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PAGE Family Sketch 5 Family Records 9 Will of Lieutenant Heman Rowlee 13 Reminiscence of Heman Rowlee, Jr 14 Gravestone Inscriptions 15 Will of Heman Rowlee, Jr. 16 The Prayers of Lydia S. Rowlee 21 The Will of Lydia S. Rowlee 33 Ancestry OF Lieutenant Heman Rowlee 34 Other Rowlee Families of Orange County 43 The Will of Shubel Rowlee of Orange County 44 Family Record of Shubel Rowlee, of Bradford County, Pa. 45 Part II — Ge?iealogical. Families BY Generations 47 Table Showing Number of Descendants of Lieuten- ant Heman Rowlee by Generations and by Fam- ilies 116 Index to Names 117 ILLUSTRATIONS OPPOSITE PAGE Plate I. — Froyitispiecc. The Old Rowlee Home. II. Children of Lieutenant Heman RowleE-- 46 III, Children or Matthew Rowlee 72 IV. Children of Elijah Rowlee 84 V. Children OF Nathan R(~»wlke 92 VI. Children of Mary (Rowlee) Blauvelt 102 VII. Children of Elizabeth (Rowlee) CoE no PART I— HISTORY FAMILY SKETCH Heman Rowlee was born November 17, 1746. Of his life previous to his marriage, in 1770, little is known. In all proba- bility he grew up in the hills east of the Hudson River, and when old enough was apprenticed to learn the stone mason's trade, by which he afterwards earned his living. In 1769 he bought a farm in southern Orange County, a region already quite densely populated by Dutch, Scotch and Irish emigrants, and by pioneers from Long Island and Connecticut. January 9, 1770, he married Lydia Seely. Her parents' names are un- known, but she had a sister Charlotte, who married Isaac Seaman. These sisters were no doubt descendants of Robert Seely, the valiant soldier who is said to have come to America with Governor Winthrop's fleet. "^ Heman Rowlee first appears in Revolutionary records as lieu- tenant in the Florida- Warwick Company of the Fourth Orange County Regiment of Militia under Colonel John Hathorn. The only specimen of his handwriting known is where he signed a receipt for pay on Colonel Hathorn' s voucher, now filed in the Controller's office at Albany. Whether he was made an officer on account of previous military training or some other cause does not appear. He did not sign the Revolutionary pledge. Orange County was part of the frontier during the Revolu- tionary War and was suVjjected to murderous raids from time to time. The most notable of these was led by Brandt and ended in the battle of Minisink, which was little less than a massacre of the Orange County provincials by the Indians and Tories.f The company to which Heman Rowlee belonged was called upon to support their comrades, but arrived after the fight was over. While the seat of war was in the Hudson valley, the militia was called upon to do desultory but very active work. The service was, however, much more like guerilla warfare than regular *For an account of the early generations of Seelys, see Schenck's History of Fairfield, Conn. tSee Eager' s History of Orange County. 5 6 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. army service. The stories told by later generations of Indian and Redcoat outrages were no doubt traditions from these Rev- olutionary experiences. Heman Rowlee protected his home and family. Ten years after the Revolutionary War closed he had prospered so that he determined to build a new home. Heretofore he had lived in a log house. He now had ten children, five boys and five girls, the older ones old enough to render efficient aid in the construc- tion of the new house. Stone in that country was plenty, and he naturally concluded to build it of that material. The earth was excavated to bed-rock and the four walls started upon it. There were to be two rooms in the cellar, two rooms on the first floor, and an ample attic above. The walls were eighteen inches thick, and in the gable ends were carried up to the ridge pole. The windows were narrow and were provided with solid board shutters like the houses of Philadelphia. The chimney was a massive affair built entirely of stone. Leading into it were two fireplaces, one in each room on the first floor. The hearth for these was supported on an immense corbel built out in the cellar. The front or east side was of dressed stone in regular blocks, the ends and back of irregular rubble. The rafters were tamarack poles flattened on one side, and the beams and joist were all hewn. The plates were held in place on the side walls by heavy wrought iron straps bent into shape so as to hook inside the wall and outside the plate. The house stands in good con- dition to-day. It is located a mile east of Edenville, in the town of Warwick. It was bequeathed to Heman Rowlee, Jr., by his father, and was owned and occupied by him until his death in 1866. It is now owned by G. H. Davenport. Since the death of Heman Rowlee, Jr., a larger part has been added to the house. The front was given a thick coat of plaster which has peeled off in places. It is now 116 years old. The door and window frames, the sash and blinds are crumbling with age, but the walls, beams and rafters are as sound as when built. The ten children brought up under this roof soon separated to make homes for themselves. The eldest daughter, Sarah, married, and after bearing one child, Joel Curtis, died at the early age of thirty years. Joel Fatnily Sketch. 7 Curtis is mentioned in his grandfather's will. He finally removed to Brooklyn. The second child, Lois, had the deformity known as harelip, and lived with her father until his death in 1818, when she re- moved with her younger sister, Lydia S., to Rowlee Hill, one mile west of Peruville, Tompkins County, N. Y. Their brother, Nathan, had previously settled in this place. Lois was a weaver and made cloth, from which her sister, a seamstress, made clothing. Both were highly respected and very religious women. Charles, the eldest son, came to an untimely death by drown- ing. He had been married two years and left a young wife and infant daughter, Charlotte. The circumstances of his death are not known, but the Christmas season of 1799 must have been a sad one indeed for the famih' . Nothing is known of his widow's life after his death. The daughter Charlotte is mentioned in her grandfather's will. She married Gabriel Curtis and died when thirty years old, leaving two daughters, Lois Kosia and Eliza- beth. Her husband married again, and both daughters married and settled in the West, the elder at Summerfield, O., the younger at Corunna, Mich. The fifth child and second son, Matthew, married and re- mained in the vicinity of the old home. He was a blacksmith. Elijah married and lived for several years in Orange County, but about the time of his father's death migrated with his family to the Chemung Valley in Southern New York. He was a farmer. Nathan and Elijah seem to have had business interests to- gether in Orange County. They sold out and both migrated about the same time. Nathan went to Rowlee Hill, near Peru- ville, Tompkins County, N. Y., where he lived until about 1827. He then sold out to his two sisters, Lois and Lydia S., and re- moved to Fulton, Oswego County, where he got out and dressed hearthstones from a quarry just below the falls. His children, with the exception of his son, Charles S., settled in this locality. Nathan Rowlee and his wife visited their sisters in Tompkins County about 1833. William Niver, of Cortland, now over 80 years old, well remembers that they with Lydia S. and Lois visited his father, and particularly their acrid discussion of 8 Hemari Rowlee and his Descendants. masonry, and Morgan. Niver's father was a mason and the Rowlees anti-mason. His grandmother was Charlotte (Seely) Seaman. Mary, or Polly, married John Blauvelt, a dealer in horses. They emigrated to the Susquehanna valley in Northern Penn- sylvania about 1820, and most of their children settled there. Their youngest son, John McDowell Blauvelt, is the only one of his generation living. From him a fund of information has been secured for these records. Heman, Jr., the youngest son, remained upon the old home- stead in Orange County until his death. He was a very re- ligious man, and by his will endowed the Presbyterian church at Amity, of which he had been an elder for forty years. Mention has already been made of Lydia S. She also was deeply interested in religion and made liberal provision in her will for the Peruville Presbyterian church, which she had helped build up. The youngest child, Elizabeth, married Daniel Coe, and lived in Orange County until his death. She outlived all her brothers and sisters and died in 1879 at Groton, N. Y., at the home of her daughter. Thus were the children of Lieutenant Heman Rowlee dis- persed. Their descendants are now in all parts of the United States, and very few of them know of the comfortable home and happy family of their ancestor of one hundred years ago. FAMILY RECORD. 1 This is a very old record found with the ' ' Prayers ' ' of Lydia S. Rowlee. She may have made them or they may have been her father's. They were written with a goose quill pen. The records are in the possession of Flora (Underwood) Bower. Heman Rowlee Was born November 14 day 1746. Ivydia Seeley Was born Desember 26 in the 1749 and was maried Jenevary the ninth th 1770. their first Born Sarah was born May 19 day 177 1. lyowis Rowlee was Born November the 16 day 1772. Charles Rowlee was Born Janewary i4d 1774. Matthew Rowlee was Born tusday September the 30 day 1777. Elijah Rowlee was Born Sater Jenewary 8 day in the year 1780. Nathan Rowlee was Borne tuseday April 16 in the year 1782. Mary Rowlee was Born Wonsday April the 15 in the year 1785. Heman Rowlee was Born munday August the 27 day 1787. Lydia Rowlee was Born thirsday Febuwary the 5 day 1789. Elezabeth Rowlee was Born tuseday August 29 in the year 1791- Johathanan's Sun, Shubell Arnold was Born June the tenth day in year 1792. Choziah Roads was born Jenewary the fifteenth day : 1782. Was Maried Febuwary leventh day 1797. Charles Rowlee was Drowned December the 19th 1799 aged 25 and a 1 1 months and five days. L,idya Rowlee was Born June the 3d Day 1798. Sarah Curtice departed this life May the i6th day 1801 aged 29 year and 1 1 month and 29 days. ^Charlotte Curtis died September i, th 1828 Aged 29 years i months. *Be^nning here the record is on more modern paper and written in a different hand. lO Heman Rowlee and his Descendaiits. Nathan Rowlee died Febuar}- thi5, 1839 aged 57 years 10 months. Lois Rowlee died Apriel ith 1847 aged 74 years 5 months and 15 days. Mar\' Blauvelt died September 29th 1849 Aged 62 years five mouths and 16 days. Mathew Rowlee died June the 28 1851 aged 74 years nine months. Lydia S Rowlee died August 30, 1852 Aged 62 years 6 months and 25 days. Heman Rowlee died May th30, 1866 aged 79 years. FAMILY RECORD, 2 The following is a farail}' record in the possession of William Underwood, of Groton, N. Y., and is from a family Bible probably belonging to his grandmother, Elizabeth (Rowlee) Coe, daughter of Heman and Lydia (Seely) Rowlee. They appear to be in the same handwriting but entered at different times with different ink and pen. BIRTHS. Heman Rowlee was born Nov. i+th, 1746. Lydia Seeh^ ^vas born Dec. 26th, 1749 ; Was married Jan. 9th, 1770. Sarah Rowlee w^as born May 19th, 1771. Lois Rowlee was born Nov. 16, 1772. Charles Rowlee was born Jan. 14th, 1774. Matthew Rowlee was born tuesday, Sept. 30th, 1777. Elijah Rowlee was born Jan. 8th, 1780. Nathan Rowlee was born April i6th, 1782. Mary Rowlee was born April 15th, 1785. Heman Rowlee jun was born August 27th, 1787. Lydia S. Rowlee was born Feb. 5th, 1790. Elizabeth Rowlee was born August 29th 1792. Charlotte Rowlee, daughter of Charles Rowlee, was born June 3d, 1799- MARRIAGES. Charlotte Rowlee was married April, 1822. Charlotte Coe was married April 23d, 1840. DEATHS. Charles Rowlee was drowned Dec. the 19th, 1799, aged 25 years, 1 1 months and five days. Sarah Curtice departed this life May the i6th, 1801, aged 29 yeais, 1 1 months and 29 daj'^s. Lydia Rowlee, the wdfe of Heman Rowlee, departed this life April the loth day, 18 17, aged 67 years, 3 months and 15 daj^s. Heman Rowlee departed this life Dec. the 26th, 1818, aged 72 years, i month and 12 days. II 12 Heman Row lee and his Descendants. Charlotte Curtis died Sept. ist, 1828, aged 29 years, three months. Nathan Rowlee died February 15th, 1839, aged 57 years, 10 months. Lois Rowlee died April ist, 1847, aged 74 years, five months and 15 days. Mary Blauvelt died Sept. 29th, 1849, aged 64 years, five months and 14 days. Matthew Rowlee died June 28th, 1851, aged 74 years, nine months and Lydia S Rowlee died August 30th, 1852, aged 62 years, 6 months and twenty-five days. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF LIEUTENANT HEMAN ROWLEE Township of Warwick, Orange County. I, Hemau Rowlee, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory (blessed be Almighty God for the same) do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say). First — I give and bequeath unto my oldest son Matthew Rowlee the sum of two hundred dollars : Second — I will and bequeath unto ni}^ second and third sons Nathan and Elijah Rowlee the sum of two hun- dred dollars each : Third — I bequeath unto mj- oldest daughter Ivoas Rowlee the sum of five hundred dollars : Fourth — I will and bequeath unto the heirs of John Blauvelt the sum of fifty dollars : Fifth — I give and bequeath unto the heirs of Daniel Coe the sum of fifty dollars : Sixth — I will and bequeath unto my daughter L,ydia Rowlee the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars : Seventh — I will and bequeath unto my granddaughter Charlotte Rowlee the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, and I also will unto my grandson Joel Curtis two dollars and fifty cents : Eighth — and lastly after paying all my just debts and legacies out of said estate I will and bequeath unto my son Heman Rowlee all my real and personal property which said several legacies or sums of money and I will and order that one half be paid at the expiration of two years after my desease and the other half be paid at the expiration of three years, to the said respective legatees : that is exclusive of the legacies that shall be due to the heirs of John Blauvelt and Dan'l Coe which I order to be paid when each of their eldest heirs shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years with the interest after three years after my decease. I do therefore appoint my son Heman Rowlee sole executor XXXX Third day of June in the year 1817. HEMAN ROWEEE. RoBT. Farrier Dan'l Nanny Thos. Farrier 13 REMINISCENCE OF HEMAN ROWLEE, JR. BY HIS FOSTER DAUGHTER, MRS. SIDNEY BULL. Cameron, Mo., Oct. 2, 1905. As to a biographical sketch of Uncle Heman, I can give you items which I hope will interest you. He was a devoted Christian, spent much time in prayer. Told me of one time when as a young man he was alone in the barn praying audibly and his sister came to the door and said " Boo ", he said " sister, if you had been quiet you might have heard something for your good." He often took our oldest boy (whom he took in his arms when a little baby and called him by his own name), into the old stone parlor and I would hear him in prayer. He loved his church (Amity Presbyterian), was generous in its sup- port and all its benevolent work. He bequeathed to it a thou- sand dollars, the interest to perpetuate the salary of the pastor. He maintained the family altar. The big family Bible was read morning and evening. I coveted that old Bible, but felt it belonged to the Rowlee family. It was a large, old book well preserved. Auntie read it through seven times while uncle was at prayer meeting, knit- ting meantime, the book resting on a stand before her. She was not able for a number of years to attend meeting with him. His liberality gave the impression that he was very wealthy. I think his estate amounted to thirty-two thousand dollars, which he tried to distribute equally between his and auntie's relatives, after bequests of a thousand dollars to several benevolent socie- ties. He gave our Heman a thou.sand for his education. He also gave me what has helped us to accumulate a comfortable living. Uncle told me of the building of the stone house, now stand- ing, when he was five years old, and of helping the same year to set out the black cherry trees which lined the road from the barn to the Shorter place, and of the homestead being left to him in consideration of his paying certain legacies to the other heirs. He borrowed money to pay them and the next year had to borrow again to pay the interest. This he determined should 14 Gravestone Inscriptions 15 not occur again, and he and auntie worked hard. He husked his corn and did his threshing nights. Auntie pHed the loom, made butter and knit stockings to sell. The last year of her life she knit forty-six pairs of woollen socks. A funny little story was told by Mrs. Sam Goble, of Eden- ville, illustrating the hard times the people passed through in those early days. Mrs. Goble's father's farm joined the Rowlee farm toward Edenville. Heman, Sr., had but one pair of pants and his wife washed them after he retired and hung them in front of the fire-place to dry ; in the night they fell over and burned up, and Mrs. Goble's mother went over the next day and helped make a new pair while he lay in bed. I have very pleasant recollections of the families of John Coe, John Rowlee, Jane Ball, and Eydia Woodruff. Was also ac- quainted with Aunt Betsey Coe. Do not remember whose chil- dren these were except John Coe. GRAVESTONE INSCRIPTIONS The inscriptions upon the gravestones of Heman Rowlee, Jr., and his wife in the Amity burying ground are as follows : In Memory of Heman Rowlee Died May 30, 1866 m. 78 yrs., 10 mos., and 27 das. " My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound. Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Savior's image rise." In Memory of Ruth, wife of Heman Rowlee Died Nov. ii, 1859 m. 65 yrs., 9 mos., 25 das. " My weeping relations, my brethren and friends. Whose souls are entwined with my own, Adieu for the present, my spirit ascends Where friendship immortal is known." WILL OF HEMAN ROWLEE. JR. In the name of God, Amen : I, HEMAN ROWLEP:, of the Town of Warwick, County of Orange, and State of New York, being of sound mind and mem- ory, blessed be God for the same, but being also mindful of the uncertainty of life, do make, publish and declare this my East Will and Testament, viz : First — I devise and bequeath all my Estate, Real and Personal, of every kind and character, of which I maj' die seized or pos- sessed, unto my Executors, hereinafter named, upon TRUST, to receive the rents and profits of the said Estate, and with all convenient speed to sell and convert into money all the said Estate, Real and Personal, and with the said money to pay and discharge all my debts and the legacies hereinafter given. Second — I give, devise and bequeath unto my niece, Ruth Ann Cooley, wife of S3'dney Bull, the sum of One Thousand Dollars. Third — I give, devise and bequeath unto my sister, Elizabeth Coe, unto my nephew, Thomas Rowlee*, son of Elijah Rowlee, and unto Catharine Ann Ward the sum of Five Hundred Dol- lars each. Fourth — I give, devise and bequeath unto Adaline More and Mariah Williams, sisters of my wife, Dec'd, and Henry E. Cooley, Benjamin Cooley, Isaac Cooley and Jared Cooley, broth- ers of my wife, dec'd, and unto John Coe and Eydia Ann Wood- ruflf, children of my sister, Elizabeth Coe, and unto John Rowlee and Daniel Rowlee, sons of my brother, Matthew Rowlee, and unto Betsey Ann Goble and Jane Ball, daughters of my brother, Matthew Rowlee, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars each. Fifth — I devise and bequeath unto Sydney Bull the sum of One Thousand Dollars upon Trust for Heman Rowlee Bull, son of said Sydney Bull, to be used as follows : I hereby direct that the said sum be .securely invested and kept on interest, together with the interest accumulating on the same, until he shall arrive *Elijah Rowlee had no son Thomas. The beneficiary- was probably Heman Rowlee, son of Elijah. W. W. R. l6 Will of Heman Ron lee, Jr. 17 at the age of fourteen years. I then direct that the interest and so much of the principal as may be needed from year to year be expended in the education of the said Heman R. Bull until he shall arrive at the age of Twenty-one j-ears. (Provided that no part of the original One Thousand Dollars be expended), when the said sum of One Thousand Dollars and any balance unex- pended remaining in the hands of said Trustee shall be paid to him. Fifth — I give, devise and bequeath unto the Presbyterian Committee of Home Missions incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New^ York, April i8th, 1862, the sum of One Thou- sand Dollars to be expended for the appropriate objects of said incorporation. Also, I give, devise and bequeath to the Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, incorporated March 27th, 1839, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. Also, I give, devise and bequeath to the trustees for the time being of the Presbyterian Church in Amity, Orange County, New* York, the sum of One Thousand Dollars, for the use and benefit of said Church, and my Will is and I direct that the said Trustees shall invest the same and that they and their successors in office shall keep the same permanently invested upon good and sufficient securities, and apply the interest and income arising therefrom to the payment of the salary of the minister for the time being of said Church. Also, I give, devise and bequeath to the American Female Guardian Society, incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York in the year 1849, the sum of Five Hundred Dol- lars to be applied for the benefit of the Home for the Friendless, or to other charitable uses of said Society. Also, I give, devise and bequeath to the American Board of Foreign Missions, incorporated in the year , the sum of One Thousand Dollars to be expended for the appropriate ob- jects of said Societj'. Sixth — Whatever portion of my Estate thus converted into mone}' may remain after the payment of the above-named lega- cies and bequests and all debts and expenses incurred in the set- tlement of my Estate, mj^ Will is and I direct that the same be proportionately divided among the persons named and referred 1 8 Hemafi Rowlee and his Desce?idants. to in the Second, Third and Fourth Sections or divisions of this my Ivast Will and Testament ; and in case of there being a defi- ciency in my Estate to pay all the legacies and bequests herein named, then a proportionable deduction be made from the same persons. In case any person or persons, to whom any legacy shall come by reason of this Will, shall commence any suit or suits in any Court, or in any other way sue or cause to be sued or disturbed my Executors hereinafter named, or my Administrator with my Will annexed, or any other person or persons to whom any thing is by me given in this my Will, from the recovering, quiet en- joying and possessing of what is by me herein given as aforesaid and in such manner as is therein mentioned, then my Will and meaning is that all and every legacy and legacies herein by me given to any such person or persons whatsoever who shall so sue and disturb as aforesaid, shall cease, determine and be utterly void. Lastly — I do hereby nominate and appoint my friends, Benja- min Cooley and Thomas E. Ferrier, and the survivor of them to be the Executors or Executor of this my Last Will and Testa- ment. And if the Executors appointed by this Will should die, neglect, refuse or become incapable to perform the trusts hereby in them reposed, then it is my Will and I declare that my Ad- ministrator or Administrators with my Will annexed shall have the same rights and powers in and over my Real and Personal Estate as are given to my Executors herein named, so that such Administrator or Administrators may be able to perform all the trusts hereby reposed in the said Executors. And I hereby re- voke all former Wills by me heretofore made, and I declare this to be my East Will and Testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Nineteenth day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-three. HEMAN ROWLEE [l. s.] Subscribed and acknowledged by the testator, Heman Rowlee, in the presence of each of us, who have subscribed our names as attesting witnesses hereto, at the request of the said testator who, at the time of making such subscription and acknowledg- Will of H email Rowlee, Jr. 19 ment, did declare this instrument, so subscribed, to be his Last Will and Testament. Silas C. Young, Edenville, N. Y. LeGrand Mead, Edenville, N. Y. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the Last Will and Testament of Heman Rowlee, late of the Town of Warwick, in the County of Orange, deceased. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 9th day of [seal.] July, A. D., 1907. T. D. SCHOONMAKER, Clerk of the Surrogate' s Court. Citation for Probate of Will and Testament of Heman Rowlee, Jr. The People of the State of New York : To Elizabeth Coe, residing in Groton, Tompkins County, New York ; John B. Rowlee and Jane Curtiss, residing in the City of Brooklyn, New York ; Daniel Rowlee, residing at Barryville, Sullivan County, New York ; Jane Ball, John W. Curtis and Frances Pell, residing in the City of New York ; Lydia Wright, residing at Great Bend, in the State of Pennsylvania ; Maria Wood, re- siding at Veteran, Chemung County, New York ; Lois Storms, residing in Newburgh City, Orange County, New York ; Betsey Ann Goble, residing in the town of Warwdck, Orange County, New York ; Heman Rowlee, residing at Orange, Schuyler County, New York ; Jonathan Rowlee, residing at Corning, Steuben County, New York ; Elijah Rowlee, residing at Corn- ing aforesaid ; Phebe Lord and Millicent Hathawaj'-, residing at Union, McHenry County, Illinois ; Lydia J. Finch, residing at Reed, Seneca County, Ohio ; Esquire Rowlee, residing at Vol- ney, Oswego County, New York ; Charles S. Rowlee, residing at Decatur, in the State of Michigan ; Nathan Rowlee, John C. Rowlee, George W. Rowlee, Heman Rowlee, Daniel Rowlee, Harriet Osborn, and Dorothy Elmer, residing at Fulton, Oswego County, New York ; Louis K. Horton, residing at Summer- 20 Heman Rowlee and his Descendaiits. field, Noble County, Ohio ; Elizabeth Kelly, residing at Coz- zuna, Shawasse County, Michigan ; William Curtis, whose resi- dence is unknown ; Elijah R. Blauvelt and Jane Smith, residing at Wysox, Bradford County, Pennsylvania ; James Blauvelt and Sally Holland, residing at Uberty Corners, in said County of Bradford ; John M. Blauvelt and Lydia A. Tillman, residing at Chemung, in Chemung County, New York, and Mary Mattison, residing at Clarence, Shelby County, Missouri, heirs-at-law and next of kin of Heman Rowlee, late of the town of Warwick, in the County of Orange, deceased, Greeting : You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Surrogate of the County of Orange, at his Office in Goshen, in said County, on the i6th day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the probate of a certain instru- ment in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of said deceased, bearing date the 19th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, on the application of Thomas E. Ferrier the Executor thereof : Which said last Will relates to, and is offered for probate as a Will of real and personal estate. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the Seal of Office of our said Surrogate of the County of Orange, to be hereunto affixed. Witness, DAVID [l.S.] a. SCOTT, Surrogate of said County, at Goshen, in said County, the 27th day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. Surrogate. THE PRAYERS OF LYDIA S. ROWLEE The prayers were written in a quarto pamphlet in her own handwriting. The spelling is preserved in this copy. They are good illustrations of the religious fervor prevailing among the church people of that time. Few, however, of the many utter- ing such prayers wrote them down. The original copy is in the possession of William Underwood, of Groton, N. Y. I. May loth, 1830. Various has been the duties of thy hand maid this day and, oh God, thou knowest how she has performed them. I have been permitted to be with thy children at thy table to com- memorate thy dying love but oh what an unworthy guest I have been ; unworthy of a seat amongst thy children yet invited by the master of the feast who said in his word eat, oh friend, drink, oh beloved, and I think that the fruits of Christ's house was sweet to my taste and now, oh God, I entreat thee to give thy handmaid grace to perform all the duties devolving upon her in the fear and with an eye single to thy Glory. Thou knowest, oh searcher of hearts, the duty of this afternoon. After having some one to go before us for this three years now we are left to go alone except thou go with us and enable us to roll ourselves over afresh on the for strength and wilt thou guide us now in the day of adversity and forgive what thou hast seen amiss in the days of our prosperity and let us not be left without the guidance of thy holy Spirit in so important an undertaking as to instruct the rising generation out of thy word, oh God, accept of us and all that we have and are for Jesus sake. 2. June 6th, 1830. News has reached us that our dear Brother Waveley is dead. This is thy way, oh God, thou seeist not as Man seeith. How have I a poor shortsighted Mortal looked at this dear servant of the's when preparing for the minestry and thought of his filling 21 22 Heman Rowlee and his Descendatits. a place as an ambassador of Christ, but, oh God, thou hadst but a short work for him to perform here. How didst thou call for him and at an unexpected time when he was going to fulfil an appointment. It was then that thou didst send for him and not a single soul to administer to his relief. It was then that thou didst send thy angle to call this dear Brother home to thy self. To the he lived while here and thou hadst a perfect wright to do what thou wilt with thine own. Oh let not thy handmaid murmur while she suffereth her pen to write and to retrace thy dealings with this people. Thou didst in days past send thy dear servant to his place to labour in this vinyard ; Thou wast acquainted with all his goings ; thou didst hear him plead for sinners here by day and by night ; thou wast witness to his stronge cries and tears and hadst thou not a bottle for his tears and an ear to hear his cries and now as thou hast taken him to thy self let the people in this place when they hear the mournful tidings remember the warnings and the reproof of thy servant. Oh let thy spirit accompany the newes to the con- cienceses of all who hear it both saint and sinner. Oh may we who saw his life and how near he lived to the Saviour be enabled to tread in his steps as far as he trod in the steps of the blessed Jesus. Oh how faithful was he to give reproof to those whome he esteemed as the Children of God. What intreaties to live above the world and to have our conversasion in Heaven and not on the things of time, and, on the other hand, how faithful to warn sinners of their approaching danger and to exort them to flee from the wrath to come and to lay hold on the hope set before them in the Gosple. Oh God let not the news of the death of this thy servant pass unnotised by this people and do thou support his dear widowed mother to say the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away and blessed be the name of the Lord. She did give to the her son, and thou wast pleased to hear her cries when she plead for the salvation of his soul and now thou hast taken him to thy self I ask the again to support her in this day of trial. And, oh God, I would ask that thou wouldst prepare thy handmaid for as sudden an exit from time to Eternity and when thou shalt send the messenger death to open the door for me into Eternity may I be ready having on the wedding garment Prayers of Lydia S. Rozvlee. 23 that I ma}' shine in the righteousness of my blessed Redeemer in the Kingdom of heaven and where sin shall never more disturb my pease. 3- July 13th, 1830. Various are thy dealings with \.\vy handmaid, oh lyord. This day am I deprived of my greatest privilege that is of attending to the Sabbath school, but Ivord thou knowest why it is so per- haps thou hast in view one at this time who is more capable and better qualified to fill her place for thou art acquainted with her inability and shouldst thou never more permit her to attend to this institution it would be just in thee for how little have I honoured the when thou didst give me health to attend, how little was my heart affected with the salvation of the dear little ones committed to xi\y care. Sept. 5th, 1830. How swift do the arrows of Death fly and how little do the Children of men take warning. Oh that I may take warning by the dispensasion of thy providence that has lately visited us. Thou didst send unto us one of thy most faithful Servants, and thou didst continue his life with us for a season but ere the time of his ingagement has expired thou didst step in and take him to thy self at a time when we were not looking for it. It was then that thou didst send the messenger Death and take thj^ dear servant to thy self and as thou hast spoken once yea twice may we percieve it and so lay it to heart as to return unto thee. This is the second time that thou hast snatched from us a beloved pastor in an instant and left this little Church to mourn the loss, but let us not forgit thee but be enabled to kiss the rod and he that hath apointed it and return unto thee with all our hearts and as thou hast smitten wilt thou not heal and oh remember us and supply the place of him whom thou hast taken from us with one whose labours thou wilt delight to make instrumental in thy hand of bringing many from darkness to thy great and marvel- ous light and oh that this little Church may yet arise and put on her butiful garments and ri.se above infidelity and sing the Lord is our Righteousness and our strength we will praise him with our whole heart even so Lord Jesus enable us to do. Amen. 24 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. 5. Oct. 3d, 1830. As I have this day been reading the confession and repent- ance of those who have backshdden from thee I would tran- scribe and make them mine for have I not gone estray from the and my heart become cold and lukewarm in thy service and have reason to cry out in the words of the Psalmis search me, oh God, and try my ways and see if there be any evil way in me and lead me in the way everlasting, for lyord shouldest thou mark one of a thousand of my sins I could have no hope for they would be sufficient to condemn me and sink me down to eternal ruin and to cast me from thy presence forever and I should have to own the sentence just but I have reason to thank the that there is hope for such miserable creatures as we are. Though thou slay me yet will I trust in the and what reason have I to put ni)- trust in the and to lay hold of thy Almighty arm for support. When I remember all the way the lyord God hath led me and when I have been about to work my own ruin thou hast so ordered events as to keep thy handmaid from presumptions sins and to show her the vanity of her mind and in some measure to praise the that thou art ever mindful of thy creatures for good and oh I above all of thy creaturs have reason to bless thee for thy peculiar favour manifested to me. Amen. 6. Oct. 23, 1830. How can I find words to express my thanks to thee, oh Lord, for th}' loving kindness and tender mercy manifested to us as a Church and a people for it is of thy mercy that thou hast re- membered us, for hadst thou scattered us and had there been no Church here and our candlestick been wholly removed what could thy handmaid have said but acknowledge that it was just in thee, but this has not been the way that thou has taken with us, but when we have looked for judgments thou hast granted to us mercies, when weak and feeble as a church thou didst put compassion into the heart of one of thy faithful servants to come and labour with us and as thou hast saw fit to send for him and take him to thyself, thou hast been gracious still and hast priveleged us with another of thy servants to stand in the Prayers of Lydia S. Rowlee. 25 gap and to cry spare thy people, oh Lord, and give not thy heritage to reproach. And now, oh Lord, as giving doth not impoverish the nor withholding enrich the, let thy blessing here be manifested in the salvation of souls and let this little church no longer be little as it respects numbers but let those who com- pose it ever feel their own littleness and live putting their whole trust and dependance on an Almighty and cry unto thee day and night untill thy name shall be praised by this people and thy name hallooed and thy sabbaths regarded and thy command- ments kept by all from the Least to the greatest. Amen. 7- Dec. 26, 1830. How easily are our hopes blasted and how short are our com- forts and enjoyments here in this vale of tears for truly it is a vale of tears to me for at one time I am made to rejoice in view of what God has done, at another to mourn in what he has done, for I do realize that he has a right to do what he pleaseth and I do often say thy will be done on earth as it is in heavin, yet how prone to murmur at the hand that has strewed my way with mercies innumerable and blessings with out number and oh that thou woulds teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart to true wisdom and that I may not place my affections on eny thing below the sun but that I may be prepared for every event that availeth me with the composiire that the blessed Jesus gave his back to the smiters but, alas, my wicked heart is as in- constant as the wind and my heart is apt to be drawn after other lovers and how can a god of spotles purity look on such a vile mortal who has nothing but a heart polluted with sin to recom- mend her to his face and favour. 8. Jan. 28, 1831. Oh thou Father of all flesh how soon are our hopes as a Church blasted as it respects outward circumstances, at one time made to rejoice in gosple priveleges, at another to mourn our destitute situation. Thy hand dealings to us as a church is mysterious, but, oh God, thou canst see all things from the be- ginning and had it been most for thy glory thou couldst longe before this time have caused thy spirit to decend on this place 26 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. and raised up a people here to honour the in walking in the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless and to erect a house to worship the in and thy gospel might statedly been preached to this people but this is not the case with us for we are now without the means that is calculated to bring Sinners to repentance and have not we as a people reason to lift up our cries to thee that thou wouldst search us and try us and show us the evil that hinders thy blessing from this people and if it be in the midst of thy people may it be found out and if it be in the people at large let it be discovered, oh Lord, and let oh let thy spiritual Jerusalem here flourish oh let her arise in thy strength and put on her butiful garments and prepare the wey in this place for the preaching of thy word. Oh send some one to this place that maj^ prove like a Nehemiah in reparing the waste places of Zion and who may comfort thy people and stand in the gap that the enymy may not enter. 