1 1 a- ■ 3- Class. ,^..^ ^/'/l? 65th Congress 1 3d Session ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EBENEZER J. HILL (Late a Representative from Connecticut ) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION Proceedings in the House March 3, 1918 Proceedings in the Senate September 27, 1917 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING o -z 6 r^^ ^' ■WASHINGTON 1919 n7 oi .., TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Proceedings in the House 5 Prayer by Piev. Henry N. Coiiden, D. D 5, 8 Memorial addresses by — Mr. Schuyler Merritt, of Connecticut 11 Mr. Champ Clark, of Missouri 18 Mr. Claude Kitchin, of North Carolina 20 Mr. James R. Mann, of Illinois 23 Mr. Joseph W. Fordney, of Michigan 24 Mr. J. Hampton Moore, of Pennsylvania 29 Mr. William R. Green, of Iowa 31 Mr. Charles H. Sloan, of Nebraska 38 Mr. John Q. Tilson, of Connecticut 42 Mr. James P. Glynn, of Connecticut 46 Mr. Augustine Lonergan, of Connecticut 50 Mr. Richard P. Freeman, of Connecticut 53 Proceedings in the Senate 55 [3] J^ <-< HON.EBENEZER J. HILL DEATH OF HON. EBENEZER J. HILL Proceedings in the House of REPRESENXATn-ES Thursday, September 27, 1917. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Hcni-y N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: Our Father in Heaven, " in whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning," constant in Thy ministra- tions, upholding, sustaining, guiding those who wait upon Thee, we thank Thee for past blessings and most earnestly pray that we may lean with greater confidence upon Thee, that as individuals and as a Nation we may march onward and upw^ard in righteousness, truth, and justice. Once more in the dispensation of Thy providence we are called upon to mourn the loss of a Member of this House. Wise in his counsels, firm in his convictions, pure in his motives, he leaves behind him a worthy record. Comfort, we beseech Thee, his colleagues, friends, and the bereaved family with the promises of the Gospel. We know not what the future hath Of marvel or surprise; Assured alone that life and death His mercy underlies — so we trust, hope, aspire, and pray in the spirit of the Master. Amen. Mr. Glynn. Mr. Speaker, it is my painful duty to an- nounce to this House the death of my distinguished col- league, the Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, who for more than 20 years has represented his State in Congress with remark- able integrity and fidelity. [5] MeMOUIAI. AdDHKSSES : RliPKESENTATIV-E HlLI. At some later clay I shall ask that a day be set aside when fitting tribute can be paid to his distinguished char- acter and to Ills eminent public services. At this time I offer a resolution and ask for its immediate considera- tion. The Speaker. The Clerk will report it. The Clerk read as follows : House resolution 155. Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. Ebenezer .1. Hill, a Representative from tlie State of Connecticut. Resolved, That a committee of 23 Members of the House, with sucli Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend tlie funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out tlie provisions of this resolution, and that the necessary ex- penses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to the resolu- tion. The resolution was agreed to. The Speaker. The Chair will announce the House Mem- bers of the committee to attend the funeral. The Chair would appoint the entire Committee on Ways and Means were it not for the fact that Messrs. Kitchin, Rainey, Dixon, Fordney, Garner, and Moore of Pennsylvania are on this conference committee on the war-revenue bill. If any of them want to go, I will appoint them. I do not think they can go, and I do not think they ought to go, although, of course, everybody liad great respect for Mr. Hill, and the entire House would like to go. Mr. Kitchin. It will be impossible, I will say, Mr. Speaker, for the first five Members to go. [6] Proceedings in the House The Speaker. I will appoint the committee as follows: Mr. Lonergan, Mr. Tilson, Mr. Glynn, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Gillett, Mr. Hull of Tennessee, Mr. Garner, Mr. Collier, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Oldfield, Mr. Crisp, Mr. Helvering, Mr. O'Shaunessy, ^Ir. Carew, ]\Ir. White of Ohio, Mr. Green of Iowa, Mr. Sloan, Mr. Longworth, Mr. George W. Fairchild, Mr. Sterling of Illinois, Mr. Martin of Louisiana, Mr. Tread- way, and Mr. Rodenberg. The Speaker. The Clerk will report tlie next resolution. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That as a further mark of respect this House do now adjourn. The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to the resolu- tion. The resolution was unanimously agreed to. Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 20 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, September 28, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon. Friday, September 28, 19i7. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Waldorf, its enroll- ing clerk, announced that the Senate had passed the fol- lowing resolution: Senate resolution 138. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of the Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the Stale of Connecticut. Resolved, That a committee of eight Senators be appointed by the Vice President to join a committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to take order for superintending the funeral. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these reso- lutions to the House of Representatives and to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the Senate do now adjourn. [7] Mkmoiual Ai)[)hesses: Repkesentatim: IIii.i. And that in compliance with the foregoing resolution the Vice President had appointed as the committee on the part of the Senate Mr. Brandcgee, Mr. McLean, Mr. Dil- lingham, Mr. Fcrnald, Mr. James, Mr. Overman, Mr. Pom- erene, and Mr. Ncwiands. Friday, February 8, 1918. Mr. Merritt. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Sunday, March 3, 1918, he set apart for addresses upon the life, character, and puhlic services of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the State of Connecti- cut. The Speaker. The gentleman from Connecticut asks unanimous consent that Sundaj-, March 3, 1918, he set apart for addresses on the life, character, and j)ublic services of the late Representative Hill. Is there ohjec- tion? There was no objection. Thursday, February 28, 1018. The Speaker. The Chair designates Mr. Tilson, of Con- necticut, to preside next Sunday. Sunday, Mareh 3, 1918. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by Mr. Tilson as Speaker pro tempore. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: Infinite Spirit, our Heavenly Father, we bless Thee for the faith that holds our course to Thee; for the hope that cheers us on our way; for the love that reflects itself from a thousand angels in crystallized thoughts and acts, in deeds of kindness and generosity, in the sacrifices around [8] Proceedings in the House the fireside which pour themselves out in motherly solici- tude and fatherly care, in the heroism for the principles we love, and in the glory of the holy sacrifices on the field of battle; for these angels enthroned in the heart of man, the wireless telegraphy that keeps us in touch with Thee. We are here to-day in memory of a statesman who has finished the work Thou didst give him to do for his con- stituents, State, and Nation. Strong in his conceptions, pure in his motives, firm in his convictions, he leaves behind him a record worthy of a place on the pages of history. Comfort his colleagues, friends, and those who were near to him in the ties of love; and bring us all, in Thine own good time, to dwell together with the faithful in Him who taught us life, liberty, truth, justice, mercy; and ever- lasting praise be Thine. Amen. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will read the special order. The Clerk read as follows: On motion of Mr. Merrill, by unanimous consent, Ordered, Tliat Sunday, Marcli 3, 1918, be set apart for addresses upon the life, character, and public services of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the State of Connecticut. Mr. Merritt. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following resolu- tion. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from Con- necticut offers a resolution, w^hich the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows: House resolution 263. Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended, that opportunity may be given for tributes to the memory of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Member of this House from the State of Connecticut. [9] Mkmoiuai, Addrf-sses : HcPRESKNTATnT: Hill Resolved, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the House, at the conclusion of these exercises, shall stand ad- journed. Resolved, Tliut the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. The resolutions were agreed to. [10] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mb. Merritt, of Connecticut Mr. Speaker : It is hard for me to appreciate that I speak here not merely as Mr. Hill's friend and constituent but as his successor. He had for so many years and so ade- quately represented the district that he had become an institution, and, I may add, an institution wliicli tlie dis- trict and the country could ill afford to lose. The district regarded him with confidence in his honesty and wisdom, and those who knew him with affection also. While it is true that he was a strong party man, it is true also that he regarded all individuals and all interests in his district as under his care, and they received it. Democrats and Republicans alike; so that after election was over all par- ties regarded him as their Representative, and he accepted the trust in that broad way. He had a peculiar right to represent Fairfield County. There have been in this coun- try no hereditary titles or privileges, but fortunately there are some families with hereditary ability and character. The Hill family is one of these, and its paternal ances- tors have been residents in Fairfield County froin its earliest settlement. Andrew Ward, the only man ap- pointed by the Colony of Massachusetts on both its Com- mittee of the Church and Committee of the State to organize the Colony of Connecticut, was an ancestor. William Hill, the first Hill ancestor in America, was a member of the first colonial Connecticut Legislature, at Hartford, and so continued until his death. Two hundred and fifty years later his descendant, Ebenezer J. Hill, was a member of that same legislature, by that time, however, the legislature of a sovereign State. [11] Mi:m(iui\i. Addukssks : Hki'keskntativi, IIii.i. During that interval of 250 years there was no time when inemhers of the family were not serving the church and State. The Rev. John Jones, of Concord, Mass., the first min- ister of the town of Fairfield, was an ancestor, and was public!