PS t* ** FLORENCE CONVERSE \*^ ^ Class _S£s£ar CDPXRIGHT DEPOSIT. By the Same Author Long Will: A Romance The most perfect imaginative re- construction of the Mediasval Eng- land of Piers Plowman which has yet appeared. Already a classic. In Everyman's Library. Cloth, Leathery $1.00 net The House of Prayer Never have the joy and the beauty of the Church's traditions and practices been so delightfully expressed as in these delicate and lovely stories of the little boy and his angel. $1.50 net With 8 lllmtratiom by Margaret Ely Webh E. P. Dutton & Co. New York City The Blessed Birthday The Blessed Birthday A Christmas Miracle Play- By Florence Converse New York E, P» Dutton & Company 6Zt Fifth Avenue 6 'f)^ Copyright, 1917 BY E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY Printed in the United States of America NOV -I 1917 ©CLA476867 The Blessed Birthday A Christmas Miracle Play The People in the Play: The Angels : The Angel of the Annunciation The Angel of the Nativity The Angel of the Resurrection The Holy Family: Joseph Mary- Jesus The Children: John the Baptist Abner Hezekiah Tobias THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Eli Ruth Miriam Leah The Wedding Party: The Bride The Bridegroom The Parents of the Bride and Bridegroom The Guests The Place: Village houses, low, white, and win- dowless, with flat roofs, stand about a well in an open place in Nazareth. At the left is the house of the Bridegroom, with a rich eastern carpet laid down over the doorsteps, and an embroidered silk curtain hanging before the door, hi the center, at the rear, is Joseph's house. The carpenter's bench can be seen within the wide doorway, and there THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY are shavings littered about the steps. An outside stair crosses the front of the house, going up from the right of the door, to the roof. At the right is the house where Ahner, Ruth, and little Eli live. The well is of stones, with a seat built out from the base a?id run- ning round it. The Angel of the Annunciation, tall, and immortally young, stands at the left of Joseph's door. He wears the livery of the Holy Ghost: the flame color of Pentecost covers him, and his wings are feathered flame. The image of a dove is em- broidered 071 his breast, and his halo is full of rays, long and short, like the rays of a monstrance. He carries Mary's lilies in his hand. The Angel of the Nativity and the Angel of the Resurrection stand, one above the other, on the outside stairway against the wall of Joseph's house. The livery of 3 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY the Incarnation clothes the Angel of the Nativity: Earth's green and heaven's blue. He holds seven stars in his hand, and the Star of Bethlehem is blazoned on his breast. His halo is three golden rings, one within another, like the rings of Saturn. His wings are streaked and burnished with the blues of the sky; the blues of night and day and twilight, the blue of the zenith and the horizon's blue. Beneath his leafy green surcoat his robe is dim and dark like the trunks of trees at dusk. The Angel of the Resurrection wears the livery of the Lamb of God. He is clothed with a white robe and he bears a palm branch hi his hands. His great wi?igs shine with a rainbow shimmer, and they are fidl of eyes, like the feathers of a peacock. On his breast, set in the midst of golden rays, is the image of a white lamb. 4 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Within the circle of his halo shines the sign of the Cross. The Child Jesus sits by the well busily polishing a little wooden box, fitting its cover on and taking it off, examining the edges and carriers. His white tunic. Jailing a little way below his knees, is embroid- ered around the neck and sleeves with a pattern of blue and purple and scarlet, and these are the mitigled colors of his girdle. His feet are sandaled. While he is busy about his little box, the A?igels chant the opening words of the Gospel according to St. John. Through- out the Miracle, when the Angels speak, they chant or sing their words. Theirs is the tongue of Holy Writ. The Angels : In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 5 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him ; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in dark- ness; and the darkness com- prehended it not. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 6 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory- as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. [Mary appears in the doorway of Joseph's house. She has on her blue clothes, and the blue veil over her parted hair] Mary: Who is singing? The Angel of Annunciation: Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. 