1 a- o Conservation Resources F 540 .C97 Copy 1 Central Illinoj 01 1854-1870. Copied and Re-Arranged From Old Bio t on ,111. jv/spapers. (OBITI 0? ADULTS By Lo Custer. Bloomington, 111. I9II. r i e s ) tkal ill: obitu 1854 to 1370. (CO? I OLD : 5f ) I9II. lATIu A3 o. -"National Flag." b. -born. I.S. -"Illinois Statesman" - Tied. W.P. -"'./eekly Pant- . -died. J . -"Daily Pantagraph. res. -residence, a.n.s.- age not stated. dau. -daughter. ch. -children. (ADULTS ONLY; OBITUARIES 0V INFANTS AND CHILDREN OMITTH)). AGEB8,Mrs. Caroline; d. Bloomington, 111., July 21,1867, ed 35 years. ADOLPH, rs. Eliza T; (wif e of Simon Adoloh. ) d. Bloomington, 111., "Mov. 31,1868. i 49 years. ALL- . r*y 3: d. Eureka, 111., April 24,1865, aged 61 years, nths. ALLr:H?OrI,Anso . d. Old Town Township, McLean County, 111., June 9,1863, aged 54 years. [N,John W, (son of James All in) d. Bloc "11., jc. 3,1865, aged 39 years. ALLIN, William II: d. Bloomington, 111., Aug. 27, 1857, jars, ths, 4 days. .P. . Sarah Jane:(wife of Rev. Charles G. Aries) d. Richard; (son of Hon. Fisher Ames of bs. ) d. his res. 3 liles southeast of Bio zon, 111., y 19, 1868, a.ged 59 y^ ■ . ara: (wife of V/illiam Armstrong) d. Bloomington, 111., June 23,1866, ars, formerly 111. .P. tuel C;(son . . . an ! .Amy.) . yatt, Anderson County : .. ,18 • s . . ? . of O.G.Atherton, C. . itchell, of Bio ton, II .) d. nsas City, Mo. March 4,1870, aged 62 years. AUG : 'S.Amelia G.(wife of Selem Augustus.) d. Decatur, 111. , . .. d. Normal, 111., July 29,1864, aged 70 years. D.P. . d. Bloomington, 111. , Nov. .1864, aged 65 years. D.P. ry Ann, (wife of P. A. Bailer. ) d.Bloomingtcrj Ill.(?) March 22,1870, aged 34 years. D.P. rs. Eliza C.jwife of S.D, or). d.Bloc on, 111. , June 22,1861 , .P. rs. James; d. at the"Union House" Bloomington.Ill., rch 20,1862, (a.n.s. ) .P. BAP.: .A. (wife of Charles Parker, formerly of of ,Y. ) d. Bloomington.Ill., June I, (a.n.s. ) D.P, BAY, Susannah; d.Blo ton, 111., Aug. 9. ed 80 years, 3 mont .P. BAYLOR, Jacob; b, Cumberland County, Pa. Aug. 12,1774, d. at his res. in Towanda, 111 ., Sept. 16, 1862, D.P. BAYNULIi J.Irs. J.W, d. Blooraington,Ill. , Sept. 26, 1866, (a.n.s. ) D.P. William, d. To ,111., March 25,1867, aged 31 years. D.P. BEATTY, John, ("long a resident" of McLean County, 111.) d. ami County, fov. 14,1870, aged 77 years, D.P. ; (wife of Lester S. Beckwith. ) d. 803 East Jefferson St., Bloc ton, 111., Oct. 1870. aged 23 years, I ;nonth. D.P. BERRY, Rev. John, M.S. Bloomington, 111. , March 2,1857, years , . P . BIRCH, Mr s. Sarah M, (r- » ood, wife of Jesse Birch and dau. of William and Sarah Wood. ) b. Fountain County, Ind; d. Bloomington, 111., July 12,1867, aged 35 years. D.P. BIRDSELL, Will iam, d. Randolph Township, McLean County, 111., April 28,1859, aged 59 years. ,S. BISHOP, Mrs. Isabel: (wife of M.P. Bishop.) d. at the res. of Dr. H. Conkling in Blo< ton, 111., Sept. 30,1870. (a.n.s.) BISHOP, Will iam G; b. North Carolina, d.::oney Creek Township, cLean County, 111., April 13,1862, aged 78 years. (Left wife and ch. ) BLAKDEH'Rev.T.H; (Free Will Baptist), d. nd Township, McLean County, 111., March 1,1870, aged 54 years. .?. J. (wife of in C. .) d. Bloomington , Ill.(?) '..'arch 1,1870, (a.n.s.) D.P. BRIGGS, Samuel; b. Dighton, Mass, July 11,1785, moved to Logan County, 111., 1840, m. Sarah Bunn, 1807, (wife d. Sept.Ii,I867. ) d. Delavan, 111., March 2,1876. Left 6 ch. (See original obituary). BRO 1 s. Caroline C. (wife of John . -own.) d. er res. cor. of Clinton and Douglas Sts.. Bloomington, 111., about Sept. 28,1870. (a.n.s.) D.P. BOGUE.W.H. (son of E.S. Bogue of Crown Point, N.Y. ) d. at the res. of Dwight Harwood, in Bloomington, 111,, Oct. 7.1869. (a.n.s.). D.P. EKONSOII,; . . (son of James Bronson. ) d. at the res. of A. L. Bush, East Olive St., Eloomington , 111., Feb. 1868, 3 25 years. D.P, BRONSOK, J; mes; d. Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863, (a.n.s.) D.P. . illiam H; (formerly of Syracuse, ::.Y. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , Feb. 9,1868, aged 35 years. D.P. BROV/N.Lrs. Rachel; (formerly of Lancaster County, Pa. , widow of William Brown, of Tazev/ell County, 111.) settled at Dillon, Tazewell County, 111, 1828. d.Bloc. i 111., Jan. 28,1867, aged BCyears. (Uember Society of Friends). .P. .',John M; d. Chenoa.Ill. Nov. 24,1863, aged 64 years. .P. BUCHAU,Leo ,Prinz Von; (A nephew of LCrs. Dr. Herman Schroe; of Bloomington, 111.) d. St. Louis, Mo, Sept. 21,1866. (a.n.s. ) D.P. BURCH, Benjamin; d. Bloomington, 111., May 5,1861, aged 57 years. .P. JRGESS, Jefferson; d. Blooming ton, Ill.(?) Sept. 27.1860, aged 26 years. (Left wife and I small child). , . BURROUGHS, Charles J. d. Lexington, 111. Oct. 19 ,1860, aged 21 years. I.S. BURROWS, J. Bryson, d. St. Nicholas Hotel, Blc . . n, 111., Feb. 26,1863. (a. ,s.) .P. BURT IS, Demo tte M. d. i s res. (Bloomington, 111.?) April ,1868. aged 37 years. D.P. BUSH, Mrs, Maria; d. Bloomington, 111. arch 17,1869, aged 56 year .P. BYRNE, John; (33rd 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. "on the St. Francis River" Mo. arch 8,1862, aged about 17 years. .P. PBEEL,Mrs. Julia B. (m ' : wife of William II. Campbell; dau. of Charles R. Cady. ) d. on, 111., " T ov. 29,1860, aged 22 years. I.S. CA1SPBEL] ,.I. d. at the res. of C.R. Cady, Bloomington, 111., Sept. 1,1862. aged 31 years. .P. CARLTON, James ?. d. tformal, 111., Nov. 5,1859, aged 44 years. .P. CAP.:. .Joseph!, d. (Bloc ;on, 111?) June 5,1868, aged years. D.P. CARMAN, George. (Union Veteran, Civil War.) d. Blooraington, Ill.T?) May 19,1868, -s. CARY, Mrs. Sarah; (wife of John ,C ry . ) d. Clinton, II" ril 7,1863, (a.n.s. ) I.S. KEY, George; d. Saybrook, 111., Aug. 17,: 47 years. "'.P. rs. Ellen; (wife of Patrick Cheney.) d.Blo ton, 111., July 25,1870, aged 30 years. .P. CHE y J. (nee' Orendorff; L.Haines Cheney and dau. of William Orendorff, Sr. ) d. near •ook, 111. , Aug. 7,1868, aged 41 ye a rs. ".P. CLARK, Dr. . (Supt. of Schools, Woodford Count;-, Tn O d. etamora, 111. , Feb. 20,1870, d 40 years. P.P. CLARK, Rev. H.D. . t. Louis, Mo. Sept. 3 , 18 69 . (Remains to be inte tt Bloominton, 111. a.n.s.) D.P. CLARK, William, (father of John S. Clark; for of Lynn, Mass. Proprietor of the "Normal House" at Mormal, 111.) d. Normal, 111., Aug. 16,1869, aged 79 years. .P. CLARY, Joseph; (son of John B. Clary), d. Clinton, 111., April 17,1863. (a.n.s.) I. . COLLI d.