9- Jan. 30th, 1 83 1. The Lords day has again returned but no gosple priveleges for thy handmaid but to sit in silence and there learn thy will and may I not venture to ask the, oh thou most high, why it is that one who has taken so much delight in gospel priveleges should so much of her time be deprived of them as it respecth those privaleges in which my soul delights. My life has been a checkuered scan sometimes rejoicing that God has cast my lot here and at another mourning that I am no better situated and that I must spend my Sabbath at home when many can go up to the house of God to keep holy day and unite their hearts and voices together in singing praises to him who gave his back to the smiters and withheld not his face from spitting to purchase those blessings for us for he went through till he could say it is finished. Oh what heart so hard that it could not rejoice at those blessed words it is finished the salvation of man is com- pleted and all are invited to come. Oh what cause have I for grattitude that the way has been made open to me and as I hope I have been enabled to partake of the fatness of Christs house but still murmur that I live without the Preached word. Great God give thy handmaid true resignation to thy will but do not forgit thy heritage here and quickly may this dry and barren Prayers of Lydia S. Rowlee. 27 wilderness become a fruitful field as it were, the garden of the Lord and bud and blossom as the rose that thy people may no longer hang their harps upon the willows but may they arise in thy strength and go forth to meet the blessed Jesus while he is yet in the way and while he is inviting sinners to come to him and may thy children lay hold of thy promises and plead them in all their length and breadth and with that faith that takes no denial. Oh that thou woulds put such a heart into thy people here and unite the hearts of all together in one bundle of love. ID. March 13th, 1831. I find that in the are blessings still and that thou art found of those that seek the and though we are destitute of the preached word yet we have the privelege of meeting together and mingle- ing our voices together in confessing our sins before the and pleading for thy blessing on a lost and fallen world, and oh when will that blessed day dawn on this little Church that we may en- joy the blessing of a preached Gosple. Oh is not the time now nigh at hand and not far off when Sinners in this place might be constrained to listen to the voice of wisdom and forsake their vanity and turn to God. II. May ist, 1831. I am astonished when I look over and see that more than a Month has passed away without my marking down any of thy dealings with me, for I must acknowledge it has been a season of more than common interest to me in that thou hast been pleased to look upon us in our low estate and hast raised us to a more than common engagedness in thy service. Oh what a God of mercy have we sinners of the human family to trust in, and oh that thou wouldst Give thy handmaid true resignation to thy dealings to us as a people and trust the and march for- forward in every path of duty looking unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of all things. 12. Jan. ist, 1832. This is the first day of a new year and how does it become me a candidate who is bound to the eternal world to consider how I spent the last year and wherein I have come short of my duty to 28 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. God to try aud reform this 3'ear on which I have now entered. How different has been my circumstances this day to what the commencement of the last was. This day we were all able to go to the house of God and the first of the Last were all constrained to stay at home by reason of sickness. And when I take a view of thy goodness to me an individual I have reason to bles and prais thy great name for thy loving kindness manifested to such a pointed worm of the dust and as thou wast pleased to visit us in a time when destitute of the word preached and as thou hast been pleased to grant to us at the presant this so great a blessing. Oh God, to the I look and to the, cause all of thy Children to look and may this little Church arise as the heart of one man. Lord God to the I look that thou wouldst arouse thy Children and bring them into a state of activity that those who suround thy Children may by their Good works be led to glorify thee our Father who art in heaven and oh that this afternoons discourse may be set home to every impenitent sinner this day so that it may be a means in thy hand of bringing them all to Christ. 13- May 15th, 1832. It is now more than twenty three j'ears since I in a publick manner came out and seperated myself from the world declareing myself to be for God and none other and now when I look back and take a view and see how little I have done to honor that God to who I am indebted for every bles that ni)- life has been crowned with, I might forever hide my face in the dust but as I know that to go back is certain death I will with trembling steps march forward and this day would I anew consecrate myself to thee in humble relyance on divine aid as I do know that the most of my time is spent and that I have honered him no more before a dying world. I do now desire to consecrate myself anew to God and do desire to be his and only his forever and, oh thou Almighty God, who kuowest the secrets of all hearts help this thy unworthy dust to live and while she lives to honor her christian profession by a well ordered life and Godly conversasion and help me so to live that my life may be such that I may leave a savour of thy name when I quit the shores of time and enter the world of spirits to join in celebrating the praises of God and the Lamb through Eternity. Oh blessed thought, one that has Prayers of Lydia S. Rowlee. 29 done so little to honor my maker, one that so little honored my redeemer Can I have so blessed a hope yes methinks I have a hope that is like an anchor to the soul both sure and stedfast entering to that within the vale whither the forerunner is entered. May I live as one who posseses so glorious a hope and when this mortal shall be called to put on imortality Death may be swallowed up and I with joy enter on an untried state. Oh thou blessed Redeemer, thou Lamb of God, how doest thou con- desend to take guilty rebbles to thy self and permit them to be heirs with the in thy Kingdom. 14. August 28th, 1832. O Lord, I am yet spared and again to set my pen to paper and it is because thy hand has been stretched out in mere}' or I should now have been in an endless and miserable Eternity, for, oh God, since thou hast taught me my condition that I was in by nature and permitted me to hope in thy mercy, how have I departed from the and it is with shame that I would this night make a confession of my sins and my wanderings from thee and this night would I engrave as in brass that I do desire to return to the with all my heart never more to depart from the for thou only art lovley thou alone deservest the prais of thy people. And, oh God, may I ever give the prais and Glory that is due to thy holy name and keep my proper place at thy feet and though my name should be cast out as evil, oh let me never stray from the path of truth and dut}- but if I am reviled may I remember that the blessed Jesus withheld not his face from spitting and shall not I be patient under reproaches for, oh God, it will be well with me if thou reproach me not for should all earth and hell rise up against me it be well with me if thou art my friend. Oh may I come to the aright and lay my self low before the and the few remaining breaths that I have to breath let me breath them out in prayr to the and let not an idol word pass from my lips and help me to dedicate my house hold to thee in such a manner as that thou wilt except the dedication and look on them in mercy. Thou hast committed to my care two immortal Souls which must exist as longe as god exists and one of them I hope thou hast taught the bitterness of sin and he has made a dedication of himself to the, but Lord thou see'st that unless 30 Heniayi Rowlee and his Descenda7its. thou hold he will utterlj' depart from the. Oh God look upon him this night and keep him from sin keep him from the vaneties of this vain and alureing world and may a sence of his departure from the be brought to his view in cullars that he may return to the with all his heart and be a light in thy candlestick. Oh God but I confess that thou hast a perfect right to what thou wilt with thine own I leave him with thee and plead for her who is yet in the broad road to ruin walking heedlesly onwardly to Eternity. Oh God, wilt thou have compassion upon her and send thy Good spirit into her heart and show her her sins in their true cullars that she may no longer rest in sin but return and live to thy Glory and may I be so happy as to say here am I and the Children thou hast given me. Amen. 15- Dec. i2th, 1832. This day, again detained from going up with thy people to keep holy day in lonely retirement at home, would I look over and count thy mercies to us as a people in that thou hast crowned us with blessings innumerable thou hast far surpassed my expectations and I am led in the language of the poet to say Lord when I count thy mercies ore they strike me with surprise Not all the sands that spread the shore To equal number rise. For thou hast not only granted to us the preached word but thou hast succeeded the effort of thy people in this place in erecting a house in honour of thy name and when we felt our- selves little and could see no way of eskape it was then that thou didst send to our relief. In sending to this little Church a man one on whose labours thou hast been pleased to smile and one whom thou hast been pleased to make instrumental in bringing into this little vine multitudes of the lost sons and daughters of men and hast placed on them thy blessed image and hast made them pillars in the temple of our God and as I hope to go no more out forever. This is the Lord's doings and it is marvelous in our eyes. Prayers of Lydia S. Row lee. 31 16. March ist, 1833. This is the first that I a sinful worm have attempted to pen this year, and oh when I look over thy hand dealings with this little vine I am constrained to say what hath God the great Eternal wrought for us here. Thou art going on in ways of mercy with us and now as we are about to enjoy a privelege under such circumstances as we have never before been per- mitted to enjoy how does it become us to humble ourselves before thee, the Almighty God, that thou mayest lift us up for now, even now, under all the seaming prospects which are be- fore us if thou Lord withhold thy blessing the season which we contemplate will be a barren and unfruitful one to us and thy name will be dishonoured. But as thou hast never disapointed eny who put their trust in the, disapoint not I do pray thee any expectation of thy blessing upon the meeting now in contem- plation and when the house that has been built for thy worship shall be dedicated to thy name and worship, oh will it please the to fill it with a cloud of thy presance. 17. April, 1833. Again am I permitted to put my hand to paper and to tell of thy wonders, oh Lord, to us as a people here in this place hast thou been pleased to stand by thy people and bless their attempts to erect a house of worship. Oh what grattitude do I owe to the, for thou hast been with us from the foundation to the top stone ; thou art in very deed thy people's friend and I will still trust the and go forward hoping that thou who hast been with us in all our straits will now take up thine abode with thy peo- ple here and cause that here sons and daughters may be born to thee who shall shine like polished stones in thy temple here and be prepared to shine in the kingdom of immortal glory. 18. May 5th, 1833. I am yet in the Land of the living and am permitted to tell of thy goodness and to plead with the to search me and try me for the fealings of my heart are known to thee this day, how do 32 Heman Rowlee ayid his Descendants. I feal to mourn over the sins of thy professed children, how is thy cause in this place dishonered by such as profess to be thine in this place. Oh Lord may all in this place who profess to be thine be careful to depart from all eniquity and walk in obedi- ance to thy commands that they ma\- lead them who are yet blinded in sin to the saviour of Sinners. Oh let this be a day of thy power upon the impenitent in this place and may be brought to feal the truth when it is set before them and may satan yet be defeated of his pray and no longer hold the impenitent in his chain but let arrows from thy quiver fly thick this afternoon to the hearts of thy enemies and bring them to bow in submission to thy will. Thou art able and will it not please the to bind the strong man and then spoil his goods enter in, oh thou blessed spirit, this afternoon to many hearts and may the jeneral inquiry be what shall I do to be saved and may the cloud which apears to gather blackness over this place be a cloud of mercy and fill this place with thy glory. WILL OF LYDIA S. ROWLEE In the name of God Amen : I, Lydia S. Rowlee, of the town of Groton in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, of the age of sixty years and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say, First, I do give and bequeath to my niece, Charlotte Under- wood, wife of Alfred Underwood, the sum of four hundred and seventy dollars ; to my nephew, Charles S. Rowlee, the sum of six hundred dollars ; to my niece, Louis K. Horton, wife of William Horton, the sum of fifty dollars ; to my niece, Elizabeth Kelly, wife of Joseph Kelly, the sum of fifty dollars ; to the American Home Missionary Society, the sum of fifty dollars. Which said several legacies or sums of monej^ I direct and order to be paid to the said respective legatees wnthin one year after my decease. Second, I give and devise to the Trustees of the Congregational Society in Peruville, all my right and interest in the meeting house belonging to said society situate in said village and to their successors in office forever ; and lastly I do give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate, goods and chattels of what nature and kind soever, to my niece, Charlotte Underwood, wife of Alfred Underwood. I do also nominate and appoint my friend Reuben Darling, Executor of this my last will and testament, rev^oking all former wills by me made. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of January in the year of our lyord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. LYDIA S. ROWLEE. The above instrument consisting of one sheet, was at the date thereof signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Lydia S. Rowlee as and for her last will and testament in presence of us, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. Philander Cornell, Residing in Groton, Tompkins Co, Isaac Underwood, Residing in Groton, Tompkins Co. 3 33 ANCESTRY OF LIEUT. HEMAN ROWLEE The following notes on the early generations of the Rowlee (Rowley) family in America are largely taken from Prof. Homer G. Brainard's articles in the New York Gen. and Biog. Record. I. Henry Rowley w^as an early planter at Plymouth, Mass. In the first tax rating for the Plymouth Colony in 1632-33, occurs the following entries : JL <1 Henry Rowley_ 00 09 Gov. Edward Winslow 02 05 Myles Standish 00 18 John Alden 01 04 In the second rating in 1633-34 : Henry Rowley 00 18 Gov. Edward Winslow 02 05 Myles Standish 00 18 John Alden 01 04 It is possible that he was one of the company that came over from Leyden to Plymouth in 1630. It has also been conjectured that he came in the Charles with Mr. Hatherly, in 1632. It is probable that he came from the vicinity of Shrewsbury, Eng- land, since the family name is common in the records there. It is near the Wales border and .some traditions call the family Welch, while others call it English. It is probable that he was married when he came over, and that his children were born before that time. It has been declared that his first wife was Sarah, daughter of William Palmer, Senior, of Duxbury. The latter came over in the Forttnie in 1621, and his wife, Frances,, came in the Anne in 1623. In his will, dated 1637, William Palmer names " Moyses Rowley (son of Henry) whom I love," and provides for his bringing up, but does not state what rela- tion Moses was to himself. Henry Rowley m. (2) Oct. 17, 1633, Anne, widow of Deacon Thomas Blossom, who embarked in the Speedivell oX Eeyden in 1620, but being obliged to return to Iveyden, came over to Plymouth in 1629, where he d. pre- vious to March, 1632-3. Henry and Anne Rowley removed to Scituate in 1634, the year he was elected freeman. Both were members of Rev. John Lothrop's church at Scituate in 1634-5, and removed with him to Barnstable in 1638. In the memoran- 34 Ancestry of Heman Rozvlee. 35 dum containing the membership of Lothrop's church occurs the following : "Goodman Rowleyes house a small plain pale- sade House in 1634 ; a new house on his lott in 1636." He was a deputy from Barnstable to the General Court in Plymouth at least once. In 1650 Henry Rowley removed, with his step- son, Peter Blossom, to West Barnstable, and later to Falmouth. Henry Rowley d. in 1673. Inventory of the estate of " henery Rowley of Saconesset," exhibited in Court, July, 1673, on oath of Moses Rowley. "Item: a debt of twenty-nine pounds due from Jonathan Hatch upon the repurchase of a parsell of land which the said Hatch sold to said Henery Rowley with that limitation provided." Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. Ill, part 2, p. 93. Children :— 2 i. Moses, b ; m. Elizabeth Fuller. ii. Joseph, b ; living at Barnstable, 1655 ; said to have gone to Barbadoes. iii. Sarah, b ; m. April 11, 1646, Jonathan Hatch, of Barn- stable and Falmouth, b. about 1626, d. Dec, 1710, aged about 84 years. He settled in Succonnessett (Falmouth) in 1661. 2. Moses Rowley (Henry'), b. probably before 1630 in En- gland ; d. 1705, at (East) Haddam, Conn.; m. April 22, 1652, at Barnstable, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Matthew Fuller. She survived her husband and d. in (East) Haddam or Colchester after 17 14. The earliest mention of Moses Rowley is found in the will of William Palmer, the elder, of Duxbury, dated Nov. 7, 1637, which is recorded in Vol. I, fol. 28, of Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, and has been printed. (See Mayflower Descendant for July 1900. p. 147). "I would have myne Execut's as in conscience they are pswaded out of the remaynder of my estate deale wth Rebecca my Grandchild and Moy.ses Rowly whom I love but not so as to put it into their father or mother's hands but preserve it for them till they come to years of discretion .... also I would have yeong Rowly to be placed wth mr. Partridge that hee might be brought up in the feare of God, and to that end if his father suffer it I give mr. Partridge five pounds." March 7, 1653-4, Moses Rowley was allowed a cow out of the estate of William Palmer, deceased, of Plymouth (Records of Plymouth Colony, Vol. Ill, p. 45.) In 1657 he took the freeman's oath at Barnstable. In 1681 36 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. he was a constable, and was occupying lands at Succonessett (Falmouth). He was a deputy to the General Court in 1692, under the new charter according to Savage, and yet he must at that time have been thinking of removal, for according to East Haddam Deeds, Vol. I, p. 554, Moses Rowley, Senior, "late of Saquanesset, now of Machimodus in Haddam," bought 60 acres of land of Jonathan Gilbert, originally laid out to John Hender- son of Haddam, deceased. The date of this deed is May 3, 1692, and there is another deed dated October 4, 1693, which names Moses Rowley. An agreement of the heirs of James Bates of Haddam, dated Feb. 1691-2, refers to " mony in moses rowlyes and John Ackley's hands, to be reserved to pay debts with." These records indicate that he removed to Haddam as early as 1691. That his wife Elizabeth disapproved of the re- moval is clear, for in 17 14 she made a deed in which she declared that she had been left without support and dependent upon the bounty of her sons, John Fuller and Moses Rowley, and con- veyed to them all her right of dower to lands in Falmouth, which her husband had sold to the Parkers without her consent. His will is dated Aug. 16, 1704, on file at Hartford, Conn., and reads as follows : ' ' The Last Will and Testament of Moses Rowley Sen of east Haddam in the county of Hartford in Colleny of Connecticut in new Ingland Wittneseth." " In the name of god. Amen. Whereas I Moses Rowlee be- ing weak of body but through gods good hand upon me at this present writing in perfect memory and understanding doe make and ordain this as my last will and testament." "Imprimus: I doe give and bequeath my soul unto god in the name, meritts and mediation of the lord Jesus Christ in whose Righteousness I hope to be accepted with the father." " And my body to Christian burial as my executors shall .see meet, hoping for a glorious Resurrection at the last and great day." " As for the portion of this worlds goods that god (hath) given and continued to me my will is that my Just Debts being paid the Remainder to be disposed of as foUoweth : as for the Rest of my children I have done what hath been with me and now I have not expectation of being any more capable to help myself wherefore I do give and bequeath my laud unto my sonn A7icestry of Heman Rowlee. 