LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1 ©|ap ©tqojrig^l f o. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. , •• • ■ HYMNS FOR THE CHURCH ON EARTH. BEING THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. (FOR THE MOST PART OF MODERN DATE.) SELECTED AND ARRAYED BY THE REV. J. C. RYLE, D.D., CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD, BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL. NEW EDITION. OF SIXTY-SIX HYMNS, SELECTED BY AN AMERICAN EDITOE NEW YOR ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & COMPANY, 9:0 BROADWAY, COR. 20th STREET. Copyright, 1883, by ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & CO. NEW YORK : Edward O. Jenkins, Robert Rutter, Printer, Binder, 20 North William St. 116 and 118 East 14th Street. Holy thoughts often abide forever in men's memories under the form of poetry, which pass away and are for- gotten wider the form of prose. A SPIRITUAL SONG FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. 44 Who so offereth praise glorifieth me." — Psalm I. 23. 41 Where is God my Maker, who giveth songs in the night? " — Job xxxv. 10. PREFACE. In sending forth a new collection of Hymns, I feel it necessary to preface the work by a few words of explanation. I am anxious that no pur- chaser should misunderstand the nature of its contents. The first hundred hymns in this collection have already appeared in a separate form, under the title of " Spiritual Songs."* The remaining two hundred hymns have been added to the former selection ; and the whole three hundred are now sent forth (to prevent confusion) under the new title of u Hymns for the Church ox Earth." * This edition was reprinted in the small form, some years ago, and the success which has attended its publication has led the American publisher to reproduce the present volume. a PREFACE. Some explanatory account of the whole collection will now, perhaps, not be thought out of place. I wish it then to be distinctly understood, that the volume now in the reader's hands, does not profess to be a complete collection of all the best English hymns. The old familiar compositions of Watts, Wesley, Newton, Cowper, Toplady, &c, with which every lover of Christian psalmody is acquainted, are, for the most part, purposely ex- cluded from its pages. It contains, with a few exceptions, no hymns which are not comparatively of modern date. The greater proportion of the hymns in this volume are either very little known, or at any rate are not to be found in most of the hymn-books commonly used. It is a collection of the best modern hymns, and of a few old hymns, which are not so well known as they de- serve to be. Furthermore, I wish it to be understood, that this collection is not primarily intended for con- gregational use. Many of the hymns, no doubt, are admirably adapted for singing in the congre- gation. Many others, however, from their highly experimental character, are better suited for pri- PREFACE. 3 7ate reading; while many are shut out from public usefulness by their peculiar and irregular metres. The comfort of invalids and the edification of Christians in private, have been the two principal objects I have had in view in preparing this col- lection. I hold strongly, that holy thoughts often abide for ever in men's memories under the form of poetry, which pass away and are forgotten under the form of prose. In compiling this hymn-book, I have availed myself of all the best modern collections which I have been able to obtain, whether of English, Scotch, Irish, or American origin; and I have laid no British or Irish authors under contribution without first seeking their permission. To the following writers I desire especially to express my grateful acknowledgments, and to thank them for the kindness and courtesy with which they have acceded to my applications for leave to use their hymns : — Dr. Bonar, of Kelso, N. B. ; — Rev. R, Macduff ; — Miss Catherine Winkworth, translator of the German hymns entitled " Lyra Germanica ;" — R. Massie, Esq., translator of the German hymns by Spitta, entitled "Lyra Domestica;" — the trans- it 4 PREFACE. lator of the German hymns entitled " Hymns from the Land of Luther;" — A. L. W., author of "Hymns and Meditations;" — J. T., author of " Woodsorrel ;" — the author of "The Christian Life in Song ;" — and Kev. C. T. Astley, author of " Songs in the Night." I desire also to express my thanks to Messrs. Longman & Co., the well- known publishers, for their permission to insert some hymns from the lirst series of "Lyrics Ger- manica," and from "Lyra Domestica," in the copyright of both which works they have a ben- eficial interest. I must frankly confess, that I have been unable to discover the authorship of many of the hymns which I have inserted in this collection, and have consequently been unable to ask the permission of the writers to use them. If, therefore, any living authors of hymns should happen to see their compositions used without leave in this volume, I can only ask them to acquit me of any inten- tional discourtesy, and to believe, that I would have asked their permission, if I had known where to apply. The subjects of the hymns in this collection. PREFACE. 5 are of wide range. I have purposely excluded all hymns which can only interest some one particu- lar section of the Church of Christ. I have spe- cially endeavoured to include those which como home to the hearts of all true Christians, of every name, and people, and tongue. Hymns full of Jesus Christ, whether living, dying, rising, inter- ceding, sympathizing, or coming again, — hymns full of the experience of believers, their conflicts, crosses, hopes, fears, sorrows, and joys, — such hymns are always useful. Of such, the Church can never have too many. Of such, I venture to think the present volume contains a rich store. Of the general value of hymns, it is needless to say anything. The children of the world may regard psalm-singing, or hymn-writing, with in- difference, or ill-disguised contempt. But the true-hearted servants of that Saviour, who " sung a hymn" before He went out to the Mount of Olives, have ever loved, in every age, to " teach and ad- monish one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs." (Coloss. iii. 19.) The Bible, on which they love to feed daily, abounds in hymns of praise. The Heaven, which they hope to in / 6 PREFACE. habit one day, will be the abode of eternal praise. A thankful, hymn-singing spirit has always marked the days of a Church's spiritual pros- perity. It is a pleasant thought, that, however much Christians may disagree in pulpits, on plat- forms, and in prose writing, they are generally of one heart, and one mind, in praise and prayer. If the three hundred hymns, which I now send forth, shall do good to the weakest lamb in Christ's flock, and shall comfort, cheer, stablish, or build up one suffering member of Christ's mys* tical body, the labour which I have expended in collecting them will be more than repaid. J. C. RYLE. Helmingham Rectory, Suffolk, December, 1860. Note to the New American Edition. This volume was first reprinted more than twenty years ago, and was received with great favor. In the present reissue sixty-five hymns have been added, that it might contain a hymn or song for every day in the year. New York, 1883. INDEX TO FIRST LINES. PAGH A few more years shall roll 132 A little while ! Our Lord shall come 41 A little while of mingled joy and sorrow 294 A little flock ! so calls He thee 396 A pilgrim here I wander 335 A pilgrim through this lonely world 74 Abide with me, Thou gracious Guide 268 Ah ! I shall soon be dying 52 All that I was, my sin, my guilt 38 Alone with Thee, my God ! alone with Thee 427 Amid life's wild commotion 321 And are we yet alive ; 99 Are your souls the Saviour seeking? 412 Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep ! 1 27 As Thou wilt, my God ! I ever say 223 Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes 63 Away with our sorrow and fear ! 37 Be faithful to the end 362 Beloved, it is well 90 (7) INDEX. Be merciful to me, God 117 Be not weary, toiling Christian 163 Be still, my soul, Jehovah loveth thee 373 Be still, my soul, let nothing stir 142 Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side . . > 398 Be steady, be steady , Oh ! my soul 235 Be thou content, be still before 383 Beyond the smiling and the weeping 431 Birds have their quiet nests , 272 Blessed be God, for ever blest 48 Blessed be God, our God ! 202 Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongest. . . . 96 By faith I see my Saviour dying 282 Calm me, my G od, and keep me calm 358 Cease, my soul, thy strayings ! 410 Christ alone— Christ alone 420 Christ's grave is vacant now ' 262 Christ, of all my hopes the -ground 136 Cling to the Mighty One 381 Come and rejoice with me 322 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire 421 Come, Lord, and tarry not 311 Come, let us join to sing of Jesus' love 194 Come nearer, nearer still ..... 287 Come to the morning prayer 168 Come, Thou Almighty King 276 Come to the blood-stain'd tree ..... . 297 IXDEX. 9 Come to me, Lord, when first I wake 330 Come, sinner, to the Gospel feast 153 Come, worship at Emmanuel's feet 343 Commit thy wa) to God 407 Do not I love Thee, my Lord ! 85 Earth has engrossed my love too long 80 Faint not, Christian, though the road 35 Faith is a very simple thing 145 Father, I know that all my Jife 183 Father, whose hand hath led 263 Fighting the battle of life 1G0 For ever with the Lord. Amen -. 30 For ever with the Lord. Father 151 Forward, let the people go 265 Friend after friend departs 218 Gate of my heart, fly open wide 274 Gently, Lord ! gently lead us 244 Give to the winds thy fears 26 Glory to God on high ! Let heaven 60 Glory to God on high ! Peace upon earth 240 Glory to God the Father be 209 Go, labour on, spend and be spent 134 Go up, go up, my heart 154 Go when the morning shineth 213 God doth not leave His own 387 10 INDEX. God liveth ever \ 36S God of my life, how good, how wise 269 Going home, and going quickly 394 Hallelujah ! I believe 204 Hast thou within a care so deep 348 He bids us come, His voice we know , 34 He sitteth o'er the waterfloods 256 He suffered, and wilt thou repine 366 Heavenward our path still goes 327 Here, my Lord, I see Thee face to face 188 Hope of our hearts, Lord, appear 69 How blest is our sister, bereft 54 How long, Lord, our Saviour 285 How shall I follow Him I serve 236 How shall I meet my Saviour 364 How sweet the Gospel trumpet sounds 241 How weary and how worthless 354 I am a stranger here 346 I am bound for the kingdom 372 I am oppressed, my gracious God 253 I am wandering down life's shady path « 217 X do not doubt my safety 382 I give Thee thanks unfeigned 229 I have a home above 88 I hear a voice at dawn of day 90 I heard the voice of Jesus say 50 INDEX. 11 I Journey forth rejoicing 390 I journey thro' a desert drear and wild 1 Tl I know not the way I am going 12 ™ I lay my sins on Jesus 21 I look to Jesus, and the cloud 206 I 'm but a stranger here 207 I 'm going to leave all my sadness , 84 T need Thee, precious Jesus 277 I saw the cross of Jesus 424 I think of Thee, Saviour ! 360 I thought that I was strong, Lord 302 I thought upon my sins, and I was sad 66 I was a wandering sheep 76 I will not let Thee go, Thou help in time of need. . . 352 If God is mine, then present things 71 In days of trouble and of care 357 In the still silence of the voiceless night 286 In Thy name, Lord, assembling 42 Is God for me ? What is it 55 Is it a long way off 279 It is Thy hand, my God ! 124 Jehovah is our strength 113 Jesus, I come to Thee 155 Jesus, I love Thee, Thou dost know 123 Jesus, in thy memory keep 248 Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tear 242 1 12 IXDEX. Jesus, my Saviour, look on me ! 120 Jesus, my sorrow lies too deep 122 Jesus, our Lord ! to Thee we call 97 Jesus, Thy name I love 10S Jesus, we rest in Thee 128 Joyfully, joyfully, onward we move 406 Just as I am, without one plea 25 Know ye that better land 170 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace 215 Leaning on Thee, my guide and friend 231 Let me be with Thee, where Thou art 53 Let not your hearts be faint 380 Let sinners saved give thanks and siug 87 Let worldly minds the world pursue 48 Lie down, frail body, here 245 Lo, I am with Thee ! 425 Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest 115 Look Thou with pity on a brother's fall 94 Look up, my soul, to Christ thy joy 319 Lord, a whole long day of pain 375 Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee. ..... 51 Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt 137 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing 422 Lord, it belongs not to my care 24 Lord, no guardian to defend me 203 Lord, take my heart just as it is 18C IND1 13 Lord, the waves are breaking o'er 377 Lowly my soul, be lowly 140 Make haste, man, to live 234 Master, where abidest Thou 367 Mighty God ! on whom the cares 210 Mine ! what rays of glory bright 300 My b?rk is on a troubled sea 325 My days are gliding swiftly by 403 My faith looks up to Thee 221 My God, my Father, while I stray 59 My heavenly home is bright and fair 195 My Lord hath taught me 340 My prayer to the promise shall cling 198 My Saviour ! Thou art precious 414 My sins are blotted out 67 My soul, go boldly forth 130 My will would like a life of ease 331 Nearer, my God, to Thee 81 Never further than Thy cross. 351 No condemnation, O my soul 3r* No gospel like this 144 No shadows yonder 350 Now I have found a Friend 181 O abide, abide in Jesus 299 O gracious Shepherd, bind us 105 O happy house. O home supremely blest 305 14 IXDEX. haste away, my brethren dear 43 O Holy Saviour ! Friend unseen 46 OLambof God! Still keep me 114 Lord, I look to Thee 216 Lord, who now art seated 32 Thou, the contrite sinner's friend 65 Thou, who nearest prayer 257 Oft have I sat in secret sighs 271 Oh ! eyes that are weary 328 Oh ! foolish heart be still 251 Oh ! for the calm beyond the storms 201 Oh ! for the peace which floweth as a river 338 Oh ! Holy Ghost, Eternal God 150 Oh ! Jesus, leave not me 304 Oh ! where shall rest be found , 187 One prayer I have, all prayers in one 74 One sweetly solemn thought ; 125 Our times are in Thy hand 27 Pass away earthly joy 103 Perfect through suffering 399 Pilgrim of earth, who art 211 Praise the Lord, who died to save us 157 Praise ye Jehovah, praise the Lord most holy 118 Prayer is the breath of God in man 91 Prayer was appointed to convey 100 Precious is the name of Jesus 324 INDEX 15 Precious Saviour, may I live 409 Press forward and fear not 86 Rejoice for a brother deceas'd 53 Rejoice, my fellow pilgrim SOS Rejoice, 't is not in sorrow 361 Rejoice to-day with one accord 413 Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice and praise 86 Rest, rest, from anxious thought 197 Rest, weary soul ! S91 Return, wanderer, to thy home 421 Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless S12 Siug Hallelujah ! praise the Lord ! 838 Sing Hallelujah ! Christ doth live 178 Sing praise, the tomb is void 139 Sing, sing His lofty praise Sing we the song of those who stand 72 Sing with me ! sing with me ! 430 Sinner, hear thy Saviour's call Soon and for ever, the breakiug of day Sound, sound the truth abroad 171 Sound tbe high praises of Jesus our King 250 Source of my life's refreshing springs 310 Sow in the morn thy seed 93 Sow ye beside all waters 416 Spirit diviue, attend our prayer , 70 Spirit of everlasting grace Stand up aud bless the Lord. , 62 2- It) INDEX. Still on Thy loving heart let me repose 813 Sweet is the solace of Thy love 173 Take comfort, Christians, when your frieuds 129 Take no thought for the morrow 353 The Church has waited long 44 The God of harvest praise 254 The hour of my departure's come 131 The more the cross the nearer Heaven 192 The Spirit in our hearts 68 The way seems dark about me 238 The weary day is tarrying 168 Thee will I love, my strength, my tower 92 There is a city of the saints 296 There is a morning star, my soul 109 There is a name I love to hear 190 There is an eye that never sleeps 104 There is an hour when I must part 83 There is life for a look at the crucified One 333 There 's nought on earth to rest upon 158 Thou art my hiding-place, Lord ! 119 Thou hast stood here, Lord Jesus ! 428 Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness t . 315 Thou, who did'st for Peter's faith 77 Through the love of God our Saviour „ . 56 Thus far \he Lord has led us 226 Thy way, not mine, Lord ! 281 INDEX. ] r Thy works, not mine, Christ ! 341 'T is not a lonely night-watch 149 'T is not for man to trifle 258 To-day mine, to-morrow thine 156 Trust on ! Trust on ! believer 376 Upon the stormy waters 186 Wait, my soul, upon the Lord 196 Walk in the light, so shalt thou know 106 We are the Lord's ; His all-sufficient merit 222 We cannot always trace the way 110 We have no home but Heaven 143 We '11 sing of Christ, no matter who 39 We love Thee, Lord, because when we 64 We praise and bless Thee, gracious Lord 401 We speak of the realms of the blessed 413 We would see Jesus 388 Weep not, Jesus lives on high 397 Welcome, days of solemn meeting 79 What cheering words are these 33 What God decrees, child of His love 236 What grace, Lord, and beauty shone 107 What is the thing of greatest price 199 What of the night, watchman ? 166 What shall I be, my Lord? 404 What shall we be, and whither shall we 290 Whatever God does is well 174 18 1XDEX. Whatever my God ordains is right 344 When along life's thorny road 28 When far from the hearts where our fondest 147 When I by faith the Saviour's death 60 When morn awakes our hearts 225 When the nations toss and roar 1S3 When the spark of life is waning 84 When to my closet I repair 232 When this passing world is done 22 When waves of sorrow round me swell 57 When we cannot see our way 40 . While others pray for grace to die 317 While travelling thro' this wilderness 174 Why restless, why so weary 399 Will that not joyful be 283 With my whole heart to Thee I '11 raise 267 Would'st thou be wise, and know the Lord 95 Ye angels, who stand round the throne 283 Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears 247 Yes ! for me, for me He careth , . 812 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Abide with me : fast falls the eventide 441 And is there, Lord, a rest 500 44 As thy da} r , thy strength shall be ! " 466 At the door of mercy sighing 458 Awhile in spirit, Lord, to Thee 464 Blessed Saviour, Thee I love 499 Cheer up, desponding soul 455 Come to the land of peace 447 Dear Refuge of my weary soul 451 Dear Lord and Master mine 453 Father, who didst fashion me 435 Fairest Lord Jesus 498 Fear not, poor, weary one 460 Gracious Spirit, dwell with me 437 Hail, my ever blessed Jesus 465 F<^ leadeth me : O blessed thought 452 Here I can firmly rest 459 I bless the Christ of God 443 I would love Thee, God and Father 481 In sleep's serene oblivion laid 495 In us the hope of glory 457 Jesus, grant me this, I pray 446 Jesus, my Lord, my God 449 Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts 462 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all 488 Jesus, I live to Thee 489 Jesus, blessed Mediator 490 Jesus, this heart within me burns 491 Lord, 1 was blind ! I could not see 434 Lord Jesus, by Thy passion 439 Lord, Thou art my Rock of strength , 461 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise Thee 479 d9) 20 INDEX. More love to Thee, O Christ 496 My spirit longs for Thee 454 My trust is in the Lord 463 My God, how wonderful Thou art 478 My God, is any hour so sweet 483 No, no, it is not dying 445 Now 1 have found the ground wherein 473 O Jesus, when I think of Thee 456 mean may seem this hour of clay 433 mother dear, Jerusalem 467 O Thou, whose filmed and failing eye 480 O Thou from whom all goodness flows 48:3 Our yet unfinished story 492 O what, if we are Christ's 472 O word of God Incarnate 474 Pass me not, O gentle Saviour 433 Pleasant are Thy courts above 493 Saints in glory, we together 4S4 Saviour, I look to Thee 469 Saviour, happy would I be 501 u See how He loved ! " exclaimed the Jews 448 Silently the shades of evening 444 Sovereign Ruler of the skies 450 Sweet is Thy mercy, Lord 470 Take my heart, O Father, take it 471 The twilight falls, the night is near 46S There is an hour of peaceful rest 477 There is a safe and secret place 487 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old 436 Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing The eternal gates lift up their heads 502 Tossed with rough winds, and faint with fear.. 486 We are living, we are dwelling 440 We are on our journey home, 494 Welcome, sweet day, of days the best 476 SPIRITUAL SONGS 1. Colossians i. 19. 1. F LAY my sins on Jesus, A The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load. I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains, White in His blood most precious. Till not a spot remains. 2. I lay my wants on Jesus ; All fulness dwells in Him : He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem. I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He from them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. 22 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. I rest my soul on Jesus, This weary soul of mine ; His right hand me embraces, I on his breast recline. I love the name of Jesus, Immanuel, Christ, the Lord ; Like fragrance on the breezes His name abroad is poured. 4 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild, I long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child. I long to be with Jesus Amid the heavenly throng, To sing with saints His praises, To learn the angels' song. H. BONAK. 1 Corinthians vi. 19-20. WHEN this passing world is done, When has sunk yon glaring sun, When we stand with Christ in glory, Looking o'er life's finished story, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, — ■ Not till then, — how much I owe. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 23 2. When I hear the wicked call On the rocks and hills to fall, When I see them start and shrink, On the fiery deluge brink, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, — Not till then, — how much I owe. 3. When I stand before the throne, Dress'd in beauty not my own, When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, — Not till then, — how much I owe. 4. When the praise of heav'n I hear, Loud as thunders to the ear. Loud as many waters' noise, Sweet as harp's melodious voice, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, — Not till then, — how much I owe, 5. Chosen not for good in me, Waken 1 d up from wrath to flee, Hidden in the Saviour's side, By the Spirit sanctified, Teach me, Lord, on earth to show, By my love, how much I owe. 24 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6. Oft I walk beneath the cloud, Dark as midnight's gloomy shroud ; But when fear is at the height, Jesus comes, and all is light. Blessed Jesus I bid me show Doubting saints how much I owe. r. m. m'cheynb. 3. 1 Peter v. 7. 1. T ORD, it belongs not to my care, JLi Whether I die or live ; To love and serve Thee is my share, And this Thy grace must give. 2. If life be long, I will be glad, That I may long obey ; If short, yet why should I be sad To soar to endless day ? 3. Christ leads me through no darker rooms Than He went through before ; He that unto God's kingdom comes, Must enter by His door. 4. Come, Lord, when grace has made me meet Thy blessed face to see ; For if Thy work on earth be sweet, What will Thy glory be ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2ft 5. Then shall I end my sad complaints, And weary sinful days, And join with the triumphant saints, Who sing Jehovah's praise. 6. My knowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim ; But 't is enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with Him. E. BAXTER 4. John vi. 37. * 1. TUST as I am. without one plea, f/ But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, — Lamb of God, I come ! 2. Just as I am, — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of God, I come I 3. Just as I am, — though toss'd about With many a conflict, -many a doubt, With fears within and wars without — O Lamb of God, I come ! 8 26 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. Just as I am, — poor, wretched, blind, — Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, — O Lamb of God, I come ! 5. Just as I am, — Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve,— Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! 6. Just as I am, — Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down, Now to be thine, yea, Thine alone, — Lamb ot God, I come ! CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT, 5. Isaiah xxvi. 15. 1. /^IVE to the winds thy fears, VJT Hope, and be undismay'd God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. 2. Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears the way ; Wait thou His time ; so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. SPIRITUAL SONGS. M 8. Still heavy is thy heart ? Still sink thy spirits down ? Cast off the weight, let fear depart, And ev'ry care be gone. 4. What though thou rulest not ? Yet heaven, and earth, and hell, Proclaim God sitting on the throne, And ruling all things well. 5. Leave to His sovereign sway To choose and to command ; So shalt thou, wond'ring, own His way, How wise, how strong His hand ! 6. Far, far above thy thought. His counsel shall appear, When fully He the work hath wrought That caused thy needless fear PAUL GEItHARDT 6. Psalm xxxi. 15- 1. /^^R times are in Thy hand, \J God, we wish them there ; Our life, our friends, our souls we leave Entirely to Thy care. 28 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Our times are in Thy hand, Whatever they may be, — Pleasing or painful, dark or bright. As best may seem to Thee. 3. Our times are in Thy hand ; Why should we doubt or fear ? A father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. 4. Our times are in Thy hand, Jesus the crucified ; The hand our many sins have pierc'd, Is now our guard and guide. 5. Our times are in Thy hand ; We'll always trust in Thee, Till we have left this weary land, And all Thy glory see. 7, Hebrews xii. 2. 1. TT7HEN along life's thorny road T T Faints the soul beneath the load, By its cares and sins opprest, Finds on earth no peace or rest, — SP1RITUA J. When the wily tempter's near, Filling us with doubts and fear, Jesus, to Thy feet we flee, Jesus, we will look to Thee. 2. Thou, our Saviour, from the throne, List'nest to Thy people's moan ; Thou, the living Head, dost share Ev'ry pang Thy members bear. Full of tenderness Thou art ; Thou wilt heal the broken heart : Full of power, thine arm shall quell All the rage and might of hell. 3. By Thy tears o'er Lazarus shed, By Thy power to raise the dead, By Thy meekness under scorn, By Thy stripes and crown of thorn, By that rich and precious blood, That hath made our peace with God, — Jesus, to Thy feet we flee, Jesus, we will cling to Thee. 4. Mighty to redeem and save, Thou hast overcome the grave ; Thou the bars of death hast riven, Open'd wide the gates of heaven; 80 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Soon in glory Thou shalt come Taking Thy poor pilgrims home ; Jesus, then we all shall be, Ever — ever — Lord, with Thee. 8. 1 TJiessalonians iv. 17. 1. TIOR ever with the Lord ! Jj Amen, so let it be ! Life from the dead is in that word, 'T is immortality, 2. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3. My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near At times to faith's illumin'd eye Thy golden gates appear I 4. My thirsty spirit faints To reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 5. Yet clouds will intervene, And all my jfrospect flies ; Like Noah's dove, I flit between Rough seas and stormy skies. 6. Anon the clouds depart, The winds and waters cease, While sweetly o'er my gladden' d heart Expands the bow of peace. MONTGOMERY. 9, Romans viii. 1. 1. \TO condemnation ! O my soul, JlI ' Tis God that speaks the word ; Perfect in comeliness art thou, In Christ thy glorious Lord. 2. In heaven His blood for ever speaks In God the Father's ear ; His church, the jewels, on His heart Jesus will ever bear. 3. No condemnation ! precious word ! Consider it, my soul ; Thy sins were all on Jesus laid, His stripes have made thee whole, 4. Teach us, O God, to fix our eyes On Christ, the spotless Lamb, SPIRITUAL SONGS. So shall we love Thy gracious will, And glorify Thy name. 10. 2 Corinthians v. 14, 15. 1 . f\ LORD, who now art seated \J Above the heavens on high, The gracious work completed, For which thou cam'st to die, To Thee our hearts are lifted, While pilgrims wandering here, For Thou alone art gifted Our ev'ry weight to bear. 2. We know that Thou hast bought ua, And wash'd us in Thy blood : We know Thy grace has brought us As kings and priests to God : We know that soon the morning, Long look'd for, hasteth near, When we, at Thy returning, In glory shall appear. 8. O Lord, Thy love 's unbounded, So full, so sweet, so free ! Our thoughts are all confounded, Whene'er we think on Thee : SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 33 For us Thou cam'st from heaven, For us to bleed and die, That, purchased and forgiven, We might ascend on high. let this love constrain us To give our hearts to Thee ; Let nothing henceforth pain us, But that which paineth Thee ; Our joy, our one endeavour. Through suffering, conflict, shame, To serve Thee, gracious Saviour, And magnify Thy name. 1 1 . Isaiah iii. 10. 1. iy HAT cheering words are these ! T T Their sweetness who can tell t In time and to eternal days " 'T is with the righteous well." 2. In ev'ry state secure, Kept as Jehovah's eye, 'T is well with them while life endures, And well when called to die. 3. Well when they see His face, Or sink beneath the flood ; — 84 SP1R1TUA L SON OS. Well In affliction's thorny maze. Or on the mount with God, 4. 'T is well when joys arise, 'T is well when sorrows flow, 'T is well when darkness veils the sk.e^ And strong temptations grow. 5. 'T is well when Jesus calls, And bids from earth arise, To join the host of ransom' d souls, Made to salvation wise. J. KENT. 12. Matthew xiv. 28, 29. 1. TJE bids us come ; His voice we know, -LX And boldly on the waters go, To Him our Lord and God ; We walked on life's tempestuous sea, For He who died to set us free, Hath caird us by His word. 2. Secure from troubled waves we tread, Nor all the storms around us heed, WTiile to our Lord we look ; O'er every tierce temptation bound, The billows yield a solid ground. The wave is firm as rock. SPIK1TUA L SONGS. 35 3. But if from Him we turn our eye, And see the raging floods run high, And feel our fears within ; Our foes so strong, our flesh so frail, Reason and unbelief prevail, And sink us into sinu 4. Lord, we our unbelief confess, Our little spark of faith increase, That we may doubt no more ; But fix on Thee a steady eye, And on Thine outstretched arm rely, Till all the storm is o'er. 13. 2 Corinthian* iv. 16. 1. T1AIXT not, Christian ! though the road jl Leading to thy blest abode, Darksome be, and dangerous too — Christ, thy guide, will bring thee through. 2. Faint not, Christian ! though in rage Satan would thy soul engage ; Gird on faith's anointed shield, Bear it to the battle-field. 3. Faint not. Christian ! though the world Has its hostile flacr unfuiTd ; £J6 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Hold the cross of Jesus fast, Thou shalt overcome at last. 4. Faint not, Christian ! though within There's a heart so prone to sin ; Christ the Lord is over all, He '11 not suffer thee to fall. 5. Faint not, Christian I though thy God Smite thee with His chast'ning rod ; Smite He must, with father's care, That He may His love declare. 6. Faint not, Christian ! Jesu's near ; Soon in glory He r ll appear ; And His love will then bestow Power over every foe. 7. Faint not, Christian ! look on high, See the harpers in the sky ; Patient wait, and thou wilt join — Chant with them of love divine. JAMES H. EVATsB 14. Proverbs xviii. 10. 1. T)EJOICE, ye saints, rejoice and praise JLV The blessings of redeeming grace : Jesm, your everlasting tower, Can shield you from the tempest's power. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 2 His love 's a refuge ever nigh, His watchfulness as mountains high, His name 's a rock, which winds above, And waves below, can never move. 3. While all things change, He changes not; He ne'er forgets, though oft forgot ; His love's unchangeably the same, And as enduring as His name. 4. Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice and praise The blessings of this wondrous grace ; Jesus, your everlasting tower, Can bear unmov'd the tempest's power. 15. John xiv. 1, 2. 1. A WAY with our sorrow and fear ! JA. We soon shall have enter'd our home ; The city of saints shall appear, The day of eternity come ; From earth we shall quickly remove, To dwell in our native abode, In mansions of glory above, Prepar'd by our Father and God. 2. Ah ! who upon earth can conceive The bliss that in heaven they '11 share ? 4 88 SPIRITUAL SONGb. And who this dark world would not leave, And cheerfully seek to be there ? — Where Christ is the light and the sun, And we by reflection shall shine, With Him everlastingly one, And bright in effulgence divine. 3. 'T is good at Thy word to be here, 'T is better in Thee to be gone, And see Thee in glory appear, And rise to a share in Thy throne : All tears will be wiped from our eyes, When Thee we behold in the cloud, And echo the joys of the skies, And shout to the trumpet of God. 1 Corinthians xv. 10. ALL that I was, my sin, my guilt, My death, was all my own: All that I am I owe to Thee, My gracious God alone. The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mine ; The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine, and only Thine. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 39 3. The darkness of my former state, The bondage, — all was mine ; The light of life in which I walk, The liberty is Thine. 4. Thy grace first made me feel my sin, And taught me to believe ; Then, in believing, peace I found, And now I live, I live. 5. All that I am, e'en here on earth, All that I hope to be, When Jesus comes, and glory dawns, I owe it, Lord, to Thee. H. BONAB. 17. 1 Peter ii. 7. 1. T/T^E 'LL sing of Christ, no matter whc f T Should disapprove the theme : When He is precious to our view, We can't but sing of Him. 2. And He is precious in the sight Of all who know His voice : 'T was He who brought them to the light, And taught them to rejoice. 3. 'T is. He who cheers them by His smile, And guards them by His power ; 40 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Who keeps them safe from force and guile! In every trying hour. 4. 'T is He who will conduct them home, Beyond the reach of ill, Where all the ransom VI people come, Where saints for ever dwell. 5. Then let His people make their boast Of Him, and Him alone, Who come from heaven to save the lost : The praise be His alone ! 18. Isaiah xlii. 16. 1. TIT HEN we cannot see our way, T T Let us trust and still obey ; He who bids us forward go. Cannot fail the way to show. 2. Though the sea be deep and wide, Though a passage seem denied, Fearless let us still proceed, Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead. 3. Though it seems the gloom of night, Though we see no ray of light, Since the Lord Himself is there, T is not meet that we should fear. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. Night with him is never night, Where He is, there all is light ; When He calls us, why delay ? They are happy who obey. 41 Be it our's then, while we 're here, Him to follow without fear, Where He calls us, there to go, What He bids us, that to do. 19. Hebrews x. 37. 1 . « A LITTLE while !"— Our Lord shall come, XJL And we shall wander here no more ; He '11 take us to our Father's home, Where He for us has gone before. 2. " A little while !" — He '11 come again ; Let us the precious hours redeem ; Our only grief to give Him pain, Our joy to serve and follow Him. 3. " A little while !"— 'T will soon be past ; Why should we shun the promised cross \ O let us in His footsteps haste, Counting for Him all else but loss. 4* 42 SPIRITUAL SOXG&. 4. " A little while !" — Come, Saviour, come ! For Thee Thy bride has tarried long ; Take Thy poor wearied pilgrims home, To sing the new eternal song. 20, Matthew xviii. 20. 1. TX Thy name, O Lord, assembling, JL "VTe, Thy people, now draw near ; Teach us to rejoice with trembling ; Speak, and let thy servants hear, Hear with meekness, Hear Thy word with godly fear. 2. While our days on earth are lengthen^, May we give them. Lord, to Thee ; Cheer'd by hope, and daily strengthen'd, May we run, nor weary be ; Till Thy glory TVithout clouds in heaven we see. 3. Then in worship, purer, sweeter, Thee Thy people shall adore, Tasting of enjoyment greater Far than thought conceived before, Full enjoyment, Full, unmix'd and evermore. tuos. k?:lly. spirit: 21. 2 Peter m. 12. A HASTE "~ my brethren clear, LI And come to Canaan's shore ; id sing for ever there, When all our toils are o'er. be joyful, joyful, joyful, O that will be joyful ! To meet to part no more, meet to part no more. On C -appy shore ; And there sing hallelujah ifth the friends that have gone before. 2. Ho^ hear the hallowed theme That saints shall ever sing, To hear their voices all proclaim, 44 Salvation to the Kin that will be, e 43 Around His throne all cloth'd in white. Will ta appear, And, shining in His glory bright, Will see our Saviour there. O that will be, etc, 44 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. Through heav'n the shouts of angels ring When sons to God are born ; what a company will sing On the millennial morn ! O that will be, etc. 5. Through one eternal day we '11 sing, And bless His sacred name, With hallelujah to the King, And " Worthy is the Lamb." O that will be, etc. 22. Revelations xxii. 20. 1. rjlHE church has waited long JL Her absent Lord to see ; And still in loneliness she waits, A friendless stranger she. Age after age has gone, Sun after sun has set, And still in weeds of widowhood She weeps a mourner yet. Come then, Lord Jesus, come I 2. Saint after saint on earth Has iiv'd, and lovVl, and died; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 45 And as they left us one by one, We laid tliem side by side ; We laid them down to sleep, But not in hope forlorn ; We laid them but to ripen there, Till the last glorious morn. Come then, Lord Jesus, come ! 