an interview with him on the subject of his worthiness for the gospel ministry, and expressed his doubts of his acceptability. As I have heard the story, the two proceeded into the woods from the coun- try church they were attending, and after consultation and prayful consideration of the subject, the then young candidate felt much strengthened to persevere in his ministerial call- ing. I have heard it said to that conference it might be that the Presbyterian church was indebted for the subsequent able service of that distinguished divine. Dr. Plummer always ex- pressed the highest admiration for the Christian character of old Capt. James McClung. He was truly a pillar to the Presbyterian church and a shining light in the cause of Christianity during the long period of a well-spent life. No man .could be so truly pious without, at the same time being a most useful and worthy citizen ; but I have chosen to speak of him almost exclusively in his Christian character ; and while I have exhausted the space I have hitherto allowed myself in such articles, have fallen short of exhausting the subject, for as much more could be written of the commendable virtues of Capt. McClung as a Christian man and yet the half not be told. Many years will have to elapse before the pious example of this unpretending holy man will cease to be felt in the sphere of his useful labors ; and though meek and lowly was his lot on this earth, his crown of glory can but be bright in the realms above ; while the memory of his Christian virtues shall remain as endur- ing and lasting as the lofty peaks which tower around his once humble home at the foot of South Mountain." Capt. James McClung was a tall man with gray hair, gray eyes, heavy eyebrows, long, narrow and very white, smooth- shaven face, with beard under chin. He wore a blue home- spun swallow-tail dress-coat. He was a party to the follow- 84 McClung Genealogy. ing transaction : "Know all men by, these presents that I James McClung of the County of Rockbridge and State of Virginia have bargained and sold and delivered and by these presents do bargain sell and Confirm and deliver unto Wil- liam McClung of the County of Wilkes and State of Georgia a Negro Woman Slave Named Charritj of the age of twenty one years with her child named Polly to have and to hold the said Negro Woman Slave and Child to him the said Wm. McClung his heirs or assigns from henceforth as his or their property absolutely without any manner of Condition in Wit- ness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th Day of December 1798 Eight. Test JAMES McCLUNiG, (Seal) JOHN GRAVES, WILLIAM BROWN." Capt. James McClung, m, Mary Campbell, dau. of Charles Campbell and sister of Dr. Samuel L. Campbell, of Lexington, Va., and of the historian, Rev. John W. Campbell, of Peters- burg, Va. The Campbells belonged to the House of Argyle. She was also a niece of Dr. Archibald Alexander, of Prince- ton. She was tall and slender. She survived her husband about five years. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Mary Ann McClung, d. prior to 1826, unm. ; "age 13 years." 2-5 Nancy McClung, d. prior to 1861, unm.; age about 60 years. Buried in the Alexander Cemetery one mile and a half west of Fairfield, Va. Her grave is near the McDowell Mausoleum. 3-5 James Gardner McClung, b, 1806; d. Oct, 7, 1862; m. Jan. 12, 1837, Matilda Jane Scott Paris, b. Oct., 1822; d. Apr. 26, 1899, dau. of Geo. Paris and his wife, Nancy Hudson, and a sister of Charles Campbell McClung's wife. No issue. She m. 2nd, J. Cyrus Bell, d. No issue. They lived at the mouth of Big Mary's Creek on South River, near Fairfield, Va. 4-5 Charles Campbell McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1807, in Rock- bridge, Co., Va. ; d. Jan. 11, 187J, near Monmouth, ill.; m. Aug. 4, 1836, Nancy Paris, b. July 4, 1814; d. May 15, 1899, dau. of George Paris and his wife, Nancy Hudson. George Paris was a lineal descendant of the founder of Paris, France. They lived in Virginia about one year after their marriage, then emigrated to near Xenia, Ohio, where they lived four- teen years. They moved in 185 1 to near Monmouth, 111. Later the family lived in Monmouth. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 Lemuel Houston McClung, b. May 4, 1837; d. Mar. 3, 1839. Was buried at Xenia, Ohio, in the family graveyard of Dr. Towler. C O o 5 < ^ ^ .Si < < h :/. CA. '^ O n O < c McClung Genealogy. 85 2-6 Mary Campbell McClung, b. Feb. 19, 1839; d. Sep. 2, 1893, unm. 3-6 Joseph Judson McClung, b. June 6, 1841 ; d. Mar. 6, 1865, unm. 4-6 John Paris McClung, b. Sep. 19, 1843 ; d. Mar. 17, 1865, at Camp Point, III. He was a Federal solider. 5-6 James Morrison McClung, b, Aug. 24, 1845 ! m- J^"- 8, 1891, Mrs. Lucy Isabel, nee Gambell. He is a grocery merchant at Monmouth, 111. N'o issue, 6-6 Dr. Samuel Hudson McClung, b. Dec. 3, 1847. ^i^" ished Junior year in Monmouth College. Graduated at Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Mar. 10, 1877. Elder in the Presbyterian church; m. Oct. 31, 1878, Eleanor B. Cur- ry, b. in Mt. Sterling, 111., Apr. 5, 1858; d. in Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 8, 1892. Graduated at Jacksonville, 111, Female Academy in June, 1877. Address: 714 W. Pica St., Los An- geles, Calif. Seven children, viz, : 1-7 Mary Irwin McClung, b. Dec. 6, 1879. 2-7 Eleanor Estelle McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1882. 3-7 James Curry McClung, b. Oct. 10, 1884. 4-7 Grace Hudson McClung, d. in infancy. 5-7 Anna Eliza McClung, d. 6-7 Katherine Wilma McClung, b. Oct. 3, 1890. 7-7 Samuel Hudson McClung, Jr., b. Sep. 17, 1892. 7-6 Anna Matilda McClung, b. Aug. 23, 1850; m. Sep, 29, 1875, Dr. James Mc'Clanahan, b. Mar. 26, 1850. Kirk wood, 111. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Ralph Hudson McClanahan, b, Oct, 22, 1876, Kirk- wood, 111, 2-7 James Harold McClanahan, b, Sep. 25, 1882. 3-7 Helen Louise McClanahan, b. Oct. 23, 1886. 4-7 Thomas Scott McClanahan, b. Oct. 16, 1891. 8-6 Charles Campbell McClung, Jr. b. Feb. 26, 1853 ; m. Aug, 25, 1887, Leona Frances Reed, b. Mar, 6, 1861, He is a grocery merchant at Monmouth, 111, No issue, 9-6 George William Paris McClung, b. Apr, 20, 1855. He is a grocery merchant at Monmouth, 111., unm, 10-6 Ella Rachel McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1857; m. Aug. 21, 1884, Samuel Crosby Foster, b. May i, 1848, He is a druggist at Kirkwood, 111. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Charles Eberle Foster, b. June 25, 1885. 2-7 Nancy Louise Foster, b. Apr. 8, 1890. 3-7 James Crosby Foster, b. Jan. 8, 1892. 11-6 Inez Irene McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1859. Address: Monmouth, 111., unm. 5-5 Rachel Dinwiddie Wilson McClung, d, unm. Was 86 McClung Genealogy. buried at the Alexander Cemetery near Fairfield, Va. She was an exceedingly brilliant woman. She was once engaged to be married to Cyrus H. McCormick, the harvesting ma- chine manufacturer, of Chicago ; but the engagement was broken by her father, upon the ground of her social su- periority. 6-5 Sarah McClung, d. during the Civil War, unm. 7-5 Phebe McClung, b. about 1816, d. Dec. 2, 1901, unm. Buried in the United Presbyterian cemetery at Timber Ridge, Va. 8-5 Samuel McClung, d. about 1865. He was killed by John Sayles near Buena Vista, Va. Samuel was a kind-hearted man, but was very fond of playing pranks. On one o.ccasion he mounted a sleigh belonging to Mr. Mofifett and invited Na- thaniel Hill to take a ride with him. Hill innocently accepted the invitation. Moffet, missing his sleigh, went in search of it. Upon meeting Moffett in the road very unexpectedly, McClung unhitched the horse from the sleigh and fled, leav- ing Hill sitting in the sleigh only to discover that he had been made the victim of a practical joke. Samuel's pranks were finally the cause of his death. He rode up to a shop near his own home, hitched his horse, and for sport mounted John Sayles' horse in the owner's presence and rode away. Sayles called upon him to stop. McClung pretended as if he did not hear ; whereupon Sayles drew a re- volver and shot him, killing him instantly. Two children, viz. : 1-6 James Samuel Legrand McClung, carpenter and farmer; m ist. Apr. 30, 1874, Hannah Agnes Patton, b. May 14, 1852; d. May 21, 1883. A'ddress : Aqua, Va. Four chil- dren, viz.: 1-7 Harry Lee McClung, b. Mar. 9, 1875. Address: East Lexington, Va. m. July 22, 1897, Emma Etsel Terry. Two children, viz. : I 8 Dana Lee McClung, b. July i, 1898. 2-8 James Marshall McClung, b. July 18, 19CXD, 2-7 Alonzo Hansford McClung, b. Jan. i^, 1878. Aqua, Va. 3-7 Bettie Houston McClung, b. Aug. 29, 1880. 4-7 Sidney Patton McClung, b. Mar. i^, 1883. Address: Bluefield, W. Va.. unm. James Samuel Legrand McClung, (1-6) m. 2nd, 1885, Mrs. Elizabeth Hall. No issue. They reside at Aqua, Va. 2-6 Mary Houston McClung, b. 1855; m. June 14, 1893, Andrew B. Forsythe. Buena Vista, Va. 8-3 John McClung, b. in Ireland, 1731 ; d. near Fairfield, Va., 1817. He was an Elder in the Timber Ridge Presby- McClung Genealogy. 87 terian Church. He was a remarkably stout and fine-looking man ; very straight, six feet high and very portly, weighing i8o to 200 pounds. He was a successful farmer, possessing a considerable estate in land and slaves. He had a good Eng- lish education and took a prominent part in the erection of schools and churches, m. 1754, Elizabeth Alexander, b, in Ireland, Oct. 28, 1735; d. prior to Nov. 29, 1802, dau. of Archibald Alexander and his wife, Margaret Parks, and aunt of Dr. Archibald Alexander, of Princeton. Twelve children, viz.: I, Margaret; 2, William; 3, Rebecca; 4, John; 5, Archi- bald ; 6, Phebe ; 7, Elizabeth ; 8, James ; 9, Joseph ; 10, Isa- bel; II, Esther, and 12, Polly. 1-4 Margaret McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1755 ; ; a. subsequent to 1802. She was a celebrated beautv and belle. There is a tradition that "forty horses have been seen hitched to the palings at one time, the owners being admirers of Miss Marg- aret McClung, seeking her hand." m. Robert Tate, of Augusta Co., Va. Twelve children, 2-4 Judge William McClung, b. near Fairfield, Va., July 12, 1758; d. near Maysville, Ky., 181 1. Graduated from Lib- erty Hall Academy, now Washington and Lee University, Sep. 14, 1785. Studied law under Thomas Jefi^erson. Emi- grated to Bardstown, Ky. He was a member of the Virginia Legislature from Kentucky ; member of Kentucky Constitu- tional Convention, 1787, and of Kentucky Senate, 1796-1800. Judge of INIason Co., Ky. Circuit Court by appointment of Gov. Christopher Greenup, m. May 25, 1703, Susan Tarlton Marshall, b. at "Oakhill," Fauquier Co., Va., May 12, 1774; d. at Maysville, Ky., Nov. 5, 1858, dau. of Col. Thomas Mar- shall, and a sister of Chief Justice John Marshall, whose statue stands at the west entrance to the Ignited States Capitol at Washington. It was while tolling his obsequies that the famous Liberty Bell was crackeH. Seven children, viz.: 1-5 Thomas Marshall McClung, d. about 1820, unm. 2-5 Mary McClung, d young. 3-5 Elizabeth McClung, d young. 4-5 William McClung, Jr., d. young. 5-5 Charlotte J. McClung, b. 1803 ; d. 1840. Brilliant wo- man possessing many idiosyncrasies, m. 1828, Thomas H. Woolfolk, b. 1795 ; d. July 3, 1850. 6-5 Rev. John Alexander McClung, D.D., b. near Wash- ington, Ky., Sep. 25, 1804; d. at Niagara Falls, Aug. 6, 1859. Educated at "Buckpond," by his uncle, Louis Marshall, and while there united with the Presbyterian Church. Enterea Princeton College at the age of eighteen, but on account of ill health returned to Kentucky in 1824. In 1827 he was H- 88 McClung Genealogy. censed to preach by Ebenezer Presbytery. Another account says he entered Prin.ceton Theo. Sem. in 1823, graduated and was licensed in 1829. He preached several years in Washing- ton, Ky. ; became unsettled in his religious views ; resigned his church and retired to his large farm in the Ohio bottom below Maysville, Ky., and engaged in literary pursuits until 1835. In 1830 he published a novel entitled "Camden, a tale of the South." In 1832 he published a volume entitled "Western Adventure," a book of thrilling interest which en- joyed a large sale. He contributed largely to Collins' first edition of the history of Kentucky, and was regarded as one of the most chaste and forcible writers of his day. In 1835, after studying law in private he removed to Washington, Ky., and at once took a front rank at the bar. In 1838-9, he represented Mason County in the Kentucky Legislature. During an evangelistic meeting in Maysville Feb. 23, 1849, he reunited with the Presbyterian Church and was again ordained to the ministry. He preached for several months to crowded houses in Louisville. He then accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, Ind., where he preached for several years. South Hanover College con- ferred upon him the degree of D.D. He was oflfered the presidency of that institution ; but declined it on account of ill health. He went to St. Paul, Minn., where he preached until 1857. His health being improved he accepted a call to his former church at Maysville, Ky. But his former com- plaint, dyspepsia, returned in a more terrible form. He again went north for relief, announcing his purpose of trying a water-cure establishment. Passing through Cincinnati and Cleveland, he stopped at a hotel at Tonawanda, N. Y., on Aug. 5, 1859. On the next day it is supposed that he walked to S.chloser — a steamboat landing about nine miles distant, to bathe in the Niagara river; as he was said to be fond of bathing. His clothes were found on the dock, and four days later his lifeless body was found below the falls near the mouth of the Niagara river, in an eddy on the American side. The body was taken to Maysville, Ky., for interment. His tomb bears the following inscription : "In memory of Rev. John A. McClung, D.D., late pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Maysville, Ky., born Sep. 25, 1804; d. Aug 6, 1859. How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod, Jer. xliii: 17. This monument is erected by members of the church and by friends of his youth and mature years, to whom he was endeared by every quality that can sanctify friendship and dignify and adorn manly charac- ter." McClung Genealogy. 89 He was an eloquent speaker with a nervous, eccentric manner. He was a master in logic, appealing to the reason rather than to the emotions of his hearers. Being an exceed- ingly conscientious man, he possessed the unbounded confi- dence of all. His biography has been ably written by Judge Henry Waller, of Chicago, and is published in the last edition of "Western Adventure," mentioned above. m._Nov. 25, 1825, Eliza Johnston, b. Feb. 9, 1806; d. at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28, i860, sister of Gen. Albert Siclney Johnston, of C. S. A. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 John William McClung, b. Nov. 21, 1826; d. May 29, 1888. Educated at Center College, Danville, Ky., com- pleting the junior year. Graduated in law at Transylvania University in 1847. .Practiced law in Mason Co., Ky., 1848- 1850. He went to Cincinnati, embarked in the wholesale gro- cery business, and lost all. Tried the commission business with no better success. In July, 1854, he moved to St. Paul, Minn, and resumed the practice of law. A year later he turned his attention to real estate. In 1869 he organized the first Building Association west of Ohio and for 17 years was secretary and business manager of the same. Forty or fifty of these institutions in the west have grown from the original ; and he is regarded as the father of them all. He served as County Commissioner in i860; City Assessor, 1864-1869; Editor-in-Chief of the "Pioneer" 1868-1870, and gained a reputation as a writer under the non de plume of "Merrimac." He published a volume entitled "Minnesota as it is in 1870." In 1871 he was elected a Director of the Chamber of Com- merce. In 1872 he was Secretary o*f the St. Paul Board of Public Works; and in 1875, County Assessor. He inaugu- rated the system of public parks Tn St. Paul. He was one of the incorporators of the St. Paul Library Association. He wrote a memorial to Congress which secured $65,000 for the erection of Fort Snelling bridge. He liberated all the slaves inherited from his father. In doing so he was carrying out the well-known wish of his father who during his own lifetime liberated the greater part of them ; those he retained were the household servants. All of these were liberated by John William McCluner at a time when he was $10,000 in debt, and the current rate of interest was 30 per cent. By selling the slaves he could have paid a large part of his indebtedness and was advised to do so by his friends ; but he liberated the last slave and paid his in- debtedness by what he believed to be a more honorable method. It took him twenty years to pay one hundred cents on the dollar, but he finally did so, and had a good balance 90 McClung Genealogy. left to his credit besides. At the time of his death he owned a large quantity of real estate and was esteemed one of St. Paul's wealthy men. Personally he was a man of ordinary size, with a flowing beard, and a pleasant expression. He was modest and retir- ing in his nature ; decided in his opinions ; original and inde- pendent in his thinking and scrupuously honest in his con- duct. He enjoyed universal respect and esteem of his fellow citizens, m, June 5, 1851, Mary Roberts Allen, b. at Matches, Miss., July 16, 1830. Address: St. Paul, Minn. Nine chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Mary Eliza McClung, b. at Covington, Ky,, May 3, 1852; d. at St. Paul, Minn., May i, 1887; m. Dec. 24, 1873, Charles A. Biegler, b. June 11, 1850. Chicago, 111. Six chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 Cameron Allen Biegler, b. Oct. 11, 1874. 2-8 Sarah Marshall Biegler, b. Apr. 6, 1876. 3-8 John McClung Biegler, b. Mar. 5, 1878. 4-8 Phillip S. Biegler, b. Jan. 30, 1880. 5-8 Marion Biegler, b. June 25, i88'2. 6-8 Harold G. Biegler, b. June 17, 1886. 2-7 John Allen McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1855, at Indianapo- lis, Ind.; d. Sep 11, 1856, at St. Paul, Minn. 3-7 Albert Sidney Johnston McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1857 ; d. Sep. 4, 1859. 4-7 Sue Keith McClung, b. Apr. 11, i860; d. Feb. 23, 1862. 5-7 William Allen McClung, b. Aug. 3, 1862; d. Apr. 16, 1864. 6-7 Harrison Taylor McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1864; d. July 17, 1897. He was a real estate dealer and resided in St. Paul, Minn. See portrait, m. Oct. 10, 1892, Rose Belle Hamilton. Address St. Paul, Minn. One child, viz. : 1-8 Kathryn McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1895. 7-7 Nellie M. McClung, b. May 25, 1867 ; m. June 16, 1894, William T. McMurran, a lineal descendant of the Custis family to which Martha Custis Washington belonged. St. Paul, Minn. One child, viz.: 1-8 John Park Custis McMurran, b. Feb. 25, 1896. 8-7 Alberta Virginia McClung, b. Apr. 29, 1869. Phy- sician at 6108 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 9-7 Julia Lee McClung, b. Nov. 23, 1872. St. Paul, Minn. 2-6 Elizabeth McClung, b. Nov. 15, 1829; d. Apr. 14, 1874; m. Nov. 2, 1852, ]\Iaj. George Thomas Browning, b. Dec. 5, 1820; d. July 19, 1882. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Eliza McClung Browning, b. Jan. 9, 1854; d. Oct. McClung Genealogy. 91 29, 1886; m. Oct. 6, 1875, Nicholas D. Coleman, b. Aug. 10, 1851. Address: New Orleans, La. Two children, viz.: 1-8 Lloyd Ruffin Coleman, b. Nov. 26, 1876. 2-8 Browning Coleman, b. Oct. 3, 1883, (dau.). 2-7 Granville Williams Browning, b. Mar. 14, 1856, at Indianapolis, Ind. ; reared at St. Paul, Minn. Graduated at the University of Michigan. Admitted to the bar. Was a law partner of Judge Samuel ]\L Moore, of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Resides in Chicago, 111., where he continues the practice of his profession. 3-6 Mary Eliza McClung, b. Mar., 1830; d. young. 4-6 Anna Marie McClung, b. Oct., 1831 ; d. young, 5-6 Thomas McClung, b. July, 1832; d young. 6-6 Thomas McClung, b. Sep., 1834; d. yoimg. 7-6 Susan Tarlton McClung, b. Nov. 25, 1838; d. May 14, 1892. A woman of brilliant attainments. Fine writer. Remarkable memory. Attractive conversationalist. 8-6 Anna Maria McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1843. Address : St. Paul, Minn. 7-5 Alexander Keith McClung, b. in Va. 181 1; d. in Jackson, Miss., Mar. 23, 1855. i^"ini. At the age of fourteen he attended a classical school conducted in Woodford, Co., Ky., by his uncle, Dr. Louis Marshall. To escape punishment he leaped from a second-story window and Bed to his home in Mason County. Was commissioned as midshipman in the U. S. Navy April i, 1828. He resigned his position in the navy August 20, 1829. Returned to Ky. and began a course in medical study but abandoned it and pursued the study of law. Emigrated in 1833 to Jackson, Miss., where he practiced law. He was an orator, statesman and soldier ; but was noted chief- ly as a duelist. His first duel was fought while cruising in the Mediteranean. His antagonist was also a midshipman, his senior by several years and a "dead shot." McClung was the challenger, his antagonist the aggressor. McClung knew his only chance of life was to allow his arm to receive the ball intended for his heart. He accordingly fired from his hip and allowed his arm to be broken. His second duel was fought at the age of eighteen, near Frankfort, Ky. This time his antagonist was his cousin, James W. Marshall. The contest was not sought by Mc- Clung; Marshall was the challenger. ^McClung accepted, choosing pistols as the weapons, and ten paces as the distance. Marshall shot and missed. McClung reserved his fire, then fired into the air. Marshall desired another shot, but msisted that McClung should promise to return it. McClung was ready to give his antagonist another chance but would make 92 McClung Genealogy. no promise as to his own course. The seconds put a stop to further proceedings. His third duel was fought at Jackson, Miss, with Gen. Allen, a very popular and influential young lawyer and poli- tician. The cause of this difficulty was published at length by McClung in his own justification. The leading^ fa.cts were about as follows : McClung had a quarrel with George W. Coffee, a violent and desperate character, of Jackson, Miss. Upon meeting Gen. Allen, a few days later, McClung confi- dentially told him all about it and at the same time used some very harsh language concerning Mr. Coffee. Gen. Allen vio- lated this confidence by detailing the .conversation to Mr. Coffee, obviously for the purpose of goading him to a con- test. McClung reproached Gen. Allen for this breach of con- fidence. Allen resented by repairing to the state house and there in the presence of the bar and one hundred and fifty spectators, proclaiming McClung at the top of his voice as a coward, a liar and a scoundrel. McClung retorted this abuse with all the acrimony of which he was capable. An hour later Gen. Allen sent him a challenge and assumed the privilege of dictating the kind of weapons to be used. They were to meet that same evening on the bank of the Pearl river, in an eighty acre lot full of bushes. Each was to be armed with four pistols and a bowie-knife. They were to be stationed eighty yeards apart. At the signal they were to advance, using their weapons at pleasure. If both survived the use of the pistols, the affair was to be finished with the knife. Gen. Allen dictated the use of these weapons evidently think- ing that McClung would madly rush forward, speedily, ex- haust his fire, and then be left at his mercy. But he griev- ously miscalculated upon the impetuosity of his antagonist. At the signal McClung advanced .coolly and with the utmost deliberation, reserving his fire. When thev had approached within thirty yeards of each other Allen shouted: "Now, we will see who is the coward," and raised his pistol as he spoke. McClung replied : "Yes, we will ;" and with the word sent a bullet through Allen's brain. The fourth duel was with John Menifee. One evening they were bathing together in the Pearl River, when Menifee commenced dashing mud upon some boys, thus Dreventing them from dressing themselves. When this mischief had been carried to the point of persecution, McClung remonstrat- ed with Menifee, which only made him all the more persis- tent. From words they came to blows and McClung, being the larger and stronger, gave his adversary a generous flog- ging. McClung bore him no malice and would willingly have become reconciled, but Menifee, the "game cock of Vicks- VERNENDO BROWN McCLUXG. Pafj;e 6i. McClung Genealogy. 93 burg," smarting under defeat, made such proclamations of hostile intentions as to render any reconciliation impossible to a man of McClung's temperament. The latter sought no collision, but would not yield an inch to fear. Some time later, Menifee, accompanied by George M. Coffee, who had more than once attempted McClung's life, found the latter in a billiard room unarmed and partially stupefied with drink ; and while in this condition Menifee savagely assailed him with a billiard cue ; striking him on the head from behind, and beating him with such force and violence as to fracture his skull. As McClung, stunned and helpless, was being led from the room, Menifee followed, and cursing, kicked him in contempt. Wiping the blood from his face, M.cClung turned and told him that he cared little for the blows with the billiard cue, which could not degrade him, but that for the insult and attempted humili- ation of the kick, his life should pay the penalty; and that Menifee should hear from him as soon as he could stand upon his feet. Mc'Clung was now forced either to challenge and give Menifee the choice of a weapon with which the latter was an expert, or to become the aggressor in a street fight ; which lat- ter alternative he disdained to choose. As soon as he was able, he sent Menifee a peremptory challenge which the latter accepted ; choosing yagers — a short rifle then much used in Mississippi, and with which he was a "dead shot." The dis- tance was to be thirty yards ; the beach of the Mississippi near Vicksburg, the place ; Dec. 29, 1839, the time. No other idea entered the public mind than that McClung was to meet cer- tain death. A large crowd collected upon the river bank to see him fall. The Vicksburg Rifles, of which Menifee was captain, turned out in uniform as if to a picnic, to witness the event. Calm, collected, unshaken and unchangabie as fate itself, stood McClung amidst hundreds thirsting for his blood. Promptly at the signal, he fired. Menifee an instant later. Be- fore the smoke had cleared away, Menifee was seen to totter, then to fall. An examination showed that he had received two wounds in the head. A cry of rage went up from his friends on the bank, to whom McClung bade defiance, as they seemed about to rush upon him. A somewhat different account of these duels is furnished bv the late John Henderson McClung, of Montezuma, Ga. The substance of his account is as follows : "Alexander Keith McClung was one of the most remark- able men I ever knew. Six feet high and over ; finely made ; an eloquent orator and debator, brave to a fault. Had fought fourteen duels. Killed ten of the number. Was the most unhappy man, he said, in America, from those numerous kill- 94 McClung Genealogy. ings. He gave me an account of them one night after mid- nieht. I called at his hotel to see him. Found him lying on a couch with his tall, white beaver hat drawn down over his eyes, apparently asleep ; which he said was not the case. I asked why he did not undress and go to bed. He said he could not sleep there at all ; that in former years he had got- ten into trouble with a family of desperadoes and had to kill them all out or be killed, since which time he had never had one day's peace of mind ; and appealed to me as a young man never to fight a duel ; that it took a much braver man to re- fuse than to fight; and gave me the following: He said he had determined to emigrate to Jackson, Miss, and embark in his profession of the law. On his arrival there he found the profession over-run in numbers several hundred ; consequently a bad prospect for a young beginner. The con- sequence was, in a few years he had spent all his patrimony in board and clothing, and in addition had got largely in debt for some expenses which was running him crazy. At that stage, that grand man — the first lawyer of the South, S. S. Prentiss accosted him on the street and invited him to his office saying he wanted to see him on business. He there to his great astonishment and delight made a proposition for a partnership in their profession, saying he would guarantee him $7,000 per annum if he would stay in his office .closely and do the offi.ce work and let him attend the courts without hindrance ; that he (Prentiss) had lost from thirty to fifty thousand dollars at one court in New Orleans by not being able to get there. McClung told him there was some hindrance in the way, and that was debt and lack of suitable .clothes to ap- pear in. Prentiss told him to scout the city and get a full statement of all he owed and report to him and he would give him the money and wait with him till he could make it, which he did, and $500 in addition, saying for him to purchase a good outfit of clothing and pay a month's board in advance which just set him up for business. In a month or two Prentiss left for New Orleans to be gone three months. In a month after Prentiss departed, a large, tall, rough-loking customer named Menifee, originally from Rappahanno.ck Co., Va. ; then a large planter in the neighborhood of Jackson, put his head in at McClung's office door and inquired for Prentiss. Mc- Clung told him Prentiss was in New Orleans but that he, Mc- Clung was there to answer for him, supposing he was on law business. Menifee, who was a full-grown bully replied, say- ing that he could not answer to him ; that he was determined to have a fight out of Prentiss or any man that would stand for him. McClung answered by saying that he could accommo- date him in that. 'All right,' says Menifee, 'you will hear McCivUNG Genealogy. 95 from me before the sun sets,' and left. Menifee went around to the saloons boasting he would kill the Kentuckian, as he called McClung, whose friends became alarmed and congre- gated at his office telling him Menifee was a perfect desperado, and killed every man he got into a difficulty with ; that he had six brothers equally desperate ; that if he killed one he would have to kill all or be killed. McClung replied that no man should abuse Prentiss as he had done in his office ; that Pren- tiss had befriended him as no other man had ever done, and he would stand by him to the death. That afternoon Menifee sent him a challenge. He accepted, naming the next morn- ing- at daylight at a dueling round five miles from the city and selecting Mississippi rifles at twenty paces. At the first fire Menifee fell dead; the ball penetrating the forehead. The sur- geon immediately probed for the ball, which when extracted was only half a ball. The crowd cried out fraud in loading. Two friends took McClung and placed him in their carriage and drove rapidl}^ home to his office. In one or two hours his second arrived saying that the trouble was all over, that Men- ifee's second had dis.covered by examining his rifle lock that the sharp edge in front of the hammer had split the ball, so that made peace or there would have been another duel be- tween the seconds. Inside of a week he received a challenge from a brother of Menifee, whom he killed ; and so on till he had killed all seven. Then their kinsmen took it up. He fought seven of them killing three of the number and wound- ing the balance." His formidable reputation saved him from ever again being challenged. He was a Lieut. Colonel in the Mexican War and at tlie battle of Monterey assumed the responsibility of hurling a company of volunteer riflemen against a fort which had just repulsed a whole division of regulars. Advancing in front of his men he shouted : "Tombigbee Volunteers, follow me." Scaling- the battlements in advance of his men, he was in the act of receiving the Mexican General's sword from his hand when a minnie-ball shattered his thigh, and three fingers of his righthand were carried away by a volley of musketry. For his gallantry on this o.ccasion he was presented with a hand- some sword on which was inscribed the above order. This sword is in the possession of Mrs. Harrison T. McClung, of St. Paul, Minn. Upon invitation, Col. McClung delivered an address be- fore the Legislature of Mississippi in Jan., 1853, upon the life and character of Henry Clay. This address is printed In Lowry's History of Mississippi, and is regarded as a literary gem. He was appointed Charge d' Affairs to Bolivia by Pres- 96 McClung Genealogy. ident Taylor. He is said to have killed an overbearing Eng- lishman in Bolivia, who spoke disrespectfully of Americans, but this is by others denied. The statement that he killed a man named Baker is also denied. He once had a quarrel with a man named Johnson, of Jackson, Miss., which originated ov0r McClung's picking over Johnson's fishing bait. They came to blows, clinched and fell together. Johnson, the larger man of the two, fell on top. The latter drew a bowie-knife and asked McClung, then .completely at his mercy, "if you had me as I have you, what would you do to me?" McClung, looking up into the face of the angry man whose brandished knife was held over him, replied : "I would cut your d d throat from ear to ear." Johnson replied : "I will be more generous than you would be," and immediately arose. The difficulty of course ended there. The two men became fast friends. His collision with the gallant James S. Jackson had about it more laughable features. Jackson, conceiving that a remark of McClung's was designed as a sneer, struck him in the face with his open hand. Jackson was immediately knocked down and then badly beaten by his enraged adversary. Next morn- ing with a beefsteak to his eye and surrounded by friends who consoled him for his bruises assuring him that M.cClung would certainly challenge him and take him across the river and shoot him, Johnson heard a quick step coming along the hall. The door was thrown open by a servant who announced Colonel McClung. Without looking at the others present, McClung Walked straight to Jackson's bedside and extending his hand asked that the unpleasantness of the previous even- ing should be dismissed and forgotten, as all such petty brawls should be among gentlemen. Immensely relieved, Jackson sprang up in bed and grasping the outstretched hand, ex- claimed : "those are my sentiments exactly." M.cClung was dining at a hotel. He used his own knife to serve himself with butter. A strange guest said : "Waiter, come take this butter off the table. This man stuck his knife in it. McClung lifted the dish of butter and applied it to the man's face, and said : Waiter, Come take this butter off the table. This man stuck his nose in it. The strange guest be- came indignant, and handed his card to McClung in token of his challenge to a fight. McClung gave him his card in token of his acceptance of the challenge. When the stranger saw the name McClung on the card, he discovered that he had imwittingly challenged the famous duelist; and at on.ce said to McClung: "Just let me have mv card back; that is all I ask." Once when the sheriff and his posse were held at bay MISS ETTA McCLUNG Page 6i. 1 McClung Genealogy. 97 by an armed ruffian, McClung deliberately walked up to the desperado and took the pistol from his hand. On another occasion he presumed upon his well-known character for courage by going late at night to the room of a young man who was his deadly enemy and knocking for ad- mission. "Who is there?" came from within. "I am Alexander McClung." was the answer. "What do you want?" was sternly demanded. "I want to sleep with you," was the re- ply. The door was opened. Without a word of explanation they slept together, breakfasted side by side the next morning and appeared arm in arm on the street. Alex. K. McClung was a little over six feet high, weighed about 170 pounds; was large boned and muscular, without an oun.ce of superfluous flesh. His forehead was high, square and prominent, with a lowering brow. His eyes were large and blue, seeming when excited to emit sparks of fire. His hair was sandy ; complexion rather fair and florid ; cheek bones high; jaws square and firmly set; walk rapid and step elastic. Adherence to the false "code of honor" which prevailed in his day was deemed more essential than brains and moral character for one who sought political preferment. McClung possessed a temperment which made him an easy victim of this heathenish and barbarous code. His last days were spent in remorseful contemplation. He finally took his own life by blowing his brains out with a revolver. Some months be- fore his death he penned the following lines overflowing with vocal and rythmic liquidity. They constitute the melody of a despairing soul: ODE TO DEATH, Swiftly speed o'er the waves of time, Spirit of Death ; In manhood's home, in youthful prime, I woo thy breath. For the fading hues of hope have fled, Like the Dolphin's light. And dark are the clouds above my head. As the starless night. Oh, vainly the voyager sighs for rest Of the peaceful haven, — The pilgrim saint for the home of the blest. And the calm of heaven ; The galley slave for the night-wind's breath, At burning noon ; But more gladly I'd spring to thy arms, O, Death Come soon, come soon ! 98 McClung GeneaIvOgy. 3-4 Rebecca McClung^, b. July 8, 1760; d. m. William Steele. 4-4 John McClung, b. May 22, 1762; d. Sep. i, 1830. He was a farmer and miller, m. N'ov. 13, 1788, Mary Stuart, b. Mar. 3, 1769; d. May 26, 1842. Fairfield, Va. Twelve chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 John McClung, b. Feb. 25, 1790; d. young. 2-5 Col. Benjamin Stuart McClung, b. Oct. 30, 1791 ; d. Aug. 2"], 1868. He was a Colonel in the war of 1812. He was a farmer and miller ; also a ruling Elder in the Presbyterian church. He resided at "Rocky Flollow'' two miles Southeast of Fairfield, Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Dr. John Alexander McClung, b. Nov. 22, 1826. He was educated at Washington College and at Jeflferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. ; graduating in medicine at the lat- ter institution in 1851. He practiced his profession at Fair- field, Va., for more than fifty years. He is universally es- teemed both for his medical skill and for his impartial kind- ness and generosity, m. Jan. 12, 1854, Mary E. Willson, b. Sep. 29, 1831 ; d. July 5, 1887. Fairfield, Va. Ten children, viz. : 1-7 Edgar Willson McClung, b. June 18, 1855; d. Mar. 27, 1877. 2-7 Ann Marie McClung, b. Mar. 19, 1857; d. Feb. 21, 1862. 3-7 Elizabeth Poague McClung, b. July 16, 1858 ; m. Oct. 27, 1886, Robert Franklin Larew, b. Oct. 25, 185 1. Farmer. Greenville, Va. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Mary Willson Larew, b. July 24, 1887. 2-8 John Jacob Larew, b. Sep. 17, 1888. 3-8 James Houston Larew, b. June 2, 1890. 4-8 Margaret Lula Larew, b. Apr. 9, 1892. 5-8 Natalie Larew, b. Feb. 3, 1895. 6-8 Elizabeth McClung Larew, b. Sep. 28, 1896. 7-8 Robert Franklin Larew, b. July i, 1899. 4-7 Benjamin Franklin McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1859 ; d. May 16, 1861. 5-7 John Houston McClung, b. Sep. 4, 1861. Employed in a railroad office in Houston, Texas. His letters attest his intelligence and business ability. 6-7 William Howard McClung, b. Julv 7, 1863 ; d. Aug. 8, 1864. 7-7 Mary Ella McClung, b. May 18, 1865; d. May 16, 1884. 8-7 Annette Louise McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1868. Fair- field, Va. McClung Genealogy. 99 9-7 Harry Tate McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1874. Employed in the First National Bank of Houston, Texas. 10-7 Dr. Oscar Hunter McClung, b. June 23, 1879. Edu- cated at Virginia Military Institute. Graduated in medicine at the State University, Charlottesville, Va., with the class of 1902. He now practices his profession at Fairfield, Va. 2-6 Samuel Wallace McClung, b. May 28, 1828; d. July 20, 1898; m. Feb., 1857, Elizabeth Heiser. Four children, \\z. : 1-7 Mary Eliza McClung, b. Sep. 10, 1858; m. Joseph Nicely. Oakdale, Va. 2-7 Benjamin Stuart McClung, b. Mar. 27, i860; m. Feb. 18, 1886, Julia Ann Rowe, b. Apr. 9, 1859. Fairfield, Va. Seven children, viz, : 1-8 Artia Regina McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1886. 2-8 Forest Aimer McClung, b. May 19, 1888. 3-8 William Oscar Orrin McClung, b. Aug. 6, 1889. 4-8 Thomas Shelton McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1891. 5-8 Roma Hansford McClung, b. July 20, 1893. 6-8 Dallas Lee McClung, b. Apr. 23, 1898. 7-8 Wallace Flora McClung, b. Dec. 15, 1902. 3-7 William Hezekiah McClung, b. May 24, 1861 ; m. I St, Laura McClung, of Ashland, Ky. d. Lingleville, Tex. One child, viz. 1-8 Lawrence McClung. William Hezekiah McClung (3-7) ni. 2nd. Three chil- dren. 4-7 Harriet Frances McClung, b. Oct. 27^ 1867; m. Chas. L. Reed. Marmion, Va. 3-6 Mary Eleanor McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1830; d. May 24, 1845. 4-6 Margaret Tate McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1832; m. Wil- liam P. Templeton. d. in the Confederate Army. Fairfield, Va. 5-6 Benjamin Franklin McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1837. Farm- er and miller, Brownsburg, Va. m. May 31, 1870, Sallie M. Patterson, b. June 13, 1847; d. Dec. 13, 1892. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Finley Wallace McClung, b, Nov, 25, 1871. 2-7 Benjamin Franklin McClung, Jr., b, Oct. 30, 1873. 3-7 John Alexander McClung, b. July 31, 1886. 6-6 James Archibald McClung, b. Nov. 7, 1840; d, Sep, 29, 1841, 7-6 Elizabeth Isabella McClung, b. Mar, 17, 1843; d, Dec. 2, 1845. 8-6 Jane Ann McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1847; d, Jan, 22, 1900; m, David Black. 100 McCivUNG Genealogy. 3-5 Archibald McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1794; d. Aug. 4, 1861 ; m. ist, Miss Beale. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Charles Beale McClung, b. about 1824; d. about 1863, from a wound received at Gettysburg, m. Mary Jane Moffett, d. 1894. Four .children, viz.: 1-7 John Moffett McClung, b. 1847 ; d. in Va., 1891 ; m. Anna W. McCorkle, b. 1845. Dunedin, Fla. Seven children, viz. : 1-8 Ernest L. McClung, b. 1868; m. Nov. 15, 1898, Ber- tha Williams, of New York City. Address : Hastings, Fla. 2-8 John Newton McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1870. A tele- graph operator, m. June 8, 1898, Jessie R. Pepper, b. 1877. Clearwater Harbor. Fla. Two children, viz. : 1-9 Lester McCorkle McClung, b. Aug. 12, 1890. 2-9 John Newton McClung, b. Jan 15, 1904. 3-8 Anna Gertrude McClung, b. 1872, Dunedin, Fla. 4-8 Eva Moffett McClung, b. 1874; m. Charles Howard Dingee. Sanford, Fla. 5-8 Bertha McClung, b. 1878: m. Clifford Jones. Dune- din, Fla. 6-8 Percy Stewart McClung, b. 1883. Dunedin, Fla. 7-8 Mary McClung, b. 1886. Dunedin, Fla. 2-7 James Tate McClung, b. June 21, 1851 ; d. De.c. i, 1892 ; m. Nov. 20, 1873, Sallie Harris Stratton. b. Oct. 5, 1850. Buena Vista, Va. Nine children, viz. : 1-8 Edna Harlan McClung, b. Dec. i, 1874; d. June i, 1900; m. Oct. 2, 1897, Walter W. Seay. Buena Vista, Va. One child, viz. : 1-9 Walter Douglas Seay, b. Oct. 15, 1898. 2-8 Aurelia Douglas McClung, b. Aug. 6, 1876; m. Nov. 20, 1894, John Rice McNutt, Sr. Bluefield, W. Va. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-9 John Rice McNutt, Jr., b. 1895. 2-9 James Tate McNutt, b. 1897. 3-9 Sadie McCorkle McNutt, b. 1899. 4-9 Mildred Virginia McNutt, b. about 1901. 5-9 Aurelia Douglas McNutt, b. Sep. 17, 1903. 3-8 Mary Stratton McClung, b. Apr. 21, 1878; m. Dec. 28, 1897, J. Christian Risque. Buena Vista, Va. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-9 Edward Walter Risque, b. Mar. 26, 1898. 2-9 Norma Winifred Risque, b. Dec. 10, 1899. 3-9 James Christian Risque, 4-8 Helen Moffett McClung, b. Mav 16. 1880; m. Nov. 2, 1898, Alexander P. Miller. 512 Adams St., Montgomery, Ala. Two children, viz.: 1-9 Eva Moffett Miller. MISS CARRIE GRAHAM McCLUNG Page 62. McClung Genealogy. 101 2-9 Elizabeth Harlen Miller. 5-8 Mattie Steele McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1883. Employed in telephone exchange. Bnena Vista, Va. 6-8 Harry Tate McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1885. Buena Vista, Va. 7-8 Sidney Buford McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1886. Blue- field, W. Va. 8-8 Bessie Ewing McClung, b. Feb. 19, 1888. Attend- ing school at Clearwater Harbor, Fla. 9-8 Georgia McClung, b. Mav 11, 1890. Buena Vista, Va. 3-7 Margaret Elizabeth McClung. At Ann Smith Acad- emy in 1869 or 1870. Went to Key West, Fla. m. Theo. A. Beckett. Address : Stono, S. C. 4-7 Charles Beale McClung, Jr. m. Alice Cox. St. Petersburg, Fla, Four chifdren, viz. : 1-8 Elmmet McClung. 2-8 Tate McClung. 3-8 Clyde McClung. 4-8 Elsie McClung. 2-6 John McClung. Archibald McClung, (3-5) m. 2nd, Jan. 27, 1825, Elizabeth A. Wallace, b. July 12, 1798; d. Apr. 10, 1870, sister of Maria Wallace. Four children, viz. : 3-6 Mary Ann W. McClung, b. about 1826; d. Mar. 27, 1856; m. Mar. 22, 1849, Henry S. Hartman, a merchant of Midway, Va. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Mary Elizabeth Hartman, m. Thomas Muse, a farm- er of Timber Ridge, Va. Two children, viz. : 2-7 Margaret Wallace Hartman, b. May 13, 1854. Went to Rochester, Ind., and m. Oct. 17, 1876, James Andrew Mc- Clung, b. Jan. I, 1844, son of William T. McClung. For issue see index. 3-7 Henry Hartman, 4-6 Margaret McClung, d. 1847 - "i- about 1846, Alex- ander Joseph Donald, b. about 1822; d. 1877, son of Mark- Donald and his wife, Hannah Lyle. Fairfield, Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Margaret Donald, b. 1847 ; m. Charles W. Irvine. Proprietor of Irvine Flouse, Lexington, Va. 5-6 Eliza Jane McClung, d. about 1895, at Knightstown, Ind. unm. 6-6 Melinda McClung, d. m. Dr. Jacob Trevey, 4-5 William McClung, b. Feb. 23, 1796; d. Oct. 20, 1861, unm. 5-5 James McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1797; d. Aug. 20, 1865; 102 McClung Genealogy. m. ist, May 23, 1822, Sarah Reid Alexander, b. 1800; d. Mar. 29, 1847. Twelve children, viz. : 1-6 Isabella P. McClung, b. June 10, 1823 ; d. June 12, 1825. 2-6 Beniamin Franklin McClung, b. Aug 23, 1824; d. May I, 1898. Farmer and miller, m. 1875, Mrs. Margaret Dorsey, nee Wallace, d. 1903. By her first husband she had one child, Miss Georgia Dorsey. Address : Greenville, Va. 3-6 Mary E. McClung, b. Dec. 22, 1826. Living 1895. Linm., (twin). 4-6 Esther Ellen McClung, b. Dec. 22, 1826; d. Sep. 24, 1844, unm., (twin). 5-6 Sarah J. McClung, b. July 30, 1828; d. July 30, 1845. 6-6 Andrew Alexander McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1829; d. Aug. 6, 1891 ; m. 1st, 1856, Estaline Montgomery Wilson, b. 1827; d. Nov. 25, 1876. Lived midway between Fairfield and Brownsbnrq-, Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Sallie Tate McClung, b. 1857 ; d. 1857. 2-7 Mary Tate McClung, b. Dec. 27, 1858; m. Gardner P. Kerr. Monmouth, Va. No issue. 3-7 Bettie Malinda McClung, b. Feb. 28, i860; m. Thom- as Kerr. Monmouth, Va. 4-7 Phebe Ellen McClungj^ b. Dec. 5, 1862; m. J. Frank Wilson. Staunton, Va. 5-7 Margaret Stuart McClung, b. Nov. 29, 1864; Teach- er. Monmouth, Va. 6-7 James Wilson McClung, b. Dec. 24, 1866. He is a clerk in a bank at Lexington, Va. m. Irene D. Berry, b. 1866. 7-7 Benjamin Franklin McClung, h. 1868; d. 1871. 8-7 Charles Sterrett McClung, H. July 13, 1870; m. Anna Wilson. Brownsburg, Va. Andrew Alexander McClung (6-6) m. 2nd, Martha Ann Robinson, of Stuart's Draft, Va. No issue. 7-6 James Archibald McClung, b. Oct. 30, 1833 ; d. 1902. Merchant. Elder in Presbyterian church, m. ist, Miss Shirkey. No issue. He m. 2nd, July 13, 1870, Elizabeth F. Kyle, b. Dec. 10, 1849. Covington, Va. Four children, viz.: 1-7 James Ernest McClung, b. July 28, 1871. Merchant, m. Aug. 28, 1894, Jessie Bright, of Lewisburg, W. Va. Ad- dress : Covington, Va. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Margaret McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1895. 2-8 Ernestine McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1897. 3-8 Rose Bright McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1902. 2-7 William Kyle McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1876; d. Jan. 12, 1901, unm. Graduated at Washington and Lee University 1898; receiving the degree of A. B. Was chosen valedictorian of his class. Received the 27th George Santoni gold medal McCi^UNG Genealogy. 103 for scholarship. He won a medal ea.ch year he was in the University. 3-7 Robert Tate McClung, b. Fel). 10, 1878. Clerking in a drygoods house in Covington, Va. 4-7 Frank Points McClung, b. Apr. 16, 1881 ; d. Jan. 26, 1901. 8-6 John Tate McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1836; d. Oct. 3, 1892. Farmer. Elder in New Providence Presbyterian Church, m. Dec. 19, 1867, Mary Eliza Withrow, b. Mar. 18, 1840. Browns- burg, Va. Two chilldren, viz. : z 1-7 Herbert Junkin McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1868; d. July 13, 1898. He was a farmer and a young man of sterling char- acter. Lived near Brownsburg, Va. 2-7 Eleanor Withrow McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1870; m. Oct. 27, 1898, Hamilton S. Wade, b. Sep. 7, 1868. They live on the old McClung farm one-half mile east of New Provi- dence Church. Address : Brownsburg, Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Mary Eleanor Wade, b. Sep. 17, 1899. 9-6 David Brainerd McClung, b. I3eCj 9, 1837. Farmer and miller. Resides one and a half miles west of Browns- burg, Va. m. Oct. 9, 1873, Susan Katherine Withrow, b. May I, 1839. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Margaret Withrow McClung, b. Oct. 11, 1875. 2-7 Sallie Reid McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1877. 3-7 John Morton McClung, b. Sep. 26, 1878. 4-7 Mary Morton McClung, b. May 18, 1880; d. Mar. 6, 1882. 5-7 Melinda Lacy McClung, b. Oct. 6, 1881. 10-6 Archibald Stuart McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1840; d. Feb. 17, 1842. 11-6 Phoebe A. McClung, b. Apr. 3, 1843; d. Oct. 25, 1844. 12-6 Francis William McClung, b. Nov. 6, 1846; d. Apr. 15. 1851. James McClung, (5-5) m. 2nd, 1852, Melinda Gilkerson, b. Dec. 4, 1808; d. Dec. 29, 1886. No issue. 6-5 Joseph McClung, b. June i, 1799, in Rockbridge Co., Va. ; d. 1852, in Lagrange, Ala. Went to Ala. about 1830; m. Amanda E. Barclay, of Tuscumbia, Ala. Four children, viz. : 1-6 Capt. Linus Anderson McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1839; d. Oct., 1862, at Harrisburg, Ky., from the effects of a wound received in a battle at Perryville a few days previous. He was Adjutant General with the rank of captain in the Confed- erate Army. unm. 2-6 Col. Francis Barclay McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1841, in Lawrence Co., Ala. ; m. Nov. 25, 1873, Miss M. T. S. Stroheck- 104 McClung Genealogy. er, of Macon, Ga. d. Sep. 29, 1882, in California. He was lieu- tenant and adjutant of 2nd regiment of Ala. Volunteers, C. S. A., and at the .close of the war was Lieut. Colonel command- ing 1st Confederate Battalion Army of Va. C. S. A. No issue. Address: 1109 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. 3-6 Joseph William McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1844, in Colbert Co., Ala. ; d. 1903. Entered cavalry service in C. S. A., at the age of sixteen. Went to California in 1868; m. in San Fran- cisco, Cal, Oct, 23, 1878, Josephine A. Cole, dau. of Dr. R. Beverly Cole. Address: 1414 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Alma McClung, b. Sep. 9, 1879. San Francisco, Cal, 2-7 Gladys McClung, b. May 13, 1883. San Francisco, Cal. 4-6 Georgiana McClung, b. in Colbert Co., Ala., Apr. I, 1848; m. Corbin Miller Reynolds, Sr., d. Glen Wilton, Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Corbin Miller Reynolds, Jr., b. 1883, 7-5 Eleanor McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1801 ; d. Jan. 27, 1821. 8-5 Elizabeth A. McClung, b. Jan. 17, 1803; d. m. Sep, 4, 1832, her .cousin, Dr, William McClung Tate, son of Robt. Tate and his Wife, Margaret McClung. 9-5 Linus McClung, b. Nov. 7, 1804. Sold land on South River, Rockbridge 'Co., Va., Oct. 13, 1832. Went to Ala, and married there. 10-5 Isabella McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1807; m. ist, Aug. 5, 1830, Marbel S. Cameron, d. She married 2nd, Robert Overman. 11-5 Franklin McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1809, Went to Ala. or Miss., and died young. 12-5 Mary McClung, b. Au^. 13, 181 1; m. Mar, 29, 1832, Samuel Mackey. 5-4 Archibald McClung, b. Mar, 25, 1764; d. Jan., 1848, at Gala, Va. imm. He owned one of the finest farms in Botetourt County, which he bequeathed to his nephew, Joseph Alexander McClung, (8-5), 6-4 Phoebe McClung, b. May 8, 1766; d, m. ist. Mar, 23, 1876, James Paxton. He was accidentally shot by a com- panion while hunting. One son, viz, : 1-5 James Paxton, Went to K'entucky with his uncles, William McClung and James McClung. Phoebe McClung, (6-4) m. 2nd, Col. Samuel Moore. For issue see Paxton and Marshall families. 7-4 Elizabeth McClung, b. 1768; d. May 10, 1853; m. June 4. 1789, Robert Stuart, d. 1827, 8-4 Dr. James McClung, b. 1770; d. unm. He emigrated McClung Geneai^ogy. 105 from Fairfield, Va. to Ky. with his brother William and Was accidentally drowned in the Licking River, in Ky. 9-4 Joseph McClung, b. July 26, 1775; d. Mar. 23, 1866. He resided at the old "McCkmg Mansion," near Fairfield, Va. m. 1st, Sep. 9, 1802, Elizabeth Wilson, b. Mar. 13, 1780; d. May 19 1813. Five children, viz.: 1-5 John S. McClung, b. Sep. 5, 1803; d. at Xenia, Ohio, Sep. 6, 1866. Farmer, m. Sep. 22, 1830, Hannah Eliza Kin- near. In 1836 they emigrated from Fairfield, Va, to Xenia, Ohio. Ten children^ viz. : 1-6 Paulina Tate McClung, b. Aug. 8, 1831 ; m. Mar. 30, 1852, George Merritt. Address: 312 N. West St., Indianapo- lis, Ind. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Janette Grace Merritt, b. May 27, 1853 ; d. Dec. 6, 1884, unm. 2-7 Worth John Merritt, b. July 24, 1861 ; m. Aug. 7, 1890, Jessie Fisher. Indianapolis, Ind. One child, viz.: 1-8 George Merritt, Jr., b. June 23, 1891. 3-7 Ernest George Merritt, b. Apr. 28, 1864. Fellow and Associate Prof, of the Department of Physics at Cornell University, Ithica, N. Y. 2-6 William Howard McClung, b. May 9, 1833; d. Feb. 25, 1858, unm. Was a dry goods merchant at Xenia, Ohio. 3-6 Dr. Leigh McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1835 ; d. July 4, 1888. He was an estimable gentleman, possessing those physical and mental qualities so characteristic of the F. F. V. of "ye olden time." m. Apr. 30, 1862, Mary A. Brelsford. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Horace Leigh McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1863; d. at Win- chester, Ky., Feb. 23, 1891, unm. He was a lumber merchant of Xenia, Ohio. 2-7 Mary Pearl McClung, b. Aug. 8, 1867; m. May 11, 1892, John A. Nesbit, of Xenia, Ohio. 3-7 John Brelsford McClung, b. June 10, 1877. Was educated at Miami University. He resides at Xenia, Ohio, 4-6 Adelaide McClung, b. May 12, 1837 ; m, Oct. 3," 1865, Walker D. Williamson, a farmer of Xenia, Ohio. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Echo Belle Williamson, b. Mar. 24, 1868; m. Mr. Gordon, a graduate of Harvard Law School. Address : At- lanta, Ga. 2-7 Grace Williamson, b. May 19, 1870; m. Aug. 7, 1895, Rev. David Gordon. They went as Missionaries to India. 5-6 Susan Elizabeth McClung, b. July 3, 1839; d. Apr. 19, 1877, unm. 6-6 John H. McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1841 ; d. Dec. 31, 1862, 106 McClung Genealogy. iinm. He was a Federal soldier and was killed in battle at Stone River, Tenn. . 7-6 Hester Margaret McClung, b. May 23, 1843. She is the genealogist of her immediate branch of the family, and has furnished much valuable data for this volume. She re- sides at 312 N. West St., Indianapolis, Ind. 8-6 Josephine McClung, b. June 10, 1845; d. July 12, 1895; '""• J""e 10, 1868, Daniel J. Fleming, a hardware mer- chant. Address: 607 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Lois McClung Fleming, b. Mar. 22, 1871 ; m. Feb. 26, 1896, A. ^. Blair, of Cleveland, Ohio. 2-7 Sue Eliza Fleming, b. Jan. 27, 1874; d. July 6, 1888. "A remarkable child." 3-7 Daniel Johnson Fleming, b. Jan. 30, 1877. Educated at Wooster University. Address : Chicago, 111. 9-6 Ralph Erksine McClung, b. Apr. 3, 1848. Farmer. Ad- dress : Fort Recovery, Ohio. m. Feb. 19, 1879, Amanda J. Darner. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Edith May McClung, b. May i, 1880. 2-7 George Albert McClung, b. May 21, 1884. 3-7 Leigh Harison McClung, b. Feb. 19, 1889. 10-6 Alice E. McClung, b. Apr. 3, 1848; d. May, 1889; m. Apr. 19, 1879, Joseph Andrew, of Xenia, Ohio. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Pauline Andrew, b. Feb. 5, 1881 ; d. Feb. 7, 1881. 2-7 Hope Lelia Andrew, b. Oct. 4, 1882. 2-5 Dr. James Wilson McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1805 ; d. Feb. 5, 1874; m. ist, Jan. 15, 1831, Martha Ann Moore, b. Sep. 20, 1810; d. Feb. 22, 1863. They resided at Lexington, Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Martha Elizabeth McClung, b. Dec. 3, 1831 ; d. July 6, 1859, rn. James Ja.ckson McBride. a farmer, near Browns- burg, Va. No issue. 2-6 Dr. Joseph McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1834; d. June i, 1862, unm. He graduated at Washington College, Lexing- ton, Va., in 1854, receiving the degree of A. B. He graduated in medicine at the University of Va., in 1857. He was a surgeon in the Confederate hospital. The Lexington Ga- zette of June 5, 1862, says of him : "We have known Dr. McClung from his boyhood, and have observed with great pleasure the development of a mind of no ordinary clearness and strength, and the growth of a Christian character marked by peculiar modesty and great purity. It is sad indeed to see a young man of so much talent, of such fine attain- ments, of so noble a character cut down when he had but just entered the threshold of a useful and honorable pro- McClung Genealogy. 107 fessional life. As a student he was always found amongst the first of his .class ; as a physician he always won the confidence of those who knew his skill ; as a Christian he was found ever consistent with his profession." 3-6 Esther Jane McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1836; d. Dec. 25, 1873; m. Apr. 27, 1871, Judge William Paxton Houston, b. Apr. 18, 1843, ^" attorney of Lexington, Va. Graduated in literary and law departments of Washington College. He now stands at the head of the Lexington bar, and has for many years presided as Judge of the Rockbridge Court. One .child, viz. : 1-7 Edith McClung Houston, b. June 18, 1873. She is a Presbyterian Missionary and is laboring in Cardenas, Cuba. She is the only living descendant of Dr. James Wilson Mc- Clung, of Lexington. 4-6 Dr. James McDowell McClung, b. May 31, 1838; d. May, 1872. Graduated at the LTniversity of Va. 1865-6. m. 1870 or 1871, Mary E. Jordan. She resided a widow at Cov- ington, Va. a few years since. No issue. 5-6 Ellen Brown McClung, b. Oct, 13, 1840; d. Aug. 21, 1858. unm. 6-6 Samuel Moore McClung, b. Oct. 21, 1843; ^- J"W 14, 1846. He was accidentally scalded to death. 7-6 John William McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1846; d. Aug. i, 1861. He was mortally wounded at Lexington, Va., July 18, 1861, by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a soldier descending from a stage-coach. Col. Andrew War- wick Cameron was instantly killed, and William Smith, a Virginia Military Institute cadet Avas wounded in the wrist by the same shot. 8-6 Mary Louisa McClung, b. July 4, 1849; ^- Sep. 19, 1859- Dr. James Wilson McClung, (2-5) m. 2nd, 1864, Phebe Alexander Paxton, b. Jan., 1815; d. Oct. i, 1898. No issue. 3-5 William T. McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1808; d. Dec. 29, 1854. He was a farmer and was born and reared near Fair- field, Va. He emigrated from Virginia about 1836 in a covered wagon to Knightstown, Ind., camping out all the way ; thence Nov., 1848, to Rochester, Ind. m. in Fairfield, Va., Feb. 13, 1834, Mary Eleanor Scott, b. Aug. 28, 1813, or Jan. 6, 1814; d. May 11, 1872. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Cornelia E. McClung, b. Tune 22, 1835; d. Feb. 28, 1838. 2-6 John McClung, b. June 26, 1837; d. April 8, 1864. Teacher, farmer and soldier. Entered the "federal Army as 1st Sergeant of Company K, 46th Regiment of Ind. Vol. Pro- moted to 1st Lieut. Was m all the principal battles from 108 McClung Genealogy. New I\Iadrid, Mo., Mar. 4, 1862, to Mansfield, La., Apr. 8, 1864. (about twenty battles in all). He fell in the battle at the latter pla.ce while leadings his regiment. The Rochester, Ind. G. A. R. Post No. 95 is named the "McClung Post" in his honor. 3-6 Rufus Scott McClung, b. Aug. 11, 1839; d. Mar, 14, 1861, at Rochester. Ind. Farmer, unm. 4-6 Joseph Jesse McClung, b. Nov. 28, 1841 ; d. Apr. 22, i8g8. He was a farmer, m. Oct. 2, 1872, Sarah Jane Davidson, b. Apr. 20, 1846. Rochester, Ind. Two children, viz.: 1-7 John Leigh McClung, Ph.G., b. Dec. 19, 1873. Grad- uated in Pharmacy at Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind.. in 1895 ; m. Oct. 22, 1902, Gertrude M. Cook, b. Apr. 24, 1872. Rochester, Ind. 2-7 Ruth Eleanor McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1879; m. Sep. 3. 1901, Ernest T. Brown. Wanamaker, Ind. 5-6 James Andrew McClung, b. Jan. i, 1844. He is a prosperous farmer. Was a Federal soldier in Company A. 155th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers ; member of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture two terms (four years). He is a Presbvterian, and was at one time a teacher in the public schools, m. Oct. 17, 1876, Margaret Wallace Hartman, b. May 13, 1854, dau. of Henry S. Hartman and his wife, Mary Ann W. McClung, dau. of Archibald McClung. Rochester, Ind. See index. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Carl Hartman McClung, b. Mar. 19, 1878; m. June i7j 1903, Fran.ces May Jenks. Logansport, Ind. 2-7 Eva Gem McClung, b. May 11, 1882. Rochester, Ind. 6-6 Newton Augustus McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1846. He is a successful farmer ; has held several positions of trust and honor ; has been a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church for more than twenty years. He is at the present time Presi- dent of a Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company, and a director of the Winona Technical Institute, m. Sep. 30, 1873, Elnora Oregon Davidson, b. May. 20, 1852. Rochester, Ind. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Edna Leone McClung, b. Aug. 28, 1874 ; m. Lucien Savage. Rochester, Ind. 2-7 Mary Pearl McClung, b. Oct. 7, 1876; d. Mar. 24, 1878. 3-7 Ralph Davidson McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1880. 4-7 Ernest Earl McClung, b. Tune 5, 1882; d. June 9, 1882. 5-7 William Paul McClung, b. Nov. 11, 1887, (twin). 6-7 Arthur P. McClung, b. Nov, 11, 1887, (twin). DENNIE McCLUNG. Page 62. ♦f McClung Genealogy. 109 4-5 Rachel Wilson McClung, b. Oct. 21, 1810; d. Oct. 12, 1853; m. Aug. 12, 18^1, William Mackey. Rochester, Ind. 5-5 Elizabeth Wilson McClung, b. May 13, 1813; d. Dec. 30, 1865; m. 1st, Nov. 9, 1832, John Alexander. She m. 2nd. Name of husband unknown. Joseph McClung, (9-4), m. 2nd, Sep. 22, 1814, Esther "Hettie" McClung, Sr. ; d. Dec. 11, 1852. Sister of Capt. Henry McClung. See index. Three children, viz. : 6-5 Henry E. McClung, b. July 14, 1815 ; d. 1825. 7-5 Esther McCung, Jr., b. Jan. 7, 1817; d. Jan. 25, 1841 ; m. William Ross, Moore. 8-5 Joseph Alexander McClung, b. Nov. 27, 1818; d. June 2^, 1873, at uala, Va. lie inherited a farm from his uncle, Archibald Mc'Clung. m. Feb. 17, 1848, Susan Pierce Kerr, b. July 12, 1828; d. June 24, 1891. Ten children, viz.: 1-6 Hettie Moore McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1849; m. Feb. 11, 1879, James S. Hannah, b. Jan. 15, 1853. Gala, Va. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Virginia Lyle Hannah, b. May 4, 1880. 2-7 William McFerran Hannah, h. Mar. 14, 1882. 3-7 James Stuart Walrond Hannah, b. July 9, 1884. 4-7 Frank McClung Hannah, b. Apr. 25, 1888. 5-7 George Carper Hannah, b. Mar. 12, 1891 ; d. June 18, 1898. 2-6 James Henry McClung, b. Jan. 21, 1851; d. May 28, 1862. 3-6 Joseph Emmett McClung, b. Oct. 15, 1853. He is a merchant of Gala, Va. m. Sep. 17, 1896, Virginia Echols. One child, viz. : 1-7 Lillian Emmett McClung, b. Sep. 22, 1897. 4-6 Samuel Lyle McClung, b. June 4, 1855. Eagle Rock, Va. unm. 5-6 Howard Ewing McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1857. Farm- er, m. Aug. 7, 1882. Rosa Du Rant, b. De.c. 26, i860. Gala, Va. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Susie Lee McClung, b. July 2, 1885. Attending State Normal School at Farmville, Va. Address: Gala, \\;. 2-7 Joseph Emmett McClung, b. Aug. 23, 1886. 3-7 Howard Du Rant McClung, b. Mar. 22, 1891. 4-7 Estell Harris McClung, b. Nov. 20, 1892. 5-7 William Lyle McClung, b. Feb, 28, 1896. 6-7 Lucile Warren McClung, b. July 14, 1899. 6-6 Willie Steele McClung, b. Mar. 11, 1859. Farmer, m. Sep. 22, 1886, Cora Clifford Wilson, of Chattanooga, Tenn., b. July 23, 1864. Gala, Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Hugh Emmett McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1889. Gala, Va. 110 McClung Genealogy. 7-6 Bettie Brooks McClung, b. May 28, 1862; m. May 15, 1888, Arthur Ott. Fairfield, Va. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Bessie McClung Ott, b. Jan. 26, 1891. > 2-7 Annie Genevive Ott, b. Dec. 10, 1892. 3-7 William Arthur Ott, b. June 30, 1895. 8-6 Annie Bell McClung, b. Dec. 2, 1864; d. Oct, 12, 1888; m. Nov. 16, 1887^ Joseph P. Echols, a farmer of Eagle Rock, Va. 9-6 Minnie Lee McClung, b. June 27, 1866, (twin) m. Dr. James i^. Bell. Eagle Rock, Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Alice McClung Bell. 2-7 James Buchanan Bell. 3-7 Annie Hendron Bell. 10-6 Harry McClung, b. June 27, 1866; d. Aug. 8, 1866, (twin), 10-4 Isabella McClung, d. unm, 1 1-4 Esther McClung, d. unm. 12-4 Polly McClung, d. unm. 9-3 Susan McClung, b." June 27, 1866; d. Aug. 8, 1866, d. 1829. Son of Robert Alexander, the classical teacher and first rector of Washington and Lee University. 3-2 HUGH McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland. Emi- grated from Ireland to Pennsylvania about 1740; and from there to Rockbridge Co. Va., with his brothers, James and William about 1742. m. Francis . The following note is in the possession of Frank Lee McClung, of Timber Ridge, Va., a descendant of James to whom it was originally given: "We promise to pay to James McClung or his heirs exec- utors administrators or assigns the just sum of four pounds ten shillings current and lawful money of Virginia on or be- fore the ninth day of October next ensuing the date hereof, it being for value received of him the which payment well and truly to made we hereby do bind our selves our heirs Exrs and Admrs in the penal sum nine pounds ten shillings of the like lawful aforesaid in witness whereof we have set our hands and seals this the tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one, HUGH McCLUNG, (Seal) FRANCIS McCLUNG, (Seal) Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm. M.cClung." Francis McClung (supposed to be the same as above) furnished the Virginia Militia two horses to aid in prosecut- ing the campaign against the Cherokee Indians about the year 1777. Felix McConnell McClung, of Medina, Texas, traces his ancestry back to his grand-father, Hugh McClung, and his McClung Genealogy. Ill wife Francis, of Virginia. The similarity of names led to the supposition that his grand-parents and the persons signing the above note were identical. A closer inspection of dates, however, forbids this presumption. It is more probable that there were two Hughs; one the son of the other. In the ab- sence of positive proof we pro.ceed upon this assumption : Probably a son, viz: 1-3 Hugh McClung. Lived in Virginia, m. Francis , They emigrated from Virginia to Talladega, Ala., prior to 1 816. Five children, viz.: 1-4 Anderson McClung. 2-4 Joseph McClung, b. 1816, in Talladega, Ala. ; d. 1862 ; m. in Alabama, 1835, Jane Wilson, b. i8iq; d. 1891. Soon after their marriage they emigrated from Ala. to Benton, Ark. Joseph was a blacksmith, and was said to have been a skilful workman. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1862; was captured Apr. 7, 1862 and died as a prisoner of war at Island No. 10. Was buried at Jackson, Miss. As a father he was firm, but efifectionate. As a husband he was kind and indulgent. Ten children, viz. : 1-5 William McClung, d. young. 2-5 Mary McClung, d. in infancy. 3-5 Francis McClung, d. in infancy. '4-5 Felix McConnell McClung, b. 1844 at Benton, Ark. After the Civil War he with his widowed mother emigrated to Bosque Co., Texas. He m. May 3, 1867, Rebe.cca Crabtree, b. 1847, dau. of Thomas Crabtree, of Erath Co., Tex. They emigrated in 1887 to Harris Co., Texas ; where he now (1904) resides. He is a farmer and ranchman. One ch'ld, viz. : 1-6 Waneta McClung, b. 1874, at Stephenville, Tex. She is small of stature, firm and resolute in disposition, m. May 9, 1900, Claburn Goodman Cox. Medina, Tex. No issue. 5-5 Martha McClungj d. in infancy. 6-5 Cunningham McClung, b. 1848 ; m. Fannie Carmack. 7-5 Harve McClung, b. 1851. 8-5 Frank McClung, b. 1853; m. Frona McCalvert. Medina, Texas. 9-5 Susan McClung, b. 1856; d. in Colorado, 1893, m. Luney Oneal. 10-5 John McClung, b. 1862 ; m. Alice McCalvert. Gor- don, Texas. 3-4 William McClung, 4-4 David McClung. 5-4 James McClung. 112 McCivUNG Genealogy. 4-2 CHARLES McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland; d. He emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania. He is supposed to be the Capt. Charles M.cClung who commanded a com- pany of infantry belonging to the Third Battalion Militia under Col. Hugh Mercer, in 1758. He was at "Braddock's Defeat/' and is said to have left descendants in Rockbridge, Co., Va., but I have been unable to find them. 5-2 MATTHEW McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland. Emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania about 1740. James McClung, of St. Louis, Mo., traces his lineage back to his great-grand-father, Matthew McClung^ who, according to a family tradition, was one of three brothers who emigrated from North Ireland and settled in Lancaster Co., Pa., about 1745. These two Matthews are believed to be identical, d. m. The name of only one child is known, viz. : 1-3 Charles McClung, d. Lived at or near Lancaster, Pa. His first .cousin was the mother of James Buchanan, President of the U. S. Charles McClung m. Margaret Young, d. They lived in Lancaster Co., Pa. Only one child, viz. : 1-4 Charles McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1781, near Lancaster, Pa.; d. Dec. 23, 1866; m. May, 1803 or 1804, Jane Robinson, b. May 16, 1779, in Indiana Co., or Westmoreland Co., Pa. ; d. Oct., 1842. Charles was taken by his step-father to western Pa., when he was about seven years old. He never saw any of his ancestors after that age. He resided at Butler, Pa. Twelve children, viz. : 1-5 Robert Robinson McClung, b. June 6, 1805; d. June 21, 1888, in Jewell City, Kan.; m. Louisa Jones Leffingwell, b. Oct. II, 1808; d. 14, 1879. Four children, viz.: 1-6 Orvill Leffingwell McClung, b. Apr, 17, 1841 ; m. Minnie Barnes. Taloga, Okla. 2-6 Nancy Jane McClung, b. Nov. 21, 1843; ^^i- George S. Green. Guthrie, Oklahoma. 3-6 William Charles McClung, b. Sep. 15, 1845; »i- ^ir- Sfinia Ann Gray, b. Feb. 16, 1855. Jewell City, Kan. Six chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Robert Gray McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1881 ; d. July 29, 1881. 2-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy, (twin). 3-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy, (twin). 4-7 George William McClung, b. Aug. 16, 1885. 5-7 John Robinson McClung, b. July 10, 1888. 6-7 Thomas Orlando McClung, b. June 22, 1894. 4-6 Louisa D. McClung, m. John C. Postlethwaite. Ad- dress : Jewell City, Kan. CARL RUSSELL McCLUNG. Page 62. McCivUNG Genealogy. 113 2-5 William McClung, b. Nov. 6, 1806; d. Nov., 1879; m. Margaret Beaty, Butler, Pa. At least one child, viz. : 1-6 Robert McClung, b. Butler, Pa. 3-5 Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1808; d. Apr., 1835; ni. James Kincade. Baldwin, Pa. 4-5 Mary McClung, b. Nov. 13, 1809; d. m. Thomas Hindman. West Hope, Pa. 5-5 John McClung, b. June i, 1811; m. Oct, 11, 1837, Diantha Bartholomew, b. Feb. 22, 1818. Geneva, Neb. Seven .children, viz, : 1-6 Charles William McClung, b. July 27, 1841 ; d. Aug. 17, 1841. 2-6 Margaret J. McClung, b. July 31, 1842; d. Aug. 15, 1842. 3-6 Alma H. McClung, b. Oct. 24, 1844; m. May 10, 1863, L. R. Williams, b. Aug. i, 1854; d. July 6, 1889. Geneva, Neb. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Lula Williams, b. Mar, 27, 1864; d. Aug. 10, 1865. 2-7 Ethel WiUiams, b. Dec. 9, 1865; d. Apr, 16, 1888; m. Freeman Kinney. Angola, Ind. 3-7 Nellie Williams, b. Aug. 30, 1872. Geneva, Neb. 4-6 William Robinson McClung, b. Feb. 13, 1847 ; d. Aug. 15, 1847. 5-6 Mary E. McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1848; m. Sep. 29, 1881, Joel Fox, Orland, Ind, 6-6 Emma J. McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1849; "''• Sep. 26, 1872, B. F. Benedict. Geneva, Neb. 7-6 Diantha A. McClung, b. July 22, 1854; d. Aug. 30, 1854. 6-5 Martha McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1812; m. William Campbell. Butler, Pa. 7-5 Jane McClung, b. Mar. 27, 1814; d. June, 1820. 8-5 Charles McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1816; m. Jan. 30, 1844, Rosetta Parmelia McClintock, b. Apr, 29, 1822; d. Aug. 7, 1900. Baldwin, Pa. Nine children, viz. : 1-6 Elizabeth, McClung, b. Oct. 3, 1844; m. Sep. 20, 1876, H. H. Daubenspeck, a farmer of North Hope, Pa, 2-6 Emeline B. McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1846; ni, Apr, 26, 1866, A. L. Timblin, a shoemaker of Sharon, Pa. 3-6 James Fife McClung, b. Mar. 9, 1849. He is en- gaged in the oil business, m. Oct. 7, 1873, Belle Wick, Butler, Pa, Four children, viz. : 1-7 Ida Gertrude McClung. Butler, Pa. 2-7 S. C. McClung. Butler. Pa. 3-7 Mary S. McClung. Butler, Pa. 4-7 Sara Belle McClung, Butler, Pa. 114 McCiyUNG Genealogy. 4-6 Angdine Eugenia McClung, b. June 30, 185 1, unm. Baldwin, Pa. 5-6 Rosetta Parmelia McClung, b. July 30, 1854; m. July 2, 1878, M. W. Conway, a commercial traveler of Green- ville, Pa. 6-6 Charles Hultz McClung, b. May 24, 1857. Farmer m. May 18, 1881, Hannah Guinn, West Sunbury Pa. 7-6 Mary Savilla McClung, b. Aug. 5, i860; d. Sep. 19, 1863, (twin). 8-6 Harriet B. McClung, b. Aug. 5, i860, (twin), m. May 18, 1881, Howard B. Hamilton, a .carpenter. 44 Melvin St., Cleveland, Ohio. 9-6 William Edward McClung, b. Oct. 11, 1865; m. June 12, 1887, Agnes Sutton. He is in the oil business at Butler, Pa. 9-5 David McClung, b. Mar. 29, 1819; d. Jan. i, 1898, m. Margaret Smith, b. Mar. 16, 1821 : d. Jan. 24, 1895. Wil- liamsburg, Ohio. Four children, viz. : 1-6 William Robinson McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1846; d. N'ov. 13, 1867. 2-6 Clara McClung, b. May 16, 1848; m. May 17, 1875, J. J. Park. Des Moines, Iowa. 3-6 Augustus Dudley McClung, b. Jan 31, 1852. Com- mercial traveler, m. May 17, 1883, Blanche R. Price, b. Aug. 2^, 1858. Alexandria, La. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Kenneth Price McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1884. 2-7 Gamette Blanche McClung, b. July 30, 1885. 3-7 Clara La Reine McClung, b. Aug 10, 1887. 4-7 Una May McClung, b. May 29, 1889; d. Aug. 19, 1889. 5-7 Leota Augusta McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1891. 6-7 Wanda Belle McClung, b. Aug. 29, 1893. 7-7 Zeda Marzelie McClung, b. Nov. 7, 1895. 4-6 Edwin Leslie McClung, b. Nov. 5, 1856; m. ist, Lula Ballentine, b. May 25, 1861 ; d. June 26, 1888. Natchitoches, La. One .child, viz. : 1-7 Joseph Edwin McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1885. Edwin Leslie McClung, (4-6) m. 2nd, Cecile J. De Blieux. Two children, viz. : 2-7 Edwin Leslie McClung, Jr., b. Aug. 10, 1894. 3-7 Cecil Brent McClung, b. Dec. 16, 1896. 10-5 Ann McClung, b. Mar. 20, 1820; m. Joseph Camp- bell. 1 1-5 Samuel McClung, b. Dec. 28, 1821 ; m. Grace Stock- ton. Union Plains, Ohio. 12-5 Tames McClung, b. Jan. 13, 1827; m. Sep. 6, 1864, Sarah Amanda McKean, b. June 10, 1844. He has been in the McClung Genealogy. 115 General Freight Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad, "Vandaiia Line," for many years. He resides at 909 N. Theresa Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Four children, viz.: 1-6 Anna Minerva McClung, b. Dec. 8, 1865 ; d. July 27, 1866. 2-6 James Charles McClung, b. May 17, 1868; d. Dec. II, 1869. 3-6 Clara Belle McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1870, unm. 4-6 William Horace McClung, Sr., b. Dec. 20, 1872; m. Alice M. Diggs. St. Louis, Mo. One child, viz. : 1-7 William Horace McClung, Jr., b. 1898; d. 1900. 6-2 MARY McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland. Emi- grated to America about 1740; d, unm. She was blind. Lived in Pennsylvania. 7-2 ISABEL McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland. Emi- grated to America about 1740; d. m. Mr. Cowan or Crewer. Settled in Pennsylvania. 8-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland, d. 1787, in Pennsylvania. He emigrated to America about 1731. "He landed at Boston with an aunt nine years before his father and the rest of the family came." He resided several years at Brookfield, Mass., before going to Pennsylvania. The following .church certificate now in the possession of William McClung Carlisle, of Missouri Valley, Iowa, who is a descendant of John McClung, is supposed to have been given to the latter upon his departure from Brookfield, Mass. for Pennsvlvania in 1734. "These are to certif3^e that John Maclung hath Lived Sev- eral years in this Town & has carryed Himself soberly & Christianly. That he has been received into full Communion & accordingly communicated with us and now at His Departure Stands in Church State free from any publick Scandal known to us and therefore Recommend Him as a person qualifyed to Receive Church Privilidges where ever God in His Providence may cast His Lot. As witness my Hand Brookfield November 24, 1734. THOMAS CHENEY, V. D. Min." No state is mentioned in the certificate, however Tem- ple's historv of North Brookfield, Mass., contains a number of references to Rev. Thomas Cheney. It says he was born Jan. 29, 1688-9; ordained Oct. 16, 1717, and died in Brook- field, De.c. II, 1747, after thirty years of pastoral service there, aged 59 years. This is confirmatory evidence that the above certificate was given at Brookfield, Mass. John M.cClung em- 116 McClung Genealogy. igrated to Pennsylvania and lived for a while in the "Octoraro country," near O'ctoraro, Lancaster Co., Pa. Later he moved to Buffalo Township, Northumberland Co., Pa. He m. in Pennsylvania, Sarah Laughlin, the daughter of a Welsh fam- ily. Ten children, viz. : I, Sara; 2, John; 3, James; 4, William; 5, Sarah; 6, Re- becca ; 7, Esther ; 8, Elizabeth ; 9, Matthew and 10, 'Charles. 1-3 Sara McClung, b. July 26, 1740 ; d. probablv in child- hood. 2-3 John McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1742; d. 1810, in Cam- bridge, N. Y. He moved from Penn. to Cambridge, N. Y. He was ordained an Elder in the Reformed Presbyterian Church there in 1769. He was a soldier in the American Rev- olution, serving with rank of Adjutant. He m. ist, Sarah Clark, of Cambridge, N. Y. One child, viz. . 1-4 Dr. James McClung. Lived and died in Cayuga Co,. N. Y. m. Three .children, viz.: 1-5 Sidney McClung. A man bearing this name was first mate on a merchant vessel called the "Comet," belonging to the Green Bay Line, and sailing between Toledo, Ohio, and Buffalo, N. Y., about 1874. 2-5 Alonzo McClung, He once resided in or near Cleve- land, Ohio. He or his brother went South." He was a pro- fessional man, probably lawyer. 3-5 (A son) McClung. John McClung, (2-3) m. 2nd. One son, viz. : 2-4 Thomas McClung, d. in Washington Co., N. Y. in early manhood, unm. 3-3 James McClung, b. Nov. 22, 1744; d. about 1839, "age 95 years." He lost his eyesight some years prior to his death. He was named for his grand-father. About 1797, he moved to Cayuga Co., N. Y. He lived and died at the foot of Seneca Lake near Geneva, N. Y. He was 2nd Lieutenant of militia in upper part of Northumberland Co., Pa., in 1776. He served in the war of the American Revolution under Gen. George Washington. m. Jean Strain or Jane Straharn, of Welsh de- scent. Six children, viz.: 1-4 John McClung, b. 1781 ; d. Was buried at Waterloo, N. Y. He lived five miles from Geneva, N. Y. Farmer, m. Martha McCartney. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Jane S. McClung, b. Nov. 3, 1805 : d. m. Mr. Reader. Moved to Lenawee Co., Mich., and died there. Five daus. in Mich. Two sons in III. 2-5 James L. McClung, b. Nov. 29, 1807 ; near Geneva, N. Y. ; d. Sep. 11, 1850. Emigrated to Seneca Co., Ohio, and there m. Cynthia L. Parsons, d. Dec. 13, 1892. They emi- CLARENCE MILTON McCLUNG. Page 62. McClvUNG GeNEAIvOGY. 117 grated to Laporte Co., Ind., in 1845 or 1846, where he died. Only one child, viz. : 1-6 Capt. John Henry McClung, b. Sep 10, 1837. He is a dry goods merchant. He emigrated to Eugene City, Ore., in 1856. Was a captain in the Civil War ; mayor of Eugene City, Ore., and member of the, State Legislature; m. Ott. 18, 1863, Katherine Henderson. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Jessie B, McClung, b. 1867, unm. 2-7 Margaret L. McClung, b. 1870, unm. 3-7 Ina D. McClung, b. about 1872, unm. 3-5 Mary W. McClung, b. Feb. 24, 1810; d. m. George W. Graham, of Springfield, Ohio. She furnished some val- uable data concerning the early McClungs. One child, viz. : 1-6 (A dau.) Graham, d. age 22 months. 4-5 Sarah A. McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1812; d. m. Mr. Wil- liamson. One son, viz.: 1-6 (A son) Williamson. Was killed in the Civil War. 5-5 William W. McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1814; d. 1890. m. Harriet Travis. Seneca, Mich. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Sarah M. McClung, m. J. H. Allen. Canandaigua, Mich. 2-6 John Franklin McClung. He is . a lawyer, and re- sides at Sturgis, S. Dak. m. One child, viz.: 1-7 Guy McClung, b. about 1888. 3-6 Amos James McClung. m. He studied law in Hils- dale, ATichigan. Resided successively at Sault Sainte Marie, Coloma, and St. Joseph, Mich. Address : Chicago, 111. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Alice McClung, b. about 1889. She is said to be a musical prodigy. 2-7 Irene McClung. 3-7 Ernest McClung. 6-5 Rebecca McClung^ b. Sep. 4, 1817 ; m. Mr. McDon- ald. Three sons, one of whom was killed in the Civil War. 2-4 Rebecca McClung, b. d. m. Henry McCartney. Ten children. The names of onlv eight are known, viz.: 1-5 Jane S. McCartney, d. m. Thomas N. Halsey, of Ge- neva, N. Y. She furnished some valuable data concerning the early McClungs. 2-5 Charles McCartney, m. Miss King. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Libbie McCartney. 2-6 Hale McCartney. Hardware merchant. Lake Odes- sa, Mich. 3-6 Arthur McCartney. Weldon, Iowa. 4-6 Ella McCartney, d. 5-6 William McCartney. 118 McCivUNG Genealogy. 3-5 Ann McCartney, m. Mr. Chittenden. 4-5 Henry McCartney, d. in New Orleans, La. Was a soldier in the Mexican War. 5-5 Reuben McCartney, d. at Hiawatha, Kan. 6-5 Robert McCartney, d. in Mich. 7-5 Rufus McCartney, d. 8-5 John McCartney. 3-4 Robert McClung, b. Feb. 17, 1783; d. Feb. 24, 1832, having been injured by a fall from a horse. Was an early settler in Fayette, N: Y. Was a Justice of the Peace for many years, m. Mar. 12, 1807; Catherine Conklin, b. Feb. 12, 1790; d. Nov. 24, 1864. Thirteen children, viz.: 1-5 Samuel McClung, b. July 24, 1808; d. Mar. 19, 1885, near Garden Grove, Iowa. m. Ruth Baker, d. Mar. 11, 1885. 2-5 James McClung, b. May 5, 1810; d. Aug. 24, 1815. 3-5 Mary Forest McClung, b. Feb. 17, 1812; d. Sep. 9, 1812. 4-5 Robert Strain McClung, b. July 14, 1813; d. Aug. 15, 1815. 5-5 (A son) McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1815; d, Aug. 10, 1815, (twin). 6-5 (A son) McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1815; d. Aug. 10, 1815, (twin). 7-5 Elizabeth McClung, b. Jan. 21, 1817; d. Oct 11, 1851 ; m. Sylvester Watson. One child, viz. : 1-6 Pliney Watson, d. at Toledo, Ohio. 8-5 Ann McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1819; d. Nov. 18, 1825. 9-5 John McClung, b. Apr. 26, 1821 ; d. Mar. 8, 1900. He was a farmer, m. Aug. 12, 1849, Sobrina Chittenden, b. 1833; d. Sep. 10, 1870. Garden Grove, Iowa. Four children, viz.: 1-6 Kate McClung, b. 1851. 2-6 Mary A. McClune, b. at Republic, O., July 29, 1852 ; m. at Clyde, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1872 Beatty Armstrong, of West Lodi, Ohio. Address : Lawrence, Kan. R. D. No. 5. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Ethelyn Irene Armstrong, b. Mar. 14, 1873; m. Dec. 25, 1895, George Banks. Lawrence. Kan. R, D. No. 5. Two children, viz. : 1-8 John Lyman Banks, b. Mar. i, 1897. 2-8 Herman Isaac Banks, b. Aug. 15, 1809. 2-7 Harley Clement Armstrong, b. Aug. 23, 1876; m. Jan. 19, 1901, Alice Coleman. Lawrence, Kan. R. D. No. 5. 3-7 Edith Correnia Armstrong, b. July 7, 1880; m. De.c. 21, 1898, Frank Miller. Lecompton, Kan. R. D. No. 2. 4-7 A. I. Delbert Armstrong, b. Aug. 21, 1883. 3-6 James Johnson McClung, b. Nov. 20, 1859. He is McCiyUNG Genealogy. 119 a liveryman; m. Tune 7, 1881, Sarah J Burns, b. May 24, 1858. Garden Grove, Iowa. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Mabel Ida McClung, b. Oct. i, 1883. She graduated from High School May 17, 1901. 2-7 Nadean Gladys McClung, b. July 13, 1894. 4-6 Kate Elizabeth McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1866; m. Nov. 17, 1886, Frank Watts. Richland, Kan. R. D. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Payton Watts, b. Feb. 16, 1888. 2-7 Mattie Watts, b. Dec. 2, 1891. 3-7 John McClung Watts, b. July 2, 1893. 10-5 Russell McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1824; d. Sep. 29, 1900; m. Eloise Hickox, d. 1898. Arlington, Okla. Three .children, viz. : 1-6 George McClung, Arlington, Okla. 2-6 Ira McClung. Arlington, Okla. 3-6 Samuel McClung. Arlington, Okla. 11-5 Eastman C. McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1825; d. Feb. 23, 1895; m. 1st, Mar. 8, 1848, Hannah Spooner. b. Aug. 16, 1829; d. July 28, 1854. Elkhart, Iowa. Four children viz. : 1-6 Charles Edward McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1848. Farmer; m. Dec. 17, 1871, Nancy Jane Iseminger, b. May 12, 1850. Elkhart, Iowa. Five children, viz: 1-7 Frank Edward McClung b. Nov. 15, 1872. Elkhart, Iowa. m. Sarah Bell Holland. 2-7 Arthur Alva McClung, b. June 9, 1875 ; m. Nora El- len Davis, Elkhart, Iowa. 3-7 Pliny Watson McClung, b. Jan. i, 1878. 4-7 Harry Leroy McClung, b. Oct. 6, 1880, 5-7 Charles Ray McClung, b. Sep. 2, 1884. 2-6 Marion Frank McClung, b. Dec. i, 1851 ; m. Emma Kennedy. Elkhart, Iowa. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Louis McClung. 2-7 Florence McClung. 3-7 Pearl McClung. 4-7 Christina McClung. 5-7 Maude McClung. 6-7 Herman McClung. 3-6 Robert A. McClung, b. Sep. 15. 1856; m. Clara Young. Shelby, Neb. Two children. 4-6 Catherine E. McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1858; m, John O. Adams. Kenedy, Iowa. Eastman C. McClung, (11-5) m. 2nd, Sarah . d. Dec. 23, 1894. 12-5 Katherine McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1827 ; m. Herman G. Coe. Clarence, Iowa. Five children. Two sons living. 13-5 Charles S. McClung, b. Oct. 28, 1831. He was 120 McClung Genealogy. County Court Clerk of Laporte Co., Ind. ; m. 1859, Henrietta Wells, b. June 3, 1837; d. Sep. 20, 1895. Union Mills, Ind. One child, viz. : 1-6 Charles Frederick McClung, Sr., b. Mar. 20, i860. He is Assistant Circuit Court Clerk of La Porte Co., Ind. m. Loret- ta Ophelia Ellsworth, b. Oct. 14, 1864. Laporte, Ind. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Frederick McClung, Jr., b. June 30, 1884. 2-7 Frank H. McClung, b. Oct. 20, 1888. 3-7 Gerard Conn McClung, b. May 22, 1893. 4-4 James McClung, b. Nov, 25, 1784, in Pennsylvania ; d. May 13, 1847, in Seneca Co., Ohio. Lived in Fayette, N. Y., before emigrating: to Ohio. He was "commissioner of the gos- pel, of school lots and of highways." m. Jan. 24. 181 1, Maria Conkling, b. Jan. 29, 1792; d, Aug. 8, 1873. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Catherine McClung, b. Apr. 29, 1812 ; d. May 7, 1887 ; m. Joseph Emerick. No issue. 2-5 Mary McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1814; d. Jan. 12, 1876; m. John Emerick. Four children, viz. : 1-6 Elizabeth Emerick. 2-6 Sarah Emerick. 3-6 John Emerick. 4-6 Mariah Emerick. 3-5 Sarah E. McClung, b. June 24, 181 5 ; d. Nov. 24, 1844, unm, 4-5 Isabella McClung, b. Nov. 15. t8i6; d. Feb. 24, 1842; m. William Marshall. One child, viz. : 1-6 Isabella Marshall, m. ^Ir. Applegate. Lives in Ore, 5-5 Charlotte McClung, b. Mar. 29, 1818; d, Dec. 14, 1868; m. P. Rumsey. Three children, viz.: 1-6 John Rumsey. Lives in Montana. 2-6 Burtis Rumsey. Lives in Montana. 3-6 Byron Rumsey. Address : 6539 Evans Ave., Chica- go, 111. 6-5 (A son) McClung, b. Aug. 29, 1820; d. Sep. 12, 1820. 7-5 Charles L. McClung, b. Mar. 20, 1824; d. June 6, 1890. Lawyer. Tama, Iowa. m. Nancy V. Ricketson, b. 1838. Address: 25th and Jule Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Isabel McClung, b. i860; m. John E. Chapman. St. Joseph, Mo. 2-6 Charles Winfield McClung, b. Aug. 30, 1861 ; d. Dec. 20, 1903, at Kingston, Ark. He was once a cattle dealer at Kirtley, Wy. m. 1896, ]\Ielissa Denel. Address: Kingston, Ark. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Dora I. McClung, b, 1898. McClung Genealogy. 121 2-7 Charles E. McClung, b. 1900. 3-7 A (child) McClung, b. about 1902. 3-6 Victor McClung, b. 1864. He was at one time a railroad section boss at Emery, Iowa. He was later associated with his brother in the cattle business at Kirtley, Wy. m. Louisa Bohlander. Address: Mason City, Iowa. 8-5 James McClung, b. July 31, 1826. Went with his brother Charles to California in 1849. Spent several years there in mining. Engaged in teaching many years, m. Sep. 2, 1858, Nancy J. Gregg, b. 1834. Epworth, Iowa, Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 Fannie B. McClunp^, b. June 29, 1859; d. Apr. 24, 1895 ; m. W. S. Lewis. Sioux City, Iowa. Four children, viz, : 1-7 John Lewis. 2-7 James Lewis. 3-7 Ida Lewis. 4-7 Clara Lewis. 2-6 Burtis W. McClung, b. Mar. 10, 1865 ; unm. Teach- er. Round Prairie, Minn, 3-6 Edith M. McClung, b. June 5, 1874. Music teacher. Epworth, Iowa. 4-6 Florence M. McClung, b. Jan. 5, 1877, Epworth, la, 5-4 Isabel McClung, m, James McCartney, of Livingston Co., N, Y. Two sons, viz. : 1-5 Henry McCartney, of Livingston Co., N. Y. 2-5 John McCartney, of Livingston Co., N. Y. 6-4 Sarah McClung, Never married. Took care of her father in his old age, 4-3 William McClung, b, Oct, 25, 1746; d, about July 28, 1779. He was killed by the Indians in a massacre at Fort Freeland, near Millerstown, Pa, He fled from his pursuers and ran so swiftly that he would have made his escape but for an Indian lying in ambush who sprang out and struck him with a tomahawk. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Carlisle, of Missouri Val- ley, Iowa, gives the following account of the massacre : "William McClung and others were holding the fort wait- ing for reenforcements, but were attacked and compelled to surrender. The Indians agreed to let the old men, women and children go free ; but the young men were taken prisoners and put into a field near the fort, with a guard around them. When reenforcements came they thought they could re-take the fort, and so fired on the British and Indians. In the con- fusion, McClung went to their captain, whose name was John Litel, and said : 'We can make our escape now.' Litel replied : 'You can; I will not try; for if they fail to whip the British and Indians, I hold the papers of agreement. If I should go 122 McClung Genealogy. with these papers, the Indians would kill every woman and child.' McClunc: and a comrade started to run, but the lat- ter soon hid in a bush and was saved. McClung^ passed on with great speed and succeeded in distancing his pursuers, when suddenly he was attacked by an Indian in ambush, and was killed. Litel was taken prisoner, but after he reached home he said he saw McClung's scalp and knew it by the gray hairs." It was said the Indian held the scalp in his hand and commented on the marvelous speed of his victim. William McClung m. Jean Leach. Three children, viz.: 1-4 Rebecca McClung, b. Apr., 1777; d. Jan. 2'], 1855, in Muskingum Co.. Ohio ; m. 1798-9, William Wylie, b. June, 1773; d, Nov. 17, 1853. Eight children, viz.: 1-5 William Wylie, b. De.c. 14, 1799; d. Mar. 3, 1875 ; m, ist May 3, 1821, Martha Harvey, d. Jan., 1824. Two sons, viz.: 1-6 Rev. Preston H. Wylie, b. Apr. 16, 1822; m. ist, Mary Ann George. Londonderry, Ohio. Six children, viz.: 1-7 (A child) Wylie, d. age 4 years, 2-7 William Wylie, d. age 17 years. 3-7 Rev. James Wylie, New Galilee, Pa. 4-7 Rev. Thomas Wylie, d. 1894. 5-7 Rev. Joseph Wylie, d. 1890. 6-7 Martha Rachel Wylie. Graduated at Geneva Col- lege. She is a Missionary in Syria. Rev. Preston H. Wylie, (1-6) m. 2ndj Rebecca A. Hayes, d. He m. 3rd, Margaret George Copeland. 2-6 James Mc Wylie, b. Jan. 13, 1824; d. Aug. 3, 1851. William Wylie, (1-5) m. 2nd, Nov. 28, 1826, Rachel Cal- houn, b. Dec. 19, 1803; d. Apr. 2, 1844. One child, viz.: 3-6 Martha Juletti Wylie, b. Jan. 23, 1828; d. June 20, 1828. William Wylie (1-5) m. 3rd, 0:ct. 7, 1845, Margaret Wal- la.ce, b. 1816; d. May 10, 1888. Five children, viz.: 4-6 Mary Elizabeth Wylie, b. May 23, 1847, unm. 5-6 William Zeans Wylie, b. Oct. 17^ 1848, m. June 16, 1881, Sarah Elizabeth Dunlap, b. Aug. 25, 185 1. South Zanes- ville, Ohio. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Mary Eleanor Wylie, b. Apr. 6, 1882. 2-7 Alice Mandana Wylie, b. May 24, 1884. 6-6 Margaret Jane Wylie, b. Aug 15, i8j;o, unm. 7-6 David John Knox Wylie, b. Feb. 18, 1855; m. 1901. 8-6 Joseph Henry Rutherford Wylie, b. Sep. 17, 1858; m. 1st, Apr. II, 1889, Esther McCullough, d. Aug. 7, 1896. Two children, viz.: 1-7 James F. Wylie. 2-7 William W. Wylie. McClung Genealogy. 123 Joseph Henr^ Rutherford Wylie, (8-6) m. 2iid, July 27, 1889, Margaret A. Blackwood. New Concord, Ohio. 2-5 John Wylie, b. Feb. 22, 1808; d. Aug., 1886; m. 1833, Maria Wisher, b. June 29, 1810; d. Mar. 12, 1895. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 Rebecca Jane Wylie, b. Apr. 16, 1834; d. 1861. 2-6 James McCammon Wylie, b. Jan. 12, 1836. Triadel- phia, W. Va. m. Mary Jane McConnell, d. 1898. One child, viz. : 1-7 George Wylie, d. Jan. ^y, 1901. m. 3-6 William Austin Wylie, b. Dec. 15, 1837; d. 1852. 4-6 Sarah Eleanor Wylie, b. Apr. 9, 1840; m. John Tor- rence, of Beaver Falls, Pa. 5-6 David Willson Wylie, b. July 6, 1842; m. Amanda P. McClurkin, Wash. 6-6 John Wallace Wylie, b. July 9, 1844; m. Maggie Ewing, Kansas City, AIo. Three .children, viz.: 1-7 Blanchard Wylie. 2-7 Mabel Wylie. 3-7 Lulu Wylie. 7-6 Rev. Richard Cameron Wylie, b. Aug. 27, 1846; m. June 6, 1876, Nancy Jean Buchanan, b. Aug. 20, 1848. Wilkins- burg, Pa. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Anna Maude Wylie, b. Aug. 7, 1881. 2-7 Bessie Lilian Marie Wylie, b. Mar. 15, 1884. 3-7 Vella Valeria WyUe, b. June 5, 1887. 4-7 Cameron Sloan Wylie, b. Mar. 27, 1889; d. Feb. 18, 1894. 8-6 Joseph McClung Wylie, b. Sep 4, 1848; m. Mar. 23, 1871, Elizabeth Morris, of Elkhorn, 111. Three children, viz.: 1-7 (A son) Wylie, b. May 4, 1876; d. May 4, 1876. 2-7 Rev. Edward Mellville Wylie, b. July 23, 1877. Bev- erly, Mass. 3-7 Lulu Ethel Wylie, b. Aug. 24, 1880. Student of Hamline Universit}^ of St. Paul, Minn. 9-6 Samuel Rutherford Wylie, b. Aug. 8, 1850; d. 10-6 Maria Elizabeth Wylie, b. Jan. 7, 1853; ^- about 1890; m. Cargill Elliott. Coultersville, 111. 11-6 Nancy Isabella Wylie, b. May 29, 1855; m. Martin 3-5 Isabeha Wylie, b. Mar. 3, 1806; d. June 3, 1877; m. Woodside. Clay Center, Kan. Apr. 21, 1842, Richard McGee, b. Apr. 23, 1801 ; d. Nov. 2'j, 1862. 4-5 Joseph Wylie, b. Mar. 25, 1810; d. May 29, 1851 ; m. Mar. 20, 1836, Nancy Brown. 5-5 Rebecca Wylie, b. Mar. 27, 1812; m. Jan. 20, 1835, William Brown. 124 McCivUNG Genealogy. 6-5 Sarah Wylie, b. May 2, 1814; d. Feb. 26, 1898; m. June 17, 1841, James George. Seven children, viz.: 1-6 Eleanor George, b. Oct. 25, 1842. 2-6 William W. George, b. Apr. 28, 1844 ; d. O.ct. 10, 1884. 3-6 John Calvin George, b. Aug. 25. 1846, (twin). 4-6 James Renwick George, b. Aug. 25, 1846, (twin) ; d. Sep. 26, 1855. 5-6 Eliza Jane George, b. Nov. it, 1849; d. Nov. 3, 1899. 6-6 Rebecca George, b. Nov. 25, 1851 ; d. June 3, 1884. 7-6 Joseph Wylie George, b. Oct. q, 1853. 7-5 Jane Eliza Wylie, b. Jan. 15, 1817; d. about June, 1848; m. Rev. John Wallace. One son, viz.: 1-6 William Wallace. 8-5 Martha A. Wylie, b. Mar. 28, 1819; d. June 17, 1864; m. Dec, 1835, James McCammon, b. June 10, 181 1. 2-4 Sarah McClung, m. Henry Sellars. 3-4 William McClung, b. Dec. 7, 1779; d. May, 1864. He was born in a fort in Cumberland Co., Pa. He was a farmer. Emigrated 1808 to New Wilmington. Pa. Later he resided two and a half miles south of Pulaski, Pa. He assisted Com- modore Perry in getting his battleship over the bar at Erie just before the final victory on Lake Erie. He was appointed mag- istrate by the Governor of Pennsylvania. His height was about five feet ten inches ; hair sandy and somewhat gray in his old age ; eyes blue ; nose broad ; face full and clean shaven ; eyebrows heavy; carriage erect; m. Feb. i, 1803, Mary Waugh, b. Sep. 7, 1782'; d. Mar. 31, 1877, in her 95th year. She was a twin. Her twin sister died at the age of 93 years. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Juliett Ann McClung, b. O'ct. 29, 1804; d. Jan. 23, 1899; m. George Wallace, d. Pulaski, Pa. Six children, viz.: 1-6 William Wallace, Pulaski, Pa. 2-6 Mary Wallace. 3-6 Adaline Wallace. 4-6 Laura Wallace, m. James Hopper, d. Address : Alle- gheny, Pa. 5-6 Robert Smiley Wallace, Pulaski, Pa. 6-6 Julius Wallace, Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. 2-5 James McClung, b. Jan. 27, 1807; d. July 17, 1885, unm. He was a cripple. Lost his leg from white swelling. 3-5 William Power McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1809; d. in Mauston. Wis., Sep. 16. 1883.. He was a millwright, m. ist, Susanna Bently. Mauston, Wis. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Theodore McClung, d. age about 3 years. 2-6 (A dau.) McClung, d. in infancy. William Power McClung, (3-5), m. 2nd, Mrs. Emily An- derson. No issue. Mauston, Wis. WILLIAM ELMER McCLUNG. Page 125. McClung GeneaIvOgy. 125 4-5 Charles McClung, b. June 6. 181 1 ; d. July 2, 1893; m. Rebecca Lockhart. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Elizabeth Power Waugh McClungr. b. Mar. 29, 1840 ; m. Sep., 1859, John Rowland. Address : Pulaski, Pa. 2-6 Harriet McClung, b. Apr. 12, 1843, unm. Address, Pulaski, Pa. 5-5 Alexander Waugh McClung, b. in Pa., Oct. 11, 1813; d. at La Plata, Mo., Nov. 16, 1892; m. in Zanesville, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1838, Jane Leach Matthews, b. Apr. 10. 1821 ; d. July 2, 1892. They moved to Wood Co., Ohio, in 1845 I thence to Mo. in 1858; thence to Neb. in 1880. Returned to Mo. lie was a cabinet maker. He also devoted some time to teaching. Twelve .children, viz. : 1-6 William J. McClung, b. Jan. 21, 1839; tl- Sep. 3, 1839. 2-6 Mary McClung, b. Aug. 16, 1840; m. June 20, 1870, William G. Eaton, b. De.c. 4, 1827; d. Dec. 31, 1903. La Plata, Mo. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Maude L. E^ton, b. May 26, 1871. Address: La Plata, Mo. 2-7 William Otto Eaton, b. Jan. 16, 1873; d. Sep. 29, 1898. 3-7 Andrew Oscar Eaton, b. Feb. 17, 1875 ; d. Mar. 26, 1876. 3-6 John McClung, b. in Pa. Sep. 5, 1842 ; d. at La Plata, Mo., July 9, 1896. He served threjs years in the Federal Army as a Volunteer in Company D, 27th Regiment, ist Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps.^ He was a farmer until ad- vanced in years when he retired to his home in La Plata, Mo. m. June 14, 1866, or July 23, 1866, Sarah Ann Meeks, b. in Ohio, Dec. 25, 1848. La Plata, Mo. Seven children, viz.: 1-7 William Elmer McClung, b. near La Plata, Mo. June 19, 1868. He was educated at the Missouri State Normal, at Kirksville, Mo., and at Warrensburg, Mo. He is a lumber merchant ; Vice Pres. of the El Paso Lumber Company, an extensive concern having yards at Independence, Cripple Creek, and Colorado Springs, Col. The yard at the latter place is one of the largest of its kind in the United States ; be- ing 190x200 ft. In its construction 280.000 ft. of Oregon fir and 350,000 brick were used. It has a caj^acity of 5,000,000 ft. of lumber and was constructed at a cost of $20,000. It was designed bv Mr. McClung. m. at Guthrie, Okla., Apr. 22, 1896, Evalina Clara Cunningham, b. in Salina, Kan., dau. of Harper S. Cunningham, attorney-general of Okla. Address: 410 Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Col. One child, viz. : 1-8 Lois Evangeline Cunningham, b. at Cripple Creek, Col., Aug. 29, 1900. 2-7 Laura Jane McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1868; m. Dec. 24, 126 McClung Genealogy. 1890, Dr. Charles Albert Mingus. He graduated at the Amer- ican School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo., in 1898. Ad- dress : Monte Vista, Col. One child, viz. : 1-8 Eva Fae Mingus, b. June 21, 1896. 3-7 Barbra Ellen McClung, b. in Macon Co., Mo., Feb. II, 1871. She taught in the public schools of La Plata, Mo., for six years; m. June 2."], 1894, John William Banning, b. Sep. 10, 1869. They each took a course of study in the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo., graduating in the class of 1898. They then moved to Chicago, where she prac- ticed Osteopathy, while he took a post graduate course in a medical school. On Dec. 6, 1900, they moved to Wilkes- barre, Pa., where he occupied the Chair of Anatomy, Physiol- ogy and Surgery in the Atlantic College of Osteopathy. He was afterwards made president of the college, and on Feb. i, 1904, the institution was transferred to Buffalo, N. Y., where he continues to preside, and at the same time carry on his private practice as an Osteopathic physician. She also prac- tices Osteopathy in Buffalo. Address : "The Frontenac," 228 Summer St., Buffalo, N. Y. One child, viz.: 1-8 Julia Agnes Banning, b. at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Mar. 7, 1901 ; d. Nov. 29, 1901. 4-7 James Alexander McClung, b. Sep. 27, 1871. He is a furniture dealer, m. Jan. 10, 1894, Mattie Jacques. Ad- dress: 20 W. First St., Oklahoma, Okla. One .child, viz.: 1-8 Velma Lewella McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1896. 5-7 Martha Katheryn McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1873 ; m. Dec. 24, 1893, Dr. Edward Burton Morris. He graduated in the second .class which received degrees at the American School of Osteopathy. His parents, Solomon and Anna Morris, were intimate friends of Dr. Andrew Taylor, the illustrious founder of Osteopathy. Address : Ottumwa, Iowa. 6-7 Ida May McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1877; m. Apr. 11, 1894, Frank Pease, a grocer of Quincy, 111. Three children, viz.: 1-8 ,(A son) Pease, b. May 10, 1897; d. May 12, 1897. 2-8 (A son) Pease, b. Sep. 20, 1899; d. Sep. 22, 1899. 3-8 Ruth Mildred Pease, b. Dec. 5, 1900. 7-7 Dr. Bert Morrow Garfield McClung, b. June 28, 1880. Graduated at American School of Osteopathy with class of 1900; m. 1902, Minnie Wright. Address: Ridgway, Col. One child, viz. : 1-8 (A son) McClung, d. age 2 months. 4-6 George M. McClung, b. Mar. 4, 1844; d. Oct. 22, 1844. 5-6 Justin Otto McClung, b. Sep. 6, 1846; d. Nov. 24, 1891 : m. Mar., 1877, Bartina Crantz. Address : Filley, Neb. Several children. One son, viz. : McClung Genealogy. 127 1-7 Lewis C. McClung. 6-6 William P. McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1848; d. Sep. 14, 1853- 7-6 James Andrew McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1851 ; m. Mar. 28, 1880, Katie Wilmartb. l^)Oring-, Ore. Issue. 8-6 Martha Jane McCung, b. Mar. i, 1853; d. Sep. 28, 1853- 9-6 Alvira McClung, b. Jan. 22, 1855 ; m. Nov. 30, 1876, .Vndrew Perry, b. Feb. 3, 1853, son of Jud.^c Perry of Macon Co., Mo. Address: Crab Orchard, Neb. Four children, viz.: 1-7 Lewis Perry, b. Aug. 30, 1877 ; m. Almyra Rob- erts. Elmer, Mo. 2-7 Thomas Perry, b. Aug. 29, 1880. Bethany, Neb. 3-7 Ella Jane Perry, b. Mar. 12, 1882; m. Walter Bash. Crab Orchard. Neb. 4-7 Orpha Perry, b. Oct. 26, 1889: d. Sep. 13, 1896. 10-6 Harriet Adeline McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1858; m. Dec. 25, 1882, Ulysses Atkins, b. May 9, 1861. Adams, Neb. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Cora Atkins, b. Sep. 30, 1883 ; m. 1904, Harry Hill- man. Adams, Neb. 2-7 Niva Atkins, h. June 3, 1886. 3-7 Ruth A. Atkins, b. June 23, 1891. 4-7 Guy S. Atkins, b. Jan. 3, 1893. 5-7 Harold Atkins, b. Apr. 6, 1894. 6-7 Alden Atkins, b. Oct. 29, 1897. 1 1-6 Alexander Waugh McClung, Jr., b. Mar. 29, i860; m. Nellie Daisy. Beatrice, Neb. 12-6 Lewis H. McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1861. Bloomington, Neb. 6-5 Harriet Jane McClung, b. July 14, 1816, d. Aug. 21, 1900; m. July 28, 1851, William Atkinson, b. Nov. 24, 1817; d. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Nannie Atkinson, b. Aug. 19, 1853 ; m. Nov. 17, 1874, Zadok Lanham, New Castle, Pa. 2-6 William Atkinson, d. in infancy. 3-6 John Atkinson, of New Castle, Pa. 4-6 Robert Atkinson, of New Castle, Pa. 5-6 James Atkinson, of New Castle, Pa. 7-5 John McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1819; d. May 8, 1880; m. Elizabeth Sanke}', a first cousin of Ira D. Sankey, the famous gospel singer. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Mary McClung. She is blind. New Castle, Pa. m. George Atkinson, d. One child, viz.: 1-7 Harriet Erdena Atkinson. 2-6 Brady McClung, b. Jan. 3, 1846; d. Nov. 24, 1892. 128 McClung Genealogy. Lumberman. Lived at Fremont, Mich. m. Ida Titus. Three children, viz. : 1-7 John Harkness McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1880, in Sheri- dan, Mich.; d. Aug. 9, 1882. 2-7 Mamie Aurilla McClung, b. July 18, 1882. Sales- lady in a confectionery store. Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. 3-7 Addie McClung. Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. 3-6 Adeline McClung, m. Andrew Onstott, of Pulaski, Pa. 4-6 William Power Waugh McClung, b. l^eb. 14, 1861. Farmer, Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. m. Apr. 18, 1882, Sadie Waters, b. Feb. 2, 1864; d. Feb. 5, 1899. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Joseph Clyde McClung, b. Oct 26, 1885. 2-7 Ella Mabel McClung, b. Jan. i, 1889. Attending school in New Castle, Pa. 3-7 Pearl Sadie McClung, b. Nov. 18, 1890. R. D. No. 2. Pulaski, Pa. 4-7 Edna May McClung, b. Sep. 20, 1893. 5-7 Hazel Belle McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1896, (twin). 6-7 Helen Blanche McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1896, (twin). 5-6 Annetta McClung, b. 1840; m. Freeman Grace, of West Middlesex, Pa. One child, viz. : 1-7 Gracie Belle Grace, b. about 1889. 