37 Moses Rowlee that is to say my half of the lott I now live upon (the other half I have given all Ready to my son Matthew) to be equally divided between my sons Moses and Matthew. I also give unto my son Moses that twenty five pound right that I formerly gave to Matthew, which my son Matthew hath lovingly Relinquished again to me." ' ' I give and bequeath to my daughter Mehitabell fuller all my moveables both flock and household stuff whether without door or within." "I give and bequeath half my young mare unto my son Matthew. My will further is and it is upon the account of not only what my sons Moses Rowlee and John ffuller hath done for me and been kind to me but especially their willingness to take the care of me and my wife during our naturall lives and I doe expect that care and kindness of them that is meet and needfull both to myself and my wife and I therefore have done what I have done to oblidge them what I cane and doe Repose my trust next under god upon these my two sons Moses Rowlee and John ffuller for what I shall and for what my wife shall stand in need of between this and the grave." ' ' and I doe further give to my son Moses Rowlee my meadow lot and further be it known that my son Moses is to pay my just debts and moreover my will is that all the above legacies given to my children is to them and their heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns forever, furthermore I doe nominate, appoint and ordain my loving sons Moses Rowlee and John ffuller executors of this my last will & testament as witness my hand & seale." Hadam 16 of August, 1704 MOSES his X mark [Seal] ROWLEE Sen signed sealled in the presence John Chapman Mathew his M mark Rowlee Mary her M mark CrEEPEN 38 Neman Rowlee and his Descendants. Elizabeth (Rowley) Fuller was second child of Matthew and grand-daughter of John and Margaret (Balls) Fuller of Reden- hall, Norfolk, Eng. Matthew Fuller was baptized Oct. 16, 1603. He did not come in the Mayflower but remained with friends in England until about 1640, when he came over to Plymouth. At this time he was married and a parent. Of his early history, little is known, but he was doubtless acquiring the knowledge of surgery and military affairs which he afterward put to such good use. In April, 1642, ten acres of land were granted him in Plymouth, and in the same year he was juryman and propounded freeman of the Colony, but was not .sworn and admitted until June 7, 1653. In 1643, he was appointed sergeant in the military company of the Colony, of which Miles Standish was captain. About 1650, he removed to Barnstable. In 1653, he represented that town in the Colony Court, and was already lieutenant of the militia there. June 20, 1654, he was appointed lieutenant under Capt. Standish of the Company of fifty men, the quota of Plymouth Colony, in the proposed expedition against the Dutch at Manhattan. All preparations had been made, when news of peace arrived and further service became unnecessary. Oct. 2, 1658, he was elected one of the Council of War, and in 1671 its chairman, and one of the magistrates of the Colonj^ and in the same year lieutenant of the forces to be sent again.st the Saconet Indians. Dec. 17, 1673, he was appointed Surgeon-General of the Colony troops, and also of those of Massachusetts, if that Colony approved. For this service he was allowed 4 shillings a day. In King Phillip's War he was captain of the Plymouth forces. In the Quaker controversy, Capt. Fuller took a noble stand in favor of religious toleration. He lived near neighbor to some of the most prominent of the Quakers, and was con- nected by marriage alliances with some who felt the severity of the laws passed against the sect. He went so far as to censure this law in strong terms in public. For this he was fined by the magistrates. Though indiscreet in speech, the court continued to confer offices of trust and honor upon him, — a most unusual course which shows that his honor and bravery were never doubted. In his public and private life he was a man of sound judgment, of good understanding, faithful in performance of duty, liberal in politics, tolerant in religion. Captain Fuller Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. 39 was also the first regular physician who settled in Barnstable, His homestead was in the northwest corner of Barnstable, at Scroton Neck. He also possessed large tracts in Falmouth and Middleboro, granted for the eminent services he had rendered the Colony. His will was dated July 20, 1678, and was proved Oct. 30th following. His estate was appraised at ^^ 667,04,06, a very large amount for those times. Among the items is the following: "Pearls, precious stones, and diamonds, at a guess, .^200." Children born at Barnstable : — i. Mary, b. March 20, 1653 ; m. Jan. 7, 1675, to John Weeks, of Falmouth, ii. Moses, b. Nov. 10, 1654; m. Man,' Fletcher (?). iii. , b ; "the dafter of Moses Rowley Senior died the 15 day of November bured 16 Day November 1682." Falmouth records. 3 iv. Shubael, b. Jan. 11, 1660; m. Catherine Crippen. V. Mehitabel, b. Jan. 11, 1660; m. John Fuller. vi. Sarah, b. Sept. 16, 1662 ; was living in 1700 at East Haddam, but perhaps died before her father, vii. Aaron, b. May i, 1666; m. Mary Weeks, viii. John, b. Oct. 22, 1667. ix. Matthew, b. ; m. Joanna X. Nathan, b ; m. Mercy Hatch. 3. Shubael Rowley (Moses^ Henry'), b. Jan. 11, 1660, in Barnstable; d. March 28, 1714, at Colchester, Conn.; m. Cathe- rine, dau. of Thomas Crippen, of Falmouth and East Haddam ; she d. probably at Colchester, after 1719, but the date is not found. She conveyed all her right in her husband's estate to her son-in-law, Edward Fuller, on the promise of support during her life. Shubael Rowley was in (East) Haddam as early as 1693, for on Oct. 4 of that year he conveyed land there to " his father Moses Rowley, cordwainer, of Sockanesset in the County of Barnstable and Colony of Plymouth." On Nov. 19, 1700, he sold his Haddam lands to Timothy Fuller, of Machimoodus, and removed to Colchester. The names of his children are from the settlement of his estate (Hartford Probate Rec, Vol. VIII, p. 224). The older children were born at Falmouth, the younger probably at (East) Haddam. Children : — 40 Hemayi Rowlee and his Descendants. i. Isaac, b. about 16S3 ; m. Hannah Harris. 4 ii. Shubael, b. about 16S6 ; m. Hannah Brown, iii. Thomas, b. about 1690 ; m. Mary Cornwall. iv. Matthew, b. about 1692 ; m V. Elizabeth, b. about 1695 ; m. Edward Fuller, vi. Elnathan, b. about 1697 ; m. Abigail Cone. vii. Mary, b. about 1700; m. Feb. 25, 1720, Thomas Lewis, of Colchester, viii. Jabez, b. about 1702 ; m. Tabitha Harris. 4. Shubel Rowley (Shubael*, Moses', Henry'), b. about 1686, in Falmouth or Barnstable ; m. May 8, 1709, to Hannah Brown of Colchester, probably daughter of John Brown, who died in 1707 at Colchester, leaving wife and six children. Hannah was born in 1688. In 1734 they were living in North Castle, West- chester County, N. Y. The records of the town of North Castle reveal the following : April 6, 1736, Shubel Rowley was elected As.ses.sor, or as it is recorded (Sessor), and Highway Master. Aprils, 1737, Shubel Rowley was elected Fence Viewer and Appraiser (Prisor) of damages for old Poundridge. April 4, 1738, Shubel Rowley was elected Fence Viewer and Appraiser of damages for old Poundridge. April 3, 1739, Shubel Rowley was elected Appraiser of dam- ages and Fence Viewer for old Poundridge. Shubel Rowley used the spelling for his Christian name as here given, and his descendants for three generations apparently did also. Whether his father also used that spelling is uncertain since clerks and compilers have in many ca.ses substituted the spelling Shubael. Whether he and his father u.sed the spelling for the family name as here given (Rowley) or used the spelling Rowlee as did his grandfather in his will and his sons and later generations, must for the present be left unsettled. Their first seven children are recorded at Colchester. It seems probable that they also had a son Shubel, b. after they left Colchester. i. Mercy, b. April 30, 17 10. ii. Hannah, b. March 10, 17 12. iii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1714. iv. A daughter, b. Dec. 12, 1716; d. Jan. 10, 1717. V. Experience, b. Aug. 8, 17 18. c. vi. Matthew, b. Oct. 8, 1720 ; m. vii. Patience, b. Aug. 16, 1723. viii. Shubel, b. about 1625 ; m. Joanna, and had sons Jonathan and Shubel, and probably others. (For Family Record, see p. — . ) Ancestry of Hem an Rowlee. 41 5. Matthew Rowlee, b. Aug. 8, 1720, at Colchester, Couu. ; m He was living in the vicinity of Carmel between 1750 and 1760, for Matthew and Shubel Rowlee signed a call in 1755-6, for Mr. Ebenezer Knibloe as pastor, from the Western Society of Philippi (Carmel). The Register of Baptisms in the West. Soc. of Philips Patent has : Shubel Rowlee and his spouse had their daughter Patience baptised April 11, 1756. Matthew Rowlee and his spouse had their son Elijah baptised Jan 2, 1757. Marriage Records of Amenia by Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe (iV. Y. Gen. & Biog. Record, XXXIII, 47) : Nathaniel Rowlee m. Kezia Davis, Sept. 11, 1765. Abel Rowlee m. Susannah Connet, April 15, 1773. Military Records from Bureau of Pensions, Washington : Daniel Rowlee enlisted at Fredericksburg three successive years, 1776, 1777, and 1778. His residence is given at Fredericksburg, Dutchess Co. His date of birth is April 20, 1759. He served the last year in Capt. David Hecock's Co. Elijah Rowlee also enlisted from Pawling in Capt. Hecock's Coompany. The following connection between the Orange County and Dutchess County families seems most likely : Shubel of the two places is identical. Heman of Orange County is son of Matthew of Dutchess County. Nathaniel, Abel, Daniel and Elijah may also have been sons of Matthew. That Heman Rowlee and Shubel Rowlee were of close kin- ship appears evident from the fact that the names of both appear in the same family records, namely Heman's. They might have been brothers but from the dates, and the text of their wills, it seems more probable that Shubel was Heman's uncle. The period of migration, i. e., the last half of the eighteenth century, scattered families so that, especially in the pioneer districts, the evidence of genetic connection is scant or lost altogether. The family name is spelled differently from the commonly accepted English form. The spelling " Rowlee " is used by the first Moses in signing his will, and his son Matthew signed in the same form, as a witness. During the eighteenth century, the spelling ' ' Rowlee ' ' was used by a considerable number of 42 Hevian Rowlee and his Descenda7its. families, some of whom afterward returned to the original "ley." Heman's children and grandchildren were always insistent that " Rowlee " was right. One of the former's grandsons, Charles S. Rowley, wrote as follows in a letter to his aunt, dated Nov. 21, 1854: " You will observe that I spell our surname a little different from the old way. After I grew up, I saw some one write it in this way and it took my fancy and I have written it so since some ten or fifteen years." The children of Elijah Rowlee (21) also have adopted the spelling Rowley. It seems, therefore, probable that the spelling "Rowlee" has been used by some of his descendants continuously since the time of Moses, sou of Henry the Colonist. It also appears that officials, ministers, justices and clerks, most often used the English spelling "Rowley," although the persons themselves persisted in writing the name " Rowlee." OTHER ROWLEE FAMILIES OF ORANGE COUNTY There were other Rowlees or Rowleys contemporaneous with Heman in Orange County. Shubel Rowlee. He and his wife, Joanna, mortgaged to David Johnson, of New York City, for ^72, 106^ acres of land in the precinct of Goshen, May 22, 1775. The land was pur- chased of the said David Johnson on May 22, 1775. This mort- gage was paid and discharged in 1786. (Orange County Clerk's Office.) Shubel Rowlee. His will dated May 21, 1795, and probated Sept. 21, 1799, alludes to himself as "weak in body," gives to his wife Joanna, and his son Jonathan, as heirs, his farm in the town of Warwick, Orange County. He makes his son Jonathan and Frances Armstrong executors. (Surrogate's Office, Orange County.) Jonathan Rowlee. He is recorded in the family records of Heman Rowlee as follows: "Jonathan's son, Shubell Arnold, b. June 10, 1792." (Family records of Heman Rowlee.) Amy Rowlee. (Possibly wife of Jonathan) Daughter of Caleb Smith, of Warwick. Caleb Smith d. 1818. Lydia Rowlee (dau. of Heman) witness to Caleb Smith's will in 1818. (Private records of J. C. Coleman.) Harris Rowlee and wife , had a son Reuben Milford, bap. Aug. 6, 1825 ; son Lorenzo, bap. Aug. 6, 1825. (Church Records, Orange County.) William Rowley and his wife, Margaret Smith, had a son William Smith, b. Jan. 24, 1776 ; bap. March 23, 1781. (Church Records, Orange County.) Constant Rowlee. He was witness to the will of Robert Finn, April 25, 1780. (Private records of J. C. Coleman.) 43 THE LAST WILL OF SHUBEL ROWLEE OP Warwick, Orange County, N. Y. lu the name of God, Amen. I, Shubal Rowle}' of the town of Warwick in the County of Orange and state of New York farmer being weak in body, but of sound disposing mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, viz. ist, I recommend my soul to that God who gave it and my body to the grave to be buried at the direc- tion of my executors in decent Christian burial and as touching my worldly estate which God has been pleased to give me I dispose of it in manner and form following, viz. — I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Joanna, the full use of the house in which I now live together with all the household fur- niture, loom and tackling with all the implements- thereunto be- longing, one side saddle, one horse, one cow, and six sheep ; the house, cow and sheep to be kept by my son Jonathan during her natural life or widowhood and all the above premises to be at her disposal except the house and horse which my son Jona- than is to have at her decease or marriage. I give and bequeath unto my son Jonathan Rowlee all my lands and tenements together with all my other buildings, horses, oxen, cows, young cattle, sheep, hogs and all implements of farming movable and unmovable now to me belonging. But if any person or persons should dispossess my widow of the house I now leave to her use then my son Jonathan is obliged by this will to furnish his said mother with a comfortable house to live in and fire wood sufficient so long as she remain my widow. And lastly I do ordain constitute and appoint Jonathan Rowlee and Francis Armstrong, Sr., Executors of this my last will and testament and I do utterly disannul and make void all former wills by me made declaring this and this only to be my last will and testament. In testamony hereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 2ist day of May in the year of our lyord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. In presence of Jonathan Thompson, Isaac Allison and Isaac Smith. Shubell Rowlee. Shubel Rowlee mentions onlj' his widow and son Jonathan in his will, but there are reasons for believing that he had at least another son, — Shubel Rowlee of Wells, Pa. The latter's father's name was Shubel, and he was born in 1765, and migrated from Orange County to Bradford County, Pa., about 1800. 44 FAMILY RECORD The following record of Shubel Rowlee's family [of Bradford Co.] is from an old family Bible in the possession of his grand- daughter, Mrs. R. R. Berry (Sarah Elizabeth Rowlee) of Seely Creek, Chemung County, N. Y. Births vShubel Rowlee was born May loth, 1765. Shubel Rowlee and Elizabeth Wright was married January 4th, 1786. James W. Rowlee was born March 14th, 1787. Peter Rowlee was born October 27th, 1788. George Rowlee was born January 15th, 1793. Patty Rowlee was born January nth, 1795. Shubel Rowlee was born March 15th, 1797. Jonathan Rowlee was born April 5th, 1799. Elizabeth Rowlee was born June 18th, 1801. Ananias Rowlee was born March 21st, 1809. This Record taken April 28th, 1833. My Father's Family. (Written by Mrs. Berry) Shubel Rowlee and Caroline Osgood were married December 31st, 1818. John Rowlee was born Saturday, November, 20th, 18 19. Died July 9th, 1834. Rosette Rowlee was born Monday, August loth, 1829, Sarah Elizabeth Rowlee was born Monday, March 29th, 1840. Deaths Shubel Rowlee died July ist, 1839. Elizabeth Rowlee died April the 7th, 18 13. Patty died October 31st, 1855. Ananias Rowlee died Oct. 12th, 1866. Jonathan Rowlee May 12th, 1869. Peter Rowlee March 9th, 1871. Shubel Rowlee April 5th, 1879. 45 CHILDREN OF LIEUT. HEMAN AND LYDIA (SEELY) ROWLEE. (Arranged in order, beginning with top row at the left.) E1.IJAH (1780-1860) Heman {1787-1866). IvYDIA S. (1 788-1852) EWZABETH (179I-1879) PLATi: M. m T^ i PART II— GENEALOGY HEMAN ROWLEE AND HIS DESCENDANTS FIRST GENERATION. u I. HEMAN ROWLEE was b. Nov. 14, 1746 ; he d. Dec. 26, 1818, and with his wife is buried in the Amity burying ground ; m. Jan. 9, 1770, Lydia Seely, b. Dec. 26, 1749. His will in the Surrogate's oflSce of Orange Co. is dated June 13, 1817, probated Jan. 2, 1819. He served in the Revolutionary army as Lieut, in the Florida & Warwick Co. of the 4th Reg't, Orange Co. Militia, serving under Col. John Hathorn. Heman Rowlee purchased land in Warwick, Orange Co., and gave a mortgage upon it, Nov. 16, 1769, to William Wickham of same precinct. This mortgage was paid Dec. 13, 1775. Heman Rowlee (a mason) and wife sold to John Post of Warwick (a farmer), 6j4 acres in the town of Warwick, on May 29, 1800. Heman Rowlee took a mortgage from Wm. Adams of Warwick, upon 55)^ acres, 32 rds., for $125, Jan. 5, 1808. He and his wife deeded to Heman Rowlee, Jr., 25J4 acres in Warwick, June 15, 1814, for $550. Their children were : — 2 i. Sarah, b. May 19, 1771. ii. Lois, b. Nov. 16, 1772 ; d. April i, 1847 ; never m. 3 iii. Chari^es, b. Jan. 14, 1774. 4 iv. Matthew, b. Sept. 30, 1777. 5 V. Elijah, b. Jan. 8, 1780. 6 vi. NaTH.\n, b. April 6, 1782. 7 vii. Mary, b. April 15, 1785. viii. Heman, b. Aug. 27, 1787; d. May 30, 1866; m. Ruth Cooley ; d. before her husband. No children, ix. Lydia S., b. Feb. 5, 1789; d. Aug. 30, 1852. Never m. 8 X. E1.IZABETH, b. Aug. 29, 1 791. 47 SECOND GENERATION. 2. SARAH ROWLEE, eldest child of Heman, b. May 19, 1771, at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., m. to Curtice (Curtis). She d. May 16, 1801 "aged 29 years, 11 mouths and 29 days." Children : i. Joel, b. "I also will unto my grandvson Joel Curtis two dollars and fifty cents." — Heman Rowlee, Sr. 