Author ^^ *0j. Title «f ** s CIa.si3-.?^B.03. Imprint. Book 1 9 o 16—47372-1 GPO CflliEflOfl^ igoo. , BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION First School District of Pennsylvania. - Secretary's Office: Room 295, - City Hall, PHILADELPHIA. Office Hours, from*© A. M. to 3 P. M. Stated Meetings held on the Second Tuesday of each Month, at 3 p. m. Philadelphia : BuRK & McFetridge Co., Printers 306-308 Chestnut St. 1900. 4 "f. OKKICERS. 5? ^ ^'. President, t SAMUEL B. HUEY, Ex-Officio Member of all Standing Committees. Vice-President, HENRY R. EDMUNDS. Secretary, ANDREW F. HAMMOND. Assistant Secretary, WILLIAM DICK. Clerks, ALBERT B. BEALE, LUCIAN E. DRAKE, HENRY MOORE, JOHN D. HARDIN, RULIF VAN BRUNT, J, G. LARGE. Warrant Clerks, EDWARD MERCHANT, THOS. A. HUGHES. St en ographer, LENA A. HUMPHRIES, Messenger, WILLIAM S. RUFF. Superintendent of Public Schools, DR. EDWARD BROOKS. Office, Room No. 694, City Hall. Assistant Superintendents, DR. EDGAR A. SINGER, C. HENRY KAIN, A. M., DR. WM. C. JACOBS, DR. JOHN P. GARBER, LYDIA A. KIRBY, MARY WRIGHT. Superintendent' s Clerk, ADDIE S. HOVER. Librarian, LILLIAN I. RHOADES. Director of Drawing, WM. A. MASON. Assistants. — Elizabeth Barnes, Martha Wal- ter, Caroline Van Gilder. Director of Music, ENOCH W. PEARSON. Assistants. — Florence H. Duncan, Katharine E. Murphy, Ida M. Pecht, Helen Pulaski, Mary J. Wilbraham, Katharine H. Bright, Ella C. Fitzpatrick. Katharine E. Seeler, Clerk. Director of Kindergartens , ANNA W. WILLIAMS. A rchitect and Supervisor 0/ School Buildings. J. HORACE COOK. OfSce, 713 Filbert Street. Assistant A rchitects and Inspectors, JOS. V/. ANSHUTZ, JAMES GAW, DANIEL S. BEALE, LEWIS P. HOOPES. Inspector of Heaters, JOHN D. CASSELL. NIE^MBKRS 1. CHAS. E. DAVIS, Mo. 513 Tasker Street. 2. GEORGE N. LOWERY, No. 1223 Ellsworth Street. 3. JOS. D. MURPHY, No. 754 S. Tenth Street. 4. WM. J. MANNING, No. 731 S. Tenth Street. 5. JOHN M. CAMPBELL, No. 215 S. Sixth Street. 6. WILLIAM BERGAN, No. 228 N. Fifth Street. 7. ANNA HALLO WELL, No. 908 Clinton Street. 8. SIMON GRATZ, No. 1919 Spruce Street. 9. THOS. G. MORTON, M. D., No. 161 7 Chestnut Street. ID. THOMAS A. ROBINSON, No. 1 1 16 Girard Street. 11. WM. H. R. LUKENS, No. 203 Brown Street. 12. THOMAS A. GRACE, No. 338 Fairmount Avenue. 13. MARTIN H. WILLIAMS, M. D., No. 868 N. Eighth Street. 6 14. JOEL COOK. No. 849 N. Broad Street. 15. HENRY R. EDMUNDS, No. 425 Walnut Street. 16. THOMAS G. BARRETT, No. 1016 N. Fifth Street. 17. JAMES HUGHES, No. 1300 N. Third Street. 18. ALEX. ADAIRE, No. 1414 Palmer Street. 19. MATTHEW J. WILSON, M. D., No. 1750 Frankford Avenue. 20. THOMAS E. MERCHANT, Land Title BIdg., Broad and Chestnut Streets, 21. RUDOLPH S. WALTON, No. 377 Green Lane, Roxborough. 22. WM. T. TILDEN, McKean Ave. and Manheim St,, Gtn. 23. RICHARDSON L. WRIGHT, No. 4308 Frankford Avenue. 24. EDWARD LEWIS, Thirty-third Street and Powelton Avenue. 25. WM. H. ZIEGLER, M. D., No. 3028 Frankford Avenue. 26. PAUL KAVANAGH, No. 322 Walnut Street. 27. SAMUEL B. HUEY, Drexel Bldg., Fifth and Chestnut Streets. 28. JOHN OUGHTON, No. 2122 Germantown Avenue 29. MARY E. MUMFORD, No. 1401 N. Seventeenth Street. 30. WM. J. pOLLoeii", ' ' '' No. 440 Walnut Street. 31. WILLIAM McINTYRE, Frankfoi'd Avferiue arid Adams Street. 32. HAl^VEY H. H'U'BBERT, N6.':S46'-Chestnut Street. 33. WILLIAM WRIGLEY, • • Eighteenth and Caynga Streets. 34. JOSEPH R^ RHOADS,- -.- ^-" — ■ ■ - ' ' No. 514 Walnut Street. 35. THOS. SHALLCRGSS, ■ • •- ■ ' Byberry. 36. GEORGE HAIG, ,, ..., ,- N. E. Coi . Twenty-first and Wharton Sts, 37. chXs.h.Vanfleft/ "' No. 132 S. E-ghth Street. 38. MARY T. MASON, -' " *'"': '"" School Lane. 39. WM. F. DEFRAtES, " No. 610 Snyder Avenue. 40. SAMUEL G. DIXON, M. dV, " " S.^ W. Cor. Nineteenth and Race Sts. 41. H, A.'pV'NEEL, M.p., " '• Tacony. COMMITTEES. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. Meets at call of Chair/ Sainir'B. iliiey, X^hai^man. [By direction of the Board.] Henry R. Edmunds, Thomas A. Robinson, Ak»s.^j!^aij5e^ i^.;'^^\. Wm. WrigJey^ ' ''*-'>* Wm. J. Pollock, Joseph R. Rhoads, Richardson I/, Wright, Josl Cook, ,.V\^m. T. TJlden. PHILADELPHIA NORMAL SCHOOL ^ ' '■ ■^■'■. FOR GIRLS/ '■ "-;.'.'" ."l- Meets at the School on the last Friday, at la ,„ - , ^. .... « o'clock M.>~ .. ... > I » Simon Gratz,' Cftairman. Rudolph S. Wakon, .M. J. Wilson, M. D., Anna HalloweH, " Joseph" D. Murphy, Thos.G.MoTtottjM.D., Thos; A; Gtace^ , Thos. Shallcross," .^ John M. Cam^ell. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Meets at call of Chair. Thos. GV'Mo1l*n/ M . "h .V Chairman. Richardson-Lj:'.Wright,^hOs. E. Merchant, Mary E, Mumford,^' Simon Gratz, . Paul Kavanargh; Thosi-G. Barrett, Henry' R. EdEnunds, Mary T. MasG«. 9 CENTRAL MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL. Meets Wednesday previous to meeting of Board. Edward Lewis, Chairman. John M. Campbell, Harvey H. Hubbert, George Haig, Saml. G. Dixon, M.D.. M. H.Williams, M.D., John Oughton, Wm. J. Manning, Wm. F. Defrates. NORTHEAST MANUAL TRAINING i SCHOOL. Meets at call of Chair, Thomas Shallcross, Chairman. Jas. Hughes, M. H. Williams, M.D., Wm. Wrigley, Chas. H. Vanfleet, Wm. Mclntyre, Wm. F. Defrates, M. J. Wilson, M. D., Geo. N. Lowery. JAS. FORTEN ELEMENTARY MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL. Meets at call of Chair. Anna Hallowell, Chairman. W. J. Manning, Wm. T. Tilden, Joseph D. Murphy, Mary E. Mumford, J^ohn Oughton, Miry T. Mason, Chas. E. Davis, Wm. Mclntyre. REVISION OF STUDIES. Meets at call of Chair. Joseph R. Rhoads, Chairman. Mary E. Mumford, Mary T. Mason, Anna Hallowell, George N. Lowery, Wm. J. Pollock. TEXT-BOOKS. Meets at call of Chair. M. J. Wilson, M. D., Chairman. Wm. J. Pollock, George N. Lowery, Chas. H. Vanfleet, Samuel G.Dixon,M.D. M. H.Williams, M.D., Thomas G. Barrett. INDUSTRIAL ART EDUCATION. Meets on the last Friday. John Oughton, Chairman. Thos. A. Robinson, George N. Lowery, Anna Hallowell, Geo. Haig, William J. Manning, Chas. E. Davis, Charles H. Vanfleet, H. A. P. Neel, M. D. SCHOLARSHIPS. Meet at call of Chair. John M. Campbell, Chairman. Edward Lewis, William Bergan, Henry R. Edmunds, Alex. Adaire, Joseph R. Rhoads, Thomas A. Grace, Wm. Wrigley, Joseph D. Murphy, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Meets on the ist and 3d Thursdays, at 3 J^ p. m. Thomas E. Merchant, Chairman. Paul Kavanagh, Harvey H. Hubbert, Mary E. Mumford, Edward Lewis, Richardson L.Wright, W. H. R. Lukens, Simon Gratz, Thos. G. Barrett, James Hughes, Henry R. Edmunds. „„..SUPEHES. .... Meets on Thuisdaylpreaeding, meeting of the \- ■.,.,, , . Bo^rd^ «a.t 2 p. B^i -... . ., h*'-' ''Rrehardson L. Wx'\^t,~Chhirman. JoelOdolc.- '•• ■ "■» '■ Jkmes .Hughes, • Thos.G.Morton,M.D., Thos. Shallcross, Thos. A. Robinson, Rudolph S. Walton. T- OFFICE. " ' ^eets at c&ll of -Ghair. ., ^ ^"W. H^3^. J^nkens,' Chairman, Paul Kavanagh^ 3 Simon-Grat«, ... „. Thos.G.Morton,M.D,, Wm. J. Pollock. ^EGISLATIO?!, Meets ^at.c^ll of^ Chair. .iWilliam WjS^&yiiiChai^maftu. M. H. Williams, M.D., William Bergan, i U . Chas. E. Davis,. .:. H.:A..P.:Nsel,.M. D., Joseph R. Rhoads, Wm. H. Ziegler. NIGHT SCHOOLS. , ., Meets eveiry Friday, at- 4 p., .sju, while Night Schools are open. S:JKt.i:::\ ^ , :: :r.. .. .a.»-/U,x^'. .CTi" iUexander Adaire, CAa!/r»«(3!«. .-; t. George Eiaig,: . Thos. E. Merchan^t, Jam,es HughesJ .' Ghas.U. Vanfleet, M. J. Wilson, M..D,., John Oughton, Joseph D.JVImphy, Chas. E.rvDaTFLsi •. Wm. Mclntyre, Wm. J. Manning, Wm. Wrigley, Thos. A. Grace. QUALIFICATION! OF TEACHERS. ; ,MeQtsat cg,U, of,- Chair., , ,, .Tho^.G. Barrett^ CMt'rMdfi.- ••»•> Charles H. Vtinfieet, Thos. A. Robipsoti, John M. Campbell, Edward' Lewis,- Williara Bergan, Thos. Shallcross. ^vACCOU^NTS. ., Meets Monday preceding meeting of the ,., , , ,! Boards at 3}^ p. m. , „. 