LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0DD17D7fiSSD ^ ^° - - -- - ■ - ^ \pb ,M' < o .^^ \. ^ -."^' S^i <-^ '°' * ■ l_ ^ % -^ ^.', '^.■- o^ *- --y, V: 4 O ^iSfe •^ >,<^ y '^ l5l ■^ fkkhf, ADVANCE/RETREAT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES United States:^Confederate States ARMIES. ]. B, HOOD, Lieutenant- General in the Confederate Army, PUBLISHED FOR THE HOOD ORPHAN MEMORIAL FUND. G. T. BEAUREGARD, NEW ORLEANS, LA 1880. (i JSo, IS fl I A COPYRIGHT SECURED. aO PRESS OF BORK t m'feTRIDGE, 304 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGB. I, — United States Army — California and Texas — Con- federate States Army — Virginia — Yorktown — Eltham's Landing — Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks, 5 II. — Confederate States Army — Virginia — Gaines's Mills, or First Cold Harbor — Malvern Hill — Second Manassas — Boonsboro' Gap — And Sharpsburg, or Antietam, 24 III. — Confederate States Army — Virginia — Fredericks- burg — Suffolk — Gettysburg — And Chickamauga, 48 IV. — Reply to General Johnston — Effective Strength AND Losses — Army of Tennessee — Dalton to At- lanta, 69 V. — Reply to General Johnston — Transfer from the Virginia to the Western Army — Dalton — Re- SACA — Adairsville — And Cassville, . . .89 VI. — Reply to General Johnston — Cassville, . . .110 VII. — Reply to General Johnston— New Hope Church — Kennesaw Mountain— Retreat across the Chat- tahoochee — Johnston Relieved from Command, 117 VIII. — Reply to General Johnston — Handling of Troops — Lee and Jackson School versus The Johnston School— Johnston's Plan to hold Atlanta " for- ever," '-9 (3) 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGB IX. — Reply to General Johnston — His Intention to Aban- don Atlanta — Evacuation of Richmond Contem- plated IN 1862 — Attempt to Court Martial, . 150 X. — Siege of Atlanta — Difficulties of the Situation — Battle of the 2oth of July, 161 XI. — Siege of Atlanta — Battle 22D of July — Hardee — General Frank Blair's Letter, . . . .173 XII. — Siege of Atlanta— Engagement of the 28th of July — Wheeler, I verson and Jackson — Battle of Jones- BORo' — Evacuation of Atlanta, . . . .193 Xlli. — Atlanta Untenable — Losses during the Siege com- pared with those of Sherman, and with those of Johnston from Dalton to Atlanta, . .211 XIV. — Correspondence with Sherman — Citations on the Rules of War, 229 XV. — Campaign TO the Alabama Line — Preparations — Presi- dent Davis Visits the Army — Hardee relieved — Allatoona — Resaca — Dalton — Lafayette — Sudden Determination to Enter Tennessee — Gadsden — Beauregard, 243 XVI. — Tennessee Campaign — Forrest — Wheeler — Deflec- tion TO Florence — Detention — President Davis — Beauregard — Columbia — Spring Hill, . . 270 XVII. — Tennessee Campaign — Franklin — Nashville — Re- treat — Tupelo — Return to Richmond — Surren- der AT Natchez, Mississippi, 292 XVIII. — Rashness — ^Johnston — Fabius — SciPio, . . . .312 APPENDIX. Official Reports — Letter to Honorable J, A. Seddon, Sec- retary OF War, 317 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. CHAPTER I. UNITED STATES ARMY CALIFORNIA AND TEXAS CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY VIRGINIA, YORKTOWN, ELTHAM's LANDING, SEVEN PINES OR FAIR OAKS. I RECEIVED at the age of seventeen an appointment as Cadet at West Point through my maternal uncle, Judge French, who was then in Congress. I fancied a miHtary hfe, although it was not my father's choice. He occupied a high position in the medical world, and preferred I should adopt his profession; he offered me every inducement — even the privilege of com- pleting my studies in Europe, I, nevertheless, adhered to my decision. Doubtless I had inherited this predilection from my grandfathers, who were soldiers under Washington. They were of English origin ; had settled at an early period in Vir- ginia, and after taking an active part in the War of Indepen- dence, emigrated to Kentucky, " the dark and bloody ground," where they lived in constant warfare with the Indians. One of them was married in the Fort of Boonsboro',the first forti- fication constructed in that State, the land of my nativity. I entered the Military Academy in 1849, ^^^ graduated in the Class of Sheridan, McPherson and Schofield, in 1853, when I was appointed Brevet Second Lieutenant in the Fourth (5) 6 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Infantry. I sailed from New York in November of that year to join my regiment in California, via Panama. On my arrival at San Francisco — at that time a small city built upon sandhills and flats, and distinguished for its foggy atmosphere — I, together with one of my classmates, deemed it but proper that officers of the United States Army should go to the hotel in a carriage ; but to our astonishment, on hailing a driver, we found the charge to be twenty dollars in gold. This aspect of affairs — our pay being only about sixty dollars a month — compelled us to hold consultation with our brother officers and to adopt the only alternativ^e : to proceed on foot to what- ever quarters we desired to occupy. After having been stationed a short period at Benicia Bar- racks, I was directed to report for duty to Captain Judah at Fort Jones, Scott's Valley, in the northern portion of California. Colonel Buchanan was in command of my regiment, with Cap- tain U. S. Grant as Quarter Master. It was at this post I formed a warm attachment to Lieutenant George Crook, now Brigadier General in the Army, and who has so signally dis- tinguished himself as an Indian fighter. Although he com- pleted his course at West Point a year before I graduated, his purse was not much longer than my own ; it became therefore necessary for us to devise some plan to get along in this country of gold and extravagance. We concluded to asso- ciate ourselves with Doctor Sorrell and Lieutenant Bonny- castle in the organization of a mess, and, as we were fond of hunting and game was plentiful, to supply our own table with every variety thereof and to send the surplus to market for sale. This financial policy worked admirably, and since I had at the age of fifteen, during the absence of my father in Phila- delphia, taken charge of his farm for one year with consider- able success, Crook and I were led to secure land and sow a large crop of wheat. Just before the harvest, however, I was ordered in command of a detachment of Dragoons to serve as escort to Lieutenant Williamson of the Topographical Engi- neers, upon a surveying expedition in the direction of Salt UNITED STATES ARMY— CALIFORNIA. 7 Lake. My duties were soon brought to a close by the receipt of an appointment as Second Lieutenant in the Second Cavalry, a new regiment organized in accord with an Act of Congress, in 1855, and commanded by Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston, with R. E. Lee as Lieutenant Colonel, George H. Thomas and W. J. Hardee as Majors. Lieutenant Philip Sheridan relieved me, and I returned to San Francisco en route to Jefferson Bar- racks, Missouri, the rendezvous of the regiment. At the former place I met, for the first time, in his bank, W. T. Sher- man, who possessed as at present the same piercing eye and nervous impulsive temperament. Little indeed did I anticipate at that period the great theatre of life upon which I was destined so soon to be thrown as an humble actor with him and others just mentioned, and who have since become so distinguished and prominent as American soldiers. In the early Autumn of 1855 I sailed from San Francisco for New York, via Panama, and reported for duty at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Soon thereafter, if my memory betray me not, I received a draft for about one thousand dollars in gold, as my share of the profit in the wheat crop cared for by Lieu- tenant Crook and myself In November I marched with my regiment to Fort Belknap, Texas, which place we reached about the middle of December. Shortly afterward. Camp Cooper was established on the Clear Fork of the Brazos. Major George H. Thomas was placed in command till the arrival of Lieutenant Colonel R. E. Lee, to whom I had become very much attached at West Point where he was Superinten- dent whilst I was a Cadet. My relations and duties were there- fore most pleasant during my service at Camp Cooper. The Government had under advisement, at this period, the con- struction of a fort in that vicinity; it was Colonel Lee's custom to often ride over the country in search of a suitable location, and to request each day one or more of his officers to accom- pany him, in order to avail himself of their views in regard to the best point at which to establish this military post. Whilst riding with him upon one of these excursions, and enjoying 8 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. the scenery and balmy air as we passed over the high and undulating prairies of that beautiful region, the conversation turned upon matrimony, when he said to me with all the earnestness of a parent : *' Never marry unless you can do so into a family which will enable your children to feel proud of both sides of the house." He perhaps thought I might form an attachment for some of the country lasses, and therefore imparted to me his correct and at the same time aristocratic views in regard to this very important step in life. His uniform kindness to me whilst I was a Cadet, inclined me the more willingly to receive and remember this fatherly advice ; and from these early relations first sprang my aftec- tion and veneration which grew in strength to the end of his eventful career. The latter part of that same \ear I was ordered to Fort Mason, situated near the Llano river, about forty miles distant from Fredericksburg. Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston was chief in command until sent to Utah. Although stationed with him but a short time, I became deeply impressed by the exalted character of this extraordinary man. Major George H. Thomas succeeded in authority ; it was during my service as his Acting Adjutant that he specially won my high regard by his manliness and dignity. After the lapse of several months, and having grown weary of the routine duties of camp hfe, I determined to change the scene and start on a scouting expedition in search of the red men of the forests. Preparations were accordingly made, and I left Fort Mason on the morning of the 5th of July, 1S57, in command of twent\--five men of Company *' G " Second Cavalrj', with an Indian guide, compass in hand and supplies for thirty days. I passed out upon the plains by the head of the Llano river, and marched thence to the country' bordering on the Concha rivers. After an absence of ten days and an exploration of these different streams. I discovered aii Indian trail, apparently about two or three days old, and indications warranting the belief that fifteen or twentj' ponies belonged to the party UNITED STATES ARMY— TEXAS. 9 which was moving' in the direction of Mexico, via the head waters of Devil's river. I was young and buoyant in spirit; my men were well mounted and all eager for a chase as well as a fray. It was soon apparent that we would be forced to pass over a portion of the staked plains or desert lying between the Concha rivers and Mexico; that in order to overtake the Indians we would most likely have great fatigue and privation to endure, as we could expect to find but little water during the pursuit. However, in the conviction that we could live for a short time wherever Indians could subsist, we began the chase on the morning of the 17th of July, marched about forty miles, and camped that night upon the dry plains without water or the sight of game, so frequently in view the previous day, and without even the chirp of a bird to cheer us on our journey, we knew not exactly whither. At early dawn the following morning the march was resumed ; we passed during the day a water-hole utterly unfit for use, and went into bivouac that night with the same surroundings, fully fifty miles further out in the desert. Our canteens were now empty, and the outlook was somewhat dismal. At daybreak on the 19th, "to horse" was sounded and the journey continued. About noon a deer was seen bounding over the prairie, and with the sight went forth a shout of joy from the men, who then felt confident that fresh water was not very far distant. The trail had moreover become much more distinct ; this encouragement, together with the hope of quenching their thirst, reinspirited the soldiers. A few hours later another pool was reached, but not of that purity which was desirable. The odor of the water was such as to oblige one to hold his breath whilst he partook of the distasteful but refreshing draught. The canteens were, not- withstanding, again filled, as well as the sleeves of all the water- proof coats we possessed. The pursuit was continued, and at dark we bivouacked after a forced march of probably sixty miles. Several of the horses began to show, by this time, great fatigue and leg-weariness. The following morning the 10 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. lofty peaks of the mountains near Devil's river could be seen afar off, and all possible speed was made as we recognized that the line between the United States and Mexico was not far distant. About noon we reached another stagnant water-hole near the foot of a range of hills in proximity to the rugged and mountainous country about the head waters of Devil's river, along the banks of which stream passes the stage road from San Antonio to El Paso. Here we discovered that another party of Indians had joined that of which we were in pursuit The deserted camp indicated that there were not less than fifty warriors in number. They had eaten one of their mules or horses, and this sign, together with others about their bivouac, bore clear evidence that the party had become for- midable. The trail from this point was not only much larger, but presented a fresher appearance. The arms of the men were therefore carefully inspected, every preparation made for action, and the chase quickly resumed. The horses were much fatigued, and some of them were scarcely able to keep their places in the line of march ; consequently the pursuit was not as rapid as it had been the three days previous. The march over the hills and up the mountains increased moreover their leg- weariness to such extent that about 3 p. m. I abandoned all hope of overtaking the Indians before they crossed the Rio Grande, which river was then not far distant. This condition of the horses and the thirst of the soldiers led me to the determination to quit the trail and go immediately in search of fresh water. We were at this time well up on the high and rough range of mountains bordering on Devil's river, and after leaving the trail a distance of nigh one mile, I perceived on a parallel range about two miles off a few Indians waving a large white flag apparently hoisted from a mound. Orders from Washington had been issued before I left Fort Mason, notify- ing all United States troops that a party of Tonkaways were expected at the reservation, near Camp Cooper, and that they would, in the ev^ent of meeting a body of our soldiers upon the frontier, raise a white flag, upon which signal they were to be UNITED STATES ARMY— TEXAS. U allowed to pass unmolested. I therefore became convinced that these Indians were either the Tonkaways or a hostile body endeavoring by an infamous ruse to throw me off my guard, to entrap and massacre my entire party. Notwithstanding the condition of the men and the horses, I determined to pass over upon the ridge occupied by the red men, move toward them, and ascertain the meaning of this demonstration. I had at this time but seventeen men for action, the remainder having halted in rear, owing to the ina- bility of their horses to advance further without rest. I moved across to the opposite ridge and, as a precautionary measure, formed line and marched forward in readiness to talk or fight. Every man was armed with an Army rifle and a six-shooter; a few of us had sabres and two revolvers, whilst I was armed with a double barrel shot-gun loaded with buck shot, and two Navy six-shooters. As we passed over a mound about one hundred and fifty or two hundred yards distant from the one occupied by friend or foe — we knew not which — the flag, seemingly a sheet, was still waving aloft and a few Indians were lounging about with every appearance of a party desirous of peace. The ground in that vicinity was rough and partially cov- ered with a growth of Spanish bayonets which afforded a secure place of concealment. Feeling that in the event of an attack I had better chances of success mounted than dismounted, for the reason that my fighting force in the latter instance would have been lessened by the number of men required to hold and guard the horses in rear, and sharing the belief which generally prevailed in my regiment that twenty well-armed soldiers should be able to successfully engage four times their number of Indians, I continued to move forward slowly upon the immediate right of my line. When we were within about twenty or thirty paces of the mound occupied by the Indians, four or five of them advanced towards us with the flag ; sud- denly they threw it to the ground and fired upon us. Simul- taneously from a large heap of dry grass, weeds and leaves, 12 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. burst forth, in our immediate front, a blaze of fire some thirty- feet in height, and, with a furious yell, the warriors instantly rose up round about us, whilst others charged down the slope in our midst, even seizing some of our horses by the bridle reins. At the same moment a mounted party attacked the left of our line with lances. Thus began a most desperate strug- gle. The warriors were all painted, stripped to the waist, with either horns or wreaths of feathers upon their heads; they bore shields for defence, and were armed with rifles, bows and arrows. The quick and sharp report of our rifles, the smoke and cracking noise of the fire, together with the great odds against us, the shouts of the soldiers and the yells of the Indians, betokened the deadly peril from which seemingly naught but a miracle could effect our deliverance. Each man, after discharging his rifle, drew his revolver and used it with terrible effect as the warriors, in many instances, were within a few feet of the muzzle of our arms. Stubbornly did my brave men hold their ground ; again and again they drove the enemy back to the edge and in rear of the burning mass of weeds in our front, when finally the Indians charged des- perately and forced our line back a few paces in the centre. Having discharged my shot-gun, I rode at once with revolver in hand to that point, rallied the soldiers, who again drove them back, whilst our horses, in some instances, were beaten over the head with shields. The contest was at such close quarters that a warrior bore off a rifle which had been used and hunsf by one of the men upon his saddle. Meantime the Indians as quickly as they discharged their arms, handed them to their squaws, who ran to the rear, reloaded and returned them. At this juncture I was pierced in the left hand with an arrow which passed through the reins and the fourth finger, pinning my hand to the bridle. I instantly broke the spear head and threw it aside. Unmindful of the fact that the feathers could not pass through the wound, I pulled the arrow in the direction in which it had been shot, and was compelled finally in order to free myself of it to seize the feathered in lieu of the barbed end. UNITED STATES ARMY— TEXAS. 13 Thus raged this hand to hand conflict until all our shots were expended, and it was found that owing to the restiveness of the horses we could not reload while mounted. We then fell back about fifty yards and dismounted for that purpose. Soon afterward arose from beyond the burning heap one con- tinuous mourning howl, such as can alone come forth from the heart of the red man in deep distress. These sounds of sorrow revealed to me that we were in little danger of a renewal of the assault, and I was, I may in truth say, most thankful for the truce thus proclaimed. Two of our men had been killed and four, besides myself, severely wounded; we had also one horse killed and several disabled. Had the combat been renewed I would have had, after leaving a guard with the horses, but five or six men to fight on foot. Nightfall was approaching; the Indians gathered up their dead and wounded, and moved off toward the Rio Grande. Our thirst, which was great at the beginning of the combat, had now become intense from excitement and loss of blood. I therefore moved at once to Devil's river, where we bivou- acked about lo p. m., and sent a messenger to Camp Hudson for supplies and medical aid. Thus closed this terrible scene, and often since have I felt most grateful that our horses were so broken down, as but for their condition they would, doubtless, when beaten over the head with shields, have become totally unmanageable, and have caused the massacre of my entire command. I attribute also our escape to the fact that the Indians did not have the self-possession to cut our bridle reins, which act would have proved fatal to us. We were nigh meeting a similar fate to that of the gallant Custer and his noble band. I learned after the fight, through other Indians as well as through my guide, that the party which attacked us were Comanches and Lipans. The exact number of their killed we were unable to ascertain, owing chiefly to the cover afforded by the Spanish bayonets, but we were confident at the hour 14 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. that it amounted to not less than nine or ten ; we were equally- certain that four to one were engaged against us. Lieutenant Fink came up the following day with a detach- ment of Infantry. Our troops returned to the scene of action and buried the dead, as I had neither pick nor shovel at the time of the encounter. Moreover I could not have delayed thereafter for any purpose, on account of the extreme suffering of the men for want of water. After a respite of a few days I marched to Fort Clark and there made a brief report of the affair, which is now, I presume, on file in Washington. General David E. Twiggs, command- ing the Department, shortly afterwards published the following order : " Headquarters, Department of Texas. | " SAti ANTOtiio, A u_^ies^j//i, i8s7. } " Sir : — Lieutenant Hood's report was transmitted last mail ; from sub- sequent information, not official, I think Lieutenant Hood's estimate of the Indian party was much too small. The same party, it appears, attacked the California mail guard five days after, and near the place where Lieutenant Hood had the fight, and they estimated the Indians to be over one hundred. These affairs were in the vicinity of Camp Hud- son where Lieutenant Fink of the Eighth Infantry is stationed with a Company of Infantry. If this company had have been furnished with some fifteen or twenty horses, the second attack would not probably have been made. Lieutenant Hood's affair was a most gallant one, and much credit is due to both the officer and men. " I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "(Signed) D. E. TWIGGS, " Brevet Major General, U. S. A., Commanding Department, " To Lieutenant Colonel L. Thomas, " Assistant Adjutant General, " Headquarters of the Army, West Point, New York." I also afterwards learned through the Indian Agent that the Indians at the Reservation stated my command had killed nineteen warriors during the fight, and that General Twiggs's estimate Avas about correct in regard to numbers. The com- paratively small loss we sustained is strong evidence that our shots proved most destructive, and that the Indians labored UNITED STATES ARMY— TEXAS. 15 under an intense excitement which caused them generally to miss their mark. The fact that we were mounted and above their level seems to have rendered their aim very imperfect, as shown by the circumstance that one of my wounded men whose horse had been killed, was pierced in the back with three additional arrows (one of which passed through his lung), as he was making his way to the rear of the line. Early in August I returned *:o Fort Mason, where not long afterwards I was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, assigned to Company " K," and placed on duty at Camp Colo- rado, on the upper waters of the river of that name. In 1858 I re-established Camp Wood, on the Nueces river, about forty miles distant from its source, and at this post my company continued in the performance of the ordinary duties of soldiers upon the frontier till the declaration of war in 1861. In November, i860, I was granted a leave of absence for six months, and on my arrival at Indianola I received an order directing me to report for duty as Chief of Cavalry at West Point. I immediately proceeded to Washington, and made application in person to Colonel S. Cooper, Adjutant General, to be relieved from the order and allowed to avail myself of the leave of absence already granted. I shall ever remember the astonishment of this old and most worthy soldier at my unwillingness to go to West Point. He turned quickly in his chair, saying : "Lieutenant, you surprise me; this is a post and position sought by almost every soldier." I replied it was true, but I feared war would soon be declared between the States, in which event I preferred to be in a situation to act with entire freedom. He acceded to my request; before the .expiration of my leave of absence hostilities were inaugurated, and my resignation was tendered to the United States Government. Shortly before the secession of the Southern States I re- turned to Camp Wood, and, although still on leave, accom- panied my regiment to Indianola, where I bid my comrades a reluctant farewell. Kentucky being the land of my nativity, I 16 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. deemed it right I should first tender my services for her de- fence. Accordingly I went to Louisville in the early Spring of 1 86 1, and subsequently to Frankfort. I met the Governor, Mr. Breckinridge and other prominent men of that Common- wealth; but after long debate and considerable delay, I became convinced that no decided action would be taken. I repaired at the latter part of April to Montgomery, Alabama, offered my services to the Confederate Government, was appointed First Lieutenant in the Army and ordered to Rich- mond to report to Colonel R. E. Lee, who had very recently assumed command of all the troops in Virginia by authority of the Governor of that State. During my long service in Texas I had had occasion to visit almost ever portion of that extensive and beautiful terri- tory, and was able to form an idea of the future prosperity of that State. So deeply impressed had I become with its vast and undeveloped resources that I had, just prior to the war, determined to resign and make it my home for life. There- fore when Kentucky failed to act, I entered the Confederate service from the State of Texas, which thenceforth became my adopted land. I arrived in Richmond about the 5th of May, sent my luggage to the hotel, and proceeded without delay to the office of Colonel Lee who had, I was informed, been recently promoted to the rank of Major General. He extended me a most cordial greeting, and, taking me by the hand, said : " I am glad to see you. I want you to help me." I replied that I came to Richmond with that object, and inquired what duties he desired me to perform. He answered : " I wish you to go to Yorktown and report to Colonel Magruder." I naturally asked at what time he desired me to leave. He turned his head, looked at the clock, and, with a smile, said he would like me to go before I dined. It was then about 1 1 a. m., and I well knew he meant early dinner. I went immediately to the Ballard House, ordered my trunk to the station, and left for Yorktown. On the train I could but contrast the surroundings of General Lee, as I had just CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 17 beheld him, with the quiet and peaceful scenes we had passed through together but a year or two before upon the frontier of Texas. His office was in the third or fourth story of, I think, the Mechanics' Institute; and he had around him, it seemed to me, every cobbler in Richmond, giving them instructions as to the manner of making cartridge boxes, haversacks, bayonet scabbards, &c. He was studiously applying his great mind to this apparently trivial but most important work. The Confederacy was destitute of such equipments at that hour, and it may be safely asserted that his labor in this regard and in the organization of our troops was the source, in a great measure, of the success of our arms in the engagements which soon followed. I arrived at Yorktown that afternoon about an hour before sunset, and reported to Colonel Magruder, whom, if I remem- ber correctly, I found out upon the line of works around the town. He forthwith placed me in command of several bat- teries then in position. Upon my right and left, almost as far as the eye could extend, were infantry regiments in line of battle, and, in their front, officers delivering stirring and war- like appeals to the men. As no tent or quarters had been assigned me, I sent for my trunk and sat upon it in the sand a greater portion of the night, gazing intently every few min- utes in the direction of Fortress Monroe, in the expectation momentarily of beholding the enemy. The following morning it was ascertained that the Federals were not within thirty miles of this line bristling with bayonets. The excitement therefore soon subsided, and the soldiers returned to their respective bivouacs. Such was my first night of service in the Confed- erate Army. Colonel Magruder assigned me to the command of the cavalry companies then at Yorktown, and directed me to drill and discipline them, and at the same time picket his front. These troops were from Virginia and as fine a body of men as that State sent to the war. I was only a First Lieutenant, and the companies were of course under the direction of 2 18 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. captains ; a question eventually arose in respect to rank, and Magruder, unwilling to await action at Richmond, declared me Captain by his own order. Subsequently discussion arose touching the date of commissions of the Captains, and he at once, by the same process, declared me. Major. This settled all matters pertaining to authority, and I continued on outpost service, covering the front of Magruder's forces. Soon after the affair at Big Bethel, it became the custom of the enemy to send out every few days scouting parties of infantry in the direction of our position at Yorktown. I determined to go at night into the swamp lying between the James and York River roads, remain quietly under cover, and, upon the advance of such a party, to move out upon its rear, and capture it if possible. In accordance with this plan, I concealed my troops in the swamp several nights, when finally a battalion of infantry came forth upon the James River road. I moved out in the rear of the Federals, overtook and attacked them upon the same spot where Colonel Dreux, of Louisiana, had been killed. Our assault in rear produced great consternation, and the enemy ran in all directions through the woods. However, we killed several of their number, and captured some ten or fifteen prisoners whom we sent to York- town, where the infantry climbed to the house and tree tops to see the first "boys in blue" I presume many of them had ever beheld. Through orders from Richmond, these cavalry companies were then organized into a regiment. Colonel Robert Johnson was placed in command, and I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In this position I served until, I think, in July, when I was summoned to Richmond, appointed Colonel, and directed to organize the Fourth Texas Lifantry Regiment from the detached companies which had recently arrived from that State, and were at the time in camp near that city. I remained there drilling this splendid body of young men and educating them in the duties of soldiers till Sep- tember, when we were ordered to join the right of General CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA, 19 Joseph E. Johnston's Army at Dumfries. Honorable L. I. Wigfall had been appointed Brigadier General and assigned to the command of the Texas brigade. Quarters were constructed by placing the tents on pickets with a chimney attached, which provision made the men com- paratively comfortable for the Winter. I remained on the Lower Occoquan during the Winter of 1861-62, engaged in the instruction of my regiment in all its essential duties. I lost no opportunity whenever the officers or men came to my quarters, or whenever I chanced to be in conversation with them, to arouse their pride, to impress upon them that no regiment in that Army should ever be allowed to go forth upon the battle-field and return with more trophies of war than the Fourth Texas ; — that the number of colors and guns captured, and prisoners taken, constituted the true test of the work done by any command in an engagement. Moreover, their conduct in camp should be such as not to require pun- ishment, and, when thrown near or within towns, should one of their comrades be led to commit some breach of military discipline, they should, themselves, take him in charge, and not allow his misconduct to bring discredit upon the regiment ; proper deportment was obligatory upon them at home, and, consequently, I should exact the same of them whilst in the Army. By perseverance in this system I experienced no difficulty in their management. One of the main obstacles to the attainment of strict discipline, in the training of volun- teers, is the issuance of orders without satisfactory explanation as to their object. For example, the usual and important regulation, prohibiting lights or noise in quarters after ten o'clock at night, would be regarded by young recruits as un- necessary, and even arbitrary, unless the officer in command illustrated to them the necessity thereof, and made them understand that an Army in time of active operations must have sleep at night, in order to march and fight the following day; and that for this reason no soldier should be allowed to keep awake, say, six of his comrades in the same tent, nor be 20 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. permitted to create a disturbance, which would deprive his neighbors of rest, and render them unfit for duty the ensuing morning. On the 7th of March, 1862, I followed up the movement with my regiment back in the direction of Fredericksburg; en route, and, greatly to my surprise, I received information of my appointment as Brigadier General, and of my assignment to the command of the Texas brigade. General Wigfall, if I remember correctly, had been elected to the Senate, and regarded his services more important in that chamber than upon the field. This promotion occasioned me some annoy- ance, as Colonel Archer, who commanded the Fifth Texas, and to whom I was warmly attached, ranked me by seniority. He, however, came to my tent, spontaneously congratulated me upon my advancement, and expressed his entire willingness to serve under me. He gave proof of the sincerity of his professions by a subsequent application to be transferred to my division, after I was appointed Major General, and he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier. Moreover, some years later, when I assumed thedirection-of the Army of Tennessee, he applied for orders to report to me for duty. He was not only a fine soldier, but a man of sterling qualities, and whose nobility of character was unsurpassed. I had been stationed a few weeks in the vicinity of Freder- icksburg, when orders were received to march to Yorktown, at v/hich place we arrived a few days prior to the 17th of April, the date of General Johnston's assumption of the command of all the forces on the Peninsula. I was here placed in reserve with my brigade, which consisted of the First, Fourth, Fifth Texas, and Eighteenth Georgia Regiments, and continued the system of instruction and training already indicated. I had so effectually aroused the pride of this splendid body of men, as to entertain little fear in regard to their action on the field of battle. The 3d of May, " on information that the Federal batteries would be ready for service in a day or two," the Commanding General ordered the Army to retreat. Accordingly, I marched CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 21 with my brigade, which formed part of Major General G. W. Smith's Division, upon the Yorktown road, in the direction of Wilhamsburg. At daybreak of the 5th the retreat was con- tinued from Wilhamsburg towards Richmond, through deep mud, and in a heavy rain. Whilst in bivouac opposite West Point, General Whiting informed me that a large body of the enemy had disembarked at Eltham's Landing ; that our cavalry was on picket upon the high ground overlooking the valley of York river, and instructed me to move my brigade in that direction, and drive the enemy back if he attempted to advance from under cover of his gunboats. Pursuant to imperative orders, the men had not been allowed to march with loaded arms during the retreat. On the 7th, at the head of my com- mand, I proceeded in the direction of Eltham's, with the inten- tion to halt and load the muskets upon our arrival at the cavalry outpost. I soon reached the rear of a small cabin upon the crest of the hill, where I found one of our cavalry- men half asleep. The head of the column, marching by the right flank, with the Fourth Texas in the front, was not more than twenty or thirty paces in my rear, when, simultaneously with my arrival at the station of this cavalry picket, a skirmish line, supported by a large body of the enemy, met me face to face. The slope from the cabin toward the York river was abrupt, and, consequently, I did not discover the Federals till we were almost close enough to shake hands. I leaped from my horse, ran to the head of my column, then about fifteen paces in rear, gave the command, forward into line, and ordered the men to load. The Federals immediately opened fire, but halted as they perceived our long line in rear. Meanwhile, a corporal of the enemy drew down his musket upon me as I stood in front of my line. John Deal, a private in Company "A," Fourth Texas Regiment, and who now resides in Gon- zales, Texas, had fortunately, in this instance, but contrary to orders, charged his rifle before leaving camp ; he instantly killed the corporal, who fell within a few feet of me. At the time I ordered the leading regiment to change front forward on the first company, I also sent directions to the troops in 22 ADVANCE AND RETREAT, rear to follow up the movement and load their arms, which was promptly executed. The brigade then gallantly advanced, and drove the Federals, within the space of about two hours, a distance of one mile and a half to the cover of their gunboats. When we struck their main line quite a spirited engagement took place, which, however, proved to be only a temporary stand before attaining the immediate shelter of their vessels of war. Hampton's brigade, near the close of the action, came to our support, and performed efficient service on the right. Our loss was slight, whereas that of the enemy was quite severe. General Johnston states in his Narrative that if North- ern publications of that period are to be relied upon, it was ten times greater than our own. The Commanding General of the Army, though correct in his assertion that the security of his march required the dislodgement of the enemy from its position south of Eltham's Landing, is in error in regard to the troops who bore the brunt of the combat, as will be seen by the fol- lowing extracl from the official report of Major General G. W. Smith, who at that time commanded the division : " Referring to the reports of the several commanders for details, it ir only necessary for me to state that the Texas brigade, under command o» Brigadier General John B. Hood, supported on the right by the Hampton Legion and the Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, of Colonel Hampton's brigade, were selected, and ordered forward by General Whiting, to drive the enemy from the woods then occupied in front of their landing. Late in the day the Tennessee brigade, commanded by Brigadier General Anderson, was placed in position to support and cover the left flank of the Texans. All the troops engaged showed the finest spirit, were under perfect control, and behaved admirably. The brunt of the contest was borne by the Texans, and to them is due the largest share of the honors of the day at Eltham. The Texas brigade lost eight killed and twenty- eight wounded ; in the other portions of the command there were twelve wounded and none killed." This affair, which brought the brigade so suddenly and unexpectedly under fire for the first time, served as a happy introduction to the enemy. The ensuing day the march was resumed to the rear and continued till we reached the Baltimore Cross-roads, in which CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 23 vicinity we bivouacked about five days ; thence we retreated to a point near Richmond. About this juncture it was rumored that the Commanding General contemplated the abandonment of the Capital of the Confederacy. General McClellan, however, soon threw across the Chickahominy, to the south bank, about one-fourth of his forces, and the Con- federate Army was ordered to make ready to assail this detachment. Major General G. W. Smith massed his division on the Nine Miles road the morning of the 31st of May. Longstreet and Hill assembled on the right, lower down on the Chickahominy; they attacked and were driving the enemy handsomely, when about 3 p. m. General Smith ordered General Whiting to advance through the swamp. The object was to assault, on his right flank, the enemy engaged against Longstreet. Law's brigade came in contact with the Federals, as my troops would soon have done, had not General Johnston, in person, unfortunately changed my direction by ordering me to move off by the right flank, and join Longstreet's left. Shortly after I passed the railroad, a battery, to my surprise, fired upon us from the rear, I nevertheless continued to march by the flank ; a few moments later, I heard roar upon roar of musketry in the direction of the ground I had just left, and naturally supposed our troops were firing into each other, by mistake. The undergrowth in the swamp through which we were passing was very dense, and the water waist deep in some places ; consequently, our progress was not as rapid as I desired. Soon after this heavy firing in rear, Major S. D. Lee came to me in great haste with instructions to return forthwith, as our troops on the left required support, and, at the same time, informed me that General Johnston had been wounded. I immediately started back, but nightfall approached before I was enabled to rejoin Major General Smith, and render him the assistance I would have gladly afforded. The follow- ing day rny brigade remained in line of battle without encoun- tering the enemy ; with this marching and counter-marching ended the part taken by my troops in the battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks. CHAPTER II. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY, VIRGINIA GAINES'S MILLS OR FIRST COLD HARBOR, MALVERN HILL, SECOND MANASSAS, BOONSBORO, GAP, AND SHARPSBURG, OR ANTIETAM. After the battle of Seven Pines, General R. E. Lee was assigned to the command of the Army of Northern Virginia. He immediately commenced to form plans by which to free the Confederate Capital from the proximity of the enemy. His first move was to send General Whiting's Division to Staunton, as a ruse, to join General Jackson; to order the latter then to march toward Richmond, or down the north side of the Chickahominy, upon the right flank of McClellan ; and, when Jackson was sufficiently near the enemy, to throw across this stream the main body of the Confederate Army at, and in the vicinity of Meadow bridge, and, finally, with his united forces to make a general assault upon the Federals. I happened to have been made cognizant of the foregoing plan through General Whiting, just prior to or during the march to Staunton. I mention the source from which I obtained this information, as it might seem strange that a Brigadier General should have knowledge of the secret purposes of such a move- ment, in operations of so great importance. My brigade having been reinforced by Hampton's Legion, under the command of Colonel Geary, moved by railway about the middle of June, via Lynchburg, to Charlottesville, and thence marched to Staunton. Upon our arrival at this place. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 25 we received orders to retrace our steps, return to Charlottes- ville, and there take the train to Hanover Junction. On the 25th I conducted my command, which now formed a part of Jackson's Army, to Ashland. At this point rations and ammunition were issued to the troops, and, the morning of the 26th, I marched with my brigade in a southeasterly direction towards Cold Harbor, as the advanced guard of Jackson's forces. We soon came in contact with the Federal outposts, whom we drove rapidly to and across Tottapotamoi creek, a sluggish stream, with banks steep and densely wooded on either side. Here I discovered "the bridge on fire, and the enemy busily engaged felling trees to check our advance beyond ; thereupon, Reiley's battery was placed in position, and opened fire, whilst we continued to push forward our skirmish line. The Federals finally retreated in such haste that they left their axes in the trees. The bridge was promptly repaired, and we continued skirmishing with their rear guard till we reached Handley's Corner, where we halted, and bivou- acked for the night. We had heard during the day, in the direction of Mechanics- ville, the guns of Longstreet and A. P. Hill, which indicated that the issue of the great battle, then in progress, would soon be decided. At early dawn of the 27th the march was resumed ; Ewell's Division bore off in the direction of our left during the day, and Whiting's to the right. The latter received instructions, in the afternoon, to repair to the support of Longstreet, then assaulting the Federal left at Cold Harbor. I moved on with all possible speed, through field and forest, in the direction of the firing, and arrived, about 4.30 p. m., at a point, on the telegraph road, I should think not far distant from the centre of our attacking force. Here I found General Lee, seated upon his horse. He rode forward to meet me, and, extending his usual greeting, announced to me that our troops had been fighting gallantly, but had not succeeded in dislodging the enemy; he added, "This must be done. Can you break his line?" I replied that I would try. I immedi- 26 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. ately formed my brigade in line of battle with Hampton's Legion on the left. In front was a dense woods and ugly marsh, which totally concealed the enemy from us ; but the terrible roar of artillery and musketry plainly revealed, how- ev^er, that thousands and thousands of living souls were strug- gling in most deadly conflict for the mastery of that field, and I might say, almost under the shadow of the Capitol of the infant Confederacy. My line was established, and moved for- ward, regiment by regiment, when I discovered, as the dis- position of the Eighteenth Georgia was completed, an open field a little to its right. Holding in reserve the Fourth Texas, I ordered the advance, and galloped into the open field or pas- ture, from which point I could see, at a distance of about eight hundred yards, the position of the Federals. They were heavily entrenched upon the side of an elevated ridge running a little west and south, and extending to the vicinity of the Chickahominy. At the foot of the slope ran Powhite creek, which stream, together with the abatis in front of their works, constituted a formidable obstruction to our approach, whilst batteries, supported by masses of infantry, crowned the crest of the hill in rear, and long range guns were posted upon the south side of the Chickahominy, in readiness to enfilade our advancing columns. The ground from which I made these observations was, however, open the entire distance to their entrenchments. In a moment I determined to advance from that point, to make a strenuous effort to pierce the enemy's fortifications, and, if possible, put him to flight. I therefore marched the Fourth Texas by the right flank into this open field, halted and dressed the line whilst under fire of the long- range guns, and gave positive instructions that no man should fire until I gave the order; for I knew full well that if the men were allowed to fire, they would halt to load, break the allign- ment, and, very likely, never reach the breastworks. I more- over ordered them not only to keep together, but also in line, and announced to them that I would lead them in the charge. Forward march was sounded, and we moved at a rapid, CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 27 but not at a double-quick pace. Meantime, my regiments on the left had advanced some distance to the front through the wood and swamp. Onward we marched under a constantly increasing shower of shot and shell, whilst to our right could be seen some of our troops making their way to the rear, and others lying down beneath a galling fire. Our ranks were thinned at almost every step forward, and proportionately to the growing fury of the storm of projectiles. Soon we attained the crest of the bald ridge within about one hundred and fifty yards of the breastworks. Here was concentrated upon us, from bat- teries in front and flank, a fire of shell and canister, which ploughed through our ranks with deadly effect. Already the gallant Colonel Marshall, together with many other brave men, had fallen victims in this bloody onset. At a quickened pace we continued to advance, without firing a shot, down the slope, over a body of our soldiers lying on the ground, to and across Powhite creek, when, amid the fearful roar of musk- etry and artillery, I gave the order to fix bayonets and charge. With a ringing shout we dashed up the steep hill, through the abatis, and over the breastworks, upon the very heads of the enemy. The Federals, panic-stricken, rushed precipitately to the rear upon the infantry in support of the artillery; sud- denly the whole joined in the flight toward the valley beyond. At this juncture some twenty guns, stationed in rear of the Federal line on a hill to my left, opened fire upon the Fourth Texas, which changed front, and charged in their direction. I halted in an orchard beyond the works, and despatched every officer of my staff to the main portion of the brigade in the wood on the left, instructing them to bear the glad tidings that the Fourth Texas had pierced the enemy's line, and were moving in his rear, and to deliver orders to push forward with utmost haste. At the same moment I discovered a Federal brigade marching up the slope from the valley beyond, evi- dently with the purpose to re-establish the line. I ran back to the entrenchments, appealed to some of our troops, who, by 28 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. this time, had advanced to the breastworks, to come forward and drive off this small body of Federals, They remained, however, motionless. Jenkins's command, if I mistake not, which was further to our right, boldly advanced and put this brigade to rout. Meantime, the long line of blue and steel to the right and left wavered, and, finally, gave way, as the Eigh- teenth Georgia, the First and Fifth Texas, and Hampton's Legion gallantly moved forward from right to left, thus com- pleting a grand left wheel of the brigade into the very heart of the enemy. Simultaneously with this movement burst forth a tumultuous shout of victory, which was taken up along the whole Confederate line. I mounted my horse, rode forward, and found the Fourth Texas and Eighteenth Georgia had captured fourteen pieces of artillery, whilst the Fifth Texas had charge of a Federal regiment which had surrendered to it. Many were the deeds of valor upon that memorable field. General Jackson, in reference to this onset, says in his offi- cial report: " In this charge in which upwards of a thousand men fell, killed and wounded, before the fire of the enemy, and in which fourteen pieces of artillery and nearly a regiment were captured, the Fourth Texas, under the lead of General Hood, was the first to pierce these strongholds and seize the guns. Although swept from their defences by this rapid and almost matchless display of daring and desperate valor, the well dis- ciplined Federals continued in retreat to fight with stubborn resistance." On the following day, as he surveyed the ground over which my brave men charged, he rendered them a just tribute when he exclaimed : " The men who carried this position were soldiers indeed !" Major Warwick, of the Fourth Texas, a brave and efficient officer, fell mortally wounded near the works,. whilst urging his men forward to the charge; over one-half of this regiment lay dead or wounded along a distance of one mile. Major Haskell, son-in-law of General Hampton, won my admiration by his indomitable courage : just after my troops had broken CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 29 the adv^ersary's line, and I was sorely in need of staff officers, he reported to me for duty, sword in hand, notwithstanding one of his arms had by a shot been completely severed from his body. I naturally instructed him to go in search of a surgeon. After the capture of the artillery posted on the hill in rear of the Federal line, a strange and interesting incident occurred. The Second Cavalry, my regiment in the United States service prior to the war, gallantly charged the Fourth Texas, the regi- ment I had organized and commanded in the Confederate Army. Major Whiting, who was captain of my company on the frontier of Texas, commanded the former in this bold attack to recapture these guns ; his horse was killed under him, and he fell stunned, though unharmed, at the feet of my men, and was taken prisoner. When the battle had ceased, I gave my attention at once and during the night — to the care of the wounded, as doctors, litter-bearers and ambulance drivers were without much expe- rience at that early period of hostilities. As I rode over the field, about 2 o'clock in the morning, amid the wounded whose touching appeals for water resounded on every side, a voice in the distance arose, calling me by my surname in tones of deep distress. Shortly after one of my soldiers came and reported to me that Captain Chambliss, an old friend, and a member of the Second Cavalry, United States Army, was lying upon thehill, desperately wounded. I ordered him to return immediately, to render every assistance in his power, and to assure Chambliss that I would soon be with him, as I was then completing the necessary arrangements for the care of the wounded. About daybreak I reached the spot where my friend lay, and we met with the same warmth of feeling which had characterized our intercourse previous to the Avar. I issued instructions to have him transported to the hospital, and accorded the same atten- tion given to my own wounded officers. Although I feared at the time his wounds would prove mortal, he, I am glad to state,' finally recovered. 30 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Subsequent to the battles around Richmond, I, in company with Colonel Fitzhugh Lee,also formerly of the Second Cavahy, United States Army, visited the Capital, and, at the Libby prison, called upon Whiting and Chambliss, with whom we renewed the cordial relations we had enjoyed upon the frontier. The dead were buried on the field of Cold Harbor or Gaines's Mills on the 28th, and, the afternoon of the 29th, my brigade began the pursuit of the enemy along with Jackson's forces. We crossed the Chickahominy at Grapevine bridge, near the railroad ; arrived at Savage's Station the morning of the 30th, and pushed on to White Oak Swamp, where we found the enemy in position on the opposite side of the stream, in our immediate front, behind the bridge, which they had destroyed on the retreat. General Jackson ordered forward a few batteries, opened fire, and, at the same time, sent detach- ments to the right and left to effect a crossing and assail our adversary upon both flanks. Whilst this artillery duel in our front was progressing, Longstreet and A. P. Hill were heavily engaged lower down at Frayser's Farm. At a very early hour on the morning of July istwe forced the passage cf White Oak Swamp, moved rapidly forward, and, before long, reached the field which Hill and Longstreet had compelled the enemy to abandon. From this point Jackson's Corps led the adv^ance of Lee's Army upon the Willis Church road; my brigade, under an annoying fire from the Federal rear guard, soon arrived in an open field in front of and commanded by Mah^ern Hill. The latter was not only a position of immense natural strength, but was, moreover, crowned with artillery which was supported by McClellan's entire Army, General Whiting's Division, in this meadow, constituted the left of the Confederate line; and, although the position occu- pied by the enemy in our immediate front was seemingly impregnable, the country on their right appeared to be open, and to afford an easy approach. I therefore dispatched some of my Texas scouts to reconnoitre in that direction. The CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 31 report, shortly received, was of a favorable character, and General Hampton and I requested of General Whiting per- mission to turn and assail this exposed flank. Our a])plica- tion was not granted, however, and we remained during the day under a murderous fire of artillery, whilst our forces on the right were driven back in every attempt made to gain pos- session of Malvern Hill. The ensuing night the Federals retreated to Harrison's Landing, on the James river, and thus put an end to this bloody and fruitless contest. General Jackson marched, after this engagement, in the direction of Culpep^r Court House, leaving my brigade with Longstreet. The battle at Cedar Run soon followed, and resulted in a brilliant victory for Jackson over Pope, whilst Longstreet remained with his corps in observation of McClel- lan's shattered forces at Harrison's Landing. A fleet of vessels, however, appeared on the James river to transport the Federals to another field of operations, and orders were issued to march to the Rapidan in the vicinity of Gordonsville, which point we reached about the 15th of August. My command had been increased by the addition of two or more batteries and a splendid brigade, under Colonel E. M. Law, an able and efficient officer. General Evans was shortly afterwards given, besides his own troops, command of the two brigades under my direction. On the 20th of August my division, acting as an advanced guard of Longstreet's Corps, moved against General Pope's Army, then lying a short distance south of the Rappahannock, crossed the Rapidan at Raccoon Ford, and marched in the wake of Jackson's Corps, Avhich was pushing forward rapidly with the design to secure a position on the flank or in rear of the Federals. This manoeuvre resulted in one of those bold and dazzling achievements which not only won my unbounded admiration, but deservedly earned for Jackson the highest appreciation and encomiums of the civilized world. Whilst he was hastening forward with a determination to allow no obstacle to hinder the accomplishment of his object, his train 32 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. was attacked by the enemy near Welford's Ford, on Hazel river; nevertheless, true to the inspiration of his genius, he pushed onward, leaving Trimble's brigade to protect his bag- gage against this assault. General Trimble gallantly repulsed the Federals, as my division moved forward to his support. Longstreet's Corps continued to threaten the enemy, while Jackson turned his right flank and cut his communications with Washington. He finally stood at bay near Manassas, whilst Longstreet, by a forced march from the Rappahannock, pushed forward, and reached about mid-day, on the 2Sth, Thoroughfare Gap, which was guarded by a strong force of the enemy. My command had marched nearly the whole previous night. About 2 a. m., after passing through a valley amid darkness which was greatly increased by a dense wood, the troops were allowed to file off, stack arms, and bivouac on a slope, and around a knoll upon which some of our cavalrymen had been stationed on picket duty. The fatigue of the men was so excessive that they dropped down in line, and fell asleep almost the instant they touched the ground. Amid the still- ness and darkness which reigned in the encampment, some of the officers, who had dismounted- upon the summit of the hillock, kicked over an empty barrel which had been used by the cavalrymen as a receptacle for forage, and it came rolling and bounding down the slope over the bushes, toward the Texans who were then in a sound sleep. Just at this moment a favorite animal of one of the regiments, "the old grey mare," loaded with kettles, tin cups and frying pans, dashed up the hill from the forest below with a rattling noise. Some one gave the alarm, crying with a loud voice, " Look out !" and the brave men who had fought so nobly at Cold Harbor sprang to their feet, deserted their colors and guns, and ran down the slope over a well-constructed fence, which was soon levelled to the ground, and had continued their flight several hundred yards before they awoke sufficiently to recover their wits, and boldly march back, convulsed with laughter. This incident is CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 33 the origin of the brigade song, the burden of which ran, " The old Grey Mare came tearing out o' the Wilderness." The truth is, in time of war, a cap explodes much louder at night than in the day. Late in the afternoon of the 28th my division was instructed to unite with General D. R. Jones's Division and gain possession of Thoroughfare Gap, a narrow mountain defile, protected, as it were, by a wall of stone on either side. At the same time General Lee sent a force to the left to threaten the Federals in rear, whilst a portion of my command passed through the Gap under a heavy fire of artillery, and my main force crossed over the ridge upon the immediate left of the Gap. The enemy was thus forced to retire, and my division bivouacked for the night beyond this stronghold. At early dawn on the morning of the 29th I put my troops in motion, and, in accordance with instructions from General Longstreet, formed his advanced guard in the direction of Manassas. I placed Lieutenant Colonel Upton, of the Fifth Texas, in command of about one hundred and fifty picked men, from the Texas brigade, to act as skirmishers, and instructed him to rapidly push the Federals in his front. I impressed upon him the importance of hasten- ing to the support of General Jackson, and assured him I would keep the division in readiness to render him prompt assistance, if requisite. Here was achieved by this advanced guard of the advanced guard one of those military feats which is entitled to the admiration of every soldier. Although the Federals opposed us with the different arms of the service, Colonel Upton drove them before him with such rapidity that General Longstreet sent me orders, two or three times, to halt, since the Army was unable to keep within supporting distance of my forces. The gallant Upton was, indeed, pre-eminent in his sphere as an outpost officer. I joined General Jackson on the Groveton pike, upon the field of Manassas, about 10.30 a. m., when he rode forward and extended me a hearty welcome. He was then keeping at bay the entire Federal Army, commanded by Major General 3 34 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Pope. My division was formed without delay across the pike ; the Texas brigade was posted on the right, and that of Law on the left. Between my left and Jackson's right, which rested about one mile south of Groveton, a gap of a few hundred yards existed ; it was afterwards filled by artillery, under the direc- tion of Colonel Walton. Longstreet's Corps, as it arrived upon the field, formed on my right, thus constituting my division the centre of the Confederate Army. I was instructed to obey the orders of either Lee, Jackson, or Longstreet. We remained, till a late hour in the afternoon, spectators of the heavy engagement of Jackson's troops with the enemy, who was thwarted in his attempt to turn our left flank. Major B. W. Frobel, whom I had previously assigned to the command of my artillery, was sent to our right with his battalion to oppose a column of the enemy, advancing to attack Longstreet whilst he was establishing his line. He speedily repulsed the Federals, and returned to his former position.