3. The serpent's brood increase, The powers of hell grow bold, The conflict thickens, faith is low, And love is waxing cold. How long, O Lord our God, Holy, and true, and good, Wilt thou not judge thy suffering church, Her sighs, and tears, and blood ? Come then, Lord Jesus, come ! We long to hear Thy voice, To see Thee face to face, To share thy crown and glory then, As now we share Thy grace. Should not the loving Bride The absent Bridegroom mourn ? Should she not wear the weeds of grief LTntil her Lord return ? Come then, Lord Jesus, come ! 46 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. The whole creation groans, And waits to hear that voice That shall restore her comeliness, And make her wastes rejoice. Come, Lord, and wipe away The curse T the sin, the stain, And make this blighted world of ours Thine own fair world again. Come then, Lord Jesus, come ! H. BONAR. 23. Canticles viii. 5. o 1. f\ HOLY Saviour ! Friend unseen ! Since on Thine arm Thou bid'st us lean, Help us throughout life's changing scene By faith to cling to Thee ! Bless'd with this fellowship divine, Take what Thou wilt, well not repine . For, as the branches to the vine, We only cling to Thee ! Though far from home, fatigued, opprest, Here we have found a place of rest, As exiles still, yet not unblest, Because we cling to Thee ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4? 4. What though the world deceitful prove, And earthly friends and hopes remove ? With patient uncomplaining love Still can we cling to Thee ! 5. Though oft we seem to tread alone Life's dreary waste with thorns o'ergrown, Thy voice of love, in gentlest tone, Whispers, " Still cling to me !" 6. Though faith and hope are often tried, We ask not, need not, aught beside, So safe, so calm, so satisfied, The souls that cling to Thee ! 7. They fear not Satan, nor the grave, They know Thee near, and strong to save ; With Thee all danger they can brave, Because they cling to Thee ! 8. Bless' d is our lot whatever befal ; Who can affright, or who appal ? — Since as our strength, our Rock, our all, Jesus, we cling to Thee. CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT. 48 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 24. Oalatians vi. 14. 1. T ET worldly minds the world pursue ; JLi What are its charms to me ? Once I admired its trifles too, But grace has set me free. 2. Its pleasures now no longer please, No more content afford, Far from my heart be joys like these, Now I have seen the Lord. 3. As by the light of opening day, The stars are all concealed, So earthly pleasures fade away, When Jesus is reveal'd. 4. Creatures, no more divide my choice ; I bid you all depart ; His name, and love, and gracious word, Have fix'd my roving heart. NEWTON. 25. Oalatians iii. 13. 1. 11LESSED be God, for ever blest, AJ And glorious be His name ! His Son He gave, our souls to save From everlasting shame. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Had I worn sackcloth, and in dust Cast myself humbly down, Cover'd my miserable head With ashes for a crown : 49 4. This could not saye me from the curse, Nor end the endless pain, Xor quench the lire, nor ease the heart, Xor wipe away one stain. TV eternal Life His life laid down, — Such was the wondrous plan, — And God, the blessed God, was made A curse for cursed man. 5. Our flesh He took, our sins He bore, Himself for us He gaye ; His woes were our's, and we with Him Were buried in one grave. 6. With Him we rose, with Him we live, With Him we sit above ; With Him for ever we shall share The Father's boundless love. 7. Bless, then, Jehovah's blessed name, And bless our blessed King ; And songs of glad deliverance For ever, ever sing ! 5 50 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 26. Matthew xi. 28. 1. T HEARD the voice of Jesus say, JL Come unto me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast. I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad, I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, Behold, I freely give The living water, — thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live. I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream, My thirst was quench'd, my soul reviv'd, And now I live in Him. 3. I heard the voice of Jesus say, I am this dark world's light, Look unto me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright. I look'd to Jesus, and I found In Him my Star, my Sun ; And in that light of life Pll walk, Till travelling days are done. H. BONAR. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 51 27. Ephesians v. 30. 1. T ORD Jesus, are we one with Thee ? Li O height, O depth of love ! With Thee we died upon the tree, In Thee we live above. 2. Such was Thy grace, that for our sake Thou did'st from heav'n come down, Our mortal tiesh and blood partake, In all our misery one. 3. Our sins, our guilt, in love divine, TTere borne on earth by Thee ; The gall, the curse, the wrath were Thine, To set Thy members free. 4. Ascended now in glory bright, Still one with us Thou art. Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height, Thy saints and Thee can part. 5. Soon, soon shall come that glorious day, When, seated on Thy throne, Thou shalt to wond'ring worlds display That Thou with us art one. J. G. DECK. 52 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 28. Proverbs xiv. 32. 1. A H ! I shall soon be dying, J\. Time swiftly glides away ; But, on my Lord relying, I hail the happy day, The day when I shall enter Upon a world unknown ; — My helpless soul I '11 venture On Jesus Christ alone. 2. He once a spotless victim, Upon Mount Calvary bled, Jehovah did afflict Him, And bruise Him in my stead : Hence all my hope arises, Unworthy as I am ; My soul most surely prizes The sin-atoning Lamb. 3. Soon with thy saints in glory The grateful song I '11 raise ; And chant my blissful story In high seraphic lays. Free grace, redeeming merit, And sanctifying love, Of Father, Son, and Spirit, I '11 sing in realms above. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 63 29. Philippians i. 21. 1. T) EJOICE for a brother deceased : At Our loss is his infinite gain ; A soul out of prison releas'd And freed from its bodily chain : With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodg'd in the Eden of love. 2. Our brother the haven hath gain'd, Out-flying the tempest and wind ; His rest he hath sooner obtain'd And left his companions behind, Still toss'd on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more. 3. There all the ship's company meet, Who sail'd with the Saviour beneath ; With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble and death : The voyage of life 's at an end, Their mortal affliction is past ; The age that in heaven they spend, For ever and ever shall last. C. WESLEY 5* 54 SPIRITUAL SONGS 30. Revelations xiv. 13 1. TTOW M es t is our sister, bereft JLJL Of all that could burden her mind ! How easy the soul that has left This wearisome body behind ! This earth is affected no more With sickness, or shaken with pain : The war in the members is o'er, And never shall vex her again. 2. This languishing head is at rest, It's thinking and aching are o'er ; This quiet immoveable breast Is heaved by affliction no more : This heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing pain ; It ceases to flutter and beat, . It never shall flutter again. 3. The eyes she so seldom could close, By suff'ring forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in their mortal repose. Have strangely forgotten to weep : She is dwelling with Jesus in light, Where sickness and death are unknown, Faith and hope are at last chang'd for sight, And her cross is laid down for a crown. c. W r ESLEY. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 65 31. Romans viii. 31. 1. TS God for me ? what is it A That man can do to me ? — Oft as my God I visit, All woes give way and flee. If God be my salvation, My refuge in distress, What earthly tribulation Can shake my inward peace ? 2, The ground of my profession Is Jesus and His blood ; He gives me the possession Of everlasting good. In me and in my doing Is nothing on this earth ; What Jesus is bestowing Alone is truly worth. £. For me there is provided A city fair and new ; To it I shall be guided, — Jerusalem the true ! My portion there is lying, A destined Canaan lot ; Though I am daily dying, My Cauaan withers not. 66 SPIRITUAL SONGS 4. My heart within me leapeth, And cannot down be cast ; In sunshine bright it keepeth A never-ending feast. The sun which smiling lights me, Is Jesus Christ alone ; And what to sing invites me, Is heaven on earth begun. 32. 2 Kings iv. 23. 1. milROUGH the love of God our Saviour, 1 All will be well ; Free and changeless is His favour, All, all is well ; Precious is the blood that heal'd us ; Perfect is the grace that seal'd, us ; Strong the hand stretch'd out to shield us ;- All must be well. 2. Though, we pass through tribulation, All will be well ; Our's is such a full salvation, All, all is well. Happy, still to God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding, Holy, through tfoe Spirit's guiding, All must be well. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 67 We expect a bright to-morrow, — All will be well ; Faith can sing through days of sorrow.. All, all is well. On our Father's love relying, Jesus ev'ry need supplying, Or in living or in dying, All must be well. MARY B. PETERS. 33. Matthew xiv. 27. 1 w HEN waves of sorrow round me swell My soul is not dismay'd ; I hear a voice I know full well, u 'T is I, be not afraid." 2. When black the threatening clouds appear, And storms my path invade, That voice shall tranquilize each fear, " 'T is I, be not afraid." 3. There is a gulf that must be cross'd, — Saviour ! be near to aid ; Whisper, when my frail bark is toss'd, " 'T is I, be not afraid." 58 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. There is a dark and fearful vale Death hides within its shade ; say, when flesh and heart shall fail, u Tis I, be not afraid." CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT. 34. John xvii. 24. 1. I ET me be with Thee w T here Thou art, lJ My Saviour, my eternal rest ; Then only will this longing heart Be fully and for ever blest. 2. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Thy unveil'd glory to behold ; Then only will this wandering heart Cease to be false to Thee and cold. 3. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where spotless saints Thy name adore ; Then only will this sinful heart Be evil and defiled no more. 4. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where none can die, where none remove. There neither death nor life will part Me from Thy presence and Thy love, CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 59 35. Matthew xxvi. 42. 1. 1\/TY God, ray Father, while I stray, IfX Far from my home, on life's rough way, teach me from my heart to say, u Thy will be done.*' 2. If Thou should'st call me to resign What most I prize, — it ne'er was mine ; — 1 only yield Thee what was Thine ! — " Thy will be done." 3. Should pining sickness waste away My life in premature decay, My Father, still I '11 strive to say, " Thy will be done.'' 4. If but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest, — " Thy will be done." 5. Renew my will from day to day, Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say, " Thy will be done." 6. Then, when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mix'd with tears before, I '11 sing upon a happier shore, u Thy will b* done." CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT. 60 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 36. Romans viii. 28. 1. TT^HEN I by faith the Saviour's death I T Behold, and know Him mine, Sweetly my rising hours advance, And peacefully decline. 2. I cannot doubt His bounteous love, So full, so free, so kind ; To His unerring, gracious will Be ev'ry wish resign' d. 3. Good when He gives, supremely good, Nor less when He denies ; Afflictions from His gracious hand Are blessings in disguise. 4. Inscrib'd in Thy fair book of life, O may I read my name 1 There let it fill some humble place, ' Midst those around the Lamb ! 37. Revelations v. 12. 1. n LORY to God on high ! VJ Let heaven and earth reply, Praise ye His name : SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 61 His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore ; Sing aloud evermore, " Worthy the Lamb P Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin's tremendous load ; Praise ye His name : Tell what His arm hath done, What spoils from death He won ; Sing His great name alone ; "Worthy the Lamb!" Join, all ye ransom'd race, Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice, And make a cheerful noise, Shouting with heart and voice, " Worthy the Lamb !" What though we change our place, Yet we shall never cease Praising His name : To Him our songs we bring, Hail Him our gracious King, And without ceasing sing, " Worthy the Lamb [» 6 62 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Let all the hosts above Join in one song of love, Praising His name -. To Hi in ascribed be Honour and majesty, Through all eternity : u Worthy the Lamb!' JAxMF.S ALLEN. 38. Psalm exxxiv. 1. 1. QTAND up, stad bless the Lord, kJ Ye people of His choice ; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice. 2. Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear His holy name, And laud and magnify ? 3. O for the living flame, From His own altar brought, To touch our lips, our minds inspire, And wing to heav'n our thought ! 4. God is our strength and song, And His salvation ours ; SPIRITUAL SOiVGS. 63 Then be His love in Christ proclaimed, With all our ransom' d powers. Stand up, and bless the Lord, The Lord your God adore ; Stand up, and bless His glorious name, Henceforth for evermore. MONTGOMERY 39. Luke xxi. 28. 1. A WAKE, ye saints, and raise your eyes, J\. And lift your voices high ; Extol the sovereign love that shows Our full redemption nigh. 2. Fast on the wings of time it flies, Its coming nought can stay : It speeds with each revolving year, With each declining day. 3. Not many years their rounds shall run, Not many mornings rise, E'er all its glories stand reveal'd To our admiring eyes. 4. Then let the wheels of nature roll Yet onward to decav : 64 SPIRITUAL SONGS. We long to hail the rising sun, That brings th' eternal day. DODDRIDGE, 40. 1 John iv. 19. 1. T17E love Thee, Lord, because when we T ? Had erred and gone astray, Thou didst recall our wand'ring souls Into the homeward way ; When helpless, hopeless, we were lost In sin and sorrow's night, Thou didst send forth a guiding ray Of Thy benignant light : — 2. Because when we forsook Thy ways, Nor kept Thy holy will, Thou wert not an- avenging Judge, But a gracious Father still ; Because we have forgot Thee, Lord, But Thou hast not forgot, — Because we have forsaken Thee, But Thou forsakest not : — 3. Because, Lord, Thou lovedst us With everlasting love ; Because Thou gav'st Thy Son to die, That we might live above ; SPIRIT HAL SONGS. 65 Because when we were heirs of wrath, Thou gav'st the hopes of heaven ; We love because we much have sinn'd, And much have been forgiven. 41 . 1 John ii. 1. o 1. f\ THOU, the contrite sinner's Friend, Who loving, lov'st them to the end, On this alone my hopes depend, That Thou wilt plead for me. 2. When weary in the Christian race, Far off appears my resting place, And, fainting, I mistrust Thy grace, Then, Saviour, plead for me. 3. When I have err'd and gone astray, Afar from Thine and wisdom's way, And see no glimm'ring, guiding ray, Still, Saviour, plead for me. 4. When Satan, by my sins made bold, Strives from Thy cross to loose my hold, Then with pitying arms enfold, And plead, plead for me. 6* 66 SPIRITUAL SOX US. 5. And when my dying hour draws near, Darken'd with conflict, pain, and fear, Then to rny fainting sight appear Pleading in heav'n for me. 0. When the full light of heav'nly day Reveals my sins in dread array, Say Thou hast wash'd them all away, — O say, Thou plead'st for me ! WESLEY, 42. Romans v. 1. 1 . T THOUGHT upon my sins, and I was sad, X .My soul was troubled sore and fill'd with pain ; But then I though-t on Jesus, and was glad, My heavy grief was turn'd to joy again. 2. I thought upon the law, the fiery law. Holy, and just, and good in its decree ; I look'd to Jesus, and in Him I saw That law fulfilled, its curse endured for me. 3. I thought I saw an angry, frowning God, Sitting as Judge upon the great white throne ; SPIRITUAL My soul was overwhelmed — then Jesus shew'a His gracious face, and all my dread wa^ gone. 4. I saw my sad estate, condemned to die ; Then terror seiz'd my heart, and dark de- spair : But when to Calvary I turned my eye. I saw the cross, and read forgiveness there. 5. I saw that I was lost, far gone astray, Xo hope of safe return there seem'd to be ; But then I heard that Jesus was the way. A new and living way prepared for me. 6. Then in that way, so free, so safe, so sure, Sprinkled all o'er with reconciling blood, Will I abide, and never wander more, Walking along in fellowship with God. H. BONAR. 43. fa* xliv. 22. 1. "1TY sins are blotted out, J± Since Jesus died for me ; rimes are in a Fathers hand, My steps in His dec; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Jesus in heaven appears, For me to intercede ; And countless benefits proclaim, " The Lord is ris'n indeed." 3. A little child is free From carefulness and guile, Rests in a mother's guardian love, And waits a father's smile. 4. Father of spirits, hear, Make me this little child ; May I delight myself in Thee, By no mistrust defiPd. 44. Revelations xxii. 17-20 1. IT1HE Spirit in our hearts X Is whispering, Sinner, Come ! The bride, the Church of Christ, proclaims To all His children, Come ! 2. Let him that heareth, say To all about him, Come ! Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ, the fountain, Come ! SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 69 3. Yes ! whosoever will, O let hirn freely Come, And freely drink the stream of life ; 'T is Jesus bids him Come. 4. Lo ! Jesus, who invites, Declares, " I quickly come ;" Lord, even so ! I wait Thy hour : Jesus, my Saviour, Come ! HENKY W. ONDEHDONK. 45. 2 Peter i. 19. 1. j 1 OPE of our hearts, O Lord, appear, JL-L Thou glorious star of day ! Shine forth, and chase the dreary night, With all our tears, away. 2 Strangers on earth, we wait for Thee ; O leave the Father's throne ; Come with a shout of victory, Lord, And claim us as Thine own. 3. bid the bright archangel now The trump of God prepare, To call Thy saints — the quick, the dead, To meet Thee in the air. 4. No resting place we seek on earth, No loveliness we see ; 70 SPIRITUAL SO^GS. Our eye is on the royal crown, Prepaid for us and Thee. 5. But, dearest Lord, however bright That crown of joy above, What is it to the brighter hope Of dwelling in Thy love ? 6. What to the joy, the deeper joy, Unmingled, pure, and free, Of union with our living Head, Of fellowship with Thee ? 7. This joy e'en now on earth is our's, But only, Lord, above Our heart without a pang shall know The fulness of Thy love. 8. There, near Thy heart, upon the throne, Thy ransom' d Bride shall see, What grace w\as in the bleeding Lamb, Who died to make her free. SIR EBWAKD DEKNY. 46 Acts ii. 2. 1. QPIRIT divine ! attend our prayer, O And make this house Thy home ; Descend with all Thy gracious power, O come, great Spirit, come ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 71 2. Come as the light, — to us reveal Our emptiness and woe ; And lead us in those paths of life, Where all the righteous go. 3. Come as the fire, — and purge our hearts Like sacrificial flame ; Let our whole souls an offering be ► To our Redeemer's name. 4. Come as the dew, — and sweetly bless This consecrated hour ; May barren minds be taught to own Thy fertilizing power. 5. Come as the dove, — and spread Thy wings, The wings of peaceful love ; And let the Church on earth become Blest as the Church above. ANDREW REED. 47. 1 Corinthians iii. 22. 1. IF God is mine, then present things, X And things to come are mine ; Yea Christ, His Word, and Spirit too, And glory all divine. 72 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. If He is mine, then from His love He every trouble sends ; All things are working for my good, And bliss His rod attends. 3. If He is mine, I need not fear The rage of earth and hell ; He will support my feeble power, And every foe repel. 4. If He is mine, let friends forsake, Let wealth and honour flee, — Sure He who giveth me Himself, Is more than these to me. 5. If He is mine, I '11 boldly pass Through death's dark, gloomy vale \ He is solid comfort, when All other comforts fail. 6. tell me, Lord, that Thou art mine ; What can I wish beside ? My soul shall at the fountain live, When all the streams are dried. B. BKDDOME SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 73 48. Revelations v. 9. 1. CJING we the song of those who stand U Around th' eternal throne, Of every kindred, clime, and land, A multitude unknown. 2. Life 's poor distinctions vanish here ; — To-day the young, the old, Our Saviour and His flock appear, One Shepherd and one fold. 3. Toil, trial, suffering still await On earth the pilgrim throng ; Yet learn we in our low estate The Church triumph ant's song. 4. Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain ! Cry the redeem 1 d above, Blessing and honour to obtain, And everlasting love. 5. "Worthy the Lamb I on earth we sing, Who died our souls to save ; Henceforth, O death, where is thy sting ? Thy victory, O grave ? 6. Then hallelujah ! power and praise To God in Christ be given ; May all who now this anthem raise, Ilenew the strain in heaven ! MONTGOMERY. 7 74 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 49. Revelations xiv. 4. 1. 4 PILGRIM through this lonely world, J\ The blessed Saviour pass'd ; A mourner all His life was He, A dying Lamb at last. 2. That tender heart that felt for all, For all its life blood gave ; It found on earth no resting-place Save only in the grave. 3. Such was our Lord, — and shall we fear The cross, with all its scorn ? Or love a faithless, evil world, That wreath'd His brow with thorn ? 4. No ! facing all its frowns or smiles, Like Him obedient still, We homeward press through storm or calm, To Zion's blessed hill. SIR EDWARD DENNY. 50. Luke xxii. 42. O 1 1. f^NE prayer I have, — all prayers in one, When I am wholly Thine, Thy will, my God, Thy will be done, And let that will be mine. SPIRIT [/At SOXGS. 75 2. All-wise, Almighty, and all-good, In Thee I firmly trust ; Thy ways, unknown or understood, Are merciful and just. 3. May I remember, that to Thee Whate 1 er I have I owe ; And back in gratitude from me May all Thy bounties flow. Thy gifts are only then enjoyed, When used as talents lent ; Those talents only well employed, When in Thy service spent. And though Thy wisdom takes away, Shall I arraign Thy will ? No ! let me bless Thy name and say, "The Lord is gracious still." A pilgrim through the earth I roam, Of nothing long r^ossess'd ; And all must fail when I go home, For this is not my rest. Write but my name upon the roll Of Thy redeem'd above ; Then, heart, and mind, and strength, and soul, I 'll love Thee for Thy love. MONTGOMERV, 7* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 51. 1 Peter ii. 25. 1. T WAS a wand'ring sheep, JL I did not love the fold ; I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controll'd. 2. I was a wayward child, I did not love my home ; I did not love my Father's voice, I lov'd afar to roam. 3. The Shepherd sought His sheep, The Father sought His child ; — They follow'd me o'er vale and hill, O'er desert, waste, and wild. 4. They found me nigh to death, Famish'd, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love, They sav'd the wand'ring one. 5. They wash'd my filth away, They made me clean and fair ; They brought me to my home in peace,— The long-sought wanderer. 8. Jesus my Shepherd is, — 'T was He that lov'd my soul, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 11 'T was He that wash'd me in His blood, 'T was He that made me whole. 7. 'T was He that sought the lost, That found the wand'ring sheep, 'T was He that brought me to the fold, 'Tis He that still doth keep. 8. I was a wandering sheep, I would not be controll'd : But now I love my Shepherds voice, I love, I love the fold ! 9. I was a i I once vay ward child, preferr'd to roam : But now I love my Father's voice, — I love, I love His home ! H. BONAR 52 Luke xxii. 32. 1. THOU, who did 'st for Peter's faith X Kindly condescend to pray, Thou, whose loving-kindness hath Kept me to the present day, Kind Conductor, Still direct my devious way ! 7* 75 SPIRITUAL 2. When a tempting world in view Gains upon my yielding heart, When its pleasures I pursue, Then one look of pity dart, — Teach me pleasures "Which the world can ne'er impart. 3. When I listen to Thy word, In Thy temple cold and dead ; When I cannot see Thee. Lord, All faith's little day-light lied,— Sun of gl Beam again around my head. 4. When Thy statutes I forsake, When my graces dimly shine ; When my covenant I break, Jesus, then remember Thine, — Check my wanderings, By a look of love divine. 5. When Thy heav'nly dew distils, And my views, O Lord, are clear, Clear and bright from Zion's bills, — - Temper joys with holy fear, — Keep me watchful, Safe alone when Thou art near. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 79 When afflictions cloud my sky, When the tide of sorrow flows, When Thy rod is lifted high, Let ine on Thy love repose, — Stay the rough wind, When Thy chilling east wind blows. When the Yale of death appears, Faint and cold this mortal clay, Kind Forerunner, soothe my fears, Light me through the darksome way — Break the shadows. Usher in eternal day. J. TAYLOR. 53. Psalm cxxi. 1. 1. 11/ ELCOME, clays of solemn meeting! t T Welcome, days of praise and prayer I Far from earthly scenes retreating, In your blessings we would share, — Sacred seasons, In your blessings we would share. 2. Be Thou near us, blessed Saviour, Still at morn and eve the same ; BO SPIRITUAL SONGS. Give us faith that cannot waver, Kindle in us heaven's own flame, — Blessed Saviour, Kindle in us heaven's own flame. 3. When the fervent prayer is glowing, Holy Spirit, hear that prayer ; When the song of praise is flowing, Let that song Thine impress bear, — Holy Spirit, Let that song Thine impress bear. 54. Revelations v. 6. 1. T71ARTH has engross'd my love too long, JLi 'T is time I lift mine eyes Upwards, dear Father, to Thy throne, And to my native skies. 2. There the blest man, my Saviour sits, The God ! how bright He shines ! And scatters infinite delights On countless happy minds. 3. Seraphs with elevated strains Compass the throne around, And move and charm the starry plains With an immortal sound. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 81 4. Jesus, the Lord, their harps employs ; Jesus, my God, they sing 1 Jesus, the life of both our joys, Sound sweet from ev'ry string. 5. Now let me mount and join their song, And be an angel too : My heart, my ear, my hand, my tongue, Here's joyful work for you. 6. I would begin the music here, And so my soul should rise : O for some heav'nly notes to bear My praises to the skies ! 7. There ye that love my Saviour sit, There I would fain have place, Among your thrones, or at your feet, So I might see His face. WATTS. 55. Psalm cxlviii. 14. 1. VTEARER, my God, to Thee,— JLl Nearer to Thee ; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 82 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Though like a wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I 'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 3. There let my way appear Steps unto heav'n, All that Thou sendest me In mercy giv'n, Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 4. Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I '11 raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 5. And when on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky ; Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 8* Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! SARAH F. ADAMS. 56. Psalm xxiii. 4. 1. fFHERE is an hour when I must part JL With all I hold most dear ; And life, with its best hopes, will then As nothingness appear. 2. There is an hour when I must sink Beneath the stroke of death ; And yield to Him who gave it first, My struggling vital breath. 3. There is an hour when I must stand Before the judgment seat ; And all my sins, and all my foes, In awful vision meet. 4. There is an hour when I must look On one eternity ; And nameless woe, or blissful life, My endless portion be. 5. O Saviour, then, in all my need, Be near, be near to me ; And let my soul, by steadfast faith, Find life and heaven in Thee. AND11EW KEED, 84 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 57. Acts xxi. 13. 1. TTTHEN the spark of life is waning T ? Weep not for me : "When the languid eye is straining, Weep not for me. When the feeble pulse is ceasing, Start not at its swift decreasing, 'T is the fettered soul 's releasing ; Weep not for me. 2. When the pangs of death assail me, Weep not for me : Christ is mine, — He cannot fail me, — Weep not for me. Yes ! though sin and doubt endeavour From fiis love my soul to sever, Jesus is my strength for ever ; Weep not for me. DALE. 58, 2 Timothy iv. 6. 1. T 'M going to leave all my sadness, JL I 'm going to change earth for heaven, There, there all is peace, all is gladness, There pureness and glory are given. Friends, w r eep not in sorrow of spirit, But joy that my time here is o'er ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. I I go the good part to inherit, Where sorrow and sin are no more. The shadows of evening are fleeing, Morn breaks on the city of light ; This moment day starts into being, Eternity bursts on my sight. The first-born redeemed from all trouble, (The Lamb that was slain in the throng) Their ardour in praising redouble : — Breaks not on the ear the new song ? I 'm going to tell their glad story, To share in their transports of praise ; I 'm going in garments of glory, My voice to unite with their lays. Ye fetters corrupted, then leave me ; Thou body of sin, droop and die ; Pains of earth, cease ye ever to grieve me, From you 't is for ever I fly. 59. John xxi. 16. 1. T\0 not I love Thee, my Lord ? ±J Behold my heart, and see ! And cast each hated idol down, That dares to rival Thee, 66 spiritual soyas. 2. Do not I love Thee from my soul ? Then let me nothing love ; Dead be my heart to every joy, When Jesus cannot move. 8. Is not Thy name melodious still, To mine attentive ear ? Does not each pulse with pleasure bound My Saviour's voice to hear ? 4. Thou know'st I love Thee, gracious Lord, But O, I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys, And learn to love Thee more. DODDRIDGE. 60. Exodus xiv. 15. 1. T)RESS forward and fear not; the billows X may roll, But the power of Jesus their rage can control ; Though waves rise in anger, their tumult shall cease, One word of His bidding shall hush them to peace. 2. Press forward and fear not; though trial be near, The Lord is our refuge, — whom then shall we fear ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 81 His staff is our comfort, our safe- guard His rod ; Then let us be steadfast, and trust in our God. 3. Press forward and fear not ; be strong in the Lord, In the pow'r of His promise, the truth of His word ; Through the sea and the desert our pathway may tend, But He who hath sav'd us will save to the end. 4. Press forward and fear not ; we'll speed on our way ; Why should we e'er shrink from our path in dismay ? We tread but the road which our Leader has trod ; Then let us press forward, and trust in our God. 61. Psalm -cvii. 1, 2. 1. T ET sinners sav'd give thanks and sing JU Of mercies past, of joys to come ; The Lord their Saviour is and King, The cross their hope, and heav'n their home 88 SPIRITUAL SOJSGS. 2. Let sinners sav'd give thanks and sing, — Sweet is the subject of their song, — Who, made the children of a King, Expect to sit in heav'n ere long. 3. Let sinners sav'd give thanks and sing, — The Lord has kept in dangers past ; And oh ! sweet thought, the Lord will bring His people safe to heav'n at last. 4. Let sinners sav'd give thanks and sing, Of Jesus sing through all their days ; In heav'n their golden harps they '11 string, And then for ever sing His praise. 62. Hebrews xi. 16. 1. T HAVE a home above, A From vsin and sorrow free ; A mansion which eternal love Design'd and form'd for me. 2. My Father's gracious hand Has built this sweet abode ; From everlasting it was plann'd ; My dwelling-place with God, SPIRITUAL SOX GS. 89 3. My Saviour's precious blood Has made my title sure : He passVl through death's dark raging flood, To make my rest secure. 4. The Comforter is come, The earnest has been given ; He leads me onward to the home, Reserved for me in heaven. 5. Bright angels guard my way, His ministers of power, And watching round me night and day, Preserve in danger's hour. 6. Lov'd ones are gone before, Whose pilgrim days are done ; I soon shall greet them on that shore Where partings are unknown. 7. Thy love, most gracious Lord, My joy and strength shall be, Till Thou shalt speak the gladdening word That bids me rise to Thee. 8. And then through endless days, Where all Thy glories shine ; In happier, holier strains F 11 praise The grace that made me Thine. 8* H. BENNETT. 90 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 63. 2 Kings iv. 26. 1. T>ELOVED, " it is well F D God's ways are always right ; And perfect love is o'er them all, Tho' far above our sight. 2. Beloved, " it is well !" Tho 7 deep and sore the smart, The hand that wounds knows how to bind, And heal the broken heart. 3. Beloved, " it is well !" Tho' sorrow clouds our way, 'T will only make the joy more dear That ushers in the day. 4. Beloved, " it is well !" The path that Jesus trod, Tho' rough, and strait, and dark it be, Leads home to heaven and God. 64. 2 Thessalonians i. 7. 1. F HEAR a voice at dawn of day, jl And to my heart it seems to say, When sorrow dims hope's brightest ray, "There 's rest in heaven." SPIRITUAL SOX OS. 91 2. I hear it at the evening tide, When fitful shadows round us glide, Still whispering gently at my side, " There 's rest in heaven." 3. E'en at noon's busy hour I hear The same sweet word accost my ear, With power to stay the rising tear, — " There 's rest in heaven." 4. Blest words ! which tell of nought but joy, Of endless rest without alloy, Well may they oft our thoughts employ— u There's rest in heaven." 5. Spirit of life and love divine, Subdue my heart and make it Thine, That I may dwell upon as mine, That "rest in heaven," 65. Philippians iv. 6. 1. pRAYER is the breath of God in man, A Returning whence it came ; Love is the sacred fire within, And prayer the rising flame. 92 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. It gives the burdened spirit ease, And soothes the troubled breast, Yields comfort to the mourning soul, And to the weary rest. 3. The prayers and praises of the saints, Like precious odours sweet, Ascend and spread a rich perfume Around the mercy-seat. 4. When God inclines the heart to pray, He hath an ear to hear ; To Him there 's music in a groan, And beauty in a tear. 5. The humble suppliant cannot fail To have his wants supplied, Since He for sinners intercedes, Who once for sinners died. BEDDOME. 66 Psalm xviii. 1. 1. fTlHEE will I love, my strength, my tower ; JL Thee will I love, my joy, my crown ; , Thee will I love with all my power, In all Thv works, and Thee alone : SPIRITUAL Thee will I love till sacred fire Fills my whole soul with pure desire. 2-. Ah ! why did I so late Thee know, Thee lovelier than the sons of men I Ah ! why did I no sooner go To Thee, the only ease in pain ? Ashamed I sigh and inly mourn, That I so late to Thee did turn. 3. In darkness willingly I strayed ; I heard Thee, yet from Thee I roved ; Far wide my wandering thoughts were spread ; Thy creatures more than Thee I loved : And now, if more at length I see, T is through Thy light, and comes from Thee. 4:. I thank Thee, uncreated Sun, That Thy bright beams on me have shined ; I thank Thee, who hast overthrown My foes, and healed my wounded mind ; I thank Thee, whose enlivening voice Bids my free'd heart in Thee rejoice. 5. Uphold me in the upward race, Xor sutler me again to stray ; Strengthen my feet with steady pace Still to press forward in Thy \t 94 SPIR1TUA L SONGS. Let all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory now unite. >. Thee will I love, my joy, my crown ; Thee will I love, my Lord, my God ; Thee will I love, beneath Thy frown, Or smile, — Thy sceptre, or Thy rod ; What though my flesh and heart decay, Thee shall I love in endless day. WESLEY. 67. Galaticnis vi. 1. 1. T 00K thou with pity on a brother's fall, JU But dwell not with stern anger on his fault ; The grace of God alone holds thee, holds all ; Were that withdrawn, thou too would 'st swerve -and halt. 2. Lead back the wanderer to the Saviour's fold ; That were an action worthy of a saint ; But not in malice let the crime be told, Nor publish to the world the evil taint. 3. The Saviour suffers when His children slide; Then is His holy name by men blasphemed, And He afresh is mocked, and crucified Even bv those His bitter death redeemed. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. M Rebuke the sin, but yet in 1-ove rebuke, Feel as one member in another's pain ; Win back the soul that His fair path forsook, And mighty and eternal is the gain. 68. Psalm cxix. 105. 1. "TTTOULD'ST thou be wise, and know the V V Lord ? Would'st thou believe aright ? Make the blest volume of His word Thy rule, thy guide, thy light. 2. Here is the spring where waters flow To quench our heat of sin ; Here is the tree where truth doth grow, To lead our lives therein. 3. Here is the Judge that stints the strife, When men's devices fail ; Here is the bread that feeds the life Which death cannot assail. 4. The tidings of salvation dear Come to our ears from hence ; The fortress of our faith is here, Our shield, and our defence. N 'RITUAL 5. Read not this book in any case But with a single eye ; Read not but fir- God*s grace To understand thereby. 6. Pray still in faith with this respect, To fructify therein ; That knowledge may bring this effect, To mort -in. 7. Then happy thou in all thy life, "What so to thee befall Tea ! doubly happy shalt thou be, "When God by death thee calls. GRES50P. A. D. 1550. 