}' recognized as acUve in forwarding the interests of the Colony. Many other persons i)ronunent in the county history from colonial limes down to the present are among his ancestors. And a study of this ancestry shows also how and why he was among the earliest to form and avow the convic- tion that women should have equal rights and opportu- nities with men. Mr. Hill's own mother was the wife of a minister of Hartford, and when her husband was ill for some weeks she conducted the services to the satisfaction of the con- gregation. His grandfather Hill was one of the early Methodists in Connecticut, and was also a leading aboli- tionist and suffered considerable persecution on that account. His maternal ancestors were Scotch and came to Port- land, Me., then called Falmouth and under the jurisdic- tion of the Colony of Massachusetts. These ancestors were of the same sort, and, being nearer the frontier, took even a more active part in the Indian and colonial wars. Pacifists were at that period neither popular nor numer- ous, and if there were any slackers they were not in the Hill ancestry. Time will not permit to follow this inquiry over the seas, but it is of interest to note that the wife of the first Hill in America was the daughter of Ignatius Jourdain, who was deputy mayor of Exeter, in England; and he. during a plague, when the mayor had fled, remained at [12] AUDKKSS OF Mr. MeHRITT, of COXNECTICI'T his post and did almost superhuman relief work. Later he was summoned before the star chamber under the Stuarts for refusing to yield his religious convictions. And so, to represent this line of God-fearing and man- serving people, Ebenezer J. Hill was born in Redding, Conn., in 1845. This lineage and this background were a precious in- heritance and a strong incentive, and well did he profit from the first and respond to the second. His ability and industry were early shown by the fact that he passed his entrance examination for Yale at the age of 14, but owing to the regulations he could not enter until 1861, in the class of 1865. The young men of that time, like our young men now, felt the call of country, and in his sophomore year, 1863, he tried to enlist, but was still too young, so he took the only opening that presented itself and entered in the Quartermaster Department as assistant to his brother, Maj. Asburj' Hill, and there remained until the end of the war. He did not complete liis undergraduate course, but in 1895 Yale conferred upon him the degree of A. M. in recognition of his public services. Upon reentering civil life after the war he at once went into active business, not neglecting his public duties and responsibilities. To indicate his varied activity it may be mentioned that for 25 years and until he was elected to Congress he was in the lumber business; and also, at different times, he was president of the Norwalk Street Railway Co., Nor- walk Gas Light Co., Norwalk Mills Co., and later vice president and then president of the National Bank of Norwalk, which office he held at the time of his death. During this period he was active in performing his duties as a citizen in the town and borough of Norwalk, [13] MriMoiuAi. Ai)i)Hi;ssi:s : Ri;i'1(i:si:ntativk Him. serving as a member of the city government and also upon the board of school visitors. In 1884 he was a delegate to the Republican national convention at Chicago, wliich nominated James G. Blaine; and in 1886 he was elected a member of the Connecticut State Senate, and some valuable constructive legislation was credited to him at that time. In 1894 he was elected to the Fifty-fourth Congress, and began that service which lasted, with the exception of a single Congress, the Sixty-third, until his death, in 1917. This period of service in the House, consisting of more than 20 years, was longer by over 2 years than that of any man who had previously represented Connecticut. His ability and industrj' early gave him a standing in the House which time and experience confirmed and strengthened. Aside from other committee work, he served for 8 years on the Banking and Currency Com- mittee and 14 years on the Ways and Means Committee. Of his work on those committees and in Congress his col- leagues here present can speak with more intimate knowl- edge and greater authority than I. Wc in his district, however, had good reason to know of his untiring devo- tion to his work, his constant study of economic condi- tions, especially with regard to manufactures in tliis coun- try and abroad, and his wonderful accumulation of facts, which was indeed encj'clopedic. In his later years he had a deserved national reputa- tion as an authoritj' on matters of the tariff and banking. In addition to his studies he added to his store of knowl- edge by wide travel and careful and accurate observa- tion. Scarcely a vacation passed without his going to some foreign land for pleasure and study combined, and he always added to his store of useful information. I say useful advisedly, because he was no collector of dry facts but rather of facts as tools for use. [14] Address of Mr. Merritt, of Connecticut He cared for this knowledge not as a historian but as a forward-looking statesman. Tliis is shown by the fact that he not merely helped on good measures, but he either originated or was among the pioneers in legis- lation which was then and still is most beneficial in this countrj'. He had a leading part in establishing the gold standard, his speech in Congress on that subject being used through- out the United States as a textbook and authority. To his credit largely are to be placed the establishment of rural free deliveiy, his own district being the second district in which rural free delivery was established; free alcohol for the arts; and the chemical schedule in the present tariff bill, which promises to establish the dyestuff industry' in this country. He was also an ardent supporter of national enfran- chisement of women — and this years before it became a political issue or even popular. Indeed, he stood on this platform in the face of threats that it might imperil his renomination. He was prominent in the Methodist Church and in the Order of Odd Fellows. And with all this tremendous activity and diversity' of interest and occupation he had a fine capacity for friend- ship and good-fellowship. There was no town in his district where he had not hosts of friends; no assembly where he was not welcome nor where his coming did not add to its pleasure. To illustrate one phase of his character which did not always appear on the surface may I give one personal anecdote? Among his friends was a Catholic priest. Father Fur- long, of Norwalk. Before his trip to the Holy Land Mr. Hill called on his friend, then sick unto death, and asked him if there was anything he could bring liim. Said the father. " If I live so long, I should like above all things to have you bring me a rosarj' from the Holy CitA." [15] Memohiai. Addhicsses: Representative Hile When Mr. Hill was in the Garden of Clethsemane, which was under the care of monks of the Franciscan order, he noted an okl olive tree said to have heen there since the days of our Lord. In conversation with the abhot he learned that the olive stones were carefully preserved and made into rosaries, but were reserved strictly for the members of the order and never sold. Thereupon Mr. HiLi, told the abhot the story of his dying friend, the priest in \orwalk, and what a solace and inspiration this rosary coming from this particular place, and made by the monks of his order, would be to this dying man. The abbot was touched by the storj', and said that he felt justified in breaking the rule, and presented Mr. Hill with this ro- sarj% which, fortunately, he was able to place in the hands of his friend before lie died; and when he died this rosary was clasped in his hand. Mr. Hill's high devotion to duty never left him. Al- though he was too ill, he made a special trip to Washing- ton last July in order to speak on an important pending measure. On the 25th of July he made a brilliant speech in the House that attracted the attention both of the House and the country. Then he went home, and on the very next day, though suffering from exhaustion and overwork, he went to the station to join in the farewell to the boys of the Sixth Company of Coast Artillerj', of which his own nephew, Albert Mossman, is captain. He spoke inspir- ingly to those young men, pointing out to them that they were not going out for conquest, but for the fulfillment of a patriotic duty, and then called on those remaining at home to fulfill their duty in the maintenance of democracy in its best form. That was his last public appearance, and from then un- til the 27th day of September, 1917, when he died, he grew steadily weaker, until his splendid constitution was worn out, although his mind remained clear and alert until the [16] Address of Mr. Merritt, of Connecticut last. And I think we can say of him tliat he, like his friend the priest, died clasping to his heart his rosarj' of public duty. Gentlemen, this seems to me a record of a happy and well-spent life. President Eliot has said that the only real happiness is in doing some good tiling well. Our friend did many good things in the service of his town, his State, his countiy, and his fellow men; and he did them all well. We can readily believe that he has heard the Master say "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." iieoas"— 19- [17] Address or Mr. Clark, or Missouri Mr. Speaker: I served several years with our lamented friend, Emenezer J. Hii.l, on the great Committee on Ways and Means, long service on which is, within itself, a liberal education. First and last, strong men of almost all occu- pations or professions testify or argue before it — in fact, every class of men except fools. So far as I know, they never appeared before that committee. Mr. Hill was a working member of both the committee and the House. He was one of the most industrious of mortals, and by constant toil he accumulated a vast quantity of informa- tion on a variety of subjects — particularly on economic subjects, on