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Circumstances permitting, nearly every man or boy capable of holding a gun is, or sometime will be, a sportsman. Many sportsmen are expert orni- thologists, well acquainted with the names and habits of most of the birds, but the great majority are not and often secure game which they or their friends are unable to name. "American Game Birds," according to an old sportsman who has hunted all kinds of game in all parts of our country, will be a boon to sportsmen of all calibers, for "the novice has got to have it to know what he is shooting, the man familiar with the birds of his locality will want it in order to see what his brother sportsmen are shooting in other parts of the country, and the old-timer will literally renew his youth as he turns over the pages and sees portraits of his old bird acquaintances and recalls the exact places and circumstances of their former capture." A book with this title might very properly commence with the most pop- ular game birds and continue down the list to the least popular ones, but if we placed the Ruffed Grouse or the Bob-white in the van, some sportsman who believes there is no game but ducks would be sure to be offended. Since there is a natural order of birds that is adopted by scientists the world over, we have taken up our so-called game birds in this natural order, an arrange- ment that brings the Mergansers or "Fish Ducks" to the fore, even though they are not desirable as an article of food. We have included all the ducks, even though many of them are not fit to eat, and also all the sandpipers, even though many of them are so tiny that none but the veriest novice would intentionally shoot them, for the reason that they are very commonly seen, can be legally shot, and many are inadvertently taken before their identity is discovered. Chester A. Reed. Worcester, Mass., August, 191 2. 5 AMERICAN GAME BIRDS MERGANSERS {Mergns americanus) are large ducks of unusual beauty of plumage, but otherwise of comparatively little inter- est to sportsmen, since their flesh is wholly unlit for the table. Their food consists very extensively of fish, a diet that gives a very strong and rank flavor to the flesh of any bird. That they are excellent divers and swimmers is amply proven by the fact that they pursue and catch fish under water. The bill of the Merganser is quite slender and cylindrical, the edges being provided with sharp saw-teeth to enable them to firmly hold their finny prey. This species, although often frequenting salt water, is very partial to fresh-water lakes, creeks and rivers. They remain in such places during winter, just as far north as the water remains open. They are known by many local names, among the most com- mon of which may be mentioned "Goosan- der," "Saw-bill," "Buff-breasted Shel- drake," "Fishing Duck" and "Weazer." It is well to note some of the major differ- ences between this species and the next. The male Merganser has a somewhat puffy head, but no distinct crest as does the fol- lowing. The salmon-colored breast and under parts are unmarked. The females are more confusing, for both species have crests, but that of the present is heavier and browner. An infallible mark of distinction is the nostril, which in this species is just midway between the eye and tip of bill, while in the next it is located nearer the eye. The Merganser occurs throughout North America, breeding locally from the Northern States, northward. The eggs are laid in hollow trees or, in the far North, usually on the ground. RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS (Mergus serrator) share most of the local names with the preceding species. They are, however, more commonly found on salt than on fresh water. They are cosmopolitan in distribution, nesting on the ground in Canada and spending the winter throughout the United States, but most abundantly on the coasts. MERGANSER ( ? , $ ) RED-BREASTED MERGANSER (9, 6) HOODED MERGANSER (Lophodytes CMCullatus) . This smallest of the Sheldrakes has a magnificent circular, flat, fan-shaped crest which can be opened or shut to ex- press the emotions of the owner. Although quite universally known by its right name, this species is sometimes spoken of as the "Hairy-head," "Little, Wood, Pond or Summer Sheldrake." They at times live chiefly upon small fish, but at some sea- sons in some localities feed extensively upon mollusks and roots and their flesh then is quite palatable. Hooded Mergansers are exclusively North American, breeding throughout the United States and Canada, but quite locally. Their half dozen or more buff-colored eggs are laid on a soft bed of grass and down, in cavities of trees, generally along the banks of streams or lakes. These birds are exceedingly active on the surface of the water, and more so below, pursuing fish with the greatest agility, using both the wings and feet to propel them through the water. MALLARD {Anas platyrhynchos). Prob- ably the most valuable of all wild water fowl , for they are easily domesticated and are the source from which some of our best barn- yard ducks have descended. As usual, other names are often associated with them, some persons knowing them only as " Green- heads," others as "Wild Ducks," while to the French they are the "Can- ard francais" or "French Duck." They are found throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere and are very highly esteemed as table birds every- where. They feed almost wholly upon vegetable matter, such as tender roots of aquatic plants, which they get from the bottoms of ponds in shallow water, by "tipping up" and not by diving, and upon various grains and grasses in meadows or cultivated fields. During early summer, while the female is sitting upon her greenish-buff eggs in some remote part of the meadow, the drake moults to a plumage similar to that of his mate, only to again assume his handsome dress in Sep- tember. HOODED MERGANSER ( & , $ ) MALLARD (<$,$) 8 BLACK DUCK (Anas rubripcs) . This spe- cies is in many respects quite similar to the Mallard, in fact it is often termed "Black Mallard" or "Dusky Duck." The sexes are quite similar in plumage, the female being only a little lighter colored. The female Mallard sometimes bears considerable re- semblance to the Black Duck, but always shows the two white bands bordering the greenish-blue speculum. The present spe- cies, too, has white linings to the wings, which are very conspicuous during flight. Black Ducks are found in eastern North America, nesting in Canada and the North- ern States, where to a large extent they replace Mallards, and wintering south to the Gulf States. The nesting and feeding habits of Black Ducks and Mallards are almost identical. They feed chiefly after dark, in marshes or shallow water, where they can easily reach the bottom. Although usually they are very watchful and wary, from time to time they forget caution and the marshes resound with their loud quacking. FLORIDA DUCKS (Anas fulvigula) are quite like the Black Duck, but the coloration is a trifle more buffy and the throat has less streaking. The feathers on the flanks and under parts are also somewhat differently pat- terned. They are found only in Florida. The MOTTLED DUCK (Anas fulvigula maculosa), which is found in southern Texas, is quite spotted on the under parts. GAD WALL (Chaulelasmus streperus). These birds, which measure about 21 inches in length, are cosmopolitan in distribution, but in America are no- where as abundant as the following species. They frequent marshes about fresh-water lakes and ponds, breeding chiefly in the interior and western America and being only casually found during migrations on the Atlantic coast north of Chesapeake Bay. Compared to other species, the drake is rather poorly plumaged, the black, white and chestnut on the wings only serving to break the monotony of the general coloring. BLACK BUCK GADWALL BALD PATES (Mareca americana), that is, the drakes, are quite handsomely plum- aged, as our picture shows. The name is bestowed because of the white crown, simi- larly as the Bald Eagle is so named, even though it is not in any respect bald. Some sportsmen prefer to term this species the "Widgeon," but since that is the name of the common European bird, the present one is better for this species. These birds are found, in the proper sea- sons, throughout North America, breeding chiefly in the interior, from the Arctic Circle south as far as Texas. They winter in the southern half of the United States and, while abundant on the South Atlantic coast, occur on the New England coast only casually during migrations. They are quite highly esteemed as table birds, for their food is almost wholly of vege- table matter. They delight in accompany- ing flocks of Canvasbacks, Redheads or other deep-diving ducks, as they can feed upon the roots which, loosened by these birds, float to the surface. EUROPEAN WIDGEONS (Mareca penel- ope) are of the same size as the last species, about 20 inches in length, and similar in plumage except for the head, which is rusty brown with a buff-colored crown. This is a common Old World species that quite often occurs in eastern North America. GREEN-WINGED TEAL {Nettion carolinense) . Although the smallest of our ducks, measuring but 14 inches in length, this species, which is some- times called " Winter Teal " because it mi- grates later in fall and earlier in spring than the next, is very attractive both in plum- age and actions. It nests on the ground, chiefly north of the United States border, but locally south to Colorado. They are very active, swift of flight, capable of diving deep and of springing from the water in full flight. ^.