4.^' ^Joseph D. Murphy, Chair Triant-"'- GetH-gfe.Haig, George N: Lowery, Wm. Mclntyre, Wm. F. Defrates. , E^TiMATES. ., Meets at call of Chaip. n i< .jdelCook, Chairman. '■'■'■' Thonias E. Merchant, Rudolph S- Walton, Paul KaVanagh, Thos. A. Grace, Alex. Adaire, W. H. R. Lukens, H. H, Hubbert, William Bergan. AUDITS. Meets at call of Ch^^ George Haig, Chainttan. . I V Thos. A. Grac&i . H. A.. P. Neiel, M. B.', Wm. F. Defrates, Wm. H. Ziegler, M. D. ** ^ r { J j! BY-VAWS i^^ RULES. . ,!^^eets■at call pf^Chajif. ,. jairtes Hughes, Chai^jnan'. 1 i /d Henry R. Edmunds, Rudolph Sk Walton, Simon Grata:, , Wm. T. Tilidea,. ,js, Chas. E. Davis, Thos. A. Robinson, »3 PROPERTY. Meets ist and 3d Tuesdays, at 3% p. m. Paul Kavanagh, Chairman. Richardson L.Wright, H. H. Hubbert, Edward Lewis, Alex. Adaire, Joseph R. Rhoads, Wm. T. Tilden. SUPERINTENDENCE. Meets at call of Chair. Wm. J. Pollock, Chairman. Simon Gratz, Wm. Mclntyre, Joel Cook, H. A. P. Neel, M. D., M. J. Wilson, M. D., Wm. H. Ziegler, M.D., HYGIENE. Meets at call of Chair. Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., Chairman. Thos. G. Morton, M.D., M. J. Wilson, M. D., M. H. Williams, M. D., H. A. P. Neel, M.D. 5 COMPULSORY EDUCATION. Meets ist Thursday, at 3 p. m. Rudolph S. Walton, Chairman. Mary E. Mumford, Joel Cook, W. H. R, Lukens, John M. Campbell, Thos. E. Merchant, Samuel G. Dixon, M.D. MUSIC. Meets at call of Chair. H. H. Hubbert, Chairman. Anna Hallowell, Mary T. Mason, Thos. G. Barrett, Wm. F. Defrates, Thos. Shallcross, William Bergan. 14 COOKING CLASSES. Meets at call of Chair, Mary E. Mumford, Chairman. Wm. J. Manning, Wm. Wrigley, John Oughton, Wm. H. Ziegler, M. D. FREE PUBLIC LECTURES. Meets at call of Chair. Henry R. Edmunds, Jos. D. Murphy, Jos. R. Rhoads, Wm. T. Tilden, Mary T. Mason, John Oughton, Saml. G. Dixon, M. D. »5 IsIAlVLES OWNED AND RENTED BY THE CITY. Central High School, Broad and Green Streets. Dr. Robt. E. Thompson, President. Central High School Annex (rented), N. E. cor. Broad and Mt. Vernon Streets. Central High School Annex (rented), 1204 Spring Garden Street. Girls' High School, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. Wm. D. Rorer, Principal. Girls' High SchoL^l Annex (rented). S. E. cor. Broad and Spring Garden Streets. Philadelphia Normal School for Girls, Thir- teenth and Spring Garden Streets. J. Monroe Willard, Principal. Philadelphia Normal School Annex, 1323 Sprinsj Garden Street. Central Manual Training School, N. E. cor. Seventeenth and Wood Streets. Wm. L. Sayre, Principal. Central Manual Training School Annex, Cherry Street, above Fifteenth. Northeast Manual Training School, Howard Street, below Girard Avenue. And. J. Morrison, Principal. Industrial Art School, (Hollingsworth Build- ing), Locust Street, above Broad. J. Liberty Ta'^d, Principal. James Forten Elementary Manual Training School, Sixth Street, above Lombard. Hannah A. Fox, Principal. 16 FIRST SECTION. Chas. S. Close, S. E. cor. Seventh and Dick- inson Streets. Edw. Neville, Supervising Principal. Jno. P. Baugh, Dickinson Street, bel. Seventh. Matilda Hand, Supervising Principal. Weccacoe, S. E. cor. Second and Reed Streets. Margt. J. Neville, Supervising Principal. Tasker, S. E. cor. Ninth and Tasker Streets. Mary J. Colwell, Supervising Ptincipal. Francis Read, cor. Eleventh and Moore Streets. Anna M. Lash, Supervising Principal. Henry Clay, S. Howard Street, above Reed. Mary G. Edmunds, Principal. Morris, Morris Street, below Second. Lydia D. Myers, Supervising Principal. SECOND SECTION. George W. Nebinger, Carpenter Street, above Sixth. Albert H. Raub, Supervising Principal. Wharton, Fifth Street, below Washington Ave. Margt. Maguire, Supervising Principal. Washington, Carpenter Street, above Ninth. Elizabeth A, Anderson, Supervising Prin- cipal. Nebinger Annex, League Street, below Second. John Stockdale, Thirteenth Street, below Washington Avenue. Josephine Ritchie, Principal. Wharton Annex (rented). Fifth Street, below Washington Avenue. Kindergarten (rented), 924 and 926 S. Ninth Street. 17 THIRD SECTION. Mount Vernon, Catharine Street, above Third. GeofFry Buckwalter, Supervising Prin- cipal. Fletcher, Christian Street, above Front. Eliz. A. McGuire, Supervising Principal. Thomas B. Florence, Catharine Street, below Eighth. Kate H. Bunting, Supervising Principal. Lyons, Catharine Street, above Tenth. Mary G. Desmond, Supervising Principal. Lyons Annex (rented). Christian Street, below Sixth. Beck (rented), Catharine Street, above Sixth. Helen B. Begley, Principal. FOURTH SECTION. Ringgold, N. E. cor. Eighth and Fitzwater Sts. Fagen, Twelfth Street, above Fitzwater, May F. Belcher, Supervising Principal. William M. Meredith, Fifth Street, above Fitz- water. Emma F. Brodwater, Supervising Principal. Ralston, N. E. cor. Guilford and Bainbridge Streets. Rose McNeill, Principal. Ronaldson (rented), Fitzwater Street, above Sixth. Susan A. Ferry, Principal. Ringgold Annex (rented), 825 Fitzwater Street. Kindergarten (rented), 727 S. Twelfth Street. Kindergarten (rented), 208 Bainbridge Street. FIFTH SECTION. Horace Binney, Spruce Street, below Sixth. Alfred V. Sayre, Supervising Principal. George M. Wharton, Third Street, bel. Pine. Rosalie J. Dunton, Supervi'^ing Principal. Primary (rented), N. W. cor. Fifth and Pine Streets. C. A. Edwards, Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 307 Lombard Street. Kindergarten (rented), 528 S. Second Street. z8 SIXTH SECTION. Northeast, N, W. cor. Lawrence and Race Streets. Andrew Macfarlane, Supervising Principal. Northeast Annex, Lawrence Street, above Race. New Street, below Second. Sallie Healy, Principal. SEVENTH SECTION. U. S. Grant, N. E. cor. Seventeenth and Pine Streets. Thos, G. Gentry, Supervising Principal. Primary, Twenty-third Street, abv. Lombard. Annie J. Crosby, Principal. Alice Lippincott, S. E. cor. Nineteenth and Addison Streets. Martha Young, Super- vising Principal. J. Sylvester Ramsey, N. E. cor. Pine and Quince Streets. Agnes Martin, Supervis- ing Principal. O. V. Catto, Lombard St., above Twentieth. Caroline R, LeCount, Principal. EIGHTH SECTION. Locust Street, N. E. cor. Twelfth and Locust Streets. Oscar Gerson, Principal. Hollingsworth, Locust Street, above Broad. Anna I. McCormick, Supervising Prin- cipal. James A. Garfield, S. W. cor. Twenty-second and Locust Streets. Sallie A. Long, Piin- cipal. NINTH SECTION. Keystone, Nineteenth, above Chestnut. Guy Gundaker, Principal, Zane Street, Filbert Street, above Seventh. C. F. Hutchinson, Principal. 