Copyright N?_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING; OR, The Christian's Substitute for the Various Meth- ods of Healing, Practiced by the Healers of the So-called " Faith Cure" and "Sympathy Cure," and of "Christian Science," by Hyp- notic and Magnetic Healers ; and even for the Method Practiced by the Doctors of Medicine through the Application of Chem- ically-Combined Medicaments, by GEORGE MITTER, Minister of-tk-e Gospel- cf Ciif.tst theT^ed. • Printed for the Author, By the Western Methodist Book Concern, 1902. THE LIBRARY OF| OONGR-- Twv Cop»«s Receives GLASS A-YX« Mc. 4-5 1 «f f VK^ 7 o\ / o &2~c> r Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1902, by GEORGE M1TTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D C. All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS. Paragraph. Page. i. Introduction, n part I- THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING THE HUMAN SOUL. CHAPTER I. 2. The Essentials for this Healing, - 17 CHAPTER II. 3. The True Means for Healing the Hu- man Soul, - •> - - - 20 CHAPTER III. 4. The True Method of Applying Its Means, 23 CHAPTER IV. 5. Christ, the Only Practitioner of the True Method for Soul-Healing, - 28 part II. THE TRUE METHOD FOR HEALING THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. 6. The Essentials of this Healing, - - 33 3 Paragraph. Page. CHAPTER II. 7. The Means of the True Method for Bodily Healing, - 36 CHAPTER III. 8 ) ' S The Manner of Applying this Method, 39 CHAPTER IV. The Difference Between the True Method for Healing the Human Body and Other Methods Practiced at Present, 49 10. The Difference Between this Method and the So-called il Faith Cure," - 49 ri. The Difference Between this Method and the So-called " Sympathy Cure," 52 12. The Difference Between this Method and that Practiced Under the Name of " Christian Science," and by Hyp- notists, - 53 13. The Difference Between this Method and that practiced by means of mag- NETIC Manipulations, - - - 57 14. The Difference Between this Method and that practiced by means of chem- ically-combined medicaments, - - 60 CHAPTER V. l *' ) The Limit of this True Method for 16. J Bodily Healing, - - - - 71 4 CONTENTS. Paragraph. Page. part III- THE PRACTITIONERS OF THE TRUE METHOD FOR HEALING THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. 17. Christ also the Practitioner of this Method, ______ jg CHAPTER II. 19. 20. ) Christ and His Miracles, - - 88 CHAPTER III. 21. The True Method for Bodily Healing, the Only One Befitting Christ, the God-man, - 108 J The Believers of Christ as Practi- CHAPTER IV. ers of Christ 23 \ tioners of this Method, 112 CHAPTER V. 24. The Doctrine of Laying on of Hands, 118 CHAPTER VI. 25. A Formula for Applying this Method for Bodily Healing, - - - 124 5 Paragraph. Page. CHAPTER VII. 26. Christ's Church also a Practitioner of the True Method for Healing the Human Body, - - - 133 CHAPTER VIII. 27. The Results, if the Church Were also a Great Healing Institution and a Mighty Mutual Aid Society, - - 138 28. In Conclusion, 146 PREFACE. The little book herewith presented to the reader aims to be a guide to health, both for his soul and body. As its author received his education par- ticularly in the German language, it became necessary for him to have his English man- uscript rendered in idiomatic English. This was accomplished by Mr. W. D. Zinnecker ; but any error in this respect is due to after- wards adding to the corrected manuscript by the author. Regarding the method of healing herein explained, both concerning its means and the manner of their application, it is no other than that which has been applied, more or less correctly, for the spiritual and physical health of man almost at all times ; only its presentation as the true method, as well as the manner in which it is presented 7 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. and advised for application to the reader (but the last only in part), can claim orig- inality. As to the practitioners of this true method of healing, it must be said, before- hand, that every one who truly desires his recovery can apply it more or less success- fully to his own person spiritually and phys- ically, and should do so. Every one can become, by means of the true method of healing, his own physician, especially re- garding bodily disease, if he faithfully ap- plies this method in the beginning of the latter. As far as it concerns the treating of others, we can affirm that, especially, each father may be the physician of the members of his family by faithfully applying this method. Its faithful application has re- warded the author of this little book, re- garding the healing of his soul, for almost thirty years, and the members of his family as well as himself, regarding bodily healing, for nearly twenty years, with unprizable 8 PREFACE. benefits. It is also his conviction that the Church of God, by practicing faithfully also the true method of healing the sick, would gain and retain a better hold upon the masses of the people for interesting them regarding the healing of their souls than by any other means. The author, therefore, wishes prayerfully that the contents of this little book may, above all, promote the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the interests of His Church and of the spiritual and bodily wel- fare of humanity! THE AUTHOR. Ei,mork, Ohio, 1902. INTRODUCTION. H i. The very first requirement of "The True Method of Healing'' is, that it be of a two- fold nature ; that it be both a spiritual and a physical method. This becomes evident when we consider that mankind is not only diseased physically, but spiritually as well; and, further, that spiritual disease causes physical disorder. Second, this method requires that the means through which it shall operate be divinely given to mankind; for that is the order of God's creation. Just as the cre- ated forces have the means of their exist- ence and operation, not in themselves, but only as intrusted to them as a loan from which to draw in manifesting, maintaining, and enriching their existence — yes, even as indicators that may point out to man their origin and as the ties which bind them to ii THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. their Creator — just so are the true means of healing the body as well as the soul not produced by man ; they must be considered as the gifts of his Creator that shall show him the possibility of his spiritual and phys- ical healing; shall indicate to man whom, after all, he has to thank for it, and shall bind him thereby to his Savior. Further- more, they must be given to man, because a spiritually and physically diseased being can not be expected to find, much less to produce, the correct means for its own bodily and spiritual healing. Nor is this necessary, for the true means of healing both the body and the soul have been in- deed revealed to mankind. It requires, Third, that also the manner of applying its means be divinely given to mankind, because of the prevailing depravity of man. Man of himself can not find the correct and successful application of the divinely-given means, neither for the healing of his soul nor of his body. History has shown us, and still demonstrates, that outside of reve- 12 INTRODUCTION. lation there is no successful method for soul-healing found among men; and that, in spite of the various man-made manners of applying means for bodily healing, dis- ease is rather increasing than decreasing, Fourth, the true method of healing re- quires the strict adherence to its means and its manner of applying the latter. Human- ity has tried the methods of other than Di- vine origin long enough, but without satis- faction. Their failures justify the more a strict adherence to the God-given means and manner for healing both the human body and the soul. It requires, Fifth, that an example be given that may serve as a model, and that messengers be sent to acquaint mankind with this method and its means. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, alone did satisfy this requirement successfully; hence it is that His disciples in general, especially as ministers of the gospel, are the best trusted class of men. This is so, because of their office and their loyalty towards it. They are the messen- 13 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. gers of Christ, and have been sent to men to promote their nearest and dearest in- terests, the welfare of soul and body. While the work of the minister in the pul- pit is exclusively to preach the kingdom of God, out of it he should work towards the personal application of his message. The people ought to expect and accept from the messenger of Christ nothing less than as- sistance in attaining physical as well as spiritual health. Sixth, it requires that the spiritual heal- ing of man be attended to first of all; for some diseases of the body are produced by the diseased condition of the soul, while others can not be cured on account of that condition. Furthermore, the true method of healing is to heal the body principally through the influence of the soul, which is in accordance with God's plan and order, that the spiritual part of man be the lord and redeemer of the physical. T 4 PART I. THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING THE HUMAN SOUL. CHAPTER I. THE ESSENTIALS FOR HEALING THE HUMAN SOUL. 11 2- It is with the healing of the soul that we are first concerned; and as such the essentials are as follows : I. The Spirit of God guiding man. — Di- vine revelation, from beginning to end, de- clares that only the Spirit of God is power- ful to heal the human soul. But aside from that, the fact alone that it is the spiritual part of man that is to be healed indicates that it can not be accomplished by any power within him ; for a morbid spirit can not heal itself, nor can the spiritual be healed by that which is inferior ; namely, the physical part of man. The moralizing attempts of the Christless part of humanity and the Pharisaical class of church-goers illustrate, experimentally and historically, the fact that humanity can not accomplish its 2 17 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. own spiritual healing. On the other hand, all true Christians, and the history of the Christian Church, prove that it is the Spirit of God alone by whom the human soul is healed. 2. Instruction in the knowledge of the Divine truth ; separation from all moral un- cleanliness ; a turning toward Christlike living through regeneration, sanctification, and transfiguration by God's Spirit; and, finally, the endowing of the human soul with that Spirit. The spiritual disease of mankind consists in a lack or in a perver- sion of his knowledge of the truth; in the weakness of his soul to overcome all temp- tations and to live according to the ex- ample of Christ ; also in the consciousness of the reaction of his abnormal condition upon himself. In view of the above, it is indeed essential that, first of all, God's Spirit should influence the human soul; next, that man should be instructed in the knowledge of the Divine truth; further, that he should be induced to shun all moral uncleanliness and to practice Christlike liv- ing with the help of his Creator's Spirit; and, finally, that he should be endowed with 18 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. the Spirit of God as his constant Leader into all truth. These are the essentials for healing the soul of man, who is to be the very temple and willing organ of God, a Spirit-filled, a Divinely-invigorated creature, knowing and possessing "the things that are freely given of God" (i Cor. ii, 12), for the purpose of his own glorification and the honor and praise of his Creator and Redeemer. 19 CHAPTER II. THE TRUE MEANS FOR THE HEALING OF THE HUMAN SOUL. If 3- The means for healing the human soul are as follows : i. The Word of Christ and His redemp- tion. — For, in order to heal the soul's per- verted knowledge of the truth, it is neces- sary that the Spirit of God have certain rules of application. These must be re- vealed to man ; and this can be done only by the God-man, Christ. Further, the debts which man has made against his Cre- ator, and which he can not pay (which must, however, be paid) require, according to absolute justice, the substitutional death- penalty of the God-man, the redemption of Christ ; for a God alone can satisfy Divine justice, and no other than a sinless man can atone for a sinful mankind. 2. Repentance and faith. — Only the soul which has become aware and tired of its 20 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. sinful living can be separated by God's Spirit from all moral uncleanliness ; and only that soul which accepts Christ can be Spirit-filled by regeneration, assured of God's grace, sanctified and transfigured by the Holy Spirit according to the image of Christ. 3. Worshiping God in spirit and in truth. — Thereby is meant, not only the out- ward form of praying, but also, and above all, the lifting up of the heart to God. The true manner of doing this is taught by none better than by Christ Himself, namely, in Matt, vi, 6 : "When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." Of this, not only the outward form of praying must be practiced ; for worshiping God in spirit and in truth requires, above all, the praying in the closet of the human heart and with the doors of the latter closed, so that neither the senses nor the thoughts are occupied with any- thing else than that which belongs to wor- shiping God truly; namely, the lifting up of the human heart to God with all its 21 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. soul, with all its mind, and with all its might, through occupying itself only with Christ, His Word and redemption, accord- ing to the peculiar necessities of the wor- shiper. Praying in such a manner will be rewarded with the Heavenly Father's help or salvation for man, both regarding his soul and his body. 4. The Church of Christ. — For it is through human instrumentality that the Word and redemption of Christ can be made known to man, and that man can be taught to repent of his sins and believe in Christ as w r ell as to worship God in spirit and in truth. There is no better human instru- mentality to help mankind in this work than the Church of Christ ; and the Heav- enly Father could have given no better one to man than this. If the contrary would be the case, He surely would have given him the better. Without these means, no healing of the human soul is possible. These are the means ordained by God and given to man- kind through Christ. Besides, these means are needed by the Spirit of God in His work of healing the human soul. 22 CHAPTER III. THE TRUE METHOD OF APPLYING THE MEANS FOR HEALING THE HUMAN SOUL. If 4- ThK method of applying the above given means will be carried out successfully in the following manner : I. By man searching diligently the Word of Christ and bringing forth fruits meet for repentance, relying only upon Christ's re- demption and following Him faithfully ac- cording to His example, using the Church as the human instrumentality, Divinely given to assist him in this work. The heal- ing of the human soul can not be done, except man is using its means ; and the suc- cess of it depends in a large measure upon his faithfulness in using them. Although this work done by man will not heal his soul, nevertheless it is presenting the latter for healing in the proper manner and at the same time constituting the channel 23 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. through which the soul may receive its healing power. Therefore the means for spiritual healing must be used by man; nobody can do it for him. This method is carried out successfully : 2. By the help of God's Spirit.— For He is the healing power of the human soul. Whenever man attempts to use these means ignoring Divine assistance, not only will the soul not be healed, but, moreover, the dis- ease will be aggravated. The moralists of the world and the Pharisaical class of church-goers bear witness to these facts. Only then can Christ's Word and redemp- tion be applied, repentance and faith exer- cised, and Christ's Church used successfully in this healing, when man receives help from the Spirit of God. For God's Spirit alone is sufficient to help man to a success- ful application of the means for the healing of his soul. However, this Spirit is always ready to help when called upon, if only man be sincere in his attempts to apply the given means ; yes, his faithfulness in using them is even the condition which secures the help of God's Spirit. 