Class _JE£JZ££5 tok—&t4}Jtt Copyright N° I s ! U COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. RECOMPENSE A Book of Verse BY HELEN PARR CONANT "It is the bounty of Nature that we live, but of Philosophy that we live well, which is, in truth, a greater benefit than life itself. " Sf.neca. BOSTON SHERMAN, FRENCH # COMPANY 1916 C 0^ L COPYBIGHT, 1916 Sherman, French & Company JUL 26 1916 ©CI.A437005 T^V t . TO THE SPIRIT AND INFLUENCE OF LOVE THAT BEAUTIFIES ALL LIFE CONTENTS PAGE For Today 1 Give Us Thy Help 2 The Kingdom of God 3 There Is No Cross for Me 4 Jesus, We Thank Thee 5 Horizon, Sky, and Rest 6 Thy Temple 7 Easter Greeting 8 Twilight 9 Dorcas 10 It Is the Voice of Spring 12 Suppliant IS A Snow Storm 14 Life 15 Easter Wishes 16 The Ocean 17 To My Friend 18 In the Palace of the King . . . . . 19 Martha 20 Be Near Us, Lord 21 God Will Answer Prayer 22 Christmas Thoughts 23 " Come Ye Apart " 24 St. Valentine 25 Spring Time 26 That Something 27 Winter 28 February 12 29 Jesus Wants the Little Ones .... SO PAGE For Sinners SI April S3 A Mother's Prayer 34 A Song of Praise 35 Nature 36 Thank Offering for Children .... 37 Missionary Thanksgiving Song .... 38 The Doctor 39 In Silence Stand 41 Thou Didst Plead for Me 42 Morning Hours 43 Easter 44 " Come unto Me " 45 Peace, Perfect Peace 46 I Know that My Redeemer Liveth ... 47 There Is No Fear 48 My Baby's Song 49 Sleep 50 Of Gratitude 51 RECOMPENSE FOR TODAY O God, we ask Thee for Thy love, To guide us day by day; Guide Thou our wandering, erring feet Into the narrow way. Come to us in the morning hour When we our tasks begin, And with Thy tender, guiding hand, — Oh, keep us free from sin. And when, toward the evening hour, Thy day draws to its close, With thoughts of prayer we come to Thee With all our cares and woes. [1] GIVE US THY HELP We ask Thee help us live more near, Give us Thy love and counsel too, That through the day Thy voice we hear In all we think or say or do. Give us the wish to pray aright, To serve Thee only in our ways ; Oh, make our pathway clear and bright And keep us Thine through all the days. Give us Thy blessing, help us to say, " Thy will, not mine, be done." Teach us to want to know Thy way, — Then will our conflict here be won. [2] THE KINGDOM OF GOD The kingdom of God, where is it? How often we ponder it o'er. We think, and we fret, and we worry, Then turn to the other shore. The kingdom of God, what is it? A state of mind or of soul We dream, then let our minds wander And think, — is it life as a whole ? But the ache in our heart continues, And with longings we're sore distressed, And then the words of the Master Come flooding themselves to our breast. The kingdom of God is within you, It covers and compasses all; 'Tis peace and joy in disaster, Unrest and weariness fall. 'Tis rest and happiness always, This feeling of Christ in the heart: " My Spirit shall come and dwell in you, My presence shall never depart." So if we believe in this Saviour, And this gift to us He bequeathed, We shall live, and our hearts will be rested, And our lives with His blessings be wreathed. [3] THERE IS NO CROSS FOR ME Once daily I my cross did bear, And heavy was the load; And seemed the way so dark, so drear, That led me up to God. My will was strong and would not give, To Him I could not yield; And life was empty, cold, and bare, Like to a barren field. But now by faith I clasp His hand And know my sins forgiven ; I, too, will serve Him every day And onward strive for heaven. Since now my will to His doth bend There is no cross for me, But just one upward shaft of light Clear to eternity. [4] JESUS, WE THANK THEE For the tears and for the woe, Causing us Thy love to know ; For the pain, for the sorrow, Trusting for a bright tomorrow, — Jesus, we thank Thee. For the friends and for the cheer, Telling us that Thou art near ; For the blessings, for the light, For the sunshine, pure and bright, — Jesus, we thank Thee. For Thy love so vast, so deep, Watching o'er us while we sleep ; For Thy sweet and tender care, Guiding all our thoughts in prayer, — Jesus, we thank Thee. For the thought of life eternal, Resting in Thy pastures vernal ; For the thought of heaven and rest With Thy King, forever blest, — Jesus, we thank Thee. [5] HORIZON, SKY, AND REST