(Bloomin< 111.?) Jan. 18,1865, ears. . . COLTON.Mrs. Love; (mother of Colton, attorney, of Bl'- II] . , . lo ccidentally killed St. Louis, Mo.) 1 . Le ox, . ved to Wisconsin about 1844, d. Beloit, Wis. June 6 ,1856, need 68 years. CONKLING.Mrs. Eliza A. ( ne rke , wife of Stephen Cockling, Jr. and ecu. of Beaumont P . ) d. LeRoy, 111., Sept. 11,1858. (a.n.s. Left no ch. ) C0NKLING,PH. d. Mason City, 111., rch 8,1870, aged 32 years. C0NGD0N,B..R.#. at 'lie res. of Lurnan Pease, (Bio min^ton, 111.?) Aug. 23,1866, aged 55 years, 6 .months. D.P COOK, Charles; d. Bloomington, 111., Sept. 30,1861, i 26 yecrs. . J . COl , ria; (wife of H. Cooper). >n City, 111., ',1870, aged 28 yea.'S, 5 months. D.P. COOPER.Mrs. ry J. (wife of S.B.Cooper.) d. Ington, 111., Jan. 19,1565, aged 37 years, IC months, 2 days. D.P. C00VEP.,Mrs. ; d. at the res. of Mrs. Pollock, Bloo ion, 111., Aug. 6,1870. (a.m.s.) .P. CORLiAN.A. d. (Bloc ,on, 111.?) May 5,1855, (a.n.s.) N.F, COP.: ; (wife of A, Corman) d. Bloo ;on, Ill(?) May 2,1856. (a.n.s.) .?. CRAWFORD, James H. d. at his res. in Bloomington, 111, Hay ,1860, aged 45 years. " .P. CREGO, Charles L. (oldest sen of Joseph and Kate H. Crego . .) d. Bloomington, 111. (?) Feb. 20,1867, aged 18 years, 10 months. D.P. CRIST, Mrs. Hatti, (wife of Rev. P.A.Crist.) d. Wenona, 111., Dec. 12,1869, (a.n.s.; remains to be interred Bloomington, 111, .P. CRIST, Mrs. Sarah; (widow of Wm. Crist.) d. Bloo on, 111., April 1,1868. (a.n.s.) .P. CUMIINGS, James H. (formerly of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 30,1864. (a.n.s.) D.P. CUNNINGHAM, John; d.Dry Grove Township, McLean County, 111., (?) Oct. 6,1863, errs. .P. CU- ,1 iss Mary; (dau. of John and Eliza Cur. d. Dry Grove Township, LIcLean County, 111., Sept. 23,1863 a 18 years. D.P. DARST , Jane; d. Bloomj ,111 ,1867, aged 72 years. .P. DAVENPORT, William H. d. at his res. in Eureka, 111., Jan. . 1863, d 39 years. D.P. DAVIDSON, James,, d. near Bloomington ,111. , Oct. 13,1858,, years. •£*• DAVIDSON, William R. d. ( Blooming ton, 111. ?) Lee. 27, 1867, ed 51 years. .P. DAVIS, Hibbard, (of West Chester, Pa.) d. Bloomington, 111. Sept. 28,1869, i ;ed 67 years. .P. DAWSON, Mr s.Pamelia, J. (wife of James Lav/son.) d. at the res. of Mrs. Jane Gould, (widow) ,Bloomington, 111. (?) m __I86 , aged 33 aonths, 10 days. • P. T, Samuel H. (attorney.) formerly of Plemingsburg, Ky. d. Bloomington, 111. , Aug. 20,1857, aged about 35 years, N.F. ■forglj.of Bloomington, 111. ) d. St. Lou is, Mo., Jan. ..,1854, aged 20 years. .P. DEP. njamin P. (of Bloomington, 111. ; Co. H. 6 Ind. 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 20, 1863, aged 53 years, .P. DEXTER, Smith H. d. at his res in Lexington, 111. Aug. 10, 1861, aged 35 years, .P. DIETRICH, Mrs. George: d. Bio ton, 111., Dec. 28,1857, ? ;d 34 years. (?) . . DIETRICH, Mrs. Harriet L. (wife of George Dietrich) d. Bloo >n, 111., Dec. 29,1856, aged 34 years, II months, (?) .P. DIETRICH ,Mrs. H. (v/ife of John Dietrich, f ly of ington,Ill.) d. Belvidere , N.J. V; rch 29, 1865, ed 46 years. .P. DIETRICH, William W. d. Bloomington , 111. , July 29 , , 1861, •ed 26 years. .P. DODGE, Dr. Thomas C. d. Concord, (now Danvers) 111. Oct. 3,1858. (of the effects of injuries received in a threshing-machine accident.); aged 37 years. I. '. DODD.Hrs. Mar ( wife of '. .Dodd) d. Bloomington, 111. March 26,1862, (a.n.s.) .P. DOD "garet; d. e res. of her father, Dodge, in Bloomington, '11., April 26,1860, aged 39 years. I .S. & D.P. DOD: i dison P. d. i e res. of his father in Money Creek, Township, can County, 111., March 1,1869, aged 18 years. .P. DOUBLEDAY'Mrs. Hester; (wife of Hon. U. P. Doubleday) d, (Bloomington, 111.?) about ^cv. 14,1859. (a.n.s.) I.S. DREMNEN , Mrs . Elizabeth; (widow of Rev. Thomas Drennen) , • res. on V'ood St ., .Bloomington, 111. , Jan. 3,1858, aged 29 years. .P. DRENNEN, Rev. Thomas; d. at his res. on Wood St., in Bloo n, 111., Nov, 26,1857, aged 34 years. W.P. DUNCAN, Mrs. Mart ha E, (nee" Foster, dau. of Mrs. Foster, of Bloomington, 111. ) d. San Francisco, Cal. 18,1859, aged 28 years. IS DUNCAN, Mrs. Mary A. ( formerly of Clark County, K y. ) d. Towanda, 111., Feh. 23,1864, aged 36 years. D.B DUNLAP,Miss Margaret; (formerly of New York City, N.Y. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , May 26,1861, (a.n.s.) D.P. DUPUY, Mrs. Mary; d. at the res. of V/.H,Cord, in Bloomingtin, 111., May 25,1857, "at an advanced age." N.F. EARL, Miss Mary B. d. at the res. of Jas. Grover, Bloomington, 111., Aug. 21,1867. (a.n.s.) .P. EGGLESTON,A.P. d. Bloomington, 111. Aug. 18,1870, aged 41 years. .P. ELLIS, James; d. Bloomington, 111., Jan. 21,1868. ( . ,8.) D.P. . .... (wife of N.D. Ellis) d. Bloomington, 111., y 31,1864, aged 27 years. .P. SWORTH, Mrs. Adeline P. (wife of Oliver Ellsworth, of Bloomington, 111.) d. Aug. 16,1866, aged 53 years. D.P. !LLSWORTH,Mrs. Martha; d. at the res. of her sons I. and C. Ellsworth, Bloomington, 111. , Nov. I, 1857, aged 80 years. .P. ENOS.Mrs. Clarissa; d (Bloomington r 111? ) March 28,1866, aged 84 years. ' .P. EVANS. John W. (son of Mrs. Martha Evans) d. at the res. of his mother on Grove St., Bloomington, 111. A 13,1870, aged 29 years, 4 months. D.P. EVANS, MRS. SARAH: d. at the res. of her son-in-1; J.H. Stewart, in Bloomington, 111. Sept. ^1860, aged 74 years, 7 months, 5 days. .P. EVANS, Thomas C. d. at his res.;n Lexington, 111. Sept. 24, 1858, aged 33 years, 5 months, 16 days. .P. EVENS,] rs. Susan Ann; (wife of Thomas Evens of Randolph Grove, McLean County, I 11.) d. Aug. 7,1863. 