8-5 Lewis McClung, b. Apr. 12, 1822. Farmer. Pulaski, Pa. R, D. No. 2. m. Apr. 19, 1849, Mary Ellen Lockhart. d. June 26, i860. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Oliver Clifton McClung, b. June i, 1850. Farmer, m. ist, Nov. 15, 1871, Martha Cook, b. 1855; d. Dec. 16, 1875. One child, viz. : 1-7 Martha McClung, b. Dec. 16, 1875; d. Mar. 21, 1878. Oliver Clifton McClung, (1-6), m. 2nd, Jan. 8, 1879, Olkey Waters, b. Mar. 8, 1852. No issue. Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. 2-6 Charles McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1852. Carpenter and farmer. Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. m. Feb. 26, 1880, Hettie Ellen Cover, b. Oct., 1852; d. May 30, 1888. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Ethel McClung, b. Mar. 16, 1882. 2-7 Lewis William McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1885. He is pursuing a .correspondence course in mechanical drawing, 3-6 Lizzie McClung, b. May 19, 1855. Pulaski, Pa. R. D. No. 2. Jean Leach McClung, wid. of William McClung, (4-3), m. 2nd, Ott. 19, 1781, David Martin. Rev. Hugh Magill of- ficiated at the wedding. See "Annals of Bufifalo Valley." 5-3 Sarah McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1748; d. m. Samuel Clark, of Cambridge, N. Y. Five children, viz.: 1-4 Samuel Clark, of Seneca Co., Ohio. r < > Q r I— « z o O r O < > r > o O r c McClung Genealogy. 129 2-4 Judge William Clarke, of Seneca Co., Ohio. 3-4 John Clark, d. in Seneca Co., Ohio, about 185 1 ; m. Two sons, viz, : 1-5 Samuel Clark, m. Miss Jeffrey, Weston, Ohio. 2-5 Alva Clark, m. Miss Jeffrey, Weston, Ohio. One son, viz. : 1-6 John Clark, of Weston, Ohio. 4-4 Rebecca Clark, m. Mr. Brooks. 5-4 PoUy Clark, m. Phineas Stephens. At least two sons, viz. : 1-5 Col. James Stephens. Cabinet maker and undertaker at Mehnore, Ohio. Volunteered with Co. H, 55th Ohio Vol. Promoted to Maj. Mar. 4, 1863; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. ; arm amputated ; promoted to Lieut. Col. May 8, 1863 5 resigned May 8, 1864. 2-5 Samuel Stephens. Shoe dealer, m. Melmore, Ohio. 6-3 Rebecca McClung, b. Jan., 1750; d. m. John Liv- ingston, of Seneca or Cayuga Co., N. Y. 7-3 Esther McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1752 ; d. m. David Coch- ran, of Cayuga Co., N. Y. Three children, 8-3 Elizabeth McClung, b. Apr. 2, 1755 ; d. m. James Miller, of Seneca Co., N. Y. Two sons. 9-3 Matthew McCTung, b. O'ct. 11, 1757; d. about 1840. He lived near Camden, Ohio, and owned a farm and grist mill. He was buried at Good Hope church-yard, three miles south-west of Camden. He was a Revolution,ary soldier, m, Jane Cummins. Four children, viz. : 1-4 James McClung, b, Aug, 25, 1780; d. 1837. He was a soldier in the War of 1812; m. Mary Martin, d. 1850. Lived a few miles north of Logansport, Ind. Twelve children — five sons and seven daughters. The names of only eight are known, viz. : 1-5 Nancy McClung, b. 1818; d. 1884; m. Matthew Reid, of Rochester, Ind. 2-5 Charles McClung, b. 1820; d. 1830, 3-5 Sarah McClung, b. 1822; d. i860; m. Mr. Lowry. 4-5 Mary A. McClung, b, 1825; d, 1840. 5-5 James McClung. 6-5 Matthew McClung, b. 1827; d. 1883. Dayton, Wa?h. Two sons, viz.: 1-6 Joseph McClung. Dayton, Wash. 2-6 Edward McClung, Dayton, Wash. 7-5 William B. McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1830; d. Mar, 3, 1893 ; m. Sarah Campbell. Brownsburg, Ind. Two sons, viz.: 1-6 Willard M, McClung, Pittsboro, Ind. 2-6 Marshall F, McClung, Pittsboro, Ind. 130 McClung Genealogy. 8-5 Margaret McClung, b. 1834; m. Jesse Shields, b. 1820; d. Oct. 28, 1900. Glendora, Cal. 2-4 Matthew McClung, Jr., d. May 11, 1834, near Cam- den, Ohio. He was a soldier in the War of 1812; m. Eliza- beth Casseday, b. 1796 ; d. 1884. Seven children, viz. : 1-5 William Laughlin McClung, b, June 24, 1822; d. 1896. In 1847, he moved to Mendon, III; m. Rachel Blazer. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Samuel Houston McClung. Mendon, 111. m. Ellen Wihle. Four sons, viz. : 1-7 Guy McClimg. 2-7 Ra5miond McClung. 3-7 Colonel McClung. 4-7 Gilbert McClung. 2-6 Charity Hair McClung, m. George Smith. Six chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 William Smith, m. Belle Odaniels. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Floyd Smith. 2-8 Goldie Smith. 2-7 Mary Christina Smith, m. John Lee. Loraine, 111. Issue. 3-7 Etta Belle Smith, m. Burt Chant. Two children. 4-7 Florence Smith. Mendon, 111. 5-7 Frank Smith, Mendon, 111. 6-7 Clarence Smith, Mendon, 111. 3-6 Clara McClung, m. William Zern. One son. 2-5 Samuel Casseday McClung, b. Mar. 25, 1824; d. June 12, 1861, unm. He was killed by a fall from a horse. 3-5 Mary Jane McClung, m. 1846, Robert Elder Stewart, b. 181 1, Clifton, Ohio. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Samuel Matthew Stewart, m. Emma Rice, of Springfield, Ohio. 2-6 Mary Frances Stewart, m. Solen Stratton, Atlanta, 111. Issue. 4-5 Margaret McClung, m. Josiah Shanks, of Dayton, Ohio. Two children, viz. : ' 1-6 Mary Shanks, m. William Miller, of Dayton, Ohio. 2-6 Horace Shanks, of California. 5-5 Elizabeth McClung, m. William Cline. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 Mary Elizabeth Cline, m. Francis Marion Hardy, Hickory Ridge, 111. Two sons, viz. : 1-7 Francis Hardy, Hickory Ridge, 111. 2-7 Thomas Hardy, Hickory Ridge, 111. 2-6 William Cline, m. Middletown, Ohio. 3-6 Florence Cline, m. Henry Zern, of Iowa. McClung Genealogy. 131 6-5 Sarah Ann McClung, b. Oct. 31, 183 1 ; d. m. Wil- liam Dailey, d. Winchester, Ohio. 1-6 Nancy Belle Dailey, m. Mr. Denison, of Wash. 7-5 Cassandra McClung, b. Oct, 17, 1833. See portrait, m. Dec. 22, 1858, Joseph Patterson Hard}[. b. 1837; ^- June 6, 1899. Hurdland, Mo. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Joel Darrah Hardy, b. Feb. 12, i860; m. 1888, Sarah McCollough. Tacoma, Wash. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Flora Hardy, b. July 23, 1889. 2-7 Boyce Hardy. 3-7 Jessie Hardy. 4-7 John McCollough Hardy. 5-7 Joseph P, Hardy. 6-7 Thomas Hardy, b. Dec. 11, 1902. 2-6 Emma Hardy, b. May 6, 1863; m. Nov. 6, 1888, John Franklin Talbott. Memphis, Mo. Five sons, viz. : 1-7 Charles Aubry Talbott, b. Sep. 7, 1889. 2-2 Willis Talbott. 3-7 Joseph Benjamin Talbott. 4-7 John Talbott. 5-7 Oral Talbott, b. 1902. 3-6 Baptist Matthew Hardy, b. May 12, 1865; m. ist, 1887, Rebecca Emaline Potter, d. Hurdland, Mo. One child, viz.: 1-7 (A son) Hardy, b. Mar. 31, 1889. Baptist Matthew Hardy (3-6) m. 2nd, Ella Lane, d. Two daughters. 4-6 Bessie Belle Hardy, b. 1867; d. Dec. 14, 1895. 5-6 William McClung Hardy, K 1872; m. Feb. 25, 1894, Hattie Wright. Loraine, 111. 3-4 Sarah McClung, b. May 6, 1787; m. William Reid, of Ro.chester, Ind. One child, viz. : 1-5 (A dau.) Reid, m. Mr. Emmons. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Adelaide Ehimons, m. Mr. Doran, of Fort Wayne, Ind. 2-6 Sarah Willmetta Emmons, m. Mr. Barcus, of Syr- acuse, N. Y. 4-4 Margaret McClung, b. 1788; d. 1844; m. William Burns, of Camden, Ohio. ^ 10-3 Charles McClung, b. Sep. 27, 1761 ; d. Aug. 19, 1810, in Fairfield, Ohio. He was a farmer and a Revolution- ary soldier. Fie moved with his family from Northumber- land Co., Pa., to Rush Creek Township, Fairfield Co., Ohio, about 1799. He was a Justice of the peace, and an Elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, m. Mar. 10, 1785, Margaret Martin, b. June 18, 1760; d. Nov. 5, 1842. She was 132 McClung Genealogy. noted for her intelligence and deep piety. Few women of her day had a more thorough knowledge of the scriptures than had she. Eight children, viz. : 1-4 Elizabeth McClung, b. Dec. 17, 1785; d. Oct. 9, 1798, unm. Baptized May 10, 1788, by Rev. John Cuthbert- son, the first Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister in America. 2-4 Sarah McClung, b. Dec. 9, 1787; d. Oct. 29, 1798, unm. 3-4 John McClung, b. in Northumberland Co., Pa., Apr. 9, 1790; d. in Halsey, Ore. June 5, 1879. He was a fine look- ing man. He was a farmer, an Elder in the Associate Re- formed Presbyterian Church, and a soldier in the War of 1812. Moved to near Lancaster, Ohio, with his parents, m. July 10, 1817, his first cousin, Jane Martin, b. Nov. 12, 1792; d. Sep. 28, 1866. They emigrated to Wapello, Iowa, in 1836; thence to Halsey, Ore, in 186;^. Ten children, viz. : 1-5 Betsy McClung, b. Nov. 11, 1818; d. Jan. 9, 1819. 2-5 Sarah McClung, b, Sep. 24, 1820; d. Aug. 26, 1843, unm. 3-5 (A child) McClung, b. July 30, 1821 ; d. Aug., 1821. 4-5 (A child) McClung, b. Sep. 30, 1822 ; d. Jan. 6, 1823. 5-5 Charles McClung, b. Sep. 6, 1823; d. Jan. 9, 1842. 6-5 Albert McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1826; m. Sep., 1852, Jane PI. Evans, d. 1S56. Halsey, Ore. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Urania McClung, b. 1853; m. ist, David or John George, d. She m. 2nd, Mr. Grey, d. Address : Downs, Kan. 2-6 John McClung, b. 1855. Saddle manufacturer. 7-5 Matthew McClung, b. June 26, 1828; d. Sep. or Oct., 1868; m. Elizabeth Schofield. No issue. 8-5 Margaret McClung, b. Jan. i, 1830; m. Apr. 24, 1865, Samuel Glass, d. Sep. 13, 1903. Crawfordsville, Ore. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Jennie McClung Class. Crawfordsville, Ore. 2-6 Matthew J. Glass, 'd. in infancy. 9-5 David McClung, b. Dec. 31, 1831 ; d. July 31, 1832. 10-5 Rebecca Jane McCTung, b. Apr. 22, 1833; d. May 2, 1890; m. Benjamin Barton, d. 1890. Thornton, Wash. Nine children. 4-4 Judge William McClung, b. Jan. 18, 1793 ; d. Sep. 8, 1876. West Rushville, O. He was Associate Judge of the court of Fairfield County, Ohio, and a member of the State Leg- islature in 1 841. Elder in the Associate Reformed Presby- terian Church, m ist, Martha Black, b. 1796; d. 1823. Two children, viz. : 1-5 Elizabeth Janette McClung, b. 1821 ; m. 1845, Col. B. W. Carlisle, b. 1817; d. Dec. 23, 1891. They resided at !? I DAVID McCLUNG Page 133- McClung Geneai^ogy. 133 Lancaster, Ohio. She now resicfes at Missouri Valley, Iowa. Eight children, viz, : 1-6 Charles J. Carlisle, b. 1846; m. Clara Van Horn. Harrisburg, Neb. 2-6 Thomas O. Carlisle, b. 1847; m. Jennie Wilson. Sioux City, Iowa. 3-6 Martha J. Carlisle, b. 1849; m. George W. Graybill. Missouri Valley, Iowa. 4-6 William McClung Carlisle, b. 1851 ; m. Leota Turner. Missouri Valley, Iowa. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Turner McClung Carlisle, b. 1893. 2-7 Louise Janette Carlisle, b. 1896. 5-6 Basil Washington Carlisle, b. Dec. 8, 1853. He is a clothing merchant; m. May 4, i88o, Abbie Locke Poston, b. at Nelsonville, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1859. Coldwater, Mich. 6-6 Laura Ella Carlisle, b. 1856; m. William McMan- amy. Binghampton, N. Y. 7-6 Frank P. Carlisle, b. 1859; m. Kittie Scott. Mon- damin, Iowa. 8-6 Flagg P. Carlisle, b. 1861 ; d. 1883. 2-5 Charles McClung, b. 1822; d. 1823. William McClung (4-4) m. 2nd, Mary Jane Trimble. One child, viz. : 3-5 Martha J. McClung, b. 1826; d. 1881 ; m. John Cowan. West Rushville, Ohio. No issue. 5-4 David McClung, b. Oct 8, 1795 ; d. at West Leipsic, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1867. Lived successively in Eden Twp., Sen- eca Co.; Hancock Co., 1854; and Van Buren Twp., Putnam Co., Ohio, 1863. He was a successful farmer and stockraiser, and was a Ruling Elder in the Associate Reformed and United Presbyterian Churches. See portrait, m. Dec. 11, 1823, Elizabeth Brown, b. Jan. 7, 1804; d. Aug. 15, 1876, dau. of David Brown and his wife, Margaret McTeear. Twelve children, viz. : 1-5 Phoebe McClung, b. Oct 20, 1824; d. June 24, 1898; m. 1st, Abner Leonard, b. Jan 10, 1823; d. July 2, 1886; farm- er and stockraiser, and a member of the first Colorado Leg- islature. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Robert Bayless Leonard, b. June, 1846; m. ^ Clara Comings, of Oberlin, O'hio. Address : Ft. Collins, Col. 2-6 David Brown Leonard, b. May, 1848; d. Oct., 1866. 3"6 Sarah Elizabeth Leonard, b. Dec, 1850; m. Jeflferson McAnelly. Ft. Collins, Col 4-6 Effie Margaret Leonard, b. "Apr., 1852; d. 1854. 5-6 Mary Ann Leonard, b. Apr., 1854; d. Sep., 1871. 6-6 Melissa Jane Leonard, b. Mar., 1857 ; d. Dec, 1858. 7-6 Charles McClung Leonard, b. May, i860; m. 134 McClUNG GENEAIyOGY. 8-6 Alice Margaret Leonard, b. Dec, 1862 ; d. Sep., 1866. Phoebe McClung Leonard (1-5), m. 2nd, Mr. Simpson, of Loveland; Col. 2-5 William Clarke McClung, b'. Aug. 12, 1826; d. May I, 1881. He was killed by ligHtning_in Warrensburg, Mo. He was a farmer, m ist, Mary Ann Dimmock, d. De.c, 1861. No issue. He m. 2nd^ about 1865, Harriet Root. No issue. She m. 2nd, Mr. Comstock, of Warrensburg, Mo. 3-5 Robert Martin McClung, b. Apr. 5, 1828; d. Mar. 10, 1888; m. Jan. i, 1857, Elizabeth Strawn, b. July 23, 1837, dau. of James Strawn and his wife, Eliza Hartman, of Bucks Co., Pa. Address : Du Bois, Neb. Twelve children, viz. : 1-6 Martha Elizabeth McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1857 ; m. Apr. 28, 1881, John R. Turnbull. Hobart, Okla. Six children. 2-6 Charles Hartman McClung, b. July 22, i860. Bridge- maker and steel structural contractor, m. Aug. 17, , Delia Gertrude Strouder, of Zanesville, Ohio. Address : 32 Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. One child, viz.: 1-7 Charles Hartman McClung, Jr., b. Jan., 1903. 3-6 Mary Selena McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1861 ; m. Mar. 30, 1882, Hugh Garner Gordon, b. Feb. 14, 1851 ; d. Jan. 14, 1895. Pawnee, Neb. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Selena Gordon 2-7 Nina Gordon. 3-7 Murray Gordon. 4-7 Alma Gordon. 5-7 (A child) Gordon. 4-6 Ida May McClung, b. May 7, 1863; m. Sep. 29, 1892, Henry Ernest Sunda, b. in Sohlingen, Province of Hanover, Germany, July 27, 1862. Orchard, Neb. Two children, viz.: 1-2 Frederick McClung Sunda, b. June i, 1893. 2-7 Elizabeth Sunda, b. July 12, 1898; d. July 14, 1902. 5-6 Emma Jane McClung, b. Oct, 2, 1864. She is a teacher. Du Bois, Neb. 6-6 Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 4, 1867 ; m. 1889, Henry J. Waddell, Olathe, Kan. 7-6 John Calvin McClung, b. Dec. 16, 1869; m. Nov. 21, 1894, Ida Marian Dorrance. Steinauer, Neb. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Florence Elizabeth McClung, b. Apr. 6, 1896. 2-7 Robert Gilman McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1898. 3-7 David Albert McClung, b. Mar. \f, 1902 ; d. Apr. 29, 1904. 4-7 Charles French McClung, b. June 11, 1903. 8-6 David A. McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1871 ; d. Nov., 1897, unm. He was a structural iron worker and assisted in build- ing the Intra Mural Railway at the World's Fair in Chicago. McCiyUNG GeneaivOgy. 135 9-6 Sarah McClung, b, Feb. 13, 1873. Du Bois, Neb. 10-6 Anna Eliza McClung, b. May 17, 1875; m. Dec. 17, 1902, Henry John Herron. Ewing, Neb. 1 1-6 James Harvey McClung, b. June 28, 1878; m. June 17, 1902, Grace Stuart. Hunter, Okla. One child, viz. : 1-7 Mabel Frances McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1903. 12-6 Miles McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1882. Du Bois, Neb. 4-5 James D. McClung, b. Jan, 13, 1830; d. 1872, at War- rensburg. Mo.; m. ist, 1854, Melissa McBride, d. Oct, 1855. One child, viz. : 1-6 (A dau.) McClung, b. 1855; d. 1856. James D. McClung (4-5), m. 2nd, 1859, Agnes Sharp, b. 1836; d. 1872, of Fairfield Co., Ohio. They emigrated to White Co., 111. ; thence in 1866, to Johnson, Co., Mo., where he died. Six children, viz. : 2-6 Joseph Sharp McClung, b. Mar. 11, i860 . Has a .cattle ranch at Granada, Col. 3-6 George Alva McClung, b. 1862. Manufacturer. Mt. Carmel, 111., or Vincennes, Ind. m. Nora . Three chil- dren, viz, : 1-7 Arthur McClung. 2-7 Marguerite McClung. 3-7 George McClung. 4-^ James Harvey McClung, b. 1864. m. Berthoud, Col. Two children, viz. : 1-7 (A dau.) McClung, b. about 1893. 2-7 (A son) McClung, b. about 1902. 5-6 Robert Brown McClung, b. Apr., 1866. Manager of a stave factory, m. May, 1887, Virginia Updike. Tiffin, Ohio. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Agnes Dee McClung, b. 1889. 2-7 Helen Marjorie McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1904. 6-6 Anna Harrison McClung, b. June, 1868; m. Oct. 4, 1888, Thornton Fitzhugh, b. May 19, 1864. Highland Park, Los Angeles, Cal. Three children viz. : 1-7 James McClung Fitzhugh, b. 1890. 2-7 Mason Fitzhugh. 3-7 (A dau.) Fitzhugh, b. 1903. 7-6 David Lee McClung, b. Oct. 27, 1870. Running on a railroad. Livingston, Mon. 5-5 Col. David Waddle McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1831. Graduated at Miami University in 1854; superintendent of Hamilton, Ohio schools ; editor of the Hamilton Intelligen- cer, a Republican paper in Hamilton, Ohio. He read law in the office of L. D. Campbell, who was one of the leading law- yers and politicians of southwestern Ohio. Mr. McClung was admitted to the bar prior to the Civil War. He was ap- 136 McClung Geneai^ogy. pointed to fill the unexpired term of the Probate Judge of Butler Co., Ohio. When the Civil War began he enlisted as a private in the 3rd Ohio Regiment. Shortly after his en- listment he was advanced to the General Staff Corps and brevetted as Colonel. He was commissioned as Quarter- master at Camp Dennison and at Camp Chase, Ohio. He became president of the Second National Bank of Hamilton, Ohio. Later he engaged in paper manufacturing. He was Post Master at Cincinnati, Collector ol Customs, Clerk of the Board of Elections and Collector of Internal Revenue, which office he still holds. He m. Mar. 18, 1862, Anna Carter Harrison, a first cousin of Benjamin Harrison, the twenty- third president of the United States ; and a grand-daughter of General William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, and the FTero of Tippecanoe. Nb issue. Ad- dress : Fernbank, Ohio. 6-5 Charles B. McClung, b. Feb. 3, 1834; d. July 26, 1845. 7-5 Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 27, 1836; d. Nov. 16, 1878, unm. 8-5 Sarah McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1838; d. Feb. 22, 1842. 9-5 Harvey McClung, b. Jan. 30, 1S40; d. Apr. 12, 1842. 10-5 Dr. John Calvin McClung, b. Jan. 26 1843. Grad- uated from medical department of Western Reserve Univer- sity at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1873, and has since practiced his profession at Leipsic, Ohio. Twice appointed Post Master, and four times elected Mayor of Leipsic. Was ordained Rul- ing Elder in United Presbyterian Church in 1868. Address: Leipsic, Ohio. See portrait. Twelve children, viz.: 1-6 Rev. David Albert McClung, b. Jan. 27, 1869. Grad- uated at Muskingum College in the class of 1895, and from the United Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Xenia, Ohio, in 1898. Was ordained by Sidney Presbytery in 1898. Served as stated supply of churches at Palestine, Morea and Duncanville, 111. In 1902 he became stated supply for West Union Congregation, Brownsville, 111., Somerville and Eden, Gibson Co., Ind., and Scotland, Ind. He furnished much val- uable data for this volume. Address, Scotland, Ind. 2-6 Anna Deane McClung b. Oct. 17, 1870. To her be- longs the credit of discovering the pla.ce of her ancestor's first settlement in America. She has exhibited the quality of perse- verance so essential to a successful genealogist. Address: Leipsic, Ohio. 3-6 John Brown McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1872; d. Mar. 24, 1895. Graduated from High School in 1887. Attended Muskingum College 1888-9, and Miami University 1891-2. He taught school in 1889-90, and 1892-3. He was assistant post- master at Leipsic, Ohio. "He possessed many traits of char- McClung Geneai^ogy. 137 acter which combined with his upright Christian manliness to make him numerous friends." 4-6 Nathan Boyd McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1874. Educated at Muskingum, Maryville and Tarkio Colleges ; graduating from the latter institution in 1903. Spent two years at the Theological Seminary of Xenia, Ohio. Was licensed to preach the gospel Apr. 13, 1904. He was a soldier in the Spanish-American War, serving as a Private in Co. L. 6th Ohio Infantry. Mustered in at Toledo, Ohio, July i, 1898, and mustered out with the regiment at Augusta, Ga., May 24, 1899. Address: Leipsic, Ohio. 5-6 Robert Clark McClung, b. Sep. 23, 1876; d. Oct. 5, 1877. 6-6 Sarah McClung, b. Mar. 19, 1878, (twin). Leipsic, Ohio. 7-6 William Hartley McClung, b. Mar. 19, 1878, (twin). Pawnee, Neb. 8-6 Elizabeth McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1880. Leipsic, Ohio. 9-6 James Donald McClung, b. Alar. 10, 1882. Pawnee, Neb. 10-6 Martha McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1884; d. Peb. 19, 1884. 1 1-6 Charles Harvey McClung, b. July 10, 1885. Stu- dent at Muskingum College. 12-6 Joseph McClung, b. July 24, 1887; d. July 31, 1887. 11-5 (A dau.) McClung, b. May 4, 1845; c^- May 4, 1845. 12-5 Martha B. McClung, b. June i, 1846; d. Aug. 29, 1875. 6-4 Charles McClung, b. Jan. 25, 1798; d. Sep. 7, 1880. He was a mill-wright. m. ist, Jane McQuade. They lived in Sec. I, Eden Township, Richmond Co., Ohio. Three children, viz. : 1-5 William McClung, d. unm. Studied law and was ready to be admitted to the bar when he died, although not yet of age. 2-5 Margaret McClung. d. in youth. 3-5 Urania McClung, d. in youth. Charles McClung, (6-4) m. 2nd, Mrs. Margaret Strow. d. They resided at Milton Center, Ohio. After her death he moved to Fairfield Co., Ohio. No issue. 7-4 Dr. James McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1800; d. Oct. 14, 1831, unm. He took a course of medical lectures at Cincinnati and another at Philadelphia. He practiced at Melmore, Ohio ; and was a young physician of great promise. Was buried at Rocky Creek, Seneca Co., Ohio. 8-4 Margaret McClung, d. Nov., 1842. 138 McCivUNG GeneaIvOgy. THE CREENBRIAR McCLUNCS. About the time James, William and Hugh M.cClung emi- grated to Virginia, there came also a John McClung, who is said to have been a cousin of those above mentioned. The name of his father is unknown ; but it is quite probable that it was also John McClung, one of the three original brothers who fled from Scotland to Ireland. There is nothing to for- bid this assumption, and the meager traditions seem to point in that direction. 2-1 JOHN ]yccoLUjNra, B. in Scotland. Emigrated to Ireland about 1690, and was probably the father of 1-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. probably in Ireland, d. about 1788, in Rockbridge Co., Va., at an advanced age. He emi- grated from Ireland to Penna. ; thence to Rockbridge Co., Va. He was a farmer and owned 278 acres of land in Rockbridge Co., Va., in what was known as the "Forks." He sold this farm to his son Edward on Apr. 23, 1783. When he sold his farm a neighbor asked him what he proposed to do now. He replied in a jocular manner: "I propose to live like a gentle- man and have all the whiskey I want to cfrink." Even ministers of the gospel drank whiskey freely in those days. He owned a still-house valued at £100. He m. Rebecca Stuart who was related to Hon. Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart, of Staunton, Va., who was Secretary of State in President Franklin Pierce's Cabinet. John McClung survived his wife several years, and resided with his daughter, Nancy Moore during the latter years of his life. He suffered with a cancer on his face. Af- ter his death, his son Joseph entered suit in the Chancery Court of Rockbridge Co., to recover the farm his father had sold to Edward McClung; alleging that by reason of age and mental infirmitv, his father was incompetent to transact such business. The estate was in litigation for ten or twelve years; and from these Chancery Court records the names of John McClung's children and grand-children were obtained. An in- ventory of the personal estate of John McClung deceased was made June 7, 1791 ; the estate being valued at £3. 16 shillings. Seven of his sons settled in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Their descendants are very numerous in that county, hence this branch of the family is designated as "Greenbriar McCIungs." It is said that during the Civil War, tvv^o companies — the "Greenbriar Swifts" and the "Nicholas Grays," contained McClung GeneaIvOgy. 139 thirty-two McCliings. They rode the finest horses in Gen. Robert E, Lee's army. Alpheus Paris McClung was captain of the "Greenbriar Swifts." In the vicinity of Mt. Lookout, W. Va., there is a com- munity known as the "McClung Settlement." The writer visited this community in the summer of 1902. Before reach- ing the Carnifex Ferry, he inquired of a citizen how far one must travel after crossing the ferry before he should reach the Mc'Clung settlement." He re- plied : "The first house you come to after crossing the ferry belongs to a McClung; and the next is a Mc- Clung ; and the next is a McClung ; and from there on it is just McClung — Clung — Clung — Cling — a — ty^ — Clung — Clung — Clung." It was found to be verily so. They are a peaceful, law-abiding, hospitable people. A worthy gentleman asserts that he has lived among these McClungs for eight years and he has never yet heard a profane oath uttered by one of the name. This branch of the family is so numerous and the names are so similar that it has become necessary to make use of a sobriquet in order to distinguish between them. John Mc- Clung and Rebecca Stuart had ten .children, viz. : 1-3 Thomas McClung, d, probably Oct. 10, 1774, as he was said to have been killed at the battle of Point Pleasant, m. Nancy Black. They lived in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-4 John McClung, (Curly John), d. m. Sep. 14, 1800, Nancy Gofif, or Groves. They lived in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Thomas McClung, d. unm. He was found dead in a stable. It was thought that a negro killed him and placed his body in the stable at the heels of a vicious horse so that his friends would suppose he was killed by the horse. 2-5 Alexander McClung, (Curly Alex.), b. Nov. 22, 1805 ; d. May i, 1892; m. July 24, 1834, Eleanor Thompson, b. July 19, 1816; d. June 13, 1901. Address: Rupert, W. Va. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 Martha Jane McClung, b. June 13, 1835 ; m. Oct. 22, 1863, Louis P. Burdett, d. Dec. 16, 1898. Dennis, W. Va. 2-6 Nancy Ann McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1837; m. Mar. 12, 1856, Andrew Hutchinson McClung, (Squire Andy) (Cloth Andy). For issue see index. 3-6 Robert Alexander McClung, b. Apr. 4, 1839; d. Nov. I, 1864. He was wounded in the battle of Cedar Creek and died in the hospital. Was buried at Staunton, Va. 4-6 John Thomas McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1841 ; m. Jan. 5, 140 McCivUNG GeneaIvOgy. 1865, Cyntffia C. Thompson. Fort Spring, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Robert Lee McClung, d. in infancy. 2-7 (A child) McClung, d. unnamed. 3-7 Pettie McClung, m. Bollar Blake, of Pickaway, W. Va. 4-7 Edward McClung, m. Laura Dunbar. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 (A child) McClung. 2-8 Fred McClung. 3-8 (A child) McClung. 5-7 William McClung. 5-6 Dr. William Henry McClung, b. 0>ct. 28, 1843. He was in the Confederate Army. He first enlisted as a substitute in Col. Henry's regiment. Three months later he volunteered and was assigned to Capt. Burkhart's cavalry, Company K, 14th Va. Reg. In Oct., 1864, he was transferred to Houn- shell's Batalion as drillmaster, in which capacity he served till the close of the war. He was several times wounded ; twice severely. He was slightly wounded in an engagement in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. He was severely wounded in the left breast at Frederick City, Md. He was wounded in the right side in front of the block house in Washington City, while attempLiug to carry his wounded brother John oft" tiie field. He was wounded in the face at the battle of Ninevah. He was captured at Ninevah, but made his escape by riding through the Federal lines, swiming the Shenandoah river three times, and taking refuge in the mountains. He reached his command the next evening. He began the practice of medicine about the ycr 1P6S, and has succeeded in building up an enormous practice. He is one of the most popular practitioners in Iiis county. He served as Deputy Sheriff four years 1882- 1886. He was Pres- ident of the Board of Regents for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind School at Romney, W. Va., for twelve years. He is a large land owner, having between 2,500 and 3,000 acres of coal, tim- ber and grazing land. He grazes about 300 head of cattle each year. In politics he is a Democrat ; and in ecclesiastical affairs is actively identified with the M. E. Church South. He has a beautiful home near Meadow Bluff, W. Va. m. Nov. 15, 1866, Adeline Elizabeth Thompson, b. Apr. 30, 1843. Mead- ow Bluff, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Banzesa McClung, b. July 28, 1867 ; d. Aug. 13, 1867. 2-7 Irene Erven McClung, b. July 28, 1871 ; m. Jan. 15, 1892, Newton Shawver, of Clintonville, W. Va. 3-7 Elsie Bird McClung, b. July 13, 1874; m. June 6, 1896, George Wall, of Crawley, W.Va. DR.JOHX CALVIX McCLUNG. Page 136. 1 i McClung Genealogy. 141 4-7 Olive Bell McClung, b. Dec. 28, 1875; m. Apr. 22, 1896, John Hepler, of Meadow Bluff, W. Va. 5-7 William Kenna McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1880. Meadow Bluff, W. Va. 6-6 Rev. Edward Smith McClung, b. I^.Iar. 13, 1846; d. Apr. 23, 1900; m. Mar. 26, 1873, Mary Catherine Hoff, of Smoot, W. Va, No issue. 7-6 Elizab-Jth Rachel McClung, b. Feb. i, 1848; m. Jan. 24, 1867, D. C. Snyder, of Mt. Hope, W. Va. 8-6 Rev. George Washington McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1850; m. Feb. 26, 1880, Hattie A. Bivens, b. 1861. Rivesville, W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Ada Virgilee McClung, b. 18S1 ; d. 1903 ; m. Dr. Wil- son, of Wayne, W. Va. 2-7 H. Dv ight McClung, b. 1883. Rivesville, W. Va. 3-7 Heber Lackey McClung, b. 1885. 4-7 Anna Nash McClung, b. 1887. 5-7 McTyere Marvin McClung, Id. 1890; d. 1890. 6-7 Hattie Dix McClung, b. 1891. 7-7 Keener Key McClung, b. 1894 8-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy. 9-6 Rev. Samuel Floyd McClung, St., b. Aug. 26, 1853 ; d. Feb. 7, 1903. He was president of Barboursville College (now Morris Harvey College) of Barboursville, W. Va. Later he was presiding Elder of Charleston District in West Vir- ginia Conference of the M. E. Church South. Central City, W. Va. m. Sep. 14, 1880, Lorena Rupert, b. Apr. 11, 1859. See index. Ten children, viz. : 1-7 Rupert Ewing McClung, b. July 18, 1881. 2-7 Maurice Kentucky McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1884. 3-7 Lacte?il Reid McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1885. 4-7 Samuel Floyd McClung, Jr., b. Nov. 4, 1887. 5-7 Earnest Alexander McClung, b. July 3, 1890. 6-7 Minor Smith McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1893. 7-7 Mary Elizabeth McClung, b. June 13, 1895. 8-7 Robert Loren McClung, b. Sep 21, 1897. 9-7 Donald Cyrus McClung, b. Nov. 15, 1901 ; d. Nov. 15, 1901. 10-7 Adelia Rachel McClung, b. Aug. 2, 1903. 10-6 Leah Goff McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1856; m. Jan. 17, 1877, Robert Flarvey Smith, of Meadow Bluff, W. Va. 11-6 Ella Rosetta McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1858; m. Jan. 17, 1877, Wats< n McClung^ son of Col. Allen McClung. For- issue, see index. 3-5 Virginia McClung, m. William Miller. 4-5 Rachel McClung, d. June 14, 1882; m. Sep. 8, 1830, Robert Miller, of Jamesport, Mo. 142 McCiyUNG Genealogy. 5-5 Elizabeth McClung, m, Feb. 14, 1839, William Mc- Clung (Bill Hosy), son of Alexander McClung (Bake Alex.). For issue see index. 6-5 Sallie McClung, b. Jan. 13, 1817; d. Jan. 19, 1892; m. Sep. 25, 1834, Grigsby McClung, son of Alexander Mc- Clung, (Bake Alex.) For issue see index. 7-5 Nancy McClung, m. Edwin Trent. 8-5 Edward McClung, d. 1891 ; m. Melvina Young. Em- igrated to Woodford Co., 111. ; thence to Hamburg, Iowa, and thence to Talmage, Neb. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Perry McClung, m. Saint Edward, Neb. Seven chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Nora McClung, b. about 1880. 2-7 John McClung, b. about 1881. 3-7 Sidney McClung, b. about 1883. 4-7 Jessie McClung, b, about 1885. 5-7 Harry McClung, b. about 1889. 6-7 Daisy McClung, b. about 1893. 7-7 Ida McClung, b. about 1895. 2-6 Lewin McClung. Talmage, Neb. 2-4 Alexander McClung, d. Feb, 5, 1816. He was drowned in the Meadow River in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Ad- dress : Lewisburg, W. Va. m. Jan. 7, 1806, Jane McClung, d. May 6, 1822, dau. of Capt. Samuel McClung. See index. Five children, viz. : 1-5 Rebecca McClung, b. July 29, 1806; d. Jan., 1828, unm. 2-5 Charles McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1808; d. Dec. 25, 1882; m. Rebecca J. Walker, b. May 25, 1812; d. July 12, 1850. Har- riston, Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Capt. Thomas Walker McClung, b. Nov. 27, 1835. He was a Confederate Captain and commanded Company E, 1st Regiment of Virginia Cavalry. Harriston, Va. 2-6 Sarah Jane McClung, b. Sep. 4, 1837. Frankford, W. Va. ; m. Dec. 7, 1857, James Griffin Rader, d. 3-6 James Crawford McClung, b. July 28, 1839. He was in the Confederate Army and served as 2nd Sergeant in Com- pany E, 1st Virginia Cavalry. He m. Mary Rossen. Hunt- ington, W. Va. 4-6 Samuel Alexander McClung, b. May 29, 1841 ; d. Jan. 29, 1842. 5-6 William Charles McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1843; d. in W_ashington, D. C, Nov. 23, 1901, unm. He was a com- mercial traveler, and represented the Fairbanks Scales Com- pany for many years. He resided in Baltimore, Md., until a short time prior to his death. He was a soldier in the Con- federate Army in Company E, ist Virginia Cavalry. McClung GeneaIvOgy. 143 6-6 John Franklin McClung, b. Apr. 14, 1846. He served in the Confederate Army in Company E, ist Virginia Caval- ry. He m. Jennie Maria Patterson, b. Feb. 9, 1847 5 d. May 17, 1901. Harriston, Va. Ten children, viz.: 1-7 Nettie W. McCIung, b. Oct. 3, 1868, d. Jan. 19, 1870. 2-7 Nannie Craig McClung, b. July 9, 1870; d. Sep. 19, 1895 ; m. William A. Harner. 3-7 Charles Dennie McClung, b. June 21, 1872. He was a soldier in the Spanish-American war, and served as a pri- vate in Company K, 27th Virginia Infantry. Harriston, Va. 4-7 Thomas Walker McClung; b. June i, 1874. He is a carpenter. Harriston, Va. 5-7 Laura Virginia McClung, b. May 7, 1877; m. James Layne, of Elkton, Va. 6-7 William Hawes McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1879. He is employed at the Insane Assylum at Staunton, Va., in taking care of the inmates. 7-7 James Samuel McClung, b. Nov. 6, 1881 ; m. Jennie Berry. Grottoes, Va. 8-7 Mary M. McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1884; d. July 23, 1884. 9-7 George F. McClung, b. Apr. 9, 1885. Staunton, Va. 10-7 Rebecca J. McClung, b. Jan. 28, 1889. Harriston, Va. 7-5 Margaret Winters McClung, b. July 13, 1847; d. Aug. I, 1879; m. D. B. Henton. Fort Defiance, Va. 8-6 Rebecca J. McClung, b. July 30, 1849; "i. Robert C. Byers, of Knightly, Va. 3-5 Samuel Alexander McClung, (Sheriff Sam) b. Apr. 29, 1810; d. Oct. 24, 1845. fie was Sheriff of Greenbriar Co., W. Va. m. Jan., 1833, Martha Feamster, of Lewisburg, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Jane McClung. 2-6 Susan Rebecca McClung. 3-6 Thomas Alexander McClung, d. unm. 4-6 Elizabeth Ann McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1840; d. July 26, 1900; m. 'Capt. Alpheus Paris McClung, son of Charles McClung. For issue see index. 5-6 Charles William McClung, (Charlie Fox) b. Apr. 13, 1842. He is a farmer and cattle raiser, m. Oct. 12, 1887, Mrs. Ellen McClung Arbuckle, nee Bright, b. Sep. i, 1848, dau. of Kyle Bright and his wife Elizabeth Moore McClung, who was the dau. of Joseph McClung (Redheaded Joe). No issue. Lewisburg, W. Va. 4-5 Nancy Black McClung, b. Apr. 24, 1813; d. Feb. 11, 1888; m. Feb. 22, 1832, Charles McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1805; d. 144 McClung Genealogy. Oct. 8, 1865, son of Joseph McClung (Redheaded Joe). For issue see index. 5-5 Thomas McClung, b. Mar. 5, 1815; d. Oct. 24, 1845, unm. 3-4 Edward McClung (Muddy Creek Ned), d. m. Sallie Viney. They lived on Muddy Creek, Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Rlxth McClung, d. unm'. "age 27, years." 2-5 Nancy McClung, b. Jan. i, 1799; d. July 4, 1889, unm. 3-5 Rachel McClung, b. June, 1800; d. July 31, 1861, unm. 4-5 Alexander McClung, d. 186S; m. 1830, Elizabeth Jar- rett, b. 1808; d. 1900. They emigrated to Pattonsburg, Mo. Twelve children, name of one, viz. : 1-6 Sarah Jane McClung. She was a cripple. 5-5 John McClung, d. m. Feb. 15, 1837, Sallie Lusher. Pattonsburg, Mo. Four children, viz. : 1-6 John Feamster McClung, Jamesport, Mo. 2-6 Edward McClung. Jamesport, Mo. 3-6 (A dau.) McClung, m. 4-6 (A dau.) McClung. m. 6-5 Cynthia McClung, H. unm. 7-5 Melinda McClungj^b. Dec. 12, 1808; d. Dec. 11, 1891 ; m. Aug. 29 1834, Joseph Jarrett, b. Sep. 9, 181 1; d. Feb. 24, 1898. Farmer. 8-5 Charles McClung (Good Charlie) b. 1818; d. Dec. 23, 1863; m. Mary Hedrick. d. about i8'99. They went to Mo, Returned to W. Va. Six .children, viz. : 1-6 William McClung, (Will Chokem) b. in Mo. Was County Court Clerk of Daviess Co., Mo. Present Address, Fort Worth, Texas, m. Miss Pritchet. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Oscar McClung. Was in the Spanish-American War. m. Fort Worth, Texas. 2-7 Maude McClung, m. John Boone. Fort Worth, Tex. 2-6 John Alexander McClung, (John Chokem). So nick- named because he wore a cravat in the army, m ist, Lizzie Anderson. No issue. He m. 2nd, Lizzie Leach. No issue. Pickaway, W. Va. 3-6 Jennie McClung, m. James M. Thomason. Williams- burg, W. Va. 4-6 Nancy McClung, d. m. George Harrah, Clintonville, W. Va. 5-6 Nettie McClung, m. ist, William Parker. She m. 2nd, Robert Martin, of Pickaway, W. Va. 6-6 James Clowney McClung, m. Linda Nickell. Pick- away, W. Va. Three .children, viz. : 1-7 Efiie Morris McClung, b. Aug. 24, 1879; ^- Oct. 25, K fc G < o z o z ^ D Q McClung Geneai^ogy. 145 1899, Frank Bittle Albert, b. Apr. 24, 1876. He is a commer- cial traveler. Roncevert, W. Va. 2-7 John Otey McClung. Pickaway, W, Va. 3-7 Edward Gilmer McClung, d. in childhood. 4-4 Jane McClung, d. 5-4 Rachel McClung, d. '6-4 Thomas McClung, Jr., d. 2-3 Joseph McClung, (Sinking Creek Joe), d. The fol- lowing anecdote is told of him : A hog-thief oace stole some hogs from Joseph McClung. The thief was arrested, con- victed, and consigned to the whipping post. At the time ap- pointed for the execution of the sentence, Joseph was present to see it well and adequately done. When the sheriff had finished applying the lash, Joseph, thinking the punishment insufficient rushed up and grabbing the lash fairly blistered the prisoner with a few additional strokes. The prisoner af- terward prosecuted him for this act and made it cost him the worth of a horse. Joseph again sought retaliation. Some time afterward a Baptist revival was conducted in the neigh- borhood and this same hog-thief was numbered among the converts. When the day arrived for the immersion of this convert in the creek, Joseph McClung was present as a mere spectator. Just as the converted hog-thief emerged from the water, Joseph rushed up to the edge of the stream and cried out: "Will the hair come? If it won't, dip him again." This last act cost him the worth of another horse; but he seems to have had more horses than hogs to spare. He lived on Sinking Creek in Greenbriar Co., W. Va., in one of the finest agricultural regions in the state. He came to Greenbriar from Rockbridge Co., Va. The exact date of his emigration to Greenbriar is unkno_wn; but it was certainly not later than 1776. His abhorrence of the papacy is evinced by the following retraction which appeared in the W. Va. Historical Magazine : "Whereas, We Joseph McClung and Samuel McClung having heard by sundry unadvised persons that Mr. Andrew Donnally was a Papist and that he had changed his name by omiting an O which should have been prefixed to his Sirname, and whereas, we have unadvisedly published the same and also in an Advertisment which he set up in March, 1775 to warn the inhabitants of Greenbriar to give in a list of their tithables, did prefix the said O to his Sirname ; and as we have since by unquestionable evidence been convinced that there is no just foundation for the same, we hereby acknowledge our- selves heartily sorry for the same; and in witness whereof, 146 McClung Genealogy. have subscribed this and allow the same to be transmitted to Record. Given under our hands and seals this fourth day of March 1776. JOSEPH McCLUNG, (Seal) SAMUEL McCLUNG, (Seal) Signed and acknowledged by us, WILLIAM HAMILTON. WILLIAM McCLEMCHAN. SAMUEL HUGART. RICHARD MAY." Joseph McClung m. Miss Bell. Nine children, viz. : 1-4 Joseph McClung (Red headed Joe), b. May 17, 1772; ^- July 3, 1849; ^- ^st, Nov. 7, 1796, Elizabeth Groves. One child, viz. : 1-5 Margaret McClung, b. Sep. 13, 1800; d. Mar. 5, 1852; m, Feb. 3, 1820, John Rader. Joseph McClung (1-4) m. 2nd, Feb. 2, iSo^, Elizabeth Hyde, b. Feb. 19, 1787; d. Feb. 6, 1862. Eight children, viz.: 2-5 Charles McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1805, d. Oct. 8, 1865; m. Feb. 22, 1832, Nancy Black McClung, b. Apr. 24, 1813; d. Feb. II, 1888, dau. of Alexander McClung, who was a son of Thomas McClung. See index. They lived in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Rebecca J. McClung, b. about 1832 ; d. m. Green A. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va. 2-6 Cyrus Hyde McClung, b. Aug. 14, 1834. Formerly a hotel proprietor at Frankford, W. Va. m. Sep. i, 1863, Mar- tha Jane Gillilan, b. July 12, 1840. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Charles Paris McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1864, unm. He has a sheep ranch at Briggs, Texas. 2-7 Virginia Rebecca McClung, b. Mar. 5, 1866; d. Oct. 15, 1896; m. Mar. 14, 1894, Erasmus A, Hannah, of Frankford, W. Va. 3-7 Richard Kyle McClung, b. Apr. 15, 1868; m. Mar. 30, 1898, A. Virgie Byers. Frankford, W. Va. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 Ernest Kyle McClung, b. Jan. 14, 1899. 2-8 Warwick Guy McClvmg, b. Jan. 31, 1900. 3-8 Golden Clyde McClung, b. Mar. 31, 1902. 3-6 Mary Elizabeth McClung, d. unm. age 17 years. 4-6 Samuel Kyle McClung, d. Nov. 17, 1886; m. Mrs. Minnie Stephenson, nee Alexander, of Highland Co., Va. Two .children, viz. : 1-7 Sidney McClung, b. about 1886. Staunton, Va. McCiyUNG Genealogy. 147 2-7 Sammie Paris McClung, b. Jan., 1887 (dau.). Staun- ton, Va. Mrs. Minnie McClung, wid. of Samuel Kyle McClung (4-6) m. 3rd, Prof. J. G. Dunsmore, Principal of Dunsmore Business College, of Staunton, "Va. 5-6 Capt. Alpheus Paris McClung, (Capt. Dod) b. June 10, 1840. He was captain of the "Greenbriar Cavalry." He is General Agent for the Deering Harvesting Machine Co. m. Elizabeth Ann McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1840; d. July 26, 1900, dau. of Samuel Alexander McClung. See index. Lewisburg, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Edward Moore McClung, b. Dec. 19^ 1868; d. Aug. 20, 1 871. 2-7 Moorman Swoope McClung, b. Oct. 12, 1871. He is a bookkeeper in the Bank of Lewisburg, W. Va. 3-7 Dennis Hyde McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1873; d. June 25, 1892, unm. 4-7 Walter Lepps McClung, b. May 17, 1875; d. July 6, 1891. 5-7 Mary Moore McClung, b. Oct. 17, 1878; m. Oct. 17, 1901, George A. Van Lear, a druggist of Roanoke, Va. 6-6 Lucy McClung, d. 7-6 Ellen McClung, d. Either she or her sister Lucy was accidentally drowned in a trough of water at the age of three years. 8-6 William Frank McClung, b. May 19, 1848; d. Nov. 30, 1888; m. Sep. 18, 1877, Nannie Blacknall Crump. Lewis- burg W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Samuel Kyle McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1878. Stenog- rapher and insurance agent. Roanoke, Va, 2-7 Alpheus Brookes McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1880. Ronce- vert, W. Va. 3-7 Willie Frank McClung, (dau), b. Nov. 10, 1882; m. Dec. 19, 1900, Lucius J. Holland, a lawyer of Dallas, N. C. 4-7 Nellie Crump McClung, b. Apr. i, 1885. Lewisburg, W. Va. 5-7 William Crump McClung, b. Feb, 25, 1886; d. Nov. 30, 1900. 3-5 Nancy McClung, b. Sep. 11, 1807; d. Dec. 8, 1875; m. Oct. 8, 1846, Alexander Kearns, 4-5 Jane McClung, b. Aug. i, 1810; m, Dec. 25, 1832, Michael Bright, Jr. Went to Missouri. 5-5 Eleanor McClung, ,b.Dec. 5, 1812; d. Sep. 13, 1871 ; m. Feb. 22, 1832, Dickson McClung, b. Sep. 21, 1811; d. June 12, 1898. Son of William McClung, (Long Billie). For issue see index. 148 McClung Genealogy. 6-5 Elizabeth Moore McClung, b. Feb. 14, 1815; m. Kyle Bright. 7-5 Joseph McClung, (Little Readheaded Joe), b. Sep. 8, 1817; d. Nov. 13, 1861 ; m. Dec. 17, 1850, Mary Jane Mat- thews, b. May 30, 1824; d. Aug. 7, 1866. Six children viz.: 1-6 Annie Elizabeth McClung, b. July 27, 1852. She was educated at the Augusta Female Seminary, m. June 6, 1877, Lieut. Samuel William Newman Feamster, of Alderson, W. Va. Eleven children, viz.: 1-7 Pattie Heywood Feamster, b. May 13, 1878. 2-7 Mary Lou Feamster, b. Jan. 14, 1880; d. 3-7 Anna Warwick Feamster, b. Mar, 3, 1882, 4-7 Coleman Alderson Feamster, b. Jan, 7, 1884, 5-7 William Walter Feamster, b. Feb, 2, 1886, 6-7 Samuel Wayland Newman Feamster, b. Mar, 15, 7-7 Allen Thurman Feamster, b. Mar. 23, 1890. 8-7 Lucile Matthews Feamster, b, June 17, 1892. g-7 Cecil Hyde Feamster, b. June 17, 1892, 10-7 Earl Vance Feamster, b, Aug, 10, 1894. 1 1-7 Garland McClung Feamster, b, Nov. 19^ 1898. 2-6 Warwick Matthews McClung, b, Jan. 28, 1855 ; m, Feb. 20, 1878, Elizabeth Vermont Wallace, b. July 7, 1859. Williamsburg, W. Va. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Pinkney Lake McClung, b. May 14, 1879. 2-7 Henry Matthews McClung, b. Aug, 21, 18S0. 3-6 Mary Ellen McClung, b. Dec, 3, 1856; m. Sep. 6, 1876, Prof. E. G. Brownlee. Address: 404 High St., German- town, Pa. He was at one time President of the Eufaula (Ala.) Female Institute. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Mary Cameron Brownlee. 2-7 Helen Matthews Brownlee. 3-7 Phillip Brownlee. 4-7 Edward Brownlee. 5-7 Louis Brownlee. 6-7 Joseph Brownlee. 4-6 (A son) McClung, b. about 1858; d. in infancy. 5-6 (A dau.) McClung, b. about 1859; d. in infancy, 6-6 Joseph McClung, b. May, 1861 ; d, Feb., 1862. 8-5 Lucinda Davidson McClung^ b. June 8, 1820; d, June 3, 1850, unm. 9-5 Franklin McClung (Pipe), b, Feb, 13, 1823; d, Apr, 29, 1883; m. 1st, Mar. 7, 1866, Agnes McClintick. No issue. He m. 2nd, Oct. 27, 1875, Josephine Williams, of Williams- burg, W, Va, One child, viz. : 1-6 James Warwick McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1876; m. Oct. 1 HARRISON TAYLOR McCLUNG Page 90. McCivUNG Genealogy. 149 15, 1896, Mary Gray Wallace, b. Nov. 19, 1874. Sunlight, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Frankie Mabel McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1897. 2-7 Frederick McClung, b. Mar, 21, 1899. He was bit- ten by a mad dog and was treated at the Pasteur Hospital at Baltimore, Md., in 1902, 3-7 Roy McClung, b. Apr. 2^, 1900; d. Mar. 19, 1901. 2-4 Samuel McClung, (Nicholas Sam) (Wildcat Sam), d. Lived in Nicholas Co., W. Va. m. ist, June 12, 1801, Elizabeth Rader, d. Seven children, viz. : 1-5 Catherine McClung, b. about 1803 ; d. 1883 ; m. Dan- iel Brock. Summersville, W. Va. 2-5 Anthony McClung, b. Dec. 19, 1805; d. Jan. 19, 1897. He was a famous hunter; had a car-load of deer-horns in his possession, m. Feb. 16, 1832, Martha Woods. She resides with her son Samuel at Muddlety, W. Va. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Samuel McClung, m. Georgie Alderson, d. Muddlety, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Henry McClung, m. Florence Rader. Summersville, W. Va. Two .children, viz. : 1-8 Amett McClung. 2-8 (A child) McClung. 2-7 Mary McClung. m. Mr. Allen. Anadarko, Okla. 3-7 Sarah Martha McClung, m. Edward Tyree. 2-6 Charles McClung, d. m. Rebecca Tyree. He emi- grated to Kan. and died there. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Anna McClung, m. Jacob Norton. El Reno, Okla. 2-7 Mary McClung, m. Mr. Allen. Anadarko, Okla. 3-7 George McClung. El Reno, Okla. 4-7 Rush McClung, m. Effie King. 5-7 Nellie McClung, m. Mr. Finley, of Tonkawa, Okla. Rebecca Tyree McClung, wid. of Charles McClung {2-6^ m. Kyle McClung, son of Dickson McClung. No issue, 3-6 Frances McClung, m. May i, 1855, Dr. M. R. Here- ford, of Summersville, W. Va. 3-5 Joseph McClung (Fear Not), d. m. Elizabeth Woods, d. Seven children, viz, : 1-6 Margaret McClung, m, Samuel Edmonson, d. 2-6 Jennie McClung, m, James Robinson. Muddlety, W, Va. 3-6 William J. McClung, m, Ann Efliza Brock, Persing- er, W, Va. Eight children, viz.: 1-7 Walter McClung, m. Mar. 7, 1895, Margaret Hester Hinkle, Richwood, W, Va. 150 McClung Genealogy. 2-7 Samuel McClung. Merchant, m. Maude Lilly. Jump- ing Branch, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Gladys McClung. 3-7 Elizabeth McClung, m. Thomas Pucket. Lookout, W. Va. 4-7 Prudence McClung. m. Marmion Rush Hereford Sparks, of Persinger, W. Va. 5-7 Dora McClung. Persinger, W. Va. 6-7 Dyer McClung. Persinger, W. Va. 7-7 Maggie McClung. Persinger, W. Va. 8-7 Nevada McClung. 4-6 Martha McClung. m. William Rader. Summersville, W. Va. 5-6 Stuart McClung, m. Miss Cox. Muddlety, W. Va. Issue. 6-6 John McClung, d. Was accidentally killed while on picket duty in the Federal Army. 7-6 Samuel McClung, (Davis), m. Mary Davis. Mud- dlety, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Clyde McClung, d. 4-5 Margaret McClung, m. Daniel Sphinx. 5-5 Delilah McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1810; m. Mar. 5, 1830, Joseph Creigh, b. June 20, 1804; d. Dec. 15, 1874. Dawson, W. Va. 6-5 Elizabeth McClung, d. m. Adam Rader. 7-5 Allen McClung, b. Dec. i, 1814; d. Feb. 22, 1888; m. Jan. 27, 1842, Mary N. Alderson, b. Nov. 27, 1822; d. Sep. 18, 1899. He was a stone mason. Was ta3c assessor eight years. President of the County Court tAvo terms. He lived on McClung Branch near Peter's "Creek, Enon, W. Va. Nine children, viz. : 1-6 George Alderson McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1845; d. Aug. 10, 1864. He belonged to the Greenbriar Cavalry, and was wounded while in the Confederate army at Monoxie River, Md. Was captured and died in the Federal hospital at Fred- erick City, Md. 2-6 Jenette Elizabeth McClung, b. Jan. 22, 1847; d. Aug. 9, 1869; m. Feb. 16, 1865, Samuel Stephenson, d. 3-6 Margaret Jane McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1849; m. Mar. 15, 1866, John Richard Tyree, of Summersville, W. Va. 4-6 Sarah Martha McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1852; m. ist, Jan. 31, 1873, Joseph Koontz. One son, viz.: 1-7 Dr. Leonidas Koontz. Richmond, Va. Sarah Martha McClung Koontz, (4-6) m. 2nd, Nov., 1897, William Swope, of Sutton, W. Va. 5-6 Joseph Alderson McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1854; m. Feb. McCivUNG Genealogy. 151 7, 1875, Elizabeth Stephenson, b. Nov. 24, 1853. He is a farm- er and owns several hundred acres of land near Enon, W. Va. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Ira Egbert McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1875. He is the champion heavyweight of the family. He tips the scale at 250 pounds. 2-7 Lola Eugenia McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1877; d. June 15, 1899. 3-7 Lewis Newman McClung, b. Nov. i, 1879. He be- longs to the U. S. Army. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 4-7 Cornelia Ann McClung, b. Sep. 23, 1881 ; d. July 4, 1882. 5-7 Dennis Allen McClung, b. Apr. 23, 1883. Enon, W. Va. 6-7 Charles Marshall McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1885. 7-7 Nellie Agnes McClung, b. Dec. 24_, 1890. 6-6 Mary Eliza McClung, b. Feb. 16, 1856; m. Apr. 19, 1877, Henry Herold. Summersville, W. Va. 7-6 Samuel Newman McClung, b, Oct. 3, 1859; m. Apr. 6, 1882, Laura Rader, b. Nov. 12, i860. Lawton, Okla. Nine children, viz. : 1-7 Hattie Ann McClung, b. Jan. 20, 1883. Lawton, Okla. . 2-7 Bessie Leota McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1884. Lawton, Okla. 3-7 Emmet Rader McClung, b, Aug. 24, 1886. 4-7 Ethel Eugenia McClung, b. Jan 21, 1888. 5-7 Johnnie Alderson HcClung, b. Nov. 30, 1889. 6-7 Pearl McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1892. 7-7 Guy Lament McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1895. 8-7 Raymond McClung, b. Jan. 26, 1898. 9-7 Jessie Irene McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1900. 8-6 Rebecca Ann McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1861 ; m. Mar. 15, 1883, George Groves, of Enon, W. Va. 9-6 Marshall Lee McClung, b. Nov. 3, 1863; d. Oct. 11, i88c, unm. Samuel McClung, (2-4) m. 2nd, Miss Surber. One child, viz.: 8-5 Samuel McClung, (Brushy Fork Devil Sami.). m. Sep. 20, 1853, Jane Rader. Persinger, W. Va. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 David McClung, m. Lola Robinson. Muddlety, W. Va. Six children. 2-6 Archie McClung. Keeps hotel at Richwood, W. Va. m. Florence Fletcher. 3-6 Jenette McClung, m. John Dodrell, of Burch, W. Va. 152 McCi^uNG Genealogy. 3-4 John McClung, (Lame JoHn). d. He was once a member of the Virginia Legislature, m. Sep. 22, 1807, Deborah Rader. Seven children, viz, : 1-5 Melinda McClung, m. John McCue. 2-5 Margaret McClung, m, William Groves. 3-5 Fielding McClung, d, in Kan. He was a member of the Virginia Legislature before the Civil War. m. ist, Ann Standard, d. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Cleora McClung, m. Dick Hannah. 2-6 John McClung, d. He accidentally shot and killed himself. 3-6 Dickinson McClung. Hazelton, Kan. m. Elizabeth McCue M.c'Clung, b. Dec, 17, 1840, dau. of Dickson McClung. See index. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Kyle Dickson McClung. Hazelton, Kan. 2-7 Eugenia McClung, m. Mack Gass, of Okla. 3-7 Mamie McClung, m. Elmer Dunbar, of Nelms, Okla. 4-7 John Peck McClung, d. June i, 1902, at Anadarko, Okla. 5-7 Lucy McClung, m. Mr. Noble, of Ore., or Wash. 6-7 Virgie McClung, m. Resides in Indian Ter. Fielding McClung, (3-5) m. 2nd, Sallie Tyree. Six chil- dren, viz. 4-6 Martha McClung, d. 1902; m. Wesley Morrison. Flat Woods, W. Va. 5-6 Frank F. McClung, d. m. Annie Hereford, d. Ponca, Okla. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Fielding McClung, Ponca, Okla. 2-7 Marmion Hereford McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1880. Clerking in a store in Summersville, W. Va. 3-7 Georgia Ann McClung. Flat Woods, W. Va. 6-6 Irvin McClung, m. Sarah Jane Rader. Address: Winfield, Kan. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Irene McClung. 2-7 Ernest McClung. 3-7 Arthur McClung. 7-6 Georgia McClung, m. Logan Winebrinner, of Ponca Okla. 8-6 Charles Ruffner McClung, d. Was killed by a train while crossing the track with a team. m. Miss Ramsey. Ad- dress : Ponca, Okla. Six children. 9-6 William McClung, m. Address : Hazelton, Kan. One daughter. 4-5 Sallie McClung, d. m. George Fitzwater, d. 5-5 Elizabeth McClung, d. m. John Tyree, d. 6-5 Talitha McClung, b. Apr. 14, 1827; m. July 4, 1850, McClung Genealogy. 153 Anderson C. Herold, b. Dec. 3, 1825. Address: Muddlety, W. Va.. One child, viz. : 1-6 H. W. Herold. He is sheriff of Nicholas Co., W. Va. 7-5 Tabitha McClung, d. m. Feamster Rodgers. They emigrated to Missouri. 4-4 Jane McClung, d. m. Thomas Masterson. 5-4 Abigail McClung, d. m. July i, 1794, Anthony Cal- lison. Their niece wrote the following episode : "When An- thony Callison was courting aunt Abby it was in the Indian times. Uncle Sam and big Jim McCoy went out hunting. Did not kill anything. Came back about dark. Anthony Cal- lison and another bow of one of the girls was there and went to the spring-house with them. Their spring-house was at the 'Long Billy' spring. Sam and Jim shot ofif their guns. They thought it was Indians. He forgot Abby. They left the girls, run up through the mountains where Dave Humes lives ; did not get back until next day about dark, with clothes nearly torn off them. Their limbs were mighty scratched. People courted barefoot in them days." 6-4 Nancy McClung, d. m. Mr. Walton. 7-4 Margaret McClung, d. m. Oct., 1801, Michael Rader. 8-4 Mary McClung, d. m. June 7, 1796, Thomas Feams- ter. Their grandson, Lieut. Samuel William Newman Feams- ter, resides near Alderson, W. Va. 9-4 Elizabeth McClung, d. m. Mr. Moore. 3-3 William McClung, (Grandfather Billie) b. about 1738; d. Jan. 18, 1833, "aged about 95 years." In 1773 he emigrated with his wife and three children from Rockbridge Co., Va., to the mouth of Big Clear Creek, near Rupert, W. Va. On account of the Indians he soon moved to near Wil- liamsburg, W. Va., where he resided three years, returning to Big Clear Creek about 1776. He was the first settler on Meadow River. He took a tomahawk entry for 100,000 a,cres of land on that river and its tributaries. When he first reared his cabin, there was not a store or mill within one hundred miles of his lonely habitation. The Indians were so trouble- some that he plowed with his rille tied to his shoulder, while his wife with her musket and three little .children, took refuge in the dense swamp during the day, returning to the cabin only at night when he was there to defend them. In partnership with Gen. Andrew Moore and Alexander Welch, he patented a tract of land containing 43,000 acres lying between the Meadow river and the Gauley, in what is now Nicholas Co., W. Va. His descendants are very numer- ous in Greenbriar and Nicholas Counties. During his lifetime 154 McClung GeneaLtOgy. he frequently remarked that he could stand on his doorstep, blow his bugle and call two hundred of his descend- ants to breakfast. In his old age he used to give hundred- acre tracts of land to his grandchildren for i)irthday presents. He was very tall and handsome in appearance, a good conversationalist and a most estimable citizen. He was a Presbyterian and donated two acres of land on Otter Creek, one mile west of Meadow Bluff, for the erection of a .church. The church ultimately came into the possession of the Bap- tists ; the Amwell Baptist Church near Rupert being the out- growth. Preparations are being made by his descendants and friends to erect a monument to his memory. His remains lie buried in the Otter Creek cemetery, one mile west of Meadow Bluff, W. Va. He m. Abigail Dickson, d. Nov. 7, 1820, "age 74 years." Eleven children, viz. : 1-4 John McClung, (Black 7ohn) b. Jan. 10, 1768; d. July 20, 1850. He was a blacksmith ; hence was called "Black John." He lived one mile east of Rupert, W. Va. Was very fond of hunting. He served as postmaster for several years. He was a man of medium height; weighed about 180 pounds, and was very strong and athletic, m. ist, Mar. 14, 1793, Jane Bollar, d. Sep. 9, 1828, of Bath Co., Va. ; sister of "Long Billy" McClung's first wife. Ten children, viz. : 1-5 William McClung, (Bill Joby) b. Nov. 27, 1793 ; d. Apr. 20, 1869; m. Feb. 3, 1815, Mary Callison. Ten children, viz. : <. 1-6 (A child) McClung, d. Jan. 15, 1816, (twin). 2-6 (A child) McClung, d. Jan. 18, 1816, (twin). 3-6 Anthony McClung, b. Nov. 22, 1816; d. O.ct. 27, 1817. 4-6 Abigail McClung, b. Oct. 24, 1818; d. m. Mr. Judy. 5-6 Mary Jane McClung, b. Mar, 15, 1821 ; d. m. Nov. 16, 1843, Solomon Odell. 6-6 Nancy McClung, b. Sep. i, 1823 ; m. Jan. 2, 1845, Jacob Odell, of Snow Hill, W. Va. 7-6 Susan Maria McClung, b. Nov. 26, 1825; m. about 1843, Robert Thompson McClung, son of Alexander McClung, (Bake Alex.). For issue see index. 8-6 Wilson McClung, b. Apr. i, 1828; m. He lived in the northwestern part of the state of W. Va., and had issue. Names unknown. 9-6 Hannah McClung, b. 1830; d. m. Benjamin F. Crane. 10-6 Martha McClung, b. 1832; d. m. James A. Crane. 2-5 Abigail Dickenson McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1795 ; d. July 18, 1829; m. Jan. 27, 1814, Benjamin Douglas. McClung Genealogy. 155 3-5 James McClung, (Limb Jim), b. May 22, 1798; d. m. 1st, Oct 7, 1819. Nancy Williams. Five children, viz.: 1-6 John McClung, b. Aug. 27, 1820. 2-6 Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 7, 1822 ; d. m. Nov. 6, 1845, Samuel McClung, (Sam Patch), son of Joseph Mc- Clung, (Cranberry Joe). For issue see index. 3-6 Albina McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1825; m. July 17, 1845, , Jeremiah Odell. 4-6 Hamilton McClung, b. Nov. 23, 1826; d. m. Miss Moses, Hominy Falls, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Wade McClung, a blacksmith of Hominy Falls, W. Va. ; m. 2-7 Mack McClung, of Hominy Falls, W. Va. ; m. 3-7 Robert McClung, m. ist, He m. 2nd, Miss Sivey. 4-7 Edna McClung, m. Leonard Helms. Hominv Falls, W. Va. 5-6 Stuart McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1828; m. Miss Eye. At least three children, viz. : 1-7 Stuart Edgar McClung, m. Nannie Charlotte Mc- Clung, b. Dec. 18, 1878, dau. of Charles Lewis McClung, (Charlie Grig). Hominy Falls, W. Va. Six children, vi.z : 1-8 Ira McClung. 2-8 Hickman McClung. 3-8 Jarrett McClung. 4-8 Donnie McClung. 5-8 John Dwyer McClung. 6-8 Stuart McClung. 2-7 Ella McClung, m. ist, Mr. Beckner. She m. 2nd. 3-7 Albina McClung, unm. James McClung, (Limb Jim) (3-5), m. 2nd Mrs. Eliza- beth Waites, d. It is said that she was killed by a falling limb. No issue. James McClung, (Limb Jim) (3-5), m. 3rd, Nancy Wal- ton. Three children, viz.: 6-6 Virginia McClung. 7-6 Hester McClung. 8-6 General Davis McClung, b. June 4, i860. Rupert, W. Va. m. Oct. 23, 1878, Angeline McClung, b. Jan. 11, i860, dau. of John Bollar McClung. Nine children, viz. : 1-7 Daisy Pearl McClung, b. July 28, 1881 : d. Mar. 11, 1885. 2-7 Estella May McClung, b. Oct. 2, 1884. 3-7 Alfred Kenna McClung, b. Oct. 3, 1886; d. Aug. 17, 1887. 4-7 Elson Morris McClung, b. Sep. 26, 1889. 5-7 (r^ dau.) McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1900; d. June 28, 1900. 156 McClung Genealogy. 6-7 Edwy Blain McClung, b. June 11, 1892; d. July 23, 1892. 7-7 Dwight McClung, b. Sep. 2, 1893; d. Sep. 11, 1893. 8-7 (A son) McClung, 15. 1895; d. 1895. 9-7 Sidney Mud McClung, b, Jan. 15, 1897. 4-5 Margaret Bollar McClung, b. Aug. 5, iSbo; d. Mar. 10, 1877; m. Jan. 5, 1818, Samuel Martin, b. Nov., 1798. She was in the Donnally Fort. 5-5 John Bollar McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1803; m. Jan. 15, 1857, Mary Sims. One child, viz.: 1-6 Angelina McClung, b. Jan. 11, i860; m. Oct. 23, 1878, General Davis McClung, son of James McClung, (Limb Jim). For issue see index. 6-5 Matthew McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1805 ; m. in Rock- bridge Co., Va.. May 29, 1828. Mary W. Johnston. 7-5 Mary McClung, b. Dec. 15, 1808; m. Dec. 30, 1828, Joseph Kenney. 8-5 Nancy McClung, b. Nov. 6, 181 t. 9-5 Alexander McClung, (Grizzly Alex.) b. Feb. 7, 1814; (1. Feb. 25, 1900; m. June 28, 1838, Mary Catherine Nihiser, b. Jan. 7, 1821 ; d. Jan. 13, 1896. They lived on the Big Moun- tain near Rupert, W. Va. Eight .children, viz. : 1-6 Sarah Jane McClung, b, July 17, 1840; m. Mar. 28, 1865, George McMillion. Fowler's iCnob, W. Va, 2-5 Jacob Nihiser McClung, 6. Sep. 8, 1842; d. July 4, 1861, unm. 3-6 Cornelius Miller McClung,b. Mar. 18, 1844. Meadow Bluff, W. Va. m. ist, Mar. 29, 1866, Malcena Jane McMillion, b. Dec. 13, 1842; d. Nov. 14, 1888. Fifteen children, viz.: 1-7 Leanna Malvina McClung, b. Dec. 26, 1866; m. Truslow Zopp. Rupert, W. Va. 2-7 Leonidas Wesley McClung, b. Jan. i, 1868; m. Jan. I, 1900, Eva Dearmond. He is employed in a glass factory at Elwood^ Ind. 3-7 Ladona Jane McClung, b. Feb. 7, 1869, m. Henry Walkup. Dawson, W. Va. 4-7 Luella Catherine McClung, b. Apr. 4, 1870; m. Feb., 1901, Mr. McCutcheon. 5-7 Leola Ellen McClung, b. Sep. 5, 1871 ; m. Stuart Mc- Clung, son of William McClung, (Bill Slick). For issue see index. 6-7 Lelxrni Anderson McClung, b. Dec. i, 1872. Red Key, Ind. 7-7 Ladora Virginia McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1874; m. Jan, I, 1900, Ransom Jordan. Elwood, Ind. MRS. CASSANDRA McCLUNG HARDY Page 131. McClung Genealogy. 157 8-7 Lemuel Dickson McClung b. Sep. 27, 1875. Em- ployed in a glass factory at Elwood, Ind. 9-7 Luther Stanley McClunp-, b. May 3, 1877; ^^- Apr., 1901, Stella Yoakum. Rupert, W. Va. 10-7 Lenius Miller McClung b. June 11, 1878; m. Sep., 1900, Lona Guinn. Mulvarie, W. Va, 1 1-7 Luvina Jenette McClung, b. June 8, 1879. Red Key, Ind. 12-7 Latourette Emory McClung, b. May 29, i88t); d. Aue. II, 1880. 13-7 Lucretia Malcena McClung, b. Jan. 28, 1882. Daw- son, W. Va. 14-7 Leona Ann McClung, b. Sep, 18, 1883; m. June 18, 1902, Mr. Cole. Victory, W. Va. 15-7 Lethel Echols McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1887. Ansted, W. Va. Cornelius Miller McClung, (3-6) m. 2nd, Jan. 26, 1898, Mrs. Isabella Lula Hedriok nee Murrill, sister of Rev. Edward Murrill, Presidin;^^ Elder of M. E. Church South. No issue. 4-6 John Riley McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1846; d. Oct. 21, 1881, at Aldersou, W. Va. m. May 5, 1874. Alpha S. Caul, Address, Alderscn, W. Va., or Oswego, Ore. One child, viz. : 1-7 R. Vincent McClung, b. Feb. 23, 1875; d. June 23, 1894. Was killed in Oswego, Ore., by being thrown out of a buggy. He was educated for the Roman Catholic priest- hood. 5-6 Amanda Susan McClung, b. Oct. 23, 1848; d. De.c. 14, 1867, unm. 6-6 Clark Brown McClung, b, Sep. i, 185 1 ; m, Feb. 13, 1877, Charlotte Jane Zopp, b. July 4, 1856. Rupert, W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Lillie Dure McClung, b. June 8, 1879; m. Dec. 26, 1901, Robert Orange McClung, b, Jan. 14, 1876, son of Charles Lewis McClung, (Charlie Grig). For issue see index. 2-7 Rosa Dell McClung, b. Sep. i, 1882. 3-7 Mattie Delora McClung, b. Jan. 3, 1885. 4-7 Biddie Jane McClung, b. Jan. i, 1889. 5-7 Bessie Maude McClung, b. June 21, 1890, 6-7 Vernie Oma McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1896. 7-6 Arthur M. Snowden McClung, b. Jan. 7, 1857; d. July 8, 1858. 8-6 Alexander McClung, Jr., (Little Alex.) b. May 18, i860; m. 1st Nov. 29, 1882, Abigail Carofine Mc'Clung, b. Feb. 15, 1857; d. May 21, 1893, dau. of Andrew Cavendish Mc- Clung, (Andy Brag). Rupert, W. Va. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Calvin Stickley McClung, b. June 14, 1884. 158 McCivUNG Gene^aIvOgy. 2-7 Willis McClung, b. Aug. 2, 1887. 3-^ (A dau.) McClung, b. July 20, 1889 ; d. July 20, 1889. 4-7 Cora McClung, b. Apr. 4, 18^2 ; d, July 12, 1892. 5-7 Myrtle McClung, b. May 6, 1893 ; d. Aug., 1893. Alexander MCclung, Jr.^ (Little Alex.) (8-6) m. 2nd, May 14, 1896, Latuna Smith, b. Nov, 10, 1872. Four children, viz. : 6-7 Xerxie James McClung, b. Mar. 30 1897. 7-7 Xerdie Blain McClung, b. Apr. 23, 1898. 8-7 Other Hobson McClung, b. Oct. 18, 1899. 9-7 McKinley Roosevelt McClung, b. May i, 1901 ; a. Tune 6, 1901. 10-5 Jinney McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1816. John McClung, (Black John) (1-4) m. 2nd, Nov. 19, 1829, Hannah M. McMillion, d. sister of second wife of Wil- liam McClung, (Long Billy). Five cTiildren, viz.: 1 1-5 Edward Ann McClung, b. Sep, 13, 1830. Her fath- er promised Edward McClung he would name his next .child for him. The next happened to be a girl. Her name attests her father's faithfulness to keep a promise. She m. Charles Callison. 12-5 Andrew Hutchison McClung, (Squire Andy) (Cloth Andy), b. May 18, 1832. He wore one of the first suits of broadcloth seen in" his part of the country; hence his sobri- quet. He is a prosperous farmer and resides near Rupert, W. Va. m. Mar. 12, 1856, Nancy Ann McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1837, dau. of Alexander McClung, (Curly Alex.). Nine chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 Onalaska McClung, b. Dec, 26, 1856; d. Aug. 24, 1876. 2-6 Lenora McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1859; d. Oct. 11. 1865. 3-6 Leanna Ada McClung, b. Nov, 7 i860, 4-6 Robert Otte McClung b. Dec. 23, 1862; d. Oct, 5, 1865, 5-6 Lewis Edgar McClung, b. Apr. 28, 1865. He is a successful merchant and resides near Rupert, W. Va. m. Miss Callison. Three children. 6-6 Paul Hudson McClung,, b. Feb. 24, 1867; m. Jan. 9, 1901, Elizabeth Shawver, b. July 3, 1871. Rupert, W, Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Lloyd McClung, b. Oct, 17, 1901. 7-6 Louisa McClung, b. June 18, 1869; d. in infancy. 8-6 Homer McClung, b. Sep. 23, 1873. 9-6 Cary McClung, b. July 18, 1875. He is a Justice of the Peace and School Commissioner. McClung Genealogy. 159 13-5 Linneus Washington McClung, b. Sep 28, 1834; d. Dec, 1859, unm. 14-5 Benjamin Franklin McClung, (Lame Ben), b. Jan. 14, 1836; m. Feb. 12, 1857, Rebecca Jane M.cCIung, b. Sep. 3, 1839, dau. of Col. Allen M.cClung. Rupert, W. Va. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 Florence McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1858; m. Joseph H. Beets. Rupert, W, Va. 2-6 Lenius Estill McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1859. Little Sewell, W. Va. ; m. Oct. 8, 1885, Elizabeth Martin, b. Apr. 24, 1864; d, June 19, 1901. Four children, viz.: 1-7 E'mmert Clyde McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1887. 2-7 Ember Enna McClung, b. Aug. 12, 1890. 3-7 Hov^ard Bently McClung, b. Mar. 5, 1893. 4-7 Opal Lee McClung, b. May 20, 1895. 3-6 Allen Howard McClung, b. Mar. 16, 1862; d. May 2.2, 1875. 4-6 Amanda Alice McClung,, b. Apr. 4, 1864; m. Judson Hepler. Little Sewell, W. Va. 5-6 Edwin McClung, b. May 15, 1866. Tipton, Iowa. 6-6 Sidney McClung, b. Oct. 21, 1868; d. Nov. 21, 18^9, unm. 7-6 Lena Jane McClung, b. Feb. 6, 1871 ; m. Edward Hepler. Goshen, Va. 8-6 Adelia Maria McClung, b. May 8, 1873. Rupert, W. Va. 9-6 Alma McClung, b. June 21, 1875; m. Edgar R. Heaster. Crawley, W. Va. 10-6 Mary Gertrude McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1878. Teach- er. Rupert, W. Va. 1 1-6 Lecester McClung, b. May 2, 1881 ; d. Oct. 14, 1886. 15-5 Rachel Elizabeth McClung, b. June 23, 1838; m. Feb. 28, 1854, Dr. Cyrus Alexander Rupert. Address: Rupert, W. Va. Fifteen children, viz. : 1-6 Ledona Rupert, b. Jan. 16, 1855. (dau.), 2-6 Leviro Rupert, b. Mar. 4, 1856. (son;. 3-6 Livege Rupert, b. June 25, 1857. Cso'^)- 4-6 Lorena Rupert, b. Apr. 11, 1859. (dau.). 5-6 Lualzo Rupert, b. Oct. 24, i860, (son). 6-6 Leancy Rupert, b. Nov. 19, 1862. "(son). 7-6 Lycena Rupert, b. Apr. 3, 1865. (dau.). 8-6 Lactea Rupert, b. Oct. 19, 1867. (dau.). 9-6 Ladura Rupert, b. July 16, 1869. (son). 10-6 Leonides Rupert, b. Mar. 16, 1871. (son). 1 1-6 Layuna Rupert, b. July 9, 1872. (dau.). 12-6 Lydaho Rupert, b. Nov. 9, 1874. (dau.). 160 McCivUNG Genealogy. 13-6 Lomega Rupert^ b. Aug. 24^ 1876. (dau,). 14-6 Lester Rupert, b. Ma^ 15, 1880. (son). 15-6 Lenida Rupert, b. Sep. 21, 1882. (dau.). 2-4 James McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1770; d. July 24, 1824; m. Mar. 15, 1803, Mary Alderson, b. May 13, 1787; d. May 13, 1870, dau. of George Alderson, and a grand-dau. of Rev. John Alderson, A monument was erected to her memory at Mt. Lookout, W. Va. by her descendants. Nine children, viz. : 1-5 Minerva McClung, b. Jan. 2^ 1804; d. Dec. 27, 1879; m. Oct. 4, 1827, George W. Caldwell, b. Mar. 24, 1804 ; d. 2-5 George Alderson McClung, d. m. June 26, 1832, Abi- gail D. Callison. Nine children, viz. : 1-6 Isaac Callison McClung, d. m. ist, Frances Evans, d. Two children, viz. : 1-7 James Spurgeon McClung, b. Oct, 26, 1859; m. Em- ma J. Evans, b. Nov. 4, 1858. Mt. Lookout, W. Va, Four children, viz. : 1-8 George David McClung, b. Apr. 28, 1881. 2-8 Ernest McClung, b. Aug, 22, 1887. 3-8 Felix McClung, b. Feb. 13, 1890. 4-8 Wallace Jennings McClung, b. May 27, 1900. 2-7 Marinda Abigail McClung, b, Dec. 26, 1865 ; m. Dec. 28, 1890, Caleb Watts McClung, b. May 12, 1867, son of Mat- thew Thomas McClung. For issue see index. Isaac Callison McClung, (1-6) m. 2nd, Rena Craft. Three children, viz. : 3-7 Rufus McClung. 4-7 Minta McClung. 5-7 Squire McClung. 2-6 Mary Thomas McClung. m. H. N. Stickler. 3-6 George Lewis McClung, m. Mary Ann McGraw. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Henderson McClung, m. Alice Hess. Red Star, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Whitsel McClung. 2-8 Nina McClung. 3-8 Cecil McClung. He is said to be a remarkable boy. 4-8 (A child) McClung. 5-8 (A child) McClung. 2-7 Mollie McClung. m. Lorenzo Dorsey. Zela, W. Va. 3-7 Amanda McClung, m, John Dempsey, Ramsey, Va, 4-7 Joseph McClung, m, ist. Address: Red Star, W. Va. Two children, Joseph McClung, (4-7) m, 2nd, 5-7 Jennie McClung, m, Henry Legg. Ramsey, Va. HERBERT JAMES McCLUNG. Page 75. McCi^UNG Genealogy. 161 4-6 Catherine McClung, m. William White. 5-6 Samuel Roberts McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1843 5 rn- Mar. 2, 1864, Margaret R. Odell. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Twelve children, viz. : 1-7 Ellis Alderson McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1864; d. Sep. 12, 1865. 2-7 Henry Albert McClung, b. Oct. 17, 1866. He is a teacher, m. Aug. 12, 1901, Leva Lloyd. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 3-7 Fannie Ann McClung b. Jan. 29, 1869; d. Aug. 9, 1900. 4-7 Sarah Catherine McClung, b. July 30, 1871 ; m. Jan. 10, 1895, Dyer Odell. 5-7 George Jeremiah McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1875. 6-7 Elizabeth Abigail McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1877; m. Jan. I, 1899, S. T. Odell. 7-7 Lewis Allen McClung, b. June 3, 1879. 8-7 Nannie May McClung, b. Sep. 10, i8'8i. 9-7 Etta Ruth McClung, b. June 11, 1884. 10-7 Lillie Jane McClung, b. Apr. 18, 1886. 1 1-7 Samuel Ray McClung, b. July 14, 1888. 12-7 Runa Virginia McClung, b. May 14, 1891. 6-6 Jane McClung, m. ist, Barney Gilbert, d. She m. 2nd. 7-6 Minerva McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1848, (twin) ; m. Ellis Odell. 8-6 Nancy Ann Eliza McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1848, (twin) m. Sep. 6, 1866^ Rev. James Allen Burr, b. Sep. 20, 1840; d. June 16, 1889. 9-6 Rebecca McClung, m. William Waldridge. 3-5 John McClung, b. 1808; d. July, 1886; m. ist, Aug. i5j 1833, Polly Walton, d. Apr., 1850. Her mothers maiden name was Nancy McClung. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 James McClung, d. 1861, unm. 2-6 Mary Agnes McClung, d. unm. 3-6 Rev. Charles William McClung, (Good Charlie) b. Mar. I, 1838. Pastor of Amwell Baptist Church. Rupert, W. Va. m. Apr. 13, 1865, Mary C. Amick, b. Nov. 9, 1841. Sev- en children, viz. : 1-7 Dorcas Anna McClung, b. Mar. 18, 1866; m. C. C. Shaffer. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 2-7 Viola Agnes McClung, b. Oct. 15, 1867; d. Aug., 1870. 3-7 Lanie Louisa McClung, b. Sep. 14, 1869; m. Oct. 4, 1893, Stuart Evans, b. Jan. 20, 1870. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 162 McClung Genealogy. 4-7 John Rufus McClung, b. May 6, 1874; d. Sep. 6, 1876, (twin). 5-7 Mattie Estaline McClung, b. May 6, 1874, (twin) ; m. Dec. 21, 1893, Alexander Evans. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 6-7 William Judson McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1876; m. May 30, 1900, Millie Susan McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1879, dau. of Dr. Granville Alderson McClung. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Oswald Beryl McClung, b. Nov. 26, 19,01. 2-8 Curtis Cecil McClung, b. Mar., 1904. 7-7 Mary Jane McClung, b. Mar. 25, 1879; ^- ^^.r. i, 1900, Jacob Shaffer, b. Feb. 28, 1877. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 4-6 Minerva Margaret McClung, b. 1841 ; d. Oct., i860, unm. 5-6 Louisa Jane McClung, m. Feb. 14, 1861, Rev. Adan- iram Judson McClung, son of Alexander McClung. For issue see index. 6-6 Abigail Ann McClung, d. unm. age about 18 years. 7-6 Virginia Catherine McClung, d. in youth. 8-6 Sarah Martha McClung, d. in infancy. John McClung, (3-5) m. 2nd, about Mar., 1854, Martha McGraw, d. Six children, viz. : 9-6 Hansford Allen McClung, d. unm. age about 20 years. 10-6 John Henry McClung, b. Aug. 7, 1858; m. Jan. i, 1892, Lucy May Shawver, b. Dec. 19, 1870. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Grover McClung, b. Nov. 18, 1892. 2-7 Crosby McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1894. 3-7 Orsemus Murry McClung. 1 1-6 Andrew Tinsley McClung, m. Margaret Dooly. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Hansford McClung. 2-7 Floyd McClung. 3-7 Orlie McClung. 4-7 Icie McClung. 5-7 Owen McClung. 6-7 Estill McClung. 7-7 Marena McClung. 12-6 Emily Alice McClung, d. unm. 13-6 George Alderson McClung, d. unm. 14-6 Dickinson Clark McClung, Sr., b. 1865 He is a merchant of Jefferson City, Mo. m. Nannie Mc'Clung, dau. of William Aaron McClung. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Carl McClung. 2-7 Whitney McClung. McClung Genealogy. 163 37 Dickinson Clark McClung, Jr., 4-5 Dr. Dickinson Carpenter McClung, Sr. d. He prac- ticed medicine during the latter part of his life. He was the only physician in his part of the country. He lived near Mt, Lookout, W. Va. m. ist, Sarah Evans, d. Seven children, viz. : 1-6 Rev. Rufus Davis McClung, d. He was a Baptist minister, m. Nov. 7, 1855, Sarah Shaffer, d. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Melissa McClung. d. unm. 27 Elmira McClung. d. unm. 2-6 Rev. James Evans McClung, m. Sep. 22, 1858, Phebe Melinda Hendrickson. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. No issue. 3-6 Mary Frances McClung, d. m. Joseph Shaffer. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 4-6 Matthew Thomas McClung, b. Apr. 12, 1841 ; m. ist, Jan. 9, 1862, Keziah Egeltine Shackelford, d. May 12, 1890. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Nine children, viz.: 1-7 Ada Maybelle McClung, b. May 19, 1863; m. ist, Griffin Evans. She m. 2nd, Tilden Broofman. Edmond, W. Va. 2-7 RoseUa Augusta McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1865 ; m. Thom- as McVeigh. Edmond, W. Va. 37 Caleb Watts McClung, b. May 12, 1867; ni. Dec. 28, 1890, Marinda Abigail McClung, b. Dec. 26, 1865, dau. of Isaac Callison McClung. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-8 William Elton McClung, b. Sep. 11, 1891. 2-8 Hallie Frances McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1894. 3-8 Clarice Springston McClung, b. Apr. 9, 1897. 4-8 Verda Luella McClung, b. June 23, 1900. 4-7 Daniel Murray McClung, b. July 19, 1869; d. Dec. 28, 1888. 5-7 Bertha Annie McClung, b. Apr. 30, 1872 ; m. Dec. 26, 1889, Levi Parkison M.cClung, b. Sep. 4, 1863, son of George Newman McClung. Bissell, W. Va. For issue see index. 6-7 Malinda Melvina McClung, b. Nov. 6, 1874; m. Hansford Legg. Red Star, W. Va. 7-7 Roxie E. McClung, b. Nov. i, 1877; d. Sep. 16, 1886, unm. 8-7 James Independence McClung, b. July 4, 1879. He is a coal miner. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 9-7 Louis Dickinson McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1881. He is erecting telephone lines in South Car. Address : Mt. Look- out, W. Va. Matthew Thomas McClung, (4-6) m. 2nd, Jan. i, 1892, 164 McClung Genealogy. Rebecca Ann Margaret Evans, b. Feb. 20, 1867. Five chil- dren, viz. : 10-7 Purlessa Jane McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1894. 1 1-7 McDuffey McClung, b. July 7, 1895. 12-7 Kelley Malcom McClung, b. Oct. 22, 1896. 13-7 Goley Pigeon McClung, b. Aug. 31, 1898. 14-7 Parma Ann McClung, b. May 20, 1900. 5-6 Matilda McClung, d. m. Overton Skaggs, d. 6-6 Ruth McClung, d. m. Sampson Stull. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 7-6 Dr. Granville Alderson McClung, b. Jan. 4, 1845 J ^' Dec. 31, 1870, Sarah Ann Stull, b. Mar. 18, 1839. Mt. Look- out, W. Va. Twelve children, viz. : 1-7 Amos McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1871, m. May 22, 1895, Lucinda Evans. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Two .children, viz.: cinda Evans. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Rosco Allen McClung. 2-8 Noah Seamore McClung. 2-7 Nancy Margaret McClung, b. Nov, 6, 1873; d. 1891, unm. 3-7 Sampson McClung^ b. Dec. 7, 1875; m. Apr. 2, 1902, Martha Jane Evans. 4-7 Adaniram McClung, b. May i, 1877; m. Aug. 11, 1901, Nan.cy P. Hooper. 5-7 Millie Susan McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1879; m. May 28, 1900, William Judson McClung, b. Nov. 2, 1876, a son of Rev. Charles William McClung, (Good Charlie). For issue see index. 6-7 Laban McClung, b. Jan. 19, 1881. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 7-7 Sistine Madonna McClung, b. Apr. 28, 1883 ; d. Oct. 1900. 8-7 Agnew McClung, b. Aug. 15^ 1885. 9-7 Ella Jane McClung, b. July 16, 1887. 10-7 Prussia Ann McClung, b. June 2, 1892. 11-7 Elasta McClung, b. Jan. 25, 1890. 12-7 William Dennis McClung, b. July 4, 1898. Dr. Dickinson Carpenter McClung, Sr., (4-5) m. 2nd, Margaret Jane McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1838, dau. of John Mon- roe McClung. Five children, viz. : 8-6 Sallie Caroline McClung, m. Charles Evans. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 9-6 Sybil Nancy McClung, m. Theodore Champ. Pool, W. Va. 10-6 Louis Osborne McClung, (Robert), b. Mar. b. Mar. MRS. NANCY EVELYN McCLUNG CALEY. Page 58. McCi^uNG Genealogy. 165 6, iSyo; m. May 26, 1893, Henrietta Patton, b. Oct. 5, 1876, Mt Lookout, W. Va. Four children, viz, : 1-7 Myrtle Ann McClung, b. Sep. 19, 1894. 2-7 Melvin McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1896. 3-7 Lyda Jane McClung, b. Jan. 5, 1898. 4-7 Luddy Watson. McClung, b. Aug, 5, 1900. 1 1-6 Dickinson Carpenter McClung, Jr., d, unm, 12-6 Elmyra Magdalene McClung, b, Jan, 9, 1877; m. Mar. I, 1899, Rev. John W. Bragg. Pastor of Mt. Gilead Bap- tist Church. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 5-5 Sarah Louisa McClung, d. m. Dec. 2, 1832, John Deitz. 6-5 Margaret McClung, d, m. Feb. 20, 1834, Mordecai Halstead. 7-5 James Coggin McClung, b. Jan 23, 1817, d. Apr. 15, 1875; m. Oct. 7, 1840, Lucinda Burr, b. Sep. 30, 1814; d. Aug. 13, 1886. Five .children, viz.: 1-6 George Newman McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1841. Farm- er, owning 150 acres of land near Carnifex Ferry. Served as Constable four years. Member of the Mount Pleasant Bap- tist Church. Supt. of S. S. three years. Six years President of Hopewell S. S. Convention. Three years President of the Ministers' Institute of Hopewell Association. m._Oct. 2, 1862, Eliza Jane Evans, b. Jan. 29, 1843. M^- Lookout, W. Va. Eleven children, viz. : 1-7 Levi Parkison McClung, b. Sep. 4, 1863 ; m. Dec. 26, 1889, Bertha Annie McClung, b. Apr. 30, 1872, dau. of Matthew Thomas McClung. Bissell, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Lowiy McClung. 2-8 Letha McClung. 3-8 (A child) McClung, d. 4-8 Gory Hogg McClung, 2-7 Mary Jane McClung, b. Mar. 26, 1865; d, Feb. 25, 1880, unm. 3-7 Sarah Adelaid McClung, b. Aug. 17, 1866; m, June 9, , T. H. Tomlinson. Hominy Falls, W. Va. 4-7 Naomi McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1868; m. Henry Hays- lette. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 5-7 James Alderson McClung, b. June i, 1873. Mer- chant; formerly a teacher. Supt. of Sunday School, m. Mar. 20, 1902, Grace Shawver, b. June 24, 1884. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 6-7 Livora McClung, b. July 2, 1875 ; m. Dec. 24, 1896, James Harrow Wood, Jr. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 166 McClung Genealogy. 7-7 Ira Sankey McClung, b. June 19, 1877; rn. Oct. 6, 1899, Nora Skagg^s. Ansted, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-8 (A dau.) McClung, b. 1901 ; d. 1901. 2-8 (A son) McClung, b. May, 1902. 8-7 Amanda McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1879; ^- Apr. 26, 1902, Melban Ramsey. Pool, W. Va. 9-7 Pansy McClung, b. Sep. 6, 1880. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 10-7 Alden McClung, b. Feb. 3, 1882. 1 1-7 Charles McClung, b. Oct. 28, 1884. 2-6 William Aaron McClung, b. May 31, 1844. Was li- censed to practice law June 26, 1873. Prosecuting attorney four years, 1897 to 1900 inclusive. Pres. of the Board of Edu- cation for four years. Notary Public since 1873. Deputy Surveyor for sixteen years. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. m. 1st, October 28, 1858, Mrs. Amanda Abigail Ramsey, nee McClung, dau. of Alexander McClung, and wid. of Nicholas H. Ramsey, who was murdered near Carnifex Fer- ry, Sep. 14, 1861. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Viola Jane McClung, b. Aug. 12, 1869; m. E. F. Ran- dolph. Williamson, W. Va. 2-7 Nannie McClung, m. Dickinson Clark McClung, Sr., b. 1865, son of John McClung. Jefiferson City, Mo. 3-7 Nora McClung, m. Mr. Clibborne, of Jefferson City, Mo. William Aaron McClung, (2-6), m. 2nd, Jan. 4, 1877, ]\Iary Magdalene Champ, b. Sep. 25, 1854. Eleven children, viz. : 4-7 Willie Prudence McClung, b. Jan. 3, 1879. 5-7 John E. Kenna McClung, b. Oct. 12, 1880. 6-7 Bessie Lelia McClung, b. Aug. 28, 1S82. 7-7 Lonia Clark McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1884. 8-7 Amia Lucinda McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1886. 9-7 Phillip Snyder McClung, b. Apr. 16, 1888. 10-7 Gussie May McClung, b. May 16, 1889, d. 1 1-7 Cynthia, Lillie McClung, b. Mar. 22, 1891. T2-7 Icie Belle McClung, b. May 22, 1892, d. 13-7 Cary Ann McClung, b. 1893 ; d. 14-7 Elizabeth Adelaid McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1896. 3-6 Eliza Jane McClung, b. Aug. 25, 1846; m. Oct. 27, 1873, William Franklin Liggett, d. Hume, Mo. 4-6 Mary Rebecca McClung, b. May 22, 1850, unm. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 5-6 Paulina Catherine McClung, b. May 27, 1852 ; d. Jan. 31, 1891 ; m. Nov. 7, 1872, James A. Moses. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. McCiyUNG Genealogy. 167 8-5 Mary Catherine McClung, b. May, 1819; d. Jan. 5, 1898; m. Dec. 26, 1844, James Deitz, b. June 2, 1820. Meadow Bluff, W. Va. g-5 William Wallace McClung, (Speckled Buck) b. Dec. 12, 1821 ; d. Mar. 25, 1887; m. Dec. 20, 1853, Harriet Eagle, b. Nov. 7, 1829; d. Aug. 2^^, 1898. Meadow Bluff, VV. Va. Ten children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Elizabeth McClung, b. Jan 24, 1855, d. July 15, 1859. 2-6 Wooster Newman McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1856; m. Mar. 22, 1881, Sarah Elizabeth Anderson, b. Nov. 27, 1861. Tincher, W. Va. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 Hill Adolphus McClung, b. Mar 16, 1882; d. Oct. 28, 1884. 2-7 Hubert William McClung, b. May 4, 1884. 3-7 Harriet Elizabeth McClung, b. Jan. 7, 18S7. 4-7 Houston Edward McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1889. 5-7 Herman Oman McClung, b. June 11, 1891. 6-7 Henrietta Hessie McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1900. 7-7 Harold Gordon McClung, b. May 23, 1902. 3-6 Susan Essie McClung, b. Sep. 19, 1857; d. June 19, 1892; m. Nov. 2, 1881, Barzila. N. Fitzwater, of Jonesboro, Ark. 4-6 Irvin Dickinson McClung, b. Mar. 27, i860; m. Jan. 5, 1898, Mary Alice Jane Candace Eagle, b. Aug. 24, 1876. Hico, W. Va. Three children, viz.: 1-7 Everest McClung, b. Aug. 4, 1898; d. 2-7 Grant Earl McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1900. 3-7 Etta Beulah McClung, b. Aug. 27, 1901. 5-6 Etta Florida McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1862, (twin) m. Nov. 4, 1885, Hanceford Clark Deitz. Hico, W. Va. 6-6 George Wallace McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1862, (twin), d. Mar. 19, 1862. 7-6 Joanna Cornelia McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1864; d. Oct. 22, 1866; m. Dec. 19, 1883, John Henry Hutchinson Hodge. Little Sewell Mountain, W. Va. 8-6 Ulysses Grant McClung, b. Apr. 6, 1866; m. Sep. 16, 1891, Alpha Alice Walkup, b. Apr. 12, 1869. Crawley, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Lrura Georgia McClung, b. June 23, 1892. 2-7 Charles Lester McClung, b. July 5, 1893. 3-7 Lillie Clin McClung, b. Oct. 3, 1896. 4-7 Hilda Cloe McClung, b. Aug. 19, 1899- 9-6 Emery Eagle McClung, b. Dec. 9, 1867; m. Nov. 17, 1897, Luella McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1872, dau. of John Alex- 168 McCivUNG GknkaIvOGY. ander McClung, (John Hosy). Tincher, W. Va. One child, viz.: 1-7 Curtis Alexander McClung, b. Sep. 30, 1900. 10-6 Arminta Catherine McClung, b. Apr. 3, 1870, unm. Hico, W. Va. 3-4 WiUiam McClung (Chunky Billie) b. Apr. 11, 1772 ; d. Apr. 30, 1853. Was buried one mile west of Meadow Bluff, W. Va. m. Nov. 27, 1796-8, Jane Alderson, dau. of Rev. John Alderson. Ten children, viz. : 1-5 Alderson McClung, d. July 17, 1802, in infancy. 2-5 Alexander McClung, b. 1804; d. m. Jennie With- row. Six .children, viz. : 1-6 Mortimore Allen McClung. Attorney at law. Reedy, W. Va. m. Mary Odell. Nine children, viz. : 1-7 Alice McClung, d. m. Dusance Die. 2-7 Beauregard McClung, d. He became insane and committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart. Reedy, W. Va. 3-7 Amanda McClung, d. m. Mr. Smith. 4-7 John McClung. Prosperous furniture dealer and director of a bank. Reedy, W. Va. 5-7 Judson McClung. Tax assessor, m. Gone to Cal- ifornia for his health. 6-7 Dayton McClung, Reedy, W. Va. 7-7 Dr. Samuel McClung. Reedy, W. Va. 8-7 Van McClung, (dau.) m. John Bates. 9-7 Dr. Park W. McClung. Elizabeth, W. Va. 2-6 Albert Gallatin McClung, Sr., d. m. Melinda Head- rick. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Virginia McClung, m. Jacob Ramsay. 2-7 Peck McClung, m. Dove Champ. 3-7 Sallie McClung, m. Flemming Champ. 4-7 Maggie McClung, m. Floyd Odell. 5-7 Albert Gallatin McClung, Jr. m. Rillie Odell. Rus- selville, W. Va. 3-6 Mary Jane McClung, m. May 8, 1855, Rev. W. P. Walker, Pastor, of First Baptist Church of Huntington, W. Va. 4-6 Amanda Abigail McClung, d. m. ist, Nicholas H. Ramsey, b. Jan. 12, 1839; d. Sep. 14, 1861. She m. 2nd, Oct. 28, 1868, William Aaron McClung, son of James Coggin McClung. For issue see index. 5-6 Rev. Adaniram Judson McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1842. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. m. Feb. 14, 1861, Louisa Jane Mc- Clung, dau. of John McClung and his wife Polly Walton. Seven children, viz. : McCivUNG Genealogy. 169 1-7 Rev. Charles Allen McClung, b, Jan. 10, 1862. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. m. Apr. 19, 1883, Mary Lewis Champ, b. Aug. 22, 1862; d. Feb, 13, 1901. Nine children, viz.: 1-8 Ona McClung, b. May 14, 1884. 2-8 Judson Lewis McClung, b. Apr. 24, 1887. 3-8 Clinton Brooks McClung, b. Oct, 7, 1888, 4-8 Cynthia Louisa McClung, b. Apr. 14, 1890. 5-8 Burton Buchanan McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1893. 6-8 Jay R. McClung, b. Jan, 8, 1895, 7-8 Draper McClung, b, Dec. 3, 1896. 8-8 Fuller McClung, b. Jan. 14, 1899. g-8 Milton McClung, b. Nov. 21, 1900. 2-7 Florence America McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1863; m. Oct. 26, 1887, T. P. Hawkins. 3-7 Madora McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1867; Feb. 26, 1890, Floyd Miller McClung, son of William Wallace M.cClung. For issue see index. 4-7 Agnes McClung, b. Sep. 9, 1871 ; m. June 10, 1895, Guss Greser. 5-7 Missoura McClung, b. Sep 20, 1874; m. Aug. 29, 1898, Fountain Hendrickson. 6-7 May McClung, b. Jan. 16, 1880. 7-7 Buster McClung, b. Aug. 4, 1884. 6-6 Leander Preston McCung, d. unm. 3-5 John Monroe McClung, b. 1806; d. m. Nancy Mc- Clung, dau. of Joseph M.cClung, (Cranberry Joe) Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 Louis A. McClung, m. Nov. i, 1853. Mary G. Hen- dricks. Atchison, Kan. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Susan McClung. 2-7 Martin McClung. 2-6 Marshall McClung, m. ist, Jenette Bibb! Mt, Look- out, W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Martha McCung. 2-7 Harriet McClung, m. George Shawver. 3-7 Wallace McClung, m, Hattie Coleman. Oakhill, W. Va. Seven children. 4-7 Bettie McClung. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. 5-7 Jennie McClung. m. Georj^e A. Burr. Mt, Look- out, W. Va. 6-7 Sallie McClung, m. Edward McGraw. Ramsey, Va. 7-7 Lucretia McClung, m. Jack Ford, d. 8-7 Mary McClung. Marshall McClung, (2-6) ra, 2nd, Nettie Sadler, Two children, viz, : 9-7 Flossy May Susanna McClung. 170 McClung Genealogy. 10-7 Joseph McClung. 3-6 William Wallace McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1834. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. m. ist, Sarah Evans. One child, viz.: 1-7 Newton Alderson McClung, b. July 17, 1859. ^- Sep. 25, 1879. Melinda Emaline Deitz, b. Dec. 10, 1857. Mt. Look- out, W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-8 Marion Edward McClung, b. Aug. 28, 1880; m. Oct. 15, 1900, Effie Halstead. Clifty, W. Va. One child, viz.: 1-9 Nash McClung, b. July 7, 1901. 2-8 Minnie Haseltine McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1883. 3-8 Edwin Chester McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1885; d. Nov. 17, 1886. 4-8 Otie McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1887. 5-8 Elzada Jane McClung, b. July 17, 1891. 6-8 Lillie McClung, b. Dec. 27, 1896. William Wallace McClung, (3-6) m. 2nd, Fran.ces Jones. Eight children, viz. : 2-7 Tamery Estaline McClung, b. July 12, 1863 ; d. Nov. 22, 1865. 3-7 Amanda McClung, b. Jan, 22, 1866; d. Apr. 18, 1878. 4-7 Floyd Miller McClung, b. Jan. 3, 1868 ; m. Feb, 26, 1890, Madora McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1867, dau. of Riev. Adani- ram Judson McClung. Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Four children, viz.: 1-8 Marcus Lyle McClung. 2-8 Nona McClung. 3-8 Shannon McClung. 4-8 Lula McClung. 5-7 John McClung, b. Mar. 4, 1873; d, Aug. 8, 1876. 6-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy, 7-7 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy. 8-7 (A child) McClung, d, in infancy. 9-7 Lewis Watson McClung, b. July 31, 1877; d. 1899, unm. William Wallace McClung, (3-6) m. 3rd, Mrs. Mildred Jane Taylor nee Wood. One child, viz. : 10-7 Leonard McClung, b. June 7, 1892. Mt, Lookout, W. Va. 4-6 Margaret Jane McClung, b. Sep, 7, 1838; m. as sec- ond wife of Dr. Dickinson Carpenter McClung, Sr., son of James McClung. For issue see index, 4-5 Carrol McClung, m. ist, Abigail Cavendish. One child, viz.: 1-6 Francis McClung, m. Nov, 3, 1857, Mary F. Leggs. Carrol McClung, (4-5) m, 2nd, Miss Winebrinner. 5-5 George Augustus McClung, (George A. U.) (Bru- McClung GbjnkaIvOgy. 171 tus) m. Mar. 21, 1842, Mary G. Remley. At least one child, viz. : 1-6 Fannie McClung, m. Rev. Grigsby B. McClung, son of Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Moccasin Andy). For is- sue see index. 6-5 Mary McClung, m. May 22, 1820, Boston Shawver. 7-5 Abigail McClung, d. 1842. She was frozen to death, m. Nov. 18, 1832, William McClung, (Bill Slick), son of Joseph McClung, (Cranberry Joe). For issue see index. 8-5 Caroline McClung, m. Aug. 19, 1832, Allen Jones. 9-5 Margaret McClung, m. Rev. Andrew Callison. 10-5 Sarah Jane McClung, m. Mar. 4, 1847, James Smith. 4-4 Catherine McClung, b. Apr. 7, 1775 ; d. m. Dec. 16, 1799, Jonas McCutcheon. 5-4 Joseph McClung, (Cranberry Joe), b. Dec. 20, 1777; d. about 1855; m. ist, May i, 1804, Jane Cavendish, b. about 1779; d. Dec. 4, 1828, in her 49th year. He is said to have been the first white child born on Meadow River, Greenbriar Co., W. Va. He was also the first person buried in Mt. Pleasant cemetery near Mt. Lookout, W. Va. Seven children, viz. : 1-5 Abigail McClung, d. m. ist, Rev. James Osborn Alderson. She m. 2nd, Robert McCutcheon. 2-5 William McClung, (Bill Slick) d. In his absence his house burned and his wife and four children were frozen to death before morning. In his grief he contemplated sui- cide. He retired to a neighboring thicket to pray, and thus obtained perfect peace of mind and resignation to his sore bereavement m. ist, Nov. 18, 1832, Abigail McClung, d. 1842, dau. of William McClung, (Chunky Billy). Four children, viz. : 1-6 Jane McClung, d. 1842. Was frozen to death. 2-6 George McClung, d. 1842. Was frozen to death. 3-6 (A child) McClung, d. 1842. Was frozen to death. 4-6 (A child) McClung, d. 1842. Was frozen to death. William McClung, (Bill Slick) (2-5) m. 2nd, Margaret Likens. Mulvane. W. Va. Nine children, viz. : 5-6 (A dau.) McClung, d. age about 2 yrs. 6-6 Tiery McClung, d. unm. 7-6 Robert McClung, m. Miss Hess. Mulvane, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Chilton McClung. 2-7 Chester McClung. 3-7 (A child) McClung. 172 McClung Genealogy. 8-6 Templeton McClung, m. Rebecca Mc'Cutcheon. Mulvane, W. Va. No issue. 9-6 Floyd McClung, a wholesale drygoods merchant of Ashland, Ky. He once superintended .coke ovens at Ansted, W. Va. Weight, 245 pounds, m. Miss Holly, weight 244 pounds, Ashland, Ky. Four children ; names unknown. 10-6 Rebecca McClung, d. m. James Holly. No issue. 1 1-6 Joseph Edgar McClung, m. Nora Weeks. Ansted, W. Va. Two children. 12-6 Stuart McClung, m. Leola Ellen McClung, b. Sep. 5, 1871, dau. of Cornelius Miller McClung. Elliot, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Roily McClung. 2-7 Bessie McClung. 3-7 (A child) McClung. 13-6 Franklin McClung. Ansted, W. Va. 3-5 Nancy McClung, d. m. John Monroe M.cClung, b. 1806, son of William McClung, (Chunky Billie). For issue see index. 4-5 Samuel McClung, (Sam Patch) d. m. Nov. 6, 1845, Margaret McClung, b. Apr. 7, 1822; d. dau. of James Mc- Clung, (Limb Jim). Rupert, W. Va. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Allen 'C. McClung. Rupert, W. Va. 2-6 Nancy McClung, m. Richard Manspilie. Rupert, W. Va. 3-6 Josephine McClung, m. Lycurgus Shawver. Ru- pert, W. Va. 5-5 Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Brag Andy), b. May 7, 1818. Maywood, W. Va. m. ist, Dec. 19, 1844, Susan Sharp, b. Oct. 9, 1822; d. Jan. 17, 1884. Nine children, viz.: 1-6 Sarah Frances McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1845 ; d. 1845. 2-6 Lydia Jane McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1847; d. Sep. 18, 1866. 3-6 Joseph Edward McClung, (Joe Brag), b. July 7, 1848. Farmer. Resides on the mountain near Rupert, W. Va. m. Dec. 29, 1873, Catherine Hagerty, b. October 8, 1847. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Dr. James Andrew McClung, b. Sep. 29, 1874. Ed- ucated at University of West Va. Graduated at Baltimore Medical College, Baltimore, Md., with class of 1901. m. Dec. 16, 1903, Maud Weaver. Address : Richwood, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Beatrice McClung, b. Jan. 13, 1904. 2-7 William Dennis McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1876. Grad- uated from Law Department of University of West Va. ; class of 1902. Richwood, W. Va. I? ft w r w n O C/2 > > 2 n O r d O McCiyUNG Genealogy. 173 3-7 Laura Havana McClung, (Lockie), b. Sep. 6, 1879; m. May 3, 1899, Sidney Smith, Rupert, W. Va. One child, viz, : 1-8 Noel Elton Smith, b. Mar. 10, 1900. 4-6 William Reece McClung, (Reece Brag), b. Feb. 15, 1850. Farmer. Resides on the mountain near Rupert,, W. Va. m. 1st, Apr. 25, 1878, Elizabeth Wheeler Crane, b. Nov. II, 1847; d- J^"- 22, 1891. Two children, viz.: 1-7 William Adams McClung, b. Feb. 25, 1881. 2-7 Wallace Hinkle McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1883. William Reece McClung, (4-6) m. 2nd, Apr. 12, 1891, Catherine Callison, b. Feb. 13, 1859. Two children, viz.: 3-7 Wyatte Nelson McClung, b. Nov. io_, 1892, 4-7 Volena McClung, b. Apr. 21, 1896. 5-6 Mary Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar. 31, 1852; m. James O'liver Alderson Deitz. Rupert, W. Va. 6-6 Nancy Alice McClung, b. Sep, 12, 1855 ; d. Sep. 2, 1862, 7-6 Abigail Caroline McClung, b. Feb, 15, 1857; d. May 21, 1893 ; m, Nov. 29, 1882, Alexander McClung, Jr. (Little Alex.), son of Alexander McClung, Sr. (Grizzly Alex.). For issue see index. 8^6 Susan Angelina McClung, b. Nov, 28, 1861, (twin) ; m, Leander McClung, son of Thomas McClung, Leivasy, W. Va, For issue see index. 9-6 Margaret Alderson McClung, b, Nov. 28, 1861 ; d, (twin) m. Thomas F. Tincher, d. Maywood, W. Va, Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Brag Andy) (5-5) m. 2nd, Mrs, Alverda Jane Evans, nee Crookshanks, b, Apr. 16, 1848. Three children, viz. : 10-6 Andrew Wesley McClung, b. Dec, i, 1887. May- wood, W. Va. 1 1-6 Toby Williams McClung, b. July 14, 1889. 12-6 Tony Thomason McClung, b. Apr. 2, 1892. 6-5 Jane McClung. Keiffer, W. Va. m, ist, George W. Crane, She m, 2nd, James Deitz, 7-5 Elizabeth McClung, d, 1886, unm. Joseph McClung, (Cranberry Joe), (5-4), m. 2nd, Hester Amick. Two children, viz. : 8-5 Jacob McClung, m. Miss McCutcheon. Reedy, W. Va. No issue. 9-5 Joseph McClung. He went west and is supposed to have been murdered. 6-4 Mary McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1780; d. Feb. 8, 1806; m. June 17, 1799, James McCutcheon. 7-4 Charles McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1782. A man named 174 McClung Genealogy. Charles McClung, supposed to be this one, m. Sep. 19, i8o5j Charity Vandel. 8-4 Samuel McClung, b. Apr. 27, 1784; d. m. Apr. 16, 1804, Sarah Hinton, d. 1828. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Nellie McClung, m. William Odell. 2-5 Nancy McClung, m. Abraham Pitsonbarger. 3-5 Abigail McClung, m. Thomas Cook. 4-5 Polly McClung, m. Louis Cook. 5-5 William Hinton McClung, d. m. ist, Miss Mc- Cutcheon. One .child, viz. : 1-6 Katie McClung, m. William Neff. William Hinton McClung, (5-5) m. 2nd, May 3, 1832, Parmelia Jones. Eight children, viz. : 2-6 James Alderson McClung, d. age 3 years. 3-6 Cyrus Rupert McClung, (Rupe Hinton) d. m. Re- becca Crane. Eight .children, viz. : 1-7 Park Walker McClung, m. Elizabeth Cheatham. Greenwood, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 (A son) McClung. 2-7 Ada McClung, m. Elijah Robert McClung, son of Charles A. McClung, (Charlie Die). For issue see index. 3-7 Ida McClung, m. Mr. Walkup. Bluefield, W. Va. 4-7 Boatwright McClung. Greenwood, W. Va. 5-7 Alfonso McClung. Greenwood, W. Va. 6-7 Eulalia McClung, m. Sylvanus Easter. Keiffer, W, Va. 7-7 Pearl McClung. Keiffer, W. Va. 8-7 Alvaro McClung. Keiffer, W. Va. 4-6 Madison McClung, (Mat Hinton), b. May 11, 1838; m. Martha E. Martin, b. May 17, 1845. Hurricane, W. Va. Thirteen children, viz. : 1-7 Minora F. McClung, b. Jan. 2, 1862; m. Leonard Shawver. Lawton , W. Va, 2-7 Rosa A. McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1865. 3-7 Clowny Vincent McClung, b. Mar. 23, 1867; d. July 10, 1903 ; m. Emma Slucher. Hurricane, W. Va. 4-7 Arminta C. McClung, b. Aug. 11, 1868; m. William Wilson. Louisa, Ky. 5-7 Lilly D. McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1870; d. May 22, 1882. 6-7 Laura E. McClung, b. Apr. 4, 1872; d. Sep. 8, 1897, unm. 7-7 Dr. Samuel Tilden McClung, b. July 17, 1873; d. Sep. 25, 1898. Graduated at the Louisville Medical Collef^e in class of 1894. m. Alice Martin. McClung Genealogy. 175 8-7 Richard A. McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1875 ; m. Una Cliap- man. Hurricane, W. Va. 9-7 Joseph L. McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1877. Proprietor of restaurant at Thurmond, W. Va. 10-7 Albert O. McClung, b. Mar. 24, 1880. Hurricane, W. Va. 1 1-7 Lodena C. McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1881. 12-7 Lillie Maude McClung, b. Jan 26, 1884. 13-7 Mona May McClung, b. May 19, 1887. 5-6 Dr. William Henry Harrison McClung, (Henry Hinton), b. May 13, 1844; m. Oct. i, 1863, Isabella Matilda Burdette, b. Mar. 21, 1850. He served about two years in the Confederate army as drum major. Was in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. Had his cap shot off his head, but he es- caped unhurt. He is a practicing physician. In politics a Republican. In religion a Baptist. Dubree, W. Va. Tvv^elve children, viz. : 1-7 William Alexander Decastro McClung, b. Jan. 10, 1865; m. Jan. i, 1886, Levenia Cook, b. July 17, 1870. Clifftop, W. Va. Six .children, viz. : 1-8 George Henry Lawna McClung, b. Apr. 9, 1888; d. May 9, 1888. 2-8 Leancy McClung, b. Apr. 7, 1890. d. Feb., 1892. 3-8 Delia Arbanis McClung, b. Sep, 23, 1892. 4-8 Piney Roe McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1895. 5-8 William Melvin McClung, b. July i, 1897; d. Aug. 10, 1897. 6-8 Icy May McClung, b. Sep. 17, 1899. 2-7 Henrietta McClung, b. Nov, i, 1866; m. Mar. 2']^ 1883, David Floyd Pitzenbarger. Clifftop, W. Va. 3-7 Colonel Handley McClung, b. Feb. 3, 1871 ; m. Jan. 17, 1895, Maggie Critchley, b. Dec. 20, 1876. Clifftop, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Marvin Alfred McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1896. 2-8 Vanden Burley McClung, b. Apr. 16, 1897. 3-8 Lonza Temple McClung, b. Mar. i, 1899. 4-8 Dawn Ladula McClung, b. Dec. 30, 1900. 4-7 Sarah Bell McClung, b. Dec. 5, 1872; m. Apr. 23, 1900, Joseph Harris. Eye, W. Va. 5-7 Daman Lester McClung, b. Feb. i, 1874; d. Apr. 30, 1877. 6-7 Mary Luella McClung, b. Dec. 28, 1876; d. Oct. i, 1876. 7-7 Ladula McClung, b. Nov. 2^, 1878. Dubree, W. Va. 176 McCivUNG GeneaIvOGY. 8-7 Miley Burdette McClung, b. Feb. 26, 1881, unm. Dubree, W. Va. 9-7 Leona McClung, b. Dec. i, 1882; d. Aug. 28, 1883. 10-7 Alice Adaline McClung, b. Aug. 4, 1884; d. Sep. 14, 1899. 1 1-7 Charles Haden McClung, b. Mar. 9, 1887. Dubree, W. Va. 12-7 George Vaden McClung, b. Jan. 26, 1892. Dubree, W. Va. 6-6 Mary Frances McClung, d. Sep. 24, i860. 7-6 Adaline McClung, d. m. David Broofman. 8-6 Colonel Samuel McClung, (Sam Hinton) b. Dec. 31, 1848; m. May 7. 1883, Leona Bell Tinsley, b. June 17, 1869. Rupert, W. Va. Eight children, viz. : 1-7 Luna Texia McClung, b. May 18, 1885. 2-7 Virgil Mcintosh McClung, b. May 18, 1887. 3-7 Wallace Walter McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1889. 4-7 Claude Gilmer McClung, b. Dec. 22, 1890. 5-7 Samuel Brinton McClung, b. Apr. 9, 1894. 6-7 (A dau.) McClung, b. June, 1896. d. June, 1896. 7-7 General Lawton McClung, b. June 6, 1899. 8-7 Carl Raymond McClung, b. June 24, 1901. 9-6 Mason Matthews McClung, (Mase Hinton), m. Jane Tincher. Lookout, W. Va. Seven children, viz. : 1-7 (A child) McClung. 2-7 Everett McClung. 3-7 Amos McClung, d. 4-7 Burley McClung, d. 5-7 Lulu McClung. 6-7 Zena McClung. 7-7 Tony McClung. 6-5 John Duffy McClung, d. Oct. 17, 1862. He lived in Nicholas Co., W. Va. m. ist, Malinda Nutter. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 George Washington McClung. Thayer, Mo. m. Sarah Stuart. Several children ; names unknown. 2-6 Burilla McClung. Oak Hill, W. Va. 3-6 Eveline Jane McClung, m. ist, John Pitsenbarger. She m. 2nd, G. W. Cross. Address : Ore. 4-6 Millise McClung, b. Mar. 17, 1837. He was a candi- date for the State Legislature in 1902. m. Dec. 11, 1862, Mary Elizabeth Remley, b. May 14, 1840. Dawson, W. Va. Nine children, viz. : 1-7 Viola Agnes McClung, b. Jan 16, 1864; m. ist, Nov. 21, 1888, A. J. Huff. She m. 2nd, Sep. 30, 1896, Lindsay C. Dolin. Dawson, W. Va. McClung Genealogy. 177 2-7 John Carperton McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1865 ; m. Dec. 16, 1891, Ida Callison. Dawson, W. Va. Six .children, viz.: 1-8 Ohn Everett McClung. 2-8 Alban McClung. 3-8 Mary Virginia McClung. 4-8 John Bodine McClung. 5-8 Ollie Ann McClung. 6-8 Elizabeth Agnes McClung. 3-7 Dr. Lorenzo Houston McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1867. Graduated from the Medical Department University of Louis- ville, Ky. in class of 1894. Practicing his profession at Daw- son, W. Va. m. Apr. i, 1894, Anna Sue Lewis, b. June 3, 1876. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Thomas Ray McClung, b. Jan. 15, 1895: 2-8 Viola May McClung, b. Nov. 15, 1897. 3-8 Roy Houston McClung, b. Nov. 15^ 1898. 4-7 Ellen Dora McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1870; m. Dec. 12, 1889, J. M. Bailes. Ophelia, W. Va. 5-7 Lucinda Turner McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1872; m. Sep. 20, 1892, Martin Odell. Leivasy, W. Va. 6-7 Samuel Black McClung, b. Sep. 16, 1874. Dawson, W. Va. ; m. Mar. 14, 1899, Minnie Leona Remley, b. Feb. 6, 1881. C>ne child, viz.: 1-8 Lola Myrtle McClung, b. Nov. 5, 1900. 7-7 Elizabeth Ada McClung, b. July 30, 1877. Dawson, W. Va. 8-7 Othro Owen McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1880; d. Aug. 15, 1882. 