which he was an expert. One of my college professors frequently said that some people had memories like a tar bucket, to which every- thing that touched it stuck. Certainly Mr. Hill's memory was of that variety. Consequently he probably possessed as much information as any other man in the House. He was not an orator, but a forceful speaker — a crack debater. He was exceedingly tenacious of his opinions, advocating and defending them with energy' — indeed, with vehemence. He enjoyed a mental and linguistic contest, and when he thought he had the best of a clash the evi- dences of his pleasure were patent to all observers. A staunch Republican partisan, he was a thoroughgoing American, fighting for his countiy in his youth, serving her faitlifully in his mature years in this great arena of intellectual struggles. He was a seasoned traveler, and illumined his speeches and his conversation with facts and illustrations garnered in foreign lands — always to the edification of his hearers. [18] Address of Mr. Clark, of Missouri He was an intense protectionist, but he never fell out with men of different views or underrated their capacity. He was an agreeable companion and estimated highly the value of friendship. His death was a positive loss to this House, to his State, and to the country. [19] Address of Mh. Kitchin, of North Carolina Mr. Speaker: When I first met Mr. IIii.i., hack in the Fifty-seventh Congress, liis fourlli term and my first, he impressed me as a most forceful character and a most courteous and considerate gentleman. In my LI years of service with him here I never saw anything to impair, but everything to strengthen, that impression. For more than a decade preceding his death Hill was a commanding figure in the House. His intellect, his integrity, his cour- age, his sense of right and truUi, his diligent study of legislation, his courteous deportment, his sympathetic im- pulses combined to qualify him as such. And he looked the part. If we except the gentleman fi-om Illinois |Mr. Mann], the incomparable minority leader, I doubt if any man in Congress in the last 1.') years was as tireless a worker or as diligent a student of legislation as he. While well in- formed on every subject of legislation, he was more of an expert on questions of finance and the tariff. I doubt if the late Mr. Payne in his best day had more accurate information with respect to the tariff or gave to it closer study than had Mr. Hill. I remember hearing Speaker Clark say once that Mr. Payne knew more about the tariff than any living man. In the Sixty-second Congress, when the House under Democratic control was attempting to revise the tariff, schedule by schedule, I regarded Mr. Hill the most ag- gressive, the most agile, and the most dangerous opponent of the several revision measures. Frequently I was struck with amazement at the fund of information, and the accu- racy of it, he displayed on this floor. He was a splendid [20] Address of Mr. Kitciiin, or North Carolina debater, witli a keen, penetrating mind. He saw at once the weak and strong points of every question, argument, or position. He was a factor to be reckoned with in every contest. His logic and arguments seemed convincing. He was never rhetorical. He expressed his thoughts with emphatic clearness. His deliven,' was earnest and force- ful and oftentimes picturesque. At times he rushed on his opponent like a whirlwind. In the fiercest combat he never gave offense, but remained civil and courteous throughout. He was a foeman worthy of the best steel. He was a hard hitter, but never an unfair one. He struck always in the open. He and I had many a lively tilt, both on the floor and in the Waj^s and Means Committee, of which, for many years, he was a leading member. We have given and taken many hard blows, but they never left a sore spot on either. I admired him and held him in the highest esteem. I am happy in the belief that we enjoyed one another's confidence and friendship. He frequently visited my office, especially in the Sixty- fourth Congress. The last time he visited the Capitol we spent together in my office an hour of most pleasant con- ference. He was then a sick man, but his mind was as vigorous as ever. He was then keenly interested in and anxious over coming legislation. I never saw him, well or sick, that his eagle eye and nose did not reveal the fighter. I observed it with admiration on this last occa- sion. As the gentleman from Connecticut, his honorable successor, indicated in his interesting and splendid ad- dress, he came from a race of fighters. Yet he was as genial and sweet-spirited and lovable a gentleman as one cares to meet. He was of unimpeachable character. I never heard the slightest reflection cast upon him. The breath of the faintest suspicion never blew about him. He led a clean, pure, open life, both private and public. He was a Christian gentleman in the truest sense. The State [21] Mi;.M()HiAL Ai)i)iii;ssi:s : Represkntativi-; Hii.i. and tlu' district which he served so long, so faithfully, so ahly, were most fortunate in having such a man to repre- tiont them at the Nation's Capital. His loved ones who mourn his death have full right and reason to be proud of his career and of his name. The House in honoring to-day the memory of one so worthy does honor to itself. The opportunity extended me b}' his distinguished successor to speak these simple words of appraisement of our deceased friend and comrade I count as a real privilege, as it is a genuine happiness. [22] Address of Mr. Mann, of Illinois Mr. Speaker: I was shocked and inexpressibly sad- dened when I learned of the death of Mr. Hill. Of course, I knew that he had been ill, like myself. We had mutually advised each other to cut out work and rest. Mr. Hill was a real statesman. He became a recog- nized authority, particularly upon economic problems, and especially upon finance, and under that on banking, currency, and the tariff. When I became the Republican leader in the House I often turned to Mr. Hill for advice and information. I had a number of sessions with him, and his remarkable fund of information was very striking. He was one of the most intense characters that I have ever met. I used to wonder sometimes, in the House, when Mr. Hill was in debate, with that fierj^ earnestness and intensity, with his hand and finger pointed as though liis words would burn — I used to wonder sometimes, looking at him, whether he would come down to earth again. Then would come that genial smile following the intense argu- ment, showing that his feet were on the ground all the time. I never saw him when he was so intense that he could not be a good-natured, smiling, sweet-tempered gentleman. If it were not for my own condition I should be glad to speak longer. This is the first time, Mr. Speaker, that I have spoken in the House since toward the middle of last July, and it was only because of my intense admira- tion and affection for Mr. Hill that I felt obliged to-day to satisfy myself in making these few remarks in memory of one of the great men of the House, a distinct loss to the House and to the country, and also my particular friend. [23] Address of Mr. Fordney, of Michigan Mr. Speaker: Every great country recognizes and honors its great men. To-day we meet to honor the memory of a veteran Member, who for more than a score of years stood among the foremost in the framing of legislation. Almost from the first he was known as a strong, fearless, able, and intelligent advocate of all that tends to make us great and keep us free. He came here an accomplished, energetic, successful man of affairs, and in all matters pertaining to business, revenue, and finance his advice was early recognized as wise, conscientious, and sound. In the days when Payne of New York, Dalzell of Pennsylvania, Grosvenor of Ohio, and Boutell of Illi- nois were often spoken of as the big four of the Repub- lican side, it would have been hard to saj' that Hill of Connecticut was not just as much entitled to membership in the leading quartet. He represented an element of which there is always too small a representation in Congress — the constructive, suc- cessful man of affairs. In its hours of ease the Congress has been prone to bait and belittle the men of this coun- try who organize and finance its business, and to imagine that in some way the lawyer and politician can run things; but after doing a great deal to hamper and handi- cap the men who accomplish results, the recent months of stress and peril have seen the Government turn its ap- pealing hands to these men as the hope of the countrj*. And they are. Mr. Hill came here at the opening of the Fifty-fourth Congress, on the first Monday in December, 189.1. Of the Members who outranked him in length of service, only six remain with us — Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois, with [24] Address of Mr. Fordney, of Michigan 21 terms to his credit; William A. Jones, of Virginia. 14 terms; Henry Allen Cooper, of Wisconsin, and Frederick H. Gillett, of Massachusetts, 13 terms; Champ Clark, of Missouri, and J. Fred Talbott, of Marj'land, 12 terms each. George Edmund Foss, of Illinois, Frank W. Mondell, of Wyoming, and Richard Wayne Parker, of New Jersey, each with 11 terms of service, came to this House in the same Congress and stood before tlie Speaker's desk to receive the oath of office at the same time as did Mr. Hill. Two Members of shorter service, Charles R. Crisp, of Georgia, and Benjamin L. Fairchild, of New York, also served in the Fifty-fourth Congress. A glance at Mr. Hill's early speeches will sliow that from the very start he showed that broad, piercing vision that always is found in the statesman and the man of large affairs. The very first speech that he delivered, on Februarj' 11, 1896, reads almost like a prophecy. He said that the issues were three: First, adequate revenue, based on pi'otcction lines, to fully meet expenses, reduce to some extent the national debt, and develop the resources of the Nation; second, a sound system of national finance to give the business interests of the country peace; third (and could he have said it better if he had been speaking to-day?) : We must maintain the honor and protect the rights of the American people everywhere, abroad as well as at home, and give sympathy, encouragement, and hope to men who are fighting for freedom in other lands. Througliout liis whole membership liere he was always the champion of the rights and prerogatives of the House, and his verj' last utterance on tliis floor was on July 25, 1917, when he rose