3. The use of the means for healing the 24 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. human soul will prove to be a faithful one, when Christ's Word and redemption, re- pentance and faith, and the advantages of- fered by His Church are applied according to the following rules : Rule I. Use them appropriately , that is, in a manner which is adapted to the condition of the patient, and always leading him from the earthly to that which is pre-eminently worthy of his consideration ; namely, his spiritual interests. Rule II. Use them so as to cheer and strengthen the patient's soul. This is to be accomplished, not by coercing and cowing him into the application of these means, but by gaining his good will, by making him will- ing himself to apply them, by bringing him to realize that the Word and redemption of Christ, repentance and faith in Him, and the advantages of His Church are the only means through which he can gain his soul's salvation, and, above all, by inducing him to submit to the influence of God's Spirit. Rule III. Use them so as to convert the patient, not to the preacher and not even to the Church, but to Christ. By this is meant that the person concerned shall be induced 25 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. to submit, not to his own inclinations, or to the minds and desires of others, nor to the fancy of his own imaginary idea of fit- ness regarding his soul's salvation, nor even to that opinion, entertained by many, that the Church in itself is the salvation for the soul ; but alone to Christ, to His Word and redemption by repentance and faith through the mediation of His Church. Rule IV. Use them in the Spirit of Christ, depending prayerfully on God alone with all love, sacrificing all minor interests and striving only to regain that which has been lost ; namely, the normal condition of the human soul and the honor of God among mankind through the application of these means. Rule V. Use them enduringly; apply- ing these means of healing the soul, not only once or several times, and then ceas- ing, but applying them continually and under all circumstances, always sacrificing minor interests until the work of healing is complete. This is the true method of applying the Divinely-given means for healing the hu- 26 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. man soul. Blessed is he who applies it ; for it guarantees his spiritual cure. Both the history of the Christian Church and the experience of each true Christian proves this. 27 CHAPTER IV. CHRIST, THE ONLY PRACTITIONER OF THE TRUE METHOD FOR SOUL-HEALING. IF 5- In regard to the healing of the human soul, there can be no question as to who the healer may be ; for there is but One of whom the human family and its history testify that He is able to save the human soul; namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. His disciples and messengers can, at the most, however, only lead men to their Savior. This they may do by telling them of Him ; by showing them what He has been doing and is willing yet to do for them ; also by instructing them in His plan of their sal- vation, in the manner of coming unto Him, and in their deportment during the process of their healing. But even at this point, the success of the work of Christ's mes- sengers will depend upon their Master's healing influence. 28 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. Consequently, to heal the human soul, through Divine illumination, through sepa- ration from all moral uncleaniiness, and bringing back the human being to the man- ner of normal living by the word and re- demption of Christ, by repentance and faith, regeneration and sanctification with the help of His Church, Christ alone is capable to do through His Spirit sent from His Father. Moreover, to keep it in this state, it is necessary that Christ dwell forever in the human soul through God's Spirit. This spiritual healing of man is the first and most important part of the true method of healing, and it should always be remem- bered that it is to precede and receive the first and best attention; but it does not comprise the whole of this method. 29 PART II. THE TRUE METHOD FOR HEALING THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. THE ESSENTIALS OF THIS HEALING. If 6- According to the true method, the es- sentials of healing the physical part of man are the following : i. The vital force of the sick body. — This is the cause that effects the healing of the latter; for that which keeps the body in a state of health, independent of the Healer and after the cure has been effected, must be the same as that by which it has been made well ; namely, the vital force of the sick body. That this is the healing cause is irrefutably proven by the following facts : (a) The very same means do not always cure the same diseases ; although this should be the case, if the means applied to a sick body would be its healing causes. (b) Neither does the very same manner of applying certain means always cure the same diseases ; however this ought to be so, if the manner of applying means to a 3 33 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. sick body were its healing cause, (r) In some patients the same diseases, although properly treated by proper means, proved fatal, while in others they were healed with- out treatment whatever; but neither the one nor the other case could be, if the means applied to a sick body, or the man- ner of applying them, were its healing causes. It must, therefore, be the vital force of the sick body only that can heal ; the applied means and the manner of apply- ing them can, at the most, but induce the vital force of such a body to exercise its healing energies. Consequently, the vital force of the pa- tient himself is the first essential for heal- ing the human body according to the true method. Now, then, as we consider the vital force of the sick body always to be its healing cause, and as in case of sickness the former has become checked and perhaps even abnormal in its operations, therefore this healing according to the true method requires as further essentials the following two : 2. The cleansing of the sick body, exter- nally and internally ; and the inducing of 34 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. its vital force to exercise its healing ener- gies. The human body can not remain diseased as long as it is still able to be cleansed from its impurities, and if its vital force can be induced to exercise its healing energies by applying such means as are assimilative and can give proper rest and exercise for the sick body. Consequently, the essentials for healing the physical part of man according to the true method are in all : First, the vital force of the sick body; second, the cleansing of the latter, externally and internally ; third, an inducing of its vital force to exercise its healing energies. 35 CHAPTER II. THE MEANS OF THE TRUE METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. If 7- Inasmuch as this healing of the human body is a truly natural one, its means dare not be other than truly natural also. They may be considered as follows : First of all, there are the material means ; as water, air, vegetables, their various juices and fruits ; the milk and meat of cer- tain animals ; also the effluxes which ema- nate from material bodies, as light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, produced by the reciprocal action of the chemical elements of the former; including, with the above, the necessary rest and exercise for the sick body. All these means, combined by the forces of nature, are truly natural ; and al- though the chemists may not admit the difference between the air or water pro- duced in their laboratories and the air or water furnished by nature, nevertheless '36 THE TRUE METHOD OP HEALING. they can not deny the difference between the combination of the same material ele- ments produced by the vital force of a plant or an animal and that produced by them chemically. Therefore, as natural combi- nations of matter with their effluxes they are fit to be means of the true method for bodily healing. Moreover, all the above- named means are Divinely ordained as the assimilative materials that shall aid the vital force in building up its physical organ- ism, also in nourishing it and in restoring all its losses. Consequently, they must be considered as means of the true method of bodily healing. On the other hand, the means for this method can also be spiritual ; namely, the influence of the human soul, produced by the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power. For, as certain effluxes, such as light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, are emanating from material bodies at the reciprocal action of their chemical elements, so there is emanating a certain efflux also from the human soul at the reciprocal ac- tion of its thoughts and will-power. This is illustrated by the following facts : That a 37 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. person is exerting, unconsciously, an influ- ence over other persons ; also, that through the manipulations of an hypnotizer, and through care and grief, through surprise and joy, the conditions of the body can be changed. This spiritual efflux of the hu- man soul, therefore, may be considered as the second class of the means of the phys- ical healing of man according to the true method. Consequently, the means of the true method for healing the human body are as follows : First, the material ones, namely, water, air, vegetables, their vari- ous juices and fruits, the milk and meat of certain animals ; also light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, including the proper rest and exercise for the sick body; and, second, the spiritual one, namely, the efflux of the human soul produced through the recip- rocal action of its thoughts and will-power. 38 CHAPTER III. THE MANNER OF APPLYING THE TRUE METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. If 8. As SEEN in the foregoing two chapters, the physical healing is effected by inducing the vital force of the sick body to exercise its healing energies, and the true means for it are divided into two great classes ; the material, and the spiritual means. In ac- cordance with this, the manner of applying the true method for bodily healing must also be twofold. i. The manner of applying this method is carried out through the application of material means. The vital force of the sick body can be induced to exercise its healing energies by the influence which it receives from the application of digestible and as- similative materials, and especially of the effluxes of matter ; consequently, of the ma- terial means of the true healing method. 39 THE TRUE METHOD OP HEALING. This can be done by applying them in three different ways : (a) Through cleansing the sick body by water-applications. Water applied, cold or w r arm, externally or internally, or in the form of vapor baths, opens nature's chan- nels and assists to throw off all foreign matter that would hinder the vital force of the body in performing its normal func- tions. (b) Through adapting the patient to a proper diet by using only naturally-com- bined materials. Such are the following: Pure water, taken in larger quantities than usual ; air, with its life-sustaining oxygen, inhaled by lung-gymnastics, filling the body with a larger, and therefore greater, health- producing amount of it than is generally done in the ordinary process of respiration ; vegetables, their juices and fruits ; also the milk and meat of certain animals ; including the necessary rest and exercise for the sick body, thereby furnishing its vital force with such materials as are proper for digestion and assimilation. (c) Through infusing the sick body with the effluxes which emanate from material 40 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. bodies at the reciprocal action of their chemical elements ; as, light, heat, electric- ity, and magnetism. The material means of this kind are more potent and direct in their influence upon the vital force of the patient than any of those named above ; for, as the effluxes of material bodies, they are the mediators between the material particles of the human body and its vital force, com- ing into direct contact with the latter, and thereby inducing it to perform its work of organization more energetically. This fact is evidently proven by the effects of the sun-rays, of electricity, and of magnetism on the human body. Consequently, this part of the true method for bodily healing is such as can, through the application of its material means as appropriate for the work of or- ganization and upbuilding of the body, supply the vital force of the patient with such materials and effluxes of matter, as not only offer no hindrance in the way of digestion and assimilation, and do not pol- lute the circulation with non-assimilative matter, but, on the contrary, are also able to induce the former to exercise its normal 4i THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. functions and healing energies through re- adjusting these material means by diges- tion, and then by assimilating them in its organism as a part of the same according to its inherent laws. For this express pur- pose the above-named manner of applying means, as the latter themselves, must be considered as ordained by the Creator. Also, this part of the true method for bodily healing without poisonous (not assimilative and the body polluting) medicaments is successfully used and represented, not only by individuals, but also by many institu- tions in America, and especially in Europe. In the latter country there exist over six hundred societies with a membership of over eight thousand for its propagation. (Read Bilz, "New Natural Method of Heal- ing," — Jubilseumsausgabe.) 2. The manner of applying the true method for healing the human body can be carried out further through the application of spiritual means. The vital force of the sick is induced to exercise its healing ener- gies through the influence of the soul and spirit produced by the reciprocal action of 42, THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. their thoughts and will-power. This is ac- complished in the following manner: (a) Through the willing submission of the patient to the spiritual influence, either of his soul or that of a healer, through his faith, or willingness to be healed. Thereby the vital force of the sick body is made receptive of the healer's soul-influence. (b) Through concentrating the healer's thoughts and will-power upon the vital force of the sick body with the express purpose of inducing it to operate according to its inherent laws, and to exercise its healing energies. This produces an efflux, emanating from such a soul. As the ma- terial bodies, through the reciprocal action of their chemical elements, can produce effluxes — as, light, heat, electricity, and magnetism — just so can the human soul produce an efflux through the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power for influencing others. Further, the vital force of the human body must be in its nature susceptible to the effluxes of other forces, not only to those emanating from material bodies — as, light, heat, electricity, and mag- 43 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING netism — but also to that efflux which ema- nates from the soul or spirit at the recipro- cal action of their thoughts and will-power. Finally, the human soul, or a spirit, must be able to produce a spiritual influence and to convey it upon the body or any of its organs for its healing or otherwise. For these just-named facts are plainly illustrated by the effects of the magnetic massage and of hypnotism. Also the being vexed or possessed with unclean spirits (Luke vi, 18; Acts vi, 16, and viii, f) would have been impossible without these facts. Now, then, if this concentration of thoughts and will- power is exercised for healing purposes, the soul-efflux thereby produced can be of a healing nature ; and hypnotism proves that it can make this efflux also a healing influence for the sick body. (r) Through conveying the soul's healing efflux upon the sick body or any of its organs by means of look, word, and laying on of hands, thereby inducing its vital force to exercise its healing energies, and con- tinuing therewith until the desired results are obtained. That this efflux of the hu- man soul, produced by its thoughts and 44 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. will-power, continually concentrated upon a sick body for healing purposes, can be actually conveyed to the latter through look, word, and laying on of hands, is in- disputably proven by the magnetic massage and hypnotic manipulations. Moreover, the author of this little work is in possession of nearly twenty years' experience, which has demonstrated to him, again and again, that the human soul has the ability and is of such a nature that it can produce at will a healing influence upon a sick body as well as any of its organs, either its own or that of another person, by the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power, conveyed through look, word, and laying on of hands. This spiritual part of the true method for bodily healing, with its means and manner of applying them, is to be considered Di- vinely ordained just as well as its material part, with its means and manner of apply- ing them ; and in addition to this, an analy- sis of the Biblical healings of diseased bodies will confirm that assertion, as shown in this little work later on. If methods of healing — as, the so-called "Faith-cure," "Sympathy," and "Mind 45 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. Cure" — are practiced, it is done without any right whatever, partly because of their nonsensical, and partly on account of their blasphemous, manner of explaining and applying them ; nevertheless, the kernel of truth underlying their effects should be saved from the rubbish of their philosophy. This is to be done by this spiritual part of the true method for bodily healing. ff9- The rules for applying this true method of healing the human body are as follows : Rule I. Its means must be applied appro- priately ; that is, according to the need and changing conditions of the patient. Rule II. Its means must be applied with the special end in view of inducing the vital force of the sick body to operate according to its inherent laws, and to exercise its heal- ing energies ; of converting it, not to the habit of struggling with more or less poi- sonous medicaments according to the man- made laws of Materia Medica, but rather to that habit of executing its own Divinely- implanted laws through the application of the Divinely-ordained means ; being always 46 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. induced by the soul to build up and sustain its physical organism in a healthy con- dition. Rule III. The application of its means must be made in the Spirit of Christ, seek- ing constantly to restore that which has been perverted, namely, the organizing work of the vital force of the sick body; willing, through look, word, and laying on of hands, that its vital force may operate, locally and constitutionally, according to the Creator's laws ordained for its organ- izing work as well as for that of the soul; subordinating all less important interests ; and depending, above all, upon God's bless- ing. Rule IV. Its means must be applied with the expectation of receiving results. In other words, the means of this true method for bodily healing must be used conscien- tiously and persistently, applying both its material and spiritual ones, as the case may require, until the cure is effected, or the assurance gained, "My grace is sufficient for thee ; for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. xii, 9.) If this true method for the healing of 47 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. the human body would be used and its ma- terial and spiritual means be applied sys- tematically — not simply one of them, but all, or at least as many as the case would permit — and if they would be applied as faithfully as the dosing of the human body with more or less poisonous medicaments is indulged in, not only would be reduced the weakening process, with its almost in- numerable forms of disease that are forced upon the body as the consequences of the application of an unnatural method of heal- ing, but, moreover, longevity would be greatly increased among mankind. 