9-7 Omor Washington McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1884. Ophel- ia, W. Va. 5-6 Alexander McClung, d. in infancy. John Duflfy McClung, (6-5) m. 2nd, Lydia Querry, d. Four children, viz. : 6-6 Rufus Pitzer McClung, m. Bettie Ann M.cClintock. Fayette Co., W. Va. 7-6 Sarah Frances McClung, m. Mr. Martin, Summers- viUe, W. Va. 8-6 Elizabeth Ellen McClung, m. Charles Price. 9-6 Adolphus McClung, m. Miss Maloney. Kessler's Cross Lanes, W. Va. Seven children ; names unknown. 9-4 Abigail Dickinson McClung, b. Sep. 26, 1786; m. Nov. 2, 1804, Joseph Black. One son, viz.: 1-5 Rev. Samuel Black was a distinguished minister. "Samuel Black Memorial Church," near Meadow Bluff, W. Va., was named in his honor. 178 McClung Genealogy. 10-4 Janet McClung, b. Oct. 4, 1788; d, m. Apr. 27, 1809, Andrew Cavendish, b. Mar. 24, 1787. 1 1-4 Alexander McClung, (Stumpy Alex.) (Bake Alex.) b. Mar. 19, 1792; d. May 9, 1862. He sold several negroes and drank their worth in whiskey, m. Feb. i, 1816, Rebecca Cavendish, b. Mar. 28, 179Q; d. She was related to Lord Cavendish of England. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Grigsby McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1815; d. Dec. 10, 1901 ; m. Sep. 25, 1834, Sallie McClung, b. Jan. 13, 1817; d. Jan. 19, 1892, dau. of John McClung, (Curley John). Four chil- dren, viz.: 1-6 John Alexander McClung, b. July 23, 1835 ; d. Sep. 3, 1836. 2-6 Charles Lewis McClung, (Charlie Grig.), b. Dec. 29, 1836. Address: McClung's, W. Va. When he began life the only thing he possessed was a half-grown dog. During his career he bought and paid for ten thousand acres of land. He now owns six or seven thousand acres of valuable coal, timber and grazing lands. He erected the McClung church near his home at his own expense, costing about $1,400. His estate is now valued at $90,000. He deals extensively in cattle. He m. 1st, Sep. 3, 1858, Nancy Jane Shawver, b. May 6, 1843. Rupert, W. Va. Fifteen children, viz. : 1-7 Emily Downton McClung, b. May 20, 1859; d. June 8, 1862. 2-7 Lemon Andrew McClung, b. July 25, 1861 ; m. ist, Jan. 15, 1885, Fannie Rowland, d. One child, viz.: 1-8 Ralph McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1888; d. Mar. i, 1889. Lemon Andrew McClung, (2-7) m. 2nd, June 17, 1895, Jessie Drydesdale. He is a farmer and lumber dealer. Ad- dress: McClung's, W. Va. 3-7 Sallie Ann McClung, b. Mar. 30, 1863;. m. John R. Smith. She is post mistress at McClung's, W. Va. 4-7 Piney Jane McClung, b. Dec. 23, 1865. Deaf and dumb. Was educated at Romney, W. Va. Address: Ru- pert, W. Va. 5-7 Charles Edward McClung, b. May 6, 1867; m. Re- becca Jane Callison. Address : McClung's, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Clarence McClung. 2-8 Bertha McClung. 3-8 Virgil McClung. 4-8 Pansy McClung. 5-8 Lake McClung. 6-7 Curley Pleasant McClung, b. Feb.. 9, 1869; m. Oct. 10, 1889, Montana Mc'Clung, b. Apr. 2.2, 1871, dau. of Mar- McCivUNG Genealogy. 179 shall Alderson McClung. Rupert,. W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-8 Emily Agnes McClung, b. July i8, iS'gi. 2-8 Addie Jane McClung, b. Jan. ii, 1893. 3-8 Linkle Alderson McClung, b. Sep. 30, 1895. 4-8 (A dau.) McClung, b. about 18197 ; d. unnamed. 5-8 Piney May McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1898. 6-8 Truma McClung, b. Aug. 16, 1900. 7-7 Otey Grigsby McClung, b. Sep. 16, 1870. Address: McClung's, W, Va., m. June 27, 1894, Rebecca Susan Jeff- ries, b. Oct. I, 1872. Two children, viz.: 1-8 David Lofton McClung, b. July 19, 1895. 2-8 Charles Lewis McClung, Jr., b. Jan. 20, 1897. 8-7 Emma Thompson McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1873; m. Bud Smith, of Rupert, W. Va, 9-7 Robert Orange McClung, b. Jan. 14, 1876; m. Dec. 26, 1901, Lillie Dure McClung, b. June 8, 1879, ^^u. of Clark McClung. Rupert, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Elmer Bum McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1802. 10-7 Nannie Charlott McClung, b. Dec. 18, 1878; m. Stuart Edgar McClung, son of Stuart McClung, of Nicholas Co., W. Va. Address : Hominy Falls, W. Va. For issue see index. 11-7 Mary Ella McClung, b. July 18, 1880; m. Saint Clair Bryant. Address : McClung's, W. Va. 12-7 Martha Lewis McClung, b. Mar. 11, 1882, Rupert, W. Va. 13-7 OUie Trent McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1885. Rupert, W. Va. 14-7 Myrtle Amanda McClung, b. Mar. 6, 1887. Rup- ert, W. Va. 15-7 Peachie McClung, b. July 21, 1889. Rupert, W. Va. Charles Lewis McClung (Charlie Grig) (2-6) m. 2nd, May 9, 1900, Mrs. Amanda Shawver, nee McClung, b. July 7, 1845, dau. of Col. Allen McClung. No issue. Address: McClung's, W. Va. 3-6 Andrew Cavendish McClung, (And}^ Grig), b. Feb. 20, 1839; m. June 4, 1863, Sarah A. Walkup, b. May 26, 1844, Address McClung's, W. Va, Eight children, viz.: 1-7 Grigsby McClung, b. 1864, d. about 1872. 2-7 Nancy McClung, b. 1866, d about 1872, 3-7 Charles McClung, b. 1868; d. May 2, 1893. Was killed by a falling tree. m. about 1888, Mary Perkins. Mc- Clung's, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Andrew Morton McClung, b. Jan. 20, 1890. 180 McClung Genealogy. 2-8 Charles Erskin McClung, b. De.c. 12, 1893. 3-8 Jessie McClung, b. about 1895. d. about 1895. 4-7 Allie McClung, b. about 1870; m. about 1896, Jos- eph Odell. Hominy Falls, W. Va. 5-7 Barksdale McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1872; m. Oct. 9, 1891, Rosa Odell, b. about 1872. Address:: McClung's, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Mary McClung, b. about 1894. 2-8 Virgie McClung, b. about 1896. 3-8 Carlie Alfred McClung, b. about 1898, d. age six months. 4-8 Andrew Marshall McClung, b. about 1899. 5-8 Joseph McClung, b. Feb., 1902. d. Mar., 1902. 6-7 Renick McClung, d. age 2 years and 7 months. 7-7 Lucy McClung, b. 1874; m. about 1894, James Mur- phy. Eye, W. Va. 8-7 Alvin McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1876; m. Mar. i, 1900, Lona Ellen Heiser, b. Dec. 14, 1883. Address: McClung's, W. Va. One .child, viz.: 1-8 Andrew Clayton McClung, b. May 13, 1901. 4-6 Edward McClung, b. Mar. 27^ 1841 ; d. July 23, 1862, unm. 2-5 William McClung, (Bill Hosy), b. Jan. 12, 1817; d. Apr. 20, 1882 ; m. Feb. 14, 1839, Elizabeth Mc'Clung, dau. of John McClung, (Curly John). Six children, viz.: 1-6 Thomas McClung, m. Mary Jane Hall, b. 1844. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Susan Angeline McClung, b. Nov. 28, 1861, dau. of Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Brag Andy). Leivasy, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-8 Elmer McClung, (twin). 2-8 Elliot McClung, (twin). 3-8 Flora McClung, d. 4-8 Alvin McClung. 5-8 Tollie McClung. 2-7 William Evander McClung, Sr. While in the dis- charge of his duty as deputy sheriff, he was shot through the lungs. He recovered from the wound and resumed the duties of his office. He m, Ardona Davis. Leivasy, W. Va. Ei^ht chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 Magee McClung, b. May 5, 1884. 2-8 Lula Glen McClung. 3-8 Thomas McClung. 4-8 Maude Muller McClung. 5-8 John Spurgeon McClung. 6-8 Rosa Lee McClung. CI CO < > o ^ o ^ H .? o I— I O J u CO McCivUNG Genealogy. 181 7-8 Rosso McClung. 8-8 William Evander McClung, Jr. 3-7 Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar. 26, 1865; m. Dec. 31, 1879, Milton McCutcheon, b. Feb. 7, 1856. Hominy Falls, W. Va. 4-7 John Alexander Neriah McClung, b. Mar. 23, 1867; m. Dec. 17, 1890, Fannie Adelia Shawver, b. May 2.2,, 1867. Rupert, W. Va. Three .children, viz. : 1-8 Winfred McClung, b. May 8, 1892. 2-8 Winona McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1894. 3-8 Wilkie McClung, b. May, igoi. 2-6 Rebecca McClung, d. unm. 3-6 John Alexander McClung, (John Hosy), b. June 14, 1845 ; "1- Apr. 7, 1870, Mary J. Burns. Rupert W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Catherine Florence McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1870; m. Dr. Leviro V. Shawver. Corliss, W. Va. 2-7 Luella McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1872; m. Nov. 17, 1897, Emery Eag-le McClung, son of William Wallace McClung, (Speckled Buck). For issue see index. 3-7 Ellena McClung, b. Dec. 5, 1874; m. Cameron S. Hollister, b. Aug. 20, 1874. Cowen, W. Va. 4-7 Nannie McClung, b. Apr. 9, 1877. Rupert, W. Va. 5-7 Leslie William McClung, b. May 23, 1880. Rupert, W. Va. 6-7 Denvin Cecil McClung, b. Jan. 23, 1883. Rupert, W. Va. 7-7 Lillian McClung, b. Sep. 23, 1888. Rupert, W. Va. 4-6 (A child) McClung, d. unnamed. 5-6 Sallie McClung, d. age 5 years, 6-6 Cyrus McClung. d. unm., age 22 years. He was a a school teacher. Was shot and killed by Mr. McCutcheon. 3-5 Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Moccasin Andy), b. Feb. 28, 1819; d. about 1900; m. ist, Catherine Odell, d. Hom- iny Falls, W. Va. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Thaddeus McClung, d. a prisoner of war, unm. 2-6 Sophrona McClung. Went west with her i^ncle, Mr. Wiseman. 3-6 Rev. Alexander McClung, d. 1901. Baptist minis- ter, m. Trena Dorsey. No issue. Leivasy, W. Va. 4-6 Rev. Grigsby B. McClung, a Baptist minister. As- bury, W. Va. m. Fannie McClung, dau. of George Augustus McClung, (George A. U.) (Brutus). Four children, viz.: 1-7 Andrew Charlton McClung, m. Etta Deitz. Three children, viz. : 1-8 Wolla McClung. 182 McClung Genealogy. 2-8 Bessie McClung. 3-8 (A child) McClung. 2-7 Mary Belle McClung, m. Frank Parker. 3-7 William McClung. 4-7 Geeter McClung. 5-6 Jacob Odell McClung, b. Feb. 16, 1851. Farmer residing near Williamsburg, W. Va. m. Dec. 13, 1869, Mar- tha Jane Callison, b. Dec. 18, 1846. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Dr. Thaddeus Clayton McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1870. Graduated March, 1894, at Louisville, Ky. Medical College. Practicing his profession at Roncevert, W. Va. m. Oct. 8, 1894, Cora Hunt, b. Mar. 15, 1872. Four children, viz.: 1-8 James Robert McClung b. July 5, 1896. 2-8 Martha Frances McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1898. 3-8 Mary lo McClung, b. July 24, 1900. 4-8 (A son) McClung, b. Mar. 25, 1902. 2-7 James Andrew McClung, m. Oct. 3, 1897, Martha Ann Jones. Richwood, W. Va. 0*ne child, viz. : 1-8 Carl Erskine McClung. 3-7 Mary Malinda McClung, b. Aug. 22, 1877. Wil- liamsburg, W. Va. 4-7 Rebecca Catherine McClung, b. Jan. 6, 1889. 6-6 Rachel McClung, d. Andrew Cavendish McClung, (Moccasin Andy) (3-5), m. 2nd, Mary Ann McClung, dau. of Edward M.cClung, (Little Ned). Leivasy, W. Va. Three children, viz.: 7-6 Joanna McClung, m. William Odell. 8-6 Eliza McClung, m. Warwick Murphy. 9-6 Jud McClung, (dau.) m. Mr. Houston Amick. 4-5 (A son) McClung, b. Oct. 7, 1820; d. Oct. 7, 1820. 5-5 Robert Thompson McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1824; d. May 12, 1895; m. about 1843, Susan Maria McClung, b. Nov. 6, 1825, dau. of William McClung, (Bill Joby). Hominy Falls, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Cavendish McClung, b. Nov. 14, 1850; m. June 12, 1873, Felicity Amick. Hominy Falls, W. Va. No issue. 2-6 Wilson McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1853; m. Charlott Amick. Hominy Falls, W. Va. Eight .children, viz. : 1-7 Newton McClung, m. Dessie Amick. Hominy Falls, W. Va. One child. 2-7 Nancy Susan McClung, m. Isaac Whitlock. Hom- iny Falls, W. Va. 3-7 Robert McClung. 4-7 Geneva McClung. 5-7 (A child) McClung, d. (twin), 6-7 Leviro McClung, (twin). McCivUNG GeneaLtOgy. 183 7-7 Byron McClung, (twin). 8-7 Cavendish McClung, (twin). 3-6 Howard McClung, b. July 13, 1861 j m. Lizzie Rich- ardson. Hominy Falls, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Irvine McClung, b. Jan 14, 1884. 2-7 Jonathan Holt McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1886. 3-7 Franklin Poe McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1896. 6-5 James McClung, (Jim Slick) b. Sep. 10, 1825 ; m. Miss Eye. Address : Eye, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-6 Chris McClung, m. Jane Daubenspeck. 2-6 Susan McClung^ m. Alvin Nutter. 3-6 Novel McClung, m. Annie Amick. 4-6 Ledonia McClung. 4-3 James McClung, d. about 1790. His will was made Aug. 10, 1789; probated Sep. 28, 1790. He m. Nancy Dick- enson, d. She was of unknown parentage. She was cap- tured by the Indians in her infancy, and later was found de- serted in a fort. She was adopted and raised by Col. Dick- enson. Six children, viz. : 1-4 Jane McClung, d. m. Robert Steel. 2-4 Nancy McClung, m. Sep 13, 1791, or Feb. 24, 1799, Joseph Dixon. 3-4 Elizabeth McClung, d. m. Mar. 8, 1802, George Matthews. 4-4 William McClung, (Long Billie) b. Apr. i, 1877, in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. ; d. Aug. 10, 1866; m. 1st, Margaret Bollar, b. June, 1781 ; d. about 1845. Nine children, viz.: 1-5 Nancy McClung, m. John Burr. Williamsburg, W. Va. 2-5 Margaret J. McClung, m. June 28, 1837, Gilbert Gibbs. Ravenswood, W .Va. 3-5 Jane McClung, m. Aug. 18, 1840, Charles Kincade. Williamsburg, W. Va. 4-5 Bollar McClung, b. about 1803 ;'d. about 1896, "age 93 years;" m. ist, Sep. 3, 1829, Elizabeth Wallace, b. Aug. 7, 1809; d. Apr. 5, 1882. Williamsburg, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-6 William McClung, d. 1862, in Little Rock, Ark. m. Lizzie Gillilan. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Russell McClung, d, in infancy. 2-7 Thomas McClung, of Urich, Mo. 3-7 Mary McClung, m.. Address: Missouri. 4-7 Betsy McClung. Address: Missouri. 5-7 AlHe McClung, Address : Missouri. 2-6 Amanda McClung, m. James Gillilan, and went to Missouri. 184 McCivUNG Genealogy. 3-6 Mary Margaret McClung, b. Oct. 3, 1838, d. Oct. 31, 1859, unm. Bollar McClung, (4-5) m. 2nd, Mrs. Mary Gillilan, nee Beard. Lewisburg, W. Va. No issue. 5-5 James McClung, b. about 1805 ; d. Mar. 23, 1893 ; m. 1st, Jane McClintick, d. Nov. 12, 1873. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Margaret McClung, b. May 28, 1832; m. Rev. Jon- athan K. Hedges, a minister of the M. E. Church South. Smoot, W. Va. 2-6 William McClung, (Grasshopper), b. Aug. 10, 1834. Williamsburg, W. Va. m. Sep. 25, 1867, Thankful W. Tay- lor, b. Jan. 3, 1844. Three .children, viz.: 1-7 Lena McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1869; m. Oct. 14, 1891, K. D. McMillion. Forest Hill, W. Va. 2-7 Herbert Lynn McClung, b. July 20, 1875. Wil- liamsburg, W. Va. 3-7 Lucy Virginia McClung, b. Dec. 22, 1877 ; m. Nov. 16, 1899, Alpheus McMillion. Sunlight, W. Va. 3-6 Moses Russell McClung, b. July 5, 1837 ; m. ist, Oct. I, i860, Virginia Taylor. Max Welton, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Joseph Morgan McClung, b. July 16, 1864; m. Jan. 16, 1887, Minta Margaret Clutter, b. Mar. 22, 1868. Max Wel- ton, W. Va. Five children, viz.: 1-8 Pearl Hamilton McClung, b. Nov. 23, 1887. 2-8 James Bollar McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1890; d. Oct. 26, 1 891. 3-8 Ella Boud McClung, b. June 8, 1892. 4-8 Laura Virginia McClung, b. Sep. 29, 1894. 5-8 Chloe Morgan McClung, b. Oct. 16, 1899. Moses Russell McClung, (3-6) m. 2nd, Feb. 2, 1865, Sarah Taylor, b. vSep. 9, 1835. Four children, viz. : 2-7 William Walker McClung, b. Dec. 26, 1869; d. Feb. 5, 1896, unm. Was killed by a falling tree. 3-7 Cora Jane McClung, b. Oct. 2, 1872; m. Jan, 6, 1898, James Yates. Frankford, W. Va. 4-7 Marion Minnis McClung, b. Oct. 9, 1874; m. Apr. 25, 1900, Minnie Thorp, b. Aug. 31, 1878. Frankford, W. Va. One child, viz.: 1-8 Theodore McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1901. 5-7 Thomas Boud McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1879; m. Dec. 25, 1900, Nannie Meadows, b. May 2, 1881. Frankford, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Thelma Beatrice McClung, b. Mar. 22, 1901. 4-6 James Steel McClung, b. Sep 18, 1841 ; m. Sep. 20, McClung Genical,ogy. 185 1866, Ra.chel E. McMillion, b. Apr. 25, 1843 ; d. May 20, 1900. Trout, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Nora Bell McClung, b. June 21, 1867; d. Jan. 26, 1871. 2-7 Flora Dickson McClung, b. Nov. 17, 1870; m. Dec. 25, 1895, Isaac Humes. Williamsburg, W. Va. 3-7 Emory Waugh McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1873, unm. Graduated 1901, at Dunsmore Business College, Staunton, Va. Address : Hot Springs, Va. 4-7 Samuel McClung, b. Feb. 11. 1876; m. June 6, 1899, Salina McMillion. Address: Trout, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Jesse Campbell McClung, b. June 18, 1901. 5-7 Dessie Blanch McClung, b. Sep. i, 1879; m. July 11, 1900, Thomas Knight. Trout. W. Va. 5-6 Thomas Dickson McClung, b. May 19, 1846 ;d. about 1848 (twin). 6-6 Frank Wait McClung, b. May 20, 1846, (twin). Max Welton, W. Va. m. ist, Nellie Maston. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Bernard McClung, b. May 20, 1878. 2-7 Ina McClung, b. about 1879; m. about 1899, Mr. Warren. Address : Okla. Frank Wait McClung, (6-6) m. 2nd, Oct. 27, 1899, Mrs. Mary Augusta McClintock nee Thatcher. No issue. James McClung. (5-5) m. 2nd, Rachel Williams. N^. issue. 6-5 John McClung, (Katy John) b. May 19, 1809; d. Jan. 19, 1900; m. 1st, Apr. 19, 1833, Rebecca Burr, b. June 12, 1807; d. Mar. 23, 1882, dau. of Aaron Burr. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Jane McClung, b. July 30, 1834; m. Albert Fullwider, of Harrisonville, Ohio. 2-6 James Robert McClung, b. May 23, 1836; d. May 8, 1862, unm. Was in the Confederate Army. Took fever at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 3-6 Sarah Isabella McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1839; m. Apr. II, 1866, William Bearing. Palestine, W. Va. 4-6 Harriet Virginia McClung, b. July ii, 1841 ; m. Geo. W. Hunley. Mason City, W. Va. 5-6 Susan Elizabethi McClung, b. Mar. 20, 1844; d. July 22, 1858. 6-6 Margaret Rebecca McClung, b. Oct. 10, 1847; ^- Sep. 17, 1848, (twin). 7-6 Martha Waite McClung, b. Oct. 10, 1847; d. Sep 3, 1848, (twin). 186 McCiyUNG GeneaLtOGY. 8-6 Louisa Steele McClung, b, Apr. i8, 1850; d. July 19, 1858. John McClung, (6-5) m. 2nd, Sep. 13, 1882, Eliza S, R. Burr, b. Sep. 24, 1847, dau. of Aaron Burr, Jr. Williamsburg, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 9-6 Maggie Rebecca McClung, b. July 5, 1883. Wil- liamsburg, W. Va. 10-6 Minnie Burr McClung, b. May 16, i88'5. 11-6 Annie Lee McClung, b. June 6, 1887. 7-5 Dickson McClung, b. Sep. 21, 181 1 ; d. June 12, 1898; m. Feb. 23, 1832, Eleanor McClung, b. De.c. 5, 1812; d. Sep. 13, 1871, dau. of Joseph McClung, (Red headed Joe). Sum- mersville, W. Va. Fourteen children, viz. : 1-6 (A child) McClung, d. in infancy. 2-6 Susan Jane McClung, b. June 29, 1834; d. Sep. 21, 1861 ; m. William Y. Callaghan, of Beaver, W. Va. 3-6 Charles Rice McClung, b. Aug. 20, 1835, unm. Win- field, Kan. 4-6 Joseph William McClung, b. Mar. 18, 1837 ; m. Oct. 17, 1865, Harriet Eagle, b. May 17, 1847. Summersville, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Annie Ruffner McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1867; m. May 18, 1898, A. C. Cookman. Cowan, W. Va. 2-7 Mary Ellen McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1869. Summers- ville, W. Va. unm. 3-7 Charles Paris McClung, b. Jan. 10, 1877. Nelms, Okla. 4-7 Margaret Eagle McClung, b. Nov. 23, 1878. Sum- mersville, W. Va. 5-6 Dr. Michael Bright McClung, b. Jan. i, 1839. d. at Burden, Kan. Graduated at Keokuk College, la. m. Sarah Hanley, of Salem, Mo. Address : Burden, Kan. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Theo. McClung, (dau.) m. Address : Denver, Col. 2-7 (A child) McClung, d. 6-6 Elizabeth McCue McClung, b. Dec. 17, 1840; m. Dickinson M.cClung, son of Fielding McClung. For issue see index. Hazelton, Kan., or Nelms, Okla. 7-6 Franklin McClung, b. Dec. 29, 1842; d. unm., age 25 or 30 years. Was killed in Col. by a fall from a horse. 8-6 Henry Clay McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1844. Winfield, Kan. m. Elizabeth Williams, d. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Rev. Oscar D. McClung, a Baptist minister. Otta- wa, Kan. m. Miss , d. No issue. 2-7 Edward McClung. Winfield, Kan. McCirUNG Genealogy. 187 9-6 Kyle McClung, (Toad) b. Feb. i8, 1846. Lawton, Okla. m. ist, Rilla Emerick. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Neva McClung, m. John Hobart. Pierceton, Okla. 2-7 Maude McClung, m. Fred Morrison, Kansas City, Mo. 3-7 Walter McClung, m. Lawton, Okla. One child. 4-7 Laura McClung. Kansas City, Mo., or Lawton, Okla. 5-7 Daisy McClung, m. Address: Kansas City, Mo. 6-7 Bird McClung. Lawton, Okla. Kyle McClung, (9-6) m. 2nd, Mrs. Rebecca McClung, nee Tyree, wid. of Charles M.cClung. No issue. 10-6 Marshall McClung, b. Feb. 3, 1849. Winfield, Kan. 1 1-6 Lucinda Davis McClung, b. Feb. 4, 185 1 ; m. Isaac Williams. Medford, Ore. or Central Point, Ore. 12-6 Nannie McClung, b. Aug. 12, 1853; d. Feb. 20, 1854. 13-6 Mary Matthews McClung, b. Sep. 21, 1857; m. George Alderson. Snmmersville, W. Va. 14-6 (A child) McClung. 8-5 Russell McClung, Sr., d. about 1849; m- Sep. 6, 1838, Sallie McClintock, d. Oct., 1865. Address: Williams- burg, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Russell McClung, Jr., d. age 7 years. 2-6 Elizabeth Jane McClung, b. 1841 ; m. George W. Williams, son of John Williams, who was at one time the largest land holder in Greenbriar Co., W. Va., owning 153,000 acres in one survey and 200,000 acres in all. Address: Trout, W. Va. 9-5 Susan McClung, m. Dr. Anderson Wait. Ad- dress : Pickaway, W. Va. William McClung, (Long Billie) (4-4) m. 2nd, Martha McMilHon, sister of John McClung's second wife. No issue. It is a singular coincidence that both the first wives and sec- ond wives of "Black John" and "Long Billie" were sisters. 5-4 Mary McClung, d. m. June i, 1787, Adrian Anglin. 6-4 Katherine McClung, b. d. m. June 20, 1812, Sam- uel Kincaid. Nancy Dickenson McClung, widow of James McClung, (4-3), m. 2nd, Sep. 13, 1791, Joseph Dickson. 5-3 John McClung, (Bath John), b. about 1733; d. 1830, "age 97 years." m. Sarah McCutcheon, of Augusta, Co., Va. He went from Rockbridge Co. to Bath Co., Va. He was for a number of years proprietor of the hotel at Warm Springs, Va. He used to visit his brothers in Greenbriar Co.^ W. Va. once every year, and was greatly beloved by his kindred there. 188 McClung GeneaIvOgy. He was a Revoluntionary soldier and served in General Por- terfield's regiment. Gen. Porterfield used to say when John McClung would pray before a battle, victory was sure to perch upon the American banners. He was an Elder in the Windy Cove Presbyterian Church. Nine children, viz. : 1-4 Robert McClung, m. Patsy McDonald. Millboro, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-5 Addison McClung, b. Oct. 18, 1810; d. Dec. 2, 1876; m. Nov. 30, 1854, Martha P. Lang, b. Nov. 7, 1830; d. Mar. 3, 1875. Eight children, viz., 1-6 Luther Brown McClung, b. Nov. 24, 1855 ; d. Nov. 30, 1891. Was killed by a run-away horse, m. Mattie S. Armentrout, b. May 19, i860. Address: 211 Rose Ave., Nor- folk, Va. Five children, viz, : 1-7 William Lee McClung, b. Aug^ 15, 1878. Telegraph operator and station agent for the C. & O. R. R. at Pearch, Va. m. Aug. 11, 1897, Effie B. Rodgers, b. Nov. 5, 1877. Three children, viz.: 1-8 William Lee McClung, Jr., b. Aug. 21, 1898. 2-8 Harrel Lee McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1902. 3-8 Roger McClung, b. Aug. 9, 1903. 2-7 Mary M. McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1881. Stenographer. Address: 211 Rose Ave., Norfolk, Va, 3-7 Hugh Porter McClung, b. Jan. i, 1884. Address: Norfolk, Va. 4-7 Everett De Witt McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1885. 5-7 Gertrude McClung, b. Nov, 3, 1887; d. Oct. 12, 1894. 2-6 William Harvey McClung, b. May 8, 1857 ; m. Nan- nie Fawcet. No issue. Address : McClung, Va, 3-6 Charles Lee McClung, b. July 22, 1859; d. Jan. 4, 1897; m. Hettie Howard, Address: Charleston, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 Carrie Lee McClung. Charleston, W .Va. 4-6 Louis Wert McClunjg, b. June 18, 1861 ; d. Nov. 18, 1865. 5-6 James Warren McClung, b. July 14, 1864. Photog- rapher. Address : Alderson, W, Va, 6-6 Eugene Wilson McClung, b. Jan, 21, 1868. Clerk in a mercantile house in Wetappo, Fla, 7-6 Houston Paris McClung, b. Apr, 13, 1870; m. Oct. 8, 190T, Mattie Bear. Address: Abert, Va. 8-6 Mary Martha McClung, b. Aug, 23, 1872. Address : Hot Springs, Va. 2-s Samuel McClung, d. m. Miss Rodecap. Six chil- dren, viz.: DAVID r.WIX McCLUNG. Pasp 1S9. I McClung Genealogy. 189 1-6 David McClung, m. ist, Miss Brinkley, d. Ad- dress: McClung, Va. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Crawford McClung. 2-7 Richard F. McClung. Fireman on C. & O. R. R. Address : Clifton Forge, Va. David McClung, (1-6) m. 2nd, Laura Dannel. O'nc cliilil. 3-7 (A dau.) McClung. 2-6 William Taylor McClung, m. Miss Earhart. Ad- dress : McClung, Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Mary Elizabeth McClung. Address: McClung, Va. 2-7 Lula McClung. Address: MaClung, Va. 3-7 Ollie McClung. 4-7 Pearl McClunj;. 5-7 John Calvin McClung. 3-6 Mary McClung, m. Louis Burns. 4-6 Susan McClung. m. ist, Dennis Brinkley. She m. 2nd. 5-6 (A child) McClung, m. Kincaid. 6-6 (A son) McClung, d. in Civil War. 3-5 John McClung, d. m. Ellen McDonald. No issue. Address: McClung, Va. 4-5 Harriet McClung. She is thought to have married a Stuart. 2-4 John McClung, m. Rebecca Bratton. One son, viz. : 1-5 William Harvey McClung, d. 1861. Was killed in the Civil War. m. Susan G. Crawford. One son, viz. : 1-6 J. Crawford McClung, d. at Hampden Sidney, Va. unm. Susan G. Crawford McClung, m. 2nd, 1872, Samuel Gold. 3-4 William McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1793 ; d. Nov. 8, 1865 ; m. Rachel V. Gwin, b. Dec. 21, 1802; d. Feb. 15, 1847. Clover Creek, Va. Twelve children, viz. : 1-5 John Henderson McClung, b. June 12, 1822, d. Mon- tezuma, Ga. m. ist, 1850, Martha Frances Booton, d. Two .children, viz. : 1-6 Irving McClung. 2-6 Mary Bassie McClung. John Henderson McClung, (1-5) m. 2nd, Bettie Lips- comb. Four children, viz. : 3-6 Nellie H. McClung, m, A. J. Tison. Arabi, Ga. 4-6 Rosa R. McClung. 5-6 Eva L. McClung. 6-6 Richard Henry McClung, b. about 1880. Monte- zuma, Ga. 2-5 David Gwin McClung, b. Feb. 16,1.824; d. Mar. 3, 1901. In early manhood he served as sheriff of Pendelton 190 McCivUNG GeneaIvOGY. Co., W. Va. He engaged in merchandizing for more than forty years. At the beginning of the Civil War he went to Richmond, Va., and conducted a mercantile house which sup- plied the Confederate army with uniforms. After the war he returned to Franklin, W. Va. and organized the Farmers' Bank of Pendleton, serving as president and director of the same to the time of his death. His maternal grandfather was with Washington's army at Fort Duquesne. He also commanded a company at Guil- fort Court House, and was wounded in that battle, but re- covered and was still in .command of his company at York- town when Cornwallis surrendered. David Gwin McClung, was a man of sterling worth. He possessed a remarkably strong will which he exerted in behalf of every worthy enterprise in life. He was an officer in the Presbyterian Church and lived an active Christian life to the end. See portrait, m. 1852, Sarah Ann Cornelia Maupin, d. Mar. II, 1904. Franklin, W. Va. Five children, viz.: 1901 ; m. 1852, Sarah Ann Cornelia Maupin, d. Mar. 11, 1904. Franklin, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Rev. Tyree Maupin McClung, b. Aug. 18, 1856. Methodist minister, m. Dec. 25, 1879, Roberta Maupin, b. Dec. 8, 1853. Address : Milton, Ind. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Alvin Junius McClung, b. July 20, 1885. 2-7 Lois Minerva McClung, b. Sep, 2, 1887, 3-7 Eunice Roberta McClung, b, June 29, 1891. 4-7 Aria Ruth McClung, b. Sep. 16, 1894. 2-6 William Wallace McClung, b. Sep. 26, 1858. Editor "Salem Sentinel." Salem, Va. m. Mar, 23, 1881, Emma Eliza- beth Littell. Five children, viz. : 1-7 Littell Gwin McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1882. 2-7 William Lyle McClung, b. Oct. 2, 1885. 3-7 Marshall Wainsborough McClung, b. Dec. 7, 1888. 4-7 Edith Randolph McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1893. 5-7 Christine McGahey McClung, b. July 28, 1897, 3-6 Marshall Gwin McClung, b. May 8, 1864. Attorney at law. Salem, Va. m. June 5, 1895, Mrs. Lizzie S. Koiner nee Simmons, b. Nov. 17, 1864, wid. of Dr. A. Z. Koiner, and dau. of Capt. S. F. Simmons, of Salem, Va. One child, viz. : 1-7 David Simmons McClung, b. Mar. 20, 1896. 4-6 Rev. John Louis McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1867. Grad- uated from Johns Hopkins University and Union Theological Seminary. Presbyterian minister. Memphis, Tenn. 5-6 Maude Budles McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1S69; "^- ^^S- McClung Genealogy. 191 14, 1894, Hon. Benjamin H. Hiner, an attorney at law. Frank- lin, W. Va. One child, viz.: 1-7 Ralph McClung Hiner, b. Dec. 25, 1896. 3-5 William Alexander McClung, b. 1826; d. 1847, «nm. 4-5 Sarah Susan McClung. b. 1828; d. 5-5 Andrew Crawford McClung, b. 1830; d. about 1847. 6-5 Silas Brown McClung, b. Oct. 5, 1832. Upper Tract, W. Va. ni. Nancy Jane Lemon. Six children, viz.: 1-6 Rachel Virginia McClung, b. Jan. 20, 1869; m. P. A. Switzer. Philippi, W. Va. 2-6 Warren Crawford McClung, b. May 7, 1872. Upper Tract, W. Va. 3-6 Clarence Reamer McClung, b. Nov. 25, 1875. 4-6 Josie Lemon McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1878. Teacher. Attended Business College in Baltimore. Address: Upper Tract, W. Va. 5-6 Henry Preston McClung, b. Aug. 20, 1881. He at- tended Business College in Baltimore. He is now a sales- man in a large mercantile house in Brooklyn, N, Y. m. Dec. 25, 1903, Sarah Jane Bond, b, June 9, 1883. Address : 438 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 6-6 Edgar Neal McClung, b. July 27, 1884. Attended Business College in Baltimore. He is a salesman in a large mercantile house in Brooklyn, N. Y. Address: 438 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 7-5 Robert T, McClung, b. 1834; d. 1840. 8-5 Frances Violet McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1836; m. Judge James M. Sieg, b. May 5, 1827; d. Dec. 21, 1875. Meadow Dale, Va. Two sons, viz. : 1-6 Sully Sieg, b, Feb. 5, 1868. He is an attorney, m. Mattie Craig. Monterey, Va. 2-6 James McClung Sieg, b. July 18, 1873. Student of Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. Has a com- mission to go to Africa as a missionary. 9-5 Mary Margaret McClung, d. June 5, 1901 ; m. John S. McNulty. Address: McDowell, Va. 10-5 Susan Agnes McClung, m. William Summers. Clover Creek, Va. 1 1-5 Samuel A. McClung, d. age 5 years. 12-5 Louis Martin McClung, b. June, 1847. Clover Creek, Va. m. ist, Nov. 18, 1873, Sudie E. Reamer. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Siegie McClung. 2-6 Seabrook McClung. 3-6 Louis McClung. 192 McClung Genealogy. Louis Martin McClung, (12-5) m. 2nd, June 30, 1887, Lucy D. Blair. 4-4 Margaret McClung, m. James Mussen. Emigrated to Ohio, 5-4 Sarah McClung, d, m. William Wilson, Jr. Ad- dress: Bolar, Va. 6-4 Nancy McClung, m. Samuel Cummins, of Rock- bridge Co., Va. Emigrated to Indiana. 7-4 Hannah McClung, m. Robert Henderson. Staunton, Va. 8-4 Jane McClung, m. Thomas Thompson. Emigrated to Ohio. 9-4 Mary McClung, d. m. William Sitlington. 6-3 Capt. Samuel McClung, b. about 1744; d. Apr., 1806, "in the 62nd year of his age." He emigrated from Rock- bridge Co., Va., to Greenbriar Co., W. Va., prior to the Rev- olutionary War. He lived on Muddy Creek, near the Blue Sulphur Spring. He was the last man wounded by the In- dians in West Virginia. They shot him, wounding him slightly across the loin. They also shot the .cue off his wig. One Indian pursued him until they came to a creek. This creek, it seemed, would prevent his escape. It was now a case of life or death. Summoning all his powers as he neared the creek, he made a desperate leap, bounded clear over the stream and continued running. The Indian, disheartened by this prodigious leap, abandoned the chase. Capt. Samuel McClung m, in Augusta Co., Va., Rebecca Bourland, b. about 1749; d. Oct. 8, 1825, in her 76th year. Both she and her husband were buried one mile west of Smoot, W. Va. Ten children, viz. : 1-4 Charles McClung, (Straw Charlie) (Break Stick Charley) b. about 1783 ; d. July 23, 1858, in his 76th year. He resided about two furlongs east of Frankford, W, Va. m. Oct. 12, 1815, Sarah Crawford, d. One .child, viz.: 1-5 Mary Crawford McClung, d. Apr. 2.y, 1839; m. May 26, 1836, Maj. John H. Copeland. 2-4 Maj. Andrew McClung, d. m. Nov. 3, 1802, Jane Dean, of Bath Co., Va., b. Sep. 11, 1782; d. June 20, 1843. They lived in Greenbriar Co. W. Va. Nine children, viz. : \-S^ Stuart McClung, d. in Chicago, lU. He owned one of the finest farms in Greenbriar Co., W. Va.. He went to Chicago and dealt extensively in cattle. He was at one time quite wealthy ; but the close of the Civil War found him with a large stock of cattle on his hands. They depreciated in value so as to almost bankrupt him. He m. Rebecca Ann Crawford. One child, viz.: o r: m o O . ■ x Q r o vq n> o 5" o O 3 CfQ C/2 O o d- O CP ^ G b 2 o O r d Q < McClung Genealogy. 193 1-6 Rebecca Ann McClung, d. m. William H. Watts. 2-5 Harriet McClung, d. m. Sep. lo, 1829, John Craw- ford, of Augusta Co., Va. 3-5 Mary Bourland McClung, d. m. Nov. 18, 1833, Rev. Samuel Rice. 4-5 Agnes McClanahan McClung, d. m. Oct. 22, 1821, Hon. William Smith. 5-5 Rebecca Ann McClung^ d. unm. 6-5 Elizabeth D. McClung, d, m. Nov. 23, 1825, Patrick Beirne, of Lewisburg, W. Va. She is said to have been a beautiful young woman. 7-5 Caroline McClung, d. 8-5 Sallie C. McClung, m. Col. William Tyree. 9-5 Jane McClung^ d. m. Dr. Charles Williams, of Fin- castle, Va. No issue. 3-4 Capt. John McClung, b. 1782; d. 1815. He was killed by falling from his horse while pursuing a negro thief, m. Annie C. Bourland, b. 1784; d. Feb. 27, 1826. Five children, viz. : 1-5 Eliza C. McClung, m. John. G. McClanahan. 2-5 Adeline Poage McClung, m. July 26, 1827, Dr. Hugh Wilson. 3-5 Amanda McClung, b. July i, 1808; d. m. July i, 1830, Col. Joel McPherson. , 4-5 Rebecca Mays McClung, b. July 18, 1812; d. Mar. 21, 1887, unm. 5-5 John Washington McClung, b. July 21, 1814; d. Apr. 16, 1834, unm. He was a student at the old Lewisburg Acad- emy. 4-4 Joseph McClung, (Joe Bush), b. July 12, 1776; d. Jan. 7, 1850; m. Ott. 14, 1800, Elizabeth Ellis, b. Feb. 25, 1777; d. Dec. 30, 1861. They lived in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. Nine children, viz. : 1-5 Samuel McClung, (Devil Sam) b. June 6, 1799; d. July 27, 1888. He was a very large man with broad shoul- ders, and a massive chest and lungs. He always wore a large, loose hunting shirt and moccasins. He was undoubt- edly the greatest practical joker in Greenbriar County ; hence he received the soubriquet "Devil Sam." Just after the Civil War, when Dr. William H. McClung began the practice of medicine, "Devil Sam" sent a servant for the young doctor at breakneck speed. The doctor re- turned with the servant in great haste. Dismounting from his horse he hastened to the bedside of the patient and found him tossing upon his bed, moaning and groaning, appar- ently suffering the agonies of death. The doctor hurriedly 194 McClung Genealogy. examined the pulse, tongue, heart and lungs. Failing to lo- cate the cause of the pain, he again made a more .careful and thorough examination. Finally he addressed the patient somewhat as follows : Mr. McClung, I have made quite a careful and thorough diagnosis. The tongue looks all right, the pulse and temperature are normal, and I must confess I fail to discover any indications of an abnormal state of health. "Devil Sam" then confessed that there was nothing whatever the matter with hiip. Said he: "I only wanted to see if you had sense enough to tell a well ma.n from a sick one when you saw him." Dr. Mc'Clung played his part of the joke by charging him fifteen dollars for the visit and collect- ing the bill. On another occasion "Devil Sam" was seen going toward his home on horseback as fast as his horse could carry hir». He carried in his hand a large hat box which he held at arm's length. A neighbor, wishing to converse with him, called to him to stop. He replied : "No time now, can't stop," and spurred his horse on with all his might. "What's the matter; is somebody sick or dying?" asked the neighbor. "No," said Devil Sam," Fve got a new hat for my wife, and Fve got to get it home to her before the fashion changes." He once told one of his friends that a few days before, he had wrung an owl's head off without touching it. His skeptical friend asked for an explanation of how he did it. He replied : "I was in the timber hunting. I saw a hoot- owl sitting on the limb of a tree. I walked around the tree and that owl just kept his eyes fastened on me all the time. The third time I went around the tree, that owl's head drop- ped off on the ground." Let it be understood just here that my informant disclaims any responsibility for "Devil Sam's" veracity. Once while on a hunting expedition, he camped in the mountains at night, in company with several men, among others, the Rev. Adam Given. They made their beds by gathering an armful of mountain ferns and spreading them upon the ground. "Devil Sam" had the best bed of the lot. A wave of generosity swept over his soul, and he ofifered to exchange beds with the parson. His generosity was accept- ed, and the exchange was made. About an hour later, "Devil Sam," apparently uneasy and discontented, got up , and go- ing over to the parson demanded his own bed. When asked for an explanation of his discontent he said : "Parson, Fm afraid to sleep in your bed, because if old Satan should come after you to-night and find me in your bed, Fm afraid he would make a mistake and take the wrong man." McClung Genealogy. 195 On another o.ccasion "Devil Sam" was hunting all alone in the mountain. He lodged at ni^ht in a deserted cabin far from any human habitation. During the night he was seized with a severe attack of the .colic. Thinking he would surely die before morning, and fearing his family would never know the cause of his death, he crawled to the fire-place and tak- ing a piece of charcoal from the ashes, wrote on the wall of the cabin this fateful epitaph : "I died with the colic — Devil Sam." Although he survived, this epitaph remained on the wall for months, and was read by many a hunter who passed that way. When "Devil Sam" was lying on his death-bed at his home some years later, a minister of the gospel visited him. After a few introductory words, the minister said : "Well, brother McClung, have you made preparation for death?" He replied : "Yes, I had the boys repair the road to the grave-yard just the other day." He m. Jane Kincaid, b. June, 1798; d. Aug. 10, 1847. Dawson, W. Va. Seven children, viz.. 1-6 Elizabeth McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1823; d. Jan. 17, 1880; m. Nov. 2, i8'47, Charles Deem. 2-6 Albert McClung, b. July 24, 1825; d. Dec. 3, 1863. He was killed in Brooklyn, N. Y., by the explosion of a freight engine, while shipping cattle for Stuart McClung, the Chicago cattle dealer. 3-6 James Madison McClung, b. July 21, 1827; d. 1881, in Neb. He was six feet high ; had light hair and blue eyes, m. July 8, 1856, Hannah Gay, d. at Tipton, iowa. Eight children viz. : 1-7 Mary Susan McClung, d. July, 1887, unm. 2-7 Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar, 13, i_86i, (twin) ; m. James Hill, of Tipton, Iowa. 3-7 Sarah McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1861, (twin) ; m. James P. Scott, of North Bend, Neb. 4-7 Charles Stuart McClung, (Jeff) b. Apr. 7, 1863 ; m. Nov. 2, 1887, Anna Burk. Tipton, Iowa. Ome child, viz. : 1-8 Vernon McClung. 5-7 Andrew J. McClung, b. July 22, 1866, unm. Lives in Montana. 6-7 Samuel McClung, b. Mar. 21, 1868; m. Margaret B. Whitner. No issue. Wilton Junction, Iowa. 7-7 Martha Alice McClung, (Addie), b. May 9, 1871 ; m. Isaac Matthews. Atalissa, Iowa. 8^7 Eiverett F. McClung, b. June 16, 1873 ; m. June 25, 1902, Edith Mandsley. He served in the 49th Iowa regiment in the Spanish-American War. He is a druggist. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1% McClung Genealogy. 4-5 Joseph Alien McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1829; m. Dec. 2, 1874, Laura A. Skaggs, b. Aug. 2, 1844. Farmer. Frank- ford, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Mattie Lewis McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1875. Frank- ford, W. Va. 2-7 Lawrence Clyde McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1877 ; d. Sep. 15, 1877. 3-7 Henry McClung, b. Feb. 4, 1880. Frankford, W. Va. 5-6 William Andrew McClung, b. Feb. 7, 1832; d. Was drowned in a spring when a child. 6-6 William Francis McClung, b. June 21, 1883; height six feet one and one-half inches, m. ist, Martha M. George, b. May 28, 1840; d. Fort Spring, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 AUie J. McClung, b. June 10, 1862; m. Marshall Johnson, of Johnson's Cross Roads, W. Va. 2-7 Lula Ruth McClung. b. Aug. 18, 1864; m. Robert Curry, d. Fort Spring, W. Va. 3-7 Elizabeth Katherine McClung, b. June 26, 1867; m, Apr. 24, 1896, J. W. Robinson, of Falling Spring, W. Va. 4-7 Walter G. McClung, b. Apr. 18, 1871 ; d. July 18, 1871. 5-7 Joseph Albert McClung. b. July 18, 1873; m. Senora Nickell. Pickaway, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-8 Albert McClung, b. 1895. 2-8 Margaret McClung. 3-8 Ruth McClung. 4-8 Helen McClung. William Francis McClung, (6-6) m. 2nd, Martha S. Feamster. 7-6 Stuart McClung, b. Dec. 24, 1836; d. Sep. 12, 1901 ; m. Mar. 29, i860, Mary George, b. 1839. Dawson, W. Va. Ten children, viz. : 1-7 Joseph Albert McClung, b. Mar. 15^ 1861 ; m. Feb. 6, 1889, Lillie Myles. Falling Spring, W. Va. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-8 John Stewart McClung, b. Oct. 21, 1889. 2-8 Willie Agnes McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1891, (dau.). 2-7 Sarah Elizabeth McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1862 ; d. June 30, 1881 ; m. Feb. 11, 1880, John Knapp. Dawson, W. Va. 3-7 Rebecca Margaret McClung, b. Jan. 7, 1865; m, Sep. 18, 1895, William B. Hayes, of Savannah, W. Va. 4-7 James Franklin McClung, b. June 8, 1867. Travel- ing salesman, of Charleston, W. Va. McClung Genealogy. 197 5-7 Samuel McClung, b. Oct. 17, 1869. Farmer. Daw- son, W. Va. 6-7 Callie Jane McClung, b. Jan. 30, 1872; m. Aug. 31, 1892, John F. Cook, of Dawson, W. Va. 7-7 Mary Martha McClung, b. May 12, 1874; m. June 27, 1900, William F. McDowell, of Roncevert, W. Va. 8-7 Louisa Alice McClung, b. Oct. 22, 1876. Dawson. W. Va. 9-7. Spencer Hill McClung, b. Sep. 27, 1879. 10-7 Lelia Ruth McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1882. 2-5 Albert McClung, b. Feb. 7, 1805 ; d. Dec. 7, 1820. 3-5 Cynthia McClung, b. Apr. 6, 1807; d. m. Feb. 3, 1831, Maj. James Crawford, of Augusta Co., Va. 4-5 Madison McClung, (Mat Bush), b. June 20, 1809; d. June 10, 1874; m. Feb. 8, 1838, Margaret L. Hannah, d. Dec. 21, 1861. Ten children, viz.: 1-6 Eliza Jane McClung, b. Feb. 9, 1839; ^^- May 2, i860; m. Jobe Thayer. 2-6 Joseph Allen McClung, (Whistling Bob), b. Dec. 27, 1840; m. Caroline Doyle, Charleston, W. Va. Five chil- dren. 3-6 Mason Matthews McClung, b. Mar. 25, 1844; d. Jan. 21, 1874. Was drowned in a spring, m. Jennie Alderson. Huntington, W. Va. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Irene McClung. 2-7 Lida McClung. 4-6 Rebecca Ann McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1842. Alta, W. Va. 5-6 William Washington McClung, (Hound Bill), b. Feb. 22, 1846; m. Nov. 18, 1875, Mary Geneva Putney. Wil- liamsburg, W. Va. He owns about eleven hundred acres of the finest grazing land in Greenbriar County, and deals ex- tensively in .cattle. Eleven children, viz. : 1-7 Margaret Lamb McClung, b. Nov. 3, 1876. 2-7 Louis Putney McClung, b. July 2, 1878. 3-7 James William McClung. b. May 13, 1880. 4-7 Richard Ellis^ McClung, b. Apr. 21, 1882. 5-7 Charles Andrew McClung, b. Sep. 14, 1884. 6-7 Phillip Todd McClung, b. June 26, 1886. 7-7 Caroline Alethea McClung, b. Aug. 2, 1888. 8-7 Joseph Bernard McClung, b. Aug. 20, 1890. 9-7 Edward Madison McClung, 1). Oct. 8, 1893. 10-7 Clarence Washington McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1895. 1 1-7 Elizabeth Genoa McClung, b. Apr. 14, 1899. 6-6 Charles Andrew McClung, b. June 19, 1848; m. Apr. 198 McClung Genealogy. 26, 1880, Ledonia Pear.cy. Williamsburg, W. Va. Six chil- dren, viz.: 1-7 (A child) McClung, b. 1881 ; d. 2-7 (A child) McClung, b. 1882; d. 3-7 Cleo Myrtle McClung, b. July 13, 1883; d. July 15, 1887. 4-7 Edgar Maynard McClung, b. Jan. 11, 1886. 5-7 James Andrew McClung, b. June 8^ 1887. 6-7 Charles Elery McClung, b. Apr. 16, 1892. 7-6 Virginia Alice McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1852; m. John Johnson, of Alta, W. Va. 8-6 Lev/ella Bell McClung, b. Aug. i, 1854; d. Nov. 12, 1893 ; m. Frank Feamster, d. 9-6 Oscar Ovalva McClung, b. July 25, 1856; d. Sep. 27, 1897, unm, 10-6 Margaret E. McClung, b. Dec. 17, 1861 ; d. Mar. 2, 1862. 5-5 Sarah McClung, b. Feb. 2, 1811; d. m. Aug. 19, 1834, Nehemlah S. Hundley, of Danville, Va. 6-5 Col. Allen McClung, b. Oct. 2, 1812 ; d. Aug. 21, 1897; m. Aug. 19, 1834, Frances A. Remley, b. Aug. 21, 1817; d. Apr. 9, 1891. They lived near McClung's, W. Va. Thir- teen children, viz. : 1-6 Elizabeth McClung, b. July 5, 1834; m. Mar. 8, 1855, James C. Shawver, of Rupert, W. Va. 2-6 Francis Marion McClung, b. July 20, 1837'; m. Feb. 12, 1861, Sue Beets. Ansted, W. Va. Five children, viz.: 1-7 Allen McClung, d. 2-7 Eliza McClung. 3-7 Maude McClung. 4-7 Ernest Lincoln McClung. 5-7 James McClung. 3-6 Rebecca Jane McClung, b. Sep. 3, 1839; m. Feb. 12, J 1857, Benjamin Franklin McClung, (Lame Ben). For issue see index. 4-6 Col. Charles Henry McClung, b. Apr. 30, 1841 ; m. 1st, Nov. 27, 1862, Jane E. McVeigh, d. 1887. Meadow View, Va. Ten children, viz. : 1-7 Wade W. Hampton McClung, b. Aug^ 17, 1^6. 2-7 Annie C. McClung, b. May 23, 1866; d. m. Carey Heathy of Washington, D. C. 3-7 Ledonia McClung, b. Feb. 21, 1868. Meadow View, Va. 4-7 Henrietta McClung, b. Apr. 24, 1869. 5-7 Avonia McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1872; m. Oct. 16, 1901, R. M. Bonham,.of Chilhowie, Va. McCivUNG Genealogy. 199 6-7 Oceola McClung, b. Oct. 23, 1873; m. Amelia Rob- erts, of Meadow View, Va. 7-7 Alice McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1875; m. George A. Gib- son, of Richmond, Va. 8-7 Charles O. McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1879. Meadow View, Va. 9-7 Mary McClung. 10-7 William T. McClung, b. July 19, 1882. Col. Charles Henry McClung, (4-6) . m. 2nd, Mrs. Re- becca Vaughan, nee Feamster, wid. of George A. Vaughan, and dau. of William Feamster. No issue. 5-6 Adelaide McClung, b. Nov. 21, 1843; rn. Nov. 27, 1862, James Louis Caldwell. 6-6 Amanda McClung, b. July 7, 1845 ; m. ist, Oct. 19, 1865, Andrew Shawver, d. She m. 2nd, May 9, 1900, Charles Louis M.cClung, (Charlie Grig), son of Grigsby McClung. No issue. 7-6 Marshall Alderson McClung, b. Oct. 19, 1846 ; m. Feb. 25, 1869, Laura Agnes Burnes, b. June 5, 1849. Address: McClung's, W. Va. Six children, viz. : 1-7 Alzona McClung, b. May 3, 1870; m. Beauregard Zopp. Rupert, W. Va. 2-7 Montana McClung, b. Apr. 22, 1871 ; m. Oct. 10, 1889, Curley Pleasant McClung, son of Charles Lewis Mc- Clung. For issue see index. 3-7 Livingstone McClung, b. Aug. 9, 1872,; m. Nov. 18, 1897, Minnie Morrison. McClung's, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Ora McClung, b. Aug. 31, 1899. 2-8 James Lowell McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1901. 4-7 Ollie McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1877. 5-7 Bettie Jane McClung, b. July 11, 1879. 6-7 James Preston McClung, b. Apr. 18, 1885. 8-6 Martha Ann McClung, b. Apr. 3, 1848; m. Jan. 10, 1867, John Wilson Thompson, of Clintonville, W. Va. 9-6 Susan McClung, b. May 3, 1850; d. Nov., 1850. 10-6 Sanford Brown McClung, b. Sep. 27, 1851 ; m. ist. Mar. 14, 1878, Martha Angeline Martin,. b. Feb. 19, 1853; d. Nov. 3, 1897. Dawson^ W. Va. Six children, viz.: 1-7 Charles Claudius McClung, b. Mar. 20, 1879; m. Nov. 14, 1901, Bettie Francis Bennett. Dawson, W. Va. 2-7 Byron Egan McClung, b. Sep. 15, 1881. 3-7 Grover Cleveland McClung, b. June 24, 1884. 4-7 Henry Gordon McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1887. 5-7 Francis Catherine McClung, b. June 13, 1893. 6-7 William Carl McClung, b. May 19, 1897. 200 McCivUNG Geneai^ogy. Sanford Brown McClung, (10-6) m, 2nd, Nov. 10, 1898, Leanna Bennett, b. Dec. 25, 1861. One child, viz.: 7-7 Mattie Bell McClung, b. Apr. 25, 1901. 1 1-6 Joseph Albert McClung, b. Jan. 10, 1854. Hotel proprietor. Fayetteville, W. Va. m. ist, Alice Crawford. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Charles Mitchel McClung. Conductor oft C. & O. R. R. m. 2-7 Elmer McClung. Clerk in store at Gauley Bridge, W. Va. 3-7 Pearl McClung. 4-7 Myrtle McClung. Joseph Albert McClung, (11-6) m. 2nd, Miss Cavendish. 12-6 Sarah Florence McClung, b. May 15, 1856; d. in infancy. 13-6 Watson McClung, b. July i, 1857. Farmer. Dawson, W. Va. m. Jan. 17, 1877, Ella Rosetta McClung, b. Oct. 31, 1858, dau. of Alexander McClung, (Curly Alex.). Eleven children, viz. : 1-7 Samuel Hilliard McClung, b. Apr. 10, 1878. 2-7 Milton Hubert McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1880; d. June 14, 1880. 3-7 Ocey Olive McClung, b, July 6, 1882 ; m. Mar. 5, 1902, Carey Newton Callison. Little Sewell, W. Va. 4-7 Vernia Adelia M.c Clung, b. Feb. 14, 1884. 5-7 Etta May McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1886; d. Mar. 28, 1890. 6-7 Phillip McClung, b. Dec. 22, 1888; d. Dec, 22, 1888. 7-7 Mittie Alzenia McClung, b. Jan. 24, 1890. 8-7 Bessie Ervin McClung, b. Apr. 18, 1892. 9-7 Florence Nightingale McClung, b. July 29, 1894. 10-7 Effie Pearl McClung, b. Dec. 6, 1896. 1 1-7 Annie Lou McClung, b. May 10, 1899. 7-5 Margaret McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1815; d. m. May 22, 1834, Francis Tyree. 8-5 Rebecca McClung, b. May i, 1817; d. Apr. i, 1842; m. Aug. II, 1836, Capt. William Tyree. 9-5 Andrew McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1819; d. m. ist, Nov. 26, 1840, Mary Ann Gillilan. They emigrated to Grayson, Ky. Four children, viz. : 1-6 (A son) McClung, b. Aug. 5, 1842 ; d. 1842. 2-6 George W. McClung, b. Mar. 12, 1844; d. Was killed in Civil War. 3-6 Sarah Jane McClung, b. Oct. 20. 1849. 4-6 Edward Marion McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1852. Emi- grated to Illinois. McClung Genealogy. 201 Andrew McClung, (9-5) m. 2nd, Mrs. Delilah Elliott, nee Vincent. Several children, names unknown. 5-4 James McClung, d. unm. 6-4 Maj. William McClung, b. Jan., 1785 ; d. June 5, 1855. He was a very wealthy farmer. Resided two miles south of Frankford, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-5 Charles A. McClung, (Charlie Die) b. Nov. 10, 1825; d. May 5. 1891. Williamsburg, W. Va. m. Jane Mann Pol- lock. Nine children, yiz. : 1-6 James William McClung, b. Sep. 17, 1854; m. Nan- nie Jane Pannell. Address : Cornstalk, W. Va. Six .chil- dren, viz. : 1-7 Flora McClung, d. m. Samuel Hinkle. 2-7 Lochard McClung. 3-7 Calvin McClung, 4-7 Carrie McClung. 5-7 Oloff McClung. 6-7 Cassie McClung, 2-6 Thomas C. McClung, b. Ajpr. 11, 1856; d. June 19, i860. 3-6 Elizabeth Jane McClung, b. Nov. i, 1857; d. Dec. 19, 1867. 4-6 Allie Frances McClung. Hugart, W. Va. 5-6 John Calvin McClung, b. Mar. 4^ 1861 ; m. Nov. 19, 1884, Lydia Ann Donnally. He is a railroad constructor. Roncevert, W. Va. Three children, viz. : 1-7 Jimmie Raymond McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1885 (dau.). 2-7 Rennie Miller McClung, b. May 7, 1887. 3-7 Dennie Fleetwood McClung, b. Apr. 27, 1889. 6-6 Sallie Ann McClung, b. Oct. 4, 1862 ; d. June 8, 1863. 7-6 Eldora Susan McClung, m. George Donnally, of Roncevert, W. Va. 8-6 Eliza Raymond McClung; m. Jesse Franklin Legg, of Hugart, W. Va. 9-6 Elijah Robert McClung, m. Ada McClung, dau. of Cyrus Rupert McClung, (Rupe Hinton). Kieffer, W. Va. Five children, viz. : 1-7 May McClung. 2-7 Gordon McClung. 3-7 Maude McClung. 4-7 Cora McClung. 5-7 (A child) McClung. Maj. William McClung, (6-4), m. Jan. 25, 1844, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Rader, nee M.cClanahan^ b. Oct. 26, 1809; d. Jan 3, 1873. Three children, viz.: 2-5 Laura Jane McClung, b. June 26, 1845 ; d. Jan., 202 McClung GeneaIvOgy. 1902; m. Nov. 17, 1868, Henry Frazier Dickson, of White Sul- phur Springs, W. Va. 3-5 Thomas William McClung, b. Mar. 8, 1847. He is a hotel proprietor, m. Feb. 21, 1870, Elizabeth S. Estill, b. Mar. 4, 1848. Lewisburg, W. Va. Eleven children, viz.: 1-6 William Estill McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1871. Shoe manufacturer. 113 E. Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 2-6 Susie McClung, b. May 8, 1874; d. May 8, 1874. 3-6 John Edgar McClung, b. July 26, 1875. Clerk in Thompson's Music House, Clarksburg, W. Va. 4-6 Thomas McClanahan McClung, b. Sep. 15, 1876. Employed in a shoe factory in Frankford. Ky. 5-6 Florence Elizabeth McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1878; m. Aug. 15, 1900, Daniel S. Combs, of Lexington, Ky. 6-6 Agatha Estill McClung, b. Sep. 26, 1880. Lewis- burg, W. Va. 7-6 Laura Echols McClung, b. Apr. 25, 1883; d. May 22, 1883. 8-6 Lawrence Floyd McClung, b. June 24, 1884. 9-6 Lucy Withrow McClung, b. Sep. 18, 1886. Student at Lewisburg Female Academy. 10-6 Margaret Lynn McClung, b. May 28, 1888. 1 1-6 Susan Rebecca McClung, b. Feb. 18, 1892. 4-5 Sarah Elizabeth McClung, b. May 20, 1849; "i- Oct. I, 1S73, John J. Echols. Lewisburg, W. Va. 7-4 Col. Samuel McClung, b. Nov, 26, 1790; d. Oct. 21, 1872. He was high sheriff of Greenbriar County for twenty- five years, m. ist, Jan. 29, 1818', Elizabeth Crawford, of Au- gusta Co., Va., b. Oct. 13, 1795; d, Sep, 25, 1821. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Sarah Ann McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1818; m. June 16, 1842, Samuel B. Finley. 