. 3 - i I 1 : ■i ■ 1 , Hass F g5"g/ A GENERAL DIRECTORY BUSIISrESS GUIDE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE UPPER COUNTRY, ■.^■1 EMBRACING A PORTION OF C^LIFORISriA.; TOGETHER WITH MINING AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION CONCERN- ING IDAHO TERRITORY, MAP OF IDAHO AND MONTA?(A COMPILED BY G. OWENS SAN FRANCISCO : PUBLISHED BY A. GENSOUL, PACIFIC MAP DEPOT, 511 Montgomery Street. Towne & Bacon, Printers, 536 Clay Street. 1866. ^-^s:/' /^^-r. ^ OSBOEN & SESSIONS, II aM CoMission Ai 611 MOMTGOMERY, cor. MERCHANT, A Having bad extensive expenence, both in Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise business, we feel confident that to Country Merchants desiring a Resident A''ent or to an occasional purchaser, we can offer superior inducements. Particular attention 'given to CoLLECTioxs, the purchase and sale of Ze^ai Tender Kotes, Drafts, Stamps, etc , or oth- er transactions requiring the services Qf'EXPijRiEKCED and RELIABLE Agents. Purchases will be made for cash only, except in cases of special agreement to the contrary, when city reterence will be required. Preference given to hotises from whom former purchases hare been made, if desired. The interest of purchasers will be carefully and strictly consulted in every instance. Charges reasonable. ■■ « ■ » ■■■ G. W. OSBORN, Formerly with Canfield, Pierson & Co., San Francisco. E. C. SESSIONS, Formerly with C. R. Goodwin & Co., San Francisco, and Bradbury & Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon. ^ ■ * Refer J. P. & Co 14 Stationery. I Gensoul, Adrien front cover Hitchcock, Geo. B. & Co 170 I Hodge, John G.& Co.. leaf front title and 106 Steamship Company. Pacific Mail Steamship Co 16 Stoves and Tinware. Austin, B. C 15 Locke & Montague 7 Surgical and Dental Instruments. Folkers, J. H A front cover McDonald, R. H. & Co back cover Watches, Jewelry and "Watch Materials. Falkenau Bros 16 SACRAMENTO, CAL. Foundry. Williams, Heilbron & Co 165 Grain, Flour, Etc. McCreary Bros 165 Hats and Caps. Poirier & Lansing leaf front of title SAN J0S6, CAL. Foundry. Bonner, J. & D. McKenzic Veterinary Surgeon. Putney, CM 166 166 PORTLAND, OREGON. Hotel. Sinnott, P. B 167 DALLES, OREGON. Hotel, Handley & Sinnott 167 Crockery. Kraemer, Julius 166 UMATILLA, OREGON. General Merchandise. Case, I. W. & Co 167 MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT. SAIX B^HAIVCISCO, CALlFOIiKIA.. Abbreviations. — Bet., between ; cor., corner ; N., north ; S. south. Agricultural Implements. ARTHUR, JOHN D, & SON, S. W. cor. California and Davis. Agricultural Stores. KELLOGG CHARLES L., 427 Sansom (see adv., p. 15). SWEENY, J. P. & CO., (Seeds) 40 6 CaUfornia, (see adv., p. 14). Amalgamators (Quartz). VARNEY, THOMAS, 127 First. WHEELER & RANDALL, (see adv., pp. 12 and 13). Attorneys at Law. Bachelder, T. F. & J. W., Mer- chant. Barde, D., Merchant. Bates, A. B,, Merchant. Blachlej, J. S., 40 Montgom- ery Block. Botts, C. T., 19 Montgomery Block. Brewer, J. H. 40 Montgomery Block. Camphel A., Clay, Campbell k Brumagira, 36 Mont- gomery Block. Campbell, A. C, 625 Merchant. Cary, J. C, Merchant. Crane & Boyd, 605 Clay. Dann & Landesman, Merchant. Delany & Booraem, 519 Mont- gomery. Dempsey, Peter, Merchant. Doyle k Barber, 605 Clay. Fabens F. A., 47 Montgomery Block. Furman, M. H., 519 Mont- gomery. Gardner C, Merchant. Grey, C. V., 522 Montgomery. Gunnison, A. J., Merchant. Gumee, Clinton, 10 Montgomery Block. Hayes, W., 604 Clay. Highton, H. E., Clay. Hoge, Geo. G., Merchant. Hoge, J. P., 5 Montgomery Block. Holland, Nathaniel, 605 Clay. Hudson, Geo., Clay. Huefner, Wm., Merchant. Johnson, E., Merchant. Kennedy, Frank, Loewy, Wm., Merchant. Love, John L., Clay. Love, H. S., Clay. Mace, A. A., Clay. Maxon, Wm. B. 22 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. McAllister, Hall, Clay. McCabe, Merchant. McLELLAN R. GUY, 305 Montgomery. Moore, J. W., 77 Montgomery Block. Mulville, N. B., Merchant. Murphy, B. D. Merchant. Nichols, James, Merchant. Papy, J. J., Merchant. Parker, C. H., 8 Montgomery Block. Payne, R. T., 522 Montgomery. Plunkett, W. A. Merchant. Pringle, E. J., Clay. Quint &. Hardy, Merchant. Reardon, T. H., Merchant. Rix, Alfred, Merchant. Shafter, Goold & Dwinelle, 11 Montgomery Blook. Sharp & Lloyd, Clay. Sharp, Geo. F. & Wm. H., 529 Clay. Shiverick, N., 605 Clay. Swift, J. F., Merchant. Taylor, J. M., Merchant. Turner, Geo., 605 Clay. Tyler & Cobb, Clay. . Vandyke, Walter, Merchant. Verdenal, J. M. k D. F., Mer- chant. Washin-ton, R. B., 604 Clay. Wells, H. J., Clay. Wilson & Wilson, 2 and 3 Mont- gomery Block. Winans & Belnap, Merchant. Witram, C, 39 Montgomery Block. Woodson, I. A., Merchant. Wright, S., Merchant. Zabriskie, Col. Banking. BANK OF CALIFORNIA, S. W. corner Battery and Clay. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, 411 and 413 California. BRITISH AND CALIFORNIA BANKING CO., 424 Cali- fornia. " LONDON AND SAN FRAN- CISCO BANK, LIMIT- ED," 412 Montgomery. SATHER & CO., cor. of Com- mercial and Montgomery, (see adv., p. 5). Boiler Makers. BOOTH, H. J. & CO., Union Foundry, corner First and Mission. Coffey & Risdon, Market. GODDARD & CO., Pacific Foundry, 127 and 131 First. HINCKLEY & CO., Fulton Foundry. HOWLAND, ANGELL & KING, Miners' Foundry, 247 to 257 First. MOYNIHAN & AITKEN, 311 Mission. PALMER, KNOX & CO., Golden State Iron AYorks, 19 and 21 First. Book Bindery. SAN FRANCISCO BLANK BOOK MANUFAC- TURING CO., Alexander Buswell, Superintendent, 411 Clay and 412 Com- mercial Streets, (see adv., p. 16). Booksellers (* Wholesale and Eetail. * BANCROFT, H. H., & CO., 609 Montgomery. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 23 BEACH CHILION, 34 Mont- gomery. GENSOUL ADRIEN, 511 Montgomery, (see adv., front cover). * ROMAN, A. & CO, (see adv. front cover.) Boot and Shoe Manufactories. HEIN & BRAY, 416 Battery. WOLF, W. & CO., 115 Cali- fornia, Boots and Shoes (Wholesale). Peering J. H., 419 Clay. Einstein Brothers, 207, 209, 211, 213 Battery. Guerin M., 400 and 402 Battery. Hetch Brothers & Co., Nos. 213, 215, and 217 Battery. Hobart, Dunbar & Co., 223 Cali- fornia. Rosentock & Price, Nos. 210, and 212 Batteiy. Roberts, Morrison k Co., 216 and 218 California. SEIBERLICH, F. A., 314 Cali- fornia, (see adv., back cover). Tirrell, C. & P. H., 419 Clay. WOOD, S. A., 212 California. Carpets. Bell, John C, S. W. cor. San- som and California. D. N. & E. Walter & Co., Cali- fornia. Wightman & Hardie, 414 Clay. Carriage Manufactory Kimball, Geo. P. & Co., Market. Carriage and Wagon Materials. Casebolt, Geo. T. & Co., 212 and 214 Pine. Meeker, James & Co., 12 and 14 Pine. Waterhouse & Lester, 29 and 31 Battery. Chemicals and Assayers' Ma- terials. TAYLOR, JOHN & CO., im- porters, 512 and 514 Wash- ington, (see adv., inside of back cover) . Cigars and Tobacco. ENGELBRECHT & MAY- RISCH BROS., (Whole- sale and Manufacturers) 312 and 314 Front. Drinkhouse, J. A., 228 Front. Horn, B. C. & Co., S. W. cor. Front and Clay. Mayblum, M. 230 and 232 Front. Rosenbaum & Co., S. E. corner Clay and Battery. Weil & Co.. 226 Front. Wertheimer, L. & E., 301 Front. Clothing (Wholesale). Alexander, J & Co., 310 and 312 Sansom. Badger & Lindenberger, 411, 413, and 415 Battery. Cohn, J. & I, 226 Battery. Dahlmann, C. 413 Sacramento. Fechheimer, Goodkind & Co., 224 and 226 Battery. Kobn, M. & Co., S. W. corner Sacramento and Battery. Clothing. Scholle Bros., 405 Sacramento. Seligman k Co., Ill Battery. Steinhart, W. & L, 323 Sacra- mento. Straus, Levi & Co., 315 and 317 Sacramento. 24 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Toklas, Wise & Co., 308 Cali- fornia. Coffee and Spice Mills. Bernard, C, 707 Sansom. Harden & Folger, 220 and 222 Front. Vernard, G., 627 Front. Collar Manufactory. COSBIE, WILLIAM, 36 Bat- tery. Confectionery. Bernheim & Ehrenpfort, 408 Clay. RATHBUN & CO., 430 San- som, (see adv., p. 14). Crockery and Glasseware BISAGNO BROTHERS, 420 Battery. Haynes & Lawton, 516 and 518 Sansom. Helbing, Greenebaum & Co., Battery. Reed & Brooks, 524 Sansom. Swain, R. A., N. E. corner of Sansom and Pine. Cutlery. ADELSDORFER BROS., No. 2 Custom-House Block, cor. Sansom and Sacramento. Oxenham, A. H. & Co. Pollock Bros., 421 Sacramento. Drugs and Medicines. Bachman Bros., 304 California. Crane & Brigham, S. E. corner Front and Clay. Hostetter, Smith, & Dean, 401, 403, and 405 Battery. HALL, EDWARD & CO., 309 and 311 Front, (see adv., p. 106. Langley, Crowell & Co., corner Clay and Battery. Mcdonald, r. h. & co., corner Pine and Sansom, (see adv. on back cover). Redington & Co., 416 and 418 Front. Dry Goods. Breslauer, H. 310 California. Godchaux Bro. & Co., 109 Bat- tery. Hamburger, B. 306 Sacramento. Heynemann & Co. 311, 317 California. Hoffman & Co., 312 Sacramento. Meagher, Taaffe & Co., 107 Bat- tery. Milburn, James & Co., 313 Sac- ramento. Moss, Ralph & Co., 207 Battery. Murphy, Grant & Co., N. W. corner Sansom and Sacrar mento. Sachs, L. & M. & Co., 312 and 314 California. Steinhart Bros., N. W. corner of California and Battery. Uhlfelder & Cahn, 309 and 311 Sacramento. Expresses. TRUMAN & CO., comer Front and Washington. WELLS, FARGO & CO., N. W. cor. Montgomerv and California. Fancy Goods (Importers and Jobbers.) ADELSDORFER BROTHERS 2 Custom-House Block, N. E. corner Sansom and Sac- ramento. Feldbush & Co., 307 California and 207 Montgomery. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 25 Flood, H. S., 306 California. Heller & Brother, 425 Sacra- mento. JONES, E. H. & Co., N. E. corner of Sansom and Sac- ramento, (see adv., p. 14). KOHLER, A., 424 Sansom. Koshland Bros., 307 Sacramento. S. A. Peyser & Co., 420 Sacra- mento. Fancy Goods. MANNHEIM, SCHONWAS- SER & CO., 113 Battery. Michels, A. W. & B. W., 417 Sacramento. RANK, C. P. & CO., 314 Sacramento. Rosenbaum & Friedman, 316 Sacramento. Schweitzer, Sachs & Co., 410 Sacramento. Tobin Bros., & Davisson, corner Sacramento and Battery. Fire Works. Church & Clark, 407 Front. Fishing Tackle. Liddle, R. & Co., 538 Washing- ton. WILSON & EVANS, 513 Clay. Foundries. BOOTH, H. J. & CO., Union Fomidry, corner First and Mission, (see adv., p. 3). Bowen & McCormick, Fremont. CAMERON, DUNCAN, Nep- tune Iron Works, cor. Mis- sion and Fremont, (see adv., p. 9). DEVOE, DINSMORE & CO., San Francisco Foundry, cor. Fremont and Mission. GODDARD & CO., Pacific Foundry 127 and 131 First (see adv., inside front cover, p. 2). HINCKLEY & CO., Fulton Foundry 45, 47, and 49 First, (see adv., p. 8). ROWLAND, ANGELL & KING, Miners' Foundry, 247, 249, 251, 253, 255, and 257 First, (see adv., pp. 10 and 11). KITTREDGE, JONATHAN, Phoenix Foundry, 6 and 8 Battery, (see adv., p. 170). KITTREDGE & LEAVITT, Pioneer Iron Works, 408 Jackson, (see adv., p. 14). PALMER, KNOX & CO., Golden State Iron Works, 19, 21, 23, and 25 First, (see adv., p. 6). Novelty Iron Works, Fremont. SIMS, J. R., Oregon near Front, (see adv., p. 18). Vulcan Foundry, First. Fruits (Wholesale). Conrad J. & D., 419 Washing- ton. Church & Clark, 407 Front. Drake & Emerson, 312 Wash- ington. Knapp k Grant, 3 10 Washington. Furnishing Goods (Importers). Morgenthau, M., 418 Sacra- mento. Neusttidter Brothers, N. E. cor. Battery and Sacramento. RANK, C. P. & CO., 314 Sac- ramento. Furniture. SCHREIBER BROS., 121 and 123 Sansome. 26 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Glass (Plate). Rosenbaum R, H., & Co., 421 423 Battery. Grain Broker. FRIEDLANDER, I, 111 Cali- fornia. Grocers (Wholesale). Bowen Brothere, 425 and 427 Battery. BRADSHAW & CO., comer California and Sansom. Breed & Chase, N. E. comer Battery and Clay. Caelaghan, J,, 121 Front. CoghiU, J. H., 313 and 315 Front. CUTTER, JAMES H., 511 Front. Deliepiane & Co., 426 Battery. DICKINSON & GAMMANS, N. W. cor. Front and Clay. Dodge & Phillips, 305 Front. Eggers & Co., 210 California. Fonda, A., S. E. cor. Sansom and Clay. FORDHAM & JENNINGS, N. E. cor. Front and Jack- son, (see adv., back mar- gin). Hemenway & Merrill, 215 Sac- ramento. Irvine & Co., 224 Front. Jennings & Austin, 223 Sacra- mento. Klopenstine & Co., 413 Front. Kruse & Euler, 209 and 211 Front. Levy, H. & Co., 222 California. Martin, A., 214 Sacramento. ROUNTREE & McMULLIN, 323 Front. Rowland, Walker & Co., 505 Front. Scalmanini & Frapolli,424 Front. SNEATH, R. G., 408 Front. STEWART, J. R. & Co., 417 Battery. Tillman & Co., 409 Clay. WEAVER, WOOSTER & CO., successors to Moses Ellis k Co., 218 Front. Wellman, Peck & Co., 404 Front. White, P. J. & Co., 412 Front. Gunsmiths. Curry, Nathaniel &. Brother. 317 Battery. Liddle, R. & Co. 538 Wash- ington. WILSON & EVANS, 513 Clay ; and Portland, Ore- gon. Hardware. Arnold, N. S. k Co., 306 Bat- tery. BISAGNO BROTHERS, 420 Batteiy, (also agents for Pagliano Syrups). Conrov and O'Connor, 107 and 113 Front; and 204 and 214 Pine. BENCHLEY, L. B. & CO., 3 and 5 Front. Hawley k Co., S. E. comer of Battery and California. Hooker k Co., 117 and 119 California. MARSH, PILSBURY, & CO., N. E. cor. Front and Pine, (see adv., p. 15). Richard Patrick k Co., 122 Battery. Rockwell, Coye k Co., 37 and 39 Battery. Russell k Erwin, Manufacturing Co., 106 and 108 Battery. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 27 Simmons, Rowe & Co., Pine. Treadwell & Co., N. E. corner California and Battery. Underbill, Jacob & Co., 118 and 120 Battery. Harness and Saddlery. Hurlbutt & Co., 407 Battery. Jobnson, J. C. & Co., 104 Front. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 and 216 Battery, (see adv., p. 9). Peet & Son, 508 Battery. Hats and Caps (Importers and Wholesale); Berwin & Bros., 319 Sacramento. Booth, W., 314 Sacramento. Jacobs, A. & Co., 25 Sacramento. Kline & Co., 420 Sacramento. Lust & Co., 408 Sacramento. ROSENBERG, G. & CO., 412 Sacramento. TRIEST & FRIEDLANDER, 218 and 220 Battery. Hides. COX & NICHOLS, 422 Bat- tery. Ernst, H. 15 Davis. Feuerstcin, R. & Co., 212 Front. MulhoUand, John & Co., 11 Davis. Hose and Belting. Cook, M. M. & Son, corner of Battery and Brj;sbury, W. B., jMain. Harness and Saddlery. O 1/ ■' ' Frack, F. C, Franldin. Dress Maker and Milliner. Grove, G. H., Main. Ridley, Mrs. M., Main. , Hotel. Drugs and Medicines. Cameron House, John H. Came- Forbes & Co., Main. ron, Mam. Whipple, J. M., Main. Justice of the Peace. Dry Goods. Billings, J. ]M., Main. Lion, L., Main. / 1 Liquor Dealers. Expresses. Duflf, J. L., Franklin. Truman & Co., Main, M. P. Harrington, Mrs. B. F., Franklin Henderson, Agent. Stegeman, L., Franklin. Wells, Far^-o & Co., corner Main Westphall, C, Franklin. 7 o 7 and Franklin, J. Widney, Uhrbrook, H., Main. Asrent. o Livery Stable. Flouring and Grist Mills. Ham, R. K., Franklin. Johnson, S. S. & Co., on the Plaza. Lumber Dealers. Pearson, C. T., Franklin. Madan & Fosgate, Washington. General Merchandise. Markets (Meat). Gairaud, Louis, Franklin. Marshall, A,, Main. Habich, F. & Co., Alviso. Weitcel & Co., Frankhn. 52 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Physicians. Allen, J., Franklin. Saxe, A. W., Main. Post Office. Henderson, S., Main. Stoves and Tinware. Dibble, J. H., Main. Tailor. Shuster, Adam, Franklin. Universities and Colleges. Female Collegiate Institute, Prot- estant, Rev. David Tuthill, Principal, Public Square. Santa Clara College, Catholic, Public Square. University of the Pacific, Prot- estant, Rev. E. Bannister, President, Main. Variety Store. Re)senfeld, A., Frankhn. Wagon and Carriage Makers. Antes & Crowther, Main. Dickson, J., Franklin. Dimock & Abbott, Main. Finch & Averill, Main. Seaver, G. L. & Son, Main. Smith, E., Frankhn. omco, CALiFortiviA Attorneys at Law. Bishop, A. W., office at the Chico Courant. Clarke, J. A. Martin, James C. Bakery. Ellsworth & Pme. Blacksmiths. Peters & Co., BroadAvay. Stover & Vanbuskirk, Broadway. Books and Stationery. Duren, W. H., Main. Lee, W. & Co., corner Main and Second. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Baker & Hooper, INIain. Barnhart, James, Main. Hansen, C, Main. Silsby, W. H., Main. Brewery. Boyd, J. F., Broadway. Clothing and Dry Goods. Breslauer, B., Main. Confectionery. Parton, 0. 11. , Broadway. Dentists. Morse, J. S., Main. Rubell, W. H., Main. Doors, Sashes, and Blinds. Butterfield, G., Broadway. Drugs and Medicines. Lee, W. & Co., corner Main and Second. Noonan, J. C, Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Bid well, J. & Co., Broadway. CHICO, CALIFORNIA. 53 Marks, Simon, Broadway. Pond & Co., corner Front and Main. Flour Mills. Bidwell, J., Main, north side Chico Creek. Furniture Dealer. Petit, E., Broadway. Groceries and Provisions. Breslauer B., Main. Hickox, J. & S., cor. Broadway and Second. Gunsmith. Butler, A. B., corner Main and Sierra Avenue. Hair Dressers. Bader, V., Main. Derrick, A., Broadway. Harness and Saddlery. Wools, G. W., Broadway. Hotels. Chico Hotel, Johnson & Wether- bee, cor. Broadway & Sec- ond. Union House, G. P. Butterficld, cor. Main and Third. ^ Insurance. Phoenix of Hartford, A. Hallet Resident Agent. Liquor Dealers (Retail). Freiling, Peter, Main. Maine, John, corner Main and Third. Seeger & Co., Main. Wetherbee & Eddy. Livery Stable. Woolen, J. R. Markets (Meat.) Benton, Wallace. O'Ferral, R. H., Main. Notary Public Hallet, Andrews, Second, bet. Main and Broadway. Physicians and Surgeons. Sproul & French, Main. Tilden, W. P. Publication. Bishop, A. B., Chico Weekly Courant. Saddlery. Wools, G. W., Broadway. Sash, Door, and Blind Factory. Butterfield, George, cor. Broad- way and Fourth. Scales. O'Ferral, R. H., Main. Stoves and Tinware. McFadden, T., Broadway bet. First and Second. Tailor. Waterland, Wilham, Main. Variety Stores. Cohn, Samuel, Main. Parten, H. 0. Wagon Makers. Robinson & Hull, Broadway. Silsby, W. H. & Co. Watches and Jewelry. Dewy, L. H., Main. 54 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE, HEO BLXJFF, CALIFOKIN^IA. Attorneys at Law. Bisliop, A. W., Main. Braynard, C. P., Main. Doll, J. G., cor. Main and Oak. Earll, Warner, Court House Building, Jefferson. Elliott, L. W., Main. Long, Wm. S., corner Oak and Main. Myrick, M. H., Court House Building, Jefferson. Nagle, P. B., Court House Building, Jefferson. Bakery. Vitker, C, Main. Blacksmiths. Allbright, L. H. & Bro., Main. Corrigan, M., Main. Ryley, Wm., Pine. Sprague, E., Main. Books and Stationery. Sclioenfeld, S. D., Main. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Borman, E., Main. Pay ton, E., Pine. Pogue, W. S., Main. Boots and Shoes. Ward, M., Main. Brewery. Bofinger, Wm. F., Red Bluff Brewery, north end of Main. Cabinet Maker. Fickert, C. W., Main. Cigars and Tobacco. Lobenstein, Lewis, INIain. Sclioenfeld, S. D., Main. Crockery and Glassware. Colm, K., Main. Draymen. Campbell, J. S. Herron, P. M. Madison, George. Dress Maker and Milliner. Foster, Mrs., Main. Drugs and Medicines. Bradway, J. B., (wholesale and retail) Main. Collins, Harry, Main. Dry Goods and Clothing. Brownstein, G., Main. Levensohn & Galland, Main. Marks, S., Main. Rosenberg, J. N., Main. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., T. B. Lyon, agent. Main. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Comstock & Martin, Oak. Hinchman, T. W., Oak. Furniture Dealer. Miller, Frank, Main. Groceries and Provisions. Burrichter, H., Main. RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. 55 Church, J. S., Mab. Neel, B. & Co., Mam. Sneath & Boarman, (R. G. Sneath, San Francisco, T. M. Boarman, Red Bhiff,) (wholesale and retail) Main. Spradling, 0. L., Main. Tipton & Burtt, (wholesale and retail) Main. Warren, Robert E. Hair Dressers. Delveccho, C. H., Main. Lange, L. H. D., Main. Postles, C. Talbot, R., Main. Harness and Saddlery. Crandall, C. G., Main. Galland, S. B., Main. Hardware and Farming Im- plements. Kraft, H. Hotels. Red Bluff Hotel, II. W. Luhrs. Tremont House, Wm. McCom- mons. Main. House and Sign Painter. Read, G. W., Main. Insurance Companies. Doll, J. G., agent. Simpson, J. L., Phoenix and Travelers' of Hartford, cor. of Oak and Main. Liquors. Sneath & Boarman, (wholesale and retail) Main. Tipton & Burt, (wholesale and retail) Main. Liquors (Retail). Allen, S. H., Main. Bettis, R. S., Main. Church, J. E., Main. English & Peters. Mailer, C. W., corner Main and Pine. Ross, G., Main. Schoder, B. W., Main. Weiss, Frank, Main. Livery Stables. Brady, J. & C, Main. Brown & Wilcox, Main. Condon, P. G., Main. Marble Work. Lee & DeLong, Main. Markets (Meat). Winter, Geo. G., cor. Main and Pine. Wright & Wellington, Main. Market (Vegetable). Spradling, 0. L., Main. Postmaster. Bradway, J. R., Main. Sale Stable. Johnson & Sleetb. Tailor. Keegan, G. Wagon Maker. AUbright & Brother, Main. Water Works. Red Bluff Water Works, Burge, F. J. proprietor ; S. Cros- son agent, Pine. 56 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. TiTKEIiA, CALIT^OKIN^I^. Assessor (U. S.) Longley, T. H., Fourth. Attorneys at Law. Berry, J. Ketchum, L. M., Oregon. McConaughy, Wm., corner Lane and Fourth. Steel & Ensign, Miner. Bakeries. Kelsh & Co., Miner. Paine, A. E., 62 Miner. Blacksmiths. Blucamp, J. F., Main. Carrick, E., Second. Books and Stationery. Pyle, Curt H., Miner. Raynes, A. E., Miner. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Hagar, J., Miner. Wetzel, S., Miner. Breweries. Pacific Brewery, Junker & Hes- senauer, Oregon. Yreka Brewery, Peters & Co., Miner. Carriage and Wagon Factory. Ent & Swan, corner Center and Second. Cigars and Tobacco. Pashburg, John, 42 Miner. Clothing. Handy, R. B., 32 Miner. Lauer, E., 38 Miner. Rosenberg, Lewis, 34 Miner. Confectionery. Scheld & Pellet, Miner. Dentist. Hearn, E. G., Miner. Drugs and Medicines. Autenrieth, L., Miner. Dewitt, R. 0., Miner. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Batterton, W. D., Miner. Berggren & Conroy. Handy, R. B., 32 Miner. King, F. J., 40 Miner. Lauer, E., 38 Miner. Phillips, M. Rosenberg, Lewis, 34 Miner. Express Company. Wadsworth, E., agent, Miner. Fancy Goods. Rosenberg, Lewis, 34 Miner. Fruit. Reilinger, H., Miner. Groceries and Provisions. Batterton, W. D., Miner. Handy, R. B., 32 Miner. Pfenninger, H., Miner. Winckler, A. D., cor. Miner and Oregon. Gunsmith. Northeim, G. A., Miner. YREKA, CALIFORNIA. 57 Hair Dressers. Blakeney, J. C, Miner. Good & Johnson, INIincr. Johnson, G. W., Miner. Wilson, A. W., Miner. Hardware. Fellows, J. S., Miner. Handy, R. B., Miner. King, F. J., 40 Miner. Harness and Saddlery. Roth Ben, Miner. Ringe, F., Miner. Liquors. — , Miner. Dennis, Gilbert, B., Miner. Hansen & Jackson, Miner. Junker, Chas., Miner. McCarty, J. C, Miner. Patrick, S. Peters, C. & Co., Miner. Rabilla, A., Main. Tesh, r>.. Miner. Livery Stables. Crooks & Irwin, corner Second and Center. Fried, G., Second. Harden, Wm. L., Main. Woodford & Martin, Main. Lumber Dealer. Cleland, J. S., Center. Markets (Meat). Schroeder & Knecht, Miner. Spannaus, E. C, Miner. Swan, Livy, Mmer. Notary Public. Farren, S. M. Photograph Gallery. Heller, Louis, Miner. Physicians and Surgeons. Autenrieth, E. L., corner North and Oregon. Fueber, G. C, Miner. MLx, S., cor. Fourth and Second. Ream, D., Miner. Postmaster. Pyle, Curt H., Miner. Produce. Cooley, Wm. Sashes, Doors, and Blinds. Fellows, J. S., Miner. Sewing Machine. Handy, R. B., 32 Miner. Soda Water Manufactory. Gilbert B., Miner. Stage Agent. McConnell, Wm., office at the Union Hotel, Miner. Steel and Wire Rope. Handy, R. B., 32 Miner. Stoves and Tin Ware. Huseraan, L., Miner. Stimmel H. E., corner of Oregon and Miner. Tailors. Farmer, H. W., Miner. Klinge, August, Miner. Klinger, W. M. Toys. Reilinger, H., Miner. 58 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Variety Store. Hamburger, Max, Miner. Watch Makers and Jewelers. Paine, A. E., Miner. Watson, Wm. E., Miner. FOrtT JONES, CALi:FOrC]VIA. Attorneys at Law. Luttrel, J. K., Main. Toll, E., Main. Blacksmiths. Randolph & Cooley, Main. Richardson, E., Main. Boot and Shoe Makers. Day, E., Main. Downey, J., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Carlock, A. B., Main. Diggles, H. J., Main. Stone, S. E., Main. Harness and Saddlery. Mitchel, J. W., Main. Hotels. Union Hotel, Mrs. Sterling, Main. Fort Jones Hotel, E. P. Kenne- dy, Main. Livery Stable. Smith, Thomas, Main. Market (Meat). Luttrell, J. M., Main. Physician. Newton, J. W. STATE OF OREGON. STATE OPPICERS. ADDISON C. GIBBS, Governor ; residence, Portland ; salary, $1,.5()0. Samuel E. May, Secretary of State , residence, Salem ; salary, $1,500. E. N. Cooke, State Treasurer ; residence, Salem ; salary, $800. H. L. PiTTOCK, State Printer; salary, fees. SENATORS. James W, Nesmith, term expires March od, 1867. Geo. H. Williams, term expires March 3d, 1871. representative. J. H. D. Henderson, term expires March 3d, 1867. state judiciary. R. P. Boise, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; residence, Salem; salary, $2,000. R. E. Stratton, Associate Justice Supreme Court ; residence Eu- gene ; salary $2,000. P. P. Prim, Associate Justice Supreme Court ; residence, Jackson- ville ; salary, $2,000. E. D. Shattuck, Associate Justice Supreme Court ; residence, Port- land ; salary, $2,000. J. G. Wilson, Associate Justice Supreme Court ; residence. Dalles City ; salary, $2,000. FEDERAL OFFICERS. M. P. Deady, U. S. District Judge ; residence, Portland ; salary ? $3,000. William H. Bennett, U. S. Marshal, residence, Portland. W. L. Adams, Collector at Port of Astoria ; residence, Astoria ; sal- ary, $3,000. \\ GO A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. INDIAN SUPERINTENDENCY. J. W. P. Huntington, Superintendent of Indian Affairs ; residence, Salem. C. S. WooDWORTH, Chief Clerk ; residence, Salem. Elisha Applegate, Surveyor General ; residence, Eugene City. register and receiver's office. Owen Wade, Register ; residence, Oregon City. Henry Warren, Receiver ; residence, Oregon City. Joseph Kelly, Register; residence, Roseberg. A. R. Flint, Receiver ; residence, Roseberg. counties in OREGON. Count?/. County Seat. Baker Auburn Benton Corvallis Clackamus Oregon City Clatsop Astoria Columbia St. Helen's Coos Empire City Curry Ellensburgh Douglas Roseburg Jackson Jacksonville Josephine Kerbyville Lane Eugene City .... Linn Albany Marion Salem Multnomah Portland Polk Dallas Tillamook Umatilla Umatilla J. H. Koontz. Union LaGrande B. P. Patterson. Wasco Dalles City H. J. Waldron. Washington Hillsboro J. R. Boyce. Yamhill . Lafayette J. N. Campbell. Postmaittcr. William F. McCrary. J. W. Souther. R. S. Partlow. C. L. Parker. Benjamin M. Watts. David Morse, Jr. John Dewey. Addison R. Flint. Samuel E. Haines. Madison B. Morris. Frederick Dudley. E. A. Freeland. J. T. HamiUon. H. W. Davis. W. A. K. Mellen. SALEM, OREGON. 61 salem:, oreg^oiv Agricultural Implements. Factory Store, Commercial. Attorneys at Law, Caton & Carl, cor. Commercial and State. Bellinger, G. B., Commercial. Williams k Mallory. Bakeries. Byrne, Lewis, Commercial. Coulter, J. M. Oberliaim, Paul, Commercial. Blacksmiths. Brown, J., Commercial. Carr & Kelly. Books and Stationery. Helm, Wm. & Sons, Commercial. Parrish, N. 0. & Co., Commer- cial. Boots and Shoes. Gilbert, J. W., Commercial. Heiner, J. Brewery. Cabinet Makers. Barker, Wm. S., Commercial. Irving k Myers, Commercial. Carpenters and Builders. McDonald, H. Shaw & Fisher. Cigars and Tobacco. Oberliaim, Paul, Commercial. Confectionery. Byrne, Lewis, Commercial. Cooper. Dunham, J. Crockery and Glass Ware. Myers, Hughes & Co., Commer- cial. Smith, Norman, Commercial. Dentists. SkiiF, L. S., Commercial. Smith & Chance, Commercial. Dress Makers and Milliners. Dyer, Mrs. M., State. Varany, Mrs. M., State. Drugs and Medicines. Clark, J. E., corner State and Liberty. Cox k Ladd. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Bell & Brown, cor. Commercial and State. Breyman & Co., Commercial. Cook, McCully k Co., Commer- cial. Factory Store, Commercial. Hirsch, J. P. k M., Commercial. Mitchell, S. k Co., Commercial. Smith k Cartwright, Commercial. Foundry and Machine Shop. Drake & Moore, Front. Furniture Dealers. Barker, Wm. S., Commercial. Brey, M., Commercial. 62 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Groceries and Provisions. Bell & Brown, cor. Commercial and State. Byrne, Lewis, Commercial. Coulter, J. M., Commercial. Cox, T. H., Commercial. Factory Store, Commercial. Hirscli, J. P. & M., Commercial. Mitchell, S. & Co.,. Commercial. Myers, Hughes k Co., Commer- cial. Oberhaim, Paul, Commercial. Smith, E. 0. Uzafovage & Wright, Commer- cial. Hair Dressers. Hentschel, F., Commercial. Jones, Daniel. Zigler, L., Commercial. Hardware. Bell & Brown, cor. Commercial and State. Brannan & Co., Commercial. Cooke, McCully & Co. Factory Store, Commercial. Moores, J. H. & J. R., Commer- cial. Smith & Cartwright, Commercial. Harness and Saddlery. Baker, Joseph A., Commercial. Watkinds, W. 11. W., Commer- cial. Hotels. Bennet House. Eureka House, I. V. Mossman, Commercial. Liquors. Green, T., Commercial. Palmer, P. D,, Commercial. Livery Stables. Durbm, S. & I., cor. Commer- cial and State. ScoveU, L. S. Starkey, A. A., Commercial. Marble Works. Monroe & Jeffries, Commercial. Markets (Meat). Kronenbcrger, D. Lafore & Thompson. Newman & Brooks. Stansbury & Allen, Commercial. Newspapers. Democratic Review, A. Noltner, W. E. Hicks & Bellinger. Oregon Statesman, Oregon Print- ing and Publishing Co. Painters. Warner & Co., Commercial. Paints, Oils, and Glass. Helm, Wm. & Sons, Commercial. Myers, Hughes & Co., Commer- cial. Photograph Gallery. Montgomery & Co. Physicians and Surgeons. Cliitwood, J. H., High. Kiske, E. R. Maxon, G. D., State. McCurdy, J. D., State. Saw Mills. Forsyth, Patty & Co. Nicklin, J. H. & Co. Sewing Machines. N. 0. Parrish, Commercial. Strang, B., Commercial. PORTLAND, OREGON. 63 Tailors. Baker, P., Commercial. Kurtz, F., Commercial. Taylor, J., Commercial. Telegraph OflB.ce. Thompson, J. W., cor. Commer- cial and State. Washing Machines. Staple ton, H. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Haas, J. H., Commercial. Wood and Willow Ware. Myers, Hughes & Co., Commer- cial. Woolen Manufacturing Com- pany. Willamette, J. S. Smith agent, Commercial. I*OI2,TIL.AI^X>, OI£EG^O]V Agricultural Implements. Failing & Hatt, 55 Front. Knapp, Burrell & Co., Front. Architect. Nestor, J., 175 Front. Artist. Brink, I. F., corner Front and Morrison. Assayers. Goldsmith Bros., Front. Tracy, E. W. & Co., 58 Front. Wells, Fargo & Co., cor. Stark and First. Attorneys at Law. Chapman, W. W., Front. Freiderich, D. Hamilton, , Front. Hodgkmson, E. W., Front. Hoffman, J. J., Post-Oflfice Build- ing, Front. Holbrook, A., Front. Larrabee, Stout & Upton, Stark's Building, Front. Marquam, , Front, Mitchell & Dolph, Front. Mulkey, M. F., Front. Norden, B. L., Stark's Building, Front. Semple, Eugene, Stark. Smith & Grover, Front. Smith, G. v.. Front. Waite & Kelly, Front. Williams, G. H., Post -Office Building. Wolf & Trimble, Stark's BnM- ing. Front. Auction and Commission. Friedman & Burchard, Front. Kilbourn & Co., 96 Front. Richardson, A. B., 54 Front. Bakeries. McGinn, C, First. Myers, Geo. T. & Co., First. Opitz, Sharf & Co., First. Pittock, R., 9 Front. Banking. Ladd & Tilton, 69 Front. 