4 8 CHAPTER IV. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEAL- ING, AND OTHER METHODS, PRAC- TICED AT PRESENT. If 16. The Difference between this Method and the So-called "Faith Cure." The Holy Scriptures nowhere speak of ( "Faith cures." Wherever in its pages cures are related, it is true, faith of the healer as well as of the one to be healed is the presupposed condition ; nevertheless, their effecting cause is not faith, but the vital force of the sick body, although aided by certain means applied in a certain manner and by certain men. Moreover, they speak of such, not as if faith has been cured, but rather the sick body. For instance : Naa- man's healing through the Prophet Elisha (2 Kings v, 8-14); Hezekiah's healing through the Prophet Isaiah (2 Kings xx, 1-7); also Christ's and His first disciples' 4 49 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. healing were not "Faith cures." These cures show plainly three things : First, that not faith, but sick bodies were healed ; second, that the healing cause was not faith, but the vital force of the sick body, for the inducing of the vital force to exer- cise its healing energies by these men must not be mistaken for the cure-effecting cause ; and, third, that even the manner in which these cures were brought about was not faith, but the application of certain means in a certain manner. Therefore they can not be called "Faith cures," and the Scriptures nowhere speak of them as such. The absurdity of the use of the expression "Faith cure" for bodily healing is evident, also, from the following; namely, the fact, that the belief of both the healer and the person to be healed in the efficiency of certain means applied in a certain manner is not the cure itself, but merely the pre- supposed condition required of both, if the means appropriate for healing should be applied and the healing energies of the sick body's vital force exercised. For, even the application of medicaments requires and presupposes the faith of the patient as well 50 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. as of the healer ; but nobody would be guilty of such nonsense as therefore to call the following cure a "Faith cure." At least, it is irrational to use this expression for bodily healing. On the contrary, it is pre-eminently rational to call the method for bodily heal- ing presented in this little work, the true, natural one for several reasons : First, be- cause it considers the vital force of the sick body itself the only healing cause; second, because its means — such as water, air, plants, their juices and fruits ; the effluxes of material bodies, as light, heat, electricity, and magnetism ; also the efflux of the human soul produced by the recip- rocal action of its thoughts and will-power, as well as the method of applying these means, as shown in the pages of this book — are all truly natural ; third, because the ap- plication of these means according to this method induces the vital force of the sick body to exercise its healing energies or to operate according to its inherent laws ; and, fourth, because a more or less prolonged application of this method, just as the case may be, is necessary to effect a cure. 5i THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. If II. The Difference between this True, Natural Method for Bodily Healing and the So- called "Sympathy" Cure. It can not be denied conclusively that cures have been effected by the method of healing called "Sympathy;" but it is true that the method in question applies the sympathetic influence of the healer in an irrational and even in a blasphemous way. At each attempt to heal according to this method, its practitioners repeat to them- selves certain phrases, generally such as have no rational connection with the case, and this always in the three highest names which they repeat three times, or thrice three times. While it is blasphemous to use the name of God in this manner, it is also against all reason to believe that God would submit His Divine power, as they claim, to such irrational and blasphemous endeavors, and this just at the time when- ever such a healer is pleased to call upon it in a way contrary to reason and to the Scriptural use of the three most holy names. It is obvious, therefore, that whenever a 52 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. healing influence is produced upon a patient through this method, it is done, not by ex- ercising Divine power, but solely through the sympathetic influence of a healer, that is produced by the reciprocal action of his thoughts and will-power and conveyed through look, breath, word, and laying on of hands upon the sick body or any of its organs. Consequently, this latter part of "Sympathy" as a method for bodily heal- ing proves to be its kernel of truth ; the rest of it is not only useless, but harmful chaff. The true, natural method for bodily heal- ing presented in this little book, not only utilizes this kernel of truth, but applies it in a manner compatible with reason and au- thorized by the Holy Scriptures. If 12. The Difference between this True, Natural Method for Bodily Healing and that Practiced under the Name of "Christian Science," correctly called "Eddyism," and by Hypnotists. That the adherents of the above-named schools have effected cures by means of 53 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. their mental and hypnotic manipulations with the sick body has been sufficiently illustrated by them. But, here again, the kernel of truth underlying their cures has been unnecessarily inclosed in an unscien- tific, yes, in an irrational and extremely unchristian philosophy. For to assert that disease, and even death, "are existing only in the imagination of the patient/' "have only an imaginary existence," "are not real" (to say nothing of all the other pan- theistical phrases which give their imagi- native theory a scientific appearance), is simply contrary to all rational thinking and to facts ; and to produce hypnotically such an influence upon a patient as will interfere with the connection and operation existing between the patient's soul and body is, to say the least, against all principles of Chris- tianity. Nevertheless, it is serving to illus- trate the following facts : (a) That a heal- ing influence can be produced by the human soul through the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power, when conveyed through the operator's look, word, and touch upon the sick body, (b) That this induces the vital force of the patient's body 54 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. to exercise its healing energies, or to oper- ate according to its inherent laws, (c) That thereby its operations and bodily conditions are changed, especially when this influence is prolonged. This kernel of truth, that the human soul can produce and convey a healing influence upon a sick body or any of its organs through the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power, assisted by look, word, and touch, is another part of the true, natural method for bodily healing, though without a nonsensical and unchristianlike philosophy. Therefore, if Dowie and others of his type claim that the effecting cause of their cures is God Himself, and that they are, therefore, miraculous occur- rences, they stamp themselves as deceivers of their own selves as well as of others, and as heretics ; for neither Christ Himself, nor the prophets, nor even Christ's first follow- ers, claimed anything of that kind for their cures. The most that they ever claimed for their cures was that God or Christ gave them the power to heal; i. e., a Divine im- pulse, the authority to heal certain patients, and the knowledge that they were able to 55 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. exercise a healing influence over others. Just as men have received the ability for fulfilling their earthly professions after all from their Creator, while the use and the method of applying it is their own work, and the assertion, therefore, that the ac- complishment of the same is God's work, w r ould be necessarily wrong; just so was the ability, the impulse, the authority to heal the sick given to them by God or Christ, while its use and the method of applying this Divinely given power, conse- quently the accomplishment of a cure, has been their own work. Besides this, as they were under the leadership of God's Spirit, their method of healing must have been the true, natural one, but without the nonsensi- cal and unchristianlike philosophy of the above-named methods. Consequently, they did effect bodily healing by means of the influence of their Divinely-guided soul, which they had produced by the reciprocal action of their thoughts and will-power, and conveyed through their look, word, and laying on of hands upon the sick body or any of its organs, to induce its vital force 56 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. toward exercising its healing energies. This, however, is just exactly that which the true, natural method for bodily healing proposes to do. If 13. The Difference between this True, Natural Method for Bodily Healing and that Practiced by Means of Magnetic Manip- ulations. Magnetic manipulations are those im- pressions which can be produced by the look, the breath, the word of a healer ; also by his laying on'of hands upon a sick body or any of its organs, or by his rubbing and kneading the latter. That through this method, also, a healing influence upon a sick body is produced, has been proven beyond a doubt long ago ; and this influence is called by some "animal magnetism." To call this healing influence "animal magnetism" is erroneous, because magnetism emanates also from lifeless material bodies ; because the magnetism in question is not produced and conveyed by an animal; and because 57 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING, the magnetism produced and conveyed by a man can not be separated from his soul- influence. Therefore, the facts connected with it justify our calling that magnetism which is produced and conveyed by a man, rather soul-magnetism ; and the difference between it and the magnetism of purely material and animal bodies positively de- mands that it be thus designated. Regarding the production of this healing influence by the healer's look, breath, word, and laying on of hands upon a sick body or any of its organs, or by his rubbing and kneading the latter in various though cer- tain manners, the following explanations are given. This healing influence is not produced by these physical manipulations only, but also by the reciprocal action of the healer's thoughts and will-power; for those manip- ulations are impossible without the activity of the soul. The healer's look, breath, word, and laying on of hands, or his rub- bing and kneading the sick body or any of its organs, are indeed only the conveying mediums upon the latter. 58 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. Further, regarding the various though certain manners of the physical manipula- tions practiced by the professional mag- netizer, we affirm that they are not neces- sary to effect a cure. The laying on of hands, and their resting quietly upon the diseased organ of the body, or the rubbing and kneading manipulations given by the healer to the latter, or the passes down- ward of the body or its diseased part and away from it, just as the case may require, are sufficient to convey the soul-magnetism for healing purposes ; because they are merely the physical expressions of the heal- ing-inducing soul ; because it is the vital warmth of the hand proper that is the con- veying medium of the soul's healing influ- ence ; and because it is only this latter influ- ence which induces the vital force of the sick body to exercise its healing energies. However, this magnetic manipulating of a sick body or any of its organs strikingly presents another part of the true, natural method for bodily healing; namely, the magnetic massage. 59 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. If 14- The Difference between this True, Natural Method for Bodily Healing and that Practiced by Means of Chemically-Com- bined Medicaments. 1. Whatever healing is accomplished through the last-named method will be ac- complished at the expense of the healthy organs and of the general vitality of the body. This is evidently true for the follow- ing reasons : (a) Because the vital force of the body is overtaxed or strained above its normal operations, locally and constitutionally, through the digesting and assimilating at- tempts which are made by the former with these applied chemically-combined medica- ments. Through applying the latter the medical profession creates intentionally w 7 ith them a fight in the body against the poison of disease ; this, however, strains the vital force of the sick body above its nor- mal operations. (b) Because the application of chemically- combined medicaments for the healing of 60 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. a diseased organ interferes with the normal operations of the healthy ones ; its cure sig- nifying only a transferring of disease from one organ to others. For instance, through such a treatment, applied to other organs, the stomach is made sick artificially. (c) Because the healing according to the above-named method leaves the physical organism, or one of its organs, always weaker than it was before the sickness ; not only on account of its vital force having been strained above its normal operations, but also on account of the applied medical poison, which remains more or less in the circulation of the body. For it is the rule of the medical practice, "Similia similibus curare;" consequently to apply poison against poison ; and, whether applied in homeopathic or allopathic doses, the medical poison, fighting the poison of disease out of the body, will remain in the latter, more or less, as non-assimilative matter, which must weaken the physical organism. On the other hand, a suitable application of naturally-combined material means, as enumerated in paragraph 8, never induces the vital force of the human body in health 61 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. or in sickness to operate abnormally; it does not interfere with the normal oper- ations of the healthy organs ; it never trans- fers disease from one organ to others ; nor does it leave the physical organism of man, or any of its organs, weaker after the appli- cation of the material means of this true, natural method for bodily healing than they were before the sickness. 