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Many persons knew much in a vague sort of fashion, but facts were few. And the old settlers, from whom one could have ob- tained them, were gone beyond recall. I inquired and found no one inclined to undertake a similar work, therefore, I imposed the task upon myself. I was born in Johnson County, and I feel that it.s hi.story belongs to me and my children. Many worthy and highly esteemed persons have doubtless not been given a proper place in this book, but the facts have been gathered, a bit here and a bit there, covering a space of several years, and I assure you, any omission was from lack of knowledge. Especially have I endeavored to deal with persons and events as much as possible up to the year 1880, and their relatioaship to the present. Biographies have been my principal stumbling block. Sometimes I almost weakened in that endeavor, lest they should not be accurate in every detail. Yet, to posterity, nothing in this little volume will be more interesting, nor of more value. I could only give these themes in part, nothing- more was at hand. They were taken from old sketches given by the settlers themselves, to some publication, or from booster editions of newspapers, or from verbal speech from some mem- ber of the families. From necessity, some facts herein have been taken from other volumes, but not without privilege first being obtained from those concerned. I am indebted to many persons for their assistance in various ways. I must place extra stress upon the untiring patience of Mr. J. V. Hughes, Sr., for my consultation to his store of knowledge was indeed frequent. Also, Hons. Robert Gray, G. T. Cazort, E. T. McConneil, W. D. Allnutt, J. R. Cazort, V. Howell, J. M. Laster, T C. Jarnigan, Dr. John Lothers, Mrs. W. Dodge, Mrs. J. A. Carter, Mrs. J. H. Jamison and Miss Ethel Srygley. Also the following who have passed to the Great Beyond since my work was begun: Capt. W. H. McConneil, Hon. D. N. Clark, Mrs. Lucy M. Mears, Mrs. Rachel Butts and many others who have contributed, both living and dead. Thus I submit this Volume to you, my friends — you of whom I would rather have written, because you are of my life, but that was not my object. That work must be left for someone in the future. And may you accept this in the same sincere spirit' in whicli I present it to you. Cordially your friend, ELLA MOLLOY LANGFORD. The Story of It's People Many years ago. in this wild unsettled west, Where grasses, seldom trod, grew upon earth's breast, A rippling brook flowed swiftly down Through the canebreak, cataract bound; The song-bird twittered and warbled low; A ra^""'--^ Rnake glided and slided slow, Out from the rift of an old fallen tree; The wild beast awoke and wandered the lea, A spreading forest, a tangled way, With smiling sunbeams there to play, Mid the jungle's rustle, where winds came to tease The flowers and trees with a laughing breeze; Blending blossoms faced the sun each day, Ungathered and unnoticed, save along the way Came an Indian maid, an Arkansa true. Gathered and shook from the petals the dew. Thus a scene in a forest far away — The Caucasian knew not his possession one day. Indian arrow-points once found l)y the hundreds, but now seldom chanced upon, a few fast fathng chiseled markings, and a now limited number of grave mounds almost flattened by time and tide, are all the records left l)y a i)rimitive people to the present habitation of this country. A few of the old settlers, for few are left, tell posterity that this or that is an Indian graveyard. A graveyard indeed — for Inuied underneath that soil,as also in the silent pages of a long forgotten past, is an unwritten history: A history of a life, with love and ties of human kindness; of wars and warriors, and struggles for existence; of sadness, and sorrow, and death, flits across the mind of civilization, as a myth and a dream: A dream that is romantic and beautiful because of the uncertainty of its outline, yet a dream of a past that is funda- mentally true. 8 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY In the incipieiicy of a country it is noteworthy that every immigrant comes for a reason, primarily a material one — the seeking of a fortune or a home, or perchance, someone desirous of adventure. Nevertheless, whatever may be their interest, few persons ever knew of anyone immigrating to make history, yet they begin the making of it as soon as civilization learns of their movements. Thai the Arkansa tribes of Indians were scattered over this vast territory, west from the Mississippi River, is a fact stated by the general historians. When white men first began to pass up and down the main water course of the State, the Arkansas River, it is known that the Osages, a wild, wandering tribe, were in possession of the terra-incognito north of the river, while the more peaceable and constructive Quapaws were on the south. Therefore, white "squatters" and adventurers first began to come and to settle among the latter tribes. That Spain claimed the country of the red-man or that iJi turn France called it her own, mattered not to the Indian. No I until a few generations had passed did this primitive people un- derstand or conceive the idea of the buying and selling of lands. When a tribe decided to locate in a countrj^ that was not held by the clans of another tribe, that territory was theirs undisputed, to hold as their own as long as they desired, or perchance, until another tribe drove them out in warfare. Thus, not until the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory and the Cherokees were granted permission to occupy the country north of the "Upper Arkansas", from the east bound- ary of the present Pope county extending west to a line north and south in the vicinity of Van Buren in Crawford County, did the Osages relinquish their hold here and the more civilized and in- telligent Cherokees come. This grant, given by the United States Government in 1812, permitted this pre-eminent tribe of Indians to form a territory on the "Upper Arkansas", known as "The Arkansas Cherokees", or "The Cherokee Nation West." Other tribes who held neighboring nations at that time were the Sac, Kickapoos and Fox Indians. Along with the Cherokees came a few white persons, and then, while much was not kept, the records began. THE INDIANS 9 Almost immediately after the settling of these Indians in tlieir new homes, the OsaiJies, who had been moved by the Government to the territory west of the Cherokee country, and who felt that the Cherokees had taken their hunting grounds, at once declared v;ar on the latter tribe, a war which was carried on at intervals for many years, with the Osages always the aggressors and the Cherokees always eventually the victors. In 1819, following the formation of the Arkansas Territory, this Nation of the Cherokees was declared a county, known as Crawford. In 1820, almost simultaneously came Col. Matthew Lyon, the Government Indian Commissioner, wlio establislied his post on Spadra Bluff at the mouth of Spadra Creek, and Rev. Cephas Washburn, with a party of missionaries, who located five miles up stream from the Arkansas River on Illinois Bayou in Pope county, three miles east from the present boundary of Johnson. Col. Lyon, although seventy years of age, was an active and val- able man to the service, a man eminently fitted for his work with Foot X'ote — Mathew Lyon was boin in Ireland, educated in Dublin and was also an apprentice to the trade of printer in that city. He came to America while he was yet in his teens, where he worked for several years as a day laborer, the first four of which he was bound out for his passage acros': the Atlantic, a method for transportation much practiced both in England and America at that time. As a reward for his labors, coupled with his dogrnatic tenacity of purpose and his God given superintelligence, he finally became one of the strongest men in America. In the Revolutionary War he rose from the rank of Lieutenant to the position of Colonel. In the early days of Vermont he went into the ^voods of Rutland county and established a saw mill, grist mill, paper mill and forge, and a country store, and it was thus that Fairhaven, Vermont was begun. He later published a paper called "Fairhaven Gazette." From this press he issued sever.il books, among- them was "The Life of Franklin." Fairhaven was represented by him in the Vermont Legislature for ten consecutive terms. He was the Judge of the Rutland County Court for some time and after Vermont was admitted to the Union as a state he was elected for several successive terms to the congress of the United States. His second wife was the daughter of a Governor of Vermont. When Thomas Jefferson was running- for President the first time, it is said that when a deciding- vote was taken in Congress, Mr. Lyon cast the one needed to elect. A tie vote had previously been the result of the general election. In the vicissitudes of the years that followed, this man of strength and much success, was the victim of an opposition filled with unpleasantness and disappointments. Being still of a strong pioneering aptitude, he decided to again try a new country. Therefore in 1801, following his last term in Con- gress, he started with his family, and many other families of Fairhaven, in ■wagons, to seek a new home in another wilderness. When this party of im- 10 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the Indians, as was fully realized by President Monroe, who made the appointment. A young man, Capt. J. S. Rogers, was sent with Col. Lyon as an interpreter. Col. Lyon had determined to make his home in Arkansas, and six months after his arrival at Spadra Bluff he declared him- self for Congress in opposition to Woodson Bates. The election was held on Aug. 6, 1821, with Mr. Bates the victor. The num- ber of votes cast in the nine counties was 2101, with a majority vote of 61. Crawford County polled 87 votes, Mr. Bates rt>ceiving ;)3 and Col. Lyon 34. Col. Lyon contested the count and sent out a circular in which he set forth well-founded reasons for his ac- tion. The second decision again gave the majority to Mr. Bates. Being an undaunted and fearless fighter. Col. Lyon would undoubtedly have been heard from later, but he was taken ill soon after this, an illness from which he did not recover. The Missionaries on Illinois Bayou came to their post in the Spring of 1820. They w^rc under the patronage of the Presby- terian American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The members of the party who entered the wilderness of Arkansas, and labored for months before the coming of others, were Rev. Cephas Washburn, wife and one child. Rev. Alfred migrants reached the Ohio river at Pittsburg, they secured flat boats and floated down stream to the Cumberland and thence into the jungles of Kentucky. When they came to a beautiful place where there was a large spring they made anchor and disembarked. The little village of Eddyville was soon realized, following the usual initiativeness of Col. Lyon. His was the first printing press in that state. He went many terms to the Legislature ol Kentucky and served both as President of the Senate and Speaker of the House. Lyon County, Kentucky, was named in his honor. He spent six years in Congress again, this time representing the state of Kentucky. At the expiration of his last term tliere. he was appointed to his Post in the Arkansas Territory. After having- spent more than a year at Spadra Bluff, Col. Lyon made a trip by boat to New Orleans. He began the descent in February of 1822. He carried with him for market, hides of buffalos, deer and bears, furs, cotton. Venison, hatns tallow, beeswax and honey. On the return trip he was loaded with a 1400 pound cotton gin and many necessities for barter, but when he reached White river he had to leave his load until a rise of the waters, there- fore, he took passage up the Mississiijpi and visited his family in Kentuel-cy. When he returned to Spadra in June he was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Griffie, who were to look after his comforts, and "Aunt Lena", a negro cook. Col. Lyon became ill in July and died August 1, 1822. The Missionaries fi-om Dwight hastened to his bedside, and also officiated at his funeral. Col. Lyon felt that he could not recover, and knew that at some time his, body would be exhumed and removed to Kentucky, therefore he requested THE INDIANS 11 Finney, wife and one child, and Miss Minerva Wasliburn, who later married James Orr. Mrs. Finney and Miss Washburn were sisters of Rev. Washburn. Rev. Washburn and parly reached Little Rock on July 3rd, v.here Rev. Waslibuni ])reached the first sermon ever delivered at that place. The unanimous consent of tlie In(Han FJiiefs of the Cherokee Nation i>ave the Missionaries permission to select their own lo- cation for the Mission, hence the place on the Bayou was chosen. Ihe Mission was known as Dwii^ht's Mission, named in honor of President Dwi^ht of Yale. The Mission Board also appointed Jacob Hitchcock and James Orr, mechanics, to join this party. They came from Ne\\ England to Pittsbm'i>" by wagon and then Ijy flat boat up th - Arkansas. The following ([notations are co])ied from the o!d diary of th > Missionaries: "The site selected was a wilderness. The first tree was felled on the :25th of Autjust. Since that time we have cleared an encloso'-l with a sub- stantia' fencs about 20 acres, much of which is improved. We have also elected four cabins of hewn logs for dwelling houses; two of which are 20 feet square .with piazzas on two sides, and two are 18 by L'2 with ]3iazzas on one side. The school house, 24 by 36 ft., is neatly cfinsti-ucted on the .Lancaster- ian ]jlan, and designed to accommodate 100 children. A considerable part of the work is done for a dining hall and kitchen. Aside from what has been mentioned, we ha\e built a corn crib and stable, and ha^'e cleared and fenced a garden, yard, etc. The property at iiresent belonging to the establishment consists ijrincipally of stock and farming- equipment — three horses, two yoke of oxen, ten cows and calves, between 30 and 40 head of swine, two \vagon.>, one cart and jjlough." •• * * * Bro. (Jrr rode out for the purpose of pui-chasing oxen and ti-an^^- acting other business up Sjiadra Creek. * * * •• * * * Bro. Orr returned; had a safe ride and successful journey. He had an interview with the I'. S. factor, Col. M. Lyon, and with the interpreter, Capt. J. S. Rogers, and found them and others fortified and fortifying a.gainst attacks from the Osages. Our friends at the north have doubtless learned the fact, the Osages and Cherokees are at wai- with each other." * * * that a coffin be made double ,of hardwood timber, one box containing the other with the vacuum between filled with lime. The inside box carefull./ lined with beaten lead. Thus this man of eni-rgy and ability — gentle and sympathetic by nature positive, yet refractoi-y in character — sometimes down l)ut never out — and always ready to forgive and forget, was laid to sleep on the l)luff by the river af Spadra. In 1830 his body was taken back and placed in the family vault at Kddy- ville. Four thousand people attended this funeral, at which Rev. Johnson, a Methodist minister of Nashville. Tennessee, officiated. The Masonic Lodge of Eddyville, in full regalia, conferred upon his burial all the honor of their f2 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Missionaries had puhhc worship for the first time on Sunday, May 13, 1821. Four or five Cherokees were present, but tliey could not understand, as they had no interpreter. There were also a goodly number of white persons and some negroes from the settlements on the south of the river. On December 22, 1821, other persons arrived to labor in tliis field and to make up the final number at the Mission. They were Ara Hitchcock, Misses Ellen Stetson and Nancy Brown. Daniel Hitchcock, a fourth member of the party, was left by the wayside quite ill, where later he died. AYhile this little band was cnroute, they came to a swollen stream and were forced to camp for five days without food. Finally when they could ford the streani, an Indian Squaw took tliem into her hul and, in the manner of her Indian kowledge, began to resuscitate them. First, she gave each of them a small portion of dry bear meat every hour for twelve hours. At the expiration of this time she had prepared a sumptuous meal. She had removed the rind from a large pumpkin, which she placed on the hard earth floor, so that the peeled part took up the dirt. She then took beans with which there were sticks and other trash, and eight pounds of fat bear meat, five inches thick, and i)ut the whole into an earthen pot and boiled it for two hours. This concoction was then poured into a w'ooden bowl and her visitors were invited to cat. All objectionable ingredi- ents were forgotten as full justice was executed upon the viands. The Indians used wooden or horn spoons, usually those made froni buffalo horns. A squaw possessed but one knife, the one for carving, and no forks at all. The school opened January 1, 1822. Eighteen Cherokee children represented the beginning of this Old D wight Mission. ceremony. Before the deposit into the valut was made, the family and many friends were so placed that immediately when the coffin lid was lifted his face could be seen. It was for this he had planned his casket of lime and lead. For a brief minute his features were natural as life — then before their very eyes, as Lot's wife turned to salt, he crumbled to dust. For long- year.s the sunken spot where they laid him at Spadra Bluff was pointed out, but now a century has passed and the changes of time have felled Ihe forest trees and leveled the grave mounds of that old burying ground, and the populace of today sees nothing there but a cultivated field. But by a T.ault in Eddyville. Kentucky, a citizenship will sometimes stop and recount, at least some event in the part Matthew Lyon played in the pioneering days of fiis adopted country. THE INDIANS 1^ which was moved when the Cherokees ai^aiii wen I west, and to- day stands on an incHne twelve miles from the Arkansas river on the west bank of Sallisaw Creek, and represents one of Oklaho- ma's oldest institutions which has harbored and educated thous- ands of boys and girls durini^ the past century. In Mr. Washburn's "Reminiscences of the Indians" we find the names of the following Cherokee Chiefs on the Arkansas: I'a-kah-to-kuh, the high chief of the nation; Blackcoat, John .lolly. Major Maw. Geoi-ge Morris, John Rogers, James Rogers, Hlack Fox, Dick Flowers and George Guest. The High Priest of the Cherokees was Dik-Keh. The Indians called liim Dik-Keli, the Just, and the white settlers, "Dick Justice". The next in |)riesth(K)d in the veneration of the jxopLe was Ta-ka-e-tuh. These Indians believed in one God and many ghosts. Mr, ^^'ashburn said that their system differed only circumstantially from that of the Rible, and that their belief in (Unions was con- sistent with Monotheism. Their eternal i)unishnunt was i)lanne() to be a series of extremes. Th-? condemntd would find his suf- ferings, first from the cold of biting frost and again from the torrid heat of a summer sun without shelter. Sometimes a plunge into cold water, tli.n again in scalding water. And when he asked foi* drink, molten lead would be given to him. If he lay down. serj)ents would bile him; if he walked, 'twas on red- hot iron. "No friendship, no pity, hatred eternal." An Ir.dian whose name was Blanket and who was a brother of Ta-ka-e-tuh. told Mr. Washburn thai the first man was red, ha\ing i;cen mad:' from red soil. He said after he was finished the Great Spirit discovered that he talked too much and thought too little, therefore he cut out a pari of his tongue and from that part mad ■ a woman. After this was done, the man thought more and said k ss, in accord with the desire of the Great S|)irit. bul [he ^v()m in lie had mad.' from that piece of a t«iigue, chat- t( ;ed uU the lime. And for that reason, he said, woman was given all the drudgery and work to do, so that she woidd hv too tired to gad about and gossip. Ta-ka-e-tuh said that they de- scended from Abraham and that Ihey worshiped one God, sub- mitted to him, trusted, feared, and jirayed. He said that Idol worshipers were fools. 14 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The marriage ceremony was quite iini(|iie. Mr. Washburn said that after the spot for the occasion was selected and the hour for the ceremony arrived, the mother of the groom came and brought a bhinket and a leg of venison, and the mother of the bride, a blanket and an ear of corn. The contracting couple were ]iiade to stand any distance from thirty to sixty feet apart, from vdiich they advanced to a common center, where the blanket? lay with the gifts on them. The brave and his squaw then went away, each holding an end of the blankets. The ceremony meant, "He, meat: she, bread: same btd." Thus came the aphorism "The dividing of the blankets." Shee-leh was an Indian word for witchcraft. Mr. Wash- burn said that "superstition through these malignant beings was tlu' prolific parent of much cruelty and crime." Anyone who thos ' could be a witch. The offense of witchcraft was consid- ertd a capital crime, therefore no trial was necessary. When an Indian wished to be rid of his wife, he said she was a witch and killed her. Finally, merging slowly into the divine scheme of justice, they decided that to take life for accused witchcraft was murder, and a law was i)asscd to administer one hundred lashes on the l)arj back for such a nefarious act. Therefore the practic was soon suppressed. Considering the Indian Medicine Men, Mr. Washburn said: "No peopi:> suffered more from materia medica, as well as charact ristics of disease, than (he Indians. They who followed the healing art,, or in their own parlance were 'big medicines', were nure conjurers. A more worthless, lazy, rascally set of ig- norant deceivers never practiced upon the gullibility of poor humans." Yet the closeness of the Indians to nature and ncces- .'ary s. If-relianc- had taught them much as a whole. In a few ])ractices they w;re somewhat proficient. Again, to quote Mr. Washburn, "The Indians had patience, fortitude and courage, with respect for old age. and affection be- l\\, en minbers of their family." To be black was considered by them a stigma caused by lying, cowardice or murder. Nevertheless, one of their most influential chiefs, Ta-kah-to-kuh, liad a black face, but of a Grecian model, and he was said to be of su|). r-intelligcnce. "When interested, his eyes sent forth scintillations of most magnificent thought." He scored a lii()us ceremony of his trihc\ He tailed the Missionaries, "breeches" or "pantaloon party." It was with Ta-kah-to-kuh that Mr. Washburn smoked the pipe of peace. This chief had always avoided the lan-tah-ous-keh, Ch'iok.e for Missionai'it s, i)iit when one day he was in Wal Weber's cabin and Mr. Washburn entered the door instead of endeavoring to escape, he took up his pipe and filled it with la-lo-neh ((h'ied leaves of the sumach of tobacco) and puffed a bit hims.'lf, then passed it to the interpreter and then to Mr. Washburn, after which he clasped Mr. Washburn's hand and said "We are friends forever." He often visited the mission after that, but ridiculed many of their methods. He became in- terested in astronomy and many of their teachings, but refused to accept their religion, saying, "Like the sun down there above the horizon, I shall go down to night and death — it is too late." It was Chief Ta-kah-to-kuh who refused to make peace with the Osages, and for that reason thi- war with them went on for a long time. The Cherokees, he said, had listened to their i)leas several times and had signed as many treaties. But on each occasion the Osages had broken faith by beginning war again. Once when the Cherokee Chiefs were returning from such a meeting they were waylaid by the Osages and some of Ihem murdered, therefore Chief Ta-kah-to-kuh said that they w, re liars and there should be no peace. At this continual warfare, the government became much concerned. But this old Chief turned a deaf ear to the pleadings, not only of lb > Osages, but the Cherokees and the gONernment agents as well. Finaly an Indian, persuasive and conciliatory of voice, whose name was Chih-kil-lehs, was employed to speak at a gathering, which was not supposed to be in any way bearing on the war, therefore Chief Ta-kah-to-kuh attended. With the deftness of an artist his discourse drifted to the subjecl of the war, and with i)athos of eloquence he depicted the suffering and death ther.from. It touched the heart of Chief Ta-kah-to-kuh. and he signed the treaty. The next day he told Mr. Washburn that he should not have done so, saying that it was the act of a woman. Many of the Cherokees were still in Arkansas in 1832. even though the treaty for lands in the Indian Territory had been 16 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY granted in 1828 and "belonged sacredly to the Indians as long as grass shall grow and waters run". But within a few years they were gone from the Arkansas Country — all gone — and now nine decades have passed and almost every trace of them is gone. And those sturdy woodsmen too, who forged their way into the wilderness of this Indian country, are gone. Yet, compared with the ages, it has been but a day of time, and the populace of tln' present are but the "Early pioneers." An old Rock-House, how old no one knows, ages perhaps, ff>r nature in the forming left it there, is jutting in the hillside at 'h( crest of the little mountain of Stillwell, eleven miles up from iliC river, and almost directly north seven miles from Clarksville. The formation of the mountain at this place is in tlie curve of a horse shoe with this wigwam shaped rock in the ceiiter of the curve, facing the east. From the peak, this solid rock spreads and drops in waves a hundred feet to the two grotto entrances. Thesi^ two compartments are separated by a column of solid circular stone. Inside of one of the rooms is a mortar down in the stone floor, j)erhaps twelve inches deep, the place \\hL're the Squaw pounded her corn. On the walls, ])rotected from the wear of the weather, are clearly chiseled figures of birds, reptiles, frogs, et cetera. Down the hill two hundred feet away a spring of chalybeate water flows the year round. And at the foot of the incline, not man}' rods removed, laves Spadra Creek around the hill. Thus it would seem that the plan of the "Great Spirit" was to provide a place of comfort and safety for some chosen clan of liis primi- tive children. In the same neighborhootl with the Rock House is another interesting formation, known as Wolf's Glen. This is located three miles to the east on Redlick mountain. Wolf's Glen is one of the local sight seeing spots, with gorges and glens, an ideal place for wolves, bears or wild cats in the days gone by. A story that there was an old Indian lead mine in this locality, has come down for three or four generations. It was said that Indians usid to bring lead bullets down Spadra Creek and sell them. Many individuals have at times endeavored to locate the spot, if ther(> be one, but nothing concerted was ever done, and no one now gives credence to the story. But an interesting THE INDIANS 17 phenomenon oeciirred north of the entrance of Woh's Glen about the time of the CaUfornia Earthquake in April, 190G — no one knows tlie exact time, for no one was there, but a circle cover- ing one-third of an acre of the surface soil dropped three feet, leaving a terrace of broken earth around. Many persons who chanced to go there saw this but no one seemed curious, nor was any explanation ever made. For seventy-five years after llie Indians were gone, arrow points of all sizes and kinds could l)e found in many places in the county. Especially were they numerous north and south of Clarksville along the banks of Spadra, thus giving silent evi- dence that the placL> was an old battle ground. Dr. John Lothers whose home is two miles east of Lamar, is a centenarian and he remembers many of the Indians by name, among them Chief Geo. Guest, whose village was at Spadra. He remembers, when a child, that he visited Spadra a number of times with his father, and many Indians were there. He said he used to watch the Indian Squaws pound their corn in the mortars for the making of bread. The mortar was made by scooping a hole in a hard wood stump or in a large stone. They were ten or twelve inches deep, in the shai)e of a well, and measured six or eight inches in diameter. The corn was put into this and pounded with a pestle. The pestle was made from a limb of a "quick growth post-oak". The larger end was charred, and then made smooth by a sandpapering process, only they used the real sand or some rough surface available in the forest. When the pestle was smooth and of oval shape, to conform with the bottom of the mortar, it was ready for use. They made a sieve from cane (which grew in al^undance along the creeks and low places), and witli this they separated the pulverized meal from the luisks. Dr. John Lothers was the son of Dr. Jesse Lothers. They were among Clarksville's first citizens and physicians. Mrs Polly Ward, mother of A. F. Ward and Mrs. Effie Dunlap of Clarksville and Mrs. Elmina Garrett of Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma, and who is ninety-eight 3'ears of age, came to John- son county with her father. William Collins, when a child. They came by boat to Spadra and. from there went across the Mulberry Mountain on pack mules by way of Indian trails. They settled 18 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY on Mulberry Creek and many Indians were their neighbors. Chief Charley White-Eye was often at their house and was some- times a guest at dinner. The late Mrs. Lucy Brashears Meers, of Clarksville, was born in a little Indian hut, surrounded by a plum-tree thicket on Horsi'head Creek, almost a hundred years ago. Her father, Jesse Brashears, gave an Indian a horse and saddle for his squatter's claim to the humble home. David Ward secured property one mile south of Clarksville in 1828, from an Indian whose name was Key. It was at this place on the west bank of Spadra Creek that a clan was located, the Clan of Chief John Jolly, In this village, it is said, that Gen Sam Houston, the Governor of Tennessee, the liberator of Texas, and the governor of Texas, et cetera, and his Indian wife, Tahlihina, spent a year. Rev. Anderson Cox, the father of Mrs. Volney Howell, told Mr. and Mrs. Howell that this was true, and other persons of integrity whose assertions cannot be doubted, have as- sured that Sam Houston came from Tennessee when he resigned as Governor, to the Cherokees West on the Arkansas. His- torians state that he went v.est of Arkansas to the Cherokee Na- tion where he spent three or four years, before going to Texas in 1832. Notwithstanding the Cherokees were granted land in the Territory in 1828, we find from many sources that a large number of them were still in Arkansas in 1832. The Missionaries did not move Dwight Mission until that year. Mr. Washburn said the Cherokees were still in Arkansas in 1832. Gen. Houston doubtless went with old Chief Jolly and his niece, Tahlihina Rogers, who was an orphan and the daughter of James Rogers, and the Indian wife of Gen. Houston, to Webber Falls, where he and his life time friend, old Chief Jolly, went into business to- gether. A story beautiful enough for fiction relates that Gen. Houston did not leave the Cherokees and go to Texas, where his great life-work lay, until he, broken hearted, had buried Tahlihina. From a newspaper story, told back In the eighties by one Judge Brewer, a grayhalred Cherokee, and published at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, and from other articles given the caption of Sam Houston, the following story is gathered: Sam Houston was born in Virginia in March of 1793. In childhood he was left fatherless. His mother removed to east Tennessee, where they lived neighbors to the Cherokee Indians. Samuel was fond of the Indians. He attended school with thein and became attached to one little girl, whose name THE INDIANS 19 John Houston, a relalivt- of Sainiiel, came to Johnson county also and died here, leavinii a family wliosc descendants are residents of the county at this time. On the east of Sj)a(ira (jeek from Chief Jolly's village, was their hurying ground. Tliis grave yard, even after fifty years, was of some proportion, but tli:' tides of time have flattened many of the mounds and tiie plow of pi'ogress has turned under the soil many more, tlierefore today hut few are left. This necropolis, across the stream from the hahitat of the Indian, is typical of their suspicion, true to their apothei>;n — that from across the water th^' spii-its of tlie dead cannot come back and torture the living. was Tahlihina Rogrer.s. He assisttd her with her lessons and she was his apt pupil. But finally the day came when Samuel was sent away to College. While he was gone the Cherokees moved to Arkansas. His course was finished, but in school lie had made new friends, and among- them Gen. Andrew Jackson. He fought under this old hero and was greatly esteemed by liim. After practicing' law for a time, Samuel Houston was elected to Congress and served two terms. Then from that body he was transferred by vote of the people, to the gubernatorial chair. AVhile in that position he married a lady of beauty and accomplishment, and no young man in the country seemed so clearly on his way to highest honors. But the scene changed, the clouds did not gather in warning — tliey cann' as a thunderbolt, for on the day of that brilliant wedding they separated. It is said that she confessed her love for another, and he having married iier because of her fitness as a wife for his career, did not jjossess that lover's attribute to foigive. He re- signed his high position and withdrew from his home and from Tennessee. Up the Arkansas river, we are told, he came, finding his way to Spadra Bluff and thence up the creek to the village of Old Chief John Jolly. Chief Jolly was the uncle of Tahlihina and had kept her in his home since she became an orphan in early childhood . When evening came and the clan gathered around, Tahlihina saw the handsome stranger and he was introduced as Sam Houston, she timidly offered her hand, and as their eyes met. he inquired: "Tahlihina, do you know me?" With a faint smile on her lips she softly answered: "I once knew you, a long time ago." Then she slipped away, and that was the last she said to him for many weeks. Tahlihina had read in the newspapers of the great man that he had become and the beautiful woman who was his wife. When she could, she always avoided meeting him, and if by chance she came face to face with him, she hastened away. As time passed on the old Chief, her uncle, began to inquire as to the length of Houston's visit. Then the Chief was told that he did not expect to return to Tennessee ,noi- to his wife . He later wrote Mrs. Houston, advising her to secure a divorce. This, she was said to have done, and then married the man of her choice. After this Tahlihina softened a bit, and became friendlier toward the man whom she had always loved. Tahlihina was said to have been a fair maiden, whom providence had endowed with a rich transparent beauty, peculiar to the mi.xture of Caucasian and Indian blood. Her locks were of flowing black, and her movements were agile and graceful. Her mark was true and her shot was sure. She possessed a great feminine nature within. Yet, without, in the face of danger, she was unafraid. Whether Gov. Houston and Tahlihina were married in Arkansas or after 20 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Mrs. Rachtl Butts remembered when a child that the grave of Chief Bull Frog was marked conspicuously by a ladder reach- ing from the head of the grave upright into space, that the spirit of Uie Chief might thereby be guided in the right direction to ihc happy lumting ground. Bull Frog Valley in Pope county, received its name from the leader of the Bull Frog clan. Abraham Laster, one of the county's representative citizens of pioneer days, purchased an Indian Council-house on lower rlorsoJiead. He detached the door and took it to his i)lace up the creek, at Harmony. Today that door, tliough i)erhaps a hun- dred years old, is the one which J. M. Laster, a son of Abraham, uses at the entrance of his smoke-house. There is nothing un- usur.l about it except it is hand phuud, and the nails are !lie old four sid'^d kind, or "cut nails". The liinges are quile large On the inside, })ro[ectc'd from the weath.r the preservation is perfect, they removed to a point near Webber Palls, I. T.. is not clear. Rev. Cox said that Sam Houston and his Indian wife, Tahlihina. lived on Spadra for a year. Col. J. S. Houston, a distant relative of Samuel, said that he hunted along- the river in Johnson county. Others said he was here for a while. Historians say he was west of Arkansas, and true, later he was, but also he was west on the Arkansas. The majority number of the Cherokees did not leave Arkansas until 1S32. Therefore, sometime between the time of Samuel Hous- ton's arrival in 1S28 and the above date. Chief John Jolly and his clan removed to Webber Falls, for it was there that the Chief and Governor Houston went into a partnership store. Tahlihina was a helper in this business. They were married, and Gov. Houston luiilt a little hut. crude and pic- turesque, at the foot of the hills near Webbei- Falls, secluded and out of the way among- sumac bushes, black jack, and cottonwoods, and a brook, clear and rippling flowed only a few paces be.Nond. There they lived and were happy for one brief year. And it is reported that Samuel Houston on more than one occasion said that he would not exchange his life there for the presidency of the United States, nor for the wealth of millions. But on one day Tahlihina was taken ill, her husband was away at Fort Gibson. On his return she did not recognize him, nor did she ever again, for Tahlihina died. He buried her by the side of the stream. (which later was christened "Tahlihina"). and left a stone to mark the spot. And on that stone Was chiseled, "Tahlihina Sleeps Here." It was then, that this gentleman with handsome physique, commanding- mien, and great executive ability, left the Cherokees and went to Texas, and his great lifework. Only two years later he was made Commander-in-chief of the Army of Texas, which he eventually lead to victory. He was twice elected the president of Texas, and later, when that country became a state of the Republic, he was for twelve year.s a Senator to the National Capital. Many honors conferred upon this great man are not mentioned here — but they belongs to the history of Texas. General Houston married the last time. :Miss Blargaret Moffit Lea of Ala- bama, in 1840. They were the parents of eight children. General Houston died in 1863. In after years the body of Tahlihina was e.\humed and moved to the National Cemetery at Ft. Gibson, where a marble stone tells, in part, her story. THE INDIANS 21 bjl the outside that has faced the summers' suns and winters' snows, is porous, much Hke a sponge and can he chipped off in bits, being quite brittle. At one time the Osages, Kickapoos, Foxes and Sac Indians were all at war with the Cherokees and Chief Red Fox of the Sacs is said to have been killed in the vicinity of where Knox- ville now stands. One Indian cemetery was north of Lee Springs near Spadra Creek. In that cedar thicket a number of graves are still visible. On Horschead Creek another burying ground, while aban- doned is still plainly visible. It has been said that a Chief of some renown was buried here and his friends built to his honor a monument in the shape of a wide plank fastened to an upright scaffold, on which were written his deeds of valor. For many years Indians came back to Arkansas, some to hunt, some to care for the graves of the dead, and for many other reasons. Some of them were friends to the white settlers. As late as forty years ago a squad of them returned and spent one night at the cemetery south of Clarksville. They built a camp- fire and danced and sang and maneuvered after the fashion of a ceremony unknown to the persons who watched them from across the creek some distance away. But no Indians come back any more, for none are left who feel a tie of sentiment or friendship. They are gone, and strange to say, there is doubtless not one place, nor one stream in John- son County that bears the nomenclature of their euphonic tongue. THE PIONEERS The Osages, who held the territory of Northeast Arkansas prior to the coming of the Cherokees, were a nomadic and wild tribe of Indians, therefore no white persons ventured to live among them. Nor during the period extending from 1813 to 1828, when tlie "Upper Arkansas" was tlie Cherokee Nation, did many white persons come. No lands could be claimed by any but the Indians ant! therefore only a few hunters or adventurers cared to come. Mr. Washburn mentioned settlers McCall and McBec. one or two others and a few half-breeds. But with no degree of certainty can the orthography or dates of the arrival of white persons before 1828 be given. But as soon as the Cherokees were granted a nation in the Indian Territory and this country was opened for settlement the influx began. For the first half dozen years before the day of tlie steam boats on the Arkansas when the river must be ascended in a Keel-boat, wiiich meant much labor and many difficulties, and when there w^ere no roads at all, tlie accession was not so rapid. But it is safe to say that the number of i)ersons w^ho had previously visited this prime- val forest were sufficient to spread tliL' news of the splendid op- portunities here, for a surprising number came and brought their families as early as 1828. Not even half of them, can be traced back so far. But we do learn with mor or less accuracy that the following persons were here: Wesley Garrett, William Collins, Thomas and Phillips Madden, David and Augustus M. Ward, Geo. L. Lemon, L. N. Clark, J. L. Cravens, James Wilson, and Abraham and Aaron Clark. Hon. James Wilson. Esq., Avas said to be a reporter for the Gazette as early as 1828. Within the next two years two dozen or more names have been recorded in one way or another: Rufus C. Sadler, Joseph Jinkins, Jesse Brashears, Hugh Gilbert, Abraham Smith, Joseph James, Finas Williams. James Shepard, Win. D. Reed, Abraham and Fredrick Laster, Ray Mash, Jack Rollins, John Arbrough, Webster McCalister, Wm. Baskin and Daniel Conner. Most of the above pioneers took out land grants. In the list of the first THE PIONEERS 23 grants given in the old records, the names of two women appear, Rachel Crawford, 1829 and Nancy Roberts, 1830. Many settlers did not secure the grants to their claims as early as they would have done, on account of the nearest office being located at Fayetteville. To go there necessitated a long, hazardous trip over mountain trails, fraught with many diffi- culties and dangers. Gen. Albert Pike, one of Arkansas' first citizens, distin- guished poet and statesman, taught school in a log cabin on Piney Creek, while he resided at the home of Abraham Smith in 1833. The names of Thomas Marnie, Gabriel Christman and James McKinney have sifted through the years, as it were, as early "school masters.". Few of the pedagogues made their homes here or even elsewhere. They usually arrived in a neighbor- hood, solicited subscriptions for a school, and when the term was over passed on to another i)oint, and so on through the country. Even though of a nomadic class, most of those early instructors are reputed to have been honorable, and in most instances gave satisfaction. During the first few decades after this country was opened for settlement more immigrants came from Tennessee than any other state. However, Kentucky, Virginia and the Carolinas were well represented. And in a proportionate pro-rata all the other states of the East and North gave to tliis new state a citi- zenship. By the time Arkansas was admitted into the Union in 1836, Johnson County had been founded, cabins were not so far apart, and forest trees had been felled and fields put into cultivation. Communities were forming tlu^mselves together in a geniality of spirit, organizing churches, lodges, politics, etc. The territorial county seat was Si)adra, or Spadra Rluff, as it was called while located east of the creek. It was here that most of the immigrants landed. However the confluence of each of the smaller streams of the county attracted a goodly number. Steam boats were now taking the place of the old keel-boats of a decade before. The Tom Bowlin, commanded by Capt. J. Smith, and the William Parsons were pljing the Arkansas river as early as 1835. The James O'Hare, commanded by Capt. Stewart, was another of the earlv steamers. 