19 TENTH SECTION. Northwest, Race Street, below Fifteenth. Oliver P. Cornman, Supervising Princi- pal. John Agnew, Cherry Street, above Tenth. Kath. B. Lacy, Supervising Principal. Edward Shippen, Cherry Street, above Nine- teenth. Emma M. Davis, Principal. Sergeant Street, above Ninth (vacant). ELEVENTH SECTION. Northern Liberties, Third Street, below Green. Danl. W. Hutchin, Supervising Principal. Northern Liberties Annex, American Street, below Buttonwood. Madison, Mascher Street, above Noble. Bar- bara Brown, Supervising Principal. Madison Annex, Mascher Street, above Brown. TWELFTH SECTION. Mifflin, Third Street, above Brown. Joseph- ine H. Davis, Principal. E. M. Paxson, Noble Street, below Sixth. Caroline A. Stout, Principal. Rovoudt, Fairmount Ave., below Fifth Street. Kath. M. Berlin, Principal. Saunders, N. W. cor. Orianna and Callowhill Streets. Eliz. Hogan, Principal. THIRTEENTH SECTION. Wyoming, N. E. cor. Sixth Street and Fair- mount Avenue. Martha F. Bavington, Principal. Warner, Eighth Street, above Parrish. Ella Jacobs, Supervising Principal. J. Q. Adams, Garden Street, bel. Buttonwood. Lydia M. Wolfe, Principal. FOURTEENTH SECTION. Hancock, Fairmount Avenue, above Twelfth Street. Geo. V. Z. Long-, Supervising Principal. Roberts Vaux, Wood Street, below Twelfth. Henrietta R. Farrelly, Principal. John M. Ogden, N. E. cor. Twelfth and Wistar Streets. Emma J. SallaJe, Prin- cipal Robert T. Conrad, Melon St'-eet, bel. Twelfth. Annie G. Stretch, Principal. Spring Garden, S. E. cor. Twelfth and Ogden Streets. Eliza F. LeMaistre, Principal. FIFTEENTH SECTION. Thaddeus Stevens, Seventeenth Street, above Fairmount Avenue. Louis A. Ridge, Supervising Principal. Lincoln, S. E. cor. Twentieth Street and Fair- mount Avenue. Emiiie M. Crease, Super- vising P'.incipal. Thos. Wood, Twenty-third Street, above Cal- lowhill, , Supervising Principal. A. D. Bache, N. E. cor. Twenty-second and Brown Streets. Emma Graham, Super- vising Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 335 N. Twentieth St. Kindergarten (no rental), S. W. cor. Twenty- second and Wallace Streets. SIXTEENTH SECTION. Jefferson, Fifth Street, above Poplar. Frank- lin F. Cartledge, Supervising Principal. Landenberger, Fourth Street, above George. Eliz. E. Wark, Principal. SIXTEENTH SECTION-Continued. George Wolfe, Orianna Street, above Poplar. Minna L. Bitting, Principal. Primary, Girard Avenue and Leopard Street. Eliz. K. Brous, Principal, SEVENTEENTH SECTION. John MoflFet, S. W. cor. Second and Oxford Streets. David R. Baer, Supervising Principal. Ludlow, N. E. cor. Master and Lawrence Streets, LydiaG. Hepworth, Supervising Principal. Webster, Hancock Street, abv , Girard Avenue. Emilie Jacobs, Supervising Principal. Kindergarten (rented), Hancock Street, above Girard Avenue. EIGHTEENTH SECTION. Vaughan, Marlborough Street, abv. Thompson. Wm. H. McLaughlin, Supervising Prin- cipal, Alexander Adaire, Palmer Street, above Thompson. Sarah A. Gilbert, Supervis- ing Principal. Chandler, Montgomery Avenue, above Rich- mond Street, Mary A. Miller, Supervis- ing Principal. T. K. Finletter, N.E. cor. Montgomery Avenue and Gaul Street. Eliz. Windle, Principal. Gorgas, N. W. cor. Belgrade Street and E. Susquehanna Avenue. Clara Bowen, Principal. Douglass, S. W. cor. Huntingdon and Edge- mont Streets. Hannah J . Graham, Prin- cipal. Shackamaxon (rented), 1014 Shackamaxon Street. Maggie V. Fisher, Principal. NINETEENTH SECTION. William H. Hunter, S. W. cor. Dauphin and Mascher Streets. S. E. B. Kinsloe, Prin- cipal. John Welsh, N. E, cor. Fourth and Dauphin Streets. Robt. J. McLaughlin, Supervis- ing Principal. Cohocksink, N. W. cor. Fourth Street and Montgomery Avenue. Annie Lyle, Prin- cipal. John K. Hartranft, Seventh Street, above York. Kate J. Geisler, Supervising Principal William F. Miller, Howard Street, above Diamond. Mary S. Hearder, Supervising Principal. WiUiam Adamson, Fourth Street, bel. Lehigh Avenue. Georgiana Buckley, Supervising Principal. Franklin, American Street, above Columbia Avenue. Selina Allen, Principal. Cumberland, S. W. cor. Hancock and Cum- berland Streets. Isabella R. Caskey, Supervising Principal. Megargee, S. W. cor. Susquehanna Avenue and Lawrence Street. Anna J. McKin- ney, Supervising Principal. TWENTIETH SECTION. Park Avenue, below Master Street. J. M. Thomas, Principal. Rutledge, N. W. cor. Seventh and Norris Sts. Harrison Walton, Supervising Principal. Penn, S. E. cor. Eighth and Thompson Sts, Laura Kramer, Principal. James Lynd, Twelfth St., abv. Columbia Ave. Deborah L. Cordery, Supervising Prin- cipal. Daniel Webster, Eleventh St., bel. Thompson. Amelia J. Allen, Supervising Principal. 23 TWENTIETH SECTION— Continued. James Todd, N. W. cor. Franklin and Norris Streets. Ella Kucher, Principal. Primary School, Merviiie Street, abv. Jefterson. Hester J. Neely, Priricipal Primary School (rented), Ninth Street, above Montgomery Avenue. Eliz. Knipe, Prin- cipal. Kindergarten (rented), S. W. cor. Twelfth Street and Montgomery Avenue. Kindergarten (rented), 1752 N. Twelfth Street. Kindergarten (rented), 984 Marshall Street. Kindergarten (rented), S. E. cor. Eighth Street and Montgomery Avenue. TWENTY-FIRST SECTION. Manayunk, Green Lane, below Silverwood Street. Robt. C. String, Supervising Principal. Fairview, Manayimk Ave., below Green Lane. Emma B. Budd, Supervising Principal. Schuylkill, Umbria and Hermitage Streets. Catharine C. Conway, Supervising Prin- cipal. Manatawna, Ridge Avenue and Manatawna Street. M. Louisa Harper, Principal. Alfred Crease, Wissahickon Avenue, above Wfllnut Lane. Mary A Conway, Prin- cipal. Washington, Shur's Lane, abv. Cresson Street. Retta H. Thomson, Supervising Prin- cipal . Washington Annex, Ridge Avenue and Kalos Street. Roxborough, Ridge and Parker Avenues. Martha Woerner, Principal. Andora, Shawmont Avenue, above Ridge Avenue. Matilda J. Chambers, Principal . 24 TWENTY-FIRST SECTION— Continued. Levering, Ridge Avenue and Martin Street. Emma V. Thomas, Supervising Principal. Kindergarten (rented), cor. Terrace and Her- mit Streets. TWENTY-SECOND SECTION. Germantown, Haines and McCallum Streets. Wm. H. Arnhold, Supervising Principal. Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse Street. Marie Ro- land, Principal. C. W. Schaeffer, Germantown and Wyoming Avenues. Willis N. Parker, Supervising Principal. F. D. Pastorius, Woodbine and Sprague Sts. Robt. L. Burns, Supervising Principal. Andrew G Curtin, Musgrove and Horter Sts. Margt. J. Mellinger, Supervising Prin- cipal. Edwin H. Fitler, Seymour and Knox Streets. Wm. H Sowden, Principal. Daniel L. Keyser, Morris and Coulter Streets, Kate W. Shaffer, Principal. Central, Haines Street, East of Germantown Avenue. Anna M. Smith, Principal. Crescent, Crescentville. Eliz. J. Rook, Prin- cipal. Felton, Second Street and Fisher's Lane. Anna M. Duncan, Principal. Central, E. Rittenhouse Street, above Evans. May R. Caroland, Supervising Principal. Bringhurst, Bringhurst Street. Eliz. J. Hemp- hill, Principal. Pittville, Haines Street, near Limekiln Pike. Eliz. H. Mears, Principal. 25 TWENTY-SECOND SECTION— Continued. Jos. C. Gilbert, Twenty-ninth Street and Highland Avenue, Chestnut Hill. Henry C. Payne, Principal. Mount Airy, Allen's Lane. Jos. C. Fox, Principal. Olney, Olney Road, above Second Street. Percival S. Woodin, Principal. F. D. Pastorius Annex, Twenty-first and Mill Streets. Franklin Kindergarten, Church Street. Olney Annex (rented). Second Street Pike, above Olney Road. Elwood, Oak Lane, near Old York Road. Mary Unger, Principal. Morton, Green Lane, Branchtown. Xenia Clampitt, Principal. Rowland, Rowlandville. Helen L. Macmil- lan. Principal. Primary (rented), Fisher's Lane, east of Broad Street. Hessie J. Bickley, Prin- cipal. Primary (rented), Green and Carpenter Streets. Margt. D. Bockius, Principal. Primarjr (rented), Coulter Street, West of Wayne. Isabel T. Woodson, Principal. Bringhurst Annex (rented), 38 Bringhurst St. F. D. Pastorius Annex (rented). Woodbine and Beyer Streets. Kindergarten (rented), Pulaski Avenue and Coulter Street. Kindergarten (rented), Morton Street, above Haines. TWENTY-THIRD SECTION. Henry Herbert, Frankford Avenue, below Foulkrod Street. Rebecca T. Shallcross, Principal. b6 TWENTY-THIRD SECTION— Continued. Alexander Henry, Paul and Unity Streets. Lurana J. Williamson, Supervising Prin- cipal. Marshall, Sellers and Franklin Streets. Chas. A. Singer, Principal. White Hall, Tacony Road and Pratt Street. John L. Shroy, Supervising Principal. Decatur, Orchard Street, below Church. Margt. P. Sinnott, Principal. Wilmot, Meadow and Mulberry Streets. Wm, H. Cooper, Principal. James Seddon (rented), Hedge and Brown Streets. Isabel M. Otter, Principal. Kindergarten (rented), Franklin and Ruan Streets. White Hall Annex (rented), Tacony Street, White Hall. TWENTY-FOURTH SECTION. Belmont, S. E. cor. Forty-first and Brown Streets. Wm. L. Welsh, Supervising