■*:* ■^ ^^ x^' ^:** •1 o ^ .^*^°- •I o 4* «-.<*?. >. •5- ° -^^ ^"^ ^^.c,'^ ^ b .0-0 M^ -*& ^0 ^. • •A/°"° v^^..-».V' /^j^>^ v^",.../V' / •• "^> v^^ ,0^ ,1 ° " ■■ . *o -I* Q. U A K E R REMOVAL CERTIFICATES ■FROM CHAPPAQUA MONTHLY MEETING WESTCHESTER COUNTY NEW YORK Bairet, )loiii Ba^iw-. ^^^^ J 6m, 1802, io Gornv/al. Abosolom Barret, from Chapaqua, 11 of - * ~ 11. ThDm, Thomas Thorn and Abigail his wife from Chapaqua to Cornwall, 11 of 6m,18D2. Marshall, Rebekah Marshall, widow, and daughter l!ary, from Chapaqua to Crick in Ninepartners, 11 of 6m, 1802. Carpenter, Isaac Carpenter and wife Ilary, from Chapaqua to Coeymans, ll of 6m, 180 2. Weeks, Phebe Weeks, daughter of Isaac '.Teeks, (dec'd.)- (Clear of Uarriage engage- m.ents), from Chapaqua to New York, 9 of 7m, 1802. Carpenter, Abraham Carpenter, from Chapaqua to Purchase, 9 of 7m, 1802. / (P d i:j2. Carpenter, Abraham Carpenter and wife Ann, from Chapaqua to New York, 14 of 6m, 1822. Carpenter, Nathaniel Carpenter and wife Zeruah and infant Catherine, from Chapaqiia to New York, 14 of 6m, 1822. Sutton, 2esse Sutton (Clear of Iiarriage engage- ment), from Ghapaqua to Scipio, 14 of 6m, 1822. Fitzgerald, Richard Fitzgerald (Clear of Iiarriage engagement;, from Chapaaua to Purchase, 12 of 7m, 1822. -19- UnderMll, Abraham G, Ihderhill, (Clear of Ilarriage engBjrement), from Chapaqua to V.evr York, 12 of ISm, 1822. Underhill, Gi deon Underhill, (Clear of Ilarriage en- gagement), from Araav;alk to Creek, I3"of 3m, '1823. Sands, Thomas Sands, (Clear of Ilarriage engage- ment), from Chapaqua to Hew York, 10 of 7m, 1823. Griff en, Isther S. Griffon, (Clear of Carriage engagement), and son Jolm., 10 years of age, from Chapaaua to rurcliase, 10 of ^m, 1823. Tripp, Elizabeth Trippj^ daughter of James. (Clear of ilarriage engagement], from Chapaqua to l^Jinepartners- lO of 7m, 1823. Lapham, Anna Laphaci, v/ife of Benjamin, from Chapaqua to Queensbury, 10 of 7m, 1823. Lounsbury, Fhebe Lounsbury, wife of Jolrn, from Chapaqua to New York, 11 of 9m, 1823. Bovfron, Henry o. Bowron and wife Deborah and 3 minor children, Joshua V^ , Hannah C. and Sarah; from Chapaqua to New York, 11 of 9m, 1823. -20- BovTTon, Jolm S, Bowron and minor son Jolm, from Chapaqua to Purchase, 12 of 2m, 1824. Cornv/ell, Joshua Comwell and v/ife Rebecca and 5 children lydia, Jolm, Samuel, Phehe and L'ary; TLydia, 01 ear of Marriage engagement), from Chapaqua to Norwich, Upper Canada, 13 of 5m, 1824. Yi'eeks, Jacob Y/eeks and wife Lydia and 7 minor children, Anna, Josiah, Sarah, Charles, Hannah, I.iarian and Aaron- from Chapaqua to Gomv^ll, 13 of om,1824. Quinby, Samuel Quinby, (Clear of L^arriage eno'age- ment), from Chapaqua to New York, 10 of 6m, 1824. Marshall, Phebe I.Iarshall, wife of Thomas, from Chapaqua to New York, 8 of 7m, 1824, Brady, Lydia Brady, wife of John Brady, from Chapaqua to New York, 8 of 7m, 1824. Y^eeks, Sarah V^eeks, (Clear of