\A~fo\pe&v\VV'idae(m BALDPATE ( ? , & ) GREEN-WINGED TEAL IO BLUE-WINGED TEAL (Querquedula dis- cors), which measure about one inch longer than the preceding species, are quite com- monly termed "Summer Teal," as they mi- grate earlier in fall and later in spring than the green-winged variety. They are found in North America, chiefly east of the Rocky Mountains, breeding in the Northern States and southern Canada and wintering from Maryland and Illinois south as far as Brazil and Chile. Among sportsmen, this species has the rep- utation of being one of the swiftest ducks in flight, the most wild and impossible claims of speed being mentioned, even up to two hundred miles per hour. Careful observa- tions by competent men have amply proven that this or no other duck can fly at a rate of more than sixty miles per hour. In autumn they feed upon wild rice, as well as other tender plants and insects, becoming quite fat and very toothsome, although of small size. They are never very shy and come readily to decoys, settling among them with the greatest confidence. They walk very gracefully and easily, and swim swiftly and with much buoyancy, usually keeping close together, the same as Green-wings do. Their nests are on the ground, in patches or tussocks of grass in meadows, or along the borders of streams, ponds or swamps. They are made of grass and weeds, thickly lined with feathers and down; six to twelve greenish-buff eggs constitute the full setting. CINNAMON TEAL (Querquedula cyanoptera) are abundant on the Pacific coast, not uncommon in states west of the Mississippi and of casual occurrence in eastern states. They are found even more abundantly and more widely distributed in South America. Like the other teal, they prefer fresh-water marshes and ponds and are seldom found on open salt water. Like all very active ducks, they run about meadows and catch a great many grasshoppers. This diet, together with the grain and tender plants they devour, makes their flesh very palatable. BLUE-WINGED TEAL ( 6 , ? ) CINNAMON TEAL ( $ , $ ) II SHOVELLER {Spatula clypeata). These ducks are very easily identified, not only by their unusual and attractive plumage, but because of the comparatively large size of their bills, which are much larger than gt ^^^ those of any other species in proportion to mffW \ \ the size of the bird. Shovellers, "Broad- ^j n jp » \ \ bills" or "Spoonbills," as they are perhaps W^' more often termed, have a very wide distri- bution, being found in almost all parts of the Northern Hemisphere. In our country, they breed locally in the western and central states and throughout Canada. Shovellers frequent fresh- water ponds and lakes, especially where there are shallow bot- toms well covered with vegetation. They feed by "tipping-up," where they can reach bottom, sifting the mud through the very prominent strainers on the sides ot the bill, and eating the many insects and small mol- lusks so obtained. Their flight is quite swift and often a little erratic. They appear larger than they really are, for they have considerable spread and a large head and bill to give an appearance of size that does not exist in reality. Their flesh is quite desirable and they are often shot from blinds over decoys to which they come very readily and with little fear. PINTAILS {Dafila acuta), " Sprig-tails " or "Spike-tails," as they are about equally often called, are quite unusual among ducks and easily identified because they have such long slender necks and pointed tails, although the latter fea- ture is shared with the Old-squaw. This also is a cosmopolitan species and is found in both the Old World and the New. According to E. W. Nelson, who has had unusual opportunities of watching their actions during the mat- ing seasons, they are very playful, diving into the water when in full flight and emerging also in flight, chasing one another about and occasionally mounting high in the air to descend on set wings. They nest in Canada and south to interior United States. In winter they are usually seen in small flocks of their own kind, and seldom with other species. SHOVELLER ( * , $ ) PINTAIL ( $ , 6 ) 12 WOOD DUCK (Aix sponsa). Nearly everyone is agreed that Wood Ducks are the most beautiful of any species found in this or any other country. The exquisitely col- ored and crested head, the iridescent glossy back and the delicately marked flanks com- bine to produce an effect that cannot be sur- passed. Even the female is more beautiful than that of other species. Beauty proves fatal to them, however, for they are hunted, not only for sport and food, but for their feathers, some of which are used in fly-tying. Wood Ducks are oft- times called "Summer Ducks" because they are a warm-weather species and sometimes termed "Bridal Ducks" because of their beauty which is associated with bridal robes. They frequent wooded lakes or creeks, where they occasionally perch in the trees, but more often are found along the shores or floating among the grasses of lagoons. Their note, which is sometimes uttered as they take wing, is a single sharply whistled "oeeck." They are of local occurrence and breed throughout the United States and southern Canada, but they are yearly be- coming more scarce in all portions of their range. Their nests are in the cavities of trees, but not necessarily near the water's edge. The ducklings either flutter down the tree trunk or are carried to the ground in the bill of the mother. REDHEAD (Marila americana) . This name is so appropriate that it is known by few others, one of which is "American Pochard." Redheads bear superficial resemblance to Canvasbacks and the two are sometimes confused by novices; the differences are apparent from the pictures, and are pointed out in the next description. Redheads breed in central and western United States and Canada and are abundant on the South Atlantic coast during migrations and in winter. They are classed as one of the sea ducks, because they are able to dive to great depths, but are found equally common on fresh water. Their flesh is excellent after suitable feeding. wood duck ( 6 , 9 ) REDHEAD (% , £) 13 CANVASBACK {Marila valisneria). This species ranges over the whole of North Amer- ica, but is quite rare on the Atlantic coast north of Long Island. They breed in the interior and northwestern United States and Canada, making their nests on the ground on the edges of sloughs or marshes, or some- times even piling up rushes in shallow water to form a foundation. They formerly win- tered very abundantly in the Chesapeake and North Carolina waters, but have been hunted so relentlessly that only fewer and smaller flocks now visit there. After feeding for several weeks on wild rice, wild celery and the tender shoots of val- isneria, Canvasbacks become the most toothsome of ducks, although Redheads ap- proach them very closely. This and the last species differ in the fol- lowing respects, as may be seen by referring to their respective pictures. The bill of the Canvasback is black and high at the base, while that of the Redhead is bluish, with a black nail, and is ordinary duck shape. The iris of this species is red, that of the last is yellow. The back of the Canvasback is very much lighter and more finely barred than that of Redhead. The females resem- ble each other closely, but can always be placed on account of the differently shaped bills. Both are quite wary, but come to and are shot over decoys. Their flight is perhaps the swiftest of that of any of the large ducks. They are one of the deep-diving ducks, a subfamily characterized by having a flap on the hind toe, although how this can prove of any assistance to them is difficult to understand. SCAUP DUCK {Marila marila). This is the larger of the two species that are very commonly known as "Bluebills" and "Blackheads," and less often as "Broadbills" and "Raft Ducks." This species measures 19 inches in length, while the next is about 17, and the head is glossed witli greenish, while that of the Lesser Scaup has purplish reflections. This spe- cies breeds in interior Canada and winters throughout the United States. CANVASBACK ( $ , & ) SCAUP DUCK ( 6 , ? ) 14 £fe LESSER SCAUP DUCKS {Mania af- finis) winter most abundantly in the in- terior of the United States, while the last spe- cies is the most commonly found on the coasts during winter. They nest chiefly in Arctic America, but casually south to Colo- rado and Iowa, the nest being on the ground in or close to marshes, as is usual with most ducks. They appear in numbers in the States late in fall and are, during winter, one of our most common species. A few of them pass the severe weather just as far north as open water can be found. They usually are found in quite large flocks; and as several flocks often unite and float about in the mid- dle of lakes or ponds, they have become known locally as "Raft Ducks." They dive in very deep water to pull up grasses or pick up mollusks from the bottom. Owing to their watermanship, wounded Scaups arc difficult birds to secure, for, other means of escape failing, they will dive and hang to grass at the