24 years, 7 months, ( ) EVERLY.Mrs. Huldah; (wife of H. Everly) d. Blooming ton, 111., July 15, 1858. (a.n.s.) .P. EYJSSTC ekiel; d. at his res. 3 miles northwest of ^ean, 111., Sept. 22,1870. (a.n.s.) .P. FENWICK, Ralph; d. at "W.P.Wills & 8ons M Imile east of Bloomington, 111. , March 26,1870, aged 27 years. D.J? PISK, Charles fi. (Editor Delevan Advertiser] d.Delevan, 111., Dec. 28,1869. (a.n.s.) D.P. FLAGG.Mra. Sarah; (wife of W.F.Flagg. ) d. Blooraington, 111. , Dec. 22,1858,. 1.8. 5, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (wife of Samuel G. Fleming. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 5, 1866, aged 30 years. D.B FLINSPACH, Mrs. Madeline; (wife of Louis Flinspach. ) d. Cor. Market and ak Sts. , Bloomingto$,Ill. , (?) , April 3,1870. (a.n.s.) .P. P0LS0M,Mrs. . (wife of Edwin Folsom of Bloomington, 111.) d. in Minnesota, Nov. II , 1869. (a. n. s . ) D.P. :-s. Eliza; (wife of Leroy Foote. ) d. (Bloomington, 111.?) March 21,1870, aged 24 years. .P. FOOTE, Hrs.Lydia; d. Bloomington, 111. , July 27,1865, aged 49 years. FOOTE, RUSSEL L.(Co. 58th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. Bloomington, 111. , July 31,1864, aged 56 years. D.P. FORBES, Alexander; d. at his res. 8 miles west of Bloomington, 111., April 2,1859, aged 35 years. .P. FORBES, Isaac ;d. at the res. of his mother in Lie Lean County, 111., Aug. 13,1661, aged 24 years. .P. FOR^UER, George M. d. Springfield, 111., May 9,1861, ed 26 years. I.S* FRANKLIN, John, Sr. "b. in North Carolina, moved to I'onroe County, Ind. 18 16, to Owen County, Ind. 1818, to Lean County, 111., 1850, f. near Lexington, 111. , May ,1857. ,F. FRIEDLINE, Josiah, (of Bloomington , 111. ) d. Nevada, evada County, Cal. , Nov. 7,1856. (a.n.s.) .P. PUNK,Miss Sina P. (dau. of James ind Mary Ann (Moore) Funk, a 'and-daughter of ex Lieut. Gov. John ire.) d. Nov. 18,1869, aged 19 years. . .P. GAAR,John A. d. Old Town Township, McLean County, 111., t?) July 20,1861, aged 36 years. .P. GAGE, Allen F. d. Bloomington, 111. , Nov. ,1857, 23 years. .P. GELTMACHER,Mrs. S.J. (1st wife of John Geltmacher of Bloomington, 111. f) d. Akron, Ohio, Oct. 16,1870. . n. s. ) .P. ,TMACHER,Mrs. Elizabeth P.. (mother of John Geltmacher?) d. at her res. in Bloomington, 111., Aug. 1,1865, aged 42 years, 8 months, 20 days. .P. GILL, Mrs. Sophie; (nee' Crist, wife of G. Judson Gill and u. of Dr. D.L.Crist,) d. at the res. of her father in loornington, 111. , Nov. 26,1863. (a.n.s.) .P. GILLESPY, Christian; d. .is res. 4 miles v;e: jo.mngton, 111. , Aug. 28,1860, aged 57 years. D.P. GILMORE, J8hn S. d. at his fathers res. 5 miles west of Lexington, 111., March 6,1.857, aged 23 years. .P. GLASCOCK, Charles M. (eldest son of James B. and Sarah ■cock. ) d. in Menard County, 111., Jan. 22,1859. la. n . s . ) . P . GLASCOCK, lirs. Mary J. (wife of Thomas Glascock.) d. in nard County. 111., FeTo. 1,1859. , n.a.) Left an infant child. D.P. GRAY, Byron W. d. (Bloomington, 111. ? ) July 8,1863, aged 37 years. .P. GG, Jesse, d. Bloomington, 111. , Jan. 28,1867, aged 7 years, 10 months. .P. GROYER,Mrs. Ann P. (wife of James Grover. ) d. Bloomington, 111., July 23,1866, aged 60 years. .P. G0PF,Mrs, Emily, (wife of A.J.Goff of Bloomington, 111 . ) d. Amboy, 111. , June 4,1869, aged 29 years. ' .P. GOR. iss Louisa D. "b. Rockingham, Windham County, Vt. , d. at the res. of her .rents in Bloomington, 111., Oct .24, 1864, aged 22 years, 4 months. (Her parents settled at Bloomington, 111. , in I860. D.P. GORING, Carlton; ( Commissary Sefcgeant, 94th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. at the res. of his r in Fiagara Township, Lincoln County, West Canad (now Ontario.?), July 21,1865, aged 37 years. D.P, GREEN.William H. d. at the res. of S. cT Ladd , Pontiac, 111., May 13,1857, aged 22 years. (Deputy County Cletk, Livingston County, 111.) Left a ife. D.P. GUTHR] is Catharine; d. Bloomington, 111. , May 22, 1858, (a.n.e. ) .P. HAMM, John Parke; (formerly of Philadelphia, Pa. ) d. Blooming ton, 111. , Dec. 13, 1858. (a.na.s.) W.P. HAINS.Lucien D. d. Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 27,1870. ( a • n • s . ) D . P . HARDING, Mrs. L. d. at the res. in . (a.n.sjtwo conflict: 1 , accounts published.) D.P. HARKNBSS,Elisha; d. Urbana,Ill., July 3,1860, aged 41 years. I.S. HARPOLil, Peter; d. at his res. in Bloc ton, 111., Feb. 26,1868, aged 30 years. .P. PON, Miss Ellen F. (dau. of A.M. and Luke Harrington, dec.) d. at the res. pf Wm. Cojdray, Panola, 111., May 20,1862, aged 20 years, I month , II days. .P. HA. , lenry J. d. at 809 ./est Market St., Bloomington, 111., April 22,1870, aged 73 years, I month. f A veteran of the 7/ar of 1812; served with distinction Lit the battle of North Point, near Baltimore ,T.!d. ) .P. HARTRY , lira* Caroline; (wife of Edwin B. Hartry. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , Ser)t. 1,1864, aged 44 years. .P. HARVEY, H.K. d. near Harleys Grove, Dale Township, .cLean County, 111., Jan. 19,1863, aged 76 years. .P. JJATHRILL,Mrs. Mary; d. at the res. of her dau., . rs. Baylor, in Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 14,1865, r„ged 66 ye.