I / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. \ -^ Shelf...j,kl.^ UNITEI» STATES OF AMERICA. i w For 6V6RY PAY IN Trie Y6AR (SO/APLI/AENTS OF mPoRTER^S^QRPCE^-^ cop-Jpemont-^CevKj ty4 BOSTON a Hi A.Stowell&Co 24 WINTER ST. Diamonds and Precious Stones^ MOUNTED AND UNSET. Fine Swiss Watclies, OBSERVATORY RECORDS. Special American Watclies BEARING OUR OWN NAME. Gold Jewelry, LATEST NOVELTIES IN DESIGN. A.Stowell&Co. 24 WINTER ST. French Marble Clocl^s. GREAT VARIETY OF LATEST STYLES PERSONALLY SELECTED IN PARIS. Exquisite Porcelains I'KOM ALL THE LEADING POTTERIES OF EUROPE. ROYAL WORCESTER, POINTON, DOULTON, HUNGARIAN, Etc. Webb's Artistic Cameo Glass, Shaded Satin Glass, Etc. Ornaments of All Descriptions OF UNIQUE CHARACTER AND DESIGN. A.StowelL(&.Co. 24 WINTER ST. Choice Sterling Silverware ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES FOR WEDDING AKD COMPLIMENTARY GIFTS. Electro Plated Wares COMPRISING THE PRODUCTION OF ALL THE BEST MAKERS. Fine Table Cutlery. A.Stowell&,Co. 24 WINTER ST. WE ARE CENTRAL FOR ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES IN Foreign Fancy Jewelry, Bohemian Garnets, Genuine Amber, Jet and Onyx, Oxidized Silver, ETC., ETC. ELEGANT AND COMPLETE LINES Fine • French • and • Vienna • Fans. OUR STOCK OF THE ABOVE IS SECOND TO NONE IN THIS COUNTRY. f^'-OlS'' HALL'S ADJUSTABLE Dress and Skirt Forms : FOR : Draping Dresses. WHEN NOT IN USE, FOLDS UP LIKE AN UMBRELLA OBVIATES THE FATIGUE OF STANDING TO HA VE DRESSES FITTED OR TRIMMED. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. MORSS ^ WHYTE SOLK MANUFACTUKEltS, compietrForm, $6.50. 75 to 81 CORNHILL, BOSTON. Skirt Form ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Fine French) Millinery Goods ARE SHOWN ON OUR COUNTERS AS SOON AS EXHIBITED IN PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA. TRIMMED HATSMDRESS BONNETS A SPECIALTY, IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES, SHADES AND COMBINATIONS OF COLORINGS. FIRST-CLASS GOODS OBIY, TO WHICH INSPECTIOS IS ALWAYS INVITED. GEORGE M. WETHERN, 21 AND 23 TEMPLE PLACE, BOSTON. A PERFECT DINNER must not only be well cooked, it must be well served. It must please the eye as well as the palate. Therefore, do not have your dinner-set all one kind of china, but use pleasing contrasts for the different courses. The simplest table outfit, skillfully chosen, is far more effective than the finest if badly selected. The importance of this subject is now so generallv appreciated, that a man IS judged as much by his china as by his pictures. Choose, then, your table outfit with the utmost care, not forgetting that " course sets " are a specialty with Abram French & Co., on Franklin Street, Boston, who give you, by far, the finest assortment in the country from which to make your selection. , GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR / BY HELEN CAMPBELL COMPLIMENTS OF S. S. PIERCE & CO. IMPORTERS AND GROCERS COR. TREMONT AND COURT STREETS BOSTON DEC 16 1886 I PUBLISHED & COPYRIGHTED MDCCCLXXXVI BY A. B. CLARK & COMPANY BOSTON MASS. V fb AN UNBROKEN RECOED OF SUCCESS. Paris, 1878. ^DURYEAS' Glen Cove Mfg. Co. Has received Highest Prize Medals at International Exhibitions at Philadelphia, 1876, Havre, 1868, and at Paris, 1867, Netherlands, 1869, American In., 1857, Paris, 1878, N. So. Wales, 1875, Baltimore In., i8s9, London, 1862, Cape Town, 1877, So. Car. In., 1870, Hamburg, 1863, Brussels, 1876, Franklin In., 1874, Cologne, iSCs, London An., 1873, Pcnn. In., 1G67, Altonn, 1869, Matanzas, 1881, Also at F^s of States and Counties, and in every instance of competition. ParSsv 1878. ,t«''i' '^oyi/,e ''^&a^ DURYEAS' STARCH In every instance of competition, has received the hig-hest avrard. ^•jAsl ^SB/i -^w addition to Medals, many Diplomas have been received. -\val ESti J _ _ ^^r The folloivinn are a few of the characterizing ^o"^ -^^(SW PhUadelphIc In addition to Medals, many Diplomas have been received. The follovjinij are a few of the characterizing 'jff terms of aioard ; at vLondon, 1862, f:r quality " Exceedingly Excellent." """■" ' ' " Perfection of Preparation." " Best Production of its kind." "Notable cr Absolute Purity." " Rema-kable Excellerce." " Fir S'ip=rior Werit, not alonel as being the best of the kind exhibited, but as the 1 est known toexist in the market of Americzn production." DURYEAS' Olen Cove Manfg Co. received the ONIiY GOLiD BIEIiAIj over all (tliore being 231 competitors at 1376 PAR18 EXPOSTTTON, 1 S7S. Paris, 1867; Paris, 1878, Centennial, 187S, for Brussels, 1876, " Franklin Institute, Penn. FOiR SALiS BY CROCERS CENTRALLY. Philadelphia, I876< ^ PREFACE. A WORD TO THE READER. , THESE menus are not, as may be supposed, a chance medley, thrown together without regard to season or taste. On the contrary, they are, without exception, based on the market supply of the month, and so constructed that the roast, or portion left over from one meal, is utilized as enfr/e or some other desirable form for the next. They are the work, not only of a practical house- keeper, but of one who has also had large experience in cooking-schools, and who has thus learned every difficulty encompassing the question, "What shall we have for dinner?" That the reply may be made easier by the dinner for every day in the year given here is the wish of the writer, who gives here the result of m'any years of experience. i GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Establislied 1801. Telephone No. 9634. BKNT ^ CO., MANUFACTURERS OF THE Celebrated Hand-Made Water Crackers AND FANCY BISCUITS. Guaranteed ABSOLUTE- LY PURE. HAND-MADE from Choicest Flour. They are easy of digestion. Recommended by EMI- NENT PHYSICIANS on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Buy only the GENUINE, which bear the stamp of the makers. The finest Crackers for dessert. Used at all the first-class Hotels. For more than fourscore years these Crackers have been unequalled for excel- lence, and for their superior keeping- qualities. Sold by first-class grocers everywhere. SEND STAMP FOE. OUR REFERENCE BOOK. BENT & CO., Milton, Mass. Read what the " New York Home Journal," " Boston Saturday Evening Gazette," and " Good Housekeeping " say about Hand-made Crackers : The fine hand-made crackers of Bent & Company, of Milton, Mass., are preferred to all others, whether of home or foreign make, by people who make it their pride to procure for themselves and set before their friends only that which is best in its kind. Hostesses, if there be any who have not yet tried these delicate and toothsome Jitorceaux, should not issue the-r cards for a luncheon or dinner, or any occasion when a choice repast is served, without applying to their grocer for a box of Bent & Co.'S Crackers. — Good Housekeep- ing. Bent's Crackers. — A good glass of wine with a few of Bent & Company's Crackers is as dainty a refreshment as one could offer a visitor, or with which one could comfort him- self in a solitary hour of the evening. Every one, the bachelor in his retirement and the hospitable hostess, should be provided with a box of these crackers for such occasions. They are the sweetest, crispest and most toothsome things of the kind that are made. All the leading grocers sell them, not only in this country, but everywhere in Europe. — New York Home JourftaL Bent & Co.'s name stamped upon a cracker is prima facie evidence of its excel- lence, the world over. And " the world over " is not- a buncombe expression in this connec- tion, since their crackers are sent to all parts of the civilized world. The house was estab- lished in the first year of the present century, and the growth of its business is but the natural result of the superior value of its pro- ducts. Every summer cottage should now be supplied with their hand-made cream butter crackers and other fancy biscuit for after- dinner use, and every camping-out party will find them invaluable as a niultum in parvo. — Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. S. S. PIERCE er CO., BOSTON, MASS. LOUIS ROEDERER CHAMPAGNE. CARTE BLANCHE, . (RICH.) GRAND VIN SEC, . (DRY.) JOHN D. & M. WII JJAMS AGENTS, 185 & 187 STATE STREbl, BOSTON. For Sale by all leading Wine Merchants a7td Grocers. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. SUPPLY YOUR TABLE WITH o • 44 OUR XRADE^MARK" HA AND BONELESS BACON DELICIOUS- RELIABLE- UNRIVALLED " OUR CONSTANT AIM IS TO MAKE THEM THE FINEST IN THE WORLD." o UR • BRAND • HAS • WON • THE • HIGHEST • RANK PURELY • BY • MERIT F. A. FERRIS & COMPANY, NEW YORK CIXY. FOR SALE BY S. S. PIERCE & COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1831. S. S. PIERCE & CO., IMPORTERS^^GROCERS, COR. TREMONT AND COURT STREETS, BOSTONo 188 6-7. Grocery Department, IVine Department, Cigar Department, Perfumery Department, A SATISFACTORY REFERENCE REQUIRED FROM PARTIES WISHING TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &= CO., Grocery Department. TEAS. T 1 TE beg to call the attention of the public to the fact that we offer especially ^ * good value in this article, and invite a comparison of the quality of our 50 cent and 75 cent grades with that of Teas sold by most other dealers at 75 cents and $T.oo. It should be borne in mind that many dealers fall back upon Teas as their principal source of profit, while we have the various departments of our business to depend upon, viz. : Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wines, Cigars, etc., both at whole- sale and retail. Our 50 cent Formosa Oolong has been valued by experts at 3 cents per pound better than the 70 cent Oolong of one Boston dealer, and at 5 cents per pound less than the 75 cent Oolong of another. The "fancy" LONDON MARKET TEAS, which we offer at $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50, are for those who appreciate such an article, and can be found in the hands of only a few dealers in this country English Breakfast Teas .... Per lb., 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Formosa Oolong Teas. ... « " ^qc, 50c, 60c, 75c, i.oo, 1.25, 1.50 Japan Teas. . . ... . " " 50c, $1.00 Hyson Teas u u ^1.25 Above prices for Teas are subject to a Discount of 5 per cent, in 10 pound lots and upwards, and 10 per cent, by the original package. COFFEES. We invite a comparison of the quality of our Coffees with those of any dealer in the country. Decorated canisters holding three pounds and five pounds of Tea, or five pounds and ten pounds of Coffee furnished to customers purchasing those quantities of the above goods without extra charge. RAW COFFEE. Original Package. Per lb. Per lb. Java 27c 25c Mocha 27c 25c Plantation Ceylon . ... . . . . . .27c 25c We handle only the finest qualities of each, and never own a pound of any second grade. ROASTED COFFEE, OR ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEE. Per lb. 25 lb. Lots. Java 33c 31c Mocha 33c 31c Plantation Ceylon (considered in London the finest coffee in the world) . 33c 31C Cafe des Connoisseurs (a judicious mixture of the above) . 33c 31c Cafe des Invalides (from which all the nerve-exciting properties * have been removed) . . . . . . . . 33c 31c PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. SUGARS. Per lb. By the Half Bbl. By the Bbl, Golden Yellow C. 2 Extra C. or A. , Granulated (medium and fine) . . . . Powdered . Confectioner's Crushed . . Cut Loaf ........ Loaf . . . . . . Raw .... Paris Triple Refined, per box .... German Beet, refined ...... Maple Sugar ....... Thirty-five cents is charged for half barrels, to meet a corresponding charge made by refiners. SYRUPS. Maple ........... Gallon cans, %\ 30 Maple .......... Half gallon cans, 70 Maple, 40c per bottle . . . . ' . . . . Per dozen, 4 50 The cans are put up for us, and are sealed hot at the sugar orchards, assuring the retention of ail the flavor, and preventing fermentation. Rock Candy Drips Per gallon, $1 00 Golden Syrup , . " " 50 MOLASSES. Finest Porto Rico Finest New Orleans Dark (for Ginger Bread) FLOUR. f^ 100" '^ Per Gall. . 60c 65c . 40c Swan's Down (three months in store) Niagara " '' " X. Y. Z. " " ' " Private Stock " ' " " " Pillsbury's Best .... Washburn's Extra .... Archibald's Extra St. .Louis ...... Per Bbl. Per y^ Bbl. Per X Bbl. (Bag.) $6 00 $3 40 $1 60 6 00 6 00 3 40 I 60 6 00 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 25 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Pastry Flour Franklin Mills PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO., FLOUR {Continued). Per Yi Bbl. (Bag.) Per Bbl. Per lb. « $7 00 4c CEREAL PRODUCTS, ETC. OATMEAL : McCann's Irish, 14 lb. tins, each $1 40 Scotch, coarse .... Scotch, fine ..... Canadian . . . Royal Irish (American) Rolled Oats .... Rolled Avena .... Oat Flour . . • . A. B. C. Oats (steam cooked) Hornby's Oats " WHEAT : Pearl Cut ...... Cracked ...... Crushed ...... A. B. C. (steam ccfoked) . Hornby's " " ... Germ Meal Graham Flour Arlington Wheat Meal Franklin Mills (made from whole wheat) Per bbl., " package, Per package, Per package, Pearl Barley .......... Rye Meal Rye Flour , Brown Bread Mixture 5 lb. bags Head Rice . . ... Ground Rice .......... CORN : Hominy Samp White Corn Meal . Granulated Yellow Meal Duryea's Corn Starch . Maizena . Hecker's Farina . Tapioca, Rio (genuine) . Tapioca. Pearl, 5 lbs. for 25 cents Tapioca, Flake, 5 " " 25 " Sago, Pearl, 5 " " 25 " Bermuda Arrowroot Irish Moss ..... Sea Moss Farine 50 12 12 16 15 16 15 Each. 20c Per lb. ^o 10 8 8 4 4 3/3 4 5 5 3 9 9 3/2 3/3 4 3 8 12 10 20 6 6 6 50 15 Per doz. $2 25 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. CEREAL FOODS, FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS Mellin's, large Mellin's, small Imperial Granum, large . Imperial Granum, small Robinson's Patent Groats, Robinson's Patent Barley, Dr. Ridge's No. i . Dr. Ridge's No. 2 Dr. Ridge's No. 3 . Dr. Ridge's No. 4 lb. cans MILK FOODS, Etc. Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Eagle Condensed Milk Loeflund's, Cream Emulsion . Loeflund's, Infant's Milk . Loeflund's, Condensed Milk . Loeflund's, Malt Extract . Shinn's Liquid Rennet . Each. $0 15 18 I 00 75 30 75 15 Each. |o 55 34 90 55 20 20 25 45 75 I 00 Per doz. $1 75 2 00 10 00 7 50 3 00 7 50 I 75 Per doz. $6 50 4 00 10 50 6 25 2 25 2 25 2 75 4 75 8 75 11 75 Per Case. $6 75 7 75 LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, SIGNATURE BRAND. Each. Pounds . . . . $2 50 Half Pounds . . i 40 VALENTINE'S Meat Juice Per doz. $29 50 16 00 Quarter Pounds Eighth Pounds GELATINE. Cox's Nelson's Chalmers' Imported Red Imported White Cooper's American ISINGLASS. MUSTARD AND SEEDS. Keene's ..... Keene's . . . . . (Crosse & Blackvvell's) Durham (Crosse & Blackwell's) Durham I lb. can, I " bottle. Each. Per doz. • $0 75 $8 50 40 4 50 75 8 50 $0 15 $1 60 15 I 60 10 I 15 Per oz. Per lb. $0 10 $1 00 10 90 10 I 00 Each. Per doz. $0 50 $5 50 25 2 75 55 6 00 35 3 75 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &^ CO., MUSTARD AND SEEDS {Continued). Louis Frere's French Maille (Crosse & Blackwell's) Ground Mustard . Mustard Seed, white Mustard Seed, black Celery Seed Caraway Seed Canary Seed Hemp Seed . Rape Seed Millet Seed . Mixed Bird Seed Per jar, pot, lb.> E. ich. Per doz. o 20 $2 25 40 4 25 40 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 SPICES. Nutmegs, brown (60 to the lb.) Nutmegs, Limed (70 " " " ) Penang Mace, whole Penang Mace, ground Penang Mace, ground Penang Cloves, whole Penang Cloves, ground Allspice, whole . Allspice, ground True Cinnamon, whole Java Cassia, whole . Java Cassia, ground . Marrowfat Ginger, ground Jamaica Ginger, whole Jamaica Ginger, ground . Yellow East India Ginger, ground Shot Pepper, whole Shot Pepper, ground Shot Pepper , . . . Coriander White Pepper, whole . Coriander White Pepper, ground Coriander White Pepper, " Natal Cayenne, ground . Natal Cayenne,' " Nepaul (Crosse & Blackwell's) Paprika ..... Curry Powder . . . Curry Powder . , . Mixed Spices for Pickles, whole Per lb., " Xlb., " lb., Each, }^ lb. bottle, Per lb., % lb. bottle, Per lb., Yz lb. bottle. Per lb., 2 oz. bottle, 2 " " Per can, y-2 lb. bottle, $0 35 ]i " " 25 Per lb., 50 Per doz. $3 75 2 50 There are few dealers in this country, who take the care in the selection of spices, that we do. We do not pretend to compete, with the ordinary spices of commerce, nor the ordinary adulterations known to the trade generally. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. CREAM TARTAR, ETC. Cream Tartar Ground Crystals Pyle's Saleratus Chauce's Bread Soda National Yeast Cakes Royal Baking Powder . Royal Baking Powder Royal Baking Powder . Cleveland Baking Powder Cleveland Baking Powder Pressed Hops . Compressed Yeast Sweet Marjoram Summer Savory Thyme . Per lb., lb. can, I Per lb., HERBS. Sage Bell's Poultry Dressing, ^ lbs. Kitchen Bouquet (bottles) , EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES. Burnett's Vanilla, 2 oz., X pints, "■ " pints, ** " quarts, " Lemon^ 2 oz., '• " )i pints, " " Yz " " " pints, " " quarts, " Almond, 2 oz., " Celery, 2 " Chocolat de Maracaybo Chocolat de Caracas (Ybarra) Maillard's Triple Vanilla Maillard's American Whitman's Instantaneous . Whitman's Instantaneous Wallace's Cream Table Baker's Vanilla Baker's American Bottle. Doz. Burnett's Rose, 25 50 00 85 50 18 35 65 25 40 18 18 ^2 90 5 75 II 25 21 50 40 CO 2 00 3 75 7 50 14 00 27 00 2 00 2 00 Peach, " Nectarine, " Cochineal, " Orange, " Jamaica Ginger, Rose Water, pints, . Peach Water, " . Orange Flower Water, Vegetable Coloring, Green, Red, Yellow, " Brown. 25 35 30 40 65 65 65 65 CHOCOLATE. ^o 60 9 12 6 90 42 22 42 22 Bottle. Doz. > 2 oz., So 18 %2 00 75 00 25 25 50 50 50 50 Per lb.. I lb. cans, Vz " " I " jars, lb.. 90 75 60 35 60 35 40 50 38 Per doz. ?6 75 4 00 4 50 COCOA AND COCOA PREPARATIONS. Baker's Cracked Per lb., $0 t^t, Baker's Prepared ......."" 40 Baker's Paste . . . . . . . . " i lb. cans, 42 Baker's Breakfast u j (^ u ^^ PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE 6- CO., COCOA AND COCOA PREPARATIONS {Continued). Baker's Breakfast Baker's Brorha Whitman's Breakfast . Bensdorp's Breakfast Cadbury's Breakfast . Cocoatina Cacoatina . Epps' Cocoa . Alkethrepta Racahout des Arabes Cocoa Shells (extra selected) ** " (i lb. papers) DRIED FRUITS. Per lb. Raisins, i lb. clusters Raisins, West End layers Raisins, bunches ........ Raisins, Imperial loose Muscatels .... Packed to our order in full-weight boxes, halves, and quarters Sultana Raisins . . . . Vostizza Currants .....-• Our own importation from London, clean and loose as raisins. Per doz. . Per /2 lb. cans. $o 25 u /2 21 $2 4a (f 'A 35 4 00 u % 33 3 75 u y^ 35 4 00 u y 35 4 00 {i 70 8 00 a % 20 2 35 < % 25 2 75 it lb. bottles, 90 10 00 iC a 12 ti a 7 Boxes. Halves. Quarters. English Citron (7 lb. tins) . Leghorn Citron . . . . . Candied Orange Peel (7 lb. tins) Candied Lemon Peel (7 " " ) • Dates ...... Washed Figs, in bags . . . . Eleme Figs, in boxes .... Figues Confites . . . . . Bordeaux Prunes, 40 fruit (cooking) . Bordeaux Prunes, 50 " " Bordeaux Prunes, 60 " " Bordeaux Prunes, 70 " " Bordeaux Prunes, 2 lb. jars (table) Bordeaux Prunes, 2 " cans, " Bordeaux Prunes, 4 " " " California Prepared Prunes, 10 lb. cans Wiesbaden Prunes, .... Evaporated Apples . . . . Evaporated Peaches .... Evaporated Apricots . . . . Per lb., box, lb., $0 40 Doz., $4 50 Large box. Per lb., Small box, FRUITS GLACES. Per lb. By the box. Per lb. By the box. Cherries, large, Angelique . $0 60 $0 50 " small, Apricots Red Strawberries, . ) White " i" • 75 70 Chinois . ^ . $0 60 $0 50 Violets 2 00 I 85 Assorted Fruits, Each. Per doz. Mirabelles . Turkish Roses, cans . $0 25 $2 75 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. FRUITS. Messina I^emons. Florida " Florida Oranges. " Mandarins. Florida Tangerines. Almeria Grapes. NUTS AND ALMONDS. Jordan Almonds, shelled Paper Shelled Almonds Naples Walnuts . Grenoble " . Sicily Filberts Selected Pecans Shellbarks . Per lb. Castanas .... Shelled Walnuts, in boxes English Filberts Pistachio Nuts, quarter, 50c Chinese Lichis (small stones) Chinese Lichis (large " ) IMPORTED BISCUITS AND WAFERS. AMERICAN F. A. KENNEDY & CO. IN FULL CANS. Boston Butter Crackers. Best Oyster Crackers. Cream Biscuit. Wine Oatmeal " Graham " Zephyr " Zephyr Pilot Bread. Coffee Bread. IN HALF CANS. Champion Biscuit. Peerless " Graham " Oatmeal " Mixed " IN 2 LB. BOXES. Pearl Wafers. Zephyrettes. Cold Water Crackers. Graham Wafers. Oatmeal " CRACKERS, Etc. Per lb. ;i 75 I 00 25 Peek, Frean, & Co.: Each. Doz. Peek, Frean, & Co.: Each. Doz. Albert Biscuit, 2 lb.. $< D 60 $6 50 Raspberry Wafers, "1 Oswego " 2 " 75 8 00 Lemon " j^ . $0 35 $4 00 Health " 2 " 60 6 50 Rose " J Vanilla Wafers, ) German, Carlsbad Wafers, 45 5 00 Chocolate " f 35 4 00 Middlemass Water Biscuit, 60 6 50 in 2 LB. BOXES. Cream " Oswego Biscuit. Assorted Fancy Biscuit. Holiday Fruit Cake. IN I LB. CANS. Ginger Snaps. Vanilla " Cracker Meal, in i lb. papers. Cold Water Biscuit, in }4 bbls. Fancy Assorted Biscuit, in }4 bbls. HOLMES & COUTTS. IN 2 LB. CANS. Oaten Flake Biscuit. Water, Thin " Graham Wafers. Sea Foam Wafers. BENT & CO. Water Crackers, in cans, ^ cans 2 lb. tins, kegs, and }4 bbls. Cracker Meal, in i lb. papers. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &' CO., AMERICAN CRACKERS, Etc. (Cominued). Kent's Pilot Bread. Pearson's Pilot Bread. Pretzels. Zweibach, J4 lb. papers. 7c; Spratt's Dog Biscuit, per lb. 4 lbs. for 25c. Challenge Dog Food, per can, 15c ; per doz., $1.75. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CHEESES A.T LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FOREIGN CHEESES. 80c each. Dutch Edams . London Stilton English Cheddar Queen's Arms French Roquefort Italian Gorgonzola Swiss Gruyere . Italian Parmesan . Fromage de Menauta Sap Sago Camembert Crosse & Blackwell's Grated Parmesan AMERICAN CHEESES High Colored Factory Cheese White Factory Cheese . Young America . Sage ..... Brandy Cheese, in pots Pineapple .... IVe receive a fresh stock of the following Cheeses every other /?iorni?ig : Fromage de Brie $i-5o each. Fromage d'Isigny 20c each. Neufchatels . . ... . . . 5c " 6 for 25c. Caprera . 20c *' 45c per lb.; 42c per lb. by the loaf 35c " 32c u it n 40c " 35c ii ii ii 40c " 37c ii ii ii 40c " 37c ii Ii 11 25c 40c " 40c each. 15c " $1 •75 per doz 40c " 40c per bottle ; $4. "Ore? 25 per doz. loto. i6c per lb. i6c 17c i6c per lb. by the loaf i6c 75c each. Large, $i.2c ; med. 90c ; small, 50c. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Old Dominion Hams ' " Bacon Ferris Hams . " Bacon Lagana and Pojero " by the 12 lb. box . French .... Per lb. Hams, Silver Star . Smoked Tongues " Beef Hams Lard, 10 lb. and 5 lb. cans Per lb. MACARONI, ETC. Per lb. Per lb. $0 15 Spaghetti . . . . • $0 15 13 Italian Paste (letters and numbers) 15 12 Vermicelli. .... 15 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. Old Dan Fish, FISH. Phillips Beach, white, Boneless, 5 lb. box. PICKLES. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S. Each. Per cloz quarts pints Gherkins, Mixed Pickles, Piccalilli, Chow Chow, V Cauliflower, White Onions, Walnuts, Oriental Pickles, pints Imperial Hot Pickles . Red Cabbage Pickles, Y-z pts., o 50 30 $5 3 75 50 60 6 75 60 6 75 20 2 25 OLIVES. Each. Per doz. '■ Each. Red Bird Peppers, . . $0 50 " Chili " . 50 WINDSOR MANOR. Tiny Tims Piccolos East India Gherkins Pickled Limes, gall, jars, " Yz gall, jars, " " quarts, . Nonpareil Capers, full pints. 35 25 25 25 75 40 00 60 Per doz. $5 75 5 75 4 00 2 75 2 75 10 00 6 00 Spanish Queen, Imp. quarts, $0 80 " " " pints, 50 Our own selection and packing. C. & B. Queen, Imp. quarts, 60 Green Mango .... Lucknow .... Sliced Mango (sweet and piquant) Bengal Hot .... Bengal Club .... Major Grey's .... Col. Skinner .... Cashmere (sweet and mild) Bengal, Crosse & Blackwell Mango, " " 00 50 7 00 CHUTNEYS. C. & B. Queen, Imp. pints " " French Crescent . . . . Stuffed .... Large bottles, ; Each. |o 35 40 40 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 40 Per doz. $4 00 4 50 4 50 5 50 |io 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 4 25 4 25 CATSUPS AND SAUCES. C. & B. Mushroom Catsup, pints . " >4 pints, Walnut Catsup, pints . " •" /4 pints Essence of Anchovies, pints, ^pts., " " Shrimps, pints . >4 pints, Harvey Sauce Reading " . John Bull "... Beef Steak Sauce . Soyer's Sultana Sauce, pints. Eadi. ] Per doz. 40 $5 25 25 2 50 40 4 25 25 2 50 60 7 00 35 4 00 75 7 50 50 5 00 40 4 25 40 4 25 40 4 25 40 4 25 75 8 00 Each. Per doz. Soyer's Sultana Sauce,^ pts., $< " Relish . China Soy, pints " y2 pints . Imperial, pints Imperial, Y pints, Florence Salad Cream . Cold Meat Sauce Parisian Essence . Pate Fran9aise . Lee & Perrin's Worcestershire: Quarts .... Pints .... Half pints 40 , 40 30 20 75' 40 40 75 40 20 75 45 25 25 25 25 25 00 50 25 50 25 10 00 00 90 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO., CATSUPS AND SAUCES (Continued). Each. Halford Sauce, pints . $o 30 " " }4 pints 20 Alghieri'sTom&.to Catsup, pts., 20 Shrewsbury " " " 25 Sneider's " " " 20 Perham Farm Cider Weld California White Wine C. & B. Malt . " Raspberry " Tarragon " Estragon . Chili . Per doz. | $3- 50 2 30 2 20 2 75 2 20 Sneider's Chili Sauce, pints, Wm. Lewis Chili Sauce, pts. Tobasco Pepper Sauce Heinz " Pall Mall Salad Cream VINEGARS. Each. Per doz. $0 30 $3 25 . 30 3 25 40 4 75 30 3 25 50 5 00 Gallon. Bottle. Per doz. $0 30 50 $0 20 $2 25 I 00 35 4 00 20 2 25 30 3 40 50 5 50 50 5 50 50 5 50 PURE OLIVE OIL, RECEIVED DIRECTLY FROM THE GROWER, VEUVE CHAFFARD, Jardin de la France. This Oil is pressed from hand-picked selected Olives, and comes into our hands without the payment of a single commission or brokerage. It is characterized by the shipper as " Surfine, Extra Douce et de Premiere Qualite." I Full Litre Bottles ........ Full Half Litre Bottles Full Quarter Litre Bottles ...... Dttle. Per doz. Per case. 25 $13 00 $13 00 70 7 00 14 00 40 4 25 8 50 ROUTH'S Full Litre Bottles , Half Litre Bottles Quarter Litre Bottles I 25 OLIVE OIL. BARTON & GUESTIER, Bordeaux. ITALIAN OIL. CREME DE LA CREME. Pyramids . Per case, 30 pyramids 70 40 35 13 00 8 00 4 30 3 75 S. RAE & CO., Leghorn. Half Litre Bottles Quarter Litre Bottles ..... Eighth Litre Bottles ...... One Gallon Cans . $2 25 Three Gallon Cans 65 40 25 7 25 4 25 2 85 8 00 8 55 8 25 5 50 60 Five Gallon Cans, 10 00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 13 IMPORTED VEGETABLES, NIEATS, KISH, AND CONDINIENTS, IN CANS, POTS, AND GLASS JARS, Mercier, Petit Pois, super extra fine '* " " extra fine " Shell Beans . String Beans ... Mushrooms Briant, Petits Pois, extra fine " Mixed Vegetables . " Mushrooms Fiton, Petits Pois, extra fine Rodel, Moyens Pois Artichokes . Asparagus Mushrooms, Mixed Vegetables, Peas, extra fine, String Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, large " small FRENCH VEGETABLES, in glass jars. > E. Mercier PHILIPPE & CANAUD, Nantes. Petits Pois, whole cans . " " half cans . Peeled Trufiies, half cans " " quarter cans " " eighth cans . Brushed Truffles, half cans " " quarter cans •' " eighth cans Sardines, whole cans " half cans . . " quarter cans Pate of Pheasant, quarter cans . Caseroles des Foie Gras, No. 10 Pate de Foie Gras, whole cans " '' " " half cans " " " " quarter cans " " " " eighth cans . Artichokes, fond " entiere Boneless Sardines, half cans . Thon Marine (tunny fish) . Per can. Per doz. • |o 35 $4 00 35 4 00 30 3 50 30 3 50 30 3 50 35 4 00 30 3 50 30 3 50 25 2 75 18 2 00 Per jar. Per doz. . $0 75 $8 50 60 7 00 38 4 50 I 00 II 00 75 8 50 Per can. Per doz. $0 50 $5 75 25 2 75 3 25 38 00 I 75 20 00 I 00 10 00 • 3 00 32 00 I 60 18 00 85 9 00 90 10 50 50 5 75 40 4 50 I 60 16 50 I 50 16 GO 90 10 00 4 50 50 00 2 50 27 00 I 50 16 00 85 9 50 80 8 00 60 6 00 45 5 25 50 5 50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 14 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO., IMPORTED VEGETABLES, ETC. {Continued). CROSSE & BLACKWELL. Potted Ham, Tongue, Beef, Strasbourg Meats, Ham and Chicken, Shrimps, Yarmouth Bloaters, Shrimp Paste, Anchovy Paste . MuUigatawny Paste Russian Caviare . Chicken and Ham Pate . Veal and Ham Pate . Yarmouth Bloaters (flat tins) Bologna Sausage, large Bologna Sausage, small . Oxford Sausage, large Cambridge Sausage, small Gillon's Kippered Herring Gotha Truffed Liver Sausage Gotha Truffed Meat Sausage Russian Caviare Anchovies in Oil Per pot. Per doz. $o 30 $3 25 60 6 50 60 6 50 30 3 50 30 3 50 40 4 50 I 00 II GO 60 7 .00 90 9 50 50 5 50 27 3 00 90 9 50 65 7 00 20 2 00 60 6 50 AMERICAN CANNED MEATS, RICHARDSON & ROBBINS, Dover, Del. Rolled Ox Tongues ......... Lunch Ham, Lunch Tongue ....... Boned Chicken, Boned Turkey . ' . Galantine of Chicken, Galantine of Turkey . . ... Curried Fowl .......... Potted Ham . . . . . . . . . . Potted Tongue . . . . . . . Potted Chicken ) Potted Turkey j" •••••••• • Boneless Cooked Ham . . . . . . . Whole Boned Chicken, in Jelly ...... Whole Boned Chicken, Truffled ....... Whole Boned Duck, Truffled ...... Truffled Chicken Livers ....... Truffled Whole Boned Quail . . ... Curried Oysters . . . . . . . . . English Plum Pudding, i lb. . English Plum Pudding, 2 lbs. ...... English Plum Pudding, 3 " . . . . . . EngUsh Plum Pudding, 4 " . . . . ... • WM. UNDERWOOD & CO. Deviled Ham .......... Deviled Tongue . . . . . . . . . Deviled Turkey, Deviled Chicken ...... Deviled Lobster ....'.,... Etc. Per can. Per doz. $0 70 $8 25 30 3 25 45 5 00 45 5 00 35 3 75 20 2 25 22 2 50 30 3 25 Per lb. , $0 30 ii 45 u 50 u 50 Per can. Per doz. $0 30 $3 50 50 5 75 20 2 25 25 2 75 40 4 50 60 6 50 75 8 75 25 2 75 30 3 50 35 4 00 20 2 25 ONONDAGA. Boned Chicken 30 3 5^ PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 15 ]ars AMERICAN CANNED MEATS, Etc. {Contmued). ONEIDA COMMUNITY. Boneless Duck, Boneless Chicken, Boneless Turkey Armour's Corned Beef, 2 lbs. . Armour's Beef Tongues, 2 lbs. . Lambs' Tongues, cans Pickled Lambs' Tongues (S. S. P.) Pickled Lambs' Tongues (Parker's) Pickled Oysters (Long Bots.), Dunbar's Green Turtle Meat . Dunbar's Potted Shrimps . Dunbar's Gulf Shrimps . Deviled Crabs (with shells), large Deviled Crabs " " small Dried Beef, i lb. cans • . Dried Beef, >^ " " . Boneless Herring, per box . Salmon, Oregon, i lb. cans Per can. $0 30 15 60 20 60 40 50 30 20 25 30 20 25 16 15 17 Per doz. $3 SO 75 75 30 5° 50 25 40 25 85 50 25 85 90 60 00 ALGHIERl'S SOUPS. Clear Green Turtle Green Turtle Terrapin . Mock Turtle Julienne . Consomme . Ox-tail Chicken Printaniere Beef Tea Mutton Broth Concentrated Beef, whole cans Concentrated Beef, half cans Per can. Per doz. $1 50 $16 00 80 9 00 I 00 II 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Italian Paste Mulligatawny Pea . Tomato Beef a la Mode Haricot Mutton Italian Sauce Mushroom Sauce Tomato Sauce Sauce Piquante * These Sauces are /or Chops, Si breads, etc. Per can. $0 50 50 40 40 75 75 70 70 45 45 Per doz. $5 75 75 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 RICHARDSON & ROBBINS. Tomato Soup Chicken " Pate Frangaise Per can. Per doz. $0 20 $2 30 20 2 30 Mulligatawny Soup :aks. Cutlets, Siveet- $1 75 90 Per can. Per doz. $0 20 $2 30 AMERICAN CANNED VEGETABLES, ETC Per can. Per doz. Corn, Hyde's Egyptian . . ■ . Corn, S. S. P., red label . . . . * . Corn, " blue Jabel Succotash, Webb's .......... Lima Beans, " .......... Peas, red label, Petits Pois ........ Pe^s, blue label, extra sifted ........ 18 $2 00 15 I 75 12 I 40 15 I 65 12 I 40 25 2 75 17 2 00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. i6 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO. AMERICAN CANNED VEGETABLES, Etc. Tomatoes, Whole Tomatoes, Love Apple . Tomatoes, S. S. P., red label Tomatoes, Stout's . . Tomatoes, gallons Asparagus, Oyster Bay . Baked Beans, Brick-oven Brand Okra or Gumbo (Dunbar's) . Okra and Tomatoes (Dunbar's) Gumbo File, bottles {Continued) . Per can. $o 15 14 12 10 35 14 20 20 30 Per doz. 75 50 40 15 25 00 65 00 00 50 FRESH VEGETABLES, ETC.-in glass jars. F. H. PERRY. Per jar. Per doz. Per jar. Per doz. Whole Asparagus • $0 55 $6 50 Bush Beans • $0 45 $5 25 Cut Asparagus 55 6 50 Green Beans 45 5 25 Green Peas 50 5 50 Tomatoes, Split 45 5 25 Corn 50 5 50 Stewed 40 4 75 Prices not made to compete with prices quoted for Ferry's goods packed in 1884. WM. LEWIS. Split Tomatoes Cauliflower . Per jar. Per doz. $0 40 $4 00 45 5 oo" Tamarinds, large " small MISS C. E. Per bot. Sweet Pickled Peaches . $1 00 " " Cherries i 00 " " Plums . I 00 " " Pears . i 00 " Ripe Cucumbers . i 00 Peach Chutney . . i 10 Brandy Peaches . . i 75 Sliced Cucumbers . i 00 MARTIN'S SPECIALTIES. Per doz. i $11 00 j Stuffed Peppers II 00 I Okra and Tomatoes II 00 Small Cucumbers . II 00 Stuffed Cucumbers 11 00 Plum Tomatoes 12 00 Green Tomatc»es 19 00 Chow-Chow II 00 Mince Meat for Pies CANNED FRUITS, ETC. Peaches, R. & R., Extra Yellow Peaches, R. & R., Sugared Peaches, Chamber's Peaches for Cream Peaches, Mammoth Lemon Cling . Peaches, Mammoth White Heath Peaches, Ixion Lemon Cling . Peaches, Ixion White Heath Pine Apple, Singapore, whole Apples, gallon cans .... Figs, Dunbar's (Light Syrup) Per jar. Per doz. $0 30 $3 50 20 2 25 Per bot. Per doz. $1 00 $11 00 75 8 00 I 00 11 00 I 00 II 00 I 00 II 00 I 00 II 00 I 00 II 00 I 25 15 00 Per can. Per doz. $0 30 $3 50 30 3 50 25 2 75 35 4 00 35 4 00 30 3 25 30 3 25 40 4 75 20 2 25 30 3 50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 17 CALIFORNIA FRUITS. SAN JOSE FRUIT Per can. Per doz. PACKING CO. Peaches, Lemon .Cling " White Heath . " Crawford . Cherries, Ox-Heart (white) " Tartarian (black) Pears, Bartlett . $0 30 30 75 50 50 75 50 50 Apricots . Nectarines . Plums, Damson " Green Gage " Golden Drop " Egg . Per can. $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 FRESH FRUITS.-lN Glass Jars. Whole Peaches Split Peaches Cherries . Bartlett Pears Seckel Pears F. H. PERRY. Per jar. Per doz. Per jar. . $0 85 $10 00 Crab Apples . . • $0 75 I 10 12 50 Blackberries. . . 55 . 65 7 70 Raspberries • • • 55 75 8 75 Pine-apple ... 75 90 10 00 Barberries • • • 55 Prices not made to coitipete with prices quoted for Perry's goods packed in 1884. PRESERVED GINGER. Whole Pots, Stem Half Pots, !i 30 75 Whole Pots, red label Half Pots, red label Quarter Pots, red label DRY-PRESERVED, AND SUGARED OR CRYSTALLIZED GINGER. Each Crystallized Stem Ginger, 1 pound tins $1 00 Crystallized Ginger, i pound tins ....... 55 Crystallized Ginger, ^ pound tins 30 Leaf Ginger, i pound tins 30 Leaf Ginger, 3^ pound tins . . . . . . . . 95 Square Cut ^Ginger, i pound tins 30 Square Cut Ginger, 3^ pound tins ....... 95 Dry Stem Ginger, i pound tins ....... 35 Dry Stem Ginger, 3^ pound tins i 15 HONEY. Each. Swiss Table Honey, pints . . $0 75 Swiss Table Honey, half pints ....... 40 Bowditche's Pure Honey, pints ....... 60 " " " half pints 40 FRUITS, IN Brandy. Wiesbaden Peaches .... Wiesbaden Apricots .... Wiesbaden Cherries .... Wiesbaden Green Gages Gordon & Dilworth Peaches . Miss Martin's Peaches Dunbar's Figs (Cordial) . Tysonneau Cherries (Maraschino), large Tysonneau Cherries (Maraschino), small Per jar. 25 25 25 10 75 45 90 60 Per doz. $3 50 3 50 50 50 50 50 Per doz. $8 75 6 50 6 50 8 75 6 50 5i 00 55 30 Per doz. %\\ 00 00 50 50 3 50 4 00 Per doz. $7 50 4 00 6 50 4 50 Per doz. $13 50 13 50 13 50 13 50 12 50 19 00 5 30 10 50 6 50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE b- CO., WIESBADEN GOODS. We beg to call the attention of the public to the goods put up by ADOLPH ROEDER, Wiesbaden, Germany, and claim that the same are the finest articles of the kind ever offered in this or any other country. Mr. Roeder is a manufacturer of ample means and long experience, having been brought up in the business by his father, whom he succeeds. His establishment is situated in the center of one of the finest fruit-growing districts in Europe. His fabrications are well known in the large cities of Russia, Italy, Spain and England, and are a household word among the numerous courts of the German states. The style of packing is particularly attractive. PRESERVES. ADOLPH ROEDER, Hof Conditor, Wiesbaden. White Peaches. Red Currants. Mirabelles. Red Cherries, sour. Green Gages. Red Raspberries. White Raspberries. Red Pears. Red Peaches (blood). White Currants. Yellow Cherries, sweet. Cherries. FRUITS, Each, $1 25 90 Per doz.. ii3 9 50 75 IN Brandy. Apricots. PRUNES. Each, $1 Each, $1 Green Gages. 25 Per doz., ii3 50 60 00 Per doz.. II 00 50 Melange. Red Strawberries. White Strawberries. White Pears. Apricots, whole. Apricots, sliced. Large jars Small jars Peaches. Large jars . Large boxes Medium boxes We must caution the public against certain imitations of Mr. Roeder's specialties, put up by unscrupulous manufacturers at Mayence and elsewhere. These imitations, though having the same general appearance as the genuine, are put up in " potato sugar," a product similar to glucose, and are sold at a com- paratively low figure. TEYSONNEAU FRUITS, m Glass Jars Fresh Peaches, Fresh Strawberries, Fresh Raspberries, Fresh Figs, Fresh Cherries, Fresh Apricots Preserved Marons, small jars, ........ 90 Cherries in Maraschino, large jars ....... 90 Cherries in Maraschino, small " ....... 60 English Sweet Orange Marmalade ....... 35 Keiller's Dundee Marmalade ........ 20 Guava Jelly (Havana), 2 lbs. ........ 60 Guava Jelly (Havana), i lb. ........ 40 Guava Jelly (Havana), ^ ".'....,. . 20 Guava Jelly (Havana), X " • • • • • • • • °^ CROSSE & BLACKVv^ELL'S Raspberry, Strawberry, Raspberry and Currant, Black Currant, Gooseberry, Damson .... Calf's-foot Jelly, large . . . . Calf's-foot Jelly, small ........ Orange Marmalade, fancy pots ....... RUSHEN ABBEY, ISLE OF MAN. Fresh Gooseberries, bottles . . Gooseberry Jam, jars . . . . . . . PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Each. Large jars, $0 '90 Per doz. 50 10 JAMS, Etc. Red Currant, 25 60 40 40 30 20 50 50 50 00 25 25 10 90 >2 50 10 10 6 4 2 6 4 50 50 25 25 BOSTON, MASS. 19 DOMESTIC PRESERVES. Red Currant Jelly Black Currant Jelly Grape (Fox) Jelly Crab Apple jelly . GEO. E. WALES. JELLIES. Put up in Twelve Ounce Tumblers. Each. Per doz. • $0 37 $4 25 37 4 25 35 4 00 35 4 00 Keep in a cool, dry and dark place. Each. Quince Jelly . . • $0 35 Quince Marmalade . 35 Black Currant Jam . . 35 Apple Jelly ... 30 Per doz. $4 00 4 00 4 00 3 50 Fresh Quinces " Peaches . " Pine Apple FRESH FRUITS. Put up in Glass Jars with Light Syrup, xYz pt. jars. . $1 00 I 00 I 00 SWEET PICKLED FRUITS Peaches Strawberries yo, pt. jars. . $1 20 I 20 Fresh Seckel Pears . " Cherries " Bartlett Pears, qt. jars, | OR SPICED PRESERVES Pears ..... Currants .... I>ipt. jars. $1 00 80 li.oo 80 pt. jars. $x 10 85 PRESERVED FRUITS. Put up in air-tight Glass Jars. Keep in a cool place, away from light. iK pt. jars. Preserved Pine Apple, sliced . ;j^i 20 " " " grated . i 20 " Blood Peaches, whole . t 20 '•'■ Strawberries, " . i 20 " Crawford Peaches," . i 10 " Quinces, halved . i 10 " Damsons, whole . . i 10 " Crab Apples, " . i 10 Put up in Three-Pint Stone Jars. Jars contain from Three to Five Pounds each Per lb. • $0 27 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Red Currant Jelly Quince Jelly Grape (Fox) Jelly Crab Apple Jelly Apple Jelly . Peach Preserve Pine Apple Preserve Pear " Preserved Pears, whole, Raspberry Preserve . Strawberry " Blackberry " Barberry " Black Currant Jam . Quince Jam . Peach Jam Damson Preserve Green Gage " Raspberry " Strawberry " Blackberry " Barberry " Quince " t. jar. I 10 85 85 85 85 85 I 00 I 00 Raspberry Jam Strawberry " . Peach Quince " . Preserved Quinces " Pears GEORGE VOSE, Milton. Per jar. 30 30 30 25 45 50 Preserved Pine Apples . " Peaches . " Blood Peaches Red Currant Jelly, large " " small Per lb. $0 25 25 25 .25 25 25 25 Per jar. $1 50 I 45 50 35 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE b- CO., CANDLES. Per lb. Mitchell's Imperial 6s Mitchell's Imperial 12s Parafine 6s Parafine 12s Sperm 6s Wax 6s (white) . Wax 6s (colored) . Parkinson's English . Coach Candles Field's Ozokerit (sets, 8 candles) . • • Piano, assorted colors (sets, 8 candles) Renaissance, assorted colors (sets, 2 candles, 8s) Renaissance, " " ( " 2 " 6s) Decorated, " " (, " 2 " 8s) By the lb. By the box. By the case. $0 15 16 17 18 50 55 60 75 30 $0 14 15 16 17 49 54 59 14 15 16 48 53 58 Per set. $0 55 55 30 40 50 Pratt's Astral Lard . ILLUMINATING OILS. Per gall. Sperm . Moderateur Per gall. LAUNDRY SOAPS, ETC. Per lb. Per box. ["Old Fashioned Settled Soap, manufactured expressly for us by) J an old formula The same, kept three months on racks . Five box lots, per lb . ■. . f New, per lb . . \ By the box, per lb. . . . . . [ Five box lots, per lb. .... • Winchester's Extra . Per lb.. $0 07 Babbitt's Best Soap (< li 05 Ivory " (( u 08 Borax " <( <( 10 Siddall's " <( u 09 Powdered Borax (< (I 15 Silver Soap (( ii 10 Kitchen Mineral ii i( 06 Triumph ........ n (I 10 Sapolio it u 10 Ivorine It li 13 Pearline (C ii 12 1/4 Soapine . . . . . u (( 12 Babbitt's Powder, 1776 l( ii 10 Rotten-Stone (( <( 10 Pumice-Stone a <( 10 Whiting (( (( 08 Bath Brick Each, 05 Per box, doz., box. ii doz., box, a doz.. 00 75 25 90 10 00 10 00 00 50 50 75 50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. POLISHES. Indian Lakoo ........ Each, %o 40 Per doz^, $4 50 For cleansing and polishing gold, silver, plated-vvare, diamonds and other precious stones, it is unequalled. It also works effectually on nickel and plate glass. Warranted to contain neither acids nor poisonous substances. Each. Per doz. . $0 06 %o 65 08 85 Putz Pomade, large Electro Silicon Glacial Silica 08 85 Silver White Wellington Knife Polish Sal Soda ach. Per doz. 5o 10 I 00 25 2 75 03 STOVE POLISH. Rising Sun Everett's, large Day & Martin's, large . Each. Per doz. $0 05- $0 50 Dixon's Each. Per doz. ^o 05 $0 50 BLACKING. Each. Per doz. $0 35 $4 00 30 3 40 Each. Per doz. Day & Martin's, medium %o 20 ^2 25 Day & Martin's, boxes . 08 90 MEDICATED TOILET PAPER. Star Mills, per package . Five for $1.00. Satin Gloss, 6-lb. boxes " " i-lb. papers Byam's .... Parlor (round wood boxes) Parlor (boxes 500) . Safety Matches (tin boxes) Parlor Matches P 25 Congress Mills, per package Nine for $1.00. STARCH. p 50 08 Watertown Wheat Elastic $0 10 10 MATCHES. . Per y^ gross, $0 30 Per gross, $1 00 " doz., 18 " ^ " I 75 • " box, 05 " doz., 55 " " 03 " " 30 . " " 20 " " 2 25 BLUEING. Each. Per doz. Each. Per doz. Sawyer's, 16 oz. bottles $0 15 $1 50 French Ball, i lb. . $0 35 $4 00 (< Q <( (( 10 I 00 >^ " . 18 2 00 " Dry, boxes 05 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Each. Per doz. Each. Per doz. Salt, C. & B., pots . • $0 15 $1 50 Brooms, Sidewalk . " Pembroke, boxes . 08 90 " Medium . " 20 lb. bags 17 Parlor . " 10 " boxes . II " Whisk, large . u ^ u « • _ 07 " " medium " Royal Celery 15 I 60 " " small . Per qt. Per pk. Per bush. " " ivory handles. Beans, Pea . . $0 10 $0 65 $2 40 Bonnet Brushes " Turtle Soup, 20 I 50 Ammonia, pints . $0 15 $1 75 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO., WINES, LIQUORS, &c. ■Wido-W Clicquot, Dry, Yellow Label, Rich, Wliite Label, Per Case, Irloz. 2 (loz. Qts. Pts. 29.50 29.50 31.50 31 .50 Moet Co., Extra Sec. B. ry, 9.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANG-E. BOSTON, MASS. 23 A. de 1.UZE &. Fir,S. Chat. Beycheville, ISTS, PONTEl'CAXEr,lS78. Chat.Paveil, 1S7S, . St. Kstephe, Mugiumis, 1878, Medoc, Magunins, 1881, Chat. St. Ciii!Istoly, 1S7.J, . Medoc, imported in wood, . No. 1, half pints, per doz. No. 2, Per Casp, 1 d.jz. 2 ilui. bots. X !>"'»• 14.00 15.00 1-2.00 13.00 11.00 1-2.00 10.00 11.00 7.00 8.00 G.50 7..50 COO 7.00 . -2.50 . -2.00 Chateavt LnRose, Pergaiison, 1881 12.00 J. de ilLLEFOBTE «fe CIE. St. JULIEK, 4-»0 -5.50 St. EsTEi'iiE, imported in wood, 5.00 6.00 ViN OuuiNAiKE, without labels, 5.00 G.OO BARTON & OrESTIER. CHATEAU MAKGAUX, 1870 1874, Chateau Latour, 1875, . Chateau Lafi IE, 1868, . 1874, . Chateau Leoville, 1875, Ch.\teau Beycheville, 1870, Ch.\teau Beycheville, 1S7S, Bbane Cantenac, 1875, . PONTET CANET, 1878, . Chateau du Galland, 1874, St. Julien, 1878, •.00 27.00 26.00 25.00 29.00 26.00 18.00 16.00 17.00 14.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 12.00 13.00 10.00 11.00 S.OO 9.00 A. de tUZE & FILS, Per Ca-ie. Id.)/.. 2 doz. buts. J^bu.s. CH.VrEAU YqUEM, 1869, . 3.'.. 00 36.00 " lS79,LurSaluces, 20.00 2:. 00 IIautSautekne, 1S75, . . 15.00 1(;.(.0 Sauterne, 1S78, . . 9-00 10, to Barsac, lS-,0, . . 8.00 COO Gr.aves, 1S7S, . . 7.00 S.OO J. de VILLEFOKTE & CIE. Sauterne, Superieur, imported CJ^OSSMAIVIV «fc CO. CHATEAtr MALLEHET, 1881. . 8. .50 9.50 ]V. JOHiVSTOIV & SON. ST. JULIEN ■''•50 6.50 SEIGXOURET FKEltES. CHATEAU DILLON, 1881, . . 7.00 8.00 JUICES CLAVELLE. Chateau L arose, . . .' 12.00 13.00 PONTET CANET, 9.00 10.00 pA"LlFORNIA. Edge Hill Cabinet, 7.00 8.00 in wood. 6.f 7.00 BARTON & GITESTIEB. Haut Sautkrne, 1869, . . 15..50 16.50 ViN DE Graves, 1874, . . 9.00 10.00 jri,ES CI, .WELLE. Haut Sauterne, . . . 14.00 15.00 * * -* Sauterne, * * Sauterne, * Sauterne, 13.00 14.00 11.00 S.OO 9.00 RO.MANEE, 1875, CLOS DE V0UGE0T,J875, Chamrertin, 1875 and 1878, XUITS, POMMARD, Beaune, Macox, CHABLIS, BEAUJOLAIS, 1S75 and 1878, 1S78, 1878 and 1881, 18S1, 1875 and 1878, 1875, Sparkling Red, Per Case. 1 duz.qts. 2doz,pts. 26.00 26.00 23.00 14.00 13.00 11.00 10.00 13.00 8.. 50 21.00 24.00 15.00 14.00 12.00 11.00 14.00 9.50 23.00 On Wines over $6.00, 50 cents case discount in 5 case lots ; others, 25 cents case discount in 5 case lots. This rule applies to Clarets, Sau- ternes, Burgundies and Hocks only. PBICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 24 PRICE LIST S. S. FIERCE 6- CO., MOSlLiI Wilis, pts. ». XiEIDElV, Cologne. Per Case. 1 (loz. 2 (loz. qls. JOHANNISBEKGEK CaWXET, Yellow Seal, 186S, STErXAVElX, ISGS, . Liebfraumilch, 1ST5, . RUDESHEIMEU, 1S75, HOCKHEEMEK, 1875, . 24.00 * . 20.00 21.50 . IS.OO * . 14.00 10.00 . 12.00 13.00 I>. LEIDEN, Cologne. Xeirsteixer, 1S75. Laube^heimer, 1874, Zelti.vger, (Moselle,) 1876, Bodexheimer, 1875, . Bracenbergi'r, Sparkling Moselle, Pel- Case. 1 doz. 2 doz qts. 10.00 pts. 11.00 9.00 10.00 8.75 9.75 8.00 9.00 7.25 8.25 20.00 22.00 1. SCILIHBIIQIB'S IISTIL No. 112. RED TOSLAUER, No. 113. " Goldeck, No. 114. No. 115. « Cabinet, white laljel, " green label. Per Case. 1 doz. qts. 2 doz. pts 9.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 . 15.00 16.00 20.00 21.00 HIIEIIL SFIIIQ WlTllS. FOREIGN. Vichy, Elizabeth, j) St. Marie, > Cases, 50 bottles, Larbaud, ) Grand Grille, ") Hauterive, (. ^ , i,„t4.i„ ^ , ^. ' [ Cases, so bottles, . Celestms, I -^ Hopital, -' German Selters, Hampers, 50 quart jugs, . 50 pint jugs, . Apollinaris, Quarts, glass, cases, 50 bottles, Pints, glass, cases, 100 bottles, Sulis (of Bath, Eng.) Qimrts, cases, 50 bottles. Pints, cases, 100 bottles, Mattoni Giesshubler, Rosbach, ..... Schweppe's Soda Water, casks, 10 dozen bottles, Hunjadi Janos Water, cases, 50 bottles, Friedrichshall Bitter Water, cases, 50 bottles, PuUna Bitter Water, cases, 50 jugs, Per case. Per doz. Perbot. 8.50 2.15 .20 9.40 2-35 6.00 1-75 •15 4.50 1-25 .12 7-50 2.00 .iS 10.50 1.40 •13 7-50 2.00 .18 10.50 1.40 •'3 7-50 2.00 .18 7-50 2.00 .18 12.50 1.30 .12 11.50 3.00 •25 11.50 3.00 ■25 7.00 2.00 .20 DOMESTIC. Clysmic, Quarts, cases, 50 bottles, Pints, cases, 100 bottles, Hathorn, ^ Quarts, cases, 2 dozen bottles, Congress, > pjj^^g cases, 4 dozen bottles. Empire, 3 Buffalo Lithia Water, half gallons, Per case. Per doz. Perbot. 7.00 11.00 5.00 6.25 1.90 1.40 2-75 1.65 .18 •13 •25 •15 5.50 5.50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 25 SHERRIES OF OUR OWN Direct Importation Messrs. DUFF GOI[DON k CO. PORT St. Mary's, Spain. CENTENNIAL MEDAL, Pergal. Brown, rich and fruity. Pale, rich and fruity, . • • 10.00 Received the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition, iSjb. AMONTILLADO, very pale and dry, . Many years in bottle. AMONTILLADO, old dry Solera, . • 8.00 OLOROSO, rich and fruity, . . • 7-oo Many years in wood. OLD SOMERSET, light, medium, dry dinner wine, 6.00 Per bot. 3.00 2.50 3.00 SUNSHINE SOLERA, . . . • The perfection of a light, natural, dry wine. VETERANO, pale, .... A full-flavored wine. VETERANO, brown, same grade, . Not excessively dark. GENEROSO, Pale, . . . . PASTO, Pale, . . . . • COCINA, for cooking purposes, . A good, sound wine. MANZANILLA SUMMER SHERRY, . 5-50 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 Per doz , 29.00 25.00 30.00 2.00 20.00 1-75 17-50 1.50 15.00 1.40 14.00 1.25 5.00 1.25 1. 00 •75 •50 •75 12.50 12.50 10.00 7-50 5.00 7-50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGtE. 26 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE & CO., 'R'R? M Wl IM'F '^ Per bot. Per doz. OLD LANDED. Per'gal. Vassal, 1S31, . . 5.00 5G.00 E. S. 0. P., . 4.00 4G.GG Barton k. Guestier, Cognac Vierge, . 3.00 33-00 12. GO Hennessy, Gold Seal, (dark) 1858, 3-50 2-75 37-50 27-50 15.00 II.OG Martell, London Dock, 2.50 25.GG 10.00 " 1869, . 2.25 22.50 9. GO Otard. 1875, .... " " London Dock, (dark) 2.00 2.00 20.00 20.00 8. 00 8.00 Rochelle, 1S80, 1.50 15.00 6. GO White, . . . . . I. GO 1 1. GO 4-50 Cherry, ...... I. GO lO.GO 4.00 American, . . ... 1.00 IG.OO 4.00 Ills. London Dock Jamaica, 1855, . 3.00 3G.GO 12.00 Very Old Jamaica, .... 1.60 16. GO 6.50 St. Croix, ..... 1.40 I4.GO 5-50 Bay, genuine distilled, (large bottles), " " " (small bottles), •75 .40 7-50 4. GO 3-00 Old Medford, 1858, .... 1870, .... " 1881, .... 3.00 1.50 1. 00 3G.GO 16. GO IG.GG 6. GO 4.00 Medford, new, .... .50 5-50 • 2.00 WIISIUS. Irish, very old, ..." 1-75 17-50 7.00 Jameson's Irish, Magnums, . 2.50 25. GG Malt Scotch, ..... 2.00 21. GO 7. GO Glen Garry, Scotch, Imperial, quart jugs, . 2.50 25.00 Gold Seal Rye, ... 2.00 21.00 8.0G Gold Seal Bourbon, .... 2.00 21. GG 8.GG Monogram Rye, .... 1.50 16. GO 6. GO Very Old Rye, .... 1.50 15.00 5-, 50 Old Wheat, ..... 1.50 15-00 5-50 Finest Old Bourbon, 1.50 15.00 5-50 Choicest Old Bourbon, 1.25 12.50 4 00 Blue Grass Bourbon, Spring 1880, . I-I5 1 1 . 50 350 Monongahela, .... I. GO IG.OO 300 Golden Sickle Rye, No. i. . ~1 These goods " " " No. 2, . I come Into our Golden Sickle Bourbon, No. i, [ hands directly i ti u (I j^Q o from the still. Rock Candy and Pure Rye Whiskey, 7 years old. 1.65 1.25 I.5G • , 1-25 I.GG 17. GO 12.50 15.00 12.50 IG.OG 6.50 4.00 5-50 4-50 3-50 High Proof Pure Alcohol, .70 8.00 2-75 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 27 GIM« Per bot. Per doz. Per gal. Finest Quality, in jugs, . . . .1.12 13.00 Weesp's Fish, ..... i-oo 11.00 4.00 Honeysuckle, ..... i-oo 4 00 Old Tom, Booth's, . . • .1.00 10.00 4.00 A. V. H., Magnums, (Cases of 15, $20.00.) . 1.50 16.50 Gunn's Specific, . • . .1.00 10.00 4.00 Old Madeira. MlBIIll WlIIS. Surcel, 1820, 1 blended, . . . 6.00 Bual, 1040, J 60.00 Old Monterios, ..... 3-0° 30.00 Leacock, . . • • • .1.5° 15.00 6.00 Woodhouse (Marsala), very old, . • i-oo 10.00 3-.^o 50 5-50 2.00 POIT Wilis. Star and Garter, ..... 3-oo 30.00 Old White, ..... 3-oo 30.00 Old Port, (bottled 1874,). . . • 2.75 27.50 Old London Dock, 27 years in wood, . • 2.50 25.00 10.00 Alto Douro, . . . • • 1-75 17-50 7.00 Old Oporto, ..... I--5 12.50 5 00 Tarragona, . • . • • -5° 5.00 1-75 SWEET WIIES., Canary Malmsey, . • . .1.00 10.00 4.00 Sweet Malaga, . . • . • -75 7-50 3.00 SICIIIEITIL WIIES. LagrymaChristi, ..... -75 7-50 3.00 Drv Malaga, . . . • • -75 7-50 3.00 Recommended by the Bishop of Malaga as pur B. IMEIICII Wilis. Dry Catawba, . . . • • -40 4-50 Sweet Catawba, . . • • • •4'' 4-50 1.50 Angelica, ...••• '40 4-50 1.50 Port 40 4-5° 1.50 Muscatelle, . . . • • -40 4-50 1.50 Sherry, ...••• -4° 4-50 1.50 ■ lllQillll WIIES. Tokayi Aszu. Imperial, .... 3-oo 30.00 Tokayer Ausbruch, 1863, . • . i-75 19.00 Tokayer, White Star, 1874, . . .1.25 12.00 No. I, Tokayer Imperial, 1866, . . 3-oo 30.00 No. 2, Tokayer Cabinet. 1868, • • 2.00 20.00 No. 3, Tokayer Ausbruch, . • . i-5o 15.00 No. 4, Riesling Ausbruch, (Large Bottles,) . 1.25 12.50 No. 5, Ruxter Ausbruch, . • • i-oo 11.00 ITIilll WIIES. Duke Salviati Chianti, Qiiarts, . . i-oo 11.00 Pints, . . . .60 6.50 « PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PRICE LIST S. S. FIERCE & CO., .m per WIJNAND FOCKINK'S, Orange Curacao, . White Curacao, Annisette, . Cherry Cordial, Maraschino, Creme de Nojeaux, Eau de Vic de Dantzic, ED. PERNOD, Absinthe, Kirschenwasser KUMEL, RUSSIAN ALLASH, KUiMEL, GILKA, .... BENEDICTINE, . . . .per L. GARNIER, Le Grand Chartreuse, Yellow, Green, ZARA MARASCHINO, Plain, Crema, AYA PANA, . . . . COPENHAGEN CHERRY, . . . DRY CURACAO, ? r.-^ v, u ir <- ANNISETTE, '^Pitchers, per half pt. PUNCHES, A. Roeder, Wiesbaden, Jamaica, large, small; " Arrack, large, " small, " Mrs. Dunlap, large, . . " small, '■ . . . " F. CAZANOVE. Bordeaux, Superior Cordials, Creme de Mandarine, Quarts, . " Pints, . . Creme de Pekoe. (Satin Covered Bottles) " Creme de Vanille, ..." Eau d'Or, (Large Square Bottles) . " Grand Champagne, (Blue Glass Jugs) " Assorted Cordials, (Crystal Decanters) " Pere Kermann, (Rival of Chartreuse) Quarts, Green, . . . . " Yellow, . . . . " ALICENE, . . . . GREEN GINGER, . . . per qt RASPBERRY, qt. 1.50 per pt. .80 1.50 .So 1.50 .So 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1-75 per pt. 1.25 " 1. 00 qt. 2.00 " I 10 2.25 •1.25 2-75 1.50 1. 