2. The healing of the human body effected through the above-mentioned method means a polluting of the latter ; for by far the greater part of the chemically- combined medicaments can not be incor- porated as organic parts of the body, and therefore be driven about in the body as foreign matter and become hindrances to the organic functions, thus artificially flooding the circulation with non-assimila- tive materials. These results will not only manifest themselves locally, but, if the ap- plication of such means is made continually and in constantly-increasing quantities, there will result a constitutional infection of the body with non-assimilative materials. Now, the application of the true, natural method for bodily healing is followed by 62 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. none of these disastrous results. Through its application of only such material means as are naturally combined for the human body — as water, air, vegetables, their juices and fruits, the milk and flesh of certain ani- mals, and still more through the application of the effluxes which emanate from material bodies, as light, heat, electricity, and mag- netism — the sick body is nourished with materials easily digested and assimilated, their useless parts being easily thrown off as light excretions, and, in consequence, the body or any of its organs is cleansed from its impurities, built up through the applied naturally-combined and easily-as- similated materials, and changed from the condition of sickness to one of health. 3. The healing of the human body ef- fected through chemically-combined medi- caments is unnatural ; because the combina- tion between the particles of the latter is foreign to, and entirely different from, that existing between those particles, which con- stitute the human body as well as the natu- rally-combined materials, such as water, air, vegetables, etc. ; and still more it is for- eign to, and different from, the effluxes 63 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. which emanate from material bodies at the reciprocal action of their chemical elements, such as light, heat, electricity, and mag- netism. That the combination which exists between these naturally-combined mate- rials, as well as between the material par- ticles of the human body, is entirely differ- ent from that which connects the particles of purely chemically-combined matter ; fur- ther, that in the case of the former, the process of assimilation is more easily per- formed than in the latter, must be consid- ered as facts, for the following reasons : (a) Because water, air, and the bodies of plants and animals, as well as of men, are more easily and more quickly dissolved than bodies of a purely chemical combina- tion. (b) Because the vital force of plants and animals, as also of human bodies, can not only not be sustained in its work of main- taining its organic functions normally through the use of purely chemically-com- bined materials, but, moreover, if the use of these materials be continued, the oper- ation of the vital force, especially that of the human body, will be impeded and the 6 4 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. latter artificially made sick. This could not be the case if the combination between the elements of chemically-combined medica- ments would be the same as that of natu- rally-combined bodies. (c) Because the combination between the elements of purely chemical bodies is produced according to those laws only which are inherent in their material ele- ments, while the combination between the material elements of the plant, the animal, and the human body is produced, not only by virtue of their own vital force, but also according to the entirely different laws of the latter. In contrast to this, the healing of the human body according to the method pre- sented in this little book is truly natural. Its material means, and especially the effluxes of material bodies (not to speak of its spiritual means, which are natural in the fullest sense of the word), are of just such a combination and nature as to make them the only food appropriate for the hu- man body, and exclusively the only material means which, through their application and assimilation, will induce the vital force 5 65 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. of a sick body to exercise its healing en- ergies or to operate according to its in- herent laws. 4. The healing of the human body through the application of purely chem- ically-combined medicaments is unnatural. (a) Because such materials as are not naturally combined for the body can not be Divinely ordained means for its heal- ing; for they are not only too hard to digest and assimilate, but they also, at least by far the greater part of them, can not be assimilated at all by the vital force of the sick body. And, furthermore, they do not, as chemically-combined medica- ments, not even in the time of health prove themselves as the proper means to nourish and build up the human body ; but whatever is wrong for the physical organ- ism to use in a state of health can not be right from a truly natural or Divine point of view in a state of disease. (b) The healing of the human body through such means is unnatural; be- cause the latter has no natural desire for purely chemically-combined medicaments. They must be taken against the objections 66 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. of nature. Therefore, purely chemically- combined medicaments should not be used for healing purposes ; they only thwart the vital force of the sick body in its heal- ing efforts, and finally compel it to with- draw its healing energies from a body completely polluted with non-assimilative materials. On the other hand, the (for the human body) naturally-combined material means, mentioned above, and especially the ef- fluxes of material bodies emanating from them at the reciprocal action of their chem- ical elements, are certainly those means ordained for healing purposes ; for experi- ence shows that their applications and effects are not only nourishing, satisfying, and enjoyable to the patient, but the latter is even craving for them; and also the Holy Scriptures of both the Old and the New Testaments clearly substantiate this fact. While there should be no question regarding the Divine ordination of the spiritual means for healing the human body — and if so, consider what is written in the third part of this little book — the Scriptures do not leave us in doubt as to 6 7 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. the material means. That the latter have been Divinely ordained for the use of man is shown by such passages as : "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat" (Gen. i, 29) ; and further : "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat" (Gen. ix, 3-4). This Divinely authorizes the use of these things for nourishing purposes. However, the Scrip- tures also recommend illustratively the application of naturally-combined materials for healing purposes, as in 2 Kings v, 8-14; xx, 1-7; John ix, 1-7; Mark viii, 22-25; Rom. xiv, 2 ; 1 Tim. v, 23 ; but nowhere is there even a hint at the use of chemically- combined medicaments as the proper method of treatment. On the contrary, it is said, discrediting the pratice of med- cine : "Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great ; yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but 68 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. to the physicians/' (2 Chron. xvi, 12.) And again : "A certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of many physicians, and was not bettered, but rather grew worse." (Mark v, 25, 26.) 5. The healing of the human body through the application of purely chem- ically-combined medicaments would be, to say the least, unworthy of its inauguration by Christ, the God-man, and of its commis- sion to His followers. It, also, would prove neither His nor His believers' cures to be of a Divine order. Nothing less than the practice of the true, natural method for bodily healing can be expected and ac- cepted of the perfect man, and especially of the God-man. Just these reasons against the applica- tion of purely chemically-combined medi- caments for bodily healing have been en- tirely overlooked by the medical profes- sion, to the detriment of the human family. The practice of this method of healing is excusable only in the case of those who know of nothing better. This method, as well as the four other methods for bodily 69 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. healing — namely, "Faith cure," "Sym- pathy," "Mental or Hypnotic Healing," and "'Magnetic Healing" — should be sub- stituted as soon as possible by the true, natural method. The latter, however, is not including nor excluding surgery, for it, in itself, can not be considered a method of healing ; it is an art in itself, and in some cases surgery must precede the true, nat- ural method of healing the body. 70 CHAPTER V. THE LIMIT OF THIS TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. If 15- The one great limit of this method for bodily healing is the will of God, as will be seen from the following reasons : 1. Because experience proves that the success of the attempts to heal the human body depends, after all, upon "good luck." A physician who is treating a certain dis- ease through certain means may at one time be rewarded with success, while at another time, in a case of the same disease, treated through the same means, applied perhaps to the same person, he may see his treatment end with the death of his patient. Therefore the success of the at- tempts to heal the human body, whether it be according to the true, natural method or any other, can not be determined ex- clusively by the will of a healer ; other- wise every sick body, which is treated 7i THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. through the proper means and in the proper manner, should necessarily become well. Consequently there must be a higher than the human will determining the suc- cess of the healing attempts. 2. Because the applied means are not the causes which effect the healing of the body, as they, at their best, are only in- ducing the vital force of the latter to ex- ercise its healing energies. And as there may operate other influences — such as can be produced by the association with other sickly persons, by the changes of tempera- ture, even by the changing conditions of the patient's own soul-life — upon the vital force of the body, whereby the effects of the applied means for inducing the latter to exercise its healing energies may be neutralized (not to speak of the influence which can be produced by other spirits upon the vital force of a body for chang- ing its condition, as is evidently proven by hypnotism and all those cases where hu- man bodies are possessed by demons), consequently the success of healing the human body according to the true, nat- ural method, as well as any other, is and 72 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. must be determined at last by the will of God. 3. Because Divine revelation teaches : First. That bodily diseases are some- times used in the hands of God as means to induce men to comprehend, hate, and resist its cause, which is the living con- trary to His laws, the natural as well as the revealed ; and sometimes for the purpose of giving His love as well as His justice a chance to manifest His works among sinful men for their own salvation. Read Josh, xxv, 15, 16; Jer. v, 3; Ex. xv, 26; 1 Kings viii, 37-39; Jer. xviii, 7, 8 ; as also the following from 2 Cor. xii, 9 : "My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness ;" and in John i x > 3 • "J esus answered, Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents ; but that the works of God shall be manifest in him." But if bodily diseases are used in the hands of God for such purposes, they surely are Divinely wanted. Second. Divine revelation teaches that it is God's will that mankind shall not live forever in their sin-weakened bodies. For instances, we read in Gen. ii, 17: "In 73 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die;" and in i Cor. xv, 50: "Flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption ;" and verse 53 : "This cor- ruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." But as sinful man shall surely die and be sep- arated from this sin-weakened body, and as this is determined by the Creator's nat- ural and revealed laws, then the duration and cure of bodily diseases, the causes of death, are after all dependent upon the will of God. Therefore God said, Gen. iii, 16-19: "I will grealy multiply thy sorrow; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children/' and so forth. Consequently, the success of this true, natural method, as any of the other methods for bodily healing depends, after all, upon the will of God. 4. Because experience and revelation permit no other view for the unbeliever as well as for the believer but this, that the duration of disease is determined at last by the will of God, provided a patient is not intentionally aggravating his disease, but doing all he knows to become well. 74 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. From these reasons it follows that the limit of this true, natural method for bodily healing is the will of God. Ifi6. This Divine limiting of bodily healing proves nothing against this true, natural method, but rather approves of it for the following reasons : i. Because none of the other methods of bodily healing meets with success in every case, which fact proves nothing more but that they too are limited, just as this true, natural method is limited. 2. Because if the success of this method were not limited by the will of God, it could not be a truly natural one ; for everything that is truly natural is depend- ent upon God's will. It is this Divine lim- itation that helps to characterize it as the truly natural method for bodily healing. 3. Because the application of this method is not hindered by the Divine limitation ; for men can not know before- hand when God desires to use sickness in the case of one or the other for the mani- testation of His works, or when His will 75 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. demands the continuance of the disease for the patient's salvation, unless, after a faithful application of this method, He re- veals to the patient, "My grace is suffi- cient for thee ; for my strength is made per- fect in weakness." 4. Because, in view of the fact that the healer is not able to say how long his patient's disease may last, nor to give a guarantee that the disease will not end fatally, we are compelled, from a Chris- tian as well as from an experimental point of view, to conclude that not only this limitation of bodily healing is from God, but also that the healers at their best are only instruments of the Divine will. And, further, that the healing efforts, especially according to the method set forth in this little book, are merely a search for the manifestation of the Divine will with ref- erence to a patient's sickness. Consequently, this Divine limitation of the true, natural method for bodily heal- ing proves nothing against it and every- thing for it. 76 PART III. THE PRACTITONERS OF THE TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR HEALING THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. CHRIST ALSO THE PRACTITIONER OF THIS TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. That the healing of the sick as prac- ticed by Christ and as commissioned by Him to His followers is indeed the true, natural method can be explained and must be concluded from the following facts : i. Christ's and His disciples' method of healing was directed, first of all, to the personality of the sick. For instance: "I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way!" (Mark ii, n.) "And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight. " (Luke xviii, 42.) "And Jesus put forth His hand, and touched him saying, I will; be thou clean." (Matt, viii, 3.) Compare also the method of His disciples' healing, for instance, in Acts hi, iv, vi, vii, and so forth. From this it is evident that Christ's and his apostles' healing of the sick was 79 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. neither a separation of natural forces, as their casting out demons in man was ; nor a uniting of such, as it was in the case of their raising the dead. It was not even a stimulation of the reciprocal action be- tween united forces of nature to operate according to higher laws than those in- hering in them, as it must have been in the cases of Christ's feeding the four and five thousand, His turning water into wine, His walking on the sea, and the like. With their healing, Christ and His apostles simply corrected and perfected that which already existed by inducing the person- ality and especially the vital force of the sick to operate only according to its in- herent laws or to exercise only its healing energies. For that which keeps the body healthy after its healing and independent of its healer, must be that by which the body is made well; namely, the patient's own vital force, induced to exercise its healing energies. Now, inasmuch as the healing accom- plished by Christ and His diciples was effected by the vital force of the sick, in- duced by them to exercise its healing en- 80 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. ergies only, or to operate only according to its inherent laws, it must be concluded from this, that their method of healing, in this respect at least, was the true, natural one. 2. Christ and His disciples induced the vital force of a sick body to exercise its healing energies through the influence which they produced by the reciprocal ac- tion between their thoughts and will-power exercised for healing purposes, and con- veyed upon the sick body through their look, word, and imposition of hands. And with Christ Himself this was often accom- plished, even without the aid of the above- mentioned physical manipulations ; as, for instance, in Matt, viii, 5-13, where the cen- turion^ sick servant did not hear the words of Jesus : "I will come and heal him." Here, therefore, neither His word, much less His look and the imposition of His hands, could have conveyed to His dis- tant patient's vital force the healing in- fluence of His soul and spirit; and, there- fore, that influence alone mediated this cure, simply by Christ exercising His thoughts and will-power for healing pur- 6 81 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. poses, and concentrating them upon the sick man, thereby inducing the latter's vital force to exercise its healing energies. It must be considered as a fact that the con- centrated thoughts and will-power of an operator can exercise an influence upon the vital force of another body to change its organic conditions, especially when con- veyed through the look, word, and imposi- tion of hands ; for this is indisputably illustrated by the effects of hypnotism and magnetism, as well as of the soul, changing the conditions of the body. Now, since thus to induce the vital force of a sick body to exercise its healing ener- gies and consequently to change its bodily condition through the influence of the soul — which is produced by the reciprocal ac- tion between its thoughts and will-power exercised for the purpose of healing, con- centrated and conveyed upon the patient's vital force through look, word, and im- position of hands, or without them — is a perfectly natural process ; therefore, the healing of Christ and His apostles must, in this respect also, have been the true, natural method. 