* In the meantime our opponents had been massing their forces in our front. Just before sunset I received orders from General Longstreet to advance, and scarcely had I given the word of command, when the enemy moved forward and began a general attack along my line. Law's brigade of Alabamians, Mississippians and Carolinians dashed forward with theTexans, Georgians and Geary's Legion, upon their immediate right; each seemed to vie with the other in efforts to plunge the deeper into the ranks of the enemy. Onward they charged, driving the foe through field and forest, from position after position, till long after darkness had closed in upon the scene of conflict. Law had captured one piece of artillery, f and I beheld with pride the work done by my men, who had forced back the Federals a distance of over one mile. I now discovered that my line was in the midst of the enemy; the obscurity of the night, which was deepened by a thick wood, made it almost impossible to distinguish friend from foe, * See Frobel's Report, f See Law's Report. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 85 and for the same reason I was unable to select a position and form upon it for action next morning. The Confederates and Federals were so intermingled that commanders of both armies gave orders for allignment, in some instances, to the troops of their opponents. Colonel Work, of the First Texas, was struck in the head with an inverted musket in the hands of a Federal, and several stands of colors were snatched from their bearers by my troops, and borne off as mementos of this night encounter of clubs and fists. In view of this condition of affairs I determined to ride to the rear, inform Generals Lee and Longstreet of the facts, and to recommend that I retire and resume the line from which I had advanced just before sunset. I found them about two miles off, in an open field, and, after a brief interview, we received orders to act in accordance with my suggestion. The troops were therefore withdrawn from the immediate presence of the enemy, back to their original position across the Grove- ton pike, about 2 a. m. on the 30th of August. As I was prepared to lie down and rest for the few remaining hours before dawn, one of my officers informed me that General Richard Anderson's Division was bivouacked in mass just in my front. Knowing that some thirty or forty pieces of artil- lery bore directly upon his troops, I mounted my horse, rode off in search of his quarters, and urged him to hasten his with- drawal, as the Federal artillery would assuredly, at daylight, open upon his men thus massed, and greatly cripple his division. Anderson had been marching all day, in order to join General Lee, and did not halt until he found himself in the midst of Federal and Confederate wounded. Upon my warning, he promptly aroused his men and, just after daybreak, marched to the rear of my line of battle. The pike was dry, and his division, as it moved back, left a cloud of dust in its wake, which circumstance, I have always thought, induced General Pope to send his celebrated despatch to Washington to the effect that General Lee was in full retreat 36 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. My troops remained stationary a greater part of the 30th, quietly awaiting orders to again advance. About 3.30 p. m. a furious assault was made upon Jackson, within full view of my position. Line after line was hurled against his brave men, posted in a railroad cut, from which they stubbornly resisted every attack. I sent for a battery (Reiley's, if I mistake not), and ordered it to open upon the flank of the enemy's attacking column, whilst Colonel S. D. Lee's artillery, together with the remainder of Major Frobel's batteries, ploughed deep furrows through the Federal masses, as they advanced to and recoiled before the " Stonewall" upon my left. So desperate was the assault of Pope, and so fixed the determination of this commander, or some of his officers, to force the troops to fight that a line was, apparently, stationed in rear to fire upon those who, impelled by fear or despair, sought refuge from the battle- field. Thus raged this fierce contest, when about 4 p. m. I received an order, through one of Longstreet's staff officers, to advance. A few minutes after my division moved forward, a messenger from Longstreet summoned me, and, at the full speed of my horse, I joined him from a quarter to a half of a mile in rear. He instructed me not to allow my division to move so far forward as to throw itself beyond the prompt support of the troops he had ordered to the front. Notwithstanding I rode at as rapid a course as my favorite horse could bear me to rejoin my two brigades, I did not overtake them till I had crossed the creek, about four hundred yards south of the Chinn House, and the Texas brigade had captured a battery, routed the Federal Zouaves — literally strewing the ground with their dead and wounded — and Law, upon the left, had accomplished equally important results in his front. The field, where lay the dead and dying zouaves in their gay uniforms, amid the tall green grass, presented indeed a singular appear- ance, as I passed down the slope and across the creek. I here sent orders to my troops to halt and adjust their allignment, and discovered, at the same time, upon a ridge a short distance CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 37 beyond, another battery together with large masses of Federal infantry in the vicinity of the Chinn House. Soon, Colonel Means, mounted and in command of General Evans's brigade, reported to me for directions. I instructed him to take the battery which was then within sixty yards of us. His men boldly dashed forward, and he, a few moments later, fell dead to the ground pierced by a ball. I moved a little to the right, and about this juncture D. R. Jones's Division arrived upon the scene of action; it was soon followed by the remainder of Longstreet's Corps. Gen- eral Jones rode up to me, and desired to know at which point he could most effectually strike the enemy. I recommended that he at once assail the heavy lines in rear of the Chinn House. He promptly accepted the suggestion, in concert with several other commanders, and they moved to the attack, as did the whole line from right to left. Thus the splendid corps of Longstreet moved forward in a grand charge out upon the high and open ground in that vicinity. Onward it swept toward Bull Run, driving the enemy at a rapid pace before it, and presenting to the view the most beautiful battle scene I have ever beheld. I was in conference, near the Chinn House, with General Jones and other commanders, as they arrived upon the field, when the Fifth Texas — after Colonel Robertson had been wounded in the faithful discharge of his duty, and the gallant, noble Upton had been killed — slipped the bridle and rushed forward, breaking loose from its brigade. When night approached, and the battle was over, I found it far to the front, in the vicinity of the Sudley Ford road. Whilst I lost many valuable officers and men, as shown by the official reports, my two brigades, true to their teaching, captured five guns in addition to fourteen stands of colors, which they bore off as trophies of war and proof of the noble work they had accomplished. During this engagement Major W. H. Sellers, my Adjutant General, led the Texas brigade. I had ordered him to assume direction when General Long- street sent for me at the beginning of the movement forward. 38 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. This distinguished soldier not only deserves great credit for his conduct in this battle, but proved himself, as I expressed my conviction in my official report, competent to command a brigade at that early period of the war. Toward the close of the battle I pushed forward some of my reliable Texas scouts, and captured a number of new Federal ambulances, with a view to better the outfit of my troops. After nightfall I reas- sembled my division, and rode back to the headquarters of General Lee. I found him in an open field, near a camp-fire of boards kindled for the purpose of reading despatches; he was in high spirits, doubtless on account of the brilliant and complete vic- toryjust achieved by his Army. He met me in his usual man- ner, and asked what had become of the enemy. I replied that our forces had driven him almost at a double-quick, to and across Bull Run, and that it was a beautiful sight to see our little battle-flags dancing after the Federals, as they ran in full retreat. He instantly exclaimed, "God forbid I should ever live to see our colors moving in the opposite direction!" The ambulances I had captured were destined to cause me somewhat of annoyance, which I had nowise anticipated at the time I assigned them to my troops for the use of their sick and wounded. After the burial of the dead on the fol- lowing day, and the march had been resumed, with orders to follow Jackson's Corps in the direction of Maryland, I was instructed by Major General Evans to turn over these ambu- lances to his Carolina troops. Whereas I would cheerfully have obeyed directions to deliver them to General Lee's Quar- ter Master for the use of the Army, I did not consider it just that I should be required to yield them to another brigade of the division, which was in no manner entitled to them. I regarded the command, which had captured them, as the right- ful owners in this instance, and therefore refused to obey the order. I was, in consequence, placed in arrest, and, on the march to Frederick, Maryland, was ordered by General Long- street to proceed to the rear to Culpepjs^^er Court House, if I CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 39 remember correctly, and there await the assembly of a Court Martial for my trial. General Lee, however, became apprised of the matter, and at once sent instructions that I should remain with my command, though he did not release me from arrest. Longstreet's Corps was finally massed near Hagers- town, and by this time my division had become restive and somewhat inclined to insubordination on account of my sus- pension. I repressed all demonstrations of feeling by assur- ances to the officers that the affair would soon be settled, and I shortly restored to command. On the 13th of September intelligence was received of McClellan's advance from the direction of Federal City toward South Mountain, and on the morning of the 14th I marched with Longstreet's Corps to Boonsboro' Gap, a narrow and winding pass, through which runs the turnpike from Hagers- town to Federal City. I was still under arrest, with orders to move in rear of my two brigades. The division reached the foot of South Mountain about 3.30 p. m., from which point could be seen the shells of the enemy, as they passed over the rugged peaks in front, and burst upon the slope in our proximity. I could hear the men, as they filed up the ascent, cry out along the line, " Give us Hood!" but did not compre- hend the meaning of this appeal till I arrived with the rear of the column at the base of the ridge, where I found General Lee standing by the fence, very near the pike, in company with his chief of staff, Colonel Chilton. The latter accosted me, bearing a message from the General, that he desired to speak to me. I dismounted, and soon stood in his presence, when he said: "General, here I am just upon the eve of entering into battle, and with one of my best officers under arrest. If you will merely say that you regret this occurrence, I will release you and restore you to the command of your division." I replied, " I am unable to do so, since I cannot admit or see the justness of General Evans's demand for the ambulances my men have captured. Had I been ordered to turn them over for the general use of the Army, I would cheerfully have acqui- 40. ADVANCE AND RETREAT. esced." He again urged me to make some declaration expres- sive of regret. I answered that I could not consistently do so. Then, in a voice betraying the feeling which warmed the heart of this noble and great warrior, he said, "Well, I will suspend your arrest till the impending battle is decided." I quickly remounted, galloped to the front of my column, and, with a kind welcome from my troops, reported for duty to General Longstreet, who by this time had reached the sum- mit of the mountain. He immediately instructed me to file to the left, in the wake of Evans's brigade, and to take position with my right near the pike. The advance of McClellan's long lines could be seen moving up the slope in our front, evidently with the purpose to dislodge our forces posted upon the sharp ridge overlooking the valley below. Before long Major Fairfax, of Longstreet's staff, came to me in haste with orders to move to the right of the pike, as our troops on that part of the field had been driven back. He accompanied me to the pike, and here turned his horse to leave, when I naturally asked if he would not guide me. He replied, " No, I can only say, go to the right." Meantime Major Frobel's batteries had come for- ward into position on top of the ridge ; they opened fire, and performed excellent service in checking the enemy. The wood and undergrowth were dense, and nothing but a pig path seemed to lead in the direction in which I was ordered. Nevertheless, I conducted my troops obliquely by the right flank, and while I advanced I could hear the shouts of the Federals, as they swept down the mountain upon our side. I then bore still more obliquely to the right, with a view to get as far as possible towards the left flank of the enemy before we came in contact. We marched on through the wood as rapidly as the obstacles in our passage would admit. Each step forward brought nearer and nearer to us the heavy Federal lines, as they advanced, cheering over their success and the possession of our dead and wounded. Finally, I gave instruc- tions to General Law and Colonel Wofford, directing the two brigades, to order their men to fix bayonets ; and, when the CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 41 enemy came within seventy-five or a hundred yards, I ordered the men to front and charge. They obeyed promptly, with a genuine Confederate yell, and the Federals were driven back pell mell, over and beyond the mountain, at a much quicker pace than they had descended. Night closed in with not only our dead and wounded, together with those of our adversary in our possession, but with the mountain, on the right, within our lines. After the correction of my allignment I rode, at about lO p- m., back to the Gap, where I found General D. H. Hill and other officers on the gallery of a tavern, near the pike, evidently discussing the outlook. As I approached, I inquired, in an ordinary tone of voice, as to the condition of affairs on our left, and to my surprise was met with a mysterious " Pshe — Pshe " — ; a voice added in an audible whisper, " The enemy is just there in the corn field; he has forced us back." I thereupon suggested that we repair without delay to General Lee's headquarters, and report the situation. Accordingly, we rode down to the foot of the mountain, where we found General Lee in council with General Longstreet. After a long debate, it was decided to retire and fall back towards Sharps- burg. The morning of the 15th our forces were again in motion in the direction of the Antietam ; the cavalry and my two brigades, in addition to Major Frobel's artillery, formed the rear guard to hold our opponents in check, whilst the Army marched quietly to its destination. My troops, at this period, were sorely in need of shoes, clothing and food. We had had issued to us no meat for several days, and little or no bread ; the men had been forced to subsist principally on green corn and green apples. Nevertheless, they were in high spirits and defiant, as we contended with the advanced guard of McClellan the 15th and forenoon of the i6th. During the afternoon of this day I was ordered, after great fatigue and hunger endured by my soldiers, to take position near the 42 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Hagerstovvn pike, in an open field in front of * Dunkard Church. General Hooker's Corps ciT)sscd the Antietam, swung round with its right on the pike, and, about an hour before sunset, encountered my division. I had stationed one or two batteries upon a hillock, in a meadow, near the edge of a corn field and just by the pike. The Texas brigade had been disposed on the left, and that of Law on the right. We opened fire, and a spirited action ensued, which lasted till a late hour in the night. When the firing had in a great measure ceased, we were so close to the enemy that we could distinctly hear him massing his heavy bodies in our immediate front. The extreme suffering of my troops for want of food induced me to ride back to General Lee, and request him to send two or more brigades to our relief, at least for the night, in order that the soldiers might have a chance to cook their meagre rations. He said that he w^ould cheerfully do so, but he knew of no command which could be spared for the purpose; he, however, suggested I should see General Jackson and endeavor to obtain assistance from him. After riding a long time in search of the latter, I finally discovered him alone, lying upon the ground, asleep by the root of a tree. I aroused him and made known the half-starved condition of my troops; he immediately ordered Lawton's, Trimble's and Hays's brigades to our relief He exacted of me, however, a promise that I would come to the support of these forces the moment I was called upon. I quickly rode off in search of my wagons, that the men might prepare and cook their flour, as we were still without meat; unfortunately the night was then far advanced, and, although every effort was made amid the darkness to get the wagons forward, dawn of the morning of the 17th broke upon us before many of the men had had time to do more than prepare the dough. Soon thereafter an officer of Lawton's staff dashed up to me, saying, " General Lawton sends his compliments with the request that you come * In my official report erroneously called St. Muniina Clnirch. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 43 at once to his support." " To arms " was instantly sounded, and quite a large number of my brave soldiers were again obliged to march to the front, leaving their uncooked rations in camp. Still, indomitable amid every trial, they moved off by the right flank to occupy the same position we had left the night previous. As we passed, about sunrise, across the pike and through the gap in the fence just in front of Dunkard Church, General Lawton, who had been wounded, was borne to the rear upon a litter, and the only Confederate troops, left on that part of the field, were some forty men who had rallied round the gallant Harry Hays. I rode up to the latter, and, finding that his soldiers had expended all their ammunition, I suggested to him to retire, to replenish his cartridge boxes, and reassemble his command. The following extract from the official report of General Jackson will convey an idea of the bloody conflict in which my two little brigades were about to engage: " General Lawton, commanding division, and Colonel Walker, com- manding brigade, were severely wounded. More than half of the brigades of Lawton and Hays were either killed or wounded, and more than a third of Trimble's, and all the regimental commanders in those brigades, except two, were killed or wounded. Thinned in their ranks, and exhausted of their ammunition, Jackson's Division and the brigades of Lawton, Trimble and Hays retired to the rear, and Hood, of Long- street's command, again took the position from which he had been before relieved." Not far distant in our front were drawn up, in close array, heavy columns of Federal infantry; not less than two corps were in sight to oppose my small command, numbering, approximately, two thousand effectives. However, with the trusty Law on my right, in the edge of the wood, and the gallant Colonel WofTord in command of the Texas brigade on the left, near the pike, we moved forward to the assault. Not- withstanding the overwhelming odds of over ten to one against us, we drove the enemy from the wood and corn field 44 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. back upon his reserves, and forced him to abandon his guns on our left. This most deadly combat raged till our last round of ammunition was expended. The First Texas Regi- ment had lost, in the corn field, fully two-thirds of its number ; and whole ranks of brave men, whose deeds were unrecorded save in the hearts of loved ones at home, were mowed down in heaps to the right and left. Never before was I so con- tinuously troubled with fear that my horse would further injure some wounded fellow soldier, lying helpless upon the ground. Our right flank, during this short, but seemingly long, space of time, was toward the main line of the Federals, and, after several ineffectual efforts to procure reinforcements and our last shot had been fired, I ordered my troops back to Dunkard Church, for the same reason which had previously compelled Lawton, Hays and Trimble to retire. My command remained near the church, with empty cartridge boxes, holding aloft their colors whilst Frobel's batteries rendered most effective service in position further to the right, where nearly all the guns of the battalion were disabled. Upon the arrival of McLaws's Division, we marched to the rear, renewed our supply of ammunition, and returned to our position in the wood, near the church, which ground we held till a late hour in the afternoon, when we moved somewhat further to the right and bivouacked for the night. With the close of this bloody day ceased the hardest fought battle of the war. In the Military Biography of Stonewall Jackson, edited by Rev. J. Wm. Jones, D. D., occur the following passages (pp. 330-31) in reference to this engagement: "Seeing Hood in their path the enemy paused, and a Northern correspondent writes : ' While our advance rather faltered, the rebels, greatly reinforced, made a sudden and impetuous onset,* and drove our gallant fellows back over a portion of the hard won field. What we had * The above mentioned large reinforcements were my two small brigades. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 45 won, however, was not relinquished without a desperate struggle, and here, up the hills and down, through the woods and the standing corn, over the ploughed land and clover, the hne of fire swept to and fro as one side or the other gained a temporary advantage.' " Hood was now fighting with his right toward the main line of the enemy, for General Hooker had swept round so far, that, as we have said, his line was almost at right angles with its original position. Hood threw himself into the action with great gallantry, and says in his report : ' Here I witnessed the most terrible clash of arms by far that has occurred during the war. The two little giant brigades of my command wrestled with the mighty force, and although they lost hundreds of their officers and men, they drove them from their position, and forced them to abandon their guns on our left.' ' One of these brigades numbered only eight hundred and fifty-four {854) men.' " The following morning I arose before dawn and rode to the front where, just after daybreak, General Jackson came pacing up on his horse, and instantly asked, " Hood, have they gone?" When I answered in the negative, he replied " I hoped they had," and then passed on to look after his brave but greatly exhausted command. The subjoined letter, I have no doubt, obtained my promo- tion about this period. I had no knowledge of its existence until after the close of the war, when it was handed to me in New York by Mr. Meyer, to whom I am indebted for the favor. He was at the time of the surrender a clerk in the War Office, at Richmond, and, in consideration of the unsettled condition of affairs, placed it his papers for preservation: " Headquarters, V. Dist., ) " Sept. 27th, 1862. ] "General: — I respectfully recommend that Brig. Genl. J. B. Hood be promoted to the rank of a Major General. He was under my command during the engagements along the Chickahominy, com- mencing on the 27th of June last, when he rendered distinguished service. Though not of my command in the recently hard fought battle near Sharpsburg, Maryland, yet for a portion of the day I had occasion to give directions respecting his operations, and it gives me pleasure to say that his duties were discharged with such ability and zeal, as to 46 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. command my admiration. I regard him as one of the most promising officers of the army. " I am, General, your obedient servant, " (Signed) T. J. JACKSON, " Major General." '' General S. Cooper, " Adjutant and Inspector General, C. S. A. " Endorsed, New York, November 9th, 1866." " The enclosed letter from General Jackson to General Cooper was handed to General Hood by Mr. Meyer (a former clerk in the War Department at Richmond), at the Southern Hotel in this city. The letter is the original, and preserved by Mr. Meyer. " (Signed) F. S. STOCKDALE." The foregoing letter is doubly kind in its tenor, inasmuch as I was not serving in General Jackson's Corps at the time. During the i8th the Confederate Army remained in pos- session of the field, buried the dead, and that night crossed near Shepherdstown to the south side of the Potomac. Soon thereafter my division marched to a point north of Winchester, and passed a pleasant month in the beautiful Valley of the Shenandoah. My arrest, which General Lee, just prior to the battle of Boonsboro' Gap, had • been gracious enough to suspend, was never reconsidered ; the temporary release became permanent, and, in lieu of being summoned to a Court Martial, I was shortly afterwards promoted to the rank of Major General with the command of two additional brigades. The accession of Benning's and Anderson's brigades, which had already taken part in a number of battles, composed a division which any general might justly have felt honored to command. The former brigade had been gallantly led by General Toombs at Sharpsburg. I experienced much interest in training these troops, as I endeavored to excite emulation among them and thoroughly arouse their pride, in accordance with the system of education I had pursued with the Fourth Texas Regiment, Law's, and my original brigade. Under the unfortunate organization of brigades by States, I lost the Eighteenth Georgia Regiment and Hampton's Legion, to both CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 47 of which commands, I, as well as my Texas troops, had become warmly attached. The former had served with me longer than the latter, and in every emergency had proved itself bold and trusty ; it styled itself, from a feeling of brother- hood, the Third Texas. Whilst I lost these two excellent bodies of men, I gained the Third Arkansas, a large regiment, commanded by Colonel Van Manning, a brave and accomplished soldier, who served with distinction, and, in truth, merited higher rank and a larger command. I also lost the Sixth North Carolina, Ninth and Eleventh Mississippi Regiments, which, after long and gallant service in Law's brigade, were also transferred to other commands ; thus, unfortunately, were severed relations which had been engendered and strengthened by common trials and dangers. CHAPTER III. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY VIRGINIA FREDERICKSBURG, SUF- FOLK, GETTYSBURG, AND CHICKAMAUGA, The latter part of October McClellan's movements deter- mined General Lee to withdraw from the Valley of the Shen- andoah, leaving his cavalry in rear, and to return to the Valley of the Rappahannock. Accordingly, my division took its place, about the 26th, in the marching columns of Longstreet's Corps, which moved in the direction of the latter point. Dur- ing the previous month of quiet and rest, the troops had received a supply of shoes and clothing, and had improved in drill and discipline. This splendid corps, therefore, exhibited a very different appearance from that which it presented in its ragged and bare-footed condition, a short period before in Maryland. We halted in the vicinity of Culpepper Court House, where shortly afterwards intelligence was received that McClellan had been superseded by the appointment of Burnside. This General promptly made a demonstration on the Upper Rappa- hannock, as he moved towards Fredericksburg. General Lee crossed to the south side of the Rapidan, and, by the latter part of November, the Federal and Confederate Armies again confronted one another at Fredericksburg, where we quietly awaited the development of events. (48) CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 49 On the nth of January, 1863, General Burnside having completed all necessary preparation, began to lay pontoons above and below the railroad bridge which had been destroyed. That entire day and night he consumed in crossing his forces to the southern bank of the river, under cover of, at least, one hundred pieces of artillery. During the 12th he formed his line below and above Deep Run, whilst upon the range of hills overlooking the valley, Lee's forces lay in readiness to receive the attack. General Jackson had, meantime, moved up to form line on our right, and that day, if I remember cor- rectly, as we were riding together in direction of General Lee's headquarters, the conversation turned upon the future, and he asked me if I expected to live to see the end of the war. I replied that I did not know, but was inclined to think I would survive ; at the same time, I considered it most likely I would be badly shattered before the termination of the strug- gle. I naturally addressed him the same question, and, with- out hesitation, he answered that he did not expect to live through to the close of the contest. Moreover, that he could not say that he desired to do so. With this sad turn in the conversation, the subject dropped. Often since have I thought upon these words, spoken casually by each of us, and which seem to have contained the prophecy of his untimely death and of my own fate. My division was again the centre of the Confederate Army, as it rested in line of battle opposite Deep Run, full of spirit and impatient for action. The following morning, after the fog had disappeared, and at about lO o'clock, the heavy lines of the enemy advanced upon our right and against Jackson's forces, but were driven back beneath the fire of our guns posted on that part of the line. Again, at about I p. m., the attack was renewed, and the Federals penetrated into a gap left in Jackson's front line. They were, however, speedily repulsed by his brigades held in reserve. My troops repelled with ease thje feeble attack made on their immediate front, whilst 4 50 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Longstreet's remaining forces on the left drove the enemy back repeatedly with great slaughter near Marye's Hill. I was directed in this battle, as at Second Manassas, to obey the orders either of Generals Lee, Jackson, or Longstreet. About sunset, after the musketry fire had nigh ceased, I received instructions through an officer of Jackson's staff to join in a movement on my right as soon as A. P. Hill's division advanced. The order was accompanied with a message from General Jackson that he intended to drive the enemy into the river. I responded that I was in readiness to act, but, for some reason unknown to me, these orders were countermanded. About lo o'clock that night I rode back to my encampment to procure a cup of coffee, and, General Lee's quarters being within a few hundred yards, I walked up the ridge and pre- sented myself at his tent. He immediately asked me what I thought of the attack by the enemy during the day. I expressed my opinion that Burnside was whipped ; that no good general would ever make an assault similar to that upon my right and left, without intending it as his main effort, and that the heavy roll of musketry I had heard clearly convinced me that the hardest part of the battle had been fought. He then remarked that he did not think Burnside had made his principal attempt, but would attack again the next day, and that we would drive him back and follow him up to the river. After conversing a few moments longer, during which time he was in the highest spirits, I returned to my line, where I con- tinued the remainder of the night. The morning of the 14th both Armies still lay face to face, no aggressive movement having been initiated by either side, when about noon Generals Lee and Jackson rode by my position, and invited me to accompany them on a reconnois- sance towards our right. We soon reached an eminence, not far distant from Hamilton's Crossing on the railroad, and upon which some of our batteries were posted. From this point we had a magnificent view of the Federal lines on their left, some seven in number, and each, seemingly, a mile in length. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 51 General Jackson here turned to me, and asked my estimate of the strength of the enemy then in sight and in our immediate front. I answered fifty thousand, and he remarked that he had estimated their numbers at fifty-five thousand. Strange to say, amid this immense assemblage of Federal troops not a standard was to be seen ; the colors were all low- ered, which circumstance induced me to abide by the opinion I had expressed to General Lee the night previous. The two Armies stood still during this entire day, and the follow- ing morning we awoke to find the enemy on the north side of the Rappahannock. In this vicinity my division was quartered for the Winter, and my tent remained near that of General Lee. • It was my privilege to often visit him during his leisure hours, and con- verse with the freedom of yore upon the frontier. In one of our agreeable chats, in company wnth General Chilton, his chief of staff, he complained of his Army for burning fence rails, killing pigs, and committing sundry delinquencies of this character. I spoke up warmly in defence of my division, declaring that it was not guilty of these misdemeanors, and desired him to send Chilton to inspect the fences in the neigh- borhood of my troops. General Lee, who was walking up and down near his camp fire, turned toward me and laughingly said, " Ah, General Hood, when you Texans come about the chickens have to roost mighty high." His raillery excited great merriment, and I felt I was somewhat at a stand ; never- theless, I urged that General Chilton be sent at least to inspect the fences. Time passed pleasantly till the early Spring, when General Longstreet marched back to Petersburg, and thence towards Suffolk — a movement I never could satisfactorily account for, and which proved unfortunate, since it allowed General Hooker, who had superseded Burnside the latter part of April, to cross the Rappahannock and attack General Lee in the absence of one-half of his Army. The transcendent genius of " Stone- wall," by which he executed one of his most brilliant moves 52 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. to the rear of the assailants, once more thwarted the Federal Commander, who was hurled back beyond the Rappahannock to seek refuge upon Stafford Heights, But alas ! at a terrible sacrifice, an irreparable loss to the Confederacy : the immortal Jackson. I had received information of Hooker's anticipated advance, and was most anxious to rejoin my old chief, General Lee. Never did I so long to be with him as in this instance, and I even proceeded so far as to apply for permission to move with my division to his support. The request, however, was not granted. Longstreet, after receiving the order to join General Lee, made every effort to accomplish this great end, but his wagons were, unfortunately, out in search of forage, and the march was consequently delayed ; for which reason we failed to reach Chancellorsville in time to participate in the battle. Nothing was achieved against the enemy on the expedition to Suffolk, at which point he possessed a safe place of refuge within his strong fortifications, protected by an impenetrable abatis. During our sojourn in this vicinity, quite a spirited affair occurred between our troops and the Federal gunboats^ on the Nansemond river, and in which I suffered a grave mis- fortune in the loss of Captain Turner, of the Fifth Texas. As an outpost ofificer, he was gifted with the same pre-eminent qualities which distinguished the gallant Upton. On the march from Suffolk to Chancellorsville, intelligence reached us of the Confederate victory and of the death of Jackson. This latter event occasioned me deep distress. I was hereupon prompted to write to General Lee, giving expres- sion to my sorrow, and, at the same time, to my regret at our failure to join him before the great battle he had just fought and won. In reply to my brief note, he addressed me as follows : " Camp Freds, 21st May, jS6j. " My Dear General : — Upon my return from Richmond, I found your letter of the 13th awaiting me. Although separated from me^ I CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 53 have always had you in my eye and thoughts. I wished for you much in the last battle, and believe had I had the whole Army with me, Gen- eral Hooker would have been demolished. But God ordered othenvise. "I grieve much over the death of General Jackson — for our sakes, not for his. He is happy and at peace. But his spirit lives with us, and I hope it will raise up many Jacksons in our ranks. We must all do more than formerly. We must endeavor to follow the unselfish, devoted, intrepid course he pursued, and we shall be strengthened rather than weakened by his loss. I rely much upon you. You must so inspire and lead your brave division, as that it may accomplish the work of a corps. I agree with you as to the size of the corps of this Army. They are too large for the country we have to operate in for one man to handle. I saw it all last campaign. I have endeavored to remedy it — this in a measure at least — but do not know whether I shall succeed. I am much obliged to you always for your opinion. I know you give it from pure motives. If I am not always convinced, you must bear with me. I agree with you also in believing that our Army would be invincible if it could be properly organized and officered. There never were such men in an Army before. They will go anywhere and do anything if prop- erly led. But there is the difficulty — proper commanders — where can they be obtained ? But they are improving — constantly improving. Rome was not built in a day, nor can we expect miracles in our favor. " Wishing you every health and happiness, and committing you to the care of a kind Providence, " I am now and always your friend, "(Signed) R. E. LEE. " General J. B. HooD, " Commanding Division." Again early in May we were in bivouac in the Rapidan, and preparations were initiated for another campaign. The artillery and transportation were carefully inspected, and whatever was found unserviceable was sent to the rear. At this period my division was in splendid condition, its four brigades being under the direction of Law, Benning, Anderson and Robert- son. Past service had created with each command a feeling of perfect confidence in its associate whenever brought under fire. The artillery had again been increased by the addition of a number of pieces, as will be seen by the following report of Colonel Owen: 54 ADVAiNCE AND RETREAT. "Headquarters Battalion Washington Artillery, ) " New Orleans, February Jjlh, iSyg. \ '^ Copy of Report of Major Henry's Battalion of Artillery, July igth, i86j, attached to Hood's Divisiojt, First {Longs tree t's) Corps, Arfny of Northern Virginia : battery commanders. c o 2 rt II Captain Buckman, Captain Garden, Captain Reiley, Captain Latham, 4 3 2 2 I 3 2 I II 6 I "Official copy from original return, i8. " (Signed) W. M. OWEN. " Late Adjutant to Chief Artillery First Corps." This battalion completed the organization of as brave and heroic a division, numbering, approximately, eight thousand effectives, as was ever made ready for active service. So high- wrought was the pride and self-reliance of the troops that they believed they could carve their way through almost any number of the enemy's lines, formed in the open field in their front. Soon after the ist of June the Confederate forces crossed the Rapidan, and .advanced again in the direction of Maryland. About the middle of the month we forded the Potomac, which was so swollen by recent rain that the men were forced to uplift their cartridge boxes, in order to keep dry their ammu- nition. Nevertheless, they marched in regular order to the northern bank of that beautiful stream, and, as they moved through the deep water the inspiriting strains of " Dixie " burst forth from bands of music. Never before, nor since, have I witnessed such intense enthusiasm as that which pre- vailed throughout the entire Confederate Army. Shortly afterwards we crossed into Pennsylvania, amid extravagant cheers which re-echoed all along the line. Our CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 55 forces marched undisturbed, and were massed in the vicinity of Chambersburg, where intelhgence was received of General Meade's assignment to the command of the Federal Army. My headquarters were again in close proximity to those of General Lee, and, after a few days devoted to rest and quiet, I, as usual, rode to pay him my respects. I found him in the same buoyant spirits which pervaded his magnificent army. After the ordinary salutation, he exclaimed, " Ah ! General, the enemy is a long time finding us ; if he does not succeed soon, we must go in search of him." I assured him I was never so well prepared or more willing. A few days thereafter, we were ordered to Gettysburg, and to march with all possible speed. The following letter, which I addressed General Longstreet in 1875, gives, up to the hour I was wounded and borne from the field, an account of the part taken by my command in the great battle which ensued : " New Orleans, La., June 28th, iSj^. " General James Longstreet : — General, I have not responded earlier to your letter of April 5th, by reason of pressure of business, which rendered it difficult for me to give due attention to the subject in regard to which you have desired information. "You are correct in your assumption that I failed to make a report of the operations of my division around Suffolk, Va., and of its action in the battle of Gettysburg, in consequence of a wound which I received in this engagement. In justice to the brave troops under my command at this period, I should here mention another cause for this apparent neg- lect of duty on my part. Before I had recovered from the severe wound received at Gettysburg, your corps (excepting Pickett's Division) was ordered to join General Bragg, in the West, for battle against Rosecranz ; my old troops — with whom I had served so long — were thus to be sent forth to another Army — quasi, I may say, among strangers — to take part in a great struggle ; and upon an appeal from a number of the brigade and regimental officers of my division, I consented to accompany them, although I had but the use of one arm. This movement to the West soon resulted in the battle of Chickamauga, where I was again so seriously wounded as to cause the loss of a limb. These severe wounds in close succession, in addition to the all-absorbing duties and anxieties attending the last year of the war, prevented me from submitting subsequently a 56 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. repprt, as likewise one after the battle of Chickamauga, in which engagement — whilst you led the left wing — I had the honor of command- ing your corps together with three divisions of the Army of Tennessee, respectively under A. P. Stewart, Bushrod Johnson and Hindman. Thus, the gallantry of these troops, as well as the admirable conduct of my division at Gettysburg, I have left unrecorded. " With this apology for seeming neglect, I will proceed to give a brief sketch, from memory, of the events forming the subject of your letter: "My recollection of the circumstances connected with the attempt, whilst we were lying in front of Suffolk, to reach General Lee in time to participate in the battle of Chancellorsville, is very clear. The order directing your corps to move to the support of General Lee, was received about the time Hooker crossed the Rappahannock. Unfortunately we had been compelled by scarcity of forage to send off our wagons into North Carolina to gather a supply from that State. A short delay necessarily ensued, as couriers had to be dispatched for requisite trans- portation before the troops could move. Every effort, however, was made to get to Lee at the earliest moment. If my memory betrays me not, you repaired in advance of your corps to Petersburg or Richmond, having issued orders for us to march with all possible speed to Lee, on the Rappahannock. I was most anxious to get to the support of my old chief, and made strenuous efforts to do so ; but, whilst on a forced march to accomplish this object, I received intelligence of our victory at Chan- cellorsville, and of Jackson's mortal wound. We, nevertheless, continued our march, and eventually went into bivouac upon the Rapidan, near Gordonsville. " After the batde of Chancellorsville, preparations were made for an offensive campaign. "Accordingly, my troops moved out of camp, crossed the Rapidan about the 5th June, 1863, and joined in the general move in the direction of the Potomac. We crossed the river about the middle of the same month, and marched into Pennsylvania. Hill's and Ewell's Corps were in advance, and were reported to be in the vicinity of Carlisle. Whilst lying in camp, not far distant from Chambersburg, information was received that Ewell and Hill were about to come in contact with the enemy near Gettysburg. My troops, together with McLaws's Division, were put in modon upon the most direct road to that point, which, after a hard march, we reached before or at sunrise on the 2d of July. So imperative had been the orders to hasten forward with all possible speed, that on the march my troops were allowed to halt and rest only about two hours, during the night from the ist to the 2d of July. " I arrived with my staff in front of the heights of Gettysburg shortly after daybreak, as I have already stated, on the morning of the 2d of CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 57 July. My division soon commenced filing into an open field near me, where the troops were allowed to stack arms and rest until further orders. A short distance in advance of this point, and during the early part of that same morning, we were both engaged in company with Generals Lee and A. P. Hill, in observing the position of the Federals. General Lee — with coat buttoned to the throat, sabre-belt buckled round the waist, and field glasses pending at his side — walked up and down in the shade of the large trees near us, halting now and then to observe the enemy. He seemed full of hope, yet, at times, buried in deep thought. Colonel Freemantle, of England, was ensconced in the forks of a tree not far off, with glass in constant use, examining the lofty position of the Federal Army. "General Lee was, seemingly, anxious you should attack that morning. He remarked to me, ' The enemy is here, and if we do not whip him, he will whip us.' You thought it better to await the arrival of Pickett's Division — at that tirne still in the rear — in order to make the attack ; and you said to me, subsequently, whilst we were seated together near the trunk of a tree : ' The General is a little nervous this morning ; he wishes me to attack ; I do not wish to do so without Pickett. I never like to go into battle with one boot off.' " Thus passed the forenoon of that eventful day, when in the after- noon — about 3 o'clock — it was decided to no longer await Pickett's Division, but to proceed to our extreme right and attack up the Emmets- burg road. McLaws moved off, and I followed with my division. In a short time I was ordered to quicken the march of my troops, and to pass to the front of McLaws. "This movement was accomplished by throwing out an advanced force to tear down fences and clear the way. The instructions I received were to place my division across the Emmetsburg road, form line of battle, and attack. Before reaching this road, however, I had sent forward some of my picked Texas scouts to ascertain the position of the enemy's extreme left flank. They soon reported to me that it rested upon Round Top Mountain ; that the country was open, and that I could march through an open woodland pasture around Round Top, and assault the enemy in flank and rear; that their wagon trains were packed in rear of their line, and were badly exposed to our attack in that direction. As soon as I arrived upon the Emmetsburg road, I placed one or two batteries in position and opened fire. A reply from the enemy's guns soon developed his lines. His left rested on or near Round Top, with line bending back and again forward, forming, as it were, a concave line, as approached by the Emmetsburg road. A con- siderable body of troops was posted in front of their main line, between 58 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. the Emmetsburg road and Round Top Mountain. This force was in line of battle upon an eminence near a peach orchard. " I found that in making the attack according to orders, viz. : up the Emmetsburg road, I should have first to encounter and drive off this advanced line of battle ; secondly, at the base and along the slope of the miountain, to confront immense boulders of stone, so massed together as to form narrow openings, which would break our ranks and cause the men to scatter whilst climbing up the rocky precipice. I found, more- over, that my division would be exposed to a heavy fire from the main line of the enemy in position on the crest of the high range, of which Round Top was the extreme left, and, by reason of the concavity of the enemy's main line, that we would be subject to a destructive fire in flank and rear, as well as in front ; and deemed it almost an impossibility to clamber along the boulders up this steep and rugged mountain, and, under this number of cross fires, put the enemy to flight. I knew that if the feat was accomplished, it must be at a most fearful sacrifice of as brave and gallant soldiers as ever engaged in battle. " The reconnoissanceof my Texas scouts and the development of the Federal lines were effected in a very short space of time ; in truth, shorter than I have taken to recall and jot down these facts, although the scenes and events of that day are as clear to my mind as if the great battle had been fought yesterday. I was in possession of these important facts so shortly after reaching the Emmetsburg road, that I considered it my duty to report to you, at once, my opinion that it was unwise to attack up the Emmetsburg road, as ordered, and to urge that you allow me to turn Round Top, and attack the enemy in flank and rear. Accordingly, I despatched a staff officer, bearing to you my request to be allowed to make the proposed movement on account of the above stated reasons. Your reply was quickly received, ' General Lee's orders are to attack up the Emmetsburg road.' I sent another officer to say that I feared nothing could be accomplished by such an attack, and renewed my request to turn Round Top. Again your answer was, ' General Lee's orders are to attack up the Emmetsburg road." During this interim I had continued the use of the batteries upon the enemy, and had become more and more convinced that the Federal line extended to Round Top, and that I could not reasonably hope to accomplish much by the attack as ordered. In fact, it seemed to me the enemy occupied a position by nature so strong — I may say impregnable — that, independently of their flank fire, they could easily repel our attack by merely throwing and rolling stones down the mountain side, as we approached. " A third time I despatched one of my staff to explain fully in regard to the situation, and suggest that you had better come and look for your- self. I selected, in this instance, my adjutant-general, Colonel Harry CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 59 Sellers, whom you know to be not only an officer of great courage, but also of marked ability. Colonel Sellers returned with the same message, 'General Lee's orders are to attack up the Emmetsburg road.' Almost simultaneously. Colonel Fairfax, of your staff, rode up and repeated the above orders. " After this urgent protest against entering the battle at Gettysburg, according to instructions — which protest is the first and only one I ever made during my entire military career — I ordered my line to advance and make the assault. " As my troops were moving forward, you rode up in person ; a brief conversation passed between us, during which I again expressed the fears above mentioned, and regret at not being allowed to attack in flank around Round Top. You answered to this effect, ' We must obey the orders of General Lee.' I then rode forward with my line under a heavy fire. In about twenty minutes, after reaching the peach orcliard, I was severely wounded in the arm, and borne from the field. "With this wound terminated my participation in this great battle. As I was borne off on a litter to the rear, I could but experience deep dis- tress of mind and heart at the thought of the inevitable fate of my brave fellow-soldiers, who formed one of the grandest divisions of that world- renowned army ; and I shall ever believe that had I been permitted to turn Round Top Mountain, we would not only have gained that position, but have been able finally to rout the enemy. " I am, respectfully, yours, "J. B. HOOD." Notwithstanding the seemingly impregnable character of the enemy's position upon Round Top Mountain, Benning's brigade, in concert with the First Texas Regiment, succeeded in gaining temporary possession of the Federal line; they captured three guns, and sent them to the rear. Unfortunately, the other commands, whose advance up a steep ascent, was impeded by immense boulders and sharp ledges of rock, were unable to keep pace up the mountain side in their front, and render the necessary support. Never did a grander, more heroic division enter into battle ; nor did ever troops fight more desperately to overcome the insurmountable difficulties against which they had to contend, as Law, Benning, Ander- son and Robertson nobly led their brave men to this unsuc- cessful assault. General Law, after I was wounded, assumed 60 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. command of the division, and proved himself, by his courage and abihty, fully equal to the responsibilities of the position. The losses were very heavy, as shown by the reports, and have often caused me the more bitterly to regret that I was not permitted to turn Round Top Mountain. The following officers of my staff, most of whom served with me throughout the war, rendered gallant and efficient service, not only in this great battle, but upon many fields where we were thrown together in the heat of action : Colonel W. H. Sellers, Assistant Adjutant General; Colonel E. H. Cunning- ham, Inspector General; Major B. H. Blanton, Captain John Smith, Captain James Hamilton, Lieutenant E, B. Wade, Aides-de-Camp; Major N. B. George, Quarter Master; Major Jonas, Commissary; and Captain D. L. Sublett, Ordnance Officer, faultlessly discharged their duties in their respective departments. Dr. John T. Darby, Chief Surgeon, distinguished himself by his untiring energy in caring for the wounded ; the eminent talent which he displayed in his province, during our struggle, has since deservedly won for him a high position