■ '■'• *,■■'■ ^^^^^1 ^^^^^1 fflHj Ik 1 '\V"A'"'o BUST OF HAHNEMANN Photograph of the original marble bust by David d'Angers, now in the Hospital St. Jacques, Paris. The head of the Hahnemann Statue in Washington is modeled after this bust. VIEW OK THE STATUE WHICH IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE OF THE MONUMENT. WILLIAM MtKlNLEY, Piesideiu of the Uiiiled Stales. HISTORIC SKETCH OF THE MONUMENT ERECTED IN WASHINGTON CITY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY TO THE HONOR OF SAMUEL HAHNEMANN AND FOR THE ORNAMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Dedicated, June 21, 1900 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND WITH THE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS CIVIL AND MILITARY <^ COMPILED FOR THE MONUMENT COMMITTEE BY THE REV. B. F. BITTINGER, D.D. WASHINGTON, D.C. FROM MATERIALS COLLECTED BY THE LATE HENRY M. SMITH, M.D., Sec'Y NATIONAL COMMITTEES. MONUMENT COMMITTEE. lSt)2-igo2. J. H. McClelland, M.D.. chairman, Pittsburgh. J. P. DAKE, M.D., Nashville. J. li. GREGG CU.STIS, M.D., L T. TALBOT, M.D., Boston. Washington. WM. TOD HELMUTII, M.D., TULIO S. VERDI, M.I). Wash- New York. ington. J. S. MITCHELL, M.D., Chicago. HENRY M. SMITH, .M.D., Sec'y, New York. AUXIL1.\RY COMMITTEE. 1893. COMPOSED OF A MEMHER KROM £.\CH STATE AND COLLEGE. THEODORE Y. KINNE, M.D., Chairman. Paterson. FINANCE COMMITTEE. 1900. GEORGE G. SHELTON, M.D., Chairman, New York. O. S. RUNNELS, M.D., Indian- T. M. STRONG, M.D., Boston. apolis. F. H. ORME, M.D., Atlanta. J. R. KIPPAX, M.D., Chicago. FLORENCE N. WARD, M.D., B. F. BAILEY, M.D., Lincoln. California J. H. McClelland, .m.d., (ex-offido). HENRY M. smith, .M.D. (ex-officio), I reasurer. COMMITTEE ON DEDICATORY EXERCISES. 1900. J. B. GREGG CUSTIS, M.D., Chairman. J. h. McClelland, m.d. henry m. smith, m.d. CHARLES E. WALTON, M.D. GEORGE G. SHELTON, M.D. WILLIAM R. KING, M.D. EUGENE H. PORTER, M.D. By tr..-. 19Ap'05 THE MONUMENT COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. 1. JAS. H. McClelland, M.D., Chairman. 2. Henrv M. Smith, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer. 3. Wm. ToD Helmiih. M D. 4. J. B. Gregg Custis, M D. 5. J. P. Dakr, M D. 6. T. S. Verdi, M.D. 7. J. S. Mitchell, M.D. 8. I. T. Talbot, M.D. AUXILIARY FINANCE COMMITTEES. iQoo. NEW YORK. J, \V. CANDEE, M.D. F. PARK LEWIS, M.D. W. B. GIFFORD, M.D, L. A. MARTIN, M.D. G. E. GORHAM, M.D. H. D. SCIIENCK, M.D. J. T. GKEENLEAF, M.D. J. W. SHELDON, M.D. J. M. LEE, M.D. CHARLES R. SUMNER, M D. L \V. LE SEUR, M.D. NEW JERSEY. CHAS. F. ADAMS, M.D. THEO. Y. KINNE, M.D. G. T. APPLEGATE, M.D. J. L. SEWARD, M.D. A. W. BAILEY, M.D. J. E. WILSON, M.D. E. J. HOWE, M.D. M. D. YOUNGMAN. M.D. DELAWARE. EGMONT NEGENDANK, M.D. CALTFORNI.'X. A. K. CRAWFORD, M.D. S. S. SALISBURY, M.D. RACHEL LAIN, M.D. PLINY R. WATTS, M.D. OREGON. BRYON E. MILLER, M.D. WASHINGTON. CHARLES E. GROVE, M.D. E. WELDON YOUNG, M.D. WYOMING. JAMES W. HINGSTON, M.D. UTAH. JOHN T. WHITE, M.D. ARIZONA. WM. L. WOODRUFF, M.D. MAINE C. C. MORRISON, M.D. NANCY T. WILLIAMS, M.D. MASSACHUSETTS. E. P. COLBY, M.D F. C. RICHARDSON, M.D. FRED A. DAVIS, M.D. O. W. ROBERTS, M.D. F. W. HALSEY, M.D. J. P. SUTHERLAND, M.D. RHODE ISLAND. J. C. BUDLONG, M.D. G. B. PECK, M.D. CONNECTICUT. H. P. COLE, M.D. AUXILIARY FINANCE COMMITTEES, lOoo. PENNSYLVANIA. W. J. MARTIN, M.D. BUSHROD W. JAMES, M.D. J. B. McClelland, m.d. c. f. bingaman, m.d. JAMES H. CLOSSON, M.D. W. B. VAN LENNEP, M.D. A. KORNDOERFER, M.D. L. H. WILLARD, M.D. JOHN J. DETWILLER. M.D. VIRGINIA. GEORGE A. TABER, ^LD. FRANK P. WEBSTER, M.D. WEST VIRGINIA. MELVILLE L. CASSELBERRY, GEORGE LOUNSBERV, M.D. M.D. MARYLAND. C. H. BRACE, M.D. CHAS. L. RUMSEV, M.D. THOMAS L. SHEARER, M.D. ILLINOIS. HENRY C. ALLEN, M.D. GEORGE F. SHEARS, M.D. E. S. BAILEY, M.D. JULIA HOLMES SMITH, M.D. CHARLES GATCHELL. M.D. W. A. SMITH, M.D. MICHIGAN. W. B. HINSDALE, M.D. MARIA W. NORRIS, M.D. STEPHEN H. KNIGHT, M.D. JOHN C. NOTTINGHAM, M.D. OSCAR LESEURE, M.D. WISCONSIN. E. W. BEEBE, M.D. R. K. PAINE, M.D. JOSEPH LEWIS, Jr., M.D. N. A. PENNOYER, M.D. OHIO. H. E. BEEBE, M.D. WM. A. GEOHEGAN, M.D. W. B. CARPENTER, M.D. JAMES C. WOOD, M.D. INDIANA. H. W. COONS, M.D. A. LEROY FISHER, M.D. G. OSCAR ERNI, M.D. JOHN W. G. STEWART, M.D. KENTUCKY. GEORGE S. COON, M.D. SARAH J. MILL.SOP, M.D. MINNESOTA. W. E. LEONARD, M.D. GEORGE F. ROBERTS, M.D. COLORADO. S. S. SMYTHE, M.D. D. A. STRICKLER, M.D. IDAHO. GEORGE ROYAL, M.D. PETER E. TKIEM, M.D. ILLUSTRATIONS William McKinlev, President of the United States . . . . . . Frontispiece The Monument Committee of the American In- stitute Scott Circle Front View of Monument ..... Rear View of Monument ..... Dr. George P. Shelton, Dr. Wm. Rufus King, Dr Theo. Y. Kinne, Rev. Dr. B. F. Bittinger Hon. John Dalzell, M.C. ; Hon. Amos Cummings, M.C ; Hon J H. Gallinger, U. S. Senate: Hon George Peabody Wetmore, U. S. Senate . Brig. -Gen. John M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers, U S A,; Hon. John W. Griggs, Attorney-Gen ERAL; Col. Theo. A. Bingham, U.S.A.; CommiS' signer McFarland ..... Officers of the Institute, 1900 Dr. Nancy T. Williams, Mrs Dr Jos T. Cook, Mrs Dr. I. T. Talijot, Miss Emily Paine . Miss Katherine Custis, Miss Sarah C. McClelland Miss Rachel P. McClelland ... 3 7 ' II I 23 27/ .^5 xii Illustrations fAGB C. H NiEHAUs, Sculptor ; J. F. Harder, Architect 39 Group of Snap Shois ....... 43 RkV. Dr. BiTTIiVGER's I )KI>ICA 1 (IK V I^kA\ER . . 47 Dr. Custis's In iroduc iorv Address . . -5' Dr. J. H. McClelland's Presentation Speech to THE Institute ....... 55 The Momen r of Unveiling ..... 59 Dr. Helmuth's Ode ....... 63 President Walton's .Acceptance . . . -71 THE FOREWORD This Memorial Volume is presented to the twenty- five hundred or more contributors to the Hahne- mann Monument Fund with hearty greetings and congratulations. It is with their practical co-opera- tion that the work entrusted to the Committee has been brought to successful completion. All will rejoice that our faithful Secretary during all these years, the lamented Dr. Henry M. Smith, who labored early and late for the success of the Monument, devoting time and energy without stint, was permitted to view the finished work, and join in the ceremonies of the dedication. So grati- fied was he at the glorious termination of his un- wearied labors that he might with Simeon of old have exclaimed, " Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace ! " And in peace he departed, his eyes having seen the fulfilment of his heart's desire. Other members of the Committee, noble, earn- est men, heroes of our faith, Dake, Talbot and Mitchell, were not even permitted to see the frui- tion of their hopes, although sure of the triumphant day. In securing a suitable design for the monument the Committee is largely indebted to the following xiv The Foreword well known artists and architects, who gave their valuable time entirely without compensation, viz., Messrs. Daniel C. French, George E. Bissell, Olin N. Warner, Thomas Hastings, and Russell Sturgis. They have our unqualified thanks. With regard to this historic sketch, it may be stated that our late Secretary had gathered together the materials, in the shape of magazine articles, newspaper cuttings and official reports, from which to prepare the volume, but failing health prevented his making any considerable progress with the work. It therefore devolved upon the remaining members of the Committee to take up the task. The Chairman and Secretary, not having time to devote to the preparation of the manuscript, prevailed upon the Rev. B. F. Bittinger, D.D., of Washington, who took part in the dedication, to arrange the matter for publication. The Monument Committee with this assistance now has the honor of presenting this volume, which gives in detail the events of that day, together with a sketch of the life of Hahnemann, a description of the Monument and, so far as possible for them to obtain, a correct list of subscribers. The Committee takes this occasion to make grateful acknowledgment to all who assisted in the great work. The people heartily joined the pro- fession — gifts came from rich and poor, old and young — many little children gathering up their pennies, — that a great benefactor might be hon- ored. Their names are suitably inscribed and will remain for ages in the receptacle securely placed in The Foreword xv the granite block which forms the base of the statue. It would be an agreeable but wholly im- possible task to name all those who took part in this noble enterprise; — national, State and local organizations joined in generous rivalry. We can- not refrain, however, from mentioning the good work of the Finance Committee of the Institute during the final effort. The indefatigable labors of its Chairman, Dr. Geo. S. Shelton of New York, and his colleagues, resulted in substantial additions to the fund and increased enthusiasm everywhere. And what shall be said of the noble woman, Dr. Nancy T. Williams, of Augusta, Maine, who gave almost her all for love of Hahnemann and his work ? Say of her, " She hath done what she could." which is the limit of human endeavor. The next largest contribution was also by a woman, known far and near for her intelligent and generous support of great enterprises, and it was a most wel- come addition to the fund at a critical period. The efforts of Mrs. Dr. Jos. T. Cook of Buffalo, Presi- dent of the Ladies' Monument Association, are well known. By vmtiring and persistent appeal, a very handsome sum was realized for the Monument. The Meissen Society, by the earnest work of Mrs. Emily Talbot, then President, and the Secretary, Miss Emily Paine, made a most acceptable addition to the fund. The special thanks of the Committee are due to the Hon. John Dalzell of the national House and the Hon. J. H. Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, who had charge of our bill in xvi The Foreword Congress. We are greatly indebted to Senator George Peabody Wetmore, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Library, and the Hon. Amos Cum- mings, of the House, for their several favorable reports on our bill. In connection with the securing of legislation we also make grateful acknowledg- ment to Colonel J. RI. Guffey of the National Democratic Committee. It is needless to say that our gratitude to President McKinley will ever remain. Not only did he cheer- fully sign the Monument Bill, but with utmost cor- diality accepted the invitation to the dedication, and exhibited the friendliest interest in all of the exer- cises. His gracious presence on that day must always remain as a precious memory to those who joined in the dedication. Our acknowledgments are due and are cordially made to Brig.-Gen. John M. Wilson, U. S. A., Chief of the Corps of Engineers, who with Senator George Peabody Wetmore and the Chairman of the Monument Committee, constituted the Com- mission created by act of Congress to select a site for the Monument. To General Wilson we are particular!)- indebted for the magnificent site upon which the Monument stands, as upon his sugges- tion it was unanimously chosen. Thanks are also due to Colonel Theodore A. Bingham, U. S. A., Engineer Corps, who had charge of the erection of the Monument, and accepted it for the Government on the day of dedication. It is with sincerest pleasure that the Committee refers to the eloquent and scholarly address upon The Foreword xvii this occasion made by the Hon. John W. Griggs, Attorney-General of the United States. It was noted that President McKinley frequently ap- plauded during its delivery, and afterwards ex- pressed himself in warm terms of approval. The large audience also received the address with great enthusiasm, and it will undoubtedly be read with special appreciation by every follower of Hahne- mann. Nor should we forget the delightful music fur- nished by the United States Marine Band, which added charm to the occasion and fully sustained the national reputation of this famous organization. With gratitude for all help from all sources, the Monument Committee herewith concludes its labors. J. H. McClelland, J. B. Gregg Custis, William Tod Helmuth. SKETCH OF HAHNEMANN'S LIFE As introductory to the description of the Mon- ument and the imposing ceremonies attending its dedication, the following sketch of Hahnemann's life, prepared by the Monument Committee, will prove interesting, and will indicate to some extent the character of the man as a scholar, philosopher and leader of a great medical reformation. Christian Friederich Samuel Hahnemann, son of Christian Gottfried Hahnemann, the porcelain painter, was born at Meissen, Saxony, April iith,* 1755. His elementary studies were made interest- ing under the guidance of his parents, and under the guise of amusement the foundation was early laid for more profound acquirement. His father, however, being strongly opposed to his receiving a university education, his later studies were pursued under most discouracrine conditions, but with ex- traordinary success. In his twelfth year he was appointed instructor in the rudiments of the Greek language ; at the age of twenty he was a thorough master of six languages, German, French, English, Italian, Latin and Greek, and was able to support * Hahnemann, in a biographical sketch, says ; " I was born April loth," and this has usually been accepted as the day. However, the record at Meissen gives it as April nth. I 2 Sketch of Hahnemann's Life himself at the University of Leipsic by giving in- struction in some of them, and making translations from these lanoruaofes into the German. He sub- sequently became proficient in Arabic, Syriac, Chaldaic and Hebrew. His medical studies were pursued in the famous centers of learning in Eu- rope. He graduated in medicine with special hon- ors at Erlangen in the year 1779. He was a member of various scientific societies in Leipsic and other cities, and was highly honored for his researches in chemistry. He was well versed in many branches of science unconnected with medi- cine, was proficient in botany, astronomy and meteor- ology; in fact from his broad learning and naturally philosophical mind he easily took rank as one of the most profound scholars of his day. Although he suffered many hardships on account of his advanced views, he did not fail of recogni- tion at the hands of Government. While yet a young man, he was made Surgeon-in-chief of the hospital at Dresden, and later was made Superin- tendent of the Insane Asylum at Goergenthal, where he inaugurated the mild and humane meth- ods of treating the insane which now everywhere prevail. In 181 2 he was admitted to the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Leipsic, where he lectured for many. years. In 1822 he was created Hofrath, or Councilor of State. In the meantime, as a result of daily experience and observation in hospitals and elsewhere, he became skeptical as to the value of the prevailing medical methods, and vigorously set forth his objections in the medical w u H O o Sketch of Hahnemann's Life 5 journals of the time, which brought down upon him the wrath of those in medical authority. With consummate skill he pointed out the errors and dangerous practices which prevailed, and which in the name of medical science were unwittingly the cause of a heavy mortality in nearly every disease. Twenty sufferers died when there should have been but eight or ten, and diseases lasted months that should have lasted only weeks ! Thus directly and indirectly, the exposing of these dangerous practices by Hahnemann has been the means of an enormous saving of human life, entitling him to the gratitude of mankind, and placing him in the fore- front of medical reformers. This exalted place in medicine is frankly accorded him by distinguished men not of his school of practice, as for example John Syre Bristow, M.D., In an address before the British Medical Association very aptly says : That he had learning and ability and the power of reasoning is abundantly clear. He saw through the preva- lent therapeutic absurdities and impostures of the day ; he laughed to scorn the complicated and loathsome nos- trums, which even at that time disgraced the pharmaco- poeias ; and he exposed with no little skill and success the emptiness and worthlessness of most of the therapeutical systems which then and theretofore prevailed. But not content with his earnest endeavors to mitigate the rigors of the prevalent methods, which he clearly showed were more harmful than helpful, his logical and philosophical mind enabled him to grasp the great truth which presented itself in the course of his studies and investigations, namely, 6 Sketch of Hahnemann's Life that there was a constant relation between the action of drugs and the effects of disease on the human organism, and that this relationship con- sisted of a siinilarity of the drug effects on the healthy to those produced by disease in the sick. So after many years of experimentation and in- ductive reasoning, he confirmed his discovery of a law of cure, and upon this discovery based a rule of practice, scientific and of universal application, which he expressed in the now famous dictum, " Similia Similibus Curentur." This great truth, which has been a boon to man- kind, he announced in a paper published in Huf- land's Journal, entitled, "A New Principle for ascertaining the Remedial Powers of Medicinal Substances " — and with this was ushered in the notable Reformation in medicine which distin- guished the Nineteenth Century. No less an authority than Sir John Forbes, Physician in Ordinary to the Queen, has referred to Hahnemann as the maker of an epoch in medi- cine. He says : No careful observer of his actions, or candid reader of his writings can hesitate for a moment to admit that he was a very extraordinary man, one whose name will descend to posterity as the exclusive excogltator and founder of an original system of medicine, the remote, if not the immediate, cause of more important fundamental changes in the practice of the healing art than have re- sulted from any promulgated since the days of Galen himself. He was undoubtedly a man of genius and a scholar: a man of indefatigable industry and dauntless energy. H Z Z O s b O H Z O ai Sketch of Hahnemann's Life 9 Hahnemann gave to medical science and the world three grreat oreneralizations : — First : The therapeutic rule that Likes should be treated by Likes ; Second : That the only correct method of ac- curately ascertaining the effects of medicinal sub- stances on the human body is by proving them singly upon the healthy organism ; and Third : That drugs acquire increased medicinal value from trituration or attenuation. To this he added the important supplemental rule — that as the effects of drugs are only ac- curately ascertained s/ii^/y, they can only be prop- erly applied singly, thus dealing a fatal blow to the unscientific polypharmacy which was then, and to some extent is still, in vogue. It is interesting to note in passing that the be- lated germ theory of disease now agitating the minds of the medical profession was distinctly in- dicated in the writings of Hahnemann nearly a century ago ; also that the modern use of toxins is quite in accordance with the homoeopathic prin- ciple, while vaccination, so universally accepted as a therapeutic verity, is none other than pure homoeopathy. Hahnemann created an entirely new Materia Medica by instituting provings of drugs on the healthy human organism, a method which has now received the sanction of scientific men of all shades of medical opinion. He first began to ascertain on his own person the effects of various drugs, well knowing the danger to his health and life by so lo Sketch of Hahnemann's Life doine- Later, he eathered about him others will- ing to make a similar sacrifice, and some idea of the colossal task he accomplished can be formed when it is known that his works on Materia Medica include original provinys of ninety different medi- cines. Of his industry in other directions, we may form some opinion from the fact that he wrote up- wards of seventy original treatises on chemistry and medicine ; translated from English, French, Italian and Latin, twenty-four works on chemistry, medicine, agriculture and general literature, be- sides attending to a large practice, of which he kept full record. " When," he writes, " we have to do with an art whose nature is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves masters of it becomes a crime." The last years of Hahnemann's life were spent in Paris, where he was received with every mark of respect and honor, and where his great ability was recognized by an enormous clientage. It is said that people flocked from all parts of Europe to be under his care, and that his clientele included many of the noblest families of Europe. He died, full of years and honors, in Paris, July 2, 1843, in his 89th year, and was buried in Montmartre. He has since been re-interred in the Cemetery of Pere Lachaise, and over his grave has been erected a beautiful monument by his de- voted followers. Such, in brief, is the life of the man whose work has marked an important era in the history of medicine, and whose name will descend to pes- Sketch of Hahnemann's Life 13 terity as the founder of a school of medicine with more adherents, a greater number of assailants, more extensive literature, and one that has exerted a more profound influence on the art of healing, than any which has preceded it. It is to the honor of this illustrious man, as a recognition of the reform in medicine inaugurated by him, and as a contribution to the adornment of the City of Washington, that the Monument herein described has been erected. ORIGIN AND HISTORY Prepared from a paper l)y Dr. Henry M. Smith, N.J. II., June, 1900, and from the Transactions of the American Institute. Historical fidelity requires it to be said that the project of erecting this monument to Hahne- mann originated with Dr. J. H. McClelland of Pittsburgh, as will appear from the following ex- tract from an address delivered by him before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania in 1881: A few weeks ago during a visit to the birthplace and when standing by the grave of Gahleo, the story of his discoveries and subsequent persecution for Truth's sake suggested a paralleUsm in Hahnemann's life and experience. He was driven from Leipsic because he dared to differ from those in authority, and because his discoveries in science overturned the current theories of the day. Recently, moreover, in England, at the largest gathering, of medical men ever held in the nine- teenth century, there was unveiled, with great acclaim, a statue to William Harvey, who also was subject to the persecution of his medical brethren because he discovered the circulation of the blood. Contemplating the prepara- tion for this event, I could not but feel that at some time in the not distant future there will be another such gathering, but the statue tinvcilcd tvill be that of Samuel Hahnemann. 14 .ic^ Dr. George P. Shelton. Dr. Theo. Y. KiNNE. Or. Wm. Rufus King. Rev. Dr. B. F, Bittinger. Origin and History \^ True, the prophecy made in this extract, and the ideal foreshadowed therein, were not immediately fulfilled and realized. For while the desirability of such a testimonial was generally felt and ac- knowledged, it was not until the year 1892 that any formal action was taken to give it practical effect. This action was taken at the instance of Dr. McClelland by the American Institute of Homoeopathy, in session in Washington City, D. C, and in accordance with the proposition then and there made a Committee was appointed to which the matter was referred. This Committee as originally constituted consisted of Drs. J. H. McClelland, J. P. Dake, I. T. Talbot, J. S. Mitchell and H. M. Smith, to which was subsequently added at the same meeting the names of Drs. J. B. Gregg Custis and Tulio S. Verdi of Washington City. Upon the death of the lamented Dake, Dr. Wil- liam Tod Helmuth was appointed to fill the vacancy on the Committee. Of those originally appointed the Chairman alone remains. The enthusiasm aroused by the announcement of this project was shown by the readiness with which over a thousand dollars was subscribed at this Washington meeting. It was at once resolved that the Monument should adorn the National Capital, and should consist of a statue in bronze with a granite base and accessories. It was also stated that such a memorial would probably neces- sitate a fund of from $50,000 to $75,000. In 1893, the Committee reported progress, al- though no definite plan or design had yet been i8 Origin and History adopted. At this meeting an Auxiliary Committee was appointed consisting of one from each State and college, which was to co-operate in the raising of funds. The Chairman of this Committee, Dr. Theodore Y. Kinney, proceeded to organize for work. The Institute subsequently by a formal vote pledged itself to the payment of $2500 toward the Monument, and this sum was afterward increased by an additional $500. In 1896, the Chairman in reporting the growing interest of the Homoeopathic profession and ad- herents throughout the country, as evidenced by sub- stantial subscriptions, stated among other things : How the project had grown from a vague and in- definite idea to a superb conception ; how the Committee had groped about in search of a correct method of pro- cedure ; and finally how by good advice and some manage- ment it had hit upon the best way to secure the best results. Especially how, by the advice and assistance of the Na- tional Sculptors' Society, through its distinguished Presi- dent, Mr. J. Q. A. Ward, a competition was had under the supervision of the following committee of artists and architects, viz., Messrs. Daniel C^ French, George E. Bissell, Olin N. Warner, Thomas Hastings and Russell Sturgis, leading to the submission of twenty-five models, by as many artists, botli liome and foreign. In a word, how, by the unanimous decision of the Monument Committee, in connection with the Art Committee, a design was selected which has received the unanimous approval of the Insti- tute, as well as numerous art critics who have made it a study, — all of which testimony justifying the opinion so generally expressed, that it will be the finest piece of art work in the National Capital. Hon John Dalzell, M. C. Hon. Amos Clmming?, M. C. Hon. J. H. Gallinger, U. S. Senate. Hon. George Peabodv Whtmorh, U. S. Senate. '9 Origin and History 21 The models submitted by the various sculptors, representing American, German, French, Spanish and Italian sculpture, were then exhibited to the public at the gallery of the American Academy of Fine Arts, New York, being the first public exhibi- tion of competitive models held in this country. A private view was afforded the Press, whereby at- tention was called to the undertaking, and a pub- licity given it unobtained by any similar sculptural work. While the adopted model called for a struc- ture in Indiana limestone at a cost of $30,000, the Committee decided later to build it of more enduring material, even at an enhanced cost, and unanimously agreed upon imperishable granite at a contract price of $48,800. As this did not nearly cover the cost of the undertaking, plans were at once formed for securing $75,000, although this entire amount was not secured or expended by the Committee, owing to the fact that a large portion of the expense of raising the money was borne by individuals and organizations. Of course certain legislation by Congress was necessary involving the acceptance of the Monu- ment by the National Government, and the grant of a site upon which it might be erected. Accordingly a joint Resolution was introduced in the Senate by the Hon. J. H. Gallinger, and in the House of Representatives by the Hon. John Dalzell. This was in the first session of the Fifty-fourth Congress. The Joint Resolution was as follows, viz : Resolved by tlie Senate and House of Representatives ty of the United States of America assenjblc(J, That permis- 22 Origin and History sion be, and the same is hereby, granted the Hahnemann MoiuniK-nt Committee of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, to erect a monument in honor of Samuel Hahnemann in such place in tlie city of Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia, as shall be designated by the officer in charge of the new Library building, the Joint Committee on the Library, and the Chairman of the Monument Committee; and the sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, for the building of a foundation upon which to place said Monument; said Monument to be presented to the people of the United States by the American Insti- tute of Homoeopathy, kindred associations and citizens. The Joint Resolution, liowever, although passing both Houses of Congress, failed to receive the signa- ture of President Cleveland. The following corre- spondence in this connection will be of interest, viz : Dr. J. B.Gregg Custis: The Senate has passed the Joint Resolution granting a site to the Hahnemann Monument. (Signed) J. H. Gallinger. Dr. J. H. McClelland: Your Monument bill has passed the House of Representatives. (Signed) JOHN DaLZELL. Having passed both the Senate and the House of Representatives, nothing more was needed than the signature of the President. As may be ima- gined, while congratulating themselves upon the suc- cess of their efforts to secure the needed legislation by Congress for an eligible site, the members of the Committee were held in anxious suspense while Brig.