24 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY A representative number of the first settlers came over land but with the slow progress of the oxen, the marshy roads and swollen streams, with uncertain weather, made this mode of travel quite tedious and often hazardous. And many times there were no roads at all, the traveler would have to widen the trail with his hand ax in order to proceed. A double team of mules or horses could not be used through the country as the oxen were. The oxen, slow and patient, would work their way with cloven feet over places where the horse and mule would sink too deep for progress. However, the "pack mule" was quite dependable and could follow the trailways without much difficulty. This method was resorted to by not a few of those sturdy woodsmen. Often if there were not enough mules to carry the household effects and the family too, the family followed the mules on foot. The most comfortable and satisfactory mode of traveling, and the one bj^ which the majority came, was in the wonderful new boats then being made — a boat manipulated by steam and one that could easily go up stream as well as down. One family or more, as they chose, would occupy a small room on the boat. Each family furnished their own beds and cooked their own meals. The Tom Boland, after many successful and profitable trips up the Arkansas, was finally wrecked beyond repair on a shoal in the river not very far from Spadra. Spadra Bluff, Pittsburg at the mouth of Cabin Creek, and Morrison's Bluff were the three popular landing places. Every l)oat brought immigrants. Usually some relative or friend who knew of the possible arrival of the new-comers, would meet them with a conveyance. The most pretentious of these carriages was a two wheeled cart drawn by oxen — a safe and sure way, for almost without fail the passengers were thus de- livered safely to their destination. In other cases, especially be- fore so many roadways were cut the faithful pack-mule followed up the trail. Whatever was the way they came, it really mattered not, since some friendly cabin in the forest was opened to them with genuine welcome. Alongside of each humble home were one or two fields, fenced with rails, cut from the trees in this forest and put up in rick-rack fashion. A few of these old rail fences are still standing, but the time is not far distant THE PIONEERS 25 when they will be gone entirely. This primitive folk had never heard of the modern wire fences, nor even of fenceless districts. But they were progressing, nevertheless, for already some of the wealthier citizens were building houses of lumber cut by saw mills. As many as a half dozen such buildings were in the county as early as 1837, and machinery to separate the staple from the seed of the cotton, called a "Cotton Gin", had proved a success, and the old method — the long and tedious way of picking the seed from the lint by hand, was past. Grist mills too, made to grind the corn, were indeed an ini,- provement over the small hand mills for home grinding, to say nothing of the wonderful progress over the primitive way, used by the Cherokees, of pounding their grain with mortar and pestle. The first grist mills were the water power kind. Hugh GillDcrt was the owner of one on Piney Creek as early as 1833. J. W. Patrick, near that same period, built one on upper Spadra Creek. The old mill-race, the deep ditch by the side of the creek, which turned the rush of the waters direct against the big wheel of this mill, is visible today. Wiley Harris also had a grist mill on Piney sometime in the late thirties. Other niills of the same na- ture were built inland and run by horsepower. The grinding was done cheaper if the customer furnished the horses. This mill was built with two levers fifteen or twenty feet in length. To each end of these, horses were hitched to turn the mill. The water-grinders, however, had more power and before saw-mills were introduced for cutting lumber for flooring, doors, etc. to these mills were attached sash-saws. These saws were manipu- lated by two men. They were identical in construction as the gang-saw of today used for cutting marble. The old sash-saw was a single process, while the gang-saw is, as the word implies, used in "gangs" and will cut several stones at once. As early as 1840, Abraham Clark was operating a saw mill at the confluence of Piney Creek. When an early immigrant appeared at one of the landing points, his first thought was to find some level acres of land near a spring of water, if possible, on which to build his home and grow his crops. With a virgin forest everywhere he had not. far to go to find logs with which to build his cabin. These logs were usually hewn, or in other words, cut so that they were flat 26 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY on four sides. The openings between the logs were filled with wet earth. Sometimes the "womenfolk^" pasted newspapers on the walls to add to the cleanliness and beauty of the home. The large fireplaces were inside of chimneys of considerable pro- portions. Sometimes the early chimneys were built up by stack- ing small logs in a square, slighty shaped, to make the flue, and then covering the whole with a mud, usually made from clay. But Johnson county had few of this kind for stones are generally plentiful and therefore some splendid chimneys built in those days are still in excellent condition. At this time there are a number of old log houses standing, but they are fast disappearing. ^Yitllin the next few decades they will be gone entirely. There were no stoves and wood was the only fuel. No other fuel was needed, for all the wood anyone could want was within reach of e\ ery family's door. In most cases two rooms were built to the house and some times more, but usually two chimneys were put up. 01'/,' for the "front room" and one for cooking in the kitchen. There were great hooks hanging from a fastening in the flue of the kitchen fireplace, on whicli to swing the pots. The squaw had her earthen jjots, but the white settlers those of iron. The house-wife also had a skillet with foiu' little legs and a heavy iron lid for the baking of bread. Potatoes were baked in hot ashes and sometimes eggs were too. These large fireplaces were usually built vaulted at the top, witli high mantles above. Bed- time for this folk was soon after dark. The light from the fire was often the only light for the room. When another light was needed, tallow, previously rendered, in which was inserted platted strips of cloth, was quite satisfactory. However, almost every woman had candle molds and made the real candles from tallow and beeswax. These pioneers of Johnson county and Arkansas at large, were living very much like the rest of the country. Candles were the only lights known in the United States until 1826, when for the first time kerosene was used for lighting pur- poses. For a long time that was looked upon as unsafe, and many years passed before it was universally used. Matches were not a necessity, in fad the old oxymuriate and lucifer matches were not very satisfactory any way. Therefore iiince the phosphorus combinations were not discovered until 1834, these far inland settlers did not feel the need of them. But THE PIONEERS 27 snug away somewhere in the deep ashes of the fire-place werfe liidden some Uve coals. But if by chance the fire all went out^ it was necessary sometimes to start a spark again by the use of flint, but more often some one hastened to a neighbor's house and "borrowed fire", and neighbors were not next door either in those days, tlicj^ were often a mile or two apart. Almost evei'y piece of furniture in those houses was mad^ at home. Tables, buckets, churns, churn-dashers, bedsteads, chairs, and brooms. The chairs were the old split bot- tom kind, which means that the seat of the chair was interwoven with splits rived from clear white oak. The brooms were made from broom corn grown at home. The dishes were almost always brought along from their former homes and were many limes of beautiful design and English makes. Pewter (hshes were given to children, for service. The most comfortable possession of the liouse-wife was her wonderful feather bed^ feathers taken off the geese of her own flock. They did not have bed springs, but often strands of rope were interwoven lUKk^rneath the straw mattress ,, which was sup- plemented by the feather bed. Her quilts or comfortal)les, were \aricolored and beautifully hand pieced and neatly ([uilled. Her blankets were all wool and hand made. And the old counter- panes of that period were often of artistic designs, showing deftness and efficiency in thought and workmanshi|). In the evenings by the light of the fire, while llu' husband smoked his pipe and rested from the day's work, or a hunt in the forest, the wife carded wool or cotton to make it ready to spin into thread. Or sometimes she knitted stockings or socks, for the woman must needs clothe her household. Before the wool or cotton was carded it had been thoroughly washed in soap and water. The soaj) was also a home product. It was made by filling a barrel with wood ashes, slightly tilting tlu' barrel aiul pouring water onto the ashes. The h^e which drained from the barrel was put into the wash pot with many meat skins and cracklings and boiled. When strained this made an excellent soap. After the lint was carded the woman spim it into thread on a home-made spinning wheel. After [hv thread was hanked she dyed it if she wished colors. Into the woods she went and 28 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY gathered bark or roots or blossoms, and boiled each to itself or mixed them according to the shade desired. Some of the colors were quite satisfactory. For black she usually dyed with a strong walnut hull or walnut bark liquid. This also in a weaker solution made a beautiful brown. The chinquapin and the oaks made shades of brown; pine bark, purple; dandelion, yellow; indigo, blue; and certain varieties of grass, green. When the coloring was finished she wove the cloth on her loom, which was also made by hand and was probably the most complicated me- chanism of their possession. After the cloth had been woven and much wear had worn the garments beyond repair, again they were torn into strips and rolled into balls. These strips were then used as the warp crossed by a woof of home- woven thread and thus a "rag-carpet" was made. Every wom- an did not possess a carpet loom, but there was always one near enough for every woman to have a carpet woven if she cared to do so. The farmers' cattle and hogs, branded with his private mark, were tiu'ned loose on the range. Every family also kept sheep, for wool. Much of the wearing apparel was made of wool. He grew his own tobacco and sugar cane. All the varieties of fruit and vegetables were possible. One of the necessities that always follow a pioneering settlement were the tanneries, for the preparation of hides. J. C. Harris operated a tannery on Little Spadra Creek two miles west of Clarksville, for a long number of years. The old shed with some paraphernalia connected with the manipulation of the tannery, stood by the side of the "Wire road" even into the eighties of the past century. Thus these progenitors were the most independent people in (he world. Not only were they the producers and consumers bu! manufacturers as well. There were ven,' few articles they had to secure from the outside. Salt was probably of the most vital essential. Nails were a necessity. Peruvian bark was also much needed for the cure of inter-mittent fever. Coffee and rice were outside products. Sugar, oranges, lemons and spices were luxuries in which they sometimes indulged. To purchase these articles the settler took his cotton, corn, hides, beeswax or furs, or whatever wares he might have, to the trading points on the THE PIONEERS 29 river and sold lluin. Oilcn however he sold his cotton to the ginner, who not only operated the cotton i»in hnt was a cotton merchant as well. Two or three carding factories too, were soon ()i)erat((l in the county, thus eliminating the former hand process of hatting the wool and cotton. The foregoing kaleid<)sc()i)ic review of the first settlers of this county is idtiitically a counterpart of the early settlers of all other states. Many of these incomers had left homes of refine- ment and plenty, hut the inconvenience of travel made it impos- sible to attempt the bringing along of only the necessities . But after the steam boats were past the experimental stage and the channel of the river was known more accurately, more steamers made trips jx'riodically, and also in the years 1836-37 a highway was through the country between Little Rock and Ft. Smith, Stage lines were being operated in 1837, and Arkansas was now quite uj) to date for the whole of the United States was webbed by only stage lines and steam boats. The first locomotive was operated ovLr one short line of railroad in 1829. The first horse railroad in 1826-27. The years following this, esi)L>cialIy the beginning of the forties, projjress v,'as more rapid. Not only did immigrants come daily, but many of them brought their negro slaves. Abraham Clark was now doing a rushing business at his saw mill on Piney. for frame houses were often built. Many of them commodious, sonif^ of them two stories high. The old "Lee Place" at the Lee Spring, built by Cater Lee, and which is standing today, still the property of the Lee family, must have been, some eighty years ago, a pretentious home. The hand carved and beaded mantles, hand made moldings et cetera, attest the ambition and achievement of one of taste and culture. The old home of Samuel Adams on Piney, still standing, was a well finished house for its dav. Manv others have Ikvu torn away. Thev did not stand the test of time as well as the ones of logs, and besides there were many more log ones. Witli the beginning of this ])eriod large fields wer;' clear-d, lands were drained and plantation life began in many quarters. The "Master and Missus in the big house" and the negroes in the cabins. Young Misses singing in the parlor, old aunti:- hum- ming in Jie kitchen, for the strains of Annie Laurie or Nellie Gray 30 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY were sounding from the mahogany melodeon, brought from back in Kentucky or Virginia. Or perchance it was a piano with four big legs and a flat top, made somewhere in France. There was also a Brussels carpet with large red roses, and tufted chairs covered with beautiful sUck black hair-cloth. Brass andirons and candle sticks, even if the candles were made at home. The dining room and kitchen were sometimes in the yard back of the main house. In the dining room there was a side-board with some china and silverware about. And hid away in some compartment, was a demi-John or perchance it was no demi- john, but a real big jug of whisky of some sort. Tli'sc' jugs were a part of almost e.very home however h'unble. l^ractically every man took his "dram" each morn- ing. Why shouldn't he, his father did, and in fact it was prac- tically a universal habit. A Temperance Society had been or- ganized in Saratoga, New York as early as 1808, but the emi- gr;>nts lo Johnson county probably had not heard about it. And if they had it was given no credence, for such an organization was merely a fanaticism and they had never a fear that it would suc- ceed. They wore not M'rong either, so far as that generation was concerned, for a century passed before that infant society grew to proportions which overspread the whole Nation. Nor would those sturdy progenitors ever have dreamed, nor would they have understood the vernacular if they had, that at a future day some of their alien succ:^ssors would grow so proficient as to bott'e "moon-shine" and "boot-leg" it around lo the "topers". As early as 1830 little stores had been oi)ened and a few nee ssi!i s and fewer luxuries were kept in stock. Some gro- ceries, chinaware and farm implements were carried. Jeans, a goods for men's clothing, which clothing was made by hand, as wei'e all garments in Hint aae and the agLs 1)( f ore, as for that matter, for Eli as Howe, Jr., did not patent his first complete sewing macliine until 1840. Linsey was an all wool, mill made dr.ss goods. Cotton checks was a cheap cloth, but the calicos v/ere varigated and beautiful. Every woman was delighted to posst ss a calico frock. There were some cashmer-s. Silks and velvets Wirt brought on in small quantities and used generally for I'inimings. However there were some silk dresses especial- ly at weddings and other state occasions. There were no toilet THE PIONEERS 31 articles on sale in those stores, or elsewhere, for that matter. The belles of that aijie possessed a small jar or tin of home-ren- dered tallow for chapped hands and lips, and a store-bought box of "whitening" or "chalk" for their comi)lexion. No respectable woman would have dared "paint" her checks. When she went out of tlie house, her face was protected snugly under a bonnet or a veil, and thick gloves covered her hands. Johnson County, as all other new countries, was more or less a world of itself, so slight was the communication with the out- side. Few papers were received and letters were difficult to get. There were no envelopes and letters were often delivered by hand, weeks or months after they were written. Those people who were in direct touch with the stage line were shghtly more for- tunate. Envelop;^'s were not used in the United States until 1839. The mucilage on stamps did not always contain adhesive quality enough to hold them on. They were often lost off. It took twenty-five cents to bring a letter from Tennessee to Arkansas. But, Oh ! how welcome was the occasion. For a number of years after the statehood of Arkansas and the location of the county seat, Spadra was still the heading town. Many houses and huts constituted the river landing village, with a hotel standing two stories high, a commodious Inn, for that day. - But all are gone now — no trace of a town east of the creek. Coal was discovered near the corner of Elijah Bettice AUston's house in the early forties. In 1844 a Frenchman whose name was Procta opened a mine and sent the coal on barges down the river. The coal was taken from a cropping on the east bank of the creek, thus forming a slope as it dip])ed back into the earth. It was known as the Spadra Creek Mines. The place where the original opening was made may still be found. CLARKSVILLE Following the statehood of Arkansas in 1836, an election was held to select commissioners, whose duty it would be to de- cide upon a location for a county seat. The three men chosen were Abraham Laster, Elijah Bettice Alston and Lorenza N. Clark, The meetings to determine a location were held in the store of Mr. Alston at Spadra. Hon. James Cravens, whose farm was four miles up Sjiadra Creek, where there were num- erous pure water springs and excellent well water possible, was ready and desirous to deed a plot some one-fourth mile square to tiie new town, in order to locate it on his property. Mr. Taster \vas the only one of the commissioners who was favor- able to the proposition of Mr. Cravens, for Mr. Alston knew that Spadra, the territoral county seat, and the largest town in the county, was the only place to consider, even though the water was paluted more or less by the underlying coal, while Mr. Clark would vote only for his home town, Morrison's Bluff. After repeated efforts, and each man wisely saw that no decission would be reached, with their triangled opinions, Mr. Taster sought a solution by proposing to Mr. Clark, stating that should he, Mr. Clark, agree to vote for the Cravens' location, that he, Mr. Laster, would vote to name the town Clarksville. And thus it was settled. Three other gentlemen were commissioned to plot and lay out the lots and also to sell them. Handed down by verbal record is a story of diverse opinions as to the exact spot. We hear that Maj. John Ward was an ardent advocate for an East Hill location. Someone else thought the old Dunning place, west of Clarksville's cemetery should be favored, but Mr. Cravens wished to live in the town and did not wish to move to it. He gave the acreage and his location was finally accepted. The surveyors were soon at work and a square of some one- fourth mile was blocked out Avith streets and alleys, etc — much out of proportion for present day needs. But no wonder, for the town was then but a field and a forest. .SAAiriOL AOAMS' H(y.\riO ox cabin rUEKK — 18:',5 — AS IT IS TODAY (tnce a suli-statimi for the old st.'i-ie line. SS^^ ThcsmAii foom At tht risht Was th€ Sheriffdoms Fiio^r A ^^l■:MlHl^' miiawixc v.y \v. \>. allxttt CLARKSVILLE 33 The location was not entirely satisfactory to the majority of the people, for the general opinion was that one of the river towns should have been chosen. Spadra, Morrison's Bluff and Pittsburg conceded nothing. They were growing and thriving, and several years passed before Clarksville was much more than a wide place in the road and a court house. The new steam boats that began to ply the Arkansas in the late thirties gave much prestige to the river towns, and each hamlet gained confidence and was rapidly growing. It was sometime immediately prior to the forties that Seth J. Howell built a Card Batting Factory at Pittsburg, and until today one chimney of that old factory is standing. Suffice if to say, that Mr. Howell at least had confidence in this town location. No one feared the rivalry of Clarksville. But wdio could tell, — or who did tell — what the coming years would bring. Nor did Clarksville supersede her rival, Spadra, for a long time. And only when the Iron Mountain railroad came through Clarksville did it have more than a few hundred souls. Following the location of the town, a year had passed and not one tree had been felled. Apprehension began to be felt even among the most sanguine, and it was decided that at once the Court House should be er cted. Ere long, some mill in the county was busy sawing up the native timbers for a -commodious building, for the time. Back a hundred yards south from the east and west highway, this lumber was hauled. The field was cleared off, some trees were cut down, and soon, in its embryo, a town was begun. With this nucleus in the center of a square, the custom of the day, little houses began to be built from the abundance of timber all about, north, east, south and west. "Dad" Smith was one of the first citizens. He built a little log store, back about fifty feet from the street on the identical location of the Palace Drug Store. Mr. Smith called this his grocery store, but soon its true colors were flaunted and it was given the appellation of "Dad" Smith's Saloon. But why not, everybody kept whiskey and almost every man sometimes went on a "spree". It was the fashion. Moreau Rose moved in from his place one mile west and built the first frame business house ever put up in the town. His residence was then built back of the store facing Main street. The 34 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY store was on the south eorner of Main and HuUum (Fulton) streets. Tlie county officers then moved near the central building and thus, of slow growth, the little county seat struggled forward. But the big two-story log hotel, which stood on the highest point overlooking the river at Spadra Bluff, was far more popular and lucrative than the new one Gabriel Payne had built on the north side of Main Street, a hundred yards or more west from the crossing of the creek. This was a two-story house too, after the fashion of logs and mud. It was here that a station for the Little Rock-Springfield stage line was made. Coming up from Little Rock, which at that time was merely a village also, the next station east of Clarksville was Dover, and on the west there was one at Swaggerty's store on Horsehead Creek. The blast of the horn announced the approach of the stage, and at its sound everybody was brought to attention. Much anticipation was speculated upon, as to the new arrivals and the news they might bring. Almost, but not quite the same as the old town criers of long ago. In the year 1837, in an humble little home on the south side of Main Street, up from the creek two hundred yards, Hon. R. A. Rogers was born. Mr. Rogers is today a resident of Clarks- ville and is very feeble. His father, John Rogers, had a black- smith and repair shop across the street next to the Payne hotel, and on a lot that has been occupied bj- a shop of that nature to the present time. Dr. Jesse Lolhers and his son. Dr. John Lothers, had an office for their drugs, et cetera, on the east side of the square. Anthony Lewis built a saw mill on the south side where the Methodist church now stands, and Labon C. Howell put up a tannery down by the creek. Thomas Powers built a log resi- dence of some proportions on Main Street back one hundred feet on the two lots next west from the Dunlap block. This old house stood until five years ago. Augustus M. Ward's first home in Clarksville was located next to the railroad, immechately east of J. H. Jamison's residence, and which would be designated today, should the street run out that far, as on Central Ave. CLARKSVILLK 35 The humble hul, built more thau eii»hty years ago by An- thony Lewis, is |)erhai)s the only one of the many of that date standing today. Now Mr. Lewis did not wish to be loo elose to the busy streets, so in- ehose a lot beyond the town limits. This old house, wilii an outside eoat of hunbir and an inside coat of paper, stands today, on Taylor street, otherwise unchanged. In September of Ihi' present year win n ihe old residence known as the Mears property, on West Sevier street, was torn away, a quaint little hut was uncovered. The old hand-hewn logs and the mud chinked walls and the little front door, caused one standing today in the midst of modern homes, to sense the feeling that a curtain iiad been lifted, thereby revealing some secret of the past. And the mental vision went farther still, for with that picture one could almost see the sturdy woodsman stooj) to come out from the tloor. or i)erchance an Indian emerge with war-paint, feathers and a blanket. Across the street from this place was another log house, a larger one, with a big fire])laee between, and an ufjstairs too. But many, many more could be nuntioned that still linger in the memory of some older jjersons, but they served their [)urpose and are gone — gone beyond the irresistible march of civilization, which destroys but to build again. To hasten on. when the early forties came. Dr. William Gray had moved to the town and occupied a residence which stood immediately soufii of the i)resent Methodist church. Dr. McConnell also had moved from Pittsburg and built a two-story double log house on tlie southeast corner of Main and Cravens. These logs were cut from the forest of his back-door yard. The McConnell Drug Store Nxas a lower room immediately on the cor- ner. One little office stood south of that on Cravens street and that was all. On the soutli of the square and the east corner of the block was Bradford's law office, then next west was the Bat- son property, and across Central avenue Ijicck from the corner west a few feet, was the little frame Methodist church built in 1844, while on the other corner Anthony Lewis was operating his saw mill. To the south on the west side of the square was George Scott's residence, and there were no other buildings between that and the Rose store on the other corner. Down Main street, beginning west, Jarrett's Drug Store stood on the northwest corner of Main and Hotlum (Fulton), 36 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and across the street east to the west corner of the block north of the square, was the Jake Rogers Store (where Laser's store now stands). Next, a few feet away, was John F. Hill's tailor shop, then came "Dad" Smith's saloon, and across Central Ave. w^as the store of R. H. Brown, and next was "The Good Idea Saloon", then Powers Bros., and on the east corner, (the same as Hill's Drug Store) was Swigart's. Across Cravens, on the other corner, was Hershey's and farther down was Payne's Hotel and the Rogers shop. That was all, except just back of the Brown store ^yas a little room, where the first printing press was installed, and a little jail was also standing with a high picket fence around it on the cast side of the block on the south of the square. A bridge had also, by this time, been built across Spadra, by Olinvcr Basliam and others. The old covered-over kind — long and dark. The piers built at that. time are the ones used today. James Woodson Bates was said to have been a Land Reg- ister in Clarksville in the early days. The friendship which was said to have existed through life between Gen Thomas J. Churchill and Judge James Wilson, was begun also back in the thirties. The Mexican War came on and the country was all astir. Two companies were organized in Johnson County and Col. William Gray was in command of them, and also one company from Pope county. Mrs. Polly Collins Swaggcrty Ward, who is ninety-seven years old, is doubtless the only living person who saw those soldiers go on their way. She was Mrs. Swaggerty then, and a bride. The celebration prior to the march west- ward was held at the Swaggerty place on Horsehead Creek. With the decade covering the life of the fifties came an un- equalcd prosperity. Almost every family had slaves — faithful, affable servants. And they too had a life which is a story of itself. The o])limism of their African blood, with the assurance that food was plentiful and a shelter was sure, made theni happy too. Each negro "gal" was sure her "Missus" was the finest in the land. And the male members enjoyed a social bent all their own. And, as a whole, they were content. But the war came on — perhaps inevitable, sooner or later, and perhaps it is better so. CLARKSVILLE 37 Bill the life of the fifties can never be duplicated. There were carriages of state, and servants for every call. Parties grand were given and the youth did not know much of toil. Brick kilns were now stationed about Clarksville and a luuiiber of store buildings of this type were replacing the logs and lumber. . Moreaii Rose was again one of the first to initiate the new. But his store building of that day, on the corner of West Main and Hullum, was torn away in the eighties and the present one, occupied by the Mercantile Company, was built. Another was the John W. May store, now owned by Sam Laser. The old building of Col. John F. Hill is today occupied by Lewis & Williams. A. M. Ward erected a handsome home on the brow of the hill, now replaced by the College of the Ozarks, and Jacob Rogers another, the one remodeled and now occupied by R. S. Davis and family. The Presbyterian church on the south- east corner of Cherry and Cravens, is, in part, the one that was built in the fifties. The Methodist congregation had almost com- pleted one, which was burned during the war, that stood on the south side of the square next to Fulton Street. The same lot is covered today by a church of that denomination. The Methodists and Presbyterians were represented in goodly numbers in the town, and over the county at large. They held regular meetings on regular days and Sunday School always on Sunday'. There were no accessory organizations — no auxil- iaries. The minister had full sway, with the counsel of his lay- men . Women served in silence. But they were content, they asked no more. As late as 1873 a woman lecturer, a Presby- terian, gave an address in Clarksville and the county paper of the time criticized her severely.. When a funeral procession started with its slow tread to- ward a burying ground, some church bell began to toll out its lonosom^^ tones and ended only when the body was deposited into Ih- grave. And this custom continued until the latter days of the past century. A large number of the earHest settlers of ClarksviHe and vicinity were buriLxl at the Lee gravej-ard north of the town. And today, if one would know who the old set- tl rs weT-e, a visit to one of the cemeteries where the only mark of 'hose o'd fathers having lived, so far as the eye can see, is th'^ir names written there. 38 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Civil War came with much doubt, fear and misgiving, and yet a dogmatic hope strengthened bj- tliat patriotic beUef in an early termination. Calls were made for young men and they came flocking in, companies were formed, and excitement pre- vailed. Young women were busy sewing. Flags were made of silk, for silk only was good enough for those sons of an established autocracy. Young ladies presented them in public addresses, brave hearts carried them away. Many troths were made at the parting. Some were consummated later but many wore broken by the shot and shell of war. And too, a large number at the very first encounter, at Oak Hill. Then the days grew dark, bushwhackers began to |)rowl. and wonien were afraid. Somebody's house was burned almost every night, and sometimes women's feet were charred because of the refusal of some unreasonable refpiest. General Churchill and his men wintered the season of '62-'63 down near the old Spadra site. This was a delight to their fiiends. But in the spring they went on their way to war. Finally a Federal Regiment came and established a post in Clarksville. Cruelties in Ihc town were not so frecjuent then, but those over the countj- at large were still ruinous and devastating. Food was taken and maoy went hungry — fires, fires, every night, soon left an army of homeless. Old men and ministers were taken out and shot. There was one case that will not be forgotten in Johnson County for many generations. It was said that a minister, without offensi', was stood up beside a tree, while several men stepped off a few i)aces and riddhd him with bullets. A young son stood by, and in his childish heart took a solemn vow to avenge that heinous deed. The war ended but that vow was unbroken, and, men began to die. No one seemed to know why, but one by one, 'tis said, llic lad cut them down. Finally he was found out and then he too was luuited. He was the hunter and the hunted. But as long as he was at large by swish of shot those men continued to drop. Finally he grew desperate and if anyone gave fDffense, 'tis said, they too were included in his retribution. Terror reigned m the hearts of women and children for this lad was now a man mu\ his offenders were not all dead. Finallv CLARKSVILLE 39 al'tor many had fallen by his hand, he paid Ihe price on the i>allo\vs. But many who committed crime went free. For a reason unknown, one mother was taken from her babies and sent down the river to Little Rock and placed in jail. Her four small children, the baby but three years old, were left to wander about — no one to care for them and the winter was cold. Finally after six weeks, she was allei^ed to have promised to return to jail if permitted to go to her children and make their clothes ready for the cold winter. She went, but she did not return, nor was she forced ai*ain. These extreme cases are but two of many, not unlike those committed all o\qv the invadctl country, or any country overrun by an enemy. The nii>ht came when General Fai*an's army was reported approaching with much strength in men and guns. The Federal post was abandoned at once. All they could not take with them was bm-ned. They started well the flames to their comnnssaries and went on their way, but someone lingered behind, for presently many buildings were ablaze. Not a man nor boy over twelve was in the town, but the women forgot their sex, forgot that they were not accustomed to toil. They fought the flames and extinguished many. A few hours more and the Confederates came. No one slept that night, for excitement was high. The following day this army was on its waj'. And after a time the Federals returned. Thus, with the vicessitudes of conflict, the year«-passed. At last the end came — somehow it always does. THE AFTERMATH Then came the aftermath, bitter as quassia. The spirit of sanguinity with which the land was imbued in the beginning- had passed out through the channels of doubt, fear, suspicion and reality. Death was all about, friends and Trergiibors were pitted against each other. The dead could not return, they alone were at peace. The maimed in mind and body came back — to what? A devastated country filled with unscrupulous men and unruly negroes. Men from the enemy lines were in the seats of the high, and negroes were in office. The old Master and Missus had learned to toil with their hands, and their heads were bowed. Churches v/ere burned, and ministers dead, and children cried for bread. The spirit of the conqueror had more easily softened tlian the spirit of the conquered, and he was content to dwell in the places of the enemy. Young- girls had learned to know the man, and forget the soldier, and to many them. Thus the enemy invaded the home. There were no grist mills, and no corn to grind. No cotton gins, and 40 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY no cotton to gin. There were no crops left over, and no seeds to plant. In the forests alone was plenty of fuel, the only commodity with which to battle the bony fingers of death, now folding- over the once sunny, blooming land of grand estate. Those sons of southern sires arose because they must. And the women brought forth cotton from secret places — in beds or pillows or wherever else it had been stored. And busy fingers resorted to the old time way, and they lost not a seed. With these, a first crop was planted. The old spinning wheels were brought forward, all that were left, and the thrift of their mothers was learned all over again. Every woman was busy, too busy to complain, for against hunger and cold the war was now waged. Scanty wares were divided, for poverty made all akin. Thus, the women, young and old, had found a niche they, too, must fill. The "carpetbaggers" were all about, so called because of the bags they carried. Men who had been owners of men, were now subservient without recourse, to the whims of their recent enemy. The vote of that reign was granted only to the "Carpetbagger" and the negro. Then came the Ku-Klux-Klan, which served its purpose, too. The country stood in a stagnant pool, so far as improvements were concerned. There was no money and in the uncertain, unsettled state of both the ruled and ruling c^te, incentive itself was at low ebb. But time, that healing anodyne, passed, and after a few years the hold of strangers and the domination of an inferior race was overcome. The change was inevitable, for the men who held the land by purchase and by birthright, could but come again and dominate. Some dozen years had passed, years of anxiety, uncertainty and turmoil, but in the end this could not last, for the conqueror and the conquered were all Saxons, Celts and Teutons, too, and all akin by tie of blood — all Americans. Hatred and envy may dwell in the heart for a time, but not for always, for the good in the human race is stronger than the bad, and peace came in truth at last, and the land began to bloom again. POST-WAR STORY Six loiio years passed, longer than the period of tlie war. befoi'e liie peace that was declared in '65 began to be felt in reality j)y the people. A few months after the fighting ceased the straggling soldiers had all made their way back — all that would ever come back. And the families who had gone south as refugees, too had returned. They came back, in most cases, to their bare farm lands, with perhaps a mule or a horse, and perhaps a house, but more often they found neither. It was with whatever had been left them and a grim determination to make ihe best of the future thai they had passed through this period of half a decade. But still there were old chimneys and foundation stones as silent reminders of the terrible devastation. From old Pittsburg at the mouth of Cabin Creek, west to Spadra and extending a mile inland, every house was burned on one night in '63, and the feet of many women were charred by live coals, from which at least one woman, Mrs. Seth J. Howell, died. And no wonder those old chimneys pointing upward, were still CLARKSVILLE 41 s^hastly, grim reminders. But now a half dozen years liad passed and a new regime was coming in. The first telegraph line up from Little Rock had been in- stalled in the Court house in 1862 and the peo])le of Clarksville felt as if they were not entirely an inland town. Early in the seventies, perhaps '71, an Arkansas company negotiated for a railroad to extend from Little Rock to Ft. Smith. The excava- tions and dumps for this roadway were almost or perhaps were complete, when the company went bankrupt. The old roadbed may still be traced. At one time the face of College Hill was excavated east and west, and one mile out of Clarksville to the west may still be seen the old dump, grown over wdth forest trees. A period of doubt and apprehension followed the lull in this progress, but soon the Gould System took over the rail- way project and a gala day was the one in 1873 when the first whistle of progress sounded to the east of the little town. On that day, when the rails were laid to the top of East Hill, a train w^as on its way, to arrive at a certain hour, so the message over the telegraph wires had clicked, and everybody was there, for progress had come at last and Clarksville and Johnson county v.-ere now on the map. A marvelous progress, this telegraph system, over the old waiting hours and days at the river landings for the steamer, W'hen one couldn't tell whether the boat would puff in sight within the hour or, i)crchance, was on the shoals somewhere, beyond release. Many immigrants came to Johnson County in '73. It seemed an incentive to ride to the end of the road. And then they usually remained. One year later the railroad was extended to Ft. Smith, and the Clarksville depot was changed to a place between Taylor and Filmore streets, the present site of the Missouri Pacific freight depot. That old stage line — the inevitable stage line, with its joys and discomforts — had served its purpose, had seen its day, for now it was abandoned forever. However no inovation comes with so sudden a change that the old methods are not given up by degrees. And while there were no coaches traveling over that long-usrd highway, J. A. Rhea's big white horses were still slowly winding their way over the long and steep mountain 42 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY roads that were, by the niid-ccntiir^, cut throiii^h to Eureka Springs. This old hack Hue road was the only outlet for the country to the north for many years. But that too lost its favor when the Frisco built a railroad through to Seligman, Missouri, And the old road to Spadra that had been the most popular in the county, was attracting less travel. And the Young Ladies Seminary on the top of the hill, from the windows of which the girls watched every incoming vehicle for a i)ossible beau, or less interesting arrivals, or perchance only for i)astime, had been burned — never to be rebuilt. Even the long, heavy, sonorous whistle of a steam boat, failed to cause the manifested interest of previous years. The passing indifference could be appreciated most by those who re- membered the occasions of a decade before when the news brought by each boat was the topic of the day, and real excite- ment prevailed when on some occasions a boat would sink along the border of the county. They were easily remembered by name, and every detail of the circumstances for years to come. It has been said, that on January 3, 1849, the Steamer "Mustang" had come up from Napoleon bound for Ft. Smith, when it sank two miles below Spadra in five and a half feet of water. When the old "Umpire No. 2" went to the bottom of the river, south of Clarksville at the Laban C. Howell farm in 1854 the event was a topic much discussed. And when the "Sparrow-Hawk" sank in 185(), and a sak' of dry goods was conducted, the people went in great crowds. There was also a steam boat given the honor of bearing the name of "Clarksville" that ran the Arkansas in the early days. In March, 1872, the little court house built back in the thir- ties was burned to the ground, just at a time when the ])eople of Ihe county were least ready for added taxation to build a hew one. But on that day, March 2, County Judge EHsha Mears ordered Robert F. Naylor to appoint a commissioner to procure and make ready suitable rooms — a court room, grand and petit jury rooms, also a clerk's office. The second story of Moreau Rose's corner building was secured. In January, prior to the burning of the court house in '72, the lot on which the county jail had stood for long years was sold to John C. Hill. A new lot was purchased from Francis M. Paine. The old jail was torn away and J. M. Armstrong was CLARKSVILLE 43 appoinlod a comniissioiior for llic piirj^oso of biiiUliiiij; a new one. This was in November, 1874, following a rei)ort made by the grand jury in March of 187.3. However the erection of the jail was postponed in January, 1874 by the board of supervisors, until the next session. Repeatedly, year anfter year, the erection was postponed and not until early in the |)resent century was a jail built. And in the meantime the lot had been sold to J. V. Hughes and a new one purchased, the one on which the county jail now stands, and which is the former site of an old lanyard. A calaboose had been put on the jail lot and in that, drunks were confined, also other |)risoners, temi)orarily. A room in the court house was arranged in which to confine most of the prisoners. Murderers and some other criminals were taken to Little Rock, where they were placed in the State Peni- lentiary until tlic term of court at whicli they werc> to be tried, was held. 44ic building of a new court house, liowever, met with more fa.voi- tlian the j)r()j)c)s; d jail, and was puslied forward more rapidly. On April 18, 1872, it was ordered by the court liiat a new building be erected for the seat of justice. .fohn S. Hous- ton was appointed commissioner of |)ublic buildings. On April 10, following his jiresentation of i)lans of the building to be erected, and an estimate of the material of which it was to be con- structed, and possible cost, it was ordered that the l)uilding nego- tiations begin without delay. Thirty days were given in wliich the contract was open for bids. After the tliirty days notice by posting and in the newsj)apers, the commissioner was ordered to o])en and carefully consider all projxjsals offer. d, and award the contract to such bidder as might, in his opinion, secure early com- pletion of the building, and protect the county's l:esl interests. Ujjon opening the scaled bids the commissioner found thai some proposals were for currency and bonds, and otlita's for cur- rency' alone. Mr. Houston was then orderc d to I'etpiesI the currency bidders to again put in their inds in bonds. .\t the October term of court the commissioner re|)()rted tliat the e )n- tract had been given to A. J. Millard and R. S. King of Littl" Rock. The articles of agreement were entered into Sept. '2. 1872, between the honorable county of Johnson and Millard c^ King of Little Rock as princii)als, and \V. A. Stewart, E. M. Phillips, IkMi- jamin Thomas and D. P. Ui)ham of Little Rock as ])ondsmen. 44 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The architect was John D. Edwards, also of Little Rock. The amount of the bid for completion was $30,875.00. The contract specified that the work should begin February 1, 1873. Mr. Houston resigned as commissioner on February 14, and R. S. Cramplon was appointed to fill the vacancy. When December ftf 1873 came, the building had not been completed and the time was extended to June 30, 1874. When that day arrived John ¥. Hughes, who had the contract for decorations, had finished with its last coat of paint inside and out, he having the last of Ihe contract work. It was then turned over for inspection, and was accepted. Not only had a beautiful new court house been erected, but other houses and homes were rising over the ashes of the past. The Methodist congregation had rebuilt the church that was al- most complete when burned in '64; Capt. A. S. McKennon and Maj. L. N. Swaggerty had each built, in duplicate, handsome folonial homes, which are standing today, ivy covered and intact, on Central avenue. The McKennon place, without an outward change was for several years the Dr. E. W. Adams home, but is now the residence of Samuel Laser, and the old Swaggerty home is now the Presbyterian Manse, occupied by Rev. Elbert Hefner and family. This house has been changed slightly, and was for long years the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Robinson. Other improvements were rapid, the old log houses were ])eing weathcrboarded on the outside and sealed with dressed lumber on the inside and then given a coat of paint, and some of them were canvased and pai)ered. Prof. P. Mead Benham and his family, consisting of Mrs. Benham, one son, Filo, and one daughter, Ada, came to Clarks- ville in the early sixties. Prof. Benham taught the Clarksville scliool. It was during this time that the famous writer, Opie Reed, made regular visits to Johnson County. His incentive was engendered by the presence of the above mentioned young lady, for so enamored was he that Miss Benham finally became Mrs. Reed. The old saw mills and cotton gins were being replaced every- where by newer and more modern ones. The old cotton gin of Thomas May had well filled its purpose and was now abandoned. It was probably the only gin stand- ing after the war, and therefore served as a link of sentiment and CLARKSVILLE 45 great need between the old regime and the new. But this may be dealt with better to quote from "Early Days in Johnson", by Ex- Senator G. T. Cazort. "Some soldiers had brought back the horses which they had ridden in the army, a mule or pony had been left here and there, and with these a few late crops were ])lanted and grown in '65. No crops were grown that year in the eastern part of Johnson county, but the next spring Maj. Swaggcrty and S. B. Cazort, who liad two mules each, repaired the Thos. May gin, near the spot whore the Knoxville depot now stands, (for the Cazort gin had been brrned by the Federals during the war), and sent oul notices that Ihey would gin cotton for the seed. As there had been none grown since '61 or '62, and the most of this burned t® prevent its falling into the hands of the invading army, the reader may ask wlience came this cotton to be ginned for the seed? From the pillow cases, cushions, bed ticks and mattresses which had survived the war in different parts of the county, from Colony mountain to the cliffs of Big Danger, from the hills be- yond Salem to the banks of the Arkansas, in lots of 10 pounds to 200 pounds, in all, about two bales. The women needed lint to card and spin, and the owners reserved a part of the seed for themselves to plant, but the ginners had left about twenty-five bushels, which they divided equally, and from this seed the croj) of '66 was grown." When the decade covering the eighties came, the little village of Clarksville had dug ditches and drained the streets; gravel walks were about over the town, and flagstone side walks in front of the store buildings were replacing the old ones made of lumber; every lot on the north of the stjuare was now filled with stone ])uildings, and the McConnell house that burned had been replaced by a frame building, the corner of which was still Ibe McConnell Drug Store. The old settlers were passing away and others were taking their jjlaces. Col. John F. Hill, who after the war did a mercantile busi- ness, passed away in the eighties. S. N. Pitzell was a deaf Jew, — but a business nian. With hira came our townsman, Samuel Laser, who is today Clarksville's oldest merchant, not in years but in business, — and who is as much a devotee of the citv's interests as if he were to the manor 46 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY born. And his splendid family too, educated and refined, are uf the best citizens. Rogers Si Hunt was another firm of that decade. W. W. Rogers had come from the south of the river, and Wm. Hunt, who was a lawyer-merchant, married one of the popular young ladies of the city. Miss Mattie Rose. There were J. Y. Hughes' Furniture store, John P. Mollo^-'s Jt A elry Store, Mike Leib's boarding house, the Koschwitz Res- taurant, Dr. McKennon's Drug Store, Dr. Mitchel's Drug Store, Miss Mary Hardgraves' Millinery store, Abe Laster's grocery store and \Y. \\ Hamilton's Hardware Store. The Clark Brothers' Store, M. L. and D. N.; Q. B. Poynor and A. P. May were selling drygoods; J. C. Hill, General Merchandise; J. W. Coffman, lawyer; B. D. Pennington, J. ^Y. May, T. K. May and Claude C. May, all Merchants; Max Seideman, Undertaker, and John Mann did an extensive livery stable business; the hotel i». the McConnell block with a theatre room over a part of the building, the St. Janus Hotel, the City Hotel, with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Black as owners, and the Kitchen Boarding House on Lee St. (College avenue). During the last ten years of the past century the one-mile- s(fuare limit given Clarksville when the town was incorporated in 1818, had been well taken up and extended far out in the various atlditions. Each addition usually took the name of the man who held tliL' deed lo the property. There are, to-wit: — Rogers No. 1 and 2, McLane, Rose, Powers. ^Vard, Kvans, Hays No. 1 and 2, and BambL'r or Riddell. The Clarksville business district has had several dLslructivc fires, l)urning one or more entire blocks at a time, but on each occasion new, better and more substantial buildings were put up. Nothing save brick, stone or concrete buildings are jiermitted in the fir(> district covering the business section. At tiiis time Clarksville is an attractive little city, with twenty or more miles of concrete sidewalks. The Square and Main street aie |)aved, with an asphalt surface. This paving runs east across Spadra creek to Bluff street and west a hundred yards past Elm street. Each way this |)avement joins the Johnson County Highway. This highway when finished, will join one from the Pope county line on the east and one in Frank- CLARKSVILLE 47 lin on the west. About half of the distance is covered at this time. The Clarksville Liglit and Water system is most satisfactory. The Light Plant is modern and efficient, and Main street in Clarksville has an attractive electric White Way extending from the railroad crossing to Spadra bridge. The water is taken from a deep well from which it is piped through a filter system before being forced into the tank which tops College Hill. The high power wires of the Commonwealth Public Service Com- pany, of Fort Smith, are connected in the city and are nsed as an auxiliary power to operate the Clarksville gins. This ])ower is also extended outside to several of the coal mines. Clark Thompson who is the state manager for this high power company, makes his home in Clarksville. Clarksville has as a resident the oldest man in service as rural mail carrier in the United States. When quite young Hugh Miller began to deliver mail under the Rural Free Delivery Act, this being the first county in the United States to be tried out as to the practicability of a rural mail service. Mr. Miller has now carried the mail over the route assigned, twenty-five years, in October, 1921. Four rural carriers go out from Clarksville, three froni Lamar, two from Hartman and one from Harmony at the present time. Clarksville also has the distinction of having the first small town free mail delivery in the United States. The women of the Clarksville Civic Club took the matter up with Hon. H. M. Jacoway, Congressman from the Fourth District, and within a short time, to their surprise, Robert Jamison was api)ointed to the City Delivery. He delivered the first time, August 15, 1913. Today Clarksville has two city carriers. The Johnson County Telephone Company is the only one in this territory. The exchange extends to all i)oints in the county. Clarksville today, has 102 business concerns — stores, offices, hotels, etc. The Citizens Band of Clarksville held the state champion- ship in 1915 and was appointed by Governor Hays to rei)resent Arkansas at the World's Fair at San Francisco. The Post Office at Clarksville is rated in the Second Glass. 48 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY LAMAR The town of Lamar is known by tw^o names. It was orig- inally called Cabin Creek, but the Arkansas Legislature, recog- nizing a petition of the citizens, officially named it Lamar. This change was made during President Cleveland's administra- tion and it was given the name of Lamar complimentary to L. C. Q. Lamar, who was a member of the Democratic cabinet. The Missouri Pacific Railway, however, has continuously refused to accede to the name of Lamar — hence, it is Lamar postoffice and Cabin Creek station. There are but few cases of this kind in the United States. What is now the Iron Mountain, or Missouri Pacific Railway reached Lamar, building westward, in 1872, but even prior to this time Cabin Creek was a prosperous trading post. Cazort Brothers erected the first building and were the first merchants. The railroad company created a depot at Cabin Creek, and Cazort Brothers being the largest lumbermen between Little Rock and Fort Smith, were the first agents in charge. The town now has about seven hundred people. The town- site is much favored by nature, and the general street, business and residence arrangements are both sensible and admirable. The business section is located on the north side of the railroad, and the main business street extends a distance of more than three blocks. Lamar is situated in the midst of one of the most fertile farming sections of the state. Depending on the season, it markets from 3,000 to 4,000 bales of cotton per annum, and farmers generally raise enough corn, oats, hay and all manner of home i)roduce to support theni in their crop-making. Lamar is also one of the best fruit and berry sections of Johnson county, and every season is the scene of considerable activity in shipping circles. A beautiful new school building tops the hill south of this city, passed by the county highway. The structure stands re- splendent on the vantage, near, if not on, the place where, in the years before, Sterling May homesteaded. The old school build- I^AiAIA]^, HKIH SClldOL Bri].niX( LAM AH M) inj4 lliat burnod a h\\ years a.^o was iiiim diatcly north of the lown. Amoiii.