bottom, drowning themselves rather than be captured; first, however, they will attempt to escape discov- ery by immersing the body and leaving just the bill protruding, a ruse that usually works successfully. The females of the two Scaups are so nearly alike that only the matter of size can determine them with certainty. RING-NECKED DUCK {Marila collaris). This species, which is of the same size as the last, is not apparently abundant anywhere, but, during the proper seasons, occurs throughout North America in small flocks or individ- uals in company with Scaups. The name Ring-necked Duck is owing to the narrow collar or band of chestnut feathers separating the purplish-black head from the intense black of the breast and back. They are locally known as "Ringbills," for the reason that the black bill has a bluish band across the middle. The female is quite like that of the Scaup, but can always be distin- guished by the prominent eye-ring. Notice, too, that the male has a tiny white spot on the chin. LESSER SCAUP DUCK RING-NECKED DUCK ( ? , $ ) IS GOLDEN-EYE (Clangula clangula ameri- cana). A handsome hardy species, length 19 inches, that occurs commonly throughout North America at different seasons, breeding commonly in northern Canada and south locally to northern United States, and winter- ing throughout the United States. At times we find them in the Northern States when the only open water is an occasional air hole, through which they are able to dive to the bottom and secure their food of plant, mol- lusks or fish. Golden-eyes are among the most active of all ducks. They spring from the surface of the water with the greatest of ease, their rapidly whirring wings producing a whistling sound, during flight, that can be heard even before a flock comes into view; on account of this sound, these birds are almost exclusively known among sportsmen as "Whistlers." Another name applied to them is "Spirit Duck," this because they can disappear so very rapidly under water. Golden-eyes normally lay their six to ten grayish-green eggs on a bed of down in cavi- ties of trees, but as suitable sites are scarce many of them locate on the ground under concealment of logs, rocks, etc. BARROW GOLDEN-EYE (Clangula islandica) . Otherwise known as the ' ' Rocky Mountain Garrot," this species, which dif- fers from the preceding in having a white crescent before the eye in place of a round spot, having the head glossed with purple instead of blue and in having less white on the wings, is not nearly as abundant as the common Golden-eye. They breed in Canada north of the St. Lawrence and in the Rocky Moun- tains south to Colorado and winter only to the northern border of the United States. They commonly frequent quite turbulent streams, especially while nesting. The females of the two species of Golden-eyes so closely resemble each other that only the differences in the shapes of the bills can identify them, that of the present species being higher at the base when viewed from the side, and narrower at the tip when viewed from above. GOLDEN-EYE (9,6) BARROW GOLDEN-EYE 16 BUFFLEHEAD {Charitonetta albeola). These are handsome little ducks, length 13 or 14 inches, about equaling in size the Green- winged Teal. Neither sex can be confused with any other species owing to their tiny size and very characteristic markings. They are quite frequently known as "Butter- balls" because of their small, plump bodies, and as "Spirit Ducks" or "Dippers" be- cause of the extreme speed with which they can disappear under water. In the days of black powder, it was quite difficult to shoot one on the water, but modern weapons of offense give them no warning to dive, yet their bodies are so small and their sight so keen that they are well able to take care of themselves. They breed throughout central and northwestern Canada, laying their eggs on down in cavities of trees near the banks of streams. They are found quite uniformly over the United States in winter. They usu- ally add some fish to their diet, as do the two Golden-eyes, consequently their flesh is rather rank, although they are often eaten. OLD-SQUAW (Harelda hyemalis). A spe- cies breeding in Arctic America and wintering in great numbers as far south as the Great Lakes and on the coast to North Carolina and southern California. Otherwise known as "Long-tailed Duck," "Old- wife," "South- southerly "and other less common ones , most of which refer to their noisy gabbling. The summer and winter plumages are quite different, as shown respectively by the bird just diving into the water and the lower one. The male measures up to 23 inches, while the female averages about 18 inches long. Their food con- sists of shellfish, small fish and insects which they can secure in very deep water. Their flesh is very tough and quite unpalatable. LABRADOR DUCK {Camtorhynchos lab- radorius), the male of which is shown in the little pen sketch, formerly lived off the North Atlantic coast, but has been extinct since about 1875. bufflehead ( 9 , 6 ) old-squaw (summer, $ , winter) 17 EIDER (Somateria dresseri). These very large and handsome ducks, measuring 24 in. in length, live quite extensively upon small fish as well as mollusks and insects; their flesh is consequently tough and very unpal- atable, but they are nevertheless valuable birds, for they furnish the eider down of com- merce, this being gathered from their nests on northern islands. This species breeds from Maine to Labrador and in the southern half of Hudson Bay. Another species, NORTHERN EIDER (Somateria mollis- si ma borealis), which differs from this in hav- ing the soft basal portion of the bill pointed ir stead of rounded, breeds farther north and in Greerland. Both species winter south on the coast as far as Massachusetts. Their flight is rather heavy and is usually per- formed in Indian file. PACIFIC EIDERS (Somateria v-nigra) are plumaged just like the Northern, except that the male has a black V-shaped mark extending back from below the bill. Pacific Eiders are found chiefly on the coasts and islands of the Behring Sea and adjacent por- tions of the Arctic Ocean. SPECTACLED EIDERS (Arctonetta fischeri) are very locally distributed on coasts of the Behring Sea. The male has a very peculiar formation of short velvety feathers on the head, while the female can easily be distinguished from other species because the base of the bill is wholly feathered. STELLER DUCK (Polysticta stelleri) is a smaller duck, measuring 1 7 in. in length. The male, shown in the pen sketch, has a black throat and rusty col- ored under parts. The fe- male is brownish similar to the Eiders but of course much smaller. These ducks are not uncommon in Behr- ing Sea and adjacent waters. EIDER ( $ , 9 ) PACIFIC ELDER SttlWv "D *cW S fee ct a»eVe & £a co^e\: "" sketch. -MA- KING EIDER (6,9) scorER (9,6) 19 HARLEQUIN DUCK {Histrionicus histri- onicus). A handsome and trim species, al- though the male is garbed in a clownish manner. Its peculiarities are not confined to plumage, for Harlequins are rather solitary in their habits, while most ducks like com- pany of their own kind. They breed from the Arctic coast and Greenland south to Newfoundland and Brit- ish Columbia, and in mountains to Colo- rado. They frequent, from choice, turbulent streams such as are chosen by Golden-eyes, and most frequently lay their six to eight buffy eggs in feather and down-lined hol- lows near the banks. In some sections it is also said that they nest in hollow trees. In winter they may be found locally throughout northern United States, but they are most abundant off the coasts from Newfoundland to Massachusetts and from the Aleutian Islands to California. In Alaska they are said to congregate in large flocks before and after breeding, but most observers in the States have found them in small numbers or even as individ- uals. They are medium-sized ducks, measuring about 17 in. in length, but are unfit for food since their flesh is quite tough, coarse and tasteless. They are very active in the water; can dive very quickly and can swim to great depths in search of their food of mollusks and insects. They also rise from the water with the greatest ease and can fly very rapidly. They are usu- ally quite silent, but are said to utter shrill whistles during the mating season. RUDDY DUCKS (Erismatura jamaicensis), although small, measuring only about 16 in. in length, are regarded as very fine table birds. Both bill and feet are of unusual size, the latter propelling them through the water very swiftly. The narrow-feathered, stiff tail is usually perked comically over the back as they float upon the water. Their short, concave wings make a buzzing sound during flight, causing them to be known as "Bumblebee Coot " among sportsmen. They breed locally in the Northern States and northward and winter throughout the United States. HARLEQUIN DUCK RUDDY DUCK 20 SNOW GOOSE {Chen hyperboreus hyper- bore us) . Geese are usually larger than ducks, their bills are shorter, stouter and the "gut- ters" or flutings on the sides are very promi- nent, producing a sort of grinning effect. Adult Snow Geese are entirely white, except the primaries, which are black. The head is often or usually tinged with pale rusty and the bill and feet are pinkish. Young birds are gray or variously mottled. This variety measures about 25 in. in length. They nest on the ground within the Arctic Circle