PS 1919 .H37 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDETSbfl?! ° " ** * 'o ^ . •^ ^^0^ f ^* ^<» o, «, ^'% ^■^v^-^- ^^^ ^ 4' ^ SPIRIT VOICES: DICTATED BY SPIRITS OF THE SECOND SPHERE, FOR THE USE OP IIARMONIAL CIECLES. E. C.HENCK, MEDIUM. Sweet voioes from the upper sphere;), Breathe over earth their thrillln:^- lay9> Their soofhing tones huve b \nislu^i fears. And fllleJ the soul with fervent prpvise. SECOXD EDITIO^r. ; PinLADELPIirA : PUDLISIIED Br G. D. IIENCK J 160 Arch Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in 1853, by G. D. HENCK, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY S. DOUGLAS WYETH, Agt. No. 7 Pear St. Pliilad'a. PREFACE. The poetry, thus presented to the public, has been published in obedience to the directions of its authors It has been given, from time to time, to Circle A. of Philadelphia, by Spirits of the Second Sphere, through the alphabetic card, and has been printed without alteration or correction — in most cases, it has been received so rapidly as to render it impossible for an expert penman to transcribe it in full ; the medium has never written poetry, and has been repeatedly surprised at the ease and rapidity, with which she now receives it. In some instances, tunes have been proposed by members, and, in a few minutes, words were received adapted to them — such, and some other familiar tunes, have been designated, for the purpose of assisting Circles in the selection of music. It is well known to all friends of the Spiritual or Harmonial Philosophy, that si/ij-mg- is an essential aid in the promotion of harmony — our instructors have desired that these odes should bo published for the use of circles, as they have, in them, embodied sentiments proper to be cherished by all seekers after the wisdom, love, and truth of the higher spheres of existence, now being revealed by the angelic dwellers of those celestial habitations. TO THE UNINITIATED IN THE BEAUTIES OP SPIRITUAL INTEECOUESE. Mortals, arise, for the day of truth is dawning. Why slumber in darkness -when the bright luminary of truth sheds its beams in your midst ? Why seek ye not the intercourse with spheres above ? Why strive ye not to di-aw down the wisdom from on high ? Many seek not, because they deem the subject enshrouded in mystery, and that some outward association is necessary to open the gates, and allow the spiritual visitors to enter into earthly homes. Be ye wise, and understand that it is not outward assistance that renders communication possible, but know that the truo initiation is the gro\vth, the hannouious expansion of the interior principle of man — his spirit ; through its development, he shall gather heavenly treasures. Harmony is the essential principle of all associations — the law of afBnity is active throughout all portions of creation, therefore harmonious beings cannot be attracted Avhere discord exists. With this lesson of truth for the foundation of your action in seeking light from spiritual ■ spheres, ye may hope for success to crown your efforts. It needs not that a developed medium should be in your midst, but it is generally necessary that harmonioua minds, having aspirations for truth, should be gathered into one holy bond of union. It is better, not to have the circle exceed fourteen in number, but it is not necessary that there be that many — if that number of candid seekers for truth can not be found, it is well to begin with a few, and gradually increase, as harmonious individuals are attracted towards you. To ensure rapid progression, it is requisite that the circle should meet as frequently as possible — at least, once in each week ; each meiuber should feel it a duty to be present regularly, at the appointed time. To render harmony complete, the members of the circle should be seated closely together, there- fore, if there be. but few, it is well to dispense with the use of a table, and to sit closelv, as possible, and at equal distances. 4 SPIRITUAL INTERCOURSE. TLe next essential principle ; minds must be concentrated upon the same subject. Kinging is an important harmonizer of tliO feelings, for music Awakes a ready response in every soul. The reading of spiritual communications will also be found el'fectivp, in bringing the mind to a proper state of exaltation aud harmony — general conversation on spiritual subjects should be free, but all di.-cussion must be avoided. There should be no fear, but a passive feeling should be induced, that the physical and spiritual systems may be moulded by the gentle influence of the Spirit Land— yield willingly to that infiu. ence in whatever way it may be experienced, for it will adapt itself to the peculiar organism of the subject to be controlled. Be assured, if these directions be followed, wisdom and peace shall envelope you with their holy atmosphere, and the heavenly dew of love be showered on your souls. "When communications be at first received, be cautious in giving them full weight, until the medium is brought under our control — mediums, in the early stages of development, are, in many cases, excitable, and there is much probability that the communications will be tinctured with their own prejudices and affections. When communications are received on important subjects, it is well to submit questions in relation to them, to different, well devel- oped mediums ; thus, by comparison, shall the light be perceived. Reason must not be laid aside, in the investigation of this all important subject; infallibility is claimed not by spirits of the second sphere, therefore, say they unto you, — reason on all things, and receive that, which is in harmony with the principles of Nature. It is the mission of angels to point out the duty of mortals, and to assist in its performance, and it is the duty of mortals to strive to know the object of their existence, and to fulfil its requirements, therefore, let all haste to partake of the knowledge which- shall truly bless them. This communication we desire to have'published with the poetry, designed for the use of circles ; we have deemed it Avell, that the conditions on which intercourse depends should be made known therewith, that, wherever that book may find its way, there may also be scattered the seeds of knowledge, from which, shall spring up plants, laden with the fruits of Heaven. PRAYER. Oh Father, thou art the Source of Life : thou art the Giver and the Creator of all things ; thou alone art the Disposer of the eventB of the Universe itself ; thou hast dispensed thy glory in every particle of the illimitable world ; no portion is void of the di- vine radiance that beams around the influx of the Holy Spirit that pervades every particle of Creation. Thou hast studded the sky with worlds of beauty, but far more glorious are the gems