Horizon, sky, and rest, With nothing else in all the world before my vision thrown, There's peace, tranquillity, and joy In thoughts of these alone. Horizon means the dawn of day And victories to be won ; Horizon means, as evening comes, Life's glorious, setting sun. And sky, with all its fleecy clouds And deep ethereal blue, Means deeper joys than yet are dreamed By even me and you. And rest! — the word just thrills And all our soul with gladness fills, — Such rest as we can never know Nor even dream of here below. [6] THY TEMPLE In this temple that Thou gavest me For Thy spirit's dwelling place, Let me ever anxious be To make it not a desert waste. But of beauty rich and rare Make for Thee a temple fair, Room for purity and peace; Countless blessings shall increase. Then Thy bounty I shall share, There'll be room for treasure there ; Gladness, joy, and heartsease Ever Thou wilt give, with peace. So my soul shall ever live And to others it will give, — Give of joy and blessings rare; So Thy bounty I shall share. [7] EASTER GREETING I send you greeting this glad day; Christ the Lord has risen, they say ; So let us in glad acclaim His new life to all proclaim. Joyous let our message be; He has bought us, made us free. The triumphant word was said, — " Christ has risen from the dead t " On this happ}^ Easter morn Joy and peace anew are born; Christ has risen I Let us sing Glory to our risen King. [8] TWILIGHT 'Tis evening; and the twilight With its soft and sumptuous light Is sending a glow of purple, Heralding the night. Each object wrapped in vapor Now slowly disappears ; The sun that was a ball of fire Now the horizon clears ; And night, that lulls us all to rest, Comes creeping unaware Till a silence, but for chirping birds, Is felt in all the air. The day is done and night has come, And we to rest repair With a feeling of thanks and gratitude For all of God's great care. [9] DORCAS She wanted to write a poem, This dear little friend of mine, Blut her life was full of worries And she felt she had no time. So early in the morning And all the long day through She was toiling and busy and happy, And minutes she had so few. There was baking and washing And sewing, and many a homely task ; And dishes, cooking, and sweeping, And children with questions to ask. But each little task was a pleasure And everything done with her might. Her worries were turned to sunshine And the house was shining and bright. And when the day was over, The tasks so homely and plain Were done with a heart full of gladness, With thought of a joyous strain. I felt she had written a poem, One greater than words with a pen, One that would live much longer, That would brighten the lives of men. [10] Her life that was lived so sublimely Was a poem of the very best kind; 'Tis duty and love and gladness That changes man's inner mind. [11] IT IS THE VOICE OF SPRING A silence o'er the earth; the meadow turning green; The hand of Nature spreads a deep and golden sheen ; The birds are wakening; the air is fresh and warm ; — It is the voice of Spring. We hear the twitter in the trees, and nesting has begun; The robin to his mate now calls, The bluebird sweetly sings, The thrush we hear with note so clear, The meadow lark has come ; — It is the voice of Spring. The ice from off the creek has gone, and melted is the snow; The trees are turning softly green, with leaves are all aglow; The flowers raise their heads so gay, And so all Nature seems to say, " It is the voice of Spring." [12] SUPPLIANT To Thee we give allegiance And ask Thee, guide our feet ! We fear, we faint, we falter, Yet onward we would press ; Be Thou our guide and counsel To the eternal rest. We come to Thee for blessing; Lord, teach us how to live; Give us that meek submission And help us lean on Thee For strength and love and counsel To guide us on our way. [13] A SNOW STORM The earth was cold and dark and brown, The clouds were gray and seemed to frown, When the wind with a note both loud and shrill Brought the snow and covered the dale and hill. From the top of the tree to the ground so bare Not a space was left that did not share The glories of storm and snow and frost ; Fields and fences, lawn and post Were draped and garlanded, glowing and white, Covered with diamonds all sparkling and