west of Hudson Bay to Alaska. In winter they are found throughout western United States and casually in the east. They usu- ally occur in large flocks, fly high in a long, extended line and are very wary whether in flight or feeding. They live on grain, tender grasses, mollusks and insects; their flesh is palatable, but not nearly equal to that of Canada Geese. GREATER SNOW GEESE (Chen hy- perboreus nivalis) vary from the preceding only in size, measuring about 30 in. in length. Large specimens of the last are just like small ones of this, so that the distinction is not perfectly satisfactory, as it has to be based largely upon locality found. The present variety is supposed to breed east of Hudson Bay and to winter in southeastern United States. Migrates chiefly through the interior, but is not uncommon on the Atlantic coast south of Chesa- peake Bay. BLUE GOOSE (Chen ccerulescens) . This is midway between the two pre- vious varieties in size and for a long time was supposed to be a color phase or a young plumage of the Snow Goose. Its breeding range is not definitely known, but is supposed to be in northern Ungava. They migrate through the Mississippi Valley and winter in the southern portions of it. They are also of rare or casual occurrence on the Atlantic coast and west of the Rocky Mountains. They cannot be termed at all abundant, but sizable flocks of them are sometimes seen and again one or two individuals may be in with a company of Snow Geese. Those who have eaten them declare their flesh to be better than that of the last species. Cltt SNOW BLUE GOOSE GOOSE 21 ^ ROSS GOOSE {Chen rossi). This is by far the smallest of our geese, measuring but 21 in. in length, about the same size as the Mal- lard. The greatest difference between this species and Snow Geese, besides size, lies in the bill, which has less prominent teeth, little or no black along the open sides and which is studded about the base with numerous little carunculations. The breeding grounds are unknown, but are supposed to be north of Mackenzie. It is regarded as quite a rare bird, but sometimes appears in considerable numbers in California during winter. EMPEROR GOOSE {Philacte canagica). We have not figured this species since it is found in such a restricted and little visited area, it occurring only on the Alaskan coast chiefly north of the Aleutian Islands. It is a handsome species, the sexes as usual being alike in plumage. The white head is relieved by a black throat which shades into the bluish, slate-colored body, each feather of which is edged with black and white so as to produce a very scaly effect. WHITE-FRONTED GEESE (A user al- bifrons gambeli). In the interior and west- ern portions of America this is one of the most abundant species of geese, but on the Atlantic seaboard they are only of casual oc- currence. They breed near the Arctic coast, west of Hudson Bay, and pass the winter months in the lower Mississippi Valley and on the Pacific coast. White-fronted Geese are very noisy, their loud and continued cackling being responsible for their being known quite commonly as "Laughing Geese." They are less often called "Pied Brant." When young birds first arrive from the north, they are not timid, and many are killed, but they soon become very shy and difficult to approach. When feeding, they post senti- nels to warn the rest of the flock of approaching danger. Most of them are secured by hunters who ambush them on the way to and from their feed- ing grounds. Their mode of flight is a V-shaped formation, the bird at the apex leading the way until tired and then falling back to the end of the line and allowing a new leader to break the wind. ROSS GOOSE WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 22 CANADA GEESE (Branta canadensis canadensis) are the most highly prized of all water fowl. Great creatures, 3 feet or more in length, and with tender flesh and appetiz- ing, they appeal to the gourmand; wary yet coming to decoys, they furnish the greatest sport for the hunter, and he also gets game worth while when he brings one down. Canada Geese breed from the Northern States north to the limit of trees and winter chiefly in the southern half of the United States. Northern hunters eagerly await the loud honking of the first spring flock, while southern ones just as enthusiastically wait their return in late fall. It is a grand sight to see the wide V-shaped line of great birds swiftly speed overhead, their large wings strongly beating the air and from their throats to hear the loud honking that sounds so like a pack of fox hounds in full cry. HUTCHINS GOOSE {Branta canadensis hutchinsi) . This is a slightly smaller variety found chiefly in western United States, meas- uring about 28 in. in length and the tail hav- ing normally but 16 feathers, while that of the last species has 18 or 20. It occasion- ally occurs on the Atlantic coast. WHITE-CHEEKED GOOSE (Branta canadensis occidcntalis). This species is equal to the Canada Goose in size but is slightly darker, especially on the under parts, and the black on the throat often extends up to the chin, thus making two white cheek patches instead of a single cravat extending from ear to ear. It is found on the Pacific coast, breeding in the north and wintering south to California. CACKLING GEESE (Branta canadensis minima) are quite small, measur- ing but 2 feet in length. In appearance they are just like a dwarfed White- cheeked Goose, only the tail normally contains but 14 or 16 feathers. They are found chiefly west of the Rocky Mountains. Geese feed upon berries, grasses and roots, which they gather in fields, along shore, or by " tipping" in shallow water. They swim well, but do not dive. On land they walk easily and gracefully compared with the walk of barnyard geese. m CANADA GOOSE CACKLING GOOSE 23 BRANT (Branta bernicla glaucogastra) . The common Brant is found in eastern North America and Greenland, breeding on Arctic Islands and wintering on the Atlantic coast southward from Massachusetts. They make their appearance on the coast of the United States in October, the various flocks congregating in favorite places in immense numbers. They fly with no apparent leader and in a compact flock. They are very noisy, their notes being loud, rolling and gut- tural, quite unlike the honking of geese. They are not nearly as shy and wary as Can- ada Geese, it often being possible to approach a flock on the water or on a sand bar near enough for a shot. They come to decoys with the greatest confidence and, conse- quently, are killed in such great numbers that they are yearly becoming less abundant. Their food consists almost wholly of grasses and roots which are pulled up in shal- low water where they can easily reach bot- tom. They do not dive at all, in fact even a wounded Brant cannot dive, but tries to es- cape by swimming as rapidly as possible to windward. Brant are about equally often called "Brent Goose" or sometimes "Black Brant" to distinguish them from the Snow Geese, which are in the same places called "White Brant." This latter cognomen, however, is quite incorrect ; it is reserved particularly for the next species. BLACK BRANT {Branta nigricans). This species is of the same size as the last, namely 24 in. in length. They are, however, darker above, and the black on the breast extends over the under parts to the belly and crissum. The white neck patches are also larger and usually meet in front. Black Brant are birds of the Pacific coast, there wholly replacing the species that is found in the east. They are rarely found inland, but keep off the coast and in bays in large flocks. Their flight is rather heavy and not very fast, per- formed in a widely strung out line at right angles to their line of progression. Both species of Brant usually fly rather low, following the coast line and rarely cutting across even short stretches of land. BRANT BLACK BRANT 24 \ V WHISTLING SWAN (Olor columbianus) . These great birds, measuring nearly 5 feet in length, are still not uncommon in the inte- rior and also occur in numbers on the South Atlantic coast. They nest only in high lati- tudes, chiefly on Arctic islands and the mainland from northern Hudson Bay to Alaska. This, the smallest of our two spe- cies, can best be identified by the form of the bill. The nostril is located about midway between the eye and the extreme tip, while that of the next species is nearer the eye than it is to the tip of the bill. The present species also has a small yellow spot between the eye and nostril. During migration, swans fly at a great elevation in a long V-shaped line with an wise old gander at the apex. Their flight is swift and very easy and graceful, as their wings are of enormous size, easily capable of carrying even such heavy bodies. From time to time, the leader or some of the band utter clear flageolet-like notes that reach the ground like voices from the sky, as the swans may be so high as to be almost invisible. When within sight of their final stopping places, they set their wings and gradually float downward, circle around so as to come up against the winds and then plump into the water with great splashes. They are most beautiful sights, either in flight or as they sit lightly and gracefully on the water. They feed chiefly upon grasses and roots that they pull up from the bottom, usually in water shallow enough so that they do not have to "tip up." They