Principal. E. Spencer Miller, N. W. cor. Forty-third and Ogden Streets. Sarah Wilson, Supervis- ing PrincipaL Morton McMichael, N. W. cor. Thirty-fifth Street and Fairmount Avenue. Ellen G. Abernethy, Supervising Principal. Haverford, Haverford Avenue, above Thirty- fifth Street, Sue F. Gaskill, Supervising Principal. Warren, Thirty-eighth Street and Powelton Avenue. Laura J. Ashmore, Supervising Principal. TWENTY-FOURTH SECTION— Continued. Joseph Leidy, Forty-second and Jefferson Streets. Margt. L. Robinson, Supervis- ing Principal. Astenville, Ford Road, below Monument Road. Rosalie M. McCarroll, Principal. Mantua, N. E. cor. Thirty-eighth and Mount Vernon Streets. Mary E. Lane, Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 3516 Haverford Avenue. Kindergarten (rented). Fortieth and Warren Streets. TWENTY-FIFTH SECTION. James Martin, Richmond and Ontario Streets. Chas. F. Michener, Supervising Principal. Sherman, Frankford Ave. and Somerset St. Mattie Marsden, Supervising Principal. Barton, Frankford Avenue and Buckius Street. Sallie E. Todd, Principal. George B. McClellan, Edgemont and Neff Streets. Annie G. Engell, Supervising Principal. Carroll, Salmon Street, above Somerset. Ella J. Brady, Principal. Bridesburg, Richmond and Jenks Streets. T. W. Worrell, Supervising Principal. H. W. Halliwell, Frankford Avenue, below Allegheny Avenue. Louisa K. Sterne, Principal. John H. Webster, Frankford Avenue and Ontario Street. Josephine Hamill, Prin- cipal. Sherman Annex (rented), Frankford Avenue and Hart Lane. £8 TWENTY-FIFTH SECTION— Continued. Kindergarten (rented), Kensington Avenue and Harrowgate Lane. John H. Webster Annex (rented), Frankford Avenue and Ontario Street. Kindergarten (rented), 3431 Frankford Ave. TWENTY-SIXTH SECTION. Jeremiah Nichols, N. E. cor. Sixteenth and ■ Wharton Streets. Hannah MauU, Super- vising Principal. Geo. W. Childs, N. E. cor. Seventeenth and Tasker Streets. Mary J. Lamberton, Supervising Principal. Matthias Baldwin, Sixteenth and Porter Streets Martha H. Dunn, Supervising Principal. Jackson, S. E. cor. Twelfth and Federal Streets. Viola W. Dal try, Supervising Principal. Jackson Annex, Federal Street, below Twelfth. Francis M. Drexel, S. W. cor. Sixteenth and Moore Streets. Clarence F. Hampton, Supervising Principal. Francis M. Drexel Annex (rented), N. E. cor. Fifteenth and Porter Streets. J. Nichols Annex (rented), Wharton Street, below Eighteenth. Kindergarten (rented), S. E. cor. Eighteenth and Wharton Streets. TWENTY-SEVENTH SECTION. Newton Combined Boys' Grammar and Pri- mary, Chestnut Street, below Thirty-sixth. Geo. H. Stout, Supervising Principal. 29 TWENTY-SEVENTH SECTION— Continued. Newton Combined Girls* Grammar and Pri- mary, S. W. cor. Thirty-eighth and Spruce Streets. Sarah E. Bradshaw, Supervising Principal. Newton Girls' Grammar and Primary Annex, Ludlow Street, below Thirty-sixth. Price, Forty-seventh and Locust Streets. Lena P. Wiler, Principal. West End, Sixtieth and South Streets. Edwin Y. Montanye, Principal. Woodland Avenue, Forty-sixth Street and Woodland Avenue. Hester C. Conneil, Supervising Principal. Miller (rented). Forty-second and Ludlow Streets. Anna E. Rambo, Principal. TWENTY-EIGHTH SECTION. Glenwood, cor. Thirtieth and Herman Streets. Jacob H. Rohrbach, Supervising Princi- pal. Belview, N. W. cor. Twenty-sixth and Cum- berland Streets. Alice J. Kilpatrick, Supervising Principal. M. Hall Stanton, N. E. cor. Sixteenth and Cumberland Streets. Wm. J. Caskey, Supervising Principal. Glenwood Annex (rented), 2826 Dauphin St. M. Hall Stanton Annex (rented), N. E. cor. Eighteenth and Dauphin Streets. Kindergarten (rented), Twenty -sixth Street, above Cumberland. TWENTY-NINTH SECTION. George G. Meade, cor. Eighteenth and Oxford Streets. Edw. Gideon, Supervising Prin- cipal. 30 TWENTY-NINTH SECTION— Continued. Robert Morris, S. W. cor. Twenty-sixth and Thompson Streets. Geo. W. Flounders, Supervising; Principal. Elisha Kent Kane, S. E. cor. Twenty-sixth and Jefferson Streets. Eliz. N. Ander- son, Supervising Principal. Wm. D. Kelley, S. E. cor. Twenty-eighth Street and Columbia Avenue. Chas. S. Boyer, Supervising Principal. Reynolds, S. W, cor. Twentieth and Jefferson Streets. Helen W. Anstice, Supervising Principal. Edward Gratz, S. E. cor. Twenty-third and Jefferson Streets. Sarah J. Overn, Super- vising Principal. Muhlenberg, S. E. cor. Seventeenth and Master Streets. Annie S. Jones, Supervising Principal. Primary No. i (rented), S. W. cor. Twenty- sixth Street and Columbia Avenue. Annie E. Ring, Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 1926 South College Ave. Kindergarten (rented), 2331 Oxford Street. THIRTIETH SECTION. Edwin M. Stanton, S. E. cor. Seventeenth and Christian Streets. J. M. Murray, Supervising Principal. James Pollock, Fitzwater, St., abv. Fifteenth. May Fite, Supervising Principal. William S. Pierce, S. W. cor. Twenty-fourth and Christian Streets. Mary Wallace, Supervising Principal. Chester A. Arthur, S. W. cor. Twentieth and Catharine Streets. Sara M. Irwin, Super- vising Principal. 31 TrilRTY-FIRgT SECTION. John S. Hart Boj's' Grammar and Primary, York Street, below Memphis. Wm, H^ Samuel, Supervising Principal, Adams, Adams SSreet, above Aihber. Mary M. Gabrylerwitz, Supervising Principal. Lucrctia Motty Huntingdon Street, below SepriTa. Martha; McAlpine, Supervising Principal. Henry Armitt Brown, Sergeant and Jaspef Streets. Helen Jones, Supervising Prin- cipal. Witte (rented), H. E- cor. York and Tulip Streets. Sarah F. Simpson, Supervising Piincipal, John S. Hart Girls' Grammar and Primary (rented), Trenton Avenue, above Cumbef- iand Street. Jennie Mines, Stipervising Principal. John S. Hart Girls' Grammar and Primary Annex (rented), Emerald Street, below Front. John S. Hart Girls' and Primary Annex (rented), Dauphin St., Hear Bet- grade. THIRTY-SECOND SECTION. James L. Claghorti, S. W. cor. Seventeenth Street and Susquehanna Avenue. Chas. H. Brelsford, Supervising Principal. Joseph Siiigerly, N. E. cor. Tv/enty-second and Befks Streets. Wm. W. Brovim, Supervising Principal. James G. Blaine, S. W. cor. Thirtieth and Norris Streets. Geo. Wheeler, Supetvis- 3ng Principal, ^THlkTY-SECONE) SECTION— Continued. Camac, S. W. cor. Thirteenth Street and Sus* quehanna Avenue. Eliz. Caskey, Super" vising Principal. Thos. H. Powers, S. E. cer. Susquehanna Avenue and Woodstock Street. M. Eliz. Newhouse, Supervising Principal. Joseph Allison, N. W. cor. Fift^nth and Norris Streets. Nina C. Boyd, Supetvib- ing Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 1840 N. Twentieth St. iCindergarten (r€nted), 2554 Ridge Avenue. Kindergarten (rented), 2137 Pai-k Avenue. Kindergarten (rented), N. E. cor. Thirty-first and Nofris Streets. THIRTY-TMIRD SECTION. ITiomas Potter, S. W. cor. Fourth and Clears field Streets. Geo. W. Bickel^ Supervising Principal. Bayard Taylor, Turner Street, above Venango. Elmer E. Miclrener, Supervising Principal. Boudinotj S. W. cor. Indiana Avenue and D Street. Mary E. Buggy, Supervising Principal. Asa Packer, Broad Street, above German- town Avenue. Milton C. Cooper, Supei-- vising Principal. Fairhili, N. E. cor. Marshall and Somerset Streets. Jennie Pittman, Supervising Principal. Wm. Cramp, S. W. cor. Howard and Tioga Streets Emma J. Heardef, Supervising Principal. Isaac A. Sheppard, Howard and Cambria Streets. Carrie J. Richardson, Supe*-vis<> ing Principal. 