[Group XIVv No. 289 Price 10 cents PALDIN a ATHLETIC LIBRARY TUMBLING POR AMATEURS By K jJ.T.CWATHMEY,M.D. u American Sports Publishing Co.. fif*^^ lip,.'., 11, 21 WarrcnStrcet NewYorK CN!"il!,l::''iliii| A.G.SPALD1NG &#ROS. .,_ MAINTAJN THEIR OWN HOUSES,")'''' V" FOR DISTRIBUTING THE '^ ^K- ^^ COMPLETE LINE OF ^> "- ' Athletic Goods IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES ' Vi: NEW YORK °*r2™128 Nauao SI. "29-33 WesI 42HIA, PA. 1210 Chestnat Street BALTIMORE. MD. 208 Cast Balllmore St. WASHINGTON. D. C. 709 14tllSt., N.W. LONDON. ENG, re* SIOKS SIT-3I8. High Bolbom, W. C. 78. Cbeapdde 29, Raymarket. S. W. CHICAGO 1 47-149 Wabaah Ave ST. LOUIS. MO. 41S North Seventh SL KANSAS CITY. MO. 1120 Grand Ave. DENVER, COL. 1616 Arapahoe St. CINCINNATI, O. llOEa^tFlflhSt. CLEVELAND. O. 741 Euclid Ave. COLUMBUS. O. 191 South Htlh St. DETROIT. MICH. 2S4 Woodward Ave. LOUISVILLE, KY. 328 West Jefferson St. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 211 Massachoselts Ave. BIRMINGHAM. ENG. S7. New Street MANCHESTER, ENG. 4. OiTord St. and 1 , Lower Moseley SI. EDINBURGH, SCOT. 3 South Charlotte SI. SAN FRANCISCO ISS-ISS Geiuy SI SEATTLE, WASH. 711 Second Ave. LOS ANGELES. CAL. 43S Soath Spring St. MILWAUKEE. WIS. 379 East Water St. MINNEAPOUS. MINN. 44 Seventh St.. South ST. PAUL, MINN. 386 MinnesoU St. ATLANTA, CA. . 74 N. Broad Street NEW ORLEANS, LA. I40Carandelet St. DALLAS. TEX. 3SS Commerce SI. MONTREAL, P. Q. 443 St. James St. TORONTO, ONT. 189 Yongc St. munlcatlons directed to A. G. SPALDING & BROS., at any of the above addresses, will receive prompt attention. ii i iilia»aiiiii r ! ii iiiiiiiJiwiuii»iwjmi i »mm i i iii BnBimmj»iiMiimny ' « ii H»ii i * < lR(|?f|"-| 5I^^))i i^^ii i^ifJI :lflf|)"J '^W^^)^ THE SPALDING TRADE MARK 15 REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, AND WE HAVE ALSO PROTECTED OUR INTERESTS BY 39 REGISTRATIONS IN FOREIGN COUN- TRIES INFRINGERS ARE WARNED THE SPALDING TRADE-MARK IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE SPALDING BUSINESS Spalding's Athletic Library Anticipating the present ten- dency of the American people toward a healthful method of living and enjoyment, Spalding's Athletic Library was established in 1892 for tlie purpose of encouraging ath- letics in every form, not only by publishing the official rules and records pertaining to the various pastimes, but also by instructing, until to-day Spalding's Athletic Library is unique in ita own par- ticular field and has been conceded the greatest educational series on athletic and physical training sub- jects that has ever been compiled. The publication of a distinct series of books devoted to athletic sports and pastimes and designed to occupy the premier place in America in its class was an early idea of Mr. A. G. Spalding, who was one of the first in America to publish a handbook devoted to athletic sports, Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide being the initial number, which was followed at intervals with other handbooks on the sports prominent in the '70s. Spalding's Athletic Library has had the advice and counsel of Mr. A. G. Spalding in all of its undertakings, and particularly in all books devoted to the national game. This applies especially to Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide and Spalding's Official Base Ball Record, both of which receive the personal attention of Mr. A. G. Spalding, owing to his early connection with the game as the leading pitcher of the champion Bc-ton and Chicago teams of 1872-76. His interest does not stop, however, Trith matters pertaining to base ball; there is not a sport that Mr. Spalding does not make it his business to become familiar with, and that the Library will always maintain its premier place, with Mr. Spalding's able counsel at hand, goes without saying. The entire series since the issue of the first number haa been under the direct personal supervision of Mr. James E. Sullivan, President of the American Sports Publishing Company, and the total series of consecutive numbers reach an aggregate of considerably over three hundred, included in which are many "annuals," that really constitute the history of their particular sport in America year by year, back copies of which are even now eagerly sought for, constituting as they do the really first authentic records of events and official rules that have ever been consecutively compiled. , When Spalding's Athletic Library was founded, seventeen years ago, track and field athletics were practically unknown outside the larger colleges and a few athletic clubs in the leading cities, which gave occa- sional meets, when an entry list of 250 competitors was a subject of com- ment; golf was known only by a comparatively few persons; lawn tennia had some vogue and base ball was practically the only established field G. Spalding EDITORS OF SPALDING' S ATHLETIC LIBRARY sport, and that in a professional way; basket ball had just been invented; athletics for the schoolboy — and schoolg-irl— were almost unknown, and an advocate of class contests in athletics in the schools could not get a hearing. To-day we find the greatest body of athletes in the world is the Public Schools Athletic League of Greater New York, which has had an entry list at its annual games of over two thousand, and in whose "elementary series" in base ball last year 106 schools competed for the trophy emblematic of the championship. While Spalding's Athletic Library cannot claim that the rapid growth of athletics in this country is due to It solely, the fact cannot be denied that the books have had a great deal to do with its encouragement, by printing the official rules and instructions for playing the various games at a nominal price, within the reach of everyone, with the sole object that its series might be complete and the one place where a person could look with absolute certainty for the particular book in which he might be interested. In selecting the editors and writers for the various books, the lead- ing authority in his particular line has been obtained, with the result that no collection of books on athletic_ subjects can compare with Spalding's Athletic Library for the prominence of the various authors and their ability to present their subjects in a thorough and practical manner. A short sketch of a few of those who have edited some of the lead- ing numbers of Spalding's Athletic Library is given herewith : JAMES E. SULLIVAN President American Sports Publishing Com- pany; entered the publishing house of Frank Leslie in 1878, and has been connected continu- ously with the publishing business since then and also as athletic editor of various New York papers; was a competing athlete; one of the organizers of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States; has been actively on its board of governors since its organization until the present time, and President for two suc- cessive terms; has attended every champion- ship meeting in America since 1879 and has officiated in some capacity in connection with American amateur championships ti-ack and field games for nearly twenty-five years; assistant American director Olympic Games, Paris, 190O; director Pan- American Exposition athletic department, 1901 ; chief department physical culture Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; secretary American Committee Olympic Games, at Athens. 1906; honorary director of Athletics at Jamestown Exposition, 1907; secre- tary American Committee Olympic Games, at London, 1908; member of the Pastime A. C, New York; honorary member Missouri A. C, St. Louis; honorary member Olympic A. C, San Francisco; ex-president Pastime A. C, New Jersey A. C, Knickerbocker A. C; president Metropolitan Association of the A. A. U. for fifteen years; president Outdoor Recrea- tion League; with Dr. Luther H. Gulick organized the Public Schools Athletic League of New York, and is now chairman of its games commit- tee and member executive committee; was a pioneer in playground work and one of the organizers of the Outdoor Recreation League of New York ; appointed by President Roosevelt as special commissioner to the Olympic Games at Athens, 1906, and decorated by King George I. of the Hellenes (Greece) for his services in connection with the Olympic Games; ap- pointed special commissioner by President Roosevelt to the Olympic Games at London, 1908; appointed by Mayor McClellan, 1908, as member of the Board of Education of Greater New York. EDITORS OF SPALDING'S ATHLETIC U BRARY WALTER CAMP of^Ii» h^*"*^"" °^ a century Mr. Walter Camp of Yale has occupied a leading position in col- lege athletics. It is immaterial what o?ganka- &'%^"^^*^.*^^ for college athleticsfor for the betterment of conditions, insofar as college athletics 13 concerned. Mr. Camp has alwlfl played an important part in its conferenci^ and the great interest in and high plane ^f college sport to-day. are undoubtedly due mora to Mr. Camp than to any other individual Mr athletics than any other ^Tter and^ th. I "^ 7""^" ™°''« °" college known fact that during his college carp/r M,; roL '' *,* 'f ^ ^«" ber his remarkable knowledge of the game of haS kLU .^/ al?o remem- on How to P ay Foot Ball TherP i<. norVli^i,?!?^ £ Athletic Library book Hf^better .ur.ified*fo^'^ri?e'^f^r"sraldt^^^ DR. LUTHtR HALSEY GULICK The leading exponent of physical training !,rf '"tu''^^ T^ ^i^** h^^ worked hard to im^ press the value of physical training in the schools; when physical training was combined 1904^ Dr"r^,'lT^', *''!,^*- L-«"'^ Exposition!^ 1904 Dr. Guhck played an important part in that congress; he received several awards for JOHN B. FOSTER Successor to the late Henry Chadwick ( Father of Base Biill") as editor of SnalH ing's Official Base Ball Guidersportfng edtSr of the New York Evening TeSm- h^s been in the newspaper business fo" many years and is recognized throughout America as a leading writer on the national g^."^ h^^nen^h^^^^?"""*^"^ ^^ organized ba^nku! menfof theSl' *''*'° "^ ^°"^ «»« ^"^^ EDITORS OF SPALDING' S ATHLETIC LIBRARY TIM MURNANC Base Ball editor of the Boston Globe and President of the New England League of Base Ball Clubs; one of the best known base ball men of the country; known from coast to coast; isa keen follower of the game and prominent in all its councils; nearly half a century ago was one of America's foremost players: knows the gan'ie thoroughly and writes from the point of view both of player and an official. HARRY PHILIP BURCHELL Sporting editor of the New York Times; graduate of the University of Pennsylvania; editor of Spalding's Official Lawn Tennis Annual; is an authority on the game; follows the movements of the players minutely and understands not only tennis but all other sub- jects that can be classed as athletics; no one is better qualified to edit this book than Mr. Burchell. GEORGE T. HEPBRON Former Young Men's Christian Association director; for many years an official of the Athletic League of Young Men's Christian Associations of North America ; was con- nected with Dr. Luther H. Gulick in Young Men's Christian Association work for over twelve years; became identified with basket ball when it was in its infancy and has fol- lowed it since, being recognized as the lead- ing exponent of the official rules; succeeded Dr. Gulick as editor of the Official Basket Ball Guide and also editor of the Spalding Athletic Library book on How to play Basket Ball. JAMES S. MITCHEL Former champion weight thrower ; holder of numerous records, and is the winner of more championships than any other individual in the history of sport ; Mr. Mitchel is a close student of athletics and well qualified to write upon any topic connected with athletic sport ; has been for years on the staff of the New York Sun. EDITORS OF SPALDING S ATHLETIC LIBRARY MICHAEL C MURPHY The world's most famous athletic trainer; tlie champion athletes that he has developed for track and field sports, foot ball and base ball liikls. would run into thousands; he became lanous when at Yale University and has h ?n particularly successful in developing \\ hat might be termed championship teams: li:^ rare good judgment has placed him in an f '.viable position in the athletic world- now with the University of Pennsylvania: dur- ing his career has trained only at two col- leges and one athletic club, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania and Detroit Athletic Club: hia most recent triumph was that of training the famous American team of athletes that swept the field at the Olympic Games of 1908 at London. DR. C. WARD CRAMPTON Succeeded Dr. Gulick as director of physical training in the schools of Greater New York: as secretary of the Public Schools Athletic League is at the head of the most remarkable organization of its kind in the world; is a practical athlete and gymnast himself, and has been for years connected with the physi- cal training system in the schools of Greater New York, having had charge of the High School of Commerce. DR. GEORGE J. FISHER Has been connected with Y. M. C. A. work for many years as physical director at Cincin- nati and Brooklyn, where he made such a high reputation as organizer that he was chosen to succeed Dr. Luther H. Gulick as Secretary of the' Athletic League of Y. M. C. A.'s of North America, when the latter resigned to take charge of the physical training in the Public Schools of Greater New York. DR. GEORGE ORTON On athletics, college athletics, particularly track and field, foot ball, soccer foot ball, and training of the youth, it would be hard to find one better qualified than Dr. Orton; has had the necessary athletic experience and the ability to impart that experience intelligently to the youth of the land; for years was the American, British and Canadian champion runner. EDITORS OF SPALDTNC^S ATHLETIC LIBRARY FREDERICK R. TOOMBS A well known authority on skating, rowine boxing, racquets, and other athletic sDortf' was sporting editor of American Press &.' ciation New York: dramatic editor; is a law- yer and has served several terms as a member of Assembly of the Legislature of the State of R. L. WELCH A resident of Chicago; the popularity of a"p^ve^hfm^/f 'V""'^^^ '^'^^ to his effort"; a player himself of no mean ability; a first- class organizer: he has followed the game of indoor base ball from its inception DR. HENRY S. ANDERSON fn?tl ^^^ connected with Yale University for years and is a recognized authority m gymnastics; is admitted to be one of the lead- eftt"^-«°/v:*'^" i^ ^'"/"'=^ °" gymnastic sub- trai^ning ^"^"^ ^*^^^ "" Physical CHARLES M. DANIELS hr.nr*^**'®-"''"^ to write an authoritative book on swimming; the fastest swimmer the A?hPt,V^ri*r'" '?'