bright. All that was sad and cold and gray Was safely buried and out of the way. Hidden away from the frost and light Under that mantle all snowy and white, Little brown bulbs and things that grow Soon shall send forth a wondrous glow. [14] LIFE Like the fulness of the ocean, Like the swelling of the tide, Like the rolling of the billows, Is God's mercy, full and wide. And the waves, like life, so restless With its ceaseless ebb and flow, Come in with a peal like thunder, Then silently back they go. And others, like billows tossing high As they come in their white capped beauty, Are like those souls with thoughts so pure With naught but the thought of duty. But for you and for me in our restless endeavor, So like the waves of the sea, There is infinite calm with the God of the storm For us if we only will see. [15] EASTER WISHES On this happy Easter Day May your heart be blythe and gay, May the thought that Christ has risen Guide and keep you close to heaven. On this happy Easter Day May joy and peace come to stay, May there not a shadow fall On your heart this day at all. " Christ has risen," you can sing, — Christ your Savior and your King. If you serve Him all the time, He will make your life sublime. [16] THE OCEAN O rolling, restless, ebbing tide, How I love thy foam and spray, To gaze in solitude o'er thy bosom so wide To be carried forever away. O'er thy bosom so calm and so clear Like a wave to be carried afar, To be carried away I would have no fear, To the land where pure pleasures are. restless waves, O beautiful foam, As you leap and you lash and you play, 1 wish I could stay, and could make my home With you forever and aye. [17] TO MY FRIEND Like an oasis in the desert Is a visit with my friend, Where the meeting and the greeting To good fellowship do trend. Not all in words well spoken, But in silence such a token That our spirits in great measure With each other they did blend. In such silence there's no measure Of minutes, hours, or days, But of sympathy and gladness And understanding, deeper ways. Deeper words than tones and voices, Like the ripple of the sea, Are the silences of friendship Between my friend and me. [18] IN THE PALACE OF THE KING In my heart new songs are singing, To my soul new gladness bringing, My thoughts with joy are upward winging To the palace of the King. There's a radiance most like glory As I hear the old, old story, And in rapture still keep singing Of the palace of the King. Then our eyes will know no dimness And there'll be no fear of sadness When we shall be forever In the palace of the King. [19] MARTHA She had no alabaster box of ointment To give for an offering rare, But all she had was given With the spirit of give and share. Of her money, her time, and her love, And deeds that were kind and tender ; Never weary in thought or step, Just thinking of Him as the sender. Of love and bounty and goodness, And the thought that grief she was sharing; There were those that were sad and in trouble, 'Twas their burdens that she was bearing. Not of the ointment so costly, — To her it had not been given, — But the sacrifice He has desired, To give it faithfully she has striven. [20] BE NEAR US, LORD Be near us in the early morn And when sadly here we sigh; Be near us when we feel the thorn, And tears bedew the weeping eye. Be near us when our trials come ; Be near us in our pleasure; Be near us when we stay at home ; Be Thou our greatest treasure. Oh, be Thou near through all our life To bless and cheer and guide. In pleasure, sorrow, sin, or strife, Oh, draw us to Thy side. [21] GOD WILL ANSWER PRAYER In our need and our distress, God has promised He will bless; If we only turn to Him In our trials, in our sorrow, He will make a glad tomorrow. This the thought that is akin To the pain that's in our hearts, Brings the tears, makes the smarts ; Therefore do not doubt at all God will be your all in all. So now for you this very hour God will manifest His power: " I will answer before they speak If my children are only meek," You can hear Him say it now ; " My promises will surely bless If you, your need, to Me confess." Always trusting God for aid, Never, never, be afraid ; He is waiting, waiting now. [22] CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS Christmas thoughts to 