Qass. Book. C5m/ THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY. A Record of the Early Generations in America. BY FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON. SOMETIME in the year 1628-9, from what ship no record remains to tell, Daniel Shepardson landed at Salem, Mass., being one of a numerous company who sought homes in America at that period of English history, A tradition in- dicates that he was accompanied by his brother, John, who soon died of lockjaw as a result of a dispute in which a spade was thrown at him by his adversary. Some of the immigrants moved to Charlestown where Daniel Shepardson is recorded as a citizen in 1632. He was not one of the wealthy members of the Puritan body, but was a craftsman, a blacksmith by trade. "Since the birth of time, throughout all ages and nations, Has the craft of the smith been held in repute by the people." The place of his origin is not known, but members of the family are to be found in Yorkshire, England, now, and, as the name indicates a Scandinavian ancestry, he may have been from that part of the country. He was not an educated man, but he had so much company in that plight among the early Americans, that it is not specially to his discredit that his will is acknowledged by a cross, with "the marke of Daniell Sheopardson" beneath it. Like most of the Puritans he was intensely superstitious, a believer in signs and omens, and when one day, as he was working at his forge, a stone fell from it and crumbled into powder, he recognized the evil portent and gave to his wife the nails which he was just making-^ saying, "They will come in handy some day." The nails were kept, and when he died, in Maiden, Mass, 26 July, 1644, they were used in the making of his coffin. He had a comfortable home with three acres of ground around SHEPARDSON. it, his blacksmith shop, and fifty acres of pasture and meadow land, scattered here and there, so that his widow, Joanna, who had the use of the property during her lifetime, was quite well fixed for a woman of the day. His family comprised a son, Daniel, and two daughters, Lydia and Joanna. When the children were ready to marry, Daniel married Eliz- abeth Call ; his sister, Lydia, married Elizabeth's brother, Thomas Call, Jr. ; and after the death of their father, their mother, Joanna Shepardson, married the father of the Call children, Thomas Call, St., so that the relationship became a little mixed. An abstract of the will and the inventory of the estate of this pioneer Shepardson have been printed as well as certain orders of the General Court about his property. [In N. E. Gen. Hist. Soc. Reg.] The second Daniel followed the trade of his father, making his home at Maiden, Mass., for some years. His name appears as one of a number who signed a petition to Sir William Phipps, 17 October, 1694, praying to be permitted to establish a settlement in Attleboro, Mass. He seems to have owned land there as early as 1660. He took a prominent part in the town's aflfairs. With this removal from Maiden the Shepardson family found its home in a tract of land called "Rehoboth North Purchase," which in- cluded what later became the towns of Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Attleboro, Norton, and Mansfield, Mass., places in which the family has been represented almost continuously for more than two hundred years. The early records of Attleboro, Rehoboth, and Cumberland seem faulty and there is considerable confusion in the first few generations, but there is every indication that all Americans named Shepardson may be traced back to Attleboro, except a few recent immigrants from England. The genealogical details so far as known follow : 1. Daniel Shepardson, blacksmith of Charlestown, Mass., coming from Salem. Admitted to the Church in Charlestown 8 June, 1633. Removed to Maiden, where he died 26 July, 1644. His wife was Joanna , maiden name and date of marriage unknown. She survived her husband and married (2) Thomas Call, Sr. She died 30 January, 1661. Children: I. Lydia Shepahdson, bapt. 24 July, 1637; m. (1) Thomas Call, Jr.; (2) Thomas Skinner. Child, Joanna Call, b. March, 1660. 2. ii. Daniel Shepardson, bapt. 14 June, 1641 (1639?). iii. Joanna Shepardson, bapt. 13 March, 1642; m. November, 1661, Rog- er Kennicut of Maiden, and later removed to Swanzey. Children, Joanna, Lydia and John. vrn-'^y / SHEPARDSON. 8 2. Daniel Sheparuson (DanieV) succeeded his father as black- smith at Maiden. He was a freeman of Middlesex County, Mass., 29 May, 1674, and took the oath of fidelity 15 December, 1674. He married, 11 April, 1668, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Call, Sr., and widow of Mr. Samuel Tingley of Maiden. He removed to Attleboro where he had fifty acres about half a mile from "Old Town" on the Bay Road. He lived to an advanced age and was long called "old goodman Daniel Shepardson." He came near losing his property at one time as the Attleboro records indicate. So far as known his children were: i Daniel Shepardson, b. 11 July, 1669; lieutenant in 9th Mass. Regt. against Canada in 1691 where he died 11 March, 1691. He may have married and had son John, b. 22 July, 1685, d. 15 October, 1685. 3. ii. John Shepardson, bapt. January, 1671. 4.111. Nathaniel Shepardson, bapt. 28 October, 1680. iv. Elizabeth Shepardson; m. Robert Fuller, 19 January, 1699. V. Mary Shepardson; m. Joseph Ingraham, 11 April, 1700. vi. Joanna Shepardson; m. John Fuller, 22 December, 1701. 3. John Shepardson^ {Daniel,^ DanieV) lived in Attleboro until about 1697 when he moved to Rehoboth. He married 9 April, 1694, Elizabeth Fuller who was boi'n 12 May, 1678, and baptized 30 May, 1679, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wilmarth) Fuller of Attleboro. Children, recorded in Attleboro: 1. Ruth Shepardson, b. 14 July, 1695 ; m. Ephraim Lane, son of John and Sarah Lane. Many descendants in Norton, Mass. She d. 1752. ii. Mehitable Shepardson, b. 31 January, 1696-7. ill. Sarah Shepardson, b. 13 February, 1698-9, d. 28 April, 1699. 5. iv. Daniel Shepardson, b. 16 March, 1699-1700. 6. v. Amos Shepardson, b. 30 September, 1704. 7. vi. John Shepardson, bapt. 17 April, 1709. 4. Nathaniel Shepardson {Daniel,^ DanieV) may have moved from Attleboro, Mass., to Rehoboth, where two of his children were baptized, although all are recorded in Attleboro. His wife was Mary . From similarity of names and some other circumstances, he may be the one referred to on page 236 of "Hinman's Connecticut Settlers" as "Nathan- iel Shippason, widow Mary, of Hebron, estate £207. He died 1718. Children were Jonathan, Nathaniel, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Mercy, Joanna, and others." Children recorded in Attleboro: 8. i. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 20 September, 1706. 9. ii. Nathaniel Shepardson, b. 26 March, 1708. iii. Elizabeth Shepardson,). i-^ A/rnv i7in iv. MART Shepardson, -j b. l- May, l , lU. 10. V. John Shepardson, b. 2.5 June, 1712. 5. Daniel Shepardson {John,^ Daniel,^ DanieP) married in Attle- boro, Mass. (1) Hannah Richardson, 9 December, 1725. She d. 26 Sep- tember, 1726, leaving a son. He married (2) Mary Washburn, 9 May, 1728. Several of the sons of this family went to Guilford, Vermont. Children, recorded in Attleboro: 11. i. Daniel Shepardson, b. 5 September, 1726. 12. ii. John Shepardson, b. 16 February, 1729. iii. Hannah Shepardson, b. 29 December, 1730. 13. iv. Zephaniah Shepardson, b. 6 May, 1733. 14. V. Stephen Shepardson, b. 11 August, 1735. 6. Amos Shepardson (John,^ Daniel,^ DanieV) married Margaret Pidge, 30 March, 1732. He died in Attleboro in his 94th year. The boys of this family followed the sea. Children, recorded in Attleboro: 15. i. Amos Shepardson, b. 5 May, 1735. ii. Zebediah Shepardson, b. 17 November, 1737, d. Seekonk, Mass. 4 SHEPARDSON. iv. Elijah Shepardson, b. 8 May, 1741. iv. Noah Shepardson, b. 3 April, 1745. V. Olive Shepardson, b. 30 June, 1752 ; m. John Macomber of Rehoboth, 10 April, 1777. vi. Araunah Shepardson, b. 7 August, 1756, drowned at sea. Perhaps also: vii. William Shepardson, wrecked between Liverpool and Boston. 7. John Shepardson {John,' Daniel,^ Daniel^) "has descendants in the Lake Champlain region" is the only record, January 1, 1907. Wliere he located is unknown. There are occasional traces of "northern Ver- mont Shepardsons." S. Jonathan Shepardson (Nathaniel,' Daniel,^ DanieV) lived in Attleboro, Mass., in Cumberland, R. I., and finally settled in Templeton, Mass., where he died in 1790. He married, 9 May, 1730, Abigail Fuller, Avho was born 6 July, 1704, daughter of John and Joanna (Shepardson) Fuller. Joseph Shepardson, who gathered extensive notes about the family, all of which were destroyed by fire before publication, reports that Jonathan's wife, "Merriam, died in 1771 very aged," and says children were Jonathan, born 3 January, 1735, Nathaniel and Joanna. The Attleboro records show no other Jonathan of this generation who might be confused with this line, and show children: i. Nathaniel Shepardson, b. 18 June, 1731; lived in Cumberland, R. I. 11. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 21 May, 1732, d. early. iii. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 19 January, 1734 ; perhaps d. early and name given to son b. 3 January, 1735. iv. Abigail Shepardson, b. 17 April, 1736. v. Mary Shepardson, b. 10 October, 1743, d. 30 March, 1745. vi. Mary Shepardson, b. 1 May, 1746, d. 31 March, 1752. Perhaps also: vii. Joanna Shepardson ; m. 6 December, 1781, John Christianmillar. 9. Nathaniel Shepardson (Nathaniel,' Daniel,- DanieV) probably lived in Cumberland, R. I., near the boundary line. I find no record of his family except of a son bearing his name. If he had several chil- dren this lack of records moy make confusion in my later notes. Jan- uary 1, 1907, I am at sea about this line. There is probability of con- fusion, too, with Nathaniel, son of Jonathan No. 8. 16. i. Nathaniel Shepardson. 10. John Shepardson (Nathaniel,' Daniel,^ DanieP) married Abi- gail Richardson and moved to Ash Swamp, later called East Haddam, Conn. The order of birth of the children is not known and there may have been others than the ones named. i. Otis Shepardson. ii. Daniel Shepardson, d. without issue, iii. WiLLLAM Shepardson. 17. iv. Jonathan Shepardson. v. Isaac Shepardson. vi. Abigail Shepardson. vii. Molly Shepardson. viii. Hepsibah Shepardson. ix. Ancel Shepardson, b. 14 January, 1759. 11. Daniel Shepardson (Daniel,* John,' Daniel^- DanieV) lived in Attleboro for a while at least, the town records containing this entry, "Daniell Shepardson, Jr., and Mary Peck, dau. of Hezekiah Peck, late of Attleboro, were married by me, ye subscriber, 12 November, 1753. — Habijah Weld." Children recorded in Attleboro: SHEPARDSON. 5 i. Noah Shepardson, b. 4 August, 1756. ii. OziAH Shepardson, b. 30 March, 1757; d. 5 February, 1758. iii. Enoch Shepardson, b. 21 April, 1759. iv. Hannah Shepardson, b. 8 May, 1765. 12. John Shepardson (Daniel* John,^ Daniel,'^ DanieP) removed to Guilford, Vt., of which town he was one of the founders. He was very influential in the movement to make Vermont an independent state. He bore the title "Major." He was made Town Clerk in 1772 at the first town meeting of Guilford. He was a member of the Council in Vermont for several years as also Judge of the Supreme Court. He died of consumption 3 January, 1802. His wife, Anna, died of old age 10 (or 11) January, 1817, then 87. They had eleven children according to a court record, but names are unknown. One son died at the age of eighteen. No further record. i. John Shepardson, b. 1753, d. 23 August, 1771. 13. Zephaniah Shepardson (Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) lived in Attleboro until about 1770 when he moved to Guilford, Vermont. He attended the first town meeting there 19 May, 1772, and was made a constable, an overseer of highways and an overseer of the poor. He was called "Lieutenant." He m.arried (1) Ruth Hills (b. 1 July, 1733, d. 16 October, 1782) ; (2) Demaris, widow of David Church. She d. 28 July, 1787, aged 54; (3) Mrs. Lucinda Chase of Halifax, Vt., 1 June, 1798. She d. in the "Chinesee" country, 30 September, 1809. He d. 16 October, 1804. Children: i. Zephaniah Shepardson, b. 21 March, 1755. ii. William Shepardson, b. 25 July, 1756. iii. Ruth Shepardson, b. 16 September, 1758 ; m. John Barney, iv. Joseph Shepardson, b. 27 October, 1760. v. Jared Shepardson, b. 18 July, 1763. vi. Demaris Billings Shepardson. vii. David Church Shepardson. 14. Stephen Shepardson {Daniel* John,^ Daniel," DanieV) married Lucy Fisher of Attleboro, Mass., and moved to Guilford, Vt., where he was constable in 1774 and commissioner of highways in 1776. He was captain of a company in the Revolutionary war. All I have about his children follows: i. Stephen Shepardson, d. 11 April, 1806, aged 46. ii. Peddy Shepardson, b. 15 November, 1771, d. 2 December, 1838; m. Robinson Perkins. 15. Amos Shepardson (Amos,* John,^ Daniel,^ DanieV) moved from Attleboro, Mass., to Northfield, Mass., in 1793, and to New York state in 1820. He married Rebecca Whitcomb and had children: i. Amos Shepardson, b. 1787, had one son, Charles, of Warwick, Mass. ii. Elijah Shepardson, b. 1789. iii. Araunah Shepardson, b. 1791. Iv. Zebediah Shepardson, b. 1793. v. Olive Shepardson, b. 1795; m. Elijah Kendall, 15 April, 1814. 