2-5 Mary Jane McClung, b. Nov. 26, 1820; m. Sep. i, 1846, Daniel R. McNeill. Col. Samuel McClung, (7-4) m. 2nd, Jan. 18, 1832, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry Paris, nee Arbuckle, b. Mar. 8, i8o8; d. May 7, 1868. He was one of the most prosperous farmers in Greenbriar County, and at the time of his death possessed a large and valuable landed estate. He resided on the Kana- wha turnpike about three miles west of Lewisburg, W. Va. E'ight children, viz. : 3-5 Alpheus Paris McClung, b. Nov. 22, 1832; d. Jan. 29, 1833. 4-5 James Harvey McClung, b. Jan. 28, 1834; d. Mar. 4, 1898; m. Oct. 27, 1868, Bettie Ella Luncford. Falling Spring, W. Va. Eight children, viz.: McClung Genealogy. 203 1-6 Samuel Harrison McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1869. Farmer, m. Nov. 24, 1898, Viola G. Mann, b. Oct, 5, 1877. North Branch, N. J. Two children, viz.: 1-7 Mary Ella McClung b. Sep. 29, 1899. 2-7 Phillip Pendleton McClung, b. May 13, 1901. 2-6 Mary Kate McClung, b. Feb. 15, 1871 ; m. Nov. 25, 1896, Howard Dickson Littlepage. Falling Spring, W. Va. Two children, viz. 1-7 Bessie Brown Littlepage, (Brownie). 2-7 Mary Edith Littlepage. 3-5 Augustus Brown McClung, b. July 27, 1872. Farmer. Falling Spring, W. Va. 4-6 John Edward McClung, b. Peb. 14, 1874. Falling Spring, W. Va. 5-6 Julia Alzira McClung, b. Aug. 7, 1875; d. Oct. 6, 1876. 6-6 Mattie Lepps McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1877, (twin). 7-6 Sadie Caldwell McClung, b. Sep, 7, 1877, (twin) ; m. Nov. 17, 1897, Robert J. Walkup. Falling Spring, W. Va, 8-6 Addie P&tton McClung, b. June 5. 1880; d, Dec, 13, 1883. 5-5 Charles William McClung, b. Apr, 7, 1837; d. Mar, 1, 1838. 6-5 Martha Lewis McClung, b. Feb. 28, 1839; m. Oct. 2, 1877, as second wife of Robert J. Porterfield, d., a great- grandson of Gen. Robert Porterfield of Revolutionary fame. Lewisburg, W. Va. 7-5 Austin Alexander McClung, b. Nov. 19, 1841 ; d. Mar. 10, 1862, unm. 8-5 Augustus Samuel McClung, b. Sep, 23, 1846. He is a farmer, m, Jan. 10, 1889, Mary E. RufFner. Charleston, W. Va. No issue, 9-5 John Andrew McClung, b. Mar. 3, 1849, m. Dec. 3, [874, Mary E. Burdett, b. May 4, 1851, Max Welton, W, Va. Eight children, viz.: 1-6 Newman Burdett McClung, b. Oct. 6. 1875. 2-6 Kate Christian McClung, b. July 15, 1877. 3-6 Lelia Warwick McClung, b. Oct. 26, 1879; m. Jan. 30, 1902, W. R. Shumate, of Lewisburg, W. Va. 4-6 Mattie Bell McClung, b. May 6, 1882. Max Wel- ton, W. Va, 5-6 James Lambert McClung, b. Apr, i, 1884. 6-6 Mary Anna McClung, b. June 22, 1886, 7-6 Elizabeth Creigh McClung, b, Jan. 26, 1890. 8-6 Lucy Guy McClung, b. July 28, 1892, 10-5 Elizabeth Catherine McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1851 ; d. 204 McCivUNG Genealogy. Nov. 17, 1875 ; iT^- Oct. I, 1873, as first wife of Robert J. Por- terfield. 8-4 Rebecca McClung, d. m. Aug. 19, 181 1, John Mays. 9-4 Jane McClung^ d. 1822 ; m. Jan. 7, 1806, Alexander McClung, d. 1816, son of Thomas McClung. For issue see index, 10-4 Sarah McClung, d m. Mar. 12, 1799, William- Dean, of Bath Co., Va. 7-3 Edward McClung, d. latter part of 1792. Was drowned in the Kanawha River near Moles Island, m. Mrs. Letitia Weymer, nee Black, d. Four children, viz, : 1-4 Jane McClung, m. John Groves. 2-4 Sallie McClung, m. John Newsome. 3-4 Mary McClung, (Polly) m. June 24, 1820, William Smithee. 4-4 Edward McClung, (Little Ned) b. about 1792 ; d. Aug. 21, 1876, aged about 84 years; m, Lettie Cottle, d. Eight children, viz. : 1-5 Joseph McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1818: d. in Pocahontas Co., W. Va. m. Miriam McNeal. Four children, viz. : 1-6 Mary Ann McClung. 2-6 Samuel McClung, d. unm, 3-6 Letitia McClung. 4-6 Beauregard McClung, 2-5 Ruth McClung, d. m. William Bryant, d. Summers- ville, W. Va. 3-5 Sarah Jane McClung, m. Henry Whitman, 4-5 William McClung, d. 1861. m. Lizzie Herold. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Jackson McClung, m. Fannie Gross. Address: Earl, W. Va. Nine children, viz. : 1-7 Lizzie Ann McClung, m. Newman Odell, of Leivasy, W. Va. 2-7 Lena Esther McClung, d. in infancy. 3-7 Harvey Thurman McClung, m. Lissie Perkins. Ad- dress : Leivasy, W. Va. One child, viz. : 1-8 Henry McClung. 4-;7 William Anderson McClung. 5-7 Worth Dix McClung. 6-7 Gus, McClung. 7-7 Andrew McClung. 8-7 Coffman McClung. 9-7 Lester McClung. 2-6 Buren Harvey McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1852. Earl, W. Va, m. Oct. 21, 1875, Phebe R. Whitman, Six children, viz.: McClung GeneaIvOgy. 205 1-7 Andrew Michael McClung, b. Oct. i, 1876; d. Sep. 28, 1885. 2-7 Virginia Ann McClung, b. Mar. 29, 1879; m. Feb. 6, 1900, Allen McCue. Donald, W. Va. 3-7 Elizabeth Edna McClung, b. Mar. 7, i88'i. 4-7 Allie Chambers McClung, b. Nov. 13, 1884. 5-7 Louis Stuart McClung, b. Dec. 5, 1887. 6-7 Charles Taylor McClung, b. July 17, 1891. 3-6 Anderson McClung, m. ist, Melvina Groves. He m. 2nd, Anna Stump. He m. 3rd, Julia Cocks. Muddlety, W. Va. 0>ne child. 4-6 Ella McClung, m. John Cottle. Muddlety, W. Va. 5-6 Stuart McClung, m. Minerva Williams. Earl, W. Va. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Russell McClung. 2-7 Andrew Buren McClung. 3-7 Esther McClung. 4-7 Ora Wilber McClung. 5-5 Mary Ann McClung, d. m. as second wife of Aji- drew Cavendish McClung, (Moccasin Andy). Leivasy, W. Va. For issue see index. 6-5 Letitia McClung, d. in childhood. 7-5 Andrew Davis McClung, b. Oct. 30, 1832. Earl, W. Va. m. Mar. 24, 1857, Sarah Ann Tomlinson. Six children, viz. : 1-6 Lucinda Ann McClung, m. Thomas Groves. Earl, W. Va. 2-6 Ruth McClung, m. Moorman Rush Herford Rader. Earl, W. Va. 3-5 Edward A. McClung, m. Mina C. Spencer, of Don- ald, W. Va. Two children, viz. : 1-7 Ersha Lee McClung. 2-7 Emxor Kingston McClung. 4-6 Jennie Keziah McClung. 5-6 Lizzie McClung. 6-5 William Scott McClung. b. July 26, 1880. Earl, W. Va. 8-5 Edward McClung, d. unm. aged about 18 years. Mrs. Letitia McClung, wid. of Edward McClung-, (7-3), m. 3rd, William Cherrington and moved to Gallipolis, Ohio, where they reared a large family. 8-3 Charles McClung, d. unm. subsequent to Jan. 27, 1793. He emigrated from Ro.ckbridge Co., Va. to Greenbriar Co.; thence to Kanawha Co., Va. (now W. Va.). He was in the Donnally Fort when it was attacked by Indians; and talked to them from within. They charged him with betray- 206 McClung Genealogy. ing them. He served as an Indian scout for many years. He was one of the first settlers in 'Charleston, W. Va., May i, 1789. He assisted in felling the first trees and erecting the first cabin ever built in Charleston. He owned lots 17 and 18 in Charleston on Front and Tjuslow streets. He was com- missioned by the Governor as Justice of the Peace for Ka- nawha County, W. Va. on Oct. 5, 1789. He was clerk of the first county court held in Kanawha Co., Oct. 6, 1789, which ap- pointed Daniel Boone as Lieutenant Colonel of the County of Kanawha. 9-3 Nancy McClung, d. m. Capt. William Moore, b. at "Cannicello," Ro.ckbridge Co., Va., 1748; d. in Lexington, Va., 1841. He was the first merchant in Lexington, Va. 10-3 Janett McClung, d. m. David Moore, brother of Capt. William Moore, above, and General Andrew Moore, wfio was the first United States Senator west of the Blue Ridge. THE MARYLAND McCLUNCS. 3-1 ROBERT ]yCCCLU]N^a, B. in Scotland. Emigrated from Scotland to Ireland with his brothers James and John about 1690. He was prob- ably the father of the following: 1-2 ROBERiT McCLUNG, b. in Ireland ; d. on the voy- age to America, and was buried in the, sea ; m. in Ireland. His wife and children landed in Baltimore, Md., "long before the Revolutionary War." Four children, viz. : 1-3 Williajn McCIung, b. in Ireland; m, ist, in Ireland. Emigrated to America. ^ His wife died soon after their emi- gration, leaving two sons whose names are unknown. William m. 2nd wife, by whom he had four children. They resided in Maryland. Names unknown. 2-3 Joseph McClung, b. in Ireland, May 20, 1763 ; d. 1825; m. 1783, Chloe Riston, b. 1760. They lived in "My Lady's Manor," Baltimore Co., Md. Nine children, viz. : 1-4 Rebecca McClung, b. Aug. 12, 1784; d, 1856; m. ist, James Billingslea. She m. 2nd, Lawson Cuddy. 2-4 Rachel McClung, b. May 15, 1786. 4-4 Joseph McClung, b. Apr. 27, 1789; d. Feb. 7, 1883; They have children in Maryland. 4-4 Josepih McClung, b. Apr. 2y, 1789; d. Feb. 7, 1883; m. 1815, Charity Hare, b. 1798; d. 1892. Two children, viz.: 1-5 Rev. John McClung, b. 1816; d. 1898, at Bethany, McClung Genealogy. 207 Ohio. m. ist, 1836, Miss Schnorf, b. 1816; d. 1873. Eleven children, viz.: 1-6 James Irving McClung, b. 1837; m. ist, Miss Ken- dall, d. Craftonville, Cal. Four children, all dead. He m. 2nd. One son, viz.: 1-7 Ernest McClung, m. One son, viz. : 1-8 Lewis McClung. 2-6 Martha M. McClung, b. 1839. 3-6 Joseph Franklin McClung, b. 1840; m. Miss Gustin. Bowling Green, Ohio. 4-6 John Holland McClung, b. May 9, 1842. He is superintendent of Shelby County Childrens' Home. m. June 13, 1878, Miss McCabe, b. Feb. 12, 1853. Sidney, Ohio. See portrait. One child, viz. : 1-7 Charlotte McClung, b. Apr. 19, 1879; m. Dec. 27, 1898, Mr. Spillman, of Connersville, Ind. 5-6 Leonidas Hamlin McClung, b. 1846; d. 1871. 6-6 Laura Ellen McClung, b. 1848, m. Mr. Wykofif. Maroa, 111. 7-6 William Fletcher McClung, b. 1849; m. Miss Schenck. West Third St., Dayton, Ohio. 8-6 Irene Alice McClung, b. 1851 ; m. Mr. Anderson. Maroa, 111. 9-6 Margaret Estella McClung^ b. 1853 ; m. Mr. Rolfe, of Los Angeles, Cal. 10-6 Charles Warrington McClung, b. 1857; m. Miss Beatty. Hamilton, Ohio. 1 1-6 Raper Chalmer McClung, b. 1864; d. 1895. Rev. John McClung (1-5) m. 2nd, 1875, Miss Pierson, b. 1840; d. 1884. Two children, viz.: 12-6 Alfred Cookman McClung, Mason, Ohio. 13-6 (A child) McClung. 2-5 James McClung, b. 1822 ; m. 1842, Miss A. Lesourd. Monroe, Ohio. At least ten children, names of five, viz. : 1-6 Leander McClung, b. 1843 ; m. Miss Burch. Mason, Ohio. 2-6 Adelas McClung, b. 1845; d. 1892; m. Mr. Brewer, of Jackson Co., Mo. 3-6 Charity McClung, b. 1847 : "i- Mr. Chester, of Mason Co., 111. 4-6 Daniel M. McClung, b. 1850; m. He is an attorney at Hamilton, Ohio. 5-6 Joseph C McClung, b. 1856; m. Miss Riker. Mon- roe, Ohio. 5-4 Mary McClung^ b. July i, 1791 ; d. m. James Wil- son, d. Sweet Air, Md. 208 McClung Geneai^ogy. 6-4 Samuel Francis McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1793; d. i860; m. ist, Susan Hare. Lived near Cincinnati, or Dayton, Ohio. Eleven children, viz. : 1-5 Joseph McClung, d. m. Martha Schnorf. Soon af- ter their marriage they moved to a farm five miles north of Niles, Mich. He was a farmer and afterward a baker. One' child, viz. : 1-6 Samuel Francis McClung, b. Nov., 1843. m. Flor- ence Hiiyck, b. Nov., 1843. She Resides at 11 15 S. Lafayette street, South Bend, Ind. Four children, viz. : 1-7 Leon E. McClung, b. Dec. 31, 1S64. He is a carpen- ter, m. Lizzie Vanvlear, of Lodi, Cal. Two children, viz. : 1-8 Mirtie McClung, b. about 1888. 2-8 Earl McClung, b. about 1893. 2-7 Joseph McClung, b. July 5, 1867. He is a farmer and lives at Palouse, Wash. 3-7 Nola Etoile McClung, b. Jan. 31, 1870; m. Homer Taggart. He runs a transfer line. Address: 1113 S. La- fayette St., South Bend, Ind. 4-7 Homer Benjamin McClung, b. Dec. g, 1878. Hot Springs, Ark. 2-5 John McClung, Mason, Ohio. 3-5 Francis McClung, (twin) m. Mason, Ohio, Four children. 4-5 Chloe McClung, b. Nov. 4, 1823; d. Jan. 19, 1900; m. June 15, 1848, her cousin, Joseph P. McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1823; d. Apr. 17, 1900. Berrien Center, Mich. For issue see index. 5-5 Elizabeth McClung. Mason, Ohio. 6-5 Rebecca McClung, d. m. Elihue Weed, of Niles, Mich. 7-5 Rachel McClung, d. m. Thomas Hastings. They emigrated to Kansas. 8-5 Mary McClung, d. unm. 9-5 Charity McClung, m. 10-5 Libbie McClung, m, and moved to the West. 1 1-5 Sarah McClung, m. Mr. Jordan, of Bethany, Ohio. Samuel Francis McClung, (6-4) m. 2ndj Polly . 7-4 Margaret McClung, b. June 8, 1795. 8-4 Thomas McClung, b. Oct. 19, 1799; d. 1832; m. Margaret Pocock, d. 1834. They resided in Baltimore C, Md. Six children, viz.: 1-5 Elizabeth McClung. 2-5 Mary McClung. 3-5 Joseph P. McClung, b. Nov. 16, 1823; d. Apr. 17, 1900; m. June 15, 1848, his cousin, Chloe McClung, b. Nov. 4, McClUNG GENEAI.OGY. 209 1823; d. Jan. 19, 1901, clau. of Samuel Fraacis McCIung. Ber- rien Center, Mich. Nine children, viz, : 1-6 Thomas McClung, b, Jan. 20, 1849; d. Aug. 27, 1849. 2-6 William McClung, b. Oct. 12, 1850; d. Ott. 3, 1864. 3-6 Mary McClung, b. July 27, 1852; m. Oct., 1881, Milo Sanborn, d. Jan., 1882. Was killed by a falling tree. 4-6 Eddie McClung, b. Sep. 25, 1854 ; d. Feb. 5, 1857. 5-6 Margaret McClung, b. June 3, 1858; m. Feb. 11, 1886, Floward Dare. Wabash, Ind, 6-6 George McClung, b. Dec. 12, i860; d. Jan. 10, 1863. 7-6 (A child) McClung, b. June 19, 1863; d. June 19, (twin). 8-6 (A child) McClung, b. June 19, 1863; d. June 19, 1863, (twin). 9-6 Jennie McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1865. Teacher. Ber- rien Center, Mich. 4-5 Daniel McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1829; d. Mar. 22, 1875; m. Phebe Vanvlear. They once lived in Cal. Address: Niles Mich. Three children, viz.: 5-5 Robert McClung, b. May 24, 1831 ; m. Elizabeth Mc- Clung. Mason, Ohio. 6-5 Chloe McClung. 9-4 Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar. 6, 1801 ; m. Mr. Hill. 3-3 Samuel McClung, b, in Baltimore Co., Md. Emi- grated in 1807, from Baltimore Co., Md., to Florence, Pa. ; m. in Baltimore Co., Md., Miss Fugett, who was "a near relative of the Royal family of the English Crown," Four children, viz,: 1-4 Caleb McClung, b. in Maryland ; d. in Pennsylvania about 1879; m. ist, Miss Dungan. Frankfort Springs, Pa, One son, viz, : 1-5 Robert McClung, m, Mary Titus, of Jackson Co,, Ohio ; d. about 1894. Beaver Falls, Pa. Caleb McClung, (1-4) m. 2nd, Rachel Hartford. He m. 3rd, 2-4 Adam McClung, b. in Maryland, 1805 ; was brought to Pennsylvania in 1807 ; m. about 1822, Alice Coole, They emigrated to Jackson, Ohio, Six children, viz. : 1-5 Samuel McClung, b. about 1823; d, 1902, "age 79 years." He resided in Cincinnati for many years; m. Miss Fisher. Jackson, Ohio. No issue, 2-5 Frederick McClung, d. in Jackson, Ohio, 1864, unm. He studied law in Jackson, Ohio, with Levi Dungan. 3-5 Robert McClung, d. in Jackson, Ohio. Farmer, m. Rebecca Rice. She m. 2nd, G. W, Rice, of Jackson, Ohio. 4-5 James McClung, d, about 1855, unm. Printer. 210 McClung Genealogy. 5-5 Thomas McClung, d. 187 — . Was killed by falling from a railway train, m. Elizabeth Prentis. She resides at Chillicothe, Ohio. 6-5 Mary McClung, m. James West, d. She resides in Chicago, 111. Several children. 3-4 Mordecai McClung, b. May 29, 1809; d. at Jackson, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1879. He was a blacksmith. In 1841 he fell from a wagon and partially paralyzed one arm. This dis- qualified him for his trade. He then began farming which he continued during the remainder of his life. m. about 1837, Nancy Wilson, of Washington 'Co., Pa., d. May 15, 1897, in Jackson, Ohio, Ten children, viz.: 1-5 Mary Jane McClung, b. June 16, 1839; m. 1865, James Rice, d. about 1878. Jackson, Ohio. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Robert K. Rice. Jackson, Ohio. 2-6 William Rice. Jackson, Ohio. 3-6 Addie Rice, m. Mr. Rowland. Covington, Ky. 4-6 Mordecai Rice. 'Covington, Ky. 5-6 Lyde Rice, d. 1902 ; m. Oscar Arthur, of Jackson, Ohio. 2-5 Samuel W. McClung, b. Sep. 7, 1841. Farmer near Jackson, Ohio; m. Sep. 15, 1870, Anna Harrel. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-6 Dr. John Jay McClung, b. about 1871 ; m. Elizabeth Hughes. Jackson, Ohio. 2-6 Nellie McClung, d. 1902; m. 1901, Edward Mercer. 3-6 Daniel McClung. Attending public school. 3-5 Thomas G. McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1843; ^1- Aug. i, 1865. Emigrated with his brother Samuel to Atchison, Kan., in 1865. Began overland teaming to Ft. Kearney and Denver, Was book-keeper, time-keeper and night-herder for the wagon-train. While bringing in the cattle after a hard night's rain, he was drowned in a swollen stream. 4-5 Almira McClung, b. July 8, 1846; m. William Thom- as, d. Jackson, Ohio. One child, viz. : 1-6 Harry Thomas. 5-5 Sarah Adaline McClung, b. July 8, 1848; d. Aug., 1850. 6-5 James K. McClung, b. Oct. 28, 1850. Attorney and editor at Jackson, Ohio, m, Apr, 8, 1885, Barbary Alice Hat- ten. No issue. 7-5 Annie E. McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1853; d. Aug. 12, 1887; "1- Aug. 8, 1872, Benjamin Johnson, of Jackson, Ohio, Two children, viz, : 1-6 Cora B. Johnson, d, Jan. 20, 1902. McCivUNG Genealogy. 211 2-6 Ella Johnson. Jackson, Ohio. 8-5 Harriet N. McClung, b. Aug. i, 1856; d. Apr. 10, 1878, (twin) ; m. Clark Watts, d. Mar. 1875. 9-5 (A child) McClung, b. Aug. i, 1856; d. (twin). 10-5 Malinda K. McClung, b. Feb. 10, i860; m. Carry Arthur, of Jackson, Ohio. No issue. 4-4 Polly McClung, d. m. Mr. Saxon. 4-3 Thomas McClung, b. in Ireland. He emigrated from Ireland to Baltimore, Md. He afterwards moved to Perry Co,. Ohio, and died subsequent to 1810. He said none of his relatives moved from Ireland except one cousin name Jo- seph McClung, who lived in Pleasant Valley, twenty miles north of Columbus, Ohio. That is probably erroneous. Thomas McClung was a coverlid weaver, m. in Md. Nancy Graham. Three sons, viz. : 1-4 Robert McClung, d. in Rockingham Co., Va., Miss Tutwiller, d. They moved to Fairfield Co., Ohio, in 1812; thence to Perry Co., Ohio, where the wife died. He then sold his property and went to live with his children. He was buried at Lexington, Ohio, beside his wife. Nine children, viz. : 1-5 James McClung, b. in Fairfield Co., Ohio; d. at Linton, Ind. ; m. Charlotte Boothe. Five children, viz.: 1-6 Jacob McClung, m. Sarah M.cCray, 2-6 Margaret McClung, m. Perry Russell. 3-6 Robert McClung, b. Jan. 26, 1830, in Greenbriar Co., W. Va. ; m. at Jackson, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1853, Jane Scurlock, b. Oct. 10, 1828. Nine children, viz.: 1-7 William McClung, b. Nov. 12, 1852; m. Sarah Mc- Donald. Keystone, Ohio. 2-7 Electa McClung, b. Sep. 27, 1854, (dau.) m. Ade Halterman, of Wellston, Ohio. 3-7 Orlando McClung, b. Aug. 10, 1856; d. Aug. 24, 1885. 4-7 Simon McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1857; m. Ida Watson Jackson, Ohio. R. F. D. No. 5. 5-7 Emily McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1859; m. James Adams. Wellston, Ohio. 6-7 Martha McClung, b. Mar. 13, 1862; m. James Wool- am. Wellston, Ohio. 7-7 Sherman McClung, b. June, 1864, (twin) ; m. Sarah McClain. Wellston, Ohio. 8-7 Grant McClung, b. June i, 1864; d. Aug. 4, 1903. (twin) ; m. Dollie Snowden. Wellston, Ohio. 9-7 Adam McClung, b. Dec. 4, 1866; d. Nov. 25, 1902; m. Louise McClung. Wellston, Ohio. 4-6 Susanna McClung, m. Charles E. Hempsted. 212 McCr^uNG Genealogy. 5-6 Barney McClung. Linton, Ind., or Terre Haute, Ind. 2-5 Thomas McClung, d. 3-5 Robert McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1810; d. about Sep., 1903, "age 94 years." Emigrated from Perry Co. or Fairfield Co., Ohio, about 1834, to a farm three miles north-west of Pleasantville, Ind., where he spent the remainder of his life; m. Amy O'Haver, d. 1888. Eleven children, viz.: 1-6 Henry S. McClung, d. 2-6 Nancy C. McClung, m. John H. Jackson, of Pleas- antville, Ind. 3-6 Susan P. McClung, m. James Bedwell, of Pleasant- ville, Ind. 4-6 Thomas McClung, m. Maude Mayfield. Pleasant- ville, Ind, 5-6 Robert I. McClung, d. 6-6 Margaret L. McClung, m. John Hixson, of Linton, Ind. 7-6 Joseph O. McClung, m. Luvicee Smith. Terre Haute, Ind. 8-6 Martha A. McClung, m. Charles McCammon, of Pleasantville, Ind. 9-6 James W. McClung, b. 1854. He is a dealer in ce- ment, brick and tile. m. Mary Pirtle. Galena, Kan. 10-6 David E. McClung, m. Mary Litton. Pleasant- ville, Ind. 1 1-6 Samuel Y. McClung, b, about 1857; m. Maggie Purcel. Pleasantville, Ind. 4-5 Johnathan McClung, d. 5-5 Isaac McClung, of Albany, Ore. 6-5 Nancy McClung. 7-5 Eliza McClung. 8-5 Lina McClung. 9-5 Catherine McClung. 2-4 Thomas McClung, b. 1792 ; d. 1879. He was a Vir- ginian, m. Miss Sanderson, d. 1843. Six children, viz.: 1-5 Nancy McClung, b. 1823; m. T. Stewart. Terre Flaute, Ind. 2-5 Thomas McClung, b. 1825; d. 1878; m. Miss Day- hufif. Lovington, 111. 3-5 WilHam McClung, b. Sep. 12, 1833 ; m. Miss King, b. Mar. 9, 1836. Vilas, Okla. Six .children, viz.: 1-6 John McClung, b. Oct. 18, 1857; m. Miss Reed. Kansas City, Mo. 2-6 Robert McClung, b. July 9, i860; m. Isabella Ford. Okeene, Okla. McClung Genealogy. 213 3-6 Kate McClung, b. July 24, 1862; m. R. R. Willis. Brookfield, Mo. 5-6 Annie McClung, b. June 16, 1866. 3921 Indp. Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 4-6 William McClung, b. Jan. 2, 1864. Kansas City, Mo. 6-6 Wallace McClung, b. Oct. 23, 1876. Vilas, Okla. 4-5 Robert McOung, b. July 12, 1836; m. Miss Gall. Lovington, 111. 5-5 Lydia McClung, m. Mr. Sollers. 6-5 Amanda McClung, m. Mr. Mallory. 3-4 Isaac McClung. Lived in Union Co., Ohio, eight miles west of Marysville, and two miles east of East Liberty, Ohio. THE QUAKER McCLUNCS. 1-1 THOJMAS ]VrccLUN, B. in Scotland or Ireland about 1690; d. m. 6 mo. 19, 1714, Elizabeth Hainan. They were both of Rathfryland, County Down, Ireland, and were married at the house of Robert Wil- son. They were members of the Society of Friends. He dropped the final letter "g" from his name in order to dis- tinguish it from that of a neighbor named McClurg. He af- terward expressed regret for having mutilated the name, and advised his children to restore the letter to their name upon attaining their majority. Some of his descendants did so, while others omit t'he letter to this day. Thomas and wife moved from Rathfryland to Moate, County West Meath, Ire- land ; thence to Penns3dvania, U. S. A. They were granted a certificate of dismission from Moate Monthly Meeting dated 3 mo. II, 1729; the same was received by New Garden Monthly Meeting 5 mo. 29, 1729, Thomas McClun and family are re- ported 6 mo. 30, 1729, as being settled within the limits of Concord Monthly Meeting to which a certificate was signed I mo. 28. 1730. Concordville, Delaware Co., Pa, How many children they had is unknown, but the names of at least three are on record, viz. : 1-2 SARAH McCLUNG, m. Jan. 7, 1741-2, Robert Mil- ler. Their marriage was recorded by New Garden Monthly Meeting near Christiana, Pa. She is supposed to be a daugh- ter of Thomas McClim above mentioned. No proof of it except the fact that her marriage appears on the Friends rec- ords. 214 ' McClung Genealogy. 2-2 THOMAS McCLUN, b. May 8, 1730; d. Oct. 21, 1804. Removed from Chester Co., Pa., to near Winchester, Va., about 1754. Was a farmer and carpenter; m. Nov. 12, 1761, Hannah Perkins, b, Sep., 1740; d. May 27, 1812, dau. of Isaac and Mary Perkins. Hannah was the eleventh of fourteen children. Thomas McClun was a member of the So.ciety of Friends. The following- minute of Hopewell Meeting, Frederick Co., Va., is on record. Mar. 26, 1759: "Thomas McClun produced a paper to this meeting condemning his proceedings in hiring a man in his room to go out a scouting against the Indian enamie, also appearing in the field to muster, all which he now condenjns to the satisfaction of this meeting and this meeting orders^ James Wright to read the said paper at the close of a first days meeting and return it to the clerk to be recorded." Oct. 5, 1761, "Thomas McClun was allowed £12 more than his former bargain for building the Hopewell meet- ing house, which augments the sum to £55.-ios.-od." "The friends appointed to see the orderly accomplishment of the Thomas M.cClun's and Hannah Perkins' marriage re- port the same was decently accomplished." "Oct. 7, 1771. This meeting appoints Thomas McClun Overseer in the room of Joseph Lupton until further orders." Thirteen children, viz. : 1-3 Nathan McClun, b. Aug. 11, 1762; d. Oct. 26, 1762. 2-3 Mary McClun, b. Jan. 26, 1764; m. between July 2, and Sep. 3, 1798, William Beal. She produced a certificate June 2, 1798, from Crooked Run to Hopewell meeting. 3-3 Elizabeth McClun, b. Jan. 18, 1766; m. Mr. Ma- honey. 4-3 Isaac McClun, b. Oct, 13, 1767. 5-3 John McClun, b. Jan. 29, 1769; d. May 5, 1826, in Columbiana Co., Ohio. He was a farmer and tanner. Moved from Hillsboro, Va., to Washingtonville, O., in 1804. m. June I, 1797, at Fairfax Meeting, Elizabeth Beal, b. Oct. 28, 1776; d. Aug. 18, 1813, dau. of Joseph Beal, b. Ott. 14, 1747; d. June 8, 1824, and his wife, Hannah, Russell, b. Aug, 2, 1750, d. June T2, 1832, of Fairfax, Va. John and Elizabeth received the fol- lowing church certificate : "To Middleton Monthly Meeting, Dear Friends: The occasion of our writing to you at this time is on account of John McClun and Elizabeth, his wife, who hath requested our certificate in order to be joined to your meeting. These therefore certify on their behalf that enquiry being duly made we do not find but that their lives and conversation hath been McClung Grnisalogy. 215 in a good degree orderly, frequenters of our religious meet- ings, and hath settled their outward affairs to satisfaction as far as appears as members of our society we recommend them with their four children all in their minority, namely: Joseph Beal, Cynthia, Hannah and Ra.chel, to your 'Christian care and oversight, desiring their growth in the truth, and sub- scribe ourselves your friends. MAHLON TAYLOR. Clk. SARAH SMITH, Clk. Signed by order and on behalf of Goose Creek Monthly Meeting in Loudoun Co., State of Va. the 28th day of loth month 1805." Seven children, viz. : 1-4 Joseph Beal McClun, b. Apr. 24, 1799; d. 1863, in Columbiana Co., Ohio. m. ist, Martha Hickman, Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Lydia McClun, d. m. Levi Price. 2-5 John McClun, m. Mrs. Hotchkiss, of Ravenna, Ohio. Now in Kansas. 3-5 William McClun, m. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Adelbert McClun, d. 2-6 John McClun. Lives in Kansas. 4-5 Isaac McClun. Lives in Kansas. 5-5 Martha McClun, b. about 1835 ; d. about 1858. Joseph Beal McClun, (1-4) m. 2nd. 2-4 Cynthia McClun, b. Aug. 20, 1801 ; m. David Allen. 3-4 Hannah McClun, b. Mar. 16, 1804; m. Benjamin Allen. 4-4 Rachel McClun, b. Oct. 25, 1805; d. Dec. 4, 1838; m. William Underwood. 5-4 Mary McClun, b. Jan, 4, 1808; d. 1809. 6-4 Isaac Perkins McClun, h. Dec. 13, 1810; d. Nov. 25, 1874; m. about 1834, Hannah Hickman, b. Nov. 6, 1808. in Columbiana County. Ohio ; d. November 4, 1872, in Marl- boro, Ohio. He was in early manhood a teacher. Later he became a merchant. He moved from Columbiana County, Ohio, to New Baltimore, Ohio, about 1834; thence in i860 to Marlboro. Ohio. He served nine years as Justice of the Peace and the same number of years as Postmaster. He was many times elected Treasurer of the Borough, and was serving in that .capacity at the time of his death. Five chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 William Webster McClun, b. Jan, 23, 1835, near New Baltimore, Ohio, Removed in 1858 to Marlboro. Ohio, Attended school and afterward conducted business with his father at Marlboro, Ohio, under tlie firm name of McClun & Son, from 1857 to 1877. Removed to West Liberty. 216 McClung Genealogy. Iowa, in 1877, where he was associated with his brother, Adelbert Hickman McClun, in the clothing business until 1899, when he retired from business. He is an earnest poli- tician and has been identified with the Republican party since its inception. Cast his first vote for Fremont and has voted for every Republican presidential candidate since. He was personally acquainted with Presidents Garfield and McKinley. Served as private in Co. H, 162nd Ohio Vol. Infantry ; most of the time served as clerk at headquarters of Maj. Gen. Heintz- elman. Holds certificate of thanks signed by President Abraham Lincoln. He is also a very earnest ecclesiastic , be- ing a ruling elder in the Christian church , occasionally of- ficiating in the absence of the pastor, m. at Delphi, Ind., Apr. 21, 1859, Mary EHza Bolles, b. at Burlington, Ind. July 5, 1838. Address: West Liberty, Iowa. Two children, viz.: 1-6 Charles Bolles McClun, b. July 10, 1861, at Marl- boro, Ohio. Moved with his parents to West Liberty, Iowa, in 1877. Graduated from High School in 1879. Attended Commercial College at Iowa City, Iowa, 1880. In employ of McClun Bros., Clothiers, at West Liberty, Iowa, 1880-1881. Chief Clerk of C, R., I. & P. Ry. at West Liberty, Iowa, 1818- 1885. Conducted gro.cery business in West Liberty under the firm name of C. B. McClun & Co., 1885-1887. McClun & Henderson, Druggists, 1887-1896. Railway mail service since 1896. Member of the Masonic Fraternity and Knights of Pythias. In politics a Republican. Was township commit- teeman several years ; also township clerk, m. Sep. 24, 1884, Harriet Haviland Chesebrough, b. Sep. 24, 1862. For her an- cestry see Chesebrough genealogy. Address : 826 N. Third St., Burlineton, Iowa. One child, viz. : 1-7 William Edwin McClun, b. June 13, 1888. 2-6 Caroline Hickman McClun, b. Nov. 17, 1866, at Marlboro, O. Graduated at West Liberty High School. En- tered Eureka College at Eureka, 111, in 1885. Graduated there 1888. Entered Wellesley College, Mass., "Sep. i, 1888. Left college on account of ill health Feb. i, 1890. Received degree of A. B. at Eureka College, June, 1888, and degree of M. A. from the same College in June, 1890. Address: West Lib- erty, Iowa. 2-5 Joseph McClun, b. Nov. 15, 1836; d. in infancy. 3-5 Rachel McClun, b. June 9, 1838; d. 1875, at Marl- boro, Ohio. 4-5 Lydia McClun, b. Jan. 24, 1840. West Liberty, la. 5-5 Adelbert Hickman McClun, b. May 26, 1847, at New Baltimore, Ohio. Emigrated to West Liberty, Iowa. Be- came member of the firm of Gaskell, McClun & Co., clothiers, McClung Genealogy. 217 West Liberty, Iowa, in 1869, and continued in business under the firm name of McClun Bros., until 1899, a period of thirty years ; the longest of any firm in the history of the city. He served several years as a member of the School Board and City Coun.cil. Was elected Mayor of the city three terms, and for a number of years he has served as director and Vice President of the People's State Bank of West Liberty, and is now President of the same. He has an honorable record as a business man and public official, m. Sep. 11, 1872, Ella Meyers. Address : West Liberty, Iowa. One child, viz. : 1-6 Edward Adalbert McClun, b. Jan. 24, 1875. Clerk in a clothing store at West Liberty, Iowa. 7-4 Rebecca McClun, b. June, 1813; d. Aug. 19, 1814. 6-3 Thomas McClun, b. Feb. 24. 1771 : d. m. about Apr. 16, 1793- Elizabeth Bailey, d. June i, 1843. They lived in Virginia. Seven children, viz. : 1-4 Absolum Bailey McClun, b. Nov. 10, 1793 ; d. Aug. 6, 1861, in Hudson, 111. m. ist, Oct. 20, 1818, Eluora Ander- son, of Alexandria, Va. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Margaret J. McClun, d. in Illinois. 2-5 Almira A. McClun, d. m. Eli Montgomery, o'' "hi- .cago. 111. 3-5 Rachel Ann McClun, d. in Illinois. 4-5 Elizabeth Ellen McClun, d. m. A. B. Bought. . Lake City, Minn. 5-5 James H. McClun, d. 1886; m. Marguerete Neil. 6-5 Cynthia McClun, m. Calvin Neil. Absolum Baily McClun, (1-4) m. 2nd, in 111., 1838, Marg- erete G. Patton. Seven children, viz. : 7-5 Leah Louisa McClun, b. Apr. 6. 1839; m. Edwin Phelps. Pana. 111. 8-5 Thomas J. McClung, b. Apr. 20, 1840; m. Nettie Shafer, b. Mar. 20, 1846. He retains the "g" in his name. Address: Missoula, Mon. or Clinton, Mon. Two children, viz. : 1-6 Joseph I. McClung, b. Sep. 8. 1869. Los Angeles, Cal. 2-6 Cora Bell McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1878. Ointon, xvfon g-5 Nathan P. McClung, d. in infancy. 10-5 Henry Clay McClung, Sr. Keithsbur^, 111. m. 1873, Alice Harlan. Eight children, viz. : 1-6 John E. McCluncr. m. Mamie Middleton. Keiths- burg, 111. 2-6 Janette I. McClung, d. in Illinois, age 19 years. 3-6 Ina Leonora McClung, m. Lark Furgeson. 218 McClung Genealogy. 4-6 Rev. George Harlan McClung. Methodist minister. Bradley, 111. 5-6 Leah Louisa McClung, d. age 3 years. 6-6 Absolum B. McClung, d. age 8 months. 7-6 Margerete G. McClung. 8-6 Henry Clay McClung, Jr., b. in Iowa, about 1884. 1 1-5 Jennie O. McClung, d. 12-5 Absolum B. McClung, d. 13-5 Reuben K. McClung, m. Anna Mills. Pana, 111. 2-4 Eli J. McClun, d. in Canton^ 111. 3-4 Rev. Robert Kile McClun, d. in Bloomington, 111. He was a Methodist minister. Lived in Ind. ; moved to 111. He was prominent among the early ministers of Dry Grove Township, McLean Co., 111. 4-4 William W. McClun, d. in Nelson Co., Va. m. At least one child, viz. : 1-5 William W. McClun, d. 1897. He resided at Bates— ville, Va. Date of his will, Sep. 22, 1891 ; date of probate, July 9, 1897; m. Cynthia Ann . She still resides at Bates- ville, Va., at an advanced age, and nearly blind. No issue. 5-4 Thomas McClun, d. young. 6-4 Thomas Jefferson McClun. Lived in Maryland. 7-4 Judge John Edward McClun, b. Feb. 19, 1812, in Frederick Co., Va. ; d. July 27, i8!88, in Bloomington, 111. Lawyer and judge. He was the first Republican nominee for a State office in Illinois. He was nominated Oct. 5, 1854. as a candidate for State Treasurer. He was greatly interested in education, and subscribed liberally to the Normal Univer- sity of Bloomington. He was President of the Home Bank of Bloomington. m. Jan. 31, 1839, Hannah Harkness, a rel- ative of the author of Harkness' Latin Grammar. Eleven children, names of five, viz.: 1-5 Elisha Harkness McClun, d. 1895. He was a Chi- cago real estate dealer, m. Jennie D. Mitchel. Address: 6152 Indiana Ave. Chicago, 111. Five childreUj viz.: 1-6 Mary Bell McClun. 2-6 Hannah Harkness McClun, d. Mar., 1895. 3-6 John Edward McClun, b. about 1873. Dealer in real estate. 4-6 Nettie Neal McClun, b. about 1880. 5-6 Charlie McClun, b. about 1882. 2-5 Isaac Brincker McClun, d. Nov. 27, 1878; m. Nancy Jane Sunderland. Hotel Metropole, Denver Col. One child, viz. : 1-6 Fannie Sunderland McClun. Hotel Metropole, Denver, Col. McClung Genealogy. 219 3-5 Robert K. McClun. Real estate dealer. 398 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. Lives at Continental Hotel, Chica- go. 4-5 Esther Evans McClun, m. F. M. Martin. Bloom- ington. 111. One daughter, viz.: 1-6 Alice Martin, b. about 1875. 5-5 Edward McClun, b. June 18, 1854. Real estate dealer. Address: 235 Clark Ave., Austin, Chicago, 111. m. Jan. 5, 1875, Leah Harkness Montgomery.' Four children, viz. : 1-6 Laurah Bell McClun, b. May 21, 1876. 2-6 Frank Bridges McClun, b. Mar. 20, 1878. 3-6 Major Edward McClun, b. Feb. 22, 1880; d. Mar. 5, 1886. 4-6 Elmira Harkness McClun, b. July 13, 1883. 7-3 Rachel McClun, b. Apr. 12, 1773. m. "at Ridge Meeting House, '^ Nov. 13, 1816, David Lupton, of Frederick Co., Va. 8-3 Lydia McClun, b. May 13, 1775; d. May 27, 1848. m. Oct. 14, 1840, John Bond, b. Dec, 20, 1775; d. May 24, 1854. 9-3 Sarah McClun, d. m. William Thompson. 10-3 Margaret McClun, b. July 30, 1777, (twin). 1 1-3 Hannah McClim, b. July 30, 1777, (twin). 12-3 Nathan McClun, b. May 17, 1780, in Loudoun Co., Va. ; d. July 16, i860, in Stark Co., Ohio. He was named for an older brother who died in infancy. He was a farmer and lived at New Franklin, Ohio. m. Martha Real. b. Aug. 23, 1787, d. Sep. 10, 1858. Ten children, viz.: 1-4 Thomas McClun, b. Oct. 4, 1805; d. Jan. 31, 1835. Lived at New Franklin, Ohio. 2-4 Eliza Ann McClun, b. June 8, 1808; d. m. John Heald. 3-4 Lydia McClun, b. Aug. 28, 1810; d. m. Abraham Blaachard. New Franklin, Ohio. 4-4 Addison McClun, b. Dec. 27, 1812 ; d. Dec. 23, 1834. 5-4 Hannah McClun, b. Apr. 9. 181 5; m. Reuben Schoo- ley, of Salem, Ohio. 6-4 Joseph McClun, b. Jan. 12. 1818; m. Maria Towns. Lebanon, Ore. 7-4 David Lupton McClun, b. July 30, 1820; m. Ann Elizabeth Hoptengardner. Panama, Neb. 8-4 Rachel McClun, b. Jan. 12, 1823; d. July 16, 1858; m. Charles Edwards. 9-4 Sarah McClun, b. June 5, 1825 ; d. 1900. Once lived at Albert Lee, Minn. m. Joseph Fearn. Watonga, Okla. 10-4 John McClun, b. Jan. 12, 1828; d. Nov. 19, 1895; m. 220 McCivUNG Genealogy. Mary Ann Slack, h. Jnne 20, 1829. Gait, Mo. Four children, viz. : 1-5 Evangeline McClun, b. Feb. 28, 1853; m. Os.car F. Ettinger. Chapin, Mich. 2-5 William McClun, b. Apr. 19, 1856; m. Olive Jones, b. Feb. 10, 1862; d. Feb, 15, 1895. Gait, Mo. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Frank Garfield McClun, b. Feb. 8, 1882. Gait, Mo. 2-5 Lillie Viora McClun, b. May 7, 1883. Gait, Mo. 3-6 Lloyd Archer McClun, b. Sep. 20, 1892. Gait, Mo. 3-5 Martha Beal McClun, b. Jan. 18, i860; d. Aug. 8, 1861. 4-5 Laura Viola McClun, b. Aug. 12, 1862; m. Andrew Jackson Warner, of Damon, Mich. 13-3 Johnathan McClun, b, Feb. 24, 1786; d. m. Sarah Krider. The following is on record in the Hopewell Monthly Meeting Register, kept in a fire proof vault in Park Ave. Friend's Meeting Flouse, Baltimore, Md. : "The friends appointed to provide a testimony against Johnathan McClun produced one to wit: Whereas Johna- than McClun having a.ccomplished his marriage contrary to our discipline with a woman not in membership, he having been treated with, and not appearing in a suitable disposition, to make satisfaction, we disown him from being a member of our religious society until he becomes capable of condemning his misconduct to the satisfaction of friends, which that he may is desired on his behalf. Signed on behalf of Hopewell Meeting held 6 mo. 6, 1808, by DAVID LUPTON, Clerk at this time." Five children viz. : 1-4 Eliza McClung, m, Isaac Rosenberger, 2-4 Millie McClung, m. Addison Johnson. 3-4 Mary McClung, m. Robert Winslow. 4-4 John I.IcClung. 5-4 Samuel W. McClung, b. Oct. 8, 1816; d. June 12, 1888; m. Mary J. Pool, b. Feb. 12, 1814. Living 1901. Schuy- ler, Neb. Three children, viz.: 1-5 Sarah E, McClung, b. Oct 31, 1841 ; d. Dec. 29, 1893; m. William Draper. 2-5 John O. McClung, b. Aug. 21, 1846; m. P. Louise Abart. Schuyler, Neb. Issue. 3-5 Marion P. McClung, b. July 6, 1848. McClung Genealogy. 221 3-2 PAUL McCLUN. Went west when a young man and was never heard from afterward. The following family I have been unably to classify: i-i James McClun, m. 1808, Mary Brown. They lived in Loudoim Co., Va. Nine children, viz.: 1-2 Hannah McClun, b. Mar. 18, 1809. 2-2 Sarah McCiun, b. Jan. i, 181 1. 3-2 Huldahi McClun, b. May 24, 1813. 4-2 Martha L. McClun, b. Jan. 24, 1816. 5-2 Yardly Benjamin McClun, b. June 4, 1818. 6-2 Susan McClun. 7-2 Isaac McClun. 8-2 David McClun. 9-2 Mary McCliui. The following is also unclassified : i-i George McClun, of Marple Township (son of John and Elizabeth McChm), m. 5, 11, 1846, Mary Anna Smedley, daughter of Isaac and Mary Smedley, deceased, of Philadel- phia. See records of Goshen Meeting, Lancaster Co., Pa. THE GEORGIA McCLUNGS. 1-1 AITl. ]MCCI.UIS^G, B. probably in Ireland; m. Emigrated from Ireland to the United States about 1780. Lived in Virginia. Moved to Georgia. Eight children, viz. : 1-2 SEWELL McCLUNG. Farmer. Lived to an old age and reared a large family. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, Farmer. Lived to an old age and reared a large family. 3-2 HIRAM McCLUNG. Farmer, m. and reared a large family. One son, viz. : 1-3 Rev. McClung. He was a Baptist minister, and re- sided in Calhoun Co., Ala. 4-2 REUBEN McCLUNG, b. 1777; d. 1857. Lived and died in Campbell Co., Ga. m. Polly Williamson, d. Nine .children, viz. : 1-3 Jonas McClung, b. in Jackson Co. or Gwinnett Co., Ga., Dec. 10, 1807; ^1. in Upshur Co., Texas, 1872. He was a prosperous farmer, m. in Gwinnett Co., Ga., 1829, Eliza- beth T. Watts, b. Feb. 22, 1810; d. 1882. They moved to Heard Co., Ga., prior to 1840; thence in 1848 to Chattooga 222 McCl,ung Genealogy. Co., Ga. ; thence in 1859, to Lafayette (now Miller) Co., Ark. ; and in 1867, to Upshur Co., Tex., where he died. Seven children, viz. : 1-4 Dr. Richard L. McClung, b. Sep. 2, 1840. Entered the Confederate Army in Dec, 1861, as First Lieutenant of Company F, 15th Arkansas Infantry. Was captured and be- came a prisoner of war at Johnson's Island in Lake Erie. Graduated from Medical College at New Orleans in 1870; m. ist, 1865, Miss . d. 1884. Address: Atlanta, Texas. Four children, viz. : 1-5 L. L. McClung, b, about 1866. Carpenter, m. Julia Haynes. Three children, viz. : 1-6 Lewis McClung. 2-6 Mattie McClung. 3-6 (A dau.) McClung. 2-5 Joseph B. McClung, b. about 1875. ^^e is a teacher. Graduated at Huntsville, Texas, in 1902. Address: Atlanta, Texas. 3-5 (A dau.) McClung, m. Mr. J. M. Pepper, a farmer. 4-5 (A dau.) McClung. m. Mr. G. W. Willis, a grocery merchant, of Atlanta, Texas, Richard L. McClung, (1-4) m. 2nd, 1886, Sallie J. Shack- elford, of Lafayette, Tex. Cne son, viz. : 5-5 Wade S. McClung, b. about 1887. Attending college at Huntsville, Texas. 2-4 William Brown McClung, b. about 1850; m. ist, about 1871, Antoinette Laney, d. about 1884. Three children, viz. : 1-5 Ella McClung. 2-5 Sallie McClung. 3-5 William (or Thomas) McClung. William Brown McClung, (2-4) m. 2nd, Flora Spratt. 3-4 Louisa F. McClung, m. 4-4 Sarah O. McClung, m. 5-4 Luraney E. McClung, (dau.) m. 6-4 M. R. McClung, (dau.) m. 7-4 Dr. Wilson McClung. Atlanta, Texas. 2-3 Hannah McClung. m. John McElwreath. Marietta, Ga. 3-3 William W. McClung, b. 1808; d. 1863 at Bright Star, Ark. m. Mary Ann Drummons, b. 1810; d. 1869, at Bright Star, Ark, Thirteen children, viz. : 1-4 Joseph Wilson McClung, b, 1832. He is a farmer and a deacon in the Baptist church, m. Amanda Endsley, b. 1836. Drane, Texas. Nine children, viz.: McClung Genealogy. 223 1-5 Mountsie McClung, b. 1854; m. Mr. Calvin. Eagle Lake, Texas. 2-5 Rev. William Israel McClung, b. Jan., 1857. He is a minister of the Missionary Baptist church. Was ordained at the Prairie Valley Baptist church in Johnson Co., Tex., in 1878. Since his ordination he has baptized 2026 believers. He owns a farm and other property and resides at Drane, Tex. m. Tabitha Amarintha Proctor, b. i860. Eleven children, viz. : 1-6 William Preston McClung, b. 1879; ^- 1880. 2-6 Lillie Eugenia McClung, b. 1881 ; m. J. C. Banks. Jester, Texas. 3-6 George Wilson McClung, b. 1884. 4-6 William Clinton McClung, b. 1886. 5-6 Delia Virginia McClung, b. 1889. 6-6 Robert Charles Spurgeon McClung, b. 1892. 7-6 Richard Franklin McClung, b. 1894. 8-6 Lena Mae McClung, b. 1895. 9-6 John Cecil McClung, b. 1897. 10-6 William Israel McClung, Jr. b. 1900. 1 1-6 Agnes Amarintha McClung. b. 1903. 3-5 James Henry McClung, b. 1859; m. Belle Piles. Kleburg, Texas. 4-5 Lavina Elizabeth McClung, b. 1862 ; m. Joseph Her- ring. Huffins, Texas. 5-5 Mary Ellen McClung, b. 1865 ; m. M. E. Joyce, of Seagoville, Texas, 6-5 Robert Franklin McClung, b. 1867 ; m. Maggie Haw- tliorn. Seagoville,. Texas. 7-5 Camilla McClung, b. 1870; m. Albert Mahoney, of Venus, Texas. 8-5 Samuel Wilson McClung, b. 1876; m. Mamie Mc- Caulie. Drane, Texas. 9-5 Joseph Leonard McClimg, b. 1878. Drane, Texas. 2-4 Martha Ann McClung, b. 1833; d. 1890; m. Absa- lom Carter. Linden, Texas. 3-4 Elvira Jane McClung, b. 1834; d. 1853; m. Larken Hewitt, of Denton, Ala. 4-4 George Anderson McClung, b. 1836; d. 1871 ; m. Martha Whayly. Bright Star, Ark. 5-4 Sarah Elizabeth McClung, b. 1838; d. 1903; m. Wil- liam Hill, of Bright Star, Ark. 6-4 Nancy Caroline McClung, b. 1840; m. James Hogue. Dempsey, Ala. 7-4 Sarah Frances McClung, b. 1842. m. Roe Baker. Tahlequah, Indian Territory. 224 McCivUNG Genealogy. 8-4 Rev. John Franklin McClung, b. 1852. He is a Bap- tist minister. Italy, Texas, m. Mattie Lemon. 9-4 James Riley McClung, d. 1861. 10-4 William Jackson McClung, d. 1862. 1 1-4 Lenard Jamison McClung, d. 1862. 12-4 Mary Malinda McClung, d, 1880; m. James Brown, of Bright Star, Ark. 13-4 Amanda McClung, b. 1853 ; d. 1866. 4-3 Nancy McClung, m. James Kennedy, of Atlanta, Texas. 5-3 Jerry McClung. 6-3 John McClung, d. in Milan Co., Tex. m. Had a large family of sons. Others say only two children. 7-3 Reuben B. McClung, Jr. Dallas, Ga. 8-3 Thornton McClung. Dallas, Ga. 9-3 Samuel McClung, m. Debbie . Temple, Ga. Fifteen children, viz. : 1-4 Rev. Thomas B. McClung. Probably the one called Bert. Temple, Ga. 2-4 Reuben McClung, m. Dallas, Ga. 3-4 Philo McClung, d. 4-4 William McClung, m. 5-4 David M. McClung, b. Oct. 7, i860. Mechanic at A. G. S. R. R. shops, m. Eliza A. , b. Mar. 31, 1861. Avondale, Ala. Five .children, viz. : 1-5 Lizzie McClung, b. Feb. 8, 1883. 2-5 James Ollie McClung, b. Mar. 6, 1885. 3-5 Stella McClung, b. Jan. 16, 18S7 ; d. Jan. 16, 1887. 4-5 Leonard McClung, b. Apr. 13, 1889. 5-5 Frank McClung, b. June 15, 1892. 6-4 John McClung. 7-4 Samuel McClung. 8-4 Gaze McClung. 9-4 Margaret McClung. 10-4 Hannah McClung, m. 1 1-4 Parthena McClung m. 12-4 Ella McClung, d. 13-4 Mattie McClung. 14-4 Oma McClung, m. 15-4 Jane McClung, m. 5-2 JONAS McCLUNG. Moved from Georgia to a farm on Richland Creek, nine miles from Pulaski, Tenn., prior to 1800, and m. Rebecca Reed. In 1827, they moved to Fay- ette Co., Ala. Ten children, viz.: 1-3 Phebe Jane McClung. \ Olivk Li'ciLLE McCnTNG. Leona Elizabeth McClung Page 239. McClung Genealogy. 225 2-3 Visey McClung, (dau.). 3-3 Tempie McClung^ (dau.). 4-3 Rebecca McClung. 5-3 Elias McClung. 6-3 Meaks McClung. 7-3 Joseph McyClung. 8-3 Jonas McClung. Enlisted in the Confederate Army ; went to Virginia and served under Stonewall Jackson. Lost his right arm in the battle at Richmond, Va. Received his discharge and came home to Ala., in 1863. Was elected tax assessor, which office he held 18 years ; writing the records with his left hand. He then engaged in the mercantile busi- ness. Address : Wayside, Ala. 9-3 Nathaniel McClung. 10-3 Rev. WilUam Edington McClung, b. near Pulaski, Tenn.; d. in Boone Co., Ark, Oct. 2j, 1885; "i. in. Fayette Co., Ala., about 1838, Chelsea Langston. They moved from Fay- ette Co., Ala., in the autumn of i860, and settled on a farm thirteen miles south of Ripley, Miss. In 1877, they moved to Hardeman Co., Tenn., and remained seven years, then moved in 1884, to Boone Co., Ark., where he died. He was a Primitive Baptist minister. He was said to have been as fearless and bold as a lion ; and yet with his congregation he was as mild as a lamb. Six children, viz. : 1-4 John M. McClung^ b. in Fayette Co., Ala. ; d. unm. Emigrated with his father to Tippah Co., Miss., in i860. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, Company F, 27th Regiment, under Capt. Francis Wolfe. Went to New Orleans and died with measles. His body was brought home to Miss, and buried in Hephzibah .church-yard with military honors. 2-4 Elias McClung, d. Mar., 1863, unm. Enlisted in the Confederate Army in Company F. 27th Regiment. Went to New Orleans, was brought home sick ; recovered and returned to his regiment, then at Tupelo, Miss. He again became sick, was again brought home; died with hemorrhage of the lungs and was buried beside his brother John. 3-4 Calvin Asbury McClung, b. June 9, 1844. Enlisted in the Confederate Army in Col. Falkner's regiment at Ripley, Miss. Went to Mobile, Ala. At the close of the war he re- turned to Miss. m. S. Jennie Dodson. Address: 379 Dunlap St., Memphis, Tenn. Eleven children^ viz. : 1-5 Miranda McClung, d. m. Elisha Bevels. 2-5 Lula McClung, b. July 13, 1870; m. R. A. Williams. Binghampton, Tenn. 3-5 John William McClung, b. June 8, 1872; m. Mollie 226 McCivUNG Genealogy. McBride. Address : 434 Johnson Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Five children, viz. : 1-6 Ollie McClung, b. Oct. 11, 1881. 2-6 Calvin McClung, b. Jan. 15, 1884. 3-6 Lenora McClung. 4-6 Dewie McClung, b. Feb. 15, 1899. 5-6 Elsie McClung. 4-5 Eilijah Warren McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1873; m. Arab Davis. Binghampton, Tenn. Three .children, viz. : 1-6 Viola McClung, b. June, 1890. 2-6 Rosa McClung, b. June 17, 1894. 3-6 Thelma McClung, b. Feb. 6, 1900. 5-5 Calvin Leander McClung, b. Jan. 9, 1874. 6-5 Martha McClung, b. Nov. 13, 1875; m. Jan. 7, 1894, Charlie Umbarger. Memphis, Tenn. 7-5 Alice McClung, d. in infancy. 8-5 Tolbert McClung, d. in infancy, (twin). 9-5 Nellie McClung, d. in infancy, (twin). 10-5 Mary Lenora McClung, b. Aug. 22, 1882. Mem- phis, Tenn. 1 1-5 Lela McClung, b. Apr. i, 1884; m. Dec. 25, 1900, Ben D. Umbarger. Saulsbury, Tenn. 4-4 Rebecca Ann McClung, d. 1898. m. ist, 1868^ O. C. Brock, d. 1869. She m. 2nd, 1879, R- I^- Willis, of Bellefonte, Ark. 5-4 Mattie McClung. She was quite an excellent vocal- ist in her young w^omanhood. m. ist, 1876, J. Kenyon Stovall, d. about 1888. Three children. She m. 2nd, about 1891, I. Matthew James, of Willow, Okla. 6-4 Joseph Leander McClung, b. in Fayette Co., Ala., Dec. 13, 1855. Emigrated to Miss, with his father, m. in Tip- pah Co., Miss., Sep. 26, 1877, Lenora E. McCall, dau. of Dr. Thomas J. McCall. Emigrated in 1884 from Tippah Co., Miss., to Boone Co., Ark ; thence in 1891 to Washington Co., Ark. ; thence 1896 to Silo, I. T. ; thence in 1899 to Wolfe City, Texas, Avhere he now (1904) resides. Eight children, viz.: 1-5 James Ed. McClung, b. about 1883. 2-5 Mary McClung, b. about 1887. 3-5 Ewell J. McClung, b. about 1890. 4-5 Annie McClung, b. about 1892. 5-5 David McClung, b. about 1894. 6-5 Samuel McClung, b. about 1896. 7-5 Franklin McClung, d. age 16 months, 8-5 Charles McClung, b. about 1901. 6-2 ISAAC McCLUNG. McCi^uNG Genealogy. 227 7-2 SALLIE McCLUNG. 8-2 ANNIE McCLUNG. THE ALABAMA McCLUNCS. 1-1 ]MR. IMCCLUNO. Three children, viz. : 1-2 REV. DAVID McCLUNG. Lived in Franklin and Colbert Counties, Ala., near the Miss, state line. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, m. Five children, viz. : 1-3 William Stuart McClung, b. 1827. Lives in Texas. m. Sallie Mauldin. Twelve children, viz. 1-4 Mary Elizabeth McClung, d. m. James Horton. 2-4 Andrew McClung, d. 3-4 William Porter McClung. Rienzi, Texas, m. Six children, viz. : 1-5 William A. McClung, b. about 1876; m. Miss John- son, Stamford, Texas. Two. children. 2-5 Nora McClung, m. John Garrett. Rienzi, Texas. 3-5 Edna McClung, m. 4-5 Jennie McClung, d. m. Mr. Johnson. 5-5 Sallie McClung, m. Mr. Porter. 6-5 Emma McClung, b. about 1887. Rienzi Texas. 4-4 Hiram McCutcheon McClung, m. Annie Swindell. Five children, viz. : 1-5 Ethel McClung. 2-5 Earl McClung. 3-5 Alice McClung. 4-5 Lee McClung. 5-5 (A child) McClung. 5-4 Chislam Jasper McClung, d. unm. aged 30 years. 6-4 (A dau.) McClung, d. in infancy. 7-4 Noah Fidelia McClung, m. Lizzie Alexander. Qua- nah, Texas. One daughter. 8-4 (A son) McClung, d. unnamed. 9-4 Stuart Oscar McClung, m. Emma Cannon. Hills- boro, Texas. Three children, viz. : 1-5 Leonard McClimg. 2-5 (A dau.) McClung. 3-5 (A dau.) McClung. 10-4 Urah Zina McClung, m. Sarah Hilton. Three chil- dren, viz.: 228 McClung Genealogy. 1-5 Jasper McClung. 2-5 (A dau.) McClung. 3-5 (A child) McClung.. 1 1-4 James Wood McClung. He is a confectioner of Hillsboro, Texas, m. Fannie Findley. Three children, viz. : 1-5 Edgar McClung, b. about 1888. 2-5 Lela McClung, b. about 1892. 3-5 Argie McClung, b. about 1896. 12-4 Sallie Ella McClung, m. George Garrett. 2-3 John G. McClung, d. m. twice. Three children, viz. : 1-4 (A child) McClung. 2-4 Joseph H. McClung, m. Lou Blackburne. West Tex. Six children, viz. : 1-5 Melissa McClung, m. George Burt. Itaska, Texas. 2-5 John P. McClung. West, Texas. 3-5 Jennie McClung, m. Louis Months. West, Texas. 4-5 Charles McClung. Itaska, Texas. 5-5 Chester McClung, (dau.) m. Travis Greenhill. Ab- bot, Texas. 6-5 Clyde McClung, d. unm. 3-4 John E. McClung, m. Emma Bishop. Eldorado, Okla. Five children, viz. : 1-5 James McClung, m. Ouanah, Tex. 2-5 Joseph McClung, m. 3-5 Ella McClung, m. 4-5 Rev. David McClung, d. in Mississippi. He was a Baptist minister, m. 5-5 Rev. Finus McClung, d. in Ark. He was a Baptist minister, m. 3-3 Eliza McClung, d. m. John Norman, d. 4-3 Emeline McClung, m. Mr. Gibson. 5-3 Sarah McClung, m. Brad Fry. 2-2 JAMES McCLUNG. 3-2 JOEL McCLUNG. HORACE KENNETH McCLUNG. Page 239. McClung Genealogy. 229 THE TEXAS McCLUNCS. 1-1 josii^H ]MccLijisra. Emigrated from Miss, to Smith Co., Texas, prior to the Civil War. He was a mechanic. He may be a brother of Rev. David M.cChmg (1-2), of the Alabama branch, m. Three .children, viz. : 1-2 CHARLES McCLUNG, d. 2-2 LUNDY McCLUNG, m. Resides at Davis, Ind. Ter. Three children, viz. 1-3 Oscar McClung. 2-3 George McClung. 3-3 (A child) McClung, 3-2 JOSIE McCLUNG, b.Mar. g, 1849, (son) m. SalHe Roberts, b. May 8, 1844. Winona, Texas. Eight children, viz. : 1-3 Lela Ada McClung, b. Jan. 31, 1869. 2-3 James Franklin McClung, b. Dec. 14, 1870; m. Bet- tie Butler. One child, vi^ : 1-4 Josie Butler McClung, b. 1900. 3-3 Tillmon McClung, b. Dec. i, 1872; m. 1901, Berta Atkinson. One child, viz.: 1-4 Jewel Kathleen McClung. 4-3 Dr. John Edmon McClung, b. Mar. 5, 1875. Grad- uated at Nashville, Tenn. Meciical College. He is the County Physician of Navarro County, Tex. m. Dec. 3. 1903, Jewel White. Corsicana, Texas. 5-3 Walter Brown McClung. b. Feb. 16, 1878; m. ist, Nettie Clinkscales, d. ; he m. 2nd, Effie Bridges. Corsicana, Texas. 6-3 Bessie McClung, b. Sep. 5, .1879. Winona, Texas. 7-3 Mattie McClung, b. Aug. 19, 1881. Winona, Texas. 8-3 Taylor McClung, b. Oct. 14, 1888; d. Oct. 31, 1888. 230 McClung Genealogy. THE SOUTH CAROLINA McCLUNCS. 1-1 ]vm. ]Nj:ccLU]sra. He is thought to have had at least two children, viz. : 1-2 DAVID McCLUNG, ^. probably in Ireland. "Em- igrated from the old country to Virginia." He moved to Newberry, S. C. m. At least one son, viz. : 1-3 James McClung, b. in S. Carofina, 1772 ; m. MolHe Reece. Newberry, S. C. Eleven children, viz. : 1-4 Nancy McClung, d. 187D, unm. 2-4 David McClung, d. about 1872 ; m. Mary Johnson, or Peggy Send, of Conyers, Ga. 3-4 Jane McClung, m. Richard Anderson. 4-4 James McClung, d. about 1870. Newberry, S. C. m. Sarah Cleland. 5-4 Martha McClung, m. Reece Plunket, 6-4 Solomon McClung, b. 1813, near Newberry, S. C. d. May II, 1857, at Poplar Springs, Ga. Farmer, m. 1835, Win- nie Newman, b. 1814; d. 1882. Eight children, viz.: 1-5 James Newton McClung, h. 1837; ^- 1884. Farmer, m. Elizabeth Longshore. Loveless, Ala. Eight children, names unknown. 2-5 Haut McClung, d. 3-5 Nancy Jane McClung, b. 1842; d. 1888, unm. Poplar Springs, Ga. 4-5 Jasper William McClung. b. 1844; d. 1863; m. Ma- tilda Oneal. Poplar Springs, Ga. 5-5 Samuel N. McClung, b. 1845 5 d. Feb. 12, 1896, at Rice, Texas, unm. 6-5 Rev. Solomon Reece McClunj;, b. Dec. 15, 1847, ^^ Rockdale, N'^wton Co., Ga. He is a Baptist minister. He re- sided for a number of years in Ala. m. Nov. 29, 1866, Mary Ann Rebecca Brewster, b. Oct. 29, 1848. Harvey, Texas. Nine children, viz. : 1-6 George Jasper McClung, b. Sep. 10, 1867 ; d. July 5, 1902 ; m. Dec. 5, 1886, Alberta isbell. Cross, Texas. 