^ the cilizjiis hei>inriiir4 back in tiie '7i)'s were Ihe Cazorts; Wm. Britlon, willi liis slore of general merchandise; Judge J. W. Robinson; G. E. Bennett, a newspaper man and story writer; Dr. Hiiddlcston, who was for hjng years a j^rac tilioncr in the science of medicine, and whose boyhood home was on Horschead creek; Hons. J. S. Winningham and Pierce Winningham, two gentlemen who came to Lamar from Hardin County, Tennessee; the Blair family; the Mayes boys and their sister Ruth; the Klines, of whom Mrs. Eretta Butts of Pine Bluff is a daughter; the Simpsons have always lived there, and the Blakelys too; and the Wilson brothers, W. H. and W. L. who are of a representative citizenship. W. H. Wilson is a former school teacher ant! is a staimch Presbyterian, and was for a long time president of the Board of Trustees of The College of the Ozarks. W. L. Wilson established the Wilson Hardware Com- pany in 1911. These two gentlemen are native Kentuckians. There were also, from the beginning of the town, the dis- tinguished Thompson families; John M. Jackson was a native born; Dr. T. E. Burgess a successful physician, and Mrs. M.Boback emigrated from Berlin in the nineties. She came to Lamar twenty-two y?ars ago, and has since been connected with a fashion shop of milliner j^ and accessories. The Kitchen Hotel dates back three decades. Mrs. Kitchen was the mother of Walter, Minnie, Emma, Lorcne and Mary. Emma, Mrs. Glover Weeks, is at this time the proj)rietress of that hotel, and her husband is a successful merchant. Dr. John Bradley is a popular physician of the present cen- tury. The Garner family has for the past thirty 3'ears been prominent in the business and social circles of the town. Lamar has electric lights, supplied by a connection with the Public Service Utility Company. A few of the homes have private waterworks. J. R. Cazort has a commodious and attrac- tive place in Lamar. W. A. and G. T. Cazort have beautiful country homes. Some other names associated with the life of the city are Moore, Gray, Ovcrbey, Paylor, Scroggin, Barger, Moreland, Cowan and Stewart. KNOXVILLE Situated eleven miles east of Clarksville on the Missouri Pacific railroad in the extreme southeastern part of the county is Knoxville station. While much of the most interesting part of the story of the county centers around the site of this little village, the trading post itself did not find existence until after the rail- road company built a depot in 1881. Prior to this, covering the period between the building of the road in '72 and '81, the place had been treated as a flag station. When a postoffice was es- tablished there it was known as Black Rock. There seemed no reason for such an unephonious name, and after a few years some of the more artistic and sentimental residents decided that it should be called Mayviile. It will be remembered that else- where in this story is stated the fact that the old Thomas May liomestead, grist mill, cotton gin, etc., were located there. Shortly following this change it developed that another postoffice in the slate was called Mayviile. Again the leading men came to- gether to decide on a proper name for their home town and this time the appellation of Knoxville was chosen. Sentiment again was ijlaying a part, for many of the citizens in that meeting were frojn the neighborhood of Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville has a population of four hundred or more persons. The Baptists and Methodists have attractive church houses and the public school is of eight months duration each year. Knox- ville is situated in the foothills and is a good fruit section. It lies above the fertile and productive "Bend" along the river. It was from Knoxville that the hack line used to connect the little village of Dublin across the river in Logan County with the railroad. And this line was not discontinued until some few years ago, when the railroad was extended from Paris to the new town of Scranton, within two miles of Dublin. At its beginning Knoxville was principally made up, as other towns, of the people who lived in that immediate neighborhood. The first names associated with this place were Utleys, Jetts, Mahons, Hobbs, Higgs, Robinsons, Careys, and others. Knoxville is representative of perhaps a dozen business houses. Dr. A. B. Carey was one of the first citizens. He prac- KNOX VI I. LK 51 ticed his profession Unix iinlil his doalh in 1911, and after he died Mrs. Carey, who was formerly Miss Nannie H. Kinq;, con- tinued to earry on his drui^ bmsint^ss. Dr. Joseph Stewart, whose lionie was fornurly up Piney creek, was also for several years a praetitionei' there. W. M. Phillips heeanie niana.^er of the Knowillc mercantile l)usiness in 1910. Mr. Phillips ha(f be, n a residiMil of Knoxville since 1888. J. H. Hrock was a maL';islrale of Knoxville. Dr. Riley Cowan established a drug store at this ])lace in 1909, having previously l)racticed the profession in Fjlls\ille. W. S. Jett was also, before moxing lo Clarksvilk. a distin- guished citizen of Knoxville. HARTMAN Hartman, one of the most j)ros})erous towns In the state, is located in the southwestern part of Johnson county, eleven miles west of Clarksville, tiie county seat, and fifty miles east of Fort Smith, on the Iron Mountain! railroad. It lias a ])Oj)ulatioji of about 500 souls, and is surrounded and su])ported with a country teeming with agriculture, fruit, berry, stock and coal niining productions. One of the elements entering into the ])rosperity of the Hartman trade territory is the fact tiiat among its po})ula- tion are many thrifty Girmans. many of whom came directly from the Old Country to Hartman, and the fact tliat they have prospered the country is ample evidence that they arc individual- ly prosperous. There is no more pi'osperous section of Johnson county, and certainly none more ])rogressive, than that which in- cludes and radiates from Hartman. There is nuu'keted in Hartman fi-om 3,000 to 1,000 bales of cotton annually, there being three gins in the town. There were ship))ed during this year's season more than 2iM> car loads of P^lberta peaclv.s, and several car loads of berries and other fruits — which were shii)i)ed North. East and West— 2(t0 car loads of cotton seed, 100 cai- loads of coal, 2.") cai- loads of logs, jud the mercliandising tonnage is excei)tionally large foi' a town the population of Hartman. The coal mining indnstry is in its infancy, but as the cpiality is good and the quantity is known to l)e very extensive, we may hopefully expect much devetopmenl along this line within the next few years in the Hartman trade territory. The nature of 52 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the coal is that of anthracite — the Johnson county anthracite coal fields being the only one of its kind west of the state of Pennsyl- vania excepting those in Colorado. Another industry that has of late been attracting a great deal of attention around Hartnian is the fine quality and almost unlimited quantities of building stone. The United States government has shipped several hundred car loads of it to Pine Bluff for riff-raffing the Arkansas river, and the prospects along this line are very promising. The Methodists, Baptists and Catholics all have homes for worship in Hartman, and there is a large two-story school build- ing, with an average attendance of 200 pupils. The school is well organized and is i)ronounccd to be one of the best in John- son county. Hartman has: One progressive bank, two drug stores, several large mercantile establishments, millinery and jewelry concerns, two livery stables, two hotels, a restaurant, tinshop, Iwo blacksmith shops, one of which is equipped to do all kinds of machinery repairing, tln-ee modern cotton gins, grist mill, rural route and telephone facilities , three doctors and one regular cow-buyer. As to the hospitality of the people I will quote froni some of the most enlightened men and women in \Yestern Arkansas, while recently attending a convention lield here. They unani- mously voted "that Hartman was tlie best town they had ever held a convention in." In the country around Hartman coimi makes from 40 to 75 busliels per acre, and alfalfa does excee(Hngly well. Our ])eople are all prosperous, and we cordiall^^ invite those seeking homes to come and share with, us the results of a fertile soil and an e([uable attractive mild climate. Land can still be purchased cheap, but this condition will not hold good for many more years. Yery truly yours, ' J. A. CROOM. * * * J. A. Croom, the gentleman who peimed the foregoing article in 1912, has passed away and by his death Hartman lost a genius. Mr. Croom was not one of those geniuses that the world hears about, nevertheless, his latent talents were of high order. HARTMAN 53 His originality in comi)()sition always brought a smile to the face of the reader. He was a correspondent from Harlman for one of the Clarksville pai)ers for twenty-five years. He was always conservative in his opinions and unflinching in exi)ressi()n. To mention Hartman to a citizen in tliis generation or the past one, one must neetls think of Hon. Howard Holland wlio passed away recently at a rij)L' old age. He was one day an active, conscientious and able leader. Another gentleman, and one ^\'hose name seems wo\'en into the Jife of Harlinan, is Es(juirc F. \V. Oberste. He was i)orn in Germany in '57 and came across the Atlantic in 18cSl, locat- ing at Hartman. He has acquired much land and has had great success. With his executive al)ility and his persua- sive and ready oratory, he Ijecame readily a leader. His energies arc state wide. In 1907 he was elected president of the German- American Confederation of Catholic Societies in Arkansas, which is a state branch of the National organization, and wdiich position he still held during the World War, thus giving him an oppor- tunity to, in reality, prove his allegence to his adopted country, Louis J. Oberste was post master at Harlman during the year 1920 and was oul' of twenty postmasters awarded the distingu- ished Service Pin for the sales of Liberty Bonds, Savings Stamps and Government Securities, from the Sales Department of the Eighth Federal Reserve District. And in 1921 he stood first among several thousand including six states to sell a One- Thousand Dollar Certificate. Joe M. Smreker is another German citizen of that town. One of Harlman's first settlers was W. P. Wofford, having come there in 188(). Mr. Wofford was, in 1912, the manager of the Thompson & Collier Gin. This gin has come down through a channel of ownerships from, Cravens-Douthit, Johnston & Duothit, Jolmston-Langford to Thompson t's: Collier. The landmark is now torn away and, the hunber from the frame work has been put into cottages. Thompson and Collier, were for many years associated in a profitable mercantile business and also extensive farm lands. Mr. Collier is one of Clarksville's well known Presbyterian and C. of O. supporters. Mr. Thom])son is his son-in-law and is an experienced and good business man. 54 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY . Lankford-Rusk was the luimc of a former firm in Hart- man. James Collier is also a resident of the city. Davis Douthi! was on the scene wiien the raih'oad passed throai*h Hartman. for he (hdn't move to the town, the town came to him. John Dontliit is his son. The Allen family for many years have resided on the Allen honustt-ad one mile east from the little city. Dr. J. (ir. Love, is the i*entleniaii who carries the "pill bags" around Hartman. He also has a drug store and is quite a popu- lar gentleman. Ex-Sheriff Ewell Love was once his partner in the business but he later withdrew. Mrs. Taylor for long years fed tlu Iraiiscienl public good meals. Other familiar names in Hartman are Stevens, Jett, Spanke. Price, Plygge, Faucett, Bunch. Johnson, and Dr. Boyer. COAL HILL Coal Hill is the second largest tow n in the county. It is situated on the Missouri Pacific railroad not far from the south- western boundary. The first house in the town was built in December of I87(i>, by George Willford. who also owned the first store. During the latter days of '76 or pcrhajjs soon after the new year of "77. the Stcwells began the operation of a coal min?. The railroad then pitt in a switch to accommodate the out-put from !his slope. This accession to the road was called "Whalens Switch." A village sprang up at once — one that bid fair to be of great proportions. Life and affairs in this bituminous coal mining section was not different from like villages in the mountains of California, LtaJi. Arizona or other western districts. Facing the railroad on either side were store buildings, liotrls and saloons. Gun-men and their colleagues are said to have soon made their appearance — the frontier type who wouldn't stay in a country where they couldn't wear a belt buckled around their waist line with cartridges for decoration. They were usually of the "hero" type, or as such, 'tis alleged, who often received a friendly comi)liment on their nerve and splendid physique. Many of these men were good at heart, but a few of them desperadoes. The latter however, could not continue for COAL HILL 55 long in a country inhabited with a peace loving and God-fearing people. One of the first saloons at Whalen's Switch was owned by a man named Aaron Matthews. After the coal mines had increased their output and a town had sprung up, the name of "Whalen's Switch" did not seem quite approi)riate. And besides, Wlialen liad another switch elsewhere in the state and it caused more or less confusion, therefore those persons in control decided to change the name. Nothing suggested seemed more appropriate than Coal Hill. The town now possessed a mushroom growth of some thousand people, and on January 8, 18in and a beautiful stone church. The descendants of those first settlers still tlominale in numbers. Harmony is a proi*ressive inland town. Hagarville — is another of the old villai^es. It was formerly called Salem and is up Piney creek near IIk' cliffs along the stream called "The Narrows." This little inland town is the honie of one of the Raplist Mountain Academies. Piney — located on the bank of Piney creek and the river, two miles from the east boinulary where the Missouri Pacific railroad enters the county, is this little town, which serves as a trading post cUid outlet for the people who live uj) stream on the tasl side of tlie creek. Piney Creek is now crossed by ferry boat at Piney, the couiily bridge having been twice destroyed by cyclone, the latter time on the night of Aj)ril IcS, 1920, when a tornado swejit Johnson, Franklin, Yell, Logan and Boone counties, destroying many homes, killing eighteen people and injuring many more. " *This tornado entered the county from a southwesterly direction and continued this course for about a mile when it passed over Piney mountain. The first residence to suffei' was that of Tom Whorton. whose house and barn were wre.-.v-d The family escaped injury but some of the li\«' slock was crippled. After i)assing: over Piney mountain the storm tui-ned due north, sweep- ing- down the public i-oad striking- next in its course the home of (Miaiiey Parker, completely destroying- the home and all out buildings, injuring- both Mr. Parker and his wife. Next in its course it swept the homes of John Moore. George Kilej-. Paul P^iley and .lim Whorton. destroying- their homes, barns and all out buildings. Init the families in these homes escaped serious injur.v. At Bud Parker's the home was wrecked and the entire family, more or less seriously injured. At this point the tornado again changed its course to a little east of north, sweeping- everything- in its path. The honies of .lim Huron and W. B. Drummond were destroyed completely. Mrs. Diummond and f)ne child were injured. The home of A. G. Blackard was the next toll taken by the storm where everything- was completely wrecked, and IVIr. Blackard. his wife and grown son 58 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY POSTOFFIGES Places where post offices have been estabHshed, many of which not mentioned before, have two or three Httle stores, a blacksmith shop, etc. Batson Catalpa Clarksvillc Coal Hill Dale Devils Knob Dillon Fort Douglas Frilcy Garber Hagarville Harmony Edna, Lone Pine and Hunt pos toff ice service at this time. Hartman Mount Levi Knoxville Oark Lamar Ozone Linville Piney Lutherville Spadra Montana Yale Zadock are three little villages without were injured, Mr. and Mrs. Blackard seriously so. Tom Adams lost his home and his aged mother was seriously hurt. From this point the tornado passed over a bluff and across a twenty acre field where it, in its fury, seemed to gather and concentrate its entire force against the home of Charley Zachery, literally lifting the house in which were the father, mother and four children, from its foundation and hurling it against the trees in the yard and on the edge of the little hill, tearing it into thousands of pieces, finally landing the wreckage in a ravine about a hundred yards from its former foundation. The mother and two children were instantly killed, while the father and other two children were seriously injured, one of the children dying some eight or ten hours afterward. The tornado was about a quarter of a mile in width, and in its main path swept everything before it, leaving nothing unmoved. After passing- Mr. Zachery's place it continued about a mile when it struck another mountain. Here it seems to have lost its force, for no other damage was done. Chapter II. EVENTS LEADINC; IT TO THE FORMATION OF JOHNSON COUNTY After tlu' I niled Stales beeaine an iiukpeiident ^overnineiil ('oiiijiress began to cast her eyes west ward over the great i'oi'esf i\[ her very door. With Spain and France clanning stietches of this terriloi-y, the United States saw a vision of a future great nation and reasoned that she must negotiate for that acreage which, by value of location, should belong to her. And when the vast territory of Louisiana was purciiased from France the little spot of wliich Hiis story is written began to be an obscuri' possibility. With this j)urchase in 1803 changes began, and followed in rapid succession. In March, 18(»4, Congress created two ten-!- lories of this domain. The portion which bordered on the gulf and extended to the jjresent northern boundary of the stale* of i^ouisiana was called tlie Territory of Orleans, with New i*v- leans as the capitol. The remainder of the ])urchase, whicl: comprised the noi'thern territory, was kno\\n as the District of Louisiana, tlu' capitol of which was St. Louis. In 1812, when the Territory of Orleans \\'as admitteration was rapid and after nine years it became necessary for other smaller counties to be set apart and again the acreage of this section was given on November 2, 1821\ to the new county of Pope. Scotia was the seat of governmem. Four years later even the Pope comity boundary seemed of too great dimensions. Pressure was brought to bear and the legislature of November 16, 1833, voted their sanction for another county, to comprise' the whole of the western portion of Poj.c. Wesley Garrett was a legislator from the territory of the new county and he was given the liberty of selecting a name for it. And be it said to his credit, he did not name it Garrett as most men would have done. However, Garrett would have been a most a})propriate name. Instead he chose to call it Johnson, after his devoted friend, Benjaman Johnson of the supreme bench of Arkansas Territory. Spadra was the territorial county seat. TOPOGRAPHY Johnson County, located in the Arkansas river valley, lies in latitude 36 degrees and longitude 94 degrees west from Green- Avich, one hundred miles northwest from Little Rock and sixty one miles from Ft. Smith. The area of her territory is ap- proximately 660 square miles, or 433,000 acres. Newton and Madison Counties lie north of Johnson, with Pope on the east, I.ogan on the south and Franklin on the west. The boundary line on the north has not been changed since the formation of the count}'. The dividing line on the east has not proven so sat- isfactory, since as the years have gone by ,many changes have been made. The first survey was run in October, 1836. Others at intervals as follows: 1859!^ 1871- 1876 and 1877. The first division on the west was made in 1837 but was changed as it stands today, on December 14, 1848. With the formation of the county, three townships, Cane Creek, Mountain and Shoal Creek, which lie soutli of the river, were included in Joiuison. 44ie surveyor fornu'd this line on November 2, 1836. However, when Logan County (then Sarber County) was formed, March 22, 1871, this lay of land was taken from Johnson, leaving the river as the southern boundary. Surface and Topography: This county constitutes three distinct salients — the mountains, the foot-hills, or up-lands, and TOPOGRAPHY 61' river flats, or bottoms. Many liii^h ridi^cs of the Ozarks extend across the nortliern part of the county, lyini^ chiefly in a north and south direction, as they protrude from Newton and Madison lo a deplii of eii^ht or ten milvS into Johnson. These ridi,'es, known as the Mulberry Range, lying from cast lo west are, namely. Moon Hull, the highest. Woods, Storms, Ozone, (formerly called Gillian) Low Gap and Ratson. Two smaller ridges near the center of the county, east and west, side by side, divided by Spadra Creek, are Red Lick and Stilhvell. These many ridges slojx^ from an altitude of 2200 feet to the foot-hills,, and hence to the I'iver flats. The mountain plateaus vary from one to twelve miles in width and are covered with a soil of clay formation topped with a thin stratum of light loam. The surface of the upland is somewhat undulated by nature and covers a portion of the county estimated to be 176,600 acres, and varies in width from leu to fifteen miles. The soil on these hills is of a humatic clay for- mation. This upland section extends across the county and lies north and south to within one to three mik^s of the river. This narrow strij) of low, level, fertile farm lands lies along the entire river front for thirty miles. It is estimated that the extent of this river land and the creek bottoms of the county cover ap- proximately oOJIOO acres This i)roductive soil is of a ricli nf- luvial dej)osit admixed with varying (juanlities of sand. The cropping rocks in the moiuitains are i)rincipally ferrug- inous sand-stones, while in the hill lands is found not only llie sand-stone but also an argillaceous slate. Timbers: The native timbers grow luxurously. The oaks predominate from the mountain tojis to the river's edge. Hickory, blackgum, elm, mulberry, wild cherry, cedar, ash and maple flourish anywhere in the county. Chinquai)in trees are onlj' seen on the mountains and pecans only in the lowlands. The walnut once grew everywhere, and it is possible for this tree to reach great proportions, but it is not so numerous as f;}rn>erly, since many of them have been felled and sent to i)rofi tabic markets. Stately short-leafed pines grace hundreds of I'ocky knolls and mountain sides. The willows, sassafras and sj)erm- Avood are found in the low, swaggy places. There is also nuich pasture land with a growth of timber. i2 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The National Forest Reserve of this section extends idIo Johnson county and covers 17000 acres, which he in the northeast corner of the county. The scenery from many points on hills and mountains are indeed worthy of mention. The hills and dells doth stretch away To meet the sunset's passing- ray, As cloudlets flit about in space, Picturesque — from this vantage place. CREEKS There are a number of creeks which traverse the county, some of thtni almost rivers in size, — others small. Most of them flow from north to south and find their confluence either directly or indirecth- in the river. Beginning on the cast side of the coiuily, in jjosition, Piney eomes first. It is the largest of them all and might w^ell be called a river. In matter of possession, this stream belongs to Newton, Johnson and Pope Counties. lis source is found in the beautiful limestone region of Newton county. A sparkling rivulet, clear and crystal-like, growing wider and deeper as it is met by many streams adown its way from cliffs and gorges, seventy-five miles in lenglh, to the sandy shores of the Arkansas, Pinoy enters Jolmson county several miles west of the northeast corner and flows diagonally into Pope, where its course is almost due south for several miles, when a sharp turn \\cst brings it into Johnson again, thence south, into the Arkansas some ten miles away. The widLli and (lei)th of this stream makes it navigable for flatljoats six miles up from the river. And while these boats are not !)ractical at all at this lime, in the days of the real pioneer- ing liiey wer(> of greal local convenience. Stalely pines grow along llie banks of this creek all along its way. Some of the fcirgesi and most j)rof liable timbers in this part of tb.e state find their nalivily on llie mountain sides overlooking this stream, which shares their name. It is in the bed of this creek that a niunber of valuable Arkansas pearls have been found. Lillle Piney rises in the mountains near Ft. Douglas, and IFIows many miles before it meets the parent stream, eight miles Ifroiu the confluence of the latter. This creek is in like nature to ttie big ci-eek and almost as large. T()1H)GHAP11Y 03 These two streains aboiiiul in trout and otluT fresh water fish, therefore affonhng i>"reat si)ort for fishermen. Minnow Creek, a brook in size, also (h'ains many aeres of farm land in the eastern part of th? eounty. Cabin Creek eomes from a souree near the eenter of the count3% flowing in a winding, sluggish way, emptying into the river three miles east of the town of Lamar. Ex-Governor Adams loeated near this stream in 1835, bring- ing \vith him many negroes and because of the large number of cabins he built along its banks it received the quaint and unique appellation of Cabin Creek. Spadra Creek, with its headwaters a tiny brooklet rushing down Low Gap Mountain, grows rapidly in size as it courses over a rock}' bed betwe?n the mountains of Red Lick and Stillweil, through the center of the county. It passes the town of Clarks- ville four miles before reaching Spadra, and the river. How Spadra received its name is not known, though the w^ord is Spanish and when translated means "Broken Sword." A poem written by John W. Woodard in the fifties furnishes the only solution. The legend is supposed to be fiction, still jt may have been based on facts — no one knows. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful story, well written, and adds a zest of interest to conjurors of a buried past. Greenbriar, Hogskin and Little Spadra are tributaries of the larger Spadra. Along the western border of Johnson county, Horsehead, a water cours? emanating from the heights of Batson Mountain, drains some exc:Tlenl farm land and passes the thriving little town of Hariman, three miles before it reaches the river. The name of Horsehead is said to have been acquired by early settlers who, wdien first coming to the stream saw on its bank an upright pole on which was mounted a horse's head of dimensions larger than an ordinary animal of that type. No reason for this was ever learned and the countrymen from thai time referred to the stream as "Horsehead." Winding clear and beautiful around the Mulberry Mountain is Mulberry Crtek, or river. The streamlets which come to- gether and form this river of more than seventy miles in length, are fed from the cliffs and peaks of Moon Hull, Ozone and Low ()4 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Gap mountains. This body of water flows west through a long narrow, fertile valley as it finds its way into Franklin County near the northeast boundary line of Johnson, thence southwest across Franklin to the Arkansas river at the town of Mulberry. Along the banks of this splendid waterway, farthest removed from the thickly settled districts, hunters have found great sport. In former days all the animals adapted to the climate were at home in these forests, and two generations ago recall bear hunts that were not uncommon. Until a few years past, "deer drives" were the events of the huntsman's sporting season. Fox hunters today occasionally pay this locality a visit with their hounds that are as eager for the run as the hunters themselves. Nor does the fox himself ever fail to appear. Wolves, bobcats and oc- casional deer may still be seen. It is here that the fisherman's "fish stories" come true. Little Mulberry, Davis Creek and Bear Branch are tributaries of Mulberry, SPRINGS In the days before ice was an essential product, when elec- tricity had not found its way into the county, when kerosene and gasoline stoves were unheard of, sleeping porches were unknown, night air was unhealthy, the elimination of the mosjuito un- thought of, the idea of wire screens had not arrived and the fly and malaria were necessary evils, it was almost essential that everyone change to some point of vantage for a vacation in the summer season. For forty years there was no railroad and even when that accommodation reached the county, the inhabitants could not be persuaded that other places offered better facilities for health giving than their own mountain territory. White Sulphur Springs — Up Little Piney creek, some twenty miles from the river can be found a spring of cold water flowing a rich white sulphur deposit, the only one in the county and one of the few in the state. It was around "Russell Springs," drinking its medicated draught and basking in the ozone of the adjacent hills and dells that many of our predecessors sought recourse from the lassitude of heat and ailments peculiar to the summer season. Uriah Russell was the farmer nearest to the place, — hence its name. The spring proper, however, is on a sixteenth section and belongs to the Missouri Pacific Railroad. TOPOGRAPHY 65 The solid rock ovcrliani>ini> the spring is marked with scores of iiaines and dates reaching back into the past century fifty years and more. Some are so antiquated that they cannot be discerned. Early in the seventies, after a roadway had been cut across the Low Gap Mountain and access to this fourteen hundred feet of incline was made possible, the inliabitanls of the county be- came interested in a spring of gushing chalybeate water, cold and clear, flowing from under an old fallen tree, with a spongy, saffron deposit following the trail of the streamlet. And now for almost one-half a century the people of the county, and es- pecially Clarksvilleites have gone, during the heated season, to this secluded spot to rest and recreate. The main spring was soon made more accessible by a stone wall being built above the water-flow, SL^mi-circular style, and with a spacious concrete ap- proach. Also a pavilion now spans the gap below, thus afford- ing a common meeting ground for the visitors. Thirty cottages constitute the summer camp. The "Hotel de Lewis" has not been open to the public for several years, but in the days long past, many joyous week-end parlies, ever to be remembered by the participants, coupled willi romance and fun, were spent here. Also did the old Hotel of earlier days furnish rendezvous for the young folks who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of to- day. The water of Low Gap Springs is reputed to be classed with the second coldest in the United States. A chemical analy- sis made by L. T. McRay of Baltiiuore, Maryland, is as follows: Per Million Gallons— Chlorine 7.0, Frje ammonia 0.001, Al- buminoin Ammonia 0.05, Nitrite 0.0005, Oxygen consumed 0,5, Iron Total 4.0 — (>004 /< , — Iron in solution 0.6, Iron in sus- P'usion 3.40. Classifying the waters of the county — One white sulphur spring, twenty-five chalybeate springs and dozens of clear, fresh water springs and at least two artesian wells. The well water, especially in the mountains and uplands, is cold, pure and healthy. The water supply for the town of Clarksville is taken from a deep everlasting well of soft, pure water situated north of the citv. 66 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY MINERALS A number of Minerals arc found in this county but the only one in quantity possessing commercial value is coal. The first coal discovered in Arkansas was found in 1841, out-cropping on the east bank of Spadra Creek up a few hundred feet from the i'ivcr. Two major veins are known to exist, one of them anthracite and the other bituminous, sometimes called semi-anthracite. The veins range from thirty inches to four feet. The quality is reputed to bo as fine as the world produces. Because of this excellent product this field has won favor in all the coal markets of the United States and in some other countries. The "Arkansas Anthracite", or "Spadra Field" lies along the length of the southern boundary of the county and extends north from the river six or eight miles. There is approximalclj' 60000 acres in the field and it is found out-cropping in a number of places. The vein nearest the surface lies in the center of the belt and slopes east and west. Two holes have been drilled at Clarksville and the drillers each time have reported that they passed through the Spadra vein, three feet or more in thickness, at a depth of approximately five hundred feet. This coal is a smokeless fuel, ignites more readily and burns freer than the other anthracites of the country. It has a very great heating power because of freer British thermal units than is found in other anthracites. Coal men who have studied this product affirm that when free from slate or slack the Anthracite coal of Arkansas is the most satisfactory domestic coal in the world. In 1843 barges served to send this coal down the river to Little Rock and other points. Becaus:' of the remoteness of the locality, inadequate facilities for transportation, lack of know- ledge concerning its use and the extensive forests of wood to be Iiad all over the state, almost without expense, the mining busi- ness was soon abandoned. Twenty years passed before the coal industry became ])rof liable. Experts who have studied the coal of this field affirm that the former conclusion as to analysis, — that this was a semi-an- thracite i)roduct, — is erroneous for the tests carefully made at this time prove to be the same as any anthracite. It is very like in nature to the coal of the Shanokin Basin of Penn- MINERALS 67 sylvania, but it contains a i>iTatcr ([uantity of fixed carl)on than the coals of the eastern field. The vein of Pope County is ahnost identical \\ith the anthracite in Johnson. The full extent of the Si)adra field was not known to extend so far to the west until early in the present century when Fremont Stokes and Cooper Langford prospectcvl and found that part of the field to he the choicest territory .b-^- cause of the thicker vein. The bituminous coal of tliis comity lies in the western ])()r- tion along the border of Franklin county. This field is a con- tinuation of the fields of that county. The mines of Coal Hill are in this belt. The thickness of the bituminous vein is approximately four feet. It is a very satisfactorj' domestic fuel ])eini^ soft and easy to ignite. It is also a smokeless product. Another bituminous vein 12 inches thick — too thin to i)ossess any degree of publicity outside of the county, soft and inflamable. and unsurpassed in the world in quality, lies in the western part of the county near Horsehead Creek. It is known as the Philpot coal, so called because a man l)y the name of Lynn Phil])ot owned the land on which it was found, and operated the mine for years. The vein is only a few feet benoath the surface in most places and is mined by "strip pits". This spongy-like coal ignites almost like kindling and swells as it burns — never fails — always burns, and when it is finally consumed thcnv is nothing left to signify that the fire had been, save a handful of red ashes. Because of th? remoteness of the locality and the thinness of the vein this coal has never been offered to outside markets. It is delivered however, to individuals at the distance of fifteen or twenty miles, in trucks or wagons. This coal brings a higher price than any other in the county. Iron was discovered in this county early in its history and was reputed to be in paying quantities though it was m'ver developed and never sought after, still it is evident that it is in quantities of more or less value all over the county. Lead is known to exist though not in ])aying ([uantities so far as discoveries have been made. Gold has been found in the extreme' north of the county in a section lying several miles north of Ozone. Specimens of this metal sent to Washington have shown it to exist in small payini^ quantities, averaging $2.50 to -$3.50 per ton. Owing to the re- 68 HISTORY OF JOHNSON CaUNTY moteness of the locality, the condition of the roads and lack of capital willing to take the risk, further investigation has been barred. Gypsum is reputed to have been found in the mountains here also, but as to quantity, it is not known. Kaolin is said to exist in abundance, only awaiting its turn of popularity, that the hand of art may shape it into beautiful pottery, or bake it to porcelain, thus giving to Johnson another source of revenue. Blue sandstone is in abundance at Cabin Creek and has been quarried since 1887. This is a Ijcauliful stone, in appearance very like the real granite. Being of a softer texture however, makes it a most desirable building material. It was more in demand during the latter years of the last century than at the present time, since the appearance of concrete replaced, in part the use of stone work. It is used for the building of handsome structures. The Methodist Church at Clarksville is of this stone, also the Blue Stone Bank at Lamar. This quarry also produces an excellent flagstone suitable for range work and curbing rocks. Clay for making brick is found in abundance and while no one is operating a kiln, it is one of the dependable moneyed assets for future demand. Pearls of high class are sometimes found on the banks and in the beds of the two Piney creeks. The mussel shells are deposited by the thousands after a high water mark. Most of these pearls are imperfect, though a few have been smooth and round. They have brought in market from $10.00 to $300.00 each. FRUITS One hundred years have passed since the white man began his habitation on this soil, yet today many of the wild fruits, which welcomed his coming, by furnishing for his store house jiative l)erries, nuts, et cetera, are still found in many places, where the under brush is left uncut or the timber is i)ermitted to grow. Even if only a few trees are on the hill sid(.\ low land or pasture a num- ber of them will produce some fruit. The blackl)erry is the most sought after. It is seldom cultivated by farmers since almost every farm will possess some uncut i)lace on which this particular vine flourishes to perfection. Weather conditions FRUITS 09 govern the quantity and ([iialily. No special locality gives pref- erence to the growth, since it is found from the mountain tops to the river front. Dewberries are also a native wild fruil. They are of ex- cellent quality, but not so prevalent as the former berry. It grows in profusion, however, as undergrowth, in the river bot- toms. Huckleberries find habitation on the mountans. Wild grapes antl muscadines will grow in any part of the county as also will the native persimmon which furnishes a temporary range for hogs. Wahuits and hickory nuts, the nativity of which are in hill and dell, the chinquapins in the mountains, the pecans in the bottoms, all bear a fruit for winter use, without cultivation. It might well be said here that every wild flower adapted to the climate blooms in profusion, from the tiny "Jump-up" in the early days of February to the last purple viokt tucked away under the November fallen foliage to peep out — perhaps, on Christmas Day. A country possessing high mountains, hill lands and river flats will, from diversity of soils, produce a variL'ty of products. The mountains and hill lands are more retentive of moisture than the lower levels and therefore on those red clay loams the fruit products are unexcelled and the perennial pastures provide ex- cellent range for the cattle and hogs of the mountain men. Apples — The first fruit grown in Johnson county to create outside interest was a display of Shannon apples at a Pomological Exhibit in Philadelphia. This apple was grown on a rock ribbed hill of this county and was packed at Clarksville. The beauty, texture and flavor of the Shaimon is unexcelled. The Ben Davis is a large api)le with a great enduring quality, there- fore of commercial value. The Winesaj) is the most widely known because of its unexcelled flavor and also for its length of endurance. When this api)le first ripens it is hard, but with age it mellows into a most delicious palatable fruit. The Limber Twig, Red Russet, Ingram and Arkansas Beauty are favorite growers. The latter is an Arkansas seedling. The fruit is smooth , round and red. The Ozone and the Jonathan are also of native grafting. The apple once took precedence in the Johnson County fruit displays but lack of education in the care and pre- 70 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY servation of the trees and their fruit has in the passing years dis- heartened the orchard men and tather products were grown for which disease was not awaiting each succeeding crop. Because of tliis condition fruit men have studied the situation and by analysis the soil is known to be unexcelled for the fruit in question and scientific treatments have eliminated the former combat and now it is known that the maximum quality of the fruit is being raised and it is possible to make the dream of the early grower come true. Johnson is said to hold a soil almost identical to that on the Rhine and with proper care grapes will produce in abundance and flavor acceptable to the most fastidious. The varieties usual- ly cultivated are the Concord, Delaware, Ivy Seedlings, Moore's Early and the Niagra, Pears are grown to perfection and as luxuriously as other fruit. Plums of this county are without fault and in great abimd- ance. Those most cultivated are the Blue Damson, Wild Goose, Chickasaw and the Japanese varieties. Cherries are grown to some extent and produce a splendid fruit and while they have not found favor in common as some other fruits, still the orchards of the county supply all the local demand. Berries of the cultivated varieties are many. Strawberries should be mentioned first sine? they produce an early fruit for which the market is always ready and the berries grown on the undulated red clay hills of this county are perfect. There was a time when they were planted for other markets but owing to shipping conditions and lack of cooperation tlic project was abandoned to give place to other crops. The possibility however for the strawberry is as great as any fruit in the county and in tliL' future no doubt they will be more exten- sively grown and be of great money value to this locality. At all times the markets of the county have been supplied by the home producer as well as some express shipments. The raspberry, gooseberry, Himalayaberry and others are grown and disposed of in the county. Peaches — Johnson County has justly been called the "Peach Orchard County." The red clay hills formerly thought to be of so little value, since the beginning of the present century, FARM PRODUCTS 71 have been found to grow i)eaches as fine as the world produces. Any variety seems to flourish with equal perfection, but for dur- ability and shipping the famous Elberta lakes the lead. Thous- ands of these trees have been put into orchards and as the indus- try grows the orchardmen learn how to better care for them. A clean, well kept orchard ])resents a beautiful picture. The fruit is large, round and smooth, with an admixed coloring of red and yellow, assimilated it might seem from the soil on which they grow. The flavor is most appetizing and finds favor with all connoisseurs of peach culture. Truly the Elberta has no equal. The growth and shipments reached the zenith in 1912 when the county sent out to otlier markets 1100 cars, while many were left for home consumption and also hundreds of bushels, over ripe, were not taken from the orchards. In 1902 J. R. Tolbert, a newspaper man and fruit enthusiast, received from Georgia, the first real Elberta. In 1912 there were 400,000 trees in the county. The season of 1919 was a successful one in money value. Approxi- mately 500 cars were shii)ped, netting the orchard men f!500,- 000.00. Shipments are made from Clarksville, Lamar, Knox- ville Hartman and Coal Hill. The season of 1919 gave to Lamar the lead as to number of cars shipped. FARM PRODUCTS Cotton — Along with the rest of the South, the people of this part of Arkansas depend on the cotton crop for the principal livli- hood. Johnson County however lies in the extreme northern section of the cotton belt. The lands along the river and creeks arc most productive of the plant. It has always been grown however to some advantage on the hill lands and since the intro- duction of the modern fertilizer these rolling uplands produce cotton almost, if not, the equal of the bottom land crop. Corn — The corn grown all over the county is the second largest crop and second in value. Alfalfa — The greatest forage crop known, is mowed in this county four or five times a season and produces from three-fourths to one ton per acre. This hay plant grows best in the low lands. 72 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Wheat is grown to some extent. Oats and other hay crops adapted to the chmate are productive and much phmted. Irish potatoes are the standard food crop and grow to per- fection anywhere. They are semi-perishible, but with poper care may be kept from season to season. It is possible for Irish potatoes to bring in much money, though they have never been given cooperative attention. Each farmer raises enough for his own use and some for the near markets. It would be possible, however, to raise them in great quantities, since two crops in one season can be easily grown. But in a country like this where so many major crops are produced on one land, some of them must fill places a-down the scale even though tho fruitage might be greater than another which is planted. Most of the Irish potato crop is raised on the mountains. Sweet Potatoes rank in production, size and flavor with the same crop in other sections of the state. They are never an entire failure, regardless of climatic conditions. Watermelons, which grow to enormous size and of superior flavor, are found in the patches of every farmer. Enough for his own use and often many for the local markets. Corn-Ficld Peas and Beans. — Every farmer plants one or more fields with the ever productive corn-field peas that hold so much food value for both man and animal. They are planted as a mid-seasoii crop, usually replacing some earlj'^ fruiting pro- duct. The many varieties of beans are grown successfully on a small scale. Cantaloupes — This delicious fruit-vegetable is another growth especially hardy on the rocky knolls of this county. It is said by expert authority that the famous Rocky Ford grows to no greater perfection in their native state of Colorado than on the hill lands of this section. Peanuts — This little ground jiea which at this time is receiv- ing so much attention in the south seems specially to have found its nativity in thc^ chemical contents of the soil here. The plant Yaries with the weather but failure is unknown. In favorable seasons, one is prone to wonder how one little pea can produce so many matured nuts. LIVE STOCK 73 Cattle — Since the law providing for the tick eradication, which was introduced in the state senate by the Johnson County Senator, Lee Cazorl, was passed, more interest has been taken in the introduction of fine cattle into this county. Prior to this, many progressive farmers possessed breeded stock but when the health of the cow is almost assured they purchase w^ith more confidence. The Jerseys are most used for dairy purposes. Other splenditl registered types are the Black and White Holstein, Durham^, Hereford, Angus Poles, Shorthorns and others. Many men interested in the upbuilding of the cattle industry have all along brought into the local markets fine breeds. This record would not be complete should the name of R. D. Dunlap be left out in mentioning the pioneer workers for a better and higher standard of livestock throughout the county. Johnson county i)ossesscs her prorata of brecded hogs, with the Duroc-Jersey, Big-Boned Poland-China, O. I. C. and Im- proved Poland-China, respectively, in preference. There is, perhaps, not one of the "razorback" variety, so much talked of in other states with reference to Arkansas, in Johnson county. 74 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY CHURCHES Together with the eoniing of our pioneers and their idea of setthng a country in which to Hve, rear their children and make a place for their successors, came the old family Bible and a Christian creed. No matter how humble the home, and most of them were humble, this Book was given a place on the center table in the best room in the house, if there were more than one, if not it still held vantage in the cabin. In this same book each denomination saw their faith clearly written and those truths therein binding them to a future; while between the pages of the old and the new testaments was chron- icled births and deaths of one or two or perhaps several gener- ations, thus binding them to a past in a land from which they came. The first move of any community as soon as a few families were close enough to constitute a neighborhood was to encourage religion. Rev. Cephas Washburn of the Presbyterian Mission among the Cherokee Indians was the first man, so far as known, to deliver a sermon in this part of Arkansas. Itinerant ministers, however, jireachcd here and there among the settlers. Following tills trancient method of worship came the greater and more effective camp meetings. For this form of service u spot was selected as centrally located as possible with a spring or some good water near. Poles were cut from the forest and propjx d upright some eight or ten feet apart and in mmibers sufficient to make space for the crowd anticipated. On top of these poles, limbs and branches with foliage were interwoven, thus forming a fitting roof. People came from far and near and camjjed, during the intervals of the meetings. Usually cone or wigwam shaped enclosures were made for each family. Small saplings were hewn down and placed with the upper ends to- gether, at a common centre, while on the ground they were spread in a circle, and, many times, "clap-boarded" around. These were used for personal belongings and also a place in which to sleep. Time has erased every trace of these picturesque CHURCHES 75 l)laccs of worsliij). Loss Ihaii a half dozen persons, \vli» were children llien and tolteriui^ in d()tai>e now, are left lo poini out the si)()ls. On the loj) of the hill west of Clarksville where today is buried hundreds of the county's dead, and known as Oakland Cemetery was the first Methodist camp meetini* i^round. The exact spot of tliis rustic temi)le may be located on the north side of the cemetery about two hundred and fifty fe^'t south from the east and west driveway and sixty feet west from Main streel running north and south. A i)atiiway wound down the hill to the east across the old roadway from Clarksville to Spadra. and im- mediately at the foot of the hill was a si)rin<4 of water that "never went dry." This sprin<* is still t*ivini>" her draui^hls to the surface thout^h few of today know that the old i)ump standing i)y the road is covering a onco welcome bubbling of water. When this c'^.m]) was located we do not know, but in 1843 we learn that H was aban(k)ned and another place selected at Bethlehem where for thirty years revivals were held. At the foot of Stillwell Mountain four miks north of Clarksville flows a yellow streamlet of caleabrite water known today as Hudson Springs. It was here that the Cumberland Presbyterians chose to build an arbor and hold their meetings. Associated with these gatherings were the Reverends Anderson Cox and John Buchanan. IHE METHODIST EPISCOPAL .CHURCH OE CLARKSVILLE The first pastoral charge of the Methodist Church at Clarks- ville, so far as is known, was in LSIl. The first church building was erected in 1843 and stood on the north east corner of the block on which the present building stands. It was a small frame oblong house with a belfry on the center of the front gable after the fashion of many small churches of today. By number it was located on Lot 5, Block G, and was purchased from Lorenzo (Shirks for the sum of thirty-five dollars. The trnstees at that time were Messrs. 