64 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Bookbindery. Siebert, Wm. H., 5 Washington. Books and Stationery. Barrett, Chas., 76 Front and 7 Washington. McCormick, S. J., 105 Front. Parrish, J. L. & Co., 87 Front. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Bently, J. E., First. Millen, H. J., First. Boots and Shoes. Butler & Kast, Front near Post- OfBce Building. Shelby, A. D., First. Wiberg & Strowbridge, First. Brokers. Fuller, L. C. & Co., 108 First. Humiston, C. N., Carter's Block, Washington. Broker (Stock). Currj, Geo. L., cor. Stark and Front. Carpets and Paper Hangings. Walter Bros., Front. Cigars and Tobacco. Schoenfeld, J. & Co., 85 First. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Burrage, C. W., Front. Clothing. Allen & Lewis, 18 Front. Barman Bros., Front. Beck & Waldnian, Front. Bloom, J,, Front. Blumauer & Rosenblatt, Front. Cohn & Lyon, Front. Fleschner, L. & Co., 63 Front. Galland, Goodman & Co., Front. Gumbiner, J. L., Front. Haas, M., Front. Hyman, IL, Front. Hyman, H. W. & Co., Front. Levy, Bloch & Co., 56 Front. Loeb & Bro. Mayer, Dannenbaum, Front. Meirer, A., Front. Selling, P., Front. Silver k Fann, Front. Weil & Bro., Front. White, L. & Bro., Washington. Wolfe, S. & Co., Front. Coffee Factory. Williams & M' Bride, (successors to H. C. Hudson & Co.) Front. Commercial Academy. Patterson, T., corner Front and Washington. Commission Merchants. Abernethy & Herr, Front. Law, Henry. Richards & McCracken, 16 Front. Richardson, A. B,, 54 Front. Confectionery. Dekum & Bickel, First. Fisher & Kaiser, 105 First. Knaucke & Co., First. Coppersmith. Healy, Wm., Front. Crockery and Glass Ware. Mcllenry, J., Front. Seller, M. & Co., (j5 Front. Dentists. Cardwell, J. R., First. PORTLAND, OREGON 65 Cool, C. W., Carter's Building, Front. Glenn, J. G., Front. Koehler, Wm., Morrison. Mack, C. H., 10 Alder. Dress Makers and Milliners. Sutherland, Mrs. M. A., First. Van Fridagli & Co., First. Drugs and Medicines. Gross, L., Front. Hodge & Calef, Front. Smith & Davis, Front. Weatherford, W., Front. Dry Goods. Allen & Lewis, 18 Front. Beck & Waldman, Front. Cohn & Lyon, Front. Cohn, L., Front. Elfelt, Weil & Co., Front. Gumbiner, J. L., Front. Haas, M., Front. Harker Bros., 123 Front. Kahn Bros., Front. Levy & Cohn, Front. Levy Bros., Front. Levy, J. & Bro. Loeb & Bro. Mayer, Jacob, south-west corner Morrison and Main. Meirer, A., Front. Mitchell, G. & Co., Front. Prag, R. & Co., Front. Scwartz & Co., 117 Front. Simon, D., Front. Strauss & Co., First. Weil & Bro., Front. White, L. & Bro., corner Front and Washington. Wilson, John, 127 Front. Express Company. Wells, Fargo & Co., W. Reed agent, 68 Front. H. Fancy Goods. Sinsheim, H., First. Feed Stores. Law, R. H., Front. Williams, D. W. & Co., 110 Front. Forwarding. Abernethy & Herr, Front. Foundries. Dielschnider, F., Union. Ferry, Crane & Co., Eagle, Oak. Gibbs, A. C. & Co., Oregon. Monastes, D., Portland, First. Fruit. Farg-Aly, D., First. Fisher & Kaiser, 105 First. Martin, H. & Co., Front. Furniture Dealers. Emil, Lowenstein & Co., First. Hurgren & Shindler, First. Groceries and Provisions. Achey, L., Front. Cahn, A. & Co., 37 Front. Campbell, J. N., First. Cohn, L., Front. Collins, J. L., 29 Front. Giradot, L., Front. Kline & Gradon, Front. Levy, J. & Co., First. Meerholz & Co., 112 Front. Mitchell, G. & Co., Front. Mitchell, J. & Newman, First. Pittock, R. & Co., First. Rosenhein, A., First. Sampson, G. W., First. Sneath,R. G., (wholesale) Front. Sonnerberg, J., Front. Sposito, P., First. Waterman, , First. 66 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Gunsmiths. Beck, Wm., 121 Front. WUde, F. Hardware. Corbett, H. W., 53 Front. Northrup, E. J. & Co., 131 Front, north-west cor. Mor- rison and Main. Underbill, Jacob & Co., Front. Vaughn, G. W., Front. Harness and Saddlery. Congle, J. B., Front. Sherlock, S. & Co., (wholesale) 52 Front. Hats and Caps. Butler, A. J., 72 Front. Hotels. Arrigoni's Hotel, S. N. Arrigoni, Front. Farmers' House, Clarke, Front. Franklin House, C. Hellenbrand, Front. Howard House, Michael Lane, Front. Lincoln House, S. Coffin, Front. Mansion House, E. Carney, Front. New Columbian Hotel, P. B. Sinnott, 118-122 Front, corner of Morrison. New York, Front. Orleans House. "Washington Hotel. Western Hotel, S. D. Smith, corner First and Morrison. What Cheer House, M. O'Con- nor, 126 and 128 Front. House and Real Estate Agent. Parrish & Holman, Front. Intelligence Office. Parrish & Holman, Front. Library Association. Portland, 66 First. Liquors (Wholesale). Fox, J. M., Front. Martin, E. & Co., 604 and 606 Front. Millard & Van Schuyver, Front. Machines. Smith & Bro., cor. Second and Alder. Marble Yard. Young, W., 38 Front. Markets (Meat). Johnson, A. H., cor. Washing- ton and Fifth. Mann, Hill & Co., south-west cor. Washington and First. Matches. Meier, A., Front. Mining Stock Agent. Curry, George L., comer Stark and Front. Music Dealers. Randall, E. J., 99 Front. Schultz, L. T., 106 Front. Shanahan & Dufrene, Morrison. Sinsheim, H., Front. Newspapers. Oregonian, Henry L. Pittock, cor. Front and Washington. Pacific Christian Advocate, (re- hgious weekly) cor. Front and Washington. PORTLAND, OREGON. 67 Notary Public. Murray, G. W. Oculist and Aurist. Biglow, H., 85 Front. Photograph Galleries. Cardwell, J. R., 89 First. Johnston, J. W. & Co., 107 Front. Physicians. Chapman & Watkins, Carter's Building, Washington. Coombs, J. L., Cree's Building. Glisan, R., Front. Griswold, Dr., Front. Hawthorne & Loryea, cor. Front and Washington. Henley, W. Hicklin, Dr., Front. Hoffman & Black, cor. Washing- ton and Front. M'Kinnell, H. Poppleton, E., corner Morrison and Ninth. Uncles, Dr., Front. Wilson, R. B., Front. Planing and Turning. Wilcox, W. F., 207 Front, and 209 on Levee. Plumber. Myers, C. H., First. Printers (Book and Job). Carter, W. D., Front. Walling, A. & Co., 5 Washing- ton. Produce and Provision Dealers. O'Connor & Co., First. Williams, D. W. & Co., 110 Front. Publisher. McCormick, S. J., 105 Front. Rep acker. Green, G. F., Front. Restaurants. Brouillette, J. B. Higginson, C, corner First and Washington. Salt Works. Dodge, A., Oregon, corner Front and C. Seeds. O'Connor & Co., First. Shoe Findings. Cahahn, E., Front. Steamboats. Oregon Steam Navigation Co., S. G. Reed president, office 5 Stark. Willamette Steam Navigation Co., D. W. Burnside presi- dent. Stoves and Tinware. Bunnel Bros., Front. Friedman & Co., corner Front and Stark. Milwain & Morse, Front. Robinson & Lake, Front. Tents and Wagon Covers. Cook, J. W., 21 Front. Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Workers. Atherton & Nottage, Front. 68 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Tinsmith and Lampist. Vegetables. Smith, V. Sampson, J. W., First. TJ. S. Revenue Collector. Watch Makers and Jewelers. CraAvford, M., 105 Front. Cohn, Jacob, Front. Goldsmith Bros., 93 Front. Variety. Miller, G. B., Washington. Martm, H. & Co., Front. Stewart & Gourley, Front. X>A.L3L.ES CITY, OK,EGO]V. Architect. Books and Stationery. Scholl, R., res. on the Bluffs. Waldron, H. J. & Co., Main. Attorneys at Law. Boots and Shoes (Dealers). Gates, N. H., Main bet. Court Wickman, F., Main. and Union, Haft, E. E., Second bet. Court Breweries. and Washington. Krauss, G. M., cor. Fourth and Kelly, James R., Second. Court. Humason & Odell, Washington Ludwig & Shanno, Second. bet. Second and Third. Tuthill, 0. T., Main bet. Court Brick Kiln. and Union. Newell, David, on the Bluffs. Wood, G. L., Court bet. Second and Third. Cigars and Tobacco. Goetz, Julius & Co., Main. Auctioneer. Juker, J., Main bet. Court and Davenport, L,, Main. Union. Schnorer, Daephen & Co., Main. Bakeries. Loffman, B. N., Main. Clothing. Harris & Co., Mam. Moabus & Koegel, corner Union and Second. Confectionery. Reinig, M., Main bet. Court and Blacksmiths. CJ7 -' Washington. Aycrs, F. W., Third. Greaver, J. Contractors and Builders. Koster, P., corner Third and Welch & Haff, Second between Washington. Court and Union. DALLES CITY, OREGON. 69 Crockery and Glassware. Kraemer, Julius, south-east cor. Mam and Washington. Dalles and Celilo Railroad. Storrs, J. T., superintendent. Dalles City Water Works. Pentland, Robert. Dentists. Gurley, J. W., Main. Stephenson, D. D., Main. Draymen. Adams, J. W. Alexander, A. Alexander, L. Blakeney, J. W., north-west cor. Washington and Fifth. Dress Makers and Milliners. Leeser, Mrs., Main. O'Rourke, Miss, Third. Drugs and Medicines. Craig, P., Main. Gates & Chapin, Washington. Lemon, S., Washington. Waldron Bros., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Block, A. I. & Co., Main. Block, Miller & Co., south-west cor. INIain and Washington. Brown, M., Main. Dusenberj Bros., Main. Elfelt & Bro., south-west comer Main and Court. Fitzgerald, E. P., Main. Folger, CD., First. French & Oilman, north-east cor. Second and Washington. Herman & Co., Main. Lord, W. & Co., Main. RobbinSjMcFarland & Co., Main. Weaver, 0., Main. Engineers. Carrol, M. E. Conlish, P. J., Fourth. Doran, WilUam. Spencer, James, Main. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., Main, A. W. Buchanan agent. Fruit. Bettingen, J., Washington bet. Second and Main. Lipskj, M., Main. Sposito, J., Main between Court and Union. Springer, Isaac, Washington bet. Main and Second. Furniture. Dierlam & Wentz, Second. Gold-Dust Dealers. Moody, W. C, Main, bet Court and Union. teal, J., Main. Wells, Fargo & Co., Main. Groceries (Wholesale). Baldwin & Bro., north-west cor. ]\Iain and Union. Groceries and Provisions. Barter, E., Second east of Wash- ington. Bronzan & Co., Main. Frank & Co., Main bet. Court and Union. Frank, S., Main bet Court and Washington. Friedenberg & Frank, Second. 70 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Gamble, J. W., south-east cor. Third and Washington. Netzger, G., Second. OUver, H., Second. Ruch, G. 0., Second. Springer, I., Third. Wright, A. W., cor. Union and Second. Gunsmith. Friedrick, A., Main. Hair Dressers. Gibson, C. A., next door to Wells, Fargo & Co., Main. Lane, B., Main. Lusher, R., Main. Harness and Saddlery. Hake, F. A. Hucrto, M., Second. Wagner & Krause, Main. Hotels. Aldridge Hotel, Wm. Aldridge, Main. California Hotel, Main. Columbia Hotel, Merriam & Co., Main. Empire Hotel, Thomas Smith, Main. Umatilla House, Handley & Sin- nott, north-east corner Main and Union. Liquors (Retail). Brown, F. C, south-east comer Main and Court. Campbell, J. J., Main bet. Court and Washington. Cooper, Mrs., south-west corner Main and Union. Dinsmore, R., Main. Ferguson & Wells, Second bet. Court and Washino;ton. Fitzgerald, T. S., MainbetWSeen Court and Union. Frank & Co., Main bet. Court and Union. Jewell, Charles L., Maui bet. Court and Washington. Kerrison, Harry, Main. Lauer & Schutz. Maloney & McGowan, Main. Perry, H. N., Main. Rindlaub & Co., Main bet. Court and Washington. Smith, Mrs. A., Court bet. Main and Washington. Sneter, W., south-west cor. Main and Washington. Sturman & Co., Court. Swift, H., Main. Wells, A. F., Second bet. Court and Washington. Liquors (Wholesale). French & Gilmau, north-east cor. Washington and Second. Thacher, George & Co., Main, east of Wasliington. Livery Stables. Cook & Evans, Second. Dowd, J., Main. Lucas & Cook, Main. Rudis, P., Washington bet. Main and Second. Lumber Dealers. Dalles Lumber Manufacturing Co., Hogue & Co., Third. Markets (Meat). Eppinger, John, south-east cor. Second and Washington. Heller, A., south-west cor. Sec- ond and Washington. Market (Vegetable). Springer, Isaac, Washington. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 71 Musician. Huson, L. M., res. on the Bluffs. Newspaper. Mountaineer, (daily and weekly) E. G. Cowne and J. Hallo- ran. Painters. Degener, W., Washington bet. Second and Third. Savage, 0. S., Main near Uma- tilla House. Photograph Galleries. Wood & Butler, Main. Holtz, P., Second. Physicians and Surgeons. Belt & Mitchell, Main. Brooks, C, Dr. Craig's Drug Store. Craig, P., Main. Dillon, A. R., Main. Steel, A. H., Waldron Bros. Drug Store, Main. Stephenson, A. C., Main. Wallace, S. F., Washington. Postmaster. Waldron, H. J., Main. Soda Water Manufactory. Pioneer Bottling Estabhshment, Ramsay & Yager, Main. Storage, Forwarding and Com- mission. Bigelow, W. D. Stoves and Tin Ware. Bettingen, A., Second between Court and Washington. Miller, J. W. & Co., Main. Twitchell, G. A., Main. Tailors. Mathias, N. & Co., Main. Molke, P., Main. Variety Stores. Juker, L., Main. Leeser, L., Main. Wagon Makers. Fisher & Hanka, Second. Reynolds, W. F. Tomhnson, J. Wintermeir & Munger, Third. Watchmakers and Jewelers. 3irnbaum, Williai Dehm, F., Main. Birnbaum, William, Main. J ACItSOlN VILLE, 0K.E001V Attorneys at Law. Dowell, B. F., Third. Fay, James D., Third. Jacobs & Russell, Third. Blacksmiths. Donegan, P., California. Martin, Alexander, California. Books and Stationery. Beekman, C. C, corner of Cali- fornia and Third. Haines, S. E., corner of Califor- nia and Oregon. 72 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Kusclieubach, C, Oregon. Langell, N., California. Schneidling, P., Main. Brewery. Schutz, Y., Jackson. Cigars and Tobacco. Boyer, Wm., California. Row, J., California. Krcucer, Wm., California. Clothing. Sachs Bros., California. Drugs and Medicines. Thompson, L. S., California. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Bradbury & AVade, California. Fisher, A. & Bro., Oregon. Muller & Brentano, Oregon. Ryan, P. J., California. Sachs Bros., California. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., C. C. Beek- mau agent, cor. California and Third. Fruit and Confectionery. Boyer, Wm., California. Levy, B., California. Groceries and Provisions. Bradbury & Wade, California. Fisher & Bro., California. Ryan, P. J., Cahfornia. Sachs Bros., California. Gunsmith. Miller, John, California. Hair Dressers. Blockwell & Banks, California. Hardware. Love & Bilger, Cahfornia. Harness and Saddlery. Zimmerman, John F., California. Hotels. Franco American, Jean DeRo- boam, corner Oregon and Main. United States, L. Home, corner California and Thnd. Liquors. Bradbury & Wade, California. Breitbarth, H. A., California. Eisner, C, corner of Oregon and California. McLaughlin & Saars, California. Noland, J., Cahfornia. Vintjen & Hellms, Oregon. Livery Stables. Drum, John S., California. Plymale k Ross, Oregon. Lumber. Badger, , agent. Market. Orth, John, Oregon. Newspaper. Oregon Sentinel, B. F. Dowell, Third. Photograph Galleries. Britt, Peter. Dodge, Orvillc, California. ALBANY, OREGON. 73 Physicians and Surgeons. Cabanis, C. C. Davis, L. T., Oregon. Greenman, E. H., Oregon. Thompson, L. S., California. Stoves and Tinware. Love & Bilger, Cahfornia. Tailor. Pfeifer, A., California. Postmaster. Haines, S. E., cor California and Oregon. Variety Store- Row, J., California. Restaurant. Watchmakers and Jewelers. Franco American, Jean DeRobo- am, cor. Oregon and Main. Houk, John, Oregon. Neuber, J., California. ALB A. IS Y, OREGON. Attorneys at Law. Helm, Geo. R., Main. Cranor, N. H., Main. McBride & Co. Tweedale & Merrill. Coopers. Bakeries. Laurent, J. Strong & Schmeer, Main. Houk & Myer. Dentists. Blacksmiths. Powers & Kay. Tweedale & Merrill. Ulmer & Wood. Books and Stationery. Gray, G. W., Main. Griffin & Freeland, Main. Drugs and Medicines. Shepard, J. & Co., Main. Tate & Wakefield. Deeds, H., Main. Freeland, E. A., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. McDermed, E., Main. Brewery. Bauerlin, John. Carriage and Wagon Makers. Cunningham, H. A. Cheadle, R. Fox, E. k Bros., Main. Gradwohl, Julius, Main. Connor, J., Main. Fleischmer & Co. Kohn & Rice, Main. Levy Bros. Norcross, J., Main. Parrish, W. W. & Co. 74 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Furniture Dealers. Mealy & Go. Upton & Crafill, Main. Groceries and Provisions. Bendy, J. E., Main. Cheadle, R., Main. Sanders, F. S., Main. Hair Dressers. Brown, J. F., Main. Johnson, David A., Main. Hardware. Connor, J., Main. Norcross, J., Main. Harness and Saddlery. Irving, J., Main. Thompson & Paxton, Main. Hotel. Pacific House, J. B. Sprenger. Markets (Meat). Cleaver & Bros., Main. Mendenhall, W. H., Main. Liquors. Houk & Meyer. Gird & McConnell. Livery Stables. Connor, W. R. Ketcham & Marshall. Newspapers. Albany Journal, Albany Printing and Publishing Co. State Rights Democrat, James O'Meara. Photograph Gallery. Thompson & Paxton, Main. Physician. Alexander, W. F., Main. Postmaster. Freeland, E. A., Main. Stoves and Tin Ware. Godley, C. C, Main. Mack, M. W., Main. Tailor. Wilson, A. Telegraph OflQce. Wakefield, D. W., Main. Turning. Metzler, John M. Wagon Makers. Tweedale & Merrill. Watch Makers and Jewelers. Ganter, John, Main. Miller, PhUip. CORVALLIS , OREGON. 75 1 • Attorneys at Law. Hotels. Chenoweth, F. A., Main. 0. K. House, John Graham, Kelsay, John. Strahan, R. S. Main. City Hotel, Homer Smith. Books and Stationery. Livery and Feed Stable- Fliedman, W., Main. Wells, W. A. Souther, J. W. Markets (Meat). Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Eglin, T., Main. Manns, H. Dyer, W. E., Monroe. Dentists. Newspaper. Herbold, J. Smith & Chance. Corvallis Gazette, Odoneal, T. B., Third. Drugs and Medicines. Souther, J. W., Main. Notary Public. Mercer, Geo. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Physicians and Surgeons. Kriechbaum, J. G. Waters & Clark. Bayley & Lee, Mam. Canterbury, M., Main. Groceries and Provisions. Sashes, Doors, and Blinds. Thompson, R. M. & S. H., cor. Main and Monroe. Gaylord & Swick, Thnd. Gunsmith. Hodes, G. Stoves and Tin Ware. McFarland, Geo. Hardware. Surveyor. Holder & Phillips, Main. 1 Mercer, Geo. 76 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AXD BUSINESS GUIDE. EXJGEIVE CITTf. OKEOOIV Attorney at Law. Mitchell, M. W. Books and Stationery. Johnson & Stratton. Drugs and Medicines. Ellsworth & Belshaw. Dry Goods and Clothing. Dunn, F. B. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Bristow & Co. Goldsmith & Friendly. McClure, A. S., comer Oak and Ninth. Parsons, H. k Co. Peters, A. V. Walton & Co. Harness and Saddlery. Ashley, S. Gray, J. G. & S., Willamette. Market (Meat). Luckey, J., Willamette. Newspaper. Oregon State Journal, H. R. Kincaid. Physicians and Surgeons. Hanchett, W. H. Patterson, A. W. Risdon, D. M. Sharpies, A. Stoves and Tin Ware. Waud, E. Watch Maker and Jeweler. Moses, C. H. K, OSEBXJrS-O, OI^EGOIV Attorneys at Law. Chadwick, S. F., Main. Herman, B., Douglas. Mosher, L. F., Washington. Watson, J. F., Main. WilUs, W. R., Jackson. Blacksmiths. Bowen, J. D., Jackson. Irwin, Wm., Jackson. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Parrott, M., Jackson. Dentist. Rubell, W. H., Jackson. Drugs and Medicines. Hamilton, S., Jackson. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Abraham, H., Main. Flint, Crane & Co., Jackson. Floed & Co. Heinberg, A. & B., Main. Marks, S. & Co. UMATILLA, OREGON. 77 Groceries and Provisions. Livery and Peed Stable- Abraham, H., Main. Stevens, Joseph, Jackson. Flint, Crane & Co., cor. Jackson and Front. Market (Meat). Heinberg & Co., Jackson. Hinkle, T., Jackson. Harness and Saddlery. Photograph Gallery. Moore, E. M., Jackson. Crane, S. W., Jackson. Slocum, H. C, Jackson. Physician and Surgeon. Hotels. Hamilton, S., Jackson. American, Nobles & Co., Main. Postmaster. Metropolitan, A. W. Compton, Crane, S. W., Jackson, Jackson. Stoves and Tin Ware. Land Oflace. Sheriden, Thomas P., Main. Flint, A. R., Receiver. Kelly Joseph, Register. Wagon Maker. Gaddis, C. Liquors. Fink, A. A. Watch Maker and Jeweler. Party, J. S., Main. Crane, S. W., Jackson. XJ^X^TILLA , OIS-EOON. Agent of the O. S. N. Co. Folsom, M. E., G. Schenk, J. S., agent. Front. Stone & Jennings, G above First. Wininger & Co., corner Second Attorneys at Law. and G. Everts, Lucien, Front. Gehr, H. A. Boots and Shoes. Mc Arthur, L. L., G. White J., corner G. and First. Morford, R. B. Brewery. Bakery. Kratz, L. & Co., G. McGettingan & K a 1 1 e n h o r n, Front. Cabinet Makers. Blacksmiths. Kolar, Bob, First. Dyer, L. M., G. Sidden, James, First. 78 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Cigars and Tobacco. Hair Dressers. Dankenmire, F., Front. Wetzel & Fleishman, Front. Wieland, J., Front. WiUiams, R., Front. Clothing. Hardware. Levy, Samuel, G. Foster, John R. & Co., Front. Draymen. Harness and Saddlery. Cheadle, L., Second bet. F and G Moore, J. M., G. Story, S. B. Veazy, T. H. Hotels. California House, Mrs. D. G. Drugs and Medicines. O'Donnell, Front. Levy, Samuel, G. Idaho Hotel, Lloyd & Flitcroft, Partlow, R. S., Front. Front. Metropohtan Hotel, Jesse Davis, Dry Goods and General Mer- corner G and First. chandise. Orleans Hotel, Amos E. Rogers, Ainsa, Jr. M., Front. on the Levee. Avery, J. C, E. Biddle, B. R. & Co., cor. Front Liquors. andE. Ford, R. F. Case, I. W. & Co., Front. Hayes & Blackstone, G. Frankenthal & Haas, F. McCormack & Dean, Front. French & Gilman, F. Nudd, Low & Co. Fry, I., Front. Shade & Hitchcock, corner First Hill & Kane, Front. andG. Kinney, A. W., Front. Squier & Scribner, Front. Meerholz & Wilzinski. Stone, H. S., G above Front. Poly & Clay burgh. Front. Livery Stables. Expresses. Brumfield & Perkins, G. Wells, Fargo & Co., T. L. Brad- Davis, Jesse, corner G and First. bury agent, Front. Freeman, J., G. Umatilla & Auburn Express, R. Wilson Bros., cor. G and First. M. Smith. Lumber Yard. Forwarding and Commission. Marlin, H. Powell & Coe, Front. Markets (Meat). Groceries. Bobbins & Co. Foster, John R. & Co., Front. Tucker, M. G., First. Gunsmith. Painter. Brown, Daniel, Front. Schofield, R. G., Front. LA GRANDE , OREGON. 79 Physicians. Restaurant. Belt, J. C. Partlow, R. S., Front. Taft, C. J. Postmaster. Miners' Restaurant, G. Stoves and Tin Ware. Cary, J. A. Leezer & Seeley, Front. Koontz, James H., Front. Variety and Periodicals. Provisions. Stone, H. S., G above Front. Koontz, J. H., Post-Office Bld'g. Dankenmire, F., Front. Wieland, J., Front. j^j^GHA.isjy:E. :, OTiEOON . Attorneys at Law. Baker & Sullivan, C. Bonham, B. F., B. Campbell, A. F., C. Bakery. Shellworth, Charles, C. Gerstle, Reinhardt & Co., C. Mallory, R. H. & Co., C. Morrow, J. L. & Co., C. Patterson & Co., C. Slavick, Harris & Co., C. Steinheiser & Co., C. Thomas, J. R., C. Wilkinson, J. R., C. Billiard Saloon. Bassett, G. H., C. Blacksmiths. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co. Crystal, R. S., B. Gordon, A. L., C. McDonald & Haley, C. Rynearson, L. & A. W., C. Spare, Clere & Gilham, C. Groceries. Schellworth, Charles, C. Harness and Saddlery. Gray Bros., C. Cabinet Maker. Gift, L., C. Drugs and Medicines. Hulsey, Deal & McComas, C. Hotels. Our House, Hulsey, Deal & Mc- Comas, C. Taylor's Hotel, C. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Boskowitz & Somers, C. Liquors. Hays & Bro., C. Bassett, G. H., C. 80 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Livery Stables. Physicians. Boswell, B., C. Cottle, T. C, C. Convenant, T. C, C. Stockton & Payton, C. Despain, J. Murray, M. A., C. Postmaster. Patterson, B. P., C. Markets (Meat.) Stoves and Tin Ware. Aberthj, C. Guthrie & Despain, C. Leezer & Seeley, C. Surveyor. Photograph Galleries. Chaplin, Daniel, C. Ellison, J. R., C. Wagon Maker. Shupe, P. T., C. McKercher, D. C, C. TJNioiv, or,e:&o]V- Attorney at Law. Stanton House, B. Stanton, A. Bull, M. P., Second. Western Hotel, Main. Blacksmith. Livery Stable. Johnson, D., Main. Argersmger & McDaniel, Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- Market (Meat). chandise. McClure, C, Main. Gerstle, Reinhardt & Co., Main. Hall & Ashby, Main. Hanna, S. (C. Jacobs & Co.) Main. Wright, George, Main. Physicians and Surgeons. Owsley, W. M., Main. Wynn, A. L., First. Hotels. Postmaster. Pacific House, Main. Hanna, S., Main. CANYON CITY, OREGON. 81 CA-IVYOIV OIT^ir, OHEOON. Attorneys at Law. Adams, F., Washington. Gray, E. T,, Canyon. Hill, W. L., Washington. Miller, H. C., Canyon. Sterns, L. 0., Washington. Whalley, J. W., Washington. Books and Stationery. Roman, F., Washington. County Officers. Adams, F., Treasurer. Berry, M. P., Sheriff. Hill, W. L., County Judge. General Merchandise. Becker, C. & Co., Canyon. Brents, Castle & Co., Washing- ton. Brunner & Bro., Canyon. Love, John B. & Co., Canyon. McCouUough & Hillman. Sels & Stemne, Washington. Vallard & Lansdale, Washington. Vorhies & Cannon, Washington. Wunsch & Co., Canyon. Physicians and Surgeons. Dunbar, Dr. Hendricks, J. W., Washington. Horsley, F. C, Washington. "Watch Maker and Jeweler. Douglas, W. B., Canyon. WASHINGTON TEEEITORY. FEDERAL OFFICERS. WILLIAM PICKERING, Governor ; residence, Olympia ; salary, $3,000. Edwakd Evans, Secretary; residence, Olympia; salary, $1,200. J. Pickering, Executive Clerk ; residence, Olympia; salary, $1,200. C. C. Hevtett, Chief Justice, Third Judicial District; residence, Olympia ; salary, $2,500. James E. Wyche, Associate Justice, First Judicial District ; resi- dence, Vancouver ; salary, $2,500. E. P. Oliphant, Associate Justice, Walla Walla ; salary, $2,500. John J. McGilvra, U. S. Attorney; salary, $250 and fees. Wm. Huntington, U. S. Marshal ; residence, Monticello ; salary, $250 and fees. A. G. Henry, Surveyor General ; residence, Olympia ; salary, $2,500. Calin H. Hale, Superintendent of Indian Affairs ; salary, $2,500. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Wm. Cock, Treasurer; residence, Olympia ; commissions. R. M. Walker, Auditor ; residence, Olympia. J. G. Head, Librarian ; residence, Olympia. counties of WASHINGTON TERRITORY. County. County Seat. Postmaster. Chehalis Montesano J. L. Scammons Clallam New Dunginess H. Davis. Clarke Vancouver Hiram Cochran. Cowlitz Monticello A. R. Burbank. Ferguson Island Couperville Jefferson Port Townsend H. L. Tibbals. King Seattle Sam'l F. Coombs. WHITE BLUFFS, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 83 County. County Seat. Postmaster. Kitsap Port Madison B. E. Lombard. Klikitat Rockland J. H. Hermans. Lewis Claquato J. T. Browning. Pacific Oysterville John Crellin, Ji'. Pierce Steilacoom J. H. Munson. Sawamish Oakland Wm. M. Morrow. Skamania Cascades I. H. Bush. Snohomish Mulkilteo J. D. Fowler. Spokane Pinkney City (Ft. Colville P. 0.) Stevens Thurston Olyrapia F. M. Sargent. Wahkiakum Cathlamet James Birnie. Walla Walla Walla Walla E. E. Kelley. Whatcom Whatcom William Utter. TTHITE BLXJFFS, TTASHINOTOIV TER.. White Bluffs is located on the east side of the Columbia River, about twenty-five miles below Priest Rapids. It is favorably situated for trade, and has facilities for communication with Colville and Fort O'Kanagan at the north, and the Blackfoot and Montana mines at the east. A line of stages will run via Pend d'Oreille Lake, connecting there with steamer, now in course of building, and is said will be ready to run by the middle of March. For a short time, a saddle train will connect, about sixty miles on the above road, between Pend d'Oreille Lake and White Bluffs. General Merchandise ; Booth & Nevison. ^WA.J^1L,A. TTALLA, TTASHING^TOJV TER. Assayers. Day, J. H., Main. Rosenthal, J., Main. Attorneys at Law. Bridges & Turney, Main. Dugan, Frank P., Main. Lasater & Langford, Second. Mix, J. D. & S. B. Fargo, Main. Parker, H., Main. Bakeries. Beaseley & Co., Main. Bretchel, 0., Main. 84 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Blacksmiths. Conlon, James, Main. Grisley, J., Main. Hartman, A. F., corner Alder and Third. Lynch & Wiley, north of Mill Shull, J. W., Alder. Stine, F., Main. Weston, David, Fourth. Books and Stationery. Kelly & Johnson, Main. Parker, H., Main. Brewers. Hellmuth, J., Main. Meyer, E., Second. Cigars and Tobacco. Bauer, J. Main. Goldstein & Co., Main. McKay, A., Main. Ostheira, H. Rosenfeld, S., Main. Civil Engineer- Abel, Charles. Dentist. Rea, C. T. I., Main. Drugs and Medicines. Craig & Mix, Main. Day, J. H., Main. Colman, F. W. & Co., Main. Thibodo & Bro., Main. Shell, E., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Baker, D. S., Main. Brown Bros. & Co., Main. Dusenbery Bros., Main. EUas & Bro., Main. Ellis J. & Co., Main. Frank, A. & Co., Main. Kohlhauff & Guichard, cor. Main and Third. i Harris & Marks, Main. Howard & Cady, Main. Isaacs, J. C, Main. Jacobs & Co., Main. Jones, John, Main. Kyger & Reese, Main. Mayer & Co., Main. McKee, J. W., Main. Ostheim, J. & Co., Main. Schwabacher Bros. & Co., Main. Express. WeUs, Fargo & Co., J. B. Cong- don agent, Main. Gunsmith. Shumacher, C, Main. Hair Dressers. Baumeister & Gallagher, Main. Harness and Saddlery. Cook, J. D. & Co., Main. Hotels. City Hotel, E. E. Taylor, Main. Oriental Hotel, Hartman & Co., Main. Liquor Dealers. Barrett & Cosgrove, Main. Frary, J. H., Main. Green & Ryan, Main. Harrison & Roberts, Main. Kalhng & Co., corner Maui and Second. Lynch, A., Main. Racine & Gu'oux, Main. Stone, F. S., Mam. Terry, W. J., Main. Welch, Daniel, Main. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 85 Livery Stables. Abbott, J. F., Main. Kraft & Sturm, Main. Page, T., Main, N. of Mill Creek. Rice & Goodman, Main. Tiernay, Tom, Main. Van Dyk & Whitman, Main. Lumber Dealer. Linkton, S., Alder. Markets (Meat). Baggs, George, Main. Petty, J., Main. Newspaper. Walla Walla Statesman, William H. Newell, Third. Painters. Plocer, C, cor. First and Alder. Whitehead, cor. Alder and First. Photograph Gallery. Castleman, P. F., Main. Physicians and Surgeons. Craig, James S., Main. Day, J. H., Main. Hmiter, J. W., Main. Jim, Dr. (Chinese) Main. Kinney, L. C, Main. Kinsey, S., Main. Shell, E., Main. Stevenson, E., M.D., Main. Thibodo, A. J., Main. Thibodo, 0. J., Main. Postmaster. Kelley, E. E., Main. Restaurants. French Restaurant, A. Busher, Main. Charley's Restaurant, C. Laugier, Main. St. George Chop House, Applo- nio & Stephens, Mam. William Tell Restaurant, G. W. Joseph, Main. Stoves and Tinware. Mansfield, William M., Main. Phillips, WilUam, Main. Surveyors. Johnson, W. W. White, C. A., County Surveyor. Tailors. Fox, M., Main. Sheade, George, Main. Upholsterer. Zobel, A., cor. First and Alder. Wagon Makers. Massam & Dovell, Main. Munsell, J. Wineset, C, Main. Watchmakers and Jewelers. Arner, W. J., Second. Rosenthal, J., Main. Savage, George, Main. WALLULA, WAsaJMIIVOTOIV TEH'Y. General Merchandise. Flanders & Felton, Front. Hutchins, B. P., Front. Hotel. Luna House, E. Gleson, Front. IDAHO TERRITORY. FEDERAL AND TERKITORIAL OFFICERS. CALEB LYON, Governor. H. C. GiLSON, Secretary. DELEGATE IN CONGRESS. E. D. HOLBROOK. JUDICIARY. Milton Kelly, Judge First Judicial District. John R. McBride, Associate Judge of the Supreme Court, Second Judicial District. A. C. Smith, Associate Judge of the Supreme Court, Third Judicial District. Thomas M. Pomeroy, District Attorney, First Judicial District. E. C. Mayhew, Clerk. District Court — First Judicial District. Shoshone County — First Monday in September. Idaho County — First Monday in May, and first Monday in October. Nez Perce County — Second Monday in April, and first Monday in October. District Court — Second Judicial District. Boise County — Second Monday in February, First Monday in July, and Third Monday in September. COUNTY OFFICERS. Ada County. John Duvall Sheriff. William A. Yates Auditor and Recorder. R. L. Gillespie Probate Judge. COUNTY OFFICERS. 