ivtl^.'f ■^^ . ^0- ft. K? CSk ji yS /> aEJT. OHJIIILSS ^Lgl^iaHT. PATRIOTISM OF AND What her People contributed dueing the War FOR THE Preservation of the Union. I By J^ D. LACIAB.. MAUCH CHUNK, PA. 1867. It (5^ • ^v«1 u 1-' PREFACE, The object of the author of this volume, is the preservation of the names and services of the noble men, citizens of Carbon County, who served the country of their birth or adoption, during a period of 'danger? such as no nation ever experienced. The memory of the soldiers who saved the Republic of the United States from the destroying hnnd of a deeply-laid and long-premeditated Rebellion will be ever sacred in the hearts of the American people. It is due to the men who served fnith- fuUy in this great struggle, that their claims to the gratitude of their country should be distinctly recorded and preserved in a perman'nt form, so as to place it within the reach of all. It is with these views that the following record of the services of the Carbon County soldiers has been compiled. The author's aim has been to do justice to all, and as the greater portion of this work has been gathered from official sources, it is reliable and correct. The companies are presented in the order of their organization, as near as possible. It will be observed that many names appear twice — such having re-enlisted. This Is done in order not to mar the company organ- izations, and to present the rolls as they originally stood. We have endeavored, at the expense of a great deal of labor and time to procure the name of every soldier from the county. But we do not pretend to have been successful in securing every one. We have simply done all we could, to make this work reliable and correct. J. D. L. The contributions of Carbon County in aid of suppressing the Slave-holders' Rebellion, — in proportion to her popula- tion, — is unequalled by any county in the State of Pennsyl- vania, and probably not surpassed by any community in any other State. Not only did this County furnish more men in proportion to her voting population, but the record of her soldiers is unsurjaassed in point of bravery and endurance by any other troops. When the first call was made by President Lincoln for 75,000 troops for ninety days, Carbon County sent three full companies to Harrisburg in twenty-four hours. These companies were attached to the 6 th Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. Immediately afterwards a full company was raised for three years, and attached to the famous "Buck- tail Rifles." Upon the expiration of the three months' campaign two companies were raised for the 28th Regiment, P. V. ; iour Companies for the 81st Regiment, P. V. ; one Company for the 67th Regiment P. V. ; one Company for the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry ; one Company for the 11th P. V. ; a portion of a Company for the 53d Regiment, P. V. ; and a portion of a Company for the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Besides these, about a Company were scattered in different other Regiments. On the next call for troops, in 1862, two more full Com- panies were organized for nine months, which were attached to the 132d Regiment, P. V. When the State was threatened with invasion in 1862, a large number of men volunteered for the emergency. In 1863 when Pennsylvania was invaded, VI. the county sent over four hundred men to repel the invaders. In 1864, over two hundred men volunteered for one year. — Besides these volunteers from the county, the different sub- districts paid bounties to the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars to other volunteers. The record of the Carbon soldiers commands the admiration of the country. From the beginning to the end of the war our gallant sons were at " the front." In Western Virginia-— at Falling Waters — ^from the battle of Drainesville, in 1861, to the surrender of Johnson's army in 1865, there was scarcely a battle fought but witnessed the fall of some brave Carbon County soldier. On the Peninsula, where fell Miller, Conner, Shurlock, Abbott, and a host of others; at Chancellorsville, where the noble Chapman sealed his devo- tion to his country with his heart's blood ; at Bull Eun, where the brave HyNdman died, fighting to. the last; at South Mountain where Bitterling cheered on his command with his last breath ; at Mine Run, where we lamented the fall of Phillips, at Spottsylvania, and in the long struggle for the capture of Richmond, where fell Hawk, Ginder, Hoover, McGee, Peters and a host of others; in the last battle with Lee's army, where fell Bond, who had served from the very first call. At Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and a hundred other battle-fields where such men as Major Harkness, Captains Conner, Shields, Pryor, McLaughlin, Abbott, Marsh, Bieber, Patton and a thousand other brave Carbon County soldiers bled and won imperishable laurels. — In the struggles in the South-West, and in the long and fatiguing march of Sherman's army from Atlanta to the sea, in which many of the Carbon County men bled and died. — VII. Such men and such services have made up the Record which is presented in this volume. While we point in sorrow to the long lists of the dead, we mourn with a pride which only such a record can inspire. — - Such a record of heroism, where five-eighths of the soldier.« sent from a community are killed and wounded. But, not only in bravery and heroic fighting is the record of these soldiers unequalled, but also in point of health and endurance. The grand record of casualties in the United States Volun- teers during the war shows that double the number of soldiers died of disease as were killed in battle. The record contained in this volume, shows that three times as many of the Carbon County Volunteers were killed in battle as died of dis- ease. We give the record of officers, as follows : One Brevet Brigadier General. Three Colonels, of whom one was killed. One Brevet Colonel, who was wounded. Three Lieutenant Colonels, of whom one was killed and one wounded. Three Majors, of whom one was killed and one wounded » Twenty-eight Captains, of whom five were killed, oiie died and sixteen wounded. Thirty-nine Lieutenants, of whom seven were killed and twenty wounded, making a total of seventy-eight officers furnished by Carbon County. Of this number fifteen were killed, ONE died of disease, and thirty-nine wounded. But it is not only the record of the officers that presents such unmistakable evidence of bravery and endurance. The men who filled the ranks have a record equally grand ; and it will stand for all time to come as a noble monument to the VIII. patriotism of little Carbon. While the remains of the loved ones rest peacefully in the dust of the battle-fields of the South ; while we mourn the loss of so many of the noblest youths of our county ; while fathers and mothers cherish the memory of patriotic sons, and widows and orphans that of husbands and fathers, we have the one proud consciousness til at during a period of danger such as few nations have ever experienced, we were true to the legacy entrusted to us by the founders of this great nation. The people of Carbon county have the consciousness, that during the slave-holders' rebellion they discharged their whole duty. Native and foreign alike served with honor and distinction, and it is but just to say of the German, Irish and Welsh, who form so large a proportion of the population of Carbon, that they came up nobly to the defence of their adopted country, and the list of deaths on many a battle-field attest the gallantry of the foreign portion of Carbon County Volunteers. THEEE MONTHS' VOLUNTEEES. COMPANY "A," SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V.— MosTfiRED into service April 22, 1881. Discharged July 22, 1B6I. Captain, — Eli T. Conner 1st Lieut. — Wm. I. Conner Id Lieut. — John D. Bertolette \st (Seiy^.— Edward D. Tombler 2d " John T. Simpson Zd " David Ginder Ath " Charles Simons Corporals. — Alfred Knecht Delanson Geddas Oliver K. Pryor Samuel D. Conner Musicians. — Aquilla J. Marsh Edward Wilson Privates. — Andrews, Joseph Angel, Abraham C Arroman, John Brelsford, Nathan Bond, John Bieber, Newton H . Briggs, Hiram Briggs, Wm J Briggs, Israel K Conner, Thomas G Ebert, Thomas W Edwards, Richard Ely, Ezra B Foster, Henry Grandison, Lewis Hawk, Sidney N Hawk, Samuel S Horn, Edwin Hanlin, Thomas Henry, Aaron Helmuth, Wm Islan, John Johnson, Andrew Lynn, Nathan Leffler, Nathan Lines, Jesse Langkamraer, Charles Long, Francis Lindsay, John Lesman, Ernst Yonker, Benjamin. DiBo. — Lentz, Alexander. Died in hospital at Hagerstown, Md., July 22d, 1861, (IX) Miner, Frank Millheim, John Miller, Jacob Moss, George W Mcintosh, Wallace Moser, Aaron Mank, Joel Oxrider, Aaron Ormrod, William Patterson, James Peltz, Charles H Patton, John Peters, Samuel Painter, George F Raw, Albert G H Reinheimer, Daniel A Richard Charles Schadel, Joseph Schofield, John M Strittmaker, Frank Schreiber, Lewis Simpson, Wm Smith, Wm Tate, Robert Tanner, Robert Taggart, Stephen Winters, Lebo Walton, Alfred Winner, Jacob Will, Henry 10 COMPANY SIXTH REGIMENT. COMPANY "I," SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V.— Mustered into skbvicb April 22, 1861. Discharged July 2i, 1861. Captain. — John Craig 1st Lieut.-^Ssimael Shurlock 2d Lieut.— Wm. Belford 1st Sergt. — Thomas Kalbfns Corporals. — Wm. Miller 2d " Nicholas U. Glace George Brown 3d " Wm. De Witt Thomas B. Leisenring* Ath " Lee Stiles Wayne Winters Musicians. — Ch arles Eberly Charles T. Sigman Priva tes, — Andre, Peter McDahola, Robert Bloomy, Henry Martin, Daniel Balentine, John Mont, AAavh Boyd, W J McCroty, John Burt, Andrew Nagel, Jacob Buer, Leonard Neimeyer, A C B Buck, N Overbold, W Beer, Wilson Overbold, S K Bellin, A S ' Pellea, John Boyle, Peter Pearson, Otto Boston, Robert Petrie, Alexander Brislin, John Peffercole, Henry Caffrey, James Reiuniiller, Peter Dny, William - Reed, Joseph Dietrich, Henry Rough, Abraham G Dougherty, Peter Raihwell, Joseph Dert, George Robison, James Frank; George W Rutledge, John Fink, Lewis Smith, Josiah Goodman, Charles Seitzer, Washington Graham, John Smith, S S Green, J'>bn Siieimer, A J Gabriel, J E Saylor, Lew^is Gilmore Archibald Stout, William Hnnuing, Frederick Shelheiraer, J W Heaton, James Smith, C D Hoover, Emanuel Smith, James R Kindlin. John Sewell, John R Ktiorr, Francis Thompson, Samuel Lewis, John Thompson, J B Lee, Joseph Yost, John Lindsay, Joseph Yard, James. Long, Abraham Home, Thomas * Subsequently re-enUsted from Lehigh Coiiuty, in the 47th Regiment. Promoted to Captain, and served to the end of th« war. COMPANY "K,^' sixth REGIMENT. 11 COMPANY "K,'' SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V.— Mustered into serviok Apriu 22, 1861. Discharged Jdlv, 1861. Captain — Thomas Wilhelm \st Lieut. — Patrick Hughs 2d Lieut. — Jacob Arndt \st Sergt. — Charles Cooper 2d " James Warner M " Peter S. E^e ith " Daniel Tubbs Corporals.- -Robert Depue T. Siegfried Henry F. Browa S K Austia Drummer. — George H. Williams Privates. — Arrowman, John Aclier, Cornelius Buck, George Bergenstock, Thomas Billing, Joseph Burnett, John Brittain, Joba Bowman, John Briner, S Buelow, John Bowerfort, Martin Barr, James Conrad, Joseph Conerty, Thomas Connelly, Joseph Chandler, D L Call, Wm C DerciiJin, Daniel Dodson, E B Dunbar, James Fidle:-, John Fritz, John Flat, Franklin Garrory, Wm Glace, Henry R Garritt, Wim'R Geddas, James Henry Jonas Hartz, David Harris, William Hoffman, Henry Klotz, J J KeefViwber, Philip Kleppner, C J>ewis, George McQiiire, John McDuwn, Owen McGeehan, Daniel Miller, R U Miller, Thomas J Murrier, Joseph, Munsen, Henry Moore, Philip Meacham, A Minoinger, C Purcell, R S Parkes, S C Parker, Peter Shultz, John Shiiltz, Frederick Shrank William Schrceber, Frederick Staples, Girard L Sandberr, Anthony Stone, A G Saurwine, Tilghmau Schucke, William Slate, George Summernian, Daniel Smith, Joseph Thomas', William Williams, George Wasscr, J B Watforce, Henry W^liarren, John Young, E. D. The Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was com- manded by Colonel James Nagel, of Pottsville, SchuylkiH County, and attached to General Patterson's Division, which served at Harper's Ferry, and on the Upper Potomac. A. 12 SIXTH EEGIMENT, P. V. very large proportion of the men in these companies, after their discharge, enlisted for three years, or the war. A large number of them became officers. Many are dead, as will be seen by the lists of killed. COMPANY "F,"— BUCKTAIL RIFLES. PENNSYLVANIA RESERVE VOLUNTEER CORPS. This Company was originally intended for the Campaign of three months, but when it reached Harrisburg no compa- nies were accepted for a shorter term than three years. It was the first three years' organization at Harrisburg, — Mus- tered into service May 15, 1861. Captain. — Dennis McGee. Commissioneri May 15, 1861. Discharged in 1863, and subsequently reinstated, and resigned in 1865. Sergeant. — Henry E. Swartz. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged September, 1862 — disability. Sergeant. — George Seiwell. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Deserted from U, S. Hospital, 1862. Sergeant. — W. Harry Ranch. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Served three years. Sergeant. — George Mcintosh. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Drainesville, Dec. 20, 1861. Discharged September, 1862. Armbruster, Fidel Enlisted May 15, 1861 ; re-enlisted January 3, 1864. Taken prisoner June 26, 1862, and May 3, 1864. Ex- changed and served to end of the war. Bott, George Enlisted August 6, 1861. Wounded at Drainesville, Dec. 20, 1861, and at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Beer, Philip Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29,1862. Served three years. Bierlingmeyer, George Enlisted December 16, 1861. Wounded at Antietam, ' September It, 1862. Served three years. Caden, John Enlisted Mav 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Served three years. (xm) 14 COMPANY "f" BUCKTAIL RIFLES. Curtis, William Enlisted May 15, 1861. Carr, Patrick Enlisted May 15, 1861. Deserted. Carroll, John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged on account of disa- bility. Deahn, John Enlisted December 16, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Davis, Eichard W. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged October, 1862, for disability. Dugan, John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wonnded at Fredericksburg, DecemberlS, 1862 and at the Wilderness, May 4, 1864. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Eierly, Joseph. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Served three years. Ehman, Frederick Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Drainesville, Decern ber 20, 1861. Discharged May 1862. Eickoff, George Enlisted May 15, 1861. Served three years. Eickoif, Ferdinand Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Drainesville, De- cen^ber 20, 1861. Served three years. Grieshaber, Anthony Enlisted May 15, 1861. Served three years. Taken prisoner and exchanged. Hawk, Lynford Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Served three years. Higgins, Edward Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged on account of disa- bility. Henah, Michael Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Charles City CrosB Roads. Discharged. Hettinger, William Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Served three years. Hills, John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Served three years. COMPANY "f" — BUCKTAIL RIFLES. 15 Hollenbach, John Enlisted July 21, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Re-enlisted and served to end of the" war. Herman, Albert Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Cliarles City Cross Roads. Served three years. Keiser, William Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served three years. Kennedy, Patrick Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served two years and five months. Re-enlisted in another Regiment. Meyer, John 'Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads. Served three years. Matthews, James Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Gaines' Mill. Re- enlisted and served to the end of the war. Middler, Charles Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Drainesville, Decem- ber 20, 1861. Discharged on account ot wounds. McCafferty, John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged on account of disa- bility, December 11, 1861. Marshall, William Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Discharged on account of wounds. Quinn, Andrew Enlisted May 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to end of the war. Rhoads, Moses Enlisted May 15, 1861. Discharged on account of disa- bility, December 11, 1861, Rehr, William F. Enlisted May 15,1861, Wounded at Gettysburg. Served three years. Shannon, Philip Enlisted May 15, 1861. Served three years. Sutter, Frederick Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Actietam, Septem- ber 17, 1862. Discharged April, 1863. Sellinger, Frank Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Served three years. 16 COMPANY "f" — BUCKTAIL EIFLES. i Sullivan, Daniel Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded and lost a leg at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Discharged. Scott, Thomas Enlisted May 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to end of the war. Trout, Charles Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Discharged. Vogel, Charles Enlisted November 12, 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Yanke, Theodore Enlisted Mt.y 15, 1861. Discharged on account of disa- bility. Zundel, Henry Enlisted May 15, 1861. Promoted to Chief Bugler. Served to end of the war. LIST OF KILLED. Ist. Lieutenant. — Charles Bitterling. Commissioned May 29, 1861. Killed in battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Sergeant. — Conrad Vogel. Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed in battle of South Moun- tain, September 14, 1862. Corporal. — Joseph Shelly. Enlisted August 16, 1861. Killed in battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862. ' Brannon,^John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed in the battle of Fred- ericksburg, December 13, 1862. Brislin, Dennis Enlisted April 29, 1861. Killed near Fredericksburg. Connaghan, Andrew Enlisted April 29, 1861. Killed at battle of Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Fenstermacher, John Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed at battle of Gaines' Mill June 27, 1862. Hanlin, Patrick Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed *t the battle of Bethesda. Church, May 30, 1864. Hooker, John W. Enlisted August 16, 1861. Wounded at Drainpsville, December 20, 1861. Killed at Antietam, September 17. 1862. COMPANY "F — BUCKTAIL RIFLES. King, Martin Enlisted Augusi 6, 1861. Killed at tbe battle of tlie Wilderness, May 3, 1864. ]\lcFadden, Charles Enlisted Miiy 15, 1861. Killed at Soutli Mountain, Sei-il. 14, 1862. Mangold, Peter Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. McCue, Michael Enlisted May 15, 1861. Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Munsen, Henry Enlisted December 16, 1861. Killed at the Wilderness, May 3,11864. Osman, John Enlisted July 21, 1861. Killed at Kelly's Ford, Augusi 26, 1862. llobins, William D. Enlisted May 15, '61. Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June, 1862. Shlaffley, Chi*istian ' Enlisted May 15,1861. Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. DIED. Fell, Stephen Enlisted May 15, 1861. Taken prisoner, and died i;i April, 1864. Hollenbacli, Samuel Enlisted July 21, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Re-enlisted. Captured and died prisoner of war. Schofield, Courtland Enlisted May 15, 1861. Died in Camp Fierpont, Decem- ber, 1861. Shiry, Stephen Enlisted May 15, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862, and died in rebel prison. Shultz, Charles Enlisted December 16, 1861. Captured and died in rebel prison, in 1864. The history of this company is identified with that of the uoble Pennsylvania Reserves. The first action in which the Company participated was the skirmish at Falling Waters^ s is COMPANY '-e'^ — 28TIJ EEg't f A. VOl\S. early in 1861. The first severe action was the battle of Drainesville, December 20, 1861. Subsequently the Com- V,any fought in the seven day's battle, on the Peninsula, in 1 861 ; the battles of Bull Eun, South Mountain, Antietani, Fredericksburg, Chancel lorsvi lie, Gettysburg, the Wilderness battles, and all through the long struggle to the front of Pctersburnr and Richmond in 1864. No organization ren- dered better service than Company " F," First Pennsylvania Bucktail Rifles, 28TH REG'T, PA. VOL'S. COMPANY " E." — Mustered INTO Service, Jciy 6-, 1861 — Re-Enlisj'ei)'' DECEMnEB 27, 1863. Served as a (Company to the end of the War. Major. — Jacob D. Arner. Entered the service as 1st Lieutenant, July 6, 1861. Pro- moted to Captain, January 15, 1863 Promoted to Major, June I, 1865. Served to tiie end of the war. Captain. — Simon F. Laurish. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Re-enlisted December 27, 186.3. Promoted to 1st Sergeant May 1, 1863. Promoted to Cap- tain in 1865. Severely wounded at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. Served to the end of the war. First Lieutenant. — Charles F. Chapman. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, July 6, 1861. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, January 15, 1863. Served three years.- First Lieutenant. — Douglas McLean. Enlisted 1861. Ke-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Ser- geant, September 1863. Severely wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 1865. Served to end of the war. k^econd Lieutenant. — Frank McFall. Enlisted January 25, 1861. Discharged as Sergeant, December 1, 1862. Appointed 2d Lieutenant, Jan. 15, 1863. Second Lieutenant. — Heiiry E. Grover. Enlisted in 1861. Ke-enlisted in 1863. Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, May I, 1863. Promoted 2d Lieuten- ant 1865. Served to the end of the war. Sergeant. — Bernhard Lynch. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted fronrr Private to Corporal, February 18, 1863 : to Sergeant, May 4, 1863. Served to the end of the war. COMPAi!fY "e'* — 28th reo't pa. vol's. 19 Sergeant. — Aaron Bennyhoff. Enlisted in 1861. Private to Corporal, February 16, 1863 ; to Sergeant, April I, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Corporal* — George Harlos, Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1863. Served to th^ end of the war. Corporal. — Herbert Weston. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Corporal July 1, 1863. Served to the end of the war. Corporal. — Gideon Moser. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Severely wounded at the battle of Ringgold, Ga., Novem- ber 27, 1864. Corporal. — Samuel Kiinkle. Enlisted in 1861 Corporal. January 1 Corporal. — Herman Ernst. Enlisted in 1861. Re==enlistcd in 1863. Promoted to 1864. Served to the end of the war. Corporal.- Corporal.- Musician.- Musician.- Re-enlisted iu 1863. Promoted to Corporal, January 1 , 1 864. Severely wounded at the battle of Mill Spring Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. Served to the end of the war. -Jacob D. Fries. Enlisted in 1881. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865. Severely wounded at Chancel-- lorsville. May 3, 1863. Served to the end of the war. -Jacob Beers, Sen. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to, the - end of the war. « -William Laird. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863... S«rTOdito thte end of the war. -Michael McAllister. Enlisted in 1861. end cf the war. Re-enlisteJ ia. 18S3. Sarr/cdiito the Wagoner. — John Fox. Enlisted in 1S6I. Re-enlisted in 185:3.. Served to the end of the war. Aniig, David Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted ia, 1S63.. Served to the end of the war. Brennen, Richard Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 18^3-' Severely woun- ded at battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. Served to end of the war. 20 COMPANY "e" 2 8 Til KEG't FA. VOL's. l?oyle, Edward Enlisted in 1°61. Ke-enlisted in 18G3. Severely woun- ded at battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. Serve' to end of the war. (Jonnevty, James Enlisted in 18G1. Re-enlisted in 1863. Severely ^roun- ded at battle of Cbaucellorsville, May 3, 18l3. Served to end of the war. I'Xnvjs, David B. Enlisted i'. 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to eu.i of the war. Henry, James Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863, Served to ea.i of the war. Johnson, William Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to end of the war. Knecht, Thomas Enlisted in 18G1. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to end of the war. Neith, Washington G. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to ';nl of the war. Pettit, Robert Enlisted in 1861. Re-eclisted iiu 1863. Served to end of the war. Shaver, Henry J. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 18t3. Served to end of the war.* Smith, William Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to end of the war. Smith, Charles F. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to end of the war. Trout, Mabry Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Served to end of the war. Weidaw, William Enlisted in 1861. Re-onlistedin 18 J3. Severely wounded at the battle of Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Served toj end of the war. COMPANY "e"— 28th eeg't pa. vol's. 21 DISCHARGED BEFORE THE END OF THE WAR. » Serjeant. — Moses Relirig, Enlisted Juae 25, 1861. Discharged February 18, 186c'., at Dumfries, Va., oa account of disability. Corporal. — Jacob Beers, Jr. Enlisted June ^5, I'Sei. Discharged February 16, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Wounded in the foot, at battle ,ot. " ■ Antietam, September 11, 1862. Corporal. — Oscar D. Case, Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged June 30, 1862, on account of disability. Corporal. — David B. Shaffer, Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged February 18, 1863. on account of disability. Corporal . — Alfred Wittingham, Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged December 31, 1862. Wounded and lost leg at battle of Antietara, September 17, 1862. Corporal. — Jesse Gaiigewer, Enlisted August 21, 1862. Discharged May IS, 1865, oy order of War Department. Burns, John Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged' July 20, 1864, having served enlistment of three years-. Curran, Patrick Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged June 23, 1862, on account of disability^ Campsie, Thomas Enlisted June 25^ 1861. Kscbarged February 28, 1863, on account of disability. Campbell, John Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, having served enlistment of three years. Crilly, Francis Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, having served enlistment of three years. Conover, John C. Enlisted December 23, 1861. Discharged Sept. 10, 1862. Desmond, John Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged November 4, 18G-J. Disability. Eisenbra, Frank A. Enlisted July 15, 1861. Discharged July 5, 1862. Dis- abilitv. 22 COMPANY "e" — 28th eeg't pa. vol's. Evans, Wm. H. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served three years. Hamilton, Thomas Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged February 28, 1862. Disability. Hartley, Gustavus (Sergeant). Enlisted June 25, 1861, Discharged July 8, 1864, having served three years. Hummel, John H. Substitute. August 16, 1864. Discharged April 28, 1865, by order of the War Department. Johnson, Solomon Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served enlistment of three years. Koons, Charles M. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged December 8, 1862. Disability. Kinney, Peter L. Enlisted March 8, 1865. Discharged June 27, 1865. Labar, Jeremiah Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged September 29, 1862. Lentz, Henry Enlisted July 15, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served out enlistment of three years. Monroe, Robert S. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served out enlistment of three years. McGadey, Edward Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served out enlistment of three years. McCue, Cornelius Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged March 18, 1863. — Disability. O'Brien, Thomas Enlisted July 15, 1861. Discharged April 4, 1863.— Disability. Odenkirchen, Peter Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served out enlistment of three years. Powels, James Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged December 8, 1862. Disability. Powels, Charles Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav-, ing served enlistment of three years. » COMPANY "e" — 28th keg't PA. vol's. 23 Pratt, George W. Enlisted June S5, 1861. Discharged Marc!j 10, 1863.— Disability. Rudolph, William P. Enlisted October 27, 1862. Discharged August 9, 18G4. Disability. Smith, Henry E. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 22, 1863, by order of the Secretary of War. Sterling, Henry Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged February 18, 1863. Disability. Shutt, William B. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged February 24, 1863. Disability. Thomas, Thomas G. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged November 29, 1862. Disability. Weidaw, Aaron Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged May 31, 1862. Dis- ability. Ward, Edward Enlisted July 15, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hav- ing served out enlistment of three years. Walker, John J. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged June 3, 1862. Young, Thomas Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged May 16, 1865. Vete- ran Volunteer. Zehner, Joseph J. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1864, hai?- ing served enlistment of three years. TRANSFERRED. Ackerman, John Enlisted June 25, 1861. Transferred November 4, 1862, to 6th United States Cavalry. Burns, Patrick Enlisted June 25, 1861. Transferred July 1, 1863, to Invalid Corps. Harris, Henry Enlisted June 25, 1861. Transferred July 27, 1863, to Invalid Corps. Jenkins, John Enlisted June 25, 1861. Transferred October 5, 1861, tc Knapp's Pennsylvania Battery. 24 COMPANY "e" — 28th reg't pa, vol's. Meyers, Casper S. Enlisted June 25, iSGl. Transferred October 5, 1861, to Knapp's Battery. Moody, William H. Enlisted June 25, 1861. Transferred October 5, 1861, tc Knapp's Pennsylvania Battery. Murphy, Patrick Enlisted July 15, 1861. . Transferred August 13, 1863, to Invalid Corps. McKiever, Isaac Enlisted February 11, 1864. Transferred April 21, 1865, to Veteran Reserve Corps. Milham, Charles Enlisted June 25; 1861. Transferred October 5, 1861, to Knapp's Pennsylvania Battery. McGeady ,, Jolin- Enlisted February 29, 1864. Transferred January 1. 1865, to Veteran Reserve Corps. Senn, Henry Enlisted July 15, 1861. Transferred November 4, 1862. to 6th United States Cavalry. Yost,. Gideon Enlisted June 25, 1861. l^ransferred November 15, 1863. to Invalid Corps. RECRUITS. Brindle, John Enlisted March 21, 1864. Veteran Volunteer. Served to the end of the war. Blowers, Hiram Enlisted March 8, 1865. Served to the end of the war. BuTie, John Enlisted Feb'y 23, 1865, Served to the end of the war. Colbath, Oram Enlisted Feb'y 27, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Cwnpton, ThomaB^ Enlisted' Feb'y 28, 1865'. Swerved to the end of the war. Cortright, John PI- Enlisted ifarch 6, 1865. Sei'\>ed to the end of the war. Diinbax^ Elisha' Enlisted Feb'y 28, 1865. Served' to the end' of the war. Grover, Jacob VV. Enlisted Feb'y 9, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Gangewer, William Enlisted Feb'y 15, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Major Lansford F. Chapman. coMPAJSY "e" — 28tii eeg't pa. vol's. 25 I Hartz, David Enlisted Feb'y 5y 1864. S'erved t'o the end of the war. Kane,. James W- Enlisted Jt'eb'}' 4, 1864. Served to the end of file war. Leinba'ch, William • Enlisted Feb'y IT, 1864. Scived to the ertd of the war. McCoy, William' Enlisted February IG, 1864. Severely wounded near Marietta, Georgia, June 20, 1864, Served to the end oT the war. Morris, Charles N. Enlisted Feb'y 21, 1&65. Served to the end of the war Peter, William H.- Enlisted iMarch 8, 1865. Served to the eild of the war. llawley, Caleb Enlisted Jan. 29, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Roth, Oliver W. Eulisted Feb'y 27, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Smith, David Enlisted February 17, 1864. Served to the end of thi war. Scott, Robert Enlisted Febrnary 4, 1864. Severely wounded near Jl'arielta, Ga., June 20, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Strohl,, Thomas Enlisted March 8, ]8Gr>. Served to the end of the war.- Wagner, AYesley Enlisted February 28, '65. Served to the end of the war. Wagner, William Enlisted February 28, '65. Served to the end of the war. Weaver, Clinton Enlisted February 24, '65. Served to the end of the war. Young, Charles Enli«tcd February 2, '64. Served to the end of the war. Yehl, Samuel Enlisted February 27, '65'. Served to the end of ihe War. Graff, Isaac Substitute. Feb. 7, 1865. Served to the e:4d of the War. KILLED. Major.-^Lansford F. Chapman, Commissioned Captain, July 6,1861. {"romoffd lilajo'- January 15, 1863. K-illed in battle of Chancell'oi'svillo Va., May 3, 1863.. 26 COMPANY "e" — 28th reg't pa. vol's. Sergeant. — James Lynch, Enlisted June 25, 1861. Killed September 17, 1862, in the battle of Antietam, Md. Sergeant. — Aaron Moser, Enlisted' September 3, 1861. Died May 9, 1864, of wound received in battle ♦at Mill Springs Gap, Ga., Mav 8, 1864. ^ Hertzogg, Daniel Enlisted June 25, 1861. Killed May 3, 1863, at battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Hartz, Jacob Enlisted June 25, 1861. Re-enlisted as Veteran Volun- teer, December 24, 1863. Died May 22, 1864, of wounds received May 8, 1864, at the battle of Mill Spring Gap, Ga. Hagenbauch, William Enlisted June 25 186 1 . Re-enlisted as veteran volunteer, December 24, 1863. Killed June 15, 1864, at the battle of Pine Knob, Ga. Johnson, James Enlisted June 25, 1861. Killed at the battle of Chan- cellorsville, May 3, 1863. Xuss, Jacob Enlisted June 25, 1861. Died September 21, 1862, of wounds received at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Rawlej, Harrison Enlisted June 25, 1861. Killed September 17, 1862, at the battle of Antietem. Sauer, John Enlisted September 7, 1863. Dievi Aug^ust 22, 1864, of wounds received in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. Weiss, William Enlisted June 25. 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran volun- , teer December 24.1863. DieJ July 10, 1864, of wounds received near Marietta, Ga., June 24, 1864. DIED. Brown, James Enlisted June 25, 1861. Died August 6, 1861, at Sandy Hook, Md. Carey, William Enlisted June 25. 1861. Died May 22, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. Eveland, Edward Enlisted June 25, 1861. Died May 10, 1863, at Ac- quia Landing, Va. COMPANY ^'c" — 147th reg't PA, vol's. 2? Gaumer, Franklin Enlisted June 25, 1861. Died May 10, 1862, at Recter- town, Va. Moore, Robert Enlisted August 31, 1861. (Substitute.) Died August 31, 1864, at Bridgeport, Ala. McKenna, Patrick Enlisted December 23, 1861. Drowned July 5th, 1862, while bathing in the Potomac at Bank's Ford. COMPANT "A." Simpson, William Enlisted as Drummer, June 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Promoted to Drum Major of the Regiment. Served to the end of the war. Spohn, Frederick Enlisted June 1861. Promoted to Fife Major of the Regiment. Served three years. * 147TH REG'T PA. VOL'S. COMPANY " C."— Okganized Adgust 16, 1861. [This was Company "N," 28th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, previous to the organization of the 147th Regi- ment.] Colonel. — John Craig. Commissioned Captain of Company "N," 28th Reginent. Pennsylvania Volunteers. August 30, 1861. Promoted to Major 147th Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 10, 1862; to Colonel, June 14, 1865. Captain. — Nicholas C. Glace. Enlisted as 1st Sergeant, August 16, 1861. Promoted 2d Lieutenant, Feb'y 15, 1862 ; to 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 10, 1862 ; to Captain, March 1, 1864. Resigned July 22, 1861. Sergeant. — John Kindelan. Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Sergeant. — ^William T. West. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Beer, Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Black, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. 28 co'MPANY "c" — 147tb keg't pa. vol'*.. Butler, William- Enlisted ifi 1861. Bc-enlisted and served to the end of the WAV. Dunham, Newman' F.- Enlisted in 1861. Served three years as musician. Gabrio, Joseph E. Ealisfied' iu 1:861. Served three years as musician. Green, A.- Y. Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Transferred to Knapp's Pennsylvania Battery, October 29, 1861. Hoi'iiy Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Kuntzman, Jacob " ■ Enlisted in 18G1. P-r-snlisted in 1863. Served to the end of the war. Kresge, Andrew Enlisted in 18GL lle-cnlisted in 1863. Served to the end of the war. Mushart, Levi Enlisted in 186-. Served to the end of the war. Smith, Owen Enlisted m ISGl. Sli'-'julisted in 1863. Served to the end of the war. Shinci',- John Enlisted in 18CI. Trii.nsferred to Knapp's Pennsylvania Battery, October 29, 1801. Sebras, Philip Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on' acco'unt of Disability. January 3, 1803. Steinmetz, William Enlisted in J861. Served three years-- Searls, George En4ts^ted in 1861. Served three years-.- Sayres^ Enimett Enlisted in 1861. Transferred to Veteran' Keserve Gorp?. KILLED. Green, Aaron Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Ivilled in battle of Ringgold, Georgia, November 25, 1861. Knoppenberger, Charles Enlisted in ISei. Killed in battle of Antietum, Septem- ber n, 1862. Kresge, Pauline Enlisted iu 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Killed at Kene- saw Mountain, Georgia, 1864. COMPANY "a" — 4th iiEG'T PA, VOL. C'AV. 2'ii Sowers, John Enlisted in 1861, Re-enlisted in 18G3. Wonnded at. Pine Knob, Geoiijin. Died of bis wound.