-rs. .P. HAUN/Smith A. d. Bloomington . Ill . , Dec. 2,1870, eged 20 years, 2 days. D.P. HAW .ret V. (wife of S.L. Hawks.) d. near Bloomington, 111. , Oct. 20,1860, aged 26 years. D.P. •s. Ruth; d. at h« res. in Bloomington, 111. , Au 15, 1866, aged 89 years. .P. HAY .elville R. (Capt. Ira J. Bloomfieldsr, Co. 111. Vol. Inf. Civil i r; son of C and ZarTilda (Rucker)Haynie , and nephew of Rev. James 3. Rucker, nister.) b. Winchester, Scoi, :ounty ,*11. , 1846; killeo Ln battle nc; on, "Tenn, , ay ,186;;, .P. .,Josepn" A. (Co, , 94th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. in Hospj , bile Point, (Ala.? Sept. 29,] (a. n. s . ) D.P, HENDRYX, John; d. Old Town Towns; McLean tty.Ill., Jan. 30,1856, aged 68 years. .F. HILL, Mrs. Mary; (wife of Jonathan Hill.) d. -ton, 111., July 31,1867, aged 65 years. .P. u-.n M. l£Sf. : Hill, Mrs. Pamelia. (wife of S. Hill] b. Berlin, Ohio, settled at Heyworth, 111., 1864, d. Heyworth, 111., Nov. 24,1870, aged 53 years. W.P. (a.n.... ; an only kqx\ ;a cousin of George Hinshaw, of Bio von ,11 , W.P. HINZIE,33.B. (oldest son of John and \ . inzie). d. >ria,Ill., Bee. 27,1869, I 23 years, 3 months, 20 days. D.P. HOGG .George J. (of Bloom n.Ill.) d. Tallahassee, Fla. , Dec. 27,1368. (a.n.a. ) -.P. HOI. R, ary: d. Hudson, 111., Oct. ,1868, aged D.P. H0LMBS,Mrs, Elizabeth; (nee son, wife of Charles Holmes, and dau. of Wm. Wilson of Bloomington, 111., d. Bloomington, 111. , July II, 1863, aged 29 years.'.'/. P. HOLMES, Mrs. Mary; (wife of Dr. G.C.Holmes.) d. at I res.. 3vr miles north of Bloomington, 111. , March 10, 1863, aged 40 years. D.P, H0|[MBR, Mrs. Josephine, A. (wife of Charles A. Horner.) d. Bloomington, 111. , July 7,1866, aged ears, 4 months. D.P. HOWARD, Rev. Hosea; d. (Blfcomington, 111. ?) July 4,1868, aged 68 years. W.P, HUGHITT, Amos; (formerly of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Centralia , 111, , June 25,1865, aged 132 years, 4 months, 3 days. D.P, HULL, J. 0. (formerly of Bloc ion,Ill.) d. Cairo, 111., Sept. 2,1863, (a.n.s.) D.P, HUNT, Enoch; d, I mile cast of Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 17, 1857, aged 86 years. P. HYRE,Mr8, Henrietta; (wife of David Hyre, and dau. of The i nd Slenor Pell.) d. Lexington, 111., June 20,1864, aged 20 years. .P. IJAES.Col. Lewis; (son of Judge I jams of Ohio.) b. near Hagerstown, . d. , lived iskingum County, Ohio, r , Bloomington, 111. , March 18,1867, aged 69 years. .P. .3, Mrs. Lucinda; (wife of Almon B. Ives.) d. Bl -ton, 111., Aug. 8,1870, aged 49 years, 4 month .P. IVI »b., John; d. Bloomington, 111. , May 26,1861, aged 28 years. P, JE1 ?rancis; d. at the res. of Wm. Stubblef ield, dies north of McLean, 111., Oct. 1869, aged 58 years, II days. .P. HUl Mrs.K^d.nLdTheTTces. cor. Center it Olive sts. .Bloom IngtonJlL April ft. 18 65*. (ajyi.s.) V.V. AW, Robert; (c:: Dry Grove Township, McLean County, 111.) d. of injuries received in a run accident near Bloomin ,111., June 2,1857, (a.n.s.) a young man; an only son ;a cousin of George Hinshaw, of ".Bio von, II . . :- J . HIi! . . (oldest son of John and \ .'.. .linzie). d. toria,Ill., Bee. 27,1869, I 23 years, 8 months, 20 days. D.P. HOGG, George J. (of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Tallahassee, Fla. , Dec. 27,1368. (a.n.a.) .P. HOLDE] j\ d. Hudson, 111., Oct. ,1868, a D.P. HOLMES, Mrs. Elizabeth; ( ne ' son, wife of Charles C. Holmes, and d . m. Wilson of Bloomj a, 111., d.Bloomington,Ill. , July II, 1863, aged 29 years. V/. P. HOLIES , Mr s . Mary ; (wife of Dr . G . C . Ho Imes . ) d . at h( res.. 3{r miles north of Bloomington , 111. , March 10, 1868, aged 40 years. D.P, H0|[ rs. Josephine, A. (wife of Charles A. Horner. ) d. Bloomington,Ill. , July 7,1866, aged 2b years, 4 months. . . HOWARD, Rev. Hosea; d. (Bloomin, -ton , II] ..? ) July 4,1868, aged 68 years. .?. HUGHITT ,Amos; (formerly of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Centralia , 111., June 25,1865, aged 52 years, 4 months, 3 days. .P. HULL, J. 0. (formerly of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Cairo, 111., Sept. 2,1863, (a.n.s.) D.P. HUNT, .Enoch; d. I mile east of Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 17, 1357, aged 86 years. "'.P. HYRE.Mrs. Henrietta; (wife of David Hyre, and dau. of The Elenor Pell.) d. Lexington, 111., June 20,1864, aged 20 years. .P. IJAMS.Col. Lewis; (son of Judge I jams of Ohio.) b. near Hagerstown, Md. , lived bounty, Ohio, bout 50 years, d. Bloomington, 111. , March 18,1867, aged 69 \ -s. .P. •:S,Mrs. Lucinda; (wife of Almon B. Ives.) d. 32 -ton, 111., Aug. 3,1870, aged 49 years, 4 month .P. IVI :s, John; d. Bloomington, 111 . , May 26,1861, aged 28 years. .P. JEFFREY, Franc is; d. at the res. of V'm. Stubblef ield, liles north of McLean, 111., Oct. 1869, aged 58 years, II days. .p. JER: Liza N, (dau. of Hon. Hiram K. Jerome, and sister j . Dr. Spencer of Bio III.) . Rochester, IT. Y. , 3ept. 7 , 1857 . ( a. n. s . ) ,P. JOHNS 8. Sophi; ; >ther of Mrs. Sophia J. Osoorn, widow of Harmon Osoorn. ) formerly of Madison County, N.Y$ d. Bloomington, 111. , i!ov. 3,18. . ,P. JOINER, Albert ; d. Bloomington, 111. , July 12,1861, (a. n.s. ) D.P. ■s. Amr ; ife of iel C. Jones of S County, 111.) d. at the res. of Jacol rd, Bloomington, 111., March 9,18 3, aged 21 years. 3E, Jeremiah; (father -s. Luke Nevin, Bloomington, 111.) b. Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland, d. Pelriamyille, N.Y. , Sept. 25,1863, aged 78 years, 3 months , 10 days . .P . KARR, Mrs. .beth; (wife of Dr. Thomas . ) d. Meyworttj 111., April 9,1862. (a. n.s.) . . KARR, Thomas J. (son of Dr.Tl arr, )"b. Harrison County, Ohio, settled in Illinois, 183.3, d. in Lie Lean Count 111., Feb. 17,1866, aged 4 V7.-.P. KELLOGG, Miss Ella; d. at the res. of her ents in Bl( 111., Aug. 21,1868. 