seldom come to decoys, but arc shot by gunners in ambush between their feeding and resting places, or they are taken by sailing down on them before the wind, the swans having to flap vigorously against the wind before being able to leave the water. TRUMPETER SWAN {Olor buccinator). This species measures more than 5 feet in length and differs otherwise as stated above. It is quite rare now, but breeds west of Hudson Bay and winters in southwestern United States and the lower Mississippi Valley. WHISTLING SWAN TRUMPETER SWAN 25 KING RAIL (Rallus elegans). These are the largest of the true rails, measuring about 1 8 in. in length. They are much brighter colored both above and below than the sim- ilar sized Clapper Rails. They inhabit al- most exclusively fresh-water marshes in eastern North America, breeding throughout the eastern states and wintering in the south- ern ones. Their form is typical of that of the rail family: long bill, long legs and short tail, the latter often carried erect over the back. They are very sly and secretive in all their habits, keeping well under cover of rushes or marsh grass, and doing most of their feeding after dark. It is very difficult to flush them, particularly without a dog. Their flight is very weak and fluttering ; they fly but a few yards before dropping into the protecting grass again. On the ground, however, they are very active and quite graceful, running swiftly and threading their way with ease through the densest of weeds, rushes or brush. At night the marshes often resound with their loud, explosive, grunting calls. Their food consists of aquatic insects, seeds, roots and grasses, which impart a deli- cate flavor to their flesh and puts them in the game-bird class, although the sport of shooting them is confined largely to one's ability to make them fly, for once awing they are so easy a mark that even a novice can seldom miss one. CLAPPER RAILS (Rallus crepitans crepitans), of the same size but paler colored than the last species, are confined almost wholly to salt or brackish marshes near the coast, breeding north to Massachusetts and wintering on the South Atlantic coast. Several local varieties are recognized: the Louisi- ana Clapper Rail on the coast of that state, the Florida Clapper Rail on the Gulf coast of Florida and the Wayne Clapper Rail on the coast from North Carolina to Florida. These differ but slightly in coloring or dimensions. CALIFORNIA CLAPPER RAIL (Rallus obsoletus), found in salt marshes of the Pacific coast near San Francisco, is marked like the Clapper Rail above and is as brightly colored as the King Rail below. KING RAIL CLAPPER RAIL 26 VIRGINIA RAILS (Rallus virginianus) are in plumage almost perfect miniatures of King Rails, but they measure only 10 in. or less in length. They are more or less abun- dant in fresh-water marshes throughout the United States and southern Canada, breed- ing in the northern parts and wintering in the southern parts of their range. They live usually in dryer portions of grassy marshes than Soras commonly inhabit, and usually nest on the edges, making a small mound of grasses and flags upon which the eight to twelve buffy-white, brown-specked eggs are laid. The young, like those of all rails, are hatched covered with a jet-black down, leaving the nest and following their parent within a few hours after emerging from the eggs. SORAS (Porzana Carolina), or Carolina Rails, are comparatively small, being only a trifle over 8 in. long. Immature birds have a white face and buff breast, while adults have a black face and blue-gray breast. Soras are the most abundant of our rails, breeding throughout the northern half of the United States and southern Can- ada and spending the winter in southern United States. Although of such small size, they are killed in almost countless numbers for the sake of the small but delicate morsels that their bodies afford. YELLOW RAIL {Cotiirnkops novcboracensis). This is a diminutive species under 7 in. in length, inhabiting eastern North America, breeding in the northern states and Canada and wintering in the southern ones. So small and secretive as to be seldom observed. BLACK RAIL (Creciscus jamakensis). Tiniest of our rails; but 5 or 6 in. in length. Also found in eastern North America; replaced on the Pa- cific coast by the very sim- ilar Farallon Rail. VIRGINIA RAIL SORA ^cUovn ^aJA ^Vs^cW fcaJvV; 27 FLORIDA GALLINULE (Gallinula gale- ata). This is larger than any of our rails, measuring 14 in. in length; the bill is heavier even than that of the shorter billed rails and ends in a scaly shield on the forehead that is characteristic of gallinules. They share with Coots the names of "Mud-hen," "Water- hen" or " Moor-hen," the hen part of the name being because their notes, and they are very noisy birds, sound a great deal like the cackling of barnyard fowl. Their flight is no stronger than that of rails, but on land or water they are agile and graceful. Although they do not have webbed feet they can swim well and often dive when pursued. These birds are found commonly throughout tem- perate America, breeding from New England, Ontario and California south through South America to Chile. PURPLE GALLINULE (Jonprnis martin- iais) . Very similar in form to Florida Gal- linules, but brilliantly plumaged, the whole head and under parts being a rich purplish- blue, becoming bluish-green on the sides and black on the belly; back and wing coverts olive-green; under tail coverts pure white. Not uncommon in the South Atlantic and Gulf States; wanders casually to Nova Scotia, Ontario and Wisconsin. COOT (Fulica americana). A most re- markable bird, at home equally in the water or on land in marshes. Plumage gray like that of the Florida Gallinule, but secondaries tipped with white, bill white with a black band or spots in the middle, practically no frontal plate, and the toes each with a lobed web. Coots swim and dive fully as well as any of our ducks, and are frequently seen on bays and in rivers in company with them, or in flocks of their own kind. While swimming they have a habit of nodding the head in time to the strokes of their feet. They are to be found throughout the United States and southern Canada. Commonly known as "Blue Peters." FLORIDA GALLINULE COOT 28 AVOCET {Recurvirostra americana). Eas- ily known by the very slender upturned bill and the long bluish legs, the latter giving them a local name of "Blue-stocking." They are among the largest of our waders, measuring about 18 in. in length. The bird shown is in summer plumage. In winter and immature plumage they have no rusty 'color on the head. The plumage of the under parts is very firm and duck-like. Their webbed feet enable them to swim easily and they frequently do so. They are particularly abundant in alkaline regions of the west, and occur north to Sas- katchewan. They are rarely found east of the Mississippi River. They frequently feed in shallow water by immersing the head and sifting the soft mud with their slender bills. BLACK-NECKED STILT (Iliman- topus mexicanus). These birds, which are easily recognized by their striking black-and- white plumage and by the unusual length and slenderness of their red legs, are abun- dant in southwestern United States, breed- ing north to Oregon and Colorado and along the Gulf coast to Florida and Cuba. They feed chiefly by wading and gleaning tiny insects from the surface of the water or from aquatic plants rising above the surface. PHALAROPES are small shore birds hav- ing lobed webs on each toe, thus having excellent swimming power. Their feathers underneath arc very closely set and waterproof. Wilson Phalarope, which has a chestnut stripe on the side of the neck, breeds in the interior, from Alberta south to Texas. Red and North- ern Phalaropes, the former rufous below and the lat- ter with the neck largely reddish-brown, breed in Arctic regions and mi- grate chiefly on the coasts or at sea. AVOCET BLACK-NECKED STILT ?\\2s\3s.Yp\^oAv ^vv***^qy\£^ Svwi ^W& WILSON PLOVER MOUNTAIN PLOVER RUDDY TURNSTONE {Arenaria in- ter pres morinella). Turnstones are unusual in form, in that the bill is quite stout, pointed and has an upturned appearance since the top of the upper mandible is perfectly straight . The present handsome species breeds on the Arctic coast and migrates abundantly along both coasts, wintering from southern United States southward. The common Turn- stone, a grayer variety, is an Old World species, a few of which breed in western Alaska and migrate through Japan. The Turnstone is commonly known among sportsmen as "Calico-back," " Horse-foot Snipe" and "Beach Snipe." BLACK-TURNSTONE {Armaria md- anoccphala). Of the same size as the last, measuring about 9 in. in length. Found on the Pacific coast, breeding in Alaska and wintering south from British Columbia. OYSTER-CATCHER (Hcematopus pal- lia t us). A very large shore bird, measur- ing about 19 in. in length, breeding on the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts from Vir- ginia to Texas and wandering to New Brunswick. BLACK OYSTER-CATCHER (Hccma- topus bachmani), shown in the pen sketch, is chiefly sooty black and white. This spe- cies, found along the whole Pacific coast of North America, is wholly blackish-brown in plumage; the bill is bright red and the feel ilesh color. MEXICAN JACANA {Jacana spinosa) is a most remarkable species common in Mexico and reaching our borders