^. iit Nashville, Tenneji^ce, Ju]y \Hf>i. DfKO. !''"'arrcs, William Enlisted in ISGl. Di'-d sU Falmontli, Virginia, in 18G3. Ivent, John Enlisted in 186! Diod at Alexandria, Va,, in 1803. Fvcnts, Wayne Enlisted in 1861. l>ii-d at Alexandria, Va., in 18C3. (TH REGIMENT PENIS'SYLYANIA YOLUNTEER CAVALRY. ■C'CMF ANY ''A." This company, although composed almost exclusively ot' (Jarbon County men, was, daring the first two years of tlu; war commanded by officers from other counties. Subsequently, however, the company produced some splendid and dashing officers. We are indebted to Captain William Hyndman for the very full and accurate history of this company, (■aptain.— Joseph Andrews, Enlisted August 7, 186!, as 1st Sergeant; promoted to 2d lieutenant October 18, 1861, to 1st Lieutenant Sep- tember 1, 1862; to Captain October 5, 1863. Mustered out of service September 29, 18G4. Captain.-— William Hyndman, Enlisted as private soldier, Maj- 1, 1862; promoted to Corporal May 1, 1862; promoted to Sergeant July 31, 1863; to 1st Lieutenant December 13, 1864; to Captain Marcli 8, 1865. Wounded at Upperville, Va., January 21, 1863 ; wounded and captured at Sulphur Springs, October 12, 1863. Escaped from Libby prison. Wounded March 27, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Captain. — George W. Moss, Enlisted August 7, 1861, as Sergeant ; promoted to 1st Sergeant December 1, 1864 ; to 2d Lieutenant December 21, 1864. Promoted to Captain Company F, March 8, 1865. Wounded at Travillion Station, January 11, 1864. Served from the bf'ginnins; to the end of the war. Ho COfMl^^KY '-'A^' — 4l'n llEG^T PA. tOL. CA^T. First Lieutenant.-^^Herman Hol'ii, Appo'in'ted 1st Lieutenant August 15, 1861. Resigned Fecember 21, 1861. Second Lieittenant.— ^Christian Freeb^, Enlisted as private, August 7, 1861 ;' promoted to Ser- geant October 1, 1801 ; to 1st Sergeant D'ecefliber 4, 1861 ; to 'id Lieutenant September 1, 1862. Mustered ou't No- vember 19) 1864. Nathan Brelsford^ (Sergeant.) Enlisted August 15, 1861.- Re-enlisted aft'd^ sefVtdf tc/ ttie end of the war. Ash, Tilglitnan Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged iiSugUst U, 1804. Re-eulisted February 21, 1865. Served to tiie end of the war. Arner, Reuben Enlisted February 29, 18G4. Seated to the end of the war, BIoss, Daniel Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged, Mar 1, 1862, at Falmouth, Va., on account of disability. Merrit A. Brown, (Btiglel'), Enlisted! August 15, 1861. Discharged. October 15, '62, at Philadelphia. Pa., on account of disability. Robei't Boston, (Sergeant). Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged July 20, 1863, at Harrisburg, by order of the Secretary of War. H&yd, William J. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged at Harrisburg,- August 15, 1864, having served three years enlistment. Bartholomew, George W. Enlisted February 16, 1864. Served to the end' of the" war. . Wounded at Gravel Hill Farm, August 16, 1864. Blakely, Tilghman Enlisted February 8, 1864. Transferred to Army of the West, December 29, 1864, by order of the Secretary of War, Brown, Charles W. Enlisted Feb'y 20, 1865, Served to the end of the war, Bobst, Charles Enlisted January 3, 186.9'. S^Tve^ until disbandment of company. ^ Banks, Jacob Enlisted Febrnary 20, 18^5. Serted until disbandment of company. , Conner, Jos. C. H. Enlisted Aug-usi 1'5, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of th'e Wtfp. COMl^AKY "a" — 4TII keg'I' pa. vol. cav. 3f- Campsic) Alexander Enlisted Aiigust 15, 18Glf Re-enlisleil and served to th<^' end of t!ie war. Cunning, jS[eal (Coi-'poral). Enlisted August I'l. I'sei. Re-enlist,(»d und s^?T(>d' to^ the end of the war. W;iiunded at Dinwiddle ('own flouse, Mrtrch 31,- 1866. Conner, Wilfred Enlisted Febrilary -19, 1864. Served to end of tJi^ ■^i\t.- Crawford, Robert » Enlisted A[>ril 26; 1"8G4. Served to end of the -n-Af. (yondon, Stephen Eiili.sted August 20, 1S64. Served to end of the \va}\' Dreisbach, Simon Enlisted August 15, 18G1. Discharged at Washington October 29, 1803, on account of D'isability. Drumbore, Joseph Enlisted February 16, 18G4. Served to end of the vrar,. Davis, JaniGS Enlisted February IG, 1864. Served to end of the war. Dugan, Hugh Enlisted April 2G, 1864. Served to end of the war. Edwards, Richard Enlisted August 15. 1861. Discharged August 15,18G4V at Philadelphia, having served an enlistment of three years, Ekiwards, Thomas Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged August 15, 1864, at Prince George Court House, Va., baving served three years. Erwin, John Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted arid sefved \:< eiid of the war. Edwards, Edward Enlisted August 20, 1864. Served to end of t'li'e war. Fritz, Natiiun Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged Augnst 15, 1864', at Philadelphia, Pa., having served three yeafs. Fidler,. ^olin Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted aiid served' to' end of tHe War'. Furfwangler, ConstaMine Enlisted Febroiiry 15, 1865. Sefv^d until dis^baildTiient of company. Gruth, John Enlisted August 15, 1861. (Blacksoiitb.) Re-enl'iated and served to the ead of the war. •')2 COMPANY "a" — 4 Til RKg't PA. VOL. OAV. Garvcy, Nicholas Enlisted August 15, ISUl. Discharged August lit, ]8(;4. at Prince George Court House, Va., hrtving served three _years. Wounded at yulpluT Springs, Va., October 12, '03. (jrallaglier, Condy Enlisted August 15, 18GI. Discliarged October 22, "04, near Petersburg, Va., having served three years. Captur- ed in fight ;it Sulphur Springs, Va., October 12, 18C3. Escaped from Andersonville prison, Ga., and succeeded in getting into our lines near Atlanta, Ga. (rurlynn, Edwin Enlisted August IG, 1804. Served to the end of the war. Graver, William A. Enlisted February 15, 1805. Served until dishandment of company. Graver, Andrew Enlisted February 15, 1865. Served until disbaudmen: of company. Haren, George Enlisted September 1, '64. Served to the end of the war, Hoffman, Alfred Enlisted February 15, '65. Served to the end of the war. Isley, John Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Jeifries, John Enlisted September 1, '64. Served to the end of the war. Philip Keefaber, (Sergeant). Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. William Kain, Jr. (Sergeant). Enlisted March 1, 1862. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Wounded at Culpepper, September 13, 1863 ; wounded at Grant Hill Farm, August 16, 1864. George Kent, (Corporal). Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Knerr, Daniel Enlisted February 20, '65. Served to the end of the war. Kain, William, Sr. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged October 20, '63. Disability. Klotz, William F. Enlisted February 15, 1865. Served until disbandracHt of company. coM?A]sr^ "a*' — 4th eeg't pa. vol. cav. 3S ■Kopf, Francis Xavier Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged August 15, 1SG4, at Prince George Court House, having served out enlist- ment of three years. Katznioyer, Jacob Enlisted September 8, '64. Setved to the eild of the vrar. Keck, Charles Enlisted September 29, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October 1863. Kettra, Abraham Enlisted September 8, '64. Served to the end of the ^var- Lewis, Jolm J. Enlisted September 1, '64. Served to the end of the war. Larish, Alfred Enlisted February 20, '65. Served to the end of the war. Leslie, John Enlisted February 17, 1865. Served until disbandment of the company. Moyer, Eeuben Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged March 1, 186^. Disability. Marcus Moyer, (Corporal.) Enlisted August 16, 1861. Discharged August 15, 1864, at Prince George Court House, Va.) having served an en- listment of three years. McMichael, Archibald Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-ealisted and served to the end of the war. McClean, Alexander Enlisted April 26, 1864. Served to the end of the war. McLaughlin, Robert Enlisted August 15, 1861. Deserted March 1, 1862. McHugh, John Enlisted August 16, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Moore, Patrick Enlisted August 16, '64. Served to the end of the war. Moore, James Enlisted September 8, 1864. Served to the end of the war. "Wounded March 27, 1865. McKeever, Thomas Enlisted September 8, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Served three years in 5th Regiment (loyal) Viginia Cavalry previously. McLaughlin, Joseph Enlisted September 8, '64. Served to the end of the war. 3 'di COMPANr "a"--4TH EEg't pa. vol. CAVa McYay, Daniel "" Enlisted February 17, 1365, Served until disbandmcnt of the company. Miller, Hemy ' Enlisted March 16, 1863. Served lo the end of the war. Wounded in skirmish near Dumfries, Vit., May 13, 1863. Meyer, John Enlisted August 15, 18S1. Transferred to Company B, Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry^ August 24, 1861. Nafts, Martzell Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Wounded at Dinwiddle Court House, Ta., March 31, 1865. Oswald, William Enlisted August 15, 186L Discharged August 15, 1864, at Prince George Court House, Va., having served an en- listment of three years. O'Brien, Condy Enlisted February 17^ 1865. SerVed until disbandment of company. Patterson, Charles A. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged January 1, 1863. Disability. Powell, Samuel Enlisted Februafy 16, 1864. Served to end of the war, Richards, Thomas Enlisted February 16, 1864. Served to end of the war. Wounded March 27, 1865. Richards, Jonathan Enlisted August 16, 1864. Served to the end of the wai*. Rinker, John (Corporal) Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to end of the war. Raw, Albert G. W. (Sergeant) Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to end of the war. Smith, James (Sergeant) Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlisted nnd served to end of the war. Stermer, William Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged August 15, 1864,, at Prince George C, H., Va., having served an enlistment of three years. Dhomas, Wijliam W. Enlisted August 20, 1861. Served to end of the war. Wounded March 27,1865. COMPAIfY "a" — 4th KEg't pa. VOL. CAV. 35 Thomas, David C. Enlisted September 1, 18G4. Discharged May 20, 1865, on account of wounds received in action. Welsh, John W. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Discharged Pebruar}' 8, 1865 on account of wounds received in battle. Lost a leg Au- gust 18, 1864. Wertz, Peter Enlisted August 15, 1861. Re-enlistedand served to end of the war. Younker, Benjamin S. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Transferred to Veteran Re- serve Corps, December 15, 1864. Zeigenfuss, Stephen Enlisted September 29, 1862. Re-enlisted and served to end of the war. KILLED. Hess, William T. ^• Enlisted August 15, 1861. Killed at Gravel Hill Farm, Va., August 16, 1864. Parryville. Brown, Miller H. Enlisted August 15, 1861. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, while carrying dispatches to Gen. Hooker. Summit Hill. Cochlin, Michael Enlisted August 15., 1861. Killed September 13, 1863, at Culpepper, Va. Summit Hill. File, Jacob Enlisted August 15, 1861. Killed June 21, 1864, ftt St. Mary's Church, Va. Mauch Chunk. • Miller, George Enlisted August 15, 1861. Killed May 13, 1863 at Dum- fries, Va. Summit Hill. Weaver, John Enlisted September 8, 1864, Killed February 6"; 1885, at Hatcher's Run, Va. Summit Hill. Conner, Thomas Enlisted August 15, 1861. Died May 19, 1863, at Kel- ley's Ford, of wounds received in action. Weissport. DIED. Walton, Alfred (1st Sergeant) Enlisted August 15, 1861. Died in rebel prison at A" Golden, Patrick Enlisted August 22, 1861. Discharged March 25, 1863, on account of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec, 13. 18fT2, 48 CO^lPANY "h'' — 8 1st nEG^T PA. VOh'i^, Henry, Aaron (1st Sergeant) Ealisted AusTusl 22, 1S8I . Wounded at the battle of Charles Oitj^ Cross Roads, June 30, 1863, and at the battle of Bristow Stattoc, in 1863. Served three years. Hackett, Benjamin Enlisted in 1861. Transferred to the Uh United States Artillery, 1862. Hewitt, William Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862, and transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps. Hanclline, Edward Enlisted in 1861. Accidentally wounded at Springfield Station, Va., and dischargedL Henry, John Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula, in 1862, and discharged. Hughs, David Enlisted August 22, 1861. Wonnded in the battle of. Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Discharged April 15, 1863. Jones, John T. Enlisted Augusi? 22, 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862. Discharged. Jones, Charles W. Enlisted October 31, 1861. Wounded. Kirk, James Enlisted August 22, 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862. Discharged February 26. 1863. Kissner, William Enlisted August 22, 1861. Wounded in the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Discharged on account of his wound. Laughry, Hugh Enlisted August 22, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Lewis, John S. Enlisted August 6, 1862. Discharged on account of dis- ability 1863. Mackey, Kobert Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1862. Morgan, Thomas H. Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Morgan, Thomas T. Enlisted August 22, 1861. Taken prisoner in 1864, ex- changed and discharged. COMPANY "h^' — 81.ST REg't PA. VOl\s. 49 " Mulhold, Thomas Enlisted August 22. 1861. Wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, June 1, 18C2, and discharged on account of his wound. McLeaiij Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account 0? disability.. McFadden, John Enlisted August 6, 1862. Deserted January 12, 1863. McMullen, Buchanan Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Murphy, James , Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability, in 1863. McCandles, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. McNallj, John Enlisted August 6, 1861. Discharged March 31, 1863. Morrison, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Artillery in 1862. Nead, William Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Powell, David Enlisted August 22, 1831. Wounded May 12. 1864.-- Served three years. Pugh, Howell Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Phillips, John ^ Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Parker, John Enlisted March 21, 1862. Quigley, John Enlisted August 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862. Discharged. Quigley, William Enlisted August 22, 1861. Wounded May 10,1864. Serv- ed three years. Reese, Thomas Enlisted August 22, 1861. Transferred to Invalid Corps- Served three years. Riley, Austin , Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. 4 so COMPANY "h'^— 'Sl&'l' UEa'V FA. VOLES'. Reese, David Enlisted in 18G1. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1862. Diactiarged on account of his wounds. Robinson; Thomas Enlisted August 22, 1861. Lost a focrt in the battle of Cold Harbor, 1864. Roberts, Robert Enlisted August 29, 1863. Stutz, Ernest Enlisted in 1861. Stephens, Vivian Enlisted August 22, 186'L D'ist'bai'ged September 2?. 1862. Snedden, Alexander Enlisted AiTgSst 22, 18&1. Wounded in the battle of Gettysburg ; trarKsferred to Invalid Corps, and served three years. Thomas, Philip Enlisted August 22, 1861. Wounded in the battle of - Gettysburg ; transferred to Invalid Corps/ Served 3 years. Thomas, Wm. T. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged ©n account of disatiility. Vaughn, John Enlisted March 18, 18G2. Wall, Christopher Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula in 1863. Discharged on account of his wounds. Williams, David ' Enlisted August 32, 1861. Served three years.- LIST OF KILLED AND 1)1ED OF* WOUNDS. 'Delay, Jeremiah Enlisted August 22, 1861. Killed in battk of Charles City Cross Roads, Juae 30, 1862.- I)elamour, Wm. Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads^ June 30, 1862. Fisher, Owen Mortally wounded in battle in front of Petersburg, 1864. Died in Richmond, ]^ritz, Michael Mortally wounded at the battle of Cbarles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Glenni, James Enlisted August, 1861. Mortally wou'D'ded at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1863. COMPANY "h" — 81ST EEG't PA. VOL's. 51 Laughry, James Enlisted September 0, 1861. Mortally wounded in bat- tle, May 12, 1864. Died May 18, 1864. Murry, James B. Enlisted in 1861. Killed at Ream's Station, Va., August 25, 1864- Murphy, Charles Enlisted August 22, 1861. Killed at the battle of Fred- ericksburg. December 13, 1862. McLaughlin, Patrick Enlisted August 22, 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. O'Donnell, John Enlisted August 22, 1861. Killed at the battle of Mal- vern Hill, July 1, 1862. Ryemiller, Anthony ' Enlisted in 1861. Killed in battle at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Radcliff, John Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peainsula in 1862. Supposed to have been killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Reynolds, Edward Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Mortally wounded in battle June 12, 1864. Rogers, Andrew Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Williariison, Hugh Enlisted August 22, 1861. Killed at the battle cf Fred- ericksburg, December 13, 1862. Zimmerman, Emanuel Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. DIED. Boyd, John Enlisted in 1861. Died in "Camp California," in 1862. Beltz, Martin Enlisted in 1861. Died at Newport News in 1862. Casey, "William Enlisted in 1861. Died at Yorktown, 1862. Davis, David E. Enlisted March 18,1862. Died near Falmouth, Va.,. April 17, 1863. 52 COMPANY "i" — 8 1st reg't pa. vol's. Esbach, James W. Enlisted in 1861. Died in hospital at David's Island, New York. Fitzpatrick, Patrick Enlisted September 9, 1861. Died in front of Peters- burg, August, 1864. King, James Enlisted in 1861. Taken prisoner in 1864; exchanged and died while home on furlough. 