VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS BY Mary Christina Austin Editor North American Teacher ILLUSTRATED BY Harriet O'Brien BOSTON: THE N. A. T. PUBLISHING COMPANY Copyright August, 1922 Mary Christina Austin SEP 16 '22 ©aArave of the bravest, a genius so true ! When shall we duly appreciate you? Years have rolled by since you came to our land, Yet Time hasn't given the Fame you demand. 37 A Heart to Heart Conference 38 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS A NUN'S REPLY "Why dost thou toil so zealously And never seem to tire? Why is thy heart aflame with love? What is thy soul's desire?" "Ah ! I have wed a sacred cause ; I need no master's rod ; My inmost heart's desire is this : To do the will of God.' "I see in every little one A child almost divine, And strive to form his growing mind Unto the Lord's design." "O noble nun! thy deeds shall be A monument sublitrci In God's eternal home of bliss Through never-ending time.'' 39 The Nobleness of Teaching 40 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS THE TEACHER'S ART The sculptor may chisel cold marble With genius surpassingly rare: The painter may feature his canvas With beauty exquisitely fair. But what are all these arts to teaching That illumines the depths of a soul, That arouses the mind into action. That leads us to God's highest goal ! Strive on in your noble profession, Ye teachers of childhood and youth ; May the Master from Nazareth guide you In teaching the Way and the Truth ! 41 im^mmm^ Making a Resolution 42 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS A NUN'S RESOLUTION 'Mid the stillness of the chapel As the Old Year neared its end, I was thinking of the Saviour Who for me His life did spend. Then a light from heaven illumined The dark path which Jesus trod, And I felt a heavenly impulse To draw nearer to my God. So I formed a resolution, One that means continual strife, 'T will follow Thee, dear Jesus, Every moment of my life. 'T will labor in Thy vineyard Till I hear Thy welcome call, 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, Rest within the Banquet Hall.' " 43 Ttte Annunciatiox {Bouguereau) VERSED FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS THE ANNUNCIATION In Nazareth of Galilee, Built on a mountain's breast, An angel to a Virgin came With tidings doubly blest. "Fear not, O Mary, full of grace, The message that I bring: By power divine thou shalt conceive Jesus, the new-born King.'' "But how can this e'er come to pass?" Inquired Judea's maid. "The power of God is infinite ; Ah, be ye not afraid !" "Behold the handmaid of the Lord," Exclaimed the A^irgin mild. Then Jesus Christ incarnate came To Mary undefiled. 45 Mary Edna Hickey {Jordon) 46 V ERASES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS MARY Golden locks and eyes of blue, Happy smile and love so true, Winsome ways that ne'er depart, She's the sunshine of my heart. Full of life and fair to view, Handsome face and dimples, too; When she plays just like a boy. She's a precious mine of joy. She's so lively when at school, Sometimes even breaks the rule ; Smooths away the teacher's frown, When she makes things upside down. Still withal she's so polite. Always tries to do what's right. If this charming child you knew, You would love her as I do. 47 iiiinMI mtmmmmmm w" yy^^£ The Minute Max {French) 48 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS LEXINGTON AND CONCORD* Thrice-hallowed spots, where freemen fell Amid the blaze of shot and shell, Your glory ne'er shall fade. Your sons went forth in chivalry To light the torch of Liberty With spirits undismayed. We honor this devoted band Who gave their lives for their loved land That Freedom should prevail. Such deeds of glory thrill the heart And say, "Go thou, and do thy part. Know no such word as fail !" The memory of these Minute Men Shall ever live in freemen's ken Till Time shall be no more. God fill our land with patriots true Who'll risk their lives and fortunes, too. Like these brave men of yore! ♦April 19, 1775. 