16. Nathaniel Shepardson (Nathaniel,* Nathaniel," Daniel,- Dan- ieV) lived at Arnold's Mills in Cumberland, R. L He married (1) Sarah , who died after 1771, and (2) Elizabeth . He was known as "'Squire Shepardson." Children: i. Nathaniel Shepardson, b. 22 March, 1758. ii. Mary Shepardson. iii. Elizabeth Shepardson, b. 18 April, 1762. iv. Isaac Shepardson, b. 25 July, 1764. v. Lucy Shepardson, b. 4 February, 1766. Vll. viii. 6 SHEPARDSON. vi. Chloe Shepardson, b. 27 April, 1768; m. Otis Jlllson, 3 April, 1796. vil. Olive Shepardson, b. 29 May, 1771. viii. Sabra Shepardson, b. 22 July, 1774. ix. Otis Shepardson, b. 20 April, 1776. X. Hannah Shepardson, b. 21 Augiist, 1778. xi. Nancy Shepardson, b. 21 August, 1781. 17. Jonathan Shepardson (John,* Nathanieh^ Daniel,'^ DanieV) has descendants in Smyrna, N. Y. The family moved from Connecticut to New York many years ago. His only son was i. Jonathan Shepardson. 14. Jonathan Shepardson (Jonathan* Nathaniel,^ Daniel' DanieV) married in Attleboro, Mass., Miriam, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Car- penter) Follett, who was born 11 February, 1733-4. In 1768 the family moved to Templeton, Mass., having lived a while in Cumberland, R. I. They removed in 1790 to Royalston, Mass. They both died the same day, 3 December, 1804. Children: i. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 23 April, 1758. ii. Rebecca Shepardson, b. 30 November, 1759; m. Pratt. iii. Miriam Shepardson, b. 1 September, 1761. iv. Joanna Shepardson, b. 22 February, 1765. V. Rachel Shepardson, b. 6 February, 1767. vi. Beulah Shepardson, b. 28 May, 1769. Abigail Shepardson,). t„v,„ i it'?!„,-i ^ tr,- • „ ISAAC Shepardson, \^- J""^ 1, 1771. Abigail m. Higgins. X. John Shepardson, b. 23 October, 1773. ix. Daniel Shepardson, b. 6 October, 1775. 15. Isaac Shepardson (Nathaniel* Nathaniel,^ Daniel,' DanieV) lived in Wrentham, Mass., where he committed suicide by hanging. Children: i. Nathaniel Shepardson, d. Bridgewater, Mass. ; one dau. ii. Sally Shepardson ; m. Wood, Seekonk, Mass. ; two oh. iii. Aaron Shepardson, d. Wrentham, Mass. ; one dau. iv. James Shepardson, d. Franklin, Mass. ; four ch. V. Lucy Shepardson ; m. Bartlett ; three ch. vi. John Shepardson ; seven children, vii. Isaac Shepardson, d. Wrentham, Mass. ; eight ch. viii. Jonathan Shepardson; eight children, ix. Lydia Shepardson ; m. Chamberlain ; five ch. 16. Ancel Shepardson (John,* Nathaniel,^ Daniel,' DanieV) mar- ried, 25 July, 1782, Charlotte Colgrove, who was born 20 February, 1762, and died 23 February, 1850. He died 9 February, 1840. They lived in Middletown, Rutland County, Vt. and in Fairfax, Franklin County. Children: i. Clarissa Shepardson, b. 27 January, 1783, d. August, 1830, in Gran- ville, Ohio. ii. Asa Shepardson, b. 12 December, 1784, d. 14 August, 1842, in Dela- ware Co., Ohio, iii. Daniel Shepardson, b. 27 September, 1787. iv. David Shepardson, b. 25 October, 1790, d. 15 December, 1791. V. Ancel Shepardson, b. 10 July, 1793, d. 21 March, 1875, in Fairfax, Vt. vi. Joel Shepardson, b. 28 June, 1796, d. 25 December, 1850, in Vermont. vli. LORiNDA Shepardson, b. 23 April, 1800. viii. Calista Shepardson, b. 10 February, 1806, d. 13 August, 1861, in Alexandria, O. This completes the record of the first five generations of American Shepardsons, so far as I have been able to compile it. SHEPARDSON. 7 There are several places where it is faulty. In some of the fam- ilies of the fourth generation there probably were other children born after removal of the family from Attleboro. I have a record running back to an Ezra Shepardson of the fourth generation. I have another running back to Samuel Shepardson, born in Attle- boro, lo February, 1757. I suppose him to be of the family of John Shepardson (fourth generation) whose descendants are found in the Lake Champlain country. In printing the records I have indicated where my information about a line ends. But the facts now known show that it ought not to be difficult to trace out all American Shepardsons and place them properly in order. Any one who has records of births, marriages and deaths of Shep- ardsons should send them to me for preservation and possible publication at some future day. FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON, 5592 Kimbark Avenue, February i, 1907. Chicago, Illinois. John Eaton Shepardson, a civil engineer on the Southern and Western R. R. and Albert R. Shepardson, of Reading, Mass., are working with me in this study. THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY. A Record of the Line of Samuel Shepardson, Guilford, Vermont. BY FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON. JJ92 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. AUGUST I. 1907. T HIS leaflet gives genealogical details of the family of Hon. Samuel Shepardson of Guilford, Vermont. He seems to have been a worthy son of his brilliant father, Hon. John Shepardson, and to have played an important part in the development of Guilford. Zadock Thompson, in his Vermont Gazetteer, refers to him in complimentary terms. His de- scendants have shown a great deal of interest in the investi- gations into Shepardson genealogy. I have found them well educated as a class, with very creditable records. Quite a number of them have been college graduates, some of these being successful as teachers. Many of t\\e Shepardsons in this line are reported to have been of large physique. The leaflet traces the ancestry of Samuel Shepardson through five generations from the immigrant Daniel, and then gives such information as I have been able to gather from many sources. I am under special obligations to Mr. Everett Shepardson of the State Normal School in Los Angeles, California ; to Mrs. Bessie (Shepardson) Wright of St. Johns, Oregon, and to Mrs. R. M. Bissell of Jamestown, New York. If errors are found by any reader I shall be grateful for corrections or additions. Mr, John Eaton Shepardson of Aurora, Illinois (temporarily in engi- neering business with postofiice at Relief, Mitchell County, North Carolina), is working out the genealogical details of other lines starting from Guilford. H i €"^1^ S^"^ 9 SHEPARDSON. 1. Daniel Siiepabdson, blacksmith of Charlestown, Mass., coming from Salem. Admitted to the Church in Charlestown 8 June, 1633. Removed to Maiden, where he died 26 July, 1644. His wife was Joanna , maiden name and date of marriage unknown. She survived her d"j husband and married (2) Thomas Call, Sr. She died 30 January, 1661. Children: i. Ltdia Shbpardson, bapt. 24 July, 1637; m. (1) Thomas Call, Jr.; (2) Thomas Skinner. Child, Joanna Call, b. March, 1660. il. Amos Shepardson, b. 1639. 2. iii. Daniel Shepardson, bapt. 14 June. 1641. iv. Joanna Shepardson. bapt. 13 March, 1642 ; m. November, Ififil, Roger Kennicut of Maiden, and later removed to Swanzey. Chil- dren, Joanna, Lydia and John. V. Ruth Shepardson, b. . 2. Daniel Shepardson {Daniel^) succeeded his father as black- smith at Maiden. He was a freeman of Middlesex County, Mass., 29 May, 1674, and took the oath of fidelity 15 December, 1674. He mar- ried 11 April, 1668, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Call, Sr., and widow of Mr. Samuel Tingley of Maiden. He removed to Attleboro where he had fifty acres about half a mile from "Old Town" on the Bay Road. He was long called "old goodman Daniel Shepardson." He came near losing his property at one time, as the Attleboro records indicate. He was selectman of Attleboro in 1698. He died 3 August, 1723 [one record says 1743]. His wife, Elizabeth, died 21 February, 1715-1716. So far as known his children were: i. Daniel Shepardson, b. 11 July, 1669; lieutenant in 9th Mass. Regt. against Canada in 1691. He died 11 March, 1691, at Antico.stn. 3. ii. John Shepardson, bapt. January, 1671. iii. Elizabeth Shepardson; m. Robert Fuller, 19 January, 1699. iv. Mart Shepardson; m. Joseph Ingraham, 11 April, 1700. V. Joanna Shepardson ; m. John Fuller, 22 December, 1701, and d. before 29 June, 1720, when he m. (2) Widow Sarah Follett. vi. Nathaniel Shepardson, bapt. 28 October, 1680. vii. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 22 July, 16S.'i, d. 15 October, 1685. 3. John Sheparpson ^ {Daniel.- Daniel^) lived in Attleboro until about 1697, when he moved to Rehoboth. He married 9 April, 1694, Elizabeth Fuller, who was born 12 May, 1678, and baptized 30 May, 1679, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wilmarth) Fuller of Attle- boro. Inventory of his estate was taken 3 December, 1708, showing £64 16s Od. Children, recorded in Attleboro: i. Ruth Shepardson, b. 14 July, 169.'i ; m. 10 .January, 1716-1717, Ephraim Lane, son of John and Sarah Lane. Many descendants in Norton, Mass. She d. 1752. ii. Mehitable Shepardson, b. 31 January, 1696-7. iii. Sarah Shepardson, b. 13 February, 169S-9, d. 28 April, 1699. 4. iv. Daniel Shepardson, b. 16 March, 1699-1700. v. Amos Shepardson, b. 30 September, 1704. vi. John Shepardson, bapt. 17 April, 1709. 4. Daniel Shepard.son {John,'' Daniel,- Daniel') m. in Attleboro, Mass., (1) Hannah Richardson, 9 December, 1725. She d. 26 Septem- ber, 1726, leaving a son. He m. (2) Mary Washburn, 9 May, 172S. He was a blacksmith. His will was dated 13 April, 1770, and was probated 11 June, 1770. Several of the sons of this family went to Guilford, Vermont. Chil- dren, recorded in Attleboro: i. Daniel Shepardson, b. 5 September, 1726. 5. ii. John Shepardson. b. 16 February. 1729. Gifii Author (Person) SHEPARDSON. 3 iii. Hannah Shepardson, d. 29 Decemoer, 1730 ; m. Alexander Balkcorn (or Balcom) of Norton, Mass., 17 January, 1750. iv. Zephaniah Shepardson, b. 6 May, 1733. V. Stephen Shepardson, b. 11 August, 1735. 5. John Shepardson (Da^iiel* John,^ Daniel,' DmiieV) m. at Nor- ton, Mass., 17 January, 1754, Anna Blanchard, dau. of Stephen and Abigail (Pratt) Blanchard. After 1768 he removed from Attleboro to Guilford, Vt., of which town he was one of the founders. He was made town clerk in 1772. He was very influential in the movement to make Vermont a separate state. He bore the title "Major." He was a mem- ber of the Council in Vermont for several years and was also Judge of the Supreme Court. He d. of consumption 3 January, 1802, in Brat- tleboro. His wife d. of old age 1 January, 1817, then 87. According to a court record they had eleven children, but names of some are un- known. The first five are recorded in Attleboro: i. John Shepardson, b. 25 August, 1754, d. 23 August, 1771. 6. ii. Samuel Shepardson, b. 10 February, 1757. iii. Louise Shepardson (or Lois (?) ), b. 15 January, 1760; m. Simeon Forbes, iv. Seth Shepardson, b. 10 Au§rust, 1762. v. Alfred Shepardson, b. 26 April, 1768. vi. Jethenal Shepardson (name given by a descendant as stated by her mother). vii. Ezra Shepardson, d. at Palmyra, N. Y., 29 August, 1819, aged 33. viii. Zephaniah Shepardson (mentioned as living a half mile south of his brother Samuel and credited with sons, Lewis, Martin and Noah. There may be confusion with son of Zephaniah^). ix. Shepardson. X. Shepardson. xi. Shepardson. 6. Samuel Shepardson (John,^ Daniel* JoJin,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel^) m. Anna Barney, dau. of John Barney. She was b. in Rehoboth, Mass., 9 February, 1761. He lived in Guilford, Vt., dying on the farm his father occupied before him, 28 February, 1813, after an illness of eight days from spotted fever. He was a freeman and town clerk of Guil- ford, 25 March, 1782-3. In 1784 was guide of Vermont troops under command of Stephen R. Bradley, who suppressed disorder in Guilford; moderator of town meeting, 1794; constable in 1790, 1797, 1801; was called "Captain" in 1795; was collector in 1784, 1790, 1795; district clerk district No. 14 in 1810; member of Vermont Council, 1803-1808; register of probate in 1806; presidential elector in 1808, casting his vote for James Madison. He was called "Major" at the time of his death, this probably being a militia title. He was a large man phys- ically, weighing 285 pounds, tall, well-proportioned, and very active for a man of his size, as family traditions indicate. His widow spent her last years with her daughter, Anna Barney, dying in Lorain county, Ohio, near the mouth of Black river, 22 June, 1852. Children: Chloe Shepardson, b. 10 January, 1781. Anna Shepardson, b. 6 October, 1782, d. 3 November, 1782. Anna Shepardson, b. 30 May, 1784. John Shepardson, b. 9 December, 1786. Samuel Shepardson, b. 9 March, 1789. Otis Shepardson, b. 5 July, 1791. Elijah Shepardson, b. 6 November, 1793. Pliny Shepardson, b. 15 July, 1796. Sophia Shepardson, b. 20 August, 1798. X. Parmelia Shepardson, b. 19 March, 1801. * "Be it remembered that all the cattle and sheep and swine that is marked with a cross of the right ear in the town of Guilford, is Samuel Shep- ardson's." (Bk. 1 of Deeds Record, Guilford.) 7. 1. ii. 8. iii. 9. iv. 10. v. 11. vi. 12. vii. 13. viii. 14. ix. 15. X. 4 SHEPARDSON. 7. Chloe Shepardson {Samuel," John,'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ DanieV) m. 10 November, 1803, Andrew Dalrymple of Coleraine, Mass. They lived later in the Sandy Creek country near Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. They had nine ch., one of whom settled in Sugar Grove, Pa. No further record. (1907.) 8. Anna Shepardson {Samuel," John.^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel^) m. Joseph Barney of Guilford, Vermont, July, 1807. He was b. 28 September, 1788, son of James and Thankful (March) Barney, and grandson of Capt. John and Rebecca (Martin) Barney of Guilford. They settled first in Jefferson county. New York, near Sackett's Har- bor in Ellisburg, but later, after 1824, moved to Lorain county, Ohio, and settled near the mouth of the Black river. He d. 15 January, 1862. She d. 16 April, 1876. Children: i. Sophia A. Barney, b. 17 April, 1808, d. 28 October. 