to a question of privilege and, as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, called atten- tion to the fact that he thought the privileges of the House were being invaded by the action of the Senate in propos- ing to raise money by certificates of indebtedness, the [25] Mi;.MoitiAi. Addresses: Rei-hesentmive Hn.i. function of this House to originate. He said the Repub- lican Members of tlie House proposed to stand by the ad- ministration, but they wanted to do it " legally, fairly, and squarel}'." Legally, fairly, and squarely! That was the way Mr. Hill always did things. He was manly, straightforward, direct, aCfirmative, constructive — an American of wliom his associates, his State, and his coun- try' are proud. Mr. Hh.l's two great specialties in legislation were our financial sj'stem and the tarilT. In matters relating to banking and currency he possessed a practical knowledge and a breadth of vision rarely equaled and never sur- passed by any Member within this generation. He was sent here by a constituency that recognized the value of long service, and so was able to develop his capacity as a legislator, and to give to his district and his country the benefit of the ripe experience that can come only from years of apprenticeship in the business of being a Congressman. I have said that there were six men of longer service than Mr. Hill remaining in the House and two others who had served as long. It is only a little while ago, and yet, of the great company' of 357 men who formed the House of the Fifty-fourth Congress, where are the rest? Some, like Pitney, of New Jersey, and McMillin, of Tennessee, now occupy high posts in other departments of the Gov- ernment. A few others, like Bankhcad, of Alabama, Curtis, of Kansas, Shafroth, of Colorado, Smith, of Michi- gan, and Underwood, of Alabama, now hold places of honor in the Senate of the United States. Some are pros- perous in private life. But we have held solemn services like these for many of them, and many others have died since their membership here was ended. In that Congress the Speaker was Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, who was ex-officio chairman of the Committee on Rules. Nelson Dingley, of Maine, was chairman of the [26] Address of Mr. Fordney, of Michigan Coniinittee on Ways and Means. Among the other mem- bers of that committee were Sercno E. Payne, of New York; Charles H. Grosvenor, of Ohio; Jonathan P. Dolli- ver, of Iowa; Charles F. Crisp, of Georgia, ex-Speaker and father of our honored colleague Charles R. Crisp. Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois, was chairman of the Committee on Appropriations. In his right hand is length of days, in his left hand honor and affection. Long, long, indeed, may he be spared to us and to his countrj\ The chairman of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce was William P. Hepburn, of Iowa; on Banking and Cur- rency, Joseph H. Walker, of Massachusetts; on the District of Columbia, Joseph W. Babcock, of Wisconsin ; on Edu- cation, Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania; on Foreign Af- fairs, Robert R. Hitt, of Illinois; on Indian Affairs, James S. Sherman, of New York; on Invalid Pensions, John A. Pickler, of South Dakota; on the Judiciarj', David B. Henderson, of Iowa; on the Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, Sereno E. Payne, of New York; on Naval Affairs, Charles A. Boutelle, of Maine; on Pensions, Henry C. Loudenslager, of New Jersey; on the Post Office and Post Roads, Eugene F. Loud, of California; on Public Buildings and Grounds, Seth L. Milliken, of Maine. On what was the minority side of the House were Leonidas F. Livingston, of Georgia; Francis G. Newlands, of Nevada; James D. Richardson, of Tennessee; James E. Cobb, of Alabama; David A. De Armond, of Missouri; William H. Grain, of Texas; Hernando D. Money, of Mis- sissippi; Josiah Patterson, of Tennessee; and Henrj' G. Turner, of Georgia. Scores of others that I might men- tion call up vivid memories of great debates and great service. As we hear their names their voices echo again in our ears. We see their faces; we recall their heartj' handclasps as we greeted them session after session. They make for us a moving picture of friendship, of char- acter, of manly strength. Yesterday they were with us. [27] Mi:m()UI.\i. Ai)i)iti:ssi;s : Rephi:si;ntativi; Hii.i. Now the calling of the roll of their names is answered only hy silence and our own heartache. Our Members fall like soldiers. And, Mr. Speaker, what a scene of struggle this Hall has been. The issues for which the men of 22 years ago were fighting here have many of them gone. Then Grover Cleveland was in his second term, and the country was divided on the question of the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Since then the legisla- tive pendulum has swung both ways on the tariff ques- tion. Government operation of utilities, the elTicient coor- dination of all business activities, the development to the utmost of national resources, the conservation of food and fuel, the quick development of a great merchant fleet, these and the other paramount questions now under dis- cussion were unborn and unknown subjects in legislative halls. The great roll of missing men, as well as the new subjects that we must discuss and settle as best we can, serve to remind us of the thought so eloquently expressed long ago by Edmund Burke, when, on hearing of the death of his opponent for a seat in Parliament, he exclaimed, "What shadows we are and what shadows we pursue! "' [28] Address of Mr. Moore, of Pennsylvania Mr. Speaker: We call the flower of American man- hood for the purposes of war. The aged we leave behind for counsel. The infirm, the halt, the unfit we do not take. It is one of the curious inconsistencies of our times that when the sound of battle calls we send forward to the supreme test the best we have and leave behind, even as a burden or a menace, much that the body politic might well dispense wath; but this is the soldier's way. If we go into the orchard when the fruit is ripening we take not the gnarled and unfit fruit. We leave it to sap the strength of the tree and take that fruit only, which is wholesome, that which is rosy-red. When we enter the garden we do not pluck the thistles and the thorns nor the rose that is shedding its bloom. We pick that flower which is purest and fairest. Sometimes I think it is so with men in private and in public life. We yield up those who have been most serviceable, those who are most capable by experience and learning to sustain our aims. Strange, is it not, that when one has perfected himself for public work and has acquired such knowledge and information as has been accurately attributed to our lamented colleague, Mr. Hill, that we should suddenly be bereft of Ms asso- ciation and services? But this surely is not our way; it is God's way, and we may neither question nor resist it. Ebenezer J. Hill, as has been so eloquently stated by the distinguished leader of the majority [Mr. Kitchin] and by our beloved minority leader [Mr. Mann], was of states- man stature. He was a strong legislator. The foundation was in him. He had grown step by step, through the in- fluences that environed him yonder at Norwalk and [29] Memorial Audhessks : Rei'resentative Hii.i. throughout Connecticut, until he was the peer of those with whom he came in contact here. He had speciaHzed ujjon economics, upon finance, upon tlic national revenues. He made these great national topics his special study, but he equipped himself in other ways to match the masters of debate in this House and to bring credit to his State and his country'. He was a genius at figures, and he noted the small things, so that he might be able to control the larger ones. Did he give informa- tion to the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. Mann], as indi- cated in the feeling speech so recently delivered? Yes; because he had studied, because he had investigated, be- cause he had made notes, and was sure of his facts. Pass- ing events of importance did not drift from his memorj'; he noted and preserved them for such emergencies as might arise. He did not let the incidents of the day pass by so that they might be useless to-morrow. Therein was much of his strength as a debater. My personal acquaintance with Mr. Hill began about that time when he was a contemporary in this House with Mr. Payne, Mr. Dalzell, and Mr. Fordney on the one side and with Mr. Clark, now Speaker, Mr. Underwood, and Mr. Kitchin on the other. I came here in the Fifty-ninth Congress when Mr. Hill was in the heyday of his activi- ties. It was my privilege to observe and to follow him in all essentials, for in the larger, broader sense Ebenezer J. Hill stood for the rights of America and the preservation of those rights. He had observed and studied the eco- nomic conditions that prevailed elsewhere. He believed in American ideals, and hoped for the perpetuation of all that was superior in American life. [30] Address of Mr. Green, of Iowa Mr. Speaker: I first became acquainted with Mr. Hill when I entered this House in 1911. As a new Member, my attention was natural!}' called to him as one of its leaders. I well remember in the early days of my membership seeing him take the floor in the midst of an exciting po- litical conflict to deliver one of those powerful addresses for which he was noted. The impression which he made I shall not easily forget. With all the energy he pos- sessed he struck without fear or favor, and like some champion of old, whose blows sounded upon his enemy's shield, his voice rang out in challenge to his adversaries. Striding back and forth in front of the rostrum, with gestures as vigorous as his speech, always in attack and never in defense, he seemed the impersonation of a par- liamentary debater. He who rises to eminence in so great a parliamentary' bodj' as a House of Representatives selected from a hun- dred millions of people must possess both ability and in- dustry, and one or the other to a marked degree. Nor is that all. The path to that elevation is usually a long and weary road, ascended through struggle and combat, by toil and labor. At rare and long intervals some genius has speedih' risen, but often generations pass without any quick and dazzling success. In the few years that I have been in the House I have seen lawyers of rare talent, jurists of high standing, authors of note, scholars of repu- tation, business men of renown, come, and in many cases go, only to find that a high position here must be estab- lished by capacity shown for the new work which they were undertaking. In truth, the science of legislation is the most compre- hensive of all studies. He who would understand it fully [31] Memoiuai. Ai)1)Hi;ssi:s: 1\epre.sent.