llarriage engagement) from Chapaqua to Cornwall, 12 of 8m, 1824. Sands, John Sands, Jr., from Clia"Daqua to Purchase, 11 of 11m, 1824. Miller, Amy Miller, wife of Sarles I'iiler, from Chapaqua to New York, 13 of Im, 1825, -21- Bird, l!athew Bird and wife Sarah and 3 minor oliildren, Betsy Ann, Catherine G. , and Uerritt Bird; from Chapaqna to New York, 12 of 5m, 1825. Gonklin, David P. Conklin, (Clear of Llarriage ene-arement), from Chapaqua to Kew York; 12 of 5m, 1825. Thorn, John Thorn and wife Phebe and daughter Hannah; from Chapaqua to New York, 14 of tn, 1825. Hunter, Henry Hunter and wife Hannah and 6 minor children, Elizabeth, Henry, Deborah, James. Thomas and V-'illiaoi; from Chapaqua to New York, 14 of 7m, 1825. ??eeks. Thomas T. Y/eeks and wife Hary and 3 minor children, Sarah H., Lydia and Sanford; from Chapaqua to New York, 11 of 8m, 1825. Sutton, Thomas U. Sutton and wife llartha, from Chapaqua to New York, 11 of 8m, 1825. Carpenter, Abby S. Carpenter, wife of Isaac, from Chapaqua to New York, 9 of bm, 1825. Field, Mary Jane Field, with husband, from Chapaqua to Purchase, 8 of 9m, 1825. Underbill, Israel Underbill, (Clear of Ilarriage engage- ment), from Chapaqua to New York, 10 of 11m, 1825. -22- Bowron, William L. Bowron and wife I,!ary and 2 minor children, Jacob and Ann Elizabeth, from Ghapaqua to New York, 12 of Im, 1825. Do dge , 3 minor children of Jeremiah Dodge, (dec'd.) with their mother; from Ghapaoua to Scipio, 12 of Im, 1826. (Children's names, Silas, Levy and Richard). Haviland, Esther Haviland, wife of Robert, from Ghapaqua to Kew York, 9 of 2m, 1826. Dodg, Joseph G. Dodg and v/ife Phebe, and 3 minor children, Edmond. Iiaria and Joseph; from CiLapaqua to Kev/ York, 9 of 3m, 1826. Qinby, Daniel Qinby, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from Ghapaqua to Kew York, 9 of om, 1826. Underbill, Ann and Mary Underbill, (Clear of Llarriage engagaments ) , from Ghapaqua to New York, IS of 4m, 1826. Purdy, Mary S. Purdy, wife of Abraham, from Ghapaqua to Amawalk, IS oi 4m, 1826. Worshborn, Anna VJorshborn. wife of Elijah, from Ghapaqua zo New York, 11 of 5m, 1826. Quinby, Azariah Quinby, (Clear of Marriage engagement) from Ghapaqua to Kew York, II of 5m, 1826. -23- Kunter, John Hunter and wife Tamer, and daughter Mary (Clear of llarriage engagement), from Chapaqua to Nev/ York, 11 of 5m, 1826. Haight, Edmond Haight, (Clear of I.Iarriage engage- ment), from Chapaqua to Kev/ York, 8 of 6m, 1826. Sutton, Preelove Sutton, 5 CI ear of Llarriage en- gagement), from Chapaqua to Eew York, 12 of 10m, 1826. Sutton, Edmond Sutton, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from Chapaqua to Rew York, 14 of 12m, 1826. Sutton, Stephen Sutton, (Clear of Llarriag^e en- gagement), from Chapaqua toTSew York, 14 of 12m, 1826. Underhill, Isaac Underhill, from Chapaqua to Hew York, 8 of 2m, 1827. Cornell, Daniel