44iomas Powers, Robt. Latimer, Andrew Brown, James P. King, and Samuel Strayhorn. Their place of worship, prior to this was doubtless the old camp meeting ground west of the city. After the camp meeting place was moved to Bethlehem this plot of 76 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ground was deeded Nov. 16, 1848, by John Jacob Dorsey to the Methodist Church, for a burying ground. The oldest stone in this graveyard is dated 1844. After seventeen years of occupancy this httle building be- came inadequate, therefore the site of an old saw mill on the west front of the same block was purchased on Dec. 15, 1859, from Jacob and Sarah Rogers for the sum of one hundred and twenty- five dollars. The trustees at this time were Messrs. Thomas Powers, Jacob Rogers, Anthony Lewis, Moreau Rose, Redmond Rogers, Tolliver G. Blackard, John G. Connelly, Henry B. Hayes and Thomas K. May. This church almost complete, was burned when the Federals evacuated Clarksville on May 19, 1863. Fifty years later the United States Government paid $4,400 for the destruction. From the foundation of this incomplete building rose another in 1870 — a duplicate of the former. Bishop Wilham Wight- man officiated at the dedication of this new church in November 1872 with Rev. H. R. With-rs as the pastor. In a letter written by the Bishop to the Western Metho(Ust the following, relative to the dedication, is found: "At Clarksville on Thursday night 1 ded- icated a brick church, large and handsome, with spire and bell. The fidl amount to meet the remaining debt was subscribed during the day and at the dedication service at night. Here one ©f the newly appointed trustees of the Central University (Vand- erbilt University), Judge W. W. Floyd, was our host." This substantial building stood for a period of forty yeai-^ with but few changes. The only noticeable one was made in the latter pait of the '80's when the belfry which first pointed upward from the center front of the roof was torn down and rebuilt more proportionate and pretentious from the east front corner of the top. Rev. Henry Ha nes worth was the last pastor to serve in the old churcli and doubtless he was the prime factor in the original project, which was brought into action in 1909, to tear down the old church building and replace it with a new and modern one. He and his co-workers met with much opposition, but undaunted by objectors, who in most instances were sentimentalists, they be'^"^ Ihe work and soon a handsome and commodious structure, tlie pride of the town, was being built of the beautiful Cabin Creek stone. It was estimated to have cost $30,000, but todav it could CHURCHES 7! iiol bo duplicated for loss than .1<()(),0()().()0. The finishini* of this church covered a i)eriod of several years. I^isho]) McCoy offic- iated at the layiui* of the corn:.'r stone during the pastorate of Rev, J. J. Galloway in 1912. Otlier pastors who have had a part in the final finishinj4 of the l)uildin Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F. and A. M. of the Grand Jurisdiction of Arkansas. This church in 1900, as did the great body of Cumberlands over the South, submerged its identity into that of the parent or- 80 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ganizatioii of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. Following this action came a law suit over the church property, for there was some dissension. That which belonged immediately to the church was given to the majority membership, they being in favor of the change. The College however, because of the word- ing of the deed retained the name of Cumberland. Recently that too has been overcome and the institution is today known as "The College of the Ozarks." Ministers who have occupied the pulpit for this organiza- lion from the beginning are as follows: Revs. Anderson Cox, P. M. Latta, J. D. Boone, \Y. J. Faust, John Buchanan, N. G. Nunn, H. B. Milner, S. H. Buchanan, C. E. Stokes, Dr. F. R. Earle. J. A. Coidey, J. R. George, ^Y. C. ^Yheat, E. H. Liles, G. D. Crawford, W. L. Darby, R. E. Robinson and Elbert Hefner. THE BAPTIST CHURCH The Baptist Church at Clarksville was organized in Septem- ber of 1893. Rev. Maynard and Rev. \Yelcher were the ministers who assisted those citizens, banded together, to become a part of the great denomination of Baptists. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. AY. S. Jett, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jett, A. M. McLane, Mrs. Sarah Rogers, Mrs. Emma Davis and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Langford were early members to unite with this organiza- tion. The lot on which the neat little frame church house is standing was given by Mrs. Sarah Rogers and is located on the northeast comer of Cherry street and Central avenue. The Aid and Missionary Society of this church was enrolled sometime during the year 1897 with Mrs. Sarah Rogers as the first president. Mrs. Rogers served until her death two years later, Avhen Mrs. C. B. Rhodes was chosen to fill her place. OTHER PROTESTANT CHURCHES Doubtless there were many other protestant churches in the county in pre-war days but the records of those given are the only available ones. Ewing Seminary, while built for a school, as were many at that time, was used for a church, and for many years Rev. Ander- son Cox filled that indjjit once a month, as did other ministers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church from time to time. After this house was burned the congregation moved their CHIRCHES 81 membership to Cabin Creek and thus founded the Cumberland Presbyterian Church there. In that same neigliborhood between the present town of Lamar and IMney (a'eek was a little Methodist ciuuTh called Pleasant Grove. While this was used for both a school house and church we learn that it was ])ri- vatc pi'operty owned jointly by four proi^i'essivc citizens, S. H. Cazort, Thomas Madden, Harvey Easly and Oren Wallace. Saiem, at Haijarville, a Methodist Church of early origin, had on its roll the names of several i)rominent i)ersons of tiiat upper Piney neighborhood. A few of them were, S. 1). Price, Jose])li Artkins, John Rodgers, I. D. Towell, J. N. Joluison. .1. L. .loyner, and A. J. Frazier. A Methodist Church nortli of Coal Hill was organized in 1857. The GrcLMibriar church near Clarksville was Ijuill on laud bought from Vincent Wallace for the sum of -$1 ().()(). The trustees at that time were men wliose names still ring familiar — David Clark, L. G. Blackard, Wm. Hlackard, Daniel Farmer and Vincent Wallace. The building was erected just after the war and stood on the flat land to the south one-lialf mile below where (he substantial concrete one is now located on the hill-top. At Shady Grove, under the influence of the venerable Ander- S(Hi Cox, a Cumberland Presbyterian membership united and held their meetings in ])re-war days in a remodeled barn. This con- gregation built a church soon after jjeace v/as made. Rev. Cox with his unbounded energy also organized and caused to be built a church at Lone Pine. During the years between '64 and the early '7()'s the country was struggling under devastation, and but little public building" was done. Every one was busy readjusting personal affairs, and, too, many valuable citizens were no more, therefore not until after eight or ten years had passed did post war finances permit much public expenditure. The year '71 found the Methodists in Clarksville completing' the church following the one which was burned in "(i'J. Pine Grove, near Piney Creek, in 1873, was probably the first Bai)tist Church in the county. A small house was put uj) and such names as John Hickey, Joe Ragon, .lohn Brown. Harve Ragon, William Mays and McMinn, were connected with its mem- bersliip. 82 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Oakland neighborhood near Cabin Creek also early in the '80's organized into a Baptist chnrch and enrolled many mem- bers. Among them are fonnd the names of James Eldridge, D. A. Escnige, Louis Martin and Mrs. Emma Davis. PRESBYTERIAN CHLRCH AND THE SCHOOL HOUSE AT HARMONY At the loot of the Mulberry Mountain on upper Horsebead creek a dozen families located in the '30's and in 1840 built a log churcli. This settlement was referred to by their chosen naine of Harmony. And indeed there must have been Harmony for the Methodisls. Presbyterians and Baptists used this church hous? in common for eighteen years. But finally when the old house liad served its purpose and was torn away a new frame building was erected in its place but this time the building was owned and dedicated by the Cumber- land Presbyterians. Thus this church became a part of that great protestant faith and has continued without secession or dis- sension through the seventy-five years since its beginning, the only organized church in that neighborhood. And when the vast body of Cumberlands submerged into the parent organization of llie Presbyterians they too, without controversy, joined the ma- jority movement. This second church house served for a time as a school house too, but a few years later a school house and lodge rooms were built as one, with the school below and the lodge rooms in the second story. This building is still standing and is in use. The church is gone and in its stead there stands today one built of native stone, prelentious and commodious, one of the best church- es in the county with an entrance vestibule, a spacious auditorium with oak pews, a well-furnished altar place and a mezzanine at tile back which is built for the seating of approximately fifty ])ersons. The memorial windows are works of art commemorat- ed to several of those who endured the hardships of pioneering and founded the Christian work of the neighborhood. The build- ing of this last church w^as going on in 1915-16. It was formally dedicated on June 27, 1920. Rev J. J. Partain was the pastor. Dr. W. T. Thurman of Piggott delivered the sermon of the occa- sion, while the state chairman of Home Missions, Dr. C. E. Hayes of Hot Springs, was master of ceremonies. Dr. Elbert Hefner of CHURCHES 83 Clarksvillc also assisUd. The Sunday alkriuKiii was beautiful and a large crowd was in attendance. The first Sunday School at Harmony was rallied to existence in the little loi> hut in I.SIS. We are told that three i^cntlemen from Clarksvillc, Redmond Roofers, Aui^ustus M. \\'ard and Gus Goodridge assisted in the organization. T\)c nanu- of '"Horse- head Union Sunday School"" was a fitting cai)lion. After eigh- teen years that did not sccin wide enough in scope and the name Horsehead, which was only the name of the creek, was dropped and the title changed to "Western Union Sunday School." In 190(1 was again changed to the "Harmony I'nioii Sunday School." CHURCHES RUILT Churches built din'ing the latter i)arl of the pa>l century or the early days of the i)resent were, in part, as follows; Metho(hst Church. Knoxville, June 13, 1885. Cumberland Prcsl)yterian. Lamar, August iSO. 1NS7. Christian Church, Coal Hill, 1890. Missionary Raptist Church, Piney, 1891. Methodist Episcopal. Lamar, March (i, 1893. Cumberland Presbyterian. Coal Hill, July 13. ISIG. Methodist Episcoj)al. Coal Hill, March 11. 189ii. Missionary Raptist. New. Garden, LaniLir. 19M(i. Missionary Ra])tist. Knoxville, Dec. (>, 1901. Methodist Episcoi)al. Spadra, March 30, 1903 Missionary Raptist. Union Grove, Eeb. 10. 19(Hi. CATH( )LIC CHURCHES The Catholic or Holy Redeemer Church at Clarksvillc was organized sometime during the early '8(rs. Eather Mathews was the first pastor and it was by his faithful efforts, supported by two excellent women. Misses Ada and Anne Hite, that the first and present building was a |)ossibility. The Misses Hite began the actual work one afternoon by securing a three hundred dollar sub- scription from individuals in the town of Clarksville. The mem- bership at that time constituted Erank Oberle, John Holpert, B. C. Kleva, E. Werner, (his Speller, Mathew Flynn. Mike Leib and the Misses Hite. The families of these men also l)fcame mem- bers therefore giving the little church an encouraging out-look. 84 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY One of the most beautiful plots of ground in the town was purchased from Mrs. Eva Rogers, Father Thomas Keller repre- senting the church. This properly is located on the north side of East Main Street on the hill just beyond the bridge across Spadra Creek. Holy Redeemer Church, a modest little frame house, stands with its shining cross pointing upward on the highest part of the hill. The grounds with evergreens and concrete w^alks, a picturesque fountain with fisli and flowers, together with the rectory, school house and other buiklings. make this quite a pretty jdace. For a number of years Sister Eucy Albertine mothered a l)arochial school of a score or more of children. This was with- drawn early in the year 1920 when Sister Eucy was given a larger scope for acti\ ity in St. Scliolastica. Among the missions bi'longing to the Holy Redeemer Church at Clarksville are the Sacred Heart Church, Hartman; St. Mathews Coal Hill; and a station each at Jamestown and Montana. The Sacred Heart Chiu'ch near Hartman is far the largest of the missions and was possibly the first Catholic organization in Johnson county, having bei'U a charge out from the Alius church as early as 1880. One of this county's most enterprising citizens, Hugo Oberste. was the leading spirit in the founding of this now flourishing liltk- mission. The first building, i)ut up in the '80's, has long since been given over to the schools and another, larger, with a tall sj)ire rising above the vestibule place, can be seen on the top of the hill for miles around. This church is one of the few rural churches in Arkansas that can boast of a ])ipe organ, the installation of which has doubtless encouraged musical talent, for this congregation has a splendid choir. Priests who have served in turn in Clarksville and missions are the following: Fathers Mathews, Joseph, Othmar, Placidus, Thomas, Maurus. Aloysius and Hoyt. The present pastor. Father Eawrence Hoyt. O. S. R., has been with this people for sixteen years and is not only much loved by his own congregation but by the citizenship at large. He was for a time i)residcnt of the Ger- man Catholic Immigration Committee. He is all American big hearted atid generous. SCHOOLS D()iil)IU'.ss llu" firsl sfliool ever laiii^hl in this ])art of Arkan- sas was back in U-rritorial days when Old l)\vi5j;Iil was abandoned by the Missionaries. A. W. Lyon, who had come from New Jersey in the year 1828, was the instructor. Lhis \vas i)rol)ably kite in 18;'2 or '33, fol- lowing the reniDval of llie Missionaries to the Indian Territory. Mr. Lyon boarded a nuni])er of the boys from different i)arts of Arkansas. General All)erl Pike, in his autobioiJirai)hy slates that .he taught school in 1833, on Piney Creek in Johnson county. 11 V Jil be remembered that Johnson county was formed in 'f)3, hence the school taught by (ien. Pike was within the present limits of the county. In the thinly settled districts the education of the children w;,s often quite limited, nevertheless almost all Hk parents were anxious for their children to receive every advantage possible. And while an education to most of them meant "reading and 'riting and 'rithnutic,"' they were ready and willing to pay the ])rice for that. Wlierever there were enough families to furnish fifteen or twenty children of school age. some itinerant teacher found his way into tliat locality and was welcomed l)y the people. Sometimes a log dwelling was us^d for these schools but more often a little church liad been ])uilt in the neighl)orho;)d and these early pedagogues wert> always \\elc()nie to use that. They were usually of logs and the pojjular size was 18x20 ft. A big fire place was ])r()vi(ktl at one end and the older boys of the school were given turns at securing wood if the term extend- ed to the cool days. These transient teachers were nearly always strangers but as a rule they were honest and dei)endable. The Arkansas legislature of 1843 ])assed a law for a i)ublic school system but it did not provide for the necessary taxation to make it practical. It formed a foundation, however, for future building. It w.is the beginning of the system in use today. For twenty years and more after this law was i)assed the itinerant 86 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY gentlemen were still finding their way from place to place wherever a population afforded a monetary consideration for their services. The "Little Red School House", still standing today as a resi- dence on the cast side of Cravens Am\. across Sevier St., south of the McConneil Jjlock, was huilt in tin forties. It was here that many of the young i)eople of earlier days attended school. Education, which always follows cIosl'Iv in the wake of civiliza- tion, was making some strides in Arkansas when the past century had half roiled iroimd. The Ewing Presbytery of the ('.Liniiierland Presbyterian church began Ut realize the need for fittini; the youth of this part of the state for higher places in life. Sonu counties were sup- porting institutions for their future citizens! lip and the sentiment in Johnson county was strong for the sch:; )!. A spot in a thickly settled district, at least it was the most populous of the s])arsely jjopulated c<)unl\. was chosen on which to build, and in accord with the decisitjn of the Presbytery, trus- tees were appointed, to-wit: Augustus M. Ward, F. F. \Villiam- son, E. Roach, Seth P. Howell, Sidney 11 Cazort, O. Wallace, Thos. Maddsn, T. I. Perry and T. M. P>lackard. These trustees purchased a tract of of land near Little Pin y which was formerly the Wm. Adams homestead, but at that tinn the property of Geo. W. Taylor. This purchase was ma a Presbyterian min- ister, also from Cane Hill, F. M. Latta. Rev. Latta later moved to Clarksville. Mrs. Latta was formerly a Miss Willis. Their son, a fine young fellow, graduated from Washington University and afterwards went to Mexico Citv where he finally made his SCHOOLS 87 home. Rev. Latla i)iirchased the old .hiiiies Cravens residence and had huill, in pari, the present home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kendriek. The next term at Ewinij; was taught l)y an eminent ('(hieator, a grachiate from I'rineeton Prof. C. W. Stuekey. This term was not finished, tlioui^h his efforts were of a hii^h order, hut the Federal troops were advaneiui^ and it was tlioui*ht |)iiidenl to close the school. Ewiui^ Seminary hurned a few years after the war. Tiic old foundation still remains. The well of excellent water, with a hucket and rope, and the old shed ahove, is today as it was in the long time ago. Many of those who receivetl their early training at old Ewing Seminary, were afterwards promi- nent in the social and political life of the country. It will he noted douhtless that all the higher schools over tlie country at large had heen for male children only. No educa- tion for the girls. It must he remembered however, that as early as 1820 when the first settlers were making their way into the wilderness of Arkansas, in Boston, Mass. the dangerous in- novation of permitting girl children to learn more than reading, writing and the "Sampler," which was their diploma, was caus- ing many heated discussions and much anxiety. It was either in 1822 or '23 at a town meeting in Northampton, Mass. it was de- cided that the public schools should be open to girls as well as boys. Therefore, no wonder that in those days of slow travel, no telegraph wires, no telephones, and even no trains to connect Arkansas with that radical state of Massachusetts, that the female children of Arkansas were subject to the confines of a grade even lower than the "Sampler" degree. But when once these jittle women were reluctantly permitted into the sacred confines of the mysteries of book learning, they were very like the fox, who when once his nose is inside the door, is soon standing free within. Therefore, to one looking back today, it would seem as if those first little women had left the door wide o])en and let the whole tribe in. For, to the credit of thos- old i)rogenitors, be it said that the year following the building of Ewing Seminary, it was voted to erect another, even a better ouln for the young ladies. This Female Seminary was located at the county .seat on the crest of a steep hill far out on West Severe street. 88 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY This Seminary for Young Ladies was made spacious with four large rooms, one of which was given to piano instruction. Prof. Benhani, Miss Benham, Misses Amanda and Jennie Buchanan were among the literary teachers and Prof. Snider was instructor of music. Dr. Earle who liad fostered early education for the youths of Uu' slate at old Cane Hill, and who was foremost in every educational movement visited the Seminary for young ladies ([uite often, with a douhle motive, however, for later Amanda Buchanan hecame Mrs. Earle. Miss Clara Earle who is today a teacher of ModLM'u Languages in the College of the Ozarks is a slaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Earle. Tills Seminary was used for a hospital by the Federal sol- diers during the Civil War, but soon after the close of hostilities it was burned. And then it was that Johnson county citizens for the first [huv permitted co-educational instruction. The doors of the little "Red School House" were opened to both young men and young ladies. The Arkansas Legislature of 1866 levied a tax sufficient for the employment of teachers in public schools and Clarksville was one of the first to take advantage of the privilege. Thereforf^ the following year, 1867, we find Prof. Naylor and his daughter. Miss Naylor teaching in a "Double Log House", which was con- verted for tliL- purpose from the former dwelling of A. M. NYjiitI. During the seventies the School Board secured th(^ lo^ver floor of the new Masonic building situated on the west side of South Fulton St. It was here that Prof. Geo. ^Y. Hill taught his first school in Clarksville. Soon after the Iron Mountain Railroad penetrated this county the little inland village of Clarksville was converted into a thriv- ing typical southern town of some twelve hundred people. The spirit of progress was everywliL^re prevalent and the School Board was not lagging for they began as early as 1879 to negotiate for a suitable building to designate as "The Public School." In 1852 A. M. Ward had built a beautiful residence which donned the vantage of the hill north of Clarksville and it was this that the School Board j)urchased in 1880. But this too, soon seemed inadequate, for after a lapse of a few years the imi)rovised school building was torn away and a SCHOOLS 89 new, spacious and beautiful structure, tlie pride of the town, took its place. This is still standini> and is the east half of the ])resent Collei*e of the Ozarks' Aduiinislratiou buildiut^. Aud when that i^iala day arrived in which the Cumberland Presbyterian church again honored Johnson county by locating her college in Clarksville, that city glady donated this building to the new in- stitution. The city immediately i)repared for a new i)ublic school building which was located in south Clarksville facing north on Filmore street, the property covering the entire block. Albert O. Nichols taught the first term, in the new building. He was followed by C. T. Garrett who taught one term. This was in 1893. In 1894 Prof. J. W. Sallis became connected with the public schools of Clarksville where he was d:^stined to spend many long years. He was re-elected by each incoming Board for seventeen consecutive years. Many of those who were his pupils when he first entered the Clarksville schools, grew up. married and their children attendnl school under his superin- lendency. In addition to his work in the city schools he served the county for eighteen years as County Examiner and County Superintendent of Schools. Upon retiring from school work he entered the newspai)er ])usiness in which he is still engaged. Prof. Sallis is a native of Mississippi, having moved to this state with his parents when he was eleven years old. He re- ceived his education at Cane Hill College, — a college to which every Arkansan shoukl give homage for that institution has furn- ished many teachers over the state — and other states — and the fruits of her work are not dead, nor will they die. Even though the school itself was discontinued when the University of Ar- kansas was located at Fayetteville, it was rei)lacetl in the estab- lishment at Clarksville of Arkansas Cumberhiiul College, now known as the College of the Ozarks. In 1913, the board of the Public Schools of Clarksville, com- ])osed of Dr. A. M. McKennon, President, Sanuiel Laser, R. S. Davis, Lee Cox, Dr. J. S. Kolb, Hon. .1. W. Coffman, fac:d a diffi- cult propositon. For a long tim? the taxes had ben insufficient to pay the number of teachers required to instruct the children in the crowded rooms. With that burden already heavy, they were brought face to face with the fact that Clarksville must have a new and larger school house in order to properly care for jts ever increasing school population. Though the task looked impos- 90 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY sible, these gentlemen, encouraged by a body of one hundred faith- ful women banded together as a School Improvement Association, began a movement to erect a new building. The task at first seemed impossible, but they worked faithfully, without re- muneration, encountering and overcoming many difficulties. Between West Main and Cheri-y streets, covering a block at the lop of the incline above the Missouri Pacific Depot, stands one of the handsomest and most modern school buildings for a town of thirty-five hundred population in the state. It is equipped with all modern improvements and is second to none in arrange- ment and convenience. It is of red brick and is fire pr[>of. It is steam heated and is today housing more than 600 children. Roth the High School and the Grammar grades are taught there but the day is not far distant when they must be segregated. This army of children representing the younger citizenship of Clarksville is supplemented in numbers by the academic department of the College of the Ozarks. There were public schools located in other places in the county, wherever the taxes were sufficient to support one, soon after the law of '66 was passed. Cabin Creek, Coal Hill, Hart- man and Knoxville initiated the school system in the seventies and Spadra too, though that town had been scattered so widely during the past quarter of a century, owing to the various coal camps, that more than one school must be maintained. Cabin Creek and Coal Hill each have a handsome brick school building, erected within the i)ast few years. Every neighborhood now has a public graded school, and has terms ranging from five to nine months each year. Negro teachers are employed also for negro schools, equal i]i length to the schools for white children, in the localities where the negroes are in sufficient numbers. The Deaf Mute Institute and the Schools for the Rlind of Arkansas found their origin in Clarksville. Recause of the lack of funds they were each, in turn, moved, both of them passing tln'ough the same channel to Arkadelphia, thence to Little Rock. Four .jcres on which to place the blind school were purchased oji ihe toj) of the hill northeast of Clarksville, just above the lo- cation of the Catholic cemetery of today. In the year 1860, Johnson County fostered forty-nine pub- lic schools wdthin her borders. There are now eighty-seven SCHOOLS 91 scliool distivcls in tlu' counly and a])i)r()\inuitely 125 persons who hold Icachers" hccnses. The averai^e atlendanee at the counly normals is Iwo hundred persons, Johnson Counly maintains Hit>h Schools a I CJarksville, Coal Hill and Lamar. COLLEGES Clarksville has never known a hajjpier day Ihan thai on which the Arkansas Synod of the Cumherland Presbyterian church located its slate school here. The Arkansas Synod had for a lon^ time considered the lo- cation of a College somewhere in the Slate. And when they held their Spring meeting of 1891 in the city of Little Rock, there was a contest covering a period of three days in which the towns of Clarksvilli^ and Hope were striving for the honor of bemg chosen as the home of this institute. The balance swerved several limes and only a final vole decided the apparently equal choice. This v^as on Friday. Telegrams announcjd the victory to Clarksville. On Saturday when the delegates re- turned, a band met Ihem at the station and a general jubilee was indulged in, during the afternoon and evening. The Synod selected the following Board of Trustees: A. P. May, President, Clarksvill?; W. C. Wheat, Secretary; Dr. J. P, Mitchell, Clarksville; J. H. Wofford, Morrillon; J. I). C. Cobb, Jonesboro; J. R. Jones, Hope; W. H. H. Shibley, Van Ruren; S. F. Stahl, Bentonville; D. L. Rourland, Little Rock. The Opening of the First Term — On Sunday morning Sep- tember 6, 1891 an introductory service of the opening of the Arkansas Cumberland College was held in the Cumberland church in this city. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Charlton of Bentonville. Rev. J. H. Crawford of Morrilton who was president of the Roard and Rev. S. H. Ruchanan assisted with the service. Tuesday, September 8, 1891 the doors of this Institution were opened for the first time and the citizenship of this town \vas well represented when several hundred persons filled the auditorium to overflowing. 92 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Rev. H. B. Milincr the local pastor of the C. P. church pre- sided. A scripture reading and prayer was offei*ed by Rev. S. H. Buchanan. An address of welcome was delivered by Capt. A. S. McKennon in a very eloquent manner. He closed his dis- course with the following: "Gentlemen, who are members of the board of trustees of the Cumberland College, I want to say to you that you - are welcome to our town and county, you students who are here from other sections of the county and state are welcome to our hearts and homes. We want you to improve the opportunities presented you here. Our welcome to you here is as deep as the ocean and as broad as the land." The Rev. J. H. Wofford, a member of the board, r.'i)resenting those concerned from the outside, responded with words of ap- l)reciation of the wonderful welcome the institution had received from the Clarksville people. He rehearsed in brief the many efforts of the church to establish a school of their d?nomination some where in the state. He said "The Cumberland Presby- terian Church of Arkansas has long felt the need of a live ener- getic school of its own in the state. In 1883 steps were taken to unify the three synods of the state that we might found a state school. They were consolidated in 1884. "That year Doctors Earle and Buchanan were appointed as a committee to work up the matter. In 1887 a committee was aj)j)ointed at Morrilton to raise an endowment fund. In April of this year the Synod met at Little Rock received bids and lo- cated the College here. The church proposes to offer to our children the facilities we deem proper for Christian education. We would be recreant to our trust if we failed to estal)lish such a college. "It is in our hearts and minds to lay hold of this institution, to put oiu' arms around it and i)ush it to idtimate success." Hon. J. E. Cravens representing the citizenship of the town ga\'e a Ijrief address in his accustomed able manner and closed with a few words to the entering students: "Chikh'en, do you know the amount of money contributed by your parents here to educate you? Will you neglect to improve the opportunity given you? No man liere expects to acquire fortune or fame; they are not working to that end; they are lalM)ring for you. The affairs of state and cliureh will rest upon you in a few years and it COLLEGES 93 is your duly to (luality yourself lor that lime. Teachers, I have merely had an introduction to you. The ladies look well, the i*entlemen are ui»ly, as they should he. May this school he the pride of th? mIioIc country. The First Faculty: Prof. S. F. Howard, A. M., Lani>uai^e and Literature, ch. Prof. J. A. Laughlin, Mathematics, Latin and Greek. Prof. G. W. McGlumphy, Science. Dr. S. H. Buchanan. 1). D., Bible and Metophysics. Florence Wilson, M. A., Preparatory Department. Ella Bonds, M. A., Intermediate Department. Clara Earle, Primary Department. Eula Pierce, Director of Music. Hallie Wofford, Assistant Musics Violet Dyer, Expression. The numlier of students enrolled the first week was 168. Never was there an institution hei^un with a more loyal spirit of enthusiasm. Immediately followini^ the settling down to the curriculum routiuL'. the suhject of literary societies was taken up, nnd following a student body meeting, every boy and every girJ were enrolled in the two societies decided upon. One of these was given the name of Woffordian, comi)limenting J. H. Wofford of Morrilton and the other Mitchellean, in honor, of Dr. J. P. Mitcliell. The next move of the student body, was the organization of an editorial staff for the publication of a College Magazine. This thej' called the Mitfordian, thus combining the two societies in issuing that monthly publication. The first Editor in Chief was Paul McKennon. The first Business Manager was Henry Traylor. Other editors were Robert Sneed, Annie Rogers, Ethel Garrett and Arthur Nichols. It was through the efforts of this student l)ody that the State Contests were initiated into the Arkansas Colleges. The committee appointed to communicate with other col- leges made brief work of their project, for on November 13, 1891 a meeting of representatives of the colleges of Arkansas met in Little Rock and organized. The Arkansas Cimiberland College has won several cujjs ol lionor for Oratory, Debate, Reading and Athletics. 94 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY In 1914 the Cumberland Base Ball Team won the State Championshlj). The athletic coach for the term 1921-22 is James F. Coleman from Center College, Kentucky. Only a memory list of the names of men who have filled the position of chairman of the faculty can be given here: S. F. Howard, J. A. Laughlin, Edwin H. Lyle, G. D. Crawford, W. E. Johnston, J. L. Spence and H. S. Lyle. Dr. G. D. Crawford was doubtless connected with the corps of instructors longer than anj^ other person. I'nder the present administration of Rev. Hubert S. Lylc>. on July 1, 1917, the Board of Trustees of Arkansas Cumberland College entered into an agreement with the U. S. Presbyterian College Board, with headquarters in New Y'ork City, for that Board to direct the management of ih? College for five years. The College Board has since this time merged into the General Board of Education. President Lyle is an untiring and effective worker and many fliousands of dollars have been raised following his efforts. At this time a new administration building is assured. Since the Union of the U. S. A. and the C. P. churches the name of this school has been a misnomer, and has caused con- fusion and misunderstanding. During the meeting of the Ar- kansas Synod in Hot Springs in October of 1920 the name was changed to The College of the Ozarks, that being the one sug- gested by friends of the school in the East. There was a sentiment among those who remembered the lifelim? loyalty of Dr. Karle to the college work of this and other schools of this state, to name the institution The Earle College. By a majority vote, however, th?y chose The College of the Ozarks. The College holds a charter from the stale of Arkansas authorizing it to confer the following degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, l>achelor of Expression. Honorary degrees of Doctor of Divinity are also conferred. The Campus of the College contains ten acres situated on llie beautiful hill overlooking the principal part of the town. The view stretches awa}'^ to the Arkansas river four miles south, with a background of the Ozark mountains rising far away to the north. The main administration building originallv given bv the COLLEGES 95 town, is standiiii4 today as the east half of the college. In ahout the year 1898 the west portion Avas erected. The school is co-educational. A i*irls' Dormitory, Grove Hall, was erected in 1914. It is a modern, well arranged, and well equipped huilding. The hoys' Dormitory is a large frame huilding on College Hill directly north of the Campus. A residence on College avenue near the Campus on the' east is also used for the young men students. The foundation for a new dormitory for young men has been laid on the campus liut owing to lack of funds has not yet been completed. The necessary funds have been subscribed and plans made possible for a new administration building to he erected in 1922. 1919-20 FACULTY Rev. Hubert S. Lyle, M. A., D. D., (Maryville College; Auburn Theo. Seminary), President. Rev. Dennis W. Crawford, M. A., (Maryville College; Mc- Cormick Theo. Seminary; University of Cincinnati), Dean, and History. Gorman B. King, B. S., (A. C. College; University of Cincin- nati), Mathematics and English. Rev. Frank P. Hiner, B. A., (N. J. State Normal; Princeton University), Philosophy and English. Harold Irvin Donnelly, M. A., (Wooster College; Princeton Theo. Seminary; Sorbonne University, France), Principal Normal Training Department. Robert Berry Donnelly, Ph. B., (Woooster Colleg), Physical Education and Science. First Lieut. Thomas Latham Smith, B. S., (Mt. HLTmon School; Wooster College), Mathematics and Science. Miss Clara Earle, B. A., (University of Arkansas; Studied in Paris, Madrid), Modern Language. Mrs. Minerva Viola Sanford, M. A., (Baldwin University), Latin. Miss Bessie Lynn Brown, B. A., (Huron College; Rollins College), Preparatory English. Miss Falba Foote, B. S., (Miss. Indust. Institute and College of Chicago University), Home Economics. Miss Julia Ann Skillern, (Galloway College; Cincinnati Art Academy), Art. 96 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Miss Isabelle Mae Ward, B. A., (Park College; Illinois State Xornial), Critic Teacher Grammar Department. Miss Eva Mackey, (Woostcr College; Oberlin College), Critic Teacher Primary Department. Miss Virginia Poynor, (Hardin Conservatory; New York School Music and Arts; Emit Liebling, Chicago; State Certificate Arkansas Music Teachers Associatoin), Piano, Mandolhi. Har- mony, Pipe Organ. Miss Blanche M. Kellcy, (Emporia College; New York School Music and Arts), Expression, Voice, Public School Music. Miss Julia Ann Skillern, ((ialloway College; Cincinnati Con- servatory of Music), Violin, Orchestra, Piano. Mrs. Nellie B. Atwater, (Lake Erie College; Wooster College), House Mother. Allie Milton Shelton, (A. C. College), Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings. Rev. Dennis W. Crawford, Registrar. Miss Bessie Lynn Brown, Mrs. Minerva Viola Sanford, Li- brarians. Robert Berry Donnelly, Athletic Coach and Military Drill. Miss Fal])a Foote, Manager Co-operative Boarding Club. Mrs. B. W. Foote, Asst. Manager Co-operative Boarding Club. Miss Eva Mackey, Physical Director of Girls. Gorman B. King, Secretary of Faculty. Miss Cccile Burns, President's Secretary and Asst. Treasurer. Allie Milton Shelton, Proctor Boys' Dormitory. Dennis W. Crawford, Harold Irvin Donnelly, Robert Berry Donnelly, Thomas L. Smith, Allie M. Shelton, Field Representa- tives. First National Bank, Clarksvillc, General Treasurer. W. H. H. Shibley, Van Buren, Endowment Treasurer. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION During Commencement in June of 1921, the Alumni Associ- ation of the College of tlie Ozarks was organized and the follow- ing officers elected: Mrs. Cooper Langford, president; Prof. Gorman B. King, vice-president; Mrs. Chas. Eubanks, secretary- treasurer; A. D. Nichols, Mrs. H. W. Collier, Miss Belle Miller, executive committee. COLLEGES 97 HAdAPA'ILLE ACADEMY The inland villat*c' of Hat>arville is Ihc iionio of one of the Soulhcrn Baptist Mountain Acadeniys. It is a Christian co- educational school, located in Johnson county in \\)\{). This neat and commodious hrick huildinif is standini> on a Ijeautiful ten acre plot in the foothills of the Ozarks. The first term opened October 8, 1919. Ninety-two students were enrolled. The faculty: Prof. W, O. Taylor, Principal, and teacher of Latin, Mathematics and Bible; Miss Stella Eubanks, Enij;lish and History; Miss Carrie Farris, Intermediate and Primary De])art- ments. ORGANIZATIONS MASONIC BODIES Almpst simultaneously with the churches and schools of a country comes the organization of fraternal bodies. As is the custom in most protestant communities the ancient order of Free and Accepted Masons was the first to be established in Johnson count}'. Clarksville was little more than a name, — a court house, per- haps a half dozen stores and a dozen log residences when the first Blue Lodge, No. 5, working under the jurisdiction of the (irand Lodge of Arkansas, was established. When the Masonic Temple at Little Rock burned some time during the middle of the past century the records of this lodge were destroyed. There- fore, the exact date of organization is not known. Neither is the lime or reason for its abandonment known. From the records of Franklin Lodge No. 9 of Morrison's Bluff, Johnson County (Johnson County at that time embraced a part of what is now Logan County), we learn that as early as 1845 members of the defunct lodge at Clarksville were received as members there. The gentlemen who went from Lodge No. 5 were Augustus M. Ward, L. C. Howell, Wm. M. Adams, B. G. Clark, George Powell, J. N. Reynolds, Clayton R. Clark, L. L. Green, D. Hewey, J. Moreland, George Garrett, James Carnes. J. S. Houston, Oliver C. Woodey and Wm. McLane. Franklin Lodge No, 9 was organized at Morrison's Bluff February 27, 1844. The Grand Lodge of Arkansas api)ointed T. C. Boyer, S. G. Adams, and Samuel Adams as representatives of the Grand Lodge to establish the new lodge and install its officers. 98 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Charter Members were, Jno. M. Strong, Lorenzo N. Chirk, C. Q. Reynokls, Anthony Lewis, Daniel Henry, A. W. Peacock, Isemir Bean, John Sewell, Wm. Hill, F. M. Paine and P.. F. Hershey. The first officers were Jno. M. Strong, W. M.; John Sewell, S. W.; A. W. Peacock, J. ^Y.; Lorenzo N. Clarke, Sec; Anthony Lewis, S. D.; Isemir Bean, J. D.; \Ym. Hill, Tyler. John M Strong, the first ^Yorshipful Master presided over the lodge his last time on October 21, 1848, for resolutions on his death state thai on December 2, 1848 he breathed his last and the resolutions further eulogize him as a dignified and intelligent presiding officer, "one of the main pillars and brightest jewels of the order", and requLVst that a copy of the resolutions be sent the Clarksville Standard and other papers of Arkansas and New York, for publication. At a regular meeting of this lodge held at Morrison's Bluff, on November 4, 1848, Augustus M. ^Yard offered a resolution proposing to move the domicile of Franklin Lodge No. 9 to Clarksville, j)ermission having been previously granted by the Grand Lodge. According the upper story of the Hershey build- ing situated on the south side of Main street was rented for the sum of forty dollars per annum and the furnishings and jewels of the lodge were moved to this new home. This Hershey build- ing was located on the lot three doors east of the First National Bank. 44ie Hershey residence, a house with a long front facing Main street also, stood on the lots east extending to the alley beyond the Herald-Democrat office. Mr. Hershey, sometime in the fifties, built a three story brick on the corner of Main and Cravens, where the Langford store now stands. This building was destroyed by fire in 1901, In the records of the lodge appear two interesting installa- tions. 44ie fii-st took i)lace before the removal from Morrison Bluff. 44ie members assembled in the lodge room at the ap- pointed hour and marched abreast to the public stand where the AYorshipful Master delivered an able address. Dinner was served having been prepared by "Bro. Duff and Lady". The second installation took place at Clarksville on June 24, 1850. 44ie nuMnbers formed in line at the lodge room and marched to music furnished by H. L. \Yilson and Geo. Basham ORGAXIZATIOXS 99 across the squaro lo the little Methodist CJiureh on the south side where a crowd awaitetl to witness tlu> installation ceremonies, Pra\'er was olfered hy Rev. H. A. Sui^ii;. The incoming officers wore presented hy A. L. Hershey and H. F. Hershey as they were formally installed. John Pitman delivered the address of the occasion. The officers were — xVuguslus Ivl. Ward, W. M.; M. S. Hughes, S. W.; F. M. Paine, J. W.; J. F. Hill, Treas.; J. A. Walton, Sec; C. W. Bruton, S. D.; G. S. C. Scott, J. D.; Andrew Houston, Tyler; H. L. \\'hite and Rohl. Houston, Stewards. The dinner for this occasion was furnislied hy B. F. Hershey and wife and was served for "one dollar per plate." Represen- tatives from other lodges over the state had heen invited to wit- ness this installation, and the following gentlemen from Dover and Dardanelle honored the occasion with their pres- ence: A. W. Peacock, W. D. Sadler, H. A. Sugg, W. F. Cravens, L. C. Howell, Alec Loop, John Logan, J. R. H. Scott, Walter Scott, Jesse Hayd.n, Thos. Russell, Sherman and Tolhert. (Capt. L. C. Howell mentioned above as a visitor was from Pope County and was an uncle of the L. C. Howell of Johnson county) Many acts of charity are accredited to this lodge in its early history and many relatives of deceased members obtained ma- terial aid from these splendid gentleman who composed a large per cent of the l)etter ciiizcnship of that time. The names of many more citizens were added to the roll dur- ing the period (jf the 50's — Some of these names are still familiar because their children or their children's children still reside here. Others equally as loved in those days, have passed to their reward, and even the sound of their names is unfamiliar, still their memory is cherished because of the life they lived a century ago. Among the number may be mentioned, John Titworth, C. W. Burton, B. H. Xesbit, Thcophilus F. Garrett, D. D. Rosa, M. Carpenter, B. F. Peeler. Daniel Henry, L. F. Duff, Robert A. Latimer, John M. Steel, J. M. Rogers, W. L. Guthrie, S. W. Cravens, W. H. Adams, G. S. C. Scott, J. F. Hill, M. F. Hughes, J. J. Dorsey, G. W. Parker, John ^^'ard, Jacob Rogers, Andrew Houston, Wm. L. Cravens, J. B. Williams, A. Gilbert, T. C. Swigart, Redmond Rogers, L. G. Walton, L. Ewdng, E. Bettice, J. H. Patterson, Lunas Armstrong, Watt Maffitt, Thornburg, L. C. Adams.. Samuel Cravens, D. A. Jamison, B. Ewing, ■ 100 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Hanky, Edward Robinson, J. G. Walton, Philip May and \\m. Cnnninghani. A chapter of Royal Arch Masons was institntcd at Clarksville some lime during the '70's which has steadily grown nntil it now has a membership of more than a hundred. A noteworthy fact in connection with the history of this Royal Arch Chapter is tliat the late D. N. Clark was its Secretary for more than forty years. The Chapter meets once each month and during all these years the record of the minutes of every meeting appears in Mr. Clark's handwriting. Perhaps another like record could not be found in the state. Within the last two years a Knights Templar Commandery lias been instituted at Clarksville with a fairly good membership. In addition to the above Masonic bodies at Clarksville there are now located lodges at Lamar, Coal Hill, Knoxville, Spring Hill, Ozone, Ft. Douglas, Mt. Levi, Ludwig and Harmony. OTHER LODGES Tliere arc other lodges, more or less of a monitary con- sideration. Such as the Fraternal Aid Union, the Maccabees, the Woodmen of the World. Also farmers organizations and fruit growers associations, et cetera. The two great i)olitical bodies the Democrats and Republicans, sometimes initiate auxilaries which live for a time, serve their purpose and pass out. Com- mercial organizations come and go. The Klu Klux Klan is known to exist, but as to its extent, it is as mysterious as their a{)perism — The Invisible Empire. ORDER OF THE EASTERX STAR Organized in Clarksville, Arkansas December 21, 1891. The officers were: Mrs. Emma Davis, Worthy Matron; Mrs. Fanny Ward, Associate Matron; D. N. Clark, Worthy Patron. Charter Members were: Sisters Rebecca Harris, Mollie Wolf, Fanny Ward, M. E. Molloy, Martha Ward, Mattie Adkins and .T. T. Howell. Also Rros. D. N. Clark, C. C. May, J. M. Wolf, William Adkins, W. A. May and J. T. Howell. ROBIORT XELSOX CHAPTER D. A. 11. Organized at Lamar, Arkansas January 15, 1915 by Mrs. W. A. Cazort, Organizing Regent. The following members have been enrolled in this, the four- leenih chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution: Mrs. Lillian Lee Cazort, Chapter Regent; Mrs. Ethel Pearson Fiser, ORGANIZATIONS 101 Vice Regent; Miss Florence Cazoii Secretary; Mrs. Relle Garner Cazort, Treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Garner Huddleston, Registrar; Mrs. Harriette Garner Lay, Historian; Mrs. Minnie Oliver Ruther- ford, Press Correspondent; Miss Valerie Cazort, Miss Selma Shelton Corley, Mrs. Maude Lee Ferguson, Mrs. Lulu Lay Garner. Miss Ruth H. Hamilton, Mrs. Leona Oliver Maxwell, Mrs. Blanche Lee Moreland, Miss Jessie Garner Pearson, Mrs. Henrietta Cazort Pitchford, Miss Bird Corsen Dunlap, Mrs. Stella Pearson Brad- ford, Miss Eloise Garner Rollow, Mrs. Jean Rollow Nicholson, Mrs. Irene Garner Riddle. FELIX I. BATSOX CHAPTER U. D. C. The United Daughters of the Confederacy of Clarksville, Arkansas, known as Chapter 221, was organized on April 20, 1898. A nuniher of the daughters of confederate soldiers met in the afternoon of that spring day at the home of Mrs. Jorden E. Cravens on the corner of Sevier street and Central avenue, and banded themselves together as the charter members of this organ- ization that has done much to make pleasant the last days of many confi'derate soldiers. The names of those women were: Mesdames J. P. Mitchell, John C. Hill, J. E. Cravens, John W. Howell, J. N. Brown, B. P. McKennon, A. S. McKennon, E. T. McConnell, Misses Ada May, and Jessie Cravens (Mrs. J. Smith Ownby) . This Chapter was given its name complimentary to the father of Mrs. J. E. Cravens, Judge Felix I. Batson, who was the repres- entative from this district in the Congress of the Confederacv. One year after this day the membership had growai but little, only five names having been added to the original ten, but in the fourth year, the maximum nimiber of sixty two was enrolled. Many of those daughters have passed away but granddaughters have taken their places and now after a quarter of a century has passed th:' number is but slightly less for names of fifty-five women still give impetus to the organization. During the twcnt3'-two years of the life of this chapter only three women have served as president — Mrs. J. E. Cravens, Mrs. W. S. Jett and Mrs. J. S. Kolb, the latter having been elected three years ago. Much state work is done by these women in accord with the stipulate program arranged each year for the Arkansas Chapters. 