2-6 Van Young McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1870, He is a cripple. Harvey, Texas. 3-6 Elizabeth Matilda McClung, b. Apr. 5, 1872; m. Dec. I, 1889, A. Z. Gober. Harvey, Texas. 4-6 Mary Ida McClung, b. Feb. i, 1875. 5-6 William Joseph McClung, b. May 18, 1878. McClung Genealogy. 231 6-6 Sarah Frances McClung, b. July 26, 1880; m. Feb. 14, 1904, Jesse G. Minkert, a lawyer, of Bryan, Texas. 7-6 Luke Samuel McClung, b. Dec. 24, 1882. Harvey, Texas. 8-6 Claudius Reece McClung, b. Apr. 26, 1884. 9-6 Pattie Childress McClung. b. Oct. 13, 1887, "(dau.). 7-5 Sarah A. McClung, b. 1849 ; d. 1881 ; m. Jack Sewell. Poplar Springs, Ga. 8-5 Jesse Joseph McClung, b. 1851 ; m. Martha Linville. Cason, Texas. 7-4 John K. McClung. b. 1817; d. 1899; m. Sarah Plunk- ett, b. 1819; d. 1890. Loveless, Ala. Eight children, viz.: 1-5 James McClung, b. 1843; d. 1862. 2-5 Rebecca McClung, b. 1845. Hulgan, Ala. 3-5 Thomas McClung, b. 1847; m- Martha Little. Tuck- er, Ala. 4-5 Jabez McClung. b. 1849; 4 1899. m. Martha Smith. 5-5 William McClung, b. 1852; m. Martha Marbut. Hulgan, Ala. 6-5 David McClung, b. 1854; m. Mary Morgan. Sigs- bee, Ala. 7-5 Mary McClung, b. 1857; d. 1S76. 8-5 John C. McClung, b. i860; m. Miss Masters, b. 1859. Tucker, Ala. Five children, viz.: 1-6 Jesse McClung, b. 1889. 2-6 Mollie McClung. b. 1891. 3-6 Robert McClung. b. 1893 4-6 Sarah McClung, b. 1895. 5-6 Iva McClung, b. 1897. 8-4 Beulah McClung. 9-4 Sarah McClung, m. James Cleland. Loveless, Ala. 10-4 William McClung, m. Mary Stewart, or Miss But- ler. Conyers, Ga. 1 1-4 Louisa McClung, m. D. Clapp. Atlanta, Ga. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. about 1760. Supposed to be a brother of David McClung, (1-2). Made application for pension May 26, 1833, at which time he was resicling in Smith Co., Tenn., at the age of 70 years. Pension was granted for one year, eight months and ten days actual service as a private in the South Carolina troops during the Revolutionary War. Enlisted in Edgefield Co., South Carolina. Served part of the time under Capt. Richard Johnstone and Col. Samuel Hammons. A list of Revolutionary pensioners, compiled June i, 1840, contains the name of John McClung, then 80 years of 232 McCiyUNG Genealogy. age and living in Sumner Co., Tenn. He is doubtless the same as mentioned above ; and is thought to have m. Nancy . At least three children, viz. : 1-3 James Buford McClung. Emigrated from Sumner Co., Tenn., to Kentucky, m. Three daughters, vFz. : 1-4 Sidney McClung, m. Mr. Simmons, a farmer of Pem- broke Ky. Three daughters. 2-4 (A dau.) McClung. Living near Pembroke, Ky. 3-4 (A dau.) McClung. Living in Logan Co., Ky. When she and her sisters were quite young their mother died and their father took them to a "'religious people called Sha- kers," where they remained until they were nearly grown. Their father went to 111. and m. 2d. They never saw him again. 2-3 John McClung. 3-3 (A dau.) McClung. THE TENNESSEE McCLUNGS. 1-1 ROBERT McOLUNG, B. 1799; d. of dropsy at the home of his son John in Alabama, in 1870. "Robert was Scotch-Irish, and came across the water when he was quite small." He lived for a while in Tenn. m. 1st, Mary Odle, d. in Tenn. After the death of his first wife, Robert emigrated from Tenn. to Ala. taking with Him his son John and and leaving his daughter Mary with her mother's relatives. Two children, viz. : 1-2 MAR'Y McCLUNG. Was left with her mother's relatives. 2-2 JOHN McClung, b. 1818; d. Feb. 14, 1892. After the death of his mother he went with his father to Ala. m. Mary Hurley. Mt. Hope, Ala. Eight children, viz. : 1-3 Bettie McClung, b. 1844; m. S. R. Weems. Mt. Hope, Ala. 2-3 W. M. McClung, b. 1846 ; m. Minnie Smith. Travis, Texas. 3-3 J. R. McClung, b. 1848, (son) ; m. America Pickens. Mt. Hope, Ala. 4-3 J. F. McClung, b. 1850; m. 1874, Kate Stunson. Travis, Texas. 5-3 Lora McClung, b. 1852; m. 1873, J. J. Sandlin. Mt. Hope, Ala. Three children, viz. : 1-4 Lillian Sandlin^ b. 1875. Town Creek, Ala. McClung Genealogy. 233 2-4 Eunice Sandlin, b. 1881. Mt. Hope, Ala. 3-4 Willie M. Sandlin, b. 1887. Mt. Hope, Ala. 6-3 Ann McClung. b. 1854; m. 1877, G. W. Garrison. Chub Hill, Ala. 7-3 Viola McClung, b. 1858; m. 1875, Os.car Stnnson. Springtown, Texas. 8-3 J. T. McClung, b. 1861 ; m. 1882, Ida Sandlin. Robert McClung, (i-i) m. 2nd, in Ala., Mary Roden. Nine children, viz. : 3-2 LEROY McCLUNG, b. at Mt. Hope, Ala. 4-2 VIN McCLUNG, b. at Mt. Hope, Ala. 5-2 WARREN McCLUNG, b. at Mt. Hope, Ala. 6-2 WRIGHT McCLUNG, b. at Mt. Hope, Ala. 7-2 BETTIE McCLUNG, m. Thomas Barker, of Hal- eysville, Ala. 8-2 LOU McCLUNG, m. Vince Roden. Biler, Ala. 9-2 JANE McCLUNG. 10-2 MANILLA McCLUNG, m. John Pierce. Delmar, Ala. 11-2^ MARILDA McCLUNG, m. Henry McNntt. Del- mar, Ala. THE COLORADO McCLUNGS. 1-1 ROBERT McCLUNG. D. subsequent to 1820. He is said to have emigrated to Phil- adelphia, Pa., from Greeenbriar Co., W. Va. He is believed to belong to the Maryland McClung branch, but the relation- ship is not certain. He was bald-headed, m. At least one child, viz. : 1-2 SAMUEL McCLUNG, d. m. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jane Lyle, sister of Rev. William Lyle. Samuel moved to Lancaster Co., Pa., prior to 1820. Six children, viz.: 1-3 Robert McClung, d. of consumption in Lancaster Co., Pa., age about 22 years. 2-3 Belle McClung, m. M. Smith. Victoria, III. 3-3 Joseph Hutchison McClung, b. Feb. 10. 1820, in Lancaster Co., Pa. ; d. since 1896, near West Liberty, Iowa ; m. Mary Sensenbaugh. West Liberty, Iowa. Five children, viz.: 234 McClung GenkaIvOgy. 1-4 George McClung, b. about 1845 ; i"- Cambridge, 111. Seven or eight .children. 2-4 Samuel McClung, b., about 1853. Teamster, m. West Liberty, Iowa. One child. 3-4 Lutitia McClung, b. about 1855 ; m. James Pender- grass. Hancock, Iowa. 4-4 Cora McClung^ h. about 1858; ni. Mr. Styles, d. l^enver, Col. 5-4 Benjamin Franklin McClung, b. about i860. 2034 Thirty-third Ave., Denver, Col. 4-3 Thomas Black McClung, b. May 6, 1822; d. Nov. 21, 1897, ; m. Sarah C. Barbe. 2503 Arapahoe St., Denver, Col. Eleven children, viz. : 1-4 William Smith McClung, b. Au^. 12, 18^6; d. July 4, 1881. 2-4 James Gest McClung, b. Mar. 9, 1859; ^- J"ly 23, 1894. 3-4 Mary Jane McClung, b. Mar. 14, 1861 ; 3. Oct. 4, 1862. 4-4 Julia Parker McClung, b. June 7, 1863 ; m. Feb. 6, 1887, John W. McLain. Lake Charles, La. 5-4 Arthur Barbe McClung, b. Dec. 25, 1865; m. May 4, 1899, Lizzie Dunn. 3337 Arapahoe St., Denver, Col. No issue. 6-4 Charles Wallin McClung, b. July 23, 1868. Salida, Col. 7-4 Estella Ivena McClung, b. Sep. 28, 1870; m. May 24, 1895, Lee Buffenbarger. New London, Ohio. 8-4 Ella Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1873; d. Nov. 9, 1891. 9-4 Nettie May McClung. b. Oct. 22, 1875 ; m. Sep. 6, 1898, Herbert Harlow. 10-4 Albert Ernest McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1878. Denver, Col. 1 1-4 Harrel Duane McClung, b. May 17, 1882. 2503 Arapahoe St., Denver, Col 5-3 Samuel McClung. Sheriff of Adams County, 111. m. Ouincy, 111. Five children ; name of one, viz. : 1-4 Robert Lyle McClung. Pueblo, Col., or 2503 Arap- ahoe St. Denver, Col. 6-3 James Robinson McClung. d. m. Mary Jane Kirsh- ner. Newport, OJiio. McCivUNG Genealogy. 235 THE PITTSBURGH McCLUNGS. 1-1 CAPT. JOHN McCLUNG. B. in Scotland ; d. in New York City in early manhood. He was captain of a merchant vessel ; m. Sarah MacDougal, d. abont 1858. Two children, viz.: 1-2 REV. SAMUEL MILLIGAN McCLUNG, b. in New York City, Apr. 8, 1808; d. Aug. 6, 1869. He received his education at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., and at Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating from the latter institution in 1835. He was ordained to the gospel ministry, Apr. 23, 1835. For many years he served as pastor of the Plum Creek Presbyterian Church in Allegheny Co., Pa. He also served the "Cross Roads Stone Church" in the same county. He was a director of Washington and Jefferson Col- lege and the Western Theological Seminary. He was a man of good intelligence and executive ability. He had an affable manner and possessed a host of warm personal friends. He m. 1837, Nancy Cowan Gilchrist, b. Apr., 1818; d. Dec. 5, 1875, dau. of John Gilchrist, and granddaughter of Jeremiah Murry, founder of the town of Murrysville, Pa. Eight children, viz. : 1-3 Rebecca Gilchrist McClung, b. June 9, 1838; m. Feb, 17, 1858, George Luckey Lee, b. June 17, 1837 ; d. Sep. 24, 1903. Oakmont, Pa. Ten children, viz. : 1-4 Ida Lee, b. Nov. 28, 1858; m. Oct. 30, 1879, Dr. James Melancthon Hamilton, of Oakmont^ Pa. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 James Hamilton. 2-5 Helen Hamilton. 3-5 Ethel Hamilton. 4-5 George Hamilton. 2-4 Caleb Carl Lee, b. Oct. 4, i860. Attorney-at-law. m. June 12, 1894, Lillian M. Robb, b. Feb. 15, 1865. Oakmont, Pa. Two children, viz. : 1-5 Charles Robb Lee, b. Apr. 14, 1897. 2-5 Clara Amelia Lee, b. May 11, 1902. 3-4 Elizabeth Rippey Lee, b. Sep. 25, 1862; m. Feb. it, 1892, Robert Cunliff McLean, of Oakmont, Pa. 4-4 Samuel McClung Lee, b. Feb. 12, 1865; m. Nov. 22, 1894, Ida M. Johnson, b. at Knoxville, Tenn., June 3, 1872. Address : Ben Avon, Pa. One child, viz. : 1-5 George Lawrence Lee, b. Sep. 5, 18(96. 5-4 Anna Lee, b. Nov. 15, 1868. Oakmont, Pa. 236 McClung Genealogy. 6-4 Cora Lee, b. June 7, 1870. 7-4 Alfred McClung Lee, b. June 9, 1873. 8-4 Nancy Murry Lee, b. Dec. 30, 1876. 9-4 Margaret Skelton Lee, b. July 21, 1879. 10-4 Rebecca McClung Lee, b. June 17, 1882. 2-3 Elizabeth Wicks McClung, d. in infancy. 3-3 John Cowan McClung, b. Apr. 8, 1843 ; cl- at Point Pleasant Hospital, near Arlington, Va., Nov. 23, 1862. He was a Federal soldier and served as a volunteer in the 136th Pennsylvania Regiment. 4-3 Judge Samuel Alfred McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1845. Graduated at Washington and Jefferson College in 1863. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar Dec. 15, 1868. He settled in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession. He was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, May 26, 1891, by Gov. Robert E. Pattison. In November of the same year he was elected Judge for a term of ten years, and in November, 1901, he was reelected for a term of ten years, from January, 1902. See portrait. He m. Oct. 12, 1874, Fannie A. Merritt, b. Apr., 1852, daughter of Dr. George Merritt, of Cherry Valley, i Otsego Co., N. Y. They reside at 1180 Murray Hill Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Four children, viz.: 1-4 Belle McClung, b. Aug. 15, 1875; d. Aug. 25, 1875. 2-4 Frances Isabelle McClung, b. Nov. 4, 1877. 3-4 Samuel Alfred McClung, Jr., b. Sep. 4, 1880. Clerk in the First National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. 4-4 Edith Murray McClung, b. Mar. 18, 1884. 5-3 Jeremiah Murry Gilchrist McClung, Sr., b. Nov. 28, 1848; d. Dec. 10, 1884; m. 1877, Annie Elizabeth Agnew, d. 1902. Pittsburgh, Pa. Three children, viz.: 1-4 Charles Agnew McClung, b. Feb. 24, 1878. Civil Engineer, m. June 5, 1902, Elizabeth Hartley Mering, b. Mar., 1880. Address: 733 Summerlea St., Pittsburgh, Pa. One child, viz. : 1-5 Elizabeth McClung, b. Sep. 16, 1903. 2-4 Nancy Cowan McClung, b. Dec. 15, 1879; ^- ^^c. 16, 1902, Dr. Harry Ballou Bryson. 823 N. Euclid Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. One child, viz. : 1-5 Nancy Elizabeth Bryson, b.. Oct. 3, 1903. 3-4 Mary Chambers McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1881. Pitts- burgh, Pa. 4-4 Jeremiah Murry Gilchrist McClung, Jr. b. July 23, 1883. Pittsburgh, Pa. > 6-3 Sarah Jane McClung, b. 1850. Address: 386 St. Nicholas Ave., New York City, N. Y. JUDGE SAMUEL ALFRED McCLUXC. Page 2^/1. t McClung Genealogy. 237 7-3 Agnes Antoinette McClung, b. 1852. Address: 2527 California Ave., Denver, Col. 8-3 William Howard McClung, b. Nov. 22, 1854. Grad- uated from Pittsburgh High School in 1873. Studied law with his brother, Judge Samuel Alfred McClung, and was admitted to the Pittsburgh Bar in Dec, 1876. He is a member of the law firm of Chantler, McGill & McClung. Address : 120 North St., E. Allegheny, Pa. See portrait. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, d. in Camden, N. J., Jan. i. 1871, age about 63 years. He was a stove merchant in Philadelphia, Pa. m. Ann E. Eastburn, d. May 18, 1886. One child, viz.: 1-3 Charles Alfred McClung, St., b. Apr., 1836. Hamp- ton, Va. m. Mar., 1864, Henrietta D. Lelar. 528 Royden St., Camden, N. J. Four children, viz. : 1-4 Charles Alfred McClung, Jr., b. Sep. 5j 1865 ; d. Aor. 5, 1892; m. Oct. 10, 1888, Frances Charlton. 1723 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Two children, viz. : 1-5 Amelia Charlton McClung, b. July 30, 1889. 2-5 Edna Browning McClung, b. Nov, 30, 1890. 2-4 Henrietta McClung, b. 1867 ; m. Frederick Paul Pfeififer. 613 Main St., Riverton, N. J. One child, viz.: 1-5 Dorothy Pfeiffer, b. 1893. 3-4 Baldwin Hufty McClung, b. 1869; d. 1869, 4-4 Nellie McClung, b. Aug. 14, 1871 ; m. Nov. 12, 1891, Augustus Raymond Cavana. 615 Main St., Riverton, N, J. Three children, viz. : 1-5 Mildred Townsend Cavana, d. 2-5 Charlotte Cavana, b. May, 1898. 3-5 Augusta Cavana, b. Dec, 1900. Sara MacDougal McClung, wid. of Capt. John McClung, (i-i) m. 2nd, Mr. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Pa., or Camden, N.J. 238 McCivUNG Genealogy. THE PENNSYLVANIA McCLUNGS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. Resided in Ireland. . m. At least two sons, viz. : 1-2 THOMAS McCLUNG, b. in Ireland. While yet unmarried he emigrated to America about i8i6; d. about 1843, in Delmont, Westmoreland Co., Pa. He was accidentally killed by a falling rafter, while erecting a church. He m. in Philadelphia, Pa., Margaret Campbelll, d. about 1847. Five children, viz. : 1-3 William McClung, d. of typhoid fever about 1847, age about 18 years. Was sick at the time of his mother's death, and died soon thereafter, at Delmont, Pa. 2-3 Jane McClung, d. m. Finley Patch, d, Blairsville, Pa. T'hree children, viz. : 1-4 Mary Patch, d. unm. 2-4 James Campbell Patch, b. Jan. 15, 1856; m. Apr. 24, 1879, Mary A. Williams, b. Oct. 20, i860. Address: 258 Bellefield ave., Pittsburgh. Pa. One child, viz.: 1-5 Mary Virginia Patch, b. Jan. 30, 1880; d. Aug. 18, 1880. Teacher. Braddock, Pa. m. Gilbert Myers. Six chil- Jacob Davis, of Bennet, Pa. 3-4 Sarah Hosack Patch. 3-3 Evaline McClung, d. dren, viz. : 1-4 Missouri Myers, m. Four children, viz. : 1-5 Clarence Davis. Clyde Davis. Earl Davis. Adda Davis. Tillie Myers, b. Oct. 30, 1863; m. William Berger, of Homewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Eleven children, viz.: 1-5 Albert Berger, b. June 25, 1882. Sadie Berger, b. about 1884; d. in infancy. Harry Berger, b. Sep. 12, 1886. Sophia Berger. Dollie Berger, b. June 6, 1891. Clyde Berger, b. Dec. 5, 1893. Raymond Berger, b. Feb. 5, 1895. Katherine Berger, b. Nov. 25^ 1896. Jessie Berger, b. Feb. 21, 1898. John Berger, b. June 19, 1899. Alice Berger, d. in infancy. 2-5 3-5 4-5 2-4 2-5 3-5 4-5 5-5 6-5 7-5 8-5 9-5 10-5 II-5 McCiyUNG Genealogy. 239 3-4 Charles Myers, b. Feb. 22, 1865. 4-4 Oliver Myers. Supposed to be de.ceased. 5-4 William Myers. 6-4 Lizzie Myers, d. 4-3 Lizzie McClung, d, unm. 5-3 Oliver Campbell McClung, b. Jan. 29, 1837; tl- Nov. 14, 1897. He moved from Delmont, to Pittsburgh, Pa. in March, 1858. He was a printer and established the McClung Printing- Company of Pittsburgh. He enlisted April 15, 1861, in the first company of Federal soldiers from Pittsburgh, Company A, Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer In- fantry. His height was five feet nine inches. He had black hair and brown eyes. m. ist, about Feb., 1861, Anna Rebecca Scott, b. at Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 9, 1838; d. Mar. 18, 1870, dau. of Thomas Scott and his wife, Esther Bowler Scott. Pitts- burgh, Pa. Three .children, viz. : 1-4 Charles McClung, b. May 29, 1863; d. May 29, 1866. 2-4 Horace A. McClung, b. in Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 8, 1865. He is proprietor and business manager of the McClung Printing Company, of Pittsburgh. It is in large measure owing to his generous cooperation that the publication of this volume has been made possible. See portrait, m. June 9. 1894, Julia Cavener, b Feb. 15, 1868. They reside at 5532 Kentucky Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Three children, viz. : 1-5 Leona Elizabeth McClung, b. Mar. 15, 1895. See portrait. 2-5 Olive Lucille McClung, b. Feb, 4, 1897. See por- trait. 3-5 Horace Kenneth McClung, b. May 11, 1904. He is entitled to the distinction of being ^he youngest McClung re- corded in this volume. See portrait. 3-4 Jessie Irene McClung, b. Apr. 17, 1867. Graduated from the Normal Department of the Pittsburgh High Schools. She is the bookkeeper for a mercantile house in Pittsburgh. She is an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a teacher in the Sunday School. Oliver Campbell McClung, (5-3) m. 2nd, Elizabeth Whit- field, d. May 3, 1897. Two children, viz.: 4-4 Montgomery McClung, b. May 24, 1874. Grocery merchant. Member of the firm of Brooks & McClung. Ad- dress : 5532 Kentucky Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 5-4 Harry Hill McClung, b. Aug. 30, 1876; d. Feb. 5, 1879. 2-2 JAMES McCLUNG, b. in Ireland; d. in Ireland about Sep., 1885. 240 McClung Genealogy. 2-1 Mr. McOLUNG. Resided in Ireland; m. Two sons, viz.: 1-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. in Ireland; d. in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1883. He was a first .cousin of Thomas McClung, (1-2) who was killed at Delmont, Pa. John Mc'Clung emigrated from Fintona, Ireland, and resided in Pittsburgh, Pa. for many- years. He superintended a grain elevator. He was once proprietor of a hotel. He also served as coroner of the city of Pittsburgh. He was a member of the First United Presby- terian Church, and is remembered by the oldest citizens as an upright and honorable citizen. He was a very large man, weighing near two hundred pounds. His hair and beard were gray. He m. Nancy Jane Wilson, d. 1894. They resided at 631 Center Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. One child, viz.: 1-3 Mary Jane McClung, b. 1848; d. Mar. 26, 1890; m. Oct. 27., 1870, Andrew Haugh Bryce, b. Apr. 14, 1842. Glass manufacturer. 1002 Farragut St., Pittsburgh, Pa, Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-4 Mary Agnes Bryce, b. Aug. 6, 1872 ; d. Apr. 18, 1800, unm. 2-4 Elizabeth Graham Bryce, b. July 9, 1875 ; d. Feb. 8, 1889, 3-4 Jean Francis Bryce, b. May 8, 1882 ; m. May 20, 1902, Charle;-. H. Kincaid, Pittsburgh, Pa, 4-4 Kenneth Reid Bryce, b. Feb. 7, 1884. 1002 Farragut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. . 2-2 ROBERT McCLUNG. Emigrated from Fintona, Ireland, to the United States, He returned to Ireland, He is thought to *have had a son, viz. ; 1-3 Robert McClung. He resides at Drafton, Fintona, Tyrone Co., Ireland. WILLIAM HOWARD McCLUNG. Page 237. McClung Genealogy. 241 THE ILLINOIS McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. Had at least two sons, viz. : 1-2 EPHRAIM McCLUNG, SR., b. in Ireland. Emi- igrated to America. Settled for a while at Darlington, Pa. ; then emigrated to Fairfield, 111., where he died. m. Three children, viz. : 1-3 Ephraim McClung, b. in Ireland about 1830; d. about 1866. Emigrated from Ireland to Darlington, Pa. ; thence to Fairfield, 111.; m. Anastasia Beauchamp, b, about 1836; d. about 1881. Four children, viz.: 1-4 Edward McClung, b. O.ct. i, 1856. Address: Fair- field, 111. Member of the Illinois State Legislature ; m. Qct. 31, 1889, Price Fogle, b. 1862; d. Aug. 14, 1895. Three chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Mamie Pauline McClung, b. Nov. 26 1890. 2-5 Mildred Lee McClung, b. Jan 10, 1893. 3-5 Edna Price McClung, b. Feb. 12, 1895. 2-4 Mary Alice McClung, m. Oscar C. Gaston. Louis- ville, 111. 3-4 Carrie May McClung. Fairfield, 111. 4-4 Thomas McClung. 2-3 (A dau.) McClung, d. m. John Ewing, d. Fair- field, 111, One son, viz. : 1-4 John Ewing, Jr. Farmer. Fairfield, 111. 3-3 (A child) McClung, d. Flora 111. 4-3 Catherine McClung, d. Mar. 13, 1889; m. Mr. Ford, of Youngstown, Ohio. Three children, viz. : 1-4 Emma Ford, 210 W. Wood St., Youngstown, Ohio. 2-4 (A dau.) Ford. 3-4 (A son) Ford. Youngstown, Ohio. 2-2 HUGH McCLUNG, d. He was a half-brother of Ephraim McClung, Sr. (1-2), and lived at Fairfield, 111. 242 McClung Genealogy. THE OHIO McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. Lived in Ireland. Had at least four sons, viz. : 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG, b. in Fintona, Tyrone Co., Ireland ; d. m. in Ireland, Margaret Reynolds, d. 1840. They emigrated to America in 1817. He died of ship fever at Phil- adelphia soon after landing. He was a cousin of the mother of James Buchanan, President of the U. S. This iact suggests the probability of his being a brother or first cousin of Charles McClung, (1-3) recorded on page 112. Five children, viz.: 1-3 John McClung, b. in Ireland about 1785 ; d. Feb., 1873, Emigrated to America with his parents in 1817. Set- tled first in Pennsylvania for a few years, then emigrated to Adams Co., Ohio ; m. 1825, or 1826, Jane Clark, d. 1876. Five children, viz, 1-4 Samuel McClung, b. 1827; d. 1869. 2-4 Margaret McClung, b. 1828; d. Dec, 1891 ; m. S. B. Coleman, of Wheat, Ohio. No issue, 3-4 James W. McClung, b. Mar. 28, 1831. Attorney-at- law. West Union, Ohio. m. June 23, 1859, N, A. Clark, b. 1838. Two .children, viz. : 1-5 Horace E. McClung, b. i860. Farmer. Wheat, Ohio. 2-5 Jennie Brown McClung, b. Oct. 2, 1873; d. Aug. ii, 1895, at West Union, Ohio. 4-4 Sarah J. McClung, b. 1833. Wheat, Ohio. 5-4 Mary A. McClung, b. 1835. Wheat, Ohio. 2-3 Samuel McClung, b. in Ireland, d. 1869. Emigrated to America, m. Mrs. Jane Mannon. One child, viz. : 1-4 (A dau.) McClung, d, 3-3 Mary McClung, d. 1876 ; m. in Ireland, Samuel Crawford. 4-3 James McClung, b. 1790; d. 1855; m. Jane Clark. Nine children ; three sons ; names of two, viz. : 1-4 R. Burgess McClung, d. Farmer. Elder in Presby- terian Church at E.ckmansville, Ohio. m. Two children, viz. : 1-5 Robert McClung, m. Oct. 24, 1895, Dora Kane. Eck- mansville, Ohio. 2-5 Mary McClung. Eckmansville, Ohio. 2-4 Rev. John Newton McClung, b. near E.ckmansville, Ohio, Sep. 24, 1831 ; d. in Springfield, Mo., Dec, 1896. Law- yer and later a Presbyterian minister, m. Sep, 30, 1856, Pene- McClung Genealogy. 243 lope Taylor, b. Oct. 21, 1837. Parsons, Kansas. Eight chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Julia Belle McClung, b. Aug. 31. 1857; d. Mar. 24, 1897; m. Mar. 11, 1884, John D. Beck, b. 1854. Lawyer. Greensburg, Kan. Six children, viz. : 1-6 Nellie Beck, d. May, 1892. 2-6 Maggie Beck d. May, 1892'. 3-6 Eldna Beck, d. May, 1892. 4-6 Harold McClung Beck, b. 1891. 5-6 Emily Beck, b. 1893. 6-6 John E. Beck, b. 1895. 2-5 Adah Elizabeth McClung. b. Sep. 6, 1858; m. May 31, 1887, Rev. William Wylie Kilpatrick. Teacher and minis- ter. Girard, Kan. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Rollo Raymond Kilpatrick. 2-6 Jennie Faye Kilpatrick. 3-6 Wylie McClung Kilpatrick. 3-5 Grace McClung, b. Sep. 9, i860; d. Nov. 18, 1862, at Xenia, Ohio. 4-5 Lulu McClung, b. Sep. 15, 1862; d. Mar. 24, 1865, ^^ Xenia, Ohio. 5-5 James Price McClung, b. Nov. 30, 1864, at Cincin- nati, Ohio. Address: 1412 Morgan Ave., Parsons, Kan. 6-5 Emily Jane McClung, b. Sep. 5, 1868; m. Sep. 26, 1894, Ebenezer H. McCreery. Lumber merchant. 1412 Mor- gan Ave., Parsons, Kan. Three children, viz.: 1-6 Margaret G. McCreery. 2-6 Katherine McCreery. 3-6 John Harold McCreery. 7-5 William Taylor McClung, b. Jan. 10, 1871 ; m. De.c. 28, 1892, Susan M. Bedell. 1528 Appleton Ave.. Parsons, Kan. Four children, viz. : 1-6 Lydia P. McClung. 2-6 John B. McClung, d. age 4 years. 3-6 Theodore McClung, d. age 18 months. 4-6 Florence McClung. 8-5 Burgess McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1873; d. Apr. 17, 1878, at Paola, Kan. 5-3 Ann McClung, b. in Fintona, Ireland, d. 1879; m. Arthur Clark. 2-2 THOMAS McCLUNG, b. in Fintona, Ireland; d. in Ireland. 3-2 SAMUEL McCLUNG, .b in Fintona, Ireland ; d. in Ireland. 4-2 LANDRUM McCLUNG, b. in Fintona, Ireland; d. in Ireland. 244 McClung Genealogy. WEST PHILADELPHIA McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. B. in Ireland ; d. in Fintona, Tyrone Co., Ireland, m. Two children, viz. : 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG. Fintona, Tyrone Co., Ireland. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. Aug. 12, 1785, in Fintona, Ireland; d. July 4, 1861, at Twenty-first and Market streets Philadelphia, Pa. He is said to have been "the very image" of Napoleon Bonaparte. Emigrated to Philadelphia in 1819; m. in Ireland, Mrs. Elizabeth Evan, nee McClaren, b. about 1802 ; d. 1847. Sixteen children. Names of only ten are known, viz. : 1-3 Ann McClung, m. George James. One son, viz, : 1-4 William James. Supt. of Hansom cabs for the Penn. R. R. Address: 231 1 Christian St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2-3 Thomas McClung, d. m. Ann DeGalb, d. in Phila- delphia, Pa. Five children, viz.: 1-4 William McClung, d. m. 2-4 James McClung. 3-4 George McClung. 4-4 Mary Margaret McClung, 5-4 John McClung, m. Katherine Ferran. One child, viz. : 1-5 Thomas Ferran McClung, b. May 30, 1867 ; d. Sep. II, 1900; m. Sep. 2, 1887, Sarah Gamble^ b. July 13, 1868. She is the proprietress of a saloon at 1649 Federal St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Two children, viz. : , 1-6 Agnes Leslie McClung, b. D&c. 25, 1891. 2-6 Helen Frances McClung, b. Dec. 15, 1897. 6-4 Jane McClung, d. m. Thomas Lutzenburg. 3-3 William McClung, d. Was drowned in the Schuyl- kill River, m. Mary Wear. Two .children, viz. : 1-4 James McClung, d. in Washington, D. C. during Civil War, unm. 2-4 William McClung, b. Apr. 8, 1845; d. m. Mar. 8, 1869, Agnes Leslie, b. Feb. 17, 18 — . Address: 1505 Manton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 4-3 James McClung, d. about 1864. He was a sea cap- tain, or first mate on a merchant vessel. He was born at sea, lived at sea and was drowned at sea by being washed over- board. McClung Genealogy. 245 According to another account he was in command of a vessel belonging to the Clyde line, and was enroute to Bra- zil. A mutiny occurred on the vessel, and in his attempt to quell the mutiny he lost his life, m. Mary Mc'Cabe, 607 Wharton street. Philadelphia, Pa. Five children, viz. : 1-4 John J. McClung, b. Oct. 11, 1856, Jennings, La. m. Sybil Pixley, b. 1863. Three children, viz.: 1-5 Vira McClung, b. 1887. Stenographer and typc- v/riter. Jennings, La. 2-5 Edwin J. McClung, b. 1889. 3-5 William L. McClung, b. i8'92. 2-4 Annie McClung, b. 1858; d. i860. 3-4 James McClung, b. i860; d. 1868. 4-4 William J. McClung. Omaha, Neb. 5-4 Mary McClung, b. 1864; d. 1865. The widow of James McClung, (4-3) m. 2nd, Thomas Cramer, d. Sangamon Co., 111. 5-3 Elizabeth McClung, m. Charles Sharp. No issue. 6-3 Jane McClung, d. unm. 7-3 John McClung. I., d. in infancy. 8-3 John McClung II., b. Sep. 16, 1833. Probably named for his brother who died in infancy. He is employed in the P. R. R. shops, at Philadelphia, m. Oct. 4, 1854, Helen Ma- guire, b. Feb. 19, 1838. She is a member of the Roman Cath- olic Church. 3203 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Eleven chil- dren, viz. : 1-4 Thomas McClung, b. Mar. 4, 1856: d. Apr. 5, 1899. He was a brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, m. Jan. 22, 1888. Ida Mitton, b. Dec. 21, 1867. Address: 3203 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Four children, viz. : 1-5 Laura McClung, b. Aug. 3, 1889. 2-5 Thomas McClung, b. Mar. 4, 1893. Student at Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. 3-5 Walter John McClung, b. Apr. i, 1895. 3203 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 4-5 WiUiam McClung, b. Nov. 20, 1897. 2-4 Jane McClung, b. Mar. 2, 1858; d. Dec. 5, 1858. 3-4 George McClung, b. Nov. 3, 185— :d. Apr, 12, 1863. 4-4 Lillian McClung, b. Sep. 6, 1866. 5-4 Annie McClung,' b. Oct, 14, 1868; d. June 26, 1889; m. June 24, 1888, William Blakely, d. 6-4 Laura McClung, b. Dec. 20, 1870; d. Oct. 9. 1891, unm. 7-4 Helen McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1873; m. Jan. 23, 1895, Dr. Harry James, 639 Hudson St., New York, N. Y. 246 McClung Genealogy. 8-4 William McClung, b. May lo, 1876; d. Oct. 14, 1877. 9-4 Gertrude McClung, b. Apr. 11, 1878; m. Feb. 24, 1900, Edward Irwin. 3203 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 10-4 Frank McClung, b. Jan. i, 1884; d. Oct. 8, 1894. Was killed by a trolley car, 1 1-4 (A child) McClung. 9-3 Robert A. McClung, b. Jan., 1835; d. m. Annie Ma- rad. Baltimore, Md. Three children, viz.: 1-4 Annie McClung, m. Dr. Eachus, of Altoona or Pitts- burgh, Pa. 2-4 Elizabeth McClung, m. Baltimore, Md. 3-4 Jane McClung, m. Philadelphia, Pa. 10-3 Alexander McClung, b. about 1839; d. m. Anna Welch. 608 N. Thirty-second St., Philadelphia, Pa. Five children, viz. : 1-4 Robert Alexander McClung, b. about 1872. Trav- eling salesman for Heinz Pickle Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Lan- caster, Pa. m. Oct. 23, 1901, Katherine Cecelia Snyder, b. about 1873. 2-4 Alexander McClung, d. 3-4 Elizabeth McClung, m. Harry P. Barnes, Sr. 608 N. Thirty-second St., Philadelphia, Pa. One child, viz.: 1-5 Harry Paul Barnes, Jr. 4-4 Maggie McClung, m. John Pyle, of Westchester, Pa. 5-4 Benjamin Sharp McClung, d. age about 14 months. THE PHILADELPHIA McCLUNGS. 1-1 WILLIAM McCLUNG. D. at Skelgy, Tyrone Co., Ireland, six miles east of Omagh; m. Rebecca Wilson. Four children, viz. : 1-2 JOHN McCLUNG, m. Lived in Tyrone Co., Ire- land. 2-2 JAMES McCLUNG, d. m. Margaret Richardsoa Lived at Skelgy, Tyrone Co., Ireland. Five children, viz. : 1-3 William McClung. Went to Australia. 2-3 James McClung. Remained on the old homestead, at Skelgy, Ireland. 3-3 John McClung. Went to Australia. 4-3 Samuel McClung. 5-3 Rebecca McChjng. 3-2 SAMUEL McCLUNG. Was in the British Army. His watch and gun were inherited by his brother William. McClung Genealogy. 247 4-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG, d. about 1846. Lived in Killen, Ireland, m. Mattie Mc'Cutcheon, d. about 1847. Two children, viz. : 1-3 William McClung, b. about 1834; m. May, 1863, Sarah Barton, d. He resides at "Old Men's Home," Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Four children, viz. : 1-4 Martha Jane McClung, d. 2-4 William John McClung, St., b. Apr. 12, 1867. Liv- eryman. 2521 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa., m. Mar. 16, T891, Maria Mitchell Chambers, b. Oct. 17, 1865. Six chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Elizabeth Hillard McClung, b. Jan. 12, 1892. 2-5 William John McClung, Jr., b. Aug. 25, 1893. 3-5 Jesse Chambers McClung, b. O.ct. 17, 1895. 4-5 Maria Mitchell McClung, b. Nov. 26, 1897. 5-5 George Summers McClung, b. July 26, 1900. 6-5 Elsie Sarah McClung, b. Dec. 21, 1902. 3-4 Charles Washington McClung, b. Feb. 22, 1873 ; m. Oct. 23, 1895, Minnie Laura Lang, b. Mar. 13, 1873. He is employed with Strawbridge & Clothier, of Philadelphia. Ad- dress : 15 Tthan St., Philadelphia, Pa. Three children, viz.: 1-5 Lillian Gladys McClung, b. July 2, 1897. 2-5 Charles William McClung, b. Sep. 17, 1901. 3-5 Mildred Lang McClung, b. Feb. 20, 1903. 4-4 Thomas McClung. Address: 1521 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia, Pa. He is a house decorator. 2-3 Charles McClung, m. Rebecca Davis. Address: Mt. Varned, Castle Gong, County Tyrone, Ireland. Two chil- dren, viz. : 1-4 William McClung. 2-4 Thomas lN*cClung. 248 McClung Genealogy. THE BOSTON McCLUNCS. 1-1 ROBERT McOLUNG. D. m. Mrs. Margaret Means, nee Shaw. They lived and died at Clogher, Tyrone Co., Ireland. Four children, viz. : 1-2 SARAH McCLUNG, d. m. Samuel Barr, d. One child, viz. : 1-3 Jennie Barr, m. Thomas Gray. Address: Marple, Pa. 2-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG, b. May lo, 1840, in Clogher, Tyrone Co., Ireland. Emigrated to America May 9, 1850; m. June 3, 1857, Cahterine Mary Murray, b. 1845; d. Feb. 3, 1898. He is a retired .farmer. 1436 S, Sixteenth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Six children, viz.: 1-3 Margaret McClung, b. June 5, 1858.; d. June 12, 1858. 2-3 Margaret Vinnetta McClung, b. June 3, 1861. Dress- maker. 1436 S. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3-3 Robert Alexander McClung, b. Sep. 13, 1863. Watch- man for P. R. R. 1918 S. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ; m. Oct. 22, 1890, Helena Brenzel, b. May 6, 1872. Four cihldren, viz. : 1-4 Fred McClung, b. Oct. 9, 1891 ; d, Oct. 12, 1891. 2-4 Frederick Brenzel McClung, b. Sep. 8, 1892. 3-4 Elsie Roberta McClung, b. De.c. 17, 1894. 4-4 Earl Alexander McClung, b. Nov. 8, 1897. 4-3 Matilda McClung, d. age eight years. 5-3 Mary Jane McClung, b. Feb. 10, 1870. 6-3 William McClung, Jr., d. age six months. 3-2 ANNA McCLUNG, d. m. Alexander Campbell, d. Philadelphia, Pa. No issue. 4-2 DAVID McCLUNG. Lives in Fintona, Tyrone Co., Ireland ; m. Margaret Means. Seven children, viz. : 1-3 William McClung, m. He is an expressman. Bos- ton, Mass. No issue. 2-3 Elizabeth McClung, m. Ph[lip Mackie, of Philadel- phia, Pa. 3-3 John McClung. Boston, Mass. 4-3 Robert McClung. Boston, Mass, 5-3 Sarah McClung, d. 6-3 James McClung. Lives in Clogher, Tyrone Co., Ire- land. 7-3 Mary McClung, m. Philadelphia, Pa. McClung Genealogy. 249 THE TORONTO McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McCLUNG. He was Scotch and lived to an old age in the parish of Fintona, Ireland. At least one son, viz.: 1-2 ADAM McCLUNG, d. Over 90 years of age. Lived on the town land of Drumderg, near Fintona, Ireland. He m. Miss McClung, his relative. Five children, viz. : 1-3 Samuel McClung,, b. in Ireland. Emigrated to Can- ada, where he died at a good old age. 2-3 James McClung, d. age 60 years ; m. Three sons, viz. : 1-4 James McClung, m. Fintona, Ireland. Farmer. Two sons, viz. : 1-5 Samuel McClung. "Happened to an accident when young. Fell out of bed on his head and was thus incapaci- tated for business." 2-5 Dr. John McClung. b. about 1858. Graduated at the. College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland. Resides near Omagh, Ireland. 2-4 Samuel McClung, d. 3-4 John McClung, b. in Ireland. Lives in Australia. 3-3 William McClung, b. in Ireland ; d. in Canada at an advaaced age. 4-3 John McClung, b. in Ireland. Emigrated to Canada in 1842. Settled 40 miles from Toronto, d. age 60 years, m. Five children, four sons ; name of one,, viz. : 1-4 John McClung, b.^ in Ireland. Emigrated to Can- ada with his father in 1842. Merchant of Toronto, Canada, m. Three children, one son. 5-3 (A dau.) McClung. THE BUFFALO McCLUNCS. MR. McOLUNG. M. Miss Taylor. They lived in County Tyrone. Ireland. Three children, viz. : 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG. d. Mar., 1833: m. ist, Mattie McClung. They lived midway between Fintona and Tre- more ; and seven miles from Omagh, Ireland. One son, viz. : 1-3 James McClung. 250 McClung Genealogy. James McClung (1-2) m. 2nd, Nancy Crawford. Seven children, viz. : 2-3 John McClung, d. in Ireland ; m. Ellen Boyle. Seven children ; names of four, viz. : 1-4 John McClung. 2-4 Mary McClung. 3-4 Ellen McClung. 4-4 James McClung. 3-3 Alexander McClung, m. Mary Lindsay. Fintona, Ireland. No issue. 4-3 William McClung, m. Fannie Burns. Emigrated to Williamsville, Canada. Seven children, viz. : 1-4 James McClung, 2-4 Arthur McClung. 3-4 William McClung. 4-4 Joseph McClung. 5-4 Jane McClung. 6-4 Fannie McClung, 7-4 Mary McClung, 5-3 Thomas McClung, Emigrated to St. John, New Brunswick. He wrote back to his brothers advising them not to come there. Nothing more was heard of him. 6-3 Mary McClung, m. James Moore. 7-3 Elizabeth McClung, m. James Matheson. King, Canada. 8-3 Robert McClung, b. Feb. 11, 1833; m. Mar. 13, 1869, Mary Burke, b. May 12, 1852. Address: 276 Seneca St., Buf- falo, N. Y. Three children, viz. : 1-4 Joseph McClung, b. Dec. 10, 1871, (twin) unm. 276 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. 2-4 Frank McClung, b. Dec. 10, 1871, (twin) unm. 276 Sene.ca St., Buflfalo, N. Y. 3-4 Harriet McClung, b. Jan. 8, 1869; m. June i, 1885, Henry James Jacobs, b. Feb. 27, 1864. Address : 225 Ashland Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. Two children, viz. : 1-5 Jessie Jacobs, b. Mar. 6, 1886. 2-5 Ruth Jacobs, b. July 22, 1892. 2-2 SAMUEL McCLUNG, d. in Ireland. 3-2 JOHN McCLUNG, Emigrated from Ireland to New York City. He may be the father of the R'ev. Samuel Milligan McClung, McClitng Gp:nealogy. 251 THE CANADA McCLUNCS. 1-1 Mr. McCLUNG. B. in Ireland, m. Two children, viz. : 1-2 ELIZABETH McCLUNG, d. Sep., 1897; m. Samuel Whittle. Port Hope, Canada. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. Feb. 28, 1839, in County Down, Ireland, d. Nov. 17, 1903. Emigrated in 1858 to Co- burg, Canada ; thence in 1859, ^o Port Hope, Canada, m. about 1864, Mary Ann Potter, b. about 1843; d. Nov. 20, 1899. Port Hope, Canada. Four children, viz. : 1-3 William John McClung, b. 1865. Tinsmith, plumber and steam-fitter. Port Hope, Canada. 23 Harry Victor McClung, b. Aug. 8, 1869. Carriage builder, m. Dec. 25, 1888, Rossa Ann Friday, b. July 31, 1870, of Rochester, N. Y. Address: 561 West Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Two children, viz. : 1-4 Ernest Victor McClung, b. June 8, 1892. 2-4 (A son) McClung, b. Mar. 10, 1897; d. Mar. 17, 1897. 3-3 Clara Lillian McClung, b. De.c. 13, 1875. (twin.). Port Hope, Canada. 4-3 Henrietta Movillion McClung, b. Dec. 13, 1875, (twin) ; m. Aug. 14, 1899, Frederick Wright, b. about 1879. Port Hope, Canada. THE MICHIGAN McCLUNCS. 1-1 JOHN McCLUNG. Lived in Ireland. Five children, viz.: 1-2 JOHN McCLUNG. He is thought to have lived in Ireland, m. Three children, viz.: 1-3 William McClung. 2-3 John McClung. 3-3 George McClung. 2-2 JAMES McCLUNG, (twin). Emigrated from Ire- land to the eastern part of Canada, m. Miss Greer. Nine children, viz. : 1-3 John McClung. 2-3 William McQung. 252 McCltUng Genealogy. 3-3 George McClung. 4-3 James McClung, d. in Canada. 5-3 Thomas McClung, b. probably in Canada; d. about 1900; m. Sarah E. Johnson. Decatur, Mich. Two children, viz. : 1-4 Minnie Adel McClung, m. Rev. P. S. Shoemaker, a Free Methodist minister. 268 E. Creighton Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. 2-4 Grace Pearl McClung, b. about 1879. Address: De- catur, Mich. Studied music and art in Chicago. 6-3 Mariah McClung. Matilda McClung. Elizabeth McClung. Mary McClung, m. Lorenzo F. Bassett, of Cortland, N. 7-3 8-3 9-3 Y. 3-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG, (twin), m. Monaghan, Ire- land. One son, viz. : 1-3 William McClung, d. about 1892 at 10 Loading Bank bv Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. About 1873 he emigrated with his family from Gilford, County Down, Ireland, to Scot- land, m. Catherine McGoogin. Three children, viz.: 1-4 Esther Jane McClung. m. Thomas Bell. 2-4 Margaret McClung, m. James McKni^ht ; d. about 1895. 3-4 Thomas McClung, b. about 1872. He is a foot-ball enthusiast, and a very zealous Christian. 10 Loading Bank by Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. 4-2 THOMAS McCLUNG, m. One son, viz.: 1-3 Joseph McClung. .■5-2 GEORGE McCLUNG. McClung Genealogy. 253 THE ERIE McCLUNCS. 1-1 DAVID McCLUNG. Lived in Ireland, m. Jane . Five children, viz.: 1-2 (A CHILD) McCLUNG. 2-2 (A SON) McCLUNG, is thought to have emigrated to the United States. 3-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG, d. Cayuga, Can. 4-2 SAMUEL McCLUNG, d. Cayuga, Can. 5-2 DAVID McCLUNG, Jr., b. Mar. 2, 1796, in the township of Killafadee, County Armagh, Ireland; d. Jan 26, 1888. United with the Presbyterian Church at Tassah, Ire- land, when 18 years of age. m. 1828, Charlotte McCormick, of Tyrone Co., Ireland; d. 1830. One child, viz.: 1-3 Mary McClung, m. Peter McClaren, of Cayuga, Canada. David McClung, Jr., (5-2) m. 2nd, 1832, Eliza Slater. They left Ireland and Emigrated to Canada, landing at Que- bec, June 3, 1833. They lived in Kingston about 16 months then came to Cayuga in Oct., 1834. He lived there the re- mainder of his life. Fifteen children, names of nine, viz.: 2-3 Eliza Jane McClung, m. William Geddes. 3-3 Ellen McClung, m. James Lockie, of Hanover, Can- ada. Three children, viz.: 1-4 Alexander Lockie, a druggist. Main and Summer Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. 2-4 Peter Lockie, Buffalo^ N. Y. 3-4 Jack Lockie, Buffalo, N. Y. 4-3 Charlotte McClung, m. Mr. Tisdale. S. Cayuga, Can. 5-3 Alexander McClung, b. July 19, 1842, at Cayuga, Canada; d. Jan. 3, 1891. He was a live-stock dealer. Resided one mile west of Erie, Pa. ; m. Oct. 8, 1865, Elizabeth Holland, b. Apr. 8, 1842. After the death of her husband she removed with her family into the city. Address: 181 1 French St., Erie, Pa. Seven children, viz. : 1-4 Mary Olivia McClung, b. May 21, 1867; m. Feb. 16, 1888, Fred Lawson Fades. Erie, Pa. R. D. No. 2. Four chil- dren, viz. : 1-5 Bessie May Fails. 2-4 Harvey Alexander Fails. 254 McClung Genealogy. 3-5 George Lawson Fails. 4-5 Elmer Fails. 2-4 Robert Henry McClung, (Harry) b. Jan. 25, 1869. 16 Carrol St., Buffalo, N. Y. He has been a horse trainer since he was ten years old. 3-4 Louis Alexander McClung, b. Sep. 22, 1871 ; m. Nov. 18, 1897, Lena May Maxham, b. Nov. 19, 1877. No issue. He is a salesman in a wholesale fruit and produce store. Ad- dress: 1816 French St., Erie, Pa. 4-4 Bessie Maud McClung, b. Oct. 22, 1875; m. June 21, 1902, George Wilbert Kightlinger, b. Mar. 28, i8'76; d. Oct. 19, 1903. He was killed by a falling traveling crane while erect- ing the Wabash Railroad bridge at Pittsburgh, Pa. She re- sides at 181 1 French St., Erie, Pa. 5-4 Charlotte Grace McClung, b. July 29, 1877; d. Nov. I, 1884. 6-4 Bertha May McClung, b. May i, 1878s d. Oct. 26, 1884. 7-4 Clara Alice McClung, b. Oct. 11, 1882; m. June 4, 1903, Fred C. Jones, b. Feb. 4, 1882. Address; 830 Browns Ave., Erie, Pa. 6-3 Rev. John McClung, Presbyterian minister. Once resided at Kingsbury, Quebec, m. Maggie Stinson. Address: Hamilton, Canada. One child, viz. : 1-4 Robert McClung. Attended McGill University. 7-3 Maxwell McClung. Proprietor of a meat market. Elder in Presbyterian Church, m. Sarah . Cayuga, Canada. Eight or nine children. 8-3 David William McClung, m. Hanover, Can. 9-3 Martha McClung, m. William Walton. Gypsum Mines, Can. 10-3 Robert James McClung, m. Miss Smith, Hanover, Can. McClung Genealogy. 255 THE NEW YORK McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. Lived in Ireland, m. Three children, viz, : , 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG, b. in Ireland ; d. at Southfield, Mich. Farmer. Emigrated from Armagh, Ireland, to Orange Co., N. Y., in 1828; thence in 1830 to Southfield, Mich. m. Two children, viz. : 1-3 Alexander McClung, b. about 1810; d. at Southfield, Mi.ch., about 1900, '"age 80 years." Farmer, m. Two children, viz. : 1-4 James McClung. Farmer. Sand Hill, Mich. 2-4 William McClung. Farmer. Sand Hill, Mich. 2-3 (A dau.) McClung. 2-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. in Ireland, 1782; d. 1852; m. Margaret McWilliams, d. 1828. Four children, viz. : 1-3 Anthony McClung, b. 1812; d. 1890; m. Maria Lou- isa Pease. Little Britain, N. Y. O'ne son, viz.: 1-4 Richard McClung, b. June 7, 1847; m. Nov. 11, 1868, Catherine McCloskey, b. Nov. 28, 18^4. Four children, viz.: 1-5 Louisa McClung, b. Aug. 26, 1869. 2-5 Charles McClung^ b. Nov. 27, 1871. 3-5 Emma McClung, b. Mar. 7, 1874. 4-5 George McClung, b. Apr. i, 1877. 2-3 Samuel McClung, b. in Armagh, Ireland, Apr. 28, 1814; d. at Newburgh, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1888; m. Margaret Up- right, Oct. 12, 1830.: Eight children, viz.: 1-4 Jennie McClung, b. June 5, 1836; d. Apr. 21, 1891 ; m. Hon. Thomas Fulton, of Washingtonville, N. Y. 2-4 Mary A. McClung, b. Dec. 11, 1839; d. June 30, 1863. 3-4 John McClung, b. July i, 1842; d. Feb. i, 1874. 4-4 Sarah McClung, b. June 24, 1845; m- ^^^i. S. W. Holdridge. Newburgh, N. Y. 5-4 Samuel McClung, b. May 11, 1848; m. Elizabeth Griggs. Newburgh, N. Y. 6-4 Alexander McClung, b. Feb. 5, 1852. Fowler, Ind. 7-4 Frank McClung, b. Sep. 17, 1856; m. Amanda Lett. Marion, Mich. 8-4 Benjamin McClung, b. Oct. 29, 1867. Attorney-at- law. m. Maria K. Adams, b. Jan. i, 1869. Newburgh, N. Y. One child, viz. : 1-5 Frederica McClung, b. Mar. 11, 1897. 256 McClung Genealogy. 3-3 James McClung, b. 1816; d. 1903; m. Cecelia Brown. Little Britain, N. Y. 4-3 Ella McClung, b. 1818; d. 1883. Little" Britain, N. Y. 3-2 ALEXANDER McCLUNG, b. in Ireland. d. in Oakland, Co., Mich. THE BELFAST McCLUNGS. 1-1 ALEXANDER McOLUNG. B. about 1776; d. 1857; m. 1802, Mary Cunningham, b. 1781 ; d. 1854. Keady, County Armagh, Ireland, and Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland. Five children, viz. : 1-2 ELLEN McCLUNG, b. about 1803; d. 1886, unm. 2-2 MARY McCLUNG, b. 1804; m. Mr. Hanna. U. S. A. 3-2 ALEXANDER McCLUNG, b. 1806; d. 1871 ; m. Miss Gilmore. Belfast, Ireland. 4-2 JANE McCLUNG, b. 1808; d. 1890, unm. 5-2 JOHN McCLUNG, b. 1812; d. 1891 ; m. Maria Jane Crawford^ b. 1828; d. 1891. Ballymena, Ireland. One son, viz. : 1-3 John Cunningham McClung, b, 1855; m. Agnes M. Currie, b. 1870. 3 Salisbury Ave., Belfast^ Ireland. He is with the Brookfield Linen Co., One child, viz. : 1-4 Mary Kathleen McClung, b. 1895. THE DONEGAL McCLUNGS. 1-1 JAMES McOLUNG. Lived in Ireland, m. At least one son, viz. : 1-2 WILLIAM McCLUNG, d. Sep., 1887; m. Eliza Willis, d. Mar., 1883. Six children, viz.: 1-3 Ann McClung, m. Francis McKay. 2-3 William James McClung, m. Sarah Carrol. 3-3 Thomas McClung, m. Emily Armstrong, of Canada. Both now live in Ireland. 4-3 John McClung, Coal Island, Ireland. 5-3 Abraham McClung, b. about 1858; 1631 S. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. m. Margaret Jane Humphreys. Don- egal, Ireland. Two children, viz. : 1-4 Barney McClung, b. about 1893. 2-4 Owen McClung, b. about 1895. McClung Genealogy. 257 THE DUBLIN McCLUNCS. 1-1 MR. McOLUNG. Lived in Ireland, m. Three children, viz. : 1-2 ROBERT McCLUNG, b. in Ireland. Wholesale dealer in dry goods. Address: 41 Tates Ave., Belfast, Ire- land, m. Miss Kerr. 2-2 REV. WILSON McCLUNG, b. in Ireland. Lived once in Galway, Ireland, where he had a position the duties of which required him to describe the convicts of the prison. Later he lived at Dublin. He and his wife are now devoting their entire time to evangelistic work. When last heard of they were conducting meetings in Portedown, Ireland, m. Annie Kerr. 3-2 (A SON) McCLUNG. Was in the British Army in India. Was discharged on account of ill health. He was supposed to have had consumption. Came home to Ireland, and by a rigid course of physical culture he regained his health and returned to the army in India, about 1901. THE NEW JERSEY McGLUNGS. 1-1 SAMUEL McOLUNG. B. 1775; d. 1865, in Tassagh, County Armagh, Ireland; m. Eliza A'lacNara. One child, viz. : 1-2 JAMES McCLUNG, b. 1808; d. 1869, in Armagh, Ireland, m. Esther Kirk, b. 1816; d. 1850. 1-3 Samuel McClung, b. 1846; m. address: Tassagh, Ire- land. 2-3 Thomas John McClung, b.in Ireland in 1849. Em- igrated to America in 1868. Soap manufacturer. Address: 168 Randolph Ave., Jersey City, N. J. m. Esther Kirk, b. 1846. Three children, viz.: 1-4 William James McClung, b. 1873 ; d. 1873. 2-4 Esther Eliza McClung, b. 1874; d. 1874. 3-4 Eliza Jane McClung, b. Apr. 28, 1876; m. Feb. 22, 1897, Charles Sumner Conway, b. Nov. 21, 1875. Address: 168 Randolph Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Two children, viz.: 1-5 Esther Kirk Conway, b. July 23, 1898. 2-5 William John Conway, b. Dec. 16, 1901. 3-3 David McClung, b. 1855; d. 1898. 4-3 James McClung, b. 1857. Address: Portedown, Ire- land, m. Eliza Gilland. 5-3 Agnes McClung, b. 1859; m. Robert Crozer. Ad- dress, Portedown, Ireland. INDEX. 259 INDEX OF NAMES. Abart 220 Abbot 21 Adams.. ..50, 59, 119, 211, 255 Agnew ' 236 Albert 145 Alderson.. 149, 150, 160, 168, 171, 197 Alexander. .13, 14, 19, 39, 40, 41, 84, 87, 102, 109, 110, 146, 227 Allen 90, 92, 117, 149 Allison 41, 59 Amick 161, 173, 182, 183 Anderson. .12, 29, 32, 81. 124, 144, 167, 207, 217, 230 Andrew 106 Angell 52 Anglin 187 Applegate 120 Arbuekle 143, 202 Armentrout 188 Armsted 60 Armstrong 118,256 Arthur 210, 211 Atkins 127 Atkinson 127, 229 Aiilt 33 Bailes 177 Bailey 217 Baird 16 Baker 96, 118, 223 Balard 32 Baldwin 13. 74 Ballentine 114 Banks 118, 223 Banning 126 Barbe 234 Barclay 47, 103 Barker 38, 233 Barnes 112, 246 Barr 248 Barron 55 Bartholomew 113 Barton 16, 35, 247 Bash 127 Bassett 252 Bates 168 Baxter 37 Beal 58, 214, 219 Beale 100 Bear 188 Beard 67, 68, 184 Bearden 38 Beare 5g Beatty " ."." \\ 207 Beaty ng Beauchamp 241 Beck V.32i 243 Beckert iqi Beckner 155 Bedell 243 Bedwell ] 212 Beeson 65 Beets 159, igg Beggs 15 Bell.. ..25, 56, 84, 110, 146, 252 Benedict 113 Benson 22 Bently 124 Bennett 199, 2OO Berger 238 Berkeley 26 Berry 102, 143 Bevels 225 Bibb 169 Biegler 90 Bierne 193 Bird 73 Billingslea 206 Bishop 228 Bivens 141 Black 99, 139, 177, 204 Blackburne 228 Blackwood 123 Blair 106. 192 Blake 140 Blakely 245 Blanchard 219 Bohlander 121 Bollar 154, 183 Bolles 216 Bonaparte 244 Bond 191, 219 Bonham 198 Boone 44, 144, 206 Booth 32 Boothe 211 Booton 189 Borden 18 Bostwick 59 Bourland 192. 193 Bowen 28 Boyle 250 Brabson 40 Braddock 112 Bradford 15 '260 INDEX. Bragg 165 Bratton 189 Brelsford 105 Brenzel 248 Brewer 207 Brewster 230 Bridges 229 Bright 102, 143, 147, 148 Brinkley 189 Brock 149, 226 Broofman 163, 176 Brooks 239 Brown.. 9, 16, 18, 19, 53, 75, ..77, 84, 108, 123, 221, 224, 256 Browning 90, 91 Brownlee 18,148 Bruce 5 Bruner 56 Bryant 179, 204 Bryce 240 Bryson 236 Buchanan 112, 123,242 Buckner 27 BufTenbarger 234 Buford 10, 43 Bunchj 30 Burch 207 Burdett 139, 203 Biirdette 175 Burk 195 Burke 250 Burkhardt 78 Burnes 199 Burns 119, 181, 189, 250 Burr.. 161, 165, 169, 183, 185, 186 Burry 80 Burt 228 Burton 42 Butler 229, 231 Byers 25, 143, 146 Caley 59 Caldwell 160, 199 Calhoun 122 Callaghan 186 Callahan 16 Callison..l53, 154, 158, 160, ..171, 173, 177, 178, 182, 200 Calloway 65 Calvert 53 Calvin 223 Cameron 104,107 Campbell.. 20, 30, 63, 84, 113, 114, 238, 248 Cann 43 Gannon 227 Carlisle 115,121 Carmack Ill Carr 10 Carrol.. 1.. 256 Carson 71 Carter 223 Caruthers 11, 20 Casscday 15 Caul 157 Cavana 237 Cavendish.. ..170, 171, 178,200 Cavener. 239 Cawood 57 Chamberlain 28, 79 ClTambers 247 Champ 164, 166, 168,169 Chandler 77 Chantler 237 Chapman 22, 120,175 Charlton .... 237 Cheatham 174 Cheney 115 Chenoweth 6,0 Cherrington 205 Chesebrough 216 Chester 207 Cheuveront 58 Childs 80 Chittenden 118 Clapp 231 Clark.. ..75, 116, 128, 242,243 Clay 95 Clavton 55 Cleland 43, 230, 231 Clibborne 166 Clinkscales 229 Cloyd 77, 79 Clutter 184 Cobb 37 Cocks 52, 53, 205 Coe 119 Coffee 92, 93 Cole 104, 157 Coleman 91, 118, 169. 242 Collins 16 Combs 202 Condon 40 Conklin 118 Conkling 120 Conway 257 Cook.. 41, 65, 70, 108, 128, 1.74, 175, 197 Cookman 186 Code 209 Coones 76 Cooper 16, 24 Conway 114 Copeland 122, 192 Copley 36 INDEX. 261 Cornwallis 190 Cottle 204, 205 Cover 128 Cowan 27, 40, 54, 115 Cox 101, 111, 150 Crabtree Ill Craft 160 Craig 49, 72, 191 Cramer 245 Crane.. ..22, 23, 154, 173, 174 Crantz 126 Crawford. .189, 192, 193, 197, 200, 202,' 242, 250, 256 Creigh 150 Crewer 115 Critchlpy 175 Crookshanks 173 Cross 176 Crow 67 Crowder 52 Crozer 257 Crump 147 Culter 73 Culver 53 Cumberlin 79 Cummins 48, 192 Cunningham.. 20, 25, 48, 125, 256 Currie 256 Curry 72, 85, 196 Daisy 127 Dannel 189 Dare 209 Darner Daubenspeck 113, 183 Davidson 108 Davis.. 31, 81, 119, 150, 180, 226, 238, 247 Dawson 21 Day 18 Dayhuff 212 Deaderick 30 Dean 19^, 204 Dearing 185 D^earmond 156 DeBlie-dx ' .. .,114 Deem 195 DeGalb 244 Deitz.. ..165, 167, 170, 173, 181 Dempsey 160 Denel 120 Denison. 44 Dickenson 183 Dickson 154, 1S7. 202 Die 168 Diggs 115 Dingee 100 Cismukes ..34, 35 Dixon 183 Dodrell 15^ Dodson 225 Dolin 176 Donald 101 Donaldson 74 Donnally 145, 201 Donnell 20 Dooly 162 Dorsey 102, 160, 181 Dougherty 10 Doughty 217 I Douglas 25. 78, 154 Doyle 197 Drake 32, 75, 80 Draper 220 Drummons 222 Drydesdale 178 Dunbar 140, 152 Dungan 209 Dunlap 57, 122 Dunn 234 Dunsmore 147 DuRant 109 Eachus 246 Eagle 167, 186 ! Eakin 50 I Earhart 189 ' Eastburn 237 I Easter 174 ! Easfon 125 i Echols 109, 110. 202 ! Eckert 22 ; Eckman 21 , Edmonson 149 1 Edwards 219 i Elliott 123, 201 i Ellis 193 I EllswoTth 120 Emerick 120, 186 Endsley 222 Engram 38 Ei5till 202 Ettinger 220 Evan 244 Evans.. 56, 74, 75, 160. 161, .. ..162, 163, 164, 165. 170, 173 Ewing 30, 123, -41 Eye 155 Failing 40 Fails 253. 2r,1 Fall 27 Farley l^ Farmer G4. 79 Fawcett 1^8 Feamster..l43, 148, 153. 196, ... .198, 199' 262 INDEX. Fearn 219 Ferguson 39 Ferran 244 Ferren 51, 52 Flndley 228 Finley 149, 202 Fisher 105, 209 Fitzwater 152, 167 Fleming 106 Fogle 241 Ford 75, 169, 212, 241 Forsythe 86 Foster 72, 85 Fox 113 Francisco 38 Fremont 216 French 83 Friday 251 Fry 228 Fryer 12 Fugett 209 Fullwider 185 Fulton 255 Funderbark 33 Furgeson 217 Gall 213 Gamble 63, 244 Gambell 85 Gardner.. .. „ 27 Garfield 216 Garrett 29, 227, 228 Garrison 233 Gaskell 216 Gass 152 Gast 23 Gaston 241 Gay 195 Geddes 253 George 63, 122, 124, 196 Gibbins 39 Gibbs 183 Gibson 47, 199, 228 Gilbert 161 Gilchrist 235 Gilkerson 103 Gilland 257 Gillem 40 Gillespie 39 Gillilan 146,183, 184,200 Gilliland 67, 68 Gilmore 256 Given 40, 194 Glass 71 Gleaves 59 Glenn 77 Gober 230 Goff 139 Goodlander 16 Gordon 105 Gossler 22 Gould 56 Grace 128 Graham.. ..15, 18, 59, 117, 211 Graves 84 Gray 10, 18. 46, 112, 248 Green 29, 112 Greenhill 228 Greenup 87 Greer 62, 66, 71, 251 Gregg 23, 121 Greser 169 Griffiths 71 Griggs 255 Gross 204 Groves.. 139, 146, 151, 152, 2u4, 205 Guinn 114, 157 Gusiin 207 Gwin 189 Haddox 25 Hagerty 172 Hainan 213 Hair 34 Hale.. ..63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 86 Hall 39, 180 Halstead 165, 170 Halsey Halterman 211 Hamilton.. 