-Gen, John M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers. U. S. A. Col. Theo. a. Bingham, U.S. A. Hon. J. W. Griggs, Att'y General. Commissioner McFakland. Origin and History 25 waitinof for the sig^nature of President Cleveland, without which the Joint Resolution, although pass- ing both Houses of Congress, would be of no prac- tical effect. Nor was the anxious suspense relieved until after the adjournment of Congress the follow- ing despatch was received by the Secretary of the Committee : Dr. H. M. Smith, Secretary: The President lias not signed the Hahnemann bill. (Signed) H. M. Thurber, Private Secretary. It need hardly be said that the failure of the President to sign the Joint Resolution, proposing to make a magnificent gift to the people of the United States for the adornment of the National Capital, and in honor of a great scientist, inflicted on the Committee a great and unexpected disap- pointment, a disappointment shared by the friends of the project throughout the whole country. Noth- ing daunted, however, the Committee put forth re- newed efforts to secure the needed legislation by the Fifty-fifth Congress. Their efforts were emi- nently successful. The Joint Resolution after be- ing amended by inserting after the word " Colum- bia " the words " other than the Capitol or Library grounds," and naming as a commission to select a site the " Chief of Engineers U. S. Army, the Chair- man of the Joint Committee on Library of Congress, and the Chairman of the Monument Committee," was passed by Congress, and received the signature of President McKinley. 26 Origin and History Within twenty-four hours of the passage of the Joint Resolution, it was signed by the President, who thereupon presented the pen with which it was signed to Dr. McClelland, by whom it is most highly prized. In order to secure this necessary legislation, the Committee was obliged to perform enormous labor in the way of correspondence with leading physi- cians all over the country, and more directly with members of Congress in order to correct wronaf im- pressions and put the matter clearly and rightly before them. This arduous labor devolved almost entirely upon the Secretary of the Committee, the late Dr. Henry M. Smith, who most intelligently and faithfully carried on the immense correspond- ence which this involved. The necessary legislation having been thus ob- tained, the important question of a suitable site was now uppermost. The Act of Congress constituted as a Commission for the selection of a site for the Monument Brigadier-General John M. Wilson, U. S. A., Chief of Engineers, Honorable George Peabody Wetmore, Senator from Rhode Island, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Library of Congress, and Dr. J. H. McClelland, Chairman of the Monument Committee of the American Institute. Immediately upon the creation of this Commission General Wilson caused plans to be made of the va- rious Government reservations and a meeting was soon after held at which these were carefully con- sidered. With a soldier's directness, the Chief of Engi- T. Franklin Smith, M.D. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTE, igcw. E. M. Keli.ogg, M.D. Charles E Walton, M.D., President. Wilson A. S.mhh, M D. E. H. PoKTEi*. M.D. Origin and History 29 neers pointed out what, in his opinion, was the most suitable site in Washington for such a monu- ment, namely, Scott Circle. This opinion was at once concurred in by the Chairman of the Monu- ment Committee, and subsequently by the Senator from Rhode Island, and thus was secured after many vexatious delays a place in the Nation's Capital altogether worthy of the noble memorial erected to the honor of Hahnemann. Scott Circle is perhaps the most desirable site in Washington City for such a work, situated as it is at the intersection of Massachusetts and Rhode Island Avenues, where these cross Sixteenth Street, which is on the direct line from the White House. The site originally discussed was a small plot on the Congressional Library grounds, and was sug- gested by General Casey and his associates in charge of the Library building, they having seen a model of the monument on exhibition in New York. Happily, circumstances prevented the choice of this site, and the present one, in every way more suitable, was chosen. It is worthy of honorable mention that women, not a few, animated by a zeal and self-sacrifice which have always characterized them as the warm and devoted friends of a noble cause, entered with enthusiasm in the praiseworthy work of raising funds and co-operating with the Committee in hastening the completion of the Monument. Hence in a supplemental report of the Committee in 1897, it was stated that during the sessions of the Insti- tute a meeting of the Meissen Society was held 30 Origin and History under the direction of Miss Emily F. Paine, when it pledged itself to raise a considerable sum of money in aid of the fund. Another auxiliary was formed for the same purpose by Mrs. Dr. Joseph T. Cook of Buffalo, entitled the " Ladies' Monument Association," which, after infinite labor, added some $2300 to the Monument fund. But without in- vidious distinction, too much praise cannot be given to Dr. Nancy T. Williams, of Augusta, Maine, who, at the same meeting of the Institute, begged the privilege of adding one thousand dollars to her previous subscription, modestly revealing the fact that the contribution was from her own earnings in putting into practice the teachings of Hahnemann, and was her way of practically showing her grati- tude. The full amount of the contributions of this noble woman was more than four thousand dollars, constituting her the laroest individual contributor. Any enterprise numbering among its promoters such examples of heroic devotion, could not pos- sibly fail of success. At the meeting of the Institute in Atlantic City, 1899, it became plain that a final effort must be put forth to finish and dedicate the monument. To aid in this grand rally, it was deemed advisable to bring to the assistance of the Monument Com- mittee a special Committee on Finance. Dr. George S. Shelton was made Chairman, and at once set about organizing sub-committees in various States. Much enthusiasm was aroused as a result of this effort and the personal appeals of the Chair- man. The various State Committees went to work Dr. Nancy T. Williams. Mrs. Dr. I. T. Talbut. Mrs. Dr. Jos. T. Cook 31 Miss Emily Paine Origin and History 33 with a will, even where our school was but sparsely represented — as in the southern district, where the veteran representative of Homoeopathy, Dr. F. H. Orme, of Atlanta, did splendid work, both in securing subscriptions and enlisting the interest of members of Congrress. A notable gathering was that held in Washing- ton to determine the place of meeting of the Insti- tute in 1900, dependent upon the ability of the Committee to guarantee that the Monument would be finished and ready for dedication. The officers of the Institute, including President Charles E. Walton, M.D., of Cincinnati; General Secretary Eugene H. Porter, M. D., of New York ; Record- ing Secretary Wilson Smith, I\I. D., of Chicago ; Dr. George S. Shelton of New York. Chairman of the Finance Committee, and Doctors McClelland, Custis and Smith of the Monument Committee, came together for conference. To the demand of the Executive Committee of the Institute, the Monument Committee gave its guarantee, and this settled the place of meeting, Washington, and the time of dedication, June 21, 1900. From this time onward the hearts of the Com- mittee were made glad by the frequently received contributions, and during the session of the Insti- tute held in the City of Washington it was an- nounced that the whole amount necessary for the erection of the Monument had been secured, and that it would be unveiled and dedicated according to programme. In making this welcome announcement, the 34 Origin and History Chairman gave the following rdsumd of facts and incidents which cannot fail of interest to all who became identified with the project, viz : The work of the Committee dates back eight years, that is, to the year 1892, during the sessions of the American Institute of HomcEopathy, held in Washington City. Since that time, its labors have been unceasing, althougli not all the time availing. The chief concern of the Committee at the beginning was to secure an artistic design that would express to the world what we, as Homceopathists, would wish to say of the founder of our school. This consumed two or three years, various plans having been tried which failed ; but finally a suit- able design was selected, with the invaluable assistance of the special committee of the National Sculptors Society, which had choice of twenty-four designs. Then the im- portant work of the Committee was to raise the money. Nor was this an easy task, for although the Committee succeeded to a considerable extent, still the amount did not come up to the requirements. The expectation, however, was, that before the close of the present year the money would be forthcoming, and this proved to be a prophecy that was fulfilled. The Committee called to its assistance other helpers throughout the country, together with the efficient co-operation of the Commit- tee on Finance, which enables it at this time to report that the whole amount of money required has been prac- tically raised. The labors of the Committee, although at times arduous, have been cheerfully pursued, encouraged from the beginning that they would be finally rewarded with success. There was work and plenty of it con- nected with the securing of legislation and the selection of a suitable site, but all this is now happily over. Some of the members of our Committee who rendered faithful service did not live to see their labors brought to m^ \ \ f Miss Katherine Custis. Miss Sarah C. McClelland. Miss Rachel P. McClelland. Origin and History 37 completion. Talbot is not, and Dake is not, neither Mitchell, although they were three men upon whom we depended for counsel, advice and assistance. Four of us are left to see the completion of the work begun eight years ago. Remarks were made also by Drs. Custis, H. M. Smith, Helmuth and Shelton, speaking in ap- preciative terms of the warm sympathy and liberal contributions of the members of the Institute, various auxiliary associations and friends of Homoeopathy in all parts of the country, each one paying a graceful tribute to the character and magnifying the achievements of Hahnemann, and expressing their gratification that in this country and in our National Capital a Monument worthy of his name was soon to be dedicated. DESCRIPTION OF THE MONUMENT Taken from the description prepared by the Sculptor, Air. C. H. Niehaus, and the Architect, Mr. JuHus F. Harder. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Monument is a true ellipse in plan, its fun- damental motive being the Greek exedra form. It is approached from the front by four steps lead- ing to a platform upon the minor axis, and at the back of which rises the superstructure. The central portion, before which is placed a sitting statue of Hahnemann, is composed of four columns carrying an entablature ; above this rises an attica bearing the principal inscription. Between the two front columns, and forming the background for the statue, is a niche, again elliptical in plan, and terminating in a semicircular arch above the impost. This impost line continuing to the right and left forms the vertical termination of the flanking walls, which end at the extremities of the major axis of the plan. The base courses of these curved flanking walls form seats occupy- ing the space between the central portion and the end terminations. 38 C. H. NiEHAUS, Sculptor. J. F. Harder Architect. Description of the Monument 41 REAR ELEVATION. As the Monument is in an open place ob- servable from all sides, it was sought to make it attractive from every point of view, and much at- tention was devoted to the design of the back. The main lines of the central portion repeat them- selves here, excepting that the niche is omitted and becomes instead a flat curtain wall with dec- orated tympanum above the impost. These to- gether with the projecting lines form architectural vertical divisions of this elevation, which is thus resolved architecturally into component parts, re- sulting in a well-proportioned and equally balanced composition. DECORATIONS. Rising from the platform in front of the central portion is a simple pedestal supporting the statue upon the face of which appears the inscription " SiMiLiA SiMiLiBUS CuRENTUR." Other inscrip- tions which appear at the sides and below the bronze entablatures are the following, — familiar to all disciples of Hahnemann : " Audi Sapere," " NoN iNUTiLis vixi," " Die Milde Macht ist Gross," and "In omnibus Caritas." The upper portion of the niche behind the statue is decorated in glazed mosaic, in colors, with a de- sign composed of the foliage and flower of the cin- chona plant. On either side of the arch are decorative emblems in bas-relief ; a bowl and ser- pent — the symbols of wisdom; and a lamp and 42 Description of the Monument book — typical of knowledge and instruction. The former in association with a palm branch, the latter with a wreath of laurel. The keystone of the arch bears a lion's head, the symbol of strength and leadership. Upon the rear the date of erection appears across the center in Roman numerals, and the dates of Hahnemann's birth and death — Meissen, April i ith, 1755; Paris, July 2d, 1843 — encircled with laurel wreaths, are inscribed to the right and left. In the center, filling the tympanum of the arch appear two figures in bas-relief, emblematic of the science and art of medicine. Underneath this occurs the broad curtain of hammered granite, upon which is recorded the following important inscription : Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann, Doctor in Medicine, HoFRATH. Leader ov the Great Medical Reformation OF THE Nineteenth Century. Founder of the Homceopathic School. Below this inscription is a fountain in the form of a fluted basin fed by a stream of running water issuing from a carved dolphin. STYLE. The style of the design is essentially Greek in spirit and in its form, profiles and decorations ; the GROUP OK .SNAP SHOTS. 43 Description of the Monument 45 delicate play of light and shade resulting from the elliptical form adding materially to this quality. STATUARY. The statue itself, in standard bronze, cast by the Gorham Manufacturing Company, is the culmina- tion of the plan of the Monument. The features have been faithfully copied from the bust by the famous David, who also made the well-known bust of Napoleon I.; but it is designed to convey by their expression, and by the pose of the figure, to the observer, the characteristics of the Philosopher, the Philanthropist, the Teacher. The commemorative tablets are placed in two pan- els, on either side of the niche, upon the curved walls representing in bas-reliefs of standard bronze the four epoch-making periods of Hahnemann's life : the nightly vigils of the student ; the investiga- tions of the chemist ; the self-sacrificing experiments of the great discoverer ; and finally a fourth (com- posed partly for the sake of symmetry), to com- memorate the brilliant success of his treatment of the typhus patients in the hospitals at Leipsig, mentioned by his biographers. The dates of these episodes — 1 775-1 m, the studentyears ; 1 779-1 789, the period devoted to chemical study; 1790, the date of his experiments upon himself with Peruvian Bark etc.; and 18 13, that of his wonderful cures in Leipsig — are severally inscribed on labels above and below circular discs at each end. These bronzes are also the work of the Gorham Company. 46 Description of the Monument MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. The foundations and superstructure of the Mon- ument are built of fine-grained white y^ranite from tlie quarries of the Maine and New Hampshire Granite Company, a material admirably calculated to witlistand the vicissitudes of time and climate. Not only is the statue sublimely impressive in its de- lineation of the scholar and philosopher, but the setting of the statue is superbly classical. The entablatures in bronze which represent epochs in his life are full of char- acter and vigor. Altogether the American Institute will have the honor of presenting to our country a work of art with which every contributor will be proud to be iden- tified. UNVEILING AND DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT The day finally came — ^ the long delayed — that was to crown with deserved success the faithful and persevering labors of the Committee, making it his- toric in the annals of the American Institute and dating a new epoch in the onward progress of Homce- opathy in its heaven-born ministry of blessing our suffering humanity — -the day, moreover, to which for eight years so many looked forward with fondly cherished expectations, and the transactions of which shall be cherished by them so long as life itself shall last. This day was in June, 1900, the twenty-first of the month, when in Scott Circle, Washington City, District of Columbia, the beautiful Monument was dedicated with imposing ceremonies and under the most favorable circumstances. Scott Circle, the site of the Monument, is one of the many attractive reservations adorning the city, and contains also the statues of Gen. Winfield S. Scott and Daniel Webster, the latest addition to the circle forming a striking combination of one who was famous as a soldier, one who was distinguished as a statesman and one who was eminent as a man of science. 4 49 50 Unveiling and Dedication The occasion attracted a large assemblage of persons, embracing not only members of the med- ical profession, but also many residents of the city and visitors from all parts of the country. On the platform erected at the base of the Monument were the following- invited quests : The guest of honor, William McKinley, Presi- dent of the United States, accompanied by his Private Secretary, Mr. George B. Cortelyou, Hon. Henry B. F. Macfarland, President of the District Board of Commissioners, General John M. Wilson, U. S. A., Chief of Engineers, Col. Theo- dore A. Bingham, U. S. A., Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, Attorney-General John W. Griggs, Dr. Charles E. Walton, President of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, Dr. Eugene H. Porter, Secretary of the Institute, Dr. William Tod Helmuth, the poet of the day. Dr. James H. McClelland, Chairman of the Monu- ment Committee, Dr. Henry M. Smith, Treasurer of the Monument Conmiittee, Dr. George G. Shelton, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Dr. J. B. Gregg Custis, Chairman of the Local Committee on Dedication of the Monument, Dr. Nancy T. Williams and Rev. Benjamin F. Bit- tinger, D. D. INTRODUCTOKV REMARKS BV DR. CUSTIS. After appropriate music by the Marine Band, Dr. Custis, in calling the meeting to order, made tile following address, viz : > o H O a Unveiling and Dedication 53 Fellow citizens and members of tlie American Institute of Homoeopathy : We are gathered together upon an occasion which in some of its aspects is solemn, in some glorious, in all mo- mentous: Solemn, because we have assumed the responsi- bility of setting as an ideal for those who shall appear upon the world's stage in the twentieth century, a charac- ter. The man to whom this Monument is erected offers an ideal which, if attained by any in the field of science, in the realm of wisdom, in the art of medicine, or in the School which he represented, would justly entitle them to honorable recognition, and secure for them a similar me- morial — a memorial constituting the grandest testimonial ever received by any in the walks of life followed by our confrere, Samuel Hahnemann. Glorious, because it represents a completed work, con- ceived in Washington, nurtured by the American Insti- tute of Homceopathy, and made possible by the liberality of the adherents and patrons of the School founded by him in whose honor this grand work of art and architec- ture is erected. Momentous, because it places in bold relief the fact that truth, represented simply by a thought, can, in so short a time, in a country whose motive is freedom, reach its highest development ; and certainly that has been reached when it can count among its adherents a sufificient number of grateful and admiring followers to erect, in honor of him who gave this thought expression, such a Monument as this, as a proof of their admiration of the faith possessed, the singleness of purpose shown and the success achieved. This Monument is erected in the hope that from it, as a center, truth may be spread which will result in the less- ening of suffering and the increased usefulness of man- kind. 54 Unveiling and Dedication PRAYER BY THE REV. B. F. BITTINGER, D.D. At the conclusion of his address, Dr. Custis in- troduced the Rev. B. F. Bittinger, D. D., who offered the following prayer : O Lord, thou only art great. Before the inountains were brought forth, or even thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Thou art infinite in love, almighty in power, supreme in authority, universal in dominion, and sovereign in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. Thus recognizing thee as our God, we implore thy presence at this time and invoke thy blessing upon the members of the American Institute of Homoeopathy now convened in this city for the interchange of views, the comparison of methods and the suggestion of remedies and appliances for the preservation of life, the alleviation of pain and amelioration of the many ills to which our suffering humanity is heir. We thank thee for the great progress and the many discoveries and improvements that have been made in the healing art, to which the members of this Institute have devoted their lives. We praise and thank thee especially, that, in thy providence, thou didst raise up Samuel Hahnemann and richly endow him as one of the world's benefactors — revealing to him the principle of similarity between remedy and disease. We also thank thee for the rapid spread and firm establish- ment of this system throughout the world. And now we unveil and dedicate this beautiful monument, erected in honor of his virtues as a man, a scholar, a physician and a benefactor. May it endure to coming generations, and prove a fitting testimonial of admiring and grateful disciples who loyally accept his teachings, and by ap- preciative friends who have been benefited by his system of healing. And to thy name. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, wc will give all the praise. Amen. w a: f- o H X U W W 0. CT; O < H U Unveiling and Dedication 57 PRESENTATION OF THE MONUMENT. Dr. Custis then announced to the assembly that the Monument would be formally presented to the American Institute of Homoiopathy by Dr. James H. McClelland, Chairman of the Committee under whose direction and management it had been brought to its successful completion. Dr. Mc- Clelland spoke in substance as follows : Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : Representing the Monument Committee of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, it is with sincere deh'ght that I am present on this notable occasion, when in the presence of the President of the United States and other distinguished guests, we dedicate in the language of the act of Congress, "A monument to the honor of Samuel Hahnemann, and for the ornamentation of the National Capital." Eight years ago at the meeting of the American Institute held in this city, this Committee was regularly constituted and charged with the entirely extra professional duty of se- lecting a plan and securing the funds requisite for the erection of a monument that would be a suitable memorial of the man whom this day we honor, and at the same time be commensurate with the dignity of the body which it is our privilege to represent. It has been a period of arduous endeavor to faithfully perform the varied duties involved in our appointment. It may be interesting to note in view of this occasion that this event was fore-shadowed nearly twenty years ago (in the year 1881) in an address before the Homoeo- pathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania, and I may be pardoned for quoting from that address the following paragraph : " Recently in England, at the largest gather- ing of medical men ever held in this century, there was unveiled with great acclaim a statue to Dr. William 58 Unveiling and Dedication Harvey, who was subjected to the persecution of his medical brethren in consequence of his announced dis- covery of the circulation of the blood. Contemplating the preparations for this event, I could not but feel that, at some time in the not distant future, there will be another such gathering, but the statue unveiled will be that of Samuel Hahnemann." I rejoice that we have lived to see this prophecy most gloriously fulfilled. Your Committee, after many fail- ures, finally secured a design, which it feels sure will meet the approval of this assemblage, as well as all those who love the beautiful in art, and which represents a great and noble idea. Of the purest Greek architecture, and a most exquisite design in sculpture, it represents the life-work of a man who was truly great, and through whose method of medical treatment, the sufferings of so many persons have been alleviated and cured. Nor do we assume any- thing in affirming that the death-rate in nearlj' every dis- ease has been greatly reduced since his day, and chiefly through his discoveries and achievements in the science of medicine. For the conception of this beautiful sculp- ture, we are indebted to an American, Mr. Charles Henry Niehaus, and for the exquisite arcnitectural effects to Mr. Julius F. Harder of New York. I will not detain the distinguished guests present on this occasion with a recital of the labors and struggles of the Committee, now happily coining to a successful close, but will gladly present to the representative of our Insti- tute the result of its labors. Mr. President, I take pleas- ure in transferring to your keeping for the time, this beautiful monument, erected to magnify the achievements and perpetuate the fame of Samuel Hahnemann. UNVEILING OF THE STATUE. At this juncture, the veil coverino- the statue was drawn aside by Misses Sarah and Rachel > o H Z ::; H Unveilino- and Dedication 6i 'ti McClelland, daughters of Dr. McClelland, and Miss Katherine Custis, daughter of Dr. Custis, when the ligure of Hahnemann, in bronze, was revealed in its imposing majesty, and when, amid the inspirit- ing strains of the Marine Band playing " America," President McKinley and the other distinguished guests rose to their feet, and with demonstrations of delight saluted the beautiful work of art that appeared to their admiring gaze. ODE BY DR. HELMUTH. When the excitement had subsided, Dr. William Tod Helmuth of New York, the poet of the occa- sion, was introduced, who, in a prelude, informed the company that the poem which he would deliver contained references to the great discoveries made in the nineteenth century, and also a tribute to the memory of Hahnemann. The poem is as follows : — ODE TO HAHNEMANN. Oft times in far off regions of the north. When Autumn's glories all the woods disclose, The sinking sun its golden rays pours forth. Till all the scene in quivering splendor glows. Then snow-capped peaks grow rosy in the light. And sapphire clouds are touched with points of fire. Which, sinking slowly in the arms of night. Watch, ling'ring still to see the day expire. 62 Unveiling and Dedication II. And so tlie century in grandeur dies, Reflecting splendor on her closing years, Where genius-born her myriad conquests rise 'Midst hopes triumphant and 'mid seas of tears. Arise, O Man, and let thy heart rejoice, That thou wert born in these prolific times, When science teaches with prophetic voice And art in majesty her place defines. III. Amid the ashes of defeated hopes, Amid the wreckage of a thousand lives, That strew the pathways on Ambition's slopes. The mighty genius of man survives; And Fame, fair goddess in her proud array, With golden trumpet pointing to the sky. Sounds thro' the arch of Time her grandest lay. The works of men whose names can never die. IV. By Darwin's thought the problem of our lives. So long unsolved, this century proclaims In one great song "The fittest still survives." " Natural selection forever reigrns." And hark! along Time's avenue there peals Resounding anthem through the trump of fame, As Herbert Spencer to the world reveals The science that hath glorified his name. Now Evolution stretcheth forth her arm To hold "the fittest " that the Earth contains; The cold agnostic shudders in alarm ; God still is God — omnipotence remains. u Q O c/^ X H D J W X d a Unveiling and Dedication 65 V. Five decades back our 'scutcheon, with its stars And stripes in glory waving to the sky, Was tarnished by the legal right that bars Equality to men, and slavery With all its horror, all its crime and lust. Cast its black shadow o'er this mighty land. Lo ! then arose a fearless man and just. And to the Nation issued his command. VI. And lo ! the fiends of internecine war Rose like the hideous phantoms of a dream. But slavery was stricken to the core And Abra'm Lincoln's will became supreme. Oh ! martyr'd President, thy native land As this great century is dying now, Uplifts in majesty its grateful hand, And lays the wreath immortal on thy brow. VII. The lurid lightning, flashing through the sky, Is caught and held subservient to man's hand, Who ladens it with thought and bids it fly Throughout the farthest confines of the land. O'er mountain heights, across the ocean's waste. Past arid plains or through the trackless snow ; Revolving continents each other know. VIII. The undulations of the summer breeze An interchange of thought convey. The force of tides that swell the boundless seas, Man's subtle intellect controls to-day. 66 Unveiling and Dedication The planets whirling in the abj'ss of space, The rocks that tell us when this earth grew cold, The glacier's age, antiquity of race, The science of this century unfold. IX. And Woman, last of God's creative art, (Thou great enigma to the creature man). Where in the rush of progress is thy part, Since first this century her course began. Health, beauty and obedience were then The chiefest characters thy sex displayed. Adored by passion — trifled with by men. Honored and loved, neglected or betrayed. X. Look how she stands, now better understood. The light of progress shining in her eyes In all the glory of true womanhood. As high and holy aspirations rise The arts and sciences stand open now, The great professions beckon her to come To join their ranks, — and still the marriage vow Surrounds with sacredness the ties of home. XI. But we who 'neath the Aesculapian shield Are linked together in one sacred bond. To battle on humanity's broad field For health and life and all that lies beyond, Who, when the pestilence is stalking forth. Slaying its victims with mephitic breath. Like whirlwinds sweeping from the icy north — Draw forth the sword to battle with King Death. Unveiling and Dedication 67 XII. What has the closing century revealed, To aid our efforts in th' unequaled strife, The constant battle with a cause concealed That saps the very fountain heads of life. What has it done ? Let Anaesthesia sing, Let Antisepsis clap her cleansed hands, And microscopic revelations ring With songs of progress from far distant lands. XIII. God sent no suff'ring to the pristine man Till Adam ate of the forbidden tree. Then with a laugh the demon Pain began To tear the tendrils of humanity. The centuries rolled on, and still the race Was born and tortured by unceasing pain. Mankind forever striving to efface Its ravages with antidotes in vain. XIV. Then came a time — O country mine, be proud, For thou wert first the conqueror to find Before whose breath the Evil Spirit bowed — Amid the thankful plaudits of mankind The Surgeon now God's inmost temple sees, While Anaesthesia her censer swings, The Demon conquered from his victim flees And Science jubilant her paean sings. XV. To us. Sectarians as we ever are (As all must be who hold a special creed). Arose within this century a star. To guide us in our therapeutic need. 68 Unveiling and Dedication The storm of opposition touched it not, The shafts of ridicule pass'd harmless by, Traditions — doginas could obscure no jot Of its transcendent truth and purity. XVI. While Ansesthcbia in glory stands, And Antisepsis o'er the world displays The grand results minute technique demands, To bless the Surgery of later days. Above them both with more expansive reach, The Star of Truth, by Meissen's sage defined, Shines o'er the earth, humanity to teach The splendid triumphs of the master's mind. XVII. No mighty truth since Time his course began Has shown its full effulgence to the world Till it has fought the stubborn will of man By passion's vehemence against it hurled. Kepler and Newton, Harvey, Jenner, knew And felt the obloquies of error born, And Christ himself, the perfect man and true, Was crucified amid the cries of scorn. XVIII. Great is the hero, whose stupendous mind Upon this dying age its splendor throws Self-vanquished in his efforts for mankind. By all the ardor perfect love bestows. If statesmen, poets, scientists, and men Who deal in life's afTairs, could later see Their works as written by historic pen They 'd stand confounded by Time's alchemj-. Unveiling and Dedication 69 XIX. Could Samuel Hahnemann arise to-day To gaze bewildered on this earnest throng. To view this ceremonial display, Perhaps to listen to this humble song. Could he this monumental bronze behold, Reared to himself, and graven with his name; Could he by some mysterious voice be told His name was writ upon the scroll of fame. With streaming eyes — lost in profound amaze, But modest still — the porcelain painter's son Would prostrate fall in gratitude and praise For this fruition of love's labor won. XX. Look down, O spirit, from thine unknown sphere. Behold the days of persecution past ; See this assemblage of thy followers here Proclaim the triumph of the truth at last. Behold the once torn waters of the sea Of Therapeutics breaking on the rocks Of doubt and error and uncertainty. Tearing the life-boat with incessant shocks — Now, guided by Precision's better chart, On it the Mariner shall safely steer, And, taught by thee, with thankfulness of heart Shall watch the beacon and dispel his fear. XXI. Among the benefactors of thy race, Who stamp their impress on the fleeting years That grow to centuries, shall be thy place Of honor, ceded by thy willing peers. Among the epoch-making men whose thought Illuminates the world, there shalt thou stand, 70 Unveiling and Dedication Thy battle for humanity well fought, Bearing thy mottoed banner in thy band; Then shall the sons of Aesculapius bring Their votive offerings of thanks to thee, And all the nations of the earth shall sing The grand Te Deuin — Homoeopathy! PRESENTATION OF THE MONUMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT. At the conclusion of the poem, Dr. Walton, Presi- dent of the Institute, formally presented the monu- ment to the Government of the United States. His address was as follows : For many years the American Institute of Homoe- opathy, the oldest National Medical Society in America, and representing the Homoeopathic School of Medicine, has been striving, through its Monument Committee, to secure the erection, in a suitable location, of a fitting testimonial to the worth of our illustrious founder. The result of their gigantic efforts is before us. Theirs has been a work of love, and nobly have they performed it. Nor time, nor labor has been spared, and behold, " The end crowns the work." In accepting this work of art, the Institute would joy- ously acknowledge the debt of gratitude to this faithful committee, as also to its efficient co-workers during the last year, the Finance Committee. Their joint labors make it possible in this memorable year 1900, which marks, on the dial of time, the dividing point of centuries, to rear, in our Nation's Capital this magnificent monument com- memorating at once the genius of Samuel Hahnemann and the loyalty of his followers. Upon this pedestal sits the figure of one who loved his fellow-men. Could the spirit of the departed one reanimate this lifeless form, w o z < H a. Unveiling and Dedication 73 illuminate those sightless eyes and loosen that silent tongue there would shine forth the benignity of a re- awakened love and we should hear the sound of a new benediction. He comes as no usurper to complete this group of memorable men. No false standard should begrudge the philosopher the right to keep his vigil in company with the statesman and the warrior. He stands for liberty of thought, no less than the statesman stands for civic lib- erty, and both look with confidence to the warrior to maintain, if necessary, their perpetuity. Right, and might, and light form an invincible trinity, and it is fitting that their sculptured representatives should fraternize within the limits of a common circle. I seem to hear from one end of this beautiful reservation the famous words, " Lib- erty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable! " as they thundered forth the deliberative conclusion of the immortal Webster as to the necessary foundation of this great Republic; and from the other end, I hear the philo- sopher's dictum, " SimiliaSimilibus Curentur," proclaiming the law of cure for the relief of our suffering humanity. In the realm of thought there are no limitations of nationality. The great American and the great German each proclaimed a truth ; the one for the welfare, the other for the amelioration, of mankind. We welcome the nations of the earth with the emblem of Liberty lighting the world. In the effulgence of that light, we stand ready in the interests of humanity to welcome all their Hahne- manns; to absorb their truths; to perpetuate their mem- ory. In all ages men have delighted to commemorate in enduring structures the great deeds and lofty sentiments of distinguished persons. Pyramid and Obelisk and Sphinx bespeak the power and worth of Egypt's mighty dead. Cathedral, tomb and statue perpetuate the memory of Europe's illustrious leaders. Temple, shrine and abbey hallow the memory of the world's devoutest ecclesiastics. 74 Unveiling and Dedication Shaft and urn and quadriga remind us of the famous war- riors, philosophers and statesmen. The human mind forgets; the monument reminds. All history is a reminder, hence a monument of the ages. We need to be reminded. Death, with relentless hand, sweeps into the insatiable grave the transient form of man, and each succeeding generation would have to spell anew a repetition of life's problems which had long ages ago been solved, were not the reminders left as a rich heritage to the race. Repetition is not progress, while forgetfulness is the grave of all advancement. The mainspring of intellectual activity is the memory and comprehension of what has already been achieved, and development depends upon a former evolution. We stand before a statue of Michael Angelo, and our emotions are stirred to harmonize with those of the great sculptor. In this way we honor the doer by recognizing the things done. Music, poetry, art, science, philosophy, learning — all stimulate soul ; and the highest good is that which promotes the surest success, the most permanent welfare, the greatest happiness. We listen to a sym- phony, and our souls are taught to vibrate with the very being of the composer; a great poem stirs our inmost self with the lofty imagination of the poet ; and a marvelous painting compels our admiration of the beautiful. Around the name of Washington clusters the senti- ment of Liberty. Around the name of Lincoln clings the idea of Emancipation. Around the name of Luther hovers the thought of the Reformation. Around the name of Hahnemann, we find the conceptions of liberty of thought, emancipation from doubt, and reformation in medical practice. In building a monument to Hahnemann, we honor not only him, but also ourselves. We seek, not to deify a man, but to pay tribute to his greatness as a scholar and a philosopher. We seek to bear testimony, in a sub- Unveiling and Dedication 75 stantial manner, to our belief in the value of his law of cure. He taught the difference between a law and a coincidence ; between knowledge and a guess. He brought to a high degree of perfection the power of a thinking habit, and his attainments stand as a constant incentive to the highest mental activity. We would honor not only the doer, but also what he has done, and hope to perpetuate his example as an incentive to all investigators of philosophy. In subscribing to a system and inculcating its pre- cepts, we show our esteem for the philosopher, and es- tablish a tribute more enduring than monumental brass. But symbols seem to be one of mankind's established needs. Wherever a cross is raised, there stands a monu- ment to the crucified Christ. His worshippers, thus re- minded of his death, look beyond the mere emblem, strengthen their faith in his teachings and consecrate themselves anew to the adoration of his character. To adore a man or his image is idolatry ; to worship that for which they stand is a religion. In applying the doctrine of symbolism to Samuel Hahnemann, by rearing a monument to his memory, we only recognize a universal need. He stands for a superior medical truth. We seek to stimulate the recognition of the truth. The elements of a martyr were in his per- sonality, and we strive to incite a reverence for these elements. A father in medicine, we acknowledge his pa- ternity. A wise counsellor in practice, we acknowledge his counselling a past-master as a remedial prover, we subscribe our faith in his provings; a lawgiver in thera- peutics, we recognize his law. The molten bronze is poured, the granite block is hewn and here stands the stately structure that shall re- mind us of what has been. Beneath its deep foundation we would gladly bury all the anathemas, all the obloquy, and all the antagonism that have been hurled against the 76 Unveiling and Dedication world's reformers, bury them beyond the hope of a resur- rection, and signahze the burial with the proclamation, ' Peace on earth, good will towards men.' We commend the broad spirit of that Congress which has furnished this eligible site, and the good judgment of our President who did not withhold his signature from the Act which made it possible for us to make our contribution towards em- bellishing a city already renowned for its works of art. The city of Hahnemann's fatherland, which once drove him from her borders, now guards a monument to his memory. The city of his adopted country, whose enmity towards his fatherland is not yet extinct, now shelters his remains within the sacred confines of her most celebrated cemetery. The capital city of the world's greatest Re- public receives to her protecting care this Monument to his fame. We give into your keeping this testimonial of our recognition of one of the world's most pronounced bene- factors. Take it under the National protection. Guard it as the cherished object of millions of our people. We dedicate it to the lover of art, who may see in its graceful proportions and ornate handwork a symbol of the beautiful life of the sage of Coethen. We dedicate it to the profession of which he was so great a leader, that they may learn the value of self-sacri- fice and persistent effort. We dedicate it to our country, that she may be stim- ulated to perpetuate the fostering care which shall cherish the development of every truth that makes for the better- ment of a nation. ACCEPTANCE OF THE MONUMENT. Col. Theodore H. Bingham, U. S. A., Corps of Engineers, in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds, accepted the Monument in behalf of the Government, making the following address : Unveiling and Dedication ^^ Members of the American Institute of HomcEopathy, and Ladies and Gentlemen : — This Monument and statue will be the nineteenth under the jurisdiction of the ofifice of Public Buildings and Grounds of the District of Columbia. It will be the twenty-third in the City of Washington within the old boundary line. Coming thus under the jurisdiction of the Capital City of the Nation, this Monument has several special advantages to aid its bid for favor and enlighten- ment of the American people. Most of the statues now under the jurisdiction of the office of Public Buildings and grounds have been erected to men of war, either to soldiers or to sailors, but this monument has been erected to a man of peace, thus adding one more to that class. And who more fitting to honor in this way than a man who devoted himself to the relief of suffering and to the prolongation of human life? It has another advantage. In the criticisms made in the public press, and in letters written by tourists and others, it is often said that there is too much in Washing- ton City of the man on horseback. This Monument, how- ever, has the advantage over all the other monuments in this city, with the exception of that of Washington, at the Capitol, that its subject is presented in a sitting posture. In matters of taste it is very rare to find even two per- sons to agree ; and even among artists, I understand, it is very difficult to get a number of them to agree. I am informed, however, that the model of this Monument was the unanimous choice of the committee of artists who were chosen as a board to select a design. These are some of the advantages which this Monument possesses, and others will make themselves evident as it is more closely examined. Therefore it is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the honor, as the officer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds in Washington for the >&. 78 Unveiline^ and Dedication time being, to accept this Monument on the part of the General Government, and to assure the members of the American Institute of Homoeopathy that it shall have as good care as I can give it. At the conclusion of Col. Bingham's address, and after music by the Marine Band, three cheers were given to President McKinley. ADDRESS BY ATTORNEY-GENERAL GRIGGS. Colonel Bingham was followed by Attorney- General Griggs in the concluding address of this interesting occasion. General Griggs spoke as follows : Mr. President : There are triumphs to be won in the peaceful pursuits of life that bear equal glory with the victories won on the field of war. In the center of this public plaza stands the statue of a great warrior, a soldier of his country in three wars, a representative of martial heroism and valor. Beyond, on the other side, is the statue of a great statesman and orator, the expounder and defender of our Constitution, representing constitu- tional law and liberty and representative government. Here, on this side, this Institute, with great appropriate- ness, has placed this other statue, not to a man of war, not to a great senator, but to a scientist, a reformer, a physician. The wreath of fame graces, with equal glory, the brow of soldier, statesman and scientist. There is one, and one only test of worthiness, and that is that the man should have fought, contended, wrought with un- selfishness, with the spirit of sacrifice and devotion, in the interests of his country, of humanity, of the world. That merit of fame these three possessed in triune glory. Unveiling and Dedication 79 It was the merit of Hahnemann that he exposed fallacies, uncovered truth and showed things not as they had been believed to be but as they are. It was not his chief glory that, by his doctrine, he founded the Homoeopathic School, but rather that he uncovered errors and disclosed secrets of nature which all the world has recognized as correct. He accepted no dogmatic asser- tion of any school of philosophy, nor any edict of religious council, where the secrets of nature or of science were concerned. The Kingdom of Heaven cometh not by observation, but that is true of no other thing. Like Darwin and Pasteur and Koch, and all the tens and hun- dreds of thousands of scientific investigators of the pres- ent day, he believed that truth was to be recognized and found by experiment and observation. He met with persecution. It is not in Jerusalem alone that the proph- ets are stoned and so this man, for the truth's sake, endured persecution. It is no criticism of the action of this Institute and of the Federal Government that they have placed, and permitted to be placed, here the statue of a man who never knew or saw America. It is but an added glory that the work he did and the fame that is now his are recognized to belong not to Germany but to the world. I congratulate you, gentlemen of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, on placing here, in the circle of the National Capital, this beautiful work of art. Generations of our people to come will pass and view this statue, will look at the figure of the young student bending in thought- fulness upon his book ; at the figure of the scientist making his experiments ; at the figure of the wise teacher instruct- ing his pupils ; and at the grand, the noble, the benignant figure of the great man whose position here to-day in view of the persecution to which he was subjected, teaches us to rejoice and to believe that it can no longer be said with truth that Right is ever on the scaffold, 8o Unveiling and Dedication Wrong forever on the throne, for here sits Right en- throned before the eyes of the American people, from whom for ever and for evermore will be Cwntributed the just meed of immortal fame. As the last words of Mr. Griggs were enthusi- astically greeted by the interested company, it gave three hearty cheers for President McKinley, and three hearty cheers for the Engineer of the Army, who was so largely instrumental in selecting the site for the Monument. Loud calls were made for General Wilson, in response to which he came forward and said : Ladies and Gentlemen : I am always reminded on such an occasion as this of the little girl in the Sunday School, when one of the Superintendents came to the camp meeting and wanted to make a speech. He said, " My dear little ones, what shall I say ? " The little girl in the corner called out, " Say Amen, and sit down." Amid laughter and without saying Amen, Gen- eral Wilson sat down. The audience then arose and the memorable occasion was over. It was amid the effulgent trlories of the settingr sun of the day of dedication that the large and delighted concourse of persons participating in, or witnesses of, the exercises, retired from the scene ; some carrying away with them a higher estimate of the lofty virtues, some a deeper appreciation of the value of the wonderful discovery and mag- nificent achievements, and all an increased admira- tion for the man to whom they constitute this fitting memorial. Unveiling and Dedication 81 And thus it came to pass that the Monument erected to Hahnemann, which once was only a vague conception, afterwards an uttered prophecy, then a pleasing hope, finally became a visible real- ity. And whether we contemplate it as a creation of genius, a masterpiece of art, a suggested ideal of true greatness of character, or all combined it stands forth in imposing grandeur, and will be the cynosure of the many visitors to the National Capital, both in the present generation and in the generations yet to come. It symbolizes in its beauty and grace, not only the man whose name it bears, but also the strength and power and ever-living influence of the truths that he discovered and made plain. It stands, moreover, for what we, as Homceopathists, believe is true and best in medical science ; it stands for honesty, for liberality, for tolerance; it stands for scientific medicine; and it stands for Homoeopathy, whose light now illumines a new creation in bronze, dedicated, in the highest sense, to humanity, and commemorating the triumph of genius and truth, enduring as the centuries.