87 Boise County, Jas. I. Crutchers Sheriff. John M. Murphy Auditor and Recorder. Alfred Slocum County Treasurer. Thos. Foye Assessor. Jesse M. Shepherd Probate Judge. Alturas County. T. M. Johnson Sheriff. A. G. Brown Recorder. M. Purcell County Clerk. G. E. Chamberlin Treasurer. U. S. Anderson Probate Judge. Nez Perce County. James H. Fisk Sheriff. S. Stiles Auditor and Recorder. D. W. Gulp County Clerk. "W. W. Thompson Treasurer. L. W. Bacon Assessor. E. S. Sprague Probate Judge. Idaho County. John Ramy Sheriff. E. Holland Recorder and Auditor. J. Renno Assessor. H. Steits Treasurer. E. Hannegan County Clerk. F. A. Shearer Probate Judge. Shoshone County, E. K. Davidson Sheriff. J. B. Louck Auditor and Recorder. Levi Ankeny Treasurer. Samuel Ramsey Probate Judge. Owyhee County. L. Stanford ; Sheriff. Gilmore Hays Recorder. A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. BOISE OITY, ir>AJEIO TERRITOR^S'. Attorneys at Law. Bradshaw, E. C, Eighth between Main and Idaho. Curtis & Cook, Main. Davis, C. D., comer Main and Eleventh. George, W. A. Heed & Burmester, Eighth be- tween Main and Bannock. Kellj M., Main between Eighth and Ninth. Smith, I. N., Main. Auctioneer. DeMoss, W. L., Main. Bakeries. Krall & Adolph, City Bakery, Main between Seventh and Eighth. Ford k Co., Main between Sixth and Seventh. Blacksmiths. Adams, H. J., Main between Seventh and Eighth. Carey, Charles, Main between Sixth and Seventh. Maupin, T. C, Main between Seventh and Eighth. Miller & Burke, Main between Ninth and Tenth. Stiles, George W., Main between Fourth and Fifth. Weeks, George W., Bannock. Books and Stationery. Misener & Lamkin, Main. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Madden, B., Main. Breweries. Collins, Felix, Boise Brewery, Main bet. Third and Fourth. Ford & Co., Main between Sixth and Seventh. Brick-Maker and Builder. May & Brown, Main between Third and Fourth. Cabinet Maker. Enslow, F. S., Main. Commission Merchant. DuRell, B. M. Cigars and Tobacco. CaiT, S. L., Main. Shipley & Drum, Main between Seventh and Eighth. Caro, S. Clothing. Dentists. Clark, F. C, Main between Sixth and Seventh. PefFerle, M,, near the Plaza. Drugs and Medicines. BILICKE & LOGAN, Main between Sixth and Seventh. WiUiams, Thomas, Main, between Seventh and Eighth. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Baer, Monns B., Main. BLOSSOM, JAMES M., cor- ner Main and Eighth. Campbell, J., Main. BOISE CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 89 Clarke, S., cor. Main and Tenth, DuRell, B. M., corner Main and Eighth. ElHot, James, Main. Heifer & Co., Main. Hessberg & Co., Main. Huntoon, J. L., Main. Huson, E. T., Main. Hyde & Stephenson, Main be- tween Seventh and Eighth. JACOBS, C. & CO., cor. Main and Seventh. Prediger, George, Main between Ninth and Tenth. Rouse & Frazier, Main. Ruth, G. W., between Tenth and Eleventh. Michael & Salinger, Main be- tween Eighth and Ninth. Slocum, C. W., (Crawford, S. k Co.) corner Main and Fifth. Stephenson, J. M., Main between Seventh and Eighth. Thomas, S. S., Main. Weinsheink, W., Main. Wilzinski, Marks, Main. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., Wm. A. Yates agent. Main. Groceries and Provisions. Bilicke & Logan, Main between Sixth and Seventh. Lee, John, Main between Fourth and Fifth. Hair Dresser. Moody, R. S., Main between Sev- enth and Eighth. Hardware- Chick, G. H., Main. Hotels. Idaho Hotel, J. W. Griffin, Main. Iowa House, Smith & Co., Main between Seventh and Eighth. Overland House, Ellsworth & Cram, cor Main and Eighth. Stage House, J. H. T. Greene, Main between Sixth and Seventh. Liquor Dealers. Chapman, George, Main between Seventh and Eighth. Hoflf, P. H., Main bet. Fourth and Fifth. Lee, John, Main between Fourth and Fifth. Lindsey, L. B., Main, between Seventh and Eighth. Lyford, W. M., Main. Moulton, L., Main. Riggs & Agnew, corner Main and Seventh. Livery Stables. Conway, J. B., Main between Sixth and Seventh. Fox, Charles, corner Main and Tenth. Riggs & Agnew, corner Main and Seventh. Trook, J. S., corner Main and Tenth. Updike k Warren, Main. Lumber. ROBIE, A. H., Main. Markets (Meat). Bayley, George H., between Sev- enth and Eighth. Dean, T. R., Main between Sev- enth and Eighth. Fisher k Co., Main between Sev- enth and Eighth. Kinzey, J. S., Main between Eighth and Ninth. 90 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Maurer & Co., Main. Tuttle, T. R., Main. . Newspaper. " Idaho Statesman," James S. Reynolds & Co., Bamiock. Painters. Gillespie, R. L., Main between Sixth and Seventh. Dart, A. W., Main bet. Fourth and Fifth. Kline, John L., Main between Fourth and Fifth. Photograph Gallery. Young, Wm. J., Main. Physicians. Campbell, D. G. Graham, Wm., Main between Fourth and Fifth. Himrod, D. G., corner Main and Seventh. Holton, D. S., Main. Mclteeny, J. S. corner Main and Seventh. Mmeer & Smith. Restaurants. Carpied & Hax. Legueval, P. Taylor, W. B., Main. Stoves and Tin Ware. Chick, G. H., Main. KenaUy, John, Main. Tailor. Welcom, L., Main. Wagon Maker. Baldwin, Wesley, between Eighth and Ninth. Watches and Jewelry. Bobbins, C. P., Main. ir>AK[0 CIT^% IDA MO Tii^HK-ITOIi^^. Assayers. Koenigsberger, S., Main. Rossi, A. (R. & Robie) Main. Attorneys at Law. Douthitt, T>. Wm., Montgomery. Dudley, Charles C. Ganahl & Knowles, Main. Gilbert & Henly, Main. Gray, John S., Wall. Holbrook, E. D., Main. Keithley & Rheem, Main. May, , Wall. McGound, J. L., Wall. McLaughlin, D.,Buena Vista Bar Merritt, S. A., Montgomery. Miller, Frank. Preston, 11. L,, Main. Rosborough, J. B., Wall. Scaniker, S. P., Main. Shafer & Nugent, Montgomery. Shearer, E., Wall. Snelling, R. B., Wall. Snyder, J. S., Wall. Street, H. C, East Hill. Wait & Miller, Main. Wight, G. J. Wright, J. G. IDAHO CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 91 Auctioneer. Broker. Duncan, John. Habersham, W. W., Main. Bakeries. Cabinet Makers. Bany, Smith & Co. Dong, Jacob. Donahue & Bruce, Wall. Klane, C, Main. Deng, Fred., Mam. Peterson, 0. W., Main. Shericlen & Co., Bannock Bakery, Montgomery. Cigars and Tobacco. Knauer & Co., Mam. Edwards, Edward, Main. Powelson, James, Mam. Greenwald, J,, Main. Kane, P. F. & Co., City Bakery, Kramer, F., Main. Main. Mansfield, J. S., Main. Ward, C. P., Cahfornia Bakery, Main. Clothing. Abramson, Julius. Blacksmiths. Harris, M., Main. Bentley & Barton, Main. Lazarus & Bro., Main. Cantrell, I. J., Main. Phillips, H., Main. FraUck, A. A., Wall. Rosenbaum, S. G., Main. Kenedy, Gr. W., Montgomery. Schwartz, Bro. & Co. Reardon, J. B., Main. Roberts, S., Main. Dentists. Nichols, F. C, Wall. Books and Stationery. AVillis, L. Main. Pinney, J. A., Main. Drayman. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Meydenbauer, W. Bocqueraz, Pierre, Wall. Coleman, George M., Main. Dress Makers and Milliners. Dumas, J. B., Main. Kelly, Mrs. M. L., Commercial. Durein, J., Main. Rees, Miss Jane Eliza, Montgom- Perrm, Nelson, Main. / ' a ery. Breweries. Drugs and Medicines. Idaho Brewery, Hoeflein, Mont- Atkins, J. B. & Co., WaU. gomery. Chipman, M. M., corner of Wall Idaho Brewery, A. W. Speilman, and Main. Main. Craig & Mix, Main. Miners' Brewery and Bakery, Harris, I. H., corner Mam and Knauer & Co., Main. Harris. Pacific Brewery, I. Huber, Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- Brick Maker. chandise. Sherdon, J., rear of Main. Adams, J. C, Mam. 92 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Brown, Wm. M., Wall. Bryant, J. G., Main. Cheney, E. E., Wall. Clark & Dunn, Main. Cohn & Co., cor. Main and Wall. DuRell, B. M. & Co., Main. Emery & Martin, Main. Fitzgerald, E. P. & Co., WaU. Heifer, I., Main. Higby & Co., corner Wall and Main. Isaacs, D. & J., cor. Main and Commercial. Kingsley, C. S., Wall. Lauer & Swinn. Levy, A. & L., Main. Levy, M., Montgomery. McAulifF, James, Montgomery. McGlincliy, Neail, Main. Merritt, George C, Main. Miller & Bernsticl, corner Mont- gomery and Wall. Moore, S., Main. Moore, Udolph, Main. Morse & Co., Pine Grove. Newhouse & Sheeline, Main. Platshek & Co. Remish, Louis, Main. Robinson, G. A., Main. Rosenthal, Mrs. B., Main. Taylor, D. D., Pine Grove. Turner, Alonzo P., Wall. Van tine & Co., Main. Wood & Co., Mam. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., J. S. Smith agent, Main. Fruit Dealers. Gautier, Mrs. A., Main. McLean, Edward, Wall. Furniture Dealer. Klow, C, Main. Gold-Dust Dealer. Wells, Fargo & Co., Main. Groceries and Provisions. Abadie, F., Main. Marden, C. W., Main. McLean, Edward, Wall. Morris, C. L., Main. Palancone & Co., Main. Wood, Ben F., Wall. Gunsmiths. Lanabit, J., Main. Simpson, Thomas J., Main. Hair Dressers. Delter, Thomas, Main. Finley, J. B., Main. Lewis & Freeman, Wall. McAlfrey, A. D., Main. Murray, Robert, Main. Wilson, Charles M., ]\Iain. Wright, W., Main. Hardware. Cliick, G. H., Main. Hotels. City Hotel, L. H. Barber, Main. Magnolia Hotel, Evans & Co., Main. Poujade House, T. C. Poujade, cor. Main and Commercial. Liquor Dealers. Bell, Frederick W., (wholesale) Main. Bixhoff, L. & Co. Brodei-ick, Spero, Main. Blumer, Ben, Main. Bennett, A. L., Main. Brumming, J., Montgomery. Boston & Cody, corner Main and Wall. Brown, J. B., Main. IDAHO CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 93 Campbell & Spahn, Main. Dickson, G. E., Main. Claresy, John, Main. Dye, J. F., Main. Doling, J., Montgomery. Heard & Andrews. Duroj, Jesse, Main. Lovelock, P. A., Main. Fargo, Stere, Main. Oser, Derr & Tewksbury, Main. Gaite, George W., Montgomery. Rand & Byrd. Gans, Henry, Main. Romer & CoUen, Main. Gansc, George, Main. Smith, H. T., Main. Gerrish, J., Main. White, B. & G., Main. Harrington, J., Main. Heath, J. D., Mam. Market (Vegetables). Hurd, S. B., Main. Walters, D. M., Main. Kane & Cassidy, Main. Kelly, J. & Bro., Main. Newspapers and Periodicals. Lehman & Solars, Main. Luckett, Joseph, Main. Blake & Co., Main. Manning, P., Main. Manly, Walter, Main. Notaries Public. Marshall, J. B., Main. Gilbert, G. L, Wall. Nougues, T., Main. Keithley, W. R., Main. Peyton, Enoch, Main. Prior, Thomas, Main. Painters. Sheckles, J., Main. Ayer, F. C. Shed, E. K., Main. Hayes & Bro., Main. Sites, J. R., Main. Spahn, Michael, Main. Penmanship. Taylor & S. Owens, Main. Woodman, G., Main. Thomas, W. H., Main. Viquier, Y., Main. Photograph Gallery. Weaver, F., Main. Weaver, W., Mam. Sutterly Bros, k Junk, Main. Welch, W. C, Main. Physicians and Surgeons. Livery Stables. Alexander, R., Main. Crawford & Co., Main. Archer, M. C, Wall. Drake & Hager, Montgomery. Barstow, W., Wall. McChntock & Stewart, Montg'y. Bell, R., Main. Money & Co., Main. Betts, J. M., Main. Young, John, Main. Clark & Parker, Main. Harris, I. H., Main. Lumber Dealers. Healy, James, Wall. Butler & Co., foot of Main. Hogg, A. J., Main. Rossi & Robie, Main. Raymond & Hadlock, Mam. Tabbot, Dr., Main. Markets (Meat). Tibbits, J. P., Main. Combs & Co., Main. Zipp, H., Main. 94 A GENEKAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Poulterer. Kelly, E. C, Commercial. Postmaster. Pimiey, James A., Main. Newspaper. Idaho World, (Aveekly) Bowman & Co., East Hill. Restaurants. French Restaurant, A. Mattie, Main. Miners' Restaurant, S. J. Moodj & Co., Main. Redon, L., Main. Wittman, J., Main. Soda Water Manufactory. Brown, F, C, Commercial. Stoves and Tinware. Bunnell, Miller & Co., Main. Chick, G. IL, Main. Storage and Commission. Almy, W. H., Commercial. Froats & Co., Wall. Powell & Coe, Main. Robinson, G. A., Main. Sirup Factory. Dulioux, G., Main. Tailors. Kalischefski, August, Main. Rieck, M. F., WaU. Upliolsterer. Brown, J. D., High. Variety. Cohn, Yjkel, Main. Rosenberg, M., Wall. Vocalist and Violinist. Kellj, John, Main. Wagon Maker. Albaugh, J. B., Mam. Watch Makers and Jewelers. Dickinson & Kimmel, Main. Graf, Jacob, Main. Heckman, J. H., Main. Walker, C, Main. Wine Merchants. Bell, Frederick W., Main. Powell & Coe, Main. BXJEIVA VISTA. BAR, lOAHO TEPl'Y. Attorney at Law. McLaughlin, D. Billiard Saloon. O'Neil, Robert, Main. Blacksmiths. Anderson & Sonna, Main. Green, J., Main. Hutchings, S. E., Main. Stutsman, George, Mam. Terhune, Stephen, Main. Weckert, Jacob, Main. Brewery. City Brewery, Jacob Gans, Third. PLACERVILLE, IDAHO TERRITORY. 95 Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Bucklin, J. W., Main. Connell, J., Chapetulia. Death, S. R., Main. Douglass, J. B., Main. Henderson, S. J., Main. Hodgdon, S. B., Main. Macarter, D. P., Main. Sweek, John, Chapetulia. Groceries and Provisions. Dooley, J. J. & Bro., Chapetulia. Landon, W. E. Hotels. Buena Vista Bar, Samuel Cowen, Main. Fisher's Hotel, A. Fisher, Chap- etulia. Liquors. Duke, W. W., Mab. Holt, T. B., Main. Hook, Joseph, Main. Kelly, Henry, Main. Mahoney, D. A., Main. Orrick, Wm. K., Main. Livery Stables. Ford & Carpenter, Main. Tatro, W. C. Markets (Meat.) Arnold, G. P., Main. Crew & Co., Main. Houston, H., Main. Miller & Green, Saw Mill. Leveridge, W. K., rear Chape- tulia. Warm Springs Establishment. Robert, Turner, Main. r»lL.AOEISVI]L.LE, IDAHO TEItHITOIt^". Bakeries. Begelspacher, Max, Granite. Witler, Henry, Granite. Billiard Saloons. Helmuth, J., Plaza. Reynolds, W. R., Granite. Blacksmiths. Deihl, P., Main. Donald, Wm. Heyd, Louis, Main. Lands, J. Books and Stationery. Hazard, J. C, Granite. Brewery. Helmuth, Joseph, Plaza. Dentist. Clarke, W. C, Granite. Drugs and Medicines. Kimball, B. W., Granite. Orendorf, F. H., Granite. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Baum & Gans, Granite. Blake & Co., Granite. Drake & Co., Granite. Higby & Butler, Granite. 96 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Loeb, Jacob, corner Main and Johnson, A., Plaza. Plaza. Miller, Frank, Granite. Mallet, Alfred, Granite. Murphy, Patrick, Granite. Shoenbar, H., Granite. Tingley, Ira, Main. Express. Livery Stables. Wells, Fargo & Co., W. A. At- Brewer, R. lee agent, Granite. Brown, R. L., Granite. Longfellow, F. Fruit. Raglan, R. F., Granite. Hazard, J. C., Granite. Lumber Dealers. Hair Dressers. Upton, Miller & Co. Harris, George, Granite. Johnson, Joseph R.., Granite. Market (Meat). Gray, Wm. P., Granite. Hotels. Empire Hotel, Durein & Bro. Physicians. International Hotel, Thomas B. Kimball, B. W. Granite. Hart, Plaza. Orendorff, F. H., Granite. Ralston, J. H., Granite. Liquors. Anderson, B. M., Granite. Postmaster. Hart, J. H., Granite, Ralston, J. H., Granite. CEIXTERVILLE, lOAKLO TEItltlTOiaY. Dry Goods and General Mer- Attorneys at Law. chandise- , Ainslie, George, Washington. Button, E. R., Washington. Smith, John 11., Washington. Duke, B. F., Third. Isaacs, J. C, Washington. Bakeries. Martin & Johnson, Washington. Harpin, C. D., Washington. Moritz & Co., Washington. Tessier & Co., Washington. Express. Brewery. Wells, Fargo & Co., C. E. Free- Zapp & Thevenin, Clarke. man agent. Drugs and Medicines. Hair Dresser. Freeman, C. E., Washington. Whitefield, J. M., Washington. PIONEER CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 97 Hotel. Centerville Hotel, Ira Worden, Washington. Liquors. Clarke, M., Washington. Van Pelt, J. H., Washington. Livery Stables. Coe, Samuel & Bro., Vv^ashing- ton. Weston, Daniel, Washington. Markets (Meat and Vegetable). Hardman, Joe & Co., Washing- ton. Hartman, Charles, Washington. Packer, G. T., Washington. Physicians. Stevens, Dr., Washington. Rapin, Mrs. S. L., Third. Recoi'der. Johnson, J. H., Washington. PIONEEIt OIT^^. I33A.ELO TEHIitlTOIi"!^. Attorney at Law. Dickson, N. F., Main. Bakeries. Bornhaeuser, C, Main. Carter, A. H., Main. Imkamp, H., Main. Schlumb, A., Main. Blacksmiths. Donohoe, J., Main. Fitzpatrick, B., Main. Neno, John, Main. Shiimaker, C. A., Main. Vorberg, H., Main. Billiard Saloon. Graham, J. J., Main. Brewers. Bornhaeuser, C, Main. Haubrich, L., Main. Imkamp, H., Main. Cigars and Tobacco. Heidelberger, S., Main. Drugs and Medicines. Boatman, N. C, Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Canady & Co., Main. Daskin Bros., Main. Dufresne & Co., Main. Drake & Co., Main. Lehman & Co., Main. Reusman & Stevens, Main. Rothkoff & Co., Main. Slocum, A. Main. Weinheimer & Co., Main. Wertheimer & Co., Main. Wheelock & Co., Main. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., Main. Fruit. Wile, Isaac, Main. Hair Dressers. Noisett, Louis, Main. Skanks, J. F., Main. 98 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Jeweler. Clayton, B.. Main. Liquor Dealers. Bach, F., Main. Beckney, J. W., Main. Haubrich, B., Main. Libby, G. A. Main. Tevedore, F., Main. WilUams, I. V. B., Main. Livery Stables. Martin, H. D., Main. Starr, George M. Main. Markets (Meat). Gates, John, Main. Kirkman, William, Main. Wilford, J., Main. Photograph Gallery. CromweU, W. J. Physicians. Boatman, N. C. Main. Furlej, C. C, Main. Restaurants. City Restaurant, J. A. Douglas, Main. California Restaurant, Fitzpat- rick & Co., Main. Saw Mill. Parkinson, W. H. I4XJOY OITY, II3AHO TEHItlTOIl^^. Assayer. Willey, T. H., Main. Attorneys at Law. Cummins, John, Fountain. Curtis & Miller. Davenport & Johnson. Haines, I, D. Heed & Huggan. Higbee, L. P. Martin, H., Main. Smith, T. H. Stafford, C. G. T'Vault, C. W. Blacksmith. Shrader, A., Main. Books and Stationery. Clemens, William. Brick Yard. Menge, Frederick, near Ruby City. Drugs and Medicines. Smith, E., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Blackinger, V., Main. Blum, E. Main. Brunsell Fred., Main. DuRell & Moore, Mam. Herman, H. & Co., Main. Pearlman, J. M., Main. Express. Wells, Fargo & Co., J. L. Browne agent. Mam. SILVER CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 99 I Hotels. ' Idaho Hotel, J. K. Eastman, Main. New State Hotel, J. B. Bailey, Main. Liquors. Alverson, B. B., Main. Beede, B. W., Main. Close & Wessels, cor. Main and Miner. ' McConnel & Dewey, Main. ) Livery Stables. j Bachler, CD., Miner. j Carter Bros., corner Main and j Wall. i Foote, David P., Main. : Polk, M., Main. i Standley & Mills, Main. j Stuart, Hiram, Main. Market (Meat). Hubbard & Lucas. Metallurgist. Willey, T. H., Main. Newsdealer. Holgate, J. C, Fountain. ISTewspaper. Owyhee Avalanche, Wasson & Co., Main. Notaries Public. Browne, J. L., Main. Lyman, J. Painter. Abbott, J. M., Main. Postmaster. Clemens, Wm. Quartz Mill Co. New York and Owyhee G. & S. M. Co., Bobbins & Styles. Recorder. Hays, Gilmore, Fountain. Stoves and Tin Ware. Brigham & Weeks. Watch Maker. Bobbins, G. C, Main. SIlLiVEi:! CITY, II3ilLHO TEUIilTOK, Y". Attorneys at Law. Curtis & Miller. Heed & Huggan. Blacksmiths. Cozine, S., Jordan. Davis, Benjamin, Jordan. Parks, John, Jordan. Van Richard, Jordan. Books and Stationery. Webb, A. H,, Washington. Carriage and Wagon Maker. Tuttle, H. H., Jordan. Drugs and Medicines. Smith & Woodson, Washington. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Crane, W. B., Washington. Goodman, Addo, Jordan. McCleery, Daniel. Myers & Shuster. 100 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Engineer. Burnham, 0. H., Morning Star Mil. Hair Dresser. Walker, L. W., Washington. Hotel. Miners' Home, Charles Hanson, Washington. Liquors. Killingsworth & Brainard, Jordan Sommercamp, W. F., cor. Wash- ington and Second. Livei'y Stables. Dana, T. R. Hill, W. J., Jordan. Lock wood, J., Jordan. Markets (Meat). Blackinger, V., Washington. Gilmore, G. W., Washington. Page, S. H., Washington. Mills (Quartz). Ainsworth Mill, Sinker Creek. Lincoln Silver Mining Company, Coleman superintend- ent, C. F. Balcon agent. I\iill , Sinker Creek, A. N. Grenzebach superintendent. Morning Star, More & Fogus, Jordan Creek. Morse k Vass, Jordan Creek. Shoenbar, three-quarters of a mile from Silver Citj, Jor- dan. Mill (Saw). Bloom & Herd, near the head of Jordan Creek. Notary Public. Lynam, James. Photograph Gallery. Has tie, George. Physicians and Surgeons. Beckett, T. D. Denny, F. M. Kestaurant. Way, H., Washington. Surveyor. Palmer, 0. A. U. S. Revenue Collector. Hasbrouck, S. BOONEVILLE, IDAHO TEHHITOR^^. Blacksmiths. Cubbin, Joseph, Main. Page, Walter, Jordan. Liquors. Forrester, James. Jones, W. D., Jordan. ROCKY BAR, IDAHO TERRITORY. 101 XtOCIilY BA.TJ, IDAHO TEIiIlITO]ElY. Attorneys at Law. Anderson, V. S., Main. Gray, E. F., Main. Margarj, H. W. 0., Main. O'Connor, John C. Bakeries. Hoebner, Charles, Main. Kuster & Co., Main. Winklebach, John, Main. Tihnan, J. L., Main. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Holm, John, Main. Breweries. Kuster & Co., Main. Winklebach, John, Main. Drugs and Medicines. Stuart, C. H., Main. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Dilley & Dover, Main. Jerry, C. & Co., Main. Pfifer, Joseph, Main. Schwabacher, Gardiner & Co., Main. Woodward, Chesley, Main. Express. WeUs, Fargo, & Co., DUley & Dover agents. Main. Hair Dresser. Wellcom, T., Main. Liquor Dealers. Ewing & Short, Main. McClaren, James, Main. Livery Stables. Clark, M. L., Main. Smith & Collins, Main. Markets (Meat). Featherman & Slusher, Main. Keiper & Co., Main. Mills. Graham's Mill, H. H. Raymond & M. Graham, Bear Creek. Idaho Mill, Harris & Benson, Clifden, on Bear Creek. Pittsburg Mill, Major Spear su- perintendent. Bear Creek near Rocky Bar. Waddingham Gold and Silver Mining Co., Wilson Wad- dingham superintendent, Bear Creek. Notary Public. Gray, E. F., Main. Physician and Surgeon. Stuart, C. H., Main. Stoves and Tinwai'e McCauley, Wm., Main. Watch Maker and Jeweler. CavaUin, Charles, Main. 102 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AXD BUSINESS GUIDE. RED WAHiilOR, IDAHO TEIlIilTO:^^^. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Biven, R., Montgomery. Farnmau & Mix, Montgomery. Liquors. Douglas, S., Montgomery. Hall & Taylor, Montgomery. Meat (Market). Keiper & Co., Montgomery. Mills (Quartz). Harris & Benson, Red Warrior Creek. New York and Idaho Gold Min- ing Co., Red Warrior Creek. Victor Gold and Silver Mining Co., Capt. Nelson sup't. Mm (Saw). Molthrop, Wm. H., Red Warrior Creek, J mile from Red Warrior. Physician. Dean, Wm. P., Montgomery. Restaurant. Ellis, Wilson, Montgomery. Forest & Plume, Montgomery. LE^^ISTOIV, IDAHO TEKItlTOK^Sr. Assayers. Hurley, R. & Co., between C and D, First and Second. Attorneys at Law. Brown, Jonas W. Miller, Frank. Pomeroy & Leland, Montgomery. Dry Goods and General Mer- chandise. Baily, R. Fitch & Co., corner Third and D. Flanagan, James & Co., corner Montgomery and Fourth. Townsend & Buker, cor. Mont- gomery and Second. Express Companies. Bacon's Express. Davidson's Express. Dwight Bros.' Express. Gunsmith. Sprague, E. S. Harness and Saddlery. Schenck, Theodore, Montgomery between Second and Third. Hotels. Globe Hotel, Aug. Bittuer, pro- prietor, Montgomery. Hotel de France, Madame Le Fran^'ois proprietress, cor. C and Second. Luna House, A. W. Sweeney proprietor, cor. C and Third. Livery Stable. Moore, T. J., corner Montgom- ery and First. Notary Public. Pomeroy, T. M., Montgomery between Second and Third. Physician and Surgeon. Kelley, M. A., Montgomery bet. Second and Third. STATISTICS, ETC., OF IDAHO TERRITORY. 103 ^ft. ID r) E :dt ID .A. . Clergymen. Brown, Rev. Mr., Methodist Ch., Idaho City. Fackler, St. M., Episcopal Ch., Boise City. Hamilton, H., Baptist Church, residence Main, Boise City. Poulin, A. Z., Roman Catholic Ch., Commercial, Idaho City Territorial Ofiaeers. Lane, Horace B., Controller. Sterling, E. C, Treasurer. Statistics, etc., of Idaho Territory, according to Census of 1864. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. Idaho 955 Shoshone 276 Nez Perce 1,403 Boise and Ada 15,158 Alturas 1,374 Owyhee 1,735 Oneida 3,730 Nexo Counties Unorganized. Kootenai 37 Lahtoh 43 Estimated, but not enumerated 600 Total 25,012 POPULATION OF TOWNS. Ada County.* Boise City : 1,658 Boise County.^ Idaho City 7,000 Placerville 2,500 Centerville and Pioneer City 4,000 ♦The population of towns in Ada and Boise counties in the above statement, embrace an area of several miles outside of their town limits. 104 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. The following estimated figures will be found about correct. Ada County. Boise City 1,400 Alturas County. Rocky Bar and Cliftlen 600 Red Warrior 150 Boise County. Idaho City and Buena Vista Bar 3,000 Placerville 700 Pioneer City 750 Centerville 700 Idaho County. Warren's Diggings 521 Florence 254 Nez Perce County. Lewiston 225 Elk City 219 STEAMBOATS. The steamboat Colonel Wright, commanded by Captain L. White, was the first steamboat that ascended the Columbia River. It made its first trip above the Dalles as far as Wallula. Captain White also commanded the first steamboat on the Willamette Riv.er. The first steamboat on the Snake River, ascended Clearwater River, twenty- five miles from its mouth, in 1861. In consequence of shallowness of the water, the boats ascend to where Lewiston now stands. Snake River has been ascended about fifteen miles above Lewiston. It is navigable to Lewiston about three months in the year. Twenty-seven miles above Ft. Colville, the L^pper Columbia River is said to be navigable for about three hundred and fifty miles. A steamboat is running from the above point to the mines, across the line in British Columbia. Also one is being built near the mouth of Boise River, which will run from Old's Ferry up Snake River to the head of steamboat navigation. I D ^ H O AND m: O NT A- N A r 106 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN G. HODGE & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN It BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, Keep constantly on Land a full and complete stock of the above Goods Together with all kinds of '9^ SUCH AS Bill-Head, Flat Caps, Folio Posts, Demy, Medium, Royal, Super Royal, Imperial, Colored Medium and Book Cover Paper. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. 1^" Prompt attention given to Country Orders. 418 & 420 Clay Street, San Francisco. ZSDTTir ARD HAImIm A GO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Nos. 309 & 311 FRONT STREET, Are constantly receiving direct from Europe and the Atlantic States NEW AND FRESH GOODS in their line, comprising every article to be found in a Drug Store, including DRUGS, CHEMICALS, GLASSWARE, ALCOHOL, COAL OIL, ETC., ETC. We offer them at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit, and shall always do our best to give satisfaction to our customers, both in QUALITY AND PRICES. I^" Country Buyers are solicited to give us a call. MINING DEPARTMENT. THE NORTH COUNTRY. The Upper Country, popularly so-called, embraces a very large area of territory lying between the parallels of 42° and 54° north latitude, and the meridians of 110° and 120° west longitude from Greenwich — or 33° and 43° west longitude from Washington. It comprises within its limits, Idaho Territory, part of Washington Territory, part of Mon- tana Territory, that part of Oregon east of the meridian of 43°, and that part of British Columbia lying between the meridians of 37° and 41° west longitude. IDAHO TERRITORY. According to Act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1863, the Terri- tory of Idaho (Idaho signifying " Gem of the Mountains ") was created from those portions of Washington, Dakota, and Nebraska Territories, lying between the 104th and 117th meridians of west longitude. Its present boundaries extend from the meridian of 117°, Avhere it con- nects with the 49th parallel; thence along said parallel to the 116th meridian ; thence running due south to the Bitter Root Mountains, following the course of the Rocky Mountains to the 110th meridian ; thence due south on said meridian to the 42d parallel, and along said parallel to the 117th meridian ; thence running due north to the mouth of the Owyhee River ; thence following down the channel of the Snake River to a point opposite the mouth of the Clear Water River ; thence following the 117th meridian to the 49th parallel. Idaho, till within a few short years, was comparatively unknown. The Indians, who inhabited the country before it was settled by white; men, were hostile to those who attempted to explore and settle within its borders. Although it was traversed by hardy trappers, who pen- etrated the country in pursuit of their .perilous calling, they added but little to the general stock of information which we possess. The 108 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE, country remained in this condition till 1852, when gold was discovered by a French Canadian on the banks of the Pen D'Oreille River. An interval of eight years elapsed from the first discovery of gold till the finding of richer and more extensive diggings at Oro Fino, in the summer of 1860, by a party of eleven men, where twenty-five persons wintered without intercourse with the outside world. This discovery seemed to open the way to the quick development of Idaho, for soon afterward some niiners went out from Oro Fino on a pros- pecting expedition, and found good mines at Elk City. From one thousand five hundred to two thousand persons started for the new gold region in the spring of 1861. On the discovery of gold east of Snake River, a town called Lewis- ton was established at the confluence of the Snake and Clear Water rivers, then lying within the limits of the Nez Perces Reservation, and became immediately the depot for supplying the mineral regions east of it. An important treaty between the General Government and the Nez Perces Indians was concluded at the Council Ground, near Fort Lapwai, June 9th, 1863. The negotiations were conducted by thnee Commissioners, Messrs. Hale, Hutchins, and Howe, Indian agents of Washington Territory, on the part of the United States, and Lawyer, Head Chief, assisted by fifty subordinate chiefs, on the part of the Indians ; it resulted in their relinquishing about nine thousand square miles of land — the balance, consisting of one thousand square miles, was set apart for the tribe, each adult member of which being entitled to twenty acres of land, and well stocked. During the fall of 1861, very rich placer mines were found on the tributaries of Salmon River at Florence. The reports of the discovery created considerable excitement, and a large number of persons left the neighboring camps, bound for Florence. The following year, there was a rush from the Pacific States, and also from the East. During the same year a party went out from Florence, and discovered War- ren's Diggings, which is considered a good mining camp. The next and most important discovery of placer mines was made by a party of twelve men from Walla Walla. This party started on a prospecting expedition, and at first went on the south side of Snake River, as far as Sinker Creek, a tributary of the former, which they then crossed and went up Boise River into the mountains, by way of Moore's Creek. In the month of August they found gold in Grimes' Creek, two miles below where Centerville now stands. They contin- ued prospecting toward the head of the creek, about six miles above Pioneer City, where Mr. Grimes, one of the party, was killed by an Indian. After this sad occurrence, deeming it unsafe to proceed fur- IDAHO TERRITORY. 