^°^"' '"^'"ber N^w York Athletic Club swimming team and an Olym- iyU8. in his book on Swimming, Champion use to become an expert swimmer. GU STAVE BOJUS Mr. Bojus is most thoroughly qualified to write intell gently on all subjects peSing to gymnastics and athletics; in his dly onf of America's most famous amateur athletes- manv°Tvf '^'^ successfully in gymnastics and many other sports for the New York Turn Verein; for twenty years he has been pro^ ^ent in teaching gymnastics and IthfeW was responsible for the famous gymnastic championship teams of Columbia SLrsito-^ now with the Jersey City hiffh scCI *^' EDITORS OF SPALDING' S ATHLETIC LIBRARY CHARLES JACOBUS Admitted to be the "Father of Roque;" one of America's most expert players, win- ning the Olympic Championship at St. Louis in 1904; an ardent supporter of the game and follows it minutely, and much of the success of roque is due to his untiring efforts; certainly there is no one better qualified to write on this subject than Mr. Jacobus. DR. E. B. WAR MAN Well known as a physical training expert; was probably one of the first to enter the field and is the author of many books on the sub- ject; lectures extensively each year all over the country. W. J. CROMIE Now with the University of Pennsylvania; was formerly a Y. M. C. A. physical director; a keen student of all gymnastic matters: the author of many books on subjects pertaining to physical training. G. M. MARTIN By profession a physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association; a close student of all things gymnastic, and games for the classes in the gymnasium or clubs. PROF. SENAC A leader in the fencing world ; has main- tained a fencing school in New York for years and developed a great many cham- pions ; understands the science of fencing thoroughly and the benefits to be derived therefrom. SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY a Giving the Titles of all Spalding Athletic Library Books now J in print, grouped for ready reference c - SPALDING OFFICIAL ANNUALS D No. 1 No. tA No. 2 No. 2A No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 7A No. 8 No. 9 No. lO No. 12 No. I2A Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald Spald ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's ng's Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official No. 202 No. 223 No. 232 No. 230 No. 229 No. 225 No. 226 No. 227 No. 228 No. 224 No. 231. Group I. Base Ball No.l Spalding'sOfficial BaseBall Guide No. lA Official Base Ball Record. How to Play Base Ball. How to Bat. How to Run Bases How to Pitch. How to Catch. How to Play First Base. How to Play Second Base. How to Play Third Base. How to Play Shortstop. How to Play the Outfield. How to Organize a Base Ball League. [Club. How to Organize a Base Ball How to Manage a Base Ball Club. How toTrain aBaseBallTeam How to Captain a Base Ball HowtoUmpireaGame. [Team I. Technical Base Ball Terms. No. 219 Ready Reckoner of Base Ball Percentages. BASE BALL AUXILIARIES No. 336 MinorLeague Base Ball Guide No. 338 Official Book National League of Prof. Base Ball Clubs. No. 340 Official Handbook National Playground Ball Assn. Group If. Fool Ball No.2 Spalding' sOffidal FootBall Gu ide No. 334 Code of the Foot Ball Rules. No. 324 How to Play Foot Ball. No. 2a Spalding' sOMcial Soccer Foot Ball Guide. No. 286 How to Play Soccer. No. 335 English Rugby. Base Ball Cuide Base Ball Record Foot Ball Cuide Soccer Foot Bali Guide Cricket Cuide Lawn Tennis Annual Coif Cuide Ice Hockey Cuide Basket Ball Cuide Women's Basket Ball Cuide Lacrosse Cuide Indoor Base Ball Cuide Roller Polo Cuide Athletic Almanac Athletic Rules FOOT BALL AUXILIARY No. 332 Spalding's Official Canadian Group III. ^°°^ ^^" ^^''^^- cricKcf No. 3 Spalding's Official Cricket Gu ide. No. 277 Cricket and How to Play It. Group IV. Lawn Tennis No. 4 Spalding's Official Lawn Ten- nis Annual. No. 157 How to Play Lawn Tennis. No. 279 Strokes and Science of Lawn Group V. ^^""'' Goil No. 5 Spalding's Official Golf Guide No. 276 How to Play Golf. Group VI. nocheg No. 6 Spaldi7ig's Official lee Hockey Guide. No. 304 How to Play Ice Hockey. No. 154 Field Hockey. (Lawn Hockey. No. 188 < Parlor Hockey. (.Garden Hockey. No. 180 Ring Hockey. HOCKEY AUXILIARY No. 256 Official Handbook Ontario Hockey Association. Group VII. Basket Ball No. 7 Spalding's Official Basket Ball Guide. No. 7a Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide. No. 193 How to Play Basket Ball. BASKET BALL AUXILIARY No. 323 Official Collegiate Basket Ball Handbook. ANY OF THE ABOVE BOOKS MAILED POSTPAID UPON RECEIPT OF 10 CENTS SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group VIII. Lacrosse No. 8 Spalding's Official Lacrosse Guide. No. 201 How to Play Lacrosse. Group IX. Indoor Base Ball No. 9 Spalding's Official Indoor Base Ball Guide. Group X. Polo No. 10 Spalding's Official Roller Polo Guide. No. 129 Water Polo. No. 199 Equestrian Polo. Group XI. Miscellaneous Games No. 248 Archery. No. 138 Croquet. No. 271 Roque. (Racquets. No. 194 < Squash- Racquets. (Court Tennis. No. 13 Hand Ball. No. 167 Quoits. No. 170 Push Ball. No. 14 Curling, No. 207 Lawn Bowls. No. 188 Lawn Games. No. 189 Children's Games. No. 341 How to Bowl. Group XII. Athletics No. 12 Spalding's Official Athletic Almanac. No. 12a Spalding's Official Athletic Rales No. 27 College Athletics. No. 182 All Around Athletics. No. 156 Athletes' Guide. No. 87 Athletic Primer. No. 273 Olympic GamesatAthens.iiJOd No. 252 How to Sprint. No. 255 How to Run 100 Yards. No. 174 Distance and Cross Country Running. [Thrower. No. 259 How to Become a Weight No. 55 Official Sporting Rules, [boys. No. 246 Athletic Training for School- No. 317 Marathon Running. No. 331 Schoolyard Athletics, ATHLETIC AUXILIARIES No. 339 Intercollegiate Official Hand- book. No. 302 y. M. C. A. Official Handbook. No. 313 Public Schools Athletic League Official Handbook. No. 314 Public Schools Athletic League Official Handbook — Girls' Branch. No. 303 Official Handbook New York Interscholastic A th 1 e t i c Association. Group XIIK Athletic Accouipiishments No. 177 How to Swim. No. 296 Speed Swimming. No. 128 How to Row. No. 209 How to Become a Skater. No. 178 How to Train for Bicycling. No. 23 Canoeing. No. 282 Roller Skating Guide. Group XIV. Manly Sports No. 18 Fencing. ( By Breck.) No. 162 Boxing. No. 165 Fencing. ( By Senac.) No. 140 Wrestling. No. 236 How to Wrestle. No. 102 Ground Tumbling. No. 233 Jiu Jitsu. No. 166 How to Swing Indian Clubs. No. 200 Dumb Bell Exercises. No. 143 Indian Clubs and Dumb Bells. No. 262 Medicine Ball Exercises. No. 29 Pulley Weight Exercises. No. 191 How to Punch the Bag. No. 289 Tumbling for Amateurs. No. 326 Professional Wrestling. Group XV. Gymnastics No. 104 Grading of Gymnastic Exer- cises. [Dumb Bell Drills. Graded Calisthenics and Barnjum Bar Bell Drill. Indoor and Outdoor Gym- nastic Games. How to Become a Gymnast. Fancy Dumb Bell and March- ing Drills. [Apparatus. Pyramid Building Without Exercises on the Parallel Bars. Pyramid Building with Wands, Chairs and Ladders GYMNASTIC AUXILIARY No. 333 Official Handbook I. C. A. A. Gymnasts of America. Group XVI. Physical culture No. 161 Ten Minutes' Exercise for Busy Men. [giene. Physical Education and Hy- Scientific Physical Training and Care of the Body. Physical Training Simplified. Hints on Health. 285 Health Answers. Muscle Building. [ning. School Tactics and Maze Run- Tensing Exercises, [nasties. Health by Muscular Gym- Indigestion Treated by Gym- Get Well: Keep Well, [nasties. "Twenty-Minute Exercises. Physical Training for the School and Class Room. No. 214 No. 254 No. 158 No. 124 No. 287 No. 327 No. 328 No. 329 No. 208 No. 149 No. 142 No. 185 No. 213 No. 238 No. 234 No. 261 No. 285 No. 288 No. 290 No. 325 No. 330 ANY OF THE ABOVE BOOKS MAILED POSTPAID UPON RECEIPT OF 10 CENTS SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group I. Base Ball he leadinar Base Ball annual of the country, and the official authority of the game. Contains the official playing- rules, with (xplanatory index of the ;s compiled by Mr. A. G. Spalding; pictures of alt > teams in the National. American and minor leajrues ; re- views of the season; college Base Ball, and a ^reat deal of interesting in- formation. Price 10 cents. No, 202— How to Play Ba«e > Ball. Edited by Tim Muman*. New and revised edition. Illustrated with pic- tures showing how all the various curves and drops are thrown and por- traits of leading players. Price 10 cents. No. 223— How to But. There is no better way of becoming a prolicient batter than by reading this book and practising the directions. Numerousillustrations. Price lOcents. No. 232— How to Hnn the BaMea. This book ^ves clear and concise directions for excelling as a base run- ner; tells when to run and when not to do so; how and when to slide; team work on the bases; in fact, every point of the game is thoroughly explained. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 230— HoiV to Pitch. A new, up-to-date book. Its contents •re the practical teaching of men who have reached the top as pitchers, and who know how to impart a knowledge of their art. All the big leagues' pitchers are shown. Price 10 cents. No. 229— How to Catch. Every boy who has hopes of being a clever catcher should read how well- known players cover their position. Pictures of all the noted catchers in the big leagoies. Price 10 cents. Illustrated with pictures of all the iprominentf rst basemen. Price lOcents. The ideas of the best second basemen have been incorporated in this book for the especial benefit of boys who want to know the fine points of play at this point of thediamond. Price 10 cents. Third base ia, in some respects, the most important of the infield. All the points explained. Price 10 cents. No. 22S— How to Play Short- stop. Shortstop is one of the hardest posi- tions on the infield to fill, and quick thought and quick action are necessary for a player who expects to make good as a shortstop. lUus. Price lU cents. ^o. 224— How to Play the Outfleltl. An invaluable guide for the out- fielder. Price 10 cents. Mo. 231— How to Coach; How to Captain a Team; How to Manage a Team; Hott to Umpire; How to Or- iraiilxe A Leatraei Tech- nical Terms ot Base Ball. AaMlinor Leaffue Base Ball Guide. The minors' own guide. Edited by President T. H. Murnane. of the New England League. Price 10 cents. No. 320— OfTlcinl Handbook ot tite >utionul Lcu^^iie of Professionul Base Bull Clubs. Contains the Constitution, By-Laws. Official Rules, Averages, and schedule of the National League for the current year, together with list of club officers and reports of the annual meetings of the Leaerue. Price 10 cents. No. 321— Omcial Handbook National Pluysround Bull Association. This game is specially adapted for playgrounds, parks, etc.. is spreading rapidly. The book contains a descrip- tion of the game, rules and officers. Price 10 cents. Group n. Foot Ball Edited by Walter Camp. Contains the new rules, with diagram of field; All- America teams as selected by the leading authorities; of the game from sections of the country; scores; pictures. Price 10 cents. No. 334— Code of the Foot Bull Rolen. This book is meant for the use of Officials, to help them to refresh their memories before a game and to afford them a quick means of ascertaining a point during a game. It also gives a ready means of finding a rule in the Official Rule Book, and is of great help to a player in studying the Rules. Compiled by C. W. Short, Harvard. 1908. Price 10 cents. No. 324— How to Play Foot Bull. Edited by Walter Camp, of Yale. Everything that a beginner wants to know and many points that an expert will be glad to learn. Snapshots of leading teams and players in action, with comments by Walter Camp. Price 10 i nts. No. 2A— Spuldinc^s Official Association Soccer Foot Ball Guide. A complete and up-to- date guide to the "Soccer' game in the United States, containing instructions fori playing tHfe game, officia rules, and interestini news from all parts of th country. Illu«trate4. Phcej 10c«Dtft No. 28a»How to FUr So** cer. How each position should bs played, written by the best player In En^wDO in his respective position, and illu^ trated with full-page photographs of players in action. Price 10 cents. FOOT BALL ALXILIAHIB9* No. 33$— Spaldlnjr*« Offlelal Canadian Foot Ball Guide. The official book of the fftme In Caiw ada. Price 10 cents. Group m. Cricket Official The most complete year book of the game thathaa ever been published in America. Reports of special matches, official rules and pictures of all the leading teams. Prico 10 cents. No. 277— Cricket! and Bow to Play It. By Prince Ranjitsinhjf. The ffame described concisely and illustrated with fulUpape pictures posed especl^lyfor this book. Price 10 cents* Group IV, Lawn Tennis No. 4 — Spaldfne'a Official Lan-u Tennis Annaai. Contents include report* of all important tourna- ments: official rankinft from 1885 to date; laws ot lawn tennis: instructions for handicapping; deciv sions on doubtful points; management of tourna- ments: directory of clubs; nd keeping a court. Illusy trated. Price 10 cents. No. 157— How to Play Law* Tennis. A complete description of lawn ten* nis; a lesson for beginners and direc- tions telling how to make the most im- porunt strokes. Illustrated. Pric« 10 cents. By P. A. Vaile. a leading authority on the game in Great Britain. Every stroke in the game is accurately illus* trated and analyzed by the author. Price 10 cents. Group V. Golf Contains records of all important tournaments, articles on the eame in various sections of the country, pictures of prom- inent players, official play- ing rules and general items of interest. Price 10 cents. No. 270— How to Play Golfc By James Braid and Harry Vardon, the world's two greatest players tell, how they play the game, with numei^ °y£.^''"'I>'«< pietur*. of them taJi«M SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group VI. Hockey Tio. 6— Spaldiiis's Official Ice Hockey Guide. The ofllicial year book of he pame. Contains the I official rules, pictures of I leading teamsand players. records, review 'of the son. reports from dif" ferent sections of the , United States and Canada. ce 10 cents. ^o.'*304— How to Play Ice Hockey. Con,tains a description of the duties of each player. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. Vfo. «54~riel4l Hockey. Promment in the sports at Vassar. Smith. Wellesley, Bryn Mawrand other leading colleges. Price 10 cents. No. IHM^Lawn Hockey, Parlor Hockey, Garden Hockey. Containing the rules for each game. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. ISO— Ring Hockey. A new game for the gymnasium. Exciting as basket ball. Price 10 cents. HOCKEY AUXILIARY. Mo. :£5i;— Ottlcial Handbook of (he Ontario Hockey Association. Contains the official rules of the Association, constitution, rules of com- petition, hst of officers, and pictures of leading players. Price 10 cents. Basket Group Vn. Ball No. 7— Spalding's uniciul Daaket Uall Edited by George T. Hepbron. Contains the revised official rules, de- cisions on disputed points. records of prominent teams, reports on the game from various parts of the country. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 103— How to Ploy Basket Ball. By G. T. Hepbron. editor of the Official Basket Ball Guide. Illustrated with scenes of action. Price 10 cents. No. 318— omclal Ba.sket Ball Guide for Women. Edited by Miss Senda Berenson. of Smith ColleBe. ConUins the official playing rules and special articles on the game by prominent authorities. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. BASKET BALL AUXILIARY. No. 323— Collestiate Bosket Ball Handhook. The official publication of the Colle- CUtc Basket Ball Association. Con- tains the official rules, records. All- America selections, reviews, and pic- tuici. Edited by H. A. Fi»b«r> ot tttTrrt"? ftio* 10 cnttk Group VIII. Bowling >o. S— Spalding's Official BoT^lins Guide. 'he contents include: I diagrams of effective de- I liveries; hints to begin- s- how to score; official rules; spares, how they made: rulesforcocked I hat, quintet, cocked hat and feather, battle game, ' etc. Price 10 cents. __ Indoor Group IX. Base Ball No. !)— Spaldlnu's Olll door Base Ball C, America's national game is now vieing with other indoor games as a winter pastime. This book con- tains the playing rules, pictures of leading teams, and interesting articles on the game by leading au- thorities on the subject. Price 10 cents. Group X. Polo No. Kt— Siialdlne'9 Omclnl Roller I'olo Guide. Edited by J. C. Morse. A full description of the game; official rules, re- cords; pictures of promi- nent players. Price U cents Ko. 12»— Water Polo. The contents of this book treat of every detail, the individual work of the players, the practice of the team, how to throw the ball, with illustrations and many valuable hints. Price 10 cents. Vo. lt>!t— Equestrian Polo. Compiled by H. L. Fitzpatrick of the New York Sun. Illustrated with por- traits of leading players, and contains most useful information for polo play- ers. Price 10 cents. ___ Miscellane- GroupXI. ous Games \o. 201 — Lacrosse. Every position is thoroughly ex- plained in a most simple and concise manner, rendering it the best manual of the game ever published. Illus- trated with numerous snapshots of im- portant plays. Price 10 cents. ^o. 322— Official Handbook V. S. Iiiter-Colleelote La- crosse LeaBiie. Contains the constitution, by-laws, playing rules, list of officers and records of the association. Price 10 cents. No. 2T1— Simldins's Offlciol Roque Guide. The official publication of the Na- tional Itoque Association of America. 