thou hast im- bedded within the soul, created in thy own image and likeness. Thou hast created all things in ac- cordance with thy infinite wisdom, and thou hast judged all things with the judgment of love and mercy. We thank thee for the divine beauties and crea- tions that surround our path ; we joy in the bliss, that thou hast made dependent on the action of the healthy soul. PRAYER . We, in accordance with the light that vre perceive, will endeavor to glorify thy Holy Name by living in harmony with those principles of divine love, which are implanted within our very nature, and in all things strive to discern the light, which beameth from thy habitation. We glory that we have all been created dependent beings, and that we will be enabled through our opening and unfolding perceptions, to fulfil the com- mandments thus made binding on all — as we per- ceive thy blessings descending, like the dew on the earth, alike to all the race of mankind, whether in the spirit-spheres or upon the rudimental, so shall our hearts, as we progress in the love of thy Spirit, embrace all nations and kindreds, and our love shall flow forth in works of goodness and charity to all beings. We pray not that thy Spirit should be shed abroad over the spheres of existence, for we know that that which is needed shall be granted, but we desire that by our progress, we may be . brought to see thy glory, which even now pervades all the creations of the universe. This is the time for action, and as our feelings work in hope for the good of mankind on Earth, we P R AYER. would offer thanks that thou hast placed within our hands the means of accomplishing the redemption of the world from the bondage in which it is now enslaved ; that thou hast caused us to be the mes- sengers of thy grace and love to the sorrowing in- habitants of Earth, and hast endowed us with power to raise the weight of grief and distrust that hangs over the souls of mortals ; that thou hast, by us, sent the light, which shall disperse the deepening gloom of the clouds of error, that conceals the glory of thy Being from the spiritual eyes of those souls who still dwell in the darkness of earth. Ilosannas and psalms be sung to thy name for the boundless love, which is displayed towards the children of thy spirit, and which shall, at last, draw all to know the blessings and joy attending the well developed soul. This is the angels' prayer of praise to Him, who hath sent them to perform His will towards the inhabitants of Earth. SPIRIT VOICES. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. MINISTRATION OF ANGELS- Joy is known beyond the sky, Praise tunes heavenly harps on high, Anthems swell in every sphere, Strains of ra.pture greet the ear : See the pure angelic throng, As they wing their way along, Thro' the blue ethereal space. Chanting of immortal grace. 10 SPIRIT VOICES Hark ! they shout, and loudly sing, Praises to their God and King, Heaven re-echoes with the notes Of that peerless, matchless host : Now they bend their steps to earth, Now they gather round each hearth. Hark ! they whisper, words they breathe Which from Sin and Error sheathe. Oh rejoice, mankind, rejoice, To your thankfulness give voice, Sound aloud your Father's praise, Notes of joy and gladness raise : Angels are your guardians dear, Coming from a brighter sphere. Whispering words of bliss and peace. Giving strength that ne'er shall cease : Oh be calm, and wisely learn Truth and wisdom to discern. In the scenes that round you glow, In earth's misery and woe : They, in time, shall blend in one Hearts of every clime and tongue. And with brightest chains of love, Join us all to souls above. PRESENCE OP ANGELS. 11 . ANGELS' INVITATION. Air. — " Come^ Oh come with me." Gaze, oh gaze thou here, on angels winging, Lend, oh lend thy ear, to angels singing, While around the homes of Earth they're fling- Treasures rich from spheres above. [ing Swift, oh swift they come ; their tones endearing Fall upon the ear, life's journey cheering ; Fears flee from the soul, and now 'tis hearing. Notes of truth and love divine. " Come, oh come to us, when trials grieve thee, Come, oh come to us, when friends deceive thee, We will ever love, and never leave thee, We will bid thy soul rejoice. " Come, oh come and learn, — to us 'tis given To teach the willing mind of Earth and Heaven, To guide the troubled soul by rude blasts To the paths of peace and joy. [driven, "Lift, oh lift thy thoughts, where love is breath- ing, Where the gems of truth are brightly wreathing, Round the soul divine, thus ever sheathing It from darts of Sin and Woe." 12 SPIRIT VOICES. HOLY VOICES. Am,— The Spirit Song.—'' Yes, it is holy.''* Hearest thou not holy voices near, Breathing of love in thy listening ear, Filling the air with their rapturous songs, Lifting the burden from Earth-laden throngs '? Charming and sweet are their blessed words, Touching the heart and its sacred chords, Sinking within the calm depths of the soul. Stilling the passions that tempest-like roll. Oft hast thou heard their low breathings clear. Whispering of souls that to thee are dear. Lifting thy heart from the Earth and its strife, Teaching thee lessons of higher life. Oh thou art surrounded by angels light, Making the Earth seem more fair and bright, Scattering the flowers of Heaven o'er thee, Filling thy soul with their charmed melody. PRESENCE OP ANGELS. 13 LOVE FOR THE FATHER. Air.—" Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning.''^ Angels, bright angels are ever around us, Coming from spheres of true wisdom above, With their bright glory they ever surround us, Filling our hearts with a heavenly love ; Love for the Father who guideth us ever, Through the temptations and trials of earth, Him, who hath left nor forsaken us never, Leading us on to the heavenly birth : God, in his mercy, sends angels to bless us. Angels, that move in his wisdom above. They hover around us and gently caress us, In their repletion of heavenly love ; 'Shall we not love and revere Him forever, Throughout eternity's unending year '? Naught on the earth nor in heaven can sever Him, from his love for his children so dear : Love for the Father, who ruleth creation, Giveth us blessings from birth to the grave, Then in the fulness of love's renovation, Raiseth the spirit in glory to lave ; Wisdom He giveth to all who receive it, Light sheddeth over the land and the sea ; Man, in advancement^shall know and perceive it, Knowledge shall make every chained spirit free. 2 14 SPIRIT VOICES OFT IN THE aUIET HOUR. Am.