109 ther, they concluded to return to Walla "Walla, where they succeeded m raising a party of fifty-four men, who returned to the mining camp, now known as Pioneer Cit}', arriving there October 7th. Ten days after their arrival, thirty -four men went back for provisions, and the rest improved the time while they were gone in building a stockade, as a protection from the Indians. The thirty-four men, while on their way back to Walla Walla, were passed by other parties following their trail into Boise Basin. It is supposed that two or three thousand men went into Boise Basin by the first of January, 1863. There was no mining of impox'tance done till spring, on account of the snow, but principally prospecting. That year a large number of persons left the Pacific States, bound for the new El Dorado. Boise Basin is the largest placer mining region yet discovered in Idaho Territory. There are some rich and valuable quartz lodes in the basin, and since a few quartz mills have been in operation, a feel- ing of confidence in their richness and permanence have pervaded the public mind. Boise Basin is well timbered and watered, offering excellent facilities for the development of its mineral resources. The climate is mild, dry, and serene, during the summer and fall ; it is cold in the winter, but generally equable and healthy all the year round. The placer mines are rich and extensive, and numerous gold and silver-bearing quartz lodes are found within a short distance of town. Warm springs are found about two miles south-west of Idaho, and are much resorted to during the summer and fall. Silver Hill District is situated in Boise County, on the divide between the waters of the Payette and Crooked rivers — the latter a tributaiy of the North Fork of Boise River. The district is well timbered and watered — offering good facilities for milling and mining purposes. The placer and quartz mines of Owyhee County are situated in the south-western part of Idaho, and were discovered in the spring of 1863, by Mr. Jordan and a party who went out from Boise Basin on a pros- pecting expedition. Finding good placer mines on Jordan Creek, and very rich silver-bearing quartz lodes in the vicinity of Silver City, they commenced work on some of them in October of the same year. The Snake Indians inhabiting the region of country lying north and south of Snake River, have often manifested a hostile disposition against the whites ; and where they have had a chance to commit depredations, the settler and prospector have suffered either in loss of life or prop- erty, and sometimes both. As in most all Indian countries, a state of peace is not hkely to continue a long time, nor a feeling of personal security to prevail. About one year after the discovery of gold on Jordan Creek, the Indians commenced hostilities by kiUing two men 110 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. and stealing stock. So soon as the fact was known, Mr. Joi-dan, accompanied by about twenty men, started in pursuit of the Indians, overtaking them on the head waters of the Owyhee River, nearly sixty miles south of Boonville. They were supposed to number three hund- red strong. Jordan and his party attacked them from an eminence overlooking them ; but being overpowered by superior r.umbers, they were compelled to seek safety by flight, leaving Jordan dead on the field. The Indians pursued them nearly eight miles. A party of one hundred strong went back to the place where Jordan was killed, and found his body horribly mutilated. The party, however, succeeded in overtaking the Indians, completely routing them, and killing about thirty or forty of their number. Since then rapid progress has been made in the development of the mineral resources of the country. Mills have been erected ; the quartz has paid well ; and a general feeling of confidence prevails among the miners. The surface of Owyhee County is very uneven and mountainous. The climate is mild during the summer, but severe and subject to storms in the winter. Alturas County lies east of Boise and Ada counties. Silver-bearing quartz ledges were discovered at Rocky Bar about the same time as in Owyhee County. Placer diggings have been discovered on Feather River, and gold mines on the head waters of Middle Boise River, on Yuba River and Grouse Creek ; and valuable quartz lodes have been found, which bid fair to support a considerable mining population Alturas County is well timbered and watered for milling and mining purposes. Volcano is the name of a new quartz district in Alturas County. It was discovered March 12th, 1864, by a party called the Pioneer Com- pany, consisting of five men. Placer mines have been found on the south slope of Volcano Mountains, north of Snake River, and also in Cottonwood Canyon, which give employment to a few miners. There is plenty of water for milling and mining purposes in Volcano District ; but not much timber in the immediate vicinity of the quartz ledges located in Spring Valley. East District is about thirty-five miles north-east of Big Camas Prairie ; it was discovered in 1864. Also a new discovery near Yuba District, during the same year ; both of the above are quartz districts. Boise Valley is in Ada County. The soil is of course very various. Those portions not having facilities for irrigation are dry, but on the river bottoms it is excellent. The climate is mild during a part of the year, but somewhat cold in the winter. The discoveries of placer and quartz mines which have been made TOWNS AND CITIES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. Ill in Idaho within the last five years, have developed it enough to prove its richness in minerals. A large area of territory, hitherto unexplored, is believed to be rich in auriferous deposits and gold and silver-bearing quartz lodes, which will, at no distant period, support a large mining population. The country lying between Umatilla City and Idaho contains mount- ains of some magnitude. The principal and most noticeable ranges are the Blue IMountains and the mountains of Boise County. It embraces some fertile tracts — that of Grande Ronde Valley containing an area of about four hundred square miles. Grande Ronde Valley abounds in fine scenery. The climate is somewhat unhealthy, and tempestuous winds prevail in the valley, part of the year, and are especially disagreeable during the winter. The bottoms of Boise and Payette valleys are productive to some extent. The region lying between Grande Ronde and Payette valleys forms a rugged tract, and is generally destitute of timber. TOWNS AND CITIES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. ADA COUNTY. Boise City is in 43° 34' north latitude ; it is situated in Boise Valley, on the north side of Boise River. It is centrally located, being easy of access by roads which branch from here to the placer and quartz mines in Boise, Owyhee, and Alturas counties. The above city is the capital of Idaho Territory, and the county seat of Ada County. AI/rUKAS COUNTY. Rocky Bar is located at the confluence of Bear and Steel creeks, and is the county seat of Alturas County. Clifden is about a half a mile from Rocky Bar. Red Warrior is about one mile and a half from Rocky Bar. The above three towns are sustained by the gold quartz mines in the vicinity. Happy Camp is about four miles from Rocky Bar, and is in the vicinity of the principal placer mines in Alturas County. Volcano is situated at the south-west end of Big Camas Prairie. BOISE COUNTY. Idaho City is in 43° 46' north latitude, and situated at the confluence of Elk and Moore's creeks ; it is the county seat of Boise County, and the largest town in Idaho Territory. Pioneer City was the first town settled in Boise Bason ; it is located on the east side of Grimes' Creek, and is a thriving mining camp. 112 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Centerville lies between Placerville and Idaho City. Placerville is about five miles north-west of Centerville. Banner is thirty miles from Idaho City — is in the vicinity of quartz mines. IDAHO COUNTY. Florence is the county seat. Warren, Richmond, Millersburg, and Washington, are small mining camps. NEZ PERCES COUNTY. Lewiston is the county seat of the above county ; it is located at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers. ONEIDA COUNTY. Soda Springs, county seat. OWYHEE COUNTY. Ruby City is the county seat of Owyhee County, and situated on the south side of Jordan Creek. Silver City is on the south side of Jordan Creek, about three-fourths of a mile from Ruby City. Silver and Ruby cities are sustained prin- cipally by the silver quartz mines in the vicinity. Boonville was the first town settled in Owyhee County, and is located on the north side of Jordan Creek, Silver and Ruby cities are sustained principally by the silver quartz mines in the vicinity. SHOSHONE COUNTY. Pierce City is situated at the mouth of Canal Gulch ; it is the county seat of Shoshone County. Oro Fino is located at the junction of Ooro Fino and Rhodes' creeks. ALTUKAS COUNTY. QUARTZ MILLS. Bledsoe Mill is in Yuba District. Defrees' Mill. — W. R. Defrees, Superintendent. It is located at Volcano, Volcano District, south end of Big Camas Prairie. Harris & Benson's Mill. — Harris & Benson, proprietors. QUARTZ MILLS, ETC., IN ALTURAS COUNTY, I, T. 113 The above mill is on Eed Warrior Creek ; has ten stamps, and been in operation a short time. Idaho Mill. — The Idaho Mill is situated on the north side of Bear Creek ; it has twelve stamps and room for four more. It is a steam mill, and was made at Gates' Foundery, Chicago, Illinois. The machinery was ordered in 1863, and in operation on the third day of January, 1865. Mill crushes rock taken from the Idaho Ledge, New York and Idaho Gold Mining Company. , Superintendent. The above mill is located on Red Warrior Creek ; has ten stamps, tvvo batteries, live of Varney's Pans, and two settlers. Engine, forty- horse power. The mill has been in operation a short time. Machin- ery was made at the Pacific Iron Works, San Francisco. The building is neat and substantial. Pittsburg and Idaho Gold and Silver Mining Company. — Major Spear, Agent, P. S. McCarty, Superintendent. The above mill is situated on Elk Creek ; runs ten stamps, two bat- teries, two of Moore's Pans and Amalgamators. Blake's Crusher is used, and three Chili mills. Victor Gold and Silver Mining Company. — F. O. Nelson, Superintendent, Wm. P. Dean Secretary. Victor Mill is located on Red Warrior Creek ; has ten stamps weigh- ing six hundred pounds each, three batteries, and two Moore's Grind- ers, and Amalgamators. Engine, thii'ty-six-horse power. Mill crushes rock taken from the New York Ledge. Machinery was made by Hinckley & Co., San Francisco. Waddingiiam Gold and Silver Mining Company, formerly Col. O'Neil's mill. Wilson WAddingham, Superintendent. The above mill is located on Bear Creek ; has ten stamps weighing six hundred and ten pounds each, drop nine inches, and sixty times a minute ; two Wheeler's Pans, and one Hungerford's Separator, and two floating batteries. Engine, fourteen-horse power. Mill crushes rock taken from the Ada Elmore and Confederate Star ledges. Ma- chinery was made at Miners' Foundry, San Francisco. The building is substantially made, and the interior is well adapted for iniUing pur- poses. First run, rock taken from the Ada Elmore Ledge, five days' crushing, $2,300. 114 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Waddingham Gold and Silver Mining Company. — Wilson Waddingham, Superintendent. Tiie above mill is situated at Clifden ; has forty stamps weighing six hundred and fifty pounds each. Engine, eighty-horse power. This mill is not yet in operation. SAW MILL. William H. Molthrup, agent for Ripley & Co. It is located on Red Warrior Creek, about half a mile from town. BEAB CREEK DISTKICT.* LEDGES. Ada Elmore (Discovery). — Number of feet, twelve hundred. The above ledge is located on Bear Creek ; has two shafts, one is fifty feet deep, the other, sixteen feet. Width of ledge, three feet, showing good quartz. Alturas (Discovery). — Alturas Lode is situated in Blake's Gulch ; tunnel is one hundred and forty feet in length, and has smooth granite walls. Aurora (Discovery). — Fourteen hundred feet. The Aurora is nearly three hundred feet from Bear Creek, has a tunnel about thirty feet, following the course of the ledge, which is three feet wide at the entrance, and two feet at the end of tunnel. Good-looking rock, and about twenty-five tons at the mouth of tunnel. Autocrat. — The above lode is about four miles from Rocky Bar. Length of tunnel, forty feet ; ledge is about three feet wide, and has granite walls. Buckeye. — The above ledge is near Ophir Gulch, three-fourths of a mile from Elk Creek and mill. The shaft is twelve feet deep, ledge is fifteen inches wide, and has granite walls. California (Discovery) is located on Silver Mountain, about two *Bear Creek District is eo well timbered and watered, that it is unnecessary to repeat the fact in connection with a description of its numerous ledges. The same may be said of Red Warrior District. The ledges in both of the above districts, mostly run north-east and south-west, and dip north. LEDGES IN ALTURAS COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 115 miles north-east from Rocky Bar ; open cut about twenty feet, showing a ledge thi'ee feet wide ; has smooth granite walls. There is plenty of space for dumping purposes. Chancy. — The Chancy is situated on Idaho Hill about one-quarter of a mile from Bear Creek. Kind of work done, an open cut eight feet. Colorado is one mile from Rocky Bar, has an open cut showing the ledge two feet wide. Has space for dumping. Confederate Star. — The above ledge is located north of Bear Creek ; has four tunnels, one hundred, two hundred and fifty, one hun- dred and fifty, and three hundred feet, respectively. The first, or upper tunnel is one hundred feet long ; the second is two hundred and fifty feet in length, and has four shutes ; the first is thirty feet from the entrance ; second, sixty ; third, ninety ; fourth, about one hundred and fifty feet ; the latter extends upward on the ledge eighty or ninety feet ; the first, second, and third, go to the surface. The tunnels are about the following distances apart ; the second tunnel is about forty feet below the first ; the third, nearly the same distance below the sec- ond ; fourth is about one hundred feet below the third tunnel. The width of ledge varies from two to seven feet ; the part of ledge seven feet wide, extends about sixty feet. The quartz is good. There is space for dumping. Duncan (Discovery). — It is about half a mile from Rocky Bar; has a tunnel about seventy feet in length. Emily Rosa (Discovery). — One thousand four hundred feet ; is a short distance from Rocky Bar. The ledge is about forty feet wide. Croppings are very prominent. The ledge has been traced one thou- sand four hundred feet, and there is space for dumping. Esmeralda (Discovery). — The Esmeralda Ledge is situated on Bear Creek. Tunnel is one hundred feet ; open cut, twenty feet. Ledge, at the end of tunnel, is about two feet, and has been traced one thousand feet westerly from tunnel. The walls are granite, and somewhat smooth. Eureka. — The above lode is situated in Blake's Gulch, has a tun- nel on the north side of gulch which is ninety-five feet in length ; the ledge two and a half feet wide ; walls, or casings, are granite. 116 A GENERAL DIRECTORT AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Florida (Discovery) is one mile from Rocky Bar. The lode is two feet wide, and has space for dumping. Golden Stab. — The above ledge crosses the Confederate Star Tunnel about ninety-nine feet from entrance. Ledge is two and a half feet wide j it has been stoped about fifty feet in length and twenty feet in depth. Idaho (Discovery). — The above well-known ledge is situated north of Bear Creek ; has a good tunnel, which is one hundred feet from the entrance to the turn-table — a point where the ledge was struck. It then follows the course of ledge one hundred feet on the south-west, and two hundred feet on the nort-east. There are five shafts, ranging from ten to one hundred and ten feet deep. Ledge is six feet wide, and well defined. It has been traced over one thousand two hundred feet. It is good quartz, and easily reduced. It contains some sul- phates of iron, but not much has been found as yet. There is a good road to the mine, which is only a short distance from the mill. There is plenty of space for dumping. Lucky Boy. — The above ledge is one-fourth mile from Rocky Bar ; has a tunnel ninety feet in length. Ledge is one foot wide, and has granite walls. Malakoff Tunnel is located on the south side of Blake's Gulch ; tunnel ninety feet. Mariposa is two miles from Rocky Bar ; open cut fourteen feet ; drift nearly twenty feet ; ledge two feet wide, and has a good dump. Masonic. — The Masonic is about one hundred yards from Rocky Bar ; has a tunnel twenty-four feet in length. Mayflower. — The MayfloAver is one-half mile from Bear Creek; has a tunnel forty feet in length. Old Ophir (Discovery). — The above ledge is situated at the head of Sawyer's Gulch, about two miles from Rocky Bar ; open cut show- ing a three-foot ledge ; very little granite in quartz ; ledge is well defined, and has granite walls. Has space for dumping. Old Ophir (Second Extension). — The second extension of the Old Ophir is located on Blake's Gulch, two miles north from Rocky Bar. There is an open cut extending fourteen feet on the ledge, show- LEDGES IN ALTURAS COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 117 ing a lode two and a half feet in width, and good character quartz. The ledge is well defined, has been traced two thousand feet; and there is plenty of space for dumping purposes. A good road might be made to the mine with very little expense. Pennsylvania Ledge is near Ophir Gulch, three-fourths of a mile ; it has a tunnel one hundred feet in length, one shaft thirty-five feet deep ; ledge is eighteen inches wide, and has granite walls. Ph(Enix. — The above lode lies between the Idaho and Emmet. Sierra (Discovery). — Twelve hundred feet. Is on Quartz Hill; shaft is fifty-six feet deep, tunnel fifty feet in length ; the ledge, at the bottom of the shaft, is about two and a half feet wide, and has granite walls. Vanderbilt (Discovery). — Twelve hundred feet. Is situated on Silver Mountain, about two miles from Elk Creek ; has a tunnel fifty feet long ; ledge three and a half feet wide, and smooth granite walls. Wabash. — The above ledge is on Bear Creek, about one-quarter of a mile above the Waddingham Mill. Tunnel is one hundred and and thirty feet ; ledge is one foot wide, but said to be irregular and not well defined. Wiley Ophir. — The Wiley Ophir is one-half mile west of Elk Creek ; it has a shaft about thirty-six feet deep. Quartz has been taken out of the mine for about thirty-six feet in length, and it is now stoped up. BONAPARTE DISTRICT. The above district is about eight miles south-east of Rocky Bar ; it is well timbered and watered, enjoys good natural advantages for the development of its mineral resources. A good wagon road can be made to the mines at little expense. The following ledges are the best known. Blue Ledge. — This ledge is located near the head of Cayuse Creek ; shaft is six feet deep ; runs north-east and south-west, and has granite walls. Bonaparte is a good ledge, and situated near the head of Cayuse 118 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Creek ; has a shaft eight feet deep. A tunnel has been run between the Bonaparte and some other ledges, which extends about ninety feet. The different lodes which run parallel with the Bonaparte, it is reason- ably supposed from the way the ledges dip, will finally unite and form one ledge. The lode runs north-east and south-west, has granite walls, and space for dumping. Fkench Ledge is located near the head of Cayuse Creek ; is six feet wide and has granite walls. VOLCAlSrO DISTRICT. The above district is located at the south-west end of Big Camas Prairie ; it is well watered, but deficient in timber ; there is some to be had by hauling a distance of from eight to twelve miles. The country is well adapted for grazing, and the hauling of timber for milling and mining purposes can be done at comparatively little expense. The fol- lowing ledges are in this district. LEDGES. Bancock Chief is about four miles from Volcano, and is a well- defined ledge, about six feet in width. Bat State is one mile from Volcano, and has a shaft which has been sunk forty feet. The ledge is said to be twenty feet wide. Empire State has a shaft twenty-five feet. The Germania is a short distance from Silver Creek, and about three hundred yards from the Matilda. The Germania lode is fifteen feet wide. The Matilda is about three hundred feet from Silver Creek ; the ledge is about fifteen feet wide, and the croppings are prominent. The Germania, Mammoth, and Matilda ledges are about three miles from Volcano. Pioneer Ledge is about one mile and a half from Volcano, and has a shaft twenty feet deep. SiGEL MuLLER has a shaft about twenty-five deep. LEDGES IN ALTURAS COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 119 The shafts which have been sunk on the different ledges in Volcano District are ten feet deep, just enough work having been done to repre- sent and hold them. YUBA DISTRICT. Is situated about eighteen miles north of Rocky Bar, and, with the exception of Grouse Creek, and that part of the hill near Middle Boise River, east side of Atlanta Hill, and bordering on the west side of Quartz Gulch, and toward the Boise River, there is not much timber. There is plenty of water for milling purposes. Atlanta Hill runs from the head of Quartz Gulch, north-east, and south-west toward Middle Boise River. Quartz Gulch runs down toward Middle Boise River> on the west side, and Montezuma Gulch on the east. LEDGES. Atlanta (Second Extension). — This ledge is located on the east side of Quartz Gulch, is twenty -five feet wide, of which fifteen feet is decom- posed, and ten feet is solid quartz ; it is a good ledge. The walls are granite. Atlanta (Discovery) is twenty yards west from Quartz Gulch ; the tunnel is thirty feet in length. Blue Nose is in Quartz Gulch ; runs north-east and south-west, and has granite walls. Eclipse (First Extension) is on the east side of Atlanta Hill; has a tunnel of twenty feet. The ledge is three feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, and has granite walls. Gray Eagle (Discovery) is on Atlanta Hill, about one-half mile from the head of Quartz Gulch ; it has a shaft twelve feet deep, runs north-east and south-west, and dips north. Jessie Benton (Discovery) is on Atlanta Hill, about one-half mile from the head of Quartz Gulch, and has a shaft twelve feet deep. The ledge is four feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, and dips north. Juno is located one mile from Middle Boise River ; the ledge is about twelve feet wide, runs east and west, and has granite walls. 120 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Leonora. — This ledge is located about one mile from Middle Boise River, and has two open cuts, of fifteen and twenty feet, respectively ; the ledge is five feet wide, of a good character of quartz, well defined, runs north-east and south-west, has granite walls, and been traced two thousand feet. There are about fifty or sixty tons of quartz which has been taken out of the ledge. Minerva is one mile from Grouse Creek ; the ledge is fourteen feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, has granite walls, and space for dumping. Olive Branch (Discovery) is in Minerva Gulch, about one mile from Grouse Creek ; the ledge is twenty feet wide, about equally di- vided between solid and decomposed quartz, runs north-east and south- west, dips north, and has granite walls. Olive Branch Extension is one mile from Grouse Creek, and has an open cut of twenty feet ; the ledge is very wide. Pacific (Discovery) is on the east side of Rabbit Gulch, south side of Quartz Hill, and has a shaft twenty feet deep ; the ledge is twenty- five feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, and has granite walls. Pacific (Second Extension) is thirty-five yards from Rabbit Gulch, on the south side from Quartz Hill, and has a shaft seven feet deep. Phebe is about one mile from Middle Boise River ; the ledge is four feet wide and has granite casings. Silver Tide is on Atlanta Hill, one-fourth of a mile from Quartz Gulch ; the ledge is four feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, and has granite walls. KED WAKEIOK DISTKICT. LEDGES. Brightsides. — The tunnel is one hundred feet in length. There is about sixty tons of quartz at the mouth of tunnel. Charter Oak is about one-fourth of a mile from Red Warrior. Tunnel is eighty feet in length ; ledge eighteen inches wide ; mixture, some granite. Has space for dumping. LEDGES IN ALTURAS COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 121 Chiqtjita is about one mile north of Red Warrior ; has a shaft twenty-five feet, and a tunnel fifty feet in length. Fourth of July is westerly from Red Warrior ; has a shaft twenty-five feet deep, and tunnel twelve feet long. The ledge is two feet wide ; mixture, a little granite. Has space for dumping. Golden Eagle (Discovery) is about three hundred yards from Red Warrior ; has a tunnel one hundred and twenty feet long, and a shaft forty feet deep. The ledge varies from twelve inches to three feet wide. Gould and Curry is on the north-east side of Red Warrior Hill ; has a shaft thirty feet deep. The ledge is about six feet wide, and has space for dumping purposes. Hard Up is south of Red Warrior. Tunnel is sixty feet long. Knickerbocker is one-half mile north from Red Warrior ; has.a tunnel one hundred and twenty feet in length, showing the ledge three feet in width at that point. Live Oak is north-east of Red Warrior ; has a shaft twelve feet deep, and space for dumping. Mountain Pride. — The tunnel is seventy-six feet in length. Nelson (Discovery) is north-west of Red Warrior; has a shaft twenty feet deep. The ledge is about seven feet wide. Silver Star (1st East Extension) is half a mile from Red War- rior. Ledge is five feet wide. New York is a short distance from Red Warrior ; has a tunnel eighty feet in length, and a ledge from two to three feet wide. There is a good road to the mine. Red Warrior Gold Mining Tunnel Company is on the west side of Red Warrior Creek, about one-fourth mile from Red Warrior. 122 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. LIST OF LEDGES. Abbreviations, Etc. — Disc, Discovery ; Ex., Extension. The following ledges are recorded in the Recorder's office at Rocky Bar. BEAR CREEK Ada Elmore, 600 ft. Agnes, Ex. 600 ft. Alameda, 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,200 ft. Alba, Ex. 400 ft. Albion, 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Alpha, 1,000 ft ; Ex. 2,000 ft. Alturas, Ex. 2,200 ft. Amadora, 1,600 ft. American, 1,400 ft ; 4,000 ft. Antelope, Ex. 3,800 ft. Apohaqua, Disc. 1,200 ft. Arco, Ex. 1,200 ft. Augusta, 2,000. Augustus, 200. Badger, 1,200 ft. Badger State, 400 ft. Baldwin, Disc. 600 ft. Bangor, 1,200 ft. Barker, Disc. 809 ft. Ben Franklin, Disc. 800 ft. Benton, Disc. 1,200 ft. Blind Hog, Disc. 1,000 ft. Blood-hound, Disc. 400 ft. Boabub, Disc 1,000 ft. Bobtail, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Bohemia, 800 ft. Boomerang, 2,000 ft. Bowman, 1,200 ft. Brooklyn, 1,400 ft. Brunswick, Disc. 1,000 ft. Buckeye, 600 ft. Bullion, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Bullion, Disc. 1,000 ft. Burnt Pilot, 200 ft. Calaveras, Disc. 800 ft. California, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 6,800 feet. Camas, 400 ft. Carlon, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Carrie, Disc. 1.200 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Cedar, Disc. 800 ft. Central, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 400 feet. Challenge, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 800 feet. DISTRICT, ETC. I Charleston, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 600 feet. Chattanooga, 2,800 ft. Cleopatra, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 600 feet. Clifden Tunnel. Cliff, Disc. 400 ft. Colorado, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 1,200 feet. Columbia, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 feet. Columbus, Disc. 800 ft. Comanche, Disc. 800 ft. Comet, Disc. 1.000 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Composition, 3,200 ft. Constitution, 200 ft. Contra Costa, Disc. 1,000 ft. Coyote, 400 ft. Cuba, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Cumberland, Disc. 800 ft. Daran, Di.sc.. 1,000 ft. Desdemona, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Diadem, Disc. 400 ft. Diadem, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 2,400 feet. Diamond, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 400 feet. Diamond, Disc. 1,800 ft. Diamond and Duncan, 400 ft. Diana, 2,000 ft. Dictator. 1,200 ft. Dirigo, Disc. 1,200 ft. Dolphin, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Doney, Disc. 800 ft. Don Quixote, 1,400 ft. Douglas, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,000 feet. Drumlane, Disc. 800 ft. Dubuque, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 1,000 ft. Duncan, 400 ft. East Barker. Disc. 800 ft. Eclipse, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 10,600 feet. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 123 El Dorado, Disc. 600 ft. Golconda, Disc. 1,200 ft. El Dorado, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Ex. Golden Courier, 1,200 ft. 1,000 ft. Golden, 600 ft. El Dorado, 4,200 ft. Golden Eagle, 1,400 ft. Elinor, 2,600 ft. Gold Hill, 3,490 ft. Eliza Hull, 2,000 ft. Golden Fleece, 800 ft. Elk, 600 ft. Golden Wreath, Disc, 1,200 feet; Emily Rossini, 1,800 ff Ex. 2,400 ft. Emigrant Girl, 400 ft. Goliad, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Empire, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,200 Gonzala, Disc. 1,600 ft. feet. Gould & Curry, 1,600 ft. Empire State, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. Granada, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 600 800 ft. feet. Esmeralda, 400 ft. Grand Trunk, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. Essex, 1,000 ft. 400 ft. Eureka, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 7.000 Grant, Disc. 1,000 ft. feet. Great Eastern, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. EveningStar, 800 ft. 600 ft. Excelsior, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 400 Great Mogul, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. feet. 1,200 ft. Fanny Bingham, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Green, 800 ft. Ex. 1,000 ft. Hard Times, Disc. 1,000 ft. Florida, 4,000 ft. Helena, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. 