S^l^-■M^>*,^.^,i^,.|•rtJi1. Died October 19 1697. Eunice Whiteing Aged 1 year Died November 4 1697. 1608. John Bull son of Elisha & Deborah Bull aged 2 years & 10 W. Died April y^ 2 1698. 3 o 26 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1699. Sarah Swan Daughter of Gershom & Sarah Swan Aged 20 years Died April 25 1699. Gershom Swan and Sarah Holden were married Dec. 20, 167' Here lyeth buried y® body of Mary Leverest who died July y® 7 " Anno Dom : 1699 Anno Etatis Here lyes y® body of John Appleton y® eldest son of Coll**. John Appleton of Ipswich & Elizabeth his wife Aged 15 years & 10 M*». Dyed Septe"*. y« 24. Anno Dom : 1699 & in y® first year of his admission into Harvard CoUedge in Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 27 Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y^ body of Walter Hasting who died September 25^\ 1699 & in the 21 year of his Age. Son of Deacon Walter Hastings, by his wife Elizabeth. (See Walter Hastings, 1705.) 1700. Here lyeth buried the Body of Mr. Jonas Clark Ruhng Elder of [y^] Church of Christ in Cambridg Deceased y^ 1 1 of January 1699 and jEtat. 80. Jonas Clark, freeman 1647, member of the church ; Sarah, his wife, died Feb. 20, 1649 (O. S.), and he married, July 30, 1650, Elizabeth Clark. Here Lyeth Buried y® Body of M^^ Elizabeth Sharp the wife of M^ John Sharp Merchant who Deceased on y® 9^^. Day of March Anno Domini [1699] And in the 59^^ Year of Her Age. 28 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes buried the body of Capt. Jonathan Remington who departed this life April 21 Anno Domini 1700 and ^tatis suae 61. Jonathan Remington, born, probably in Rowley, in 1639 ; mar- ried Martha, daughter of Andrew Belcher, July 13, 1664 ; was town clerk, 1693 ; town clerk and treasurer, 1698- 1700 ; select- man, 1688, 1689, 1691-1694,1698-1700. Here lyeth buried y^ body of Jonathan Andrew Aged about 30 years Depart"^. this life May y® 8^^. 1700. Here lyes y® body of Mary Gove wife to John Gove aged 56 years died 11 of September 1700. Her maiden name was Aspinwall ; she was married to John Gove, Oct. 6, 1658. cambridge epitaphs. 29 Seeth Andrew Daughter to William & Seeth Andrew Aged 10 yeares died September y« 21 1700. Here lyes y® body of M^^. Sarah Jackson Wife to Lieutenant John Jackson aged 50 years & 8 M°. Died Novem^ y« 15 1700. 1701. Here lyes y^ body of Samuel CooKE Aged 17 years, Died February 10 , q 1700. Son of Samuel Cook, and his wife Abigail Griggs ; Samuel was probably son of Philip. Here lyes y® Body of Iacob Amsden Aged 44 years. Died y^ 11 of June 1701. Jacob Amsden was born Nov. 17, 1657 ; his father, Isaac Ams- den, married Francis Perriman, June 8, 1654, and died April 7, 1659, leaving a widow, and two children, Isaac and Jacob ; Isaac married Jane Rutter, May 17, 1677. 3* 30 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y® body of Samuel Andrew Aged about 80 years Died June y« 21. 1701. " Son of Mr. William Andrews deceased," and his wife Mary, who died Jan. 19, 1639 (O. S.), member of the church; married Elizabeth White, Sept. 22, 1652 ; town clerk and treasurer, 1691, 1694 - 1696 ; selectman from 1681 - 1693, inclusive. 1703. Here lyes the Body of M^s. Hannah GooKiN, relict of REVD ]vp. Nathanael GooKiN, late Pastour of the church of Christ in Cambridg. She died May the 14^^ 1702 in the 35^^ year of Her Age. Mrs. Gookin, born Aug. 27, 1667, was daughter of Captain Ha- bijah Savage, the oldest son and child of Captain Thomas Savage by his first wife Faith (who died Feb. 20, 1652), daughter of Wil- liam and the celebrated Ann Hutchinson. — Rev. Nathaniel Gook- in, her husband, was son of Major-General Daniel Gookin. (See Nathaniel Gookin, Appendix.) Here lyeth y® body of William Andrew Aged 44 years Died June y* 13 1702. The son of Samuel and Elizabeth, grandson of William and Mary Andrew. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 31 Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y« body of M^^. Elizabeth Hasting y® wife of Deacon Walter Hasting who departed this hfe July 23 1702 & in y« 57 year of her age. Mrs. Hastings was the second wife of Deacon Walter Hastings, whom she married July 23, 1674 ; her maiden name was Bright. Memento Fugit mori Hora. Here lyes the body of Zachariah Hicks, who died Aug«^ 5th 1702 in y« 74 year of his age. Zachariah Hicks, a member of the church, married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Joanna Scill, Oct. 28, 1652. -) Here lyeth y® body of Margarett y® Daughter of John Leverett of Camb"^. Esq. & Margarett his wife who died y® 22^^ of Nov^ Anno Dom. 1702. ^tat. 5 : 32 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1703. Susanna Staesy Daugh'^ of Thomas & Hannah Staesy Aged 2 years & 8 M^ Died Jan'^y. 7^^. 1702. Here lyeth buried y® body of Lieu^ Andrew Bordman died January y^ 15^^, 1702 in y® 54 year of his age. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y® body of John Swann who deceased June y« 5'^ 1708 in ye 33lh yggj. q( Jjjg ggg Also Mary Swann y® wife of John Swann who deceased ye iith Qf February 1702 in ye 'jQih ygar of her age. John Swan, married, Feb. 1, 1650 (O. S.), Rebecca Palfory, who died July 12, 1654 ; he married Mary Prat, March 2, 1655 (0. S.). CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 33 Memento Fugit Mori. Hora. Here Lyes y® Body of Dorothy Burre Wife to Samuel Burre Aged 30 Years Died y« 20 of February 1702. \ Sub hoc tumulo Depositae sunt Reliquiae CI. D. Jacobi Oliveri, Col. Harvardini quondam Alumni & Ornamenti ; Viri Arte Medica insignis & Virtutibus tam Divinis quam humanis vere conspicui, qui summo sui desiderio apud Omnes Valentes pariter atque jEgrotantes relicto. Decessit Octavo die Aprilis, Anno Domini MDCCIII, ^tatis XLIV. Depositum GuLiELMi Brattle nuper Ecclesiae Cantabrigiensis N. A. Pastoris Rev^'. Senatus Collegii Harvardini Socii Primarii Ejusdemque Curatoris Spectatissimi Et R. S. S. qui obiit XV« Febr", Anno Domini MDCCXVII et ^Etatis Suae LV. Hie requiescit in spe Beatae Resurrectionis. Dr. James Oliver, born March 19, 1658, graduated at Harvard College in 1680, settled as a physician in Cambridge, died April 34 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 8, 1703, was " a man beloved, pious, and useful, above many." He was the third son of Peter Oliver, an eminent merchant in Bos- ton, who was son of Elder Thomas and Ann Oliver ; Elder Thomas came to N. E. in 1631, was admitted freeman in 1632, and died in 1637. William Brattle was born in Boston in 1662, and graduated at Harvard College in 1680, He was the son of Thomas Brattle, of Boston in 1657. He was tutor and fellow of Harvard College for several years ; ordained pastor of the church in Cambridge, as successor of Mr. Gookin, Nov. 25, 1696, and died, after a ministry of twenty years, Feb. 15, 1717, " respected as a man, a scholar, and a divine." 1704. Here lyes y® body of John Gove aged about 77 years who deceased November y« 24^^ 1704. His wife was Mary Aspinwall, whom he married Oct. 6, 1658. 1705. Here lyes y® body of Downing Chamne aged 25 years & 27 D^. Died June y^ 27 1705. Downing Chamne, or Champney, was the son of Daniel, and his first wife, Dorcas, daughter of Thomas and Dorcas Bridge, whom he married Jan. 3, 1665 (O. S.) ; Daniel was the son of Richard Champney, — who was of Cambridge 1635, freeman 1636, and an elder of the church, — whose wife's name was Jane. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 35 Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes buried y^ body of Deacon Walter Hasting who died Aug'S y^ 5'^. in y® 75^^. year of his age & in y® year of our Lord 1705. Deacon Walter Hastings, born in England, in 1631, was son of John Hastings — of Braintree, freeman 1645, who removed to Cam- bridge in 1655 or 1656, and was a deacon of the church — and of his wife Anna Meen ; Walter married, first, Sarah Meen, April 10, 1655, and second, EHzabeth Bright, July 23, 1674 ; was dea- con of the church; and selectman, 1673-1681, 1683, 1685-1702. Here lyes y® body of Peter Town Aged 72 years And Teen Months Died November y« 2^ 1705. Born in England ; the son of William and Martha Town ; William Town died in Cambridge, March 30, 1685, aged 80 years. 1706. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes buried y^ Body of M«. Samuel GoFFE Sen'^. who died January y^ 15^^ 1705 in y* [86^**] year of his age. Samuel Goffe, born in England ; married Hannah Barnard, June 25, 1656 ; was son of Edward Goffe, who came to N. E. in 1635, was freeman in 1636, selectman in Cambridge, 1636, 1637, 1639, 1648-1655, representative 1646 and 1650, and died Dec. 26, 1658, leaving a widow, Margaret, his second wife. 36 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y® body of Abraham Watson Aged 44 years Died March y^ 23 1705. The son of John Watson, perhaps of Roxbury, freeman in 1645, and Rebecca, "daughter of Anne Errington " ; his wife was Mary, afterwards wife of Mr. Samuel Whitmore of Lex- ington. William Warland son of William & Tabitha Warland was Born Octo^^ y« 2'^ 1706 & Died August y« SS'*^ Aged 1 year 10 M°. & 17 Dayes. James son of James & Mary FowLE Aged 15 years. & 2 Months Died October y^ 1V\ 1706. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 37 1707. Here lyes y^ body of M^s. Sarah Phipps wife to M^. Solomon Phipps daughter of Cap^ Stephen & M^^ Sarah Williams of Roxbury aged 47 years. Decesed April y« 22"^^. 1707. Captain Stephen Williams, born Nov. 8, 1640, died at Roxbury, Feb. 15, 1720, was son of Robert Williams, of Roxbury, who came from Norwich, Eng., and was admitted freeman in 1638. Mary Coolledge Daughter of Joseph & Rebeckah Coolledge was born April y^ 15^\ 1706 & died June y^ 2'^ 1707 Aged 1 year '^ 1 M° & 16 Days. Sub hoc tumulo Conditse sunt exuviae Abel Wright, filii dom. Samuelis Wright de Westford spei optimse Juvenis, Universitatis Harvardianae 4 33 CAIklBRIDGE EPITAPHS. alumni, qui, anno setatis vicesimo sexto, et cursus academici secundo pene expleto, obiit, casu perluc- tuoso, die Junii 28*'. anno que Domini 1707°. dum se lavando in amne Carolensi oblectabat. Here lyes the body of Sarah Clark, daugh^^ of M». James & M^^ Sarah Clark, Aged 21 years Decea''^ Octo''^ 13^^. 1707. Here lyes y® body of M^^ Joanna WiNSHiiP. Aged 62 years who departed this life November y« 19^^ 1707 This good School Dame No longer School must keep Which gives us cause For Childrens sake to weep. Daughter of Lieutenant Edward Winship, by his first wife, Jane. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 3d iro8. Memento Mori. Fugit Hora. Here lyes y® Body of Bethiah Hicks wife to Joseph Hicks Aged 55 Died April, years. 12'^ 1708 Joseph Hicks was the son of Zachariah Hicks and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John and Joanna Scill, and was baptized Jan. 12, 1661. Here lyes y® body of Jonathan Marsh Junior Sophister who deceased in ye jgth ygj^j. Qf Jjjg Age at Harvard Colidge in Cambridge June y« 10^^ 1708. o Here lyes inter'd two infant children of y® Rev*^. M'^. John & M^^ Margaret Leverett. John Leverett, Anne Leverett Born the 2VK Born the 5^*^ of June, and of July, and Died the 4^\ Died y« 30^^ of of July the same month Anno Dom. 1711. Anno. Dom. 1708. 40 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes burled y^ body of M^^^. Sibyll WiGGLESWORTH. LaSt wife to y^ Rever"*^. M^. Michael Wigglesworth late of Maldon de'^^''. who departed this life on the Sixth day of Aug^^ 1708 in y« 54th yggj. Qf J^gj. ggg^ Michael Wigglesworth, a poet, graduated in 1651 at Harvard College, of which he was a fellow, was ordained minister of Mai- den, where he remained till his death, June, 1704 or 1705. His son, Edward, H. C. 1710, and grandson, Edward, H. C. 1749, were the first and second professors of divinity at Harvard College. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Hoc caespite velat^ Joanes Wainwright Fran. Wainwright Ipsv. Arm = Fili', Acad. Harv. Cantabr- Nov = Angl. Alumn. tantum non gradual, optimae Spei Juvenis Animam Religione matutina Ornatam in Jesu sinum expiravit Sept. XXV. An: Dom: MDCCVHI. ^ts. su^ XVIII. Vivit post Funera Virtus. John Wainwright was the son of Francis Wainwright, who graduated at Harvard College in 1686, was a merchant in Ipswich, a magistrate, and colonel of the militia, and died Aug. 3, 1711, who was possibly son of Francis Wainwright, who was of Ipswich 1648, freeman 1671, and died at Salem, May 19, 1692. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 41 Deborah Patting Daugh^^ of Nathanael & Deborah Patting. Aged 2 IVP. 3 weeks & 5 Dayes Died Octo^^ y« 22"^ 1708 1709. Memento mori. Here lyes y^ body of Cap^ PYAM Blower aged 71 years who departed this life June the P^ 1709: Fugit Hora. Also here lyes y« body of M'^^ Elizabeth Blower the wife of Cap. PYAM Blower aged 69 years who departed this life May the 29^^ 1709 : In their Death they were not divided. Mrs. Elizabeth Blowers was daughter of Andrew Belcher — of Sudbury in 1640, Cambridge in 1646 — and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Danforth ; she was married to Captain Blow- ers, March 31, 1668. Here lyes y^ body of Sarah Robbinson wife to Samuel Robinson Aged 27 10 Months &27 Dayes died July y^ 19. 1709 Her maiden name was Manning, and she was married to Mr. Robinson, March 23, 1703. 4* 42 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y® body of John Farwell of Dunstable Aged 23 years. 2 M°. & 25 Dayes who departed this hfe in Cambridge Septem^^ y« 10^^^ jyoQ. Here lyes y^ body of Lieutenant John Jackson aged 64 years died Septem"^. y« 26^^. 1709. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y® body of Thomas Prentis Aged 33 years, 3 M°. & 12 Dayes. who departed this life December y^ 7 1709. The son of Thomas Prentiss and his wife, Sarah Stanton, whom he married March 20, 1675. 1710. Here lyes the body of M'^^. Mercy Oliver, who was the wife of M^. James Oliver, Physician. She dyed, March XXIX, MDCCX in the XL III year of her age. The above inscription is on a tablet in the southerly side of the Brattle monument. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 43 Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes the body of Abigail Russell, Dau"^^ of William & Abigail Russell ; aged 21 years & G Months. Died June 20^^^ 1710. William Russell, son of William and Martha Russell, who were of Cambridge in 1645, and members of the church, married, March 18, 1682-3, Abigail, daughter of Lieutenant Edward and Elizabeth Winship. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y® body of Rebeckah Bunker wife to John Bunker aged 40 years and 9 m°. who departed this life September y« 15^h 1710. Her maiden name was Eaton, and she was married to John Bunker, April 28, 1690. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y^ body of Sarah Winshipp wife to Joseph Winshipp Aged 39 years 6 Months & 18 Dayes who Departed this life November y^ 28^^. 1710. The memory of the Just is blessed. o 44 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1711. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y® body of John Watson Sen''. Aged 92 years who departed this life the 20^^ Day of May 1711. The memory of y^ Just is blessed. John Watson, a member of the church ; his wife was Rebecca, *' daughter of Anne Errington deceased, sometimes a sister of this [Cambridge] church "; he may have been the John who was of Roxbury, and freeman, in 1645. Here lyes y® body of Mary Clark wife to James Clark died June y« 25^^. 1711 in y« 33""^. year of her age. Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes y^ body of M^^ Martha Remington wife to Cap^ Jonathan Remington late of Cambridge Aged 67 years who departed this life July the 16 1711. Her maiden name was Belcher ; she was the daughter of Andrew Belcher and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Danforth ; she was married to Jonathan Remington, July 13, 1664. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 45 1712, Memento Fugit mori. Hora. Here lyes the body of M'^. John Bunker Aged 48 years who departed this life the 17^^ of May 1712. John Bunker married Rebecca Eaton, April 28, 1690. Here lyes the body of M^^ Katharine Greenleafe Aged 62 years who departed this life the 28^^. of August 1712. o Here [lyes y^] body of [Martha] Hancock Daug[^^] of M^. Nathaniel, & M^^ Prudence Hancock; Aged 15 ye'"^ & 7 m^ Died Oct^ 20, 1712. 46 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Underneath this Earth lyes buried the body of John Parker of Cambridge the late Husband of Mary Parker (the Daugh^^ of M«. Nathaniel Hancock Ju""^, & Prudence Hancock) who deceased Novem^^ 2"^^ 1712 Aged 22 years 10 m«. & (11 Dayes 1713. Here lyes y® body of Thomas Fillebrown Aged 82 years who departed this life June the 7 1713. Probably son of Gordon Fillebrown, of Cambridge in 1666. Here lyes buried the body of M^. Samuel Sparhawk : who dec*^. Novem^^ y® 2"^^. 1713 Aged 49 Years. Samuel Sparhawk was son of Nathaniel and Patience ; Nathan- iel was son of Nathaniel, and his first wife, Mary. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 47 Here lyes y® body of Sarah Davies wife to GiRRSHAM Davies Aged 55 years Died Novb^ the 20^h 1713, Here lyes y^ body of Elizabeth Burgis Aged 23 years deceased December y^ 13^^ 1713. 1714. Here lyes y® body of Abigail Cook wife to Samuel Cook Aged 54 years Q Died January y^28^\ 1713. Her maiden name was Griggs, and she married Samuel Cook, Nov. 14, 1681. Here lyes y^ body of Anna Fillebrown wife to Thomas Fillebrown Aged 82 years Died March y« 31 1713/j^. 48 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes the body of M^. James Clark, Sen^ Aged 62 years. who departed this life April the 8^\ 1714. James Clark and Sarah Champney were married Sept. 24, 1685. Here lyes y® body of Cicely, Negro, late Servant to y® Rev'^. M'^. William Brattle ; she died April 8. 1714. being 15 years old. Joseph Cutter son of Nathaniel & Sarah Cutter Aged 3 Months and 3 weekes Deceased May the 4^\ 1714. Anne the Daug^^ of M'^. Nicholas, and M^^ Sarah Fessenden Died June 6^\ 1714. Aged 2 years 3 vve'^^ 3 D^ CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 49 Here lyes buried the body of M*^^. Hannah, wife of the Rev''"'^. M''. Samuel Angier and Daughter of the Rev"^. M''. Urian Oakes, sometime President of Harvard College, and Pastor of Cambridge Dec'^. Aug^ 15, 1714 iEtatis 55. Rev. Samuel Angier was son of Edmund and his wife Ruth Angier, and was born at Cambridge March 17, 1655, graduated at Harvard College 1673, was ordained at Rehoboth 1679, and at Waltham 1697, and died Jan. 24, 1719. Here lyes buried The body of M^. John Hovey Aged 30 years 1 Month and 3 weekes. Deceased September the 13^^ 1714^ Here lyes y^ body of Joseph Eveleth son of the Rev^. M^. John and M'^^ Mary Eveleth ; Aged about 18 years. Died October 27^^ 1714 John Eveleth, of Chebacco, and Mary Bowman, of Cambridge, were married Dec. 2, 1692. Here lyes the body of James Kidder son of M^. Samuel and M^^ Sarah Kidder Aged 18 years, Dec'^. October 3VK 1714. 5 50 cambridge epitaphs. Aron Cleveland son of Aron and Abigail Cleveland, aged 12 years & 16 dayes died Nove"™^ y^ 5 1714 Here lyes y® Body of M^^ Elizabeth Cooper, wife to M^. John Cooper; who Dec'^. Nov^^ y« 15^^. 1714 in y« 56^^. year of Her Age. Her maiden name was Bordman ; she was married to John Cooper, April 28, 1686. Here lyes y^ body of Dorcas Cleveland wife to Aaron Cleveland Aged 57 years. & 10 M°. died ]>^OVetnbr, ye 29. 1714. Eliakim Phipps son of ColP. Spencer Phipps Esq^ and M'^^ Elizabeth Phipps Died the S'^ of December 1714 Aged 2 Mon. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 5l Here lyes y® body of Mary Cutter wife to Nathaniel Cutter ; Aged 51 years and about 10 M«. Died March 14^^ 1714. Her maiden name was Phillebrown ; she was of Charlestown, and was married to Nathaniel Cutter, Oct. 8, 1688. Here lyes the body of M^^ Elizabeth Brattle, the wife of the Reverend M^. William Brattle: who died July XXVIII MDCCXV, in the XXXIX year of her age. The above inscription is on a tablet in the northerly side of the Brattle monument. William Bordman, son of M^. Moses, and M^^ O Abigail Bordman: Died August 10^^ 1715 : Aged 4 years, 3 M°, & 10 Dys. 1716. Mary Phipps, Daugh" of Coll° Spencer Phipps, EsqS & M^«. Elizabeth Phipps : Aged 5 years & 10 Months: Died June 8^^ 1716. 52 CA^IBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y^ body of Samuel Hancock, son of M^. Samuel & M^^ Dorothy Hancock Dec^. June 14. 1716 Aged 9 years & about 11 M«. Here lyes the body of Margaret Leverett, the Daughter of the Rev^. M*'. John & M^^ Margaret Leverett, of Cambridge. Born July y^ SVK Anno Dom. 1705 & died June y« 16^\ Anno Dom. 1716, Hie jacet reconditum Thomje Sevalli Cadaver, Collegli Harv- ardini Alumni, judicio Faelici, pro- bitate non vulgari, modestia singulari, juvenis, pietate gravis nee non ar- dore quodam ad Dei gloriam homi- numq salutem concitato conspicui ; qui obiit XIV. Kal. Sextiles MDCCXVI. ^t. XXH, Here lyes y^ body of M'^^ Sarah Phillebrown, wife to M'^. John Phillebrown ; who died Octo^^'". 16^'S 1716, in y« 39^^ year of her age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 63 Here lyes y® body of John Phillebrown, son of ]\K John & M\ Sarah Phillebrown ; who died Nov^^ 8% 1716, Aged 18 years & 3 weeks. Edmond Robinson son of M^ Samuel & M^^ Elizabeth Robinson Deceas** November the 25^^ 1716. Aged 2 years 5 Months, 17 Dayes. Here lyes y® body of Joanna Winship Daughter of Joseph and Sarah Winship, Aged 21 years Died Decm^ y« 17, 1716. Joseph Winship was son of Lieutenant Edward Winship by his second wife, Elizabeth. See Joseph Winship, 1725. o 1717. Rebeckah, Daug^^ of William & Tabitha Warland Died Jan'"^. y« 24^^ 171-f- Aged 1 year 4 M^ & 20 Days. 5 # 54 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y^ body of Deborah Pattin wife to Nathaniel Pattin Aged 38 years & 10 Days : Died March y« 9^^ 1716. The wife of Nathaniel Patten the second. Richard son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Cutter Aged 9 M«. & 6 Dys. Died August 6, 1717. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^^. Rebeckah Winshipp wife to M*^. Edward Winshipp ; who dec*^. Aug^ 1717. Aged about 61 years. Mrs. Rebecca Winship was the wife of Edward, the son of Lieutenant Edward and his second wife, Elizabeth ; her maiden name was Barsham, which she changed for a better, May 14, 1683. Here lyes y^ body of Jonathan son of M'^. William and M^^ Seeth Andrew Dec'^. Oct''^ y« 28^i\ 1717 in y^ 22^ year of his age. cambridge epitaphs. 5§ Elizabeth Dunster Daughter of Henry & Martha Dunster : Aged 4 Months : DiedNovem^^ 7. 171? The great-granddaughter of Henry Dunster, the first president of Harvard Colleffe. Here lyes burled y^ body of M'^^. Margaret Fessenden, wife to M". Nicholas Fessenden. who dec*^. Dec™\ y« lO^h. 1717, iny« g2nd year of \yQY age^ The wife of Nicholas Fessenden, the first. Here lyes buried the body of M«. O Samuel Jones aged 70 years ; Deceased January the 5^^^ 17 If Here lyes y^ body of M^^. Sarah Jones, wife to M". Samuel Jones, Aged 60 years deceased December the 31^ 1717. Samuel Jones was the son of John Jones — of Cambridge in 1648, freeman 1650 — and of Dorcas his wife, who married Wil- liam Buss, of Concord, after Mr. Jones's death. 56 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1718. Here lyes y^ body of M". Ephraim Frost Aged 72 years died January y^ 2^^ 17lf Mr. Ephraim Frost was the son of Edmund Frost— who came to N. E. in 1635, with Rev. Thomas Shepard, was freeman 1636, ruling elder of the church — and of Thomasine, his wife. His wife's name was Hephzibah. Here Lyes y^ Body of M^^. Tabitha Warland, Wife to M«. William Warland ; who Dec^. Jany. ye 6^^, 171|. in y« 35^^ year of Her Age. Her maiden name was Hill ; she was married to William War- land, Feb. 3, 1701-2. Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Samuel Cooper ; aged 64 years ; who Dec^. Jan-^y. 8^^ 17lf. Samuel Cooper, son of Deacon John and Anna, grandson of Lydia, wife of Deacon Gregory Stone, married Hannah Hastings, Dec. 4, 1682. Here lyes y^ body of Rebeckah Adams wife to Joseph Adams. Dec^. Jan-^y. 12^^. 1717V3 in y« 25^^ year of her age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 57 Here lyes the body of M**. Aaron Boardman who dec^^ Jan'"^. the 24^^. 171|, in y« 53'^'^ year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Gershom Davies Sen'", who deceas'^. Feb'-y. y« 6'^. 1717 in y^ 75^^ year of his age. Here lyes y® body of M«^ Abigail Harrington wife to M^. Thomas Harrington ; Aged about 30 years. Dec^. March y« 4^M717. Here lyes y^ body of Phillip Cook, Aged 55 years & 10 M°. 25 Dayes who r.th 171 Son of Philip Cook — of Cambridge, freeman 1647, member of the church — and his wife Mary, daughter of Barnabas Lampson. 58 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes the body of M««. Eunice Cook : Wife to M«. Joseph Cook Aged 34 years, I Month 19 Dayes : who dec^. May the 9^S 1718. Here lyes buried y« body of M^. Edward Winshipp ; who dec*^. June y« W\ 1718. Aged about 65 years. The son of Lieutenant Edward and Elizabeth Winship ; select- man 1691 - 1693, 1695-1701; his wife was Rebecca Barsham, whom he married May 14, 1683. Here lyes the body of Samuel Kidder ; son of M". Samuel & M««. Sarah Kidder ; Aged about 24 years, who dec*^. August y« 14^h. 1718. Here lyes y® body of M«^. Anna Wattson wife to M". Isaac Wattson ; who dec*^. August 19^^ 1718 in y« 27^^. year of her age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 59 Sarah Davies Daug^^ of M". Gershom & M«^ Sarah Davies Aged 10 years & about 6 Tif. dec^. Septem^"-. 10^M718. Here lyes the body of M««. Hannah Robbins, wife to M*. Nathaniel Robbins Dec^*^. September the 15^^ 1718 in y« 44^^ year of her age. Here lyes the body of Frances BoRDMAN, Daugh^^ of William & Frances BoRDMAN, dec^ ; who , -^ departed this life Septb^ 15ih^ 1718 in y« 69^^. year of her age. 1710. Here lyes the body of M«. Nathaniel Robbins Se"^ De'^*^. 1719 in the 7P^ year of his age. 60 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Nicholas Fessenden ^ who dec*^. Febru^y. ye 24th 171|. in ye 69^^. year of his age. Nicholas and Margaret Fessenden were of Cambridge before 1674 ; Nicholas inherited the estate of his relative, John Fessen- den, who came, with his wife Jane, from Kent, Eng., settled in Cambridge, was admitted freeman 1641, was member of the church, selectman 1656,1658-1661, 1663-1666, and died Dec. 21, 1666, leaving no children. Here lyes Buried the Body of Deacon Nathaniel Hancock who Departed this Life April the 12^\ 1719, in y^ 8PS Year of His Age. The son of Nathaniel, Cambridge 1635, and his wife Jane ; he was born Dec. 18, 1638 ; married Mary, daughter of Henry and Joan Prentice, March 8, 1663-4. Here lyes the Body of M«^ Martha Oakes wife to Doct^ Thomas Oakes. Who dec'^. at Boston April y« 19^S 1719, aged 70 years. Thomas, son of Edward, and brother of Urian Oakes, was born at Cambridge, June 18, 1644, graduated at IJarvard College, 1662, settled as a physician in Boston ; representative 1689, also an as- sistant ; he went to England as agent for Massachusetts soon after, and assisted in procuring the new charter ; he died at Welfleet. July 15, 1719, aged 75. Here lyes y^ body of John Rawlings Dec^. June 5^\ 1719 in y® 84^^ year of his age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 61 Here lyes y*^ body of M«. Solomon Prentice Sen^ Dec'^. July 24^^ 1719 in the 73*^ year of his age. Solomon Prentice was son of Henry and Joan Prentice, and was born Sept. 23, 1646 ; his first wife was Elizabeth, who died before 1678 ; his second wife was Hephzibah, who died in 1741 ; his father, Henry, of Cambridge in 1640, freeman 1650, was a member of the church, and died before 1658 ; Elizabeth, his first wife, died May 13, 1643 ; his second wife was Joan. Here lyes y^ body of M«^ Hephzibah Frost wife to M*^. Ephraim Frost aged 64 years died Septe"'^^ 23^^. 1719. Mandantur huic pulverl Reliquiae Nicholai Fessenden Artium Magistri, Gymnasii Cantabrigiensis Praefecti Vigilantissimi et Diligentissimi, Expectaiitis Spe Beatae Resurre= ctionis ; Qui diem clausit extrem- -. urn Die 5^°. Octobris, Anno DonV. 1719 ^tatis suae XXXVIII, Vivit post Funera Virtus. Nicholas Fessenden was the son of Nicholas and Margaret Fes- senden ; he graduated at Harvard College in 1701, married Sarah Coolidgej Aug. 8, 1706, and he was for some time teacher of the grammar school in this town. Sarah Warland Daug^^ of WiLLiA^ & Tabitha Warland, Aged 3 Ye'^^ 9 M^ & 2 Day^ Died Octo'^^ 5^^ 1719. 6 62 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS- Here lyes y^ body of M'*. John Oldham who dec'i. Octob^ 14'^ 1719 in y« 67^^ year of his age. John Oldham was the son of Richard and Martha Oldham, of Cambridge in 1652, members of the church ; he was selectman 1694-1697, 1699-1702, and married Abigail Wood, July 22, 1675. 1720. Here lyes interred y^ body of M«^ Margarett Leverett wife of y« Hon^^^ & Rev'^. M*^. John Leverett Praes^^: of Har. Coll. who departed this life June 7^^ 1720 in y« 55^^ year of her age. The above inscription is on a tablet in the northerly side of the Leverett monument. Solomon Dickson son of William & Ruth Dickson Dec'^. August 3^. 1720. Aged 8 weeks. CAlkrBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 63 Here lyes buried the body of M'^. Henry Smith, Sen^ Aged about 75 years who dec''. August y° 2V\ 1720. The memory of the just is blessed. He married Lidea Bucke, March 3, 1672-3. Here lyes buried the body of ]M«. James Ingham Aged 35 years who dec''. Aug''^ the 22'^ 1720. Sarah Hovey Daug^^ of M«. John & M««. Ariel Hovey ; Dec''. Q Oct'^^ 11^'^ 1720 iny« 12^1 yer. of hcr age. Here lyes y° body of Mary Grover, Daugh^"". of Thomas & Bethiah Grover Aged 20 years, & 8 M^ who dec''. October 19^'^ 1720. 64 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1731. Jonathan Jonathan Sarah Gove, Still Born Gove, Still Born Gove, Aged 5 weeks, Dec'^ Janu-^y. 2P^ 1723 1721 172f The Children of M«. Jonathan ^nd M«^ Lydia Gove. Here lyes the body of Peter ^ Barron son of Timothy & Rachel Barron; De^^. Ap^^. 11^^ 1721 in y® 19^^ year of h^. age. Joseph Sprague son of M^. Joseph & M^^ Sarah Sprague ; Aged 6 years 3 M^ & 3 Days. Dec*^. June 23. 1721. Son to M«. Lawrence & M«^ Eliz.™ Delhonde Aged 4 M« & 8 D^ Dec'^. July y« 8 1721 Daug^ to Lawrence & Eliz.™ Delhonde Aged 3 Days Dec'l Jan'"y. y^ 11 1729 The upper part of this stone has been demolished. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 65 Here lyes y^ body of M«^ Sarah Reed wife to M". James Reed ; Aged about 36 years, dec'^. Nov^^ 1721 Also — son James Reed Aged 6 M«. Dec*^. April 1722. Here lyes buried the body of M«^ Easter Willis, wife to M^. Andrew Willis Aged 24 years Dec^. Dec^ y« 29 1721. 1723. William Margaret Hephzibah Browne, Browne, Browne, Dec^. Jan'-y. Deed, janry. Dec'^. Jan-^y 17^^ 172i 13^^. 172i 27^\ 172-1- in y® in y« 7^^ in y« 9^h year of year of year of his age. her age. her age. lildren of M'^ T HOMAs &M«^Eli ZABETH BR0W^ Here lyes the body of Margaret Ireland, Daugh^ of Abraham, & Abigail Ireland Aged 21 years & 2 M^ Dec'^. Jan'^y. 17, 1721. 