Gof^figlitN'' COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. ^ s Tllio 7H?Jll©Bi; laLAiTB r "XTT , ^Cm/M\il\^' Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. First series. BIRTHS MAEKIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. / By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. "Is Nly Name Written in the Book: of Life?' Vol 5. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. ( PROVIDENCE, R. 1 : JSARKAGAN3KTT HISTORICAL PUBLISHINO COMPANY. 1894. p7^ CUmKlliUTED IN THE OKI-ICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF C0N(_;RES.S. AT WA.-JiJXcrroN. iS94. I'i:i>iiii> iJY THE Providence J(iI'i:nai. Vu , Provuleuce, R. I. INTRODUCTION. KINGS COUNTY, now known as Washington, is a delightful field for the geneologist and historian to labor in. While the compiler of this vohime regrets the sad loss of the old Kings Towue Records, he is hnppy in thinking that the people kept a very good record up to the period of the Revolution. Here, as in all other portions of the State, the recording from 1776 to 1850 is remarkably poor, and the compiler be- lieves, that had this latter period been kept as faithfully as the foi-mer, that this work would have been double its present size. The perplexities, difficul- ties and annoyances the compiler met in other portions of the State have at- tended him here, the nature and character of which none save those who have and experience in the field can form a just idea. It is a source of pride with the compiler to realize and know that his labor of years has been a success and is appreciated by the scholar inter- ested in family matters. He is grateful for their words of encouragement, both printed and written. No Rhode Island work has been better received or has received more or better endorsment than his. THE NAMES OF THE TOWNS. North Kingstown, incori>orated Oct. 28, 1074, as Kings Towne. First settlement 1030. Name was changed to Rochester, June 23, 1786, but restored in 1089. Town divided into North and South Kingstown, Feb. 26, 1722-3, which provided that North Kingstown should be the eldest town. Under authority of Connecticut the town in 1663 was incorporated as Wickford, called Kings Towne because it was the town given the colony through the pleasure of the King. Original name Aquidnessett. Westerly, incorporated May 14, 1669. Original name Misquamicutt. Called Havensham, June 23, IGSO. Name restored as Westerly in 1689. Called Westerly because it was the most western town in the colony. South Kingstown, incorporated Feb. 26, 1722-3. Called by the proprietors Petteriuomscutt. Charlestown named from King Charles II. Town incorporated Aug. 22, 1728. Taken from Westerly. Original name Shannock. Exeter, incorporated March 8, 1742-3. Taken from North Kingstown. Called by the proprietors, Newbury, in honor of Walter Newbury, Treasurer of the company. Original name Yawgoo. Called Exeter after the English town of that name. Richmond, incorporated Aug. 18, 1747. Taken from Charlestown. Named in honor of William Richmond, a name wtiich served the longest term as As- sistant of any yet placed on our records. Hopkinton, incorporated March 19, 1757. Taken from Westerl.v. Named in honor of Gov. Stephen Hopkins. CONDITION OF THE RECORDS. North Kingstown has several books, but which have been so badly dam- aged by fire and smoke as to render a pagination impossible. Our copy printed in this volume, with all its imperfections, is a far better one than can be made to-day from the same sources. 41 INTRODUCTION. Sojth King:stown has two books, both in good order. They have also in the old Kings Towne Transcripts a list of births, marriages and deaths. These are included in this volume imder the North Kingstown records. Exeter has two books, in good order. Westerly has fire books; two first need binding; the others in fine condi- tion. Charlestown's first book needs binding; writing good. The second book is in fine order. Is known as First Council. Richmond has two books. No. 1 needs binding. Is known as Land Evi- dence, No. 1. No. 2 has a good binding. Is known as Town Meeting, No. 1. Writing in both good. Hopkinton has five books. Nos. 1. 2 and 3 are known also as Town Meeting , 1-2-3. No. 4 is known also as School Committee, No. 1. No. 5 is known also as Militia, No. 1. Writing in all good. The two first need binding. AC KNOWLEUGMENTS. We still have to thank our dear friends again for their continued interest in our work, for their confidence in us personally and for their many kind- nesses. The General Assembly of the State has again been liberal, and has be- stowed on the work a liberal subscription, for which we thank them, and also- the Honorable Committee who favorably reported upon so desirable a matter to us and so vital to the success of this enterprise. PLEASE OBSERVE. We also thank the public for the favor in which they received our previous volumes, and for their good wishes towards us in the future. I. That the marriages are given in duplicate, but that nothing beyond the book and page of the original town record, the names and date are given where the bride is placed first. That under the groom the notes are so extended as to include all the items of the record from whence it was taken. The reader will consider the bride being placed first, therefore, as merely an index for him to consult the other entry in its proper place. Should they disagree, give the groom the preference, if possible. That the births and deaths are grouped so as to better enable the reader to see at a glance the names and dates in their natural order of the members of the family. II. That the figures at the left of the name is the book and page of th& original town record, the hyphen separating the two apart. m. That the indexes for all the towns treated in this work are placed in the fore part of the book. No one need look farther than the index to dis- cover whether the matter he is in search of is to be found within the covers.. These indexes are so constructed as to .show: (a) The names occurring in their natural order. (b) The names occurring promiscuously, and (c) The places mentioned in the text. r\'. That each town is separate and distinct in itself, and the indexes are confined strictly to each town, but all are placed in the fore part of the work for the more handy reference of the- reader. Should the reader want his copy rebound, he can do so, and the indexes can be differently placed with no in- jury to the others. V. The spelling of the given names are as they stand on the Record in many instances, and when they are not far wrong. This accounts for the variety of spelling in this work. VI. The acts incorporating the several towns of the county are placed be- fore the matter itself in that particuh-jr town. Vn. Every convenience that would aid the reader, and everything that would naturally perplex him, has been carefully studied. While not claimlus. INTROX)UCTION. perfeotion for our work, we would say that we have sparoil no pains in orJur to make it as simple as possible, and yet be comprehensive. How well we have succeeded in this must be left, however, to the reader himself to say. VIII. We have not changed dates here giv;n, but we give it just as it stands on the Record itself. We have observed, however, that the Scotch year is more general in this county than in any other that has come to our notice A REQUEST. It would be a great favor to the compiler of this work if every reader who consults these pages would copy out and send to him at Providence, R. I., copies from his family record in the Bible, or where else the same may be recorded, or any other informatioa he may be possessed of, in order to make these records iu the future as complete as possible. It makes no difference whether the party resides in the State of Rhode Island or not. If they can connect with Rhode Island ancestry it is sufficient. While these matters may seem tritling, yet they may become of incalculable value in the future, and therefore we urgently desire that the Vital Records of Rhode Island may be made complete and that errors, wherever found, may be pointed out and cor- rected as soon as possible. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have substantial encouragement so far that we feel able to here an- nounce that we shall commence the new year (1894) with a new serial, en- titled "RHODE ISLAND COLONIAL GLEANINGS." These volumes will be faithful transcripts of the first record books of the oldest towns in the ./>"tate, and papers illustrating some important Slate question of history. They will afford much interest to the scholar and will be published so that every poor man can have a copy if he wishes one, as they will be published at popu- lar prices. The compiler's long experience in reading old manuscript, and his long and close study of our State history, places him in a position to do an able work. When it is taken into account the maay perplexities and difficulties that have on every side beset his path, and of such' nature that no other man in the State would have had the courage to face it, and then to see the noble work he has already done. The Vital Record alone is a monument to his industry. The grand work the city of Providence is now doing was put into successful operation by him, seconded by several thoughtful and intelli- gent gentlemen. If the good people of our State will stand by us and our lamp of life holds out, we pledge ourself Rhode Island will have no need to blush for one of her sons. The compiler of these Vital Records means business, and he proposes to be as persistent and as untiring in the future as he has been in the past, and he does not propose and will not be put down, but means to be heard. "Hew to the line" is the motto on his banner, and the preservation in print of our historical treasures shall be his object, and he asks the endorsement and good feelings of every intelligent citizen of Rhode Island in his behalf, and he asks them to see to it that he has a fair and square show. All he asks for himself he is willing to concede to others, and stands ready to record every courtesy to others that he expects others to grant him. The field is broad enough for all, and he only demands that those who enter it shall enter us scholai-s should enter and conduct themselves as gentlemen should towards each other, and be willing to learn of each other and assist when occasion demands. All that enter the field with these sentiments will find every day in the week and Sundays in the compiler a friend, adviser, sympathizer and man. iisriDEx:. TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order, Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths with page 53. Airs, 53. Abom, 5. Albro, 5 53. Aldrich. 5 53. Allen, r '^9 Alv- A , 6 54. Ai.lL 1, G 55. Atherby, 6. Austin, 6 55. Aylesworth, 7 55. Ayrault, 56. Ayres, 8. Babcock, 8 56. Bailey, 8 56. Baker, 8 56. Barber, 8 57. Barker, S. Barnes, 8. Barney, 9 57. Bates, 9 57. Baton, 9. Beares, 9. Beasy, 57. Bentley, 9 57. Berry. 9. Bicknell, 9 58. Bidelcom, 9. Bissell, 9 58. Bly, 59 Boone, 10 5? Boss, 30 59. Boltom, 10. Bowen, 10. Braman, 10. Brenton, 10. Briggs, 10 59. Browuiiii.'. 10 60. Brown, 11 60. — Bullock, 12 62. Bull, 12 62. Bundy, 12. Burke, 62. Burkemaster, 62, Burdick, 12. Burgeuss, 12. Burge, 12. Burlingame, 12 62. Burnham, 12. Cahoone, 12. Canuda, 12. Capron, 12. Carder, 12. Card, 12, 62. Carpenter, 13 62. Oasev, 13. Case, 13 63. Carr, 13 63. Carter, 63. Ceazer, 14. Chadsey, l-l 64. Chambcrland, 14. Champlain, 14 64. Chappcll, 14. Chase, 14 64. Cheeseborough, 64. Church, 15 65. Clarke. 15 65. Cleavelaud. 15 65. Coatney, G5. Cobb, 15. Codner, 15. Coffin, 15. Coggeshall. 15 65. Cole, 16 66. Collins, 16. Comfort, 16. Congdon, 16 66. Connelly, 17. C«ok, 17. Cooper, 17 68. Corey, 17 68. Corpse, 69. Cornell, 18. Cottrell, 18 69. Cozzens, IS 69. Crandall, 18 69. Cranston, 18 69. Crossmau, 69. Crowder, 18. Crowell, 18. Crumb, 18. Culverwell, 18. Cutter, 18 69. D Dake, IS. Daley, 18. Dare, IS. Davis, 18 69. Dawley, 18 70. Dayton, 70. Dean, 19 70. Dimond, 19 70. Dickerson, 19. DiokinsoD, 19 70. Dickson, 19 70. Dick, 19. Dixon, 19. Dollmer, 19. Douison, 19. Douglass, 19 70. Downing, 19 70. Durfee, 70. Durgau, 19. Dyre, 19 70. E Earle, 19. Eastlix, 19. Eldred, 19 71. Bley, 20. Ellis, 21 72. Enos, 21. Ensworth, 72. Esses, 21 72. Vlll ■\aTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Finey, 21. Fish, 21 72. Foster, 21. Fones, 21 72. Fowler, 21 73. Fmnklin, 22. Frarers, 22. Freebourne, 22 73. Fry. 22. Gaddie, 22. Gallup, 73. Gardiner, 22 73. Garfield, 24. Gavitt, 24. Giiiord, 24 76. Gill, 24. Godfrey, 24 76. Godword, 24. Gorton, 24. Goulding, 24. Gould, 24 76. Greene, 24 76. Gwilliam, 25. H Hagan, 25. Haley, 25 77. Hall, 25, 77. Hamiltouj 26. Hammond, 26 78. Handley, 26. Hannah, 26. Harmon, 26. Harrinjrton, 26 78. Harris, 26. Hartwell, 26. Hart, 26. Harrev, 26 79. Hath.Tnay, 26. Havens, 26 79. Haxson, 27. Haxton, 27. Hazard, 27 79. Hazelton, 27 80. Hazzard, 27. Hedley, 27. Heffernan, SO. Helme, 27 80. Henry. 28. Hiames, 81. Hilliard, 81. Hill, 28 81. Himes, 28. Hiscox, 28. Holland, 28. HoUoway, 29 82. Holmes, 29. Holway, 29. Hood, 29. Hookey, 29. Hopkins, 29. Horton, 29. Hoxsie, 29 82. Huling, 29 82. Hull, 29 82. Hunt, 29, 82. Hutchins, 29. Inman, 30. Irish, S3. Jackson, 30 83. Jacques, 30. Jackwise, 30 83. James, 30. Jecoy, 30. Jenekes, S3. Jenkins. 30 83. Jerket, 84. Jess, 30 84. Johnson, 30 84. Jones, 30. Joslin, 30. Jurden, 30. Justice, 30 84. Justin, 30 84. K Keias, 30 84. Kelley, 30. Kenron, 30 84. Kettle, 30. King, 30. Kingsley. 31 84. Kinsey, 31. Kuowles, 31. ■Ladd, 31. Latham, 31. Lawton, 31 84. Leach, 31. Leariiard, 31. Lee. 31. Letson, 31. Lewiston; 31. Lewis, 31. Lillibridge, 31. Lippitt, 31. Llufio, 84. Lockwood, 31. Long, 31. Lovell, 31. Lovelass, 31 84. Luther, 31. M Macomber, 31. Maguire, 32. Manchester, 32. Markesiield, 32. Mariner, 32. Marshall, 85. Marsh, 32. Matherson, 85. Matteson, 32. Muyfield, 32. McCoone, 32 85. McCntter, 32. McKensie, 85. McLoughlin, 32. McSparrau, 32. Mi>dl)ury, 32. Merrett, 32. Merrill, 32 Miner, 32. .Mitchell, 32 85. Montgomery, 32. Moone. 85. Moore, 32 85. Moot, 32. Morey, 32 85. Morley, 33. Moro, 33. Mas.s, 33. Mott, 33 85. Mumford, 33 86. Munday, 86. Muuroe, 33. N Nannie, 86. Nason, 33 86. Newton, 86. Ney. 33. Nichols, 33 86. Niles, 34 87. Norris, 34. Northup, 34 87. North. 89. Noyes, 35. Oatley, 35. Olin, 35 90. Onyon, 35 89. Osborne, 35. Paine, 35. Parmelent, 35. Patterson, 35. Peckham, 35 90. Peck. 90. Perkins, 36 90. Perry. 36. Phillips, 36 90. Pierce, 36 90. Pierson, 37. Pinder, .37 91. Place, 37 91. Porter, 37. Potter, 37 91. Powell, 37. Powers, 37. Pratt, 37. Q R Randall, 37. Rathbuu, 37 92. Ray, 38 92. Ralph. 38. Remington, 38 92. INDEX NORTH KINGSTOWN. IX Reynolds, 3S 92. Rhodes. 30. Richardson, 39 95. Riel.v, 40. Robinson, 40 96. Rodman, 40. Rods. 40. Rogers, 40. Rookes, 40. Roome, 40 9G. Rose, 40 OU. Rouse, 40 96. Sambo, 9G. Sands, 96. Sanford, 40 96. Saunders, 40. Scott, 40 Scranton. 40 96. Seaser, 40. Seale.v, 40. Segouche, 40. Shaw, 40 90. Sheffield, 41 96. Sheldon, 96. - Shei-man, 41 96. Shippee, 41 98. Shoonmaker, 41. Short, 98. Sig^'orth, 41 Sisson, 42 98. Sloeum, 42 98. Smith, 42 98. Spencer, 43, 99. Spink, 43 100. Spooner, 44. Sprague, 102. Stanton, 102 Steadman, 102. Stafford, 44. Stone, 44. Straight, 44 102. Streeter, 45. Stretson, 45 Stuart, 45. Sunderland, 45. Swan, 45. Sweet, 45 102. Tabor, 4.5. Talford, 45. Tanner, 45 103. Tarbox, 46. Taylor, 40 104. Te£et, 4G. Tennant, 46 104. Terr}-, 46. Tew, 46. Thomas, 46 104. Thurber, 47. Thurston, 47. Tibbetts, 47 106. Tillinghast. 47 106. Tolman, 48. Toothacker, 48. Tourgee. 48 106. Tripp, 48 100. Trowbridge, 48. Tucker, 48. Turner, 48 107. u Underwood, 48. Updike, 48 107. Utter, 48. V Vallett, 48 107. Vaughn, 48 107. Verner, 107. Verry, 107. w Wait, 49. Wall, 49 108. Wahuesley, 49. Wanton, 49. Ward, 108. Warner, 49. Wart, 49. Watson, 49 108. Weathera, 108. Weaver, 49. Webb, 49. Weeden, 50 108 111. Weightman, .50 108. Weight, 50 109. Weir, 109. Wells, 50. Westcott, 51 110. West, 51 110. Whaley, 110. Whiteman, 51. White, 51. AVhitford, 51 110. Whitman, 51 110. Whitmarsh, 51. Wickham, 51. Wilcox, 51 111. Wilkes, 51. Wilkey, 51 111. Wilbor, 51. Williams, 51. Willis, 51. Willett, 51 111. Wilson, 51 111. Wooden, 111 Woodworth, 52. Wood, 52. Wright, 52 111. X Y Z York, 52 111. Young. 