in the medical world. My official reports bear testimony to the valuable services of other gentlemen temporarily attached to my headquarters. In truth, I can say with pride that no General was ever more ably supported by staff officers than myself, during the war. When the Confederate Army fell back from Gettysburg, I followed our marching column in an ambulance, suffering very much from the wound received in my arm. In the same vehicle lay General Hampton, so badly wounded that he was unable to sit up, whereas I could not lie down. We journeyed together in this manner to Staunton, a distance of some two hundred miles. Along the pike were seen our wounded, making their way to the rear, and the noble women of Vir- ginia, standing by the wayside to supply them with food, and otherwise administer to their wants. I remained for a period of one month under medical treat- ment, first at Staunton and then at Charlottesville, whence I CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— IN THE WEST. 61 proceeded to Richmond. About the 14th of September my division passed through the Capital, under orders to join General Bragg in the West for the purpose of taking part in battle against Rosecranz. Although I had but partially recovered, I determined, for reasons already stated in my letter to General Longstreet, to place my horse upon the train, and follow in their wake. I arrived at Ringgold, Georgia, on the afternoon of the i8th, and there received an order from General Bragg to proceed on the road to Reid's bridge, and assume command of the column then advancing on the Federals. I had my horse to leap from the train, mounted with one arm in a sling, and, about 3 p. m., joined our forces, then under the direction of General Bushrod Johnson and in line of battle. A small body of Federal cavalry was posted upon an eminence a short distance beyond. On my arrival upon the field I met for the first time after the charge at Gettysburg a portion of my old troops, who received me with a touching welcome. After a few words of greeting exchanged with General Johnson, I assumed command in accordance with the instructions I had received, ordered the line to be broken by filing into the road, sent a few picked men to the front in support of Forrest's Cavalry, and began to drive the enemy at a rapid pace. In a short time we arrived at Reid's bridge across the Chickamauga, and dis- covered the Federals drawn up in battle array beyond the bridge, which they had partially destroyed. I ordered forward some pieces of artillery, opened fire, and, at the same time, threw out flankers to effect a crossing above and below and join in the attack. Our opponents quickly retreated. We repaired the bridge, and continued to advance till darkness closed in upon us, when we bivouacked in line, near a beau- tiful residence which had been fired by the enemy, and was then almost burned to the ground. We had driven the Federals back a distance of six or seven miles. Meantime, the main body of the Army crossed the Chickamauga at 62 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. different points, and concentrated that night in the vicinity of my command. General Bragg having formed his plan of attack the follow- ing morning, I was given, in addition to my own division, the direction of Kershaw's and Johnson's Divisions, with orders to continue the advance. We soon encountered the enemy in strong force, and a heavy engagement ensued. All that day we fought, slowly but steadily gaining ground. Fierce and desperate grew the conflict, as the foe stubbornly yielded before our repeated assaults ; we drove him, step by step, a distance of fully one mile, when nightfall brought about a cessation of hostilities, and the men slept upon their arms. In the evening, according to my custom in Virginia under General Lee, I rode back to Army headquarters to report to the Commander-in-Chief the result of the day upon my part of the line. I there met for the first time several of the prin- cipal officers of the Army of Tennessee, and, to my surprise, not one spoke in a sanguine tone regarding the result of the battle in which we were then engaged. I found the gallant Breckinridge, whom I had known from early youth, seated by the root of a tree, with a heavy slouch hat upon his head. When, in the course of brief conversation, I stated that we would rout the enemy the following day, he sprang to his feet, exclaiming, " My dear Hood, I am delighted to hear you say so. You give me renewed hope ; God grant it may be so." After receiving orders from General Bragg to advance the next morning as soon as the troops on my right moved to the attack, I returned to the position occupied by my forces, and camped the remainder of the night with General Buckner, as I had nothing with me save that which I had brought from the train upon my horse. Nor did my men have a single wagon, or even ambulance in which to convey the wounded. They were destitute of almost eveiything, I might say, except pride, spirit, and forty rounds of ammunition to the man. During that night, after a hard day's fight by his old and trusty troops, General Longstreet joined the Army. He CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— IN THE WEST. 63 reported to General Bragg after I had left Army headquarters, and, the next morning, when I had arranged my columns for the attack and was awaiting the signal on the right to adv^ance, he rode up, and joined me. He inquired concerning the for- mation of my lines, the spirit of our troops, and the effect produced upon the enemy by our assault. I informed him that the feeling of officers and men was never better, that we had driven the enemy fully one mile the day before, and that we would rout him before sunset. This distinguished general instantly responded with that confidence which had so often contributed to his extraordinary success, that we would of course whip and drive him from the field. I could but exclaim that I was rejoiced to hear him so express himself, as he was the first general I had met since my arrival who talked of victory. He was assigned to the direction of the left wing, and placed me in command of five divisions : Kershaw's, A. P. Stewart's, Bushrod Johnson's, and Hindman's, together with my own. The latter formed the centre of my line, with Hindman upon my left, Johnson and Stewart on the right, and Kershaw in reserve. About 9 a. m. the firing on the right commenced; we immediately advanced and engaged the enemy, when followed a terrible roar of musketry from right to left. Onward we moved, nerved with a determination to become masters of that hotly contested field. We wrestled with the resolute foe till about 2.30 p. m., when, from a skirt of timber to our left, a body of Federals rushed down upon the immediate flank and rear of the Texas brigade, which was forced to suddenly change front. Some confusion necessarily arose. I was at the time on my horse, upon a slight ridge about three hundred yards distant, and galloped down the slope, in the midst of the men, who speedily corrected their allignment. At this moment Kershaw's splendid division, led by its gallant com- mander, came forward, as Hindman advanced to the attack a little further to the left. Kershaw's line formed, as it were, an angle with that of the Federal line, then in full view in an open 64 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. space near the wood. I rode rapidly to his command, ordered a change of front forward on his right, which was promptly- executed under a gallmg fire. With a shout along my entire front, the Confederates rushed forward, penetrated into the wood, over and beyond the enemy's breastworks, and thus achieved another glorious victory for our arms. About this time I was pierced with a Minie ball in the upper third of the right leg; I turned from my horse upon the side of the crushed limb and fell — strange to say, since I was com- manding five divisions — into the arms of some of the troops of my old brigade, which I had directed so long a period, and upon so many fields of battle. Long and constant service with this noble brigade must prove a sufficient apology for a brief reference, at this juncture, to its extraordinary military record from the hour of its first encounter with the enemy at Eltham's Landing, on York river, in 1862, to the surrender at Appomattox Court House. In almost every battle in Virginia it bore a conspicuous part. It acted as the advanced guard of Jackson when he moved upon McClellan, around Richmond ; and, almost without an exceptional instance, it was among the foremost of Long- street's Corps in an attack or pur-suit of the enemy. It was also, as a rule, with the rear guard of the rear guard of this corps, whenever falling back- before the adversary. If a ditch was to be leaped, or fortified position to be carried. General Lee knew no better troops upon which to rely. In truth, its signal achievements in the war of secession have never been surpassed in the history of nations. The members of this heroic band were possessed of a streak of superstition, as in fact I believe all men to be ; and it may here prove of interest to cite an instance thereof I had a favorite roan horse, named by them " Jeff Davis ; " whenever he was in condition I rode him in battle, and, remarkable as it may seem, he generally received the bullets and bore me unscathed. In this battle he was severely wounded on Satur- day ; the following day, I was forced to resort to a valuable CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— IN THE WEST. 65 mare in my possession, and late in the afternoon was shot from the saddle. At Gettysburg I had been unable to mount him on the field, in consequence of lameness ; in this engage- ment I had also been shot from the saddle. Thus the belief among the men became nigh general that, when mounted on old Jeff, the bullets could not find me. This spirited and fear- less animal performed his duty throughout the war, and after which he received tender care from General Jefferson and family of Seguin, Texas, until death, when he was buried with appropriate honors. When wounded I was borne to the hospital of my old division, where a most difficult operation was performed by Dr. T. G. Richardson, of New Orleans. He was at the time Chief Medical Officer of the Army of Tennessee, and is now* the President of the Medical Association of the United States. The day after the battle I was carried upon a litter some fifteen miles to the residence of Mr. Little, in Armuchee Valley. I remained there about one month under the attentive care of Mr. and Mrs. Little, the parents of the gallant Colonel Little, of my division, and under the able medical attendance of Dr. John T. Darby. I then received intelligence from General Bragg that the enemy was contemplating a raid to capture me. I at once moved to Atlanta, and thence to Richmond. General Longstreet, has since the war, informed me that he telegraphed the authorities of the Confederate Government from the battle field, on the day I was wounded, urging my promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General, and was kind enough about the same time to send the following letter : " Headquarters, Chattanooga, ) " September 24th, 1863. \ "General: — I respectfully recommend Major General J. B. Hood for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General, for distinguished conduct and abiUty in the battle of the 20th inst. General Hood 5 * 1878-79. 66 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. handled his troops with the coolness and ability that I have rarely known by any officer, on any field, and had the misfortune, after winning the battle, to lose one of his hmbs. " I remain, sir, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " (Signed) J, LONGSTREET, " Lieutenant General." " General S. Cooper, " Adjutant and Inspector General. " Endorsed : " Headquarters, near Chattanooga, September 24th, 1863." "W. D. 1988. " J. Longstreet, Lieutenant General, recommends Major General J. B. Hood for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General for distinguished services in the battle of the 20th inst." " I cordially unite in this just tribute, "BRAXTON BRAGG, "General." " Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War. " By order ED. A. PALFREY, " Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General, " Respectfully submitted to the President." " I cannot too warmly express my appreciation of the character and services of this distinguished officer, and cordially concur in recommend- ing his promotion, if only as an appropriate testimonial of the gratitude of the Confederacy. "J. A. SEDDON, " Secretary of War. "3d October, 1863." " The services of Major General Hood, and his character as a soldier and patriot, are equal to any reward, and justify the highest trust. The recommendation to confer additional rank, as a testimonial, must have been hastily made. The law prescribes the conditions on which Lieu- tenant Generals may be appointed. Please refer to act. "JEFFERSON DAVIS. "October 3d, 1863." The subjoined extract from a letter of the Hon. Mr. Seddon, Secretary of War, addressed to Senator Wigfall will explain the endorsement of President Davis : CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY— VIRGINIA. 67 " Richmond, Va. | " October I4tk, 1863. j * * * * <o-in REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 113 and directly in front of the ravine and open part of French's line. The batteries enfiladed and cross fired upon the entire open crest from 45 degrees to 60 degrees, and with a plunging fire of from twenty to sixty feet and sweeping through the ravine, and across the rear of the ridge to a distance of about a thousand feet. This rear fire being still more plunging than that on the crest. "There was no cover for the men within a reasonable distance to the crest, for from the extreme positions of the left batteries of the enemy, it would not be necessary for them to cease firing during the attack until their infantry had reached a line very close to the crest of the ridge occupied by General Polk's command. "The extreme left, or eastern batteries of the enemy, necessarily enfi- laded a considerable portion of General Hood's line. " Having made these examinations and noted them down, I formed the following opinions : " 1st. That the right of the line occupied by Lieutenant General Polk's command could not be held, as it then was, nor could it be held by con- structing a rifle pit along the crest. " 2d. That traverses would be of no avail either for the rifle pits upon the crest or as a covered way to the rear, as such traverses would cover nearly the entire surface. " 3d. That it was extremely hazardous for Lieutenant General Polk to advance his line to make an attack upon the enemy while their batteries held the positions they then occupied. ' " 4th. As to forming any opinion as to the taking of these left batteries of the enemy by a special flank movement, this I could not do, as I was unable to examine to the right of Lieutenant General Hood's line, as it had grown dark. But judging from the stream, as located on the skele- ton map, there must have been a very narrow ridge to approach the enemy upon their left. " At the time I arrived about the centre of General Polk's right where the open crest of the ridge commenced, I found a very heavy enfilading and cross fire going on from the enemy's batteries. There were but a few sentinels remaining upon the crest, the main body of men, intended to occupy this part of the line, were compelled to withdraw to the right and left at the foot of the ridge, out of sight, but not out of range of the enemy's batteries. " I found that Major General French had one or two batteries in posi- tion upon the part the line near the ravine, and while they were coming into their positions, and before the guns could be unlimbered, from one 114 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. to two horses from each piece were killed. On my return over this part of the line, about dark, the fire from the enemy had nearly ceased. " Having completed the reconnoissance, I returned to Lieutenant Gen- eral Polk's headquarters, just after dark. "I placed before him my sketches and notes, and explained to him substantially these facts. General Polk sent at once to ask General Johnston to come to his headquarters. Lieutenant General Hood was already with General Polk. General Johnston arrived about 9 o'clock. I remained in the cabin during the conversation as to holding the position then occupied or advancing or retiring the Armies to the south of the Etowah river, about seven or eight miles to our rear. " Lieutenant General Polk expressed himself convinced that he could not hold his line against attack, and that Major General French, who occupied that part of his line in question, was of the same opinion as was his (General Polk's) engineer officer (myself), who had examined the position and reported that traverses would be of no avail. Lieutenant General Hood stated that he was also convinced that neither he nor General Polk could hold their lines for an hour against such an attack as they might certainly expect in the morning — these Generals both advo- cating to the Commanding General to take the offensive and advance on the enemy from these lines. In reference to this proposed forward movement, General Johnston's attention was pardcularly called to the advantages of taking possession of the positions occupied by the batteries of the enemy on their extreme left, either by a special flank movement or by prompt action at the time when the Confederate lines would be advanced. Lieutenant General Polk expressed himself entirely willing and ready to co-operate with General Hood to accomplish this object. After some moments of silence. General Johnston decided to withdraw the Armies to the south of the Etowah. Soon after this, Lieutenant General Hardee arrived. General Johnston informed him of this deci- sion to cross the river, stating that Generals Polk and Hood had informed him that they could not hold their lines. Lieutenant General Hood then re-stated the reasons, and said that General Polk could not hold his line an hour. Nor could he. Hood, hold his two hours if attacked in the morning. Lieutenant General Polk again explained the facts as existed in reference to his line, and stated his willingness to assume the offensive at any time, then or in the morning, rather than to await the attack of the enemy in his (Polk's) present position. Upon these points Lieu- tenant Generals Polk and Hood entirely agreed, urging the offensive rather than await the enemy. " Lieutenant General Hardee made but few, if any, remarks that I heard. After a few moments General Johnstort gave the orders for the armies to move to the south side of the Etowah. Lieutenant General REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 115 Polk called to his A. A. General to issue orders to his Division Com- manders. This was about 10.30 or 11 o'clock. " The orders to Major General Loring, Army of Mississippi, were given me to deliver ; also one to him to order to report to me an officer with three hundred (300) men to occupy the exposed part of Major General French's line, as soon as his command was withdrawn. " I was instructed by General Polk to place this detail along that part of the line, and keep up such fires as would indicate the presence of the withdrawn command, and to cut timber and drive stakes to indicate that works were being thrown up, and to remain there until daylight and observe the movements of the enemy before leaving. I went at once to General Loring's headquarters on the left of the Cassville road, saw that General, and delivered the orders ; obtained the officer and detail, and arrived at General French's line about half-past eleven o'clock, and found that command ready to move ; by twelve o'clock (midnight), they had withdrawn and the detail was posted with a few men out in front. It was a calm, clear starlight night, and the position of the enemy upon the opposite ridge was clearly seen, without their fires which could be traced along their line, and the cutting of timber could be distinctly heard and located. In addition to the enemy's location upon the crest of the ridge, and passing there or just in front of the town of Cassville and on to the southwest, there were also strong indications of an advance line upon the plane nearer to the foot of the ridge occupied by us, and their chopping and driving rails was very distinct, and their voices occa- sionally could be heard. " The work of the detail was kept up through the night. At daylight I instructed the officer to assemble his men to the rear. During this time of preparing to leave the line, I closely observed the enemy and his positions through a very strong field glass. I found that many of their batteries along the ridge had been advanced, and their principal and somewhat entrenched line appeared to leave the ridge at a point about a mile east of Cassville, and passing to the southwest fully a half-a-mile in front of their lines of the previous afternoon. It appeared that the enemy had been aware of the movement of the Confederate Armies, and their line advanced during the night, was now vacated and there were trains and artillery moving to the west upon the Kmgston road, and solid bodies of infantry were moving in the same direction. • " The detail having been assembled, I placed them upon a by-road to Cassville Station on the main road to Cartersville. I instructed the officer to proceed to the south side of the Etowah river by way of the Cartersville bridge, and to report back to his Division Commander. I passed on to cross the river at the same point, arriving there about half- 116 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. past ten o'clock, and found the Army of the Mississippi nearly over to the south side, which was completed by noon. " Very truly yours, "WALTER J. MORRIS, "Late Captain Engineer Corps, C. S. A "Chief Engineer, Army of Mississippi " N. B. — Enclosed herewith you will find a map made by me from my notes taken at the time of reconnoissance.* " Yours, etc., "W. J. M." * Map of Cassville, page 113. CHAPTER VII. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON NEW HOPE CHURCH KENNESAW MOUNTAIN RETREAT ACROSS THE CHATTAHOOCHEE — JOHN- STON RELIEVED FROM COMMAND. General Johnston, touching the operations of his Army- near New Hope Church says :* " We found, next morning, that the Federal line extended much further to our right than it had done the day before. Polk's Corps was transferred to the right of Hood's. * * * The Federal troops extended their entrenched lines so rapidly to their left, that it was found necessary in the morning of the 27th to transfer Cleburne's Division of Hardee's Corps to our right, where it was formed on the prolongation of Polk's line. Kelly's Cavalry, composed of Allen's and Hannon's Alabama brigades, together less than a thousand (1000) men, occupied the interval, of half-a-mile, between Cleburne's right and Little Pumpkin- vine creek. * * * * Between 5 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Kelly's skirmishers were driven in by a body of Federal cavalry, whose advance was supported by the Fourth Corps. * * * * As soon as the noise of this contest revealed to Major General Cleburne the manoeuvre to turn his right, he brought the right brigade of his second line, Cranberry's, to Kelly's support, by forming it on the right of his first line. * * * The Fourth Corps came on in deep order, and assailed the Texans with great vigor, receiving their close and accurate fire with the fortitude always exhibited by General Sherman's troops in the actions of this campaign. * * * The contest of the main body *Johnston's Narrative, pages 328, 329, 330. (117) 118 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. of the Fourth Corps with Cranberry's brigade was a very fierce one. * * * They (the enemy) left hundreds of corpses within twenty paces of the Confederate hnes." It is strange the author of this Narrative should offer the above, and, in fact, nearly all he has written on pages 328-29- 30-31 as a contribution to the historian, when he commits the unpardonable error of placing Polk's Corps during the whole of this " affair near New Hope Church " in the identical posi- tion occupied by my corps. I was not only on the right, where he places Polk, but sent to him for a good division, with the message that Howard's Corps was moving rapidly to turn my right flank, which was the right of the infantry of our Army ; that I had extended my lines as far as possible. He sent Cleburne's Division to report to me. General Cleburne was given by me most explicit instructions in regard to the formation of his forces on the right of my corps. He was directed to place his troops in a column of brigades, in the rear of my immediate right, which was the right of Hindman's Division, with Cranberry's brigade in rear of the column, so as to bring it on our extreme right when deployed into line ; he was also instructed to allow the Federal cavalry to reconnoitre and find our right. Simi- lar orders were given to our own cavalry. As Howard's Corps advanced, Cleburne was directed to deploy quickly into line ; the Federals thus came in contact with a solid line of infantry, in lieu of finding the open space on our flank, which existed at the time of the reconnoissance of the Federal cavalry. I shall ever remember the enthusiasm and transport of the gallant Cleburne at the time of this though small engagement, yet most brilliant affair of the whole campaign. The proof of the correctness of my statement respecting the above operations will be found in the following extract from a short report, written at my dictation by a young officer of my staff, and which, as it conflicts with General Johnston's REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 119 own Narrative, is unaccountably inserted by him on pages 585 and 586: " On the morning of the 26th, the enemy found to be extending their left. Hindman's Division was withdrawn from my left, and placed in position on my right, the enemy continuing to extend his left. Major General Cleburne, with his division, was ordered to report to me, and v/as massed on Hindman's right. On the morning of the 27th, the enemy known to be extending rapidly to the left, attempting to turn my right as they extended. Cleburne was deployed to meet them, and, at half-past 5. p. m., a very stubborn attack was made on his division, extending to the right, where Major General Wheeler, with his cavalry, dismounted, was engaging them. The assault was continued with great determination upon both Cleburne and Wheeler until after night, but every attempt to break their lines was gallantly repulsed. About 10 o'clock at night. Brigadier General Cranberry, with his brigade of Texans made a dashing charge on the enemy, driving them from the field, their killed and wounded being left in our hands. During this engagement, two or three hundred prisoners were captured, all belonging to Howard's Corps." At the end of this hastily written field report I add, " I enclose Major General Cleburne's report, and will forward others as soon as received." Every soldier of and above the rank of captain knows that no officer sends forward his reports of battle, save through his commanding officer at the time of the engagement. Therefore General Cleburne brought his report of this "affair" to me, who commanded him at the time, in lieu of forwarding it through Lieutenant General Har- dee to whose corps he was attached. Again, in reference to operations near New Hope Church, the author of this remarkable Narrative writes as follows, page 333 : "When the three Lieutenant Generals were together in my quarters that day (the 28th), as usual. Lieutenant General Hood suggested that we should make an attack upon the Federal Army, to commence on its left flank. The suggestion was accepted, and the three officers were desired to be ready for battle next morning. Lieutenant General Hood was instructed to draw his corps out of the line to the rear, and to march during the night around our right, and form it facing the enemy's left 120 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. flank, somewhat obliquely to his line, and to assail that flank at dawn next day. Polk and Hardee were instructed to join in the battle suc- cessively, obliquely to the present formation, when the progress made on the right of each should enable him to do so. " We waited next morning for the signal agreed upon — the mus- ketry of Hood's Corps — from the appointed time until about lo a. m., when a message from the Lieutenant General was delivered to me by one of his aides-de-camp, to the effect that he had found Johnston's Divi- sion, on the Federal left, thrown back almost at right angles to the gen- eral line, and entrenching ; that, under such circumstances, he had thought it inexpedient to attack, and asked for instructions. I supposed, from the terms of this message, that Hood's Corps was in the presence of the enemy, and that, his movement and position being known to them, they would be prepared to repel his assault as soon as he could make it, after his aide-de-camp's return. If the attack had been expedient when Lieutenant General Hood's message was dispatched, the resulting delay, by enabling the enemy to reinforce the threatened point and complete the entrenchments began, made it no longer so. He was therefore recalled." Before I withdrew from the right of the Army which rested on Little Pumpkin-vine creek, with Cleburne's Division still on my extreme right and under my orders — i. e., before I withdrew on the night of the 28th of May from the position General Johnston erroneously assigns General Polk during the 26th, 27th and 28th, I received information from General Wheeler's cavalry stationed on Cleburne's right, just across Little Pumpkin-vine creek, that the enemy had its left flank beyond this stream, in a position which was exposed by reason of the difficulty of passage back to the main body of their Army; and that if I could withdraw that night, the 28th, and get in position by early morning, I might attack this corps or division thus exposed, and destroy it before it could recross Little Pumpkin-vine creek or receive reinforcements. This information reached me on the morning of the 28th, after Cleburne's repulse of the enemy on the afternoon and night of the 27th, as before mentioned. Encouraged by this favorable opportunity of dealing the enemy a hard blow, I instantly repaired to General Johnston's REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 121 headquarters and asked his permission to withdraw my corps at dark from our extreme right, and attack this exposed flank next morning. He answered that it might result in a general engagement; to which I repHed that, if I were able to destroy one portion of the enemy before it could be reinforced, it would give us greatly the advantage if a general battle ensued ; that Hardee and Polk could be in readiness to come to my assist- ance, if necessary. Having obtained his consent, couriers were dispatched for the two remaining corps commanders, Hardee and Polk, who shortly joined us. They were instructed to hold their corps in readiness for action the next day, as I was going to march that night, upon the above report from Wheeler's cavalry, and attack the left flank of the enemy, — provided I found it as reported ; in other words, the whole of the proposed move- ment was to depend upon the enemy's left flank remaining as represented. Polk was then, for the first time, ordered to my position — the right of the Army — and, accordingly, I withdrew after night and took up my line of march with guides from Wheeler's cavalry. Just about dawn, as we were approaching the place where the enemy was reported to be in an exposed position, I received from the same cavalry a message to the effect that I need proceed no further, as the Federals had during the night, drawn back their left flank, recrossed Little Pumpkin-vine creek, and were entrenched. From a feeling of insecurity, they had recrossed to the side of the creek I had left the evening previous, thereby placing between the opposing forces a swamp and difficult stream to cross, in addi- tion to entrenchments on the opposite bank. An attack upon the enemy after he had recrossed to the side of the creek I had left the night before, would have been extreme rashness, especially, since I had had an opportunity during one or two days previous to my move from the position I occupied at the time Cleburne was on my right, to make a similar assault without having to encounter the obstacles of a swamp and a 122 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. creek. Our cavalry had evidently seen the folly of attacking the Federals across this creek, and, therefore, advised me to proceed no further. I reported these facts to General John- ston, and was ordered to return. The following extract from a letter dated May 22d, 1874, received from General Wheeler, General Johnston's Chief of Cavalry, will show that the enemy was heavily entrenching the night of my march around our right flank : ****<< J recall the movement to attack the enemy's left flank with your corps and my cavalry, which, I think, was on the night of the 28th. I remember you sending for me on the morning of the 29th, and telling me why you did not attack, which was owing to a change in position of the enemy and their invariable custom of entrenchment. I remember that the enemy were cutting down trees during the night, which was one of their favorite plans of strengthening and even building works, especially in so densely wooded a country. I cannot recall what officer was in charge of the scouts or in command of the brigade imme- diately in front of the enemy's left flank." I have a strong impression that the officer to whom General Wheeler refers was the gallant General Kelly, who was after- wards killed in battle. It might be supposed, upon reading General Johnston's recital of this his second attempt to fight, that I was ordered to assault the enemy under any circumstances, and that I was again the cause of battle not having been delivered. Never within my history have I been ordered to fight and have failed to obey instructions. I have never experienced pleasure in being shot at, but I have always endeavored to do my whole duty; and, although I have been charged with recklessness in regard to the lives of my men, I had sufficient caution to know that some positions should not be attacked, such as the one occupied by the enemy after recrossing Little Pumpkin- vine creek. However, had General Johnston given me orders to attack at all hazard, I would have done so. It is true I went into battle under protest at Gettysburg, because I desired REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 123 to turn Round Top Mountain ; but, notwithstanding, I v/as true in every sense of the word to the orders of my commander till, wounded, I was borne from the field. During three years'service, under Generals Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet, I was never charged with being too late in any of the many battles in which I was engaged, before reporting for duty with the Army of the West. When General Johnston said "as usual," I suggested that we attack the left flank of the enemy. I presume he had in remembrance Lieutenant General Polk's and my urgent recom- mendation that he turn upon and attack Sherman at Adairs- ville, just before he placed his Army upon the untenable ridge in rear of Cassville, with women and children of the town between the two armies, and of which recommendation he is so careful to make no mention. When I retrace these facts and circumstances, I cannot think General Johnston in earnest when he states that he intended, or desired to fight at the different points mentioned; moreover, it must seem strange to my comrades of the Vir- ginia Army that I, who had always been ready and wilhng to do my duty, should have undergone so complete a change under General Johnston, during the last year of the war. In truth, I had nowise altered in my nature ; and I will add that no General ever received more thorough co-operation of his corps commanders than did General Johnston during his campaign from Dalton to Atlanta. He was on cordial terms with each of us, and it should be borne in mind that the animus displayed towards General Polk and myself, never became apparent till after I was assigned to the command of the Army of Tennessee, and the noble Polk had been laid in his grave nigh two months. General Johnston was then residing in Macon, Georgia, where he wrote his official report, in which were brought forward, for the first time, these unjust and false accusations. If I was so little to be relied upon, and had given cause for complaint successively at Resaca and Cassville, why did he 124 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. entrust to me the important operations at New Hope Church, from which it was supposed a general engagement might ensue. The truth is, he possessed no real cause of complaint, and, I reiterate, he had the full co-operation of his Lieutenants. No matter what were the views held by them touching his mode of handling an army, they were all sufficiently good soldiers to forego, in the presence of even one of their own staff officers, any remark which might tend to destroy confi- dence in their leader. I will cite a historical fact illustrative of this spirit of dis- cretion and forbearance, which will be peculiarly interesting as it has never, to my knowledge, been made public. Just before leaving New Hope Church, his three corps commanders were assembled alone, at night, in his quarters — then a little cabin near the church — when General Johnston suggested Macon as being the place to fall back upon. If I remember rightly, this suggestion was received in silence, for I cannot recall the reply of one of us at the moment. I well remember, however, after we had left the presence of General Johnston, and were riding through the darkness of the night to our respective headquarters, that the unanimous sentiment expressed on this occasion was to this effect: "In the name of Heaven, what is to become of us? Here we are with the depots for recruits drained, from Mobile to Richmond, all the troops having been sent either to us or to General Lee, in Vir- ginia ; our Army fifty or sixty miles from Dalton, no general battle fought, and our Commander talking of Macon, one hundred miles beyond Atlanta, as being the place to fall back upon !" This gloomy outlook brought about the comparison touch- ing our losses up to that period, and to which I have previously referred. We finally separated; each rode off to his own tent; and, howsoever, dispirited, I am confident not one of us so far lost sight of that co-operation so essential in time of war, as to speak one word which would convey a suspicion of General Johnston's contemplated retreat to Macon. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 125 Shortly after this occurrence, the Army occupied the hne at Kennesaw Mountain, the last stronghold of the many sharp ridges passed over during our retreat. It was to the left of this point, on Pine Mountain, that we lost the brave and mag- nanimous Polk, and with him much of the history of this re- markable campaign. The Confederate Army had remained on the defensive about thirty days at Kennesaw Mountain, when Sherman resorted to a ruse he had learned from experience would prove effective : he sent a few troops to make a rumbling sound in our rear, and we folded up our tents, as usual, under strict orders to make no noise, and, under cover of darkness, marched to and across the Chattahoochee, upon the flat plains of Georgia. After our passage of this river, on the night of the 9th of July, Sherman moved rapidly to the eastward and across the Chattahoochee, some distance above Peach Tree creek. He formed a line parallel to this creek, with his right on the river, and approached Atlanta from the north, whilst Schofield and McPherson, on the left, marched rapidly in the direction of Decatur to destroy the railroad to Augusta. General Johnston thus relates the sequel :* "On the 17th, Major General Wheeler reported that the whole Federal Army had crossed the Chattahoochee. * * * The following telegram was received from General Cooper, dated July 17th : ' Lieutenant General J. B. Hood has been commissioned to the temporary rank of General, under the late law of Congress. I am directed by the Secretary of War to inform you that, as you have failed to arrest the advance of the enemy to the vicinity of Atlanta, far in the interior of Georgia, and express no confidence that you can defeat or repel him, you are hereby relieved from the command of the Army and Department of Tennessee, which you will immediately turn over to General Hood.' * * * General Hood came to my quarters early in the morning of the i8th, and remained there during the day. Intelligence soon came from Major General Wheeler, that the Federal Army was marching toward Atlanta, and, at General Hood's earnest request, I continued to give orders through Brigadier General Mackall, Chief of Staff, until sunset." * Johnston's Narrative, pages 348, 349, 350. 126 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. About II o'clock, on the night of the i/th, I received a telegram from the War Office, directing me to assume command of the Army. This totally unexpected order so astounded me, and overwhelmed me with sense of the responsi- bility thereto attached, that I remained in deep thought throughout the night. Before daybreak I started for General Johnston's headquarters, a short distance from which I met Lieutenant General A. P. Stewart, one of my division com- manders, who had been recommended by me, and recently pro- moted to the rank of corps commander to replace General Polk. We rode on together to General Johnston's quarters, which we reached shortly after dawn. I at once sought the Com- manding General, and inquired into the cause of this order. He replied he did not know; the President had seen fit to relieve him. I then insisted he should pocket that dispatch, leave me in command of my corps, and fight the battle for Atlanta; at the same time I directed his attention to the approach of General Sherman, and alleged that the enemy, unless checked, would in a few days capture the city. To this appeal, he replied that the President had seen fit to relieve him, and it would have so to be, unless the order was countermanded. Lieutenant Generals Hardee and Stewart then joined me in a telegram to the President, requesting that the order for his removal be postponed, at least till the fate of Atlanta was decided. The following extract from a letter of Lieutenant General A. P. Stewart will show that I was desirous General Johnston should remain in command: " St. Louis, August yth, 1872. " General J. B. Hood. "My Dear General ; — Your letter of the 25th ultimo was received some days since, and I avail myself of the first opportunity to answer it. " You ask me to send you ' a statement setting forth the facts as you (I) understand them, of the circ-umstances attending the removal of General J. E. Johnston from the command of our Army in Georgia, in REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 127 1864, and my appointment to succeed him.' It gives me pleasure to comply with your request. * * * Monday morning, (July i8th,)you will remember we met about sunrise in the road near Johnston's head- quarters ; and I then informed you of the object of seeking an interview, and that was that we should all three unite in an effort to prevail on General Johnston to withhold the order, and retain command of the Army until the impending battle should have been fought. I can bear witness to the readiness with which you concurred. We went together to Johnston's quarters, and you and he had a long conversation with each other, which I did not hear. At the close of it, however, you and General Hardee and I went into the Adjutant General's office, and together prepared a telegram to the President, stating that, in our judg- ment, it was dangerous to change commanders at that juncture, and requesting him to recall the order removing Johnston, at least until the fate of Atlanta should be decided. That was the substance ; 1 cannot remember the language. An answer was received that afternoon from the President, declining to comply with our request or suggestion, on the ground that the order having been issued, it would do more harm than good to recall or suspend it. * * * " Very sincerely yours, "ALEX. P. STEWART, "Late Lieutenant General C. S. Army." The President's answer to our telegram was as follows : " Richmond, July i8ih, 1864. " To Generals Hood, Hardee and Stewart. " Your telegram of this date received. A change of commanders, under existing circumstances, was regarded as so objectionable that 1 only accepted it as the alternative of continuing a policy which has proven disastrous. Reluctance to make the change induced me to send a tele- gram of inquiry to the Commanding General on the i6th inst. His reply but confirmed previous apprehensions. There can be but one question which you and I can entertain, that is, what will best promote the public good ; and to each of you I confidently look for the sacrifice of every personal consideration in conflict with that object. The order has been executed, and I cannot suspend it without making the case worse than it was before the order was issued. "JEFFERSON DAVIS." After the receipt of the above telegram, I returned to General Johnston's room, alone, and urged him, for the good of the country, to pocket the correspondence, remain in 128 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. command, and fight for Atlanta, as Sherman was at the very- gates of the city. To this my second appeal he made about the same reply as in the first instance. I then referred to the great embarrassment of the position in which I had been placed ; asserting, moreover, I did not even know the position of the two remaining corps of the Army. With all the earnest- ness of which man is capable, I besought him, if he would, under no circumstances retain command and fight the battle for Atlanta, to at least remain with me and give me the benefit of his counsel whilst I determined the issue. My earnest manner must have impressed him, since, with tears of emotion gathering in his eyes, he finally made me the promise that, after riding into Atlanta, he would return that same evening. Although our relations were, as they had been throughout the campaign, friendly and cordial, he not only failed to comply with his promise, but, without a word of explanation or apology, left that evening for Macon, Georgia. CHAPTER VIII. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON HANDLING OF TROOPS LEE AND JACKSON SCHOOL VerSUS THE JOHNSTON SCHOOL-r-JOHN- STON's PLAN TO HOLD ATLANTA " FOREVER." General Johnston makes the following arraignment :* "General Hood asserts in his published report, that the Army had become demoralized when he was appointed to command it, and ascribes his invariable defeats partly to that cause. The allegation is disproved by the record of the admirable conduct of those troops on every occasion in which that General sent them to battle — and inevitable disaster. Their courage and discipline were unsubdued by the slaughter to which they v/ere recklessly offered in the four attacks on the Federal Army near Atlanta, as they proved in the useless butchery at Franklin. He also states, f It is a calumny to say that the Army of Tennessee was dispirited or broken down.' It had never before been in finer condi- tion — the men in a high state of discipline and full of confidence from uniform success in their engagements with the enemy." At the date of my transfer to the West, I, still under the influence of the teaching of Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet, could not but recognize a marked difference, after the crossing of the Chattahoochee river, between the troops of the Army of Tennessee and those of Virginia. My long experience and service with the latter, who formed, their limited numbers not- withstanding, one of the most powerful as well as renowned * Johnston's Narrative, page 365. f Johnston's Narrative, page 349. 9 (129) 130 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Armies the world has produced, enabled me also to discover a marked difference in the spirit and morale of General Johnston's Army when south of the Chattahoochee, and when lying at Dalton, full of hope and anxious for battle. The cause of this difference is simple, and easily understood by those who have had a practical demonstration of the superiority of the Lee and Jackson manner of handling troops over the Joe Johnston mode of warfare. The one school elevates and inspirits, whilst the other depresses, paralyzes, aiid, in time, brings destruction. The effect of these respective schools is alike upon almost all men; otherwise some ground might exist for the assertion that the men of Lee's Army were of a superior class to those under Johnston. Not so, indeed. The personnel of the two Armies was originally of the same element, and there is no reason why our Army at Dalton, handled according to the Lee and Jackson school, should not have been made to equal its counterpart in Virginia. Although it may be argued that the Army of Tennessee had been dispirited, or demoralized, previous to its reorganiza- tion by General Johnston in the Spring of '64, it is neverthe- less certain that, at the time of the first appearance of the Federals in its front at Dalton, it possessed the capability to be rendered the equal of the best troops in the Confederacy. Li this assertion, I am confident I shall be upheld by the intelligent of^cers and men of that Army. I regret to find it necessary to discuss this purely military question, since I have as warm personal friends in the Western as in the Virginia Army, and would be pained to know that aught from my pen had given umbrage to any Confederate, who performed his duty faithfully unto the end. I reiterate that t\\Q personnel oi the two Armies was originally the same; that the troops at Dalton were capable of having been made the equal of those in Virginia. Therefore, I see not that two brothers — one having served in Lee's, and the other in John- ston's Army — have cause of jealousy, if one has accomplished somewhat more than the other; whereas had the two been REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 131 under the same commander, they would have proved soldiers of equal merit. With these premises, I shall proceed to show in brief the cause of difference between these brother-soldiers of opposite schools. General Lee never made use of entrenchments, except for the purpose of holding a part of his line with a small force, whilst he assailed the enemy with the main body of his Army — as, for instance, around Richmond at the time of the battle of Gaines's Mills — and save eii daniicr resort, as at Spottsylvania, to and around Petersburg, toward the close of the war. He well knew that the constant use of breastworks would teach his soldiers to look and depend upon such protection as an indispensable source of strength; would imperil that spirit of devil-me-care independence and self-reliance which was one of their secret sources of power, arid would, finally, impair the morale of his Army. A soldier cannot fight for a period of one or two months constantly behind breastworks, with the training that he is equal to four or five of the enemy by reason of the security of his position, and then be expected to engage in pitched battle and prove as intrepid and impetuous as his brother who has been taught to rely solely upon his own valor. The latter, when ordered to charge and drive the enemy, will — or endeavor to — run over any obstacle he may encounter in his front; the former, on account of his undue appreciation of breastworks and distinct remembrance of the inculcations of his commanding officer, will be constantly on the look-out for such defences. His imagination will grow vivid under bullets and bombshells, and a brush-heap will so magnify itself in dimension as to induce him to believe that he is stopped by a wall ten feet high and a mile in length. The consequence of his troubled imagination is that, if too proud to run, he will lie down, incur almost equal disgrace, and prove himself nigh worthless in a pitched battle. A somewhat similar result is to be observed in engagements, in the open field, with the red men of the forest. Those who are familiar with their mode of warfare well know that, when- 132 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. ever they are attacked away from such shelter as trees and boulders, they at once become confused, and scatter in all directions. I concede that five hundred, in the open field, would overpower one hundred men, howsoever well trained; but two hundred and fifty properly trained soldiers should always prove the equal of five hundred Indians, mainly because of the difference in the manner of handling forces, practiced by the respective combatants. On the one hand, shelter is invariably sought in time of battle ; on the other, reliance is placed upon boldness and valor. In accordance with the same principle, a cavalryman proper cannot be trained to fight, one day, mounted, the next, dis- mounted, and then be expected to charge with the impetuosity of one who has been educated in the belief that it is an easy matter to ride over infantry and artillery, and drive them from the field. He who fights alternately mounted and dismounted, can never become an excellent soldier of either infantry or cavalry proper. Moreover, the highest perfection in the educa- tion of troops, well drilled and disciplined, can only be attained through continued appeals to their pride, and through incitement to make known their prowess by the substantial test of guns and colors, captured upon the field of battle. Soldiers thus educated will ever prove a terror to the foe. The continued use of breastworks during a campaign, renders troops timid in pitched battle ; and the employment of such defences is judicious and profitable alone when resorted to at the proper time. They should be used not unto excess, and only in such instances as I have already mentioned, and in such as I shall hereafter specify. The result of training soldiers to rely upon their own courage, we behold in the achievements of Lee's troops. Long will live the memory of their heroic attempt to scale the rugged heights of Gettysburg ; of their gallant charge over the breastworks at Gaines's Mills, and again over the abatis and strong entrenchments at Chan- cellorsville; of the many deeds of equal daring, which history will immortalize. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 133 I shall consider, for a moment, the manner in which General Lee handled his troops. After the battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam, McClellan followed him south of the Potomac; instead of forming line of battle, and throwing up entrench- ments upon every suitable hill he could find, from Maryland to the Rapidan, for the purpose of skirmishing, and delaying the enemy — which work he properly left to the cavalry — he threw his colors to the breeze, and, with martial music, marched to the line of Gordonsville and Fredericksburg. A few months later, when the Federals appeared in his front, he marshaled his forces, which, refreshed by their long rest, v\^ere anxious for battle ; he at once attacked, defeated the enemy, and pursued him to the Potomac. He thus drove back, suc- cessively. Pope, Burnside, and Hooker. After the battle of Gettysburg, Meade likewise followed Lee south of the Potomac. Again, he marched to the line of the Rapidan, as in the first instance, leaving his cavalry to observe and check the advance of the enemy. General Grant subse- quently appeared in his front, with a large and well-equipped Army. Although our great chieftain had only about forty-five thousand (45,000) effective men wherewith to oppose him, he, true to his past history, attacked instantly — having cut roads through the Wilderness, in order to get at the enemy — and so fierce was his assault that it almost made the very stones of the earth cry out. History will relate how nigh he was, in this instance, unto theachievement of victory ; so nigh, indeed, that Mr. Lincoln, if I remember correctly, remarked in a speech in the course of which he referred to this desperate onslaught, that Grant had been jostled, not driven back ; and that any one of the men he had sent previously to the command of the Army of the Potomac, would have been back on the north side of the Rappahannock. Thus it will be seen that General Lee made use of entrench- ments only en dernier resort, as around Petersburg, or in order to hold one portion of his line with a small force whilst he attacked with the main body; also that when he found it 134 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. necessary to retreat, or fall back from an advanced position, he marched his Army to the line he intended to defend, instead of constantly fighting, skirmishing, avoiding a general engage- ment, and taking up position, day after day, to be abandoned under cover of darkness. General Johnston not only made uniform use of entrenchments, but retreated and fought at the same time — an error which Lee carefully eschewed, and one which should always be avoided, since the long continuance of such policy will prove the inevitable ruin of any army. Napier, one of the highest authorities on war, says : " It is unquestionable that a rcti'catiiig army should fight as little as possible." Such was, however, the mistake committed by General Johnston. If he did not intend to risk a battle in the mountain fastnesses between Dalton and the Chattahoochee, but preferred to decide the fate of Georgia, the centre of the Confederacy, upon the flat plains around Atlanta, he should have left the cavalry in his rear to check the advance of the enemy ; have marched his Army direct to the latter point, without firing a musket ; and there have awaited Sherman's advance, when he should have made his attack. By the pur- suance of this policy, he would have been able to engage Sherman with over seventy thousand (70,000) effective men, instead of fifty thousand (50,000) he claims to have had after crossing the Chattahoochee river. In lieu thereof, a course was pursued which entailed a loss of twenty-five thousand (25,000) men, without a single general battle having been fought, and which seriously demoralized the next to the largest and proudest Army assembled in the South. When I state the Army was demoralized, I desire, at the same time, to except not only men who performed individual acts of remarkable devotion and courage, but also brigades and divisions, which, in prowess and discipline, would com- pare with the best troops in any army; unfortunately, how- ever, the efforts of one such brigade or division were paralyzed by others so thoroughly effected by their training in the REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 135 Johnston school as to render them of but little service in a pitched battle. A policy similar to that of my predecessor can be persisted in till desertions will take place by the thousands. The longer an army retreats, entrenches, and fights at the same time, the more numerous the desertions, and the more thorough the demoralization. As I have already mentioned, Lee handled his troops upon a directly opposite basis. They were always taught to work out the best means to get at the enemy, in order to cripple or destroy him, in lieu of ever seeking the best means to get away from him. Therefore the Lee and Jackson school is the opposite of the Joe Johnston school, and one will always elevate and inspirit, whilst the other will depress and paralyze. The statement of Lieutenant Generals Hardee and Stewart, to the effect that the Confederate Army, after crossing the Chattahoochee, had as much spirit and confidence as it pos- sessed at Dalton, is erroneous. Whilst I have a proper regard for the opinions of these officers who spoke, I believe, in all sincerity, I cannot but consider that their impressions were formed from their own standpoint, without having actual knowledge of the high state of perfection obtained by the troops in the Virginia Army, under the training and mode of handling of General Lee. In the course of daily life our thoughts and convictions generally receive their impress from our surroundings ; and, if we confine our experiences to any one sphere of life, without contact with the various spheres around us, we lose that power of comparison by which we are enabled to form correct judgments of things and men. These officers formed their decision from but one standpoint, which was the Army of Tennessee, and they comprehended not fully the spirit of heroism which pervaded the Army led by our great chieftain to victory after victory. Therefore they were partial judges when came into question the comparative spirit- lessness of the Western Army, as it slowly retreated a distance 136 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. of one hundred miles, without a single glorious victory to inscribe upon its banners. If requisite, I could bring forth abundant evidence from officers of that Army that the continuous retreat from Dalton to the plains of Georgia, produced a demoralizing effect. General Frank Blair, whose corps was engaged in the battle around Atlanta on the 22d of July, 1864, when my friend and classmate, General McPhcrson, was killed, states in a letter to a prominent officer of the Army of Tennessee, that the Con- federate troops, on that day, did not fight with the spirit they should have displayed. It was, nevertheless, reported to me, at the time of this engagement, that they had fought with gal- lantry, and I so telegraphed to the authorities at Richmond. The truth is, no troops handled as these had been from Dalton to Atlanta could have attacked with extraordinary vigor, and I do assert that fifty thousand men of the Lee and Jackson school will always prove equal to eighty thousand (80,000) of the Johnston school ; moreover, that the small Army I com- manded at Franklin was equal to that which was turned over to me at Atlanta, although it numbered only about one-half in effective strength, for the simple reason that a forward march of about one hundred and eighty miles, together with a differ- ent mode of handling it, had contributed to the improvement of its morale and the restoration of its pristine spirit. These conclusions I have reached after a long and careful considera- tion of the subject. It has been my fortune to serve, during the war, in every grade from that of First Lieutenant to that of Commander-in-Chief Having, therefore, been under fire with both small and large bodies of men, and having carefully observed the effect of such fire upon troops with and without breastworks, the principles which I have endeavored to eluci- date will, in my opinion, stand the test of time. In January, 1874, I addressed the following communication to Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee, who served a long period in Virginia, and subsequently in the Army of Ten- nessee : REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 137 " New Orleans, January lyth, 1874. "General: — Your position during the late war, and experience throughout different campaigns in Virginia, doubtless enabled you to observe, and form an opinion of the general effect of entrenchments upon an army. Since the close of the revolution I have conversed with many officers of the Army of Northern Virginia upon this subject, and have been informed that when General Lee was forced, as a dernier resort, to use breastworks around Petersburg, it had a depressing effect even upon the stern veterans who made up that grand old Army ; that it could easily be discerned when the troops were called upon to leave the trenches, and again give battle in the open field. During three years' service in the Virginia Army, as regimental, brigade, and division commander, under the orders of Generals Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet, I was never required to throw up even temporary breastworks for the protection of my troops. The battles of Gaines's Mills, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, were all fought by the Confederates without the aid of such defences. The officers and soldiers, who served in the Virginia Army, know of the great self-reliance and spirit of invincibility which pervaded its ranks, and how correct the appreciation of General Lee, when he said, 'There were never such men in an army before ; they will go anywhere, and do anything if properly led.' Those who come after us will seek the cause of the extra- ordinary results accomplished by the Army of Northern Virginia in comparison with other Armies of the South. The personnel of all the Confederate Armies being about the same, the question must arise, and will be discussed, as to whether there was not something in the handling of the troops or in the strategy and tactics, adopted and carried out by the distinguished leaders of Virginia, which produced soldiers equal to twice the number of the enemy. " I of course admit the necessity of fortifications for the protection of certain harbors, depots, and important centres, which should, however, never be allowed to become pitfalls for large bodies, but be well provi- sioned, and garrisoned only by a sufficient number of men to stand a siege, if requisite ; and whilst I also admit the necessity of entrenchments under such circumstances of constraint as those which induced General Lee finally to resort to them, my own experience has taught me that the continued use thereof, by an army has a demoralizing influence. "An army cannot at one time fight behind breastworks, with the practi- cal demonstration that its position renders it equal to three times the strength of the foe, and, at another time, when occurs a favorable oppor- tunity of attack, forget its own experience in the use of entrenchments, and charge the enemy's works, and force him to fly from the field, as was so often the case in Virginia. " Hoping soon to have your valued opinion upon this subject, " I am truly yours, J. B. HOOD." 138 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. I received the subjoined in reply: " Brookeville, Mississippi, January 26th, 18^4. " To General J. B. Hood. "General: — In your favor of the 17th inst., you ask my opinion of the 'general effect of entrenchments upon an Army.' My experience during the recent war was nearly equally divided in serving with and without entrenchments. " My service with the Army of North Virginia ended after the battle of Sharpsburg — then in the campaigns in Mississippi, involving the fall of Vicksburg — again in the campaign in Georgia, involving the fall of Atlanta, and also the last campaign into Tennessee. Entrenchments were generally used in my service in the West. They were not used in Virginia up to the time I was transferred West. I am free to say that I consider it a great misfortune to any army to have to resort to entrench- ments ; its morale is necessarily impaired from their constant use. "Troops once sheltered from fire behind works, never feel comfortable unless in them. The security of entrenchments is a constant subject of discussion by troops who use them. It is a matter of education. They are taught that one man equals five or six of the enemy. This they remember when called upon to attack entrenchments of the enemy, about which they are necessarily timid. Troops in works, engaged the first time, are always bolder than afterwards — stand erect and deliver their fire with precision as they were used to in the open field; after a few engagements, the thought of constant security is always with them, and their object is to be always covered by the works, while under fire. "An army, accustomed to entrenchments, has its -efficiency impaired as a whole, from the fact that in nearly every division one or two brigades consider it hazardous in the extreme to attack entrenchments ; hen«ig,''in the attack hesitate, and hesitancy in attacking works is certain defeat. A bold and defiant attack on works, though attended with great loss when successful, generally drives troops from the works before reaching them — which shows that boldness in attack and nearness make a sudden change in the ideas of the troops behind the works, they being discouraged, and disappointed in not seeing the enemy easily and certainly driven back. "A general who resorts to entrenchments, when there is any chance of success in engaging in the open field, commits a great error. Entrench- ments are sometimes necessary for the safety of an army, encountering greatly superior numbers to gain time, or to save an army defeated by superior numbers. When these occasions are plainly visible to the army, I do not see that its efficiency is necessarily impaired, when encountering the enemy again in the open field ; but the habitual use of entrenchment ' certainly impairs the boldness of attack in any army. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 139 "To attack entrenchments, give me troops who have never served behind them. Good troops, in line of battle, before using entrenchments, feel as secure without works as with them. As an instance, recall your division, at Sharpsburg, when attacked by more than five times its number in an open field, or again your brigade at Gaines's Mills, when it carried the works of the enemy, " I would not be understood as arguing against the use of entrench- ments when the occasion is plain for their use ; but certainly against an army habitually using them ; for the latter use of them destroys a plan of campaign, and there is no campaign ; and the generals are besieging, or resisting a siege in fact, and with casualties from day to day soon equivalent to the loss in a general engagement. "I am yours, truly, "STEPHEN D. LEE.'^ This officer enjoyed a fair opportunity to note the effect of long continued use of entrenchments upon an army. He served with distinction until the close of the war, and dis- played superior ability as a corps commander whilst in the Army of Tennessee. A forcible example of the difference in the mode of hand- ling- troops — as illustrated by General Lee, and those generals who constantly resort to the use of fortifications — is afforded in the recent war between France and Prussia, and also in that between Turkey and Russia. One hundred and fifty thousand of Louis Napoleon's Army, under Bazaine, shut themselves up in the stronghold of Metz ; allowed a much larger number of Germans to surround them ; to construct works almost as formidable as their own, and quietly await their surrender for want of provisions. The Turks committed a similar blunder at Plevna, in allow- ing a fine army to be entrapped and the remainder of their forces to become demoralized by the natural effect of this gross error, in lieu of holding their troops well in hand, taking some general line upon which to retard and cripple the enemy as much as possible, and, finally, beat him, if not in a general pitched battle, in detail ; the only chance of success for the weaker power grappling with its strong enemy. Had 140 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. General Lee pursued the plan of the French or of the Turks, he would have entrenched himself at an early day of the war — say at Winchester ; have allowed the Federals to surround him with five times his numbers ; to construct breastworks, finally, to compel him to surrender, and thus bring demoraliza- tion to his countrymen, in addition to the loss of their cause. The " reckless " attacks around Atlanta — so designated by General Johnston — enabled us to hold that city forty-six days, whereas, he abandoned in sixty-six days one hundred miles of territory, and demoralized the Army. It is a significant fact that General Sherman dedicates only thirty-eight pages to an account of the rapidity with which he dislodged Johnston from one position after another in the mountains from Dalton to Atlanta, and devotes that number to an explanation of the necessary operations of his Army, in order to force me to abandon the one untenable position of Atlanta. General Johnston says : * " General Hartsuff, General Schofield's Inspector General, told me, in the succeeding Spring, that the valor and discipline of our troops at Franklin, won the highest admiration in the Federal Army." The valor displayed at Franklin, and which deservedly won the admiration of the Federals, was caused by the handling of the troops in a directly opposite manner to that of General Johnston, together with the advance movement previously inaugurated, and the mortification experienced after the unfor- tunate failure the day before at Spring Hill. Inasmuch as General Johnston never inaugurated a forward movement, nor sought out the enemy, but invariably retreated in their front, he is not able to comprehend the origin of the gallantry so conspicuous on that field. He, therefore, errs as egregiously in the supposition that his continued retreat from Dalton to Atlanta and incessant entrenching gave rise to the courage displayed, at Franklin, as in his endeavor to find a parallel to * Johnston's Narrative, page 365. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 141 his campaign in that of Lee against Grant, from the Rappa- hannock to Petersburg : they in truth are the opposite of one another. General Johnston states,* " In transferring the command to General Hood I explained my plans to him." He may have said somewhat to me in regard to his plans — if, indeed, he had at any time resolved upon the defence of Atlanta — but I have no recollection thereof; possibly, from the fact that I was thor- oughly engrossed by the grave responsibilities unexpectedly thrust upon me at that critical moment. At all events, we are now informed, through his Narrative, that he had two plans, and that, if the first had failed, the second would, at least, have secured to the Confederacy Atlanta " forever.' Thus would have been wrought our independence, and the Southern people have been spared the sorrow and degradation to which they were so long subjected. If General Johnston be correct in his assertion that no reason exists why Atlanta should not have been held " forever," a heavy responsibility rests upon the Confederate authorities who relieved him of the command of the Army of Tennessee. Heavier still is the responsibility assumed by them, when they refused to dismiss General Lee from the command of the Army of Northern Virginia, and to re-assign General John- ston to that position, after his recovery from a wound received at the battle of Se\'en Pines. He states, in addition, f that his "Army had a place of refuge in Atlanta, too strong to be taken by assault, and too extensive to be invested." According to his theory, Rich- mond, which was larger than Atlanta, should also have been too extensive to be invested ; and its defences, which I am certain any council of competent officers would pronounce more tenable than those of its sister city, should also have been too strong to be carried by assault. It follows, there- fore, that if General Johnston could have held Atlanta " for- ■^ Johnston's Narrative, page 350. f Johnston's Narrative, page 358. 142 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. ever," most assuredly would he have held Richmond " forever," and have given us that freedom for which the great Lee struggled so gloriously, but in vain. Again, if this General felt it within his power to hold Atlanta " forever," unpardon- able is the offence he committed, in refusing to answer definitely, when interrogated by the President who was anxious to ascertain whether or not he intended to defend Atlanta, In view of the abandonment of one hundred miles of terri- tory into the very heart of the country, it was but natural the Government should have made such inquiry ; and who, with any degree of justice, can question the right of the authorities, at Richmond, to have sought, nay demanded, a positive answer from one of their subordinate officers? Had General Lee been placed in the same position, how long would he have hesitated to answer most fully and satisfactorily the President's inquiry on the i6th of July? If General Johnston had, at that time, informed President Davis that he could see no reason why Atlanta should not be held " forever," he would have been retained in command. I know this to be true ; moreover, the correspondence I have already published, clearly indicates this fact. Lastly, if his declaration in regard to the tenability of Atlanta be grounded upon sound principles, who of my countrymen will forgive him for having deserted me under the peculiar trials of the hour, instead of aiding me by his counsels to accomplish the great end, at the sacrifice of every personal consideration, and in the spirit of a true patriot. These are, indeed, grave questions, and afford matter for serious reflection to every Southerner, especially since Gen- eral Johnston claims, by asserting his ability to have held Atlanta " forever," the power to have saved the Confederacy from the disaster and ruin which followed. As already stated, the order relieving him from the command of the Army was received upon the 17th of July, at 11 p. m., he, unwilling to await the dawn of day, promulgated the order that night to the troops, and by dark, the next evening, he was journeying REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 143 towards Macon with all speed possible. Had he remained with the Army, at my urgent solicitation, he would undoubt- edly, have gained the credit of saving Atlanta, in the event of success; in case of failure, his friends could, as they have already done, have taken measures to protect his reputation by asserting that I had not altogether followed his counsels. The responsibility of non-success would have rested upon me, whilst he had nothing to lose, and all to gain. He was, how- ever, in so great haste to leave the scene of action that I have almost been inclined to think he was rejoiced at having been relieved from the duty of holding Atlanta " forever," and thus insuring the independence of his people. It now devolves upon me, in order to vindicate myself, as well as the Confederate Government, and to exonerate my predecessor from the charge of apparent insensibility to the fate of Atlanta and his country, to show that some doubt actually exists of his ability to have held Atlanta " forever," First, I will consider the evidence to be presented against his intention, at any time, to fight for this city, and then demon- strate the insufficiency of his power to make good an assertion which, after an interim of nigh ten years, is, for the first time, published to the world. It was generally believed, before the Army abandoned Dal- ton, that General Johnston would make a stand at that point; throughout his correspondence with the Government, during the Winter and Spring of 1864, and in which he urges all available troops to be sent immediately to his command, one is led to suppose that he actually intended to fight at that stronghold. In his letter to President Davis, dated January 2d, 1864, he speaks thus :* " I can see no other mode of taking the offensive here than to beat the enemy when he advances, and then move forward." In response to General Bragg's letter of March 12th, proffering fully eighty thousand (80,000) men, as an inducement to assume the offensive, and to which * Johnston's Narrative, page 275, 144 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. letter I have already referred, General Johnston dispatched the following telegram : * " Your letter by Colonel Sale received. Grant is at Nashville. Where Grant is we must expect the great Federal effort. We ought, therefore, to be prepared to beat him here" — at Dalton. In his written reply to the same, he says : f "We cannot estimate the time he (the enemy) will require for preparation, and should, consequently, put ourselves in condition for successful resistance as soon as possible by assembling here the troops you enumerate." Again, % "I would have the troops assemble here without delay, to repel Grant's attack and then make our own." It is hereby evident that as long as General Johnston endeavored to obtain the transfer, to his own command, of Longstreet's Corps in Virginia, and of Polk's Army in Mis- sissippi, he spoke continually of fighting at Dalton; when, however, Sherman appeared at Tunnel Hill, in front of Rocky- faced Ridge, and he was given an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) available troops — as I have demonstrated — he decided to retreat. What followed at Rcsaca ? Retreat. New Hope Church ? Retreat. Cassville ? Retreat. Kennesaw Moun- tain ? Retreat. Would we have fought at Atlanta after our inglorious campaign, the abandonment of the mountain fast- nesses, and the foreshadowed intention of our commander to fall back to Macon? I shall now glance at his two plans for the defence of Atlanta, one of which was to insure the security of that city " forev^er." By his first plan, he hoped to attack the enemy as they crossed Peach Tree creek. Within thirty-six hours, almost before he had time to select quarters in Macon after his departure on the evening of the 1 8th of July, General Thomas was crossing Peach Tree creek, whilst McPherson and Schofield were moving to destroy the railroad to Augusta. General Johnston evidently had little faith in this plan, since he was unwilling to await thirty-six hours to test its feasibility. * Johnston's Narrative, page 294. f Johnston's Narrative, page 295. J Johnston's Narrative, page 296. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 145 By his second, and, "far more promising plan," as he desig- nates it, he intended to man the works of Atlanta, on the side towards Peach Tree creek, with the Georgia State troops; and, upon the approach of the enemy, to attack with the three corps of the Army in conjunction with the cavalry. When the advance sheets of Johnston's Narrative appeared before the public, I read with amazement the account of this extraordinary project, and, forthwith, addressed the following letter to Major General Gustavus W. Smith, who commanded the Georgia State troops previous to General Johnston's removal, and during the siege of Atlanta: " New Orleans, January lyih, 1874. " General G. W. Smith, Frankfort, Ky. "General: — Having occasion to refer to your official report of the operations of the Georgia Mihtia around Atlanta, I find you were assigned the command of these troops the ist of June, 1864; that you relieved General Wayne, who had been placed under, and subject to, the orders of General Johnston ; that you had, at the time you crossed the Chattahoochee and marched to the support of General Johnston, about three thousand (3000) effective men; that when you recrossed the river and reported to me for duty in the trenches around Atlanta, you had about two thousand (2000) effective muskets. You also state that Governor Brown called out the reserves ; that the largest number of effective men in your command, at any one time during the siege, did not exceed five thousand (5000); that they were poorly equipped, more than two-thirds of them having no cartridge boxes ; that most of the reserves had never been drilled and the others but a few days, etc., etc. "Your relations with the Governor of Georgia, at this time, were such as to enable you to form a correct opinion as to whether or not Governor Brown furnished me, for the defence of Atlanta, as many State troops as he could or would have furnished General Johnston, had the latter remained in command. The Governor gave me to understand that he had sent forward all the militia he could enroll, and I have no reason to doubt his assertion. " Your large experience as a soldier, moreover, enables you to form an estimate as to the ability of five thousand (5000) militia to have occupied the trenches in front of the enemy, and have held Atlanta against General Sherman's Army of over one hundred thousand (100,000) effective men, and thereby to have rendered free the three corps, which constituted the whole Army of Tennessee, and have allowed them to 10 146 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. operate on the outside against either flank of the enemy. My reason for requesting your mihtary opinion upon this subject is that in General Jos. E. Johnston's forthcoming book appears the following statement : * " ' In transferring the command to General Hood I explained my plans to him. First, I expected an opportunity to engage the enemy on terms of advantage while they were divided in crossing Peach Tree creek, trusting to General Wheeler's vigilance for the necessary informa- tion. If successful, the great divergence of the Federal line of retreat from the direct route available to us would enable us to secure decisive results ; if unsuccessful, we had a safe place of refuge in our entrenched lines close at hand. Holding it, we could certainly keep back the enemy, as at New Hope Church and in front of Marietta, until the State troops promised by Governor Brown were assembled. Then, 1 intended to man the works of Atlanta on the side toward Peach Tree creek with those troops, and leisurely fall back with the Confederate troops into the town, and, when the Federal Army approached, march out with the three corps against one of its flanks. If we were successful, the enemy would be driven against the Chattahoochee where there are no fords, or to the east, away from their communications, as the attack might fall on their right or left. If unsuccessful, the Confederate Army had a near and secure place of refuge in Atlanta, which it could hold forever, and so win the campaign, of which that place was the object. The passage of Peach Tree creek may not have given an opportunity to attack ; but there is no reason to think that the second and far most promising plan might not have been executed.' " Whilst I acknowledge with pleasure the gallant conduct and efficient service of the Georgia State troops in the defence of Atlanta, I cannot conceive how they could have been expected to accomplish all that General Johnston seems to have anticipated, /. e., man so long a line of breastworks as that on the side of Peach Tree creek, which embraced the front of General Sherman's entire Army; and when, as you will remember, within three days after General Johnston relinquished the command, the enemy's left was across the Augusta Railroad, southeast of the town, and moving rapidly southwest to destroy the railroad to Macon. " Your views upon this important subject, I should be pleased to have at your earliest convenience. " Yours truly, "J. B. HOOD." * Johnston's Narrative, pages 350, 351. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 147 " Frankfort, Kentucky, ] " Jattuary 2jd, 1824. \ "General John B. Hood, New Orleans, La. "General: — Your letter of the 17th inst. is received. In answer to your first inquiry I have to say that, in my opinion, you were furnished with all the State forces that the Governor of Georgia, could by the use of extraordinary powers bring to assist in the defence of Atlanta. "Your second question calls for my opinion ' as to the ability of five thousand (5000) militia to have occupied the trenches in front of the enemy and have held Atlanta against General Sherman's Army of over one hundred thousand (100,000) effective men, and thereby to have rendered free the three corps, which constituted the whole Army of Ten- nessee, and have allowed them to operate on the outside against either flank of the enemy.' " Atlanta would, in all probability, have been taken by the enemy within twenty-four hours after its defence was entrusted to the Georgia militia, because in number this force was entirely inadequate, under the circumstances. " Very truly yours, "GUSTAVUS W.SMITH." I was unwilling to harbor a suspicion that Governor Brown would have furnished for the defence of the State, and of our common cause, a larger number of troops to General Johnston than to myself; neither could I perceive in what manner the impossibilities, suggested by this General, were to be accom- plished by the Georgia militia. General Gustavus W. Smith is a soldier, as well as an engineer, of eminent ability, and his opinion is entitled to much weight in a discussion of this character. The side towards Peach Tree creek embraced about the entire front of General Sherman's Army. I, therefore, found it necessary to place not only the Georgia State troops on that side, but also two corps of the Army, whilst I made the attack of the 22d of July with a single corps and the cavalry. I very much regret General Johnston's inability to have remained, and enlightened me in regard to the means to hold Sherman's one hundred and six thousand (106,000) at bay with five 148 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. thousand (5000) militia, whilst I attacked one of the enemy's flanks with the entire Army of Tennessee. If this feat could have been achieved, great results might hav^e ensued. In view of General Johnston's now avowed intention to have made a stand at Atlanta, it would certainly have been more judicious to have marched direct to the line he had resolved to defend — as General Lee marched out of Maryland and Pennsylvania to the Rapidan ; to have thus reserved the twenty-five thousand (25,000) effective men andnineteen thousand (19,000) muskets, lost on our retreat through Georgia, and have used these trained soldiers and good muskets on the side towards Peach Tree creek, instead of General Gustavus W. Smith's five thou- sand militia, many of whom were armed with flint lock muskets, and were devoid even of cartridge boxes. Surely this plan would seem to have been more feasible, and certainly more promising. If Sherman had not a sufficient force to form a cordon of troops round the city, he was able to accomplish his object by equally effective means. The size of Atlanta in no manner hindered the destruction of our railway line of communications which, in the exhausted condition of our resources the last year of the war, we were no wise competent to re-establish when great damage had been committed. We had neither the material nor the force to repair them. If General Johnston considered Atlanta so especially adapted to his purposes, inasmuch as it was too extensive to be invested and too strong to be carried by assault, I am at a loss to divine the reason why he did not take a radius equal to that of Atlanta, and describe a circle from a given centre, within the mountains of Georgia ; throw up entrenchments, and declare to the world the impregnability of his position and his intention to hold it "forever." Trees of the forest would certainly have been of as much or more service to him than buildings proved to me in Atlanta, or to General Lee in Peters- burg, and Richmond. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 149 No more decided advantage was to be derived from the junction of railways, at Atlanta, than was afforded at Kingston, or any other point on the railway line below Dalton, because of our poverty in resources towards the close of hostilities and consequent inability to reconstruct at the same time two or three roads when seriously damaged. CHAPTER IX. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON — HIS INTENTION TO ABANDON ATLANTA EVACUATION OF RICHMOND CONTEMPLATED IN 1862 ATTEMPT TO COURT MARTIAL. After General Johnston's abandonment of the mountains of Georgia, his inconsistency in maintaining that Atlanta was a position " too strong to be carried by assault," must indeed strike with surprise not only military men, but civilians of intelligence. From the earliest periods of history mountain fastnesses have proved, by actual test, the most secure strong- holds to every people determined upon obstinate resistance. General Lee asserted shortly before the close of the war that he could continue the struggle twenty years longer, if hos- tilities were transferred to the mountain regions of the Con- federacy. Numerous instances are adducible to attest the fact that prolongation of war is ofttimes to be attributed to such protection from Nature. To cite an example from a neigh- boring island, how long, I venture to inquire, would the Cubans have held out against the Spanish Government, if their territory had been devoid of mountains, and had stretched forth to the sea in one vast plain like the country from Atlanta ? But when the Confederate commander, with seventy thou- sand available men, surrendered the Thermopylae of the South (150) REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 151 without risking a general battle, it is hardly reasonable to sup- pose that he would have made a final stand upon the plains of Georgia. According to the following extract from an official telegram, even General Sherman w^as in doubt as to whether or not Johnston would fight for Atlanta: * " Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, | " In the Field, at San House, Peach Tree Road, V " Five Miles N. E. of Buckhead, Ga., July i8, 1864. ) » * * " It is hard to realize that Johnston will give up Atlanta without a fight, but it may be so. Let us develop the truth. "W. T. SHERMAN, " Major General Commanding." My predecessor had evidently another scheme in reserve. General Forrest was required, with five thousand (5000) cav- alry in Tennessee, to destroy Sherman's communications with Nashville, — at least, in so far as to hinder Sherman from receiving sufficient supplies for the maintenance of his Army. General Wheeler's cavalry force numbered over ten thousand (10,000), and was composed of as brave men as those under the command of Forrest. If this force, with the exception of a small detachment to protect the flanks of the Army, was unable to break the Federal line of communications, I cannot conceive in what manner General Forrest was expected to accomplish this object with only five thousand (5000) men — especially, when Sherman had a large force of cavalry attached to his own Army, as well as another large body of this arm in Tennessee; had erected block houses at every important bridge and culvert, and had stationed infantry at fixed points along the entire line between Nashville and Atlanta, forming, it might be said, a chain of sentinels. The Federals had at their disposal locomotives of great power, and a sufficient number of cars to move, within a few hours, a corps of infantry to any one threatened point. Their vast resources enabled * Van Home, 11 Army C, vol. II, page 121. 152 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. them also to rebuild the railroad almost as fast as Forrest could have destroyed it. General Johnston, therefore, errs in the supposition that five thousand cavalry, under these cir- cumstances, could have so effectually destroyed Sherman's communications as to compel him to retreat. The impossi- bility of the success of this plan, however, will be clearly established when I give an account of the inability, during the siege of Atlanta, of Forrest's cavalry together with about five thousand under Wheeler to accomplish this important object. I am, therefore, reluctant to believe that General Johnston possessed any more definite idea of defending Atlanta than he had of defending Dalton, or any other position from that point to Atlanta. He brings forward the presence of his family in this city, as evidence of his intention to make a stand ; and affirms that the entrenchments thrown up, together with the moving forward of heavy artillery, support his testimony. Unfortunately, in view of his history in the past, the evidence is not conclusive. He threw up various lines of works during his campaign, and, successively, abandoned them ; moreover, whatever heavy artillery had been ordered to the front could, if the necessity had arisen, have been placed upon cars, and been removed to the rear. In regard to the first plea, I am unable to discover why his family could not retreat as well as the Army. A General who, at New Hope Church, informed his corps commanders that he considered Macon, one hundred miles beyond Atlanta, the point to fall back upon, would hardly have resisted the temptation to carry out his suggestion, when to retreat was, with him, if not a fixed principle, certainly an inveterate habit. Aside from any other evidence, the following extract from a letter received from General M. C. Butler, * now United States Senator, is sufficient to prove that General Johnston had no hope or idea of holding Atlanta. * 1879. REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 153 " Edgefield, S. C, July iStJi, 1E74. ******<< J yyas with General Johnston when he arranged the terms of surrender with Sherman. Generals Hampton and Wheeler being away at the time, I commanded the cavalry of Johnston's Army and accompanied him with an escort to the last interview with Sherman, and on our return to camp he told me that he had had no confidence in the success of our cause for two years." * * * * As stated, if this General could have held Atlanta " forever," he likewise would have held Richmond " forever." In this connection I will, — in defence of General Lee, make known an historical fact of singular interest, and of which I have but recently been apprised ; it is true the matter was hinted about at the date of the occurrence, but I now, for the first time, receive the information from the highest authority. About the 26th of April, 1874, I met, in Mobile, the Hon- orable C. M. Conrad, of Louisiana. We were each en route to New Orleans, and in the freedom of friendly conversation, we discussed without restraint the subject of the late war. General Johnston's book was referred to, when Mr. Conrad remarked that Mr. McFarland, of Richmond, Virginia, a vol- unteer aid on the staff of General Johnston at the time of his retreat from Yorktown — had informed him, during the war, that General Johnston said to him (Mr. McFarland), on the retreat from Yorktown, that he (Johnston) expected or intended to give up Richmond. Mr, McFarland expostulated and pro- tested; finally expressed to the Commanding General the hope that he would change his mind. I at once observed to Mr. Conrad that this fact was truly an important link in the history of that period, and, if no objection existed upon his part, I might on some occasion refer to the incident. He replied, "Well, it is a matter of history," or words to that effect. The above is almost verbatim the statement of Mr. Conrad to me, in Mobile. When we remember the high character of the late Mr. McFarland, a banker of Richmond, a citizen who was not only beloved and respected in Virginia, but well known to all the prominent men of the South as a gentleman of honor 154 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. and unimpeachable integrity, and when we consider the name, the position, and the career of the Honorable C. M. Conrad, the testimony becomes irrefutable. Richmond would have been abandoned by General John- ston at the outset of the struggle, had he been afforded the opportunity ; in other words, had he not, in consequence of his disability, been replaced by General Lee, who retained, to the end, command of the Army of Northern Virginia. Shortly after my return to New Orleans I resolved to obtain from Mr. Conrad a written statement of this important fact. He had, however, left for Washington. Thereupon I addressed him the following letter : " New Orleans, May igth, 1874. " Honorable C. M. Conrad, Washing-ion, D. C. "My Dear Sir :— I called at your office this morning to ask that you give me a memorandum of the statement of Mr. McFarland to you, in regard to General Johnston's giving up the city of Richmond at the time of his retreat from Yorktown. Since Mr. McFarland was, at this time, a volunteer aid of General Johnston, and was so well and so favorably known throughout Virginia, and by our prominent men of the South, any statement of his to one of your prominence in the public affairs of this country, makes a very important link in history — in fact becomes of great historical value. If no objection on your part, I would be much pleased to have you give me, in brief, what you stated to me on this subject, in Mobile, about the 26th ultimo. " Respectfully and truly yours, "J. B. HOOD." I received in answer the following : •• Washington, D. C, yune 13th, 1S74. " Dear General : — On my return a few days ago from a visit to West Virginia, I found your letter and telegram. Upon reflection, 1 have determined that I cannot with propriety comply with your request. " In the first place, although the conversation between Mr. McFarland and myself, of which you ask me to give you a statement, was not pro- fessedly confidential, it might, from its nature, be considered impliedly so, as it related to a communication which was confidentially made by General Johnston to him, and which he would, probably, not have divulged to any one but an intimate friend. It was perhaps indiscreet REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 155 in me to have repeated the remark at all ; but to give publicity to it, and that for a purpose unfriendly to General Johnston, would, in my view, be unjust both to General Johnston and to Mr. McFarland, as the latter is no longer alive to explain it, if necessary to maintain his statement. " I will add that I have long known and esteemed General Johnston and his family. In his quarrel with Mr. Davis (which you are aware commenced long before the events which gave rise to the controversy between him and yourself), he had my sympathy and support. Under these circumstances for me to volunteer a statement not for the purpose of vindicating your military reputation, but for the purpose of assailing him in a matter with which you were in no manner concerned, would, I think, give just cause of complaint to him and his friends. 1 am sure that on considering the matter you will come to the same conclusion. " Very truly yours, " C. M. CONRAD." I subjoin my reply: " Niagara, Ontario, July jsf, 1874, " Honorable C. M. Conrad, New Orleans, La. "Dear Sir: — I received a few days ago your letter of the 13th ult., which was forwarded from New Orleans. Its consequent delay in reach- ing me will in part account for my tardiness in replying. " Whilst I fully appreciate your unwillingness to comply with my request, I cannot agree in forming with you the conclusion that I should remain silent upon this important matter of history. I have, with your consent granted at the time of our conversation in Mobile, already men- tioned to a number of our common friends, the fact of General Johnston's intention to abandon Richmond, after his retreat from Yorktown, as expressed to Mr. McFarland ; and one of our friends, after listening with great interest to my assertion, and being informed that I had requested of you a written statement of the fact, remarked : ' If Charles M. Conrad told you this, he will give it to you in writing.' " Moreover, I am not only indirectly but, I may say, directly con- cerned in this matter, from the fact that I have publicly stated that Gen- eral Johnston foreshadowed to his corps commanders at New Hope Church, his intention to retreat to Macon, Georgia, during his campaign of '64 from Dalton. I am the only living witness of this historic truth ; therefore, Mr. McFarland's testimony, through one of your prominence and character, becomes of great relative value to me. "When I again have the leisure to continue my reply to the many unwarranted statements contained in General Johnston's book, I may find it necessary to bring forth also this important truth. " I am yours truly, "J. B. HOOD." 156 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. When I recall the different events with which the military career of General Johnston is connected, it is difficult to believe that he ever had any other fixed plan than that of retreat. Possibly the following paragraph in reference to a light engage- ment of General Hardee, on the 15th of March, 1865, near Averysboro', North Carolina, may indicate the nature of his expectations, after a surrender of Richmond, Atlanta, etc., etc., and a final retreat to the seashore, the last point of resistance : " That report, if correct, proves that the soldiers of General Sherman's Army had been demoralized by their course of life on the Southern plantations. Those soldiers, when fighting between Dalton and Atlanta, could not have been driven back repeatedly by a fourth of their number, with a loss so utterly insignificant." Was it General Johnston's policy to retreat till he had demoralized the enemy, and demoralized them by their course of life on Southern plantations? An easy victory even at such cost would, indeed, have been dearly bought. I do not wish to be understood as, in any manner, ques- tioning the courage of this General. He would have led men into action as gallantly as any soldier. But leading men into action is one thing, and ordering an Army into battle is another. To issue an order of great moment and simply to obey instructions, involve such different measures of responsi- bility that a distinct degree of moral courage is requisite to fulfil either duty. General Johnston has defended himself by charging me with recklessness, and exposure of my troops to " useless butchery." I may, therefore, be pardoned if I point out what I consider his main defects — the reason, in fact, why his name is not coupled with a single glorious victory in the annals of our four years' struggle, since it is, most assuredly, not because of lack of personal courage. It becomes necessary to express myself somewhat explicitly, in order that no mis- apprehension be engendered. Caution and boldness are the two predominant qualities which characterize all soldiers of merit — I mean the caution and boldness tempered by wisdom, which such men as Napo- REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 157 leon L, Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Von Moltke, and Sir Garnet Wolseley have exhibited in so high a degree. These soldiers have shown themselves gifted with that intuition of the true warrior which rendered them bold in strategy, rapid in move- ment, and determined in battle. Observation has taught me that a commander may acquire sufficient caution by receiving hard blows, but he cannot acquire boldness. It is a gift from Heaven. A soldier whose quality of caution far exceeds that of boldness, can never be eminent in war. He cannot overcome nature, and experience that self-confidence requisite to order an Army into battle. If from pride or wounded vanity he make the venture, after long awaiting a more and more favorable opportunity, he will, as a rule, strike at the most unpropitious moment. Herein lies the deficiency of General Johnston. He is a man of courage and ability, and a fine organizer of an Army for the field ; but he lacks the bold genius of Lee, and, consequently, will rarely, if ever, see suffi- cient chances in his favor — especially at the right time — to induce him to risk battle. Seven Pines is, I think, the only battle he attempted to inaugurate during the war, although it may be said that he commanded more men than any other Confederate officer. In this instance he had received informa- tion that a small body of the enemy had crossed the Chicka- hominy ; he attempted to crush it with his entire force, and, even then, failed. He invariably throws up entrenchments, fortifies his line, and there remains in deliberation upon the best means to defeat the enemy without risking a general engagement, when, suddenly, he finds himself outflanked, and issues the usual order for retreat. The same defect — want of decision and self-reliance — exhibits itself eminently in the lower grades of rank in an army. Among ten brave division commanders who, under orders, would lead their troops anywhere and everywhere, seldom will be found one who, in a position to act upon his own responsibility, will attack at a favorable moment, especially when detached and ordered to the rear of the enemy. If the 158 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. inquiry be made of any enterprising, self-reliant division com- mander who has participated in many engagements, as to how often his request has been granted when, heavily engaged with superior numbers, he has called upon his neighboring division commander (whose troops were lying inactive) to furnish him the assistance of a brigade, he will reply that rarely has succor been afforded, even in the most critical moment of battle. His neighbor, albeit a man who knows not fear, was generally unwilling to act and give the necessary support without orders from his superior officer, because of his over-development of caution and his deficiency in boldness — the counterbalancing quality. Again, few men are endowed with the capacity to execute such moves as those of Stonewall Jackson, at Second Manassas, and at Chancellorsville, for the reason that, whilst en route to the rear of the enemy, the appearance of a light squad of their cavalry will cause a majority of officers to halt, form line, reconnoitre, and thus lose time and the opportunity. Jackson's wagon train was attacked by Federal cavalry whilst he was marching to the rear and flank of Hooker, at Chancellorsville; he wisely paid little attention thereto, and moved boldly on towards the main object, and achieved a signal victory. I shall allow to pass unnoticed, in this reply several state- ments of General Johnston which, although equally erroneous and illiberal in spirit, are too trivial to demand my attention. I shall, therefore, end this unpleasant discussion with a brief reference to his unpardonable conduct towards me, after he again assumed command in North Carolina. He was not unmindful that he had again been restored to power. This new acquisition of authority, he determined should be felt by those who had ventured to oppose his policy, and contradict his statements. Accordingly, as I was en route for the Trans- Mississippi Department, under orders to bring to the support of General Lee all the troops that would follow me, I received, at Chester, South Carolina, the following telegram : REPLY TO GENERAL JOHNSTON. 159 " Smithfield, ApnV ^f/i,i86j. " Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. "After reading your report, as submitted, I informed General Cooper, by telegraph, that I should prefer charges against you as soon as 1 have leisure to do so, and desired him to give you the information. "J. E.JOHNSTON." I replied as follows : " Chester, South Carolina, April 4th, iS6j. " General J. E. Johnston, S7?iithfield, N. C. " Your telegram of this date received, informing me that you intended, as soon as you had leisure, to prefer charges against me. I am under orders for the Trans-Mississippi Department. 1 shall inquire of General Cooper whether I am to await my trial or proceed as ordered. 1 will be ready to meet any charges you may prefer. "J. B. HOOD." On the following day I applied to the War Department for a Court of Inquiry. " Chester, South Carolina, April ^th, 186^. " General S. Cooper. " I have the honor to request that a Court of Inquiry be assembled at the earliest practicable moment to investigate and report upon the facts and statements contained in my official report of the operations of the Army of the Tennessee. "J. B. HOOD, "Lieutenant General." I received the following in reply : " Danville, April ^th, 1863. " Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. " Proceed to Texas as heretofore ordered. "S.COOPER, A. LG." " Danville, April -jth, 186^. " Lieutenant General J. B. Hood. " A Court of Inquiry cannot be convened in your case at present. You will proceed to Texas as heretofore ordered. "S. COOPER, A. I. G," 160 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Had I been granted a Court of Inquiry at that date, I would have produced stronger testimony than I have given, even at this late period, in relation to the points in controversy between General Johnston and myself. This attempt to summons me before a Court Martial was his final effort, during the war, to asperse the character of a brother officer who had always been true to duty, but whose unpardonable crime was having been appointed to supersede him in the command of the Army of Tennessee. CHAPTER X. SIEGE OF ATLANTA DIFFICULTIES OF THE SITUATION — BATTLE OF THE 20TH OF JULY. Notwithstanding the manifold difficulties and trials which beset me at the period I was ordered to relieve General John- ston, and which, because of unbroken silence on my part, have been the occasion of much injustice manifested in my regard, I formed no intention, till the appearance of General Sher- man's Memoirs, to enter fully into the details of the siege of Atlanta, the campaign to the Alabama line, and that which followed into Tennessee. A feeling of reluctance to cause heart-burnings within the breast of any Confederate, who fulfilled his duty to the best of his ability, has, hitherto, deterred me from speaking forth the truth. Since, however, military movements with which my name is closely connected, have been freely and publicly discussed by different authors, whose representations have not always been accurate, I feel compelled to give an account of the operations of the Army of Tennessee, whilst under my direction. As already mentioned, the order, assigning me to the com- mand of that Army, was received about II p. m., on the 17th of July, My predecessor, unwilling to await even the dawn of 11 (161) 162 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. day, issued his farewell order that memorable night. In despite of my repeated and urgent appeals to him to pocket all despatches from Richmond, to leave me in command of my own corps, and to fight the battle for Atlanta, he deserted me the ensuing afternoon. He deserted mc in violation of his promise to remain and afford me the advantage of his counsel, whilst I shouldered all responsibility of the contest. I reiterate that it is difficult to imagine a commander placed at the head of an Army under more embarrassing circum- stances than those against which I was left to contend on the evening of the i8th of July, 1864. I was, comparatively, a stranger to the Army of Tennessee. Moreover General Johnston's mode of warfare formed so strong a contrast to the tactics and strategy which were practiced in Virginia, where far more satisfactory results were obtained than in the West, that I have become a still more ardent advocate of the Lee and Jackson school. The troops of the Army of Tennessee had for such length of time been subjected to the ruinous policy pursued from Dalton to Atlanta that they were unfitted for united action in pitched battle. They had, in other words, been so long habituated to security behind breast- works that they had become wedded to the " timid defensive" policy, and naturally regarded with distrust a commander likely to initiate offensive operations. The senior Corps Commander considered he had been supplanted through my promotion, and thereupon determined to resign, in consequence, I have no doubt, of my application to President Davis to postpone the order transferring to me the command of the Army ; he however, altered his decision, and concluded to remain with his corps. The evening of the 18th of July found General Johnston comfortably quartered at Macon, whilst McPherson's and Schofield's Corps were tearing up the Georgia Railroad, between Stone Mountain and Decatur ; Thomas's Army was hastening preparations to cross Peach Tree creek, within about six miles of Atlanta ; and I was busily engaged in hunting up SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 163 the positions of, and establishing communication with Stewart's and Hardee's Corps, since I did not know where they were posted, when General Johnston disappeared so unexpectedly and left me in this critical position. Not till I read Sherman's Memoirs, was I aware of McPher- son's so close proximity to Atlanta at an early hour on the 1 8th of July. In truth, a few enterprising scouts thrown out that afternoon from his columns, in the direction of the Macon Railroad might have captured my predecessor on his retreat to Macon. Sherman says (vol. II, pages 71, 72) : "On the 1 8th all the Armies moved on a general right wheel, Thomas to Buckhead, forming line of battle facing Peach Tree creek ; Schofield was on his left, and McPherson well on towards the railroad between Stone Mountain and Decatur, which he reached at 2 p. m. of that day, about four miles from Stone Mountain, and seven miles east of Decatur, and there he turned toward Atlanta, breaking up the railroad as he progressed, his advance guard reaching Decatur about night, where he came into communication "/ith Schofield's troops, which had also reached Decatur." It thus appears that on the afternoon of the i8th the enemy was in Decatur, almost at the gates of Atlanta. This intelli- gence must have been communicated to General Johnston by the cavalry, after he left me to ride into the city with the promise to return toward evening, as he was virtually Com- mander-in-Chief up to the moment of his sudden departure. I had consumed a great portion of that day in vain endeavors to adjust the difficulties in the way of his retention in command, by earnest representations to him, on one hand, and, on the other, by telegraphing to Richmond in the hope of accomplish- ing this object. Although he had published his farewell order the night previous, I had not, owing to the foregoing reasons, assumed command. He had agreed to issue orders in my name, and, in reality, I did not become Commander-in- Chief until about night of that day, when I received informa- tion of his departure. 164 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Much confusion necessarily arose during this interval ; and this condition of affairs accounts for the circumstance, which must seem strange to military men, that at this late date I am apprised for the first time, and through Sherman's Memoirs, of the presence of the enemy's left wing, at 2 p. m. on the l8th of July, upon the railroad leading to Augusta. It must seem equally strange that, if I was regarded as chief in command, this important movement was not made known to me at headquarters by our cavalry, which was, generally, very prompt in reporting all such information. I cannot but think, therefore, that General Johnston was cognizant before 4 o'clock that day, and before his departure for Macon, of the enemy's presence on the Augusta Railroad, within six or eight miles of Atlanta. If such is not the case, our cavalry, stationed upon the right, neglected most unpardonably its duty — which supposition I am not inclined to admit. The statement in my official report* that McPherson was at Decatur on the morning of the 19th, is proof of my ignorance of the circumstance on the i8th. These facts give evidence of the trying position in which I was placed at this juncture, and this last move of the enemy may somewhat account for the inexplicable conduct and dis- appearance of General Johnston who, at this critical moment, was unwilling to share with me the responsibility of the issue. I will now turn from the many unpleasant occurrences interwoven in the history of that day, and endeavor to show in what manner General Sherman exposed, on his approach to Atlanta, the Federal Army to successful attack by our troops; and, at the same time, state why, in my opinion, after our dis- covery of his blunders, the Confederate Army did not succeed in defeating and routing his forces. These premises may seem bold, especially since defeat was our fortune, and victory the boast of our adversary. After having established communication with the corps and * Appendix, p. 320. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 165 the cavalry of the Army during the forepart of the night, I found myself, upon the morning of the 19th, in readiness to fulfil these grave duties devolving upon me. Our troops had awakened in me heartfelt sympathy, as I had followed their military career with deep interest from early in May of that year. I had witnessed their splendid condition at that period ; had welcomed with pride the fine body of reinforcements under General Polk ; but, with disappointment, I had seen them, day after day, turn their back upon the enemy, and lastly cross the Chattahoochee river on the night of the 9th of July with one-third of their number lost — the men downcast, dispirited, and demoralized. Stragglers and deserters, the captured and the killed, could not now, however, be replaced by recruits, because all the recruiting depots had been drained to reinforce either Lee or Johnston. I could, therefore, but make the best dispositions in my power with the reduced numbers of the Army, which opposed a force of one huYidred and six thousand (106,000) Federals, buoyant with success and hope, and who were fully equal to one hun- dred and forty thousand (140,000) such troops as confronted Johnston at Dalton, by reason of their victorious march of a hundred miles into the heart of the Confederacy. Accordingly, on the night of the i8th and morning of the 19th, I formed line of battle facing Peach Tree creek; the left rested near Pace's Ferry road, and the right covered Atlanta. I was informed on the 19th that Thomas was building bridges across Peach Tree creek ; that McPherson and Schofield were well over toward, and even on, the Georgia Railroad, near Decatur. I perceived at once that the Federal commander had committed a serious blunder in separating his corps, or Armies by such distance as to allow me to concentrate the main body of our Army upon his right wing, whilst his left was so far removed as to be incapable of rendering timely assistance. General Sherman's violation of the established maxim that an Army should always be held well within hand, or its detachments within easy supporting distance, afforded 166 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. one of the most favorable occasions for complete victory which could have been offered ; especially as it presented an oppor- tunity, after crushing his right wing, to throw our entire force upon his left. In fact, such a blunder affords a small Army the best, if not the sole, chance of success when contending with a vastly superior force. Line of battle having been formed, Stewart's Corps was in position on the left, Hardee's in the centre, and Cheatham's on the right. Orders were given to Generals Hardee and Stewart to observe closely and report promptly the progress of Thomas in the construction of bridges across Peach Tree creek and the passage of troops. General Cheatham was directed to reconnoitre in front of his left; to erect, upon that part of his line, batteries so disposed as to command the entire space betv/een his left and Peach Tree creek, in order to com- pletely isolate McPherson and Schofield's forces from those of Thomas ; and, finally, to thoroughly entrench his line. This object accomplished, and Thomas having partially crossed the creek and made a lodgment on the east side within the pocket formed by Peach Tree creek and the Chattahoochee river, I determined to attack him with two corps — Hardee's and Stew- art's, which constituted the main body of the Confederate Army — and thus, if possible, crush Sherman's right wing, as we drove it into the narrow space between the creek and the river. Major General G. W. Smith's Georgia State troops were posted on the right of Cheatham, and it was impossible for Schofield or McPherson to assist Thomas without recrossing Peach Tree creek in the vicinity of Decatur, and making on the west side a detour which necessitated a march of not less than ten or twelve miles, in order to reach Thomas's bridges across this creek. I immediately assembled the three corps commanders, Hardee, Stewart, and Cheatham, together with Major General G. W, Smith, commanding Georgia State troops, for the purpose of giving orders for battle on the following day, the 20th of July. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 167 I here quote from my official report written soon after these events : " On the morning of the 19th, the dispositions of tlie enemy were sub- stantially as follows : ' The Army of the Cumberland, under Thomas, was in the act of crossing Peach Tree creek. This creek, forming a considerable obstacle to the passage of an army, runs in a northeasterly direction, emptying into the Chattahoochee river near the railroad cross- ing. The Army of the Ohio, under Schofield, was also about to cross east of the Buckhead road. The Army of the Tennessee, under McPherson, v/as moving on the Georgia Railroad at Decatur. Finding it impossible to hold Atlanta without giving battle, I determined to strike the enemy while attempting to cross this stream. My troops were disposed as follows: Stewart's Corps on the left, Hardee's in the centre, and Cheatham's on the right entrenched. My object was to crush Thomas's Army before he could fortify himself, and then turn upon Schofield and McPherson. To do this, Cheatham was ordered to hold his left on the creek, in order to separate Thomas's Army from the forces on his (Thomas's) left. Thus I should be able to throw two corps, Stewart's and Hardee's, against Thomas. Specific orders were carefully given these Generals, in the presence of each other, as follows : The attack was to begin at i p. m. ; the movement to be by division, en echelon from the right, at a distance of about one hundred and fifty yards ; the effort to be to drive the enemy back to the creek, and then towards the river, into the narrow space formed by the river and creek ; everything on our side of the creek to be taken at all hazards, and to follow up as our success might peirmit. Each of these Generals was to hold a division in reserve. Owing to the demonstrations of the enemy on the right, it became necessary to extend Cheatham a division front to the right. To do this, Hardee and Stewart were each ordered to extend a half division front to close the interval. Foreseeing that some confusion and delay might result, I was careful to call General Hardee's attention to the importance of having a staff officer on his left to see that the left did not take more than a-half division front. This, unfortunately, was not attended to, and the line closed to the right, causing Stewart to move two or three times the proper distance. In consequence of this, the attack was delayed until nearly 4 p. m.'" The three corps commanders, together with General G. W. Smith, were assembled not only for the purpose of issuing to them orders for battle, but with the special design to deliver most explicit instructions in regard to their respective duties. 168 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. I sought to " make assurance doubly sure" by direct inter- rogatory ; each was asked whether or not he understood his orders. All replied in the affirmative. I was very careful in this respect, inasmuch as I had learned from long experience that no measure is more important, upon the eve of battle, than to make certain, in the presence of the commanders, that each thoroughly comprehends his orders. The usual discretion allowed these officers in no manner diminishes the importance of this precaution. I also deemed it of equal moment that each should fully appreciate the imperativeness of the orders then issued, by reason of the certainty that our troops would encounter hastily constructed works thrown up by the Federal troops, which had been foremost to cross Peach Tree creek. Although a portion of the enemy would undoubtedly be found under cover of temporary breastworks, it was equally certain a larger por- tion would be caught in the act of throwing up such works, and just in that state of confusion to enable our forces to rout them by a bold and persistent attack. With these convictions I timed the assault at i p. m., so as to surprise the enemy in their unsettled condition. As stated in my official report, the charge was unfortunately not made till about 4 o'clock p. m., on account of General Hardee's failure to obey my specific instructions in regard to the extension of the one-half division front to the right, in order to afford General Cheatham an advantageous position to hold in check McPherson and Schofield. The result was not, however, materially affected by this delay, since the Federals were completely taken by surprise. General Stewart carried out his instructions to the letter ; he moreover appealed in person to his troops before going into action, and informed them that orders were imperative they should carry everything, at all hazards, on their side of Peach Tree creek ; he impressed upon them that they should not halt before temporary breastworks, but charge gallantly over every obstacle and rout the enemy. It was evident that SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 169 after long-continued use of entrenchments, General Stewart deemed a personal appeal to his soldiers expedient. An address from a corps commander to his troops, upon the eve of battle, is always productive either of great good or evil, according to the spirit in which it is spoken. For this reason, commanders of large bodies should exercise extreme caution in the expression of their sentiments, even in the presence of staff officers. Every word, portending probable results, passes like an electric spark through the entire command. It is, therefore, in the power of an officer to inspirit his men, and incite them to deeds of valor in the hour of battle, as well as to depress and demoralize them by an expression of despond- ency, one word foreshadowing the possibility of defeat. General Stewart and his troops nobly performed their duty in the engagement of the 20th. At the time of the attack, his corps moved boldly forward, drove the enemy from his works, and held possession of them until driven out by an enfilade fire of batteries placed in position by General Thomas. The following extracts from the reports of Generals Stewart and Featherston, touching the battle of the 20th, will be read with interest: " The plan was for the divisions (commencing on Hardee's right) to move forward, successively, en echelon, at intervals of some two hun- dred yards, to attack the enemy, drive him back to the creek, and then press down the creek to the left. Should the enemy be found entrenched, his works were to be carried; everything on our side of the creek was to be taken, and our crossing to the other side of the creek was to depend on our success. Such were the instructions of the Gene- ral Commanding to General Hardee and myself. I was to hold a division in reserve. It seems a division had been withdrawn from the lines on the right of Hardee's Corps. His corps and mine were to close to the right far enough to cover the space vacated by this division— ih^ space to be divided between the two corps. This would have shifted my line a-half division front to the right — perhaps at most — half-a-mile. At I o'clock I found the left of Hardee's Corps just beginning to shift to the right. Feeling that this change was not important, and that not a moment was to be lost in making the attack contemplated, a staff cfficer was despatched to the Commanding General to inform him of the fact, 170 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. and requesting an order to stop the movement to the right and commence the forward movement. The result was, however, that to keep up con- nection with the other corps, my line was moved a mile and a-half or two miles to the right. * * * My instructions to division commanders, and through them to brigade and regimental commanders, were to move forward and attack the enemy ; if found entrenched, to fix bayonets and carry his works , to drive him back to the creek, and then press down the creek ; that we were to carry everything in our front on our side of the creek. * * * These commanders, their officers and men, behaved entirely to my satisfaction, and I cannot but think, had the plan of the battle, as I understood it, been carried out fully, we would have achieved a great success." General Featherston in his official report writes : "The plan of the battle, as explained to me, was as follows: The attack was to begin on the extreme right of the Army. General Hood's old corps and General Hardee's were both on my right. The troops were to advance en echelon by divisions, beginning on the extreme right; the first division advancing some three hundred yards to the front before the second moved. The same order was to be observed down the entire line from right to left, extending through all three of the army corps. Each division when it reached Peach Tree creek was to oblique to the left, and sweep down the creek, and thereby make the attack upon the enemy, one upon his front and left flank at the same time. My orders were to fix bayonets and charge their works when we reached them, to stop for no obstacle, however formidable, but to make the attack a desperate one. I was informed that the same orders had been delivered by the Commander-in-Chief, General Hood, to each and every army corps. I thought the battle had been well planned, and heard it spoken of by my associates in arms in terms of commendation. The whole corps, so far as I heard an expression of their opinions, anticipated a brilliant victory. " I was struck with surprise, at the time we moved to the front, that no guns, either artillery or small arms, were heard on our right, save a feeble skirmish. I supposed from hearing no firing on our right, and knowing that many divisions had had time to reach the creek, that they had found no enemy in their front. Had the attack been vigorously made by all the troops on our right, and the plan of the battle been strictly carried out, I then believe, and still believe, the victory would have been a brilliant one, and the Federal forces on the south side of Peach Tree cseek would have been all either killed, wounded or captured. The orders seem to have been misunderstood by the troops on our right, or for some cause not fully carried out." SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 171 .Unfortunately, the corps on Stewart's right, although com- posed of the best troops in the Army, virtually accomplished nothing. In lieu of moving the half division front promptly to the right, attacking as ordered, and supporting Stewart's gallant assault, the troops of Hardee — as their losses on that day indicate — did nothing more than skirmish with the enemy. Instead of charging down upon the foe as Sherman represents Stewart's men to have done, many of the troops, when they discovered that they had come into contact with breastworks, lay down and, consequently, this attempt at pitched battle proved abortive. I was at the time unable to discover a satisfactory reason for which an united attack by two corps d'armee, at even 4 o'clock in the day, should have failed to destroy Thomas's Army, which was protected by only slight entrenchments and was situated within a pocket formed by two streams difficult of passage. I was deeply concerned and perplexed, as I sought to divine the cause of misfortune — especially of failure on the part of Hardee's Corps to attack according to explicit instructions. General Sherman writes as follows, in regard to this engage- ment :* " On the 19th the three Armies were converging towards Atlanta, meet- ing such feeble resistance that I really thought the enemy intended to evacuate the place. McPherson was moving astride of the railroad, near Decatur; Schofield along a road leading toward Atlanta, by Colonel Howard's house and the distillery ; and Thomas was crossing ' Peach Tree ' in line of battle, building bridges for nearly every division as deployed. There was quite a gap between Thomas and Schofield, ivhick I endeavored to close by drawing two of Howard' s Divisions nearer Scho- field. On the 20th I was with General Schofield near the centre, and soon after noon heard heavy firing in front of Thomas's right, which lasted an hour or so, and then ceased. I soon learned that the enemy had made a furious sally, the blow falling on Hooker's Corps (the Twentieth), and partially on Johnston's Division of the Fourteenth, and Newton's of the Fourth. The troops had crossed Peach Tree creek, ♦Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, pages 72, 73. 172 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. were deployed, but at the time were resting for noon, when, without notice, the enemy came pouring out of their trenches down upon them, they became commingled, and fought in many places hand to hand. General Thomas happened to be near the rear of Newton's Division, and got some field batteries in good position, on the north side of Peach Tree creek, from which he directed a furious fire upon a mass of the enemy, which was passing round Newton's left and exposed flank. After a couple of hours of hard and close conflict, the enemy retired slowly within his trenches, leaving his dead and many wounded on the field." CHAPTER XL SIEGE OF ATLANTA BATTLE 22D OF JULY HARDEE GENERAL FRANK BLAIr's LETTER. The failure on the 20th, rendered urgent the most active measures, in order to save Atlanta even for a short period. Through the vigilance of General Wheeler, I received infor- mation, during the night of the 20th, of the exposed position of McPherson's left flank ; it was standing out in air, near the Georgia Railroad between Decatur and Atlanta, and a large number of the enemy's wagons had been parked in and around Decatur. The roads were in good condition, and ran in the direction to enable a large body of our Army to march, under cover of darkness, around this exposed flank, and attack in rear. I determined to make all necessary preparations for a renewed assault; to attack the extreme left of the Federals in rear and flank, and endeavor to bring the entire Confederate Army into united action. Accordingly, Hardee's and Stewart's Corps resumed their former positions. Colonel Prestman, chief engineer, was instructed to examine at once the partially completed line of works toward Peach Tree creek, which General Johnston had ordered to be constructed for the defence of Atlanta, and to report, at the earliest moment, in regard to their fitness to be (173) 174 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. occupied by Stewart's and Cheatham's Corps, together with the Georgia State troops, under General G. W. Smith. The report was received early on the morning of the 2ist, to the effect that the line established by Johnston, was not only too close to the city and located upon too low ground, but was totally inadequate for the purpose designed ; that Sherman's line, which extended from the vicinity of Decatur almost to the Dalton Railroad, north of Atlanta, rendered necessary the construction of an entirely new line, and upon more elevated ground. The chief engineer was thereupon directed to prepare and stake off a new line, and to employ his entire force, in order that the troops might occupy the works soon after dark on the night of the 2ist, and have time to aid in strengthening their position before dawn of next morning. This task was soon executed through the skill and energy of Colonel Prestman and his assistants. Generals Stewart, Cheatham, and G. W. Smith, were instructed to order their division and brigade commanders to examine before dark the ground to be occupied by their respective troops, so as to avoid confusion, or delay, at the time of the movement. General Hardee, who commanded the largest corps, and whose troops were comparatively fresh, as they had taken but little part in the attack of the previous day, was ordered to hold his forces in readiness to move promptly at dark that night — the 2ist. I selected Hardee for this duty, because Cheatham had, at that time, but little experience as a corps commander, and Stewart had been heavily engaged the day previous. The position of the enemy during the 2ist remained, I may say, unchanged, with the exception that Schofield and McPherson had advanced slightly toward Atlanta. To transfer after dark our entire line from the immediate presence of the enemy to another line around Atlanta, and to throw Hardee, the same night, entirely to the rear and flank of McPherson — as Jackson was thrown, in a similar movement, SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 175 at Chancellorsville and Second Manassas — and to initiate the offensive at daylight, required no small effort upon the part of the men and officers. I hoped, however, that the assault would result not only in a general battle, but in a signal victory to our arms. It was absolutely necessary these operations should be executed that same night, since a delay of even twenty-four hours would allow the enemy time to further entrench, and afford Sherman a chance to rectify, in a measure, his strange blunder in separating Thomas so far from Schofield and McPherson. Sherman evidently perceived his error, as the following extract from his Memoirs denotes : * "There was quite a gap between Thomas and Schofield, which 1 endeavored to close by drawing two of Howard's Divisions near Scho- field." I well knew he would seek to retrieve his oversight at the earliest possible moment ; therefore, I determined to forestall his attempt, and to make another effort to defeat the Federal Army. No time was to be lost in taking advantage of this second unexpected opportunity to achieve victory and relieve Atlanta. I was convinced that McPherson and Schofield intended to destroy -not only the Georgia Railroad, but likewise our main line of communication, the railroad to Macon. It is now evi- dent the blow on the 20th checked the reckless manner of moving, which had so long been practiced by the enemy, with- out fear of molestation, during the Dalton-Atlanta campaign. The rap of warning received by Thomas, on Peach Tree creek, must have induced the Federal commander to alter his plan. He says in relation thereto : f " During the night (21st), I had full reports from all parts of our line, most of which was partially entrenched as against a sally, and finding that McPherson was stretching out too much on his left flank, I wrote him a note early in the morning not to extend so much by his left ; for * Sherman's Memoirs, vol, II, page 72. I Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 74. 176 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. we Ihad not troops enough to completely invest the place, and I intended to destroy utterly all parts of the Augusta Railroad to the east of Atlanta, then to withdraw from the left flank and add to the right." Thus was situated the Federal Army at the close of night, on the 2 1st: it was but partially entrenched ; Schofield and McPherson were still separated from Thomas, and at such dis- tance as to compel them to make a detour of about twelve miles, in order to reach the latter in time of need. The Confederate Army occupied the same position, at dark, as prior to the attack of the 20th. The new line around the city, however, had been chosen ; each corps commander fully advised of the ground assigned to him, and the special duty devolving upon him ; working parties had been detailed in advance from the corps of Stewart and Cheatham, and from the Georgia State troops; rations and ammunition had been issued, and Hardee's Corps instructed to be in readiness to move at a moment's warning. The demonstrations of the enemy upon our right, and which threatened to destroy the Macon Railroad — our main line for receiving supplies — rendered it imperative that I should check, immediately, his operations in that direction; otherwise Atlanta was doomed to fall at a very early day. Although the attack of the 20th had caused Sherman to pause and reflect, I do not think he would have desisted extending his left toward our main line of communication, had not the events occurred which I am about to narrate. As already stated, every preparation had been carefully made during the day of the 2 1st. I had summoned, moreover, to my headquarters the three corps commanders, Hardee, Stewart, and Cheatham, together with Major General Wheeler, commanding cavalry corps, and Major General G. W. Smith, commanding Georgia State troops. The following minute instructions were given in the presence of all assembled, in order that each might understand not only his own duty, but likewise that of his brother corps commanders ; by this SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 177 means I hoped each officer would know what support to expect from his neighbor, in the hour of battle. Stewart, Cheatham, and G. W. Smith, were ordered to occupy soon after dark the positions assigned them in the new hne round the city, and to entrench as thoroughly as pos- sible. General Shoupe, chief of artillery, was ordered to mass artillery on our right. General Hardee was directed to put his corps in motion soon after dusk ; to move south on the McDonough road, across Entrenchment creek at Cobb's Mills, and to completely turn the left of McPherson's Army and attack at daylight, or as soon thereafter as possible. He was furnished guides from Wheeler's cavalry, who were familiar with the various roads in that direction ; was given clear and positive orders to detach his corps, to swing away from the main body of the Army, and to march entirely around and to the rear of McPherson's left flank, even if he was forced to go to or beyond Decatur, which is only about six miles from Atlanta.* Major General Wheeler was ordered to move on Hardee's right with all the cavalry at his disposal, and to attack with Hardee at daylight. General Cheatham, who was in line of battle on the right and around the city, was instructed to take up the movement from his right as soon as Hardee succeeded in forcing back, or throwing into confusion, the Federal left, and to assist in driving the enemy down and back upon Peach Tree creek, from right to left. General G. W. Smith would, thereupon, join in the attack. General Stewart, posted on the left, was instructed not only to occupy and keep a strict watch upon Thomas, in order to prevent him from giving aid to Schofield and McPherson, butto engage the enemy the instant the movement became general, i. e., as soon as Hardee and Cheatham succeeded in driving the Federals down Peach Tree creek and near his right. Though the movement assigned General Hardee, on this occasion, was a very simple one, it is, * Hood's Official Report, Appendix p. 321. 12 178 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. as I have remarked in my reply to General Johnston, rare to find one out often brave division commanders, who is capable of swinging away from the main army and attacking in rear as Jackson did at Second Manassas and Chancellorsville. The march, however, in this instance, was so short — Decatur being only six miles from Atlanta, and our cavalry had so often passed back and forth over the roads, day and night, in bringing dispatches from Wheeler to Army headquarters, and consequently were so thoroughly familiar with the different routes, that I considered Hardee's move one merely within the lines of our cavalry; that no special quality, such as Jackson possessed, was required; that he had simply to follow the guides furnished him to Decatur, and attack as ordered. Thus orders were given to attack from right to left, and to press the Federal Army down and against the deep and muddy stream in their rear. These orders were carefully explained again and again, till each officer present gave assurance that he fully comprehended his duties. The following extract will disclose the situation and surmises of the enemy on the morn- ing of the battle:* "In the morning (22d) we found the strong line of parapet, 'Peach Tree hne,' to the front of Schofield and Thomas, abandoned, and our lines were advanced rapidly close up to Atlanta. For some moments I supposed the enemy intended to evacuate, and in person was on horse- back at the head of Schofield's troops, who had advanced in front of the Howard House to some open ground, from which we could plainly see the whole rebel line of parapets, and I saw their men dragging up from the intervening valley, by the distillery, trees and saphngs for abatis. Our skirmishers found the enemy down in this valley, and we could see the rebel main line strongly manned, with guns in position at inter- vals. Schofield was dressing forward his lines, and I could hear Thomas further to the right engaged, when General McPherson and his staff rode up. We went back to the Howard House, a double frame building with a porch, and sat on the steps, discussing the chances of battle, and of Hood's general character. McPherson had also been of the same class at West Point with Hood, Schofield, and Sheridan. We agreed that we * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, pages 74, 75. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 179 ought to be unusually cautious and prepared at all times for sallies and for hard fighting, because Hood, though not deemed much of a scholar, or of great mental capacity, was undoubtedly a brave, determined, and rash man ; and the change of commanders at that particular crisis argued the displeasure of the Confederate Government with the cautious but prudent conduct of General Joe Johnston." At dawn on the morning of the 22d Cheatham, Stewart, and G. W. Smith, had, by alternating working parties during the night previous, not only strongly fortified their respective posi- tions, but had kept their men comparatively fresh for action, and were in readiness to act as soon as the battle was initiated by Hardee who was supposed to be at that moment in rear of the adversary's flank. I took my position at daybreak near Cheatham's right, whence I could observe the left of the enemy's entrenchments which seemed to be thrown back a short distance on their extreme left. After awaiting nearly the entire morning, I heard, about ten or eleven o'clock, skirmishing going on directly opposite the left of the enemy, which was in front of Cheatham's right and Shoupe's artillery. A considerable time had elapsed when I discovered, with astonishment and bitter disappointment, a line of battle composed of one of Hardee's divisions advancing directly against the entrenched flank of the enemy. I at once perceived that Hardee had not only failed to turn McPherson's left, according to positive orders, but had thrown his men against the enemy's breastworks, thereby occasioning unnecessary loss to us, and rendering doubtful the great result desired. In lieu of completely turn- ing the Federal left and taking the entrenched line of the enemy in reverse, he attacked the retired wing of their flank, having his own left almost within gunshot of our main line around the city. I then began to fear that his disregard of the fixed rule in war that one danger in rear is more to be feared than ten in front — in other WKsrds, that one thousand men in rear are equal to ten thousand in front — would cause us much embarrassment, and place his corps at great disadvantage, not- 180 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. withstanding he had held success within easy grasp. It had rested in his power to rout McPherson's Army by simply movinof a little further to the ricrht, and attacking in rear and flank instead of assaulting an entrenched flank. I hoped, nevertheless, this blunder would be remedied, at least, in part, by the extreme right of his line lapping round, during the attack, to the rear of McPherson. I anxiously awaited tidings from the scene of action while listening attentively to what seemed a spirited engagement upon that part of the field. The following extract testifies to the uneasiness which Sherman experienced at the possibility of an attack upon his rear and flank :* " Although the sound of musketry grew in volume, I was not so much disturbed by it as by the sound of artillery back toward Decatur." This alarming sound proceeded from the guns of the gallant Wheeler, in the direction of Decatur, whence I hoped, momentarily, to hear a continuous roar of musketry, accom- panied by the genuine Confederate shout frorA Hardee's entire Corps, as it advanced and drove the enemy down Peach Tree creek between our general line of battle and that formidable stream. Although the troops of Hardee fought, seemingly, with determination and spirit, there were indications that the desired end was not being accomplished. The roar of mus- ketry occurring only at intervals strengthened this impression, and a staff officer was dispatched to General Hardee to know the actual result. During the early afternoon I received information that the attack had been, in part, successful, but had been checked in consequence of our troops coming in contact with different lines of entrenchments, several of which they had carried and held. Fearing a concentration of the enemy upon Hardee, I commanded General Cheatham, about 3 p. m., to move for- ward with his corps, and attack the position in his front, so as * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 76. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 181 to, at least, create a division. The order was promptly and well executed, and our troops succeeded in taking possession of the enemy's defences in that part of the field. A heavy enfilade fire, however, forced Cheatham to abandon the works he had captured. Major General G. W. Smith, perceiving that Cheatham had moved out on his left, and having thoroughly comprehended all the orders relative to the battle, moved gallantly forward with his State troops in support of Cheatham's attack, but was eventually forced to retire on account of superiority of numbers in his front. The militia, under his leadership, acted with distinction on this occasion, and Georgia has reason to con- gratulate herself that her troops were under the command of a soldier of the ability and skill of General G. W. Smith. Hardee bore off as trophies eight guns and thirteen stands of colors, and, having rectified his line, remained in the pres- ence of the enemy. Cheatham captured five guns and five or six stands of colors. Notwithstanding the non-fulfilment of the brilliant result anticipated, the partial success of that day was productive of much benefit to the Army. It greatly improved the morale of the troops, infused new life and fresh hopes, arrested deser- tions, which had hitherto been numerous, defeated the move- ment of McPherson and Schofield upon our communications, in that direction, and demonstrated to the foe our determina- tion to abandon no more territory without, at least, a manful effort to retain it. I cannot refrain from mentioning the noble and gallant old hero, Major General W. H. S. Walker, who fell at the head of his division whilst bravely leading it into battle on the 22d of July. He was an officer of the old Army, had served with great distinction in the Mexican war, and was generally beloved by officers and men. On the night of the 2 1 st, shortly before joining in Hardee's line of march with his troops, he rode by my headquarters, called me aside, and, with charac- teristic frankness, expressed his appreciation of the grave 182 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. responsibilities attached to the position in which I had been placed ; assured me that he full well understood the condition of the Army, after our protracted retreat from Dalton, and wished me to know, before he entered into battle, that he was with me in heart and purpose, and intended to abide by me through all emergencies. During the early afternoon of the ensuing day, I received the painful intelligence of his death ; and I am certain that those officers and men who came within tlie sphere of his genial presence, will unite in the verdict that no truer or braver man ever fell upon the field of battle. In connection with this sad event, I will record also the death of my classmate and friend in boyhood. General McPherson, which occurred the same day, and the announce- ment of which caused me sincere sorrow. Although in the same class, I was several years his junior, and, unlike him, was more wedded to boyish sports than to books. Often, when we were cadets, have I left barracks at night to partici- pate in some merry-making, and early the following morning have had recourse to him to help me over the difficult portions of my studies for the day. Since we had graduated in June, 1853, and had each been ordered off on duty in different directions, it had not been our fortune to meet. Neither the lapse of years, nor the difference of sentiment which led us to range ourselves on opposite sides in the late war, had lessened my friendship; indeed the attachment, formed in early youth, was strengthened by my admiration and gratitude for his conduct toward our people in the vicinity of Vicksburg. His considerate and kind treatment of them stood in bright contrast to the course pursued by many Federal officers ; and his acts were ever characterized by those gentlemanly qualities which distinguished him as a boy. No soldier fell in the enemy's ranks, whose loss caused me equal regret. It became apparent almost immediately after the battle of the 22d that Sherman would make an attack upon our left, in order to destroy the Macon Railroad ; and, from that moment, I may say, began the siege of Atlanta. The battles of the ( SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 183 20th and 22d checked the enemy's reckless manner of moving, and illustrated effectually to Sherman the danger of stretching out his line in such a manner as to form extensive gaps between his Corps, or Armies, as he admits he did at Rocky- face Ridge and New Hope Church, and, as I have no doubt, lie did many times with impunity, when driving us before him through the mountain fastnesses of Georgia, My failure on the 20th, and 22d, to bring about a general pitched battle arose from the unfortunate policy pursued from Dalton to Atlanta, and which had wrought such demoraliza- tion amid rank and file as to render the men unreliable in battle. I cannot give a more forcible, though homely, exemplification of the morale of the troops, at that period, than by comparing the Army to a team which has been allowed to balk at every hill : one portion will make strenuous efforts to advance, whilst the other will refuse to move and thus paralyze the exertions of the first. Moreover, it will work faultlessly one day, and stall the next. No reliance can be placed upon it at any stated time. Thus it was with the Army when ordered into a general engagement ; one corps struggled nobly, whilst the neighboring corps frustrated its efforts by simple inactivity ; and whilst the entire Army might fight desperately one day, it would fail in action the following day. Stewart's gallant attack on .the 20th was neutralized by Hardee's inertness on the right ; and the failure in the battle of the 22d is to be attributed also to the effect of the "timid defensive" policy upon this officer, who, although a brave and gallant soldier, neglected to obey orders, and swing away, totally independent of the main body of the Army. General Sherman acknowledges the correctness of my posi- tion in regard to constant retreat and use of breastworks. He remarks, in reference to the battle of Shiloh : * "We did not fortify our camps against an attack, because we had no orders to do so, and because such a course would have made our raw men timid." * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 229. 184 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. When at Kennesaw Mountain, he ordered General Howard to use freely his artillery, saying : * " I explained to him that we must keep up the morale of a bold offen- sive, that he must use his artillery, force the enemy to remain on the timid defensive." Again, whilst still at Kennesaw, he says : f "On the 19th June the rebel Army again fell back on its flanks, to such extent that for a time I supposed it had retreated to the Chattahoo- chee river. * * * These successive contractions of the enemy's line encouraged us and discouraged him." Sherman possessed sufficient judgment and soldiership to discern that the causes which improved his Army, impaired that of his antagonist; and his ground regarding the bold offensive policy in opposition to the "timid defensive," together with his acknowledgment of the effect of breastworks upon raw troops, clearly proves that he did not favor the handling of troops according to the Joe Johnston school. Lieutenant General S. D. Lee, who served a long period under General Lee, in Virginia, and who was assigned to the command of a corps around Atlanta shortly after I assumed the direction of the Army, remarks in his official report of the offensive operations commencing at Palmetto, Georgia, Sep- tember 29th, 1864, with reference to the morale of the troops during the operations around Atlanta : " It was my observation and behef that the majority of the officers and men were so impressed with the idea of their inability to carry even temporary breastworks that, when orders were given to attack and there was a probability of encountering works, they regarded it as reckless in the extreme. Being impressed with these convictions, they did not gen- erally move to the attack with that spirit which nearly always ensures success. Whenever the enemy changed his position, temporary works could be improvised in less than two hours, and he could never be caught without them. * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 53. f Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 56, italicised by the author. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 185 " In making these observations, it is due to many gallant officers and commands to state that there were noticeable exceptions ; but the feeling was so general that anything like a general attack was paralyzed by it. The Army having constantly yielded to the flank movements of the enemy, which he could make with but little difficulty, by reason of his vastly superior numbers, and having failed in the offensive movements prior to the fall of Atlanta, its efficiency for further retarding the progress of the enemy was much impaired ; and, besides, the advantages in the topography of the country, south of Atlanta, were much more favorable to the enemy for the movements of his superior numbers than the rough and mountainous country already yielded to him." Lieutenant General Lee's large experience in Virginia quali- fied him to form a correct opinion upon this subject; it should also be borne in mind that he assumed command of his Corps around Atlanta, on the 25th of July, immediately after the battles of the 20th and 22d, which had already, in a degree, improved the morale of the Army, and which had the subse- quent effect of arresting desertions almost entirely throughout the siege. Notwithstanding my endeavors to explain satisfactorily to myself my inability to procure co-operative action upon the 20th, and 2 2d, I remained somewhat perplexed upon the sub- ject — especially in regard to the failure, on the 20th, of the best troops of the Army, Hardee's Corps. Shortly after the beginning of the siege. Major General Cleburne, commanding a division in that corps, called at my headquarters. The occurrences of the hour were discussed, and, finally, the two late battles in which he had been a participant. Much was said pro and con, relative to the condition of the Army and the causes of failure in the above referred to engagements. I then unfolded to him the plans of action, together with the peremptory orders to halt at nothing on our side of Peach Tree creek. Cleburne seemed surprised, and thereupon informed me that as his Division was about to move forward to the attack, on the 20th, General Hardee rode along the line, and, in the presence ]86 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. of those around him, cautioned him to be on the lookout for breastworks. I can recall no reply on my part at the time, save, perhaps, some expression of astonishment. I could say nothing, even to so worthy a subordinate. He left me to infer, however, from subsequent remarks, that his Division would have taken quite a different action on the 20th, had it not been for the forewarning of his corps commander. I give the above narrative of facts with a full knowledge of my accountableness to the same Ruler before whom those two gallant soldiers have been summoned; and, as I avowed at the beginning of my task, would not have undertaken to write of these unpleasant subjects, were it not for the seeming per- petuation of injustice and misrepresentation in the guise of truth and histoiy. It is but reasonable to deduce from this unfortunate obser- vation to Cleburne that General Hardee gave a similar warning to other officers. At all events, those who are able to realize the baneful effect of such a remark from the commander of a corps d'armee, upon the eve of conflict, know that his words were almost equivalent to an order to take no active part in the battle. From the hour one of the main sources of our trouble was thus accidentally made known to me, I recognized that my power, upon any occasion, to deal quick and heavy blows to the enemy, would be greatly hampered, unless I could procure the relief of this officer and the appointment of one better qualified for the actual emergencies. Whilst General Hardee had, perhaps, no superior as a corps commander during retreat in presence of an enemy, or in defensive operations, he was wanting in that boldness requisite for offensive warfare. This his defect, which may be found in officers of undoubted courage and of every rank, was aggravated by the protracted " timid defensive " policy under my predecessor, and to this misfortune I attributed his non-observance of orders. Long and gallant service had, however, endeared him to his troops, and, because SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 187 of further demoralization which I feared might ensue in the event of his removal, I decided to retain him in command. Moreover, President Davis held in high appreciation his ability as a corps commander. Lee, Stewart, and G. W. Smith were very open in the expression of their opinion, in regard to his conduct which they imported to a less charitable notice than I was willing to concede. Their opinion of the consequences of his non-fulfilment of orders is recorded in the following extract from the official report of Major General G. W. Smith: " If they (the corps commanders) are not unanimous, there is but one, if any, who dissents from the opinion expressed above, viz : Sherman would have been beaten had your orders been obeyed on the 2oth of July, 22d of July, and 31st of August."* About the Autumn of 1874, I met in St. Louis General Frank Blair, with whom I conversed at length upon military events of the past; and, reverting to the battle of the 22d, I informed him that my instructions to Hardee had been to completely turn McPherson's left, even if he was forced to march to Decatur. He at once remarked that if the move had been accomplished, it would have resulted in the rout of that portion of Sherman's Army; even under the circum- stances, the attack nigh proved fatal to the Federal arms. The following extract from a letter of General Blair to Major J. E. Austin, of New Orleans, who served with great distinc- tion in the Tennessee Army from the beginning to the close of the war, will be read with interest, as the writer commanded a corps in McPherson's Army, during the battle of the 22d of July. This letter was in response to one from Major Austin in relation to different events connected with the Georgia cam- paign, and touching the two battles under discussion : " Clifton Springs, Fcbrttary, iS'j^. * * * "Of the affair at Peach Tree creek I know very little, and that only from the report of the officers engaged in it. Our troops there were under the command of General Thomas, who had about fifty thou- * See Report in Appendix, page 354. 188 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. sand (50,000) men. Our losses were very severe, and the fighting was very heavy. " On the 22d of July, my Corps held the extreme left of our Army. We were well entrenched along the McDonough road, running about north and south. "The reports which we got from the front, early in the morning, indi- cated some movement of the enemy, and General McPherson, under whom I served, with several other officers and myself rode out to the front to observe what was going on, and, if possible, to make up our minds as to the nature of the movement which was being made. We approached the city near enough to see plainly that a large body of troops were moving out of the city towards the south, and great numbers of the citizens, including some of the ladies, were on the tops of the houses as if they were expecting some movement to take place which they were desirous of seeing ; yet the Confederate entrenchments, imme- diately in front of us were full of men, who, however, did not fire upon us although we were very near them, and in plain view, McPherson said that he believed that the enemy were abandoning the city and were in full retreat, and that the citizens were on the tops of the houses expect- ing to see our Army enter the city. As we rode back to our lines. General McPherson repeatedly expressed his opinion that the Confederates were retreating, and would abandon the city to us. I rode with him to his headquarters, and, after I had been there some half hour, we heard skirmishing in our rear, immediately in the direction of Decatur. General McPherson ordered me to send back to the rear two regiments to protect our hospitals. I executed this order, and, as these regiments were moving to the rear, one division of the Sixteenth Corps, which had been ordered by General McPherson to take position on my extreme left, made its appearance in rear of my position, on a road known as the Clay road, and at right angles with the McDonough road, along which my Corps was entrenched. "Just as this division halted, about five hundred yards in rear of my line, heavy skirmishing commenced on the extreme left of my line. I hastened toward the front of the line, and as 1 reached a skirt of timber which intervened between me and the line, I saw General McPherson, accompanied by one orderly, enter this piece of timber in front of me. In a few minutes I heard a heavy discharge of musketry, and McPher- son's horse came out of the timber riderless. " The division of the Sixteenth Corps, to which I have alluded, in a very few moments became heavily engaged, and I became aware of the fact that my whole position had been turned, and that the enemy were pressing with full force upon the rear and flank of my position. General McPher- son had been killed in attempting to reach my line, on a road over SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 189 which we had ridden away from that hne a short time before, in the full belief that the enemy were in retreat. " I was only able to reach the line by making a detour to the right, and reached it at a point where it joined the Fifteenth Corps, to find the whole of my line fighting from the reverse of my entrenchments. " The Confederates were very much scattered, and, I dare say, fatigued by their long and swift march, and did not make a very vigorous attack. The diversion created by the division of the Sixteenth Corps was also a very great assistance to us. We had hardly got rid of the attack in our rear before we were assailed from the direction of Atlanta, but this attack was easily repulsed in my front, although it was more successful on the front of the Fifteenth Corps which was broken, and driven from its entrenchments by a large body of Confederates who had collected in the rear of a large fine house, which had been allowed to stand, a short distance in front of our line. It stood on the main road from Decatur to Atlanta, and for some reason, had not been destroyed as it should have been. A large body of men had collected in the rear of this house, and, when this attack was made, they precipitated themselves on the line of the Fifteenth Corps, driving them from their entrenchments. " When I saw that the Fifteenth Corps had been driven from their entrenchments, knowing that the position of my Corps had been com- pletely turned, I was convinced that I should not be able to maintain my position ; but the Fifteenth Corps rallied gallantly, and recovered their lost ground. " Although the attack upon us was renewed again and again, both from the front and rear, we were still able to maintain our position. Late in the day, I drew out my forces from the line which they had occupied, and took up a new position, extending from the hill where my right had formerly rested, and extending toward the position in which I have described the Sixteenth Corps to have occupied in my rear. This new position prevented the enemy from taking me in the rear. "We had barely time to throw up a very tight rifle pit, before the enemy attacked us with great vigor in our new position, and, when night closed in upon us, the fighting still continued; and the lines were so close that it was impossible for a person looking on to tell one line from the other, except for the direction of the fire from the muzzles of their guns. " On the next morning at lo o'clock, we had a truce for burying the dead. As we had given up the greater part of the ground over which the battle had been fought the day before, most of our dead were within their lines. We had suffered very severely : we had lost many valuable officers, including General McPherson, but, as we had fought from behind entrenchments all the time, the Confederate loss had necessarily 190 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. been much greater than ours ; and as the dead were separated into dif- ferent piles by the working parties who were sent out from each Army, the difference was very striking and must have been observed by every one. " The movement of General Hood was a very bold and a very bril- liant one, and was very near being successful. " The position taken up accidentally by the Sixteenth Corps prevented the full force of the blow from falling where it was intended to fall. If my command had been driven from its position at the time that the Fifteenth Corps was forced back from its entrenchments, there must have been a general rout of all the troops of the Army of the Tennessee, com- manded by General McPherson, and, possibly, the panic might have been communicated to the balance of the Army. This, however, is not likely, as Thomas's command and Schofield's together, made a much larger force than the whole Army of Hood, and they were not easily put into panic. As it was, we congratulated ourselves on being able to hold our position, and we felt satisfied that Hood's Army could not stand much longer the terrible losses it was suffering from these brilliant but disastrous movements. The opinion in our Army was that the result would have been the same if Joe Johnston had continued in command, but that the denouement was hastened and expedited by the change of tactics adopted by General Hood. This I think, and indeed am sure, was General Sherman's opinion before and after Hood's tactics were put in practice. " I remember to have got a newspaper from a farm house, in which the change of commanders was announced. I got it on the very morning it was printed, and sent it immediately to General Sherman by one of my couriers. He wrote me back that it was very good news, but to look out for an attack ; that Hood would make it very lively for us, and that it was necessary to be exceedingly cautious. " I don't know of anything that I have in my power to say now, which will throw any light on the subject of your inquiry, but, in reply to your second question, I would say that I do not believe our Army ever under- took, or attempted, any flanking or turning operations without using entrenchments ; at least I have no recollection of their ever doing so. " In conclusion, I cannot help expressing regret that any misunder- standing should have occurred between two such gallant officers as General Hood and General Johnston,- and their friends. Both of them were most meritorious officers and commanded the respect and admira- tion of their enemies. The great fault of both was that they did not have men enough to contend with Sherman's Army. It was natural enough that after the failure of General Johnston to check our advance, other tactics should be employed ; and no man could have been found SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 191 who could have executed this policy with greater skill, ability and vigor than General Hood. " With many thanks for your kind expressions towards me personally, " I remain, your friend, " FRANK P. BLAIR. " To Colonel J. E. Austin, New Orleans.''' General Blair was mistaken in pronouncing the attack dis- astrojis, since, as I have stated, it greatly improved the Diorale of the Army, and arrested desertion. In connection with the battle of the 20th, it also enabled us to hold possession of Atlanta a prolonged period. He erred likewise in attributing the lack of spirit in Hardee's troops to fatigue from the march of the night previous. Decatur is but six miles from Atlanta, and the detour required to be made was but slight. Beside, those troops had been allowed almost absolute rest the entire day of the 2 1st. Stonewall Jackson made a hard march, in order to turn Pope at Second Manassas, and again to come up in time at Antietam, or Sharpsburg ; as also at Chancellorsville, in order to fall upon Hooker's flank and rear. Longstreet likewise made hard marches, prior to the battles of Second Manassas and Gettysburg. The men were often required, under Lee, to perform this kind of service an entire day and night, with only a halt of two hours for sleep, in addition to the ordinary rests allowed on a march ; and were then expected to fight two or three consecutive days. Indeed, in movements of this char- acter, it is rare that a decided advantage is gained over an enemy, without the endurance of great fatigue and privation on the part of the troops. Neither Johnston's nor Sherman's Armies ever experienced the weariness and hardship to which Lee and Jackson frequently subjected their troops — the fruits of which, brought to perfection by their transcendent genius, won for them a fulness of glory and renown, shared by no other soldier of the war. 192 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. I am as thoroughly convinced at present as at the hour these events transpired, that had these same forces, at my dis- posal in these battles, been previously handled according to the Lee and Jackson school, they would have routed the Federal Army, and, in all probability have so profited by Sher- man's blunders as to have altered signally the issue of these operations. CHAPTER XII. SIEGE OF ATLANTA ENGAGEMENT OF THE 28tH OF JULY^ WHEELER, IVERSON AND JACKSON BATTLE OF JONESBORO' — EVACUATION OF ATLANTA. In accordance with the valuable diary of Brigadier General Shoupe, I find naught to record after the battle of the 22d beyond the usual shelling by the enemy, till the 26th of July when the Federals were reported to be moving to our left. This movement continued during the 27th, when I received the additional information that their cavalry was turning our right, in the direction of Flat-rock, with the intention, as I sup- posed, of interrupting our main line of communication, the Macon Railroad. We had lost the road to Augusta previous to the departure of General Johnston on the i8th, and, by the 22d, thirty miles or more thereof had been utterly destroyed. The Federal commander continued to move by his right flank to our left, his evident intention being to destroy the only line by which we were still able to receive supplies. The railroad to West Point, because of its proximity to the Chatta- hoochee river, was within easy reach of the enemy whenever he moved far enough to the right to place his left flank upon the river. Therefore, after the destruction of the Augusta road, the holding of Atlanta — unless some favorable opportu- 13 (193) 194 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. nity offered itself to defeat the Federals in battle — depended upon our ability to hold intact the road to Macon. Sherman thus refers to the importance of this line:* " I always expected to have a desperate fight to get possession of the Macon road, which was then the vital objective of the campaign." General Wheeler started on the 27th of July in pursuit of the Federal cavalry which had moved around our right ; and General Jackson, with the brigades of Harrison and Ross, was ordered, the following day, to push vigorously another body of the enemy's cavalry which was reported to have crossed the river, at Campbellton, and to be moving, via Fairburn, in the direction of the Macon road. On the 28th it was apparent that Sherman was also moving in the same direction with his main body. Lieutenant General Lee was instructed to move out with his Corps upon the Lick-Skillet road, and to take the position most advantageous to prevent or delay the extension of the enemy's right flank. This officer promptly obeyed orders, and came, unexpectedly, in the afternoon, in contact with the Federals in the vicinity of Ezra Church, where a spirited engagement ensued. The enemy was already in pos- session of a portion of the ground Lee desired to occupy, and the struggle grew to such dimensions that I sent Lieutenant General Stewart to his support. The contest lasted till near sunset without any material advantage having been gained by either opponent. Our troops failed to dislodge the enemy from their position, and the Federals likewise to capture the position occupied by the Confederates. Although the actual loss was small in proportion to the numbers engaged, Generals Stewart, Brown, Loring, and Johnson, were slightly wounded. I desired of Lieutenant General Lee an opinion as to the manner in which our troops had conducted themselves upon the field. In answer to my request, he replied that he could not succeed in bringing about united action; whilst one * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 99. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 195 brigade fought gallantly, another failed to do its duty. I learned afterwards that such indeed was the case, notwith- standing he had led one or more to the attack, and had even offered to lead others. Although this affair occurred subse- quent to the improvement of the morale of the Army and the check to desertions, which had resulted from the battles of the 2ist and 22d, the lack of spirit manifested in this instance will convey a just idea of the state of the Army at this period. In reference to the non-capture of the position held by the enemy, he says in his official report: " I am convinced that if all the troops had displayed equal spirit, we would have been successful, as the enemy's works were slight, and, besides, they had scarcely gotten into position when we made the attack." Whilst these operations were in progress, Wheeler and Jackson were in hot pursuit of the Federal cavalry — General Lewis's infantry brigade having been sent to Jonesboro', the point about which I supposed the raiders would strike our communications. At an early hour on the 29th, dispatches were received from various points upon the Macon road to the effect that General Wheeler had successfully checked the enemy at Latimer's, and was quietly awaiting developments. On our left, the Federals succeeded in eluding our cavalry, for a time, by skirmishing with our main body, whilst their main force moved round to the rear, and cut the telegraph lines at Fair- burn and Palmetto. General Jackson, however, soon discov- ered the ruse, and marched rapidly toward Fayetteville and Jonesboro', the direction in which the Federals had moved. The enemy succeeded in destroying a wagon train at the former place; in capturing one or two quarter masters who afterwards made their escape, and in striking the Macon road about four miles below Jonesboro', when the work of destruc- tion was began in earnest. General Lewis, within three hours after receiving the order, 196 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. had placed his men on the cars and was in Jonesboro' with his brigade, ready for action. Meantime Jackson was coming up with his cavalry, when the Federals became alarmed, and abandoned their work ; but not without having destroyed about a mile and a-half of the road, which was promptly repaired. While Jackson followed in pursuit, and Lewis returned to Atlanta, Wheeler moved across from Latimer's, with a portion of his command, in rear of this body of the enemy — leaving General Iverson to pursue General Stoneman who, after some- what further damaging the Augusta road, and burning the bridges across Walnut creek and the Oconee river, had moved against Macon. These operations had been ordered by General Sherman upon a grand scale ; picked men and horses had been placed under the command of Generals McCook and Stoneman, with the purpose to destroy our sole line of communication, and to release, at Andersonville, thirty-four thousand (34,000) Federal prisoners to ravage and pillage the country. These raiders, under McCook, came in contact with Greneral Roddy's cavalry at Newnan, and were there held in check till Wheeler's and Jackson's troops came up; whereupon the combined forces, directed by General Wheeler, attacked the enemy with vigor and determination, and finally routed them. Whilst these operations were progressing in the vicinity of Newnan, General Cobb was gallantly repelling the assault of Stoneman at Macon, when Iverson came up, and engaged the enemy with equal spirit and success. The following dispatches were received from Generals Wheeler and Iverson. Wheeler says : "We have just completed the killing, capturing, and breaking up of the entire raiding party under General McCook — some nine hundred and fifty (950) prisoners — two pieces of artillery, and twelve hundred horses and equipments captured." Iverson, the same date : "General Stoneman, after having his force routed yesterday, surren SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 197 dered with five hundred (500) men ; the rest of his command are scat- tered and flying toward Eatonton. Many have been already killed and captured." General Shoupe, in recording these two telegrams in his diary, states that Iverson also captured two pieces of artil- lery, and remarks that "the ist day of August deserves to be marked with a white stone." He, doubtless in common with every Southerner, experienced deep concern in regard to the Federal prisoners at Andersonville, as it was reported that Sherman had arms in readiness for their use. Fearful indeed would have been the consequences, had they been turned loose upon the country in its unprotected condition. Had the authorities at Richmond believed that General Johnston would have abandoned the strongholds of the moun- tains, they would assuredly have removed these prisoners before the Federals crossed the Chattahoochee. General Sherman, in reference to his plan of operations at this time, writes : * " My plan of action was to move the Army of the Tennessee to the right rapidly and boldly against the railroad below Atlanta, and at the same time to send all the cavalry round by the right and left to make a lodgment on the Macon road about Jonesboro'." The flanks of the Federal Army were at this juncture so well protected by the Chattahoochee and the deep ravines which run down into the river, that my antagonist was enabled to throw his entire force of cavalry against the Macon road ; and but for the superiority of the Confederate cavalry, he might have succeeded to such extent as to cause us great annoyance, and subject our troops to short rations for a time. After the utter failure of this experiment. General Sherman perceived that his mounted force, about twelve thousand in number, in concert with a corps of infantry as support, could not so effectually destroy our main line of communication as * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 87. 198 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. to compel us to evacuate Atlanta, as the subjoined extract will indicate : * " I now became satisfied that cavalry could not, or would not, make a sufficient lodgment on the railroad below Atlanta, and that nothing would suffice but for us to reach it with the main Army." Wheeler and Iverson having thus thoroughly crippled the Federal cavalry, I determined to detach all the troops of that arm I could possibly spare, and expedite them, under the command of Wheeler, against Sherman's railroad to Nashville ; at the same time, to request of the proper authorities that General Maury, commanding at Mobile, be instructed to strike with small bodies the line at different points, in the vicinity of the Tennessee river, and also that General Forrest be ordered with the whole of his available force into Tennessee for the same object. I intended General Wheeler should operate, in the first instance, south of Chattanooga. I was hopeful that this combined movement would compel Sherman to retreat for want of supplies, and thus allow me an opportunity to fall upon his rear with our main body. I expressed this hope in a dispatch of August 2d, to President Davis. In reply thereto, and I presume also to a letter indited the ensuing day, but of which I possess no copy, he sent the following telegram : "Richmond, August ^th, 1864. " General J. B. Hood. "Yours of August 3d received. I concur in your plan, and hope your cavalry will be able to destroy the railroad bridges and depots of the enemy on the line to Bridgeport, so as to compel the enemy to attack you in position or to retreat. The loss consequent upon attacking him in his entrenchments requires you to avoid that if practicable. The enemy have now reached a country where supplies can be gathered by foraging expeditions, and a part of your cavalry will be required to pre- vent that. If he can be forced to retreat for want of supplies, he will be in the worst condition to escape or resist your pursuing Army. General Hardee's minute knowledge of the country and his extensive acquaint- * Sherman'.s Memoirs,, vol. II, page 98. SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 199 ance with the officers and men of the command, must render his large professional knowledge and experience peculiarly valuable in such a campaign as I hope is before you. "JEFFERSON DAVIS." The foregoing dispatch is the only communication offering a suggestion, which I remember to have received during the siege of Atlanta from the President ; it therefore stands out in bold contradiction to the general assertion that I was ordered by him to assume the offensive, or to make certain campaigns. The President did not, at any time, order what I should or should not do ; and although I had solicited counsel, he gave none, save the above caution in regard to breastworks, and, at a later period, his expressed disapproval of the contemplated campaign into Tennessee. In accordance with my determination to attempt, with cavalry, the destruction of Sherman's road, I ordered General Wheeler with four thousand five hundred (4500) men to begin operations at once. He succeeded in burning the bridge over the Etowah ; recaptured Dalton and Resaca ; destroyed about thirty-five miles of railroad in the vicinity, and captured about three hundred mules and one thousand horses ; he destroyed, in addition, about fifty miles of railroad in Ten- nessee. General Forrest, with his usual energy, struck shortly after- wards the Federal line of supplies in this State, and, as will hereafter be shown, inflicted great damage upon the enemy. Of his exploits on this expedition I have no official report, as he was not directly under my command. Forrest and Wheeler accomplished all but the impossible with their restricted number of cavalry, and the former, finally, was driven out of Tennessee by superior forces. General Sherman, in relation to this movement, says : * " The rebel General Wheeler was still in Middle Tennessee, threaten- ing our railroads, and rumors came that Forrest was on his way from * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 130. 200 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Mississippi to the same theatre, for the avowed purpose of breaking up our railroads and compeUing us to fall back from our conquest. To prepare for this, or any other emergency, I ordered Newton's Division of the Fourth Corps back to Chattanooga, and Corse's Division of the Seventeenth Corps to Rome, and instructed General Rosseau at Nash- ville, Granger at Decatur, and Stedman at Chattanooga, to adopt the most active measures to protect and insure the safety of our roads." So vast were the facilities of the Federal commander to reinforce his line of skirmishers, extending from Nashville to Atlanta, that we could not bring together a sufficient force of cavalry to accomplish the desired object. I thereupon became convinced, and expressed the opinion in my official report, that no sufficiently effective number of cavalry could be assembled in the Confederacy to interrupt the enemy's line of supplies to an extent to compel him to retreat. From the 5th to the 19th of August no event of special importance occurred. I find naught recorded save the con- stant demonstrations of the enemy in front, whilst completing his movement to our left. A heavy demonstration was made on the 6th against Bates's Division which was twice assaulted; twice the foe were driven back in great confusion with a loss of two stands of colors, eight hundred killed and wounded, some small arms and entrenching tools. On the 7th General Cleburne's Division was transferred to our extreme left, and the 9th was made memorable by the most furious cannonade which the city sustained during the siege. Women and children fled into cellars, and were there forced to seek shelter a greater length of time than at any period of the bombardment. The 19th, nigh two weeks after Wheeler's departure with about one-half of our cavalry force. General Sherman took advantageof the absence of these troops, and again attempted a lodgment on the Macon road with cavalry. At 3.30 a. m.. General Kilpatrick was reported to be moving, via Fairburn, in the direction of Jonesboro'. General Jackson quickly divined his object, moved rapidly in pursuit, overtook him at SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 201 an early hour, attacked and forced him to retreat after sustain- ing considerable loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. The Federals had previously succeeded, however, in destroying a mile and a-half of the Macon road ; had cut the wires, and burned the depot at Jonesboro'. General Sherman, touching this his second strenuous effort to render the evacuation of Atlanta a matter of compulsion by throwing cavalry to our rear, says : * "He (Kilpatrick) reported that he had destroyed three miles of the railroad about Jonesboro', which he reckoned would take ten days to repair ; that he had encountered a division of infantry and a brigade of cavalry (Ross's) ; that he had captured a battery and destroyed three of its guns, bringing one in as a trophy, and he also brought in three battle- flags and seventy prisoners. On the 23d, however, we saw trains coming into Atlanta from the South, when I became more than ever convinced that cavalry could not or would not work hard enough to disable a railroad properly, and therefore resolved at once to proceed to the execution of my original plan." Our cavalry also drove a brigade of the enemy from the Augusta road on the 22d, which affair, together with the happy results obtained in the engagement with Kilpatrick, demonstrated conclusively that the absence of one-half of our mounted force notwithstanding, we had still a sufficient number, with Jackson, to protect not only the flanks of the Army, but likewise our communications against similar raids, and, moreover, to defend our people against pillaging expedi- tions. At this period, I was charged by the Johnston-Wig- fall party, through the press, with having committed a serious blunder by sending off the cavalry, and with having exposed our people to robbery and maltreatment by raiders through the country. The severe handling by Wheeler and Iverson of the troops under Stoneman and McCook, together with Jackson's success, induced me not to recall Wheeler's four thousand five hundred (4500) men who were r.till operating against the railroad to * Sherman's Memoirs, vol, II, page 104. 202 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Nashville. I had, moreover, become convinced that our cavalry was able to successfully compete with double their number. Fortunately, they had not become demoralized upon the retreat, in consequence of their habit of dismounting and fighting at one point to-day, then remounting and hastening in another direction to encounter the enemy on the morrow. As before stated, our cavalry were not cavalrymen proper^ but were mounted riflemen, trained to dismount and hold in check or delay the advance of the main body of the enemy, and who had learned by experience that they could without much difficulty defeat the Federal cavalry. This teaching, combined with the fact that small bodies can fall back in front of large armies without material discouragement to the men, warded off the baneful influences which worked upon the infantry, and accounts for the non-demoralization of the cavalry. In this connection, it becomes my duty, as well as pleasure, to make acknowledgments of the valuable services of the cavalry of the Army of Tennessee, during my opera- tions in Georgia, and North Alabama. I have not forgotten the outcry against Wheeler's cavalry just prior to and after the close of the war ; it was brought about in great measure, doubtless, by renegades from our Armies, who committed outrages which were charged by the people to the account of the cavalry. I am confident that when the history of our struggle is written, Major General Wheeler and his command will occupy a high position, as the Confederacy possessed, in my opinion, no body of cavalry superior to that which I found guarding the flanks of the Army of Tennessee at the time I assumed its direction. The bombardment of the city continued till the 25 th of August; it was painful, yet strange, to mark how expert grew the old men, women and children, in building their little underground forts, in which to fly for safety during the storm of shell and shot. Often 'mid the darkness of night were they constrained to seek refuge in these dungeons beneath the SIEGE OF ATLANTA. 203 earth ; albeit, I cannot recall one word from their lips, expres- sive of dissatisfaction or willingness to surrender. Sherman had now been over one month continuously moving toward our left and thoroughly fortifying, step by step, as he advanced in the direction of the Macon Railroad. On the ni6i Hood's Polk's Army Mississippi 1.054 468 3.480 3.948 " Consolidation of the above three Reports is as follows . Killed. Wounded. Total. Dalton to Etowah river 444 309 468 2,828 1. 92 1 3,480 3.272 2,230 3.948 New Hope Church Around Alarietta 1,221 8,229 9.450 campaign to the Alabama line. It should, in addition, be observed that Wheeler's cavalry, ten thousand five hundred and forty-three (10,543) in number, as borne upon Colonel Mason's return, on the 20th September, was left in Georgia when we crossed the Tennessee, and was replaced by Forrest's cavalry, numbering altogether two thousand three hundred and six (2306) effectives. This large detachment will account for the reduction in the strength of our Army, at Palmetto and Florence, as will be seen later in my narrative of the campaign to the Alabama line, and thereafter into Tennessee. COMPARISON OF LOSSES. 221 " Consolidated summary of casualties of the Arjny of Tennessee {Army of Mississippi being merged into it) in the series of engagements around Ailafita, Georgia, commencing July 4th, and ending July jist, 1S64 : Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 523 351 436 29 2 2.774 2,408 2,141 156 21 3.297 2.759 2,577 185 23 Lee's Stewart's Wheeler's Cavalry Engineers 1. 341 7,500 8,841 " Consolidated summary of casualties in Army of Totncssee in engage- ments around Atlanta and Jonesboro' , from A-ngust ist to September 1st, 1864 : COKPS. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 141 248 93 482 1,018 1,631 574 3.223 J. 159 1,879 667 Lee's Stewart's 3.705 " Co7isolidation of which two Reports is as follows . Around Atlanta, July 4th to July 31st, 1864... Atlanta and Jonesboro', Aug. ist to Sept. 1st, 1864 Killed. 1,341 482 1,823 Wounded. I Total. 7,500 3.223 10,723 8.841 3.705 12,546 " I certify that the above reports are from the returns made to my office, and are in my opinion correct. "(Signed) A. J. FOARD." " Medical Director, late Army of Tennessee." " Note. — The Atlanta-Dalton campaign began on May 7th, and ended on the ist of September, 1864, and the above reports are exact copies of those made to the Commanding General during its progress, and in the order in which they here appear. 222 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. " General Johnston commanded from the commencement of the cam- paign until the i8th of July, when he was relieved from duty, and Gene- ral Hood assigned to the command of the Army. Hence the casualties of battle which occurred in the Army between the 4th and the i8th of July belong to the period of General Johnston's command, and are as follows: Killed, sixty-seven (67); wounded, four hundred and fifty-five (455) ; total, five hundred and twenty-two (522). These figures, added to the total of casualties as reported up to July 4th, viz., killed, twelve hundred and twenty-one (1221), wounded, eight thousand two hundred and twenty-nine (8229). total, nine thousand four hundred and fifty (9450), gives the entire losses (killed and wounded) in battle for the whole Army, while under the command of General Johnston, as follows, viz: killed, twelve hundred and eighty-eight (1288); wounded, eight thousand six hundred and eighty-four (8684) ; total, nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-two (9972). A deduction of the same, viz., killed, sixty-seven (67), wounded, four hundred and fifty -five (455), total, five hundred and twenty-two (522), from the total of casualties reported from July 4th to September ist, viz., killed, eighteen hundred and twenty- three (1823), wounded, ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-three (10,723), tota], twelve thousand five hundred and forty-six (12,546), gives of killed seventeen hundred and fifty-six (1756), wounded, ten thousand two hundred and sixty-seven (10,267) \ total, twelve thousand and twenty- three (12,023), as the entire losses in killed and wounded during that period of the campaign when the Army was commanded by General Hood, viz., from July the i8th to September ist, 1864, when it ended, and the Army was then prepared for the campaign into Tennessee. "(Signed) A. J. FOARD, " "Medical Director late Army of Tennessee." " On recapitidatbtg the entire losses of each Ariny during the cttiire cam- paign, from May to September, inclusive, we have, in the Union Army, as per table appended : * Killed 4.423 Wounded 22,822 Missing 4,442 Aggregate loss 31,687." * Sherman's Memoirs, page 132, vol. It. COMPARISON OF LOSSES. 223 "Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, " In the Field, Atlanta, Georgia, September i^th, 1864. 'Prisoners and deserters taken by 'Army in the Field,' Jifi/itary Division of the Mississippi, during May, June, July, and August, 1864:'^' commands. prisoners. deserters. Officers. Men. Officers. Men. Aggregate. Army of the Cumberland, Tennessee . . Ohio 121 16 3,838 2,591 781 21 5 I 1.543 576 292 5.523 3.305 1,090 Total 270 7,210 27 2,411 9.918 "Sherman's Forces.! " Recapitulation — Atlanta Campaign. Arm. June I. July I. August I. Sept I. Infantry 94.310 12,908 5.601 88,066 12,039 5.945 75.659 10,517 5.499 67.674 9.394 4,690 Cavalry » Artillery Aggregate 112,819 106,050 91.675 81,758 "Near Greensboro," North Carolina, ) " May I, 1863. \ "I. The effective strength' of the Army of Tennessee, as shown by the tri-mo7ithly return of the jst of May, 1864, was :% Infantry 37,652 j g Artillery 2,812 J 40.404 Cavalry 2,392 " This was the entire strength of the Army ' at and near Dalton ' at that date. "2. The movement from Dalton began on the 12th May. On that day Loring's Division, Army of Mississippi, and Gantry's Division, * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 134. •j- Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 1 36. J Johnston's Narrative, pages 574, 575. 224 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. joined at Resaca, with about eight thousand (8000) effectives. French's Division, same Army, joined near Kingston several days later (about four thousand (4000) effectives). Ouarles's brigade from Mobile (about twenty-two hundred (2200) effectives) joined at New Hope Church on the 26th. The cavalry of the Mississippi Army, which joined near Adairs- ville, was estimated at three thousand nine hundred (3900) effectives ; and Martin's Cavalry Division, which joined near Resaca, at three thousand five hundred (3500). These were the only reinforcements received while General Johnston had command of the Army. "3. There was no return (filed) of the Army made after May 1st, until June loth. The return of June loth gave, as effectives : Infantry 44,860 ] „ Artillery _ . 3,872 j ''"^'"S^ Cavalry 10,516 "4. The next return was made on the ist of July. Effectives : Infantry 39.197 | .^ f^ Artillery 3,469 j 42.ot>& Cavalry 10,023 " On the 3d of July, at Vining's Station, the Fifth and Forty-seventh Georgia Regiments (about six hundred (600) effectives) left the Army for Savannah, under Brigadier General J. K. Jackson. " 5. The next and last return made under General Johnston was on the loth of July. Effectives: Infantry 36,001] , ^^^ Artillery 3,755|4°'656 Cavalry 9.971 (Exclusive of escorts serving with infantry.) "This was the estimated force turned over by General Johnston to General Hood. "6. The report was made under General Johnston, and signed by General Hood. On the 18th of July the command was turned over to General Hood. The first return thereafter was that of August ist, after the engagements of Peach Tree creek, on the 21st, and around Atlanta, on the 22d and 28th July. " 7. The foregoing figures are taken from the official records kept by me as assistant adjutant general of the Army. "(Signed) KINLOCH FALCONER, "Assistant Adjutant General." COMPARISON OF LOSSES. 225 I here reiterate that it is impossible General Johnston should have turned over to me fifty thousand six hundred and twenty-seven (50,627) effectives on the i8th of July (as shown in Colonel Falconer's report), for the reason that he had this number in full on the loth of that month. When, according to this same report, we suffered a loss, over and above the killed and wounded, of four thousand and seventy-three (4073) men who abandoned their colors, and went either to their homes or to the enemy just prior to the retreat across the Chattahoochee river, it is not reasonable to assume that no desertions occurred from the loth of July — the date of his last return — to the i8th, when a change of commanders took place in the face of the enemy, and under extraordinary cir- cumstances. The supposition that many deserted during this interval is but just and natural. I am, therefore, confident that I am over-liberal in the estimate given — forty-eight thou- sand seven hundred and fifty (48,750) effectives — in my offi- cial report of the effective strength of the Army of Ten- nessee, when I assumed command. However, I will, in this instance grant, for the sake of argument, that my force on the 1 8th of July was fifty thousand six hundred and twenty-seven (50,627) effectives. On the 20th of September, when stragglers had been gath- ered up, the effective strength of the Confederate Army, according to Colonel Mason's report, was forty thousand four hundred and three (40,403). This number, subtracted from fifty thousand six hundred and twenty-seven (50,627) — less thirty-one hundred (3100) permanently detached to Macon and Mobile, about the beginning of the siege — shows a loss of seven thousand one hundred and twenty-four (7124), to which should be added two thousand prisoners returned to the ranks by exchange, soon after the fall of Atlanta, and before Colonel Mason made up his return on the 20th of September. These prisoners were overlooked by myself and my chief of staff at the time I made my official report, and increase the total 15 226 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. loss, from all causes, to nine thousand one hundred and twenty- four (9124). Whilst Dr. Foard's report of the killed and wounded is cor- rect, the above estimate is beyond doubt equally accurate, since I received no reinforcements, during the siege, which were not sent back soon after their arrival, with the exception of about two hundred and fifty men of Gholsen's brigade (which small force I have not taken into account), as the fol- lowing letter from General Shoupe will indicate: " Richmond, March joth, 1863. " General Hood : — You ask to what extent your Army was strength- ened at Atlanta by the return of detailed men, and by dismounted cavalry ordered to you by General Bragg. I have the honor to state that so far as the detailed men are concerned, it was found necessary to return them to the arsenals and shops in rear, and that they were, as I believe, all so returned before the evacuation of Atlanta. Roddy's cavalry, upon the very day it reached Atlanta, was ordered back to Alabama. Gholsen's brigade remained at Atlanta until its evacuation. It was, however, very small — not numbering more than two hundred and fifty (250) men, and was in most miserable condition. So that the rein- forcements, in truth, amounted to nothing. " I have the honor to be very respectfully, etc., "F. A. SHOUPE, " Brigadier General and Chief of Staff at Atlanta." Although the number of killed and wounded in the Army of Tennessee proper, during the siege, amounted to twelve thousand and twenty-three (12,023), the actual loss was nine thousand one hundred and twenty-four (9124); thus proving that near three thousand wounded returned to the ranks. I shall now sum up the loss of the enemy during that same period. * General Sherman reports his loss in killed, wounded, and missing, around Atlanta during Jul}% August and September, to have been fifteen thousand and thirty -three (15,033). His actual loss during the siege must assuredly have been in excess of this number. In accordance with his recapitulation,-j- * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 133. f Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 136. COMPARISON OF LOSSES. 227 he had on the ist of July an Army of one hundred and six thousand and seventy (106,070); on the ist of August, ninety- one thousand six hundred and seventy-fiv^e (91,675); and on the 1st of September, eighty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight (81,758), demonstrating an actual loss of twenty-four thousand three hundred and twelve (24,312) men within two months. This number, less the troops discharged or perma- nently detached, must be the real loss he sustained. I have not been able to glean from his statements the decrease of his Army from this latter source. I find, however, the following recorded in Shoupe's Diary on the 17th of August: " Enemy's pickets called to ours, and stated that a Kentucky Division, twenty-two hundred (2200) strong, was going out of service, and that neither Old Abe nor Uncle Jeff would get them in service again." Taking his own statements as a basis of calculation, and assuming the correctness of the report by the picket relative to the discharge of twenty-two hundred (2200) Kentuckians thirteen days prior to the fall of Atlanta, his actual losses (provided he did not during the siege receive reinforcements, of which I can find no mention in his Memoirs), prove to have been twenty-four thousand three hundred and twelve (24,312), plus nineteen hundred and two (1902) killed and wqiinded early in September, minus twenty-two hundred (2200) dis- charged ; showing an actual loss of twenty-four thousand and fourteert (24,014) effectives against my loss of nine thousand one hundred and twenty-four (9 1 24), although every aggressive movement of importance was initiated by the Confederates. On the other hand, and according to my opponent's state- ment,* General Sherman had, after Blair's Corps joined him near Rome, a force of one hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and nineteen (i 12,819) eftectives ^'^ oppose General Johnston ; and at the close of his victorious march from Dalton to Atlanta, one hundred and six thousand and seventy (106,070) effectives, which subtracted from the total number * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 136. 228 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. one hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and nineteen (112,819) in the field, at the beginning of the campaign, demonstrates an actual loss of only six thousand seven hun- dred and forty-nine (6749) against General Johnston's loss of twenty-five thousand (25,000) men. This comparison of losses under opposite modes of hand- ling troops, evinces the truth of the principle for which I con- tend : that losses are always comparatively small in an Army which drives before it the enemy day after day, as in the instance of the Federal Army during the Dalton-Atlanta campaign; or in an Army which holds its ground, as in the instance of the siege of Atlanta when the Federal loss was greatly in excess of our own, by reason of the enthusiasm and self-reliance of the Northern troops having, in the sudden check given to their sweeping career of victory, been somewhat counteracted by depression, consequent desertion, and the tardy return of absentees. CHAPTER XIV. CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHERMAN CITATIONS ON THE RULES OF WAR. About the time I exchanged with General Sherman the two thousand (2000) prisoners above mentioned, the following correspondence passed between us, in relation to his treatment of the non-combatants of Atlanta : " Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, ] " In the Field, Atlanta, Georgia, September jth, 1864. 1 " General Hood, Comtnafiding Confederate Army. "General : — I have deemed it to the interest of the United States that the citizens now residing in Atlanta should remove, those who prefer it to go South, and the rest North. For the latter I can provide food and transportation to points of their election in Tennessee, Kentucky, or further North. For the former I can provide transportation by cars as far as Rough and Ready, and also wagons ; but, that their removal may be made with as little discomfort as possible, it will be necessary for you to help the families from Rough and Ready to the cars at Lovejoy's. If you consent, I will undertake to remove all the families in Atlanta who prefer to go South to Rough and Ready, with all their moveable effects, viz., clothing, trunks, reasonable furniture, bedding, etc., with their ser- vants, white and black, with the proviso that no force shall be used toward the blacks, one way or another. If they want to go with their masters or mistresses, they may do so ; otherwise they will' be sent away unless they be men, when they may be employed by our quarter-master. (229) 230 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Atlanta is no place for families or non-combatants, and I have no desire to send them North if you will assist in conveying them South. If this proposition meets your views, I will consent to a truce in the neighbor- hood of Rough and Ready, stipulating that any wagons, horses, animals, or persons sent there for the purposes herein stated, shall in no manner be harmed or molested ; you in your turn agreeing that any cars, wagons, or carriages, persons or animals sent to the same point, shall not be interfered with. Each of us might send a guard of, say one hundred (loo) men, to maintain order; and limit the truce to, say, two days after a certain time appointed. " I have authorized the Mayor to choose two citizens to convey to you this letter, with such documents as the Mayor may forward in explanation and shall await your reply. " I have the honor to be your obedient servant, "W. T. SHERMAN. " Major General Commanding." " Headquarters Army of Tennessee, "I " Office Chief of Staff, September gth, 1864. \ " Major General W. T. Sherman, Conmaiiding United States Forces in Georgia. " General : — Your letter of yesterday's date, borne by James M. Ball and James R. Crew, citizens of Atlanta, is received. You say therein, ' I deem it to be to the interest of the United States that the citizens now residing in Atlanta should remove,' etc. . " I do not consider that I have any alternative in this matter. I there- fore accept your proposition to declare a truce of two days, or such time as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose mentioned, and shall render all assistance in my power to expedite the transportation of citi- zens in this direction. I suggest that a staff officer be appointed by you to superintend the removal from the city to Rough and Ready, while I appoint a like officer to control their removal further South ; that a guard of one hundred men be sent by either party as you propose, to maintain order at the place, and that the removal begin on Monday next. "And now, sir, permit me to say that the unprecedented measure you propose transcends, in studied and ingenious cruelty, all acts ever before brought to my attention in the dark history of war. " In the name of God and humanity. I protest, believing that you will find that you are expelling from their homes and firesides the wives and children of a brave people. " I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, "J. B. HOOD, General" CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHERMAN. 231 " Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, ) " In the Field, Atlanta, Georgia, Scptanbcr loih, 1864. J "General J. B. Hood, Comniatiding Arjny of Tennessee, Confederate Army. "General: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date, at the hands of Messrs. Ball and Crew, consenting to the arrangements I had proposed to facilitate the removal South of the people of Atlanta, who prefer to go in that direction. I enclose you a copy of my orders, which will, I am satisfied, accomplish my purpose perfectly. " You style the measures proposed ' unprecedented,' and appeal to the dark history of war for a parallel, as an act of ' studied and ingenious cruelty.' It is not unprecedented ; for General Johnston himself veiy wisely and properly removed the families all the way from Dalton down, and I see no reason why Atlanta should be excepted. Nor is it neces- sary to appeal to the dark history of war, when recent and modern examples are so handy. You yourself burned dwelling houses along your parapet, and I have seen to-day fifty houses that you have rendered uninhabitable because they stood in the way of your forts and men. You defended Atlanta on a line so close to town that every cannon shot and many musket shots from our line of investment, that overshot their mark, went into the habitations of women and children. General Hardee did the same at Jonesboro', and General Johnston did the same, last summer, at Jackson, Mississippi. I have not accused you of heart- less cruelty, but merely instance these cases of very recent occurrence, and could go on and enumerate hundreds of others, and challenge any fair man to judge which of us has the heart of pity for the families of a 'brave people.' " I say it is kindness to these families of Atlanta to remove them now, at once, from scenes that women and children should not be exposed to, and the ' brave people ' should scorn to commit their wives and children to the rude barbarians who thus, as you say, violate the laws of war, as illustrated in the pages of its dark history. " In the name of common sense, I ask you not to appeal to a just God in such a sacrilegious manner. You who, in the midst of peace and prosperity, have plunged a nation into war — dark and cruel war — who dared and badgered us to battle, insulted our flag, seized our arsenals and forts that were left in the honorable custody of peaceful ordnance sergeants, seized and made 'prisoners of war' the very garrisons sent to protect your people against negroes and Indians, long before any overt act was committed by the (to you) hated Lincoln Government ; tried to force Kentucky and Missouri into rebellion, spite of themselves ; falsified the vote of Louisiana; turned loose your privateers to plunder 232 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. unarmed ships ; expelled Union families by the thousands, burned their houses, and declared, by an act of your Cong^ress, the confiscation of all debts due Northern men for goods had and received ! Talk thus to the marines, but not to me, who have seen these things, and who will this day make as much sacrifice for the peace and honor of the South as the best born Southerner among you! If we must be enemies, let us be men, and fight it out as we propose to do and not deal in such hypo- critical appeals to God and humanity. God will judge us in due time, and he will pronounce whether it be more humane to fight with a town full of women and the families of a brave people at our back, or to remove them in time to places of safety among their own friends and people. " I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, " W. T. SHERMAN, " Major General Commanding." " Headquarters Army of Tennessee, ] " September 1 2th, i86^. j " Major General W. T. Sherman, Coinma7iding Military Division of the Mississippi. " General : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th inst., with its inclosure in reference to the women, chil- dren, and others, whom you have thought proper to expel from their homes in the city of Atlanta. Had you seen proper to let the matter rest there, I would gladly have allowed your letter to close this corres- pondence, and, without your expressing it in words, would have been willing to believe that, while ' the interests of the United States,' in your opinion, compelled you to an act of barbarous cruelty, you regretted the necessity, and we would have dropped the subject; but you have chosen to indulge in statements which I feel compelled to notice, at least so far as to signify my dissent, and not allow silence in regard to them to be construed as acquiescence. " I see nothing in your communication which induces me to modify the language of condemnation with which I characterized your order. It but strengthens me in the opinion that it stands ' pre-eminent in the dark history of war for studied and ingenious cruelty.' Your original order was stripped of all pretences ; you announced the edict for the sole reason that it was to ' the interest of the United States.' This alone you offered to us and the civilized world as an all-sufficient reason for disre- garding the laws of God and man. ' You say that General Johnston himself very wisely and properly removed the families all the way from Dalton down.* It is due to that gallant soldier and gentleman to say that no act of his distinguished career gives the least color to your CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHERMAN. 233 unfounded aspersions upon his conduct. He depopulated no villages, nor towns, nor cities, either friendly or hostile- He offered and extended friendly aid to his unfortunate fellow-citizens who desired to flee from your fraternal embraces. You are equally unfortunate in your attempt to find a justification for this act of cruelty, either in the defence of Jonesboro', by General Hardee, or of Atlanta, by myself. General Hardee defended his position in front of Jonesboro' at the expense of injury to the houses; an ordinary, proper, and justifiable act of war. I defended Atlanta at the same risk and cost. If there was any fault in either case, it was your own, in not giving notice, especially in the case of Atlanta, of your purpose to shell the town, which is usual in war among civilized nations. No inhabitant was expelled from his home and fireside by the orders of General Hardee or myself, and therefore your recent order can find no support from the conduct of either of us. I feel no other emotion other than pain in reading that portion of your letter which attempts to justify your shelling Atlanta, without notice, under pretence that I defended Atlanta upon a line so close to town that every cannon shot, and many musket balls from your line of investment, that overshot their mark, went into the habitations of women and children. I made no complaint of your firing into Atlanta in any way you thought proper. I make none now, but there are a hundred thousand witnesses that you fired into the habitations of women and children for weeks, firing far above and miles beyond my line of defence. I have too good an opinion, founded both upon observation and expe- rience, of the skill of your artillerists, to credit the insinuation that they for several weeks unintentionally fired too high for my modest field- works, and slaughtered women and children by accident and want of skill. " The residue of your letter is rather discussion. It opens a wide field for the discussion of questions which I do not feel are committed to me. I am only a General of one of the Armies of the Confederate States, charged with military operations in the field, under the direction of my superior officers, and I am not called upon to discuss with you the causes of the present war, or the political questions which led to or resulted from it. These grave and important questions have been committed to far abler hands than mine, and I shall only refer to them so far as to repel any unjust conclusion which might be drawn from my silence. You charge my country with ' daring and badgering you to battle.' The truth is, we sent commissioners to you, respectfully offering a peaceful separation, before the first gun was fired on either side. You say we insulted your flag. The truth is, we fired upon it, and those who fought under it, when you came to our doors upon the mission of subjugation. You say we seized upon your forts and arsenals, and made prisoners of 234 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. the garrisons sent to protect us against Indians and negroes. The truth is, we, by force of arms, drove out insolent intruders and took possession of our own forts and arsenals, to resist your claims to do minion over masters, slaves, and Indians, all of whom are to this day, with a una- nimity unexampled in the history of the world, warring against your attempts to become their masters. You say that we tried to force Ken- tucky and Missouri into rebellion in spite of themselves. The truth is, my Government, from the beginning of this struggle to this hour, has again and again offered, before the whole world, to leave it to the unbiassed will of these States, and all others, to determine for themselves whether they will cast their destiny with your Government cr ours ; and your Government has resisted this fundamental principle of free institu- tions with the bayonet, and labors daily, by force and fraud, to fasten its hateful tyranny upon the unfortunate freemen of these States. You say we falsified the vote of Louisiana. The truth is, Louisiana not only separated herself from your Government by nearly a unanimous vote of her people, but has vindicated the act upon every battle-field from Gettys- burg to the Sabine, and has exhibited an heroic devotion to her decision, which challenges the admiration and respect of every man capable of feeling sympathy for the oppressed or admiration for heroic valor. You say that we turned loose pirates to plunder your unarmed ships. The truth is, when you robbed us of our part of the Navy, we built and bought a few vessels, hoisted the flag of our country, and swept the seas, in defi- ance of your Navy, around the whole circumference of the globe. You say we have expelled Union families by thousands. The truth is, not a single family has been expelled from the Confederate States, that I am aware of; but, on the contrary, the moderation of our Government towards traitors has been a fruitful theme of denunciation by its enemies and well meaning friends of our cause. You say my Government, by acts of Congress, has confiscated ' all debts due Northern men for goods sold and delivered.' The truth is, our Congress gave due and ample time to your merchants and traders to depart from our shores with their ships, goods, and effects, and only sequestrated the property of our ene- mies in retaliation for their acts — declaring us traitors, and confiscating our property wherever their power extended, either in their country or our own. Such are your accusations, and such are the facts known of all men to be true. " You order into exile the whole population of a city ; drive men, women, and children from their homes at the point of the bayonet, under the plea that it is to the interest of your Government, and on the claim that it is an act of ' kindness to these families of Atlanta.' Butler only banished from New Orleans the registered enemies of his Government, and acknowledged that he did it as a punishment. You issue a sweeping CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHERMAN. 235 edict, covering all the inhabitants of a city, and add insult to the injury heaped upon the defenceless by assuming that you have done them a kindness. This you follow by the assertion that you ' will make as much sacrifice for the peace and honor of the South as the best born Southerner.' And, because I characterize what you call a kindness as being real cruelty, you presume to sit in judgment between me and my God ; and you decide that my earnest prayer to the Almighty Father to save our women and children from what you call kindness, is a 'sacrilegious, hypocritical appeal.' "You came into our country with your Army, avowedly for the purpose of subjugating free white men, women, and children, and not only intend to rule over them, but you make negroes your allies, and desire to place over us an inferior race, which we have raised from barbarism to its present position, which is the highest ever attained by that race, in any country, in all time. I must, therefore, decline to accept your statements in reference to your kindness toward the people of Atlanta, and your willingness to sacrifice everything for the peace and honor of the South, and refuse to be governed by your decision in regard to matters between myself, my country, and my God. "You say, 'let us fight it out like men.' To this my reply is — for myself, and I believe for all the true men, ay, and women and children, in my country — we will fight you to the death ! Better die a thousand deaths than submit to live under you or your Government and your negro allies ! " Having answered the points forced upon me by your letter of the 9th of September, I close this correspondence with you ; and, notwith- standing your comments upon my appeal to God in the cause of humanity, I again humbly and reverently invoke his Almighty aid in defence of justice and right. " Respectfully, your obedient servant, "J. B. HOOD, General:' " Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, | " Atlanta, Ga., September, 14th, 1864. j " General J. B. Hood, Commanding Army of Tennessee. " General : — Yours of September 12th is received, and has been care- fully perused. I agree with you that this discussion by two soldiers is out of place, and profitless ; but you must admit that you began the con- troversy by characterizing an official act of mine in unfair and improper terms. I reiterate my former answer, and to the only new matter contained in your rejoinder add: We have no 'negro allies' in this Army; not a single negro soldier left Chattanooga with this Army, or is 236 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. with it now. There are a few guarding Chattanooga, which General Stedman sent at one time to drive Wheeler out of Dalton. " I was not bound by the laws of war to give notice of the shelling of Atlanta, a ' fortified town, with magazines, arsenals, foundries, and public stores ;' you were bound to take notice. See the books. " This is the conclusion of our correspondence, which I did not begin, and terminate with satisfaction. " I am, with respect, your obedient servant, "W. T. SHERMAN, " Major General Commanding." I preferred here to close the discussion, and, therefore, made no reply to his last communication inviting me to " see the books." I will at present, however, consider this subject, and cite a few authorities upon the above disputed points, in order to show that General Sherman's conduct, in this instance, was in violation of the laws which should govern nations in time of war, Atlanta could not properly be designated a regularly forti- fied city. It was simply protected by temporary breastworks, of the same character as those used by Johnston and Sherman, during the preceding campaign. The fortifications consisted of a ditch, with a log to act as protection to the heads of the men whilst firing, and of brushwood, when it could be obtained, thrown out in front as an obstruction to a rapid advance of the enemy. A large portion of the line, which passed through open fields, was devoid of this latter safeguard. Moreover, only a few of the heavy guns and batteries were covered by embankments with embrasures. Fortifications, it is well known, are divided into two classes: temporary, and permanent. Those I have described, around Atlanta, come under the head of the first class. The latter are constructed of the best material, iron, and stone, with parapet, deep and wide ditch and glacis, similar to the fortifi- cations on Governor's Island, and those of Fortress Monroe. In the construction of permanent works, every exertion is made to render them as strong and durable as possible. CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHERMAN. 237 It might be supposed, from General Sherman's Memoirs, that Atlanta was not only a thoroughly fortified town, but was provisioned to endure a siege of a year or more, after all com- munication was cut off; that it possessed arsenals and machine shops as extensive as those in Richmond and Macon — an illu- sion created, probably, by a dilapidated foundry, near the Augusta road, which had been in use prior to the war. Gen- eral Sherman, therefore, cannot assert, in order to justify certain acts, that Atlanta was a regularly fortified town. And whereas I marched out at night, allowing him the following day to enter the city, unopposed, as he himself acknowledges, and whereas no provocation was given by the authorities, civil or military, he can in no manner claim that extreme war meas- ures were a necessity. It has been argued that Wellington sanctioned extt-eme measures against the Basques, at the tim.e he was opposed to Marshal Soult, at Bayonne, in 1814. Wellington perceived that, by pillage and cruel treatment, his Spanish allies, under Mina and Morilla, were arousing the Basques to arms, and at once ordered the Spanish troops to abstain from such odious conduct. He was, unfortunately, too late in his discovery; the appetite for plunder had become so inordinate that his proclamation was disregarded by his allies, and he was subse- quently forced to threaten extreme measures, in order to check the partisan warfare which initiated the cruelties and horrors he deplored. This is the unquestionable interpretation of the subjoined passage: "A sullen obedience followed, but the plundering system was soon renewed, and this, with the mis- chief already done, was enough to arouse the inhabitants of Bedary, as well as those of the Val-de-Baigorre, into action. They commenced and continued a partisan warfare until Lord Wellington, incensed by their activity, issued a proclamation calling upon them to take arms openly, and join Soult, or stay peaceably at home, declaring that he would otherwise burn their villages and hang all the inhabitants." * * Peninsular War, B. XXIII, chap. 3. 238 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. The inhabitants of Atlanta gave no such cause for action on the part of General Sherman, nor was the safety of the Federal Army in any manner involved. Nevertheless he ordered women and children, the infirm and the sick, in fact the entire population to go cither North or South. The subjoined appeal of the Mayor and Councilmen of Atlanta was powerless to alter the determination of the Federal commander ; "Atlanta, Georgia, September nth, 1S64. "Major General W. T. Sherman. "Sir: — ^\Vo, the undersigned, Mayor and two of the Council for the city of Atlanta, for the time being the only legal organ of the people of the said city, to express their want3 and wishes, ask leave most earnestly but respectfully to petition you to reconsider the order requiring them to leave Atlanta. "At first view, it struck us that the measure would involve extraordinary hardship and loss, but since we have seen the practical execution of it, so far as it has progressed, and the individual condition of the people, and heard their statements as to the inconveniences, loss, and suffering attending it, we are satisfied that the amount of it will involve in the aggregate consequences appalling and heart-rending. " Many poor women are in advanced state of pregnancy, others now having young children, and whose husbands, for the greater part, are either in the Army, prisoners, or dead. " Some say : ' I have such a one sick at my house ; who will wait on them when I am gone ? ' Others say : ' What are we to do ? We have no house to go to, and no means to buy, build, or rent any ; no parents, relatives, or friends to go to.* Another says : ' I will try and take this or that article of property, but such and such things I must leave behind, though I need them much.' We reply to them : ' General Sherman will carry your property to Rough and Ready, and General Hood will take it thence on.' And they will reply to that : 'But I want to leave the rail- road at such a place, and cannot get conveyance from there on.' " We only refer to a few facts, to try to illustrate in part how this measure will operate in practice. As you advanced, the people north of this fell back, and before your arrival here, a large portion of the people had retired South ; so that the country south of this is already crowded, and without houses enough to accommodate the people, and we are informed that many are now staying in churches and other out-buildings. CITATIONS ON THE RULES OF WAR. 239 "Tliis being so, how is it possible for the people still here (mostly women and children) to find any shelter? And how can they live through the Winter in the woods — no shelter or subsistence, in ^he midst of strangers who know them not, and without the power to assist them much, if they were willing to do so. "This is but a feeble picture of the consequences of this measure. You know the woe, the horrors, and the sufferings cannot be described by words ; imagination can only conceive it, and we ask you to take these things into consideration. "We know your mind and time are constantly occupied with the duties of your command, which almost deters us from asking your atten- tion to this matter, but thought it might be that you had not con- sidered this subject in all of its awful consequences, and that on more reflection you, we hope, would not make this people an exception to all mankind ; for we know of no such instance ever having occurred — surely never in the United Stales — and what has this helpless people done, that they should be driven from their homes, to wander strangers, and out- casts, and exiles, and to subsist on charity ? " We do not know as yet the number of people still here ; of those who are here, we are satisfied a respectable number, if allowed to remain at home, could subsist for several months without assistance, and a respectable number for a much longer time, and who might not need assistance at any time. "In conclusion, we most earnestly and solemnly petition you to recon- sider this order, or modify it, and suffer this unfortunate people to remain at home, and enjoy what little means they have. "Respectfully submitted, "JAMES M. CALHOUN, yJ/a/^r. "E. E. RAWSON, Coimcibnatt. "S. C. WELLS, Council'/iian." I shiU now cite a few authorities upon the rights of war, to ascertain in how far the course pursued toward the inhabi- tants of Atlanta is in accordance with those laws which are now universally recognized. Halleck, Vattel, and Grotius establish the following rules:* " * * * It is a just remark made by some theologians, that all Christian princes and rulers who wish to be found such in the sight of God, as well as that of men, will deem it a duty to interpose their authority to * Grotius, B. Ill, chap. 12, sec. 8. (The italics are the author's.) 240 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. prevent or suppress all unnecessary violence in the taking of terms, for acts of rigor can never be carried to an extreme without involving great numbers of the innocent in ruin; and practices of that kind, beside being no way conducive to the termination of war, are totally repugnant to every principle of Christianity and justice." "Women, children, feeble old men, and sick persons, come under the description of enemies; and we have certain rights over them, inasmuch as they belong to the nation with whom we are at war, and as, between nation and nation, all rights and pretensions affect the body of society, together with all its members. But these are enemies who make no resistance ; and consequently we have no right to maltreat their persons, or use any violence against them. * * * This is so plain a maxim of justice and humanity that at present every nation, in the least degree civilized, acquiesces in it."