102 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY WOMEN'S ORGAXIZATIOXS The orcianizatioiis of the women, however, are more of a philanthropie nature and some of them of lonif standing with estabhshed records of accomplishments. W. C. T. U. — Woman Christian Temperance Union of Clarksville was organized at the M. E. Cliurch in tlie evening of April 21, 1885. Miss J. C. DeNelling representing the State or- ganization was present. The officers elected were, to-wit: Mrs. J. H. Rhodes, Presi- dent; Mrs. B. D. Pennington, Vice-President; Mrs. J. P. Mitchell, Vice-President; Mrs. S. E. Rogers, Vice-President; Mrs. A. P. May, Recording Secretary; Mrs. A. E. McConnell, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. A. N. Brown, Treasurer; Mesdamcs J. \V. Coff- man, Mattie Hunt, and Maggie McKennon, committee on pro- grams. Twenty names were enrolled, with two gentlemtn as honorary members. Mrs. Sam Laser and Mrs. M. A. Moore were devoted and faithful workers of recent years. Cemetery Association — The primal move to better conditions at the Clarksville Cemetery west of the town, was made by the Board of Trustees of the M. E. Church on April 13, 1892. J. E. Cravens was the chairman and N. S. Connelly the Secretar3\ Other members were A. S. McKennon, J. C. Hill, W. T. Hunt, J. W. Coffman and M. D. L. Clark. Other gentlemen present were Dr. James and L. C. May. This (uganization laid off lob: to sell and appropriated a potters field and otherwise imi)rovcd con- ditions. Three years later, on November 1, 1895, some women took (>ver the active negotiation of the organization. This they called the Cemetery Association. They elected the following officers: Mrs. C. B. Rhodes, President; Mrs. Lula C. Pennington. Secretary; Mrs. J. T. HaHey, Treasurer. An executive committee consisted of Mcsdames C. E. Stokes, B. D. Pennington and W. A. May. The name Oakland Cemetery was chosen by this Associa- tion, and on the arch over the gate (now the north gate) as is customary, the name was written. The present officers are to- wit: Mrs. A. B. Johnson, President; Mrs. Joe Evans, Vice Presi dent; Mrs. W. J. Basham, Secretary, and Mrs. Fred White, Treas- urer. Executive Committee, Mesdames Mattie Logan, John Haigwood,and Finas Blackburn. This organization i)urchased a lot and built a house for a sexton, who looks after the cemetery. Some names of persons who were faithful members for long: ORGANIZATIONS 103 years — Mrs. \V. J. Hasliam. who lias Jkhii llio Secretary for eighteen years, Mrs. H. D. Peiiiiiiiifton, Miss Lizzie Peniiin£«ton, Mrs. J. P. Molloy, Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Mrs. Lula C. Pennini^ton, Mrs. Q. B. Poynor, Mrs. Fred White and Mr.s Mattie Loi,mn. This ori^anization has always been self-siistainini*. While the Board of Trustees of the church claim no active i)art in the af- fairs of the Association, the chairman of that body must sign each certificate or deed for the sale of lots. The property was deeded by Jacob Dorcey to the Methodist ('Juu-ch of ClarksvilU . Fortnightly Book Club — This woman's clul) featuring the study of history and literature was organized in 1904. Mrs. Jorden E. Cravens initiated the idea, and was the first president. Twenty women were carefully chosen and invited to join. Mrs. C. L. Pyle was one of the charter members and for a long time the president. This club is a member of the Arkansas Feder- ation of Woman's Clubs. Apollo Music Club — The Apollo Music Club was organized in 1906. The first i)resident was Mrs. Samuel Laser and the first Secretary was Mrs. G. O. Patterson. This club joined the National Federation of Music Clubs in 1908, the Arkansas Feder- ation of Woman's Clubs in 1910, and the Arkansas Musical Federation in 191(). This club paid half tuition and Prof. J. W. Brown, Dean of Music at Arkansas Cumberland College the other half, for a music pupil two years at that college. Clarksville Civic Club — The C. C. C. was organized, with thirteen members February 13, 1913. The following officers were elected: Mrs. A. M. McKennon, President; Mrs. T. E. May, Vice President; Miss Maude McConnell (Mrs. Francis Poynor), Re- cording Secretary; Mrs. Cooper Langford, Corresponding Secre- tary. Other members Avere — Mesdames G. O. Patterson, Sam Laser, W. S. Jett, Ernest Fontaine, J. E. Nichols, Fremont Stokes, R. D. Dunlap, T. B. May and J. T. Farmer. This club has been a most active one. The passenger station on West Main street was erected following efforts of this organ- ization. The city mail delivery was also a result of the efforts of these women. They called a mass meeting and raised suffi- cient money to purchase Glen Island Park, in Spadra Creek. They conducted i)icnics and Industrial Exhibits. They pur- chased the steel bridge that crosses the west prong of the creek, to the park. Mrs. A. M. McKennon. has been the president 104 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY eight years of the nine of organization. School Improvement Association — Back in the first decade of this century or perhaps before, Mesdames Sam Laser and Flora McKennon were two constant and faithful members in an asso- ciation for the betterment of the public school, Mrs. Laser was the president. In 1912 a reorganization took place and seventy- five members were enrolled. Miss Elizabeth Pennington was elected president for one year. Then Mrs. Cooper Langford served for five years. At this time Mrs. Clark Thompson is the presiding officer. The school funds were depleted in 1921 and these women are cmploj'ing and i)aying the eleven literary teachers of the school, by public subscription for the nine months term. Mrs. C, L. Flake was for seven years the Recording Secretary. Mrs. A. F. Ward, has been a faithful member since the reorganization. The Red Cross — was thoroughly organized all over the county during the period of the World War. Since peace it is manipulated on a smaller scale. Mrs. A. M. McKennon is chair- man and Mrs. H. W. Collier is secretary. Mrs. Sam Laser was an ardent worker for the cause of suffrage for long years, and was the president of that league. At this time she is associated with many other women in the more recent League of Women Voters. There are other organizations of more recent date, of which records will not be given here. The College Improvement Asso- ciation of which Mrs. R. S. Davis is the president, the Y. W. C. A. as is also tlie Y. M. C. A„ are sponsored by the College of the Ozarks. The Woman's Club of Ludwig is of several years standing. Mrs. Wm. Engelhard and Mrs. Ezra Adkins were two active members. The School Improvement Association of that neigh- borhood is doing good work. Woodland and Lone Pine have most active organizations. The Coal Hill and Lamar Improvement Associations have been a great benefit to the school work. PERSOXAL Mrs. Sallie Robinson Reed, a daughter of Littleberry Robin- son and the mother of Congressman C. C. Reed, was the author of many poems and of that volume much cherished by the South — Immortclls. ORGANIZATIONS 10r> Mrs. Bottie Houston Liltlepai^o of Washiiiiflon ('ily, was Ine daughter of Col. J. S. Houston. She has written many lyrics and poems. Miss Ada Hile, the editor of the Saturday City Item of Ft. Smith, was the daui*hter of R. C. Hite, the founder of the Clarks- ville Herald. Miss Annie Hite, another daui^hter, has written many verses of rhyme. Mrs. R. D. Dunlap, Sr., and Mrs. Emma Harlan write clever verses. Mrs. Ori (J. H.) Jamison, was president of the Ft. Smith district of the Methodist Home Mission Society for twelve years. Miss Newell Foster (Mrs. J. W. Sallis) was for several years Secretary of the State Teachers' Association. Mrs. Lera Anderson served two terms as vice president of the Music Cluhs of Arkansas. Miss Virgic Poynor has for many years held office in the State Music Teachers Association. Mrs. Cooper Langford was four terms state treasurer of the Arkansas Federation of Woman's Cluhs. She was twice presi- dent of the Ft. Smith District of Woman's Clubs. She is also a member of tne Authors and Composers Society of Arkansas. Dr. Annie Hays is a practicting physician in Johnson county. Mrs. Isobel Klein practiced the profession of law in the Johnson county courts in 1917-18. Mrs. Anna Hoyer and Miss Hanna Werner were Red Cross Nurses in the World War. Dr. Mary Oberste is a Chiropractor following her profession in Clarksville. Mrs. Samuel Laser and Miss Bird Dunlap were elected members of the Johnson County Democratic Central Committee in 1920. Mrs. Brown Moore formerly Inez Wilson of Johnson county, but now of Stillwater, Oklahoma, is a member of the Democratic Central Committee of Oklahoma. She is also Chairman of the Deiiiocratic Central Committee of Payne County, Oklahoma. Miss Bird Dunlap, has for four years been the Johnson County Home Demonstration Agent and is now a candidate for the Democratic nomination for County Clerk. Many members of the Girls' Clubs, under the supervision of the County Home Demonstration Department, have made ex- 106 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY cellent records. Those given here were for 1921: Viola Stegall won a canning contest inchiding all the Southern States. This was conducted in four sections covering the United States, by the Hazel Atlas Glass Co. of Wheeling \Yest Virginia. In a sewing contest Alma Kraus won a first State Prize and Margaret Jones and Robbie Blackburn, each hold second State Prizes. A Judging Team, consisting of Berneice McBce, Orilla Ogilvie and Viola Stegall won honors in County contests. Viola Stegall has for two years held the district Scholarship in The College of the Ozarks, for the best all-round club record. Helen Partain has a scholarship in the Russellville Agricul- tural School for the District Gardening record. HISTORY OF THE PRESS IN JOHNSON COUNTY Tlie records of early newspapers in Johnson County are not ({uite clear. That there was a printing press within the county as early as 1840 is signified by the appearance of the funeral notice re- produced on the opposite page. C. C. Colburn, late of Ozark, said that his father, F. N. Colburn and his uncle, S. G. Colburn, were partners in a newspaper published in Clarksville in the '40's, called "The Clarksville Sun." This was probably in 1844. When one elderly gentleman was asked if this paper were a weekly, he answered, with a smile, "Yes, qmie weakly.^' From the old Masonic Lodge Book at Morrison's Bluff it is learned that a Committee on Resolutions concerning the death of a member in 1848 requested that a copy of the sanie be sent to the "Clarksville Standard." The obituary of Col. William Gray who died in 1850 was pub- lished in the Clarksville Union. 4'hus it seems that there were at least three newspapers in Clarksville while it was yet in embryo. The project seemed to have been abandoned for a period however, sinco the next v.eekly we learn of was issued in 18(56 from the press of James Fitch who was a Federal Register of votes. He called his paper "The Clarksville Forum." Now the soldier boys who had re- cently come home from the war, took issue with tlie attitude of his paper and their only recourse to their pent-up plaints was to THE PRESS 107 publish a nc\vs])a|)iM- lluMiist'lves. As early as 18()7 a company had been fornu'd. a press |)urchast'd and an office fitted up. Their weekly they called •'The ('.larksville Democrat". Major Harold Bourland was Edilor-in-Chief while J. S. (iray was Assislanl Editor and Publisher. The life of both these |)apers was of short duration, perhaps two years or less. In the sprini>" of 1872 E. T. McConnell fitted up a i)rinting office and began, with Edward Jamison as the Editor, the pub- lication of "The Clarksville Enterprise." The editions cover- ing 1873-4 Mr. McConnell has kept and they are vastly interesting now. The Enferjjrise was discontinued in 1875. After the suspension of this paper, Edward and Latta Jamison followed almost witliout intermission with the issuing of "The Vanguard." The machinery from the office of the Vanguard was later moved to Conway, and there was jjublished for the first time the "Arkansas Traveler". Edward Jamison soon died and then Opie Reed and Werner purchased the outfit and after moving to Little Rock continued the former publication. Mr. Reed later took up his residence in Chicago, and with Iiim went Ihc^ nam2 of his pape:% if nothing more, for long years after, he was still the editor of the "Arkansas Traveler". Then came I he day in the first week of March, 187(5 when the Clarksville H.rald was established. The editor was a well informed gentleman from Memjihis, Tenn., whose name was R. C. Hite. Since Ihat first issue the title of one of Clarksville's newspapers has always been Herald. A prefix or an affix has sometimes accc)mj)anied the word, but the original name has al- ways been present. As early as 1883, Mr. Hite's i)ai)er was chang' d to the "Laliorer's Herald," but it was only a short time until the old lille "Clarksville Herald" was again restored. Sometime in the early eighties O. C. Ludwig moved a press from Sprinidale. Arkansas to Clarksville and began to spread the news with "The Arkansan." In 1884 E. T. McConnell and F. L. Pennington pui'chased a new outfit and issued the "Clarksville Register." This majhincry was moved sometime later to Paris, Arkansas. "The Western Journal" was started by J. W. Adams in 188(). This was published daily for a short time. J. R. Tolbert purchased the "Arkansan" from O. C. Ludwig and changed the name to "Brothers of Freedom." 108 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY In '86 or '87, E. T. McConnell, R. C. Hitc and Jas. S. Gray formed a company and consolidated the "Clarksville Herald" and the "Western Journal" and called the paper the "Herald- Journal." This company purchased the equipment of the ' Dardanelle Immii>rant" and brought it to Clarksville. They sold stock and almost every business man in Clarksville held shares. After a time O. C. Ludwi<> purchased controlliui* interest, and con- sequently he became the chief editor — and a good one. After a few years, some time in the last decade of the past century A. M. Ward and Ed. Harley became the owners of this paper which had continued under their management for several years when Mr. Harley died and then exclusive management passed into the hands of Mr. Ward. The "Herald-Journal" had undergone an- other christening and was now called the "Johnson County Herald." In 1914 Mr. Ward was appointed Receiver of the U. S. Land Office at Little Rock by Pres. Wilson and moved to that city. A son of Mr. Ward, William T. Ward, then became the edit- or. Rut a year later he fell a victim to pneumonia and died. Prof. J. W. Sallis then purchased the plant from Mr. Ward and became the editor and publisher of the paper. In June, 1909 Fred Yore, a gentleman with much news- paper experience, came to Clarksville and installed a new paper which he called the "Clarksville Democrat." After two years H. B. Holbrook from Springfield, Mo. became the owner of this publication. A fire on the night of Feb. 5, 1912 destroyed both the plants of the Democrat and the Herald, they being in the same block, east of the McConnell corner. Neither paper missed an issue. The Democrat was printed in Russellville and the Herald in Little Rock until other machinery and equipment could be installed. In October 1914 Mr. Holbrook sold to G. L. Wright, of Minneapolis, Kansas, and in January 1915, I'odd Ellis of Rus- sellville moved to Clarksville and became associated with Mr. Wright in the publication of the "Democrat." On August 1, 1918 Prof. Sallis sold the "Johnson County Heicild" to Messrs. Wright and Ellis who consolidated the iwc, papers and continued the publication under the name "Herald- Dcmocral" until March 1, 1920, when J. W. Sallis, C. M. Thread- gill and J. W. Sallis Jr. purchased the plant and continued the publication of the |)aper under the firm name of Sallis, Thread- THE PRESS 109 i^ili and Sallis, publishers. The "Herahl-Denioerat" is a I i)reseiil the only paper piihlislud in Clarksville. l^roi'. Sallis is Editor and Business Manai>;er, C. M. Threadi*ill, Eorcman of the Me- ehanical Department. They toijether with John \V. Sallis, .Jr., Miss Lucy Sharyer, machine operator, and J. R. Ransom, com- pose the efficient plant force of the "Herald-Democrat." In 1887 Robert Moffit and Samuel Mays established a press at Lamar and subser{uently introduced into that city the first newspaper. They entitled it "The Lamar News." Lack of information necessarily limits the facts concernini* the names of owners and the dates of the establishment of pub- lications known to have been issued in Lamar, but names of some of these papers were, "Farmer's Sentinal," "Baptist Banner," and the "Lamar Leader". G. E. Bennett was for several years the Editor and Publisher of the last mentioned. Knoxville for a year, was the liome of the "Knoxville Demo- crat". COAL HILL NEWSPAPERS The following article, relative to the storj^ of the Coal Hill press was contributed by Steve H. Logan, who, in the past was at various times connected with the newspaper business in that town: The first paper to be published at Coal Hill was a five column folio called llie "Arkansas Valley" which made its first appearance on Xov. 3, 1885. Robert Stonecipher was Editor and Publisher. He had moved the printing press from Van Buren where he had previously published the "Van Buren Daily Optic." It v/as a small outfit consisting of a five-column army press and a few fonts of type. About the first of March this paper was sold to an English- man named .lames Cox who had just arrived in this country from London, England. Mr. Cox was an exce})tionally fine writer and had been a reporter on one of the London dailies for several years. But he knew nothing of the mechanical part of a i)rinting office so this work was done entirely b}' Steve H. Logan. He only publish- ed the "Arkansas \'alley" about three months, going from Coal Hill to St. Louis where he died a few years later worth a million dollars. The outfit left by Cox was purchased by Srygiey Bros, who in 1886 rented it to a man named Stone from Clarksville 110 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and Sam Crawford from the Indian Territory who pubhshed "The Coal Hill Lancet" for a few months. In November 1888 the "Coal Hill Monitor" was launched by M, H. Burnham who with a Washington hand-press and some old type published the paper for about six months with the assist- ance of Nobe Connelly and Robt. Foster. Mr. Burnham was succeeded as Editor and Publisher by Ben Grigsby who issued a splendid weekly. In the spring of 1890 the paper fell into trie hands of Messrs. Taylor, Austin and John R. Hill. Neither of them knowing the newspaper business they employed "Buck" Blythe of Clarksville to do the work. Mr. Blythe at that time Avas i)ublishing the "Phonograph" at Clarksville which he sus- pended and clianged the name of the Coal Hill paper to the "Coal Hill Phonograph." After a few months the pajicr v.as sold to J. R. Tolbert and S. S. Wellborn of Clarksville. Mr. Tolbert had been Editor of the "Arkansas Economist" published at Clarks- ville. The name of this paper was now changed to the "Coal Hill Banner." On May 1(5, 1891 "The Arkansas Spy" appeared with Steve H. Logan as |)ublisher and Jack Buster as Editor. The "Spy" sus- pended in July 1892. Sometime in the fall of 1893 "The Coal Hill hujuirer" appear- ed with Percy McGraw of Altus as Editor and Publisher luil the life of this publication was of short duration. In F'ebruary 1890 the "Democrat" made its appearance with Fred Jacques and Steve Logan as Publishers. "The Democrat" had the best equipment of any newspaper up to that time that had been brought into the county, having been the one used by Jacques in publishing the "Democrat" at Ft. Smitii. This press was later moved to Mena, Arkansas. Fred Jac((ues was a French-Canad- ian from New Watford, Canada. He had j)ublished the "Daily Democrat" at Grand Island, Nebraska and the "Ft. Smith Daily Democrat." He was one of the best all-round newspaper men in the country. In Septcm'uer 1896 S. W. McClure moved his paper from Charleston, Arkansas to Coal Hill and began the publication of "The Coal Hill Times." This paper suspended soon afterward. In July 1897 W. C. Boyd moved the "Rustler" from Ozark to Coal Hill where he published it for a short time. INDUSTRIES 111 In l(Si)(S the '"Coal Hill Record" was |)ul)lished by Ren (irii>sby for a few months. "The Phoenix" was pnhlished by Steve Loi*an from Jannary 1901 to March 1902. All the above mentioned newspapers were Democratic with the exception of the "Rustler" which was Populist. INDUSTRIES COTTOX Primarily cotton was the only industry of the county that brought enough money to finance the necessities of the i)eople and today it still remains the principal asset. There is always a sale for this crop. Only once since the period of the Civil War have the markets refused cotton. This was during the fall and winter of 1914 and 1915 following the beginning of the World War in Europe. At which time the "Buy a bale" movement was inaugurated throughout the United States, and thereby, most of the people who depended entirely on this crop for their supplies for the coming year were kept from want. Johnson County, however, would not have suffered much had the crop failed to sell at all, since she has other flourishing industries, such as the coal mines, ])each crops, etc. The principal crop of this staple is produced in the river bottoms. The creek lowlands are close seconds, however, and since the modern fertilizers are so extensively used, the uplands are almost equal to either of the former, thus giving to the upland farmer a diversified selection for a planting, since so many crops not adapted to the low lands will grow to perfection on th? red clay hills through the middle section of the county. The black wax soil of the river bottom lands holds the moisture and it is possible to grow an excellent crop of cotton there even in a dry season. Still, cotton can always be depended upon, despite weather conditions. It fluctuates with the weather but is never an entire failure. There is approximately 12.000 bales raised each year in the county, averaging an aggregate of three cpiarters of a million dollars per season. COAL The Coal industry has grown in the last twenty years to be one of the leading factors in this county. Not only does it represent hundreds of thousands of dollars during a year but it 112 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY makes a surplus of niouey in Ihc county all during the year. The mines usually begin for the season early in July and run almost continuously until the latter part of January, with a payroll of approximately $100,000 per month. During the period of the World War they operated continuously. There is more than a half million dollars brought into the county each year from this source and more than that during the war period of 1917. During the year 1917 an average pay is estimated to liave been '$150,000.00 per month, and an average number of tons mined per month during this year was 26,781. The Spadra anthracite field is the principal industrial center of the county, which is at this time represented by twenty or more mines. Some of them are among the best equipped in the southwest. Especially is the Fernwood Mining Comj^any at Jamestown, near Clarksville, up to date in equipment and op- eration. They have their own electric plant, which operates the mines and furnishes lights for the camp houses. They also maintain a modern water filtering plant which insures pure drinking water for the little village of employees near the breaker. Along the vein nearer the surface, which lies north of the main field, in the Shady Grove neighborhood, are at this time some half dozen "Strip Pits'", which are proving quite satisfactory and profitable, following a period of experiment. By "strip pit" it is meant that the soil overlying th? vein of coal is stripped away by the use of steam shovels. Johnson county is represented by several tipples in the bituminous field which is shared by Franklin county. In the anthracite region a few names must stand out as ])ioneer ijrosjjectors throughout the years. The first of which must be the Stiew?ll jjrothers and Kemps. The next period be- ginning with the present century, John W. Powers, J. W. Coff- man, R. D. Dunlap, Cooper H. Langford, Fremont Stokes, W. F, Collier, M. M. McWilliams, S. Laser, Thomas and Nat Clark, C. L. Pyle, James K. Gearhart and others. And after a few years more, other names became frequently comiected with tlie coal mining business — J. E. Nichols, J. B. King, M. L. Mardis c't Sons, M. A. Lucas, Earl Johnson, Lee King, D. W. Dunlap, A. F. Ward, R. D. Dunlaj), Jr., Dowdy Brothers, Kinney Brothers, J. V. Her- ring, Louis Werner, W. R. Eustice, Walker Laster and others. INDUSTRIES 113 In the soft coal field, the name of Stiewell attain lieads the list, with Rafter, Hill, Mitchell, Douiflas, l^Mininivton and Lastcr. There have been many others associated with the indiistiy in this section hut other information has not been leathered at this time. PEACHES The peach crop of the county has grown to be a i)rofitable factor, claiming third place in the industrial life of the county. The crop, however is not a dependabk' one, since there is seldom two successive favorable years. Nevertheless, the revenue from a successful season is sufficient to supplement the non-productive years. The county has claimed but few "Big Orchards". A. F. Ward was connected for a time with outside cai)ital in i)each growing on a large scale. J. A. Best jjossesses another of the. extensive orchards, known as the "Best Farm". G. D. Crawford, who operates a small canning factory in connection with liis peach crop, has perhaps the largest individual orchard in the vicinity of Clarksville. Cazort Brothers of Lamar has at this time the largest orchard in the county. Almost every farmer has devoted some part of his farm to the culture of Elberta peaches. The income from this source will, in productive seasons, reach an aggregate amount of half a million dollars. SAW MILLS The saw mills in the lumber regions liave for almost all the j-ears of civilization, had a place of essential prominence in the county. Dotted, as it were, here and there over the country, they turn out many thousands of feet of this common i)roduct of lumber each year and still the growth of timber in the virgin state is apparently little more than scratched. The forests of the great short leafed pine are still i)lentiful, also the prevalent oaks. The pines give us the best building lumber; the oaks for furniture, liardwood floors, wagon timber and barrel staves, while the gum, log is ripped into strips and fashioned into baskets. LUMBER The county has, as does every locality, a few lumber com- panies, The Ladd Si Strong Lumber Company is an extensive affair located at Clarksville. They maintain a planing mill in 114 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY connection with the yard proper and in the mountains, at Silex, they have their own timber and saw mills. The Arkansas-Indiana Lumber Co., of which G. L. Cummins is manager, is an industry of considerable magnitude, with a planing mill in connection with their extensive yards. Until a few months ago they operated a Basket Factory also. Other lumber yards are owned by Hugo Oberstc, Hartman; Gus Hill, Coal Hill; and J. W. Harris, Lone Pine. OTHER INDUSTRIES Basket I^'aclory — The Basket Factory of Clarksville is the largest in the northern part of Arkansas and one of the largest in the state. This industry is now owned and operated by a com- ])any composed of A. F. Ward, Jr., Harry Mowery and Jim James. If is called "The Clarksville Basket Manufacturing Company". An idea of the amount of business done by this company may be gathered from the fact that they shipped during the first ten days of the year, 1921, nine car loads of bushel baskets. Clarksville Cigar Factory — This industry has been a fixture since 1913 when Charles L. Wetsol conceived the idea and began the work. Die following year he sold to Hoyt Brothers, who have since that time operated the place quite successfully. Their brands are "Hoyt's Special", Hoyt's Genuine", "Verdict", "Lord James" and "Common Sense." Clarksville Bottling Works — This beverage mixing and bottling plant was first introduced at Clarksville by Cooper Lang- ford, who operated it only a few months, selling to Edgar Garrett, who built it up to one of the largest in this part of the state. Mr. Garrett operated the plant until 1920, when it was purchased by a company composed of F. G. Garrett, Todd Ellis and Elbert and Roy Garrett, who installed modern machinery, increasing the capacit}^ of the plant to 1001) cases per da\'. Grain Elevators — The Laser Grain Company, formerly mill- ing flour, meal and stock feed is at this time only ])roducing meal and chops. This company succeeded Chas. Allbritten, who suc- ceeded his father in the milling business. This industry was established by the Senior Mr. Allbritten in 1890. The Lamar Rock Quarry — The blue-gray granite quarry, Avhich was operated for thirty-five years by Wm. Birse, is today the i)roperty of G. T. Cazort, who has abandoned the original INDUSTRIES 115 slope for dii>«>iiio ami imnu'diately beside (he old opening lias scooped oiil another, whieh is now lurnisliini^ iiuicli crushed stone for the buildini* of hi<:(h\vays and as a base for concrete material. Another Quarry, ojjerated by the Y()unt> (Construction (com- pany a few miles from Lamar over near the river has the ])asl two years done a flourishing business by furnishing stone for the east and west highway in course of construction. Stave Mills — The stave mill owners have done a flourishing business in this county for a number of years. These transient little plants being moved from one neighborhood to another over the county distributes a continuous flow of cash money among the citizens, often-times in remote places. Tbe largest operating mill owner in the county is J. B. Hall. J. M. Bryant, who is a resident of Johnson county and is an ex- tensive stave mill owner, operates all his big plants, in Madison and Newton counties. Two or three small capacity affairs are all that he has in this county, though he has a saw mill near the head of Spadra Creek and i)urchasL's the entire output of two other saw mills. These staves are hauled to Clarksville and shipped to outside markets. OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMEXT Gas was found in paying quantities in Johnson County on Saturday, November 19, 1921, at a depth of 2300 feet. The drill hole is five miles northwest of Clarksville on a farm, known as the Picrson place. The flow measured approximately seven and a half million cubic feet. The Johnson County Oil and Gas Co., of which Dr. W. R. Hunt Sr., is the president, are the initial ])romoters. The In- diahoma Refining Company of Okmulgee, Oklahoma were the drillers and also have an interest in the well. The well was capped after a few days and will lie dormant until the company is ready to drill again, at which time this well will furnish fuel for further prospecting. Also later Clarksville and other points expect to have it piped for fuel. At a depth of 1200 feet an oil sand was passed through in this well, and oil was bailed out. Other wells in the future are expected to determine the exact extent of both the gas and the oil. 116 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY BANKING INSTITUTIONS The Bank of Clarksville was organized in 1889, with J. C. Hill pres.. Dr. A. M. McKcnnon vicc-pres., C. L. Pyle cashier. Since the organization the following have heen the presidents: J. C. Hill, M. A. Lucas, R. S. Davis, \v. F. Collier and T. E. May. The Johnson County Bank, of Clarksville, was organized in 1901. The officers were, Dr. C. E. Rohinson jjres., W. J. Bashani vice-pres., A. N. Ragon cashier, D. W. Dunlap assistant cashier, and R. D. Dunlap, Sr., Sam Laser, Cooper Langford and J. H. Powers directors. In 1910 the capital stock of this bank was in- creased to .$100,000.01) and merged into the First National Bank, wdth a Federal depository for five counties. Pope, Yell, Logan, Franklin and Johnson. The officers were, A. N. Ragon pres., W. J. Basham vice-i)res., R. D. Dunlap, Jr., cashier. A. F. Ward, M. M. McWilliams, D. W. Dunlap, Sam Laser, Thomas, Nat and Garland Clark have all been active in this institution. The Farmers National Bank, of Clarksville, was organized Jan. 17, 1920, with R. A. Morgan pres., J. M. Taylor and F. Q. Poynor vice-i)residents, and W. E. King cashier. The Bank of Lamar was organized Mar. 30, 1993. Officers: \V. A. Cazort pres., G. D. Huddleston and J. A. Nation vice-presi- dents, and J. O. Ragon cashier. Sometime later P. F. Winning- ham became the president, W. H. Wilson and J. M. Metcalf vice- presidents, J. O. Ragon cashier. Others connected with this insti- tution have been J. S. Winningham, J. W. Hawkins, A. E. Caroth- ers and W. G. Weeks. The Blue Stone Bank of Lamar was organized Sept. 6, 1910, with G. T. Cazort pres., (i. T. Huddleston, J. R. Cazort, W. A. Cazort, J. H. Simpson, W. G. Weeks and J. I. McClerkin. The Bank of Spadra became an institution July 11, 1904, through the efforts of C. H. Langford who was the first president, with F. Q. Poynor as cashier. This bank was moved to Hartman in 1910 and the name changed to Bank of Hartman. Geo. Mc- Cann became the cashier. In DecendDer 1915 C. H. Langford and others sold controlling interest to W. F. and H. W. Collier. W^ F. Collier became the president, with F. Q. Poynor cashier. On Jan. 14, 1920, this bank again changed hands, and A. B. Banks is the president and Roland W. Doty cashier. The Citizens Bank of Coal Hill was estabhshed Nov. 25, 1909, with A. D. Reynolds ])res., A. G. Hill cashier, G. D. Ferguson, C. C. Flake and W. A. Hill directors. JOHNSON COUNTY'S SHARE IN WARFARE MILITIA In the i)i()neer period of Johnson county, probably as early as '36 or '37, a Militia rci^iment was ori>anized. Col. Hickey and Maj. Neheniiah Cravens were the elected officers. The general muster was at Clarksville, and company musters were at different i)laces over the county. RE\'OLUTIOXARY So far as known, only four Revolutionary soldiers ever im- mii>rated to this part of Arkansas. Two of them ;m ])urie(i in the county and a possible third. In the Horsehead cemetery at Sprini^hill, Maj. Henry Francis is known to be buried. Philip Jones took out a land grant in Township 9, in 1839 and tlrew a pension as a Revolutionary Soldier but his exact burial spot is not known. Another whose name was Arbough lived in Johnson county and dou])tless died here. Rurr Zachery whose identity as a Revolutionary vet- eran was known, and who took out land grants in Townships 8 and 9 in the years 183() and 1839, died while on the Indian fron- tier during the Mexican War. He is buried in the National Cemetery at Ft. Gibson, Okla. SOLDIERS OF 1812 To name the number of veterans of the war of 1812 who came to Johnson county is impossible, but from records of the immigration we learn that a provision from the Government of one hundred and sixty acres of land to each of them caused many to settle in this country. However, in tracing the history of the early settlers of Johnson county, it is found that almost all of those who were old enough to enter the service in 1812 were veterans of that war. WAR WITH MEXICO IX 184IJ When Arkansas had been a state only a few years, and her ])eoi)le were begiiming to api)reciate a peace and contentment free from Indian troul)les and the fear of wild beasts, they were called upon to participate in a war with the country of Mexico. Although Johnson county at that time possessed only a few thousand souls, two companies of volunteers readily responded 118 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and marched away with much confidence and in high spirits in the early summer of 1846. Mexico at that time was more or less a country of story — so far away did it seem with miles and miles that could be covered only on horseback or in ox wagons. Very few persons whom anyone liad ever seen had been there. While this fact gave zest to the already adventurous spirit of the youth, it added anx- iety to the weary hearts of those left behind. All the more so because in those days newspapers, even with the most progress- ive citizens, were weekly events. Many persons did not receive them so often, — some not at all. Letters were often a month or months old when received. Therefore we cannot wonder that Mexico seemed a strange and foreign country. Capt. George Washington Patrick commanded a company of mounted volunteers registered for service in the little village of Clarksville. His associate officers were John Y. Hill, 1st Lieut, and James Fagan, 2nd Lieut. This company was sent to Mexico under Col. Yell. They participated in the battle of Buena Vista from whicli some of them were destined never to return. The commissioned officers of a company organized in the western part of the county were Capt. Pies Collins, Lieutenants Thomas Gilland and Ruff Ward. This com])any was placed in the Battalion Regiment of Arkansas' Volunteers, consisting of ap- proximately five hundred men, under the command of Col. Wm. Gray of Clarksville, who was, prior to hostilities, a practicing physician. Olinver Basham was the Sergeant Major of this Battalion. These troops were sent to Ft. Gibson, Indian Terri- tory, to guard the frontier in lieu of the regular soldiers who went from there to the fighting zone. Lieut. Ward was later transferred to activities in Mexico and when peace was made he returned home with three medals in his possession, won by his daring acts of bravery. A few of these soldiers who survived this war and became prominent citizens later were — John W. Patrick, John D. Adams, J. G. Connelly, Seth Howell. James F. Fagan, G. W. Patrick, Olinver Basham, Henry Butts, Hugh Wilson, J. F. Hill, Abraham Laster, Tom King, Cater Lee, Marcus Hill, John Pern% J. R. Hickev and John Turner. CIVIL WAR PERIOD i8()i-i;iven i)r()ni()tions the last of wliich was to have been Major General but the official papers had not arrived when the surrender came. J. F. Hill who ori>anized the first state tro()i)s was honored early in the war by the i)refix of Colonel. Olinvc r Hashain \\ ho orifanized the first company of llic Con- federacy in [hv county was later gi\en the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. This county was the home of three Majors of the Confeder- acy; Hall McConnell, Lorenzo Swagerty and Hut>h Wilson. Major McConnell was awaiting the proi)er credentials to ac- cept the rank of Colonel when he met his untimely death at Oak Hill on March 22. 1- homeward again where they secretly buried them. Another incident worthy of mention was when Dr. Wm. Gray was honored with the rank of Colonel in the Mexican War. The people of ClarksA'ille who already loved their townsman and physician, pui'chased a saljer of much beauty and value and presented it to him. He marched away with it. new and shining, and after two years of that conflict returned with the cherished gift not much the worse for wear. He laid it away and within a few years sickened and died. His vault lies beside the main driveway in Oakland Cemetery, and when by chance one of today stops at his enclosure the inscrip- tion there can be read. l)Ut with difficulty — so long has it been since he died. After a time, as the years i)assed, his widow, Emmeline, was married to J. F. Hill and when the call of the '60's came and this little woman saw another husband marching away to war, she took from seclusion that sheath and saber and gave it to him. When Capt. Hill was promoted to Col. Hill, so much did he regret to leave his home boys, that he might materially express his appreciation of them, this saber was given into the keeping of his successor, Capt. Wesley Clark, from whose dead body on the battle field of Corinth it was taken by a Federal Lieutenant. 124 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ver Basham and James G. Coffee under Capt. J. F. Hill. The activities of the various companies are not known but all that could he i>athcred are recorded here. Some are given much space while others who were perhaps more active cannot be chronicled because of lack of information. BATTLK OF OAK HILL OX WILSOX'S CREEK Col. Churchill's regiment having marched through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri had met few difficulties when they encountered Cen. Lyon and his army at Wilson's Creek where on August 10, 1861 the first battle of consequence west of the Mississippi river was fought. The conflict doubtless brought more casulties to the population of Johnson county than any other battle during the four years of turmoil. The real meaning of war was coming to this peace-loving people as over the one tele- graph wire through the county came the messages. The six long hours through which the fighting was in progress spread a terrible depression and anxiety over all the county while loved ones awaited authentic reports from the battle field which, when received, caused great sorrow among the people. Some who were killed outright were: Joe Towel, Robt. James, Joel Smith, Thomas King, Vincent Blackard, Lew Slate and Thomas Spears. Among the wounded were: J. N. Brown, Robt. Manley, J. E. Cravens, John Harn, Alec Rose, Hall McConnell, Abe Lensey, John Grace, J. L. Farmer, Jap Newton and John Morgan. Abe Lensey and Jap Newton died from wounds a short time after and J, L. Farmer lost the use of an arm which was amputated some years later. Cajjt. Olinver Basham, J. C. Hill, John Rose, Hall McConnell and Robt. W. Gray were among those who escai)ed in- jury. Dr. J. P. Mitchell who put aside his "pill boxes" and enlist- ed in Capt. Basham's company as a i)rivate was also uninjured. It is said that when the fight was well spent and his comrades lay around him dead and dying, he threw aside his gun and went to work to assuage the suffering as much as ])ossible with the know- ledge that the science of his profession had taught him. From that day to the end of the war he carried emergency supplies rather than ammunition. He was then given the rank of Lieutenant and when the war ended he was the commanding physician in the regiment to which he belonged. (ien. Lyon was killed at the Oak Hill battle. WARFARE 125 At the next roll call of ('.apt. I^asiiain's C.()mi)any only eleven nien answered. Soon afterward the eoni|)any was reorganized. At this time Capt. Hashani was i)ronioted to the offiee of Major, and Lieutenant J. (). Sadler was the rankini^ eomniand- er for a short time, hov'ver, he soon resii*ned and went to his liome south of the river where he raised another company. Lieut. Calvin Basham, a hrother of the former Captain was then elected to fill the vacancy. This company, the first ori»anized under the Confederate Government in Johnson county, had fought battles and encount- ered many difficulties all the way Ihrouoh northern Arkansas the states of Missouri, Kentucky and into North Carolina without one time turning" back when the war ended. J. C. Hill who was a private, had risen to the rank of Captain, gone back to Johnson county and organized a comi)any and returned. At the time of the surrender hv was in command of the regiment. Major Basham had been killed in battle at Pilot Knol), Missouri, Sep- tember 23, 1864. COT.. .1. F. HlljyS REGniEXT When J. F. Hill was transferred to th;.> east of the Mississippi river and the title of Colonel was given him, three companies organized in Johnson county were placed in his regiment. The company, which he had originallj' organized, was now under Capt. Wesley Clark and was known as Co. "C" of that regiment. Capt. J. G. Perry was commander of Company "B", while Capt. Geo. Turner who had organized a company on the south side of the Arkansas river, was the commander of Company "A". Capt. Wesley Clark of Co. "C" was killed at the battle of Corinth, Miss., and Lieut. J. G. Connelly thi-n became Captain and served until he was sent home a few months later on re- cruiting duty. James Yearwood was then made Ca])tain and later was taken i)ris()ner with his men at Port Hudson. Major Swagcrty and his regiment were also taken prisoners at this place, A number of men ^^'ere ])aroled home from this prison camp while almost half the original number were left behind never to return. They had j)articii)aled in many conflicts but one of the hardest fought battles was at Elkhorn where hundreds of stalwart youths gave up their lives. 126 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY THE ONLY SKIRMISH IX THE COUN'TY In the autumn of 1863 Capt. John C. Hill had been sent home on recruiting duty and here met some of his comrades whom he had not seen since they had gone their way early in the war. Among them were Lieut. Ki Blackard, James Y'earwood, W. H. McConnell and Mort. Hardwick. Thirty-two recruits had been listed, the four above men- tioned, including \V. S. Jett, wero among them. On the afternoon of December 1., 1863 they had met for an outing and drill on Main street in Clarksville, when some one spied Federals at the loj) of the hill north. The Ca|)tain, to avoid a fight within the city limits, took the lead at once and rode "west to a point just out- side of the corporation where they waited for the enemy to follow. \Yhen the Federals did not appear Captain Hill asked for volun- teers to return and learn the reason, if possible. \Yilliam Cravens and Mort Hardwick rode back but they fomid that the enemy had turned and gone back in the direction whence it came. This little company of poorly equipped recruits galloped north in pursuit. They reached a point two miles beyond thr top of Rrd Lick mountain when the smoke from the camp fires of the Federals could be plainly seen. The day was cold and disagreeable. Taking every precaution lest they be discovered, they crept ui)on the enemy. This comi)any of U. S. soldiers, ar- rayed in first class order for battle, were not exi)ecting trouble, else doubtless the little band of Confederates could not have won so vict{)riously. \Mien thj firing began the soldiers in ijhu' scattered, some escai)ed into the thicket, some snatched bridles and fled on horseback, some were wounded, two were dead, and on:" was taken i)rij()ner. The Union soldiers proved to be the Johnson county coiii- j)any unck'r Capt. Casey. The two men who lost their lives wviv Geo. ^Y. Cin'onister of Hagarville and Lieutenant Hollingsworth from the state of Kansas. FOOT NOTE — Geo. W. Chronister lies buried in a little cemetery six miles northwest of Clarksville. A stone marks the place where they laid him and the day he died. It also attests the bitterness and enmity that comes with war from which the love of peace, friendship or blood ties cannot escape if opinions differ. While in peace times those same differences would amount to nothinfi moi-e than fi-iendl.v discussions. WARFARE 127 FEDERAL TROOPS IN JOHNSON COUNTY Till re was only a small per cent of the population of the county who remained true to the old I'nion. Even thouiiih many persons had been strong advocates of the V. S. Government prior to hostilities, only a few^ of them held out or else faik'd to follow the general altitude of the state at large. There were less than two hundred soldiers in the Federal army from the county. One com|)any was organized with Capt. C. C. Casey as com- mander. Jini Pelts was 1st Lieutenant and Mose Pearson 2nd. Lieutenant. J. M. Laster, who is today a resident of Harmony, was 1st Sergeant, but when Lieut. Pearson resigned, he was made 2nd Lieutenant. This organization v.as Co. "A" of the 2nd. Arkansas Infantry, LT. S. A. A few Johnson county men were numbers of Co. "K" of the 2nd Arkansas Infantry U. S. A. which was a Sebastian county unit with Capt. John Boyle and Lieut. Rethel in charge. Both of these companies were mustered in at Ft. Smith and served imder Brigadier General Thayer, and Colonel Eugene Stevens. They participated in the battles of Prairie de Ann, Jenkins Ferry, Camden Raid and others. Co. "A" was dis- charged by Col. Stevens August 8, 1865. The negro men of the county scattereil. Some of them joined the Union forces, others did not wash to participate but were taken. No negro man of conscript age was left. A small per cent returned. REGULAR TROOPS ENTER THE COUNTY Confederate — During the winter of 1861 Col. Thomas J. Churchill and his army camped south of Clarksville on the spot where today stands the mining camp of Jamestown. There was much illness in the ranks; hence the Confi'derate Scjuare in the principal necropolis at Clarksville, known today as Oakland Cemeteiy. The Presbyterian church on the corner of Cravens and Cherry streets, the county court house and the Seminary at the lop of the hill on the south side of West Sevier street were all used as general hospitals, while an old log residence that stood for many years on Colleg.? avenue was the hospital for small pox patients. The following spring Gen. Churchill and his troops marched awav to the south. 128 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Seminary was burned in the Fall of 1862, but the Pres- bjicrian church was used by the Federal troops throughout the war for a hospital. They buried their dead, also in Oakland Cemetery, in a plot of ground which today the Ladies' Cemetery Association has set apart as a beautiful flower garden. The Federal deatl were sui)posed to have been exhumed in the Fall of 1867 and taken to Ft. Smith. Some of them were taken there, bul not all for in after years each time the grave diggers attempted to excavate they came in contact with caskets; hence the flower garden. Col. Sims and his Cavalry Regiment of Texas wintered in Johnson County in 1861. They were camped at a place on Horsehead Creek five miles up from the river. Federal. — In the Spring of 1862 Col. Cloud of Kansas with his well equipped troops, having fouglit their way through the mountains of Missouri and Arkansas, entered Johnson county and marched into Clarksville where they recuperated for a few days and passed on, proclaiming themselves the victors of all the country through which they had passed. Col. Stevens and Col. AVaugh, with their respective regiments of the 2nd Arkansas, on December 23, 1862 established a "Post" at Clarksville. They appropriated the residence of Congress- man Batson located on the south side of the Public Square on the corner of Central avenue where they established headquarters, using the little Methodist church next door for their supply station. Col. Stevens and his troops were here only a short time be- fore being sent to Fort Smith, leaving Col. Waugh in command of this "Post." However, tlie regiments of Col. Cloud, Col. Hind- man and Col. Stevens were here at intervals, either for a sojourn of a few weeks or months, or were, perhaps, only ])assing through. After establishing" the "Post" they were undisturbed for more than a year, thus becoming decidedly comfortable and quite at home. Tliis, however, was a long period for conquest to last without difficulty, and in the enemy's country too. Fate had decreed, or perhaps it was the army of (Icn. Price that decided a sudden change would be good for them. Messages came in, scouting parties retm'ued, reports from everywhere confirmed WARFARE 129 the approach of Gen. Price and his army bearing in this direction. His strength was reported to be so great that Col. Waugh realized there was no time to be wasted, therefore without endeavoring to remove their supplies they attempted to burn them, together with all buildings which hoarded provisions. On the beautiful morn- ing of May 19, 1864, while a regiment of soldiers were marching away to the west, a black cloud of smoke was curling its way toward the sky, as many houses in the town of Clarksville were being consumed by incendiary flames. The little church on the corner had been the main objective of the departing army, however, since the food stored therein would otherwise fall into the hands of the enemy. Many of the burning buildings were extinguished by the women, but the church was burned. Still, as the flames \\('r;.' ravishingly consuming that precious food, every head and hand in accord were bent on saving as much as possible — Dozens of barrels of flour were rolled to distances of safety; much meat, the scarce article of salt, and many other essentials, were hastily removed. \Yhen Gen. Price arrived with his gray-clad army, they were welcomed with rejoicing. No woman in the little town slept that night, so busy were they all preparing food. Biscuits, biscuits, hundreds of biscuits, were baked for the soldiers to take on their march of tomorrow. They passed on as had the other army a few hours before, leaving behind them a day marked with memories to live through- out the years to come. The threads of smoke were still winding their way upward from the smoldering embers of the first church the county had built and the new one beside it, almost complete, also lay in ruins. The bell which had hung high in the little steeple and had tolled the death of niany a passing lad, now lay low in the ruins. The material destruction of that day has loiig since passed into oblivion but the memory of it still lives and will doubtless live in the history of the county through many years to come. After the Confederate army had passed on, the town was left alone, — only a village of women and children who were al\\'ays apprehensive lest Bushwhackers should take advantage of the situation. In time, however, before the cool days of autumn, Col. Stevens and his regiment returned and again opened the "Post". 