52 111. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Albro, 10 11 13 15 17 18 21 22 23 37 41 42 51. Aldrich, 15 48. Allen, 8 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 36 40 41 44 48 49 50 55 56. Arnold, 41. Austin, 34 102. Avery, 6 32 33 48 50. Aylesworth, 21. B Barton, 14. Bellows, 31. Bell, 37. Boone, 71 100. Boss, 8 22 33 45. Brayton, 35. Browning, 36. Brown, 5 22 34 36 82 86. Briggs, 19. Bulkeley, 50. Burge, 20 23 47. Carey, 13. Cari>enter, 100. Carr. 89. Casey, 13. Case. 73. Chadsey, 55 64. Champlain, 30 51. Chaplin, 17 26 27 36 41 48 51 52. Chappell, 49. ( "Ueshire, 15. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Clarke, 8 12 15 19 38 82. Cosrgeshall, 12 13 ]C 31 37 48 52 74. Cole, 9 14 16 17 24 31 33 49 51 GO. Cougdon, 15 61. Cooper, 20. Corev, 45 55 68 Cottrell, 17. Craudall, 9. D Dane, 23. Dorrance, 37. Dyre, 14 24. Eells, 40. Eldred, 7 8 9 18 21 22 27 32 33 42 51. Fifield. 25. Flanders, 47. Fones, S 21 30 33 41 72. Gale, 22. Gardiner, 6 11 17 23 28 37 41 42 43 45 49 65. (Jorton, 21 29 44 46 47 Gould, 5 15 26 31 36 44 89. Grafton, S 44. Greene, 6 47. Grieve, 25. H Hall, 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4() 47 48 50 51. Hammond, 24 37. Harrinston, 7 14 21 22 38 44 Hart. 16. Hazard, 10 11 18 22 27 30 31 33. Helme, S 10 21 22 30 34 36 4G 49. Henshaw, 40. Hill, 5 7 10 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 28 29 32 H3 34 36 38 .39 40 43 4t; 47 49 50 95. Holden, 25 46. Hull, 9. Hunt. 46. I J Jencks, 33. Jenkins, 7 9 10 11 14 16 17 IS 19 20 23 25 26 29 33 34 36 40 42 44 48 49 50. .Tolmson, 6. Judsou, 50. K L Lawton. 50. ,„ ,„ Lewis, 12 16 35 40 4 ( 4S. Lockwood, 104. M Manchester, 8 13 25 46 47 49. JlcSparran, 32 35. Morgan, 41. Mumford, 30 31 36 70. N Nash, 33. „^ ^„ Nichols, 8 9 12 24 26 28 38 43. Nile.s, 27 29. Northup, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. o Osborne, IS. Palmer, 13 20 39 44. Pearce, 24. Peckham, 13 29 59. Phillips, 9 20. Pitman, 21. I'lumb, 20. Potter, 25 71. Q R Rateliff, 5. RaUibun, 17 90 Itominfrton, 40 73. Reynolds, 20 29 38 54 107. Rhodes. 24. llonse, 5 8 12 13 16 26 32 35 40 41 47 49. .•^anford. 7 24. Sherman, 9 12 14 31 34 39 41 OS. Slocum, 6 8 12 13 19 20- 31 32 35 36 45 47 48 49. Smith, 17 20 46 82. Spencer, 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 49 50 51 52. Spink, 44 82. Sprague, 15 17 20 21 26 36. Stafford, 79. Stillman. 6 17 23 27 28 31 35 40 43 51. Stone, 8 13 14 17 19 22 23 26 27 29 35 38 39 44 47. Straight, ^18. Sweet, 26. Taylor, 12 29 30 31 32 48. ^ Tew. 35. Thomas, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 50 51 52. Thurston, 29 32 34. Tibbetts, 5 6 8 9 15 19 21 43 45 49 100. Tillinghast, 6 9 12 15 19 24 25 28 36 40 44 47 50. Torrey, 16 37. Tripp, 9 22 32 36 37 38 • 41 45 48. Tyler, 16. U V Vaughn, 86. w Watson, 15 22 34 41 42 47. Weeden, 28. Weightman, 6 9 10 11 13 43 45 48 50 51. Weight, 5 6 7 9 10 11 IG 23 30 33 38 40 41 42 44 49 51 86. Wightman, 19 21 28 30 32 34 35 64. Willett, 6 22 24 27 31 32 34 41 51. I Wilson, 35 40. Woodbridge, 33. X Y Z INDEX NORTH KINGSTOWN. III. A B Barnstable, Mass., 111. Batavia, N. Y., 95. Boston, Mass., 5 30. Bristol Co., Mass., 9. Cape Florida, 58. Cayuga County, N. Y., 23. Chariestown, R. I., 37 45. Cherryboume Hospital, N. Y., 95. Church of England, 5. Clemsford, Mass., 48. Colchester, Conn., 50. Continental Ai-my, 16. OoTentry, R. 1., 6 8 10 25 27. D E East Greenwich, R. I., 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52. England, 40. Essex, 22. Europe, 42. Exeter, R. I., 5 6 11 13 14 15 16 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 29 31 32 39 40 41 42 43 46 50 51 55 70. Freetown, Mass., 41. Gloucester, R. I., 8. Goshen, N. Y., 51. Groton, Conn., 20 33. Groton, Mass., 33. Greene County, N. Y., 49. Greenwich, R. I., 51. H Hamilton Mills, R. I., 32. Hopkinton, R. I., 34. Harwidge, Mass., 111. Ireland, 16. Names of Places. J Jamestown, R. I., 9 13 19 27 28 35 36 40 42 50 72 88 104. Johnston, R. I., 45. K Kent Coimty, R. I., 13. Kings TowTie, R. I., 8 22 26 30 33 45 79 111. Little Compton, R. I., 5. Livei-pool, England, 26. M Maine, 31. Middletown, R. I., 8 31 36. Monson, Mass., 52. Moravia, N. Y., 23. N New Bedford, Mass., 26. New Jersey, 40. Newijort, R. I., 12 14 19 29 32 33 34 35 40 43 45 46 54 86 87 104 105. New Shoreham, R. I., 37 51 85 90. New York, 19 33 48 75. North Bridgewater, Mass., 30. North Garolin.T, 61. North Stouington, Conn., 32. Otter Creek, Vt., 107. Peterboro, N. Y., 102. Phenix, R. I., 20. Philadelphia, Pa., 25. Plainfield. Conn., 46 104. Portsmouth, R. I., 7 16 17 22 41 42. Preston, Conn., 16. Providence, R. I., 5 13 19 25 26 29 32 62 76 79. Prudence Island, R. I., 5 19 28 40 48. Q R Rehoboth, Mass., 29 40. Renssalear County, N. Y., 102. Rhode Island, 5 47. Richmond, R. I., 9 17 20 24 26 31 35 36 37 48. Rochester, R. I., 72. Sandwich, Mass., 33. Seituate, R. I., 30 31 36. South Kingstown, R. I., 13 14 16 22 23 25 28 32 33 35 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 02 67 71 82 87. Stafford, Conn., 56. Sterling, Conn., 48. Stouington, Conn., 40. Swansey, Mass., 9. Tollond County, Conn., 56. Trinity Church, New- port, R. I., 20. Troy, N. Y., 95. u Uxbridge, Mass., 15. V Voluntown, Conn., 28. w Warwick, R. I., 7 8 11 14 17 21 24 25 26 27 30 32 35 39 40 44 46 47 48 49 51 77 79 104. West Brtidgewater, Mass., 26. Westeriv, R. I., 11 24 28 30 31 32 33 40 41 52. West Greenwich, R. I., 6 14 18 19 21 26 2& 31 32 34 37 39 47 49. Westport, Mass., 47. Wickford, R. I., 33 64. Willetts, N. Y., 40. Windham, N. Y., 49. X Y Z Yarmouth, Mass., 30. I nsr iDEx: TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriagea commence with page 5; birtlia page 37; deaths page 61. Abb, 5. Adams, 5. Albro, 5. Almy, 37. Allen, 37 61. Anthony, 5. Arnold, 5. Austin, 6. Aylesworth, 6. Babcock, 6 37 61. Baker. 7. Barber, 7 38. Bardin, 8. Barnes. 8. Bates. 38. Baudish. 8. Beard, 8. Beary, S Belcher, 38. Bentley, 8 38. Bent, 8. Berry, 38. Bicknell, 8. Billington, 8 38. Bill, S 38. Bissell, S. Boone, 8. Boss, 8. Bowen, 8. Braman, 8 38. Brand, 8. Brayton, S Brenton, 8. Brigss, 8 39. Brightman. 8. Briskow, 8. Brookes, 9. Brownell, 9. Browning, 9 39 61. Brown, 9 39 61. Bull, 10 40. Burdick, 10 40. Bumside, 10. Button, 10. Cahoone, 10. Campbell, 10. Card, 10. Carlile, 10. Carpenter, 10 40. Casey, 10 40. Case, 11 40 61. Caswell, 11. Chambell, 41. Champlain, 11 41. Chapman, 11. Chappell, 11 41 01. Clarke, 11 41 01. Cleary, 42. Closon, 12. Coggeshall, 12 42. Cole, 12. Collins, 12 42. Oomstock, 12 42. Cougdon, 12 42. Connor, 13. Cooke, 13 42. Cottrell, 13 42. Coyhes, 13. Cox, 13. Oraddock, 13. Crandall. 13 42. Crossman, 13. Orosswell, 13. Cross, 13 42. Oroucher, 14. Crawford, 14. Crumb, 14 43. Curtis, 14 43. D Dakc, 14. Davis, 14. Dawley, 14. Dennison, 14. Dewwy, 14. Dickinson, 14 43. Dixon, 14. Dockroy, 14 43. Douglass, 14 43. Dmce, 14. Dye, 14. Dyre, 43. E Earle, 14 43. Easton, 43. Eaton, 14. Eldred, 14. Enis, 14. Enos, 14. Everitt, 14. Fairwea.ther, 15. Pish, 15 43. Foredice, 43. Foster, l5. Fowler, 15. Fox, 15. Franklin, 15 43. Frazier, 15. Frink, 15. Fry, 15. Galen, 15. Gardiner, 15 43 61. GaTitt, 16 44. Ginnodo, 16. Goodbody, 16. Goodehlld, 16. Gould, 10 45 61. Gray, 17. AHTAL RECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. Greenman. 17. Greene, 17. Grinnell, 17. Gutridge, 17. H Hadwin, 17. Haley, 43. Hale, 17. Hall, 17. Hammond, 45. Handsom, 45. Hannah, 17 45. Harrington, 17. Haryer, 17. Haskell, 17. Hatch, 45. Hathaway, 17. Hawkins, 17. Hayes. 45. Hazard, 17 45 61. Hazelton, IS. Healey, IS 47. Helme, IS 47 01. Heydon, 19. Higginbottom, 19 47. Hill, 19. Holburton. 19. Holland, 19 47 G2. Holley, 19 4S. Holway, 19 48 62. HoUoway, 19. Hookins, 19 48. Hopkins, 19. Howard, 19 Howland, 19. Hoxsie. 19. HoTt, 20. Hull, 20 48 62. Inman, 20. Irish, 20 48. Jackcjiiaws, 20. James, 20. John.son, 20. Jones, 20. Joshua, 20. Joslin, 20. Justin, 20. K Keais, 20 48. Kenyon, 21 48. Kettle, 21. Kingsley, 21. Knowles, 21. Ladd, 21. Lanphear, 21. Larkin, 22. Letson, 22. Lewis, 22 49 G2. Lillibridge. 