\tive Hii.i. must know not only the history of liis own country but the lustory of all countries. He must be familiar with the development and gi-owth of society, the principles upon which ci^'ilizatio^ rests, and the lines upon which it must advance. Nor must he be a mere theorist or a dreamer. In no place is a capacity for tlie practical so much needed. Nowhere is a vision for the future so much desired. The learning of the past, the tendency of the present, the demands of the future, the methods of business, and the toil of labor must be considered. The field is limitless. None can hope to cover it all, and many must content themselves with but a small portion of the ground within its boundaries. But the field is divisible; and if a legis- lator has thoroughly mastered one of its important divi- sions we say that he has done well. Mr. Hill, brought to his duties a mass of useful material. He had been both a student and a man of affairs. No economic work worth while had escaped his attention. There was no kind of business with which he did not have an acquaintance, and his personal experience and prac- tical knowledge in connection with and in relation to some of the most important lines of industry qualified him to speak as an expert. He had traveled widely, both at home and abroad, not with the carelessness of the sight- seer but as a student of world conditions, and often made use of the knowledge thus acquired to illuminate discus- sion and shape the course of his own legislative action. Few men in this House have brought to their duties such a wealth of acquired knowledge and practical experi- ence. As a result, his counsel and advice was sought not only by Members of the House but by Cabinet Secretaries and Presidents. But no amount of information and learning, however great it may be, will complete the finished legislator. There are many who are able to see what ought to be accomplished, and to the uninitiated the enactment of a [32] Address of Mr. Green, of Iowa statute seems an easy task. Knowing the object of leg- islation, they fancy it is easy to so express it in a law that the purpose will be carried out. In fact, it is most difficult. Hence the orator, no matter how great he may be, has his limitations in Congress. Speeches seldom change votes. Debates may possibly turn the tide of history. But the man of high legislative ability must be capable of originating constructive policies and forming statutes which will effectuate their purpose. For this there is needed not only a creative mind, but also one which is logical, accurate, and precise. Men have passed through Congress and emerged with the fame of great oratois, sometimes with the reputation of great debaters, and yet have left upon the statute books not so much as a mark to indicate that they have ever been Members of that body. Their ability was, in fact, confined to a flow of eloquence or a capacity for sharp retort and stinging repartee. Mr. Hill was not one of that class. In fact, I may say truthfully he rose far above it. His abilities were of the solid and enduring tj'pc, and his course in Congress marked by definite achievements. He could not only shape and defend a policy, but he could look beneath the glitter and veneer which covers the vagaries of the thought- less and the wiles of the demagogue and expose their fallacies with merciless logic. As he passed along the evidence of his work remained behind him. We find it securely preserved in the laws of the land. While connected with large enterprises, Mr. Hill realized fully that the greatness of this country must de- pend upon the prosperity and advancement of the masses of its people. Indeed, he was too just in his perceptions and too clear in his thought to in any event deny them that to which they were justly entitled. Wliile never a theorist, his dream was to make this land one which throughout its boundaries would be inhabited by a prosperous, contented, and enlightened people. He believed that the 116938°— 19 3 [33] Memohiai. Ani)ni:ssi:s : Hephkskntativi:: Hii.i. laborer was worthy of liis liire and that his wages should always be commensurate with his i)roduction. He wished to put hope in the mind of the toiler and ambition in his breast; to have our social system and laws so maintained as to give opportunity for all and justice to everyone. Thus the great jjrohlems of labor and capital were ever studied by him to find some solution which would right- fully apportion the share which each could claim, always regarding the necessities of the toiler as coming first and endeavoring that conditions should be so adjusted that his reasonable demands should be met. He rightfully considered that the policies of this Nation should be such as would give the greatest return and the widest oppor- tunity possible to the workingman. To accomplish this purpose he advocated that the foundation for this policy should be laid on a system of protection to our industries, and no one was better able to present the argument in favor of this position than he. He believed in it with all his heart and soul and mind and brought to its support a wealth of argument, experience, and logic which made him one of the great champions of this cause. The ability and industry which Mr. Hill possessed in such a marked degree and the natural bent of his talents drew him into a branch of work in which industry- of the highest order was absolutely necessary to complete success. While I was not in Congress during the earlj' stages of his career, I can readilj' see why he was chosen to sit as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, that great committee which not only provides the means of carrying on our Government but also outlines to a large extent our fiscal policies. For proper service on this committee unremitting toil and study is necessary. So, also, a thorough masteiy of every system of taxation must be acquired, and the application of these systems is so highly technical that it produces a never-ending round of labor. In this division of legislative work none L31] Address of Mr. Green, of Iowa excelled Mr. Hill, and few equaled him. He was inde- fatigable in his labors, but it was not the mere routine of the pedant. He reveled in figures, but in his hands they were not cold and dull, but lifelike and speaking. He explored all the labyrinths of the tariff until its provisions became so familiar to him that it was easy for him to enlighten others, and only one who is a member of the Ways and Means Committee can fully understand Mr. Hill's wonderful grasp of the legislation which fell under its jurisdiction. I had the honor to become a member of that committee and the good fortune, sitting by his side, to receive the benefit of his study and application. It must not be supposed, however, that Mr. Hill con- fined himself to the duties of his committee, vast as they were, or that his duties were discharged with a thought single to the benefit which might be received by the region which he represented. His mind was too broad and comprehensive to be so confined. With far-seeing vision and discerning eye he looked beyond the bound- aries of his own State, with its whirring spindles and clanging hammers. He saw the great city, with its sky- scrapers and its port teeming with ships from every mart of the world, toward which all our commerce centers; he saw the regions where boundless supplies of coal and iron are brought together, marked by the smoke of thousands of chimneys; he saw the broad expanse of the prairies, where, under a smiling sun and beneficent sky, a bounte- ous soil brings forth its stores to feed the waiting nations; he saw the rugged sweep of the western mountains, wherein were hidden treasures surpassing the fabled wealth of the Orient and the dreams of magic; he looked across the broad expanse of the ocean to our islands blooming with tropical verdure, then again far beyond the Arctic Circle, where the midnight sun still shines upon our possessions, and south to where the Atlantic and Pacific arc joined by that gi'eat canal which is the monu- [35] Memorial Addhessks: Representative IIili. nient to the genius and enterprise of the American i)e()])le. His was the vision of the statesman whicli liad no limila- tions but that of the world itself. Mr. Hill was first of all and above all an American. He had unbounded confidence in the people of this Nation, its institutions, its form of government, its future, and believed that its destiny was to lead the march of civiliza- tion in the triumi)h of democracy and representative gov- ernment. Well niiglil he say willi the poet: When the centuries behind mc like a fruitful land deposed, When I clung to all the present for the promise it reposed, When I dipt into the future far as human eye could see, Saw the vision of the world and the wonder that would be. Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns. He saw, as many did not see, that we had come to be a world power, with duties which we must perform and responsibilities from which we could not escape. He saw that our future depended to a large extent upon that of other nations and that our policies must be broadened and our actions shaped to meet the crisis which might, and eventually did, arise. When the resistless tide of time carried us into the great European war his patriot- ism, ever present, arose to meet every emergency which confronted us. Unfortunately he was sick. His mind was as active as ever, but he was weakened physically by age, incessant toil, and disease. The strain imposed by the new and staggering j)roblenis which the war brought upon us was loo nmch for him to endure. The frail body could no longer contain the soul which still burned with tireless energj', the weakened cord snapped, and he passed away just as the curtain was rising upon the greatest drama which all history has ever known. [36] Address of Mr. Green, of Iowa I had thought that perhaps he would have liked to have played his part in these eventful scenes which are now about us, just as we would have wished to have had the benefit of his judgment and capacity in this crisis of our Nation's affairs; but an all-wise Providence has said that his work is done, and we can say that it has been well and nobly done. A great debater, a great legislator, a statesman in the best of all that word implies has left us; but his work will endure, ineffaceably recorded in the history of his country. Mr. Freeman took the chair as Speaker pro tempore. [37] Address ok Mr. Sloan, of Nebraska Mr. Speaker: It is fUliii{< that this House should set aside this sacred Sabbath to do honor to the inemoi"}' of Ebenezer J. Hill. The tribute to him shouhl be the prod- uct of careful thought and choice construction. His life and work are subjects that would call for the beauties of the poet's dream and the most profound thought of the philosopher. I regret that the halting sentences I may offer will not be a more finished tribute to his life and memor3\ I came here in the Sixty-second Congress, when he and those who had wrought with him had been reduced from the majority to the minority. As a new Member I watched with interest the changed conditions, observed how men met these changed conditions. The course of the once majority leaders had clianged. There was demonstrated what we often see among men. They are often strong in battle when the offense is on, but when reverse comes it takes a strong and peculiar character to still show that militancy which quails not before adversity but can battle in the minority as effectively as in the majority. It is easy to advance to the blare of the bugle, but it is sometimes dillicidt in the forced retreat to save as many positions as maj' be possible. I thought, among the char- acters of the few men I studied, that there was in the eminent statesman from Connecticut that which made him not only a strong and militant character when the offensive was on but a miglily force in defeat. When legislation reversing that which he had aided in passage was presented upon this floor never did I see a debater who seemed to successfully save as nuich of the situation as did Ebenezer J. Ilnx. [38] Address of Mr. Si.oan, of Nebraska He was a remarkable chai'actcr here. He was persist- ent, intense, and industrious in laying out plans and aid- ing the plans of those with whom he worked. When he came to the floor in debate he was militant. He charged like a Rupert, a Navarre, a Stonewall Jackson, or a Sheri- dan. He threw all his intellectual force and all the might of his militant being into the debate. Seldom, if ever, did I see Ebenezer J. Hill worsted in an intellectual combat on this floor. He combined the two qualities of militancy in debate and persistency in preparation. Years ago Prof. Swing, in criticising the then great iconoclast, Robert G. Ingersoll, attributed Mr. Ingersoll's peculiar course to an interesting trait of human nature that compelled a man who had been a great advocate, once having taken up a cause, to follow it so far that it became his master. Out of his discussion Prof. Swing crystallized his thought into this expression, " The master of a learned profession at last becomes its slave." The best that we have in life, those things that we idolize, those virtues that we extol, often become the most tyrannic of our being, the most destructive of our lives. As I sat here this afternoon and listened to the words of our eminent and beloved leader, James R. Mann, paying rich, deserved, and loving tribute to his deceased col- league, I thought of him and Ebenezer J. Hill together; not that they were of the same trend and bent of thought — because they frequently differed — but because in the mat- ter of industry they resembled each other so much. True, our deceased brother had passed his threescore years and ten; yet he seemed vigorous, and promised well for j'ears to come. I have no doubt that, speaking by and large, call the malady to which he succumbed what you will, it was industry, excessive, overwrought industry, that called him home. That industry is calling home so many I hope the warning will be efl'ectivc to some who are now strain- ing under the lash and scourge of tyrannic industry. [39] Mi:M()ItI.\I, AdDHKSSKS: RKI'HKSENTATn-E HlI.I, Our Brother Hili. had his triumphs. They have been recounted here. But one remarkable triumph I must advert to which must have been a matter of distinctive pride to him. He was a lifelong supporter of a policy on which he believed the welfare of America and Ameri- cans rested, the protection of American industrj' and American labor. He was in the minority. Yet when the great world war came on, after a great line of industries had been neglected in America, over the repeated warning of Representative Hux, he presented to an adverse Ways and Means Committee the facts developed by his study on the dye industry. He pointed to our national need and overcame the prejudice of a majority of that commit- tee. They said, in effect, " Yes, Mr. Hh.l, wc accept your facts, we acknowledge the force of j'our reasoning, and wc will write into law a concrete admission to you that you are right, and the countn,' will profit by it. We will lay a measure of protection' around this great industry that we need so much to keep our textile industries going and furnish a measure of preparation for the conflict that is on." The protection that Mr. Hill obtained for the dye indus- try will be the greatest legislative monument which can be raised in his behalf. It will stand as a tribute to his industrj' and a vindication of his life's course. With others I was permitted to attend the last rites accorded him up there in that New England State. They were held on a beautiful, bright autumn afternoon in Norwalk, the city of his home. The silenced mill wheel, the closed business doors, the vast concourse of people, the coming from everj' part of the State of the Common- wealth's greatest, attested the esteem in which he was held. The tributes paid from the pulpit before which he had so often sat were worthy of the gifted men who spoke them and of the great subject which called them forth. [40] Address of Mr. Sloan, of Nebraska Under the soft radiance of a sinking sun we repaired to the hillside resting place of Norwalk's dead. We passed under the trees which were already paying tribute to earth for their season's g\or\- and annual life. There was the fading leaf. Everj' color of the rainbow was depicted in the foliage of Connecticut's fields and forests. There was the maturing of corn. There were the ripening pome and grape ready for gathering before the winter came. Nature was giving evidence that time's penalties were being exacted as well as man's rewards were being granted. There on that afternoon we laid away all that remained of that stalwart character — a char- acter as rugged as the rocks and hills round his Con- necticut home. I saw the rich fruitage ready for the gathering, but the richest ripened product of all New England that day returned to earth was this eminent citizen, mighty legislator, and true American. [41] Address of Mr. Tilson, of Connecticut Mr. Speaker: Others have referred to the long and honorable historj' of the Hill family in Connecticut. I shall touch upon that subject no further than to say that with Mr. Hill it was not only a matter of pardonable family pride but it was both a source of inspiration and a challenge to his best efforts not only to maintain the high record already made by his progenitors but to add to it. Instead of being content to rest upon laurels won by those gone before, he acted upon the belief that he had a heritage which could be maintained only by his own highest endeavor. The record of Mr. Hill as business man and public official prior to his first election to this body has been referred to also and may be summed up by saj'ing that both were worthy of the man whom later you came to know here, worthy of the long line of his forbears, and worthy of the great State that he loved, served, and honored by serving. He took his scat in this body in 1895 at the beginning of the Fifty-fourth Congress. He came with no previ- ously acquired reputation as a public speaker. In fact, there was nothing on the surface at that time to indicate that he would prove to be more than simply a worthy Member of that honorable class of substantial men of affairs known here as safe, level headed, and dependable, but not leaders of tlie thought of other men. In this respect Mr. Hill furnishes in some measure a parallel to another distinguished son of Connecticut. I refer to the lamented Senator Orville H. Piatt, who, com- ing to the Senate without being known outside the bound- aries of his own State and with no outward apparent promise of special distinction, rose slowly but surely by [42] Address of Mr. Tii.son. of Connecticut liis own fine effort and the irresistible force of his own high character to be one of the truly great Senators of his time, known thi'oughout the land and across the seas. The development of Mr. Hill into one of the inost force- ful and convincing debaters this House has produced in many years is an interesting story well known to the older Members of the House. The fact that he was such is well known to all of us, having been demonstrated many times on the floor of this House and on the stump in many a hard-fought campaign. The secret of Mr. Hill's success as a public speaker and debater is reallj^ no secret at all. His power lay not so much in fine phrases or rhetoric of any kind as in the irresistible force of the logic of facts. So buttressed with stubborn facts was everj' argument that it was a most difficult matter to dislodge him or drive him from a po- sition. He spared no pains, toil, or expense in thoroughly equipping and arming himself with essential facts, and so carefully were they marshaled that he was readj' at all times to use them to advantage against all comei's. During the vacation periods between sessions of Con- gress — and, strange as it now may seem, there were for- merly vacations — while other Members enjoyed a needed rest or replenished depleted bank accounts by attending to business at home, Mr. Hill made it the rule rather than the exception to journey abroad, sometimes to our out- lying possessions, frequently to foreign countries, and one time all the way around the world. These trips he made not simply for pleasure, not even for his own in- formation or education, but for the purpose of more thoroughly equipping himself for the effective perform- ance of Ills duties as a Representative of the people. The natural result followed. He became a tower of strength in his own political party, a power in this House, and a most effective and useful Representative of his people. [43] Mi;m()hiai. Ai)I)1(i:ssi;s: Rki'hi:si:nt.vii\i; II mi Whatever else may he said of the House of Represent- atives, good, had, or indifTerent, this is true: The Memher who