* * Editorial by Eugene H. Porter, A.M., M.D., Xorlh American Journal of Homceopathy, June, igcxj. 6 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Abbott, Francis L., M.D., Philadelphia., Pa $ 2 oo Abell, Edmund J., M.D., Joliet, 111 3 oo Abell, Miss Jennie, Baltimore, Md 10 00 Ackerman, August C, M.D., Lafayette, Ind 10 00 Adams, Chas., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Adams, Ernest O., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Adams, Geo. Francis, M.D., Govvanda, N. Y 7 00 Adams, H. A., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 2 00 Adams, Marshall J., M.D., West Haven, Conn.. . 2 00 Adams, Reuben A., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Adams, Mrs. S. Jarvis, Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Addenbrook, Thos., Esq., Braddock, Pa 3 00 Adriance and Howland, Drs., Elmira, N. Y 10 OO Aesculapian Club of Brooklyn, N. Y 21 82 Aiken, Gayle, M.D., New Orleans, La 5 00 Alabama Homoeopathic Medical Association. ... 5 00 Albany Co., (N. Y.) HomcEO. Med. Society 23 00 Albright, Adelaide L., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 50 00 Alden & Harlow, Messrs., Pittsburgh, Pa 20 00 Allard, Frank E., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Allegheny Co. (Pa.) Homceo. Med. Society 100 OC Allen, Edward E., M.D., Charlestown, Mass.... 15 00 Allen, Henry C, M.D., Chicago, 111 30 00 Allen, Joshua, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa lO 00 Allen, Lamson, M.D., Worcester, Mass 10 00 Allen, Paul, M.D., New York 25 00 Allen, Richard C, M.D , Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Allen, Timothy F., M.D., New York 100 00 S2 List of Subscribers 83 Allison, Geo. F., M.D., East Providence, R. I. . . 4 oo Alumbaugh, W. E., M.D., Vacaville, Cal i 00 Ambler, Henry L., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio i 00 American Institute of Homceopathy 3000 00 American Institute of Homoeopathic Pharmacy . . 75 00 Ames, Chas. S., M.D., Ada, Ohio 12 00 Anderson, Frank D., M.D., Sidney, Ohio 10 00 Anderson, J. Wyhe, M.D., Denver, Col 15 00 Andrews, Hermonie W., M.D., Spokane, Wash. . i 00 Andrews, Mrs. Jennie M., Buffalo, N. Y i 00 Andrews, Wm. R., M.D. Rockville, Md 5 00 Angell, Samuel M., M.D., New Orleans, La 5 00 Anonymous, Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Anthony, Albert G., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y 10 00 Anthony, Frank H., M.D., Wapokaneta, Ohio. . . 5 00 Appleton, Gen. J. W. M., Salt Sul. Spgs., W. Va. i 00 Appleton, Lucy, M.D. (Proceeds of Concert). ... 84 00 Appleton, Lucy, M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Appleton, Mrs. Lydia B., Boston, Mass i 00 Archer, Chas. A., M.D., Warren, Ohio 3 00 Armbruster, H. G., M.D., Steeleville, 111 2 00 Armstrong, C. Roy, M.D., Thorntown, Ind 5 cxD Armstrong, Wm. P., M.D., Salina, Kans 2 00 Armstrong, Wilber P., M.D., Springfield, 111 5 00 Arndt, Geo. D., M.D., Mt. Vernon, Ohio 5 00 Arndt, Hugo R., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 50 00 Arnold, Jeannie O., M.D., Providence, R. I. . . . 5 00 Arnold, Oliver H., M.D., Providence, R. 1 5 00 Arnold. R., M.D., Joliet, 111 2 00 Arnold, Thos. F., Esq., Providence, R. I 10 00 Arschagouni, John, M.D., New York 2 00 Arthur, Daniel H., M.D., Gowanda, N. Y 2 00 Ashley, Maurice C, M.D., Middletown, N. Y. . . 5 00 Aszman, Max, M.D., Chicago, 111 1 5 00 Atherton, Romeo M., M.D., Anderson, Ind ... 5 00 Atkins, Jessie B., M.D., Clarksville, Tenn 2 00 §4 List of Subscribers Atkinson, Alvan W., M.D., Trenton, N. J 5 oo Atkinson, Mrs., San Francisco, Cal 25 Atwell, David R., M.D., Hoboken, N. J 4 00 Atwood, J. Freeman, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Aubery, Mrs. Pauline Fuller, Washington, D. C. 5 00 Aurand, Samuel H., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Austin, A. Eugene, M.D., New York 5 00 Averill, Maria B., M.D., San Diego, Cal 2 00 Avery, Jas. C, M.D., Vassar, Mich 2 00 Avery, Mrs. Truman G., Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Ayres, E. Darwin, M.D., Little Rock, Ark 6 00 Babcock, A. H., M.D., Randolph, N. Y 2 00 Babcock, Daniel D., M.D., Fall River, Mass 7 00 Babcock, Francis Lester, M.D., Dedham, Mass.. 2 00 Babendrier, Albert L, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio. .. 5 00 Bacmeister, F., M.D., Toulon, 111 25 00 Baethig, Henry, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 65 00 Bagby, G. F., M.D., Richmond, Va i 00 Bagley, Mrs. Dr. H. B., Renton, Wash 20 00 Baier, Geo. T., M.D., Norwood, Pa 5 00 Bailey, Alfred W., M.D., Atlantic City, N. J 25 00 Bailey, Benj. F., M.D., Lincoln, Neb 100 00 Bailey, E. Stillman, M.D., Chicago, 111 25 00 Bain, Edward, Esq., Kenosha, Wis 50 00 Bainbridge, B. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa i 50 Baird, Robert G., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Balkam, W. F., Esq., Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Baker, Albra W., M.D., Emporium, Pa 5 00 Baker, Jennie Van Holland, M.D., Brooklyn. ... 105 00 Baker, William H., M.D., Lynn, Mass 2 00 Balch, Edward T., M.D., Santa Barbara, Cal 5 00 Balch, Geo. H., Esq., Boston, Mass lO 00 Baldinger, Arthur F., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 25 00 Baldwin, Aaron, M.D., Washington, D. C lO 00 Baldwin, Edward Hill, M.D., Newark, N. J 2 00 List of Subscribers 85 Baldwin, Elizabeth B., Washington, D. C 25 oo Baldwin, Fannie C, Washington, D. C 10 00 Baldwin, Harry D., M.D., Elyria, Ohio 30 00 Baldwin, J. H., M.D., Jeffersonville, Ind i 00 Baldwin, Jared G., M.D., New York 7 00 Baldwin, Wm. M., M.D., Newark, Ohio i 00 Ballard, Asa N., M.D., Birmingham, Ala 5 00 Ballard, J. Stow, M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Ballard, Laura A. S., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. . 5 00 Balliet, M. R., M.D., La Porte City, Iowa 25 Bangs, Fred., M.D., San Jose, Cal S 00 Banning, Drs. E. P. & C. B., Fort Wayne, Lid. . 5 00 Barbee, Benj. L, M.D., Columbus, Ohio 5 cx) Barber, Oscar M., M.D., Mystic, Conn 27 00 Barden, John M., M.D., Mansfield, Pa 5 00 Barker, A. H., M.D., Brooklyn, Iowa 25 Barker, Clarence F., M.D., Chicago, 111 7 00 Barnabee, H. Clay, Esq., Boston, Mass 10 00 Barnard, Frank S., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 5 00 Barnard, Jas. S., M.D., Baltimore, Md 15 00 Barnart, Newton H., M.D., Penn Grove, N. J.. . . 2 00 Barnes, Wm. E., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Barnhill, T. G., M.D., Findlay, Ohio 2000 Barnum, Arthur T., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 10 00 Barnum, Mrs. Theodore, Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Barrows, Geo. S., M.D., Marion, Kansas 2 00 Barrows, Ransom M., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Barrs, , Knoxville, Tenn 2 00 Barrus, Clara, M.D., Middletown, N. Y 5 00 Barstow, Benj. P., M.D., Kingston, Mass 4 00 Bartlett, Clarence, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Bartlett, E. L., Esq., Baltimore, Md 10 00 Barton, J. Marcus, M.D., Worcester, Mass 5 00 Barton, P. H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio i 00 Baruch, Emanuel, M.D., New York 5 00 Bascom, Henry M., M.D., Ottawa, 111 10 00 86 List of Subscribers Batchelder, Fred. P., M.D., Boston, Mass i6 00 Batchelder, Mrs. Fred. P., Boston, Mass i oo Battin, James F., M.D., Onawa, Iowa 25 Baxter, Harris H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 25 00 Ba.xter, Mrs. Harris H., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Bayless, Herman G., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal . ... 5 00 Baylies, Bradford L. B., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y.. . 10 00 Beach, Wm. A., M.D., Mankato, Minn 5 00 Beals, Herbert, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Beaman, Charles P., M.D., Ithaca, N. Y 23 00 Beaver Co. (Pa.) Homoeopathic Medical Society. . 1 1 00 Becker, F. J., M.D., Postville, Iowa 3 00 Becker, Frederick, M.D., Clermont, Iowa 7 00 Beckwith, David H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 7 00 Beckwith, Henry M., M.D., Joliet, 111 2 00 Bedell, Mrs. N., Newburgh, N. Y 50 Beebe, Albert G., M.D., Chicago, 111 22 00 Beebe, Eugene W., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 10 00 Beebe, Henry E., M.D., Sidney, Ohio 15 00 Beebe, Mrs. Henry E., M.D., Sidney, Ohio 10 00 Beebe, Leslie W., M.D., Chicago, 111 i 00 Beggs, Wm. F., M.D., Newark, N. J 2 00 Belden, Chas. K., M.D., Jamaica, N. Y 2 00 Bell, WiUard N., M.D., Ogdensburg, N. Y 2 00 Bellows, Howard P., M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Benham, Francis A., M.D., Elkhart, Ind 2 00 Bennett, John Hillman, M.D., Pawtucket, R. I.. . 2 00 Bennett, Miss, Boston, Mass 50 Bennett, Mrs. P. I., Wilkesbarre, Pa 5 00 Bennett, W. H., M.D., Fitchburg, Mass i 00 Bennitt, Francis M., M.D., Springfield, Mass .... 2 00 Bentley, Fred. W., M.D., North Tonawanda, N.Y. 3 00 Berens, Joseph, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 22 00 Bergen, Everett D., M.D., Frankfort, Ind 10 00 Berghaus, Alexander, M.D., New York 12 00 Bergman, Nils, M.D., Dwight, 111 4 00 List of Subscribers 87 Bernard, C. C, M.D., Chicago, III 2 oo Besemer, Arthur, M.D., Dundee, N. Y 5 00 Besemer, Martin, M.D., Ithaca, N. Y 54 00 Best, Geo. B., M.D., Englewood, N. J 2 00 Betts, B. Frank, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 52 00 Biddle, Jesse T., M.D., Monongahela City, Pa. . . 5 00 Biddle, W. M., M.D., Columbia, Tenn 10 00 Biegler, Jos. A., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 2 00 Bier, Peter A., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Bigelow, C. B., Esq., Clinton, Mass 10 00 Bigelow, John, Esq., New York Cit}- 100 00 Bigelow, Wm. S., M.D., Philipsburg, Pa 2 00 Biggar, Hamilton F., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 150 00 Biggar, Mrs. Hamilton F., Cleveland, Ohio 125 00 Biggar, Miss Sue Racey, Cleveland, Ohio 125 00 Bigler, Wm. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Billings, Robert Anderson, M.D., Ord, Neb 2 00 Bingaman, Charles F., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Birch, Chas. E., M.D., White Plains, N. Y 27 00 Birdsall, S. T., M.U., Glens Falls, N. Y 10 00 Birdsall, Thos. P., M.D., Patterson, N. Y 5 00 Bishop, Herbert M., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal i 00 Bishop, Hudson D., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 10 00 Bishop, Llewellyn A., M.D., Fond-du-Lac, Wis. . 5 00 Bishop, Wm. H., M.D., New York 50 00 Bissell, Arthur F., M.D., New York 5 00 Bissell, Daniel A., M.D., Gloversville, N. Y 2 00 Bissell, Elmer J , M.D., Rochester, N. Y 12 00 Bixby, Mrs. Jas. T., Lake George, N. Y lo 00 Blackman, Geo. E., M.D., Vernon, Texas 2 CX) Blackman, O. B., M.D., Dixon, 111 i OO Blackman, Wm. W., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 10 00 Blackwood, Alexander L., M D., Chicago, 111 25 00 Blair, Wm. W., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5000 Blanke, Theodore F., M D., Great Bend, Kansas. 5 00 Bliem, M. J., M.D., col. by, San Antonio, Texas. 20 00 88 List of Subscribers Block, Herman C, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 OO Bloss, Jabez P., M.D., Troy, N. Y 10 00 Blouke, Milton B., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Blunt, Arthur W., M.D., Clinton, la 25 00 Boericke, Felix A., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Boericke, Francis E., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 20 00 Boericke, Wm., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 10 00 Boericke & Tafel, Pliiladelphia, Pa i 50 00 Bond, Aaron J., M.D., Adams, Mass 4 00 Bond, Mary E., M.D., New York City 10 00 Bonham, Elizabeth Nimick, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Bonham, J. C, M.D., Ottumwa, Iowa 2 00 Bonny, Bruce, Esq., San Francisco, Cal 50 00 Boocock, Robert, M.D., Flatbush, N. Y 5 00 Booram, Miss Mary E., Buffalo, N. Y i 00 Boothby, Alonzo, M.D., Brookline, Mass 200 00 Boothby, Mrs. Alonzo, Brookline, Mass 100 00 Boothby, Walter Meredith, Esq., Brookline, Mass. 25 00 Borden, Geo. T., M.D., Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Boston University School of Medicine, Boston. . . 100 00 Boston University, Students of 1899 34 53 Bowen, Geo. W., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 25 00 Bowie, Alonzo P., M.D., Uniontown, Pa 25 00 Bowie, Eleazer, Uniontown, Pa 5 00 Bowie, Elizabeth W., Uniontown, Pa 5 00 Bowie, Mrs. Mary Robinson, Uniontown, Pa. ... 10 00 Bowman, A. Perry, M.D., Sioux City, Iowa i 00 Bowman, B., M.D., Chambersburg, Pa 2 00 Bowman, F. C, Duluth, Minn 2 00 Boyd, Geo. S., M.D , Beaver Falls, Pa 3 00 Boyd, Herbert D., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Boyd, John S., M.D., New Brighton, Pa 5 00 Boyer, Francis W., M.D., Pottsville, Pa 2 00 Boynton, Frank H., M.D., New York 100 00 Bradford, Geo. M., M.D., Mt. Morris, Pa 5 00 Bradford, Thos. Lindsley, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. 40 60 List of Subscribers 89 Bradley, Ernest W., M.D., East Oakland, Cal 5 oo Bradley, Mrs. F. J., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Bradley, Richards, Esq., Brattleboro, Vt 50 cxd Bragdon, Merrit C, M.D., Evan.ston, 111 12 00 Branin, John W., M.D., Mount Holly, N. J 5 00 Branson, Mary, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 91 00 Bray, Nicholas, M.D., Dubuque, Iowa 5 OO Breckenridge, Mary J., M.D., Omaha, Neb 5 00 Bren, M. R., M.D., New York 3 00 Brewer, D., M.D., Fairburg, 111 2 00 Brewer, M., M.D., Baltimore, Md 2 00 Brewer, Mary, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 7 00 Brewster, Fred. D., M.D., Scranton, Pa 4 00 Breyfogle, Edwin S., M.D., San Francisco, Cal.. . 10 00 Brickley, Laura C, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Brierly, F. F., Esq., Beaver Falls, Pa 2 00 Briggs, Elmer E., M.D., Pittsburg, Pa 10 00 Briggs, Mrs. J. A., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Briggs, J. Emmons, M.D., Boston, Mass 7 00 Briggs, Warren S., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 20 00 Brigham, Homer C, M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich.. i 00 Broadwater, Mrs. C. A., Helena, Mont 10 00 Bronn, Wm. H., M.D., Butler, Pa i 00 Bronson, Miles H., M.D., Lowville, N. Y i 00 Brooklyn Medical Club, Brooklyn, N. Y 50 00 Brooks, Ervin D., M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich i 00 Brooks, Ida J., M.D., Little Rock, Ark 5 00 Brooks, Jos., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Brosius, Mary Alice, M.D., Washington, D. C. . . . 5 00 Brown, A. B., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Brown, Asa W., M.D., Providence, R. 1 2 00 Brown, C. C, Esq., Kenosha, Wis 5 00 Brown, C. K., Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Buffalo. 5 00 Brown, Mrs. D. G , Newburgh, N. Y I 00 Brown, Dagmar M., M.D., Waupaca, Wis 5 00 Brown, Daniel E., M.D., Brockton, Mass 2 00 go List of Subscribers Brown, Edward V., M.D., North Tarrytown, N. Y. 12 oo Broun, Mrs. Ella Martin, Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Brown, Eugene A., M.D., Madison, Wis 2 00 Brown, Frank Elizer, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 00 Brown, Hannah M., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 10 00 Brown, Henry Graham, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Brown, Louis R., M.D., Elizabeth, N. J 2 00 Brown, Lucy H. A., M.D., Providence, R. 1 5 00 Brown, M. Belle, M.D., New York 100 00 Brown, Plumb, M.D., Springfield, Mass 27 00 Brown, Samuel G. A., M.D., Shippensburg, Pa.. . 7 00 Brown, W. H., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Brown, Wm. K., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 50 00 Brown, Wm. L., M D., Lebanon, Ohio 5 00 Bruce, Orpha D. Baldwin, M.D., Tampa, Fla. . . . 17 00 Bruner, Edgar P., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Brush, Mrs. Alexander, Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Brush, Jennie, M.D., Daytona, Fla 5 00 Bryan, Mrs. Joseph, Richmond, Va 5 00 Bryan, Jos. H., M.D., Asbury Park, N. J 2 00 Bryant, Edgar R., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 12 00 Bryson, H. Ballou, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 go Buchman, Francis, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Buck, Jirah D., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio i 5 00 Budlong, John Clark, M.D., Providence, R. 1 50 00 Budlong, Martin S., M.D., Providence, R. 1 10 00 Buell, Albert C, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Buell, Edward C, M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 12 00 Buffalo HomcEopathic Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. .. 12 00 Buffum, Joseph H., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Bullard, J. Arthur, M.D., Wilkes-Barre, Pa 7 00 Burbank, Jas. C, M.D., Freeport, 111 5 00 Burck, Lewis A., M.D., Frederick, Md 2 00 Burdsall, E., Esq., Port Chester, N. Y 2 cx) Burgen, Mrs. Rufus S., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Burgher, John C, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 List of Subscribers 91 Burling, J., M.D., Summit, N. J 2 00 Burlingame, Frank W., iVI.D., McKeesport, Pa.. . 7 00 Burnett, J. W., M.D., Osage, Iowa 10 00 Burnham, Norman G., M.D., Denver, Col 100 00 Burns, J. D., M.D., Crunch Centre, Iowa 2 00 Burr, Wm. A., M.D., Denver, Col 5 00 Burritt, Alice, M.D., Washington, D. C lO 00 Burrough, John, M.D., Mishawaka, Ind i 00 Burt, James E., M.D , A,sbury Park, N. J 2 00 Bush, Mrs. Alice, Oakland, Cal 2 50 Butler, Clarence Willard, M.D., Montclair, N. J.. 100 00 Butler, David P., M.D., Rutland, Mass 2 00 Butler, Wm. Morris, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 25 00 Butman, Emma W., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 5 00 Butman, Winthrop W., M.D., Macon, Mo 2 00 Butterworth, Alice, M.D., Chicago, III 5 00 Button, Lucius L., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 2 00 Buttrick, Col. E. L., Charleston, W. Va i GO Butts, Louisa M., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich.. . . i 00 Byxbee, R. G., Esq , San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Cahill, Eliza B., M.D., Boston, Mass 15 GO Calhoun, John C, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 California State Homoeopathic Medical Society. . 150 00 Cameron, Ida D., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Cameron, Malcom, M.D., Washington, D. C i 00 Campbell, Alice E., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Campbell, Edward E., M.D., Walworth, Wis. ... 2 00 Campbell, Eugene, M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 5 00 Campbell, Merritt B., M.D., Patton, Cal 2 00 Campbell, Jas. E., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 5 00 Campbell, John S., M.D., Cadiz, Ohio 7 50 Candee, Jas. Willis, M.D., Syracuse, N. Y 35 00 Canfield, Corresta T., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Canfield, Pauline E., M.D., Kansas City, Mo 5 00 Canney, Fred. G., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 10 00 92 List of Subscribers Cappeau, Mrs. J. O. P., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 oo Carleton, Bukk G., M.D., New York City 75 00 Carleton, Edmund, M.D., New York City 100 00 Carleton, Friend of Dr. E., New York City 50 00 Carlson, Oscar W., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 00 Carman, Margaret A., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . 5 00 Carmichael, John H., M.D., Springfield, Mass.. . . 12 oo Carmichael, Thos. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . . . 27 00 Caron, Geo. G., M.D., Detroit, Mich i 00 Carpenter, Leonard W., M.D., Seattle, Wash.. . . 2 oo Carpenter, Willard B., M.D., Columbus, Ohio. . . 25 00 Carr, Ada, M.D., Paterson, N. J 2 00 Carrin, W. K., M.D., Albion, N. Y 2 00 Carson, Mrs. David, Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Carter, Rollin B., M.D., Akron, Ohio 10 00 Carvill, Alphonzo H., M.D., Somerville, Mass.. . . 5 00 Case, Walter, M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y 2 00 Cash 27 75 Casselberry, M. L., M.D., Morgantown, W. Va. . 10 00 Cassell, Miss E. G., Portsmouth, Va i 00 Cassell, Mrs. V. O., Portsmouth, Va 2 00 Caswell, Mrs. E. E., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Gate, W. A., M.D., Nelson, Neb 5 00 Cauffield, Edwin J., M.D., Akron, Ohio 2 00 Central Pennsylvania Homceopathic Med. Soc'y.. 25 00 Chaffee, John D., M.D., Garden Grove, Cal 5 00 Chaffee, Newton H., M.D., Chesterfield, N. J . . . . 2 00 Challinor, David, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Chamberlain, Nelson H., M.D., Oakland, Cal 5 00 Champlin, Henry W., M.D., Bloomsburg, Pa. . . . 1 1 00 Chandler, Jean C, M.D., Spokane, Wash 5 00 Chapin, Edward, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Chapman, Millie J., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Chapman, Mrs. S. E., Napa, Cal 5 00 Chard, Mrs. Chester, Buffalo, N. Y 2 oo Chase, E. H., Esq., Wilkesbarre, Pa i 00 List of Subscribers 93 Chase, Herbert A., M.D., Cambridgeport, Mass.. 5 00 Chase, Hiram L., M.D., Cambridgeport, Mass.. . 105 00 Chase, J. Oscoe, M.D., New York City 35 00 Chase, Theod. L., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Cheney, Benjamin H., M.D., New Haven, Conn. 5 00 Cheney, Frank, Esq., South Manchester, Conn.. . 25 00 Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, Chicago. 100 00 Chicago Homceo. Med. College, Class 1900 50 00 Childs, Helen S., M.D., Jamaica Plain, Mass 7 00 Childs, Orrin D., M.D., Akron, Ohio 7 00 Chiron Club, New York City 25 00 Chironian (from Mrs. F. G.), New York City 2 00 Chislett, Howard R., M.D., Chicago, 111 25 00 Christensen, A., M.D., Joliet, 111 2 00 Christine, G. Maxwell, M.U., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 7 00 Chittenden, Geo. G., M.D., Janesville, Wis 2 50 Church, Adaline B., M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Church, Benj. T., M.D., Winchester, Mass 12 00 Church, C. B., Esq., Washington, D. C 25 00 Church, Chas. A., M.D., Passaic, N. J 2 00 Church, Thos. T., M.D., Salem, Ohio 7 00 Churchill, Fred. A., M.D., Seattle, Wash 2 50 Cincinnati Homoeopathic Lyceum, Cincinnati.. . . 25 00 Clapp, Herbert C, M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Clapp, Jas. Wilkinson, M.D., Boston, Mass 107 00 Clapp, Katharine B., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Clapp, Mrs. J. Wilkinson, Brookline, Mass 25 00 Clapp, Mrs. W. W., Boston, Mass 10 00 Clark, A. Laurette Jenks, M.D., Big Rapids, Mich. 25 Clark, Byron G., M.D., New York City 102 00 Clark, Byron G., M.D., Patient of, New York City. . lO 00 Clark, E. Willard, M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 2 50 Clark, Geo. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 30 00 Clark, H. L., M.D , Fairbury, Neb 5 00 Clark, Henry L., M.D., Andover, Mass 2 00 Clark, J. M., M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 3 00 94 List of Subscribers Clark, J. Nelson, M.D., Harrisburgh, Pa 2 OO Clark, Jephtha C, M.D., Andover, N. J 2 oo Clark, John M., M.D., Chicago, 111 i oo Clark, Mrs. Luther, Boston, Mass lo oo Clark, Whitman E., M.D., Three Rivers, Mich. . . 3 co Clarke, Chas. J., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 200 00 Clarke, M. Elizabeth, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Clausen, Bernard, M.D., Hoboken, N. J 2 00 Claypool, Albert, M.D., Toledo, Ohio 2 00 Claypool, J. B., M.D., Niles, Ohio 3 00 Cleckley, Marsden A., M.D., Augusta, Ga 5 00 Cleckley, Marsden T., M.D., Augusta, Ga 5 00 Clemens, Celia O., M.D., North Dover, Ohio. ... 5 00 Clemens, Frank L., M.D., Canton, 111 i 00 Clement, R. Herbert, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. . 5 oo Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery.. . 100 00 Cline, Mrs. Elizabeth, Brownsville, Pa 5 00 Closson, James Harwood, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. 16 00 Closson, Mrs. James H., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Closson, James Harwood, 3d, Philadelphia, Pa.. . 5 00 Closson, Miss Josephine Banes, Philadelphia, Pa. 5 00 Closson, Miss Mary Bancroft, Philadelphia, Pa. . . 5 00 Cobb, Joseph P., M.D., Chicago, 111 32 00 Cobb, S. G., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 2 co Coburn, Edward S., M.D., Troy, N. Y i 00 Cochrane, Chas. A., M.D., Winthrop, Me 2 00 Codman, Col. Chas. R., Boston, Mass 25 00 Coe, Sarah J., M.D.. Wilkesbarre, Pa 20 00 Coers, John H., M.D., Galveston, Texas 10 00 Coffin, John L., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Cofran, J. W. G., Esq., Chicago, 111 5 00 Colby, Edward P., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Coldwell, Wm. T., M.D., Providence, R. 1 5 00 Cole, Anna B. Taylor, M.D., Somerville, Mass. . . 7 04 Cole, Edward Z., M.D., Baltimore, Md 2 00 Cole, Harlan Page, M.D., col. by, Hartford, Conn. 90 00 List of Subscribers 95 Cole, Michael F., iM.D., Columbus, Ohio 3 oo Coleman, EUenwood B., M.D., Nantucket, Mass. 7 00 College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital . . 50 00 Collins, Clinton DeWitt, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Collins, Newton M., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 50 00 Colvin, H. E., M.D., Burlington, Vt 2 00 Colwell, Chas. £., M.D., Aurora, 111 12 00 Compton, Joshua A., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind.. . . 6 00 Comstock, Thos. Griswold, M.D., St. Louis, Mo. 100 00 Conant, Thomas, M.D., Gloucester, Mass 2 00 Condon, Oscar, St. Louis, Mo 5 00 Cone, A. G., Esq., Chicago, 111 5 00 Conkling, Edward D. G., M.D., Newark, N. J.. . . 10 00 Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society icx) 00 Conrad, Chas. K., M.D., Mount Vernon, Ohio. . . 