82 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. 3. The healing influence of Christ and His apostles was stimulated, or toned up, to increase its effects by prayer and fast- ing (read Matt, xvii, 14-21); that is, the influence produced by the reciprocal action between their thoughts and will- power, exercised for the purpose of heal- ing, and concentrated and conveyed upon the vital force of the patient through their look, word, and imposition of hands, was strengthened by praying in Christ's name for God's blessing upon this work of heal- ing. But since such a stimulation of one's healing influence — that is, a strengthening of that influence through a prolonged con- centration of the thoughts and will-power upon the patient's vital force for the pur- pose to induce the latter to exercise its healing energies, and through praying per- sistently in Christ's name for God's bless- ing upon this healing work — can be con- sidered only as a most perfectly natural process, it follows that the healing of Christ and His apostles must be consid- ered, in this respect also, as the true, nat- ural method for bodilv healing-. THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. 4. The method of healing practiced by Christ and His apostles was, in regard to its success, dependent, also, upon the faith of the sick. Just as a magnet can exer- cise an influence only upon congenial ob- jects, and just as magnetism is produced only by the reciprocal action of both the magnet and it congenial object, so did Christ and His apostles require for their cures the faith of the sick ; so was it pos- sible for them to exercise a healing in- fluence only upon those whose vital force was by their faith made receptive of the healer's influence ; and so the healing of Christ and His apostles was brought about by both the healer and the believing pa- tient, the former exercising his healing in- fluence upon the patient, the latter exer- cising faith by submitting his vital force to the curing influence of the healer. (Read Mark ix, 23; Luke viii, 50; Matt, ix, 29 ; Mark v, 34, and x, 52 ; Luke vii, 50 ; xvii, 19, and xviii, 42.) However, since such a mental and phys- ical co-operation of the healer and the person to be healed can be regarded only as a perfectly natural process, 84 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. therefore Christ's and His apostles' heal- ing of the sick must, in this respect also, be treated as the true, natural method for bodily healing. 5. Not every cure effected by Christ and His followers was completed immediately. (Read, for instance, Mark viii, 22-25 5 * Kings xvii, 19-22; 2 Kings iv, 32-35.) Nor is a sudden cure claimed in every case for Christ's believers. (Mark xvi, 18; James v, 14, 15.) These passages of Scripture evidently show that the application of the means, as well as the influence through them produced, for inducing the vital force of a diseased body to exercise its healing energies, must be sometimes prolonged to suit the requirements of the case. Now, this gradual method of healing used by Christ, which method alone is claimed for Christ's believers (see Mark xvi, 18), shows conclusively that it was also, in this respect, the true, natural method. 6. To show above all doubts that this view of the healing method practiced by Christ and His followers is the only cor- rect one, let it be remembered, in addition to the points enumerated above, that the 85 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. application of the spiritual means of this true, natural method for bodily healing was in many cases supported by that of material means. That material means were also used by Christ and the prophets to assist the already applied spiritual means, the influence of the soul, in induc- ing the patient's vital force to exercise its healing energies is clearly shown, for in- stance, in John ix, 6, 7: "When Jesus had thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay; and said unto him, Go, and wash in the Pool of Siloam. He went his way, there- fore, and washed and came seeing/' In connection with this, read also Mark viii, 22-25; vii, 3 2 -35; 2 Kings v, 10-14; xx, 7. Although Christ and the prophets used material means to support their spiritual- healing influence for inducing the vital force of the sick to exercise its healing energies, nevertheless they were not only naturally combined for the human body — for never did they use chemically combined materials — but, in addition to this, the material means were of inferior value for 86 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. healing purposes compared with the spir- itual ones ; wherefore the application of the former was not, and is not, necessary in all cases. However, just this application of ma- terial means as assisting that of the spir- itual ones to induce the vital force of a patient to exercise its healing energies to bring about a cure, is additional evidence that the healing of Christ and His followers was done according to the true, natural method; for a miraculous healing — al- though there is no such process on record — -would exclude the assistance of material means. 87 CHAPTER II. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHRIST'S CURES AND HIS MIRACLES. ffl8. Brockhaus's definition of a miracle is as follows : "A miracle is an occurrence which happens against all laws of nature, or one in which the Creator has by direct interposition set aside for its occurrence the order of the universe/ 1 In contradic- tion thereto, Trench, "Miracles of Our Lord," writes on page 10 : "The distinc- tion indeed which is sometimes drawn that in the miracle God is immediately working, and in other events is leaving it to the laws which He has established to work, can not at all be allowed ; for it rests on a dead mechanical view of the universe, altogether remote from the truth." And on page n: "To say, then, that there is more of the will of God in a miracle than in any other work o ; His. is insufficient. 88 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. The miracle is not a greater manifestation of God's power than those ordinary and ever-repeated processess ; but it is a dif- ferent manifestation." And on page 12 : "An extraordinary Divine causality . . . be- longs, then, to the essence of the miracle." This opinion of a miracle in that respect corresponds with the facts ; for the most of the miracles are effected by God through human instrumentality, and, therefore, it must not be effected by a direct interposition of God; nevertheless, it is an extraordinary one. Further, this author writes on page ' 16 : "The miracle is not unnatural ; nor could it be such, since the unnatural, the con- trary to order, is of itself the ungodly, and can in no way, therefore, be affirmed of a Divine work, such as that with which we have to do. So far from this, the true miracle is a higher and purer nature, coming down out of the world of un- troubled harmonies into this world of ours." And on page 17: "They exceed the laws of our nature, but it does not therefore follow that they exceed the laws of all nature." And on page 20 : "The miracles of earth, as Jean Paul has said, 89 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. are the laws of heaven." From this it must be concluded that the miracle can not be called an occurrence which happens against all laws of nature, and one in which God has set aside for its occurrence the order of the universe ; but it is to be de- fined rather as follows : The miracle is an extraordinary occurrence which happens through a Divine interposition, direct or indirect, whereby God induces certain forces of nature to suspend their present operations among themselves, and either to separate themselves, remaining in their single existence ; or to unite themselves, operating together according to their in- herent laws ; or as united forces of nature, to operate together according to higher laws than those inhering in them. To deny the Creator that prerogative would be simply nonsensical ; because a God who can not do what is required by the above definition of miracles can do no more than nature, and would, there- fore, be no God at all. He must be able to do with His creation, outside of the laws inhering in it, what He pleases; namely, to induce the forces of nature to 90 THE TRUE METHOD OP HEALING. suspend their ordinary manner of opera- tion, and either to separate themselves, remaining in their single existence ; or to unite themselves, operating together ac- cording to their inherent laws ; or, as united forces of nature, to operate to- gether according to higher laws than those inhering in them. Thus, for instance, Christ's casting out demons (Matt, viii, 28-34; Luke iv, 33-36; xiii, 10-17; Mark vii, 24-36; Matt, xvii, 14-21); His cursing the barren fig-tree (Matt, xxi, 18-22) ; His quieting the tempest (Mark iv, 39), are miracles ; because they were extraordinary occurrences effected through the inter- position of God, whereby He has induced the forces of nature in the men vexed by unclean spirits, in the barren fig-tree, and in the storm and sea, to suspend their present manner of operation, and separate themselves, remaining either in their sin- gle existence or presenting themselves in another though normal connection and manner of operation. Further, Christ's miraculous draught of fishes (Luke v, 1-11; John xxi, 1-23); His raising of the dead (Luke vii, 11-16; John xi, 1-54), are 9i THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. miracles, because these were extraordinary occurrences, affected through the inter- position of God, whereby He induced the forces of nature which were in the fishes, as those that did belong to the deceased son of the widow and of Lazarus, to sus- pend their present manner of operation in their separated condition, and to unite themselves to be and to operate according to their ordinary laws inhering in them for such a connection. Finally, Christ's walking upon the sea (Matt, xiv, 22-33) ; His feeding of four and five thousand (Mark viii, 1-9; John vi, 5-14); Jonah, be- ing swallowed and vomited by a great fish (Jonah i, 17; ii, 1-10); the dividing and again uniting of the waters of the sea (Ex. xiv, 15-31); the standing still of the sun and moon in answer to the prayer of Joshua (Josh, x, 12-14), are all miracles, because they were extraordinary occur- rences brought about through a Divine interposition, whereby God induced the natural forces which were at that time in Christ, in those pieces of bread and fishes, in that great fish, in the waters of that sea, and in the sun and moon, to suspend their 92 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. present manner of operation, and operate according to higher laws than those inher- ing in them, certainly for the time only that this Divine interposition lasted. These last-named miracles were accomplished in distinction to those named first, by a Divine stimulation of the reciprocal action between certain united forces of nature to operate according to higher laws than those inhering in them. Christ's turning water into wine (John ii, i-ii) required, first, a uniting of the natural forces which were in the water in those pots of stone with the vital force of the wine-plant before these tw 7 o kinds of natural forces could operate, for the time Christ's Divine interposition lasted, according to higher laws than those inhering in them. These miracles can not be criticised away, not only for the above-mentioned reasons, but also because of many phenom- ena in nature which will permit of no other explanation than will apply to the miracle. Trench, "Miracles of Our Lord," writes on page 17: "Continually we behold in the world around us lower laws held in re- straint by higher, mechanic by dynamic, 93 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. chemical by vital, physical by moral; . . . we acknowledge the law of a greater freedom swallowing up the law of a lesser." For instance, can we not, through the magnetic iron, neutralize the weight of material bodies and induce con- genial bodies to unite themselves? Do not magnetizers and hypnotizers, through their soul-magnetism, induce the vital force of other bodies to operate according to its inherent laws, or to exercise its heal- ing energies? Do not certain plants and animals under a favorable influence mul- tiply themselves to astonishingly great masses in a few hours? And can not a mere boy by throwing a stone, at least as long as his influence upon the stone lasts, suspend the law of gravity and cause it to obey a higher law than that which is in- herent in the stone itself? Why should not the Creator of the forces of nature be able to induce them to suspend their pres- ent manner of operation, and either to separate themselves, remaining in their single existence ; or to unite themselves, operating according to the ordinary laws inherent in them for such a connection; 94 THE TRUE METHOD OP HEALING. or, as united forces of nature, to operate according to higher laws than those inher- ing in them, certainly for the time only He desires them to operate miraculously? 11 19- While the miracles of Christ were ef- fected through His inducing certain forces of nature to suspend their present manner of operation, and either to separate them- selves, remaining in their single existence ; or to unite themselves, operating accord- nig to their inherent laws ; or as united forces of nature to operate acccording to higher laws than those inhering in them ; nevertheless His cures were not occur- rences of this nature. Christ's healing of the sick included neither a separation nor a uniting of natural forces, far less a stimu- lation of the reciprocal action between united forces of nature through a Divine interposition causing them to operate ac- cording to higher than their inhering laws ; but it was effected rather : First, only by a natural inducing of the vital force of a sick body; and, second, by inducing it to 95 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. operate only according to, not higher, but its own, inherent laws, in some cases locally, in others constitutionally. A local inducing of the vital force of diseased bodies is exhibited, for instance, in the fol- lowing cases : Christ's healing the eyes of blind men (Matt, ix, 27-31; John ix, 1-7; Mark viii, 22-26) Luke xviii, 35-43); His healing one deaf and dumb (Mark vii, 31- 35); His healing of the man with the with- ered hand (Mark iii, 1-5); Peter's healing a lame man (Acts iii, 1-9). It is evident that these healings are to be classed under this category, for that which kept the organ or organs of these bodies healthy after being healed, independent of their healers, must have been that by which they were healed — namely, the vital force of the patient's body — and in the above-named cases this vital force was induced by Christ and Peter to operate acording to its in- herent laws locally; that is, in the direction of the diseased part of the patient's body. On the other hand, an inducing of the vital force of diseased bodies constitutionally is set forth by Christ and the prophets in the subsequent cases : Christ's healing the 96 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. woman who had an issue of blood (Luke viii, 43-48) ; His cleansing of eleven lepers (Mark i, 40-45; Luke xvii, n-19); His healing of Simon's wife's mother of a fever (Matt, viii, 14-17); His healing of a man sick with dropsy (Luke xiv, 1-6); His healing the impotent man of Bethesda (John v, 1-16) ; His healing of two men at the point of death (John iv, 46-50 ; Luke vii, 1-10) ; the Prophet Elisha's healing of Naaman's leprosy (2 Kings iv, 1-14); the Prophet Isaiah's healing of Hezekiah's sickness unto death (2 Kings xx, 1-7). Here, again, it is evident that these cures, also, are of the nature described above, for