/ A MUSICAL HISTOR JK OE" THE 20_ / / TSriTEID ST-A-TES. composed and published by Lone Elm, Kansas. I'joic — ■■ Mai 1 ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS. Ours is a nation with a history shoi t but giixwl. Mound Builders first, but ruins left, to tell they had the land. The Indians next o'er wood and plain roamed fierce on every hand Now crowded to the West by the white man. 2 NORSE EXPLORERS. -^•1 were, of \v lutes, the first wlio sailed across *]■.■■ ^^^w England's coast saw he. in 7, Karlsefne; J ( . , TIMES. ,0 Ik; hft'un^ ghosts! ... ■ ' iir , .1 l.arope's coast, ■ ' jompass guiding their cour; .■formation. * UYAr.ES nF COLUMBUS. 1 First from Spain Columbus came in H'Jii, f'93 and 'i)S, and 1503; Bouth America, Darien, West Indies first did see, Died l.')OG, n3glected, in poverty! 5 SPANISH EXPLORERS. (Vespucius came and gained a name Columbus richly earned ; lSaw, '99, Guiana's coast and praising it returned. ,'DeIieon, la 12, went North, found Florida, but learned ! • No Fount of Yo\ith; felt, '21, death's arrow. I ■ 6 SPANISH EXPLORERS. 1 Balboa 'd seen, 1313, the great F.iciti.''* Klmre; I Cordova, 1517, did Yucatan explor;;, ,Grihalva's ships traced Mexico in '18, we an? sus''. 1 Magellan's .ship, firet round the world, in '2^. ^ 7 SPANISH EXPLORERS. De Ayllon, 1320, stole red slaves, Carolina's coast; ^ Cortez next year won Mexico, got wealth and fame to boast ; 'lAnd 28's Narvaez's date sought Florid's gold his host, |il- Lost all except four men, who crossed the continent. \\ 8 SPANISH EXPLORERS. I Ja '32, for rich Pem, Pizzaro sailed away; ' In '39, De Soto's men coursed Florida so gay; \ Found Mississippi '41, next year beneath it lay; — A few heart-broken ones at last reached Mexico. •eking Through Georgia.'" 9 SPANISH EXPLORERS. In '41 Alarcon's men sailed up the Colorado; And Coronado in same year explored New Mexico; , In '42 our Western coast was traced by Cabrillo; Espejo foimded Santa Fe in '82. 10 SPANISH SETTLEMENTS. rh^- ^ i;ien were all Spanis.i, ti.eir settlements all grew, >ti, 1493; Darien in ' -usi ''^5: Sant' F. i 1 TTCOME. ,H ■ Hun-ah! The Spai • " the Main." .-1 too bad, thev killed ' i- for gain! S, chey lost vast Empires, only ■ ■-" ' -oes remam. While the English are leading the nations, 13 PORTUGUESE EXPLORERS, From Portugal, 1498, Da Cama led the way To India, bv water, round the Cape of Gowl Hope, gray. In 1501 Cortereal came, stole slaves near Hudson iSay, Brazil was found by Cabral, 1500. 13 DUTCH EXPLORERS, The Dutch sent Hendrick Hudson in 1009; On -Half Moon" traced our Eastern coast, found Hudson River fane. Came ftick in '10, left by his men to die on Hudson s^brme. Block traced Long Island ; May, New Jersey, 14. FRENCH EXPLORERS. 14 The French sent Verrazzani in 1324, Who sailed a thousand n.iles along our grand Atlantic shore. Sent Cartier in '34-5, who traced St. Lawrence o er _ Champlain in 1009 found bright Lake Champlain. 15 FRENCH JESUIT EXPIORKR? -J .!, , -'rveax; Lakes found by 1C64. Marau ■' .rolicl. '74, down Mississippi bore. ByTeWnSt A-.tlVuv sen; La Salle to Gulf explor. Thence '84 brou^'.t oloi.y. ■..-lied in Texas, 16 FRENCH SEl ILT \tENTS-(Failures.) At Quebec, 1342, Cartior's French rogue- froze out; In '62 French Huguenots Port Royal left in .umbt, In '64 try St. John's shore, by Spamards hanged to lot. In '67 came De Gourges' avengers. m s While Gw Di'ake seconi, H SETTLEMENTS— (Successes.) xi, tbeir settlements relate: — , Quebec in IGoS; .A '2, Natchez, Detroit, Mobile; ..imed Great Lakes and Mississippi. 