69. 2 Thessaloniam iii 13. 1. T) RE AST the wave. Christian, when it is X) strongej "Watch for day. C longest ; Onward and onward still be thine endeavour, rest that remaineth will be for e 2. Fight the fight. Christian, Jesus is o'er thee ; Run the race. Christian, heaven is before I SPJRITl V(/>. He who hath promised ialtereth never ; The love of eternity flows on for ever. 3. Raise the eye. Christian, just as it closeth ; Lift the heart. Christian, ere it reposeth ; Thee from the love of Christ nothing shall sever. Mount when thy work is done, — praise Hiin for ever. JOSEPH STA.M1TKR& 70. E:d-u! xl 16. 1. TESUS our Lord ! to thee we call, el Thou art our life, our hope, our all ; And we have nowhere else to flee, Xo sanctuary, Lord, but Thee. 2. Whatever foes or fears betide, In Thy dear presence let us hide ; And while we rest our souls on Thee, Do Thou our sanctuary be. 3. Quickly the day of light draws nigh, Or we may bow our heads and die ; But oh ! what joy this witness gives ! Jesus, our sanctuary, lives. 9 98 SPIRITUAL SONGS 4. He from the grave our dust will raise, We in the heavens shall sing His praise ; And when in glory we appear, He '11 be our sanctuary there. 71. Ecclesiastes xi. 6. 1. QOW in the morn thy seed, O At eve hold not thine hand ; To doubt and fear give thou no heed,— Broad-cast it o'er the land. Beside all waters sow, The highway furrows stock ; Drop it where thorns and thistles grow, Scatter it on the rock. The good, the fruitful ground, Expect not everywhere ; O'er hill and dale, by plots, 't is found ; Go forth then everywhere. Thou know'st not which may thrive, The late or early sown ; Grace keeps the precious germ alive, When and wherever strown ; SPIRITUAL 99 j. And duly shall app In verdure, beauty, strength, The tender blade, the stalk, the ear. And the full com at length. G. Thou can'st not toil in vain : Cold, heat, and moist, and dry, 11 foster and mature the grain, For garners in the sky. 7. Thence, when the glorious end, The day of God is come, The angel reapers shall descend, 1 heaven cry, " Harvest home/' MONTGOMERY, 72. 1 Samuel vii. 12. 1 A XD are we yet alive, ±\. And see each other's face ! Glory and praise to Jesus give For His redeeming grace ! 2. Preserv'd by power divine, To full salvation here, Again in Jesus* praise we join, And in His sight appear. 100 SPIRITUAL HONGS. 3. What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we past, Fightings without and fears within, Since we assembled last I 4. But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by His love ; And still He doth his help afford, And hides our life above. 5. Then let us make our boast Of His redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more. 6. Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain ; And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain. WESLEY. 73. Luke xviii. 1. 1. T)RAYER was appointed to convey JL The blessings God designs to give ; Long as they live should Christians pray, For only while they pray they live. * SPIRITUAL SOiVGS 10] The Christian's heart his prayer indites, He speaks as prompted from within ; The Spirit his petition writes, And Christ receives and gives it in. And wilt thou in dead silence lie, When Christ stands waiting for thy prayer 2 My soul, thou hast a Friend on high ; — Arise and try thy interest there. If pains afflict or wrongs oppress, If cares distract or fears dismay, If guilt deject, if sin distress, The remedy 's before thee, — pray. 'T is prayer supports the soul that's weak, Though thought be broken, language lame ; Pray if thou canst or canst not speak ; But pray with faith in Jesus' name. Depend on Him, thou canst not fail ; Make all thy wants and wishes known ; Fear not, His merits must prevail ; Ask what thou wLH, it shall be done. JOSEPH HART. 9* 102 SPIRITUAL SOX OS. 74. Romans xiii. 12. 1. PjOON and for ever the breaking of day Shall chase all the night-clouds of sor- row away ; Soon and for ever we '11 see as we 're seen, And know the deep meaning of things that have been, — Where fightings without and conflicts within Shall weary no more in the warfare with sin, — Where tears, and where fears, and where death shall be never, Christians with Christ shall be soon and for ever. 2. Soon and for ever, — such promise our trust, — Though ashes to ashes, and dust be to dust, Soon and for ever our union shall be Made perfect, our glorious Redeemer, in Thee ; When the cares and the sorrows of time shall be o'er, Its pangs and its partings remembered no more, Where life cannot fail and where dearth can- not sever, Christians with Christ shall be soon and for ever. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 108 3. Sodn and for ever the work shall be done, The warfare accomplished, the victory won ; Soon and for evefn;he soldier lay down The sword for a harp, the cross for a crown : Then droop not in sorrow, despond not in fear, A glorious to-morrow is brightening and near, When — blessed reward for each faithful en- deavour, — Christians with Christ shall be soon and for ever ! 75. Psalm lxxiii. 25, 26. 1. T)ASS away earthly joy, JL Break every mortal tie, Jesus is mine ! Dark is the wilderness ; Distant the resting-place ; Jesus alone can bless : — Jesus is mine ! Tempt not my soul away, Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine 1 104 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. Perishing things of clay, Born but for one brief clay, Pass from my hea# away, Jesus is mine ! 3. Fare ye well, dreams of night Mine is a dawning bright, Jesus is mine ! All that my soul has tried Left but a dismal void ; Jesus has satisfied. — Jesus is mine 1 4. Farewell mortality. Welcome eternity. Jesus is mine ! Welcome ye scenes of rest, Welcome ye mansions blest, Welcome a Saviour's breast, Jesus is mine ! 76. Psalm lxv. 2, 1. rilHERE is an eye that never sleeps ± Beneath the wing of night ; There is an ear that never shuts, When sink the beams of light. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. IOB 2. There is an arm that never tires, When human strength gives way ; There is a love tfeat never fails, When earthly loves decay. 3. That eye is fix'd on seraph throngs ; That arm upholds the sky ; That ear is mTd with angel songs ; That love is thron'd on high. 4. But there 's a power which man can wield, When mortal aid is vain, That eye. that arm, that love to reach That listening ear to gain. 5. That power is prayer ; which soars on high Through Jesus to the throne, And moves the hand which moves the world, To bring salvation down. J0H2s A. WALLACE. 77. Ezekiel xxxiv. 23. 1. A GRACIOUS Shepherd ! bind us \J With cords of love to Thee, And evermore remind us How mercy set us free. 106 SPIRITUAL SOX O may Thy Holy Spirit Set this before our eyes, • That we Thy death and merit Above all else may prize. 2 We are of our salvation Assured through Thy love ; Yet oh ! on each occasion How faithless do we prove ! Thou hast our sins forgiven, — Then leaving all behind, We would press on to heaven, Bearing the prize in mind. 3. Grant us henceforth, dear Saviour, While in this vale of tears, To look to Thee and never Give way to anxious fears. Thou, Lord, wilt not forsake us. Though we are oft to blame ; Oh I let Thy love then make us Hold fast Thy faith and name. 78. 1 John i. 7. w ALK in the light ! so shalt thou know That fe low ship of love, SPIRITUAL S0XQ8. VI His Spirit only can bestow Who reigns in light above. 2. Walk in the light ! and thou shalt find Thy heart made truly His, Who dwells in cloudless light enshrined, In whom no darkness is. 3. Walk in the light ! and sin abhorr'd Shall ne'er defile again ; The blood of Jesus Christ the Lord Shall cleanse from every sin. 4. Walk in the light ! and e'en the tomb No fearful shade shall wear ; Glory shall chase away its gloom, For Christ hath conquer' d there. 5. Walk in the light ! and thou shalt see Thy path, tho' thorny, bright, For God by grace shall dwell in thee And God Himself is light. BERNARD BARTON. 79. 1 Peter ii. 21, 22, 23. 1. TIT HAT grace, O Lord, and beauty shone T f Around Thy steps below ! What patient love was seen in all Thy life and death of woe I los SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. For ever on Thy burdenYl heart A weight of sorrow hung ; Yet no ungentle murmuring word Escap'd Thy silent tongue. 3. Thy foes might hate, despite, revile. Thy friends unfaithful prove ; Unwearied in forgiveness still, Thy heart could only love. 4. Oh ! give us hearts to love like Thee, — Like Thee, Lord, to grieve Far more for other's sins, than all The wrongs that we receive. 5. One with Thyself, may every eye In us, Thy brethren, see That gentleness and grace that spring From union, Lord with Thee. . J SIR. EDWARD DENNY. 80. John xx. 28, 1. TESUS, Thy name I love, V All other names above, Jesus my Lord ! Oh ! Thou art all to me, Nothing to please I see, Nothing apart from Thee, Jesus mv Lord ! SPIRITUAL SOy 109 2. Thou, blessed Son of God, Hast bought me with Thy blood, Jesus my Lord ! Oh ! how great is Thy love, All other loves above, Love that I daily prove, Jesus my Lord ! 3. When unto Thee I flee, Thou wilt my refuge be, Jesus my Lord ! What need I now to fear. What earthly grief or care, Since Thou art ever near ? Jesus my Lord ! 4. Soon Thou wilt come again * I shall be hap£>y then, Jesus my Lord ! Then Thine own face 1 11 see, Then I shall like Thee be, Then evermore with Thee, Jesus my Lord ! J. G. DECK. 81. Revelations ii. 28. 1. rpHERE is a morning star, my soul, X There is a morning star ; 10 110 SPIRITUAL SONGS, 1 T will soon be near and bright, tho 7 now It seems so dim and far. And when time's stars have come and gone, And every mist of earth has flown, That better star shall rise, On this world's clouded skies, To shine for ever. 2. The night is well nigh spent, my sonl, The night is well nigh spent, And soon above our heads shall shine A glorious firmament, Unutterably pure and bright, — The Lamb once slain, its perfect light, — A light unchanging and divine, A star that shall unclouded shine, Descending never. H. BONAR. 82 1 John iv. 8. 1. TT7E cannot always trace the way, T ? Where Thou, our gracious Lord, dost move, But we can always surely say, That Thou art love. SPIRITUAL 111 2. When fear its gloomy cloud will fling O'er earth, — our souls to heaven above As to their sanctuary spring, r Thou art love. 3. THien myst'ry shrouds our darken'd path, TTe '11 check our dread, our doubts reprove ; In ihis our soul sweet comfort hath. That Thou art love. 4. Yes ! Thou art love ; a truth like this Can every gloomy thought remove, And turn all tears, all woes to bliss ; — Our God is love. 83. Psalm civ. 34. 1. 1" JOUEXEY through a desert drear and 1 wild, Yet is my heart by such sweet thoughts be- guiled, Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my I can forget the sorrows of the way. 2. Thoughts of His love. — the root of every grace, Tnrieh finds in this poor heart a dwelling place; 112 SPIRITUAL SONGS The sunshine of my soul, than day more bright, And my calm pillow of repose by night. 3. Thoughts of His sojourn in this vale of tears ; — The tale of love unfolded in those years Of sinless suffering and patient grace, I love again, and yet again to trace. 4. Thoughts of His death; — upon the cross I gaze, And there behold its sad, yet healing rays ; Beacon of hope, which lifted up on high, Illumes with heav'nly light the tear-dimm'd eye. 5. Thoughts of His coming ;— for that joyful day In patient hope I watch, and wait, and pray ; The day draws nigh, the midnight shadows flee; Oh ! what a sun-rise will that advent be ! 6. Thus, while I journey on my Lord to meet, My thoughts and meditations are so sweet Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my stay, I can forget the sorrows of the way. M. J. WALKEB. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 113 84. Exodus xv. 2. 1. JEHOYAH is our strength, And He shall be our song ; We shall o'ercome at length. Although our foes be strong : In vain cloth Satan then oppose, The Lord is stronger than His foes. 2. The Lord our refuge is, And ever will remain ; Since He hath made us His, He will our cause maintain ; In vain our enemies oppose, For God is stronger than His foes. 3. The Lord our portion is, What can we wish for more ? As long as we are His, We never can be poor : In vain do earth and hell oppose, For God is stronger than His foes. 4. The Lord our Shepherd is, He knows our every need; And since we now are His, His care our souls will feed: In vain do sin and death oppose, For God is stronger than His foes. 10* 114 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Our God our Father is, Our names are on His heart ; 'We ever shall be His, He ne'er ironi us will part : In vain the world and flesh oppose, For God is stronger than His foes. 85. John xvii. 12. 1. f\ LAMB of God ! still keep me \J Near to Thy wounded side ; 'T is only then in safety And peace I can abide. What foes and snares surround me ! What doubts and fears within ! The grace that sought and found me, Alone can keep me clean. 2. 'T is only in Thee hiding, I feel my life secure, — Only in Thee abiding, The conflict can endure i Thine arm the vict'ry gaineth O'er every hateful foe ; Thy love my heart sustaineth In all its cares and woe. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 116 3. Soon shall my eyes behold Thee With rapture, face to face ; One half hath not been told me Of all Thy power and grace ; Thy beauty. Lord, and glory, The wonders of Thy love, Shall be the endless story Of all Thy saints above. J. G. DECK. 86. Canticles ii. 16. 1. T ONGr did I toil, and knew no earthly rest ; JJ Far did I rove, and found no certain home ; At last I sought them in His sheltering breast, Who opes His arms and bids the weary come ; In Christ I found a home, a rest divine, And I since then am His, and He is mine. 2. Yes ! He is mine ! and nought of earthly things — Xot all the charms of pleasure, wealth oi power, The fame of heroes or the pomp of kings — Could tempt me to forego His love an hour ; 116 SPIRITUAL SONGS. " Go, worthless world," I cry, " with all that's thine ; Go, I my Saviour's am, and He is mine." 3. The good I have is from His stores supplied. The ill is only what He deems the best ; He for my Friend, I 'in rich with naught be- side, And poor, without Him, though of all pos- sest ; Changes may come, — I take, or I resign, Content while I .am His, and He is mine. 4. Whatever may change, in Him no change is seen, — A glorious sun that wanes not, nor declines ; Above the clouds and storms He walks un- seen, And sweetly on His people's darkness shines ; All may depart, — I fret not nor repine, While I my Saviour's am, and He is mine, 5. While here, alas ! I know but half His love, Buthalf discern Him, and but half adore ; But when I meet Him in the realms above, I hope to love Him better, praise Him SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ill And feel and tell amid the choir divine, How fully I am His, and He is mine. 87. Psalm lvii. 1. 1. T)E merciful to me, O God, JD Be merciful to me, For though I sink beneath Thy rod, Yet do I trust in Thee. 2. Thou art my refuge, and I know My burden Thou dost bear, And I would seek, where'er I go, To cast on Thee my care. 3. Thou knowest, Lord, my flesh how frail, Strong tho' my spirit be ; Oh ! then assist, when foes assail, The soul that clings to Thee. 4. And, gracious Lord, whatever befal, A thankful heart be mine, — A heart that answers to Thy call, One that is wholly Thine. 5. And may I ne'er forget that Thou "Wilt soon return again, And those who love Thy coming now, Shall shine in glorv then. 118 SPIRITUAL SONGS. . 88. Psalm cxlix. 1-4. 1. T) RAISE ye Jehovah, praise the Lord mo3t 1 holy, Who cheers the contrite, girds with strength the weak ; Praise Him who will with glory crown the lowly, And with salvation beautify the meek. 2. Praise ye the Lord for all His loving-kind- ness, And all the tender mercies He hath shewn ; Praise Him who pardons all our sin and blindness, And calls us sons, and takes us for His own. 3. Praise ye Jehovah ! source of every bless- ing— Before His gifts earth's richest boons are dim ; Resting in Him, His peace and joy possess- ing, All things are ours, for we have all in Him. 4 Praise ye the Father ! God the Lord who gave us, With full and perfect love, His only Son ; SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 119 Praise ye the Son who died Himself to save us ! Praise ye the Spirit ! Praise the Three in One! 89. Psalm xxxii. 7. 1. rFHOU art my hiding-place, Lord ! X In Thee I put my trust, Encouraged by Thy holy word, A feeble child of dust : — I have no argument beside, I urge no other plea, And 't is enough my Saviour died. My Saviour died for me ! 2. When storms of fierce temptation beat, And furious foes assail, My refuge is the mercy-seat, My hope within the veil. From strife of tongues, and bitter words, My spirit flies to Thee ; Joy to my heart the thought affords, My Saviour died for me ! 3. ' Mid trials heavy to be borne, When mortal strength is vain,^ 120 SPIRITUAL SONGS. A heart with grief and anguish torn, — A body rack'd with pain, — Ah ! what could give the sufferer rest, Bid every murmur flee, But this, the witness in my breast, My Saviour died for me ! 4. And w T hen Thine awful voice commands This body to decay, And life, in its last lingering sands, Is ebbing fast away, — Then, though it be in accents weak, And. faint and tremblingly, O give me strength in death to speak, " My Saviour died for me !" THOS. RAFFLES. 90. Cohesions iii. 11. 1. TESUS, my Saviour, look on me ! V For I am weary and opprest ; I come to cast my soul on Thee ; — Thou art my rest. 2. Look down on me, for I am weak ; I feel the toilsome journey's length ; Thine aid omnipotent I seek ; — Thou art my strength. SPIRITUAL SONGS, 121 8. I am bewilder' d on my way ; Dark and tempestuous is the night : shed Thou forth some cheering ray - ; — Thou art my light. 4. I hear the storm's around me rise, But when I dread th' impending shock, My spirit to her refuge flies ; — Thou art my rock. 5. When the accuser flings his darts, 1 look to Thee, — my terrors cease ; Thy cross a hiding-place imparts ; — Thou art my peace. 6. Standing alone on Jordan's brink, In that tremendous, latest strife, Thou wilt not suffer me to sink ;— Thou art my life. 7. Thou wilt my ev'ry want supply, E'en to the end, whatever befall ; Through life, in death, eternally, Thou art my all. J. R. MACDUFF. 11 122 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 91. Hebrews iv. 15. 1. TESUS, my sorrow lies too deep V For human ministry ; It knows not how to tell itself To any but to Thee. 2. Thou dost remember still, amid The glories of God's throne, The sorrows of mortality, For they were once Thine own. 3. Yes ! for as if Thou would'st be God, E'en in Thy misery, There 's been no sorrow but Thine own Untouched by sympathy. 4. Jesus, my fainting spirit brings Its fearfulness to Thee ; Thine eye at least can penetrate The clouded mystery. 5. It is enough, my precious Lord, Thy tender sympathy ! There is no sorrow e'er so deep, But I may bring to Thee. H. BONAK. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 123 92. 1 Peter i. 8. 1. TESUS, I love Thee, Thou dost know V How true my love, how deep my woe, Almost too deep to bear ! But Thou wilt guide me by Thy hand, Strong in Thy strength 1 yet may stand, Still resting in Thy care. 2. Thou wilt not leave the weakest one : Though every outward hope be gone, I know that Thou art nigh ; Man knows not w T kat my sufferings are ; He cannot know ; he would not care ; But Thou art sympathy. 3. Thou wilt not let my footsteps fail, Nor let me, journeying through this vale. Bring on Thy Gospel shame ; Tho' nought is mine but sin and woe, Yet in Thy righteousness I go, And Triumph in Thy name. 4. And when the bitter cup is past, And when I sink in death at last, It is to be with Thee ; To come with Thee in clouds of heaven, Ransom'd, pure, holy, Thine, forgiven. Ever to reign with Thee. 124 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 93. Psalm xxxix. 9. 1. TT is Thy hand, my God ! IT is M My sorrow comes from Thee ; I bow beneath Thy chastening rod ; 'Tis love that braises me. 2. I would not murmur, Lord, Before Thee I am dumb ! — Lest I should breathe one murmuring word t To Thee for help I come. 3. My God ! Thy name is love, A Father's hand is Thine ; With tearful eye I look above, And cry, " Thy will be mine." 4. I know Thy will is right, Though it may .seem severe ; Thy path is still unsullied light, Though dark it oft appear. 5. Jesus for me hath died ; Thy Son Thou did'st not spare ; His pierced hands, His bleeding side, Thy love for me declare. 6. Here my poor heart can rest, My God ! it cleaves to Thee ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 125 Thy will is love, Thine end is blest, All work tor good to me. J. G. DECK. 94. Isaiah xlii. 16. 1 T KNOW not the way I am going, JL But well do I know my guide ; With a child-like trust I give my hand To the mighty Friend by my side. The only thing that I say to Him, As He takes it, is, " Hold it fast, Sutter me not to lose my way, And bring me home at last." 2. As when some helpless wanderer, Alone in an unknown land, Tells the guide his destined place of rest, And leaves all else in his hand : 'T is home, 't is home, that we wish to reach ; He who guides us may choose the way; Little wc heed what path we take, If nearer home each dav. 95- Eomans xiii. 11. ^NE sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er,— 11* o ! 126 SPIRITUAL SONGS. I am nearer home today, Than I ever have been before. 2. Nearer my Father's house. Where the many mansions be ; Nearer the great white throne ; Nearer the crystal sea. 3. Nearer the bound of life. Where we lay our burdens down ; Nearer leaving the cross ; Nearer gaining the crown. 4. But lying darkly -between. Winding down through the night r Is the deep and unknown stream, To be cross'd ere we reach the light. 5 Jesus, perfect my- trust, Strengthen the hand of my faith ; Let me feel Thee near when I stand On the edge of the shore of death : 6. Feel Thee near when my feet Are slipping over the brink ; For it may be I'm nearer home- Nearer now than I think. phcere c.v SPIRITUAL SONGS. 127 96. 1 Thessalonians iv. 14. 1. A SLEEP in Jesus ! Blessed sleep ! ±A. From which none ever wakes to weep , A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes ! 2. Asleep in Jesus ! Oh, how sweet To be for such a slumber meet ! With holy confidence to sing, That Death has lost his venom'd sting ! 3. Asleep in Jesus ! Peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest : No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power. 4. Asleep in Jesus ! Oh, for me May such a blissful refuge be ! Securely shall my ashes lie Waiting the summons from on high. 5. Asleep in Jesus ! Time nor space Debars this precious hiding-place ; On Indian plains or Northern snows, Believers find the same repose. 6. Asleep in Jesus ! Far from thee, Thy kindred and their graves may be ; 12$ SPIRITUAL SOXGS. But thine is still a blessed sleep. From which none ever wakes to weep. MARGARET MACKAY. 97. Hebrews iv. 3. 1. TESTS, we rest in Thee ! V In Thee ourselves we hide ; Laden with guilt and misery, Where could we rest beside ? 'T is on thy meek and lowly breast, Our weary souls alone can rest. 2. Thou holy One of God ! The Father rests in Thee, And in the savour of that blood Once shed on Calvary. The curse is gone — through Thee we're blest; God rests in Thee — in Thee we rest. 3. The slaves of sin and fear, — Thy truth our bondage broke : Our happy spirits love to wear Thy light and easy yoke. The love which fills our grateful breast Makes duty joy, and labour rest SPIRITUAL SONGS. 129 Soon the bright glorious day, The rest of God shall come ; Sorrow and sin shall pass away, And we shall reach oar home ; Then, of the promised land possess'd, Our souls shall know eternal rest. 98- 1 Thessalonian8 iv. 13. 1. nnAKE comfort, Christians, when your friends X In Jesus fall asleep ; Their better being never ends, — Why then dejected weep ? 2. Why inconsolable, as those To whom no hope is given ! Death is the messenger of peace, And calls the soul to heaven. 8. As Jesus died, and rose again, Victorious from the dead, So His disciples rise, and reign With their triumphant Head. 4. The time draws nigh, when from the clouds Christ shall with shouts descend ; And the last trumpet's awful voice The heavens and earth shall rend. 130 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 5. Then they who live shall changed be, And they who sleep shall wake ; The graves shall yield their ancient charpfo, And earth's foundations shake. 6. The saints of God, from death set free, With joy shall mount on high ; The heav'nly hosts with praises loud, Shall meet them in the sky. 7. Together to their Father's house, With joyful hearts they '11 go, And dwell for ever with the Lord, Beyond the reach of woe. 8. A few short years of evil past, We reach the happy shore, Where death-divided friends at last Shall meet to part no more. 99. Acts vii. 59. r Y soul, go boldly forth, M 1 Forsake this sinful earth ; What hath it been to thee, But jDain and sorrow ? And think'st thou it will be Better to-morrow fl SPIRITUAL -v; 131 2. Why art thou for delay ? Thou cani'st not here to stay ; What tak'st thou for thy part, Bat heavenly pleasure ? Where then should be thy heart, But where 1 s thy treasure ? 3. Thy God, thy Head's above ; There is the world of love; Mansions there purchased are By Christ's own merit, For these He doth prepare Thee by His Spirit. 4. Lord Jesus, take my spirit, I trust Thy love and merit : Take home thy wand'ring sheep., For thou hast sought it ; My soul in safety keep, For thou hast bought it. 100. 2 Tiinothy iv. 6. 1. npHE hour of my departure 's come, X I hear the voice that calls me home ; At last, O Lord, let trouble cease, And let Thy servant die in peace. 132 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Not in mine innocence I trust ; I bow before Thee in the dust ; And through niy Saviour's blood alone I look for mercy at Thy throne. 8. I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend, And to the friendless prove a Friend. 4. I come, I come, at Thy command, I give my spirit to Thy hand ; Stretch forth Thine everlasting arms, And shield me in the last alarms. 5. The hour of my departure's come, I hear the voice that calls me home ; Now, my God, let trouble cease, Now let Thy servant die in peace. LOGAN, 101. Revelations i. 5, 6, 7, A 1. ^ FEW more years shall roll, A few more seasons come ; And we shall lie with them that rest, Asleep within the tomb. SPIRITUAL 80XG8 133 Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 2. A few more suns shall set O'er these dark hills of time ; And we shall be where suns are not, A far serener clime. Then, my Lord, prepare My soul for that blest day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 3. A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore ; And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that calm day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 4. A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more. 12 134 SPIRITUAL SOX US. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that blest day ; wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 5. A few more sabbaths here Shall cheer us on our way ; And we shall reach the endless rest, The eternal Sabbath-day. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that sweet day ; wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 6. 'T is but a little while, And He shall come again, Who died that we mighHive, who lives That we with Him may reign. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that glad day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. H. BONAR. 102. 1 Corinthians xv. 58. G° labour on ; spend, and be spent, — Thy joy to do the Father's will ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 135 It is the way the Master went. Should not the servant tread it still ? 2. Go, labour on ; 'tis not for nought ; Thy earthly loss is heavenly gain ; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not ; The Master praises ; — what are men ? 3. Go, labour on ; your hands are weak, Your knees are faint, your soul cast down ; Yet falter not ; the prize you seek, Is near, — a kingdom and a crown. 4. Go, labour on while it is day, The world's dark night is hastening on ; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away ; It is not thus that souls are won. 5. Men die in darkness at your side, Without a hope to cheer the tomb ; Take up the torch and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thickest gloom, 6. Toil on, faint not, keep watch and pray ; Be wise the erring soul to win ; Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. 136 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 7. Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice ; For toil comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight cry, " Behold I come." H. BONAR. 103. Philippians i. 21. 1. /CHRIST, of all my hopes the ground, \J Christ, the spring of all my joy ! Still in Thee let me be found, Still for Thee my powers employ. 2. Let Thy love my heart inflame ; Keep Thy fear before my sight ; Be Thy praise my highest aim ; Be Thy smile my chief delight. 3 Fountain of o'er-flowing grace, Freely from Thy fullness give ; Till I close my earthly race, Be it " Christ, to me to live." 4. Firmly trusting in Thy blood, Nothing shall my heart confound ; Safely I shall pass the flood. Safely reach Immanuel's ground. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 13? 5. When I touch the blessed shore, Back the closing waves shall roll ; Death's dark stream shall never more Part from Thee my ravished soul. 8. Thus, oh ! thus an entrance give To the land of cloudless sky ; Having known it " Christ to live," Let me know it " gain to die.' 7 RALPH WARDLAW. L04. 1 Samuel iii. 18. 1. T ORD Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Ju Oh ! may Thy will be mine ; Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign. Thro' sorrow or thro' joy, Conduct me as Thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done ! 2. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If needy here and poor, Give me Thy peopled bread, Their portion rich and sure. The manna of Thy word Let my soul feed upon ; 12* 138 SPIRITUAL SOX OS. And if all else should fail, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! 3. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If among thorns I go, Still sometimes here and there Let a few roses blow. But Thou on earth along The thorny path hast gone ; Then lead me after Thee, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! 4. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Though seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear ; Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done! 5. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If lov'd ones must depart, Suffer not sorrow's flood To overwhelm my heart : For they are blest with Thee, Their race and conflict won, Let me but follow them, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 139 6. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt I When death itself draws nigh, To Thy dear wounded side I w r ould for refuge fly. Leaning on Thee, to go Where Thou before hast gone ; The rest as Thou shalt please — My Lord, Thy will be done I 7. Lord Jesus, as Thou wilt 1 All shall be well for me, Each changing future scene I gladly trust w T ith Thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing in life or death — My Lord, Thy will be done ! B. SCHMOLK, 105. 1 Peter i. 3. 1. CJING praise, the tomb is void, O Where the Eedeemer lay ; Sing of our bonds destroyed, Our darkness turned to day. 2. Weep for your dead no more, Friends, be of joyful cheer, 140 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Our star moves on before, Our narrow path shines clear. 8. He, who so patiently The crown of thorns did wear,— He hath gone up on high ; Our hope is with Him there. 4. Now is His truth revealed, His majesty and might ; The grave has been unsealed, Christ is our life and light. 5. He, who for men did weep, Suffer, and bleed, and die, — First fruits of them that sleep, — Christ hath gone up on high. 6. His victory hath destroyed The shafts that once could slay; Sing praise ! the tomb is void Where the Redeemer lay. 1 06. Matthew v. 3. WLY, my soul, be Follow the paths of old 1. T OWL Y, my soul, be lowly,- SPIRITUAL SONGS. 141 The feather riseth lightly, But never so the gold ! The stream descending fast, Has gathered quietly, slowly, A river rolls at last, — Therefore, my soul, be lowly. 2. Lowly, my eyes, be lowly ; God, from His throne above, Looks down upon the humble In kindness and in love. Still as I rise I shall Have greater depths below me, And haughty looks must fall, — Therefore, my eyes, be lowly. 3. Lowly, my hands, be lowly ; Christ's poor around us dwell ; Stoop down, and kindly cherish The flock He loves so well. Not toiling to secure This world's fame and glory, Thy Saviour blessed the poor, Therefore, my hands, be lowly. 4. Lowly, my heart, be lowly, So God shall dwell with Thee; It is the meek: and patient Who shall exalted be. 142 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Deep in the valley rest The Spirit's gifts most holy, And they who seek are blest, — Therefore, my heart, be lowly. 5. Lowly, I would be lowly ! This frame, to earth allied, Must first to dust be humbled Ere it be glorified ! My God, prepare me here For all that lies before me ; I would in heaven appear, And so I would be lowly. INGOLSTELLEa 1 07. Isaiah vii. 4. 1. T)E still, my soul, let nothing stir JJ Thee from the sweet repose Of those who to their God refer Their joys, their cares, their woes. 2. Be quiet, why this anxious heed About thy tangled ways ? God knows them all, He giveth speed, And He allows delays. SPIRITUAL SONGS. . 143 8. Wliat though He let thee not perform Some good and loved design ? Thou would'st not wish Him to conform His perfect will to thine ! 4» My God ! the hearing ear impart, To hear These tell Thy will, And then bestow the ready heart All meekly to fulfil. E. W, 108. Hebrews xi. 16. 1. "1T17E have no home but heaven ; — a pilgrim's garb we wear ; Our path is marked by changes, and strewed with many a care ; Surrounded with temptation ; by varied ills oppress' d ; Each day's experience warns us that this is not our rest. 2. We have no home but heaven ; — then where- fore seek one here ? Why murmur at privation, or grieve when trouble 's near ? It is but for a season that we as strangers roam, And strangers must not look for the comforts of a home 144 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. We have no home but heaven ; — we want no home beside ; O God, our Friend and Father, our footsteps thither guide, Unfold to us its glory, prepare us for its joy, Its pure and perfect friendship, its angel-like employ. 4. We have a home in heaven ; — how cheering is the thought I How bright the expectations which God's own word has taught ! With eager hearts we hasten the promised bliss to share ; We have no home but heaven ; — O would that we were there ! 109. 1 Corinthians xi. 26. (Sack a:\iextal.) 1. \T0 gospel like this feast ll Spread for Thy Church by Thee Nor prophet, nor evangelist Preach the glad news so free. 2. All our redemption cost, Ail our redemption won ; All it has won for us, the lost ; All it cost Thee, the Son. SPIRITUAL BONOS. 145 3. Thine was. the bitter price, — Ours is the free gift, given ; Thine was the blood of sacrifice, Ours is the wine of heaven. 4. Here we would rest midway, As on a sacred height, That darkest and that brightest day Meeting before our sight. 5. From that dark depth of woes Thy love for us has trod, Up to the heights of bless'd repose Thy love prepares with God ; — 6. Till from self's chains released, One sight alone we see, Still at the cross, as at the feast, Behold Thee, only Thee. 110. 2 Peter i.1. I. "HAITH is a very simple thing, X Tho' little understood, It frees the soul from death's dread sting, By resting in the blood. 13 146 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. It looks not on the things around, Nor on the things within, It takes its flight to scenes above, Beyond the sphere of sin. 3. It sees upon the throne of God, A victim that was slain ; It rests its all on His shed blood, And says, " I 'm born again." 4. Faith is not what we feel or see, It is a simple trust In what the God of love has said Of Jesus, as "the just." 5. The perfect One that died for me, Upon His Father's throne, Presents our names before our God, And pleads Himself alone. 6. What Jesus is, and that alone, Is faitlr s delightful plea ; It never deals with sinful self, Nor righteous self, in me. 7. It tells me I am counted " dead" By God in His own word, It tells me I am " born again " In Christ my risen Lord. 141 8. In that He died. He dk In that He li sn I am dead r - hopes, And justified thro* blood. From all unrighteous:: If He is just, then I am j He is my righteousness. 10. Y at I more to peric A body like His own Will perfect me for greater je Than angels roun one. Ill 8 0. '. .:". .'..: "-■< i. 11. 1. "TT^HEX far from the heart our fond- thoughts Denied for a time t ice to share, In spirit we meet, when the cl And hold sweet communion together in 2. Oh! fondly I think, as night's curtains sir- round them. The Shepherd of Israel tenderl H8 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The angels of light are encamping around them. They are watched by the eye that ne'er slum bers nor sleeps. 3. When the voice of the morning once more shall awake them, And summon them forth to the calls of the day, I will think of that God who will never for- sake them, The Friend ever near though all else be away. 4. Then why should one thought of anxiety seize us, Thou distance divide us from those whom we love ? They rest in the covenant mercy of Jesus, Their prayers meet with ours in the mansions above. 5. Oh ! sweet bond of friendship, whate'er may betide us, Though on life's stormy billows our barks may be driven, Though distance, or trial, or death may di- vide us, Eternal re-union awaits us in heaven. J. R. MACDUFF. SPIRITUAL SONOS. L4fl 112. Psalm lxiii. 5, 6. (for a sick eoom.) 1. JfTl IS not a lonely night watch Jl Which by the couch I spend, Jesus is close beside us, Our Saviour and our Friend. 