that which kept the bodies of these patients healthy, after being healed and independ- ent of their healers, must be that by which they were healed — namely, the vital force of the patient's body — and in these lastly- mentioned cases the vital force was induced by Christ and the prophets to operate ac- cording to its inherent laws, not locally, but constitutionally, or in the direction of not only one or a few organs, but of the whole body. Even Christ's raising of Jairus's daughter from an apparently dead 7 97 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. condition (Luke viii, 41, 42, 49-55), and that of the two sons, one by the Prophet Elijah (1 Kinfjs xvii, 19-22), the other by the Prophet Elisha (2 Kings iv, 32-35), may also be treated as cures under this head. These last three occurrences are some- times treated as miracles, as a raising from death, as a reuniting of the life forces with their bodies from which they have been en- tirely separated. But they may be treated as merely raisings from an apparently dead condition, a condition in which the vital force through sickness was almost sepa- rated from the body, to actual life and health; and this because of the following facts : First, the healing of Jairus's daugh- ters shows not only that she had not lost all signs of life until Jesus was on the way to her (read Luke viii, 41, 42, 49), but in addition to this we learn that Jesus said to her father : "Fear not ; believe only, and she shall be [not raised from death, but] made whole" (verse 50) ; and when Jesus had come to those who bewailed her he said, "Weep not, she is not dead, but sleep- eth ;" and finally, immediately after she 98 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. had been brought to consciousness, Jesus "commanded to give her meat" (verse 55). Now, the history of the miraculous rais- ings of the widow's son, and especially that of Lazarus, show none of these indications of an apparently dead condition ; but, on the contrary, Jesus is quoted as saying plainly, "Lazarus is dead" (read John xi, 11-17); and in both cases they had lost all signs of life long before Jesus raised them up ; and after their raising He did not com- mand to give them meat, because of the miraculous, Divinely-produced union of their vital force with their dead body. Second. It must be noticed in connec- tion with the raising of the two sons by the two prophets, that the repeated physical manipulations and the gradual manner of procedure can be easily understood as a proper and sufficient method to heal an ap- parently dead patient, but not as the method to raise up a man whose vital fprce is already entirely separated from his body; and, further, that such a method of raising as performed by the two prophets can not be the method by which God di- rectly or through human agency performs 99 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. miracles. Finally, every one of these three cases may be treated as a raising from an apparently dead condition, a condition in which the vital force has been by disease nearly separated from the body, not only because of the above-mentioned facts, but also because of the fact that men can never know at just what moment the life force entirely leaves the body. All signs of life may have disappeared, and the body may be apparently without its vital force, but within its innermost parts the spark of that life-sustaining force may still be present. The history of the apparently dead fur- nishes a chain of proofs thereto. In addi- tion to this, the following, which was pub- lished by one of the German papers of this country, deserves special attention : "The district physician of Weissenburg, A. S., Dr. Model, had prescribed opium of a very small dose to a feeble, ten-weeks-old child. Through the carelessness of the nurse the child was dosed with too much of this medi- cine, and when the physician appeared the next morning, the little patient lay on his bed like a corpse, motionless, without respiration, without palpitation of the ioo THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. heart, certainly also without pulse. The physician introduced artificial respiration and other attempts at revivification, but in vain. After this, he sent for an electric apparatus, and after he had laid the one electrode on the abdomen and the other on the neck, he had the joy to hear the child faintly breathing again. But at sus- pending the electric current, the child's respiration ceased also. For a long time it made the impression as if the turning of the child from a deadlike condition depended on the electric current applied to it. The electrifying of the child with the Faradic current was then kept up con- tinually for ten hours, until the child began to respire of itself, the temperature of its body was raised, and its pulse became noticeable. This so remarkably saved child, in the time following, recovered completely." This occurrence shows plainly the correctness of the above given opinion, that in spite of the absence of all signs of life, the vital force may still be present within the innermost part of its body — for the electric machine can not bring back the life completely separated 101 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. from its body — and, therefore, that men can never know at just what moment the vital force is entirely separated from its body. Mortification is the only sure sign of death, the entire separation between the two. However, if these last-named cases are treated also as cures only, then they were effected by inducing the vital force of these apparently dead bodies to operate accord- ing to, not higher, but its own inherent laws constitutionally ; that means in the di- rection, not only of one or a few organs, but of the whole body. The consideration of these Scriptural cures, whether local or constitutional, shows, so far, that they were not miracles ; for they included neither a separation nor a union of natural forces, much less a Di- vine stimulation of the reciprocal action between united forces of nature causing them to operate according to laws higher than those inhering in them, but they were effected only by a natural inducing of the vital force of sick bodies to operate also only according to its own inherent laws. Furthermore, the cures of Christ, of His 102 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. apostles, and the prophets, were either gradual or instantaneous. For instance, in the three cases recorded in Matt, ix, 27-31, and Mark viii, 22-25, where the two blind men received their sight immediately, and the other only gradually, the healer was the same, but the nature of the cases must have been different. Other cases may be of the same nature, but have different heal- ers; and are, therefore, either instantaneous or gradual. For instance, the case related in Matt, viii, 3, compared with that in 2 Kings v, 14; or the case related in Luke viii, 54, 55, compared with the two cases stated in 1 Kings xvii, 21, 22, and 2 Kings i y > 34> 35 \ an d especially the case given in Matt, xvii, 14-22. But whether the Scriptural cures were gradual or instanta- neous, miracles they were not ; for their instantaneous completion was not essential to their occurrence, but depended only upon either the nature of the case or the healer's strength of influence for inducing the vital force of a sick body. Consequently, that all the above-men- tioned cures, effected locally or consti- tutionally, gradually or instantaneously, 103 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. were not miracles, but truly natural occur- rences, must be held for the following reasons : i. Because they did not include, as miracles do, a separation or union of natural forces, nor a Divine stimulation of the reciprocal action between united forces of nature, which would cause them to operate according to laws higher than those inhering in them ; but a natural inducing of the vital force of the sick body to ope- rate only according to its inherent laws. 2. Because the vital forces of the sick bodies themselves effected these cures by exercising their healing energies, although under a healing-inducing influence. 3. Because all of the above-mentioned cures were brought about, not in a super- natural, extraordinary way, like miracles, but by a true natural method — namely, through the submission of the patient's vital force by faith to the influence of the healer; through the application of ma- terials naturally combined for the human body; through producing a spiritual influ- ence by the reciprocal action between the healer's thoughts and will-power exercised 104 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. for healing purposes, and conveying the same upon the sick body by means of look, word, and imposition of hands. 4. Because an instantaneous completion, as required by all the miraculous occur- rences, is not essential to the bodily cures effected by Christ, His apostles, and the prophets. The reasons why the cures of Christ, the apostles, and the prophets are looked upon as miraculous occurrences are as follows : First, because they were, and are still, un- common to everything mankind knew and still knows in that line. Second, because the process or method of their healing was not then, nor is it now, generally under- stood. However, this does not permit us to say that such occurrences are therefore miracles ; for some occurrences of the past, as of the present, were, and are to-day, at first considered very unusual, and under- stood by very few persons. Third, because especially Christ's soul and spirit influence, inducing the vital force of a sick body to exercise its healing energies, must have been stronger than it ever can be produced by any sin-weakened man. 105 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. 1| 20. The difference between Christ's miracles and His cures is therefore as follows : His miracles were extraordinary occurrences, effected instantaneously by a Divine induc- ing, direct or indirect, of certain natural forces to suspend their present manner of operation, and either to separate them- selves, remaining in their single existence, or to unite themselves, operating together according to the laws inhering in them for such a union, or as united forces of nature to operate according to higher laws than those inhering in them ; but the cures of Christ were effected neither through a separation nor a union of natural forces, nor through a Divine stimulation of the reciprocal action between them, instanta- neously causing them to operate according to higher than their inherent laws, but ex- clusively through a natural inducing of the vital force of a sick body to operate ac- cording to its own inherent laws, or to ex- ercise only its healing energies; and this through the application of natural means such as the soul-influence of a healer 106 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. produced through the reciprocal action of his thoughts and will-power exercised for healing purposes, and conveyed through look, word, and touch upon the sick body ; and, if the nature of the disease or the healer's soul-influence should demand it, also through the use of such materials as are naturally combined for the human body, and which present the rest of the natural means proper for bodily healing — a healing that is effected through them by an instantaneous or a more or less gradual process, as the case may require. 107 CHAPTER III. THE TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING, THE ONLY ONE BEFITTING CHRIST, THE GOD-MAN. If 21. This true, natural method for bodily healing is well-befitting Christ, the abso- lutely perfect man, and also Christ, the God-man : i. Because it has none of the defects of the other five methods practiced for bodily healing, but, on the contrary, contains the kernel of each of the latter, applied in the most rational and truly natural manner. (Refer to paragraphs 10-14.) 2. Because it is the only method for bodily healing whose application is not only in harmony with, but also promotive of, the spiritual salvation of man. 3. Because its practice induces the vital force of a sick body to help itself through the application of proper natural means, 108 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. which indeed corresponds with that method which is observed by God in His dealing with His creation. 4. Because the application of this method attempts to induce the vital force of a sick body, not only through perfectly natural means, but also to operate in the most natural manner ; that is, according to its own inherent laws. Less than this can not be expected of Christ the Perfect Man, and especially the God-man. 5. Because the application of this method, which is an assisting of the vital force to succeed in establishing its normal opera- tions in its body means (1) the over- coming of an abnormal condition of the human physical organism, and (2) a deliv- ering of the vital force from its subdue- ment to materials that are foreign to the combination of its body; which is equal to a granting to the former its "right of way" to operate according to its inherent laws for the purpose of healing the body. But such a salvation of the human body in and during its sin-weakened condition can justly be expected of the Divine Re- deemer of mankind. 109 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. 6. Because, by adopting and practicing the true, natural method for bodily heal- ing, man is constantly induced to trust more in nature's healing efforts and in the Creator's blessings invoked thereupon than in human skill applied by administer- ing chemically-combined materials accord- ing to the man-made laws of materia medica; and to induce man to depend above all things else, upon the blessings of his Maker for the work of this healing as well as for all his other works, and especially to trust that the forces qf nature and also his own vital force, under the in- fluence of applied natural means and of God's blessing, will operate according to their inherent, for them Divinely-ordained, laws, is one of the important parts of Christ's mission among suffering humanity. 7. Because, by practicing this method, the vital force of the human body is brought more and more under the influence and control of soul and spirit, under which, according to Christ's example, it rightly belongs. Furthermore, man is thereby given a chance to aspire even to the lord- ship of the organizing work of the phys- 110 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. ical part of his being, which, by the way, must have been the very case in the life of Christ, the God-man, and which un- doubtedly will be the happy condition con- ceivable for the redeemed in the trans- figured body, as illustrated by Christ in His resurrected body. The above is to be comprehended only as one of the latent capabilities of our complete being, given us by our Creator. For this reason the in- spired exhortation, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee" (i Tim. iv, 14), and "Where- fore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee" (2 Tim. i, 6), can be applied most fittingly also in this respect. in CHAPTER IV. THE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST AS PRACTITION- ERS OF THIS TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. ft 22. As practitioners of His, the true, natural method for bodily healing, Christ has appointed his followers ; and of them not only the twelve apostles (Luke ix, 1-6), and the seventy selected disciples, after the sending out of the twelve (Luke x, i, 9), were commissioned by Him to do so ; but also all those who believe should have the sign following them : "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" (Mark xvi, 17, 18). But this does not mean belief without works. A living faith alone, only a faith with works, will suffice for the prac- titioner of Christ's method for bodily heal- ing. 1. They must believe that it is the vital 112 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. force of the sick body only which always, and in every case, constitutes the healing cause. 2. They must believe that the vital force of the body, in case of sickness, needs only to be induced to exercise its heal- ing energies ; for at such times it has been merely subdued by a local or a constitu- tional accumulation of foreign materials in the body. 3. They must believe that this inducing can be accomplished : (a) Through sub- mitting the vital force of the sick body by the patient's faith to the influence of the healer; (b) Through a healing influence, produced by the soul, either of the patient himself or of another person, through the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will- power exercised for healing purposes, con- centrated and conveyed by look, breath, word, and laying on of hands upon the sick part of the body, and that this influence can be stimulated by praying in Christ's name for God's blessing upon these healing ef- forts ; (c) And even through the application of material means, which are naturally com- bined for the human body; such as water, 8 113 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. air, vegetables, their various juices and fruits ; especially also the effluxes of mate- rial bodies, as light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, applied according to the re- quirements of the case. 4. They must believe that in some cases — yes, in every case where the vital force of the sick body needs time for the com- pletion of the cure, or where the healer's influence is too weak for an instantaneous cure — the process of healing can be accom- plished only gradually ; believing, therefore, that a prolonged application of the above- named means in the indicated manner, with, also, a prolongation of the influence induc- ing the healing, is necessary. Read in this connection the cases given in Matt, xvii, 14-21 ; Mark viii, 22-25 l l Kings xvii, 19-22 ; 2 Kings iv, 32-35. Such a faith, a faith exercised in the above stated manner, is required in order to be a practitioner of the true, natural method for bodily healing inaugurated and commissioned by Christ ; and all those of His followers who thus exercise their faith can become practitioners of this method. (Read Mark xvi, 17, 18.) 