L z^^\ Class _ Rnnk ,?) 4 M 5 tMvvU 2. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress littp://www.arcliive.org/details/memorialbunkerliiOOIiolm JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. ?^^5Sf-\.- d "^l 2. 7\ ~ , tCopyright, 1S75, by James R. Osgood & Co.*] Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle \ AS SHE SAW IT FROM THE BELFRY. BY OLIVER WEXDELL HOLMES. 'Tis like stirring living embers when, at eighty, one remembers All the achings and the quakings o£ " the times that tried men's souls ; When I talk of IF/ii^ 3.nd Tory, when I tell the /vVA-/ story. To you the words are ashes, but to me they're burning coals. I had heard the muskets' rattle of the April running battle ; Lord Percy's hunted soldiers, I can see their red coats still ; But a deadly chill comes o'er me, as the day looms up before me, When a thousand men lay bleeding on the slopes of Bunker's Hill. 'Twas a peaceful summer's morning, when the first thing gave us warning Was the booming of the cannon from the river and the shore : " Child," says grandma, " what's the matter, what is all this noise and clatter .' Have those scalping Indian devils come to murder us once more ? " Poor old soul ! my sides were shaking in the midst of all my quaking. To hear her talk of Indians when the guns began to roar : She had seen the burning villa^, and the slaughter and the pillage. When the Mohawks killed her father with their bullets through his door. Then I said, " Now, dear old granny, don't you fret and worry any, For I'll soon come back and tell you whether this is work or play ; vf, There can't be mischief in it, so I won't be gone a minute " — For a minute then I started. I was gone the live-long day. No time for bodice-lacing or for looking-glass grimacing ; Down my hair went as I hurried, tumbling half-way to my heels ; God forbid your ever knowing, when there's blood around her flowing. How the lonely, helpless daughter of a quiet household feels ! In the street I heard a thumping ; and I knew it was the stumping Of the Corporal, our old neighbor, on that wooden leg he wore, \Vith a knot of women round him, — it was lucky I had found him. So I followed with the others, and the Corporal marched before. [* As this Poem is written expressly for this Memorial, and not intended for publication elsewhere, the Publishers request that it be not copied or reprinted.! ( A-42-t-^ /^ They were making for the steeple, — the old soldier and his people ; The pigeons circled round us as we climbed the creaking stair. Just across the narrow river — oh, so close it made me shiver ! Stood a fortress on the hill-top that but yesterday was bare. Not slow our eyes to find it ; well we knew who stood behind it. Though the earth-work hid them from us, and the stubborn walls were dumb : ^ ., Here were sister, wife, and mother, looking wild upon each other, S^/'> And their lips were white with terror as they said. The hour has Come ! _^fe; The morning slowly wasted, not a morsel had we tasted, And our heads were almost splitting with the cannons' deafening thrill. When a figure tall and stately round the rampart strode sedately ; It was Prescott, one since told me ; he commanded on the hill. Every woman's heart grew bigger when we saw his manly figure, With the banyan buckled round it, standing up so straight and tall ; Like a gentleman of leisure who is strolling out for pleasure, Through the storm of shells and cannon-shot he walked around the wall. At eleven the streets were swarming, for the red-coats' ranks were forming ; At noon in marching order they were moving to the piers ; How the bayonets gleamed and glistened, as we looked far down, and listened To the trampling and the drum-beat of the belted grenadiers ! At length the men have started, with a cheer, (it seemed faint-hearted). In their scarlet regimentals, with their knapsacks on their backs, And the reddening, rippling water, as after a sea-fight's slaughte . Round the barges gliding onw'ard blushed like blood along their t So they crossed to the other border, and again they formed in order ; And the boats came back for soldiers, came for soldiers, soldiers still : The time seemed everlasting to us women faint and fasting, — At last they're moving, marching, marching proudly up the hill. We can see the bright steel glancing all along the lines advancing — Now the front rank fires a volley — they have thrown away their shot ; For behind their earthwork lying, all the balls above them flying. Our people need not hurry; so they wait and answer not. Then the Corporal, our old cripple, (he would swear sometimes and tipple), — He had heard the bullets whistle (in the old French war) before, — Calls out in words of jeering, just as if they all were hearing, ^- ) And his wooden leg thumps fiercely on the dusty belfry floor: — "Oh ! fire away, ye villains, and earn King George's shillin's, But ye'll waste a ton of powder before a ' rebel ' falls ; , You may bang the dirt and welcome, they're as safe as Dan'l Malcolm Ten foot beneath the gravestone that you've splintered with your balls ! " Idol Eopki/i':: Itaiv. Lik- t In the hush of expectation, in the awe and treisiclation ^ C ( /^ Of the dread approaching moment, we are well nigh breathless all ; ^' Though the rotten bars are failing on the rickety belfry railing, We are crowding up against them like the waves against a wall. S Just a glimpse, (the air is clearer), they are nearer, — nearer, — nearer, ^ When a flasli — a curling smoke-wreath — then a crash — the steeple shakes — J The deadly truce is ended ; the tempest's shroud is rended ; Like a morning mist it gathered, like a thunder-cloud it breaks ! Oh the sight our eyes discover as the blue-black smoke blows over ! The red-coats stretched in windrows as a mower rakes his hay ; Here a scarlet heap is lying, there a headlong crowd is flying Like a billow that has broken and is shivered into spray. Then we cried, " The troops are routed ! they are beat — it can't be doubted ! God be thanked, the fight is over ! " — Ah ! the grim old soldier's smile ! " Tell us, tell us why you look so ? " (we could hardly speak, we shook so^ " Are they bpaten ? Are they beaten t Are they beaten 't " — " Wait a while." '^i^''i:f^„ JJJ)^ ~> Oh the trembling and the terror ! for too soon we saw our error They are battled, not defeated ; we have driven them back in vain :