3^011 be near, Thoughts of gladness, thoughts of cheer, Thoughts of joy and holy mirth, To celebrate the Savior's birth ; Thoughts of plenty, thoughts of peace, In your heart today increase, Cause new life, new hopes, to grow; Ceaseless blessings then will flow, — Flow from you to other men, In echo glad return again. So for this and other years May glad thoughts dispel all fears, May the joys that come today In your heart forever stay. [23] " COME YE APART " " Come ye apart and rest awhile," Thus the Savior spoke ; " I know thy way is dreary, and 'tis hard. Be ye not discouraged to smile, — * Come ye apart and rest awhile.' " By prayer and fasting ye shall stronger grow ; Listen, and My promises ye shall know. Be ye not discouraged; * Come ye apart and rest awhile.' " I will be with you to comfort and to bless ; Draw near to Me, and all your sins confess. Be ye not discouraged ; * Come ye apart and rest awhile.' " My heart for you is full of love, Will intercede for you above. Be ye not discouraged; * Come ye apart and rest awhile.' " These the blessings that for us are given, These the messages that come to us from heaven. Be ye not discouraged, — " Come ye apart and rest awhile." [24] ST. VALENTINE Cupid, little love god, won't you come, I pray? Cupid, little love god, won't you come and stay ? For you know 'tis leap year, — That means one more day, Gives me right to sing my song On this your chosen day. Cupid, little love god, In my heart there's space; For a little arrow I could make a place, — Make a place and keep it, keep it all for you. Won't you be my best love? I promise I'll be true. There are many maidens waiting for this year, Hoping you'll be watching, wanting them to cheer, Sending little fiery darts, planting them in maidens' hearts, — Cupid, little love god, won't you come today? Cupid, little love god, won't you please to hear ? Cupid, little love god, this is now leap year; Cupid, will you not make haste? Of your sweetest potion I should like a taste. [25] SPRING TIME A hush, a mystery o'er the earth, A sense of joy and gladness, — not of mirth. The world is waking from her sleep ; The voice of Nature's resurrection speaks. The birds that to the south had flown, Are here. We hear their mellow tone. The air is full of perfumes rare, All Nature gives to us a share. The flowers from out the earth so cold Now lift up their cups of gold. Violets and crocus, too, Will gladden the earth for me and you, While the earth, the river and the glade, Trees, birds, sun and shade All inspire us with their glow Telling this is spring, you know. [*6] THAT SOMETHING There is a little something That's in our hearts today, There is a little something That's in our hearts to stay. It bids us, when the days be dark and drear, Forget and bravely sing of cheer; It tells of ills and fears and woe, Then sings the songs of hope we know; Speaks of sorrows, oh, how bitter ! Then says, " Be brave, be not a quitter." " That something " that is planted here Bids us be strong, not think of fear. Just what " that something " is, you know, Is planted so that we might grow, — Grow brave and strong, fearless, true, See God's plans shining always through, Into the one great perfect day When sorrows, tears, shadows, all have passed away. [27] WINTER In our homes we sit and sigh, Wish the winter would go by; See the fields so cold and bare, Not a sign of verdure there ; All is clasped in winter's grip, Icicles from house eaves drip. Furs put on, and out we go Into the great white world of snow; Pulses throbbing, hearts aglow, Ho, for a tramp over the snow. Back returning, home seems bright ; Hearth aflame with firelight. All the world just now is shining, In our lives there's no repining. Out in the open laugh and run, — Winter's the season made for fun. [28] FEBRUARY 12 We offer a little tribute today To a man whose life can not pass away; A man who has lived, is living yet, In the hearts of those who can never forget. His life so heroic, his work, was for all, — There was no one too great and no one too small ; A man who was kind, loving, tender and true ; Of whom this sad world has seen but too few, — So strong for the weak, so firm for the good, For deeds that were noble, for deeds that were brave ; For those that were down-trodden ; too, for the slave. This man, then, so tender, strong, pure, and true, — Our own great Abraham Lincoln, — His life is a lesson for me and for you, — Our own great Abraham Lincoln. [29] JESUS WANTS THE LITTLE ONES Jesus wants the little ones, Those who know him not, Those whose hearts are sad and lone, — Every tiny tot. Jesus wants the little ones, Those who love to be Gentle, kind, and patient, Trying Him to see. Jesus wants them all the time, In this land or any clime, Whether they of Him have heard Or His blessings have not shared. Yes, He wants them every one, All their lives to be His own. He will make them pure and clean, And will keep them from all sin. [30] FOR SINNERS For those, dear Lord, whose souls are dark with sin We plead with Thee. Show them Thy love; gather them in. Their hearts are heavy, their load is great; They have lost Thee. In their hearts bid them wait, Bid them stand still and hear Thee say, " Come unto me " before it is too late. For those whose bodies suffer toil and pain, Who look to things of earth to give them gain, Teach them Thy love, let them know Thou too didst suffer when below. We ask Thee make them penitent, draw them near. We plead for them, dear Father; forgive, and make them hear. For those misguided ones who in ignorance and sin Are dissatisfied, lonely, and longing to come in, — We plead for those, dear Lord ; Give them Thy strength and let them be Satisfied only when they find themselves in Thee. [31] And so for all Thy children here below,- For those in want, sorrow, sadness, woe,- Father, grant us to hear our prayer And keep us from the tempter's snare. [32] APRIL April is a poem From early morn till night, Trees and flowers budding, A soft and wondrous light. Meadows turn to emerald green, Turn so quickly through the night, Cover all with wondrous sheen, Make for us a beauteous sight. April, how we love to stay, Watching Mother Nature's way; If 'tis sunshine or of rain, It's a poem, still we maintain. [33] A MOTHER'S PRAYER O God, for war that's raging now We ask Thee, help us make a vow That we will not partakers be In war that so dishonors Thee. Dear God, we ask Thee, let not this slaughter be; We ask Thee, teach us, let us see A better, purer, more humane way The debt against our foe to pay. Dear God, we ask Thee, interfere ; We beg, we plead, 'tis so severe. Come to our aid, we mothers cry; Our fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, — why Should we suffer thus, That men should satisfy their greed for lust? In want we mourn, in hunger sigh ; Our homes are desolate, — and why ? Dear God, Thy power now show, And those who set at naught Thy word bring low. Grant us our prayer and set Thy seal ; These bleeding, broken hearts now heal ; Turn those whose hearts are hard as stone To plead for mercy at Thy throne. Then let Thy kingdom reign on earth ; Bring peace where now there is a dearth Of human love, of love divine. [34] A SONG OF PRAISE A song of praise is in my heart to-day ; I feel the joy of life all along the way. The gladness of the birds as they sing and fly, The music of the wind as it rushes by, The joy of the flowers as their perfume fills the air, The warm glow of sunshine glinting here and there, The ripple of the water, the rustle of the leaves, The humming of the insects whirring in the trees, The love of friends so kind and true, — All lend to life a golden hue. And so a song of praise I'll sing For all these blessings from my King. [35] NATURE It is in music that all Nature abounds, That we can realize the beauty of all sounds, — Of all colors, all tones, to Nature so related That we shall know 'tis a landscape By God's own hand painted. [36] THANK OFFERING FOR CHILDREN We come, our pennies bringing; We come with voices singing, For all the blessings of the days In all the many, many ways. We come to add our little gift, We pray that it may help to lift The burden of those in lands afar, Who are not favored as we are. Take our gift, dear Lord, we pray, Make us glad and help us say, " We will always do our best," Knowing God will do the rest. [37] MISSIONARY THANKSGIVING SONG We come today our hearts to raise In songs of love and joy and praise For all the blessings of the year, For those afar and those so near. We come to offer our glad