18 ENGLISH EXPLORERS, the English sent John Cabot in 1497; Discovered North America from Labrador to Devon. And Cabot's son, in '98, outsailed his father even,— T'venty-six years ahead of Verrazzani. 19 ENGLISH EXPLORERS. ied North-West route. 1576-7-8, g Newfoundland tried; was drowned in '78. : the world, grew rich at stealing Spanish freight. Spent winlc of '79 in San Francisco. 20 ENGLISH EXPLORERS. In 1602 Bartholomew took N. E. sassafras back. And next year Pring did tlie same thing and followed the same track. There Waymouth, '5, and Hunt, '14, stole Indians, 'tis a fact. John Smith in '14, mapped and named New England. 21 GREAT EXPLORERS. Hurrah! for Chris, John, Vasco, and Ferdi's crew! brought AVest, North, South, The East, and World to view, In 1492-7-8, and 1522, Thus linking all earth's shores by commerce. 22 ENGLISH SETTLEMENTS- (Failure.) Kaleigh spent 200,000 trying to settle Hoanoke, , Sent Amidas Barlow, '84, Lane, Gr.'nville: '85. Went home with Drake in '86, sent W' Came back in '90, found nothiiur 'T was joined to Massachusetts thrice, and 'T was ruled by England till the Eevolu 30 SETTLEMENT OF CON. The Puritans settled Connecticut, at Hartford, 'b Destroyed the Petjuods, 'ST^fgot home rule '.'^9; In '62 Big Charter got, which tyrants thrice would Fair laws, line land, long peace, brought smiling 31 SETTLEMENT OF RHODE ISi Rhode Island settled by Roger Williams in 1636, A Baptist, he taught Liberty in Church and State to mix. In '41 Home Rule begun, got Charter '44, They ruled themselves until the EevolutiM-i. 32 SETTLEMENT OF Nl-^V JERSEY. New Jersey settled by Puritans in 1664. 'Twas given to Berkley and Carteret, who sold tu <->>'. l:("'s, sun By many claimed till 1702, when Royal sway they .■•• With peace and plenty, till the Revolution. 33 SETTLEMENT OF DELAWARi The Swedes in 1638 to Delaware came o'er. From '55 the Dutch bore till English, '64; In '82 'twas sold to Penn, 'twas claimed by Baltii ■ ■ Had Home Rule under Penn till Revolution. 34 SETTLEMENT OF PENNS^ 1 VANIA. Penn's Quakers settled Pennsylvania, 1682; He bought the land of King and Chief, and mud. Hoi' Rov :1 rule of seven years, the rest was Penn's, so true, Th.^ Smte bought out the heirs at Revohu...n. r.i EVv/.i:-;! QOMPA. I onrlon htii Piymoum Compai; roiu 34 north 1 1 more, west to Pi.t 1607- i I- ' ■ Plymouth made In 20 . "il of Plymoi'tl '87. but ruins. -.ETTLEMENTS 606 googi.v,iL,», - lance. Freedom's, ti ide no settlements. 34 LONDON COMPANY'S SETTLEMENT. The London Company settled Jamestown in 1607. New Charter '9, the third in '12, revoked in '24. The King now rules, except four years, till the Revolution, even. The people got Assembly and Ballot, '19. 25 THE SAME. The "Starving Time' came 1609; first women in '19. Slaves brought in '20; fierce Indian wars in '22, '44 seen; The Navigation Acts in '51 and '60 e'en, And Bacon's Rebellion, 1676, sir. 2e SETTLEMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS. The Puritans settled Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1620. ! li ■ came unsent; they bought their lands, found liberty and plenty. '^t r '-Ijiams out, and Anne, too; hanged Quakers and witches many. 1 Royal Rule; in '76 fought Phili).. 27 SETTLEMENT OF NEW YORK. .r SI ttled by tlie Dutoh in 1623. M ., ,f' in '. '!;;. S>. 