2. Often I strive all vainly, To ease thine aching head, Then, silently and gently, Himself He makes thy bed. 3. Do we not hear Him saying, " Your guilt on me was laid," " Ye are my blood-bought jewels," " Fear not, be not dismayed." 4. " I sit beside the furnace," " The gold will soon be pure," " And blessed are those servants," " Who to the end endure." 5. Amen, O blessed Saviour, Dwell with us, in us here, Until we share Thy glory, When God shall wipe each tear. 13* 150 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 113. John xiv. 16. 1. AH!' Holy Ghost, eternal God, \J Descending from above, Thou fill'st the soul thro' Jesus' blood, With faith, and hope, and love. 2. Thou comfortest the heavy heart, By sin and grief oppressed ; Thou to the dead dost life impart, And to the weary rest. 3. Thy sweet communion charms the soul, And gives true peace and joy, Which Satan's power can ne'er control, Nor all his wiles destroy. 4. Let no false comfort lift us up To confidence that 's vain ; Nor let their faith and courage droop, Who love the Lamb once slain. 5. Breathe comfort where distress abounds, O make our conscience clean ; And heal with balm from Jesus' wounds, The festering sores of sin. o, Vanquish our lusts, our pride remove, Take out the heart of stone ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 151 Show us the Father's boundless love, The merits of the Son. 7. The Father sent His Son to die ; The willing Son obeyed ; The Witness Thou, to ratify The purchase Christ hath made. 114. 1 Thessalonians iv. 17. 1 " For ever with the Lord 1" Father, if 't is Thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfill. 2. Be thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail ; Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand. Help, and I shall prevail. 3. So when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. 4. Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, 152 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And oft repeat before tbe throne, " For ever with the Lord !'' 5. Then though the soul enjoy Communion high and sweet, While worms this body must destroy, Both shall in glory meet. 6. The trump of final doom Will speak the self-same word, And heaven's voice thunder through tho tomb, " For ever with the Lord 1" 7. The tomb shall echo deep That death-awakening sound ; The saints shall hear it in their sleep, And answer from the ground. 8. Then upward as they fly, That resurrection word Shall be their shout of victory — " For ever with the Lord I" 9. That resurrection word, That shout of victory, Once more — " For ever with the Lord!" Amen ! so let it be. MONTGOMERY. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 153 115. Luke xiv. 22. 1. /^OME, sinner, to the Gospel feast, \J Oh ! come without delay ; For there is room in Jesus' breast For all who will obey. 2. There 's room in God's eternal love To save thy precious soul ; Room in the Spirit's grace above To heal and make thee whole. 3. There 's room within the Church, redcein'd With blood of Christ divine ; Room in the white-robed throng convened, For that dear soul of thine. 4. There 's room in heaven among the choir. And harps, and crowns of gold ; And glorious palms of victory there, And joys that ne'er were told. 5. There 's room around thy Father's board For thee and thousands more ; Oh I come and welcome to the Lord, Yea, come this very hour. MRS. HUNTINGDON. 154 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 116. Colossians iii. 1. 1. P\ O up, go up, my heart, VJT Dwell with thy God aboye ; For here thou canst not rest, Nor here give out thy love. 2. Go up, go up. my heart, Be not a trifler here ; Ascend above these clouds, Dwell in a higher sphere. 3. Let not thy love flow out To things so soil'd and dim ; Go up to heaven and God, Take up thy love to Him. 4. Waste not thy precious stores On creature-love below ; To God that wealth belongs. On Him that wealth bestow. 6. Go up, reluctant heart. Take up thy rest above ; Arise, earth-clinging thoughts ; Ascend, my lingering love. H. BONAK. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 155 117. Hebrews vi. 18. 1. JESUS, I come to Thee, V A sinner doom'd to die ; My only refuge is Thy cross, Here at Thy feet I lie. 2. Can mercy reach my case, And all my sins remove ? Break, my God, this heart of stone, And melt it by Thy love. 3. Too long my soul has gone Far from my God astray ; I've sported on the brink of hell, In sin's delusive way. 4. But, Lord, my heart is fixed, I hope in Thee alone ; Break oft* the chains of sin and death, And bind me to Thy throne. 5. Thy blood can cleanse my heart, Thy hand can wipe my tears ; Oh ! send Thy -blessed Spirit down To banish all my fears. 6. Then shall my soul arise, From sin and Satan free ; 156 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Redeem 1 d from hell and every foe, I '11 trust alone in Thee. N. S. S. BE MAN. 118. Proverbs xxvii. 1. 1. npO-DAY mine, to-morrow thine ! X So we hear the slow bell ringing, When in God's acre to recline, We the dead are softly bringing : And the grave calls out, Resign ! To-day mine, to-morrow thine ! 2. To-day life, to-morrow death ! Life speeds its wings and tarries never ; Is not that a wisdom-breath ? — Think of life which stays for ever ; Need of thinking each one hath : To-day life, to-morrow death ! 3. One follows another now As the ocean waves wind-driven ; For all with which hope can endow, What security is given ? Each in his sleeping-room must bow ; One follows another now ! 4. Oh, man ! it is the old law ; — How many years death counteth not. RITUAL 80NGR 157 Is thy health without one flaw I Soon e'en thy name shall be forgot. Earth to itself all earth will draw. Oh, man ! it is the old law ! 5. Oh ! to be wise as near my end ! I wish to die before I'm dying : That shall my soul from death defend, When death's last strength my soul is try* ing. Prepare me thereto, God, my Friend ! Oh ! to be wise as near my end ! 6. Blessed who in Christ shall die \ Death is changed to life for ever ; He has life when death is nigh, Life beyond, which endeth never ! Who hath it not, Undone, must cry ! Blessed who in Christ shall die ! B. SCHMOLK. 119. Psalm cl. (5. 1. T) RAISE the Lord, who died to save us ; JL Praise His name, for ever dear ; Praise His blessed name, who gave us Eyes to see and ears to hear : Praise the Saviour, — Object of our love and fear 14 158 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Grace it was, 't was grace abounding, Brought Him clown to save the lost ; Ye above, His throne surrounding, Praise Hirn, praise Him, all His host : Saints adore Him, — Ye are they who owe Him most. 3. Ye, of all His hand created, Objects are of grace alone, Aliens once, but reinstated, Destined now to fill a throne : Sing with wonder, — Sing of what our Lord hath done, 4. Praise His name who died to save us,. 'T is by Him His people live : And in Him the Father gave us All that boundless love could give : Life eternal, In our Saviour we receive. 120. Hebrews xiii. 8. 1. rHHERE 'S nought on earth to rest upon, X All things are changing here, The smiles of joy we gaze upon, The friends we count most dear : SPIRITUAL 80N0S. 159 One Friend alone is changeless, The One too oft forgot, Whose love hath stood for ages past,— Our Jesus changeth not. 2. The sweetest flower on earth, That sheds its fragrance round, E'er evening comes has withered, And lies upon the ground : The dark and dreary desert Has only one green spot, 'T is found in living pastures, — Our Jesus changeth not. 3. Clouds soon o'ercast our summer sky, So beautiful, so bright, And while we still admire it, It darkens into night : One sky alone is cloudless, There darkness enters not, 'T is found alone with Jesus, — And Jesus changeth not. 4. E'en friendship's smile avails not To cheer us here below, For smiles are all deceitful, They quickly ebb and flow : 160 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. One smile alone can gladden, Whate'er the pilgrim's lot, It is the smile of Jesus, — For Jesus changeth not. 5. And thus our bark moves onward, O'er life's tempestuous sea, While death's unerring hand Is stamp'd on all we see : But faith has found a living One, Where hope deceiveth not, Our life is hid with Jesus, — And Jesus changeth not. 6. There 's nought on earth to rest upon, All things are changing here, The smiles of joy we gaze upon, The friends we count most dear : One Friend alone is changeless, — The One too oft forgot, Whose love has stood for ages past, — Our Jesus changeth not. F. WHITFIELD, •121. 1 Timothy vi. 12. 1. T?IGHTIXG the battle of life !— J? With a weary heart and head ; 8PIRITUA I. SOy 101 For in the midst of the strife, The banners of joy are fled. 2. Fled and gone out of sight, When I thought the}' were so near, And the music of hope this night Is dying away on my ear. 3. Fighting the whole day long, With a very tired hand, — With only my armour strong — The shelter in which I stand. 4. There is nothing left of me, — If all my strength were shown, So small the amount would be, Its presence could scarce be known. 5. Fighting alone to-night, — With not e'en a stander by To cheer me in the right, Or to hear me when I cry. 6. Only the Lord can hear, — Only the Lord can see The struggle within how dark and drear, Though quiet the outside be. 14* 162 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 7. Fighting alone to-nigbt ! With what a sinking heart ; — Lord Jesus, in the fight Oh ! stand not Thou apart ! 8. Body and mind have tried To make the field my own ; But when the Lord is on my side, He doeth the work alone. 9. And when He hideth His face And the battle-clouds prevail, It is only through His grace That I do not utterly fail. 10. The word of old was true, And its truth shall never cease,— " The Lord shall fight for you, And ye shall hold your peace." 1 1 . Lord, I would fain be still And quiet behind my shield ; But make me to love Thy w T ill, For fear I should ever yield. 12. Nothing but perfect trust, And love of thy perfect will, SPIRITUAL SOy OS. 163 Can raise me out of the dust, And bid my fears be still. 13. Lord, fix my eyes upon Thee, And fill my heart with Thy love ; And keep my soul till the shadows flee, And the light breaks forth above. 122. Galatians vi. 9. 1. UT) E not weary," toiling Christian, JJ Good the Master thou dost serve ; Let no disappointment move thee, From thy service never swerve ; Sow in hope, nor cease thy sowing ; Lack not patience, faith, or prayer ; Seed-time passeth, — harvest hasteneth, — Precious sheaves thou then shalt bear. 2. u Be not weary," praying Christian, Open is thy Father's ear To the fervent supplication, And the agonizing prayer ; Prayer the Holy Ghost begetteth, Be it words, or groans, or tears, Is the prayer that 's always answered ; Banish then thy doubts and fears. 164 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. " Be not weary," suffering Christian, Scourg'd is each adopted child, Else would grow, in sad profusion, Nature's fruit, perverse and wild ; Chastening's needful for the spirit, Though, r t is painful for the flesh, God designs a blessing for thee ; — Let this thought thy soul refresh. 4. " Be not weary," tempted Christian, Sin can only lure on earth ; Faith is tried by sore temptation ; 'T is the furnace proves its worth ; Bounds are set unto the tempter, Which beyond he cannot go ; Battle on, on God relying, Faith will overcome the foe. 5. " Be not weary," weeping Christian, Tears endure but for the night, Joy, deep joy thy spirit greeting, Will return with morning 's light ; Every tear thou shedd'st is numbered In the register above, Heaven is tearless, sweet the prospect,- Sighless, tearless land of love ! k ' Be not weary," hoping Christian, Though the vision tarry long, SPIRITUAL ltW Hope will bring the blessing nearer ; Change thy sorrow into song ; Nought shall press thy spirit downwards, If thy hopes all brightly shine, Hold thy hope, whatever thou losest, — Living, precious hopes are thine ! " Be not weary," troubled Christian, Rest remains for thee on high, Dwell upon the untold glory, Of thy future home of joy ; There, nor sin, nor sorrow entereth ; There thy soul attun'd to praise, Shall, in strains of heavenly fullness, Songs of happy triumph raise. " Be not weary," loving Christian, In this heavenly grace abound, Jesus, well thou knowest, loved thee. Though in mad rebellion found ; Drink, drink deeply of His spirit ; Jesus loves both great and small, Nature loves but what is lovely ; — Grace embraceth one and all. Christian, thus in grace unwearied, Pass thy sojourn here below. Spurn lukewarmness, let thy bosom Ever with true fervour glow ! IGO SPIRITUAL SOXirS. Look to Christ, thy bright exemplar, Copy Him in all His ways, Let thy life and conversation, Tell to thy Redeemer's praise. A. M. 123. Isaiah xxi. 11. 1. T17HAT of the night, watchman, what of IT the night? The wintry gale sweeps by, The thick shadows fall, and the night bird's call Sounds mournfully thro' the sky. 2. The night is dark, it is long and drear, But who, while others sleep, Is that little band, who together stand, And their patient vigils keep ? 3. All awake is the strained eye, And awake the listening ear ; For their Lord they wait, and watch at the gate His chariot wheels to hear. 4. Long have they waited — that little band, And ever and anon SPIRITUAL 107 To fancy's eye the dawn seemM nigh. — The night seem'd almost gone. 5. And often, through the midnight gale, They thought they heard at last The sound of His train, and they listened again,— And the sound died away on the blast. 6. Ages have rolled, and one by one, Those watchers have passed away ; They heard the call on their glad ear tall, And they hastened to obey. 7. And in their place their children stand, And still their vigils keep. They watch and pray for the dawn of day, For this is no time for sleep. 8. What of the night, watchman, what of the night ? Tho' the wintry gales sweep by, When the darkest hour begins to lower We know that the dawn is nigh. 9. Courage, ye servants of the Lord, The night is almost o'er ; Your Master will com^ and call you home, To weep and to watch no more. 168 SPIRITUAL 801 124. Psalm lv. 17. 1. /^OME to the morning prayer, \j Come let us kneel and pray ; Prayer is the Christian pilgrim's staff To walk with God all day. 2. At noon beneath the Rock Of ages rest and pray ; Sweet is the shadow from the heat, When the sun smites by day. 3. At eve shut- to the door, Round the home-altar pray. And finding there " the house of God/ 1 At " heaven's gate " close the day. 4. When midnight seals our eyes, Let each in spirit say. I sleep, but my heart waketh. Lord, With Thee to watch and pray. 125. Job yii. 4. 1. fTHE weary day is tarrying ; A Oh ! when wiil it pass away ? The head is sick, and the heart is faint ; Oh ! why do the hours delay ? SPIRIT i VGS 169 2. Like a deep dark gulf that lies between The traveller and his home, So a load of sorrow and care must pass Ere the hour of rest will come. 3. The long, long day is passing away, Though the hours are sad and slow ; But at length appears the blessed night Bringing rest to all below ; — 4. Bringing rest to the weary heart, And rest to the harass' d brain, A truce to the warfare of life, That the spirit of sleep may reign. 5. But the long night is tarrying In hours of restless pain, — We list to the toll of some distant clock, And the silence settles again. 6. The leaden hours — they linger long ; But still they pass away ; The night is done, and the blessed sun Breaks forth with a golden ray. T. The Christian's life is a weary strife ; And often his heart would yield, But there 's One to stand at his right hand His wavering faith to shield. 170 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 8. He feels, though his heart may fail, His Saviour's will is best ; And at length the life and the struggle o'er, The soldier of Christ may rest. 126. Hebrews xi. 16. 1. TTNOW ye that better land, JLV Where care 's unknown ? Know ye that blessed land Around the throne ? There, there is happiness, There streams of purest bliss ; There, there are rest and peace — There, there alone. 2. Yes, yes, we know that place, We know it well ; Eye hath not seen His face, Tongue cannot tell ; There are the angels bright, There saints enrob'd in wiiite, All, all are cloth'd in light — There, there they dwell. 3. Oh ! we are weary here, A Utile band, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 171 Yet soon in glory there We hope to stand ; Then let us haste away, Speed o'er this world's dark way, Unto that land of day — That better land. Come ! hasten that sweet day, Let time begone, Come ! Lord, make no delay, On Thy white throne ; Thy face we wish to see To dwell and reign with Thee, And, Thine for ever be — Thine, Thine alone. 1 27. 1 TJiessalonians i. 8. 1. HOUND, so and the truth abroad, O Bear ye the word of God Through the wide world : Tell what our Lord hath done, Tell how the day is won, And from his lofty throne Satan is hurFcL 2. Far over sea and land, ' T is our own Lord's command, Bear ye His name ; 172 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Bear it to evVy shore, Regions unknown explore. Enter at every door : Silence is shame. 3. Speed on the wings of love ; Jesus, who reigns above, Bids us to fly: They who His message bear, Should neither doubt nor fear; He will their friend appear, He will be nigh. 4. When on the mighty deep, He will their spirits keep, Stayed on His word : TYlien in a foreign land No other friend at hand, Jesus will by them stand, — Jesus their Lord. 5. Ye, who forsaking all At your lov ? d Master s call, Comforts resign ; Soon will the work be done, Soon will the prize be won, Brighter than yonder sun Then shall ye shine. TFIOS. KELLY. SPIRITUAL SON OS. 173 128. Isaiah li. 12. 1. QWEET is the solace of Thy love, O My heavenly Friend, to me, While through the hidden way of faith I journey home with Thee, Learning by quiet thankfulness As a dear child to be. 2. Though from the shadow of thy peace' My feet would often stray, Thy mercy follows every step And will not turn away ; Yea, Thou wilt comfort me at last, As none beneath Thee may. 3. Oft in a dark and lonely place, I hush' my hastened breath, To hear the comfortable words Thy loving Spirit saith ; And feel my safety in Thy hand From every kind of death. L Oh ! there is nothing in the world To weigh against Thy will ; E'en the dark times I dread the most Thy covenant fulfil ; And when the glorious morning dawns I find Thee with me still. 15* 174 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 5. No other comforter I need, If Thou, Lord, be mine ; — Thy rod will bring my spirit low, Thy lire my heart refine, And cause me pain that none can heal By other love than Thine. 6. Then in the secret of my soul, Though hosts my peace invade, Though through a waste and weary land My lonely way be made, Thou, even Thou, wilt comfort me — I need not be afraid. 7. Still in the solitary place I would a- while abide, Till with the solace of Thy love My heart is satisfied, And all my hopes of happiness Stay calmly at Thy side. A. L. WAEIXG 129. Psalm cxix. G5. 1. TI WHATEVER God does is well ! i f His children find it so. Some He doth not with plenty bless> Yet loves them not the less, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 175 But draws their hearts unto Himself away. — Oh ! hearts obey. 2. Whatever God does is well, Whether he gives or takes ! And what we from His hand receive Suffices us to live. He takes and gives, while *yet He kwes ua still.— Then love His will. 3. Whatever God does is well ! And what can our will do ? We cannot reap from what we sow But what His power makes grow. Sometimes He doth all other good destroy. To be Thy joy. 4. Whatever God does is well ! And His will shall prevail. Doth He refuse thy hands to fill ? He knows Thy heart to still. A Christian from a very little gift Much joy can sift. f». Whatever God does is well ! Altho' the field look dark, Yet cheerful in His path we go; And by our faith we kti r.v 176 SPIRITUAL SONGS. That Christ for us hath heavenly riche3 bought. — Can we lack aught ? 6. Whatever God does is well ! In patience let us wait : He doth Himself our burdens bear, He doth for us take care. And He, our God, knows all our weary days,— Come, give Him praise ! N. SCHMOLK. 130. Psalm cxix. 54. 1. 1T7HILE travelling through this wilderness t T Weary and worn we roam, ' T is sweet to cast a look above And think we're going home: — To know that there the trials Of our pilgrimage shall cease, And all the waves of earthly woe Be hushed to heavenly peace. Home, sweet home ! Oh I for that land of rest above, Our own eternal home ! RITUAL 177 Here trees are not the trees that gr» In beauty by the side Of that bright flood whose living streams Through sin ns glide ; — "We see not here th' immortal fruit, The fadeless flowers that bloom On hills of light and vales of peace, In our own bright Eden-home. Home, sweet home ! Oh ! for that laud of rest above, Our own eternal horn. The tones we hear are not the tones Of music and of love. That breathe from thousand harps and songa Of endless joys above. We tread in haste along, With trembling and with fear, For this is not our home. We 've no continuing here. Home, sweet home ! Oh ! for that land of rest above, Our own eternal home I Oh ! for the death of those that die Like daylight in the west — That sink in peace like the waves of eve, To calm untroubled rest. lis SPIRITUAL SONGS. They stand before their Father's face Their tears and conflicts o'er ; Eedeem'd and wash'd they stay at home, And shall go out no more. Home, sweet home ! Oh ! for that land of rest above, Our own eternal home ! 131. Romans viii. 33-35. 1. Q HSTG Hallelujah ! Christ doth live, O And peace on earth restore ; Come, ransom' d souls, and glory give, Sing, worship, and adore. With grateful hearts to Him we pay Our thanks in humble wise ; Who aught unto our charge shall lay ? 'T is God that justifies. 2. Who can condemn, since Christ has died, And ever lives with God ? Now our whole debt is fully paid, He saves us by His blood : The ransom'd hosts in earth and heaven Through countless choirs proclaim, " He hath redeemed us, praise be given To God and to the Lamb." SPIRITUAL SONGS. 1?» 3. God raised Him up, when He for all Had freely tasted death, And had redeem'd us from the fall ; On this we ground our faith : For God, well pleased, that sacrifice Declared, in sovereign grace, And all-sufficient ransom-price For Adam's fallen race. 4. The God of peace to guilty man Doth pardoning grace afford, Since from the dead He brought agair Our Shepherd, Head, and Lord ; — That Shepherd who did freely bleed, Lost sinners to restore, Who died, but now is risen indeed, And lives for evermore. 5. The God of mercies let us praise, Who saveth fallen men : Who by His power, which Christ did raise Begets His saints again Unto a lively confidence, That they for Jesus' sake, Shall of the blest inheritance Reserved for them partake. 6. His resurrection's power divine, By grace on us bestowed, 180 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Renews us, that we, dead to sin, May live alone to God. Thus we, supported by His might, From strength to strength proceed, And walking in His truth and light ; Praise Him in word and deed. 7. In all we do constraint by love, We'll joy to Him afford, And to God's will obedient prove Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sing Hallelujah, and adore On earth the Lamb once slain, Till we in heaven shall evermore Exalt His name. Amen ! 132. Bphesians iii. 17. 1. T ORD, take my heart just as it is, JLi Set up therein Thy throne ; So shall I love Thee above all, And live to Thee alone. 2. I thank Thee, that in mercy Thou Hast waken' d me from death, Arous'd me out of sin's deep sleep, And call'd to walk by faith. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 181 3. Complete Thy work and crown Thy grace, That I may faithful prove, And listen to that still small voice, Which whispers only love. 4. Which teaches me to know Thy will, And gives me power to do ; Which fills my heart with shame when I Do not that will pursue. 5. This unction may I ever feel, This teaching of my Lord, And learn obedience to Thy voice, Thy soft reviving word. 133. Canticles ii. 16. 1. YTOW I na ve found a Friend, JLl Whose love shall never end,- Jesus is mine. Though earthly joys decrease, Though human friendships cease, Now I have lasting peace ; Jesus is mine. 2. Though I grow poor and old, He will my faith uphold, — Jesus is mine. 16 182 SPIRITUAL SONGS. He shall my wants supply, His precious blood is nigh, Nought can my hope destroy,— Jesus is mine. § When earth shall pass away, In the great judgment day, — Jesus is mine. Oh ! what a glorious thing, Then to behold my King, On tuneful harps to sing, Jesus is mine. 4. Farewell mortality ! Welcome eternity ! Jesus is mine. He my redemption is, Wisdom and righteousness, Life, light, and holiness : -Jesus is mine. 5. Father ! Thy name I bless, Thine was the sovereign grace ; Praise shall be Thine. Spirit of holiness, Sealing the Father's grace, Thou mad' st my soul embrace Jesus as mine. HENRY J. M'C. HOPE. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 183 134. Psalm xlvi. 1, 2, 3. 1. TTTHEST the nations toss and roar, ! T Like the billows on the shore, When their chains the people break, Leaders tremble, monarchs quake ; Midst the roaring of the sea, Christ, our hope is all in Thee ! 2. When the nations are at peace, And the sounds of conflict cease ; When each port is choked with wares, And each field its harvest bears ; Mid the world's prosperity, Christ, our hope is all in Thee ! 3. While the ages one by one Roll beneath the rolling sun ; — While the powers of death and life, Wage on earth a weary strife ; — Till the coming dawn we see, Christ, our hope is all in Thee ! 135. Psalm xxxi. 15. 1. TjlATHER, I know that all my life A Is portion'd out by Thee, 184 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And the changes which are sure to come, I do not fear to see ; fc. But I ask Thee for a present rnind Intent on pleasing Thee. 2. I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And to wipe the weeping eyes ; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize. 3. I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know ; I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 4. "Wherever in the world I am, In whatso'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts, To keep and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do, For the Lord on whom I wait. 5. So I ask Thee for the daily strength To none that ask denied, SPIRITUAL SOSGS. 185 And a mind to blend with outw ard life While keeping at Thy side : Content to fill a little space. If Thou be glorified. 6. And if some things I do not ask In my ciip of blessing be, I would have my spirit fill'd the more With grateful love to Thee : More careful not to serve Thee much, But to please Thee perfectly. 7. There are briars besetting every path, That call for patient care. There is a cross in every lot. And an earnest need for prayer ; But a lowly heart that leans on Thee, Is happy anywhere. 8. In a service which Thy will appoints, There are no bonds for me, For my inmost heart is taught M the truth, 1. That makes Thy children M fre And a lite of self-renouncing love la a life of liberty. A. L. WARING 16* 186 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 1.36. JEJcclesiastes xi. 1. 1. TTPON the stormy waters U The bread of life we cast, With cheerful trust believing It shall be found at last. We see it but a moment, Far drifting o'er the main, But deathless, undecaying, It shall be found again. 2. One eye shall ever watch it, The eye of Him who sees Each tiny seedling scattered By summer's passing breese ; That eye which sees the coral, As year by year it grows, And counts the myriad crystals Of Himalayan snows. . 3 Sometimes with bitter weeping The seed of life is sown, With well-nigh hopeless pleadingg, To Jesus only known. With hope deferr'd, the mother Oft looks upon her child, "No plant of heaven is springing, Though weeds grow rank and wild. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 187 4. The shades of evening gather Upon the Sabbath sky, From pastors and from teachers The prayer ascends on high. Once more their hands have broken The true and heavenly bread ;— Let them believe not vainly The table hath been spread ! 5. Yes ! on the stormy waters We cast the bread of life, Yain are the surging waters, Vain is the tempest's strife. His never failing promise Jehovah will fulfill, And the seed be found in glory, When those proud waves are still. 137 Hebrews iv. 1. 1. (\R • where shall rest be found, \J Rest for the weary soul ? 'T were vain the ocean depths to sound. Or pierce to either pole ; The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh ; 'T is not the whole of life to live ; Nor all of death to die. 188 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unnieasur'd by the flight of years ; And all that life is love : — There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath, Oh ! what eternal horrors hang Around " the eternal death." 3. Lord God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun, Lest we be banish' d from Thy face And evermore undone ; Here would we end our quest ; Alone are found in Thee, The life of perfect love, — the rest Of immortality. MONTGOMERY. 138. Luke xxii. 19. (sacramental.) 1. TTERE, my Lord, I see Thee face to face ; XX Here would I touch and handle things unseen ; Here grasp with firmer hand th 1 eternal grace, And all my weariness upon Thee lean. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 189 2. Here would I feed upon the bread of God ; Here drink with Thee the royal wine of heaven ; Here would I lay aside each earthly load, Here taste afresh the cairn of sin forgiven. 3. I have no help but Thine ; nor do I need Another arm save Thine to lean upon ; It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed ; My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone. 4. I have no wisdom save in Him, who is My wisdom and my teacher both in one ; Xo wisdom can I lack while Thou art wise, No teaching do I crave, save Thine alone. 5. Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness ; Mine is the guilt, but Thine the cleansing blood. This is my robe, my refuge, and my peace — Thy blood, Thy righteousness, O Lord my God. 6. Too soon we rise ; the symbols disappear ; The feast, but not the love, is pass'd and gone ; 190 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The bread and wine remove, but Thou art here — Nearer than ever — still my shield and sun. 7. Feast after feast thus comes and passes by ; Yet passing, points to the great feast above ; Giving sweet foretastes of the festal joy, The Lamb's great bridal feast of bliss and love. H. BONAR. 139. Canticles i. 3. 1. rFHERE is a name I love to hear, A I love to speak its worth ; It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. 2. It tells me of a Saviour's love Who died to set me free ; It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea. S. It tells me of a Father's smile, Beaming upon His child ; It cheers me through this " little while,' 7 Through desert, waste, and wild. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 191 i. It tells me what my Father hath In store for ev'ry day, And, though I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. 5. It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe, Who in my sorrow bears a part That none can bear below. 6. It bids my trembling heart rejoice, It dries each rising tear, It tells me in " a still small voice " To trust and never fear. 7. Jesus ! the name I love so well, The name I love to hear ! No saint on earth its worth can tell, No heart conceive how dear. 8. This name shall shed its fragrance still Along this thorny road, Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill That leads me up to God. 9. And there with all the blood- bought throng From sin and sorrow free. 192 SPIRITUAL SONGS. I '11 sing the new eternal song Of Jesus' love to me. F. WHITFIELD. 140. Psalm xciv. 12. 1. fTUIE more the cross the nearer heaven ; — A Where is no cross there God is not ; The world's turmoil doth hide His face, Hell, sense, and self, make Him forgot. Oh ! where God draws a blessed lot, His mercy some dark lines doth trace. 2. The more the cross, the better Christian ; — God lays the touchstone to each soul ; How many a garden must lie waste Did not a tear-storm o'er it roll ! Refining grief, a living coal, Upon the Christian's heart is placed. 3. The more the cross, the more believing ; — In desert lands the palm trees grow ; And when the grape is strongly press'd, Then doth its sweetness overflow ; And strength lies hid in every woe, As pearls do in the salt wave rest. 4. The more the cross, the more the praying ;- The bruised plant yields sweetest balm ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 198 Man doth not seek to find the pole In quiet seas and steady calms ; And how should we have David's psalms Had he not had a troubled soul ? 5. The more the cross, the more the longing ;— Out of the vale man upward goes ; Whose pathway through the desert lies, He craves the land where Jordan flows. When here the dove finds no repose, Straight to the ark with joy she flies. 6. The more the cross, the sweeter death ; — For man rejoices then to die ; When as his body is laid down Much pain and sorrow are laid by ; His cross there on his grave doth lie — See man doth wear the victor's crown ! ?. Oh ! Jesus, Lord, the crucified ! Now let the cross more welcome be ; Nor let my soul complaining toss, But plant Thou such a heart in me, As patiently shall look to Thee For gain up yonder, for my loss. N. BCHMOLK. IT 194 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 141. Revelation v. 9. 1. /^OME let us join to sing of Jesus' love ; \J Sing how for us He left His throne above, Came down on earth, a man by birth, Then died upon the tree, And brought salvation, endless, rich, and free. 2. Sing how He burst the barriers of the grave, And rise in triumph, guilty men to save, Ascended high, no more to die, But seated on His throne, 'Mid angel choirs our worthless names to own. 3. Sing how before His Father's throne He pleads, For all mankind in mercy intercedes, Pities their woes, subdues their foes, Their every want supplies, And bids their souls in triumph to Him rise, 4. Sing how He pour'd His Spirit from on high To give His people life no more to die, And by His word, His Spirit's sword, Subdues the heart of stone, While angels sing another vict'ry won. /SPIRITUAL SONGS. 195 5. Sing of His grace which all our hearts re- newed, Cleansed us from sin in His atoning blood, Removed our guilt, and gave relief From Satan's galling chain, And soon will raise our souls with Him to feign. 6. In higher worlds we'll join His grace to praise, Where heavenly choirs will add their highest lays ; Worthy the Lamb, prais'd be His name, Who saved us by His blood, And raised our souls to dwell in light with God. 142. Revelation xxi. 4. i. 1 TY heavenly home is bright and fair, JUL Nor pain, nor death can enter there ; Its glittering towers the sun outshine, That heavenly mansion shall be mine. I'm going home, I'm going home, I 'in going home, to die no more. 2. My Father's house is built on high, Far, fir above the starry sky ; 196 SPIRITUAL SONGS. When from this earthly prison free, That heavenly mansion mine shall be. I 'm going home, etc. 3. "While here a stranger far from home, Affliction's waves may round me foam ; And though like Lazarus sick and poor, My heavenly mansion is secure. I 'in going home, etc. 4. Let others seek a home below, Which flames devour or waves o'erflow ; Be mine the happier lot to own A heavenly mansion near the throne. I 'm going home, etc. 5. Then fail this earth, let stars decline, And sun and moon refuse to shine, All nature sink and cease to be, This heavenly mansion stands for me, I 'm going home, etc. W. HUNTER. 143. Deuteronomy xxxiii. 25. 1. TIT AIT my soul upon the Lord, ! T To His gracious promise flee, Laying hold upon His word, " As thy days, thy strength shall be. r SPIRITUAL SONGS. 191 2. If the sorrows of thy case Seem peculiar still to thee, God has promised needful grace, " As thy days, thy strength shall be." • 3. Days of trial, days of grief, In succession thou may'st see, This is still thy sweet relief, — " As thy days, thy strength shall be." 4. Rock of ages ! I 'm secure, With thy promise full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure — " As thy days, thy strength shall be." W. F. LLOYD. 144. Job iii. 17. 1. T) EST, from anxious thought, xt From pressing, hurrying care ! Rest here so vainly sought, So richly furnish'd there. Oh, Saviour dear ! how sweet *t will be To rest my weary head on Thee. 2. Peace, peace, a calm repose, No shadows hov'ring still 17* 198 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Around, of coming woes, Peace shall each bosom fill. Oh, Saviour dear ! how sweet 't will be To be at peace because with Thee. 3. Vigour and strength shall there In mind and spirit reign, No conflict then shall wear Me with unceasing pain. Oh, Saviour dear ! how sweet 'twill be With perfect pow'rs to worship Thee. 145. John xiv. 14. 1. TlfY prayer to the promise shall cling — III I will not give heed to a doubt ; For I ask for the one needful thing, Which I cannot be happy without. 2. A spirit of lowly repose In the love of the Lamb that was slain, A heart to be touched with his woes, And a care not to grieve Him again. 3. The peace that my Saviour has bought, The cheerfulness nothing can dim, The love that can bring every thought Into perfect obedience to Him. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 199 4. The wisdom His mercy to own In the way He directs me to take, — To glory in Jesus alone, And to love, and do good for His sake. 5. All this Thou hast offer'd to me In the promise whereon I will rest ; For faith, oh, my Saviour, in Thee ! Is the substance of all my request. 6. Thy word has commanded my prayer, Thy Spirit has taught me to pray, And all my unholy despair Is ready to vanish away. 7. Thou wilt not be weary of me, Thy promise my faith will sustain, And soon, very soon I shall see That I have not been asking in vain. A. L. WAKING. 146. Matthew xvi. 26. 1. TIT HAT is the thing of greatest price T I The whole creation round ? That which was lost in paradise, That which in Christ is found. 