song, With all the happy, happy throng, That now the year again is past, With blessings greater than the last. For j oys untold ; for sins forgiven ; For those who've found the way to heaven ; For those in foreign lands so drear ; For those, our loved ones, far and near; For those Thy message now are giving, Teaching others better living, Teaching them Thy love to know, In the better way to go ; But best of all, our song of praise Is for Thy love that fills our days, Fills our life with peace and love, Sent by mercy from above. Accept our gifts, though small they be, As an offering unto Thee ; Use them all, dear Lord, we pray In Thine own appointed way. [38] THE DOCTOR If there is one above another That deserves the name of brother, His a work that is sublime, From all ages to all time. When on earth we come to be, His the hand that sets us free; When with infant's cries dismayed, Mother's more than half afraid, She with tears all through her voice Calls the Doctor of her choice. With her woes now all becalmed She with medicine safe is armed. Next on program is the fever ; Mother fears 'twill never leave her, But the doctor, calm as ever, Says from food the child to sever; So that sorrow now is past, Atmosphere is clear at last. Can there be more sorrow coming? Child says head with noise is humming. Mother looks for earache, mumps ; Calls the doctor, heart in thumps. Doctor says, " Oh, have no fears, 'Tis the wax that's in her ears." Mother's fears now all allayed; For child's safety she has prayed. When from death's dark, deep abyss He restores us to earth's bliss, [39] Can we ever know the strain? On his strength 'tis such a drain. Strange it is that in our sorrow He's the friend we wish to borrow, Little knowing how he's worried, With our cares and troubles flurried, With no thought but for others, — Fathers, sisters, mothers, brothers. Have we ever thought and prayed That he might not get dismayed? When he's called up without thought Always comes, dreading naught; Always ready when he's needed; For our mercy has not pleaded. Shall we not with heart uplifted Bless our doctor, who, so gifted With the so-great power of healing And with tenderness of feeling, Cures us, till we come to bless Him for his great faithfulness. [40] IN SILENCE STAND The tree now looks to us so dark and bare, So silent, still, — and yet, to us all unaware, Is feeling but the touch of God's almighty hand, And soon in verdure all soft and green Will at the voice of His command Burst forth and sing. And the wind on leaf and twig will blow And the face of Mother Earth in soft green dress will glow, — Will glow, and show how even those who silent stand, At the command break forth and sing The glories of a great and sovereign King. [41] THOU DIDST PLEAD FOR ME In the garden, sad and lone, There Thy love to me was shown ; With the burden of the cross, With no thought of pain or loss, Thou didst plead for me. By Thy friends forsook, despised, By Thine agony and cries, By Thy sorrow, so complete, Knowing there was no defeat, Thou didst plead for me. On the cross, the cruel tree, There Thy blood was shed for me. By the nails that pierced Thee through, Giving up Thy life so true, Thou didst plead for me. [42] MORNING HOURS Along the horizon are lines of gold and pink; 'Tis the brush of the Creator, in my heart I think; 'Tis a wondrous, wondrous Artist That makes me pause and say: " These clouds that are diaphanous, So soft and full of light, Shall fill the hours of dawn And make them fair and bright. "These hours are so full of joy, — New life, new thoughts, pleasures that cannot cloy; Ah ! clear, uplifting, luminous, and bright Are these morning hours so full of mystic light." [43] EASTER 'Tis Easter! And the air soft with Spring. 'Tis Easter ! And the birds with gladness sing. And shall not we be glad, and say, " Christ the Lord is risen to-day? " 'Tis Easter! All in Nature's voice With resurrection does rejoice; The flowers with perfume fill the air, — Joy and gladness everywhere. 'Tis Easter I We have heard His voice. 'Tis Easter! And our hearts rejoice; The children make a happy throng, Their voices fill the air with song. 'Tis Easter ! And we come to Thee, — Our offering ourselves shall be. 