6* 66 cambridge epitaphs. Elizabeth Browne Daugh^^ of M«. Thomas & M««. Elizabeth Browne Dec^. Feb'-y. 14^^. 172i Aged 3 IVP. & 25 Days. Patence Angier Daug^^ of M«. Samuel & M««. Dorothy Angier Aged 6 weeks Dec^. Feb-^y. 21, 172^ Here lyes the body of M«. Samuel Angier, Dec*^. March 6^^ 172^ Aged 34 years 6 M«. Probably son of Rev. Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Angier. Ruth Felch, Daug^^ of M«. Samuel & M"^. Katharine Felch ; Dec^. July ye gth, 1722 Aged 2 years 1 1 M^ & 9 D^ CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 67 6 y^ children .-" David Phipps Dec'^ Sep^ 21 1722 Aged 1 M*^ & 2 Days il of C0II22 M»'. Eli ZABETH Phipps Sub hoc depositum est JosEPHi Parsons Corpus, Collegii Harvardini Alumni, sed non graduati, Bonae Indolis & spei viri Qui e vivis cessit Oct. 31 MDCCXXII, Miau 30. 1723. Here lyes y® body of M«^ Sarah Sprague, wife to M". Joseph Sprague ; who Dec<^. Jan'^y. 29^S 1722, -^tatis suse 30. o Here lyes y® body of Elizabeth Clark, wife to James Clark ; who dec^. Feb'-y. 7^^. 172| in y« 44^^, year of her age. Also two Samuel's y^ one by Mary y® other by Elizabeth. 68 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y® body of M«. William Cutter ; who dec^. April y« V\ 1723 in y® 74^^ year of his age. The son of Eichard Cutter, by his first wife, Elizabeth ; he was born Feb. 22, 1650, and his wife's name was Rebecca. Here lyes y^ body of Jose Appleton, son of y^ Rev'^. M". Nathaniel Appleton, & ^P^ Margaret his wife who dec*^. June 6^h. 1723. Aged about 3 M«. Here lyes y® body of IVP. John Cook, who dec*^. Sep^ 8^^. 1723, in the 39^^ year of his age. Son of Samuel Cook and his wife, Abigail Griggs, whom he married Nov. 14, 1681 ; Samuel was probably son of Philip — free- man 1647, member of the church — and his wife, Mary, the daugh- ter of Barnabas Lampson. Ruth Dickson Daug^^ of William & Ruth Dickson Dec^. Sep^ 19^^ 1723 Aged 2 ]VP. & 4 D^ CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 69 Huic tumulo Reliquiae mandantur Thom.e Spear Collegii Harvar- dini apud Cantabrigienses quon- dam Alumni. Singular! Tempera- -ntia Sobrietate & Humilitate Juvenis ; Moribus castus Scelerisque purus ; In- -teger innocuusque vixit ; et Cursum, in quantum datur Sibi et Omnibus placidum tranquillumque peregit. Sed im- matura morte ademptus, Animam, Christo fisus, efflavit Sept. 27. 1723. ^Etatis 16. Here lyes y® body of M«. Nathaniel Prentice who dec^. Octo^"". y^ 24^^ 1723 in y*^ 33^' year of his age. Here lyes y® body of Elizabeth Swan, wife to John Swan ; who dec'^. Decm^^ 2V\ 1723 Aged 28 years & 6 M°. John Swan was son of Gershom and Sarah Swan. 1724. Here lyes the body of M». Abraham Hill Jun"^. Dec^. Feb^y. 1V\ 172f in y^ 30"^*^. year of his age. Abraham Hill and Prudence Hancock were married Dec. 18, 1718. 70 CAaiBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Hie jacent Reliquiae Honoratiss. et Rev. admodum Dom. JoHANNis Leveeett, Armig. qui Majoribus oriundus illustribus, illustrius nomen reddidit quam accepit. Virtus et Pietas, Sapientia et Gravitas juventuti fuere Laurea, nee non Senectuti Corona. Majestas et Authoritas in oculo, voce, vultu ; Benignitas et Humanitas in corde re- sederunt ; in Secundis moderatus, in adversis constanti et in- fracto fuit animo. Maritus et Pater amantissimus, amicis dulcis et fidus, prudens Consiliarius, fortis Auxiliarius. Linguarum et Artium Academicarum inter peri- tissimos nee minus in Jurisprudentia et Theo- logia quam in Philosophia conspicuus. Omnes fere Honoris gradus conscendit et ornavit. Juvenem admodum mirata est et plausit Academia Tutorem primari- um et Socium ; ut et postea Communium Domus Pro- locutorem De Probatione, Testamentorum judicem et in Superiori Tribunali Justitiarium ; Regi a consiliis assistentem et in variis Legationibus honorificis et momentosis sagaci- ter et integre versantem, contemplata est universa Patria. Tandem Collegii Principalis et Societatis Regiae soci- us cooptatus, Scholse Prophetarum ad annos sedecim pari Authoritate et Lenitate prsesidebat : donee morte in- stantanea Deo visum sit a Filiis Prophetarum Dominum e Lecto etSomno in coelum assumere, Mali 5° MDCCXXIV. JEt. LXII. John Leverett was the grandson of Governor Leverett ; he graduated at Harvard College in 1680, and was a tutor in this in- stitution ; he was a representative, Speaker of the House, a mem- ber of his Majesty's Council, a justice of the Superior Court, and a judge of probate ; he was chosen president of Harvard College, and inducted into office Jan. 14, 1708, in which station he remained till his sudden death, May 3, 1724. President Leverett has been represented as a man of vast learning, and true piety. " His talents were eminently practical. He knew better than most men what course to shape in difficult times, and how political and religious factions were to be managed or controlled. In all his official rela- tions, his industry, vigor, and fidelity were conspicuous and exem- plary." Rev. N. Appleton, in a funeral discourse occasioned by the death of President Leverett, says, " He was a pillar both of the church and state, an honor and ornament to society, and the glory of New England." CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 71 Here lyes y® body of M«. Jacob Watson ; who dec^. March ye 29th^ 1724 in y^ 53*^ year of his age. The son of John, Sen., and Rebecca, daughter of Anne Erring- ton ; his wife's name was Mary. Here lyes y® body of M«. Edmund Angier; who dec^\ April y® 4^^ 1724, in y« 39 year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of Deac^" Samuel Kidder ; who dec^. July y^ 4^h. Anno Dom'. 1724, in y^ 59^^ year of his age. Samuel Kidder and Sarah Griggs were married Oct. 23, 1689. o Here lyes buried y^ body of Thomas Thompson, Gentleman & Citizen of London ; who dec'^. July IS^S 1724. iEtatis 39. Great grief and pain I underwent Death was to me in mercy sent Here I must lye till the Last Day Till Christ doth roal the stone away So Loving Friends do not complain "i But hope your Loss was my great gain > I did but Die to Live again j And still remember in a short space You all must run the selfsame race. 72 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1725. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Francis Kidder; who dec'^. Jan'"^. y® 2VK 1724. in y« 32"'^. year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M«. John Cooper [***] who dec*^. March ye i3ih 1724 in yV26^^ year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Nathaniel Patten; who dec^. June ye j2th^ 1725 Aged about 80 years. Nathaniel Patten, the first, was the son of William Patten — of Cambridge, freeman 1645, member of the church — and Mary his wife ; he married, first, Rebecca Adams, Nov. 24, 1669, who died Dec. 18, 1677, and second, Sarah Cooper, Oct. 8, 1678. Here lyes y® body of Joseph Kidder son of Deac°". Samuel & M«^ Sarah Kidder who dec^. August y« 23^^. 1725 in y^ 2P^ year of his age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 73 Here lyes buried y^ body of M«. Joseph Winshipp ; who dec'^. Sept^ y« 18^S 1725. in y^ 65^^ year of his age. The son of Lieutenant Edward and Elizabeth Winship ; his wife's name was Sarah. See 1710. 1736. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Hubert Russell who dec^. June the 4^\ 1726, aged 39 years ; Also here lyes one of his children. Probably son of Jason Russell, and his wife, Mary Hubbard, whom he married May 27, 1684 ; Jason was son of William and Martha Russell, who were of Cambridge in 1645, and members of the church. The name on the grave-stone should probably be Hubbard Russell, and not Hubert Russell. Here lyes y® body of M«. Samuel Whittemore ; who died Sepf^. ye 15th^ 1726, Aged about 79 years. Mr. Samuel Whitmore was the son of Francis and Isabel Whit- more, of Cambridge in 1653, members of the church ; he married Rebekah Gardner, March 31, 1686. 7 74 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Stephen Hastings ; who dec'^. Sep^'". y« 24^^, 1726, in y« 59^^ year of his age. Stephen Hastings was the son of Samuel Hastings, and his wife Mary Meen ; Samuel was the brother of Deacon Walter (see Walter Hastings, 1705), and son of Deacon John Hastings. Here lyes y® body of Nathaniel Appleton son of y® Rever"^: M^. Nathaniel Appleton & M^^. Margaret his wife who suddenly departed this hfe Decem^^ PK Anno Dom 1726. Aged 21 IVK 1727. Here lyes the body of M««. Elizabeth Prentice who dec^. May y^ 14ih 1727 in y« 43'^ Year of her age. Here lies buried the body of M«. William Warland who departed this life SepK the 29^^ 1727 in the 56^^ year of his age. William Warland and Tabitha Hill were married Feb. 3, 1701-2. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 75 Here lyes the body of M^ Thomas Cutter who dec^^ Octo^^ y* 25 1727 in y« 26 year of his age. Here lyes y® body of M«^ Sarah WiGGLESWORTH wife to y« Rev^ M« Edward WiGGLESWORTH, who Dec^. November 9^^ 1727 in y« 27^^ year of her age. The first wife of Rev. Edward Wiggles worth, the first ; her maiden name was Leverett, and she was married to Mr. Wiggles- worth, June 15, 1726. The above inscription is on a tablet in the southerly side of the Leverett monument. Here lyes y^ body of James Littelhale son of M«. Isaac & M^\ Elizabeth Littelhale of Ipswich who dec^. j^o^br, 25^^. 1727 in y« 19^^ year of his age. 1728. William Frost son of M^. Ephraim & W\ Sarah Frost. Died Feb'-y. 13^^. 1727 Aged 3 Months. 76 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y® body of M««. Hannah Whittemore ; who died May 1728 Aged about 76 years. Here lyes y^ body of M«^ Mary Watson, wife to M^. Jacob Watson ; who dec*^. . Sep^ 16, 1728 in or about y^ 6P^ year of her age. 1729. Here lyes buried the body of M^. John Stedman Dec^. March y« 24^^ 1728. in the 60^^ year of his age. He was son of John and Elizabeth Stedman, and grandson of Robert and Anne ; he married Sarah Gibson, April 9, 1691. John Ireland son of John & Sarah Ireland ; Deed. July 6th 1729 Aged I year & 8 M°. Here lyes y® body of M'*. Edward TwHiNG who died Decemb^ 4^*^. 1729 Aged 47 years. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 77 Here lyes y^ body of M^^. Elizabeth y^ wife of M". John Hovey, who when aged 19 years & 8 ]\P. Bid Farewell to This World on y^ 17^^ day of Decem'^'^. 1729. 1730. Marcy Appleton Died July 4^^ 1733 iny^G^^ Month of her age. Children of y^ Rev*^. John Appleton. Died May 22^. 1730 aged 2 Months. M«. Nath^ Appleton & M^ Margar^. his wife. Here lyes buried the body of M«^ Sarah Champney wife of M^. Joseph Champney Aged 58 years. Dec*^. July y« 1 1730. o Here lyes y^ body of M^^. Elizabeth Hicks, Relict of M«. Zacharias Hicks ; who died Sep^ 12% 1730. in y« 94^^. year of her age. Mrs. Hicks, the daughter of John and Joanna Scill, was born in England, came to N. E. with her parents, and was married, Oct. 28, 1652, to Zachariah Hicks. 7 * 78 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y^ body of Deac"^. William Pattin, of Billerica. who died Octob^ 5^h Anno Dom'. 1730 in y« 60 year of his age. Here lyes buried y« body of M«^ Anna Collis ; who died Octo''^ ye 26^^ 1730 in y« 62^ year of her age. Here lyes y® body of M^^ Mary Whitmore wife to M^. Samuel Whitmore (of Lexington ;) & formerly wife to M^ Abraham Watson ; who died Nov^^ 4^^^ 1730. in y« 6P^ year of her age. Here lyes buried y^ body of M«^ Bethiah Marrett, wife to Lieu^ Amos Marrett ; who died Nov^^ 20^^^. 1730 in ye ^Qth^ ygj^j. Qf J^gj, ggg^ Her maiden name was Longhorn ; she was married to Amos Marrett, Nov. 2, 1681. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 79 1731 Here lyes buried the body of M^. Joseph Champney Dec^. Jan''y. y« 19 1730 in y^ 61 year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Samuel Cook who died Aug^^ 22''^ Anno Dom*. 1731 Aged 76 years. Probably the son of Philip Cook — freeman 1647 — and Mary his wife, daughter of Barnabas Lampson ; he married Abigail Griggs, Nov. 14, 1681. 1732. EuNEs Frost Dau'^''. of M^. Ephraim & Q M^^ Sarah Frost. Died April 10^\ 1732 Aged 7 years 8 Months & 22 D^ Edward Dickson, son of Edward &, Martha Dickson ; Died May 3^^. 1732 Aged 1 Month & 2 D^ 80 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y« body of M«^ Hannah Cooper, wife to Dea^°". Samuel Cooper ; who died Octo^^ 9^^. 1732 in y« 67^^ year of her age. Samuel Cooper and Hannah Hastings were married Dec. 4, 1682. 1733. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^«. Catharine Ellis, wife to Mathew Ellis, Gen'' ; who departed this life, January. 10^^ 173I A^ed 39 years & 5 M^ 1734. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^. James Reed ; who departed this hfe May 6^\ Anno Domini : 1734 Aged about 69 years. Here lyes buried y® body of M''^ Marjory Dickson wife to M". John Dickson ; who died Octob^ 6'^\ 1734 in y® 72*^. year of her age. John Dickson, or Dixon, and Margery Winship were married May 12, 1687. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 81 Here lyes buried y® body of Deacon Nathaniel Sparhawke who departed this life Nov'''-. 8^^ 1734. Aged 67 years & 10 days. Nathaniel Sparhawke (the third of that name) was son of Nathaniel of Cambridge, selectman 1677 - 1680, 1683, 1685, 1686, who married, Oct. 3, 1649, Patience, daughter of Rev. Samuel Newman ; Nathaniel the second was son of Nathaniel, a deacon of the church, freeman 1639, representative from 1642- 1647, who died June 28, 1647, leaving a second wife, Catharine, who died July 5th of the same year ; his first wife was Mary, 1735. Ruth Dunster, Daug^^ of M«. Henry & M«^ Martha Dunster ; Died June 30^\ 1735. Aged 1 year & 9 Mon^^ The sister of Elizabeth, who died in 1717. Here lyes buried y^ body of M«^ Hephzibath Bradish ; wife to M". John Bradish, who departed this life Dec^^ 10^^ Anno Dom'. 1735 in y« 5P^ year of her age. o 82 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1736. Here lyes Buried y^ Body of INP. John Cooper ; Who Departed this Hfe FeV^: 12^^: Anno Dom' 173f in ye 79th Year of His Age. John Cooper, son of John and Anna, grandson of Lydia, wife of Deacon Gregory Stone, married Elizabeth Bordman, April 28, 1686. Here lyes y® body of John Kidder, son of Dea^^^^. Samuel & M«« Sarah Kidder ; who died March y« 6'^. 1735. Aged about 34 years. Rebeckah Pattin Daug^"". of M«. LuxFORD & M^^ Rebeckah Pattin ; Died March iph 1735. Aged 5 Years & 10 Mont^ Here lyes buried y« body of M"^. Philip Cook, who died April 5^^ Anno Dom'. 1736. Aged 50 years & 1 Month. Son of Samuel Cook and his wife, Abigail Griggs, whom he married Nov. 14, 1681 ; Samuel was probably son of Philip — free- man 1647, member of the church — and his wife Mary, the daughter of Barnabas Lampson. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 83 Hie jacet corpus HEZRiE Bourn, Studiosi Collegii Harvardini, quod est Cantabrigise, adhuc non gradati, et filii Hezr^ Bourn, Sandvvichiense, Armieg- eri e vita discessit Junii, Secundo die. Anno Christi 1736, ^tatis suae 20. Here lyes y^ body of IVP^ Sarah Prentice, wife to M". Henry Prentice (& Daug^^ of M«. Jacob and M^^. Susanna Hill) who died July 8^^ 1736. in y« 2V^. year of her age. Here lyes y^ body of William Bradish, son of M«. John & M^\ Hephzibath Bradish who died Octo''^ VK 1736 in y« 22"^ year of his age. 1737, Here lyes buried y^ body of M" . Daniel Weare Aged 74 years who dec^. Jan-^y. 27^^ 1736. 