r'nncprvntinn Ri>«niirrA<> ■ tfVi'.^Xi'.ii."'.-'^ J .U»» U' F revolutionary Pension Declarations Strafford County, N. H., 1820- 1832 COMPRISING Sketches of Soldiers of the Kevohition Compiled from the f curt Records by L.UCIEN THOMPSON DURHAAl, N. h. Printed for Priv ;t(- '^Circulation by WILLIAM LiNCCLN PALMER CAME'^ILGh. MASS. ]O07 ijliai Glass _ Book- revolutionary Pension Declarations Strafford County, 1820- 183 2 COMPRISING Sketches of Soldiers of the Revolution Compiled from the Court Records by LUCIEN THOMPSON Reprinted from tlie GRANITE STATE MAGAZINE for August, 1907 MANCHESTER, N. H.: THE RUEMELY PRESS, PRINTERS 1907 Gut Clebolutionarp Pension J^edarations Strafford County, 1820- 1832 On File at the Office of the Clerk of the iSiqyerior Court, but not indexed^ in the iStrajford County Court House, Dover ^ N. H. Compiled by Lucien Thompson ^^N THE spring of 1907, Mr. William Lincoln Palmer* ^jj of Cambridge, Mass., and Mr. Lucien Thompson* ' of Durham, N. H., while engaged in looking up the ancestry of an old Oyster River family, had occasion to con- sult the Court Records of Strafford County, New Hampshire. Through the courtesy of William W. Roberts, Esq., clerk of the Superior Court, we were allowed the privilege of looking over the old books back to 1773 when Strafford county was separated from Rockingham county. We also looked over some of the hundreds of packages of impor- tant papers relating to the various terms of the courts. These papers were not indexed at all. While thus engaged we accidentally made a valuable find of a pack- age containing the "Revolutionary Pension Declarations of Revolutionary Soldiers" living in Strafford county between 1820 and 1832. No court official was aware of the existence of these papers. These declarations were made in the Court of Common Pleas or Superior Court for Strafford county, and contained a statement of their property and income, a declaration of their service in the Revolutionary War, and the number and names of the pensioners' or applicants' families residing with them and their ages and capacities to contribute to their support. *Parties wishing further information in regard to these Revolutionary soldiers may corre- spond with either of the above-named parties. 4 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS The court attached their opinion of the value of the property, etc., and sent a certified copy to the Secretary of War. An abstract of the Revolutionary service of each one has been carefully prepared by Lucien Thompson, in some cases copying same in full, when quotation marks are used, otherwise only an abstract is given. Unless otherwise stated they all served in the New Hampshire line. In giv- ing names of those persons dependent on the applicant for support, etc., it should be kept in mind that the names of those children who did not live in his immediate family are not given. The schedule of property given in the declaration has not been copied, as in each case it was of small amount and unimportant. In some cases the occupation given was "laborer," and in some cases the occupation was not given. The writer has given the occupation except in those cases where he is called "laborer." It is hoped that these Declarations will be of public interest, and that some persons in the other counties of this state, and other states, will hunt up the Revolutionary Pension Declarations of their counties and states and pub- ish them. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATION Daniel Woodman (otherwise known as Daniel Martin) of Durham, formerly a slave in the Woodman family. To the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas now sitting at Dover within and for the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, on the first Tuesday of July, 1820: Dan Woodman, aged Seventy, resident in Durham in said County, comes into court and in pursuance of an act of Congress passed on the ist day of May, 1820, brings with him, and in his proper person exhibits to said Court a REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Schedule by him subscribed, containing his whole Estate and Income — his necessary clothing and bedding excepted — as follows: Sundry small articles of old household furni- ture estimated at $9.83. DAN X WOODMAN. mark And the said Dan Woodman in pursuance as aforesaid produceth to said Court the following oath by him duly taken and subscribed: — Viz. I Dan Woodman do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the i8th day of March 1818, and that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent so to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for cer- tain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the Unite 1 States in the revolutionary war," passed the iSth of March 1S18; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, anyproperty or securities, contracts or debts due to me, nor have I any other income than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed, and by me subscribed DAN X WOODMAN, mark And the said Dan Woodman doth here in Court further declare on oath that he served in the revolutionary war as follows, viz.: He entered on the 24th June 1777 in Capt. Rowell's company in Colo Geo. Reids Regt. New Hampshire line as a private Soldier & continued in in Said Regiment three years next ensuing said enlistment wh\en he was regularly discharged. That the date of his original declaration in order to obtain a pension is 19th Ap'l 1818 and the number of his pension certificate is 9617: — That his occupation is that of a labourer but am wholly unable to labour That the number and names of his family residing with him, and their ages and capacities to contribute to their support, are as follows, viz. My wife Nancy aged Sixty four years & is unable to labour or support herself. Wherefore he prays the opinion of the said Court as to the value of the property contained in said schedule, and that the same, together with a copy of the premises be duly certified to the Secretary of War. Sworn and declared before the said Court the fourth day of July I820 DAN x^ WOODMAN mark Attest A. Peirce, Clerk. «6 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS State of New Hampshire Strap'fokd ss. At a Court of Common Pleas holden at Dover within and for the county of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, on the 4th day of July 1820 before Daniel M. Durell, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Valentine Smith and Samuel Quarles, Associate Justices of said Court. The aforesaid schedule and oath and the above declaration duly sub- scribed and sworn by the said Dan Woodman having been by him exhib- ited in person, and presented to the Court, and the same being seen and considered, it is the opinion of said Court that the value of the property contained in said Schedule is Nine dollars eighty three cents. Wherefore the Court order that a copy of the premises, together with the proceed- ings thereon be duly certified to the Secretary of War. Attest, A. Peirce, Clerk. ABSTRACTS OF REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS. Peter Akerman of Rochester, N. H.; aged 81; dated February 5, 1829; no family. Service: enlisted for one year in December; 1775, in Mass., in the company commanded by Captain Jonathan Wentvvorth, Poor's Regiment; served until February, 1777; discharged at Morristown, New Jer- sey; wounded in the arm; he was then receiving an Invalid Pension of five dollars per month. Joseph Bean of Gilmanton, N. H.; farmer; aged 88; dated September 11, 1821; wife Hannah, aged about 52; no children living with him, or able to support him. Ser- vice: P^nlisted on or about September 8, 1776, in Capt. Timothy Clement's Company, Col. Pierce Long's Regi- ment, served until September 8, 1777; discharged at Still- water, N. Y. Sergeant James Burnham of Somersworth, N. H.; carpenter; aged 74; dated February 9, 1829; wife, . Service: Enlisted spring of 1775 in Capt. Benj. Titcomb's Co., Poor's Regiment, for eight months; immediately re-en- listed for one year, same company and regiment; discharged about February i, 1777 at Morristown, New Jersey; rank during the whole service Sergeant. Afterwards served as Ensign in the service at West Point for the term of three months in 1780. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 7 Henry Buzzell of Middleton, N. H.; farmer; aged 65; dated February 5, 1825; son Jacob Buzzell. Service: Enlisted in 1775 for one year in Capt. John Brewster's Co.; Long's Regiment; discharged at Stillwater, N. Y., at expi- ration of term of enlistment. Major James Carr of Somersworth, N. H.; husband- man; age Ti; dated February, 1821; wife 62, lived with his son. Service: enlisted in 1775 as Lieutenant; in 1776 pro- moted to Captain & before the close of War received a Major's Commission, and remained in the army until the close of the war. He was then receiving a pension. (Cer- tificate No 6974) under his original declaration of April 17, 1818. Joseph Daniels of Barrington, N. H.; aged 72; dated November 26, 1823; wife aged 82. Service: Enlisted in August, 1776, in Capt. John Brewster's company. Long's Regiment; discharged August, 1777, at expiration of term of enlistment. "And that I served previous to that time as stated in my former declaration." Daniel Davison of Guilford, deceased invalid pen- sioner of the Revolution, died July 4, 1832, leaving a widow Abigail. Affidavits dated August 15, 1832. He married Abigail Quimby March 18, 1822. Service not stated. (Application for widow's pension.) John Davis of New Durham, N. H.; aged 69; dated February 4, 1829; "Declaration in order to be restored to the pension list under the Act of March, 1823. Service- Enlisted as Marinor for one year, October 16, 1779 at Kittery in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on board the ship Ranger commanded by Capt. Thomas Simpson, she being on the continental estabhshment, that he con- tinued to serve in the said vessel until she was captured, and did not get exchanged and return home till about the first of Sept, 1780 — that his name has been placed on the H REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS pension list and dropped therefrom on account of his prop- erty." (His property now reduced in amount, etc.) Benaiah Dore of Milton, N. H.; age 64. Service; Enlisted in September or October 1781, in the District of Maine, in Capt. Fuller's company, 4th Mass. Regiment, commanded by Col. Shepard; "that he marched to West Point in the State of New York, and continued at that station until the last of August or first of September 1783 when being sick, he was discharged from the service at that place — that his name has been placed on the pen- sion list, and dropped therefrom on account of his property." Abraham Drake of New Hampton, N. H., deceased Pensioner of the Revolution. He married Nancy Smith, November, 181 5. Rev. Simon Dana, New Hampton, signed affidavit to that effect August 20, 1832. Mr. Drake died March 4, 1832. Moses Ferren of Eaton, N. H.; aged 65; dated Sep- tember 6, 1820; wife aged 53, son Norris aged 17, daugh- ter aged 15. Service: "Enlisted under Capt. Sherman, Col. Baldwin's Regiment, Massachusetts line in 1775 for one year but before the time expired reenlisted for during the War & served under Capt. Robinson, Capt. Cherry & Capt Rowell in different Regiments and was honorably discharged at the close of the War. — he was at the retreat from Ticonderoga at the Capture of Gen'l Burgoyne — and with Gen'l Sullivan in the Indian Country — he was in the battle of Monmouth & at the Capture of Cornwallis." Under his original declaration of April 29, 1818, he was receiving a pension (pension certificate no 9596). John Gage of Strafford County (probably of Somers- worth); carpenter; aged 76; dated February 16, 1826; wife mare than 70; children had all left him. Service: Enlisted at Somersworth for nine months in June, 1775, in Capt. Jonathan Wentworth's Company, Col. Poor's Regiment; REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS V discharged in April, 1776. He had not previously applied for a pension. John Garlin of Wakefield, N. H.; farmer; aged 66; wife 52, four sons, Nathaniel 14, Franklin 12, Jeremiah 8, Josiah 6 and one daughter Hannah aged 10 years. Declar- ation dated February 16, 1827 Service: Enlisted for three years, May, 1777, in Capt. William Rowell's company, Sec- ond Regiment commanded by Col. Hale; discharged at Stillwater, N. Y., at expiration of term of service. His name has been placed on the pension list and dropped therefrom on account of his property. Capt. Benjamin Gilman, Esq., Tamworth, N. H. We the undersigned Selectmen of the Town of Tamworth in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire certify that we are, and for a long time have been, well acquainted with Benjamin Gilman Esquire of said Tamworth, an applicant for a Pension from the United States, that we are well acquaintud with his character — That he has for many years Represented the Town of Tamworth in the New Hampshire Legis- lature — that he has ever maintained a fair and unblemished character for truth and veracity and that the most unlimited confidence may be placed in his declarations and that we have frequently heard it remarked and it is generally understood and believed in the neighborhood and Town where he lives, that he rendered services to his Country as a Soldier a part of the time during the Revolutionary war. H. W. STAPLES, DANIEL Q. BEAN, ENOCH REMICH, Selectmc}t of Tamworth for A. D. 1S32. August 2d, A. D. 1832. Silvanus Hall of Tamworth, N. H.; Carpenter or Joiner; aged 64; wife aged 66; Declaration February 8, 1821 and September 17, 1824. Service: Served one year in Capt. Bradford's company, Col. Bailey's Regiment, Mass. line 1776-1777; Also three years in Col. Bassett's Regiment, Mass. line "except what time I was detached for one of Gen'l Washington's life guard and received a discharge which has been worn out"; dated March 13, 1780. 10 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS The last service was performed in the years 1777, 1778 and 1779. Ephraim Ham of Dover,* N. H.; aged 67; Declaration February 14, 1825. Service: Enlisted for three years April, 1777, Capt. Fred'k Bell's Company, Col. Hale's Regiment; discharged April 30th, 1780, at West Point, N. Y, That his name has been placed on the pension list, and dropped therefrom on account of his property which has been impaired. William Twombly (of Dover), in support of Ephraim Ham's Declaration, stated that he (Twombly) served in Revolutionary war from 1776 to spring of 1780, Second New Hampshire Regiment, and that Ephraim Ham served in same regiment with him Spring 1777 to Spring 1780, etc. Enoch Hayes of Tam worth, N, H., Affidavit as to his character for the past twenty years by his pastor, Samuel Hutchins of Tam worth, who added that he had "no doubt that he (Enoch Hayes) served in the United States Service as he has set forth in his declaration, etc., dated Aug. 23, 1832." Afifidavit August 18, 1832, church committee. Select- men & Town Clerk stating Enoch Hayes had lived inTam- worth "Above thirty years & has sustained an unblemished moral character during that period so far as we know and seen or heard." Lieut. Thomas Haves of Gilmanton, N. H.; aged 72; no family living with him, declaration September 11, 1823. Service: Commissioned as Lieutenant in April, 1780, Capt. Moses Leavitt's company, Col. Scammell's Regiment for nine months; served until the last of Jan- *Wentworth Genealogy, Vol. i, page i66. Ephraim Ham (5), born in 1760, lived on his father's homestead; he was a soldier in the Revolution, was selectman of Dover five years; married Hannah Kelley in 1785. He died in 1847. Son of Ephraim (,4) and Lydia (Hami) Ham. (For Ham see "Ham Family," N. H. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1872.) McDuffee, in History of Rochester, Vol. I, page 70, gives the following in Col. Rei.d's Regiment (from Rochester) : "Ephraim Ham Engaged April 10, 1777. Discharged May i, 1780." REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 11 uary, 1781; discharged at West Point, N. Y., at expiration of term of service. Nathaniel Hayford of Tamworth, N. H.; aged 68; wife 52; declaration September 4, 1823. Service: Enlisted for three years in the fall of 1777, Capt. Scott's company, Col. Henry Jackson's Regiment, Mass. line; discharged fall of 1780 at the heights above Morristown, New Jersey, that his name has been placed on the pension list, and dropt therefrom on account of his property. John Holmes of Strafford, N. H.; aged 65; farmer; wife 40; daughter 7, "a domestic girl aged about seventeen years and a domestic boy aged about eleven years." Declaration dated February 4, 1829. Service: "Enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary army in March, 1781, as a private in Captain Fogg's company in the second New Hampshire Regiment commanded by Col. George Read on the Continental establishment, and continued under the immediate command of Capt. Fogg untill he was promoted and succeeded in the command by Capt. Frye — that he served at White plains, near New York in the campaign of 1 78 1 & in the autumn marched to Albany and Skenectady — that in the year 1782, he marched up the Mohawk river & remained on that frontier to protect the Inhabitants of that frontier from incursions of the Indians, & from thence was marched to Newburgh in the State of New York, where the Army took up its winter quarters — and at the conclusion of the Revolutionary war was discharged from the army, near West Point, on the 25th December, 1783." Israel Huckins of Barrington, N. H.; aged 60; wife 60; Declaration September 8, 1820. Service: Enlisted for one year, August, 1776, Capt. John Brewster's company. Col. Long's Regiment; discharged at Stillwater, N. Y., in sum.mer of 1777. 12 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Solomon Hutchins of Wakefield, N. H.; farmer; aged 69; wife 62; sons Solomon L. Hutchins (consumptive) 26 years of age who has a wife and two children (4 yrs. and I yr. old), son Asa Hutchins 18 years of age deaf & dumb. Declaration February 6, 1829. Service: "Enlisted for the term of one year in the month of October in the year 1777 at Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire as a marriner on board the United States Sloop of War Ranger commanded by Captain John Paul Jones on the Continental establishment — that he continued to serve in said vessel until some time in the month of October, 1778, when he was discharged from said service in Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire — that the said Solomon Hutchins again enlisted for the term of one year on the 27 day of October 1779 at I^ortsmouth in the State of New Hampshire as a Marriner on board said United States Sloop of War Ranger commanded by Captain Thomas Simpson on the Continental Establishment— that he con- tinued to serve in said vessel until the 12th day of May A. D. 1780 when said vessel was captured by the Brittish at Charleston in the State of South Carolina — that he con- tinued in the service of the United States as a Marriner until he arrived in Portsmouth in the State of New Hamp- shire by land about the first of September A. D. 1780, when he was discharged at said Portsmouth." Amos Leavitt of New Hampton, N. H.; aged 62; wife Dorothy aged 55; daughter Polly aged 16. Declar- ation dated P'ebruary 8, 1821. (He was receiving pension, Certificate No. 10882, under Original Declaration of April 23, 1818.) Service: that he entered said service in Capt. Rowell's Company and Col. Hale's Reg. of the New Hampshire line sometime in the month of May "seventeen hundred and seventy seven and continued therein three years." (Additional Declaration September 10, 1827, en- listed in April or May, 1777, etc.) Jonathan Leavitt of Conway, N. H.; farmer; aged 61; wife Elizabeth 47; children Mary 15, Betsey 13, Han- REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 13 nah II, Ebenezer lo, Jonathan 8, David 5, Harriet one year and five months. Declaration dated February 7, 1821. Service: "As a fifer in the company commanded by Capt. James Norris in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Poor in the line of the State of New Hampshire on the Conti- nental Establishment as is more particularly described in my original declaration" June 1818 under which he was then receiving a pension (Certificate No. 14030). Joseph Marsh of Gilmanton, N. H.; blacksmith, aged 75; resided with his son. Service: Enlisted for eight months in Capt. Philip Tilton's Company, Col. Poor's Regi- ment; after expiration of eight months, re-enlisted for one year in Capt. James Norris' Company in the same regi- ment; at expiration of time re-enlisted "for six weeks in the same company that his first enlistment in the company of Capt. Philip Tilton was in May 1775 that he continued to serve in said Corps until February 1777 when he was discharged from the service in Exeter in the State of New Hampshire." John Marston. (Declaration missing.) T do certify that I am well acquainted with John Marston the signer of the accompanying declaration and I believe him to be a man of truth and has that reputation and I have no doubt as to the service performed as set forth in said declaration PAUL WENTWORTH. Strafford ss. Aug't 23d 1S32. Sworn to Before me Geo. F. Marston Jus. Peace. August 23d, 1832. Samuel Martin of Sandwich, N. H.; farmer; aged 65 wife 52, children Solon 14, Caroline 9, Marcia 7. Declar-- ation signed September 4, 1823. Service: Enlisted for one year on or about the middle of August, 1776, in Capt. Timothy Clements' company, Col. Long's Regiment; dis- charged in August 1777 at Stillwater, N. Y. — that his name has been placed on the pension list, and dropt there- from on account of his property. 14 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Simeon Mason, N. H.; farmer; aged 71; wife Abigail 67, invalid daughter Elmira W. Mason aged 21 years. He mentions a son William. He affirmed the declaration February 6, 1829, implying that he was a Quaker. Ser- vice: Enlisted for three years on April 6, 1777, in Capt. James Norris' Company, Col. Hale's Regiment. Served until March 10, 1780, when he was discharged in Reading, Conn. — that his name has been on the pension list and dropped therefrom on account of his property. David Morrison of Alton, N. H.; yeoman; aged 65; wife Mary 63; daughter Isabel, 38, unmarried and an inva- lid. Declaration February 3, 1829, in order to be restored to the Pension List, having been dropped on account of his property. Former Pension Certificate No. 13886 dated July 8, 1819. Service: Enlisted for three years, February 14, 1781, Capt. Robinson's Company and was afterwards transferred to Capt. Potter's Company, Col. Read's Regi- ment, discharged December, 1783, near West Point, N. Y. Benjamin Morse of Moultonborough, N. H.; aged 75: farmer; wife Nancy aged 64, grand-daughter Mary Ann Morse aged 7; declaration dated January 28, 1830. Ser- vice: "Enlisted June 1775 at Roxbury, Mass., for six months in place of David Hill by permission of Captain Thomas Cogswell who then Commanded A Company of Infantry in ColonelLaomi Baldwin's Regiment" Mass. line. Served until December following being the time for which said Hill enlisted. Re-enlisted at Roxbury, Mass., for one year in Captain Thomas Miels' company in Col. Baldwin's Regiment," where he served until December, 1776. Re- enlisted for the winter following at Trenton, New Jersey, in the same company and regiment, where he served until spring; discharged at Peekskill, N. Y. During the term that he was in service he was in the Battle of White Plains at Trenton— At the Battle of Princeton and at the Battle of Ouibbleton — that his name REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 15 has been placed upon the Pension Ust and dropped there- from on account of his property. Jonathan Morrison of Tuftonborough, N. H. (Dec- laration Missing.) Affidavit of five persons signed July 7, 1832, that Jonathan Morrison of Tuftonborough, N. H., served in the Revolutionary War the several periods of time, he has specified in his declai'ation in order to obtain a pension, Edward B. Moulton of Moultonborough, N. H.; farmer; aged 67; wife Anna aged 59, a cripple caused by rheumatism; declaration dated February 11, 1822. Service: "Enlisted at Hampton, N. H., sometime the first of May, 1775, Capt. Henry Elkins' company, Col. Poor's Regiment; served until the ist of January 1776 and by request of Gen'l Sullivan continued in the regiment aforesaid in the Compy of Capt. Beal until the first day of March, 1776, when he was discharged at Cambridge, Mass. Re-enlisted in August, 1776, under Captain Prescott, Colonel Tasker's Regiment and served until January, 1777, and was dismised at Peckskill, N. Y.