20C SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. The soul of man— Jehovah's breath ! That keeps two worlds at strife ; Hell moves beneath to work its death, Heaven stoojjs to give it life. 3. God to reclaim it did not spare His well-beloved Son ; Jesus, to save it, deign'd to bear The sins of all in one. 4. The Holy Spirit seal'd the plan, And pledged the blood divine To ransom every soul of man ; That blood was shed for mine. 5. And is this treasure borne below In earthly vessels frail ? Can none its utmost value know Till flesh and spirit fail ? 6. Then let us gather round the cross, This knowledge to obtain, Not by the soul's eternal loss, But everlasting gain. MONTGOMERY. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 201 1 47. Hebrews iv. 8. 1. /^H ! for the calm beyond the storms \J In the presence of the Lord, Where with angels bright, Both day and night, We shall hear His sacred word ! 2. Oh ! for the body free from pain, The spirit free from sin, Which He will give To the souls that live, Who shall dwell His courts within. 3. Oh ! for the joy no eye hath seen, No human heart hath known ; For faint and low Fall the echoes below Of the songs around His throne. 4. But oh ! for grace to serve Him here, To rest upon His Jove, To walk with God On our earthly road, And to anchor our joys above ! 5. Oh ! for a faith to see the Lord Through darkness and through tears, To hear His voice, And still to rejoice, And watch till the day appears ! 202 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 148 2 Corinthians ix. 15. 1. T>LESSED be God, our God ! JD Who gave for us His well-beloved Son, The gift of gifts, all other gifts in one. Blessed be God, our God ! 2. What will He not bestow ? Who freely gave this mighty gift, unbought. Unmerited, unheeded, and unsought, What will He not bestow ? 3. He spared not His Son ! ' T is this that silences each rising fear, ' T is this that bids the hard thought disap- pear — He spared not His Son ! 4. Who shall condemn us now ? Since Christ has died, and ris'n, and gone above For us to plead at the right hand of love, Who shall condemn us now ? 5. ' T is God that justifies ! Who shall recall His pardon or His grace t Or who the broken chain of guilt replace ? 'T is God that justifies ! — SPIRITUAL SONGS. 205 m 0. The victory is ours ! For us in might cauie forth the mighty One, For us He fought the fight, the triumph won : The victory is ours. H. BONAK. 149. Proverbs xviii. 24. 1. T ORD ! no guardian to defend me JJ In the world I have like Thee, None so willing to befriend me ; Thou art all in all to me. 2. Oh ! may life be one great mission, Christ to follow, serve, and please, Copying His meek submission, Sacrificing self and ease. 3. Zealous in each sacred duty, May I be more Saviour-like ; May each plant of Christian beauty In my soul its fibres strike ; — 4. Bearing fruit, whose holy savour Sheds its fragrance round my path, Seeking nothing but His favour, Dreading nothing but His wrath. 204 SPIRITUAL SONGS. m 5 What is life ? a scene of troubles, Following swiftly one by one ; Phantom visions — airy bubbles, Which appear, and then — are gone ! 6. What at best the world's vain fashion ? Quickly it must past away ; Vexing care and whirlwind passion, Surging like the angry spray. 7. One brief moment, Lord, may sever All that earth can friendship call ; But Thy friendship is for ever, It outlives the wreck of all. J. JR. MACDUFF. 150. 1 Corinthians v. 17. 1 . TJ ALLELU J AH ! I believe ! JL1 Now the giddy world stands fast, Now my soul has found an anchor Till the night of storm is past. All the gloomy mists are rising, But a clue is in my hand, Thro' earth's labyrinth to guide me To a bright and heavenly land. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 205 2. Hallelujah ! I believe ! Sorrow's bitterness is o'er, And affliction's heavy burden Weighs my spirits down no more. On the cross the mystic writing Now reveal'd before me lies And I read the words of comfort, " As a father, I chastise." 3. Hallelujah ! I believe ! Now no longer on my soul P All the debt of sin is lying, — One great Friend has paid the whole ! Icebound fields of legal labour I have left with all their toil; While the fruits of love are growing From a new and genial soil. 4. Hallelujah ! I believe ! Now life's mystery is gone, Gladly thro' its fleeting shadows, To the end I journey on. Thro' the tempest, or the sunshine, Over flowers or ruins led, Still the path is homeward hasting, Where all sorrow shall have fled. 5. Hallelujah ! I believe ! Now, oh ! love, I know thy power, 18 206 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Thine no false or fragile fetters, Not the rose-wreaths of an hour ! Christian bonds of holy union Death itself does not destroy; Yes ! to live, and love for ever, Is our heritage of joy. MOWES. 151. Hebrews xii. 2. 4. [" LOOK to Jesus, and the cloud JL Of my transgressions melts away, E'en as the blackest midnight shroud Gives place to the returning day. 2. I look to Jesus, and the stains Of my life's guilt, tho 1 dark and deep, Are wash'd, till not a spot remains, And I can safely wake and sleep. 3. I look to Jesus, and the face Of God is turn'd on me in love, I feel a Father's fond embrace, And all my doubts and fears remove. 4. I look to Jesus, and behold ! My heart is lightened of its cares, My love for earthly things grows cold, And pleasure vainly spreads her snares. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 207 5. I look to Jesus, when my foes With violence my peace assail ; On His dear breast I find repose, And all their hateful efforts fail. 6. I look to Jesus, and the sight Of all that He endured for me, Makes e'en my greatest suff 'rings light, Compared with His deep agony. 7. I look to Jesus, when my zeal, And faith, and love, grow dead and cold ; Then doth He Calvary reveal, And makes me in His service bold. 8. I look to Jesus, when the waves Of dark corruptions rage within, And He from their dominion saves, From their pollution makes me clean. 9. I look to Jesus, and I see Heaven's golden portals opening wide, "With ready welcome e'en to me, Tho' vile, to enter and abide. 10. Thus let me, Lord, while life doth last, In faith look ever up to Thee, And when life's sinful days are past, I shall Thy face in glory see. C. T. ASTLEY. 208 SPIRITUAL SONGS. r 152. Hebrews xiii. 14. 'M but a stranger here ; Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home. Danger and sorrow stand Round me on every hand, Heaven is my father-land, Heaven is my home. 2. What though the tempests rage. Short is my pilgrimage, Heaven is my home. And time's wild wintry blast Soon will be overpast, I shall reach home at last. Heaven is my home. 3. There at my Saviour's side, I shall be glorified, Heaven is my home, There with the good and blest Those I loved most and best, I shall for ever rest ; Heaven is my home. 4. Therefore I '11 murmur not, Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 209 For I shall surely stand There at my Lord's right hand ; — Heaven is my father-land, Heaven is my home. THOS. R. TAYLOR. 153. 1 Timothy i. 17. 1. f\ LORY to God the Father be, \JT Glory to God the Son, Glory to God the Holy Ghost, Glory to God alone ! 2. My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth rejoice In God, my Saviour and my God ; I hear His joyful voice. 3. I need not go abroad for joy Who have a feast at home • My sighs are turned into songs, The Comforter is come. 4. Down from on high the blessed Dove Is come into my breast, To witness God's eternal love ; — This is my heavenly feast. 18* 210 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 5. This makes me, Abba, Father, cry, With confidence of soul ; It makes me cry, my Lord, my God, And that without control. 6. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, From fancy 't is concealed, What Thou, Lord, hast laid up for Thine, And hast to me reveal' d. 7. I see Thy face, I hear Thy voice, I taste Thy sweetest love, My soul doth leap, but, oh 1 for wings, The wings of Noah's dove. 8. Then should I flee far hence away, Leaving this world of sin ; Then should my Lord put forth His hand And kindly take me in. 9. Then should my soul with angels feast, On joys that always last ; Bless'd be my God, the God of joy, Who gives me here a taste ! 154. Matthew x. 29. 1. 1 JTGHTY God ! on whom the cares JA Of all creation lie ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 211 And whose ample bosom bears The load so easily. Midst the worlds that lean on Thee Thou hast loving thoughts of me. 2. Ever quickly Thou dost hear Thy children's feeble cry, And dost keep* them everywhere Beneath Thy watchful eye. But 'midst the worlds that lean on Thee Thou hast faithful thoughts of me. 3. Anxious cares and heavy woes Oft agitate my breast ; And no balm on earth that grows Can give my spirit rest. But midst worlds that lean on Thee Thou hast gentle thoughts of me. 155- Numbers xxi. 4. 1. T)ILGRDI of earth, who art journeying to X heaven ! Heir of eternal life ! child of the day ! Cared for, watclrd over, beloved and forgiven, Art thou discouraged because of the way ? 212 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 9 Cared for, watched over, tho' often thou seemest Justly forsaken, nor counted a child — Loved and forgiven, tho' rightly thou deeniest Thyself all unlovely, impure, and defiled. 3. "Weary and thirsty, no water-brook near thee, Press on, nor faint at the length of the way ; The God of thy life will assuredly hear thee ; He will provide thee with strength for the day. 4. Break through the brambles and briars that obstruct thee ; Dread not the gloom and the blackness of night ; Lean on the hand* that will safely conduct thee ; Trust to His eye to whom darkness is light ! 5. Be trustful, be steadfast, whatever betide thee, Only one thing do thou ask of the Lord — Grace to go forward wherever He guide thee, Simply believing the truth of His word. 6. Still on thy spirit deep anguish is pressing — Not for the yoke that His wisdom bestows. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 213 A heavier burden thy soul is distressing, A heart that is slow in His love to repose ; — 7. Earthliness, coldness, unthankful behaviour ; Oh ! thou may'st sorrow, but do not despair: Even this grief thou may'st bring to thy Saviour ; Cast upon Him e'en this burden and care ! 8. Bring all thy hardness ; His pow'r can sub- due it : How full is the promise ! the blessing how free ! " Whatsoever ye ask in my name, I will do it." u Abide in my love, and be joyful in me." 156, Matthew vi. 6. 1. f\ O when the morning shineth — Go when the noon is bright — Go when the eve declineth — Go in the hush of night . Go with pure mind and feeling, Fling earthly thoughts away, And in thy chamber kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. 214 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2 Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee, Pray too for those who hate thee, If any such there be. Then for thyself in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And link with each petition, Thy great Redeemer's name. 8 Or if 't is here denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o'er thee When friends are round thy way ; E'en then the silent breathing Of thy spirit raised above, Will reach His throne of glory, Who is mercy, truth, and love. 4, Oh ! not a joy or blessing With this can we compare, The power that He has given us, To pour our souls in prayer ! Whene'er thou pin'st in sadness, Before His footstool fall, And remember in thy gladness His grace who gave thee all. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 215 157. Psalm cxix. 105. 1. T AMP of our feet, whereby we trace xJ Our path, as here we stray ; Stream from the fount of heav'nly grace — Brook by the traveller's way. 2. Bread of our souls ! whereon we feed, Our manna from on high ; Our guide, our chart, wherein we read Of realms beyond the sky. 3. Pillar of fire ! through watches dark , Or radiant cloud by day ! When waves would whelm our tossing bark Our anchor and our stay. 4. Pole star on life's tempestuous deep ! Beacon when doubts surround ; Compass ! by which our course we keep ; Our plummet-line to sound ! 5. Our shield and buckler in the light ! In victory's hour the palm ! Comfort in grief ! in weakness — might I In sickness — G Head's balm. 6. Childhood's instructor, manhood's trust, Old age's firm ally, 216 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Our hope, when we go down to dust, Of immortality. 7. Word of the living God ! Will of His glorious Son ! Without Thee, how could earth be trod, Or heaven itself be won ? BERNARD BARTON. 158. Psalm lxxxiv. 14. 1. f\ LOED ! I look to Thee ; \J To Thee lift up my heart, In heaven I would Thy glory see, Now, therefore, grace impart. 2. Grace to prevent my sin, My passions to subdue, My heart to change, my soul to win, My spirit to renew. 3. Grace every hour to bend My stubborn will to Thine. Till I in mind and heart ascend To where the angels shine. 4. Grace that I ever may Walk humbly with my God, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 217 And choose the self-renouncing way The lowly Jesus trod. x 5. Grace to each stroke to bow, Gladly each cross to bear, That, suffering* with the Saviour now, I soon His joy may share. 6. Grace to be kind to all ; All to forbear in love ; Gently to deal with those that fall, Like Him who reigns above. 7. Grace, even to my foes, In tenderness to speak, And, tho' they wrong me and op£>ose, To be like Jesus — meek. 8. Grace, onward still to go, Forward each day to press, Till Thou the blood-bought prize bestow, Christ's crown of righteousness. 9. Lord ! give me this rich grace ! Oh, give Thyself to me, That I may dwell before Thy face, And all Thy glory see. 19 C. T. ASTLE1 218 SPIRITUAL SONGS, 159. •Acts xx. 38. 1. Tj^RIEND after friend departs,— ' X Who hath not lost a friend ? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end : Were this frail world our final rest, Living or dying none were blest. 2. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is "not a breath, Nor life's affections transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and expire ! 3. There is a world above, Where parting is unknown, A whole eternity of love, Form'd for the saints alone : And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that happier sphere. 4. Thus star by star declines, Till all are pass'd away ; As morning high and higher shine9 To pure and perfect day : SPIRITUAL SONGS. 219 Nor sink these stars in empty night — They hide themselves in Christ's own light. MONTGOMERY. 1 60. Psalm xxxix. 12. 1. T AM wandering down life's shady path, A Slowly, slowly, wandering down ; I am wandering down life's rugged path, Slowly, slowly, wandering down. 2. Morn, with its store of buds and dew, Lies far behind me now ; Morn, with its wealth of song and light, Lies far behind me now. 3. The pleasant heights of breezy life, The pleasant heights are past ; The sunny slopes of buoyant life, The sunny slopes are past. 4. I shall rest in yon low valley soon, There to sleep my toil away ; I shall rest in yon sweet valley soon, There to sleep my tears away. 6. Laid side by side with those I love, How calm that rest shall be 1 220 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Laid side by side with those I love, How soft that sleep shall be ! G 4 I shall rise and put on glory, When the great morn shall dawn ; I shall rise and put on beauty When the glad morn shall dawn. 7. I shall mount to yon fair city, The dwelling of the blest ; I shall enter yon bright city, The palace of the blest. 8. I shall meet the many parted ones, In that our home of joy : Lost love for ever found again, In that dear home of joy. 9. We have shared our earthly sorrows, Each with the other here ; We shall share our earthly gladness, Each with the other there. 10 We have mingled tears together, We shall mingle smiles and song : We have mingled sighs together, We shall mingle smiles and song. H. BON Alt. SPIRITl VG& 22i 161. John i. 29. 1. 1 1 Y faith looks up to Thee, 1TX Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ; Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away : O let me from this day Be wholly Thine. 2. May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire : As Thou hast died for me, Oh may my love to Thee, Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. 3. When life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, ' Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4. "When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, 19* 222 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Blest Saviour, then in love. Fear and distrust remove. Oh I bear me safe above, A ransom'd soul. RAY PALMER. 162. Romans xiv. 8. 1. " W E are tne Lord's." His all sufficient T T merit, Seal'd on the cross, to us this grace accords ; " We are the Lord's," and all things shall inherit ; Whether we live or die, " We are the Lord's." 2. u We are the Lord's." Then let us gladly tender Our souls to Him in deeds, not empty words ; Let heart, and tongue, and life, combine to render No doubtful witness that u We are the Lord's." 3. " We are the Lord's." No darkness brooding o'er us Can make us tremble, while this star affords A steady light along the path before .is — Faith's full assurance that " We are the Lord's." SPIRITUAL SONGS. 22* 44 We are the Lord's." No evil can befall us In the dread hour of life's fast loosening cords ; No pangs of death shall even then appal us ; Death we shall vanquish, for " We are the Lord's." C. T. ASTLEY. 163. Acts XXI. 14. 1. AS Thou wilt, my God ! I ever say ; j\ What Thou wilt is ever best for me ; What have I to do with earthly care, Since to-morrow I may leave with Thee ? Lord, TJiou knowest I am not my own, All my hope and help depend on Thee alone. • 2. As Thou wilt ! still I can believe, Never did the word of promise fail ; Faith can hold it fast, and feel it sure, Tho' temptations cloud, and fears assail. Why art thou disquieted, my soul, When thy Father knows and rules the whole ! 3. As Thou wilt ! still I can endure Patiently my daily cross to bear ; Why should I complain, a pardon'd child, If the children's portion here I share ? 224 SPIRITUAL SONGS. As Thou wilt ! my Father and my God ! I can drink the cup, and bless the rod. 4. As Thou wilt ! still I can hope on. Sunshine may return, when storms have pass'd ; Thine all-seeing eye of sleepless love Watches o'er my path from first to last. When Thou wilt ! upon the desert plain Springs may rise anew, and rivers flow agair 5. As Thou wilt ! alj life's journey through, To Thy will my own I would resign ; If on earth I have but little store. Be it so ! all heaven shall be mine : Or if but Thyself, my God, art given, Nothing more I need or ask in* earth oi heaven. 6. As Thou wilt ! when Thine hour is come, Let Thy servant, Lord, in peace depart ; Good it is to love and serve Thee here, Better to be with Thee where Thou art. When, or where, or how the call may be, It will not come too early or too late for me. 7. As Thou wilt ! oh, Lord ! I ask no more. Witli the promise, faith pursues her way ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 225 Patience can endure through sorrow's night, Hope can look beyond to heaven's own day. Love can wait, and trust, and labour still ; — Life and death shall be according to Thy will ! NEUMEISTER. ] 64. Psalm iv. 1. 1. TIT HEIST morn awakes our hearts T T To form the early prayer ; When toil-worn day departs, And gives a, pause to care ; When those our soul loves best, Kneel with U3 in Thy fear, To ask Thy peace and rest, Our God, our Father, hear ! 2, When worldly snares without, And evil thoughts within, Of grace would raise a doubt, Or lure us back to sin ; — When human strength proves frail, And will but half sincere, When faith begins to fail, Our God, our Father, hear ! 226 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. When in our cup of mirth The drop of trembling falls, And the frail props of earth Are crumbling round our walls ; When back we gaze with grief, And forward glance with fear, When faileth man's relief, Our God, our Father, hear 4. And when death's awful hand Unbars the gates of time, Eternity's dim land Disclosing, dread, sublime : When flesh and spirit quake Before Thee to appear — Oh ! then for Jesus' sake, Our God, our Father, hear! 165. 1 Samuel vii. 12. J. rFHUS far the Lord has led us, in darkness X and in day, Thro' all the varied stages of the narrow homeward way ; Long since He took that journey, He trod that path alone, Its trials and its dangers full well Himself hath known. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 227 2. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; the promise has not fail'd, The enemy encouuter'd oft has never quite prevail' d ; The shield of faith has turn'd aside, or quench' d each fiery dart, The Spirit's sword in weakest hands has forced him to depart. 3. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; the waters have been high. But yet in passing thro' them, we felt that He was nigh. A very present helper in troubles we have found, His comforts most abounded when our sor- rows did abound 4. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; our need hath been supplied, And mercy has encompassed us about on every side, Still falls the daily manna, the pure rock- fountains flow, And many flowers of love and hope along the wayside grow. 228 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Thus far the Lord hath led us ; and will He now forsake The feeble ones whom for His own it pleased Him to take ? Oh, never, never 1 earthly friends may cold and faithless prove, But His is changeless pity and everlasting love. 6. Calmly we look behind us, on joys and sor- rows past, We know that all is mercy now, and shall be well at last ; Calmly we look before us, — we fear no future ill, Enough for safety and for peace, if Thou art with us still. 7 Yes, " they that know Thy name, Lord, shall put their trust in Thee, 1 ' While nothing in themselves but sin and helplessness they see. The race Thou hast appointed us, with pa- tience we can run, Thou wilt perform unto the end, the work Thou hast begun. 8PIR1TI NG8. U29 166. Fer elation v. 9. 1. T GIVE Thee thanks unfeigned, J. O Jesus, Friend in need, For what Thy soul sustained When Thou for me didst bleed. Grant to lean unshaken Upon Thy faithfulness, Until I hence am taken, To see Thee face to face. 2. I '11 here with Thee continue. (Though poor, despise me not,) I 'm one of Thy retinue : As *were I on the spot, When, earning my election, Thy heart-strings broke in death, With shame and love's affection I '11 watch Thy latest breath. 3. What heavenly consolation Doth in my heart take place, When I Thy toil and passion Can in some measure trace. Ah ! should I, while thus musing On my Redeemer's cross, E 'en life itself be losing. Great gain would be that loss. 20 230 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 4. Own rue, Lord, my Preserver, My Shepherd, me receive; I know Thy love's strong fervour By all Thy pain and grief; Thou richly didst supply me TTith soul-sustaining food, Nor does Thy love deny me Thy holy flesh and blood. 5. Lord, at my dissolution Do not from me depart ; Support at the conclusion Of life, ray fainting heart ; And when T pine and languish, Seiz'd with death's agony, by Thy pain and anguish Set me at liberty ! 6. Lord, grant me Thy protection : Remind me of Thy death And glorious resurrection. "When I resign my breath ; Ah ! then, though I be dying, Midst sickness, grief and pain, 1 shall, on Thee relying, Eternal life obtain. spiritual soyas. 231 1(37. Canticles viii. 5. 1 L EAXIXG on Thee, my Guide and Friend, My gracious Saviour ! I am blest ; Tho' weary, Thou dost condescend To be rny rest. 2. Leaning on Thee, with child-like faith, To Thee the future I confide ; Each step of life's untrodden path Thy love will guide. 3. Leaning on Thee, I breathe no moan, Though faint w T ith languor, parch'd with heat ; Thy will has now become my own — That will is sweet. 4. Leaning on Thee, midst torturing pain With patience Thou my soul dost fill ; Thou w T hisperest u What did I sustain ? " Then I am still. 6 Leaning on Thee, I do not dread The havoc that disease may make ; Thou who for me Thy blood hast shed Wilt ne'er forsake. 232 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 6. Leaning on Thee, though faint and weak, Too weak another voice to hear, Thy heavenly accents comfort speak, u Be of good cheer." 7. Leaning on Thee, no fear alarms ; Calmly I stand on death's dark brink ; I feel " the everlasting arms," I cannot sink. 1 68. Exodus xxv. 22. 1. TT7HEN to my closet I repair, T f To breathe my soul's desires in prayer, And bending low at Jesus' feet, I look towards the mercy-seat, This promise, Lord,, shall be my plea — There, sinner, I will meet with Thee. 2. When Holy Scripture I peruse, And o'er its sacred pages muse. Oh ! then this precious word fulfil ; And while I seek to learn Thy will, Draw near, in answer to my prayer, And, gracious Saviour, meet me there. 8. When in Thy temple courts I stand, Amid Thy little chosen band, SPIRITUAL S0> 23i Assist me then my soul to raise In earnest prayer and cheerful praise ; There let me Thy salvation see, And, gracious Saviour, meet with me. 4. Or should it be Thy wise decree To lay Thy chastening hand on me, And make the couch of suffering mine, Yet would Thy servant not repine, If only this my portion be, My Saviour ! there to meet with Thee. 5. When sorrow's gloomy path I tread, And threatening clouds meet o'er my head, I'll onward go without a fear. If only Jesus' voice I hear : E'en then the darkness light shall be, If there my Saviour meet with me. 6. And when my closing hour draws nigh — That solemn hour when I shall die — When Jordan's banks I shall descend. Leaving behind each earthly friend, To Canaan's shores my spirit bear, And, gracious Saviour ! meet me there. 20* 234 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 169. Ecclesia8te8 ix. 10. 1. "I TAKE haste, Oman, to live, IlL For thou so soon must die ; Time hurries past thee like the breeze, How swift its moments fly ! Make haste, O man, to live ! 2. To breathe, and wake, and sleep, To smile, to sigh, to grieve ; To move in idleness through earth, This, this is not to live ! Make haste, O man, to live ! 3. Make haste, O man, to do Whatever must be done ; Thou hast no time to lose in sloth, Thy day will sotfn be gone. Make haste, O man, to live ! 4. Up then with speed, and work, Fling ease and self away ; This is no time for thee to sleep, Up, watch, and work, and pray ! Make haste, man, to live ! 5. The useful, not the great, The thing that never dies - SPIRITUAL SONGS. 23ff The silent toil that is not lost, — Set these before thine eyes. Make haste, O man, to live ! 6. The seed whose leaf and flower, Tho' poor in human sight, Brings forth at last eternal fruit, Sow thou both day and night. Make haste, man, to live ! 7. Make haste, O man, to live, Thy time is almost o'er ; sleep not, dream not, but arise, The Judge is at the door. Make haste, O man, to live ! H. BONAR. 170. Isaiah xliii. 2. 1. T)E steady, be steady, oh ! my soul, JD For the sea is come and the billows roll With the help of God and none beside, We shall safely pass the raging tide. 2. Jesus, Jehovah, be our stay Over the dark and troublous way ; Embark'd in Thee, we shall feel no fear, Though the storm, the trial of life, be near. 236 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. Forget Him not. oh ! my soul, remove All thoughts that breathe not of Jesus' love — His perfect love — who so freely gave His innocent life, thy life to save. 4. Oh ! let the sweet remembrance be Laid up in thine inmost treasury, There it shall brighten more and more, The most precious pearl of that secret store. 171. Psalm cxxxv. 6. 1. TT7HAT God decrees, child of His love, T T Take patiently, tho' it may prove The storm that wrecks thy treasure here ; Be comforted ! thou need'st not fear What pleases God. 2. The wisest will is God's own will ; Rest on this anchor and be still ; For peace around thy path shall flow, When only wishing here below What pleases God. 3. The truest heart is God's own heart, Which bids thy grief and fear depart, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 237 Protecting, guiding, day and night, The soul that welcomes here aright What pleases God. 4. Oh ! could I sing as I desire, My grateful heart should never tire, To tell the wondrous love and power, Thus working out from hour to hour What pleases God. 5. The King of kings, He rules the earth, He sends us sorrow here or mirth, He bears the ocean in His hand ; And thus we meet, on sea or land, What pleases God. 6. His church on earth He dearly loves, Altho 1 He oft its sin reproves, The rod itself His love can speak, He smites till we return to seek What pleases God. 7. Then let the crowd around thee seize The joys that for a season please, But willingly their path forsake, And for thy blessed portion take What pleases God. 238 SPIRITUAL SC NGS. 8. Art thou despised by all around ? Do tribulations here abound ? Jesus will give the victory. Because His eye can see in thee What pleases God. 9. Thy heritage is safe in heaven ; There shall the crown of joy be given ; There shalt thou hear and see and know, As thou could'st never here below, What pleases God. P. GERHARDT. ii70 4 Isaiah 1. 10. 1. mHE way seems "dark about me, overhead 1 The clouds have long since met in gloomy spread ; And when I look'd to see the day break through, Cloud after cloud came up with volume new. 2. And in that shadow I have pass'd along, Feeling myself grow weak as it grew strong, Walking in doubt and searching for the way, And often at a stand, as now to-day. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 239 5. Lord ! I am not sufficient for these things ; Give me the light that Thy sweet presence brings ; Give me Thy grace, give me Thy constant strength — Lord ! for my comfort now appear at length. 4. It may be that my way doth seem confused, Because my heart of Thy way is afraid ; Because my eyes have constantly refused To see the only opening Thou hast made. 5. Because my will would cross some flowery plain, Where Thou hast thrown a hedge from side to side ; And turneth from the stony path of pain, Its trouble, or its ease, not even tried. 3. If thus I try to force my way along, The smoothest road encumbered is to me ; For were I as an angel swift or strong, I could not go unless allow'd by Thee. f. And now I pray Thee, Lord, to lead Thy child, Poor wretched, wanderer from Thy grace and love — 240 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Whatever way Thou pleasest through the wild, So it but take me to my home above. 173. Lulce ii. 14. 1. n LORY to God on high ! VT Peace upon earth and joy I Good will to man. Ye, who the blessing prove, Join with the hosts above ; Sing ye a Saviour's love, — Too vast to scan. 2. Mercy and truth unite ; This is a joyful sight ! All sights above. Jesus the curse sustains ; Bitter the cup He drains ; Nothing for us remains, Nothing but love. 8. Love, that no tongue can teach, Love, that no thought can reach, No love like His ! Heaven is its blessed source, Death could not stop its course, SPIRITUAL SOX US. 2-11 Nothing cau check its force, Matchless it is. 4. Join then this love to sing, Join to exalt our King, * Sinners forgiven. To the great One in Three, Honour and majesty, Now and for ever be, Here and in heaven. 174. Isaiah lii. 7. 1. [JO^ sweet tne G° s P e i trumpet sounds ! JLX Its notes are grace and love ; Its echo through the world resounds From Jesus' "throne above. Chorus. It is the sound, the joyful sound, Of mercy rich and free ; Pardon it offers, peace proclaims, Sinner ! it speaks to thee. ' 2. It tells the weary soul of rest, The poor of heavenly wealth, Of joy to heal the mourning breast ; It brings the sin-sick health. It is the sound, &c. 21 £42 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 8. Its words announce a heavenly feast Of water, milk, and wine, And manna in the wilderness, Provisions all divine. It is the sound, &c. 4. It speaks of boundless grace by which The vilest are forgiven ; To Christians it proclaims a rich Inheritance in heaven. It is the sound, &c. 5. To men in every clime, degree, Its message is address'd ; The Jew and Gentile, bond and free, Are with its blessings bless'd. It is the sound/&c. 175. John x. 11. 1. TESTIS is our Shepherd, wiping every tear ; Folded in His bosom, what have we to fear ? Only let us follow whither He doth lead, To the thirsty desert or the dewy mead. 2. Jesus is our Shej^herd ; — well we know His voice ; SPIRITUAL SOSGS. 243 How the gentlest whisper makes our heart rejoice ! Even when it chideth tender in its tone ; None but He shall guide us ; we are His alone. 3. Jesus is our Shepherd ; — for the sheep He bled, Every lamb is sprinkled with the blood He shed; Then on each He setteth His own secret sign,— " They that have My Spirit, these," saith He, " are mine.' 1 4. Jesus is our Shepherd ; — guarded by His arm, Though the wolves may raven, none can do us harm ; When we tread death's valley, dark with fearful gloom, TTe will fear no evil, victors o'er the tomb. 5. Jesus is our Shepherd ; — with His goodness now And His tender mercy, He doth us endow ! Let us sing His praises with a gladsome heart, Till in heaven we meet Him, never more to part. 244 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 176. Psalm xxxi. 3. 1. r\ ENTLY, Lord, gently lead us vJ Thro' this gloomy vale of tears, Thro' the changes Thou 'st decreed us, Till our last great change appears. Oh ! refresh us with Thy blessing, Oh ! refresh us with Thy grace, May Thy mercies never ceasing, Fit us for Thy dwelling place. 2. When temptation's darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, Let Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. Oh ! refresh us with Thy blessing, &c. 8. In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when death draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our .souls to fear. Oil I refresh us with Thy blessing, &c. 4. When this mortal life is ended, Bid us in Thine arms to rest, Till by angel hands attended, We awake among the blest. Oh I refresh us with Thy blessing, &c • SPIR1TUA L SONGS. 246 Then crown us with Thy blessing, Thro' the triumphs of Thy grace, Then shall praises never ceasing, Echo thro Thy dwelling place. Oh ! refresh us with Thy blessing, &c. THOS. HASTINGS. 177, Job m. 18. 1 . [" IE down, frail body, here, JL Earth has no fairer bed, No gentler pillow to afford, — Come, rest thy home-sick head. 2. Lie down, with all thy aches, There is no aching here; How soon shall all thy life-long ills For ever disappear ! 3. Thro' these well-guarded gates No foe can entrance gain , No sickness wastes, nor once intrudes The memory of pain. 4. Foot-sore and worn thou art, Breathless with toil and fight ; How welcome now the long-sought rest Of this all-tranquil night I 21* 24<) SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Rest for the toiling hand, Rest for the thought- worn brow, Rest for the weary, way-sore feet, Rest from all labour now. 6. Rest for the fever'd brain, Rest for the throbbing eye ; Thro' these parch'd lips of thine no more Shall pass the moan or sigh. 7. Soon shall the trump of God Give out the welcome sound, That shakes thy silent chamber walls, And breaks the turf-seal'd ground. 8. Ye dwellers in the dust, Awake, come forth, and sing ; Sharp has your "frost "of winter been, But bright shall be your spring. 9. 'T was sown in weakness here ; 'T will then be raised in power. That which was sown an earthly seed, Shall rise a heavenly flower. H. BONAK. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 247 178 Isaiah xliii. 1. 1. yE trembling souls, dismiss your fears, A Be mercy all your theme, — Mercy, which like a river flows In one continual stream. 2. Fear not the powers of earth or hell ; God will these powers restrain, His mighty arm their rage repel And make their efforts vain. 3. Fear not the want of outward good ; He will for His provide, Crrant them supplies of daily food, And all they need beside. •i. Fear not that He will e'er forsake, Or leave His work undone ; He 's faithful to His promises, And faithful to His Son. 5. Fear not the terrors of the grave, Or death's tremendous sting ; He will from endless wrath preserve, To endless glory bring. 6. You, in His wisdom, power, and grace, May confidently trust ; 248 SPIRITUAL SONGS. His wisdom guides, His power protects^ His grace rewards the just. B. BEDD03£E. 1 79. Hebrews xii. 2. 1. TESTIS in thy memory keep, V Would'st thou be God's child and friend ' Jesus in thy heart shrin'd deep, Still thy gaze on Jesus bend. In thy toiling, in thy resting, Look to Him with every breath, Look to Jesus' life and death. 2. Look to Jesus, till reviving . Faith and love thy life-sjorings swell ; Strength for all things good deriving From Him who did all things well : "Work, as He did, in thy season, Works which shall not fade away, Work while it is calPd to-day. 3. Look to Jesus, prayerful, waking, When thy feet on roses tread ; Follow, worldly pomp forsaking, With thy cross where He hath led Look to Jesus in temptations, SPIRITUAL SONGS, 249 Baffled shall the tempter flee, And God's angels come to Theo. 4. Look :o Jesus, when distressed, See what He, the Holy bore ; Is thj heart with conflict pressed ? Is thy soul still harassed sore ? See His sweat of blood, His conflict, Watch His agony increase, Hear His prayer and feel His peace. 5. By want's fretting cares surrounded, Does long pain press forth thy sighs ? By ingratitude deep wounded, Does a scornful world despise ? Friends forsake thee or deny thee ? See what Jesus did endure, He who as the light was pure. 6. Look to Jesus still to shield thee, When no longer thou may'st live : In that last need He will yield thee Peace the world can never give. Look to Him, thy head low bending ; He who finished all for thee, Takes thee, then with Him to be. FR ASZKN 250 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 180. Ephesians iv. 8. 1. Q OUND the high praises of Jesus our King, O He came and He conquer'd — His victory sing ; Sing, for the power of the tyrant is broken, The triumph's complete over death and the grave : Vain is their boasting, Jehovah hath spoken : And Jesus proclaimed Himself mighty to save. Sound the high praises of Jesus our King, He came and He conquered— His victory sing. 2. Praise to the Conqueror, praise to the Lord, The enemy quaiPd at the might of His word ; In heaven He ascends and unfolds the glad story, The host of the blessed exult in His fame ; In love He looks down from the throne of His glory, And rescues the ruin'd who trust in His name. Sound the high praises of Jesus our King, He came and He conquer'd — His victory sing. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 251 181. Psalm lxii. 5. 1. /\H ! foolish heart, be still, \J And vex thyself no more, Wait thou for God until lie opens pleasure's door. Thou know'st not what is good for thee, But God doth know, — Let Him thy strong reliance be, And rest thee so. 2. He counted all my days, And ev'ry joy and tear, Ere I knew how to praise, Or e'en had learn'd to fear. Before I Him, my Father, knew, He caird me, child : His help has guarded me all through This weary wild. 3. The least of all my cares Is not to Him unknown ; He sees, and He prepares The palhway for His own : And what His hand assigns to me, That serves my peace, — The greatest burden it might be, Yet joy's increase. 25? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. I live no more on earth, Nor seek my full joy here; The world seems little worth, "When heaven is shining clear; Yet joyfully I go my way, So free, so blest ! Sweetening my toil from day to day "With thoughts of rest. 5. Give me, my Lord, whate'er "Will bind my heart to Thee ; For that I make my prayer, And know Thou nearest me ! But all that might keep back my soul, Make Thee forgot — Tho 1 of earth-good it were the whole, Oh ! give it not. " 6 When sickness-pains, distress, And want doth follow fear, And men their hate express, My sky shall still be clear. Then wait I, Lord, and wait for Thee; And I am still — Tho' mine should unaccomplish'd be, Do Thou Thy will ! 7. Thou art the strength and stay Of ev'ry weary soul ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 251 Thy wisdom rules the way ; Thy pity does control. What ill can happen unto ine When thou art near ? Thou wilt, oh ! God, my keeper be, I will not fear. C. F. GELBERT. 182. Isaiah xxxviii. 14. 1. 1" AM oppressed ; my gracious God ! JL I cry beneath Thy chastening rod ; Lord, undertake for me ! 2. I am oppressed ; I look around And see Thy judgment's heavy cloud ; Oh ! undertake for me ! 3. I am oppressed ; I weep with those Who sorrow 'neath a Christian's woes ; Then undertake for me I 4. I am oppressed ; I bear within A heart that's fill'd with shame and sin, Yet undertake for me ! 5 I am oppressed ; at my right hand The tempter of my soul doth stand ; Lord, undertake for me ! 22 254 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6. I am oppressed ; behold my tears, Keceive my prayer, remove my fears ; Still undertake for me ! 7. I am oppressed ; ! Saviour say That Thou wilt wipe my tears away, And undertake for me ! 183. Psalm lxv. 8-13. 1. fllHE God of harvest praise, X In loud thanksgiving raise Hand, heart and voice ; The valleys laugh and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. 2. Garden and orchard ground Autumnal fruits have crown'd, The vintage glows ; Here plenty pours her horn, There the full tide of corn, Sway'd by the breath of morn, The land o'erflows. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 25fi 8. The wind, the rain, the sun, Their genial work have done ; — Would'st thou be fed ? Man to thy labour bow, Thrust in the sickle now, Keap where thou once did'st plough- God sends thee bread. 4. Thy few seeds scatter'd wide, His hand hath multiplied ; — Here thou may'st find Christ's miracles renew'd, With self-producing food He feeds a multitude — He feeds mankind. 6. The God of harvest praise ; Hands, hearts and voices raise With one accord. From field to garner throng, Bearing your sheaves along ; And in your harvest song, Bless ye the Lord. 7. Yea, bless His holy name, And your soul's thanks proclaim Through all the earth. 256 SPIRITUAL SONGS. To glory in your lot Is comely ; but be not His benefits forgot, Amidst your mirth. MONTGOMERY. 184. Psalm xxix. 10. 1. JE sitteth o'er the waterfloods, XJL And He is strong to save ; He sitteth o'er the waterfloods, And guides each drifting wave. 2. Though loud around the vessel's prow The waves may toss and break, Yet at His word they sink to rest As on a tranquil lake. 3. He sitteth o'er the waterfloods, When waves of sorrow rise ; And while He holds the bitter cup He wipes the tearful eyes. 4. He knows how long the wilful heart Requires the chast'ning grief; And soon as sorrow's work is done, 'T is He who sends relief. SPIRITUAL SONQS. 257 5. He sitteth o'er the waterfloods, As in the days of old ; When o'er the Saviour's sinless head The waves and billows roll'd. 6. Yes, all the billows pass'd o'er Him ; Our sins — the}' bore Him down; For us He met the crushing storm — He met th' Almighty's frown. 7. He sitteth o'er the waterfloods ; — Then doubt and fear no more, For He who pass'd through all the storms Has reach' d the heavenly shore. 8. And ev'ry tempest- driven bark With Jesus for its guide, Will soon be moor'd in harbour calm, In glory to abide. 185. Psalm lxv. 2. 1. f\ THOU who nearest prayer, \J The God of power and might, To seek Thy face be all our care, Our whole delight, oo* 258 SPIRITUAL SONGS. God of grace and love, Regard us from Thy throne ; Send down to us the heavenly Dove, Seal us Thine own. 2. We have no other trust. But Thy dear sacrifice ; Our hope, Thou holy One and just, Do not despise : Sinful, we plead Thy blood, Weak, we implore Thy power ; Saviour, remember us for good In danger's hour. 3. Come with Thy saving strength, ■ With healing virtue come, And let Thy guiding hand at length Conduct us home : Till saved from all annoy Of earthly fear and strife, We enter into endless joy, And heavenly life. 186. Ecclesiastes ix. 10. i. )np IS not for man to trifle ! Time is short, And sin is here. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 259 Our life is but the falling of a leaf. A dropping tear. We have no time to sport away the hours, All must be earnest in a world like ours. 2. Not many lives, but only one have we, — One, only one ; — How sacred should that one life ever be ! — That narrow span ! — Day after day filFd up with blessed toil, Hour after hour still bringing in new spoil, 8. Our sorrows are no phantom of the night, No idle tale ; No cloud that floats along a sky of light, On summer gale. They are the true realities of earth, Friends and companions even from our birth. 4. O life below, — how brief, and poor, and sad I One heavy sigh. O life above, — how long, how fair, and glad ; An endless joy. Oh, to be done with daily dying here ! Oh, to begin the the living in yon sphere ! 5. O day of time, how dark ! O sky and earth, How dull your hue I 260 SPIRITUAL SONGS. O day of Christ, how bright ! O sky and earth, Each fair and new ! Come, better Eden, with thy fresher green ; Come, brighter Salem, gladden all the scene ! H. BOXAR. 187. Isaiah lv. 3. 1. H INNER, hear thy Saviour's call, U He now is passing by ; He has seen thy grievous thrall, And heard thy mournful cry. He has pardon to impart, Grace to save thee from thy fears ; See the love that fills His heart, And wipe away thy tears. 2. Why art thou afraid to come And tell Him all thy case ? He will not pronounce thy doom, Nor frown thee from His face. Wilt thou fear Immanuel ? Wilt thou dread the Son of God, Who to save thy soul from hell, Has shed His precious blood ? 3. Think how on the cross He hung, Pierced with a thousands wounds, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 261 Hark ! from each, as from a tongue, The voice of pardon sounds. See from all His open'd veins Blood of wondrous virtue flow, Shed to wash away thy stains. And ransom thee from woe. 4. Though His majesty be great, His mercy is no less, Though He thy transgression hate, He feels for thy distress. By Himself the Lord has sworn, He delights not in thy death, But invites thee to return, That thou may'st live by death. 5. Raise thy downcast eyes and see What throngs His throne surround ; These, tho' sinners once like thee, Have full salvation found. Yield not then to unbelief, While He says "" There yet is room," Tho' of sinners thou art chief, Since Jesus calls thee, come. NEWTON. 262 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 188. John xix. 30. 1. /CHRIST'S grave is vacant now, \J Left for the throne above, His cross asserts God's right to bless, In His own boundless love. 2. 'T was there blood was shed, *T was there the life was pour'd, There mercy gain'd her diadem, While justice sheath'd her sword. 3. And thence the child of faith Sees judgment all gone by, Perceives the sentence fully met, " The soul that sins shall die ;" — 4. Learns how that God in love Gave Christ the sins to bear Of all who own His Lordship now, That they His place might share ;— 5. And cries with wondering joy, " As He is so am I," Pure, holy, loved as Christ Himself Who shall my peace destroy ? 6 Reach my blest Saviour first, Take Him from God's esteem, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 263 Proves Jesus bears one spot of sin, Then tell me I 'm unclean. 7. Nay ! for He purged my guilt By His own precious blood, And such its virtue, not a stain E'er meets the eye of God. 189. Psalm lxxiii. 24. 1. "HATHER! whose hand* hath led me so JD securely, Father ! whose ear hath listen'd to my prayer, Father ! whose eye hath watch'd o'er me so surely, Whose heart hath lov'd me with a love so rare; Vouchsafe, O heavenly Father, to instruct me In the straight way wherein I ought to go, To life eternal and to heaven conduct me, Through health and sickness and through weal and woe. 2. O my Redeemer ! who hast my redemption Purchas'd and paid for by Thy precious blood, Thereby procuring an entire exemption From the dread wrath and punishment of God; 264 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Thou who hast saved my soul from condemn- ation, Redeem it also from the power of sin ; Be Thou the Captain still of my salvation, Through whom alone I can the victory win. 3. O Holy Ghost ! who from the Father flowest And from the Son, O teach me how to pray ; Thou, who the love and peace of God be- stowest, With faith and hope inspire and cheer my way; Direct, control, and sanctify each motion Within my soul, and make it thus to be Prayerful, and still, and full of deep devotion, A holy temple worthy, Lord, of Thee. FROM LYRA DOMESTICA. 190. Revelations v. 11, 12. 1. QING, sing His lofty praise, O Whom angels cannot raise, But whom they sing ; Jesus, who reigns above, Object of angels' love, Jesus, whose grace we prove, Jesus, our King. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 265 2, Jesus the curse sustain'd. Bitter the cup He drain'd, Happy for us ; Angels were fnTd with awe, When their own King they saw Honour His holy law, Honour it thus. 3 Rich is the grace we sing, Poor is the praise we bring, Not as we ought ; But when we see His faqe, In yonder glorious place, Then we shall sing His grace, Sing without fault. 4. Yet we will sing of Hiin, — Jesus, our lofty theme, Jesus we '11 sing ; Glory and power are His, His too the kingdom is, Triumph, ye saints, in this, Jesus is King. 191 Exodus xiv. 15. H 1. « T70RWARD let the people go A Israel's God will have it so ; 266 SPIRITUAL SOJSTGS. Though the path be through the sea, Israel, what is that to thee ? He who bids thee pass the waters, Will be with His sons and daughters. 2. Israel, art thou sorely tried ? Art thou press'd on ev'ry side ? Does it seem as if no power Could relieve thee in this hour ? Wherefore art thou thus dishearten'd ? Is the arm that saves thee shorten'd ? m 3 Stand thou still this day, and see Wonders wrought, and wrought for thee ; Safe thyself on yonder shore, Thou shalt see thy foes no more, Thine to see the Saviour's glory, Thine to tell the wondrous story. 4. Yes ! thy God shall yet be known, Far and wide as God alone ; At His feet shall idols fall, For thy God is Lord of all ; His is strength and His salvation — He shall reign o'er ev?ry nation. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 261 192. Psalm ix. 1. t. \I7TIH my whole heart to Thee I '11 raise, ! T Eternal Lord, a song of praise, And Thy great works declare : I '11 glory and rejoice in Thee, Thou high exalted Trinity ! On Thee I '11 cast my care. 2. Seated upon Thy glorious throne, Thou art the Lord, and Thou alone, Worlds, times, events arranging ; And when the worlds shall pass away, Thou shalt endure, nor know decay, In midst of change unchanging. 3. Mankind, awaking from the dust, Shall hear with awe Thy judgments just Pronounce their final doom ; And all who here reject Thy grace, For ever banished from Thy face, Shall go to endless gloom. 4. But to the saints who know Thy name, Who whilst on earth Thy power proclaim^ And celebrate Thy love, To all the humble and the meek, As a dear Father Thou wilt speak, And they shall reign above. 268 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Lord ! make me meek and humble now, Let me with joy my faith avow, And Jesus 1 name confess ; Increase my love, increase my zeal, And let me not the light conceal, With which Thou deign'st to bless. • C. T. ASTLE7. 193. Luke xxiv. 29. 1. A hope which cheers and comforts us below ! 7, W*hat shall we be, when we ourselves shall see Bathed in the flood of everlasting light, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 291 And from all guilt and sin entirely free, Stand pure and blameless in our Maker's sight ? No longer from His holy presence driven, Conscious of guilt and stung with inward pain, But friends of God and citizens of heaven, To join the ranks of His celestial train ! What shall we be, when we drink in the sound Of heavenly music from the spheres above, When golden harps to listening hosts around Declare the wonders of redeeming love ? When far and wide thro' the resounding air Loud Hallelujahs from the ransomed rise, And holy incense, sweet with praise and prayer, Is wafted to the Highest thro' the skies ! What shall we be, when the freed soul shall rise With unrestrained and bold aspiring flight To Him, wiio by His wondrous sacrifice Hath open'd heaven and scatter'd sin's dark night ? 292 SPIRITUAL SONGS. When from the eye of faith the thin veil drops, Like wreaths of mist before the morning's rays, And we behold the end of all our hopes, The Son of God in full refulgent blaze ! 5, What shall we be, when we shall hear Him say, " Come, O ye blessed," — when we see Him stand, Eobed in the light of everlasting day, Before the throne of God at His right hand ? When we behold the eyes from which once flowed Tears o'er the sin and misery of man, And the deep wounds from which the pre- cious blood, That made atonement for the world^ once ran ! 6. What shall we be, when hand in hand we go With blessed spirits risen from the tomb, Where streams of living waters softly flow, And trees still flourish in primeval bloom % Where in perpetual youth no cheek looks old By the sharp touch of cruel time imprest. SPIRITUAL soXOS. 293 Where no bright eye is dimrn'd, no heart grows cold, No grief, no pain, no death invades the blest ! 7. What shall we be, when every glance we cast At ihe dark valley underneath our feet, And every retrospect of troubles past Makes heaven brighter and its joys more sweet ? When the remembrance of our former woe, Gives a new relish to our present peace, And draws our heart to Him, to w T hom we owe Our past deliverance and our present bliss ! 8. What shall we be, who have in Christ be- lieved ? What thro' His grace shall be our sweet reward ? Eye hath not seen, ear heard, or heart con- ceived, What God for those who love Him hath prepared. Let us the steep ascent boldly climb, Our toil and labour will be well repaid ; 26* 204 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Let us haste onward, till in God's good time We reap the fruit — a crown that doth not fade. FROM LYRA DOMESTICA. 209. Hebrews x. 37. 1. « A LITTLE while of mingled joy and XjL sorrow, A few more years to wander here below, To wait the dawning of that golden morrow, When night shall break above our night of woe. 2. A few more thorns about our pathway grow- ing, Ere yet our hands may cull the heavenly flowers — The morn of joy, but first the tearful sowing. Ere we may rest these weary souls of ours, 3. A few more hours of weariness and sighing, Of mourning o'er the power of inner sin : A little while of daily crucifying Unto this world the evil heart w T ithin. i. A little longer in this vale of weeping, Of yearning for the sinless home above ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 295 A little while of watching, and of keeping, Our garments, by the power of Him we love. 5. " A little while " for winning souls to Jesus, Ere yet we see His beauty face to face ; A little w T hile for healing soul-diseases, By telling others of a Saviour's grace. 6. " A little while " to tell the joyful story Of Him who made our guilt and curse Hia own ; A little while ere we behold the glory, To gain fresh jewels for our heavenly crown. 7. "A little while," — and we shall dwell for ever Within our bright, our everlasting Home, Where time, or space, or death no more can sever Our grief- wrung hearts; — and pain can never come. 8. T is but " a little while ;" — the way is dreary, The night is dark — but we are nearing land ; Oh ! for the rest of heaven, for we arc weary, And long to mingle with the deathless band! 296 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 210. Hebrew* xi. 10. 1. mHERE is a city of the saints, jL Where we ere long shall stand, When we shall strike these desert tents, And quit the desert-sand. 2. Fair vision ! how thy distant gleam, Brightens time's saddest hue ; Far fairer than the fairest dream, And yet so strangely true ! 3. Fair vision ! how thou liftest up Our drooping brow and eye ; With the calm joy of thy sure hope, Fixing our souls on high. 4. Thy light makes now the darkest page In memory's scroll grow fair ; Blanching the lines which time and age Had only deepen' d there. 5. With thee in view, the rugged slope Becomes a level way, Smooth' d by. the magic of thy hope, And gladden'd by thy ray. 6. With thee in view, how poor appear The world's most winning smiles ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 297 Vain is the tempter's subtlest snare, And vain hell's varied wiles. 7. Now welcome toil, and care, and pain ! And welcome sorrow too ! All toil is rest, all grief is gain, With such a prize in view. 8. Come crown and throne, come robe and palm ! Burst forth glad streams of peace ! Come, holy city of the Lamb ! Rise, Sun of righteousness ! 9. When shall the clouds that veil thy rays For ever be withdrawn ? Why dost thou tarry, day of days ? When shall thy brightness dawn ? H. BONAR. 211. Revelations xxii. 17. 1. /^OME to the blood-stpJned tree ; \J The victim bleeding lies ; God sets the sinner free, Since Christ a ransom dies. The Spirit will apply His blood to cleanse thy stain : 298 SPIRITUAL SONGS. O burdened soul, draw nigh, For none can come in vain. 2. Dark though thy guilt appear, And deep its crimson dye, There 's boundless mercy here, And Jesus bids thee try. Oh ! do not doubt His word, There 's pardon full and free, For justice smote the Lord, And sheathes her sword for thee. 3. Look not within for peace, Within there 1 s nought to cheer ; Look up and find release From sin, and self, and fear. If gloom thy .soul enshroud, If tears faith's eye bedim, If doubts around thee crowd, Come tell thou all to Him. 4. Rest to the weary soul And aching breast is given, Grace makes the wounded whole, Love fills the heart with heaven. For thee, my soul, for thee, These priceless joys were bought, Accept the mercy free That Christ to earth ho 9 brought. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 29* 5. Come, with the ransomed train, The Saviour's praises sing, Rejoice ! The Lamb was slain, Adore ! He reigns a King. And soon before His face, We '11 praise in heaven above, Triumphant through His grace, Enraptured with His love. 212. John xv. 4 ; 1. /\ ABIDE, abide in Jesus, \J Who for us bare griefs untold, And Himself, from pain to ease us, Suffered pangs a thousand fold : 'Bide with Him, who still abideth When all else shall pass away, And, as Judge supreme, presideth In that dread and awful day. 2. All is dying : hearts are breaking, Which to ours were once fast bound, And the lips have ceased from speaking, Which once utter'd such swe'et sound. And the arms are powerless lying, Which were our support and stay, And the eyes are dim and dying. Which once watched us night and day. SOO SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3 Everything we love and cherish, Hastens onward to the grave, Earthly joys and pleasures perish, And whate'er the world e'er gave ; All is fading, all is fleeing. Earthly flames must cease to glow, Earthly beings cease from being, Earthly blossoms cease to blow. 4. Yet unchanged, while all decayeth, Jesus stands upon the dust ; " Lean on me alone," He sayeth, " Hope, and love, and firmly trust." abide, abide in Jesus, Who Himself for ever lives, Who from death eternal frees us, Yea, who life eternal gives. FROM LYRA DOMESTICA* 213. Canticles ii. 16. 1. "If INE ! what rays of glory bright, ILL N~ojjd upon the promise shine ! I have found the Lord my light ; I am His, and He is mine. 2. Mine, the promise often read, Now in living truth impress'd, SPIRITUAL SOy 301 ( )nce acknowledg'd in the head, Now a fire in the breast. 3. Mine no more the crimson stains, Here I see them blotted out ; Mine no more the bonds and chains, Mine no more the fear and doubt. 4. Mine, acceptance at the throne, Mine, the Father's owning smile, Mine, the Father's love unknown, — AVhat shall from that love beguile ? 5. Mine the yoke that 's lined with love, Mine th' imputed righteousness, Mine, the armour for the fight, Mine, the way of holiness. 6. Mine, the mighty Paraclete, Mine, His comfort and His grace, Mine, the hope surpassing sweet, — Jesus ! I shall see Thy face. 7. Mine, — unto a worm like me, Such a weight of glory 's given ; Yea — to know the mystery Here in part — the whole in heaven. 27 802 SPIRITUAL S0XG3. 8. Mine, the promise cannot change, Mine, though oft my eye? are dim ; — bought can from His love estrange Those who once are bought by Him. 9. Mine ! tho' oft my hand may fail, He is strong, and holds me fast : His dear blood shall still prevail, He shall lead me home at last. 10. Mine ! when death the bars shall break, "Mid those glories all divine. u Satisfied," I shall awake. Clasp His feet, and call Him mine. E. Z. 214. Psalm xxx. 7. i T THOUGHT that I was strong, Lord And did not need Thine arm ; Tho* troubles thronged around me, My heart felt no alarm. 2. I thought that I was rich, Lord, That all good things were mine, And earth and all its pleasures Did my vain heart entwine. SPIRITUAL bOXGS. 303 3. But Thou ha?t broke the spell, Lord, And roused me from my dream ; The light has waked Lord, my soul, With bright unerring beam. 4. I know that I am weak. Lord, That nothing is my own ; But Thou wilt make me strong, Lord, Leaning on Thee alone. 5. I know that I was blind, Lord, I did not see Thy light ; But now my eyes are open'd, For Thou hast given me sight. 6. Yes ! Thou hast given me sight, Lord, And I can see within ; I see my heart defiled, Lord, With deepest stain of sin. 7. But with this bitter grief, comes A rush of joy untold, Like sunrise on the mountains, Flooding their heights with gold. 8. For I know Thy blood has cleansed me, And I know that 1 "in forgiven ; 304 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And all the roughest paths here, Will surely end in heaven. 9. For I know that I am Thine, Lord, And that none can pluck away The feeblest sheep that ever Did make Thine arm its stay. 10. My soul in death was sleeping, But Thou hast given it life ; And strengthened by thy Spirit, I 'm ready for the strife : 11. Ready for pain and sickness, Ready for care and grief, For I know I have in Thee, Lord, An ever sure relief; 12. Ready to work and suffer, To love, and hope, and pray; Ready to go to Thee, Lord, When Thou shalt call away. 215. Psalm xxvii. 9. 1. f\R I Jesus, leave not me ;— U Tho' full of sin I be, Love, love me yet. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 306 Oh ! take me to Thy breast, For there I '11 find true rest, And with Thy love possessed. All else forget. When I 'm with Thee above, I'll thank Thee for Thy love, That sends this pain. Tho 1 dark my way appear, And washed with many a tear, The prospect yet will clear, When heaven I gain. Oh, guide me, Saviour ! now ; Submissive, may I bow Unto Thy will. If trials be my lot, My home a far-off spot — Yet, Saviour, leave me not I Be near me still ! 216. 1 Chronicles xiii. 14. o H, happy house ! home supremely blest Where Thou, Lord Jesus Christ, art entertained, 27* 806 SPIRITUAL SONGS. As the most welcome and beloved guest. With true devotion and with love unfeign'd ; "Where all hearts beat in unison with Thine, Where eyes grow brighter as they look on Thee, Where all are ready at the slightest sign, To do Thy will, and do it heartily. 2. Oh, happy house ! where man and wife are one, Thro' love of Thee, in spirit, heart, and mind ; Together joined by holy bands, which none, Not death itself, can sever or unbind ; Where both on Thee unfailingly depend, In weal and woe, in good and evil days, And hope with Thee eternity to spend, In sweet communion and eternal praise. 8. Oh, happy house ! where with the hands of prayer Parents commit their children to the Friend, Who, with a more than mother's tender care, Will watch and keep them safely to the end ; Where they are taught to sit at Jesus' feet, And listen to the words of life and truth, And learn to lisp His praise in accents sweet, From early childhood to advancing youth. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 30* 4. Oh, happy house ! where man and maid pur- sue Their daily labours as unto the Lord, Desiring only that whate'er they do, May be according to His will and word ; — As servants, yet as friends and brethren too, Thek love with deep humility combined, No less in little than in great things true, They serve Him gladly with a willing mind. 5. Oh, happy house ! where Thou dost share the weal, Where none forget Thee whatsoe'er befall ; Oh, happy house ! where Thou the wounds dost heal, The Healer and the Comforter of all ; Till every one his stated task hath done, And all at length shall peacefully depart To the bright realms where Thou Thyself art gone,— The Father's house where Thou already art. FBOM: LYRA DOMESTICA, 308 SPIRITUAL SON OS. 217. Romans xiii. 11. (for a new year.) 1. T)EJOICE, my fellow-pilgrim, for another l\) stage is o'er, Of the weary homeward journey, to be trav- elled thro' no more : No more these clouds and shadows shall darken all our sky ; No more these snares and stumbling-blocks across our path shall lie. 2. Eejoice, my fellow-soldier, for another long campaign Is ended, and its dangers have not been met in vain ; Some enemies are -driven back, some ramparts overthrown ; Some earnests given that victory at length shall be our own. 8. Rejoice, my fellow-servant, for another year is past ; The heat and burden of the day will not for ever last ; And yet the work is pleasant now, and sweet the Master's smile ; And well may we be diligent, thro 7 all our "little while." SPIRITUAL SONGS. 309 4. Rejoice, my Christian brother, for the race is nearly run, And home is drawing nearer with each revolv- ing sun ; And if some ties are breaking here, of earthly hope and love, More sweet are the attractions of the better land above. 5. The Light that shone thro' all the past will still our steps attend ; The Guide who led us hitherto will lead us to the end ; The distant view is brightening, with fewer clouds between ; The golden streets are gleaming now, the pearly gates are seen. 6. Oh I for the joyous greetings there, to meet and part no more ; For ever with the Lord and all His lov'd ones gone before ! New mercies from our Father's hand with each new year may come, But that will be the best of all,— a blissful welcome home. PROM THOUGHTS FOR THOUGHTFUL HOURS 810 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 218. Psalm xxxvi. 9. 1. QOURCE of my life's refreshing springs, O Whose presence in my heart sustains me, Thy love appoints me pleasant things, Thy mercy orders all that pains me. 2. If loving hearts were never lonely, If all they wish might always be, Accepting what they look for only, They might be glad, but not in Thee. 3. "Well may Thy own belov'd, who see In all their lot their Father's pleasure, Bear loss of all they love, save Thee — Their living, everlasting treasure. 4. Well may Thy happy children cease From restless wishes, prone to sin, And in Thine own exceeding peace, Yield to Thy daily discipline. 5. We need as much the cross to bear, As air to breathe —as light to see — It draws us to Thy side in prayer, It binds us to our strength in Thee. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 i 219. 2 Timothy iv. 8. c Bring the long-looked for day ; O why these years of waiting here, These ages of delay ? 2. Come, for Thy saints still wait ; Daily ascends their sigh : The Spirit and the bride say, Coine,- Dost Thou not hear the cry ? 8. Come, for Thy Israel pines An exile from Thy fold ; call to mind Thy faithful word, And bless them, as of old ! 4. Come, for the good are few ; They lift their voice in vain ; Faith waxes fainter on the earth. And love is on the wane. 5. Come, for the corn is ripe ; Put in Thy sickle now, Reap the great harvest of the earth, Sower and reaper Thou ! 6. Come, in Thy glorious might, Come, with the iron rod, 812 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Scattering Thy foes before Thy face, Most mighty Son of God. 7. Come, and make all things new, Build up this ruin'd earth, Restore our faded Paradise, Creation's second birth. 8. Come, and begin Thy reign Of everlasting peace, Come, take the kingdom to Thyself, Great King of righteousness. H. BONAR. 220. Luke xxiv. 30, 31. (sacramental.) 1. CI HEPHERD of souls, refresh and bless O Thy chosen pilgrim flock, "With manna from the wilderness, With water from the rock. 2. Hungry and thirsty, faint and weak, (As Thou when here below,) Our souls the joys celestial seek, That from Thy sorrows flow. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 313 3. We would not live by bread alone, But by Thy word of grace, In strength of which we travel on To cur abiding place. 4. Be known to us in breaking bread, But do not then depart, — Saviour, abide with us, and spread Thy table in our heart. 5. Then sup with us in love divine ; Thy body and Thy blood, That living bread and heavenly wine, Be our immortal food. 221. Canticles 1, 2. 1. QTILL on thy loving heart let me repose, O Jesus, sweet Author of my joy and rest ; Oh ! let me pour my sorrows, cares, and woes Into Thy true and sympathising breast. Thy love grows never cold, but its pure flame Seems every day more strong and bright to glow; Thy truth remains eternally the same, Pure and unsullied as the mountain snow. 28 814 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 2. Oh ! what is other love compared with Thine, Of such high value, and eternal worth ? What is man's love compared with love divine, Which never changes in this changing earth ; Love, which in this cold world grows never cold, Love, which decays not with the world's decay, Love, which is young when all things else grow old. Which lives when heaven and earth shall pass away ? 3. How little love unchangeable and fixed In this dark valley doth to man remain, With what unworthy motives is it mixed, How full of grief, uncertainty and pain ; Love is the object which attracts all eyes, We win it, and already fear to part, A thousand rivals watch to seize the prize, And tear the precious idol from our heart. 4. But Thou (in spite of our offences past. And those alas ! which still in us are found) Hast loved us, Jesus, with a love so vast, No span can reach it, and no plummet sound. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 315 TW the poor love we give Thee in return Should wane and flicker, Thine is ever true, Its sacred fires eternally doth burn, Tho 7 everlasting, always fresh and new. Thou, who art ever ready to embrace All those, who truly after Thee inquire, Thou, who hast promised in Thy heart a place To all w T ho love Thee and a place desire ; Oh ! Lord, when I am anxious and oppressed, And dim with tears mine eyes can hardly see, Oh ! let me lean upon Thy faithful breast, Rejoicing that e'en I am loved by Thee. FROM LYRA DOMESTICA. 222. John xxi. 15-17. 1. •£ rpHOU knowest," Lord, the weariness and X sorrow Of the sad heart that comes to Thee for rest, Cares of to-day and burdens of to-morrow, Blessings implored and sins to be confes- sed, — I come before Thee at Thy gracious word, And lay them at Thy feet— Thou knowest Lordl 316 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. "Thou knowest" all the past, how long and blindly, On the dark mountains the lost wanderer strayed, How the good Shepherd follow'd, and how kindly He bore it home upon his shoulders laid, And healed the bleeding wounds and soothed the pain, And brought back life, and hope, and strength again. 3, u Thou knowest" all the present, each temp- tation, Each toilsome duty, each foreboding fear All to myself assign'd of tribulation, Or to beloved ones, than self more dear ! All pensive memories as I journey on, Longings for vanished smiles and voices gone. i. " Thou knowest " ail the future gleams of gladness, By stormy clouds too quickly overcast, — Hopes of sweet fellowship and parting sadness, And the dark river to be cross'd at last, — * Oh ! what could confidence and hope afford To tread that path but this, " Thou knowest Lord?" SPIRITUAL SONGS. SI? 5. " Thuu knowest," not alone as God all knowing, As man, our mortal weakness Thou hast proved On earth, with purest sympathies o'erflowing, O Saviour, Thou hast wept, and Thou hast loved ! And love and sorrow still to Thee may come, And find a hiding-place, a rest, a home. 6. Therefore I come, Thy gentle call obeying, And lay my sins and sorrows at Thy feet, On everlasting strength my weakness staying, Cloth'd in Thy robe of righteousness com- plete. Then rising and refreshed, I leave thy throne, And follow on to know as I am known. JANE BORTHWICK. 223. Galatians ii. 20. 1 TT7HILE others pray for grace to die, if O Lord, I pray for grace to live, For every hour a fresh supply, see my need and freely give. 2. I do not dread the hour of death, If I am Thine, no fears remain ; 28* SIS SPIRITUAL SONGS. I know that with my parting breath I yield for ever mortal pain. 3. E'en if the darkness should appear Too deep for faith as well as sight, If I am Thine Thou wilt be near, And take me to Thy heavenly light. 4. But Oh ! my Lord, in life's highway I crave the sunshine of Thy face ; And every moment of the day I need Thy strong supporting grace. 5. I dare not — will not — Lord, deny, That heart and feet both go astray ; Therefore the more to Thee I cry To keep me in the chosen way. 6. The more my sin and unbelief Keep me from walking near to Thee, The more, Lord Jesus, is my grief— The more I long Thy face to see. 224. 1 Peter v. 7. 1. T7ES ! for me, for me He careth, A With a brother's tender care ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 319 Yes ! with me, with me He shareth Ev'ry burden, ev'ry fear. 2. Yes ! o'er me, o'er me He watcheth, Ceaseless watcheth, night and day ; Yes ! even me, even me He snatcheth From the perils of the way. 3. Yes ! for me He standeth pleading, At the mercy-seat above ; Ever for me interceding, Constant in untiring love. 4. Yes ! in me, in me He dwelleth ; — I in Him, and He in me ! And my empty soul He filleth. Here and through eternity. 5. Thus I wait for His returning, Singing all the way to heaven ; Such the joyful song of morning, Such the tranquil song of even. H. BONAR. 225. Hebrews xii. 2. 1. T 00K up, my soul, to Christ thy joy, JLi With a believing mind ; 820 SPIRITUAL SONGS. With all the ills which thee annoy, The way to Jesus find : Here in this world thou hast no home, Nor lasting joy ; — to Jesus come ; — He is the pearl of greatest price, Who all thy wants supplies. 2. Steadfast in faith to Jesus cleave, His faithfulness review, And ev'ry burden with Him leave, Whose love is daily new : His ways with thee are just and right, He puts thy enemies to flight, However threatening they appear, — Take courage, He is near. 3. Thy closet enter, pray and sigh, To Jesus tell thy grief, His ear is open to thy cry, His hand to give relief; Tho' men forsake thee, hate, and grieve, Thy Saviour thee will never leave, His word is pass'd, he '11 aid afford, — Rely upon the Lord. 4. Lift up thy heart to Him on high, And leave this sordid earth ; Behold, with a believing eye. Christ's excellence and worth: SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 321 Devote thy life, thy all, to Him, Who did thy soul from death redeem, In love to thee the cross endured, And life for thee procured. Arise, and see the things above ; Let heaven be all thine aim, Where Jesus dwells in bliss and love, And earth and sin disclaim : The world and all its empty joy His potent breath will soon destroy; Abiding rest and peace of mind, In Christ alone we find. 226. John xiv. 6. 1. A MID life's wild commotion, XX Where nought the heart can cheer, Who points beyond its ocean To heaven's brighter sphere ? Our feeble footsteps guiding, When from the path we stray, Who leads to bliss abiding ? — Christ is our only Way. 2. When doubts and fears distress us, And all around is gloom, 322 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And shame and fear oppress us, Who can our souls illume ? Heaven's rays are round us gleaming, And making all things bright, The sun of Truth is beaming, In glory on our sight. 3. Who fills our hearts with gladness That none can take away ? Who shows us 'midst our sadness, The distant realms of day ? 'Mid fears of death assailing, Who stills the heart's wild strife ? 'T is Christ ! our aid unfailing, The Way, the Truth, the Life ! ARNDT. 227. Psalm lxvi. 16. 1. /^OME and rejoice with me ! \j For once my heart was poor, And I have found a treasury Of love, a boundless store. 2. Come and rejoice with me ! I, once so sick at heart, Have met with One who knows my case, And knows the healing art. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 323 3. Come and rejoice with me ! For I was wearied sore, And I have found a mighty arm Which holds me evermore. 