130 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY They were in Clarksville at the time of the surrender and had not yet gone when President Lincohi was assassinated. EFFECTS OF WAR IN THE COUNTY Apart from the skirmish mentioned before, there were no battles fought within the immediate borders of this county. Civil War, however, does not consist alone of battles and skirm- ishes. Robbers, bushwhackers and murderers took the oppor- tunity of the time for their prowl, and Johnson county was no exception to the rule. Often there would not be a male resident over thirteen years of age for miles around and Clarksville was many times a village of women and children, pillaged at will by unscrupulous persons. These nomadic emissaries of the devil look occasion to pay nocturnal visits to almost every home in the county. And thus, Johnson county passed, with the rest of the South, the darkest period in her history. COMPANY "H", 2 6TH ARKANSAS INFANTRY, C. S. A. AUGUST 13, 1862 Jno. W. May, Capt. T. A. Coad, 1st Lieut. R. P. Laster, 2nd Lieut A. N. Martin, 3rd Lieut. Allen, F. D. Alston, John Brown, J. R. Brown, Noah Brown, O. W. Brown, J. M. Brown, L. Brown, J. A. Boen, Pinkney Been, J. M. Boen, Jesse Barber, Wm. Baskin, W. M. Bean, Jas. Basham, James Blackburn, Jno. Collier, H. C. Congo, O. D. Clay, J. C. Cowan, G. E. Clark, C. P. Cosey, W. E. Casey, A. J. Coose, G. W. Cummins, Wm. Drew, Tom Davis, W. R. Davis, J. F. J. M. Laster, 1st Sergt. James Drew, 1st Cpl. J. Temple, 2nd Sergt. J. W. Willis, 2nd Cpl. W. H. Williams, 3rd Serg G. W. Partain, 3rd Cpl. John Reed, 4th Sergt. J. C. Martin, 4th Cpl. G. W. Hughes, 5th Sergt Hunt, John Pearson, Lewis HoUoway, M. Posey, Wm. Hughes, J. V. Poteet, A. J. Hardgraves, Thad. Potts, J. W. Houston, E. W. Posey, B. M. Hardcastle, L. "K. Pittman, I. Hibbs, N. J. Jones, D. S. Key, Jas. King, Alfred King, J. J. Kirby, T. L. King, John Lee, Edwin Langford, J. N. Manley, Robt. May, T. K. Murry, Wyatt Murry, J. C. Murry, Henry Mahone, J. H. Mooney, R. W. Needham, J. D. Needham, W. M. Needham, Thos. Dunlap. F. M. Dunn, G. G. Davis, J N. Dickerson, N. B. Dickerson, T. J. Dickerson, W. C. Damerson, H. W. Davis, Pinkney Dunlap, W. F. Daniel, Geo. Eubanks, J. A. Edwards, A. J. English, W. J. Farmer, J. C. Frazier, R. Fleming, R. B. Garrett, Colby Gray, G. R. Gray, T. H. Goodman, J. Gray, J. M. Garner, G. W. Garner, L. Hightower, Jno. Hardgraves, J. D. Hunt F. F. Higgs, W. B. Hardgraves, J. N. Pitts, L. W. Rogers, Wm. Rogers, R. A. Sheldon, J. W. Sinclair, R. W. Summors, Wesley Shields, J. M. Stewart, J. G. Suiter, W. H. Sullivant, H. R. Stout, R. H. Temple, J. C. Tucker, J. M. Wise, John Willis, J. M. Wallace, G. W. Wright, Jno. Whorton, J. V. Williams, Allen Penningham, B. D. Walts, W. J. Powell, R. B. Wallace, Robt. Price, W. C. Wright, J. M. Yearwood, J. M. WARFARE 131 COMPAXY "C", FIRST ARKANSAS MOrXTEI) RIFLES The original imister roll of Company "C", First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, has l)een lost or destroyed. The following list of men who served in this company of Confederates, going out from Johnson county, was furnished from memory by J. J. Taylor of Ludwig, J. B. Porter of Harmony, and Dr. Jasper N. Boyd of Austin, Texas, members of the Company: Olinver Basham, first Captain of the company. J. P. Mitchell, 1st Lieutenant. Thomas King', 2nd Lieutenant. J. O. Sadler, 3rd Lieutenant; promoted Captain Calvin Basham. elected Captain. John C. Hill, last Captain of the company. Adney, J. M. Adney, Martin Allen, Gus Anderson, Dick Arnold, W. L. Baskin, T. J. Baskin, W. R. Bartlett, J. P. Boyd, J. N. Bog-an, F. Bozier, J. Cravens, Jerry Cravens, Mi Chappel, Sam Clemmons, John Center, F. M. Dover, William Davis, Mike Durham, J. J. Edwai ds, Charles Edwards, Byrd Foster, Joe Fleming, William Farmer, Robert French, James Gray, R. W. Grounds, Robert Gwaitney, F. M. Gillian, Israel Gillian, Pink Gilbreath, Sam Gibson, James Grantham, Louis Grantham, oJhn Houser, Adam Houser, William Hamm, Polk Horn, John Hodg'e, Anderson Hug-hes, Ed Hickey, Obe Hixson, Horace Jackson, Andrew Johnson, J. M. Jainison, — — Jones, J. C. Johnson, Sol Johnson, Joe Jolly, Sidney Kirby. Wyatt Lee, Bud Laster, Abe Laster, Burl Laster, Hardin Lowe, Sam Long-, Sol Love, James Llndsey, Abe Morgan, Robert Morg-an, John Mathews, Ike Matthews. James May, Joe May, Moses May, Wilse Mann, Thomas Moore, Dock McKee, William Norvill, David Nard. Lafayette Newton, J. W. Newton, Whit Newton, Jasper Newton, K. K. Newton, George Nedry, Bud Ogilvie, W. S. Ottenhimer, Abe Ottenhimer, Phillip Otry, George Price, J. R. Park, C. B. Porter, J. B. Porter, C. C. Payne, Joe Pearson, J. W. Patterson, Will Patterson, Robert Perry, Charlie Rose, John M. Rose, A. N. Robinson, Andy Shropshire, H. C. Swift, F. M. Stone, J. M. Scaggs, Ben Mat Tom Robert Joe Riley Spears, Spears, Smith, Smith, Sindle, Tate, Wash Tyrus, Bud Terrentine, James Taylor, J. J. Thompson, William Thompson, Si Thompson, Mi Thompson, Bully Wilson, Will Wilson, H. G. Williams, Robert Williams, John Weeks, John Watts, W. J. Watts. A. J. Watts. John Wallace. Charles Zachery, A. N. 132 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY WORLD WAR When 'le United States declared war on Germany in 1917 and Dr. Howard Brewer called for volunteers to form a Johnson County conijiany, 415 men reported for enlistment. Of this num- ber 161 were accepted as physically fit. During the sun^met of 1917 these recruits camped on the courthouse lawn until they were mustered into the service as Company L, of the Third Ark ansas Regi'oent. They were sent to Fort Logan H. Roots on September 1, 1917. After thirty days of initiation work there, and the company had been recruited to 175 men, they were order- ed to Camp Beauregard, La. Before they detrained at this place orders were issued for Company L of the Third Arkansas Regi- ment to be merged into the 141 Machine Gun Battalion. They were then recruited up to 210 men. After ten months of strenuous training, these soldiers were ready for service with the American forces on foreign soil. An entrainment on July 30, 1918, landed in Newport New^s, where, following a lapse of five days, they embarked aboard a Russian immigrant ship, the Kirsk. After an uneventful trip of thirteen days this transport landed at Brest, France, from which place they were removed to Vingul, near Bourges, for further training. In October 1918, having subsequently been merged into the 141st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, they were sent to Langres, where orders were awaited for services on the front, when the Armistice was signed. CAPTAIN HOWARD BREWER In civil life, prior to the war. Dr. Brewer was a practitioner in Clarksville, and a member of the Medical Reserve Corps of the U. S. Army. He had previously been on duty in the General Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs. When the call came for the regular army to assemble on the Mexican border. Dr. Brewer, who was a First Lieutenant, reported at once for duty. He was sent to Fort Sam Houston with the 11th Cavalry and given service at the Base Hospital. He was with General Pershing, as a member of the 7th Cavalry, on his expedition into Mexico. For a time Lieut. Brewer was a surgeon of the Medical Corps of the 7th Cavalry. Later he was detailed to Motor Ambulance Com- panies, 7 and 3, at the Base Hospital in Deming, New Mexico. He returned from the Mexican border to organize a company for the World War. WARFARE 133 A LIST OF COMPANY "L". THIRD ARKANSAS INFANTRY AS PUBLISHED IN THK CLARKSi\^ILLE DEMOCRAT Those names accompanied by an asterisk were the forty- five men selected from this company to fill in the draft of May, 1918. From this number most of the Johnson County Casual- ties occurred. Many of them did not come back from France. Capt. Howard Brewer 1st Lieut. Frank C. May 2nd Lieut. James Hendricks, Jr. ♦Adams, Lum Anthony, Charley, Sg-t. Arrington. OrviUe, Sgt. Atwell, Walter N. ♦Barrett, John T. Baskin, Willie, F Bask in, Dewey- B. Baskin, Herbert Beck. Vernon *Beck, O. Bean, Lattie Blackard, Fred G. *Brown, George L. ♦Brown, Sam T. ♦Brown, Paul R. Breach, Zeke ♦Brigham. Alex Brown,' Elmuta Brown. John R. *Burk, Wm. ♦Bunch, Lee H. Beckett, Logan Burns, Clyde Burns, Sam A., Sgt. Burns, Floyd C. ♦Carter, John ♦Casey, Thomas L. ♦Childers, John Chapman Alvy Chapman, FloycT Chrisman, Ira L. Choate, Harold ♦Chambliss Robt. ♦Chandler, Jeff Clary, James M. Coffman, James P. Chrowder, Hovert Curtis, Joe W. Davis, William G., Sgt. Davis, Jesse L. Dempsey, Buel, Sgt. ♦Dial, Ides Dougan, Dean T. Duty, Alvin E. Dyer, Frank, Sgt. Easly, Ervan E. Ferrell, Chas. B. Fiser, James F. Fiser, Geo. Flint, Elsworth Gardner, Homer A. ♦Gardner. Selver Geren, Wm. ♦Gillian, John Green, Wm. Gray, John T. Gray, Jake Harris, Frank Harris, Chas. Hardgraves, Ellis Havener, Dewey Harris, Dan J., Sgt. ♦Herriman, Clifton ♦Henderson, George Herring, Mike Head, Ben F., Sgt. Hixon, Tom Higgs, Roland Hook, Oscar ♦Hook, Walter Holley, Albert ♦Haver, Claude H. Hodges, James H. Hughes, Roscoe Jenkins. Allen W. Jones, Johnnie J. Jones, Elmer King, Doc B. Laser, Albert ♦Laster, Levi Laster, Cecil A. Looper, Roy, Sgt. ♦Manning, Henry Martin, Seldon Marion, Hugh Martin, Arris McKennon, Rogers, Sgt. McCracken, Herbert Moyer, Lester Morris, Sigsby ♦Morrison, Clarence Morrison, Tom ♦Murry, Roy ♦Neihouse, Geo. Newton, John Overbey, Ben I'ark, Chas. Phillips, Henry ♦Phillips, Lonrso Porter, James ♦Pratt, Paul ♦Pritchard, Ocie Pendleton, Lewis ♦Ragland, Harrison Rhynes, Wm. ♦Rhynes Stanley Roberts, Charlie Rhea, John Roberts, Henry Robinson, Wm. ♦Rogers, Clarence Rogers, Murrell ♦Scoubby, John ♦Sears, James Shoemaker, Lee ♦Sharp, James ♦Sizemore, Fred Simpson, John Smith, Harold ♦Smith, Dalton S'oard, Elgin Spanhewer, Leonard Stuart, Guy Tatum, Virgil ♦Uneski, Stanley Warren, Sherman Walker, Oliver Warren, John Walker, Allie Waldo, Herchel Waldo. Delmer Wells, Wm., Sgt. ♦Wilkins, Len Willis, Dewey Williams, Orville Williams, Isaac Widmer, Dexter Dalden, Ab (Attached) Andrews, Wm. Bridges, John Bowers, Elizu Case, Jack Dixon, Sam Howard, Erwin Handley, Neal G. Herid, James Morris, Burt Parolette, Oreste Sharp, Vase ♦Teagle, Arch M. Winn, A. D. Curtis, Oscar Livingston, Gurley (Recruits) Hamzy, Abraham TNIartin, Odes Jinkins, Willie 134 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY A number of the original petit officers were transferred to training schools, and became commissioned officers. Among them were: James W. Hendricks who became a First Lieutenant in the 154th Infantry; S. A. Burns, a Second Lieutenant; Frank A. Dyer, First Lieutenant; Rogers H. McKennon, a Second Lieu- tenant in the Regular Army; Albert Laser, Sergeant Major. There were others, but all have not been learned at this time. The Board of Examiners for Johnson County consisted of the following: Sheriff D. B. Bartlett, John V. Hughes, Jr., Sec, and Dr. G. L. Hardgrave. The members of the Medical Advisory Board were. Dr. W. R. Hunt, Dr. J. S. Kolb, Dr. M. I. Burgess, Dr. R. N. Manley and Dr. P. D. McKennon, Dentist. The following is a list of some men whose homes were in Johnson County, but who enlisted away from home, and others, who, from circumstances, figured conspicuously: Lieut. Joe W. Coffman, Jr., Aviator in France and Italy for several months. Eugene Garrett served in the Regular Army on the Mexican Border and was Commissioned Lieutenant in the World War. Clarence McLane, Livingston Hardwick and Dwight Marlar were on the Mexican border in 1916, and served overseas. George Black was in France a long time. John W. Sallis Jr. enlisted in the 154th Inf. Band and later transfered to the 315th F. A. Band, 8()th Division, and was in France. T. P. Giacomini was band leader in 154th Infantry. He sei'\'ed in France. Sergt. Roy Looper was accidently killed at Camp Bauregard. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Clarksville. Herbert Jett was at Jefferson Barracks, in the regular army. Lieut. Thomas was in a dentist Corps. Lieut. B. E. Farmer, was in a dentist Corps. Lieut. R. N. Manlej' was in a medical division. Lieut. Brown Moore raised a company that was merged into another. Everett Williams was shell shocked and was ill many months. James McCalister was sent across early and made a sharp shooter. He was badly gassed. Abe Frost died of Pneumonia in France. WARFARE 135 James A. Dowdy, Jr., A. M., Vanderbilt University, died of influenza in a Marine camp. Cooper Harold Langford left Harvard, and went across with 14th R. R. Engineers. They were in the fighting zone by Sept. 1917. Returned home April 1919. Corwin McLane was on the Mount Vernon that went down» and was in a hospital many months. Terrence D. Molloy enlisted May 1917, in Spokane, Wash. He was in Officers Training School, Camp Pike, Nov. 11, 1918. Harry Dunlap was killed by accident in Camp, and was given a military burial in Clarksville. Wm. R. Hunt, Jr., was in a Dentist Division in Georgia. Raymond May was in the Navy. Taylor Johnson spent many months in a German prison. Others in the army were, Chas. Basham, Wallace Kraus, Clarence Haigwood, Jack Harlan, Ralph Wilkinson, Ed Copeland, George Weatherton, Fletcher Thompson, William Stokes, Wil- liam Poynor ,Willard Hardin and Jeff McWilliams. W. A. Cazort, Jr., and John P. Molloy, were students for six months in the Harvard Radio School. Cazort served on the Destroyer Doucetc and the Battleship Pennsylvania; John Molloy ^^as an operator on the North Dakota. Ralph Misenhimer was in the Navy. Jessie Allinder was in the Navy. Many boys eighteen years of age were examined in 1919, for the draft. A large number were placed in schools. An effort has been made to mention every boy who went from this county. Any name left out was for lack of information. LIST OF MEN WHO WERE INDUCTED OR VOLUNTEERED FROM JOHNSON COUNTY DURING THE WORLD WAR, AS REGISTERED IN THE ADJUTANT GENERALS OFFICE AT LITTLE ROCK Brasher, Chas. Jaggers, Chas. J. Cromer, Moody E. King, Vester Brazzelton, Chas. I. Roe, C. C. Hardesty, Lawrence Sisco, Pleas D. Og-llvie, Carl Davis, Lewis Garner, Oliver E. Hardie, Wm. C. Snow, Vester (Navy) Bethune, D. E. Husher, Arthur Brock, Phil Sanders, Jas. E. Russell, Guy Timmons. Frank Mounce, David A. Warren, James M. Kesner, Earnest Baker, Joe Huston, Jefferson Gibson, James Whitson, Thurlo Harmon, James H. Whittle, Jessie Walker, Ben Haynes, John M. Johnson, Chas. C. Honaker, John Gibson, McO.*riey Williams, Dennis J. Gable, Auza Collier, Jessie Allen, Ruby Edwards, W. M. Terry, Gus Acord, Luther Williams, Jas. T. Pierson, Leonard H. 136 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Jones, Wm. L. Martin, Orla C. Farmer, Henry P. Davis, Tlios. J. Pliillips. James Hamilton, Tlios. J. Kolb, Howard D. Sams, Lutiier Collins, Wm. M. Price, Merida W. Hawkins, Isaac Miller, Silvester Yarbrough, Hobert Morgan. Flaude Wright, Orling Stark, Buddie Mooney, John West, Virgil S. Lewis, Wm. N. Stewart, Ben Oberste, Mathias J. Felkins, Henry J. Blackburn, Ivan McMillen, Ira Chase, Harold C. Chronister, Jas. C. Thompson, Elmore Vire, Lewis Moore, Felix Earnest, Jas. P. Ketcherside, Wni. D. Doepel, Geo. C. Richard, Phillips Haskins, Squire Bean, Audie R. Pyron, Lonnie Park, Elmer G. Harris, Enoch Hardin, Chas. M. Wallace, Floyd H. Morris, Robert Shaip, Lawrence E. Voss, Scott E. Faucett, John P. Underwood, Luther Garrett, Eugene Watson, Hugh W. McGuire, John P. Woodward, Jas. E. Burton, Lou Allen Turner, Sam Wright, Ulysees (col. Barber, Chas. Crisu, Sam McMahon, Jas. W. Garrett, Stanford B. Parker, Albert M. Miller, Cornelius (col.) Wright, Oscar Moore, Lee A. Laneer, Geo. P. Rowbotham, Oscar R. Strickland, Ernest E. Treager, Davis C. Gibson, Jasper Dickerson, Henry Johnson, Clyde Nowatney, Thos. Carlton, Howard Estepp, McKinley King, Edgar Logan, W. H. Wolf, Marion Swin, Wm. Townsend, Earl Shamblin, Earnest Curtis, Roy Adkins, Luther Allen, Custer Garrett, Gus W. Mathes, Jas. W. Sparks, Walter S. Logan, Bettis B. Perry, Geo. (col.) Reitdorf, Arthur R. Werner, Frank Johnson, Roy Harvey, Chas. H. Snow, Robert J. Davis, Alix M., Terry, Cap Brown, Moore J. Blount, Elmer J. Lewis, Jessie Hudson, Homer J. Martin, Arthur Newton, Arthur (col.) Hill, Clem J. McCalister, Jas. King, Earl C. Newton, Hill Rhul, Henry C. King, Raymond C. Baskin, Robert T. Whit, Lafette Marvel, Chas. Eddington, Arch Ferrell, Dudley R. May, Othella (col.) Harper, Wm. I. Becker, John E. Perdue, Roger Walker, 41bert E. Gilmore. Mike Owens, Elmer Willams, Alfred L. Chrisman, Ney (Navy) Eyster, Robert M. Pierson, Jno. W. Belt, Geo. W. Farris, Eugene Thomas, Wm. L. Phillips, John A. David, James T. Neihouse, Frank N. White, Lewis S. Justice, Pate (col.) Williams, Tollie N. Colvett, Homer E. Finnell, Luther Curtis, Elmer Shoopman, Hobart Stephens, Luther Covington, Homer Curtis, Marion Willis, Felix M. Petray, Leroy N. Sparks, Grant B. Stumbaugh, Jno. B. Clary, Wm. T. Townsell, Jas. H. Cagle, Everet D. Price, Wm. B. Johnson, Taylor Ogilvie, Jas. L. Tinsley, Mike M. Haynes, Pinkney J. Doerr, Fred Gillian, Gus Metcalf, John Gibson, Albert Reynolds, Thos. W. Smith, Daniel B. Brown, Frank T. Chism, Noah B. Blamey, Thos. Goodwin, Jas. M. (Navy) Strickland, Wm. E. Keeth, Robert Mitchell, Robert L. Tipton, Marshall H. Harger, Whitney E. Heard, Beverly Friend, Wm. R. Scott, John W. Carr, Chas. R. Heard, Geo. E. Oberste, Leo Fredrick, Jasper M. Basham, Albert Clark, Anderson Henderson, Elbert L. Skidgell, Elmer Mason, John P. Richardson, Joe R. Philpot, Henry P. Carter, Wm. H. Kraus, Arville H. McMin, Jessie N. Sexton, Andy B. Willie, Lewis Sparks, Floyd Allen, A. K. WARFARE 137 Hon, James D. Robison, Ballard Oberste, Lewis J. Riedel, Martin Baskin, William L. Bryan, Arch R. Davis, Prank E. Patterson, Lee R. Nelson, A. Dobbs. John Jos. Thompson, Henry Rinke, Wm. J. Dowdy, Andrew J. Kelley, Arg-us L. C. Young-, Rov Payne, Everett Garrett, Harley H. Gibson, Lige Chambers, John W. Lund, Martin H. Campbell. Harry W. Day, Seldon Davenport, Colbert H. Geisler, Elbert Brown, Edwin L. Rog-ers, Wm. H. Martin, C. E. Jefferson, Ed Stokes, Geo. L. Spence, John L. Owens, Homer E. Byrd, Bright Burk, Geo. E. West, Arch Tipton, Chas. H. Cotton, Willie (col.) Hudson, Alve B. Darney Tom W. Rannals, Arch Blackwood, Terrance C. Fricke, Fredrick H. Alter, Aden A. Whitecotton, Marshall West, Chas. W. (col.) Robertson, Felix P. Watkins, Newman H. Trotter, Chester Whorton, True B. Patton, Dennis E. Pointer, John H. Chase, Arthur B. Nation, James Bagsby, John (col.) Whooten, Everett H. McAnally, John W. Yandall, Wm. N. Meadows, Silva A. May, Winfred (col.) Scott, Joseph Wilson, Clarence J. Krause, Oscar C. Treager, Joe C. Daniels, Daniel W. Bell. Harlan E. Poteet, Grover Warren, Geo. W. Croom, Herbert Adair, Wm. H. McSwain, Carper J. Watkins, James Cooper, Floyd E. Swain, Frank Marvil, Jesse Oneal, Pilot Elliott, Obediah H. Strope, Lawrence Kaufield, Wm. F. Sisk, Marion Brown, Ethel Byrd, Jeff D. Kindell, Dane A. Clansman, Jos. E. Daniels, Wm. C. Dunlap, Ira H. Watley, Ben F. (col.) Burns, Jeff R. Hill, Edgar A. Perry, Harry (col.) Collier, Virgle T. Justice, Roy (col.) Simmons, John T. Woodward, John W. Butler, Harrison H. Cole, Andrew I. Dixon, Geo. Blackburn, Dillon A. Morphis, Robert A. Terry, Allen Stevens, Jewell M. Croom, Jesse Rinke, Jos. A. Lancaster, Marl Sullivan, Hardy G. Bynum, Sidney Sprenger, Alloys Fleming, Thomas M. Ferrell, Geo. G. Hutchins, Edgar Fowler, Dennison, H. L. Walker, Elmer Hill, Wm. C. Ingram, Hugh Harger, James M. Byrd, Chas. N. England. Wm. B. Warnick, Wm. H. Jones, Winfred E. Bell, Hoyt H. Moore, Oliver P. Ferrell, Ruben H. Corley, Ulysees H. Smith, Earl S. Oberste, Emil Newton, Virgil A. Knich, Walter Ross, Alex Powell. Steifer 3. Roberson, A. F. Hale, Will Cox, Charlie Lewis, Newton Hardcastle, Geo. D. Ruhl, Herman Prison. James Travern, Joe Laser. Alvin Hignite, Ira Ross, Chas. Ritchie, Zed Hickman, EwelT Sexton, Andrew Foulke, Alvin Osgood, Vernie B. Brown, James A. Rowland, Ezkial W. McLane, Seth Hairston, Thos. I. Hackett, Arch Cochran, Rufus H. Caldwell, Glynn D. Brown, Favin E. Gaugh, Joe J. Hyden ,Wm. T. Newton, Albert Eddington, Fred Neviltt, Earnest L. Elkins, Luster Acord, Herbert Walton, Guy Kyle, Lee Cagie, James McCracken, Herman Faust, John H. Hill, Linnie Blackburn, Girvis Evans, Hobart Dobbs, Jerry Hardgraves, Ben Skidgel, Herman Golden, Sherman Garrett, Taylor C. 138 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY COUNTY OFFICERS JUDGE — 1833, George Jamison; 1835, J. P. Keesie; 1836, J. L. Cravens; 1838, J. B. Brown; 1846. Samuel Adams; 1848, M. Rose; 1850, J. B. Brown; 1852, C. B. Perry; 1854, H. A. Powers; 1856, C. B. Perry; 1858, A. D. King; 1860, W. T. Hyten; 1866, A. M. Ward; 1868,Elisha Mears; 1872-74, ; 1874, J. G. Connelley; 1878 W. G. Tavlor; 1880, J. B. Porter; 1882, J. B. Connelley; 1884, J. B. Porter; 1888, J. B. Porter; 1890, J. H. Basham; 1898, P. R. Jett; 1904, J. J. Montgomery; 1910, P. R. Jett; 1914, J. J. Montgomery; 1016, C. H. Baskin; 1920, J. J. Montgomery. COUNTY CLERK — 1833, Thomas Janette; 1835. Wm. Fritz; 1836. A. M. "Ward; 1854. J. G. Connelley; 1856, A. W. Ward; 1860, J. G. Connelley; 1866, J. B. Mc- Connell; 1868, R. F. Naylor; 1872. Ed Green; 1874. J. M. Thompson; 1882, Q. B. Povnor; 1890. Henrv L. Bunch; 1894, M. A. Moore; 1900, W. H. McPherson; 1906, G. N. Nation; 1910, Ben Phillips; 1914, D. B. Bartlett; 1920, Fred Russell. CIRCUIT CLERK — 1888. D. N. Clark; 1906. Arch Jacobs; 1910, D. N. Clark; 1912. Herbert Bost; 1916, R. C. Temple; 1920. Oliver Moore. SHERIFF — 1833, S. F. Mason; 1834, A. Sinclair. W. J. Parks; 1838. A. Sin- clair; 1842. W. M. H. Newton; 1846, J. M. Hamilton; 1850. C. B. Mann; 1856, ^V. D. Griffith; 1858. J. F. Hill; 1864. W. L. Cravens; 1866. E. N. Griffith; 1868, P. Hixon; 1872. R. S. Crampton; 1874. J. M. Armstrong; 1878. E. T. McConnell; 1884. W. S. Jett; 1888. J. H. Powers; 1902, J. B. King; 1906, W. H. McPherson; 1914, Ben Phillips; 1916, Edward Jacobs; 1118, D. B. Bartlett; TREASURER— 1836. M. Rose; 1838. A. Lewis; 1840. Wm. Adams; 1842, R. A. Latimer; 1844, A. Smith; 1846. L. Armstrong; 1848. W. S. Swigart; 1850, M. A. Hill; 1852, William Fritz; 1856, J. Conwav; 1858, W. M. Fritz; 1860, T. Baskins; 1866. Wm. Hamlin; 1868. J. R. Laffrety; 1872, H. Jacobs; 1874, H. J. Clark; 1876, R. Houston; 1880, J. B. Wilson; 1884. (Failed to qualify); 1886. W. G. Taylor, 1892. B. F. Griffin; 1896. Volney Howell; J, L. Farmer; 1910, Harlow Garrett; 1914, Tom C. Jarnagin. CORONER — 1833. J. P. Kessie; 1835. R. S. McMiken; 1836, A. L. Black; 1838, A. Brown; 1840. B. G. Clark; 1842. D. Hargrove; 1844. Charles Denning; 1846. Joseph Stewart; 1848. J. Arbrough; 1852. Lewis Mathews; 1854. James Carlisle; 1856; L. Mathews; 1858. James Ballard; 1860. P. Sanders; 1862, A. Southerland; 1864, W. Ried; 1866. J. C. Jones; 1868. J. Cheek; 1872 ; 1874. Sam Flemming; 1876, J. B. Lee; 1882, F. R. McKennon; 1884 (Failed to qualify); 1886. J. T. Sykes; 1906, W. A. Cook; 1908, J. T. Sykes; 1918, V/m. Hardwick; SURVEYOR — 1836. Augustus Ward; 1836. W. A. Anderson; 1838, J. W. Rvan; 1840, John Ward, Sr. ; 1842, D. G. Harris; 1844, Alfred Allen; 1846, W. G. Dropper; 1843. V. Wallace; 1850, B. M. Davis; 1858, W. P. Clark; 1862, V. Wallace; 1866, B. M. Davis, 1868, A. R. Young; 1874. S H. Thompson; 1878, G. R. Daniel; 1880. Ezra Adkins; 1884. J. C. Bunch; 1886. J. M. Kelley; 1888. J. H. Haynie; 1890. Wm. C. Boyles; 1891. A. J. Snelson; 1898, J. M. Haynie; 1902. Ezra Adkins; 1908, R. G. Wilson; 1810, Ezra Adkins. ASSESSOR — 1864. J. F. Hill; 1866. ; 1868. C. M. Griffith; 1872, L. Robinson; 1874. J. R. Price; 1878. J. M. King; 1882, J. H. Huddleston; 1884. I. T. Patterson; 1886. Reuben Mathews; 1W8. J. W. Russell; 189u. J. M. Kelley; 1892, J. N. Engram; 1894. T. U. Russell; 1904. Wilev Harris; 1908, G. L. Smith; 1910, T. U. Russell; 1914. W. A . Meek; 1918. James R. Floyd; 7920. Roy Ragsdal. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT — 1916. J. W. Sallis; 1921. R. C. Temple. JCJHNSON COUNTY MEN IN THE ARKANSAS SENATE— Samuel Adams, Moreau Rose. W. A. McLain. W. W. Floyd, A. M. Ward, J. E. Cravens. J. N. Sarber. J. T. Hill. G. T. Cazort. A. W. Covington. Lee Cazort. JOHNSON COUNTY MEN IN HOUSE — Wesley Garrett. E. B. Abston, S. Adams. A. E. Pace, M. Rose, Wm. Gray, Wm. McLain, J. B. Wilson. W. W. Floyd, John B. Brown. W. M. H. Newton. Samuel Farmer. Samuel Turner. John H. Strong, Olinver Basham, V. Wallace, H. G. Butts. J. G. Walton. H. G. Wilson. J. E. Cravens, Littleberry Robinson, L. B. Howell. W. H. Connelley. J. Rogers, A. P. Malson. John W. May. J. S. Green. D. R. Lee. W. N. Neay. J. L. Garner. T. A. Hanks. W. G. Harris. P. H. Spears. B. W. Herring. C. B. Toby. J. F- Hill. B. T. Embry. A. S. McKennon. M. Hixon, Lewis Fulton. F. R. McKennon, Isaac McCracken, T. P. King. J. W. Coffman. W. T. Hunt. John J. Quick. B. F. Wofford. W. H. Robbins. A. M. Ward. T. W. Kendall. H. H. Ragon. Lee Cazort, E. T. McConnell. Will Ketcheside. V.OUNTY FARM DEMONSTRATORS — (Established 191UK Pointer wauon, Phil Egan. D. L. Weldon. M. Sullivant. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTK^NS— Convention of 1836. Lorenza N. Clark; of 1861. P. I. Batson and W. W. Floyd; 1868. J. N. Sarber; 1874. Seth J. Howell and G. O. Patterson. This Constitution was rejected by the people. FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT— Comprises Johnson. Franklin, Pope, Logan, Pulaski, Perry and Yell. FIFTH CIRCUIT JUDICIAL COURT— Johnson, Pope. Conway and Yell. InM emoriam BenniT, Josejih H., Corporal, Co. B. Eng-ineers. Bunch, Lee H., Co. A., 184 Machine Gun Battalion. Kdward.s, B. L. Co. M., S'J!) Infantry. Brown, Geo. L., Co. A., 148 Machine Gun Company. Pro.st, Abe O., Replacement Troop. Gilmore, O. C, Medical Detachment, 479 Aero Squadron. Ireland, Benj. M., Replacement Troops. Ca.sey, Dren B., Battery C, 5th French Motor Battalion. Jack.son, Elec, Co. G.. 18th Infantry. Metcalf. Erwin H., Replacement Troops. Nunley, Melvin J., Battery P., 13th Field Artillery. Sears, James C, Co. D., 11th Machine Gun Battalion. Stanfield, Marvin T., Co. C, 39th Infantry. Tipton, Chas. H., Co. D., 149th Infantry. Veneski, Stanley. Co. A. 9th Machine Gun Battalion. Shuh, John P., Field Remount Squadron Xo. 345, Q. M. C. Grover S. Wilson, 10th Co., C. A. C. Looper, Roy, Sergeant, Co. A., 141st Machine Gun Battalion. Dial. Ides, Co. K., 30th Infantry. Conway, Allen J., Replacement Troo])s Clark, Charlie M.. IGth Co., 162, D. B. Cunningham. John C. S., Battery C. 3Gth F. A. Dowdy. James A., Jr., Co. F., 11th Inf. Reg-. U. S. Marines. Dunla]). Harry, Co. C., unassigned. Rowbotham, Harold W., Co. L., 38th Infantry. LAND GRANTS 139 Samuel Adams of Johnson was acting Governor of Arkansas from Augnsi 29th to Xovember 9, 1844. Samuel Adams. William Adams and Olinver Basham each were elected aoA served as Treasurer of the State of Arkansas. J. E. Cravens served three terms in the Congress of the United States from the third (now Fourth) district of Arkansas. J. E. Cravens, W. W. Floyd and Hugh Basham have each served as JudgE of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Arkansas. A. S. McKennon and H. H. Ragon have, two terms each, represented tbe Fifth Judicial Circuit as Prosecuting Attorneys. W. E. Atkinson is at the present date, the Chancery Judge of the Fiftfc Judicial District. He is a former Attorney General of Arkansas. A PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS WHO TOOK OUT LAND GRANTS PRIOR TO 1850 James Harvey Jones Thomas May Richard W. Adams Hugh E. Porter W. W. E. Moreland Samuel Adams David Porter Andrew L. Black Wm. Porter Alexandra Black Isaac Hughes W. W. Adams Cabel Zachery Colby Bennis James Rogers John R. Willis James P. King Filmore Williams Cabel B. Zachary Bartlett Zachary Archibald D. Hogins O. B. Hogins Isaac Wood H. H. Herring Pearson Jackson L. M. Wood -John B. Brown John Simpson Nathaniel Simpson Newton W. Brown A. T. Smitli W. J. Parks Shelton Wooster Clayton R. Clark Williamson Spears Jeremiah Moreland William Houston Samuel Turner Willis Collier Chas. Haynie John Marshall Thomas Madden David Slinkard L. M. Wood Wm. King Lewis Johnson W. M. Williams E. E. McConnell G. L. Patrick Thomas King E. G. Gilbreath W. M. H. Newton A. B. Joyner Joseph Adkins Samuel Towell Jesse May W. S. Swigart Sterling May J. E. Harris I'riah Russell Wm. Mears Rufus C. Sadler John C. Ward Uriah Thomp.son N. Cravens Wm. H. Polk John Howell John R. H. Scott Jacob Rogers James Ware, Jr. Finas Williams Joseph James James Patterson Andrew Houston James T. White A. M. Ward Moreau Rose Josiah Cravens Wm. Collier Joe Christman Andrew M. Fulton Thomas Powers J. W. Patrick Maj. Thompson John M. Wilson E. B. Alston Preston Jamison Littleberry Robinson James Keesie Philip Jones Wesley Garrett James K. Polk R. M. Lee Cader Lee Britton Lee Absalom Pryor William R. Hill L. W. Clark Abraham Laster Henry B. Hays Nathan Nesbitt John Arbrough Thomas Whittaker Thomas Laster Peter Allen Joseph King Twitty Pace James Hardgraves John Johnson ^I. A. Kendal John Swaggerty John Armstrong T. I. Young James Logan W. A. Anderson Wm. Williams Jesse Brashear Wm. Mears lOdward Simpson Hiram A. Lindsey Jacob Robinson James Harvey Jones Richard W. Adams Casander Robinson B. H. Zachery S. D. Young- Jordan Thomijson Robert E. Johnson Nancy Seager Parsons Jackson Thadieus Moreland David Porter Part III. BIOGRAPHIES— IN PART E. B. Alston bridged Spadra Creek because his fourteen fauiidred acres of flat lands lay on the west of the stream. In 1845, however he built a new home on the west side. His store, gin, et cetera, were also on the west and from that year old Spadra began to merge into the new. Mr. Alston, was doubtless the leading merchant of the county. He did a thriving business — had many slaves and was influential in all affairs concerning the welfare of the county. When the convention of 1836 met lo form the first Constitution of the State of Arkansas, Bettis Alston was a member. After Mr. and Mrs. Alston had lived for thirty-five years at Spadra, they went to Galveston, Texas, for a visit and while there became victims of yellow fever, from which Mr. Alston died. His body was shipped back to Spadra and lay in his warehouse on the river's bank until Mrs. Alston recovered and returned three months later. Mr. Alston died in 1867.. Mrs. Alston died in 1877. Today in a field plowed and fcultiva ted, where hundreds of dead are buried, are two lone marble slabs, marked E. B. Alston and Hanna Alston. They lie under- neath a single tree, left from the beautiful forest which was until ten years ago uncut. The Jouets were also a prominent family of Spadra. Ex- Governor Drew lived there for a time after he retired from office. /ohn Rogers, the father of R. A. Rogers of Clarksville, Scott Rogers of Logan County and the late Wm. Rogers who continued for years to reside at Sjjadra, and the grandfather of Maj. Thomas Rogers of the World War, and who was the step-father of James Collier of Hartman and W. F. Collier of Clarksville, made his rtsidence at that river town in the fifties. There was also James M. Lewis, who had much land near- by, and who was the progenitor of Tom. J. and Henry Lewis, Mrs. Mattie Logan and Mrs. Kcssie Griffin. Geo. Koose had a horse- power gin and grist mill. Nick Koose a blacksmith shop, and A. Sinclare, who was a wood workman, had a shop. Dr. William C. Montgomery, a leading physician, and Mrs. Montgomery, w^ho BIOGRAPHIES 141 was a Miss Maddox, resided for thirty years or more at Spadra, having immigrated there from Tennessee in 1854. Dr. and Mrs- Montgomery were the parents of two ehildren. Judge J. J. Mont- gomery, who has served as county judge several terms, and Mrs. Fred White, both of Clarksville. A. P. Clark resided at Spadra and reared his family there. He was the father of two of the county's most successful coal operators, N. R. and Tom Clark, Capt. A. D. King was a member of the King family of Spadra. The Careys were prominent in the business and social circles of the seventies and eighties. In 1873, Myers and son, and a man whose name was Vetter, came from Baltimore and brought with them some forty or fifty families. They operated the old Spadra Creek Mines east of the creek. Abe Stiewell, with his brother, Harry, as a Junior partner, sank a slope one mile west of the old mines. This place w^as for some years one of the big mines of the Southwest. Albert Shields managed a commissary for the Stiewell mines. Another concern of the seventies and eighties was the Kemp mines of which Albert Kemp was the original operator. These mines were nearer the river than the Stiewell i)roperty and they hoisted the coal by horse-power. On a hill by the side of the place where Cabin Creek empties into the river was the ephemeral little village of Pittsburg. Two mechanics who came from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, were the first campers on the spot — hence the appellation. But after they were gone leaving no mark save the name, some immigrants landed there whos:^ presence and strength began to be felt al once in the manipulation of the county's affairs. Nor has their in- fluence died, for their children and grand children are still \i\ay- ing parts worthwhile. Dr. E. E. McConnell and Seth J. HoweD were partners in a prosperous mercantile business there. They w^ere also interested in the Hunter, Hanger and Howell Stage Line, from Little Rock, Arkansas to Springfield, Missouri. Mr. Howell came from the state of Kentucky. He said that he drove the first Troy coach through Johnson county in 1837. Mr. Howell was a member of the assembly in 1836, who wrote the first Constitution of the State of Arkansas. Hon. Littleberry Robinson, another citizen of Pittsburg, was the father of Dr. C- 142 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COL^TY E. Robinson of Little Rock, a former president of the First Na- tional Bank of Clarksville and for many years one of the lead- ing physicians of Johnson county. He was also the father of the late Mrs. Sallie Reed, who was a waiter of some repute. She was the mother of one of Arkansas' national representatives, Con- gressman C. C. Reed. Dr. Edward E. McConncll, a prominent citi- zen of Pittsburg, was a practicing physician during those years, ■ft'hen to practice medicine over the hills and dells of this undulat- ed country was little less than the life of a missionary. He also sold airugs and sundries at his drug store. He and his wife, Susan, ft'ere at the same time rearing a family of boys and girls who were later to figure largely in affairs. They were the parents of Maj. Hall McConnell, one of Johnson County's soldier boys who did Bot come back when the Civil war was ended. His grave lies fan the top of the hill in Oakland cemetery. Capt. ^Yill H. Mc- Connell figured conspicuously for long years in county affairs 3.nd lived to be an octogenarian. He said that he once killed a deer in the forest on the lot on Main street, where the Missouri Pacific Station now stands. Mrs. McConncll was Fannie Hyland. John, Rev. \Y. H. (Little Bill), Mrs. Yan Herring, Mrs. Decater Herring, Mrs. Lou Zeats and Hyland are their children. 'Another son of the Doctor's was John McConncll, who was yet a young man when he met an untimely death in a railroad accident. He left Mrs. McConnell who was Annie Houston, and a daughter, A&ho is Mrs. Johnnie Simpson of Yan Burcn. Hon. E. T. McConnell is the only living member of this pioneer family. \Yhen merely a lad he joined the army and frent into active service of the Civil \Yar. On returning home lie followed his father in the drug business, but did not confine feimself to that alone. For twenty-five years he was almost con- tinuously in the newspaper business. He is a former sheriff of Uie county, and was superintendent of the State Penitentiary for several years. In 1918-19, he was a member of the Arkansas Legislature. He installed the first electric light plant in the county, and put up a tank and made. connections with his resi- dence and a few others, for the first, though limited, water and «e\ver system in Clarksville. He together with the late J. T. Arrington installed the first electric manipulated cotton gin in the 370unty. He built the first opera house, which was located in the BIOGRAPHIES 143 up stairs in the McConncll block. For fifty years he has owned the building in which has been the IcacHng hostelry of Clarksville, and which has always been located in this block. At present the Arlington Hotel is representative of this regime. Mrs. Mc- Connell was Alice Porter. Their children are Susie (Mrs. G. O. Patterson), Maude Mrs. F. S. Poynor), Iniogene (Mrs. Wm. Ragon) and Hall McConnell. The old Moreland home of the Pittsburg neighborhood is still standing, overlooking the river. Robert Moreland, who married Adelia Madden and after her death, Tennessee Hogan, both of Johnson county, was one of the arrivals of 1834. Ex-Governor Samuel Adams located up Cabin Creek three miles. He came from Halifax, Virginia, in 1835, and built a home, not of logs, but of lumber, and which is also standing today. Mr. Adams possessed a considerable amount of money and slaves. He homesteaded land and also bought up much more. He was the president of a Van Buren bank, which went defunct during the forties. Mr. Adams was elected from Johnson county to the Senate of Arkansas, where he was made president of that body. When Governor Yell announced for the United States Senate, Mr. Adams became the governor, and served the remaining several months of that term, but in the fall was elected State Treasurer, for which he was a candidate when he became the chief executive of Arkansas. A step-son in the home of Samuel Adams was James Fagan, who also during the Civil War received the distinguished brevet of Major Gen. James F. Fagan. John D. Adams, a son of Samuel, was a Civil War Major, and perhaps one of the best loved men in Ar- kansas. He once owned the Shoal Creek Plantation of tw^enty five hundred acres, which is now in Logan county. He was partner with a Mr. Dean in a line of steam boats, that ran the Arkansas and Mississippi rivers. One of these he gave the name of Kate Adams, complimentry to Mrs. Adams. The older McConnell boys, Johnathan King, James Fagan and John D. Adams were school mates at the little school house at Pleasant Grove. Johnathan King lived to be quite old. He was the son of Wm. and Nancy King, who came from Tennessee in 1836. 144 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY When Samuel Adams made his home three miles inland near a little stream, which is today historic, it seemed to possess no cognomen, or when he built many cabins for his negroes on its banks, it became the "Stream of Cabins," hence the appellation "Cabin Creek." Major General Thomas J. Churchill, later Governor of Ar- kansas, is said to have lived for a time, when a boy, in this neigh- borhood. Morrison's Bluff was another river town, for all the towns at that time were river towns. The names of Lorenza N. Clark, J. H. Strong, George Cunningham, C. Quinn, J. S. Hous- ton and others were familiar in this section. Back in territory days Lorenza N. Clarke and his wife, Arabella Bertrand Clarke^ immigrated to Johnson county. Mr. Clarke w^as a wealthy gentle- man from Baltimore, Maryland. He built a handsome brick resi- dence and lived with his slaves in the accredited style of the old aristocracy. His store was commodious too, and on the spot where old Morrison's Bluff was located almost a mile up stream from the present town, the old ruins of some of those buildings, now nothing more than foundations, have stood through the years. In those days, nine decades ago, the river washed around that bluff, now three miles away. And the old iron ring steepled in the rock, to which the boats were locked, is still there. The steam- boat. Elector, sank nearby and now lies buried back one mile south from the river bed. Mr. Clarke, being one of the three commissioners to locate the county seat, naturally w^as de- sirous to give Morrison's Bluff that honor, and only conceded his choice to Mr. Laster when the Laster choice was given the appellation of Clarksville. Mr. Clarke was a state senator, and was one of the delegates to form the state Constitution of 1836. In 1840-42, the firm of Cunningham & Clarke was a partnership. Hon. George Cunningham was the grandfather of Mrs. Lucy Adams Simpson, a former resident of Clarksville. Mrs. Simp- son was a daughter of Mrs. E. ^Y. Adams, who was Eliza Jane Cunningham. Dr. E. W. Adams was a resident of Clarksville in the late sixties and seventies. He fell dead at Low Gap Springs in the summer of 1879. Charley Adams of Little Rock is his son. Dr. Matthew Cunningham, in that period lived at Little Rock. His wife w^as Mrs. Eliza Wilson Bertrand Cunningham, who was the IMOGRAPHIES 145 first woman residenl in llic capital city. She was Ihc mother of Mrs. Lorenzo Clarke. Mrs. Clarke's yonni^er sister, Matilda, be- came Mrs. Fredrick Hani-er of Little Rock. In the year LS i;'), Mr. Clarke's firm was chani^ed to Clarke c^ Slroni^-, his partner be- ing John H. Strong. In the year IcSl,") Mi". Clarke visited in BaltJJiiore, and while there was taken ill and did not recover. Mrs. Clarke bronght his body back to Morrison's VAuW for burial. After Mr. Clarke's death his widow was married to ,lohn H. Strong, and then the style of the bnsinrss was "John H. Strong". In 1848 Mr. Strong also died. His friends held him in high esteem, judging from a lengthy account given in the minutes of the old Secretary book of Franklin Lodge No. 9. Mrs. Arabelle Bertrand Clark Strong was married the third time. Her last hus- band was Joseph Newton, an uncle of Gen. R. C. and Maj. T. W. Newton. Sometime in the early fifties Mrs. Clarke Strong New'ton died and was buried in the Mt. Holly cemetery at Little Rock. J. S. Houston c't Co. was the name of another Morrison's Bluff firm of the forties. The old town that was, is entirely obliterated. The stream that laved against its banks, year after year, threw the soil inland and each rise in the river pilled it higher, and soon boats could not anchor there. A landing was made below and then a warehouse was built, and some one put up a little store, and in that way the new rei)laced the old. On the scarp of that bluff are chisled names and dates covering the century past. Lorenza N. Clarke left no heirs save his wife and when she went away the beautiful home was abandoned. An abode, once tlie pride of a "Master and Missus", where liveried servants bided every wash, and where belles and beaus from down [he stream came to parties, held in peerage style. Soon the tangled vines and bats and owls had found the place, and then the vandals came. It is said that many chimneys in the country there about were taken from the walls of that old ruins, and even someone unhung the doors and moved them away. Many of those brick w^ere taken as far as Clarksville for foundations, et cetra. A colony of Germans have purchased much of the farm lands about Morrison's Bluff and German merchants sell goods there. A beautiful little Catholic church and school house are resplendent 146 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY of the religious and moral bent of the populace. A prosperous habitation mingles in and out. But few of the residents there know that underneath a vault of solid stone only a few rods away is the place where a form was laid most eighty years ago. That vault is after the fashion much used in those days. The casket was said to have been lowered into a bed of cemented stone with a covering of solid glass, cemented too, then the four well pro- portioned walls were securely capped by a heavy portable slab. This vault is intact today, although no care has been given it for more than half a century. Lorenza N. Clarke, a man who radiated progress in his solvent array of business, who managed affairs of state with wonderful executive ability, and who entertained his friends after tlie fashion of a king, lies there unknown today. But the ways of the world are ever the same. Man lives but a day as he flits across the screen, and is gone, then another takes his place and soon he too, is gone, and each in turn are forgotten for someone else, — passing too — stands in his stead. Hucy Logan and \Vm. Logan were brothers who left Ken- tucky early in the twenties of the past century. They took out land near Morrison Bluff. Huey was the father of Conduct Logan, and Conduct was the father of Green G. Logan and Green was the father of Bettis Logan and Mrs. Lera Anderson of Clarksville. Col. James Logan located south of the river in 1830. He took out land on Sugar Creek south of Petit Jean River. There A\as also a David Logan. Steve Logan is a descendent of this same family. When Logan County was formed in 1875 it received the appellation, Logan, from this prominent family, who was then in the territory that belonged to Johnson. The Hardwick family was said to be the wealthiest on the south of the river. Col. D. Hardwick had scores of negroes and his lands lay stretching away up and down the river. Wm. Hardwick of Clarksville is a grandson of the Colonel. The Ware families were also extensive land owners, some of which is held by successors still. Mrs. Charley Hays of Scranton is a descendent. The Cotton families were also prom- inent in that country. The Chitwoods too, were in the neigh- boorhood along the stream. There was Nchemiah Cravens, the father of the honorable Jordan E. Cravens. BKKIRAFHIKS 147 William Hill, (lie falluT of Ihc dislin.niiislu'd Ca))tnin John C. Hill. In the yrars jiisl before the Civil War, aboiil IH.IH, Clevc Ragon from Tcnmssec came to Mori'lson's Hliiff. He was the father of Mrs. W. .1. Hasham and olhei- children. The Rai>()n families of Si)adra and (leo. Rai^on of Clarksville are descendants of this family. Just followini* the close of hostilities, Captain Jack Raf:fon. a brother of Cleve Rai^on, also came. Hi' purchased a farm on Cane Creek two miles from the little villai^e of Dublin. Mrs. Rai>on was, before her marriai^e, Ann Heartsill from the state of (leorgia. Captain Jack Ragon was a Con- federate soldier in his native state. He only survived a few years after locatini* in Arkansas. Mrs. Ragon was born in Tennessee and is the daui^hter of Hiram and Ann Wright Heartsill. Her maternal grandfather was Dr. Isaac Wright of Mount Pisgah, Tenn. At Captain Ragon's death there were five small children in the home. Mrs. Ragon was a wise and careful mother and today she lives in her declining years to see all of her boys men of affairs, all of whom live in Clarksville. Edgar, the oldest, has always been a farmer, Jess is the general manager of the Clarksville Mercantile Company, Ab is th? presi- dent of the First National Bank of Clarksville. Hon. Heartsill Ragon is an attorney of wide repute, having served in the State Legislature in 1910-14 and was speaker of the House his last term. He has also been Prosecuting Attorney of the Fifth District for two terms, and is an efficient, ready and willing speaker. He stood first in the graduating class of the Wash- ington and Lee University at Lexington, Va. in 1909. WilUam Ragon, the youngest son, is the Clarksville Post Master. hi 1871 Dr. W. A. Heartsill, a brother of Mrs. Ann Ragon. came froni Georgia to Morrison's Bluff. He was for twenty- five years one of the leading physicians of Logan county. He is now residing in Texas. Up the river from Morrison's Bluff there was another stoj) for the boats. This place was called Patterson's Bluff. James M. Patterson had built a home of some i)roportions, with a cellar and cistern and all the conveniences of that day. He was also in business, with a partnership, styled "Patterson & AVhitaker. Mr. Patterson's farm, or the most of it, lay in the 148 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY river holtoin across the river from liis home on the bhiff. Horse- licad Creek empties into the river on this plantation. James M. Patterson was the ^grandfather of Hon. G. O. Patterson, a leading attorney of Northwest Arkansas. He resides in Clarks- ville. ^ In this neighborhood north of the river was Gilbert Hol- land and his wife, Mary Ann. They came to Johnson Comity from Georgia, in 1843. H. H. Holland, who was a member of Capt. Howell's Artillery company nnder Gen. Cooper in the Civil War, and who died recently, was their son. The plantations of the Perry brothers was along the river too. Josiah Perry was the paternal grandfather of Justice Yolney Howell. Still farther up Horsehead Creek in the Harmony settlement were the families whose names were King, Raskin, Laster, Rlackburn, Edwards, Reynolds, Coffee, Reed, Ogilvic, Frost, Wilson, Allen, Jacobs, Martin, Porter and Flemmings. These families are represented by so many branches of the name and scores of descendants that their individual biographies are difficult to properly delineate. The Kings of the Harmony settlement are represented today ])y farmers, bankers, college instructors and ministers. In Clarksville there are two brothers, Ernest King, Cashier of the Farmers National Rank, and Prof. Gorman R. King of The College of the Ozarks. J. K. Raskin was a son of J. M. and Malissa Laster Raskin, M'ho came to Arkansas in 1839. 14ie I)askin men arc represen- tative as lawyers, business men and farmers. Ex-Judge Ghas. H. Raskin is a prominent bearer of the name. There is no im- mediate information at hand concerning them, but the Raskin men and women have always taken a prominent place in the communities in which they reside. In the year 1831, which was at least twelve months before ll)e Cherokees left this country, Abraham Laster and his wife, Nancy Pucket Laster, moved from Tennessee to the Horsehead neighborhood of Johnson County. Mr. Laster was a North Carolinan by birth. In 1837 his brother, J. H. Laster, and fath- er and mother, Fredrick and Nancy Smith Laster, came on io Johnson from Lawrence County where they had located in thirtv-one. Each of these gentlemen took out land. Fredrick BIOGRAI^HIKS 119 was a Velcran ol" llu- war of hSl'J. .1. 11. Lasltr niarrird Miss Sarah A. Patrick, a daui^hler of .lohii W. and Susan Lee Patrick, in SeptcnilK^r, 1841. They were llu- parents of eleven children. Among them were three sons, Ahe, Seth and Scldon, who later became men of affairs. The children of Mr and Mrs. Abraliam Laster were James M., Malvin, Hester Ann, Mary, Thomas, Francis, AVasliington, Jane and Robert. In 1859 J. M. Laster married Sarah Sarles. Their children were Elizabeth, Ann, Robert, Frank, Thomas, Lou, xVugusta, Fanny, Carl and Conley. The i)resent Mrs. Laster was Mrs. Louisa Turney. Their children are Abraham, Eva, Rirdie and Audlic. J. M. Laster recently celebrated his eiglity-first birthday. He resides on his father's old homestead. Mr. Laster has an ex- cellent memory and has contributed much information for this volume. He holds and cherishes a number of interesting keep- sakes of the long ago. Phillip May was an early settler on Horsehead, also. He owned slaves and was active in his community. He died in the early seventies. Lorenzo Swagerty was the father of the Lorenzo who mar- ried Miss Emma May, a daughter of Capt. Thomas May of the old Pittsburg Settlement. The Hardgraves were represented in Clarksville for long years by Cager, who lived to be quite old. He was the father of Mrs. J. A. Dowdy of Clarksville and Mrs. W. A. May of St. Louis and a son, whose home is in Argentine, South America. Dr. Hardgraves of Horsehead is also an active descendant of another branch of the family. Thomas Kendall, a courtly gentleman of Smeadley, has been Johnson County's Representative in the State Legislature on more than one occasion. Capt. Armstrong, of the Civil War, was a i)rominent member of that family. Lee Armstrong, a business man and farmer at this time resides at the Armstrong home on Horsehead. Judge W. W. Floyd caniL' to Clarksville in 1841 to jiractice law. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, and was the son of Reader S. Floyd, Virginian by birth. He was a descendant of John Floyd, a former governor of Virginia, and whose son, John B, Floyd, was Secretarv of War under President Buchanan. 