— that he was in the battle at White plains in 1776." Reuben Moulton. (Declaration missing.) I do hereby certify that Reuben Moulton the signer of the accom- paning declaration is a man of truth and varacity and has always (I believe) sustained that reputation. — & have no doubt as to the service he states he performed is true. GEORGE F. MARSTON. August 23, 1832. Strafford ss, Aug't 23d, 1832. Sworn to before me, Paul Wentworth, Jus. Peace George Nichols of Holderness, N. H.; farmer; aged 68; wife Susanna aged 63, daughter Martha aged 38, inva- lid; declaration made September 9, 1822. Service: "As a private in the Company commanded by Capt. Arch. Crary — Col. John Varnum's Regiment, Rhode Island line in the month of June 1775; and discharged in the month of June 16 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 1778 at the White plains, State of New York, and was in the Battles at Bunker Hill and at White Plains." This declaration is accompanied by an affidavit of August 30, 1832, signed by Lucy Crawford and Mary Ann Nichols of Guilford, N. H.; daughters of the late George and Susanna Nichols of Holderness, N. H. In this affi- davit they state that George Nichols of Guilford, a Revolu- tionary Pensioner, died May 21, 1832, that the widow was now living, and that they were joined in marriage by the elder Judge Livermore of Holderness. David Page of Guilford, N. H.; died January 13, 1832. Revolutionary Soldier. Affidavit, April 3, 1832, of Richard Rowe and Deborah Rowe, his wife, of Guilford, says that David Page was their uncle, that his widow is Betsy Page, that they lived together as man and wife for more than thirty years and always understood they were joined in the marriage covenants, etc., that he was a Revo- lutionary Pensioner. David Piper of Wolfeborough, N. H.; farmer; aged 64; wife 69 or 70 years of age, helpless; children Sally Piper born November 7, 1788, Abigail Piper born F'ebruary 13, 1792, Susanna Piper born April 1794, Mary Piper born April 25, 1800 — grandson John Piper aged four years whose father has deceased. Declaration signed February 6, 1 82 1. Service: "I enlisted into Capt. Titcomb's Com- pany in 1776, New Hampshire Line, attached to Col. Poor's Reg't, marched from Winter Hill to the City of New York, from thence to Albany, from thence to Ticonderoga, from thence to St. John's, from thence to Cynell, from thence to Montreal, from thence up the St. Laurence to Fort Ann, from thence returned to Montreal, from thence to Chimney point in New York; from thence to Mount Independence, from thence to Newtown in Pennsylvania, from thence to Trenton and assisted in capturing the Hes- sians, from thence returned to Newtown, from thence marched to Trenton, my Term of enlisment (which was REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 17 for one year) then expired. I again enlisted into Capt. Titcomb's company for six weeks, and during that time was in the battle of Princeton, from thence marched to Morristown, when the term of my last enlistment expired. In June or July following (as I believe) I again enlisted for the term of three years into Capt. Gray's Company, New Hampshire line, attached to Col. Scammell's Reg't, marched to Bennington; was in. the battle of Bennington, from thence marched to the Mohawk Falls in New York, from thence marched to Bemis' Heights, and was engaged in both battles at that place, in the last of which, I received a wound in my head, and have been partially deaf ever since, from thence marched to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, from thence to White plains, New York, from thence marched against the Indians as far as Genesee, under Gen'l Sullivan, from thence returned through New Jersey, and wintered at Newtown (Connecticut — and from thence marched to West Point, and was then honorably discharged." Reuben Ricker of Dover, N. H.; tailor; age 63; wife Molly aged 63; granddaughter aged 12. Declaration signed F'ebruary 15, 1821. Original Declaration April, 1817, pension certificate 155 13. Service: "In Captain John Brewster's company in Colo. Peirse Long's regiment from August A. D. 1776, to August 1777, one year." Benjamin Roberts of Rochester, N. H.; aged 74; under guardianship of Caleb Roberts. Declaration signed February 4, 1829. Additional affidavit by Caleb Roberts P'ebruary 2, 1829, who was appointed guardian in February 1 824. Service: "Enlisted for the term of one year in December 1775 in the State of Mass. in the company of Captain Fred- erick M. Bell, Col. Poor's Regiment. He marched from Win- ter hill, near Boston, to New York & thence up the North river to Lake George & thence to Sorelle — and retreated with the Army to Ticonderoga — and was discharged at Mount Independence — having served at this time from December 1775 to November 1776 — that his name has been 18 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS placed on the pension list, and dropped therefrom on account of his property." James Sanborn, Strafford County, N. H.; aged 63; wife and sick daughter; Declaration, September 4, 1823. Service: Enlisted for one year on or about the tenth of August, 1776, in Company of Capt. Timothy Chamberlain, Regiment of Col. Pierce Long. At expiration of term, discharged at Stillwater, N. Y. — That his name has been placed on the pension list, and dropt therefrom on account of his property, Reuben Sanderson of Sandwich, N. H.; farmer; aged 66; wife 50, lame; children of his wife by former mar- riage Phineas Bacon 19, Jane Bacon 17, Edmund Bacon 13; my son John M. Sanderson aged 8. Declaration dated January 2, 1821. Service: "Eight years and seven months, in the years 1775 and 1776 a private in Col. Miles & Col. Shedings Regiments Connecticut line Continental service -Non commissioned officer in Col. Jedidiah Huntington's Regiment in E. Holmes' Company same line and same ser- vice till promoted to an P2nsign & served in that office till promoted to a Lieutenant. Both of his commissions are now in the War Office." He was then receiving a pension (Certificate No. 2794) under his original declaration of April 25, 181 8. Moses Senter. Affidavit: I John Thompson depose & say that I have repeatedly heard Moses Senter relate his services in the Revolutionary War, and have no doubt of the truth & correctness of his declaration this day made in Court — he is a man of undoubted truth & veracity. JOHN THOMPSON. Sworn in Court, Aug't 25, 1832. Att't A. Peirce, Clerk. Benjamin Sleeper of Alton, N. H.; aged 61; wife Ruth aged 58; Declaration July 18, 1820. Service: "He entered the Comp'y of Capt. Gray, Col. Scammell's Regi- ment New Hampshire line in 1777 for three years, served REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 19 his time out and was discharged in 1780 April 20th at West Point. — was at the taking of Burgoyne at the battle of Monmouth, was in the Indian Country with Gen'l Sulli- van, &c." Edward Smith of Gilmanton, N. H.; aged yy, farmer; having lost part of one hand, his wife having lost one eye. Declaration made February 7, 1828 to be restored to the pension list. Service: Enlisted for three years in March or April 1777, Capt. Frye's company. Col Cilley's Reg't; honorably discharged at expiration of his term of enlistment. Henry Smith of Sanbornton, N. H.; farmer; aged 69 years 10 months; wife, daughter Hannah Smith aged 35, daughter Huldah Smith aged 23, youngest son Gamaliel Smith aged 14, and Josiah C. Smith who has lived with me on hire between four and five years. Service: Enlisted for three years in April, 1782, in Capt. Monroe's Company, Col. Henry Dearborn's Regiment, "that he continued to serve in said regiment until the end of the War & was con- tinued in the service of the United States under Col. Reed & Hale untill 1784 when he was discharged from the ser- vice at West Point in the State of New York."