knows what lie is talking ahout, knows his subject thoroughly, knows it better than other iMcmbers know it, invariably commands the attention, the interest, and the respect of the House. On this sound premise Mr. Hill proceeded and by adhering to it preeminently succeeded. Others might be content with skinnning the surface. He insisted upon going to the bottom of whatever subject engaged his attention. Recognizing the illimitable realm of human knowledge and the narrow limitation upon human endeavor, he did not attempt to cover the field of the universe and did not pretend to know all that is to be known. The field chosen by him, however, was always covered in a most thorough manner. He never hesitated to admit his lack of information or to seek in- formation from others on a subject with which he had reason to believe them to be more familiar than himself. On- the other hand, he was ready to impart information to those less informed on any subject than himself, and he was so widely known to be thoroughly j)osted on a number of such highly important matters that he was being called upon constantly to give information. The two most important specialties to the study of which Mr. Hill devoted his tireless energy and command- ing ability were revenue legislation, especially tariff leg- islation, and banking and currency. On these two sub- jects he was the peer of any Member of cither brancli of Congress. It is often said of him that he was a tireless worker. He needed no prodding. The spur of a biennial election was misapplied in his case. His district, his State, and the country would have been the gainer if he could have been elected for 20 years at one time, so that he could have given his entire Ume and energies to the work he [44] Address of Mr. Tilson, of Connecticut loved so much. He did not complain, however, but in every even year for 12 successive times he made a vig- orous campaign, never failing of success except in 1912, when his own party, rent in twain, went down before the united opposition. As we saw him toiling here under the load that grew heavier year by year we knew what would be the in- evitable and all too early result. Near the close of the twenty-first year of his service here he fell in the harness. He had passed the allotted span of threescore and ten years and yet appeared to be unusually vigorous until he suffered a breakdown less than a year before his death. After that he made a brave fight, appearing in his place in the House oftentimes, and on one occasion, not many weeks before the end, making a somewhat extended sijeech with much of his old-time zeal and vigor. However, the inexorable destroyer would not be denied, and on September 27, 1917, all that was not mortal of this able, loyal, and faithful son of Con- necticut and servant of an entire Nation passed to the beyond. Of him it may be said as truly as of any man who ever died on the field of battle that he gave his life for his country. [45] Addiu:ss oi' Mh. Glynn, of Connecticut Mr. Speaker: A considerable portion of the district which I represent was formerly a part of the district long represented in Congress by the Hon. Ebenezer J. Hiix, whose memory we honor to-day. My home county of Litchfield was a part of his district, and for 18 years he was our Representative. We were proud of him in those days, and we continued to be proud of him until the day of his death. We knew of his ability, his integrity, and his energj^ We realized that he was one of the leaders in this great body and that we did honor to ourselves in returning him to the halls of legislation term after term. From the Fifty-fourth to the Sixty-second Congresses, inclusive, his district comprised the counties of Litchfield and Fairfield, and because of the great confidence we had in him no other candidate was seriously considered during all of those years. We had learned to know him and to love him. We had learned to admire his force of character, his tireless energy, his keen and penetrating intellect, his power to cope with and to solve difficult economic questions. He was not one of those who measured his value to his constituents by the amount he was able to obtain for his district in the way of appropriations, and to the honor and glory of his constituents be it said that they never measured his worth by any such yardstick. The scope of his vision was too broad to be limited by any such narrow horizon, and while he was always loyal and faith- ful to the interests of his district and State he was of Hint splendid type of men who think and legislate from a national viewpoint. My acquaintance wilh Mr. Ilii.i. commenced more than a score of years ago and gradually grew in intimacy. In [4C] Address of Mr. Glynn, of Connecticut the early years I knew him as the average man knows his Member of Congress back home, meeting him only infrequcntl}' when he happened to be in that part of the district where I resided; but I early realized, as did his constituents, that he was a tower of strength. When we were asked by a stranger the name of our Representative in Congress we were proud to say that it was E. J. Hill. We somehow felt that we had contributed more than our share, that we had a man in Congress great enough to be a leader. Respect and admiration ripened into genu- ine affection. He made enduring friendships and never went back on a friend. He was faithful to every trust. It was not in his nature to wrong any human soul nor to take a mean advantage of any man. He was a friend to every man in need. Others have spoken of his ancestrj' and his business activities, and it is unnecessary for me to dwell upon these. During his service of more than 20 years in Con- gress he was identified with practically all of the impor- tant legislation enacted during that time and rendered invaluable service as a member of the Committee on Ranking and Currency and the Committee on Ways and Means. He possessed a constructive mind and was a statesman of the best and truest type. He abhorred sham and hypocrisj'. He had the courage of his convictions and would never compromise upon a question of prin- ciple. He had no sympathy for the demagogue or time- server. As a speaker and debater he was always ready, always eloquent, keen and irresistible in his logic — a veritable intellectual gladiator. Mr. Hill's last appearance in the House was on July 25 last, when he rose to a question of privilege involving the constitutional rights of the House of Representatives. In the course of a five-minute talk he vigorously assailed the attempt on the part of the Senate to invade the pre- rogatives of the House, and called attention to the fact [47] Mkmoiuai. Ai>i)Hi:sst:s : Representati\-e Hii.i. that under the Constitution tlie power of issuing bonds and incurring indebtedness must originate in the House of Representatives. The day before the Secretary of the Treasury had appeared before the Finance Committee of the Senate and proposed ?5,000,000,000 of additional funds, part to be raised by bonds and part to be raised by certificates of indebtedness, matters within the func- tion of the House to originate. In closing, he drew vigorous and prolonged applause when he said : I feel it my duty, Mr. Speaker, to call the attention of the House of Representatives to this invasion of its prerogatives, so that in the future, when such a bill comes to us for consideration, if nobody else does it, I will move to send it back, as Mr. Sereno E. Payne once did under similar circumstances, and the House re- fused to consider it. I think we ought to stand on our rights and have this business attended to more promptly than it has been attended to. If I am not mistaken, I liave the support of the Re- publican Members of this House in standing by the administration during the war, but we want to do it legally, fairly, and sciuarely, and I therefore call the attention of the House to this invasion of our prerogatives. The story of his life is the storj- of a boy reared from good New England stock, who early learned the value of time and the value of a dollar, because he had little of cither to spare in his early days. It is the story of a boy who made the most of his opportunities and was not afraid to work, a boy of splendid mental attainments, rugged honesty, and force of character, who would com- mand respect anywhere and who knew no such word as failure. Others might spend their time complaining be- cause of lack of opportunity, but not so with E. J. Hill. He turned stumblingblocks into stepping-stones, and could succeed where others failed. All his life he was a student of men and things, and was never satisfied with a superfi- cial knowledge of anything. He was an encyclopedia of [48] Address of Mr. Glynn, of Connecticut inforination. He has carved for himself an enduring name in the historj' of his counlrj', and his work will be a lesson and an inspiration to the young men of this Nation through the coming years. With many things yet undone, with many splendid dreams yet unrealized, with his intellectual powers still undimmed, he passed from this earthly abode, leaving as a rich heritage a splendid record of accomplishment and the memory of a life well spent. 