49 St. Joan of Arc (Ingres) &0 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS SAINT JOAN OF ARC Fair saint of France! Thy tragic death Has forced the trembHng hand of Time To spread on History's vivid page The record of a life subHme. Thy love for thy fair motherland Led thee to offer thy young life Unto that prince who led the French Amid the wrack of War's dread strife. When Victory crowned thy efforts grand, When Failure made the Briton quake, Base, envious men with perjured lips Condemned thee, martyred, to the stake. Yet now our hearts with joy are filled. For Truth has brought thee deathless fame, And Christ the Lord has placed His seal Upon thy ever-glorious name. 51 Deep Meditation 52. VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS SPIRITUAL RETREAT I've visited Calvary's Mount And followed the way Jesus trod : I've pictured the Passion of Christ To draw my soul nearer to God. I've thought of His marvelous love, The wondrous effect of His grace ; I've garnered my mind with ideas That Satan can never efface. I feel like a warrior of old Inspired by Jehovah above; My heart is abundantly stored With promptings of heavenly love. 53 Layixg Down the Law VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS A WORD TO TEACHERS List unto me, ye master-minds Whose deeds are crowned with victory, Wliat is the aim of all thy work? Does it build for eternity? Dost thou develop fine physique To do and dare a patriot's part? Dost thou arouse the dormant mind That opens wide the yearning heart? O dost thou cultivate the soul That gives to man his destiny? And do thy thoughts responsive strike A chord that sings for verity? Yea, thou hast trained these youthful minds With genius ever wise and sage : And all too soon the hands of Time Shall trace thy deeds on History's page. 55 Charles Anthony Austin (Bachrach) 56 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS CHARLIE A winsome boy Brimming with joy Has won this heart of mine. His ways so wise, His sparkHng eyes, Seem Hke a thing divine. His love so true Doth oft renew The joys that fill the day. His winning smile Bereft of guile Doth drive dull care away. I love to see In childish glee This really charming boy, Who brings to me Love's ecstasy, — A gift without alloy. 57 The Evacuatiox of Boston 58 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS EVACUATION DAY March 17 Ml hail the day when Briton's hosts A^ere forced to leave brave Boston's coasts : A^hen all the power of selfish Might rould not withstand the arms of Right. rhat was a proud and glorious day A^hich brought to naught the Tyrant's sway ; ,Vhich fanned the flame of liberty n hearts that throbbed with chivalry. jive honor to that patriot band ^Vhose love of home and native land hall live for aye in History's page o be our glorious heritage. 59 Remembering the Dead VER8E8 FOR YARIOUS OCCASIONS DECORATION DAY The heroes who have fought and died ^ To stem Oppression's rising tide Were patriots to the core. Their valiant deeds in Freedom's name Have brought to them a priceless fame That rings from shore to shore. Their graves we garland with fair flowers That grew amid the sylvan bowers Where they in childhood played. And as we kneel, the soft drum beat Recalls us from the quiet retreat In which we humbly prayed. God bless these noble-hearted men, And keep their memory in our ken. To guide our steps alway. The golden glories that they've won Are brighter than the rising sun That ushers in the day. 61 Bunker Hill {Perry Pictures) 62 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS BUNKER HILL June 17 What vivid thoughts impress the miind ! And how the heart doth thrill! When Time recalls the dauntless deeds That hallow Bunker Hill. Oh, for the heart of Prescott brave! For Warren's noble zeal ! What patriot hre inspired these men To face the Tyrant's steel ! In spite of British shot and shell For hours the contest sped, Till many a gallant colonist Was numbered with the dead. Though humbled by superior force In that momentous fight, That feat proclaimed to freemen brave ■ The mastery of their might. 63 The Ideal Teacher (Plockhorst) 64 VERSES FOR YARIOUS OCCASIONS THE IDEAL TEACHER O would that my tongue could utter A melody half as sweet As the words that fell from the Saviour When the children knelt at His feet ! He taught them in ways so striking With a vision beyond compare, That the children were wrapt in attention Like an angel choir at prayer. For His thoughts did fairly sparkle Like the splendent morning dew, And lighted the minds of the children And thrilled their young hearts anew. Then they looked in the face of Jesus And read a message there That told them the true course to heaven Was the pathway of labor and prayer.. 