33 THIRTY-THIRD SECTION— Continued. Edward T. Steel, Sixteenth and Cayuga Streets. Susan A. Bockius, Supervising Principal. Thos. Potter Annex (rented), Cambria Street, West of D. Bayard Taylor Annex (rented), 508 Venango Street. Bayard Taylor Annex (rented), Cooperville. Hopkinson (rented), Roy Street, Rising Sun. Harriet P. Gaile, Principal. I. P. Morris (rented), 3520 K Street. Belle W. Ewing, Principal. Kindergarten (rented), 401 1 German town Ave, THIRTY-FOURTH SECTION. Norris J. Hoffman, N. E. cor. Fifty-fifth and Vine Streets. Jesse H. Michener, Super- vising Principal. James Rhoads, N. W. cor. Forty-ninth and Parrish Streets. Anna B. Miller, Super- vising Principal. Jesse George, Hamilton Street, above Sixty- third. J. F. Byler, Supervising Fnncipal. Martha Washington, N. W. cor. Forty- fourth and Aspen Streets. Chas. A. Coulomb, Supervising Principal. Heston, N E. cor. Fifty-fourth Street and Lansdowne Avenue. Eugene A. Heilman, Supervising Principal. Kindergarten, Peach Street, above Lansdowne Avenue. Hoffman Annex (rented). Vine Street, below Fifty-fifth. Hoffman Annex (rented). Pearl Street, below Fifty-fifth. 34 THIRTY-FOURTH SECTION— Continued. Kindergarten (rented). Forty-fifth Street and Westminster Avenue. Jesse George Annex (rented), Sixty-third Street, below Hamilton. Heston Annex (rented), Lancaster Avenue, above Fifty-fifth Street. Robert Purves (rented). Old Lancaster Road and Berks Street. Alice M. PoUitt, Prin- cipal. Kindergarten (rented), cor. Fiftieth and Parrish Streets. Kindergarten (rented), S. E. cor. Fifty-second and Master Streets. THIRTY-FIFTH SECTION. Jos. H. Brown, Frankford Avenue, Holmes- burg. Robt. G. Swift, Principal. Fayette, Bustleton. Wheat Sheaf, Bustleton Turnpike and Town- ship Line. Albert W. Dudley, Principal. Washington, Lawndale. Saml. Parry, Prin- cipal. Fox Chase. Chas. Buckley, Principal. Benjamin Rush, Cresson's Corner (Byberry). Henry S. Longaker, Principal. Watson Comly, Somerton. Wilbur J. Brown, Principal. Tillyer, above Bustleton. Mary Thomley, Principal. Maple Grove, Academy Road (Byberry). Lewis C. Starkey, Principal. Godfrey, Comly and Byberry Roads. Chas. M. Moore, Principal. 35 THIRTY-FIFTH SECTIOI^- Continued. Mechanicsville, Byberry. Stephen W. Bar- tine^ Principal. Holme (rented), CollegeviMe. Llewellyn Lawa^ Principal. Washington Annex (reated)^ Lawndale^ THIRTY- SIXTH SECTION. James Logan,. N. W. cor. Nineteenth and Reed Streets. Watson Cornell, Supervising Principal. Landreth, S. E. cor. Twenty-third and Federal Streets. Lillie Wallace, Supervising Prin- cipal. Delaplaine McDaniel, S. W. cor. Twenty-firs4 and Moore Streets. Mary McConnell,. Supervising Principal. James Alcorn, cor. Thirty -fourth and Wharton Streets. Ella S. Sraden, Supervising Principal. Gustavus A. Benson, S. E. cor. Twenty- seve&th and Wharton Streets. Wm. L. Balentine,. Supervising Principal. Foint Breeze, Twenty-seventh Street and PassyiHik Avenue. Sue A. Lowery, Prin- cipal . Girard, Passyunk Avenue, above Eighteenth Street. Jessie S.. Bagg, Principal. Girard Annex (rented), N. W. cor. Nineteenth and Jackson Streets. Franklin, Rope Ferry Road. Lottie K. Sid- dons,, Principal. 3.^ THIRTY-SEVENTH SECTION. Cambria, Thirteenth Street, below Cambria, David H. Stout, Supervising Principal. Oakdale, N. E. cor. Eleventh and Huntingdon. Streets. Kate E. Stevens, Principal. kindergarten (rented), 2419 N. Tenth Street. Kindergarten (rented), 3462 Germantown Ave, Kindergarten (rented), N. W., cor. Eleventh and Silver Streets, THIRTY-EIGHTH SECTION. Forest, Falls of Schuylkiii. Oliver P. Ely, Supervising Principal. Renderton, Fifteenth and Ontario Streets. Saml. L. Chew, Supervising Principal Geo. H. Boker, S. E. cor. Twenty-second and Ontario Streets. Ella M. Lukens, Super- visingf Principal. THIRTY-NINTH SECTION. John H. Taggart, S. E. cor. Fifth and Portef Streets. John Chri.itopker, Supervising Principal. Levin Handy Smith, S. W. cor. Fifth Street and Snyder Avenue. Mary G. Brown^ Supervising Principal. William Welsh, S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Jackson Stref=ts. Mary E. Elsea, Super- vising Principal. Calhoun, N, W. cor. Tenth Street and Snyder Avenue. Lydia McStocker, Supervisinj' Principal, 37 THIRTY-NINTH SECTION— Continued. David Foy, N. W. cor. Eighth and Wolf Streets. Nellie C. Graham, Supervising Principal . A, S. Jenks, S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Porter Streets. Martha L. Stewart, Supervising Principal. FORTIETH SECTION. Paschalville, Woodland Avenue, above Seven- tieth Street. Cornelia W. Elmcs, Super- vising Principal. Greenway, Fifty-second Street and Woodland Avenue. Emilia J. Riley, Principal. Bartram, Greenway Avenue and Sixty-second Street. Caroline E. Wilson, Principal. Jno. K. Lee, Fifty-third Street and Baltimore Avenue. Martha G. Campbell, Principal. Boon's Dam, Island Road and Tinicum Avenue. Martha McFarland, Principal. Elmwood (rented). Eighty-fourth Street and Holstein Avenue. Mary G. Connell, Principal. Clearview (rented). Seventy-eighth Street and Avenue D. Lidie U. Smith, Principal. Greenway Annex, No. i (rented), Fifty-second Street and Woodland Avenue. Greenway Annex, No. 2 (rented), Fifty-second Street and Woodland Avenue. Boons Dam Annex (rented), Tinicum Avenue and Island Road. Kindergarten (rented). Sixty-third Street and Woodland Avenue. 38 FORTY-FIRST SECTION. Henry Disston, Longshore and Ditman Streets, Tacony. Wm. J. Moran, Super- vising Principal. Wissinoming (rented), Jackson and Vankirk Streets. Abel J. Evans, Principal. Disston Annex (rented), Tacony. SPECIAL SCHOOLS. (Compulsory Education.) Instruction in Common English Branches and in Elementary Manual Training. No. I (two divisions), Twenty-second and Locust Streets. Maude Sproule, Prin- cipal. No. 2 (rented), (two divisions), 2029 N. Twenty-ninth Street. A. Lincoln Spen- cer, Principal. 39 OKKICKRS OF SECTIONAL BOARDS JA^UAM.Y I, x^OO. FIRST SECTION. President, Wm. S. Molineaux, 429 Moore Street. Secretary , Edwin J. Lawsoii, 1319 S. Fourth Street. Stated meetings held in School -house, Seventh and Dickinson Streets, fourth Thurs- day in each month. SECOND SECTION. President, George B. Blizard, 1132 S, Front Street. Secretary, Geo. N. Lowery, 1223 Ellsworth Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Fifth Street, South of Washington Avenue, 011 second Wednesday in each month. THIRD SECTION. President, Henry J. Trainer, 8co S. Froni Street. Secretary, Harry T. Kingston, 808 S. Fourth Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Cath- arine Street, ab. Third, on the last Tuesday in each month. 40 FOURTH SECTION. President, W, J. Manning, 731 S. Tenth Street. Secretary, John F. Snyder, 723 S. Marvme Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Fifth Street, ab. Fitzwater, on last Tuesday in each month. FIFTH SECTION. President, William H. Wells, M. D., 333 Pine Street. ; Secretary, Charles Ebert, 519 S. Fifth Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Spruce Street, bel. Sixth, on second Monday in each month. SIXTH SECTION. President, C. A. Widmayer, 238 Race Street. Secretary, Frank P. Sheeran, 240 North Lawrence Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Race and Lawrence Streets, on third Friday in each month. SEVENTH SECTION. President, Thomas Durham, 2123 Pine St. Secretary, S. K. Shedaker, Thirteenth St., above Pine. Stated meetings held in School-house, cpr. Seventeenth and Pine Streets, on the third Friday of each month. 4» EIGHTH SECTION. President, Hood Gilpin, iii S. Broad Street. Secretary, Abraham L. Cairns, 921 Spruce Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, 'I'welfth and Locust Streets, on last Tuesday in each month. NINTH SECTION. President, William W. Longstreth, 2013 Chestnut Street. Secretary, Jas. Freeborn, 1839 Filbert Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, cor. Nineteenth and Ludlow Streets, on fourth Thursday in each month. TENTH SECTION. President, Wm. H. Bricker^ M. D., 227 N. Twenty-second Street. Secretary, Chas. A. Page, 210 N. Seven- teenth Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Race Street, bel. Fifteenth, on last Friday in each month. ELEVENTH SECTION. President, Jno. R. Marlin, 232 Poplar Street. Secretary, Otto Simonis, 818 New Market Street. Stated meetings held at the Beideman School, American Street, bel. Buttonwood, on third Tuesday in each month. 