600 Forest Queen, Disc. 1,000 ft. feet. Fourth of July, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Henrietta, 3,000 ft. Ex. 2,000 ft. Hero, 600 ft. French, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 2,600 Home Stake, 200 ft. feet. Homestead, Disc. 1,600 ft. Galena, 5,400 ft. Honolulu, 200 ft. Galveston, Disc. 1,000 ft. Idaho, 1,400 ft. Garibaldi, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 Ida Moore, Disc. 1,000 ft. feet. Idaho Chief; Disc. 1,400 ft. G. B. McClellan, Disc. 800 ft. Indian Queen, 1,400 ft. Gem of Alturas, 1,000 ft. Iris, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Genella, Disc. 600 ft. Ironsides, Disc. 1,800 ft. General Grant, Disc. 1,200 feet; Itasca, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Ex. 3,200 ft. Ivanhoe, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. 200 ft. General Lane, 1,000 ft. Ivanhoe, Disc. 1,400 ft. General Lee, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jack Frost, Disc. 1,200 ft. General Lee, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. Jackson, Disc. 1,000 ft. 400 ft. Jarvis Smith, 1,400 ft. General McCook, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jeff Davis, 400 ft. General McClellan, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jim Shively, Disc. 1,000 ft. General Sigel, Disc. 600 ft. Joe Bowers, Disc. 1,200 ft. George Alva, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. John Bascomb, Disc. 1,200 feet ; 200 ft. Ex. 5,800 ft. Georgia, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 4,800 Jose Perado, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. feet. 600 ft. Glencoe, Disc. 1,200 ft. Josephine, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 400 Glencoe, 1,200 ft. feet. M 124 A GENERAL DIRECTORT AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Julius Cffisar, 1,600 ft. Juno, 2,600 ft. Justin, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,400 feet. Kangaroo, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Kate Young, Disc. 1,000 ft. Kellogg, Disc. 400 ft. Keystone, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 2,000 feet. Keystone, 400 ft. King Bee, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 3,400 ft. Lady Bird, Disc. 1,600 ft. Last Chance, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 1,600 ft. Latham, Disc. 800 ft. Lawrence, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. 400 ft. Lafayette, 1,200 ft. Legal Tender, Disc. 400 ft. Legal Tender, Disc. 600 ft. Leonidas, Disc. 800 ft. Light Dragoon, Disc. 1,800 ft. Live Yankee, 600 ft. Live Oak, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 2,200 ft. Lone Tree, Disc. 400 ft. Lost Boy, Disc. 800 ft. Louisa, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,600 ft. Lucky Boy, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Lucky Dick, 400 ft. Lucy, 800 ft. Lyonsdale, Disc. 2,000 ft. Madison, Disc. 1,400ft; Ex.600 feet. Maid of Liberty, 800 ft. Mammoth, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 5,800 feet. Mariposa, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 800 feet. Marietta, 2,000 ft. Masonic, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mayflower, Disc. 1,400 ft. Mayflower, Disc. 600 ft. Mayflower, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Mazeppa, Disc. Mary, Disc. 800 ft. Mechanics, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Mechanic, Disc. 4,200 ft. Merrimac, Disc. 1,200 ft. Messinger, 600 ft. Miami, Disc. 800 ft. Minnehaha, 200 ft. Minnesota, 2,000 ft. Missouri, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,800 feet. Monroe, 800 ft. Moro Castle, Disc. 1,000 ft. Monton, 400 ft. Monster, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Monte Christo, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 6,800 ft. Monterey, 400 ft. Montreal, 1,600 ft. Mountain, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. 1,200 ft. Mountain, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mount Atlas, Disc. 800 ft. Mountain Buck, Disc. 1,000 ft. Mountain Buck, Disc. 600 ft. Mountain Gem, 1,000 ft. Mount Hood, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,000 feet. Mount Olympus, Disc. 800 ft. Mountain Pride, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Mountain Queen, Disc. 1,800 ft. Mountain View, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Myers, 1,400 ft. Natalie, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Nellie F. CoUins, 2,200 ft. New Jersey, Disc. 1,000 ft. New York, 200 ft. Noonday, Disc. 1,000 ft. Northern Light, Disc. 1.200 ; Ex. 1,800 ft. North Star, Disc. 1.200 ft ; Ex. 2,800 ft. North Star, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Ohio, 1,200 ft. Old Ophir, Disc. 600 feet; Ex. 1,200. Old Commodore, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,000 ft. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 125 Oliver, Disc. 400 ft. Sancho Panza, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Onyx, 2,400 ft. 600 ft. Oneida, 800 ft. S. Jacinto, Disc. 1,000 ft. Ophir Chief, Disc. 1,200 ft. Sarragossa, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. Othello, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 200 400 ft. feet. Savage, 200 ft. Overland, 800 ft. S. B. Gouzala, Disc. 400 ft. Palmetto, 3,600 ft. St. Charles, Disc. 400 ft. Pauline, 200 ft. Santa Cruz, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. Payette Chief, Disc, 1,400 ft. 400 feet. Peter Ponton, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. Sebastopol, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 600 ft. 1,200 ft. Phoebe, 1,600 ft. Setting Sun, Disc. 800 ft. Phoenix, 2,400. Sexton, Disc. 1,200 ft. Pittsburg, Disc. 800 ft. San Francisco, Disc. 1,200 ft. Portland, 1,000 ft. Sherman, Disc. 1,000 ft. Potomac, Disc. Silver Belt, 1,600 feet. Potomac, Disc. 1,000 ft. Silver Briens, Disc. 800 ft. Potomac, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Silver Circle, 1,200 ft. Potosi, Disc. 1,000 ft. San Jose, Disc. 1,000 ft. Potosi, Disc. 800 ft. San Jose Disc. 1,200 ft. Povvhattan, 1,800 ft. St. Joseph, Disc. 800 ft. Quaker City, Disc. 1,000 ft. Silver Cloud, 800 ft. Queen of the West, Disc. 1,000 ft. Silver Gray, 3,000 ft. Quincy, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 1,600 Silver Heel, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. feet. 8,600 ft. Eanchero, Disc. 800 ft. Silver Moon, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. Randall, Disc. 1,400ft; Ex.400 800 ft. feet. Silver Sign, Disc. 600 ft. Rattlesnake, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. Silver Star, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 280 1,800 ft. feet. Rattlesnake, Disc. 3,200 ft. Silverton, Disc. 200 ft; Ex. 1,000 Rebecca Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Red Bird, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. St. Louis, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 1,800 ft. 3,000 ft. Red Bird, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,400 San Margarita, 1,400 ft. feet. San Miguel. Red Fox, 800 ft. St. Nicholas, Disc. 1,200 ft. Red Jacket, 800 ft. Socorra, Disc. 1,200 ft. Red Rover, 2,800 ft. South Star, 1,600 ft. Reliance, 800 ft. Spring Valley, 1,200 ft. Result, Disc. 1,400 ft. Star, Disc. 400 ft. Rising Sun, Disc. 600 feet; Ex. Star of the Union, Disc. 2,000 ft. 400 ft. State of Maine, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. Ross, Disc. 2,600 ft. 1,600 ft. Rose Bud, Disc. 1,800 feet ; Ex. Stephen A. Douglas, 200 ft. 1,600 ft. Suisun, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Rothchilds, 4,400 ft. Summit, 200 ft. Rough and Ready, Disc. 600 ft ; Sunbeam, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Lx. Ex. 200 ft. 800 ft. 126 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Superior, 1,000 ft. Surprise, 1,000 ft. Sweet Betsey, 2,600. Talbot, 800 ft. Tecumseh, 600 ft. Tennessee, Disc. 1,400 ft. Texas, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Texas, Disc. 4,200 ft. Timbuctoo, 400 ft. Titan, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Titonia, 400 ft. Tom Paine, 200 ft. Tribune, Disc. 1,000 ft. Uncle Abe, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. 1,800 ft. Uncle Sam, Disc. 1,600 ft. Uncle Sam, Disc. 600 ft. Union, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. 1,000 feet. Union Flag, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. 800 ft. Union Vanderbilt, 4,800 ft. Wabash, 200 ft. War Pole, Disc. 1,200 ft. Washington, Disc. 800 ft. Washington, Disc. 1,200 ft. Webster. Wild Cat. Wiley Ophir, 600 ft. Wizard King, Disc. 600 ft. Wm. Favorite, 400 ft. Wyandott, Disc. 1,200 ft. Yankee, Disc. 1,200 ft. Yankee Jim, Disc. 1,200 ft. Yellow Jacket, 200 ft. Yellow Rose, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 400 ft. Yuba Girl, 200 ft. BOISE COUNTY QUARTZ MILLS. Bibb, Jackson & Humason's Mills. — One is located on Grimes' Creek, the other on the divide, about twenty miles from Idaho City. The mill on Grimes' Creek has eight stamps, weighing five hundred and forty pounds each, and crushes eight tons in twenty-four hours. Machinery is in good order, and the mill is run by water ; has a wheel thirty-two feet in diameter ; three sluice-boxes, one of fifteen, and two of ten feet, respectively ; two riffle-boxes, which are placed between the first and last two sluices. Expense of running the mill, eighteen dollars per day ; cost of taking rock out of the mine, three dollars per ton, and the same for hauling it from the ledge to mill. Total, sixty- six dollars per day. CoBDEN Mining Company. — D. Richardson, Superintendent. The Cobden Mill is situated on the west side of Moore's Creek, about five miles from Idaho City. Mill has twenty-five stamps, weighing six hundred and fifty pounds each, five batteries, four amalgamators, two separators, and five concentrators. The above kinds of machinery are on hand for the purpose of testing the different kinds of ores, and to ascertain the best process to work them. Engine, sixty-horse power ; QUARTZ MILLS, ETC., IN BOISE COUNTY, I. T. 127 boiler, sixteen, by forty-five in diameter. Dimensions of building: sixty-five by eighty-two feet ; space occupied by machinery, thirty- seven by sixty-five feet. The building is substantial, and well adapted for the object for which it was built. The mill has been crushing rock taken from the Chickahominy Ledge. Combs' & Co.'s Mill. — The mill owned by the above company is located on Illinois Gulch, about six miles from Idaho City. It has ten stamps, weighing six hundred and fifty pounds each — drop ten inches, and seventy-two times a minute. There are two batteries, one engine, thirty-horse power. Shoes and dies last about forty days — shoes weigh about one hundred pounds, and dies nearly sixty pounds. Number of hands employed : two engineers, two feeders, and two amalgamators, at an expense of nine hundred dollars per month, in- cluding board. There are sixteen ledge hands, who receive each six dollars per day. The mill consumes about three cords of wood a day, at an expense of five dollars per cord. Rock average forty-five dollars per ton. Number of tons crushed every twenty-four hours, twenty. Elk Horn Mill Company. — Elk Horn Mill is located on Elk Creek, about eight miles from Idaho City. Has five stamps, weighing six hundred and fifty pounds each ; drop nine inches, and seventy- five times a minute. Crushes ten tons a day, at a cost of four dollars per ton — timbering and working the ledge included. Machinery is in good order, and the general appearance of the interior of the mill is very good. Number of men employed, four. It is run by water, which is supplied by a ditch, and can supply about two hundred inches a day ; number of inches now used, eighty-two a day. They use Friedenberg's Turbine Water-Wheel, which has a velocity of two hundred and sixty revolutions a minute. Rock is taken from the Elk Horn Ledge, near and convenient to the mill, which is about three hun- dred yards from Elk Creek. Rock prospects from thirteen dollars and twenty cents to thirteen dollars and sixty cents per ounce ; average from six clean-ups, thirty-three dollars and fifty-seven and one-half cents per ton. Loss of quicksilver, about ten pounds per week. H, H. Raymond's Mill. — Raymond Mill is about one and a half miles east of Centerville ; has ten stamps, drop eight inches, and sev- enty times a minute, and two batteries. Has two Wheeler's Pans and Amalgamators. Rock pays about twenty dollars per ton ; gold assays about thirteen dollars and fifty cents an ounce. Three men are employed in the mill, seven in the mine, and one man and a boy to 128 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSESTESS GUIDE. haul rock from the ledge to the mill. Cost of hauling rock from the mine to the mill, one dollar per ton. The men are paid three dollars per day and board. Rock is taken from the Allen Ledge. Langdon Mill. — J. A. Middleton, proprietor. This mill will be in operation in the spring. Middleton Mill. — J. A. Middleton, proprietor. The above mill formerly belonged to Crow & Hubble. It is about six miles from Idaho City ; has ten stamps, weighing five hundred pounds each — drop ten inches. It is a steam mill, and will crush rock taken from the Buffalo and John L. Stephens ledges. Union Gold Mining Company. — C. S. McAlpine Superintend- ent. The Collins & Holliday Mill is located on Ice-House Gulch ; has twelve stamps ; drop eight inches. It is a steam mill. Another mill belonging to the same company, called Gates' Mill ; was made in Chi- cago, Illinois, and is situated about fifty yards west from Moore's Creek. Engine, fifty-horse power. The first mill is near to the following ledges, viz. United States, Monroe, Furnace, and Girard ; the latter is close by the Astor Lode. Van "Wyck. — Van Wyck Mill has five stamps ; drop eight inches, and seventy times a minute. Engine, twelve-horse power, and crushes about five tons in twelve hours. The above mill crushes rock from the Pomona and Van Wyck ledges. Prospects, fourteen dollars and twelve and one-half cents per ounce. DITCHES. Bannocr Bar Ditch is owned by Marion Moore and Green White. BuENA Vista Bar Ditch is owned by Marion More and D. H. Alderson. Centerville Ditch is owned by Mr. Woltrap. Grimes' Creek Ditch supplies the mines from Pioneer City to Centerville ; owned by Marion More and J. C. Smith. Moore's Creek Ditch is owned by Christie & Houston. Pine and Bannock Creek Ditch is owned by Marion More and D. H. Alderson. LEDGES IN BOISE COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 129 Placerville Ditch is owned by Messrs Lynch & Clayton. Upper Creek Ditch commences six miles from Alderson's Ditch, and runs on the divide between Centerville and Idaho City. A. W. Morton & Co., proprietors. LEDGES.* Allen (Discovery). — The above ledge is about one and three- fourths miles from Centerville ; has a tunnel ninety feet long, which follows the course of the lode, showing it to be from three to six feet wide ; is sloped about fifty feet, and from ten to twenty-five feet of the quai'tz has been taken out. The ledge runs north-east and south-west, dips south, and has granite walls. There is an inclined shaft about fifty feet deep, which presents a workmanlike appearance, and is the best one in Boise County. AsTOR (Discovery). — Eighteen hundred feet. The above ledge is about one-fourth mile from Moore's Creek, and six and a half miles from Idaho City ; has two tunnels ; the upper is ninety feet, lower for- ty-eight feet fi'om entrance and forty feet open cut. Ledge, near the surface is four feet, wide, and in the tunnel six feet. It has space for dumping. There is a good road to the mine. Banner (Discovery) is on Illinois Gulch, about five miles from Idaho City ; has a tunnel sixty feet ; runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. Buffalo. — The Buffalo is in Deer Creek District ; is said to have two shafts. The first is one hundred and sixty-two feet, second is sixty-two feet deep. Ledge is five feet wide. Camanche (Discovery). — One thousand two hundred feet. It is on the west side of Granite Creek, in Granite Creek District ; has a tun- nel about fifty feet. Centerville. — Is about one mile and a half from Centerville ; has a shaft about sixty feet deep. Ledge, two feet wide ; runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. Chickahominy (Discovery). — The above ledge is one and three- fourths miles from Moore's Creek ; has a tunnel one hundred and *The ledges iu Boise Basin. are situated iu a well-timbered regiou, aud there is plenty of water in Grimes, Elk, and Moore's creeks for milling purposes. 130 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. eighty-seven feet from mouth, and forty feet open cut. The ledge is from four inches to four feet ; has smooth granite walls. Elk Horn. — The Elk Horn Ledge is located about three hundred yards west from Elk Creek, and fourteen miles from Idaho City ; has two tunnels of two hundred and twenty feet, respectively. It is a good ledge, and ranges from eighteen inches to six feet ; runs north-east and south-west, and has granite walls. Garrison Gambrintjs. — The above ledge is about seven miles from Idaho City. Ledge is about three or four feet wide ; runs north- east and south-west, and dips south. Illinois. — The above ledge is situated on Illinois Gulch, near to a mill of the same name. It has a tunnel two hundred and ten feet, which follows the course of the ledge and is about seven feet wide, showing good quartz and good facilities for working it. The first shute or mill is five feet from the mouth of the tumiel and forty feet ; the second is ninety feet from the entrance and sixty feet. One hundred and twenty feet from the mouth of the tunnel a place has been pre- pared for the purpose of sinking an incline-shaft ; tunnel is here about seventy feet below the surface. The upper tunnel is about one hund- red feet ; part of it is an open cut. The south wall is smooth and the north moderately uneven. There is a wagon-road to the mine from Idaho City, and the Illinois Mill is near to mine. John L. Stephens is about eight miles from Idaho City ; has a shaft which is said to be one hundred and thirty-eight feet deep. King Bee (Discovery) is on Summit Flat ; has a tunnel about ninety-six feet. Mammoth. — The above ledge is in Summit Flat District, about nine miles from Pioneer City, one-fourth mile east of Grimes' Creek, and three-fourths of a mile from mill. It has a tunnel one hundred and fifty feet long ; is a good ledge, and ranges from two to three feet wide. Pioneer (Discovery). — The above ledge is in Granite Creek Dis- trict, on the east side of Granite Creek ; has a shaft about thirty-six feet deep, and a tunnel ninety feet in length. Pomona (Discovery) is about one and one-fourth miles from Cen- terville ; has a tunnel about forty feet in length ; shaft and open cut, LEDGES IN BOISE COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 131 twenty-five feet. Ledge ranges from eighteen inches to two feet wide ; runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. QuiNCY is on Red Warrior Hill ; has a tunnel twenty feet in length. Richmond is a short distance from Red Warrior ; has two tun- nels — one is twenty-five feet long, and the upper tunnel is eighty feet. The ledge ranges from six inches to three feet. There is a good road to the mine. Specimen (Discovery) is on Summit Flat ; has two shafts ; one is twenty and the other seventy-two feet deep. Union is north of Red Warrior ; has a tunnel one hundred and twenty feet long. United States (Discovery). — The above ledge is on Ice-House Gulch, and about six miles from Idaho City ; has a tunnel eighty feet long ; open cut, twenty feet ; runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. Webster. — Webster Lode is situated on Red Warrior Hill ; has a tunnel twenty feet long ; ledge is three feet wide ; mixture, six inches granite. There is space for dumping. Wild Cherry (Discovery). — The above ledge has a shaft twenty feet deep ; ledge, eighteen inches wide ; runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. Wide West. — The Wide West Ledge has a tunnel about one hundred and twenty feet. The ledge is four and a half feet wide on the sui'face. It has granite walls. Young Emigrant is half a mile from Red Warrior. Shaft is ten feet deep. Ledge, two feet wide, runs north-east and south-west ; dips north, and has granite walls. SILVER HILL DISTKICT. LEDGES. Abe and Andy has a shaft twenty-five feet deep, and a tunnel fifty feet long ; the ledge is five feet wide, with a mixture of granite, runs north-east and south-west, and dips north. 132 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. American Star is on Banner Hill ; has two shafts, twenty and thirty feet deep, respectively, which are connected by a tunnel forty feet long ; the ledge runs north-east and south-west, dips south, and has granite walls. Archer (Discovery). — This ledge is located near Mineral Gulch, about four miles from Payette River ; its course is north-east and south- west, and has been traced two thousand feet. Archer (First North-East Extension) ; distant from Payette River about four miles ; the ledge is two feet wide, extends north-east and south-west, and dips nearly perpendicular. Banner (Discovery). — This ledge is located on Banner Hill; has a shaft thirty-five feet deep, with tunnel, including cut, of about three hundred and fifty feet ; it is a good ledge, two feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. There are two ledges crossing the tunnel ; one is one hundred and forty-five feet from the entrance, and is about three feet wide ; the other two hundred and twenty feet, eight- een inches wide, and there is a good dump. About twenty tons of quartz near the mouth of the shaft. Cherokee is on Banner Hill ; has a shaft twenty feet deep, ledge two feet wide, granite walls, runs nortli-east and south-west, and dips south. Highland is on Banner Hill ; has a shaft twenty-five feet deep, ledge twelve inches wide, runs north-east and south-west, and dips south. Lincoln has a shaft thirty-five feet deep, tunnel sixty feet in length, and the ledge runs north-east and south-west. Star of the West has an open cut twenty feet long. Uncle Sam. — This ledge is situated on Banner Hill ; has a tunnel ninety feet long, ledge four feet wide, runs north-east and south-west ; the wall on the north side is granite, on the south slate ; there is space for dumping. * Washoe (Discovery) is on Victoria Hill ; has an open cut of eight feet, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, and has smooth granite walls. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TEREITORY. 133 "Wolverine (Discovery). — This ledge is located on a hill of ihe same name ; has a tunnel about one hundred feet in length, has space for dumping, and good facilities for working. Wolverine (First Extension) is on Wolverine Hill ; has a tunnel three hundred feet long, shaft and open cut eighteen feet deep, runs north-east and south-west, and has space for dumping. SILVER MOUNTAIN DISTRICT. LEDGES. Elephant (Discovery) is located on the west side of Pike's Fork, one mile south of Forest City ; it runs north-east and south-west, and dips north. General Connor (Discovery). — This ledge is situated on the west side of Pike's Fork ; has an open cut about twenty-five feet in depth and about forty in length ; the ledge is about ten feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, the wall on the north side being slate, and on the south granite ; there are about one hundred and fifty tons of quartz at the entrance of open cut. Pennsylvania (Discovery). — This ledge is on Alma Mountain, about one-third of a mile east of Crooked River ; it has an open cut of eight feet ; the ledge is eight feet wide, runs north-east and south-west, dips north, has slate walls, and is well defined. LIST OF LEDGES. Abbreviations, Etc. — Disc, Discovery ; Ex., Extension. The following ledges are recorded iu the Recorder's office at Idaho City. Ada Frances, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. | Allison, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,200 ft. 2,600 ft. Adriatic, Disc. 1,200 ft. Agens, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 3,800 ft. Alabama, 6,200 ft. Alabama, Ex. 2,200 ft. Albatros, Disc. 800 ft. Alhambra, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,200 ft. Allen, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,300 ft. Allison, Disc. 100 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Alma, Disc. 1,000 ft. Almira, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. 5,800 ft. Alpine, Summit Flat, Disc. Alta, Ex. 2,400 ft. Alviso, 1,400 ft. Amador, 200 ft. Aman, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 5,200 ft. American, 800 ft. American Eagle, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 4,800 ft. 134 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. American Star, 1,600 ft. Break of Day, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. Andy Johnson, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 4,400 ft. 1,200 ft. Buckeye, Disc. 200 ft ; Ex. 1,600. Antelope, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Buckeye, Disc. 4,800 feet; Ex. Arkansas, Disc. 1,000 ft. 13,400 ft. Arizona, Disc. 600 ft. Buckeye, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,200 A. S. Reed, Disc. 2,600 ft; Ex. feet. 1,000 ft. Buckskin, Disc. 1,400 ft. Astor, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 8,000 ft. Buena Vista, Disc. 2,600 ft. Astoria, Ex. 1,600 ft. Buena Vista Persevering, Disc. Ballenciana, Disc. 2,200 ft; Ex. 400 ft. 2,000 ft. Buffalo, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 5,000 ft. Baltimore, Disc. 1,600 ft. Buffiilo, Disc. 1.200 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Banner, Disc. 2,600 feet; Ex. Bullion, Ex. 1,600 ft. 5,200 ft. Bully of the West, Disc. 800 ft. Banner Reef, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. Burning Moscow, Disc. 2,000 ft ; 1,000 ft. Ex. 4,200 ft Bannock, 800 ft. Burns, Ex. 2,400 ft. Bannock, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Byrnes, 1,200 ft. Bannock Chief, 2,200 ft. Cagwin & Wellman, Disc. 1,600 Bartee, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 8,800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. feet. Calico, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 5,200 ft. Bay State, 1,400 ft. California, Disc. 1,000 ft. Beaver Head, Disc. 1,800 ft. Campbell, Disc. 2,200 feet; Ex. Beverly, Disc. 1,200 ft. 4,000 ft. Bigelow, Disc. 1,200 ft. Carrie Barrows, 1,600 ft. Blackbird, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,000 Carrol Gulch, Disc. 600 ft. feet. Carme, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Black Chief, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. Cayote, 2,000 ft. 1,200 ft. Ceiilo, Disc. 1,000 ft. Black Hawk, 1,400 ft. Centerville, 6,800 ft. Blair, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 10,400 Chaffee, Disc. 9,400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. feet. Challenge, 1,000 ft. Blue Jacket, Disc. 800 ft. Champion, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 600 Blue Lead, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Blue Mass, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. Charter Oak, Disc. 600 ft. 2,800 ft. Chance, 800 ft. Blue Ridge, Disc. 1,800 ft. Chase, 7,400 ft. Boise City, 2,000 ft. Chases, Disc. 3,200 ft ; Ex. 3,000 Boise Gold and Copper, Disc. feet. 1,600 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Chester, 1,200 ft. Bold Eagle, Disc. 1,200 ft. Chickahominy, 4,200 ft. Bond, Disc. 1.200 ft. Chief of Idaho, Disc. 800 ft. Bon Ton, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Chieftain, Disc. 1,000 ft. 9,800 ft. Clara Barkon, Disc. 800 ft. Boston, Disc. 2,600 ft. Clementina, Disc. 1,600 ft. Bowen, Disc. 1,400 ft. Climax, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 4,400 ft. Bowena, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 2,600 Clyde, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Cody, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Brady, Disc. 1,200 ft. Coffee, 1,000 ft. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 135 Colburn, 1,600 ft. Elk Creek, 1,400 ft. Columbia, 2,800 ft. Elk Horn, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. Cold Spring, Disc. 1,400; Ex. 2,400 ft. 1,800 ft. Emigrant, 1,800 ft. Colfax, 1,200 ft. Emigrant, 2,600 ft. Comanche, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Emigrant, Mammoth, Disc. 1,400 6,600 ft. feet. Comet, Disc. 800 ft. Empire, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 1,200 Confederate Star, Disc. 1,400 ft. feet. Confidence, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 Empire, Disc. 1,600 ft. feet. Empire State, 4,000 ft. Constitution, Disc. 400 ft. Enterprise, 1,600 ft. Contier, Disc. 400 ft. Entei-prise, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. Conway, Disc. 400 ft. 2,200 ft. Cook, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Enos, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 3,600 ft. Copperhead, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. Eri Capen, 5,800 ft. 1,000 ft. Estelle, 2,600 ft. Corbett, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 Etlian Allen, Disc. 2,600 ft ; Ex. feet. 14,400 ft. Coroline, Disc. 800 ft. Everest, Disc. 1,800 feet; Ex. Cornucopia, Disc. 1,400 ft. 10,000 ft. Cross, Disc. 800 ; Ex. 400 ft. Etna, 600 ft. Crystal, Disc. 400 ft. Evening Star. Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Coulter, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 8,600 3,200 ft. feet. Eureka, 1,200 ft. Cummin^s, Disc. 1,200 ft. Eureka, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 1,400 Daniel Webster, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. feet. 200 ft. Eureka, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Delight, 400 ft. Evening Star, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. Dead Wood, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 3,400 ft. 1,400 ft. Excelsior, 4,200 ft. De Bloney, 6,400 ft. Evergreen, 1,600 ft. Deer Creek, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. Fannie Louise, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 2.200 ft. 200 ft. Delight, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,200 ft. Farbank, Disc. 400 ft. Derrige, Disc. 1,600 ft. Fargo, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Deuwcrabis, Disc. 1,200 ft. Fat Take, Disc. 1,600 ft. Diana, Disc. 1,000 ft. Federal Star, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. Do Good, Disc. 800 ft. 7,600 ft. Donavan, Disc. 1,600 ft. Fidelity, Disc. 400 ft. Eagle, Disc. 1,400 ft. First Monitor, Disc. 1,400 ft. Eclipse, 2,000 ft. Fisher, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 2,600 Edinboro, 1,600 ft. feet. Edinburgh, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Fletcher, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 2,600 ft. 2 200 ft. El Dorado, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Flora Temple, Disc. 1,000 ft. 6,400 ft. Fornisky, Disc. 400 ft. El Dorado, Disc. 1,000 ft. Fountain, 3,000 ft. Elephant, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Fountain Head, 1,000 ft. 2,200 feet. Four Aces, 1,000 ft. 136 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Fourth of July, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. Grass Valley, 1,800 feet. 12,800 ft. Gray Eagle, Disc. 1,800 ft. Fremanans, 1,800 ft. Great American Chief, Disc. 2,800 French, 4,200 ft. feet. Furnace, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 1,200 Great Central, 1,200 ft. feet. Great Eastern, 2,800 ft. Furniss, Disc. 1,000 ft. Great Enterprise, 1,400 ft. Fuqua, 4,400 ft. Gray Fox, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Garabrinus, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Ex. 3,600 ft. 8,800 ft. Great Western, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Ganbureene, 800 ft. 2,400 ft. Garrison, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Great Western, Disc. 1,200 feet ; 1,000 ft. Ex. 5,400 ft. Gem of the Mountains, 600 ft. Grimes' Creek, 6,400 ft. General Grant, Disc. 800 ft. Guaymas, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Genei'al Grant, Disc. 1,400 feet ; 16,200 ft. Ex. 5,400 ft. Gyascutus, Disc. 1,800 feet ; Ex. General Sherman, 3,800 ft. 3,400 ft. George A. Jackson, Disc. 400 ft ; Hard Scrabble, Disc. 2,200 feet ; Ex. 200 ft. Ex. 1,200 ft. George Washington, Disc. 600 ft ; Harlem, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 3,800 Ex. 600 ft. feet. George Washington, Disc. 800 ft ; Harrington, Disc. 400 ft. Ex. 2,000 ft. Harvey, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,200 Girard, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. feet. Glencoe Chief, 600 ft. Hassals. Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,000 Golconda, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Goddess of Liberty, Disc. 1,200 ft. Hazzard, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Gold Dirt, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 1,600 ft. 200 ft. Hawkeye, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,600 Gold Eagle, Disc. 2,800 feet ; Ex. feet. 3^600 ft. Hawkeye, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Gold and Silver, Disc. 1,000 feet; 6,800 ft. Ex. 6,000 ft. Highland, 280 ft. Gold and Silver Cloud, 800 ft. Honey Comb, Disc. 800 ft. Golden Era", 4,200 ft. Honradez, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Golden Fleece, Disc. 1,800. 1,800 ft. Gold Hill, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. Hope, 800 ft. 3,800 ft. Humbug, 2,800 ft. Golden Horn, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. Independence, Disc. 1,400 ft. 2,800 ft. Independence, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. Golden Reef, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,600 ft. Gold Star, 200 ft. Innishovven, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Golden West, Disc. 2,600 ft. 4,800 ft. Golden Western, 800 ft. lone. Disc. 1,000 ft. Goodrich, Disc. 400 ft. Iowa Ranger, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Grab All, Disc. 1,400 ft. 800 ft. Grandpapa, Disc. 600 ft. Irish, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Granite, 4,400 ft. Iron Cloud, Disc. 800 ft. Grant, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 3,400 ft. Isabel, 4,000 ft. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 137 Isabella, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Landon, Disc. 2,600 ft ; Ex. 6,400 Ivanhoe, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Idaho, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 4,200 ft. Landon, 400 ft. Identical, Disc. 1,000 ft. Langdon, Disc. 1,400 ft. Illinois, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 12,800 ft. Lapidary, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jackson, Disc. 1,400 ft. Last Chance, Disc. 2,200 ft. Jackson, Disc. 1,000 ft. Lawyer, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 4,000 Jefferson, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 1,000 feet. feet. Legal Tender, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jenny Lind, Disc. 1,600 ft. Legal Tender, 1,000 ft. Jersey, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,000 Liberty, 1,400 ft. feet. Live Yankee, Disc. 1,200 ft. Jewett, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Lola Montez, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. Jim Crow. Disc. 1,200 ft. 600 ft. John L. Stephens, Disc. 800 feet ; Lone Star, Disc. 1,800 ft. Ex. 8,600 ft. Lone Star, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Johnson, 200 ft. 2,400 ft. June Bug, Disc. 800 ft. Lone Star, 600 ft. Junietta, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 4,800 Long Lost, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. feet. 1,000 ft. Juno, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Lost, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 7,000 ft. Jupiter, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Lost Diamond, 5,800 ft. Justita, 2,400 ft. Lucky Boy, Disc. 1,800 feet; Ex. Kanaka, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 1,200 ft. feet. Lucky Boy, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Katie Rose, Disc. 2,200 feet ; Ex. 1,200 ft. 4,600 ft. Lucky Star. Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Keep Cool, Disc. 600 feet; Ex. 4,600 ft. 3,600 ft. Magna Charta, 1,800 ft. Kentucky, 1,400 ft. Magnet, Disc. 2,600 ft. Kentucky, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. Magnolia, Disc. 600 ft. 19,000 ft. Mankato, 200 ft. Keyer, Disc. 2,000 ft; Ex. 1,000 Mammoth, Disc. 3,400 feet; Ex. feet. 600 ft. Keystone, 1,600 ft. Mammoth, Disc. 1,600 ft. Keystone, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Mammoth, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 4.600 2,200 ft. feet. Keystone, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. Mammoth, 400 ft. 2,800 ft. Mammoth, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 King, 1,000 ft. feet. King, Disc. 2,600 ft ; Ex. 4,200 ft. Mary Mitchel, Disc. 2,000 ft ; Ex. Knickerbocker, Disc. 1,200 feet; 600 ft. Ex. 400 ft. Massena, Disc. 800 ft. Lady Moscow, Disc. 1,000 ft. Mastodon, Disc. 1,600 ft. Lady Washington, Disc. 800 feet ; Mary Moore, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. Ex. 2,000 ft. 400 ft. Lancaster, Disc. 5,500 feet; Ex. Maxon, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 1,400 3,200 ft. feet. Lamours, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 4,400 Mayflower, Disc. 600 feet; Ex. feet. 9,000 ft. 138 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Mankato, 1,200 ft. North American, 2,600 ft. McErvan, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex, 2,000 North Pole, Disc. 800 ft. feet. North Star, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. McKenna, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. 3,200 ft. 3,600 ft. Northern Light, 1,800 ft. McLellan, 5,000 ft. Norumbagna, Disc. 800 ft. Messenger, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. Occidental, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,800 ft. 0. D. C. 1,600 ft. Meteor, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,800 Omega, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 2,600 feet. feet. Michigan, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 6,200 Oneonta, 3,400 ft. feet. Oregon, Disc. 400 ft. Michigan, 4,200 ft. Orleans, Disc. 2,400 ft ; Ex. 3,200 Minnesota, Disc. 800 ft. feet. Mina Rica, 3,800 ft. Oro et Plata, Disc. 1,000 ft. Mohammed, Disc. 1,800 feet ; Ex. Oro Grande, Disc. 1,400 ft. 1,000 ft. Owsley and Williams, Disc. 600 ft; Mohawk, 12.400 ft. Ex. 3,200 ft. Moliawk, 400 ft. P. Ward, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mohler, Disc. 1.000 ft. Pacific, 600 ft. Monarch, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. 3,200 Paradise, Disc. 800 ft. feet. Parthenia, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 200 Monitor, 400 ft. feet. Monitor, Disc. 2,400 ft. Payette, Disc. 1,800 ft. Monroe, 1,000 ft. Pennsylvania, 1,000 ft. Monster, 3,400 ft. Pioneer, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 18,200 Monte Christo, 4,400 ft. feet. Montezuma, 1,400 ft. Placerville, Disc. 1,600 ft. Montezuma, Disc. 3,000 ft ; Ex. Pocahontas, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 4,200 ft. 1,000 ft. Morey, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 3,200 ft. Pointerenas, 2,000 ft. Morning, 400 ft. Pomona, 2,200 ft. Morning Star, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Pontiac, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. 600 ft. Poorman's, Disc. 6,400 ft. Mountain Buck, Disc. 800 ft. Price, Disc. 800 ft. Mountain Home, 3,000 ft. Pride of Idaho, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Mountain Ranger, Disc. 1,000 ft. 4,800 ft. Mullen, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 ft. Pride of Idaho, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Munroe, 4,800 ft. 2,400 ft. Native American, 1,400 ft. Pride of the Day, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Native American, Disc. 600 ft. Ex. 400 ft. New Allen, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 600 Pride of the Union, Disc. 400 ft ; feet. Ex. 3,200 ft. New Foundland, Disc. 1,000 ft. Pride of the West, Disc. 3,400 ft ; New York, Disc. 2,400 ft. Ex. 5,400 ft. New Yoi-k, 1,600 ft. Progress, Disc. 1,000 ft. Niagara, 1,000 ft. Punietta, 3,600 ft. Norfolk, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Queen of the West, 3,000 ft. North American, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Queen Victoria, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Ex. 4,400 ft. 400 ft. 1 LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 139 Ragsclale, Disc. 800 ft. Rappahannock, Disc. 1,800 ft. Reality, Disc. 1,400 ft. Red Warrior, 2,800 ft. Red, White, and Blue, 500 ft. Reservoir, Disc. 2,200 ft. Rhodes & Co., 2,200 ft. Rliode Island, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Richmond, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 6,800 feet. Richmond, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 800 feet. Rip Van Winkle, Disc. 2,200 ft. Robert Burns, Disc. 400 ft. Rose, Disc. 800 ft. Rossi, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,000 ft. Rothchild, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. 4,200 ft. Rothchild, No. 2, 400 ft. Salamander, 1,400 ft. San Francisco, 3,200 feet. San Francisco, 5,000 feet. San Jose, 1,800 ft. San Juan, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 600 feet. San Rafael, Disc. 600 ft. Sanford, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Sanhedron, Disc. 400 ft. Santa Cruz, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Sarsfield, 4,600 ft. Sayers, 2,200 ft. Secret, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Seymour, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Shafer, Disc. 2,200 ft. Shakspeare, 4,600 ft. Shenandoah, 3,000 ft. Sheridan, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. 3,000 ft. Sherman, 2,800 ft. Sherman, 2,000 ft. Shilo, Disc. 1,400 ft. Sierra Nevada, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Signoretta, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,000 feet. Silent Friend, Disc, 600 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Silver, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 3,400 ft. Silver Belle, 1,400 ft. Silver Depot, Disc. 1,400 ft. Silver Era, Disc. 1,400 ft. Silver Moon, 5,000 ft. Silver Shield, 5,800 ft. Smith, Disc. 2,000 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Sonora, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Specimen, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,400 feet. Spring, Disc. 1,600 ft. Stallion, Disc. 6,400 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Stanton, Disc. 1,900 ft ; Ex. 1,800 feet. Star King, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 2,000 ft. Star of the West, 3,000 ft. Star of the West, 800 ft. Stonewall, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 5,400 feet. Strickland, Disc. 800 ft. Strowbridge, Disc. 600 ft. Stuart, Disc. 1,600 ft. Sucker, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 1,400 feet. Sucker, 400 ft. Summit, 200 ft. Sunny, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Surprise, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 6,000 feet. Surprise, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 8,800. Synd, Disc. 1,600 ft. T, Disc. 1,000 ft. Table Rock, Disc. 800 ft. Taggart, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 2,800 feet. Target, Disc. 200 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Tecumseh, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 5,000 ft. Ten-Mile Ledge, 1,000 ft. Tenino, Disc. 1,000 ft. Tennessee, Disc. 800 ft. Teutonia, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 3,400 ft. Thompson, Disc, 2,200 ft. Thompson, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 5,600 ft. Tiernay & Ragsdale, 800 ft. Title, Disc. 3,800 ft. Topsey, Disc. 1,000 ft. 140 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Toronto, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. .3,200 Wall Jackson, Disc. 1,400 ft. feet. Wandering Jew, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. Touch Me Not, 400 ft. 2,000 ft. Transmontane, Disc. 1,400 ft. Washington, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. Trowbridge, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 3,200 ft. 1,000 ft. Washoe, 6,400 ft. Uncle Sara, 2,400 ft. Watson, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 3,600 Uncle Sam, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. feet. 1,800 ft. Web-foot, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 4,200 Union, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 3,000 feet. feet. Welches, 4.000 ft. Union, Disc. 1,200 ft. Wheelock, Disc. 1,200 ft. Union, Disc. 2,200 ft; Ex. 4,400 ft. White Cloud, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. Union, No. 2, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. 1,200 ft. Wild Hog, Disc. 600 ft. Union, 5,000 ft. Wilder, Disc. 400 ft. Union Gold and Silver, 3,000 ft. Wild Rover, Disc. 1.400 ft; Ex. United States, 400 ft. 400 ft. U. S. Grant, Disc. 1,200 ft. ; Ex. Winner, Disc. 800 ft. 1,400 ft. Winona, Disc. 2,000 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Valparaiso, Disc. 3,000 ft. Wyoming, Disc. 3,000 ft. Vanderbilt, 2,000 ft. Yellow Jacket, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Van Wyck, 3,400 ft. 1,200 ft. Vault, Disc. 600 ft. Yellow Jacket, Disc. 600 ft. Vega, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Yellowstone, Disc. 2,200 ft. Vesuvius, Disc. 1,800 feet; Ex. Young America, Disc. 1,000 ; Ex. 2,400 ft. 2,400 ft. Wallace, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Yreka, 200 ft. SILVER HILL DISTRICT. Abe and Andy, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Black Warrior, Disc. 1.800 feet ; Ex. 3,400 ft. Ex. 8,600 ft. Abzena Langdon, Disc. 2,400 ft. California, 1,400 ft. Aleone, Disc. 400 ft. Challenge, 3,200 ft. Alice Knowles, Disc. 1,200 ft. Cherokee, 8,800 ft. American Flag, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Choctaw, 1,400 ft. Ex. 600 ft. Cold Spring, Disc. 600 ft. American Star, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Croesus, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 Ex. 600 ft. feet. Andes, 400 ft. Delaware, Disc. 1,400 ft. Archer, 3,400 ft. Derrige, Disc. 1,000 ft. Augusta, 1,600 ft. Desdemona, 1,800 ft. Austin, Disc. 1,000 ft. Gem of the Mountains, Disc. 800 Banner, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 6,800 ft ; Ex. 4,600 ft. feet. Golden Gate, Disc. 2,400 ft ; Ex. Beecher, Disc. 1,200 ft. 11,400 ft. Bella Union, Disc. 1,600 ft. Great Eastern, 1,800 ft. LIST OP LEDGES IN IDAHO TEKRITORY. 141 Harvey, 200 ft'. Sheba, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Highland, Disc. 1,600 ft. Silver Age, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. Hoodoo, Disc. 2,000 ft. 2,000 ft. Hoosier, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Silver Star, Disc. 1,000 ft. Illinois, Disc. 600 ft. Star of the West, 2,000 ft. Kentucky, Disc. 1,400 ft. Stars and Stripes, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Keystone, 2,800 ft. Ex. 3,000 ft. Last Chance, 2,400 ft. Silver Leaf, Disc. 1,400 ft. Lincoln, Disc. 2,800 ft ; Ex. 4,600 Strowbridge, 4,600 ft. feet. Uncle Sam, 4,000 ft. Live Yankee, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. Union, 2,600 ft. 1,000 ft. United States, 2,800 ft. Mammoth, 200 ft. Victoria, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 2,600 Marian, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Mazeppa, 800 ft. Wabash, 400 ft. Metropolis, Disc. 1,400 ft. Washington, 2,800 ft. Mineral Spring, 2,200 ft. Washoe, 5,400 ft. Nevada, 1,800 ft. Wide West, 2,600 ft. Newton, 2,400 ft. Wildcat, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Ophir, Disc. 3,600 ft. 2,400 ft. Pacific, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Wilder, 600 ft. Richmond, 200 ft. Wisconsin, Disc. 1,800 feet ; Ex. Rose Greenwood, Disc. 1,800 ft; 2,000 ft. Ex. 200 ft. Wolverine, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. Rising Sun, Disc. 1,200 ft. 5,600 ft. SILVER MOUNT AIN DISTRICT. A. B. Lincoln, Disc. 1,600 ft. Harman, 2,000 ft. Beacon, Disc. 2,200 ft. Joseph W. Kay, 1,200 ft. Chicago, Disc. 1,600 ft. Kaler, 1,800 ft. City of Dublin, Disc. 1,600 feet ; King Bee, 1,600 ft. Ex. 800 ft. Lady Franklin, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Colonel Reid, 2,400 ft. Ex. 5,000 ft. Dakin, Disc. 1,600 ft. Leviathan, 1,800 ft. Eagle, Disc. 600 ft. Little Rock, Disc. 1,000 ft. Elephant, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Magna Charta, 6,400 ft. 3,200 ft. Mountain, Disc. 1,200 ft. Emmet, Disc. 1,600 ft. Mountain Home, Disc. 2,400 feet ; Ericsson, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Ex. 2,600 ft. Evening Star, Disc. 1,600 ft. New Haven, 1,200 ft. French, 2,000 ft. New London, Disc. 1,200 ft. General Connor, Disc. 2,400 feet ; New Virginia, Disc. 1,200 ft. Ex. 3,200 ft. Pennsylvania, Disc. 1,600 ft. Gloria Mundi, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. Oroville, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,000 ft. Osage Chief, Disc. 1,000 ft. Golden Fleece, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Silver Moon, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. Ex. 1,200 ft. 800 ft. 142 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. OWYHEE COUNTY. BOUNDARIES OF MINING DISTRICTS IN OWTHEE COUNTY. Carson District, commences from the top of War Eagle Mountain, runs west seven or eight miles, north and south about fifteen miles. Flint District is about ten miles south of Ruby City. French District, commences on the divide of Oro Fino, or War Eagle Mountain, runs eastward toward Snake River, and southerly and northerly about twelve miles. Mammoth District is about twelve miles south-west of Ruby City. The ledges vary from eight to thirty-two feet wide. Steel District is about eight miles from Ruby City, and adjoins French District. QUARTZ MILLS. AiNSWORTH Mill is on Sinker Creek, about seven miles east of Silver City, and has ten stamps. Cosmos Mill. — Cosmos Silver Mining Company, New York; E. H. Dewey, Superintendent. The Cosmos Mill is on Jordan Creek, one-fourth mile from Silver City;. has twenty stamps, weighing six hundred pounds each ; four batteries, six pans ; engine, thirty-five- horse power. Machinery was made at the Miners' Foundrj', San Francisco. Jackson Mill. — J. S. Martin, Superintendent, is on Jordan Creek, near Silver City ; has five stamps, weighing five hundred and fifty pounds each ; drop eight inches, and seventy times a minute ; one battery, two amalgamators ; engine, thirty-horse power, consumes four cordo a day ; crushes eight tons a day ; rock taken from the Oro Fino Mine. The above is a custom mill, and is leased by More & Fogus. Machinery was made in Portland. Lincoln Silver Mining Company. — John A. Coleman, Superin- tendent ; C. F. Balcom, Agent. The above mill is located on the west side of Golden Creek, between Ruby and Silver cities ; has twenty stamps, weighing six hundred pounds each ; four batteries, ten pans ; engine, fourteen-inch cylinder and thirty-inch sti'oke. Machinery was made at the Miners' Foundry, San Francisco. MiNEAR Mill. — J. S. Martin, Superintendent, is on Jordan Creek, QUARTZ MILLS, ETC., IN OWYHEE COUNTY, I. T. 143 about one mile from Silver City; has five stamps; drop eleven inches, sixty a minute ; one battery, two amalgamators ; engine, thirty-horse power ; crushes nine and one-half tons a day ; consumes two and a half cords, at a cost of eight dollars per cord. It is a custom mill, and leased by More & Fogus. It crushes rock from the Oro Fino Mine. Machinery was made in Rochester, New York. More ifc Fogus Mill. — More & Fogus, proprietors ; H. R. Car- ter, Superintendent. The above mill is on the east side of Jordan Creek ; has eight stamps, weighing seven hundred pounds each ; drop from eight to ten inches, and eighty times per minute ; has two bat- teries and four Wheeler's Pans ; engine is thirty-horse power. Mill crushes rock taken from the Morning Star and Oro Fino ledges, which belong to the proprietors of the mill. The number of tons crushed a day are : Morning Star, twelve to fourteen ; Oro Fino, sixteen to twenty. Average paying quality of rock : Morning Star, two hundred and thirty-five dollars per ton ; Oro Fino, one hundred and eighty-five dollars per ton. Number of men employed in the mill, eight — four on a shift of twelve hours each. Amount of wood consumed a day, three cords, at a cost of six dollars and fifty cents per cord, delivered at the mill. Machinery was made at the Miners' Foundry, San Fran- cisco. New York and Owyhee Gold and Silver Mining Com- pany. — Robbins & Styles. The above mill is located at East Ruby, on the east side of Jordan Creek, opposite Ruby City ; has twenty stamps, weighing six hundred and fifty pounds each ; capacity for thirty. There are four batteries, ten amalgamators, four separators ; engine, eighty-horse power ; intend crushing rock from the Min- nesota, Columbia, or Oro Fino and Hays & Rey. IVIachinery was made at the Pacific Foundry, San Francisco. Quartz Mill. — There is machinery for a new mill, which will be in operation an an early day. It is located on Sinker Creek, about six and a half miles from Silver City. A. N. Grenzebach, Superin- tendent. Shoenbar Mill. — John Shoenbar, proprietor. The above mill is on the west side of Jordan Creek, one-half mile from Silver City. It has ten stamps, weighing six hundred and sixty pounds each ; drop from nine to ten inches ; has two batteries and eight amalgamators ; engine, twenty-five horse power. It is a custom mill ; consumes three cords in twenty-four hours ; cost from six dollars and fifty cents to eight 144 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. dollars and fifty cents per cord. An assay office is attached to the mill. It is a stone building, and the only mill made of that material in the Territory ; its dimensions, seventy by sixty-four feet. Cost of mill, one hundred thousand dollars. Vass & Morse Mill. — Vass & Morse, proprietors. Mill is on the east side of Jordan Creek, in Silver City ; has four stamps, weigh- ing one hundred and forty pounds each ; drop eight inches, ninety- three a minute ; one battery, two pans ; engine, eight-horse power ; crushes two and a half tons a day ; mill consumes five-eighths of a cord in twenty-four hours, at a cost of seven dollars per cord. Number of men, four ; twelve hours alternately. Machinery was made in Port- land, at a cost of six thousand dollars. It is a custom mill, LEDGES. Columbia is on Oro Fino Mountain ; has a shaft thirty feet deep ; ledge is fifteen inches wide ; average width, thirteen inches, and nearly two feet at the bottom of the shaft. It runs north and south; dips east ; has granite walls, which are rough and uneven, and space for dumping. There is a road from the mine to Silver and Ruby cities. Empire (Discovery) is on Silver Mountain, about one mile and three-fourths from Silver City ; has a shaft fifty feet ; runs north and south, dips east ; has granite walls and space for dumping. Hayes & Rey, (Discovery) sixteen hundred feet ; is on the west side of "War Eagle Mountain, about two miles from Silver City. Discovery shaft is twenty, middle twenty -two, and the upper twenty- eight feet ; tunnel is seventy feet, running in on the ledge, which varies from eight inches to one foot wide ; runs north and south, dips east ; has granite walls, which are rough and uneven ; there is space for dumping. Home Ticket Tunnel. — Maj. Downie, proprietor. Menytanete is on Oro Fino Mountain, has a shaft thirty-two feet deep ; ledge is about three feet wide, runs north and south, lays nearly perpendicular ; there is forty tons of quartz near the shaft. Minnesota is on War Eagle Mountain, three and a half miles from Sinker Creek ; has a shaft fifty-seven feet deep, drift twelve feet from bottom of shaft. Ledge two and a half feet wide, runs north and LEDGES IN OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 145 south, and lays nearly perpendicular ; has granite walls, and there is space for dumping purposes. Morning Star. — This well-known ledge is a short distance from Silver City, and about two hundred yards from Jordan Creek ; has a shaft one hundred and fifty feet deep, at the bottom of which a drift extends over three hundred feet. Ledge is about four and a half feet wide, and the quartz very rich ; runs north and south ; lays perpendic- ular ; has granite walls, which are rough and uneven ; space for dump- ing, and there is a good road to the mine. New York is on War Eagle Mountain, about fifty yards west of the Oro Fino ; shaft sixty feet deep. Ledge is twelve inches wide, runs north and south, lays perpendicular, and has granite walls. Oro Fino (Discovery) is situated on Oro Fino Mountain, two and a half miles from Silver City and four miles fi'om Sinker Creek ; has a tunnel five hundred and seventy-five feet in length, which is the longest tunnel in any mine in Idaho Territory. There is a shaft at the end of the tunnel, one hundred and eighty feet deep, which goes down on the ledge and connects with the tunnel. The mine has been stoped about one hundred feet from near the entrance to the surface, and an open cut, about eighty feet long, has been stoped to the depth of twenty feet. The Oro Fino Ledge varies from twelve inches to seven feet ; average width, from three and a half to four feet ; has a mixture of a little granite, with some talc, which generally runs at the sides, center, etc. The talc, when broken, oftentimes discloses rich and beautiful quartz in and around it ; sometimes it runs into the granite walls, showing free gold in places. The walls are rough and uneven ; scarcely any part of them presenting a smooth appearance. Ledge runs north and south, lays perpendicular, and there is space for dump- ing. The quartz is taken from the mine in cars, and dumped near the mouth of the tunnel. The facilities for working the mine are very good ; distance by a good wagon road from the mine to the mill, two and a half miles. Oro Fino (Fourth Extension) is on Oro Fino Mountain ; has a shaft thirty feet deep ; runs north and south, dips east ; has granite walls. There will be a double shaft, which when completed will have a partition, and be eight by four. PoORMAN (Discovery). — This well-known ledge is about one mile and a half from Silver City, and nearly the same distance to Jor- 146 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. dan Creek ; has a shaft twenty-seven feet deep. There is a drift extending one hundred and twenty-five feet from the shaft, from which vein stone has been taken out to the depth of twelve feet. Twenty- five feet on the south has been filled up, making a total of one hund- red and fifty feet. It is a good ledge, and varies from six inches to three feet ; average width of ledge, twenty inches — at the bottom of the shaft, three feet. Mixture, only one place in the mine, three feet in extent — a small quantity of granite ; has granite walls, which are rough and uneven ; runs north and south, dips west, and has space for dumping. There is a wagon road to Sinker Creek. Silver Chord is on Wades' Gulch; has a shaft twenty feet deep. Ledge two feet wide ; runs north-west and south-east, dips east ; has granite walls, and space for dumping. Silver Legion (Discovery) is on the west side of the War Eagle Mountain, one mile from Jordan Creek ; has a shaft one hundred and fifty feet deep, and tunnel thirty feet long. Silver Legion (First South Extention) is on War Eagle Moun- tain, two and one-fourth miles from Silver City ; has a shaft eighteen feet deep ; ledge is about three and a half feet wide ; runs nortla-west and south-east, lays nearly perpendicular ; has granite walls, and there is space for dumping. Sterling (Discovery) is on Joi'dan Creek, one-half mile below Ruby Creek ; open cut, eight by four feet ; ledge, three and a half feet wide ; runs north-east and south-west. Stonewall Jackson (Discovery) is on the south side of Purdy's Gulch, about three and three-fourths miles from Sinker Creek ; has a shaft fifteen feet deep. Ledge runs north-west and south-east ; crop- pings are prominent on the top of the hill and near the shaft. There is space for dumping. Trook and Jennings is located on War Eagle Mountain, one-half mile from Jordan Creek, and four hundred feet from Flint Gulch ; it has two shafts ; discovery shaft is seventy-five feel deep, and there is a drift extending fi'om the bottom of the shaft twelve feet ; second shaft is twenty-five feet deep. It is a good ledge, varies from ten inches to tliree feet wide, with smooth granite walls, runs north-west and south- east, and dips north. Tiiere is a road from the ledge to mills on Jor- dan Creek. LEDGES IN OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 147 Virginia (Discovery) is one mile from Silver City ; has a shaft thirty feet deep, runs north and south, dips east, and has space for dumping. Vulcan is on a branch of Wade's Gulch ; has a shaft ten feet deep, runs north-west and south-east, has granite walls, and space for dumping. FLINT DISTKIOT. LEDGES. Boyd & Keller (Discovery) is on Rising Star Hill, about four and one-half miles from Boulder Ci-eek; has an open cut of five feet, ledge six feet wide, mixture, sulphurets, runs north and and south, dips east, has granite walls, and space for dumping. There is about fifteen tons of quartz near the mine. Eclipse (Discovery) is on Rising Star Hill, about one mile from East Creek ; it runs north and south. Eclipse (Second South Extension) has a shaft twenty-seven feet deep. Excelsior (Discovery) is about one mile from East Creek ; runs north and south, dips east, and there is about twenty tons of quartz near the mine. John Jacob Astor. — The ledge is about eighteen inches wide ; runs north and south, dips east, and there is ten tons of quartz near the mine. Leviathan (Discovery) is on Rising Star Hill ; has a shaft ten feet deep, ledge six feet wide, mixture, sulphurets, runs north-east and south- west, has granite walls, and croppings are prominent ; there are twenty tons of quartz near the shaft, and space for dumping. My Mary Ann (Discovery). — The ledge is twelve inches wide, runs north and south, and dips east. Metropolis (Discovery) is on Rising Star Hill, one mile from East Creek ; has an open cut, and shaft about forty-two feet deep ; in drift, ten feet from the bottom of shaft, the ledge is four feet wide. 148 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Polar Star is about one mile and a quarter from East Creek ; the ledge is five feet wide, runs north and south, dips east, and there is about twenty tons of quartz near the mine. Pompeii is about one-fourth mile from Flint Gulch ; has an open cut eighteen by twenty feet, ledge six feet wide, mixture, sulphurets, runs north and south, dips east, and croppings are prominent. Rising Star (North Discovery) is on Rising Star Hill, about one mile from East Creek ; has a shaft thirty-five feet deep, open cut of ten feet ; average width of ledge about seven feet, runs north and south, dips east, is well defined, croppings are prominent ; the ledge has smooth granite walls, and there is about two hundred tons of quartz near the mine, and space for dumping purposes. Rising Star (South Discovery) is about one mile from East Creek ; ledge seven feet wide, runs north and south, and has granite walls ; there is about one hundred tons of quartz at the mine, and space for dumping. Rising Star (First South Extension) has a shaft forty-two feet deep, and is a short distance from East Creek. Rochester is on Owyhee Hill, about one-fourth mile from Flint Gulch, and has a shaft eighteen or twenty feet deep ; the ledge is about twelve inches on the surface, and nearly four feet at the bottom of the shaft, runs north-east and south-west, dips east, and there are fifteen tons of quartz at the mine. Twilight is on Twilight Gulch, about one-fourth of a mile from East Creek ; has an open cut twelve by thirty feet, ledge twenty inches wide, runs north and south, dips east, has granite walls, and there is space for dumping. LIST OF LEDGES. Abbreviations, Etc. — Disc, Discovery ; Ex., Extension. Tlie following ledges are recorded in the Recorder's office at Ruby City. CARSON DISTRICT. Abe Lincoln, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Accident, Disc. 1,000 ft. Adriatic, Disc 1,400 ft ; Ex. 800 feet. Adriatic, Disc. 2,400 ft. Alabama, 2,600 ft. Alba, Disc. 600 ft : Ex. 2,800 ft. Albion, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Alexander. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 149 Allison, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 9,000 feet. Almaden, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 1,200 ft. Alturas, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 1,600. Alturas, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,200 feet. Amelia, Disc. 1,400 ft. American Eagle, Disc. 1,000 ft. American Tin Ledge, Disc. 1,200 feet. Andx'ew Jackson, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Andrew Johnson, 2,000 ft. Anna, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Anna Laurie, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Anna Wayland, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 600 ft. Antonia, 200 ft. Antelope, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 1,000 feet. Antioch, Disc. 1,000 ft. Antonio, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Arab, Disc. 400 ft. Astor, Disc. 1,600 ft. Aurora, 1,600 ft. Austin, Disc. 1,200 ft. Avalanche, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 1,000 feet. Badger, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,200 feet. Baily, 690 ft. Bald Mountain, Disc. 1,000 ft. Baltic, 1,000 ft. Bamboo, Disc. 3,000 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Banner, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. 1,000 feet. Bartlett, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,000 feet. Bay State, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 feet. Bee Gum, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Bennett, Disc. 600 ft. Big Deer, 2,000 ft. Big Jordan, Disc. 800 ft. Black Boulder, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Black Eagle, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. 2,200 ft. Black-Eyed Sue, Disc. 1,200 ft. Black Hawk, Disc. 800 ft. Blazing Star, 800 ft. Blind Gulch, Disc. 1,000 ft. Blue, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,200 ft. Blue Jacket, 5,000 ft. Bluster, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Bob Tail, 800 ft. Boomerang, 600 ft. Break of Day, Disc. 1,200 ft. Bowling Green, Disc. 800 ft. Bright Bower, 200 ft. Buckeye, Disc. 400 ft. Buckeye, Disc. 1,800 feet; Ex. 1,000 ft. Buena Vista, Disc. 1,000 ft. Bully Wright, 1,950 ft. Burning Moscow, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Byron, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Calaveras, 2,800 ft. Caledonia, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 4,400 feet. California, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,000 feet. Catharine Creek, 2,000 ft. (Quick- Silver District). Cavalier, Disc. ft. Ex. 2,800 ft. Centurian, 800 ft. Chanaha, Disc. 1,000 ft. Chancy, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,600 feet. Charter Oak, Disc. 1,000 ft. Chase, Disc. 600 ft. Chicago, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. China, Disc. 1,400 ft. Christiana, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. 3,200 ft. Cincinnati, Disc. 600 ft. Cinnabar, Disc. 1,200 ft. (Quick- silver District). Clara, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Clendenin, Disc. 1,200 ft. Cleopatra, Disc. 600 ft. Cockpit, Disc. 1,000 ft. Columbia, 600 ft. Columbus, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. 150 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Comet, Disc. 1,400 ft. Confederate Star, Disc. 1,600 ft. Copenhagen, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. 2.400 ft. Cornish, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 1,200 feet. Cornwall Tin Mine, Disc. 3,600 ft. Creselle, Disc. 1.200 ft. Criterion, 1.400 ft. Cynosence, Disc. 800 ft. Daniel Boone, Disc. 600 ft. Daniel Boone, Disc. 1,000 ft. Daniel Webster, Disc. 800 ft. Dashaway, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Ex. 2,000 ft. Davids, Disc. 200 ft. D. C. Baker, Disc. 1,000 ft. Deer, Disc. 1,800 ft. Defiance, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Defiance, Disc. 1,400 ft. Delaware, Disc. 1,200 ft. Desota, Disc. 1,400 ft. Dictator, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 800 feet, (Steel District). D. M. C, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 feet. Donnely, 3,100 ft. Donald McKay, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 400 ft. Douglas, Disc. 800 ft. D. Stevens, Disc. 600 ft. East Lynn, Disc. 600 ft. Eclipse, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 3,600 ft. Edina, Disc. 800 ft. Edinburg Castle, Disc. 1,200 ft. El Dorado, Disc. 1,200 ft. Elither, Disc. 1,000 ft. Elephant, 2,000 ft. Elsworth. Disc. 600 ft. El Triumph, Disc. 800 ft. Empire, 6,200 ft. Empress, Disc. 1,600 ft. (Cinnabar District). Eureka, 7,000 ft. Excelsior, 1,200 ft. Farrell, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 600 ft. Federal, 1,600 ft. First Consul, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,400 ft. Fleming, Disc. 1,200 ft. Flint Hill, 2,800 ft. Florence, Disc. 1,000 ft. Florida, Disc. 3,000 ft ; Ex. 2,600 feet. Florida, Disc. 4,200 ft. Flying, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Fortune Teller, Disc. 1,400 ft. Fourth of July, Disc. 1,000 feet Ex. 400 ft. Franklin, Disc. 1,200 ft. Franklin, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,400 feet. Eraser, Disc. 800 ft. Gambrinus, Disc. 600 ft. Garibaldi, Disc. 800 ft. Gehr, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 1,000 ft. General Geo. Washington, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 1,800 ft. General Grant, Disc. 1,800 ft. General Harney, Disc. 600 ft. General La Fayette, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 1,000 ft. General Lee, Disc. 1,400 ft. General Logan, 1,200 ft. General Thomas, 1,000 ft. George Washington, Disc. 1,000 feet. Gold Bluff, Disc. 800 ft. Golden Channel, Disc. 800 ft. Golden Crystal, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 3,600 ft. Golden Eagle, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Golden Era, 1,600 ft. Golden Gate, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Golden Gate, Disc. 600 ft. Golden Rule, Disc. 600 ft. Gold Finch, Disc. 1,000 ft. Gold Hill, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. feet. Gold Hill, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,400 feet. Go Slow, Disc. 1,000 ft. Governor Lyons, Disc. 1,800 ft. Governor Wallace, Disc. 2,000 ft. Grey Eagle, Disc. 800ft; Ex.400 feet. Great Eastern, Disc. 2,200 ft. Great Howard, Disc. 1,000 ft. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 151 Great Western, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Jeff. Davis, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,000 ft. Jefferson, 4,600 ft. Greek Slave, Disc. 1,000 ft. Jenny Lind, Disc. 800 ft. Greenback, Disc. 1,400 ft. Gerreldine, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. Haight, Disc. 7,300 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. 1,200 ft. Hambleton, 1,400 ft. John Bull, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. Hambleton Spur, Disc. 1,G00 ft. 200 ft. Ham Flat, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,600 John Burns, Disc. 2,000 ft. feet. John Jacob Astor, Disc. 2,600 ft. Hamilton, 2,720 ft. John M. Shively, Disc. 1,200 ft. Hanibal, Disc. 1,000 ft. Jordan Creek, Disc. 600 ft. Hanibal Hamlin, Disc. 1,000 ft. Josephine, Disc. 2,200 ft. Hard Times, 1,200 ft. Junietta, Disc. 1,400 ft. Harkaway, 3,000 ft. Juno, Disc. 2,200 ft. Hawkeye, Disc. 3,400 feet; Ex. Jupiter, Disc. ] ,400 ft. 1,000 ft. Juvenile, Disc. 1,200 ft. Hays, Disc. 1,000 ft. feet. Hays and Key, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. Kamiakin, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 600. 2,600 ft. Kate Kearny, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. H. Close, 1,000 ft. 3,000 ft. Helen Wilraot, 400 ft. Kelly, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Henry Clay, Disc. 2,800 ft. Kentucky, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 2,000 Herbert, Disc. 600 ft. feet. Herschel, Disc. 400 ft. Keystone, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Hidden Treasure, 1,800 ft. 2,800 ft. Highars, Disc. 1,000 ft. Keyston, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Highland, 400 ft. King Bee, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,200 Hog Eye, 200 ft. feet. Home Stake, Disc. 2,400 ft ; Ex. Kingsbury, Disc. 800 ft. 1,600 ft. Kirkpatrick, 200 ft. Home Stretch, 1,200 ft. Kittanning, Disc. 600 ft. Home Ticket, 9,200 ft. Kitty Clyde, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. Home Ticket. No. 2, Disc. 400 ft. 1,000 ft. Homeward, 2,000 ft. Knickerbocker, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. Homeward Bound, 400 ft. 1,800 ft. Honey Bee, Disc. 1,400 ft. Ladd and Eeed, Disc. 3,200 ft. Hulsiser, Disc. GOO ft. Lady Candis, Disc. 5,200 ft. Humbug, 600 ft. Lady Ellen, Disc. 1,200 ft. Idaho, 4,600 ft. Lafayette, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,000 Idea, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 100 ft. feet. Idle Wild, 3,200 ft. Last Chance, 4,200 ft. Illinois, 200 ft. Last Resort, 1,000 ft. Independence, Disc. 1,800 ft. Lawyer, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Independence, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Leonora, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. 1,400 ft. 1,200 ft. Iron Pirate, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Leviathan, 4,400 ft. 1,200 ft. Lewis and Clark, Disc. 600 ; Ex. Jackson, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,600 ft. Jacob Astor, 200 ft. Libertad, Disc. 600 ft. J. E. Barber, 1,400 ft. Lightning, 1,200 ft. 152 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Live Yankee, Disc. 800 ft. Newton, 1.200 ft. Live Yankee, Disc. 800 ft. New World, 1,400 ft. Lone Star, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Noondav, 1,000 ft. 600 ft. North Carolina, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Lucky Boy, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 400 ft. 1,200 ft. North Pole, 200 ft. Luna, 600 ft. North Star, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,400 Lyonsdale, 800 ft. feet. Macawber, Disc. 800 ft. Occidental, Disc. 800 ft. Maid of Monterey, 200 ft. Occidental, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mail Driver, Disc. 600 ft. Occidental, Disc. 1,800 ft. Magnum Bonum, Disc. 1,400 ft. Ocean Queen, 1,400 ft. Mahala, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,800 ft. Ocean Wave, Disc. 200 feet; Ex. Mammoth, Disc. 800 feet; Ex. 2,000 ft. 1,200 ft. Ohio, Disc. 2,000 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Manbatten, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Old Man, Disc. 1,200 ft. 1,200 ft. Old Shellback, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Marble Heart, Disc. 800 ft. 600 ft. Marian, Disc. 600 ft. Old Tom, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 1,200 Mary Blane, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. feet. 4,200 ft. Old Whig, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 800 Mary Morrison, Disc. 400 ft. feet. Masonic, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Olympia, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mediterranean, Disc. 1,000 ft. Onondaga, Disc. 1,000 ft. Metropolis, 600 ft. Ophir, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 1,400 Mimia, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,200 ft. feet. Millionaire, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 Orizaba, Disc. 800 ft. feet. Oriental, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Milwaukee, Disc. 2,000 ft; Ex. 1,600 ft. 400 ft. Oro Wano, Disc. 1,800 feet; Ex. Missouri, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. 2,000 ft. Monarch of Idaho, 2,400 ft. Osceola, 1,000 ft. Monitor, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 5,400 Oxford, Disc. 1,200 ft. feet. Owyhee Chief, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Monongahela, Disc. 1,200 ft. 800 ft. Montana, 200 ft. Pacific, Disc. 300 feet. Monticello, Disc. 1,200 ft. Pauline, 800 feet. Moonlight, Disc. 800 ft. Pelican, 1,000 feet. Morning Glory, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Phil. Sherman, Disc. 1,200 feet. 1,200 ft. Phoenix, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Morning Star, 1,000 ft. Pike, 200 feet. Multnomah, 1,200 ft. Pillow of Wealth, Disc. 1,000 ft. My Mary Ann, Disc. 400 ft. Pilot of Wealth, 1,200 feet. Napoleon, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Pittsburg, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 1,000 1,600 ft. feet. National, 2,000 ft. (Quicksilver Pocahontas, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. District). 200 feet. Native Silver, Disc. 1,200 ft. Polibasite, Disc. 600 feet. N. B. Clough, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Poorman, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 2,200 200 ft. feet. LIST DF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 153 Pride of Owyhee, Disc. 600 feet. Shamrog, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,600 Pride of the North, 1,400 feet. feet. Pride of the Pacific, Disc. 1,000 Shark, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. feet. Sheba, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 2,800 Putnam, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,600 feet, (Mammoth District). feet, (Q. D.). Sheba, Disc. 1,600 feet. Pyramid, Disc. 600 feet. Shooting Star, Disc. 1,000 feet. Race, Disc. 1,200 feet. Silver, Disc. 600 feet. Rain Bow, Disc. 1,200 feet. Silver Age, 1,400 feet. Ranger, Disc. 1,200 feet. Silver Bells, 1,000 feet. Real del Monte, Disc. 800 feet. Silver Block, 600 feet. Red Wliite and Blue, Disc. 400 ft ; Silver Brick, Disc. 600 feet. Ex. 400 feet. Silver Bullion, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Red White and Blue, Disc. 800 ft. 8,200 feet. Reppito, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 2,400 ft. Silver Bullion, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. Republic, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,600 800 feet. feet. Silver Chan, 600 feet. Richmond, 400 feet. Silver Chair, 1,200 ft. (Steel Dis- Rising Sun, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,800 trict). feet. Silver Chord, 1,200 feet. Rising Sun, Disc. 1,200 feet. Silver Giant, Disc. 800 feet. Rival, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Silver Legion, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. Rivers and McKay, Disc. 1,200 ft. 5,000 feet. Roberson, 1,000 ft. Silver Pluck, Disc. 600 feet. Robert Burns, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. S. Jose, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,600 ft. 2,000 feet. S. Jose, Disc. 3,600 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. Rolyan, Disc. 1,400 feet. S. Louis, Disc. 1,200 feet. Rosedale, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. 1,600 S. Nicholas, Disc. 1,800 feet. feet. Somerset, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 400 Rough and Ready, Disc. 1,000 ft ; feet, (Mammoth District). Ex. 600 feet. Sotoma, 3,000 feet. Roxbury, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 2,000 Spalding, Disc. 1,400 feet. feet. Spanish, Disc, 1,000 feet. Ruby, Disc. 1,600 feet. Spartan Mother, Disc. 1,000 feet. Ruby, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Standart and Huffman, 1,000 ft. Salamanca, 400 feet, (Mammoth Stanwart, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 400 District). feet. Salamanda, Disc. 1,200 ft. (Mam- Star of the West, Disc. 1,400 feet, moth District). (Mammoth District). Sacramento, Disc. 400 feet. Starr King, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 1,200 San Francisco, Disc. 2,000 feet. feet. Sarah Phiney, Disc. 1,000 feet. Sultan, Disc. 1,200 feet. Scandia, 1,000 feet. Sultana, 1,200 feet. Scotch Bob, Disc. 1000 ft; Ex. Sunday, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 6,000 ft. 3,000 feet. Sunset, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Senator, 1,600 feet. Superior, 1,200 feet. Setting Sun, Disc. 1,000 feet. Susquehana, Disc. 1,000 feet. Seven Stars, Disc. 1,000 feet. Sweden, 1,200 feet. Shakespeare, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. Tacous, Disc. 1,2.00 feet. 600 feet. Talcous, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex, 1,400 ft. 154 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Tashta, Disc. 1,200 feet. Vulcan, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. Teacher, Disc. 1,500 feet. Walla Walla, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. Tennessee, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 600 1,000 feet. feet, (Quicksilver District). Washoe, Disc. 1,200 feet. Terraagent, Disc. 400 feet. Wayside, Disc. 1,400 feet. Thunderbolt, Disc. 600 feet. West Fork of the Morning Star. Tonce, 1,400 feet. Westphalia, Disc. 600 feet. Treasure, 800 feet. Wide West, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Trojan, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 1,200 ft. 1,000 feet. Trook and Jennings, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Will 0' the Wisp, Disc. 800 ft. Ex. 4,000 feet. William Penn, Disc. 1,600 ft. Uncle Sam, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 600 William Tell, Disc. 1,400 ft. feet. Whiskey, 1,000 feet. Union, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 3,400 ft. Whiskey Gulch, Disc. 200 ft ; Ex. Union, No. 2, 1,000 feet. 7,000 feet. Union, Disc. 1,800 ft. (Mammoth White, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. District). White Cloud, Disc. 600 feet. Union, 1,800 ft. (Quicksilver Dis- Winslow, Disc. 1,400 feet. trict). Wisconsin, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 400 United States, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. feet, (Mammoth District). 600 feet. Wisconsin, Disc. 1,200 ft. (Mam- Valley, Disc. 1,000 feet. moth District). Vancouver, Disc. 1,400 feet. Wonderful, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. Vass, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,000 ft. 2,200 feet. Venus, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,600 ft. Yankee Notion, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Victoria, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 600 ft. 1,000 feet. Virginia, Disc. 800 ft; Ex. 1,600 Yreka, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 4,800 ft. feet. Zanzuman, Disc. 1,000 feet. FLINT DISTRICT. Alba, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Coast Range, Disc. 1,200 ft. Altoona, 2,000 ft. Cross Grain, 600 ft. Arab, 2,000 ft. De Witt Clinton, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Arkansas, 1,000 ft. Ex. 400 ft. Bamboo, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 Eagle Bird, Disc. 400 feet; Ex. feet. 400 ft. Black Warrior, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. Eclipse, 5,000 ft. 1,000 ft. Empire, 2,400 ft. Boyd and Keller, Disc. 1,000 ft. Empire, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 2,000 Buckeye, Disc. 1,600 ft. feet. Burning Moscow, Disc. 800 ft. Empire City, Disc. 1,000 ft. Catlin, 800 ft. Enterprise, Disc. 900 ft. Chieftain, Disc. 500 ft ; Ex. 2,700 Evening Star, Disc. 400 ft Ex. feet. 1,000 ft. Chrysopolis, 1,800 ft. Excelsior, Disc. 1,600 ft. Clearey, Disc. 1,800 ft. Faddledeen, Disc. 1,200 ft. Cleary, Disc. 4,200 ft ; Ex. 1,800 Forty-Niner, Disc. 1,400 feet. feet. Frankfort, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. Clipper, 800 ft. 200 ft. - w LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 155 Gem, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 3,000 ft. Gen. U. S. Grant, 3,400 ft. Geo. Washington, 400 ft. Great Mogul, 600 ft. Haight, 5,200 ft. Harriet Newell, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 1,200 ft. Hawk Eye, Disc. 800 ft. Helen Wilmot, 400 ft. Henry Clay, 1,800 ft. Highars, Disc. 1,000 ft. Jacob Astor, Disc. 200 ft. Jackson, 400 ft. John Jacob Astor, Disc. 2,600 ft. Juniette, Disc. 1,400 ft. Keystone, Disc. 1,800 ft. Kitty Clyde, 200 ft. Leviathan, 5,200 ft. Lightning, 600 ft. Metropolis, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 200 feet, (Steel District). Metropolis, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 1,600 ft. Mohawk, Disc. 1,000 ft. Montana, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 400 feet. Morning Star, 2,450 feet. Monitor, 2,000 ft. Monitor, Disc. 1,200 ft. Mountain View, 1,000 ft. My Mary Ann, Disc. 1,200 ft. New York, Disc. 1,200 ft. North American, Disc. 500 ft ; Ex. 7,900 ft. Northern Chief, Disc. 1,600 ft. North Pole, Disc. 1,400 ft. North Union, 1,000 ft. Occidental, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 400 ft. Oregon, 6,600 ft. Oxford, Disc. 1.000 ft; Ex. 5,600 feet. Owyhee, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 1,600 feet. Peace Democrat, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Phcenix, 2,200 ft. Pierce and Cadwell, Disc. 3,200 ft. Pioneer, Disc. 1,600 ft. Pioneer, Disc. 1,000 ft. Placerville, Disc. 1,000 ft. Polar Star, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 3,700 ft. Pompeii, 2,600 ft. Pride of Idaho, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Prima Donna, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Rising Star, 9,600 ft. Rochester, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Rough and Ready, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Santa Clara, Disc. 1,600 ft. Scandinavian, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 1,200 ft. Setting Sun, Disc. 1,200 ft. Seven Stars, 1,800 ft. Shamrock, Disc. 1,200 ft. Silver Courier, Disc. 1,200 ft. Siskiyou, Disc. 500 ft; Ex. 8,500 feet. Spray, Disc. 500 ft ; Ex. 3,600 ft. Surprise, Disc. 1,200 ft. Twilight, 400 ft. "Washington, 1,200 ft. Washoe G. & S. M. Co., Disc. 1,200 ft. Web-foot. Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 800 ft. Whig, 1,200 ft. White Squall, Disc. 1,000 ft. Yankee Blade, Disc. 1,000 ft. U. S. Grant, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. 2,200 ft. Vicksburg, Disc. 1,000 ft. Virginia City, G. & S. M. Co., Disc. 1.200 ft. FRENCH DISTRICT. Albion, Disc. 1,400 ft. Altoona, Disc. 1,400 ft. Alethei •, Disc 1,600 ft ; Ex. 1,800 Anna, 600 ft. feet. 1 Arkansas, Disc '.400 ft; Ex. 1,000. 156 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AXD BUSINESS GUIDE. Ai-rigoni, Disc. 1,000 ft. Baltic, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,800 feet. Beda Aurora, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,400 ft. Blazing Star, 4,600 ft. Blue Wing, 1,600 ft. Bonaparte, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Buena Vista, Disc. 800 ft. Bunker Hill, GOO ft. Burnham, Disc. 1,400 ft. Burning Moscow, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Central, 1,600 ft. Chihuahua, 600 ft. Cermont, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. 1,000 ft. Colorado, Disc. 800 ft. Columbia, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. 400 feet. Crystal Palace, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Diadem, Disc. 600 ft. Donovan and Thomas, 600 ft. Evening Star, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 7,000 ft. French, Disc. 1,400 ft. Gem, 1,000 ft. General Hancock, Disc. 1,400 ft. General Sherman, Disc. 400 ft. Glenbrook, 200 ft. Gold and Silver Bullion, Disc. 1,000 ft; Ex. 1,200 ft. Golden Chariot, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. 5,200 ft. Governor Gibbs, Disc. 1,600 ft. Green Yankee, Disc. 1,800 feet ; Ex. 2,400 ft. Hawkey e, 1,200 ft. Idaho, 200 ft. Jeff. Davis, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 800 ft. Jenny Lind, Disc. 800 ft. Josephine, 200 ft. Kate Kearny, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 3,000 ft. Lamplighter, Disc. 1,000 ft. Laura Jane, Disc. 1,000 ft. Long Island, 400 ft. Lucky Boy, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 1,200 ft. Menytanete, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 800 ft. Merrimac, Disc. 1,000 ft. Metallic, Disc, 800 ft. Miller, Disc. 1,200 ft. Minnehaha, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 600 feet. Minerva, Disc. 1,000 ft. Minnesota, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 4,600 ft. Montezuma, Disc. 1,000 ft. Mountain Brow, Disc. 1,400 ft. Mountain Chief, Disc. 1,200 feet ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Navigation, Disc. 1,000 ft. Nelly Gray, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 400 ft. New York, 4,400 ft. Nevada, 1,800 ft. Niagara, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 2,200 feet. Nondescript, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 4,000 ft. None Such, Disc. 2,200 feet ; Ex. 7,600 ft. Ocean Wave, Disc. 600 ft. Olive Branch, 200 ft. Ophir of Idaho, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. 1,000 ft. Oro Fino, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 12,900 ft. Palmetto, Disc. 200 ft ; Ex. 600 feet. Paradise, 2,000 ft. Pelican, Disc. 1,200 ft. Phoenix, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,000 feet. Pike, Disc. 800 ft. Potosi, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. 1,200 feet. Prince Albert, 1,000 ft. Prussian, Disc. 1,600 ft ; Ex. 200 feet. Quartz Chief, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 3,800 ft. Quartz District, 600 ft. Queen of the West, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 600 ft. LIST OF LEDGES IN IDAHO TERRITORY. 157 Red Jacket, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Ex. Silver Star, Disc. 1,000 feet ; Ex. 7,800 ft. 1,800 ft. Reppito, Disc. 400 ft; Ex. 1,200 S. Johns, Disc. 1,400 ft. feet. S. Joseph, Disc. 1,000 ft. Revenue, Disc. 1,400 ft. Sockdoliger, 200 ft. Right Bower, Disc. GOO ft ; Ex. Standard, 1,400 ft. 1,400 ft. Stonewall Jackson, Disc. 400 ft ; Rip Van Winkle, Disc. 1,400 feet ; Ex. 5,600 ft. Ex. 600 ft. Superior, Disc. 1,000 feet; Ex. Richmond, 800 ft. 1,000 ft. Rosthchilds, 2,200 ft. Uncle Ben, Disc. 400 feet; Ex. Savage, 200 ft. 1,000 ft. Scottish, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Vanderbilt, 1,000 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. Shell Back, 1,000 ft. Virgin, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 800 ft. Silver Chariot, Disc. 1,000 ft. War Eagle, Disc. 1,400 feet ; p:x. Silver Chief, Disc. l.GOO ft. 15,080 ft. Silver Circle, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Ex. What Is It, Disc. 1,000 ft. 1,600 ft. Yellow Jacket, Disc. 2,200 ft ; Ex. Silver Prince, Disc. 1,200 ft. 200 ft. MAMMOTH DISTRICT. Accident, 3,400 ft. Censtellation, Disc. 1,000 ft. Amazon, Disc. 1,200 ft. Dee, 400 ft. Andy Johnson, Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. Deer Lode, Disc. 1,200 ft. 1,000 ft. Emmet, Disc. 1,200 ft. Bamboo, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Gen. Sheridan, Disc. 4,200 ft. Banner, Disc. 1,600 ft. Geo. Curry, Disc. 1,200 ft. Big Deer, 1,800 ft. Great Howan, 800 ft. Bluster, Disc. 1,200 ; Ex. 400 ft. Governor Lyon, 400 ft. Caleb Lyon of Lyonsdale, Disc. Lincoln, Quicksilver, Disc. 1,400 1,200 ft. feet; Ex. 1,400 ft. Columbia, 1,600 ft. Mammoth, Disc. 1,600 feet; Ex. Columbia, Disc. 1,200 ft. 400 ft. ADDENDA. ADDITIONAL LEDGES IN ALTUTIAS COUNTY. RED WARRIOR DISTRICT. Brightsides, 1,800 ft. Knickerbocker, Disc. 1,090 ft ; Ex. Charter Oak. 2,000 ft. Chiquita, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. 4,200 Mountain Pride, Disc. 2,000 ft. feet. Nelson, Disc. 2,000 ft. Cuba, Disc. 1,400 feet; Ex. 1,000 Pino Alta, 600 ft. feet. Richmond, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Hard Up, 1,400 ft. 3,200 ft. 158 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Electrical, 1,000 ft. Webster, Disc. 1,200 ft; Ex. 3,200. Empire, Disc. 1,000 ft. Wide West, Ex. 1,000 ft. VOLCANO DISTRICT. American, 800 ft ; Ex. 400 ft. John Huntoon, Disc. 1,600 feet ; Atlanta, 1,200 ft; Ex. 800 ft. Ex. 2,200 ft. Banner, 1,000 ft. Mars, 400 ft. Bannock Chief, Disc. 1,600 feet; Matilda, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 3,000. Ex. 200 ft. Nonpareil, 200 ft. Bay State, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. 