114 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. Why should it not be possible for Christ's believers to practice this true, natural method for bodily healing? Does not the saying of Christ mean what it declares : ''These signs shall follow them that be- lieve; they shall lay hands upon the sick, and they shall recover (Mark xvi, 17, 18); and, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard- seed, ye shall say unto this mountain [being in the way of true nature's operations], Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing [if according to true nature's operations] shall be impossible to you" (Matt, xvii, 20) who exercise faith? Is not the sick body's vital force, through the exercise of its healing energies, the ef- fective cause of the success of this method of bodily healing? Should not the com- bined influence of the healer and the be- lieving patient upon the vital force of the subject's body for inducing it to exercise its healing energies be stronger and more effective than any that may be produced through the manipulations of the healers of the .so-called "Faith cure," the "Sympathy "5 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. cure," of "Christian Science," of the hypnotic and magnetic healers ; yes, even also that pro- duced through the application of chemically- combined medicaments? Do not the ef- fects sometimes produced in the ordinary manner of look and act, moreover those produced by an athlete, and especially those brought about by a "masseur" or by a hyp- notist, illustrate, positively and beyond a shadow of a doubt, that, through a concen- tration of thoughts and will-power, an influ- ence can be produced and conveyed by look, breath, and physical manipulations upon the vital force of a person for the pur- pose of modifying its operations and bodily condition? Has not the believer in Christ the privilege and advantage to stimulate his concentrated thoughts and will-power for healing purposes to their highest possible strength of influence by praying in Christ's name for God's blessing upon his efforts? The preachers of the Church of Christ should return to the full discharge of the Master's twofold commission, namely : "To heal the sick that are therein, and to say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you" (Luke x, 9) ; and, while exe- 116 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. cuting the more important part of their commission, the preaching of God's king- dom, they should not neglect the healing of the sick through a faithful application of the means of the true, natural method, the spiritual as well as the material means, which are all so richly provided for in the spiritual and material realms of creation for the purpose of inducing the vital force of a sick body as well as the sin-sick soul of man to operate according to their inherent laws ! 117 CHAPTER V. THE DOCTRINE OF LAYING ON OF HANDS. 11 24- I. This laying on of hands as one of the material means which is used in connection with the spiritual means for healing sick bodies was first introduced and practiced by Christ. (Mark vi, 5 ; vii, 23 ; Matt, ix, 18.) The Apostolic Church established it even as a doctrine (Heb. vi, 2) ; but confined the laying on of hands after the Pentecostal time especially to the transmission of spir- itual gifts. (Acts vi, 6; viii, 17, 18, 19; xix, 6; 1 Tim. iv, 14.) Only of two apostles it is said; namely, of Peter at the healing of the lame man (Acts iii, 7) : "And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up : and immediately his feet and ankle-bones re- ceived strength;" and of Paul at the heal- ing of Publius's father : "Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him" (Acts xxviii, 8). All the other 118 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. healings were done, either by means of touching the apostle's handkerchief (Acts xix, 12), or by means of prayer and anoint- ing with oil in Christ's name (James v, 14) ; or even only by means of commanding in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts ix, 34). Nevertheless this laying on of hands is de- signed to be the principal and most proper physical medium for healing the sick, which is shown, not only by Christ's practice, but also by His declaration, "And these signs shall follow them that believe ; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall re- cover." (Markxvi, 17, 18.) If Christ's fol- lowers have declined from the use of the true, natural method, and are healing the sick through other physical means than the one designed by their Master, it does not follow that we must abide in their footsteps, and far less that both Christ's example and declaration regarding this principal and most proper physical medium for bodily healing should no longer be in force. Therefore, Christ was not only the first who showed mankind the strongest heal- ing-inducing influence — namely, the efflux emanating from the soul by the reciprocal 119 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. action of its thoughts and will-power exer- cised for healing purposes — but He also was the first in leading us to know that the laying on of hands upon a sick body or any of its organs is the principal and most proper physical medium for inducing its vital force to exercise its healing energies. 2. This laying on of hands is the most natural and effective physical medium for inducing the human body's vital force to exercise its healing energies, for the follow- ing reasons : (a) Because none of the other organs of the sick body is taxed above its normal activity by this process. (b) Because the warmth of the hands laid upon the diseased body or any of its organs is a stimulant, as the massage purely illus- trates. In addition to this, it is also the next best physical medium to receive and convey to the sick body the spiritual efflux of the soul generated by the reciprocal ac- tion of its thoughts and will-power exer- cised for healing purposes. (c) Because this laying on of hands for the purpose of bodily healing excites the vital force of a sick body, not by means of 120 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. manipulating its organs through lifeless materials called medicine, but through con- veying soul-energy upon its diseased organ, and through it upon its vital force by the life-warm hands. This laying on of hands is, therefore, the very physical expression of that spiritual efflux which emanates from the soul by the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power exercised for heal- ing purposes, and conveyed through it upon that particular part of the body in which its vital force is operating to weak — that is, upon the seat of the disease — for the purpose of stimulating or inducing it to exercise more strongly its healing energies. 3. This laying on of hands as the most natural and effective physical medium for bodily healing is also the most proper one ; for the inspired words, "The eye can not say unto the hand, I have no need of thee," and "There should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care one for another" (1 Cor. xii, 21, 25), can be applied most fittingly also in this respect. As our Creator arranged the different members of His creation so that one is helping the other to be and to 121 THE TRUE METHOD OF H BALING. operate according to its laws designed by Him, just such a relation exists between the members of the human body as well as between the body and its soul. It would indeed be strange if there were no such a relation existing between them, especially between the hands and the other members. The hands, as the most helpful of all its members, should not possess a stimulating influence when laid upon the body; nor should they not be able to convey the soul- influence which is produced by the recip- rocal action of its thoughts and will-power exercised for healing purposes upon the members of its own or any other body; but that the hands in reality maintain such a relation to the rest of the members of the body is experimentally proven by the mas- sage. And the author of this little work has had nearly twenty years' experience by which it has been illustrated to him, be- yond a doubt, that the laying on of hands upon a diseased organ of his own or of an- other body has a stimulating effect, and can have also a healing-inducing influence. However, it must not be overlooked that the laying on of hands only, is not the heal- 122 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. ing cause ; for if this is done without the soul exercising its thoughts and will-power directed toward the healing of a diseased organ or body, its effects are short of the desired cure. 123 CHAPTER VI. A FORMULA FOR PRACTICING THE TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. H25. The author of this little book, through many years of experience, has found this manner of proceeding in the application of the true, natural method for bodily healing as answering the purpose : 1. For promoting the health of the hu- man body it is necessary, first of all, to open and to keep open the channels through which nature disposes of the use- less matter in its body. The inhabitants of any city and of every house must be- come sick, and can not get well if the waste channels are not carrying off the useless matter of their dwellings, if they are plugged up or even not sufficiently cleansed. More so is this the case with the dwelling in which the human soul lives and works, as it is the case with its inhabitant, 124 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. the soul itself. The opening and keeping open of these channels according to the true, natural method is accomplished in the following manner : (a) Through water applications by means of the old syringe, but according to the new method discovered by Dr. Wilford Hall, by which the large intestines of the human body are to be gradually but entirely emptied by refilling them, using up to four quarts of blood-warm water three to four times a week. The best time for these operations is before going to bed. (b) By means of vapor baths, through which the pores of the human body are opened for carrying off successfully its use- less matter. (r) By means of the water cure, accord- ing to Kneipp's method. 2. For promoting the health of the hu- man body, not only proper rest and exer- cise is necessary, but also the use of proper food to substitute the losses and to the further building up of its organization. This is accomplished by means of a proper diet adapted to each case, by which the vital force of the human body is given access to 125 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. such materials of the vegetable and animal kingdom as can be easily assimilated as parts of the latter. 3. For promoting the health of a sick body it may be necessary that a greater quantity of oxygen should be administered. This can be accomplished in a natural man- ner; namely, by means of lung gymnastics. Through these the vital force of a sick body receives especially the oxygen of the in- haled air, so vivifying to the system, in larger quantities than it is possible to re- ceive by the usual manner of respiration. Further, the rays of the sun also can be utilized for promoting the health of a sick body by allowing them to work upon its diseased organs as often as the desired cure requires. For men of science do affirm that "the sunlight, and as a substitute the light of electricity, has a great influence upon the growth and health of animal and human bodies ; because the light possesses the quality to penetrate through the skin into the underlying tissue, and there produce a great increase of the changes of matter, of absorbing oxygen and of expelling car- bonic-acid. . . . Further, it is proved that, 126 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. under the influence of sunlight, or the light of electricity, there is produced also an in- crease of the little red bodies which give color to the blood. Another effect of the light upon the human body is this, that it produces local and general perspiration ; . . . the light itself penetrates into the tis- sue and there induces intensively a change of matter, which also produces an increase of the temperature. " The healing effects of earth-applications are also known, which was probably the in- ducement for men to apply chemically-com- bined materials inwardly. But to use the latter as the former inwardly, by means of the body's circulation, is, according to the conviction of the author of the true method of healing, wrong and dangerous to the health of the human being (read paragraph 14) ; although earth-applications, or chem- ically-combined materials used externally and without polluting the circulation of the human body with their particles, may as a means induce the vital force of a patient to exercise its healing energies ; for instance, the various chemically-combined but only externally-applied medicaments, which do 127 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. produce, according to experience, these healing-inducing effects upon the sick body without injurious effects if applied inwardly. Even the applications of common clay may induce the vital force to exercise its heal- ing energies more strongly. In regard to this, A. Just, at Youngborn, according to a German paper published in our country, writes as follows : "In the earth is life. From it emanates continually a mighty power upon the hu- man body, if they are brought in close con- nection ;* therefore the refreshing and in- vigorating effects of going barefoot. The animals in the woods remove everything, even the snow, so as to get in the closest touch with the ground. One should often rest lying upon the bare ground. The ef- fects of sleeping in this manner in warm nights in the open air or in a room are re- markable. Damp ground, or clay, applied to the body externally, draws from the dis- eased parts the poisonous, morbid, and for- eign matter more effectively than can be * More correctly, the effluxes of the earth can induce the vital force of the human body to operate more energetic- ally. {Annotation from the author.) 128 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. done by any other means. Damp ground upon the abdomen is very effective ; it takes away the heat of fever and invigorates the digestive organs. The results produced by such applications are remarkable. I will quote only a few : "W. S , at F , became suddenly blind in one of his eyes. All means applied produced no satisfactory effect. Then damp ground was applied; in a few days the eye was better, and after four to six weeks the faculty of vision in that eye was again established. M , at M , laid a poultice of clay upon the neck, and dur- ing one night was cured of a chronic head- ache. Mrs. G took sick from convul- sions ; by applying a clay-poultice to her neck her consciousness was restored. A man was sick for a long time, and suffering very severely with rheumatism. After lying upon the ground fourteen nights he was well. Earth-applications can in no case do any harm." 4. The health of the human body will be promoted if its vital force is induced to ex- ercise its healing energies more strongly 9 129 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. than usual. This can be accomplished by the following processes : (a) Through the application of electricity proper for healing purposes, which, as an efflux of material bodies emanating from them by the reciprocal action of their chem- ical elements, is particularly qualified to in- duce the vital force of the human body to operate ; for as a go-between it seems to be able, not only to get between the smallest parts of the body, but also between these and their vital force. The healing appa- ratus of G. H. A. Schaefer, 315 Madison Street, Buffalo, N. Y., is a good electrical instrument for that purpose. The healing effects gained by means of this apparatus are published by the above-named firm ; also read again in this connection what is written about the effects of electricity upon the body in paragraph 19. (b) Through the application of magnet- ism produced by rubbing and kneading the diseased organs of the body, or by breath- ing or laying the hands upon them, just as the case may permit, which as an efflux of the human body is still more effective for ixo THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. inducing the latter s vital force to exercise its healing energies than electricity; be- cause it is milder and conveys vital warmth, (f) Through the application of the spir- itual efflux of the human soul, which ema- nates therefrom by the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power exercised for healing purposes, also stimulated by prayer in Christ's name for God's blessing upon these attempts at healing, and which efflux is conveyed through look, breath, word, and laying on of hands upon the sick body or any of its organs, to induce the latter's vital force for exercising its healing ener- gies. It is evident that this last outlined manner of proceeding in the application of the true, natural method must be the most effective of all given for inducing the vital force of a sick body to exercise its healing energies ; for it presents not only the quali- ties of electricity, and also, if conveyed by physical means, those of magnetism for bodily healing, but, in addition to these, it includes also the soul-energy produced by the reciprocal action of its thoughts and will-power exercised for healing purposes. 