22 49. Littlefield, 22 49. Littlejohn, 22. Locke, 22. Long, 22. Lunt, 22 49. M Major, 22. Mash, 49. Mawney, 22 49. May, 22 49. McCoon, 22. Miller, 22. Milleman, 22. Mitchell, 22 49. Money, 22. Moore, 22. Morey, 23 49. Mott, 23. Mumford, 23 49 62. Murphy, 23. N Nash, 23 50. Nichols, 23 50 62. Niles, 23 50. Nocoke, 23. Northup, 23. Noyes, 24. Nutter, 24. Nye, 24. Oatley, 24 50. O'Neil, 50. Open, 24. Osborne, 24 50. Overing, 24. Page, 24 Palmer, 24. Parker, 24. Parr, 24. Patterson, 24. Pearce, 24. Peckham, 24 50. Perkins, 25 51 52 62. Perrigo, 25. Perry, 25 51 52 62. Phillips, 26 52. Pindar, 26. Pitman, 26 50 52 62. Pollock, 26 52 62. Popplestone, 26. Popple, 26. Potter, 26 52 62. Powell, 27. Powers, 27 53. Price, 27. Prosser, 27. Prossey, 53. Q R Rathbun, 27. Raymond, 27. Ray, 27. Reynolds, 27 53 63. Read. 28 53. Records, 53. Rhodes, 28 54. Rice, 2S. Robbing, 28 54. Roberts, 2S. Robinson, 28 54 63. Rodman, 28 54 63. Rogers, 28 55. Rose, 28 .55. Rowler, 28. Sabin, 29. Sand, 29 55. JSanford, 29. Sarah, 29. Saunders, 29. Scotaway, 29. Seager, 20 55 63. Segouche, 29. Shaw, 29. Shed, 29. Sheffield, 29 55. Sheldon, 29 55 63. Sherman, 30 56. Sias, 31. Sims, 31. Slack. 31. Slocum, 31. Smith, 31 57. Spear, 31. Sprague, 31. Stanton, 31 57. Steadman, 31 57. Stephens, 32. Streeter, 32. Sunderland, 32 57. Swain, 32 57. Sweet, 32. Tabor, 32. Tallman, 32. Tanner, 32 57. Taylor, 32 57 63. Tefft, 32 57. Tennant. 33. Thayer, 33. Thomas, 33. Thompson, 33. Thurston, 33. Tibbetts, 33. Tizzard, 33. Torrey, 58. Totlen, 33 58. Tosh, 33. Tourjee, 33. Tripp, 33. Tucker, 33. u Underwood, 34 58. INDEX SOUTH KIXc.i.STi >\VN. Ul Vallett, 34. Vaughn, 34. Veal, 34. Veriier, 34. w Waite, 58. Walker, 34. Walmesley, 5S. Wat.son, 34 58 63. Wand, 35. Webb, 35 59. Webster, 35. Weeden, 35 59. Weir. 50. Welch, 59. Wells, 35 59. Westcott, 35. West, 35. Whaley, 35. Wheeler. 35. Whitharae, 36. White, 36. WhitfoTd, 36. Whitman. 36. Wilcox, 36 59. Williams, 36 59. Wilson, 36 59. Woenianiiii. 8. Bennett, 8. -Benson, 8. Bentley, 8 40. Bill, 8. Bissell. 8 40. Bly, 8. Boone. 8 41. Boss. 8. Bnwcn. 8. Bowdish. 9. Braymau, 9 41. Briggs, 9 41. Brown, 9 41. Brownell. 9. Browning. 9 41. Burdick, 9. -4I'ahoone, 9. Cammell, 9. Capwell, 9. Garden, 9. Card, 9. Carney. 10. Cari'enter, 10. Carr, 10 41. Carter, 10. Casey, 30 41. Case, 10 41. Chace, 10. Chambers, 10. Chapman, 10 42. Champlain, 10 41. Church, 10 42. Clarke, 10 42. Clawson, 11. Cleavelaud, 11. Oobb, 11. Coduer, 11 42. Coldgrove, 11 43. Comstock, 11. Congdou, 11 43. Cooue, 12. Corey, 12. Cornell, 12. Corpse, 12 43. Gottrell. 12 43. Crandall, 12 43. D Davis, 12 44. Dawley, 13 44. Dean. 13. Douglass, 13. Dunn, 13. Dupuy, 13. Dutemple, 13. Dyre, 13. Earl, 13. Eldred. 13 44. Ellis, 14 44. Ensworth, 14 44. Peuner, 14. Fisher, 14. Fones, 14. Foredice, 44. Foster, 14. Fowler, 14. Franklin, 14. Frazier, 14. Freeborn, 14. Fry, 14. Gardiner, 14 44. Gates, 15. Gill, 15 46. Gorton, 15. Gould, 15. Greene, 15 46. Griffen, 16. H HaJl, 16 46. Hammond, 16. Handy, 16. Harrington, 16 47. Harris, 17. Hathaway, 17. Haven. 17. Hawkins, 48. Hazard, 17. Heffernan, 17. Hendriek, 17. Hesaline. 17. Hiames. 17 48. Hill, 17 48. • Hoar, 48. Holloway, 17 48. Hood, 17. VIT.VL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Hopkins, 17 48. Hoxsie, 18 48. Hubbard, 18. Huling, IS. Hull. 18. Hunt, IS. I J James, 18 49. Jpnckes, 18. Jenkins, 18 49. Johnson, 18. Johns, 18. Jones, IS. Joslin, 18 49. K Kenyon, 18 49. Keppard, 19. Kettle, 19. Kezer. 19. Kingsle.v, 19. King, 19. Knight, 19. Knowles, 19. Ladd, 19. Lanphcre, 19. Lawton, 19 49. I/emoine, 19. Lewis, 19 49. Lillibridge, 21 51. Littletield, 21. Little, 21. Locke, 51. Lockwood, 21. M Magnire, 52. Maker, 21. Manton, 21. Marshall. 52. Marsh, 21. Matteson, 21. Mias, 21 52. Maxson, 21. McQueen. 21. Merriss. 21. Money. 22 52. Moon, 22 52. Moore. 22 52. Morev, 22 52. Morgan, 22. Moshier, 22 53. Mott. 22. Mumford, 22 53. Mycock, 22. N Nash, 22. Neagers, 22. Newcomb, 22 53. Newton, 22. Ney, 22. Nicholas, 23. Nichols, 23. Niles. 23 53. Northup, 23. Olin, 23 53. Osborne, 23. Palmer, 23 53. Peekham. 23 53. Pendleton. 24. Perkins. 24, 53. Petty, 24. Phillips, 24 54. Pierce, 24 54. Pillsbury, 54. Place, 24. Popple. 24. Potter. 25 54. Pullman, 25. Q R Rathbun. 25 55. Reynolds. 26 55. Rhodes. 28. Rice. 28. Richmond. 28 57. Roberts, 28. Robinson. 28. Robins. 28. Rogers. 28 58. Kou.se, 28. Ro-ss. 28. Sanford, 29 58. Saile, 29. Saunders, 29. Sepson, 29. Sewall, 29. Shaw, 29. Sheffield, 29. Shelden, 29 58. Sherman, 29 aS. Shippee, 30. Sisson, 30. Skillion. 30. Slocnm. 30 .59. Smith. 30 59. Snow, 30 59. Spencer. 30 59. Spink, 30. Sprague, 30 59. Stafford, 30. Stanton, 30 59. Stoue. 31. Strange, 31 59. Straight, 31. Simderland, 31 60. Sw.on, 31. Sweet, 31 60. Tanner. 31 60. Tarbox, 32. Taylor. 32. Tefft. 32 61. Terry. 32 61. Tew, 32. Thomas, 32. Thompson, 32. Thome, 32. Thurston. 32. Tillinghast. 32 CO. Tingley. 33. Tombs, 33. Toms, 33. Tourgee. 33. Tripp, 33 01. u Underwood, 33. Vaughn, 33 62. V^incent, 34. w Wainman, 62. Waite, 34 62. Walker. 34. Walton. 34. AVatson, 34 63. Weaver, 34. Weeden. 34 63. Weightman. 34 63. Wells, 34. Westcott, 34. West, 34. Wlieaton. 35. Wheeler, 35. Whitford, 35 63. Whitman. 35 63. Wilbur, 35 .63. Wilcox, 35 "63. Wilkey, .36 64. Williams. 36. Wiiodmansee, 36. Wood, 36. X Y Z Young, 37. INDEX EXETER. II. Names Oocurring Promiscuously, Albro, 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 35 36. Allen, 5 10 11 13 16 28. Aagell, 22. Arnold, 9 22. Aylesworth, 35. Babcock, 48. Barber, 7 18 20 21 24 32. Bates, 8 10 11. Bissell, 33. Bradford, 30. Briggs, 26. Brown, 25 56. Burdick, 20 24. Burlingame, 13. Campbell, 8. (Carpenter, 54. Casey, 14 34. Champlain, 11. Chapman, 34. Clarke, 23 40 Coone, 36. Crandall, 16 17 19 20 22 24 25 30 34. Cross, H. D Dean, 28, 34. Edes, 33. Ellis, 15 33. Fifield, 25. Fones, 14. Frank, 13. Gallup, 16. Gardiner, 5 9 13 15 16 21 24 29 30 33. Gorton, 26 27 32. Greene, 8 9 11 14 15 17 18 20 21 24 26 27 29 30 32 36. H Hall, 6 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 23 25 20 27 31 32 33 35. Hammond, 22 28 36. Hart, 12. Hazard, 7. Hill, 10 17 27 29 34. Hopkins, 60. Hubbard, 8 28. Hull, 30. Huntington, 26. I J Jenkins, 9 24 25 29. Johnston, 5 6 7 9 13 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 29 31 32 34 37. Joslin, 7 8 11 18 26 27 28 32 36. Justin, 17 27. K Kenyon, 8 19 20 21 24 29. Lapham, 34. Lillibridge, 22 24 29. Locke, 7 8 9 10 20 24 25 26 32 34. M Manchester, 5 6 20 21 23 27 28 30 36. Matteson, 24. McReady, 28. Moon, S 11. Morey, 12 16 17 31. Morse, 30. Moshier, 7 33. Murch, 15. N Nicholas, 20 26. Northup, 11 12 15 17 27 33. O P Palmer, 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 32. I'eckham, 7 16 28 32. Pendleton, 20 22. Perkins, 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 16 17 IS 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 34 35. Pierce, 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 23 27 31 32 33 35 36. Pitcher, 11. Post, 8. Potter, 24. Q R Eathbun, 24 26. Reynolds, 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. Richmond, 5 18 19 24 27 31 32 35. Sheffield, 23 36. Sheldon, 7 16 24. Sherman, 27. Slocum, 7 8 9 12 14 17- 18 19 21 22 28 30 32 33 35. Spencer, 30. Sprague, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 19 23 24 27 29 30 32 34 36. Stanton, 6 18 19. Steele, 12. Stillman, 7 20 26. Stone. 15. Sunderland, 7 10 11 17 25 27 35. Sweet, 19 24 34. Thomas, 27. Thurston, 30. Tillinghast, 7 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 36. Ti-ipp, 10 12 14 15 25 26 33 35. u Underwood, 11. V w Waite, 23. Wakefield, 17. IT VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Waldo. 24. WalkiT. 21. WeaviT. 0. Webb, 17. Weightman, 5 S 17. Wells, 22. West, IS. Wilson, 17 24. Whitford, 54. Whitman, 31. Wilcox. S 12 1.3 10 31 35 60 III. Names of Places. .Vahford, Conn., 19 34. Bradford County, Pa., 12. Canterbury, Conn., 14 18. CJhiarlestawn, R. I., 8 12 19 28 35. Coventry, R. I., 8 11 12 13 16 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 30 34 36. Cumberland, R. I., 17. D Dutch Reform Church, 13. E East Greenwich. R. I., 6 8 13 IG 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 20 30 31 32 33 34 36 40 54. Foster, R. I., 24 28. Gen. Mifflin (ship). 