84 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Sub hoc Marmore conditum est Corpus Viri admodum Reverend! D. Benjamin Wadsworth nuper Collegii Harvardini Praesidis lectissimi ; olim primae Ecclesiae apud Bostonienses Pastoris fidelissimi. Qui Scientia tarn Divina, quam Humana, Pietate & Charitate, Prudentia & Humilitate, Pati- -entia & Fortitudine, Diligentia & Fidelitate prse plurimis claruit, imo et harum omnium Virtutum Exemplar edidit vividum ac illustrissimum. Quiq postquam munere Pastoris Ecclesiae per spatium triginta circiter Annorum ; et deinde Praesidis Academiae Annos quasi duodecim fideli- -ter perfunctus fuerat, Spe Beatae resur- -rectionis, et Solamine Verborum Apostoli I. Pet, I. 3. ad 10. ex Corde atque Ore ema- -nantium obiit in Domino die Martii de- -cimo sexto, Anno MDCCXXXVII. ^t. 68. Pretiosa est Oculis Domini^ Mors Sanctorum. Benjamin Wadsworth, the son of Captain Samuel Wadsworth, graduated at Harvard College 1690, and was ordained minister of the first church in Boston, Sept. 8, 1696, where he remained till his election as president of Harvard College, July, 1725 ; he died March 16, 1737, "lamented with more than ordinary demonstra- tions of sorrow." He was a man of sound learning, an earnest, truthful, and pathetic preacher. Here lyes y^ body of M"^. Ruth Robbins, wife to M"^. Thomas Robbins ; who died June 27^^. 1737 in y« 35'^ year of her age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 85 Here lyes y^ body of M^^ Martha GoDDARD, wife to M''. Benjamin GoDDARD ; who died NovS 26^^ 1737 Aged 67 years. Here lyes buried y« body of Dea*'^". Joseph Coollidge who departed this life Decem^^ 17^^. 1737 in y^ 72"*^. year of his age. 1738. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^. Joseph Sprague ; who departed this Hfe March 12^^ Anno Dom"^ 173| in y^ 47^^ year of his age. ^ Joseph Sprague and Eleanor Phipps were married Feb, 1, 1727-8. Here lyes buried y^ body of M'*. John Dickson ; who departed this life March 22^. A. D. 1737 in ye 82*^ year of his age. John Dickson, or Dixon, was the son of William Dickson — who was freeman 1642, and member of the church — and of Jane, his wife ; he married Margery VVinship, May 12, 1687. 8 86 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y« body of M^. Benjamin Dana ; who departed this life Augst, i3ih, Anno Dom'. 1738 in ye 79th jQ^Y Qf Jjjg agg^ Benjamin Dana was the son of Richard Dana and Ann [BuIIard], his wife, of Cambridge, members of the church ; he married Mary Buckmaster, May 24, 1688. Here lyes buried y^ body of M'^^ Sarah Kidder Wife to Deacon Samuel Kidder ; who departed this life, November 15^^ 1738 aged 72 years. Samuel Kidder and Sarah Griggs were married Oct. 23, 1689. Hie depositee sunt Reliquiae Jonathan Remington Collegii Harvadini quondam Alumni, Artium Baccalaurei, fihi Jonathan Remington Armigeri, qui obiit die 24^*^ Decembris, Anno Dom"\ 1738. ^ta^'^ suae 23^*^ 1739. Here lyes buried y^ body of M". Joseph Cook who died May y® . 27 Anno Dom"'. 1739 Aged about 68 years. Joseph Cook (the third of that name) was son of Joseph, who graduated at Harvard College in 1660 or 1661, was admitted member of the church May 18, 1665, freeman 1666, married Martha Stedman Dec. 4, 1665; Joseph, second, was son of Joseph — of Cambridge, freeman in 1636, member of the church, representative 1636 - 1640, member of the Ar. Co. 1640 — and of Elizabeth, his wife. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 87 Here lyes buried y^ body of Lieu^ Amos Marrett ; who departed this life Nov^ 17^\ Anno Dom"'. 1739 Aged 81 years & 9 M^ Lieutenant Amos Marrett was the son of John and Abigail, grandson of Thomas Marrett or Marriot — who was freeman 1636, and deacon of the church — and of Susan, his wife ; he married Bethya Longhorn, Nov. 2, 1681, who died Nov. 20, 1730, and "Lieut. Amos Marrett and Mrs. Ruth Dunster" were married Nov. 22, 1732. Here lyes y® body of M«^ Sarah Morse, wife to M*^. John Morse ; who died Decem^'^. 21^ A. D. 1739. Aged 21 years 10 Months, & 22 Days. 1740. Here lyes y^ body of Margarit Woods, Daug^^ of M*. Peter & J M^^. Margarit Woods ; who died Febru''^'. y« 3^ 1739, in y« 22^ year of her age. Here lyes buried y® body of M*^^ Mary Bull, wife to M«. Samuel Bull ; who died Febr^. y« 9% A. D. 17||- in y« 30^^ year of her age. 88 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Lydia Stedman Daug^ of M^. Ebenezer & M''^ Lydia Stedman Died June y^ 5^^ 1740. Aged 2 years 2 Months & 10 Days. William Holyoke, youngest son of y^ Rev''. M^. Edward Holyoke & M'^^ Margarit his wife ; died June 23'^. 1740. Aged 2 Years & 9 Months. Ruth Bordman Dau^^ of M". Andrew & M««. Sarah Bordman, Died June 23^, 1740. Aged 7 years 4 Months & 23 Days. Martha Stedman, died June 23^ 1740 Aged 4 years 1 Month & 23 Days The Children Sarah Stedman, died June 24^h^ 1740 Aged 5 years & 8 Months. of M**. Ebenezer Lydia Stedman. cambridge epitaphs. 89 Andrew Bordman son of M**. Andrew & M««. Sarah BoRDxMAN, Died June 24^^ 1740. Aged 5 years 2 Months & 9 Days. iVP^. Margarit Holyoke, wife to y® Rev^. M^. Edward Holyoke President of Harvard College ; (and youngest Daug^^ of y^ Hon^^^ Coll°. John Appleton of Ipswich late Deceased) died June 25^*^. A. D. 1740. having enter'd her 40''^ year, y^ 19^^ day of March last. Here lyes buried y® body of M'*. Samuel Smith; who departed this Q life Ocf. 19^^ Anno Dom'. 1740. jEtatis suse 54. Here lyes interr'd y° body of Anne, Daug^"*. of y® Rev^. William Hobby of Reading & M^^ Lucy his wife Died Nov"^ 13^^ 174Q aged 4 years & 7 M°. 8* 90 cambridge epitaphs. Ebenezer Stedman son of M". Ebenezer & M«^ Lydia Stedman Died November 15^^ 1740 Aged 6 Months & 20 Days. Here lyes y^ body of Sibeyll Wigglesworth, youngest child of y® Rev*^. Edward Wigglesworth, D. D. & M«^ Rebecca his wife, who died Decem''^ 28^*^. 1740. in y« 5^^. year of her age. 1741. Jane a Negro Serv"^ to Andrew Bordman Esq^ Died March IV^ 174-J- Aged 22 years & 3 Months. Sarah Martha Fessenden Died Fessenden Died Sep^ y" 12^^ 1746. May y« IT^ 1741 Aged 2 Months Aged 11 Months. The Children of M«. William Fessenden Jun''. & M^^ Mary his wife. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 91 Here lyes buried y^ body of M». John Bradish ; one of y® Deacons of y® Church of Christ in this Town ; who departed this life July 17^^ Anno Dom'. 1741 in y® 64^-^. year of his age. Here lyes y^ body of John Pecker, Student of Harvard College ; son of Cap^ John Pecker of Haverhill & M«^ Hannah his wife who died Sept^ 7^*^. Anno Dom"*. 1741 in y® 18^^. year of his age. Here lyes y® body of Mary Holyoke Daug^^ of y^ Rev*^. M". Edward & ]^P^ Margarit Holyoke ; who died Octo'^^ V\ A. D. 1741. Aged 11 years & 6 Months. O 1742. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^^. Hephzibah Prentice Relict of M'^. Solomon Prentice, who departed this life Jan''^. 15^^. Ann°. Dom'. 1741 in y« 89'-^. year of her age. Thair had desended from her 140 Persons of whom 92 remained w^hen she died. The wife of Solomon Prentice, Sen., son of Plenry and Joan Prentice. See Solomon Prentice, 1719. § 92 * CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y^ body of M^. Nathaniel Robbins ; who departed this life Jan-^^ 16^\ 1741. in y^ 64^^. year of his age. Here lyes buried y® body of M^^ Faith Prentice, wife to M". Stephen Prentice who departed this life Jan'^y. 23'^. Anno Dom'. 1741 in y® 54^**. year of her age. The wife of Stephen, son of Solomon and Hephzibah ; Solo- mon was son of Henry and Joan. Here lyes buried y® body of M«^ Mary Balch, wife to M«. Benjamin Balch w^ho departed this life Jan'^J'. 28^*^ Anno Dom. 174^ in ye 64th ygaj. Qf Jjgj. ggg^ Here lyes buried y® Remains of M". Isaac. Watson ; who departed this life Feb-'y. 27'^ Anno Dom', 1741 Aged 62 yedrs. Son of Abraham Watson and Mary his wife ; Abraham was son of John Watson, Sen., and Rebecca, daughter of Anne Er-. rington ; Isaac married Anna . CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 93 Eunice Bradish Daughter of ]\P. Ebenezer & M"^. Eunice Bradish ; Died March 5^^ 1741 Aged 9 IVP & 14 D^ Here lyes buried y® body of M«^. Prudence Hancock, wife to M". Nathani^^. Hancock who departed this life July 15^\ Anno Dom'. 1742. Aged 72 years. 1743. Here lyes y® body of M^^. Lucy Remington, wife of y® Hon^'^. Jonathan Remington ; who departed this life, April y^ 18^S Anno Dom"'. 1743 O in y^ 63*^ year of her age. Her maiden name was Broadstreet ; she was married to Jona- than Remington, Sept. 5, 1711. Here lyes interred y^ body of M^^ Sarah Gardiner, Daug^^ of M«. John & M«^ Sarah Gardiner of New-London ; dec"^. (Grand-Daug^^ of y<^ Hon'^^^ Gurdon Saltonstall late Governor of y^ Collony of Connecticut, dec^.) who died Aug^ 6^^ A. D. 1743. iEtatis 26. 94 cambridge epitaphs. William Angier son of M". William & M«^ Ruth Angier ; Died Sep^ 13^\ 1743. Aged 2 Months & 1 Day. Here lyes y® Body of Mary Champney, Daug. of M«. Samuel & M"^. Abigail Champney ; Who Died Sep^ 22'^<^ 1743 Aged 2 years 5 Months & 2 Days. Here lyes y® body of Sarah Wyeth, Daug^^ of M''. Jonathan & M'^^ Hepzibah Wyeth ; who died Sep^ y« 23*^. 1743, in y^ 26^^. year of her age. Here lyes buried y« body of M«. Jonathan Wyeth ; who departed this life SepK 24^h^ Anno Dom^'. 1743 in y^ 53*^ year of his age. caimbridge epitaphs. 95 Anna Watson Dau^^ of M«. Isaac & I^P^ Elizabeth Watson. Died Octob^ 24^h. 1743 Aged 1 year 10 Months & 2 Days. 1744. Here lyes buried y^ body of M«^ Mary Marrett, wife to M^. Edward Marrett ; Jun^. who departed this life Jan-^y. 15^\ 1743, in yfi 30^1^ year of her age. 1745. Here lyes y^ body of M^^. Ruth Wadsworth (Rehct of y^ Rev. M«. Benjamin Wadsworth, late President of Harvard College in Cambridge ;) Who departed this Life February y« 17^^ ^. D. 174| in y^ 73'^ Year of her Age. Here lyes buried y® body of M«^ Sarah Learnard ; wife to M*^. Abijah Learnard ; who died May &\ A. D. 1745 in y' 2S^^. year of her age. 96 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1746. Here lyes y® body of Susanna Morse Daug^^ of M"^. William & M«^ Anna Morse ; who died Feb'-y. 2V\ 1745 Aged 15 years & 10 Months. Here Lyes Buried y« Body of M^. Samuel Champney Who Departed this Life March the 8^^ •Bnno Domini 1745. Aged 79 Years. Martha Stedman Daug^ of M**. Ebenezer & M«^ Lydia Stedman Died Oct^"^. 10^\ 1746 Aged 1 year 2 M°. & 11 D^ 1747, Here lyes buried the Body of Andrew Bordman, Esq'"; who departed this life May y« 30^^ Mno Dom^K 1747 in y® 76^^ year of his age. He was the son of Andrew and Ruth, and grandson of William and Frances. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 97 Here lyes y^ body of M'*^ Rebeckah Cheney wife to M**. Joseph Cheney ; who departed this life in Octob^ 1747 Aged 73 years. Here lyes buried y« body of M«. Amos Marrett ; who departed this life Nov^^ 14th^ ^nno Dom"'. 1747 in y^ 46^^. year of his age. He was the son of Lieutenant Amos Marrett, and married Mary Dunster, Sept. 21, 1732. Silence Champney, Daug^^ of M«. Solomon & M"^ Abigail Champney; Died Nov^^ y« 29^\ 1747. Aged 7 Years 8 M«. & 10 D^ o 1748. Here lyes Buried y® Body of M'*. Winslow Warren, son of James Warren, Esq'"; of Plymouth, & M'*^ Penelope his Wife, A young Gentleman of great Hopes ; Who Died March ye gih AD. 1747. iEtatis 15. 98 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y^ body of Mary Read Daug^^ of M«. James & M«^ Hannah Read ; who died Aug. 12^^. 1748 in y^ 3^. year of her age. Here lyes Buried y^ Body of M«^ Hannah Champney. Widow of M«. Samuel Champney Who Departed this life Sep^ VK A. D. 1748. in y^ 78^^ Year of Her Age. Here lyes y® body of M^. Benjamin GoDDARD ; who departed this hfe Ocf^. 24^^. 1748. in y« 8P^ year of his age. 1749. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Noah Sparhawke ; who departed this life, Feb'^y. y« 4^^. Anno Dom" 174f . Aged 51 years 11 Months, &20 Days. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 99 Here Lyes Buried the Body of M^^. Elizabeth Prentice wife to Dea'^^" Henry Prentice Who departed this life March 13 •^nno Dom. 1748. Aged 52 years. Here Lyes Buried the body of M". Daniel Dana. Who Departed this Life Octo^^ W^. Anno Domi'\ 1749, in y« 86^^ Year of His Age. Mary Fessenden Daug^^ of M"*. William Fessenden Jun''. &: M'*''. Mary his wife ; died Nov^ 15^^. 1749. aged 5 years & 4 M«. Elizabeth Bordman Daug'^^ of Andrew Bordman Esq^ and M'*^. Sarah, his wife, Died Nov^^ 16^^. 1749 Aged 7 years 7 Months & 17 Days. 100 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1750. Here lyes buried y® body of M^^. Rebecca Coollidge (late wife of Dea^°". Joseph Coollidge deceased) who departed this hfe July the VK A. D. 1750 in the 82"^ year of her age. Here lies the body of M«. Thomas Soden Jun'*. who died July y« 5^\ 1750. in y® 25^^. year of his age. Here lyes y® body of James Reed son of M^. James & M«^ Hannah Reed who died July 29^^. 1750 Aged 5 months & 7 I>\ Here lyes y® body of Benjamin Cooper, son of M«. Walter & M««. Martha Cooper ; who departed this life Sep^ y« IV^ 1750. in y« 20^^. year of his age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 101 1751. Here lieth the Body of M«^ Naomi Dana the widow of M". Daniel Dana who died on the 24^^. day of February A. D. 175^ In the 82^^ Year of her Age. Here lyes buried y® body of M«\ Mary Reed rehct of M«. James Reed who departed this hfe April y« 20^\ A. D. 1751 in y® 73^. year of her age. Here lyes buried y« body of M*^. John Goddard ; who died May 12'*'. 1751. aged 41 years 11 Months &24 D^ Here lyes buried y^ body of M^^ Sarah Richardson, wife to M". Abiel Richardson who departed this life May 24^i\ 1751 Aged 27 years 9 Months & 27 D^ 9* 102 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried y® body of Cap*-. Benjamin Dana ; who departed this hfe June 5^*^ Anno Dom'. 1751 in y® 63*^ year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M'*. John Robbins ; who departed this life June 10^^ Anno Dom^ 1751. aged 72 years. Samuel Stedman son of Cap^ Ebenezer & ]VP^ Lydia Stedman Died Aug. y« 9^^ 1751 Aged 2 years and 3 Months. Here lyes buried y« body of M«. Walter Cooper ; who departed this life Sept^ 27^^ 1751 Aged 55 years. Here lyes buried the body of M^. James Clark who departed this life Octo"- the 29^^. 1751 aged 69 years. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 103 1753. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Richard Mooers ; who departed this hfe Jan'^y. y«22'i AD 1751 in ye g3lh yg^j. Qf Jj}g ggg^ Here lyes buried the body of Cap*" Moses Bordman ; who departed this life Jan'^y. 2S^^ Anno Dom\ 1751 in y^ 75^^ year of his age. Here lyes buried y® body of M«^ Sarah Hill, widow of M^. Abraham Hill who departed this life March 30^\ 1752 in y® 80^^. year of her age. Here lyes buried the body of M^. Abraham White ; who departed this life May y« 28^^ A. D. 1752 in y^ SS'^. year of his age. Here lyes y^ body of M^ Michael Stanley who died Sept^ y« W^, 1752 in y« 49^^ year of his age. o 104 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Edmund Frost, who departed this life Nov^^ the 6'^. 1752, in y« 73*^ year of his age. Edmund Frost was the son of Ephraim and Hephzibah, grand- son of Edmund and Thomasine Frost, who came to N. E. with Rev. Thomas Shepard, in 1635, and were members of the church ; his wife's name was Hannah. Here lyes y^ body of M"^ Sarah Sparhawke widow to M^. Samuel Sparhawke who died Decem^ y« 8^^. 1752 in y« 85^^ year of her age. 17^3. David Robbins, son of M«. Solomon & M^^ Martha Robbins ; died Jan'-y. 13^^ 1753. aged 3 years & 9 Mon«. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Abraham Ireland ; who departed this life January 24^^, Anno Dom. 1753. in y^ 8V^ year of his age. God Brought him from a Distant Land And Did preserve by his Mighty hand God Blest him with old Age And a great Posterity ; Pray God to give them Grace To fly to Christ, To prepare them for Great Eternity. By a Relation. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 105 Here lyes buried y^ body of M'*. Moses Boardman Jun^ who departed this life March S^\ Anno Dom"'. 1753 in y® 50^^. year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M*^. Joseph Bean, who departed this life May 23'i. AD. 1753 in y* 65^^. year of his age. Deborah Frost, Eldest Dau^^ of M«. Abraham & M'^^ Mary Frost, Died Octo^^ 8^^. 1753 Aged 5 years 6 Months & 26 Days. Here lyes buried the body of M''. Edward Thwing who died Nov^^ y^ IV^, A. D. 1753 in y« 37 year of his age. 106 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Mary Holyoke Dautr. of y« Rev^. M«. Edward Holyoke President of Harvard College & M^^. Mary his wife was born Dec"". 12^^. 1742 Died Nov^ 13^^. 1753. & is here buried. In hoc tumulo reconditi sunt cineres Johannis Holyoke A. B. Collegii Harvardini Alumni, Reverendi Praesidis filii Secundi, optimse spei Juvenis, qui obiit Decembris 30"^° r Christi MDCCLHI Anno < jEtatis 20 C Baccalaureatus 3™° 1754. Here lyes y® body of M««. Hannah Marrett, wife to M'*. Edward Marrett ; who died. April 9^^. 1754. in y« 85^^. year of her age. Here lyes buried y® body of M^. Edward Marrett ; who departed this life April IP^. 1754. in y 84^^. year of his age. Here lyes buried y* Body of M"^. Rebecca Wigglesworth Wife to y^ Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, DD. and Plollisian Professor of Divinity in Harvard College, Who Departed this life June 5^^ AD. 1754. in y® 55^^ year of her Age. The second wife of Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, the first ; her maiden name was Coolidge, and she was married to Mr. Wiggles- worth Sept. 10, 1729. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 107 Here lyes buried y® body of M»«. Sarah St E DM AN widow to M^. John Stedman who departed this life July the P' A. D. 1754 in y^ 85^^ year of her age. Here lyes Buried the Body of M«. John Barrett who departed this Life Nov^ 16. 1754 Aged 49 Years. Here lyes y® Body of M^^. Ruth Barrett Widow to M«. John Barrett Who died Decem^ 25^^ 17(58. Aged 61 Years. Also Hannah Barrett their Dau^^ died Feb'-y. S^. 1759. Aged 21 Years. Here lies buried the body of M«. Abraham Hill who departed this life Dec'": the 27^^. 1754 Aged 66 years. :j 1755. Here lyes buried the body of M«. Nathaniel Hancock who departed this life May the 10^^ 1755. Aged 87 years. 108 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1750. Hie sepultus est Abel Reverend! Aaronis Whitney Petershamensis Filius, et Collegii Harvardini alumnus ; qui Anno jEta' 16"^« occubuit Martii 15'"'' AD. 1756. Here lyes buried y« body of M*. Walter Cooper, Jun'". who departed this hfe April y^ VK 1756. in y« 28^^ year of his age. Here lyes buried the body of M«. William Fessenden; who departed this life May the 26^\ 1756. in y« 63^ year of his age. Here lyes y® body of Caleb Taft a student of y« Collidge. Son of CapV JosiAH & M"^ Lydia Taft of Uxbridge ; who Died Sep^ y« 19^^ 1756 in ye iQih^ year of his age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 109 Here lies y® body of Jonathan Wyeth son of M«. John & M«^ Elizabeth Wyeth Aged 8 years Died Sep^ 29^^. 1756. Here lies buried the body of M«. John Wyeth who departed this life Oct^ 23^. 1756 Aged 51 years. 1757. Here lyes y^ body of George Sparhawk son of M«. Noah & M«^ Priscilla Sparhawk who died Jan""^. 27^^ 1757. in ye Iglh yg^f Qf Jjjg Q^Q ^ In memory of M**^. Hannah Bean, y^ wife of M^. Joseph Bean late dec^. who died Sep^ y« 8^^^ 1757 in y« 75^^ year of her age. 10 no CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1758. Timothy Darlin son of M^. William & M«^ Lydia Darlin Died Feb'y 25^^ 1758 Aged, 1 Year. Here lyes buried the Body of M^. Solomon Prentice, who departed this life June 25^^ 1758. Aged 84 years. Here lyes buried the Body of M«^ Lydia Prentice, wife to M^. Solomon Prentice who departed this life April 25^h 1753 Aged 81 years. William Stedman Son of Cap^ Ebenezer & M'*^ Lydia Stedman Died May y« VK 1758 Aged 2 years 7 Months & 9 Days Here lyes the body of Stephen Coollidge ; M. A. & sometimes Master of the Free School in this Town. Who departed this life May 6^^. 1758. in the 50^^ year of his age. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Ill Here lyes y® Body of Mary Wigglesworth 2"^ Dau^^ of Edward Wigglesworth D. D. & Hollisian Professor of Divinity in Harvard College. She Departed this life July 5^^\ 1758 Being just entered Upon y® 26 Year of Her Age. Walter Cooper, son of Walter & Lydia Cooper died Sep^ 14^h 1758 Aged 2 years & 5 Mon^ 1759. M^^. Elizabeth Epes Daughter of the late Hon^^^ Symonds Epes of Ipswich Esq"". & Mary his Wife (now wife to y*^ Rev^. M'^. Edward HoLYOKE, Pres^'. of Harvard College) Died at Cambridge Feb. 14 1759, in y® 22 year of her age. In memory of David Nichols son of M^ Daniel & M'^^ Abigail Nichols. Who died Nov^^ 20^^ 1759 in ye 15th ygar of his age. 112 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes buried the body of M^. John Palfrey ; who departed this life Decern'-. y« VK 1759 in y« 7P^ year of his age. Here lyes buried y« body of M^. Benjamin Goddard ; of Grafton, who departed this hfe Decern'-. 10^^. 1759 in y^ 55^\ year of his age. 1760. Here lyes interr'd y® body of IVP^. Mary Lyon in her first marriage Consort to M^. Thomas Prentice, whom she survived more than 50 years, & expired March y« 2^'. 1760 in y« 84^^ year of her age. not impatient of Life, but satisfied with it : Her Children rise up and call her blessed. Samuel Epes Armig^". Procurator rerum forensium benignus et humanus, Collegii-Harvardini dim Alumnus, Honorat. Dom. Symonds Epes Ipswicensis Armig'. et Marise Uxoris (hoc Tempore autem, Dom'. Rev^'. Edvardi Holyoke Collegii prsedicti Prsesidis, conjugis) Filius unigenus, Sobolesq. eorum unica et ultima. Spei non vulgaris Juvenis, ingenii etiam pulcherrimi, Grandia unde, in Patrice suae Emolumentum, exequendi, Capax fuit ; et non tantum capax, Indolem autem propter Ejus Benevolam ; omnibus prodesse paratus ; Almse Matri autem ejus Harvardinse, prsesertim, cui Testament© ejus ultimo Libras trecenias pie legavit. Qui mala Corporis labitudine diuturna, Atrophia scit, tabescente, maceratus, Animam ejus in Jesu sinum expiravit Junii 30™" Anno Christi 1760 iEtatis 27. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 113 Huic tumulo mandanlur exuviae Viri admodum venerabilis Henrici Flynt Armigeri Academiae Harvardinae Alumni, Ejusdemque (circiter annos sexaginta) Socii et Tutoiis Magna ex Parte Primarii, Equanimitate vix aequiparanda Praediti: Pietate, Probitate, et Eruditione conspicui : Studiis Historicis, Politicis et Praecipue Sacris, Et intei* Sacra Phropheticis, Maxime addicti: Concionatoris gravis, solidi et pungentis: Qui Charitatis Catholicae Exemplar Haud aspernandum Bonis omnibus exhibuit Et Graviorum Religionis Christianas Tenax De Minutiis fuit parum solicitus. Tandem Plenus Dierum Et Longaevitate saturatus Annum jEtatis Octogesimum quintum agens, J) Inconcussa spe beatae Immortalitatis Efflavit Annimam, Decimo Tertio Februarii, Annoque Salutis humanae Millesimo Septingentesimo Sexagesimo. Henry Flynt, son of the Rev. Josiah Flynt, of Dorchester, was born in 1676, grraduated at Harvard College 1693, was Tutor from 1699 till 1754, Fellow from 1700 till 1760, and died Feb. 13, 1760 ; he was a man of sound learning, of acute and discriminating in- tellect ; firm but moderate, steadfast in opinion, but without ob- stinacy ; zealous and faithful in the discharge of his various duties. 10* 114 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. Here lyes y^ body of Jonathan Cooper son of M". Jonathan Cooper Jun'". & M«^ Marcy his Wife who died SepK 17^^ 1760 Aged 2 years. Here lyes buried y® body of IVP^. Abigail Monis, consort to M". JuDAH Monis ; (Hebrew Instructor in Harvard College) who departed this life Octo^ y« 27^h. 1760. in y« 60^^. year of her age. 1761. Here lies buried y^ body of M^^ Hannah Soden the wife of M". Thomas SoDEN, who departed this life Feb-^^ y« 19^^ 1761. aged 66 years. 1763. Hie jacet Noah Merrick oplimse spei Juvenis Rev*^'. Noah Merrick et Abigail uxoris de Springfield Filius Qui annos ad septemdecim natus cursus accademici jam turn expleturus Annum inter lavandum Flumine (ah multum flebihs) periit Die XXIV Junii MDCCLXII. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 115 Here lyes y^ body of M^^ Lydia Darlin wife of M«. William Darlin who departed this life Sept. ye 4th, 1752: Aged 35 years. 1763. Here lyes buried y^ body of M«^ Mary Dana y« wife of M«. William Dana who died March y« 5, 1763 in y^ 45 year of her age. The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. o 1764. Here lyes buried the Body of M«. Jonathan Sprague who departed this life July the 6'\ 1764. Aged 48 years. 116 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. To the memory of Ann Ellery, Consort of William Ellery of Newport Rhode Island, Merch^ and Daughter of the late Judge Remington. In every Relation of Life She exhibited a becoming Behaviour was sensible and quick of Apprehension sprightly and agreeable in Conversation, hospitable, charitable, sincere & pious. Died Sep^ 7^^ 1764 ^tat ; 39. Here lyes y^ body of Mary Marrett Dau^^ of M«. Amos and M^^ Mary Marrett who departed this life Octo^ y« 17^1^ 1764 in y« 16^^. year of her age. M^^. Hannah Burrill, widow of the Honourable Theophilus Burrill, Late of Lynn, Esq"^; died November 19^^^ 1764. in y^ 7S year of her age. Here lyes y^ Body of M'^^ Mary Tufts, widow of M"^. Nathaniel Tufts ; who departed this life Decem^ the 26. 1764 Aged 70 years. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 117 1765. Hulc tumulo mandantur exuviae Viri Reverend! Edvardi Wigglesworth . M. Scituatensis filius, Qui Cantabrigiae Kal. Novem. MDCCCXIII. Anno ^t. XVII. Cursus Academicus imo. Vita decessit. Classis suae sodales Cum lachrymis, virtuti, ingenio, pietati, debitis, Illi, et amoris et desiderii testimonium, Hoc marmor posuerunt. 1814. Henry A. Rumrill. — Widow Mary Russell CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 159 1815. Susannah Morse. — Ebenezer Stedman. 1816. Elizabeth Danforth. 1817. M. S. Edvardi Canfield Salisburiensis, connect. ob. Kal. Sept. MDCCCXVII. an. set. XX. et cursus Acad, tertio. virtutes excelsas, moresq ; suavissimas, aetatem quae ineuntem ornavere, ad imum servavit, sine ostentatione erudltus, sine levitate hilaris, indole amabile et permodesta, omnibus dilectissimus quibuscum maxime versatus est. hocce monumentum Sodales posuere. Et nunquam te, frater charissime, aspiciamus posthac ? At certe semper amabimus. Mrs. Hannah Howe. 160 cambridge epitaphs. Thom^ M^. Culloch, Universitatis Harvardianae Alumni, nati in republica Massachusettensi in oppido cui nomen Kennebunk, hie conditee reliquiae, Omnibus animi et corporis dotibus, quae amorem, delectationem, reverentiam, concilient, fuit natura ornatissimus, In moribus scilicet suavis, ingenuus, facilis Omnium amorem prius habuit, quam petiit, fuit honoris et famae studiosus at non polluit invidia pectus, non labia calumnia, Humanitatis et doctrinae studiis devotissimus omnes humanae mentis exploraverat recessus, atque toto arvo literarum carpserat flores, jamque anno in Academia tertio peracto, a fastigio honoris literarii summo, quod erat ingenio et diligentia consecutus, eheu !! in sepulchrum descendit. Namque morbo acerbissimo correptus, multos qui morti dederat infelices, animam efflavit placidissimam die Sept. 7. A. D. 1817. Mi. 21. Hoc marmor erexit amor sodalium, lachrymae consecravere. Nathaniel Prentiss. — William P. Reemie. Royal W. Stimson. i CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 161 1818. Mrs. Catherine Davis. Hoc submarmore' Sodalium desiderio sacrato, cineres sepulti sunt GuLiELMi Person, Collegii Harvardiani alumni, qui mortem obiit Cantabrigiae, III. Id. Oct. Anno Salutis Humanse MDCCCXVIII. ^tatis suae XXIV. Cursus Academici III. Hie filius Naturae, vitae primo limine desertus, nihilo minus Coeli viguit favore, et ingenio, diligentia, virtutibus pietate plurimos longe praecessit. Q Plorat amissum praemature Scientia, Plorat Religio, Plorat Amicitia. r 1819. William P. Pleemie. 1830. Stephen Goddard. — Abilene Picket. — Mr. William Tilton (of Boston). 14 # 162 CAIUBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1831. Elizabeth Kneeland. John Stedman. — Mrs. Keziah Walton. 183S. Dea. John Walton. 1834. Samuel Manning. — James M^Fee. Ebenezer Tucker. 1835. Edward Dickson. — Mrs. Sarah G. Haynes. — Harriet Kern. — Mrs. Eunice Nichols. — Charles F. Picket. — Mrs. Abigail Prentiss. — William Tupper (of Boston). 1836. Hariot E. Goodnow. — Elizabeth H. Kneeland. — Charles C. Picket. — Elizabeth Shed. 1837. Mary Lincoln Jenkins. CABIBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 163 To the memory of Wendell Bayard Davis, a member of the Theological School, Cambridge, who died March 8, 1827 : Mu 23 years. Candour, and Fidelity, Kindness and Benevolence, Humility, Piety and Resignation were united in his character. His fellow students erect this stone as a token of their esteem and a symbol of his purity ; that lingering friends may here recall his virtues : that the silent marble may convey those lessons which his studies were preparing him to enforce. 1898. In the southwesterly part of the Burial-Ground is a white mar^, ble obelisk, bearing the following inscriptions : — ~^ On the north face : — Memorise Caroli Livermore. Qui omnibus disciplinis Universitatis hujus, bene versatus, Et felix amicitia sodalium, comitate sua Ac multis aliis virtutibus parata, Adiit Baltimore Procul amicis ubi, mortuus est, Nov. A. D. MDCCCXXV, ^t. XXVI. 164 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. On the east face : — MemoriaB Frederici Wilder Qui multis honoribus acceptis, Hac Universitate egressus, Anno Domini MDCCCXXV. Vir singulari ingenio, literis Vel maxime addictus, Sincera mente atque pura, in amicitias Multum qusesitus fidelisque Et integer vitae. Mortuus est in Northamtonia, Feb. A. D. MDCCCXXVI, ^t. XXII. On the west face : — Memoriae Georgii Sheafe. Simplex cujus vita, mansueta, Innocensque Placidae morti, at intempestivae Cessit Dec. A. D. MDCCCXXV, ^t. XIX. Multum amatus, minime indeploratus. On the south face : — Hoc marmor, Ejusdem gradus Sodalibus eorum, Erectum. A. D. MDCCCXXVIII. Charles E. Stimson. CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 165 1829. Charles Frothingham. — Tabitha Howe. — Samuel W. Mower. — Rebecca W. Priest. 1S30. Thomas Goddard. 1831. In memory of Samuel H. Davis, who died November 14, 1831, aged 23 years. " Blessed are the pure in heari.^ Sarah Edson Demmon. — Ellen Torry. William Wells (of Hartford). 1832. O Lucy Changing Ellery. — Susan King Mumler. 1834. Lucy (Ellery) Channing. — Ann Ellery. — Ann Huntress. 1835. (Mrs. Hannah Hearsey. — Luke Moore. Katharine Morse. 166 CAMBRIDGE EPITAPHS. 1836. Mrs. Hepzibah Goddard. 1837. Mrs. Mercy Gibson. — Mary E. Payson. Susan ¥. Lenox. 1838. Ann Bowley. 1839. Mrs. Charlotte Gould. 1840. Esther Goodwin. — Charles F. Wood, 1841. Reuben Demmon. — Anna Howe. — Elizabeth Howe. — Helen D. Torry. 1849. Elbridge Gerry Fairbank. — Marcus Remie Fairbank. — Franklin W. Gilson. — Edgar Dana Payson. 