1824. ii. Samuel O. Barney, b. 18 November, 1809, d. 14 December, 1809. iii. Daniel A. Barney, b. 17 February, 1811, d. 18 June, 1891. iv. Maria A. Barney, b. 29 March, 1813, d. 11 January, 1883. V. Elijah Barney, b. 19 September, 1818, d. 26 March, 1821. vl. Pliny Barney, b. 7 April, 1821, d. 9 June, 1821. vii. Samantha A. Barney, b. 4 Aug:ust, 1822, d. 16 May, 1858. viii. LURANCY Almeda Barney, b. 18 February, 1824, d. 19 July, 1899. 9. John Shepardson {Samuel," John,^ Daniel.* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) was a farmer and cheesemaker. He lived one mile west of Guilford Center, Vermont. He m. 4 July, 1814, Parmelia Steadman of Leyden, Massachusetts, dau. of Philemon and Lucy (Babcock) Stead- man. Her tombstone records that she d. 18 August, 1863, aged 72. He d. 8 January, 1870. In his old age William W. Barney was appointed as his guardian. Inventory of his estate showed property valued at $1,200. Children: i. John Shepardson, b. 28 September, 181.5. He was in the Seminole war, was taken captive by the Indians, but was spared by the intercession of an Indian whom he had befriended. He was led by tliis Indian three days and three nights to a white settle- ment, P . When he reached it he found many ill with the yellow fever. He closed his last letter home by saying', "If you do not hear from me again you may know that I have taken the fever." It is supposed that he d. unmd., aged 22 or 23. 16. ii. Lorenzo Shepardson, b. 3 December, 1816, d. 8 February, 1888. iii. Laura Shepardson, b. 4 November, 1818, d. 3 November, 1896 ; m. (1) Josiah Arms, who was b. 25 December, 1800, and d. 7 Janu- ary, 1880, leaving one child, Ellen Parmelia Arms, who v/as b. 21 July, 1850, and m. 15 September, 1868, Alonzo Weatherhead. They reside Brattleboro, Vt., R. R. No. 3, and have one ch. — Ida Laura Weatherhead, b. 28 August, 1890. m. (2) 20 December, 1881, Artemas Eddy, who was b. in 1810 and d. 8 June, 1886. iv. Alma Shepardson, b. 23 February, 1821, d. 4 May, 1902; m. 27 April, 1846, Thomas Akeley, who was b. 16 August, 1814, and d. 19 October, 1892. He was son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Whit- comb) Akeley, and grandson of Thomas and Abigail (Wilder) Akeley. One ch. — Charles T. Akeley, b. 18 May, 1858, m. 25 October, 1881, Nettie M. Pomeroy, who was b. 19 August, 1862, dau. of Julius Clark and Mary L. (Bement) Pomeroy. They have no ch., res. 116 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vt. 17. V. Hiram Shepardson, b. 14 June, 1822. 10. Samuel Shepardson {Samuel," John,'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a physician and lived in Green River, Vt. He m. 6 March, 1817, Miss Phoebe Kemp of Guilford, Vt. (She had previously m. David Cudworth, whose three children were adopted by her second husband in 1823. Their names are not definitely known— 1907.) He d. 23 August, 1866. Children: i. Samuel Shepardson, b. 10 November, 1817, d. 26 November, 1893. He res. in Armada, McComb county, Mich. He m. (1) 13 January, SHEPARDSON. 5 1853, Elizabeth M. Sumner, who was b. 21 Augxist, 1826, dau. of Abel and Ruth Sumner. She d. 2 June, 1886. He m. (2) 20 July, 1887, Sarah Tibbits, who was b. 16 February, 1841, dau. of Joseph and Sophronia Tibbits. No ch. ii. Sophia Shepardson m. (1) Dennison Stevens of Coleraine, Mass., and had five ch. ; m. (2) Hunter. iil. Parmelia Shepardson m. Dr. Anson Cobb of Montague, Mass. Ch. : Anson Cobb and Abbie Cobb. iv. Enoch Shepardson (possibly one of the Cudworth ch. whom Samuel adopted). He m. and had one dau., Ella Shepardson, who m. Frank Fife and now lives on the old Samuel Shepardson place at Green River, Vt. She mentions also V. Clemenia Shepardson (possibly another of the Cudworth ch.). vi. Abbie Shepardson (Cudworth ). vli. Emily Shepardson (Cudworth ). 11. Otis Shepardson (Samuel," John," Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) m. 23 March, 1817, Susan Gibbs of Jamaica, Vt. She was b. in Stratton, Vt, 13 October, 1796, dau. of Edmund Gibbs (b. 28 Sep- tember, 1761, at Westminster, Mass.) and Phoebe (Preston) Gibbs (b. 1761 in Athol, Mass.). Guilford records call him "Captain" in 1826. He moved, in November, 1835, to Mongo, La Grange county, Indiana, where he lived until his death, 7 May, 1843. He was a man of strong physique. His death was hastened by an injury received in a test of strength with some of his companions. His widow d. 17 December, 1880. During their first winter in Indiana they lived in a windowless log cabin with puncheon floor. Children born in Guilford, Vt, except the last. Otis Shepardson. b. 26 April, 1818. Elijah Oscar Shepardson, b. 18 August, 1820. Edmtjnd Gibbs Shepardson, b. 15 November, 1822. Flint Shepardson, b. 1 December, 1824 ; unmd. ; Catlin, Wash. Lorenzo Dow Shepardson, b. 13 November, 1829. Susan Ann Shepardson, b. 23 February, 1832. 23. vli. Samuel Shepardson, b. 19 March, 1839. 12. ELI.TAH Shepardson (Samuel,'^ John,* Daniel.* John," Daniel.'' Daniel^) is said to have m. (1) , who did not long survive. He was living in Watertown, Jefferson county, N. Y., in 1817, but in 1822 was in Princeton, Ky. He m. (2) Mary Parrish Dudley of Lexington, Ky. Their children were b. in Princeton, Caldwell county, Ky. He d. there before 26 June, 1844. They were m. by Rev. Richard Beard, dean of Princeton College, Ky. Children: Dudley Shepardson, b. 1826. Ann Mary Shepardson, b. 9 August, 1828. Elijah Shepardson, b. 1830 ; res. Hamilton, Nev. Milton Dudley Shepaedson, b. 15 November, 1831 ; res. Peanut, Trin- ity Co., Cal. Prospector. Sophia Susan Shepardson, b. 1834. Parmelia Shepardson, b. 1836, d. in infancy. Samuel Shepardson, b. 1838, d. Farmersville, Texas, aged about 21. Victoria Shepardson, b. 26 June, 1840. Henry Clay Shepardson, b. 1842, d. aged 4 years. 13. Pliny Shepardson (Samuel." John,'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel') m. (1) 4 February, 1821, Rachel Tisdale of Guilford, Vt. They removed in 1825 to Gerry, Chautauqua county, N. Y., where she d. 21 September, 1854. He m. (2) at Guilford, Vt, 7 February, 1855, Triphena M. Kingsley. A tribute to his memory by James Starr, written at the time of his death (22 July, 1871) says: "Pliny Shepard- son shared in the hardships and privations so familiar to all early settlers of Gerry. He was a man of close observation, great energy 18. i. 19. ii. 20. lii. iv. 21. V. 22. vi. 24. i. 24a. ii, iii iv. 25. V. vi. Vli, 26. viii. ix. 6 SHEPARDSON. and perseverance. By his industry and economy, never by speculation, he achieved a fair degree of success always by the slow but sure way. In after years with more means he achieved greater success. He was always the friend and encourager of the industrious young man." He was proud of his ancestry and had a good memory for details. Ch.: 27. i. Amanda Shepardson, b. 30 November, 1823. 27a. li. Susan Shepardson, b. 1825; d. 1844. 28. iil. Walter Shepardson, b. 23 July, 1831; d. 4 July, 1905. 14. Sophia Shepabdsox {Samuel," John,^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel,- Daniel^) was a woman of great ability with more education and culture than were usual for her sex in her day. She was a handsome person, as pictures and reports from her descendants bear witness. She m. 27 November, 1820, John Winthrop Bissell of Gill, Mass. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Montague, Mass., and set- tled on a farm on the stage road, about a mile from Montague village and about the same distance from North Sunderland. The house was still standing in 1906. He was a manufacturer of hats in Greenfield, Mass. He carried on a sort of private banking business and used to boast that he never had to resort to the law to collect a debt. He was b. 23 September, 1794, and d. 8 February, 1876. His wife d. 15 August, 1864. They are buried in Springfield, Mass., where he d. Ch.: i. GusTAVUS Bissell, b. 9 June, 1825, d. 7 February, 1889. He was well educated, attending Amherst College perhaps for a while. He was a teacher for inany years. Ran for the legislature before he was of legal age. Went to California in the gold excitement and lived in Sacramento county for 20 years. He removed to Dela- ware, settling on a fruit farm near Bridgeville. He m. ( 1 ) in California, Jane Wilson, an English woman, who d. in Delaware of consumption. He m. (2) 21 November, 1876, Lilla Hartley and had ch. : (1) Jennie Sophia Bissell, b. 5 December, 1877, m. 24 June, 1896, John Marcus Payne and had ch. : Gustavus Edward Pavne, b. 10 July, 1900, and Lillian Sophia Payne, b. 18 March, 1904, d. 22 September, 1904. Mrs. Payne res. in Philadelphia, Pa. (2) Gustava Bissell, b. 5 May, 1881, d. 8 October, 1881. ii. Amandarine Bissell, b. August, 1829, d. about 1898. He was a hardware merchant in Owego, N. Y., for a while ; later moved to New Haven. Conn., where he d. from heart failure, falling from his bicycle as he was riding. He m. in 1856 Fannie Osborne of Worcester, Mass., who d. about 1897, aged 68. Ch. : (1) Rosa Bissell (d. in infancy) ; (2) Burleigh Cushman Bissell, res. New Haven, Conn.; (3) Rollin Bissell; (4) Lura Bissell; (5) Arthur Bissell (druggist, New Haven, Conn.) ; (6) Cordelia Bissell. iil. Milton Bissell, b. 10 March, 1831, d. 13 February, 1899. He was in dry goods business, Plymouth, Ind., for a while ; then in hard- ware business with his brother Amandarine in Owego, N. T. Later he moved to a farm near Jamestown, N. Y., the home of his wife. He was a man of much ability, of a decidedly literary turn of mind, who wrote much for the papers. He m. 17 March, 1860, Rachel Melissa Rice, dau. of John and Amanda (Shepardson) Rice (see No. 27). She has taken great interest in these genea- logical investigations and has contributed much valuable informa- tion about the several branches of the family connected with her. She res. 66 Eleventh street, Jamestown, N. Y. Ch. : (1) John Earle Winthrop Bissell, b. 23 January, 1868, passed the regents' examination at 14 and graduated at 18 ; graduate Philadelphia Medical and Dental College, 1890. Practicing dentist, Westfield, N. Y. ; m. in Westfield 10 August, 1891, Emily Haight and has ch. : Earle H. Bissell, b. 2 5 September, 1893, Milton Tracy Bissell, b. 29 April, 1895; Emily Louise Bissell, b. 21 December, 1901; (2) Berne Burritt Bissell, b. 11 May, 1877. Prevented from studying by ill health ; has a rural free delivery route and is interested in a company manufacturing cement building blocks; m. 20 February, 1900, Carrie L. Andrews of Sinclairsville, N. Y., and has ch. : Clyde Adella Bissell, b. 6 December, 1902, Milton Andrews Bissell, b. 22 April, 1905 ; res. corner North Main and Ninth streets, Jamestown, N. Y. iv. Ellen Sophia Bissell, b. 27 September, 1833; m. 12 October, 1856. John Clarke Cushman of Ft. Covington, N. Y. They res. Ply- mouth, Ind., 19 years. After fire of 1871 moved to Chicago, living in Highland Park, 111., for 26 years. He has been connected with SHEPARDSON. 7 railroad building and with large manufacturing enterprises. Ch. : Lillian Sophia Cushman, b. 20 January, 1866, who has taught art in Kenosha, Wis ; in Lake Forest University, Lake Forest, 111. ; in the public schools of Highland Park, and for the last five years has been director of the art department in the School of Educa- tion, University of Chicago. Res. 6030 Jackson Park avenue, Chi- cago. V. Ida Melissa Bissell, b. 19 April, 1835; m. (1) Smith Robinson Phillips 14 June, 1859. He was an accountant, the son of the keeper of the hotel in Old Deerfield, Mass., known as the "Bloody Brook House." After his death she m. (2) Col. John F. Marsh, 1 August, 1879. He is president of the Springfield (Mass.) Glazed Paper Co. Ch. : Nella Sumner Phillips, b. 3 August, 1862 ; m. 7 February, 1884, William Herbert Shuart, a lawyer of Rochester, N. Y., now general manager of the paper company just mentioned. Ch. : Christine Shuart (just graduated from Smith College), b. 11 December, 1884; John Denton Shuart, b. 16 November, 1894; Kath- erine Barrett Shuart, b. 20 June, 1899. They, res. Mulberry street, Soringfteld. Mrs. Marsh res. 59 Maple street, vi. Elijah Shepardson Bissell, b. 8 July, 1836; m. 8 December, 1864, Harriet Adaline Ross of Montague, Mass. He is a merchant, Plymouth, Ind. Ch. : (1) Elsie Sophia Bissell, b. 15 October, 1866, d. 10 April, 1899 ; m. 23 December, 1887, Marion Clayton Walls, and had ch. : Howard Bissell Walls, b. 15 October, 1888, d. 10 June, 1895; Harriet Marjorie Walls, b. 14 December, 1891; Martha Irene Walls, b. 28 March, 1893 : Marion Harrison Walls, b. 12 December, 1896; all b. in Plymouth, Ind., now res. Indianap- olis. Ind. (2) Winthrop Gustavus Bissell, o. 23 May, 1869, engineer with Lima, Ohio, Locomotive Works ; m. and has four ch. (3) Ernest Ross Bissell, b. 11 May, 1873; m. and has dau., Lillian Bissell ; he is Div. Supt. L. E. & W. R. R. at Muncie, Ind. ( 4 ) John Winthrop Bissell, b. 25 December, 1875, Supt. Buckeye Pipe Line; res. Willshire, Ohio; m. 5 October, 1899, Rowena Brewer, and had ch. : Cushman Brewer Bissell, b. 20 July, 1900; Donald Adrian Bissell, b. 22 December, 1901 ; Lura Dorathea Bissell, b. 29 November, 1903. (5) Harriet Elvira Bissell, b. 27 June, 1878 ; teacher Columbia City, Ind., until she m., 27 December, 1905, Leonard Shrader ; res. Columbia City. (6) Claude Elliott Bissell, b. 10 December, 1880; m. 4 November, 1902, Flora Verka. Ch. — Wilhelmina Bissell, b. 20 March, 1904; salesman, Cairo, 111. 