's will. No other Curtises are mentioned. No Curtis is mentioned in the settlement of the estate of Lydia S. Rowlee in 1752. In what appears to be a preliminary citation to heirs for the probate of the will of Heman Rowlee, Jr., in 1866, Joel Curtis of Brooklyn, N. Y., is mentioned. In the final printed citation of this will (see p. 19) his name does not appear, but instead the following, who are probably his children : — i. Jane Curtis, residing in the City of Brooklyn in 1866 ; ii. John W. Curtis, residing in the City of New York in 1866 ; iii. Francis Pell, residing in the City of New YorK in 1866 ; iv. William Curtis, residence unknown in 1866. 3. CHARLES ROWLEE, first son and third child of Heman, b. Jan. 14, 1774, at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., m. Feb. 11, 1797 to " Choziah " (Kosia) Roads. She was b. Jan. 15, 1782. " Charles Rowlee was drowned December the 19th, 1799, aged twenty-five years eleven months and five days. ' ' They had : — i. *L,IDVA, b. June 3, 1798. 10 ii. Charlotte, b. June 3, 1799. MATTHEW ROWLEE, fourth child and second son of Heman, b. Sept. 30, 1777, at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y.; m. Elizabeth Beers, Jan. 15, 1801. She was b. Feb. 12, 1778. They lived between Edenville and Amity, near the eastern base of Mt. Eve. He was a blacksmith. According to the New York Census of 1807, Matthew Rowlee rented property in War- wick, Orange Co., of annual value of more than ^20. " Mat- * Nothing further is known concerning her. She may have died young ; or she may be identical with Charlotte, as they are not mentioned together in any family records. 48 Second Generation. 49 thew Rowlee aud Elizabeth, his wife, were baptized and ad- mitted to the Amity Presbyterian church at Amity 18 16 " (Church Rec). "John Beers, Betsey Ann, Lois, EHza Jane, L,ydia, and Daniel C. Hopkins, infants of Matthew and Eliza- beth Rowlee, were bapt. at Amity Presbyterian Church, Feb. 14, 1822." (Church Rec.) Matthew Rowlee d. June 28, 1851, his wife Oct. 6, 1849, and both were buried in the Amity burying-ground. Their graves are unmarked. They had eight children, all born in Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y.':— i. Chari^es, n. May 5, 1802 ; d. of tetanus after an accident. 12 ii. S.\Ll' Little, b. July 2, 1887 ; (ii) Ross Floyd, and (iii) Bliss, twins, b. Nov. 6, 1888. Bliss d. June 7, 1889. Fourth a?id Succeeding Generations. 89 V. Annas, b. May 28, 1865; m. Anna Purseon of Wabash, Ind., May 28, 1888. He lives in Indianapolis, and has: — (i) Harry, b. Oct. 22, 1890. vi. Infant son, b. May 30, 1867 ; d. June i, 1867. vii. Jennie, b. May 20, 1868. viii. Harry Ross, b. March 3, 1877 ; d. Oct. 22, 1880. ix. Charles Edwin, b. July 3, 1883. 91. NATHAN ROWLEE HATHAWAY, b. Nov. 30, 1843, at Corning, N. Y. ; m. ist, to Orpha Maria Smith, at Sycamore, 111., and 2ud, 3Iarch 26, 1884, to Emily Jane Smith, at Spring- field, S. D. Of the first marriage there were born : — i. John, b. Aug. 9, 1870, at New Lebanon, 111.; m. Oct. 4, 1894, to Lula E. Woodworth, at Sioux City, and has : — (i) Harold, b. June 17, 1895, at Sioux City, Iowa; (ii) Ruth, b. 1903. ii. Minnie, b. Feb. 16, 1877, at Brush Creek, Iowa ; m. Feb. 4, 1897. at Sioux City, Iowa, to John Kudrle. They have : — (i) Clyde, b, June I, 1898; (ii) Nathan Leroy, b. Feb. 13, 1899; (iii) Dwight, b. Aiig. 21, 1901 ; (iv) a dau. Nathan Rowlee Hathaway had three children by his second wife : iii. Nathan R., b. Dec. 25, 1891 ; d. Dec. 31, 1891. iv. Infant, b. and d. July 11, 1894. v. MillicenT, b. July 12, 1899, at Sioux City, Iowa. 92. MARY ABIGAIL HATHAWAY, dau. of Millicent (Rowlee), b. March 4, 1846, at Corning, N. Y. ; m, Jan. i, 1866, to Nor- man, son of Justus Preston, at Sycamore, 111. They live at Sycamore, and have one dau. : — i. Sina Mih,icent, b. Aug. 31, 1872, in Genoa Township, DeKalb Co., 111.; m. June 8, 1898, to Howard M., son of Wni. Frantz, at Sycamore. He was b. June 10, 1872. They have: — (i) Mila Alida, b. Aug. 27, 1901, in Irving Park, Chicago, 111. 93. ALONZO EDWIN HATHAWAY, son of Millicent (Rowlee), b. Nov. 6, 1852, at New lycbanon, 111.; m. ist. in 1871, to Anna M. Caffrey, at Chicago; 2d, Dec. 5, 1891, to Minnie Beacham, at Sioux City. He lives at Sioux City, and had two children : — i. Frank, b. 1878, in Chicago, d. 1880. ii. Emma, b. 1882, in Chicago. go Fourth and Succeedhig Generations. 94. JOElv HATHAWAY, son of Millicent (Rovvlee), b. Sept 13, 1858, at New Lebanon. 111.; m. ist, Sept., 1880, to Mary Jane Stutenroth, at Naperville, 111.; 2d, March 24, 1892, to Jessie A. Smith, at Tyndall, S. D. He is a farmer and lives near Sioux City. He has the following children : — By his first wife : — i. Harry, b. Feb. 24, 1884. ii. Edwin, b. Sept. 7, 1887. By his 2d wife : — iii. Jennie Adelia, b. Feb. 27, 1893, at Sioux City, Iowa, iv. Ralph Frederick, b. Aug. 6, 1894, at Sioux City. V. Alice E., b. Jan. 16, 1897, at Sioux City, vi. Emily Jane, b. Nov. 29, 1900, at Sioux City, vii. Phoebe Belle, b. Jan. 5. 1903, at Sioux City, viii. Florence, b. March 12, 1905, near Sioux City. \ o < u >- X H a & o Oh o o 1) CO a: o ^ -(-> 00 l-H 1 Q J -»-> o •»H 00 Q js Z bjO ~ — ^ < "H a 1^ z < 'So ^ X V Z H Xi a < z o •— > U. O O a Z ^ o ON >• w w 'J} en W iJ Pii < 00 00 M I o o w o Pi o w O lO -- — ^ -' ^ -H r^ O ^^ 00 1— < ^^ 00 CO GO 1— 1 , ^ 1— ( -. ^ ■ .' - — -" W < pii > Pi in o( 1^ < < M o K ^ w Q I 00 2; I I'LAIF \- Fotirth and Succeeding Generations. 93 95. SHUBAElv E. ROWIvEE, son of John C, b. Oct. 22, 1836 ; m. ist, to Caroline V., dau. of Bostwick Reynolds, at Volney. She d. March 25, 1858, without children ; 2nd, Feb. i, 1859, to Marion Emily, dau. of Eli and Sarah Ann (Gregg) Distin, at Volney. She d. May 14, 1907, and is buried in White Cem., Ira, N. Y. He is a retired farmer and merchant and lives in Fulton. They have four children : — i. John Eu, b. Oct. 25, 1859, at Volney ; m. ist, March 24, 1881, to Francelia, dau. of Jacob Miller, at Hannibal, N. Y., and had : — (i) Emma, b. July 4, 1887, at Hannibal, and (ii) Maude Ethel, b. Aug. 31, 1891, at Hannibal. She d. March 28, 1898. He m. 2nd, Eldora (Randall) Wilson, dau. of Daniel Randall, ii. Jennie S., b. Feb. 15, 1865, at Volney; m. March 28, 1889, to Bur- ton H., son of Henry S. Greenfield, at Hannibal Centre. She lives in Syracuse. Has no children. iii. Caroline May, b. March 18, 1872, at Volney ; m. Oct. 2, 1889, to Alonzo W., son of Warren D. Hannum, of Hannibal. They have one dau. : — (i) Lottie Mary, b. April 13, 1890. iv. Anna Louise, b. July i, 1879, at South Hannibal ; m. Nov. 4, 1894, to Myron F., son of Frederick Foster, of Fulton, N. Y. They have two children :— (i) Ralph Rowlee, b. Nov. 13, 1898, and (ii) Leon Francis, b. Nov. i, 1900, at Fulton. 96. VIRGIL ROWLEE, son of John C, b. Jan. 3, 1839, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. ist, Dec. 27, i860, to Sarah Jane Cole, at Volney. She d. Jan. 26, 1864, without issue ; 2d, Oct. 16, 1867, to Julia, dau. of Joseph Cole. He is a farmer and lives on his father's place. He was Corp. in Co. A 184th Regt., and was in the battle of Cedar Creek. ^ They have the following children : — i. Ernest, b. July 21, 1868, at Volney, N. Y.; m. Oct. 22, 1890, to Grace, dau. of Wra. N. and Lydia (Cone) Osborn. He is a farmer in Volney. They have two sons: — (i) William Ross, b. Feb. 12, 1896, at Volney, and (ii) Carlton Virgil, b. Oct. 6, 1898, at Volney. ii. Earl, b. Nov. 20, 1876, at Volney ; m. Nov. 28, 1894, to Nellie, dau. of Eli Del OS and Jane (Hudgins) Distin. He lives with his father. Children:— (i) *Kenneth E., b. June 8, 1905; (ii) Margaret J., b. Feb. 13, 1907, at Volney. iii. Claude E., b. April 17, 1883; d. Aug. 15, 1884. *Adopted son. g4 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. 97. BYRON C. ROWIvEY, son of Charles S., b. July 23, 1848, at Kent, O.; m. in 1875, to Inez, dau. of Chas. H. and Kate Pierce, at Jackson, Mich.; d. at Jackson, Jan. 10, 1904, and buried in Mt. Evergreen Cemetery, Had no children. 98. CLARK R. ROWIvEY, son of Chas. S., b. June 18, 1850, at Cleveland, O.; m. June 30, 1884, to Daisy H., dau. of William and Ella G. Holmes, at Niles, Mich. He is a dentist at Niles. Their children are : — i. JEANNETTE, b. April 20, 1885, at Niles, Mich. ii. Raymond, b. April 10, 1887, at Chicago, 111. iii. Arthur Ci.ark, b. Feb. 14, 1890, at Chicago, iv. JuWA Holmes, b. May 20, 1893, at Chicago. V. Robert Burdette, b. Sept. 16, 1900, at Niles. 99. HATTIE A. ROWEEY, dau. of Chas. S., b. March 5, 1856, at Cleveland; m. June 30, 1885, to Chas. W., son of John and EHzabeth Cruson, at Jackson, Mich., where they now reside. Their children are : — i. DURMOTT R., b. April 4, 1886, at Jackson, ii. Florences., b. Aug. 14, 1887, at Jackson. 100. NElvLlE F. ROWI.EY, dau. of Chas. S., b. Jan. 13, 1859, at Otsego, Mich.; m. Aug. 7, 1892, to Wm. C, son of John and Elizabeth Cruson, at Jackson, Mich., where they reside. Children :— i. Ethel J., b. Jvme 2, 1894 ; d. Nov. 4, 1896 ; bur. in Woodlawn Cem., Jackson, ii. H. Almah, b. June 24, 1897, at Jackson. JOI. DURMOTT ROWLEY, son of Charles S., b. July 10, 1863, at Decatur, Mich. Fourth and Succeeding Generations. 95 102. GEORGE WASHINGTON ROWLEE, JR., son of George Washington, b. Sept. 9, 1836, at Volney, N. Y.; m. Dec. 25, 1859, to Sarah Cornelia, dan. of Eli and Sarah Ann (Gregg) Distin, at Volney. They lived in Volne3^ He d. Nov. 5, 1862, at Volney, and is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cem. They had one child :— i. WiLLARD WiNFiELD, b. Dec. 15, 1861, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 22, 1887, to Libbie May, dau. of William Burr and Lucy Mary (Hinman) Howard, at Fulton, N. Y. He is Professor of Botany at Cornell University. They live at Ithaca, and have : — (i) Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1894, at Ithaca; (ii) Howard Emmons, b. May 18, 1898, at Ithaca; (iii) An infant, b. May 18, 1898; d. 2 days old; (iv) Silence May, b. April 4, 1899, at Ithaca. 103. NATHAN ROWLEE, son of George W., b. 1838, at Volney ; d. unmarried at Georgetown, D. C, Dec. 22, 1862. Buried in Mt. Pleasant Cem. Served in the War of the Rebellion. Cor- poral in Co. A, 147th Regiment. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Body brought home by his father. For hardships of this regi- ment see Johnson's Hist, of Oswego Co., p. 83. J 04. JASPER NEWTON ROWLEE, son of George W., b. Jan. 23, 1847, at Volney ; m. Jan. 23, 1866, to Sarah C. (Distin) Rowlee, widow of George W. Rowlee, Jr. Lives upon his father's farm. Children :~ i. George Nathan, b. Nov. 3, 1866, at Volney ; m. 1888 to Mary Alice, dau. of John E. and Catherine (Herkimer) Demott, of Niles, Mich. Children : — (i) Paul Demott, b. Feb. 2, 1890, at Fulton, N. Y.; d. April 2, 1S90 ; (ii) Lottie June, b. June 2, 1891, at Fulton ; (iii) Katharine Claire, b. June 28, 1894, at Niles. They live at Niles. ii. Malvina Josephine, b. Feb. 28, 1870, at Volney ; m. Nov. 24, 1887, to Lewis, son of John and Rebecca (Bartlett) Ives, at Volney, where they live. Their children were all b. at Volney. (i) Howard Jasper, b. Aug. 24, 1888 ; (ii) Maud Lucinda, b. Aug. 19, 1890; (iii) Willard Lewis, b. Aug. 7, 1892 ; (iv) Sarah Grace, b. Oct. 8, 1899 ; d. April 28, 1900. iii. Washington Eugene, b. April 25, 1876, at Volney ; m. Nov. 18, 1894, to Jennie M. , dau. of Albert Dewey. He was a soldier in the Spanish-American war, and d. Jan. 20, 1900, from complica- tions after typhoid fever contracted in the service. He had one dau: — (i) Leitha Alice, b. May 23, 1896, at Fulton, iv. Dei^os Demott, b. Dec. 19, 1885, at Volney. 96 Hema7i Rowlee and his Descendants. JOS. CHARLES WESLEY OSBORN, son of Harriet (Rowlee), b. Aug. 27, 1835, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. June i, 1862, to Lucy Lavantia, dau. of George and Lucy (Mitchell) Bartholomew, at Fulton. He was a farmer and lived in Volney ; d. July 3, 1902. His children were : — i. Chas. Alfred, b. Nov. 16, 1866, at Volney ; in. April 10, 1889, to Ada Belle, dau. of John and Sarah (Cooper) Dugan. They have: — (i) Myron Weber, b. Feb. 25, 1S90, at Ira, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ii. Allan Livingston, b. Aug. 19, 1872, at Volney ; m. Dec. 20, 1891, to Lucy Bernice, dau. of Eli Delos and Jane (Hudgins) Distin. They have the following children all born at Volney, N. Y. : — (i) Ruth Abby, b. Nov. 13, 1892 ; (ii) Bernice Carol, b. Dec. 25, 1893; (iii) Mark Clayton, b. July 13, 1895; (iv) Mead Clinton, b. Aug. 10, 1896; (v) Dorcas Molly, b. Dec. 27, 189S ; (vi) Leila Distin, b. Nov. 29, 1901 ; (vii) Homer Wesley, b. July 27, 1906. iii. INDA Dayre, b. Feb. 27, 1884, at Volney ; m. July 5, 1901, to Ernest R. , son of George and Susan (Greenman) Gibson. They have: — (i) Bertha Doris, b. Sept. 29, 1902, at Scriba ; d. May 2, 1907, accidentally burned to death; (ii) Allan Ernest, b. Feb. 13, 1904, at Scriba. 106. WILLIAM NATHAN OSBORN, son of Harriet (Rowlee), b. May 29, 1837, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 23, 1861, to Lydia Anna, dau. of Almon and Betsy (Gregg) Cone, at Volney ; d. Feb. 8, 1896, and buried in Mt. Adnah Cem., Fulton, N. Y. He was a farmer of Volne3\ They had three daughters : — i. Eunice Sedate, b. Dec. 23, 1863, at Volney ; m. Oct. 29, 1884, to Harr\' T. , son of Lindsay A. and Hepsibah ( Hewitt ) Seymour, at Volney ; d. March 24, 1885, without children. ii. Grace, b. July 13, 1870, at Volney ; m. Oct. 22, 1890, to Ernest, son of Virgil and Julia (Cole) Rowlee. at Volney. They have two boys : — (i) William Ross, b. Feb. 12, 1896, at Volney ; (ii) Carlton Virgil, b. Oct. 6, 1898, at Volney. iii. Bessie Maude, b. May 19, 1875, at Volney; m. Oct. 31, 1900, to Chas. Webb, son of J. A. and Marion (Webb) Johnson. Lives in Fulton. Fourth and Succeedine; Generations. qf J 07. LOVINA HARRIET OSBORN, dau. of Harriet (Rowlee), b. July I, 1839, at Volney, N. Y.; m. Nov. 7, i860, to Ira A., son of Peter and Eleanor Sperry, at Volney. He was a soldier in the Rebellion in the 147th Regt., and d. in Washington in 1862 of typhoid fever. They had one dau.: — i. Harriet Ei^Eanor, b. Sept. 5, 1861, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 26, 1884, to Wm. T., son of Burrill and Keziah Brown. He is a lawyer in Indianapolis. No children. JOS. ELIZA PRISCILEA OSBORN, dau. of Harriet (Rowlee), b. June 15, 1841, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. March 31, 1868, to H. Edgar, son of Truman and Sally (Cooper) Skeel, at Volney. He d. Nov. 3, 1900. They had three children : — i. William Harlow, b. March 20, 1S69, at Volney ; m. Sept. 30, 1892, to Mary E., dau. of De Elton and Elizabeth Joslj'n, at North Scriba, N. Y. They had :— (i) Ina E., b. Dec. 31, 1S92, at Providence, R. I.; d. Aug. 23, 1894. ii. Blanche Lovina, b. Feb. 28, 1876, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. March 5, 1895, to Chester E., son of George and Jane (Merton) Ives, at Miuetto, N. Y. They have:— (i) Hazel B., b. Oct. 6, 1899, at Fulton ; (ii) Earl Chester, and (iii) Erma Belle, twins, b. Jan. 18, 1904, at Volney. iii. Clarence Ray, b. Feb., 1878, at Volney. He lives with his mother. J09. JOHN C. OSBORN, son of Harriet (Rowlee), b. Oct. 22, 1843, at Volney ; m. to Myra Taylor, at Victory, N. Y. He lives near Camden, N. Y., and has two children : — i. Myron D'Elton, b. June 3, 1878 ; m. June 7, 1902, to Eva Coe, of Amboy. They have one dau.: — (i) Myra, b. Aug. 15, 1904. ii. Harriet Lovina, b. Aug. 27, 1881 ; m. July 29, 1901, to Fred laclioltz, of Amboy. They have one son: — (i) Glenn Osborn, b. July 26, 1903. no. ANSON JAMES OSBORN, .son of Harriet (Rowlee), b. March 12, 1846, at Volney ; m. March 25, 1868, to Emma Bennett, at Fulton, N. Y. He was a .soldier in Co. A, 184th 7 98 Hemayi Rowlee and his Desceyidants . Regt., in the Civil War ; Cit}' Superintendent and Alderman in Fulton ; now attendant at State Museum at Albany. Their children are as follows : — i. Charles Bennett, b. Aug. 22, 1875 ; d. May 9, 1878. ii. James Anson, b. June 20, 1877, at Palermo, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 30, 1899, to Ida, dau. of Frank and Chloa (Mann) Harwood, and live at New Haven, Conn. He is an employee of the Westchester Repeating Arms Co. They have: — (i) Earl Albert, b. April 5, 1901, at Syracuse, N. Y. ; (ii) Anson James, b. May 27, 1905, at Middlefield, Conn.; (iii) Chloa Emmaline, b. Aug. 5, 1906, at Middlefield. iii. Emma Florence, b. Dec. 16, 1S78, at Fulton, N. Y. ; m. July 25, 1896, to Harry A. Harden, of Fulton. They have: — (i) Arthur Osborn ; (ii) Dorothy Emma. iv. Ralph Waldo, b. Nov. 12, 1880, at Fiilton, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 10, 1904, to Carrie, dau. of Gustave and Rosina Grauer Thumm, at Norwich, Conn. They live at New Haven, Conn. He is an employee of the W. R. A. Co. He has: — (i) Wm. James, b. March 15, 1906, at Norwich, Conu. ALMON OSBORN, .son of Harriet (Rowlee), b. Nov. 18, 1849, at Volney ; m. ist, Nov. 14, 1874, to Sarah Elizabeth Patmore ; m. 2nd, Oct. 26, 1891, to Nellie E. Tinkey. He is a farmer and lives on his parents' homestead. By his first wife he has the following children : — i. Charles ; m. Aug., 1905, to Beryl Montague, ii. Erwin. iii. Mabel; ni. May 31, 1907, to Jesse Tvaribee, Lowville, N. Y. EEONARD BURR ROWLEE, son of Nathan, b. Aug. 2, 1849, at Volney Center ; m. ist, June 13, 1869, to Alice, dau. of Harry and Jane Clark ; m. 2nd, to Stella Taylor. Eives in Fulton. By his first wife he had : — i. Fred Nathan, b. 1870, at Dexters Corners ; m. April 12, 1893, to Georgia Sails, at Bridgeport, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 28, 1893. No children, ii. Evaline, b. 1872, at Fulton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 20, 1891, to Hudson P., son of J. W. Snyder, at Mount Pleasant; d. Oct., 1892. By his second wife, one son : — iii. Asa S. , b. May 30, 1887, at Fulton. Fourth and Succeeding Generatio7is . 99 U3. HERBERT ROWLEE, son of Nathan, b. 185 1, at Volney ; m., 1880, to Anna Brown. They live in Fulton and have one son : — i. Nathan. ALBERT A. ROWLEE, son of Esquire, b. Nov. 18, 1845, at Volney ; m. ist, Nov. 13, 1867, to Addie, dau. of Jonathan and Rebecca Bentley, at Volney. She d. Dec. 16, 1884 ; m. 2d, June 3, 1 891, to Addie, dau. of Gordon D. and Hannah F. Ball, at Volney. She d. June 10, 1898, and he ni. 3d, Feb. 21, 1900, Estella, dau. of Wm. D. and Sarah E. Cole. He is a farmer and owned and managed his father's farm for a time. He now lives in Fulton. He had children by his first wife only. i. L/UNA ADEI.AIDE, b. Sept. 19, 1868, at Mt. Pleasant, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 15, 1890, to George H., son of Joel and Mary (Sammons) Wright, at Volney, N. Y. Lives in Watertown and has no children. ii. Edith EveIvYN, b. Sept. 26, 1873, at Mt. Pleasant ; m. Feb. 13, 1896, to Harry L.,son of James and Julia E. Watigh, and they live in Fulton. She was accidentally drowned in 1906. They have : — (i) Lillias Evelyn, b. Dec. 2, 1896, at Fulton ; (ii) Julia Alberta, b. Sept. 17, 1899; d. June 20, 1900; (iii) Helen Isabel, b. Feb. II, 1 90 1, at Fulton. \\s. BURDETTE D. ROWLEE, son of Esquire, b. July ir, 1847, at Volney, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 15, 1881, to Julia E., dau. of Edward Killam, at Thompsonville, Ct.; d. at Beaufort, N. C, Nov. i, 1903. He was a teacher in the West and South. They had no children. Juha E. Rowlee d. at Beloit, Ala., Feb. 11, 1907. 