—" Oft in the Stilly Night r Oft in the quiet hour. When passiveness comes o'er us, When thought resigns its power, Sweet visions flit before us : We see the loved of other years Come joyfuHy to meet us, Come from the Hght of other spheres, To this dark earth to greet us. Thus in the quiet hour, When passiveness comes o'er us. When thought resigns its power. Sweet visions flit before us. Oft-times when troubles lower, And earthly cares surround us, We feel the soothing power. Of unseen angels round us. They whisper then of joys to come In their blest home of Heaven, They sing of that bright future home. Which God to man has given. Thus in the quiet hour, Or when dark clouds surround us. We feel the soothing power, Of anfrels ever round us. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 15 Oft we will look to them For wisdom, to unfold us, For strength, earth's tide to stem. For joys of which they 've told us : And when these earthly scenes recede Before our mortal vision, "We '11 trust in them our souls to lead, Where truth repels collision. Thus through our earthly life. And in the bright transition, We '11 look beyond all strife, To angels on their mission. BEAUTIES OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION. Air. — " Co7ne io the sunset tree." Come to the circle bright. Lay all thy cares aside, Imbibe the living light. The sparkling water's tide ; The sun of Wisdom glows. Above the circle fair ; The stream of Knowledge flows, Adown the gentle air. 16 SPIRIT VOICES. Come, and thou may'st, perchance, Feol a mother's fond embrace ; A sister may enhance Thy joys, with winning grace ; A brother may unfold, The treasures of his home. To cheer thee through the world, "Whilst thou through cares shalt roam. Come, and the gentle breath Of thy loved spirit-bride, May whisper thee that death, But leads thee to her side ; That through thy trials stern. Her love shall ne'er depart, But ever fondly yearn. To clasp thee to her heart. Come, for the angels stay. To bless thee with their love, To cheer thee on thy way. With tidings from above ; Oh come, and hear the voice, Receive the soft caress Of those, who watch thy course. Who love to soothe and bless. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 17 HEAVENLY MUSIC. Sweet floats the heavenly music Upon the solemn air, Love breathes in every stanza, Freeing the mind from care. Man, harken to that music, It comes from spheres above. To cheer Earth's weary pilgrims With hope, and faith, and love. To bring them purer wisdom Than earth can ever grace. To tell them Earth is not their last. Their final resting place. To reveal a Home far brighter, Where angels live and move. Where love, and truth, and wisdom, Sweet peace and calmness prove. Oh catch that heavenly measure, Re-echo it through Earth, Till all the human family. Shall learn to know the truth. 2* 18 SPIRIT VOICES BEAUTIES. Angels are whispering, Mortals are listening, Bright eyes are glistening, Joyous in tears ; Dark clouds are flying. Bright tints are vieing. Soft gales are sighing, Banished are fears. Clear streams are flowing, Coming and going. Through the rich, glowing. Beauteous scene. Flowers are springing. Lovingly clinging Round us, and flinging Fragrance unseen. Bright birds are winging. Merrily singing, Mountains are ringing. With their wild songs. Light hearts are bounding, Glee is resounding, Joy is surrounding Earth's weary throngs. PRESENCE OF ANGELS 19 Love is unfolding, Working and moulding Man, and upholding Him above strife. Light is now dawning. On comes the morning, Truth is adorning Man's earthly life. STRAINS OF ANGELS. How sweet and soothing are the strains. That fall upon mine ear. They come not from the distant plains, Nor yet from mountains near. They come not from the fickle throng, That sport their time away. With trifling fun and careless song, And merry laugh so gay. They come not from the learned and wise. That live upon the earth. Not e'en in their deep breathing lies Such pure intrinsic worth. 20 SPIRIT VOICES. They come not from the wealthy few. Nor from the proud and great, These rarely sing of aught that's true, But praise the golden weight. Oh cast not thou on earth thy gaze, To tell whence comes the sound. But upward thou thine eyes must raise, And look abroad, around. Then shalt thou see a joyous band Of sweet musicians play, Above our free and happy land, To drive all care away. . Oh look thou close, and thou shalt see Full many a lovely face. That thou didst think was lost to thee On earth, thy dwelling place. And thou shalt hear the cheering voice Of those, thou thought'st could ne'er Pveturn to bless thy mortal course. With aught so pure and fair. But hark, Oh list ! they come to bring Heaven's glorious truths to thee. That thou no more shalt fear Death's wing, When it o'ershadows thee. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 21 They come to tell thee thou no more Must grieve for loved ones gone, But upward look to Heaven's bright shore. And see them there new-born. They love to sing about their home. That bright and lovely place, And bid each weary traveler come, It is for all the race. They soon will draw all men to them, And teach them glorious truth, . And help them to secure a gem Of priceless, countless worth. That gem is Love ; it should adorn The entire human race, Then low contention, pride, and scorn, Would find no resting place. Then let the angels' song be heard, Let all with eager ear, €atch every sweet, enlivening word, As it is wafted near. 22 SPIRIT VOICES ELEVATION OF MAN. Angels bright are winging, Joyously to earth, Ever, ever singing. Of the holy birth ; Calmly they are stealing, To their loved ones' side. Hushing every feeling Of all worldly pride. Lifting thoughts to heaven. That bright home above, "Which to man is given. By the God of Love : Oh how brightly glowing, All its beauties shine, Crystal streams are flowing. Filled with gems divine. Man is fast advancing. With increasing speed, Light from heaven glancing Fills his every need. Rapidly is dawning. Truth's refulgent day. Soon shall break the morning. Angels bring its ray. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 23 SPIEITS OF LIGHT. ' Bright spirits of light, of heavenly truth, Are joyously coming down to earth. And clustering round each fireside hearth, And singing of praise. They come from a land of joyous delight, Where all is so fair, so radiant and bright. To shed on the Earth its lustrous light. To gladden all hearts. Their whispers are low as the gentle air, While telling of joys and of Heaven fair. And of their progression in goodness there, In that beauteous home. And oh, how they earnestly plead with man. To flee from wrongs, to reform his plans. And exalt his brother wherever he can To a child of truth. And they will make man heed their gentle words. As skilful they touch the heart's hidden chords, And wake him to newness of life in the Lord, In the Father, God. 24 SPIRIT VOICES HOLY AND BRIGHT, Air.— '^* sparkling and Bright.''