10 .60 1-75 1-25 1.50 per pt. .75 2.00 '• I. ID per bot. 1.75 per doz. 17.00 1. 00 ' ' 1 1 .00 1-75 ' 17.00 1. 00 ' ' 11 00 1. 00 ' 11.00 •55 5^50 1-75 ' 20.00 .90 10.50 2.25 ' 25.00 1-75 ' 20.00 2.00 ' 23 00 2.00 ' 23.00 2.00 ' 23.00 1-75 ' 20.00 1-75 ' 20.00 I 50 ' 16.00 •55 6.25 •55 6.25 VERMOUTH, Veuve Dolin Chambery, " Sola, . ANGOSTURA, . . . . BOKER'S, .... FIELD'S ENGLISH ORANGE, HOSTETTERS, . . STOUGHTON'S, . . . . per qt. i.oo " .60 perpt. .75 1. 12 " .65 " 1.00 " 1.00 •' -75 PBICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 29 IISTIC ILES, P01TI1, ClBll Mi Ueil Bill. Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale, Foster's Bottling, Per bot. Per doz. Per (loz. in original packages. Champagne bots.. Quarts, . •30 3-15 305 Pints, • .20 2.00 1-95 Guinness' Porter, Foster's Bottling, Champagne bots., Qiiarts, •25 2-95 2.90 Pints,. •IS I. So 1-75 Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale, McMullen's Bottling, (WHITE LABEL,) Quarts, Pints, •30 .20 3.10 1.90 3o7i i-Syi Dog's Head Bass, Champagne Bots, Qiiarts ■25 2.90 2.87^ Pints, .18 1.90 1.S5 Burke's Light Sparkling Ale, " . .18 1.90 1.S5 Muir & Son's Scotch Ale, <( .18 1.90 1. 85 Tivoli Beer, (Berlin,) " . .20 2.25 2-15 Kaiser Beer, (Bremen,) <( .20 2.00 Culmbacher Beer, (Bavaria,) (( 15 1-75 Dublin Ginger Ale, Bewlej & Draper's, Belfast Ginger Ale, Cantrell & Cochrane's, : } .12 1.25 1.20 Light Sparkling Bitter Ale, Quarts, •25 2-75 Pints, •15 1-75 Per bot Per doz. Nicholson's Liquid Bread, •30 325 Hoff's Malt Extract, (Tarrant's) •30 325 " " (Eisner's) •35 3'75 Massej's Philadelphia Porter, Quarts, 2.40 Pints, 1.50 Half Pints, 1-75 Pure Refined Cider, Quarts, 3.00 Pints, 2.00 Half Pints, . 1-75 Schalk's Export- Lager Beer, Pints, . 1.00 Per Case, Idoz. qts. '2cloz.pts. Carte Blanche Cider, 3-50 450 Prices include bottles. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 3° PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE 6- CO., H@IN:-Ail,00 H01«I© Per bot. Per doz. ROSE'S Lime Juice, ... .30 3.50 MACKIE'S Green Ginger Cordial, \ -^ b'>K Raspberry, " j -55 --5 ROSS' RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Qiiarts, ... .60 6.50 CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Raspberry Vinegar, . .35 4.00 GRAPE MILK. Qiiarts, ... .30 3.50 Pints, 20 2.25 BEWLEY & DRAPER, DUBLIN. Ginger Ale, . . .12 1.25 CANTRELL & COCHRANE, BELFAST. Ginger Ale, . . .12 1.25 THEO. METCALF & CO. Syrup of Lemon, Raspberry, Strawberry, Red Orange, Blackberry, Red Currant, Cherry, Pineapple, Sarsaparilla, )>.75 7- 50 Orgeat, Ginger, Coffee, Vanilla, Limes, Raspberry Vinegar. Raspberry Shrub. JOSEPH T. BROWN & CO. Syrup of Florida Orange, ") Limes, Lemons, Limes and Pines, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pineapple, Coffee, Vanilla, Ginger, Orgeat, Sarsaparilla, Raspberry Vinegar. Ras"be'-ry Shrub. J [>.6o 6.00 CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.'S Per Bottle, Per Dozen, 1. 00 11.00 NICHOLSON'S Liquid. Bread, AN IMPROVED MALT EXTRACT Containing only two and eighty-four one-hundredths per cent, of alcohol , which is less than many so-called Non-Alcoholic Beverages. LIQUID BREAD May be used with profit by NURSING MOTHERS, DEBILITATEDPERSONS, of either sex or at any age, persons troubled with INSOJINIA, children whose appetite Is poor. DYSPEP- TICS and those whose food does not easily assimilate. Per bottle. .30 Per doz 3.25 Goods delivered daily in CAMBRIDGE, BROOKLINE, LONGWOOD, ROXBURY, J.\3IAICA PLAIN, DORCHESTER, CHARLESTOWN, SOUTH BOSTON, The Tear Round. During the Summer Months we deliver in MAGNOLIA, BEVERLY FARMS, BEVERLY, MANCHESTER, JIARBLEHEAD, SWAMPSCOTT, LYNN, NAHANT, COHASSET, NANTASKET, HULL, HINGHAM, NEWPORT. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 31 CIGAR DEPARTMENT. HAVANA CIGARS. EL LEON DEL REY. ELEGIBLE. Per 100 Per 100 St. Andreas, 20th, . $7.70 Caprichos, 20th, $7.00 Pequenos, 20th, . 9.50 1 Petit Dues, 20th, . 9.00 Londres Fino, icth, 9.50 Camelias, 20ths .... 10.00 Panetelas, loth, . . 9.70 Bouquet, 40th, . 14.00 Concha Regalia, 20th, 9.50 Marquiseta, 20th, . 11.00 ILUSION. Comme il Faut, 20th, 12.00 Londres Imperiales, loth, . Preciosas, 40th, Esquisitos, 20th, . 12.00 14.00 15.00 Reina Victoria, loth. Regalia Britanica, 20th, Perfectos, 40th, 12.00 . 12.00 14.00 Bouquet, 40th, 16.00 ROMEO & JULIETA. Reina Victoria, 20th, . 17.70 Eminentes, 40th, 20.00 Princesas Finas, loth. 9.70 Escepcionales, 40th, 22,00 Panetelas, loth. 10.70 Sublimes, 4otl:i, 25.00 Escepcionales, 40th, . • 24.70 COSMOPOLITANA. LA GRANADINA. Panetelas, 20th, . 9.00 Reina Fina Especiales, 20th, 11.00 Conchas, 20th, 10.00 Selectas, 20th, 11.00 HENRY CLAY. Londres Fino, loth, I 2. CO Coquetas, loth, . . 8.50 Trabucos, 20th, . 12.00 Concha, N.P.U., 20th, . 9.00 1 0. 00 Londres Imperiales, 20th, 13.00 Reina Fina, 10th, Petit Dues, 40th, 14.00 Concha Especiales, 20th, 10.00 Matinee, 40th, 14.00 Regalia Comme il Faut, 20th, 11.00 Reg-alia Britanica, 20th, 16.00 Londres Fino Especiales, loth. 11.50 Bouquet. 40th, 17.00 Panetelas, 20th, 12.00 Regalia Fina, 40th, . 18.00 Victoria, 20th, . 12.00 Bouquets, 40th, 16.00 H. UPMANN. Reina Victoria, loth, . . 17.20 Entre Actos, loth, . 8.00 Patriotas, 20th, 17.50 Biscuit, 2oth, .... 14.00 Perfectos, 40th, . • 19-50 Regalia Especiales, 20th, 15-50 Predilictos de S. S. P., 20th, 26.00 High Life, 40th, .... 16.00 Preciosos .... 17.00 EL VEGUERO. Regalia Britanica, 20th, 18.00 Damas, 20th, 5.50 8. 00 Reina Victoria, loth, 19.50 Concha Especiales, 20th, . FLOR DE CUBA. Concha Extra Fina, 20th, . Panetelas, loth, 9.00 9.50 Londres Imperiales, roth, , 13-50 Petit Bouquet, 40th, 7 J 10.00 Regalia Chica, 20th, 13.70 Bouquet, 40th, .... 11.00 Esquisitos, 20th, .... 15.70 Reina Victoria, loth, . 12.00 Bouquet, 40th, .... 20.00 Regalia Britanica, 20th, . 13.00 Imperiales, 2Qth, .... 25.00 Escepcionales, 40th, . 14.0c PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 32 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &f CO., HAVANA CIGARS {Co7itinued). DESIGNIO. Panetelas, 20th, Londres First, loth, . Especiales, 20th. • . . Sublimes, 40th, . Reina Victoria, loth, Perfectos, 40th, . CAROLINA., Princesas Finas, loth. Concha, 20th, Media Regalia, 20th, Esquisitos, 20th, Perfectos, 40th, CARBAJAL. Panetelas, loth, . Preciosos, 20th, Regalia de Conchas, 20th, . Regalia Especiales, 20th, LA CATALINA. Camelias, 20th, . Reina Victorias, loth, Escepcionales, 20th, . FLOR DE YNCLAN. Princesas, loth, Concha Finas, 20th, Reina Victoria, 20th, EL CONDOR. Concha Especiales, 20th, . Concha Regalia, 20th, Esquisitos, 40th, . VILLAR & VILLAR. Deliciosos, 4oth5 . Bouquet, 40th, ESPANOLA. Princesas, loth, Concha Finas, 20th, Panetelas, loth, Camelias, 40th, . . " . Londres, loth, . Regalia Especiales, 20th, . Per 100 I II .00 12.00 16.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 9.20 9.50 12.00 14.00 19.00 8.50 11.00 11.00 15.00 13.00 21.00 25.00 9.00 11.00 18.00 7.00 9.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 ESPANOLA {Coniimied'u Per 100 Petit Bouquets, 40th, . . $i6.oo Para Nobleza, 20th, . . . 18.00 Reina Victoria, loth, . . 17.00 Esquisitos, 40th, . . . .18.00 Tete a Tete, . . . . 19.00 Rothschild, 20th, . . .20.00 Perfectos, 20th, . . . 24.00 FLOR DEL TOBACCO. Concha Finas, 20th, . . . 9.00 Londres Fino, loth, . .. 9.50 Reina Extra Fina, 20th, . . 10.00 Bouquet, 40th,. . . . 12.00 Regalia Britanica, 20th, . . 13.00 Comme il Faut, 40th, . . 15- 00 Escepcionales, 40th, . . . 18.00 CABANAS. Londres, Third, loth, . . 9.50 Panetelas, loth, . . . .10.50 Londres, First, 10th, . . 12.20 Brevas, loth, . . . .13.50 Eminentes, 40th, . . . 19.00 LA MIEL. Concha Especial, 20th, . . 8.00 Concha Plnas, 20th, . . . 9- 50 Bouquet, 40th, . . . .10.00 Especiales, 40th, . . . 11.00 Reina Victoria, loth, . . . 14.00 FIGARO. Operas, 10th, . . . . 6.50 Bouquet, 40th, . . . .10.00 Regalia Comme il Faut, 40th, . 11.00 Escepcionales, 40th, . . .15.00 LA COMERCIAL. Regalia de Concha, 20th, . 11.00 Predilectos, 20th, . . .17.00 Reina Victoria, loth, . . 18.00 BELINDA. Concha Bouquets, 20th, . . 10.00 Deliciosos, 20th, . . . 15.00 Bouquet, 40th, . . . .15.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 33 HAVANA CIGARS (Con/mued). PEDRO MURIAS. Per loo Concha Finas, 2oth, . . . $10.50 Londres, First, loth, . . .11.50 CORONA, Rein a Victoria, 10th, 19.50 FLOR DEL PURO HABANO. Perfeccionados, loth, . . .13.00 ANTONIO MURIAS. Londres, First, loth, . . 12.00 BOCK & CO. GOLDEN EAGLE. Damas Finas, 20th, . , . 9.50 Concha Especiales, 20th, . . 10.00 Panetelas, 20th, . . . .11.00 Concha Finas, 20th, . . . 11.00 Londres Finos, 10th, . . . 12.00 Trabucos, 20th, . . . 13.00 Bock Favoritas, 20th, . . . 15.00 Cazadores, 40th, . . , 16.00 Regaha Britanica, 20th, . . 1600 Reina Victoria, 20th, . . 18.00 Castelares, 40th, . . . .1800 Escepcionales, 20th, . . 27.00 LAS PERLAS. Londres, loth, .... 11.00 Regalia Comme il Faut, 20th, . 11.00 Selectos, 40th, .... 12.00 Regalia de la Reina Fina, 40th, i3-00 Regalia Especiales, 20th, . . 13 00 Bouquet, 40th, . . . 15.00 Escepcionales, 40th, , . . 21 00 LA VENUS. Zarzuelas, 20th, Brevas, loth, . . . , Deliciosos, loth, . Rothschild, 40th, Regalia Britanica, 20th, MANUEL GARCIA. Concha Finas, 20th, . Petit Bouquet, 40th. Comme il Faut, 20th, Bouquet, 40th, Regalia Britanica, 20th, . LA VENCEDORA. Entre Actos, loth, Panetelas, 20th, Duquesas, 20th, . Castelares, 40th, BENITO SUAREZ. Regalia Britanica, 20th, Perfectos, 40th, Escepcionales, 40th, . LA LOLITAS. Selectos, 40th, .... Regalia Especiales, 40th, . Reina Victoria, 20th, LEGITIMIDAD. Concha Finas, 20th, Petit Bouquet, 40th, . LA INTIMIDAD. Preciosas, 40th, . FLOR DE MURILLO. Petit Bouquet, 40th, . OLD FASHION. Plantation, 40th, . KEY WEST CIGARS. Adelaide, 20th, Panetelas, 20th, Concha Especiales, 20th, Londres Imperiales, ^oth, Bouquet, 40th, EL TESORO. Adelaide, 20th, Londres Fino, Extra, loth, LA ROSA. Per 100 $11.00 11.00 12.50 13.00 13.70 11.00 12.00 12.50 15.00 10.00 7.00 12.00 16.00 18.00 13.00 14. CO 16.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 17.00 12.00 Per icx) $7.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 10.00 $7.00 9.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 34 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE &- CO., DOMESTIC CIGARS. METROPOLITAN. Conchitas, 20th, . Conchas, Finas, 20th, HUMBOLDT. Coquetas, 20th, . Victorias, 20th,. Bouquet, 40th, WALTER SCOTT. Coquetas, 20th, Victorias, 20th, Per 100 $8.00 9.00 4.50 6.00 6 GO 4.50 6.00 LAS FILIPINAS. Opera Reina, loth, . . . 5.70 MARIONA. Bouquet, 20th, . , . . 4.50 BRIANZA. Per 100 Bouquet, 40th, .... I7.00 EUDORA= Esquisitos Finos, 40th, . . 8.0a LA BELLE DE CUBA. Bouquet, 40th, .... 7.00 OURS. Perfectos, 40th, .... 11.00 FATIMA. Regalia Graciosas, 20th, . . 4 00 LA FLOR DEL ESTE. Londres Elegantes, . . . 7.00 By the box of 250, . . . 6.70 MANILLA. Extra, . .... 8.00 DOMESTIC CIGARETTES. Caporal, 20s, . " Sweet, 20s, }i 20s, Richmond Gem, 20s, . Vanity Fair, 20s, Rex, 20s, . . . . . Old Judge, 20s, Honradez, 20s, . . . . Caporal, Sweet, Cork Mouthpiece, los, ..... Per 1,000 $4.20 4-20 5.00 4.20 4.20 4.00 4.20 4.20 7,00 Opera Buffs, 20s, Virginia Bright, 20s, Al Sihah, iocs, . . . . Evening Calls, 20s, . Richmond Straight Cut, No. i, Sportsman's Caporal, 20s, . Kinney Bros. Straight Cut, 20s, Kimball's Straight Cut, 20s, Kinney Bros. Straight Cut Full Dress, 20s, Per 1,000 , I4.50 4.20 , 12.50 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.50 7.00 7.50 LONDON CIGARETTES. ^ , PHILIP MORRIS & Co. Per 100 Derby, I2.50 RUSSIAN CIGARETTES. La Ferme, No. 79, . No. 215, No. 66, . No. 66 A, Per 100 $1.50 1.50 1-75 1.75 La Ferme, No. 69, No. 24, Assorted Boxes, EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. Tewfik, luus, Cairo Beauties, iocs, Per 100 $2.50 3-50 Cairo Beauties, 20s, j4 lb. Cans, per lb. TOBACCO. BAGLEY'S CUT CAVENDISH. Per 100 $2.00 2.30 2.00 Per 100 $3-50 $1.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 35 TOILET DEPARTMENT. LUBIN, Paris. SOAPS. Each. Assorted, Small, . ......... $0.30 " Medium, ......... .45 Large, ........... .65 While Rose and Rose, Small, .^^ " " Medium, .55 " Large, 80 LIST OF ODORS. Hibiscus, Heliotrope, • Musk, Jockey Club, Ylang Ylang, Rose Geranium, Violet, . Marechale, Magnolia, New Mown Hay, Mille Fleurs, Upper Ten, Essence Bouquet, Patchouli, Bouquet Caroline, West End, Frangipani, Sweet Briar, - Mignonette, EXTRACTS. 1 oz. Assorted,. . . . . . . . . . • $0. 55 2 OZ. " . . . . . . . . . . I. GO 4 oz. '• ........... 1.60 8 oz. " .......... 3.00 26 oz. " . . . . , . . . . . .8.00 LIST OF ODORS. Orange Blossom, Essence Bouquet, Wild Olive, May Flower, Upper Ten, Marechale, White Rose, Violette, , Mille Fleurs, Frangipani, Wood Violet, Musk, Geranium Rosat, Bouquet de Caroline, Ocean Spray, Jasmine d'Espagne, Ylang Ylang, Stephanotis, Mignonette, Heliotrope, Tea Rose, Moss Rose, Magnolia, Tubereuse, New Mown Hay, Opoponax, Verbena, Patchouli, Violette de Parme, Jockey Club, Sweet Briar, Lily of the Valley, West End. TOILET POWDERS. \i lb. Papers, Rose, ) . ^^•' « Violet, [ ^°-^5 Blanc de Perle, Fine, . 45 " " Superfine, .95 Violet, in Boxes, , 70 WATERS, OILS AND COSMETICS. Eau de Cologne, 4 oz., ......... $0.60 Pomade, China Pots, . . . .80 Eau de Toilette, Small, .85 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Per Doz. $3-50 5.00 7.50 3-75 6.00 9-50 $6.50 11.00 18.00 35.00 9.00 $1.80 4.50 11.00 8.00 I7.00 9.00 9-50 36 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE <2f CO. LUBIN, Paris {Continued). . WATERS, OILS AND COSMETICS. Each. PerDoz. Eau de Toilette, Lar^e, $2.25 I24.00 '■ " Extra Large, 5.00 58.00 Violet Water, Small, 115 i3-50 " Medium, 2.15 24.75 Lavender Water, Medium, Distilled, ...... .60 6.25 " " Large, " i.oo 10.50 " " Medium, Amber, 75 8.00 " " Large, " 1.40 i4-50 Brillantine, i oz., Assorted Odors, 60 7,00 2 oz., " " .85 10.00 Huile Antique, I oz,, " " 50 5.75 Cosmetics, Small, . • . .40. 4.50 " Medium, 50 5.50 Cire a Moustaches, .30 3.25 Cold Cream, China Pots, 80 9.00 Shaving Cream, China Pots, Assorted, .70 8.25 " " " " Rose, . . . . ^ . . .90 10.00 Fumigating Pastilles, Small, .35 4-00 " " Large, 80 9.25 E. COUDRAY'S SOAPS, Paris. 295. Lettuce, $0.25 $3-co^ . 294. Violette de Parme, ■ 30 3,25 226. A la Violette de Bois, .25 2.50 299. Glycerine, . . . . 25 3.00 297. White Rose, .30 3.25 300. Jockey Club, . 25 3 00 333. Violette de Parme, . ........ .40 4-50 339. Opoponax, 35 4.00 294. Hygenique Dulcifie, Asst, 30 3.25 311. Perfume de Violettes, 30 3.25 301. Au Lait de Concombers, . . . . ■ . . . .30 3.25 35. Au Miel, . .10 1. 10 36. Du Guimauve, .... ..... .10 i 10 336. Lacteine, 35 4.00 341. Linoline . -35 4.oo ■ 328. Jasmin d' Espagne, . . ■ . . . . . . .40 4.50 344. Primavera, -40 4- 50 327. Parfume de Fleurs, 35 4- 00 14. Monstres, . . '. .20 2.25 84. Poncine, 20 2.25 398. Lettuce Shaving Cream, China Pots, ..... .35 . 4-oo 1743. Eau de Toilette Verveine, ....... .60 7.00 1772. " " Primavera, ....... .75 8.50 1645. Lavender Water, Amber, 65 7.00 L. " '■■ " Blanche, 65 7.00 1593. Lavender Water, distilled, 45 4-75 M. " " "......- .60 6.50 O. Rhum et Quinine 45 4-75 1152. Eau de Quinine ..•.....- .40 4.25 988. Brillantine, Small, 3° 3-2 5 989. " Large, . . ... .40 4.25 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. Z7 E. COUDRAY'S SOAPS, Paris {Continued). ii6i. 1164. 1 165. 1 166. 940. 942. F. IOI4- 1015. 1016. IO17. 2136. 1635- 490 491. 492. 493- 510. 511. 600. 616. 666. 980. 981. 978. 2536. 2507. 2525. 2520. 2575' 2604. 22C8. Bandoline, Cosmetics, White, Black, Brown, Oi " Extra Fine, 1, Assorted Odors, . Primavera, . Fumigating Pastilles, Glass, Assorted Odors, POMADE. In Tins, " Porcelain," Glass, Hongrdise, Glass, Assorted Odors, " Porcelain, " " Glass, " " . Each. So. 10 •15 .20 •25 .10 • •15 .40 •15 .20 .25 •30 1.50 .12 -30 .50 .40 •50 .40 60 .65 •15 • 25 .40 POWDERS. Extra Fine, oval boxes, . . . . . . . . $0.25 Fleur de Riz, . . . ; .15 Violet et Marechale, 35 Primavera, Extra Fine, ....... .40 Liquid Vinegar Rouge, . . . . . . . . .15 Liquid Blanc, ......... .35 Extract Otto of Rose, * • -35 Con cen tree, No. Fashionable COLOGNE. 1492. U93. 1494. 1497- 1498. 1499- $0.90 1.50 2.50 .70 1.25 2.50 E. PINAUD, Paris. SOAPS. 97. May Flower, $0.40 159. Hebe's Milk, ■ 35 68. Lettuce, -35 149. Ixora Breoni, . - . . . . . . . • -35 162. Violette de Parnie, .40 74. Brisa de las Pampas, . .40 Per Doz. $1.15 1.60 2.00 2.50 ■95 1.75 4.25 1-75 2.25 2.75 3-25 1 6.0b 1-35 $1.60 2.25 3-25 5-50 4.00 5.50 4.00 6.50 7.50 1.60 2-75 4.00 $2, I, 3. 4. I 3 3 75 60 75 50 75 75 75 $950 16.50 27.50 8.50 14.00 27.50 $4.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 38 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE & CO., E. PINAUD, Paris {Continued). Each. Per Doz. SOAPS. 205. Opoponax, |o 40 |4-5o 135. Small Size Rose, 15 i-75 184. " " Violet, 15 1-75 Skaving Cream, Milk of Roses, in Pots, 60 6.50 221. 2962 2963 3039 2965 2310 2190 2327 2284 2288 2192 2134 QUADRUPLE ESSENCES. Violettes de Parme, Small, $0.70 $8.00 " " Medium, i-oo 11.00 " " Large, 1.50 1700 " " Extra Large 3.00 33.00 Brisa de las Pampas, i-oo 11.00 Opoponax, i-oo' 11.00 Aida, I-oo 11.00 Ixora Breoni, Medium . i.oo 11.00 Large, 1.50 16.00 Persian lilac, • . .1.00 11.00 Ylang Ylang, i-oo 11.00 LOTIONS & WATERS for the Hair. 2673. Vegetable Extract of Lxora, #0.75 #8.50 2636. " . " Rose 75 8.50 2637. " " Wood Violet, 75 8.50 2690. Eau de Quinine, Small, .40 4-25 2702. " " Large, 75 8.50 2684. Rum and Quinine .40 4-50 2674. Eau de Toilette, Ixora Breoni, ' i.oo 11.50 2672. " " Opoponax, -75 8.50 2687. " " Violette de Parme, Small, 90 9.50 2701. " " " " Large, . . . 1.75 19.00 2869. Brillantine, Assorted Odors, Small, 30 3.25 2868. " " " Large, ..... .40 4.25 2859. " " " Glass Stopper, 50 5.75 815. Cosmetics, White, Black, Brown, .10 i.oo 816. " 15 1-50 818. " -20 2.00 819! " ' 25 2.75 820. " ■ 35 3-75 845. " Extra Fine, 5° 5-50 2757. Bandoline, Small, .10 1.15 2756. " Large, 20 2.25 317. Cold Cream, China Pots, 35 4.oo 810. " " " " English, . 50 5 50 336. Pomade, blue pots, .50 5-5o 982. 4 oz. Cologne Royal Neroli, .5° 5-5° 2866. Philocome Oil, Assorted Odors, round bottle, ... .40 4- 5° TOILET POWDERS. 4104. Pinaud's Violette de Parme, Packages, $0.15 I1.75 4083. " " " " .... .20 2.00 4102! " " " " 35 4.00 4074. " " " Boxes, .... .50 5.50 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. 39 PATEY & CO., London. English Cold Cream, China Pots, .... L. T. PIVER, Paris. 3074. Extract Corylopsys, 3102. " HeHotrope, Blanc, 2472. Lait d'Iris, . 2924. Essence Violette, . 2860. Savons Opoponax, 2476. '■ Au Lait d'Iris, 1416. " Au la Violette, . 3072. " Au Corylopsys, . 1237. " Sue de Laitues, 53. Pomade Molle de Boeuf, 2934. Violet Water, Each. $0.15 p. 7 5 1. 00 .50 .60 .40 .40 .40 •45 .40 •50 1. 00 WM. RIGER, SOAP, Frankfort, Germany. 2180. Crystal Tablets, . . . • .... HERMANN COLELL, Hamburg, Germany. Tar Soap, .......... 471 1. White Rose and Glycerine Soap, ..... 471 T. Violet and Glycerine Soap, . . . - . VINAIGRE DE TOILETTE. Societe Hygienique, Small, ..... . . Medium, " Large, Jean-Vincent Bully, Small, ....... " " Large, . ...... Coudray's N, a la Violette, . . ..... 2718. Pinauds Ixora Breoni, ....... 2727. Opoponax, ......... $0.28 $0.35 •15 .20 $0.45 53- 77. 163 149- EECKELAER'S SOAPS, Brussels. Lettuce, ......... Bouquet of Violets, White Rose, ........ Wood Violet, •45 .40 .50 .50 X20 .25 •25 •25 COLOGNES AND EXTRACTS. A. RALLET & CIE, Moscow, Russia. 2 ounce glass, ........... $0.25 4 ounce, ............ .45 8 ounce, ............ .85 CASWELL & HAZARD, NEW YORK. No. 6. 4 ounce bottles, $0.60 8 ounce, squat, ......... i.oo 8 ounce bottles, . . . . . . . . . i 00 16 ounce bottles, . ........ 1.50 32 ounce bottles, . . . .... . . . 2.75 PerDoz. $1.60 i 8.50 11.50 5-50 7.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.50 5-75 11.50 .00 l3oO 1-75 1.90 $5.00 5 GO 4.50 5-75 .575 $0.45 •65 •65 .65 $2.90 5-25 9.50 $6.00 11.50 11.50 17.00 30.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 40 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE G 1.60 1.60 ■7-50 14.50 21.50 1.60 3-25 1.60 3^25 1-75 325 $2.00 2.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 46 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE ^ CO., BRICKNELL'S, London. Each. Per Doz Old Yellow, Skin Soap, . . . , . . . . |o. 15 $1.50 INEXHAUSTIBLE SALTS. OSBORNE, BAUR & CHEESEMAN, London. Gem Pattern, . . . . . , . . . . . $0.40 $4.00 Victoria Pattern, Small, ........ .40 4 00 " " Medium, " " Large, ........ Watch Shape, No. o, . " . - 40 |4.oo " " Small, . ' .50 5.00 " " Medium, . .60 ' 6.50 Watch Shape, Large, . . . . . . . . . .70 8.00 Fig " Small, ......... .50 5.00 " " Medium, .70 . 8.00 Globe " Small, ......... Medium, Ivory Soap, . . .08 By the Box, 100 cakes, 7.50 Bay Rum, genuine distilled, \ Small, ...... .40 4.00 White Glass Bottles, ) Large, 75 7.50 Pure Bees-Wax, White, i ounce cakes, .... per lb .60 Yellow, I " " " .50 Quill Tooth Picks, 3 and 5 cents per Bunch. Orange Wood Tooth Picks, 5 cents per Bunch. English Metal Soap Boxes for Travelling, Small, .... .50 5 00 " " " " Large, ... .75 8.00 t A. ROWLAND & SONS, London. Odonto, $0.90 19-50 Kalydor, 1.35 1550 Macassar Oil, i.oo 10.5a TOOTH PREPARATIONS. DR. PIERRE, Paeis. Eau Dentifrice, Small Bottles, $0.50 l5 OO' *' " Medium Bottles, 70 7.50 " " Large Bottles, 1.00 12.00 " " Extra Large Bottles, 2.00 22.0a Powder Dentifrice, Coral, Small, . .40 4-50 " " " Large, .60 7.0a •' " Quinquina, Small, . . .... .40 4- 5a " " " Large, 60 7.0a JEWSBURY & BROWN, London. Oriental Tooth Paste, Small, . • |o-45 l5-oo " " " Large, 70 8.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BOSTON, MASS. JOHN GOSNELL, London. Tooth Paste, Plain, " " Bronze, SOZODONT, Veloutine Blanc, Rose and Rachel, FAY, Paris. Each. $0.30 .40 .50 $0.75 DORIN, Paris. Rouge Fin de Theatre, . $0.20 Blanc de Perle, Fine, .20 SAUNDERS, London. Face Powder, Pink and White, $0.25 SACHET POWDERS. assorted odors. In Bottles and Envelopes. J. & E. Atkinson, London, Envelopes, $0.30 Lubin's Paris Envelopes, ,35 Colgate, N. Y., Envelopes, . . 25 Theodore Metcalf & Co. , ^ oz. Bottles, ..... .25, LIST OF ODORS. White Rose, Stephanotis, Heliotrope, New Mown Hay, Ylang Ylang, Opoponax, Jockey Club, Cashmere Bouquet, Violet, Tea Rose. 47 Per Doz. $3-50 4-75 6.00 .50 $2.00 2.00 $2.75 ^53-50 4.00 2.50 2.50 THE GARDNER. Pine Needle Extract for Baths, Oil, . " Spirits, " Soap, . ■ COLGATE & CO., New York. Cashmere Bouquet Soap, Dermal " Medium Size Honey " Large Oatmeal • " Medium Glycerine " Violet " Colgate's Violet Water, 8 ounce, " " 3 ounce. 91 222 182 154 181 .147 $0.35 1.50 I. GO .25 $0.21 .12 .12 •35 •75 .40 $3-75 15.00 10.00 2.50 $2.52 1.77 1.25 1.50 t-25 3.75 8.50 4.25 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 48 PRICE LIST S. S. PIERCE & CO., EXTRACTS. Each. Per Doz. 2 ounce, Cashmere Bouquet, . - . . . . . . $0.60 $7.00 2 " " May Blossoms, ..... .60 7.00 MURRAY & LANMAN. Florida Water, Small, $0.20 |2.oo Large, .45 5.25 ALEXANDER BARRY. Florida Water, Small, ......... |o.20 $2.00 Large, .40 4.50 ROBINSON BROS. & CO., Boston. Indexical Soap Company. No. 31. Oatmeal Soap, $0.13 |i-50 Prize Medal Soap, . , .13 i 50 Pure Honey Soap, .......... .12 1.25 White Glycerine Soap, .13 1.50 Pumice Stone Toilet Soap, . 10 i.oo Sand Toilet Soap, . . . • .10. 1,00 CARMEL SOAP, 12 1.25 CUTICURA SOAP, .15 1.75 J. E. WILLIAMS, Connecticut. Shaving Soaps. GUERLAIN, Paris. SHAVING CREAM AND SOAPS. Ambrosial Round Shaving, I0.30 $3-25 " Square " Shaving Cream, Small Earthern, " " Large " Small China, " " Large " . . . . ' . . . Sapocete Toilet Soap, ......... Creme a la Fraise, .90 9.75 TOILET WATERS. Eau de Toilette, . . . . . . . ... Eau de Lustrale, . . . COLOGNES. No. 14. Imperial Veritable, glass stop, ...... No. 15. " " » u ..... No. 16. " " "".... No. 17. " " u « 453. Extract square bottle, glass stop, Pomade Hongroise, ......... POWDER. Violet, }( lb. papers, . . , . . . . ... Rose, ^ lb. papers, .......... PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. .V. .S'. PIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. suns water: Gonzalez Byass & Co. JEREZ DE I.A FKONTEKA, SPAIN. LONDON: 3 Brabant Court, E. C. NEW YORK: ;50 liroadway. Facsim Analysis of the. Bath "SUHS" Water from the Spring. Bv W. Walter Stoddakd, F.C.S., F.G.S., Etc., Analytical Chemist. Carbonate of Calcium 7. 117 Grains Sulphate of Calcium 94.091 Carbonate of Magnesium 446 Chloride of Magnesium 15-044 Chloride of Sodium i5-6i5 Sulphate of Sodium 22.547 Sulphate of Potassium 5 284 Carbonate of Iron i .019 Silica 2.986 Total Contents per Gallon 164 . 149 (~^ ro-wers ond Shippers of sherrTes From their o-wn Vineyai-ds. ALSO, AGENTS FOR JULES CIvAVKLLK, BORDEAUX CLARETS AND SAUTERNES NATURAL MINERAL WATER. " Supreme among Tal)le Waters," and for tlie CELEBKATEU BKATsD OF CHAMPAGNE DRY MONOPOLE, (EXTRA). ESTABLISHED I800. Dame, Stoddard & Kendall, IN ALL QUALITIES, (successors to BRADFORD & ANTHONY.) INIF»ORTKRS AND DEALERS TABLE CUTLERY IN GREAT VARIETY. FINE CASES OF CARVERS AND TABLE KNIVES CARRIED IN STOCK, AND FURNISHED TO ORDER. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SILVER-PLATED KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS. 374 Washington S4;., opp. Bromfield, BOSTON. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. The "Keeler" Dining Chair MADE IN WALNUT, Cherry and Antique Oak, And . Seat . Covered . with . Howell's . Celebrated . Leather S4.50 S4.50 KEELER & CO., 81-91 Washington St., cor. Elm. LEWANDO' FRENCH DyeingM Cleansing ESTABLISHMENT. PRINCIPAL OFFICES : NEW YORK: 5tli Avenue, cor. AVest 14th Street. BOSTON, MASS.: 17 Temple Place. BRANXH OFFICES : Neiv York City: 731 Sixth Az'enue, near ^id Street. 276 Eighth Avenue., "pp. Grand Opera House. Philadelphia, Pa.: 1409 Cliestnut St. Baltijnore, Md.: 16 North Charles St. Providence, R. I.: 275 JVestminster St. Newport, R. I.: 293 Thames St. Bosto7i (Highla7ids) : 2206 Washington St. Boston (South) : 393 Broad'way . Lynn, Mass.: 3 Market St. Watertoiun, Mass.: Gnlen St. WORKS : New York City & Watertown, Mass. J^E SAID /'IT SEEMS TO'/AE^ TONIGHT Your. nau/iE shines wiTHmADiANTiiG,HTJ/76'EXEjfra"fl^ Just as a iajry wan-q cadivs !" fBosToNjy^jTpufi. QaOTH SHE, WELL THEN IMJllL CDNTISS The cause is that this party dress ^^^ 'Was juit cleansebjo-LEVIIMI] % fa NEWPOPT S -» «o 9 MHlNGTHfiEflSDN S PROVLDENCE R-I. i7S" WEST^\lMSTER St. ^; S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. JANUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Amber Soup. Fried Smelts with Parsley and Lemon. Roast Beef, Made Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Sweet Potatoes. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Lettuce and Shrimp Mayonnaise. Custard Pudding. Cheese. Wafers. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Ox Tail Soup. Chicken smothered with Oysters. Boiled Potatoes. French Beans. Stewed Tomatoes. Cdery Salad. Blanc-mange with Whipped Cream. Sponge Cake. Wafers. Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. Tomato Soup, without Meat. Broiled Halibut Steaks. Roast Beef, with Yorkshire Pudding. Mashed Potatoes. Squash. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce. Salad, Lettuce with French Dressing. Apple Meringue with Cream. Bent's Hard Water Crackers. Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Oysters in Block of Ice. Julienne Soup. Halibut a la Royale. Haunch of Venison, Currant Jelly. Potato .Snow. Macaroni a la Creme. Chicken Croquettes, Tomato Sauce. Vegetable Salad. Wafers. Sliced Apple Pie. Spanish Cream. Fruit. Cheese. Cafe Noir. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Cream of Barley Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Croquettes of Calf's Brains with Spinach. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Jelly, Brown Gravy. Potato Puffs. Mashed Turnip. Sliced Beets. Broiled Grouse. Jelly. Saratoga Potatoes. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce. Orange Jelly. Sponge Cake. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Oysters on the Half-Shell. Mock Turtle Soup. Boiled Cod, Sauce Hollandaise. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Celery. Filet de Bceuf. French I'eas Wafers. Salad. Cheese. Diplomatic Pudding, Transparent Sauce. Tutti Frutti Cream. .Snow Cake. Fruit. Black Coffee. SATURDAY. Barley Soup. Fried Smelts with Lemon and Parsley. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Brussels Sprouts. Cream Potatoes. Celery. Roast Quail. Jelly. Lettuce and Shrimp Salad. Wafers. Cheese. I^each Pudding, Old Dominion Sauce. Fruit and Bon-P)Ons. Cohee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS. L. P. HOLLANDER & CO, BOYS\MlSSES^ AND CHILDREN'S LADIES' TAILORING, HTiq^CTq^q^CDC DRESSMAKING ' UUlrlllcKo ° AND MILLJNERY. Extreme Novelties in Dress Goods and Woolens. 492 to 500 WASHINGTON STREET, BosnroN. After February 1st, 1887, Boylston St. and Park Squar CASINO BUILDING, NEWPORT, R. I. HAGOP BOGIGIAN IMPORTER OF TURKISH and PERSIAN ROGS, CARPETI ART FABRICS, and BRIC-A-BRAC. 1 1 PARK ST., COR. Beacon, opp. State House, BOSTON. S. S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. JANUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Split Pea Soup with Croutons. Baked Black Fish, Brown Sauce. Oyster Patties. Roast Chicken, Giblet Gravy. Sweet Potatoes. Stewed Oyster Plant. Potato Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Floating Island. Apple Pie. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. -Soup Consomme Royale. Boiled Fish, Egg Sauce. • .Saddle of Venison with Jelly. Potatoes. Spinach with Cream. Fillets of Prairie Chicken Fried. French Peas. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Queen Fritters. Cream Sauce. Fruit. Bon-Bons. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. Julienne Soup. Fried Smelts. Saratoga Potatoes. Fresh Ham, Virginia Fashion, Mashed Potatoe, Apple Sauce. Mashed Turnip. Sliced Beets. Potato Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Cabinet Pudding, Hard Sauce. Wine Jelly. Mixed Cake. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. White -Soup. Stewed Scallops. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Stewed Turnips. • Mashed Potatoes. Canned Corn P'ritters. Cabbage Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Mince Pie. Lemon Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Cream Tomato Soup. Boiled Bass, Sauce Hollandaise. Beef a la Mode, Brown Sauce. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Spinach. French Beans Sante. Salad, Lettuce, French Dressing. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Chocolate Blanc-mange. Lemon Puffs. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Raw Oysters. Sago -Soup. Boiled Fish, W'hite Sauce. Boiled Turkey, Oyster Sauce. Savory Rice. .Potatoes, whole. Brussels Sprouts. Lettuce with Shrimps. Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Old-Fashioned Indian Pudding. Bananas and Oranges. Coffee. SATURDAY. Raw Oysters. Mulligatawney Soup. Fried Smelts, Sauce Tartare. Fillet of Beef, Mushroom Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Canvas-back Ducks Roasted. Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese Omelet. Wafers. Sweet Potato Pudding, Hard Sauce. Boiled Custard. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. F. A. KENNEDY CO., UR CELEBRATED BISCUIT ARE MADE FROM THE CHOICEST MATERIAL, AND WE RECOMMEND FOR LUNCH CHAMPION BISCUIT, CREAM WAFERS, PEARL WAFERS, FANCY GRAHAM, AND A COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS IN ONE AND TWO POUND PACKAGES. FASHIONABLE OUTFITTING FOR GENTLEMEN. PAUL ASKENASY, 337 WASHINGTON STREET. DIRECT IMPORTER FROM THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS IN LONDON AND PARIS. LATEST DESIGNS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING IN N ECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS , BATH WRAPS, TRAVELING RUGS, PAJAMAHS. U MBRELLAS, WALKING STICKS, ETC. PERFECT FITTING DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS. CUSTOM SHIRT MAKING A SPECIALTY. Conducted by skillful cutters whose reputation for faultless fitting shirts is unrivalled. Ladies interested in the becoming appearance of their husbands, should insist upon an inspection of our Fall Goods. Laundry-work for Ladies and Gentle- men executed in a superior manner. Orders by mail promptly attended to. PAUL ASKENASY, Washington Street, Boston. ^: S. PIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. JANUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Potato Soup. Fillets de Sole, Sauce Tartare. Braised Beef, Brown Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Salisfy Fritters. Scalloped Cabbage. Roast Grouse, Currant Jelly. French Peas. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Wafers. Cheese. Chocolate Custard. Small Cakes. Fruit. Coffee MONDAY. Hare Soup. Fried Oysters. .Stuffed Veal, Brown Gravy. Macaroni a la Creme. Potatoes, whole. French Beans. Croquettes of Hare and Oysters. Salad, Cauliflower Mayonnaise. Tapioca Custard. Small Cakes. Apple Jelly with Cream. Wafers. Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. Dundee Broth. Chowder of Black Fish. Baked Calf's Head. Fried Brains. Potatoes Fried Whole. French Peas. Scalloped Tomato. Roast Grouse, Currant Jelly. Potato Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Sr.owball Pudding, Custard Sauce. Cranberry Tarts. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. Mock Turtle. Bean Soup. Clam Fritters. Haunch of Venison, Currant Jelly. Moulded Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Spiced Apples. Quail on Toast, Grape Jelly. Celery Salad, Mayonnaise. Wafers. Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Vermicelli Soup. Boiled Fish, Cream Sauce. Roast Goose, Apple Sauce. Potatoes. Squash. Peas. Croquettes of Sweetbreads, Tomato Sauce. Celery. Cup Custards Steamed. Pineapple Jelly. Cake. Wafers Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Oysters in Block of Ice. Calfs'-head Soup. Broiled Halibut Steaks. Braised Beef, Brown .Sauce. Browned Potatoes. Lima 15eans. Salmi of Grouse Salad, Celery and Lettuce. Wafers. Cheese. Lemon Pie. Rice Custard. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Grated Cheese. Oyster Croquettes. Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy. Stewed Cranberries. Sweet Potatoes:. Potatoes a la Francaise. Turnips Mashed. Salsify Stewed. Fillets of Grouse with Grape Jelly. Vegetable Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Pumpkin Pie. Apple Pudding. Grapes. Oranges. Bananas. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. These Wines can be had from S. S. PIERCE & CO., Boston. The very finest Champagnes Imported. Established in Bordeaux in 1 725. THE AGENTS DEAL WITH THE TRADE ONLY. E. LAMONTAGNE & SONS, NEW YORK. TO THE TRADE. enry Clay Cigars. I have this day appointed Messrs. CELESTINO FALACIO & CO., New York, my sole representatives, throughout the United States. They have full power to prosecute any and all parties imitating my brand HENRY CIjAx . I therefore caution all Manufacturers of Cigars and Dealers thereof, Lithographers and Box Makers, to refrain from using the brand and labels HENRY CLAY, as they will be dealt with according to law. Messrs. CELESTINO PALACIO & CO. will take orders for my HENRY CLAY Cigars, for direct shipment from Havana, from the largest Importers only. Mr. FERD. HIRSCH, of the firm of CELESTINO PALACIO & CO., will give his personal attention to all matters of interest to me in the United States. Viiada de JULIAN ALVARK^:, (Widow of Julian Alvarez), Apartado 20, Cable Address, " JALVAKEZ." Haean.\, Cub.\, March i6, 1886. Habana, Ctiba. ^■. ^'. PIERCE or- CO., BOSTON, MASS. JANUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Raw Oysters. Puree of Peas. Fried Bass, Sauce Tartare. Roast Chicken, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Salsify Fritters. Salmi of Ducks, Rice Border. Celery Salad. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Lemon Pudding. Foamy Sauce. Preserved Peaches. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Potage a la Reine. Broiled White Fish. Stewed Mutton a la Jardiniere. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnip. Chicken Croquettes with Tomato Sauce. Salad, Lettuce, French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. William Penn Pudding, Hard Sauce. Lemon'Custards. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Bean and Tomato Soup. Oyster Croquettes. Saddle of Mutton, Virginia Style, Brown Gravy, Currant Jelly. Potato Snow. Spaghetti. Lima Beans. Sweet Potatoes. Corn Salad. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Apple Pudding, Cream Sauce. Cocoanut Custard. Cake. F"ruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Turkey Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Beefsteak with Onions. Boiled Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Sweet Potatoes. Stewed Prairie Chicken Breasts. French Peas. Potato Salad. Bent's Hard Water Crackers. Cheese. Jam Roley Poley, Wine Sauce. CofTee Custard. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Raw Oysters. Vegetable Soup. Boiled Chickens and Macaroni. Potato Snow. Parsnip Fritters. .Scalloped Tomatoes. Sweetbread and Oyster Croc^ettes. French Peas. Celery Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Pumpkin Pie. Soft Custard. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Oyster Soup. Fillets of White Fish Fried, Sauce Tartare. Croustades of Chicken. Boiled Leg of Mutton, White Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. -Stewed Turnips. Game Salad. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Chocolate Cream. Jelly Tarts. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Bouillon. Sherry. Roast Oysters on Half Shell. Sauterne. Vols-au-veut of Oysters. Braised Fillet of Beef. French Peas. Champagne. Chicken Croquettes. Potato Croquettes. Chocolate with Whipped Cream. Salad, Lettuce Dressed with Tarragon. Biscuits-glaces. Fruit Ices. Fruit. Bon-Bons. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Olive Oil (TABLE.) (Especially Expressed for, Imported and Bottled Exclusively by Us.) From Murrey's " Salads afid Sauces," by the author of " Valuable Cooking Recipes," " Fifty Soups," etc., we clip the following: " Having tested nearly every brand of oil on the market, sold as OLIVE OIL, I have found ninety per cent, of them either made from inferior olives or mixed with other oils, and, therefore, useless as salad oil. Last spnng, I happened to buy a bottle of oil from CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., under the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and was delighted to find that it stood the tests admirably. As a final test, I exposed the sample to light and air three months, having previously removed the cork and placed over the mouth of the bottle a thin piece of muslin. At the end of this time, 1 sampled the oil and found it just as sweet as when I first tasted it ; there was no sediment on the bottom of the bottle, and had it not been thoroughly pure, or -had it been pressed from bruised or decayed olives, it could not possibly have stood the severe tests to which I subjected it." CONNOISSEURS PRONOUNCE IT THE BEST. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s • Distilled Toilet • Colognes. ''No. 6," OR TOILET COLOGNE, Has attained a reputation for delicacy and permanence of odor equalled by no other, foreign or domestic. Our other Colognes are also superior to the German for the handkerchief and toilet use. All made by us should bear our special trade mark. TOILET, or No. 6, BOUQUET, ERANaiPANNI, HELIOTROPE, JOCKEY CLUB, LAVENDEK, LAWN TENNIS, LITBAS NEROLI, IIANDARIN NEROLI, MAY FLOWER, ROSE GERANIUM, MILLE ELEURS, NEW MOWN HAY, NURSERY, LILY OF THE VALLEY, i VERBENA, VIDAVERA, VIOLET, WHITE ROSE, YACHT CLUB, BATHING COLOGNE, FLORIDA WATER, MAKING A MOST A GREEABLE VARIETY AND CHANGE. J. SCHWEPPE & CO., LIMITED. (OF LONDON.) Tvlamj-facttarers of SUPER-CARBONATED SODA WATER, SELTZER WATER, LEMONADE, POTASS WATER, LITHIA WATER and GINGER ALE. These Celebrated Waters have always had the patronage of Royalty, and continue to be supplied to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. See that Labels bear "Fountain" Trade Mark, and THAT All Corks are Branded. All these Beverages manufactured with NATURAL CARBONIC GaS, guaranteed pure. S. S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. FEBRUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Tomato Soup. Lobster Croquettes. Capon Roasted, Giblet Sauce. Potatoes a la Parisienne. Macaroni with Tomato .Sauce. Cauliflower a la Creme. Quail with French Peas. Salad, Potato and Beet; French Dressing. Cheese. Rolled Bread and Butter. Peach Pie with Cream. Apple Custard. Puff Cake. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Vermicelli Soup. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Fried Apples and Bacon. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Carrots. Sweetbreads. Tomato Sauce. Vegetable Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Queen of Puddings, Creamy Sauce. Orange Jelly. Mixed Cakes. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clam Soup. Larded Venison with Jelly. Boiled Potatoes. Parsnip Fritters. Tomato Scallops. Chicken Croquettes, White Sauce. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. Wine Jelly with Whipped Cream. Fruit. Nuts and Raisins. Coffee. FRIDAY. Cream of Celery Soup. Fillets of White Fish, Sauce Tartare. Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy. Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes. Cranberry Jelly. Salsify. Mayonnaise of Chicken. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Fig Pudding, Hard Sauce. Pumpkin Pie. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Brown Soup. Boiled Fish, Sauce Hollandaise. Brown Fricassee of Chicken with Rice Border. Potatoes. Cauliflower a la Creme. Parsnip Fritters. Corn Salad, French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. Unity Pudding, Cream Sauce. Preserved Ginger. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Raw Oysters. Potato Soup. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce. Potato Puffs. Stewed Turnips. Sweet Potatoes Browned. Quail on Toast; Jelly. Celery Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Brown Betty. Creamy Sauce. Chocolate Custard Cake. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Raw Oysters, Clear Soup. Boiled Cod with Shrimp Sauce. Roast Beef, Brown Gravy. Potatoes Browned with Beef. Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Celery. Wild Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Lettuce; French Dressing. Bent's Hard Water Crackers. Cheese. Cream Custard. Lemon Pie. r>uit. Nuts. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. CHAS. A. PILLSBURY & CO., Klour IVLanukactturers, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Above IS a picture of the immense " Pillsburv A" Mill, m ^\hich is manufactured the celebrated FLOUR known in every State in the Union and throughout all Europe as " Pillsbury's Best." This mill is a marvel of perfection in machinery and detail, and is the JMecca to which all tourists to the Northwest turn over ten thousand having visited it in the past year. ' The excellence of Pillsbury'S Best is unquestioned, and is the standard which all other manufacturers seek to attain. Having once given this flour a trial you will use no other, for it bakes more, whiter, and better bread thao any other flour manufactured, and is an indispensable adjunct to a " Good Dinner." FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. .S-. .S-. PIERCE & CO., BOSTON, MASS. FEBRUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Mock Turtle Soup, Oyster Patties. ISoiled Corned Beef, White Sauce. Potatoes. Stewed Cabbage. Stewed Lima Beans. Salmi of Turkey, with Rice. Celery Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Orange Cream. Jelly Tartlets. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Bean Soup with Croutons. Roast Venison, Currant Jelly. Potato Puffs. Sweet Potatoes. Scalloped Cauliflower. Rice Croquettes, Brown Sauce. Vegetable Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Raspberry Jam Tartlets. Tapioca Pudding with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. Friar's Soup. Fried Smelts with Parsley and Lemon. Calf's Liver a I'Anglaise. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Parsnip Fritters. Celery. Beef Croquettes, Brown Sauce. Potato Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Jelly Tarts. Nuts. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Brunswick Soup. Boiled Fish, Egg Sauce. Roast Ribs of Beef, Brown Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Corn. Scalloped Tomatoes. Stewed Pigeons with Rice. Mayonnaise of Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Meringue Pie. Lemon Jelly and Cream. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Macaroni Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Baked Ham, Champagne Sauce. Potato Puff. Spinach with Eggs. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. French Peas. Celery and Cabbage Salad. Cheese. Bent's Hard Crackers. ' Farina Custard with Cream. Fruit. Bon-Bons. Nuts. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. Scotch Broth. Broiled White Fish with Parsley. Steamed Turkey, White Sauce. Potato Puff, Cranberry Sauce. Succotash. Salsify. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Wafers. Cheese. Puff Pudding, Hard Sauce. PVuit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Giblet Soup. Croquettes of Fresh Fish. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Salmi of Turkey with Macaroni. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Wafers. Cheese. Tapioca Pudding, Lemon Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Une:x:celleci for Quality! MAILLARD'S Vanilla Chocolates ^)AND(E Breakfast Cocoa. NEV/ YORK. Sold by S. S. PIET^CE & Co., and all Leading Grocers. A DAINTY DECORATION DINNER TABLE. , S, KIMBALL & CO. j£5««o. (ir) u/ Take pleasure in announcing that they are pre- pared to supply, without delay, their After-Dinner Cigarette SATIN STRAIGHT CUT, PACKED IN SHADES TO SUIT THEIR PATRONS. The Labels for these Cigarettes can be specially printed with name of any club, fraternity or reunion. Wm. S. Kimball & Co., Rochester, N. Y. S. S. PIERCE or- CO., BOSTON, MASS. FEBRUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Raw Oysters. Puree of Peas. Boiled Fish, Sauce Piquante. Veal Cutlets garnished with Fried Parsnips. Mashed Potatoes. Spaghetti. Braised Partridges, Currant Jelly. Salad, Celery Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla and Lemon Ice Cream. Claret Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Mock Turtle Soup. Broiled White P^ish. White Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Wafers. Cheese. Transparent Pudding. Apple Pie. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Consomme a la Royale. Oyster Croquettes Smothered Chickens with Rice. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Corn. Tomatoes Scalloped. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Wafers. Cheese. Chocolate Ice Cream. Cake. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Cream of Rice Soup. Roast Veal Stuffed. Creamed Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Stewed Salsify. Celery. Ragout of Beef with Mushrooms. Vegetable Salad. Hard Crackers. Cheese. Sponge-Cake Pudding. Wine Jelly with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Lobster Bisque. Sweetbread Croquettes, Tomato Sauce. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Boiled Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Brussels Sprouts with Eggs. Stewed Pigeons. Salad of Lettuce, French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. Apple Snow. Sponge-Cake. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. FRIDAY. Ox-Tail Soup. Lobster Croquettes. Curried Mutton, Rice Border. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnip. Succotash. Stewed Tomatoe. Roast Partridge, Currant Jelly. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Arrow-root Pudding, Cream Sauce. Preserved Peaches. Puff Cake. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Raw Oysters. Chicken Soup. Fillets of White Fish, Sauce Tartare. Cannelon of Beef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potato. Sweet Potato. Macaroni a la Creme. Ragout of Breast of Veal. Olives and Mixed Pickles. Salad, Cabbage with Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Batter Pudding, Foaming Sauce. Apple Jelly with Cream. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. CONGRESS SPRING. THE STANDARD MINERAL WATER. T T is a purely Natural Mineral Water, CATHARTIC, ALTERATIVE, and slightly stimulating -*■ and tonic in its effects, without producing the debility that usually attends a course of Medicine. It is used with marked success in affections of the Liver and Kidneys, and for Dyspepsia, Gout, Chronic Constipation and Cutaneous Diseases it is unrivaled. It is especially beneficial as a general preservative of the tone of the stomach and purity of the blood, and a powerful preventive of Fevers and Bilious Complaints. It is of special value to Ladies, as from its great purifying properties it has good effect in clearing the skin and giving it a healthy, beautiful appearance. In the morning, a SAFE CATHARTIC tones the appetite and promotes digestion. The stomach is cleansed and purified, the nervous and muscular system invigorated and germs of disease thrown off. The harsh Mineral Waters, holding an -excess of lime and iron in their composition, produce {with other evils) watery alvine ejections, and, if long cotitinzced, an irritation and even itifiaiJifnation of the intestinal canal and kidneys. This is a point to be borne in mind, and it should not be overlooked in the use of this class of waters. The superior excellence of Congress Water is evidenced in the happy proportion of its several ingredients, which combine to make it so efficient, and in the positive and absolute solution in which these pure ingredients are held when BOTTLED, making it without doubt, one of the best and safest saline cathartic waters ever discovered either in this country or Europe. For Pamphlets, Circulars, and Analysis Cards giving full information regarding the use of Mineral Waters, enquire at the Company's Offices. For sale (in Bottles only) by all leading Druggists, Grocers, Wine Merchants and Hotels. CONGRESS SPRING CO., Saratoga Springs, N.Y. E. P. TYSEN. Established 1864. J. O. TOTTEN. American Vintage Coipany TYSON &- TOTTEN, Proprietors. California Vl/ines, Brandies, Etc, No. 24 Dey Street, . NEW YORK. Our Specialty: Very Fine Old Goods. For sale by all First-class Grocers. Portraiture Crayon PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHS FINISHED IN CRAYON. COPIES OF PAINTINGS. Copies of all kinds of Drawings print- ted in Platinum, with mat surface, which cannot readily be distinguished from the originals. A. MARSHALL, 44 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. PELHAM STUDIOS. Elevator. .V. S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. FEBRUARY MENUS. SUNDAY. Julienne Soup. Boiled Bass, Sauce HoUandaise. Roast Loin of Veal, Brown Gravy. Boiled Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Spaghetti with Parmesan Cheese. Sweetbreads, White Sauce. Salad, Lettuce and Cress Wafers. Cheese. Puff Pudding, Jelly Sauce. Oranges. Bananas. Grapes. CofTee. MONDAY. Cream of Celery .Soup. Broiled Halibut Steaks. Steamed Chickens with Rice. Potato Puffs. Fried Sweet Potato. Succotash. Parsnip P'ritters. Ragout of Veal with Mushrooms. Salad, Celery and Cabbage. Cheese. Wafers. Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce. Apples. Oranges. Nuts. Coffee. TUESDAY. Bean and Celery Soup. Croquettes of Fresh Fish. Chicken Pie, Virginia P'ashion. Mashed Potatoes. Macaroni. Tomato Scallops. Jugged Pigeons. Potato Slips. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. Peach P"ritters, Wine Sauce. Lemon Tartlets with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. White Soup. Boiled Bass, Sauce Piquante. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potato. Mashed Turnip. Stewed Salsify. Corn. Chicken Patties. Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Beet-root and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. Tapioca Pudding with Cream. Lemon Jelly Tartlets. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Broiled Halibut Steaks. Veal and Ham Pie. Boiled Potatoes. Stewed Salsify. Corn Pudding. Spaghetti. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Cabbage ; Cream Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Sponge Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Oranges. Bananas. Grapes. Coffee. FRIDAY. Cream .Soup. Oyster Patties. Hoast Turkey Stuffed with Chestnuts. Giblet Gravy, Cranberry .Sauce. Mashed Potato. Cauliflower. Macaroni- au Jus. Salad, Lobster Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Crackers. Batter Pudding, Hard Sauce. Compote of Apples. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Bouillon. Deviled Lobster; Olives; Claret Punch. Sweetbreads a la Milanaise. Fillets of Grouse ; Jelly. Saratoga Potatoes. Roman Punch. P'ried Oysters. Chow-Chow. Mayonnaise of Chicken. I\.amikins. Wine Jelly with Whipped Cream. Napolitaine Ice Cream. Fruit. Bon-Bons. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. MARCH MENUS. SUNDAY. Tapioca vSoup. Broiled Fresh Mackerel. Roast Beef, Brown Gravy. Yorkshire Pudding. Potatoes browned under Beef. Cauliflower a la Creme. Salsify Stewed in Cream. Salad, Tomato with Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Batter Pudding, Old Dominion Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Puree of Salmon. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Rice Croquettes. Winter Squash. Celery. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Sweet Potato Pudding with P^oamy Sauce. Lemon Jelly Puffs. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Bean and Tomato Soup. Baked Bass, Shrimp Sauce. Scalloped Chicken, White Sauce. Mashed Potato. Brussels Sprouts. Lima Beans. Salad, Lettuce with Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Sponge-Cake. Banana Fritters. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Clear Soup. Chowder of Black Bass. Roast Beef and Potato Balls. Sweet Potatoes. Canned Corn. Cauliflower au Gratin. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Southern Rice Pudding. Wine Jelly with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Oyster Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Baked Mutton Cutlets, Sauce Espagnol. Boiled Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Green Peas. Spinach. Cabbage Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Cocoanut Pudding, Cream Sauce. Bananas. Oranges. Grapes. Coffee. THURSDAY. Raw Oysters. Noodle Soup. Fillets de Sole, Sauce Tartare. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Creamed Potatoes. Spinach. Salad. Mayonnaise of Chicken. Cheese. Wafers. Turret Cream. Jelly Tartlets. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Deviled Lobster. Stewed Breast of Veal. Stuffed Potatoes. Spinach. Cauliflower \yith Cheese. Potato Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Pudding with Cream. Bananas. Oranges. Coffee. S. S. PIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. MARCH MENUS. SUNDAY. Consomme a la Royale. Baked Bass, Stuffed. Roast Ribs of Beef, Brown Gravy. Potatoes Browned under Beef. Kidney Beans, White Sauce. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Bent's Crackers. Cheese. Boiled Batter Pudding, Jelly Sauce. Bananas Sliced with Cream. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Beef Soup with Barley. Beefsteak Roll, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potati^es. Mashed Turnips. Corn and Tomatoes Stewed Together. Salad, Beet Root and Potato. Wafers. Cheese. Cocoanut Sponge Pudding. Sliced Oranges with Wine. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clam Soup. Broiled Fresh Mackerel. Mutton Cutlets in Batter. Milanaise Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Canned Peas with Onion. Smothered Pigeons. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Queen Fritters, Creamy Sauce. Sliced Bananas with Cocoanut. Coffee. FRIDAY. Hasty Tomato Soup. Sturgeon Cutlets. Braised Beef, Brown Gravy. Browned Potatoes. Parsnips. Stewed Salsify. Salad, Potato and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Washington Pie with Cream. California Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Flemish Soup. Croquettes of Fresh Fish. Roast Veal, Crumbed and Browned. Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower. Roast Wild Ducks ; Jelly. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Wafers. Cheese. Hot Apple Tart with Cream. Grapes. Oranges. Coffee. THURSDAY. Lobster Bisque. Stewed Eels with Brown Sauce. Boned Breast of Mutton, Stuffed. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower au Gratin. Sweetbreads, Tomato Sauce Salad- Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Tapioca Jelly with Cream. Oranges. Grapes. Bananas. Coffee. SATURDAY. White Soup with Noodles. Fish Fritters. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauco. Steamed Potatoes. Turnips. Brussels Sprouts. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Cottage Puffs, Hard Sauce. Compote of Apples. Cake. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. J. ^ H. ATKINSON, 24 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON. MITCHAM LAVENDER WATER.— To lovers of this old-fashioned, delicate and refresh- ing perfume, guaranteed a genuine English Lavender, by far the finest imported. EAU DE LONDRES TOILET WATER.— New. Highly concentrated and fragrant. Unequaled for the toilet and bath. ASTRINGENT EXTRACT ROSES, for the Hair.— A very cooling and refreshing wash, which effectually cleanses and strengthens the hair. EAU DE COLOGNE. — Superior to any other imported. VIOLET POWDER. — A perfectly pure, deliciously-scented article for the nursery and toilet. TOILET POWDERS.— Jockey Club, Ylang Yiang, Heliotrope, etc., of unequaled fragrance and delicacy. SACHETS. — Violet, Peau d'Espagne, White Rose, etc. Impart a most delicate and refined odor to gloves, laces, lingerie, etc., etc. EXTRACTS. — The newest odors. Windsor Bouquet, Daphne, Freesia, Trevol, Val d'Andorre, of same unequaled quality as their well-known and Standard odors. West End, Violette, White Moss Rose, etc. For Sale by all leading Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Wholesale Agents: 56 & 58 Murray St., N. Y. Springer Brothers, IMPORTERS, Wholesale and Retail Manu/acturers Ladies', Misses , and Children'' s Fastiionable Cloakis, Chamicy Street, Essex Street, Harrison Avenue. (One block from Washington St.) ■*°i"»»Vmiijr¥ Sfe^ — 5=^ •^EsTCussiEi""" Boston Storage Warehouse, "West Chester Park, nr. Huntington Ave. A new building, surrounded on its four sides by streets, and divided every fifty feet by brick walls into sections, especially erected for the Storage of Household Furniture^ Carriages, Sleighs, Cases, Luggage, Store Fixtures, and cer- tain kinds of Merchandise. Above the basement, the building is subdivided into Rooms of different sizes, each with locked doors. Several Large Rooms, of an equable temperature durins: the inclement season, for the safe keeping of Pianos, Pictures, Mirrors, and Works of Art. Trunk Department divided into compartments for one or more Trunks or Single Packages. No lights or matches permitted in the Warehouse, ard no goods received or delivered after sunset. Electric Automatic Fire Alarm, Watch Clocks, and other safeguards provided, and the premises always under efficient watch. Two Steam Elevators for the conveyance of Goods and Patrons to the different stories. FOR RATES, APPLY AT "WAREHOUSE. Telephone No. 4:36S. Huntington Avenue and Back bay Cars pass near the Warehouse. FREDERIC "W. LINCOLN, GENERAL MANAGER. S. S. PIERCE ied Fish, Sauce Tartare. Lamb Chops in Batter, with Parsley. Bermuda Potatoes. Chicken with Rice. Sweet Potatoes. Salad. Lettuce ; with French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Blanc-mange with Cream. Claret Jelly. P'ruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Corn and Bean Soup. Fresh Fish Fritters. Beefsteak Pie with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Tomatoes Baked with Crumbs. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Wafers. Queen of Puddings, Creamy Sauce. Lemon Jelly. Small Cakes. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Bigelow Carpet Co. ORIGINAL POWER-LOOM MANUFACTURERS OF Wilton and Brussels CARPETS. The Carpets made by this Company have received the highest award wherever exhibited, including Gold Medals at the Paris Exposition, 1878, and at the Centennial, 1876. Their deserved reputation for excellence of fabric, richness and durability of color, novelty and beauty of design, has led to frequent infringements, and inferior goods have often been palmed off in their stead. For the protection of the public, the Company has adopted as a trade-mark the word '* BIGrELOW," which will be woven (at every repeat of the pattern) in white capitals into the back of the fabric. Customers will therefore have merely to examine the back of a carpet to be certain that they are getting the genuine Bigelow Wiltons or Body Brussels. These Goods can be obtained from all first-class dealers. ^. S. PIERCE &' CO., BOSTON, MASS. APRIL MENUS. SUNDAY. Raw Oysters. Amber Soup. Lobster Rissoles. Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms. Succotash. Steamed Squash. Quail on Toast. Jelly. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Boiled Potatoes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cake. Wine Jelly with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Chicken Soup. Halibut Cutlets Baked. Veal Chops, Tomato Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Kale. Macaro.ii with Cheese. Oyster Patties. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Jelly Cake-Fritters with Cream. Compote of Apples. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Broiled Shad, Parsley and Lemon. Glazed Ham, Wine Sauce. Moulded Potatoes. Chow-Chow. Macaroni a la Creme. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Rhubarb Tart. Lemon Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Corn and Bean Soup. Pan-fish, Fried, with Parsley. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Parsnips. Veal Patties. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. Cornstarch Pudding, with Meringue. Lemon Jelly. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Mock Turtle Soup. Fish Chowder. ^ Rolled Beefsteak, Brown Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Beet Tops. Sweetbreads in Crumbs. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Caramel Custard. Cake. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. THURSDAY. White Soup. Baked Fish, Stuffed. Rolled Breast of Veal. Boiled Potatoes. Spinach. Scalloped Tomatoes. Sweetbreads and Mushroom Sauce. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Charlotte with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup with Italian Paste. Fried Fish, Sauce Tartare. Lamb Chops in Butter. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Carrots. Chicken with Rice. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing, Cheese. Wafers. Custards. Claret Jelly. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. THE BOSTON HERALD WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION IS THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN NEW ENGLAND And has the Largest Bona Fide Circulation. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. R. M. PULSIFER & CO. - - - PROPRIETORS. S. S. PIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. APRIL MENUS. SUNDAY. Vegetable Soup. Fish Kromeskeys. Ragout of Mutton. Mashed Potatoes. Corn Pudding. Turnips Stewed in Cream. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Compote of Canned Peaches Boiled Custard. Cake. Coffee. MONDAY. Eel Soup. Oyster Patties. Boiled Chickens, Egg Sauce. Creamed Potatoes. Boiled Rice. .Scalloped Tomatoes. -Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Steamed Batter Pudding. Fruit Sauce. Lemon Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. White Soup. Fillets of Halibut, Creole Style. Rolled Beefsteak, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Spinach. Chicken Patties. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Cheese. Wafers. Pound Pudding, Wine Sauce. Raspberry Jam Puffs. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Almond Cream Soup. Broiled Shad, Parsley and Lemon. Curry of Mutton, Rice Border. Bermuda Potatoes. Squash. Canned Corn Pudding. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Tapioca Cream with Jam. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. THURSDAY. Calf's Head Soup. Small Pan-fish, Fried. Rolled Ribs of Beef, Brown Gravy, Browned Potatoes. Sliced Beets. Asparagus on Toast. Calf's Tongue and Brains. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Chocolata. Bavarian Cream. White Cake. Coffee. FRIDAY. Potato Soup. Baked Shad, Stuffed. Beef Rechauffe with Olives. Mashed Potatoe. Savory Rice. Spinach with Eggs. Croquettes of Calf's Brains. Salad, Lettuce ; Simple Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Fig Pudding. Wine Sauce. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. SATURDAY. Flemish Soup. Oyster Patties. Rolled Breast of Veal, Stuffed. Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower. Roast Duck. Jelly. Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Bent's Crackers. Hot Apple Tart with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Pleasant Valley Wine Co., RHEIJMS, Steuben County, N. Y. OVER a quarter of a century ago our Company was organized in the present location, which has become the most extensive grape-growing region east of the Rocky Mountains. The object in view was to improve the cultivation of the Vine, to bring out and test new varieties, and to make good, honest, wholesome American Wines. This policy has been strictly adhered to. To all who have watched our efforts and progress we ask : Have we not accom- plished our purposes ? What brand of imported Champagne is more beneficial to the human system than our Great Western ? We can assure our patrons, friends, and the public, that our wines are absolutely pure and wholesome. We are proud of our success, and it is our purpose to keep in the straight path of mercantile honor, make and sell pure, honest wines ; believing the people of America will appreciate and sustain us in our efforts. CHAMPAGNES. Great Western. A fine rich. Dry Wine ; perfect in effervesence. Hxtra Dry. Similiar to the Great Western, but rather drier. STILL WINES. Dry Catawba. A light White Wine ; pure juice of the grapes, resembling a fine Rhine Wine. Sweet Catawba. A heavy, rich, fruity Wine ; will keep on draught in any climate and in any kind of package. Port. A heavy red Wine, macfe from choice black grapes, fermented in the skins,, which gives it its. color perfectly pure. Like Sweet Catawba, will keep on draught. Its medicinal qualities cannot be excelled. PRICE LIST. Great Western, Dry or Extra Dry - . - - Per case, quarts, $12 00 " " " " . . . . " pints, 14 00 " " " , " - ...-'< half pints, 9 00 Dry Catawba, .... - Per case, $4 50 Per bottle, 40 Sweet Catawba - Per gall, $1 50 " 4 50 " 40 Port - . . . " i 50 " 4 50 " 4a PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. S S. PIERCE & CO., Importers and Grocers, Corner Tremont and Court Streets, Boston. 5'. S. PIERCE ^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. APRIL MENUS. SUNDAY. Brown Soup. Boiled Fish, Egg Sauce. Leg of Mutton, Roasted ; Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Succotash. Veal Patties. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MONDAY. Scotch Broth. Fish Chowder. Mutton Pie with Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Macaroni a la Creme. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Puffs with Cream. Jam Tartlets. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Soup a la Bonne Femme. Broiled Shad, Maitre d'Hotel Butter. Round of Corned Beef, Boiled. Stewed Cabbage with Cream. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Orange Cream Pie. Wine Jelly with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. Croute au Pot. Veal Cutlets with Potato Slips. String Beans, White Sauce. Grouse Breasts on Toast. Jelly. Salad, 1 omato ;. French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Compote of Apples. Cup Custards. Puff Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Fish Croquettes ; Thin Brown Bread and Butter. Roast Turkey, Oyster Stuffing. Potato Puff, Cranberry Sauce. Sliced Beets, Buttered. Salad, Lettuce ; Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Jelly with Cream. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. THURSDAY. Oyster Soup, Minced Fish Patties. Mirotan of Corned Beef. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. French Chops. Green Peas. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Wafers. Old Fashioned Tipsy Cake. Sliced Bananas with Wine. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clam Soup. Broiled White Fish. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Bermuda Potatoes. Tomatoes. Asparagus on Toast. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla Custards. Cake. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. MOKKITT'S Phosphoric ^cid and Iron. A SPECIFIC FOR INDIGESTION. INVIGORATES THE SYSTEM AND INCREASES THE VITAL ACTION OF THE STOMACH. USED AS A CORDIAL IT IS MOST AGREEABLE TO THE TASTE. PREPARED ONEY BY THE ENTERPRISE CHEMICAL CO., ]30 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASS. LG.Burnliain&Co. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL OFFICE : No. 75 STATE ST. ■WHARVES : i32 Charles St. & East Chester Park, BOSTON. GRANITE STREET, SOUTH BOSTON. 221 BRIDGE STREET, EAST CAMBRIDGE. ARE YOU USING THIS CHOICE Breakfast ■ Cereal Quickly Cooked, Very Nutritious, AND Easily Digested. For growing children, brain workers or invalids, it is invaluable. SOLD BY S.S. PIERCE & CO. And Grocers Everywhere. 6-. S. PIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. MAY MENUS. SUNDAY. Puree of Salmon. Clam Fritters. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Potato Puff. Sliced Beets. Asparagus on Toast. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Charlotte Russe. Jelly Tarts. Fruit. Coffee. Wafers. MONDAY. Clear Beef Soup. Rissoles of Fresh Fish. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. French Beans. Tomatoes Baked in Crumbs. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Neapolitan Pudding, Hard Sauce. Preserved Peaches. Cake. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Soup a ITtalienne. Fillets of Fresh Fish, Fried. Beef a la Mode, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Asparagus on Toast. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Snow Pudding with Custard. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. FRIDAY. Brown Soup. Rissoles of Fresh Fish. Pressed Beef with Garnish. Boiled Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Puree of Lentils with Onion. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. W^afers. Wine Jelly with Cream. Raspberry Jelly Tarts. Coffee. TUESDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Salmon Croquettes. Curry of Lamb, Rice Border. Bermuda Potatoes. Spinach. Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Custard with Me'ringue. Compote of Pie Plant. Coffee. THURSDAY. Green Pea Soup. Broiled Shad with Parsley. Breast of Lamb, Stewed. Bermuda Potatoes. Beet Tops. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Force-meat Balls. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Cheese. W^afers. Rhubarb Tart with Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup. Baked White Fish. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Asparagxis on Toast. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce and Tomatoes. Cheese Wafers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Compote of Pie Plant. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. MAY MENUS. SUNDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Fish Chowder. Roast Ribs of Beef. Browned Potatoes. Kale. Canned Corn Pudding. Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Custard with Meringue. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MONDAY. Ox-Tail Soup. Baked Fish, Stuffed. Rolled Breast of Veal. Mashed Potatoes. Young Turnips. Asparagus on Toast. Curry of Lamb with Rice. Salad, I^ettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Charlotte Russe with Jam. Lemon Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Lobster Bisque. Curry of Chicken with Rice. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Onions. Scalloped Tomatoes. Veal Patties. Salad, Potato and Beet-root. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Caramel Custards in Cups. Fruit. Nuts. Coffee. FRIDAY. Little Neck Clams. Macaroni Soup, Grated Parmesan. Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms. Potatoes. Sliced Beets, Buttered. Canned Corn Fritters. Woodcock, Jelly. Potato Slips. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Velvet Cream. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Savory Soup. Broiled Shad with Parsley. Boiled Chickens, Egg Sauce. Potato Snow. Canned Corn. Veal Croquettes. Potato Slips. Salad, Lobster Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Water Ice. Cake. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. THURSDAY. Soup, Hot Pot. Fillets of Fresh Fish, Fried. Rolled Breast of Veal, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes Browned. Spinach a la Reine. Canned Corn Fritters. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Puff Pudding, Hard Sauce. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. SATURDAY. Soup, Cream of Rice. Lobster Cutlets. Roast Capon, Giblet (jravy. Potato Croquettes. Green Peas. Snipe with Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Tart with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. MILUSMA5S- -^1- BOSTON OFFICEv-l^ BORUGGLES STREET. Fresh Churned Butter. Oak Grove Farm Pure Milk and Cream IN CLASS JARS. FRESH VEGETABLES, DELICIOUS FRDITS. 48 Boylston Street LIGHTED BY FIFTEEN ELECTRIC LIGHTS. RECEPTION ROOM FOR LADIES. 0^s>.K: grove F^a>^FJlVI STORES: BOSTON: So RUGGLES STREET, 205 SHA WMUT A VENUE. 84 WEST CEDAR STREET, PARKER HILL, ON TREMONT STREET. CAMBRIDGE : CAMBEIDGEPOET : 4 BREWER'S BLOCK. jos MAIN STREET. A Postal to Oak Grove Farm, Boston, Mass., from any part 0/ the world, wiU reach us. ^. ^. FIERCE & CO., BOSTON, MASS. MAY MENUS. SUNDAY. Asparagus Soup. Pan-fish Fried in Crumbs. Roast Beef, Brown Gravy. Potatoes a la Neige. Spinach. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Mayonnaise of Fish. Cheese. Wafers. Tapioca Cream with Meringue. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. MONDAY. Italian Soup. Fish Chowder. Chicken Pudding, White Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Apple Jelly. Puree of Asparagus with Eggs. Salad, Potato and Beet-root. Cheese. Wafers. German Puffs, Lemon Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Corn and Bean Soup. Scalloped Shad Roes. Breast of Lamb Stewed. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Cress. Cheese. Dent's Water Crackers. Lemon Trifle. Small Cakes. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clear Beef Soup. Broiled Shad. Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Boiled Rice. Lima Beans, White Sauce. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Neapolitan Pudding. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. White Soup. Fish Chowder. Calf's Liver, Larded ; Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Pea Fritters. Asparagus on Toast. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Mayonnaise of Chicken. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Pine-Apple Pie with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Green Pea Soup. Fish Croquette?. Mutton Chops in Batter. Boiled Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Snipe with Jelly and Potato Slips. Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Boiled Batter Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup. Broiled Bluefish. Rolled Ribs of Beef, Roasted. Boiled Potatoes. Sea Kale. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. ■ Sponge Pudding, Cream Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. THE BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR, FOR HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND FAMILY USE, has no equal for pure, cold, dry air, free from moisture or foul gases. The United States Govern- ment has adopted them for Hospital use in preference to all others, at Chelsea, New Or- leans, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Mobile; also Ho- moeopathic Hos- pital, Boston. It is a well- known fact that damp refrigera- tors generate gases that are very injurious to health, particu- larly with chil- dren and invalids. Parties in want of a refrigerator should call and examine these refrigerators and read the testi- monials before purchasing else- where. Send for circulars. WATTS & WILLIS, Sole Agents, Basement No. 2 Quincy Market, Boston. FLEISCHMANN'S Vienna Model Bakery 1876-OF THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION -1876 C. KDELHKIM, Prop'r, 253-259 N. BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE ONLY GENUINE Ci Vienna" Bread, Rolls, Zwieback-Biscuit, AND Bread Crumbs S. S. PIERCE CO., BOSTON, MASS. MAY MENUS. SUNDAY. Mulligatawny Soup. Lake Trout, Boiled. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Corn. ' Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. ' Salad, Lettuce and Cress. Cheese. Wafers. Queen of Puddings with Cream. California Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Soup Maigre. Shad-Roe Croquettes. Mutton Pie with Mushrooms. Boiled Potatoes. Stewed 'Purnips. Sweetbreads with Tomato Sauce. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Cup Custards, Baked. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Sago Soup. Baked Bluefish. Shoulder of Mutton, Stuffed. Potato Snow. Puree of Peas. Asparagus on Toast. Salad, Potato and Beetroot, Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clam Chowder. Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms. Potatoes a la Parisienne. French Beans, Sauce Tartare. Pigeons on Toast. Jelly. Salad, Tomato Mayonnai.se. Cheese. Wafers. Batter Pudding, Wine Sauce. Ripe Strawberries. Coffee. THURSDAY. Brown Beef Soup. Broiled Bluefish. Veal Cutlets with Ham. Mashed Potatoes. Sea Kale. String Beans. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Strawberry Short Cake with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Clam Soup. Curry of Mutton, Rice Border. Stewed Potatoes. Brussels Sprouts. Canned Corn Pudding. Lobster Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Water Ice. Cake. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. SATURDAY. Puree of Asparagus. .Small Pan-fish Fried. Stewed Chicken, Rice Border. Mashed Potatoes. Sea Kale. Timbale of Macaroni. Salad, Tomato Alayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Marmalade Pudding, Cream Sauce- Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. ESTABLISHED 1831. OLD DOMINION BRAND HAMS AND BONELESS BACON, Cured Specially For FINE FAMILY TRADE. WM. E. CLARK & BRO., NKW YORK. SAWYER'S CRYSTAL BLUE Is so Infinitely Superior to all other Blues that no comparison is possible. SOLD BY S. S. PIERCE & CO. For twenty years, and by most First-Class Grocers who desire to sell the best quality of goods at fair prices. To Young Housekeepers Remember, if you use SAWYER'S CRYSTAL BLUE you avoid vexa- tion. Your washing will look nice. Your MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS Used it before you. Honorable traders should keep the Best Goods. Don't allow any trader to sell you Blue he calls as good, be- cause he can make more money on an inferior Blue. S. S. PIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. JUNE MENUS. SUNDAY. Amber Soup. Bluetish Baked with Crumbs. Braised Baef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Savory Rice. Scalloped Cabbage. Lobster Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Hot Tart, Pie Plant and Raisins. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Cream Soup. Small Pan-fish Fried with Parsley. Shepherd's Pie with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. ' Young Beets. Turkish Pilaff. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Tart with Meringue. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY, Mock Turtle Soup. Baked Bluefish. Boiled Corned Beef, Round. Mashed Potatoes. Ladies Cabbage. Macaroni a la Creme. Lobster Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Dutch Cheese. Wafers. Fried Bananas with Cream. Puff Cake. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Clam Soup. Broiled Fish, Maitre d'Hotel Butter. Fricandeau of Veal. Potato Balls. Stewed Tomatoes. Puree of Spinach. Chicken Croquettes, Cream Sauce. Shrimp Salad. Neuchatel Cheese. Wafers. Sponge Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. TUESDAY. Clear Soup. Fried Fish, Thin Brown Bread and Butter. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Potatoes a la Neige. Spinach. Frogs' Legs in Batter. Salad, Green Peas, Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Tapioca Cream, with Meringue. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Bean and Tomato Soup. F'ricassee of Lobster. Roast Ribs of Beef. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Macaroni with Cheese. Small Birds on Toast. Jelly. Salad, a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Snow Custard. Drop Cakes. Ripe Strawberries. Coffee. SATURDAY. Flemish Soup. Fish Chowder. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Canned Corn Pudding. Stewed Pigeons. Jelly. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. German Puffs, Hard Sauce. Ripe Strawberries. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. ESTABLISHED 1843. Woodward & Brown, MANUFACTURERS OF C GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES 175A Tremont Street, EVANS HOUSE. BOSTON. "The Best Fruit in Perfect Condition," "The Best Refined Sugars" WITH "Scrupulous Care in Preparation," HAVE MADE THE REPUTATION OF JELLIES Preserves No Gelatine, Glucose, Apple Pulp, Dye Stuffs, Chemicals or Bleaching Process Used. FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. HEADQUARTERS IN BOSTON, S.S.PlERGE&CO. HARMLESS SHOE POLISH. 6'. ^. PIERCE cr- CO., BOSTON, MASS. JUNE MENUS. SUNDAY. Potato Soup. Baked Bluefish, Stuffed. Veal Cutlets, Breaded ; White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Spaghetti with Stock. Curried Frogs' Legs. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Corn Starch Pudding with Meringue. Raspberry Tartlets. Coffee. TUESDAY. MONDAY. Clear Brown Soup. Broiled White Fish. Broiled Spring Chickens. Fillet of Beef, Sauce Ilollandaise. Potatoes. Green Corn. Tomatoes. Shrimp Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Peach Sponge. Orange Ice. Grapes. Bon-Bons. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Soup, Consomme Royal. Salmon with Shrimp Sauce. Grenadins of Beef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Macaroni. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Cauliflower. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Pineapple Custards. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Chicken Soup with Rice. Shad Roe Croquettes. Breast of Veal, Stewed. Browned Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Summer Squash. Chicken Patties. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Cottage Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. Cream Tomato Soup. Boiled Lake Trout, Egg Sauce. Larded Beef with Mushrooms. Creamed Potatoes. Spinach. Rice a I'ltalienne. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Strawberry Short-cake with Cream. Wine Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. White Soup. Broiled Fresh Fish. Lamb Chops in Batter. Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Spinach. Macaroni a la Creme. Lobster Rissoles. Salad, Beet and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. Rice Custard with Raspberry Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clam Chowder. Baked Pickerel. White Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Dumplings. Green Peas. Tomatoes. Salad, Cucumbers. Cheese. W^afers. Strawberry Short-cake. Wine Jelly with Cream. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. HEALTH! IMPORTANT TO ALL. About the healthfulness of the A. M. C. Perfect Cereals, a volume could be written. We can only state in a brief and general way, that there is nothing, which can be eaten, which tends more to keep the general system in as perfect condition as the daily use of these Foods ; and all the more desirable, both for health and pleasure, are the numerous changes which our varieties offer. In this connection, we presume to advise families to experiment for themselves, ■changing from one to another, for the Breakfast Dishes. The cost of buying a package of each is small, and no more, than to continually use one kind, and we predict some agreeable surprises. All conditions and ages are benefited by the use of these Foods, from infancy to old age; and having arrived at the latter stage of life, we are the better in general health for having been fed them in the cradle. There are Thirteen Varieties, viz, : KOLLED OATS. ROLLED WHEAT. ROLLED BARLEY. OAT-MEAL. OAT FARINA. PEARLED BARLEY. ORAHAM FARINA. PEARLED HOMINY. HOMINY GRITS. CRACKED WHEAT. PEARLED WHEAT. GRAINS OF GOLD. WHEAT FARINA. Try one package, and you will be convinced. Take only the A. M. C. Perfect. For Sale by all Grocers. JAMES E. WHITAKER & CO., j Agents for i New England, 174 State Street, BOSTON. Established 1847. CITY LAUNDRY AND DYE HOUSE, Office: 20 Temp IE Pi ace. Factory : g6, g8, lOO, 102, lenox Street. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED AT ANY RESIDENCE IN THE CITY. Best Work ^ji^Lowest Prices. A NOTED CHEMIST SAYS that "the label and trade-mark of a known, reliable, and responsible manufacturer, is the best protection the public have against frauds, imitations, and counterfeits." Look at soap, as an illustration. Take, for example, the many kinds made at a price less than the actual cost of raw material; such must, of necessity, be com- posed of substances of no value except to lessen cost by adulteration. What satisfaction or economy can consumers find in such goods ? The name of Curtis Davis & Co., makers of the WELCOME SOAP, guarantees the quality and merit of a first- class article. They alone are responsible for their reputation as manufacturers. ' S. S. FIERCE Q^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. JUNE MENUS. SUNDAY. Asparagus Soup. Small Pan-fish, Fried. Fillet of Veal, Larded. Olives. Browned Potatoes. Hominy Croquettes. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Cocoanut Pudding with Cream. Ripe Strawberries. Coffee. MONDAY. Clear Brown Soup. Fried Perch ; Thin Brown Bread and Butter. Beef"s Tongue, Larded. Mashed Potatoes. Young Beans. New Beets, Sliced and Buttered. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. W fers. Cherry Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Green Pea Soup. Baked Salmon Steaks. Stewed Lamb, Mushroom Sauce. New Potatoes. Spinach. Spaghetti in Stock. Curried Kidneys. Salad; Tomato Mayonnaise. Dutch Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Blanc-mange. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Vegetable Soup. Curried Lobster. Lamb Kromeskys. Olives. Stuffed Potatoes. Young Turnips. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Floating Island. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Summer Soup. Fish Chowder. Rolled Beef with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. Boiled Onions. Stuffed Tomatoes. Salad, Cucumbers ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Strawberries and Cream. Drop Cake. Coffee. FRIDAY. Bisque of Lobster. Soft Crabs. Boiled Chickens, Egg Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Savory Rice. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Salad, Potato and Beet-root. Dutch Cheese. Wafers. Raspberry Short-cake, Hot. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Beef Soup. Deviled Lobster. Roast Ribs of Beef. Potatoes a la Creme. Corn Fritters. Kromeskys of Game. Salad of Beets. Dairy Cheese. Wafers. Transparent Pudding, Cold. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. FOR SALE BY S. S. Pierce & Co. D. LEIDEN RHINE AND 1878 COLOGNE, MOSELLE WINES. B.LEiDEN,c6W««* Chambertin ^_^ 1878 ^^^^Jk CLOSSMANN h CO., BORDEAUX, CHATEAU MALLERET, (own growth) AND OTHER CLARETS. BOUCHARD, PERE & FILS. BEAUNE (c6tE D'OK), BURGUNDY WINES. ^. S. PIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. FOR SALE BY s. s. f>ie:rck ^ CO Champagne. CIESLER SPECIAL SEC. (GREEN label). CIESLER CARTE BLANCHE. GIESLER & CO., Avize (Marne). THE House of GIESLER & CO. is one of the largest in the Champagne country. Its founder, Mr. Frederick Giesler, was formerly, for many years, a partner in the House of "P. A. MUMM, GIESLER & CO." In the year 1838 Mr. Giesler established his house in the little town of Avize, which is so admirably situated in the very heart of the Champagne country, its vines producing one of the finest types of the Champagne wine. Since that period the House of Giesler & Co. has progressed uninterruptedly, and by its experience, its command of capital, and its extensive establishments, is amply furnished with means to give the greatest satisfaction to its correspondents and consumers throughout the world. N. B. — Mr. Giesler was the founder of the House of "P. A. Mumm, Giesler & Co.," in the year 1828, and was a partner from 1828 to 1838. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. JUNE MENUS. SUNDAY. Chicken Soup with Rice. Baked Pickerel. Leg of Mutton, Larded. Mashed Potatoes. Young Turnips. Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Cucumbers ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Strawberry Trifle. Drop Cake. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Potato Soup. Salmon Cutlets en Papilotte Fricassee of Sweetbreads Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Scalloped Cabbage. Salmi of Pigeons. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Cherry Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Rice and Tapioca Soup. Fried Perch in Batter. Smothered Chicken, White Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Mashed Squash. String Beans. Buttered Beets. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Custard Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Julienne Soup. Fish Croquettes. Breast of Lamb, Stewed ; Olives. Potato Strips. Green Peas. Scalloped Tomatoes. Birds on Toast ; Jelly. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Bent's Crackers. Strawberries and Cream. Cup Cake. Coffee. TUESDAY. Ox-tail Soup. Scalloped Salmon. Spiced Beef, Round, Boiled. New Potatoes. Young Beets. Macaroni with Cheese. Birds on Toast ; Jelly. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Raspberries and Cream. Lady Cake. Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Green Pea Soup. Salmon, Broiled. Pressed Beef, Brown Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Young Turnips. Timbale of INIacaroni. Salad, Tomato and Cucumber. Dutch Cheese. Wafers. Mountain Custard. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. White Soup. Clam Chowder, Thick. Beef Tongue with Olives. Creamed Potatoes. Sea Kale. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Raspberry Short-cake, Hot. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. S. S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. JULY MENUS. SUNDAY. Asparagus Soup. Fried Perch with Parsley. Rolled Beefsteak, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Spaghetti in Stock. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Southern Rice Pudding. Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Corn Soup. Baked Salmon Cutlets. Stuffed Breast of Veal. Boiled Potatoes. Summer Squash. Tomatoes Stewed with Onion. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Baked Custard with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Clear Brown Soup. Fricasseed Lobster. Larded Shoulder of Mutton. New Potatoes. Boiled Corn. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Raspberry and Currant Tart. Wine Jelly. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Corn Soup. Fish Croquettes. Stewed Chickens with Dumplings. Boiled Potatoes. Summer Squash, Corn Fritters. Salad, Potato and Beet-root. Cheese. Wafers. Raspberries with Whipped Cream. Washington Cake. Coffee. THURSDAY. Vegetable Soup. Beef a la Mode, Brown Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Lima Beans. Macaroni with Tomato Sauce. Lobster Croquettes. Salad, Cucumber ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Tart with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Beef Soup with Italian Paste. Lamb Chops in Batter. Creamed Potatoes. Stewed Corn. Macaroni with Cheese. Clam Fritters. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Cream Rice Pudding. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Hasty Tomato Soup. Fried Trout or Perch. Chickens, Steamed ; Egg Sauce. Potato Puff. Baked Squash. Rice Croquettes Salad, a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Cherry Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. JULY MENUS. SUNDAY. White Soup. Salmon Cutlets. Braised Veal with Mushrooms. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Green Corn Pudding. Tomatoes. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Cucumbers ; PYench Dressing. Dutch Cheese. Wafers. Cottage Puffs, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Bechamel Soup. Salmon Croquettes. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce. Potato Puff. Young Turnips. String Beans, Saute. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Cheese. Wafers. Currant Water Ice. Sponge Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Tapioca Soup. Filet de Sole, Sauce Tartare. Mutton Cutlets, Tomato Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Young Turnips. Grouse ; Jelly. Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. W^afers. Apple Pie with Cream. Raspberry Custard. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Broiled Spanish Mackerel. Salmi of Ducks. New Potatoes. Beef a la Mode. String Beans. Stuffed Egg Plant. Sweetbread Croquettes. Wafers. Salad. Cheese. Blackberry Pie. Lemon Jelly. Melons. Cafe Noir. THURSDAY. Little Neck Clams. Green Pea Soup. Broiled Blue Fish. Roast Chicken, Giblet Sauce. New Potatoes. Summer Squash. Sweetbread Patties. Cucumber Salad. Wafers. Olives. Raspberry Cream. Puff Cake. Currant Water Ice. Fruit. Cafe Noir. FRIDAY. Clam Soup. Fried Fish, Sauce Tartare. Lamb Chops in Batter. Potato Slips. Chicken with Rice. Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Squash. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Blanc-mange. Claret Jelly. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Cream Soup. Perch ; Thin Brown Bread and Butter. Roast Ducks, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Vegetable Salad. Currant Pie with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Jelly. 6-. S. PIERCE or' CO., BOSTON, MASS. JULY MENUS. SUNDAY. Corn Soup. Baked Halibut, Creole Style. Breast of Veal, Braised. Boiled Potatoes. Fried Cucumbers. Scalloped Tomatoes. • Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Cream Custards with Jam. Raspberries and Cream. Coffee. MONDAY. Chicken Soup. Baked Blue Fish. Potted Beef, Brown Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Boiled Corn. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Corn-starch Pudding, Cold. Raspberries and Currants. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Sago Soup. Clam Pie. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potato. Ladies' Cabbage, Spaghetti, White Sauce. Salmi of Veal with Olives. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. FRIDAY. Cream Soup. Striped Bass, Boiled ; Egg Sauce Lobster Patties. Lamb Chops, Breaded. Boiled Potatoes. StufTed Tomatoes. Green Corn Pudding. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Potato Soup. Boiled Pickerel, Egg Sauce. Veal Cutlets, White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Green Apple Tart with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Tomato Soup with Rice. Broiled White Fish. Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms. Potato Puff. Boiled Corn. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce, with Olives. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Macaroon Custards with Jam. Raspberries and Cream. Coffee. SATURDAY. Brown Soup. Fried Perch, Sauce Piquanxe. Ragout of Mutton with Olives. Boiled Potatoes. Creamed Squash. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. F"resh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. JULY MENUS. SUNDAY. Summer Cabbage Soup. Fish Croquettes. Fricandeau of Veal, Larded. Potato Puff. Green Peas. Spaghetti with Cheese. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Neuchatel Cheese. Wafers. Raspberry Water Ice. Cakes. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. White Soup. Curried Lobster. Mock Pigeons, Brown Sauce. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Green Peas. Stewed Tomatoes. Corn Fritters. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. ■ Cheese. Bent's Crackers. Lemon Cream with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Calf's Head Soup. Stewed Lobster. Fried Chickens, Cream Sauce. New Potatoes, Sliced Beets. Macaroni au Jus. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Tomatoes Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Black-Cap Raspberry Short Cake. Whipped Cream. Coffee. FRIDAY. Rice Soup. Deviled Crab in Shells. Rolled Breast of Veal, Braised. New Potatoes. String Beans. Spaghetti with Cream. Vegetable Salad. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Snow Custard, Small Cakes Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Crab Soup. Fried Perch or Trout. Calf's Head, Boiled Sauce Piquante. Potato Puff. Green Corn Pudding. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. ' Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Cherry Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Green Pea Soup. Fish Croquettes. Salmi of Ducks with Olives. Stuffed Potatoes, Creamed Squash. Calf's Tongue and Brains. Salad, Veal Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Raspberry Bavarian Cream. Washington Cake. Coffee. SATURDAY. Cream Soup. Stewed Bass with Wine. Veal Cutlets, Breaded, with Olives. New Potatoes. Fried Squash. Succotash with Cream. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Rennet Custard with Jam Fresh Fruit. Coffee. S. S. FIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. AUGUST MENUS. SUNDAY. Potato Soup. Fried Perch, Sauce Tartare. Stewed Chickens with Dumplings. New Potatoes. Green Peas. Green Corn Fritters. Beef Tongue with Olives. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Pudding with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Julienne Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce. Mashed Potato. Green Corn. Baked Egg-plant. Salad, a la Russe. Cheese Omelette. Peach Water Ice. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Lobster Bisque. Pattieo of Creamed Fish. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Browned Potatoes. Stewed Corn. Macaroni with Tomato Sauce. Salad, New Beets and Potatoes. Cheese. Wafers. Spanish Cream. White Cake. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Green Pea Soup. Fish Chowder. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. New Potatoes. Creamed Squash. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad, Lettuce , French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Blackberry Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. White Soup. Fish Croquettes. Rolled Rib-roast of Beef. Browned Potatoes. Young Onions. Green Corn Pudding. Salmi of Chicken with Rice. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Whole Peach-pie with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Corn Soup. Bouille Baisse. Rolled Beefsteak, Braised. Browned Potatoes. Fried Squash. Baked Egg-plant. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon and Vanilla Ice Cream. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Bean and Tomato Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Smothered Chickens with Rice. New Potatoes. Fried Cucumbers. Old-fashioned Succotash. Beef Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce and Tomatoes. Cheese. Wafers. Blackberry Pie with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. AUGUST MENUS. SUNDAY. White Soup. Curried Lobster. Beefsteak Pie with Mushrooms. New Potatoes. Egg-plant Fritters. Green Corn Pudding. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Baked Cup Custards. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Macaroni Soup. Curried Lobster. Stewed Ducks with Olives. New Potatoes. Boiled Corn. Egg-plant Fritters. Chicken Rissoles. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Almond Custards. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Clam Soup. Fried Fish, Perch or Trout. Collops of Veal with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Virginia Hotch-Potch. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Blueberry Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee, WEDNESDAY. Noodle Soup. Fish Chowder. Boiled Chickens and Tongue. New Potatoes. Lima Beans. Fried Egg-plant. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Cheese. Cream Crackers. Peaches and Cream. Lemon Jelly. Light Cake. Coffee. THURSDAY. Corn Soup. Bouille Baisse. Game Mutton with Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Young Beets. Turnips Stewed in Cream. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Huckleberry Pie with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Cream Soup. Clam Pie. Braised Breast of Veal. Mashed Potatoes. Green Corn. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad, Vegetable Mayonnaise. Cheese Omelette. Peach Water Ice. Lady Fingers. Water Melon. Coffee. SATURDAY. Vegetable Soup. Fried Perch. Chicken Pot-Pie, Virginia Fashion. Mashed Potatoes. Fried Cucumbers. Baked Egg-plant, Stuffed. Veal Rissoles. Salad a la Russe. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Apple Custard with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. S. S. PIERCE & CO., BOSTON, MASS. AUGUST MENUS. SUNDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Fish Chowder. Braised Beef with Mushrooms. Browned Potatoes. String Beans. Green Corn Pudding. Salad, Dressed Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Water Ice, Italian Manner. Washington Cream Cake. Coffee. MONDAY. Potato Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. G/een Peas. Brunswick Stew. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Blackberry Roll, Hard Sauce, Omelette Soufflee. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clear Soup. Clam Pie. Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding. Browned Potatoes. Stewed Okra. Lima Beans. Baked Egg Plant. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Ice Cream. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Clam Chowder. Chicken Patties. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. New Potatoes. Creamed Squash. Egg-plant," Stewed. Salad, String Beans Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Water Ice. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Tapioca Soup. Bouille Baisse. Roast Loin of Veal. Jelly. Whipped Potatoes. Succotash. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Chicken Patties. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Peaches and Cream. Coffee. THURSDAY. Noodle Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Beef Rechauffe with Mushrooms. Creamed Potatoes. Green Corn. Tomatoes with Macaroni. Chicken Rissoles. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. White Soup. Baked Blue Fish. Fricandeau of Veal, Larded. Chopped Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Lima Beans in Cream. Salad, Lettuce and Tomato. Cheese. Wafers. Green Apple Tart with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. AUGUST MENUS. SUNDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Stewed Eels. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Baked Egg-plant. Salad a la Russe. Lemon Pudding with Meringue. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. MONDAY. Rice and Tapioca Soup. F"ried Perch. Brunswick Stew. Mashed Potatoes. Scalloped Onions. Succotash with Cream. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Cucum-bers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream. Sponge Cake. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Corn Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Smothered Chickens with Rice. Mashed Potatoes. Stuffed Tomatoes. Sliced Beets, Buttered. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Cream Crackers. Cottage Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. White Soup. Fillets Of White-fish, Stewed. Calf's Liver Larded, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Lemon Water Ice. Lady Fingers. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Ox-tail Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Roast Ribs of Beef, Rolled. Browned Potatoes, Creamed Squash. Green Corn. Fried Egg-plant. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Snow Custards with Jam. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. THURSDAY. Hasty Tomato Soup. Fish Chowder. Braised Beef, Brown Gravj'. Browned Potatoes. Green Corn. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Batter Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup. Baked Fish. Roast Ducks, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Succotash. Stewed Egg-plant. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Damson Tart with Cream. Omelette Souffiee. Coffee. ^. ^. PIERCE a^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Clear Soup. Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce. Fillet of Veal Stuffed and Braised. Creamed I^otatoes. Cauliflower. Fried Chicken, Virginia Fashion. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Peach Water Ice. Small Cakes. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Tapioca and Veal Soup. Salmon Croquettes. Roast Ducks, Currant Jelly. Stuffed Tomatoes. Potatoes. Scalloped Cauliflower. Salmi of Veal with Olives. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Damson Roly-Poly, Hard Sauce. Melons. Grapes. Pears. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Vegetable Soup. Fish Chowder. Rolled Beefsteak, Stewed. Mashed Potatoes. Succotash. Scalloped Tomatoes. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Macaroni Soup. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Beets with Butter. Broiled Sweetbreads, Tomato Sauce. Salad a la Russe. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Velvet Cream. Apple Pie. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Mulligatawny Soup. Fish Chowder. Squirrel Pot Pie, Virginia Fashion. Potato Puff. Stewed Tomatoes. Lima Beans in Cream. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Cup Custards, Baked. White Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Tomato Soup with Rice. Broiled Halibut. Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms. Potato Puff. Sweet Corn. Salmi of Duck. Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Macaroni Custards with Jam. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Cauliflower Soup. Baked Salmon Cutlets. Beef's Tongue, Larded and Braised. Browned Potatoes. Sweet Corn. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Iceland Moss Blanc-mange. Puff Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. photo-Cn^pavii\^: fLEMlNQ •j> m^k%m #LLET ejf f^enty^T?^/}^ H [OPl iE3IGNER§7- Eh'QRAVER^- pRINTEF^- ITERS S. S. FIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Savory Soup. Fish Croquettes. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Succotash. Cauliflower au Gratin. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. English Syllabub. Sponge Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Scotch Soup. Baked F"ish. Roast Beef, Sauce Piquante. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Sweet Potatoes, Apple Sauce. Chicken Rissoles. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Blackberry Short Cake, Hot. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Puree of Salmon. Lobster Croquettes. Mutton Pie with Mushrooms. Creamed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Scalloped Tomatoes. Braised Kidneys, Brown Sauce. Salad, Vegetable Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Compote of Apples. Cake. Omelette Soufliee. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. Tapioca Soup. Roast Ducks, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Stuffed Tomatoes. Sweet Potatoes, Browned. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lima Beans Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Comoote of Peaches, ("ake. Iced Melons. Coffee. TUESDAY Vegetable Soup. Curried Lobster. Boiled Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Baked Egg-plant. Casserole of Rice and Chicken. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Cream Crackers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Corn and Bean .Soup. Oyster Patties. Mock Quails, Tomato Sauce. Browned Potatoes. Lima Beans. Baked Egg-plant, Stuffed. Beef's Tongue, Sauce Piquante. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. SATURDAY. Vegetable Soup. Curried Lobster. Breast of Lamb a la Jardiniere. Creamed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Cauliflower, White Sauce. Salmi of Ducks with Rice. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DA Y IN THE YEAR. Fall River Line, BETWEEN BOSTONX^NEW YORK. Via Fall River and Newport. To accommodate the large and increasing business via this Line, the largest steamers of the Company will remain in commission continuously : The "PILGRIM," "BRISTOL," and "PROVIDENCE" alternating. These splendid vessels are staunch and powerful, and being thoroughly heated by steam and lighted throughout by electricity, travelers will find them as comfortable as the best hotels. Quick time and sure connections can be relied upon. Each steamer carries a fine Orchestra for the entertainment of passengers. From BOSTON. — Express trains connecting with steamers at Fall River in 80 minutes. Leave from Old Colony Station daily (Sundays included, excepting January to April inclusiv^e). From NEW YORK. — Steamers leave Pier 28, North River, foot of Murray Street daily (except as above) and connect at Fall River the next morning, with six trains for Boston and other points, leaving the Wharf at hours to suit early risers, or those more leisurely inclined. Express train time to Boston from Fall River about eighty minutes. Send Four Cents in stamps to General Passenger Age7it for "The Old Colony, or Pilgrim Land Past and Present," an hiteresting and instructing book of 100 pages. Mention this publication. J. R. KENDRICK, GEO. L. CONNOR, Gen'l Manager, Boston. Gen'l Pass'r Agent, New York. Bent & Co.'s Cracker Meal is one of the most extensively used articles now in the market, and is the only article of its kind manufactured from their celebrated Hand-Made Water Crackers, which are the purest and best crackers made, and is warranted not to contain any acids, grease, lard, or saleratus. It is absolutely pure, and will keep for a long time ; is used by the best cooks in New York and Boston, and very highly indorsed and used by the Boston Cooking School as the only article that they had yet found that came up fully to the requirements, in which to fry clams, oysters, cutlets, etc. Bent & Co.'s Cracker Meal is put up in i-lb. cartons, and in every carton is enclosed forty receipts, written expressly for Bent & Co., by Mrs. Hester M. Poole, of New York, who has thoroughly tried every receipt. BENT'S CRACKERS. More than eighty years ago a factory for the manufacture of crackers was established at Milton, Mass. The business, which was begun on a small scale, has been carried on through all the intervening years up to the present time, and has now reached very large proportions. The crackers are made by hand, in the same way as they were originally, and of the best flour. The ovens are heated by the ancient method of burning fagots in them, which renders them free from gas. The Bent crackers are used in most of the leading hotels in this country, and are shipped in large quantities to all parts of the world. For family use they are unexcelled, being very palatable and healthful. They are praised when- ever referred to by anyone who has used them. — Boston Courier (Sunday, Nov. 14, 1886). For Sale by S. S. Pierce &, Co. 6'. S. PIERCE CO., BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Browned Potatoes. Lima Beans. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad, Lobster Mayonnaise. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Velvet Cream. Lady Fingers. Grapes. Pears. Coffee. MONDAY. Clear Beef Soup. Baked Fish. Smothered Chickens with Rice. Creamed Potatoes. Sliced Beets. Green Corn Pudding. Sheep's Tongues in Jelly. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Bent's Hard Water Crackers. Omelette SoufHee. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Oyster Soup. Beef's Tongue, Larded, Sauce Piquante. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Egg-plant Fritters. Ragout of Lamb with Mushrooms. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Whole Peach Pie with Cream. Iced Water Melon. Coffee. FRIDAY. Savory Soup. Oyster Patties. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Lima Beans ih Cream. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Baked Custard with Meringue. Iced Melons. Coffee. TUESDAY. Chicken Soup. Baked Pickerel, White Sauce. Breast of Lamb, Stewed. Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Corn. Cauliflower Scallop. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Beet-root and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. Diplomatic Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Grapes and Peaches. Coffee. THURSDAY. Potage a la Reine. Lobster Croquettes. Roast Quarter of Lamb, Mint -Sauce. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Sweet Corn. Scalloped Tomatoes. Woodcock with Acid Jelly. Salad, Lettuce and Cucumbers. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Ice Cream. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Tomato Soup. Fish Chowder. Rolled Beefsteak, Braised. Creamed Potatoes. Shelled Beans. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Frozen Custard. Sponge Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. SEPTEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Rice and Tomato Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Glazed Ham, Virginia Fashion. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Lima Beans in Cream. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Deep Apple Pie with Cream. Iced Melons. Coffee. MONDAY. Corn Soup. Panned Oysters on Toast. Roast Leg of Mutton, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Young Turnips. Ladies' Cabbage, White Sauce. Salad, Lettuce, Plain. Cheese. Wafers. Corn-starch Pudding with Meringue. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Vegetable Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Lamb Chops in Batter. Olives. Stuffed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Baked Egg-plant. Lambs' Tongues in Jelly. Salad, a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Damson Tart with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee, FRIDAY. Macaroni Soup. Fish Kromeskys. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes, Lima Beans. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Beef's Tongue, Sauce Piquante. Salad, Vegetable Ma5'onnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Compote of Pears with Cream. Iced Water-melon. Coffee. TUESDAY Tomato Soup. Fried Pan-fisti. Fricandeau of Veal, Larded. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Corn Tomatoes Scalloped. Casserole of Rice and Chicken. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Clam Soup. Baked Halibut, Creole Style. Braised Beef, a la Jardiniere. Boiled Potatoes. Sliced Beets. New England Succotash. Broiled Sweetbreads, Tomato Sauce. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Charlotte with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Potato Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Brunswick Stew. Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Corn. Cauliflower au Gratin. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Beetroot and Potato. Cheese. Wafers. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. S. S. PIERCE &> CO., BOSTON, MASS. OCTOBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Noodle Soup. Pan-fish, Fried in Crumbs. Smothered Chickens with Rice. Boiled Potatoes. Lima Beans. Macaroni with Cheese. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese Omelette. Tapioca Cream. Puff Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. . Sago Soup. Smothered Oysters. Veal Cutlets, Breaded ; White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Cauliflower au gratin. Salad, Salmon Mayonnaise. Wafers. Cream Cheese. Bread and Butter Pudding, Hard Sauce. Iced Watermelon. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clam Soup. Broiled Fillets of Bass. Loin of Veal, Larded and Roasted. Potato Balls. Stewed Tomatoes. Chicken Croquettes. French Peas. Shrimp Salad. Neufchatel Cheese. Wafers. Sponge Pudding, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. TUESDAY. Split Pea Soup. Baked Bass, White Sauce. Breast of Lamb Braised. Potato Puff. '^'rench Beans. Egg-plant Fritters. Woodcock with Grape Jelly. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Apple Fritters, Wine Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Clear Brown Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Broiled Spring Chickens. Potatoes. Stewed Corn, Tomatoes Fried in Crumbs. Salmi of Veal with Olives. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Peach Sponge with Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. FRIDAY. Raw Oysters. Macaroni Soup. Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnip. Egg-plant Fritters. Broiled Sweetbreads, Cream Sauce. Salad a la Russe. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Spanish Cream with Raspberry Jam. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. SATURDAY. Julienne Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Calf's Head, Boiled ; Sauce Tartare. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Cauliflower with Cheese. Salmi of Game, with Olives. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Claret Jelly. Sponge Cake. Iced Watermelon. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Daniels, Badger &* Co., Manufacturers : of : Fine : Furniture, Wholesale and Retail. WAREROOMS, 25 SUDBURY ST.; FACTORY AT CAMBRIDGE. Electric - Lustr e - Starch. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. Can be Used With or Without Boiling. By the use of ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH the clothes can be washed, starched and ironed on the same day. It Saves Time, Labor and Trouble can be made ready for use in one minute, will not stick to the iron, gives an ELEGANT GLOSS, and is invaluable to every house- keeper. Washing day has no terrors for the house- keeper who uses ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH. One pound equal to two pounds of any other starch. Don't try to get through washing day without it. Ask your grocer for it. If he does not keep it, it is time he did. Tell him to get it for you. Don't take an imita- tion. Get the genuine. MANUFACTURED BY THE ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH CO. 54 Central Wharf, ■ BOSTON, MASS., TJ. S. A. 6'. 6\ FIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. OCTOBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Oysters on Half-shell. Vegetable Soup. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Creamed Squash. Stewed Pigeons. Potato Strips. Vegetable Salad. Pine-apple Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Bavarian Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Soup, Consomme Royal. Casserole of Beef and Rice. Mashed Potatoes. Sliced Beets. Scalloped Tomatoes. Calf's Liver, Larded and Braised. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Pine-apple Custards. White Cake. Grapes and Pears Coffee. TUESDAY. Green Pea Soup. Clam Fritters. Roast Ribs of Beef, Rolled. Browned Potatoes. Succotash. Stewed Egg-plant. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. French Peas. Salad, Cucumbers Dressed. Cheese. Wafers. Lemon Jelly. Whipped Cream. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Tapioca Soup. Oyster Patties. Beef Rechauffe with Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Spaghetti in Stock. Salmi of Ducks. Potato Strips. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Peach Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. THURSDAY. Clam Chowder. Mutton Cutlets, Breaded. Jelly. Potato Puff. Savory Rice. Spinach with Eggs. Salad, Salmon Mayonnaise. Edam Cheese. Bent's Crackers. Apple Charlotte with Cream. Pears and Plums. Coffee. FRIDAY. Barley Soup. Clam Fritters. Roasts Sirloin of Beef. Browned Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Succotash. Stewed Egg-plant. Salad, Lima Beans Mayonnaise. ^ Cheese. Wafers. Cream Rice Pudding, Cold. Iced Water-melon. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup. Panned Oysters on Toast. Smothered Chickens with Rice. Potato Puff. Creamed Squash. Egg-plant Fritters. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Cheese. Wafers. Spanish Cream with Jelly. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. GOOD niNNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. OCTOBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Beef's Tongue, Sauce Piquante. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Salmi of Chicken with Rice. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Wine Jelly with Whipped Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. MONDAY. Bean Soup. Baked Bass. Beef a la Mode, Brown Sauce. Creamed Potatoes. Stewed Onions. Ladies' Cabbage, with Cream. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Fish Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Custard Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Vegetable Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Casserole of Beef with Rice. Mashed Potatoes. Egg-plant Fried. Sweet Potatoes Browned. Lambs Tongues in Jelly. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Claret Jelly. Lady Cake. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. White Soup. Fish Chowder. Beefsteak Rolled and Stuffed. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Lima Beans. Spaghetti with Stock. Sweetbread Rissoles. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Wafers. Quince Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Raw Oysters. Mock Turtle Soup. Fricandeau of Veal, Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower a la Creme. Salad, Potato, Beetroot. Cheese. Wafers. Cocoanut Pudding with Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. FRIDAY. Savory Soup. Clam Fritters. Roast Leg of Lamb, Grape Jelly. Browned Potatoes. Succotash. Fried Egg-plant. Salad, Fish Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Custard Rice Pudding, Hot. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. SATURDAY. Sago Soup. Panned Oysters. Roast Ducks, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Macaroni a la Creme. Patties of Minced Lamb. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Tart with Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. ^. S. PIERCE &^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. OCTOBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Clam Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Braised Breast of Veal, Boned. Potato Snow. Sliced Beets. Green Corn Pudding. Salmi of Ducks. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Coffee Custards. Lady Cake. Iced Watermelon. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Savory Soup. Corned Beef, Round, Boiled. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Cabbage. Spaghetti in Stock. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Snow Custard, Lady Cake. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Macaroni Soup. Clam Fritters. Miroton of Corned Beef. Potatoes. Cauliflower a la Creme. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salmi of Ducks, Jelly. Salad, a la Russe. Cream Cheese. Wafers. Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Bananas Sliced. Coffee. FRIDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Oyster Patties. Glazed Ham, Virginia Fashion. Creamed Potatoes. Squash. Sweet Potatoes, Browned. Lambs Tongues in Jelly. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pie with Cream. Bananas Sliced. Coffee. TUESDAY. Bean Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding. Potatoes. Stewed Parsnips. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Sweetbread Rissoles. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Cabinet Pudding, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Apples. Coffee. THURSDAY. Mulligatawny Soup. Baked Bass, Sauce Piquante. Breast of Mutton, Stewed. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Young Turnips. Dumplings. Stewed Tomatoes. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Potato and Beetroot. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Custards. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Clear Soup. Baked Halibut, Creole Style. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Lima Beans in Cream. Veal and Ham Patties. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Apricot Tart with Cream. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. NOVEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Oyster Fritters. Roast Turkey. Cranberry Jelly. Potatoes Mashed. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad. Vegetable. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Coffee. Salsify. MONDAY. White Soup. Fried Smelts, Lemon and Parsley. Casserole of Turkey, with Rice. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Lima Beans. Parsnip Fritters. Salad. Potato and Beet-root. Cheese. Wafers. Spanish Cream. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Jugged Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Fricandeau of Veal, Larded. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Peas. Macaroni with Cheese. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Fanchonettes. Baked Custards. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Julienne Soup. Oyster Patties. Roast Ribs of Beef, Rolled. Browned Potatoes. Lima Beans. Scalloped Tomatoes. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Fruit Pudding, Hard Sauce. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee, THURSDAY. Clear Beef Soup. Fried Smelts. Beef Rechauffe, with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Onions. Egg-plant Fritters. Roast Ducks with Jelly. Potato Salad. Cheese, Wafers. FRIDAY. White Soup with Noodles. Oyster Pie. Smothered Chickens, White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Parsnip Fritters. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Tapioca Pudding with Cream. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. SATURDAY. Mutton Broth with Rice. Baked Halibut. Roast Rabbits, Currant Jelly. Sweet Potatoes, Browned. Mashed Potatoes. Ladies' Cabbage. Salmi of Ducks. Lettuce Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Cocoanut Pudding with Cream. Bananas and Oranges. Coffee. ^. S. PIERCE ^^ CO., BOSTON, MASS. NOVEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Savory Soup. Scalloped Oysters. Ragout of Mutton with Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Parsnips. Scalloped Tomatoes. Beef Croquettes. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Sponge Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MONDAY. Oyster Soup. Fried Smelts. Brunswick Stew with Chickens. Mashed Pota'^oes. Baked Tomatoes. Fried Sweet Potatoes. Birds on Toast, Jelly. Salad, Lettuce, Cheese. Wafers. Boiled Batter Pudding, Wine Sauce. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. TUESDAY. White Soup. Panned Oysters. Saddle of Mutton, Virginia Fashion. Potato Puff. Corn Fritters. Macaroni with Cheese. Salad, Potato and Beet-root. Cheese. Wafers. Almond Cream Custards. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Clam Soup. Fish Chowder. Mutton Pie with Mushrooms. Browned Potatoes. Lima Beans. Stewed Parsnips. Lettuce Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Compote of Apples. White Cake. Coffee. FRIDAY. Oysters on the Half-shell. Amber Soup. Salmon, Sauce Hollandaise. Sweetbreads and Peas. Lamb Chops, Tomato Sauce. Fillet of Beef "with Mushrooms. Roast Quails, Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Charlotte Russe with Strawberry Jam. Chocolate Ice Cream. Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. THURSDAY. Vegetable Soup. Fish Chowder. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Boiled Potatoes. Salsify Fritters. Tomatoes Scalloped. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers, i ne Jelly with Whipped Cream. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. SATURDAY. Oyster Soup. Baked Halibut. Rolled Beefsteak, Stuffed. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Stewed Onions. Squash. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Edam Cheese. W^afers. Orange Pudding with Cream. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. NOVEMBER MENUS- SUNDAY. Chicken Soup. Oyster Patties. Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding. Potato Snow. Stewed Turnips. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Salad, Vegetable. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MONDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. P^ied Smelts. Roast Leg of Pork, Apple Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Peas. Casserole of Chicken. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Pudding, Hot. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Game Soup. Pan-fish, Fried. Roast Chicken, Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Parsnips. Macaroni with Cheese. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Brown Betty, Foamy Sauce. Bananas and Oranges. Coffee. FRIDAY. Vegetable Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Casserole of Beef with Olives. Browned Potatoes. Tomatoes Stewed. Lima Beans in Cream. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese Omelette. Apple Pie with Cream. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. TUESDAY. Oysters in Block of Ice. Baked Bass garnished with Smelts. Sweetbreads and Tomato Sauce. Broiled Sardines on Toast. Deviled Chicken. Potato Strips. Mayonnaise of Salmon, Shrimp Garnish. Welsh Rare-bit. Charlotte Russe. Ice Cream. Cake. Coffee. THURSDAY. Chicken Soup. Clam Fritters. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Creamed Squash. Salmi of Grouse. Potato Slips. Celery Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Chocolate Custards. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Split-Pea Soup. Fish Kromeskys. Chine of Pork, Roasted. Mashed Potatoes. Fried Apples. Macaroni a I'ltalienne. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Squash Pie. Lemon Tartlets. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. ^. S. PIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. NOVEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Oyster Patties. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Jelly. Browned Potatoes. Canned Corn. Scalloped Tomatoes. Celery Mayonnaise. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Bananas. Coffee. Cheese. MONDAY. Giblet Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Creamed Potatoes. Savory Rice. Spaghetti in Stock. Casserole of Minced Turkey. Salad, Lettuce. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. TUESDAY. Oyster Soup. Fish Fritters. Beef Pie, with Mushrooms. Mashed Potatoes. Ladies' Cabbage. Tomatoes stewed with Onion. Game Patties. Celery Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Pie with Cream. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Brown Soup. Roast Loin of Veal. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Celery. Canned Peas, in Cream. Oyster Patties. Fish Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Batter Pudding, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Apples. Coffee. THURSDAY. Veal and Tapioca Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Veal and Ham Pie a I'Anglaise. Potato Croquettes, Apple Sauce. Macaroni with Cheese. Celery Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Baked Custard, with Meringue. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. FRIDAY. Beef Soup. Clam Fritters. Lamb Chops in Batter. Olives. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Peas. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Lobster Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. SATURDAY. Savory Soup. Fried Pan-fish. Roast Goose, Apple Sauce. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Iceland Moss. Blanc-mange. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Geo. H. Morrill & Co. (agents.) IIVIPORTERS OK DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Sterling Silverware. SILK UMBRELLAS AND CANES, OPERA GLASSES, NOVELTIES, FINE JEIVELRY OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Geo. H. Morrill ^ Co., (agents) 2 Bromfield St., Boston. UP ONE FLIGHT. We employ the most skilled workmen — made competent by long experience abroad — for the repairing and cleaning of intricate watches, clocks and musical boxes. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Having an attractive chamber store our expenses are much smaller than those upon the street, which enables us to make very close prices. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. S. S. PIERCE &- CO., BOSTON, MASS. DECEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Medley Soup. Panned Oysters. Rolled Breast of Mutton, Boned and Braised. Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. Turnips Stewed in Cream. Salmi of Goose, Jelly. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Meringue. Cake. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MONDAY. Bean Soup. Baked Halibut. Veal Cutlets, Breaded. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes, Cauliflower a la Creme. Savory Croquettes. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Macaroni Custards. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Cream of Rice Soup. Oyster Patties. Stewed Chickens with Rice. Potato Croquettes. Stewed Tomatoes. Creamed Squash. Celery Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Wine Jelly with Whipped Cream. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. FRIDAY. Mulligatawny Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Brown Fricassee of Chickens, Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower. Tomatoes Stewed with Onion. Celery Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Squash Pie, Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Veal and Tapioca Soup. Fish Fritters. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce. Sala-f, Salmon Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. THURSDAY. Oyster Soup. Pan-fish, Fried. Braised Beef, Sauce Piquante. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Carrots. Macaroni with Cheese. Birds on Toast, Jelly. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Custard Pudding with Cream. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. SATURDAY. Oyster Soup. Fish Croquettes. Casserole of Beef ; Olives. Browned Potatoes. Salsify. Beets Sliced and Buttered. Roast Ducks, Jelly. Salad, Vegetable. Cheese. Wafers. Baked Custards. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. THE GENUINE JOHANN • HOFF ivlalt Extract IS PUT UP ONLY LIKE THIS FAC- SIMILE OF THE BOTTLE. An abstract from the work on " Pulmonary- Diseases," published by Prof. Prosper de Pietra Santa, of Paris : " For some years Johann Hoff, of Berlin, has manu- factured a Liquid Malt Extract which the medical profes- sion have used with such beneficial results, because of its at dietetic properties. This Malt Extract has re- markable nutritious action, both tonic and refreshant, and has proved to be of great value in chronic diseases, produc- ing a contraction of the muscles of the digestive organs. As an aid to digestion it is wonderful in building up lost power. The great practitioners of Paris — Blache, Earth, Geuneau de Mussy, Pidaux, Fauvel, Empis, Danet, Robert de La- tour, Bouchut, Piorry and Fardien — highly recommend this pleasant remedy in restoring weakened digestion. My personal experience leads me to confirm the praise which Prof. l,aveau expresses in the following words : ' As a large number of patients lack the requisite power to digest solid food, and would, through the use of stimulants, be merely excited and weakened, therefore I regard it of immense value to the practitioner to be able to call to his aid a nutritious tonic and remedy like the genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, which will act not only as a tonic but as a nutrient as well, and which is less exciting than wine or any stimulant." Dr. Prosper De Pietra Santa, Place U Ecole de Medecine^ Rue A ntoine Dubois^ 2, Paris. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract has the signatures of ''Johann Hoff" and " Moritz Eisner" on the neck of every bottle. EISNER & MENDELSON CO. 316-318-320 RACE ST., PHILADELPHIA, SOLE AGENTS FOK THE U. S. ^-bf ^"^ S. S. Pierce & Co., ^Si7s°s!^' S. S. PIERCE &•■ CO., BOSTON, MASS. DECEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Piirce of Salmon. Panned Oysters. Haunch of Venison, Jelly. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Salsify Fritters. Salad, Lima Beans, MayonnaisCo Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Pudding, Wine Sauce. Claret Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. MONDAY. Medley Soup. Pan-fish, Fried. Venison Rechauffe with Wine and Jelly. .Mashed Potatoes. Parsnip Fritters. Fried Sweet Potatoes. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Orange Bavarian Cream. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. TUESDAY. Raw Oysters. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Turnips. Canned Corn Pudding. Salad a la Russe. Edam Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pie with Cream. Fruit. Nuts and Raisins. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Giblet Soup. Panned Oysters. Rolled Beefsteak, Braised. Browned Potatoes. Fried Parsnips. Scalloped Tomatoes. Celery Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Southern Rice Pudding. Grapes and Apples. Coffee. THURSDAY. Savory Soup. Fried Smelts, Parsley and Lemon. Casserole of Turkey, White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Salsify. Lima Beans. Sweet Potatoes. Birds on Toast, Jelly. Vegetable Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. German Toast, Creamy Sauce, Sliced Oranges. Coffee. FRIDAY. White Soup. Panned Oysters. Fricandeau of Veal, Larded. Mashed Potatoes. Moulded Spinach. Chopped Sweet Potatoes. Salmi of Game, Jelly. Celery Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Apple Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Nuts. Coffee. SATURDAY. Raw Oysters. Gravy Soup. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Macaroni au Jus. Veal Croquettes. Salad, Fish Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Nuts. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAI IN THE YEAR. DECEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Tomato Soup. Fried Smelt^. Roast Leg of Pork, Sage and Onion Stuffing. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Salsify stewed in Cream. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Corn-starch Pudding, with Jam. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. White Soup. Boiled Chickens, Egg Sauce. Mashed Potatoes, Moulded Spinach. Canned Corn Fritters. Salad, Salmon Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Squash Pie. Lemon Jelly. Grapes and Apples. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Raw Oysters. Potage a la Reine. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Salsify Fritters. Stewed Tomatoes. Sweetbread Croquettes. Salad a la Russe. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Wine Jelly, with Whipped Cream. Omelette Souiiflee. Coffee. TUESDAY. Ox-tail Soup. Panned Oysters. Roast Ribs of Beef, Rolled. Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Turnips Tomatoes Scalloped. Chicken Patties. Celery Salad. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Farina Pudding. SUced Oranges. Coffee. THURSDAY. Lobster Bisque. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Round of Corned Beef, Boiled. Stuffed Potatoes. Ladies' Cabbage. Canned Corn Pudding. Chicken Patties. Vegetable Salad. Cheese. W'afers. Apple and Tapioca Pudding. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. FRIDAY. Chicken Soup. Panned Oysters. Venison Steaks, Currant Jelly. Stuffed Potatoes. CauHflower. Scalloped Tomatoes. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Cottage Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. SATURDAY. Raw Oysters. Game Soup. Roast Sirloin of Beef. Browned Potatoes, Salsify Fritters. Fried Sweet Potatoes. Salmi of Ducks. Olives. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pie, with Cream. Sliced Bananas. Coffee. 5. ^. PIERCE &' CO., BOSTON, MASS. DECEMBER MENUS. SUNDAY. Vermicelli Soup. Fish Kromeskys. Veal Cutlets, Breaded ; Tomato Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Hominy Croquettes.' Stewed Tomatoes, with Onion. Miroton of Corned Beef. Salad, Vegetable Mayonnaise. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Plum Pudding, Foamy Sauce. Grapes and Apples. Coffee. MONDAY. Raw Oysters. Cream of Barley Soup. Roast Beef, Rechauffe. Olives. Potato Balls. Stewed Turnips. Cauliflower au Gratin. Veal Patties. Salad, Celery and Cabbage. Cheese. Wafers Chocolate Custards. Fruit. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. Oysters on the Half Shell, Mock Turtle Soup Lobster Croquettes. Potato Slips. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Jelly. Boiled Tongue, Sauce Piquante. Sweet Potatoes, Browned. Macaroni a la Creme. Salad, Salmon Mayonnaise. Cheese Fondu. Mince Pie. Cabinet Pudding. Fruits and Ices. Coffee. FRIDAY. Savory Soup. Panned Oysters. Veal Cutlets, Breaded ; Mushroom Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Canned Corn Fritters. Roast Ducks, Grape Jelly. Salad, Cold Slaw. Cheese. Wafers. Southern Rice Pudding. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. TUESDAY. Oyster Soup. Fried Smelts. Casserole of Turkey, with Tongue. Mashed Potatoes Salsify, Stewed. Baked Squash. Salad, Cold Slaw. Arrowroot Pudding, Cold. Compote of Apples. Coffee. THURSDAY. Brown Soup. Lobster Croquettes. Leg of Mutton Boiled, Caper Sauce. Boiled Potatoes. Canned Peas. Caulifliower, with Cheese. Vegetable Salad. Edam Cheese. Wafers. German Puffs, Hard Sauce. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. SATURDAY. Lobster Bisque. Fried Smelts. Roast Rabbits, Currant Jelly. Mashed Potatoes. Parsnip Fritters. Scalloped Cauliflower. Salmi of Ducks, Jelly. Celery Salad. Cheese. Wafers. Cabinet Pudding, Hard Sauce. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. MISCELLANEOUS MENUS. MENU. Chicken Soup, with Rice. Broiled Fresh Maclcerel. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Spaghetti with Stock. Rice Birds on Toast. Saratoga Potatoes. Salad, French. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Puff Pudding, Hard Sauce. Fruit. Coffee. Jelly. MENU. Vermicelli Soup. Fish Croquettes ; Thin Brown Bread and Butter. Roast Turkey, Oyster Stuffing. Potatoes Creamed. Sliced Beets. Stewed Celery. Stewed Tomatoes. Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Pie. Jelly with Custard. Fruit. Coffee. MENU. Raw Oysters. Ox-tail Soup. Brown Fricassee of Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Tomatoes, Baked. Sweet Potatoes, Browned. Salmi of Small Birds. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Queen's Toast, Cream Sauce. Bananas, with Cocoanut. Coffee. MENU. Hasty Tomato Soup. Boiled Bass, Egg Sauce. Roasted Sweetbreads. White Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Canned Corn. Curry of Veal, with Rice. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Strawberry Short-cake, with Cream. Wine Jelly. Fruit. Coffee. MENU. Tomato Soup. Salmon Pudding. Breast of Veal, Stuffed. Mashed Potatoes. Salsify. Puree of Spinach, with Eggs. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese. Wafers. Cumberland Pudding, tlard Sauce. Sliced Oranges. Coffee. MENU. Ox-tail Soup. Broiled Shad-Roes. Roast Breast of Mutton, Boned. Mashed Potatoes. Currant Jelly. Hominy Fritters. Spinach. Savory Croquettes. Salad, Tomato and Cucumber. Cheese. Wafers. Pine-Apple Ambrosia. Washington Pie, with Cream. Coffee. MENU. Mutton Broth, with Rice. Fish Croquettes. Roasted Beef-Heart, Larded. Browned Potatoes. Stewed Onions. Macaroni au Jus. Glazed Ham, with Crumbs. Salad, Lettuce Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Spanish Cream. Macaroons. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. 6'. S. FIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. MISCELLANEOUS MENUS. MENU. White .Soup, with Noodles. Fish Chowder. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Whipped Potatoes. Creamed Squash. Young Onions, in Cream. Sweetbread Croquettes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Champagne Jelly. Sponge Cake. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MENU. Savory Soup. Fish Chowder. Roast Loin of Veal. Browned Potatoes. Green Peas. Green Corn Fritters. Salmi of Bucks, with Rice. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. Wafers. Puff Pudding, Hard Sauce. Watermelon, Iced. Coffee. MENU. Tomato Soup. Oyster Patties. Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Fried Egg-Plant. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Fried Bananas, with Cream. Iced Melons. Coffee. MENU. Tomato Soup. Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce. Calf's Liver, Larded and Braised. Mashed Potatoes. Parsnip Fritters. Spinach, with Eggs. Casserole of Beef, with Olives. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Cheese. Wafers. Apple Fritters, Wine Sauce. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. MENU. Soup, Consomme Royal. Baked Bluefish, Sauce HoUandaise. Roast Chickens, Giblet Gravy. Potatoes a la Parisienne. Summer -Squash. Green Corn. Braised Sweetbreads. Salad, Lima Beans Mayonnaise. Cheese Omelette. Chocolate Custards. Lady-fingers. Peaches and Cream. Coffee. MENU. Raw Oysters. Cream of Rice Soup. Baked Bluetish. Smothered Chickens, with Oysters. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Calf's Liver, Larded and Braised. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Wafers. Peach-water Ice. Sponge Cake. Grapes and Pears. Coffee. MENU. Oyster Soup. Fried Perch. Braised Beef, Brown Sauce. Browned Potatoes. Baked Squash. Egg-plant PVitters. Chicken Croquettes. Salad, Tomato Mayonnaise. Cheese. W^afers. Baked Custard with Meringue. Fresh Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. MISCELLANEOUS MENUS. A WINTER BREAKFAST PARTY. Broiled Sardines on Toast, Garnished with Slices of Lemon. Coffee, Chocolate and Tea. Larded Sweet-breads. French Peas. Cold Rolls. Sauteme. Small Fillets of Steak on Toast with Mushrooms. Fried Oysters. Breakfast Puffs. Fillets of Grouse on thin slices of Fried Mush. Potato Strips. Sliced Oranges with Sugar. Waffles and Maple Syrup. A LUNCH PARTY. Raw Oysters on Half-shell. Bouillon, Sherry. Little Vols-au-vent of Sweetbreads. Lamb Chops, Tomato Sauce. Champagne. Chicken Croquettes. French Peas. Snipe. Potatoes a la Parisienne. Salad of Lettuce. Neuchatel Cheese. Toasted Wafers. Chocolate Bavarian Cream. Vanilla Ice Cream. Small Cakes. Fruit. Coffee. A SUMMER BREAKFAST PARTY. Melons. Fried Perch or Trout, Sauce Tartare. Coffee or Tea, and Chocolate. Spring Chickens Stewed in Cream. Saratoga Potatoes. Poached Eggs on Anchovy Toast. Fillets of Porterhouse Steak. Tomatoes with Mayonnaise. Sliced Peaches. A CHILDREN'S PARTY FOR FIFTY. Chicken and Tongue Sandwiches, fifty of each. Buttered Rolls, very small, one hundred. Lady Cake, Sponge Cake, Pound Cake, two loaves each. Fancy Cakes, small, one hundred and fifty. Vanilla Ice Cream, two gallons. Strawberry or Lemon Ice Cream, two gallons. Assorted Candies, seven pounds. Mottoes. Lemonade. Fruit. A LITTLE COMPANY. Roman Punch. Green Pea Soup. Boiled Salmon, Shrimp Sauce. French Chops. Petit Pois. Smothered Chickens. Beef Tongue. Asparagus on Toast. Salad a la Russe. Cheese. Bent's Water Crackers. Water Ices. Raspberry Tarts. Strawberries. Cake. Coffee. A LUNCH PARTY. Bouillon. Roast Oysters on the Flalf-shell. Oyster Patties. Cuts of Fillet of Beef, Braised. French Peas. Chicken Croquettes. Potato Strips. Mayonnaise of Lettuce. Biscuits Glaces. Fruit Ices. Fruit. Bon-bons. Coffee. A LUNCH PARTY. Mock-turtle Soup. Milk Punch. Lobster ■ Chops. Claret. . Mushrooms in Crust. Lamb Chops en Papillote. Chetney of Slices of Baked Fillet of Beef. Chocolate with Whipped Cream. Roast Quail, Bread Sauce. Salad, Lettuce ; French Dressing. Ices and Fancy Cakes. Fruit. ^. S. PIERCE 6- CO., BOSTON, MASS. MISCELLANEOUS MENUS. A DINNER PARTY. Roman Punch. Giblet Soup. Little Vols-au-vent of Oysters. Smelts, Tomato Sauce. Smothered Chickens, White Sauce. Saddle of Venison, Jelly. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Breasts of Quail. French Peas. Salad, Lettuce. Cheese Fondu. Chocolate Bavarian Cream. Vanilla Ice Cream. Ginger Preserves. Small Cakes. Fruit. Coffee. A LUNCH PARTY. Bouillon. Devibd Crabs. Olives. Sweetbreads, Cream Sauce. Fillets of Grouse with Jelly. .Saratoga Potatoes. Mayonnaise of Chicken. Champagne Jelly. Whipped Cream. Pistache Ice Cream. Small Cakes. Fruit. Bon-bons. A LUNCH PARTY. Raw Oysters. Patties of Sweetbreads. Lamb Chops, Tomato Sauce. Chicken Croquettes, French Peas. Salad, Lettuce. Neufchatel Cheese. Wafers. Chocolate Bavarian Cream. Vanilla Ice Cream. Cake. Fruit. Coffee. A LUNCH PARTY. •Bouillon. Sherry. Fried Frogs' Legs, French Peas. Smelts with Sauce Tartare. Chicken in Scallop-shells. Sweetbread Croquettes. Champagne. Fried Cream. Salad, Romaine. Welsh Rare -bit. Vanilla Ice Cream. Fancy Cake. Fruit. Coffee. A FAMILY DINNER. Raw Oysters. Savory Soup. Roast Beef Rechauffe. Macaroni with Cheese. Potato Puffs. Scalloped Tomato. Cabinet Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Wafers. Cheese. Apples. Coffee. A FAMILY DINNER. Cream of Rice Soup. Rolled Beefsteak, Stuffed. Baked Potatoes. Stewed Cabbage. Salad, French Beans. Wafers. Cheddar Cheese. Apple and Tapioca Pudding, Lemon Sauce. Fruil. Coffee. A FAMILY DINNER. Raw Oysters. Soup a ITtalienne. Breaded Mutton Cutlets, Tomato Sauce. Potato Snow. Canned Corn. Apple Sauce. Corn-starch Pudding with Cream. Bent's Water Crackers. Cheese. Fruit. Coffee. GOOD DINNERS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. The Japanese Parlor. One of the Most Fascinating Places FOR Ladies to Visit in this City is the JAPANESE SALESROOM, which' Mr. N. M. Hatch, the well-known Auctioneer, opened some time ago at 238 TREMONT STREET. Mr. Hatch has enlarged the parlor devoted to this business by taking in the room at the back of the one originally devoted to this branch of his trade, so that he has much more room to display his large stock of goods. Ladies who are strangers to this Japanese parlor, and have been in the habit of buying the wares of these ingenious people frorn out of choice stock at high-priced places, would be surprised at the charming articles that can be purchased here at astonishingly low figures. Mr. Hatch is carrying a stock of $30,000 of goods from all parts of Japan, purchased from the six largest importing houses in this country. By buying his goods in this way, he is able to cover the whole country of Japan, and offer to his patrons an almost unlimited variety of goods at very low prices. There ladies will find a great variety of the cute little oddities so suitable for progressive euchre prizes and for German favors. The tables are so arranged that in the front room one will find a 5, 10, 25 and 50 cent counter containing an attractive variety of porcelain, china, straw, lacquer and other work of which the Japanese make specialties. The stock of lacquer and bronze work shown is especially attractive, while in Kaga and Owari ware there is a great variety offered at prices that will astonish those accustomed to buy of some of the Boston dealers. He also shows some fine specimens of Satsuma, Cloisonne and Kioto ware. A specialty is made of straw work, and beautiful baskets are offered at prices from fifteen cents up. — The baskets are exquisitely made, and some of the covered baskets suitable for handkerchiefs and gloves, that are offered for 25 cents, are a bargain not to be found elsewhere, and only equalled by the new line of waste-baskets just received and marked at prices equally low. The screens occupy an entire side of one of the rooms, and a really pretty one can be had for $2.50, or an elegant affair in silk for $70, according to the size of one's purse. The line of porcelain boxes from 20 cents up, and the pretty rose jars at similar figures, are also worth examining. Mr. Hatch has much enlarged his stock since he enlarged his quarters, and ladies who have not been there lately, whether they want to buy small articles or invest in choice bits of bric-a-brac, pretty Japanese bronzes, or rich carvings in teak wood, would do well to visit there before the holiday rush sets in. ^ TITZ BROS. & MORK, Fine Clothing. Mens, Boys' and Children' s A complete assortment of clothing can always be found at this establishment, manufactured in the most approved manner, of reliable material, fit and style not surpassed by garments made to order, at reasonable prices. Examination invited. SPITZ BROS. & MORK, Alanufacturers , Wholesaler's and Retailers. ^08 Washington Street, 5 Bedford Street, Two doors north of R. H. White & Co. tJvP^ ESTABUSI-IED 1847 ' ^/^ PRODUCTS, ALLOFOUR BEAR THIS TRADEMARK WILL ALL IIVIITATIONSa INFRINGBIENIS ^^^^^nm ^-!^-f CH TABLE DELICACIES OlCE DESSERTS OVER 100 ^0IV1£ST|C ^FOREIGN FRUITS a >4^GETAB^£-^ TRAI^SMUTED INTO ABLE DELICACIES OUR PRESERVES & JELLIES HAVE LED THE MARKET FOR 40 YEARS OURMINCEMEAT&PLUM PUDDING ARE SIMPLY INCOMPARABLE. OUR SALAD DRESSING&NEW PROCESS CATSUP GIVE TONE TO THE MOST MODEST REPAST WHILE OUR OLIVES CAPERS AND BRANDY FRUITS ADDED THERETO, TRANSFORM IT INTO A FEAST. FOR SALE BYTHE LEADING GROCERS ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT ANY ARTICLE YOUR GROCER CANNOT SUPPLY, WE WILL IFYOUSEND FOR A PRICE LIST. MINCEJYIEATL MBIiBOUBNE. PHILADELPHIA. ADELAIDE. CINCIMNATI. ST. LOUIS. BURNETT'S Cologne V Water, DNRIYALLED IN RICHNESS AND DELICACY OF PERFUME. IS PREPARED FROM THE PUREST AND BEST MATERIALS, AND WITH THE UTMOST CARE. IT IS EQUAL, IF NOT SUPERIOR, TO THE CELEBRATED FARINA. WITHOUT effort on the part of the proprietors, it has in a brief time attained a large and constantly increasing sale, confirming the opinion of the best judges that it is superior to any foreign or domestic. In quarter and half pints, pints and quarts. In basket style, or plain, with cork or glass stopper. We recommend this Cologne Water to consumers and keep all styles and sizes in stock. S. S. PIKRCK &> CO. Press of Fleming, Brewster & Alley, 31-33 West Twenty-third Street, New York. T HE NEW YORK .^^ BOSTON Despatch Express Company, EXPRESS FORWARDERS TO NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, NEWPORT, R. I., All Points on Cape Cod, NEW BEDFORD, TAUNTON, MATTAPOISETT, MARION, FALL RIVER, MIDDLEBORO, FITCHBURG, And all Points on Old Colony R. R., including MARTHA'S VINEYARD and NANTtJCKET. OKKICKS : 105 to 111 Arch St., 21 1 Washington St., 25 Merchant's Row. WALTON C. TAFT, EDWARD A. TAFT, Superintendent. General Manager. Armstrong Transfer Company THE OBJECT OF THIS COMPANY IS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC A WELL ARRANGED BAGGAGE EXPRESS SYSTEM. THE PRINCIPAL FEATURE OF THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE THE CHECK- ING OF BAGGAGE AT RESIDENCES AND HOTELS TO ANY RAILROAD OR STEAMBOAT IN THE CITY. BAGGAGE CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED IN ANY PART OF THE CITY. AT ALL PRIVATE RESIDENCES, BAGGAGE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ANY PART OF THE HOUSE DESIRED, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. Principal Business Office, 211 Washington Street. BRANCH OFFICES: Boston and Albany Railroad Station, Old Colony Railroad Station, Boston and Lowell Railroad Station, Boston and Maine Railroad Station, Eastern Rail- road Station, New York and New England Railroad Station, 1 05 Arch Street, 1 29 Eliot Street, Adams House, Revere House. XEJLEiF»HO]MEi CALL 1832. FRED. S. LEONARD, EDWARD A. TAFT. Superintendent. President. Boston Cab Company. TELEPHONE 1746. THE BOSTON CAB COMPANY are prepared to furnish elegant vehicles, consisting of Landaus, Berlin Coaches, Broughams, Extension Broughams, Coupes and Victorias, for Pleasure-Riding, Shopping, Calls, and Railroad Service. They will also furnish equipment complete, with careful and experienced drivers in any livery desired, for exclusive service by the month, season or year. This method ensures an elegant private team with none of the attending risks of horses being unfit for service, accidents to horses or carriages, or other annoyances incidental to direct ownership. GENERAL OFFICES, 1 1 1 ARCH STREET. BUSINESS OFFICE, 129 ELIOT STREET. BRANCH OFFICES: 211 WASHINGTON STREET, and 1 05 ARCH STREET. FRED. S. LEONARD, EDWARD A. TAFT, Superintendent. President. The Boston Parcel Delivery Company HOURS FOR DELIVERY: 10.00 A.M., 3.00 P.M., 11.30 A.M., 4.00 P.M., 1.00 P.M., 5.00 P.M., 2.00 P.M., 6.00 P.M. PARCELS left at offices of the Company thirty minutes before the hours for delivery will be promptly delivered, at any part of the city proper for ten cents each. BOOKS CONTAINING TWELVE STAMPS ARE SOLD FOR $1.00. OKFICES : 105, 107, 109, 111 ARCH STREET, 21 1 WASHINGTON STREET, AND AT THE Armstrong Transfer Offices at all Railroad Stations. E. O. KITCH, JVlanager. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 519 201 8