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This book contains the official rules and a sketch of the game; illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 13— How to Play Hand Ball. By the world's champion. Michael Egan. Every play is thoroughly ex- plained by text and diagram. Illus- trated. Price 10 cents. No. 14— CurlluB. A short history of this famous Scot- tish pastime, with instructions for play, rules of the game, definitions of -terms and diagrams of different shots. Price 10 cents. No. 207— Donllner on the Green; or. Lawn Bowls, How to construct a treen; how to play the game, and the official rules of the Scottish Bowling Association, illustrated. Price 10 cents. ^ No. 180— Children's Games. These games are intended for use at recesses, and all but the team games have been adapted to large classes. Suitable for children from three to eight years, and includeagr<^tvarietl* Price 10 cents. No. ISS — LaiTn Games. Lawn Hockey, Garden Hockey, Hand Tennis, Tether Tennis; also Volley Ball, Parlor Hockey. Badminton. Bas- ket Goal. Price 10 cents. Group Xn. Athletics No. Atl Compiled by J. E. Sulli- van. President of the Ama- teur Athletic Union. The | only annual publication now issued that contains a complete list of amateur best-on-records; intercol- legiate, swimminc. inter- 1 _ scholastic. English, Irish. Scotch, Swedish, Continental, South African, Australasian; numerous photos of in- dividual athletes and leading athletic teams. Price 10 cents. No. 27— College Athletics, M. C. Murphy, the well-known ath- letic trainer, now with Pennsylvania, the author of this book, has written it especially for the schoolboy and college man, but it is invaluable for the atWeto who wishes to excel in any branch of athletic sport: pi«fu«ely Uiiutnted. PtieoUsmtk .r-- SPALDING ATHLFTIClIBRAror No.i ,18S— All-Around Ath- letics. Give* in full the method of scoring the All-Around Championship; how to train for the All-Around Champion- ehip. llluBtrated. Price 10 cents. Mo. ISU— Athlete's Gaide. Full instructions for the beginner, iellinsr how to sprint, hurdle, jump and throw weights. Rrencral hints on train- ing; valuable advice to beginners and important A. A. U. rules and their ex- planations, while the pictures comprise many scenes of champions in action. Price 10 cents. No. 273— The 'Olympic Games ^nt Athens. > complete account of the Olympic Games of 1906, at Athens, the greatest International Athletic Contest ever held. Compiled by J. E. Sullivan, Special United Stetes Commissioner to the Olympic Games. Price 10 cents. No. 87— Athletic Primer. Edited by J. E. Sullivan. President of the Amateur Athletic Union. Tells how to organize an athletic club, how to conduct an athletic meeting, and gives rules for the government of ath- letic meetings: contents also include directions for laying out athletic grounds, and a very instructive article on training. Price 10 cents. No. 252— How to Sprint. Every athlete who aspires to be a sprinter can study this book to advan- tage. Price 10 cents. No. 26S— HOTT to^Rnn 100 Yards. By J. W, Morton, the noted British champion. Many of M r. Morton 's methods of training are novel to American athletes, but his success is the best tribute to their worth. Illus- trated. Price 10 cents. No. 174— Distance and Cross* Country Rnnnlng;. ^a^y George Orton, the famous Uni- versity of Pennsylvania runner. The Ouarter. half, mile, the longer dis- tances, and cross-country running and steeplechasing. with instructions for training: pictures of leading athletes hi action, with comments by the editor. ^ce 10 cents. No. 259— Weight Throwing. Probably no other man in the world haa had the varied and long experience of James S. Mitchel, the author, in the weight throwing department of ath- letics. The book gives valuable infor- mation not only for the novice, but for the expert as well. Price 10 cents. No. 246— Athletic Tralnlns for Schoolboys. By Geo. W. Orton. Each event in the Intercollegiate programme is treated of separately. Price 10 cents. Cro. ^bS— Oflloial sporting Roles. v^ Contains rules not found in other t>nbIication8 for the government of •nany sports; rules for wrestling, •hufHeboerd. snowshoeing. profes- «ioDal racing, pigeon shooting, dog radng. pistol and revolver shooting. Britub wstsr polo rules, Bujrbv A>Qt ATHLETIC AliXILIARlES. No. 311— Offlclal Handbook of the A.A.U. The A. A. U. is the governing body of athletes in the United Sutes of America, and all games must be held under its rules, which are exclusively published in this handbook, and a copy should be in the hands of every athlete and every club officer in America. Also includes a very interesting article on "The Growth of American Ath- letics." and a short biography of each member of the Board of Governors. Price 10 cents. No. 31U— Omelal Intercolle- firlate A. A. A. A. Handbook. Contains constitution, by-laws, and laws of athletics: records from 1876 to date. Price 10 cents. No. SOS— Official Handbook New York Interschol- nMtic Athletic Associa- tion. Contains the Association's records, constitution and by-laws and other information. Price 10 cents. Y.M.C.A. Contains the official rxAjs governing ell sports under the jurisdiction of the Y. M. C. A., official Y. M. C. A. scoring tables, pentathlon rules, pictures of leading Y. M. C. A athletes. Price 10 cents. No. 313— Official Hanilbook of the Public Schools Athletic League. Edited by Dr. C. Ward Crampton, director of physical education in the Public Schools of Greater New York. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 314— Official Handbook GirlM* Brnnoli of the Public Schools Athletic League. The official publication. Contains: constitution and by-laws, list of offi- cers, donors, founders, life and annual members, reports and illudlrations. Price 10 cents. By J. E. Sullivan. President Amateur Athletic Union and member of Board of Education of Greater New York. An invaluable handbook for the teacher and the pupil. Gives a systematic plan for conducting school athletic con- t«t3 and instructs how to prepare for the various events, lllustpated. Price 10 cents. No. 317— Marathon Kunnlng. A new and up-to-date book on this popular pastime. Contains pictures of the leading Marathon runners, methods of training, and best times made in various Marathon events. Price 10 cents. Group XnL Athletic ^ Accomplishments No. 177— How to Swim. Will interest the expert as well as the novice; the illustrations were made from photographs especially posed. showing the swinimer in clear water: a valuable feature is the series of "land drUr* ««*r<4esi for tb« bs0^«r- No. 128— How to Row. By E. J. Giannini, of the New York Athletic Club, one of America's most famous amateur oarsmen and cham- pions. Shows how to hold the oars, the finish of the stroke and other valu- able information. Price 10 cents. No. 2»»— Speed Swimming. By Champion C. M. Daniels of the New York Athletic Club team, holder of numerous American records, and the best swimmer in America qualified to write on the subject. Any boy should be able to increase his speed in the water after reading Champion Daniels* instructions on the subject. Price 10 cents. No. 23— Canoeing. ' Paddling, sailing, cruising and rac* ing canoes and their uses; with hints on rig and management; the choice of a canoe: sailing canoes, racing regula- tions; canoeing and camping. Fully illustrated. Price 10 cents. Contains advice for beginners; how to become a figure skater, showing how to do all the different tricks of the best figure skaters. Pictures of prominent skaters and numerous diagrams. Price 10 cents. No. 2!^2— Official Roller Skat- ing Guide. Directions for becoming a fancy and trick roller skater, and rules for roller skating. Pictures of prominent trick skaters in action. Price 10 cents. No. 17S— flow to Train for Dicycling. ^^ Gives methods of the best riders when training for long or short distance races; hints on training. Revised and up-to^Jate in every particular. Price 10 cents. Group XIV. Manly Sports No. 14U— -Wrestlliis. Catch-as-catch-can style. Seventy illustrations of the different holds, pho- tographed especially and so described that anybody can with little effort leam every one. Price 10 cents. No. IS— Fencing. By Dr. Edward Breck. of Boston^ editor of The Swordsman, a promi*- nent amateur fencer. A book that ha. stood the test of time, and is universally acknowledged to be a standard work. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 1G2— Boxins Gnlde. Contains over 70 pages of illustrations showing all the latest blows, posed especially for this book under the super- vision of a well-known instructor of boxing, who makes a specialty of teach- ing and knows how to impart hi. knowledge. Price 10 cents. No. 165— The Art of Fencins By Regis and Louis Senac. of New York, famous instructors and leadihflr authorities on the subject. Gives in detail how every move should be made. Price 10 cents. No. 236— HOTT to'DlTreatle.'- The most complete and up-todate book on wrestling ever published. Edited by F. R. Toombs, and devotod principally to special poses and iUu«bs> tions by G«»v« Hackwuchmidit t^ i BuaslMiUsn," PiNm W mbim. bfALUll\li AlULLlltXllSKilKY NO.^OS'Gronnd Tamblins. Any boy. by reading this book and foHowins^ the instructions, can become proficient. Price 10 cents. No. ::hu— Tumbling for Ama- tenrs. Specially compiled for amateurs by Dr.JamesT. Gwathmey. Every variety of the pastime explained by text and pictures, over 100 different positions being shown. Price 10 cents. No. lUl— How to Punch the The best treatise on bag punching that has ever been printed. Every va- riety of blow used in training is shown and explained, with a chapter on fancy bag punching by a well-known theatri- cal bag puncher. Price 10 cents, No. 143~Inf]ian Clnba and ^ Dumb-Bellii. «y America's amateur champion club .iwinger, J. H. Dougherty. It is clearly illustrated, by which any novice can become an expert. Price 10 cents. No. 200— Dnmb-Bella. The best work on dumb-bells that has ever been ofTered. By Prof. G. Bojus, of New York. Contains 200 photographs. Should be in the hands of every teacher and pupil of physical culture, and is invaluable for home exercise. Price 10 cents. A series of plain and practical exer- cises with the medicinti ball, suitable for boys and girls, business and profes- sional men, in and out of gymnasium. Price 10 cents. No. 29— Pulley Weight Exer- cises. ^y Dr. Henry S. Anderson, instructor In heavy gymnastics Yale gymnasium. In conjunction with a chest machine anyone with this book can become perfectly developed. Price 10 cents. No. 233— Jin Jltan. Each move thoroughly explained and illustrated with numerous full-page pictures of Messrs. A. Minami and K. Koyama, two of the most famous ex- ponents of the art of Jiu Jitsu. who posed especially for this book. Price 10 cents. No. 16G— How to Swine In- dian Cluba. By Prof. E. B. Warman. By follow- ing the directions carefully anyone can become an expert. Price ID cents. No. 32(V*Pro(e.ssional Wrest- ling. A book devoted tothecatch-as-catch- can style; illustrated with half-tone pictures showing the different holds used by Frank Gotch. champion catch- as-catch-can wrestler of the world. Posed by Dr. Roller and Charles Postl. By Ed. W. Smith, Sporting Editor of the Chicago American. Price 10 cents. Group XV. Gymnastics JVo. 104— The GradinsT of Gymnastic Exercises. By G. M. Martin. A book that should be in the hands of every physical djrec- &of tha Y. M. C. A., tchooi ^Hh. ^• No. 214— Graded Calisthen- ics and Oumb-'Bell DrllU* For years it has been the custom in most gymnasiums of memorizing a set drill, which was never varied. Conse- quently the beginner was given the same kind and amount as the older member. With a view to giving uni- formity the present treatise is at- tempted. Price 10 cents. No. 254— Barnjam Bar Bell Drill. Edited by Dr. R. Tait McKenzie, Director Physical Training, University of Pennsylvania. Profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. ie>S — Indoor nnd Outdoor Gymnastic Gamea. A book that will prove valuable to in- door and outdoor gymnasiums, schools, outings and gatherings where there are a number to be amused. Price 10 cents. No. 1 24— How t6 Become a Gyninnst. By Robert Stoll. of the New York A. C., the American champion on the flying rings from 1885 to 1892. Any boy can easily become proficient with a little practice. Price 10 cents. No. 287— Fancy Dumb Bell and Marching: Drills. All concede that games and recreative exercises during the adolescent period are preferable to set drills and monoton- ous movements. These drills, while de- signed primarily for boys, can be used successfully with girls and men and women. Profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 327— Pyramid Bnildins AVitliout Apimrntns. By W. J. Cromie, Instructor of Gymnastics, University of Pennsyl- vania. With illustrations showing many different combinations. Th is book should be in the hands of all gym- nasium instructors. Price 10 Cents. By W. J. Cromie.' Every gymnast should procure a copy of this book. Illustrated with cuts showing many novel exercises. Price 10 cents. No. 32!»— fyrnmld Building -^vith ChairSf Wands and Lailders. By W. J. Cromie. Illustrated with half-tone photopraphs showing many interesting combinations. Price 10 cents, GYMNASTIC AUXILIARY. No. 333— omcial Handbook Inter-Colles^iate Associa- tion Amateur Gymnasts of America. Edited by P. R. Carpenter. Physical Director Amherst College. Contains pictures of leading teams and individual champions, official rules governing con- tests, records. Price 10 cents. Group XVI. cufture * No. 1^1— Ten Minutes' Exev- ciae for Bnay Men, By Dr. Luther Halse/ Gulick. Direc- tor of Physical Training in the New York Public Schools. A concise and eomitleta eour«« et ^Itr^oet •d««atiMk. No. 208— Physical Education nnd Hygiene. This is the fifth of the Physical Training series, by Prof. E. B. Warman (see Nos. 142. 149. 166. 185. 213.261. 290.) Price 10 cents. / No.l4»—The Carcoftlie Bolly. A book that all who value health should read and follow its instructions. By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well-known lecturer and authority on physical cul- ture. Price 10 cents. No. 142— Fhysical Training SImiilitted. By Prof. E. B. Warman. A complete. thorough and practical book where the whole man is considered — brain and body. Price 10 cents. No. 1S5— Health Hints. By Prof, E. B. Warman. Health in. fluenced by insulation: health influ- enced by underwear; health influenced by color: exercise. Price 10 cents. Xo. 213—285 Health Anavrera. By Prof. E. B. Warman. Contents: ventilating a bedroom; ventilating a house; how to obtain pure air; bathing: salt water baths at home; a substitute for ice water; to cure insomnia, etc., etc. Price 10 cents. No. 238— Muscle Building/ By Dr. L. H. Gulick. Director of Phy- sical Training in the New York Public Schools. A complete treatise on the correct method of acquiring strength. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 234— School Tactics and Maxe Kunniue. A series of drills for the use of schools. Edited by Dr. Luther* Halsey Gulick. Director of Physical Trair.ing in the New York Public Schools. Price 10 cents. No. 201— Tenalns Exerclaea. By Prof. E. B. Warman. The "Ten- sing" or "Resisting" system of mu8> cular exercises is the most thorough, the most complete, the most satisfac* tory. and the most fascinating of sya- tems. Price 10 cents. No, 2.S5— Health! by Hna««« lar Gymnastics, W4th hints on right living. By W. J. Cromie. If one will practice the exer- cises and observe the hints therein contained, he will be amply repaid for so doing. Price 10 cents. No. 288— Indigestion Treated by Gymnastics By W. J. Cromie. If the hints thar*- in contained are observe and tjie exercises faithfully performed grreat relief will be experienced. Price 10 cents. By Prof. E. B. Warman, author of q number of books in the Spalding Ath- letic Library on physical training. Price 10 cents. By PiTtf. E. B. Warman, with chap ters on *' How to Avoid Growing Old," and " Fasting ; Its Objects and Bene- fits." Price 10 cants. No. 330— Fhyaical TralaiBff for the School and Class Koora. - Edited by G. R. Borden. Ph^cal Director of the Y. M. C. A.. Caaton. Pa- A book that is for ptactfeal wmk te the ichcvX f99m^ «f«att«talk M«h A. G. SPALDING Fhom Photooraph Taken xn San Fil«.ij-oisoo in novbmbeh, 1879 By JAMES T. GWATHMEY. M.D. Published by AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COMPANY 2 I Warren Street, New York SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group XIV. No. 289 Tumbling for Amateurs \J P^ a r ^^ - ==:zr -^^-O J) "COPYRIOHT, 191U BY ».MKRicAN Sports Publishing Comi-««^ Nkw York )C!.A2(;89;»3 SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBKARY. TUMBLING FOR AMATEURS Teachers, especially in public gymnasia, where the attend- ance is voluntary, will welcome anything that will make the exercises more attractive and do away, as far as possible, v/ith the idea of "work." Tumbling should form a part of every system taught in our public gymnasia, and to those who have not heretofore studied the subject we submit the following propositions: 1. Tumbling will develop, harmoniously, the whole body without the aid of any apparatus whatever, or any other set cf exercises. A careful study of the physiques of professional tumblers will verify this statement. 