in southern Florida and Texas. The plumage is black, chestnut and yellow- ish-green; a scaly leaf-like shield protects the top of the head; the shoulders are armed with sharp horny points; and the toes and nails are of exceeding length, enabling them to walk over floating vegetation with ease. RUDDY TURNSTONE OYSTER-CATCHER U Vs^W Onste*- c aicW* - ^ ^ Scwa* 45 BOBWHITE {Colinus virginianns vir- gin ianus). Better known perhaps as " Quail " or, in the south, as "Virginia Partridge," these are favorite game birds throughout the region they inhabit, which includes from Maine, Ontario, and North Dakota south to the Gulf States. In the northern portions of their range, particularly in New England, they have become very scarce through ex- cessive hunting and unfavorable weather during nesting seasons. Although but 10 in. in length, they have short plump bodies that are much larger than those of most other birds of their dimensions. As shown, the plumage of the sexes is very similar except that the male has a pure white throat and line above the eye, while on the female these regions are buffy. During fall and winter, flocks of six to twenty individuals may be found in brush- covered or stubble land. They squat mo- tionless upon the approach of anyone and re- main so until almost trod upon, when they rise with a sudden rush and whir and scatter in all directions. As their line of flight is direct and in open ground, they are very easy to shoot. Besides, the sportsman has his dogs to point to their places of concealment, so he does not even have the startling effect produced by an unexpected rising to con- tend with. Only their great productivity can withstand the pace the gunners set them, and even that does not avail in many sections. Early in spring the males select their mate or mates — for they are inclined to be polygamous — after short but exciting battles with others and spread out over the country, each pair selecting a suitable spot in tall grass bordering fields, along walls or fences, in which the ten to sixteen pure white eggs will be laid. During spring and summer the males repeatedly call to one another with t heir clearly whist led bob-white or bob, bob-white. In fall and winter they have a shorter call to gather scattered flocks, consisting of a repeated, soft quoit, quoit, etc. FLORIDA BOBWHITE is a local race found in that state, very much darker colored than the ordinary birds. 46 BOBWHITE FLORIDA BOBWHITE MASKED BOBWHITE MOUNTAIN QUAIL {Oreortyx picta pitta). This, the largest of the quail, meas- ing ii in. in length, is an abundant species in certain portions of Washington, Oregon and California. It is found in humid regions, while the very similar race, known as Plumed Quail, inhabits arid regions of the same states. The former has the upper parts slightly browner than the latter, a distinction that interests ornithologists but is of no conse- quence among sportsmen. During the hunt - ing season they go about in small flocks. They are difficult to put up with a dog, for they are very fleet of foot and trust to their legs rather than to their wings whenever pos- sible. If they are flushed, they separate and do not flock together again for some time, so that it is necessary to hunt them out one by one. This is very different from the actions of Bobwhitc under similar circum- stances, for within a few minutes they will commence calling and soon the remnant of the flock will have been united. The flesh of this species is regarded as excellent, in fact almost as good as that of the eastern quail. The call of the male is a short hoarse crow, similar to that of a young bantam rooster. The female is plumaged quite like the male, but differs in having much shorter plumes. Their eight or ten eggs, which are laid in a grass-lined depression under a bush or log, are rather bright creamy-buff with no markings, or very faint ones. SCALED QUAIL (Callipepla squamata squamata). There are two races of this species, the present one, which is found in southern Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, and the Chestnut-bellied Scaled Quail, which is found in the Lower Sonoran zone of southern Texas. The latter variety is much like the former, except that the back is slightly browner, the under parts more buffy and the male has a patch of chestnut on the belly. They inhabit the chaparral and mesquite in dry washes and foothills and, like most western species, trust to their legs chiefly to take them away from danger. Com- monly called "Blue Quail." MOUNTAIN QUAIL SCALED QUAIL 47 GAMBEL QUAIL {Lophortyx gambeli). A handsome species found in arid canyons and river bottoms of the southwestern states, north to Colorado and east to western Texas. In fall they gather into flocks sometimes numbering fifty or a hundred birds, spread- ing over the country to feed during the day- time and returning to huddle together at night. The experienced pot hunter or trap- per can get quantities, but, hunted in a legal and sportsmanlike way, it requires a lot of hard fast work to make a fair bag. No quail is more nimble of foot than these; they go through the mesquite and cactus with a speed few men can follow. Yet if one sits quietly down, he may often see num- bers of them at close range, for unless they are being hunted they are far from wild. They pair in February, at which time much vegetation is in bloom, and during March or early April sets of their eggs, numbering about a dozen, may be found in a slightly lined hollow beside a bunch of grass or under concealing bushes; they are buffy- white, with large spots of brown and laven- der. The call of the male during the mating and breeding season is a shrill cha-chaa. CALIFORNIA QUAIL {Lophortyx cali- fornica calif ornica). Of the same size, nearly 10 in. in length, as the last and differing as shown. The curved feathers forming the handsome crest are ordinarily carried in a single packet, but they can be separated at will and thrown forward so that the first, or all of them, nearly touch the bill. These birds are locally abundant in the humid regions of the Pacific coast states. While they are shy when hunted persistently, they are very tame in parks where they are not molested. MEARNS QUAIL {Crytonyx montezumcc mearnsi), otherwise known as Massena Quail or "Fool Quail," this is the most strik- ingly marked bird of which I know. It is found in upper arid regions of Mexico and north to Arizona and western Texas. * We^oc GAMBEL QUAIL CALIFORNIA QUAIL 43 DUSKY GROUSE (Dendragapus obscurus obscurus). With the exception of the Sage Grouse, this is the largest of American grouse, measuring about 20 in. in length and weighing about three pounds. This mag- nificent grouse is not uncommon in the Rocky Mountains from Arizona to northern Colorado. Another race, known as the Sooty Grouse, which differs chiefly in having a narrower tail band, is found from Alaska south to Oregon. Still another, Richardson Grouse, which shows scarcely any tail band, is found in the Rockies from Mackenzie to Oregon and Montana. All these birds are known to sportsmen as one, and are usually termed '"Blue Grouse." During winter they spend most of their time in the tops of immense firs and pines, feeding upon the buds and needles and only coming down early in the morning or at dusk to drink. Living as they do, in places where the trees are of gigantic size and set closely together, these birds are difficult to see, since their colors match the bark well and they sit motionless until they are pretty sure they are seen, when they will whir away with a thunderous roar. As more than half the time the speeding bird is apt to be behind tree trunks, the chances of successful wing shots are not rosy. Their eggs, laid in slight depressions along- side of logs or under bushes, are creamy-buff, spotted all over with brown. CANADA SPRUCE PARTRIDGE (Canachites canadensis canace). A medium-sized grouse, measuring about 15 in. in length, feeding chiefly upon spruce buds, which impart a disagreeable taste to its flesh, on which account they are seldom shot and are usually exceedingly tame. They are sometimes caught in the hands and often caught with a noose on the end of a pole. This species, or some of the almost identical forms, is found in wooded re- gions of Canada and northern United States. Franklin Grouse, found in western Canada and northwestern United States, has scarcely any band on the end of the tail and the upper coverts are broadly banded with white. DUSKY GROUSE SPRUCE PARTRIDGE 49 RUFFED GROUSE (Bonasa umbellus umbellus). From the sportsman's point of view these grouse are quite generally regarded as the king of American game birds. Of good size, measuring about 16 in. in length, they inhabit wooded districts where a quick eye and cool head are necessary to bring them down, especially since they start with a thunderous rush, that often proves the un- doing of the novice, and speed swiftly away behind the sheltering tree trunks. Several races of Ruffed Grouse are recog- nized, but the sportsman need concern him- self with but one, since the chief differences are slight ones in the matter of size and shade of coloration. They are found throughout the northern half of the United States and the southern half of Canada in suitable wooded localities. Sometimes a brood may remain together through the winter, but different broods never unite to form a flock as quail do. In spring