4a TWELFTH SECTION. President, Emil Jungmann, S. W. cor. Fourth and Noble Streets. Secretary, Oscar E. Rother, 621 N. Ran- dolph Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Ori- anna and Callowhill Streets, on last Friday in each month. THIRTEENTH SECTION. President, Max Brueckmann, 867 N. Seventh Street. Secretary, Henry J. Stager, 837 N. Seventh Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Sixth Street and Fairmount Avenue, on last Thurs- day in each month. FOURTEENTH SECTION. President, Edward Nichols, 11 19 Parrish Street. Secretary, George W. Weaver, 1121 Green Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Fair- mount Avenue, ab. Twelfth Street, on last Friday in each month. FIFTEENTH SECTION. President, Wm. H. Carson, 1923 Parrish Street. Secretary, John F. Harper, 1929 Wallace Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Twentieth Street and Fairmount Avenue, on third Thursday in each month. 43 Sixteenth section. President, Lewis Obermiller, 911 N. Fifth Street. Secretary, Chas. G. Hays, 927 American Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Fifth Street, ab. Poplar, on the first Monday in each month. SEVENTEENTH SECTION. President, William Moffet, M. D., 1322 Germantown Avenue. Secretary, Robt. Gfaham, 1345 N. Front Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Second and Oxford Streets, on the fourth Thursday in each month. EIGHTEENTH SECTION. President, J. Baker Tutile, 1226 E. Susque- hanna Avenue. Secretary, Robert M. Paist, 328 Richmond Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Palmer Street, above Thompson, on last Wed=- nesday in each month. NINETEENTH SECTION. President, Wm. H. Walter, 1700 N. Second Street. Sec->-eiary, Wm. Peacock, M. D., 2217 N^ Sixth Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Seventh Street, above York, on third Wednts- day in each month. 44 TWENTIETH SECTION. President^ Wm. C. Haines, 1231 Frankliii Street. Secretary, M. Webster Myers, 1729 Marshall Street. Stated meetings held in School-house^ Twelfth Street, ab. Columbia Avenue, on last Tuesday in each month. TWENTY-FIRST SECTION. President, C. A. Frame, M. D,, 4337 Dex' ier Street, Roxborough, Secretary^ Levi C. Hart, 8305 Ridge Avenue. Stated meetings held in Fairview School-' house, on fourth Friday in each month. TWENTY-SECOND SECTION. President, Wm. D. Kinsler, School Lane and Green Street. Secretary^ Oscar N. Middleton, 14.3 Pomona Terrace, Gefmantown. Stated meetings held in School-house,Adam9 and Lafayette Streets, Germantown, on third Tuesday in each month. TWENTY-THIRD SECTION. President, Franklin Smedley, Church and Tacony Streets, Frankford. Secretary, Mathias Coats, 4748 Penn Street, Frankford. Stated meetings held in School-house, Frankford Avenue and Foulkrod Street, Fiankford, on fourth Monday in each month, 45 TWENTY-FOURTH SECTION. President, William L, Smurthwaite, 88 1 Preston Street. Secretary, W, A. Looney, 1103 N. Forty- second Street. Stated meetings held in School-house Haverford Street, ab. Thirty-fifth, on first Monday in each month. TWENTY-FIFTH SECTION. President, S. N. Olwine, 3066 Frankford Avenue. Secretary, Albert Webster, 3743 Frankford Avenue. Stated meetings held in School-house, Frankford and Allegheny Avenues, on second Wednesday in each month. TWENTY-SIXTH SECTION. President, A. F. StuU, Sr , 1520 S. Fifteenth Street. Secretary, Henry B. Widener, 1828 S. Broad Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Six- teenth and Wharton Streets, on fourth Tues- day in each month. TWENTY-SEVENTH SECTION. President, George P. Bland, 3220 Woodland Avenue. Secretary, George J. Van Houten, 3255 Woodland Avenue. Stated meetings held in School-house, Thirty-sixth and Chestnut Streets, on second Monday in each month. 46 TWENTY-EIGHTH SECTION. President, Lewis A. Hubbs, N. E. cor. Thirty-fourth and Cumberland Streets. Secretary, D. P. McGonigal, 2343 North Twenty-ninth Street, Stated meetings held in School-house, Sixteenth and Cumberland Streets, on last Tuesday in each month. TWENTY-NINTH SECTION. President, D. Hanley Stone, 3128 Columbia Avenue. Secretary, Walter W. Roach, M. D., 2905 Columbia Avenue. Stated meetings held in School-house, Eighteenth and Oxford Streets, on first Mon- day in each month. THIRTIETH SECTION. President, "^o^. W. Catharine, 1538 Christian Street. Secretary, Joseph E. Young, 2341 Montrose Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Seventeenth and Christian Streets, on fourth Thursday in each month. THIRTY-FIRST SECTION. President, Henry Fisher, M. D., 2608 E. Norris Street. Secretary, Albert Pearce, 2346 E. Susque- hanna Avenue. Stated meetings held in School-house, York and Memphis Streets, on first Thursday in each month. 47 THIRTY-SECOND SECTION. President, Secretary, Chas. G. Saul, 1803 Van Pelt Street. Stated meetings held in School-house, Sus- quehanna Avenue and Woodstock Street, on last Tuesday in each month. THIRTY-THIRD SECTION. President, Robt. Rodgers, M. D., 2903 N. Fifth Street. Secretary, Thos. Noon, 4021 Germantown Avenue. Stated meetings held in the School-house, Fourth and Clearfield Streets, on the second Thursday in each month. THIRTY-FOURTH SECTION. President, Jonas Suplee, 1428 North Fifty- third Street. Secretary^ TO.. F. Maguire, 5848 Lansdowne Avenue. Stated meetings held in the School-house, Fifty-second and Master Streets, on the fourth Monday in each month. THIRTY-FIFTH SECTION. President, Isaac W. Tomlinson, Bustleton. Secretary, Wm. E. Ervin, Somerton. Stated meetings held in the School-house at Bustleton, on the last Monday in each month. THIRTY-SIXTH SECTION. President, Joseph Russell, 1813 Latona Street. Secretary, Geo. Haig, Twenty-first and Wharton Streets. Stated meetings held in the Landreth School- house, Twenty- third and Federal Streets, on the fourth Tuesday of each month. THIRTY-SEVENTH SECTION. President, William D. Spencer, 2200 N, Seventh Street. Secretary, Chas. H. Vanfleet, 2738 N. Eleventh Street. Stated meetings held in Cambria School- house, Thirteenth and Cambria Streets, on the first Wednesday of each month. THIRTY-EIGHTH SECTION. President, Chas. L. Dykes, 4208 Ridge Avenue. Secretary, A. De Prefontaine, 2243 Hunt- ing Park Avenue. Stated meetings held in the Geo. H. Boker School-house, Twenty-second and Ontario Streets, on the last Tuesday of each month. THIRTY-NINTH SECTION. President, J. Frank Peterson, N. W. cor. Fifth and Porter Streets. Secretary, Edwin Meredith, 1226 Snyder Avenue. Stated meetings held in the School-house, Thirteenth and Jackson Streets, on the fourth Wednesday of each month. 49 FORTIETH SECTION. President, John D. Powers, 6830 Pasehal Avenue. Secretary, George C. Rickards, 1236 S. Markoe Street. Stated meetings held in the Paschalville School-house, Woodland Avenue, above Seventieth Street, on the second Monday of each month. FORTY-FIRST SECTION. President , Z. T. Kirk Holmesburg. Secretary, William C. Kuemmerle, Wissi- noming. Stated meetings held in the Henry Disston School-house on the last Friday in each month. ASSIGNMENT OF SECTIONS TO ASSISTANT SUPERIN- TENDENTS. DR. SINGER— Sections 6, 14, 18, 23, 25, 33, 35, 41- MR. KALN" — Sections 1, 4, 10, 26, 29, 36. DR. JACOBS — ^Sections 7, 11, 20, 24, 28, 34, 37. DR. GARB ER— Sections 5, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 22, 38, 39. MISS KIRBY — Sections 15, 21, 30, 31, 32. MISS WRIGHT -Sections 2, 3, 13, 19, 27, 40. 