5 00 Contribution Boxes, San Francisco, Cal. 7 35 Cook, Chas. P., M.D., Hudson, N. Y 2 00 Cook, Geo. A , M.D., Providence, R. 1 10 00 Cook, Joseph T., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 75 00 Cook, Mrs. Mary P., Buffalo, Entertainment 37 50 Cook, W. S., D.D S., Beaver Falls, Pa 2 00 Cooke, Mary, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Cookinham, D. A., M D., Holton, Kansas i 00 Cooley, Geo. P., M.D., New Britain, Conn 7 00 Cooley, Geo. P., Jr., M.D., Detroit, Mich 5 00 Coon, Geo. S., M.D., Louisville, K)* 10 00 Coon, Henry C, M.D., Alfred, N. Y 25 Coon, Henry N., M.D., Lebanon, Ind 17 00 Coon, Marion, M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Cooper, Contrib. thro. Dr. C. S. Skanateles, N. Y.. 8 50 Cooper, Miss Jessie, Oakland, Cal 50 Cooper, John, M.D., Allegheny, P.i 5 00 Cooper, John F., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 1 1 5 00 Cooper, Mrs. and Miss, Honolulu, H.I i 00 Cooper, Wm. H., M.D., Oakmont, Pa 2 00 Copeland, Elmer H., M D., Northampton, Mass. 10 00 96 List of Subscribers Copeland, Roy S., M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich 27 00 Corcoran, Mrs. W. D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Corey, Carl and Forster, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Corey, VV. E., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Cornell, Clarence W., M.D., New York 10 00 Corning, Geo. A., M.D., Hampton, Iowa 5 00 Cort, Lottie A., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 25 00 Coryell, Mrs. John R., Newburgh, N. Y 5 00 Costain, T. Edward, M.D., Chicago, 111 7 00 Couch, Louis B., M.D., Nyack, N. Y 2 00 Courtney, John F., M.D., Lockport, 111 3 00 Coutant, George F., M.D., La Salle, 111 2 00 Covert, Rynear B., M.D., Seneca Falls, N. Y 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Allen C, M.D., Chicago, III 5 1 00 Cox, Edward G., M.D., Albany, N.Y 50 00 Cox, Geo. A., M.D., Albany, N. Y 2 00 Cranch, Edward, M.D., Eiie, Pa 15 00 Crandall, A.M., M.D., Hokah, Minn 5 00 Crank, Chas. D., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 25 00 Cranz, Daniel E., M.D., Akron, Ohio 5 00 Crawfis, G. A., M.D., Bristol, Texas 5 00 Crawford, Alex. K., M.D., Oakland, Cal 25 00 Crawford, Fred., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 3 00 Crawford, John M., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 10 00 Crawford, Joseph G., M.D., San Francisco, Cal.. . 5 00 Crisand, Carl, M.D., Worcester, Mass 2 00 Critchlow, C. R., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 5 co Crobaugh, F. L., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Crocker, Henry Clinton, M.D., Providence, R. I.. . 10 00 Croft, Effie I., M.D., Detroit, Mich 30 Croft, Willard B., M.D., Medina, Ohio 5 00 Cromwell, Philip I., M.D., Wilmington, 111 i 00 Cron, J. S., M.D., Gladbrook, Iowa 5 00 Crooks, James, M.D., Paterson, N.J 5 00 Crosby, Geo. W., M.D., Atlantic City, N. J 60 00 Cross, Edwin, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 List of Subscribers 97 Cross, Hiram B., M.D., Jamaica Plain, Mass lO oo Crowther, Isaac, M.D., Chester, Pa lO oo Crutcher, Howard, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 oo Culver, Jane K., M.D., Boston, Mass 35 oo Culver, Patient of Dr. J. K., Boston, Mass 35 oo Cummer, Robert J., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 oo Cummings, Comfort W. A., M.D., Atvvater, Ohio 2 oo Cummins, Frank M., M.D., Warwick, N. Y 5 oo Curran, E. J., M.D., Oil City, Pa 2 oo Currier, Christ. B., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 20 oo Curtis, Harry N., M.D., Marietta, Ohio 2 00 Curtiss, Alex. M., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 50 00 Cushing, Alvan M., M.D., Springfield, Mass 20 00 Cushman, Mary F., M.D., Castine, Me 10 00 Cushman, Mary F., M.D., from friends 5 00 Custis Children, The, Washington, D. C 3 00 Custis, Geo. W. N., M.D., Washington, D. C. . . . 10 00 Custis, J. B. Gregg, M.D., Washington, D. C 200 00 Cuthbert, Robert B., M.D., Rome, Ga 2 00 Cutler, William C, M.D., Chelsea, Mass 2 00 Dake, Addie B., M.D., Bakersfield, Cal 2 00 Dake, Benj. F., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Dake, Drs. Chas. and Frank B., Hot Springs, Ark. 104 00 Dake, Drs. J. P. and Sons, Nashville, Tenn 104 00 Dale, Harvey B., M.D., Oshkosh, Wis 10 00 Dalzell, Mrs. John, Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Damon, Newcomb L., M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Danforth, Mrs. J. H i 00 Danforth, Loomis L., M.D., New York lOO 00 Dart, Jas. M., M.D., Salt Lake City, Utah 10 00 Davies, John M., M.D., Warren, Pa 5 00 Davis, Chas. A., M.D., Washington, D. C 5 00 Davis, Fielding L., M.D., Evansville, Ind 17 00 Davis, Fred. A., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Davis, Mrs. Horace, San Francisco, Cal 5 00 7 98 List of Subscribers Davis, J. W., M.D., Lansing, Iowa i oo Davis, Jas. A., M.D., Covington, Ky 5 OO Davis, John E. L., M.D., New York City 7 00 Davis, John Jefferson, M.D., Racine, Wis 24 00 Davis, Oliver C, M.D., Joliet, 111 3 oo Davis, Thos. S., M.D., Plainfield, N. J 12 00 Dawley, B. W., M.D., Chillicothe, Ohio 5 00 Dawson, T. Kirby, M.D., Amelia, Ohio i 00 Dayton (Ohio) Homcjeopathic Medical Society... 35 00 Deady, Chas., M.D., New York 25 00 Dean, D. H., M.D., Rushville, Ind 5 00 Dean, Edward W., M.D., Braddock, Pa 25 00 Dean, Misses H. M. and J., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Dean, Louis W., M.D., Waterville, N. Y 7 00 Dearborn, Henry M.. M.D., New York 10 00 De Baun, Edwin, M.D., Passaic, N. J 10 00 Decker, A. Amanda, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Dehoff, John W., M.D., York, Pa 10 00 Delamater, Nicholas B., M.D., Chicago, 111 42 00 Delap, Silas C, M.D., Kansas City, Mo 2 00 Delaware County (Pa.) HomcEO. Med. Society.. . 10 00 Demarest, John H., M.D., New York City 5 00 Denegre, Mrs. Geo., New Orleans, La 2 00 Dennis, Laban, M.D., Newark, N. J 30 00 Dennison, M.D., Redlands, Cal i 00 Denver Homoeopathic Club, Denver, Col 25 00 Depoy, R. G., M.D , Jamestown, N. Dak 2 00 Deschere, Martin, M.D., New York City 37 OO Detlefhs, M. E , Esq., Sharpsburg, Pa 5 00 Detwiller, John J., M.D., Easton, Pa 32 00 Devoe, S. H., M.D., Omo Valley, Iowa 25 Dewey, Mary Beaufort, M.D., Saratoga Springs . 2 00 Dewey, Willis A., M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich 52 00 Dickinson, Jesse D., M.D., Galva, 111 2 00 Dickover, Geo. T., Esq., Wilkesbarre, Pa i 00 Dickson, Clarence B , M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. . . 5 00 List of Subscribers 99 Dieffenbach, W. H., M.D., New York 25 oo Diemar, Lena H., M.D., Cambridge, Mass 6 00 Dillingham, Thos. M., M.D., New York 100 00 Dills, Malcolm, M.D., Carlisle, Ky 2 00 Dinsmore, Marion H., Sharpsburg, Pa 5 00 Diiismore, Samuel W. S., M.D., Sharpsburg, Pa.. 100 00 Dixon, C. A., M.D., South Akron, Ohio 2 00 Docking, Thos., M.D., San Diego, Cal 3 00 Dodd, Harvey L., M.D., Chestertown, Md 25 00 Dodge, Chas. E., M.D., Manchester, N. H 5 00 Dolan, A. Stanley, M.D., Patton, Cal 2 00 Dorris, Alva H., M.D., Lincoln, Neb 2 00 Douds, John M., M.D., Beaver Falls, Pa 2 00 Doughty, Francis E., M.D., New York 1 50 00 Douredoure, B. L., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Dow, Burritt N., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Dowling, J. Iviney, M.D., New York 4 00 Dowling, John W., M.D., New York 2 00 Dowling, Mrs. John W., New York 25 00 Downey, F. Edgar, M.D., Clinton, 111 10 00 Drake, Franklin J., M.D., Webster City, Iowa. . . 2 08 Drake, J. C. Merle, M.D., Erie, Pa 10 00 Drake, Joseph H., M.D., Des Moines, Iowa 2 08 Drake, Mrs. L. C, Buffalo, N. Y S 00 Dudley, Frederick J., M.D., Cerro Gordo, III.... 5 00 Dudley, Pemberton, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 50 00 Duff, P. S., M.D., Great Belt, Pa 4 00 Dufifield, Alfred M., M.D., Huntsville, Ala 15 00 Duffy, Mrs. Walter B., Rochester, N. Y 50 00 Duke, Mrs. Wm. B., Baltimore, Md 10 00 Duncan, Jas. C, M.D., DeKalb, 111 7 CO Duncan, Thos. Cation, M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Dunham, Carroll, M.D., Children of the late, Irvington, N. Y 500 00 Dunham, Jas. B., M.D., Wenona, 111. 2 50 Dunleavy, Rita, M.D., New York 2 00 L.ofC loo List of Subscribers Dunn, Chas. N., M.D., Centralia, 111 6 oo Dunn, Mrs. Elizabeth L., Washington, U. C... 50 OO Dunn, Helen S., M.D., Centralia, 111 i 00 Dunn, Wesley A., M.D., Chicago, 111 25 00 Durgen, Mrs. H. M., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Duryea, Win., Esq , New York 5 00 Dutton, E. P., Esq., New York 25 00 Dutton, Julia M., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Dwinell, B. L., M.D., Taunton, Mass i 00 Eadie, Andrew B., M.D., Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Earhart, Wm. J., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 200 00 East End Doctors' Club, Pittsburgh, Pa 20 00 Eaton, Chas. WoodhuU, M.D., Des Moines, Iowa. 20 00 Eaton, Cora Smith, M.D., Minneapolis, Minn... i 00 Eaton, Fred. M., M.D., Millville, N. J 5 00 Eaton, L. D., M.D., Palm Beach, Fla i 00 Eberle, Julia C, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 5 00 Eby, W. H., M.D., Elida, Ohio 5 00 Eckel, John N., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 15 00 Eddy, Carrie, Bay City, Mich i 00 Eddy, Charlotte, Bay City, Mich i 00 Eddy, Ermina C, M.D., Elmira, N. Y 12 00 Eddy, James G., Bay City, Mich i 00 Eddy, John W., Bay City, Mich i 00 Eddy, Lucretia G., Bay City, Mich i 00 Eddy, Robert B., Bay City, Mich 1 00 Eden, Samuel, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 7 00 Edley, W. H., Esq., Bowling Green, Ky 5 00 Edmands, Miss Gertrude, Boston, Mass 10 00 Edmonds, Enos A., M.D., Hebron, Ind 5 00 Edmundson, Walter F., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . lOO 00 Edwards, Franklin W., M.D., Southbridge, Mass. 2 00 Edwards, Harold R., M.D., West Chester, Pa... i 00 Edwards, Mary L., M.D., New York 5 00 Edwards, Thos. Geo., M.D., Blanco, Texas 2 00 List of Subscribers loi Ehinger, Geo. E., M.D., Keokuk, Iowa i OO Ehrmann, Albert H., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio. ... 5 oo Ehrmann, Geo. B., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 15 00 Eikenberry, Aaron A., M.D., Peru, Ind 5 00 Eldert, C, Esq., New York 5 00 Elkins, Geo. W., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Elkins, Wm. L., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Elkins, Wm. L., Jr., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Elliot, Amos H., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 12 00 Elliott, Albert E., M.D., Lodi, Ohio 2 50 Elliott, Joseph B., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 10 00 Ellis, Erastus R., M.D., Detroit, Mich 5 00 Ellis, Jay B., M.D., Fort Smith, Ark 2 00 Ely. Mrs. W. Caryl, Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Emerson. Nathaniel W., M.D., Boston, Mass 105 00 Emery, J. T. G., M.D., South Waterloo, Me 3 00 Emery, Winfred Newell, M.D., Waltham, Mass. 7 00 Emmons, L. M., in mem. of Joshua Emmons, M.D., Richmond, Ind 5 00 Engle, Mrs Howard, Santa Cruz, Cal 5 00 Enos, Chas. W., M.D., Denver, Col 5 00 Erb, Peter. M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 10 00 Erni, G. Oscar, M.D., New Albany, Ind 25 00 Erskine, Mrs. Susan P., Racine, Wis 50 00 Eshbaugh, Aaron S., M.D., Kankakee, 111 6 00 Esmond, Henry B., M.D., Houlton, Me 5 00 Essex County (Mass.) Homceopathic Medical Society 25 00 Evans, Chas. H., M.D., Chicago, 111 20 00 Evans, Ephraim S., M.D., Columbus, Ohio 3 00 Evans, Henry J., M.D., Baltimore, Md 30 00 Evans, John A., M.D., Baltimore, Md 7 00 Evansville (Ind.) Homoeopathic Society 40 00 Everett, A. S., M.D., Brooklyn. N. Y 2 00 Everett, Edward A., M D., Middletown, N. Y. . . 5 GO Everett, Frederick, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 102 List of Subscribers Fahnestock, Jos. C, M.D., Piqua, Ohio 17 oo Fahnestock, Rupert von, Piqua, Ohio i 00 Fancher, Edwin, M.D., Middletown, N. Y 1200 Fanning, E. Burrell, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Faust, Louis, M.D., Schenectady, N. Y 37 00 Fawcett, John M., M.D., Wheeling, W. Va 2 00 Fay, Geo. D., M.D., Atlantic Highlands, N. J . . . 5 00 Fay, Russell P., M.D., Yonkers, N. Y 2 00 Feige, E. W., Woonsocket, S. Dak i 00 Fekete, Alex., M.D., East St. Louis, 111 2 00 Fellows, C. Gurnee, M.D., Chicago, 111 27 00 Fellows, W. E., M.D., Bangor, Me 2 00 Fenton, Susan J., M.D., Oakland, Cal 5 00 Ferguson, I. M., Esq., San Francisco, Cal 2 50 Ferguson, Robert J., M.D., New Haven, Conn. . 2 00 Ferrill, Hon. Hampton L., Savannah, Ga 10 00 Ferson, John L., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 15 00 Field, R. H., M.D.. Clarion, Iowa 25 Finch, Edwin W., M.D., New Rochelle, N. Y. . 5 00 Finch, Miss M. E., Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Findley, J. B., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Findley, Wm. T., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio. .... 5 00 Finney, Everett B., M.D., Lincoln, Neb 5 00 Fischbach, Fred. W., M.D., Newport, Ky 12 00 Fisher, A. J., M.D., Painesville, Ohio i 00 Fisher, A. Leroy, M.D., Elkhart, Ind 6 00 Fisher, Anna M., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn 2 00 Fisher, Arthur, M.D., Montreal, Canada 20 00 Fisher, Chas. E., M.D., Chicago, 111 225 00 Fisher, Edward A., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y i 5 00 Fisher, Geo. S., M.D., Lebanon, Pa i 00 Fisher, J. A., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Fisher, John, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Fiske, Edwin Rodney, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . 25 00 Fiske, VVm. M. L., M.D., Brooklyn. N. Y 55 00 Fitzhugh, Esq., Denver, Col i 00 List of Subscribers 103 Fitz Mathew, Jos. M.D., West Sound, Wash 2 oo Fitz Patrick, L. Gilbert, M.D., Chicago, 111 25 Flagg, in mem. of Dr. Levi W., Yonkers, N. Y. . . 25 00 Flagg, Robert N., M.D., Yonkers, N. Y 25 00 Flanders, A. A., M.D., Glencoe, 111 5 00 Fleming, Richard K., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Fletcher, Miss Alice, Washington, D. C 5 00 Fletcher, David A., M.D., Hartley, Iowa 2 00 Fletcher, Sara E , M.D., Columbus, Ohio i 00 Fletcher, Z. P., M.D., Jersey City, N. J 7 00 Flinn, Irvine M., M.D., Wilmington, Del 2 00 Flinn, Louis W., M.D., Wilmington, Del 2 00 Flint, Almena J. Baker, M.D , Boston, Mass 20 00 Flint, D. B., Esq., Boston, Mass 54 00 Flint, John F., M.D., Erie, Pa 8 00 Flower, Frank W., M.D., Carthage, Mo i 00 Flynt, Mrs. Geo. C, Monson, Mass 5 00 Foote, Dellizon A., M.D., Omaha, Neb 45 00 Foote, Mrs. D. A., Omaha, Neb 2 00 Foote, Wm. K., M.D., Joliet, 111 3 00 Forbes, George F., M.D., Worcester, Mass. .... 2 00 Forster, Mrs. Henry, Jamaica Plain, Mass 10 00 Forster, Wm. A., M.D., Kansas City, Mo 2 00 Forward, Chauncey B., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. . . 5 00 Foster, Fred. H., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Foster, Herbert W., M.D., Montclair, N. J 5 00 Foster, Richard N., M.D., Chicago, 111 7 00 Foster, Wm. Davis, M.D., Kansas City, Mo 2 00 Foster, W. E., M.D., Glencove, N. Y 2 00 Fouser, Albert R., M.D., Joliet, 111 i 00 Fowle, Orrin H., M.D., Moscow, Mich 2 00 Fowler, Joseph J.. M.D., Washington, Mo 5 00 Francisco, David E., M.D., Middletown, N. Y... 5 00 Franklin, Edward D., M.D., New York 5 00 Franklin, Wm. A., M.D., Harvey, 111 3 00 Freeman, F. C, M.D., Franklin, Ind i 00 I04 List of Subscribers Freer, James A., M.D., Washington, D. C 2 oo Freitche, , Esq., Indianapolis, Ind i oo French, Miss CorneHa Anne, Boston, Mass 25 oo French, Jonathan, Esq., Boston, Mass 100 00 Friend, A, , N.J 25 Friend, A, Buffalo, N. Y 25 Friend, A, Indianapolis, Ind 2 00 Friend, A, Pawtucket, R. 1 2 00 Friend, A, Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 F"riend, A. by Dr. H. E. Spalding, Boston, Mass. 5 00 Friend, A, Wilkesbarre, Pa 2 00 Friend, Jas. W., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 P'riends, San Francisco, Cal 4 50 Friess, Fred., M.D., Newark, N. J 2 00 Frost, G. Glenn, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 2 00 Frost, Herbert L., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 10 00 Frost, Wm. A., M.D., Tecumseh, Mich 2 00 Fruit, Walter E., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Frye, Moses M., M.D., Auburn, N. Y 5 00 Fulford, G. H., M.D., Sioux Falls, S. Dak 2 00 Fuller, Carl O., M.D., Rolling Prairie, Ind 25 Fuller, Chas. G., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Fulton, Henry W., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Fundis, Wm. Roy, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Fyfe, Thos. T., M.D., Greenfield, Mass 2 00 Gaggin, Verner S., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Gale. Chas. A., M.D., Rutland, Vt 35 00 Gallogly, C, M.D., Chicago, 111 i 00 Galloway, Mrs. H. M., Kenosha, Wis 10 00 Galster, Herman C., M.D., Erie, Pa 8 00 Gangloff, Chas., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Gangloff, C. L., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Gann, John A., M.D., Wooster, Ohio 7 00 Gardner, Franklin A., M.D , Washington, D. C 5 GO Gardner, H. S., M.D., Lawrence, Kansas 5 00 List of Subscribers 105 Garfield, Henry S., M.D., Pendleton, Oregon .... 2 oo Garfield Park Sanitarium Nurses, Chicago, 111.. . . 5 00 Garner, Jarvis Adams, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Garner, Miss Virginia, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Garnsey, Wm. S., M.D., Gloversville, N. Y 15 00 Garrison, John B., M.D., New York 2 00 Garrison, Jos. S., M.D., Easton, Md 10 00 Gary, Clara E., M.D., Boston, Mass 2 00 Gaskell, Mrs. R. E., New York 5 00 Gaston, Sarah Phylinda, M.D., Niles, Ohio 2 00 Gatchell, Chas., M.D., Chicago, 111 65 00 Gates, Geo. H., M.D., Rochester, Wis 2 00 Gates, Drs. H. B. and A. L., San Jose, Cal 10 00 Gaulna, J. J., Esq., Prescott, Ariz i 00 Gaun, Geo. W., M.D., Du Bois, Pa 5 00 Gay, Ellen H., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 2 00 Geddes, Annie Lowe, M.D., Montclair, N. J 10 00 Geiger, Chas. W., M.D., Gilman, 111 2 00 Geiger, C. A., M.D., Augusta, Ga 5 00 Geiser, Samuel R., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 25 00 Genius, Arthur E., M.D., Chicago, III 2 00 Geohegan, Wm. A., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 50 00 George, Edgar J., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 George, J. Dewitt, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 10 00 George, Rebecca Rogers, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind. 10 00 George, Wm. E., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 10 00 Georgi, Sophia E., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio i 00 Gerberich, Geo., Esq., Lebanon, Pa i 00 Gerberich, Morris B., M.D., Lebanon, Pa 5 00 Gerhart, Joseph M., M.D., Philadelphia. Pa 5 00 Gibbs, Jas. C., M.D., Crown Point, Ind 5 00 Gibson, David M., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 52 00 Gifford, Mrs. C. E., Chicago, 111 5 00 Gifford, Edward T., M.D., Erie, Pa 8 00 Gifford, Wm. H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 10 00 Gifford, Willis B., M.D., Attica, N. Y 25 00 io6 List of Subscribers Gilbert, F. M., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 oo Gilbert, J. B., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Gilbert, Mrs. J. H., Chicago, 111 5 00 Gilchrist, Jas. G.. M.D., Iowa City, Iowa 27 00 Gillard, E., M.U., Sandusky, Ohio 2 00 Gilstrap, H. Preston, M.D., Washington, Kan.. . . 2 00 Givens, Amos Jay, M.D., Stamford, Conn 12 00 Gladdish, Rev. Mr., Indianapolis, Ind 2 00 Glover, Miss M. E., San Francisco, Cal 50 Goddard, F. N., Esq., New York 100 00 Goddard, John, Jr., M.D., Home Citj-, Ohio 5 00 Godshall, Samuel G., M.D., Edge Hill, Pa 5 00 Godtfring, H. W., Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y I 00 Godwin, Park, Esq., Roslyn, N. Y 50 00 Goff, Ella D., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 52 00 Goff, T. T., Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio 33 00 Good, Dewitt R., M.D., Dale Enterprise, Va 25 Goodell, Chas. H., M.D., Frederick, Md 2 00 Gooding, E. Jeannette, M.D., Boston, Mass 20 CX) Gooding, Gertrude, M.D., Bristol, R. 1 5 oo Goodman, Chas. H., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 00 Goodman, Julia M., M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 5 00 Goodno, Wm. C, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 102 00 Goodrich, Alice A., M.D., Dcs Moines, Iowa ... 25 Goodrich, Asa F., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 2 00 Goodwin, D. M., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 5 00 Goodwin, Miss Mary E., Washington, D. C 2 00 Gordon, Geo. A., M.D., Chillicothe, Mo 3 00 Gorham, Geo. E., M.D., Albany, N. Y 7 00 Gorton, David Allyn, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Goss, Alice M., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 1 5 00 Goss, Carrie A., M.D., San Jos^, Cal 7 00 Gott, W. T., M.D., Crawfordsville, Ind 10 00 Graham, Mrs. M. R., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Graham, Walter S., M.D., Miami, Fla 2 00 Gramm, G. E., M.D., Ardmore, Pa 2 00 List of Subscribers 107 Grant, Geo. D., M.D., Springfield, Ohio 5 OO Graves, Kate I., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Green, Julia M., M.D., Washington, D. C 2 00 Green, Mary J., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 3 00 Green, Wm. E., M.D., Little Rock, Ark 34 SO Greenleaf, John T., M.D., Owego, N. Y 35 00 Greenwood, Miss Jane, San Francisco, Cal 2 50 Gregg, Edward R., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Gregory, Edward P., M.D., Bridgeport, Conn.. . . 10 00 Gregory, Miss Frances, Oakland, Cal 50 Gregory, Rollin S., M.D , Boise, Idaho 2 00 Greiner, F. W., M.D., Muskegon, Mich 2 00 Griffin, Louisa A., M.D., Middletown, Conn 10 00 Griffith, Alex. R., M.D., Montreal, Canada 5 00 Griffith, Anna E., M.D., Camden, N. J 1 5 00 Griffith, John B., M.D., Lewistown, Pa 7 00 Griffith, Lewis B., M D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Griffith, W. H., M.D., Trenton, N. J i 00 Griffith, Wm. M., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Grimshaw, Oliver, M.D., Swedesboro, N. J 2 00 Griste, Lumen G., M.D., Twinsburg, Ohio 3 00 Grob, Arthur R. F., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 00 Grosvenor, Lemuel C, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Grosvenor, Lorenzo N., M.D., Edgewater, 111... . i 00 Grosvenor, Wallace F., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Grote, H. C, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Grote, Hermann L., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Grove, Chas. E., M.D., Spokane, Wash 7 00 Grow, Timothy R., M.D., Lynn, Mass 2 00 Grube, Mrs. Frederick, Buffalo, N. Y i 00 Grumbrecht, Oscar L, M.D., Mt. Holly, N. J.. . . 12 00 Grundman, F. W., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 00 Guernsey, Joseph C, M.D., Philadelphia. Pa 55 00 Guffey, Col. J. M., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Guffey, Miss Elsie, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Guffey, Miss Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 io8 List of Subscribers Guild, Mrs. C. L., Palo Alto, Cal 5 oo Guillauine, Frank, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Gumpert, Benj. B., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 7 00 Gunderlach, Chas. H., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 5 00 Gundlach, John G., M.D., Spokane, Wash 5 00 Gustin, Francis M., M.D., Union City, Ind 20 00 Gutherz, Lizzie Gray, M.D., St. Louis, Mo 25 00 Gwynn, Chas. A., M.D., Auburn, N. Y 2 00 Gwynn, Wm. M., M.D., Auburn, N. Y 2 00 Haas, Clifford, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Haas, Homer C, M.D., Peru, Ind 5 00 Haehne, Evelyn, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 00 Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton, Pa 102 25 Hahnemann Hosp. College, San Francisco, Cal. . 100 00 Hahnemann Medical Association of Iowa 300 00 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 111 100 00 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, Class 1900 300 00 Hahnemann Medical College Student, Chicago. . i 00 Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.. . 100 00 Hahnemann Soc, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 14 29 Haight, A. M., M.D., White Plains, N. Y 2 00 Haines, Chas. T., M.D., Clarksboro, N. J i 00 Haines, Chas. T., M.D., Whitesboro, N. Y 17 00 Haines & Waite, Drs., Hudson, Ohio 3 00 Halberg, Miss Elsa, San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Halbert, Homer V., M.D., Chicago, 111 25 00 Hale, Edwin M., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Hall, Chas. B., M.D., Rockport, Mass 5 00 Hall, H. B., M.D., Riverton, N. J 2 00 Hall, Lucy, M.D 5 00 Hall, Matthew J., M.D., Mamaroneck, N. Y 2 00 Hall, Mrs. M. M., Tuscumbia, Ala 1 00 Hall, Orrin J., M.D., Zumbrota, Minn 2 00 Hall, Robert, M.D., Providence, R. 1 50 00 Hall, Friend of Dr. Robert, Providence, R. I. . . . 50 00 List of Subscribers 109 Hall, Friend of Dr. Robert, Providence, R. 1 5 oo Hall, Wm. G., M.D., St. Joseph, Mo 2 10 Hallett, Geo. de Wayne, M.D., New York 2 00 Halliday, John S., M.D., Coldwater, Kan 2 00 Hallman, Victor H., M.D., Hot Springs, Ark. ... 20 00 Hallock, J. Henry, M.D., Saranac Lake, N. Y. . . . 27 00 Hallock, Lewis, M.D., New York 50 00 Halsey, Frederick W., M.D., Boston, Mass 30 00 Halsey, Frederick W., M.D. [Whist Party] 55 00 Halstead, Milton A., M.D., Jack.sonville, 111 4 50 Haman, Wm. A., M.D., Reading, Pa 5 00 Hamilton, Samuel, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Hamlin, Mrs. Frank, Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Hamlin, Fred. W., M.D., New York 25 00 Hamlin, Geo. B., M.D., Grenado, Minn 2 00 Hammer, Abram J., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 10 00 Hammett, Fred. W., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Hampton, Maurice M., M.D., Leesburg, Fla i 00 Hanchett, Alfred P., M.D., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27 00 Hanchett, John L., M.D., Sioux City, Iowa 25 00 Hanchett, Wm. H., M.D., Omaha, Neb 25 00 Hancock, Byron, Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Hancock, Elmer E., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Hancock, Joseph, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Hancock, Mrs. Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Hancock, Judson, Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Hanks, Mary E., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Hardy, Mrs. C, Norfolk, Va 5 00 Hardy, Mrs. M. A., Norfolk, Va 5 00 Hardy, W. J., M.D., Belmont, N. Y 5 00 Harper, Edward, M.D., Knoxville, Tenn 2 00 Harrell, Samuel, M.D., Noblesville, Ind 25 00 Harris, John W., M.D., Denver, Col 5 00 Harris, Nelson A., M.D., Hackensack, N. J 2 00 Harris, R. O., M.D., Carrollton, Mo 2 00 Harris, W. John, M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 00 no List of Subscribers Harrison, Mrs. Mary L., New York lo oo Hartley, Wm. G., M.D., New York 2 oo Hartman, Louis, Esq., New Albany, Ind 5 00 Hartman, Tony, Esq., New Albany, Ind 1 00 Hartman, W. Louis, M.D., Syracuse, N. Y 52 00 Hartsell, Wm. M., M.D., Rensselaer, Ind 5 00 Hasbrouck, Cornelius J., M.D., Bristol, R. 1 2 00 Hasbrouck, Joseph, M.D., Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. . . 