20 years. D.P. ian J. d.Blc ., ton, 111., Oct. 16,18! . ' s • Kir . B. d. . on Lee St., in Bloomington, 111., Feb. 11,1869, a^ed 36 years. ?. ps. d. at her res. 6 miles north of £ton,Ill., July 17,1870, aged 45 years. D.P. \R, Jefferson E. (Co. G. 94th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. Springfiel . , n.s.) D.P. len; (wife of John Kirby. ) d(Bloomin 11.?) Feb. 3,1869, aged 40 years. :\ :- . Larian;(wife of Thomas Kirker. ) d. Bloomington, 111., Jan. 18,1370 d 59 years. D.P. KIRK tICK, James D. d. at the res. of his r in White '.: Drove, McLean County . . '. 16,1860, aged 21 years. KIRKPATRICK, Thomas; d. at his res. in White Oak Grove, nty,Ill., Feb. 3,1858, "ears. .P. A.,IraB. d. (Bloomington, 111, ?) Feb.' 4,1854, aged .P. KRUU, Jonas; d. Bio 11., Feb. 2,1870, i 61 year .P. KNC s. Charlotte; d. at trie res. Ddford County, II . 28 , 1870. (a. n. s . ) p. LACE, Philip; (formerly of Pontiac , 111 . ) d. . in Chenoa, 111., April 26,1870. (a.n.s.) .P. LACOUR, Pierre; (member "Golden Rule Lodge" I. 0.0. P.) d. Bl igton,Ill. ,0ct. 5,1, 57. (a. n. s.) '.P. LANDO . [elen M. (wife of Ezra H. Landon and i. of ■Goodman Ferre. ) d. Bio ,on, 111., Jim. 18,1856, year. .P. LAR::ICK, Asaph; d. at his res. in Bloomington , 111., Sept. 8,1869, aged 67 years. ,P. ... d. Lincoln, 111. Oct. 19,1853, aged 29 years. .?. -3H, Robert; d. Lincoln, 111 . , Dec. 24,1864, aged 59 years. .P. LEAVITT, George; d. Bloc rn.Ill., Dec. 1,1863, aged 55 years. V.'.P. 1, Jerome; d. (Bloomington, 111 .? ) Dec. 22,1861, aged 19 years . I . ss Lizzie A. d. at the res. of her father, John Lee, (Bloomington, 111 .? ) July 15,1865, aged 20 years, 4 months. D.P. LEF AT. CM. d. Drummer Township, Ford County, 111, , Dec. 27,1869, aged 55 years, I± months, 9 days. D.P. , Charles; d. Bloomington, 111. , Dec. 12,1864, aged 85 years. .P. LIT LE, Charles; d. (Bloomington, Illy?) Feb. 5, 1869 , aged 21 years. W.P, LOCKER, Montz, (Cojf. B. I45th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War). d. in the Regimental Hospital a1 la, Mo., July 23, 1854. (a.n.s.) .P. LOVELAND,Mrs. Eliza; d. Bloomington, 111. , Oct. 19,1870, ;ed 58 years. .P. LOWRY, Joseph; d. at his res. 2 miles northwest of Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 11,1870, aged 64 years. .P. LUDLO ,Mrs. Carrie S. (wife of L.M.Ludlow.) d. Bloomington, 111., March I, 1864, aged 26 years, 7 months. ' .P. MACLEAN, Miss Moina D. (oldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. McLean.) d. Bloomington, 111. , Nov. 9, apced ; years. .P. lily F. (wife of /una?- or), d. Brooklyn, N.Y. , July 19,1859. J 39 years, J?. PARITY .William 3. d. at the res. of B. J. Radford, in ireka, 111., June 6,1870, a, oars. . . lBLE,Dr. John; d. .is res. : ; n Blooraington, 111., Aug. 31,1863. aged 56 yep.rs. W.P, MARQUIS, Mrs. E.S. d. New Rutland, 111., Fe"b. 4,1870, •aged 29 years. .P. ON, Rev. H.B. (Baptist Minister) d. Bloomington, 111. , Jan. 30,18 1 48 yea- . .?. : AY [rs. Caroline; (wife ■ ers) d. Bloomington, 111., July I , 1854. (a.n. s. ) .P. ICLURE, George H. d. St. Lc ., Feb. 6,1864, aged 36 years. .P. MC CLURtf, Samuel; d. Stouts Grove, McLean C ,111., Feb. 11,1858, (a.n.s.) .P. MC CRACKBH, William R. d. Bloo on, 111., May 28,1369, ,n.s. ) .P. CULLOUGH, Peter; b. Baltimore, Mc. , settled in McLean County, 111., 1826, d. at the res. of his son, Alexander T.c Cullough, y Grove, T'cLean . County , 111., Jan. 12,1858, aged 76 years. .P. CURDY, Mrs. Charlotte; wife of Horace Mc Curdy, d, Bloomington, 111. , July 22,1868. (a.n.s.) D.P. L, V/m. R. d. Bloomington, 111. , April 4,1862, aged 27 years, 3 months, 21 days. .?. ".rs. Chloe A. (wife of John E. McPadden. and oldest dj i. of J.G. and Sophronie Sprague.) d. . of her parents in ., Dec, 31,18 64. (a.n.s. ) .P. MC D,Mrs. tha; (wife of Th -land) d. Atlanta. 111., Sept. 5,1867, a : ed 64 years. P. MC PEE, Thornton; d. at his res. in Dale Township, McLe DUJJty,Ill. . Sept. 20,1868, aged 62 years. D.P. MC GP. lton H. (oldei cGrew, of Bloomington, 111. ) d. •toria Station ("on the Iron Mountain R.R.") Mo. April 17,1867. (a.n.s.)D.P. MC INTIRE,Mrs. Rachel; d. e res. of her so ilntire,(: ton, 111.?) Feb. 1,1861, aged years. .P. 1IC INTIRE,Mrs Martha J. [nee Steele; dau. of V/m. Steele and wife of James Mclntire who d f about Jan, 25, 1856.) d. (Bloomington, 111.?) June 26, 1859. (a.n.s.) .P. -•SOU, Y.'m. d. (of Lockjaw) Bloomington, 111. ,* Oct. 4, 1862, aged 53 years, (settled at BIool. ,111,, in the s I . ) MC L . Homer ; d . ( B 1 o ,111.?) 33ec . 13 , (a.n. a. ; a John ] . jr. of Mad is rove Sts. Bio on, 111. D.P. MC rs. Catharine; (widow of Edmund iney, "late of Peter St. Dublin, Ireland.") d. Blo< on, 111., Karch 5,1862, I 74 years. IRIAM,H,M, d. (Bloomington, 111.?) Dec. 1 81 (a. n. s . ) '.P. MER . 'Alvin F. d. at his res, near Bloc; >n,Ill., Feb. 2,1865, aged, 67 years , 5 months. Csonofls^e M.ller.Sr.; in p Jo0 >n,Ill. J 27, 1870 , A : ears. rs. Laura B. (wife of Jo . Her) d. Decatur, 111., Aug. 6,1860, aged 21 years, I ys. D.P. ;L£R, Mrs. Mary (nee 1 Ander and mother of Isj 2 . iller) d. at her rer . lies south of Bloom L. , on r Jain St. Road," Feb. 11,1870, aged 68 years. .P. LLHJGER,Mrs. Harriet F, d. at her res. in Bloomi I n, 111., April 29,1858, aged 36 years. .P. (wife of H.A. d. Chicago , 111. , Feb. 3,18 68, aged about • P. rs. A.K. d. at the res. of her son-in-li ■tin, gton, aged 89 years. . . ;e: d. B] on, 111. , May 12,18 . ( a. n. «P« .outs 'irove, McLean County, 111., •cii 8,18 ■ ;ed 35 years. • . •s. Juliet; (wife of Joseph H. Moore) d.ElPaso, 111. . '26,1868 . days, (Left husband and 5 ch.) . • ina C. (wife of Abi *e) d. r res. near "Benjaminvil] e , v unty.Ill., July 31,1870. (a.n.s; ie Society Friends. ) ,d. (Bloomi ,111.?) March 8, aged 57 y* ■.:■; (dau. of :ouse, f< Ly of Bloomington, 111. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , Jan. ,1861, i ■ 18 years. .P. J ierson, d. Bloo . , Jan. 4,1857, aged 20 years. '.F. MORGAN, Charles S. (son of Col. Wra. R. in Grove, McLean County, 111. Co 33rd 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War; d. Ironton, Mo. , Feb. 11,1861 , aged 19 yearn, ' months. , t> . . .I.Hezekiah R. , (son of Col. . R. and formerly of Twin Grove. McLean Co 111. , d. St. Stephens, Ne"b.,0ct. 7, 557 , - • years, , 6months. '.P. ps. Laura; (widow of Col. organ.) d. at the res. of her son, n, Dale Township, 1.. Oct, 4,1865. .P. MORGAN, Sidney H. d. (Bloomington, 111. ?) Feb. 20,1863, aged 38 years. .P. . d. Dale Township, McLean County, II ., Nov. 5,1863, aged 66 years. .P. !Y,John R. d. at the res. f J.H.Enright in Bloomington, 111.. Jan. 21,1861, aged 23 years. 1.8. rs. Harriet M. d. Normal, 111., Aug. 10,18/0. 49 years, 4 months. .P. MOTT Mr. , d. at his res. (in Bloomington, 111. ?) July IJ,I86I, aged 52 year . ,P. .OS T. d. Bloomington, 111., May 29,1865, aged , 52 years. •. A.L.B. d. Chicago, 111. , Feb. 26,1863, aged ! years. .P. ?y: (wife of John G. Myers.) d. (Bloo on, 111.?) Sept. 7,1357, aged 56 years. .P. NAYLOR.I.liss Mary H. d. at the res. of her Rev. Francis Naylor; Bloomington, 111. , )ec. 18, 1868. (a.n.s.) D.P. '-'LOR, Rev. Francis; d. .e res. of his son-in-law, , Y.Davidson, 516 S.Lee St., Bloomington, 111. , about ih 29,1870. (a.n.s.) D.P. NEAL,Mrs, iyj d. Le?.oy,Ill., March 7,1866, aged jars. .p. i; d. Cheneys Grove, IlcLean County, 111., Jan. 9,1861 years. '.P. ne; (wife cf Job vin. ) d. Bloc >n, 111.,, Feb. 13,1369, aged 4 rs. .P. NEVIN, Peter; d. (Bloomington, 111. ?) March 3,1869, aged 76 years. .P. OAKEY,Mrs. Eliza Ann (sister of Mrs. James Got ting. ) d. at the res. pf her son (in Bloomington, 111.?) Aug. 2,1864, aged 53 years. .P. OBER.Mrs. . (wife of C.BiOber, printer.) d. Geneseo, 111., Dec, 10,1861, aged 29 years, .P. 0REND0RPF, Willi am, r. , . ton Grove, L'cLes County, 111., May I,?, 1869, aged 77 years. .P. OSBORN, Harmon, d. Bloomington, 111. , Sept. 6(?) 1854, aged 41 years. (Left widow znd 4 ch. ' ,?. OVER (Co. I. I04th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. at "Hospital No. 7", Louisville, Ky. , Sept._ , 1863, »n.s. ) .P. ~ SN,Dr. Robert C. d. at his res. in 1, 111., July 1870, aged 63 years. D.P. .ev/is W. (only son of J.C.Owen.) d, Bloo on, 111., May 13,1856. (a.n.s.) .P. OWE! *y; (wife of J.C.Owens.) d. Bloomington, II eb. 8,1856, aged 33 years. .?. •S. -iriam; (wife o j1 John A.Packard, of Bloomington, 111.) d. Magog, Can. July 13,1859, aged 70 years, (mother children.) . . .CKARD, Rev. John A. d. Fitch 1 t Canada, Feb. 16, 186 I , 7 3 years. I.S. PADLOCK, Dr. S. A. (Lieut. -Col . 9th. 111. Cavalry Civil P.) d. at t Lccolls House, an, 111., Feb. 18,1862, aged 39 years. .P. PALLADY, James L. d. Normal.Ill., July 22,1870, aged 41 years. PAL -iley; (of Putney, \ r t.) d. Vandal ia, 111. , Aug. 5 , I860, aged 33 years. .P. . .anson H. d. Bio ton, 111., April 4,1863, aged jars. " .P. ie • . at t .e res. rents in ;ton,Ill., Jan. 13,1870, . . PARK, Mrs. ■ . .on, 111., March 30,1364, aged 35 years. D.P, PARKE, Ge . d. Bio 11., July 19,1869, a^ed 1 s • J) . P , PARKES,James E. d. Bloomington, 111. , torch 25,1856 ed 36 years. .P. ..John F. d. Bloomington, 111. , . 15,1859. (a.n.s.) I. PAS. . Uley; d. Randolphs Grove, McLean County , 111 . , May 12,1057, aged 38 years, (Left widow and 6 . ) • ARSON, A.W, d. Blooraing5on,Ill. , April 13,1862. (a.n*s.) Left widow, parents. lers and I sister. W.P. PEARSON, Mrs, A.M. (wife of leaver in) d. at t res. of her husband, 707 Ivans b. , on, 111., Nov. 4, 1869, aged 40 years.' ,P. PHASE, Mrs. Delina; (wife of Oliver Pease of Tale , cLean County, 111.) d. May 16,1867, aged 62 -s. .?. PEPPER, Mrs. Mildred A. (wife of William 0. Pepper. ) d. Bloomington, 111,, Aug. 5,1859, a.n.s.) . . ', John B. d. e res. of his father in dngton, 111., Oct. 15,1869, aged 30 years. .P. ice; (wife of John H. Perry.) d. Chicago, 111., Jan. 3,1867, aged . .P. PERRY, Mrs. Susanna; (wife of John Perry, Jr.) d. Danvers, 111., April 12.186 , aged 42 -S. ?. ..- , rs. James C. [a graduate of Oberlin College; wife of C.A.Phelps. ) d . 11. 4, aged 28 yeaes. D.P, PHILLIPS, Miss Julia; d. 3. if rother, E.I . Philips, in Bio 111. Aug. I ,1862, i -ed 18 years. . p. PHC . (son of Franklin . .) d. 11. , Nov. ,1870 . .P. PIKE, Hiss Asenath: .,!].]., Feb. 14,1868, 17 D.P. PIK Jthalii fe of ..Pike.) d. (Bloomington, 111.?) July 10,1865, aged 39 years. .P. Pr ' ' 3 ' T Lu °y M - (wife of I),K.Pi d dau. of James Lronson. ) d. : ; . . 7>I867 . D.P. POS Ln; (formerly of 111., April 4,1858, aged 45 years. Lef1 ch. .P. .L.b. Connecticut, settled .on, 111., 1851, d. Blooraington.Ill. , Aug. 28,1858, agedd 53 years. D.P. PRALL.E.R. (Lieut. Co. II5th 111. Vol. Inf. . ) d. at the res. of F.L. I . Blooraington, 111. , March 31,1863. (a.n.s ) .?. PRATt,Mrs. Mary J. (wife of }$. Pratt, and dau. of Ja ary Ann( Moore) Punk. ) d. Dec. 24,18 .P. PRATT ICO, Bernhard, res. 315 Sout Center St., Blooinington, 111. , Nov. 2,1870, aged 3! . D.P, PULLEN, James; d.at the res. of J.O. Pullen, in Bio .on, 111., Lee. 27,1866, ( . .s.) D.P. HAG] .. (wife of Wm.T. Rag] and.) d.Bl( 111., July 24,1870, aged 43 years. LPH, William; d. at trie res. pf C.B.Hukill in Lincoln, 111. , Fe"b. ys. .?. RAY Llliam; d. Bloomiflgton, 111., April 6,1858, about 3< rs. W.P. Alpheus, ihusetts, Dec. 19,1779, d. .e res. of his son-in-law, es Diehl, re mington, 111., March , IE . .P. ..C. d. at his res. in Bloi gton,Ill., Jan. 13, 1864. (a.n.s.) .P. .