7 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mary: Gabriel! I thought it was your voice. And this one with the stars is another old friend. Angel of Nativity : Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Mary: Yes; the night my Son was born, you were there. But your brother with the palm branch — Jesus [looking up from his work] : He is another birthday messenger. Mary: I do not remember him. Angel of Resurrection: Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 8 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. Mary: A mystery? — What does he say? Jesus [coming from the well to his Mother] : He says I shall have another birthday. Mary: Oh, my little Son, many, many more! [She puts her arms around him.] Jesus: I shall have a birthday at the Feast of the Passover. Mary [explaining] : No, no; now is the time of the Feast of Dedication — when 9 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY they built the new temple, don't you know? Jesus [gently]: But I shall have a birthday at the Feast of the Passover. Mary [regarding her Son for a moment with mild perplexity, then turning to the Angel oj the Annunciation] : He has so many strange little ways. But I keep all these things in my heart. Angel of Annunciation: He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 10 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mary: That, too, I keep in my heart. [She looks within the housed Joseph, we shall be late for the wedding. — He is getting a little deaf. — Joseph, dear ! [She comes down the doorsteps with her arm around her So7i.\ Joseph [appearing at the door in his brown loose cloak and flowing white head-covering bound about with a crimson turban] : I am ready, Mary. [He comes out into the square, sees the little box lying on the seat by the well, and picks it up to examine it.] Mary [touching his arm] : Will you not bid the visitors welcome? u THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Joseph: Visitors? [He looks about him.] Mary: The angels who have come to greet my Son on his birthday. Joseph : Angels, do you say? Well, well! I have not seen an angel since Herod slew the innocents. Where? Mary: Yonder, by our house. Joseph [peering]: You and the child have better eyes. I shall have to take your word for it. If it were neces- sary, no doubt I should see them. [He holds out his hand to Jesus, and draws the child to him.] What is this you make? [Showing him the box.] 12 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus: A gift for the bride. Mary: Poor little dumb bride! He's so sorry for her. Joseph [still examining the box] : I never taught you to join the comers so. Jesus : No. Joseph: It is a good way. Jesus : It is the way the comers were joined in the ark of the cove- nant, to make the cover fit tight. Joseph : The ark of the covenant ! 13 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus: That the children of Israel made for Moses, to hold the tables of the law. Joseph [with kindly irony] : And I suppose you will be telling me next, that Moses showed you how. Jesus [twinkling and smiling at Joseph's little joke] : Oh, no ; I knew how before. Joseph [amzised, but reproving him gently] : Now, now ! that's no way to speak of Moses. Mary: He doesn't mean to be irreverent. Joseph [with indulgent skepticism] : I don't know what he means, but he will be a good carpenter. Look at that box ! THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mary: A carpenter! [Hastily]. Well, perhaps.. Come, Joseph ; come, dear. I should not mind being a little late if this were an ordinary wedding; but with the bride struck dumb two days ago, and her mother nearly out of her mind with grief, — come! [Mary and Joseph go off together by the lane opening between Joseph's house and Abner's house. Jesus sits down again by the well and polishes his box. The Angel oj the Nativity and the Angel of the Resurrec- tion come down to the door of Joseph's house, and the three Angels stafid side by side on the doorstep and chant together cer- 15 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY tain passages from the Book oj the Prophet Isaiah. The Child fits the box and its cover neatly together and sets the box on the broad well-curb. He rests with his arm on the well-curb and his head on his hand, listening to the Angels.] The Angels : For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned i6 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together. Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I : and now the Lord God and his Spirit hath sent me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the begin- ning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end — Amen. [Children are heard shouting and laughing. Young John the Bap- tist enters, hy the lane at the lejt, between the Bridegroom'' s house and Joseph's. He is running and is pursued hy Hezekiah, Tobias, Miriam, and Leah. John's tunic is rough undyed 17 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY homespun; his girdle and sandals are of leather; a lambskin hangs over one shoulder and down his back. In his hand he carries a slender staff with a cross piece near the top, and a little basket hangs on the crosspiece. The other children