the males daily resort to favorite logs or rocks and send forth their challenging drumming. This is produced by the bird standing erect, with tail spread and nearly horizontal, and rapidly fanning the wings for- ward in front of the breast, the beating of the air producing a thump, thump, that, increas- ing in velocity, soon assumes the sound of a loud rapid drumming. They also strut about with head thrown back, ruff opened to form a complete collar and tail elevated over the back and spread to its fullest extent. Their nests are depressions in the leaves under the shelter of logs, stones or tree trunks; the eight to sixteen eggs are buff colored, unmarked. The little chicks fol- low their mother immediately after emerging from the eggs. If disturbed, at a warning call each chick hides among the leaves and the mother runs away, whining and trailing the wings as though badly wounded, in an effort to lead the intruder away from her little flock. This ruse usually works with people and it must almost infallibly pass if they are discovered by foxes or other predatory animals. Birds in unsettled portions of the north are not at all shy, are in fact almost as stupid as Spruce Partridge. Often called "Partridge " in the north and " Pheasant " in the south. RUFFED GROUSE 5° WILLOW PTARMIGAN {Lagopus lago- pus lagopus) . There are three distinct species of Ptarmigan or "Snow Grouse," several species not so well defined, and several, races of some of these species. The present spe- cies, or its varieties, inhabits the Arctic re- gions generally, in America breeding from southern Ungava, Kecwatin and the Aleu- tian Islands northward, and in winter coming south to Ontario, Minnesota and British Columbia and casually to the New England States. ROCK PTARMIGAN {Lagopus rupeslri's rupeslris). Slightly smaller than the last, measuring a trifle more than a foot. The bill is considerably smaller comparatively, and in all stages of plumage there is a black spot in front of the eyes. This species is found in northern Canada from Ungava to Alaska where several similar races occur. WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (La- gopus leucurus) are still smaller and all the tail feathers are wholly white. These are found in the Rocky Mountains from New Mexico north to Alaska. Ptarmigan are remarkable birds in that they are in an almost continual state of molting, nearly every month in the year showing them in different stages of plumage, ranging from the snow-white winter dress to the summer one in which reddish-brown pre- vails on Willow Ptarmigan and a black and gray barred effect predominates on the other species. Notice that they are feathered to the toes, in winter the feathers on the toes growing dense and hair-like, not only protecting the toes from the cold but making excellent snowshoes which enable them to walk with impunity over the lightest snow. Ptarmigan form the staple article of diet for northern foxes, and were it not for the fact that their plumage changes to correspond to the appearance of the ground at the various seasons they would fare hardly indeed. In spring the little red combs above the eyes of the males are swollen and conspicuous. At this season they strut and perform curious antics, such as all grouse are noted for. WILLOW PTARMIGAN ROCK PTARMIGAN Si PRAIRIE CHICKEN (Tympanuchus americanus americanus). Often known, too, as Prairie Hen and as "Pinnated Grouse." These are the game birds of the plains in the interior. They flock during the fall and winter months, lie well to dogs, frequent open, easily traversed country and above all their large size, 1 8 inches in length, and tender pala- table flesh are a reward to the hunter in addi- tion to the sport of capture. However, they do not require anywhere near the skill and quickness to secure that the Ruffed Grouse does. They are hunted on foot, on horse- back, in carriages and even from automo- biles, but always with dogs to locate the chickens and to put them up. They frequent the plains of central North America from southern Canada south to Texas. During the mating season the males per- form the most ludicrous antics; assembling on a slight rise, they strut about with the pin- nates elevated and the orange sacs beneath inflated until they look like little oranges and almost conceal the head which is drawn down between them ; the short tail is spread fan-like over the back; from all sides come the deep booming notes sounding like the gathering of a lot of enormous bullfrogs. When they get worked up to the proper pitch, the fight for partners is on in earnest, the feet, wings and bills being used with savage effect. The winners, of course, secure the belles, while the losers take what is left or go through the season as bachelors. HEATH HEN {Tympanuchus cupido). This is the Prairie Chicken of the east, now confined to the island of Martha's Vineyard, but formerly ranging over southern New England and part of the Middle States. They are very little smaller than the last, the scapulars are broadly tipped with buff and the pinnates are pointed and less than ten in number. LESSER-PRAIRIE CHICKEN {Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is smaller and paler, and the bars on the back are brown with black edgings. Found on plains from Kansas to Texas. PRAIRIE HEN HEATH HEN 52 SAGE HEN (Centrocercus urophasianus) . This, the largest of American grouse, meas- uring about 28 in. in length and weighing up to 8 pounds, is found in western North America from Britsh Columbia and Assini- boia to central California and Colorado. The hen bird is considerably smaller than the cock, measuring but 2$ in. in length. These great birds inhabit the Great Basin and arid plains throughout their range, where sage is the prevailing brush. They are strictly terrestrial fowl, feeding almost wholly on sage leaves which impart a disagreeable taste to their flesh. They remain common only in regions remote from civilization, for their large bodies offer such an easy mark even though their flight be swift, that they soon become scarce after the country be- comes settled. Because of their great size, the actions of cock birds during mating season arc even more ludicrous than those of other grouse. The air sacs on the neck are enormously in- flated until the whole breast is balloon- shaped and then he slides along over the bare ground for some distance on this im- provised pneumatic tire. While expelling the air, he produces a great variety of cack- ling and rumbling noises. At the end of this season the feathers on the breast are worn away by this constant friction with the ground, leaving only the stiff shafts at their ends. WILD TURKEY {Meleagris gallopavo silvestris). Largest and finest of game birds and the originator of the common domestic turkey. Found in their several races in eastern and southern United States, north to Pennsylvania and west to Texas; formerly north to New England. Frequent wooded dis- tricts and are by nature very wary and shy, yet they are very easily trapped and it was this means that has driven them from most of their former range. At present they are taken chiefly by trailing or by calling. They have a re- markably keen sense of sight and smell and a strong pair of legs with which to run away, as well as good wings if necessity demands their use. With plenty of cover, the turkey is pretty capable of caring for himself. SAGE HEN WILD TURKEY 53 RING-NECKED PHEASANT {Phasi- anus torquatus). These handsome birds have been introduced into various parts of our country and in some sections are thriving very well, notably so in Oregon and Wash- ington and almost as well in New England. The male is an exceptionally beautiful bird, measuring about 36 in. in length, including the long tail. They inhabit cultivated or weed-grown fields and brush-covered side hills or pasture land. Sportsmen who use only the pointer or setter have quite unani- mously voted Pheasants failures as game birds, but a well trained hound will fur- nish as much sport with them as can be se- cured from any bird. Some of my pleasant - est days afield have been with a hound and without a gun. What more could one wish than to watch his faithful friend coursing all over the field, hot on the trail of the running cock pheasant and finally "standing" him in some thick cover. Some claim that it will spoil a dog if you do not occasionally shoot game he puts up, but I have found that words of appreciation of his good work go just as far as getting the game. Everyone has his own tastes and, as an article of food, I have yet to find any game equal to the Pheasant. It is very like quail but with the great advantage of good size. Claims that Pheasants destroy young grouse I believe to be contrary to fact and spiteful, since the two species do not frequent the same covers, and I have had much experience with both during the breeding season. PRAIRIE SHARP-TAILED GROUSE {Pedioecetes phasianellus campes- tris). The typical Sharp-tail is found from Central Alaska and British Columbia east to Ontario and western Ungava; the Columbian Sharp-tail inhabits the region from northeastern California and Colorado north to Alberta; and the present variety occurs from Illinois and Kansas north to Manitoba. The three varieties differ only slightly in the tone of coloring, and even more slightly in size, averaging on 16 in. in length. Unlike Prairie Chickens, these birds do not thrive on cultivated land, but advance ahead of the settlers and make their homes in more remote country. SHARP-TAILED GROUSE RING-NECKED PHEASANT 54 INDEX PAGE Avocet 29 Baldpate 10 Beetlehead Plover 41 Blue Peter 28 Blue-stocking 29 Bob-white 46 Bog-bird 30 Brant 24 Black 24 Buffle-head 17 Bull-head Plover 41 Butter-ball 17 Canvasback 14 Chicken, Prairie 52 Coot 28 vSea 19 Curlews 40 Dipper Duck 17 Dowitcher 31 Duck, Black 9 Blackhea 1 14 Bluebill 14 Broadbill 12 Canvasback 14 Dusky 9 Florida 9 Harlequin 20 Labrador 17 Long-tailed 17 Mottled 9 Pintail 12 Ring-necked 15 Ruddy 20 Scaup 14 Steller 18 Spoonbill 12 Summer 13 Wild 8 Wood 13 Dunlin 35 PAG2 Eider 18 King 19 Pacific 18 Spectacled 18 Fishing Duck 7 Gad wall 9 Gallinule 28 Garrot 16 Godwit, Hudsonian 36 Marbled 36 Golden-eye 16 Barrow 16 Goosander 7 Goose, Blue 21 Cackling 23 Canada 23 Emperor 22 Laughing 22 White-fronted 22 Greenhead 8 Grouse, Blue 49 Dusky 49 Pinnated 52 Ruffed 50 Sage 53 Sharp-tailed 54 Snow 51 Spruce 49 Hairy-head 8 Heath Hen 52 Killdeer 42 Knot 32 Mallard 8 Black 9 Marlin 36 Merganser 7 Red-breasted 7 Hooded 8 Mud Hen 28 00 INDEX PAGE Old-squaw 17 Ortolan 27 Partridge 50 Canada Spruce 49 Virginia 46 Peeps 34 Pheasant 50 Ring-necked 54 Phalaropes 29 Pintail Duck 12 Plover, Black-bellied 41 Golden 41 Piping.. 