65 Making the Way of the Cross 66 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS PENITENTIAL THOUGHTS When the Winter of Life has surrounded my heart, And the warm blood of youth has all fled, I will hie to a spot in the desert apart To think of the life I have led. I will visit in fancy the Golgotha shrine To winnow the gold from the dross, And I'll open my heart to the God-man divine Who suffered and died on the Cross. I will watch by His tomb till the morn sets in When Jesus arose from the dead; And ril leave in His grave every vestige of sin To which my young life has been wed. And thus when the tears of repentance o'erflow, And the deep pangs of sorrow depart, My soul will be thrilled with a heavenly glow, And God's joy will enter my heart. 67 A Sisters Best P^ienu 6S TEESES FOR TARIOUS OCCASIOyS THE TEACHER'S PRAYER I do not crave celestial tire To kindle hearts of youth : I only ask the gift divine To lead my class to Truth. To lead them through School's devious way To see them grow apace Along the path where Wisdom stands And doles out heavenly grace. I pray to fashion their young minds To know and do their part : I seek to see them drawing near Unto the Sacred Heart. Great Teacher, list unto my prayer! Oh. hearken to my plea ! IMy very heart's desire is this : To lead them nearer Thee. Grotto of Our 'Lu\Di' of Lourdes This impressive grotto is located in the woodland of Nazareth Academy, La Grange, 111. It is constructed entirely of Tufa Stone, and is about thirty feet high, forty-three feet wide, and twenty-two feet deep. The statue of Our Lady of Lourdes is made of Orbronze and stands six feet high. This devotional grotto contains a cave capable of accommo- dating twenty persons. In this cave there is an altar at which the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass can be offered. The entire grotto is lighted by electricity. 70 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS A WOODLAND SHRINE At a quiet rustic shrine Where the trees intertwine And the fragrance of flowers fills the air, To a lily-w^hite queen With a diadem of green I once chanted a love-inspired prayer. As I knelt there alone On a priedieu of stone, The songbirds were lilting a lay With such delicate art. That it entered the heart Of my Mother, the Queen of the May. In that moment of grace, In that picturesque place, I forgot all the cares of the day; And my soul, like a dove, Bore a message of love To my Mother, the Queen of the May. 71 The Call of Death 7'2 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH While serving at her humble post, Her generous heart aflame with love, The hand of Death like lightning came And raised her soul to realms above. Her master-mind no more will lead Christ's little ones with wondrous art; Her voice no more will strike those chords That vibrate in each youthful heart. The noble deeds of her brief Hfe A monument sublime shall be ; The thought of her shall give us hope To serve our Lord more faithfully. 73 A June Scene 74 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS A DAY IN JUNE At the break of the day, When the birds' roundelay Coursed along on the ambient air, A faint sound came to me Pilled with Love's ecstasy, Like the tone of an angelic prayer. The low murmuring trees. The soft hum of the bees, And the rays of the sun's golden sheen. In a spirit of glee. Bore a message to me As I rested in slumber serene. I awoke with a sigh, But the Sun in the sky Called me forth into Nature's domain. Where a vision so bright Filled my heart with delight And my soul with a prayerful refrain. 75 Calvary (Munkacsy) 76 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS CALVARY A tragic scene brings sadness to my heart : behold the Saviour ^ stretched upon the ground ! List to the crowd and hear the hammer's sound ! The monster spikes have torn His flesh. I start, And cry aloud, "Has MaHce done its part?" The Cross is raised. The bleeding Saviour bound Speaks no complaining word, but looks around And sees the motley crowd preparing to depart. Thrice wondrous act of love divine! You thrill The very fibers of my inmost heart. O deed of deeds ! Give me the light to see How wise it is to do God's holy will. And never let my thoughts, dear Lord, de- part From thinking of the Cross of Calvary. 77 The Resurrection (Ploc'kTiorst) 78 VERSES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS SORROW CHANGES TO JOY My heart last eve \\'as wont to grieve A most appalling mystery; For Sorrow's gloom Was in the tomb Where slept the Lord in ecstasy. So passing strange, A lightning change Descended on the Saviour's cell; Where Sorrow stood In plaintive mood Triumphant Joy had come to dwell. Let Music ring Let Voices sing In dulcet tones from shore to shore; For Christ the Lord With Heaven's accord Has conquered Death forevermore. 79 W 13 ♦^■"^ r WERT BOOKBINDtNC I Crantville, Pa Nov Dec 1988 i*e 'f Ootlif, Bounc