5 00 Hasbrouck, Sayer, M.D., Providence, R. 1 17 00 Hassler, J. Wyllis, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa i 00 Hassler, M. Margaret, M.D., Allentown, Pa i 00 Hassler, Wm. A., M.D., Allentown, Pa 5 00 Hatch, Philo L., M.D., Santa Barbara, Cal 3 00 Hathaway, Russell, M.D., Wellington, Ohio 5 00 Hatton, A. H., M.D., Peru, 111 2 00 Hauxluirst, Mrs., San Francisco, Cal 2 50 Havens, Mrs. S. G., Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Haviland, Mrs. Thos., Newburgh, N. Y 20 Hawkes, Wm. J., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 15 00 Hawkins, Ellen F., M.D., Oberlin, Ohio 5 00 Hayden, Arthur Sumner, M.D., Wall Lake, Iowa. 2 00 Haylett, James, M.D., Moretown, Vt 5 00 Haynes, J. C, Esq., Boston, Mass 25 00 Hays, Louis P., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Hays, Miss Virginia Claire, Pittsburgh, Pa 240 00 Hayward, Abner, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 3 00 Hayward, Jos. W., M.D., Taunton, Mass 22 00 Haywood, Julia F., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 5 00 Hazard, T. L., M.D., Iowa City, Iowa 5 00 Hazeltine, D. B., M.D , Chicago, 111 10 00 Hazelton, H. J., M.D., Barnet, Vt 2 00 Headley, Mrs. Russell, Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Heald, Mrs. E. P., San Francisco, Cal 7 50 Hedges, Samuel P., M.D., Chicago, 111 112 00 Hedinger, Charles, M.D., Canton, Kan 2 04 Hedstrom, Mrs. E. L., Buffalo, N. Y 25 00 List of Subscribers 1 1 1 Heillord, Esther R., Wilkesbarre, Pa i OO Heilner, Herbert F., M.D., Scranton, Pa 2 oo Heimbach, A. E., M.D., Renova, Pa 5 oo Heinz, H. J., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 250 00 Heinz, Miss Irene, Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Helfrich, Chas. H., M.D., New York 2 00 Helming, Theo. W., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 10 00 Helmuth, Wm. Tod, M.D., New York 200 00 Hehnuth, Mrs. Wm. Tod, New York 200 00 Hehnuth, Wm. Tod, Jr., M.D., New York 25 00 Hemsteger, John A., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Henderschott, Lizzie A , M.D., Irving, Mich 5 00 Hendy, Clara A., M.D., Oak Park, 111 2 00 Hennig, Geo. R., Esq., Chicago, III 5 00 Henry, John H., M.D., Montgomery, Ala 22 00 Henry, Samuel D., M.D., Excelsior Springs, Mo. 2 00 Hering, Mrs. C, Phila., in mem. of her husband.. 25 00 Hermann, John, M.D., Sioux City, Iowa 2 00 Herr, Ira J., M.D., Dayton, Ohio 5 00 Hersberger, Jos. P., M.D., Lancaster, Ohio 5 00 Hicks, Susan Mary, M.D., Atlanta, Ga 5 00 Higbee, Chester G., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 25 00 Higinbotham, Mrs. H. N., Chicago, 111 lOO 00 Higley, Prof. Irwin Buel, New Decatur, Ala i 00 Hill, Lucy C, M.D., Fall River. Mass 15 00 Hill, Merrill W., M.D., Redlands, Cal 2 00 Hill, M. Jasper, M.D., Sterling, 111 i 00 Hill, W. Scott, M.D., Augusta, Me 17 00 Hillard, S. H., M.D., Warsaw, 111 5 00 Hiller, D. Albert, M.D , San Francisco, Cal 17 00 Hillyer, Frances S., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich.. i 00 Hilton, Willard M., M.D., Waverly, N. Y 2 00 Hinds, Wm. H. W., M.D., Milford, N. H 5 00 Hinkle, Abbie, M.D., Evanston, 111 5 00 Hinman, Richard E., M.D.. Atlanta, Ga 5 00 Hinson, Jacob M., M.D., Boston, Mass i 02 112 List of Subscribers Hitchcock, Dexter, M.D., Norwalk, Conn 2 OO Hoag, Clitus S., M.D., Bridgeport, Conn 2 oo Hebron, Miss B. D., San Francisco, Cal i oo Hobson, Joseph V., M.U., Lynchburg, Va i oo Hodge, Win. H., M.D., Niagara Falls, N. Y 12 oo Hodson, Geo. S., M.D., Washington C. H., Ohio. 5 00 Hoefle, Henry C, M.D., Davenport, Iowa 7 00 Hoffman, James, M.D., Jersey City, N. J 2 00 Hoffman, Mary E., M.D., San Francisco, Cal .... i 00 Hoffstot, Frank N., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Hofman, Chas. H., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Holden, Horace Thos., M.D., Norfolk, Neb i 00 Hollister, H. H., Esq., New York 25 00 Hollister, Samuel A., M.D., Jersey City, N. J.. . . 5 00 Holmes, Miss Esther R., Monson, Mass 10 00 Holmes, Frances W., M.D., Upper Montclair, N.J 5 00 Holmes, Manuel S., M.D., Oakland, Me 5 00 Holmgren, Chas. J., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. . . 2 50 Holt, Edward B., M.D., Lowell, Mass 2 00 Holton, Chas. S., M.D., Richmond, Ky 5 00 Homer, F. W., M.D., Spokane, Wash 2 00 Homoeopathic Hospital Internes, Pittsburgh, Pa. 20 00 Homoeopathic Hospital Staff, Rochester, N. Y.. . 65 00 Homoeopathic Hosp. and Disp., Reading, Pa. . . . 25 00 Homoeopathic Hospital Staff, BroDklyn, N. Y. . . 100 00 Homoeopathic Med. College and Hosp., Denver. . 100 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Chester, Del., and Mont. Cos., Pa 75 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Del. and Peninsula. . 50 00 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chicago, 111. . . 25 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of the County of Kings 100 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Germantown, Phila. 125 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Monroe County, N. Y. 50 00 Homoeopathic Medical Society of N. E. Ohio. . . 35 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of the County of N. Y. 250 00 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Northern Penn. 50 00 List of Subscribers 113 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Ohio loo oo Homceopathic IVIedical Society of Oregon 140 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Oswego Co., N. Y. . . 6 00 Homceopathic Med. Soc. of State of New York.. 250 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc, 23rd Ward, Phila 116 00 Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Western Mass 25 00 Homceopathic Medical Society of West Virginia. 15 00 Hooker, Edward B., M.D., Hartford, Conn 40 00 Hooker, Mrs. Isabella Beecher, Hartford, Conn. . 10 00 Hopper, Magnus Tate, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . 10 00 Horlick's Food Company, Racine, Wis lOO 00 Hornby, Mary S., M.D., Dorchester, Mass 10 00 Horner, Mrs. A. W., Allegheny, Pa 10 00 Horner, J. Richey, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 1 5 00 Horner, Jas. Richey, Jr., Allegheny, Pa 10 00 Horner, Wm. Wattles, Allegheny, Pa 10 00 Horning, David W., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn. . . 12 00 Horning, Mrs. D. W., Minneapolis, Minn 2 00 Horton, E. W., M.D., , Wis 2 00 Horton, F. W., M.D., Sanborn, Iowa 25 Hough, Walter D., M.D., Niagara Falls, N. Y. . . 17 00 Houghton, Henry A., M.D., Boston, Mass 105 00 Houghton, Henry C, M.D., New York 10 00 Houghton, N. H., M.D., Boston, Mass 2 00 House, Chas. Everett, M.D., Canton, Ohio 7 00 House, Robert B., M.D., Springfield, Ohio 27 00 Houston, Grant, M.D., Joliet, 111 8 00 Houston, Maurice, M.D., Joliet, 111 3 00 Howard, Miss Rebecca, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Howe, Edwin J., M.D., Newark, N. J 10 cx3 Howe, J. Morgan, M.D., New York 5 00 Howe, Warren D., M.D., Canon City, Col 5 00 Howell, Edwin P., M.D., Galena, Kan 2 00 Howland, Mrs. Henry, Buffalo, N. Y i 00 Hoy, Harvey K., M.D., Altoona, Pa 5 00 Hoyle, Mrs. E. P., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 8 114 List of Subscribers Hoyne, Temple S., M.D., Cliicago, 111 25 OO Hoyt, Chas., M.D., Chillicothe, Ohio 25 00 Hoyt, Mrs. Chas., Chillicothe, Ohio 3 00 Hoyt, Lucius F., M.D., Jefferson, Iowa 10 00 Hoyt, Mary Osborn, M.D., Keokuk, Iowa 10 00 Hubbell, Adelbert M., M.D., Haverhill, Mass 7 00 Hubbell, Eugene, M.D., St. Paul, Minn 6 00 Huddleston, Albert F., M.D., Winchester, Ind.. . 2 00 Huffaker, Thomas S., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 10 Hughes, Chas. W., M.D., East Palestine, Ohio... 10 00 Hughes, Wm. B., M.D., Little Rock, Ark 4 50 Hull, Clarence A., M.D., Meriden, Conn 2 00 Hull, Geo. W., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 HuUhorst, Paul, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 10 Hultz, Eugene A., M.D., Perth Amboy, N. J 2 00 Humes, James R., M.D., Hollidaysburg, Pa 10 00 Humphrey, H. M., M.D., Lake City, Iowa 2 00 Humphrey, Otis M., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn... 2 00 Humphrey, Wm. A., M.D., Plattsmouth, Neb... 5 00 Humphreys, Mrs. Frederick, New York 5 00 Hunt, Mrs. Annie V., New Bedford, Mass 25 oo Hunt, Annie W., M.D., Providence, R. 1 2 00 Hunt. B. S., M.D., Sidney, Ohio 10 00 Hunt, Chas. R., M.D., New Bedford, Mass 27 08 Hunt, Ella G., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Hunt, Geo. H., M.D., Paris, 111 2 25 Hunt, John B., M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 1 00 Hunt, John S., M.D., Columbus, Ohio 2 00 Hunt, Morris P., M.D., Columbus, Ohio 27 00 Hunting, Nelson, M.D., Albany, N. Y 5 00 Hurd, Laura, M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Hurd, S. Wright, M.D., Lockport, N. Y 30 00 Huron, Frank, M.D., Danville, Ind 10 00 Huron, Willis B., M.D., Tipton, Ind 5 00 Hutchinson, John, M.D., New York 2 00 Hyde, Erastus C, M.D., Lillydale, N. Y 2 25 List of Subscribers 115 Idc, Henri G., M.D., Oxford, Mich 5 oo Illinois State Homoeopathic Medical Association, 600 00 Inchbold, Miss Di.ma, San Francisco, Cal i 00 Indiana Institute of Homoeopathy 50 00 Indianapolis Homceopathic Society 25 00 Ireland, Chas. L., M.D., Columbus, Ohio 5 00 Ireland, David V., M.D., London, Ohio 2 50 Irwin, J. S., Esq., Rochester, N. Y 5 OO Irwin, Thos. A., M.D., Franklin, Pa 5 00 Jacks, Mrs. David, Monterey, Cal 25 00 Jackson, Mrs. Edith Talbot, Boston, Mass 10 00 Jackson, Edward R., M.D., Dubuque, Iowa 2 00 Jackson, Henry, M.D., Salem, N. J 2 00 Jackson, Miss Margaret, Boston, Mass 5 00 Jackson, Noah, M.D., Newport News, Va 5 00 Jackson, Rose, M.D., Willoughby, Ohio 1 00 Jacobs, Eliab M., M.D., Manitowoc, Wis 2 00 Jacobson, Mrs. F. A., Newburgh, NY 5 30 Jaffa, R. Alice, M.D., Washington, D. C i 50 Jahr Club, New York 50 00 James, Mrs. A. E. M., Huntsville, Ala 1 00 James, Bushrod Washington, M.D., Philadelphia, 200 00 James, John E., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 30 00 Jamison, R. M., M.D., Greensburg, Pa 5 00 Janney, Oliver Edward, M.D., Baltimore, Md.. . . 20 00 Jaynes, Wm. Cullen Bryant, M.D., West Chicago, 111 2 00 Jefferds, George P., M.D., Augusta, Maine 2 00 Jenkins, Mrs. Chas. S., Newburgh, N. Y 5 00 Jenkins, Geo. H., M.D., Binghamton, N. Y 10 00 Jenkins, Olin L. M.D., Plainfield, N.J 2 00 Jenney, Wm. H., M.D., Kansas City, Mo 5 00 Jennings, E. H., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Jewett, Franklin S., M.D., Providence, R. 1 2 00 Jewett, Howard C, M.D., Haverhill, Mass 2 00 1 1 6 List of Subscribers Jewitt, Edward H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio lo OO Johnson, Charles F., M.D., Newburyport, Mass.. 2 oo Johnson, Fred., Esq., San Francisco, Cal lo oo Johnson, Mrs. Helen, San Francisco, Cal lo oo Johnson, Isaac D., M.D., Kennett Square, Pa.. . . 2 oo Johnson, Miss Maria Nye, Bensonhurst, N. Y. . . . 5 oo Johnson, Solomon D., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis.. . . 2 00 Johnston, Chas. L. M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Johnston, Theo. M., M.D., Pittston, Pa 2 00 Jones, Hon. B. F., Pittsburgh, Pa 500 00 Jones, Gains J., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 100 00 Jones, Henry C, M.D., Mount Vernon, N. Y 15 00 Jones, Julian H., M.D., Bradford, Vt 2 00 Jones, N. D., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Jones, Mrs. Perry, San Francisco, Cal i 00 Jordan, Oscar J., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Joslin, Miss Rebecca R., Boston, Mass 20 00 Jump, Julia C, M.D., Oberlin, Ohio 5 00 Junkermann, Chas. F., M.D., Lancaster, Ohio. . . 2 00 Just, Aug. Adolph, M.D., Crookston, Minn 2 oo Kafka, Theo., M.D., Prague, Bohemia 3 85 Kahlke, Chas. E., M.D., Chicago, 111 12 00 Kanouse, Abijah W., M.D., Appleton, Wis 2 00 Kansas City Homoeopathic Medical College, Kansas City, Mo 100 00 Kansas City Homceopathic Pharmacy, Kansas City, Mo 100 00 Kansas State Homoeopathic Medical Society. . . . 100 00 Kapp, Michael W., M.D., Akron, Ohio 3 00 Karst, F. August, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Kase, Edmund H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Kasselman, Harry Christian, M.D., Midway, Ky. 5 00 Keaney, Drs. Jas. and Wm., De Soto, Miss 10 00 Keegan, Wm. A., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 52 00 Keener, Henry M., M.D., St. Joseph, Mo 2 00 List of Subscribers 117 Keep, J. Lester, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 15 oo Kehoe, Henry C, M.D., Flemingsburg, Ky 2 CX) Kehr, Samuel S., M.D., Denver, Col 2 00 Keith, Ellen L., M.D., Framingham, Mass 5 00 Keith, Horace G., M.D., Yonkers, N. Y 2 00 Keith, Wm. E., M.D., San Jose, Cal 20 00 Keizer, Romeo, M.D., Columbus, Ohio i 00 Keller, Hervey S., M.D., Frankfort, Ky 2 00 Kellogg, Edwin M., M.D., New York 105 00 Kellogg, Francis B., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. ... 5 CXD Kemp, Nereus C, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Kendall, Edward James, M.D., Detroit, Mich.... 5 00 Kendall, Sarah A., M.D., Seattle, Wash 5 00 Kennedy, Alonzo L., M.D., Boston, Mass 27 00 Kentucky Homceopathic State Society 185 00 Kenyon, Francis A., M.D., Providence, R. 1 5 00 Kerch, Harry E., M.D., Dundee, 111 2 00 Kerr, John D., Esq., Homestead, Pa i 00 Kershaw, J. Martin, M.D., St. Louis, Mo 25 00 Kile, Wm. T., M.D., Plainview, Neb 2 00 Kilgour, Peter Thompson, M.D., College Hill, Ohio 1 5 00 Kimmel, Benj. B., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 King, Edward H., M.D., Denver, Col 5 00 King, Wm. Harvey, M.D., New York 27 00 King, Dr. and Mrs. W. H., New York 20 00 King, Wm. R., M.D., Washington, D. C 5 00 Kingsbury, E. N., M.D., Woonsocket, R. 1 2 00 Kingsman, Richard, M.D., Washington, D. C 52 00 Kinkead, Mrs. Catherine, Turtle Creek, Pa 3 00 Kinne, Arthur B., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y 25 00 Kinne, C. Spencer, M.D., Middletown, N. Y 10 00 Kinne, Porter S., M.D., Paterson, N.J 60 CO Kinne, Theo. Y., M.D., Paterson, N. J 262 50 Kinyon, Claudius B., M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich.. . . 57 00 Kippax, John R., M.D., Chicago, 111 277 00 ii8 List of Subscribers Kippax, Mrs. John R., Chicago, 111 30 OO Kirk, Ellen M., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 20 00 Kirkland, Edward, M.D., Bellows Falls, Vt 2 00 Kirkland, Wm. H., M.D., Massillon, Ohio 5 00 Kirkpatrick, John G., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. . . 12 00 Kirkpatrick, Wm. T., M.D., Lincoln, 111.. i 00 Kistler, Horace E., M.D., Johnstown, Pa 10 00 Kitchen, W. A., M.D., New Market, Iowa i 00 Klenck, A. G., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Kline, Andrew K., M.D., Princeton, N. J 10 00 Klinetop, W. B., M.D., Charles City, Iowa 25 Klopp, H. J., M.D., Newton, Mass 2 00 Knapp, Jas. C, M.D., Geneva, N. Y 5 00 Knapp, W. Trevitt, M.D., Vincennes, Ind 6 00 Knerr, Calvin B., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Knight, Stephen H., M.D., Detroit, Mich 5 00 Knight, Thomas W., M.D., Portage, Ohio 2 00 Knowles, Wm. K., M.D., Everett, Mass 5 00 Koch, Margaret, M.D., Minneapolis, Minn 2 00 Kociell, Sylvester, M.D., Medicine Lodge, Kan ... 5 00 Koons, H. E., M.D., Danville, Va 5 00 Korndoerfer, Aug., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 102 00 Kountze, Mrs. Mary E., Col 10 00 Kraemer, Chas., Esq., Washington, D. C 10 00 Kraft, Frank, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 10 00 Krause, Wm. H., M.D., New York 22 00 Krause, Contributions through Dr. W. H., N. Y. 15 00 Krauss, Jas., M.D., Boston, Mass 7 00 Krebs, Francis H., M.D., Boston, Mass 27 00 Kreider, Martin K., M.D., Goshen, Ind 6 00 Krichbaum, Jas. W., M.D., Danville. Ky 5 00 Krichbaum, Piiilip E , M.D., Upper Montclair, N.J. 2 00 Krogstad, Henry, M.D., Washington, D. C 2 00 Krusen, Edward A., M.D., Collegeville, Pa 10 00 Kurt, Katherine, M.D., Akron, Ohio 2 00 Kuznik, J. Martha, M.D., Chicago, 111 i 00 List of Subscribers 119 Laidlaw, Alex. H., M.D., New York 20 oo Laidlaw, Geo. Fred, M.D., New York 35 00 Laird, W. M., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Laird, Mrs. Win. T., Watertown, N. Y 2 00 Lambertson, Mrs. G. M., Lincoln, Neb 5 00 Land, Joseph F., M.D., New York 7 00 Lane, Chas. E., M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y 2 00 Lane, Orville W., M.D., Great Harrington, Mass. 2 00 Langworthy, Anne L., M.D., New York 2 00 Lanier, Mrs. M. M., New York 100 00 Lankton, Freeda M., M.D., Omaha, Neb 5 00 Lanning, Willet S., M.D., Hicksville, Ohio 5 cxd Lards, Chas. H., M.D., Adrian, Mich 7 00 Larkeque, Garrett B. B., M.D., Athol, Mass 2 00 Latimer, Misses A. R. and M. R., Wilmington, Del. 200 00 Latimer, Geo., M.D., Washington, D. C 2 00 Latimer, W. C., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Lauer, Miss Violet, San Francisco, Gal 2 (X) Lauer, Mrs. and Miss, San Francisco, Gal 75 Laughton, Mrs. E. V., Racine, Wis 1 5 00 Law, Hartland, M.D., San Francisco, C.il 35 00 Lawrence, Cyrus J., Esq., New York 100 00 Lawrence, Geo. W., M.D., Colorado Springs, Col. 2 00 Lawrence, Minnie J., Newark, N. J 2 00 Lawshe, John W., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 2 00 Lawton, Thos., M.D., Hinsdale, 111 7 00 Leach, Reginald B., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 2 00 Leake, Endell N., M.D., Fremont, Neb 2 00 Leary, Miss Nellie, San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Leavitt, Sheldon, M.D., Chicago, 111 75 00 Ledyard, W. E., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 2 00 Lee, Geo. Hyde, M.D., Washington, D. C 10 00 Lee, John Mallory, M.D., Rochester, N. Y 190 00 Lee, Mrs. Margarefdu Pont, Washington, D. C. . 100 00 Lefferts, Franklin P., M.D., Belvidere, N J 3 00 Lehigh Valley Homceopathic Med. Society, Pa. . 65 00 1 20 List of Subscribers Lehman, Franklin Frees, M.D., Sandusky, Ohio, 2 00 Leitch, Robert Newton, M.D., Lernia, 111 2 00 Leland, A. G., M.D., Whitewater, Wis 5 00 Leland, Chas., M.D., Chicago, 111 20 00 Leland, Miss Fanny, Chicago, 111 5 00 Leland, M. W^, M.D., Clyde, Kansas 2 00 Leland, Warren F., Esq., New York 50 cxD Lemke, Louis H., M.D., Elgin, Iowa i 00 Lemmerz, Theod. H., M.D., Jersey City, N. J.. . 2 00 Lentz, Levi R., M.D., Fleetwood, Pa 5 00 Leonard, Henry J., Esq., Middletown, N. Y 5 00 Le Seur, John W., M.D., Batavia, N. Y 5 00 Le Seure, Oscar, M.D., Detroit, Mich 102 00 Letchworth, Ogden P., Esq., Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Leverson, Montague R., Fort Hamilton, N. Y. . . i cxD Lewis, Edw'd, M.D., Cambridge, N. Y 2 00 Lewis, F. Park, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 45 00 Lewis, Fred. D., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 7 00 Lewis, Joseph, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 27 00 Lewis, J. M., M.D , Elba, N. Y 5 00 Lewis, J. P., M.D., San Diego, Cal 5 00 Lewis, \Vm. Henry, M.D., Santa Barbara, Cal. . . i cxd Libbey, Chas. E., M.D., Danville, Vt 25 Lichtenwalner, Abbott B., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. 8 20 Light, J. W., M.D., Kingman, Kan 2 00 Lilienthal, Mrs. E. R., San Francisco, Cal 20 00 Lilienthal, James, M.D., San Francisco, Cal 10 00 Lines, Mary Louise, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Lininger, Mrs. Caroline N., Omaha, Neb 10 00 Linn, Alexander M., M.D., Des Moines, Iowa.. . . 7 00 Linnell, E. H., M.D., Norwich, Conn 2 00 Lippincott, Mrs. Anna Janney, Philadelphia, Pa. 50 00 Lippitt, Louis D., M.D., Providence, R. 1 10 00 Little, Geo. W., M.D., Glens Falls, N. Y 2 00 Little, Harry J., M.D., Norwell, Mass 2 00 Livingston, Miss Ann L., New York 10 00 List of Subscribers 121 Llewellyn, Henry S., M.D., La Grange, 111 loo oo Lobdell, Effie L., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 oo Local Committee Arrangements, Newport 131 07 Local Com. Arrangements, Washington, D. C. . . . 300 00 Lock Box 735, Dover, N. J 2 00 Loelkes, George, M.D., Belleville, 111 2 00 Logee, Horace M., M.D., Connersville, Ind 10 00 Long, Sam'l, M.D., New Brunswick, N. J 25 00 Loomis, Daniel D., M.D., Bay City, Mich i 00 Loomis, Frank R., M.D., Jefferson, Ohio 5 00 Loos, Julia C, M.D., Harrisburg, Pa 3 00 Lorceaux, C. J., M.D., Des Moines, Iowa 2 00 Lounsbery, Geo., M.D., Charleston, W. Va 5 00 Love, Wm. Lathrop, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Low, Jos. H., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Lowry, N. H., M.D., Woodhull, 111 5 00 Ludlam, Reuben, M.D., Chicago, 111 100 00 Lukens, J. Paul, M.D., Wilmington, Del 2 00 Luton, Robert M., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. . . i 00 Lutze, Frederick H., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 12 00 Luyties, Carl J., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 57 00 Lyford, W. A., M.D., Farmington, Me 5 00 Lynch, Mrs. E. S., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Lyon, Dr. Geo. G., Mobile, Ala 5 00 Lyon, Melvern S., M.D., Haddonfield, N.J 5 00 Lyon, Orrin A., M.D., Akron, Ohio 2 00 Macdonald, Thos. L., M.D., Washington, D. C. . 25 00 MacDougall, Duncan, M.D., Haverhill, Mass 8 00 Macfarlan, Duncan, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 20 00 Macfarlan, Malcolm, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. ... 25 00 Mack, Chas. S., M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich 10 00 Mackenzie, Geo. W., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 MacLachlan, David A., M.D., Detroit, Mich 100 00 Macomber, Henry K., M.D., Pasadena, Cal 10 00 Maddux, Dan'l Parrish, M.D., Chester, Pa 7 00 122 List of Subscribers Mader, A. B., Esq., Prescott, Ariz i oo Maeder, John G., M.D., New York 2 oo Magee, Mrs. C. H., Philadelphia, Pa lOO oo Magee, Wm. S., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa lOO oo Magee, Mrs. Wm. S., Philadelphia, Pa lOO oo Maguy, T. A., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 10 Mailler, Mrs. Wm., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Majumdar, P. C, M.D., Calcutta, India '3 33 Mallery, N. M., Esq., San Francisco, Cal 2 00 Maloney, L. Howard, M.D., Savanna, 111 5 00 Maltine Manufacturing Company, New York. ... 5 00 Manahan, Manning W., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 12 00 Mann, Jesse E., M.D., Louisville, Ky i 00 Mann, S. S., M.D., Columbia, Pa 2 00 Manning, Carrie H., M.D., Taunton, Mass i 00 Manning, Edward C, M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. . . 5 00 Mansfield, Job R., M.D , Philadelphia, Pa 7 00 Marcley, Walter J., M.D., Rutland, Mass 2 00 Marsh, Franklin A., M.D., Seward, Neb 5 00 Marsh, Franklin F., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Marshall, Anna M., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Marshall, Geo. E., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Marshall, Joseph D,, M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 5 00 Marshall, Robert S., M.D , Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Martens, Henriette W., M.D., Lemon City, Fla. . 2 00 Martin, Constantine H., M.D., AUentown, Pa 15 00 Martin, Eleanor F., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. ... 5 00 Martin, Miss Ella S., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Martin, George Albert, M.D., Boone, Iowa 2 00 Martin, George H., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. ... 5 oo Martin, Mrs. James T., Sacramento, Cal 5 00 Martin, John S., M.D., Plymouth, Ind 1 1 00 Martin, Lynn Arthur. M.D., Binghamton, N. Y. . 20 00 Martin, Mrs. Nancy, Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Martin, S. J., M.D., Racine, Wis i 00 Martin, Truman J., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 50 00 List of Subscribers 123 Martin, Wm. J., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 200 00 Martin, Mrs. Wm. J., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Martz, Christian, M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 5 00 Marvin, Horace N., M.D., Sioux City, Iowa i 00 Maryland Homoeo. Hosp. Nurses, Baltimore, Md. 4 OO Maryland State HomcEopathic Medical Society. . 75 00 Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society. . . 600 00 Massachusetts Surg, and Gynecolog. Soc, Boston. 150 00 Matthews, Mrs. Mariana V., Brooklyn, N. Y 25 00 Matthews, Mrs. Robert, Rochester, N. Y 25 CO Matthews, Wallace B., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. i 00 Mattson, Alfred S., M.D., Moorestown, N.J 2 00 Maurer, Jos. M., M.D., Washington, Pa 20 00 Maust, Geo. W., M.D., Lock Haven, Pa 5 00 Maxwell, Geo. B., M.D., Chicopee Falls, Mass. . . 5 25 Maxwell, Lewis K., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 10 00 May, Geo. E., M.D., Newton Centre, Mass 18 00 Maycock, Burt J., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 10 00 Mayer, C. R., M.D., New Orleans, La 2 00 Mayer, Mrs. J. B., Buffalo, N. Y i 00 McAllister, J. W., Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 McBean, Geo. W., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 McCarrick, Jas. W., Esq., Norfolk, Va 5 00 McCauley, John C, M.D., Rochester, Pa 15 00 McClellan, A. D., Esq., Boston, Mass 5 00 McClelland, James H., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 505 00 McClelland, John B., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 105 00 McClelland, Miss Mary W. P., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 McClelland, Miss Rachel P., Pittsburgh, Pa 15 00 McClelland, Mrs. Rachel P., Pittsburgh, Pa 60 00 McClelland, Rob't W., M.D , Pittsburgh, Pa 105 00 McClelland, Miss Sarah C, Pittsburgh, Pa i 5 00 McClure, Eliza Lang, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 30 00 McCormick, A. Lee, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 15 00 McCormick, J. C, Esq., Edgewood Park, Pa 2 00 McCrady, J. H., Esq., Edgewood Park, Pa i 00 124 List of Subscribers McCreary, Wm. L., M.D., Ktioxville, Tenn 2 oo McCulloch, Charleton B., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind. 5 00 McCutcheon, James H., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . . 25 00 McCutcheon, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 McDermott, Geo. C, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 12 00 McDonald, Alex. B., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 McDonald, Miss Viva, Oakland, Cal 2 00 McDowell, Chas., M.D., New York 20 00 McDowell, Geo. W., M.D., New York 17 00 McElwee, L. Claude, M.D., St. Louis, Mo 25 00 McGarrah, Olin K., M.D., Altoona, Pa 10 00 McGeary, Geo. H., M.D., Braddock, Pa 5 00 McGeorge, Wallace, M.D., Camden, N. J 4 00 McGinnis, G. H., M.D., Prescott, Ariz 2 00 McGregor, M. A., Esq., New York 25 00 Mcllroy, W. P., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 5 00 McKinney, Samuel P., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 McKinstry, F. P., M.D., Washington, N. J 2 00 McLaren, D. C, M.D., Ottawa, Ont 5 00 McLenathan, W. H., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 McMichael, A. R., M.D., New York 10 00 McMillan, Francis, M.D., Nashville, Tenn 2 00 McMillan, John W., M.D., Jersey City, N. J 2 00 McNamara, Francis S., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis. . . 