1844. Mrs. Hannah Payson. APPENDIX It having been suggested to me, that a table of such deaths as are not contained in the foregoing pages would be useful, and would render this book a more complete record of the early deaths in this town, such a table, compiled from the Town Records, has been given, in the form of an Appendix. Notices have been added of some persons, whose names will be found in this table, but whose monuments have long since crumbled into dust, and of others, whose remains were deposited in tombs, over which no monuments were erected. In the table of deaths, the first column of figures denotes the day of the month, and the second, the month itself, regarding March as the first month, April the second, &c. 1638. Mary, wife of Robert Brad- ish, died 7 Nicholas Danford, d. 2 Joyce, w. Edmund GofFe, d 9 Roger Harlackinton, d. 8 John Roman, d. 19.1U 1639. Mary, w. Wm. Andrews, d. 19.11 Thomas Bloggett, d. 7. Symon Crosby, d. 7 Stephen Day, d. 1.10 Perceiveall Greene, d. 25.10 Henry Griffith, d. 12. 9 John Meane, d. 10. 6 John Masters, d. 21.10 Jane Masters, d. 26.10 Nathanael Patten, d. 11 Daniell Saunders, d. 27.12 Mary, daughter of Rogei Shaw, d. 26. Samuel, son of Nathaniel & Mary Sparhawke 13. 8 1640. Thomas Bittlestone, d. 23. 9 Elisabeth, d. George & Alice Cook, d. 6 Katherine, w. James Fry- ers, d. 28. 5 Berbery Hutson, d. 14.12 John Rose, d. 12.10 1642. Samuel, s. Robert & Vashti Bradish, d. 6. 5 Thomas, s. George & Alice Cooke, d. 16. 6 Hannah, d. William & Elis- abeth French, d. 20. 4 Edmund Gale, d. 29. 5 Dorcas, d. Robert & Jane Homes, d. Joseph Isaac, d. 11. 3 Phebe Russell, d. 8. 5 1643. - Elisabeth, w. Robert Dan- iel, d. 2. 8 Elisabeth, w. Mr. Henry Dunster, d. 23. 6 Hannah, d. Frances &Mary Grisell, d. 2 John, s. Nathaniel & Jane Hancock, d. 2. 2 Elisabeth, w. Henry Pren- tis, d. 13. 3 Mary, w. Nathaniel Spar- hawke, d. 25.11 1644. Mrs. Joane Amies, buried 23.10 Barbaric, vv. George Bow- ers, d. 25. 1 Matthew Bowers, d. 30.11 168 APPENDIX. Thomas Daniel, b. 6. 9 Roger Foorth, d. 24. 2 Sarah, w. Richard Hildreth, d. 15. 4 Mr. Richard Harris, d, 29. 6 John House, d. 22. 2 John Sparhawke, d. 21. 7 John Wise, d. 9. 7 Richard Worwood, d. 13. 3 Samuel, s. Samuel & Han- nah Shepheard, b. 16. 1 1645. Guy Banbridge, housekeep- er, b. 10. 2 Sarah, d. Thomas & Mary Danforth, b. 29. 8 Joanna, w. John French, b. 20.11 John French, housekeeper, b. 16.12 Mehetabel, d. Robert & Jane Holmes, b. 14. 6 Caleb, s John & Margaret Jackson, b. 12.10 Herbert, s. Herbert Pelham, Esq., b. 211 Ruth, d. Nathanael & Kathe- rine Sparhawke, b. 9. 3 John Meane, b. 19. I William, s. William & Mary Patten, b. 22. 1 1646. John Blease, b. 23. 2 Francis Blosse, b. 29. 7 Samuel, s. William & Elis- abeth French, b. 15. 5 Mary, d. Edward & Judith Goffe, b. 23. 2 Edward Hamraerston, b. 24. 6 John, s. John & Anne Meane, b. 21. 8 Joanna, w. Thomas Shep- heard, b. 28. 2 1647. John, s. Edmund & Ruth Angier, b. 2.11 Sarah, d. David Fisk, b. 8. 3 Mary Pierce, servant of Na- thaniel Sparhawke, b. 12. 5 Nathaniel Sparhawke, d. 28. 4 Katherin Sparhawke, d. 5. 5 1648. Samuel, s. Robert & Vashti Bradish, b. 9.10 Mary, d. William & Jane Dixon, b. 21. 5 Ephraim, s. Robert & Jane Holmes, b. 8. 3 Thomas, s. Thomas & Sarah Langhorne, b. 5. 2 Katherin, w. Francis Moore, b. 28.10 Abigail, d. William & Doro- thie Manning, b. 10. 3 Thomas, s. Thomas & Elisa- beth Oakes, b. 14.11 Violett, w. Edward Shep- hard, d. 9.11 Edward, s. Edward & Jane Winship, b. 8. 4 Frances, d. Edward Jacson,d. 5. 8 1649. I Daniel Gookine, b. 3. 7 Sarah, w. Jonas Clearke, b. 20,12 Thomas, s. " " *' 20. 3 Mary, d. " " « 15. 9 Abell Lamb, servant to Wil- liam French, b. 16. 8 Thomas Mowton, b. 15.12 Thomas, s. Samuel Shep- hard, b. 9.12 Martha, d. Mathew Bridge, b. 15.11 David, s. David Fiske, b. 20. 7 Mathew Day, b. 10. 3 Mr. Thomas Shepard, pastor of y^ church of Christ, b. 28.6 John Dana, d. 12. 8 1650. Elizabeth Scott, b. 3. 4 Susanna, w. William Man- ning, Sen., b. 16. 8 Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel Spar- hawke, b. 12.12 Hannah Fean, servant to Na- thaniel Sparhauk, b. 11. 1 1652. Robert Knight, d. William Holman, d. 29. 8 8.11 John Cooper, d. 24. 6 1653. George Bearstow, d. 18. 1 Sarah Simes, d. 10. 4 Samuel Holmes, d. 18. 4 Thomas Russell, d. 21. 5 Jane Holmes, d. 28. 8 Jonathan Padlfoote, d. 28. 8 Timothy Manning, d. 8. 9 William Wilcockes, d. 28. 9 Roger Bancroft, d. 28. 9 Thomas Brigham, d. 8.10 APPENDIX. ley Christopher Cane, d.. 9.10 1660. Ephraim Fiske, d. 14. 7 John Hicks, d. 4. 4 Samuel Dana, d. 8. 9 Deborah GofFe, d. 21. 9 Sarah Heale, d. • 10. 8 Hannah Adams, d. 25.12 Phaebe Collins, d. 5.11 1661. 1654. Sarah Cooke, d. 12. 3 Sussanna Bearstow, d. 17. 2 Sarah Barratt, d. 21. 6 Mary Longhorne, d. 21. 1 Aspinwall Goave, d. 14. 8 Henry Prentice, d. 9. 4 William Russell, d. 14.12 Rebecca Swann, d. 12. 5 Daniel Hide, d. 3. 8 Hannah Cooke, d. 13. 5 Benjamin Crackbone, d. 27. 2 Solomon Gookin, d. IG. 5 Isabell Jackson, d. 12.12 Margarett Michell, d. Sarah Holmes, d. 24. 5 Nathaniel Cooper, d. 19.10 7. 9 Moses Bordman, d. 16. 1 Lidea Fiske, d. 29. 9 Nathaniel Upham, d. 20. 1 Daniel Cheavers, d. John Ward, d. • 5. 4 1662. John Prentice, d. 10. I Thomas Ross, d. 19.11 Ruth Michelson, d. 15. 4 John Bush, d. 1. 11 1655. 1663. Ester Cheavers, d. 21. 1 Rachel Parker, d. 5. 2 Mary Crackbone, d. 30. 3 Elizabeth Cutter, d. 10.11 Judith Crackbone, d. 1. 5 John Marritt, d. 6. 9 Robert Daniel, d. 6. 5 Isaac Holman, d. 12. 2 Thomas Sweetman, d. 27.11 Elizabeth, d. John &, Deborah Macoone, d. 30.11 1656. Sarah, d. Walter <& Sarah Timothy Eccles, d. 21. 9 Hastings, d. 10. 4 Ruth Angier, d. 3. 5 Joshua Hide, d. 21. 2 1664. John Steivenson, d. 26. 3 1657. Thomas Marritt, d. 30. 4 Jane Green, d. 16. 9 John Angier, d. 3. 5 John Hastings, d. 2.10 Susanna Marritt, d. 23.12 Mary Heale, d. 27. 9 Deborah, w. John Macoone '«« *^ William Bucke, 24 11 d. 20.tr John Marritt, d. 7. 1 Sarah, d. Walter &. Sarah John Angier, d. Abigail Kempster, d. 25.11 Hastings, d. 16.11 22. 8 Sarah Eliot, d. 13. 4 1658. 1665. Edward GofFe, d. 26.10 Sarah Hubbard, d. 20 8 Hannah Crackbone, d. 24. 7 Lidea Greene, d. 24. 7 Abraham Hide, d. 22.12 Sarah Brackett, d 19. 7 Rebecca Day, d. J7. 8 Isabell Whitmore, d. 31. 1 Mr. Henry Dunster, d. 27 12 Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel & 1659. Mary Hancock, d. 20. 5 Isacke Amsden, d. 7. 2 1666. Daniel Cheavers, d. 4.11 Anna Pinson, d. 8. 3 Martha Clemance, d. 10.10 Thomas, s. Samuel & Eliza Thomas Oakes, d. 6 beth Andrews, d. 24.12 Mary Oakes, d. John Fisenden, d. 21.10 Rebeccah, d. Richard & Sa- Philip Cooke, d. 10.12 rah Woodjd. 7.12 Robert Stedman, d. 20.11 '. 15 170 APPENDIX. Andrew, s. Joseph & Jemi- ma Scill, d. 12. 4 1667. Mary, d. Samuel & Eliza- beth Andrews, d. 20. 5 Hannah,w. John Hastings, d. 10. 4 Mary Seamond, d, 2. 7 John, s. John &, Rebecca Pal- frey, d. 27. 4 Hepziba, d. Richard & Fran- cis Cutter, d. 27.12 1668. Wilham Mitcheson, d. 18.10 Steeven Day, d. 22.10 Hannah Marrelt, d. 9.10 Abyah, s. Richard & Ann Dana, d. 8.10 Mr. John Elyott, d. 13. 8 Jacob, s. Abram Errington, d. 2. 8 Wilham Pattin, d. 10.10 Mr. Jonathan Mitchell, d. 9. 5 1669. Mary, d. Samuel & Sarah Stone, d. 11. 3 Mary Bucke, d. 31. 6 Thomas, s. Piam & Eliza- beth Blowers, d. 14. 6 Mr. Richard Champny, Rul- ing Elder of Cambridge Church, d. 26. 9 Elizabeth, d. Walter & Sarah Hastings, d. 3. 3 Nathaniel, s. Walter & Sarah Hastings, d. 15. 7 Sarah, d. Richard & Ann Dana, d. 11.11 Richard Woods, d. 17.11 1670. Hannah, w. John Holmes, d. 24. 3 1671. Winifred Holman, aged 74, d. Benjamin Parker, d. Samuel Blowers, d. Gilbert Crackbone, d. Mary Andrews, d. 16. 8 17.11 21.12 2.11 29.12 1672. Bartholmew Barrett, d. 6. 3 Gregory Stone, Deacon of Cambridge Church d. 30. 9 Ann Robbinson, d. 5. 8 Nathaniel Buck, d. 19. 5 Margarett, w. James Trow- bridge, d. 17. 6 Abigail Hancocke, d. 7. 3 Mary Hide, d. 27. 3 Samuel, s. Samuel & Han- nah Oldam, d. 16.11 Sarah Holman, d. 7. 3 Moses, s. Andrew & Ruth Bordman, d. 15.12 Elizabeth Holden, d. 18. 1 1673. Mary Barrett, d. 27. 8 Martha Town, d. 20.11 Mary Patten, d. 20. 7 Rebeccah Russell, d. 2.12 Anna Eaton, d. 5. 8 John, s. Thomas & Grace OUver, d. 20.10 Mary Barratt, d. 28. 1 1674. Lidea, widow of Gregory Stone, d. 24. 4 Elizabeth OHver, d. 22. 4 John Woodward, d. 22. 7 Hannah, w. Ephraim Win- ship, d. 10. 9 Mary, d. Aaron & Mary Bordman, d. 20. 4 1675. Anna Buck, d. William Brown, d. Martha, d. John & Elizabeth Russell, d. Elizabeth, d Walter & Eliz- abeth Hastings, d. Simon, s. Simon &, Margarett Gates, d Mary, w. Richard Eccles, d. Samuel, s. Samuel & Han- nah Oldam, d. John, s. Jonas & Elizabeth Clark, d. Daniel, s. Samuel & Mary Hastings, d. 1676. Benjamin, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth Russefl, d. 19. 2 Elizabeth, d. John & Ehza- beth Stedman, d. 15. 5 Anna, d. Pyam & Elizabeth Blowers, d. 16. 5 13. 25. 2 6 7. 9 12. 5 2 23." 11 6 24. 6 15. 8 12. 1 APPENDIX. 171 _ffi Mary, d. John & Joannah Guy, d. 25. 5 John, s. Peter & Elizabeth Bent, d. 20. 2 Thomas, s. Zechariah & Elizabeth Hicks, d. 27. 7 John, s. Zechariah & Eliza- beth Hicks, d. 25. 7 Susanna Woodward, d. 22. 7 Arthur Cole, d. 4. 7 Marg^arett, w. Edward Hall, d. 7. 10 Jane, d. Nicholas & Mar- garet Fisenden, d. 24. 5 Hannah d. Nicholas & Mar- garet Fisenden, d. 4. 7 Hannah, d. Samuel & Han- nah Oldam, d. 9. 5 John, s. Jonas & Elizabeth Clark, d. 7. 1 John Bowtell, aged about 60 yeares, d. 30. 6 Mary, d. Nathaniel & Mary Robins, d. 30. 9 Elizabeth, w. Richard Jack- son, d. 11.11 Sarah, w. Samuel Gibson, d. 10. 8 Samuel, s. Samuel & Sarah Gibson, d. 14, 7 Sarah, w. John Gove, d. 14. 9 Martha, d. Andrew & Ruth Bordman, d. 14. 4 1677. Sarah, d. John & Sarah Smith, d. 13. 2 Rebeccah, w. Daniel Farra- bas, d. 1. 3 Sarah, w. Jonas Woodward, d. 24. 7 Andrew, s. Samuel & Han- nah Oldam, d. 12. 5 Thomas, s. John & Rebecca Palfrey, d. 21. 9 Hannah, d. Steeven & Han- nah Francis, d. 17. 4 Rebeccah, w. Nathaniel Pat- tin, d. 18.10 Elizabeth, widow of Barthol- omew Green, aged 88, d. 28. 8 167S. Thomas Hammond, d. 20. 8 Mr. Ammi Ruhamah Corlett, Fellow of Harv. Coll., d. 1.12 Abigail, d. Andrew & Ruth Bordman, d. 10. 5 Ephraim Angier, d. IG.IO Elizabeth, d. Jacob & Eliza- beth Bacon, d. C. 2 Nathaniel, s. Samuel & Han- nah Oldam, d. 3. 3 John Manning, of small- pox, d. 25. 9 Hester, d. William &, Jane Carter, d. 15. 4 1679. Pyam, s. Pyam & Elizabeth Blowers, d. 14. 6 Sarah, d. Jeremiah & Mary Holman, d. 21.10 Recompence Wads worth, Bach, of Arts, aged 21, d. 12. 5 Laurance Oakes, Bach, of Arts, aged 18, d. 13. 4 Urian Oakes, d. 3. 9 David Stone, d. 21. 6 Elizabeth, d. David & Sarah Stone, d. 12. 6 John Gove, d. 28. 2 Mary, d. Andrew & Ruth Bordman, d. 15. 2 Hannah, w. Isaac Hill, d. 25. 2 George, s. Simon & Margaret Gates, d. 23. 3 Hannah, d. Jonathan & Mary Hide, d. 10. 3 1680. Grace, d. Thomas & Grace Oliver, d. If). 9 Lidea Dickerman, d. 13. 7 Hannah, d. Jonas & Eliza- beth Clark, d. l6iM Elijah Kinndrick, d. 24.10 Nicholas Withe Mason, aged 85, d. 19. 5 Samuel, s. Jonathan & Mar- tha Remington, d. 3. 4 Edward Hall, aged 73, d. 20. 8 1681. Abigail, w. John Clark, d. 2.11 Grace, w. Thomas Oliver, d. 31. 7 Jonathan, s. John & Mary Gove,d. J I. 8 Thomas Parks, Jun., d. 28. C Rebeccah, d. John & Re- beccah Woodward, d. 14. 1 1682. Mr. Jonathan Danforth, d. 13. 9 Humphry Bradshaw, aged 68, d. 9. 3 172 APPENDIX. Andrew, s. Pyam & Eliza- beth Blower, d. 21. 8 Ruth, d. Jonathan & Mary Hide, d. 21.10 Judith, w. Robert Parker, aged 80, d. 8. 3 John Parker, d. ' 15. 3 Isabell, w. Thomas Hall, d. 28. 2 Jane, w. John Fisenden, aged 80, d. 13.11 Thomas, s. Nicholas & Mar- garet Fisenden, d. 28.11 Thomas Swetman, aged 73, d. 8.11 1683. Thomas, s. Thomas & Grace Oliver, d. 22. 3 Thomas Baverick, d. 2. 9 John, s. Thomas & Mary Ohver, d. 23. 7 William Healy, aged 70, d. 28. 9 Hannah, w. Stephen Fran- cis, d. Dorcas, w. ny, d. Daniel Champ- 1684. 2. 2 7.12 John, s. Joseph «fe Martha Cook, d. 3. 1685. WiUiam Bordman, aged 71, d. William Town, aged 80, d. Mary, d. Henry & JVIary Prentice, d. Mary, d. William & Rebeck- ah Cutter, d. Susanna, w. Roger Buck, d. Daniel Adams, d. Job Hide, d. Elizabeth, w. Job Hide, d. Mary, d. John & Hannah Ward, d. Margaret, w. Francis Whit- more, d. Mary, d. Henery & Mary Prentice, d. 25. i 30. 1 2. 3 6. 2 10. 7 14. 3 19. 9 28. 9 4.11 1. 1 11. 1 1686. Elizabeth, w. Mr. Samuel Gaskall, d. 18. 8 John, s. Mr. Samuel Gas- kall, d. . 9. 8 Mr. Elijah Coi'let, aged 78, d. 25.12 1687. Hannah, d. Henry & Mary Prentice, d. 3. 4 Ruth, d. Zechariah & Ruth Hickes, d. 17. 5 William, s. John & Abigail Pel-ham, d. 17.10 Margery Caine, aged about 70, d. 3. 2 Robert, s. Isaac &, Susanna Day, d. 4.12 Elizabeth Cook, d. 2.12 1688. Patience, d. John & Eliza- beth Russel, d. 27.3 Esther, d. William & Abiel Glezon, d. 27. 7 Ebenezer, s. James & Sarah Clarke, d. 7. 9 Nathaniel, s. Solomon Pren- tice, d. 18. 7 William Bull, aged 72, d. 13. 7 Jonathan, s. Henry & Mary Prentice, d. 1. 3 William Barret, aged about 60, d. 16. 1 1689. John Cheney, d. 6. 6 Ebenezer Cheney, d. 17. 9 Deborah Cane, d. l8. 8 Deborah Streeter, d. 7. 2 Alice, w. Mr. John Stedman, aged about 80, d. 6. 1 1690. Benjamin Streeter, d. 23. 2 Samuel Buck, d. 21. 7 Mrs. Elisabeth Dunstar, aged 60, d. 12. 7 Moses Saxton, d. 24. 8 Deborah GofF, d." 27.10 Mary, d. Jonathan & Mary Remington, d. 3.10 Befithe, w. William Bull, aged 72, d. 23. 7 Anna Angier, d. 23.11 Elisabeth GofF, d. 15.11 Lydia, w. John Hastings, d. 23.11 Hannah Hastings, d. 16. 2 John Hastings, d. 12. 9 Sarah Hastings, d. 20.10 Benoni Eaton, aged 51, d. 20.10 Nathaniel Eaton, d. 22.12 APPENDIX. 173 1691. Elisabeth, w. Joshua Fuller, d. 17. 6 Margarett, w. Reuben Lux- ford, d. 31. C Mary, w. Joseph Russell, d. 23. 4 Martha, d. Joseph & Mary Russell, d. 26. 4 Capt. Daniel Chamney, d. 19. 9 1697. Rev. Benjamin Estabrook, d. 22. 5 ANDREW BELCHER, Of Sudbury in 1640, Cambridge 1646, member of the church, was of the Ar. Co. in 1642. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Danforth, and had children, Elizabeth, who married Captain Blowers, Jemimah, who married Joseph Sill, Martha, who married Jonathan Remington, Andrew, and Anna, who mar- ried a Ballard. Mrs. Elizabeth Belcher died June 26, 1680, aged 62 years. On the 27.10, 1652, *' The Townsmen do grant liberty to Andrew Belcher to sell beer and bread, for entertainment of strangers, and the good of the Town." (Town Records.) We here find the first license for an inn in Cambridge. Nothing re- mains to designate the last resting-place of Andrew Belcher, but a foot-stone, by the side of that of Mrs. Elizabeth Belcher, bear- ing the initials, "A. B." Andrew, the second, was born in Cambridge, Jan. 1, 1647, removed to Boston in 1703, was a captain, one of the Council of Safety in 1689, and a counsellor from 1702 to 1717. He died Oct. 31, 1717, aged 70, leaving one son, Jonathan, who was born in Jan. 1681, graduated at Harvard College in 1699, was governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire from 1730 to 1741, and~\ governor of New Jersey from 1747 till his death, which took-^ place at Elizabethtown, August 1, 1757. It appears that Governor Belcher and his cousin. Judge Reming- ton, were ardent friends, so much so, as to desire to be buried in one grave. Judge Remington dying first, his body was commit- ted to the earth. The Governor's remains having been brought here from New Jersey, were deposited in a tomb, constructed a short time before, agreeably to his orders, contiguous to that of Judge Trowbridge ; the body of Judge Remington was disinterred, and placed by his side. No further use was made of this tomb for some time ; it is now in the possession of Dr. T. L. Jennison, who married a granddaughter of the Governor. It may be well to observe, that these tombs, viz. that of Gov- ernor Belcher, and that of Judge Trowbridge (now known as the Dana tomb), are near the present gateway of the burying-ground. In that of Judge Trowbridge rest the remains of Washington Allston. 