50 STATISTICS SHOWING THE Progress of the Philadelphia Public School System from its organiza- tion (1818) to the present time. 1818. Number of Schools 6 Number of Teachers 10 Number of Pupils 2,845 Valuation of Real Estate and Furniture ^18,809 00 Amount of School Expenses , 23,049 00 Cost per Pupil 3 57 1838. Number of Schools 167 Number of Teachers 357 Number of Pupils 18,794 Valuation of Real Estate and Furniture ^396,764 00 Amount of School Expenses ,. 188,741 00 Cost per Pupil 4 75 1867. Number of Schools 382 Number of Teachers "^,3^7 Number of Pupils 77>i64 Valuation of Real Estate and Furniture 5^2,355, 322 00 Amount of School Expenses . 1,092,970 00 Cost per Pupil 15 16 51 1893. Number of Schools 428 Number of School Buildings , 287 Number of Teachers 2,988 Number of Pupils 125,180 Valuation of Real Estate and Furniture ^10,166,695 00 Amount of School Expenses . 3,461,183 05 *Cost per Pupil 23 61 State Appropriation (amount received) 950,924 10 Number of Schools 433 Number of School Buildings . 325 Number of Teachers 3,47i Number of Pupils 145,302 Amount of School Expenses . ^,778,058 84 *Cost per Pupil 23 21 State Appropriation (estimated) 854,204 57 fNumber of Schools 428 JNumber of School Buildings . 322 Number of Teachers 3,512 Number of Pupils ^^7-395 Amount of School Expenses . ^4,092,855 57 *Cost per Pupil 27 26 State Appropriation . . . . » 854,204 57 *Cost per pupil (day schools) based, upon annual expenses, excluding permanent im- provements. f Decrease in number of schools caused by combining schools in same building under one Principal. X Decrease in number of rented buildings. 52 NUMBER OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, TEACHERS, PUPILS, ETC. NUMBER OF SCHOOLS, January i, igoo. Central High School i Phila. Normal School (including School of Observation and Practice) ... i High School for Girls i Manual Training Schools 2 Elementary Manual Training School . i Industrial Art School i Special Schools (Compulsory Educa- tion) 2 Cooking Schools 10 Grammar Schools 20 Combined Grammar and Primary Schools 55 Consolidated Schools 31 Primary Schools 161 Kindergartens 142 428 Night Schools 95 Total , . 523 Number of Schools under Supervising Pri)icipals 135 53 NUMBER OF TEACHERS ON ROLL January i, 1900. Central High School 47 Phila. Normal School (including School of Observation and Practice) ... 54 High School for Girls 85 Central Manual Training School ... 18 Northeast Manual Training School . . li Elementary Manual Training School Industrial Art School ^ ""^ Cooking Schools 10 Sewing Teachers 53 Grammar, Primary and Consolidated Schools, and Kindergartens . . . 3,199 Total (male), 200; (female), 3,312 ; 3,512 Amount expended for salaries of Teachers $2,439,323 21 Average of salaries paid in Higher Schools ^i>36s 8s Average of salaries paid in Gram- mar, Primary, Consolidated Schools and Kindergartens . . 649 07 Niunber of qualified substituti^s .... 845 NUMBER OF PUPILS BELONGING IN THE SEVERAL SCHOOL SEC- TIONS, JANUARY 1, 1900. Central High School . Phila. Normal School School of Observation and Practice .... High School for Girls, Central Manual Train- ing School N. E. Manual Train- ing School Jas. Forten Element- ary Manual Train- ing School .... Special Schools (Com- Boys. Girls. Total. 1,23s *S39 1,23s 539 173 418 2,176 2,176 400 400 357 . . 357 268 316 584 pulsory E ducation) , 147 , . 147 First Section 2,001 1,818 2,119 Second 2,18s 2,034 4,219 Thurd 1,806 1,748 3,554 Fourth 1,547 1,607 3,154 Fifth 1,093 1,030 2,123 Sixth 680 635 1,315 Seventh 1,002 1,191 2,193 Eighth 403 417 820 Ninth 272 258 530 Tenth 769 723 1,492 Eleventh 930 910 1,840 Twelfth 783 754 1,537 Thirteenth 751 867 1,618 Fourteenth 970 1,080 2,050 Fifteenth 1,795 1.737 3,532 Sixteenth 1,040 1,046 2,086 Seventeenth 1,005 1,035 2,040 Eighteenth 1,914 1,868 3,782 55 Boys. Girls. Total. Nineteenth Section . 3,079 3,083 6,162 Twentieth " . 2,209 2,212 4,421 Twenty-first " . 2,011 1,901 3,912 Twenty-second " . 3,526 3,619 7,145 Twenty-third " . 1,643 1,541 3,184 Twenty-fourth " . 2,388 2,598 4,986 Twenty-fifth " . 2,955 2,786 5,741 Twenty-sixth " . 2,400 2,720 5,120 Twenty-seventh " . 1,736 1,692 3,428 Twenty-eighth " . 2,166 2,246 4,412 Twenty-ninth " . 2,867 3,091 5,95^ Thirtieth " . 1,287 1,325 2,612 Thirty-first " . 2,067 2,006 4,073 Thirty-second " . 2,838 2,989 5,827 Thirty-third " . 3,970 3,767 7,737 Thirty-fourth " . 2,459 2,414 4,873 Thirty-fifth ** . 1,130 1,191 2,321 Thirty-sixth " . 2,819 2,786 5,605 Thirty-seventh " . 1,246 1,225 2,471 Thirty-eighth " . 1,526 1,521 3,047 Thirty-ninth " . 2,159 2,504 4,663 Fortieth " . 999 965 1,964 Total 73,006 74,389 147,395 56 NUMBER OF PUPILS BELONGING IN THE VARIOUS GRADES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, JANUARY i, igoc . Av. Boys. Girls. Total, Age Kindergartens • . • 3,537 3,785 7,322 5 First Grade . 17,971 16,340 34,311 7 Second • 13,997 13,347 27,344 8 Third • 11,445 11,672 23,117 9 Fourth . 8,577 - 9^017. ?7,594 1° Fifth . 6,643 7,201 13,844 II Sixth Seventh . 4; 146 4,919 9,065 12 . 2,689 3,189 5,878 13 Eighth . 1,862 2,204 4,066 14 Central High School 1,23s Phila. Nor. School , . High School for Girls, . . Cen. Manual Train- ing School .... N. E. Manual Train- ing School .... Special Schools (Com. Education), 539 2,176 400 357 147 1,235 539 2,176 400 357 147 Total 73,006 74,389 147,395 57 AVERAGE NUMBER BELONGING. Schools. Boys. GirlsK Total. High, Normal and K^ Manual Training Grammar .... Primary (third and fourth grades) Primary (first and second grades) . Kindergartens . . Special Schools . . Total ...,,. 71,249 71,951 143,200 1.930 2,765 4J695 14,776 16,379 31,155 19,778 20,141 39,94s 31,260 29,119 60,379 3,368 3.547 6,915 137 137 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE. School. Boys. Girls. Totals. High, Normal and Manual Training . 1,842 2,584 4,426 Grammar 13,628 15,043 28,671 Prima'-y (third and "\ fourth grades) . . 17,517 17,647 I g^^^^^ Primary (first and j second grades) . . 27,288 25,071 •' Kindergarten .... 2,687 2,746 5,433 Special Schools ... 94 . . . 94 Total 63,056 63,091 126,147 58 NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF PUPILS Belonging to the Several Departments of Public Schools, etc., January i, 1900. Kindergartens . . . 7,322 or .050 per cent. Primary Grades . . 102,366 or .693 " Grammar Grades . . 32,853 or .223 *' High, Normal and Manual Training Schools 4,707 or .032 " Special Schools (Com- pulsoryEducation), 147 Total 147,39s Percentage of Attendance on Average Number Belonging. High, Normal and Manual Training Schools 94 Grammar 92 Primary, Third and Fourth Grades ... .88 Primary, First and Second Grades ... .87 Kindergartens 78 SCHOOL PROPERTY. Number of School-buildings owned by the City S37 Number of Buildings rented for School purposes 85 59 COST PER PUPIL FOR FURNISHING BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Boys' Grammar . . , Girls' Grammar . , Boys' Third and Fourth Grades Girls' Third and Fourth Grades . Boys' First and Second Grades Girls' First and Second Grades . Kindergarten ^i 75 I 70 73 73 S3 43 30 NIGHT SCHOOLS. Number Enrolled January i, 1900. Elementary Schools 59 Sewing Schools 21 Cooking Schools 8 Graded Schools 6 High School I Number of pupils enrolled at beginning of term i3,455 Number enrolled in Regular Schools . 16,588 Number enrolled in Sewing Schools . . 5,742 Number enrolled in Cooking Schools . 382 Number enrolled in Graded Schools . 1,279 Total number of pupils enrolled at close of year 23,991^ Number of Teachers employed . . . 725 60 NUMBER OF PUPILS IN- STRUCTED, Etc. Average number of half days Gram- mar and Primary Schools were in session . 355 Average number of days Kindergar- tens were in session (half days only). 