* Declaration made October 21, 1830, in order to be continued on the Pension List. From his statement he had four sons, the oldest being eight years older than the youngest. Jeremiah Smith of Sanbornton, N. H.; aged 60; wife Lornhama aged 68; daughter Polly S. Smith aged 40, invalid; granddaughter Amanda Smith aged 5. Declaration February 10, 1821. (He was then receiving pension under original declaration April 28, 1818, pension certificate 3385.) Service: "That on the fourth day of April A. D., *McDuffee's History of Rochester, Vol. I, page 71, Henry Smith engaged May i, 1781, for three years. Claimed by town of Rochester as in service May 13, 1782. Regiment unknown. 20 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 1777, he enlisted in the Town of Sanbornton in said State in the Company commanded by Capt. James Gray and Regiment commanded by Col. Alexander Scammel New- hampshire line for three years — that he continued to serve the said three years in the United States on the Conti- nental establishment in the Revolutionary war and was discharged at Danbury in the State of Connecticut on the fourth day of April 1780." Joseph Smith of Sanbornton, N. H.; tailor; aged 70; wife aged 57; son aged 18 and insane. Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate 14322 under original declaration April 9, 18 18. Service: "I enlisted February 17, 1776 under Capt. Jacob Gerrish in Col. Moses Little's Regiment, Massachusetts line for one year and was discharged the 20th of December following on account of being troubled with Rheumatism." Eli Sumner of Rochester, N. H; aged 65; wife Elizabeth aged 59; granddaughter aged 14. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 7724 under original declaration April 16, 1818. Service: "1777- 177S-1779 inclusive — That he enlisted in the Company Commanded by Captain John Spurr in the Sixth Regiment Commanded by Col. John Nixon in the Massachusetts Line — That he was regularly & honorably discharged from the service." Daniel Swett of Gilmanton, N. H.; farmer; aged 58 years; wife aged 56 infirm; daughter Lydia 18, son Ben- jamin 16, daughter Eunice 12, daughter Almira 10. Dec- laration September 7, 1821. He then held pension certifi- cate 15873 under original declaration April 23, 1818. Ser- vice: "He entered the service of the United States on the 1 6th July 1779 and served under Capt. Carr in Col. Reids Regiment in the New Hampshire line untill 19th July 1780 when he was honorably discharged." William Taylor of Sanbornton, N. H.; Cordwainer; aged 63; son 18, son 12 "and a servant girl who cooks for REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 21 US." Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate 3388 under original declaration of April 9, 1818. Service: "I enlisted under Captain Jeremiah Clough belonging to Col. Enoch Poor's Regiment of the New- Hampshire line for seven months in May 1775, marched to a place Winter Hill in June following staid there til December following, my term being then about to expire I then enlisted under the same Capt. Clough for the term of one year — We staid at said Winter Hill until March 1776 when we marched to New York, thence to Canada, from thence we marched to Ticonderoga which was about some time in July of the same year. In November following Col. Poor's Regiment was ordered to March to the South at which time I was sick and left but received permission to return home as soon as I was able which I did sometime in December following making in the whole time I was out at that time about 19 months." Ephraim Tebbets Strafford County, N. H.; joiner; aged J'^, partially blind; wife Tamson aged 6'^, daughters Tamson Tebbets aged 34 invalid, Betsey Tebbets aged 28, grandson Ephraim Tebbets. Declaration September 15, 1826. Service: Enlisted for eight months about May 15, 1775, in Capt Swinborn Adam's company, Col. Poor's Regt.; and about the expiration of said eight months, he enlisted for one year in Capt. Jonathan Wentworth's company in the same regiment; served till February, 1777, when he was discharged from the service at Exeter, N. H. Filed another declaration F"ebruary 4, 1829. David Thompson, Guilford, N. H.; farmer; aged 63; wife Rachel aged 53, son Levi aged 14, daughter Judith Thompson aged 22 in feeble health. Declaration July 18, 1820. Service: "A private in the Company Commanded by Capt, Jacob Hinds in Col. James Reeds Regiment New^ Hampshire Line on the Continental establishment from the fore part of the year 1775 for eight months when he again enlisted in the same company & served until the last 22 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS of the year 1776 and that he again enlisted in the first of the year 1778 for three years in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tho's Crafts in the Massachusetts Line, (Captain's name not remembered) & continued two years when the regiment was broken up — That he was in the battle of Rhode Island in 1778." Samuel Thompson of Sandwich, N. H.; farmer; aged 64; wife 50; daughter 13. Declaration July 14, 1820. He then held pension certificate 7718 under original declaration April 24, 1 81 8. Service: "Seven years in all. Eighteen months in the Regiment commanded by Col. Enoch Poor in the New Hampshire Line, Continental service. Five years in the Corps of Rangers commanded by Maj'r Kenja Whitcomb. The remainder of said time served in the Second New Hampshire Regiment commanded by Col. George Read, all in the Continental Service,"* John B. Tilton, (Declaration missing.) Affidavit. I do certify that I am well acquainted witli Jolin B. Tilton the signer of the accompanying declaration and that 1 consider him a man of truth and has that reputation and I do beheve & have no doubt that he performed the services therein set forth. PAUL WENTWOKTH. Aug't 23d 1832 Strafford s. s. August 23d 1832 Sworn to Before me Geo. F. Marston, Jus. Peace. William Twombly, Dover, N. H.; Mariner; aged 63; wife aged 50, and an elderly sister dependent and infirm; son 21 years old, infirm; son 15 years old. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 809 under original declaration April 11, 1818. Service: "That he entered the service in the fall of the year 1775 in the Company com- manded by Capt. Benjamin Titcomb in Col. Poor's Regi- ment of the New Hampshire line, that in 1776 he was appointed Orderly Sergeant of said Company and that he *The Revolutionary War Rolls, N. H., and the Durham Town Records show that this Samuel Thompson and his family resided in Durham, N. H., during the war. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 23 received a commission of Ensign in the same Company & Regiment in October, 1777 which commission was trans- mitted to the Office of the Secretary of War with his former declaration & that he continued in said service till 1780 when he received his Discharge at his own request as appears on the back of said Commission & that during all that time he continued in said service." John Wadleigh, Gilmanton, N. H.; aged 65, wife Martha aged 49, children, Sophia 8, Larry 6, Nathan 3. Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certifi- cate 2791 under original declaration of April 11, 1818. Service: "In Captain Michael McClary's company in Col. Alexander Scammel's Regiment, enlisted 1777 and served during the War." Nathaniel Wadleigh of Meredith, N. H.; farmer; aged 69, lost part of one hand, wife subject to fits. Declar- ation August II, 1828. Service: "Enlisted as a Soldier for the term of nine months sometime in the month of June, 1778, in the Massachusetts' line in the Company com- manded by Capt. Marshall in Col. Marshall's Regiment in the State of Massachusetts on the Continental Establish- ment, that he continued to serve in said Regiment for said term of nine months and was honorably discharged after his term of enlistment had expired." Benjamin Wallace of Sandwich, N. H.; farmer; aged 56; wife 60; son Jere. Wallace aged 35, son Benjamin Wallace non-compos mentis, daughter Hannah Wallace. Declaration July 14, 1820, and January 2. 1821. He then held pension certificate No. 7323 under Original declaration April 24, 1818. Service: "Three years in the second New Hampshire Regiment commanded by Col. George Read on the Continental establishment, and was discharged by Gen- eral Jackson, which discharge has been forw^arded to the War Department by Judge Badger before whom I made my original declaration" 24 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Cesar Wallace of Meredith, N. H.; farmer; aged 90; wife Katy aged 72, daughter Lucy aged 27. Declar- ation July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate No. 4826 under original declaration of April 23, 1818. Service: private in Capt. Caleb Robinson's company, Second N. H, Regiment commanded by Col. George Reed. He was dis- charged at Hartford. He was in the Indian country, at the battle of Herkimer, at Bunker Hill etc. He entered in 1777 and served until the close of the war. Weymouth Wallace of Sandwich, N. H.; farmer; aged JJ; granddaughter living with him. Declaration Feb- ruary 7, 1829. Service: "Enlisted for the term of nine months in May 1776 at Epsom in the State of New Hampshire in the Com- pany commanded by Captain Amos Morrill in the Regi- ment commanded by Colonel John Stark in the line of New Hampshire on the Continental Establishment and that at the expiration of said nine months he the said Wey- mouth Wallis again enlisted for the further term of one year in the same company and Regiment in the line of New Hampshire on the continental establishment and that he continued to serve in said Corps from the time of his first said enlistment until December 1777 when he was dis- charged from the service in Lower Canada, that he was wounded in the Battle of Bunker Hill by a ball which passed through his arm, that he now receives a pension of forty eight dollars as an invalid pensioner, that his name has been placed on the pension list under the act of 18 18 and dropped therefrom on account of his property." He made a previous declaration July 14, 1820, in which he stated that he then held pension certificate No. 13456, aged 69; daughter Sally Wallace aged 29; granddaughter named Lovina Mooney aged 21; grandson aged 8 years. Service: "Nine months in Capt. Henry Dearborn's com- pany and was wounded in the Battle of Bunker Hill in year 1776. One year in the Regiment commanded by Col. John REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS "25 Stark and Company Commanded by Capt. Amos Morrill, commencing in November or December 1776 and ending I777-" (Both declarations of services are given as they differ somewhat.) Francis Walls of Durham, N. H.; age 60, no family, declaration July 26, 1820. Service: "I Francis Walls now resident in Durham, etc., aged sixty years depose on oath that I enlisted in the service of the U. S. in the revolu- tionary war some time in December 1775, as a drummer in the Company commanded by Capt. Benjamin Titcomb of the s'd N. H. Reg't, for one year which time I served in said company & at the expiration of said year's service I again enlisted in said company which then was at Ticon- deroga to serve during the war & that I continued in the same company & Reg't which company was successively commanded by Capt. Titcomb, Rowel & Fogg until June 1783 when I was discharged from said service at West Point in the State of New York— That I was in the Battles of Trenton, Princeton, Hubbardston, two Battles with Bur- goyne nigh Stillwater, Monmouth, & Fort Herkimer." William Warren of Moultonboro', N. H.; Carpen- ter; aged 68; wife aged 67. Declaration July 11, 1820. Service: "One year in the Regiment commanded by Col. Edward Phinney & in the Company commanded by Capt. Abraham Tyler in the Massachusetts line. He entered in December 1775 & was discharged January 1777" Daniel Watson of Rochester, N. H.; aged d"]; wife aged about 50 and insane. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 7728 under original declaration of April 4, 1818. Service: "That he enlisted in the com- pany commanded by Capt. James Carr, in Col. Hale's Regi- ment in the New Hampshire line on the 2d day of May, 1777, that he joined the Army the June following at Ticon- deroga, that he continued in said service three years for 26 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS which time he enhsted when he was honorably discharged at West Point." John Watson of Sandwich, N. H,; farmer; aged 62; wife aged 65; son John Watson 20, daughter Betsey Wat- son 17. Declaration July 14, 1820. He then held pension certificate 16504 under original declaration April 25, 1818. Service: "One year in Colonel Poor's Regiment in the Company commanded by Captain Philip Tilton in the New Hampshire line and Continental establishment Said service performed in the year 1776." John Watson of W^akefield, N. H.; farmer; aged 60; wife 70. Declaration July 11, 1820. He then held pen- sion certificate 7571 under original declaration April 14, 1818. Service: "In the Company commanded by Captain David McGregor in the Second New Hampshire Regiment Commanded by Colonel George Reed and when during the war men were discharged I was transferred to Captain Isaac Frye's company in s'd Regiment and served in the whole three years in the Continental service and was honor- ably discharged by Gen'l Jackson at West Point Dec'r 20, 1783" Supplementary Declarations made August 7, 1822, and August I, 1823, in the last he stated that his name has been placed on the Pension list, and dropped therefrom on account of his property. (Not able to attend court per- sonally.) Joseph Weed of Ossipee, N. H.; blacksmith; aged 66; wife Abigail aged 59: sons Moses and Aaron aged 12. Declaration July 11, 1820. He then held pension certifi- cate II 788 original declaration May 13, 181 8. Service: "In the Company Commanded by Captain John Baker, Col. Little's Regiment, Massachusetts line in the year 1776 about ten months and was in the battle of flat- bush and was in the battle between the American Gallies and the British frigates at topon bay in the North river. And served in the Company Commanded by Captain Cogs- REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 27 well in Col. Wesson's Regiment, Massachusetts line from March or April 1777 to March 1780 and was in the battle at Monmouth." Stephen Webster, 2d, of New Durham, N. H.; aged 79; no family living with him. Declaration July ii, 1820. He then held pension certificate 13916 under original declaration of June 11, 1818. Service: "He enli.sted in 1776 in Col. Timo. Beedles' Regiment. New Hampshire line as a Soldier and continued 8 months & was regularly dis- charged. In 1777 was with Gen. Stark two months & was at the Battle of Bennington — again enlisted in 1778 in Capt. Daniel Livermore's Comp'y, Col. Scammell's Regi- ment, and continued in said Reg't three years & was regu- larly discharged in 1781." Matthias Welch of Rochester, N. H.; aged 66; wife Rachel aged 62. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 4778 under original declaration April 16, 1 81 8. Service: "That he served in Capt. John Drew's Company, Second Regiment New Hampshire Line, that he enlisted in said service about the month of November 1776 and continued in said service untill the year 1783 when he was honorably discharged from the Army."* Phineas Wentworth of Dover, N. H.; aged 71; no family residing with him. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 9620 under original declara- tion of April 13, 1818. Service: "That he entered into said service in June or July 1775 in Capt. Benjamin Titcomb's Company & Col. Poor's Reg't of the New Hamp- shire line & that he continued in said service till June 1783 when he was discharged. Joseph White of Ossipee, N. H.; farmer; aged 58; wife Jane 57; children, Polly 16, Eunice 13, Joseph 10, *McDuffee's History of Rochester, Vol. I, page 71, Matthias Welch (of Rochester) engaged February, 1777, for the war, deserted November 27,1778; joined May 1,1780. Claimed by the town as in service May 13, 1782. 28 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Isaac 8, Sally 5. Declaration July 11, 1820 (one arm, sev- eral ribs broken & shoulder broken down, very much crip- pled.) He then held pension certificate no 12727 under original declaration May 12, 181 8. Service: "In the Com- pany Commanded by Capt'n Joseph Killam in the fifth Regiment Massachusetts line from some time in the year 1781 to the last of the year 1783 or the first of the year 1784, when he was discharged at West point, by General Knox. Served in the Company & service aforesaid between two and three years." Jonathan Whitehorn of Alton, N. H.; farmer; aged 64; wife aged 64; declaration July 11, 1820. He then held pension certificate 12728 under original declaration April 21, 1 81 8. Service: "He enlisted in June 1775 into the Company commanded by Capt. Jonathan Wentworth for eighteen months. He joined the army at Winterhill, he was in Col. Poor's Regiment, New Hampshire line, from Winterhill he marched to New London, from thence to New York and so on a circuitous route to Philadelphia, thence to West point and Ticonderoga, thence with Gen. Arnold into Canada, thence to Mount Independence where his term of eighteen months was expired and he had a reg- ular discharge." Silas White of Ossipee, N. H.; farmer; aged 61; wife Rachel aged 63; my daughter Rachel aged 39 and her child 4 years old, my daughter Anna aged 27 and her three children, my daughter Fanny aged 18. Declaration July 5, 1820. He then held pension certificate 12730 under origi- nal declaration of May 12, 1818. Service: "In the eight months service at Cambridge, Capt. Phillip Hubbard's Company, Col. Scammon's Regiment from June or July to the end thereof. In 1776 served under Capt. Jona Nowells, Col. Wm Prescotts Regiment in the Massachusetts line twelve months in New York. In 1777 he served under Capt. Elisha Shapleigh two months in Col. Storer's Regi- ment at Saratoga. In 1778 he served eight months in REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 29 Capt. Thomas Hodgdon's company in Col. Poor's Regi- ment at West Point. In 1779 he served two months under Capt. John Goodwin at Penobscot in the District of Maine." Andrew Whittier of Guilford, N. H.; farmer; aged 59; wife Anna aged 58; children P^lizabeth Whitcher 33, invalid, Timothy Whitcher 25, infirm, Jacob Whitcher, 18, Moses Whitcher 16, Andrew Whitcher, 13. Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate 17002 under original declaration September 9, 1819. Service: "As a private in the Company commanded by Capt. John Calef, Col. Pearce Long's Regiment, New Hampshire Line, Continental Establishment from about August 7th 1776 till August 8th 1777 & was discharged at Stillwater — was in the battle of Fort Ann." He filed an additional declaration September 6, 1823, and stated that his name had been placed on the pension list, and dropt therefrom on account of his property. Benjamin Wiggin, Tuftonborough, N. H. (Declar- ation missing.) Affidavit. We the suljscribers depose and say, that we have been acquainted with Benjamin Wiggin formerly of Stratham in the Countj' of Rockingham, now of Tuftonborough this County of Strafford for many years last past and believe him to be a man of strict truth and veracity, and whose character is unimpeachable; and have no doubt he served in the army of the United States in the New Hampshire Militia, New Hamp- shire line in the manner he has stated in the declaration he has made in order to entitle himself to a pension under the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 JOHN BROWN GRAFTON ABBOT JOHN LUCAS. Strafford s. s. Aug't 23 1S32 Sworn to before me: Joseph Farrkr, Justice of Peace. Lt. Col. Mark Wiggin of Wolfeborough, N. H.; husbandman; aged 74, no family living with him. Declar- ation July II, 1820. He then held pension certificate 30 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 16309 under original declaration May 2, 1818. Service: He was commissioned a Captain of the first company of the Few Hampshire Regiment commanded by Col. Pierce Long, in August 1776 & served therein for one year and was honorably discharged the 8th of August, 1777 — He was a Major in the militia and assisted as such at the tak- ing of Burgoyne's Army, was a Lieut. Col. in Col. Kelly's Reg't with Gen'l Sullivan at Rhode Island Charles Willey of Lee, N. H.; aged 65; wife Deb- orah aged 62, children Lydia aged 22, Mark aged 12, Johur son aged 6. Declaration July 5, 1820. Service: "He entered as a Soldier in Capt. Amos Morrill's Company (as near as he can recollect in the month of March, 1777) and was attached to the Second New Hampshire Regiment in the New Hampshire line of Continental troops commanded by Col. Reid — that he continued to serve in said corps in the service of the United States until about the first of January 1778 when he was discharged from service in the State of New York." JosiAH Willey of Wolfborough, N. H.; farmer; aged 70; wife 69; granddaughter 13. Declarations (August 17, 1831 and) January 19, 1832. (He had a son Josiah Willey to whom he had deeded his homestead.) Service: Enlisted for one year in March, 1779, in the company commanded by Capt. Chase of Dover, Col. Reed's Regiment, continued until June, 1780, when he was discharged from the service at West Point in the State of New York. James Wilkinson of Alton, N. H.; aged 69; wife Lydia aged 45. Declaration July 11, 1820. He then held pension certificate 9618 under original declaration of April 18, 1818. Service: 'He entered Capt. Wier's Comp'y, Col. Scammel's Regiment, New Hampshire line, in April. 1777 for three years which time he served and was honour- ably discharged — he was at the taking of Burguoyne & was wounded in the head — was with Gen'l Sullivan in the Indian Country — in 1779 &c." REVOLUTIONARV PENSION DECLARATIONS 31 Enoch Wingate of Milton, N. H.; aged 67; no family residing with him. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 1194 under original declaration of April 7, 1 818. Service: "that he served in Capt. Nowell's Company, Second Regiment New Hampshire line — that he enlisted in said service about the month of April 1777 and Continued in s'd service untill the year 1780 when he was honourably discharged from the army." (Enoch Wingate engaged May i, 1777, for three years. Discharged May i, 1780. Died August 4, 1828, according to McDuffee's His- tory of Rochester, N. H.) Elijah With am of Rochester, N. H.; age 65; wife Hitty aged 68; son John. Declaration July 5, 1820. He then held pension certificate 16120 under original declar- ation April 4, 1818. Service: "He entered November 1775 in the Company of Capt. Silas Wild, in the Regiment com- manded by Col. Edmund Phinney in the Massachusetts line & served therein for the term of about one year & two months & was discharged at Fort W'm Henry or Lake George about the first of Jan'y 1777." Nathan Witham of Meredith, N. H. (Declaration missing.) Affidavit. We Rhoda Bagley and Sally G. Bagley both of Mere- dith in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, depose and say, that we were acquainted with Nathan Witham a Pensioner of the United States and was on the Pension Roll in the State of Maine, and that the said Nathan Witham departed this life on the sixth day of November 1824 — And further depose and say that Rhoda Witham the Widow of said Nathan Witham deceased, was living a few days since, and have not any doubts they were lawfully married as they lived together many years and were the parents of seven children, and I the said Rhoda }5agley being one of their children. RHODA BAGLEY. SALLY G. BAGLEY. State of New Hampshire ) . .0 Strafford County s.s. [ Aug. 31st 1832 Sworn and subscribed to on the day and year last above written, Before me Daniel Gale, Jus. Peace. 