* * * * " Since women and children are subjects of the State, and members of the Nation, they are to be ranked in the class of enemies. But it does not thence follow that we are justifiable in treating them like men who bear arms, or are capable of bearing them." f "At present war is carried on by regular troops ; the people, the peas- ants, the citizens, take no part in it, and generally have nothing to fear from the sword of the enemy. Provided the inhabitants submit to him who is master of the country, pay the contributions imposed, and refrain from all hostilities, they live in as perfect safety as if they were friends ; they continue in possession of what belongs to them ; the country people come freely to the camp to sell their provisions, and are protected as far as possible from the calamities of war." % " Since the object of a just war is to repress injustice and violence, and forcibly to compel him who is deaf to the voice of justice, we have a right to put in practice, against the enemy, every measure that is necessary in order to weaken him and disable him from resisting us and supporting his injustice ; and we may choose such methods as are the most effica- cious and best calculated to attain the end in view, provided they be not of an odious kind, nor unjustifiable in themselves, and prohibited by the laws of nature." § " The lawfulness of the end does not give a real right to anything further than barely the means necessary to the attainment of that end. * Vattel, B. Ill, chap. 8, sec. 145. f Vattel, B. Ill, chap. 5, sec. 72. X Vattel, B. Ill, chap. 8, sec. 147. Incorporated by Halleck, Law of War, chap. 18, sec. 3. ^ .Vattel, B. Ill, chap 8, sec. 138. CITATIONS ON THE RULES OF WAR. 241 Whatever we do beyond that is reprobated by the law of nature, is faulty and condemnable at the tribunal of conscience. Hence it is that the right to such, or such acts of hostility, varies according to circumstances. What is just and perfectly innocent in war in one particular situation, is not always so on other occasions. Right goes hand-in-hand with neces- sity and the exigencies of the case, but never exceeds them." * "All these classes (old men, women and children, the clergy, macris- trates, and other civil officers), which, by general usage or the municipal laws of the belligerent State, are exempt from military duty, are not subject to the general rights of a beUigerent over the enemy's person. To these are added, by modern usage, all persons who are not organized or called into military service, though capable of its duties, but who are left to pursue their usual pacific avocations. All these are regarded as non-combatants. ' 'f General Sherman admits, in his Memoirs, that he burned stores and dwellings ; that " the heart of the city was in flames all night ; " that he telegraphed to Grant he had " made a wreck of Atlanta," J which he afterwards termed "the ruined city." The following quotations will show whether or not he was justified in this destruction of property : "And with respect to things, the case is the same as with respect to persons — things belonging to the enemy, continue such wherever they are. But we are not hence to conclude, any more than in the case of persons, that we everywhere possess a right to treat these things as things belonging to the enemy." § " The wanton destruction of public monuments, temples, tombs, statues, paintings, etc., is absolutely condemned, even by the voluntary law of nations, as never being conducive to the lawful object of war. The pillage and destruction of towns, the devastation of the open country, ravaging, setting fire to houses, are measures no less odious and detestable on every occasion where they are evidently put in practice without absolute necessity or, at least, very cogent reasons. But as the perpetrators of such outrageous deeds might attempt to palliate them, under pretext of deservedly punishing the enemy, be it here observed that the natural and voluntary law of nations does not allow us to inflict * Vattel, B, III, chap. 8, sec. 137, f Halleck, Laws of War, chap. 16, sec. 2. J Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 154. I Vattel, B. Ill, chap. 5, sec. 74. 16 242 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. such punishments, except for enormous offences against the law of nations."* When General Lee entered Pennsylvania with his Army, he gave strict orders to destroy no property, and to pay for all provisions obtained from the enemy. Marshal Soult was like- wise magnanimous in his conduct, after he had been not only compelled to storm the defences of Oporto, but to fight from street to street, in order to finally force a surrender. Napier states that the French found some of their comrades who had been taken prisoners, " fastened upright and living, but with their eyes burst, their tongues torn out, and their other members mutilated and gashed." This ghastly sight notwithstanding, many of the French soldiers and officers endeavored, at the risk of their lives, to check the vengeance of their comrades, Soult did not, even after this fearful resistance and these examples of barbarous cruelty, send off the women and chil- dren, the infirm and the sick, and then burn their homes; on the contrary,t " Recovering and restoring a part of the plunder, he caused the inhabitants remaining in town to be treated with respect ; he invited, by proclamation, all those who had fled to return, and he demanded no contribution ; but restrain- ing with a firm hand the violence of his men, he contrived, from the captured public property, to support the Army and even to succor the poorest and most distressed of the population." Although it is customary, previous to a general assault of a fortified town of which the demand for surrender has been rejected, that the commanding officer give warning (on account of the extraordinary sacrifice of life, to which his troops must necessarily be subjected) that he will not be responsible for the lives of the captured, as did Lieutenant General Lee in my name at Resaca. No officer should allow his soldiers to burn and pillage after victory has been secured. * Vattel, B. Ill, chap. 9, sec. 173. Incorporated by Halleck. Laws of War, chap. 19, sec. 24. f Napier, Peninsular War, B. VI, chaps. 4 and 7. CHAPTER XV. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE PREPARATIONS PRESIDENT DAVIS VISITS THE ARMY HARDEE RELIEVED ^ALLATOONA RESACA DALTON LAFAYETTE SUDDEN DETERMINA- TION TO ENTER TENNESSEE GADSDEN BEAUREGARD, After the fall of Atlanta, this most serious question pre- sented itself for solution : in what manner, and accompanied with the least detriment, to effect the riddance of a victorious foe, who had gained possession of the mountains in our front, and planted his standard in the heart of the Confederacy. In order to compass this end, either the Federals should be forced back by manceuvres into the mountains, there defeated in battle, and finally driven northward ; or an attempt be made to defeat them upon their march forward, after Sherman had been allowed full time to rest his troops, make preparations, and receive reinforcements, for, in the meantime, it would have been rashness and folly, in view of our inferior numbers, to have attacked the enemy whilst under the protection of the breastworks of Atlanta. This grave and momentous question presented the same difficulties which had risen before General Grant crossed the Rappahannock, and the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, and, finally, the surrender at Appomattox followed. Our great chieftain well (243) 244 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. knew that he would be forced to abandon Richmond or sur- render his Army, unless he beat his enemy in battle, and drove him back, as he had done in previous instances. So paramount did he consider this necessity that he cut roads through the Wilderness, in order to get at the Federals while his own Army was in best condition for battle. He possessed, for the execution of his purpose, a body of troops which had been trained and handled in such a manner as to render it impossible to find its superior in the history of nations. Moreover, he was not confronted by a victorious Army, but by one he had driven back more than once from the same line then occupied by Grant. The difficulties which surrounded me even at the outset, when I assumed command of the Army of Tennessee, and after the fall of Atlanta, when a recurrence of retreat was brought about with its train of former evils, were more per- plexing than those which beset General Lee at the juncture above referred to. The problem was the more difficult to solve, by reason of the impaired condition of the Army. The same question had arisen for consideration when Sherman moved from Chattanooga, and formed line of battle in front of Rocky-faced Ridge. My predecessor did not per- ceive the necessity of defeating the enemy at that period — a necessity as urgent as that which impelled General Lee to use extraordinary means to reach his enemy in the Wilderness. Unless the Army could be heavily reinforced, there was, in the present emergency, but one plan to be adopted: by manoeuvres to draw Sherman back into the mountains, then beat him in battle, and at least regain our lost territory. Therefore, after anxious reflection, and consultation with the corps commanders, I determined to communicate with the President, and ascertain whether or not reinforcements could be obtained from any quarter. In accordance with this decision, I telegraphed to General Bragg as follows : CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 245 [No. I.] "LovEjoY Station, September jd, 1.45 p. m. " For the offensive my troops, at present, are not more than equal to their own numbers. To prevent this country from being overrun, rein- forcements are absolutely necessary. "J. B. HOOD, General." At 6.10 p. m., the same day ; [No. 2.] " My telegram in cipher this morning is based upon the supposition that the enemy will not content himself with Atlanta, but will continue offensive movements. All the Lieutenant Generals agree with me. "J. B. HOOD, GejieraL" In consideration of the high regard President Davis enter- tained for General Hardee, I suggested to the latter to tele- graph to the President in relation to our condition. I find in my dispatch book a copy of his telegram: " September 4th, 11.30 a. m. "Unless this Army is speedily and heavily reinforced, Georgia and Alabama will be overrun. I see no other means to arrest this calamity. Never, in my opinion, were our liberties in such danger. What can you do for us ? " (Signed) W. J. HARDEE, Lieutenant General." The following reply from His Excellency conveyed no hope of assistance : " Richmond, September ^th, 1864. " General J. B. Hood : — Your dispatches of yesterday received. The necessity for reinforcements was realized, and every effort made to bring forward reserves, militia, and detailed men for the purpose. Polk, Maury, S. D. Lee, and Jones have been drawn on to fullest extent. E. K. Smith has been called on. No other resource remains. It is now requisite that absentees be brought back, the addition required from the surrounding country be promptly made available, and that the means in hand be used with energy proportionate to the country's need. "JEFFERSON DAVIS." I hereupon decided to operate at the earliest moment possi- ble in the rear of Sherman, as I became more and more con- vinced of our inability to successfully resist an advance of the 246 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. Federal Army. I had thought immediately after my arrival at Lovejoy Station that our troops were not disheartened, and telegraphed to Richmond to that effect; but I discovered my error before long, and concluded to resume active operations, move upon Sherman's communications, and avert, if possible, impending disaster from the Confederacy. Before entering into the details of the plan of the contem- plated campaign, I will, in brief, consider the indubitable results had I remained in front of Sherman, till he made ready and moved forward. In lieu of dividing his forces, as he did when I eventually marched to his rear, he would either have increased the strength of his Army to the fullest extent possi- ble, previous to his forward movement, in order not only to brush away more easily the cobweb of an Army in his front, but also to overawe and discourage our people by the presence of an Army strong and powerful ; or he would have ordered Thomas into Tennessee, with instructions to muster all avail- able forces and march into Alabama with a second Army, whilst he moved through Georgia. In the event of the adop- tion of the first plan, he could, after assembling all the troops at his disposal between Nashville and Atlanta, have advanced with an Army of not less than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000). According to his own statement, Thomas had under his command, at the time I accepted battle at Nash- ville, over seventy thousand (70,000) effectives, irrespective of troops at other points in Tennessee and Kentucky. Had he chosen the second plan, he would soon have moved with a concentrated Army of not less than seventy-five thou- sand (75,000), whilst Thomas overran Alabama with at least fifty thousand (50,000) men. This is in no degree an exag- gerated estimate, since forces could have been withdrawn from Tennessee and Kentucky, where no necessity for troops would have existed during these operations. The enthusiasm throughout the North, succeeding the capture of Atlanta, would also have swollen the Federal ranks by the return of absentees in large numbers. This plan would have brought CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 247 into the field two powerful Armies to move simultaneously through Georgia and Alabama. On the other hand, our Army of forty thousand four hun- dred and three (40,403) would have gradually decreased through desertions, with no prospect of obtaining another man east of the Mississippi river, and with the information in my possession from Richmond, that no troops were shortly expected from the Trans-Mississippi Department, although every effort had been made by the Government to get rein- forcements from that quarter. Thus the outcome of this stand-still policy, which would have enabled Sherman to advance with all due preparations and have forced us to retreat in his front day after day, would have been the final dispersion of the Army ; a greater portion would have returned to their homes, leaving behind a noble band of patriots too proud to desert, yet too w^eak and dis- heartened to be of material service. I would have been able to offer just about sufficient resistance to harass and embitter the enemy ; to instigate him to perpetrate greater outrages, and commit ten-fold the havoc he actually made in traversing Georgia ; and, in lieu of contenting himself with simply cut- ting the communications of the Army of Northern Virginiav with its largest fields for supplies, Sherman would have tarried long enough upon his march to effect irreparable damage. I shall now recite the preliminaries to the campaign in rear of Sherman, and give an account of operations, results accom- plished, together with those events which led me to conceive the idea of the campaign into Tennessee. I foreshadowed my intention of moving upon Sherman's communications in the following telegram to the President, dated September 6th : [No. 10.] " I shall make dispositions to prevent the enemy, as far as possible, from foraging south of Atlanta, and at the same time endeavor to prevent his massing supplies at that place. 1 deem it important that the prisoners at Andersonville should be so disposed of, as not to prevent 248 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. this Army from moving in any direction it may be thought best. Accord- ing to all human calculations, we should have saved Atlanta had the officers and men of the Army done what was expected of them. It has been God's will for it to be otherwise. I am of good heart, and feel that we shall yet succeed. The Army is much in need of a little rest. After removing the prisoners from Andersonville, I think we should, as soon as practicable, place our Army upon the communications of the enemy, drawing our supplies from the West Point and Montgomery Railroad. Looking to this, I shall at once proceed to strongly fortify Macon. Please do not fail to give me advice at all times. It is my desire to do the best for you and my country. May God be with you and us. "J. B. HOOD, General." Having requested and obtained authority from the War Department to propose an exchange of prisoners, captured during the siege, I made on the 8th of September, by flag of truce, a proposition to the enemy to that effect. An exchange of two thousand (2000) was agreed upon. Some delay, how- ever, resulted from a refusal upon the part of General Sher- man to excnange Confederates for Federal prisoners whose term of service had ceased or was about to expire. Upon the 9th was initiated the correspondence between General Sherman and myself, in regard to the treatment of the inhabitants of Atlanta, and which I embodied in the narrative of the siege of that city. On the 1 2th I sent every wagon, which could be spared in the Army, to Rough and Ready, and performed the sad duty of transferring within our lines the women and children, the sick and the infirm. In the meantime, intelligence had been received from General Wheeler, announcing that he had destroyed several bridges and about fifty miles of railroad in Tennessee, and that he had thus far been successful in every engagement with the enemy. During the progress of the exchange of prisoners, the transportation of the Army was carefully inspected and repaired ; pontoon trains made ready for active operation, and every exertion made to inaugurate a forward movement at the earliest hour possible. At this period I deemed it to the interest of the Confederacy, because of General Hardee's failure CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 249 to obey instructions on the 20th, and 22d of July, and 31st of August, to request that this officer be relieved from duty with his Corps, and that another be assigned to its command. I dispatched to General Bragg as follows : [No. 14.] " September 8th, 2.J0 p. m. " I suggest that all the reserves of Georgia, under General Cobb, be ordered to this Army, since the prisoners have been removed ; and that Lieutenant General Taylor be ordered to relieve General Hardee, bringing with him all the troops he can. " J. B. HOOD, General:' The unfortunate events connected with General Hardee's service during the siege of Atlanta, rendered obligatory this unpleasant duty on my part. I have already stated the opin- ions, at the time, of Lieutenant Generals Lee and Stewart, and of Major General G. W. Smith, in regard to this painful sub- ject. So decided were these officers in their convictions that I determined to inform the President of my own loss of con- fidence, and to invite him to visit the Army, and confer with the corps commanders in relation to the operations around Atlanta. Accordingly, I sent the following telegram to His Excellency : [No. 24.] " September ijih. " In the battle of July 20th, we failed on account of General Hardee. Our success on the 22d July was not what it should have been, owing to this officer. Our failure on the 31st of August, I am convinced, was greatly owing to him. Please confer with Lieutenant Generals Stewart and S. D. Lee, as to operations around Atlanta. It is of the utmost importance that Hardee should be relieved at once. He commands the best troops of this Army. I must have another commander. Taylor or Cheatham will answer. Hardee handed in his resignation a few days since, but withdrew it. Can General Cobb give me all the reserve regiments he has ? "J. B. HOOD, General." Major General Gustavus W. Smith, in his official report of the operations of the Georgia State troops, dated 15 th of 250 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. September, 1864, shortly after these occurrences, says in this regard : " Commanding a peculiar organization, the ranking officer of the forces of the State in which you were operating, I was invited to and partici- pated in your councils, I had every opportunity of knowing what was going on. Your plans were fully explained to your Lieutenant Generals, your chief of artillery, chief engineer, and myself. Opinions and views were called for, and then specific orders were given. I have never known one of them to dissent to any plan of yours, a doubt expressed as to the meaning, or intent, of your orders, nor a suggestion made by them of a plan they supposed would be better than that you ordered. If they are not now unanimous, there is but one, if any, who dissents from the opinion expressed above, viz ; Sherman would have been beaten, had your orders been obeyed on the 20th July, 22d July, and 31st August." General A. P. Stewart, in his official report of the operations around Atlanta, states in regard to the battle of the 20th July :* " I cannot but think had the plan of the battle, as I understood it, been carried out fully, we would have achieved a great success." Lieutenant General Lee expressed to me the opinion that but for the delay before the attack on the 31st August, the result might have been different. This officer, Lieutenant General A. P. Stewart, and Major General G. W. Smith were, at the time, unanimous in the conviction that had General Hardee faithfully and earnestly carried out my instructions on the 20th, and 22d July, we would have been victorious in the two battles, i. e., had he attacked at I o'clock in lieu of 4 p. m., on the 20th ; had he appealed to his troops in a manner to arouse their pride, patriotism and valor, instead of giving utterance to expressions of caution against breastworks ; had he, on the 22d, marched entirely round and in rear of McPher- son's left flank, as ordered, and attacked at daylight or early morning, we would have gained signal victories. It may very properly be asked why, after failure on two consecutive occasions, was Hardee placed in command at * Appendix, page 350. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 251 Jonesboro' ; why I did not relieve him previously from duty with the Army, and thus avoid further cause of complaint. The battles of the 20th, and 2 2d of July, were fought in rapid succession, and immediately after my appointment to the command of the Army. I knew not then the original cause of trouble, nor was I enlightened upon this matter till General Cleburne visited my headquarters about two weeks after these engagements. The President had confidence in General Har- dee, and believed he could be of great service on account of his thorough knowledge of the country, and his long con- nection with the Army of Tennessee. In this opinion I naturally acquiesced, since I could not imagine that a soldier, wittingly and willingly, would disregard orders in operations of so much importance. Moreover, the position of his line of battle, together with that of General Lee, rendered it necessary to send their two corps to Jonesboro', and Hardee, the supe- rior officer in rank, of course assumed command. I was slow and reluctant to adopt the conclusion finally expressed in my dispatch to the President. I refused to attri- bute Hardee's non-fulfilment of orders to a fixed purpose on his part to thwart my operations as Commander-in-Chief, and imputed his misfortune mainly to the influence of the school in contact with which he had been thrown for a considerable period. It is true I had been promoted and placed over him who was my senior in rank, and equally true that, under similar circumstances, not many men will co-operate as heartily as duty dictates, in the furtherance of the projects of their com- manding officer. His brother corps commanders were of the opinion that in this grievance lay the source of trouble, and that he, if not consenting to a frustration of my plans, was at least willing I should not achieve signal success. If these impressions be correct, his want of confidence, or rather fear of rashness on my part, was not lessened ; and feelings were doubtless engendered that created the lukewarmness which 252 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. characterized the conduct of his mihtary operations at that juncture. I have been forced to recur to these facts, in consequence of their intimate connection with the important events of that period, and do so with the more sincere regret that General Hardee is no longer able to speak in his own defence. After the removal of the prisoners at Andersonville — hitherto the principal obstacle to a movement in rear of Sherman — I deemed it advisable, and, therefore ordered that the rail- road iron for some distance on the three roads leading into Atlanta, be removed and stored for future use. Major General M. L. Smith, chief engineer, was instructed to not only fortify Macon, but likewise Augusta and Columbus ; the chief commissary was directed to remove the depot of supplies to the West Point Railroad, as I desired, preparatory to crossing the Chattahoochee, to place our left flank on that river, with headquarters at Palmetto. I recalled General WheelerfromTennesseetojoinimmediately the left of the Army, whilst Colonel Prestman, of the engineer corps, made ready to move with the pontoon train and a suffi- cient number of boats to meet any emergency. These various preparations somewhat revived the spirit of the officers and men ; I was hereby induced to believe that the Army, in its next effort at battle, would fight with more determination than had been exhibited since our retreat from Resaca, and so tele- graphed General Bragg on the 15 th of September. Upon the morning of the i8th, the Army began to move in the direction of the West Point Railroad, which the advance reached on the 19th. Upon the 20th, line of battle was formed, with the right east of the railroad, and the left resting near the river, with Army headquarters at Palmetto. I sent the following dispatch to General Bragg the succeed- ing day : [No. 30.] " September 21st. " I shall — unless Sherman moves south — as soon as I can collect sup- plies, cross the Chattahoochee river, and form line of battle near Powder CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 253 Springs. This will prevent him from using the Dalton Railroad, and force him to drive me off or move south, when I shall follow upon his rear. I make this move as Sherman is weaker now than he will be in future, and I as strong as I can expect to be. Would it not be well to move a part of the important machinery at Macon to the east of the Oconee river, and do the same at Augusta to the east side of the Savan- nah river ? If done, it will be important to make the transfer so as not to interfere with the supplies for the Armies. "J. B. HOOD, General." On this date expired the truce of ten days which had been agreed upon for the exchange of prisoners, and Major Clare, of my staff, returned with his escort from Rough and Ready. The same day I received information that the President, in response to my invitation, had decided to visit the Army forthwith. On the 25th, at 3.30 p. m., President Davis, accompanied by two staff officers, arrived at Pahiietto, with a view to ascer- tain in person the condition of the Army; to confer, as requested, with the corps commanders in regard to the opera- tions around Atlanta, and to obtain the particulars of the proposed campaign in the rear of Sherman. On the ensuing morning, we rode forth together to the front, with the object of making an informal review of the troops. Some brigades received the President with enthusiasm; others were seemingly dissatisfied, and inclined to cry out, " give us General Johnston." I regretted I should have been the cause of this uncourteous reception to His Excellency; at the same time, I could recall no offence save that of having insisted that they should fight for and hold Atlanta forty-six days, whereas they had previously retreated one hundred miles within sixty- six days. During the evening the President was serenaded by the Twentieth Louisiana band, accompanied by quite a large number of soldiers. He made upon the occasion a short but spirited speech, which was received with long and continued cheers. General Howell Cobb, and Governor Harris, of Tennessee, also delivered brief and eloquent addresses. 254 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. The President held a long conference the next day with Lieutenant Generals Lee and Stewart, in a house not far from my tent. H - conferred also separately with General Hardee. I had, at a previous interview, fully expressed to him my views in relation to the condition of the Army, and maintained that our only hope to checkmate Sherman was to assume the offensive, cut the enemy's communications, select a position on or near the Alabama line in proximity to the Blue Mountain Railroad, and there give him battle. Should the enemy move south, I could as easily from that point as from Palmetto, follow upon his rear, if that policy should be deemed prefer- able. On the other hand, if my position on or near the Alabama line should force Sherman to move out of Atlanta — as I believed it would do — and divide his Army by sending off a portion to Tennessee, which he would consider immedi- ately threatened, I might be able to defeat the wing of the Federal Army, remaining in Georgia, drive it from the country, regain our lost territory, reinspirit the troops, and bring hope again to the hearts of our people. I stated also that I thought an offensive move would improve the morale of the Army to a degree which would render it equal to giving battle to the enemy ; that at the moment it was totally unfit for pitched battle, and the above plan offered the sole chance to avert disaster. Prior to his departure, I recalled to him the fact that I had accepted with reluctance the position to which I had been assigned ; that I had never sought preferment from him either directly or indirectly, and assured him I cherished but one desire, which was to do my whole duty to my country. I told him I was aware of the outcry against me, through the press, since the removal of Johnston, and, if he adjudged a change of commanders expedient, not to hesitate to relieve me entirely from duty with the Army of Tennessee or to give me a corps or division, under a more competent leader than myself. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 255 After final counsel with the Lieutenant Generals, he left for Montgomery, at 6 p. m., on the 27th of September. The main part of the above conversation was repeated after he had mounted his horse, and was in readiness to leave ; he replied that he might find it necessary to assign another to the command of the Army, but I should continue to pursue my proposed plan, at least till a decision was reached in the matter. On the 28th, an order from the President was received, and read to the troops, relieving Lieutenant General Hardee from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and assigning him to the command of the Department of South Carolina and Florida, The same day, I issued instructions to commence the move- ment across the Chattahoochee at Pumpkin Town and Phillips's Ferry, and, on the following morning, I directed that our sup- plies from Newnan cross the river at Moore's Ferry. At noon, I rode over the pontoon bridge in advance of the infantry, and established my headquarters that night at Pray's Church, along with General Jackson, commanding the cavalry ; and on the next day I received the subjoined communication from the President : [Private.l " Opelika, Alabama, September 28th, 1864. " General John B. Hood, Headquarters Army of Tennessee. " General : — I have anxiously reflected upon the subject of our closing conversation and the proposition confidentially mentioned. It seems to me best that I should confer with General Beauregard, and, if quite acceptable to him, place him in command of the department embracing your Army and that of General R. Taylor, so as to secure the fullest co-operation of the troops, without relieving either of you of the respon- sibilities and powers of your special commands, except in so far as would be due to the superior rank and the above assignment of General Beauregard. He would necessarily, if present with either Army, com- mand in person. Before final action, there will be time for you to com- municate with me, and I shall be glad to have your views. In the mean- time you will of course proceed as though no modification of existing organization was contemplated. "Very respectfully and truly yours, "JEFFERSON DAVIS." 256 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. The morning of the ist of October, Brigadier General Jack- son advanced with the cavalry, sending a detachment at the same time to operate against the railroad between the Chatta- hoochee and Marietta. That night the Army went into bivouac eight miles north of Fray's Church, after having effected an undisturbed and safe passage of the Chattahoochee. Information was here received that Kilpatrick's cavalry was north of the river, and that Girard'y cavalry had moved in the direction of Rome. The next morning, I telegraphed to General Bragg as follows : [No. 33] "October 2d. "To-night my right will be at Powder Springs, with my left on Lost Mountain. This will, I think, force Sherman to move on us or to move south. Should he move towards Augusta, all available troops should be sent there with an able officer of high rank to command. Could General Lee spare a division for that place in such an event ? "J. B. HOOD, Generair The night of the 2d, the Army rested near Flint Hill Church. On the morning of the 3d, Lieutenant General Stewart was instructed to move with his Corps, and take possession of Big Shanty ; to send, if practicable, a detach- ment for the same purpose to Ackworth, and to destroy as great a portion of the railroad in the vicinity as possible ; also to send a division to Allatoona to capture that place, if, in the judgment of the commanding officer, the achievement was feasible.* The main body of the Army in the meantime moved forward, and bivouacked near Carley's house, within four miles of Lost Mountain. On the 4th, General Stewart captured, after a slight resist- ance, about one hundred and seventy prisoners, at Big Shanty, and, at 9.30 a. m., the garrison at Ackworth, numbering two hundred and fifty men, surrendered to General Loring. The forces under these officers joined the main body near Lost * See Official Report, Appendix, page 326. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 257 Mountain on the morning- of the 5th, having, in addition, destroyed about ten or fifteen miles of the railroad. I had received information — and Gensral Shoupe records the same in his diary — that the enemy had in store, at Alla- toona, large supplies which were guarded by two or three regiments. As one of the main objects of the campaign was to deprive the enemy of provisions, Major General French was ordered to move with his Division, capture the garrison, if practicable, and gain possession of the supplies. Accordingly, on the 5th, at 10 a. m., after a refusal to surrender,, he attacked the Federal forces at Allatoona, and succeeded in capturing a portion of the works; at that juncture, he received intelligence that large reinforcements were advancing in support of the enemy, and, fearing he would be cut off from the main body of the Army, he retired and abandoned the attempt. Major L. Perot, adjutant of Ector's brigade, has informed me by letter that our troops were in possession of these stores during several hours, and could easily have destroyed them. If this assertion be correct, I presume Major General French forbade their destruction, in the conviction of his ability to successfully remove them for the use of the Confederate Army. Our soldiers fought with great courage ; during the engage- ment Brigadier General Young, a brave and efficient officer, was wounded, and captured by the enemy. General Corse won my admiration by his gallant resistance, and not without reason the Federal commander complimented this officer, through a general order, for his handsome conduct in the defence of Allatoona. Our presence upon his communications compelled Sherman to leave Atlanta in haste, and cross the Chattahoochee on the 3d and 4th of October with, according to our estimate at that time, about sixty-five thousand (65,000) infantry and artillery, and two divisions of cavalry. He left one corps to guard the city and the railroad bridge across the river, and telegraphed to Grant he would attack me if I struck his road south of the Etowah. 17 258 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. I received at this juncture a copy of the following order from President Davis : "Augusta, Georgia, October sd, 1864. "General G. T. Beauregard, Augusta, Georgia. " General : — I desire that, with as httle delay as practicable, you will assume command of the military departments now commanded respect- ively by General Hood, and Lieutenant General Taylor. " You will establish the headquarters of the department under your command at such point within its territorial limits as you may consider most advantageous to the public service. "Your personal presence is expected wherever in your judgment the interests of your command render it expedient, and whenever present with an Army in the field, you will exercise immediate command of the troops. "The adjutant and inspector general will be directed to communicate to you without delay the orders defining the geographical limits of your department, and such letters of general instruction as may have been sent to your predecessors, and as it may be important for you to possess. " Very respectfully and truly yours, "JEFFERSON DAVIS. " (For General Hood)."* This order was most satisfactory, inasmuch as it afforded me at least an opportunity to confer with an officer of distinc- tion, in regard to future operations. The attack upon his communications, in the vicinity of the Etowah river and near the Alabama line, had forced Sherman to hasten from Atlanta. In truth, the effect of our operations so far surpassed my expectations that I was induced to some- what change my original plan to draw Sherman to the Alabama line and then give battle. I accordingly decided to move further north and again strike his railroad between Resacaand Tunnel Hill, thoroughly destroy it, and then move in the direction of the Tennessee, via Lafayette and Gadsden, with no intent, however, to cross the river. This move, I consid- ered, would so seriously threaten the road at Stevenson, and the bridge across the Tennessee river, at Bridgeport, that Sherman would be compelled still further to detach and divide his forces, whilst at the same time he continued his march CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 259 northward. I intended then to entice him as near the Ten- nessee line as possible, before offering battle. To accomplish this end, I thought it might be expedient to march to a point in the vicinity of the Tennessee, and even to order the cavalry to advance as far as the river, before I turned upon the enemy. It was my fixed purpose to attack Sherman as soon as I succeeded in these manoeuvres. The plan of the original campaign was, therefore, only more fully developed by this strategy, which, in truth, I adopted as an afterthought. On the 6th, the Army reached Dallas ; our right rested at New Hope Church, where intelligence was received that the enemy was advancing from Lost Mountain. From Dallas we marched to Coosaville, ten miles southwest of Rome, via Van Wert, Cedartown, and Cave Spring. At the latter place Major General Wheeler, with a portion of his command, joined me from. Tennessee. We arrived at Coosaville on the loth, and the day previous, when near Van Wert, I sent the following dis- patch to General Bragg: [No. 34.] " Near Van Wert, Georgia, ) " October gth, 1864. j " General B. Bragg and Honorable J. A. Seddon, Richmond. " When Sherman found this Army on his communications, he left Atlanta hurriedly with his main body, and formed line of battle near Kennesaw Mountain. I at once moved to this point, and, marching to-morrow, shall cross the Coosa river about ten miles below Rome ; and moving up the west bank of the Oostenaula, hope to destroy his com- munications from Kingston to Tunnel Hill, forcing him to fall back or move south. If the latter, I shall move on his rear. If the former, I shall move to the Tennessee river, via Lafayette and Gadsden. I leave near Jacksonville all surplus baggage, artillery, and wagons, and move prepared for battle. If I move to the Tennessee, my trains will meet me at Gadsden. Please have the Memphis and Charleston Railroad repaired at once to Decatur, if possible. "J. B. HOOD, Genera/." This last precautionary measure I deemed advisable, as I sought to forestall every possible contingency. If our arms 2G0 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. met with only partial success in battle — that is, if Sher- man was not routed, but merely badly worsted — I had deter- mined to send the wounded to the rear by the Blue Mountain Railroad; by rapid marches to cross the Tennessee river at Gunter's Landing, and again destroy the enemy's communica- tions at Stevenson, and Bridgeport. I felt confident that Sher- man, after being disabled in battle, would follow in my rear, and I hoped that the near approach of cold weather would favor my attempt to at least recover our lost territory, and allow our Army to winter again in the vicinity of Dalton. In anticipa- tion of this probable event, I requested the authorities to have the Memphis and Charleston Railroad repaired to or near De- catur, Alabama, in order to establish another line for supplies and retreat, in case of either success or disaster in Tennessee. In a dispatch to General Taylor I requested that Forrest be ordered to operate at once in Tennessee : [No. 499.] , "Van Wert, October y/h. " Lieutenant General Taylor, " Cotmnandmg Departmettt, Gainesville yunction. " Your dispatch of the 6th received. This Army being in motion, it is of vital importance that Forrest should move without delay, and operate on the enemy's railroad. If he cannot break the Chattanooga and Nash- ville Railroad, he can occupy their forces there, and prevent damage being repaired on the other road. He should lose no time in moving. I am very thankful for the assistance already afforded this Army. "J. B. HOOD, General:' The improvement in the morale of the troops was already apparent, and desertions, so frequent at Palmetto, had alto- gether ceased. I, therefore, indulged a not unreasonable hope very soon to deal the enemy a hard and staggering blow. In order to convey his appreciation of the importance attached to our movement upon his line of communication, I will quote General Sherman's own words : * "In person I reached Allatoona on the 9th of October, still in doubt as to Hood's immediate intentions." * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 152. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 261 In a dispatch of the same date to Thomas, at Nashville : " I came up here to relieve our road. The Twentieth Corps remains at Atlanta. Hood reached the road, and broke it up between Big Shanty and Ackworth. He attacked Allatoona, but was repulsed. We have plenty of bread and meat, but forage is scarce. I want to destroy all the road below Chattanooga, including Atlanta, and to make for the sea coast. We cannot defend this long line of road." On the same day he sent the following dispatch to Grant, at City Point : " It will be a physical impossibility to protect the roads now that Hood, Forrest, Wheeler, and the whole batch of devils are turned loose without home or habitation. I think Hood's movements indicate a diversion to the end of the Selma and Talladega road, at Blue Mountain, about sixty miles southwest of Rome, from which he will threaten Kingston, Bridge- port, Decatur, Alabama." * * * * On the loth of October, Brigadier General Jackson, com- manding the cavalry, was instructed by Colonel Mason, as follows : [No 438.] "Cave Spring, October loth, 8 a. m. " General Hood desires me to inform you that the pontoon at Quinn's Ferry, on the Coosa river, will be taken up this evening, and you must put on a line of couriers to that place to connect with a line to the other side. They will meet at the ferry, and you must continue to keep some there, or near there, to take dispatches over the line. Day after to-mor- row (i2th), unless you are otherwise engaged, General Hood desires you will mqve on Rome, and make a considerable demonstration from your side of the river ; but be careful not to fire into the town. Communicate fully and frequently about all movements of the enemy." On the I ith, the Army crossed the Coosa river, marched in the direction of Resacaand Dalton, and bivouacked that night fourteen miles above Coosaville, and ten miles northwest of Rome. That same day Major General Arnold Elzey, chief of artillery, was directed to move to Jacksonville with the reserve artillery and all surplus wagons, and General Jackson was instructed to retard the enemy as much as possible, in the event of his advance from Rome. Having thus relieved the Army of all incumbrance, and 262 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. made ready for battle, we marched rapidly to Resaca, and thence to Dalton, via Sugar Valley Post Office. Lieutenant General Lee moved upon Resaca, with instructions to display his forces and demand the surrender of the garrison, but not to attack, unless, in his judgment, the capture could be effected with small loss of life. He decided not to assault the Federal works, and commenced at once the destruction of the railroad. On the 13th, I demanded the surrender of Dalton, which, in the first instance, was refused, but was finally acceded to at 4 p. m.^ The garrison consisted of about one thousand (looo) men. ATBie road between Resaca and Tunnel Hill had been effectually destroyed, the Army was put in motion the next morning in the direction of Gadsden, and camped that night neai* Villanon. Whilst in front of Dalton, quite a spirited affair occurred at Mill Creek Gap, where a detachment of our troops attacked and gained possession of a block house. Major Kinloch Fal- coner, of my staff, was during this assault seriously wounded. On the morning of the 15 th, I sent from Van Wert the follow- ing dispatch to the Honorable J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Generals Bragg and Beauregard: [No. 500.]- "Van Wert, October isth. • " This Army struck the communications of the enemy about a mile above Resaca (the 12th), completely destroying the railroad, including block houses from that point to within a short distance of Tunnel Hill ; and about four miles of the Cleveland Railroad, capturing Dalton and all intermediate garrisons, with their stores, arms and equipments — taking about one thousand (1000) prisoners. The main body of Sher- man's Army seem to be moving towards Dalton. "J. B. HOOD, Generair From Villanon, the Army passed through the gaps in the mountains, and halted during the 15th and i6th at Cross Roads, in a beautiful valley about nine miles south of Lafay- ette. At this time I received intelligence that Sherman had, on the 1 3th, reached Snake Creek Gap, where the right of his line had rested in the early Spring of this year; also that he CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 263 was marching in our pursuit, whilst General Wheeler was endeavoring to retard his advance as much as possible. I here determined to advance no further towards the Tennessee river, but to select a position and deliver battle, since Sherman had, at an earlier date than anticipated, moved as far north as I had hoped to allure him ; moreover I was again in the vicinity of the Alabama line, with the Blue Mountain Railroad in my rear, and I thought I had discovered thgt improvement in the morale of the troops, which would justify me in delivering battle. In accordance with information received from our cavalry, Sherman had, however, made no further division of his forces after leaving Atlanta. I estimated, therefore, his strength to be about sixty-five thousand (65,000) effectives. Upon the eve of action, I considered it important to ascertain by personal inquiry and through the aid of officers of my staff, not alone from corps commanders, but from officers of less rank, whether or not my impressions after the capture of Dalton were correct, and I could rely upon the troops enter- ing into battle at least hopeful of victoiy. I took measures to obtain likewise the views of Lieutenant General Lee who, at this juncture, was with his Corps in rear, at or near Ship's Gap. He agreed with all the officers consulted ; the opinion was unanimous that although the Army had much improved in spirit, it was not in condition to risk battle against the numbers reported by General Wheeler. The renouncement of the object for which I had so earnestly striven, brought with it genuine disappointment; I had expected that a forward movement of one hundred miles would re-inspirit the officers and men in a degree to impart to them confidence, enthusiasm, and hope of victory, if not strong faith in its achievement. I remained two days at Cross Roads in serious thought and perplexity. I could not offer battle while the officers were unanimous in their opposition. Neither could I take an entrenched position with likelihood of advantageous results, since Sherman could do the same, repair the railroad, amass a 264 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. large Army, place Thomas in my front in command of the forces he afterwards assembled at Nashville, and then, himself, move southward ; or, as previously suggested, he could send Thomas into Alabama, whilst he marched through Georgia, and left me to follow in his rear. This last movement upon our part, would be construed by the troops into a retreat, and could but result in disaster. In this dilemma, I conceiv^ed the plan of marching into Tennessee with a hope to establish our line eventually in Kentucky, and determined to make the campaign which followed, unless withheld by General Beauregard or the authorities at Richmond. General Beauregard at this time was journe)'ing in my direction. I proposed, therefore, when he joined me, to lay fully before him my plan of operations. Before entering into an account thereof, I will for a moment advert to the evidences of the solicitude occasioned the enemy by our movement to the Alabama line. On the loth of October, General Sherman telegraphed to Generals Thomas and Cox, as follows : * " I will be at Kingston to-morrow. I think Rome is strong enough to resist any attack, and the rivers are all high. If he (Hood) turns up by Summerville, I will get behind him." On the 1 6th, when in pursuit of our Army from Resaca in the direction of Ship's Gap and Lafayette, he again telegraphs to Thomas, at Nashville : f " Send me Morgan's and Newton's old Divisions. Re-establish the road, and I will follow Hood wherever he may go. I think he will move to Blue Mountain. We can maintain our men and animals on the country." On the 17th, he writes Schofield, at Chattanooga: J «. * * * \Yg must follow Hood till he is beyond the reach of mischief, and then resume the offensive." * Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 153. f Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 1 56. j Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 157. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 265 Ten days after this declaration, he was still undecided as to the plan he should adopt. In truth, it seemed difficult to divine when our little Army would be far enough away to be "beyond the reach of mischief" On the 26th, he telegraphed to General Thomas : * "A reconnoissance, pushed down to Gadsden to-day, reveals the fact that the rebel Army is not there, and the chances are it has moved west. If it turns up at Guntersville, I will be after it." He writes in his Memoirs if "There is no doubt that the month of October closed to us look- ing decidedly squally, but, somehow, I was sustained in the belief that in a very few days the tide would turn." Upon the same page I find the following telegram from General Grant : "City Point, November ist, 1864, 6 p. in. "Major General Sherman. " Do you not think it advisable, now Hood has gone so far north, to entirely ruin him before starting on your proposed campaign ? With Hood's Army destroyed, you can go where you please with impunity. I believed and still believe, if you had started south while Hood was in the neighborhood of you, he would have been forced to go after you. Now that he is far away, he might look upon the chase as useless, and he will go on in one direction while you are pushing in another. If you can see a chance of destroying Hood's Army, attend to that first, and make your other move secondary." General Sherman replied, as follows : J "Rome, Georgia, November 2d, 1864. " Lieutenant General U. S. Grant, City Point, Virginia. " Your dispatch is received. If I could hope to overhaul Hoed, I would turn against him with my whole force ; then he would retreat to the southwest, drawing me as a decoy away from Georgia, which is his chief object. If he ventures north of the Tennessee river, I may venture in that direction, and endeavor to get below him on- his line of retreat ; but thus far he has not gone above the Tennessee river. General Thomas will have a force strong enough to prevent his reaching any country in which we have an interest ; and he has orders, if Hood turns * Van Home's History of the Army of the Cumberland, vol. II, page 1,8 1, f Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 164. J Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 165. 266 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. to follow me, to push for Selma, Alabama. No single Army can catch Hood, and I am convinced the best results will follow from our defeating Jeff. Davis's cherished plan of making me leave Georgia by manoeuvring. Thus far I have confmed my efforts to thwart this plan, and have reduced baggage so that I can pick up and start in any direction ; but I regard the pursuit of Hood as useless. Still, if he attempts to invade Middle Tennessee, 1 will hold Decatur, and be prepared to move in that direc- tion ; but, unless I let go Atlanta, my force will not be equal to his, " W. T. SHERMAN, Major Generair Before my attention was arrested by the above dispatches, I had vvTitten those hnes which record my surmises in regard to Sherman's and Thomas's movements, during our campaign to the Alabama hne. I did not, however, believe that Sher- man would follow me to Guntersville, unless I had been able to worst him in battle. No better proof can be adduced of the wisdom of this campaign than the foregoing dispatches, together with our success in drawing Sherman back, within ten days, to Snake Creek Gap, the identical position he occu- pied in May, 1864. Had the Army been in the fighting con- dition in which it was at Dalton, or at Franklin, I feel confident of our ability to have at least so crippled the enemy in pitched battle as to have retained possession of the mountains of Georfria. When I consider also the effect of this movement upon the Federal commanders, I cannot but become impressed with the facility with which the Confederate Army would have taken possession of the country as far north as the Ohio, if it had marched in the early Spring of '64, to the rear of the Federals (who were at Chattanooga assembling their forces) ; and when, in addition to the troops at Dalton, Polk's Army, Longstreet's Ccrps, and ten thousand men from Beauregard, were proffered for the purpose. After halting two days at Cross Roads, I decided to make provision for twenty days' supply of rations in the haversacks and wagons ; to order a heavy reserve of artillery to accom- pany the Army, in order to overcome any serious opposition l)y the Federal gunboats ; to cross the Tennessee at or near Guntersville, and again destroy Sherman's communications, at CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 267 Stevenson and Bridgeport ; to move upon Thomas and Scho- field, and attempt to rout and capture their Army before it could reach Nashville. I intended then to march upon that city where I would supply the Army and reinforce it, if pos- sible, by accessions from Tennessee. I was imbued with the belief that I could accomplish this feat, afterward march northeast, pass the Cumberland river at some crossing where the gunboats, if too formidable at other points, were unable to interfere ; then move into Kentucky, and take position with our left at or near Richmond, and our right extending toward Hazelgreen, with Pound and Stoney Gaps, in the Cumberland Mountains, at our rear. In this position I could threaten Cincinnati, and recruit the Army from Kentucky and Tennessee; the former State was reported, at this juncture, to be more aroused and embittered against the Federals than at any period of the war. While Sherman was debating between the alternative of following our Army or marching through Georgia, I hoped, by rapid movements, to achieve these results. If Sherman cut loose and moved south — as I then believed he would do after I left his front without previously ivorsting hint in battle — I would occupy at Richmond, Kentucky, a posi- tion of superior advantage, as Sherman, upon his arrival at the sea coast, would be forced to go on board ship, and, after a long detour by water and land, repair to the defence of Ken- tucky and Ohio or march direct to the support of Grant. If he returned to confront my forces, or followed me directly from Georgia into Tennessee and Kentucky, I hoped then to be in condition to offer battle ; and, if blessed with victory, to send reinforcements to General Lee, in Virginia, or to march through the gaps in the Cumberland Mountains, and attack Grant in rear. This latter course I would pursue in the event of defeat or of inability to offer battle to Sherman. If on the other hand he marched to join Grant, I could pass through the Cumberland gaps to Petersburg, and attack Grant in rear, at least two weeks before he, Sherman, could render him 268 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. assistance. This move, I believed, would defeat Grant, and allow General Lee, in command of our combined Armies, to march upon Washington or turn upon and annihilate Sherman. Such is the plan which during the 15th and i6th, as we lay in bivouac near Lafayette, I maturely considered, and deter- mined to endeavor to carry out. In accordance therewith, I decided to move to Gadsden, where, if I met General Beaure- gard, I intended to submit to him the foregoing plan of opera- tions, expressing at the same time my conviction that therein lay the only hope to bring victory to the Confederate arms. On the 17th, the Army resumed its line of march, and that night camped three miles from the forks of the Alpine, Gales- ville, and Summerville roads; thence proceeded towards Gadsden. On the 19th, I sent the following dispatches: [No. 35 1 " October igth. " General Bragg and Hon. J. A. Seddon. " Headquarters will be to-morrow at Gadsden, where I hope not to be delayed more than forty-eight hours, when I shall move for the Tennes- see river. "J. B. HOOD, Genera/." [No. 36.