131 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. By practicing these various modes in the application of the true, natural method for bodily healing it must be observed, partly, that it is not the best to apply only one of them ; or to operate with the last while the application of the first is neglected. Use as much as possible all of them, as the case may permit; and, in addition to this, give the vital force of the sick body time to do the healing work. Certainly, the treatment of chronic diseases will require more pa- tience in the application of the true, natural method than the treatment of acute dis- eases. 132 CHAPTER VII. CHRIST'S CHURCH ALSO A PRACTITIONER OF THIS TRUE, NATURAL METHOD FOR BODILY HEALING. If 26. As the: healing of the human soul is ac- complished by Christ through the medi- ation of His followers, not only as individ- uals, but also as an organization — namely, through the mediation of His Church — so the healing of the human body likewise should be done through the mediation of the Church, as well as of His individual followers. 1. The Church of Christ ought to be a great healing institution : (a) Because it could be organized as such just as well as any other company of men ; namely, by adding to its theological insti- tutions also a healing department, and by educating, ordaining, and sending forth its ministers as healers as well as preachers. (b) Because the Church can perform this healing of the sick either through the usual 133 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. practice of medicine, or, what would be much better, through the application of material means which are naturally com- bined for the human body, as used by the "Natural Healing Institutions," of Europe especially, and of this country too, and as being the material means of the true, nat- ural method for bodily healing, and at the same time through practicing also the still more effective method used by Christ, His apostles, and the prophets, and for which men could be educated by the Church bet- ter than by anybody else. Christ's Church, by right, ought to be a great healing insti- tution, and its ministers healers, as well as preachers. (c) Because its Master was both, and be- cause His twelve apostles and the seventy selected disciples were commissioned by Him, not only "to preach the kingdom of God," but also "to heal the sick" (Luke ix, 2; xix, 1, 9); furthermore, because Christ has declared the sign following them that believe, "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark xvi, 17, 18) ; and also because His Church in the begin- ning did practice the healing of the sick. 134 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. And why should it not do the same to- day? What preacher of the gospel sitting at the bedside of the sick does not experi- ence the desire to be able and authorized to advise and help physically as well as spirit- ually? Indeed, with many this desire is so strong that they can not resist the tempta- tion to administer medicine to the diseased, in spite of the danger of exposing them- selves to the medical profession as "quacks," and to legal punishment. Fur- thermore, for reasons of almost equal force it is demanded that — 2. Christ's Church should be also a mighty mutual aid society, for the following reasons : (a) Because the success of its healing ef- forts, in many cases at least, would be crip- pled, as the Church without being such an institution is not able to furnish the neces- sary financial support. (b) Because the Church of Christ can be organized as a mutual aid society just as well as any other company of men are or- ganized for that purpose. Its existence as such should indeed be possible ; for, while no member of the Church should be ex- 135 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. eluded from joining it on account of age and condition of health, their admission fees and annual premiums, when applying for membership in an aged and sickly con- dition, must be correspondingly larger. But this difficulty could be obviated by making the fees for admission in such cases payable in part by note, its sum, with inter- est, to be deducted at the time of death from the claims of the survivors upon the death fund. Again, its existence should in- deed be a possibility, because Church mem- bers, of which the membership of such an organization would consist, live on the average more according to the laws of health, both morally and physically, than those of worldly societies ; because the in- crease of its membership, for various rea- sons, must be greater and more lasting than that of any other mutual aid society; and because it would, therefore, be able to give financial support at as low or still lower rates than any other organization of the kind. Christ's Church ought to be a mighty mutual aid society — (c) Because the little company of disci- ples, with Christ Himself at their head, was, 136 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. modernly termed, a mutual aid society. They had a treasurer, Judas Iscariot, and the money of their common treasury was used to pay the expenses of its members, while the surplus was distributed for the support of the needy. (See John xii, 4-6.) Yes, even Christ's Church, under the lead- ership of the Holy Ghost, in its beginning was such a society. (Acts ii, 44, 45 ; vi, 1-4.) Indeed, the Church of Christ ought to be a great healing institution and a mighty mu- tual aid society, especially the former, through the application of all those mate- rial means which are naturally combined for the human body, and successfully used by the already existing "Natural Healing Institutions ;" and, further, also through practicing the still more effective method which was used by Christ, His apostles, and the prophets for bodily healing, and for which men could be educated by the Church better than by anybody else, remembering the gift of God which is given the Church with the commission of Christ, its Master, and also applying it, thereby executing that commission. 137 CHAPTER VIII. THE RESULTS, IF THE CHURCH WERE ALSO A GREAT HEALING INSTITUTION AND A MIGHTY MUTUAL AID SOCIETY. 11 2 7 . If the Church of Christ would organize also as a healing institution and a mutual aid society, practicing through its ministry the healing of the sick as well as the preach- ing of the gospel, and through its member- ship mutually helping the needy, the results could be no other than the following : 1. It would be placed in a position to operate in the manner manifested by its Master and by the Pentecostal Church. The fact that the Church since that time has reduced its efforts, and at present strives to promote only the spiritual inter- ests of man, losing sight almost entirely of the significance of promoting also their bodily welfare, and thereby executing only one part of the Master's commission, is no 138 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. proof that this commission has been changed, or that healing the sick and help- ing the needy is not an essential part of the commission. That the exercise of this power of healing the sick was intended by Christ only for the twelve apostles, for the seventy disciples selected by Him, and for His newly-founded Church in its beginning, is neither taught by Christ nor by His apos- tles, and would not be held by His Church to-day if its ministry were able to exercise such a healing power. To maintain that the exercise of this power belongs only to the characteristics of the Millennial King- dom has no foundation in the Scriptures, and is only a method of the ignorant or lazy follower of Christ to excuse himself from acquiring the full qualifications for his po- sition. In addition we may ask : What is more logical, from Christ's commissioning His twelve apostles and the seventy dis- ciples to heal the sick, also from His uncon- ditional declaration that the believers shall be followed by the sign, "They shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover," than to conclude that it is the mission of His Church, in connection with the preach- 139 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. ing of God's kingdom, to exercise the power of healing the sick, bringing salva- tion also, as far as it is possible under the present conditions, to physically suffering humanity? Did not the Apostolic Church understand its Lord Christ thus, and go about through its ministry, not only preach- ing the gospel, but also healing the sick and supporting the needy? Is the Church of Christ to wait until the dawn of the Mil- lennial Kingdom to exercise its power of healing the sick and of supporting the needy? Does not our age, in which the physical afflictions of man seem to remain as great as ever in spite of all mutual aid societies and an alarming flood of chem- ically-combined drugs applied by the Doc- tors of Medicine, need the help of Christ's Church in this respect more than the Mil- lennial Kingdom? Should it be necessary for the Church to beg for a diploma at the doors of the world's universities in order to attain the right of practicing the healing of the sick without chemically-prepared medicaments, or for furnishing temporal aid in time of need? Is not the Lord's commission the best diploma and His ex- 140 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. ample the best encouargement the Church can ever receive? 2. The Church of Christ, as a great heal- ing institution and a mighty mutual aid society, would be able to rebut successfully the more or less justified accusation made by its enemies that the Church is doing little more than nothing directly toward the bodily welfare of a suffering humanity. Thus, the Church would no longer be a mere bystander in the hour of bodily need, unable to give the advice and help neces- sary to relieve the suffering of the patient, but would be an efficient helpmate for the needy and disease-stricken human family, able to utilize just those proper times at which the human heart is most receptive of its spiritual interests, to enlarge and strengthen its influence. 3. The Church of Christ as a great heal- ing institution and a mighty mutual aid society would be also able to satisfy, phy- sically as well as spiritually, all just de- mands made by the masses of mankind. That the masses have a right to expect, and even to demand, from Christ's Church help in need and sickness, as well as for 141 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. their soul's salvation, passes without dis- pute ; and the Church will not be all-suffi- cient as long as it does not carry on the one in connection with the other. 4. Christ's Church, by becoming also a great healing institution and a mighty mu- tual aid society, could counteract success- fully all the damaging influence of the lodges as well as of religiously and eccle- siastically misleading healers ; for the strength of the latter's influence with the people is just the finanical aid or the bodily healing that they offer. Erase from their program this specialty, and the influence of the lodges, of Christian Science, cor- rectly called "Eddyism," of "Dowieism," and of all kindred isms with the people and against the Church, will be reduced to al- most zero. Having become an institution of this nature also, the Church will no longer need to behold helplessly how its members, as well as the masses not inter- ested in the Church, are misled by worldly societies and heretic healers, merely be- cause the Church offers no tangible induce- ment equal to that of these worldly organ- izations and misleading isms through which 142 THE TRUE METHOD OP HEALIXG. to draw humanity. The masses in general would undoubtedly rather accept mutual aid and bodily healing at the same rates from the Church than from lodges and from these different isms with their intel- lectually and spiritually misleading teach- ings and usages. Yes, the time has come for the Church to recall the Master's two- fold commission ; namely, to aid humanity physically and spiritually, and to work no longer against its own interests, by not offer- ing these advantages, which it can offer just as well as the lodges and healing institu- tions, and even as individuals, men and women of the world, who frequently are an- tagonistic to Christ and His Church, and who, by offering these advantages, are drawing the masses, and even a large per- centage of Church members, from the Church their way. 5. Christ's Church, as a great healing in- stitution and a mighty mutual aid society, would, in that capacity, be able to gain and maintain a stronger hold upon the masses than through any other means. The Church has tried, and is still trying, differ- ent methods for this purpose : in the pulpit, 143 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. by adjusting the preaching services to the people's way of thinking and living; in its social work, by arranging social gatherings suitable to the taste of the people, and by organizing its members into various soci- eties for the advancement of common inter- ests. But in spite of these efforts, which at present go almost to excess, the Church is not gaining a satisfactory hold upon the masses ; in fact, their interest in the Church is rather diminishing. The above-men- tioned attempts to gain this end seem soon to become dull and worn out with the peo- ple, and the consequences are that the Church abates such attempts, and seems at the end to be no nearer the solution of this problem than before. Why is it that the Church, in spite of all the attempts so far made, is gaining no satisfactory hold upon the masses? Why are these masses, and even the members of the Church, joining worldly organiza- tions in such alarmingly great numbers? Why do the people allow themselves to be led away from the influence of the Church by lodges and misleading healers ? Simply because human beings in a time of need will 144 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. go, in spite of all objections, to that place and to those men where and from whom they can expect to receive help ; and their helper's influence will always be the strong- est with them. Therefore, let the Church give bread, and not a stone ! Instead of ad- justing preaching services, and even the contents of discourses, to the people's way of thinking and living, and instead of ar- ranging social pleasures — for the Church can not afford to lose time in such work — let the needy and the sick be served by mu- tual aid and bodily healing, and the Church will gain and maintain a lasting hold upon the masses. By promoting the bodily interests of the people, by aiding the needy, and especially by healing the sick, Christ and His first followers gained and maintained a hold upon the people in spite of all persecutions. The masses came to them for the bread and fishes and for the healing of their sick (John vi, 26; Matt, iv, 23-25; xx, 34; Mark iii, 7, 8) ; and, as in those times, so the great mass of humanity is, in that respect, the same to-day ! O, Church of Christ, learn from the Mas- 10 145 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALIXG. ter and His first disciples that to promote the bodily interests of man by healing the sick and supporting the needy is the method through which thou canst gain a hold upon the people that will be stronger and more lasting than can be gained through any other means ! H28. In Conclusion, The true method of healing begins, first of all, by making every effort for the resto- ration of the human soul, neglecting not, however, the attempt at healing the dis- eased body. Further, the conscientious practitioner of the true healing method never forgets that the success of its application depends at last upon God, and, therefore, that it ought to be applied with the sense of de- pendence upon God's blessing. Finally, regarding the method of healing presented in this little book, it must be mentioned that, notwithstanding the vari- ous means and methods invented and ap- plied by man, and in spite of his having 146 THE TRUE METHOD OF HEALING. made very slow improvements upon the spiritual and physcial welfare of mankind, there is yet room and need for the appli- cation of these healing processes ; a work which is not surpassed by any other in im- portance and value to the human family, because upon the success in securing the welfare of the soul and body depends the success of all other human work. i47 DtC 21 1903 BB i 1 " j 1 Hi HI P^ ^p HP H ■ 1 1 5;-: 1 . . : ,-+x. ^m &^w m wm ■M gg&H 31 m 1 3n