116. BYRON ESQUIRE ROWLEE, son of Esquire, b. June 6, 1852, at Volney, N. Y.; m. Sept. 10, 1878, to Ella, dau. of Gaylord and Ann (Griswold) Moore, at Palermo, N. Y. He is a hardware merchant in Wichita, Kan.sas. Their children are : — lOo Hemayi Rowlee and his Descendants. i. Fred Gaylord, b. Feb. 7, 1881, at Syracuse, N. Y.; d. Aug. 12, 1883. Buried in Mount Adnah Cem., Fulton, ii. Maud, b. Oct. 18, 1884, at Garden Plain, Kas. iii. Byron Esquire, Jr., b. Feb. 19, 1886, at Garden Plain, Kan.; d. Jan. 4, 1904, at Wichita, Kan. Buried at Wichita. iv. FivOYD BuRDETTE, b. Dec. 30, 1889, at Wichita, Kan. HEMAN ELMER, son of Dorothy (Rowlee), b. July 20, 1845, at Volney, N. Y.; m. Feb. 27, 1876, to Mary E., dau. of Sidney E. Gilbert, at Centerville, N. Y. He was a soldier in the Civil War. He changed his name about 1870, to Willis H. Ellsworth, and now lives in Union Springs, N. Y. He has one son : — i. Sidney E., b. April 6, 1880, at Levanna, N. Y. ; m. April 8, 1903, to Mayme D., dau. of Chester Fessenden, at Union Springs. US. FANNIE ELMER, dau. of Dorothy (Rowlee), b. June 24, 1857, at Fulton, N. Y.; m. Nov. 27, 1878, to Chas. Nicholas, son of Nicholas and Cornelia (Hart) Tompkins. They live at Minetto, N. Y., and have the following children : — i. Dora, b. Apr. 3, 1880, at Minetto; d. Mar. 12, 18S4 ; bur. at Mt. Pleasant Cem. ii. Willis E.. b. April 4, 1883, at Minetto ; m. Mar. 20, 1904, at P'ulton, N. Y., to Lottie M., dau. of Frank J. Parkhurst. They live at Syracuse, N. Y., and have: — (i) Emma L., b. June 23, 1905. iii. Emma L. , b. Sept. 6, 1889, at Minetto; d. Apr. 22, 1902; bur. at Mt. Pleasant Cem. ALONZO B. ROWLEE, son of Heman, b. Sept. 30, 1846, at Volney ; m. Dec. 18, 1867, to Amanda, dau. of Truman and Sally (Cooper) Skeel, at Volney. He was a soldier in the Civil War, ist Sergeant in the 184th Regiment. Is a farmer in Volney. They have four children : — i. Charles Williams, b. Dec. 28, 1873, at Redfield, N. Y. ; m. April 8, 1896, to Rhoda, dau. of John W. and Elizabeth (Kellogg) Distin, at Volney. They have : — (i) Evelyn E., b. F'eb. 15, 1897, Fourth and Succeeding Generations . loi at Volney ; (ii) Elon K., b. Dec. 9, 1898, at Volney ; (iii) Esther D., b. Nov. 12, 1901, at Volney, and (iv) ErmaF., b. Aug. 20, 1905- ii. Grace S., b. June 23, 1879, ^t Redfield, N. Y. ; m. June 14, 1897, to Earl, son of Frederick Foster, 'at Volney. They have : — (i) Pearl A., b. Nov. 7, 1899, at Volney ; (ii) Mabel P., b. Oct. 17, 1906. iii. Melvin, b. Jan. 27, 1882, at Redfield. iv. Gertrude, b. Sept. 10, 1893, at Volney. 120. JAY O. ROWIvEE, son of Heman, b. Oct. 17, 1861, at Vol- ney; m. July 3, 1888, to Nina, dau. of Wm, Johnson, at Volney. He d. Oct. 9, 1897, and is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cem. They had the following children, all born at Volney : — i. Erwin, b. Dec. 20, 1889. ii. Janett. iii. Clayton W. H d J a; Ui '"' > 1^ J2 D -4-1 < -1 r*^ CQ Z cfl X is ' — ■ o o vD &. cc Q o ^ ^.^ PI z -4-> 1 ON < ^ 00 00 HI ■*-• (-H i UJ ^ ^-^ ^ ^ 00 00 ■^ Ht UJ -4-» W ^ *"• t-^ 00 00 i4 J W 00 CO 00 00 00 W O GO ■^ 1 I 1 'it o 3 o OO Z, hH C4 f^ o a: 'S pli o Z 00 00 00 ■" — " a t— J t^ < ■ — - --^ > 41 W < >• S < Ih iz; Q > < to < < o >— » O u o z UJ 13 0) a: b£ Q a -1 g 5 ■< u PLATE VI. Fourth and Succeeding Generations. 103 ELIZABETH S. BLAUVELT, dau. of Elijah R., b. Nov. 17, 1828, at Lake Wesauking ; m. Nov. 17, 1850, to Joseph Onan, at Liberty Corners. He d. Oct. 27, 1890, at Towanda, Pa., and is buried in Lake Wesauking Cem. They lived in Hornbrook, Bradford Co., Pa.; and had two children : — i. PhiIvA ArpaTia, b. Feb. 17, 1864, at Rome, Pa., and d. May 3, 18S2, at Towanda, and buried in Lake Wesauking Cem. ii. Caroi,ine, b. Aug. 2, 1868, at Wysox, Pa.; m. Jan. 24, 1888, to Dewitt C. Fox, at Monroetown. They live at Hornbrook and have three children : — (i) Charles, b. Sept. 10, 1892, at Liberty Corners, Pa.; (ii) Hazel, b. Oct. 4, 1897, at Liberty Corners ; (iii) Harry, b. Sept. 17, 1898; d. Dec. 23, 1898. 122 JOSEPH CHARLES BLAUVELT, son of Elijah R., b. June 17, 1830; m. to Mariette Smith. They had two children, both of whom died without leaving descendants : — i. Charles. ii. Marion. J 23. CAROLINE HELEN BLAUVELT, dau. of Elijah R., b. April 13, 1832, at Wysox, Pa.; m. Oct. 15, 1856, to Rev. James Selden Fau.sey, at Wysox. He was son of Henrj' and Hannah (Bowman) Fausey, and was b. Nov. 22, 1835. She d. July 22, 1898, at Syracuse, N. Y., and is buried at Westfield, Pa. They had three children : — i. Addie HeIvEN, b. Aug. 29, 1857, at Towanda, Pa.; m. Aug. 27, 1881, to Frank Zavier, son of Alvis and Crescence (Lang) Yeager, b. May 17, 1855, at New York City. They live at Westfield, Pa., and have four children : — (i) Pearl Helen, b. June 4, 1882, at Westfield; (ii) Grace Antoinette, b. Sept. 29, 18S4, at Westfield; m. to James Lyn Mattison ; they live at 158 GibbsSt. , Rochester, N. Y.; (iii) Theresa Marie, b. Oct. 2, 1886, at Westfield; (iv) Edna Caroline, b. July 13, 1890, at Hancock, N. Y. ii. Ann Elizabeth, b. Jan. i, 1859, at Athens, Pa.; ni. Jan. i, 1879, to John L. , son of John H. Allen, at Elmira, N. Y. They live in Elmira and have six children, all born in Elmira : — (i) P'rank H., b. March 8, 1880; (ii) Edwin L., b. Sept. 24, 1881 ; (iii) Helen Jeanette, b. March 15, 1883; (iv) Ethel Isabel, b. Nov. 2, 1885; I04 Heman Rowlee and his Desce7idants. (v) Walter Roy, b. Aug. i6, tS88 ; (vi) James Percy, b. March 3, 1890. iii. John Rouxee, b. March 19, 1870, at Elmira, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 26, 1899, to Lena May, dau. of John Leroy and Delette (Cook) Corbin, at Syracuse, N. Y. He is a teacher and lives at 2 Lincoln St., Springfield, Mass. J 24. ELIJAH SPENCER BLAUVELT, son of Elijah R., b. Oct. 7, 1838 ; m. to Elizabeth Horton. The}- lived at Bloomington, Neb., and have children. 125. WILLIAM COMPTON BLAUVELT, son of Elijah R., b. Nov. 18, 1846 ; m. June 8, 187 1, to Maria, dau. of Joseph and Sally (Hammond) Cooper, at Elmira, N. Y. They live at N. Chemung, N. Y., and have two children : — i. Joseph, b. April 17, 1875, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. April i, 1899, to Myrtle, dau. of George Inman, at N. Chemung. He is an attend- ant at the Willard .State Hospital, ii. George, b. Oct. 24, 1883, at N. Chemung ; m. Jan. i, 1905, to Cora Williams, at N. Chemung. They live at Sayre, Pa. 126. SARAH BLAUVELT, dau. of Elijah R., b. April 5, 1848, at Monroetowu, Pa.; m. Nov. 10, 1870, to George Washington, son of Amasa and Julia (Swain) Drake, at Chemung, N. Y. He is postmaster at E. Elmira, where they reside. They have four children : — i. Frank, b. June 22, 1871, at Chemung ; d. at 3 years of age. ii. Clara Jennings, b. April 22, 1873, at Chemung; m. Aug. 9, 1899, to Wm. B. , son of Carlton Priest, at Elmira, N. Y. iii. Agnes Mary, b. Sept. 4. 1878, at Chemung ; m. Nov. 10, 1896, to La Verne, sou of George Dyer, at Wellsburg. They have : — (i) Mary Adaline, b. Aug. 11, 1900; d. young, iv. Mabel Ethel, b. Sept. 10, 1S82, at Lowman, N. Y. 127. JOHN AMOS BLAUVELT, son of Elijah R., b. Dec. 28, 1865, at Wysox, Pa.; m. April 20, 1887, to Elizabeth, dau. of John Crowley, at Waverly, N. Y. They live at Hornell, N. Y., and have : — i. Ernest C, b. June 16, 1888, at New York, ii. Julia E. , b. Sept. 14, 1895, at Hornell. iii. John J., b. Nov. 7, 1S99, at Hornell. Fourth and Succeeding Generations . 105 128. CHARLES HENRY BLAUVEET, son of Elijah R., b. Feb. 8, 1869, at Chemung ; m. Dec. 8, 1901, to Mary Ellen McNamee, at Leavenworth, Kas. They live at 503 W. 146th St., New York City. He i.s a structural iron worker. J 29. MARIA SMITH, dau. of Jane, b. Dec. 30, 1825 ; m. to Geo. E. Sanders. She d. at Chemung, March 12, 1864. They had one dau.: — i. Harriet, b. July 22, 1857, at Chemung ; m. Aug. 29, 1900, to Curtis L. Benjamin, at Waverly, N. Y. Her address is Chestnut Street, Sayre, Pa. 130. MARY ANN SMITH, dau. of Jane (Blauvelt), b. April 28, 1828 ; m. to Miles C. Baldwin. She d. Feb. 14, 1903, at Binghamton, and is buried in Chemung, N. Y. They had five children : — i. WiLWAM Worth, b. Nov. 17, 1.847, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. to Sarah E. Bennett, at Campbell, N. Y. He lives at Sayre, Pa., and has the following children : — (i) Alice Louise, b. Jan, 25, 1873 ; m. Dec. 31, 1899, to Martin H. Jones. They have : — Mary, b. Nov. 12, 1900; (ii) Mary B., b. Nov. 16. 1875 ; m. Jan. 8, 1899, to Jacob Dillson, at Elmira. She d. March 7, 1901, and was bur. at Chemung. She left one child : — Mildred Ruth, b. Sept. 12, 1899 ; (iii) Jennie, b. vSept. 16, ; m. March 24, 1900, to Edwin M. Agnor, at Waverly, N. Y. One dau., Thelma, b. Nov. 18, 1906 ; d. Jan. 6, 1907, bur. in Chemung Cem. ; (iv) Veria, b. Aug. 8, 1888. ii. Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 17, 1849, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. R. D. Doolittle. She d. July 8, 1870, at Brattleboro, Vt, and is bur. in Chemung Cem. iii. Elizabeth Kress, b. April 16, 1S52, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. March 28, 1877, to Edmund J. Bingham, at Chemung. They have the following children : — (i) Adaline L., b. Aug. 12, 1879; (ii) James B., b. March 6, 1881 ; (iii) Marion M., b. May 18, 1883; (iv) Arthur G.,b. Oct. 19, 1884; (v) Ann Laura, b. Oct. 16, 1886; (vi) John L. , b. June 25, 1890. iv. Thomas Bernard, b. June 23, 1854, at Chemung, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 24, 1879, at Chemung, and bur. in Chemung Cem. V. James Morgan, b. June i, 1865, at Chemung; m. April 28, 1891, to Anna L. Beedle, at Hill City, S. D. They live at Brownville, N. Y., and have: (i) Mary WilLsie, b. March 5, 1892. io6 Hemati Rowlee a7id his Descetidants. IvYDIA ANN SMITH, dau. of Jane (Blauvelt), b. Oct. 8, (1831); m. to Ira Ticknor. She d. Feb. 14, 1903, at Avalon, Cal., and is buried in the Los Angeles (Cal.) Cem. They had three children : i. George, b. Jan. 2, 1852, at Owego, N. Y. ; in. June 27, 1889, to Liz- zie Jajjger, at St. Paul, Minn. They have the following; — (i) George, Jr. ; (ii) Robert, ii. Pascai,, b. March 9, 1853, at Owego, N. Y. ; m. 1883 to Ada Young, at Calais, Me. He d. Oct. 24, 1896, at Minneapolis, Minn., and is buried there. He left two children : — (i) William Harrison, b. vSept., 18S4; (ii) Ada Grace, b. June, 188S. iii. Etta Marilla, b. Feb. 3, 1862, at Flint, Mich.; m. vSept. 3, 1885, to Edwin John Whitnejs at Flint, Mich. They have :—(i) Walter Ticknor, b. Dec. 26, 1888; (ii) Edwin Pascal, b. Dec. 19, 1896. I3Z LYMAN SMITH, .son of Jane (Blauvelt), b. Sept. 29, 1834, at Wysox, Pa.; ni. Nov. 2, 1858, to Helen, dau. of William Jack- son, at Chemung, N. Y. They live at Portland, Ore., and have three children : i. Eleanor Louise, b. Nov. 29, 1859, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 27, 1881, to Shearman J., son of Peter LaFrance, at Hood River, Ore. They live at 874 E. Salmon St., Portland, Ore., and have: — (i) P'ay, b. Oct. 13, 18S2, at Hood River; (ii) Mary Helen, b. Oct. 24, 1889, at Hood River, ii. William J., b. June 16, 1862, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. March 2, 1889, to Sarah E. , dau. of Charles S. Gustin, at Astoria, Oregon. They live at 690 Water St. Portland, Ore., and have the following: — (i) Edith A., b. Dec. 9, 1889, at Astoria ; (ii) Helen J., b. Feb. 15, 1892, at Nehalem, Ore.; (iii) Eleanor, b. June 17, 1893; (iv) Ly- man G., b. Dec. 18, 1897, at Hood River ; d. Jan. 6, 1899 ; (v) Shearman A., b. Aug. 31, 1S93, at Astoria ; d. Aug. 11, 1905. iii. Charles Dorrance, b. Aug. 27, 187 1, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. Dec. I, 1896, to Josie Hansberry, at Hood River. They live at Casca- dilla Locks, Ore., and have the following : — ( i ) Mildred Eleanor, b. Nov. I, 1897, at Hood River; (ii) Doris Muriel, b. April 17, 1899, at Hood River ; ( iii ) Edna IMaud, b. July 9, 1904, at Steven- son, Wash. 133, ADALINE SMITH, dau. of Jane (Blauvelt), b. Aug. 24, 183S ; m. to John Lyons. She d. March 2, 1905, at Lockwood, N. Y., and is buried in Lockwood Cem. They had two children : — Fourth and Stuceeding Generations. 107 i. Myron Cory, b. May 12, i860, at Lockwood, N. Y.; m. March 15, 1881, to Minnie E. Vail, at Lockwood. They live at BuflFalo, N. Y. , and have : — (i) Sarah Edna, b. Aug. 12, 1883. ii. AI.BERT Smith, b. Dec. 31, 1867, at Lockwood, N. Y.; m. April 19, 1902, to May , at Waverly, N. Y. They live at Lockwood, and have : — (i) Adaline A., b. Dec. 27, 1906, at Lockwood. 134. HENRIETTA SMITH, dau. of Jane (Blauvelt), b. Dec. 23, 1841, at Chenning, N. Y. ; m, Jan. 6, 1870, to Abner Doney, at Eockwood. She lives at 122 Keystone Ave., Sayre, Pa., and has one son : — i. George Washington, b. Nov. 18, 1870, at Piitnam Hill ; m. Nov. 24, 1904, to Anna L. Simcoe, at Lockwood, N. Y. They live at Sayre, Pa. J 36. WIEEIAM TIEEMAN, .son of Eydia Ann (Blauvelt), b. Aug. 20, 1S38, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. April, 1864, to Maria E. Croffell, at Milltown, Tioga Co., N. Y. He lives at Tuo- lumne, Cal., and has two sons : — i. WiLtiAM Harrison, b. May 7, 1866, at Yalesville, New Haven Co., Conn.; m. Jan. 27, 1895, to Anna A., dau. of Peter Paton, at Ocosta, Chehalis Co., Wash. They have one dau.: — (i) Nellie Marie, b. Oct. 2, 1896, at Everett, Wash, ii. Raymond Fr.\nki.in, b. June 27, 1871, at Yalesville, Conn. 137. JAMES HENRY TIEEMAN, son of Eydia Ann (Blauvelt), b. Nov. 8, 1843, at Chemung, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 4, 1865, to Julia Herrington, at Chemung, N. Y. She d. May 3, 1905, at Jersey City, and is buried in Machpela Cem. He lives in Jersey City, N. J. They had the following children, all born at Chemung : i. Merritt Warner, b. May 4, 1867 ; m. to Anna P. Vough, at Blairstown, N. J. They live in Jersey City and have : — (i) Ruth v., b. June 16, 1900. ii. George Stowe, b. March 5, 1S69 ; m. May, 1902, to Hattie Dove, at Plains, Pa. They live at Stroudsburg, Pa. iii. Lydia Clarabel, b. Sept. 14, 187 1. iv. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 28, 1874 ; d. April 8, 1880, at Chemung, and bur. in Drybrook Ceni. v. Berneice Emily, b. Feb. 6, 1877. vi. Beatrice Alpha, b. Oct. 6, 1880 ; died May 11, 1899, at Jersey City; buried in Machpela Cem. io8 Heniati Rowlee and his Descendarits . 138* JOHN Mcdowell TILLMAN, son of Lydla Ann (Blau- velt), b. Nov. 15, 1846, at Chemung, N. Y.; m. Ruth Adelia, dau. of Abram Harding and Emma (Rogers) Knight, at Sheshe- quin, Pa. She d. Nov. 25, 1896. He is a mason and contrac- tor and lives at Ehnira, N. Y. He has two daughters deceased, and one son living : — i. Bertha Hortense, b. Oct. 26, 1872, at Chemung ; d. April 22^ 1899, at Elmira, and is buried in Woodlawn Cem. ; unmarried, ii. Myron Edgar, b. June 4, 1875, at Waveriy ; m. Sept. 7, 1897, to Elizabeth Jane Cleaves, dau. of Russell O. and Josephine ( Court- wright) Stone, at Elmira. He is a druggist at Elmira. They have : — (i) Edgar McDowell, b. March 16, 1901, at Elmira ; (ii) Marriette, b. Aug. 24, 1904, at Elmira. iii. Emma Maude, b. Dec. 6, 1876, at Willavvanna, Pa.; d. May 31, iSgSt at Elmira, and is buried in Woodlawn Cem.; unmarried. J 39. DELMAR TILLMAN, son of Lydia Ann (Blauvelt), b. March 30, 1850, at Chemung, N. Y.; m. to Alpha, dau. of Josiah Robbins. He lived at Marceline, Mo.; d. and was buried there, leaving two children. uo. MARY JANE HOLLON, dau. of Sarah (Blauvelt), b. Aug. 13, 1840, at Liberty Corners, Pa.; m. Nov. 15, 1864, to Charles Scott. They live at Liberty Corners and have two children : — i. Walter F. , b. Jan. 6, 1866, at Liberty Corners, Pa.; m. Dec. 18, 1899, to Mary H., dau. of Wm. and Mary Kram, at Liberty Corners. They live at Liberty Corners, and have : — (i) Lina M., b. Dec. 24, 1892, at Liberty Corners. ii. Dora E., b. April 6, 1876, at Liberty Corners, Pa.; m. Dec. 19, 1900, to Gratton L., son of Fred D. and Charlotte Kerrick, at Liberty Corners. Their children are : — (i) Mabel C, b. Nov. 10, 1902 ; (ii) Lawrence S., b. Dec. 22, 1904, at Duvell, Pa. UK JEREMIAH C. HOLLON, son of Sarah (Blauvelt), b. Oct. 24, 1844, at Liberty Corners, Pa.; m. ist, Dec. 25, 1866, to Matilda A., dau. of M. F. Van Gorder, at Monrotown, Pa.; she d. Dec. 5, 1872 ; he m. 2d, March 26, 1874, to Delphene Ennis, Fourth a7id Succeeding Generations. 109 at Liberty Corners ; she d. Oct. 29, 1903 ; he m. 3d, Oct. 24, 1904, to Myra H. Irvine, at Liberty Corners. Children : — By ist wife : — i. Charles S., b. Feb. 16, 1S68, at Liberty Corners, Pa. ii. Jessie A., b. May 19, 1870. By 2d wife : — iii. Ci/ARENCE L. , b. June 26, 1886, at Liberty Corners, Pa. J 42. CHARLES BLAUVELT, son of James, b. April, 1862 ; m. Feb. 24, 1902, to Lottie M. Cole, at Liberty Corners. He lives at Starrucca, Pa. Children : — i. Flossie P., b. June 25, 1893. ii. Carl D., b. July 17, 1S94. iii. Semore S., b. June 26, 1897. MARY BLAUVELT, dau. of John McDowell, b. Sept. 13, i860, at Chemung, N. Y.; m. Dec. 24, 1880, to John J., son of James Nichols, at Oak Hill, Chemung Co., N. Y. She d. Dec. 9, 1888. She had the following children : — i. Lena, b. Nov. 20, 1881, at Oak Hill ; m. July 4, 1900, to Benjamin, son of Frank Smith, at Wellsburg, N. Y. They live with their grandfather, J. McDowell Blauvelt, at Oak Hill, Chemung Co., and have : — (i) Violet, b. March 17, 1901, at Elmira ; (ii) Llewellyn, b. Aug. 14, 1903, at Oak Hill; (iii) Willis Royal, b. Aug. 27, 1905, at Oak Hill, ii. WilbER, b. June 5, 1884 ; d. Feb. 23, 1885. iii. Lulu, b. March 28, 1886 ; d. Dec. 2, 1906, at Elmira, of typhoid fever ; unmarried. Buried at Lownians, N. Y. CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH (ROWLEE) AND DANIEL COE. (Arranged in order beginning with top row and at the left. ) Sally (1811-1899) Eliza Marie (1813-1875) Charlotte (18 17- ) Lydia Ann (1826-1899) I'LAii-; \ii. ^^*'^"-s>.- Fourth a?id Succeeding GeneratioJis . in LAERTUS VAN DUZER CARPENTER, son of Sally (Coe), b. April ID, 1836 ; m. about 1862 to Mariette King, of Sher- burne, N. Y., at Oxford, N. Y. They lived at Oxford, N. Y., then Kansas, and finally he d. at his home in Northville, Mich. They had one son : — i. Alfred L,., b. April, 1S62, at Oxford. 146. GEORGE WASHINGTON CARPENTER, son of Sally (Coe), b. June 19, 1840, at Macedon, N. Y.; m. Nov. 28, 1870, to Helen C. Hauptman, at Washington, D. C. He lives at Portland, Ore., and has two children : — i. Maurice H., b. in 1871 at Washington, D. C. Now living at Baker- field, Kern Co., Cal. ii. Maud M., b. July 19, 1880 at Los Angeles. 147. CEIvIA ROGERS CARPENTER, dau. of Sally (Coe), b. Oct. 26, 1 841, at Macedon, N. Y.; m. March 20, 1867, to Henry Wells, son of Alva W. Spear, at Dansville, N. Y. She is a teacher and dressmaker. He is descended from George Speire, who came from England in 1644 and settled in Braintree (now Quincy), Mass. They had five children ; — i. Albert May, b. at Spring Mills, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1S70; d. May 20, 1872. ii. Mella Berdeen, b. March 6, 1873, at Spring Mills ; d. Feb. 8, 1874. iii. EmiIvY Edith, b. at Spring Mills, Aug. i, 1S74. She is a teacher at \Voodhaven, L. I. iv. Maud Irene, b. July 21, 1876, at Spring Mills; m. Dec. 28, 1898, to Myron Wm., son of John Louis Wagner, at Homell, N. Y. Their children are: — (i) Walter Kenneth, b. July 4, 1900, at Fremont, N. Y. ; d. June 11, 1901, at Fremont; (ii) Ira Gale Day, b. Sept. 22, 1902, at South Dansville; (iii) Emily Eliza- beth, b. Nov. 9, 1906, at South Dansville. V. Fred Valentine, b. Feb. 14, 1S7S, at Spring Mills ; m. Aug. 10, 1900, to Bertha Lillian, dau. of Edward Cobb. She was b. May 27, 1880, at Howard, N. Y. They have :— (i) Clifford Clayton, b. July 7, 1901, at Hornell, N. Y. 112 Henian Rowlee and his Descendayits. U8. ALFRED WARREN CARPENTER, son of Sally (Coe), b. May i6, 1844, at Macedon, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 20, 1866, to Carrie M. Hardy at Painesville, O. They live at Portland, Ore., and have two children : — i. W1LI.ARD H., b. June 29, 1869, at Hartford, Mich. ; m. to Rena L. Hilbourn, atTacoma, Wash. They have : — (i) Frances L., b. Nov. 27, 1888, at Chicago, 111.; (ii) Alfred H., b. Feb. 21, 1892, at Windsor, Wash.; (iii) Nettie E., b. June 13, 1894; (iv) Nellie M., b. May, 1899. ii. Edith M., b. Oct. 4, 1879, at Northville, Mich.; m. March 31, 1900. to Harry O. Leonard, at Windsor, Wash. They have : — (i) John M., b. June 3, 1903, at Wilson, Wash.; (ii) Gertrude C, b. May 8, 1905, at Wilson. 150. EMMA JANE BURDON, dati. of Eliza Marie (Coe), b. July 18, 1836, at New York ; m. Dec. 21, 1854, to William Grandy, at Bay City, Mich., where they live. They had .seven children : — i. John, b. March 8, 1856; m. June 25. 