11 ;h brought the Revolution, of which this was the cause: — t lie Colonists would ij t pay taxes 'less they shared in making laws. Came Stamp Ace, Port Bill, Massacre, and Tea Party. v 49 'WAR OF REVOLUTION. 177%. Ill April, '75, "the war at Lexington began. Ticonderoga won and "Continental" met, May 10. F.mght Bunker liiil, June 17, won Montreal, and then The last d p . of the year they tried old Quebec. 50 THE SAME, 1776. In '70, March 17, the Brits, from Boston sail. June 28 ti-ied < harleston's gate at Fort Moultrie, but fail. Long Islatid won, and next New York, White Plains, and Fort Wash- Lost Hessians at Tieiiton on Christmas. [ington. 51 THE SAME.— BURGOYNE'S EXPEDITION, 1777. In '77, from old Quebec, Burgoyne came marching down. Took Cham])!ain's forts, Fort Schuyler tried, lost Baum at Bennington. L.ist Saratoga's bloody tis^lits, gave u]) his army tine:— The turning jioiiit of the Revolution. 53 THE SAME.— HOWE'S EXPEDITION, 1777. Ill 77 Howe left New York and sailed up Chespeake Bay; At Brandywine whijit Washington and got Philadelphia. Won Germantown, and tried Wliitemarsh, the lower forts give way. At Valley Forge the Patriots moaned all winter ! 5:5 THE SAME.— FRENCH HELP, 1778. Ill '7."^ Howe sought New York, lost Monmoutli on the way. I »e Estaing's French fleet the British meet near Newjiort's famous bay. Xt Wyoming and Cherry Vale " Reds" butchered young and gray! And last day of the year we lost Savannah! 54 THE SAME.— REVERSES AND TREASON, 1779-80. Ill '79 Clark, Jones, and Wayne, did brilliant things, all three; Jt'Estaing heljied Lincoln try Savannah, the Brits, robbed savagely. In '80 lost Gates' Lincoln's troops, at Camden, Charleston, see. Hung Andre, whipt Ferg'son at King's Mountain. 55 CLOSE OF WAR, 1781. In '81 whipt Tarletoii at Battle of Cowpens, Then Greene's retreat, Cornwallis Vjeat, Greene Guilford's battle wins. Lost Camden, "96" he tried, fought fierce at Eutaw Springs. The war ends at Yorktown in October. ■! ^ 56 GRAND CHORUS! / Hurrah, for George ! for Tom, and Ben, and Laf e ! For Sam, and Rob, and Paul, all true and brave! Lexington and Bimker Hill, Saratoga, Trenton, And the grand "wind up" at Yorktown. 57 CONGRESSES AND CONSTITU FIONS. The Colonial Congress met 1680 and 1765. The Continental met '74 and 1775 The Confederation Articles from '81 survive, 'Till '88 came in the Constitution. 58 WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. Washington, a Federalist, two terms from '89, Located \Vashington City, and the finances managed tine. The Miamis whipt St. Clair and Harmar, Mad Anthony made them Curbed Genet, the Shay, and Whisky Rebellions. [whine, 59 JOHN ADAMS:, 1797-1801; AND JEFFERSON'S, 1801-9. John Adams wai n F-'-deralist, one term to 1801, For the Alien ond Sediriou I^iws, and war with France began. Jefierson, a Democrat, two temis to '9 he ran. BuiT chiel. «oat, T i^ioli, Louisiana. Madisc- ■f'Tip.' li>ecat. : : ADISON'S, 1809-17. erins tc '17. 1^1 1. "A. J.," the Creekr., 'V £'■■ T. Rarbar3' pirates, moai. izt)'15. R OF 1812.— 1812-13. Brock ;ook .vard liull, but died to win Queenstown, . Bt^t Pi'iK ^or ..u ^ji. tried Forts Meigs and Stephenson. ^ Brave I'ei ly on Erie's wave, "Old Tip" Thames battle won. We got Toronto, fonght (Jhrysler's Field for Montreal. 