-. Isabel; (wife of David M. Reeve, formerly of Indiana) d. of cholera 'ton, 111., Aug. 31,1854. (a.n.s. ) 1 .P. ; . Lucy A. (wife of O.T. Reeves, and dau. ing, of Lyndon, I 11.) d.Bloo on, 111. , . 10, It rs. .P. RHC I eth} d. near Avoca, 111., Feb. 11,185 , (a.n.s. ) .P. RIC] . . .in Bloomi n.Ill., Nov. 13, 1866, ps. : .P. RICHA: . b. Barkhamstead, Litchfield Co Conn. moved to T Ohio, with his parents of II years, settled at Bloo on, 111., Nov. 1867, d. Blo< ton, 111. , .March 20, 1868. (a.n.s.) .P. RICHARDSC " ps. Theresa; (dau. of David and Debor Rising , and Ley. ) b. Colchester, ( !ounty,Vt. Jem. 13,1807, m. aman C. Ripley, Dec. 22, 1863, settled in Illinois, 1849, d. at t b. of her son, Seaman Rip] - (in Bloc ,on, 111.?) Dec. 22,1869. .?. RITCH] '. Alice; "b. Washington County, Ohio, d .' Blc ton, 111., May 3,1870, s \ "bout 26 years. ROi , Absalom D. (only son ■ nf^yo and Saba . Robinson.) d. Bio Ion, 111., jov. 30,1865 , tenth, 7 days. .P. ROBSO ; . Adelaide; wife of Robert Robson. ) d. Bloomington, 111. , Jan. 11,1867, age< : , D.P. rles N. (oldest son of J "Hen W. Ros . d. (Bloomington, 111.?) Sept. 26,1867. (a. n. s. ] D.P. ROSS, Josiah; b. Pennsylvania 7. 1794, d. Pontiac , 111. , April 24,1870. .P. ROTH, Rudolph; d. Bloc on, 111., Sept. 28,1869, (a. . ; .) .?. .USE. Mri Mary J. (wife louse.) d. Bloomington, 111. .A . (; ,n,s. ) ".'.P. .H. (Sergt. Co 26th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) d. in hospital Memphis, Tenn. Feb. 25,1863, ed 19 yes ROWELL, Benjamin P. d. at his res, in "the northwest f san County, 111., b. 5,1860, d 50 years, (came to Illinois from Vermont; an old settler). D.P. .tie A. d. • ite Oak Grove, McLe County, 111., May 2, 1863, aged I' rs. D.P. RUG , "aces E. (wife of Oramel Rugg. ) d. n, 111., March 12,1856, (a.n.s.) .P. RUST,Elam; (Editor, Decatur Herald.) d. Decatur, II! ., rch 7,1857. (a.n.s. ) .P. RYA1I, Patrick; d. (Bloomington, 111. ?) Feb. 26, 1867, aged 39 years. .P. SALCH.John J. d. Bloomington, 111. , : ;i ec. 31, 1866, aged 62 ■■■■ , 9 mont . .P. SAT . eth; (mother of Irs. John V.'orden and •s. James v /orden of Normal, 111.) b. Hudson County, Jersey, d. Normal, 111., March 2^,1870, aged years. (Her husband was a soldier cf the War of 1812. ) SANDERSON, Mrs. y; (wife of H. Sanderson.) d. Bloomington, 111. , March 30,1859, aged 57 years, 21 days. 8AvTDGE,(or rs. Amanda P.. (wife of Thos. B. Savidge and dau. of :ion. John Moore.) d. in Lean County, 111., Aug. 20,185: v, s. Left 3 c N.F. SCOTT, C.H. (son of C.G.Scott of Bloomington, 111. ) d. smphis, Tenn. , April 6,1863, aged 23 year . .P. SEARS, Mrs. Helen; (wife of Rev. C.V/. Sears.) d. ] ton, 111. , Nov. 1,1857. .P. SEBRING,Barnett: d. (Bloomington, 111. ? ) Dec. 10,1869. ( a • n . s • ) , P . SEN V rs. Emily S. (wife of J.W. Senseney. ) Id. St. Clairsville, Ohio., d. Bloomington, 111. , Feb. 21, 1861. ). (a.n.s. ) J). P. SHA 3. Lucy J. (wife of . . L. Shaffer.) d. er res. I mile west of Bloomington, II! . rch 7,1866, (a.n.s.) .P. SHAW, Mrs, Charlotte; (wife of Lloyd i ) d. Tremont, 111., Jan. I 1 , 1870, aged 68 years. D.P. SHEARER, Peter; d. (Bloomington, 111. ?) May 5,1.870, aged 57 years. D.P. SHURTLEPP,Mrs. Elizabeth A. (wife of Silvanua Shurtleff d. Clinton, 111., Feb. 8,1870, aged 54 years. .?. 8. Elvira H. (wife of J.B. Slemr.er. ) d. Chenoa, 111., J- . J, 1870, ared 2 nths. ormal,Ill. f April 13,1868, aged 22 years. .?. JH, I.Irs. Ange M. (wife of James H. Smith.) d. Bloomington, 111. , Sept. 5.1857, nged 26 years, (a native of V/estfield, Mass.) ,?. se, Sr. b. Litchfield, Conn. d. Bloc. on, 111., jv. 2,1857, aged 73 years. .P. •s. Lucy; (wife of Samuel Smith.) d. Concord, (now Danvers) 111., Feb. 21, 1854, a ed 42 'S. .P. SMITH, . E. (dau. of W.B. and Delphina Smith.) d. Normal, 111., Aug. 12,1870, aged 20 yc . D.P. 1TH, William W. d, Normal r 111 . , Oct. 19,1870, aged 28 years. .P. lDEK.Kev. Israel; d. Bio ton, 111., Nov. 1864, aged 34 years, 3 months, 20 days. .P. SOULE.Wm.K. accidentally killed by explosion of a stei boiler at Ullin, 111. April 14,1868, aged 47 years, .P. SPA . Jarwin M. (son of T.H. and Z. Sparrow.) d. in hospital .-mphisl Tenn. , March 25,1864, aged 21 years, 10 Months, 14 days. .P. SPAULDING,Miss Ann Eliza; (dau. of F. Spaulding. ) d. at the res. of her father, 4 miles west of Bloomington, 111 . 111., June 24,1857, aged £ rs . .P. SPAULDING, Mrs, Chastina B. (wife of Cyrus C. Spaulding.) d. res. 2 miles southwest of Bloomington, 111. (on Springfield Road.) Jume 29,1868. (a.n.s.) W.P. SPAULDING, Mrs. Si . (wife of Charles W. Spaulding.) d. (Bloomington, 111.?) July 3,1864, (a.n.s.) D.P. SPENCEjMrs, Hannah; (wife of Robert Spence.) d. ne yworth.,111., June 23,1864, aged 64 years, .P. SPRAGUE, Theodore; d. Normal, 111., Pec. 31,1869, aged 45 years, 2 months. D.P. STAJ IRTH, Isaac J. d at the res. of his mother in Bloomington, 111. , Aug. 1,1866. (a.n.s.) D.P. STEELE, John; d. Bio ,on, 111., April 2,1867, •3. .P. :, William; b. Pennsylvi T777, moved to Ohio, 1813, to Illinois, 1838; d. Bloomington, 111. , Au, ;. 19 , 1859 , ■ .P. ST I (or Stevenson), Major John L. d. Bloomington, 111., May 4,1857, aged 49 ; :>nths. Left widow and 3 ch. .?. SOU, . ry; (wife of E.P. Stephenson.) d. . g ton, I 11., Aug. I 1 , 18 55. (a.n.s.) Left oh. (I two weeks old.) ?. STE ies B. d. Bloomington, 111. , ;h "7,1870, * S . D.P. ST. 5. Almira A. (wife . Stevens.) d. '316 Locust St. >mington,Ill. (?). Sept. 24,18 ps, .P. ST- b. Latitia; (wife gton, 111.}, Blue Rapids, K.ans., June 13,1868, ye* s. ' :T,Alpheus C. (.Co. B. 94th 111. .Vol. Inf. Civ r . ) d.Carrolton, La. Sept. 18,1863, aged 19 years. IT, Joseph; d. of cholera(?) ton,Ill.