^ Holy and bright, in its heavenly light, Is the truth by angels given, 'Twill ope our eyes, 'twill make us wise, To know the God of Heaven. Then let 's depart from error dark, Ye kindred bands of mortals, [light. Let 's turn from the night, and receive the As it shines through Heaven's portals. Brighter by far is truth's rising star. Than earth's sun so brightly glowing. Better than wealth, is the tone of health. It is on our souls bestowing. Then let's depart, &c. Grently it glows on the mourner's woes. As its beams reveal the brightness. Of Heaven's dome, man's future Home, Where all is joy and lightness. Then let's depart, &c. Brothers unite, let us strive for right, We will battle wrong forever. We '11 buckle on our armor strong, And swerve from duty, never. Come, let 's depart, &g. PRESENCE OP ANGELS. 25 AN ANGEL'S LESSON. Oh gentle and sweet is the angel voice, That constantly whispers to me, " Rejoice, A Father of Love ruleth over thy head, He sendeth his angels to guard round thy bed. " He oiddeth them watch o'er thy trials stern, And teach thee a lesson of wisdom to learn, From all the conditions that life may show. From the good and the high, from the vile and the low. " Oh trust in that God, and look forward with hope To mansions of bliss that to thee shall ope. When thy spirit is freed from its frail home of earth. And revives in the new and the glorious birth. " Oh joyfully sing thy praises aloud, In honor of virtue, in honor of Grod, Thy life on the earth is but feeble and short, That o'er — and thy soul shall to Heaven be brought." 26 SPIRIT VOICES. SPIRIT COMMUNION. Am.—" O Come, Come Away.''^ come, come away, from Error now oppressing, The earth with gloom, dark as the tomb, come, come away. O come where bright, celestial day Is lit by truth's eternal ray. Where holy glories ever play, come, come away. From sorrows and griefs, on which thy mind is dwelling. This sweet commune, gives calmness soon, come, come away. Come, angels wait to speak with thee, Of sweet and blissful harmony, That fills all souls with joyful glee, come, come away. While bright angel choirs their hymns of praise are singing. Ye mortal throngs, come join their songs, come, come away. Come, sing the love of Him who reigns. And sound His name o'er hills and plains, In softest and melodious strains, come, come away. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 27 The dim darkness flees, tlie gloom is fast receding, Before the ray, of endless day, O come, come away. come, and in a circle bright. May all your souls with joy unite. To catch the heaven-inspiring light, come, come away. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. Air. — "From Greenland's icy mountains.'' Our Father ever giveth His blessings unto all ; On every soul that liveth. Treasures from Heaven fall. Then why, oh man, this sadness, Why sit in fearful gloom ? Arise to joy and gladness. Grief cannot be thy doom. Our G-od and Father liveth In realms beyond the sky, But to all space He giveth His ever watchful eye : His essence e'er pervadeth Each atom at its birth, , His glory never fadeth, But shines throughout the earth. 28 SPIRIT VOICES. Our God is everlasting, Eternal, and sublime, ; To Him there is no blasting. No withering by oM Time : Far down the lapse of ages. He looks with searching eye, Reads life's unfolding pages, Beholds that heaven is nigh. Our Father is all-glorious, All boundless and divine. O'er all He reigns victorious, On all his mercies shine : Then why, oh man, this terror ? Our God is ever just, Turn thou from every error, And in Him place thy trust. Hark ! angels bright are shouting His praise along the sky. Shake off thy gloom and doubting And raise thy notes on high. May souls unite together. In unison and love, To praise their Heavenly Father, The Holy God above. PRESENCE OP ANGELS. 29 THE ANGELS' FAITH. Angels have come to the earthly home, Free o'er the plains their bright spirits roam, Joyful they come to their work of love, Praising the Master divine above. Mournful they gaze o'er the stricken world, Where, in their error, mankind have hurled Vengeance and wrath from the Mind on high. Teaching that souls can eternally die. Upward they gaze to the Star of Hope, Onward they press where its beamings ope Paths, to descend to the lonely hearth. Visions of beauty that flit o'er earth. Joyful they know that the truth will save Man, from his error and sin-bound grave. Give to his soul the rich joy that flows. Bright where the love of God's spirit glows. 30 SPIRIT VOICES BREATHINGS FROM THE SPIRIT-LAND. Sweet floats the breath of the spirit-land, In whispers of peace and in sweet command, It tranquilly sinks in the depths of the soul, And hushes the tumult when wild passions roll. Peace, peace is breathed o'er the struggling heart, Idepart, And straightway the mists that enshroud it It goes boldly forth in the newness of life, To battle with error, to overcome strife. Hope, hope to the fainting soul and mind. Is brought on this breath which no chains can bind, It flows from the beauteous land above, And comes richly laden with gifts of love. It points to a world far beyond the sky, Where love ever reigns, where souls never die, Where bliss sits triumphant on every face. And truth is embodied in matchless grace. Trust, trust is brought to the doubting heart, When midst Earth's griefs it with faith seems to part, The forms of the loved and the gone draw near, And whisper sweet words in each listening ear. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 31 They speak of a bright and a happy land, Where roams a pure, a sweet angel band. Where trials and sorrows are never known. And peace's ne'er disturbed by the heart- rending moan. Oh may that breath from the spirit land. Be felt and received by each mortal band, Then shall be rent Superstition's thrall, And God shall be known as the Father of alL STAR OF PROMISE. Air.—" The Watcher^ When man was sad and weary Beneath Mosaic rule. When earth seemed dark and dreary, And e'en fond love grew cool, A star arose, whose brightness . Sent through the race a thrill Of mingled hope and gladness. That Love should conquer still. 32 SPIRIT VOICES Prophets foresaw its dawning, Beheld its glory bright, And knew that at its coming, Earth should be clothed in light. That promise told by sages, The coming age fufilled, And in the life of Jesus The raging storm was stilled. Jesus beheld the Father, His majesty and grace. And saw no dark clouds gather In vengeance round his face ; He knew his boundless wisdom, His goodness, and his love. Embraced the human family, United them above. He stemmed the rushing waters, Broke the haughty, priestly rule. And called Earth's sons and daughters To obey the golden rule. Angels watched o'er and guarded His labors for mankind. And when by man discarded. They cheered and soothed his mind. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. 33 That star beams now as ever, And with increasing light, Its radiance faileth never, It is glorious and bright : But clouds from earth have risen And hide its lustre pure, ♦ Mankind heed not the wisdom, That ever shall endure. Angels have seen the vapors. That hang around the earth. They have watched man's creed-lit tapers Reveal the heavenly birth. They haste those clouds to scatter, To trim those spectral lights, And turn man's darkened vision To Heaven's celestial heights. Mankind, arise from sadness. From darkness and despair, Your grief exchange for gladness. Trust in your Father's care. Love shall unite all nations. And join them into one, All shall be brothers, sisters, The earth, their happy home. 34 SPIRIT VOICE SONG OF JOY. AiK. — " Rejoice^ rejoiced Rejoice, rejoice, the angels bright are coming. Rejoice, rejoice, they come to man in love, They fill his breast with peace and joy, Redeem his soul from Earth's alloy. Rejoice, rejoice, the angels bright are coming. Rejoice, rejoice, they come to man in love. Rejoice, rejoice, the angels e'er attend thee. Rejoice, rejoice, they watch thy footsteps now, And when temptation glitters near. They whisper caution in thy ear. Rejoice, rejoice, the angels e'er attend thee, Rejoice, rejoice, they watch thy footsteps now. Rejoice, rejoice, the angels sweet are singing, Rejoice, rejoice, and join their songs of praise, They sing the Father's love on high. For souls that never, never die. Rejoice, rejoice, the angels sweet are singing. Rejoice, rejoice, and join their songs of praise. Rejoice, rejoice, and follow as they lead thee, Rejoice, rejoice, they guide thee to thy Home, Where love supreme shall ever reign, And bliss be kno^vn without a pain. Rejoice, rejoice, and follow as they lead thee, Rejoice, rejoice, they guide thee to thy Home. PRESENCE OP ANGELS. 35 WISDOM. We come to you with words of love, To bring you tidings from above, To tell of that bright, heavenly state. Those joys that all mankind await. To bring you wisdom from on high, From worlds far, far beyond the sky, Wisdom, that flows from God's high throne, Wisdom, that comes from Him alone. Wisdom, unmixed with ills of Earth, Wisdom, of pure intrinsic worth, Wisdom, not changed by will of man, AVisdom, revealed in God's own plan. Throw not away this gift of love, It Cometh pure from worlds above ; From darkness flee, to worlds of light. Exchange Earth's^ wrongs, for Heaven's right. 36 SPIRIT VOICES. • THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL, Air.—" Thou sweet gliding Kedron," The voice of an angel Falls sweet on our ears, • It whispers of goodness, That conquers our fears ; ■ It speaks of a Father, Who governs in love, Who draws all his children, To bright homes above. It makes our souls hopeful, Makes joyful our life, Gives strength to our feelings. To overcome strife \ We know that contention, That pride, hate, and scorn, Will turn to sweet concord, In truth's beauteous morn. We know th^t truth's brightness Shall dawn upon earth. Sweet flowers spring around us. Of heavenly birth. Though eager to witness. All things ruled by love, We wait with calm patience, These gifts from above. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. .37 STRIFE AND LOVE. Air.—" Pilgrim'' s Invitation.''^ Soul, has thy life Been one of strife, Making earth look dark as night ? Then hast thou seen, Trials and scenes, [delight, Which filled not thy depths with the purest Revealed not the light and the glory of God, Disclosed not his love hut only his rod. JMortal of earth, Pure is the worth, Of thy bright, interior soul. But thou hast cast, Shades of the past, [whole O'er all its rich beauties and marred the fair Thou hast not developed well its bright powers, But wasted thy time, thy life's fleeting hours. Angels of love, Come from above, Bringing gifts of peace and joy. Shedding truth's light, Radiant and bright, To burn iVom each soul all earthly alloy. Oh mortals be wise, and learn of their life, To overcome ill, with love, not with strife. 4 38 SPIRIT VOICES INFLUENCE OF ANGELS. Am. — " ' Tis the Last Rose of While reading the laws of love ; Ere long, shall the waters of Truth o'erflow, The earth from the spheres above. 118 SPIRIT VOICES THEUE IS A JOYOUS HOME. Air, — " There is a happy landy There is a jojous home, Bright, brighter far, Than Earth's etherial dome Studded with stars. There sparkle Wisdom's gems, Forming richest diadems ; In those immortal realms Sin cannot mar. Thence comes a happy band, Angels of light. All joiniag hand in hand. Toiling for Right. Gladly they wing their way From the bright, resplendent day. That holy glories may Make Earth more bright. Hark ! how they loudly sing Truth's notes divine ; Garlands of love they bring, Round man to twine. They strive all souls to bind In one vast, harmonious mind, Where thought may be enshrined In Wisdom's mine. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 119 RIYER OF TRUTH. Air.—" The Carrier Dove.:' Bright river of Truth, flow on, flow on, Thy waters are deep and free, There's naught, that can make the heart so strong, As the song of thy mirthful glee. Oh, thou wilt entice the hearts of men, By thy murmurs low and clear, From crime and pollution's horrid den, Thy music soft to hear. And nearer, more near, shall draw the soul, To thy calm and peaceful waves. Till round it, thy billows proudly roll. And it in thy glory laves. Oh, holy and pure are those, who bathe In thy pearly, crystal stream, No envy to them has power to scathe While brightly thy diamonds gleam. Thou flowest from God, the Source divine, The Fount of Nature's life. He fills thee with gems that ever shine And sparkle with glories rife. Then onward, flow on, thou river pure. Flow on in thy destined course ; Thy mission's divine, thy triumph sure, All, all shall obey thy voice. 120 SPIRIT VOICES. ANGEL VOICES. AiK. — " My Heart is not yet hrokeny A murmuring sweet of voices Strikes soft upon my ear, Oh how my soul rejoices To hear that gladsome cheer. I love the waters rushing, AYhen the stream is raging high, Or the low and gentle hushing Of the streamlet rippling by. I love the merry warbling Of birds in every vale ; I love their lay ennobling When hope and courage fail. I love the beauteous flowers On mountain, hill, and dell, With them to pass my hours, And list their music swell. I love to watch the moonbeam As it falls across the wave. And makes each billow's crest gleam Bright as a mermaid's cave. I love the twinkling starlight, Its soft and mellow hue ; A sweet and loving glance bright, It pictures to my view. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 121 Oh yes, from all things gushing, The notes of praise arise ; All Nature bright is blushing, In glorious tints and dyes. But o'er my soul is stealing A music far more sweet, Its anthems rich are pealing Where'er I turn my feet. When midst the noisy bustle Of toil, and care, and strife, I hear a gentle rustle. Breathe of a better life ; It nerves my soul to action. And makes my courage strong. To raze the walls of Faction, The fortresses of Wrong. When earth seems lone and dreary. And wears an aspect sad, It bids me not be weary. But joyous, bright, and glad. I love its holy praises Across my soul to sweep ; My prayers and thoughts it raises By its tones so pure and deep. 122 SPIRIT VOICES And now when toil is ended, And thought sinks to repose, Its harmony is blended AVith all ray griefs and woes. I love to list its breathing, When Peace in triumph reigns, And Love my soul is wreathing With flowers from Heaven's plains. It is the angels' voices. Thus stealing o'er my soul ; Oh how my soul rejoices, To hear their anthems roll. And oh, I love the Father, Who sends the angel host. Around our homes to gather. And cheer us with their notes. HAIL! YE ANGELS. Air. — '■'■Hail Columbia.'''' Hail ! ye angels — glorious bright! Hail ! ye messengers of light ! Who waft our souls to spheres above, To drink at founts of life and love. To bathe in Heaven's celestial day. Illumined, bright by Wisdom's ray. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. iZi We hail with joy your influence blest ; It lulls our troubled thoughts to rest, Pervades our souls with peace divine, Makes countless glories round us shine. Ever let our prayers ascend, Ever let our footsteps bend To the throne of God above, Source of Wisdom, Life, and Love. Hail I ye angels — loving band ! Hail from Heaven's immortal land j Ye speed to Earth to join mankind In one serene, harmonious mind; Ye spread your wings o'er scenes of woe And bid the airy phantoms go — Earth's mists, its clouds, its deep'ning gloom. The darkness of the mortal tomb. All vanish 'neath the cheering beams Of light, which round thy presence gleam. Hail ! ye angels, to our home, Never shall our footsteps roam, But with you, we'll tread the way To the heavenly courts of day. 124 SPIRIT VOICES SOUND, SOUND THE TRUMP OF M. Sound, sound the trump of joy, In rapture o'er the plains, Let praise your thoughts employ. And echo heavenly strains. The angels bright perceive the power, That hangs around mau'« earthly bower. Hark, hark, the angel's sound Their notes along the sky ; To earth's remotest bound. Their lays in power fly. They lift man's thoughts to spheres above, And fill his heart with heavenly love. I Press, press toward truth divine, Where flowers immortal bloom, Where glories ever shine. Repelling night and gloom. Look forth in hope to future years, When earth shall blend with higher spheres. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 125 LOVE. Air. — " Fresh and Strong."* Love is a sweet, immortal thing. Dwelling within the soul, Sweet peace and comfort does it bring, When tempests round us roll. No chains of earth confine its flight, It soars through earth and skj, It pierces to the Source of Light, The Father, the Most High. It travels round and round the earth, Seeking not sin and shame, But searching for inferior worth. Which pure from Heaven came. Love hovers round the homes of all. E'en those of guilt and woes. As well as those that heed the call, Which from the Father flows. It takes each brother by the hand, And leads his soul above. And shows a bright, fair spirit-land, Where all are ruled by Love. 126 SPIRIT VOICES. ELEVATION OF MIND. Air. — '•'■ Rein ember Mc.^* Oh cherish well the mind divine, The reason God hath given, Around it brightest glories shine, Its holy home is heaven. Chain not to earth, the noble powerSj Implanted in the soul ; Unfold them through life's earthly hours, While griefs and pleasures roll. Lift up the soul to heaven above, To dwell on spheres of light, Where hearts are redolent with love, Where home is ever bright. Oh, praise the God, who dwells on high, For all the glorious gems. Which stud the home beyond the sky, » Heaven's high and holy realms. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 127 BEAUTIES OF HEAVEN. Am.— ''Don't Kill the Birch:' Sister, when troubles round thee come, Let not thy spirit faint, But look with faith to thy bright home, And let thy fancy paint. Yes, let thy Fancy paint thee scenes, A bright and lovely home. Throughout which, joy resplendent seems, To bid each mortal come. A home where beauteous angels dwell Radiant with living truth. Where they, their joyous chorus swell To God, the Fount of Truth. Fancy may paint in colors bright Her gorgeous, glowing scenes j Imagination may excite. And shed o'er all her beams. Still, sister, this fair scene shall fail To picture unto thee That home, that all at last shall hail Throughout eternity. 128 SPIRIT VOICES. A YISION OF THE SPIRIT IVORLD. A child sat with uplifted eyes, Gazing with rapture on the skies, He seemed to pierce the deep'ning blue, To search beyond the azure hue, For lo ! a gleam of peerless light Grlanced o'er his face with radiance bright; A smile of joy his lips enwreathed, They parted — and he gently breathed. " Oh mother, dost come for thy darling boy, To bear him aloft to thy scenes of joy T Dost bend to the earth thy wings of light, To carry his soul to those regions bright. To lands, where the tints of the rainbow vie With glories and beauties that never die, Where the soul is bathed in celestial love. And is peaceful and calm as the gentle dovel" He ceased, then bent his listening ear, W^hile accents from that mother dear Seemed sinking deep within his soul, For gently o'er his visage stole A look of mingled trust and hope, As though the gates of heaven ope, And truths upon his spirit broke, — He smiled serene, then calmlv spoke. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 129 " That vision of light from thy radiant shore, Blest mother, hath taught me to weep no more But to share with others my cup of love. So freely replenished from founts above. I can bear the scoffs of the feelingless Avorld, Since I know that the angels, with pinions un- furled. Are hovering with joy round my grief-stricken ways, Dispersing the gloom with their heaven-born rays." INVITATION TO MORTALS. Mortals, cast aside the cljains, "Which your souls so long have worn, Come, where love unbounded reigns. Come, by guardian angels borne. Come, where soul responds to soul. And where thought re-echoes thought? Where the waves of wisdom roll. Where the gems of truth are sought. Cast aside the cares of earth For the gems of truth and love ; Mortals, pass the glorious birth, Enter into life above. 