5 00 McNeill, A. L., M.D., Epworth, Iowa 25 McNeill, Alex., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 2 00 McWhorten, Mrs. S. A., Omaha, Neb 5 00 Mead, Mrs. Chas. H. Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Mead, Jay S., M.D., Lorain, Ohio 5 00 Mead, Mrs. M., Newburgh, N. Y 2 00 Mead, S. J. D., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 25 00 Meader, Lee Douglass, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio.. . 5 00 Meadow, Albert A., M.D., Blockton, Ala i 00 Medico-Chirurgical Society of Central New York. 30 00 Meissen Society, The 395 52 Mellies, Chas., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 GO List of Subscribers 125 Mendenhall, Mrs. Henry, Wilmington, Del lo oo Menninger, Chas. F., M.D., Topeka, Kan 50 oo Mera, H. P., M.D., Detroit, Mich 5 00 Merryman, Thos. J., M.D., Lincoln, Neb i 00 Merz, Henry G., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 5 00 Metcalfe, H. H., M.D., Plymouth, Ohio i 00 Meyer, Henry, M.D., Jamestown, Mo 10 50 Michigan State Homceopathic Society 200 00 Middleton, Caleb S., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 50 00 Middleton, Caleb S., Jr., M.D., Providence, R. I. 5 00 Miessler, C. F. O., M.D., Columbus, Neb 5 00 Mikeself, Arthur L., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 5 50 Millard, H. A., M.D., Minonk, 111 2 00 Miller, Eliza M., Los Angeles, Cal 7 GO Miller, F. A., M.D., Nantucket, Mass 5 00 Miller, Horace C, M.D., Rensselaer, N. Y 17 50 Miller, James A., M.D., Garrettsville, Ohio 5 00 Miller, John, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 20 00 Miller, Drs. John M. and Henry T., Springfield, O. 10 00 Miller, Lisbeth D., M.D., Charlestown, Mass 2 00 Miller, Robt. E., M.D., Oxford, N. Y 5 00 Miller, Theophilus E. F., M.D., Westport, Ind . . 5 00 Miller, Zachary T., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 55 00 Millsop, Sarah J., M.D., Bowling Green, Ky 50 00 Milner, Samuel G., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. . . i 00 Minick, Wm. A., M.D., Wichita, Kan 2 00 Minnesota State Homoeopathic Institute 125 00 Minor, Mary E., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 2 50 Misner, Munson & Hill, Drs., Tacoma, Wash. ... 10 00 Mitchell, Clifford, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Mitchell, Geo. R., M.D., Richland Center, Wis.. i 00 Mitchell, J. A., Esq., New York 2 00 Mitchell, John A., M.D., Newark, Ohio 2 00 Mitchell, Mrs. J. A., Bowling Green, Ky 5 00 Mitchell, John J., M.D., Newburgh, N. Y 1 5 00 Mitchell, Jno. Nicholas, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.. 25 00 1 26 List of Subscribers Mitchell, J. Sidney, M D., Chicago, 111 105 00 Moffat, Edgar V., M.D., Orange, N. J 2 10 Moffat, John L., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 7 00 Moffat, Reuben C, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Moffatt, Albert G., M.D., Howard Lake, Minn.. . i 00 Mohn, Daniel L., M.D., Ashland, Ohio 2 50 Mohr, Chas., M.D., Philadelphia. Pa 27 00 Mohr, Mrs. Chas., Philadelphia, Pa 5 CX) Mohr, Miss Harriet H., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Mohr, Miss Jean H., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Monell, Miss M. G., Newburgh, N. Y 2 00 Monroe, John E., M.D., Orange, Mass 2 00 Montgomery County HomcEO. Med. Soc.Ohio. . 50 00 Montreal (Canada) Homceopathic Association.. . . 25 00 Moon, Seymour B., M.D., Beaver Falls, Pa 15 00 Moore, Dorothea L., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Moore, John Herbert, M.D., Brookline, Mass. ... 1 5 00 Moore, Mrs. Lee A., Bowling Green, Ky 25 00 Moore, Samuel N., M.D., Evanston, 111 5 00 Moore, Wilmot, M.D., Terre Haute, Ind 5 00 Moorhead, Mrs. Mary H., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Moorhouse, Wm. H., Esq., Chicago, 111 5 00 Moreland, Geo. B., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Morgan, Alonzo R., M.D., Waterbury, Conn .... 17 00 Morgan, John Coleman, M.D., Millville, N. J 25 00 Morgan, Mrs. Julia E., in mem. Dr. Chas. Morgan, 5 00 Morgan, Wm. L., M.D., Baltimore, Md 7 00 Morgan, Willis B., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 10 00 Morgenthaler, Sophia, M.D., New York 5 00 Morrill, Ezekiel, M.D., Concord, N. H 2 00 Morrill, Miss Sara, Oakland, Cal 50 Morris, Frances M., M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Morrison, Caldwell, M.D., Summit, N. J i 00 Morrison, Chas. C, M.D., Bar Harbor, Me 5 00 Morrison, Frank A., M.D., Rock Creek, Ohio 5 00 Morrow, Emory H., M.D., Altoona, Pa 10 00 List of Subscribers 127 Morse, Lucius D., M D., Atlanta, Ga 7 oo Mossman, Nash A., M.D., New York 15 00 Mottley, Mrs. Chas. P., Bowling Green, Ky 5 00 Motz, Miss Ella C., Huntsville, Ala i 00 Mount, Mrs. Jas. A., Indianapolis, Ind 5 00 Mueller, Gustave A., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Muhlemann, Robert W., M.D., Bellaire, Ohio 5 00 Mulford, Clarence H., M.D., Greeley, Col 2 00 Mulliner, Mary R., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Munger, E. A., M.D., inmem. by Mrs. S. H.Talcott 5 00 Munson, Albert S., M.D., De Land, Fla i 00 Munson, Edwin S., M.D., New York 2 00 Munson, Milton L., M.D., Atlantic City, N.J... 2 00 Murdock, Robert, M.D., Wilkesbarre, Pa 5 00 Murdock, Win., M.D., Akron, Ohio 2 00 Murphy, Sarah A., M.D., Louisville, Ky 5 00 Myers, Chas. E., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Myers, C. W., M.D., Topeka, Kan 2 00 Myers, Priscilla G., M.D., Aurora, 111 2 00 Nash, Mrs. Katherine C. C, Geneva, N. Y 5 00 Neal, Dwight B., M.D., Little Rock, Ark 5 00 Nebraska State Homceopathic Medical Society. . 100 00 Needham, H. J., M.D., New Albany, Ind 1 00 Neefus, P. Wychoff, M.D., Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Negendank, Aug., M.D., Wilmington, Del 5 00 Negley, Miss Alice, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Negley, Miss Georgina, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 co Neidhard, Chas., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Nelles, Andrew B., M D., Columbus, Ohio 2 00 Nellis, Mrs. J. G., Irvington, Cal 5 00 Neumeister, Anton E., M.D., Kansas City, Mo. . 12 00 Nevin, J. Lawrence, M.D., Jersey City, N. J 4 00 New, A. T., M.D., Kirksville, Mo to 00 Newberry, Mrs. Helen H., Detroit, Mich 25 00 Newell, R. C, M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 128 List of Subscribers Newcomer, B. F., Esq., Baltimore, Md 25 oo New Jersey State Homceopathic Medical Society, 50 00 Newman, Louis G., M.D., Brewsters, N. Y i 00 Newton, Frank L., M.D., Somerville, Mass 27 00 New York Homoeopathic Med. Coll. and Hosp. . 100 00 New York Medical Times, New York 25 00 New York Ophthalmic Hospital, New York 50 00 New York Ophthalmic Hospital, Class of 1900. . . 35 00 Nichols, Ammi S., M.D., Portland, Oregon 2 00 Nichols, Chas. L., M.D., Worcester, Mass 10 00 Nichols, Geo., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Nicholson, H. S., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Nicholson, W. H., M.D., Adams, N. Y 2 00 Nieberger, W. E., M.D., Bloomington, 111 2 00 Nimick, W. Howard, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Nixon, Samuel E., M.D., Burlington, Iowa 5 00 Noble, Ellsworth H., M.D., Elmira, N. Y 5 00 Noble, Jas. H., M.D., Eau Claire, Wis 2 08 Nobles, Newman T. B., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. . 5 00 Nordhoff, Mrs. Chas., Coronado, Cal 20 00 Norris, Mrs. L. W., Grand Rapids, Mich i 00 Norris, Maria W., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich 5 00 North, Ada P., M.D., Rock Rapids, Iowa 25 North, J. Edward, M.D., Rock Rapids, Iowa. ... 25 North, Mrs. J. P., Charles City, Iowa 50 North, W. S., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Northam, Mrs. C. H., Hartford, Conn 5 00 Northup, Emerson S., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal.. . 2 00 Norton, Arthur B., M.D., New York 50 00 Norton, Claude R., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Not, Frederick Josiah, M.D., New York 100 00 Nottingham, John C, M.D., Bay City, Mich 27 00 Nowell, John F., M.D., Greencastle, Pa 2 00 Noyes, Henry A., M.D., Pittsfield, Mass 1 1 00 Nurses, Sawyer's Sanitarium, Marion, Ohio 4 25 Nurses in Training School, San Francisco, Cal.. . 6 50 List of Subscribers 129 Oaks, Miss Emma, San Francisco, Cal 5 oo Obetz, Henry L., M.D., Detroit, Mich 2 oo O'Brien, Emilie Y., M.D., Wasliington, D. C i oo Ockford, Geo. M., M.D., Ridgewood, N. J 7 oo O'Connor, Jos. T., M.D., New York 2 00 O'Donnell, J. O., M.D., Braddock, Pa 5 00 Ogden, Benj. H., M.D., St. Paul, Minn 7 00 Ogden, Edwin C, M.D., Joliet, III i 00 Olin, Rollin C, M.D., Detroit, Mich 5 00 Oliver, Mrs. Henry W., Pittsburgh, Pa lOO 00 Oliver, W. L., Esq., San Francisco, Cal 20 00 Olmsted, Austin F., M.D., Green Bay, Wis 15 00 Olmsted, Elmer D., M.D., Spokane, Wash 7 00 Opdyke, L. A., M.D., Jersey City, N. J 2 00 Organon Medical Club of Chester, Pa 10 00 Orleman, E. Louise, M.D., Detroit, Mich 1 2 00 Orme, Francis H., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 30 00 Ormeroid, H. U., M.D., Niles, Ohio i 00 Ormes, Francis D., M.D., Jamestown, N. Y 7 00 Osborn, Homer W., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Overpeck, James W., M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 6 00 Owen, Chas. S., M.D., Wheaton, 111 500 Owens, William, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 25 00 C Pacific Homoeopathic Polyclinic, San Francisco. . 50 00 Packard, Horace, M.D., Boston, Mass 65 00 Packer, Edmund H., M.D., Lowell, Mass 2 00 Packer, Henry E., M.D., Woburn, Mass 7 00 Page, Charlotte Evans, M.D., Braintree, Mass.. . 2 00 Page, Mrs. Hugh N., Norfolk, Va 10 00 Paillou, Emile R., M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 00 Paine, Clarence M., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 10 00 Paine, Horace M., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 500 Paine, J. A., M.D., in mem. by Dr. N. E. Paine. . 5 00 Paine, Joseph P., M.D., Roxbury, Mass 2 00 Paine, N. Emmons, M.D., West Newton, Mass. . 10 00 130 List of Subscribers Paine, Richard K., M.D., Manitowoc, Wis 22 00 Painter, Chas. A., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Palen, Gilbert J., M.D., Germantown, Pa 5 00 Palmer, A. Worrall, M.D., New York 35 00 Palmer, Geo. H., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 27 00 Palmer, Owen A., M.D., Warren, Ohio 10 00 Park, Mrs. Ella, San Rafael, Cal 10 00 Parker, Abraham H., M.D., Macon, Ga 5 00 Parker, Miss Sidney, San Jose, Cal i 00 Parsell, Geo. H., M.D., Falls City, Neb 2 00 Parsons, Anson, M.D., Springboro, Pa 2 00 Parsons, Clarice J., M.D., Springfield, Mass i 00 Parsons, Edgar C, M.D., Meadville, Pa 10 00 Parsons, Katherine, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Parsons, Roscoe M., M.D., Traer, Iowa i 00 Passer, Thos., Esq., Wilkesbarre, Pa 2 00 Partridge, Barton S., M.D., East Bloomfield, N.Y. 5 00 Pattie, Clara A., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Patton, C. J., M.D., Chicago, 111 i 00 Patton, Hugh, M.D., Montreal, Canada 5 00 Patton, Wm. N., M.D., Joliet, 111 i 00 Paul, C. Almon, M.D., Solon, Me 5 00 Pauly, Chas. A., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 27 00 Pauly, Ludwig D., M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 5 00 Payne, Fred W., M.D., Boston, Mass 2 00 Payne, Nicholas B., M.D., Lexington, Mo 5 00 Peach, William, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 7 00 Pearre, Walter, M.D., Waynesboro, Pa 5 00 Pearson, Mary Morey, M.D., Boston, Mass 1 00 Peck, Geo. B., M.D., Providence, R. 1 45 00 Peck, Grant S., M.D., Denver, Col 2 10 Peck, Raymond E., M.D., Davenport, Iowa 25 Peet, E. Leland, M.D., Peckville, Pa 5 00 Penfield, Sophia, M.D., Danbury, Conn 5 CX) Penn, Sophia, M.D., Spokane, Wash i 00 Pennoyer, Nelson A., M.D., Kenosha, Wis 100 00 List of Subscribers 131 Pennoyer, N. A., M.D., collected by, Kenosha. . . lo oo Percy, David T., M.D., Arlington, Mass 2 oo Percy, Frederick B., M.D., Brookline, Mass 27 oo Percy, Geo. E., M.D., Salem, Mass 7 00 Perkins, Chas. W., M.D., Chester, Pa 12 00 Perkins, Edward C, Esq., Boston, Mass 50 00 Perkins, Ernest, M.D., Ashland, Wis 2 00 Perkins, Mrs. Henry Hubbell, Rochester, N. Y. . 10 00 Perkins, J. Deming, Esq., Litchfield, Conn 10 00 Perkins, Nathaniel R., M.D., Dorchester, Mass. . 10 00 Perkins, Robert S., M.D., Norfolk, Va 5 00 Perkins, Stella Manning, M.D., Lynn, Mass .... 2 00 Perky, Leonore, M.D., Lincoln, Neb 5 00 Perrot, J. D., Esq., Beaver Falls, Pa 2 00 Pesado, Segura, M.D., City of Mexico, Mexico.. . 5 00 Peterman, J. H., M.D., Marshall, Tex 5 00 Peters, Wilson L., M.D., Nebraska, Ohio 10 00 Peterson, Alfred C, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. . . 10 00 Peterson, Pierson B., Honesdale, Pa 5 00 Pettengill, Eliza, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Pettet, Isabella M., M.D., New York 50 00 Pettit, Evelyn S., M.D., New Brighton, Pa 2 00 Pfefferkorn, Ferd. C, M.D., Lawrence, Mass.... 5 00 Phillips, Albert W., M.D., Derby, Conn 18 00 Phillips, E. H., M.D., Cape May, N. J 5 00 Phillips, Joseph R., M.D., Erie, Pa 22 00 Phillips, Leslie A., M.D., Boston, Ma.ss 100 00 Phillips, Lincoln, M.D., Hartwell, Ohio 7 00 Phillips, Richard Oliver, M.D., Yonker.s, N. Y. . . 5 00 Phillips, Wm. A., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 25 00 Pierce, F. O., Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Pierce, Willard Ide, M.D., New York 27 00 Pierron, Henry J., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 1 5 00 Pierson, John G., M.D., Southampton, N. Y 2 00 Pierson, Miss L., Portsmouth, Va i 00 Piling, Drs. A. H. and J. E., Burlington, Iowa.. . 5 00 132 List of Subscribers Pillsbury, Chas. B., M.D., Duluth, Minn 5 OO Pineus, Miss Lottie H., Norfolk, Va 2 00 Pintler, Hiram E., M.D., St. Mary, Ohio i 00 Piper, Robert L., M.D., Tyrone, Pa 5 00 Pitcairn, Hugh, M.D., Harrisburgh, Pa 25 00 Pitcairn, Mrs. Robert, Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Pittsburgh, Homoeopathic Physicians at 16 00 Plank, T. Howard, M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Plimpton, William Merrill, M.D., Glenwood, Iowa 2 00 Polhemus, Willis P., M.D., San Diego, Cal 5 00 Pollock, Jos. R., M.D., Fort Worth, Texas 5 00 Pomeroy, Harlan, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 25 00 Pond, Edward H., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 2 00 Poppele, Chas. F., M.D., Mount Pulaski, 111 2 00 Porter, Eugene H., M.D., New York 50 00 Porter, Joshua V., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Porter, Laura M., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Porter, Monroe, M.D., Pinconning, Mich 2 00 Porter, W. A., M.D., Woodfords, Me 25 Posey, Louis Plumer, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . . . 5 00 Potter, Clarence D., M.D., San Francisco, Cal.. . . 5 00 Potter, Francis A., M.D., Gowanda, N. Y 2 00 Potter & Heath, Drs., Gardiner, Me 2 00 Powel, Franklin, M.D., Chester, Pa 100 00 Powel, Milton, M.D., New York 2 00 Powel, Wm. C, M.D., Bryn Mawr, Pa 25 00 Powelson, Arthur P., M.D., Middletown, N. Y. . . 5 00 Pratt, Edwin H., M.D., Chicago, 111 1 10 00 Pratt, Mrs. Enoch, Baltimore, Md 50 00 Pratt, Leonard, M.D., San Jose, Cal 5 00 Pratt, Trimble, M.D., Media, Pa 7 00 Prentis, Percy L., M.D., Delphos, Iowa 2 cx) Preston, Fred L., M.D., Chester, Pa 2 00 Preston, Mahlon, M.D., Norristown, Pa 10 00 Price, Elias C, M.D., Baltimore, Md 2 08 List of Subscribers 133 Price, E. H., M.D., Chattanooga, Tenn I OO Price, Eldridge C, M.D., Baltimore, Md lO OO Prilay, John M., M.D., Bangor, Me 5 00 Primm, John W., M.D., Woodstock, 111 2 00 Proctor, Willis H., M.D., Binghamton, N. Y i oo Pulford, Wm. H., M.D., Delaware, Ohio 5 oo PuUen, Chas. D., M.D., Mount Pleasant, Mich. . . 2 oo Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio lOO oo Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, Class of 1898. . lOO 00 Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, Class of 1900. . 150 00 Blackburn, Wm. J., M.D. Canaday, Clifford E., M.D. Conkling, Clifford W., M.D. Huntington, Ella C, M.D. Huron, Hugh H., M.D. Kleiser, Albert H., M.D. Leevey, Marian E. K., M.D. McCleary, Joseph R., M.D. McCormick, Ida E., M.D. Merchant, Wm. M., M.D. Mott, Luther A., M.D. Nye, Jane, M.D. Owen, Phcebe, M.D. Phillips, Wm. O., M.D. Sauers, Frank C, M.D. Varney, James D., M.D. Wilson, William, M.D. Pulte Med. Coll., " Epsilon Chapter, Alpha Sigma," 1 6 00 Purdy, Mark S., M.D., Corning, N. Y 2 50 Purves, Miss Olive, Oakland, Cal i 00 Putnam, Thos. J., M.D., North Adams, Mass 2 00 Putnam, Wm. B., M.D., Hoosick Falls, N. Y. . . . 2 00 Putsch, Augustus, M.D., Winona, Minn 5 00 Quay, Geo. H., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Quinby. Edgar C, M.D., TitusviUe, Pa 2 00 134 List of Subscribers Rabe, Rudolph F., M.D., New York 15 oo Radway, Chas. W., M.D., Mexico, N. Y 10 00 Raines, Mrs. Geo. W., Newburgh, N. Y 5 00 Ralston, Rose Amanda, M.D., Warren, Ohio. ... 5 00 Rambo, Wm. S., M.D., Rochester, N. Y i 00 Ramsdell, Mrs. Homer, Newburgh, N. Y. 10 00 Ramsdell, Miss L. R., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Ramsey, H. Edwin, M.D., Allegheny, Pa 25 Rand, John Prentice, M.D., Monson, Mass 27 00 Rand, J. P., M.D., Monson, Mass. (for patients). . 10 00 Randall, Edward G., M.D., Oneida, N. Y 125 Ranger, Miss Genevieve, San Francisco, Gal 5 00 Rankin, John S., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Rankin, Mrs. Louisa G., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Ray, VVm. L., M.D., Fulton, Mo 2 00 Raymer, Wm., M.D , Beaver Falls, Pa 2 00 Read, Georgiana D., M.D., Providence, R. 1 2 00 Reading, J. Herbert, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Reddish, Albert W., M.D., Sidney, Ohio 5 00 Reed, R. G., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Reed, Robert G., M D., Woonsocket, R.I 5 00 Reed, Thos. E., M.D., Middletown, Ohio 7 00 Reed, U. W., M.D., Topeka, Ind i 00 Rees, Owen C., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 1 5 00 Reeves, Joseph M., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Regan, Milton R., M.D., Eureka Springs, Ark.. . 2 00 Reily, Walter E., M.D., Fulton, Mo 2 00 Reinhold, Hannah C, M.D., Williamsport, Pa. . . 5 00 Reininger, Edward E., M.D., Chicago, III 5 00 Reise, John A., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Remington, Fred A., M.D., Sioux City, Iowa... . 2 00 Renninger, John S., M.D., Marshall, Minn 10 00 Replogle, Peter S , M.D., Chicago, 111 i 00 Rether, C. H., M.D., Columbus, Ohio i 02 Reuscher, Edward F., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio.... 1 00 Rey, Miss Sylvia, San Francisco, Cal 20 00 List of Subscribers 135 Reynolds, Herbert, M.D., Bridesburg, Pa 2 oo Reynolds, John N., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich.. 5 00 Reynolds, Mrs. Stella D. O., Wilkesbarre, Pa. . . . 10 00 Reynolds, Warren U., M.D., New York 7 00 Rice, Alvin R., M.D., Jamestown, N. Y 7 00 Rice, George B., M.D., Boston, Mass 2 00 Rice, Thompson R., M.D., Petersburg, Ind 5 00 Richards, B. N., M.D., Rochester, N. H 25 Richards, George E., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Richards. Geo. H., M.D., Orange, N. J 2 00 Richardson, A. J., M.D., New York 5 00 Richardson, Edward Blake, M.D., Everett, Mass. 5 00 Richardson, Frank C, M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Richardson, George W., M.D., New York 10 00 Richmond. Hiram W., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. . . 5 00 Ricker, Marcena Sherman, M.D., Rochester, N.Y. 32 00 Rieger, Joseph, M.D., Dunkirk, N. Y 25 00 Rieman, Mrs. Jos. H., Baltimore, Md 10 00 Rinehart, Clarence C, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Ripley, Geo. H., M.D., Kenosha, Wis 2 00 Ripley, Martha G., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn 15 00 Risley, Mrs., San Francisco, Cal i 00 Ritch, Orlando S., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 7 00 Roasberry, Wm. H., M.D., Olivesburg, Ohio 10 00 Robbins, A. F., M.D., Seely Creek, N. Y 5 00 Roberts, Mrs. Alice Hurlbut, Chicago, 111 2 00 Roberts, Daniel J., M.D., New Rochelle, N. Y. . . 30 00 Roberts, Geo. F., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn 5 00 Roberts, Geo. W., M.D., New York 50 00 Roberts, Lemuel M., M.D., Little Falls, Minn. . . 2 00 Roberts, Oscar W., M.D., Springfield, Mass 10 00 Roberts, Osmore O., M.D., Northampton, Mass. . 2 00 Roberts, Miss Sarah E., Camden, N.J 5 00 Roberts, Thos. E., M.D., Oak Park, 111 30 00 Robertson, John, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio i 00 Rockefeller, John D., Esq., New York 150 00 136 List of Subscribers Rock River Institute of Homoeopathy 40 00 Rockwell, Alfred E. P., M.D., Worcester, Mass. . 10 00 Rockwell, Cortland B., M.D., Chicago, III 27 00 Rockwell, Jas. W., M.D., Akron, Ohio 2 00 Rockwell, John A., M.D., Boston, Mass 125 00 Rockwell, J. Arnold, Jr , M.D., Boston, Mass. ... 10 00 Rodes, Joseph, M.D., San Diego, Cal 10 00 Rodgers, A. H., M.D., Corning, N. Y 5 00 Rodman, Major John B., Washington 10 00 Rogers, Jesse B., M.D., Michigan City, Ind 2 00 Rogers, Mrs. J. L., Newburgh, N. Y 2 00 Roper, R. J., Esq., Prescott, Ariz i 00 Ropes, Geo., Esq., Boston, Mass 20 CX) Rosenberger, Abraham S., M.D., Covington, Ohio. 2 00 Ross, Alice Idella, M.D., Whittier, Iowa 5 00 Ross, G. A., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 2 cx) Ross, Seaver C, M.D., Jersey City, N. J 2 OO Rouiiseval, C. Sedgewick, M.D., Nashau, N. H.. 2 00 Rousseau, Louis G., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 10 00 Rowand, Joseph, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa i CX3 Rowe, Wm. C, M.D., Pensacola, Fla 3 CX3 Rowe, Wm. H., M.D., Waukesha, Wis i 00 Rowland, Justin E., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Rowley, Chas. A., M.D., Victor, N. Y 5 oo Royal, George, M.D., Des Moines, Iowa 50 00 Ruckel, John F., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Rudorf, Paul, M.D., Fullersburg, 111 5 00 Rufer, J. R., Esq., Boston, Mass i 00 Rumsey, Chas. Leslie, M.D., Baltimore, Md 22 00 Runnels, Moses T., M.D., Kansas City, Mo 10 00 Runnels, Orange S., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 225 00 Runnels, Sollis, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 10 00 Rush, Robert B., M.D., Salem, Ohio 25 00 Rushmore, Edward, M.D., Plainfield, N. J 5 00 Rushmore, Stephen, Esq., Plainfield, N.J 6 00 Russell, H. Everett, New York 2 00 List of Subscribers 137 Russell, Henry A., M.D., West Superior, Wis. . . 2 oo Russell, Henry S., Esq., Boston, Mass 25 00 Russell, Mrs. Henry S., Boston, Mass 25 00 Russell, Wilmer W., M.D., Marysville, Cal 2 00 Rust, Carl H., M.D., Wellington, Ohio i 00 Ryder, James M., M.D., Willard Ore 5 00 Sabin, Margaret L., M.D., Lincoln, Neb 2 00 Salisbury, Samuel S., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal.. . . 10 00 Sage, Mrs., Nevvburgh, N. Y i 00 Sage, Fred. Carleton, M.D., Waterloo, Iowa 25 Sage, Henry P., M.D., New Haven, Conn 2 00 Sage, William H., M.D., New Haven, Conn 2 00 Sails, Alfred, M.D., Saco, Me 2 00 Sanborn, Emma May E., M.D., Andover, Mass. 1 1 00 Sandal, John H., M.D., Pljnnouth, Pa 10 00 Sanders, J. Kent, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 50 00 Sanders, Mrs. J. Kent, Cleveland, Ohio 50 00 Sanders, John C, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 27 00 Sanders, Orren B., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Sanford, Chas. E., M.D., Bridgeport, Conn 12 00 Sanger, Henry M., M.D., Providence, R. 1 10 00 Sanger, Thad. E., M.D., Littleton, N. H 5 00 Santway, F. L., M.D., Theresa, N. Y 10 00 Sartain, Harriet J., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 7 00 Sawin, Isaac W., M.D., Providence, R. 1 7 00 Sawtelle, Benjamin A., M.D., Norfolk, Conn 2 00 Sawyer, Chas. E., M.D., Marion, Ohio 14 00 Saylor, B. Frank, M.D., St. Louis, Mo 2 00 Scannell, Rt. Rev. Richard, Omaha, Neb 5 00 Scharf, S. R., Esq., Washington, D. C. . 2 00 Scheble, Malinda M., M.D., Ashley, Ohio i 00 Schell, Francis H., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Schell, Samuel H., M.D., Hamilton, Ohio 5 00 Schenck, Herbert Dana, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. . 45 00 Schenk, E. J., M.D., Princeton, 111 5 00 138 List of Subscribers Schlegel, Louise, M.U., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Schley, Jas. Montford, M.D., New York 102 00 Schluss, K., Esq., San Francisco, Cal 50 Schneider, Adolph B., M.U., Cleveland, Ohio.. . . 10 00 Schneider, Mrs. E. M., in mem. Dr. N. Schneider, Cleveland, Ohio 200 00 Schneider, S. Newton, M. D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Schoen, W. H., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Schofield, Mrs. C. B., Oakland, Cal 2 50 Schonger, Adolph H., M.D., North Branch, N. Y. 4 00 Schoonmaker, J. M., Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Schoonover, Wm. E., M.D., Greenville, Pa 5 00 Schreimer, Emma T., M.D., Germantown, Pa... . 10 00 Schubert, Th., M.D., Vinton, Cal 5 00 Schultz, A. F., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 5 00 Schultz, Theo., M.D., Evansville, Ind 4 00 Schulze, Carl A., M.D., Columbus, Ohio 5 00 Schumaker, F. R., M.D., Reading, Pa i 00 Schumann, Carl, M.D., Delhi, N. Y 10 00 Schussler, Louis F., M.D., Alton, 111 2 00 Schuylkill County (Pa.) Homoeopathic Med. Soc. 205 00 Schwenk, C. S., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 70 Scofield, L. Fletcher, M.D., West Jefferson, Ohio 50 Scott, Catherine V. C, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. 5 00 Scott, Chester W., M.D., Lawrence, Mass 12 00 Scott, Cyrus W., M.D., Andover, Mass 7 00 Scott, W., Esq., Prescott, Ariz i 00 Scott, Wm. H., M.D., New York 17 00 Seabury, W. W., M.D., Du Bois, Pa 5 00 Sears, A. H., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 25 Seems, Tiglman, M.D., Mitchellville, Iowa i 00 Seip, Chas. L., M.D., New Bedford, Mass 7 00 Seip, Christian P., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Selee, Annie M., M.D., Melrose, Mass 5 00 Selfridge, Grant, M.D., San Francisco, Cal 10 00 Seniors, Association of 45 00 List of Subscribers 139 Severinghaus, Edwin A., M.D., New Albany, Ind. 2 oo Seward, Fred. W., M.D., Goshen, N. Y 5 oo Seward, John Perry, M.D., New York 10 00 Seward, Stephen, M.D., Syracuse, N.Y ... 