47, 90, 114, 146,235 Hammer 60 Hammons 231 Hanley 186 Harker 81 Hanna 44, 256 Hannah.. ..70, 109, 146, 152, 197 Hare 206, 208 Harkn^ss 218 Harlan 78, 217 Harlow 234 Harner 143 Harrah 144 Harrel 210 Harris 68, 175 Harrison 36, 50 Hartford 209 Hartley 78 Hartman 101, 108 Harvey 122 Hastings 208 Hathaway 80 Hatten 210 Hawkins 169 Hawthorn 223 Hayes 64, 122, 196 INDEX. 263 Haynes 222 Hayslette 165 Heald 219 Heartsill 62 Heaster ib9 Heath 63. 198 Hedges .184 Hedrick 144, 157 Headrick 168 Heiser 99, 180 Heiskell 31, 57 Helms 155 Henderson.. ..80, 117, 192,216 Hendricks 169 Hendrickson 163,169 Henegar 40 Henley 35 Henry 16, 71 Henry III 35 Henton 143 Hempsted 211 Hepler 141, 159 Hereford 149, 152 Herold 153, 204 Herring 223 Hershey 22 Hess 160, 171 Hewitt 223 Hickman 215 Hicks 64 Hickox 119 Hill 86, 195, 209, 223 Hillman 127 Hilton 227 Hindman 113 Hiner 191 Hinkle 149, 201 Hinton 174 Hite 44 Hixon 63 Hixson 212 Hobart 187 Hobson 24 Hodge 167 Hoff 141 Hogue 223 Holdridge 255 Holland 17, 119, 147, 253 Hollister 181 Holly 172 Hooper 164 Hopper 124 Hoptengardner 219 Horner 79 Horton 227 Houston. .7, 15, 50, 58, 63, 71, 72, 107 Hotchkiss 215 Howard.. ..35, 36, 41, 6-t, 66, 188 Howe 6 Hoyt 78 Hudson 84 Huff 38, 176 Huffstutler 66 Hugart 146 Hughes 210 Humes 34, 153, 185 Humphreys 67,256 Hundley 198 Hunley 185 Hunt 182 Hunter 41 Hurley 232 Hutson 80 Huyck 208 Hyde 146 Inmon 56 Irvine 101 Irwin 246 Isabel 85 Isbell 230 Iseminger 119 Jackson 27, 33, 96, 212 Jacobs 250 Jacques 126 James 226, 244, 245 Jarrett 144 Jenks 108 Jenkins 65 Jefferson 87 Jeffries 179 Johnson.. 33, 38, 60, 71, 96, 196, 198, 210, 211, 220, 227, 230, 235, 252 Johnston.. ..35, 53, 72, 89, 156 Johnstone 231 Jones.. 21, 35, 36, 82, 100, 170 171, 174, 182, 220, 254 Jordan 107, 156, 208 Joyce 223 Kane 242 Kauffman 23, 24 Kearns 147 Keller 33 Kelly 64 Kelso 16 Kendall 14. 207 Kennedy 119- 224 Kenney 1^6 Kern ^^ Kerr 102, 109, 257 Kightlinger 254 Kilpatrick 243 Kincade 113, 183 264 INDEX. Kincaid 187, 189, 195, 240 King 149, 212 Kinneair 14, 105 Kinney 113 Kirlv 257 Kirshner 234 Kitterman 77 Knapp 78, 196 Knight 78, 185 Knox 5 Koiner 190 Koontz 150 Krider 220 Kyle 13, 102 Laney 222 Lang 8, 188, 247 Langston 225 Lanliam 127 Larew 98 Laughlin 116 Lawson 24 Layne 143 Leach 122, 144 Learaan 21 Lee 23, 33, 139, 235, 236 Leffingwell 112 Legg 160, 163, 201 Leggs 170 Lelar 237 Lemon 191, 224 Leslie 244 Lesourd 207 Letcher 15, 46 Lewis 51, 121, 177, 237 Liggett 166 Likens 171 Lilly 150 Lindsay 250 Lincoln 216 Lineaweaver 22 Linn 42 Linville 231 Lipscomb 189 Lite] 121, 122 Lithgow 14 Littell 190 Little 231 Littlefleld 27 Litton 212 Littlepage 203 Lloyd 161 Lockhart 125, 128 Lockie 253 Logan 70 Long 8 Longshore 230 Lett 54, 59, 255 Luncford 202 Lung 8 Lupton 214, 219, 220 Lusher 144 Lutzenburg 244 Lyle..l0 11, 13, 19, 20, 43, 46, 48, 71, 76, 101, 233 Lyles 52, 53 McBath 60, 70 McBride 106, 226 McCabe 207, 245 McCall 226 MeCalvert Ill McCaramon 124,212 McCarrell 10 McCartney.. ..116. 117, 118, 121 McCaslin 68 McCasline 69 McCaulie 223 McChesney 14 McClain 211 McClanahan 85, 193,201 McClaren 244 McClean 8 McClemchan 146 i McClintick 148, 184 McClintock.. ..113, 177, 185, 187 McCloskey 255 McCLUN. Absalom Bailey 217 Addison 219 Adelbert 215 Adelbert Hickman 216 Almira A 217 Caroline Hickman 216 Charles Bolles 216 Charlie 218 Cynthia 215, 217 David 221 David Lupton 219 Edward 219 Edward Adelbert 217 Eli J 218 Eliza Ann 219 Elizabeth 214 Elizabeth 221 Elizabeth Ellen 217 Elisha Harkness 218 Elmira Harkness 219 Esther Evans 219 Evangeline 220 Fannie Sunderland 218 Frank Bridges 219 Frank Garfleld 220 George 221 Hannah 215, 219, 221 INDEX. 265 McCLUN. Hannah Harkness Huldah Isaac 214, 215, Isaac Brincker Isaac Perkins James James H John 214, 215, John Edward John Edward, Judge.. .. Jonathan Joseph 216, Joseph Beal Laurah Bell Laura Viola Leah Louisa Lillie Viora Lloyd Archer Lydia 215, 21G, Major Edward Margaret Margaret J Martha Martha Beal . . Martha L Mary 214, 215, Mary Bell Nathan 214, Nettie Neal Paul Rachel 215, 216, Rachel Ann Rebecca Robert K Robert Kile, Rev Sarah 219, Susan Thomas..?, 213, 214, 217, 218, Thomas Jefferson William William (of John) William Edwin. . . William W William Webster., Yardly Benjamin. 218 1 221 I 221 i 218 ; 215 j 221 217 i 219 218 218 220 219 215 j 219 ' 220 ; 217 I 220 ! 220 219 ! 219 ■ 2xJ ! 217 215 ' 220 I 221 221 ! 218 I 219 ! 218 221 : 219 217 217 ii9 218 221 221 219 218 215 220 216 218 215 221 McCLUNG. Abigail.. ..152, 154, 171, 174 Abigail Ann 162 Abigail Caroline.. ..157,173 Abigail Dickenson 154 Abigail Dickinson 177 Abraham 256 Absalom 218 McCLUNG. Absalom B 218 Ada 174, 201 Adaline 176 Adam 209, 211, 249 Ada Maybelle 163 Adah Beall 59 Adah Elizabeth 243 Adaniram 164 Adaniram Judson, Rev... 162, 168, 170 Ada Virgilee 141 Addie 128 Addie Jane 179 Addie Patton 20:5 Addison 188 Adelaide 105, 199 Adelas 207 Adelia bl Adelia Rachel 141 Adeline 128 Adeline Poage 193 Adelia Maria 159 Adolphus 177 Agatha Estill 202 Agnes.. ..13, 15, 18, 169, 257 Agnes Leslie 244 Agnes Antoinette 237 Agnes Amarintha 223 Agnes McClanahan 193 Agnes Doe 135 Agnew 164 Alban 177 Albert 12 Albert 132 Albert 195 Albert 196 Albert 197 Albert Ernest 234 Albert Gallatin. Sr 168 Albert Gallatin, Jr 168 Alljert 175 Albert Sidney Johnston.. 90 Albert Stewart 33 Alberta Virginia 90 Albina 155 j Alden 166 [ Alderson 168 Alexander 177 Alexander 168 Alexander 166 Alexander 162 I Alexander "*^"* j Alexander 246 1 Alexander 256 I Alexander 255 266 INDEX. McCLUNG. Alexander 255 Alexander 253 Alexander 250 Alexander- 142 Alexander 30 Alexander 144 Alexander 146 Alexander (Bake) 154 Alexander (Bake).. ..142,178 Alexander C .. 74 Alexander (Curly) 200 Alexander (Curly).. ..139, 158 Alexander (Grizzly) . . . . 156 Alexander. Jr. (Little Alex.) 173 Alexander, Jr (Little Alex.) 157, 158 Alexander, Sr. (Grizzly).. 173 I Alexander (of Alex.).. .. 246 1 Alexander, Rev 181 Alexander Keith.. 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Alexander Y\'augh 125 Alexander Waugh 127 Alfonso 174 Alfred Cookman 207 Alfred Kenna 155 Alice 199 Alice 226 Alice 227 Alice 117 Alice 168 Alice Adaline 176 1 Alice E 106 1 Alice Gertrude 74 [ Allen 150 j Allen 198 Allen C 172 Allen, Col 141 j Allen, Col 179 Allen, Col 159 Allen, Col 198 [ Allen Howard 159 Allie 180 ! Allie 183 j Allie Chambers 205 Allie Prances 201 I Allie J 196 I Alma • .... 104 j Alma 159 ; Alma H 113 j Almira 210 ; Alonzo 116 Alonzo Hansford 86 , Alpheus Paris 202 McCLUNG. Alpheus Paris, Capt. . . . 143 Alpheus Paris (Capt. Dod) 147 Alpheus Brooks 147 Alvaro 174 Alvin 180 Alvin (of Leander) 180 Alvin Junius 190 Alvira 127 Alzona 199 Amanda 160 Amanda 166 Amanda 170 Amanda 224 Amanda 213 Amanda 199 Amanda 193 Am?.nda 183 Amanda 179 Amanda 168 Amanda Abigail 68 Amanda Abigail 166 Amanda Alice 159 Amanda Melvina 79 Amanda Park 29 Amanda Susan 157 Amelia Charlton 237 Amia Lucinda 166 Amos 164 Amos 176 Amos James 117 Anderson 205 Andrew 200, 201 Andrew 204 Andrew 227 Andrew 52 Andrew 58 Andrew Alexander 102 Andrew Baker 58 Andrew Buren 205 Andrew Cavendish (Brag) 172, 173 Andrew Cavendish (Brag) 157 Andrew Cavendish (Grig) 179 Andrew Cavendish (Moc- casin) 171 Andrew Cavendish (Brag) 180 Andrew Cavendish (Moc- casin) 181, 182 Andrew Cavendish (Moc- casin) 205 Andrew Clayton 180 Andrew Craig 56 Andrew Crawford 191 Andrew Charlton 181 Andrew Davis 205 INDEX. 267 McCLUNG. Andrew Hutchinson (Cloth) 139. 158 Andrew J 195 Andrew, Maj 192 Andrew Michael 205 Andrew Marshall 180 Andrew Morton 179 Andrew Tinsley 162 Andrew Wesley 173 Angeline 155 Angeline 156 Angeline Eugenia 114 Ann 114 Ann 118 Ann 45 Ann 233 Ann 243 Ann 244 Ann 256 Ann Miarie 98 ' Anna 149 j Anna 248 Anna Eliza 135 Anna Harrison 135 : Anna Deane 136 j Anna Eliza 85 ' Anna Gertrude 100 i Anna Marie 91 [ Anna Maria 91 Anna Minerva 115 Anna Matilda 85 Anna Nash 141 Anna Porter 58 Annetta 128 j Annette Louise 98 Annie 246 i Annie 15 1 Annie 42 I Annie 213 Annie 226 j Annie 227 | Annie 245 ' Annie Bel"l 110 ! Annie C 198 Annie Dee 28 Annie E 210 Annie Elizabeth 148 Annie Lee 186 Annip Lou 200 Annie Parsons 32 Annie Parsons '(of Wil- liam P.) 32 Annie Ruffner 186 Anthony 255 Anthony. 149 McCLUNG. Anthony 154 Archibald. .100, 101, 104, 108, 109 Archibald Stuart 103 Archie 151 Argie 228 Aria Ruth 190 Arminta, C 174 Arminta Catherine 168 Arthur 152 Arthur M. Snowden 157 Arnett 149 Arihur 135, 250 Arthur Alva 119 Arthur Barbe 234 Arthur Henderson, Jr. . . . 33 Arthur Henderson,' Sr.. .. 33 Arthur P 108 Arthur Watts 56 Artia Regina 99 Ashbell Green, Judge. ... 59 Ashbell Green, Sr 55 Ashbell Green, Jr 55 Audie Pearl 60 Augustus Brown 203 Augustus Dudley 114 Augustus Samuel 203 Aurelia Douglas 100 Aurelia Essex 29 Austin Alexander 203 Avonia 198 Baldwin Hufty 237 Banzesa 140 Barbra Ellen 126 Barksdale 180 Barney 212, 256 Beatrice 172 Beauregard 168,204 Benjamin 255 Benjamin Franklin. .80, 98, 99, 102, 159, 234 Benjamin Sharp 246 Benjamin Stuart 99 Benjamin Stuart. Col.. .. 98 Belle 23.-^, 236 Bernard 185 Bert Morrow Garfield. Dr. 126 Bertha 100 Bertha Annie 163, 165 Bertha May 254 Bertha R 17 Bertha Virgil 178 Bessie 55. 172. 182. 229 Bessie Ervin 200 Bessie Ewing 101 268 INDEX. McCLUNG. Bessie Lelia 166 Bessie Leota 151 Bessie Martin 33 Bessie Maud 254 Bessie Maud 157 Betsy 132, 183 Betsy Jones 33 Bettie 169, 232, 233 Bettie Brooks 110 Bettie Houston 86 Bettie Jane 199 Bettie Malinda 102 Beulah 231 Beulah Jane 56 Bird 187 Birdie 29 Biddie Jane 157 Blanche 39 Blanche Marie 77 Blanche S. Heiskell.. .. 58 Boajtwright 174 Bollar 183. 184 Brady 127 Buren Harvey 204 Burgess 243 Burley 176 Burilla 176 Burtls W 121 Burton Buchanan 169 Buster 169 Byron 183 Byron Egan 199 Caleb 209 Caleb Watts 160, 163 Calvin 53, 201, 226 Calvin Asbury 225 Calvin Leander 226 Calvin Morgan.. ..27, 28, 37 Calvin Morgan, Jr 27 Calvin Stickley 157 Cavendish 182, 183 Camilla 223 Callie Jane 197 Carl 162 Carl Erskine 182 Carl Hartman 108 Carl Raymond 176 Carl Russell 62 Carlie Alfred 180 Carrol 170 Cary Ann 166 Caroline.. ..57, 80, 171,193 Caroline Alethea 197 Carrie 201 Carrie Graham 61 McCLUNG. Carrie Lee 188 Carrie May 241 Cary 158 Carter Barnard 51 Cassandra 131 Cassie 201 Catherine .. 21, 120, 142, . . ..149, IGl, 171, 212, 241 Catherine Bird 74 Catherine E 119 Catherine Florence 181 Cecil 160 Cecil Brent 114 Charles.. 8, 20, 21, 33, 42, 113, 125, 142, 143, 146, 149, 166, 173 179, 187, 205, 226, 229, 239, 247, 255 Charles A. (Die).. ..174 201 Charles Agnew 236 Charles Alexander.. ..38, 39 Charles Alfred, Sr 237 Charles Alfred, Jr 237 Charles Allen, Rev 169 Charles Andrew 197 Charles B 136 Charles Beale 100 Charles Beale, Jr 101 Charles Bostwick.. .... 59 Charles Campbell.. .... 84 Charles Campbell, Jr.. .. 85 Charles, Capt 112 Charles, Col 24 Charles Claudius 199 Charles Dennie 143 Charles E 121 Charles Edward . . . . 119, 178 ; Charles Elery 198 • Charles Erskin 180 Charles French 134 Charles Frederick, Jr.. .. 120 Charles Frederick, Sr. . . . 120 Charles Grraham 59 Charles Haden 176 Charles Henry, Col.. 198, 199 Charles Hartman 134 Charles Hartman, Jr.. .. 134 Charles Harvey 137 Charles Hervey 74 Charles Houston 52 Charles Hugh 39 Charles Hultz 114 Charles James 27, 28 Charles James, Jr 29 Charles L 120 INDEX. 269 McCLUNG. Charles I^e 188 Charles Lester 167 Charles Lewis (Grig).. .. ..155, 157, 178, 179, 199 Charles Lewis, Jr 179 Charles Livingston 80 Charles Loraine 16 Charles Lyl€S 53 .Charles Marshall 151 Charles Mitchell 200 Charles 199 Charles Paris 146,186 Charlrs Pleas 30 Charles Ray 119 Charles Rice 186 Charles Ruff ner 152 Charles S 119 Charles Sterrett 102 Charles Stuart (Jeff) . . , . 195 Charles T 16 Charles Taylor 205 Charles Wallin 234 Charles Warrington.. .. 207 Charles Washington . . . . 247 Charles, William.. 30, 113, 203, 247 Charles William (Fox).. 143 Charles William, Rev. (Good) 161, 164 Charlea Winfield.. ..120,121 Charles (of Chas.) . . . .33, 1 1 2 1''7 Charles (Good) .' 144 Charles (of James) . .112, 129 Charles (of Joseph H.).. 228 Charles (Straw) 192 Charles (of Lewis) 128 Charles (of Matthew) 112, 242 Charles (of Judge Will- iam.) 133 Charles (of John).. ..131, 132 Charity 207, 208 Charity Hair 130 Charlotte 120, 207,253 Charlotte Grace 254 Charlotte J 87 Chester 171, 228 Chilton 171 Chislam Jasper 227 Chloe 208, 209 Chloe Edna. . . 78 Chloe Morgan 184 Chris 183 Christina 119 Christine McGahey 190 McCLUNG. Claihorne Rector 58 Clara 114, i;jO Clara Alice 254 Clara Augusta 77 Clara Belle 115 Clara La Reine 114 Clara Lillian 251 Clarence 175 Clarence Alraeson 7-1 Clarence Erwin 80 Clarence Milton 62 Clarence Reamer 191 Clarence Washington.. .. 197 Clarence Springston.. .. 163 Clark 179 Clark Brown 157 Claude 59 Claude Gilmer 176 Claudius Reece 231 Cleo Myrtle 198 Cleora 152 Clinton Brooks 169 Clowny Vincent 174 Cloyd 80, 81 Cloyd Trout 78 Clyde 59, 101, 150, 228 Coffman 204 Colonel 130 Colonel Handley 175 Colonel Samuel (Hinton) 176 Connelly Trigg 38 Cornelia Ann 151 Cornelia E 107 Cornelius Miller. .156, 157, 172 Cora 158, 201, 234 Cora Bell 217 Cora Jane 184 Cora May 51 Corrie Yetta 38 Cowan 54, 55, 56 Crawford 189 Crosby 162 Cunningham HI Curtis Alexander 168 Curtis Cecil 162 Curley Pleasant.. ..178,199 Cynthia 76, 144, 197 Cynthia Lillie 166 Cynthia Louisa 169 Cyrus 181 Cvrus Hyde 146 Cyrus Rupert 174. 201 Daisy 142, 187 Daisy Pearl 155 Dallas Lee 99 270 INDEX. McCLUNG. Daman Lester 175 Dana Lee 83 Daniel 209, 210 Daniel M 207 Daniel Murray 163 David.. 114 132, 151, 189, .. ..226, 230, 248, 253. 257 David (of Hugh) Ill David (of Charles) 133 David (of James).. ..79, 80 David A 134 David Addison 80 David Albert 134 David Albert, Rev 136 David Bradie Mitchell.. .. 31 David Brainerd 103 David Deaderick 30 David E 212 David Gwin 189, 190 David J 22 David Lee 135 David Lofton 179 David M 224 David, Rev.. ..227, 228, 229 David Simmons 190 David Waddle, Col 135 David William 254 Dawn Ladula 175 Dayton 168 Delilah 150 Delia Arbanis 175 Delia Virginia 223 Dennie 62 Dennie Fleetwood 201 Dennis Allen 151 Dennis Hyde 147 Dcnvin Cecil 181 Dessie Blanch 185 Dewie 226 Diantha A 113 Dickson.. ..147, 149, 152. 186 Dickinson 152, 186 Don 54 Donald Cyrus 141 Donnie 155 Dora 150 Dora 1 120 Dorcas Anna 161 Dorsey 54 Dickinson Carpenter, Sr., Dr 163, 164, 170 Dickinson Carpenter. Jr. . 165 Dickinson Clark, Sr.. 162, 166 Dickinson Clark, Jr. . . . 163 Draper 169 McCLUNG. Dwight 156 Dyer 150 Earl 17, 208, 227 Earl Alexander 248 Earl Monroe 56 Earnest Alexander 141 Eastman C 119 Eddie 209 Edgar 228 Edgar Maynard 198 Edgar Monroe 55 Edgar Neal 191 Edgar Willson 98 Edith M 120 Edith May 106 Edith Murray 236 Edith Randolph 190 Edna 155, 227 Edna Browning 237 Edna Harlan 100 Edna Leona 108 Edna May 128 Edna Price 241 Edward.. 52, 129 138, 140, 142, 144, 158, 180, 186, 204, 205, 241 Edward (Little Ned) 182, 204 Edward (Muddy Creek Ned) 144 Edward A 205 Edward Ann 158 Edward Gilmer 145 Edward Moore 147 Edward Madison 197 Edward Marion 200 Edward Smith, Rev. . . . 141 Edwin 159 Edwin Chester 170 Edwin J 245 Edwin Leslie 114 Edwy Blain 156 Effie Morris 144 Effie Pearl 200 Eileen 53 Elasta 164 Eldora Susan 201 Eleanor 104, 147, 186 Eleanor Estelle 85 Eleanor Withrow 103 Electa 211 Elias 225 Elijah Robert 174, 201 Elijah Warren 226 Eliza.. 14, 74, 182, 198, 212, 220, 228 INDEX. 271 McCLUNG. ( Eliza Ann 43 ! Eliza C 193 Eliza Houston 16 ' Eliza Jane.. 101, 166, 197, 253, 257 Eliza Raymond 201 | Eliza Morgan.. ..28, 29, 33 Elizabeth.. 14, 20, 22, 73, ! 79, 87, 90, 104, 113, 118, I 129 130, 132, 137, 142, i 150, 152, 153, 173, 180, 1 181, 183, 195, 198, 208, j 209, 236, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 252 j Elizabeth A 104 Elizabeth Abigail 161 Elizabeth Adelaid 166 Elizabeth Ada 177 Elizabeth Agnes 177 Elizabeth Ann 143,147 Elizabeth B 80 Elizabeth Bell 55 Elizabeth Campbell 14 Elizabeth Caroline 69 Elizabeth Catherine.. .. 203 Elizabeth Creigh 203 Elizabeth D 193 Elizabeth Ellen 177 Elizabeth Edna 205 Elizabeth Euphemia. . . . 62 Elizabeth Genoa 197 Elizabeth Hillard 247 Elizabeth Isabella 99 Elizabeth Jane 187, 201 Elizabeth Janette 132 Eliz;abeth Katharine. . . . 196 Elizabeth May 75 Elizabeth Matilda 230 Elizabeth McCue. . ..152, 186 Elizabeth Moore.. ..143,148 Elizabeth Poague 98 Elizabeth Power Waiigh.. 125 Elizabeth Rachel 141 Elizabeth Trigg 38 Elizabeth V. J 12 Elizabeth Wallace 78 Elizabeth Wicks 236 Elizabeth Wilson 109 Ella.. 155, 205, 222. 224, 228, 256 Ella Belle 14 Ella Boud 184 Ella Elizabeth 234 Ella Jane 164 Ella Mabel 128 McCLUNG. Ella May 54 Ella Rosetta 141,200 Ellen.. ..39, 147, 250, 253, 256 Ellen Brov/n 107 Ellen Christy 30 Ellen Dora 177 Ellen Marshall 29 Ellena 181 Elliot 180 Elliott Spottswood.. ..31, 32 Ellis Alderson 161 Elmer 53, 180, 200 Elmer Burn 179 Elmira 163 Elmyra Magdalene 165 Elsie 101, 226 Elsie Bird 140 Elsie Roberta 248 Elsie Sarah 247 Elson Morris 155 Elvira E 13 Elvira Jane 223 Elzada Jane 170 Ember Enna 159 Emeline 73, 228 Emeline B 113 Emery Eagle 167, 181 Emma 81, 227, 255 Emma J 1x3 Emma Jane Ib4 Emma Thompson 179 Emmert Clyde 158 Emmet 101 Emmet Rader 151 Emily 211 Emily Agnes 179 Emily Alice 162 Emily Downton 178 Emily H 74 Emily Jane 243 Emory Waugh 185 Ephraim 241 Ermor Kingston 205 Ernest ....117, 152, 160, 207 Ernest Earl 108 Ernest Kyle 146 Ernest L 100 Ernest Lincoln 198 Ernest Victor 251 Ernestine 102 Ersha Lee 205 Essex 28 Esther.. 14, 15, 109. 110, 129, 205 Esther Eliza 257 272 INDEX. McCLUNG. Esther Ellen 102 Esther Jane 107, 252 V Estill 162 Estell Harris 109 Estella Ivena 234 Estella May 155 Ethel 128, 227 Ethel Eugenia 151 Etta 56, 61 Etta Beulah 167 Etta Florida 167 Etta May 200 Etta Ruth 161 Eugene Wilson 188 Eugenia 152 Eulalia 174 Eunice Roberta 190 Euphemia 49, 50 Euphemia Jane 69 Eva Gem 108 Eva L 189 Evaline 238 Eveline Jane 176 Everett F 195 Everitt De Witt 188 Everett 176 Everest 167 Eva Cannon 12 Eva Moffett 100 Ewell J 226 Fannie 171, 181, 250 Fannie Ann 161 Fannie B 121 Felix 160 Felix McConnell.. ,.110,111 Fielding 152, 186 Finley Wallace 99 Finns, Rev 228 Flora 180, 201 Flora Dickson 185 Florence 119, 158, 243 Florence America 169 Florence Elizabeth . . 134, 202 Florence M 121 Florence May 32 Florence Nightingale.. .. 200 Flossy May Susanna.. .. 169 Floyd 162. 172 Floyd Miller 169, 170 Forest Aimer 99 Frances 149 Frances Isabelle 236 Frances Violet 191 Francis.. ..110, 111, 170,208 Francis Barclay, Col.. .. 103 McCLUNG. Francis Catherine 199 Francis Marion 198 Francis William 103 Frank.. 30, 111, 224, 246, 250, 255 Frank Armstrong 32 Frank Edward 119 Frank F 152 Frank H 120 Frank Lee 14, 110 Frank Points 103 Frank Vincent 17 Frank Wait 185 Frankie Mabel 149 Franklin.. 104, 148, 172, 186, 226 Franklin Henry 28 Franklin Poe 183 Franklin Tomlin 74 Fred 140, 248 Fred Chandler 77 Freddie Nicholas 51 Frederick 149, 209 Frederick Agassiz 75 Frederick Brenzel 248 Frederica 255 Fuller 169 Garnette Blanche 114 Gaze 224 Geeter 182 General Davis 155, 156 General Lawton 176 Geneva 182 George.. 55, 119, 135, 149, 171, 209, 229, 234, 244, 245, 251, 252, 255 George Absalom 59 George Albert 55.106 George Alderson. .150, 160, 162 George Alva 135 George Anderson 223 George Andrew 56 George Augustus (Brutus) 170, 181 George Calvin 53 George David 160 George F 143 George Harlan, Rev. . . . 218 George Henry 81 George Henry Lawna. . .. 175 George Jasper 230 George Jeremiah 161 George Lewis 160 George M 126 George Newman.. ..163,165 INDEX. 273 McCLUNG. George Summers 347 George Vaden 176 George Wallace 1G7 George W 200 George Washington 51, G*), ll•'> Lena Eather 204 Lena Jane 150 Lena Mae 223 Lenard Jamison 224 Lenius Estill 1-"i9 Lenius Miller 157 Lenna ^^ Lenora 158. 226 278 INDEX. McCLUNG. Leola Ellen 156, 172 Leon E 208 Leona 176 Leona Elizabeth 239 Leona Ann 157 Leonard 170, 224, 227 Leonidas Hamlin 207 LeonidaiS Wesley 156 Leota Augusta 114 Leigh Harrison 106 Leigh, Dr 105 Leila Ocie 55 Lelia Warwick 203 Lela 228 Lela 226 Lelum Anderson 156 Lemon Andrew 178 Lemuel Houston 84 Lemuel Dickson 157 Leona 12 Le Roy 233 Leslie William 181 Lester 204 Lester McCorkle 100 Letha 165 Lethel Echols 157 Letitia 204, 205 Leva 32 Levi Parkison 163, 165 Leviro 182 Lewella Bell 198 Lewin 142 Lewis 128, 207, 222 Lewis Allen 161 I Lewis C 127 1 Lewis Edgar 158 | Lewis H 127 j Lewis Newman 151 | Lewis Watson 170 i Lewis William 128 ! Libbie 208 { Lida 197 i Lida Mills 28 j Lillie 30, 170 I Lillian 181, 245 \ Lillian Emmett 109 I Lillian Gladys 247 Lilly D 174 I Lillie Dure 157, 179 t Lillie Eugenia 223 Lillie Jane 161 Lillie Olin 167 Lillie Maude 175 Lina 212 Linkle Alderson 179 McCLUNG. Linneus Washington.. .. 159 Linus 104 Linus Anderson, Capt.. .. 103 Littell Gwin 190 Livingstone 199 Livora 165 Lizzie 128, 205, 224, 239 Lizzie Ann 204 Lizzie May 12 L. L 222 Lloyd 158 Lochard 201 Lodena C 175 Lois Minerva 190 Lola 55 Lola Eugenia 151 Lola Myrtle 177 Lona 184 Lonia Clark 166 Lonza Temple 176 Lora 232 Lorenzo Houston, Dr. . . . 177 Lottie 60 Lou 233 Louis 119, 191 Louis A 169 Louisi Alexander 254 Louis Dickinson 163 Louis Martin 191,192 Louis Osborne (Robert).. 164 Louis Putney 197 Louis Si:uart 205 Louis Wert 188 Louisa 81, 158, 231, 255 Louisa Alice 197 Louisa Ann 75 Louisa D 112 Louisa F 222 Louisa Jane 162, 168 Louisa Steele 186 Louise 211 Lowry 165 Lucy 147, 152, 180 Lucy Cowan 28 Lucy Guy 203 Lucy L 52 Lucy Virginia 184 Lucy Withrow 202 Lucile Warren 109 Lucinda Ann 205 Lucinda Davidson 148 Lucinda Davis 187 Lucinda Turner 177 Lucretia 18, 169 Lucretia Malcena 157 INDEX. McCLUNG. Luella 167, 181 Luella Catherine 156 Luddy Watson 165 Luke Samuel 231 Lula 170, 189, 225 Lula Alsadie 51 Lula Glen 180 Lula Ruth 196 Lulu .176, 243 Lulu Clark 75 Lulu Pearl 59 Lundy 229 Lunla Texia .. .. 176 Lura Georgia 167 Luraney E 222 Luther Brown 188 Luther Stanley 157 Luther Thurman 54 Lutitia 234 Luvina Jenette 157 Lydia 213 Lydia Jane 165, 172 Lydia P 243 Lyle 76 Lyle Casseday 17 M'cDuffey 164 McKinley Roosevelt.. .. 158 McTyere Marvin 141 Mabel 57 Mabel Ida 119 Mabel Frances 135 Mack 155 Maddison (Mat Bush).. 197 Madison (Mat Hinton) . . 174 Madora 169, 170 Magee 180 Maggie 150, 168, 246 Maggie Rebecca 186 Malinda K 211 Malinda Melvina 163 Mamie 152 Mamie Aurilla 128 Mamie B 16 Mamie Pauline 241 Manilla 233 Marena 162 Mark Motier 12 Maria Feam 33 Marmion Hereford 152 Marshall 169, 187 Marshall Alderson. .178, i79, 199 Marshall F 129 Marshall Gwin 190 Marshall Lee 151 McCLUNG, Marshall Wainsborough. . 190 Marvin 55 Mason Matthews .' 197 Marcus Lyle " 170 Marion Edward ! . 170 Marion Frank 119 Marvin Alfred '. ." . 175 Mason Matthews (Mase Hinton) 175 Mattie 222, 224, 226, 229 Mattie Bell 200, ''03 Mattie Lepps 203 Maude.. 119, 144, 187, 198, 201 Maud Budles 190 Maud Muller 18O Maud Myrtle 78 Maurice Kentucky 141 May 201 May Lawson 28 Martha.. 2], 37, 42, 111, 113, 128, 137, 150, 152! 154, 169, 211, 226. 230, 254 Martha A 212 Martha Alice (Addie) . . 195 Mantha Ann.. ..68 199,223 Martha B 137 Martha Elizabeth.. ..106,134 Martha Ellen 74, 75 Martha Frances 182 Martha Katheryn 126 Martha Lewis 179,203 Martha M 207 Martha Margaret 51 Martha Matilda 78 Mar:ha Waite 185 Martha J 133 Martha Jane.. ..127, 139,247 Martin 1C9 Mary.. 8. 10, 14, 15, 20. 43, 47, 62, 72, 81, 87, 100, 104, 111, 113, 115, 120. 125, 127, 149, 153, 156. 169, 171, 173, 180. 183, 187, 189. 192, 199. 204. 207, 208, 209, 210, 220, 226. 231. 232. 242, 245, ....248, 250, 252, 253, 256 Mary A.. 16, 118, 129. 242. 255 Mary Alice 14. 241 Mary Ann.. ..84, 182, 204, 205 Mary Ann Cameron.. 30, 33 Mary Ann W KM. 108 Mary Agnes 161 Mary Anna 203 Mary Bassie 189 280 INDEX. McCLUNG. Mary Belle 182 Mary Bourland 193 Mary Bowen 28 Mary Campbell 38, 85 Mary Catherine 167 Mary Chambers 236 Mary Crawford 192 Mary E 102, 113 Mary Eleanor 99 Mary Ella 98, 179, 203 Mary Ellen.. 17, 148, 186,223 Mary Eliza.. ..90, 91, 99, 151 Mary Elizabeth. .32, 58, ..141, 146, 167, 173. 189, 227 Mary Ethel 56 Mary F 16 Mary Forest 118 Mary Frances.. ..38, 163, 176 Mary Gertrude 159 Mary Houston 86 Mary Ida 230 Mary lo 182 Mary Irwin 85 Mary Jane.. 73, 77, 130, 143, 154, 162, 165, 168, 185, 202, 210, 234, 240, 248 Mary Kate 203 Mary Kathleen 256 Mary Lawson 24 Mary Lee 33 Mary Lenora 226 Mary Louisa 107 Mary Louise 73 Mary Luella 175 Mary M 143 Mary M 188 Mary Malinda 182,224 Mary Margaret. .55, 184, 191. 244 Mary Martha 188,197 Mary Matthews 187 Mary Moore 147 Mary Morton 103 Mary McChesney 14 Mary Olivia 253 Mary Paulina 81 Mary Pearl -.105,108 Mary Pleas 33 Mary Rebecca 166 Mary S 113 Mary Savilla 114 Mary Selena lS4 Mary Shelby 29 Mary Stratton 100 McCLUNG. Mary Susan 195 Mary Tate 102 Mary Thomas 160 Mary W 117 Mary Virginia 177 Mary Yarbrough 39 Margaret.. 7, 14, 15, 18, 27, 32, 53. 87, 101, 102, 104, 130, i31, 132, 134, 136, 137, 146, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155. 165, 171, 172, 184, 192, 196, 200, 208, 209, 211. 224, 242, 248, 252 Margaret Alderson 173 Margaret Ann 58 Margaret Ann Malinda. . 39 Margaret Bollar 156 Margaret Cowen 28 Margaret E 198 Margaret Eagle 186 Margaret Elizabeth.. .. 101 Margaret Estella 207 Margaret Gardner 29 Margaret J 113, 183 Margaret Jane.. 17, 150, 164, 170 Margaret L 117, 212 Margaret Lamb 197 Margaret Lee 33 Margaret Lynn 202 Margaret Winters 143 Margaret Withrow 103 Margaret Rebecca 185 Margaret Stuart 102 Margaret Tate 99 Margaret Vinnetta 248 Margaret White 37 Margerete G 218 Marguerite 135 Maria Mitchell 247 Mariah 252 Marion Minnis 184 Marilda 233 Marinda 225 Marinda Abigail.. ..160,163 Marion P 220 Matilda 164, 248, 252 Matilda Mills 28 Matthew.. 8, 20, 21, 27, 29, 31. 72, 112, 129, 130, 132 156 Matthew Granger, Dr.. .. 28 Matthew Thomas. .160,163, 165 Matthew, Jr 29 Mattie Delora 157 Mattie Estaline 162 INDEX. 281 McCLUNG. Mattie Lewis 196 Mattie Steele 101 Maxwell 254 May 169 Meaks 225 Melinda 101, 144, 152 Melinda Lacy 103 Melissa 163, 228 Melvin 165 Merlin C 17 Michael Bright, Dr. . . . 186 Mildred Lang 247 Mildred Lee 241 Miles 135 Miley Burdette . . 176 Millard Hartley 78 Millard Henry 78 Millie 220 Millie Susan 162,164 Millise 176 Milton 169 Milton Cowan 58 Milton Hubert 200 Minerva 160, 161 Minerva Margaret 162 Minnie Adel 252 Minnie Burr 186 Minnie Haseltine 170 Minnie Keith 28 Minnie Lee 33 Minnie Lee 110 Minnie, Mrs 147 Minor Smith 141 Minora F 174 Minta. 160 Mirtie 208 Missoura 169 Mittie Alzenia 200 Mollie 160, 231 Mona May 175 Montana 178, Ibd Montgomery 239 Mordecai 210 Moorman Swoope 147 Mortimore Allen 168 Moses Russell 184 Mountsie 223 M. R 222 Myrtle 57, 158, 200 | Myrtle Ann 165 ' Myrtle Amanda 179 Nancy.. 15, 49, 51, 67, 74. 84, 129, 142, 144, 147, 153. 154, 156. 161, 169, 172. 174. 179, 183, 192, 206, McCLUNG. 212, 224, 230 Nancy "Agnes" 15 Nancy Agnes G 46 Nancy Alice 173 Nancy Ann 139, 153 Nancy Ann Eliza 161 Nancy Black 143,146 Nancy C 212 Nancy Caroline 223 Nancy Cowan 236 Nancy Dickenson 187 Nancy Evelyn 53 Nancy Jane 112, 230 Nancy Margaret 164 Nancy Susan i82 Nash 170 Nadean Gladys 119 Nannie 162, 166, 181, 187 Nannie Beal, Mrs 58 Nannie Charlotte.. ..155,179 Nannie Craig 143 Nannie May 161 Naomi 165 Nathan Boyd 137 Nathan P 217 Nathaniel 225 Npllie..l49, 174, 210. 226,237 Nellie Agnes 151 Nellie Beryl 17 Nellie Crump 147 Nellie H 189 Nellie M 90 Nettie 144 Nettie May 234 Nettie W 143 Neva 187 Nevada 150 Newman Burdett 203 Newton 182 Newton Alderson 170 Newton Augustus 108 Nina ICO Nira Burnette 76 Noah Fidelia 227 Noah Seamore 164 Nola Etoile 208 Nona 170 Nora 142. 166. 227 Nora Bell 185 Novpl ^83 Oceola 199 Ocey Olive 200 Olin Everett 177 Olive Bell 141 Olive Lucille 239 282 INDEX. McCLUNG. Oliver Campbell 239 Oliver Clifton 128 Ollie 189, 199, 226 Ollie Ann 177 Ollie Trent 179 Olliver Perry 52 Oloff 201 Oma 224 Omor Washington 177 Ona 169 Onalaska 158 Opal Lee 159 Orlando 211 Orsemus Murry 162 Ora 199 Orra Alice 32 Ora Wilber 205 Orlie 162 Orvill Lfffingwell 112 Oscar 144, 229 Oscar D., Rev 186 Oscar Hunter, Dr 99 Oscar Ovalva 198 Oswald Beryl 162 Other Hobson 158 Othro Owen 177 Otey Grigsby 179 Otie 170 Owen 162, 256 Pansy 186, 178 Park W., Dr 168 Park Walker 174 Parma Ann 164 Parthena 224 Patrick 49, 50, 54, 59 Patrick Alexander 62 Patrick Cowan 59 Patrick Monroe 56 Pattie Childress 231 Pattie Green 29 Paul Hudson 158 Paulina 76, 80 Paulina Catherine 166 Paulina Tate 105 Peachie 179 Pearl.. ..119, 151, 174, 189, 200 Pearl Hamilton 184 Pearl L,ee 56 Pearl Sadie 128 Peck 168 Percy Stewart 100 Perry 142 Pettie 140 Phebe.. 15, 44, 49, 69, 71, 86 Phebe Ellen 102 McCLUNG. Phebe Jane 224 Phillip 200 Phillip Pendleton 203 Phillip Snyder 166 Phillip Todd 197 Philo 224 Phoebe 104, 133, 134 Phoebe A 103 Piney Jane 178 Piney May. 179 Piney Roe 175 Pinkney Lake 148 Pleasant Miller 31, 33 Pliny Watson 119 Prudence 150 Prussia Ann 164 Purlessa Jane 164 Polly 49, 110, 174 211 R. Burgess 242 R. Vincent 157 Rachel 141, 144, 145, 182, 206, 208 Rachel Dinwiddle Wilson.. 80 Rachel Elizabeth 159 Rachel Florence 38 Rachel Virginia 191 Rachel Wilson 109 Ralph 178 Ralph Davidson 108 Ralph Erskine 106 Ralph Harlan 78 Raper Chalmer 207 Raymond 130, 151 Rebecca.. 43, 72, 9^, 117, 122, 129, 142, 161, 172, 181, 187. 200, 204, 206, 208, 225, 231, 246 Rebecca Ann.. 151, 193,197, 226 Rebecca Catherine 182 Rebecca J 143, 146 Rebecca Jane.. ..132, 159, 198 Rebecca Linn 42 Rebecca Margaret 196 Rebecca Mays 193 Rebecca Tyree 149 Rebecca Gilchrist 235 Rebecca Ellen 77 Rena 61 Renick 180 Rennie Miller 201 Reuben 221, 224 Reuben B., Jr 224 Reuben K 218 Richard 255 Richard A 176 INDEX. 283 118. 206, 231, 248, 254, McCLUNG. Richard Ellis Richard F Richard Franklin.. . Richard Henry.. .. Richard Kyle Richard L.. Dr Robert. .7, 53, 72, 113 155, 171, 182, 188 209, 211, 212. 213,' 232, 234, 240, 242, 250. Robert A 119, Robert Alexander 139, 246, Robert Brown Robert Chas. Spiirgeon.. Robert Clark Robert Edwin Robert Franklin Robert Gardner Robert Oilman Robert Gray Robert Henry Robert I. . . " Robert James Robert Lee Robert Loren Robert Lott [[ Robert Martin \] Robert Orange.. .. 157 Robert Otte .' Robert Robinson.. Robert Strain Robert T Robert Tate .' . ]] Robert Thompson.. Robert Wilson.. .. Roger Roily V Roma Hansford.. Rosa Rosa Dell Rosa Lee Rosalie Heaton. . . Rosa A Rosa R ■ . . . . Rosco Allen Rose Bright Rosella Augusta. . Rosetta Parmelia. . Rosso Roxle E Roy '. Roy Clifton Roy Houston Roy Todd, Dr .154. 197 189 223 189 146 222 257 246 248 j 135 223 : 137 . 74 i 223 i 29 ; 134 112 I 254 I 212 254 i 140 141 56 134 179 158 113 118 191 103 182 69 188 172 99 226 157 ' 180 ' 38 174 189 I 164 102 ' 163 ! 114 I 181 163 i 149 56 177 17 McCLUNG. R"f"s 160 Riifus Davis, Rev 163 Rufus Morgan 38, 39 Rutus Pitzer 177 Rufus Scott 108 Rnna Virginia ifii Rupert Ewing I4i Rush 149 Russell. . . .119, 183, 187. 205 Ruth.. 108, 144, 164, 196, 204, 205 Ryland Brown 78 Ryland Eugene 73 Sadie Caldwell 203 Sallie..l42, 152, 168, 169, . . . .178. 181, 204, 222, 227 Sallie Ann 201 Sallie C 193 Sallie Caroline 164 Sallie Ella 22S Sallie Reid 103 Sallie Tate 102 Sammie Paris 147 Sampson I'll Samuel.. 11 13. 15, 18. 52, 54, 76, 77. 86, 114. 118, 119, 149, 150, 151 153, 155. 172, 174. 185, 188, 192, 193. 194. 195, 197, 204, 209, 224, 226, 233, 234. 242. 243. 246, 249. 250, 253. 255, 257 Samuel A 191 Samuel Addison 16 Samuel Alexander 142, 14^, 147 Samuel Alfred 236 Samuel Alfred, .Ir 236 Samuel Black 177 Samuel Brinton 176 Samuel Brown 77 Samuel, Capt. 142, 145, 146, 192 Samuel Casseday. . ..17, 130 Samuel, Col 202 Samuel Dr 168 Samuel Floyd, Rev 141 Samuel Floyd, Jr 141 Samuel Francis 208, 209 Samuel Harrison 203 Samuel Hilliard 200 Samuel Houston 130 Samuel Hudson, Dr 85 Samuel Hudson, Jr 85 Samuel Kyle 146. 147 Samuel Lyle 109 Samuel Milligan, Rev.. 235 250 284 INDEX. McCLUNG, Samuel Moore 107 Samuel N 230 Samuel Newman 151 Samuel Oscar IT Samuel Ray 161 Samuel Roberts 161 Samuel Tilden. Dr 174 Samuel W 210 Samuel W 220 Samuel Wallace 99 Samuel Wilson 223 Samuel Y 212 Sanford Brown 199, 200 Sara 116 Sara Belle 113 Sarah.. 20, 43, 73, 76, 86. 119. 121, 124, 128, 129, 131, 132, 135. 136, 137, 192, 195, 204, 208, 213, 228, 231, 248, 255 Sarah A 117, 231 Sarah Adallne 210 Sarah Adelaid 165 Sarah Ann 76, 131, 202 Sarah Bell 175 Sarah Catherine 161 Sarah Elizabeth. .196, 202, 223 Sarah E . .120, 221 Sarah Eugenia 55 Sarah Florence 200 Sarah Frances. .172, 177, 223, 231 Sarah Isabella 185 Sarah J 102, 242 Sarah Jane.. 74, 142, 144, 156, 171, 200, 204, 236 Sarah Louisa 165 Sarah M 117 Sarah MacDougal 237 Sarah Martha.. ..149, 150, 162 Sarah Mitchell 33 Sarah Morgan 27, 39 Sarah 222 Sarah Paine 31 Sarah Susan 191 Sarah T. Balard, Mrs.. .. 32 Sarah Woods 79 S. C 113 Seabrook 191 Septimus Cabiness 32 Sewell 221 Shannon 170 Sherman 211 Sidney 116, 142, 146, 159, 232 Sidney Buford 101 McCLUNG. Sidney Murl 156 Sidney Patton 86 Siegie 191 Silas Addison 17 Silas Brown 191 Simon 211 Solomon 230 Sistine Madonna 164 Solomon Reece, Rev 230 Sophrona 181 Spencer Hill 197 Squire 160 Stella 53, 224 Stuart.. 150, 155, 156, 172, .. ..179, 192, 195, 196, 205 Stuart Edgar 155, 179 Stuart Oscar 227 Su.- Keith 90 Srsan 19, 110 111. 169, 182, 187. 189, 191. 199 Susan Angeline .. ..173,180 Susan Elizabeth 105,185 Susan Essie 167 Susan Frances 78 Susan G. Crawford.. .. 189 Susan Jane 186 Susan Maria 154 Susan P 212 Susan Rebecca 143,202 Susan Tarlton 91 Susanna 211 Susie 202 Susie Ann 51 Susie Lee 109 Sybil Nancy 164 Sylvester Addison 17 Tabitha 153 Talitha 152 Tamery Estaline 170 Tate 101 Taylor 229 Tempie 225 Templeton 172 Thaddeus 181 Thaddeus Clayton, Dr. . 182 Thelma 57. 226 Thelma Beatrice 184 Theo 186 Theodore 124, 184, 243 Theresa 56 Ttiomas..l9, 20, 91, 116, 139, 144, 145, 146, 173, 180, 183, 204, 208, 209, 210. 211, 212, 222, 231, 238, 240, 241, 243, 244, INDEX. 285 McCLUNG. .. ..245, 247, 250, 252, 256 Thomas Alexander 143 Thomas M., Rev 224 Thomas Black 234 Thomas Boud 184 Thomas C 201 Thomas Dickson 185 Thomas Fearn 31 Thomas Ferran 244 Thomas G 210 Thomas J 217 Thomas John 257 Thomas Lee 29 Thomas McClananan . . . . 202 Thomas Marshall 87 Thomas Orlando 112 Thomas Ray 177 Thomas Shelton 99 Thomas Walker.. ..142,143 Thomas William 202 Thompson Anderson.. .. 29 Thornton 224 Tiery 170 Tillmon 229 Toby Williams 173 Tolbert 226 Tollie 180 Tony 176 Tony Tnomason 173 Truma 179 Tyree Maupin, Rev 190 Ulysses Grant 167 Una May 114 Urah Zina 227 Urania 132, 137 Van 168 Vanden Burley 175 Van Young 230 Velma Lewella 126 Verda Luella 163 Vernendo Brown 61 Vernia Adelia 200 Vernie Oma 157 Vernon 195 Victor 121 Vin 233 Viola 226, 233 Viola Agnes 161, 176 "Viola Jane 166 Viola May 177 Vira 245 Virgie 152, 180 Virgil Mcintosh 176 Virginia.. ..13, 141. 155, 168 Virginia Alice 198 McCLUNG. Virginia Ann 205 Virginia Catherine 162 Virginia Lee 32 Virginia Rebecca 146 Visey 225 Volena 173 Wade 155 Wade S 222 Wade W. Hampton 198 Wallace 169. 2i:j Wallace Flora 99 Wallace Hinkle 173 Wallace Walter 176 AVallace Jennings 160 Walter 149, 187 Walter Brown 229 Walter G 196 Walter John 245 Walter Lepps 147 Wanda Belle 114 Waneta Ill Warren 233 Warren Crawford 191 Warwick Guy 146 Warwick Matthews 148 Watson 141, 200 Wendall V 17 AVesley 43 Whitney 162 Whitsel 160 Willard M 129 William.. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16. 18, 19. 20 42, 43. 45, 47, 48, 49, 50 51, 69, 74, 76, 84, 101, 104, 105, 110, 111. 113, 121, 122, 124, 128, 137, 138, 140. 152, 182, 183, 189, 204. 206, 209, 211, 212, 213. 222, 224, 231, 238, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248. 249, . .250, 251, 252, 253, 255. 256 William A 13. 14, 227 William Aaron.. 162, 166,168 William Adams 173 William Alexander 191 William Alex. Decastro.. 175 William Allen 90 William Anderson.. ..32,204 William Andrew 196 William B 129 William Brown 222 William Burgess 80 William Carl 199 William Carlton 53 286 INDEX. McCLUNG. William Charles.. ..112,142 William (Chokem) 144 William (Chunky) 168, 171, 172 j William Clarke 134 I William Clinton 223 I William Cowan 54 William Crump 147 William Dennis.. ..164,172 William Eddington, Rev. . 225 William Edward 80, 114 William Elmer 125 William Elton 163 William Estill 202 William Evander, Jr. . . . 181 William Evander, Sr 180 William Fletcher 207 William Francis 196 William Frank 147 William (Grandfather) .. 153 William (Grasshopper) . . 184 William H 16 William H., Dr 193. 194 William Hartley 137 William Harvey.. ..188.189 William Hawes 143 William Henry, Dr.. .. 140 William Henry H., Dr.. 175 William Hezekiah 99 William Hinton 174 William Horace, Sr 115 William Horace, Jr. . . . 115 William (Hosy) . . ..142,180 William Houston 56 William Howard.. 98, 105,237 William H. Ringold.. .. 12 William Israel 223 William J 125. 149, 245 William Jackson 224 William James 257 William Jesse 56 William (Joby) . . ..154. 182 William John 247,251 William Joseph 230 William. Jr 43, 87, 248 William, Judge.. 87, 132,133 William Judson 162, 164 William Kenna 141 William Kyle 102 William L 245 William Laughlin 130 William Lee 188 William Linn 42 William (Long Billie) 147, 154, 158, 183, 187 McCLUNG. William Lyle 109,190 William Maj 201 William Melvin 175 William Oscar Orrin.. .. 99 William P 127 William Paul 108 William Penn 32 William Porter 227 William Power 124 William Power Waugh. . 128 William Preston 223 William Reece (Brag).. .. 173 William, Rev 61 William Rev. M. D. . . . 68 William Robinson.. ..113,114 William Scott 205 William Silas 51 William (Slick).. ..156,171 William Smith 234 William Stuart 227 William T 101, 107, 199 William Taylor 189. 243 William W 117, 222 William Walker 184 William Wallace.. 76, 167, 169, 170. 181, 190 William Walter 54 William Washington.. .. 197 William Wylie 58 Willie 55 Willie Agnes 196 Willie Frank 147 Willie Prudence 166 Willie Steele 109 Wilkie 181 Willis 76, 158 Wilson 154, 182 Wilson, Dr 222 Wilson, Rev 257 Winfred 181 Winona 181 W. M 232 Wolla 181 Wooster Newman 167 Worth Dix 204 Wright 233 Wyatte Nelson 173 Xerdie Blain 158 Xerxie James 158 Zeda 81 Zeda Marzelie 114 Zena 176 Zoe Eva 78 INDEX. 287 McClure 22 McClurg 213 McClurkin 123 McConnel 50 McConnell.. ..57, 69, 70, 71, 123 McCorkle 100 McCormick 14„ 86, 253 McCoy 153 McCray 211 McCreery 243 McCrory 46 McCroskey 15, 67 McCue 152, 205 McCuen 24 McCully 69 McCullough 14,15,79,122 McCutcheon..l4. 156, 171, 172, 173, 174, 181, 187, 247 McDermott 35 McDonald.. ..117,188, 189,211 McDowell 19, 43, 197 McElwreath 222 McGehee 29 McGhep. . . .28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 123 McGill 237 McGoogin 252 McGraw 17, 160, 162,169 Mcintosh 40 McKay 256 McKean 114 McKinley 216 McKlnney 16, 55 McKnight 252 McKy 9 McLain 234 MacDoiigal 235 McXean 235 | McLin 70 I McMillan 39, 40 '' McMillion..l56, 158, 184, 185, 187 McMurran 90 I MacNara 257 McNeal 204 McNeill 202 McNrily 26 ! McNulty. . . . ' 191 t McNiitt 100, 233 I McPheeter 11 McPherson 67,193 McSpadden 68. 69 McVeigh 163, 198 Mc Williams 255 1 Mackey 8-^ 104, 109 j Mackie 248 ' Magill 69, 128 Maguire 245 Mahoney 214, 223 Malcom 65, 66, 69,70 Malone '. .23, 64 ]\Iallory 21:; Maloney 177 Mandsley 19.5 Mangum 41 Manley fi4 Mann 203 Manspile 172 IMannon 242 Marad 246 Marbut 231 Marshall .30. 87. 91,120 Martin.. 15, 128, 144, 156, 159. 174, 177, 219 Masters 231 Masterson 153 Maston 185 Matheson 250 Matthews.. ..125, 148, 183,195 Mauldin 227 Maupin 190 Maxham 254 May 146 Mayfield 212 Meadows 184 Means 71, 248 Meeks 125 Menifee 92, 93, 94, 95 Mercer 112, 210 Mering 236 Merritt 105, 236 Meyers 217 Middleton 217 Miles 65, 66 Miller.. 17, 25. 33, 38. 39. 69. 100, 101, 118, 141, 213 Mills 12, 28, 218 Mingus 126 Minkert 231 Mitchel 218 Mitchell 25. 30, 80 Mitton 245 Moffett 86. 100 Montgomery.. ..51, 61. 217,219 Months 228 Moody 35 Moore.. 14, 20, 65, 70. 72, 74, 91. 104, 106. 109, 138. 153, 206, 250 Morgan.. ..27. 37, 63. 80, 231 Morris 123. 126 Morison 152. 187. 199 Moses 155. 166 Murphy 180, 182 Murray 248 Murrill 157 288 INDEX. Murry 235 Muse 101 M-asselman ,. . .. 21 Miissen 192 Myers 31, 73, 238, 239 Myles j.-'fi Nailes 65 Napton 25, 26 Neely 37 Neff 174 Neil 217 Nesbit 105 Newman 41, 230 Newsome 204 Nickell 144, 196 Nicely 99 Nihiser 156 Niles 34, 35 Noble 152 Northcut 12 Norman 227 Norton 149 Norwood 50 Nutter 176, 183 Odell..l54, 155, 161, 168, 174, 177, 180, 181, 182, 204 Odle 232 O'Haver 212 Oneal HI, 230 Onstott 128 Ott 110 Overman 104 Overton 17 Owens 62 Pannell 201 Patch 238 Paris 84, 202 Park 114 Parker 23, 36, 144, 182 Parks 87 Parsons 116 Patrick 32 Patterson 41. 99, 143 Patton..l5, 21, 22, 46, 47, 81, 86, 165, 217 Paxton 20, 104, 107 Payne 41 Pearcy 198 Pease 126, 255 Peck 27 Pendergrass 234 Pepper 100, 222 Percy 26 Perkins 179, 204, 214 Perry 124, 127 Peterson 75 Pettigrew 55 Pfeiffer 237 Phelps 217 Pickens 232 Pierce 42, 138, 233 Pierson 207 Piles 223 Pinkston 32 Pirtle 212 Pitsenbarger 176 Pitsonbarger 174 Pitzenbarger 175 Pixley 245 Pletcher 151 Plummer 83 Plunket 230 Pocock 208 Pollitt 12 Pool 220 Porterfield 188, 203,204 Porter 227 Postlethwaite 112 Potter 251 Pratt 12 Prentis 210 Prentiss 94, 95 Price 76, 114, 177, 215 Pritchet 144 Proctor 223 Pucket 150 Purcel 212 Putney 197 Pyle 246 Querry 177 Quinn 33 Rader..l42, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 201, 205 Ramsay 168 Ramsey 152, 166 Randolph 166 Rankin 50, 63 Reader 116 Reagan 69 Reamer 191 Rector 58 Redmon 78 Recce 230 Reed 40, 85, 99, 212, 224 Reid 10, 43, 47 Reiner 71 Remley 171, 176, 177, 198 Reynolds 59, 104, 242 Rice 193, 209, 210 Richards 65 Richardson 63, 183, 246 Ricketson 120 Riker 207 INDEX. 289 Risque 100 ( Riston 206 Ritchie 63 i Ritter 77 i Robb 235 j Robbins 52 ! Roberts 18, 127, 199, 229 : Robinson. .31, 32, 36, 102, } 112, 149, 151, 196 [ Rodecap 188! Roden 233 { Rodgers 16, 153, 188 1 Rogers 35, 38 , Rolfe 207 ^ Rollestone 75 j Roseboro 53 | Rosenbaum 53 1 Rosenberger 220! Ross 20, 28, 69, 70 ; Rossen 142 j Rowe 99 1 Rowland 60, 125. 178, 210 I Rucker 41 Ruffner 19, 203 Rumsey 120 Rupert 141, 159, 160 Russell 32, 35, 211, 214 Ryder 12 Sadler 169 Salisbury 74 Sanborn 209 Sanderson 212 Sandlin 232, 233 Sands 16 Sanfley 39 Sankey 127 Stinson 254 Stockton 114 Stoop 76 Stovall 226' Straharn 116 Strain 116 Stranahan 63 Stratton 100 Strickler 21, 22, 23, 24 Strohecker 103 Stuart.. 42. 98, 104, 138, 176, 189 Stubblefield 72 Stull 164 Stump 205 Stunson 232, 233 Styles 234 Summers 66, 191 Sunderland 218 Surber 151 Sutton 114 Swan 59 Swindell 227 Switzer 191 Swope 150 Taggart 208 Tate 20, 87. 104 Taylor.. 19. 38, 80, 96, 126, 170, 184, 215, 243. 249 Telford 72, 79 Temple 64 Templeton 99 Terry 86 Tevis 37 Thatcher 185 Thayer 197 Thixton 17 Thomas 28. 210 Thomason 144 Thompkins 33 Thompson. .64, 65, 77. 139, 140, 192, 199. 219 Thorp 184 Thrope 74 Timblin 113 Tincher 173, 176 Tinsley 176 Tipton 40 Tisdale 253 Tison 189 Titus 128, 209 Todd 14 Tomlin 73 Tomlinson 165,205 Torrence 123 Towler 84 Towns 219 Trammell 34 Travis 117 Trevey 101 Trice 46, 53 Trigg 38 Trotter 47 Trout "78 Turner 51. 53 Tutwiller 211 Tyler 42 Tyree 149, 150, 152. 187, 193, 200 Tyson 37 Umbarger 226 Underwood 215 Upright 255 Vande! 1"^* Van Gilder 29 Van Lear 147 Vanvlear 208, 209 Vaughan 19^ Vincent 201 290 INDEX. Viney 144 Waddell 13 Wade 103 Wait 187 Waites 155 Waldridge 161 Walker.. ..48, 53, 70. 142,168 Walkup..l56, 167, 174, 179,203 Wall 140 Wallace.. 5, 43, 51, 76, 101, .. ..102, 122, 124, 148, 149, 183 Waller 89 Walton 34, 153, 155, 161, 168, 254 Ward re Warner 220 Warren 62. 185 Washington.. 6, 48, 90, 116, 100 Washobaugh 22 Waters 128 Watson.. ..21, 22, 42. 118, 211 Watts 119, 193, 211, 221 Waugh 124 Wiseman 181 Wear 244 Weaver 172 Webb 31 58 Weed 208 Weeks 37!^ Weems • • 232 Welch 153, ?.40 Wells 120 West . .75, 210 Weymer • • 204 Whayley 223 White.. 24, 32, 33, ?6, 37, 161, 229 Whitfield 239 Whitlock 182 Whitman 204 Whitner 195 Whittle 251 Wick 113 Widderfield 12 Wilber 52 Williams.. 14, 17. 18, 24, 25, 26. 37, 100. 113, 148, 155, 185, 186, 187, 193, 205, 225, 238 Williamson.. 63, 64, 105, 117, 2^1 Willis 213, 222, 226, 256 Willson 98 Wilmarth 127 Wilson.. 23, 47, 68, 69, 78, 102, 109, 111, 141, 174, 192, 193, 207, 210. 213, 240, 246 Wine 58 Winebrinner 152,170 Winslow 220 Wisher 123 Withrow 103, 168 Witt 68 Wood 165, 170 Woods C7, 149 Woodside 123 Woolam 211 Woolfolk 87 Santoni 102 Savage 72, 108 Saxon 211 Sayles 86 Schenck 207 Schnorf 207, 208 Schooley 219 Schwan 21 Scott 17, 25, 30, 77. 107, 195, 239 Scurlock 211 Seay 100 Sellars 124 Selmon 54, 55 Semple 7 Send 230 Sensenbaugh 233 S^well 231 Sexton 34 Shackelford 163, 222 Shaeffer 23 Shafer 217 Shaffer 161. 162, 163 Sharp 172, 245 Shaw 248 Shawver 140. 158. 162, 165, 169, 171, 172, 174, 178. 179, 181, 198. 199 Sheddan 56, 57 Shelby 25 Shields 15 Shipman 23 Snirkey 102 Shively 23 Shoemaker 252 Shumate 203 Sieg 191 Simmons 190. 232 Sims 156 Sitlington 192 Sivey 155 Skaggs 164, 166, 196 Slack 220 Slater 253 Slaymaker 21 Slucher 174 Smart 15 Smedley 221 Smith 17, 38. 41, 70, 77, 107, 114, 141, 168, 171, 173, 179, 193, 212, 215, 231, 232, 233, 254 INDEX. 291 Smithee 204 Snapp 70 Snodgrass 15, 31 Snowden 211 Snyder 141, 246 Sellers 213 Sparks 150 Sparling 73 Spencer 205 Sphinx 150 Spillman 207 1 Spooner 119 I Spottswood 31 Spratt 222 - Springfield 63, 64 Spurling 77 Stair 8 i Standard 152 Steel 183 Steele 19, 21," cV, 63. 98 Steers 75 Stephens 31 Stephenson 146, 150.151 Stewart 212, 231 Stickler jgo Worrell 73 Wright 76, 126, 214, 251 Wykoff 207 Wylie 122, 123. 124 Yates 184 Yoakum 157 Young 80, 112, 119. 142 Zopp 156, 157. 199 RESIDENCES OF McCLUNGS BY STATES. ALABAMA. Avondale 224 Birmingham 30 Hulgan 231 Loveless 231 Mt. Hope 232 Piekensville 33 Sigsbee 231 Tucker 231 Wayside 225 ARKANSAS. Bright Star 223 Canton 32 Hot Springs 208 Kingston 120 AUSTRALIA. 246 CALIFORNIA. Chico 51 (jraftonville 207 Fresno 57 Lodi 208 Los Angeles 85,217 Madera 31 San Francisco 104 CANADA. Cayuga 254 Hamilton 254 Hanover 254 Port Hope 251 Williamsville 250 ' COLORADO. Berthoud 135 Colorado Springs 125 Denver 76, 218, 234, 237 Granada 135 Pueblo 75 Ridgway 126 Salida 234 St. Elmo 62 FLORIDA. Clearwater Harbor.. ..100,101 Dunedin 100 Hastings 100 Petersburg 101 Tampa 14 Wetappo 188 GEORGIA. Conyers 231 Dallas 224 Montezuma 189 Temple 225 ILLINOIS. Bradley 218 Cambridge 234 Chicago.. 90, 134, 117. 218. 219 Fairfield 241 Keithsburg 217 Lovington 212, 213 Mendon 130 Monmouth 85 Mt. Carmel 135 Pana 218 Quincy 234 292 INDEX. INDIA. 257 INDIANA. Borden 17 Brownsburg 129 Elwood 156, 157 Indianapolis 106 Kokomo 81 Laporte 120 Linton 212 Logansport 108 Milton 190 Muncie 16 Pittsboro 129 Pleasantville 212 Red' Key 156 Rochester 108 Scotland 136 Stonington 17 Terre Haute 212 Union Mills 120 Vincennes 135 Williams 17 INDIAN TERRITORY. Davis 229 IOWA. Burlington 215 Cedar Rapids 195 Dahlonega 78 Elkhart 119 Epworth 121 Garden Grove 119 Hedrick Mason City 121 Ottumwa 62, 77 Tipton 159, 195 West Liberty.. 215, 216, 217, 233, 234 Wilton Junction 195 IRELAND. Belfast 256, 257 Coal Island 256 Donegal 256 Fintona 240, 250 Mt. Varned, Castle Gong. . 247 Portedown 257 Tassagh 257 KANSAS. Atchison 169 Burden 186 Galena 212 Hazelton 152 Leavenworth 151 Ottawa 186 Parsons 243 Winfleld 186, 187 Wichita 16, 73, 74 Jewell City 112 Winfleld 152 KENTUCKY. Ashland 172 Butler 12 Covington 12 Frankford 202 Grayson 200 Latonia 12 Louisville 17, 29 Lovelaceville 53 Maysville 12 LOUISIANA. Alexandria 114 Jennings 245 Natchitoches 114 MARYLAND. Baltimore 246 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston 29 MICHIGAN. Berrien Center 209 Decatur 252 Marion 255 Niles 209 Sand Hill 25R MINNESOTA. St. Paul 90, 91 MISSISSIPPI. Goode 53 MISSOURI. Gait 220 Jamesport 144 Jefferson City 162 : Kansiis City 187, 212, 213 St. Joseph 120 St. Louis 32, 115 j Thayer 176 1 Urich 188 MONTANA. Clinton 217 Livingston 135 Missoula 217 NEBRASKA. Beatrice 127 Bloomington 127 Du Bois 134 INDEX. 293 Filley 126 Geneva 113 Omaha 245 Panama 219 Pawnee 137 Schuyler 220 Shelby 119 Steinauer 134 NEW BRUNSWICK. St. John 250 NEW JERSEY. Camden 237 Jersey Cky 257 NEW YORK. Brooklyn 191 Buffalo 250, 251, 254 Little Britain 255, 256 Newburgh 255 New York 236 OHIO. Bowling Green 207 Chillicothe 210 Cincinnati 202 Cleveland 61 Dayton 207 East Liberty 213 Eckmansville 242 Fernbank 136 Fort Recovery 106 Hamilton 207 Jackson 209, 210,211 Keystone 211 Leipsic 136, 137 Mason 207, 20ei, 209 Monroe 207 Newport 234 Sidney 207 Tiffin 135 Troy 81 Union Plains 114 Wellston 211 West Union 242 Wheat 242 Xenia 105 OKLAHOMA. Anadarko 152 Arlington 119 Eldorado 228 El Reno 149 Hunter 135 Lawton 151, 187 Nelms 186 Okeene 212 Oklahoma i26 Ponca 152 Taloga 112 Vilas 212. 21S OREGON. Albany 212 Boring 127 Eugene City 117 Halsey 132 Lebanon 219 Oswego 157 Portland 7^ Wildervllle 52 Grant's Pass 52 PENNSYLVANIA. Baldwin 113, 114 Heavpr Falls 209 Butler 113, 114 Erie 253, 254 Johnstown 29 Lancaster 246 New Castle 128 Philadelphia, 42, 237, 244, 245, 246, 247, 256 Pitiisburgh 236, 237,239 Pulaski 125, 128 West Simbury 114 SCOTLAND. Loading Bank by Kilbirnie.. 252 SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville 81 SOUTH DAKOTA. Sturgis 117 TENNESSEE. Binghampton 226 Knoxville..27. 28, 29, 30, 39. 61 Madisonville 69 Maryville 58 Memphis.. ..32, 190. 225. 226 Shallow Ford 32 TEXAS. Atlanta 222 Briggs !*'» Cason 231 Corsicana 54, 229 I Cross 230 Dawson 50 Frost ^^ Drane 222. 222 Fort Worth 59, 144 George'* Creek 59 294 INDEX. Gordon Ill Granbury 59 Harvey 2s0, 231 Hlllsboro 53, 227, 228 Houston 98, 99 Huntsville 222 Italy 224 Iitaska 228 Jacksborough 58 San Antonio 58, 59 Kerens 54, 55 Kleburg 223 Lingleville 99 Medina Ill Quanah 227 Rienzi 227 Seagoville 223 Terrell 38 Travis 232 Uz 51 West 228 Winona 229 Wolfe City 226 UTAH. Ogden 32 VIRGINIA. Albert 188 Aqua 86 Batesville 218 Brownsburg 99, 102,103 Buena Vista 100, 101 Clifton Forge 189 Clover Creek 191 Covington 102, 103 Eagle Rock 109 East Lexington 86 Fairfield 98, 99 Gala 109 Grottoes 143 Harriston 142,143 Hot Springs 185, 188 Lexington 102 McClung 188, 189 Meadow View 198, 199 Millboro 188 Monmouth 102 Norfolk 188 Pearch 188 Roanoke 147 Salem 190 Staunton 143, 146, 147 Timber Ridge 14 WASHINGTON. Dayton 129 Palouse 208 WEST VIRGINIA. Alderson 157. 188 Ansted 157, 166, 172,198 Asbury 181 Bissell 163, 165 Bluefleld 86, 101 Central City 141 Charleston.. ..188, 196, 197, 203 Clarksburg '. . . . 202 Clifftop 175 Clifty 170 Corns'alk 201 Crawley 167 Dawson.. 157, 176, 177, 196, 197, 199 Donald 205 Dubree 175, 176 Earl 204, 205 Elizabeth 168 Elliot 172 Enon 151 Eye 182 Falling Spring 202,203 Fayctteville 200 Flat Woods 152 Fort Spring 140, 196 Frankford 146, 184,196 Gauley Bridge 200 Greenwood 174 Hico 167, 168 Hominy Falls 155, 179, 180, 181, 182 Huntington 142,197 Hurricane 174,175 Jumping Branch 150. Kesslers Cross Lanes 177 Kieffer 174, 201 Leivasy..l73, 180, 181, 182,204 Lewisburg 143, 147, 202 Little Sewell 159 Lookout 176 Max Welton 184, 203 May wood 172, 173 McClungs.. ..178, 179, 180,199 Meadow Bluff.. ..140, 141,156 Mt. Lookout. .160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170 Muddlety.. ..149, 150, 151,205 Mulvane 171, 172 Oakhill 169, 176 Ophelia 177 Perslnger 149, 160,151 Pickaway 144,145,196 Red Star 160 Reedy 168, 178 Richwood.. ..149, 151, 172,182 INDEX. 295 Rivesville 141 Roncevert 147, 182,201 Rupert.. 155, 156, 157, U6, 159, 172, 173, 176, 178, 179, 181 Russelvllle 168 Smoot 141 Summersville. .149, 151, 152,186 Sunlight. 149 Thurmond 175 Tincher 167. igg Trout IJ5J5 Upper Tract " 19^ Williamshnrg, 148, '182, 184, '..186, 197! 198 WISCONSIN. Mauston, 124 CORRECTIONS. Page 13, line 20, for Virignia read Virginia. Page 14, line 13, for McCullough read McClung. Page 18, line 25, for captialist read capitalist. Page 59, line 34, for Granbury read Cleburne. Page 60, line 40, for Hellen read Helen. Page 64, line 5, for Wiliamson read Williamson. Page 66, line 29, for Mary read May. Page 80, line 4, for (9-4) read (13-4). Page 92, line 25, for yeards read yards. Page 92, line 34, for yeards read yards. Page 98, line 12, after Va. insert: m. Dec. 29, 1825, Maria Wallace, b. Nov. 2, 1801; d. April 2, 1881. Page 103, line 10, for chilldren read children. Page 104, line 22, for Wife read wife. Page 105, line 21, for Ithica read Ithaca. Page 109, line 10, for McCung read McClung. Page 109, line 11, omit comma after Ross. Page 111, line 28, after Texas insert: thence to IMedina, Tex. Page 117, line 25, for Hilsdale read Hillsdale. Page 125, line 45, for Cunningham read McClung. Page 127, line 6, for McCung read McClung. Page 148, line 3, for Readheaded read Redheaded. Page 158, line 5, transpose the letters C and c. Page 164, line 16, omit the entire line. Page 169, line 34, for McCung read McClung. Page 180, line 28, after 1-7 insert: Leander McClung, m. Page 188, line 7, omit W. Page 206, omit line 37 and insert instead: 3-4 Robert Mc- Clung, b. July 26, 1787; d. m. Bell Paine. Page 238, line 8, for Campbelll read Campbell. Page 246, line 9, for Eachus read Ichas. Page 246, line 14, omit Welch and read Whelen. Page 246, line 24, omit John Pyle of Westchester, Pa., and insert George E. Phillips of Pottstown, Pa. Page 249, line 32, read: 1-1 Mr. McClung. Page 251, line 13, between 2 and 3 insert a hyphen. Page 253, line 37, for Failes read Fails. 296 McClung Genealogy. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preface 3 Introduction 5 Racial Characteristics 6 E^arliest Records and Traditions 7 Orig-in of the Name 8 Greenbriar McClungs 138 Quaker McClung-s 213 Georg-ia McClungs. 221 Alabama McClungs 227 Texas McClungs 229 South Carolina McClungs 230 Tennessee McClungs 232 Colorado McClungs 233 Pittsburgh McClungs 235 Pennsylvania McClungs 238 Illinois McClungs 241 Ohio McClungs 242 West Philadelphia McClungs 244 Philadelphia McClungs 246 Boston McClungs 248 Toronto McClungs 249 Buffalo McClungs . 249 Canada McClungs 251 Michigan McClungs 251 E^rie McClungs 253 New York McClungs 255 Belfast McClungs 256 Donegal McClungs 256 Dublin McClungs 257 New Jersey McClungs 257 Index of Names 259 Residences of McClungs by States 291 Corrections 295 \-'=i Charles !5pber^ q/x^o :6-S( Jane Mdair *, ^ children oii ■^-^ 3c\auQWer ' ^■' ... P Tfau^n^an \ 4 y^ L •- 74 .<-^ ^°--*, G^ o o ' . . 5 . , 1 • ^0 "=^ri>^ * O « ' ^' V '^ "^ o V ^-^ o o > s o ' . . (^ ;- -t Y ~ * o w . V .I-*- '< .^ <-^ ^ . . s * .'^ ^a .^x\\\>\^ .». o ^*" ^^'""-^^ ^^ "^f.. "'V^ .-- '^-^^^ • ^""v ; ^■^'^^ " ..*" ■ ■^ . -> 'J ■^ * ^-b" <^- ^V *>* o o > =^- ,. xO--^ '*' it" 'bK '^.. '*:<- i'J^ <^ ^ ■^ .0- ■y ' -K^ »o'* ^^J,"^ ^m * -"^ V fc' «>>^ •^ ■4 O lV-^ .^' 0' o V O^-b- V \^ N^r ^ '^^s^' .s^^"-^.. X '/'_ ,■^'