130 SPIRIT VOICES. DUTIES OF MORTALS. Sister, go forth like an angel of light, And work out thy mission divine, Reflect on all souls the radiance hright. Yon Heaven hath pictured on thine. How noble thy work, how divine thy employ, Outpouring thy cup of love ; Perhance, thou mayst give to the mourner, Ere the soul wings its flight above. Be tender and gentle to all below, And exalt the soul divine, Keclaim the wand'ring from sin and woe, Yea, lead them to Truth's holy shrine. Hope points thee aloft to the realms divine, Encircled by gems of light, Celestial their glories shall ever shine, Keeping thee firm to the right. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 131 BEAUTIES OF THE FUTURE LIFE. Air. — " By cool Siloam's shady rill." Death is a beauteous happy change, All should delight to meet, That passed, the soul is free to range, And boundless knowledge greet. "When mortal eyes are closed on earth, The inner eyes are oped, Their vision is of far more worth, Than ever man has hoped. The glory of the Spirit world. By man is not conceived, Its beauties must remain untold, They cannot be believed. But oh, my friend, rich beauties rare Wait thee when thou art drawn. Away from thy great world of care, To dwell in truth's bright morn. Let faith, then, light thee on thy way, To thy eternal home, There thou shalt dwell in brightest day, No cloud shall o'er thee come. 132 SPIRIT VOICES. There thou slialt ever onward press, Towards the all-perfect God ; Thou shalt His name for ever bless, And sing His praises loud. Thou shalt be one of a joyous band, Through Heaven's bright courts to roam ; Let praises sound throughout the land, Heaven is man's future home. THE HEAVENLY DAY HAS COME. See Beauty, night, and Truth advance, Look up, oh man, and catch the glance. That streameth from those eyes of light, To make thy earthly pathway bright. Behold, the heavenly day has come, No more shall man in error roam. Without a friend, without a guide, To lead him where the good abide. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 133 INSPIRATION OF THE SOUL. A deep and holy inspiration swells AVilhin my inmost soul, And there its wondrous emanation dwells, Gaining a sweet control O'er all my feelings, thoughts, and living hopes, Keeping them subject still, While it, its glorious revelation opes, Obedient to its will. My thoughts seem bound as if by magic spell, While those pure, living tides Of wisdom, knowledge, inspiration swell. And to my soul, are guides. My spirit seems expanded into space, To cull the flowers of love From every beauteous form and matchless grace In spheres of light above, xVnd on the earth beneath. I long to look On all that's good and true ; Page after page of Nature's glorious book Is opening to my view ; [soul, Wisdom and knowledge course throughout my Lifting it far from earth, [unroll In sweet commune with minds, whose thoughts The wide expanse of truth 5 134 SPIRIT VOICES. Where light unveiled, the powers of mind dis- Aud by its impress fine [plays, The thoughts of one are mirrored by its rays On other souls divine. [scenes Oh would that earth could picture forth such Of perfect bliss and joy ; [screens, That thoughts might pass without the wordy That men alone employ. But now I feel a still, small voice exclaim, " That streams of love shall flow, [claim, And boundless peace, her mission wide pro- O'er all the world below ; That man to angel hosts shall be allied, And earth become a heaven. And truth and wisdom, which are now denied. To each and all be given." PRESENCE OF SPIRITS. Air. — " Long, Long Ago^ Weep not for those who have pas.sed from thy They are not gone, are not gone, [sight; Kound thee, they hover on pinions of light ; They are not gone, are not gone. Fondly they watch thee as guardians of love, Seeking to guide thee where'er thou mayst rove, Striving to lead thee to bright courts above ; They are not gone, are not gone. HEAVENLY BEAUTIES. 135 Knowest thou not in the stillness of night They are not gone, are not gone 1 Seost thou not in thy visions of light They are not gone, are not gone 1 Feelest thou not their bright presence in dreams, Casting about thee their radiant beams, Light, which around them unceasingly gleams ? They are not gone, are not gone. Hearest thou not words of love in tby soul ? They are not gone, are not gone. Breathings of music thy passions control ; They are not gone, are not gone. Gently they speak to thy mind and thy heart During the turmoil of life's busy mart. Seeking to shield from the grief-poisoned dart. They are not gone, are not gone. Journey serene then till Earth-life is o'er, They are not gone, are not gone ; Then they will guide thee to Heaven's bright They are not gone, are not gone, [shore, Then they will circle thy spirit in light, Robing it fair for its heavenward flight, To the blest mansions of radiance bright. They are not gone, are not gone. CONTENTS. FORMATION OF CIRCLES. PRAYER. PRESENCE OF ANGELS. An Angel's Leason, . . Angels' Faith, Angel Guides, . . Angels' Invitation, Angel Visits, . Beauties, • • Beauties of Spiritual Communion, Breathings from the Spirit Land, Elevation of Man, Heavenly Music, . • Holy and Bright, . . Influence of Angels, . Love for the Father, . • Ministration of Angels, . Oft in the Quiet Hour, , Our Heavenly Fdther, Song of Joy, . . Spirit Communion, PAon 4 (136) CONTENTS. 137 PAGE Spirits of Light, 23 Star of Promise, . ...... 31 Strains of Angels, ...••• 19 Strife and Love, ....... 37 The Voice of an Angel, ...... 36 Wisdom, .*...... 33 WELCOiME TO ANGELS. An Angel Mother's Love, Gifts of Angels, Greetings to Angels, Hall, Hail, Spirits of Glory, My Father's Presence, . My Guardian Angel, . My Spirit Sister, • Kepentance, • Spirit of Beauty, . Tidings of Love, . Uaion of Action, . Visions Flit o 'er the Soul, Welcome to Angels, . BROTHERLY LOVE.— DUTY T0:MAN. Angels' Call, . Aspirations of the Circle, Bigot, Spare our Fold, Come, Learn of Heaven, Earth cannot be thy Home, Gems of the Soul, . Harmonious Action, Joy of the Soul, . Kindness to All, . Look to the Future, Love All, • • 138 CONTENTS Mission of Mediums, . . PAGE 63 Mission of Mortals, . . . . 59 Morn of Truth, . 80 Onward be your Cry, . . . . 67 Our Circle, . . 57 Parting of the Circle, . . . . . 72 Weep not for Earthly Treasuraa, . 68 Shields from Temptation, . . . . 61 Sympathy with Angels, • . . 65 The Coming Era, . . . . 69 The Joyous Age, . . 71 The True Life, . . . , . 55 Voices from Above, . . 77 Work of Love, . . . . 81 Work out your Mission, . • 79 HEAVENLY BEAUTIES . A Life in the Spirit Lands, . . 94 Break of Day, . 102 Daughter, I 'm Near, . . 106 Day of Redemption, . ■^■: 101 Day of Truth, . . 98 Friendship, Love, and Truth . 107 Home of the Soul, . . 95 Hour of Communion, . . 99 Light of Progression, . . 87 Love Reigns in Heaven, . 92 Nature. . . 