wear garments oj red, green, orange, brown, blue, or such colors as may be convenient.] Hezekiah[ twitching John's lambskin] : Wild boy! Wild boy! Look at the wild boy ! Leah: A Nazarite! See his long hair! [She gives John's hair a tweak.] Tobias [to Jesus, who has risen and is standing by the well]: i8 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY He says he lives with an old holy man, in the desert. Miriam [to Jesus) : He says he's your cousin. Jesus: Yes; my cousin John. [The two boys regard each other gravely, with shy awkwardness. The other children watch them curiously. A hner a?id Ruth and little Eli have come running out of their house, at the noise. They stand on their doorstep^ Ruth [crying out suddenly] : Oh, angels! Abner [rudely]: Call that an angel! That's a wild boy from the desert. [He moves over to the well, to join the other children.] 19 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth: No; I mean over there. John [to Jesus] : Yesterday, my mother came to see me in the wilderness where I live with the old man, and she said this was your birth- day; so I came — I came — [he falters shyly] — to tell you I am glad you were born. Jesus [shyly, lovingly, taking John's hand] : Oh, John ! — Oh, thank you, John ! John [holding out the staff with the little basket swinging from it]: I brought you a piece of wild honeycomb, — saved from my breakfast. Tobias [snatchhig at the basket] : Honey! Wild honey! THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY John [lijting the staff, with the basket hanging from the crosspicce, high above his head] : Leave it be. It's not for you. [Tobias, Hezekiah, Abner and Leah struggle Jar the honey. Miriam stands a little apart, watching them. While Tobias clasps John round the middle, trying to throw him, the others leap a^id stretch for the basket.] Jesus: Don't let's fight. We'U all have a taste. John [struggling'. No; I brought it for you. Abner [to Tobias]: Trip him, — can't you? Here! Let me get a grip. THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY [The Angel of the Nativity has come down jrom Joseph's door- way. He lifts his arm over the heads of the wrestling children, and takes the basket off the crosspiece of the staff] Miriam : Look out! You've shaken off the basket. Don't step on it. Leah [looking among the boys' feet] : Where ! Where ! [The Angel of the Nativity goes back to Joseph's doorstep, the little basket hangitig from his finger.] Miriam : It dropped. I saw it. Abner: Hezekiah, you've got it. 22 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Hezekiah : I have not. Ruth [spealzing from her doorway, where she stands holding little Eli's hand] :^ It didn't drop. The angel took it off the staff. The angel with the seven stars. The Other Children except John [frightetied] : Angels ! [They stand stilly looking over their shoidders, fearftdly.] Ruth: Over there by Joseph's house. Three of them. Eli sees them ; don't you, baby? Eli: Eli sees angels. One, two, seven, forty-leven. Tobias [to John] : Do you see them? 23 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY John: Why, yes. They've been there all along. Miriam : I see — something. Yes, — I see one — very faint. Ruth : The starry one? Miriam : I see a lily. I see a dove. Abner: They don't see a thing. They're doing it to scare us. Hezekiah [frightened] : I see peacock's feathers. Leah: What else? Hezekiah : Just peacock's feathers — Oh! [He covers his eyes]. 24 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth: I know! They've come to the wedding. They're here to wel- come the bride. Miriam: Then they've made a mistake in the house. That's not the bride's house. You tell them, Ruth. You see them better than I do. Jesus: They came because it's my birth- day. They didn't make a mistake. Abner: Angels! — For your birthday! [He laughs mockingly.] Who are you? You're nobody. [Jesus looks at him silently.] 25 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth [comiitg from her house to join the other children] : Shame on you, Abner ! Hush ! Abner : Nobody! — Nobody! — I bet he picked up the basket and hid it. John : ' Well, if he did, it's his. I brought it to him. Abner [approaching Jesus] : Where's the honey. Nobody? Jesus [standirig quite still] : I am — Somebody. John [to Abner]: You leave my cousin alone. [The three Angels come down Joseph's two doorsteps swiftly, their gartnents flyijig] 26 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth: Abner, Abner, the angels are angry ! [Abner, startled by Ruth, backs away from Jesus, involuntarily] Jesus: They won't hurt you. Abner [recovering himself ] : There ain't any angels. I don't see 'em. [The three Angels slowly move backward and stand once more on Joseph's threshold. Abner has backed toward his own house, a little way.] Abner : Think you can frighten me with angels, — you, — Nobody! — Born in a stable! Tobias and Hezekiah [taunting : Born in a stable! 