<®wm^R\L )<*()£ CO V &m\* or l^TTon Gass Bool of 11 a n i The DOOK 4 p. m f&& een the hours ora 9 a. m. till are authorized to quired to file with the Department, 1. T borrow 2. B the Lil or of tl 3. !No dook wm ue ba&wi uvui vuc ^*, A «* #> i*~„ bd the name of the borrower shall have been registered by the Librarian. 4. Of works of single volumes only one at a time may be borrowed ; of works of two or more volumes two may be taken. 5. The period of a loan of books is for two weeks, and borrowers are strictly prohibited from lending books thus drawn to other persons, whether of the Department or not. 6. Borrowers wishing to retain books for a longer period than two weeks, may at the close of the second week renew the loan for an additional two weeks. 7. The loan of a book will be renewed but once. 8. Books classed as "Works of Reference," or marked in the Catalogue with an asterisk (*), cannot be taken from the Library. 9. When a book has been injured while in the possession of a borrower, it must be replaced by a perfect copy. 10. Application for and return of books must be made in person, except in cases of sickness or absence from the city. 11. Books returned will not be reissued until they have been! examined and replaced upon the shelves. 12. When a book has been retained by a borrower beyond two weeks without renewal, its price will be certified to the Disbursing Officer of the Department, and deducted from the salary of the person withholding it. 13. Writing on the leaves or covers of books, and the folding or turning down of their leaves are strictly prohibited ; violation of this rule will debar employes from further privileges of the Library. 14. In selecting books from the shelves care must be used in handling them, replacing those not drawn on the shelves from which they were taken ; the number of the shelf may be ascertained from the label above. 15. Employes, on quitting the service of the Department, must return all books in their possession belonging to the Library. Final payment of their salaries will be withheld by the Disbursing Officer until he is satisfied that all books charged against them at the Library have been returned. 16. For infringements of any of the above rules the Librarian is authorized to suspend or refuse the issue of books to the culpable persons. By order of the Secretary : GEO. M. LOCKWOOD, Chief Clerk. (13599— 10 M.) u -. \ GLENAVERIL; OR, THE METAMORPHOSES. m n 1 1 Ot? A POEM IN SIX BOOKS. By THE EARL OF LYTTON, uWv*^ (IA**A (OWEN MEREDITH.) 6±JU*» ^ijtCv , X