(?) July 15,1863. aged 64 years. .P. STI 'S. Lucinda; (wife of Noah Stine.) d. (Bloomincton, 111.?) March 1,1859. (a.n.s,) .P. STORY, Mrs. Mahala, (wif e of Win. Story.) d. Rutledge, Township, DeWitt, County, 111., July 1,1861, aged 57 years. STOUTMEYER,Mrs. Sarah; (wife of L.T.Stoutmeyer. ) d. Chatsworth, 111., Jan. 2,1869, aged 27 year . .P. STUB}. LD, Robert; d. at his res. in Funks Grove, McLean County, 111., June 8,1870, i rs. (See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County.". D.P. SULLIVAN, Mrs. Catharine; (wife of Patrick Sullivan.) d. Bloc. »n, 111., Dec. 17,1866, aged 66 years. D.P. EENY,Mrs. Margaret; (v/ife of Joseph Sweeny.) d. Bloomington , 111 . , Jan. 4,1865, aged 58 years. D.P. TAP Iton; d. at the res. of Hon. Joh 3 . Re in Loomington, 111., April 30,1862, 40 year .P. TAYLOR, Dr. Daniel R. d. at the res. of his mother-in-lr •s. Anr. . s, in McLean County, 111., arch 24, 1870, aged 29 years. (He was to be buried t Heyworth, II] . ) .P. TAYLOR, I.liss Josephine S. (dau. f John S, Taylor.) d. (Bloomington, 111.?) Nov. 30,1866, aged 17 years, 5 days. .P. . Caroline; (wife of Richard Temming. ) d. Lean, 111., Dec. 27,1864. (a.n.s.) .P. .ret; (v/ife of L. G. Ferry. ) d. Bloomingt< 111., March 16,1870, aged 27 years, 10 months, 16 days. .P. THOMPSON, J. Henry; (oldest son of on.) d. at his fathers res. in • 1,111., Jan. 6,1869, . .s. ) .P. TILTON,Geo,W. (formerly of Bloo >n,Ill.) d. Red Oct. IC, 18 [37. (a.n.s.) .P. TILL/.. tuel H. d. ton, in., April , " >8. (a.n.s. ) D.P, TIPTON, Mrs. . d. Blc ton, 111., Aug. 24,1869, ears, 4 months . ,p IPTON, Wnu B. Tipto ocust Sts. , Bloo >n, 111. , Dec. 3, IB : , TOMPKINS, Peacon James; (formerly o . . Ln Grove, McLean Counl . pril 26,18 5 years. .P. TV; 3 res. in T County, 111., about April 16,1862, aged 2' P.P. TO.. , b . d. Bloo 111., Jan. 27, 1865, aged 54 years. TRACY, Henry e res. :ienry y, Jr., in t. Pleasant, ( now Powns?) 111., April 24,1869. TRAVIS, Mrs. Mattie A. (w: 1 " Rev. M. , .Travis, Presbyterian) Chenoa, 111., Feb. 4,1870. 1 37 years. D.P. TR] ., William; (Co. C. 33 rd 111. Vol. Inf. Civi< Jesse d "in the Array. " Feb, ed 23 years, 17 da: p « . Polly; : . at the res. of T.F.Harwood, .oornin arch 17,1870, aged 50 years. (Buried at Holley, N.Y. ) .P [PELT, Jacob; b. li id Cou >rmal, 111., 1858; d. normal, 111., April ! 1870, aged 59 years, 4 months. P. VIN2Y, Car , . Grove, McLean Cou. 11, , pch 26,1859, aged 25 years, 9 months. ,P. WAKEFIELD, - u Jlisha; b. Watertown, N.Y. d. Bloo. Ill.__ ,1869 >3 years. .P. WAI •:.. ry; (wife of Elisha Wakefield.) d. Bio ton, 111., Nov. 9, 1365, aged 51 years. .P. - C. (wife of T.A, -ener of >n, 111.) d. in Todd County, Ky. {at - s. of ree.) Jan. 14,1866. (a.n.s,) ".P. WAG or T.T. d. Bloomington, 111., Jan. 15, 186 . . n . s . ) LLACE, Le ; (41 yor of Bloomington, 111.) moved to Bloo on, 111., from Philadelphia, Pa. about 18 37, d. 9of ;:ooplexy, ) at Bio '11 . , Feb. 13,18 6 years. .P. .TON, William II. H. d. at his res. cor. and Sts. , Bloomin - , . 53 ye^rs, ys. .P. rah Ann. (dau. of P.H, ; . rd. ) d. Blooraj >n , 111 . , May 27 ,18 ( a. n. s . ) Louis C. (of Sales 1.) d. n, University. , 11., Feb. 5,1870, aged • . . P . 3. Lucie; (wife of Dr. . iple. ) . r, >ulaski , 111., April 17,1867, aged 31 year rs. Catharine; (wife of Merritt ed.) d. Blooiaington , 111., Jr . ,1854, aged 20 years. '.'.P. D.Seth; "o. Sept. 3,1830, d. Bio- 11., Sept. 5, (Left widow surviving . iss Hel^en M. (dau. of Col. A. . b; fo »11 lounty, 111.) d. ?ao" ans., Jan. 17,1870, aged 35 years. .P. P, John W. (son of Hon. Henry './est of ean "lour. 111.) d. near Shel"byville , 111., Dec. 27, 1861. . :1 . S . ) . . I, Gardner L. d. i t Le res. of son Capt. . Wheeloc jan, 111. 'ch 25, 1870. aged 59 ars. .P, .ike; (Co. H. .Vol. Inf. Civi: ■. ) d. o. , ,1863, aged 21 years, II months, 29 days. .P. arah Colby; (wife of . [.White.) d. "lo 111., April 9,1860. rs. D.P, WILKINS01 id; (late of Kentucky.") d. of chlorea at the res. iller, in B] i, 111., April V 54. (a. n.s. ) .P. f, Mrs. Sliza; (wife of Luther Wilson, f 'ly of on, 111.) d. Fremont, .Nov. 16, 1859. . n . s . ) . P . ., Austin W. (son . and B.l r. ) d. April 17, 1868. {: .n.s. ) .P. •; d. (Blooraington,Ill.?) Feb. I, I8L : ;ed oars. .P. ary; (wife . . ) d. rtford, Ind. , July 19,1863, rs. .P. • B. (Cha] .Inf. CivJ •. ) d. Center '..ills. , ct. 7, 1865. .n.s.) .P. D t John . Loomington, 111., Jan. 31, 1858, a^ed about 30 years. Left widow and 2 ch. '.'.P. ret J. (formerly of on, 111.) d. Otta t. 24,1861, ( . . ) .P. •s. Sarah G. (wife of ] od in Kinderhook, ^:. Y. ) d. at t ss. of her son-in-1: . Benjamin, in Bloomington, 111., Aug. 1870, 3 years. .?. .'rs. ary; d. at the res. of her son-in-lai John C. Fleming, (in Bloomington, 111.?) Feb. 18, 1869, ears. .P. )DS0N, Mrs. Sarah T. (wife of Robert jdson. ) d. Bloomington, 111., Kay 23,1864, aged 34 years. i .P. WO.. , . . at tie E. (nee 1 " Lucker; dau. of Mrs. Ellen Lucker and widow of James rster. ) d. Bio ton, 111., Jan. 13,1867, aned 29 years, 8 months. .?. YAP3P.0UGH, El (carpenter; settled at Blooj n, 111., 1855.) d. at his res. in Bloomington, 111., rch 12, 1861, aged 35 years. .P. Y0U1IG, Dr. P.G. d. at his res. cor. Grove and Clayton Sts., Bloc :>n, 111., April 2,1857, aged 51 years. .?. ZOOK, Peter, d. at the res. of Alexander Pever, in Cheneys Grove To- \ean County, 111., Dec. 1869 d . pears. P.P. . As ori published these obituar ^re paid for "by the relatives or friends of the deceased persons, rief, and the information they conto ncc^essarily limited, ut s to rule. In short they present to A chi s< d :T>ons seldom mentio] Le nowadays ^hey ;;re rear ly ev. ■ omitt< quite a contrast ^.^ published ( ries of present day. Prior to^T330 the names of surviving V c LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 612 065 9