...t: 475 81 F55 H'^^^fN L.- n •^) ^ r' €j^mi- '°''' ClI^lIMIIIil THE PRICE OF CHATTANOOCA. A DESCRIPTION OF THE y STRATEGIC PLANS, MARCHES, AND BATTLES iampitign 0f |liatta:n000a. WITH ILLUSTRATIVE MAP. THE AUTHOR OF THE "ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND." PHILADELPHIA : 18 G 4.. c hj^irmP''^'^^'^ The Most Remarkable Book of the War. ANNAInS OF TIIK tmi) of the Ctunhvlanl A LARGE OCTAVO OF 700 PAGES, Beautifully Illiislraled uitli 73 Elogant Portraits, Engrawd on Steel. And iiimiy fine WOOD CUTS of Army Scenes; also An Accurate Mnp and Diagrams of the Battle-Field of Stone Kiver, the Map being Lithographed in Four Colors. WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY AN OFFICER, And Piil)lished in behalf of t}ie Army of the Cumberland. The Profits of the work to be devoted to the erection of A MfliiDeiit oil tie Battle-FieM of Stone River. The Biographies ot Oiticcr.s are complete, und their Portraits are given from Photoj;rai)hs taken in the field, and are.accnrate and lifelike. The sketcheK of the several Aimy Departments will show to the un- initiated their practical operations. Tlie work accomplished by our Army— its prominent Battles, Skir- mishes, and Expeditions— is given in full. The Spy i»nd Smuggling (chapters are true in fact, and are not over- drawn, and illustrate some of the most remarkable and interesting phases of the Southern Kebrllion. The Anecdotes .and Incidents are authentic, and, with three or four exceptions, are now ttrst published. The Appendix contains the (Micial Reports of General Rosecrans and Cii.neral hinixti, of Ihe Hatlle of Stone River. To the Soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland, to their friends at home, and to the friends of tho L'nion everywhere, this work is re- spectfully presented as THE MOST INSTRUCTIVE, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, and THE CHEAPEST BOOK OF THE WAK. <®"The Army will l)e supplied by orders taken in the field, by authorized Agents. «S-The HOOK TRADE will be furnished by the Publishers, upon the usual favorable terms, and to whom all orders should be addresse