'Tis Easter! And all things living say, " Christ our Savior lives to-day." [44] " COME UNTO ME " If our trials oft beset us, Do not let these trifles fret us ; He is near us to protect, We His love should not reject. We can hear Him gently say, " Come unto Me and I will give you rest." Do not be discouraged; Christ will fill your need If His blessed promise we will ever heed. In His word He tells us, " Come unto Me, ye weary, and I will give you rest." Though the days be dark and lonely, — Dark the hours and cheerless, — We can hear Him oft repeating, " Come unto Me, ye weary ; I will give you rest." Then at last, rejoicing, He will bid us come With no thought of tears or sadness, Free from care and full of gladness; We shall hear His welcome voice, " Come unto Me, ye weary ; I will give you rest." [45] PEACE, PERFECT PEACE Peace, perfect peace, He promises to all If on His mercy we are willing to call; If on Him our thought is stayed, We need never be afraid. Because we trust Him for His power, There for us is no sad hour. In His strength He will uphold; His great blessings are untold. Peace, perfect peace, He has given To those who on this earth have striven. He will call them for His own To be with Him round His Throne. [46] I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH 'Tis borne into my soul through the sunshine and the air And the landscape and the flowers and the beauty everywhere, And in all the wondrous pleasures that to all mankind he giveth, — I know that my Redeemer liveth. And in love and life and blessing and all that we can see, In the thoughts our minds are filled with and the joys to all so free; In everything He giveth I can but say: " I know that my Redeemer liveth." And when we think of heaven and where our souls shall dwell, — When from this earth we're passing, — its glories none can tell; But, untold peace? this thought to me He giveth, And so I know that my Redeemer liveth. [47] THERE IS NO FEAR There is no fear in dying; 'Tis but the freeing of the soul From this home of clay so fragile That has held it for a while. There is no pain in dying And the breaking of the bowl ; The spirit is returning to the palace of the soul, To its royal habitation in the kingdom of the Lord. There is great peace in dying, And a sense of rest complete ; The feeling is surrender, yet of knowing no defeat. There is no need of crying, for it's but to reach the goal; This thing that we call dying is the freedom of the soul. So why, my heart, be sad when the time has come to go? For in joyous anticipation 'tis the home we've longed for so; And all our preparation, while here on earth we've been, Was but the getting ready for the land where is no sin. [48] MY BABY'S SONG As I heard my baby singing to her dolly in her play, — As I heard my baby singing, it made my heart quite gay. 'Twas not the words or music, for they truly were all folly, But just the thought that she was singing to her dolly. So it's not always in the music or the trueness of the time, But if our heart is happy and is keeping up a rhyme Or a rhythm to our heart-beat that is joyous, pure and fine, Like my baby to her dolly, 'twill make it seem sunshine. [49] SLEEP With the fading of the light, With the coming of the night, O'er our souls and bodies stealing Comes a most delightful feeling. Tired nerves and aching feet Now are wrapped in slumber sweet, And our brains that for tomorrow Needed strength, from this may borrow. All our lives would be sublime, And the sun for us would shine; With our hearts from trouble free, Minor worries would not see. What so restful for our souls As the sleep that Mind controls, Frees our bodies from all ills Peace into our lives instills. [50] OF GRATITUDE These precious messages that Thou gavest me, In a spirit of humility I accept them all from Thee; That they of some service to others may be, — This is the plea that comes from me ; That in these words some token of Thy love, I to the world may show, — Some token of Thy boundless treasure They, too, may know; That they, Thy temple, Thou wilt be their guest; For Thy spirit they, too, may go in quest; They, too, Thy love may know and feel, And say, " It is Emanuel." [51] Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Sept 2009 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iilliilMilOlllIllliil 018 602 682 2