63 Tin: SAME. CLOSE OF WAR, 1814-15. In July, '14 Scott won Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, Brown held Ft. Erie, and McDonough won Plattsburg, Lake Champlain. We win on sea, they rob our coasts, our capitol wrap in/flame! -Tackson, '15, closed it. New Orleans, sir. 63 GRAND CHORUS! Hurrah for ''Tip," "Old Hickory," Perry and Scott! McDonough and Hull, and Lawrence, ne'er forgot! The "Mistress of the Seas" they curbed, our Sailors' Rights we got, Though nothing was settled by the Treaty. 64 MONROE'S, 1617 2: Moinoe, a Dem. by all was called, two terms till '25, Dug Erie Canal, bought Florida, saw La Fayette arrive ; Taught Monroe Doctrine, gained five States, broke np the pirate's (• In '20 passed the famed Missouri Compromise. 65 JOHN Q. ADAMS', 1825-29, AND JACKSON TO . J. Q. Adams beat Jackson, Clay, by Congress till '29, On Ith July .John, Thomas, die, the Masons and Taritf shine. "Old Hickory," l)(Mn., two terms for him to '.'}7's time. I'.oat Black Hawk, U. S. Bank and the Nullitiera. 66 VAN BUREN, 1837-41, AND HARRISON -TYLER, 1841-45. Van Buren, Dem., to '41, felt '.'57's panic come. Finished the costly Seminole war, had trouble o'er Canada, some, Harri.son, Whig, a month, when died, then Tyler till '45, Rent, Dorr, and Mormon troubles, took three States in. 67 POLK, 1845-49, TAYLOR-FILLMORE, 1849-53- Polk, a Dem., to '49 on " ">4-4U or tight," — Fought Mexico, found gold, came Wilniot and Free Soils to light. Zach Taylor died, Calhoun, Dan, Clay, Whig Fillmore tilled it out, The Omnibus Bill, Kane, Lopez, Kossuth matters. 68 WAR WITH MEXICO, 1846. Kearney marched to California, which Fremont had made free. Doniphan Chihiiahua won, 5000 miles marched he. "aylor, Palo Alto won, Resaca, Monterey, And Buena Vista, G. W.'s day, '47. 69 THE SAME.— SCOTT'S CAMPAIGN, 1847. Scott took Vera Cruz in March, on way to Mexico, "Whipt Santa Anna, got his wooden leg at Cerro Gordo, Fought four big fights, September, took the capital of the foe, So got our West beyond the Rocky Mountains. 70. PIERCE'S, 1853-57. Pierce, a Dem., to '57, one term, but noisy ran; Passed the Kansas-Nebraska bill, sent Perry to Japan. Made the Gadsden purchase, and kept Koszta a free man, Saw "Kansas Troubles," Republicans, and "Know Nothings." 71 BUCHANAN'S, 1857-61. Buchanan, Dem., to '61, ))ut the Mormon rebels down. In '58 first cable laid, in '59 hung Brown, Let Rebels plan on sea and land Secession's threats to crown, Till, April '61, came "Great Rebellion." 72 LINCOLN-JO 1 IX -A 1:;, i- "Old Abe," the first Republican, two t':rms was call"'' • It'ad. In '65 Booth took his life, rest, Johi >■): led ^ '^' The Great Rebellion, slavery's game - leed. From '61 to '65 'twas fought, s ■ 73 WAR OF REBELLION.- Ei^ \ i86i-2| Jiastern Army lost Bull Run in i ui. "2 brave Stonewall's crew made 1x1 nkt n. X'." won "Seven Pines" and ^ iliiui \ n days' bloody fun, Left Lee march north, whip Pop' ( 1 r. 79 WESTERN ARMY, 1863. Port Hudson's fall on July 8, cleared the Mississippi through. At Chjcamauga Bragg whipt Rosecrans, September, too. November, Grant at Mission Ridge whipt Bragg, saved Thomas, true, Then Sherman saved Burnside at Knoxville. 80 EASTERN ARMY, 1864. Grant comes east, was chosen Chief, fought Lee, May, '64, At Wilderness and Spottsylvanis^ Cold Harbor, North Anna's Shore. The Early, Stuart, Sheridan raids each capital did explore. Took Lee and Richmond, April, '65, sir. 81 WESTERN ARMY, 1864. In '64 was Banks' Red River fizzle; Forest's raid. Sherman forces Johnston back, Atlanta's capture made. Hood marched north, December's half by Thomas at Nashville brayed. By Christmas Sherman had Savannah. 