48. Glocester, R. I., 30. Griswold, Conn., 21 36. H Herkimer County. N. Y., 13. Hopkintou, R. I., 7 9 12 14 10 20 21 24 25 26 28 36. Ireland, 24. J Jamestown, R. I., 10 11 30. Johnston, R. I., 5. K Killingly. 26. Kings Towne, 14. Lisbon, Coun., 24. Litchfield, N. Y., 13. M Madison, Conn., 22. N New London, Conn., 33. Ne^ljort, R. I., 8 9 10 11 15 16 IS 21 23 24 25 30. North Kingstown. R. I., 5 6 S 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 IS 19 22 23 24 25 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 46. North Providence. R. I., 30. Norwich, Conn., 7 12 26. o Orange County, N. Y., . 12. P.awtucket, R. I., 30. Plainfield, Conn., 17 23 24. Plattsburg, N. Y., 13. Poughkeei>sie, N. Y., 22. Portsmouth, R. I.. 12. Preston. Conn., 18 17 19 2(1 36. Providence, R. I., 12 28 33 36. Q R Richmond, R. I., 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 43 49 53. Scituate. R. 1., 13 36. Smithfield, R. L, 34. South Kingstovpn, R. I., 7 8 10 11 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 33 35 41 53. Stephenstown, N. Y., 21 36. Bterling, Conn., 13 22. Stonington, Conn.. 24 31. Surinam, W. I., 61. Taunton, Mass., .30. Tuubridge, N. Y., 12. Tyringham, Oonn.. 26. U V Voluntown, Conn.. S 10 12 17 20 28 30. w Warren. Pa., 12. Warwick, R. I., 8 10 11 13 16 17 23 24 27 28 32 60 63. Westerly, R. 1., 12 23 24. Western, N. Y., 28. West Greenwich, R. I., 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 52 57 60. West Kingstown. R. I., 9. X Y Z in^IDEX TOWN OF WESTERLY. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order, Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 72 Adams, 5 72. Akins, 5. Alexander, 5. Allen, 5 72. Alloby, 5. Amos, 5. Austin, 5 72. Avery, 5. Babbitt, 73. Babcocli, 5 73. Bacon, 9. Bailey, 9. Barber, 9 78. Barker, 10. Barnes, 10. Barrows, 10. Bartlett, 79. Bates, 10. Bebee, 10. Beers, 10. Belcher, 10. Bell. 11. Bemes, 79. Bennett. 11. Bentley, 11 79. Bent, 11 79. Berry, 11 79. Bessey, 11. Billings, 11. Blackington, 11. Bleason, 11. Bliss, 11. Bliven, 11 SO. Ely, 13. Boss, 13 82. Brackett, 13. Bradford, 13. Bragdon, 13 83. Braman, 13 83. Brambley, 13 83. Brand, 13 83. Braughton, 14. Breed, 14. Brian, 14. Briggs, 14 83. Bright, 14. Briton, S3. Broomer, 14. Browning, 14. BroTvn, 14 83. Budington, 15 84. Buel, 15. Buffington, 15. Bundy, 15. Burch, 15 84. Burdick, 15 84. Burlingame, 17. Burroiigli, 17. Button, 17 86. Byrns, 18. Campbell. 18. Card, 18. Carpenter, 18. Cartwright. 18. Carr, 18 87. Case, 18. Casson, 87. Chalken. IS. Champlain. 18 87. Ohapm.an, 1!) 88. Chase, 20 89. Cheeseborough, 20. Chester, 20 90. Church, 20 90. Clarke, 20 90. Classon, 22. Clawson, 22. Coats, 22. Coazen, 22. Cobb, 22. Codner, 22. Cogt!eshall. 22. Coldgrove, 22 93. Collins, 22 93. Comstock, 22. Coagdon, 23. Cook, 23. Coon, 23 93. Corey, 23 93. Cottrell, 23 93. Crandall, 23 93. Crary, 97. Crocker, 27. Cross, 27 97. Orimib, 27 98. Culver, 27. Curtis, 27. D Daeriset, 27. Dake, 27 99. Daniels, 28. Darby. 28 99. Davison, 28. Davis, 28 99. Deak, 28. Denison, 28 100. Dennis, 29. Derby, 29 100. Dottreek, 29. Dewry, 29. Dickins, 29. Dixon, 29. Dodge, 29 100. Downing. 29. Doyle, 100. Driscol, 29. Dunbar, 29 100. Dunham, 29. Dunn, 29. Duran, 29. Durfee. 29. Dye, 29. Dyre, 29. E Eaglestone, 29. VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. Edwards, 29 100. Eglestone, 30. Elderton, 30 101. Eldredge, 30. Eldred, 30. Ellis, 30 101. Enos, 30 101. Feuner, 30. PeUows, 30. Ferguson, 30. Fielden, 30. Fish. 30. Fitch, 30. Fordis, 30. Foster, 30 101. Fowler, 30 102. Frazier, 30 102. French, 31 102. Frink, 31 102. Fry, 31. Fuller, 31 102. Gage, 31. Gardiner, 31 102. Gavitt, 31 102. Geer, 32 Gibbs, 32. Gifford, 32. Gilbert, 33. Godaudo, 33. Goodrich, 33. Gorton, 33 104. Gory, 33. Grant, 33. Greenell, 33 104. Greenmau, 33 104. Greene, 33 104. Griffin, 34. H HadfaJl, 34. Hadsall, 34. Hakes, 34. Halhim, 34. Hall. 34 106. Hammond, 35. Handcock, 35. Hardy, 108. Harris, 36. Hasell, 36 108. Hawkins, 36. Hawk, 36 108. Haxston, 36. Hay den, 36. Hazeltou, 36 108. Helme, 36. Hern, 36. Hewitt, 36. Hex, lOS. Hilliard, 36. Hill, 36 108. Hinckley, 36. Hiscox,"36 108. Hobert, 37. Holly. 37. Holmes, 37. Holway, 37 109. Hopkins. 37. Horick, 37. Howard, 109. Hoxsie, 37 109. Hubbard, 37' 110. Hull, 37 110. Huntley, 37. Ingraham, 37. Irish, 37. J .Tagers, 38. James, 38. Jerome, 38. Johnson, 38 110. .Tones, 38. .Justus. 38. K Kenecome, 38. Kenyon. 38 110. Kimber, 38. King, 39. Knight, 39 110. Knowles, .39 110. Ladd, 39. Lake, 39. Lamb, 39. Langford, 39. Langley. 39. Langworthy. 39. Lankford, 39. Lanphear, .39 111. Larkin, 41 113. Lawton. 42 113. Leeds, 42 113. Lee, 42 113. Lftster, 42. Lewis, 42 113. Lillibridge, 44. Lippitt. 44. Lock,. 44. Lombard. 44. Loomas, 44 116. Long, 44. Lothrop, 44. Loveless, 44. Lovitt, 44. M Maceater,/ 44. Maccoon, 44 116. Mackee, 44. Mackintosh. 45. Macomber, 45. Mallerson, 45. Maine, 4.5. Mash, 45. Mason, 45. MaxSon, 45 116. McDowell. 46. McDonnell, 46. Meekcome, 46 118. Merriott, 4G. Milliard, 46 119. Minor, 46. Mitchell. 46. Moon, 46. Bloore, 119. Morris. 47. Mott, 47 119. Mulkius, 47 119. Mumford, 47. Munro, 47. Musgrave, 47. N Nash, 47 119. Nett, 47. Newberry, 47. Newbury, 47. Ney. 47. Nichols, 119. Niles, 47. Noogeri, 47 119. Noyes, 47 119. Nutter, 48. Nye, 48 120. Odell, 120. Otis, 48. Owen, 48. Page, 48. Palmer, 48 120. Palmitter, 48 120. Parker, 48. Parkinson, 48. Park. 48 120. Partelow. 48. Pearce. 48. Peckham, 48 121. Peirce. 49 121. Pendleton, 50 122. Perkins, 51 125. Perrr, 51 125. Pettis, 51. Phelden, 51. Phillips. 51. Phinney, 125. Pierce, 52. Poes, 52. Pooler, .52 125. Poole, .52. Popple, 12.5. Porter, 52 125. Potter, 52 126. Potts, 52. Powell, 52. Pratt,^ 52. Prenticfe, 52. Prosser; 52. Pullen, 126. Pullman, 52. Purdy, 52. INDEX WESTEllLV. -Quail, 52. R Randall, 53 12G. Rathbone, 53 126. Records, 127. Reynolds, 53 127. Rhodes, 54 127. Richardson, 54. Richmond, 54 127. Rider, 54. Robinson, 54. Rock, 54. Roger.s, 54 127. Rood, 55. Ross, 55 127. Rudd, 50. Russell, 56. Ryan, 56. Satterlee, 56 129. Sampson, 56. Sanford, 56. Saunders, 56 129. Saweross, 58. Schriven, 58 132. Scott, 58. Seager, 58 132. Seallenger, 58. Searl, 58. Sears, 58. Sharp. 58. Shaw, 58 132. Sheffield, 58 132. Sheldon, 59 133.' Shelley, 50 133. Sherley, 59. Sherman, 59. Short, 59. Sims, 59 133. Sisson, 59 133. Skoesuch. CO. Slack. GO 134. Slattery, (JO 134. Slociim. GO. Smith, 60 134. Spencer. Gl. Stafford, 61. Stanton. 61 1.35. States, 61. Stephens, 61 135. Stetson, 61 135. Stevenson, 61. Steward, 61 135. Stewart, 61 135. Stiles, 135. Stillma,n, 61 135. Sturgeon, 63. Stutson, 63. Styles, 63. Sullivan, 63. Swait, 137. Swaros, 63. Sweet, 63. Taft, 63. Tanner, 63. Tavlor, 63 137. Tefft, 64 138. Tenuant, 64. Thayer, 64. Thompson, 64 138. Thorn. 06. Thurston, 66 140. Tikon,66 140. l^illinghast, 66. Toms, 66. Tosh, 66. Truman. 66. T'^ibbs. 66. Tucker, 66. Turner, 66. u Utter, 60 140. Varen, 66 141. "V'ars, 66 141. ^'iley, 67. Vincent. 07 141. Violet, 07. Vose. 07 141. w Ward. 67 141. Warner, 141. Warren. 67. Waterman, 07. W.atson, 67. Weaver, 67 141. Wetister. 67. Weeks, 67. Welch, 142. Welden, 07. Weller, 07. Wells, 67 142. Wentworth, 68. West, 68 142. Wheeler, 68 143. Wliite, 68 143. Whittles, 6S. Wilbur, 68 143. Wilcox, 69 144. Wilkinson, 70. Williamson, 70. Williams. 70. Willis, 70 145. Winslow. 145. Wilter, 70. Wogc, 70. Woodburn. 70. Wooi.lwortli, 70 . Wood, 70. Wootlmansee, 70. Worden, 70 145. Wright, 71. X Y Z Yeoman, 71 146. York, 71 146. Young, 71. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Adams, 45. Allen, 44. AJmy, 37. Avery, 51 60. Babcock, 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 37 41 43 46 47 49 51 53 54 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 60 67 68 69 70 71 142. Barber. 17 26 44 45. ■Barker, 20. Barry, 09. Barstow, 35. Bendall, 69. Berrv, 11. Bliss, 62. Bliven, 5 7 8 12 13 17 20 26 29 32 34 35 40 41 47 48 49 55 56 58 60 65 OS 70. Borden, 65. Bright, 35. Bro^vn. 10 12 18 19 25 26 28 29 30 31 40 43 44 49 51 57 59 67. Burdick, 8 17 22 25 37 38 40 43 46 52 57 62 66 136. Bussell, 14. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE INLAND. 2i 11 i-1 01 Campbell, \o 41 56 00 63. Carr, 5;^ Case, 57. Champlain 122. Chase, 25. Cheeseborough. 29. Chester. 41. Clarke, 7 S 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 IS 1!) 21 22 23 25 20 27 31 32 33 34 37 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 52 53 50 57 59 62 03 04 05 66 OS Coggeshall, 21. Coon, 5 S 12 13 14 17 19 20 22 23 26 30 31 37 39 40 41 40 47 54 55 59 60 63 65. Crandall, 6 7 S 9 10 13 14 15 10 17 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 2S 29 30 33 34 35 37 3S 39 40 41 43 40 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 50 57 58 59 61 04 65 06 67 6S' 70 71. Crary, 13 27 40 67 Cross, 9 10 13 15 30 41 44 52 58 70. 12 20 29 42 49 60 70. 15 29 44 62 12 19 26 30 44 53 60 •69 31 Damau, 63. Daut'ortb, 09. Davis. 24 70. Dawlcy, 52. Dehon, S. Denison, 10 17 20 37 46 49 51 03 04 67 68. Dewry, 130. Dodge, 10. Dorrance, 17. Eddy, 62. Edwards, 5S. Eells, 7 23 24 30 30 43 50 01. Fish. 6 7 48 58. G Gardiuer, 12 21 26 30 31 32 47 51 52 55 57 58 61 71. Gavitt, 47 53. Gillett. 40. Gore, 68. Gorton, 12 2U 25 45. Gould, 48. Greeuman, 39 45. Greene, 9 10 21 62 80, 5 6 15 36 52 69. 15 10 27 28 38 39 50 51 00 61 70. 28 34 113. 54. H Hauuah, 24. Hall, 20 42. Hart, 48 07. Helme, 21 30 33 Hern, 11 12 14 18 19 21 22 24 33 34 35 30 37 42 43 45 47 48 52 55 50 58 59 02 06 07 68 09 Hiscox, 17 20 22 35 41 48 00 70 Honeyman, 50. Hopkius, 49. Hotfhkiss, 09. Hoxsie, 30 41 42 I J Johnson. 100. Joslin, 8 15 05. K Kendall, OS. Keuney, 10. Knight, 19 29 49 50 59 00 64 70. Lauphear. 27 38 44 47 50 58 loit 129 130. Larkin, 29 30 41 46. Lewis. 43 45 68. Lillibridge, 44. I.,ost, 95. Lyons, 45. M Maccoon, IS 20 30 34 39 07. Marther, 6. Ma.xson, 5 10 11 13 14 15 16 20 21 23 24 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 52 .53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 03 64 67 69 70. McSparran, IS. Miner, 9 10 11 32 63 64 78. Moore. 17 33 41 49 58 64. Mulkins. 74. N Newman, 9 23 32 59 64. Xorthup, 40 67. Noyes, 50. Osborn, 5. Palmer, 9 15 23 28 31 38 40 50 58 60 62 65 67 70. Park, 7 11 12 14 18 19 20 21 24 28 30 31 36 37 42 43 50 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 01 04 67. Peckham, 39. Pendleton, 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 22 20 27 29 31 42 47 48 51 59 GO 62 64 65 69. Perry, 13 23 27 52. Phelps, 8. Phillips, 65. Phiimey, 10 33 41 42. Potter, 15 26 27 37 55 60. Pratt, ti 15 29. Q R Randall, 5 11 14 24 40 43 45 51 53 66 68. Rathbun, 38 44 51 60. Rhodes, 6 9 11 13 14 15 10 20 24 31 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 44 46 47 48 50 52 53 54 56 00 69. Richmond, 5 11 14 15 16 17 21 23 27 30 34 30 39 46 47 48 54 56 61 03 00 67 70. Robinson, 38. Rogers, 12 28 52 54 58 02 119 Rossiter. 18 50 65. Ross, 7 25 28 35 46 55 04 69. Sands, 12. Sanford, 70. Saunders, 5 11 16 IS 20 23 29 33 34 36 37 41 42 43 45 55 56 59 61 00 110. Shaw, 20 32 35. Sheffield, 33 58. Sheldon, 13. Sims, 133. Sissou, 133. Slocum, 54. Smith, 9 16 20 23 24 27 32 34 36 37 38 40 45 47 49 50 56 00 02 66 67. Stanton, 11 14 48 53 120 121. Stillman, 9 10 11 17 20 32 33 41 44 47 52 58 00 61 03 65 68 70. Sturgeon, 17. Sweet, 121. INDEX WESTERLY. Tabor, 52. Taylor. 8 10 12 13 16 20 25 26 31 32 49 52 60 65. Throop, 44. Thurston, 7 19 65. Tilliughnst, 26 39. Trumbull, 27. Tuckei-man, 5 22 32 33 49 60 61 63 65. U V Vail. 5 13 IS 27 29 32 33 38 39 52 53 58 59 61 71. Vars, 132. Vinton, 49. Vose, 48 59. w Wakefield, 64. Weight, 39. Wells, 41 48 49 65 01. West, 128. Whitman, 57. Wilbur, 9 11 22 29 42 54 66. Wilcox, 7 8 10 12 14 19 25 29 32 35 43 4(; 47 51 53 58 60 68 60 70. Woodruff, 44 55 64. Worden. 38. X Y Z York, 20. III. Albany, N. Y., 112. Alfred, N. Y.. 37. Ashton, England, 44. Baltimore, Md., 35. Bajigor, Mass., 55. Benson, Vt., .5. Block Island, 38 53. Boston, Mass., 37. Bristol, Conn., 62. Bristol, England, 52. Bristol, R. I., 89. Brookfield, N. Y., 26 !58 69. Brookhaven, L. I., 65. Charlestown, R. I., 5 6 7 S 9 12 13 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 49 .50 52 54 55 56 57 58 .59 61 64 05 68 71 72 76 77 78 80 81 82 84 85 88 95 96 97 103 104 105 106 107 110 113 127 130 131 145 1... Charlotte Precinct, N. Y., 86. Chenango County, N. Y., 51. Clinton, Conn., 15. Cohoes. N. Y., 52. Colchester, Conn,, 70. Connecticut. 5 52 58 70. Coosocky, N. Y., 105. CVrtla.id County, N. Y., 63. Cranston, R. I., 15. Names of Places. D De Kalb, N. Y., .5. Demarara. W. I., 82. Dightou, Mass., 83 86. Bast Greenwach, R. I., 11 66. Exeter, R. I.. 10 23 33 39 46 78 106 132. Falmouth. Mass., 47. Fevor.sham, R. I., 88. Freetown, Mass., 89. Glocester. 33. Grotou. Conn., 5 14 32 33 44 45 47 50 70 77 104 133 144. H Hancock County, Mass., 13. Hanover, Mass., 135. Hopewell, N. .T., 14. Hopkinton, K. I., 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 31 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 44 46 47 48 .52 53 54 55 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 68 70 71 77 78 82 88 91 03 94 95 96 105 im 108 109 112 120 128 131 137 141 142. Ireland, 38. Isle of Jersey, 68. J K Kingsbury, N. Y., 82. Kings Towne, R. I., 52 64. Lancashire. England. 44. Lebanon, Conn., 10 67. Ledyard, Conn., 45 68. Little Compton, R. I., 54. Lyme, Conn,. 37 52 100 113. M Madison County, N. i'., 26. Mason's Island, Conn., 124. Massachusetts. 29. Mendon, Mass.. 31 .52. Middletown. Conn., 113. Middletown, R. I., 7 67 76. Montville, Conn., 62. N Nantucket. Mass., 56. New Concord, Conn., 44. New Haven, Conn., 38. New London, Conn., 5 12 25 26 36 37 45 50 54 59 62 87 95. Newi)ort, R. I., 7 19 20 21 29 30 36 39 43. 4i 45 47 48 50 53 54 \ITAL RECORD liF RHODE ISLAND. 55 62 G3 65 81 82 85 88 90 119 121 127 141. New Shoreham, K. I., 12 20 29 54 63 87. New Y(irk, N. Y., 63. Now York. 33. Nine Partners, N. Y., 86. North Kingstown, R. I., 14 23 43 49 52 59 67. North Stouinstou, Conn., 10 11 15 60 68 69 112. Norwalk, Conn., 34. Norwich, Conn., 27 44 51 61 66 67 77 104. Norwich, N. Y'., 51. Oswego County, N. ■ 5. Pawcatuck, river, 136. Peterborough, N. Y., 34 96. Philadelphia, Pa., 30 61. Plymouth County, Mass., 135. Pomfret, Conn., 9 31. Portsmouth, R. I., 42 70. Preston, Conn., 12 15 32 49 56 64 77 128 145. Providence, R. I., 23. Q R Rhode Island 70. Richmond, R. I.. 6 7 8 14 23 30 41 42 44 52 57 62 63 69 88 97 104 105 106 112. Saylirook, Conn., 69. .Scituate. R. I., 5 63. Scotland, 38. Scott, N. Y., 63. Seabrook, Conn., 6 IS. Seaconuet. R. I., OS. Sheffield. Mass.. 128. Sheltou Isle. N. Y., 20. Southold, L. 1., 36 40 66 113. South Kingstown. R. I., 6 7 8 9 13 14 18 19 21 22 24 27 28 33 36 39 40 51 59 63 66 68 69 76 79 85 87 88 95 102. Stephenstown, N. Y., 17 46 112. Sterling, Conn., 39. Slouington, Coun., 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 51 52 .53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 07 69 70 77 78 SO 85 87 88 89 100 102 105 113 115 124 125 128 130 132 135 140 141 142 143 146. Sudbury, Mass., 122. Sullivan, Mass., 13. Taunton, Mass., 69. Ticondcroga, 121. Troy, N. Y.. 2(>. U V Volney, N. Y., 5. Voluntown. Ooun., 17 18 43 81 105 106 116 128. w Warwick, R. I., 6 32 33 66 67. Waterford. Conn., 27 .52 63. Westbrook, Conn., 17. West Greenwich, R. I., 49 62 121 125. West Indies, 124. Westport, Mass., 37. Worcester, Mass., 13 63 64. X Y Z I isT X) ex: TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commeuce with page 5; births and deaths page 17- A D HoUoway, 10. Hoxsie, 10 22. Adams, 5. Davis, 8. Allen, 5. Dearling, 8. I J Ammous, 3. Devoll, 20. Ares, 5 17. Deck, 8. James, 10. Auchmady, 5. Dodge, 20. Joshua, 10. Austin, 5 17. Johnson, 10 22. E Jones. 23. B Eanos, S 20. K Babcock, 5 17. Barle. 9. Bailey, 5. Edwards, 9 20. Kenyon, 11 23. Ball, 5. Ellis, 9. Kergroin, 23. Barber, 5. King. 11. Barkt>r, 5. Knight. 11. Bartlott, 17. F Knowles, 11 23. Bassett, 5 17. Bliven, (3. Foster, 9 21. L Boss, 17. Franklin, 21. Braman, 6 17. Frey, 21. Ladd, 11 23. Browning, G 17. Lanphere, 11. Brown, 6. G Larkin, 11 23. Burch. 6. Lewis, 11 24. Bnrdick, G 17. Lillibridge, 12 24 Gardiner, 9. Lovatt, 12. Gavitt, 9. Lyster, 12. c Greenman, 9 21. Greene, 9 21. M Card, G. (JrilTeth, 21. Carr. Ci. ('haniplain. G IS t'hapma.n, G. Ohappell. G. Oluin'li. G IS. Cl.n-kc. 7 IS. Grinnvll. 