8wift, Richard Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862, COMPANY " I.'' Captain. — William I. Conner, Commissioned Captain, October 15tb, 1861. Severely wounded in the Peninsula campaigQ in 1862. Again very severely wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. ?Ionorabiy discharged on account of his wounds, April 22, 1863. (Japtain, — Joseph Webb, Enlisted in 1861. Promoted to First Lieutenant of Company A, 81st P. V. ; promoted to Captain, April 8, 1865. Wounded in the Peninsula campaign in 1862. — Served to the end of the war. First Lieutenant. — Thomas C. Hawk, Commissioned Second Lieutenant, October 15, 1861. — Promoted First Lieutenant, April 17, 1862. Wounded at the battle of Malvern Hill. Resigned November 24, 1862. First Lieutenant. — Henry Paltzgrove, Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Wounded in the battles of White Oak Swamp, 1862, Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Cold Harbor, May, 1864. Promoted to Second-Lieutenant, May 13, 1864; [to First-Lieutenant January 7, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Few soldiers have a brighter record. Sergeant. — Oliver E,. Pryor, Enlisted in 1861. Wounded severely. Re-enlisted in 1864, and served to the end of the war. Sergeant. — William Moulthrop, Enlisted in 1861. Severely wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served, thi-ee years. Arp, George Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. COMPANY "l" — 81ST EEG't PA. VOL's. 53 Arp, Benjamin Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Captured at the battle of Ream's Station, and imprisoned at Andersonville. Enlisted in the rebel army, November 29, 1864, and imme- diatelj afterwards escaped into the Union lines. Served honorably to the end of the war. Burger, John Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Served to tht- end of the war. Bartholomew, Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Wounded at Spottsylvania, May, 1864. Discharged on account of wounds. Corn, Henry- Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Campbell, John Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Everett, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Deserted from hospital. Faulkner, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Fell, Henry Enlisted in 1861. Glass, Peter Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability, in 1862. Gillespie, James Enlisted in 1862. Wounded at the battle of Antietam. — Discharged on account of his wounds. Hunsicker, William H. Enlisted in 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula, and at the battle of Antietam in 1862. Discharged on account of his wounds. Hall, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Hawk, Edward W. Enlisted in 1861. Wounded in the Peninsula Campaign, in 1862. Discharged, and subsequently re-enlisted in the 183rd Regiment. Hoffman, Henry- Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Hains, William Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1861, and subsequently discharged. Knause, Lewis Enlisted in 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps, in 1863. 54 COMPANY "l" — 81ST EEG't PA. VOL's. Kresge, Frank Enlisted in 1861. Wounded in the Peninsula campaign, in 1862. Wounded and lost leg at Deep Bottom. Dis- charged in 1864. Kramer, Wallace Enlisted in 1861. Kenley, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Wonnded in the Peninsula campaign, in 1862. Discharged in 1862. Kemerer, Reuben Enlisted in 1862. Wounded at the battle of Deep Bot- tom, in 1864. Discharged. Kline, Jeremiah F. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Leh, Francis Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Long, Joseph H. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. McMaster, John Enlisted in 1861. Deserted in 1862. Miller, Mahlon Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Metzger, Samuel Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Woundedatthe battle of Ream's Station. Served to the end of the v?ar. Milham, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1863. Owen, Frederick Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Peters, Joseph M. Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads in 1862. Discharged on account of his wounds. Romig, William Enlisted in 1861. Wounded and lost hand at the bat- tle of Gettysburg. Discharged. Raver, Henry Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Strouse, Jacob Enlisted in 1863. Wounded in battle in front of Peters- burg, in June 1864. Served to the end of the war. Stamitz, George Enlisted in 1861. Renlisted. Wounded in front of Pe- tersburg Discharged on account of wounds. COMPANY "l" — 81ST REG't PA, VOL'.S, 55 Swartwood, Peter Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1862. Snyder, Henry Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Shanitbn, William Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, and served to the end of the war, Sterling, John Enlisted in 1861. Wounded in the Peninsula cam- paiga in 1862. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Snyder, Frank Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. Served to the end of the war. Swob, William Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at the battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. . Discharged on account of his wounds. Smith, Joseph Enlisted in 1861. Wounded in the Peninsula campaign in 1862. Discharged on account of disability. Taylor, William Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Timmons, Terrance Enlisted 1861.^ Wounded at the battle of Antietam, September 11, 1862. Discharged on account of his wounds. Unfriet, George Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Walker, Lorentz Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1862. Youse, Israel Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. KILLED AND DIED OF WOUNDS. Captain. — David J. Phillips, Enlisted as Sergeant in 1861. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, September 1, 1862 ; to First Lieutenant and Adjutant, February 1, 1863; to Captain, April 22, 1863. Killed at the battle of Mine Run, December, 1863. 56 coMiPANY "i" — 81sT eeg't pa. vol's. Captain. — David H. Ginder, Enlisted as Sergeant in 1861 ; promoted to Second Lieu- tenant, February 1, 1863 ; to First Lieutenant, April 22, 1863; to Captain, December, 1863. Killed in front of Pe- tersburg, June 17, 1864. First Lieutenant.— Sidney N. Hawk, Enlisted as Sergeant in 1861. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, April 22, 1863; to First Lieutenant and Ad- jutant, in 1864. Killed at the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Second Lieutenant. — Hewitt J. Abbott, Enlisted as Sergeant in 1861, Promoted to Second Lieutenant, April 17, 1862. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Ackerman, James P. Enlisted in 1861. Killed in the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Buck, Edwin Enlisted in 1863. Killed in battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Dreisbach, Levi Enlisted in 1861. Supposed to have been killed in front of Petersburg, June 16, 1864. Flickinger, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads. Killed in the battle of Gettysburg, Mays, 1863. Hopple, Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Mortally wounded at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Died in Rich- mond. Hinkle, Manville Enlisted in 1861. Mortally wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,1862. Harris, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Kupp, Audelburg Enlisted in 1861. Killed in battle in front of Petersburg, in 1864. Miller, John Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Nathan, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Peters, Charles E. Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. COMPANY "i" — 8 1st reg^t PA. vol's. 57 Rader, David Enlisted in ISGl. Killed in the battle of Malvern Hill, in 1862. >^ Eehrig, Edwin Enlisted in 1861. Killed in battle at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Smith, Samuel Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Wliittingham, John Enlisted in 1862. Killed in the battle ©f Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. DIED, AND STARVED IN REBEL PRISONS. Buck, Owen Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at the battle of Aiilietam, September 17. 1863. Died in 1863. Buskhart, Theophihis Enlisted in 1861. Died on the Peninsula in 1862. Conner, George Enlisted in 1881. Died in 1861. Durbert, John E. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged and died in 1863. Horn, James M. Enlisted in 1861. Wounded in the battle of Charles City Cross Roads. Wounded and taken prisoner at Ream's Station, August 25, 1864. Died in Andersonville prison oa the nth of February, 1865. Hains, Peter Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862. Kugler, David Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862. Laurish, Joseph Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862. Lauer, Lafeyette Enlisted in 1861. Taken prisoner at Ream's Station. August 25, 1864. Died in Andersonville prison, January 21, 1865. Peters, Tilghman Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862. Rader, Adam Enlisted in 1861. Died in 1862. Ruch, Charles E. Enlisted in 1861. Taken prisoner at Ream's Station, August 25, 1864. Died at Andersoaville, January 17, '65. 58 COMPANY "k"— 81ST REG't PA, VOL's. Setzer, Harrison Enlisted in 1861.— Died in 1862, at Alexandria, Va. Whiteman, Joseph Enlisted in 1862. Died in March, 1863. TRANSFERRED. Major. — Thomas McJSTeish, \ Commissioned 1st Lieutenant October 18, 1861. Trans- ferred to the Department of Tennessee, and promoted to the rank of Major. COMPANY " K. ' Lieutenant. — William Belford, Commissioned Second-Lieutenant, October 27, 1861. — Discharged Mar-'h 3, 1863. Lieutenant. — Washington Setzer, Enlisted as a private soldier in 1861. Re-enlisted and promoted to Lieutenant, Janiiary 7, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Died at his home in Weatherlj', July, '66. Andreas, Abraham Enlisted in 1862. Served to the end of the war. Bond, George Enlisted in 1861. Re enlisted and served to the end of the war. Wounded in battle. Britt, John Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Brindle, John Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Callaghan, William Enlisted in 1864. Taken prisoner at Spottsylvania, and imprisoned at Andersonville. Dougherty, John Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability. Farrow, Eobert T. Enlisted in 1862. Farley, Michael Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Fritz, J. C. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1863. Hopkins, Lewis Enlisted in 1861. Supposed to have died at Annapolis. COMPANY "k" — 81ST REG't PA. VOL's. 59 Kelly, Charles Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Mulherren, Michael Enlisted in 1864. Wounded at Poe River, not heard from afterwards. Raver, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. * Shoepp, A. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1862, on accoiint of disability. Washburn, Daniel Enlisted in 1862. Wounded in the battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. Transferred to the Veteran . Reserve Corps. LIST OF KILLED. Lieutenant. — Emanuel C. Hoover, Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1864. Promoted to Second-Lieutenant, and killed at the battle of Ream's Station, 1864. Fellows, C. Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. Matthews, Joseph Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Lowers, Penrose Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Spottsylvania in 1864. DIED OF DISEASE. Andreas, John Enlisted in 1862. Died at Falmouth, Va.. December, '62. Lutz, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Died on the Peninsula in 1862. Stettler, Alexander Enlisted in 1861. Died at Ship Point. Washburn, Joseph Enlisted in 1862. Died in service. West, James Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted and died in hospital, June 11, 1864. 60 LIEUTENAjS'T-COLOJS'EL ELI T. CONNER. LIEUT.-COL. ELI T. CONNER. When the first proclamation was issued by President Lin- cohi, calling for troops, in 1861, Carbon County, like other communities, gave forth one great throe of patriotism. In the excitement of the moment, when hundreds were ready to folloAV, they cast about them for a leader, — who was capa- ble of taking command. Captain Eli T. Conner, at that time commanding officer of the " Anderson Grays/' was ac- knowledged to be the man for the occasion, and to him the masses looked. He opened a recruiting office, and in twenty- four hours had recruited three full companies of the best young men of the county. He declined the offisr of a field office, preferring to remain with his company. He served during the three months' campaign as senior Captain of the 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Upon the expiration of his term of service, Captain Con- ner, (in connection with Colonel James Miller,) organized the gallant 81st Regiment, and on its completion Avas com- missioned Major of said corps. On the Peninsula, he served with distinguished bravery, from the battle of Fair Oaks, to the final great and fearful struggle at Malvern Hill, where he fell. Immediately after the battle of Fair Oaks, Major Conner was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, after which he commanded his regiment in all the battles during the cam- paign, until his death. Colonel Conner was born in Luzerne County, in 1832. His father, AVilliam Conner, settled in Mauch Chunk shortly afterv/ards, and died here in 1833. He was educated at Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Lu- zerne County, and also subsequently attended -a military school at Bristol, Pa. He Avas engaged as a civil engineer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad during the construction of the road, and Avas afterwards appointed Acting Engineer upon the slack Avater naAagation of the Cape Fear River, in North Carolina, by Mr. E. A. Douglas. The climate not agreeing Avith him, he only remained, in the south about a COLONBT. BlI T. CoNNEB. COMPANY "l" — 6 7th T.I^g't PA. VOl'S. Gj year, and returned to Maucli Chunk. Subsequently he again entered the service of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company* and in the winter of 1859-60, he made the survey of the Penn Haven and White Haven Railroad. His first connection with the military of Carbon County was as Lieutenant of the " Carbon Guards" at Summit Hill. Having removed to Mauch Chunk, he was elected C-ajitain of the " Cleaver Artillerists," which position he filled witli much ability, until the fall of 1859, when the company was disbanded, and a new company organized- — the " Anderson Greys," of which corps he was again elected Captain. When the war broke out, Captain Conner immediately signified his determination to enter the service of his country, and nearly every member of his company, with over two hundred others followed him. Kind, prompt, intelligent and brave, no better officer, or truer friend to his country, fell during the w:ar. 67TH REGT., PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. Colonel. — Horace B. Burnl\am. Commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the CTth Regiment August 12, 1861. Participated with and most the time commanded his Kcgiment until January, 1864. when, hav- ing become incapable of further duty in the field, he was ordered to Washington, D. C. On the expiration of his term of service, be was appointed by President Lincoln, Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Army, in the Department of New Mexico. On March 13, 1865, he received two pro- motions, by brevet, conferring upon him the rank of Colo- nel, " for faithful and meritorious services, during the war." COMPANY "l." 1st Lieutenant. — George W. Simpson. Comn)issioned September 24, 1861. Captured at Win- chester, June 15, 1863, and remained a prisoner of war un- til March, 1865, part of which time he was, with a number of other prisoners, placed under fire of the Union guns, at Charleston, S. C, 62 GOilPANY "a" — GTtH^EEG^T PA. VOL'S. Druni-Maj or .—John McArdel. Enlisted in November 1861. Re-enlisted January, 1864. Served to the end of tlie war. Callaghan, John Enlisted November 1861. Served three years. DoLtgherty, John Enlisted November 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864.— Served to the end of the war. WaltdHj Jesse Enlisted Novembei' 1861. Re-enlisted Janaafy 1864.— Served to the end of the war. COMPANY ^*A." Captain. — David B. Burnham. Commissioned 1st. Lieutenant, August 12, 1861. Promo* ted to Captain November 9, 1863. 2nd Lieutenant. — ■Sylvester McCabe. Enlisted August 1861. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant February 20, 1862. Honorably discharged March 17, 1863. Sergeant. — Joseph Morris, Enlisted August, 1861. Served three years. Sergeant. — Daniel Zimmerman, Enlisted August, 1861. Re-enlisted January, 1864. — Taken prisoner at the battle of Winchester, June 15, 1863, Sergeant. — George Stocker, Enlisted August, 1861'. Taken priso-ner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years. Sergeant.— William H. Siegfried, Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years. Corporal. — William Dunbar, Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June iS, 1863. Served three years. Corporal. — Josiah Dotter, Enlisted August, 1861. Missing after the battle of the Wilderness, supposed to have been killed. Corporal. — Daniel Keiper, Enlisted August, 1861. Wounded at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Discharged on account of wound. Corporal. — Jeremiah Trout, Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, ' June 15, 1863. Wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 1864. Served three years. dOAiPAA-Y '^4."— 67Tit REti^T Vk. vOl^S. (jS Corporal. — Mel choir Kintz, * Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester,- June 15, 1363. Ro-enlisted January, 1864, and served to the end of the v.-ar. Corporal — George E. Yvllliams, Enlisted August, 18b4. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15', f8t;3. Re-eSlisted Jantiarj 1, 1^64. Agile J John Enlisted AUgdst, ISGI. taken prijoner al ^^ inchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years.- Bartholomew, Micha3l Enlisted Augrist, 1561. DisthaTged in 1862 on account of disabilitj'. Bcnner, John ' Enlisted August, ISCl. WoiJrided at Winchester, June 15) 1863. Discharged on account of wounds'; Berwick^ Henry Enlisted August- 1861. Woufldsd at the battle of the Wilderness, May 18G4. Served three years. Calling Patrick Enlisted Augiist, 1861. Re-eaJisted January, 1864. De-^ serted. Corrolits^ Emlen L, Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchestef, June 15, 1863. Re-snlisted and served to the end of the war. Ditmire^ Anthony Enlisted August, 1861. Discharged in 1862, for disfi« bility. Dunbar, James Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years.- Dotter, Lazarus Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years. Dotter^ Lewis Enlisted August. 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchestef, June 15, 1863. Served three years. Eagen, Peter Enlisted A^ugust, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served' three years. Fritzinger, Levi Enlisted August, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864, and served to the end of the war. Fitzpatrick, James Enlisted August, 1861. Taken prisoner at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served three years. 