27 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth and Miriam [reproving]: No, boys; don't. Leah : Well, it's true. Abner: Nobody! Nobody! You don't even know who's your father. Jesus [quicUy]: Oh, yes, I do. Abner: Who? Jesus: I'll tell you some day. Abner: Who? [Jesus looks at him silently. A hner sees the little box on the well- curb. He runs and snatches it up.] 28 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Abner: Tell me, or I'll throw this down the well. Ruth: No, no, Abner! He made it for the bride. [Jesus looks at him silently.] Abner : Going to tell me? — When I count three, it goes down the well. — Going to tell me? — One! Hezekiah: Say, Abner, no fair! Tobias: Shut up, Hezekiah. Don't you mix in. Let 'em fight it out. Abner [scornfully] : Him fight! 29 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY [Jesus looks silently at Abner, who mounts the seat by the well and holds the box over the welVs mouth.] Abner: Going to tell me? — Two! John [passionately] : You're a bad, bad boy. You'd better be sorry for what you're doing. If you throw that box down the well, Jesus and I will duck you, head down; won't we, Jesus? Jesus [tranquilly] : But, John, that wouldn't make him sorry, John [disconcerted, and regarding! esus with some exasperation]'. But we're going to do something to him, aren't we? 30 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus [his face lighting up with sudden merriment : Yes; something. Abner : Laugh at me, will you? — Think I won't do it, do you? — Once more! — Going to tell me who your father is? Jesus : I'll tell you some day. Abner: Three! [He drops the box into the well. It splashes.] [There is a moment of shocked silence. The Angels look at one another and shake their heads in disapproval.] Tobias \with a little squeal] : He did it! 31 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Ruth: His little box! His pretty little box that he made for the bride.— Oh! Hezekiah: It wasn't fair. Miriam : No ; it was not. Leah: Lick him, Jesus! Sic the angels on him, why don't you? Abner : Angels ! Your Grandmother ! [ To Jesus-] Why don't you say something ? — Think yOu can scare me ? Go home, Nobody ! [Jesus gazes silently at Abner.] John: Jesus, Jesus! Let me fight him for you. Please ! 32 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Abner [to Jesus] : Go home! We don't want to play with you. Born in a stable! Tobias : Born in a Hezekiah: Shut up I Abner: Go home, I say! — ^We don't want you. [He stoops, picks up a stone, and swings Ids arm up.] Go ho — ah! [He shrieks. The stone falls from his hand, and with it a little snake.] [The children scream and start backward, all hut John, who runs to the little snake and heats it with his staff. Abner, be- tween the well and his own house, stands stupidly holding out his hand and looking at it.] 33 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY John: It's dead. Ruth [bending over it] : A viper ! [She screams.] The Other Children: A viper! [They all gaze at Abner in horror.] Ruth [crying]: He'll die! My brother will die! [Leah and little Eli, who clings to Ruth, also begin to cry. The other children stand silent and horror-stricken.] Jesus [going up to Abner]: Don't be frightened, Abner. Don't be frightened, dear Ab- ner. [Abner sta?ids rigid, looking at his outstretched hand. Jesus takes the hand in his, bends his head 34 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY down, and gently, slowly, kisses the open palm. Then he closes the fingers over the palm, bends the arm at the elbow, and lays the closed hand against Abner's breast.] Little Eli [who stopped crying when Jesus spoke to Abner]: Jesus kissed the place and made it all well. [The children sigh. Abner, still dazed, opens his hand and looks at it. Then he looks at Jesus gravely. While A b?ier a?td Jesus are looking into each other's eyes, the Angels chant these words from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah.] The Angels : I will mention the loving kind- nesses of the Lord, and the 35 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his loving kind- nesses. For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour. Abner [suddenly bursting into tears mid Jiiding his face in his arm] : I can't bear it! I can't bear it! I threw his little box down the well. — I called him names. — I can't bear it! [Still with his arm before his eyes, he turns and runs blindly away from the children and stumbles up against the Angel of the Resur- 36 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY rection. He clutches the Angel and sobs, hurymg his face in the white robe. The Angel of the Resurrection pats him and smooths his hair.] Miriam : He might have died! — People do, John: I'm glad he's sorry at last. Jesus [softly]: He didn't know what he was doing. Don't let's talk about it any more. Let's eat the honey. John : Yes, let's. Jesus [looking at little Eli and smiling] : Where's the honey, baby? Eli: Eli knows. 