83 SHERMAN, DAVIS, BOOTH, 1865. Sherman, '65, marched north, fought Johnston, Bentons\'ille, Took Charleston, Raleigh, Cohimbia, and Johnston in April. Jeff Davis tied, was captured, 10th of May, at Irwinsville, And Kirby Smith, May 26, in Texas. 83 WORK OF THE NAVY, 1861-2-3. Our navy took Port Royal, Masun and Slidell, '61. In '62 took New Orleans and Roanoke, Memphis, won. The Monitor whipt the Merrimac, Savannah's blockade begun. In '63 it blockaded Charleston. 84. THE SAME, 1864-5. In '64 it blocked Mobile, sent Alb'marle, Al'bama dv)Vn. Ill '65 blocked W^ilmington, and so the coast all rouhd, Our iron-clads end wooden ships, world-copied at a' bound, The Brits, built Rebel's ships that killed our commerce. 74 THE SAME.— EAS: !;.n \ l^ Lee moves on, sent Jackson, who took Warper's Ferry's men, Fought "Little Mac." at Antietam, and then marched back again. McClellan lagged, left Lee escape, so Burnside tried the fun, Got badly whipt at Fredericksburg, December. 75 THE SAME.-rMISSOURI, 1861-2. In '61 the Rebels tried to force Missouri out, Brave Lyon Jackson's camp Vjroke up, did him at Boonville rout. Sigel won at Carthage, Lyoil died at Wilson's Creek, March '62 we M'on Pea Ridge, Arkansas. 76 THE SAME.— WESTERN ARMY, 1862. Garfield, Th-mias, won, '62, Big Sandy and Mill Spring, While Grant took Henry and Donelson* and got 10,000 men. '" Vpril Grant won Shiloh's fight; Pope, Island No. 10, Grant won luka, Rosecrans held Corinth. 77 THE SAME.— WESTERN ARMY, 1862. ■ace Cincinnati saves, and Buell, Loviisville. opt Smith and Bragg, Oct. 8, whipt both at Perryville. Jn Vicksburg Grant and Sherman march, lost Holly Springs, Chicka- And Rosecrans Stone River fought at New Years. [saw Hill. 78 EASTERN ARMY, ETC., 1863. The slaves set free by "Honest Abe" on New Years, '63. Brave "Stonewall" killed at Chancellorsville, there Hooker whipt by Lee whipt by Meade at Gettysburg on July 1, 2, and 3, [Lee. And Grant, July 4, captured Viekburg. 7 85 GRAND CHORl^S ! Huri-ah for Ccrant, for 'jlnooin, til.i.aoii anOi '.I -ai'ic'. For Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, Tj o s ' le^i'! For Winslow, Porter, Farragut, and Cushing's w ell-won meed, Pr-eservers of our Re]3ublic ' 86 JOHNSON'S, 1865-9. Johnson ruled iill '69, bought Alaska, and freed Mexico. Freedman's Bureau, Civil Rights Bill, third cable laid so low, Amendments 13 and 14 passed, eight States came back to grow. With Congress quarreled, and barely escaped impoachment. 87 GRANT'S, 1869-77. Grant, two terms to '77, saw Pacific R. R. through, Settled the Alabama claims, whipt the jNIodocs and the Sioux, For Cuban troubles, " '73 panic," Centennial ado. Boston- ..ihicago fires, — made negroes voters. 88 HAYES, 1S77-81, GARFIELD-ARTHUR, 1881-5. Hayes til '81 by a commission chosen in, Called tr. ops from South, saw Grangers rise, and R. R. strikers' din, Garfield, July 2, was shot, soon Arthur did begin. Jeaimette and Greely trips, and R. R. building. Copyright, 1885, by L. J. Caldwell. Note. — While many authors were consulted, Eidpath has been ^ most followed, in this song. Teachers, scatter this song among all ^ your pupils. Sing it much, pointing on map, and explaining fully, f You will find it easy to do work that will stay clone. i Price, by mail, five cents each; forty cents a dozen; .f2.50 per ^ hundred. Draw drafts, orders, etc., on Colony, Kansas. 1 Address me at Lone Elm, Anderson Co., Kansas. i LLOYD J. CALDWELL. ^