150 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COL^TY A brother of John Floyd, who resided in New York and who came to America in 1760 with him, was WilHam Floyd, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Two of the sons of William served in the United States Congress from New Y^ork early in the past centiiiy. In the family of Reader S. Floyd was Judge AVilliam W., Richard and Edward. The home of all the Floyds, except the Judge, was on Horsehead. A son of Richard Floyd is James Floyd, who is a former Tax Assessor of the county. Mary Floyd, a daughter of Richard, married Eb Rhea, whose father was a wealthy pioneer of Handcock County, Tennessee, and who lived to be more than a century old. William W. Floyd of Clarksville was elected Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit and served four years. He had many other honors, not given here, conferred upon him. He was twice appointed by the Secretary of War as one of the examiners of West Point Military Acad- emy, first by Hon. Jeff Davis, under President Price, and again by his kinsman, John R. Floyd. Mrs. W. M. Kavanaugh of Ijttle Rock is a daughter of Judge Floyd, and W. E. Floyd, for- mer post-master of Little Rock, and the present chairman of the Arkansas Railroad Commission, is a son. The oldest settlers of the Wilsons, so far as is known, were James R. and his wife, Peggy, who came from Virginia. They were a high-toned, refined couple. Major Hugh Wilson was a descendant of a generation later. He served his country both in the Mexican and Civil Wars. The late Wm. Wilson, whose family still resides in Clarksville, was a grandson of James R. L. A. and Nancy Laster Martin were Tennesseeans by birth. They came to Arkansas in 1873. John L. Martin was thoir son. He married Miss Parmelia Royer. The late Abe Martin of Lone Pine was one of that family. Frank Martin is a descendant also. James C. and Harriett Hester McDaniel came from North Carolina to the Horsehead settlement of Johnson county in 1852. They had eight children in their home. John, William, Martha, Eliza, James, Harriet, Mary and Nancy. W. C. and Ernest have been residents of Clarksville for many years. They are the sons of William McDaniel. The Flemming's coal mine was located in the fifties in the Harmony neighborhood. The Flemmings were prominent ])ioneers. BIOGRAPHIES 151 Melvin Coft'oe canu* to Johnson coiinly when a younif man, from his birth place in Jackson county, Ahibama. In 1843 he was married to Jane Laster of tlie upper Horsehead neighbor- hood. Their children were James (1. and Melvina. Melvin Ck)ffec was a soldier in the Mexican War, and died while in the service. James G. Coffee, who is today an affable and active gentle- man of the old school, was a confederate soldier. He enlisted in 1861, even though just a boy. He was an orderly sergeant. In 1867 he married Miss Clementine Harkreader, a daughter of Samuel and Nancy Harkreader. Their children were Edna and Lester. Mrs. Coffee died in 1882. Mr. Coffee was married a second time, to Miss Sallie Powell, a daughter of Rev. John A. Powell. Their four children were Harland, Dessie, Effie and Irma. Mr. Coffee is a Mason. Harland Coffee is a successful Insurance dealer of Clarks- ville. J. W. Ogilvie and W. S. Ogilvic were two brothers who left Tennessee sometime during the forties. They were descendants of (xeorge Ogilvie, who immigrated from Scotland. Mesdames Fannie Poynor, Jennie Wilson and Gulie Poynor were daughters of Wi'l Smith Ogilvie. James W. Ogilvie was the father of Dr. J. W., C. F. and Henry. John and William Reed were early settlers in the Lone Pine neighborhood. Seth Reed, Mesdames James McCoy and Ella Humphrey are three of the children of John. Seth is, and has been for many years, the manager of the Fraternal Aid Union of Arkansas. A number of Allen families have, as the years have gone by, moved to Johnson County, but the first were, perhaps, Lewis Allen and his wife, Lucy (Felts) Allen, who came in 1833. After the Civil War Thomas Allen came froni Kentucky and settled at Harmony. He reared a large family, of which Joe Allen is one of the sons and Mrs. T. D. Molloy and Mrs. J. W. Lewis are daughters. Dixon Reynolds laid legal claim to land in Johnson county in 1836, soon after his arrival from Tennessee. His son, William, married Miss Elizabeth Raskin, who was also a native of Arkan- sas. Their eldest son, Thomas H., married Miss Wood, and they were the parents of twelve children. Another son, William 152 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Reynolds of Clarksvillo, and Mari^aret Poteet Reynolds, who re- cently died, were the parents of Sewell and Jess Reynolds, both attorneys-at-la\v. The former of Oklahoma and the latter, Clarksvllle. They are both read}' speakers. The former has been, within the past few years, connected with the Tax Commis- sion of Arkansas. Thomas Porter was the pioneer father of J. R., W. F., and E. L. Porter. John R. was the father of John and Jim Porter. John is an expert cotton buyer, having been in the employ- ment as manager of an establishment of cotton merchants in Memphis and later in Chicago. He is now located in Ft. Smtih. W. F. Ijccame Judge Porter when elected as the County and Probate Judge of Johnson County thirty years ago. He was a splendid gentleman and an efficient judge. His daughter, Una, became Mrs. James W. Ogilvie and his son William, is a leading physician of Ozark. The family of E. L. Porter, after his death at Harmony, moved to Clarksville. Mrs. Porter, nee Alice Harris, was a daughter of Xeal E. Harris. Her children are Arthur, Ed, Will, Jake and Maude, (Mrs. T. W. Hervey). Rack in 1859 a line of immigrants one hundred wagons long, wound its way westward with Ej^hrim Rlackburn and his wife, Lonvina Carjjenter Rlackburn, in the lead. They were riding in a handsome buggy, on which Mr. Rlackburn had spent much energy aud time — for he made it, by hand, back in old North Carolina. There were three Rlackburn brothers in the procession, but when the Mississi])pi river was crossed, this train of travelers divided into three sections. Only a fair division of the original line came up the Arkansas river road. Rut Ephrim came, and at least one of the immigrants with him was John H. Robinson, who was a resident of Clarksville until his death, years after. Mr. Rlackbuiii i)urchased land and settled down to the busi- ness of home-making. His children were seven: Ren W., Sam v., John, Pink and Sid, also Mrs. J. M. King and Mrs. Harriett Landthri]). R. N. Rlackburn died recently, at the age of seventy-four. Hi.- children are Mrs. R. A. Morgan, Mrs. Mack Williams, Mrs. F. Ogden, Vernon, Walter, Finis and Dillon. I^IOGRAPHIKS 153 John (Doc) was the lather of Liilhtr, Orvillc, Ada (Mrs .lack Lewis), Ahee (Mrs. John Warren) and several other (hildren. A. \. Blaekhnrn is the son of Sam \'. Hlaekhurii. Richard C. Hnnt and family moved from Madison ('ounly to Johnson Connty, Arkansas in 1861. Mr. Hunt had ])revionsIy immii^rated to the first mentioned connty from (i;'ori*ia. He look residence at Lone Pine, hnt later moved to Horsehead. Richard C. Hnnt was the father of John D. Hnnt. John D. Hnnt was the father of Dr. Wm. R. Hnnt, today an eminent physician and snrgeon of Clarksville. He was also the father of Mrs. Steve Lo^an Dave Hnnt and other children. Dr. W. R. Hnnt is lh(> father of Dr. Earle H. Hnnt, a i>radn- ate of Tnlane University and a widely known practitioner, well versed in the science of medicine and snrgery. He is also the father of Dr. W. R. Hnnt, Jr., who recently hei>an the ])racticc of the profession of trentistry, and Dr. \V. R. Jr., is the father of a small son, Wm. R. Hunt III. There is also an Earle Jr. Dr. W. R. Hunt, Sr., is the father of Lillian (Mrs. E. A. Kin^). Mrs. John D. Hunt was a Miss (Ji-iden, and Mrs. Wm. R. Hunt, Sr., Ruth Houston. The Oi^den family came with the Hunt family in 19(SL from Madison comity. They purchased lands at Lone Pine and that locality is today the home of the Oi>"dens. The bearers of this name have always represented the county's best citizenship. In the i)resent generation among the many descendants are J. D., Abe, and R. C. There was one John Philli])s who came to Johnson county in 18G2. At one time there were three men in the county who bore the cognomen of John Phillij)s. But this John Phillips of the sixties was the father of Ex-Sheriff Ren Phillips, also of Wm. Phillips, Esq. of Springhill. In the Hays' Chapel neighborhood is the old Henry R. Hays homestead. Mr. Hays was known to the generation past, as a fine old gentleman. He came from the state of South Carolina. He was in Arkansas during the overflow of the river in 1833. He lost everything he ow'ned that could float away, except his wife and baby. Mr. Hays was a generous man, always ready to lend a helping hand. 154 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Hays children who are living are Dr. Annie Hays, Charley Hays and William Hays. Mrs. Charlotte Susan Howard was for long years a resident of the Spadra vicinity, with a family, of which Thomas and State Howard were sons. Mary Howard was a daughter and was the wife of M. E. Anderson, Clarksville's leading photographer, Charlotte Anderson is their daughter. There was another Howard family, of which there were several daughters, among them Mesdames Jesse Williams and Will Johnson. The Harkreader brothers were prominent citizens. Dr. O. D. Tankersley was a young physician in Johnson county prior to the sixties and served as a member of the Medical Department in the Confederate Army. His home was on Horse- head Creek, He moved to Clarksvillc in 1890. His children were Toney, Mollj, Susan, Newtie, John and Alice. Mrs. Tankersley was formerly Susan Harrison. A geneology of Susan Harrison Tankersley, traced by Joe W. Coffman Jr., supplementing one, by Glen McColloch of three families, in which the Harrisons were included, is the most com- plete lineage in this volume. It is as follows, copied verbatim:— From 1066 to 1911. 1. Robert de Breus, a Norman Knight who accompanied \Vm. the Conquerer. 2. Adam de Breus, son of the above, 3. Robert de Brus, of X^leveland, first Lord of Annandale. 4. Robert de Bruse, second Lord of Annandale. 5. William de Bruce, son of the above. 6. Robert de Bruce, fourth Lord of Annandale. 7. Robert de Bruce, fifth Lord of Aimandale. 8. Robert I (Bruce), King of Scotland, 9. Marjory Bruce, daughter of Robert Bruce. 10. Robert II of Scotland, founder of the Stuart line of Kings. 11. Robert III, King of Scotland. 12. James 1, King of Scotland. 13. James II, King of Scotland. 14. James III, King of Scotland. 15. James IV, King of Scotland. 16. John Stewart, younger son of James IV. 17. Henry Stewart, son of the above. BIOGRAPHIES 155 18. Elizabeth Stewart, daiii^liter of Henn' Stewart ami mother of Oliver ("^romwell. 19. Oliver Cromwell, Protector of the Commonwealth. 20. Henry Cromwell, son of Oliver Cromwell. 21. Elizabeth Cromwell, daiiJ^hter of the above. 22. Catherine Allen, daughter of Elizabeth Cromwell. 23. Lorcas Towson, daughter of Catherine Allen. 24. Prudence Sater, daughter of Lorcas Towson. 25. Rebecca Howard, daughter of Prudence Sater. 26. Rebecca Mira Dyer, daughter of Rebecca Howard. 27. Sarah Ellen Harrison, daughter of Rebecca Mira Dyer. 28. Susan Tankersley, daughter of Sarah Ellen Harrison. 29. Joe Coffman, Susie Coffman, Harrison Coffman, Cather- ine Coffman, children of Susan Tankersley. Nearer the site of Clarksville, around Little Spadra, were the homesteads of those whose names were Garrett, Harris, Royd, Lenions, Crowley, Denning, Dorcey and Walton. No name in the county is more widely known than that of Garrett. Each generation has produced a goodly mnnber of sons. Thej^ are citizens of influence. Wesley Garrett, the pioneer of 1828 a North Carolinan by birth, was a coroner of Pope county in territorial days, when the Indians were still here, and was in the legislature of 1833, and gave the county its name. William C. Garrett, a son of Wesley, married Martha Lemons, a native of Arkansas. She was the daughter of Samuel Lemons. Mr. Garrett who resided on his father's homestead, died in 1887, leiiving eleven children. W' sley, of Oklahoma; F. G., Harlow and Mrs. C. Davis of Clarksville, also Alec and Seth were of liiat number. Ethel and Dessie are daughters of Alec; Earl, the son of Seth. Wesley. Swagerty, Ora, Mary, Elmer and Maude were children of Wesh y Jr., who married Pvmenia Swagrty, a daughter of Lorenza Swagerty, and daughter of Mrs. Polly Swagerty Ward. F. G. (jLarrett married Miss Martha Mann, a sister of the late John Mann. Their children are: Mrs. Carl Laster of California, Elbert of Russellville, Edgar, Roy, Joel, Eugene, Felix G., Lucy, Bessie and Pauline of Clarksville. Harlow Garrett married Anna Williams, a daughter of John Williams. (5G HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY There are many more Garretts whose names are not at iiiaiul. Tile Garretts are farmers, poHtieians and business men. On the banks of Little Spadra, west of Clarksville, lived Capt. John C. Harris, whose family i*enealogy descends from Virginia, of the branch known as the West Harris line. Thomas Harris of the Isle of Wight County, Virginia, died in 1688. His son, Ed\\'ard Harris, was the father of West Harris. The latter two moved to North Carolina and died near Saidsbury. Allen Harris was the grandson of Edward and the son of West. John C. Harris was llie son of Allen and was born in North Carolina near S.Tulsbury. His mother was Linnie Wood, who was the daughter of John Wood. John Wood was a grandson of Col. West Harris, a field officer in the Continental Army. (See Wheeler's History of N. C. Vol. 2). With his mother, who was a widow, he went to Alabama, and later Tennessee. Leaving his mother there, he went on to Texas. He came to Arkansas in 1832, but did not Hiove to this state until 1834, at which time he went to Tennessee and returned willi his uncle, Blont Ward, and his mother and family. James Harris, a brother of John C, went to Texas from Arkansas in 1842. Mr. Harris operated a Tannery on little Spadra for long years, beginning back in territory days and ex- tending into the sixties. It was burned, together with other buildings, in 1863. An old shed, however, and other evidences of A once tan yard, stood on the old spot even into the eighties. Mr. Harris went lo California in 1849, and came back two years later w^tli much money. He purchased Confederate Bonds and land warrants, called Arkansas War Bonds, to the amount of 5^50,000. This was, however, a complete loss, with the exception of a small amount of interest on the land warrants. Mr. Harris was com- pelled to leave home during the struggle, joining a cavalry. He was fifty years of age. Captain Harris was twice married, the first time to Susan Hargraves, a daughter of Louis Hargraves. Wallace Harris was a son of this marriage. In 1853 Capt. Harris was married again, 4his time to Malinda Popham, a lineal descendant of Sir John Popliam, of Colonial days. Among their nine children were €. Harris, W. S. Harris, Mrs. Wm. Pegg, Mrs. A. G. Wolfe, Mrs. J. M. Hays, Mrs, W. H. Logan and Mrs, Z. A. Woods, whose home is in Ft, Smith, Arkansas. HIOGRAPHIES 157 There are a iuiinl)er ol" C.rowleys in the eoiinly. The h\\v J. B. Crowley, was perhaps Ihe best known one in (lie business world. His father, Wni. Crowley, and his other brotliers are well known. Mrs. Nat Clark is the daui^hter of Joe Crowley, who is now rpiite old. Loftis Walton, of whom Lark Walton, who is residint* on the old farm today, was the oldest son, eame from North Carolina in a scliooner wagon in 1(S49, bringini^- with him his family and slaves. There are other brothers, Robert and Pointer. On Spadra to the west, were the Pryors, Kings, Lees, Bash- ams, Patricks, Wards, James Cravens, Moreau Rose, Thomas Powers and.Labon Howell. There were two Pryor brothers who came from Tennessee to Arkansas in 1834. Ellis Pryor, ^^'ho has been a long termed con- stable, and Dr. R. L. Pryor are present day re])resentatives of those old veterans who lie buried in the Lee gra\'eyard. They are the sons of N. C. Pryor. Dr. R. L. Pryor is a Veterinary sur- geon, one of the best in tlie state. He is the dean of veterinary surgery of northwest Arkansas, and deputy surgeon of Arkansas. The lineal biography of the King families of Jolmson County is hard to trace. There are perhaps more i)ersons l)earing Ihc name of King than any other in the county. There was Johnathan King, Alfred King, Reuben King, Thomas King, James King and Josei)h King, all pioneers. J. L. King and Mrs. A. F, Ward of Clarksville are representatives of one branch of the King family, while Lee King is of another branch. There were several brothers of the Lee family. The present rcpresentive on the old Cader Lee homestead is his grandson, Buck Lee. Mrs. R. O. Brinks was also a Lee. In matter of location, immediately south of the village of old Chief John Jolly on Spadra creek, was a track of land on wliich lived a gentleman, John W. Patrick, who was one of the first pioneers, having located there as early as 1reat i^randson of Major Ward, the pioneer. Augustus M. Ward was one of Clarksville's real leaders in its embryo. There is perhaps few records left from the first thirty years of the existence of the town, that does not bear his signature. He helped to |)lot the town, organize the Masonic Lodge, the Presbyterian church, Sunday Schools over the county and, also served for fourteen years as County Clerk. He took into his home, perhaps more orphan and afflicted children than any other man in the coimty. The two daughters of Wm. Collins, Polly and Martha, lived in his home after the death of their father. Polly Collins became Mrs. Lorenza Swagerty in 1845, and many years later, Mrs. David Ward. She is living today with her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Dunlap, Sr. Martha Collins was later Mrs. Augustus Ward, and was the mother of A. M. Ward of Little Rock. A. M. Ward is the only living member of the Augustus Ward family. Two sisters, Emily and Virginia Cox, were sent from Tennessee to Mr. Ward, as children of a deserving Mason. Emily later married Dr. Richard Maffitt of Clarksville, and Virginia married J. W. Woodward, a deaf mute, who was an assistant to Mr. Ward in the Clerk's office. Mr. Woodward and Mr. Ward caused the organization and location of the first Deaf Mute Institute in the state, at Clark^sville. Because of in- 160 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY sufficient funds, this was later moved to Arkadelphia, and in time from there to Little Rock. 151ind Bob Ward, a nephew of A. M., ])L'came an orphan when quite young, so Mr. Ward gave him a home also. Nor was his philanthropy misplaced, for Blind Bob proved to be a genius. He vvas a musician of no mean ability and acf[uired quite a fortune before his death, ^^■hich occurcd recently, having lived to be a sei)tuagcnarian. Blind Bob and Mr. Ward organized a Blind School and located it at Clarksville, ])ut this was also taken to Arkadelpliia, and in time to the Capital City. Andrew and William Fulton, of the noted Fultons of Penn- sylvania, of which Robert Fulton, the inventor of the first steam- boat, was a distinguished member, were county inhabitants. The grandfather of Andrew and william was a brother of Robert. Thomas Powers, who lived to be ninety years old, was once an active and influential man, who was prominent in church and municipal affairs. He was the grandfather of W. E. Floyd and Mrs. William Kavanaugh of Little Rock. He was the father of Henry Powers who married a daughter of Dr. E. E. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powers were the parents of Mrs. Lula Pennington, John Powers (the martyred sheriff) and other children. John Powers was doubtless the most ])opular sheriff the county ever had. He was serving his twelfth year in that ca- pacity when he was fatally wounded on the night of February 5th, 1902, in a battle with bank robbers. He was sleeping in an apart- ment above the Bank of Clarksville, when awakened by the ex- plosion of the vault in the bank below. He hastened down stairs and encountered four desperadoes. He engaged them in a rapid firing encounter of several minutes, before the fatal shot entered his breast. Within an hour he was dead. One of the robbers, whose name was alleged to ha\e been John Dunn, was also se- verely wounded, but was able to gel away. It was because of this v%'ound that he was found later in a hospital in Wichita, Kansas. However, he escai)ed from this hosi)ital. "Smiling Joe" Clark, who proved to be a hireling of the leaders, was sent to the peni- tentiary for life, from which place' he absconded a few months later. The other two who gave their names as Fred Underwood and Geo. Durham were finally hanged from a hidden scaffold in the Countj^ Court Yard, on June 19, 1903. BIOGRAPHIES 161 Joe B. King, who was a deputy to ShcM'iff Powers, was ap- pointed by Governor Jeff Davis to serve out the unexpired term. He was later elected to that office and served two successive terms. Sheriff King spent much time, energy, and money in an effort to catch the robbers and bring them to justice. J. B. King is the son of the late Wm. King, whose father and mother, the pioneers, were Isaac and Rachel. A brother of Isaac was named Wesley. Joseph King another i)ioneer, took out a land grant in 1836 in Township 9, Range 25. Mrs \Vm. King was formerly Sarah Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. King were the parents of William, Jr., Joseph, James, Beulah (Mrs. W. F. Laster) and Sadie (Mrs. Ben Pennington). Laban C. Howell was Swampland Agent for Johnson Coun- ty. He owned a river-bottom farm on lower Spadra, and pos- sessed a number of slaves. He was progressive and when Clarksville was located, became one of the first citizens. He was the father of Volney Howell, who for many years has been a Justice of the Peace in Spadra Township, and is also an ex- Treasurer of the Count3^ John W. Howell of Ft. Smith, is also a son. Other children were the late Jesse Howell and Mrs. Augusta Bone of Clarksville. Laban C. Howell v.as the son of Jesse Howell, who was also a pioneer of Arkansas, and settled at Morristown on the river, near the present town of Morrilton. The Collier Families were land owners in the lowlands by the river. Willis Collier and Wm. Collier were both settlers of the first decade of statehootl. W, F. Colher and his son, H. W., are of the present generations. They are land owners and successful coal operators. Francis Jarnagin came to Johnson County in early years from the state of Tennessee, and i)urchased property in the Breckenridge neighborhood. Mr. Jarnagin was the father of George, Calvin, Thomas, Richard, Susan and Manda. George Jarnagin, who was for years jnarshal of Clarksville, married Sarah Blalack and their chikhen are William, John, Frank, Hurly, Gus, Lucy and Ruth. Calvin, who married Matikki Simpson, a daughter of Ed- ward Simpson, who came to Johnson County in 1837, settled on a farm near Cabin Creek. Their family consisted of three boys, Thomas, John and Wallace. Thomas who married Ida Guthry, is at this time, Johnson County's popular Treasurer. W2 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Wallace died at his home in California in 1921. Manda was the second wife of one of Johnson Connty's patriotic sons of the six- lies, Sgt. Roht. Gray. To the west of Spadra Creek extending to the neighhorhood of Cabin Creek were the Clarks, Blalacks, Blackards, Williams, Taylors, Morgans, Bashams, Y'earwoods, Blacks and Wallaces. David Clark left Kentncky in 1829, and landed at Arkansas Post where he spent fonr years; he then moved to Pine Bluff and remained there another four years, before coming up the river to Johnson County. He first located on Greenbrier Creek, but fourteen years later, moved to Breckenridge. Mrs. Clark, prior to her marriage was Ann T. Moon. They were the parents of six sons and one daughter, Rebecca. Dr. Presley Clark was a IDracticing i}hysician south of the river. He married a Miss TiuMier and was the father of Mrs. R. B. Chitwood. Andrew Clark was the father of Mcsdames Joe B. King, John Ransom and H. H. Jemison. Wesley Clark was killed on the field of battle during the Civil War. The late D. N. Clark was for twent}^ years the County and Circuit clerk of Johnson County. There was also a Patrick Clark. D. Clark is the only surviv- ing member of the family. The Morgan families of the Ludwig and Mulberry Creek neighborhood are of the same descendants. Pies Morgan of Mulberry, was a soldier of the sixties. His mother, Mrs. Dovej'^ Morgan, died recently. She was past ninety years old. Jeff Morgan and Jack Morgan are of Ludwig. R. A. Morgan and Lee Morgan are sons of Jack. R-. A. Morgan and Son are suc- cessful merchants of Clarksville. The Blalacks came from Raleigh, North Carolina. Mrs. T. J. Lewis, Mrs. Rebecca Harris and Mrs. J. P. Stovall are the sur- viving members of the family. Toliver, Meric and Lary Blackard came from North Caro- lina. The late Ex-Lieut. Hezekiah (Ki) Blackard of the Civil War was a son of Toliver. Toliver, whose home is in Clarks- ville, is a son of Meric. Oscar, Noel and Ella Blackard, Mrs. Alice Lewis, and Mrs. Paul McKeimon are representatives in this county of the present generation. J. M. Taylor is a |)resent day member of one of the families of Taylors. He is a successful groceryman in Clarksville. Another faniilv of Tavlors is Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tavlor who re- HIOdlUPIIIKS 163 side at Ludwig. Their children are Will, Mack, Harve, Wes and Mrs. A. M. Ward, who resides at Lillle Rock. Ex-Jndij;e W\ G. Taylor was a citizen of Clarksville for many years, ar.d was a pioneer of the county. Mrs. Alf Landthrij) was a Taylor. There were a nnnd)er of \\Mllianis families over the county, with no relationship between many of them. The homes of John Williams and Finas Williams were on joining land in the Ludwig neij-jhborhood. They \\'ere of different families. Pink Williams, the father of W. S. W^illiams, is a brother of Finas. Mack, Jess, and Charley are sons of John. W^illiams Brothers of the Williams Meat Market, arc sons of another John Williams. Johnathan Basham came early in the thirties froni his Vir- ginia home. His sons, Olinver, James, Joe and Calvin, came with him. Each of them took out land and began to do their bit to improve the coinitry. Cahin met his death in the shot and shell of the Civil Wlir. Olinver organized a company of mounted men and became their captain. He later married Martha Patrick, a daughter of John Patrick, and they were the parents of Judge Hugh Basham, Dr. Olinver Basham, and the late Judge George Basham of Little Rock. Judge Hugh Basham married Emily Maffitt, a daughter of Dr. Richard Maffitt. Martha is their daughter. When Judge Basham was county judge he planted the tre:s which now surround the court house. He was later elected Circuit Judge and served for several years. Judge Basham is a prominent lawyer of the Johnson Count}^ bar. James Basham married Lamar Shelton, and became the father of W\ J., J. O., Mahlon, Cora (Mrs. N. L. Greene), Dilla, (Mrs. Reese P. Horricks of Little Rock), Mattie, (Mrs. W\ B. Lee) and other daughters, whose names are not at hand. W^. J. Basham is a vice president of the First National Bank of Clarksville, and has becMi in business, continuously, in that city for almost forty years. Mrs. Basham was formerly Lucj'^ Ragon, a daughter of E. C. Ragon of Morrison's Bluff. Ragon, Robert, Albert and Charlie are their sons, and Agnes, now Mrs. Stewart of Stuttgart, Ark., is their daughter. Mahlon Basham is a carpenter by trade. He married Mamie Edv%'ards. They are tlu' parents of two sons, Edward and David. J. (). Basham, a former merchant of CJarks\ille married Clara King. Their children are Bertha (Mrs. Wilson Godwin), 164 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Walter, Bessie, King, Jewell (Mrs. Alvin Laser), Heartsill and Imogene. There was Vincent Wallace, a Methodist minister, who settled on Greenbrier. He went to the legislature from Johnson County. There were other brothers, Orren and Robert. F. M. Burns was a North Carolinan, who also made his home here in the mid-century. William Hamlin was also an arrival of the same decade from North Carolina. Elijah Y'earwood and his wife. Prudence Morrow, were of the pre-war immigrants. They were the parents of seven chil- dren of which John was the only one who reared a family in this county. Capt. James Yearwood, one of the sharpshooters of the Confederate Army, was killed during the Civil War. He was a young and gallant soldier, and was carrying a gold band ring in his vest pocket, awaiting an opportunity to slip it on the finger of "the only girl." Mrs. John Yearwood was Jane Ward, a daughter of na\;d Ward. There was a family of two brothers, Andrew and Ahxander Black. They each reared families. Enoch Black was ilic son of Andrew and his wife, Mabel May, a daughter of Thomas May. He married Sallie Estes, and for long years was proprietor of the City Hotel at Clarksville. Of their childreji were Mattie (Mrs. Fay Eichenberger), Imogene (Mrs. Joe Sharyer, deceased) and Sallie (Mrs. R. L. Jetton). On across the east of the county, covering the Cabin Creek, Hagarville and Piney country, there were so many per- sons who ])layed parts in the final shaping of the affairs of the state, that all who deserve, may not get worthy mention here. The familiar names were Johnson, Turner, Thompson, Madden, Houston, Davis, Blakely, Shropshire, Cazort, Gray, Simpson, Park, Russell, Towell, I^rown, Jones, Harris, Morgan, Mahon, Ross, Jackson, Barger, Wood, May, and others. Of the Johnson families, the relationship is baffling to even an old timer. Some are of the same family tree, some are not. The Hagarville neighborhood has for long years been the habatat of tile Johnsons, and was originally called Johnsonville. Some are farmers, bankers, teachers and merchants. One of the oldest families consisted of three brothers, Lewis John H., and IMOGRAPHIKS 165 NVilliam. A. H. .Johnson of ('larksvillc is a son of John. Sam Johnson, a i)ionoer, was the falhor of Mrs. \V. F. C.olhcr. In each generation there has heen one oi" nioi'e R()h(M-t Johnsons. The Turner family was in tlie Pitlsl)iirij; niii^hhorliood. Mrs. Presley Clark was a Miss Tnrni'r. The first Mrs. J. V. Hui^hcs "was also a Miss Turner. The names of David, Uriah and Major Thomjjson were rep- resentative of good citizenship from the (kite of their arrival from Tennessee. Major Thompson is still rememl)ered hy older per- sons. A generation later the Thompsons were Monroe, James, Sam and Frank. Monroe married Virgic Ward, a daughter of Augustus M. Ward. Mrs. Phil Thompson was formerly Rachel Johnson. Their children are Leila (Mrs. A. N. Ragon), Lynn, Vesta (Mrs. Leonard Petree) and Philij). Jess Thompson is the son of Thomas. Fletcher Thomi)son is of another branch of the family. Thomas, Philii) and James Madden were the richest planters north of the river, in Johnson County, for long years. There is a Madden Ford to cross Piney creek, a Madden school house, and in days now past, many cabins of Madden negroes. John Houston and Ruth Stroud Houston, born in North Carolina, and Georgia, respectively, came to Cabin Creek from the state of Ohio, in territory days. Their family consisted of four sons and one daughter, Robert, John S., Ruth, and another brother who went to California and did not return. Col. J. S. Houston also went to California in 1849. He reir.unlk'. Back in the thirties, or thereahout, came Wiley Harris from Tennessee to the Piney settlement. Mr. Harris was a descendant of the Harris family who hegan their recorded lineai*e when one of them intermarried with a Stewart of Scothind, l)ack in the mid- centuries. When Charles 1, King of Scotland, was heheaded in 1649. and Cromwell turned his attention to sympathizers of the unfortunate King, a large number of those who were in line for punishment came to America, and among them were two Harris hrothers who settled in Virginia. In 1680, a colony of Scotch people settled at Port Royal, and some of the Harris family went there too. But when the Spaniards from Florida marclied up and burned Port Royal, the colony scattered. Hencj, the Harris families arc found later, in all southeastern states. The line to which Wiley Harris belonged ^^'e^t t;) North Carolina where the great grandfatlier of Wiley was one Edward Harris, who was the father of Edwanl Harris, who immigrated to Tennessee, and was tho father of Wiley; Wiley was the father of Evans Harris of Clarksville, who was the father of Wiley, Walter, Sam, Dan and Annie. Edward Harris who immigrated t:) Tennes-see, mar- ried Dicie Carrirgton. Wiley Harris married May Hogan of Pine}', whose mother, before she married, was a Gossel. Evans Harris married Rebecca Blalack, also a pioneer family of Johnson County. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Harris lived in Clarks- ville where Mrs. Harris was Clarksville's lone photographer for thirty years. Her gal!cr3' was a small building which stood on the Thomas Powers lot v>'est from fhe present Dunlaj) Garage building. Mr. Hiirris was afflicted with almost total blindness for many y ars. Along Mulberry Crock, north of the mountains, by trails, those frontiersmen went on pack mules for many years. As before stated, William Collins was one of the first. Miirk Hill ard his vsife, Rachel, canv frcin Te: !u ssee lo the county, in 1829, and settled amon.u" tb.e Cherokee Irdians. John and Marcus were two of their sons. The Indian's did not leave Arkansas until two or Ihree years after the Hill's moved here. The Hill boys hunted with the Cherokees, themselves dressed in Indian garb and supplied with bows and arrows. They enlisted in Col. Yell's First Arkansas Mountain Regiment in the Mexican War. John was given the brevit of First Lieutenant. 172 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY In the Civil War, John was made captain of Company "C" of the Sixteenth Arkansas Infantry. Later he received the distinction of Colonel. He was a tailor by trade; and owned and managed a mercantile store in Clarksville until the early eighties, when he died. He is buried in the graveyard of the Confederate dead. A tall obelisk was erected by the Masons, for he was once Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. Marcus Hill returned to his home on Mulberry follow- i]ig the Civil War, where he lived foiu" score years. The Byrds were on Mulberry too. Their double log house Is still standing. The Arbroughs were early arrivals and the Davises too. R. S. Davis, who is reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in Northwest Arkansas is one of the Davis family of Mulberry. He was a merchant at Coal Hill for many years before going into the hardware business in Clarksville, from which business lie re- cently retired. He is a former president of the Bank of Clarks- ville. Mr. Davis is a Presbyterian, and an honorable, influential citizen. His children are Virgil, Homer, Hoyt, Richard, (iarland, Kenneth and Viola. The late Mrs. Ralph Payne was also his daughter. Some of the early inhabitants of Clarksville, not given else- where, were Jacob Rogers, Robt. Latimer, Andrew Brown, Felix I. Batson, Redmond Rogers, Scimuel Strayhorn, Moreau Rose, John Ja€ob Dorsey, James P. King, Anthony Lewis, Rev. Anderson Cox, A. L. and B. F. Hersey, Dr. Richard Maffitt, Rev. Wm. McLean, William Swigart, Malcolm Hughes, T. R. Jett, J. W. Woodward, F. N. and S. G. Colburn, G. N. Gossett, Rev. Wm. Mears, Dr. Wm. Gray, G. W. Paine, J. E. Cravens, Dr. John P. Mitchell, John M. Wilson, J. B. Mauley, L. Sykes, James Wilson, Daniel Farmer, Connelley Bros., and others. Jacob and Redmond Rogers came from Virginia in the thirties, bringing with them many slaves. They bought lands, built houses, and took their places among the leaders of this new town. The Jacob Rogers home of the fifties is today occupied by R. S. Davis. Jacob Rogers was succeeded after a few years hy his nephew Jacob. Arthur Rogers was a son of the younger Jacob. Mrs. Jacob Rogers, Sr., was Sarah E. Chandler of Vir- ginia, and lived to be quite old. Jacob, who was a widower, and his son, resided with her. Bcnnie and Fannie Chandler, her BIOGRAPHIES 17.'^ nieces, were later members of her family. Hemiie married Judi»e Cunniiii^ham of the Fifth .hidieial Distriet of Arkansas. Fannie became the wife of F. R. McKennon, a promisintj yoiini^ lawyer, who was shot and killed a few years later. Hon. Felix 1. Batson was one of Clarksville's firs? lawyers. In uie early fifties he served as Circuit Judfje. Lat >r he was ai)i)()inted a jud^c on the Supreme bench of Arkansas. Judt:;<- Batson was also a member of the Confederate Congress. Mrs. Batson was Jean Ileitis of Missouri. Their only child, Emma, became Mrs. Jordan E. Cravens. Col. Jordan E. Cravens was born in Missoiui in 18,'i(), and his father, Xehemiah Cravens, a native of Kentucky, and whose father was William Cravens, moved to Arkansas in 1831. He settled in Johnson County, south of the river. In 185(1 or perhaps a short time after, Jordan E. Cravens came to Clarksville and read law in !he office of Judge Batson. In 1854 he obtained license to practice, and in 1855, became a partner with J. M. Wilson. Col. Cravens went into the Civil War as a private and came out with the distinguished brevit of Colonel. He was later elected to the U. S. Congress, serving in the 45th, 46th and 47th Sessions. Col. Cravens was a strong, honest, and conscientious man, who lived to be quite old. Rev. Anderson Cox, a pioneer preacher of the Presbyterian faith, who rode a circuit from Conway to Fayetteville, was born in Crawford, now Franklin, county, Arkansas in 1821. His mother was a member of the famous Buchanan family, who came with the Cox family and others in 1819, or 1820, and settled in Crawford County, in the territor}^ of Arkansas. Later they moved to Cane Hill. Rev. Cox, together with a Rev. Oliver, began to ride the circuit in 1844. Rev. Oliver died a few years later, leaving Rev. Cox the whole of the work. Rev. Cox organ- ized almost every Cumberland church between Conway and Fayetteville. Every neighborhood knew him, and he was always welcome in every home. He was the father of Colman and Lee Cox, Mrs. Volney Howell, Mrs, Dora Nesbitt, and Mrs. Harris Johnson. When Rev. Cox died he was buried at Salem graveyard, near Hagarville, but was later removed to Oak- land Cemetery at Clarksville. Mrs. Cox was Miss Eliza May, the daughter of Phillip May, who died before his family moved to Clarksville. Mrs. Phillii) May and her children settled the |)lace 174 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY on East Hill, long owned by Joseph Evans, and later by Frank Carter. Frank Carter is also a member of the early family of Carters, whose farm was near Breckenridge. G. N. Gossitt came to Johnson County in 1835. He lived to Jjc an octogenarian. Judge Moreau Rose was a man with a high sense of honor and i)rogressive ideas. His farm was one mile west of Clarksville, jjut he moved to the new town as one of the first citizens. He was the fatlier of Mrs. A. C. Miller and Mrs. J. N. Sarber Information taken from the old scrap book of Judge Rose has furnished many of the facts given in this edition. A number of the articles pasted therein were from his own pen. Judge John M. Wilson, who was an excellent gentleman of early days, was once Judge of the Fifth District of Arkansas, and made his liome in Clarksville. He was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1817, and was the son of James Wilson, a native of South Carolina, born in 1773. The fallier of James Wilson w^as William Wilson. One James Wilson, a cousin of James Wilson, the father of Johr. M., was a delegate form Pennsylvania to the Convention that formed the Constitution of the United States, and previously one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. J. M. Wilson's mother, Margaret McIIroy, was born in Virginia in 1775. In 1855 Judge Wilson entered into a part- nership with Col. J. E. Cravens, which lasted until some three years later, wlien Judge Wilson went to the circuit bench. Judge Wilson was the father of two sons and several daughters. One daughter became Mrs. Hezekiah Blackard of Clarksville. The Coimelley family, consisting of six brothers, came to the town of Clarksville in pre-war days. Judge John G. Connelley was the father of Mrs. Laura Eakin Thompson of Little Rock, and several other children. Theo. Connelley was the second brother, and William, the third, who was the father of Mrs. J. V. (Nelle) Hughes. Dr. N. F. Connelley was one of Clarksville's most influential citizens of the last two decades of the century. George ar^d Lee were younger brothers who left Clarksville soon after tlie Civil War. The Connelley family came from Tennessee. J. G. was said to liave been the first male child born in Jackson, Tennessee. Rev. William Mears was a Baptist Minister and soldier of the war of 1812. He was the father of Elisha, Jerrv and Jackson. lUOGRAPHIKS 17") Elislui was on the IkmicIi as Circuit Jiuli^o just after the Civil War, in the days of reconstruction, when he was shot and killed from the roadside hy an unknown person. John E. Manley, an Englishniaji, who was a lawyer by profes- sion, and an excellent cabinet maker by trade, came to Clarks- ville in the late forties. His family consisted of five boys and five girls. Mathew Manley was the father of Dr. R. N. Manley, a well informed physician, who has for several years followed his profession at Lamar and Clarksville. Anthony Lewis was one of the first i)ersons to move to the county seat. He became interested in the organization of a Methodist church, also a Masonic lodge. He was one of the charter niLiiibers of P'ranklin Lodge No. 9, at Clarksville. Anthony, James, and Thomas, were three of six brothers who came from Tennessee prior to the statehood of .Arkansas. The other three, brothers went to Texas. Malcolm Hughes did not reach Clarksville until the late forties, in fact he doubtless knew nothing concerning the ])lace until he went to Mexico and met the Johnson County boys. He liked tliem, and there heard of the excellent country of Arkansas, so decided that he would like to live here. ^Yhile others were making their way to the gold fields of California, in 1849, Mr. Hughis had just become settled in Arkansas. His former home in Alabama, proved in after years, to be a wonderful iron pvu- ducing region, })ut he liked his adopted state, so remained here. His son, J. V. Hughes, was a small boy then, but today is one of Ciarksville's oldest and most respected citizens, and v.'as. for long years, connected with the furniture business in Clarksville. His furniture store and all the contents were destroyed by fire in 19DL and again in 1912. Mr. Hughes has four children, Mi?^. Janie Connelley, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, J. V. Hughes Jr., and Neal Hughes. Mr. Hughes has been married twice. His first vife was Anne Turner whose father was Wm. Turner, and grand- father, Samuel Turner, who came in the thirties to Jolmson count}'. She was the mother of the two daughters, and the present Mrs. Hughes, the mother of his two sons, was Nelle Connelley. Mr. Hughes was a soldier of the sixties, serving all four years. He encountered many difficulties and privations, but came through it all to live to be one of the few soldiers wdio is todav as active as a mucli vounger man, and whose mind is 176 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY alert and clear. In his younger days he took a hand in mu- nicipal and state affairs. He was often on the schoolboard and council and has been a zealous Mason for almost sixty years. The L. Sykes family came to Clarksville in 1849. For twenty years J. T. Sykes was the coroner of the county. Daniel Farmer had immigrated to Newton County prior to his removal to Johnson in the fifties. His five sons were William, Calvin, James, Hosia and John. James Farmer and his family have been citizens of Clarksville for many years. The Jamison family, of which John H. Jamison is now the senior member, goes back with a lineage beginning in Pennsyl- vania before the Revolutionary war, and from that state they are followed into Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas. Back in Pennsylvania, in the year 1779, Robt. Jamison was mar- ried to Ruth Webster, a cousin of the distinguished Daniel Webster. They were the parents of Robert, George, Webster and Anseln. Judge George Jamison came from Missouri to Johnson county, Arkansas , where, one night surmise, he had followed the girl of his choice, Polly D. Logan, a daughter of Jonathan Logan, late from the state of Kentucky, to which state George Jamison had immigrated a few years back, from Virginia, Upon the arrival of Mr. Jamison at the pioneer home of Mr. Logan, in 1830, he was married to Polly. Judge George and Polly Jamison's children were George, Thomas, Robert, David and Nancy Evans. Nancy Evans was married on Dec. 11, 1834, to John R. Homer Scott, of the famous Scott family of Pope county. Andrew Scott, the father of J. R. H. Scott, was appointed by President Monroe in 1819, following the forming of the Arkansas Terrilry, as a Judge of the Superior Court of Araknsas. He at once moved from St. Genevieve, Mo., to which place he had im- migrated from Virginia, to Arkansas Post. For eight years he resided in Little Rock, but in 1827, Judge Scott was made Judge of the first district of the territory, and in the spring of 1828 purchased from Indian McKey, a claim up in the Cherokee coun- try, and moved to the farm, which he called, and is yet known as Scolia. John R. Homer Scott was his father's prototype in in- telligence and ability; he held many positions of honor and trust. His sister, Eliza Scott, was the wife of Ben H. Campbell of Chicago, 111., who was for eight years U. S. Marshal under General BIOGRAPHIES 177 Grant. His sislcr, Elizabeth, was the wife of Hon. J. Russell Jones, also of Chicago, and U. S. Minister to Helgiuni under Gen. Grant, and a United States Marshal under President Lincoln. After Cai)t. John R. H. Scott's marriage to Nancy Evans Jamison he made his home in Johnson County for two years, 1834-35. He was a Master Mason, with his membership in Frankhn Lodge No. 9, at Clarksville. He was a Whig until the Democratic party was formed, and oi)|)osed secession until it became an accepted fact. Judge David A. Jamison and wife, Nancy, who was a daughter of Dr. E. E. McConnell and a sister of Hon. E. T. Mc- Connell had four boys born into their home, John H., Edward, Latta and Scotl. Judge and Mrs. D. A, Jamison and Captain and Mrs. J. R. H. Scott, went to California in 1853. They crossed the plains with scNcrai head of cattle, for which they received fabu- lous prices. John H. Jamison was then ten years of age. He grew to manhood in California, returning to Clarksville when twenty years old. In 1872 he was married to Ori Woodward, a daughter of John W. Woodward. Of their children only two are living, Robert Jamison of Clarksville, and Scottie, wife of Dr. Marion E. Foster of Paris, Ark. Earlier generations spelled the name "Jemison" but the last three write it Jamison. Dr. Wm. Gray came to Johnson County, Arkansas, in 1840. He had previously, \\iien only twenty-two years of age, graduated from medical college. His success in this comity as a phj'sician was reputed to have been unparalleled. In the spring of 1845, when a call was made for volunteers pending troul)le from the Indian border, he was one of the first to volunteer. He enlisted as a private, but was soon made Cai)tain, When two Johnson county companies and one Pope county company, forming the First Battalion of Arkansas N'oluntecrs, rode away to the Mexican war. Dr. Gray was in command, as Lieutenant Col. William Gray. His untimely death came at the age of 37. Mrs. Gray was, be- fore her marriage. Emetine Carothers, trained nurse from New York. Some years after the death of Col. Ciray, she was married to Col. John F. Hill. Col. T. R. Jett and his wife, Margaret C. (Ulley) Jett, moved to Johnson County, in 1853. They had prevoiusly spent four years in Yell County, where Mr. Jett was a government surveyor. He was a lawyer by profession, but followed school teaching in 178 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY liis former home state of Tennessee, also in Pope and Johnson counties of this state. The Jett children were P. R., W. S., P. H., and Dec (wife of G. K. Choatc). The late Judge P. R. Jett was once a merchant of Knoxville. He was afterward elected county judge and moved to the county seat. Judge Jett married Miss M. J. E. Craig, who was a Kentuckian hy birth. They w^re the ])arents of eight children. Judge Jett was a Civil war soldier, as was also his yoimger brother, W. S. Jett, who was sixteen years of age when he enlisted in Capt. J. C. Hill's company. W. S. Jett, a gentleman of honor and integrity is today a young man for his years. He served two terms as sheriff of Johnson county. He has been twice married, the first Mrs. Jett was Louisa Stilley, and the present Mrs. Jett was formerly Armelia Suddeth of Ashville, S. C. Dr. Richard Maffitt left Nortli Carolina, his native si.ile, in 1849, and came to the new country of Arkansa'^, making Clarks- ville his lifetime home. He died in 1880. Mrs. Hugh Bashani is his daughter. Another daughter is Mrs. Ruth. Tani.ersley, and his three living sons are John, Jess, and Howel) Maffitt. Dr. Maffitt was an honest and dependable gentleman and a ])hysician of ability. John W. Woodward, who was a deaf mute, came to Clarks- ville, in the early fifties, sometime during tlie years when A. M. Ward Mas the county clerk. He came, a stranger, handicapped by an affliction, but Mr. Ward and others were only a short time finding out that his penmanship was beautiful and his English perfect. He soon became a valuable assistant to Mr. Ward at the court house. Many records there bear his signature. He Mas the author of a number of beautiful poems. "The Legend of the Broken Sword", is one M'hich will doubtless indelible his name throughout the years to come. Mr. Woodward was born in Virginia, and Mrs. Woodward's maiden name Mas Virginia C^ox. His poem called "Virginia", in M'hich he eulogized and intermingled the two into a beautiful rhyme, is the Mork of a genius. Mr. W^oodward Mas recognized over the state as one of the best educated men in Arkansas. He Mas left an orphan M'hen twelve years of age, after M'hich he Mas sent to Paris, France, for tutorage. During the years of 1858-59, Richard H. Johnson, mIio Mas the editor of the True Democrat of Little Rock, M'as elected to the office of State Treasurer, at M'hich time he I^IOGRAPHIES 179 eiii;)Ioyo(i Mr. Woodward lo fill his place on the ))ai)cr. In almost every issue the topies of the day, which Mr. Woodward could not innunciate. were delt with in an editorial from his "ifted pen. His non de plume was "Tototot". A lengthy magazine article on the life of Col. Mathew Lion, written hy Mr. Woodward during the fifties, furnished a considerable |)art of the facts con- cerning Col. Lion in this volume. Mrs. Ori .lamison, one of Clarksville's best loved and most consecrated Christian mothers. The Legend of the Broken Sword, a beautiful poem of some length, written by J. W. Woodward In the fifties, is replete with the following nar- rative: "When Columbus returned from the ''Sunset Land", the story of that V onderful country spread rapidly and soon grew to such proportions that thousands of adventurers set sail across the Atlantic. At least one boat landed on the coast of Florida, and one Pedro, wandered alone far inland, with only his Spanish sword. The Indians told him that beyond forests and rivers to the west lay mountains of gold and fountains of youth. He pushed forward, and on the banks of the Arkansas, at the foot of those mountains, he made his abode with the friendly Quapaws. He soon grew to love the great chief's daughter, Coree, and she adored the palefaced stranger. But one day, in pathos, she said to him, "Ere another moon shall fall, my father has willed that I shall wed another." "Not so!" cried Pedro. then he told her where his canoe was hidden in the creek by the side of the river. Following the dictates of her love, she went with him. On reaching the place from where they would glide down the stream to their hearts' content, the good skiff was gone and the Indians were close behind. Nothing left to do but battle with them, Pedro drew his Spanish sword in defense, as the unequal combat ensued. When Corn saw a blow aimed at her lover's heart, she threw herself on his breast and there she died. Then he piled the dark forms all around him. but presently his good sword struck a stone and broke. "And so h^' fell while forms 'round him flocked; And then upon the greensward, side b>- side. In death lay Pedro and his Indian bride." Years had passed by: Desoto and his liand. In passing up the river, came to where Pedro and Coree died, and yet the land Gave forth no trace of scenes enacted there. Searching along the creek a place to ford Desoto stumbled on a broken sword. "Spadra!" he cried. (Spanish for broken sword) And so was named the stream and land around. Though now it has become a common woi-d. We've almost lost the meaning of the swoid Name of the stream, where in youthful pride. Coree, the Indian maiden, loved and died. Thus, borne on the night breeze, you may heai- The waters murmuring o'er their rocky bed; Thus it has murmured from year to year 'Till since her death three centures have fled — Wild, lonely then, now crossed by bi-idge a-ul fot-d. 