} " October 20th. " Lieutenant General Taylor, Mobile. " I will move to-morrow for Guntersville on the Tennessee. Please place all the garrison you can at Corinth, and have the railroad iron from there to Memphis taken up as close as possible to Memphis. Have not yet seen General Beauregard. Give me all the assistance you can to get my supplies to Tuscumbia. "J. B. HOOD, G"^;/^'ra/." I proposed to move directly on to Guntersville, as indicated to General Taylor, and to take into Tennessee about one-half of Wheeler's cavalry (leaving the remainder to look after Sherman) and to have a depot of supplies at Tuscumbia, in the event I met with defeat in Tennessee. Shortly after my arrival at Gadsden, General Beauregard reached the same point ; I at once unfolded to him my plan. CAMPAIGN TO THE ALABAMA LINE. 269 and requested that he confer apart with the corps commanders, Lieutenant Generals Lee and Stewart, and Major General Cheatham. If after calm deliberation, he deemed it expedient we should remain upon the Alabama line and attack Sherman^ or take position, entrench, and finally follow on his rear when he moved south, I would of course acquiesce, albeit with reluctance. If, contrariwise, he should agree to my proposed plan to cross into Tennessee, I would move immediately to Guntersville, thence to Stevenson, Bridgeport, and Nashville. This important question at issue was discussed during the greater part of one night, with maps before us. General Beau- regard at length took the ground that if I engaged in the projected campaign, it would be necessary to leave in Georgia all the cavalry at present with the Army, in order to watch and harass Sherman in case he moved south, and to instruct Forrest to join me as soon as I crossed the Tennessee river. To this proposition I acceded. After he had held a separate conference with the corps commanders, we again debated several hours over the course of action to be pursued ; and, during the interview, I discovered that he had gone to work in earnest to ascertain, in person, the true condition of the Army ; that he had sought information not only from the corps com- manders, but from a number of officers, and had reached the same conclusion I had formed at Lafayette : we were not com- petent to offer pitched battle to Sherman, nor could we follow him south without causing our retrograde movement to be construed by the troops into a recurrence of retreat, which would entail desertions, and render the Army of little or no use in its opposition to the enemy's march through Georgia. After two days' deliberation. General Beauregard authorized me, on the evening of the 21st of October, to proceed to the execution of my plan of operations into Tennessee. At this point, it may be considered, closed the campaign to the Alabama line. CHAPTER XVI. TENNESSEE CAMPAIGN FORREST WHEELER DEFLECTION TO FLORENCE DETENTION PRESIDENT DAVIS BEAUREGARD COLUMBIA SPRING HILL. General Beauregard's approval of a forward movement into Tennessee was soon m^de known to the Army. The prospect of again entering that State created great enthusiasm, and from the different encampments arose at intervals that genuine Confederate shout so familiar to every Southern soldier, and which then betokened an improved state of feeling among the troops. With twenty days' rations in the haversacks and wagons, we marched, on the 22d of October, upon all the roads leading from Gadsden in the direction of Guntersville, on the Tennessee river, and bivouacked that night in the vicinity of Bennetsville. I here received information that General Forrest was near Jackson, Tennessee, and could not reach the middle portion of this State, as the river was too high. It would, therefore, be impossible for him to join me, if I crossed at Guntersville; as it was regarded as essential that the whole of Wheeler's cavalry remain in Georgia, I decided to deflect westward, effect a junction with Forrest, and then cross the river at Florence. General Beauregard sent orders to him to join me without delay; also dispatched a messenger to hasten forward supplies to Tuscumbia. (270) TENNESSEE CAMPAIGN. 271 The succeeding day, th(? movement was continued toward Florence, in lieu of Guntersville as I had expected. Lieutenant General Lee's Corps reached the Tennessee, near Florence, on the 30th ; Johnson's Division crossed the river, and took pos- session of that town. My headquarters were during the 27th and 28th at the house of General Garth, near Decatur, where also stopped General Beauregard. While the Army turned Decatur, I ordered a slight demonstration to be made against the town till our forces passed safely beyond, when I moved toward Tuscumbia, at which place I arrived on the 31st of October. Johnson's Division, which held possession of Florence, was reinforced the same day by Clayton's Division. Thus the Confederate Army rested upon the banks of the Tennessee one month after its departure from Palmetto. It had been almost continuously in motion during this interim; it had by rapid moves and manoeuvres, and with only a small loss, drawn Sherman as far ndrth as he stood in the early Spring. The killed and wounded at Allatoona had been replaced by absentees who returned to ranks, and, as usual in such operations, the number of desertions became of no conse- quence. In addition to the official returns, my authority for the last assertion is Judge Cofer, of Kentucky, who was provost marshal of the Army at this period, and is at present one of the district judges of his State. About two years ago, in Louisville, he informed me that he had been impressed by the small number of desertions reported to him during the campaigns to the rear of Sherman, and into Tennessee. Notwithstanding my request as early as the 9th of October that the railroad to Decatur be repaired, nothing had been done on the ist of November towards the accomplishment of this important object, as the following dispatch from the super- intendent of the road will show : " Corinth, Mississippi, November ist, 1864. " General G. T. Beauregard. " I fear you have greatly over-estimated the capacity and condition of this railroad to transport the supplies for General Hood's Army. 272 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. " Most of the bridges between here and Okolona were destroyed and recently only patched up to pass a few trains of supplies for General Forrest, and are liable to be swept away by freshets which we may soon expect. The cross-ties are so much decayed that three trains ran off yesterday, and the track will be still worse in rainy weather. " I have called upon General Taylor for additional labor, and will use every effort to forward the supplies, but deem it due to you to advise you of the true condition of the road. "(Signed) L. J. FLEMING, " Chief Engineer and General Superintendent ^I. & O. R. R." I had expected upon my arrival at Tuscumbia to find addi- tional supplies, and to cross the river at once. Unfortunately, I was constrained to await repairs upon the railroad before a sufificient amount of supplies could be received to sustain the Army till it was able to reach Middle Tennessee. General Beauregard remained two weeks at Tuscumbia and in its vicinity, during which interval the inaugurated campaign was discussed anew at great length. General Sherman was still in the neighborhood of Rome, and the question arose as to whether we should take trains and return to Georgia to oppose his movements south or endeavor to execute the pro- jected operations into Tennessee and Kentucky. I adhered to the conviction I had held at Lafayette and Gadsden, and a second time desired General Beauregard to consult the corps commanders, together with other officers, in regard to the effect a return to Georgia would produce upon the Army. I also urged the consideration that Thomas would immediately overrun Alabama, if we marched to confront Sherman. I had fixedly determined, unless withheld by Beauregard or the authorities at Richmond, to proceed, as soon as supplies were received, to the execution of the plan submitted at Gadsden. On the 6th of November, I sent the following dispatch to the President: [No. 37.] " Headquarters Tuscumbia, 1 " November 6th, J " His Excellency, President Davis, Richmond. " General Wheeler reports from Blue Mountain that Sherman is mov- ing one corps to Tennessee, and three to- Marietta. I hope to march for TENNESSEE CAMPAIGN. 273 Middle Tennessee by the eighth or ninth (8th or 9th) inst. Should he move two or three corps south from Atlanta, I think it would be the best thing that could happen for our general good. General Beauregard agrees with me as to my plan of operation. Would like to be informed if any forces are sent from Grant or Sheridan, to Nashville. "J. B. HOOD, General:' At this juncture, I was advised of the President's opposition to the campaign into Tennessee previous to a defeat of Sher- man in battle, as is clearly indicated by his reply : "Richmond, November -/ih, 1864. " General J. B. Hood. " via Meridian. " No troops can have been sent by Grant or Sheridan to Nashville. The latter has attempted to reinforce the former, but Early's movements prevented it. That fact will assure you as to their condition and pur- poses. The policy of taking advantage of the reported division of his forces, where he cannot re-unite his Army, is too obvious to have been overlooked by you. I therefore take it for granted that you have not been able to avail yourself of that advantage, during his march north- ward from Atlanta. Hope the opportunity will be offered before he is extensively recruited. If you keep his communications destroyed, he will most probably seek to concentrate for an attack on you. But if, as reported to you, he has sent a large part of his force southward, you may first beat him in detail, and, subsequently, without serious obstruction or danger to the country in your rear, advance to the Ohio river. "JEFFERSON DAVIS." The President, as indicated, was evidently under the impres- sion that the Army should have been equal to battle by the time it had reached the Alabama line, and was averse to my going into Tennessee.* He was not, as General Beauregard and myself, acquainted with its true condition. Therefore, a high regard for his views notwithstanding, I continued firm in the belief that the only means to checkmate Sherman, and co-operate with General Lee to save the Confederacy, lay in speedy success in Tennessee and Kentucky, and in my ability finally to attack Grant in rear with my entire force. * Almost every writer upon the subject of my campaign into Tennessee, has fallen into the popular error that the President ordered me into that State; and, strange to say, General Taylor, brother-in-law of Mr, Davis, has also grossly erred in this regard, when he could have addressed a note to the Chief Executive of the Confederacy and have ascertained the truth. 18 274 ADVANCE AND RETREAT. On the 9th, I telegraphed to the Secretary of War : [No. 38.] " Headquarters Tuscumbia, ] *' November ^ p. m. My corps was well closed up to it, and immediately following. Our progress was very slow, and the head of my column did not reach Rough and Ready till daylight. I ascertained that the delay was caused by a part of Har- dee's Corps encountering the enemy about 12 p. m., August 30th, on the road on which they were moving, which made it necessary for the hne of march to be changed to a neighborhood road. In consequence of this delay my corps did not arrive at Jonesboro' till near 10 a. m. on the 31st, but it reached there immediately in rear of General Hardee's last division. The last three brigades of my corps, in consequence of the distance they had marched, and having been on picket, arrived about 1.30 p. m. The enemy had during the previous evening and night, effected a crossing of the Flint river, and made a lodgement on the east bank. The preliminaries for the attack were arranged. My corps was formed almost parallel to the railroad, immediately to the right of Jonesboro', connecting with Hardee's right, his line extending towards Flint river, and making almost a right angle with the railroad. It was found that Hardee's Corps did not cover as much ground as was expected, and I was instructed to extend my troops so as to fill up the interval ; and my command was moved almost two divisions front to the left. The instruc- tions given me were to attack as soon as Cleburne, who commanded Hardee's Corps, should become hotly engaged, he being ordered to swing to his right, and my corps to advance directly against the enemy, and if possible, swing to the left. The firing to my left on Cleburne's line, did not indicate a serious engagement, until the right division of Hardee's Corps became engaged. Being satisfied that the battle had commenced in earnest, I at once gave orders to my corps to move against the enemy. The attack was not made by the troops with that spirit and inflexible determination that would ensure success. Several brigades behaved with great gallantry, and in each brigade many instances of gallant conduct were exhibited by regiments and individuals, but gener- ally the troops faltered in the charge, when they were much exposed and within easy range of the enemy's musketry, and when they could do but little damage to the enemy behind his works, instead of moving directly and promptly forward against the temporary and informidable works in their front. The attack was a feeble one, and a failure, with a loss to my corps of about thirteen hundred (1300) men in killed and wounded. The enemy being behind works, and apparently no impression OFFICIAL REPORTS. 341 having been made upon him by the attack on my left, where his hne was supposed to be weakest, and Brigadier General Ross commanding a cavalry brigade on my immediate right, having reported the enemy movmg to my right, I was induced not to renew the attack. During the night of the 31st, about i p. m., I received an order from Lieutenant General Hardee to march at once to Atlanta. My corps was immediately put in motion, and was halted by Major General M. S. Smith chief engineer of the Army, about six miles from Atlanta, and there put in position to cover the evacuation of the city. On the morning of Sep- tember I St, I was ordered to move my command towards Lovejoy's Station, which place I reached on the 3d. The Army remained at Love- joy till September i8th, when it commenced moving to Palmetto Station, on the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, where it arrived on the 19th. Not having received the reports of my division commanders, it is impossible to notice those officers and commands deserving especial mention. It is my purpose to refer to their gallant deeds in a subsequent and more detailed report. I received at all times the cordial support of my division commanders— Major Generals Stevenson, Clayton and Brown, and afterwards Patton Anderson, commanding Hindman's old division, they always displayed great gallantry and zeal in time of battle.* I take pleasure in making a special mention of the gallantry of Brigadier General (now Major General) John C. Brown, during the engagement of the 28th on the Lick-Skillet road, and of Major General Stevenson and Clayton during the battle of Jonesboro' on August 31st. The officers of my personal staff, as also of the corps staff, behaved at all times with gallantry, and were energetic in the discharge of their duties. I have the honor to be, yours respectfully, S. D. LEE, Lieutenant General. Columbus, Miss., January 30th, 1864. Colonel :— I have the honor to offer the following as my official report of the operations of my corps, during the offensive movements com- mencing at Palmetto Station, Georgia, September 29th, 1864. It is impracticable, now in consequence of the movement of troops and my temporary absence from the Army, to obtain detailed reports from my division commanders. * I reejret to state that Major General Patton Anderson and Brigadier General Cummings were severely wounded in the action of the .31st, while nobly leading their troops against the enemy's works, and their services were lost to us during the remainder of the campaign. 342 APPENDIX. As a corps commander, I regarded the morale of the Army greatly impaired after the fall of Atlanta, and in fact before its fall, the troops were not by any means in good spirits. It was my observation and belief that the majority of the officers and men were so impressed with the idea of their inability to carry even temporary breastworks, that when orders were given for attack, and there was a probability of encountering works, they regarded it as recklessness in the extreme. Being impressed with these convictions, they did not generally move to the attack with that spirit which nearly always ensures success. When- ever the enemy changed his position temporary works could be impro- vised in less than two hours, and he could never be caught without them. In making these observations, it is due to many gallant officers and commands to state that there were noticeable exceptions ; but the feel- ing was so general that anything like a general attack was paralyzed by it. The Army having constantly yielded to the flank movements of the enemy, which he could make with but little difficulty by reason of his vastly superior numbers, and having failed in the offensive movements prior to the fall of Atlanta, its efficiency for further retarding the progress of the enemy was much impaired, and besides the advantages in the topography of the country south of Atlanta were much more favorable to the enemy for the movements of his superior numbers than the rough and mountainous country already yielded to him. In view of these facts, it was my opinion that the Army should take up the offensive, with the hope that favorable opportunities would be offered for striking the enemy successfully, thus ensuring the efficiency of the Army for future opera- tions. These opinions were freely expressed to the Commanding General. My corps crossed the Chattahoochee river on September 29th, and on October 3d, 1864, took position near Lost Mountain to cover the move- ments of Stewart's Corps on the railroad at Big Shanty and Allatoona. On October 6th I left my position near Lost Mountain, marching via Dallas and Cedar Town, crossing the Coosa river at Coosaville, October loth, and moved on Resaca, partially investing the place by 4 p. m., on October 12th. The surrender of the place was demanded in a written communication, which was in my possession, signed by General Hood. The commanding officer refused to surrender, as he could have easily escaped from the forts with his forces, and crossed the Oostenaula river ; I did not deem it prudent to assault the works, which were strong and well manned, believing that our loss would have been severe. The main object of appearing before Resaca being accomplished, and finding that Sherman's main Army was moving from the direction of Rome and Adairsville towards Resaca, I withdrew from before the place to Snake Creek Gap about mid-day on the 13th. The enemy made his appearance OFFICIAL REPORTS. 343 at the Gap on the 14th in large force, and on the 15th it was evident that his force amounted to several corps. Several severe skirmishes took place on the 15th, in which Deas's and Bradley's brigades of Johnson's Division were principally engaged. This Gap was held by my command until the balance of the Army had passed through Mattox's Gap, when I followed with the corps through the latter. The Army moved to Gadsden, where my corps arrived on October 2 1 St. At this point clothing was issued to the troops, and the Army commenced its march towards the Tennessee. My corps reached the vicinity of Leighton, in the Tennessee Valley, October 29th. Stewart's and Cheatham's Corps were then in front of Decatur. On the night of the 29th I received orders to cross the Tennessee river at Florence, Ala- bama. By means of the pontoon boats, two brigades of Johnson's Division were thrown across the river two and one-half miles above South Florence, and Gibson's brigade of Clayton's Division was crossed at South Florence. The enemy occupied Florence with about one thou- sand (1000) cavalry, and had a strong picket at the railroad bridge. The crossing at this point was handsomely executed, and with much spirit by Gibson, under the direction of General Clayton, under cover of several batteries of artillery. The distance across the river was about one thousand yards. The troops landed, and after forming, charged the enemy, and drove him from Florence. The crossing was spirited, and reflected much credit on all engaged in it. Major General Ed. Johnson experienced considerable trouble in crossing his two brigades because of the extreme difficulty of managing the boats in the shoals. He moved from the north bank of the river late in the evening with one brigade, Sharpe's Mississippi, and encountered the enemy on the Florence and Huntsville road about dark. A spirited affair took place, in which the enemy were defeated, with a loss of about forty (40) killed, wounded, and prisoners. The enemy retreated during the night to Shoal creek, about nine miles distant. The remainder of Johnson's and Clayton's Divisions were crossed on the night of the 30th, and on the morning of the 31st. Stevenson's Division was crossed on November 2d. My corps remained at Florence till November 20th, when the Army com- menced moving for Tennessee, my command leading the advance, and marching in the direction of Columbia via Henryville and Mount Pleas- ant. I arrived in front of Columbia on the 26th, relieving Forrest's cavalry then in position there, which had followed the enemy from Pulaski. The force of the enemy occupying Columbia was two corps. They confined themselves to the main works around the city and their outDosts, and skirmishers were readilv driven in. On the night of the 27th the enemy evacuated Columbia, and crossed Duck river; Ste- venson's Division of my corps entered the town before daylight. After 344 APPENDIX. crossing, the enemy took a strong position on the opposite side of the river, and entrenched, his skirmishers occupying rifle pits, two hundred and fifty yards from the river. There was considerable skirmishing across the river during the day, and some artillery firing, resulting in nothing of importance. On the morning of the 29th Johnson's Division of my corps was detached and ordered to report to the General Com- manding. I was directed to engage and occupy the enemy near Columbia, while the other two corps and Johnson's Division would be crossed above, and moved to the rear of the enemy in the direction of Spring Hill. The entire force of the enemy was in front of Columbia till about mid-day on the 29th, when one corps commenced moving off, the other remaining in position as long as they could be seen by us, or even till dark. I had several batteries of artillery put in position to drive the skirmishers of the enemy from the vicinity of the river bank, and made a display of pontoons, running several of them down to the river under heavy artillery and musketry fire. Having succeeded in putting a boat in the river, Pettus's brigade of Stevenson's Division was thrown across, under the immediate direction of Major General Stevenson, and made a most gallant charge on the rifle pits of the enemy, driving a much superior force, and capturing the pits. The bridge was at once laid down, and the crossing commenced. The enemy left my front about T-Yz a. m., on the morning of the 30th, and pursuit was made as rapidly as was prudent in the night time. The advance of Clayton's Divi- sion arrived at Spring Hill about 9 a. m., when it was discovered that the enemy had made his escape, passing around that portion of rhe Army in that vicinity. My corps, including Johnson's Division, 'followed imme- diately after Cheatham's Corps towards Franklin. I arrived near Franklin about 4 p. m. The Commanding General was just about attacking the enemy with Stewart's and Cheatham's Corps, and he directed me to place Johnson's Division, and afterwards Clayton's, in position to support the attack. Johnson moved in rear of Cheatham's Corps, and finding that the battle was stubborn, General Hood instructed me to move forward in person ; to communicate with General Cheatham, and if necessary, to put Johnson's Division in the fight. I met General Cheatham about dark, and was informed by him that assistance was needed at once. Johnson was iltfmediately moved forward to the attack, but owing to the darkness and •want of information as to the locality his attack was not felt by the enemy till about one hour after dark. This division moved against the enemy's breastworks under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, gal- lantly driving the enemy from portions of his line. The brigades of Sharpe and Bradley (Mississippians), and of Deas (Alabamians), par- ticularly distinguished themselves. Their dead were mostly in the OFFICIAL REPORTS. 345 trenches ana on the works of the enemy, where they nobly fell in a des- perate hand-to-hand conflict. Sharpe captured three stands of colors- Bradley was exposed to a severe enfilade fire, yet these noble brigades never faltered in the terrible night struggle. I have never seen greater evidences of gallantry than was displayed by this division, under command of that admirable and gallant soldier, Major General Edward Johnson. The enemy fought gallantly and obstinately at Franklin, and the position he held was, for infantry defence, one of the best I have ever seen. The enemy evacuated Franklin hastily during the night of the 30th. My corps commenced the pursuit about i p. m., on December 1st, and arrived near Nashville, about 2 p. m., on the 2d. The enemy had then occupied the works around the city. My command was the centre of the Army in front of Nashville; Cheatham's Corps being on my right, and Stewart's on my left. Nothing of import- ance occurred until the 15th. The enemy was engaged in entrenching and strengthening its position. On the 15th the enemy moved out on our left, and a severe engagement was soon commenced. In my imme- diate front the enemy still kept up his skirmish line, though it was evident that his main force had been moved. My line was much extended, the greater part of my command being in single rank. About 12 m. I was instructed to assist Lieutenant General Stewart, and I commenced withdrawing troops from my line to send to his support. I sent him Johnson's entire division, each brigade starting as it was dis- engaged from the works. A short time before sunset the enemy succeeded in turning General Stewart's position, and a part of my line was necessarily changed to conform to his new line. During the night, Cheatham's Corps was withdrawn from my right and moved to the extreme left of the Army The Army then took position about one mile in rear of its original line, my corps being on the extreme right. I was instructed by the Commanding General to cover and hold the Franklin pike. Clayton's Division occupied my right, Stevenson's my centre, and Johnson's my left. It was evident, soon after daylight, that a large force of the enemy was being concentrated in my front on the Franklin pike. About 9 o'clock a. m., on the i6th, the enemy having placed a large number of guns in position opened a terrible artillery fire on my line, principally on the Franklin pike. This lasted about two hours, when the enemy moved to the assault. They came up in several lines of battle. My men reserved their fire till they were within easy range, and then delivered it with terrible effect. The assault was easily repulsed. It was renewed, however, several times, with spirit, but only to meet each time with a like result. They approached to within thirty yards of our line and their loss was very severe. Their last assault was made about 3^ p. m., when they were driven back in great disorder. 346 APPENDIX. The assaults were made principally in front of Holtzclaus' (Alabama) Gibson's (Louisiana), and Stovall's (Georgia) brigades, of Clayton's Division, and Pettus's Alabama brigade of Stevenson's Division, and too much credit cannot be awarded Major General Clayton and these gallant troops for their conspicuous and soldierly conduct. The enemy made a considerable display of force on my extreme right during the day, evi- dently with the intention of attempting to turn our right flank. He made, however, but one feeble effort to use this force, when it was readily repulsed by Stovall's Georgia, and Bradley's Mississippi brigades, which latter had been moved to the right. Smith's Division, of Cheatham's Corps, reported to me about 2 p. m., to meet any attempt of the enemy to turn our right flank. It was put in position, but was not needed, and by order of the Commanding General it started to Brentwood, about 2>}z P- m. The artillery fire of the enemy during the entire day was very heavy^ and right nobly did the artillery of my corps, under Lieutenant General Hoxton, perform their duty. Courtney's battalion, under Captain Douglass, was in Johnson's front ; Johnson's battalion was in Steven, son's front, and Eldrige's battalion, under Captain Fenner, was in Clayton's front. The officers and men of the artillery behaved admira- bly, and too much praise cannot be bestowed upon this efficient arm of the service in the Army of Tennessee. The troops of my entire line were in fine spirits and confident of success (so much so that the men could scarcely be prevented from leaving their trenches to follow the enemy on and near the Franklin pike). But suddenly all eyes were turned to the centre of our line of battle, near the Granny White pike, where it was evident the enemy had rnade an entrance, although but little firing had been heard in that direction. Our men were flying to the rear in the wildest confusion, and the enemy following with enthu- siastic cheers. The enemy at once closed towards the gap in our line and commenced charging on the left division — Johnson's — of my corps ; but were handsomely driven back. The enemy soon gained our rear, and were moving on my left flank, when our line gradually gave way. My troops left their lines in some disorder, but were soon rallied and presented a good front to the enemy. It was a fortunate circumstance that the enemy was too much crippled to pursue us on the Franklin pike. The only pursuit made at that time was by a small force coming from the Granny White pike. Having been informed by an aid of the General Commanding that the enemy was near Brentwood, and that it was necessary to get beyond that point at once, everything was hastened to the rear. When Brentwood was passed, the enemy was only one-half mile from the Franklin pike, when Chalmer's Cavalry was fighting them. Being charged with covering the retreat of the Army I remained in rear with Clayton's and part of Steven- OFFICIAL REPORTS. 347 son's Division, and halted the rear guard about seven miles north of Franklin, about lo p. m., on the i6th. Early on the morning of the 17th our cavalry was driven in— in confusion — by the enemy ; who at once commenced a most vigorous pursuit, his cavalry charging at every opportunity and in the most daring manner. It was apparent that they were determined to make the retreat a rout, if possible. Their boldness was soon checked by many of them being killed and captured by Pettus's Alabama, and Stovall's Georgia, brigades, with Bledsoe's battery, under Major General Clayton. Several guidons were captured in one of their charges. I was soon compelled to withdraw rapidly towards Franklin, as the enemy was throwing a force in my rear from both the right and left of the pike, on roads coming into the pike near Franklin, and five miles in my rear. This force was checked by Brigadier General Gibson, with his brigade, and a regiment of Buford's cavalry, under Colonel Shacklet. The resistance which the enemy had met with early in the morning, and which materially checked his movements, enabled us to reach Franklin with but little difficulty. There the enemy appeared in consid- erable force and exhibited great boldness ; but he was repulsed, and the crossing of the Harpeth river effected. I found that there was in the town of Franklin a large number of our own and of the enemy's wounded, and not wishing to subject them and the town to the fire of the enemy's artillery, the place was yielded with but little resistance. Some four or five hours were gained by checking the enemy about one and one-half miles south of Franklin, and by the destruction of the trestle bridge over the Harpeth, which was effected by Captain Coleman, the engi- neer officer on my staff, and a party of pioneers, under a heavy fire of the enemy's sharpshooters. About 4 p. m. the enemy, having crossed a con- siderable force, commenced a bold and vigorous attack, charging with his cavalry on our flanks and pushing forward his lines in our front. A more persistent effort was never made to rout the rear guard of a retiring column. This desperate attack was kept up till long after dark, but gallantly did the rear guard, consisting of Pettus's Alabama and Cummings's Georgia brigades, the latter commanded by General Watkins, of Stevenson's Division, and under that gallant and meritorious officer. Major General C. L. Stevenson, repulse every attack. Brigadier General Chalmers with his division of cavalry covered our flanks. The cavalry of the enemy succeeded in getting in Stevenson's rear, and attacked Major General Clayton's Division about dark ; but they were handsomely repulsed, Gib- son and Stovall's brigades being principally engaged. Some four or five guidons were captured from the enemy during the evening. About I p. m. I was wounded while with the rear guard, but did not relinquish command of my corps till dark. Most of the details in 548 APPENDIX. conducting the returns from that time were arranged and executed by Major General C. L. Stevenson, to whom the Army is much indebted for his skill and gallant conduct during the day. I cannot close this report without alluding particularly to the conduct of the artillery of my corps on the i6th. Sixteen guns were lost on the lines. The greater portion of them were without horses, they having been disabled during the day. Many of the carriages were disabled also. The noble gunners, reluctant to leave their guns, fought the enemy, in many instances, till they were almost within reach of the guns. Major General Ed. Johnson was cap- tured on the 1 6th. Being on foot he was unable to make his escape from the enemy in consequence of an old wound. He held his line as long as it was practicable to do so. The Army of Tennessee has sustained no greater loss than that of this gallant and accomplished soldier. To my division commanders — Stevenson, Johnson and Clayton — I am indebted for the most valuable services. They were always zealous in discharge of their duties. Although it is my desire to do so, I cannot now allude to the many conspicuous acts of gallantry exhibited by general, field, and company officers, and by the different commands. It is my intention to do so in future, when detailed reports are received. To the officers of my personal staff", and also of the corps staff, I am indebted for valuable services. They were always at their posts and ready to respond to the call of duty. I have the honor to be yours, respectfully, S. D. LEE, Lieutenant General. Notes. — Brigadier General Manigault, commanding a brigade of Alabamians and South Carolinians, was severely wounded in the engagement while gallantly leading his troops to the fight, and his two successors in command — Colonel Shaw was killed, and Colonel Davis wounded. During the affair around Columbia, the gallant and accomplished soldier, Colonel R. F. Beckham, com- manding the artillery regiment of my corps, was mortally wounded, while indus- triously and fearlessly directing the artillery firing against the enemy. He was of the truest and best officers in the service. S. D. LEE, Lieutenant General. Columbus, Miss., January 30th, 1864. Report of the operations of Lee's Corps from the commencement of offensive operations at Palmetto, Georgia. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 349 OFFICIAL REPORT OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL STEWART, OF OPERATIONS UNDER GENERAL HOOD. Headquarters, Stewart's Corps, A. of T. ) Near Tupelo, Miss., January 12th, i86^.\ Col. a. p. Mason, A. A. Cejieral. Sir: — In compliance with the wishes of the Commanding General, I submit the following brief report of the operations of this corps from July 1 8th, 1864, the day on which General Hood took command of the Army of Tennessee, to September 29th, 1864, the day on which we re-crossed the Chattahoochee. On the i8th of July we lay in bivouac on the south side of Peach Tree creek, between the Marietta and Pace's Ferry road. On that or the following day we commenced entrenching, the enemy having crossed the Chattahoochee, and advanced, on Sunday, the 17th, to the vicinity of Peach Tree creek. This corps was on the left, Hardee's in the centre, Cheatham's, formerly Hood's, on the right of the Army. On the morning of the 20th it was decided at Army headquarters that at I o'clock, p. m. that day an attack should be made on the enemy by this corps and Hardee's. The plan was for the divisions (commencing on Hardee's right) to move forward successively ett echelon, at intervals of some two hundred yards, to attack the enemy, drive him back to the creek, and then pass down the creek to the left. Should the enemy be found entrenched, his works Avere to be carried, every thing on our side of the creek was to be taken, and our crossing to the other side of the creek was to depend on our success. Such were the instructions of the Commanding General to General Hardee and myself. I was to hold a division in reserve. It seems that a division had been withdrawn from the lines on the right of Hardee's Corps. His corps and mine were to close to the right far enough to cover the space vacated by this division — the space to be divided between the two corps. This would have shifted my line a half division front to right, perhaps at most half a mile. The division and brigade commanders were notified of the work to be done, and directed to reconnoitre the ground in front of their lines as far as practicable. At I o'clock I found the left of Hardee's Corps just beginning to shift to the right. Feeling that this change was not important, and that not a moment was to be lost in making the attack contemplated, a staff officer was dispatched to the Commanding General to inform him of the fact, and requesting an order to stop the movement to the right and commence a forward movement. The result was, however, that to keep 350 APPENDIX. up connection with the other corps my line was moved a mile and a- half or two miles to the right, and my right division (Loring's) did not move forward — following the one on its right in the prescribed order, until nearly 4 o'clock. My instructions to division commanders, and through them to brigade and regimental commanders, were to move forward and attack the enemy ; if found entrenched, to fix bayonets and carry his works ; to drive him back to the creek, and then press down the creek ; that we were to carry everything in our front on our side of the creek. Loring's Division was on the right, Walthall's in the centre, and French's, the reserve division, on the left. The instructions given were obeyed promptly and with alacrity. Loring's Division moved forward and carried the works in their front, but were compelled to fall back by an enfilade fire from the right, because the left division of the other corps had not moved up to the attack. Walthall's Division also engaged the enemy with great spirit, while French was moved so as to cover the left, and be in supporting distance. Learning the cause of the check to Loring's and Walthall's Divisions, an officer was dispatched to request General Hardee to allow his left division to co-operate with Loring's in carrying the line in its front. Before an answer was received, a staff officer brought me an order from the Commanding General to retire to the entrenched Hne from which we had advanced, and the conflict terminated. The loss in Loring's and Walthall's Divisions, especially the former, was heavy. These commanders, their officers and men, behaved entirely to my satisfaction, and I cannot but think had the plan of the battle, as I understood it, been carried out fully, we would have achieved a great success. I beg leave to refer to subordinate reports, for the names of those who distinguished themselves by special gallantry, and of the brave officers and men whose blood was so freely, and it would seem so uselessly, shed on this occasion, as well as for those details it is impos- sible to embrace in this sketch. Thursday night, July 21st, the Army fell back to the line around Atlanta, this corps occupying the space from Peach Tree creek to a redoubt on a hill to the left of the Turner's Ferry road, being still the left of the Army. On the 22d we were again ordered to be in readiness to attack the enemy, following the corps on our right, but for reasons unknown to me the battle did not become general on that day. On the 28th the enemy, by extending to his right, had nearly gained the Lick-Skillet road, Loring's and Walthall's Divisions had been relieved at the trenches, and it was expected that French's would be that night. As I understood the instructions, General Lee, commanding corps, was to move out on the Lick-Skillet road, attack the enemy's right flank, and drive him from that road and the one leading from it by Mount Ezra Church. My own OFFICIAL REPORTS. 351 orders were to move with the divisions named to the point where our own line of works crossed the Lick-Skillet road. French's Division, when relieved, and one from some other corps, were to rejoin us, and at an early hour ne.xt morning we were to move out upon that road, turn to the right, pass in rear of the enemy, and attack. On reaching the point indicated Lee's Corps was found to be engaged, and in need of assistance. Accordingly Walthall's Division was moved out (Loring's following as support), and formed on Lee's left. It attacked the enemy, strongly posted on a hill, and failing after a desperate fight and heavy loss to dislodge him, Loring's Division was placed in position along the Lick-Skillet road, and Walthall directed to withdraw his in rear of Loring's. A short time previous to this General Loring was wounded, leaving his division under the command of Brigadier General Feather- ston. While his division was taking its position I was myself disabled, and did not return to duty till the 1 5th of August. At this time the corps occupied the line from the Marietta road to a short distance west of the Lick-Skillet road. Nothing of special interest occurred beyond the con- stant skirmishing along the picket lines, until the end of August, when the enemy moved from our front, and moved upon Jonesboro'. This corps remained in position around Atlanta until it became necessary to evacuate the place, retiring towards McDonough, and finally to Lovejoy's Station, where it remained until September i8th. On that day we marched for Palmetto, on the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and on the 20th took position on the left of the Army, between the railroad and the Chattahoochee, where we remained undisturbed until the 29th, when we crossed the river at Pumpkin Town, near Cross Anchor. It is due them to express my high appreciation of the conduct and services of the several members of my staff, namely, Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Sevier, assistant inspector general, and his assistants. Lieutenants Cohal and Hopkins, and private Williams, of the New Orleans Light Horse; Major Douglas West and Captain W. D. Gale, of adjutant general's department; Major Foster, Captain Porter, Lieutenant De SauUet and McFall, of the engineers; Lieutenants Ridley and Stewart, aids; Captain Vanderford, ordnance officer; Major Mason, quarter master, and Major Murphy, chief of staff. To Captain Green- leaf and his company, the Orleans Light Horse, I acknowledge my obligations for valuable services. Very respectfully, Colonel, your obedient servant, (Signed,) ALEXANDER P. STEWART, Lieutenant General Reports from Loring's Division and from Major General French of action, July 20th, forwarded with this. Others will be forwarded when received. Respectfully, (Signed,) ^^ p 5, 352 APPENDIX. OFFICIAL REPORT OF MAJOR GENERAL G. W. SMITH, COMMANDING GEORGIA MILITIA, AT AND NEAR ATLANTA. Headquarters Georgia Militia, ) Macon, Georgia, September i^th, 1864. \ General J. B. Hood, Commanding At-my of Tennessee, near Lovejoy Station. General : — I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Georgia militia, under my command, during the operations at or near Atlanta. My appointment was dated the ist of June. I took command a few days thereafter, relieving General Wagner, who returned to the duties of his office as adjutant and inspector general of the State. The force then in the field was composed entirely of State officers — civil and military. They had been formed into two brigades, of three regi- ments each, and one battalion of artillery, making in all a little over three thousand (3000) men. The officers of the militia not needed for these regiments took their places in the ranks as privates with the civil officers. The command had reported to General J. E. Johnston for duty, and had been ordered to guard the crossings of the Chattahoochee river from Roswell Bridge to West Point, which duty they continued to perform until ordered by General Johnston to cross the Chattahoochee and support the cavalry on the left wing of his Army, the right wing being at Kennesaw Mountain. In the execution of these orders the militia were twice brought in conflict with largely superior forces of the enemy's infantry. They behaved well, thoroughly executed the part assigned to them, and when the Army fell back to the Chattahoochee they were the last infantry withdrawn to the fortified position. General Johnston, in a letter to Governor Brown, paid a handsome, and, I think, a well deserved compliment to them for their conduct beyond the river, and their services in beating back the enemy in their attempts upon the various crossings. The day we marched to the Chattahoochee, we were assigned to your corps of the Army. You soon placed us in reserve, which, it was thought, would give some opportunity for drilling. and disciplining the command, no opportunity having offered for this pre- viously. In the meantime the reserve militia of Georgia was ordered out by Governor Brown, and I was ordered to Poplar Spring, near the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, for the purpose of reorganizing, arming the reserves, etc., etc. We had not been there three days before you found it necessary to order us into the trenches on the east side of OFFICIAL REPORTS. 353 Atlanta. You had in the meanwhile been assigned to the command of the Army, and instructed me to report to you direct, instead of through a corps commander. There were at this time about two thousand (2000) effective muskets in the command. We guarded some two miles of the line, having in them, however, about eight pieces of Confederate artillery. On the 22d of July, while Hardee was attacking the enemy on our extreme right in the direction of Decatur, when you ordered the troops on my left to advance, without waiting for orders, I closed the intervals in my line, formed line of battle in the trenches, and moved the militia forward over the parapets more than a mile against the enemy's strong works in our front. They were directed upon a battery which had annoyed us very much. Captain Anderson, who had served with my command beyond the Chattahoochee, volunteered to move his battery with us. He took position in clear open ground within about four hundred yards- of the embrasure battery of the enemy, supported by the militia upon, his right and left. Within two minutes the effective fire of the enemy was silenced in our front, and after this they only occasionally ventured to show themselves at the embrasures, or put their heads above the para- pets. My troops were eager to be allowed to charge the battery, but the brigade upon my left had given way, and the falling back was extending still further to the left. Hardee's fire on my right had ceased just after we moved out of the trenches. I considered it useless to make an iso- lated attack, and, therefore, held the position and awaited further devel- opment. In about two hours 1 received orders from you, directing me to withdraw to the trenches. We lost only about fifty men killed and wounded. The officers and men behaved admirably. Every movement was promptly and accurately made ; there was not a single straggler. A few days after this affair of the 22d of July I was ordered again to Poplar Spring, but was scarcely established in camp before we had again to be placed in the trenches on the left of the Marietta road, and from this time until the end of the siege continued under close fire, night and day. We had to move from one portion of the line to another, and had our full share of all the hardest places, extending from the left of the Marietta road across the Peach Tree road to our extreme right. The militia, although poorly armed, very few having proper equip- ments, more than two-thirds of them without cartridge boxes, almost without ambulances or other transportation, most of the reserves never having been drilled at all, and the others but a few days, all performed well every service required of them during an arduous and dangerous campaign. They have been in service about one hundred days, during at least fifty of which they have been under close fire of the enemy mostly night and day. They have always shown awilling spirit, whether in camp, on the march, working on the fortifications, guarding trenches, 23 354 APPENDIX. or upon the open battle field They have done good and substantial service in the cause of their country, and have established the fact that Georgia is willing and able to do something effective in her own name, besides furnishing more than her quota to the Confederate Armies proper. The greatest number of effective muskets in the trenches at any one time was about five thousand. When Atlanta was evacuated the reserve artillery of the Army passed out through my lines, and my men were formed as a rear guard. The whole was safely brought to Griffin under your orders. The march from Atlanta to Griffin satisfied me that men over fifty are not, as a class, fitted for military duty. I have, there- fore, strongly advised the Governor to withdraw them from continuous service. There being a lull in active operations, the Governor has, with my recommendation and your concurrence, withdrawn the Georgia militia from Confederate service, and furloughed them for thirty days. This report is hastily written, without access to the records and papers of my adjutant general's office, but all omissions can be readily supplied by the returns, etc., already forwarded to your office. Before closing, I cannot refrain from alluding to a subject which, under ordinary circum- stances, forms no part of the reports of subordinates to their command- ers. I allude to the outcry of the press and people against yourself because of the evacuation of Atlanta. Unsolicited by me, without my consent or knowledge, the civil and military officers of the State of Georgia, when called upon to take up arms in defence of their homes, almost unanimously elected me their leader, and as their leader I wish, in this report, to say to you and place officially on record this opinion, viz : Had your orders been properly executed, either upon the 20th of July, at Peach Tree creek, the 22d of July, on our right, or on the 30th of August, at Jonesboro', Sherman could have been foiled and Atlanta saved at least for some time to come, and I am not alone in this opinion. Commanding a peculiar organization, the ranking officer of the forces of the State in which you were operating, I was invited to and partici- pated in your councils. I had every opportunity of knowing what was going on. Your plans were fully explained to your lieutenant generals and your chief of artillery, chief engineer, and myself. Opinions and views were called for, and then specific orders were given. I have never known one of them to dissent to any plan of yours that was attempted to be executed, never a doubt expressed as to the meaning and intent of your orders, nor a suggestion made by them of a plan they supposed would be better than that you ordered. If they are not now unanimous, there is but one, if any, who dissents from the opinion expressed above, LETTER TO HONORABLE MR. SEDDON. 355 viz : Sherman would have been beaten had your orders been obeyed on the 20th of July, 22d of July, and 30th of August. Whatever the press or people may say, the militia of Georgia are now more than satisfied with you as their Confederate General, and when they again enter that service in defence of their homes will be glad to hail you as their Confederate Chief. (Signed) G. W. SMITH. Major General. LETTER TO HONORABLE MR. SEDDON. Headquarters, Army of Tennessee, ) Near Nashville, Dec. nth, JS64. ) Hon. Jas. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond, Va. Sir: — On the 21st of November, after a delay of three weeks, caused by the bad condition of the railroad from Okolona to Cherokee, and of the dirt road from the latter point to Florence, and also by the absence of Major General Forrest's command, this Army moved forward from Florence — Major General Cheatham's Corps taking the road leading towards Waynesboro', and the other two corps moving on roads some- what parallel to this, but more to the eastward, with the cavalry under General Forrest in their advance, and upon their right flank. The enemy's forces at this time were concentrated at Pulaski, with some force also at Lawrenceburg. I hoped to be able to place our Army between these forces of the enemy and Nashville, but he evacuated Pulaski upon the 23d, hearing of our advance (our cavalry having pre- viously driven off their forces at Lawrenceburg), and moved rapidly by the turnpike and railroad to Columbia. The want of a good map of the country, and the deep mud through which the Army marched, prevented our coming up with the enemy before they reached Columbia, but on the evening of the 21th of Novem- ber our Army was placed in position in front of the enemy's works at Columbia. During the night, however, they evacuated the town, taking position on the opposite side of the river, about a mile and a-half from the town, which was considered quite strong in front. Therefore, late in the evening of the 28th of November, General Forrest, with most of his command, crossed Duck river a few miles above Columbia, and I followed early in the morning of the 29th with Stewart's and Cheatham's 356 APPENDIX. Corps, and Johnson's Division of Lee's Corps, leaving the other Divi- sions of Lee's Corps in the enemy's front at Columbia. The troops moved in light marching order, with only one battery to the corps. My object being to make a rapid march on roads parallel to the Columbia and Franklin pikes, and by placing the troops across the pike at or near Spring Hill, to cutoff that portion of the enemy between Spring Hill and Columbia. The cavalry engaged the enemy near Spring Hill about mid- day, but their trains were so strongly guarded that they were unable to break through them. About 4 p. m. our infantry forces. Major General Cheatham in the advance, commenced to come in contact with the enemy about two miles from Spring Hill, through which the Columbia and Franklin pike passes. The enemy were, at this time, moving along the pike, with some of their troops formed on the flank of their column to protect it ; Major General Cheatham was ordered at once to attack the enemy vigorously, and get possession of this pike ; and although these orders were frequently and earnestly repeated, he made but a feeble and partial attack, failing to reach the point indicated. Darkness soon came on, and to our mortification the enemy continued moving along this road almost in ear-shot, in hurry and confusion, nearly all the night. Thus was lost the opportunity for striking the enemy for which we had labored so long, the best which this campaign has offered, and one of the best offered us during the war. General Cheatham has frankly confessed the great error of which he was guilty, and attaches much blame to himself. While his error lost so much to the country, it has been a severe lesson to him by which he will profit in the future. In consideration of this, and of his previous conduct, I think that it is best that he should retain for the present the command he now holds. Before daylight, next morning (30th November), the entire column of the enemy had passed us, retreating rapidly towards Franklin, burning many of their wagons. We followed as fast as possible, moving by the Columbia and Franklin pike. Lieutenant General Lee, with his two divisions, and trains and artillery moving from Columbia by the same road. The enemy made a feint of making a stand in the hills, about four miles from Franklin, in the direction of Spring Hill, but as soon as our forces commenced deploying to attack them, and extending to out- flank them on their left, they retired slowly to Franklin. This created a delay of some hours. We, however, commenced advancing on Franklin, and attacked the place about 4 p. m.,with the corps of Generals Stewart and Cheatham— Johnson's Division of Lee's Corps becoming engaged later. We carried the enemy's outer line of temporary works, but failed to carry the interior line. During the night I had our artillery brought forward, and placed in position to open upon them in the morning when the attack should be renewed, but the enemy retreated rapidly during LETTER TO HONORABLE MR. SEDDON. 357 the night on Nashville, leaving their dead and wounded in our hands. We captured one thousand prisoners, and several stands of colors. Our loss in officers was severe. The names of the general officers I have already given by telegraph ; * our entire loss was about forty-five hundred. We continued our march towards Nashville, and on the 2d of Decem- ber our Army took its present position in front and about two miles from the city. Lieutenant General Lee's Corps, which constitutes our centre, rests upon the Franklin pike, with General Cheatham upon his right and General Stewart upon his left. Our hne is strongly entrenched, and all the available positions upon our flanks and in rear of them are now being fortified with strong self-supporting detached works, so that they may easily be defended should the enemy move out upon us. The enemy still have some six thousand troops strongly entrenched at Murfreesboro' ; this force is entirely isolated, and I now have the larger part of the cavalry under General Forrest, with two brigades of infantry, in observation of these forces, and to prevent their foraging on the country. Should this force attempt to leave Murfreesboro', or should the enemy attempt to reinforce it, I hope to be able to defeat them. I think the position of this Army is now such as to force the enemy to take the initiative. Middle Tennessee, although much injured by the enemy, will furnish an abundance of commissary stores, but ordnance and certain quarter master stores will have to come from the rear, and, therefore, it is very important that the railroad should be repaired at once from Cherokee to Decatur ; the cars can run now from here to Pulaski on ♦Headquarters, Army of Tennessee, Six Miles South of Nashville December Sd, I864. EE, 1 • I Hon. J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond, Va. Sir: — About 4 o'clock, p. m. we attacked the enemy at Franklin, and drove him from his outer line of temporary works into his interior lines, which he abandoned during the night, leaving his dead and wounded in our possession, and retreated rapidly to Nashville, closely pursued by our cavalry. We captured several stands of colors, and about one thousand prisoners. Our troops fought with great gallantry. We have to lament the loss of many gallant officers and brave men. Major General Cleburne, Brigadier Generals Gist, John Adams, Strahl, and Granberry were killed ; Major General Brown, Brigadier Generals Carter, Manigault, Quarles, Cockrell, and Scott were wounded, and Brigadier General Gordon captured. (Signed) J. B. HOOD, General. 358 APPENDIX. the Tennessee and Alabama Railroad. We have sufficient rolling stock captured from the enemy to answer our purposes. I will endeavor to put this road in order from Pulaski to Decatur as soon as possible. As yet I have not had time to adopt any general system of conscription, but hope soon to do so, and to bring into the Army all men liable to mili- tary duty. Some fifteen thousand of the enemy's Trans-Mississippi troops are reported to be moving to reinforce the enemy here. I hope this will enable us to obtain some of our troops from that side in time for the Spring campaign, if not sooner. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. B. HOOD, General. LfcJe 07 ^ A ^0' W\ S^r ^^-V-. '. .0^ ' ' * "■ <'. *'..«* .0 ^o ^C' ^0^ O. * o « o 'V^^it'*. -^^ °^ ° " " . a'J < kM\ '^-^^^ './>$-