37 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus: Will you go find it for Jesus? [Eli runs to the door of Joseph's house, and stops before the Angel of the Nativity. Eli puts his finger in his mouth shyly.] Tobias: There are Angels ! — I see them ! Leah: So do I. Miriam: Three! — and such beauties! {The Angel of the Nativity stoops and gives the little basket to Eli^ Ruth: Make your bow, baby. {Eli takes his fiJiger out of his mouth, pidls the curl that hangs over his forehead, and bobs his 38 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY little head. The Angels smile. Eli comes hack to Jesus and gives him the honey basket. The children gather close around Jesus] Hezekiah: There isn't much. Do you think it'll go round ? Jesus: Oh, yes ! Ruth: Jesus knows how to make things go round. I've noticed that whenever he goes shares there's always enough for everybody. Miriam : So have I. Umm ! Good honey ! Leah: Don't give me so much, Jesus. 39 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY John: You needn't count me in. I can have it any time. Jesus : But there's plenty, John. Tobias: Have you got some left for your- self? Jesus: Abner, here's your piece. Leah: After he's been so mean ! Jesus: We can't begin to eat till you come, Abner; won't you come? [Abner lifts his face from the folds of the Angel's robe. The Angel wipes away his tears. Reluc- tantly, shamefacedly, Abner comes hack to the- children. 40 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus gives him a piece of the honeycomb. They look at each other shyly. Their hands move to their mouths in embarrassed silence. They bite the honey- comb simultaneously, and simid- taneously they smile at each other. The other childreit all laugh. And the Angels chant certain verses from the Ni?ie- teenth Psalm.] The Angels : The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testi- mony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judg- 41 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY ments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Ruth: Listen! The Angels! Do you hear them ? Angel of Nativity: Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God in the highest ! Angel of Annunciation : And on earth peace! Glory to God in the highest ! Angel of Resurrection: And on earth peace, Good will toward men ! Glory to God in the highest! The Three Angels : Glory to God in the highest! 42 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY And on earth peace, Goodwill toward men ! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Miriam : What song is that? t> Jesus: My birthday song. The angels sang it the night that I was born. Leah: But it's not true that you were born in a stable. Jesus: Oh, yes; it's true. [The children have heen standijtg in a little group in front of the well, eating their honey. They look at one another, abashed.] Miriam : Do you remember it? 43 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Jesus : Yes; quite well. Leah: How did it feel to lie in hay, in a manger? Jesus [merrily]: It tickled. [The children laugh.] Hezekiah : My mother told me there were shepherds saw you in that stable. Angel of Nativity [comi7tg down Joseph's steps, lijting his ha?id to command attention, and sing- ing in a loud voice] : Behold, I bring you good tidings ! Ruth: He's going to tell us something. He wants us to be still. 44 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY [Ruth, Miriam, and little Eli sit down on the steps of the Bride- groom's house, on the bright carpet. Tobias, Hezekiah, and Leah scamper up the outside staircase of Joseph's house and sit about halfway up, Hezekiah and Tobias side by side on one stair, and Leah two stairs above them. John the Baptist is kneel- ing on the well-seat with his elbows on the well-curb and his chin in his hands, looking across the well at the angels. Abner leans against the wall of his house and Jesus goes ajid leans beside him, against the house. Presently Abner links arms with Jesus. Angel of Nativity [chanting certain portions of the Gospel according to St. Luke] : 45 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY It came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Ccesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, every- one Into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David :) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first- born son, and wrapped him in 46 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. Angel of Annunciation [moving down one step and taking up the talc] : And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them : Angel of Nativity [in Ids clear, triumphant voice] : Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 47 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Angel of Annunciation : And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, — The Three Angels: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Angel of Annunciation: And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, — 48 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY The Three Angels: Let us now go even unto Bethle- hem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. Angel of Annunciation: And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concern- ing this child. And all they that heard it won- dered at those things which were told them by the shep- herds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, 4 49 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as It was told unto them. Miriam : Oh, what a dariing story! Isn't there more? Hezekiah and Leah: More! More! Tobias : What about those kings? My father said there was a story about kings, but he didn't believe it. Neither did I. Was it true? John the Baptist: True! Of course It was true! There were three of them. Hezekiah [to the Angels] : Oh, do tell us about the kings. 50 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Angel of Annunciation [chanting certain portions of the Gospel according to St. Matthew] : Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judcca in the days of Herod the king, be- hold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, — Angel of Nativity : Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him. Angel of Annunciation: When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be 51 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY born. And they said unto him, — Angel of Resurrection [moving down to stand beside the Angel oj the Annunciation]: In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Angel of Annunciation : Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, — Angel of Nativity: Go and search diligently for the 52 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY young child ; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. Angel of Annunciation : When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. Angel of Nativity: When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. The Three Angels: And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him: and when they had 53 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts ; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. Hezekiah [jumping up, and running down the stairway] : Jesus is our king! Jesus is our king! Ruth and Miriam [running to Jesus and talzing his hands]: Come, Jesus! Come and be king! Tobias and Leah [hurrying to join the other children] : Come sit by the well, Jesus! Play it's your throne ! [The Angels and John the Baptist go to the door oj the Bride- groom's house, and take up the carpet by the Jour corners, and spread the carpet over the seat by the well. The children pull 54 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY and push Jesus to the well and make him sit down. The Angel of the Resurrection goes to the well, behind Jesus, on the other side of the well-mouth, and mounts to the well-curb. Stand- ing upright on top of the broad well-curb, with his great wings spread wide, he is the back of the throne. The Angel of the Annunciation stands on the curving well-seat at the left of Jesus, and the Angel of the Nativity stands on his right. So these two, standing upright, but a little below the Angel of the Resurrection, and with their wings spread wide, arc the arms of the throne. And the three take hands. Between and beneath them, as under a caiiopy of cherubim and glory, _ sits the 55 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY child Jesus, smiling at his playmates. The children stand before Jesus, at the right and the left of the throne. Ahner, John the Baptist, Ruth, and little Eli are on the left hand. Leah, Miriam, Tobias, and Hezekiah are on the right.] John: He ought to have a crown. Ruth: We can make beheve he has many crowns on his head. Miriam : We can make believe a scepter. Tobias: Jesus, when we're grown up we'll give you a crown, and a scepter in your hand, and we'll put a purple robe on you. 56 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY [TJie three Angels bend their heads and hide their faces in their hands, Jesus gazes straight ahead, gravely, as if he saw something sad a long way off.] Hezekiah [shouthtg, and lifting up his arms] : Hail, King of the Jews! Ruth [lifting up her arms] : Hail, Everybody's King! The Children [standing with up- lifted arms] : Hail!— Hail!