15* 174 APPENDIX. ELIJAH CORLET, " That memorable old school-master in Cambridge," was the son of Henry Corlet, of Lbndon, and was born about 1609. On the 16th of March, 1626, he was admitted to matriculation in Lincoln College, Oxford, being then 17 years of age. He came to New England, and settled at Cambridge as early as 1643, was admitted freeman in 1645, and, with Barbara, his wife, was mem- ber of the church in full communion. His children, baptized in Cambridge, were Rebeccah, Hepzibah., and Ammi-Ruhamah, who graduated at Harvard College in 1670, was a Fellow of this insti- tution, and died Feb. 1, 1679. He was immediately appointed teacher of the Grammar School in this place, as appears from the following passage in " New England's First Fruits," published in 1643 : "By the side of the Colledge a faire Grammar Schoole, for the training up of young schollars, and fitting of them for Aca- demical learning, that still as they are judged ripe, they may be received into the Colledge of this Schoole : Master Corlet is the Mr. who hath very well approved himself for his abilities, dex- terity, and painfulnesse in teaching and education of the youths under him." Mr. Corlet probably continued master of the Grammar School till his death, which took place Feb. 25, 1686-7, at the age of 78. He was distinguished for his learning and piety. He had the tuition of the Indian scholars, who were intended for the College. Cotton Mather speaks of himas one " from whose education our College and Country has received so many of its worthy men, that he is himself worthy to have his name celebrated in our Church History." The same author, in a poetical esSay on the memory of Ezekiel Cheever, the far-famed Boston schoolmaster, says, " 'T is Corlet's pains, and Cheever's, we must own. That thou, New England, art not Scythia grown." STEPHEN DAY, The first printer in this part of America, was born in London, Eng., and there served his apprenticeship. He came to New England in 1638, for " This yeare the reverend and judicious M. Jos. Glover undertook this long voyage, being able both in person and estate for the work, he provided, for further compleat- ing the Colonies in Church and Conimon-wealih-work, a Printer." In March 1639, he began printing at Cambridge, by direction of the magistrates and elders. That Day was the first printer in New England appears from the following record: " Att a Gen- eral Court held at Boston on the Eighth day of the Eighth moneth 1641. Steeven Day being the first that sett upon printing, is APPENDIX. 175 graunted three hundred acres of land, where it maybe convenient, without prejudice to any town." The first thing printed was " The Freenaa,n's Oath " ; the next an alnnanac, made by William Peirce, mariner; which was succeeded, in 1640, by the Psalms in Metre, " faithfully translated for the Use, Edification and Comfort of the Saints, in public and private, especially in New England." Day was an unskilful printer. About 1648, he was removed from his office, and the press was put into the hands of Samuel Green. Green, was probably assisted, at first, by Day, who still remained in Cambridge, and who, being embarrassed by debt, was probably induced to become a journeyman, where he had once been master. On the 28th of February, 1660-1, Steven Day was admitted into fellowship and full communion in the Cambridge church ; he died December 22, 1668, aged about 58. Rebecca Day, probably his wife, died October 17, 1658. HENRY DUNSTER, The first president of Harvard College, proceeded Bachelor in 1630, at Magdalen College, Cambridge, Eng., where he also re- ceived the degree of Master in 1634. He came to New England in 1640, was inducted into the office of President of Harvard Col- lege, August "21, 1640, and was admitted freeman in 1641. His wife was Elizabeth, widow of Rev. Jesse or Josse Glover, who died Aug. 23, 1643. Mr. Dunster was highly respected for his learning and piety. The author of " New England's First Fruits " says, " Over the Colledge is Master Dunster placed, as President, a learned conscionable and industrious man, who hath so trained up his pupills in the tongues and arts, and so seasoned them with the principles of divinity and Christianity, that we have to our great comfort (and in truth) beyond our hopes, beheld their progresse in learning and godlmesse also." Dunster's services to the College were invaluable; "He found the seminary a school. It rose, under his auspices, to the dignity of a College." But having fallen "into the briers of Antipfedobaptism," these servi- ces were deemed no longer desirable. "Indicted by the grand jury for disturbing the ordinance of infant baptism in the Cam- bridge church, convicted by the court, sentenced to a public ad- monition on lecture day, and laid under bonds for good behaviour, Dunster's martyrdom was consummated by being compelled, in October, 1654, to resign his office of President, and to throw him- self on the tender mercies of the General Court." He now went to Scituate, where he spent the remainder of his days. He died Feb. 27, 1659, and, in accordance with his last wishes, "his body was solemnly interred at Cambridge, where he had spent the choice pan of his studies and of his life, and might there have con- tinued, if he had been endowed with that wisdom which many others have wanted besides himself, to have kept his singular opin- 176 APPENDIX. ion to himself, when there was little occasion for venting thereof." " He was a modest, humble, charitable man ; as true a friend, and as faithful a servant, as this College ever possessed." By his last will he bequeathed legacies to the very persons who had been the cause of his removal from the College, and also nominated Presi- dent Chauncy and Rev. Mr. Mitchel appraisers of his library, "some of the books of which," he says, " being in such languages, whereof common Enalishmen know not one letter." JOHN FESSENDEN Came from Kent, in England, settled in Cambridge, was admitted freeman in 1641, was a member of the church, selectman 1656 - 1661, 1663-1666, and died Dec. 21, 1666, leaving no children. His wife, Jane, died Jan. 13, 1682, aged 80 years. His relative, Nicholas, came from England and inherited his estate, which was considerable. The foundations of a monument are yet visible near the grave-stone of Nicholas Fessenden, and here, in all prob- ability, were deposited the remains of John Fessenden. NATHANIEL GOOKIN, The third son of Major-General Daniel Gookin, and of his first wife, Mary, was born in Cambridge, Oct. 22, 1656, graduated at Harvard College in 1675, and was ordained over the church in this town, as successor of Mr. Oakes, Nov. 15, 1682. He was a Fellow of Harvard College, and died on Sunday, August 7, 1692, in the thirty-fourth year of his age, and the tenth of his ministry. Rev. Dr. Holmes, in his " History of Cambridge," speaking of Mr. Gook- in, says, " Tradition informs us that he lies interred in the south- east corner of the burying-ground, beneath a brick monument, covered with a stone slab, the inscription of which is not now legible." Near the monument which covers the remains of Major- General Gookin, and of a similar construction, situated in the southeastern part of the burying-ground, is a monument, covered with a slab, in which is an incision, designed to admit a softer stone, with an inscription, which stone has crumbled to dust. By the side of this monument, stands the grave-stone of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Rev. Nathaniel Gookin. This circumstance seems to evi- dence, that beneath the aforesaid monument rest the remains of Rev. Mr. Gookin. APPENDIX. 177 SAMUEL GREEN, Of Cambridge, and of Boston in 1686, was the successor of Day, in llie printing establisiiment, and the ancestor of most of thie name in this country, who have devoted themselves to the typographic art. He was the son of Bartholomew Green, of Cambridge, who died before 1658, and whose widow, Elizabeth, a member of the church in full communion, died Oct. 28, 1677, aged 88 years. Samuel Green had children by his first wife, Jane, — who was the daughter of Guy and Justice Bainbridge, and who died Nov. 16, 1657, — Elizabeth, Sarah, Samuel, Joseph, Lydia, and Deborah ; by his second wife, Sarah, — daughter of Elder Jonas and Eliza- beth Clark, — Jonas, Lydia, and 13artholomew. Green was a member of the church, "Clearke of the Writts" for Cambridge, town -clerk from 1693 to 1697, and captain of the Cambridge militia for thirty years. For fifty years he had the management of the pnnting-press, and during this time he seems to have given universal satisfaction ; in company with Marmaduke Johnson, who was sent over for this purpose by the corporation for propagating the Gospel, he printed the Indian Bible. Green continued printing till he became aged ; he died January 1, 1702, aged 87 years. He was a pious and benevolent man, greatly es- teemed by those who knew him. Soon after his death, the print- ing-press was removed from Cambridge, and probably sold. ROGER HARLAKENDEN, Whom Rev. Thomas Shepard styles " my most deare freend, and most precious servant of Jesus Xt," was a lieutenant-colonel, and came from Earl's Colne, in Essex, Eng., in the same ship with Shepard, which arrived at Boston, Oct. 3, 1635. He settled at Cambridge, was admitted freeman in 1636, was elected Assist- ant from 1636 to 1638, was selectman in Cambridge from 1635 iqj 1638, and died of the small-pox, Oct. 1638, aged 30, leaving a widow and two daughters. Johnson, in his " Wonder-working Providence," says: "Among these Troopes of Christ's Souldiers, came at this time, the godly servant of Christ, Mr. Roger Harlackenden, a young Gentleman valiant in Faith, and appointed by Christ to assist his people in this Desart, he was chose to the Office of a Magistrate, as also to be a choise Leader of their Military Forces, which as yet were but in a strange posture ; and therefore till the yeare 1644, (at which time the Countrey was really placed in a posture of War, to be in a readinesse at all times) there shall not be any thing spoken con- cerning their Military Discipline, the continuance of this Souldier of Christ was but short, the Lord taking him to rest with himselfe. " Harlackenden, among these men of note Christ hath thee seated : In warlike way Christ thee array, icilh zeal, and love well heated. £s generall belov'd of all, Christ Souldiers honour thee : In thy young yeares, courage appear es, and kinde benignity. Short are thy days, spet to his praise, whose Church work thou must aidf His work shall bide, silver tride, but thine by death is staid." 178 APPENDIX. JONATHAN MITCHEL, The son of Jonathan Milchel, was born in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1624. He came to this country with his parents in 1635, gradu- ated at Harvard College in 1647, of which institution he was a Fellow and Tutor, and was ordained as the successor of Mr. Shep- ard, Aug. 21, 1650. He married Margaret, daughter of his pre- decessor. Mr. Mitchel was " eminent in wisdom, piety, humility, love, self-denial, and of a compassionate and tender heart ; sur- passing in public spiritedness ; a mighty man in prayer, and emi- nent at standing in the gap ; he was zealous for order, and faithful in asserting the truth against all oppugners of it." THOMAS SHEPARD, Whom Johnson calls "the holy heavenly, sweet-affecting, and soul-ravishing Minister, Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cam- bridge," was the son of William Shepard, and was born in Tow- cester, Northamptonshire, Eng., Nov. 5, 1605. He was educated at Emanuel College, where he took his first degree in 1623, and his second in 1627. In July, 1635, he sailed for New England, and arrived at Boston, October 3d of the same year. After the removal of Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone to Connecticut, he formed a church at Cambridge, and took charge of it Feb. 1, 1636, where he continued till 1649. "This year," says Morton, " Aug. 25, that faithful and eminent servant of Christ Mr. Thomas Shepard died, who was a soul searching Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge. By his death not only that Church and people, but also all New England sustained a very great loss ; he not only preached the Gospel profitably and very successfully, but also hath left behind him divers worthy works of special use, in reference unto the clearing up the state of the soul to God and man. His Body was honorably buried at Canihridge in New England." Johnson, speaking of Shepard, says, " Thou- sands of souls have cause to blesse God for him, even at this very day, who are the Seale of his Ministrey, and bee a man of a thou- sand, indued with abundance of true saving knowledge for himselfe and others, yet his naturall Parts were weake, but spent to the full." He had three wives ; 1st, Margaret Touteville, who died in Cam- bridge (N. E), in 1636 ; 2d, Joanna, daughter of Rev. Thomas Hooker, who died April, 1646 ; and, 3d, Margaret Boradile, whom he married Sept. 8, 1647. APPENDIX. 179 GREGORY STONE, A deacon of Cambridge church, freeman in 1636, representative in 1638, was one of the proprietors of Watertown, and died Nov. 30, 1672, aged 82 years. Nothing is left to mark his last resting- place but a foot-stone, by the side of that of Elder John Stone, his son, on which may be traced the letters " G. S.," the initials of his name. Near by, may be seen the grave-stone of Deacon John Cooper, the son of Mrs. Gregory Stone by a former husband. Mrs. Gregory Stone (whom, as the widow Cooper, Deacon Stone married in England) died June 24, 1674. VASSALL. 