1881, to Bessie Nolan, at Ivud- ington, Mich., where they now live. No children, ii. Josephine Almira, b. March 27, 1858; m. Aug. 23, 1886, to Will- iam Augustus Southworth. He d. May 10, 1895. She lives at Bajf City. No children. iii. Georgianna, b. Aug. 10, i860; m. Oct. 16, 1879, to Stewart Richey. They have : — (i) Fred, b. May 22, 1882 ; (ii)^Earl Erwin, b. July, 1883; (iii) Ivilliau, b. June 5, 1885; m. Aug. 4, 1904, to Perry Dwight Pease. They have : — Rhea Thclma, b. May 24, 1905 ; (iv) Josephine Alniina, b. Aug. 4, 1887 ; (v) Emma Jane, b. Nov. 25, 1S89 ; (vi) Burdon William, b. Aug. 21, 1892; (vii) Marga- rette Altedena, b. Dec. 12, 1894; (viii) Stewart Oliver, b. March 15, 1897 ; (ix) Lulu May, b. Aug. 23, 1900. iv. Edward Thomas, b. Nov. 9, 1862 ; m. Dec. 24, 1896, to Ida Wells. They live at Bay City, Mich. V. Sherman Lincoi^n, b. Nov. 8, 1864; m. Dec. 25, 1888, to OUie C. Frank. They live at Bay City and have : (i ) Elevana Lenore, b. July II, 1890; (ii) Charles, b. Dec. 8, 1897. vi. William Arthur, b. Dec. 10, 1867 ; m. Aug. 5, 1893, to Margaret Hill, at Utica, N. Y. They live at Bay City. vii. Burdon, b. Dec. 22, 1873. Lives at Ludington, Mich. Fourth and Succeeding Generations. 113 ALICE ELIZABETH BURDON, dau. of Eliza Marie (Coe), b. Oct. 25, 1839, at Goodrich, Mich.; m. Dec. 25, 1863, to Thomas H., son of David Fox. They live at East Tawas, Mich., and have one dau.: — i. Lily Burdon, b. Aug. 10, 1868, at Bay City ; m. Sept. 5, 1S88, to Joseph G., son of Joseph Dimmick, at Green Bay, Wi.s. They have : — (i) Thomas Burdon, b. March 22, 1893, at East Tawas. 152. FRANCES REBECCA BURDON, dau. of Eliza Marie (Coe), b. Aug. 28, 1843, at Atlas, Gene.see Co., Mich.; m. April 22, 1 87 1, to Charles, son of John D. Schuettler, at Saginaw, Mich. She d. Nov. 29, 1895, at Arthur, Mich. They had one child : — i. Martha Burdon, b. Jan. 15, 1873; "i- Sept. 2, 1893, to Will A., son of Henry Harrison Kent, at Reese, Mich. J 53. MARY DELIRA BURDON, dau. of EHza Marie (Coe), b. Sept. 18, 1846, at Goodrich, Mich.; m. Dec. 5, 1864, to Jene C. Watson, at Bay City, Mich. They live at Grand Rapids. Mich,, and have : — i. Frank, b. May 18, 1866, at Bay City ; m. April 10, 1900, to Cora Towles, at Escanaba, Mich. They live at Eldorado, Cal. ii. Elba, b. May 11, 187 1, at Bay City. He lives in Brooklyn. iii. Harry, b. Sept. 7, 1874. at Bay City ; m. Oct. 28, 1903, to Harriett Huges, at Elk Rapids. They live at Grand Rapids. J 54. LILIAN BURDON, dau. of EHza Marie (Coe), b. Jan. 29, 1850, at Goodrichville, Mich. She is Supervisor of Drawing in the public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y. HARLAN PAGE UNDERWOOD, .son of Charlotte (Coe), b. Sept. 27, 1843, at Groton, N. Y.; m. April 11, 1874, to Inez 8 114 Heman Rowlee atid his Descendants. A., dau. of Wilson and Deborah (Louder) Halladay, of Ludlow- ville. He was a teacher, and now Hves at Groton. They have two children : — i. Paui, HaIvIvADAY, b. Dec. 29, 1881, at Ludlowville, N. Y.; a student in Cornell University, class of 1907. ii. Stanley Wilson, b. July 16, 18S6, at Ludlowville. WILLIAM F. UNDERWOOD, sou of Charlotte (Coe), b. Sept. 23, 1846, at Groton, N. Y.; m. Jan. 9, 1867, to Annette, dau. of Isaac and Emily (Armstrong) Sobers, of Pennsylvania Dutch parentage. They have : — i. LiDA B.. b. Dec. 18, 1869. at Groton, N. Y.; d. Aug. 7, 1876. ii. Belle Augusta, b. May 4, 1877, at Groton ; m. Jan. 6, 1897, to Charles Forbes, son of Jacob Starkey, at Groton. He was b. at Dryden, N. Y. , July 16, 1877. He is a carriage maker and lives at Groton. They have: — (i) Hazel Fern, b. Feb. 3, 1898. at Groton. iii. Bertha May, b. May 4, 1877, at Groton ; m. Jan. 25, 1899, to Geo., son of Andrew Sovocool, at Groton. He is a fanner and lives at Groton. They have: — (i) Kenneth, b. June 14, 1901, at Groton* 157. HENRY HERBERT UNDERWOOD, son of Charlotte (Coe), b. Feb. 21, 1853, ^t Groton ; m. 1877, to Abbie Freeman. He d. of cancer at Sj^racuse, 1904. They had no children. 158. FLORENCE H. UNDERWOOD, dau. of Charlotte (Coe), b. Feb. 28, 1858, at Groton ; m. July 4, 1878, to Albert, son of Peter Bower, at Groton. He is a carriage builder. They live at Cortland and have one dau.: — i. Charlotte, b. March 19, 1883, at Groton, N. Y. ; m. April 25, 1906, to Claude, son of Archibald Lillie, of Moravia, N. Y. , at Cortland, N. Y. They live in Cortland. ii. Newton A., b. July 2, 1899, at Groton ; d. Jan. 18, 1900. iii. Nettie F., b. July 2, 1899, at Groton; d. Oct. 4, 1899. J 59. ALICE ANNETTIE UNDERWOOD, dau. of Charlotte (Coe), b. Jan. 6, i860, at Groton, N. Y.; m. Aug. 8, 1883, to Fourth ayid Succeeding Generations. 115 Newton, son of Sherman and Sarah M. (Shumway) Dick, at Groton. They live on the old Underwood farm, one mile south of Groton. They have no children. 160. JOHN COE WOODRUFF, son of Lydia Ann (Coe), b. Nov. 16, 1848, at Florida, N. Y.; m. Oct. 24, 1872, to Mary E., dau. of John V. Mapes, at Howells, Orange Co., N. Y. They have one son : — i. Fred, b. April 25, 1880, at Florida, N. Y. J6I. WM. W. WOODRUFF, son of Eydia Ann (Coe), b. April 6, 185 1, at Florida, N. Y.; m. Sept. 5, 1877, to Sarah, dau. of Ed- ward Millspaugh, at Florida. They have two children : — i. Edward Millspaugh, b. June 25, 1S79, at Florida, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 27, 1904, to Marj' Louisa, dau. of Wni. Winters, at Florida. One child: — (i) Wallace Fdward, b. Sept. 24, 1905, at Florida, ii. Martha M., b. April 20, 1884, at Florida. 162. MARY ELIZABETH WOODRUFF, dau. of Lydia Ann (Coe), b. April 6, 1856, at Florida, N. Y.; m. Dec. 26, 1877, to Joseph A., son of Joseph A. Houston, at Florida. They live at Edenville, N. Y., and have five children, all born at Edenville : i. H. May, b. Oct. 21, 1878. ii. Gertrude M., b. May 25, 1881. iii. Clara L., b. March 15, 1884. iv. Elizabeth W., b. April 14, 1889. V. Helen, b. Nov. 24, 1893. 163. EMMA WOODRUFF, dau. of Lydia Ann (Coe), b. June 2, 1866, at Florida, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 5, 1887, to Finley, son of Albert Stevens, at Florida. They have two children : — i. Mary Ethel, b. March 18, 1890, at Florida, ii. Floyd, b. April 30, 1892. TABLE SHOWING NUMBER OF DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. HEMAN ROWLEE. BY GENERATIONS AND BY FAMILIES. Generations 2nd Sarah L/ois Charles Matthew EHjah Nathan Mary Heman Lydia S EHzabeth Total lo 3d 4th 5th (?) 6th 7th I 3 (?) (?) I 3 14 21 15 8 42 99 76 6 9 22 61 43 I lO 34 61 52 -- 8 35 55 53 3 5 32 39 25 I 42 171 329 270 26 Total 5 I 55 232 137 158 155 I I 103 Grand Total 848 116 INDEX TO NAMES (The numbers refer to the number of the family). Abbott, Julia 48 Adams, Eveline (Martin) 55 Maud 55 Milo 55 Paul 55 Verna 55 Wm. I Agnor, Edwin M 130 Jennie (Baldwin) 130 Thelma 130 Allen, Ann Elizabeth (Fausey) 123 Edwin L. 123 Elizabeth 51 Ethel Isabel 123 Frank H. 123 Helen Jeanette 123 James Percy 123 John H 123 John ly. 123 Walter Roy 123 Anderson, Emma Alice (Ver- non) 68 Mary Emma (Toland) 68 Robert W 68 Robert W., Jr. 68 Angus, Benjamin 48 Bradley 48 Celia B 48 Charles 48 Charles Bethel 48 Cyril 48 Fernie Elida 48 F'rancis 48 George B. 48 Harriet Charlotte (Kelly )_ 48 Joseph Bethel 48 Leslie 48 Maggie (Kingley) 48 Maria (Park) 48 Mary Elizabeth 48 Angus, Mary (Thayer) 48 Thad 48 Armstrong, Amy 6 Archibald 6 David 6 Deborah (Lattimore) 6 Elizabeth 6 Elsie 6 Emily 156 Francis 6 James 6 John 6 Martha 6 Mary 6 Mary (Ayers) 6 Polly (McWhorter) 6 Robert 6 Sarah 6 William 6 Ayers, Mrs. Mary 6 Rev. Enos 6 Babcock, Minnie 70b Baker, Charlotte (Demott) 26 George W. 31 Jeremiah 26 Maria (Emory) 31 Baldwin, Alice Louise 130 Anna L. (Beedle) 130 Elizabeth Kress 130 James Morgan 130 Jennie 130 Mary Ann (Smith) 130 Mary B 130 Mary Willsie 130 Miles C 130 Sarah E. (Bennett) 130 Sarah Jane 130 Thomas Bernard 130 Veria 130 117 ii8 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. Baldwin, William Worth 130 Ball, Addie 114 Alice 73 Charles Henry 71 Edith May 71 Eliza Jane 71 Eliza Jane (Rowlee) 16 Enima Elizabeth 72 Emma Malvina 71 Florence 73 George 16 George, Jr 73 Gordon D. 114 Hannah F. 114 Helen Louise 71 Josephine (Bowers) 73 Lillie Virginia (Brown) 71 Bangham, Alma 58 Barker, Cora 51 Derinda 47 Elizabeth (Allen) 51 Gilbert A. R 51 Barnes, Abbie (Smith) 79 Alice Beulah 79 AllieJ 79 Calvin H. 79 Comfort 79 Clara Joyce 79 Edwin Heman 79 Edwin Heman, Jr. 79 Leola Louisa 79 Louisa (Rowlee) 79 Mary 79 Rocious H. 79 Rollin C 79 Stellas. (Cole) 79 Bartholf, Major Henry 6 Bartholomew, George 105 Lucy Lavantia 105 Lucy (Mitchell) 105 Bartlett, Rebecca 104 Beacham, Minnie 93 Beck, Harry 51 Minnie (Wood) 51 Beedle, Anna,L. 130 Beers, Elizabeth 4 Benjamin, Curtis L. 129 Benjamin, Harriet (Sanders) 129 Bennett, Emma no Sarah E 130 Bentley, Addie 114 Jonathan 114 Rebecca 114 Bingham, Adaline L 130 Ann Laura 130 Arthur G 130 Edmund J 130 James B. 130 John L. 130 Marion M. 130 Elizabeth Kress (Baldwin) 130 Blanchard, Annie Maria (Goble 1 67 James A. 67 Roberta A. 67 Blanchett, Alice Matilda 48 Charles 48 Charles I. 48 Emma 48 Henry C 48 Lillian Luella 48 Mary Elizabeth (Angus) __ 48 Matilda (Chester) 48 Walter E. 48 Blauvelt, Albert 38 Carl D 142 Caroline Helen 123 Charity 7 Charles 142 Charles 122 Charles Henry 128 Clara (Lovell) 38 Cora (Williams) 125 Elijah Rowlee 32 Elijah Spencer 124 Eliza (Ennis) 36 Elizabeth (Crowley) 127 Elizabeth (Horton) 124 Elizabeth S 121 Elmina (Tyrrell) 38 Ernest C. 127 Flossie P. 142 George 125 James 36 Jane 33 Index. 119 Blauvelt, John 7 John Amos 127 John J 127 John McDowell 38, 143 Joseph 125 Joseph Charles 122 Julia E. 127 Lottie M. (Cole) 142 Lydia Ann 34 Maria (Cooper) 125 Marietta (Smith) 122 Marion 122 Mary 143 Mary 32 Mary 37 Mary (Compton) 32 Mary Ellen (McNamee)__ 128 Mary (Rowlee) 7 Myrtle (Inman) 125 Phila Arpatia 32 Phila Arpatia (Spencer )__ 32 Sally 35 Sarah 126 Semore S 142 William Compton 125 Bowen, Alice Virginia 56 Archibald Nelson 56 Calvin R. 56 Edna Elizabeth (Wood) __ 56 Frances 56 Bower, Albert 158 Charlotte 158 Florence H. (Underwood) 158 Nettie F 158 Newton A. 158 Peter 158 Bowers, Josephine 73 Kitty Ellen (Lewis) 73 William 73 Bowman, Hannah 123 Bradner, Edna (Goble) 65 Theodore 65 William 65 Broad, Alfred 83 Ann 83 Golda 83 Kate 83 Broad, Lillian 83 Martha (Rowley) 83 Rose 83 Brown, Anna 113 Burrill 107 CynthiaC 48 Frances E. (Rowley) 82 George G 71 Harriet Eleanor (Sperry)_ 107 John M 82 Keziah 107 Lillie Virginia 71 Lottie 28 William T. 170 BrufF, Amos 48 Frank 48 Julia 48 Matilda (Crawford) 48 Orpha 48 Phoebe 48 Phoebe Jane (Kelly) 48 Bump, Daniel 86 Priscilla 86 Sally (Cady) 86 Bunyan, Hattie (Rowley) 83 Mabel 83 Pearl 83 Walter 83 Bunzl, Carolyn Elizabeth (Go- ble) 63 Ernest Everett 63 Ernest 63 Julius 63 Regina Carolyn 63 Burdon, Alice Elizabeth 151 Eliza Maria (Coe) 40 Emma Jane 150 Frances Rebecca 152 James 40 John 40 Lilian 154 Mary Delira 153 William 40 Cady, Sally 86 Caffrey, Anna M 93 Camiichael, Harriet 66 I20 He?na7i Rowlee and his Descendants. Carpenter, Alfred H 148 Alfred L 145 Alfred Warren 148 Almeda 39 Carrie M. (Hardy) 148 Celia Rogers 147 Edith M 148 Frances L. 148 George Washington 146 Helen C. (Hauptman) 146 John Henry 39 Laertus Van Duzer 145 Lyman 39 Madison B. 39 Margaret (Dewitt) 39 Mariette (King) 145 Mary E. H 39 Maud M 146 Maurice H 146 Nellie M 148 Nettie E 148 Ophelia 39 Oscar Fitz-Allen 39 Rena L. (Hilbourn) 148 Sally (Coe) 8, 39 Samuel Van Duzer 39 Sarah ( Ferine) 39 Willard H. 148 Carr, Amy 6 Amy (Armstrong) 6 Anna 6 David 6 Deboriah 6 Dorothy 6 Eleanor 6 Hannah 6 John 6 Nathan 6 Samuel 6 Wm 6 Wm., Jr. 6 Chase, Abbie Gertrude 84 Volue}' Charles 84 Chester, Matilda 48 Chrisjohn, Elmira 19 Clark, Alice 112 Andrew Jackson 87, 88 Clark, Catherine (Little) 90 Cynthia 87 Donald Hathaway 90 Everett 55 Harry 112 Ida Jane 57, 64 Jane 112 Louvisa 55 John Henry 90 Maggie (Wood) 55 Majorie Estel 90 Mary Lousetta (Ross) __87, 88 Randall 55 Sylvester 55 Cobb, Bertha Lillian 147 Edward 147 Coe, Caroline Cornelia 41 Charles Rowlee 41 Charlotte 42 Daniel 8 Eliza Maria 40 Elizabeth (Garrison) 41 Elizabeth (Miller) 41 Elizabeth (Rowlee) 8 Eva 109 Frank 49 John 41 John Seely 41 Lydia Ann 43 Sally 39 Sarah (Mallory) 49 May 49 Solomon B 49 William 49 Cole, Estella 114 Joseph 96 Julia 96, 106 Lottie M 142 Sarah E. 114 Sarah Jane 96 Stella S 79 Wm. D 114 Dr. W. W. 79 Compton, Amos 32 Mary 32 Sarah (Kinner) 32 Cone, Almon 106 Index. 121 Cone, Betsy (Gregg) io6 Lydia Anna 96, io6 Conklin, Ann Elizabeth (Storms) 70b Ella 70b P'rederick 70b Grace 70b Harvey 70b Mamie 70b Radford 70b Cook, Delette 123 Cooley, Ruth i Cooper, Joseph 125 Maria 125 Sally 108, 119 Sally (Hammond) 125 Sarah 105 Corbin, Delette (Cook) 123 John Leroy 123 Lena May 123 Courtwright, Josephine 138 Cox, Oma 76 Wm. H 76 Crane, Alice Jemima 78 Arthur Trueman 78 Austin Griffin 78 Blanch Ray (Perry) 78 Caroline (Worden) 78 Emma Caroline (Rowlee)_ 78 Evigeue Rowlee 78 Irene Emily 78 Jesse A. 78 Joseph Youngs 78 Joseph Young 78 Louise Faith 78 Raymond Jesse 78 Rosannah 78 Crofell, Maria E. 136 Crosson, Alford 89 Elvina (Rowlee) 89 Jerusha (Wolverton) 89 Lily 89 William E 89 Crowley, Elizabeth 127 John 127 Cruson, Chas. W. 99, 100 Durmott R. 99 Cruson, Elizabeth 99, 100 Ethel J. 100 Florence S 99 H. Alniah 100 Hattie A. (Rowley) 99 John ■ 99, 100 Nellie F. (Rowley) 100 Wm. C. 100 Currie, Elizabeth 70a Curtice, Sarah (Rowlee) 2 Curtis, Charles 10 Charlotte (Rowlee) 10 Elizabeth 48 Gabriel 10 Jane 2 Joel 2 Lois Kozia 47 John W 2 William 2 Dale, Bessie Frances 51 Boyd Harvey 51 Edmund 51 George Benson 51 May Lillian (Wood) 51 Wallace H 51 Demott, Catherine (Herkimer) 104 Charlotte 26 Jane 26 John E. 104 Mary Alice 104 Dennison, John 48 Margery (Shaw) 48 Myrtles 48 Dewey, Albert 104 Jennie M. 104 Dewitt, Margaret 39 Dick, Alice Annettie (Under- wood) 159 Newton 159 Sarah M. (Shumway) 159 Sherman 159 Dillson, Jacob 130 Mary B. (Baldwin) 130 Mildred Ruth 130 Dimmick, Joseph 151 Joseph G 151 122 He?nan Rozvlee and his Descendants. Dimmick, Lily Burdon (Fox) _. 151 Thomas Burdon 151 Distin, Eli 95, 102 Eli Delos 96, 105 Elizabeth (Kellogg) 119 Jane (Hudgins) 96, 105 John W 119 Lucy Bernice 105 Marion Emily 95 Nellie 96 Rhoda 119 Sarah Ann (Gregg) 95, 102 Sarah Cornelia 102, 104 Doney, Abner 134 Anna L. (vSimcoe) 134 George Washington 134 Henrietta (Smith I 134 Doolittle. R. D 130 Sarah Jane (Baldwin) 130 Dove, Hattie 137 Downs, Asa 54 Caroline 54 Hannah 54 Drake, Agnes Mary 126 Amasa 126 Clara Jennings 126 Frank 126 George Washington 126 Julia (Swain) 126 Mabel Ethel 126 Sarah (Blauvelt) 126 Draper, Mary 28 Thomas 28 Dugan, Ada Belle 105 John 105 Sarah (Cooper) 105 Dunsmore, Alonzo 31 Janet 31 Duryea, Alpheus 63 Carrie M. 63 Dyer, Agnes Maiy^ (Drake) 126 George 126 La Verne 126 Mary Adaline 126 Earley, Alice Carey 47 Ellsworth, Mary E. ( Gilbert) __ 117 Ellsworth, Mayme D. (Fessen- den) 117 Sidney E. 117 Willis H 117 Elmer, Dorothy (Rowlee) 30 Fannie 118 Heman 117 Wm. F. 30 Emory, Maria 31 Ennis, Delphine 141 Eliza 36 Evelith, Mary 19 Fairfield, Estelle May 90 Farnsworth, Cora (Sample) ___ 81 Farries, Dr. Adam P 68 Hannah Amelia (Milburn) 68 Richard Milburn 68 Sarah Louise (Vernon) 68 Fausey, Addie Helen 123 Ann Elizabeth 123 Caroline Helen (Blauvelt). 123 Hannah (Bowman) 123 Henry 123 Rev. James Selden 123 John Rowlee 123 Lena May (Corbin) 123 Fessenden, Chester 117 Mayme D 117 Finch, Elijah 20 John 20 Ly dia Jane ( Rowlee ) 20 Phoebe 80 Fisher. Birdy B. (Rowley) 85 Francis A 85 Mildred May 85 W. B 85 Foster, Almon 48 Anna Louise (Rowlee) 95 Charles D. 48 Claud H 48 Dorothy Isabel 48 Earl 119 Edith (McKnight) 48 Frederick 95, 119 Geo. H 48 Graces. (Rowlee) 119 Index. 123 Foster, Jay 48 Johanna (Slosson) 48 Julia (Abbott) 48 Leon Francis 95 Lonnetta May (Kelly) 48 Mabel P 119 Martha Ann (Kelly) 48 Moses 48 Myron F. 95 Myrtle S. (Dennison) 48 Pearl A 119 Ralph Rowlee 95 Fox, Alice Elizabeth (Burdon)_ 151 Caroline ( Onan ) 121 Charles 121 DaN-id 151 Dewitt C 121 Harry 121 Hazel 121 Lily Burdon 151 Thomas H. 151 Frank, Ollie C 150 Frantz, Howard M. 92 MilaAlida 92 Sina Millicent (Preston) __ 92 Wm 92 Freddy, Ethelinda 47 Freeborn, Hannah 55 John 55 Mary Ann (Langwell) 55 Freeman, Abbie 157 Galloway, Catherine 68 Gardner, John 69 Lydia Ellen (Goble) 69 Samuel F 69 Garrison, Elizabeth 41 Gedney, Sarah Ann 13 Gerke, Daisy ( Rowlee) 60 Grandison Gervais 60 Henry Christian 60 Gibson, Allan Ernest 105 Bertha Doris 105 Ernest R. 105 George 105 Inda Dayre (Osborn) 105 Susan (Greenman) 105 Gilbert, Mary E 117 Sidney E. 117 Gill, Hannah (Thorpe) 68 Robinson 68 Goble, Adelaide Angel 64 Alletta 65 Annie Maria 67 Bertha M 61 Carrie E. (Stevens) 61 Carrie M. (Duryea) 63 Carolyn Elizabeth 63 Elias Ogdeu 14, 53 Elizabeth Ann (Rowlee) 14, 53 Elsie Lucile 64 Emily Jane 66 Harriet Watson 70 Harriett W. R 64 Ida Jane (Clark) 57, 64 Ida Ruth 57, 64 James Ogden 61 Jane (Miller) 61 John Rowlee 57, 64 John Rowlee, Jr., 64 Lilla (Nye) 64 Lydia Ellen 69 Mary Alice 68 Nathan 63 Nathan 14 Sarah Elizabeth 53, 62 Sarah (Hammond) 14 William 64 William Timlow 61 Graham, Polly 29 Widow 6 Grandy, Bessie (Nolan) 150 Burdon 150 Charles 150 Edward Thomas 150 Elevana Leuore 150 Emma Jane (Burdon) 150 Georgianna 150 Ida (Wells) 150 John 150 Josephine Almira 150 Margaret (Hill) 150 Ollie C. (Frank) 150 Sherman Lincoln 150 124 Heman Rowlee and his Descendants. Grandy, William 150 William Arthur 150 Grauer, Rosina no Gravestiue, Kate 83 Greene, May Elida 48 Greenfield, Burton H 95 Henry S 95 Jennie S. (Rowlee) 95 Greenman, Susan 105 Gregg, Betsy 106 Sarah Ann 95, 102 Wm. P 26 Griswold, Ann 116 Gurnee, Ada Lois (Storms) 70a Daniel W. 70a Harold Daniel 70a Victor Storms 70a Gustin, Charles S. 132 Sarah E. 132 Hall. Jane 6 John 6 Halladay, Deborah ( Louder )_. 155 Inez A 155 Wilson 155 Hammond, Ezra 54 Henrietta (Southard) 87 Ida M. 54 Lodelia Elizabeth 87 Miranda 54 Robert R 87 Sally 125 Sarah 14 Haney, Lavina 51 Hannum, Alonzo W 95 Caroline May (Rowlee) 95 Lottie Mary 95 Warren D. 95 Hansberry, Josie 132 Hardford, Ida 83 Hardy, Carrie M 148 Harndon, Alice (Hathaway) __ 90 James Otis 90 Hart, Cornelia iiS Hartwell, vSabra 85 Harwood, Chloa (Mann) no Frank no Harwood, Ida no Hathaway, Alice E 94 Alonzo Edwin 93 Anna M. (Caffrey) 93 Edwin 94 Edwin 23 Emily Jane 94 Emily Jane (Smith) 91 Emma 93 Florence 94 Frank 93 Harold 91 Harry 94 Jennie Adelia 94 Jessie A. (Smith) 94 Joel 94 John 91 Lula E. (Woodworth) 91 Lydia Jane 90 Mary Abigail 92 Mary Jane ( Stutenroth ) 94 Millicent 91 Milliceut 23 Millicent (Rowlee) 23 Minnie 91 Minnie ( Beacham) 93 Nathan R. 91 Nathan Rowlee 91 Orpha Maria (Smith) 91 Phoebe Bell 94 Ralph Frederick 94 Ruth 91 Hathorn, Col. John i Hauptman, Helen C 146 Herkimer, Catherine 104 Herringtou, Jiilia 137 Hewes, Caroline 24 Shubael 24 Hewitt, Hepsibah 106 Hilbourn, Reua L 148 Hill, Margaret 150 Hilton, Edith May (Ball) 71 Edward F. 71 Edward F., Jr. 71 Virginia 71 Hinman, Lucy Mary 102 Holden, Annie Eva (Leslie) 57 Index. 125 Holden, Augusta C. (Kamp) __ 57 Edith 57 Edward Goodwin 64 Elizabeth (Rowlee) 57, 64 Ella Frances 57 Fuller Tomes 57 George Perkins 57 Henry 57, 64 Henrietta R. 57 Ida Ruth (Goble) 57, 64 James 57 James Frederick 57 John James 57 Lizzie 57 Mildred 57 Ruth Ella 57 William Henry 25, 57, 64 HoUon, Betsey E. 35 Charles 35 Charles S 141 Clarence L. 141 Delphine (Ennis) 141 Floyd 35 Jeremiah 35 Jeremiah C. 141 Jessie A 141 Mary Jane 140 Matilda A. ( Van Gorder)__ 141 Myra H. (Irvine) 141 Sally (Blauvelt) 35 Holmes, Daisy H. 98 EllaG 98 William 98 Hopkins, Daniel Corwin r8, 21 Horton, Alice Carey 47 Alva Otis 47 Ann Martha 47 Charles Winfield 47 Derinda (Barker) 47 Edith 76 Elizabeth 124 George Clark 47 Henry Craig 47 Ida O. (Stone) 47 John 76 Lois Kozia (Curtis) 47 LoisSusania 47 Horton, Lydia Irene 47 Moses 47 RuthS 47 Samuel C 47 Summerville 47 Walter Ralph 47 Dr. William 47 Houston, Clara L. 162 Elizabeth W 162 Gertrude M 162 Helen 162 Joseph A. 162 Joseph A., Jr 162 Mary Elizabeth (WoodrufF) 162 H.May 162 Howard, Libbie May 102 Lucy Mary (Hinman) 102 William Burr 102 Howell, Aaron 49 Alice 49 Anna 49 Elizabeth (Mallory) 49 J. D . 