25 00 Seymour, Geo. W., M.D., Westfield, N. Y 10 00 Shackford, Rufus, M.D., Portland, Me 5 00 Shaefer, Adolph, Esq., Brooklyn, N.Y 5 00 Shannon, Margaret Frew, Denver, Col 2 00 Shannon, Samuel F., M.D., Denver, Col 610 00 Shannon, Wm. T., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Shaw, James C, M.D., Hoosick Falls, N. Y 2 00 Shaw, John C, M.D., New Bedford, Mass 27 00 Shaw, John J., M.D., Plymouth, Mass 2 00 Shearer, Thos., M.D., Baltimore, Md 105 00 Shearer, Thos. L., M.D., Baltimore, Md 105 00 Shears, Geo. F., M.D., Chicago, 111 27 00 Sheffield, Henry, M.D., Nashville, Tenn 10 00 Sheldon, Floyd P., M.D., New York 5 00 Sheldon, Jay W., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y 155 00 Sheldon, Mrs. Louise W., Delhi, N. Y 25 00 Sheldon & Candee, Drs., Syracuse, N.Y 8 00 Shelton, Geo. G., M.D., New York 455 00 Shepard, Geo. A., M.D., New York 17 00 Shepard, W. A., M.D., Colorado Springs, Col 5 00 Shepard, Willard F., M.D., Glendale, Ohio 5 00 Sherman, Lewis, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis 200 00 Sherman, Nancy B , M.D., Janesville, Wis i 00 Sherwood, Bradford W., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y.. . 7 00 Sherwood, Herbert A., M.D., Warren, Ohio 18 00 Shinner, Mrs. H. E., Norfolk, Va i 00 Shinnick, Chas. Carroll, M.D., Oakland, Cal 2 00 Shipley, Daniel F., M.D., Westminster, Md 2 00 Shirk, Samuel M., M.D., Stamford, Conn 2 00 Shivers, Bowman. H., M.D., Haddonfield, N. J. . 2 00 Shoemaker, Daniel W., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . 10 00 Shoemaker, Mrs. S. H., Baltimore, Md 10 00 HO List of Subscribers Shoemaker, Wm. A., M.D., Lincoln, Neb 5 OO Sluite, A. Clement, M.D., Connellsville, Pa 6 00 Sibley, H. W., M.D., Waldo, Fla 2 00 Sibley, Mrs. Hiram, Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Siegfried, John P., M.D., Ashtabula, Ohio 5 00 Silbernagel, Chas. E., M.D., Columbus, Ohio. ... 5 00 Simmons, Daniel, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 55 00 Simmons, Harry Benge, M.D., Chestertown, Md.. 10 00 Simmons, Nathan R., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 5 00 Simmons, Silas S., M.D., Susquehanna, Pa 5 00 Simmons, Z. G., Esq., Kenosha, Wis 25 00 Simpson, Edna & Kenneth, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Simpson, Edwin D., M.D., New York 10 00 Simpson, Miss Jessie, San Francisco, Cal 2 50 Sinclair, Daniel S., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. . . 2 00 Sinclair, Malcolm C, M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. i 00 Sioux City Homoeopathic Medical Society, Iowa. 14 00 Sisson, Edward R., M.D., New Bedford, Mass. . . 5 00 Skiff, Walter C, M.D., New Haven, Conn 10 00 Skiles, Hugh P., M.D., Chicago, 111 100 00 Skinner, Richard M., M.D., Flemingsburg, Ky. .. 2 00 Skinner, Scott W., M.D., Leroy, N. Y 7 00 Skinner, Thos., M.D., London, Eng 5 00 Slaught, James E., M.D., Warsaw, N. Y 7 00 Sleght, Bevier H. B., M.D., Newark, N. J 5 00 Slough, Frank J., M.D., Allentown, Pa 2 00 Smedley, Chas. D., M.D., Wayne, Pa 5 00 Smedley, Isaac G., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Smith, Alden E., M.D., Freeport, 111 25 00 Smith, Chas. W., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Smith, Dean T., M.D., Jackson, Mich 33 00 Smith, Dudley, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 08 Smith, Elizabeth W., M.D., Atlanta, Ga 2 00 Smith, Emmet, L., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Smith, Floyd D., M.D., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. . . 2 00 Smith, Francis S., M.D., Lock Haven, Pa 2 00 List of Subscribers 141 Smith, Geo. R., M.D., Dover, N. H 2 00 Smith, Geo. T., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Smith, Henry M., M.D., New York 105 OO Smith, Hugh M., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 25 00 Smith, Mrs. John, Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Smith, John E., M.D., Jackson, Mich 2 00 Smith, Julia Holmes, M.D., Chicago, 111 50 00 Smith, Mary E., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 5 00 Smith, Col. N. M., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Smith, Mrs. N. M., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Smith, Norman P., M.D., Paris, 111 2 00 Smith, Orrin L., M.D., Chicago, 111 7 00 Smith, Sarah, M.D., Council Bluffs, Iowa 2 00 Smith, Sarah N., M.D., Stillwater, N. Y 2 00 Smith, Sidney E., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Smith, St. Clair, M.D., New York 100 00 Smith, Thos. Franklin, M.D., New York 5 00 Smith, T. Hart, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 50 00 Smith, Wilson, A., M.D., Morgan Park, 111 25 00 Smith, Mrs. Wilson A., Chicago, 111 25 00 Smith, W. H., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 5 00 Smith, Winfield S., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Smoot, Chas. E., M.D., Richmond, Ky i 00 Smoot, Mrs. Chas. E., Richmond, Ky i 00 Smoot, Peter G., M.D., Maysville, Ky 5 00 Smythe, Miss Grace, Denver, Col 5 00 Smythe, Samuel S., M.D., Denver, Col 17 00 Snow, Henry, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 10 00 Snyder, Edward E., M.D., Binghamton, N. Y. . . 25 00 Snyder, Omer C, M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Snyder, Susan McG., M.D., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 2 00 Sobey, John P., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio i 00 Solly, John, M.D., Pelican Lake, Minn 2 00 Somers, F. W., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 300 Somerville, W. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Sook, Oliver P., M.D., Newark, Ohio 2 00 142 List of Subscribers Souder, Philip G., M.D., Woodstovvii, N. J 2 oo Soule, Francis J., M.D., German Valley, 111 i oo Southall, E. W., M.D., Geneseo, N. Y 2 50 Southern California Homceopathic Med. Soc. . 50 00 Southern HomcEopathic Association 100 00 Southern Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Baltimore, Md 100 00 Southwick, Geo. R., M.D., Boston, Mass 12 00 Southvvorth, Fred. W., M.D., Tacoma, Wash. ... i 00 Spalding, Henry E., M.D., Boston, Mass 115 00 Spalding, Samuel H., M.D., Hingham, Mass 5 00 Spalding, W. J., M.D., Mt. Pleasant, Ohio 25 Sparhawk, Samuel, M.D., Burlington, Vt 2 00 Sparhawk, Samuel H., M.D., St. Johnsbury, Vt. . 5 00 Speaker, Everett C, M.D., Lake View, Iowa. ... 25 Spear, Boston, Mass 5 00 Spear, E. Ray, Esq., Newton Center, Mass 5 00 Spencer, Annie W., M.D., Batavia, 111 i 5 00 Spencer, George F. A., M.D., Ware, Mass i 00 Spencer, Geo. W., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Spencer, Orson B., M.D., Kankakee, 111 i 00 Spencer, Wilbur F., M.D., Geneseo, 111 17 00 Spencer, Wm., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 2 00 Sperling, John G., M.D., Wilkesbarre, Pa loO 00 Spreng, T. F. H., M.D., Sioux City, Iowa 10 00 Squire, Abiram F., M.D., Newport, R. I 2 00 Staads, S., M.D., Sioux City, Iowa i 00 Stafford, Fred. A., M.D., Toledo, Ohio 5 00 Stambach, Henry L., M.D., Santa Barbara, Cal . . 5 00 Stambach, Ida V., M.D., Santa Barbara, Cal 7 00 Stanton, Nathaniel Green, M.D., Newport, R. I . . 2 00 Starr, Calvin, M.D., Beatrice, Neb 5 DO Starr, Julia C, M.D., Beatrice, Neb 5 GO Starr, Pearl, M.D., Bellevue, Pa 5 00 Stauffer, Alvin Packer, M.D., Hagerstown, Md. . 2 00 Stearns, Solomon S., M.D., Washington, D. C. . . 10 00 List of Subscribers 143 Stearns, Wm. M., M.D., Chicago, 111 25 oo Steddon, C, M.D., Ocala, Fla 3 00 Stephens, Jas. A., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Stephens, Jennie C, M.D., Joliet, 111 i 00 Stephens, Drs. W. R. and T. W., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 10 00 Stephenson, Mrs. Elizabeth P., Allegheny, Pa. . . . 10 00 Stephenson, F. L., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Stettler, Cornelia S., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Steudel, Robert, M.D., Phoenixville, Pa 5 00 Stevens, Edward F., M.D., Seattle. Wash 2 00 Stevens, Grenville S., M.D., Providence, R. I. . . 7 00 Stevenson, Nevin G., M.D., Ellis Grove, 111 i 00 Stewart, A. C, M.D., Durango, Col 5 00 Stewart, D. Glenn, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Stewart, Frank C, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 7 00 Stewart, Jas. A., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 2 00 Stewart, John W. G., M.D., Wabash, Ind 20 00 Stewart, Lincoln A., M.D., West Brooksville, Me. 10 00 Stewart, S. J., M.D., Seattle, Wash 2 50 Stewart, Thomas M., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 10 00 Stewart, Wm. Alvah, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Stewart, Wm. R., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 7 00 Stewart, Willis B., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 2 00 Stiefel, John, M.D., Bucyrus, Ohio 5 00 Stiles, Hunter B., M.D., Gainesville, Tex i 00 Stitzel, J. Wakefield, M.D., Hollidaysburg, Pa. . . 5 00 St. John, Everett, Esq., Norfolk, Va 45 00 St. John, Mrs. Everett, Norfolk, Va 25 00 Stober, J. P., M.D., Lexington, Ohio i 00 Stokes, Lydia Webster, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . 3 00 Stoltz, Rosalie H., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Stone, Geo. Lew., M.D., Richmond, Va 2 00 Stone, Martha M., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 2 00 Stone, Spencer R., M.D., Rhinelander, Wis 2 00 Storer, John Hudson, M.D., New York 2 00 Stout, Henry R., M.D., Jacksonville, Fla 25 00 144 List of Subscribers Stow, Timothy Dwight, M.D., Mexico, N. Y i oo Stratton, Mrs. H. C, Baltimore, Md i oo Stravvbridge, Frank A., M.D., Sigourney, Iowa. . 2 oo Streeter, John W., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 oo Streets, Jacob G., M.D., Bridgeton, N. J 100 00 Strickler, David A., M.D., Denver, Col 15 00 Strong, Thos. Morris, M.D., Boston, Mass 10 00 Strunk, Edward P., M.D., Brewsters, N. Y 10 00 Stumpf, D. B., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 10 00 Sturgis, Phineas M., M.D., Topeka, Kan 5 00 Sturgus, John J., M.D., Vashon, Wash 5 00 Stutz, J. A., M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind 5 00 Suffa, Geo. A., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Sumner, Chas. R., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 50 00 Sutherland, John Preston, M.D., Boston, Mass.. . 55 00 Sutherland, Mrs. John P., Boston, Mass 25 00 Sutherland, Ouincy O., M.D., Janesville, Wis.. . . 5 00 Sutphen, John T., M.D., Middletown, Ohio 10 00 Suttle, H. J., M.D., Viroqua, Wis 2 00 Swain, Mary L., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Swan, C. Joseph, M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Swan & Hertzog, Drs., Chardon, Ohio 5 00 Swartz, Ross, M.D., Harrisburg, Pa 5 00 Sweet, Mrs. Clayton E., Newburgh, N. Y 5 00 Sweet, Robert V., M.D., Rochester, N. H 2 00 Swett, Emily F., M.D., Medina, N. Y 31 00 Swift, Edward P., M.D., Pleasantville, N. Y 25 00 Swift, Marcus B. G., Esq., Fall River, Mass 2 00 Swormstedt, Lyman B., M.D., Washington, D. C. 5 00 Sylvester, S. A., M.D., Newton Center, Mass. 10 00 Taber, Geo. A., M.D., Richmond, Va 5 00 Taber, Mrs. Geo. A., Richmond, Va 5 00 Taft, Mary Florence, M.D., Newtonville, Mass... 2 00 Talbot, Mrs. Emily, Boston, Mass 25 oo Talbot, Rev. Henry Russell, Boston, Mass 10 00 List of Subscribers 145 Talbot, Israel Tisdale, M.D., Boston, Mass 1 1 5 oo Talbot, Miss Marion, Boston, Mass 10 00 Talbot, Winthrop T., M.D., Boston, Mass 20 00 Talcott, Selden H., M.D., Middletown, N. Y 85 10 Talcott, Mrs. Selden H., Middletown, N. Y 5 00 Talcott, Wm. S., M.D., New York 5 cx) Talmage, John F., Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y 10 00 Tapley, Mrs. J. F., Marysville, Cal 5 00 Tappin, M., Esq., New York 10 00 Taylor, Annie B., M.D., East Somerville, Mass.. 5 00 Taylor, Elizabeth Y., M.U., Grand Rapids, Mich. i 00 Taylor, Mrs. F. M., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Taylor, H. H., M.D., Washington, D. C 5 CX) Taylor, Harriet S., M.D., Springfield, 111 i 25 Taylor, Theodore H., M.D., Evansville, Ind 2 10 Teets, Chas. E., M.D., New York 25 00 Tenney, A. C, M.D., Mount Vernon, Iowa 25 Terry, Marshall O., M.D., Utica, N. Y 25 00 Thatcher, Jesse W , M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Thaw, Alice C, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Thaw, B., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Thaw, J. C, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Thaw, Mrs. Wm., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Thayer, David, M.D., Boston, Mass 25 00 Thayer, Mrs. Chas., Boston, Mass 5 00 Thomas, Amos R., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Thomas, Mrs. Annie H., Boston, Mass 10 00 Thomas, Arthur E., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Thomas, Chas. H., M.D., Cambridge, Mass 5 00 Thomas, Chas. M., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 60 00 Thomas, Geo. C, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Thomas, Mrs. George C, Philadelphia, Pa 100 00 Thomas, Mrs. J. W., Newburgh, N. Y 10 00 Thomasson, John Clay, M.D., Georgetown, Ky. . 215 Thome, Arthur G., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Thompson, Chas. S., M.D., Helena, Mont 2 00 146 List of Subscribers Thompson, James G., M.D., New Brighton, Pa. . 2 00 Thompson, James H., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 50 00 Thompson, Jay J., M.D., Chicago, 111 80 00 Thompson, John H., M.D., New York 10 00 Thompson, Virgil, M.D., New York 5 00 Thompson, Wm. M., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Thompson, \V. S., M.D., Augusta, Me 2 00 Thurber, Miss Jennie, San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Thurston, Cyrus M., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Thurston, Leon, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Tilley, W. M., Esq., Berkeley, Va 2 00 Tillotson, L. H., M.D., Painesville, Ohio i CX) Tillotson, VV. Clinton, M.D., Rockville, Conn .... i 00 Tindall, Van R., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Titus, Emily, M.D., and Friends, Portland, Me.. 6 00 Tobey, Walter H., M.D., Boston, Mass 17 00 Tomkins, A. H., M.D., Jamaica Plain, Mass 5 00 Tomlin, R. Elmer, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 CX3 Tomlinson, Wm. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Tortat, A., Emile, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Tower, Geo. A., M.D., Watertown, Mass 5 cxD Townsend, Charles, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y 15 00 Townsend, Irving, M.D., New York 17 00 Trained Nurses' Fund, N. Y. : Middletown Homoeopathic State Hosp.io 25 Buffalo Homoeopathic Hospital 8 50 Flower Hospital, New York 5 00 — 23 75 Trego, Wm. Edgar, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 5 00 Trew, Bartus, M.D., Baltimore, Md 5 cx) Trexler, Col. Harry C, Allentown, Pa 5 00 Triem, Peter E., M.D., Manchester, Iowa 10 00 Trotter, Richard R., M.D., Yonkers, N. Y 2 00 Trowbridge, Fred. K., Esq., New York 25 00 True, Richard S., M.D., Marblehead, Mass 2 00 Truitt, W. J., M.D., Naperville, 111 i 00 TuUeys, Isaac W., M.D., Red Cloud, Neb 2 cx) List of Subscribers 147 Tupper, John D., M.D., Westport, Mass 7 OO Turner, F. A., Esq , Boston, Mass 10 00 Turner, Mrs., San Francisco, Cal 2 00 Turner, Reeve, M.D., Middletown, N. Y 5 00 Tuttle, Edward G., M.D., New York 12 00 Twitchell, A. B., M.D., Newark, N. J 5 00 Tytler, Geo. E., M.D., New York 5 00 Ulrich, Mrs, and Miss, Elizabethtown, Pa i 00 Ulrich, Sylvester, M.D., Elizabethtown, Pa 7 00 Unknown, Brooklyn, N. Y 25 Upton, F. S., Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Valentine, Richard K., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 40 00 Vanamee, Mrs. Wm., Newburgh, N. Y i 00 Van Arsdell, Mrs. W. W., McCloud, Cal 20 00 Van Baun, Wm. W., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 105 00 Van Dalsam, Mrs. W. S., San Jose, Cal 2 50 Van Den Burg, Wm. H., M.D., New York 40 00 Vander Burgh, D. W., M.D., Fall River, Mass. 2 00 Vandergrift, Mrs. J. J., Pittsburgh, Pa 25 00 Van Deusen, Edwin H., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.. 10 00 Vandevort, Katherine, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Van Duzer, Mrs. S. R., Newburgh, N. Y 50 00 Van Lennep, Miss Rebecca R., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 GO Van Lennep, Wm. B., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 200 00 Van Lennep (Wm. B.) Clinical Club, Phila., Pa. 75 00 Belville, J. Edward, M.D. Benson, Frank C, M.D. Bickley, G. Henry, M.D. Carter, Woodward Davis, M.D. Cowperthwaite, Edwin G., M.D. Culin, Wm. D., M.D. Fries, Chas. J., M.D. Hassler, J. Wyllis, M.D. James, D. Bushrod, M.D. 148 List of Subscribers Lawrence F. Mortimer, M.D. Lyle, W. Howard, M.D. Raue, C. Sigmund, M.D. Van Lennep, Gustave A., M.D. Weaver, Henry S., M.D. Weaver, Win. A., M.D. Van Loon, Arthur B., M.D., Albany, N. Y 12 00 Van Meter, Mrs. C. J., Bowling Green, Ky 10 CX) Van Norman, Edgar V., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. 5 00 Van Norman, Horace B., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. 7 00 Vansant, John Thomas, M.D., Paris, Ky 10 00 Van Scoyoc, L. G., M.D., Kansas City, Mo 2 00 Van Vleck, Peter H., M.D., Sturgis, Mich., .... 5 00 Vaughan, Elmer E., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Verges, W. Ferdinand, M.D., Norfolk, Neb 12 00 Vermont Homoeopathic Medical Society 55 20 Ver Nooy, Chas., M.D., New York 7 00 Vidal, Jas. W., M.D., Fargo, N Dak 10 00 Viehe, Carl G., M.D., Evansville, Ind 5 00 Viehe, Caspar H., M.D., Evansville, Ind i 00 Viets, Byron B., M D., Cleveland, Ohio 3 00 Vilas, Chas. H., M.D., Chicago, 111 50 00 Vincent, Mrs. John H., Topeka, Kan 1 5 00 Vischer, Carl, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 25 00 Vivian, John B., M.D., Galesburg, 111 2 00 Vogel, Mrs. Herman, New York 10 00 Von der Luhe, Amelia D. F., M.D., Bklyn., N. Y. 10 00 Von der Luhe, Margaret B., M.D., Bklyn., N. Y. 12 00 Vreeland, Frank D., M.D., Paterson, N.J 10 00 Waddell, W. E., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal 5 00 Waffle, Willella Howe, M.D., Santa Ana, Cal. . . . 4 50 Wagner, Phillipena, M.D., Carson City, Nev 3 00 Wainwright, Villette, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Wait, Phcebe J. B., M.D., New York 100 00 Wakeley, Wm. A., M.D., Orange, N. J 7 00 List of Subscribers 149 Waldo, E. E., M.D., Hannibal, Mo i oo Walker, Chas. E., M.D., West Henrietta, N. Y. . 5 oo Walker Children, Washington, D. C 7 00 Walker, Jas. M., M.D., Denver, Col 52 00 Walker, Leonidas C, M.D., Jamestown, Ohio. . . 2 GO Walker, Mahlon, M.D., Philadelphia. Pa 10 00 Walker, Nora, M.D., Joliet, 111 i 00 Walker, Wm. S.. M.D., Toledo, Oh o 2 00 Wallace, J. P., E.sq., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Wallin, Mrs. V. A., Grand Rapids, Mich 1 00 Walls, Chas. B., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Walls, Francis, E., M.D., Olean, N. Y 2 00 Walrad, Caleb B., M.D., Johnstown, N. Y i 00 Walter, Mrs. C. H., San Josd, Cal 2 00 Walter, Robert, M.D., Walters Park, Pa 30 00 Walters, John, M.D., Joliet, 111 2 00 Walters, John W., M.D., Altoona, Pa 5 00 Walton, Chas. E., M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio 100 00 Wanstall, Alfred, M.D., Baltimore, Md 27 00 Ward, Florence N., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. . .. 19 50 Ward, Harriet B., M.D., 111 25 Ward, James W., M.D., San Francisco, Cal 1 1/ 50 Ward, Drs. J. W. and F. N., San Francisco, Cal. 75 00 Warner, Alton G., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 10 00 Warner, F. P., M.D., Canandaigua, N. Y 3 00 Warren, Mrs. Clara B., Buffalo, N. Y 10 00 Warren, John K., M.D., Worcester, Ma.ss 2 00 Wasgatt, Roland J., M.D., Rockland, Me 3 00 Washburn, Julia, M.D., Lexington, Ky 10 00 Washington Homceopathic Med. Soc, Wash. D.C. lOO 00 Washington State Homoeopathic Medical Societ}- 18 00 Watson, Miss, San Francisco, Cal i 00 Watson, Mrs. Caroline M., Rochester, N. Y 25 00 Watts, Pliny R., M.D., Sacramento, Cal 2 00 Watts, Mrs. P. R., Sacramento, Cal 5 00 Watts, Wm , M.D., Toledo, Ohio 12 00 150 List of Subscribers Watzek, John W., M.D., Davenport, Iowa i 00 Way, Frank E., M.D., Wahoo, Neb 5 00 Waylan, Julia Gould, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . . . 5 00 Wayland, Chas. A., M.D., San Jos6, Cal 17 00 Weaver, Miss Bertha C, Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Weaver, Chandler, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Weaver, Chandler, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Weaver, Miss Eleanor, Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Weaver, Miss Florence S., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Weaver, Henry S., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 10 00 Weaver, Thurston Lane, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.. 5 00 Webb, Win. B., M.D., Beaver Uam, Wis 10 00 Webster, Frank P., M.D., Norfolk, Va 5 00 Webster, Mrs. Frank P., Norfolk, Va 2 00 Webster, J. G., M.D., Colfax, Ind 5 00 Webster, Judson T., M.D., Atlanta, 111 i 00 Webster, Samuel C, M.D., Westerly, R. 1 5 00 Wehrman, E. A., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind i 00 Wehrman, J. O., M.D., Indianapolis, Ind 6 00 Weill, Mrs. Henry, Buffalo, N. Y 5 00 Weirick, Clement A., M.D., Chicago, 111 2 00 Wells, David W., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 Wells, Geo. H., M.D., Sistersville, W. Va 5 00 Wells, Wm. E., M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 2 00 Wenban, Mrs. S., San Francisco, Cal 20 00 Wendt, Chas. I., M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Went\vorth,C. Y., M.D., Newton Highlands, Mass. 2 00 Wentz, Mrs. J. M., Newburgh, N. Y 2 00 Wesselhoeft, Conrad, M.D., Boston, Mass 105 oo Wesselhoeft, Walter, M.D., Cambridge, Mass... 10 00 Wesselhoeft, Wm. P., M.D., Boston, Mass 107 00 West, Benj. H., M.D., Boston, Mass 5 00 West, Edwin, M.D., New York 2 00 Westbrook, Major H., M.D., Olmstead Falls, Ohio 2 00 Westinghouse, Mrs. Geo., Pittsburgh, Pa 1,100 00 Western New York Homoeopathic Medical Society 25 00 List of Subscribers 151 Weston, Isabel G., M.D., Wellesley, Mass 5 00 Wethered, Mrs. J., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Wetmore, John McE., M.D., New York 207 00 Whaley, C. Bryant, M.D., Savannali, Ga 2 oo Wheeler, Ainsden E., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal... 7 00 Whipple, Alfred A., M.D., Quincy, 111 25 00 Whipple, Mrs. H. L., San Francisco, Cal 5 00 Whitaker, E. E., M.D., Newport, Vt 2 00 Whitaker, Furman C, M.D., Braidentown, Fla. . 5 00 White, A. Grace, M.D., Bradford, Pa 2 00 White, Arthur E., M.D., Baggs, Wyo 2 00 White, John C, M.D., Portchester, N. Y 5 00 White, Joseph T., Esq., New York 25 00 White, Roland T., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 25 go White, Sue A., M.D., Utica, N. Y 5 00 White, Wm. S., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Whitman, Frank S., M.D., Elgin, 111 25 00 Whitman, Mrs. Frank S., Elgin, 111 2 00 Whitman, Joshua A., M.D., Beaufort, S. C 5 00 Whitinarsh, Henry Allen, M.D., Providence, R. I. 50 00 Whitney, Geo. I., Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa 100 00 Whittier, Daniel B., M.D., Fitchburg. Mass 10 00 Wiggers, Drs. H. H. .md E. S , Cincinnati, Ohio. 25 00 Wiggin, Henry M., M D., Whitefield, N. H 5 00 Wiggins, Theo. C, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y 5 00 Wilberton, L. G., M.D., Winona, Minn 2 00 Wilbur, Bertrand K., M.D., Sitka, Alaska 3 00 Wilcox, DeWitt G., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y 20 00 Wilcox, Sidney F., M.D., New York 100 00 Wilder, C. V., M.D., Atlantic, Iowa 2 00 Wilder, Louis D. V., M.D., New York 40 00 Wilder, Sarah E., M.D.. Boston, Mass 5 00 Wiley, Rebecca W., M.D., Laconia, N. H 7 00 Willard, Lewis H., M.D., Allegheny, Pa 102 00 Willard, Wm. G., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Williams, Miss C. M., Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 152 List of Subscribers Williams, Carl A., M.D., New London, Conn. ... 2 oo Williams, E. Cone, M.D., Richmond, Va 2 oo Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth A., Boston, Mass i 5 oo Williams, Franklin E., M.D., Haddonfield, N. J.. 2 00 Williams, Miss Louise H., Boston, Mass 25 00 Williams, Nancy T., M.D., Augusta, Me ". .4,510 00 Williams, Percy C, M.D., Texarkana, Tex 2 00 Williams, Mrs. T. B., Boston, Mass 25 00 Williams, Thog. C, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 20 00 Williamson, A-. P., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn 5 00 Williamson,- Bemsley, M.D., Friendship, N. Y... 5 00 Wilsey, Edward H., M.D., Parkersburg, W. Va. . 2 00 Wilson, Chas. A., M.D., San Antonio, Tex. .... 5 00 Wilson, John-E., M.D., Bloomfield, N. J 5 00 Wilson, Jos. H., M.D., Bellefontaine, Ohio 15 00 Wilson, Miltoa A., M.D., Erie, Pa 13 00 Wilson, Pusey, M.D., Moorestown, N. J 10 00 Wilson, Sylvia McQuitty, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa. 10 00 Winans, Theodore H., M.D., Mexico, Mo 2 00 Winchelt, Walter B., M.D., Brooklyn, N.Y 12 00 Winter, Fred. W., M.D., Wymore, Neb 2 50 Wisconsin Homoeo. Med. Soc, Milwaukee, Wis. 25 00 Witzel, Joseph R., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 50 00 Wolcott, Edwin H., M.D., Rochester, N. Y 10 00 Wolfe, W. Wesley, M.D., Allegheny, Pa 7 00 Women's Homoeopathic Club, Atlantic City, N. J. 64 48 Wood, Annie, M.D., Terre Haute, Ind 25 Wood, James C, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio 57 00 Wood, Nelson M., M.D., Charlestown, Mass 12 00 Woodard, Herbert B., M.D., Chicago, 111 10 00 Woodburn, William, M.D., Des Moines, Iowa. . . 2 00 Woodbury, Ernest I., M.D., Burlington, Iowa. . . 2 25 Woodbury, Wm. H., M.D., Chicago, 111 5 00 Woodman, Isaac N., M.D., Norrisville, Pa. .... . 2 25 Woodman, Robert C, M.D., Middletown, N. Y.. 5 00 Woodruff, Edw. D., M.D., Salt Lake Citv, Utah. 2 00 List of Subscribers 153 Woodruff, Wm. Lawrence, M.D., Phoenix, Ariz. 5 00 Woods, Geo. W., M.D., Ci>lumbus, Ohio 3 00 Woodward, Alfred W., M.U., Chicago, 111 50 00 Woodward, John Calvin, Washington, D. C i 00 Wooldridge, Julian, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Wooldridge, Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa 5 00 Woolsey, Mrs. A., Newburgh, N. Y . . . 25 Worcester, Frank D., M.D., Keene, N. H 12 00 Worcester, Geo. W., M.D., Newburyport, Mass.. 37 00 Worth, Sidney, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. : 10 00 Wright, Andrew R., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y. . : . .". . . 50 00 Wright, Geo. H., M.D., Forest Glen, Md 10 00 Yeagley, John H., M.D., York, Pa 5 00 Voder, Daniel, M.D., Catasauqua, Pa 5 00 Young, Thos , M.D., Columbus, Ohio 5 00 Young, Thos. M., M.D., Seattle, Wash. ..'....._. 5 00 Younglove, John, M.D., Elizabeth, N. J i 00 Youngman, Maurice D., M.D., Atlantic City, N. J. 105 00 Yule, Geo., Esq., Kenosha, Wis 25 00 Yule, Geo. A., Esq., Kenosha, Wis 5 00 Zbinden, Christian, M.D., Toledo, Ohio 2 00 Zeckhausen, Harry, M.D., New York i 00 Zeckhausen, Patients of Dr. H., New York. .... i 05 Ziegenfus, A. Frank, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa 5 00 Zimmerman, Amelia V., M.D., Baltimore, Md.... i OO Ube ftnicKcttiocftcr prcee, new Jporfi S3 3rf LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 366 279 2 « rw. Mii-i, li. '.. '..1 'i'!;i'ii(i,:^i.^''>i:^l ■ i'';;;Lt.i!t ■tmmur • ■-■■;;.<,. v!';;/?