190 Average number of days High, Nor- mal and Manual Training Schools were in session 184 Number of double classes 60 Number of pupils in double classes . 2,601 Number of pupils on half time . . . 6,249 Number of classes on half time ... 114 Number of colored pupils instructed during the year {maks-, 3,115 ; fe- males, 3,535) 6,65 Total number of different pupils in- structed during the year (boys, 91,- 574; girls, 90,877) 182,451 Total number of different pupils in- structed during the year exclusive of Kindergartens (boys, 84,226; girls, 83,371) 167,597 Total number of different pupils in- structed in Kindergartens during the year (boys, 7,348; girls, 7,506) 14,854 61 COMPULSORY EDUCATION. From reports of attendance officers from Octo- ber I to December 31, 1899. Number visits made to schools . . . Number visits made to homes . , . Number of visits to employers . . . Number of non-attendants discovered Number non-attendants sent to school Number children found illegally em ployed Number children illegally employed sent to school Number truants found and reported Number truants returned to school . Number children mentally or physl cally unable to attend school . . Number of children kept at home for urgent reasons ..»..»... 2,172 16,725 233 3,339 1,233 366 148 523 373 390 499 Enumeration of all children between the ages of six years and twenty-one years, provided by the law, as made by attendance officers in June, 1899 : — Number of children between six and eight years of age 46,790 Number of children between eight and sixteen years of age 154,802 Number of children between six and twenty-one years of age 267,412 Number of children between sixteen and twenty-one years of age , » . , 65,820 63 COMPULSORY EDUCATION— Continued. Number of children between eight and sixteen years of • age not attend- ing school 9>997 Number of childrein between thirteen and sixteen years of age employed . 19,712 Number of mentally defective children attending school ij027 Number of children two years in the same grade •.....,. 637 Number of children three years in the same grade 144 NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS. University of Pennsylvania 90 Bryn Mawr 21 Medico-Chirurgical College 4 Jefferson Medical, Trustees 2 Jefferson Medical, Francis Shain .... 2 Lafayette College i Lehigh University 14 Pennsylvania Museum and School of In- dustrial Art 51 Academy of Fine Arts 45 School of Design for Women 40 Simon Muhr Scholarships 4 Haverford College i Total 275 .63. PRINCIPAL ITEM^OFAPPROPRIA- .. jTIONS tOR igooj ,, ,. . , ^ Salaries of, Teacfeers ....... ^2,490,185 00 Rental of School-buildings . . 51,91300 Salaries' of Janitora^ ; ' /' .''.--.•; 232,000 00 IncidtentaV Expenses of Sectional Boards. .- 9,qop 00 General- Repairs ; -. >. . .'i''' 130,000 00 Furnaces ajid Stoves, of ,Secr .va-; v: •■• tiona.1, Boards .. . , ,. .. i, ,. ip,P.QP 00 Furnishing New SehooHaonsftsJ^ 40,000 00 Completionof New Boys' High *;; ,,:.; School and Annex .... 137,689 50 Equipment and Special Supplies, .New Eoy>' lii^J^ Sphgpl ,. 10,000 00 Ground Rents and Extinguish- Tv ments 7S>Ppo po Fuel ....-..,,. V. . .■ ^Q5,oop 00 Books, -Statjopery,, etc. . «. « . 150,000 00 Salaries of Officers, Sec* Dept., 16. ^oq 00 " ft Axcb. '^ .9,600 00 V "...." Supt. " 28,500 QQ Night Schools 50,000 oa Compulsory Education .... i5,Qoo oq Instruction in Music ..... 10,000 00 Teachers' Pension Fund . . . 10,000 00 School Properties taken by , , . » Condemnation '..,., "..jc*;v^i;,-.' 100,000 00 Purchase of Lots and Erection t . , . . -- _,, of New Buildings .... 475,34000 Academy of Fine Arts .... ,5,000 00 Scholarships ......... 12,500 00 64 APPORTIONMENT OF APPROi?RIA- tlONS FOR INCIDENTALS. Gentral High School $8io 80 Central Manual Training School . . 405 40 Northeast , **..»" . ^j 405 40 Jame-s Fortea Elementary Manual 7? Training School.. , 324 52 First. Section , 162 16 ^oond " 162 16 W^irA V , . 162 16 pourth ff ....... 162 16 Fifth. '.; ....... 162 16 Sixtk " 162 16 Seventh 'f 162 16 fiighth f^ 162 16 Ninth '/ 162 16 ^enth '.f 162 16 Eleventh if 162 16 Twelfth " , 162 16 Thirteenth " 162 16 Fourteenth " ....... 202 70 Fifteenth " 202 70 Sixteenth " 162 16 Seventeenth " 162 16 Eighteenth " 202 70 Nineteenth " 202 "/o Twentieth " 202 70 Twenty-first " , 202 70 6S Twenty-second Section ^202 70 Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-third Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth Thirty-seventh Thirty-eighth Thirty-ninth Fortieth Forty-first 162 16 302 70 162 16 162 16 162 16 162 17 202 70 162 162 162 202 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 66 APPORTIONMENT OF APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR FURNACES AND STOVES. Central High School . ^260 00 Phila. Normal School for Girls . . 780 00 High School for Girls 520 00 Central Manual Training School . . 208 00 Northeast " " . • 208 00 James Forten Elementary Manual Training School 156 00 First Section 260 00 Second " 195 00 Third " 221 00 Fourth " 143 00 Fifth " 104 00 Sixth " ....... 117 00 Seventh **....... 208 00 Eighth " ....... 195 00 Ninth " ....... 117 00 Tenth " ....... 182 00 Eleventh . " • 208 00 Twelfth " 208 00 Thirteenth " 195 00 Fourteenth " 260 00 Fiiteenth " 234 00 Sixteenth " 19S 00 Seventeenth " 143 00 Eighteenth " 260 00 67 Nineteenth T^nfiyttf* Twenty-^st Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth' Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-third Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth Thirty-seventh Thkty-eighth Thbty-ninlh Fortieth Ft)fty.first Section a i^ -x 68 APPORTIONMENT OF APPROPRIA- " TIONS FOR REPAIRS ANiy-^" ^ 'FURNITURE, SECTIONAL;-" Central High School ^193 90 Phffei:- Normal " ...:..: 463 3^ Giris' High " ...:.;: 387 80 Gentt-al Manual Training School . ; 193 g8 Northeast " -" ' . ; 193 98 J&riies Forten Elementary Mannal 'rt^ >'^ ■'^^Ttalning School .... f . ^'."^ 77 56 First-^* Section ...;.;: 387 86 Secbnd " 271 49 Third' " ....... 193 ^o Fonwh " i ; 155 is Fifth • " ....... 133 7§ Sixth " ....... iss iS Sfcventh " 3*9 63 Eighth " ......; tgi'^ Niftth " .....;; 15^ iS Teiith " .....;; 193 90 Eleventh " ....... 15s 2S Twdfth " ....... t§5 fS Thhteenth " 15S is Fourteenth " 298 85 Fifteenth " 349 02 Sixteenth " 213 29 Seventeenth " 174 51 Eighteenth *' 349 02 69 Nineteenth Section $349 02 Twentieth *' 387 80 Twenty-first " 310 25 Twenty-second " 581 70 Twenty-third " ....... 310 25 Twenty-fourth '* 329 63 Twenty-fifth " 310 25 Twenty-sixth " 387 80 Twenty-seventh " 271 47 Twenty-eighth ** 310 25 Twenty-ninth " 387 80 Thirtieth " 232 69 Thirty-first " 232 69 Thirty-second " 310 25 Thirty-third '' 310 25 Thirty-fourth " ....... 271 47 Thirty-fifth , " ....... 200 00 Thirty-sixth " 349 02 Thirty-seventh " igS 12 Thirty-eighth " , 310 25 Thirty-ninth " . 310 25 Fortieth " 271 47 Forty-first . " 71 47 70 APPORTIONMENT OF APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR SPECIALS. Central High School ^928 12 Phila. Normal " 1,856 25 Girls' High " 4.455 00 Central Manual Training School . 1,485 00 Northeast " " . 1,113 75 James Forten Elementary Manual Training School 556 87 Industrial Art School . . .... 371 23 First Section 2,895 75 Second " i,930 50 Third " 2,153 ^5 Fourth " 1,856 25 Fifth " 1,485 00 Sixth " 2,227 50 Seventh " 1,93° 5° Eighth " 1,113 75 Ninth " 928 12 Tenth " 1,299 37 Eleventh " 2,041 87 Twelfth " 1,856 25 Thirteenth " 1,485 00 Fourteenth " 2,598 75 Fifteenth " 2,598 75 Sixteenth " 2,598 75 Seventeenth " 1,856 25 Eighteenth " 3,712 50 71 Nineteenth Section Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty -fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-third Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth Thirty-seventh Thirty-eighth Thirty-ninih Fortieth Forty- first 72 Hi AVIAI 5Aj.* A^O^"^