2. The exercises can be easily graded, so that there will be absolutely no danger in going from primary to advanced tumbling. In individual tumbling, the body being always close to the ground, the chances of a break or a sprain are reduced to a minimum; and in comparison with other forms of exercise, such as boxing, wrestling, or apparatus work, the percentage of accidents will be found to compare most favorably. 3. Friends can enter into the keenest competition, urging each other to the highest possible development and perfec- tion, and never experience the inconveniences of black eyes and bruises — the usual resultants of combative exercises. 4. At least 50 per cent, of those entering the gymnasium 4 SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. can participate in some form of tumbling, either individual or combination; the greatest progress for adults being at- tained in the latter, where two or more men exercise to- gether. 5. No expensive appliances or apparatus is necessary in introducing or teaching tumbling, the mats absolutely essen- tial in any gymnasium being all-sufficient for ordinary class work. But if tumbling is to be made a feature, then a large mat, 15 feet long by 6 feet wide and 2 feet high and stuffed with straw or hay, will be found a very attractive addition, as it can be used to great advantage with any gymnastic ap- paratus. 6. For boys, tumbling is the most natural exercise in the world, as they are easily interested and held in this form of exercise when a dumb-bell drill would run them away. Be- sides the development, they get co-ordination and control to a remarkable extent, which will be invaluable to them in any exercise that they may engage in later on. 7. A tumbler easily adapts himself to all gymnastic ap- paratus, and will usually be found to be more graceful than an exclusive apparatus worker. If teachers who have never used tumbling would introduce it, it would do away, in a great measure, with that r^tiffness which is so distasteful to many; and, if as systematically taught as their apparatus work, would change the product of their gymnasiums from the top-heavy type to a symmetrical whole. 8. It is the one universal exercise used by the whole human family from the earliest times to the dawn of the twentieth century, and will continue in use as long as the world lasts. The millions of babies tumbling in the world to-day, learning SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 5 their first physical exercise — to walk — reminds us that we have all taken a few lessons, at least, in this most useful art. 9. Tumbling is of more importance than all other exercises, as, nolens volens, we all take a tumble occasionally; and if we know how to tumble — so as to land on our feet or keep from falling — it will give us a confidence that we would not otherwise have. There seems to be a very prevalent idea that if a man has never learned how to tumble before he is twenty-one he had just as well not start. On the contrary, if a person has never taken gymnastic exercises, he can make greater advancement in tumbling than in almost any other form of exercise, if his physique permits of tumbling at all. After acquiring a few of the exercises, tumbling can be prac- ticed with pleasure and satisfaction on any lawn, sand-bar, or sawdust pile, and in this way will prove of more practical utility than almost any form of gymnastics. A word of caution might not be out of place: In teaching adults (where a large mat, such as already described, is not used) the small mats cannot be piled too high to prevent jars and shocking surprises. If pupils suffer from dizziness, excuse them from these exercises. In combination tumbling the belt, or lunger, must always be put on for a first trial, however simple the exercise may appear. In the following pages I have depended almost entirely upon the illustrations, and have intentionally made the text as short and concise as possible — following the plan of Messrs. Hitchcock and Nelligan's most excellent work, "Wrestling." I am also indebted to Dr. William Anderson, of Yale University, for many valuable suggestions. JAMES T. GWATHMEY. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. PRIMARY TUMBLING 1. The Forward Roll Over. Double up close, and finish standing erect on toes. Figs. 1, 2, 3. 2. The Forward Roll Over, grasping toes throughout roll. Fig. 4. 3. The Forward Roll Over, grasping toes, legs crossed Fig. 5. 4. The Forward Roll Over, arms between legs, hands on outside of ankles. Fig. 6. 5. The Forward Roll Over, arms between legs, hands clasped. Fig. 7. 6. The Forward Roll Over, arms at side horizontal through- out exercise. Do not touch mat with hands. Commence standing on right foot, swing the left to front to get momen- tum, and then under and back as you roll over to erect posi- tion on right foot again. Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11. 7. The Forward Roll Over. Same as No. 6, starting on left foot. 8. The Forward Roll Over. To lying flat on back. 9. The Forward Roll Over, with half-turn to face down- ward. 10. The Forward Roll Over, feet spread, arms in different positions. 11. The Forward Roll Over, arms folded, come to standing position. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 9 12. The Backward Roll Over. Repeat all of the foregoing backwards. 13. A Dive is a jump for height or distance, alighting on hands. Bend arms, duck head, and forward roll over. Never strike middle of back first. Commence with the forward roll over (Figs. 1, 2, 3), and gradually increase the height or dis- tance until you can finally go your full limit without jolting or bumping yourself in the least. The rise is usually from both feet. 14. Dive (1) for distance, (2) for height. 15. Combine the Forward Roll Over and Dive for (1) Dis- tance, (2) for Height. 16. Fall Forward without ■ Bending at Hips, with knees stiff; catch on hands. 17. Fall Backward, stiff (stage fall). 18. Fall Forward, with chest out, and back arched. Turn head to right or left. Continue rolling, and push over to feet. 19. Connbine Front and Back Roll Over, making continuous movement by crossing legs as you finish the front roll. 20. Combine Back and Front Roll Over. 21. Combine Front, Back, and Front Roll Over in quick succession. 22. Combine Back, Front, and Back Roll Over in quick suc- cession. 23. Roll Over Backward, straightening body as you go over to lying-down position on stomach. 24. Lie on back, arms at side horizontal. Bring right hand close to side, turn head to right, and at same time bend at waist, bringing feet over head, then snap over quickly on to stomach, facing in opposite direction. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 11 25. Hold left toe with right hand and jump right leg through. 26. Hold right toe with left hand and jump left leg through. 27. Hold stick in hands, jump through and back in order to learn to double up close for back or forward somersault. Fig. 12. 28. Head Stand. Place the hands in line on the mat, and the head between and about 10 inches in advance, forming an equilateral triangle; throw feet over head, with knees together and toes pointed upward; hold 30 seconds, then for- ward roll over. 29. Hand Stand. Beginners can best learn this by placing the hands on floor ll^ feet from wall and throwing the feet up against the wall. In practising hand stands on the floor, come down easy to feet the same way you threw into posi- tion, or pick up right or left hand as you overbalance and come to feet, or bend arms and roll over. Fig. 13. 30. Head Stand. Push up into hand stand without losing balance. 31. Forward Roll Over into Head Stand. 32. Backward Roll Over into Head Stand. N. B. — Do not compete in holding head stands for time. Caution boys especially against this foolish practice. 33. "Bucking Broncho." Throw almost into hand stand, bend knees and push up hard with hands, throwing head and shoulders up and back, snap feet to floor and come to stand- ing position; jump to hands again dnd repeat. 34. The Forward Roll Over into Hand Stand. 35. The Backward Roll Over into Hand Stand. 36. Body stiff, face downward, resting on hands and feet, SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 18 ■without raising either hand, jump between liands to Ij'ing- down position on back. 37. Roll Down. From hand stand incline head and shoul- ders forward, bend arms until chest touches, keep back arched, roll to lying-down position on mat, then to knees, and jump to feet immediately. 38. Head Stand and Roll Down. 39. Lie on back, raise feet up in air, place the hands just above the hips, with elbows, upper arms and shoulders touch- ing mat, bend and straighten knees with a snap, thus pro- gressing backward on shoulders. 40. Head Spring. Place head (touching upper part of fore- head, not the back of head) between and in advance of hands on mat. As you snap feet over shove hard from hands and head. Alight in standing position, with knees bent. Fig. 14. N. B. — Always place head on mat easily, thus obviating jars. 41. Same as No. 40, only alighting knees stiff and back arched. 42. Same as No. 40, without hands. 43. Repeat No. 40, alight on right foot, and hold balance. 44. Repeat No. 40, alight on left foot, and hold balance. 45. Twisting Head Spring. Same as No. 40, only twist the body to right or left, and land facing starting position. 46. The Balance Head Spring. From head stand bend at waist, with knees stiff, execute head spring without touching feet to floor. 47. Same as No. 46,. but with neck spring. 48. Neck Spring (snap up). Place back of head and neck on mat between hands. Same movement as head spring. Fig. 15. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 15 49. Neck Spring. Hands on front of thighs, shove hard with hands and head as you snap feet over. Fig. 16. 50. Neck Spring with arms folded. Fig. 17. 51. Hand Spring. Jump from either foot on to hands. Keep the arms perfectly stiff, and as the feet are thrown quickly over (chest and stomach well out and head back) shove hard from hands and alight on feet with bent knees. Figs. 18, 20. 52. Leaping Hand Spring. Jump from both feet on to hands. Movement same as in No. 51. Touch hands lightly as you go over. Figs. 19, 20. 53. Same as No. 51, only alight on balls of feet, with knees stiff, back arched, and perfectly erect position. 54. The Cart-wlieei. Either right or left side leading, keep the head back, chest and stomach well out, hands and feet as well separated as possible. If right side leads, place right hand on floor following with left, then left foot followed by right. Continue movement by keeping in a straight line. 55. Round Off. Start as in cart-wheel, but hand spring movement, turn, snap the feet down quickly, and alight facing starting-point. 56. Roll over backward to back of neck and snap up. 57. Jump, turn in air, alight facing starting-point, and back roll over. 58. Combine hand stand (Fig. 13) and snap up (Fig. 15). 59. A row of hand stands and snap ups in quick succession. 60. Combine two, three, or four head springs in quick suc- cession. 61. Combine two, three, or four neck springs in quick suc- cession. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 17 62. Alternate Head and Neck Springs in quick succession. 63. Hand Walk. Throw up into hand stand, and as you overbalance take a step forward with either right or left hand, and continue. 64. Hand Walk Forward. 65. Hand Walk Backward. 66. Hand Walk in Circle. 67. Hand walk forward, turn, and come back to starting- point. 68. Hand walk forward, touching chest at each step. 69. Hand walk, forward roll into hand stand, and repeat. 70. Two head springs into hand stand, roll down (37), pull through (36), and snap up (48). 71. Dive, back roll into hand stand, to neck, and snap up. The combinations of the foregoing movements are infinite, and the inventive teacher can repeat the same exercises in a different order or combination, making new movements out of the old ones, and thus keeping up the interest and enthusiasm from day to day. Select ten or twelve movements from the preceding list, and give as a drill for one lesson. Change the order, and repeat for next lesson; but give an entirely differ- ent drill for third lesson. As the pupils advance let them put in their own combinations at the end of each lesson. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 19 ADVANCED TUMBLING Mote. — Advanced tumbling should never be attempted alone the first time. A belt, with an assistant on either side, is the usual method of practising these exercises. Do not hurry. Prac- tise one movement day after day until you are proficient, re- membering that a difficult movement once mastered is as sim- ple as any other, and that after learning you can execute them with ease and impunity. It is folly, not bravery, to attempt movements by yourself that you are not sure of; and you are the one to decide this, not others. 1. Back Somersault. From standing position, hands by the side, spring straight up (do not bend forward as you stcop for spring), throwing hands high above head; throw the head back, and, grasping the knees, pull them well in at the highest point of jump, at the same time kicking the feet forward; let out, and come down straight. Fig. 21. 2. From a hand stand snap to feet and a back somersault. 3. Round off and a back somersault. 4. Two, three, or four back somersaults in a swing. 5. Forward run and back somersault. 6. Cart-wheel, round off, and back. 7. Front Somersault. Run forward, and as you run increase your speed; spring from either right or left foot a distance of from 8 to 12 feet, landing on the balls of both feet, hands by the side (Fig. 70), chest out, and head erect (not forward); jump for height, lifting the body by a quick upward swing ot SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 21 the arms, and at the highest point of the jump throw head and hands down witli a snap, grasp the legs a short distance below the knees and pull in close and hard, doubling up close, then straighten out quickly and alight on balls of feet in erect position. Fig. 22. Note. — Make the jump for height the fastest part of the run, and as you jump increase your speed so as to get the greatest height attainable, double into as small a ball as pos- sible, and then let out and come down perfectly straight, and you have the ideal somersault. 8. Standing Front Somersault. Hands by the sides (Fig. 70), spring straight upward, lifting with arms and shoulders, and as you reach the limit of your height throw head and hands forward with a snap, grasping ankles and pulling in close; then let out again quickly. 9. The Layout Front Somersault. (Done principally from the spring-board, although a few exceptionally fine jumpers can do it from the mat.) As you rise for the somersault throw the hands well out in front, with arms perfectly stiff, head up, chest out; hold this position for a second, then make a quick, close double as in the ordinary somersault; let out and come down straight. 10. One Foot Front. Stand on one foot and execute regular somersault. 11. Knee Front. From kneeling position raise to feet, regu- lar somersault. 12. Head Spring and Front Somersault. 13. Hand Spring and Front Somersault. 14. Two Front Somersaults in Quick Succession. N. B. — A double somersault should never be attempted by amateurs. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 23 15. Back Hand Spring, or "Flip" (the most difficult of all tumbling exercises). From standing position raise the heels, bend the knees, let the hands go back past sides, keep the body, from waist up, straight, stoop until hands can nearly touch the mat; from this piosition throw the hands swiftly forward and upward, at the same time raise on toes (but do not jump at all), arching the back well in, head and arms thrown as far back as possible; pull the body over by momen- tum of shoulders, body, and head. Figs. 23, 24, 25. 16. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, and Flip. 17. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, Flip, and Back. 18. A Row of Flips; Two or More in Quick Succession. 19. Alternate Flips and Backs. 20. Round Off and Flip. 21. Round Off, Flip, and Back. 22. Twisting Flip. As the hands hit, twist the body and alight facing in opposite direction from which you started. 23. A Series of Twisting Flips. The hands strike about the same place each time. 24. Twisting Back. Regular movement, only throw head hard to right or left and alight facing opposite direction from which you started. Fig. 74. 25. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, and Twisting Flip. 26. Round Off and Twisting Back. 27. Running Twisting Forward Somersault. Regular move- ment, only throw head hard to right or left, and alight facing direction from which you started. 28. Running Side Somersault. Alight sideways and turn sideways. Devise, invent, and make up your own combinations. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 26 COMBINATION TUMBLING By this is meant a series of combinations by two or more men exercising together. In these exercises a belt must al- ways be put on for the first trial (or assistants stand on either side), however simple the exercises may appear, and must be kept on until the exercise is thoroughly mastered, which would mean that you have each other's time and act in unison. Work with the same men all the time; beware of strangers, even if both of you understand the exercises. Do not be afraid to use caution and common sense. Only combinations that can be mastered by business men with lim- ited time have been put in; the more dangerous ones, re- quiring much time, being intentionally omitted. In all of the following exercises No. 1 is the heaviest or "bottom" man; No. 2, "middle" man; and No. 3, "top" man (or lightest man). ELEPHANT WALK. 1. Stand facing each other. No. 2 puts hands on No. I's shoulders, springs up and throws legs around No. I's waist, then leans backward and drops between No. I's legs, who then bends forward and places hands on floor keeping knees stiff; No. 2 places hands on No. I's heels and straightens arms; No. 1 then walks off (also with a small boy on top), or un- twists legs and both do a roll over. Fig. 26. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 27 WALK OFF. 2. No. 2 makes hand stand, feet well apart; No. 1 steps in, letting legs rest on hips, and grasps heels of No. 2, who straightens himself, arms folded; No. 1 then walks off with him. For first part of movement see Fig. 96. HAND STAND ROLL. 3. No. 1 stands erect; No. 2 makes hand stand close to No. I's heels, his legs dropping over No. I's shoulders, who grasps No. 2's ankles, bends forward, quickly pulling No. 2 over to a standing position; No. 1 now does a hand stand and is thrown over by No. 2. Repeat in quick succession. For first part of movement see Fig. 99. DOUBLE ROLL. 4. No. 1 lies on back, legs raised to vertical, with knees slightly bent, and grasps No. 2's ankles, who stands close to his head and also grasps No. I's ankles; No. 2 dives forward, held back slightly by No. 1 to break his fall; continue roll. Fig. 27. 5. Repeat No. 4 backward. HANDS BETWEEN LEGS AND PULL OVER. 6. Facing same direction. No. 2 leans forward and places his arms between his own legs; his wrists are grasped by No. 1, who lifts (as No. 2 jumps) and throws, him over to his feet. Figs. 28, 29. BACK TO BACK AND OVER. 7. Stand back to back, arms extended vertically, grasp each other's hands, heads turned to opposite sides; No. 2 springs and No. 1 pulls No. 2 over shoulders to feet. No. 2 must never relax muscles on this exercise. Figs. 30, 31. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 29 BALANCE ON HEAD AND THROW OVER. 8. Facing in same direction, No. 1 grasps No. 2 on eithei side of belt, and No. 2 grasps No. I's wrists and springs up, assisted by No. 1 lifting, and comes to balance position on No. I's head; No. 2 then throws his head back, pulls legs up and snaps over to feet, assisted by a slight push from No. 1. Figs. 32, 33 THROW OVER HEAD. 9. Same as No. 8, only in quicker time. No. 2 does not touch head of No. 1, who holds his arms perfectly stiff, and throws No. 2 over his head in one movement. Fig. 34. 10. Leap-frog, roll over, and continue. STRADDLE VAULT OVER. 11. No. 1 places one hand under No. 2's crotch; No. 2 places both hands on No. I's head and vaults over. Figs. 35, 36. STRADDLE OVER FROM FLOOR. 12a. No. 2 lies down and No. 1 places foot close up and be- tween No. 2's legs and grasps both hands of No. 2, who springs up and straddle vaults over, while No. 1 pulls, then pushes his hands to horizontal with quarter turn of body. STRADDLE OVER AND HAND SPRING. 12b. Position and first part of movement same as No. 12a, only No. 1 grasps No. 2's wrists; as No. 2 passes over No. I's head, he doubles up close and does a hand spring from No. I's hands. LOW ARM HAND STAND. 13. No. 1 lies on back, feet apart; No. 2 steps in and, bend- ing forward, they place hands on each other's shoulders; No. 2 does hand stand. No. 1 holding him in position. Fig. 37, SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 81 HIGH ARM HAND STAND. 14. Facing each other, hands on shoulders, No. 2 jumps up, crossing feet behind back of No. 1, who leans over and im- mediately comes to erect position; No. 2 pushing up into high arm stand. Figs. 38, 39, 40. HIGH ARM HAND STAND. ' 15. Repeat No. 13. No. 2 is let down easily by No. 1, and rolls over, retaining hold on each other's shoulders, to lying down position on backs; No. 1 does a quick back roll, and lands on feet between No. 2's spread legs, and immediately pulls No. 2 (who assists by jumping) to high hand to shoulder stand in air. Fig. 40. 16. From position of Fig. 39, No. 1 throws No. 2 hand spring over head. PULL UP FROM FLOOR. 17. Facing each other, and six feet apart, No. 2 dives half- way over, keeping palms of hands on mat by side of head, legs vertical; No. 1 grasps ankles and gives him a quick pull up and throw away; No. 2 assisting by pushing with his hands and head, and coming to standing position facing No. 1. Figs. 41, 42. IS. Same as No. 17, only both face same direction; No. 2 does forward roll; No. 1 pulls No. 2 to feet. BACK FROM FOREARMS. 19. No. 1 stands body straight, feet spread, knees bent, and, interlacing fingers, holds forearms horizontal; No. 2 places hands on No. I's shoulders, jumps to forearms, and back somersaults off. Figs. 43, 44. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 3S ONE LEG FORWARD. 20. Facing same direction, one foot apart. No. 2 bends knee and places right or left ankle in No. I's handL ; No. 2 jumps directly up (assisted by No. 1), cuts close, and does a high forward somersault, coming down straight. Figs. 45, 46. MOUNT TO SHOULDERS. 21. No. 1 facing front. No. 2 to left of No. 1 and right face; No. 1 bends knees slightly, feet well apart, holds right hand over head, palm up, and grasps No. 2's right hand, also No. 2's left with his left hand; No. 2 places left foot on No. I's left thigh; as each pulls hard with right hand. No. 2 jumps and places his right foot on No. I's right shoulder and left on left shoulder, lets go of No. I's hands and stands erect, heels together on balls of feet, knees straight, and legs pressing hard on No. I's head. Figs. 47, 48. MOUNT TO SHOULDER WITHOUT HANDS. 22. Position same as in No. 21, only No. 1 folds arms; and No. 2, taking a short run, mounts to shoulders without using hands. LIFT TO SHOULDER. 23. Facing in same direction. No. 1 grasps No. 2's hands and lifts to shoulders, No. 2 doubling up close in order to bring his feet to No. I's* shoulders. For first part of movement see Fig. 57. TO DISMOUNT. 24. No. 1 reaches up and grasps hands of No. 2, who jumps down between. 25. Both lean forward as far as possible; No. 2 jumps to feet, and both do a forward roll over. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 35 BACK FROM SHOULDERS. 26. Mount as in No. 23; as No. 2 jumps, No. 1 assists by lifting hard. Fig. 49, FRONT FROM SHOULDERS. 27. Mount as in No. 23; as No. 2 jumps. No. 1 assists by lifting hard. Fig. 50. CROTCH BACK. 28. Facing each other, No. 1 places hands under No. 2's crotch, and lifts hard; No. 2 doing a regular back somer- sault. Figs. 51, 52. CHOTCH FRONT. 29. Facing in same direction. No. 1 grasps No. 2 by seat and lifts hard; No. 2 doing a regular front somersault. Fig. 53. PULL TO SHOULDERS. 30. Facing each other. No. 2 leans forward, putting his hands between his own spread legs; No. 1 leans over and grasps No. 2's wrists; a quick pull lands No. 2 on his shoul- ders straddle seat. He then places his hands under thighs of No. 2, who, in turn, does a back somersault off, assisted by a slight shove from No. 1. Fig. 54. 31. Same as No. 30, only No. 2 puts his feet on No. I's shoulders. Back or forward somersault off. PULL TO SHOULDERS AND HAND SPRING OVER, 32. Position same as in Fig. 54. No. 1 grasps No. 2's wrists, pulls him HP, and places his hands on his shoulders; No. 2 continues movement by hand spring over. spaijDing's athlbtio library. 87 NECK LIFT. 33. Facing same way, No. 1 puts head between legs of No. 2, who leans back quickly, and No. 1 straightens up and tosses him over his head; No. 2 doing back somersault move- ment. Figs. 55, 56. TWISTING BACK OVER HEAD. 34. Same as No. 33, only No. 2 throws head quickly to right or left, and alights with back to No. 1. DOUBLE DIVE. 35. Facing, and 6 feet apart. No. 1 dives forward, and as his head rests on mat — that is, half way over — with feet well apar^. No. 2 dives over, comes to feet quickly; each turns, and repeat movement. TRIPLE DIVE. 36. No. 1 in middle and facing No. 2, No. 3 back of No. 1 and facing in same direction; No. 1 dives forward and No. 2 dives over No. 1 (as in No. 35) ; No. 3 immediately dives over No. 2, and No. 1 has turned and now dives over No. 3; No. 2 again dives over No. 1, and repeat as before. 1 LIFT AWAY HAND SPRING. ' 37. Facing in same direction. No. 1 grasps No. 2's hands and lifts him to standing position on shoulders; No. 2 jumps to mat between hands, and, without letting go, immediately jumps straight up, doubling up as he goes, stiffening arms and pressing hard against hands of No. 1, who pushes up, straight- ening arms; No. 2 continues on through, and does a hand spring from No. I's hands. Figs. 57, 58. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. go THREE JUMPS AND LIFT AWAY HAND SPRING. 38. Position samie as Fig. 57, only No. 1 rests riglit knee on mat; No. 2 jumps over No. I's right arm, and immediately- back to first position, in same manner over left arm, then over head and back again; No. 1 now rises to feet imme- diately, No. 2 doing lift away hand spring as in No. 37. 39. Same as No. 37, only go straight from mat to hand spring without going to shoulders. ONE LEG BACK. 40. No. 2 places right leg in No. I's hands, leg horizontal, knee stiff; as No 2 jumps and presses down with right leg No. 1 lifts hard, throwing him a back somersault. Figs. 59, 60. LAY OUT BACK. 41. No. 1 interlaces fingers, palms up, and stoops well down, feet spread; No. 2 places hands on shoulders (also without placing hands on shoulders) and lisht foot in his hands, jumps, straightei'ing right leg, and does a hollow back somer- sault, No. 1 lifting up hard. Figs. 61, 62. LAY OUT BACK. 42. Same as No. 41, only No. 1 places hands behind back in- stead of in front. GAINER LAY OUT BACK. 43. Same as No. 41, only No. 2 turns over No. I's head, alighting on opposite side from which he started. RUNNING FORWARD OVERHEAD. 44. Position of No. 1 same as in No. 41; No. 2 runs, plac- ing hands on No. I'g slioulders, and right foot in hands, jumps. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 41 straightening right leg, and goes for regular front somersault, alighting with back to No. 1. HAND SPRING TO SHOULDERS. 45. Facing each other, No. 1 bends knees slightly; No, 2 takes a run and places hands on No. I's knees and does a hand spring up, assisted by No. 1 grasping him by hips. Now quick roll back from shoulders, lig. 63. HIGH ARM HAND SPRING. 46. No. 1 spreads feet and braces himself, bending knees and getting low; No. 2 takes a cood run, places hands on shoul- ders of No. 1, who grasps his thighs and pushes him over for a hand spring. .Fig. 64. PULL UP AND BACK FROM HANDS. 47. Facing each other, and 6 feet apart. No. 2 rolls over and pushes his feet well up under him; No. 1 steps in, grasping No, 2's hands, pulls him up, and then pushes him up and away; No. 2, doubling up close, pushing hard with hands, throws head back and goes for back somersault. Figs. 65, 66. BACK FROM BACK. 48. Facing in same direction, No. 1 bends over, placing hands on knees; No. 2 jumps to back, between shoulders, and does a back off, No. 1 lifting up hard. Figs. 67, 68. FORWARD FROM BACK. 49. Facing each other, and about 20 feet apart, No. 1 stoops over, placing hands on knees; No. 2 runs and jumps on No. I's back, between shoulders, and immediately goes for front somersault, as from spring-board. No. 1 throwing hard. Fig. 69. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 43 HIGH HAND-TO-HAND HAND STAND. 50. Lift to shoulders, as in No. 23. From position of Fig. 91, No. 2 tlirows into hand stand. MOVEMENTS FROM POSITION OF FLOOR BACK FROM HANDS. 51a. No. 1 lying on back, hands close to head; No. 2 steps in No. I's hands and does a back somersault, assisted by No. 1. Figs. 70, 71. 51b. Same as No. 51, only No. 2 takes a few steps and jumps in No. I's hands, going for back immediately. BACK FROM HANDS. 52. No. 1 sits on floor, feet spread, and places hands in front, palms up; No. 2 steps in hands as before, and back out. FRONT FROM HANDS. 53. No. 2 places toes in No. I's hands, and does a regular front, assisted by No. 1. Fig. 72. TWISTING BACK FROM HANDS. 54. Same as No. 51, only No. 2 twists completaly around by turning head to right or left as he goes over, and alights fac- ing in opposite direction from which he started. Fig. 73. HAND SPRING OVER FEET. 55. Clasp hands (do not interlace fingers). No. 1 placing leet on No. 2's body, No. 2 jumps, and No. 1 pushes hard with feet and keeps his arms stiff, No. 2 pushing off with hands as he goes over. Figs. 74, 75. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 45 , HAND SPRING FROM FEET. 56. No. 2 grasps No. I's ankles and places feet against his body, same as in No. 55; No. 2 shoves hard from ankles as he goes over, keeping arms stiff in last 'part of movement, No. 1 ''Iso holding his legs stiff in last part of movement. Figs. 76, 77. HAND SPRING FROM KNEES OVER HANDS. 57. No. 2 runs and places hands on No. I's knees and hand spring over, No. 1 shoving his shoulders, if necessary, as he goes over. Fig. 78. HAND SPRING FROM HANDS OVER FEET. 58. No. 2 steps in No. I's hands and grasps the bottoms of feet of No. 1, who holds legs stiff while No. 2 does hand spring over. Figs. 79, 80. BACK OVER FEET. 59. Standing close to No. I's shoulders, No. 2 sits on his feet, leans back, and No. 1 pushes up hard; No. 2 doubles up for regular back. Figs. 81, 82. TWISTING BACK OVER FEET. 60. Same as No. 59, only No. 2 throws head quickly to right or left and alights with back to No. 1. SIDE OVER FEET. 61. No. 2 stands by side of No. 1, and sits on feet. Rest of movement same as in No. 59. Figs. 83, 84. PITCH BACK FROM FEET. 62. No. 2 sits on No. I's leet and lays back; No. 1 kicks vigorously. No. 2 doing regular back movement, and landing away from No. 1 on same side from which he started, not turning over No. 1 at all. Figs. 85, 86. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 47 BACK FROM FEET. 63. No. 2 jumps on No. I's feet, gets a perfect balance, and does a back off. MOUNT TO FEET AND BACK OFF. 64. No. 1 lies on back, feet up, hands on outside of thighs; No. 2 places right foot on No. I's left thigh, and presses in- side of knee against No. I's foot to steady himself. He then places left foot on No, I's left foot and, without touching hands, comes to ap erect position, then back somersault off. Figs. 87, 88. HAND SPRING FROM ELBOWS. 65. Facing each other. No. 1 places hands on knees, bend- ing over so that elbows project above back; No. 2 runs, places hands on elbows, and hand spring over. Figs. 89, 90. HAND SPRING FROM SHOULDERS. €6. Mount to shoulders as in No. 23, then hand spring off. Figs. 91, 92. PULL THROUGH TO FEET. 67. Facing in same direction. No. 1 in front, No. 2 rolls to position on back, arms folded, and straightens knees so that his feet can be grasped by No. 1, who pulls him through quickly on to feet. Fig. 93. MISCELLANEOUS HAND SPRING OVER HEAD FROM HIPS. 68. Facing each other, No. 1 places head between No. 2's legs and, grasping his knees, straightens up, throwing No. 2 over his head, who assists movement by placing his hands on No. I's hips and pushing off hard, elbows stiff. Fig. 94. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 49 JUMP TO SHOULDERS IN FOUR JUMPS. 69. No. 1 does a hand stand and roll down; No. 2 stands over him, feet on either side of thighs. No. 2 jumps on No. I's back thighs and immediately jumps straight up, No. 1 coming to hands and knees, and No. 2 lands on No. I's back just above hips; No. 2 again jumps straight up, and No. 1 comes to feet with hands on knees; No. 2 jumps up again, No. 1 comes to an erect position, and No. 2 lands on shoulders. Lean and roll over. WALK AROUND. 70. Complete jump to shoulders as in No. 69; No. 1 bends and places right knee and then left on mat, now crosses feet and sits down, straightening legs out in front, then lies down, still holding and steadying No. 2 by ankles, who retains his erect position by standing on front of No. I's shoulders; No. 1 brings legs up, feet well apart, and No. 2 steps on his right or left hoclc and mashes it down; No. 1 turns head to right or left and continues back roll, coming to hands and knees; No. 2 steps up immediately on his back and does two jumps to shoulders (lean and roll over, or back or forward somer- sault off). DOUBLE ROLL OVER BACK. 71. Get into position as in No. 2; No. 1 presses hard on heels of No. 2, who comes up quickly and continues move- ment by rolling on over No. I's back. Figs. 95, 96. HAND STAND AND DOUBLE OVER. 72. No. 2 does a hand stand, and his ankles are grasped by No. 1, who stoops over quickly and assists No. 2 in turning the front somersault after leaving his shoulders, by pushing SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 51 ap hard on No. 2's ankles (called a double— the body only turns once and a half). Figs. 97, 98, 99. TRIPLE ROLL. 73. Same as No. 4, only three men grasp each other's ankles and roll forward. Fig. 100. BACK FROM THIGHS. 74. Facing each other. No. 1 squats. No. 2 placing hands on No. I's shoulders; No. 2 jumps on his thighs, No. 1 catching him by calves; No. 2 does a back, assisted by No, 1 lifting and raising up. :^ig. 101. FRONT FROM THIGHS. 75. Facing in same direction, No. 1 stoops, and placing his head under No. 2's crotch lifts to shoulders, stoops and places No. 2's feet on his thighs (or No. 1 grasps No. 2's hands and lifts to thighs) and grasps his ankles; No. 2 straightens up and No. 1 pulls his head out, and as No. 2 jumps for his for- ward No. 1 assists by raising up and lifting hard with hands. Fig. 102. THE BASKET. 76. From this position either a back or front somersault can be easily thrown. No. 1 grasps his left wrist with right hand; No. 2, same; each then grasps the other's right wrist with left hand, thus forming basket. Fig. 103. KNEE THREE HIGH. 77. No. 2 lifts No. 3 on shoulders, No. 1 then lifts No. 2 (and No. 3), No. 3 straightens up and leans forward, No. 2 pulls head out and holds No. 3 in position by ankles. No. 2 now raises up slightly and leans forward and No. 1 pulls head out SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 63 and, straightening up, completes tiie knee three high. No. 3 jumps down and rolls over, followed by No. 2 and fio. 1 in quick succession. Figs. 104, 105, 106. KNEE THREE HIGH AND FRONTS OFF. 78. Build three high as in No. 77. No. 3 does a front off, then No. 2, and No. 1 does a standing front. Fig. 107. STILL MOUNT. (For Three High.) 79. (The object is for No. 2 to mount to shoulders without moving No. 1 from his tracks. This should first be practiced a number of times on the floor, and then on top of the horse or buck. When practicing a three high the top mount should always have around his waist a belt suspended from the ceil- ing the first few trials.) Facing each other and clasping hands. No. 1 pulls No. 2 (who jumps) on his feet, hands above head; No. 2 places left hand on top of No. I's head, and clasps his right hand; No. 2 bends left leg and places his foot in No. I's left hand; No. 1 pulls hard with right hand and lifts with left, No. 2 assisting himself by pressing hard on No. I's head with left hand; No. 2 places right foot on No. I's right shoulder and left foot on left shoulder, and comes to an erect position. Figs. 108, 109, 110. THREE HIGH. 80. No. 2 mounts to No. I's shoulders and grasps No. 3's hands (Fig. Ill) and pulls him to top of No. I's shoulders; No. 3 continues on up by still mount. Lean and fall. Fig. 112. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 66 EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS OF PROMINENT PHYSICAL DIRECTORS New Haven, Conn. W. G. Anderson, Associate Director Yale University Gym- nasium: "I believe in 'tumbling' as an exercise. It makes a man quick, agile, and very sure-footed. It is a form of sport that is popular and perfectly legitimate when properly taught. We have no good book on the subject, but need one. If such a work is to be presented to those interested in this subject, it ought to be written by a man who has had much experience in actual tumbling, who is familiar with the mechanism of the body, and who is educated. Dr. James T. Gwathmey, of Van- derbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., is just the person to compile a book on this form of gymnastics. He is a clever performer, a teacher of wide experience, and an educated physician. I have looked over the MS. of the Doctor's new book, and I indorse it." McGill University, Montreal, Canada. R. Tait McKenzie, M.D. : "I am glad to find some one ready and able to draw the veil from a branch of gymnastics which the professional acrobat has so long kept shrouded in mystery. The reducing of the various feats of tumbling to a progressive sequence, and the analyzing of the various com- binations, is indeed a difficult task; but your kinetoscope method of illustration will make clear what would otherwise require pages of description. Your work can not but assist any one of ordinary ability in mastering the rudiments of the art; but it will also appeal to the much wider field of all whc SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. admire acrobatics, and will give them some idea of the diffi- culties mastered by the professional, whose work they will more fully appreciate. I wish your book every success." Ithaca. N. Y. E. Hitchcock, Jr., M.D., Director of Department of Hygiene and Physical Training, Cornell University: "It has always seemed to me that this graphic method of instructing is the most useful, and I know that this subject in your hands will help enormously in instructing in a decidedly difficult branch of gymnastic work." Amherst, Mass. E. Hitchcock, M.D., Amherst College, Pratt Gymnasium: "In physical education, as in many other branches of mental and bodily training, there are some advanced branches which are adapted to the few and not the many. Acrobatic work is one of these. IjUt it should be controlled, cultivated, and made good use of, like the other work, which may b*^ undertaken by anybody. It is a pleasure to know that a manual on this sub- ject is to be prepared and furnished for our use by one so capable to issue the book as is Dr. Gwathmey, of Vanderbilt University. We shall wait impatiently to get hold of it." Amherst, Mass. R. F.. Nelligan, Instructor, Amherst College: "For sound men and boys tumbling is one of the best and most exhil- arating of exercises, when practised under favorable condi- tions. Of course tumbling on a brick sidewalk differs from tumbling on a hair-stuffed mattress, with the aid of the safety appliances while learning. It has been said that one can not learn after reaching maturity. This is not so, as many first- class tumblers did not commence until after reaching twenty- five. At the age of thirty-two I was induced to take up tum- bling under Dr. Gwa^^hmey, and, with the aid of his safety £^p- SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 59 pliances, succeeded in learning to do fairly well over fifty different movements and combinations." Kansas City, Mo. Carl Betz, Supervisor Music and Physical Training, Public Schools: "Your book, Tumbling for Amateurs,' which you have announced, will undoubtedly be hailed with delight by thousands of young American men who seek and find recrea- tion in this particular kind of exercise. The photographs that will illuminate the pages of your book will be of intrinsic value to amateurs, who usually have no expert teacher to ex- plain to them minutely each step of the exercise. If the ele- ment of danger in tumbling is greater than is consistent with the needs of physical education, as some claim it is, then your book, giving such minute instructions, and photographs of the body passing through the different stages of each ex- ercise, cannot fail to reduce that danger to a degree which every interesting gymnastic exercise must contain. I there- fore cheerfully recommend your interesting and timely little book to all who may wish to learn and practice the delightful pastime of tumbling." St. Louis, Mo. William A. Stecher, Secretary Technical Committee, Nord Amerikanischer Turnerbund: "I think that your undertaking is a very commendable one; for I believe that the greater the control a person has over his body — and tumbling undoubt- edly increases this — the better off he is. I wish you all suo- cess." Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Pfister, M.D., Editor Mind and Body: "Received your favor of the 7th inst., and congratulate you upon the idea of publishing a manual on tumbling, for nothing recommend- ablc exists in that line." SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 61 Springfield, Mass. Luther Gulick, M.D. ("History of Physical Training"), In- ternational Y. M. C. A. Training-School: "Your letter of the 7th is at hand, with the excellent cuts that were inclosed. You ought not to charge less than one dollar for the book. I do not know but what you could get more. I shall be very glad to purchase a copy of the book as soon as it is published. Please let me know." Chicago, 111. G. W. Ehler, Physical Director of the Y. M. C. A. of Chi- cago, Central Department: "There is a necessity for a good book on tumbling, as there is none now in print to my knowl- edge; and I believe that such a book would meet with a very hearty reception by physical directors and by others who are interested." Boston, Mass. Robert J. Roberts: "I approve of your idea of getting out such a book as you speak of. I would keep out the dangerous exercises; or, if you put them in, hedge them in so that ama- teurs will not use them. There is no kind of physical work thut will so harmoniously develop every part of the body af tumbUng." OFFICIAL RULES FO R ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS. The following list contains the Group and the Number of the book of Spalding's Athletic Library in which the rules wanted are contained. See front pages of book for complete list of Spalding's Athletic Library. Event. All-Round Athletic Cham- pionship A. A. U. Athletic Rules A. A. U. Boxing Rules A. A. U. Gymnastic Rules. . A. A. U. Water Polo Rules. A. A. U. Wrestling Rules. . . Archery Badminton Base Ball Indoor Basket Ball, Official Collegiate Women's Water Basket Goal Bat Ball Betting Bowling Boxing — A. A. U., Marquis of Queensbury, London Prize Ring Broadsword (mounted) Caledonian Games Canoeing Children's Games Court Tennis Cricket Croquet Curling Dog Racing. ' Fencing Foot Ball Code of Rules Association (Soccer) English Rugby Canadian Golf Golf-Croquet Hand Ball Hand Polo Hand Tennis Hitch and Kick Hockey Ice Field Garden . Lawn Parlor Ring Ontario Hockey Ass'n Indoor Base Ball Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. . I.-C. Gymnastic Ass'n Lacrosse. U. S. I.-C. Lacrosse Leagrue No. 182 311 311 311 311 311 248 188 1 9 7 312 318 55 188 55 55 162 55 55 23 189 194 3 138 14 55 165 2 334 2a 55 332 5 188 13 188 194 55 304 6 154 188 188 188 55 256 9 307 201 337 Event. Lawn Bowls Lawn Games Lawn Tennis Obstacle Races Olympic Game Events — Mar- athon Race, Stone Throw- ing with Impetus, Spear Throwing, HellenicMethod of Throwing Discus. Dis- cus, Greek Style for Youths Pigeon Flying Pin Ball Playground Ball Polo (Equestrian) Polo, Rugby Polo, Water(A. A. U.).. Potato Racing Professional Racing, Shef- field Rules Public Schools Athletic League Athletic Rules. Girls' Branch ; including Rules for School Games . Push Ball Push Ball, Water Quoits Racquets Revolver Shooting Ring Hockey Roller Polo Roller Skating Rink Roque Rowing Sack Racing Shuffleboard Skating Skittles Snowshoeing Squash Racquets Swimming Tether Tennis Three- Legged Race Volley Ball Wall Scaling Walking Water Polo ( American) Water Polo (English) Wicket Polo Wrestling Y. M. C. A. All-Round Test. Y. M. C. A. Athletic Rules. . Y. M. C. A. Hand Ball Rules. Y.M.C.A. Pentathlon Rules Y.M.C.A. Volley Ball Rules. SmUHE SPALDING! ITRADEMARK SpdldinO I^gw and Improved Worsted JgrSCVS Following sizes carried In slock regularly In all qnalltlcs: 28 to 44 Inch chest. scys are being used more \ more by base ball play- , especially for early ■ing and late Fall games. ) Spalding line includes a nplete assortment of styles and qualities. Other sizes at an advanced price. We allow two inches jor stretch in all our Jerseys, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, however, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable Jit. ^TnrK CM OR^ PLAIN COLORS— The lollowing slock colors arc soppUnl in J 1 VV/Ii VvLUnj „„ worsled icrseys ( NOT Nos. 6 or 6X ) al regular prices. Other colors to order only L D any qualily (EXCEPT Gray Scarlet Orange Cardinal Black Navy Bine White Royal Blue Maroon €k>Iumbla Blue Peacock Blue Purple Dark Green Yellow Olive Green Seal Brown Irish Green Old Gold Pink Drab No. I P. Full regular made; that is, fashioned or knit to exact shape on the machine and then put together b.v hand, altogether different from cutting them out of a piece of material and sewing them up on a machine as are the majority of garments known as Jerseys. Special quality worsted. Solid stock colors. No. lOP. Worsted, fashioned. Solid stock colors, ^ach, S3,00 No. I 2P. Worsted; soli^ stock colors. Each, $2.75 No. 1 2XB. Boys' Jersey. Worsted. Fur- nished in sizes 26 to 36 inches chest measurement only. Solid stock colors only. No special orders. Each, $2.00 Each. $4.eO SPEC IAL NOTICE H'e will furnish any of the ^^^~~^^^^~"~^"^^~^ above solid color Jerseys, (except Nos. 6 and 6X) with one color body and another color Uwt striped) collar and cuffs in stock colors only at no extra charge. " Spalding Cotton Jerseys No. 6. Cotton, good quality, fashioned, roll collar, full length sleeves. Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Gray and Maroon only ''"^Each, S I .OO No. 6X. Cotton, same as No. 6, but with striped sleeves in following combinations only : Navy with White or Red stripe ; Black with Orange or Red stripe; Maroon with White stripe. . Each. $ 1 .25 Woven Letters, Numerals or Designs We weanc into our ttil grade Jeracys, No. IP. LrUrrs. Numeroh cnj Daigra in special colors at JctireJ. Prices quoted ort appticalion. Designs submilted. PRICES SUBJECT TO ADVANCE WITaOUT NOTICE Pil0ttPTAnENTI0N6IVENTO| UNr COMMUNICATIONS ADORESSEIl TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS Root • "Sllat iLifftU Januani 5. IS 1 0^ iui«<_(9_«Aar*e wnlrr4 "<*«■ E&SsS^m fksuetjfsflal Cawdicn ".alalegiK THE SPALDING TRADEMARK "^Sr Spalding Coat Jerseys Following slmts carried in slocli regularly in ail quaiilies : 28 lo 44 inch cliesl. Oilier sizes al an advanced orice. We allow two inches for stretch in all otir Jerseys, and sizes are marked accordingly. It U suggested, however, that for very heai^y men a size abottt two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit. 3 STOCK COLORS i . — Royal Blue Peacock Blue Olive Green Pink Columbia Blue Dark Green Irish Green Purple Gray Black lUaroon. Cardinal Orange While Scarlet Navy PLAIN COLOKS — The above slock colors are supplied in our worsted jerseys (^OT Nos. 6 colors lo order only in any quality (EXCEPT Nos. 6 or 6\; 25c. ^ach ;xlra, STRIPES AND TRIMIHINGS— Supplied as spedOed in any ol the above slock colors ( not more than two colors in any gameni ) •1 rcoular prices. Other colors lo order only in any quality (EXCEPT Nos. 6 or €X) 25c. each extra. Yellow Old Gold Seal Brown Drab 6Xj al regular orices. JUier The Spalding Coat Jerseys are madeof the same worsted yarn from which we manu- facture our better grade Jerseys, Nos. lOP and 12P, and no pains have been spared to turn them out in a well made and attrac- tive manner. Plain solid stock colors (not striped) or one solid stock color body and sleeves with different stock color solid trimming (not striped) on cuffs, collar and front edging. Pearl buttons No. IOC. Same grade as our No. lOP. Each, $3. SO Same grade "as our No. 12P. ■Each, S3.00 Pockets, otKerwise same as Each, $4.26 No. I2C. No. lOCP. No. IOC. 3a<:300Dc Spalding StHped and V-Neck Jerseys Note list of stock colors above No. I OPW. Good quality worsted, same grade as No. lOP. Solid stock color body and sleeves, with 6-inch stock color stripe around body. Each, $3. SO Nos. 10PW and 12PW No. I 2PW. Worsted; solid stock color body and sleeves with 6-inch stock color stripe around body. Each. $3.00 No. I OPX. Good quality worsted, fashioned ; solid stock color body, with stock color striped sleeves, usually alternating two inches of same color as body, with narrow stripes 'of any other stock color. Each, $3.60 No. I2PV No. I2PV Worsted, solid stock colors, with V-neck instead of full collar as on regular jerseys. Each, S3.00 No. I2PX. Worsted, solid stock color body, with stock color striped sleeves, usually alternating two inches of same color as body, with narrow stripes of any other stock color. . . Each, S3.00 PRICES SURJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICX PROMPT tTTENTION GIVEN TO I m COMMUNICITIONS tODBESSEO TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS Boot ■£nc« m tgecl Jonuanj 5,1910. Subjtcl lo c/w, iithoul notice. ^OT Canadian ftritxi fee special Canadian Calolfi^ui ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING < ITRADE-MARK SPALDING SWEATER Collar Turned Up J i. \ i ^^ STOCK COLORS Gray Navy Pink Orange Royal Blue Purple Black Columbia Blue Yollow While Peacock Blue Seal Brown Maroon Dark Green Old Gold Scartel Olive Green Drab Cardinal Irish Green Shaker Sweater No. WJ. Most satisfactory and comfort- able style for automobilists; also useful for training purposes, reducing weight, tramp- ing during cold weather, golfing, shooting, tobogganing, snowshoeing; in fact, for every purpose where a garment is required to give protection from c61d or Inclement weather. High collar that may be turned down, changing it into neatest form of button front sweater. Highest quality special heavy weight worsted. Sizes, 28 to 44 inches. In stock colors. Each, S8.50 PI^IN COLORS— All Spalding Sweaters are supplied In any or the colors designated, at regular prices. Other colors ao order only in any quality, 50c. each garment extra. SPECIAL NOTICE- We ivill lumish any ol the solid tcolor sweaters with one color body and another color i not striped I collar and culls in stock colors only at no extra charge. N. B. — We designate three shades which are sometimes called BED: These are Scarlet, Cardinal and Maroon. Where RED Is speciGed on order Scarlet will be supplied. Spalding "Highest Quality" Sweaters We allow four inches for stretch in all our sweaters, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, however, that for very heavy med a size about two inches larger than coat measureme-at he ordered to insure a comfortable fit. WORSTED SW E.A.TERS. Made of special quality wool, and ex- ceedingly soft and pleasant to wear. They are full fashioned to body and arms and put together by hand, not simply stitched up on a machine as are the majority of garments sold as regu- lar made goods. All made with 94nch collars; sizes 28 to U inches. No. AA. The proper style for use after heavy exercise, inducing copious perspiration, for reducing weight or getting into condition for athletic contests. Particularly suitable also for Foot Ball and Skating. Heaviest sweater made. In stock colors. Each, '$9.00 No. A. "Intercollegiate. " In stock colors. Special weight. 7.00 No. B. Heavy weight. In stock colors. . 6.00 Spalding Combined Knitted Mulller and Clicsl Protector No. M. Special weight; highest quality worsted in solid stock colors to match our sweaters. . Each, SI. 25 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITBOUT NOTICE SizelSO to AJ^ In. Fills a demand for as heavy a weight as our '■ Highest Quality " grade. but at a lower price. No. 3. Standard weight, srightly lighter than No. B. Each, S4.00 Spalding Vest Collar Sweater No. BC. Best quality worsted, good weight; with extreme open or low neck. In stock colors. Ea.,Sfi>QO PflOMPItTTENTIONGIVENIOl UNY COMMUNICATIONS tOOIItSStD TO US A.G.SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COHPlETf LIST OF STOIffiS m INSIDE FIIONT COVER Of THIS BOOK 'prices in e^ect January 5,1910. Subject to change Without naticc For_Capadianfji(a_}ftJB~^iuw THE SPALDING' ITRADE-MARK GUARANTEES QUALITY SPALDING JACKET SWEATERS PLAIN COLORS— All Spalding Sweaters are supplied In any of the (ollowInK slock colors at regular prices. Other colors to order only In any quality 50c. each extra. CARDINAL COLUMBIA BLUE OLIVE GREEN PURPLE OLD COLD NAVY BLUE PEACOCK BLUE IRISH CREEN YELLOW DRAB ROYAL BLUE DARJt CREEN PINK SEAL BKOWN STOCK COLORS GR.AY WHITE ORANGE MAROON BLACK SCARLET SPECIAL NOTICE-W» will furnish any of the color (not striped) collar and cuffs in stock colors Sizes 28 to ii inch chest measurement. We allow four inches for stretch in all our siveaters. and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, however, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit. # BUTTON FRONT '' No.VG. Best quality worsted, heavy weight, pearl buttons. Made in regu- lar stock colors^^also in Dark Brown Mixture. ' ; Each, $7.00 No. DJ. Fine worsted, standari weight, pearl buttons, fineknitedgim:. J Made in regular stock colors, also in ^ Sage Gray. , • Each, $6. GO 1 No. 3J. Standard weight wool, Shali. [ knit, pearl buttons. In stock eoloi '^ \ Each, $5.00 WITH POCKETS No. VGP. Best quality worsted, heavy weight, pearl buttons. In stock colors. With pocket on either side and a particularly convenient and popul.ir style for golf players. Each, $7.60 tes^f Spalding Special Base Ball Sweaters No. CDW. Good quality worsted, ribbed knit. In stock colors. Special trimmed edging and cuffs in stock colors supplied at no extra charge. Each, $6.J50 Boys' Jacket Sweater No. 3JB. This is an all wool jacket sweater, with pearl buttons; furnished only in sizes from 30 to 36 inches chest measurement. In stock colors. Each, S3. SO Spalding Ladies' Sweaters Knit in the Spalding athletic stitch of best quality long fibre worsted; full fashioned to shape of body on special machine and finished by hand. Cuffs, pocket and edging of special stitch. Good quality pearl buttons. Patch pockets. Attractive in appearance and, being properly made, they fit well and give satisfactory wear. Fur- nished in regular stock colors. No. LDJ. Ladies' Sweater, regular button front. , vEach, $8.00 No. LWJ. With special reversible collar, as on our Men's No. WJ Automobile Sweat«r Each, S I O.OO . PROMPT AnENTIONGIVENTO I ^^S1 COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSED TOPS AG. SPALDING fit^BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I fOR COMPLCTE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIOE FRONT COV:. ' OF THIS BOOH '* . •frica in tjttl January 5,1910. iu(jK/ In change withuul nuliu. ■ foi Canadian fniju sec ifecial Canadian CatalfiSUi ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING ITRADEMARK GUARANTEES QUALITY SPALDING GYMNASIUM SHOES No. I 5. No. I 56. No. I 66. No. 90L. No. 85L. No. 19. No. I9L. No. 2 I . No. 20. No. 20L. High cut, Kangaroo, elkskin sole, extra light, hand made. ... , Per High cut, Elkskin sole, soft and flexible ; in ladies' and men's sizes. Low cut, selected leather, extra light and electric sole ; ladies' and men's sizes. Ladies'. Low cut, black leather, electric sole and corrugated rubber hee). Ladies'. Low cut, black leather, roughened electric sole Low cut, horse hide leather, flexible oak sole, roughened. ..... Ladies'. Otherwise as No. 19 u ■ High cut, black leather, electric sole r, . Low cut. Otherwise as No. 21 Ladies'. Otherwise as No. 20 Spalding Ladies' Gymnasium Shoes- Flexible Soles pair, SB^OO 4.60 3.00 2.00 2. CO 2.oa 9.00< ^' 2.00- "^ 1.75 l.7» No. BHL. Good quality selected leather, black color, with elkskin sole, high cut Per pair, S 1 .50 No. PL. Elkskin, pearl color, elkskin soles, high cut Per pair, SI .50 No. OPL. Same as No. PL.exceptlowcut. Pair.S 1 .25 No. OHL. Same as No. BHL, but low cut. " 1 .28 No. SL. Selected drab color leather.high cut. I .OO No. OSL. Same as No. SL, except low cut. Pair, .90 Spalding Canvas Shoes with Rubber Soles MEN'S Sizes 6 to 12 inclusive. No. IH. High cut, best quality white rubber soles. Men's of white canvas, ladies' of black. Per pair, SI .75 No. I. Low cut. Other- wise asNo. IH..S1 .50 No. M. High cut. I.OO No. K. Low cut. .85 BOYS* Sizes 2'j to 5'rt incbisive. No. IHB. High cut, best quality white rubber soles. Boys' of white canvas, girls' of black. Per pair, SI .50 No. IB. Low cut. Otherwise asNo.IHB. Per pair, SI .25 No. MS. High cut. .90 No. KB. Low cut. .75 No. E. Low cut canvas shoe, canvas sole. Very popular for gymnasium. YOUTHS' Sizes 11 (o 2 inclusive. No. IHX. High cut, best quality white rubber soles. Youths' of white canvas, misses' of black. Per pair. SI .26 No. IX. Low cut. Other- wise asNo.IHX.Sf. I O No. MX. High cut. .7S No. KX. Low cut. • .65 . . -Per pair, .35 Juvenile Gymnasium Shoes— All Leatlier No. 86. Low cut, good quality, black leather, roughened electric sole. Sizes 12 to 5 inclusive, only. Per pair, $1 .50 nam mmm given to I ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSED TO US 'AG. SPALDING &, BROS. ;' STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I fOR COMPLETE LIST Of STORES M INSIDE FRONT COVE' J OF THIS B00» tjjccl January 5.1910. Sul^ctl la Jiangf wilhaul nolice. *' Foi Canadian S'ita 3f iftcia! Canadian CalaUiiiut ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING ITRADEMARK SPALDING IMPROVED MEDICINE BALLS An excellent form of exercise for business men No. I 1 . 4-pound Bali. No. I 2. 6-pound Ball. Weigh from four to eleven pounds. The covering is of selected t'n lea- ther, sewn in the same manner as our foot balls. Quality througliout has been much improved and the balls as now made are extremely durable. The exercise consists of throwing ball to one another, and the catching of it develops the chest, exercises the back, arms, legs; in fact, improves the whole system. Each, $5. GO Q No. 1 3. 9-pound 6.00 n No. 14. 11-pound Home Apparatus "One of the aims of physical training is to make exercise interesting and enjoyable. To be beneficial in the highest sense it must be recrea- tive. Particularly is this true of physical exercise for business men. As a class, in their daily work, they are kept on a con- stant mental strain. Be- sides, they are, to a large degree, physically inac- tive.. Life becomes too intense, too serious, too sordid. Exercise there- fore, for business men, must be largely recreative, relaxing and restful." — Extract from Spaiding Athletic Library, No. 262 — " Exercises with the Medicine Ball." Ball - Ball., •Each, $ 7. CO lO.OO SPALDING HAND BALLS Hand ball, played Indoors, will keep base ball players and other athletes In good condition during hard weather when outdoor athletics are out of the question. The leather covered hand balls we make are wound by hand, and are the same as those used by the best ball players in this country. No. I . Match, regulation size and weight, leather cover. Each.$l.26 No. 2. Expert, leather cover. ' • -Each, S .85 No. 6. Rubber, best quality, almost solid. ■ .40 No. 4. Amateur, leather cover. ., .25 No. 5. Rubber hand ball. . . .25 The Irish Regulation Balls have been improved in quality and will give excellent satisfaction. Red Ace, Irish Regulation red rubber ball. -Each, 60c. Black Ace, Irksh Regulation black rubber ball. " 60c. For other balls soluble for Band Ball Game, f Tennis Balls. page devoted to Lawn Spalding Hand Ball Gloves and Mitt^ No. A. Gloves. Best quality glove leather witH, stitched front and special wrist pad. Pair, S4.00* No. B. No. C. No. D. Mitts. Lightly padded; Gloves. Full fingered.. Fingerless Gloves. 3.00 V\ :|.50 .75 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS , ADORESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES ,SE£ INSIDE FRONT COVER ^ OF THIS BOOK ■tnoa to si/«i limeo-it ULCL ^jkiaUSL^mif isHboul n9(««._£oifian«^(sa£fi««J««-?e«<«/ Canadian Calaltgi"- THE SRALDINGiiiTRADEMARK GUARANTEES QUALITY Sandow's Patent ^ 1'^ Dumb Bells 3)9 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. SOLE AMERICAN and CANADIAN LICENSEES A QJ N ENTIRE SYSTEM of Physical Culture is em- braced within the exercises possible with these wonderful dumb bells. The bells are made in two halves connected by steel springs, the effort necessary in gripping com- pelling the pupil to continually devote his whole mind to each movement. This concentration of will power on each muscle involved is what is re.sponsible for the great reaiUa obtained through properly exercising with them. Sandows Patent Spring Grip Dumb Bells No. 6. MEN'S. Nickel-plated; fitted with seven steel qnings. ... .Per pair. $3.00 Mo. 4. LADIES*. Nickel-plated ; fitted with five steel ■(sing^ . .... Per pair, $2.50 Mo. 2. BOYS'. Nickel-plated; fitted with four steel ipcinga . . Per pair, $2.00 We ln.. ?i lb. Model ES; Pair. $ .35 ?2lb. Model BS: Pair, $ .30 '4 lb. Model ESv " .36 % lb. Model BS. " .30 1 lb. Model ES. " .40 1 lb. Model B& " .35 1% lb. Model ES. •• .60 1% lb. Model BSl •' .45 2 lb. Model ES. .60 2 lb. Model BSj " .55 3 lb. Model ES. •* .70 3 lb. Model BS. '" .65 Spalding Exhibition Clubs Handsomely finished in ebonite and made for exhibition and stage purposes. The clubs are hollow, with a large body, and although extremely light, represent a club weighing three pounds or more.jj/» No. A. Ebonite finish. $3.50 "No. AA. With German Silver Bands. Pair, S6.00 Model BS Spalding Indian Club and Dumb Bell No. 1 Hangers Made of iron and nicely .japanned. No. I . For Indian Clubs or Dumb Bells, . Pen pair, 16c. No. IM. For Indian Clubs or^l Dumb Bells, mounted on oak .strips. . _' Per pair. 250. I PROMPUTTENTIONGIVENTOl m COMMUNICATIONS tDDlltSSEO TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I FOR COMPIETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS Boot ejcci January 5,1910. Sukjecljo change i ^ Qi/Widn ^r(fiajce_^edat Canadion C^tdffm Spalding Gold Medal Wood Dumb Bells > ^ There is Skill Used in Turning Spalding Dumb Bells. Tliey Feel Right Because They Are So ' ' Natural Color, Lathe Polished. HIsh Flulsft SpaldingGold Medal Dumb Bells are made of selected first grade clear maple, and are per- "^^^^ '■" ' Model A feet in balance. Each bell bears fac-simile of the Spalding Gold Medal. Each pair is wrapped in paper bag. Weights specified are for each bell. ^ib. %lb. lib. l%lb.v_ 21b. Pair, 40c. 46c. 50c. 66c. 66c. Spalding Trade-Mark Wood Dumb Bells stained Finish Spalding Trade-Mark ,^-<'^?N. quality. Made of ■ , (D ij good material and \ ; ..; J superior in shape Model AW >iijiiBi<^ and finish to the best wood dumb bells of other makes. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. Weights specified are for each belL %lb. %lb. lib. Tilb, 21b. Pair. 30c. 30e, 35c. 45c. 66c. Spalding Iron Dumb Bells Made on approved models, nicely balanced and fin- ished in black enameL Sizes 2 to 40 pounds, 6c. | Over 40 pounds, . . 8c. Bar Bells, any weight, wrought iron handles, any length made specially. • . . . . Pound, I OCi Spalding Nickel-Plated Dumb Bells]] Spalding Nickel-Plated Dumb Bells With Ruober Bands Home Apparatus "li a man gets plenty of food, and his digestive apparatus works it up into good rich blood ; if the heart is strong and regu- lar so that this good blood goes to all parts of the body with vigor and regu- larity, and if the respira- tory and excretory appa- ratus is in such good order that this blood is kept pure, the fundamental conditions of health are laid.— "£x tracts from Spalding Athletic Library No. 161. — " Ten Minutes' Exercise for Busy Men." Rational exercise with simple but correct appa- ratus will enable almost any man to arrive at approximately a correct state of health. Nickel-plated and polished IIH Nickel-plated and polished. IN. lib. S .26 I 4N. 41b. $ .75 IB. lib. 8 .66 I 3B. 31b. SI.OO 2N. 21h. .60 5N. 51b. I.OO 2B. 21b. .75 4B. 4 lb. 1.15 3N.31b. .66 I ^ JJU J I 5B. 51b. I.2B Savage Bar Bell — Especially designed by Dr. Watson L. Savage. JTijjj rtjl Model S. Has large pear shaped ^"^ ^""^ ends with a flexible hickory shaft %-inch in diameter, producing a vibratory exercise, similar to that obtained with the French wand. , . ; Per dozen, S6.00 Spalding Q ■ " Q Ash Bar Bells No. 2. Selected material, highly polished, 5 feet long. . Per dozen, $6.00 Spalding School Wand Q Spalding Calisthenic Wand No. 3. &i feet long. Made of straight ^ eraia na(>lB._. ^ P«r dozen, 91 .30 No. 4. 4^ feet long. 1 inch dia- nietec. tj!. .• Perdozen, 9t.60 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDBESSEO TO US A. G. SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST Of STORES SE£ INSIOE FRONT COVER Of IHS BOOK e/^w Unuan, 5.1910. '. special Canadian CalalMw THE SPALDING g sA— — . ITRADE-MARK TuTilf THE SPALDING TRADEMARK IS PLACED UPON EVERY GENUINE SPAIDINB ARTICLt. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Spalding Home Apparatus Exercise acts on the health of an individual in the same way as the draught does on the fire in a furnace. Pile on the coal and shut off the draught and you kill the fire. Continue to eat heavy'meals and take no exercise and youB health will be affected, not because of the food you have eaten so much as on account of the lack of exercise. A little exercise is all that is necessary to keep you in good condition. Some rational, pleasant and interesting exercise, persisted in with regularity and, preferably, with Spalding Home Apparatus, will help you to retain your health. Spalding Chest Weight No. 2 r Spalding Chest Weight No. 12 We have just added this very well made machine to our. line. Cast iron parts are all nicely japanned. The wheels are iron, turned true on centers, and have hardened steel cone point bearings. The guide rods are spring steel, copper-plated. The weight carriage has remov- able felt bushings, noiseless and durable. Each handle is equipped with 10 lbs. of weights. No. I 2. • Each. S I O.OO An ideal machine for home use. Well made and easy running. i_ Rods are %-inch coppered spring steel. Bearings are hardened steel cone points running in soft, gray iron, noiseless and dur- able. Weight carriage packed with felt, good for long wear, but easily removed and replaced when necessary without the* use of glue or wedges of any kind. Weight carriage strikes on rubber bumpers. Weights are 5-pound iron dumb-bells, one to each carriage, and may be removed and used as dumb bells. Wall and floor boards are hard wood, nicely finished and stained. AH castings heavily japanned. Every part of machine guaranteed free of defect. No. S. ... Each. $6.00 -. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO I m COMMUNICATIONS ADDBESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVEH ' OF THIS Boot . ej/cci January 5,1910. Suhjecl to chaise withoal no/ict For Canadian prica sec special Canadian Calalogu, 11 ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING ITRADE-MARK i THE SPALDING TRADEMARK IS PLACED UPON EVERY GENUINE SPALDING ABTICLE. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUlin The Laflin Friction Rowing Machine Do not use oil on fric- tion cylin- der. If its action is not perfect- ly smooth a little clear soap rubbed on its surface will prop- erly correct its ac- tion. The means used to produce the resistance is a simple friction clutch, which takes instant hold at the com- mencement of the stroke and retains the pres- sure till its completion, when it instantly re- leases it precisely as in a boat. Quickly taken apart without loosening any bolts or screws. Each machine is adjustable to any amount of friction or resistance. No. I I 9. Complete. $ I 6.00 Home Apparatus The apparatus listed in this catalogue is designed particularly for private use; i. e., in homes and private gymnasiums. It retains the same superior marks of quality which distinguish the regular line of gymnasium appa- ratus manufactured by A. G. Spalding & Bros., but its distinctive design permits it to be sold at a price more in keeping with its use than hereto- fore obtainable, without any sacrifice of practical value or durability. Kerns* Rowing Machine Suitable alike for the Athlete or the ordinary Man or Woman The ideal boat for home use and training purposes. Used by thelead-t ing athletic clubs, eollegesand prom- inent oarsmen of the world, and pro- nounced the most perfect rowing machine ever produced. Fitted with the Kerns' Patent Roller Seat and Shoes, the shoes having a three-inch adjustment, to suit either a tall or a short person. By turnmg a thumb-nut the belt can be tightened to any desired degree, and more or less friction thrown into the running parts, imitating the resistance which exists when forcing a row-boat through the water The weaker sex can use the machine by simply loosening the thumb-nut which reduces the resistance ; and on the other hand, by reversing the operation the resistance can be so increased that the strongest athlete can haveany amount of resistance. The oars are pivoted in such a way that the oper- ator can handle and turn them the same as he would during the return and feathering motion with aboatoar. No. 600. Kenit' Potent ^gle Scull Kowing Machine. . . . Each. $30.00 PROMPT tnENTION GIVEN TO tNY COMMUNICITIONS liDDflESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER^ OF THIS BOOK illl III II' ^^^Mga*="'>^"-'**^-'=^*^Ti'llll ^ ^M____OLIH!j *Btic€S in^e^Kl January 5, 1910. Subject to chan^ without notice FqiQqnadiiv\^rifXSj«e^^ial Canadian CQlalflgi ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING TRADEMARK GUARANTEES QUALITY The Spalding Automatic Abdominal Masseur A Sate and Sure Cure for Constipation and Other Kindred Ailments ' Useful for treatment of constipation, based upon the principle of muscular con- traction (the force which nature uses). By its mechanical arrangement, it ef- fectually applies force in the same direction that nature does, and will gradually discard the use of cathartics. Only a few moments' use at the proper time is neces- sary before its effects will be felt. Its action upon the liver and stomach is equally as prompt and effective, and derangements of these organs are speedily remedied. N. E. cor. I5lh and LocasI Sis.. Philadelphia. Pa. A. C. SPALDING & BROS. May 21lh, 1906. Gentlemen ; 1 have used Ihe Spalding Aulomalic Abdom- inal Masseur in my practice (or over lilteen years. I have found it ol great t>enent in chronic constipation and indiges- tion. Your improvement increnses its value. Very truly yours, WALTEK A. FORD, M.D. The Spalding Abdominal Aulomalic Masseur. Complete, S I O.OO Spalding Home Gymnasium Board A Complete Gymnasium lor the Home on one Board >nvenient, does not take up much room, is always ready, and is really the nost compact, simplest and best arrangement forproviding a complete set >f home exercising apparatus that has ever been devised. — CONSISTS OF Board with attachments for fastening to floor of room so that walls need not be marred. . . $ I O.OO Spalding Abdominal Masseur. ... I O.OO No. PR Spalding Adjustable Striking Bag Disk. 5.00' No. 2 Spalding Chest Weight Machine, including pair of 5-lb. Dumb Bells. . 5.00 No. 14 Spalding Striking Bag. I .SO Complete, -. 11 attached, $3 1.50. Board itself will be furnish M separately if desired. . . ^ ' Each, S I O.OO Board only is fastened to floor. Braces padded with leather.so that walls will not be damageil. Can be put up in any room with a ceiling 8 ft. high. As the complete outfit is made up and carried in stock by us, equipped, as noted above, we cannot supply board with different articles already attached. Leather Covered Shot No. A. Consists of an iron ball, which is wound with electric tape and is then covered with a very soft and smooth grade of horsehide. It is made in either 6 or 8 lbs. weight. Each, S5.00 Spalding Bar Stalls This apparatus is particularly adapted for use in the home, as it is compact, of simple construction, and may be used for trie greatest variety of move- ments affecting every part of the body, and espe- cially abdomen and chest movements. May be erected against wall, behind a door, or against any other flat surface. Dimensions are eight feet high, thirty-six inches wide and extends six inches into the room. No. SOH. For home use. Per section, S8.00 Hard pine, strong and substan- tial. Top is padded with hair felt, canvas covered. It is pre- ferable, for sanitary reasons, that this canvas be painted (a special elastic paint is used) .un- less otherwise sjiecified, stock benches will be so furnished. N0.3O6. Single. Ea.,Sit.OO PROMPT tlTENTION GIVEN 10 1 . m COMMUNICATIONS tDDBESSEO TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES !£rt«J irifijject January 5, 19IU. Subject to change without notice. For Canadian pniM ten ipicml La l^KMI^liSRPINI (TRAPEriyiARK'^Sf 1 The Spalding Championship Gloves The Spalding "Cham- 1 pionship" Gloves are endorsed by all cham- pions and have been' exclusively used for years in champion- ship contests and in training. The mate- rial and workman- ship are of the high- est quality, the fit is perfect, and by their peculiar construction; absolutely prevent any chance of injury to the hands or wrists. Each set is carefully inspected before packing and guaranteed in every particular. Made in three sizes in sets of four gloves. Spalding "Navy Special'* Championsltip Gloves jVsed by the Champions of the Navy These gfcvcs are made of a special "sea green " leather, of particularly durable quality. Furni.shed in 8.-oz. only, similar in style to No. 118, and with padded wrist. BURNS VS. JOHNSON N0.I8N. Pe r set of four glo ves. 86.00 SPALDING CLOVES USED No. I IS.TheSpald- mg 5-oz. "Cham- pionship" Glove. Per set of four gloves, ffiS 00 No. I I 6. The Spald- ing 6-oz. "Cham- pionship " Glove. Per set of four gloves, S6.00 No. I 18. The Spald- ing 8-oz. "Cham- pionship" Glove. Per set of four gloves, S6.60 Spalding "Special" No. 2 18 Same style as our "Championship" 8-oz. Gloves, but not same quality materi- al and workmanship. No. 218. Per set of four gloves, $4.60 BOXING INTHENAVY IT, 1905. BY G. W. FAWCETT Kerry Copyright. Spalding PupU's Boxing Gloves Acting on the suggestion of one of the most prominent athletic officials in this country, we decided recently to get up a boxing glove that would be an aid to the pupil learning to box. This glove is additionally padded on the forearm and over the wrist, to prevent that soreness which is one of the most discouraging ^_^ SwidinjPnpnj Boxing Clove features following a brisk lesson in the art of "blocking " paMinjonwrw and For.«m The glove part is well padded with curled hair, the leather being best quality soft tanned. No. 110. Per set of four gloves. S6. 00 The Spalding Instructors* Gloves, 10-oz. Made of best grade brown glove leather, extra heavily padded over the knuckles and with special large padded thumb to prevent injury to either instructor or pupil. Laces extra far to pro- vide ample ventilation and has patent palm grip. Per set of four gloves. S6 OO The Spalding 5-oz. Boxing Gloves None Better at Any Price Made of special quality light tan- colored glove leather, very soft and smooth. Plain laced wrist-band, patent palm lacing and patent palm grip. An ideal glove for limited round contests. s No. lOe. Per set of four gloves, S7.00 EACH SET OF BOXING GLOVES CONSISTS OF FOUR GLOVES. BIATED IN TWO PAIRS I PROMPT tTTENTION GIVEN TO I tANY COMMUNICtTIONS ' >«DOBESSEOTOUS A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOK ^^^■^JJ^^JJJ^^II^^JT^/^^u^cntrcAa'-S.e^irtAoul nolkc ^ Fos^Caradimf_rms_} >DDRESSEO TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPUTE IIST OF STORES SEE INSIOE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOK ^ ^CCJ in £^6c/ January 5^1910, Su^jectjii_changt: wUhout noUu. for Cant Vi'an pjita 4^_^eciat Canatitan Caidfigut S^aiSiilDINi TRADEMARK THE SPALDING DOUBLE END BAGS The Bladders used in all our Striking Bags are made of Pure Para Rubber I no composition) and are Fully Guaranteed J We are making all our double end bags with one-piece top and substanfjal leather loop. Really the strongest construction ive know of. The bottom loop is also very strongly made. Each bag complete in box, with bladder, lace, r^tbber cord for floor, and rope for ceiling attachment. No. 7. Made of finest selected olive Napa tanned leather and workmanship of same quality as in our "Fitzimmons" Special Bag No. 18. Double stitched, red welted seams. An extremely durable and lively bag. Each, $5.50 Spalding Bladders Jt is well to specify when ordering extra bladders whether they are required for single or double end bags, as we can furnish the two styles in each grade. No. 6. Fine olive tanned leather cover, i6 d,0 Ourand-dteel Loekera Installed In trt* Cymnaslums of Chicago. I2'x IB'i 4a«, Double Tier. Durand- Steel Lockers are usually built with doors perforated full length in panel design with sides and backs solid. This prevents clothes in one locker from coming in contact with *et garments in adjoining lockers, while plenty of venti- lation is secured by having the door perfo- rated its entire length, but, if the purchaser prefers, we perforate the backs also, u The cost of Dnrand-Steel Lockers Is no more than that of flrst-class Vooden lockers, and they last as long as the building, are sanitary, secure, and, in addition, are fire-proof. The following Standard Sizes arb those most commonly used: double tier lax 12 xse Inch IB > IB > 36 Inch la X iax4a inch IBx IB x4a Inch SINGLE TIER la I laxoo Inch IB I iBxeo Inch lax I3x 73 inolt IBx IBx 7a Inert Special Sizes made to order. boeiitre in Double Tie* Three Lookers In Single Tier We are handling lockers as a special con- tract business, and shipment will in every case be made direct from the factory in Chicago. If you will let us know the num- ber of lockers, size and arrangement, we shall be glad to take up, through {^t^ epondence, the matter of prices. PROMPT ATTENTION 8IVEN TO I ^.tNTCOMMUNICtTIONS ^ VORLD A. G. Spalding ^ Bros. -MAINTAIN WHOLESALE and RETAIL STORES in tfrc FOLLOWING CITIES: NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS LONDON. ENGLAND BOSTON KANSAS BALTIMORE MINNl WASHINGTON SAN PITTSBURG Ci: BUFFALO 1 SYRACUSE NEW ORLEANS ENGLAND ATLANTA KANSAS CITY MINNEAPOLIS SAN FRANCISCO CINCINNATI DENVER C DETROIT R LEANS CLEVELAND NT A SEATTLE BIRMINGHAM. ENGLAND DALLAS EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND S3CDNEV. AUSTRALIA MO Facf^*-r€sowncd and operated by A.G.Spaldiny & Bros Trade -^ftirkcd Athletic Goods are made arc located COLUMBUS ST. PAUL MONTREAL, CANADA ros. and where all of Spaldinjr's NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO CHICOPEE, MASS. Brooklyn' ^ 'Boston _ rmiADEXPHiA _ i^ondon. en&x .