0-4 COMPANY "a'^ — 67th j^eg't pa. vol's. Green, Edward Enlisted August, 1861. Wounded and captured at the battle of Winchester, June 15, 1863. Re-ealisted JaDuary 1864. Served to the end of the war. Greensweig, Josepli Enlisted August, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864, and deserted while on veteran furlough. Golio, William Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Greensweig, William Enlisted August, 1861. Wounded and captured at Vv'^in- Chester, June 15, 1863. Re-enlisted January 1864, and de- serted while on Veteran furlough. Greensweig, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Deserted in 1862. Hawk, Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864. Captured at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served to the end of the war. Hawk, Paul Enlisted in 1861. Discharged for disability. Heatherington, Irvin Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Hawk, William Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at the battle of Winchester, June 15, 1863. Discharged on account of wounds. Higgins, John Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester, June 16, '63. Served three years. Hartman, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Deserted. Hoot, John Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester, June 15. '63. Served three years. Johnson, Andrew Enlisted in 1861. Re«enlisted January 1864. Captured at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served to the end of the war. Kemerer, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864. Captured at Winchester, June 15, 1863. Served to the end of the war. Long, Jacob S. Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Captured at Winchester, June 15, 1863. COMPANY "a'^ — 67th reg't pa. vol's. 65 Milheimer, John Enlisted in 1862. Served three years. Captured at Win* ' Chester June 15, 1863. McGinnisj John Enlisted in 1861. Re-enli3ted in January 1864, and de- serted while on veteran furlough. McCormickj Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Wounded and captured at Winchester June 15. 1863. Served three years. ManA, Jacob Enlisted in 1861. Wounded and captured at Winchester June 15, 1863. Re-enlisted January 1864. Discharged in 1865. Moyer, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Wounded and captured at Winchester June 15, 1863. Served three years. Mengle, Reuben, Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester, June li5, '63. Served three years. McVey, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester, June 15, '63. Served three years. McFarland, John Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864. Deserted while on veteran furlough. McFarland, Ed^vard Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at Winch°ster, June 15,' 63. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Koss, Thomas - Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1863. Patterson, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1862. Rader, Charles Enlisted in 1862. Captured at Winchester, June 15, '63. Served to to the end of the war. Stocker, Phillip Enlisted in 1862. Captured at Winchester June 15, '63. Served to the end of the war. Sterner, Reuben Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1863 for disability. Seibler, George Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester, June 15, '63. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864, and served to the end of the war. 6 Gil COMPANY '^A^^ — Bll'U KEG^T PA. "VOL^S. Weiant, Samuel Enlisted in 1861. Captured at Winchester dune 15, '63, Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. "W'ei'ner, Samuel ♦ Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. Wetzel, Gustavus A. Enlisted in 186L Served three yeats. Wilson, Edward H- Enlisted in 1861. Captufed at Winchester June l5, '63. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the -vVar. Williams, Wm. P. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. LIST OF KILLED. Captain,— 'Lynford Trock, Commissioned 2nd LieHtenant, August 28, 186l. Pro- moted to Captain Co. H^ February 20, 1862. Killed in bat- tle of Winchester, June 15, 1863. Color-Ser'geant.— "George W. Burton. Enlisted August. 1861. Re-enlisted January 1864. Kill- ed in battle near Winchester, September, 1864. Corporal. — Hugh Collins. Enlisted August 1861. Re-enlisted January I8G4. Cap^ tured at Winchester, June IS, 1863. Kiljed in front of Pe- tersburg, April 1, 1865. Hant, Jacob Enlisted August, 1861. Killed at t'le battle of Wiflches- ter, June 15, 1863. Materley, John Enlisted August 1861. Killed at the h&ttle of Winches-' ter, June l6, 1863. McKnelty, Patrick Enlisted August, 1861. Silled at the battle of Win-- Chester, Jts'ne 15, l'863. DIED.- Captain. — Jacob Amdt, Commissioned Captain. August 28,? 1861. Died at Phil-r adelphia, November 8, 186S, from Injuries received b/ being throTVn from a horse. Billman, Jacob Enlisted August, 1861. Died at Annapolis, 1862. Barnett, Mixsell Enlisted August, 1861. Died at Annapolis, 1862. COMPANY "e'' — 53rd reg't PA. vol's. 67 Cantling, John Enlisted August, 1861. Re-enlisted in 186 i. Died while on veteran furlough, Jacoby, James Enlisted August, 1861. Re-enlieted January, 1861. — Died in service. Mulherren, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted, and died while on vet- eran furlough. McEnrue, Owen Enlisted in 1861. Taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness. Died at Andersonville. Scanlin, Joseph Enlisted in 1861. ' Re-enlisted January, 1864. Captured at the battle of the Wilderness. Died at Andersonville. Welsh, William Enlisted August, 1861, Died in Philadelphia, Decem- ber, 1861. COMPANY "D." Diehl, John Enlisted in 1861. Killed at the battle of Winchester, June 15, 1863. COMPANY "H." Hartman, Daniel Enlisted in 1861. Died July 7, 1864, in hospital. 53rd REG'T., PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEEES. COMPANY "E." Captain. — John Shields. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, September, 1861, Pro- moted to Captain, February 23, 1863. Wounded at the *. battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Severely wounded in the throat at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Discharged on account of his wounds, March 13th, 1864. 68 COMPANY "e" — 53rd reg't pa» vol's. 1st Sergeant. — Robert Tate. Enlisted September 1861. Wounded and captured at Savage Station ; exchanged and rejoined liis regiment. — Wounded and captured at the battle of Gettysburg, Julj"^ 3, 1863. Remained a prisoner in the enemy's bands until the close of the war. Sergeant. — James Hutchison. Enlisted October 1861. Re-enlisted and transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps in March, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Sergeant. — Patrick Collins. Enlisted September 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863. Captured in front of Petersburg in 1864. Remained a prisoner until the close of the war. Corporal. — P. F. Gildea. Enlisted September 1861. Transferred to the ist U. S. Cavalry, October, 1862. ■Corporal. — John McClelland. Enlisted September 1861. Wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the. war. Boyle, Douglas E. Enlisted in 1861. Discharged in 1862. Re-enlisted in 202nd Regiment in 1864. Served to the end of the war. — Died after his discharge. Collins, James Enlisted in September, 1861. Transferred to 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1862. Davis, Job Enlisted in October, 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1863. Elliott, Condy Enlisted in September, 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Gill, Peter Enlisted in September, 1861. Discharged on account of disability in 1862. Meighan, John J. Enlisted in September, 1861. Transferred to 1st U. S. Cavalry in 1862. McLaughlin, Patrick Enlisted September 1861. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war, O'Donnell, John Enlisted in September 1861. Transferred to 1st U. S. Cavalry in October, 1862. COMPANY "h" — 11th EEG't PA. CAV. 69 KILLED. Corporal. — Daniel McGinley, Enlisted in September, 186L Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1861. Doyle, Peter Enlisted in September, 1861. Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Heenan, Michael Enlisted in September, 1861. Killed in the battle af. Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. DIED. Beaty, Robert Enlisted in September, TS61. Died in hospital at New York, March 1863. Conaghan, Patrick Enlisted in September, 1861. Died in hospital at Wash- ington, D C, March 10, 1862. Fitzgerald, James Enlisted in September, 1861. Died in hospital at Wash- ington, March 10, 1862. [Privates Andrew Conaghan, Dennis Brislin, and Patrick Hanlin, members of this com- pany, were transferred to Company F. " Buclctail " Regiment, where their record is given. They were all killed.] llTH EEGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY "H." Captain. — Anthony Beers, Enlisted September 24, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Promoted from private to Corporal, December 17. 1861 ; to Sergeant, July 1 7, 1862 ; to 1st Sergeant, July I, 1863; to Second Lieutenant, June 14, 1864; to Captain. February 13, 1865. Taken prisoner at Chapin's Farm, October 8, 1864, while acting aid to General A. V. Kautz. Paroled February 22, 1865. Served to the end of the war. First Lieutenant. — Emery West, Enlisted September 24, 1861. Promoted from private to First Sergeant, July 17, 1862 ; to Second Lieutenant, July 1,1863; to First Lieutenant, January 14, 1864. Mustered out October 18, 1864, having served three years^ 70 COMPANY "h" — 11th reg't pa. cav. First Lieutenant. — Philip B. Moore, Enlisted August 4, 1861; re-enlisted November 14, 1863. Promoted to Sergeant, March 28, 1864 ; Second Lieutenant, October 18, 1864; First Lieutenant, Aprill, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Second Lieutenant. — Simeon Albee, Enlisted September 24, 1861 ; re-enlisted November 18, 1863; promoted Corporal August 28, 1864; to Sergeant, September 9, 1864; First Sergeant, February 1, 1885; Second Lieutenant, April 1, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Sergeant. — John Brighton, Enlisted September 24, 1861 ; re-enlisted November 13, 1863. Promoted Corporal, March 28, 1864; Sergeant, August 28, 1864. Severely wounded in an engagement near Richmond, December 19, 1864. Discharged August 13, 1865, from U. S. HospitaL Bean, Daniel Enlisted September 24, 1861. Served enlistment of three years. Christman, William Enlisted March 22, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Frabel, Ephraim Enlisted March 22, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Hall, Anthony- Enlisted August 4, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Henning, Philip G. Enlisted September 24, 1861. Served three years. Koons, William Enlisted September 24, 1861. Discharged January 29, 1862, on account of disability. Keifer, William Enlisted September 9, 1861. Served three years. Rose, George Enlisted March 8, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Sandherr, Christian Enlisted December 19,1863. Served to the end of the war. Seagreaves, James G. Enlisted September 9, 1861. Disf'harged July 23, 1862. Disability. Williams, George H. Enlisted September 24, 1861. Captured in an engage- ment near Carsville,Va., March 1863. Discharged at the end of the war. Deserted, and afterwards voluntarily re- turned. 81sT eeg't pa. vol's. 71 Wilvert, Samuel Enlisted September 9, 1861. Served three years. KILLED AND DIED. Sisty, Curtis F. (First Sergeant.) i Enlisted August 17, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Died while on furlough, at his homes in Nesquehoning, January 28, 1865. Bean, John (Corporal.) Enlisted September 23, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Was killed by guerrillas, near Smithfield, Va., Feb- ruary 13, 1865. West, Coursen (Corporal.) Enlisted August 4, 1861. Mortally wounded by guer- rillas, August 31, 1862. Died September 18, 1862. This man was wounded while making a daring reconnoissance of the enemy's position at Black River. COMPANY "A." Edward Warner, Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. COMPANY "K." W. S. Walter, Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Henry Martin, Enlisted in. 1864. Served to the end of the war. ANDERSON CAVALRY. Jesse Jenkins, Josiah Warg, Benjamin Taylor. 75th EEG'T, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. First Lieutenant. — William J. Briggs, Enlisted August 20, 1861. Promoted Sergeant, Septem- ber 1, 1861 ; to 1st Sergeant, June 8, 1862 ; to 2d Lieuten- ant, September 15, 1863, Acting Adjutant to the end of the war. 72 COMPANY "h" — 11th EE&. P> V. INFANCY. Sergeant. — William McGee, Enlisted February 1864. Promoted Sergeant, August 20, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Armbruster, Faldine Enlisted February 1864. Served to the end of the war^ Beck, John Enlisted February 1864>. Served to the end of the war. Eliman, Fritz Enlisted February 1864. Served to the end of the wair. Fetchj John Enlisted February 1'864!. Served to the end of the war. Free, Harts Enlisted February 1864. Served to the end of the war.. Slietzline, John Enlisted February 1864. Served to the end of the war. Smith, Andrew Enlisted November 1861. Re-enlisted. Wounded as Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Served to the eadi of the war. llTH KEGIMENT P. V. INFANTRY. COMPANY " H." Captain. — Daniel C. Tubfos, Enlisted as 1st Sergeant. Promoted to 2aid Lieutenant^ August 30, 1862- to. Captain, June 20,. 1863. Re-enlisted and served to the end of the war. Wounded In- several ac- tions. 2nd Lieutenant. — Josiah W. Fries. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant from Sergeant, June 30th, 1865, veteran volunteer, served to the end of the war. Sergeant.' — Samuel A. Wehr. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran vol- unteer January 1, 1864. Wounded May 5, 1864. Served to the end of the war. William Aubree, Musician. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Thomas Bobst, Wagoner. Enlisted November 12, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, '64. Served to the end of the war. Cunningham, Terrance Enlisted November 9, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, '64. Served to the end of the war. Wounded in the campaign of 1864. COMPANY "h" — 11th eeg. P. V. infan'y 7S Kline, Charles Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1,'13&4. Served to the end of the war. Moser, Joseph Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-en)isted January 1, 1864., Served to the end of the war. Moyer,. Lewis Ealisted December 13, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1,'6*. Served to the end of the war. Mulligan, Thomas Enlisted October 15, 1861. Mustered oat at the end of the war. Poll, Heniy Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-ealisted January 1, 1864'. Served to the end of the war. Reikert, John B. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-enlisbed January 1, 1864'. Served to the end of the war. Sandle, William Enlisted October 15, 1861. Served to the end of the war. Weyhenmeyer, Eli Enlisted October 15, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Wounded. HONORABLY DISCHAEGED PREVIOUS TO END OF THE WAR.. Captain — E. H. Ranch. Enlisted October 15, 1881. Discharged February 21st, 1863. Disability. Wounded at Bull Rua^August 30<, '62. 1st. Lieutenant — Henry Williamson. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged June IS, 18S3, on accounts of wounds received in action.. 1st Sergeant — Levi Miner. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged February 4, 18G3. Wounded. Sergeant — Silas Solomon EQlisted October 15, 1861, Discharged March 5, 1863. Received five wounds at the battle of Fredericksburg, Corporal — John Seip, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged March 5, 1862. Corporal — Herman H. Pryor, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged January 9, 1863. Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Corporal — Anthony W. Raudenbush, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged March 21, 1863. Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. 74 COMPANY "h" — 11th REG. P. V. INFAN'y. Corporal — Daniel Houser, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged November 8, '64. Served three years. Corporal — William Simpson, ' Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged December 16th, 1864. Served three years. Musician — Irwin Miner, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged May 5, 1862.— Disability. Wagoner — Thomas Arner, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged xMay 26, 1862. Disability. Anthony, Mortimer Enlisted November 27, 1861. v Discharged October 31, 1862. Under G. 0. No. 102. Battman, Emanuel Enlisted December 9, 1861. Discharged March 10, 1863. Disability. Blair, John Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged June 15, 1865. Disability. Craig, Robert Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged January 15, 1863. Disability. Collins, John H. Enlisted November 12, 1861. Discharged November 13, 1862. Disability. Cregle, Tilghman Enlisted November 7, 1861. Discharged January 15, 1865. Disability. Dennis, Franklin Enlisted November 7, 1861. Discharged October 11, 1862. Disability. Erwin, Thomas Enlisted February 3, 1862. Discharged June 9, 1864. — Wounded. Fleming, Samuel Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged February 18, 1863. Disability. Foulke, Charles Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged October 24, 1863. Lost leg in action at Fredericksburg, 1862. Haldeman, Christian Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged September 23, 1863. Lost leg in action at Gettysburg, July 1863. COMPANY "h" — 11th REG. P. V. INFANCY. 75 Herring, Joseph Enlisted October 15, 1861, Discharged November 8, '04. Served three years. Johnson, Isaac K. Sr. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged March 5, 1862. Disability. James, E. James Enlisted December 17, 1861. Discharged March 13, 1S62. Disability. Knell, Joseph Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged March 5, 1862. Disabilit3\ Kistler, Daniel Enlisted December 16, 1861. Discharged June 16, 1865. Disability. Loch, Jonas Enlisted November 22, 1861. Discharged April 25, 1862. Disability. Lyon, Samuel Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged January 13, '63. Wounds received at Antietam, September 1862. McGinty, Bernard Enlisted October 15, 1861, Discharged November 18, 1861. Disability. Miller, Henry J. Enlisted February 6, 1862. Discharged November 28, 1862. Disability. Murphy, "George Enlisted February 6, 1862. Discharged March 11, 1863. Disability. McGeehan, Thomas Enlisted October 18, 1861. Discharged January ll, 1864. Disability. Neith, Josiah Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged January 31, 1863. Wounded second battle of Bull Run, 1862. Newhart, Benjamin F. Enlisted November 15, 1861. Discharged June 15, 1865. Disability. Rose, George Enlisted December, 16, 1861. Discharged October 17, 1862. Disability. Ray, William Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged December 28, 1862. Wounded. 76 COMPANY "h" — 11th eeg. p. v. infan'y. Radcliff, Lawrence Enlisted Octol>er 26, 1861. Disckarged November 27, 1864. Served three years. Sprohl, George Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged June 10, 1863. Disability. Schneck, Elijah Enlisted December IT, 1861. Discharged Janiaary'lT, 1863. Disability. Wolf, William Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged February 17, '63. Disability. Wintersteen, George W. Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged November 8, '64. Served three years. Koch, John Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged June 13, 1865. Wounded at Gettysburg, July 18S3. Williams, Isaac Enlisted October 15, 1861. Discharged November 13, '62. Lost right hand at Antietam, Md., September 1862. KILLED IN BATTLE, AND DIED OF WOUNDS. Second Lieutenant. — James Hyndman, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in action at Bull Run. Va., August 30, 1862. Sergeant. — Thomas W. Ebert, Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed ia action at Gettys- burg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Cbrporal. — Lewis Grandeson, Enlisted November 9, 1861. Died, Jane 18, 1863. of wounds received in action at Bull Runv August 30, 1862. Adams, David Enlisted December 16, 1861. Killed iu action at Gettys- burg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Boll, Lewis Enlisted November 12, 1861. Killed in action at Bull Run, Va., August 31, 1862. Cunning, John Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in action at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862:. Deitrick, Josiah Enlisted December 13, 1861. Died, D'ecember 19, 1862, of wound received in action at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62. Folkmer, Edward Enlisted December 9, 1861. Killed May 6, 1864, in ac- tion at the Wilderness, Va. COMPANY "h" — llTH UEC4. P. V. INFAN'Y 77 Johnson, Matthew ' Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in the buttle of Get- tysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. I-^ewis, John J. ' Enlisted February 7, 1862. Killed la the battle of Bull Run, Va., August 3^0, 1862. Lees, Benjamin Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in the battle of Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862. Newmiller, Charles ' Enlisted October 15,1861. Died, October 13, 1862, of wound received in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. Poh, Josiah Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in the battle of Get- tysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.- Waters, Peter Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed in the battle of Get- tysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. DIED OF DISEASE, AND STARVED IN EEBEL PEISONS. (Jorporal . — Delanson Gaddes, Enlisted February 18, 1862. Wounded io the battle of Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Taken prisoner at Weldon Railroad, August 19, 1864. Died in prison at Saulsbury, N. C, February 12, 1865. Corporal. — James Black, , Enlisted October 15, 1861. Taken prisoner, August 19, 1864. Died February 10, 1865, in prison at Anderson- ville, Ga. (rabriel, Schinke Enlisted November 12, 1861. Taken prisoner on "Weldon Railroad, August 19, 1864. Died in prison at Saulsbury, N. C, January 22, 1865. Hoffman, Jeremiah Enlisted October 15, 1861. Died of disease, November 13, 1862. at Washington, D. C. Houser, Charles Enlisted October 15, 1861. Died of disease, October 2, 1862, at Camp Parole. Keef, John Enlisted October 15, 1861. Killed by Accident, Novem- ber 29, 1861. Krum, Noah Enlisted December 16, 1861. Died in Hospital of diaease. 78 COMPANY ^'h'^— 2xi) PA. HEAVY akTilS". TEANSFERRED TO OTHER COMMANDS. .Lieiitenaat. — -Samuel P. Lightcap^ Enlisted October 15, 1861. Appointed Regimental Quar-> tef-Master'-Sergeant, October 1, 18*14. Promoted to Ist Lieutenant and Quarter-Master, 1865. Benhard^ Lewis Enlisted October 15, 1861. Appointed Principal Musi* cian of the Regiment, Ma}- 30, 1865. Cliester, Holden Enlisted December 13, 1861. Transferred to the Veterau Reserve Corps, July 24, 1863, on account of wounds re^ ceived. DaviSj Isaac Enlisted October 15, 18G1. 'Transferred to Veteran Re- aprVe Corps, January 11, 1864. Miller^ Samuel Enlisted October 18, 1861. Transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 16, 1864, on account of wounds re- ceived at Gettysburg, July Ij 1863. Sneddeuj Robert Enlisted October 15, 1861. Transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863, on account of wounds received in action, September 17, 1863. DESERTED. Corporal.— William Kane^ Enlisted October 15, 1861. Deserted December 1, 1862. Delay ) John Enlisted October l6, 1861. Deserted December 1, 1862. JohnsoDj Isaac K. Jr., Enlisted November 19, 1861. Deserted June 17, 1862. Mattern^ William Enlisted October 10. 1861. Deserted June 21, 1862. 2nd PENNSYLVANIA HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPASfY "h." Major.— Thomas Wilhelm, Commissioned Captain, December 19, 1861. Promoted to Major, November 25, 1862 ; acting Colonel commanding Provisional Regiment, Heavy Artillery, in 1864. Wounded at Cold Harbor, June, 1864. Commissioned Captain in Veteran Reserve Corps, at the end of the war. eOSfP'lNY "H^^ — 2'S'I) PA. HEAV^ Att*IL'Y. 71' Second Lieutenant. — Orlando Keene, Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 18G3. Tninsferrfd to Company C, and promoted to Second I ieStenant in 1864, Served to the end of the -war. Sergeaftts — Theodore P. Pryor, Enlisted in 15(61. Served three years< Sergeant.- — Harry V. Morthimer^ Enlisted in 1861. Served three yeftrsj Sergeantr^^Franklm C Mincr^ ' Enlisted in 18G1. Served three years/ Sergeant. — Cicero Wintermute, Enlisted i& 1861. Served three years^- Sergeant."— George Slater, Enlisted in 1861. Served three yearsi Brady, John Enlisted in 1861. Ke-enlisted and sewed to the end of the war. Corcoran, Christopher Enlisted ia 1861. , Tranafei-red to Veteran Reserve Corpse Koons, Willoughby Enlisted in 1865. SerVfed to the end of the War. Knecht, Alfred Enlisted iii 1862. Serted three years; McGlynn^ James Enlisted in 1862. Deserted; Owens, GeO; C. P. E"nlisted iii 1862. 'Jl-aiisferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Palmer, Francis Enlisted is 1862. Wounded at Chapin's Farm. Smith, Wnl.- A. Enlisted in 1861. Served three yeafs, Smithers, Thomas Enlisted in 1861. Wounded at Petersburg, 1864; t>iEi>v f*almer, Edwftrd Enlisted in 1861. Died at Hattspton Hospital, 1864. . COMPANY "0." Hatrick, Jonathan F. Enlisted December 2, 1863. TV ounded at Ohapin'a Farm/ Se|)tember 29j 1864. Disefaarged Jantiary 29; 1866. 80 COMPANY "l^" — 132nd RiSG^T P A. V0L\^ Bond, George T. Enlisted January 1864. Discharged January 29, 1866> Corcoran, Patrick Enlisted March, 1864. Discharged January 29, 1866v COMPANY "l." Ferric, Michael Enlisted in 1861. Troy, Michael Enlisted in 1861. Hawk, Samuel Enlisted in 1861. Discharged on account of ffound re- ceived in action. 132nj^ REG'T. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. [Mustered into United States Service, August 15, 1862, for the term of nine months. Mustered out May 24, 1863 ] Colonel.—Charles Albright, Commissioned Major, August 22, 1862 ; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, September 28, 1862 ; promoted to Colonel, January 24, 1863. COMPANY "F." Captain. — J. B. Laciar, Enlisted as Second Lieutenant. Promoted to Captain, December 5, 1862. Slightly wounded at Autietam. First Lieutenant. — Thomas Musselman, Slightly wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Second Lieutenant. — John Kerns, Enlisted as Corporal. Promoted to Second Lieutenaut, December 5, 1862. SEEGEANTS : First Sergeant. — Oliver Breneiser, Wounded at the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg. Jacob Miller, Charles Mack, John Hoff, John Sherry COEPOEALS : Franklin C. Wintermute, David M. Jones, COMl^ANY "P^^ — i32N£> REG. fA. Y01?S. 81 Albert E» Scheets, William Miner, William Rv Rex, Lewis Trainer, Sebastian Halin, Wagoner. PRIVATES : Arnibrusterj Bartlett Keene, Samuel Allen, William Kemerer, Edwin Baker, Thomas Moser, Francis Hb Cunfer, Stephen McCance, Samuel Christine, Thomas Mattern, Monroe, Dreisbach, Charles S» McGee, Daniel Dreisbach, Joseph Nothstein, Jacob Everts, Peter Neyer, Moses Eck, Jonathan Neumeyer, Yal. FuUweiler, Owen C. Patterson, Charles A^ Frederick, Lewis Rodfink, Jacob Gumbard, Aaron H. Rice, Leopold Grow, Henry Ridler, Jacob Hough, Oliver Solt, Paul Hosier, Frederick Siegfried, Wm; S. Hottenstein, John W . Sandell, Josiah Houser, George Steigerwalt, Monroe Johnson, Alexander Werstein, Henry WOUNDED. Corporal — rJohn Shultz, Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Arner, David Died at Summit Hill, Pa.) after being mustered out of service. Belsner, August Wouaded at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Everts, William Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Fritz, Aaron Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Frantz, William Severely wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hontz, Joseph Severely wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Kistler, John Lost left arm in battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. 6 i<-2 COMl'AXY "f" — ISS'XD EEiG-. FA. VOL'S'. Lynn, Samuel I). Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. CHwersteiler, Enos Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862.' i^teigerwalt, Lewis Wounded at Fredericksburg. Va., December 13, 1862j .Sinker, Charles Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 18&2.- ♦Strouse; Jacob Wounded at Fredericksburg, Ya., December '.3-, 186*3, DISCHAKGIil? PREVIOUS TO EXPIRATION Oi^ TEEM OF ENLISTMENT. Captain — Geoi'ge W. Wilhelm, Discharged, to date from December 5, 1862, Seyiried, Edwin, Musician^ Discharged February 2&, 186'3, on accotint of disability,- Driimbore, Joseph Discliarged Januarj' 13, 1863, on account of T^ounds re-^ ceived in action at Antietam^ September 1*?, 1-862. Everts, Samuel Discharged February 13, 1863,- od accou-nt of disability, Gearhart, George H^ Discharged March 10, 1863, on account of wounds re-'- ceived in action, December 13, 1862. Kressley, Daniel Discharged January 15, 186^3, on account of disability. Levy, Levi M. Discharged February 25, 1863, on account of disability. Mills, Alexander Discharged September 25, 1862, on account of disability. KILLED IN BATTLE AND DIED OF DISEASE. Sergeant — Oliver F. Musselman,* Killed in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862'. Corporal — Joseph Shadel^ Died November 28, 186i2, at Belle Plains, Va., of disease, *Sergeant Musselman possessed those boantifal traits of character *hich constitute th^ good soldier. — morality, intelligence, unflinching bravery, and devotion. Though only t-A'cnty years of age, his manly qualities had vpolr for him the admiration and love of all who knew him. Generous and noble-hearted to a fault, his loss was deeply felt by his friends and companions in arms. In the bloody battle of Antietam, when his regiment was relieved, though alread3' once wounded, he refused to leave the field, and joining with the Irish Bri- sade in one of thoir irresistible charges, be fell at the nead of tlie column shot through the iirain. COMPANY "g" — 132nd eeg. PA. vol's. 8.3 Grow, Samuel Died of wounds received in battle of Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Moyer, Charles F. Killed in battle of Antietam, Septetnber 17. 1862. Clewell, Joseph Died at Harper's Ferry, Va., of wounds received in ac- tion at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Nace, James E. Died of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Lentz, John Died of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Ramaley, Charles W. Died January 27, '63, at Windmill Point, Va., of disease. Rex, Aaron Died at Smoketown Hospital, November 11, '62. Wound- ed at Antietam. Stermer, Otto Died March 25th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Solt, Francis Died on the march in Maryland, about September 14, '62 DESEETED. Duryea, George W. Deserted August 16, 1862, at Harrisburg. Bartley, Daniel Deserted September 12, 1862, in Maryland. COMPANY "G. [Mustered into the U. S. Service, August 15, 1862, for the term of nine months. Mustered out May 24, 1863.] Captain. — Isaac Howard, Promoted from Private to Captain, January 30, 1863. First Lieutenant. — William H. Fulton, Promoted from Serg'tto 1st Lieutenant, January 13, '63. Second Lieutenant. — John Weiss, Promoted from Serg't to 2nd Lieutenant, March 17, '63. SERGEANTS. Charles Simons, William Radcliffe, Joshua Butler, Charles Weiss. 84 COMPANY "a" — 132nd REG. PA. VOL's. CORPORALS. Hugh Callan, William J. Springer, David Garrret. John Leslie, Charles Bobst, PRIVATES. Abner, Charles Backert, Joseph Connelly, Joseph Cassady, Peter Callaghan, William Davis, William Dempsey, Bernhard Derbyshire, James Dougherty, Michsel Earley, John Elliott, Patrick Flemming, Patrick Holmes, Charles Hoy, William Jenkins, Morgan Kinckle, Christian Kelley, Matthew Kelley, Bernhard Koltz, William F. Klotz, John F. Lange, Henry Lieser, Peter Leed, William Mansfield, Henry Miller, Jonathan L. Patterson, James Poh, Alfred Eeilley, Michsel Reilley, Hiigh Ronemous, Hugo Sowerwein, Paul Shseffer, David Shingler, Jacob Smith, Bernhard Smitham, Thomas Synyard, Robert Stacy, John Schoonover, William Schoonover, Henry B. Weisley, John Weaver, Tilghman Yemmons, Edward WOUNDED. Sergeant. — John T. C. Williams, Wounded at Antietam. Corporal. — John Osborne, Lost leg in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Sprohl, Thomas Wounded at Antietam. DISCHARGED PREVIOUS TO EXPIRATION OF TERM OF ENLISTMENT. Captain. — Robert A. Abbott, Discharged January 13, 1863, on account of wounds re- ceived in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. COMPANY "g" — 132nd REG. PA. VOL's. 85 First Lieutenant. — John Dolon, Discharged January 30, 1863, on account of disability. — Wounded at Antietam. Second Lieutenant. — Edw. H. Salkeld, • Discharged March 17, 1863. Graver, John Discharged on account of disability. Fry, Conrad Discharged on account of wounds, December 9, 1862. Knouse, John Discharged on account of disability. Koons, Willoughby Discharged on account of wounds received in the battle of Antietana, September 17, 1862. Loch, Jonas Discharged on acccount of disability, December 2 i, 1862. McGovern, John Discharged on account of wounds received in action, at Antietara, September .17, 1862. Noble, William H. Discharged on account of disability. Winterstein, Henry Discharged on account of wounds received in a,ction. at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Welsh, Micheel Discharged on account of disability. Youtz, Elijah Discharged on account of disibility, December 22, 1862. KILLED IN BATTLE AND DIED OF DISEASE. Darlington, Wilson M. Died January 31, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Ephlin, John ' Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, '62. Floyd, Andrew Died at Falmouth, Va., March 2, 1863, of disease. Krum, William F. Died at Smoketown Hospital, Md., of wound received in action at Antietam, September 17, 1862. McCullough, Michael Killed in action at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Moyer, M. Died at Smoketown Hospital, Md., of wounds received in action at Antietam, September 17, 1862. 86 COMPANY "g" — 132]SfD REG. PA. VOL'S. Mellick, Edward P. Killed in action at Antietam, September 17. 1862. Ruch, Jonathan L. Died at Smoketown Hospital, Md., of wounds received in action at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Solomon, John F. Died of disease October 1862. DESERTED. George Buck, Rigby Thomas, Luke Mastersou, John Toner, George Rose, Rufus Walters. GENERAL CHARLES ALBRIGHT, Hi GENERAL CHARLES ALBRIGHT. This officer attained the highest rank coii.ferre probably no more disagreeable position for an officer to be placed into, than that of governing a country, infested by- guerrillas, where all species of outrages were daily committed by those bands of desperadoes. The section of country which Colonel Albright was placed in command of, being the gue- rilla Moseby's favorite stamping ground, promised an active- field. The lenient policy which had heretofore encouraged all manner of infamies by the guerrilla inhabitants of this section of the country, immediately gave way to the firm and decided measures adopted by Colonel Albright, and soon these guerrilla outrages became less frequent,, and finally ceased almost altogether. When the Orange and Alexandria Railroad was finally- abandoned by the Government, Colonel Albright was placed in command of Fairfax Station, and shortly afterwards com- menced the construction of elaborate fortifications at that place, which were completed shortly before the surrender of Lee's Army. While in command of this post, his services to his country were partially rewarded by a brevet promotion to Brigadier General. While stationed at this point. General Albright learned that a body of Moseby's guerrillas, several hundred strong, intended to surprise and capture a large wagon train, a few miles from Fairfax Station. He immedi- ately ordered out a squadron, of the 8th Illinois Cav- GENERAL CHARLES ALBRIGHT. 89 I airy — which Avas attached to his command — and intercc})te(l tlie enemy near Wolf Run Shoals, and compelled him to give battle. After several charges, in which General Albright led his command in person, he succeeded in routing the rebels — killing, wounding, and capturing a considerable number of men and horses. In tliis gallant fight General Albright dis- played that dashing courage which characterized him in all the engagements in which he participated. Dashing into tlu^ midst of them and discharging his pistols almost in the faces ot the enemy. By his promptness and energy, and the brave exfkmple set his command he save^l a large amount of Gov- e-rnment property, as well as defeating an insolent and cruel foe to the country. After the cessation right. 5)0 i86TH REG. P. v., & 202XD HEG. P. V. 18(3th REG'T. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY "F." Enlisted Februarj' 28, 1864. Served to the end of the war. Armbruster, Bartlett IMoore, Robert Belsner, August Snvder, Wm. R. Eberly, Charles Sterling, John Glace, Henry Thomas, Martin Malley, George Weyhenmcyer, John COMPAMY jv "rj " Briggs, Israel Johnson, Alexander Warner, James, Lefler, Layfayette 202XD REG'T PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. Brevet Brigadier-General. — Charles Albright, Organized the Reiriment in August 18o4, and was com- missioned Colonel, September (i, ISG-I. Promoted to Bre- vet Brigadier-General, in 1865. Sergeant-Major. — Oliver Breneiser, * Enlisted in Company '' F," September 9, 18G4. Ap- pointed Sergfet.nt-Major, September 7, 1864. Discharged August 3, 18)5. COMPANY "a." [Mustered into the U. S. Service, .Aug'-st 25, 1804, for the term of one year. Mustered out August .I, 1865. ( -aptain. — J. D. Laciar, * First Lieutenant, — Stephen F. Miunick, Second Lieutenant. — John T. McDaniel, SERGEANTS. Josiah Musselman, Tilghman Sittler, Monroe Steigerwalt, * Edward D. Horn. CORPORALS. Daniel Kressley, * William A. Ebert, Robert Craig,, * John Forgay, George Heister, Charles Brey. COMPANY "a" — 202nB EEG. PA. VOL's. 91 Drummer. — Douglas A. Sherry. PRIVATES. Beltz, Alexander Brislin, Cornelius Becker, James* Briggs, Samuel C. Blain, John Brown, James* Brown, Philip Brown, Henry F. '■'' Boyle, Douglas* Connaghan, Hugh Campsie, Thomas* Campbell, John* Curran, Mannes* Callaghan, John Daubenspeck, Samuel Drumbore, Henry Eck, Jonathan* Fisher, Henry G. Fisher, Joseph Focht, Edwin Frederick, Lewis* Glace, Edward Glenn, James Gombert, Xathan Hannon, Thomas J. Hasson, James Heller, John Heffelfinger, Joseph Hollcnback, James Hoyt, Orville E.f Kissner, William* Kelley, William Kellev, Daniel Kolb; William Kocher, William Laggan, James Lee, Henry* Leed, William* Manalis, Condy *) Second enliBtment. Minnick, James Moulthrop, Jeremiah Miller, Aaron Meighan, James McLaughlin, John Mulharn, Edward Mullen, Edward* McDermott, Patrick McKeever, Simon McMurtrie, John A. jS^oth stein, Noah O'Donnell, John Ott, Levi F. Popst, Jesse Poh, Alfred* Keinheimer, John L. Peinheimer, Albert Snyder, Aaron Smith, Thomas G. Smith, Jonas Sleider, Edward Sensinger, William F. Solomon, Winfield S. Sox, Silvariaf Transue, 2jacharia Trine, Natlian Uplinger, Samuel Vanneman, Asaf Walton, Charles Watt, John Wehr, Owen Weidaw, Aaron Williams, Joseph Williams, William Williams, Jeremiah Young, John Ziegler, Owen Zellner, Elias Zink, Tilghman f ) EeciiiU. 