4. Come and rejoice with me ! My feet so wide did roam, And One has sought me from afar, And beareth me safe home. 5. Come and rejoice with me ! For I have found a Friend, Who knows my heart's most secret deptns. Yet loves me without encL 6. I knew not of His love ; Yet He had loved me long, With love so faithful and so deep, So tender and so strong. 7. And now I know it all, Have heard and known His voice, And hear it still from day to day ; — Can I enough rejoice ? 324 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 228. 1 Peter ii. 7. 1. pEECIOUS is the name of Jesus ! A Who can half its worth unfold ? Far beyond angelic praises, Sweetly sung to harps of gold. 2. Precious as the ^Mediator, By the Father raised on high, Precious when He took our nature, Laid His awful glory by. 3. Precious — when to Calvary groaning He sustained the cursed tree ; Precious — when His death atoning Made an end of sin for thee. 4. Precious — in His death victorious, He the host of hell o'erthrows ; In His resurrection glorious, Victor crown'd o'er all His foes. 5. Precious, Lord, beyond expressing, Are Thy beauties all divine ; Glory, honour, power and blessing, Be henceforth for ever Thine I SPIRITUAL SONGS. 325 229. Hebrews vi. 19. 1. 11 1" Y bark is on a troubled sea ; jJjL The winds and waves may adverse be ; But hope, my anchor's firmly cast Within the vail, for ever fast. 2. How oft, when tempest-tossed at night, I watch in vain for dawning light, Yet think, when terrors w r ould prevail, My anchor is within the vail. 3. Within the vail, — where Jesus stands, And shows to God His blood-stained handa Within the vail, — He went to bear My name upon the breast-plate there. 4. My hope must have His righteousness, For it can rest on nothing less ; Within the vail, — is still my prayer, Oh ! may my anchor enter there. 5. Altho' the billows round me roll, They never can o'erwhelm my soul ; Within the vail my anchor's cast, Unshaken by the stormy blast. 6. Whene'er I quit this changing scene, May I depart in hope serene ; 29 82o SPIRITUAL SONGS. And find, when heart and flesh shall fail, My anchor cast within the vail. 230. 1 Peter ii. 21. 1. TTOW shall I follow Him I serve ? XX How shall I copy Him I love ? Nor from those blessed footsteps swerve, Which lead me to His seat above ? 2. Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn, The life of toil, the mean abode, The faithless kiss, the crown of thorn, — Are these the consecrated road ? 8. 'T was thus He suffered, though a Son, • Foreknowing, choosing, feeling all, Until the perfect work was done, — And drank the bitter cup of gall. 4. Lord, should my path thro' suffering lie, Forbid it I should e'er repine ; Still let me turn to Calvary, Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine. 5. O let me think how Thou didst leave Untasted every pure delight, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 327 To fast, to faint, to watch, to grieve, The toilsome day, the homeless night ; 6. To faint, to grieve, to die for me ; Thou earnest not Thyself to please ; And dear as earthly comforts be, Shall I not love Thee more than these ? J. CONDER. 231. 1 Chronicles xxix. 15. 1 . TJ E AVEN WARD our path still goes, XX Sojourners on earth we wander, Till we reach our blest repose, In the land of promise yonder : Here we stay a pilgrim band, There must be our fatherland. 2. Heavenward ! My soul arise, For thou art a heavenly being, Thou should'st seek no earthly prize, When from this world thou art fleeing; Hearts with heavenly wisdom blest Can in heaven alone find rest. 3. Heavenward ! Death's mighty hand Guides me there to joy and gladness — There, within that blessed land, Victor over pain and sadness, 828 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Christ Himself has gone before — Can I dread an unknown shore ? 4. Heavenward ! oh, heavenward ! There shall be my lot and treasure — Let me strive my heart to guard From each vain and worldly pleasure : Heavenward my thoughts must tend, Till in heaven my cares shall end. R. SCHMOLCK. 232. Hebrews xii. 2. 1. (X&i e y es that are weary, \J And hearts that are sore, Look off unto Jesus, And sorrow no more. The light of His countenance Shineth so bright, That on earth, as in heaven, There need be no night. Looking off unto Jesus, My eyes cannot see The troubles and dangers That throng around me : SPIRITUAL SONGS. 329 They cannot be blinded With sorrowful tears, They cannot be shadow'd With unbelief-fears. Looking off unto Jesus, My spirit is blest, — In the world I have turmoil, In Him I have rest. The sea of my life All about me may roar, — When I look unto Jesus I hear it no more. Looking off unto Jesus, I go not astray ; My eyes are on Him, And He shows me the way. The path may seem dark As He leads me along, But following Jesus I cannot go wrong. Looking off unto Jesus, My heart cannot fear ; Its trembling is still When I see Jesus near: 29 ; 530 SPIRITUAL SONGS. I know that His power My safe-guard will be, For " why are ye troubled ? w He saith unto rue. 6. Looking off unto Jesus Oh ! may I be found, "When the waters of Jordan Encompass me round ! Let them bear me away. In His presence to be : 'T is but seeing Him nearer Whom always I see. 7. Then, then shall I know The full beauty and grace Of Jesus, my Lord, When I stand face to face : I shall know how His love Went before me each day, And wonder that ever My eyes turned away. 233. Psalm xxv. 5. 1. /^OME to me, Lord, when first I wake, \J As the faint lights of morning break ; SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 331 Bid purest thoughts within me rise, Like fragrant incense to the skies. 2. Come to me in the sultry noon, Or earth's low communing will soon Of Thy dear face eclipse the light, And change my fairest day to night. 3 Come to me in the evening shade, And if my heart from Thee hath strayed, Oh ! bring it back, — and from afar Shine on me like the evening star. 4. Come to me in the midnight hour, When sleep withdraws its balmy power, Let my lone spirit find its rest, Like John, upon my Saviour's breast. 5. Come to me through life's changing way ; And when its pulses cease to play, Then, Saviour, bid me come to Thee. That where Thou art I too may be. 234. Acts xxi. 14. will would like a life And power to do, and time to rest, 1. ]\fY will would like a life of ease, 832 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And wealth and health my will would please, But, Lord, I know Thy will is best. 2. If I have strength to do Thy will, That should be power enough for me ; Whether to walk or to sit still, Th' appointment of the day may be. 8. And if by sickness I may grow More patient, holy, and resigned, Strong health I need not wish to know, And greater ease I cannot find. 4. And rest — I need not seek it here — For perfect rest remaineth still ; When in Thy presence we appear Rest shall be given by Thy will. 5. Lord, I have given my life to Thee, And every day and hour is Thine, What Thou appointest, let them be, Thy will is better, Lord, than mine. 235 Revelation xix. 1. SG hallelujah ! praise t Sing with a cheerful voice ; 1. OINGr hallelujah ! praise the Lord I U Sir SPIRITUAL SONGS. 833 Exalt our God with one accord, And in His name rejoice. Ne'er cease to sing, thou ransom'd host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Until in realms of endless light, Your praises shall unite. There we to all eternity Shall join th' angelic lays ; And sing in perfect harmony, To God our Saviours praise : — " He hath redeem' d us by His blood, And made us kings and priests to God ;" For us — for us the Lamb was slain, Praise ye the Lord. Amen ! 236. Isaiah xlv. 22. 1. /THERE is life for a look at the crucified 1 One; There is life at this moment for thee, Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved, Unto Him who was nailed to the tree. 2. Oh ! why was He there as the bearer of sin, If on Him all thy sins were not laid ? 334 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Oh ! why from His side flowed the sin-cleans- ing blood, If His dying thy debt hath not paid ? 3. It is not thy tears of repentance or prayers, But the Hood that atones for the soul ; On Him, then, who shed it, thou mayest at once Thy weight of iniquities roll. 4. His anguish of soul on the cross hast thou seen ? His cry of distress hast thou heard ? Then why, if the terrors of wrath He en- dured, Should pardon to thee be deferred ? 5. Thou art healed by His stripes, (would'st thou add to the word ?) And He is thy righteousness made ; The best robe of heaven He bids thee put on ; Say, could'st thou be better arrayed ? 6. Then doubt not thy pardon, since God has declared, There remaineth no more to be done, That once in the end of the world He ap- peared, And completed the work Pie begun. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 335 7. But take with rejoicing from Jesus at once The life everlasting He gives, And know with assurance thou never canst die, Since Jesus thy righteousness lives. 8. There is life for a look at the crucified One, There is life at this moment for thee ; Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved, And know thyself spotless as He. 237. 1 Peter ii. 11. A 1. 4 PILGRIM here I wander, On earth have no abode ; My fatherland is yonder, My home is with my God. For here I journey to and fro, There, in eternal rest, "Will God His gracious gift bestow On all the toil-oppress'd. For what hath life been giving, From youth up till this day, But constant toil and striving, Far back as thought can stray ? 336 SPIRITUAL SONGS. How many a day of toil and care, How many a night of tears, Hath pass'd in grief that none could share, In lonely anxious fears ! 3. How many a storm hath lightened And thunder'd round my path ! And winds and rains have frightened My heart with fiercest wrath ; And cruel envy, hatred, scorn, Have darkened oft my lot ; And patiently reproach I 've borne, Though I deserved it not. 4. Then through this life of dangers I '11 onward take my way, For in this land of strangers I do not think to stay. Still forward on the road I fare That leads me to my home : My Father's comfort waits me there, When I have overcome. 5. Ah, yes I my home is yonder, Where all the angelic bands Praise Him with awe and wonder, In whose Almighty hands SPIRITUAL SONGS. 337 All things that are and shall be, lie, By Him upholden still, Who casteth down and lifts on high At His most holy will. 6. That home have I desired; 'T is there I would be gone ; Till I am well-nigh tir'd, O'er earth I 've journeyed on ; The longer here I roam, I find The less of real joy, That e'er could please or fill my mind, — For all hath some alloy. 7. Where now my spirit stayeth Is not her true abode ; This earthly house decayeth, And she will drop its load. When comes the hour to leave beneath What now I use and have, And when I 've yielded up my breath, Earth gives me but a grave. 8. But Thou, my joy and gladness, Jesus, my life and light, Will raise me from this sadness, This long tempestuous night, 388 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Into the perfect gladsome day, Where, bathed in joy divine, Among Thy saints, and bright as they, I too shall ever shine. 9. There shall I dwell for ever, Not as a guest alone, With those who cease there never To worship at Thy throne ; There in my heritage, I '11 rest, From baser things set free, And join the chorus of the blest For ever, Lord, to Thee ! FROM LYRA GERMANICA. 238. John xvi. 18. 1. f\R ! for the peace which floweth as a river, \J Making life's desert places bloom and smile ! Oh ! for the faith to grasp heaven's bright " for ever," Amid the shadows of that " little while I" 2. " A little while " for patient vigil-keeping, To face the storm, to wrestle with the strong ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 339 44 A little while " to sow the seed with weep- ing, Then bind the sheaves and sing the harvest song. 3. " A little while " to wear the robe of sadness, And toil with weary step through miry ways ; Then to pour forth the fragrant oil of glad- ness, And clasp the girdle round the robe of praise. 4. "A little while," midst shadow and illusion, To strive, by faith, love's mysteries to spell ; Then read each dark enigma's bright solution, And hail sight's verdict, u He doth all things well." 5. " A little while " the earthen pitcher taking To wayside brooks, from far-off fountains fed; Then the cool lip its thirst for ever slaking, Beside the fulness of the fountain-head. 6. " A little while " to keep the oil from failing, u A little while " faith's flickering lamp to trim ; 540 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And then the Bridegroom's coming footsteps hailing, To haste to meet Him with the bridal hymn. 7. Thus He who is Himself the gift and giver, The future glory, and the present smile, With the bright promise of the glad " for ever," Can light the shadows of the " little while." J. CREWDSON. 239. Philippians iv. 11. 1. 1TY Lord hath taught me how to want ill A place wherein to put my head ; While He is mine, I '11 be content To beg or lack my daily bread. 2. Heaven is my roof, earth is my floor, Thy love can keep me dry and warm ; Christ and Thy bounty are my store, Thy angels guard me from all harm. 3. Must I forsake the soil and air, Where first I drew my vital breath ? That way may be as near and fair ; Thence I may come to Thee by death. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 341 4. All countries are my Father's lands — Thy sun, Thy love, doth shine on all ; We may in all lift up pure hands, And with acceptance on Thee call. 5. What, if in prison I must dwell, — May I not there converse with Thee ? Save me from sin, Thy wrath, and hell, Call me Thy child, and I am free. 6. No walls or bars can keep Thee out ; None can confine a holy soul ; The streets of heaven it walks about, None can its liberty control. RICHARD BAXTER, 240. Isaiah liii. 5. 1. npHY works, not mine, O Christ 1 A Speak gladness to this heart ; They tell me all is done ; They bid my fear depart. To whom, save Thee, Who can alone For sin atone, Lord, shall I flee ? 30* 342 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. Thy pains, not mine, O Christ ! Upon the shameful tree, Have paid the law's full price, And purchased peace for me. To whom, save Thee, eta 3. Thy wounds, not mine, O Christ ! Can heal my bruised soul, Thy stripes, not mine, contain The balm that makes me whole. To whom, save Thee, etc. 4. Thy cross, not mine, Christ ! Has borne the awful load Of sins, that none in heaven Or earth could bear, but God. To whom, save Thee, etc. 5. Thy death, not mine, O Christ ! Has paid the ransom due ; Ten thousand deaths like mine, Would have been all too few. To whom, save Thee, etc. 6. Thy righteousness, O Christ ! Alone can cover me ; No righteousness avails, Save that which is of Thee. To whom, save Thee, etc SPIRITUAL SONGS. 343 Thy righteousness alone Can clothe and beautify : I wrap it round my soul ; — In this I '11 live and die. To whom, save Thee, etc. H. BONAE. 241. 2 Corinthians ix. 15. 1. PIOME, worship at Emmanuel's feet ; \J Behold in Him what wonders meet ! Words are too feeble to express His worth, His glory, or His grace. 2. He is the Head — each member lives, And owns the vital power He gives, The saints below, and saints above, Joined by His Spirit and His love. 3. He is the Vine — His heavenly root Supplies each branch with life and fruit ; Oh ! may a lasting union join My soul to Christ, the living Vine. 4. He is the Rock — how firm He proves ! The Rock of ages never moves ; But the sweet streams that from Him flow, Attend us all the journey through. 344 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. He is the Sun of righteousness, Diffusing light, and joy, and peace ; "What healing in His beams appears, To chase our clouds and dry our tears 1 6. Yet faintly to us mortals here, His glory, grace, and worth appear ; His beauties we shall clearly trace, When we behold Him face to face. 242. 2 Kings xx. 19. 1. TTTHATE'ER my God ordains is right ! T T His willis ever just ; Howe'er He orders now my cause, I will be still and trust. He is my God, Though dark my road ; He holds me that I shall not fall, Wherefore to Him I leave it all. 2 Whate'er my God ordains is right ! He never will deceive ; He leads me by the proper path, And so to Him I cleave, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 345 And take content What He hath sent ; — His hand can turn my griefs away, * And patiently I wait His day. 3. Whate'er my God ordains is right ! He taketh thought for me ; The cup that my Physician gives No poison'd draught can be, But medicine due ; For God is true, And on that changeless truth I build, And all my heart with hope is fill'd. 4. Whatever my God ordains is right ! Though I the cup must drink, That bitter seems to my faint heart, I will not fear nor shrink ; Tears pass away With dawn of day ; Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart And pain and sorrow all depart. 5. Whate'er my God ordains is right I My Light, my Life is He, Who cannot will me aught but good, I trust Him utterly ; 846 SPIRITUAL SONGS. For well I know, In joy or woe, We soon shall see as sunlight clear, How faithful was our Guardian here. 6. Whate'er my God ordains is right ! Here will I take my stand, Though sorrow, need, or death make earth For me a desert land. My Father's care Is round me there ; He holds me that I shall not fall, And so to Him I leave it all. FROM LYRA GERMANICA. 243. Hebrews xiii. 14. 1. T AM a stranger here ; JL No home, no rest I see ; Not all earth counts most dear Can wiu a sigh from me. I 'm going home. Jesus, Thy home is mine, And I Thy Father's child ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 347 With hopes and joys divine, The world 's a dreary wild. I 'in going home. 8. Home ! oh ! how soft and sweet, It thrills upon the heart ! Home ! where the brethren meet And never, never part. I 'in going home. 4. Home ! where the Bridegroom takes The purchase of His love : Home ! where the Father waits To welcome saints above. I 'm going home. 5. Yes ! when the world looks cold, Which did my Lord revile, A lamb within the fold, I can look up and smile. I 'm going home. 6. When earth's delusive charms Would snare my pilgrim feet, I fly to Jesus' arms, And yet again repeat, I 'm going home. 348 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 7. When breaks each mortal tie That holds me from the goal, This, this can satisfy The cravings of my soul, — I 'm going home. 8. Ah ! gently, gently lead, Along the painful way, Bid every word and deed, And every look to say, I 'm going home. 244. PMlippians iv. 6. 1. TTAST Thou within a care so deep, JLL It chases from thine eyelids sleep ? To thy Redeemer take that care, And change anxiety to prayer. 2. Hast Thou a hope with which thy heart Would almost feel it death to part ? Entreat thy God that hope to crown. Or give thee strength to lay it down. 3. Hast thou a friend whose image dear, May prove an idol worshipped here ? Implore the Lord that nought may be, A shadow between heaven and thee. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 349 4. Whate'er the care which breaks thy rest-- "Whatever the wish that swells thy breast — Spread before God that wish, that care, And change anxiety to prayer. MRS. A. JULIUS. 245. Psalm xlii. 5. 1. TT7HY restless, why so weary ? t T My soul, why so cast down ? Is all around thee dreary ? And hath the cross no crown ? 2. Where is the God that found thee, Who once could make thee glad ? His arms are still around thee ; Then wherefore art thou sad ? 8. O trust the Lord who bought thee ; O trust the. sinner's Friend ; The wondrous love that sought thee Will keep thee to the end ; — 4. 'T will give a glorious morrow To this thy night of pain, And make thy dews of sorrow ' Like shining after rain. 31 350 SPIRITUAL SONGS. F: 246. Revelation xxii. 5. shadows yonder ! — All light and song !— Each day I wonder, And say, How long Shall time me sunder From that dear throng ? 2. No weeping yonder, — All fled away I While here I wander Each weary day, And sigh as I ponder My long, long stay. 3. No partings yonder I — Time and space never Again shall sunder, — Hearts cannot sever, — Dearer and fonder Hands clasp for ever. 4. None wanting yonder ! — Bought by the Lamb, All gathered under The evergreen palm, Loud as night's thunder Ascends the glad psalm. H. BO. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 351 247. Gelatins vi. 14. 1. VTEVER further than Thy cross ! JLi Never higher than thy feet ! Here earth's precious things seem dross ; Here earth's bitter things seem sweet. 2. Gazing thus our sin we see, Learn Thy love whilst gazing thus ; — Sin which laid the cross on Thee, Love which bore the cross for us. 3. Here from pomp and pride retired, Nothing we would seem and be ; Dust, yet with Thy life inspir'd, Nothing, but beloved by Thee. 4. Symbols of our liberty And our service here unite, Captives by Thy cross made free, Soldiers of Thy cross we fight. 5. Pressing onwards as we can, Still to this our Hfe shall tend ; "Where faith's earliest steps began, May life's latest moments end I 6. 'Till amid the hosts of light, We in Thee redeem'd, complete. Through Thy cross made pure and white, Cast our crowns before Tliv feet. 352 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 248- Genesis xxxii. 26. 1. T WILL not let Thee go, Thou Help in time JL of need ! Heap ill on ill, I trust Thee still, E'en when it seems as Thou would'st slay indeed ! Do as Thou wilt with me, I yet will cling to Thee ; Hide Thou Thy face, — yet, Help in time of need, I will not let Thee go ! 2. I will not let Thee go.— Should I forsake my bliss ? No, Lord, Thou 'rt mine, And I am Thine, Thee will I hold when all things else I miss. Though dark and sad the night, Joy cometh with the light ; O Thou my Sun, should I forsake my bliss ? I will not let Thee go ! 3. I will not let Thee go, my God, my life, my Lord 1 Not death can tear Me from His care, Who for my sake His soul in death outpoured, SPIRITUAL 80NG8. 853 Thou diedst for love to me ; I say, in love to Thee, E'en when my heart shall break, my God, my Life, my Lord, I will not let Thee go ! FROM LYRA GERMA^ICA. 249. Matthew vi. 34. 1. M nnAKE no thought for the morrow," its JL trials, or dangers, Why burden thy spirit with deepening gloom ? Ah ! to-day hath enough to distress and per- plex thee, It needeth no shadow of dark things to come. 2. " Take no thought for the morrow 1 " no sor- row shall touch thee, But that which thy God in His love hath decreed ; Go to Christ with thy grief — as it daily ariseth, And seek for His strength in the moment of need. 31* 354 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. " Take no thought for the morrow," rich mercy abounding, Has marked ev'ry step of thy path-way till now; Put thy trust, then, in God, for the still dis- tant future, Effacing those dark lines of care from thy brow. 4, " Take no thought for the morrow," its dawn- ing may find thee A spirit at rest 'neath the altar of God, With the last battle fought, and the last trial ended, The victory won through Emmanuel's blood. 250- Genesis xlvii. 9. 1. TOW weary and how worthless this life at XI times appears ! What days of heavy musings, what hours of bitter tears ! How dark the storm-clouds gather across the wintry skies ! How desolate and cheerless the path before us lies ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 355 And yet these days of dreariness are sent us from above, They do not come in anger, but in faithful- ness and love ; — They come to teach us lessons which bright ones could not yield ; And to leave us blest and thankful when their purpose is fulfilled. 3. They come to draw us nearer our Father and our God, More earnestly to seek His face, and listen to His word, And to feel, if now around us a. desert land we see, Without the *tar of promise, what would its darkness be ? 4. They come to lay us lowly and humbled in the dust, All self-deception swept away, all creature- hope and trust, Our helplessness, our vileness, our guilt to make us own, And flee for hope and refuge to Jesus Christ alone. 456 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. They come to break the fetters, which here detain us fast, And force our long-reluctant hearts to rise to heaven at last, And brighten ev'ry prospect of that eternal home, Where grief, and disappointment, and fear can never come. G. Then turn not in despondence, poor weary heart, away, But meekly journey onwards, through the dark and cloudy day ; E'en now the bow of promise is above thee shining bright, And soon a joyful morning shall dissipate the night. 7. Thy God hath not forgot thee, and when He sees it best, Will lead thee into sunshine, will give thee hours of rest ; And all thy pain and sorrow, when the pil- grimage is o'er, Shall end in heavenly blessedness, and joys for evermore. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 35? 251. Psalm xxvii. 14. 1. TX days of trouble and of care, JL I sought a message from above, Brief was the" answer to my prayer, Few were the words, but full of love— Ye who mourn an adverse fkte, Hear the message — " Pray and wait." 2. Pray, the Lord is ever nigh, Ready still with open ear ; Wait — and He will yet supply Hope and strength, for every fear. Pilgrim, weeping at the gate, Hear His message — " Pray and wait." 3. Pray, He knows thy ev'ry thought — Understands thy secret grief; Wait, — He sends it not for nought, He will surely bring relief. Seeing all thy troubled state, Still He whispers — " Pray and wait." 4. Does the way seem long and drear To thy sad bewildered sight ? Pray, and thou wilt see Him near, Wait,— He '11 lead thee to the light. Seek Him early, seek Him late ; Fear not, doubt not — " Pray and wait." 358 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Dost thou long the day to see, When thy Saviour shall appear ? Pray, that thou may'st watchful be ; Wait, the day is drawing near. Joyfully thou 'It then relate, ' T was not in vain to — " Pray and wait." 6 Weeping prayers are heard no more From that home of endless joy ; Days of waiting all are o'er , Songs of praise each tongue employ; They who enter Zion's gate, Need no more to — u Pray and wait." 252. " Matthew viii. 26. 1. C\KLM me, my God, and keep me calm, \J While these hot breezes blow ; Be like the night dew's cooling balm Upon earth's fever'd brow. 2. Calm me, my God, and keep me calm, Soft resting on Thy breast, Soothe me with holy hymn and psalm, And bid my spirit rest. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 359 3. Yes ! keep me calm, though loud and rude The sounds my ear that greet ; Calm in the closet's solitude ; Calm in the bustling street ; — 4. Calm in the day of buoyant health ; Calm in my hour of pain ; Calm in my poverty or wealth ; Calm in my loss or gain ; — 5. Calm in the sufferance of wrong, Like Him who bore my shame ; Calm 'mid the threatening, taunting throng, Who hate Thy holy name ; — 6. Calm when the great world's news with power My listening spirits, stir, — Let not the tidings of the hour E'er find too fond an ear ; — 7. Calm as the ray of sun or star Which storms assail in vain, Moving unruffled through earth's war, Th' eternal calm to gain. H. BONAR. S60 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 253. James i. 2. 1. T THINK of Thee, Saviour, x And count affliction gain, If aught of suffering aid me To realize Thy pain. 2. I think of Thee, Saviour, And bless the chastening rod, Conforming to Thine image, Thou chasten'd Son of God. 3. My sufferings no atonement For sin could make to God ; Alone, of all the people, Thou hast the winepress trod. 4. So there is nought of anger In this my Father's stroke ; He is but gently teaching My neck to bear the yoke. 5. And it is joy, my Saviour ! A blessed joy to think, The cup I am but tasting Thou didst vouchsafe to drink, 6. I would press closer to Thee, A heavier cross to bear, SPIR1TUA L SONGS. SM So I might better know Thee, And more Thy spirit share. 7. Soon, as Thou overcamest, I too shall overcome ; And bless the love which kept me So long away from home. 8. I had been lost for ever, Had'st Thou not thought on me ; Cold is my heart and selfish ; — Yet, Lord, I think on Thee. 254. 2 Corinthians vii. 10. 1. p EJOICE — 't is not in sorrow JAj To dim that fund of joy ; No darkening to-morrow Its brightness can destroy. For in the Christian's heart is found One little spot of sacred ground, — The waves. may beat, the winds increase, They cannot reach that spot of peace. 2. Rejoice when thou art feeling The keenest earthly smart, For then thy Lord is sealing His name upon thy heart. S62 SPIRITUAL SONGS. For often through the glare of day A cloudy pillar marks the way, But in the dark and starless night It changes to a shining light. 8. Rejoice, though thou art waging A truceless war within, With evil spirits raging, And a heart prone to sin. For He who leads thee through the fray, Has fought the fight — has won the day ; His strength thy shield, thy guide His voice, Sorrowful Christian, still rejoice. }355. Revelation ii. 10, B T)E faithful to. the end ! Let not danger nor distress Make thy heart love Jesus less. Until death trust thou that Friend 1 Ah ! the suffering of this earth, All the glory is not worth Which Thy Lord will give to thee, When up yonder thou shalt be. Be faithful in thy grief! Let net storms from Christ divide, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 36; Let not weeping Jesus hide. Murmur not, to get relief; For impatience makes thy care Heavier much for thee to bear, Happy he, who childlike will Let God lead him up the hill ! 3. Be faithful in thy faith ! Let not any robber bold Take it from thy heart's stronghold ,* Keep thy covenant till death. Then in the o'erflowing wave God is with thee, strong to save. Ah ! thou goest there forlorn, When thou art to Him forsworn ! 4. Be faithful in thy love ! See the love God has for thee ! Love thy neighbour, e'en when he Lays more cares, thy care above. Think how Jesus prayed for those, By whose hands His cross arose. E'en as God doth thee forgive, So let mercy in thee live. 5* And in thy hope stand true ! Trust thou firmly in God's word ! Is thy cry in trouble heard, Comes He not to help thee through ? 3o4 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Hope thou in Him firmly yet, For the Lord doth not forget ; Even now is help proclaimed ; Hope ean never make ashamed 6. Then forward ! steadfast be, In faith, love, hope, for ever ! Lord, I hear, and I will never Leave my God, who leaves not me. He is my soul's rejoicing still, Griefs no more my' joy can kill. Reach forth Thy hand, God, my Friend J Make me faithful to the end. 256. Micah vi. 6. 1. ,'TOW shall I meet my Saviour ? XI How shall I welcome Thee ? What manner of behaviour Is now required of me ? I wait for Thy salvation ; Grant me Thy Spirit's light, Thus will my preparation Be pleasing in Thy sight. 2. While with her sweetest flower? Thy Zion strews Thy way, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 365 I '11 raise with all my powers To Thee a grateful lay ; To Thee, the King of gloiy, I '11 tune a song divine, And make Thy love's bright story In graceful numbers shine. 3. What hast Thou not performed, Lord to retrieve my loss, Whilst I was # so deformed By sin and nature's dross ! Thou raised'st me to glory, Endowed'st me with bliss, Which is not transitory, As worldly grandeur is. 4. "No sinful man's endeavour, Nor any mortal's care, Could draw Thy sovereign favour To sinners in despair ; UncallVl thou cam'st with gladness, Us from the fall to raise, And change our grief and sadness To songs of joy and praise. 5. Ye, who with deep contrition Bemoan your sinful state, 32* 866 SPIRITUAL SONGS, Fear not, — Christ gives remissic9 260. Psalm xviii. 46. 1. r|0D lheth ever! VJT Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! Our God is good ; in ev'ry place His love is known, His help is found ; His mighty arm, and tender grace, Bring good from ills that hem us round. Easier than we think can He Turn to joy our agony ; Soul, remember 'mid thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! 2. God liveth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! Say, shall He slumber, shall He sleep, Who gave the eye its power to see ? Shall He not hear his children weep Who made the ear so wondrously ? God is God ; He sees and hears All our troubles, all our tears. Soul, forget not 'mid thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns I 3. God liveth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never I He who can earth and heaven control, Who spreads the clouds o'er sea and land, 370 SPIRITUAL SONUS. Whose presence fills the mighty whole, In each true heart is close at hand. Love Him ; He will surely send Help and joy that never end. Soul, remember in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! 4. God liveth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! Scarce canst thou bear thy cross ? Then fly To Him where only rest is sweet. God is great ; His mercy nigh, His strength upholds the tottering feet. Trust Him, for His grace is sure, Ever doth His truth endure. Soul, forget not in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! 5. God liveth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! When sins and follies long forgot Upon thy tortured conscience prey, O come to God, and fear Him not, His love shall sweep them all away. Pains of hell, at look of His, Change to calm content and bliss. Soul, remember in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! SPIRITUAL 371 5. God livcth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! Those whom the thoughtless world forsakes, Who staud bewilder'd with their woe, God gently to His bosom takes, And bids them all His fulness know. In thy sorrow's swelling flood Own His hand who seeks thy good. Soul, forget not in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! 7. God liveth ever ! "Wherefore, soul, despair thou never.! Let earth and heaven outworn with age, Sink to the chaos whence they came ; Let angry foes against us rage, Let hell shoot forth its fiercest flame ; Fear not death, nor Satan's thrusts, God defends who in Him trusts ; Soul, remember in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! 8. God liveth ever ! Wherefore, soul, despair thou never ! What though thou tread with bleeding feet A thorny path of grief and gloom, Thy God will choose the way most meet To lead thee heavenwards — lead thee home, 372 SPIRITUAL SONGS. For this life's long night of sadness, He will give thee peace and gladness. Soul, remember in thy pains, God o'er all for ever reigns ! FROM LYRA GERMANICA. 261. Hebrews xi. 14. 1. T AM bound for the kingdom ! Tempt me JL not My spirit to delay ; In this wide world there's not a spot Where I would wish to stay. 2. I am bound for the kingdom ! Hopes are mine Brighter than all below ; I go where the glorious angels shine. And saints made perfect glow. 8. I go where is waving the ever-green, And life-bestowing tree ; No flashing sword shall intervene To bar its fruit from me. 4. I go where every sound is sweet, And every sight is fair ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 373 My longing heart and soul shall meet Full satisfaction there. I am bound for the kingdom ! Not a spot On earth can tempt my stay ; Ye friends beloved ! will ye not With me too come away ? e. w. 262. Psalm xxxvii. 7. 1. TIE still, my soul, Jehovah loveth thee ; JD Fret not, nor murmur at thy weary lot ; Though dark and lone thy journey seems to be, Be sure that thou art ne'er by Him forgot. He ever loves ; then trust Him, trust Him still ; Let all thy care be this — the doing of His will ; 2. Thy hand in His, like fondest, happiest child, Place thou, nor draw it for a moment thence ; Walk thou with Him, a Father reconciled, Till in His own good time He calls thee hence. 33 874 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Walk with Him now,— so shall thy way be bright, And all thy soul be fill'd with His most glori- ous light. 3. Fight the good fight of faith, nor turn aside Through fear of peril from or earth or hell ; Take to thee now the armour proved and tried, Take to thee spear and sword ; — oh ! wield them well. So shalt thou conquer here, to win the day, To wear the crown when this hard life has passed away. 4. Take courage, faint not, tho' the foe be strong, Christ is thy strength ! He fighteth on thy side ; Swift be thy race ;. remember 't is not long, The goal is near ; the prize He will provide. And then from earthly toil thou restest ever ; Never again to toil, or fight, or fear : — oh ! never. 5. He comes, with His reward; 'tis just at hand ; He comes in glory to His promised throne ; SPIRITUAL SOSas. 375 My soul rejoice ; ere long thy feet shall stand Within the city of the Blessed One, — Thy perils past, thy heritage secure, Thy tears all wiped away, thy joy for ever sure. 263. Job vii. 3. (for an invalid.) 1. I" ORD, a w T hole long day of pain JJ Now at last is o'er ! Ah ! how much we can sustain I have felt once more ; Felt how frail are all our powers, And how weak our trust ; If Thou help not, these dark hours Crush us to the dust. 2. Could I face the coming night, If Thou wert not near ? Nay, without Thy love and might I must sink with fear. Round me falls the evening gloom, Sights and sounds all cease, But within this narrow room Night will bring no peace. 376 SPlRFrUAL SONGS. 3. Other weary eyes may close, All things seek their sleep, Hither comes no soft repose, I must wake and weep. Come then, Jesus, o'er me bend, Give me strength to cope With my pains, and gently send Thoughts of peace and hope. 4. Draw my weary heart away From this gloom and strife, - And these fever-pains allay With the dew of life. Thou canst calm the troubled mind, Thou its dread canst still, Teach me to be all-resign'd To my Father's will. 264. Isaiah xxvi. 4. 1. rpEUST on, trust on, believer ! X Though long the conflict be, Thou yet shalt prove victorious, Thy God shall fight for thee. 2. Trust on, trust on ! thy failings May bow thee to the dust ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 377 Yet in thy deepest sorrow- Ob, give not up thy trust. U 8. Trust on! the danger presses; Temptation strong is near ; Over life's dangerous rapids AYho shall thy passage steer ? 4. Jesus is strong to save thee ! He is a faithful friend, Trust on, trust on, believer ! Trust Jesus to the end. E. W. 265. Psalm cvii. 26. 