'Tis "Spadra Creek " sti-eam of the broken s .vord. 180 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY is a daughter of John Woodward. Mrs. Jamison is a woman of inherited abihty. Many newspaper articles worthy of comment liave been written by her. Two grown sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jamison, John and Charley, have died within the past two years. Dr. John P. Mitchell came to Clarksville before the Civil War, from Mitchell, in Culpeper county Va., a village named for that fainily. Johnson County has never possessed a more loyal citi- zen than Dr. Mitchell. He was outspoken in his appreciation. He gave the flowers of frientlship to his living companions rather than the dead. He was one of the most zealous workers in se- curing the Cumberland College at Clarksville, and could not have been more elated, when the final decision was made, had it been his very own. Dr. Mitchell married Louisa Willis, whose family was among the early settlers. They were the parents of three children, Dr. John P. Jr., William, and Selma, all of whom are dead. James Mitchell was a brother of J. P. He was a farmer, and was the father of two daughters, Lou and Nette. The latter, who became Mrs. Ewing, died two years ago in Colorado. Her ashes were deposited in Oakland Cemetery at Clarksville. Lou Milcbell married M. A. Lucas, who came to Clarksville twenty- five years ago as passenger agent for the Missouri Pacific railw^ay. For many years past he has been the efficient cashier of the Bank of Clarksville, and is one of the largest stockholders. John H. Robinson, a young man from North Carolina, came to Johnson County in the fifties. Just prior to the war he married Sarah Frances James, a daughter of Joseph James. Mr. Robinson was a man with many friends, and much money. Mrs. Ro])iiison was an ideal mother and a good friend. Their daughter, Elizabetli Robinson Blythe Kendrick, wife of T. J. Kendrick, is perhaps the best known and most loved woman in Johnson county. She is a true friend; she is the soul of charity, — especial- ly docs she look after the poor and needy. Elizabeth Robinson was married, first to E. 1). W. Blythe, whose birth place was Grenado, Fishoning County, Mo., and who was an attorney, practicing in Clarksville. Her second marriage was to T. J. Kendrick a gentleman of the old school. Her children are John Blythe of Missouri, Mrs. Robinson Blythe Smith, wife of Dr. W. F. Smith, special surgeon of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, Little Rock, T. J. Kendrick, Jr., and Charley Kendrick. BIOGRAPHIES 181 (labriel \V. Paine and Mary HaniuMs Paine born in North Carolina and Tennessee, in IcSdl and 1803, respectively, left Tennessee and came to Arkansas at an early date. Their children were Thomas B., Columbns, Francis, Houston, Susan, Julia Ann and Easter. Gabriel Paine was one of the first boarding house proprietors in (Tarksville. The father of Gabriel was John Paine, who was a first cousin of the noted Thomas Paine of Tennessee. Mattie C. Paine, a daughter of Thomas B., was for long years postmistress of Lamar. Flora (Mrs. S.C. Sharyer) of Clarksville, R. G., F. M., Gordon (deceased), and Senator Jake R. Wilson of Eldorado, are children of Elizabeth Paine, w^ho was Mrs. Charlie Wilson. Mrs. Tobe Adkins and Mayor Joe B. Paine of Van Buren, Mrs. Flora Eichenberger, Mrs. Emma Shangle, Mrs. Hallie Price, Robert, Lillie and Elizabeth Paine, were children of Francis and Susan Paine. Mrs. B. M. Riddell is a great-granddaughter of Gabriel Paine. Her mother was Gertrude Paine, daughter of Columbus Paine. Other children of Gertrude Paine King are Hannah, Myrtle, and Martha. This name is spelled two ways. Gabriel Payne took out a land grant but in an old biography is found Thomas Paine. Thad Pajaie of Clarksville is a descendant of another branch of this same family. His father was Wm. Paine of Tennessee, who was a cousin to Gabriel. Ralph Payne is one of the sons of Thad. Back somewhere in the course of the years before the inter- ception of the mid-cenlury conflict, there came a gentleman and his lady, u]} from New Orleans. In the history of the country of Scotland is a lineage from days of old^ of a coiuily knight, with deeds of valor, wliose name was Southcrland. Southerlands since, in that highland country, have all claimed a lineage un- broken. In those days, when the lure of the new world was still in the blood of youth, one Alexander Southcrland crossed the Atlantic by the long trip to that popular southern port of New Orleans . While in that city he married Miss Cox, who was from Scotland too. After several years they came to Clarksville. They had one daughter, Amanda, and two sons. One son died in Clarksville and the other went to Tennessee. Mr. Southcrland was a confederate sokHer from Johnson County and served throughout the war. Death had claimed both parents when Amanda was twelve yaers of age, and while she was still in her teens she was married to Abraham Laster, a nephew of the 182 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY pioneer Abraham. Seven children were born into their home. Soon the father died, and while some of them were yet children, the mother died too. These boys and i»irls grew to be splendid men and women. They are Arthur, Walker, who is the present Mayor, Ruby, (Mrs. L. C. Gray), all of Clarksville, also Carl, Arch, Lena (Mrs. Griffin) and Mary, who is the wife of the cele- brated scientist, J. W. Stimpson, all of California. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Koschwitz, emigrants from the "Fatherland" were post-war arrivals in Johnson County. As the years passed four children came into their home, one of whom died. Mr. and Mrs. Koschwitz both died in the late nineties. Annie, the oldest child and only daughter, with her two young brothers, went to Washington City, where she was a government employee. Annie is now the wife of Hon. L. F. Kneipp of Washington City, who has for a number of years been connected with the U. S. Forest Reserve. A picture of President Harding and the two small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Kneipp, appeared recently in the Saturday Evening Post. Frederick Koschwitz is a graduate from the Harvard Law School and resides in New York City. Herman is a banker E. D. W. Blythe, whose native state was Mississippi and who had previously settled with his brother at Waldron, Arkansas, came to Clarksville in 1879, following his marriage to Elizabeth Robinson. He was a lawyer and a journalist. In the latter profession, he was known as a caustic and forcible writer. His son, John Blythe, of Kansas City, is a prototype of the older cast, with everybody his friend. E. D. W. Blythe was said to have been responsible for the unearthing of the conditions in the Coal Hill mines, where the state convicts were employed. This has since been called "The Coal Hill Convict Horror." Sometime in the seventies there came a family from Osa- watawa, Kansas, Dr. and Mrs. William I. James. Dr. James was a native of Kentucky but was reared in Illinois. Mrs. James was, prior to her marriage, Kathrine Margard, of Iowa. Their children are Grace James, a trained nurse, in Texas, Maude (Mrs. J. E. Morgan of Denver, Colo.), William of California, and Edwina (Mrs. T. E. May of Clarksville). Mrs. May is a woman with an abundance of energy, with wdsdom and clearness of thought. Because of her fitness she naturally takes an active BIOGRAPHIES 183 and leading part in all organizations with which she is connocted. She is an ardent church worker. The Tacket family was in Johnson (bounty too during the rush to the gold field of California, for it is said that two of the Tacket hoys were slaughtered in the Moiuilaiu Meadow Mas- sacre in Utah. There were many other families over the county at large in pre-war days. Some who are unknown at this time, hut a few of them are still familiar: Norvil, Nourse, Gillian, Houser, Koonse, Watts, Arnold, Tate, Dover, Clemmons, Patterson, Price, Swift, Nard, Tucker, Seldon, Wise, Langford, Dickerson, Drew, Lind- se3% Boen, Casey, Scaggs, Pace, Smith, Dunn, Garner, Holloway, Kirby, Powell, Temple, Wright, Moore, Hudson, Whorton and Frazier. ARRIVALS BETWEEN 1865-1880 Immediately following the close of the war, Capt. J. W. May, who had previously resided on the south of the river, came to Clarksville, w here were many of the soldier boys of his company. Capt. May at one time operated a grist mill on Shoal Creek and it is said that the large stone with which the grinding was done may still be seen in the bottom of the stream. Capt May's mercantile establishment in Clarksville was one of the largest firms of the county . He called it an emporium and made an ef- fort to carry out to the fullest the meaning of the word. B. D. Pennington, who was born in Mecklenburg, Va., in 1828, came to Clarksville immediately after the war ended and went into the mercantile business. He married Mary Ann Davis, and built a beautiful home, standing today on Johnson street. He reared and educated a family of boys and girls, only two of whom are living, Ben Pennington of Oklahoma, and Mrs. Cora McGlumphy of Van Buren. Col. J. N. Sarber, who was born in Pittsburg, Pa., came to Clarksville from Kansas as a scout under Col. Cloud of the Federal army. He was stationed in Clarksville for two years and later married Sue Rose. He then made Clarksville his home through the remainder of his natural life. The Republicans were in power and for a full decade, between 1865 and 1875, he dominated the affairs of this section. He was a lawyer and a man of education. Col. Sarber caused to be formed, in 1874, 184 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY a new county, which in his honor was named Sarbcr. A short time after however, when that regime was passed, the confederate citizenship of the county, through the legislature, changed the name to Logan. Col. Sarher was United States Marshal of the Western District under President Grant. He received the brevit of Colonel when acting in that capacity for the 306 who espoused the renomination of Pres. Grant in 1H72. Mrs. Sarber is now re- siding in California. The McKennon families who liad ])reviously immigrated to Carrol County from Tennessee, came on lo Johnson after the war. Capt. A. S. McKennon had been associated with many of the soldier boys from Johnson Coimty in the 16th Arkansas and was a 3'oung man just previously married to Miss Berry, a niece of the distinguished United States Senator J. H. Berry. Capt. Mc- Keimon together with Major Swagerty, opened a store, and began the sale of general merchandise. A year or two later Buckner, McKennon and his sister Sallie, and the father of the three, a re- tired physician. Dr. Archibald McKennon, moved to Clarksville. Mrs. Lucretia McKennon, who was the widow of Harvey McKen- non, came with he.r family of six l)oys and two daughters, A. M., F, Pi., Dallas, Foster, Onnie, P\o])erl, wlio later moved to Texas, Spratte (Mrs. Berry) and Bee (Mrs. Hamilton). Mrs. Mary Nelson, another widowed daughter of Dr. Mc- Kennon, came also with her family. She was the mother of Dr. Onnie Nelson, who is widely known over the county, and who has been a practitioner in the profession of dentistry in Clarksville for long years. The husband of Mary McKennon was Robert J. Nelson, who was the son of Prudence Polk, who was a sister of Samuel Polk, the father of the ))resident of the United Stales, James K. Polk, of the Duck river district, Maury County, Tenn. Robert J. Nelson was an orj)han early in life and was taken into the home of his uncle, Samuel. Tiie fatlier of Samuel Polk was Ezekial, vxliose father, Robert Polk emigrated from Ireland to America. The home of the earlier families of Polks was in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Samuel Polk moved to Tennessee in 1806. Cai)t. A. S. McKennon began the study of law while yet in the mercantile business, and after being admitted lo the bar became one of the leading lawyers of the state. He was a persuasive talker, tender hearted and generous, \\ ith a goodly supply of w^it. BIOGRAPHIES 185 He was considered one of the best criminal lawyers in llie slate. The children of his first wife wc>re Minnie, Dr. (ieoii^e, of liussell- ville, Ordnier (deceased), and Archie (Mrs. Eugene Towell) of Hot S[)rings. Capt. McKennon was married a second time, to Hannah Basham. Dr. P. D. McKennon of Fort Smith is their son, and the late Dr. Charley McKennon was also their son. They were tlK> parents of several other children. Ci\\){. Mc- Kennon died in 1920 at McAlister, Oklahoma, where he nvoved more than twenty years ago following an appointment he received from the President as a member of Dawes Indian Commission. Capt. McKennon was an earnest temperance worker. He gave much of his time and energy while in Johnson County, espous- ing the cause. After going to Oklahoma he madt' his efforts state-wide and deserved much of the credit for Oklahoma's temperance activities. Mrs. McKennon passed away several years ago. Buckner McKennon was a traveling salesman. He married Maggie Harle^^ Mrs. McKennon was a woman familiar with all the to})ics of the day, and was able to intelligently talk or write about them. She took the primal move to enforce the three- mile temperance law in Johnson County, a law back in the Ar- kansas arcliives, hidden and lost. When Mrs. McKennon re- membered that she had, at some time read about that status, she consulted lawyers of her acquaintance and they did not remem- ber of such a law, but she insisted, and finally her brother-in- law, Capt. A. S. McKennon, found it. Together they went to work and soon the law itself, was at work. Mr. and Mrs. Buckner McKennon were the parents of R. H., of the McKennon House Furnishing Co., of Clarksville; Paul, a widely kown mem- ber of the Bar of Johnson county; W. A., and Basil of Louisiana, and Mrs. Autumn Belt of Oklahoma. Dr. A. M. McKennon is the only living member in Johnson County of the two generations who first came to Johnson county bearing the McKennon name. Dr. McKennon has been for long years, beginning in the seventies, one of the most energetic and j)rominent business men of Northwest Arkansas. He was a practicing physician for twenty-five years. He retired and for some time personally managed his plantation in the Hartman river bottom. After the death of Capt. J. C. Hill, Dr. McKen- non i)urchased his property on the corner of Main and Fulton 186 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY streets and was the manager and principal owner of one of the largest mercantile establishments in the county until 1920, when he sold to the Clarksville Mercantile Co. Dr. McKennon was for many years President of the School Board. Mrs. J. M. Davis of Little Rock, Mesdames D. W. Dunlap and A. N. Hannah of Clarksville, Mrs. Florence Blair of Minneapolis and Mun McKennon of Scranton are the children of Dr. McKennon. Capt. John C. Hill, following the close of the Civil War, was married to Lyde Davis, daughter of Ben] amen Davis of Clarks- ville. He was a merchant in Clarksville throughout his life. Capt. and Mrs. Hill were the parents of two children, John C. Jr., and Lillie. The former was quite young wdien he graduated from college where he won a number of medals of honor. He was a writer of some repute. His articles appeared in the Saturday Eve- ning Post and other magazines. Being an expert judge of cotton with a keen intuition and a versatile flow of English, he soon reached the top in his profession. For twenty years and until his death in 1919, he was manager of, and held a seat on the Cot- ton Exchange in the city of New York. Mrs. J. C. Hill Jr., was Annie Hightower of Ft. Smith. She has one son, who is J. C. Hill, III. Lillie Hill was educated in eastern schools, finishing in the Boston Conservatory of Music. She was married in 1897 to Walter Boogher of the Boogher Dry Goods Co., of St. Louis. They visited England, France, Italy and other European countries on their wedding tour. Mrs. Boogher is now a widow and re- sides in New York City. Capt. J. C. Hill was the son of William Hill of the Shoal Creek neighborhood south of the river. His mother was Lillie Ward, a daughter of Maj. John Ward. Capt. Hill died in 1910 and Mrs. Hill died in 1914. Major Harold Borland was the editor of the Clarksville Democrat in the late sixties. Maj. Borland was graduated from W^est Point Military Academy in the class of 1860. He rendered distinguished service in the army of the Confederacy. He was the son of Col. Solon Borland, who was a veteran of two wars, a United States Senator and a United States minister to Panama. Maj. Borland lived to be an octogenarian. Judge J. W. Robnson was a magistrate of Lamar for almost twenty years. He came from Alabama to Johnson County with his father, J. S. Robinson in 1877. They resided in Clarksville two years before going to Lamar, where they became associated with BIOGRAPHIES 187 Cazort Brothers in Iho liinibcr and i^in business. Leo, the only daughter of .ludge Robinson, is now Mrs. Lynn 'Hionipson of Clarksville. When James Anderson Rhea of Handeock County, Tennessee, returned from four h)ni>- years of soldier life he found that Mrs. Rhea had died only three days before the surrender. His farm land was bare of houses and fenees; his i^rist mill i^one, and his negroes free. Instead of making an effort to reelaim his for- mer property lie hitehed up his team and left with his tin-ee small children, Elizabeth, xVmanda and Lucy. He traveled through \'irginia, Missouri, Arkansas and the Indian Territory into Texas, He remained in Texas for a year, but on account of much illness, again started across the country. When he reached the Horse- head Creek neighborhood in Johnson County, Arkansas, he stopped at the home of Phillip May and asked the price of frying chickens. When tt)ld that they were twenty-five cents, he re- marked that he had reached the place to locate and raise chickens. Four years later, in 1872, he moved to Clarksville and engaged in the transfer business. James Anderson Rhea was the son of Elijah Rhea, of the family for whom Rhea County, Tenn., was named, and his mother was Lucy Anderson of Virginian lineage, but a member of the family for whom Anderson County, Tenn., was named. He was a nephew of Congressman M. J. Rhea of Tennessee. Mrs. Rhea was prior to their marriage, a Mrs, Rayhab (Brewer) Seal. Elizabeth Rhea married John P. MoUoy. Amanda Rhea died at the age of twenty. Lucy Rhea is a Mrs. Horner of Dark. She is the mother of Foster and Beulah Hargis. Eb Rhea for many years a resident of Clarksville, also Robert (deceased) and Geo. Rhea of Edna, were nephews of J. A. Rhea. At Princton in Dallas County, Ark., before the Civil War, resided the family of Basil C. Harley. They had previously immi- grated to that i)lace from Mississippi. Their native home was Virginia. Hon. Basil C. Harley was at one time the Lieut, (iov. of the state of Mississipi)i, and after their removal to Prinston was elected to the Arkansas Senate and thereby became the Lieut. Governor of Arkansas. Mrs. Harley was Mary Thomi)son. Their children were James, William, Clabe, Livingston, .1. T. and Maggie. James Harley had occasion, back in the fifties, to visit Clarksville. He liked the little town so much that when the war 188 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY was over he came back and went into business, first with a tin shop and later hardware. This store was burned in the early seventies and with it the old E. E. McConnell residence, Drug Store and in fact that whole block. That was the first con- flagation on that corner. Hon. Basil C. Harley had passed away in Dallas County, in the meantime, and Mrs. Harley and family moved to Clarksville. James Harley married Amanda Ward, a daughter of Augustus M. ^Yard. ^Yilliam Harley married Clem- mie May, oldest daughter of T. K. May, and Livingston Harley, now Dr. Harley, moved to Paris and l)egan the practice of medi- cine. He married Bettie Calthrop, who was the daughter of a pioneer of Johnson County. Mrs. AYm. Hardwick of Clarks- ville is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Livingston Harley. J. T. Harley married Margaret Connelley of Clarksville. The only daughter of the family, was Maggie, (Mrs. Buckner McKennon.) Hon. ^Y. D. Allnutt held a clerkship in ^Yashington city when he resigned to come with Congressman C. C. Reed to Arkansas. After residing in this state for a time, he grew to like it. He found tlie girl of his choice in Clarksville, in the person of Augusl.i jiobinson, a daughter of Hon. Littlebcrry Robinson. They \Nere mai'ricd and two iiabies, Lilly and Richard had come into Iheir hoiiic when Mrs. Allnutt died. Mr. Allnutt is a lawyer by profession. He is a man of few words Init accurate and de- pendable in all his dealings. After a number of years Mr. Allnutt married a second time. The i)resent lady of that title was Nelle Edwin, a beautiful young woman who had recently emigrated from Scotland. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Allnutt FOOT NOTE — A coincidence that may be intei-osting to the members, and probably to posterity of the Harley and Ward families, is the frequency of their in tor marriage during' the past seven generations. The l.u^t t\\(.> bL-inj^- made without their cognizance of a common ancesterage. Som-' old letters of the family filed away years ago by Mrs. Maggie Harley ;McKeanon revealed the lineage. An outline will be given here for those who care to know. Henry Bowen was a brother of Rees Bowen who was killed in the Battle of King's Mountain in the Revolutionary war. A daughter of H'vnry Bowen was the mother of Henry Bowen Thompson of Tazwell County, Virginia. Islaiy Thompson, a daughter of Henry Bowen Thompson, was INIrs. Basil Harley who moved to Johnson County. Mrs. Basil Harley was the mother of Maggie Harley, who married B. P. McKennon. Mrs. B. P. McKennon was the mother of Basil McKennon. Mrs. John Ward, wife of Major John Ward, was a sister of Henry Bowen. Major and Mrs. Ward were the parents of Augustus M. Ward. Augustus M. was the father of William and Amanda. William Ward was the father of Margaret Ward. In the early sixties James Harley married Amanda Ward. Within the past decade Basil C. McKennon iTiarried Margaret Ward. BI()(,RAPHIES 189 are William, Colon, Kalhorinc and Jean. This family moved to Little Rock three years ai>(). Mr. Allnntt's native state is Maryland. J. C. Faueett came from North Carolina in 1871 and settled near Cabin Creek. Mrs. Faneette was Mary Tripp of RoUa, Missouri. \Vm. B. Higi>s arrived in the Pittsburg neighborhood of .lolni- son County, from the state of Tennessee, prior to the sixties. His sons were J. W. and H. A. Higgs. J. W. now resides in the old home settlement, while Horace A. Esq., is a citizen of Clarksville. His former home, however, was Knoxvillc. Mrs. H. A. Higgs Avas Ella Angeline Mosley of Marion, Illinois. The children in tliis family are Mrs. W. C. Hobbs, Gertrude (Mrs. Humphrey). Eunice (Mrs. Morin), Rachel (Mrs. Lee Morgan), Howell and Roland. R. J. Dunlap and liis little family came to Johnson County from Oxford, Miss., in 1875. They had previously moved to that state from Lancaster, S. C, where Mr. Dunlap had served for four years as a Confederate soldier in the 1st South Carolina Regiment. Mrs. Dunlap was, before her marriage, Margaret Montgomery, each having originally cmigated from Ireland. The children in this home were Robert David, Harry, Carl, all deceased, Nelle (Mrs. Ernest Fontaine), and Birdie. Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine are the parents of two boys, Ernest Jr., and James Robert. Mr. Fontaine is a native of Kentucky. Robert D. Dunlap, who married Effie Ward, was one of the most successful men the county ever possessed. His keen perception, intuition and energy, coupled with a personality for making friends, won for him not only a large business success but scores of friends at home and wherever he went. Mr. Dunlaj) died in 1918. His children are D. Ward, Robert, Polly (Mrs. M. A. Scarborough). and Jefferson. D. Ward Duidap is administrator of his father's estate and has large coal mining interests. He is at this time a member of the Arkansas Democratic Central Committee. Robert D. Dunlap is cashier of the First National Bank of Clarksville, and also, has much coal interests. To trace the genealogy of the Dunlap family one must begin with the children, D. Ward, Jr. and Robert T., who are the sons of D. Ward and Robert D. Jr., who are the sons of R. D. Dunlap.. Sr., who was the son of Robert Jefferson Dunlap, whose father. UK) HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Jjack ill South Carolina, was Robert David Montgomery Dunlap, who was the son of James Dunhip, the son of John D. Dunlap, who emigrated from Dublin, Ireland, sometime before the Revolutionary war, for John was an American soldier under General Washington. Mrs. R. J. Dunlap (Margaret Montgomery), whose home is in Clarksville, is the daughter of Rol)ert Montgomery, ^vho was the son of Nemon Montgomery, who immigrated to South Carolina from Ireland. The \Miite family were pre-war settlers but the information at hand begins with C. White, wdio with his family of several daughters and one son, Fred, resided during the latter part of the jjast century on the old homestead of Arthur Davis, which Mr. While had purchased. Fred White married Jennie Montgomery, daughter of Dr. Montgomery of Spadra. J. M. Coi)elaiid, whose native land was South Carolina, but who went from there to Rome, Ga., thence to Madison County, yVrkansas, died in the latter place in 1872. Mrs. Copeland, nee Amanda Manning, with her family of three boys and one daughter moved to Clarksville in 1874. J. W. Copeland is the only one living at this time. He married Ludy Scott of Yell County. They have three living children. Luther, a son of J. M. died a number of years ago. Luther Copeland is his son. He also left two ('aughters. W. T. Evans, a native of South Wales set sail for America in 18()9, and after spending eight years in Ohio, moved to Clarksville. Mrs. Evans had died jireviously in South A\'ales and Mr. Evans' family consisted of two sons and four daughters. The two sons and one daughter were the members who came to Clarksville wdth him, D. J. p]vans, an eminent musician, moved to Lttle Rock and taught in the schools there; Gwennie (Mrs. Ed Kraus), and Joseiih, whose wife was Susie Griffiths of Ohio, was also a native of \\'ales. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Evans' children are Mrs. Mary Harris, Mrs. Lizzie Cunningham, Mrs. Martha Moore, Mrs. Maude Marlar. Joseph Evans traveled every summer. He sj)ent several months one year touring England, Wales, Scotland, France and the Isle of Man. Mr. Evans died in 1918. John Patrick Molloy made his bow into Arkansas early in the seventes, having been at the delta of the Mississippi when the yellow fever epidemic began to rage, he made flight up that river lUOGRAPHIES 191 and theiicc up the Arkansas to Dardaiicllc and Russellvillc. John Patrick was the son of Steven and Annie I^okind MoUoy of Kils- brush, Irchind. The father, Steven, who took jjassai^e for America back in the fifties, was washed overboard and drowned. Annie Bokind i>re\\ up in Ireknid before it was the fashion to send girls to school, therefore a tutor was provided for Anne and her sister Margarette. Margarette later became Mrs. O'Shaughnessy and her husband was Secretary to the Police Commission in London, England for forty years. Anne, after the death of her husband taught school and for several years before the end of her life, drew a j^ension from the English Government for the long service of forty-one years in the school room. She married a second time and became Mrs. Dan Galvin, but Mr. Galvin died at the end of two years. The last twenty-five years of her life were spent at the Moyasta Place with relatives, Col. and Lady Grace Vandelour. Anne Boland Molloy Galvin was the mother of J. P. of Arkansas U. S. A., Charley of Ireland, Annie (Mrs. Rege Brennen of London, England), Minnie (Mrs. Godwin Tilton, of Ireland), Margarette (Mrs. Regenald Meeks, of Waga Waga, New South 'Wales, Australia), and Mrs. Elizabeth Burke of Detroit, Michigan, whose daughter, Mrs. Mary Burke Peas, is the chief editor of the Canadian magazine, The Echo; also Dan Galvin, a graduate of Trinity College, whose home is in Sidney, Australia. John Patrick Molloy was educated in a monestary in Kils- brush, Ireland. He served in the English navy four years and then went on a trading vessel as second, and later first mate, and eventually, captain. He circumnavigated the globe three times, was on the Great Lakes for a year and cruised in the West Indies, during the Civil war. When he came to Clarksville in 1872, he met the only girl, Elizabeth Rhea. He was a jeweler in FOOT XOTE — It win doubtle.ss be interesting to those who bear the name of Molloy, to know that it is said by historians to be a name of real antiquity, tracing- back to a chieftain who descended from "Niall of the Nine Hostages, the High King of Ireland", in the fourth century. The histories of the "High Kings" who held sway over the various clans are recorded in an unbroken line, from the joint reign of two brothers, Heber and Herman, in 1700 B. C, down to the death of Roderick O'Conner, the last and one hundred eighty-third of the "High Kings", at which time in the latter part of the 12th century A. D., the Irish national steucture began to crumble under the onslaught of the Anglo-Xornians. The clan seat was in ancient "Ferceall". in Meath, now in Kings County. Ireland. The name was first the Celtic word. Maoluah and C'Malumaiah. It is now O'Malloy. MuUoy or Molloy. 192 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Clarksvillc for twenty-six years. Mr, and Mrs. Molloy's living children are Ella (Mrs. Cooper Langford), Steve, of Missouri, Rhea, of Chicago, Terrence D., of Clarksville, and Dr. John Patrick Molloy, an optician, of Missouri. Q. B. Poynor landed in Johnson from Madison County, alone and empty handed, early in the seventies. He had started out in the world to seek his fortune. Mr. Poynor found it, not by acci- dent awaiting him somewhere, but by earnest endeavor and well earned achievements. He married in 1885 to Fannie Ogilvie, a daughter of W. S. Ogilvie. Mr. Poynor farmed until 1884 when lie was elected Circuit Clerk of Johnson County. This place he held for two terms. After that time expired he went into the mercantile business. He was a successful merchant. After the death of Mr. Poynor, his daughter Erla, became the busi- ness manager. The Poynor children are Erla (Mrs. H. VV. Collier), Howell, Burns (deceased), Francis, who is Vice-Presi- dent of the Farmers National Bank, Clarksville, Virgie, who is Dean of Music of the College of the Ozarks, Mamie, Amy and Will. The parents of Q. B. Poynor were George and Martha Davis Poynor, who immigrated to Madison County, from Georgia. Their other children were Dr. I .M., Dr. G. V. and Dr. J. W. John Robinson Miller was born in Ashville, S. C. in 1838, and when a young man moved to Watervally, Miss. While there he married Miss Harriett Zinn and in 187(5, they moved to Johnson County, Arkansas. Mr. Miller was a soldier, having served throughout the term of the war. His father whose place of resi- dence was Ashville was also J. R. Miller. A son of the subject of this ketch is J. R. Miller. He is a merchant who owns and manages a number of stores, with headquarters in Ft. Smith, Ark. James Miller, another son, is a professional baritone singer in con- cert work, with headquarters in New York City. Elizabeth, Hattie, Nelle, May (Mrs. W. F. Rebsman), Jennie (Mrs. Cook, de- ceased), Eula (Mrs. C. W. Paylor), Molly (Mrs. John Porter), are other children. Mr. Miller located at Cabin Creek, when he first came to this country, but being a staunch Presbyterian, when Arkansas Cumberland College was located at Clarksville, he moved there and became an active and faithful v.orker for that institution. John Thomas Davis and his wife, Emma McKissisk, came to Johnson County, Ark., from Union, S. C, in 1871. They located BIOGRAPHIES 193 near Cabin Creek on a farm where Mr. Davis passed away in 1H81. Mrs. Davis remained on the farm for a nnmber of years, before moving to Clarksville, her present home. Her ehildren are liattie (Mrs. (1. W. Hinehie), SalUe. Martha (Mrs. Orville Daniel, (leeeased), and John M. Davis of Little Roek. Dr. G. W. Hinehie was the postmaster of Clarksville muk'r [^resident Harrison. John M. Davis is a former eashier of the Hank of Clarksville. He was the first Slate Hank Examiner of Arkansas and held that position for two terms. He was then eleeted President of the Exehani^e National Hank of Little Roek, one of the strongest banks in the state, whieh plaee he now holds. Mr. Davis has a pleasing personality and many friends. His rapid progress up- ward attests his effieieney. Mrs. Davis was formerly Norma MeKennon. Their ehildren are Emma, Neita and John Jr. The parents of John Thomas Davis were John M. and Harriett Johnson Davis. Harriett Johnson was the daughter of John Johnson who was a brother of David Johnson, the first governor of South Carolina. Gov. Johnson was made the Chief Exeeutive of that state in 1846. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Langford immigrated to Arkan- sas in 1880. They originally came from Georgia, through the ehannel of a brief, sojourn in Alabama and Mississippi before coming to Arkansas. Mr. Langford was formerly a farmer and school teacher. Later he went into the mercantile business at Dublin, Logan Co., Arkansas. He now lives in Clarksville and is a magistrate. Mr. Langford's father was John Langford, who was the son of William Langford, who was the son of Richard Langford of Maryland, and who was a stone mason and was em- ployed in the construction of the eapitol building at Washington City. W. H. Langford, the suijject of this sketch, is a veteran of the Civil War from G:'orgia. Mrs. Langford was formerly Moffitt Alabama Livingston, the daughter of Wm. Aaron Livingston and Mary Ann Cooper Livingston. William Aaron Livingston was the son of Thomas Livingston. Mrs. Aaron Livinston was the daughter of Wm. Cooper, whose mother was also a Cooper, before she married. Mrs. Langford is a cousin to Congressman Liv- ingston of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Langford's children are Cooper H. Langford, Johnnie (Mrs. James Harrison), and Eva May (Mrs. A. T. Grayson). Harry and Langford Keith of Roswell, New Mexico, are their grandchildren. Cooper H. Lang- 194 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ford and F211a Molloy Langford are the parents of three boys. Cooper Harold, who will this year receive a degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard, and who has recently been elected dean of Educational Psychology for the 1922 Summer School of Harvard University. The younger boys are Albert H. and Jack Livingston. Harry Keith is one of the 451 graduates of the Naval Academy at Anapolis, June, 1922. On SeptcmlDer 30, 1879, G. W. and Mary Ann Kraus from Pennsylvania, landed in Johnson County, Arkansas, to find a new liome. Their family consisted of six boys and one daughter, Charley, Sam, Frank, Wilsc, Ed, El and Sarah. The Kraus boys were farmers, carpenters and constructors. Many buildings stand today as monuments of the ingenuity ofthese men, especial- ly Ed and El, who made their homes in Clarksville. Mrs. Ed Kraus. nee Gwinnie Evans, was a woman who administered many acts of charity. Far and wide about the town she visited the sick and neetly — never empty handed. Their children are Allie and Gomer, who today, with their families live in Clarksville. El Kraus married Cora Flemming, an orphan girl who resided in the home of her uncle, C. White. Their children were seven big, husky boys, football and baseball players. They are all residing hi Clarksville. Mr. Kraus died a year ago. Felix Bone was the husband of Mrs. Augusta Howell Bone who outlived him many years. They were the parents of Hugh, Howell, Lucy (Mrs. Hugh Miller), Lulu (Mrs. A. N. Ragon de- ceased), and Linnie (Mrs. Carl Arrington). Mrs. Bone was a niece of the late Aribelle Turner of Lamar, who was a daughter of Josiah Perry, and who lived to be almost a century old. Alman M. Sharyer was the senior member of a family who came to Knoxville, Johnson County, in 1880. He was a son of William and Johanna Langston Sharyer. Mrs, A. M. Sharyer was Lucy Ann Martin, a daughter of Joseph and Jane Thurman Martin, who resided at Atlanta, Georgia. The children of this family are W. Joseph, Samuel C, Anna (Mrs. James Lewis) and Lucy, all of Clarksville, and T. W. and Alice (Mrs. J. A. Foster) of Paris. IJie father was born in Raburn County, Ga. and from that marble and granite district of the old cracker state they came on to Arkansas. In Paris and Clarksville tliey have chiseled from that admant stone many beautiful monuments A. M. Sharyer was a Confederate soldier. He entered at the be- BIOGRAPHIES 195 gimiiiiif of the war and was in active service all the way throui^h. He was in the hattle of Bull Run and other fierce eni»agements. Mr. Sharyer was a man of easy manners and had many friends. Joe Sharyer has been a Justice of the Peace in Clarksville for many years. The children of S. C. and Flora \Vilson Sharyer are Wilson and Lucy Lorene. In 1874, H. W. Love, who was born in Lee County, Va., in 1841, and Mrs. Love, who was Elizabeth Miller of Tazwell, Tenn., came from Tennessee to Johnson County and purchased property west of Clarksville. Their children numbered ten, five boys and five girls. Ewell Love was Sheriff of Johnson County during the two terms from 1910 to 1914. Guy and Claude Love of Clarksville and Dr. J. G. Love of Hartman, successful men of affairs. Mrs. Catherine Sommers Stoudt and her family of three boys and two girls, came to Johnson County in 1873. The father of this family, Fredrick Stoudt, having died previously in Ft. Smith. Fredrick was born in Bavaria, Germany and came across to New^ Orleans in the year 1845, when he was twenty-seven years old. On the ship he met Catherine Sommers, also of Bavaria. They were married two years later, and resided for ten years in New Orleans, before moving to Ft. Smith. Their children were Fred- erick, John, Theodore, Christina and Catherine. Christina became Mrs. Andrew Clark, and Catherine, Mrs. Wight Armstrong. Frederick Stoudt has been a most efficient and dependable con- tractor and builder in Johnson county for a long number of yeiu's. SOME PERSOXS WHO CAME BEFORE 1900. To trespass beyond the stipified year, a few persons, who liave been so much a part of the life of the county, must be men- tioned, else this story will fall short because of incompleteness. A Tennessee gentleman, M. A. Moore, was for thirty-five years a much respected citizen. Hon. J. W. Coffman, a reputable and conscientious lawyer; Dr. J. S. Kolb, who is a prac- titioner of wide repute; D. Ransom and sons, John, Alonzo Simon and Isaac; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allison and their family; the Williamsons and Perdues, who were near Shady Grove: the Farris families, too numerous to mention, are all prominent in their chosen vocations; Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Nichols, the parents of Albert, John, Arthur, Minnie (Mrs. Sam Laser), and Sue (Mrs. 196 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Sharum) ; the McWilliams brothers, M. M. and Frank, are of the liappy Tipperary type. Mrs. M. M. McWilliams v/as a daughter of Albert Kemp of early days of Spatlra. Mrs. Joe Banasky, is a grand daughter of Albert Kemp; J. J. F'oster, with his interesting family, of which Newell (Mrs. J. W. Sallis) is a member; the Nicholas family, of which Prof. Hugh Nicholas was a member; O. C. Ludwig was a poet and writer, also a former Clerk of the United States Congress; W. M. Kavanaugh, late of Little Rock, resided in Clarksville in the eighties; the Pitts brothers, whose family was perhaps here in earlier days, are noteworthy citizens; the Griffin brothers, Lawrence and Frank, were west of Clarks- ville in the eighties. Lawrence was the father of Ethel, Henry, Pearl, Era, Jewell, Inez and Erma; the Haigwoods, of which family there arc several l^ranches, are all good citizens and prom- inent in church circles; the Ingram family, of which "Uncle" Billy was the senior member; Rev. J. A. Connelly, who was for long years a Presbyterian minister; the Lewis family of the northern ])art of the county; Fremont Stokes, an expert coal op- erator from Pennsylvania, and an influential citizen; J. A. Dowdy, a trustworthy gentleman and a brother of Andrew Dowdy, a leading member of the state Senate a few years back; the Bartlett family of which the present sheriff is a prominent de- scendant; the Boen brothers, who are i)erhaps successors of the ])ionecr family. George Boen has bulit a number of appartment liouses in Clarksville; the late J. T. Arrington, an Ex-Confederate soldier, and principal of the former poj)ular durg store of Arring- ton & Sons; George Daniel, a good citizen and a veteran of the Civil War, and his family; Beaufort Riddell, who has done much to improve Clarksville, by erecting store buildings, residences, ct cetera; the Mak)no family of Coal Hill, who came back in the early eighties; the Morrow home is on Minnow Creek, J. W. Morrow is the senior member and is a prosperous farmer; the Matthews families of Minnow Creek, who have always bccji prominent; Isaac McCracken of Ozone, who was once back in the eighties. Chairman of the National Wheeler Party; the McCoy family of which Wm. and Jim of Clarksville are sons; S. G. Harris of Colony Mountain; A. M. McLane, building contractor, who is represented today by several sons and one daughter; the late Z. A. Woods, the founder and former manager of the Woods Manu- facturing Co., Ft. Smith, was for twenty years a resident of HIOGRAPHIKS 11)7 Clarksvillc; the Hamilton brothers, .1. X. and \V. V. The latter was for loni> years in the Hardware business; the Movers came from Indiana; the Lemlev family, the Harmon family, and Jolm and Henry Hnneh, eami> dnrini* tliis pt ciod; Earl Johnson, a eoal operator and Harris Johnson a planter, eaeh of different families; Elbert Gilbert, the Champion Cotton Grower of the South, is a junior member of the \V. S. (lilbert family. In 1919 he i^rew 100.") pounds of cotton on two acres of Johnson County land. Frank Penniui^ton, a son of H. D. Pennington, was the father of lien, of Coal Hill, and Corinne, of Toledo, Oregon; W. H. Robin- son, a son of Eittleberry Robinson, and Claude C. May, a son of Cai)t. J. W. May, were merchants of the eighties; Dr. L. A. Cook. a practitioner and Christian gentleman; the Gammill family, of whom Flaude and Lee, who won honors for the College of the Ozarks in the 1921 Inter-Collegiatc Debates, are members. \ conspicuous, ragged lu-rmit, a lawyer from New York City, and whose name was J. R. Mcintosh, lived and died in the country between Lamar and Clarksville during the last years of the ])asl century. He was a man of erudition, and contributed valu- able compositions regularly to the New York Herald and other leading papers and magazines. His articles concerning Arkan- sas w^'re straightforward facts, sucli as any Arkansian wordd appreciate. He rebuffed those who would have been friemlly toward him, and intimately associated with no one. He was truly a recluse. Many more jiromincnt families of the County not heretofore mentioned are headed by tlie names of Chandler, Holmes, Rafter, Coyle, Rowe, Wether ton, R{)([uemore, Reese, Werschky, Davis, Shuh, Carter, Boren, Neal, Burt, Be<-ker. Kelley, Werner, Myers, Best, Dixon, Pyron, Eoff, Moore, Riley, Eubanks, Wright, Simmons, Ellis, Young, Ross, Herring, Temple, Vaught, Ellington, Jumper, Lingo, Hannah, Horner, Crami)ton, Greene, Harrison, McCord, Shirley, Quick, James, Morris, Bean. Warren, Westmoreland, Hervcy, Sneed, Jacobs, Harden, Frost, Frazier, Ferguson, Elliott, D()])bs, Clinton, Calahan, Campbell, Brock, Bridges, Overbey, Smith, Cagle, Caruthers, Gould, Free- man, Lollis, Smith, Douglas, Soard, Seideman, Cline, Bush, — and. so many more that this volume must close with a mental ])ano- rama of faces and names clamoring through ties of justice and as- sociation for record here, but neither time nor si)ace will permit, for the end must be reached. 198 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY "The Vine-clad Cottage Down on Cherry Street" (Dedicated to Mrs. T. J. Kendrick) Around the corner of Cravens, from the Main Street way. Many a youth and maiden have gone on many a day Through the short way of Cravens, past the churcli near-by; Many a friend and friendless — there's a reason why. Have crossed over the street, to the welcome retreat Of a vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. That weather-worn cottage, of gray-brown hue. Covered with Ivy and Clematis too. That has stood well the test that vicessitude wears. And full six decades have passed, with the years Since that cottage first smiled, as a friend to greet — That vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. 'Tis on the same spot where a hut once stood, A first settler's hut in the bi-amble and wood. Where wild turkeys flew, and wolves lonely howled. Where black bears romed, and Indians prowled — On that same spot, with soft tread of feet. As that vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. The years passed on, and that hut has gone. And the first settler too. has reached his bourn; And a cottage now stands, up ten steps high. Broad steps to the south and west, near-by, Where the twining tendrils are thached and replete — At that vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. Where a timid Mimosa is waving all the while O'er the blue Porget-me-nots. and the Lilies of the Nile, O'er the sweet Lanthanas. and Nasturtiums too. Blending with sunshine from their homeland, of Peru, And at night, a blooming Jasmine breathes out perfume sweet 'Round that vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. There are Pansies for thought. Ferns for fascination, Goldenrods for caution, Geraniums for consolation, Heliotropes for devotion and the Myrtles for love. With a giant Caladium waving his ears above. To heai- the voice of the flowers, as they fragrance mete 'Round that vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. There are roses many, and a twining- Columbine, There are Cannas, the Xokomis. and the flaming Brandywine, And giant Catalpas too, most a century old. But the greatest of all. in that garden to enfold. Is the spirit of a woman, 'mongst her flowers sweet — At that vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. Just the soul of a woman, much like you and me. Who has lived, and loved, and learned true charity; Her children have come, and grown, and are gone, And some of them died in life's early morn; But friends by the score, she lives now to greet — At her vine-clad cottage down on Cherry Street. Her caste knows no peer; her influence lives; Her right han.d is greeting, while her left one gives; And not one of the lowly has she ever turned down; Generosity is her passion — star of her crown. As she reigns in the realm of her arborough retreat — At her vine-clad cottage, down on Cherry Street. Arkc :ansas ORIGIN AND PRONUNCIATION By DALLAS T. HERXDOX, Secretary Arkansas History Commission Facts which are the result of research of the best authorities of the country. The name Arkansas is clearly of Indian origin. Nor is there longer any doubt as to its meaning. As used by the Indians themselves it meant the "down-stream people." M Tlie Indian tribe, which DeSoto, the Spanish explorer, in 1541, LaSalle, the Frenchman, in 1682, and other French ex- plorers, at later dates, met with in the region now known as Arkansas, called themselves Quapaws. These Quapaws were part — or a tribe — of the great Sioux family, one of the several great branches of North American Indians. The abode of the Qupaws originally, or at all events as long ago as there is any tradition of them, was north of the Ohio river, perhaps near where the Ohio empties into the Mississippi. In that vicinity they were part of a federation of tribes, the other members of said federation being the Kansa, Omaha Osage, and Ponca tribes; all of whom were kindred tribes, of the great Sioux- family. Sometime prior to the coming of DeSoto (1541) and his followers among them — how long can only be surmised — the Quapaw tribe migrated down the Mississippi river, crossed that river and took its abode along what is now the Arkansas river. Thereafter, and by reason of that migration down the Mississippi, the Quapaws came to be called, by their kinsmen and once con- federates — the Kansa, Omahas, Osages and Poncas — the U-gakh- pa; which word, in the Siouan language, meant "down stream people." The word U-gakh-pa was written by the early explorers — euphonically — in a number of ways. Marquette (1673) wrote it "Arkansa"; LaSalle (1680), Acousa; Penicant (1700, Arkansas; Gen'l. Z. M. Pike, American exi)lorer of the southwest (1811) Arkansas. All these explorers heard the word spoken by the Quapaw or Arkansas and wrote down as best they could, doubt- less, what they heard. Again, in 1819, when Arkansas was formed a Territory by act of Congress, the name of the new Ter- 200 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ritory so formed appears in the Congressional act of creation a number of times. There it is invariably spelled Arkansas — the natural English spelling of the word. The fact is that the final letter "s" in the name Arkansas is incorrectly added, was added originally, no doubt, by certain early writers to denote the plural. The evidence all goes to show that the only correct pronunciation is as if the name were spelled Ar-kan-sa, with accent on the first and last syllables. The "a" in the first syllnble should be sounded like "a" in "arm"; in the lust, as "a" in "law". JOHXSOX COUNTY ARKANSAS FLAG The National colors are used: red, white and blue. On th(> rectangler field of red is a large white diamond with a blue border. Arkansas contains the only diamond mine within the possessions of the United States, and should be called the "Diamond State." The three blue stars signify the three nations to which Arkansas has belonged: Spain, France and the United Slates; the three stars, as a second motive, typify that Arkansas was tiie third state plotted from the Louisiana Purchase; and also l!je three stars, as a third reason, indicate the three years over the century, when the Louisiana Purchase was made in 1803. Arkansas and Michigan were the two states admitted into the Union together, and that fact is indicated by the pair of stars on the lower angle of the band. The twenty-five stars around the border signify that Arkansas was the twenty-fifth state to be ad- mitted to the Union. MANNER OF SELECTING FLAG The idea of selecting and adopting an official flag for the state of Arkansas originated in the Pine Rluff Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, in 1912. A committee appointed from the Chapter took the matter up with the next general assembly. A sub-committee from the committee ap- pointed by the assembly, searched the records to ascertain if there had ever been an official flag. Nothing was found. Ar- ticles were published in leading newspapers requesting artists to submit designs, with the name of the artist enclosed in an ac- companying sealed envelope. The committee to select one from the designs submitted, consisted of seven members, of which Hon. E. W. Hodges, Secretary of State was the chairman. A unanimous vote selected the flag here given. It was drawn and submitted by Miss Willie K. Hooker of Pine Rluff. In February of 1913, the legislature of Arkansas adopted this design as the official flag. 202 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY T. J. KENDRICK RESIDENCE Tho Vine-Clad Cottage, Down on Cherry Street. 'W> ' IJf ■' '' / THE PICNIC GROUNDS AT COAL, HILL AS THEY CELEBRATED IN' THE PAST CENTURY HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 2():v MAIX BriLPIXG. COLLEGE OF THE OZARKS JOHXSOX COL'NTY COLMIT HOL'SE (Built in 187.-. — as it is today) 204 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY BL'1L,T 189; CLARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 205 ,.^ *■ ' M ^ ^ 9 E ^ g ^^ * !F « » ^ K It * AI).MI.\.Srj;AT](»X Bl'Jl.DlXC, r()]Ajl':CjK OF THf: OZARKS — 1\\23 j i^ .m~*M*jk ^^y *f ^* i^ EH tS^^SfF^* *Ji g ^ HHi ^^^^^H Bk Mj||||ij i^^H! HH iiilUMi w^^'^^^j^S ^WKI^^M ^^I^HShHI! ^i^^ ^lA^^!xra^ i^^hbs 9|^y BMQ^Hj &i^rj |L mbH ^Hflsli^ m k^^ '^ ^HH 1^ lin^i 1 ^H^» 1 t 'i^ ? M^g-'^'- ] i^HK; " ^ 1 ■■ l^^^^.-*^ V ? /W-^B^ ivwf^'ffl: "^rar^ •"¥ I'Jgi*'- j,^ ,^^ ^^, , VW V V -^ iM„- »», ».™t„ „^^,i™.....;.. ^""■■"■^ OIUAI-: HALL, ('(iLI^IOi'.K oF THIO (tZAKKS (GIRLS' DORMITORY) 2(H> HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY FnisT pui-:.sBV'ri;iiiAx chtilch OLD PRESBYTKIIIAX CHURCH— 1850 (Remodeled, i;t04) HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 207 I'll'.ST M10TH()1)1ST ("Hl'RCH OLD .MKTHUDIST CHrilCH — 1870 208 HISTORY OP^ JOHNSON COUNTY CENTER s;<:rTr()x of fultox st., west side '>.•' siji;aiii'". (DESTROYED BY FIRE FEB. L'9. 1^112) wiosT s;u:-: of sqi'ake— i;tji HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 209 R. H. McKEXXON'S RESIDBXCE A SUMMER HOME IX THE OZARKS 210 HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ERRATA. Page 45 — *s, ^°-;^ ,0- ^^-n^.

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