1 1 II Above is a representation of the monument over the Vassall tomb in Cambridge burying-ground, containing, probably, the remains of Colonels John and Henry Vassall, and of some of their relatives. It does not bear any inscription ; but there are engraven upon it the figures of a vase and the sun, the armorial bearings of the family, assumed, probably, from the similarity in sound of the Latin words vas and sol to the family surname. / ~\ The Vassall family is of French origin, and has been traced: back in France to the eleventh century. From it descended " the gallant John Vassall, an alderman of London, who, in 1588, at his own expense, fitted out and commanded two ships of war, with which he joined the royal navy to oppose the Spanish Armada." He had two sons, William and Samuel, both of whom were among the original patentees of Massachusetts, in 1628. The former, William Vassall, Esq., first came to New England in 1630 with Governor Winthrop, and, in 1634, settled at Scituate. In 1646 he returned to England, went thence to Barbadoes, where he died in 1655. He left daughters, married in this country. His sun. Cap- tain John Vassall, sold his estate at Scituate in 1661, and removed, it is supposed, to the West Indies also. Samuel, the brother of William, remained in England. He was a merchant in London, an alderman, and, in 1640 and 1641, a member of Parliament. In the year 1766, his great-grandson, Florentius Vassall, of Jamaica, caused a monument to be erected in honor of him, in King's Chapel, Boston. It is recorded thereon 180 APPENDIX. that " he was one of the largest subscribers to raise money against the rebels in Ireland ; a steady and undaunted asserter of the lib- erties of England in 1628 ; the first who boldly refused to submit to the tax of tonnage and poundage, an unconstitutional claim of the Crown, arbitrarily imposed; for which (to the ruin of his family) his goods were seized, and his person imprisoned by the Star Chamber Court. The Parliament, in July, 1641, voted him jC 10445.12.2 for his damages, and resolved that he should be further considered for his personal sufferings ; but the rage of the times, and the neglect of proper applications since, have left his family only the honor of that vote and resolution." He had a son John, who purchased large tracts of land in Ja- maica, and settled there, having married Anne, the daughter of John Lewis, Esq., an English resident at Genoa. The children of John and Anne Vassall were a son (from whom descended Flo- rentius, the above-named great-grandson of Samuel) , who remained in the Westlndies, and Leonard, who came here and settled at Quincy. Major Leonard Vassall married a Miss Gale, and had four sons, Lewis, John, William, and Henry, all of whom, except the last, were graduates of Harvard College, respectively in the years 1728, 1732, and 1733. He had a daughter Susanna, who was married to George Ruggles, Esq. of Cambridge, and another daughter, who became the wife of Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Oliver. Lewis died at Quincy, Sept. 15, 1743, leaving a son, Lewis, who graduated in 1760, and died abroad, before August, 1785. Colonel John, the second son of Major Leonard Vassall, lived in Cambridge, where he built two large houses, one, which he gave to his brother Henry, and the other which he occupied himself, and where he died Nov. 27, 1747. His wife was Elizabeth, the daughter of Lieutenant-Governor Spencer Phipps, of Cambridge. They had a son, John, and daughters, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Lucy. William Vassall, Esq., the third son of Leonard, resided in Bos- ton, and also part of the time in Cambridge, in the house lately occupied by I)r. B. Waterhouse. Mr. G. Whitney states that he was sheriff of Middlesex county. He went to England before the Revolution, and did not return. His son William also left the country for ever in 1772, in company with the son of Governor Hutchinson. Colonel Henry Vassall, of Cambridge, the youngest son of Major L. Vassall, was married to Miss Penelope Royal!, of Boston, in 1741. He lived in the respectable mansion, his brother's gift, now occupied by Samuel Batchelder, Esq. His only child and daugh- ter, Elizabeth, became the wife of Dr. Charles Russell, who went to the West Indies in 1775, and died, a refugee, at Antigua, May 27, 1780 Colonel Henry Vassall died in Cambridge, March 17, 1769. Major John Vassall, of Cambridge, the son of Colonel John, and grandson of Major L. Vassall, of Quincy, graduated at Harvard College in 1757. He, as well as his father, was an officer in the militia, and held a commission of justice of the peace in the coun- ty. He married Elizabeth, the sister of Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Oliver, and had five sons and two daughters ; namely, APPENDIX. 181 John, Spencer Thomas, Thomas Oliver, Robert Oliver, Leonard, Elizabeth, and Mary. The second son, Spencer Thomas Vassal, rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the British army, was mortally wounded at the storming of Monte Video, and died Feb. 7, 1807, aged 40. His remains were carried to England, and in- terred in St. Paul's Church, Bristol, where a monument, designed by Flaxman, and an inscription, partly from the pen of Mrs. Opie, perpetuate the memory of his bravery. Major Vassal, who took a very active part with the Loyalists, was compelled to leave the country, as well as others of the family, all of whom held the same political sentiments. It is said, "His loyalty went so far, that he would not use on his arms the family motto, scrpe fro rege^ semper pro republica.^^ He died suddenly at Clifton, near Bath, England, Oct. 2, 1797. Madam Vassall, his widow, also died at Clifton, March 31, 1807. The estates of the family were confis- cated, and the noble mansion of Major Vassall, in Cambridge, became, successively, General Washington's head-quarters, the residence of Andrew Cragie, Esq., and of his relict, the late Madam Cragie, of Joseph E. Worcester, Esq., and, lastly, the home of Professor Henry W. Longfellow. The Vassall family has ever been distinguished for enterprise, magnanimity, and noble bearing. If some of this name were not only often, but always, for their king, it must be admitted that they made as great sacrifices to loyalty, as did their forefathers to liberty. REV. JOSEPH WILLARD, The son of Rev. Samuel Willard, was born at Biddeford, Me., Dec. 29, 1738, graduated at Harvard College in 1765, where he was Tutor and Fellow ; he was inducted into the Presidency of this institution, Dec 19, 1781, in which office he remained till his death, Sept. 25, 1804, at the age of 64. His remains were de- posited in the College vault, in the southerly part of the burying- ground. In the words of President Quincy, " President Willard was distinguished, as a scholar, for his acquaintance with classical literature, and with mathematical and astronomical science ; as a divine, for learning, candor, and Catholicism ; and, as the head of the University, for a union of paternal kindness with firmness in supporting the laws. His manners were simple and reserved. His deportment dignified, and his character serious and contem- plative. Having been called to the President's chair in the midst of the Revolutionary war, when the general tone of morals was weak, and the spirit of discipline enervated, he sustained the au- thority of his station with consummate steadfastness and prudence. He found the seminary embarrassed ; he left it free and prosperous. His influence was uniformly happy, and, throughout his whole connection with the institution, he enjoyed the entire confidence of his associates in the government, the respect of the students, and the undeviating approbation and support of the public." 16 My task is finished. The path of the schoolboy has led him through the neglected spot, among mouldering graves, and moss- covered, leaning stones, where rest many of the wise and good, and where, " Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." There have been gathered the records of the dead ; once more their forgotten names have been brought to view ; their tale has been briefly told ; and nothing remains but to add, requiescant in pace. I ------^^'"^^^^ INDEX. Adams, TEAR PAGE Bates, TEAH PAGE Rebeckah, 1718 56 Joseph, 1792 145 Robert, 1806 156 Joseph, 1803 154 Amsden, Mary, 1813 158 Jacob, 1701 29 Baxter, Andrew, Samuel French, 1812 158 Elizabeth, 1G89 16 Bean, Jonathan, 1700 28 Hannah, 1757 109 Jonathan, 1717 54 1 Joseph, 1753 105 John, 1693 22 Belcher, Samuel, 1701 30 Andrew, 173 Seeth, 1700 29 Elizabeth, 1680 8 William, Angler, 1702 30 Blower, Elizabeth, 1709 41 Anna, Edmund, Edmund, 1688 1693 1724 15 21 71 Pyam, Boardman, 1709 41 Ephraim, 1679 7 Aaron, 1718 57 Hannah, 1714 49 Moses, 1753 105 Patience, i722 66 (See Bordman). Samuel, 1722 (56 Bolkcom, William, 1743 94 Barnam, 1803 154 Appleton, Bonner, John, 1G99 26 Mary, 1697 25 John, 1730 77 Bordman, 14 32 89 Jose, Marcy, Margaret (see Holy 1723 1730 6H 77 Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, 1637 1703 1740 oke, Margaret). Nathaniel, Nathaniel, 1726 1784 74 138 Andrew, Elizabeth, Frances, 1747 1749 1718 96 99 59 Balch, Moses, 1752 103 Mary, 1742 92 Ruth, 1690 19 Barbel, Ruth, 1740 88 Jacques T., Barrett. 1795 147 William, Bosworth, 1715 51 Elizabeth, Hannah, 1785 1754 139 1071 Sally, Bourn, 1810 156 John, 1754 107! Hezra, 1736 83 John, 1785 139 Bow, Ruth, 1754 107 Sarah, 1689 16 Barron, Bovvley, Peter, 1721 64 Ann, 1838 166 184 INDEX. Bowman, Channing, Lucy [E.], Andrew, 1777 131 1834 165 Bowtel, Chauncy, John, 1674 5 Catharine, 1668 2 Bradish, Charles, 1672 3 Ebenezer King, 1796 148 Cheney, Eunice, 1742 93 Rebeckah, 1747 97 Hephzibath, 1735 81 Child, John, 1741 91 Ana E., 1801 154 Mary, William, 1776 1736 130 83 Cicely, Brattle, (Black servant of William Brattle,) 17J4 48 Elizabeth, 1715 51 Clark, William, 1703 33 Bridge, Samuel, 1673 4 Elizabeth, James, James, 1723 1714 1751 67 48 102 Thomas, 1673 4 Jonas, 1700 27 Brinack, Mary, 1711 44 Polly, 1775 128 Rebecca, 1809 156 Browne, Samuel, 1723 67 Barbara, 1693 22 Sarah, 1707 38 f. Elizabeth, 1722 66 Clarke, Hephzibah, 1722 65 Elizabeth, 1673 4 Margaret, 1722 65 Nathaniel, 1686 13 Robert, 1690 18 Cleveland, William, 1722 65 Aron, 1714 50 Bull, Dorcas, 1714 50 John, 1698 25 Collis, Mary, 1740 87 Anna, 1730 78 Bunker, Cook, John, 1712 45 Abigail, 1714 47 Rebeckah, 1710 43 Benjamin, 1790 144 Burgis, Elizabeth, 1810 156 Elizabeth, 1713 47 Eunice, 1718 58 Burre, Eunice, Joanna, 1765 1772 118 125 Dorothy, 1703 33 John, 1723 68 Burrill, John Gray, 1809 156 Hannah, 1764 116 Joseph, 1739 86 Cane, Jonathan, Lydia, 1765 118 1696 24 PhilUp, Philip, 1718 1736 57 82 Canfield, Samuel, 1731 79 Edward, 1817 159 Samuel, 1765 118 Chamne, Samuel, 1785 139 Downintr, 1705 34 Cooke, Champney, Hannah, 1748 98 Samuel, Coolledge, 1701 29 Joseph, 1731 79 Mary, 1707 37 Mary, 1743 94 Coollidge, Samuel, 1746 96 Joseph, 1737 85 Sarah, 1730 77 Rebecca, 1750 100 Silence, 1747 97 Stephen, 1758 110 INDEX, 185 Cooper, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Hannah, John, John, John, Jonathan, Jonathan, Martha, Rachel, Samuel, Walter, Walter, Walter, Corlet, Elijah, Cragbone, Benjamin, Cutter, Charles, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, Richard, Richard, Thomas, William, Dana, Benjamin, Benjamin, Daniel, Elizabeth, Mary, Naomi, Danforth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Samuel, Darlin, Lydia, Timothy, Davies, Gershom, Sarah, Sarah, Davis, Catherine, Mary, Samuel H., Wendell Bayard, Day, Stephen, 1750 100 1714 50 1732 80 1691 20 1725 72 1736 82 1760 114 1765 118 1768 120 1805 156 1718 56 1751 102 1756 108 1758 111 174 1767 119 1779 1663 1714 1715 1693 1717 1727 1723 1738 1751 1749 1799 1763 1751 1777 1816 1777 1762 1758 1718 1713 1718 1781 1812 1831 1827 16* 134 1 48 51 23 54 75 68 86 102 99 153 115 101 133 159 133 115 110 57 47 59 137 158 165 163 174 Delhonde, Demmon, Reuben, Sarah E., Dickson, Edward, Edward, Jane, John, John, Marjory, Martha, Mary, Ruth, Solomon, William, Dunster, Elizabeth, Henry, Ruth, Eger, Ruth, Ellery, Ann, Ann, Lucy C, Ellis,* Catharine, Emerson, Joseph, Epes, Elizabeth, Samuel, Erinton, Abraham, Ann, Eveleth, Joseph, Fairbank, Elbridge G., Marcus R., Farwell, John, Felch, Ruth, Fessenden, Anne, John, Margaret, Martha, 1721 64 1721 64 1841 166 1831 165 1732 79 1825 162 1689 17 1738 85 1775 128 1734 80 1800 154 1770 124 1723 68 1720 62 1692 21 1717 55 175 1735 81 1680 8 1764 116 1834 165 1832 165 1733 80 1788 141 1759 111) 1760 112 1677 6 1653 1 1714 49 1842 166 1842 166 1709 42 1722 66 1714 48 176 1717 55 1741 90 186 INDEX. Mary, Nicholas, Nicholas, Sarah, William, Fillabrown, Edward, Fillebrown, Anna, Thomas, Fillebrowne, Anna, Flynt, Henry, Ford, Elizabeth P., Nathaniel G., Foster, Susanna, Thomas, Fowle, James, Fox, Ellen, Thomas, Frances, Richard, Frost, David, Deborah, Edmund, Ephraim, Eunes, Hannah, Hephzibah, James, James, Mary, Pamela, William, Frothingham, Abigail, Charles, Hannah, William, Gardiner, Sarah, Gardner, Richard, Gibson, John, Mercy, 1749 1719 1719 1741 1756 99 60 61 90 108 1798 151 1714 1713 1685 1760 1813 1810 1784 1679 47 46 13 113 158 156 139 8 1706 36 1682 1693 1787 1753 1752 1718 1732 1767 1719 1770 1812 1770 1787 1728 1777 1829 1806 1801 1743 11766 1679 1837 1687 14 140 105 104 56 7 120 61 124 158 124 140 75 131 165 156 154 93 119 7 166 Gilson, Franklin W., 1842 166 Godard, Hannah, 1799 153 Thomas, Jr., 1805 156 Goddard, Benjamin, 1748 98 Benjamin, 1759 112 Elizabeth, 1786 140 Hepzibah, 1836 166 John, 1751 101 Martha, 1737 85 Mary, 1798 152 Mary, 1798 152 Stephen, 1820 161 Thomas, 1830 165 Goffe, Anna, 1679 7 Samuel, 1706 35 Goodnow, Hariot E., 1826 162 Goodwin, Abigail, 1780 135 Esther, 1840 166 Frances, 1776 131 John, 1798 151 Nathaniel, 1806 156 Gookin, Habaiah, 1690 17 Hannah, 1688 15 Hannah, 1702 30 Nathaniel, 176 Gookings, Daniel, 1687 14 Gould," Charlotte, 1839 166 Gove, John, 1704 34 Jonathan, 1721 64 Jonathan, 1721 64 Mary, 1700 28 Sarah, 1721 64 Green, John, 1691 19 Michelson, 1681 10 Percivall, 1684 12 Samuel, 177 Greenleafe, Katharine, 1712 45 Grover, Mary, 1720 63 INDEX. 187 Hancock, John, 1776 130 John, 1796 149 Martha, 1712 45 Mary, 1799 152 Mary (see Parker, John). Nathaniel, 1719 60 Nathaniel, 1755 107 Prudence, 1742 93 Samuel, 1716 52 Solomon, 1799 152 Torry, 1778 133 Harlakenden, Roger, 177 Harrington, Abigail, 1718 57 Harris, Samuel, 1810 157 Hasting, Elizabeth, 1702 31 Sarah, 1673 5 Walter, 1673 5 Walter, 1699 27 Walter, 1705 35 Hastings, Robert. 1775 129 Seth, 1775 129 Stephen, 1726 74 Hayden, Charles H., 1805 156 Judith, 1810 158 Susannah, 1810 158 Haynes, Sarah G., 1825 162 Hearsey, Hannah, 1835 105 William, 1803 154 William Porter, 1800 154 Hicks, Bethiah, 1708 39 Elizabeth, 1730 77 Zachariah, 1702 31 Hill, Aaron, 1792 145 Abraham, 1724 69 Abraham, 1754 107 Jacob, 1689 17 Jonathan, 1775 128 Sarah (see Prentice, Sarah). Sarah, 1752 103 Susanna, 1792 145 Hilliard, Frances, Julia, Timothy, Hobby, Anne, Holmes, Mary, Holyoke, Edward, John, Margaret, Mary, Mary, William, Hovey, Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Howe, Anna, Elizabeth, Hannah, Tabitha, Tabitha, William, Hubert, Hannah, James, Hughes, John, Hunnewell, Richard, Hunt, Elizabeth, Huntress, Ann, Ingham, James, Ireland, Abraham, John, Jonathan, Margaret, Jackson, John, Sarah, Jane, (Black servant Boardman), 1786 1791 1790 1740 1795 1769 1753 1740 1741 1753 1740 1729 1714 1720 1841 1841 1817 1776 1829 1791 1690 1693 1775 1798 1793 1834 1720 1753 1729 1804 1722 1709 1700 140 144 143 89 147 122 106 89 91 106 88 77 49 63 166 166 159 130 165 144 18 23 128 146 165 63 104 76 154 65 42 29 of A. 1741 90 188 INDEX. Jenkins, Mary L., Johnson, Matthew, Jones, Ruth, Samuel, Sarah, Kern, Harriet, Kidder, Deborah, Francis, James, John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Samuel, Samuel, Sarah, Kneeland, Elizabeth, Elizabeth H., William, Learnard, Sarah, Lee, Thomas, Lenox, Susan F., Leverest, Mary, Leverett, Anne, John, John, Margaret, Margaret, Margarett, Littelhale, James, Livermore, Charles, Elizabeth C, Longhorn, Thomas, Lyon, Mary, Manning, Dorothy, Edward, 1827 1781 1777 1717 1717 1789 17^5 1714 1736 1725 1789 1718 1724 1738 1821 1826 1788 1745 1797 1837 1699 1708 1708 1724 1702 1716 1720 1828 1805 162 137 133 55 55 1825 162 142 72 49 82 72 142 58 71 86 162 162 142 95 150 166 26 39 39 70 31 52 62 1727 75 163 156 1685 13 1760 112 1692 1774 20 127 Mary, 1774 126 Mary, 1788 141 Rebecca (see Pratt, Rebecca). Rebekah, 1774 127 Samuel, 1824 162 Sarah, 1812 158 William, 1691 20 William, 1774 127 William, 1778 134 William, 1804 154 Marrett, Amos, 1739 87 Amos, 1747 97 Bethiah, 1730 78 Edward, 1754 106 Edward, 1780 135 Hannah, 1754 106 Mary, 1744 95 Mary, 1764 116 Susanna, 1787 141 Marsh, Jonathan, 1708 39 Hannah, 1788 142 Thomas, 1780 136 Mason, Lydia, 1810 158 M^Culloch, Thomas, 1817 160 M^Fee, James, 1724 162 Merrick, Noah, 1762 114 Michelson, Edward, 1682 10 Micthel, Nathanael, 1673 5 Mitchel, Jonathan, 178 Mixer, Joel, 1802 154 Monis, Abigail, 1760 114 Mooers, Richard, 1752 103 Moore, Abel, 1794 146 Elizabeth, 1683 12 Francis, 1671 3 Francis, 1689 16 Luke, 1835 165 Mary, 1781 136 INDEX. 189 Morse, Pecker, John, 1767 120 John, 1741 91 Katharine, 1835 165 Pprcnn Sarah, 1739 87 X Cl o