— Hail! [When the children cry Hail! the Angels lift up on high the palm branch, the lilies, and the seven stars. Little Eli runs to Jesus, scrambles up on the seat beside him, puts his arms around Jesus' s neck and kisses him. 57 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY And Jesus hugs little Eli. In the distance trumpets are heard] Abner [crying out in anguish] : The wedding! Oh, can't we get the little box out of the well? Can't we? Jesus: Don't cry, Abner. I'll give the Bride something else. [Jesus gets up from his throne; all the other childre?t, except Abner, have run to look down the lane between Joseph's house and Abner' s. The Angels descend from the well and carry the Bride's carpet back to the Bridegroom's house. They spread the carpet tidily before the door and over the steps. The trumpets are heard again, nearer. Jesus and Abfter are left by 58 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY the well. Abner kneels on the well-seat, looking over the curb, down the well.] Abner: I want her to have the little box. I shall always want her to have the little box. Jesus [putting his arm over Abner' s shoulder] : I'm sorry, Abner. Abner [turning and flinging his arms around Jesus] : Oh, Jesus, why did I do it? Why did I? Jesus: Abner, I love you; and you love me. We're friends. Abner [lifting his head and smiling]: Yes; we're friends. [The trumpets sound close by. The Angels have gone up the 59 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY outside stairway oj Joseph's house and stand one above another, on the stairs; the Angel oj the Resurrection at the top, and the Angel of the Nativity and the Angel of the Annunciation in order below him.] Leah: Hurry, Jesus! Abner, here they come! Miriam : See the Bride! How sad she looks! Only three days ago she could speak, like us. And now she's dumb. Tobias: And the Bridegroom is sad, look! He didn't have to marry her when she lost her tongue. But he stuck to his bargain. 60 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY My father says he's a good fellow. Hezekiah : It's too bad Jesus can't give her the little box. I hope my bride won't go dumb when I get married. Ruth: Hush — ssh! They'll hear you! [The Bride and Bridegroom, their parents, Mary, Joseph, and other wedding guests, some with trum- pets and cymbals, come into the little square by the lane between Joseph's house and the house of Abner. They wear the wedding garments of the East. The faces of the Bride and Bride- groom are sad. As he leads her past Joseph's house she looks up and sees the Angels on 6l THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY (he stairs. She stands still, pulls the Bridegroom' s sleeve , points up at the Angels. The wedding procession halts behind her.] Bridegroom [trying to lead her on]: Not this house, the next is ours. [The Bride falls on her knees and lifts up her hands to the Angels. They lift their hands and point to Jesus. ] Bride's Mother: My daughter, my daughter! What new affliction is this? Come home to your husband's house. Ruth : She sees the Angels. The People [looking up and gaping : Angels! Where? Where? 62 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Bridegroom's Father: Nonsense! Come, my son, we must get her into the house. [Hie Bridegroom and his Father lift up the Bride a?td support her between them to the threshold of the Bridegroom's house. She looks at them beseechingly and moves her lips but without a sound. Jesus has joined his Mother, and they have come from the rear of the procession, circling the front of the well, and are standing at the Bridegroom's threshold when the Bride is brought there.] Bridegroom : Speak to her, Mary. She is frightened. Welcome her ; com- fort her. You know how to comfort. 63 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mary: Do not tremble so, little dove. Welcome to Nazareth! Wel- come, dear neighbor! See, this is my little Son. He has a gift for you. [The Bride looks at Jesus and her face becomes quiet. After a moment she puts out her hands and draws him to her. He lifts his face, standing on tiptoe, and she bends hers. They kiss. The Bride looks up from the kiss, startled. Joy and amaze- ment light her face. She opens her mouth and bursts into sing- ing. Jesus stands, gazing up at her, and smiling happily. The people are transfixed in amazement.] The Bride [singing portions of the One Hundred a?id Third Psalm] : 64 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniqui- ties; who healeth all thy dis- eases ; Who redeemeth thy Hfe from destruction ; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. '^s 65 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearken- ing unto his word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul. The People [crying out in astonish- ment] : A miracle! A miracle! The Angel of the Resurrection [standing at the top oj the stair- way, he chants from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah] : Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, 66 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. I have seen his ways, and I will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him. The Children [suddenly bursting out into the Birthday So7i^ : Glory to God in the highest, . and on earth peace, good will toward men. The Angels [singing with the children] : Glory to God in the highest ! 67 THE BLESSED BIRTHDAY Glory to God in the highest ! And on earth peace ! The People [singing with the Children and the Aiigels] : And on earth peace! And on earth peace! Good will toward men! Good will! Good will! Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, Good will toward men ! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 215 433 3 9