THE mii (yjd ^ OF WITH THE ilEND-MENTS THE RET Mii g t«a' - < j 4 PillNTKD A'l' Tlii; - !;!.;« tfH A MKIjIK" BOOJi k JOB OFFICE, 1858. liiii^^llilMlfliMSIIiiilifillilfiili^^^iill© TME 'OF y ->' iillO^ m ^?riTii raa \ 3 i A M E N D M E N T S T H E S E T J-hlSTKU AT 'SaJS -"BE.N" FKAV-KLIN" BOOK A J'>B OFFICE. 1S58. .mc A.]sr Jl^o t TO IMCOBFORATB TIDi KNOX MANUAL LABOR COLLEGE. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy tlhp people of ths State of Illinois, represented in the General Assemhly^ That John Waters, John G. Sanburn, Mathew Chambers, Krastus Swift, Nehemiah H. Losey, (jeorge H. Wright, Ralph H. Hurlbiit, Geo. W. Gale, Nebemiah West, Thomas Simmons and Parnach Owen, be and hereby are created a body politic and corporate, to be styled and known by the name of the Trustees of Knox Man- ual Labor College, and by that name and style to re- ma'n, and have ]')erpetual succession. The said College shall be located on section No. fifteen, in township No. eleven north, of range one east, of the Fourth Principal Meridian, in the County of Knox. The number of trus- tees shall not exceed twenty five, including the President of the College, who shall be ex-officio a member of the board of trustees. For the present the individuals above named shall constitute the board of trustees with power to fill the remaining vacmcies at their discretion. CHARIEK. Sec. 2. The object of said corporation shall he to promote the c:eneral interests of literatnre, and to qual- ify young men in the best manner for the various pro- fessional and business occupations of society, by carry- ing into Qffect a thorough systcMn of nient.-il, moral and physical education, and so reduce the exp-nses of .«ueh education, by manual labor and other means, as shall bring it within the reach of every young man of indas- ti-y and promise. Sec. 3- The corpoi'ate pow(^r=5 hnr-eby ))e-towpd, shall be such only as are essential, to the attainment of | said object, and such as are usnally confenvcj on similar; bodies corporate, viz: to have perpetual succes^Io!!, to | make contracts, to sue and be sued, y.leml and be im-j pleaded, to grant and receive iti its c^'rporate name, and to do all other acts as natural persons may, to accept, acquii'e, purchase or sell y)roperty, r-'^al, [tersonal, or mixed, in all lawful ways, to u-^<', employ, manage, and dispose of all such property, and all money belonging to said corporation, iu such mantier as shall seem to the trustees best adapted to promote the above mentioned objec^s, to have a common seal and to altei- or change i the same, to make such by-laws for its regulation as are not inconsistent with the constitution and Jaws of the United States or this State, and to confer on such persons as may be considered worth\\ such a'-ademi- cal and honorary degrees as are usually conferred l-y similar institutions. Sec. 4. The trustees shall have power from time to time to prescribe and regulate the course o4" study to be pursued in said college, and in the prep.iratory de- partments attached thereto, to fix the rate of tuition, room rent and other colleoe ex[)enses, to appoint in- structors, professors, and such other officers and agents ' —I CMAKTEIi 5 as mav be needed la manao^Ins: the concerns; of the in- stitntion, to define theh- powers, duties, and employ- ments, to fix their compensation, to displace and re- move either of the instructor^, c fficars or ng-ents, as they may deem the interests of the colleixe require; to fill all vacancies amono^ th*^ instructors, officers, and aorents, to erect necessary huihlings, to purchase books, chemical ! and philosophical apparatus and otht^r suitable raeanr, of instruction, to establish and regulate the proposed sys- tem of manual labor, iu the way whirh they shall deem best adapted to promote the object nfsaid corporation,! to mike rules for the general management of the affaiisj of the college, and for the regulation of the conduct ofj the students, and to establish vvhen they shall deem it expedient, and the means can be procured, professor- ships of la\T and medicine. Sec. 5. If any trustee shall be elected president of said college, his former place as trustee shall be consid- ered vacant, aiid shall be filled bv the board of trus- tf'e^^. The trustees for the time beings shall have power to remove any trustee from office for any dishonorable or criminal conduct, jivovulpji, Unit no such removal' shall take place without giving to such trustee notice of the charges exhibited against him, and an opportu- nity to defend himself before the board, nor unless two thirds of the whole number of Trustees for th(^, time being, shall concur iu such removal. '! lie trustees in order to have perpetual succession, shall have power as often as a trustee shall be removed fi'om office, die, i-e- sign ,or remove out of the State, to ;ip]>oiut a T'ej*ident of this State to fill the vacancy in the board. ^'A niajority