43 Mountain 44 Ring-necked 42 Semi-palmated 42 Snowy 43 Upland 33 Wilson 44 Prairie Hen 52 Ptarmigan 51 Quail . 46 California 48 Gambel 48 Mountain 47 Scaled 47 Mearns 48 Raft Duck 14 Rail, Clapper 26 King 26 Sora 27 Virginia 27 Redhead 13 Sage Hen 53 Baird 34 Sandpiper, Bartramian 33 Buff -breasted 39 Least 34 Pectoral 33 Pribilof 32 PAGE Sandpiper {continued) Purple 32 Red-backed 35 Semi-palmated 35 Solitary 38 Stilt 31 Spotted 39 White-rumped 34 Sanderling 35 Scaup Duck 14 Lesser 15 Scoter 19 Sheldrake 7 Summer 8 Shoveller 12 Snipe, Grass 33 Jack 30 Red-breasted 31 Robin 32 Wilson 30 Winter 32 Sora 27 South-southerly 17 Spirit Duck 17 Sprigtail 12 Stilt 29 Surf-bird ^4 Swan 25 Teal, Blue- winged 11 Cinnamon 11 Green-winged 10 Tell-tale 37 Tip-up 39 Turkey, Wild 53 Weazer 7 Widgeon 10 Wild Duck 8 Whistler 16 Willet 38 Woodcock : . . 3° Yellow-legs 37 56 GUIDE TO TAXIDERMY BY C. K. AND C. A. REED IS AN EXPERT, INTERESTING AND CONTINUAL INSTRUCTOR ILLUSTRATED In this one book you get as much or more value than you can from $50.00 worth of personal instruction or correspondence. You get half a dozen dif- ferent courses at a fraction of the cost of one, and can take up the work as rapidly or as slowly as you like. Two weeks' practice during your spare time should easily enable you to mount a bird excellently. Taxidermists charge from $1.25 to $15.00 for mounting a bird, and from $2.50 to $100.00 for animals. You can do this work yourself at the cost of but a few cents and a little of your spare time. Many professional taxider- mists have but little idea of the appearance of a bird or animal and use crude methods of mounting. You can mount your specimen as you saw it in life and by the most approved method. In the course of the year, you can pick up a great many dollars by doing work for your friends and sportsmen near you, or you can engage in taxi- dermy as a business. If you master the contents of this book you will be far better equipped for the business than are the majority of those now en- gaged in it. Personal instruction, in only one branch of taxidermy, costs from $15.00 up, while the price of GUIDE TO TAXIDERMY, which includes half a dozen full courses, is only $1.50 net; postpaid for $1.65. 300 pages, cloth bound. 57 LAND BIRDS BY CHESTER A. REED, SB. An illustrated pocket text-book that enables anyone to quickly identify any song or insectivorous bird found east of the Rocky Mountains. It describes their habits and peculiarities; tells you where to look for them and describes their nests, eggs and songs. EVERY BIRD IS SHOWN IN COLOR, including the females and young where the plumage differs, from water-color drawings by the 4-color process. The illustrations are the BEST, the MOST ACCURATE, and the MOST VALUABLE ever printed in a bird book. "LAND BIRDS" is the most popular and has had the LARGEST SALE of any bird book published in this country. It is used and recommended by our leading Ornithologists and teachers. 230 pages. Bound in Cloth, 75c. netf in Leather, $!.00 net; postage, 5c. 58 "^Rsia. WATER BIRDS BY CHESTER A. REED, S.B. This book is uniform in size and scope with " LAND BIRDS." It in- cludes all of the Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey, east of the Rockies. Each species is ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR from oil paintings; the bird, its habits and nesting habits are described. The pictures show more than 230 birds in color, every species found in our range. They exceed in number those in any other bird book. In quality they cannot be surpassed — exquisite gems, each with an attractive back- ground typical of the habitat of the species. "LAND BIRDS" and "WATER BIRDS" are the only books, regardless of price, that describe and show in color every bird. 250 pages, neatly boxed. Bound in Cloth, $1.00 net; in Leather, $1.25 net; postage, 5c. 59 FLOWER GUIDE BY CHESTER A. REED, S.B. A guide to the common wild flowers found in the Eastern and Middle States. ' Wild Flower Guide " is the same size and scope as " Bird Guide." It has an extraordinary sale and has been adopted and used in quantities in many of our leading colleges and schools. The COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, 192 in number, are beautiful, ar- tistic and accurate reproductions from oil paintings; the finest series ever made. The text tells where each is found, when it blooms, whether in woods, fields, swamps, etc., the height that the plant attains, whether it is self- fertilized or cross fertilized by insects and how; in fact it gives a great deal more information than one would think possible in a book to fit comfort- ably in the pocket. Bound in Cloth, 75c; in Leather, $1.00; postage, 5c. 60 CAMERA STUDIES OF WILD BIRDS IN THEIR HOMES By CHESTER A. REED, S.B. Interesting text and 250 illustrations from actual photographs of living wild birds. Some of the finest ever made. 300 pages, 5^ x 7^, cloth bound. $2.00 net; postage, 20c. NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS' EGGS By CHESTER A. REED, S.B. This is the only book on the market that gives illustrations of the eggs of all North American birds. Each egg is shown FULL SIZED, photographed directly from an authentic and well-marked specimen. There are a great many full-page plates of nests and eggs in their natural situations. The habitat and habits of each bird are given. It is finely printed on the best of paper and handsomely bound in cloth. 350 pages — 6 x 9 inches. $2.50 net; postage, 25c. NATURE STUDIES— BIRDS A book to start the young folks along the right paths in the study of birds. Interesting stories. 40 colored illustrations. 112 pages. 60c. net; postage, 10c. NATURE STUDIES IN FIELD AND WOOD A book to call attention to the many interesting creatures to be seen on every hand — in brook, pond, field, swamp, woods and even in the dooryard. 40 illustrations. 112 pages. 60c. net; postage, 10c. 61 Birds of Eastern North America BY CHESTER A. REED, SB. THE BIRD BOOK of the year. It is authentic. The author KNOWS birds. He has studied them for thirty years — in the hand, for plumage, and in their hnunts, for habits. He has studied them in their homes and has photographed hundreds as they were actually feeding their young. Besides being able to write about these things in an interesting and instructive man- ner, he is classed as one of the foremost bird artists in America. This rare combination of Artist-Author-Naturalist has produced, in " Birds of Eastern North America," the ultimate bird book. The technical descriptions aided by the pictures give perfect ideas of the plumages of adults and young. The descriptive text gives the important and characteristic features in the lives of the various species. The illustrations— well, there are 408 PICTURES IN NATURAL COLORS; they show practically every species, including male, female and young when the plumages differ, and they are perfectly made by the best process. No other one bird book ever had anywhere near as many ac- curately colored pictures. Bound in cloth, handsomely illuminated in gold; 464 pages (4^ x 63^); 408 colored illustrations; every bird described and pictured. $3.00 net; postage 15c. CHAS. K. REED, Worcester, Mass. 62 WILD FLOWERS East of the Rockies By CHESTER A. REED The latest flower book. In a class by itself. Original, beautiful, compact, complete, interesting, exact. Pictures 320 flowers, ALL IN COLOR. 450 pages. Handsomely bound; boxed. $2,50 net; postage 15c. 63 JUN 30 1913 Field Glasses for Bird Study or equally good for the mountains, seashore or theater, or wherever a large, clear image of an object is desired. We carefully examined more than a hundred makes of field glasses, to select the ones best adapted for bird study. We found one make that was superior to any other of the same price and equal optically, and nearly as well made as those costing three times as much. They magnify about three diameters, and have an unusually large field oi vision or angle of view, making it easy to find a bird or keep him in sight. Price only $5.00 postpaid. CHAS. K. REED Worcester, Mass. 64 002 911 314 2 HI