92 202nd regiment pa. vol^s KILLED AND DIED IN THE SERVICE. Bachman, Benjami}! F. Dit'd November 11, 18G4, in hospita), Alexandria, of wound received in skirmish at Salem, Va., October 8, 1804. Campbell, William Died at Maucli Chunk, about September 15, 18G4. Gveeii, Henry Died at Fairfax Station, Va., December 15, 1864. A\'elir, Lewis Died ill hospital at Alexandria, November 7, 1864. COMPANY "D. Ackerraan, Albert Enlisted February. 1865. Served to the end of the war. Horie, Patrick Enlisted February, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Oliver, Ira Enlisted Febrnary, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Williams, Thomas Enlisted February, 1865. Served to the end of the war. COilPANY "l." Williams, George • Enlisted January 6, 1865. Served to end of the war. COMPANY " H. Tudor, James Enlisted February, 1865. Served to the end of the war. Ijoose, Cyrus Enlisted An^ust, 1864. Served to the end of the war. COMPANY '^E." Herman, Albert* Enlisted February, 1865. Served to the end of the war. i 202nd eegimekt pa. vol's. 93 lirobst, Frank Enlisted February, 1865. Served to the end of the war. COMPANY **Jb\" Billman, Charles Enlisted August 31, 1864. Served to end of the war> JJillraau, Jonas Enlisted August ai, 18G4. Served to end of the war. Trainer, Lewis* Enlisted February 7, 1866. Served to end of the war. Moultlirop, William H»* Enlisted February 7, 1865. Served to end of the war. Schlie, Frederick Enlisted February 7, I860. Served to end of the war. Diehl, Araandus Enlisted February 7, 1865. Served to end of the war. Moyer, Daniel Enlisted February 7, 1865. Served to end of the war. Biyson, John Enlisted January 6, 1865. Served to end of the war. Hough, Joseph Enlisted January 24, 1865. Served to end of the war. Deremer, Charles Enlisted January 6, 1865. Served to end of the war. Dutter, Charles Enlisted January 9, 1865. Served to end of the war. Everett, William Enlisted January 17, 1865. Served to end of the war. Klotz, William Enlisted August 27, 1864. Served to end of the war. Myers, Franklin Enlisted January 24, 1865. Served to end of the war. Pickert, Willoughby Enlisted September 1, 1864. Served to end of the war. Smith, Ellas Enlisted September 1, 1864. Served to end of the war COMPANY "L." Enlisted in 1865, and served to disbandonment of the Reg't., Aug. 3, 1865 Radcliff, Thomas McNamara, Thomas Boyle, Patrick Michael, John 94 27th & 34th ei!g4's fa.- vol. militia. Fritzinger, Levi Sherry, Samuel George, Joseph F, Beniiyhoif, Joseph Bostian, Owen T* Crammer, Jacob Carl, Peter Cunnynghamj Francis Drumbore^ Nathan Farrell^ Daniel J. Hartranfty Simon McGady, Edward McCance, Samuel Martz, Joseph Moser, Peter Rex, C. E. Shaffer, Peter Klotz, Benjamin Rouse, John ISIcLaughliny John Swank, Josiah Hutchison, Marshall Young, Robert yOLUNTEER MILITIA OF 1863. 27th regiment. [Mustered into service, June 18, 1863. Discharged, August 5, 1863.] COMPANY " E." Sergeant. — C. E. Stedman. Corporal.— ="Ed. L. Bullock. PEIVATES. Arp, John Arner, D. D. Bond, Geo. T. Brelsford, Henry C. Bennyhoff, Ed. Bennyhoff, Joseph Fister, Wallace B. Hatrick, Jonathan Kemerer, M. Orr, George Ramsay, Frank Rutman, Wm. Rex, C. A. Siegfried, Henry Swank, Josiah Smith, Henry Xander, A. D. Zellner, Henrj' 34th REG'T. PENN'A. VOLUNTEER MILITIA. Served during "the Emergency" in June and July, 1863. Colonel — Charles Albright'. COMPANY "F.' Captain — James Thomas, First Lieutenant — ^Thomas Musselman, Second Lieutenant-^Amos Riegel. COUP Ay Y "f^^ — Sir It ijeo. p. r. SffLlTlA. Oo SERGEANTS Lst. Samuel Wolle, 2d. John Hoff, 2d. Dav •i.S 4tli. Peter Eberts/ 6th. Josiah MiLsselman, CORPORALS Troilt, (.,'harles Bownian^ Charles vSeidely Adam Berlin- MUSiCIAXS Charles McDanieL PPaVATE- Anthony, C. AV. .Ashner, Emil Arner, J. H< Buck, H. Buck, Jy. Buck, W. Banford, ^', Bless, — Belford, Beltz, John Billmali, Danirl Brey, Charles Beaver, Bobst, Charles C louse. Gran vi 1 1 n Cunfer, Gideon l)elaney,- ■ •- ■ - ' -^' - - i)unlap, GfeOfgc Eberts, Samuel Eberts, AVilliam E})erts, David Fritzinger, Levi Fertwangler, C. Fitzpatrick, Foulke, Wm. Grow, Wm. Graver, 0"wen F. Pettit, AV. B. Anthony, P. Pfeiffer, Harrison Kungle. Edward Mulharn Henri', l)avid Pvuehner, John Kresslev, James Kast, F. W. Kocher, AYm, Leinbach, AA'^illoughby Lyons, John ^loore, James Mattern, Jacob Ott, Levi Pettit, J.- Pettit, G. Peters, Heur}' Rasp, Christian Paipp, Eeinsmith, Nathaw Eemaley, - ■■• Ramaley, Boas Saunder, ^ Strohl, Snyder, John Shaeffer. Semuel, Lewis Settler, Charles, Strouse, Thomas Sivab, Trainer, Harrison 96 coMPAJ^Y "a" — 34th heg. p. v. MtLl'riAb Gastin, David Hunsicker, Joseph Hoppes, Daniel Hosier, Frederick Hand, George Hill, John Ti'ine, Nathan Shoenberger, Wm. Wertley, John Weaver, John Ziegler, Owen Henry, Christian COMPANY " A. ' Captain. — -Jacob Smith. First Lieutenant. — > James Donnelly* Second Lieutenant. — -W. H. Eberly. Sergeant- Major. — Oliver Breneiser» SERGEANTS. First Serp;eant.—Josiah W. McCrea. S. F. Collins, Cameron Cool, CORPORALS. Nathan Tubbs, J. Weyhenmeyer, Thomas H. Ratcliff*, ^EzraB. Ely, MUSICIANS. Edward D. Horn, PRIVATES. Angle, A. C. Armbruster, VaL Barto, Obadiah Butler, Amos Brobst, John Baum, J. Butler, Robert B. Beers, Lewis Beer, J. K. Bennett, Thomas Collins, Isaac Corcoran, Patrick Cole, Alexander Dink, John Edward Hauk, T. Frank Walter. C. W. Hamman, John Sterling, David H. Butz, Charles E. Amadon. Ed. Remmeh Leisenring, C. E. Lance, George Long, Charles Leibenguth, Charles Lockhart, A. H. Mehan, L. E. Miller, Philip Moore, Samuel Merrick, William Myer, John A. Madara, Joseph Meyers, Jacob Neith, Frank Oliver, J. W. ^30MPANY "'g" — 34th 11E&. P. V. MILITIA. 97 Derbyshire, Henry Deibert, Andrew Eberle, C. S. Enbody, Edwin Esser, George W» Ehman, Fritz Ebert, William A. Gillam, John Gilbreath, John Grover, N. M. Glace, Henry Gaddes, James Hutchinson, Marshall Heilman, William F, Horn, John Harlan, William Holmes, James Hyndman, Edward Johnson, Alex. Kistler, Wilson Kunkle, William Kuebler, John Keiser, Henry Kramer, Joseph Rose, George Siewers, E. R. Sandhaus, Wm. Snyder, Wm, R. Sprc.'wle, George Smith, P. G. Smith, A. J. Seifert, Adam Strouss, Abraham Sohl, Henry Swartwod, John Stem, Christian Seip, William Tobias, A. H. Ulmstead, Thomas Unger, Lewis R. Vanneman, Asa Valentine, James Wochter, Thomas Warner, Edmund Warner, Wm. S. Wildoner, J. S. Warner, James COMPANY " G. Captain. — Samuel Harleman. First Lieutenant. — Sharon McNair. Brenan, John Brown, Jeremiah Buck, Nathan Blank, Frederick Coffee, John Coningham, William Davis, J. F. Drombor, Lewis Dodson, Edward Eck, Jonathan Miller, William Minich, Amos Roth, A. Ratz, Baltzer Roth, L. Smith, John B. Sowers, Frank Severson, Jacob Smith, Gotlieb Shelnomer, Samuel 98 GOMPANT '-'o'^ — 34th keg. f. v. militia. Eck, Frank Fagan, James Gormly, S^nitli Gorman, Eli Hittler, William Kishboch, John Keuhner, Daniel Keubler, Aaron Keller, Jacob Kline, Peter Kurt, Oliver Kistliard, Jacob Karrichner, M. Leadenham, Henry Mover, Xoah Stockley, William Sitzer, William Steverson, William Strohl, Adam Salin, Lewis W, Stiles, I^ee Smith, J. W. Trescolt, L. Tanny, Samuel Tanny, Hester West, G. Williams, Charle^^ Watts, James Weeks, Samuel Zoll, Nathan. 19th REG. P. V. MILITIA OF 18 6 3. '99 VOLUNTEER MILITIA OF 1862. 19th regiment. Colonel. — Robert Klotz. Captain. — Hiram Wolf. First Lieutenant. — Thomas K. Crellin. SERGEANTS. First Sergeant. — Charles H. Kalbfus, James Warner, Allen Craig, Samuel Patterson, Charles M. Sweeny. CORPORALS. John S. Line, Godfrey Laury, Alfred Hoffman, Edward Horn, Dennis H. Dreisbach, William Richards, Henry Santee, Chambers Davis. PRIVATES. Ely, Benjamin F. Conyngham, Thomas D. Steadman, Alexander W. Rex, Charles A. Hazard, Fisher Esser, George W. Bullock, Edward L. Enbody, Edward R. Gaddes, James Steadman, John L. Dander, Alfred Peters, Oliver Lockhart, Cameron Butler, Robert B, Bradwell, John Hines, William Harlan, Josiah W. Seifert, Adam Loew, Adam Whipple, William A. Hummel, Joseph Cole, Jacob W. Dick, Charles Anthony, George F. Anthony, William B. Bowman, Milton Horn, Edward Beel, Joel Laubach, Robert Gower, James Graver, Walter Saeger, Henry Dreisbach, Tilghman Buck, Paul Dreisbach, Lewis Solt, Alexander Rehrig, Reuben Sittler, Tildishman Hoppes, Daniel Brown, Charles W. Wolle, Samuel Davis, George O'Brien, David Klotz, Alfred 100 19th REG. f. V. MILITIA OP 1862. Strong, James Ratcliff, Thomas H. La E,ue, Silas H. Labine, Henry Swank, Josiah Shafer, William Lloyd, John J. Brislin, John Frederick, C. J). Taylor, Edmund Phifer, Robert Leffler, Mark L. Bucks, Henry Hand, George Oswalt, August Reiley, Matthew Solt, Reuben Solt, Stephen Boyer, Jonas Whitehead, William Buck, David J. Solt, Franklin Dreisbach, Charles Daubenspeck, Jacob Daubenspeck, John Musselman, Josiah Buck, Charles Fields, Joseph Quish, William Fields, Samuel Levett, William W. Best, Stephen Mentz, Henry W. Bowman, Oliver O. Horn, Herman RockhiU, William P. Brown, Charles McConnell, H. H- Miller, Alexander Kramer, Theodore W. MISCELLANEOUS. 101 MISCELLANEOUS. COMPANY "C," 183llD REG't. P. V. 2iid Lieutenant^ — Samuel Hawk, Re-enlisted December 11, 1863, as 1st. Sergeant; promo- ted to 2Dd Lieutenant April 16, 1864. Wounded in front of Petersburg, June 16, 1864. Discharged July .3, 1865. Sergeant — Edward Hawk, Re-enlisted December 11, 1863. Discharged July 3, '65. COMPANY "h" 5th U. S. INFANTRY. Hclshaw, George Enlisted in 1861. Killed September 1863. COMPANY "D," 4th REG't. VETERAN RESERVES. Smith, Michael V Enlisted in 1861. Died August 30, 1863. COMPANY " E," 96th REGIMENT P. V. Shsedel, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Died July 2, 1864. BATTERY "D," 5TH U. S. ARTILLERY. Williams, David Warlow, William COMPANY "H," 98th REGIMENT P. V. Folkmer, Charles Enlisted in 1861. Died May 7. 1864. COMPANY "a," 96th REGIMENT P. V. Kodgers, Alexander Enlisted in 1861. Died io service. COEPANY "l," 47th REGIMENT P. V. Syndcr, Jonas COMPANY "E," 47th REGIMENT P. V. Deterline, William Enlisted in 1861. Served three years. 102 MISCELLANEOUS. 116th regiment vet. p. v. Hosier, Frederick Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Kressley, James Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Steigerwalt, Lewis Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. 48th rbiment vet, p. v. West, Edward R. Enlisted in 1861. Re-enlisted in 1863, andservedto the end of the war. 1st new JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. Warner, John Enlisted in 1861. Served to the end of the war. COMPANY " I," 118tH REGIMENT P. V. Enbody, Robert Enlisted November 11, 1863. Taken prisoner at Cold Harbor, June '2, 1864. In prison at Andersonville to De- cember 10, 1864. Discharged May 1, 1865. COMPANY "a," 35th new JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. Beckhardt, Joseph Enlisted August 19, J 863. Served to end of the war. COMPANY "g," 68th REG't. NEW YORK VOLS. Patterson, James Enlisted in 1864. Killed at the battle of the Wilderness Mays, 1864. COMPANY "a," 109th REG't. P. V. Davidson, Daniel Died in service. Wells, John COMPANY "P," 148th REG't. P. V, Killed in battle. MISCELLANEOUS. 103 COMPANY "C," 50th REG't. P. V. Fall], Richard "COMPANY "C/' 6th PENN'a, CAVALRY, Boyle, Charles , • Enlisted ia 1861. "Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Jul^ 5, 1&6-3. 201ST REGIMENT PENN'a. VOLS. > Horn, John Enlisted rn Pebrnnrj 1'865. Discharged at the close of the war. « 6tH REGIMENT PENN'a. CAVALRY. Ginder,, Jacob Enlisted March 7, 1865, — having [served three years iti the^lst Regt. P. V. Xeith, Frank Enlisted March 7, 1865. Served to the end of the war, 129th regiment p. v. Ormrod, William Enlisted August 1862, Served nine months. Luckenbachj Edward F. Enlisted Augnst 1862. Served nine months, 72nd regiment penn'a. volunteers. Brown, Henry F. Enlisted in 1861. Henorably discharged in 1863, onac- connt of disabilitj'. 73rd regiment penn'a. vols. Wchley, Jerome Enlisted in 1861. Appointed chief Bugler. Discharges by otder of the War Department in -1862. COMPANY "C," 35th new JERSEY VOLS. Derbyshire, James Enlisted October 1864. Served to the end of the war. 104 MISCELLANEOUS. COMPANY "a," 10th new JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. Mcintosh, George Enlisted 1864. Captured at the battle of the Wilderness May 3, 1864. Discharged at the end of the war. NAVY, Cooper, Charles Entered service as an Assistant Engineer. Served to the- end of the war. Faga, Nathen, Seaman. Served to end. of the war. COMPANY "i," 199th regiment p. f. Eshman, Joseph Enlisted August 16, 1864. Served to end of the war.. Koons, Joseph Enlisted August 16, 1861. Served to end of the war. Paltzgrove, AVilliam Enlisted August 16, 1864. Served to end of the war. Schnell, Reuben Enlisted August 16, 1864. Served to end of the wan COMPANY "g," 47th RE©'t P. P. Deterline, Timothy Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Faust, Malrie Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. Graver, John (Co. B.) Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. 3rd new jersey cavalry. Buel, Charles Enlisted in 1864. Served to the end of the war. COMPANY "K," 54th REG't. P. V. Kehrig, George Enlisted February 15, 1864. MISCELLANEOUS. lO^ COMPANY "B," IItII REG't. P. V. Clark, Geo. E. A. Enlisted August 19, 18GI. Re-enlisted November 1, '63. Transferred to Co. C, 188tli Regt. P. V., Mhv 4, 18G4, and served to the end of the war. COMPANY "C," ISStJI ilEGIMKNT P. V. Beers. Joel Enlisted in 18C4. Served to tlic end of the war. COMPANY "h/' 209th J!EG't. P. Y. Klotz, Jonathan Enlisted in 1864. Wounded in front of Petersburg^ March 25, 1865. Died of his wounds thi^e davs later. 106 C0T.ONEL JAMES MILLER. COL. JAMES MILLER. This is a name that will live long in the annals of CarboK County. So long as a spark of patriotism burns in the hearts of our people ; so long as deeds of heroism, patriotic devotion to country, 'and true soldierly and gentlemanly qualities arc appreciated, so long will the name and memory of Colonel Miller be remembered in Carbon County. He fell, an early victim to the accursed rebellion which slayed thousands of the best and truest men of the country. Col. Miller was born in South Easton in the year 1825. — When quite a youth, he removed from Easton to Mauch Chunk, and established himself in business. He became a. member of the Stockton Artillerists, when first organized by Captain John Leisenring, and when the Mexican War broke out in 1846, he raised a company based upon the Stock- ton Artillerists, and bearing that name. The company marched from Mauch Chunk on the 24th of December, 1846, and at Pittsburg were attached to the 2nd Hegiment of Vol- unteers, Col. Roberts. From this point they went via the Ohio and Mississippi, to Mexico, and joined Gen. Scott'^s army before Vera Cruz. Captain Miller was subsequently engaged in every battle from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. At the battle of Chepultepec, Capt. Miller was selected by Gen. Quitman to join INIajor Twiggs, who had a separate command of 240 ])icked men, constituting the storming party of the Division. The day previous to the storming of Chepultepec, the storm- ing party were engaged in important reconnoisances in front of the enemy's works, the result of which led to the discovery of the position of the enemy's strongest batteries. On the morning of the 13th of September, at the dawn of day, the storming party were moved out in front of the Division. — Tlie number of Captain Miller's men had been reduced, by fasualties, to twenty-six. Before reaching the base of Chepultepec, Major Twiggs COLONEL, JOHN 1). BKKTOLETTE. 107 Avas disabled and his party .severely out u]). After the fall of Major Twiggs, the command devolved upon Captain Miller, Avho, though liimself wounded, led the assaulting party to the castle of Chepultepec. Captain INIiller's command were among the first to enter. More than half the party were either killed or wounded. From thence battery after battery was stormed, until they reached the gates of the city, Capt. Miller still in command. Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, C'ol. Miller, who was then engaged in the coal business in Xew York, returned to Carbon County, and commenced the organization of the "Chippewa Regiment," — the 81st Penn'a. Vols., and was commissioned Colonel. The subsequent record of this regi- ment shows that it was one of tlic very best and most reliable regiments in the United States service. Col. Miller was a severe disciplinarian; fearless, impulsive, totally regardless of personal considerations in the dis(^harge of duties, he was always at the jwst of danger. He was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, June 1, 1862, the first battle in which his regiment participated. Had lie been sparetl to the country, there is but little doubt but that lie would have attained higls rank. . COL. JOHX 1). 15ERTOLETTE, Entered the service April 21st, 1861, as 2nd Lieutenant of Company A, 6th Reg't. Penn'a. Vols. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, ]May 1, 1861. Mustered out with the Regiment July 28, 1861. Re-enlisted xVugust 20, 1861, as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 48th Regiment Penna. Vols. Served with his regiment until April 23rd, 1862, when he was appointed A. A. A. G. on Gen. James Naglc's staff, commanding First Bi'ig-Jido, 2nd Division, Department of 108 COLONEL JOHN D. BERTOLETTE. North' Carolina. On the 25th of Sej)teniber, 1862, he was appointed by President Lincohi, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with the rank of Captain. Promoted Major by brevet, December 2nd, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Kun, and during the campaign before Richmond, Va." Pro- jnoted to Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet, March 25, 1865, " for gallantry and distinguished services at Fort Steadman, A^a." Promoted to Colonel by brevet, April 2nd, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the assault upon the ene- my's lines in front of Fort Sedgwick, Ya." Col. Bertolette was severely wounded in the battle of Bull Run, August 29, 1862, then serving on Gen. Nagle's Staff. There is probably no soldier in the State of Colonel Ber- tolette's rank wdio has a fairer recordj or who served his coun- try more faithfully during the rebellion. He was repeatedly highly complimented in General Orders, for bravery and gal- lant conduct in battle. DRAIi^TED MEN l-'OR NINE MON'THS. loo DRAFTED MEN FOR NINE MONTHS. The following is a complete list of the men drafted in Car- bon County for nine months in 1862. It is but proper to say that the enrollment was a very imperfect one, and that thi** roll includes men who were then in the avmy | and also many aliens. LOWER TOWAMENSING. Andrew, Jovseph, Jr. Andrew, Edward Boyer, David Beahler, Daniel Beahler, Jacob Beahler, Levi Christman, Stephen Cossler, William Dailing, Henry Dunbar, Robert Fowl, Peter Greenzweig, William Klotz, Levi Keiner, Reuben Knappenberger, A. Leesman, Augustus Lauer, Henry MehrkaUm, Charles Reinhard, Lew'is Snyder, David Smith, Lewis Snyder^ Thomas Strouss, Daniel SerfasB, Daniel, Jr. Seltzer, John Smith, L. Schultz, Lewis Vogel, Stephen. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Aschner, Emill Bauer, John F. Heberling, D. C. Hartman, Alexander Larish, James Master, Adam Markley, Stephen Palsgrove, C. J. Schmoyer, Israel Sweirer, Matthew Solt, Alexander Zimmerman, David. LAUSANNE TOWNSHIP. By ran, James Clingh, Israel Dakin, John Gangwere, Samuel Guckavan, William Harvey, Thomas Hoff, Josiah Kirk, William McMurtrie, John McMurtrie, Michael Shafer, John Woodring, George Walsh, James. 110 DEAFTEB MKX FOR NINE MONTHS. PACKER TOWNSHIP. Foust Daniel JSTeifort, Moses Steward, D. L. Young, Edwin. EAST PENN TOWNSHIP.- Freeby, Solomon Halliner, Charles KreitZj John. Jr. Knecht, Samuel Miller, John Nothstein, Jon as E,uch, Thomas Steigewalt, Levi Steigewalt, Moses Smith, Owen Weidaw, Benjamin Zellner, Elias. BANKS TOWNSHIP. Bennett, Stephen Bohlencler, Antony Boyle, John Brown, John Boyle, Barney Bush, Samuel ClTarles, William Call, James Donahoe, Thomas O. Donahoe, Matthew Dempsy, James Dugan, Charles Davis, John D. Francis, John Ganghen, Michael Goucher, Thomas Gallagher, Patrick Hooven, E. F. Hess, Valentine Hoyt, D. ^Y. Hurdwick, Adam Horn, John Ici fetter, Lewis James, Edwin Kroft, Henry Loch Samuel • Mulhenen, Dennis McNulty, John McBrearty, Patrick Maloy, Barney McCole, J. H, Orey, Robert Pratt, Jacob Spade, Benedict Smith, John W, Tweedle, Richard Woolfram, Charles . Walsh, Frank Yost Newton C. TOWAMENSING TOWNSHIP. Beer, George Beer, Conrad Christman, Nathan Distler, John Eckhard, Abraham Greensweig, Joseph Greensweig, Samuel Henger, Antony Jones, William McDaniel, Robert Nepp, Casper. D Ji A I.' T o':^ 1 8 6 3 F R T il K E ffi. V i: a ICB. DRAFT OF 1863 FOE THREE YEARS- if/. BANKS TOWNSHIP. Arnold, John Boyle, Edward Boyle, Barney Ist Brady, He iry Brislin, Hugh Broderick, Joh?$ Brown, John Eo- Burke, Thomas Boyle, Bainey 2nd Butle}', Martin Brittain, John^ Boyle, Hugh 3rd Burns, Patrick Boyle, John Beck, George Boyle, Hugh I'st Bardy, Patrick Berger, F. Banks, Lawrenee' Brill, Phillip Boyce, James Betz, Martin Brisslin, Edward Berger- John Boyle, Barney 3rd Carey, John Clayton, Richard Cannon, Patrick Corran, Edward Cononinghara, Roberl Cullin, John Cannon, Hugh Campbell, M. Dolan, John Dintinger, Jacob Dougherty, William Dugan, Hugh No. 2. Dougherty, John Davis, Davids Haycock, Thomas Harking, James PlugliS; Williant Henry, Jonas Hill, Joseph Kelley, Dennis Kuhn, Charles Kropp, John Lowenstein, Moses- Lynch, Charles Lauer, Jacob McCafferty, Daniel Maloy, Amandes Mulligan, Daniel McDonald, John McPhelps, Michael McGee, Owen McFadden, Barney McNallis, Edward Maley, Patrick McHugh, Antony Metcalf, Simon McShay, Thomas Mooney, John Maloney, Patrick McHugh, Daniel Maxey John Meyers, F. Mc'Cann, Michael McBride, John McCirrley, James Mulligan, John Martin, John Matthews, Thomas McGinley, Neal McLafferty, James- Noteries, M. O'Donald, M. , O'Donald, Frank 'iV2 DRAI'T OF 1863 FOR THtlEE YEARS. Dougherty, Neal Dougherty, Arthur No. 1> Dougherty, Arthur No. 2v Dugan, Daniel Dergan, Owen Davis, John D. Dougherty, Richard Donahue, John Edwards, Edward Evans, David J, Fisher, C. Fall, William Fessler, Levi Frey, John E. Fannycase, Thomas Grisswold, Morgan Grunewald, Jacob Gallagher, John No. 5. Gates, Joseph Glenhorn, C. Gallow, Jack Gallagher, John No. 4, Gallagher, C. Gaushin, James Gallagher, Owen Geusel, Daniel Harrity, Hugh Haudel, Charles Horlacher, J. P. C. Haycock, Reiser Prosser, Benjamin Prosser, John Pur eel, James Quade, Frank H. Roberts, A. \V. Roab, George Reed Robert Rogers, James Rymiller, George Speidel, William Sweeney, Thomas Stonebach, Henry Sharkey, Peter Stewart, John Ij. Schovel, Peter Sharkey, John Sweeney, James Schmerr, Phillip Shovelin, Peter Seeger, John Tweedel, James Thomas, Lewis Thomas, Z. Tweedel, J. B. Tweedel, Thomas Whalig, Michael Watson, James Wear, John Ward, Thomas Zneller, Joseph EAST MAUCH CHUNK. Brannan, Charles Boyle, James Blakslee, R. K. Boyle, Michael Bower, Fred. Buckman, Samuel Connaghan, Hugh Conner, John Deichman, John Dugan, A. Klotz, Edward McGee, John McGee, Patrick Miller, John McGrady, John McGee, Charles Michael, Jacob McGee, Daniel Oustrode, Jeremiah O'Donnell, Neal DRAFT OF 1863 FOR THREE YEARS. 113 Detweiler, Tilgliman Forman, Christian Flood, James Gallagher, Charles flarkin, James Hines, Andrew Kennedy, Samuel Ruth, Manoiisas Rice, Enoch Stetler, David Smith, Peter P^ Seabach, Fred. Swartz, David Thompson, William EAST PENN TOWNSHIP. Andreas, Bechtel, David Cox, Nathan Fink, Reuben Ginder, Lewis Holshoe, Joseph Holshoe, David Jones, D. G. Kolb, Nathan Mertz, Henry Miller, Lewis A. Neff, Reuben Romeck, Ephraim Rahrig, Martin R. Walt, Daniel Ruch, Jacob jr. Rex, Moses Rahrig, Lewis H. Steigerwalt, Joshua Steigerwalt, Jacob Schock, Joseph Smith, Owen FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Anthony, George F. Bauman, John Beltz, Joiin F. Bruuner, John Boyer, Benjamin Bartolet, Benj. Boyer, George Buck, Joseph Clampfer, William Deibert, Jonathan Davis, George Davidson, David Graul, Wm. Graver, Jacob Gilham, John Hartman, David Albee, James E. Benninger, Henry Baler, Simon Bore, Nicholas Benson, Michael Keck, Benj. Kromer, Edward Lovcitt, William Montz, Nathan Mohr, William Mertz, Frank Mengold, Fred. Pheifer, Jacob Reinart, Peter Reinart, Solomon Rehrig, Cornelius Ruch, John Rhoads, S. G., (Preacher Reinart, Simon Strohl, James KIDDER TOWNSHIP. Fradle, Timothy Garman, Patrick Goden, Frank Gillie^ P. H. Hilliard, Samuel Stroup, Jacob Solt, Lewis Schnell, Reuben Stout, Alexander Schreiber, Ijewis Shirer, Stephen Schwaup, Charles Sensinger, Edwin Wentz, Dennis Walk, Edward Walk, David Wurtely, J. No. 1. Wurtely, J. No. 2. .)Youndt, Francis Zimmerman, Reub, Macas, John Meredith, Timoth)' McLarry, Wm. Morris, F. B. Mixsell, Henry 8 114 JJRAFT OF 1863 FOIl THllEE YEAES. Carry, Anthony Callalian, John Collier, Dan. No. 1. Collier, Dan. No. 2. Cole, Jacob Degnmn, Chas. Dodd, TJiomas Davidson,, Simon Eller, Jacob Finnan, Mike FesSj, Georg(3 Hauck, Timothy Heinbacli, Harri'n Herdmeker, J. G.. Kronan, Jolui Kelly, James. Knecht Alvin.. H.. Kane, James Long, J( hn, D., Lamarey, Pliilip McCarty, Siimuel Morris," A7..C. West, Levi Morsh, Christian Parks, Wm. li. Ryan, William Spriu^Gu, Angustu;? Shslten, Lewis Shine>, Daniel Steiner,. Jacob; Sliafer, Hugh, J.. O; Sharry, Samuel Sheeter, AVilliam^ Walten,^ Sylveatei:- LATJSANNE TOWNSHIP. Balliet, X.. Y. Carrigan, Miel\ael Clark, William Derr, Abralxara Dougherty,. JoIbi. Derr, Paul Farley, Francis< Garis, James R;,. Gangwer, Wm. Gorden, Wm. J., Hamlin, Josepl.54 Hufford, Francis Harts, Abraliaoia Hill, Edward Hay, Peter Harkman, SamueJ! Hooven, H. A. Hamlin, Edward Kisthart,, Jacob Kishbach, Levi Kline, Peter Kuehler,. Aaron Kromer, M.. G.. Kishbach, John Kernan, James Kelly, Stephen Eeiner, Augustus Lachner, Jacob Martz, Frank Minnich, Amos McDermott, F. J.. Markev, EdAvard McNeil, D. A. Need, William Neronan, P. Parker, John» Picket, Frederiei!t Roath, Andrew Rehrig, Joseph Rudder, ThomaSs Roads, Lewis Sowers, Frankli®* Stokes^. Marx Shell hammer, Dgsvie Stetler,, George SaleuvLcAvis Sackett, W. W.. SpaiiBier, Jamesc Stewaj't, James Simmons, Sanmel Stiles, W.L.. Tourney, John. (R. C.Preacher,) Williams, H.. B.. MAHONING TOWNSHIP., Beltz, Isaac ^ Cooper, Chas. Dontzman, Stephen Derbyshire, Heniy Evarts, David Farren, Chas. Flickenger, Reuben Fryman, Thomas Klotz, Silas Moyer, Joseph . Murphy, George Musselraan, Josiah McLean, Thomas Mentz, William Moyer, " Nesley, " Sclfeiidt, Lewis Sweeny, Chas. W^. Steigerwaldt, Daniel Strouss, Thomas Schoch, Daniel Snyder, Pliaon Sandel, Alex. Srouss, Jacob DEAFT OF I8G0 FOK THIIEK YEAltS. 115 Fritz, Daniel Frailich, Clias.. Fulirer, William Graver, Samuel Green, Georg-c Grosbanni, Samiiel Hontz, Nathaniel Hoon, Thomas Kromer, Williana Kistler, William. Kitzler, John Snvdcr, Samuel Shively, Franklin Xcifoert, John Pro'bst, Daniel Patterson, A. L. Trumbour, Alfred Raudonbrasli), J. W. M'a(>-on, Samuel W. Ilamaly, Stephen AV('i^!s, William Rarie, Lewis ' Weidaw, Aaron llhoads,, William' AVei^-s, Nero Raric, Noah Worth, Willonghby Reiber, Nathaniel B. Zellner, Henry Rex, Meses Zehn, Joseph Singart,. Robert AUCH CHUNK BOROUGH. Adams, John Anthony, Michael Brodhead, R, M.. Blakslee, E. H. Banting, Dr. T. €.. Bitstian, O. S. Barto, Obadiah BroAvn, Chas. Brower, R.. E. Bchee, John • Berteh, D. G. Bryson, Daniel Barron, John Bruns, Dan. jr. Bertscli, Daniel €oirby,, Joseph Chuirch, Ira Cwmmins, Jona. Chapnmn, Wm, Danlap,. Wm. Dodson, John Dottes,. Daniel Deitz, John Dugan, Patrick Esser, George W^. Ely, Ezra B. Eh man, Fritz Flentze, Dr. L. Ferry, Chas. Fellows, A. W. Fried,. Neal Griffin, Patrick Gable, Nelby Haines, August Handy, N. F. Heberling, James Hyndman, M. B. Howpt, Moses Hinkle, Joshua Hoats, Morgan Hess, Henry Johnson,, Thomas Kettcra, John Kistler, Wilson Kurtz, Godfrey Keifer^ Paul jr. Lahr, Ezra Laman, Andrew Miller, James Marrion, Andrew McGeady, John jr. McGinley, Edw.' Moore, Samuel Miller, Charles McCall, Euke Maloy, Patrick Mcintosh, Wallace McGinly, John Mercur, Fred. McFadden, D. Ott, Henry Oliver, John Patterson, Samuel Packer, Robert A. Peters, Joseph . Pryor, James Ricgel, Joshua Ruff, George Steckel, Edw. M. Storm, Lewis Sandherr, William Strauss, Alvin Seip, FcrdinancJ Steadman, Jno. L. Sherry, Samuel Smith, John Swartwood, John Smith, Peter Tacey, Joseph P. Walters, Wm. A^'ard, Adam Wilhelm, James H. Wilhelm, Geo. W. Wilke, Hcnrv Wingard, E.B. Wanl, Daniel Wolf, Adolph Young, George Yagle, Amandes 116 DEAFT OF 1863 FOR THEEE YEARS. SBSQUEHONi:S^a TOWNSHIP. Caddeii, Patrick Kindder, John Smitham^ Richard Cawllen, Thomas McCabe, Hugh Stevens, Isaac Dufiy, Patrick McDonnell, The. Wolbert, Jacob Heudrick, Edg. L. McDonald, G. W. Watkins, Wm, Hackett, William McLeslie, Samuel Aruef, Moses Foust, John jr. Gerhart, Levi PACKER TOWNSHIP. Hartz, David Krap, Casper Neifert^ Martin Wetzell, Samuel Wetzell, David Wetzell, Aaron PSNN FOREST TOWNSHIP. Becker, Bevy Brown, Fred. Campbell, Wm, Cortright, Henry Clingesine, John Donnelly, Peter Finnegun, Thomas (xriffin, John Halten, James HaAVS, Frederick Argus, Henry Alexander, Robert Boyd, Wm. 2d Boyle, James Beltz, Thomas Birmingham, Edw. Boyle, Jas. D. Bacon, Henry Brislm, John Bovle, Thomas Caldwell, John Carrigan, Hugh Campbell, John Campbell, W^m. Crowe, Wm. Connelly, Owen jr. Knes, Owen Keiper, Nathan Lanyer, Francis Linebacher, Henry Merwes, Herman Mackes, S. W. McCue, Thomas Pryor, James Stonehouse, Fred. Snyder, David Yerger, Solomon SUMMIT HILL. Gallagher, Chas. Gallagher, Jno. 1st Gallagher, Jno. 2d Harkins, Hugh Hughes, David Harris, John P. Halsey, Wm. K. Hogg, Samuel Harrington, John Hannon, Thomas J, Hoover, Thomas Heffelfinger, J. J. Jones, Morgan James, Henry C. Keenahan, James Kemerer, Mahlon Serfass, Jacob Serfas Wilson Snyder, William Sherry Henry Shorter, Patrick, Smith, Ft'anklin Strohl, Thomas Shiffer, Stenard Serfass, Reuben Serfass, Aaron McHugh, James McMichael, Daniel McDonnel, Patrick McLaughlin, Wm. McCool, Cornelius Maloy, Charles jMcFeely, James Neyer, Thomas O'Donnel, Domi. O'Donnel, Jno. 3d Pollock, Thomas Prosser, John T. Pollock, Samuel Phillips, George Quigley, Michael Rafter ,'^ John DRAFT OP 1863 FOB THREE YEARS. 117 Cannen, Daniel Donahue, James Drophy, Peter Davis, Thomas D. Dreisbach, Elas Davis, John Erwin, Matthew Edwards, Richard Evans, Frank Early, Wra. Early, Alexander Fisher, Patrick Frey, Charles Fleming, Smith Fisher, Owen Fritz, Eeuben F. Fisher, Wm. Gallagher, Frank Galler, John (9th) Griffith, David Gallagher, Jas. S. Kennedy, Cor. Kennan, Andrew Kale, Jacob Kelley, Thomas Kennedy, Dan. 2d Lewis, John Morton, Jacob McTague, Thomas Maley, James Miller, Jeremiah McMichael, John Minnick, Edward McGee, James Malley, Daniel Miller, Wm. 1st Miller, Wm. 2d Martin, Jacob Murphey, James Maloy, John Moser, Abraham Moore, Edward R.0S8, James Rodgers, Edward Rickert, Solomon Shirey, Samuel Shields, Francis Sommers, Thomas Shovelin, Cornelius Stephenson, Joseph Smith, Edwin Swank, Wm. Shinton, Thomas Sharpe, Peter Sharpe, Charles Thompson, Wm. Van Horn, Alex, Wintersteen, Phil. Webler, Edward Ward, Michael Wilmot, George Zehner, Charles Beer, Joseph Beer, Joel Buck, William Beer Benjamin Beer, John Beer, Samuel TOWAMENSING TOWNSHIP. Christman, Wm. Strohl, Wm. Eckert, Abraham Eckert, Joseph Greensweig, H. Stemler, Reuben Shoenberger, Wm. Smith, Paul Greensweig, Joseph Smith, Nathan Kerney, Samuel Scheifer, Thomas LOWER TOWAMENSINa TOWNSHIP. Andrew, Edward Beer, Alexander Boyer, Edward Beltz, Joseph Beltz, William Bartholomew, Jac. Bloss, Wm. Bebbeet, Charles Beinart, James Bower, John Behler, Levi Bloss, Daniel jr. Farber, Reuben Graff, Lewis 9 George, John George, Daniel George, Charles Goodheil, John Klotz, Charles Klotz, Levi Klotz, Charles Kern, Peter Kline, Jacob Kunkle, George Leffler, Jacob Lawer, Wm. Ramaley, Lafayette Reiss, Tilghman Ramaley, Henry Strawberger, Mat. Selser, John Smith, Daniel Sherrer, Wm. Strold, Henry Straub, John Selfies, Charles Snyder, Wash. Souders, William McFarland, Henry Snyder, Reuben Mehrkamm, John Thompson, George *n 118 DEAFT OF 1864 FOR THREE YEARS. Greensweig, Adam Meges, Joel "Wannemacher, Per. Getz, Tobias Ramaley, Daniel DRAFTED JUNE 13, 1864, FOR THREE YEARS. Acker, Benneville Boyle, Hugh 1st Boyle, Hugh 2d Brislin, Hugh Burns, Felix Berger, Fred. Boyle, Condy Boyle, Edward Boyle, Dennis Bender, Samuel Burkhart, John Brannan, Martin Boyle, Barny 1st doll, Daniel Crary, Mason B. Carey, John Cooper, Luke Duffy, Charles Didium, John Dougherty, Richard McGee, James Davis, Wm. D. Dugan, James Dugan, Barney BANKS TOWNSHIP. Gallagher, Tague Gallagher, Owen Giser, Phillip Gonchin, Michael Gatens, Martin Gonchin, Thomas Hudson, Price Hoff, John Haycock, Reese Hines, John Highland, Edw. Henry, David Johnson, James Korer, Alexander Kelley, Edward Kropp, John Longshore, John Moore, Michael Moony, Hugh Evans, Daniel Fitch, Anthony Fowler, M. D. Friele, John Ferry, John 1st Farrow, Levi Ferry, John Fritz, George Gallagher, Condy McDarraugh Jas. McHenry, Stephen McFadden, J. 1st McCollum, J. K. McGeady, John McBride, James Phelp, William Penser, " Rencer, " Reynolds, John Reiley, George Roberts, J. K Schovel, Jacob Sharp, John 1st Stoneback, Henry Skelton, John Sweeney, John 1st Shoup, Peter Shaffer, Casper Sweeney, Patrick McNulty, John 2d Smith, Hugh McGee, John Spatzer, Emanuel McBrearty, Barny Swob, Peter Maley, Patrick McNulty, Daniel Maloy, Barney Mumper, A. L. McCafferty, John McHugh, Connel Murray, Charles McGee, Connelly Tomminey, Peter Troy, Daniel Thorpe, John Weber, " Ward, Patrick Wegan, George Whalen, Michael Welsh, Francis Jroif^n^Jos^x r~ Brodhead, Danie Byleman, Henry Brodhead, A. J. McEnnelly, Patrick Woodring, Nich. EAST MAUCH CHUNK. Gausler, John Mentz, Sebastian Gallagher, Joseph Muckley, Henry .Gallagher, Daniel McCoal, Neal Gallagher, Patrick McQuare, James 2d DRAFT OF 1864 FOR THREE YEARS. 119 ^^ McNelas, Neal Root, Manasses Rough, Henry Skelley Patrick Sweeney, Daniel Treharn, David Thomas, Josiah Burk, Martin Brady, Charles Brady, John Bennehoff, Jonas Connaghan, Hugh Ebert, Nathan Griffin, George Bailey, Daniel Frieley, Solomon Hoffinan, Samuel Baldwin, Thomas Bell, William Brakely Matthias Blakeslee, Chas. Cole, Jacob Donnel, Peter Dvfi, Mike Dutter, Reuben Dolan, Patrick Houtz, Hiram Harkiiis, Edward Kuehner, Thomas McGee, John McGady , Daniel Miller, "Fred. Miller, Andrew BAST PENN TOWNSHIP. Holshue, Joseph Kistler, D. W. Peter, Godfrey Smith, Elias KIDDER TOWNSHIP. Eckerd, John Edleman, John T. Frable, Conrad Hale, M. D. Kresge, Amahdus Kern, William Kresge, Lyman Miksell, Henry McName, Turner West, Levi Serfass, Henry Steigerwalt, Stephen Schmith, Owen Makes, John Nanny, Peter Neely, Wm. Smith, John Seer, Levi Scholifield, John Toomy, John Welch, Thomas Winters, Tip NESQUEHONING TOWNSHIP. Burns, Edward Cox, John Clark, Michael Coyle, Terrance Crossen, Owen Arner, Thomas Backert, Henry Clanigan, John Englehart, John Clark, Thomas Donahoe, John Dufiy, Francis Fisher, Isaac Holmes, Chas. Smith, Thomas PACKER TOWNSHIP. Gerhardt, Daniel Hinkle, Amos Moses, John Nace, Jacob Young, G. W. Jenkins, Morgan Leslie, John McCarrell, James Riley, Hugh Reese, David Rinker, John Rinker, Solomon Romig, John Woodlin, John PENN FOREST TOWNSHIP. Agley, George Donahoe, Patrick Almanecker, John Green, Michael Breamer, Chas. Mooney, Michael Bugber, Amos Prutzman, David Righter, George Serfass, Lewis Stinehart, S. Girard. 120 DRAFT OP 1864 FOR THREE YEARS. LAUSANNE TOWNSHIP. Bryan, John Bauchman, G. H. Becker, Jacob Bannon, James Berkhard, Edw. Carroll, Charles Deterline, Wm. Davis, John Punnson, Patrick Dunnigan, James Eddie, James Eck, Franklin Earns, Joseph Eck,' Paul Gibbon, Wm. Harleman, Thomas Hend, Bernard Hackett, Thomas Abbott, Robert Botts, Philip Brislin, Patrick Beltz, Harrison Boyd, Wm. 2d Beltz, Charles Boyd, Robert Brislin, James Boyle, Dennis 2d Boner, Condy Caregan, Michael Campbell, Henry Courtright, W. B. Conaghan, James W Downs, Thomas Dougherty, Patrick Diver, Thomas Davis, David P. Dougherty, Aaron Dale, Samuel Fringenown, Wm. Fleming, Smith. Fagan, James . Fink, Lawrence Hetinger, Lewis King, J. R. Kirk, Wm. Kisthard, Keener, Daniel Kingle, Lewis Laughran, Owen Lamon, Henry Leadenham, Henry Lunger, Wm. McCabe, John McGee, Daniel Maginty, Mannes Miller, Joseph McCluskey, Chas. McGinty, Edward O'Donnell, John C. Picket, Wm. SUMMIT HILL. Fisher, Caleb Mulherron, Michael, Finley, James Miller, Peter Gallagher, John 7thMcGilloway, Jamea Gazton, David Miller, Alexander Griffith, Benjamin Mauser, J. B. Gallagher, James Moore, Peter Houser, Nathan McGee, Patrick Haycock John Martin, Monroe Harran, Edw. McFadden, John Harkins, James • Nevins, Samuel Howard, David . Nevins, Joseph Harkins, Hugh 2d Oliver, Samuel Jones, Morgan Pollock, Samuel Reed, Henry Rase, Frederick Rems, James Rudden, John Smith, J. W. Stevenson, Wm. Terns, Thomas Trumble, Lewis Wilcrout, Solomon Weiss, Charles Winn, Michael Watson, Newton Ward, Condy Weiss, J. A. Webster, Flem Ward, Patrick Wilson, John Watts, James Itlace, Joseph Kelly, Charles Kennedy, Hugh Lewis, John Lewis, Wm. T. Lynch, Richmond McGill, Terrence May, John Mussel man, Josig^h Storch, Henry Maloy, James Welsh, Patrick McLaughlin, John Williams, Josiah Pouting, Thomas Pollock, Benj. R. Roberts, Jacob, jr., Redline, Abraham Starch, Philip Stout, Manasses Sharp, Condy Scott, James ,. ^^ -vPC,' •^•^^ o " o -^^ o. ^ ^^•^SOCT 7 6 •; .s^o ^^, 'o . » * A <. ^n c'^ DOBBS BROS. '^ '^- .i'<(' ♦ ^lli^'". r?*^ t, ° " ° ST. AUGUSTINE (^ \D 'o . » «» A <^ "'T. s * .0 .'r