15. Parmelia Shepardson (Samuel,^ John,^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel,- DanieV) m. 19 June, 1824, Zelotus Barney. He is reported to have been the son of John Barney, Jr., and thus grandson of Capt. John Barney, whose dau. Anna m. Samuel Shepardson (6); but several have reported him to have been a brother of Joseph Barney, who m. Anna Shepardson (8), in which case he was the son of James and Thankful (March) Barney. The Guilford records give the name of w. of John Barney as "Ruth." They settled first at Adams, N. Y., near where his wife's sisters, Chloe and Anna, located. Later they moved to Ohio, where she d. at Sandusky, 23 July, 1849, of the cholera, which was epidemic that year. He d. in Macomb, Hancock county, Ohio, in Au- gust, 1877. Ch.: i. Wendell Barney, b. March, 1825, d. Findlay, Ohio, in 1879 (?) ; m. in 1849, Catherine Carlin of Findlay and had six ch. : Caroline, Burleigh, Eva, Hetty and two others. ii. Edna Barney, b. 1827, d. in infancy. iii. Burleigh B. Barney, b. 15 February, 1828; m. (1) Elizabeth West- inhaver and had ch. b. in Findlay, Ohio : Metta Barney, b. 23 May, 1856, m. 8 September, 1880, Edwin F. Getchell ; res. 180 E. 29th street, Chicago. Bruce B. Barney, b. 15 June, 1859 ; real estate dealer, 85 Dearborn street, Chicago. Father res. Riverside, Cal. His wife d. in Chicago May, 1903, aged 67; he m. (2) Mrs. Caroline Richmond. iv. Barney, d. in infancy (?) 16. Lorenzo Shepardson {John,'' f^anmel.'^ John,^ Daniel* John? Daniel,- Daniel " ) was a laborer in Guilford. He enlisted in the Union army at Brattleboro, serving two months in the 16th Vermont Regt. Vol. Inf., but was discharged for disability 28 November, 1862. He m. 12 March, 1854 (1) Roxana Burrows of Halifax, Vt., from whom he separated when their son was very young. (2) Mrs. Lestina (Ed- in. iv. 8 SHEPARDSON. wards) Lamb, 8 June, 1858. She d. 2 June, 1891, aged 68 years 2 months. He d. in Guilford 8 February, 1888. His home was about a mile west of Guilford Center. Ch.: i. Joseph Shepardson, b. 25 January, 1855; m. Mary Taylor of Marl- boro. Has two boys, two girls. Res. Readsboro, Vt. ii. Edson Fillmore Shepardson. b. 1 January, 1859; m. 1 September, 1897, Mrs. Lillian (Bovie) Bridge of Hinsdale, d. 17 June, 1907. No. ch. John Henry Shepardson, Ik n r>«+^K«.. iqci S d- 25 November, 1863. Henrietta Shepardson, f ''• ^^ ^ctooer, i^bi. j ^ ^^ December, 1863. V. Herbert Shepardson, b. 1 June, 1865; unmd. ; farmer; P. O., Ber- nardston, Mass. 17. HiBAM Shepardson {John,'' Samuel,'' John.^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) served in the 24th Regt. Mass. Vol. Inf. during the Civil War. His home was in Boston. He m. Aurelia L. Turner of Maine, who d. 3 December, 1881. He d. 29 September, 1879, leaving one dau. 1. Laura Ann Shepardson, b. 27 March, 1849, in Lewiston, Me. ; m. J. B. Ayers of Boston and had one ch., a dau., b. 6 March, 1886, d. 3 July, 1887. 18. Otis Shepardson (Otis.' Samuel,^ John.' Daniel.* John.^ Daniel.^ DanieV) was a farmer for many years. For a short time he ran a flouring mill in Jamestown, Ind., but soon took up farming again near Greenfield, Ind., until 1860, when he removed to Sturgis, Mich., not far away, where he engaged in the hardware business until 1880. He was a large, fine looking man, exceptionally well read. He m. Catherine Wade 30 March, 1845. She was b. in Lincroft, England, 4 January, 1823, and now lives with her dau. Flora in Detroit, Mich. (Her parents were cousins: Robert Wade, b. in England 31 October, 1782, d. Spring- field Tp., Lagrange county, Ind., 1 January, 1863, and Eleanor Wade, b. in England 2 January, 1786, d. 16 November, 1859, at Brighton, Ind.) He d. in Sturgis, Mich., 14 December, 1890. Ch.: i. Helen Mary Shepardson, b. 8 January, 1846; graduate Oberlin College; m. 8 August, 1869, Peter Henry Kaiser of Gnadenhutten, Ohio. Hi^ was an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio, where she d. in childbirth, 11 April, 1875. Before her marriage she was a teacher and principal of one of the ward schools in Cleveland. ii. Catherine Wade Shepardson, b. 29 April, 1848. Three years, Ober- lin College. Took course in medicine and practiced at Pasadena, Cal., for about 20 years; m. at St. Johns, N. B., 17 March, 1875, Dr. Stephen Shaw Black, who was b. 8 July, 1846. Now res. on orange ranch near North Glendale, Cal. P. O. address, R. P. D. No. 1, Burbank, Cal. No ch. iii. Susan Ann Shepardson, b. 14 June, 1850, d. 9 August, 1850. Iv. Otis Robert Shepardson, b. 19 September, 1851, d. 14 February, 1856. 29. v. Oscau Plinny Shepardson, b. 10 February, 1854. vi. Henrietta Lucretia Shepardson, b. 16 March, 1856; m. 24 March, 1877, Edward Lichtig at Sturgis. Mich. Ch. : Maurice (dead), Bernard (m. and living in the Philippines), Henry (m., res. Chi- cago). Paola (m. ) and Irma (m. ). Family res. Chicago, whore Mr. Lichtig is a retail clothing salesman and manager. Mrs. Lich- tig is an ordained spiritualist minister. vii. Flora Forrest Shepardson, b. 13 November, 1858 ; m. 5 July, 1883, George Frederick Phares of Detroit, Mich., who was b. 18 June, 1845, at Godrich, Ontario. No ch. viii. Susan Pauline Shepardson, b. 10 August, 1861; m. 17 September, 1S81, W'illinm Sturgis of Sturgis, Mich. Ch. : (1) Oscar Jay Sturgis, b. 31 July, 1SS2, d. 7 October, 1901, typhoid fever. (2) Bessie Pauline Sturgis, b. 9 November, 1885. (3) Maud Eleanor Sturgis, b. 22 January, 1893. Family res. on Sturgis homestead, Sturgis, Mich. ; dau. Bessie In Chicago. SHEPARDSON. 9 19. Elijah Oscar Shepaedson (Otis J Samuel,'^ John,^ Daniel.'^ John? Daniel,- Daniel'^) spent some years with his uncle, Elijah Shepardson, in Kentucky. He served in the Confederate States army and was wounded in the arm. He had to ride 200 miles before he could get it dressed. He was never able to use it afterwards. He worked for some time as a pilot on the Mississippi, lived for some years in La- Grange county, Ind., and some years in St. Louis. He was an ingenious mechanic. He d. at the home of his brother Dow in Catlin, Wash., 23 February, 1897. Unmd. 20. Edjiund Gibbs Shepardson {OtisJ Samuel? John? Daniel? John? Daniel? Daniel^) followed the trade of a blacksmith for some years, then turned to farming, and later, while still owning his farms, became a country merchant, dealing in general merchandise and buy- ing wool and other farm products. He resided in Mongoqulnong, Ind. (name afterwards changed by his efforts to Mongo, while he was post- master). He was one of the first school trustees, was an ardent Re- publican in politics, was a man of strong physique, and independent in thought and action. He m. 23 February, 1850, Catherine Emiline Wil- son, who was b. near Plymouth, Ohio, 4 November, 1827, and d. in Mongo, Ind., 10 June, 1902. She removed with her parents, John and Dinah (Bodley) Wilson, from Ohio to Indiana in 1836, settling near Salem Center, Steuben county. He d. in Mongo 11 August, 1882. Ch.: i. Emma Shepardson, b. 10 February, 1850; m. 31 December, 1871, Charles Augnstus Smith, who was b. near Mongo, Ind., 7 July, 1850, son of George and Jane (Gray) Smith. They live on a farm, Mongo, Ind. No. ch. 30. ii. Edna Shepardson, b. 20 September, 1852. iii. Sarah Elizabeth Shepardson, b. 2 August, 1854, d. 17 January, 1855. 31. iv. Augusta Shepardson, b. 31 January, 1856. 32. V. Dow Fremont Shepardson, b. 4 October, 1857. 33. vi. Susan Sophia Shepardson, b. 13 May, 1859. 34. vii. Clara Elizabeth Shepardson, b. 1 January, 1861. 35. viii. John Everett Shepardson, b. 24 October, 1865. 21. Lorenzo Dow Shepardson {Otis? 8amuel? John? Daniel? John? Daniel? Daniel^) moved from Vermont to LaGrange county, Ind., in November, 1835. He m. 18 September, 1859, Flora Rosalie Huntington, who was b. in Brown county, Ind., 4 March, 1841. He spent his life as a farmer, living in the latter part of his life near Catlin, Washington, where he d. 4 January, 1906. Ch.: 36. i. Arthur Shepardson, b. 14 August, 1860. ii. Edmund Shepardson, b. 7 November, 1861, d. 24 June, 1868. iii. Benjamin Freligh Shepardson, b. 23 July, 1863 ; unmd. 37. iv. Oliff Shepardson, b. 2 February, 1867. v. Edna Shepardson, b. 2 April, 1869; m. 20 November, 1890, Samuel McKone, d. 20 April, 1891. 38. vi. Plinnt Shepardson, b. 16 August, 1872. vii. Bessie Shepardson, b. 7 December, 1875. Was a teacher .some years; m. 6 November, 1906, Eugene S. Wright; res. St. Johns, Ore. viii. David Samuel Shepardson, b. 16 November, 1877; d. 3 June, 1893. ix. Otis Shepardson, b. 13 February, 1880. X. Victor Joseph Shepardson, b. 1 February, 1884. 22. Susan Ann Shepardson {Otis? Samuel? John? Daniel? John? Daniel? Daniel^) lived on the home place in Mongo, Ind., most of her life. She m. Benjamin Franklin Freligh. Ch. : i. Eva Freligh, m. Joseph Geddos, a rancher and stockman in Baker City, Ore. She d. there. They had four ch., amonj? them Frank Geddes, county clerk (1907) Baker City, Ore., and Eva Geddes, who is m. and lives same place. 10 SHEPARDSON. ii. Ida Mat Preligh, m. Richard Hopkins of Brighton, Ind. Ch. : Fleming Hopkins, Ella (?) Hopkins, Maggie Hopkins, all b. near Mongo, Ind. iii. Ella Frbligh, m. Fleming Barr, Mongo, Ind. At least five ch. ; one, Frank Barr, a teacher. Two daus. are m. Iv. Arthur Plinnt Freligh, m. Ettie Snyder. One ch., Mabel, b. near LaGrange, Ind. V. Frank Leander Freligh, b. 22 October, 1865, went west, living in Oregon and Idaho at different times ; m. and had at least Frank Freligh. 23. Samuel Shepardson (Otis,' Samtiel." John,^ Daniel* John.^ Daniel,- Daniel^) clerked in his brother Edmund's store in Mongo, Ind., until his marriage 1 January, 1868, to Martha Jane Huss, who was b. 5 June, 1849, dau. of Elijah and Phebe (Hutchins) Huss. He has been prominently identified with the development of LaGrange county, Ind.; county treasurer, 1869-1874; county auditor, 1874-1882. Now has an abstract office and stands high in the community. He served in Co. G, 30th Ind. Vol. Inf., United States army, during the Civil War, and endured hardships at Knoxville and in Libby prison. Ch. : i. Kit Carson Shepardson, b. 15 May, 1872; m. 19 August, 1902, Cora Biddle, who was b. 13 May, 1874. ii. Ella Pearl Shepardson, b. 28 April, 1876; m. 8 August, 1899, James C. Will, D. D. S., of LaGrange. Ch. : Mary Jane Will. b. 16 June, 1900. 24. Dudley Shepardson (Elijah,'' Samuel,^ John,^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel," DanieV) removed from Kentucky to California, where he m., in Marysville, Yuba county, 16 December, 1868, Winifred May. He was an attorney at law until his retirement on account of ill health. Now in sanitarium, Napa, Cal. Ch.: 39. 1. Elijah John Shepardson, b. 11 November, 1869. ii. Mark Milton Shepardson, b. 2 April, 1871, attorney, Oakland, Cal. unmd. iii. Alice Hatmond Shepardson, b. 7 April, 1874 ; graduate San Jose Normal School. Teacher, Colusa, Cal., five years ; now Oakland, Cal. iv. James Clinton Shepardson, b. 18 May, 1876, d. 26 May, 190."? ; was a farmer. V. Creed Hatmond Shepardson, b. 20 March, 1878; attorney, Oakland, Cal., and real estate agent ; unmd. 24a. Ann Mary Shepardson (Elijah,^ Samuel,^ John.'' Daniel,* John,' Daniel,- DatiieV) m. in 1845 W. W. Throckmorton, who d. in 1851. In 1855 she m. (2) Winston Markham. She d. 27 March, 1868, at Farm- ersville, Ky. He d. in 1902 at Dennison, Texas. Ch.: i. William Gustin Throckmorton, b. in Princeton, Ky., is m. and has ch. : Ann Mary Throckmorton, Flavia Throckmorton, James Throckmorton. ii. Watoja Throckmorton, b. Farmersville, Ky., d. aged 2 years. iii. John Shepardson Markham, b. 29 August, 1857, d. 1 February, 1898, at Woodward, Okla. iv. Winston Baird Markham, b. 20 June, 1859 ; m. Nannie Wootten of Decatur, Texas, who d. in 1885. Their son, John Wootten Mark- ham, b. 1885, m. (2) Ada Hockett at Decatur, Tex., in 1887, and had ch. : Baird Markham, b. May, 1888; Marie Markham, b. 1890; Lois Markham, b. 1897. v. Annie Sophia Markham, b. 19 August, 1867 ; m. at Dennison, Tex., 18 October, 1893, Samuel Yancey Ferguson, b. in Alabama 8 March, 1863. Ch. : John Markham Ferguson, b. 4 November, 1895, at Wichita Falls, Tex., where the family res. 25. Sophia Susan Shepardson (Elijah,' Samuel,^ John," Daniel,* John,' Daniel," Daniel^) m. Dr. H. M. Markham about 1855 in Farmers- ville, Ky. The next year they moved to Texas, naming a town there Farmersville. Ch.: SHEPARDSON. 11 i. Harvey Dudley Markham, b. about 1859 ; m. Molly Taylor In Mc- Kinney, Tex., about 1877, and had ch. : John Pernell, Claire (dead), Hugh (d. about 1898), Harvey (dead), and Clarence, now res. McKinney, Tex. ii. Hugh Pernell Markham, b. about 1865; m. about 1889, Fannie , near McKinney, Tex. ; one child in 1903 ; now res. Paul's Valley, Indian Territory. 26. Victoria Siiepardsox (Elijah,' Samuel," John,^ Daniel* John.^ Daniel,- DanieV) m. (1) 9 March, 1854, Zebulon Andrew Baird, who d. 14 February, 1881. The family lived in Baird homestead between Nashville and Lebanon, Tenn. She m. (2) 1 November, 1885, Dr. Al- exander W. Terry. They moved to Dennison, Texas, in 1891, and to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1894, where he d. 26 January, 1901. i. Annie Lauha Baird, b. 17 December, 1860 ; m. 15 November, 1883, Dr. Calvin McAulay at the Baird homestead, Tenn. He d. at McKinney, Tex., 13 November, 1886. A posthumous child, William Calvin McAulay, b. 22 February, 1887, now attending Harvard Military School in Los Angeles, Cal. il. Martha Dudley Baird, b. 15 September, 1866 ; m. 27 March, 1889, at Baird homestead, Tenn., Dr. Watson G. Terry, son of Dr. Alex- ander W. Terry, mentioned above. They lived in Dennison, Tex., for a while, and in 1906 moved to Los Angeles, Cal. Ch. : Zebu- lon Alexander Terry, b. 17 June, 1891 ; Annie Laurie Terry, b. 7 October, 1896. 