116938°— 19 i [49] Address of Mn. Loni:roan, of Connkcticut Mr. Speaker: It was not my privilege to know Ebenezer J. Hill intimately. I first met him five years ago, but from the opening of the Sixty-fifth Congress to the time of his illness I was associated witli him on several occa- sions and had opportunity to observe his work as a legislator. He was a companionable man, ready and eflcclive in debate, a leader not only in his own party but in the House. His record stands out as one of service and achievement. His appointment to the Ways and Means Committee was a merited recognition of his ability. Mr. HrLL was always informed, because he was always a student. With unflagging industry he applied to every new problem the test of experience of years. There was not a subject of financial or economic importance which might affect the welfare of his district, his State, or his countr}' on which he was not informed. He worked always with directness of purpose and sureness of plan. He believed that a public office is a public trust. To his duties he was ever faithful, and in this he was true to the best traditions of New England. The power of New England in the Congress of the United Stales has always been recognized. In April, 1910, the Hon. Thetus W. Sims, of Tennessee, present chairman of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, quoted from an article in the Kansas City Times, in which it was pointed out that the aggres- siveness, the sagacity, the courage of the people of New England commanded admiration, for despite a sterile soil and an inhospitable climate they controlled the politics [50] Address of Mr. Lonergan, of Connecticut and policy of the United States. And, further, it was added: The six States which form the New England group have figured prominently in the settlement of every question that has been presented to the Republic. The reason given for the recognized leadership of New England by the writer was that long service of Members from the States mentioned naturally entitled such men to greater influence. Mr. Hill's life was a conspicuous example thereof. No man in Connecticut's history served the State in the House of Representatives so long as he. The Hon. E. Stevens Henry, it is true, entered Congress at the same time, in 1895, but his service numbered 18 years. Mr. Hill was completing his twenty-first year. The late Senator Joseph R. Hawley, whose 28 years of public life at Washington stand unequaled for Connecticut, was in the House but four years, advancing to the United States Senate in 1881. The Hon. Orville H. Piatt was 26 years in Wash- ington, during all of which time he was in the Senate. Excepting these two illustrious men, the only other pub- lic servant of the State whose record as a national legis- lator exceeded that of Mr. Hill's was the Hon. Samuel W. Dana, of Middletown. Mr. Dana was in the House from 1796 to 1810 and in the Senate from 1810 to 1821, a total of 25 years in Washington. In his own district one must go back to the days of the Hon. John Davenport, of Stamford, who was in the House as Representative at Large and later as Congressman from the fourth district from 1799 to 1817, 18 years, to approach the service of the man whose memory we have come to-day to honor. Mr. Hill's record is indeed a unique one, and one that will not be excelled in Connecticut in many years. There are but nine men in Congress to-day who sat in the Fifty-fourth Congress when Mr. Hill first entered [51] Mi:m()I(i.\i. Addresses: Rephesentatim-; Hii.i. national life — Mr. Cannon of Illinois, Mr. Jones of Vir- ginia, Mr. Cooper of Wisconsin, Mr. Gillctt of Massa- chusetts, Mr. Fairchild of New York, Mr. Crisp of Georgia, Mr. Foss of Illinois, Mr. Mondell of Wyoming, and Mr. Parker of New Jersey. Our beloved Speaker had been in the Fifty-third Congress, and returned in the Fifty-fiftii Congress, from which time he had been associated with Mr. Hill in many important matters, and has on more than one occasion indicated his admiration of our de- ceased colleague. The longer an industrious man remains in service the more valuable he is to his constituency, the greater op- portunity he has for the development of his talents, and the richer is his State for his achievements. Mr. Hill was in Congress ^vhen the United States declared war against Spain in 1898 and when the exist- ence of a state of war thrust upon it by the Imperial German Government was formally declared in 1917. He has seen other problems, less historic, indeed, but in themselves large, met and overcome by the countrj' he served so faithfully. He left to his family the priceless heritage of a life well spent. It should be to them a rich source of con- solation, and it should be to everj"^ man an incentive to added effort. When a man has worked so ceaselessly as did Mr. Hill for the things he thought best, one wishes that an all-knowing Providence had granted him more years in which to continue his constructive activitj' and to enjoy association with those for whom and with whom he labored, but in his being taken off " still achieving, still pursuing," his family and his friends are comforted with the assurance that when he entered into his reward his stewardship was accounted for a hundredfold. Mr. Tilson resumed the chair as Speaker pro tempore. [52] Address of Mr. Freeman, of Connecticut Mr. Speaker: It is acknowledged by all that in the death of the late Ebenezer J. Hill the State of Connecticut has lost an able and faithful Representative and this Con- gress and the Nation at large has been deprived of a strong and experienced legislator at a time when such effective services as Mr. Hill was able to render were most sorelj' needed. I remember in 1894, when he was first elected to repre- sent the fourth district of Connecticut, and since that time I have watched his career here in Congress with ever- increasing interest and appreciation. It was my privilege first to meet him personally in the summer of 1903, when he paid a visit to his son at the encampment of the Con- necticut National Guard, and at that time I was impressed with his thorough knowledge of the subjects he dis- cussed, his wealth of information, and his strong, sincere convictions upon the financial and economic questions of the day. At that time his party was in control of the affairs of the Government, and he certainly devoted to his share of the task all his energy, industry*, and talent. Because of the unfortunate division of our party in 1912, Mr. Hill failed of reelection; but I had a long talk with him at Bridgeport in the winter of 1913-14, and I was surprised at his intimate acquaintance with the affairs of Congress — his knowledge of the state of the National Treasury' and of many other matters which indicated that, with the exception of not being daily upon the floor of the House, he was as active and as interested as if still a Member of Congress. When he was reelected by his district in 1914 it was my fortune to be elected as his colleague, and from that [53] Mkmohial Addresses: Rei'resentatim!: IIiij, tiuK' until his death I relied upon his counsel and advice. I found him one of the most hard-working Members of Congress, but never too busy to aid, encourage, and advise a new Member of Congress. During his last illness he remained constantly in touch with the situation here, with intellect unimpaired; and when " God's finger touched him " he had well earned eternal rest and peace. Mr. Meiuutt. Mi\ Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Members desiring to print remarks on the life and services of Mr. Hill may have permission to do so. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from Con- necticut asks unanimous consent that Members desiring to print in the Record remarks on the life and services of Mr. Hill may have permission to do so. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. In compliance with the resolution already adopted, the House will stand adjourned. Accordingly (at 1 o'clock and 58 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until to-morrow, Monday, March 4, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon. [54] Proceedings in the Senate Thi'rsday, September 27. 1917. A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, its Chief Clerk, communicated to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the State of Connecticut, and trans- mitted resolutions of the House thereon. The Vice President. The Chair lays before the Senate resolutions from the House of Representatives, which will be read. The Secretary' read the resolutions, as follows: In the House of Representatives of the United States, September 27, 1017. Resolved, Tliat tlie House has heard witli profound sorrow of the death of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, a Representative from the State of Connecticut. Resolved, Tliat a committee of 21 Members of tlie House, with sucli Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend tlie funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of these resolutions, and that the necessary expenses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect this House do now adjourn. In accordance with the foregoing resolution, the Speaker appointed Mr. Lonergan, Mr. Tilson, Mr. Glynn, Mr. Free- man, Mr. Hull of Tennessee, Mr. Gillett, Mr. Garner, Mr. Collier, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Oldfield, Mr. Crisp, Mr. Helver- ing, Mr. O'Shaunessy, Mr. Carew, Mr. "White of Ohio, Mr. Green of Iowa, Mr. Sloan, Mr. Longworth, Mr. George W. [55] Memohiai- Addresses: Rephesentative Him. Fairchild, Mr. Slfrliiig of Illinois, Mr. Martin ol' Louisiana, Mr. Treadway, and Mr. liodenberg. Mr. Brandeoee. Mr. President, the Hon. Euenezer J. Hill served continuously in the House of Representatives for 23 years, with the exception of a period of two years. He was one of the great leaders of the Republican Party during that entire period. He occupied a prominent posi- tion upon many of the most important commillees of the House. He was a great expert upon banking and cur- rency, tariff questions, and all conmiercial questions. His name was a household word in bankers' conventions and upon political platforms in this country for many years. At some future time I shall ask the Senate to set aside a day when proper tribute may be paid to the life, char- acter, and distinguished public services of this great man. I send to the desk resolutions, which I ask to have read. The resolutions (S. Res. 138) were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as fol- lows: Resolved. That the Senate has heard with deep sensihility the announcement of the death of the Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the State of Connecticut. Resolved, Tliat a committee of eight Senators be appointed by the Vice President to join a committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to talse order for superintending the funeral. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these reso- lutions to the House of Representatives and to the family of the deceased. The Vice President, under the second resolution, aj)- pointed Mr. Brandegee, Mr. McLean, Mr. Dillingham, Mr. Fernald, Mr. James, Mr. Overman, Mr. Pomcrene, and Mr. Newlands the committee on the part of the Senate. Mr. Brandegee. Mr. President, as a further mark of re- spect to the memory of the deceased I move that the Senate adjourn until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday next. [56] Proceedings in the Senate The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 1 o'clock p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Saturday, Sep- tember 29, 1917, at 12 o'clock meridian. Tuesday, March 5, 1918. A message from the House of Representatives, by G. F. Turner, one of its clerks, transmitted to the Senate reso- lutions on the life and public services of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, late a Representative from the State of Connecti- cut. [57] L6Je'20 LBJe'2U