OF HON. ABEL RAWSON, BEFORE THE SENECA CO. PIONEER ASSOCIATION, IWO'VDEIMaEEEJ^Et &, :S.&G&. TIFFIN, OHIO: \ STAR PRIXTIXC IIOVSK WHITE A ORVCIG PROPRIETORS. 1869. ) Okfick of Skcsetary ok the Skneca County Pioxkek Association TiKFix,Nov.8th, 186H 4 Abel Rawsox.Esq.. //«Ko/-«/ Wc— In conformity with the resolution unanimously adopted by the Seneca County Pioneer Association, at their meeting of Saturday, tho 6th inst., the undersiprned committee would resiiectfully solicit for publication a copy of the able and masterly address delivered by you before said Association at that meeting. Hoping that you will favor us with a copy, and wishing you hcnlth and a long life, we respectfully remain Yonv friends and humble servants, HENRY KUUN, .lAMES BOYD, WM. LANG, L. A. HALL, BEN.T. PITTEXGEH, To Dr. H. Kulin, .Taiiics Boyd. Wm. Lang, L. A. Hall, Benj. Pittenger, Committee. Genttinifn : — Your polite note of this morning is receive