P. Cornell, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), from Chapaqua to Rochester, 12 of 4m, 1827. Cornell, 'ri'illet Cornell and family* daughters Rebecca and Lydia (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Chapaqua to RocTi€s\er^r, 12 of 4m, 1827. -S4- Cornell, Ambrose Cornell, (Clear of I.Iarriage en- e:a£rement), from ChaDaqua to Hochester, 12 of 4m, 1827. UnderMll, Y/illet C. Uhderhill and v/ife Kancy; from Chapaqua to Amavvalk, 12 of 4m, 1827, Brady, Sarah S. Brady with husband, from Chapaqua to Rd Chester, 11 of Im, 1827. Coles, Phebe Coles, wife of James Coles; from Ghapaqua to Purchase, 10 of 5m, 1827. Griff en, Daniel Griff en and wife Phebe and 7 miror children. Charity D., Judith LI. , Abigail, iisther, 7<' Holmes, 35 Pierce, 15.5*13^,35 38, 43^4 Hopkins, 13 Hunt, 12,15,42, 45, Powell, 55 48, 55, 56 Purdy, 12,22,58, 57 Hunter, 7,21,23 H^att, 28,29,47, 49,52 Oinby, 22 Jones, 52 Quinby, 3,5,7,10,13 14,15,17,20,22 KipTD, 8,13 24,25,26,33,39 41,42,44,49, Lane, 26,38,47 50, 51, 57 Laphnfo, 19 P.ansom, 37 Lavnrence, 47 Reynolds, 7,12 T.ippincott, 57 Robinson, 38 Lockvrood, 16,28 Runnells, 9 Lounstiury, 2,5,19 Ryder, 33 Ilaclceel, 6 Sands, 19,20,30,44,47 Ealceel, 24, 27, 52, 33 48, 50 34,36,40 SCO field. 38,56 liar shall, 1,12,20,28 Seai:ian, 39 43,51,53 Secor, 4,46 llathev.'s. 8 Sloapter, 34 KcCord, 57 Smitli, 55,38 lleekeel. 18 Sutton, 4,8,14,15,16, Llerritt, 17,44,48 17,18,21,23,54 I.liller, 5,20,58,43,54 42, 45, 46, 48, 49 I.'ofer, 9,14,43 51, 52, 53 llosher. 41 Svaft, 37 Ilott, 40,48 Lloulson, 44 Talcott, Thorn, Titus, 32 1,5,21,50 3 Hie hols. 37 Tollerton, 3 ITiAi-nan, 16 Toraplcins, Travis, 15,25,27,41, 43, 45, 49, 55 30 Ostorn, 32 Tripp, 3,6,19,46 Index -5- Underhill, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, ?.l, 22, 23, 24, 26 20, 29, 51, 32, 53, 54, 35, 56, 37. 58, 40, 41, 45, 48, 50,55 VanEveren, 56 .\7alters. Yerkes, 27 Yerlcs, 41 Young, 46, 54 YoungB, 51 ^' Wanser, 33,34 ■>. Y/sj^d, 18 Washburn, 10, 38, 39, 42, 53, 57 Weaver, 4 V/eeks, 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 36, 40 42,44,45,46,54,55,56 ^^ Whiting, 14 Y/ilbur, 46 Will cox, 3 Willets, 33,57 Y/illett, 54 Williamson, 9 Wood, 9,15,28,30,51 Worshburn, 22 Wright, 46, 49, 56 ^. ..x:?'j 78--« ^'- <• ^. \ If- "-^ ^°-^, .:^^^' /^c^ '>'^° ^^^^ '^yf^:^ /^ >>- .^^Tn ■ - o A ^ » iO -7" , , • " o aO tf> o V .^* ^?^^^^ 4:^"'^ »/% ^*' /X^^^^^"^ S"^ .V-.';^,,*'. %.^ , C" .V,7r-v;, "o „ •^Ao^ ■W "^P V* <" i-. *-...** /■^■•^■•. *-^„./ •••-*'f. %.** .•'^>- ^-.„/ ^^S' :-. Vo^^ •>-^;-- -^'o/ ••:«!!<•, ^.„.' ^^^.-, %/ ,^: >^s- V -5- ^ '-?>. 4S '^^ -J'- iP -^^ ■^^ ^-^^ >\^y.:^^ y ^jm^' ^S^^ .^ ^^"X . ' A ■C, ' • ' ' A^ ^ c°' ^*>^- °o •«, '> o V •V V <> - " " A" -^^n^ .-i *^ o " o , <« C" .Vy7%-:- » V ^ .* 0* \-''ty'y^ ^.^-^f^^'sf V'--'V V^^^^'^c/ V--''>' ^ ■T^JJ-"^' 4 o>. ^^•n^. :i^^ %,^ "^^ "^^. fy , o " « , -*^ ;?: ,0' ^-^ A-^ ^^ •^\ N. MANCHE' INDIANA '"^ ^'^ji^: .^^^ J.* o " " « . ■**