of the Trustees for the time being, shall be a quorum to do business. Skc. G. The trustees shall faithfully appl 3' all fnmis CHAKTEK. collected or hereafter to be collected for said college, ac- cording to tlieir best judgment, in erecting suitable buildings, in compensating the necessary instructors, professors, officers and ac:ents, and in procuring books, maps, charts globes, philosophical, chemical and other apparatus necessary in the promotion of sound learning in said institution ; provided^ That in case any donation, devise or bequest, shall be made, for particular purpo- ses, accordant with the objects of the institution, and the trustees shall except the same, every such donation, de- vise, or bequest shall be expressly applied in conformity with the condition prescribed by the donor, or devisor, provided, also^ That lands donated or devised as afore- said, shall be sold or disposed of as required by the last section of this act. Sec. 7. The trustees of said college alwajs, and all other agents when I'equired by the trustees, before en- tering upon the duties of their appointments, shall give bonds respectively for the security of the corporation, in such penal sum and with such securities as the board of trustees shall approve. All process against said cor- poration shall be l>y summons, and the service of the same shall be by leaving an attested copy with the treasurer of the college, at least thirty days before the return day thereof. Sec. 8. The said collegfe and its preparatory depart- ments shall be open to all denominations of christians, and the profession of any particular religious faith shall not be required of those who become students; all per- sons however may be suspended or expelled from said institution whose habits are idle or vicious, or whose moral character is bad. Sec. 9. The lands, tenements, and hereditaments to be held in perpetuity in virtue of this act, by said insti- i-i'- ' ' ■ - , ' :=z^ t CHAKTEil. tutlon, shall not exceed one thousand and forty acres, ■pro'vided, lioiue^'er^ That if donation?, grants, or devises in land shall from tin^ie to time be made to said corpora- tion, over and above one thousand and forty acres, Vv^hicli may be held in perpetuity as afortsaid, the same may be received and held by such corporation, for the period of three years from the date of every such dona- tion, grant, or devise ; at the end of which time, if the said lands over and above the said one thousand and forty acres, shall not have been sold, then and in that case the said land so donated, granted or devised, shall revert to the owner, grantor, or the heirs of the devi- sors of the same. Approved Feb. 15, 1837. AN ACT TO AxMEND AN ACT TO IKCOHPOKATE KNOX MANUAL LABOR COLLEGR Seo. 1. Re it enacted by the pf-ople of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, Hiat the period of three years, allowed to the Trustees of Knox Manual Labor College, by the ninth section of the act, to which this is an nmendment, for hoLling donations, grants or devises in lands, \)i\ and the same is hereby extended to seven years in addition to the aforesaid pe- riod of ihne yenrs. aiiythiiig in sa'd section to the con- iVAxy notwithstaiidiiig. Approved January 18, 1840- CIIAKTK-ll. AN ACT TO AJIENB TKE CHAETEIl of ZXOX MANUAL LABOR COLLEGE Whereas, by an net entitlt^d ^'Au act to incorporate Knox Manual Labor College," approved February 15, 1837, it was provided that if donations, grants, or devises in land should, from time to time, be made to said coporatioD, over and above one thousand and forty acres, (which one thousand and forty acre?, by the terms of the said act might be held in perpetuity by the said corporation,) the same might be received and held by such corporation for tlie period of three yeai'S fi-om the date of every such donation, grant or devise. Arsd whereas, by an act entitled an act to anit-nd the act first aforesaid, approved Januaiy 18, Is-lO, the time for holding the said donations, grants or devises of lands by the said coporation was ex- tended to seven years, in addition to the period of three years ; now, therefore. Sec. 1 B*^ it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the period dur-ing which the said corpoi-atit^n of Knox Manual Lal>or College may hold any such donations, grants, ur devise^ inland, be and the same is here})y extended for the further term of ten years, in addition to the s;tid terms limited in the said two above men- tioned acts. Skc. 2. That in all cases where the sai<] limitation of seven years shall have expired before the passage of this act, the said term often years in this act pro- vided for, shall be lonstrued to commence arid shall commence at the time of the expiration of such seven years. CHABTER. d Sec. 3. That in all cases "vvhere the said corpora- tion may have been the owner or holder of the title to any real estate before the expiration of the sa^d term of seven years, the