27. Amanda Shepabdson (Plinny,'' Samuel,^ John,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel^) was given a farm and "setting out" by her father near Gerry, N. Y. She m. 3 January, 1841, John A. Rice, who was b. Ellery N. Y., 24 July, 1818, and d. in Gerry 21 May, 1902. They spent their lives on the farm, except for three years when he was engaged in lumbering a mile away from it. In the early days before any rail- roads were built he rafted lumber down the rivers to Pittsburg and other cities. He was a charter member and one of the first officials of Gerry Grange, No. 412. He was a man who stood high in the com- munity and has a large number of friends. He was a splendid singer and well informed in all subjects. His wife was a woman of excep- tional graces who had great influence in the community. She d. 5 January, 1887. Ch.: 1. Rachel Melissa Rice, b. 23 April, 1843 (see No. 14 iii). ii. Plinny Shepardson Rice, b. 17 July, 1845 ; m. in Denver, Col., 1872, Catherine Maxwell, who d. in 1898, leaving two daus., Mrs. Lathrop of Brockton, N. Y., and Mrs. Stewart. He m. (2) in Jamestown, N. Y., 1902, Eva Whitman. 27a. Susan Shepabdson (Plinny,'' Samuel,' John.'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) m. 3 January, 1841, Jarias (or Jervis) Rice, she and her sister marrying brothers in a double wedding, but died in 1844, leaving an infant dau., Susan Rice, who m. Harrison Tompkins of Gerry, N. Y., in 1862. They had four ch.: (1) Edith Tompkins m. Frank Monfort, a grape raiser and farmer in Brockton, N. Y. They have ch. — Nina Monfort m. Edward Ross, Brockton, N. Y. ; Josephine Monfort, a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music and now a teacher in Illinois; Harry Monfort, attending military academy at Randolph, N. Y. (2) Susan Tompkins m. Nolan Smith, Portland, N. Y. (no ch.). (3) Bertha Tompkins m. Fred Titus, Brockton, N. Y.; one dau. (4) "William Tompkins resides in West Virginia. Mr. Tompkins d. some years ago. His widow, an invalid for many years, resides v/ith her daughter, Mrs. Smith. Mr. Rice m. (2) Lorinda Rodgers. They had one dau., who inherited an estate in England and resides there. A number of the women of Susan Shepardson's line were gifted musicians. 28. Walter Shepardson (Plinny,^ Samuel,^ John,^ Daniel.* John,^ Daniel,- Daniel^) was given a farm by his father and settled near 12 SHEPARDSON. Gerry, N. Y., where all his life was spent. He was a prominent citizen, much esteemed by every one. He m. 28 May, 1851, Camilla Partridge of Gerry. She was dau. of a Methodist minister, who was a graduate of Oberlin College and bought scholarships for each of his children. He was much interested in family history, writing a long letter giving facts on 2 April, 1905, just three months before his death, 4 July, 1905. His wife d. 25 May, 1906. Ch.: 40. i. Hiram Shepardson, b. 2 February, 1852. ii. Nellie M. Shepardson, b. 3 April, 1853; m. 25 March, 1875, Orange Williams of Gerry. They live at Ellington, N. Y., on a farm. She has been an invalid for some years. Cli. : Maude Williams, b. 20 May, 1876; Daniel Williams, b 11 August, 1879; Howard Williams, b. 27 December, 1886. iii. Rachel O. Shepardson, b. 2 September, 1854; m. 31 December, 1875, Fred Barmore of Gerry, N. Y. He runs a sawmill at Levant. Ch. : Walter Barmore, b. May, 1877; Emmett Barmore, b. 3 March, 1878. 41. iv. Major Sam Shepardson, b. 2 February, 1856. 42. v. Herbert J. Shepardson, b. 15 September, 1857. 43. vi. Plinny E. Shepardson, b. 10 March, 1865. 44. vii. George W. Shepardson, b. 19 June, 1866. viii. Irving J. Shepardson, b. 8 August, 1870; farmer at Bemis Point, N. Y. ; m. 4 June, 1894, Minnie Hoit. No ch. 29. Oscar Pliny Shepabdson {Otis,^ Otis,'' Samuel," John,^ Daniel,* John? Daniel.' Daniel^) graduated from the University of Michigan in 1875. Hardware business, Sturgis, Mich., till 1881. Traveling sales- man in hardware business since then; now traveling for Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. of Chicago. Resides Merriam Park, Minn. M. Anita P. Plimpton, Joliet, 111., 8 September, 1885. Ch.: i. Anita Arline Shepardson, b. 3 March, 1888. ii. (Infant dau.) Shepardson, b. 10 May, 1889, d. same day. iii. Helen Shepardson, b. 29 June, .1892. iv. DwiGHT Emerson Shepardson, b. 30 October, 1893. 30. Edna Shepardson {Edmund CHbbs,^ Otis,^ Samuel." John.'' Dan- iel,* John,"" Daniel;' Daniel^) m. 21 January, 1877, Horace Oscar Bar- tholomew, b. St. Joseph county, Mich., 13 May, 1845, son of Horace and Salome (Gates) Bartholomew. He is a farmer; resides Lima, Ind. Before her marriage she was a teacher. Ch.: i. Carl Urmen Bartholomew, b. 28 August, 1879, graduate Tri-Slate Normal School, 1899. In Co. H, 157th Ind. Inf.. Spanish-American war, 1898 ; m. 18 January, 1901, Hattie Pearl Gorlets, who was b. in LaGrange county, Ind., 19 January, 1883, dau; of Daniel and Mary (Faust) Gorlets. Ch. : Claude Huber Bartholomew, b. 10 November, 1901; Kenneth Berne Bartholomew, b. 4 August, 1903; Benita Bartholomew, b. 14 May, 1906, d. 10 September, 1906. ii. Don Cleo Bartholomew, b. 7 February, 1888; graduate Lima, Ind., H. S.. 1906. Teacher Burr Oak, Mich., 1906-7 ; Sherwood, Mich., 1907-8, 31. Augusta Shepardson {Edmund Oibhs,^ Otis,'' Samuel," John,' Daniel,* John,' Daniel,- Daniel^) m. 17 October, 1875, William Caspar Hawk, b. Hancock county, Ohio, 9 March, 1850, son of Christopher Lewis and Sarah (WyckofE) Hawk. He was a miller at Mongo for years and now owns a grain elevator at LaGrange, Ind. Ch.: Mabel Clare Hawk, b. 2 September, 1876, d. 26 January, 1878; Bertha May Hawk, b. 16 September, 1878, d. 14 May, 1890; Maude Leone Hawk, b. 19 July, 1881; m. John Caton and d. . 32. Dow Fremont Shepardson {Edmund Gibhs,^ Otis,'' Samuel," John," Daniel,* John,^ Daniel.^ Daniel^) moved from Mongo, Ind., to Baker City, Oregon, in 1880. Has been rancher and clerk; now deputy county assessor; m. Lillie Swift. Ch.: SHEPARDSON. 18 i. IVA SHEPARDSON. ii. Edna Shepardson. iil. Theodore Shepardson. iv. Morris Shepardson. 33. Susan Sophia Shepardson {Edmund Oi'b'bs.^ Otis.'' Samuel," John,^ Daniel,* John.'' Daniel," DanieV) m. 18 October, 1878, Thomas Jefferson Rawles, who was b. 9 May, 1855, son of John Wesley and Sarah (Randall) Rawles. They lived at Mongo, Ind., until February, 1879, when they moved to Rising City, Neb., where she d. 16 May, 1887, an infant son being buried in the same grave with her. Ch.: i. John "Wesley Rawles, b. 5 February, 1880; graduate Lima, Ind., H. S. ; accidentally killed while lumbering in Michigan, 1906. ii. Evfrett Gibes Rawles, b. 21 July, 1882. On farm near Orland, Ind. iii. Nellie Rawles, b. 15 January, 1SS4; graduate Wolcottville, Ind., H. S. ; m. Ernest Blackwell, a telegraph operator now at Enid, Okla. iv. Flora Rawles, b. 27 April, 1885, res. with aunt, Mongo, Ind. V. (Infant) Rawles, b. 11 May, 1887, d. 16 May, 1887. 34. Clara Elizabeth Shepardson (Edmund Oibbs.^ Otis,'' Samuel," John.' Daniel,* John.^ Daniel.'^ Daniel^) m. 21 November, 1886, Clinton DeForrest Seaman, b. near Mongo, Ind., 5 September, 1860, son of Henry and Mary (Ellison) Seaman; resides on a farm near Mongo. P. O. address, Brighton, Ind. Ch. : 1. Clifford Henry Seaman, b. 29 November, 1887. ii. Leah Emeline Seaman, b. 5 January, 1890. iii. Hilda Seaman, b. 1896. iv. Norma Seaman, b. March, 1901. 35. John Everett Shepardson {Edmund Oibbs,^ Otis,'' Samuel," John.' Daniel.* John.'' Daniel.'^ Daniel^) clerked in father's store; taught country school Brushy Prairie, LaGrange Co., Ind., 1882-3, and Rising City, Neb., 18S3; graduated from Indiana State Normal School, 1886; principal and superintendent of schools, Shoals, Ind., 1886-8; graduate Indiana State University with degree of Bachelor of Arts, 1890; Master of Arts same, 1892; member of Phi Gamma Delta; teacher. Blooming- ton, Ind., high school, 1890-1; Hopkins Academy, Oakland, Cal., 1891-3; Salinas City, Cal., high school, 1894-5; has given county normal and institute instruction in Indiana, Arizona and California: assistant pro- fessor of psychology and pedagogy, California State Normal School, Los Angeles, 1895-1906; president Southern California Schoolmasters' Club, 1904; student in summer sessions Indiana University, 1891; Clark University, 1896; Cornell University, 1905; Columbia University, 1906; member University Club, Los Angeles; member Knights of Pythias (Captain Division 33, Uniformed Rank) in Bloomington, Ind., 1891; author of "A Preliminary Critique of the Doctrine of Funda- mental and Accessory Movements"; supervisor of training school in State Normal School at Los Angeles, Cal., since 1906; m. in Shoals, Ind., 6 July, 1896, Claudia Shirey, who was b. in Dover Hill, Ind., 6 April, 1867, dau. of Michael and Araminta (Davidson) Shirey. Has been greatly interested in the Shepardson genealogical investigations, contributing much information for this leaflet. Resides 1147 Santee street, Los Angeles, Cal., where his children were born. Ch.: i. Claudia Shirey Shepardson, b. 8 September, 1897, d. 6 February, 1901. ii. Norma Minta Shepardson, b. 20 December, 1898, d. 3 March, 1901. iii. Kathryn Emlyn Shepardson, b. 26 May, 1903. 36. Arthur Shepardson {Lorenzo Dow.^ Otis.'' Samuel." John.' Dan- iel,* John."" Daniel,^ Daniel^) m. 6 June, 1885, Orpha B. Knowles; resides Catlin, Wash. Ch.: 14 SHEPARDSON. i. Ada Ruth Shepardson, b. 3 June, 1886. ii. Maud Belle Shepardson, b. 3 May, 1892. iii. Lawrence Dow Shepardson, b. 15 August, 1894. iv. Fat Rosalie Shepardson, b. 3 March, 1903. V. (dau.) SHEPARDSON, b. 30 June, 1907. 37. Oliff Shepaedson (Lorenzo Dow,^ Otis,'' Samuel,^ John,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,- Daniel^) resides Catlin, Wash.; m. 6 March, 1898, Maud Chapman. Ch.: i. Maud Esther Shepardson, b. 18 May, 1905. 38. Plinny Shepardson (Lorenzo Dow,^ Otis,'' Samuel," JoJin,^ Dan- iel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) resides Catlin, Wash.; m. 5 October, 1902, Effle Meikle. Ch.: i. Plinny Dow Shepardson, b. 29 May, 1907. 39. Elijah John Shepardson (Dudley,^ Elijah,'' Samuel," John,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) is a real estate agent in Oakland, Cal. He m. 19 September, 1893, Lydia A. Randall of Eureka, Humboldt county, Cal., dau. of A. W. and Lydia A. Randall. Ch.: i. Randall Shepardson, b. 3 July, 1894. ii. Everett Shepardson, b. 5 May, 1900. 40. Hiram Shepardson (Walter,^ Plinny,'' Samuel," John,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,- DanieV) lived in Custer City, Pa. He m. Ella Thibbits 2 February, 1883; he d. 19 May, 1890. Ch.: i. Amy Shepardson, b. 22 October, 188 — . ii. Camilla Shepardson, b. 12 March, 1889. 41. Major Sam Shepardson (Walter,^ Plinny,'' Samuel," John,^ Dan- iel,* John," Daniel,- Daniel^) was named for his great grandfather. He was appointed administrator of his father's estate. He is a farmer living in Gerry, N. Y. He m. 27 February, 1877, Elsie Waite. Ch.: i. Floyd Shepardson, b. 24 May, 1879. Ii. Flora Shepardson, b. . 42. Herbert J. Shepardson (Walter,^ Plinny,'' Samuel," John,^ Dan- iel,* John,'' Daniel:' Daniel^) resided at Bemis Point, N. Y. He m. (1) 18 December, 1879, Viola D. Sadler. She was an accomplished mu- sician. She d. in May, 1888, leaving a son. He m. (2) 7 April 18—, Mrs. Luna L. Romans, who survived him. Ch.: i. Walter H. Shepardson, b. 1 August, 1887. 43. Plinny E. Shepardson CWalter,^ Plinny,'' Samuel," John,^ Dan- iel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) is a farmer at Bemis Point, N. Y. He m. October, 1892, Myrtle Underwood. Ch.: 1. William Shepardson, b. 25 July, 1895. 44. George W. Shepardson (Walter,^ Plinny,'' Samuel," John," Dan- iel,* John,"" Daniel,- Daniel^) is a farmer at Bemis Point, N. Y. He m. 12 March, 1890, Emma Johnston. Ch.: i. Pearl Shepardson, b. 8 June, 1899. ii. George E. Shepardson, b. 3 February, 1901. iii. Lester Shepardson, b. 31 August, 1903. THE BARNEY FAMILY. From an extract from a letter written by William Barney of Guil- ford Center, Vt., in 1904, from various notes sent by descendants, from a manuscript record of the Martin Family in the possession of Mrs. SHEPARDSON. 15 Karl Flickinger of Toledo, Ohio, from town records of Guilford, and from other sources, without any effort to collect Barney information, I have gleaned the following: John Barney came to Guilford Center, Vt., in 17G7. The first set- tler came to the town in 1761, when no tree had been felled. John had m. in Rehoboth, Mass. (or R. I., the jurisdiction was disputed), Re- bekah Martin. She was b. 21 December, 1729, dau. of Edward and Rebekah (Peck) Martin, who were m. 8 November, 1722. (This Ed- ward Martin was b. 22 October, 1700 O. S., son of Silvanus, grandson of Edward, great grandson of Ephraim, and great great grandson of John Martin of Swanzey, immigrant from England; his wife, Rebekah Peck, was b. 10 October, 1700 O. S., dau. of Jethenal and (Smith) Peck. She d. 14 April, 1730, and her husband m. (2) 19 January, 1731, Martha Washburn of Bridgewater, who was b. 27 February, 1693.) The children of John and Rebekah (Martin) Barney were: i. Edward BARNf:Y. ii. Rebekah Barney. iii. John Barney, m. Ruth , had a dau., Anna Barney, b. fi Sep- tember, 1789, and proh. Z(>lotu.s Barney (m. Parmelia Shepardaon). I have 6 May, 1783, as date of d. of John Barney, Jr., pos.sibly another ch. iv. Hannah Barney. V. James Barney, m. Thankful March and had son. Joseph Barney (m. Anna Shepardson ) . vi. Lydia Barney. vii. Anna Barney, b. 9 February, 1761; m. Samuel Shepardson. (See his record ) . vili. Lettice Barney, ta. 4 January, 1763 ; m. Zephaniah Shepardson. (Leaflet on his de.icendant.s now Ijeing prcpart-d l)y John Eaton Shepardson of Relief, Mitchell Co., N. C.) ix. Sarah Barney. X. Sylvenus Barney. xi. Martin Barney. xii. Aaron Barnky. Captain John Barney d. 10 February, 1807, and his wife d. 10 Folv ruary, 1807. Jo.'