90 Praise to God, • 101 Purity and Love, . . . 105 Star of Progress, . • 97 Star of Truth, • . 89 The Spirit Home, . 100 Thoughts of Home, . . . 91 Truth and Love, . * • 1 Angel Voices . A Vision of the Spirit World— a chant Battle for the Right . Beauties of Heaven Beauties of the Future Lift Duties of Mortals . , Elevation of Mind Guardian of Love Hail, ye Angels . Inspiration of the Soul . , Invitation to Mortals . . List, List, the Angels' Strain . Love ... Mission of Angels Presence of Spirits River of Truth . . , Song of Progress Sound, Sound the Trump of Joy . The Armor of Love . The Heavenly Day has come There is a Joyous Home • 'Tis Quiet Hour . . . To a Sister . . . Pagb . 120 138 . lU 127 . 131 130 . 126 113 . 122 133 - 129 112 . 125 lU . 134 119 . 110 124 . 117 132 . 118 109 . IIG INDEX OP FIRST LINES. A child sat with uplifted eyes A deep and holy inspiration swells 10 s, 6 s A gem of magic power .... A life in the Spirit Lands . . . . A mellow light is spreading 7 s, 6 s A murmuring sweet of voices 7 s, 6 s Angel mother, thou art near me 8 s, 7 s - Angels are ever near 6 s, 4 s - Angels are whispering 5 s, 5 s, 5 s, 4s Angels, bright angels are ever around us 11 s, 10 1 Angels bright are winging 6 s, 5 s Angels, come ye in the light 7 s Angels have come to the earthly home 9 s Angels of mercy, come 6 s, 4 s As the morn of truth appears PAGE 128 133 108 94 102 120 48 77 IS Be kind to each other — may love ever beam 11 s, 8 s - 74 Bigot, spare our fold 6s- - - - - 82 Bright angels are singing 12 s, 11 3 - - - - 39 Bright are the hopes and joy 6 s, 4 s - - - 92 Bright is the light of the spirit home 9s- - - 100 Bright river of Truth, flow on, flow on - - - 119 Bright spirits of light, of heavenly truth - - - 23 Bright star of Truth, thy radiant beams c. M. - - 89 Brothers, join in banded miglit 7 s, 7 s, 7 s, 5 s - - 111 Brothers, join our merry chorus 8 s, 7 s - - - 69 Brothers, will you come and join us 8 s, 7 s - , - 81 Come, guardian angel, come i Come to the circle bright 6 s Death is a beauteous, happy change 0. M 140 131 141 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Father, joy and sweet affection 8 s, 7 s Ga^e, oh gaze thou here, on angels winging God of Heaven, praises sound 7 s, 5 s Hail ! ye angels — glorious bright - - - Hark ' a joyous song is stealing 8 s, 7 s Harmonious action ! Glorious theme CM. nearest thou not holy voices near 9 s Holy and briglit, in its heavenly light Home, home, home ..... How beautiful the woods appear CM. How glorious the sunlight .... How in the inner depths of soul L. M. - How sweet and soothing are the strains c m. Joy is known beyond the sky 7 s- Joy, joy, joy Kind sister, come to earth 6 s, 4 s - Let truth be your motto 11 s - List, list, the angels' strain 6 s, 4 s- Love all, love all— the God, that made thy soul 10 s Love is a sweet, immortal thing c M. Mediums, blessed is your mission 8 s, 7 s Methinks I hear a voice s. m. - Mortals, cast aside the chains 7 3- come, come away, from Error now oppressing Oft in the quiet hour ..... Oh angels, we greet you with gladness 9 s, 8 s - Oh cherish well the mind divine c M. Oh come to the bowers of light 6 s Oh Fount of Purity and Love L. M. - Oh gentle and sweet is the angel voice 10 s Oh hour of calm communion ... Oh how beauteous it would be 7 s Oh listen to the words of love l. m. - Oh look not back on by-gone ages Oh may this circle ever be c M. Oh remember, oh remember ... Ob thou hast wandered o'er the world c m. 2G 14 50 126 83 105 25 99 107 65 84 78 72 58 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 142 PAG2 Oh ye angels of light, ye have called us oft - - - 45 Our Father ever giveth 7 s, 6 s - - - -] 27 Oar little band cm.- - - • - - 67 Our souls we here unite - - - - - ' C8 Progress ever, backward never 8 s, 6 s, 8 s, 8 s, 6 s - -]|^ 67 Progression's light is dawning 7 s, 6 s - - • j^^..^ 87 Rejoice, for the day of redemption is nigh 11 a - - ^ 104 Rejoice, rejoice, the angels bright are coming - - Si See Beauty, Right, and Truth advance L. M. - - 132 See, brother, see, how the day dawns bright - - 55 See, see, angels are near us - - - - ^, . - .« &1 Sing a joyful song of love 7s- - - - 40 Sing, sing a glad and happy song CM. - - - 71 Sister, go forth like an angel of light ... ISQ Sister, when troubles round thee come cm. - - 127 Sotil, has thy life ----- - 37 Sound, sound the trump of joy H. M. - - - . - 124 Spirit of beauty 5 s, 4 s - - - - - 42 Star of Progress, guide us onward 8 s, 7 s - - - 97 Sun-ounded by cares of sense 7 s, 7 s, 7 s, 4 s - - 106 Sweet flows the breath of the spirit land - - - 30 Sweet floats the heavenly music 7 s, 6 s - - • 17 Sweet sister, may thy life be spent c M. - - - 116 Sweet sister spirits, come 6 s, 6 s, 4 s, s, 6 8, Cs, 4 s - 48 The angels are bringing the armor of love •- - - 117 The angels come from their blest abode - - - 114 The orient beams of the Sun of Truth - - - 69 The voice of an angel lis- - - - - 36 There is a joyous home ..... us Though far o'er the wide earth, our footsteps may roam 11 s 95 Tis quiet hour, the angels '-ome 8 s, 8 s, 8 s, 6 s - - 109 'Tis the breath of the angels 11 s ... 35 We come to you with words of love L. m. - - ":" - 35 Weep not for those who have passed from thy sight - 134 Welcome, angels pure and bright 7 s - - - 49 When man was sad and weary 7 s, 6 s - - - 31 When eiuk our thoughts in sweet repose - - - 53 Why weepest thou ? Dost weep for baubles fleeting 11 s, 10 8 68 Work out your mission, while yet ye live on earth - 79 INDEX OF TUNES. A Life on the Ocean Wave , 94 America 6 s, 6 s, 4 s, 6 s, 6 s, 6 s, 4 3 48 Auld Lang Syne cm.. . . 19, 78 Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home 11 s, 8 s . 74 Believe me, if all those . , . . 114 Ben Bolt 117 Bonnie Doon L. M. . 35, 105 Bonny Boat CM. . 19, 71 Bounding Billows 8 s, 6 s, 8 s, 8 s, 6 s 67 Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Mopping 11 s. 10 3 13 By cool Siloam's shady rill cm. . 19, 131 Canadian Boat Song ... 53 Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean 9 s, 8 60 Come, oh come with me . . 11 Come to the Sunset Tree 6s. 15 Coronation cm.. 19, 90 Days of Absence 8 s, 7 8 63 Don^t Kill the Birds cm.. 19, 127 Erin is my Home cm.. . 19, 58 From Greenland's icy mountains 7 s, 6 s • 17, .27 Fresh and Strong CM.. . 19. 125 Hail Columbia • . . . . . 122 Home, sweet Home 11 s 95 How Beautiful the Morning 98 Ingle Side CM.. 19, 75 Isle of Beauty 8 s, 7 s 46, 110 I remember, I remember 72 I watch for thee L. M. . , 65 Jamie's on the Stormy Seas 8 s, 7 s 69 Life let us cherish ..... 79 Long, long ago . . . . ^ 134 Love Not 10s 86 Maltese Boatman's Song 55 My Heart and Lute cm.. 19, 116 My Heart is not yet broken 7 s, 6 s . 17,120 i (143) 1 4? .♦i'^*. 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