49 Howells, David 6 Hannah 6 James 6 Hvidgins, Jane 96, 105 Hudst n, Melvina 55 Huff, Allie 54 Huges, Harriett 153 Hutchins, Beatrice S. 72 lacholtz, Fred 109 Glenn Osborn 109 Harriet Lovina ( Osborn) __ 109 Inman, George 125 Myrtle 125 Irvin, Albina 51 Irvine, Myra H. 141 Ives, Blanche Lovina (Skeel)__ 108 Chester E 108 Earl Chester 108 Emma Belle 108 George 108 Hazel B 108 Howard Jasper 104 Jane(Merton) 108 126 Hemayi Rowlee and his Descendayits. Ives, John 104 Lewis 104 Malvina Josephine ( Row- lee) 104 Maude Lucinda 104 Rebecca (Bartlett) 104 Sarah Grace 104 Willard Lewns 104 Jackson, Helen 132 William 132 Jaeger, Jacob 15 Susan A. (Storms) 15 Jagger, Lizzie 131 Johnson, Bessie Maude (Os- born) 106 Chas. Webb 106 J. A 106 Marion Webb 106 Nina 120 Wm. 120 Jones, Alice Louise (Baldwin). 130 Martin H 130 Mar>' 130 Joslyn, De Elton 108 Elizabeth 108 Mary E 108 Kamp, Augusta C 57 Michael 57 Kellogg, Carrie Lounetta 48 Elizabeth 119 Kelly, Bert R 48 Bessie Florence 48 Bessie Laura (Rogers) 48 Blanche 48 Carrie (Kellogg) 48 Clark Curtis 48 Dorothy Lena 48 Earl B. 48 Elizabeth (Curtis) 48 Emma (Blauchett) 48 Ernest 48 George Henry 48 Harriet 48 Harriet Charlotte 48 Inis (Stratton) 48 Kelly, James Francis 48 John 48 Joseph 48 Julia (Schly) 48 Lounetta May 48 Mabel Lovina 48 Maria Alice 48 Martha Ann 48 Olive Audry 48 Phoebe Jane 48 Roland 48 Walter William 48 Kent. Henry Harrison 152 Martha Burdon(Schuettler) 152 Will A 152 Keppel, Clara Lizzie ( Rowlee )_ 60 Henry 60 Howard Bird 60 Howard Bird, Jr 60 Louise Rowlee 60 Kerrick, Charlotte 140 Dora E. (Scott) 140 Fred D 140 Gratton L. 140 Lawrences 140 Mabel C. 140 Killam, Edward 115 Julia E. 115 King, George Frederick 64 Harriett, W. R. (Goble)._ 64 Katharine 64 Mariette 145 Kinglty, Henry O 48 Maggie 48 May Elida (Green) 48 Kinner, Sarah 32 Klemfelder, Carrie A 59 Knight, Abram Harding 138 Emma (Rogers) 138 George H 76 Jesse D. 76 Mary Emma (Rowlee) 76 Ruth Adelia 138 Knowlton, Arthur Henry 77 Clara Evelyn 77 Harriet Frances 77 Joseph Sturtevant 77 Index. 127 Knowlton, Mary Jane 77 Percy Linville 77 Sarah Abbe 77 Sarah Jane (Rowlee) 77 William H 77 Kram, Mary 140 Mary H. 140 Wm. 140 Kudrle, Clyde 91 Dwight 91 John 91 Minnie (Hathaway) 91 Nathan Leroy 91 LaFrance, Eleanor Louise (Smith) 132 Fay 132 Mar}^ Helen 132 Peter 132 Shearman J 132 Lagerstrom, Evelyn A 59 Lake, Eliza (Sloan) 80 Elmer E 80 Lang, Crescence 123 Langwell, Mary Ann 55 Laribee, Jesse iii Mabel (Osborn) iii Lattimore, Bishop 6 Deborah 6 Lawhead, Alexander 49 Anna (Howell) 49 Bernice 49 Hazel 49 Walter 49 Learned, Daniel 52 Edna 52 Edna (Wood) 52 Eugene 52 Eugene, Jr. 52 Marjorie 52 May 52 Leonard, Edith M. (Carpenter) 14S Gertrude C. 148 Harry O 148 Isabelle (Nestell) 72 John M 148 John Nestell 72 Leonard, Warren A. 72 Wm. 72 Leslie, Annie Eva 57 Frances C. 85 James Frederick 57 Joseph 85 Joseph 57 Mildred 57 Ruth Ella 57 Sabra (Hartwell) 85 Lewis, Kitty Ellen 73 Lillie Archibald 158 Charlotte (Underwood) ___ 158 Claude 158 Lincoln Abraham 5 Little, Alice 90 Anna 90 Anna (Purseon) 90 Annas 90 Catherine 90 Charles Edwin 90 Harry- 90 Harry Ross 90 Jennie 90 John Harris 90 Lydia Jane (Hathaway) 90 Mary 90 Litz, Alice Gertrude (Wood) _. 51 David 51 Lavina (Haney) 51 Thos. Haney 51 Thomas Harvey 51 Lord, Frederica 70b Phoebe (Rowlee) 5 Sherwood 5 Louder, Deborah 155 Lovell, Clara 38 Loweree, Alice (Ball) 73 Henn- Wilson 73 Henry Wilson, Jr. 73 Lum, Addie B 49 Lunn, Amanda (Smith) 33 Fred 54 Geo. 54 Jackson 33 Lee 54 Margaret (Wood) 54 128 Hemayi Rowlee and his Descendants. I/unn, Rowlee 54 Lyons, Adaline A. 133 Adaline (Smith) 133 Albert Smith 133 May 133 Minnie E. (Vail) 133 Myron Cory 133 John 133 Sara Edna 133 McElvery, Albert 59 Carrie A. (Klemf elder) 59 Carrie Getty 59 Caroline Gedney (Rowlee) 58 Edwin ,_ 59 Edna R. 59 Esther 59 Evelyn A. (Lagerstrom) __ 59 Geo. R 59 John 59 John A 59 Mabel 59 Ramsey 59 Rowlee 59 vSarah S. (Pietsch^l 59 McKechnie, Andrew 76 Edith J. (Maney) 76 Floyd 76 Gladys Hazel 76 McKnight, Edith 48 James Frank 48 Martha Ann (Quay) 48 McNamee, Mary Ellen 128 McWhorter, Polly 6 Robert 6 Mallory, Addie B. (Lum) 49 Anna Eliza (Wood) 49 Charles D. 49 Cordelia (Swan) 49 Elizabeth 49 Ezra 49 Frank 49 Maria 49 Sarah 49 Susan 53 "William 49 Maney, Albert G 76 Maney, Daisy 76 Charlotte E. (Rowlee) 76 Daniel H 76 Edith (Horton) 76 Edith J 76 George W. 76 Lillian (Raynor) 76 Louise E. 76 Mary Emma 76 Oma (Cox) 76 Samuel C 76 Samuel W. 76 Stacy 76 Wilma L. 76 Mann, Chloa no Mapes, Albina (Irvin) 51 John V. 160 Martha Virginia 51 Mary E 160 William 51 Marden, Arthur Osborn no Dorothy Emma no Emma Florence 1 Osborn). no Harry A no Martin, Anna (Little) 90 Bliss 90 Charles Francis 90 Eveline 55 Harry Little 90 Ross Floyd 90 Mattison, Grace Antoinette (Yeager) 123 James 37 James Lyn 123 Mar}' (Blauvelt) 37 Merton, Jane 108 Milburn, Hannah Amelia 68 Miller, Edna 65 Alletta I Goblet 65 Eleanor ( Ward) 41 Elizabeth 41 Francelia 95 Hezekiah 41 Hezekiah, Jr. 65 Hezekiah, Sr 61, 65 Jacob 95 Jane 61 hidex. 129 Millspaugh, Edward 161 Sarah 161 Mitchell, Lucy 105 Montagiie, Beryl iii Moore, Ann (Griswold) 116 Clayton C 79 Eli F 79 Gaylord 116 Leon B 79 Marjj^ ( Barnes ) 79 Mildred A. 79 Robert 79 Vinna A 79 Morgan, Alfred 26 Carrie A. (Rowlee) 26 Diana 70b Frederica 70b George 34 Mary Ann ( Tillman ) 34 Mary F. (Storms) 70b Wesley 70b Negley, Charles Fremont 90 Guy Perry 90 Jane Hathaway 90 Mary (Little)___ 90 Nestell, Beatrice S. (Hutchins) 72 Edward Victor 72 Emma Elizabeth (Ball) 72 Florence Dell ( Thomson ) _ _ 72 Isabelle 72 John Jay 72 John Joachim 72 Raymond Jay 72 Nichols, James 143 John J 143 Lena 143 Lulu 143 Mary (Blauvelt) 143 Wilber 143 Nolan, Asenath " 21 Bessie 150 Noyes, Adelaide Angel (Goble) 64 Frederick Linden 64 John Wallace 64 Wallace 64 Nye, Lilla 64 9 Onan, Caroline 121 Elizabeth S. (Blauvelt) 121 Joseph 121 Phila Arpatia 121 Osborn, Ada Belle (Dugan) 105 Allan Livingston 105 Almon 27, III Anson James no Beryl (Montague) in Bernice Carol 105 Bessie Maude 106 Carrie (Thumm) no Charles in Chas. Alfred 105 Charles Bennett no Charles Wesley 105 Chloa Emmaline no David 27 D'Elton G 27 Dorcas Molly 105 Earl Albert no Eliza Priscilla 108 Emma (Bennett) no Emma Florence no Erwin in Eva (Coe) 109 Eunice Sedate 106 George W 27 Grace 96, 106 Harriet Lovina 109 Harriet (Rowlee) 27 Homer Wesley 105 Ida (Harwood) no Inda Dayre 105 James Anson no John C. 109 Leila Distin 107 Lovina Harriet 105 Lucy Bernice (Distin) 105 Lucy Lavantia (Bartholo- mew) 105 Lydia Anna (Cone) 96, 106 Mabel in Mark Clayton 105 Mead Clinton 105 Myra (Taylor) 109 Myra 109 I30 Hetnati Rozvlee and his Descendants. Osborn, Myron D'Elton 109 Myron Weber 105 Nellie E. (Tinkey) iii Priscilla (Ticknor) 27 Ralph Waldo no Ruth Abby 105 Sarah Elizabeth (Patmore) in Wm. 27 Wm. James no William Nathan 96, 106 Osner, Minnie 55 John 55 Owens, David 6 Martha 6 Park, Hannah ( Waddingham). 48 Maria 48 Robert 48 Parkhurst, Frank J n8 Lottie M n8 Parrott, Cynthia (Randall) 51 Frances Adelia 51 Jared 51 Mary Adelia 18 Mary Ann 18 Patmore, Sarah Elizabeth ni Paton, Anna A 136 Peter 136 Payne, Mary Lucinda 22 Peak, Frank 83 Hazel 83 Neal 83 Nora (Rowley) 83 Stella 83 William 83 Pease, Lillian (Richey) 150 Perry Dwight 150 Reah Tlielma 150 Pell, (Curtis), Frances 2 Ferine, Sarah , 39 Perkins, Florence 75 Philip 75 Perry, Blanch Ray 78 Frank 78 Phillips, Ethel 55 Frances B. (Rowley) 85 Harry B 85 Phillips, Herbert 55 Lorenzo 55 Melvina (Hudson) 55 Minnie (Wood) 55 Ray 55 Pierce, Chas. H 97 Inez 97 Kate 97 Pietsch, Sarah S. 59 Post, Ada M 60 Charles C 60 John I Preston, Justus 92 Norman 92 Mary Abigail (Hathaway) 92 Sina Millicent 92 Priest, Carlton 126 Clara Jennings (Drake) 126 Wm. B. 126 Pritchard, Ada 83 Benjamin 83 Lottie (Rowley) 83 Roy 83 Purseon, Anna 90 Quay, Martha Ann 48 Randall, Cynthia 51 Daniel 95 Eldora 95 Rau, Amy Caroline 78 Jacob 78 Jacob, Jr 78 Rosannah (Crane) 78 Willamena Louisa 78 Winifred Jesse 78 Raynor, Lillian 76 Reid, Margaret 52 Reiter, Admiral George Cook__ 71 George Cook, Jr 71 Helen Louise (Ball) 71 Reynolds, Bostwick 95 Caroline V 95 Richey, Burdon William 150 Earl Erwin 150 Enima Jane 150 Fred 150 Index. 131 Richey, Georgianna (Grandy)_ 150 Josephine Almina 150 Lillian 150 Lulu May 150 Margarette Altedena 150 Stewart 150 Stewart Oliver 150 Roads, Kosia 3 Robbins, Alpha 139 Josiah 139 Rogers, Bessie Laura 48 Cynthia C. (Brown ) 48 Emma 138 Jeremiah C. 48 Root, Jane 25 Ross, Mary Lousetta 87, 88 Rouse, Enos 56 Elizabeth 56 Hannah 56 Rowlee, Abiram L 6 Abram 5 Ada M. (Post) 60 Addie (Ball) 114 Addie (Bentley) 114 Albert A. 114 Alice (Clark) 112 Alma I Bangham ) 58 Alonzo B. 119 Amanda (Skeel) 119 Anna 31 Anna (Brown) 113 Anna Louise 95 Asa S. 112 Asenath (Nolan) 21 Burdette D. 115 Byron Esquire 116 Byron Esquire, Jr 116 Carlton Virgil 96, 106 Caroline Gedney 59 Caroline (Hewes) 24 Caroline May 95 Caroline V. (Reynolds)_-_ 95 Carrie A 26 Charles 3 Charles 4 Charles Williams 119 Charlotte E 76 Rowlee, Charlotte 10 Clara Lizzie 60 Claude E 96 Clayton 120 Cynthia (Clark) 87 Daisy 60 Daniel 18 Daniel 6 Daniil Corwdn Hopkins 18 Delia C 87 Delos Demott 104 Dorothy 30 Dorothy (Carr) 5,6 Earl 96 Edith Evelyn 114 Edwin J 88 Eldora ( Randall-Wilson )_ 95 Elijah 5 Elijah Corwin 21 Eliza Jane 16 Elizabeth 8 Elizabeth 102 Elizabeth 57 Elizabeth Ann 14, 53 Elizabeth 1 Beers) 4 Elizabeth M. (Schuerman) 60 Ella 18 Ella (Moore) 116 Elon K 119 Elmira (Chrisjohn) 19 Elvina 88 Emma 95 Emma Caroline 78 Emma (Stewart) 58 Erma F. 119 Ernest 96, 106 Erwin 120 Esquire 29 Estella (Cole) 114 Esther D. 119 Evaline 112 Evaline (Trembly) 28 Evelyn E 119 Floyd Burdette 116 Francelia (Miller) 95 Frank (Clark) 88 Fred Gaylord 116 132 Henian Rowlee and his Descendants. Rowlee, Fred Nathan 112 George Albert 58 George Nathan 104 George Thorburn 58 George Washington 26 George Washington, Jr. _ 102, 104 Georgia (Sails) 112 Gertrude 119 Grace (Osborn) 96, 106 Graces. 119 Harlow 87 Harriet 27 Heman i Heman 19 Henian 31 Heman, Jr i Herbert 113 Howard C 88 Howard Emmons 102 Jane (Demott) 26 Janet (Dunsmore) 31 Janett 120 Jasper Newton 26, 104 Jay O. 120 Jennie S 95 Jennie M. (Dewey) 104 John Beers 13 John Carr 24 John EH 95 John Matthew 18 John William 60 John William, Jr 60 Jonathan Sheppard 22 Jonathan Sheppard, Jr._22, 88 Joseph Sutphin 60 Julia (Cole) 96, 106 Julia E. (Killam) 115 Katharine Claire 104 Kenneth E. 96 Kosia (Roads) 3 . Leitha Alice 104 Leonard Burr ri2 Libbie May (Howard) 102 Lidya 3 Lieut. Heman i Lily 89 Lizzie M. (Steinman) 60 Rowlee, Lodelia Elizabeth (Hammond) 87 Lois 15 Lois 1, 25, 42 Lottie June 104 Louisa 79 Luna Adelaide 114 Lydia 17 Lydia Jane 20 Lydia S 1, 7, 25, 42 Lydia (Seely) i Malvina 26 Malvina Josephine 104 Margaret Adelia 18 Margaret J. 96 • Maria (Emory) ( Baker )__ 31 Marion Emily (Distin) 95 Mary 7 Mary Adelia (Parrott) 18 Mary Alice (Demott) 104 Mary Ann (Parrott) 18 Mary (Draper) 28 Mary Emmeline 18 Mary (Evelith) 19 Mary Jane 21 Mary Lucinda (Payne) 22 Matthew 4 Maud 116 Maude Ethel 95 Melvin 119 Millicent 23 Millicent (Sheppard) 5 Nathan 28 Nathan 5, 6 Nathan 113 Nathan 103 Nellie ( Distin ) 96 Nina (Johnson) 120 . Phoebe 5 Paul Demott 104 Polly (Graham) 29 Priscilla (Bump) 86 Rhoda (Distin) 119 Roy E 88 Ruth (Cooley) i Sally Maria 12 Sarah 2 Index. 133 Rowlee, Sarah Ann 5 Sarah Ann (Gedney) 13 Sarah Cornelia Distin)io2, 104 Sarah Jane 77 Sarah Jane (Cole) 96 Shubael E 95 Silence May 102 vStella Taylor) 112 Tempy 5 Virgil 96, 106 Washington Eugene 106 Widow (Graham) 6 Willard 22 William Ross 96, 106 Willard Winfield 102 William 86 Willis 22 Rowley, Abbie Gertrude (Chase) 84 Abram 83 Alice 25 Alton 25 Arthur Clark 98 Birdy B 85 Byron C 97 Carrie 84 Charles Seely 25 Clark R 98 Daisy H. (Holmes) 98 Durmott loi Elijah 84 Elijah 83 Frances C. (Leslie) 85 Frances B. 85 Frances E. 82 Fred 83 George 83 Hattie 83 Hattie A 99 Heman 85 Herbert 83 Herbert Ashley 84 Ida (Hardford) 83 Inez (Pierce) 97 James Lester 84 Jane (Root) 25 Jeannette 98 Rowley, Julia Holmes 98 Kate (Gravestine) 83 Kate (Thompson) 84 Lottie 83 Mandy A. 85 Martha 81 Martha 83 Mary J. (Torywell) 83 Nellie F. 100 Nora 83 Norman 83 Percy H 85 Polly 7 Raymond 98 Robert Burdette 98 William G 83 Ruggles, Mary 38 Sails, Georgia 112 Samraons, Mary 114 Sample, Cora 8 Frank 8 Heman 8 Ida 8 John 8 Judson 8 Lester 8 Martha (Rowley) 8 Martin 8 Millie 8 Sanders, George E. 129 Harriet 129 Maria (Smith) 129 Saxton, Gilbert 6 Sarah 6 Schly, Henry 48 Julia 48 Mary E. 48 Schuermann, Anton M. 60 Elizabeth M. 60 Schuettler, Charles 152 Frances Rebecca (Burdon) 152 John D 152 Martha Burdon 152 Scott, Charles 140 Dora E. 140 Lina M 140 134 Hetnan Rowlee and his Desceiidants. Scott, Mary H. (Kram) 140 Mary Jane (HoUon) 140 Walter F. 140 Sears, Alice (Howell) 49 Geo. D. 49 Isaac 49 John 49 Seely, Lydia i Seymour, Eunice Sedate (Os- boru) 106 Harry T 106 Hepsibah (Hewitt) 106 Lindsay A. 106 Shake, George 76 G. Anthony 76 Helen Bumetta 76 Louise E. (Maney) 76 Shaw. Elizabeth (Wright) 75 Florence (Perkins) 75 Lydia Rowlee 75 Margery 48 Mortimer Wright 75 Theodore A. 75 Theodore D 75 Sheppard Ezra 5 Jonathan 5 Millicent 5 Miriam (Strong) 5 Shumway, Sarah M. 159 Simcoe, Anna L 134 Skeel, Blanche Lovina 108 Clarence Ray 108 Eliza Priscilla (Osborn) 108 H. Edgar 108 Ina E 108 Mary E. (Joslyn) 108 Sally (Cooper) 108, 119 Truman 119 William Harlow 108 Sloan, Charles So Eliza 80 Phoebe (Finch) 80 Slosson, Johanna 48 Smith, Abbie 79 Adaline 133 Amanda 33 Benjamin 143 Smith, Charles Dorrance 132 Doris Muriel 132 Dorrance 33 Edith A. 132 Edna Maud 132 Eleanor 132 Eleanor Louise 132 Emily Jane 91 Frank 143 Helen J 132 Helen (Jackson) 132 Henrietta 134 James 33 Jane ( Blauvelt) 33 Jesse 33 Jessie A 94 Josie (Hansberrj') 132 Julia (BruflF) 48 Lena (Nichols) 143 Llewellyn 143 Lydia Ann 131 Lyman 132 Lyman G 132 Maria 129 Mariette 122 Mary Ann 130 Mildred Eleanor 132 Norman 33 Orla 48 Orpha 48 Orpha Maria 91 Orrin 33 Sarah E. (Gustin) 132 Shearman A. 132 Violet 143 William J 132 Willis Royal 143 William 33 Snively, Daisy 51 Snyder, Evaline (Rowlee) 112 Hudson P. 112 J. W 112 Sobers, Annette 156 Emily (Armstrong) 156 Isaac 156 Southworth, Josephine Almira (Grandy) 150 Index. i3< Southworth, William Augustus 150 Sovocool, Andrew 156 Bertha May (Underwood) _ 156 George 156 Kenneth 156 Southard, Henrietta 87 Spear, Albert Ma}- 147 Alva W 147 Bertha Lillian (Cobb) 147 Celia Rogers ( Carpenter)- _ 147 Clifford Clayton 147 Emily Edith 147 Fred Valentine 147 Henry Wells 147 Maud Irene 147 Mella Berdeen 147 Spencer, Phila Arpatia 32 Speire, George 147 Sperry, Eleanor 107 Harriet Eleanor 107 Ira A 107 Lovina Harriet (Osbom)__ 107 Peter 107 Starkey Belle Augusta (Under- wood) 156 Charles Forbes 156 Hazel Fern 156 Jacob 156 Steinman, John 60 Lizzie M. 60 Stevens, Albert 163 Albert F 61 Emma (Woodruff) 163 Carrie E 61 Finley 163 Floyd 163 Mary Ethel 163 Stewart, Emma 58 Thomas 58 Stilson, Allie (Huff) 54 Calvin 54 Martha E 54 Stone, Elizabeth Jane Cleaves. 138 Ernest 47 Ethelinda (Freddy) 47 Ida O 47 Josephine ( Courtwright ) _. 138 Stone, Russell O 138 Storms, Ada Lois 70a Amsey 15 Ann Elizabeth 70b Charles 15 Edith 70b Elizabeth (Currie) 70a Frank 70b Frederica (Lord) 70b Irene 70b John 70b John 15 Lois (Rowlee) 15 Mar>' F 70b Minnie (Babcock) 70b Samuel S 70a SusanA 15 Sarah Elizabeth 15 Stratton, Inis 48 Jennie 48 Wm. 48 Strong, Miriam 5 Stutenroth, Mary Jane 94 Swain, Julia 126 Swan, Cordelia 49 Marie 49 Taylor, Myra 109 Stella 112 Thayer, Mar\' 48 Thompson, Abigail 84 James 84 Kate 6 Mary 6 Thomson, Florence Dell 72 Wm. 72 Thorpe, Hannah 68 Thrall, Alice (Hathaway) 90 Estelle May (Fairfield) 90 Frank 90 Frank, Jr 90 Frank E. 90 Jessie Loretta 90 Thumm, Carrie no Gustave no Rosina (Grauer) no Ticknor, Ada Grace 131 136 Heniayi Rowlee and his Desceyidants. Ticknor, Ada (Young) 131 Etta Marilla 131 George 131 George, Jr 131 Ira 131 Lizzie (Jagger) 131 Lydia Ann (vSmith) 131 Pascal 131 Priscilla 27 Robert 131 William Harrison 131 Tillman, Alpha (Robbins) 139 Anna A. (Paton) 136 Anna P. ( Vough) 137 Anna (Van Dyke) 34 Aaron 34 Beatrice Alpha 137 Berneice Emily 137 Bertha Hortense 138 Charles Henry 137 Delmar 139 Edgar McDowell 138 Elijah 34 Elizabeth Jane Cleaves (vStone) 138 Emma Maude 138 George Stowe 137 Hattie (Dove) 137 James Henry 137 John McDowell 138 Julia (Herrington I 137 Lydia Ann (Blauvelt) 34 Lydia Clarabel 137 Maria E. (Croffell) 136 Mariette 138 Mary Ann 34 Merritt Warner 137 Myron Edgar 138 Nellie Marie 136 Raymond Franklin 136 Ruth V 137 Ruth Adelia (Knight) 138 William 136 William 34 William Harrison 136 Tinkey, Nellie E iii Toland, Mary Emma 68 Tompkins, Chas. Nicholas 118 Cornelia (Hart) iiS Dora 118 Emma L. 118 Fannie (Elmer) 118 Lottie M. (Parkhurst) 118 Nicholas 118 Willis E 118 Tory well, Mary J. 83 Towles, Cora 153 Trembly, Evaline 28 Tyrrell, Daniel 38 Elmina 38 Mary (Ruggles) 38 Underwood, Abbie ( Freeman )_ 157 Alfred 42 Alice Annettie 159 Annette (Sobers) 156 Belle Augusta 156 Bertha May 156 Charlotte (Coe) 42 Florence H. 158 Harlan Page 155 Henry Herbert 157 Inez A. (Halladay) 155 Lida B. 156 Paul Halladay 155 Stanley Wilson 155 William F 8, 156 Vail, Minnie E 133 Van Duzer, Fanny 50 Van Dyke, Anna 34 Van Gorder, Matilda A 141 M. F. 141 Vauguan, Anne 6 Anthony 6 Vernon, Catherine (Galloway )_ 68 Clinton Montgomery' 68 Elizabeth (Gill) 68 Elviu 68 Emma Alice 68 George Herbert 68 Mary Alice (Goble) 68 Montgomery Hale 68 Phillip Linn 68 Index. 137 Vernon, Ray Clinton 68 Russell Montgomery 68 Sara Louise 68 Vough, Anna P. 137 Waddingham, Hannah 48 Wagner, Emily Elizabeth 147 Ira Gale 147 John Louis 147 Maud Irene (Spear) 147 Myron Wm 147 Walter Kenneth 147 Ward, Eleanor 41 Watson, Cora (Towles) 153 Elba 153 Frank 153 Harriett (Huges) 153 Harry 153 Jene C 153 Mary Delira (Burdon) 153 Waugh, Edith Evelyn (Rowlee) 114 Harry L. 114 Helen Isabel 114 James 114 Julia Alberta 114 Julia E. 114 Lillias Evelyn 114 Webb, Marion 106 Wells, Gershatn 6 Ida 150 Phoebe 6 Whitney, Edwin John 131 Edwin Pascal 131 Etta Marilla (Ticknor) 131 Walter Ticknor 131 Wickham, William i Wightman, Julia (Bruff) 48 Williams, Cora 125 Wilson, Eldora (Randall) 95 Winters, Mary Louisa 161 William 161 Wolverton, Jerusha 89 Wood, Abner 12 Alfred 73 Alice Gertrude 51 Alice Marie 56 Andrew Jackson 52 Wood, Ann Eliza 49 Byrd Georgia 56 Caroline (Downs) 54 Cecil Charles 51 Charles 5 Charles Dennis 51 Clara Virginia 56 Coe 12 Coe Harvey 51 Cora (Barker) 51 Daisy (Snively) 51 Edgar Fred. 54 Edna 52 Edna Elizabeth 56 Eley 12 Emma J. 50 Fanny (Van Duzer) 50 Florence A. 54 Florence (Ball) 73 Frances Adelia (Parrott)__ 51 Fred Asa 54 George 55 George 12, 62 George Washington 53,62 George Washington, Jr 53 George Williamson 51 Hannah (Freeborn) 55 Hannah (Rouse) 56 Henry 55 Ida M. (Hammond) 54 Ira Downs 54 Israel Rundle 55 Ivan Rowlee 54 John Abner 56 John R 12 Julia 54 Julia 12 Julian 12 Larue A 54 Maggie 55 Margaret 54 Margaret (Reid) 52 Martha E. (Stilson) 54 Martha Virginia (Mapes)_ 51 Mary Lillian 51 Matthew Rowlee 54 Maud (Adams) 55 138 Hemayi Rowlee and his Descendants. Wood, Minnie 55 Minnie 51 Minnie (Osner) 55 Osner 55 Paul 55 Sally Maria (Rowlee) 12, 62 Sarah Elizabeth (Goble)_53, 61 Stein 55 Susan (MallorjO 53 Verna 55 Thomas 55 Wm. F 73 Weir McVey 51 William H 55 William Henry 50 Woodruff, Charles 43 Edward 43 Edward Millspaugh 161 Emma 163 Fred 160 John Coe 160 Lydia Ann (Coe) 43 Martha M. 161 Mary Elizabeth 162 Mary E. (Mapes) 160 Mar}' Louisa (Winters) 161 Sarah (Millspaugh) 161 Wallace Edward 161 Wm. W. 161 Woodworth, Lula E 91 Wordeu, Caroline 78 James 78 Worzel, Alice Jemima (Crane) 78 Frederick H 78 Henr\- 78 Wright, Elizabeth 75 Enoch 17 George H 114 Joel 114 John William 74 Luna Adelaide (Rowlee )_. 114 Lydia (Rowlee) 17 Mary (Sammons) 114 Yeager, Addie Helen (Fansey)_ 123 Alvis 123 Crescence (Lang) 123 Edna Caroline 123 Frank Zavier 123 Grace Antoinette 123 Pearl Helen 123 Theresa Marie 123 Young, Ada 131 Annie 66 David 66 Elizabeth Mae 66 Emily Jane (Goble) 66 Frederick Emmett 66 George Herbert 66 Harriet (Carmichael) 66 Isaac Emmett 66 Zimmer, David 50 Emma J. (Wood) 50 n v- R0.59 '^^ -^^ * .V ^. ' '. 0^ « J (2 ^\'-!^'' V ^ '*••"' s'^' o o •4 - ^ov^ r-^ * V" o 7. O Jl* t " ' * >, v^Wl ►^ « J "1 ,^ " ^^ -» O. 'o . J ' A, ■^.^ ^' ■<^ •^- ^"^ : 'C; .f> •f <^. -^o. <^ V '^O 'J* Ao^ ^ *'^ ''^<^ .^ •'" .^" «*.. L ' » ^^^"\ :^^ ,- ^o o.. c .J> .-V .HO, .0- ^K^' ^"^ - -i •^ >. .H<>^ a ii .V ■5 ~ \ c ^. ^ G^ -^ ' o • t • , ''V <"> V. -O^ j3( ,0 ^- '^ •» o ^o DOBBS BROS. 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