right title or interest of the said corporation in or to snch real estate shall not be con- sti'ned or held to be or to have been impaired or defeated, on the account of the said corp )ration hav- ing failed to sell or dispose of such real e itate during the said term of seven years, but the right, title and interest of sucli corporation in and to sucli real estate sliall l>e held to ba and shall be as full and perfect, ■from and after tiie ixpi ration of the said seven years duriny- the full terra of ten years in this act mentioned as before theexpii-ation of tJie said term of seven years. Sec. 4. I'hat all contracts and agreements,' bonds, obligations, conveyances and deeds of any real estate made or c nte]-ed into concerning any real estate hereto- fore owned by said corporation, which may have l)een njade or entered into since the expiration of the said term of seven years, by the said corporation, sliall be deemed and held as good and effectual in law, to all in- tents and purposes, to bind, hold, and convey auy inter- est which the said corporation might or Vv^ould liave liad in such real estate if the said limitation of seven years had not expired at the time of the making or entering into of any sue-]] contract, agreement, bond, obligation, conveyance or din-A]. i^ppROVED Feb. 1 J 1851. 10 CHARTEK. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE KNOX MANUAL LABOR COLLEGE, APPROVED FEB. 15, 1837. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy people of the Statfi of Illinois^ rep/resented in tlte Gen et cd A ■'ji-'^ernt'ltf, That the name of the "Knox Manual Labor College," in the town of Galesbnro', be and the same is hereby changed to Knox College, and all the lands, property, privileges, powers, rights and franchises of said Knox Mannal l.a- bor College are hereby transferred to and vested in Knox College ; and the President, 'J'rustees, Professors, and other officers and asfents of said Knox Mannal La- bor College, shall continue and be the like otiicers and agents, with the like powers and duties, in said Knox College. Sec. 2. The Board of Trustees of said Knox Col- lege shall have power to establish a Female Collegiate Department of said College, to be called "The Female Collegiate Department of Knox College," for the educa- tion and insti-iiction of females. It shall be the duty of said })oard to provide sufficient funds to pay for, com- plete and furnish the building for said department, now in progi-ess of erection on the North side of the College Square, in said town of Galesburg, and they shall set apart for the benefit of said department of the funds derived from the lands donated by Charles Phelps, of Cincinnati, to said College, not exceeding Twenty Thou- sand Dollars, of which fifteen thousand dollars shall be OHAKTER. 11 invested in the manner hereinafter mentioned for the endowment and support of a professorship of mathe- matics and natural philosophy in said department. Sec. 3. It shall he the duty of tlie board of trustees, as soon as funds shall come into the treasury of the College, not wanted for the present engagements of the same, or lor completing the buildings now^ in progress, to set apart twenty thousand dollars as an endowment for the Presidency of paid College, and fifteen thousand dollars each for the endowment therein of the professor- ships of Moral Philosophy and Belles Lettres, the pro- fessorship of Natural ^Science and the professorship of Modern Languages, which shall never be used or applied for any other use or pui'pose whatever. Provided^ however, That the Board of Trustees shall always have power to fix the amount of the salaries of said president, and all of the professoi'S and other officers and agents of said College, and any surplus from the endowments by this act provided, alter payment of the salaries of said President and Pi'ofessors^ may be appropriated by the Board as other funds of tlie Colle^re. Sec. 4. Said funds, including that for the endow- ment of a professorship of Marbematics and Natural Philosophy in the Female Collegiate Department, shall be loaned out on real estate security only, of the double value of the amount loaned, without estimating build- ings or other perishable improvements, and on lands to which the title is understood to be perfect, at a rate of interest not exceeding twelve per cent, per annum, paya- ble annually in advance: at anytime, whether the debt be due or not, if in the opinion of the Hoard of Trus- tees or the Executive Committee thereof, the security is insufficient, they may require additional security or the 12 CIIAKTKJl. immediate payment of the principal and interest of said debt. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said Board to cause Five Thousand Dollars to be loaned out as aforesaid and at the same rate of interest, the interest of which shall be appropriated annually to the increase of the Library and Appai'atus of the Colle