21. GrifRn, 9. Gould, 9. H Maeoniber, 12 24 Matthews. 12. Mioaul, 24. Millard, 12 24. Miner, 12. Collins. 7 11*. Jloon, 12. Moore. 12. Mon-v, 12. Mumford, 12. Congdon, 7 19. Cook, 7. Hall, 9 21. Hanoock. 10. Corey, 7. Harvey. 10 22. Cornell, 7. Hawkins, HI. Coggeswell, 7. Hazard, 10 22. N Craj-y. 7 1".>. Hieks, 22. Crandall, 7 19. Hi.>ioox, 10 22. Ney. 12. Ooss, 8 20. Hulburton, 10. Niles, 12 24. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAN']5. Ollley, 12 Park, 12 24. Peckham. 13 24. Peirce, 13. Perkins, 13. Perry, 13 2.5. Pettis, 13. Pettey, 25. Phebe, 13. Pierce, 13 25. Pike, 13. Potter, 13 25. Pullman. 13. Q R Bathbone, 13 25. Reynolds. 13. Rhodes, 14 25. Rodman, 14. Ross, 14 25. Sands, 14. Sash, 14. Saulsbury, 25. Saunders, 14. Scribeus, 14 25. Seager, 14. Shaw, 14. Sheffield, 14 25. Sheldon, 14. Sherman, 14 26. Simon, 14. Smith, 14. Spencer, 14. Stanton, 14 20. Stiles, 15. Stillman, 15. Sunderland, 15. Swan, 15. Tanner, 27. Taylor, 15 27. Tefft, 15. Thomas, 15. Thompson, 15 Tiger, 15. Trim, 15. Tucker. 15 27. U Vars, 10. W Ward, 10. Watson, 27. Webb, 16. Webster, 16. Welch, 16 27. Wells, 16 28. Wescott, 10. West, 28. Wilcox, 10 28. WiUiiUns, 10. Woodmansee, 16 28. Worden, 16. X Y Z York, 16 28. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Allen 9 10. Avery, 14. Babcock, 5 6 7 9 14 15 16. Baker, 7 11 15. Barber. 10 11 13 15. Billings, 16. Bliven, 8. Boss, 10. BrouTi, 15. Burdick, 9 14. Card, 0. Champlain, 8 13. Church. "J. Clarke, 7 8 9 13 14 16. Coggswell, 9. Collins, 13. Colwell, 5 11. Oongdon, 11. Coon. 9 10. Crandall, 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 10. Cross, 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10. D Davis, 26. Dodge, 10. Evritt, 7. F G Gardiner, 8 15. Gorton, 15. Gritlin, 11 12 15. Grosvenor, 10. H Helme, 7. Heru, 10. Hiclvs, 7 10 12 14 16. Hill, 8 10. Hiscox, 8. Hoxsie, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19. I J .Toslin, 11. K King, 12 15. Knight, 18. Lewis, 7 9 12 14. Lillibridge, 11. M Maxson, 14. Miner, 14. NOP Parks, 5 7 11 12 15. Perry, 5 6 8 9. Potter, 8 9. Q R Rhodes, 11 12. Robinson, 7 10 13. Rosseter, 16. Ross. 7 9 10. i INDEX CHARLESTOWN. Saunders, 6. Sekoter, 8. Sheffield, 9. Sprague, C. Stillman, 5. Taylor, 7. Tefft, 5. Tillinghast. 15. U V Vail, 10. Vose, 8. \/V Watson, 5. Wilbur, 8. Witter, 8. X Y Z III. Names of Places. A B Blauford, Mass., 19. C D Dartm-Mitli, Mass., 8. E East Greenwich, R. I., 13 14. Exeter, R. I., 12 13. F G Groton, Conn., 21. H Hopkinton. R. I., 7 8 9 10 16. I Ireland, 28. J Jamestown, R. I., 6 8. K L Lebanon, Oonn., 10. M Manville, Conn., 1.5. N Narragansett Tribe. 10 15. New London, Conn., 6 8. Newport, R. I.. 7. New Shoreham, R. I., 15 IG. North Kingstown, R. I., 12 28. North Stonington, Conn.. 24. O P Providence, R. I., 9. Q R Richmond. R. I., 5 11 13 Soutli Kingstown, R. L, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 28. Stonington, Conn., 12 14 15 16 24. T U V W Westerly, R. I., 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. X Y Z I nsriDEx TOWN OF RICHMOND. Marriajj A Adams, 5 23. Albro, 5. Alexander, 5. Allen, 5. Austin, 5. Aylesworth, 5. Babeock. .5 23. Bailer, .5 23. Baker, 6. Barber, G 23. Bassett, 6. Bates, 7. Bentlev, 7 24 Bicknell, 7. Bitgood, 7. Blanchard, 7. Boss, 7. Braman, 7. Briggs, 7. Browning, 7. Brown, 7. Burdiek, 7. riahonne, 7. Hard. 7 24. • -'nrpenter, 7. Cliaco, 24. Cliamplain, 7. Cliampliin, S 24. Ohappell, 8. Ohnreh, 8 24. I'losson, 8. Clarke, S 2.5. Ooldgrovp, 9 26. Collins, 9. Congdon, 9 26. <''.oke, 9. Coon, 9. Vol. 5-C Name.s Ocoamng in Their Natural Order. s counnence with p.ige .".; births and deaths page 23. Corey, 9. Cottrell, 9. Crandall, 9. Cross, 9. D Dake, 9. D.ayis, 9. Dawley, 0. Dickinson, 9. Dodge, 9. Douglass. 9. Dye, 9 26. Eldred, 9. Enos, 9 26. Essex, 10. Fenner, 10. Ford, 10. Foredice, 10. Foster, 10 26. Frazer, 10. G-ardiner, 10. Greene, 10, (^riffeth. 10 27. Gritlin, 11 27. Gorgon, 1 1 H Hall, 11 27. HaiTington. 11 27. Hathawav, 27. Hazard, 11. Hide, 11. Hill, 11. Hiscox, 11. Holloway, 11. Holway, 11. Hoxsie, 11 27. Hull, 12. Irish, 12 28. J James, 12 28. .Tohnson, 12. .Tones, 12. Jordan, 12. K Kelley, 12. Kenyon, 12 28. Knowles, 29. Lane, 14. Larkin, 14 29. Lawton, 14. Lewis, 14 30. Lillibridge, 14 30. Locke, 15. M Maxson, 15 31. Mias, 31. Milleman, 15. Mintum, 1.5. Mitchell, 15. Moon, 15 31. \irAi, UEcoKD OF uiiodj: island. Moore, 15. Morey, 15. Miwhicr. 15. jMuml'unl, 15. N Noy. 15 31. Newton, 1.5. Nichols, 15 31. Niles, 16. Noycs, 16. Nyo, 16. o OlMcy. 10 31. raliut'i-, 16. PiU-ker. 16. Patterson, 16. Pearce, 10. PecUhaiu. 10. Pondletoii, 16. Perrin, 10. Piriy, 16 32. Potor.son, 16. IVttis, 10 32. I'lttv, 10 32. I'liilliiis, 16 32. Pierce, 16. Pollanl, 16. Potter, 16 32. Powell, 17. I'ullmau, 17 33. Q R Katbbun, 17. Record, 17 33. Reynolds, 17 33. Rice, j-7. Richmond, IS 33. Robbing, 18. Rogers, 18 33. Ross, 18. Russell, IS. Snbin, 18. Sa.nford. IS. Saunders. IS. Sercl, 18. .Sheldon, 18 3:i. Sliemiau. IS. Sisson, 33. Slociim, 33. Smith. IS. Stafford, 33. Stanton, IS 33. Star, IS. Steadman, 18. Stewart, 18. Sunderland, 18. Swan, 19. Sweet. 19. 'I'alx.r, 19. Tanner, 19. Te£ft, 19 34. Tenuaut. 2(t. Thoma.'*. 20. Tillinghast. 2 Torrey, 2(1. Tourgee. 2(t. Ti-ii)]). 20. Tuclcer, 20 3; Tuck, 20. Turner, 20. U V Valid t, 20. Watson, 20 35. A\'eaver, 20. Webb, 20 35. Webster. 20 35. Weeks, 21. Wells. 21. West, 21. Wilbour, 21 30. Wilcox, 21 36. Witter, 21. Woodmansee, 21 36. Worden, 22. X Y Z Xoeman, 22. Young, 22. 11. Names Ocotirring Promiscuously. Albro, IS. Austin, 19. Avery, 6 18. Babcock, 5 7 8 9 IS 19. Bailev, 19. Barber, 7 8 9 11 30. Beezeley, 17. Boss. 6 11 17 19. Burbank. 7 9 10 22. Burdick, 10 14. Carpenter, 22. Champlain, 8. Clarke, 6 8 12 13 16. Coon, 11 17. I J Crandall, 13 20 21. Cross, 8. Johnson, 12 15. Culver, 10 16. Joslin, 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21. D K Duriee. 8. Kenyon, 6 7 8 9 10 12 E F G 13 14 16 19 20 21 22. Gardiner, 11 16. L Greene, 12.. Lewis, 5 7 10 16 18. H Lillibridge, 5 7 11 14 16 18 21. Hazard, 13. Locke, 6 8 18 20 22. Helme. 11. Hill, 5 11. M Holloway, 11. Hubbard, 13 15 20. Manchester, 11. I INDEX RICHMOND. Meech, 14. Moshitr, 12. N Nortliup, 17. O P Palmer. 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 21. PecUlmin, 6. Peadleton, 6 14 10. Perry, 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 IS 19 20 21 22. Petty, 10"'l8. Phelps, 11. Potter, 10 IS. Q R Randall, 11. Richmond, 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 IS 19 20 21. Rogers, 17. Rouse, IS. Saunders, 14. Sheffield, 17. Slocum, 6. Sprague, 7 19. Stanton, 11 13 14 15 19. Stillman, 6 8 13 18 24. Tefet, 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 19 20 21. Thomas, 9. Tilinghast, 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 27. Toney, 9 13 14. Tripp, 10. U V w Watson, 8. Webb, 10 1] 12 15. Webster, 9 J 11 12 ] 4 16 18 20 21. Weightman, 19. West, 21. Wilbur, 14 17 18. Willey, S. Williams, 7 20. Woodmansee, 7 8 tl 13 10 21. X Y Z III. Names of Places. A B Barton, Conn., 19. Brooklield, N. Y., 18. Charlestown, R. I., 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 27 30 31. Coventry, R. I., 17 18 21. D Dartmouth, Mass., 17 32. Ea.st Greenwich, R. I., 10 15 10 20 21 22. E.xeter. R. I., 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33. Fall River, Mass., lO. Foster, R. I., 10. Groton, Conn., 19. H Hopkinton, R. I., 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22. I J K Kingston, R. I., 6. L Lonsdale, R. I., 18 22. M N North Kingstown, R. I., 7 9 11 18 21 33. North Providence, R. I., 31. Norwich, Conn., 17. O P Plainfield, Conn., 18. Preston, Conn., 14. Q R Rome, Me., 10. South Kingstown, R. I., S 9 11 12 15 16 18 20 21 33. Stonington, Conn,, 7 10 11 21. T U V Voluntown, Conn., 8 9. w Warwick, R. I., 11 21. Westerly, R. I., 5 6 7 S 10 11 13 14 10 18 19 20 21 24. West Greenwich, R. I., 7 9 10 17. Wickford, R. I., 18. X Y Z v\ msr I5EX: TOWN OF HOPKINTON. I. Names Occurring in Their Natural Order. Marriages commence with page 5; births and deaths page 30. Adams, 5. Allen, 5 30. Arnold, 5 30. Austin, 5. Avery, 5. Atwood, 5. Babcock, 5 30. Baggs, 6. Baid. 6. Bailey, C. BaUer, 6. Barber, 6 31. Bates, 6 31. Benjamin, 6. Bentley, G 31. Bent, 6. Bicknell, 6. Bitgood, 6. Bliss, 7. Bowler, 7. Boweu, 7. Braman, 7 31. Brand, 7 32. Briggs, 7. Brightman, 7 32. Browing, 7. Brown. 