7,800 Pipe-Maker, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. feet. 1,000 ft. Bowena, 1,400 ft. Pioneer, 5,600 ft. Buena Ventura, 1,200 ft. 0. K., Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 2,200 ft. Bullion, 1,600 ft. Sexton, 600 ft. Diana, 400 ft. Solinger Beade, Disc. 1,000 feet; Engels, Disc. 400 ft. Ex. 1,000 ft. Ezekiel Miller, 1,800 ft. Teutonia, 600 ft. Huutoon, 200 ft. Zieglemuller, Disc. 400 feet ; Ex. 2,000 ft. YUBA DISTRICT. Aladdin, 1,000 ft. Jessie Benton, Disc. 800 ft ; Ex. Alia, 2,400 feet. 3,000 ft. Atlanta, 19,600 ft. John A. Forsyth. 5,600 ft. Bella Yuba, 400 ft. Leonora, 5,000 ft. Big Indian, Disc. 1,200 ft. Lucy Phillips, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. Blue Nose, Disc. 1,200 feet. 9,000 ft. Bonaparte, 1,000 ft. Magnet, 3,400 ft. Chimborazo, Disc. 1,200 feet; Ex. Matilda, 200 ft. 1,200 ft. Minerva, Disc. 1,200 ft. Clarinda, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. 7,200 Minerva, 2,600 ft. feet. Missouri, Disc. 600 ft. Coffer, Disc. 2,200 ft. North Star, Disc. 1,600 ft; Ex. Eclipse, 3,600 ft. 2,200 ft. Ed. Walls, Disc. 600 ft; Ex. 2,000 Olive Branch, Disc. 600 ft ; Ex. feet. 3,400 ft. Flying Dutchman, Disc. 1,000 ft ; Pacific, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. 2,000 Ex. 3,600 ft. feet. Glencoe Chief, Disc. 1,400 ft ; Ex. Potosi, Disc. 1,800 ft ; Ex. 200 ft. 7,800 ft. Ross Brown, Disc. 800 ft. Gray Eagle, 3,200 ft. Silver Tide, Disc. 800 feet ; Ex. Gerraania, Disc. 400 ft ; Ex. 1,400 4,000 ft. G. Mundi, Disc. 1,200 ft. Tehama, Disc. 1,800 ft; Ex. 600 Godfrey's Cordial, Disc. 800 ft. feet. Harriet Lane, Disc. 1,400 ft; Ex. Tom Thumb, 2,000 ft. 1,600 ft. Twin Sister, 1,800 ft. Harversinger, Disc. 1,800 ft. Willamette, Disc. 2,400 ft; Ex. Independence, 1,800 ft. 2,200. TOWNS IN MONTANA TERRITORY. 159 BONAPARTE DISTRICT. Bella Yuba, 2,200 ft. Blue Ledtre, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 1,800 ft. Bonaparte, Disc. 600 feet ; Ex. 2,090 ft. BurninjT Moscow, 600 ft. French'; Disc. 1,200 ft ; Ex. 2,000 feet. Lemhi, Disc. 1,000 ft. Iris, Disc. 2,400 ft. TOWNS IN MONTANA TERRITORY. Bannock City is located on Grasshopper Creek, a tributarj' of the Beaver Head River. There are several quartz ledges near Bannock City. Population, 500. Blackfoot City is on Little Blackfoot Creek, on the west side of the Rocky Mountains, and about twenty-five miles nearly west of Helena. The divide between Blackfoot City and Helena is about fif- teen miles from the latter town. Population, about 1,500. Diamond City is about thirty miles south-east of Helena, and twelve miles east of the Missouri River. Population, about 1,000. Gallatin is at the junction of Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers ; it is in an agricultural region. Helena is the principal town in northern Montana, and is situated about six miles west from Little Prickly Pear Creek, on the east side' of the Rocky Mountains. It is twenty-five miles, by trail, to Blackfoot City, and forty miles by a wagon road. It is eighteen miles east of the Missouri River. Population, 4,000. Montana. — The town of Montana is on Rattlesnake Creek, a trib- utary of Beaver Head River ; it is in Rattlesnake District, and is principally sustained by the silver mines in its vicinity. Virginia City is located on the north side of Alder Creek, which empties into Stinking Water. The gulch is mined about twelve miles above Virginia City. There are some quartz ledges in the gulch which are said to be good. Population, including Nevada City, about 5,000. COUNTIES AND POSTMASTERS IN CALIFORNIA. County. County Seat. Postmaster. Alameda San Leandro Hiram Kceney. Alpine Mavkleeville Amador Jackson G. Freeman Butte Orovillc J. D. Downer ... Calaveras Mokelumne H. M. Couch .... Colusa Colusa J. H. Liening. ... Contra Costa Martinez 0. F. James Del Norte Crescent City H. Johnson EI Dorado Placerville John F. Pinkham Fresno Millertou Humboldt Eureka W. Y. Young . . . Klamath Orleans Bar J. A. Pearch Lake Lakeport W. S. Cook Lassen . . Susanville Isaac Roop Los Angeles Los Angeles Wm. G. Still. . . . Ikfarin San Rafael T. Mahon Mariposa Mariposa B. F. Bachraan . . Mendocino Ukiah T. C. Philbrick . . Merced Snelling J. A. Hall Monterey Monterey S. Conover Napa Napa City N. Laurence .... Nevada Nevada City F. G. Guild Placer Auburn A.N. Gambell . . Plumas Quincy John Moore Sacramento Sacramento City Geo. Rowland. . . San Bernardino San Bernardino T. Dicky San Diego San Diego J. W. Hollister . . San Francisco San Francisco R. F. Perkins. . . . San Joaquin Stockton C. 0. Burton .... San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo A. Murry San Mateo Redwood City D. W. Aldrich . . . Santa Barbara Santa Barbara C. J. Dennis Santa Clara San Jose S. M. Cutler Santa Cruz Santa Cruz S. Felker Shasta Shasta Sierra Downieville A. J. McKensie. . Siskiyou Yreka Curt H. Pyle Solano Suisun City W. Losh Sonoma Santa Rosa B. C. Westfall . . . Stanislaus Knight's Ferry Wm. A. Fisher . . Sutter Yuba City R. Dinsmore Tehama Red Bluff J. R. Bradway. . . Trinity Weaverville L. Wellendorif. . . Tulare Visalia CM. Vallee Tuolumne Sonora A. W. Faxon Yolo Woodland F. S. Freeman . . Yuba Marysville T. J. McCormick TABLE OF DISTANCES. From Portland to Dalles City. Miles. Vancouver (by steamer) 18 Lower Cascades 63 Upper Cascades (by railroad) 69 Dalles City (by steamer) 114 From Dalles City to Lewiston. Celilo (by railroad) 15 Columbus (by steamer) 21 Umatilla City 97 Wallula 121 Mouth of Snake River 132 Palouse Crossing: 195 Fort Taylor, at Tu Cannon 200 Lewiston 281 From Dalles City to Umatilla. Celilo (by railroad) 95 Umatilla City Ill From Umatilla to Idaho City. Meacham's, or Lee's Encamp- ment 64 La Grande 85 Union 101 Old's Ferry, or Snake River 191 Payette River 227 Placerville 287 Centerville 292 Idaho City 300 From White Bluff to Helena. Pen d'Oreille Lake (by steamer) . . 160 Cabinet! 220 Horse Plains (by road) 285 Indian Atjeney 810 Hell Gate . . .' 350 Blackfoot City 440 Helena 480 From Umatilla City to Independence. Franklin House 12 Alkali Hollow 24 Forks of Birch Creek 34 Day's Flat on Granite Creek 98 Independence 104 From Independence to Canyon City (by trail). Little Salmon 20 Vincent's Gulch 38 Canyon City 60 From Independence to Auburn. Miles. Head of Powder River 20 Bear Gulch 25 Auburn 40 From Walla WaUa to Idaho City. Walla Walla River 13 Union 80 Idaho City 280 From Idaho City to Boise City, Warm Springs 2 Boise City 34 From Umatilla City to Boise City. Payette Junction , 249 Boise City 279 From Walla WaUa to Boise City, (As measured with an odometer) . . 265 From Idaho City to Kooky Bar (by Trail). Rocky Bar 48 Prom Boise City to Ruby and Silver Cities. Seventeen Mile Station 17 Slough 32 Snake River 33 Carson's Ranch 48 Boonville 62 Ruby City 64 Silver City- 65 From Boise City to Volcano. Boise River 7 Syrup Creek 41 Little Camas Prairie 57 Volcano 63 From Boise City to Bocky Bar. Little Camas Prairie 57 Rocky Bar 95 From Boise City to Red Bluff, via Boonville and Susan ville, in Hon- ey Lake. Boonville 62 PuEBLA Mountain 177 Surprise Valley 238 SusANViLLE, in Honey Lake 277 Red Bluff 376 Chico 372 1G2 A GENERAL DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Boise City to Star City, via Boonville. Miles. Seventeen Mile Station 17 Slough 32 Snake River 33 Cai'son's Ranch 48 Boonville 62 East Fork of Queen's River 171 Paradise Valley 231 Star City . . /. 269 From Walla "Walla to Fisherville, Kootenai Country, British Coliun- bia. Palouse, on Snake River 46 Rock Creek 131 Antoine Plant Ferry, or Crossing of Spokane River 166 Pen d'Oreille Lake 210 Head of Pen d'Oreille Lake 240 Kootenai Ferry 285 BouxDARY' Line 329 Central Ferry 410 Fisherville 417 From Walla Walla to Rock Creek. By trail, via New Ferry 121 Tu Cannon to Rock Creek 72 From John Day's to Powder River and La Grande. Forks of Willow Creek 29 Forks of Butter Creek 45 Birch Creek 72 Grande Ronde River, or Forks of Road 12L Powder River 161 Grande Ronde River (road to left) to La Grande 161 Prom Dalles City to Canyon City, via Nixon's Bridge. Nixon's Bridyc 16 Alkali Flat 118 Camp Watson (military post) 139 Rock Creek 146 Canyon City 200 From Dalles City to Canyon City, via Gillam's. Cross Hollows, or forks of road. . . 58 Canyon City 190 From Walla Walla to Lewiston. Tusha Crossing 20 Tu Cannon 42 Patalia 54 Alpowa 66 Lewiston 83 From Lewiston to Elk City, Florence, and Idaho City. Lewiston to Elk City 142 Lewiston to Florence 120 Lewiston to Idaho City 190 Miles. From. White Bluff to Colville 150 From Wnllulu via Union to Idaho City, about 300 From Dalles City to Franklin House on the Idaho and Umatilla Road 102 From Sacramento to Virginia City. Salt Lake 723 Fort Hall 923 Virginia City (Montana Ter.)..1123 From Virginia City to Helena. Jefferson River 30 Boulder Creek 43 Jefferson City 102 Helena . . .'. 127 From Truckee Meadows to Virginia City. City of Rocks 400 Fort Hall 500 Bannock City 700 Virginia City (Montana Ten). . 700 From San Francisco to New York City (Overland Route). Sacramento (by steamer) 121 Great Salt Lake 723 St. Louis, Missouri 2258 New York City 3366 From Sacramento to Red Bluff. Bidwell's 205 Red Bluff 270 From San Francisco to San Diego. San Jose' 51 Monterey 130 Santa Barbara 344 Los Angeles 444 San Diego 576 From San Francisco to Visalia. Stockton 117 Copperopolis 1 53 Mokelumue Hill 178 Big Trees 198 Sonora 191 Yosemite Vallev 247 Visalia .' 308 From Sacramento to Portland, Ore. Auburn 36 Dutch Flat 63 Nevada City 65 Salem, Oregon 710 Portland, Oregon 760 I'rom Red Bluff to Ruby City. Susanville 99 RcBY City 445 From Chico to Ruby City. Susanville 95 Ruby City 441 EXCELSIOR PRINTING OFFICE. ^ISB & B^Q WmVmVmmm 536 Clay Street, opposite LeidesdorfT, S M T W T F S 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 k; 1 ■:i-2 :.':i 28 29,30 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 12 13 19 20 26 3 9 10 16 17 23i24 30 15 7 14 21 22 28 29 4 5 11 12 18119 25126 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18119 !4 25 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 29 ummmwmm Executed at Reduced Prices. 2 3 9 10 IG 17 23 24 30 31 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 24 25 3 9 10 16 17 23 1 24 30 31 6 7 13 14 20 21 27,28 6 7 13:14 20 21 27 28 7 14 21 22 28i29 5 6 1213 19j20 26 27 2 3 9'l0 16 17 22 23:24 29 30'.. 15 21 22 28,29 Our Office contains the Largest Assortment of Book and Fancy Type on this Coast, and our facilities for doing work promptly are nneqnalledi GOOD WORK, PROMPT DELIVERY, AND LOW PRICES GUARANTEED. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT, POWER PLEDGED EQUAL TO THE t Oversliot f leel in Existoiice ! CO LLJ CO SO m C9 L E F F E L' S Is now manufactured by the Oregon Iron Works in tlie City of rorthuid, and orders for the same can be filled immediately. We have a small supply of the different sizes, from 10 inches to 48 inches in diameter. That we may know the proper sized wheel you re(iuire, measure your water in the following way : Take the width of the stream, the average depth, and the distance it flows in a minute. All the wheels now in use give universal satisfaction. Both the construction of the wheel and its performance commend it to the better judgment of all minds capable of apprecia- ting tlie highest development of mechanical construction. Therefore, it has conquered the most violent opposition. This wheel is especially adapted to mining purposes. It is light, and can be easily packed into the mountains. Wheels weighing from 100 to 300 pounds will yield from 10 to 40 horse power, under a head of 25 or 30 feet. They are the cheapest wheels to set up known, as they are so arranged as to produce the greatest power possible from the water used. These wheels are adapted to any quantity of water and any fall — from 24 to 5,000 inches miners' measurement, or from 4 feet to 500 feet fall. All wc want to know is, what is the quantity of water you have either in miners' inches or cubic feet per minute, and the height of fall and horse power you require. The prices of these wheels have now been reduced to the ability of all. Come and see them or send for circular to LEFFEL & MYERS, Oregon Iron Works, POETLAND, OEEGON. SACRAMENTO ADVEETISEMENTS. 165 WILLIAMS, HEILBRON & GO'S TJisrio:N" IS AND MACHINE SHOP FEONT STREET, bet, N and 0, SAOEAMEITTO. Steam En^gines and. Boilers built to order. Castings and Machinery of every description. CONSTRUCTED, FITTED UP, OR REPAIRED. ALL KIMBS OF BO :ng castings Saw, Grist, Malt and Bark Mills, Horse Powers and Car Wheels, And everything connected with the Foundry Business. We are prepared to fill all orders promptly and at as Low Rates as at any other Establishment here, or in San Francisco. WILLIAMS, LTUILBMOJSr & CO. CHAS. McCEEART. BYRON McCREARF. HENRY McCREARY McCEEARY BEOS. i>i::a.3l.e;iis itst GraiSc IFIoiirc Cora $ $ BARLEY, BRAN, ETC. PHCENIX MILLS, cor. J and THIRTEENTH STREETS, *sic^5:s^@i5:£:£i<:^isiil(2>o "^la^^m.^^ "^Is^^^^ i%^'^l'^» 166 ADVERTISEMENTS. SAN JOSE FOUNDRY COMPANY Corner First and San Antonio Streets, Steam ED£ine ani lacMne Makers, IROIV A-T»rr> BRA.©© CASTIIVGS, TURNING AND GENERAL WORK, ORNAMENTAL FOUNTAINS AND PATENT WINDMILLS, Wagons, Cast and Steel Plows, and General Agricultural Implements. J. BONNER. D. McKENZIE. C. IKI. PUTNEIY, mt^MMM, Office in the Empire Stables^ FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CAL. JlUli IMlMll, f DEALER IN h China and GS-lassiTirare^ ^oofeittg (^\um, latwjj (^t^t^h^ (Sutlerg, ®tt OII.S OF .A.LIL K:i3srr)s. Eiadio's Stone Biailding, WASHINGTON STREET, D&LLES, OREGON. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. UNION IRON WORKS. HENRY J. BOOTH. GEO. W. PRESCOTT. IRVING M. SCOTT. H. J. BOOTH & GO. MANDFACTDRERS OF LOCOMOTIVES, MARINE AND STATIONERY ENGINES, FLUE, TUBULAR, CORNISH, AND MARINE BOILERS, PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY, ALL -KINDS OF STAMPS AND MORTAKS, AMALGAMATING PANS AND SEP- ARATOBS, OF THE MOST IMPROVED PATTERNS. uA.lIj BziisriDS OF sai^EE3srs, Sole Manufacturers of Blake's ftuartz Crushers. PATTERNS and PATTERN MAKING OF ALL KINDS CARRIED ON. OIL MACHINERY OF MOST IMPROVED KINDS. PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS for Mills and all kinds of Machinery, furnished Manuliacturers and Agents for HOOKER'S CELEBRATED EXCELSIOR PUMPS. H. J. BOOTH & CO., Northeast Comer First and Mission Sts., San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNUA!. REPORT OF THE Pacific lisiraici! Ceil (111. In compliance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled " An Act concerning Corporations," passed April 22d, 1850, the Pacific Insurance Company of San Francisco makes the following Annual Report : L — Tbe amount of the Capital Stock of this Company is Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, and paid in GOLD, »750,000 II.— The amouotof the Assets is One Million and Fifty-one Thousand, Four Hundred an/d Twenty Dollars and Thirty-seven Cents, $1,051,420 37 III. — Tlie Company has no Debts. IV.— The amount of Insurance effected during the year, and which remained in force December 31st, 1865: Fire $12,973,949 Marine 484,408 This Company commenced underwriting Marine Risks, August 1st, 1865. v.— This Company insures against the following risks, viz. : Buildings, Household Furniture, Merchandise, Rents, Ijeaseholds, Vessels in Port and their Car- goes, and other Personal Property, AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Also, on Cargoes, Treasure, Ck>inmi8Bions, Profits, and "War Bisks, and on all Marine and Inland Navigation Bisks, to and &om all Ports in the World. VI.— This Company will take on any First Class Bisk not to exceed $75,000, (the limit fixed by law); and on all large risks will reinsure, to an extent consistent with Pru- dence, in other responsible Companies. J. HUNT, President. A. J. RALSTON, Secretary. San Francisco, Jan. 19th, 1866. WILLIAM ALVORD, ALEX, WEILL, ABM. SELIGMAN, ANSON G. STILES, JOHN G. BRAY, A. HAY WARD, D. W. C. RICE, C- MEYER, D, J. OLIVER, ALPHEUS BULL, W. C. RALSTON, JOHN WIGHTMAN, L, SACHS, FREDERICK BILLLNGS, S. M, WILSON, MORTOJS CHEESMAN, WILLIAM HOOPER, JOHN B. NEWTON, EDWARD MARTIN, D. O. MILLS, H. HAUSSMANN, L. B. BENCHLEY, MOSES HELLER, WILLIAM SCHOLLE, LOUIS McLANE, OLIVER ELDRIDGE, A. B. FORBES, J. G. KELLOGG, G, W. BELL, CHAS. MAYiSE, LLOYD TEVIS, T. L. BARKER. JAMES Dk FREMERY, WILLIAM SHERMAN, JOHN O. EARL, ALFRED BOREL, G. T. LAWTON, E. L. GOLDSTEIN, MOSES ELLIS, F. L. WEAVER, DAVID STERN. State of California, City and County of San Francisco, ss. On this nineteenth day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. personally appeared before me, H. S. Homans, a Notary Public in and for the said City and County, and therein residing, duly commissioned and sworn, A. J. Ralston, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say, that he is the Secretary of the Pacific Insurance Company, and that the statements contained in the foregoing Report of the Pacific Insurance Compa- ny are true, full and correct. A. J. RALSTON. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 19th day of January, A. D. 1866. H. S. HOMANS, Notary Public. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. SATHER & CO. CORNER OF Commercial and Montgomery Sts. \M.B FHAIfGISCQ, EXCHANGE, IN SUMS TO SUIT, OUST THE L mi«Ml!C flilEIEM m NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. PALMER, KNOX & CO. 1 State Ira Mi Nos. 19, 21, 23 and 25 FIRST STREET, MANUFACTORERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY HANSCOM'S CRUSHERS, Made in styles suitable for breaking Quartz or Ores for Working or Sampling, — five sizes. GRINDERS AND AMALGAMATORS OF ALL KINDS. ID XT 3>T B -A. E. ' S Patent Self-Adjosting Requires no Springs or Screws. Is always steam-tight. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF KNOX'S AMALGAMATOES, With PALMER'S PATENT STEAM CHEST, superior for working either Gold or Silver Ores. Tyler's Improved Water Wheel, Giving the greatest power, at lower cost, than any Wheel in use. There are over 800 running, giving universal satisfaction. GENUINE WHITE IRON STAMP SHOES AND DIES, Made from Iron imported by us for this particular purpose. Having been engaged for the past eight years in Quartz Mining, and being conversant with all the improvements, either in Mining or Milling, we are pre- pared to furnish, at the shortest notice, the most perfect Machinery for reducing Ores, or saving either Gold or Silver. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. THE HANSBROW PATENT PUMPS NOW AOKNOWLEDaED THE BEST IN USE. (six inch mining pump.) • Fifteen DifTerent Kinds AND SIZES. .A.ID.A.I»TEX) JPGTl MANUFACTORY, Ship,. Railway, and Mining PURPOSES. FITTED FOR HAND, WIND, WATER and STEAM POWER. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. LOCKS 6L MOnTAGUE^ -A. a- E ]sr T s , 112 and 114 Battery Street, San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. HINCKLEY & CO. Ki 45, 47 and 49 First St,, SAN FRANCISCO, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF QUARTZ MACHINERY, AN D STEAM ENGINES AND SAWMILLS. MOORE'S GRINDER & AMALGAMATOR, Capable of working twelre tons of rock per day. BRITTON & CO. mmwmm ENGRAVERS, A.]vr> ^''IBZ* m 533 Commercial St., San Francisco. Certificates of Stock, Views, Maps, Bonds, Checks, Diplomas AND ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING AND DRAWING, DONE IN THE BEST STYLE. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. MAIN & WINCHESTER, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES, SADDLE-WARE, LEATHER, ETC. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS AND COLLARS, Nos. 214 and 216 Battery St., SAN FRANCISCO. CORNER OF MISSION AND FREMONT STREETS, ii^awi, ii(Di®i(Dfii¥iE, MID ^ii tmm m HIGH PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS All Boilers guaranteed and tested by TJ. Si Boiler Inspector before sent out of the Shop, at Shop Expense. All kinds of Sheet Iron and Water Pipe, Coal Oil Stills, Wrought Iron Worms, etc., Manufactured to Order. OLr> BOILERS riEPJLIIlEO. c ^ft. 3s The relative grinding capacities of " The Excelsior " Grinder and Amalgama- tor, of the Flat Bottomed Pan, and of the Conical Pan when properly constructed, are respectively 177, 98, and 110. That is, the respective muUers being of the same diameter, same weight, same hardness, and running at the same velocity, " The Excelsior Grinder and Amal- gamator " will reduce one hundred and seventy-seven tons of ore, the Flat Bot- tomed Pan ninety-eight tons, and the Conical Pan one hundred and ten tons, to the same degree of fineness in the same time. The wear to the Shoes and Dies at their grinding surfaces, in " The Excelsior Grinder and Amalgamator," is perfectly uniform, thus securing evenness of reduc- tion to the pulp, as well as steadiness of motion to the muller. Uniform wear of the grinding plates has been attained in no other than that of the tractory form — nor can it be. Another property of excellence in this machine is, that the metal or substance to be amalgamated passes direct from the grinding surfaces into the quicksilver; thus excluding the possibility of its becoming coated with any foreign substances after having been burnished. It is truthfully said, that "the tractory-formed pan as a grinder has no equal, and as an amalgamator no superior." As a whole, it is far superior to any other pan in use. MANUFACTURED AT THE UNION IRON WORKS, and GOLDEN STATE IRON WORKS. WHEELER & RANDALL, Inventors. The undersigned, having had several years of experience in practical quartz mining operations, will ever take great pleasure in furnishing parties interested in mining and machinery any desired information which they may possess. WHEELER & RANDALL. San Francisco, February, 1866. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 VAMVii MANTIFACTVMED AT GOLDEN STATE IRON WORKS.. San Francisco. MINERS' FOUNDRY " UNION IRON WORKS " SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDRY " PRESCOTT & SCHEIDEL MarysviUe. OREGON IRON WORKS Portland, Oregon. WHEELER & RANDALL, Inventors. San Francisco, June 13th, 1865. 14 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. lOJNTESESaR. "XTVOI^ISLS KITTREDGE & LEAVITT, Mannfactorers of Fire Proof Doors and S&ntters BANK VAULTS, PRISON CELLS, Balconies, Aivnings, Gratings, Corner Battery and Jackson Streets, Constantly on hand a large assortment of Sec- ond Hand Fire Proof Doors and Shutters. Also manufacture to order, Stebl Plate Bubolar Safes, with Locks of California invention, warranted to supersede any Lock in use— no key required. J. P. SlTITEEimSY & GO. Importers and Dealers in all kinds of FIELO, GAHGEN, FLOWEH AHG THEE GARDEN TOOLS, PRUNING AND BUDDING KNIVES, No. 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, NEAR SANS03IE, s-A.3sr m-A.2srcisoo. RA-THBUISr & CO. CANDY MAiuFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, &c. No. 430 SANSOME STREET, E. H. JONES. JAMES PULLMAN. El. H. JONSS 6L GO. No. 400 SANSOME, cor. Sacramento St., SAN FEANOISOO. »♦-. HOSIEEY, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, ADVERTISEMENTS. 167 mm €©i«»Mi iff £t II83 ISO eposlt of Valxiatoles. North-East corner of Main and Union Streets, DALLES, OREGOH. HANDLEY & SINNOTT - - PROPRIETORS. ^r BAGGAGE TAKEN TO THE HOTEL FREE OP CHABGE, I. mr. CASz: i£ "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, MINERS' TOOLS, QUICKSILVER, FLOUR, BACON, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, Driied Fruits^ etc>^ etc. Front Street, ojjposite Steainer Landingf POUJADB HOUSE, T. C. POUJADE, . . . Proprietor. Corner of Main and Commercial Streets, ir>A.MO CITY, I. T. 168 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. BABBITTONIAIff 1. — A Self-Teaching system, having: such full explanations of the right and wrong forms of letteis on the backs of the copy slips, that any industrious learner may sit down by his own fireside and make a finer penman at $1.50, than he could by paying from $5 to $25 to most living teachers. 2. — There is a very great demand for fine Utisiness Penmen, and a skillful command of the pen, which is worth hundreds of dollars to a business man, may be imparted through this system at a cost of only $1.50. 3. — Penmanship is almost an indispensable accomplishment for LudieSf and this system furnishes an elegant series of copies in the ladies' style. 4. — Business men have sometimes lost thousands of dollars from ignorance in regard to Business Forms. One dollar and fifty cents spent for these copies, will secure a fine variety of business forms and abbreviations. 5. — Babbittonian Penmanship is a great boon to Schools, being a great saving of time and lahor to teachers, and of expense to students. In a large city school, it is found, by careful computation, that hundreds of dollars may be saved in a single year, by adopting these copies and using foolscap, in the place of buying the costly twenty cent copy books. A great advantage also is, that these copies are self- explaining, wliich feature is entirely wanting in most copy books. They are printed on card-board slips, so as to be durable. Splendid inducements offered to schools or clubs. The progress of this system in schools, as well as among private learners, has been trulv remarkable. ■> ♦ « BABBITTOniAN PENS. The Babbittonian Extra Fine Pen has been pronounced by a large number of elegant penmen, who are the only true judges, to be more free, more durable, and move varied in capacity for either fine or coarse strokes, than any foreign pen whatever. It is suitable for elegant writing, and is a great favorite both with ladies and gentlemen. The Babbittonian Business Pen is believed to be unequalled for general business or school use, having great freedom and variety of movement. Being somewliat coarser than the Extra Fine, it will move more easily on hard surfaces, and will wear somewhat longer. The Babbittonian Ladies' Pen is one of the most exquisite little instruments for delicate writing ever constructed. One reason why the country is so flooded with poor pens, is that they have generally been made by mechanics rather than by good penmen, who are the only ones that really understand the requirements of a good pen. As the above pens have been made according to the order of an old experienced penman, it is believed that they will be found admirai)ly adapted to meet the public wants, or at least what the public ought to want. Terms, Post paid to any Part of the Union : For Thirtt/-Six Pens, $0 SO For One G-ross, 1 30 For Seventy- Two Pens and the System of Sabhittonian Penmanship, 2 00 " We have thoroughly tested the Babliittonian Pens, and find them the best and cheapest in use." — Hodges' Joukkal of Finance, N. Y. For Pens or Penmanship, or further information, address or apply to Sole Q-eneral Agent for California and the States and Territories of the Pacific Coast, 305 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 169 NEW IMPROVED SCHOOL DESK. Patented February ISth, 1862, by J. S. Kankin. Kedwood, with Ink-'WeUs $6 00 Spanish Cedar 8 50 Teacher's Desk, Spanish Cedar. 25 00 School Settees, per foot 80 PRICES. Single Desk and Chair, Iron Stands $6 00 Blackboards, Slate Surface, per foot 25 Liquid Slating, per quart 2 50 By the arrangement represented above, two, three, or more School Desks are connected by a longitudinal beam or board, and firmly held together. The fol- lowing advantages are claimed for this arrangement : 1. The series of Desks thus formed sttind very firm on the floor, without being in any manner fastened to it. 2. They can be removed at pleasure by adults, in a few minutes, with little or no expense. 3. They present fewer obstacles to the use of the broom than any other Desk in use. 4. They furnish much less occasion for noise than any other School Desks, by presenting less surface for the feet to strike against. 5. They are superior, also, to other Desks, in regard to the convenience of get- ting in and out of them with ease. 6. In appearance they are neat, and, when properly made, even elegant. 7. The central longitudinal beam separates the two scholars in each Desk, thus giving to the arrangement one of the principal advantages claimed for single Desks. 8. They are simple in construction, and easily made "at home " by any good workman ; put togetlier with screws, can be taken apart and boxed. 9. They can be more easily adapted to peculiar tastes and circumstances, as regards hight of seat and writing-board, inclination of the seat back, etc., than any Desk that is supported by castings. 10. They are Jirmer and more durable than Desks that require to be fastened to the floor by nails or screws. 11. They are much cheaper than any other Desk — costing, ordinarily, not more than half as much. That these statements are true, will, it is believed, be apparent to teachers sind others who have had much experience in using and furnishing school-rooms ; and, if they are true, it is equally plain that the advantages obtained by this arrange- ment are very great, and that it has good claims to the notice and favor of all who may desire to assist in improving the appearance of our school-rooms, and pro- moting the comfort of the pupils and teachers. These desks are now in use in the following named Schools, and give perfect satisfaction : Grace Female Seminary, Miss Butler's Seminary, Mrs. Varney's School, St. Mary's College, Mission School, Protestant Orphan Asylum, Asylum for the Blind, San Francisco ; Pacific Female College, Oakland ; College at Vac- aville. Also, in the following Public Schools : Oakland, Brooklyn, San Lorenzo, Pacheco, Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento, Washington, Nicolaus, Placerville (Private and Public Schools), Cold Springs, Mud Springs, Sonora, San Jose', Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alviso, Monterey, Virginia City, and Mokelumne Hill. The Desks, or the right to" use the invention will be furnished on very favorable terms. Address WARREN HOLT, 305 Montgomery Street, Room No. 2, San Francisco. Single and Teacher's Dei^ks. Chairs, Bliieiiboards, Maps, Aliases & School /)pparatDS. 170 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. WHATMAN'S DRAWING PAPERS, f IRii^HIS© ^^Mf His, Tracing Paper, of all Widths and Sizes, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, Mathematical Instruments, for Engineers and Architects, A complete assortment for sale low, in Sets or Single, by DIBECT IMPOK.TEBS OP FINE STATIONERY, ENGLISH TWINES, ARNOLD'S FLUID, ETC. Nos. 413 and 415 Sansome Street, Corner Commercial, SAN FRANCISCO. JONATHAN KITTREDGE, PHCENIX 17VORKS Nos. 6 and 8 Battery St., near Bush, IvI -A. 3Sr XJ I^ -A- C T TJ I^ E I^ OF Bank Vaults AND MONITOR SAFES, BOLT AND Fire-Proof Doors AND SHUTTERS, AND JAIL WORK, AND ALL KINDS OF GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. We particularly call the attentiDU of Bankers and others to the JIONITOB SAFES and VAULTS — an article long sought for in California— great care being taken in the manufacture of these Safes relative to tlieir strength against the ilcsi^us of wily burglars.