^EPii Barney, son of James and Thankful (March) Barney, m. Anna Shepardson, dau. of Samuel Shepardson (6). The family moved to Jefferson county, N. Y., and later to Lorain county, Ohio, settling near the mouth of the Black River. He d. 15 January, 1862. She d. IG April, 1876. Ch.: i. Sophia A. Barney, b. 17 April, 1808, d. 28 October, 1824. ii. Samuel O. Barney, b. IS November, 1809, d. 14 December, 1S09. iii. Daniel A. Barney, b. 17 February, ISll, d. 18 June, 1891. iv. Maria A. Barney, b. 29 March, 1813, d. 11 January, 1883. V. Elijah Barney, b. 19 September, 1818, d. 26 March, 1821. vi. Pliny Barney, b. 7 April, 1821, d. 9 June, 1821. vii. Samantha a. Barney, b. 4 Augiist, 1822, d. 16 May, 1858. viii. Lurancy Almeda Barney, b. IS February, 1824, d. 19 July, 1899. Daniel Barney {Joseph, James, John) m. Lucy Campbell in Jeffer- son county, N. Y. Ch.: (1) Margaret Barney, b. 1849 or 18.50; m. H. H. Clough, Elyrla. Ohio: 5 ch.— Hallie Clough (m. William Sharp, Elyria, Ohio, 5 ch.), Martha Clough, Otis Clough (m., 1 ch.). Carl Clough and Henry Hale Clough. (2) Lucy Barney, b. 18.5.5: m. 1876 Prescott Hale, Elyria, Ohio, had 1 child, who d. Marta a. Barney (Joseph, James, John) m. Parks Harris; 2 ch.: (1) Helen Harris, b. 1835: m. 1854, Homei- Rood, Jeansville, Pa., 2 ch. — Vernon Rood, b. 1856, d. 1905; m. Alice Stone; 5 ch., Vernon Rood, Margaret Rood, Esther Rood, Carl Rood, Francis Rood, wid. res. Jeans- ville. Pa.; Olive Rood d. an infnnt. (2) Vernon Harris d. in childhood. \ I V«J 16 SHEPARDSON. Samantha Barney (Joseph, James, John) m. 1 July, 1841, Luther Rood, Amherst, Ohio. 9 ch.: (1) Mariner Rood, b. 30 March, 1842, d. 29 September, 1842. (2) De Forest Rood, b. 1843, d. 1865. (3) Edna Rood. b. 184.5, d. 1892; m. 1865 Edward P. Johnson; 2 ch.— De Forest Johnson, b. 186G, d. 1890; Cornelia Johnson, b. 1869, resides in Cedaredge, Col. (4) Anna Leila Rood, b. 1846, d. 1847. (5) Wilhur Rood, b. 1848, d. 1898; m. (1) Mary Wells, 1877, and had 4 ch.; m. (2) Jean Sisler, 1894; 2 ch., Luther Rood m. Helen Duke, 2 ch., res. Wil- liams, Ariz.; Warren Rood m. Lucy Alexander, 1 ch., res. Bristol, R. L; Florence Rood res. Wellington, Ohio; V/ilbur Rood, d.; DeForest Rood; Miriam Rood, family res. Akron, Ohio. (6) Ellen May Rood, b. 1851, m. 1882, George French; ch. — Anna French, Edward French (dead),; res. Homer, Mich. (7) Anna Norton Rood, b. 1853, d. 1886. (8) Helen Eliza Rood, b. 1855, m. 1880 David Hurst; 3 ch. — Bernard Hurst, Helen Hurst, Katharine Hurst; res. Oberlin, Ohio. (9) 8a- mantha Rood, b. 1858, m. ISSl, Charles Harrison, d. 1882; no ch. LuRANCY Almeda Barney (Joscph, James, John) m. 22 August, 1849, Welcome Otis Parker. They lived in Sandusky, Ohio, Norwalk, Ohio, and in 1872 moved to Toledo, Ohio. He was a prominent citizen of northern Ohio, a representative and state senator. She d. 19 July, 1899. Their dau. Mary Lurancy Parker, b. 3 September, 1850, in Sandusky, Ohio, now resides 6 Bronson Place, Toledo, Ohio; m. James Scott Rodgers, who d. 8 April, 1906, and had ch. : (1) Martha Almeda Rogers, b. 5 October, 1871, Norwalk, Ohio; m. Karl Flickinger and had ch: 1, Florence Rodgers Flickinger, b. 29 October, 1898, d. 30 Novem- ber, 1899; 2, Frederick Rodgers Flickinger, b. 12 September, 1901; 3, James Rodgers Flickinger, b. 17 March, 1904; res. 7 Bronson Place, Toledo, Ohio. (2) James Otis Rodgers, b. 11 October, 1874, m. Cora Hale and had ch.: 1, Carolyn Hale Rodgers, b. 17 February, 1903; 2, James Otis Rodgers, Jr., b. 28 August, 1906; res. Tola, Kan. (3) Anna May Rodgers. b. 13 December, 1875, m. John M. Berdon and had ch. — Mary Anna Berdon, b. 25 April, 1903; Pamela Rodgers Berdon, b. 25 July, 1904; res. New Haven, Conn., where her husband is assistant professor of rhetoric in Yale University. (4) Florence Olive Rodgers, b. 1 October, 1880; res. Toledo, Ohio. Zelotus Barney. See under Parmelia Shepardson No. 15. He is reported to have been a brother of Joseph Barney, although a Guilford, Vt., record makes them cousins. Note. The expense of printing this leaflet is shared with me by EVERETT SHEPARDSON of Los Angeles, California. THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY. A Record of the Line of Zephaniah Shepardson, Guilford, Vermont. BY TOHX EATON SHEPARDSOX, If SEPTEMBER I. 1907. THIS pamphlet gives the ancestry and descendants (in part) of Zephaniah Shepardson " (Daniel* John^ Daniel^ Dan- iel ' ) . The records are not complete and the object in print- ing- them at this time is. ( i ) to secure in printed form copies of the written manuscript so that, should the original be destroyed by fire or otherwise, the result of a considerable amount of effort in securing these records will not be lost, and (2) to stimulate the interest among those connected with the Shepardson family, in the hope that they will add greatly to these records, so that when the Genealogy of the Shepardson Family is printed the record of Zephaniah Shepardson's descendants will be as complete as possible. Any one possessing Shepardson records and interested in this family is asked to send corrections and additions in the way of relationships, dates, personal record and family history to Francis W. Shepardson, 5592 Kimbark avenue, Chicago. Illinois, who is .securing the records of all Shepardsons in America. The genealogical records so far as at present known are as follows : 1. Daniel Shepardson. blacksmith of Charlestown, Mass., coming from nalem. Admitted to the Church in Charlestown 8 June. 1633 Removed to Maiden, where he died 26 July, 1644. His wife was Joanna , maiden name and date of marriage unknown. She survived her husband and married (2) Thomas Call, Sr. She died 30 January, 1661. Children: n (y^f^\ \ 2 SHEPARDSON. i. LiTDiA SHEPARDSON, bapt. 24 July, 1637; m. CI) Thomas Call, Jr.; (2) Thomas Skinner. Child, Joanna Call, b. March, 1660. II. Amos shepardson, b. 1639. 2. ill. Daniel Shepardson, bapt. 14 June. 1641. iv. JOANNA SHEPARDSON. bapt. 13 March, 1642 ; m. November, 1661, Roger Kennicut of Maiden, and later removed to Swanzey. Chil- dren. Joanna, Lydia and John. V. KUTH SHEPARDSON, b. . 2. UANIEL SHEPARDSON {DauieV) succeeded his father as black- smith at Maiden. He was a freeman of Middlesex County, Mass., 29 May, 1674, and took the oath of fidelity 15 December, 1674. He mar- ried 11 April. 1668, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Call, Sr., and widow of Mr. Samuel Tingley of Maiden. He removed to Attleboro where he had fifty acres about half a mile from "Old Town" on the Bay Road. He was Jong called "old goodman Daniel Shepardson." He came near Josmg his nroperty at one time, as the Attleboro records indicate. He was selectinan of Attleboro in 1698. He died 3 August, 1723 [one record says 1743]. His wife, Elizabeth, died 21 February, 1715-1716. So far as known his children were: i. Daniel Shepardson, b. 11 July, 1669; lieutenant in 9th Mass. Regt. against Canada in 1691. He died 11 March, 1691, at Anticosta. 3. ii. John Shepardson, bapt. January, 1671. iii. Elizabeth Shepardson; m. Robert Fuller, 19 January, 1699. iv. Mart Shepardson; m. Joseph Ingraham, 11 April, 1700. V. Joanna Shepardson; m. John Fuller, 22 December, 1701, and d. before 29 June, 1720, when he m. (2) Widow Sarah FoUett. vi. Nathaniel Shepardson, bapt. 28 October, 1680. vii. Jonathan Shepardson, b. 22 July, 1685, d. 15 October, 1685. 3. John Shepardson' (Daniel,'' DanieV) lived in Attleboro until about 1697, when he moved to Rehoboth. He married 9 April, 1694, Elizabeth Fuller, who was born 12 May, 1678, and baptized 30 May, 1679, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wilmarth) Fuller of Attle- boro. Inventory of his estate was taken 3 December, 1708, showing £64 16s Od. Children, recorded in Attleboro: 1. Ruth Shepardson, b. 14 July, 1695; m. 10 January, 1716-1717. Ephraim Lane, son of John and Sarah Lane. Many descendants in Norton, Mass. She d. 1752. 11. Mehitable Shepardson, b. 31 January, 1696-7. ill. Sarah Shepardson, D. 13 February, 1698-9, d. 28 April, 1699. «. iv. Daniel Shepardson, b. 16 March, 1699-1700. V. Amos Shepardson, b. 30 September, 1704. vi. JOHN Shepardson, bapt. 17 April, 1709. 4. Daniel Shepardson* (John.^ Daniel,- Daniel'^) lived in Attle- boro, Mass., and, as his grandfather and great grandfather before him, followed the blacksmith's trade. He was a lieutenant (ensign) in Capt. Geo. Marcy's Fourth Co. of Col. Jos. Dwight's Ninth Mass. Regt., in the expedition to Cape Breton in 1745, where the undisciplined militia of New England took Louisburg from the veteran troops of France (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vols. 24 and 25). He m. in Attle- boro (1) Hannah Richardson, 9 December, 1725. She d. 26 September, 1726, leaving an infant son. He m. (2) Mary Washburn of Taunton, Mass., 9 May, 1728, who survived him. His will, recorded in Taunton, is dated 13 April, 1770, and was presented for probate 11 July, 1770. Each of the sons m. in Massachusetts and later moved to Guilford in Southern Vermont and became prominent in the early affairs of that town and that part of the state, when it was wrested by Vermont from the control of New York. Children, all recorded in Attleboro: Gift Author SHEPARDSON. 3 i. Daniel Shepardson, b. 5 September, 1726. ii. John Shepardson, b. 16 February, 1729. iii. Hannah Shepardson, b. 29 December, 1730; m. Alexander Balkcorn of Norton, Mass., 17 January, 1750. 5. iv. Zephaniah Shepardson, b. 6 May, 1733. V. Stephen Shepardson, b. 11 August, 1735. 5. Zephaniah Shepardson" (Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'^ Daniel^) lived in Attleboro until about 1770, when with his three brothers and their families he went to Guilford, Vt. He m. (1) Ruth Hills (b. 1 July, 1733; d. 16 October, 1782), dau. of Samuel and Mary Hills; (2) Da- maris, widow of David Church. She d. 28 July, 1797, aged 54 years 10 months; (3) Mrs. Lucinda Chase of Halifax, Vt., 1 June, 1798. She d. "at the Chinesee Country of a fever" 30 September, 1809. The town records at Guilford, Vt., show that in 1770 Sam'l Curtis deeded Lot 125 in Guilford Township, Windham County, Vt., consisting of 100 acres, to Zephaniah Shepardson, yeoman, of Attleborough, Bristol, Province of Massachusetts Bay, for a consideration of £60. His brother, John Shepardson, was a witness to the above deed. At the first recorded town meeting of Guilford the record reads: "May ye 19th, 1772. Then the freeholers and other inhabeits of the Tract of Land called Guildford, in County of Cumberland and Province of New York, met together and by a majority of vots made choyce of : "1. Samuel Nichol, Esq., Moderator of said meeting. "2d. John Shepardson, Town Clerk. • • • • • "13th. Zephaniah Shepardson, Hezekiah Stowell and John Barney, over- seers of poor." At the town meeting in 1773 he was appointed to the positions of constable, of overseer of highways and of overseer of poor, and in 1776 elected a surveyor of highways. His stock marking is thus recorded: "Be it remembered that all the cattle, sheep and swine in the town of Guilford that is marked with two square holes one above the other through the right ear, and a cross on the left ear, is Zephaniah Shepardson. Guil- ford, 25th , 1802. William Bigelow, Town Clerk." Zephaniah Shepardson, with his brothers Daniel and John and their sons, took an active part in the controversy respecting the New Hamp- shire Grants from 1770 to 1786, Zephaniah and Daniel supporting the New York government, which attempted to retain jurisdiction over Cumberland County (now Windham Co., Vt.), while John, first favor- ing New York, was afterward equally active in supporting the Vermont government. B. H. Hall, in his "History of Eastern Vermont," gives a full account of the controversy. Zephaniah was one of about one hundred who received land granted to the "sufferers in opposing" the Government of Vermont by New York State. He received in 1786 a grant of 100 acres and his son Joseph 263 acres in Montgomery County ( now Town of Bainbridge, Chenango Co., New York). An entire township was given to the "Vermont sufferers." He, however, did not leave Guilford. His homestead was the original lot 125 in Guilford and his house a frame structure standing high, with hip roof and without ells or additions, was burned in the sixties. The new house replacing it, now (1907) occupied by Charles Shepardson, was erected upon the old foundations. He was called "Lieutenant," and in a deed of Dec. 10, 1793, giving half of Lot 125 in Guilford to his son Jared of Guilford, yeoman, for £260, he is mentioned as "Zephaniah Shepardson, Gentleman." He died in Guilford, 16 October, 1804, "of a billions complaint on thirty-six hours after attacked." His will, presented for probate in District of Marlboro, Brattleboro, Vt, Nov. 3, 1804, by Lucinda Shepardson, his widow, is curious, though In a form commonly used at that time. It reads as follows: 4 SHEPARDSON. att tiff Namr of (8nb, Amrtt. the 20th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two, I, Zephaniah Shepardson of Guilford, in the County of Windham and State of Vermont, Gentlemen, being in a con- siderable state of health in body and mind and memory, thanks be given to God therefore. Therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent and christian manner at the discretion of my executrix, nothing doubting of the word of God that at the general resurrection there shall be a reservation of all things and that when he who Is our life shall appear I shall be like him, complete in body and soul preserved and raised by the mighty power of God. And as to touching such worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, that I have not disposed of heretofore, I now give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : Imprimis — I give and bequeath to Lucinda Shepardson, my lawful wife, all my cows and all my sheep and other meat stock, my horse and side-saddle, together with my cutter and the tackling thereto belonging, and the one-half of my wearing apparel, together with all my other movables. Items — I give to my son Zephaniah Shepardson, and to my daughter Ruth Barney, and to my son William Shepardson, and to my son Jared Shepardson, and to my daughter Demarls Billings Shepardson, and to my son David Church Shepardson, each of them twelve and one-half cents, together with the one-half of my wearing apparel, equally divided among them, having given each of them their pro- portion out of my estate heretofore. Item — I give to my beloved grandson, William Shepardson, my saddle on which I ride. My wife, Lucinda Shepard- son, likewise I constitute, make and ordain my sole executrix of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former wills, testaments, legacies, bequeaths and executors by me in any ways before named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Zephaniah Shepardson. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Zephaniah Shepardson as his last will and testament in the presence of subscribers, John Slater, William Chaver, Hannah Palmer. Children, the first five born in Attleboro, Mass.: Zephaniah Shepardson, b. 21 March, 1755. William Shepardson, b. 25 July, 1756. Ruth Shepardson, b. 16 September, 1758; m. John Barney of Guil- ford, Vt., and had one son William, who d. 6 December, 1S09, age 21. Joseph Shepardson, b. 27 October, 1760. Jared Shepardson, b. 18 July, 1763. Demaris Billings Shepardson, m. at Guilford 30 January, 1806, James Alverson of Halifax, Vt. vii. David Church Shepardson, a blacksmith of Guilford, Vt. He owned land in Bainbridge, N. Y., in 1816, and may have moved there. 6. Zephaniah Shepardson" (Zephaniah,'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel," DanieV) was a clock-maker and farmer in Guilford, Vt. He was in the Continental Army, and a journal written by him in 1800 at Guil- ford recounts his ten months' service. He enlisted January, 1776, at Guilford, for one year, in Capt. Carlisle's company, Col. Bedell's Regt. of the New Hampshire Line, and soon after marched to Chesterfield, N. H.; to Charlestown, N. H.; to Ticonderoga, N. Y. ; on the ice to Crown Point; waited until ice was broken up, then by water to Port St. Johns; to Lawrence; by water to South Lawrence; ten miles across South River to Fort Ann; then three miles to the Cedar Falls, where they fortified and scouted under Butterfield until May, 1776. A two days' fight occurred here, and, out of provisions and ammunition, they surrendered 20th May to the British and their allies, the Indians. After ten days a prisoner, plundered of his property, stripped in part of his clothing and "on scanty allowance, two or three ounces of meat and little or no bread but burnt crusts only," he was exchanged and returned to the army. He marched to Aderson; there ill for five weeks with smallpox, and soon after for a number of months vv'ith "Camp Ail," when his father hired a substitute in his place, came to camp (Lieut. Col. Wait's under Gen'l Gates) and brought him home to Guilford ill and broken in health. He closed his journal thus: 6. i. 7. ii. iii. 8. iv. 9. v. vi. SHEPARDSON. 5 "I received Continental bills wliich were of little or no value; the loss of health, the loss of time, the loss of money and the loss of all my property, be the same more or less ; now considering these circumstances I candidly think I need a compensation from my country as a merit or restoration." In the fall of 1777 he served 17 days in Capt. David Stowell's com- pany in Col. William Williams' regt. From June 29th to July 5th, 1777, he was in Capt. Stephen Shepardson's company. He seems to have been a fifer. He was called "Lieutenant." He d. in Guilford, 19 August, 1837. He was m. three times: (1) To Rachel Wilkins, dau. of Daniel and Rachel Wilkins; she d. of quick consumption, 28 Septem- ber, 1787, aged 32 years 8 months; (2) To Lettice Barney, 10 January, 1788. She was b. 4 January. 1763, of Captain John and Rebecca (Mar- tin) Barney of Guilford, and d. 11 May, 1831. (3) To Sarah (Babcock) Stedman, widow of Philemon. She d. 1 August, 1838. aged 82. There were 15 children, all born in Guilford. At one time the combined age of those living was about 1.200 years. 1. Rachel Shepardson, b. 21 March. 1779 ; m. Samuel Nichols of Halifax, 11 August. 1799. 11. Leonard Shepardson, b. 14 September, 1780, d. 5 August, 1835. ill. Darius Shepardson, b. 18 December, 1782, d. 19 November, 1867. Iv. Ruth Shepardson, b. 16 June. 1785; m. 9 November, 1804. Caleb Cole of Brattleboro, Vt.. d. 17 April. 1862. Four children, v. Susanna Shepardson, b. 4 June. 1787 ; m. Millard. Two ch. 10. vi. Ira Shepardson, b. 21 October. 1788. d. 7 April. 1870. vii. Sally Shepardson. b. 3 July. 1790; lived to old age; unmd. 11. viii. Zephaniah Shepardson. b. 20 February. 1792. 12. ix. Martin Shepardson, b. 13 February, 1794. 13. X. James Shepardson. b. 17 July, 1795. 14. xi. Lewis Shepardson, b. 1 September. 1798. xii. SoPHRONA Shepardson, b. 30 July. 1800; m. John Wilcox (bro. of Philena). d. 15 October. 1876. at Guilford. Three ch. xiii. LURINDA Shepardson, b. 17 August. 1802 ; m. John Bucklin of Guil- ford, d. 26 March, 1874. No ch. 15. xiv. Clark Shepardson, b. 19 August, 1804. 16. XV. John Barney Shepardson, b. 5 June. 1808. 7. William Shepardson" (Zephaniah,^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel,^ Dan- iel^) was a millwright, mill owner and farmer. He was in the Revolution in the Guilford Company of his uncle, Capt. Stephen Shep- ardson, in 1777. After the Revolution, with his brothers, Joseph and Jared, he worked in Canada for several seasons, building mills. In 1786 he acquired land in Halifax, Vt, and moved thereto. In 1799 he exchanged his Halifax farm with his brother Jared for the latter's one-hundred-acre farm in Guilford, and occupied the same with his father, to whom he leased half the land and one-third of the buildings. On a trip to Lansingburg, N. Y., he became ill and 18 February, 1804, "died of a consumption and was bro't to Guildford and entired." His estate administered by his wife and son Thaddeus was inventoried 19 June, 1804, at $2,447, with claims against same of $989. his farm being listed at $2,000. The probate records and his tombstone refer to him as "Colonel," but this was evidently his rank in the militia. He m. Grace Fitch, who d. 1 February. 1808. of consumption, aged 48. Four of the children died of consumption. Children: i. Thaddeus Shepardson, b. 1783, d. 23 December. 1809. at Penob- scott, Mass. 17. ii. William Shepardson, b. 21 December, 1787. 18. ill. Reuben Shepardson. iv. Grace (Gratia) Shepardson, living in 1822. V. Cynthia Shepardson, m. Hud-son, d. February. 1804. of con- sumption in the Genesee Country, vi. Charlotte Shepardson, living in 1822. vii. Hart Shepardson, b. 19 November. 1796. d. 3 October. 1822. 6 SHEPARDSON. 19. vlli. Elias Shepardson, mentioned in brother Hart's will of 1822. ix. Polly Shepardson^ d. 17 July, 1808, of consumption. X. Henrt Shepardson, b. 1804. 8. Joseph Shepardson* (Zephaniah,' Daniel,* J ohn,^ Daniel,'' DanieV) was a carpenter and worked at that trade more than at farming. He lived in Guilford, Vt., until his third child was b., then moved to Leyden, Mass., from which place he moved to Colerain, Mass., where he d. 2 November, 1821. He served in the Revolutionary war when he was not 17 years old. He was called "Lieutenant." Near the close of the Revolution he went to Boston and enlisted on a privateer, but news of peace arrived before the ship sailed. In 1784 he was one in the attack against the "Vermonters" in Brattleboro, Vt. For his efforts in supporting the "York" government, he, with about one hundred other "Vermont sufferers," received a grant of land in Chenango Co.. N. Y. He was a small man, not over five feet seven inches high, but lithe and active. He m. (1) 25 October, 1787, Zurvier Packer, who was b. 15 Septem- ber, 1768, dau. of James and Rebecca (Brown) Packer of Guilford. She d. 7 October, 1806, in Leyden, Mass. He m. (2) 15 February, 1807, Lucy Stedman, who was b. 13 September, 1783, dau. of Philemon and Sarah (Babcock) Stedman. He took a great interest in family history and kept careful records of what he could find for the benefit of the future family historian. Children born in Guilford and Leyden: 20. i. Jared Shepardson, b. 9 May, 1788. ii. Rebecca Shepardson, b. 3 May, 1790; m. 27 April. 1809, Calvin Weid of Guilford; d. 27 April 1868. Lived in Coventry, N. Y. Seven ch. ill. Zurvier Shepardson, b. 9 March, 1792; m. 5 April, 1810, Benjamin Smith Grinnel of Leyden, Mass. Lived in Leyden, Mass., and Homer, N. Y. Ten ch. iv. Joseph Shepardson, b. 22 February, 1794; d. 1842; a carpenter. Lived and died in Dresden, Ohio. Unmd. v. Lucinda Shepardson, b. 12 December, 1795; m. 19 February, 1819, Ezra Babcock, Jr., of Colerain, Mass. Lived in Scott, N. Y. Four ch. 21. vi. William Henry Shepardson, b. 17 April, 1797. 22. vii. James Packer Shepardson, b. 7 May, 1799. 23. vlii. Horatio Jefferson Shepardson, b. 28 December, 1800. Ix. Salome Shepardson, b. 25 August, 1803; m. 16 December, 1822, Walter Bell, Jr., of Colerain, Mass. Lived in Colerain. Seven ch. 9. Jared Shepardson" (Zephaniah,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'' DanieV) a carpenter and millwright and later a farmer, lived in Guilford, Vt., and the adjoining town of Halifax. The Vermont Revolutionary rolls show that he was on the pay rolls of Capt. Comfort Starr's company of militia of the town of Guilford, "who went out into the service of the State of Vermont in the alarm in the month of October, 1780." Soon after the Revolution he worked with his brothers, Joseph and William in Canada, building mills for the French. One mill they erected had a water wheel and a wind wheel, and was also rigged to run by horse power when both wind and water failed. They built one saw-mill with sixteen saws, two for slabbing the logs, and a gang of fourteen saws in one sash. This was before the days of the Muley or circular saws. He m. December, 1793, Ruth Church (b. 29 September, 1770; d. in Gerry, N. Y., 9 August, 1850, dau. of David Church >> {Na- thaniel.* fyamuel,^ Samuel,'' Richard^) and Demaris, whose maiden name v/as also Church, and who m. (2) Zephaniah Shepardson, father of Jared, as his second wife). Jared bought his father's one-hundred-acre farm in Guilford in 1793, paying £.520 for the same. He lived there until 1799, when he sold his Guilford property to his brother William and purchased from him an 85-acre farm in Lot 54 in the Town of SHEPARDSON. 7 Halifax, which adjoins Guilford on the west, moving there the same year. The town records of Halifax contain this memorandum: "Halifax, May 2, 1800. To all people to whom these presents shall come — Greeting : Know ye that I, Abner Bemis, of Halifax, being of the sect or denomination of Christians l* {William,'' Jared," Zephanlah,^ Daniel* John,'' Daniel,- Daniel^) lived at Gerry, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., until thirteen years of age, when he moved by wagon with his father's fam- ily to Illinois, a six weeks' journey ending at Naperville 9 October, 1845. He lived with a family one mile west of Warrenville for a few v/eeks and then, his father having scured work on the Illinois and Michigan Canal at Lockport, he went to Romeo near by and lived sev- eral months with Mr. Matthews, a civil engineer upon the canal work. In 1840 he rejoined his family, who had taken up some government land at Ross Grove, Paw Paw Township, DeKalb Co., Illinois. In 1850 he, with his brother Jared, spent a winter in the Wisconsin lumber district near Portage. His education was obtained at the district schools at Johnson Grove (Clinton Township) and East Paw Paw, in DeKalb Co., and later he attended for a year the Mt. Morris Seminary in Ogle County. The next three winters, 1859-60-61, were spent in teaching a large district school near Freeport, 111., his summers being spent upon the Ross Grove farm. In 1862 he purchased this farm from his father, which had increased to 228 acres. He m. the year following and lived upon the farm until 1874, when he rented the same and moved to Marble Rock, Floyd County, Iowa, where he formed a part- nership with his brother Jared (as Shepardson Bros.) in the banking business, and was also interested in the lumber, coal and real estate business. This partnership was dissolved in 1880 and he removed to West Park Ave., Aurora, 111. In 1881 he purchased farm property in Sugar Grove, Kane County, 111., and in March following moved one and one-half miles north of the village, where he farmed until 1890, when he removed to 204 Galena St., Aurora, 111., the home place of his father. This time he lived in Aurora until 1902, when he moved back to the old home farm at Ross Grove after an absence of nearly thirty years. Here he lived for sixteen months, when he d. 22 July, 1903, four days after a stroke of apoplexy. He was buried in the Johnson Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township. At Ross Grove, Paw Paw Township, he was Justice of Peace, 1870-2, also County Supervisor, 1870-2. At Sugar Grove he was president of the school board in 1882 and represented the township as supervisor in 1884-7. He was an extensive reader and traveller. In 1878 he spent the summer in Europe. Was a member of no church. Physically he was of large frame, over six feet in height and weighed about 210 pounds. Politically he was a Republican from his first vote for Fre- mont in 1856 until 1884, since which time he had always been a pro- nounced Prohibitionist. His home at Aurora was the usual stopping place for Prohibition workers, state and national, from 1890 to 1902. At the time of his death he owned farm property in Pleasant Grove Township, Floyd County, Iowa, Victor and Paw Paw Townships, De- Kalb County, and Sugar Grove, Kane County, 111., and city property at Aurora and Earlville, 111. He m. 14 October, 1863, Lucy Maria Judd (b. 22 September, 1832) of Patterson, N. Y., dau. of Daniel Steele 16 SHEPARDSON. Judd' {Leveritt," Noah." John* John.'' Thomas,^ Thomas') and Ruth Ursula Stevens' {Henry," EUakim.' John* John,^ Thomas,^ John'). Children, the first seven born at Ross Grove, the last two at Marble Rock: i. Willie Shepardson, b. 9 August, 1864 ; d. 14 September, 1865, at Ross Grove. 