1. T ORD ! the waves are breaking o'er me and Jj around ; Oft of coming tempest I hear the moaning sound ; Here there is no safety rocks on either hand ; 'T is a foreign roadstead, a strange and hos- tile land. Wherefore should I linger ? Others gone before Long since safe are landed on a calm and friendly shore. 33* 378 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Now the sailing orders, in mercy, Lord, be stow, — Loose the cable, let me go ! 2. Lord ! the night is closing round my feeble bark ; How shall I encounter its watches long and dark ? Sorely worn and shattered by many a billow past, Can I stand another rude and stormy blast ? Ah ! the promised haven I never may attain, Sinking and forgotten amid the lonely main ; Enemies around me, gloomy depths below. Loose the cable, let me go ! 3. Lord ! I would be near Thee, with Thee where Thou art,— Thine own word- hath said it, " 't is better to depart," There to serve Thee better, there to love Thee more, With Thy ransom'd people to worship and adore. Ever to Thy presence Thou dost call Thine own — Why am I remaining helpless and alone ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 879 Oil ! to see Thy glory, Thy wondrous love to know ! Loose the cable, let me go ! 4. Lord ! the lights are gleaming from the dis- tant shore, Where no billows threaten, where no tem- pests roar ; Long beloved voices, calling me, I hear, — Oh ! how sweet their summons falls upon mine .ear ! Here are foes and strangers, faithless hearts and cold, There is fond affection, fondly proved of old ! Let me haste to join them ! may it not be so ? Loose the cable, let me go ! 5. Hark ! the solemn answer ! Hark ! the pro- mise sure ! "Blessed are the servants who to the end endure !" Yet a little longer, tarry and hope on, — . Yet a little longer, weak and weary one 1 More to perfect patience, to grow in faith and love, More My strength and wisdom and faithful- ness to prove ; S80 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Then the sailing orders the Captain shall bestow, — Loose the cable, let thee go. 266. John xiv. 27. 1. T ET not your hearts be faint ; JLi My peace I give to you, Such peace as reason never plann'd, As worldlings never knew. 2. 'T is not the stilly calm . That bodes a tempest nigh, Or lures the heedless mariner Where rocks and quicksands lie. 3. It is not nature's sleep, The stupor of the soul, That knows not God, nor owns His hand, Tho' wide His thunders roll. 4. It speaks a ransomed world, A Father reconciled, A sinner to a saint transformed, A rebel to a child. 5. It tells of joys to come, It soothes the troubled breast, SPIRITUAL Sf)\ 381 It shines a star amid the storm, The harbinger of rest 6. Then murmur not, nor mourn, My people faint and few, Tho' earth to its foundation shake, My peace I leave with you. 267. Acts xi. 23. 1. PILING to the Mighty One, \J Cling in thy grief; Cling to the Holy One, He gives relief; Cling to the Gracious One, Cling in thy pain : Cling to the Faithful One, He will sustain. 2. Cling to the Living One, Cling in thy woe ; m Cling to the Loving One, Through all below ; Cling to the Pard'ning One, He speaketh peace ; Cling to the Healing One, Anguish shall cease SPIRITUAL 8QJSVS, Cling to the Bleeding One, Cling to His side ; Cling to the Risen One. In Him abide. Cling to the Coming One, Hope shall arise ; Cling to the Reigning One, Joy lights thine eyes. 268. Judges viii. 4. 1. f" DO not doubt my safety — that Thy hand X Will still uphold me, even to the last, And that my feet on Canaan's hill shall stand, When the long wilderness is overpast ; But often faith is weak, and hope is low ; Forward, indeed T but faint and wearily I go. 2. I do not doubt Thy love, my Lord and God, The love which suffer'd and which died for me, The love that sought me on the downward road, « Unclasp'd the fetters, set the captive free ! But mine seems now so languid, dull and cold — O for the blissful hours which I have known of old ! SPIRITUAL SONOS. 383 I do not doubt, unworthy though I be, Thy worthiness, my Saviour, is my own ! One of Thy many mansions is for me, In the good land where sorrow is unknown ; But often clouds obscure the distant scene, And from the flood I shrink, which darkly rolls between. Lord ! at the evening time let there be light ; Unveil Thy presence, bid all darkness fly; Surely, ere now, far spent must be the night, The morning comes, the journey's end is nigh ; Renew my strength, what yet remains to run, Till glory crown the work which grace has here begun. 269. Hebrews xiii. 5. 1. Be thou content ; be still before His face, at whose right hand doth reign Fullness of joy for evermore, Without whom all thy toil is vain. He is thy living spring, thy sun, whose rays Make glad with life and light thy dreary days, Be thou content. 884 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2. In Him is comfort, light, and grace, And changeless love beyond our thought ; The sorest pang, the worst disgrace, If He is there, shall harm thee not. He can lift off thy cross, and loose thy bands, And calm thy fears, nay, death is in His hands. Be thou content. 3. Or art thou friendless and alone, Hast none in whom thou canst confide ? God careth for thee, lonely one, Comfort and help will He provide. • He sees thy sorrows, and thy hidden grief, He knoweth when to send thee quick relief. Be thou content. 4. The heart's outspoken £>ain He knows, Thy secret sighs He hears full well, What to none else thou dar'st disclose To Him thou rnay'st with boldness tell. He is not far away, but ever nigh, And answereth willingly the poor man's cry. Be thou content. 5. Be not o'er-mastered by thy pain, But cling to God, thou shalt not fall ; The floods sweep over thee in vain, Thou yet shalt rise above them all ; SPIRIJ'UAL SONGS. 385 For when thy trial seems too hard to bear, Lo ! God, thy King, hath granted all thy prayer. Be thou content. 6. Why art thou full of anxious fear How thou shalt be sustained and fed ? He who hath made, and placed thee here, Will give thee needful daily bread. Canst thou not trust His rich and bounteous hand, Who feeds all living things on sea and land ? 7. He who doth teach the little birds To find their meat in field and wood, Who gives the countless flocks and herds Each day their needful drink and food, Thy hunger too will surely satisfy, And all thy wants in His good time supply. Be thou content. 8. Say'st thou. I know not how or where, No help I see, where'er I turn ; When of all else we most despair, The riches of God's love we learn. When thou and I His hand no longer trace, He leads us forth into a pleasant place. Be thou content. 34 386 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 9. Though long His promised aid delay. At last it will be surely sent : Though thy heart sink in sore dismay, The trial for thy good is meant. What we have won with pains, we hold most last. What tarrieth long, is sweeter at the last. Be thou content. 10. Lay not to heart, whate'er of ill Thy foes may falsely speak of thee, Let man defame thee as he will, God hears, and judges righteously. Why should'st thou fear, if God be on thy side, Man's cruel anger or malicious pride ? Be thou content. 11. We know for us a rest remains. When God will give us sweet release From earth and all our mortal chains. And turn our sufferings into peace. Sooner or later death will surely come To end our sorrows and to take us home. Be thou content. LYRA. LYRA UERAIAXICA. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 387 270 Genesis xxviii. 15. J. /\0D doth not leave His own ! VJ The night of weeping for a time may last, Then, tears all past, His going forth shall as the morning shine, The sunrise of His favour shall be thine — God doth not leave His own ! 2. God doth not leave His own ! Tho 7 few and evil all their days appear, Tho' grief and fear Come in the train of earth and hell's dark crowd — The trusting heart says, even in the cloud, God doth not leave His own ! 8. God doth not leave His own ! This sorrow in their life He doth permit — Yea, choose th it. To speed His children in their heavenward way, He guides the winds ; — faith, hope, and love all say, God doth not leave His own I 888 271 SPIRITUAL SONGS. John xii. 21. E would see Jesus n — for the shadows lengthen Across this little landscape of our life : We would see Jesus, our weak faith to strengthen, For the last weariness — the final strife. i. «^yi 2. " We would see Jesus " — for life's hand hath rested With its dark touch upon both heart and brow; And though our souls have many a billow breasted, Others are rising in the distance now. 3. " We would see Jesus n — the great rock foun- dation, Whereon our feet we've set by sovereign grace ; Not life nor death, with all their agitation, Can thence remove us, if we see His face. 4. "We would see Jesus" — other lights are paling, Which for long years we have rejoiced to see ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing, We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee. 5. u We would see Jesus" — yet the spirit lingers Round the dear objects it has loved so long. And earth from earth can scarce' unclasp its fingers. — Our love to Thee makes not this love less strong. 6. " We would see Jesus " — sense is all too blinding, And heaven appears too dim — too far away; We would see Thee, to gain a sweet remind- ing, That Thou has promised our great debt to pay- 7, " We would see Jesus " — this is all we're needing, — Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight . 44 We would see Jesus," dying, risen, plead- ing ;— Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night ! 34* 390 272. 1. SPIRITUAL SONGS. PhUippians i. 23. I JOURNEY forth rejoicing, From this dark vale of tears, To heavenly joy and freedom, From earthly bonds and fears ; "Where Christ our Lord shall gather All His redeemed again, His kingdom to inherit ; — Good night till then ! Go to thy quiet resting, Poor tenement of clay ! From all thy pain and weakness I gladly haste away ; But still in faith confiding To find Thee yet again, All glorious and immortal ; Good night till then ! 3. TThy thus so sadly weeping, Belov'd one of my ?ieart ? The Lord is good and gracious, Tho' now He bids us part. Oft have we met in gladness, And we shall meet again, All sorrows left behind us ; — Good nic No righteousness, no merit, No beauty can I plead ; Yet in the cross I glory, My title there I read. I clasp the cross of Jesus In ev'ry trying hour, My sure and certain refuge, My never failing tower. In every fear and conflict, I more than conqueror am ; Living I 'm safe, or dying, Through Christ the risen Lamb. Sweet is the cross of Jesus ! There let my weary heart Still rest in perfect peace Till life itself depart. And then in strains of glory I '11 sing Thy wond'rous power, Where sin can never enter, And death is known no more. F. WHITFIELD 296. Matthew xxviii. 20. 1. " •• 10 11 am with thee I" bid thy fears JJ And anxious sorrows cease ; 85* 426 SPIRITUAL SONGS. My hands shall dry thy bitter tears, My lips shall whisper peace. 2. " Lo ! I am with thee," when the tomb Thy loved ones calls away, My voice shall cheer the valle}^ gloom With thoughts of endless day. 3. " Lo ! I am with thee ;"— What the loss Of all thou can'st deplore, When placed beside the awful cross, Which once for thee I bore ! 4. " Lo ! I am with thee," when the bed Of languishing is thine ; Thou shalt repose thine aching head Upon my love divine. 5. " Lo ! I am with thee," when the knell Of closing hours shall ring ; Mine arm the fatal foe shall quell, And crush his vanquished sting. 6. " Lo ! I am with thee," still the same Through endless years above ; 'Mid brighter worlds I shall proclaim, My changeless, deathless love ! J. K. MACDUFF. SPIRITUAL 427 297. Matthew vi. 6. 1. A LONE with Thee, my God ! alone with A Thee ! Thus would'st Thou have it still — thus let it be. There is a secret chamber in each mind, Which none can find, But He who made it — none beside can know Its joy or woe. Oft may I enter it oppressed by care, And find Thee there ; So full of watchful love, Thou know'st trie why Of ev'ry sigh. Then all Thy righteous dealing shall I see, Alone with Thee, my God ! alone with Thee ! 2. The joys of earth are like a summer day, Fading away ; But in the twilight we may better trace Thy wondrous grace. The homes of earth are emptied oft by death With chilling breath ; The loved departed guest may ope no more The well-known door. Still in that chamber seal'd, TbouTt dwell with me, And I with Thee, my God, aloue with Thee. 428 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. The world's false voice would bid me enter not That hallo w'd spot ; And earthly thoughts would follow on the track, To hold me back, Or seek to break the sacred peace within, With this world's din. But by Thy grace, I '11 cast them all aside, Whate 'er betide, And never let that cell deserted be, Where I may dwell alone, my God, with Thee. 4. The war may rage ; — keep Thou the citadel, And all is well. And when I learn the fulness of Thy love With Thee above — When ev'ry heart oppressed by hidden grief Shall gain relief; When ev'ry weary soul shall find its rest Amidst the blest, Then all my heart, from sin and sorrow free, Shall be a temple meet, my God, for Thee. 298. Matthew xxviii. 6. 1 npiIOU hast stood here, Lord Jesus, 1 Beside the still cold grave ; SPIRITUAL 80KQ& 4W And proved Thy deep compassion, And mighty power to save. Thy tears of tender pity, Thine agonizing groan, Teach how for us Thou feelest, Now seated on Thy throne. Thou hast lain here, Lord Jesus, Thyself the victim then ; The Lord of life and glory, Once slain for wretched men. From sin and condemnation 'When none but Thou could'st save Thy love than death was stronger, And deeper than the grave. Thou hast been here, Lord Jesus, But Thou art here no more ; The terror and the darkness, The night of death are o'er. Great Captain of salvation, Thy triumphs now we sing ; O grave ! where is thy victory ? death ! where is thv sting f 4. We wait for Thine appearing, We weep, but we rejoice ; 430 SPIRITUAL SONGS. In all our depths of sorrow, We still can hear Thy voice ;— kv I am the resurrection ; I live, who once was slain ; Fear not, thy friend and brother Shall rise with Me and reign." 299. 2 Timothy iv. 7, 8. A DYING MARTYR'S HYMN. 1. Q ING with me ! sing with me ! O Weeping brethren, sing with me ! For now an open heaven I see, And a crown of glory laid for me ; How my soul this earth despises ! How my heart and spirit rises ! Bounding from the flesh I sever ! World of sin, adieu, for ever ! 2. Sing with me ! sing with me ! Friends in Jesus, sing with me ! All my sufferings, all my woe, All my griefs I here forego. Farewell terrors, sighing, grieving, Praying, hearing, and believing, Earthly trust, and all its wrongings, Earthly love, and all its longings. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 431 Sing with me ! sing with me ! Blessed spirits, sing with me ! To the Lamb our songs shall be, Through a glad eternity ! Farewell, earthly morn and even, Sun and moon, and stars of heaven ; Heavenly portals, ope before me, Welcome Christ, in all His glory ! 300. Revelations xxi. 4. 1. T1EYOXD the smiling and the weeping, JD I shall be soon ; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home ' Sweet hope ! Lord, tarry not, out come. 2. Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon ; Beyond the shining and the shading, Beyond the hoping and the dreading, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home ! &c., &c. 132 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. Beyond the rising and the setting, I shall be soon ; Beyond the calming and the fretting, Beyond remembering and forgetting, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home ! &c, &c. 4. Beyond the gathering and the strowing, I shall be soon ; Beyond the ebbing and the flowing, Beyond the coming and the going, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home ! &c, &c. 5. Beyond the parting and the meeting, I shall be soon ; Beyond the farewell and the greeting, Beyond the pulse's fever-beating, I shall be soon. Love, rest, -and home! &c, &c. H. BONAR. SPIRITUAL 80NGS. 301- 1 Car. xv. 47, 49. 1. ^V MEAN may sc m this house of clay, V / Yet 'twas the Lord's abode ; Our feet may mourn this thorny way, Yet here Emmanuel trod. 2. This fleshly robe the Lord did wear ; This watch the Lord did keep ; These burdens sore the Lord did bear ; These tears the Lord did weep. 3. O vale of tears no longer sad, "Wherein the Lord did dwell ! O happy robe of flesli that clad Our own Emmanuel ! 4. But not this fleshly robe alone ' Shall link us, Lord, to Thee ; Not only in the tear and groan Shall the dear kindred be. 5. We shall be reckoned for Thine own, Because Thy heaven we share, Because we sing around Thy throne, And Thy bright raiment wear. G. O mighty grace, our life to live, To make our earth divine ! 434 SPIRITUAL SOJSTGS. O mighty grace, Thy heaven to give And lift our life to Thine ! THOMAS H. GILL. S02. 1 Romans viii. 10. LORD, I was blind ! I could not see In Thy marred visage any grace ; But now the beauty of Thy face In radiant vision dawns on me. 2. Lord, I was deaf! I could not hear The thrilling music of Thy voice ; But now I hear Thee and rejoice, And all Thy uttered words are dear. 3. Lord, I was dumb ! I could not speak The grace and glory of Thy name ; But now, as touched with living flame, My lips Thine eager praises wake. Lord, I was dead ! I could not stir My lifeless soul to come to Thee ; But now, since Thou hast quickened me, I rise from sin's dark sepulchre. SPIRITUAL 80NQS. 435 For Thou hast made the blind to see, The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, The dead to live, aud lo, I break The chains of my captivity. WILLIAM TH>D MATSON. 303- Acts xvii. 28, 29. 1. TjlATHER, who didst fashion me J: Image of Thyself to be, Fill me with Thy love divine, Let my every thought be Thine. 2. Holy Jesus, may I be Dead and buried here with Thee ; And, by love inflamed, arise Unto Thee a sacrifice. 3. Thou who dost all gifts impart, Shine, sweet Spirit, in my heart ; Best of gifts, Thyself, bestow; Make me burn Thy love to know. 4. God, the blessed Three in One, Dwell within my heart alone ; Thou dost give Thyself to me, May I give myself to Thee. LE MANS' "BREVIARY.' 436 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 304. Matthew xiv. 35, 36. 1. TIHINE arm, O Lord, in days of old JL Was strong to Ileal and save ; It triumphed o'er disease and death, O'er darkness and the grave ; To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, The leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame. 2. And lo, Thy touch brought life and health, Gave speech, and strength, and sight ; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed Owned Thee, the Lord of Light : And now, O Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore, In crowded street, by restless couch, As by Gennesareth's shore. 3. Be Thou our great Deliverer still, Thou Lord of life and death ; Restore and quicken, soothe and bless With Thine almighty breath. To hands that work and eyes that see Give wisdom's heavenly lore, That whole and sick, and weak and strong, May praise Thee evermore. EDWARD H. PLUMPTRE. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 437 305. Galatians v. 22. 1. r\ RACIOUS Spirit, dwell with me ; VJT I myself would gracious be, And witli words that help and heal Would Tli} 7 life in mine reveal, And with actions bold and meek Would for Christ my Saviour speak. 2. Truthful Spirit, dwell with me ; I myself would truthful be, And with wisdom kind and clear Let Thy life in mine appear, And with actions brotherly Speak my Lord's sincerity. 3. Tender Spirit, dwell with me ; I myself would tender be, Shut my heart up like a flower At temptation's darksome hour, Open it when shines the sun, And His love by fragrance own. 4. Silent Spirit, dwell with me ; I myself would quiet be, Quiet as the growing blade Which through earth its way has made; Silently, like morning light, Putting mists and chills to flight. 438 ■ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. Mighty Spirit, dwell with me ; I myself would mighty be, Mighty so as to prevail Where unaided mau must fail, Ever by a mighty hope Pressing on and bearing up. 6. Holy Spirit, dwell with me ; I myself would holy be ; Separate from sin, I would Choose and cherish all things good, And whatever I can be Give to Him, who gave me Thee ! THOMAS T. LYNCH. 306. Luke xviii. 37. 1. T)ASS me not, O gentle Saviour, JL Hear my humble cry ; While on others Thou art smiling, Do not pass me by ! 2. Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief ! SPIRITUAL S0JSTG8. 439 3. Trusting only in Thy merits, Would I seek Thy face, Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace ! 4. Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom on earth have I besides Thee, Whom in heaven but Thee ! FAXNY J. CROSBY YA2s ALSTYNE. 307. 1 Peter iv. 1, 2. 1. I ORD Jesus, by Thy passion, JU To Thee I make my prayer ; Thou who in mercy smitest, Have mercy, Lord, and spare : O wash me in the fountain That floweth from Thy Side ; O clothe me in the raiment Thy blood hath purified. 2. O hold Thou up my goings, And lead from strength to strength, That unto Thee in Zlon I may appear at length. 440 SPIRITUAL SONGS. O make my spirit worthy To join the ransomed throng ; teach my lips to utter That everlasting song. 3. O give that last, best blessing That even saints can know, To follow in Thy footsteps Wherever Thou dost go. Not wisdom, might, or glory, I ask to win above ; •I ask for Thee, Thee only, O Thou Eternal Love ! 308. 1. 1 Chronicles xxix. 5. WE are living, we are dwelling, In a grand and awful time, In an age on ages telling ; To be living is sublime. Hark, the waking up of nations, Gog and Magog to the fray. Hark, what soundetli ? is creation Groaning for its latter day ? Worlds are charging, heaven beholding, Thou hast but an hour to fight ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 441 Now the blazoned cross unfolding, On, right onward for the right ! On ! let all the soul within you For the truth's sake go abroad. Strike, let every nerve. and sinew Tell on ages, tell for (iod. ARTHUR CLEVELAND COXE. 309. John xv. 10. 1. A BIDE with rne: fast falls the eventide ; XX The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide ; When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I s e ; O Thou, who changest not, abide with me. 3. Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word ; But, as Thou dwelPst with Thy disciples, Lord, Familiar, condescending, patient, free, Come, not to sojourn, but abide, with me. 442 SPIBITTJAL SONGS. 4. Come not in terrors, as the King of kings, But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings ; Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea ; Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide with me. 5. Thou on my head in early youth didst smile ; And, though rebellious and perverse mean- while, Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee. On to the close, O Lord, abide with me. 6. I need Thy presence every passing hour: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me. 7. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless ; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness ; Where is death's sting ? where, grave, thy victory ? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. * 8. Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes ; Shine thro' the gloom and point me to the skies ; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. HENRY FRANCIS LYTB. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ul 310. 2 Corinthians v. 17. 1. T BLESS the Christ of God, J. I rest on love divine ; And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call this Saviour mine. 2. His cross dispels each doubt ; I bury in His tomb Each thought of unbelief and fear, Each lingering shade of gloom. 3. I praise the God of grace ; I trust His truth and might ; He calls me His, I call Hi in mine, My God, my joy, my light. 4. In Him is only good, In me is only ill ; My ill but draws His goodness forth, And me He loveth still. 5. 'Tis He who saveth me, And freely pardon gives ; I love because He loveth me, I live because He lives. 6. My life with Him is hid, My death has passed away, 444 SPIRITUAL SONGS. My clouds have melted into light, My midnight into day. n. BONAR. 311. Psalm cxxi. 1, 2. SILENTLY the shades of evening Gather round my lowly door ; Silently they bring before me Faces I shall see no more. 4. O the lost, the unforgotten, Though the world be oft forgot ; O the shrouded and the lonely, In our hearts they perish not. Living in the silent hours Where our spirits only blend ; They, unlinked with earthly trouble, We, still hoping for its end. How such holy memories cluster, Like the stars when storms are past; Pointing up to that far heaven We may hope to gain at last. c. c. cox. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 415 312- Revelation xxii. 3. 1. VTO, no, it is not dying 11 To go unto our God, This gloomy earth forsaking, Our journey homeward taking Along the starry road. 2. No, no, it is not dying Heaven's citizen to be ; A crown immortal wearing, And rest unbroken sharing, From care and conflict free. 3. No, no, it is not dying To hear this gracious word, " Receive a Father's blessing, Forevermore possessing The favor of thy Lord." 4. No, no, it is not dying The Shepherd's voice to know ; His sheep He ever leadeth, His peaceful flock He feedeth, Where living pastures grow. 5. No, no, it is not dying To wear a lordly crown ; 446 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Among God's people dwelling, The glorious triumph swelling Of Him whose sway we own. Oh, no, this is not dying, Thou Saviour of mankind: There, streams of love are flowing, No hindrance ever knowing ; Here, drops alone we find. CAESAR MALAN. 313. Golossians ii. 7. 1. TESUS, grant me this, I pray, tl Ever in Thy heart to stay ; Let me evermore abide Hidden in Thy wounded side. 2. If the evil one prepare, Or the world, a tempting snare, I am safe, when I abide In Thv heart and wounded side. If the flesh, more dangerous still, Tempt my soul to deeds of ill, Naught I fear, when I abide In Thy heart and wounded side. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 417 4. Death will come one day to me ; Jesus, cast nie not from Thee : Dying, let me still abide In Thy heart and wounded side. TRANS. BY REV. SIR H. W. BAKER. 314. 2 Peter iii. 14. 1. /^tOME to the land of peace ; \J From shadows come away ; 'Where all the sounds of weeping cease, And storms no more have sway. 2. Fear hath no dwelling here ; But pure repose and love Breathe through the bright, celestial air The spirit of the dove. 3. Come to the bright and blest. Gathered from every land ; For here thy soul shall find its rest Amid the shining band. 4. In this divine abode Change leaves no saddening trace ; Come, trusting spirit, to thy God, The holy resting-place. 448 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. " Come to our peaceful horns," The saints aud angels say, " Forsake the world, no longer roam ; O wanderer, come away ! n 315 Oalatians ii. 20. "S" I EE how He loved ! M exclaimed the Jews, As tender tears from Jesus fell : My grateful heart the thought pursues, And on the theme delights to dwell.- 2. 3. See how He loved, who travelled on, Teaching the doctrine from the skies; Who bade disease and pain be gone, And called the sleeping dead to rise. See how He loved, who, firm yet mild, Patient endured the scoffing tongue : Though oft provoked, He ne'er reviled, Or did His greatest foe a wrong. See how He loved, who never shrank From toil or danger, pain or death ; Who all the cup of sorrow drank, And meekly yielded up His breath. SPIRITUAL SONG 449 Such love can we unmoved survey \ O may our breasts with ardor glow To tread His steps, Hi^ laws obey. And thus our warm affections show. MRS. SARAH BACHE. ). 1 John v. 14, 15. 1. TESUS, my Lord, my God, t) Thy promise I embrace ; And hail, beneath the Father's rod, Thy all-sufficient grace. 2. My oft- repeated prayer The kindest answer gains, When, by Thy gracious aid, I bear Life's keen and varied pains. 3. Should dread of want distress, And men or fiends assail, Infirmities my frame oppress, And earthly comforts fail, 4. Still may I trust in Thee, And calm each rising fear ; For none of these can injure me While Thou, Christ, art near. 450 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. My faith as gold refine ; Each grace and virtue prove ; That in my spotless life may shine The light of perfect love. 317. Psalm xx xi. 15. 1. CI OVEREIGN Ruler of the skies, Ever gracious, ever wise. All my times are in Thy hand, All events at Thy command. 2. Times of sickness, times of health, Times of penury and wealth ; Times of trial and of grief, Times of triumph and relief; 3. Times the Tempter's power to prove, Times to taste a Saviour's love ; All must come, and last, and end, As shall please my heavenly Friend, 4. Plagues and deaths around me fly Till He bids, I cannot die : Not a single shaft can hit Till the God of love sees fit. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 451 5. O Thou Gracious, Wise, and Just, In Thy hands my life I trust : Have I something dearer still ? I resign it to Thy will. 6. Thee at all times will I bless ; Having Thee I all possess ; How can I bereaved be, Since I cannot part with Thee ? JOHN RYLAND. 318- Hebrews xiii. 8. 1. T\EAR Refuge of my weary soul, \J On Thee, when sorrows rise, On Thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. 2. To Thee I tell each rising grief, For Thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. 3. But, oh, when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call Thee mine ; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. 452 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee ? Thou art my only trust ; And still my soul would cleave to Thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 5. Thy mercy-seat is open still ; Here let my soul retreat, With humble hope attend Thy will, And wait beneath Thy feet. ANNE STEELE. 319. Psalm xxv. 5, 6. 1. 2. HE leadeth me : O blessed thought, O words with heavenly comfort fraught, Whatever I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me. Choiius. He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me. His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea, Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me. — Cho. SPIEI I clasp Thy hand in mi :mur nor repir Since hat leacleth me. — And when my task on earth is done. e God through Jordan leadeth m< — J. B 320- John xvi. 1 | \ I A 7: [ :er mine, \J Thy happy My Conquer:. jo j divine :ke to wear, 3. Xo bar wou unbind : Within I ove Fall hberty I find. 454 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4. I would not walk alone, But still with Thee, my God ; At every step my blindness own, And ask of Thee the road. 5. The weakness I enjoy That casts me on Thy breast ; The conflicts that Thy strength employ, Make me divinely blest. 6. Dear Lord and Master mine. Still keep Thy servant true ; My Guardian and my Guide divine, Bring, bring Thy pilgrim through. 7. My Conqueror and my King, Still keep me in Thy train ; And with Thee Thy glad captive bring, When Thou return's t to reign. THOMAS H. GILL. 321- Revelation xx. 6. I. 1. "1TY spirit longs for Thee ill Within my troubled breast, Unworthy though I be Of so Divine a Guest. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 408 Of so Divine a Gu Unworthy tboogb I be, Yet has my heart no rest Unless it come from Thee. 2. Unless it come from Thee, In vain I look around ; In all that I can see No rest is to be found. No rest is to be found But iu Thy blessed love: let my wish be crowned, And send it from above. 322. II. 1. /^HEER up, desponding soul, \J Thy longing pleased I see : 'Tis part of that great whole AY he re with I longed for thee ; Wherewith I longed for thee, And left my Father's throne, From death to set thee free. And claim thee for My own. 2. To claim thee for My own, 1 suffered on the cr< ss : O w T ere My love but known, All else would be as dross ; 456 SPIRITUAL SONGS. All else would be as dross, And souls, through grace divine, Would count their gain but loss, To live forever Mine. JOHN BYROM. 323. Colossians ii. 6, 7. 1. f\ JESUS, when I think of Thee, \J Thy manger, cross, and throne, My spirit trusts exultingly In Thee, and Thee alone.. 2. I see Thee in Thy weakness first : Then, glorious from shame, I see Thee death's strong fetters burst, And reach heaven's mightiest name. 3. In each, a brother's love I trace By power divine exprest, One in Thy Father God's embrace, As on Thy mother's breast. 4. For me Thou didst become a man, For me didst weep and die ; For me achieve Thy wondrous plan, For me ascend on high. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 457 O let me share Thy holy birth, Thy faith, Thy death to sin ! And, strong amidst the toils of earth, My heavenly, life begin. Then shall I know what means the strain Triumphant of Saint Paul : u To live is Christ, to die is gain "; 11 Christ is my all in all." GEOKGE \V. BETHTJNE. 324. Colossi-arts i. 27. 1. TN us the hope of glory, JL risen Lord, art Thou ; The first-fruits of the Spirit Are in us now. Yet still in dust and ashes Before Thy throne we kneel ; And in our hearts is hidden Thy living seal. 2. The whole creation groaneth In prison chains for Thee : O rend the veil asunder, And set us free. 458 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Raise up Thy holy sleepers, And change Thy saints on earth, In all, as one, revealing The second birth. 3. O come in all Thy glory, Our great Immanuei ; Come forth, our Prince and Saviour, With us to dwell. Bring Thine eternal Sabbath, Bring Thine eternal day, And cause all grief and sighing To flee away. 325. 1. John x. 19. 2. 3. AT the door of mercy sighing With the burden of my sin, Day and night my soul is crying, " Open, Lord, and let me in." Waiting 'mid the darkness dreary, Stretching out my hands to Thee, In the refuge for the weary Is there not a place for me ? Hark, what sounds .my ear receiveth, Sweet as songs of seraphim ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 459 He that in the Lord believeth Life eternal hath in Him. 4. At the outer door why staying ? Nothing, soul, hast thou to pay : Christ in love to thee i< paying, " Weary child, come in to-day." THOMAS MAC KELLAR. 326- Ezekiel xi. 16. 1. TI ERE I can firmly rest, JUL I dare to boast of this, That God, the Highest and the Best, My Friend and Father is. From dangerous snares He saves : Where'er He bids me go He checks the storms and calms the waves, That naught can work me woe. 2. He whispers in my breast Sweet words of holy cheer, How he who seeks in God his rest Shall ever find Him near ; How God hath built above A city fair and new, Where eye and heart shall see and prove What faith has counted true. 460 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3. My heart for gladness springs, It cannot more be sad, For very joy it laughs and sings, Sees naught but sunshine glad. The sun that glads mine eyes Is Christ the Lord I love : I sing for joy of that which lies Stored up for us above. TRANS. BY MISS WINKWORTH. 327. John iii. 14, 15. 1. T1EAR not, poor, weary one ; JL But struggle bravely yet ; Toil on until thy task is done, Until thy- sun is set. 2. Though many are thy cares, And many are thy fears, The loving Christ thy burden shares, And wipes away thy tears. No distant Christ is He, And one that doth not know ; But watches close and constantly The path which thou dost go. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 461 'Tis when thy heart is tried, 'Tis in thine hour of grief. He standeth ever at thy side, And ever brings relief. THOMAS C. UPHAM. 328. Psalm xviii. 2. 1. T ORD, Thou art my Rock of strength, JLi And my home is in Thine arms ; Thou wilt send me help at length, And I feel no wild alarms. Sin nor death can pierce the shield Thy defence has o'er me thrown ; Up to Thee myself I yield, And my sorrows are Thine own. 2. When my trials tarry long, Unto Thee I look and wait, Knowing none, though keen and strong, Can my trust in Thee abate. And this faith I long have nursed Comes alone, God, from Thee ; Thou my heart didst open first, Thou didst set this hope in me. 3. Let Thy mercy's wings be spread O'er me, keep me close to Thee ; 462 SPIRITUAL SONGS. In the peace Thy love doth shed, Let me dwell eternally. Be my all ; in all I do, Let me only seek Thy will. Where the heart to Thee is true, All is peaceful, calm and still. TRANS. BY MISS WINKWORTH. 329. 2 Corinthians v. 21. 1. TESUS, Thou Joy of loving hearts, V Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men, From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to Thee again. 2. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood ; Thou savest those that on Thee call ; To them that seek Thee, Thou art good, To them that "find Thee, All in all. 3. We taste Thee, O thou living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still ; We drink of Thee, the Fountain-Head, And thirst, our souls from Thee to fill. 4. Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 463 Glad, when Thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold Thee fast. Jesus, ever with us stay ; Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away ; Shed o'er the world Thy holy light. TRANS. BY REV. RAY PALMER. 330. Psalm xi. 1. 1TY trust is in the Lord ; jjjL What foe can injure me ? Why bid me like a bird Before the fowler flee ? The Lord is on His heavenly throne, Omnipotent to save His own. 2. The wicked may assail, The tempter sorely try, All earth's foundations fail, All nature's springs be dry ; Yet God is in His holy shrine, And I am strong while He is mine. 3. His flock to Him is clear, He watches them from high ; 464 SPIRITUAL SONGS. He sends them trials here To fit them for the sky ; But safely will He tend and keep The humblest, feeblest, of His sheep. 4. His foes a season here May triumph and prevail ; But, ah, the hour is near When all their hopes must fail ; While like the sun His saints shall rise, And shine with Him above the skies. HENRY FKANCIS LYTE. 331. Hebrews i\. 10. 1. A WHILE in spirit, Lord, to Thee JTX Into the desert would we flee ; Awhile upon the barren steep Thy Fast with Thee in spirit keep ; 2. Awhile from Thy temptation learn The daily snares of sin to spurn, And in our hearts to feel and own Man livetli not by bread alone. 3. And while at Thy command we pray, Give us our bread from day to day, SPIRITUAL s