32 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS Daniel Woodman of Durham, N. H.; aged 70; wife Nancy aged 64. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 9617 under origiual declaration of April 19, 1818. Service: "He entered on the 24th June 1777 in Capt. Rowell's company in Col. Geo. Reid's Reg't New Hampshire line as a private Soldier & continued in said Regiment three years next ensuing said enlistment, when he was regularly discharged." Jeremiah Woodman of Alton, N. H.; aged 59; wife Mary, 59; daughter Hannah aged 19. Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate 13885 under origi- nal declaration April 21, 181 8. Service: "He entered Capt. Brown's Company in Col. Long's Regiment in the New Hampshire line, August 1776 for one year and was dis- charged after serving his time out in August 1777." James Worcester of Alton, N. H.; aged 69; wife aged 69; Betsey Dorr aged 67 infirm. Declaration July II, 1820. He then held pension certificate 13550 under original declaration April 21, 1818. Service: "In 1776 I en- listed into the Company commanded by Capt. Beal, attached to Col. Scammell's Reg't, New Hampshire line and in ser- vice during the war. I was in the battle at Bemis heights, and with Gen'l Sullivan at the battle at Jamestown and at the surrender of Cornwallis." Samuel Yeaton of Durham, N. H.; Cooper; aged ^y, wife Margaret aged 72. Declaration July 4, 1820, by his guardian John Yeaton (Samuel Yeaton being insane). He held a pension certificate 9621 under original declaration of April I, 181 8. Service: "He said Samuel Yeaton being now insane and under the care of a Guardian this blank cannot be filled." Samuel York of Guilford, N. H.; farmer; aged 69; wife Molly aged 61. Declaration July 18, 1820. He then held pension certificate 7720 under original declaration April 4, 1818. Service: "As a private in the Company REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 33 commanded by Captain Isaac Frye — Col. Dearborn's Regi- ment, New Hampshire line, from the spring of 1780, untill the close of the War in 1783, in July when the Army was disbanded." Jonathan Young of Milton, N. H.; Cooper;aged 68; wife in 79th year; daughter Anny Garlin, widow, aged 33; grandson aged 3 named Ebenezer Garland.. Declaration July 4, 1820. He then held pension certificate 14328 under original declaration April 14, 181 8. Service: "That he enlisted in the town of Manchester in the State of Massa- chusetts in May 1775 under Capt. Kimball in Col. Mans- field's Regiment for 8 months and marched to Cambridge, and continued there untill fall following when he enlisted for one year in said Kimballs company in Col. Hutchin- son's Regiment and marched to New York & continued there untill fall following — then went to fourt lee & had a skirmish with the enemy & was obliged to retreat; thence went to Pennsylvania and crossed the river at Clintown & had a battle with the enemy and took about nine hundred of them and was there discharged in December one thou- sand seven hundred and seventy six." Durham, N. H., June 18, 1907. Strafford, ss. I, Lucien Thompson, a notary public in and for the county of Straf- ford and state of New Hampshire, hereby certify that I carefully copied the foregoing Revolutionary Pension Declarations from originals on file at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Strafford County, New Hampshire, in the court house at Dover, N, H. I certify further that those declarations of Revolutionary service enclosed in quotation marks are true copies of said Revolutionary service and that those not enclosed with quotations are abstracts of said service, which include all essential information. LUCIEN THOMPSON, Notary Public. [SEAL.] 34 REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS SPECIMEN OF PENSION DECLARATION UNDER ACT OF 1818 Statement of Military Record of Joseph Richardson Joseph Richardson doth here in Court further declare on oath, that he served in the revolutionary war as follows, viz: In the spring of 1775 I enlisted in Capt. Benj'n Titcomb's company in the 2d N. H. Regiment commanded by Col. Poor for the term of 8 months during which I was present at an affair with the enemy at Charlestown neck, immediately after the expiration of this term I reenlisted in the same Company and regiment for the term of twelve months during which I was present at the retreat of the American army from Canada and was severely wounded in the arm by a party of Indians in consequence of which disability I was after the lapse of thirty years placed upon the Invalid pension list; — about the expiration of my term of service I was present at the capture of the Hessians at Trenton in Dec. 1776, having volunteered the additional term of six weeks after the expiration of my enlistment. I was likewise present at the affair at Princeton about the same time in which my cartridge box containing my pittance of savings was shot from my side and destroyed by a cannon ball: — Afterwards enhsted in the same company and regiment (then com- manded by Col. Hale.) for a term of three years — was present at the retreat from Ticonderoga in 1777 and was in the engagement at Hubbardston where I was wounded in the shoulder — I afterwards assisted at the capture of Burgoyne in the autunin of the same year and then marched into winter quarters at Valley Forge. — In the year 1778 was at Monmouth and spent the season with the main army at White Plains &c. — In the year 1779 marched with Maj. Gen. Sullivan into the Indian Country and was present at the engagement with the Indians at Newtown. After the return of the army I was in the month of January 1780 honorably discharged at Danbury in the State of Connecticut my term of service having expired and after having spent nearly five years of the flower of my life and lost the service of my limbs in the cause of my country nor was it until the year 1809 that my duty to my family required me to apply for the same renumeration for these sacrifices when the pitiful allowance of Two dollars and fifty cents upon the pension list was made me which was regarded not as a favor, but as an inadequate compensation for a debt earned with the greatest exertion & suffering, JOSEPH RICHARDSON* A resident citizen of the United States, March 18, 1818. *Jo.seph Richardson, Esquire, was appointed Captain of the Company of Artillery in the Regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Thompson in the State of New Hampshire, by John Sullivan, Esq., President of our State, at Dnrham the fifteenth day of March, A. D. 1787, Joseph Pearson, Secretarjr. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION DECLARATIONS 35 Captain Joseph Richardson was born in Boston, Mass., December 25, 1756, and died in Durham, N. H., November 22, 1824, and was buried in the village cemetery. He mar- ried Sarah (Burnham) Hanson of Dover, who was born December 22, 1762, and died December 19, 183 1. They were married by Rev. Jeremy Belknap, December 14, 1783. They had eight children. Durham, N. H., June 18, 1907. Strafford, ss. I, Lucien Thompson, a notary public in and for the county of Straf- ford and state of New Hampshire, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a paper in the possession of Hon. Joshua B. Smith of Dur- ham, N. H., said copy being carefully made by myself within three months from date. LUCIEN THOMPSON, A^otary Public. [SEAL.] ^- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 997 238 7 Conservati(Hi Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph il « RiifToraH \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 997 238 7 ^