48. ii. Jared Clayton Shepardson, b. 19 August, 1865. 49. iii. Charles Judd Shepardson, b. 2 September. 1866. iv. Harrt Shepardson, b. 30 September, 1867 ; d. 3 November, 1867, at Ross Grove. V. Phillip Jerome Shepardson, b. 9 November, 1868; d. 1 September, 1870, at Ross Grove. vi. Mary Frances Shepardson, b. 11 September, 1870; d. 20 May, 1903. at Ross Grove. Graduate of Sugar Grove, 111., Normal School, 1886; attended Northwestern Academy, 1888, and University of Illinois, 1888-9, 1890-92. 50. vii. Ralph Steele Shepardson, b. 2 March, 1873. 51. viii. John Eaton Shepardson, b. 21 May, 1875. 52. ix. Daniel Judd Shepardson, b. 25 February, 1879. 43. Henry L. Shepardson * (Lewis,^ Lewis,'' Zephaniah,^ Zephaniah,'^ Daniel* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel') lived (1888) at Winchester, N. H., and (1906) at Baldwinsville, Mass. He is interested in box manufacturing. Children: i. Albert Henry Shepardson, attended Gushing Academy, Ashburn- ham, Mass., 1902. li. WiNFRED BUFFEM SHEPARDSON, attended Gushing Academy. Ashburn- ham, Mass., 1902. 44. Edgab D. Shepardson' {Oeorge.^ William,'' Williain," Zepha- niah,'^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel^- Daniel') in 1885 was a manufacturer of "Boston Chips" at Marlowe, N. H. He m. Etta Robb. Children: i. Rena Maude Shepardson, b. 1880 ; m. Horace Sanderson, ii. Don William Shepardson, b. 1882; d. aged 18 months, iii. IVA May Shepardson, b. 1884 ; m. Wm. Jenks. 45. Edwin Shepardson ° (Jared,'* Jared,^ Joseph," Zephaniah.^ Dan- iel,* John,^ Daniel,- Daniel') lives in Valley, Neb., and is a fireman on the U. P. R. R. He m. (1) September, 1881, Josephine Sentman, who d. May, 1882, and (2) 1885, Belle Larimore. who d. February, 1904. Childi-en, all by his second marriage: i. Shepardson. ii. (Dau.) Shepardson. Iii. Jenny Shepardson. iv. Edna Shepardson. V. Elmer Shepardson, b. 1894. vi. Hazel Shepardson. 46. Frank Elsworth Shepardson' {Thomas,'^ Horatio,'' Joseph,* Zephaniah,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel^' Daniel'), formerly a physician in Denver, Col., is at present practicing medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. He m. 28 June, 1893, Ella M. Sommers of Cleveland, Ohio. 47. William Shepardson' {Jared,^ William,'' Jared," Zephaniah,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel') lived at Marble Rock, Iowa, and Colton and Los Angeles, Cal. His schooling was at the Marble Rock public schools, the Baptist University and the Los Angeles Business College at Los Angeles. He is at present engaged in the banking busi- ness with his father at Marble Rock. He m. 9 July, 1898, in Chicago, ni., Sarah V., dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth Stoliker. Children: 1. Julia Vennita Shepardson, b. 13 May, 1900. 11. Elizabeth Shepardson, b. 5 February, 1904. SHEPARDSON. 17 48. Jared Clayton Shepardson " {Sylvenus,^ William,'' Jared,^ Zephaniah,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) lived with his parents and attended the public schools at Ross Grove, 111., Marble Rock, Iowa, Aurora, 111., and Sugar Grove, 111. In Aurora he also attended Jen- nings Seminary. In 1885 he went to West Patterson, Putnam County, N. Y., where he lived for two years with his uncle Charles Judd, em- ployed in his general store and coal and grain business. He returned to Sugar Grove, 111., in 1888 and soon after, with U. G. Bailey, as Shepardson & Bailey, conducted a general store at Sugar Grove village for three years. In 1894 he moved to Pleasant Grove, Floyd County, Iowa, upon his father's farm, where he has since been farming. At Sugar Grove he held the offices of town clerk and assistant postmaster, 1888-90, and in Pleasant Grove, highway commissioner, 1899-1902. He was a member of Sugar Grove Cornet Band, 1884; Aurora, 111., City Club, 1888-95, and Charlemagne Lodge No. 245, Knights of Pythias, Aurora, 111. In poli- tics he is a Republican. He m. at Marble Rock, Floyd County, Iowa, 17 January, 1894, Maude Beelar, dau. of Charles F. and Diantha L. (Baltimore) Beelar of Marble Rock, Iowa. Children, all born in Marble Rock, Iowa: i. Bessie Shepardson, b. 10 March, 1895; d. 15 October, 1895, ii. Dorothy Jane Shepardson, b. 13 July, 1896. iii. Stlvenus Phillip Shepardson, b. 16 April, 1901. 49. Charles Judd Shepardson" (Sylvenus,^ William,'' Jared,^ Zepha- niah,'' Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,- Daniel^) attended the public schools of Marble Rock, Iowa, Aurora and Sugar Grove, 111. At Aurora he also attended Jennings Seminary. In 1890, when his father moved from Sugar Grove to Aurora he remained on the farm until 1895, when he moved to a farm belonging to his father at Earlville, 111. After his father's death he moved in 1904 to the east 120 acres of the home farm at Ross Grove, 111., the place of his birth, where he has since been engaged in farming. He was a member of Sugar Grove Cornet Band, 1884-92, and Sugar Grove Baseball Team, 1890-5. In politics he has been a Republican. He m. at Sugar Grove, 111., 17 June, 1891, Charlotte McDole, dau. of Samuel Prescott and Susan (Condee) McDole of Sugar Grove. 50. Ralph Steele Shepardson ° ( Sylvenus,^ William,'' Jared,'' Zeph- aniah,^ Daniel,* John,^ Daniel,'' Daniel^) lived with his parents at Ross Grove, 111., Marble Rock, Iowa, Aurora, 111., Sugar Grove, 111., and again at Aurora, and received instruction in the public schools of Aurora and Sugar Grove. In 1891-2 he attended the Metropolitan Busi- ness College, Chicago, and for several months thereafter was employed in Chicago by the Congregational Publishing Company. In 1902 he entered the preparatory department of the University of Illinois at Urbana, 111. The year following he entered the School of Architecture of the university, receiving a B. S. degree in 1897. At the university he was a member of the Athletic Association, the Architects' Club, the Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Delta Sigma and Shield and Trident fraterni- ties, and the Mandolin Club, and was manager of the Glee and Mandolin Clubs, 1896-7. In 1897-8 he was a draftsman in Chicago architectural offices; in 1898-9 was architect upon the La Bella Light & Power Co. plant at Goldfield, Col., for L. L. Summers, Consulting Engineer, Chicago, and in 1899-1900 was architect with F. W. Worst. Aurora, 111. The years 1900-2 were spent in farming with his brother Daniel upon his father's Ross Grove farm. In 1902 he formed partnership with Mr. Worst, under firm name Worst & Shepardson, Coulter Block, Aurora, 111., for the practice of architecture, in which he has since been engaged. He 18 SHEPARDSON. was granted license to practice architecture in the State of Illinois in 1899. Was elected a member of the American Institute of Architects, 1907; the Illinois Chapter of the A. I. A., 1907, and the National Geo- graphical Society, 1907. He m. at Chicago, 111., 5 June, 1903, Jessie Younge Fox of Cham- paign, 111., a member of the faculty in the School of Music at the University of Illinois, dau. of Dr. Daniel Jesse and Mary Wade (Speed) Pox of Kinmundy, 111. 51. John Eaton Shepardson (Sylvenus," William,'' Jared," Zepha- niah,'^ Daniel.* John,^ Daniel^- Daniel^) lived in Marble Rock, Iowa, 1875-80; Aurora, 111., 1880-2; Sugar Grove, 111., 1882-90; Aurora, 111., 1890-8; Kewanee, 111., 1898-1902; New York City, 1902-5, and in North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, 1905 to date (1907). He attended the public schools of Aurora and Sugar Grove, and in 1890 the West Aurora High School. In the autumn of 1890 he, with his sister Frances, went to the University of Illinois at Urbana, 111., where he completed the year's course in the Preparatory School, and in September, 1891, entered the university in the School of Civil Engineering, from which he received a Bachelor of Science degree in June, 1895. At the uni- versity he was a member of the Athletic Association, the Civil Engi- neers' Club, and held the Kane County Honorary Scholarship to the university, 1891-5, and also a military scholarship, 1892-5. He also took the course in Military Science and was a captain in the Univer- sity Battalion. In 1895 he was employed as draftsman in the office of Alexander & Shaw, Civil Engineers, Chicago, and later attended the Metropolitan Business College, Chicago, for several months. He was mechanical draftsman, 1896-8, with Aurora Boiler Works, Aurora, 111.; in 1898-9 Assistant City Engineer of Kewanee, 111., engaged upon sewer construc- tion; in 1899-1902, City Engineer and Superintendent of Water Depart- ment of Kewanee. During his connection with the City Engineer's office 20 miles cement and brick walk, 12 miles sanitary sewers, 8 miles water main and 2 miles brick pavement were constructed. He was also Supervisor of Public Lighting, and was Plumbing Inspector of Ke- wanee, 1899-1902. In 1902 he entered upon graduate work in Bridge and Structural Engineering at Columbia University, New York City, living in Harlem and Brooklyn until 1905, when he joined a field party upon location surveys for the South and Western R. R. in Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina. In 1906 he became Resident Engineer on the S. & W. R. R., on fourteen miles of construction work in the mountains of North Carolina, with headquarters at Peterson, Relief and Huntdale. He was commissioned Captain (brevet) in the Illinois Na- tional Guard in 1895, and in February, 1898, was appointed by Brig.- Gen. Andrew Welch, Lieutenant of Engineers, Third Brigade, Illinois National Guard. With the entire Illinois National Guard, he was or- dered to and for two weeks was stationed at Springfield, 111., in April, 1898, at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, but his company of engineers was not mustered into the government service. He was elected a member of the Illinois Society Civil Engineers and Surveyors, 1899; an associate member American Society of Civil Engineers, 1903, and a member of National Geographic Society, 1907. He belongs to the Masonic order, having taken degrees in Kewanee, 111., Blue Lodge, 1900; Kewanee, 111., Chapter, 1901; Princeton, 111., Commandery, 1902; and Chicago, 111., Mystic Shrine (Medinah Temple), 1902. 52. Daniel Judd Shepardson (Sylvenus,^ William,'' Jared," Zepha- niah,'^ Daniel,'^ John,^ Daniel,^ Daniel^) lived with his parents in Marble Rock, Iowa, Aurora, 111., Sugar Grove, 111., and again at Aurora. His schooling was obtained in the public schools of Sugar Grove and Au- rora, and also at the Aurora Business College in 1896-7. SHEPARDSON. 19 In 1899-1900 he spent the year in California travel. In 1900-2, in partnership with his brother Ralph, he engaged in farming upon his father's Ross Grove farm, where he has since been located, though the partnership was dissolved in 1902. A year following the death of his father, who had been living with him, 1902-3, his brother Charles moved to and assumed control of the east part of the farm. He was elected school director in Town of Paw Paw in 1907, for three years. He m. in Chicago, 111., 28 August, 1903, Mabel Edith Stern of Water- man, 111., dau. of Michael and Cleora (Merritt) Stern. Children, born at Ross Grove, Paw Paw Township, De Kalb Co., 111.: i. Prances Mabel Shepardson, b. 3 July, 1904. ii. Ralph Daniel Shepardson, b. 30 April, 1906. SHEPARDSON LEAFLETS. Looking forward to a complete genealogy of the Shepardson Family, the following leaflets have been printed: 1. The Shepardson Family: A Record of the Early Generations in America. By Francis Wayland Shepardson. 7 pp. February 1, 1907. 2. The Shepardson Family: A Record of the Line of Daniel Shep- ardson, Granville, Ohio. By Francis Wayland Shepardson. 8 pp. April 1, 1907. 3. The Shepardson Family: Beginning with the Sixth Generation in America. By Francis Wayland Shepardson. 8 pp. May 1, 1907. 4. The Shepardson Family: A Record of the Line of Samuel Shep- ardson, Guilford, Vermont. By Francis Wayland Shepardson. 16 pp. August 1, 1907. 5. The Shepardson Family: A Record of the Line of Zephaniah Shepardson, Guilford, Vermont. By John Eaton Shepardson. 19 pp. September 1, 1907. % LE%'09