7 32. Bureh, 7 32. Burdick, 8 32. Button, 9 34. Byrnes, 9. Card, 9. Oajpenter, 9. Carr, 10. Oartright, 10 34. Case. 10. Ghamplain, 10 34. Chase, 10. Cheeseborough, 10 34. Chever, 10 35. Church, 10 35. Clarke, 10 35. Closson, 11. Codner, 11. Ooe, 35. Colegrove, 11 35. Cole, 11 36. Collins, 11 3(J. Coon, 11 36. Corey, 12. CotU-ell, 12 37. Cramlall. 12 37. Crocker, 13. Cross, 13. Crumb, 13 38. Colver, 13. D Daniels, 13. Dartts, 13. Davis, 13 38. Dawley, 14. Deak, 3S. Deats, 14. Dewey, 14. Dodge, 14 38. Dorrance, 38. Douglass, 14. Downing, 14. Dver, 14. Dye, 14. Eaglestone, 14. Edwards, 14 39. Eldredge, 14. Enos, 14. Fenner, 14 39. Foster, 14 30. Frink, 14. Gallup, 15. Gardiner, 15 39. Gates, 15. Grant, 15. Gray, 1.5. Greenman, 15. Greene, 15 39. GrefEeth, 15. Gi-iffin, 15. Grinnell, 15. Goodwill, 15. H Hadfull, 40. Haley, 15. Hall, 16 40. Hai'ris, 16. Healey, 16. Herring, 16. Hide, 16. Hill, 16 40. Hisoox, 16. Hood, 16. Hotten, 16. Hoxsie, 16. Hull, 16. Irish, 16. Irving, 16. J .lacques, 16. Johnson, 16. Jordan, 16. Joslin, 16 40. VITAL EECOKD OF RHOBE ISLAND. K Keeney, 17. KenyoD, 17 41. Kezeir, 17. Kingsley, 17. King, 17. Kiuney, 42. Knowles, 17. Lake, IS. I.amb, IS 42. Langworthy, 18 42. Lanphere, 18 43. Larliin, IS 43. Latham, 43. Lawtou, 19. Leonard, 19. Lewis, 19 43. M Maccoon, 20 44. Maine, 20. Maucliester, 20 44. Jlarrian, 20. Marriott, 20. Matteson. 20. Maxson, 20 44. Maviiard, 21. Millard, 21 46. Miuer, 21. Morgan, 21. Morey. 21. Mott, 21 46. N Ne£f, 21. Ney, 21 46. Niciiols. 21- 46. Niles, 21. Northup, 21. Noyes, 21. o Olney, 22. Palmer, 22 47. Palmitter, 22 47. Partelow, 22. Patterson, 22 47. Peaxce, 22. Peckham, 22 47. Pendleton, 22. Perkins, 22. Perry, 22 47. Pettej, 22. Pierce, 2. Plumber, 22. Popple, 22 47. I'orter, 22 47. Potter, 22 47. Powers, 23. Prosser, 23. Q R Randall, 4S. Katlibim, 23. Remington, 23. Reynolds, 23 48. Rhodes, 23 49. Richmond, 23. Rider, 23. Robinson, 23 49. Rogers, 24 49. Ross, 24 49. Salisbury, 24. Sampson, 24. Satterlee, 24. Saunders, 24 49. Scriven, 24. Sheffield, 24. Sheldon, 24 49. Sherman, 24. Sissel, 24. Sisson, 24. Slack, 24. Slocum, 24. Smith, 24. Snow, 24. Spencer, 24. Spicer, 24 49. Stanton, 25. Stearns, 25. Stewart, 25. Stiles, 49. Stillman, 25 49. Stetson, 50. Stutson, 25. Sutcliff, 25. Sweet, 25. Taber, 25. Tanner, 25 50. Taylor, 26. Tetet, 26 51. Thayer. 26. Thomas, 26. Thompson, 26. Thorp, 26. Thurston, 26 51. Tripp, 51. u Utter, 26 51. Vars, 26. Vincent, 51. Vinson, 26. w Waite, 26 51. Watson, 26. Ward, 26. Warren, 52. Webster, 26. WeUs, 27 52. West, 27 52. Wheeler, 27. Whipple, 27. White, 27 53. Whitford, 28. Wilbur, 28 53. Wilcox, 28 53. Wilkinson, 28 53. Williams, 28. Will, 28. Witter, 28 53. Woodmansee, 29 54. Wood, 29. Worden, 29 54. Wright, 29 54. X Y Z York, 29. II. Names Occurring Promiscuously. Allen, 31. Avery, 6 9 14 24 26 28. 17 23 B Babeook, 7 11 14 15 19 26 Barljer, 6 7 9 10 11 13 16 17 19 25 26. Brown, 12 21 24. Burdick, 6' 78 9 Id 11 12 13 14 15 16 ij 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37 44 49. IISTDEX HOPKINTON. Ill Campbell, 8 10. Carr, 19. Chester, 9 22. Church, 27. Clarke, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28. Collins, 7 10. Coon, C 7 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. Craudall, 5 8 11 12 13 15 17 22 24 26 44. Cross, 19. D Darron, 15. Davis, 7 10 12 18 19 24 25 27 29. E F Fish, 20. Foster, 36. G Gardiner. 6 7 11 14 15 17 18 19 22 24 26 27 28 50. Greene, 11 14 20 25 48. H Hall, 47. Hazard, 7. Helme, 7. Hull, 21 36. Irish, 32 J Joslin, 6 7 11 12. K L Langworthy, 35 43. Lanphere. 41. Larkin, 6 8 9 12 16 18 20 22 25. Latham, 21 23. Lewis, 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 22 23 24 26. Lillibridge, 12. Locke, 13. M Maccoon. 23 25. Manchester, 9 16. Maxson, 5 8 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 24 27 28. Miner, 11. Morgan, 15. N Nichols, 7 8 21 28. Northup. 7 11 18 19 43. O P Palmer, 8 9 11 12 14 19 25 26 27. Patterson. 40. Pendleton, V 9 26. Perrv, 5 6 8 28. Post, 17. Potter, 17 27 34. Q R Randall, 9 14 15 19. Reynolds, 53. Richmond. 27. Rogers, 21. Saunders, 24 25 28 29. Sheffield, .52. Sheldon, 18. Smith, 1?,. Stillmnn. 5 6 9 11 l.S 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 20. Tanner, 11 14 19. Taylor. 35. Te£Et, 9. Thoma.s. 32. Thompson, 16. Thurston, 35. Tillinghast, 6 22. U V w Wakefield, 27. Wells. 5 8 10 17 21 26 28. West, 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29. Whitman. 16. Wilbur, 12. Wilcox, 17 20 .39. Williams, 11. Witter, 9 17 18 28. Woodmansee, 14. Woodruff, 18. Wright, 35. X Y Z III. ITames of Places. A B Brookfield, N. Y., 12. C^nga County, N. Y., Charlestown, R. I., 7 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 33 37 38 44. Chester, N. Y., 6. Colchester, Conn., 14. Connecticutt, 11-. Coventry, R. 1., 6 9 16 24 27. D E Eastham, Mass., 10. East Lyme, Conn., 13. Exeter, R. I., 6 8 11 32 15 21 22 26 28. F G Genesee, N. Y., 21. Great Britain, 16. Griswold, Conn., 24. Gr&ton, Conn., 15. H Hartford,. Conn., 21. I J K L Lebanon, Conn., 7. Ledyard, Conn., 34. Levden, Conn., 10. Little Hoosick, N. Y., 28. IV VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. M Marthas Vineyard,Mass., .'54. JlifMleto-vm, R. I., Ifi. Milton, N. Y., 39. Mimtville. Conn.. 21 27. N New London, Conn., 11 15 18 24. NewT)ort. R. I., 6 7 9 11 13 23 35. New Shoreham. R. I., 7 15 25. North Kingstown, R. T., 7 15 19. North Stonington, Conn., (i 9 11 12 15 16 20 28 43. Norwich. Oonu., 9 24 2G. O P Plainfield, Conn.. 16 28. Preston, Conn., 6 9 20 25 28 33. Providence, R. I., 21. Q R Rhode Island, 11. Richmond, R. I., 5 6 7 S 9 11 14 15 16 17 IS 19 22 25 26-28 36 41 47 48. Shrcwsbunr, M.ass., >SS. South KingstoT^Ti, R. I., 7 9 13 IS 19 24 25 26 28. Stonington Omn., 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 36 47. Tiverton, R. I., 26. U V Voluntown, Conn., 8 14 20 21 27 36. W Warwick. R. I., 14. Waterford, Conn., 24. Westerlv, R. I.. 5 6 7 S 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 33 38 44. -v West Green^^^ch, R. I., 7 10 15 25 28. Windhiim, Conn., 21. X Y Z Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KiRsx Series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register, Is Wly Name Written in the Book: of Life?' Vol. 5. NORTH KINGSTOWN. Part I. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. 1 : KARRAGANSETT HiSTtlKICAL PUBLISHINO COMPANY, 1894. ACT INQORPORATING THE TOWNS OP WICKPORD AND KINGS TOWNE. The Secretary allso is ordered to send a letter to the Inhabitants of Nar- raganset in the name of the Councill, and to signify to them, that Mr. Richard Smith, Senr., Capt. Edw'd Hutchinson, and Lut. Jas. Hews are appointed se lect men at Mr. Smith's trading housi-, and Mr. Rich Smith, Juur., is appointed Constable for the said Town, and Mr. Rich Smith, Senr., is to adminster an oath to him for a faithful dicharge of his office. It is ordered that the Plantation aforesaid shall for the future be called by the name of Wickford. The Coppy of the letter to Wickford hangs upon the file. Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vnl. I., page 407. Voted, by the King's Authority in this Assembly, it is approved the Gen- erall Councill's Acts in obstrctinge Conecticut Collony from useinge jurisdic- tion in the Narragansett country, and the Councill's establishing a towne shipp there, and callinge it Kingstown, with liberty as hath been granted to New Shoreham, and that the charges of our Councill repairinge thither not ex- ceedinge fifty shillings, for every time, shall be paid out of the Generall Trea.sury; and that futurely, it shall be lawful to summons as many of our inhabitants as they see cause to attend at Narragansett to oppose Connecticut from useinge jurisdiction there; but not in any hostile manner, or to kill or hurt any person. And further bee it enacted, that the Governor, or Deputy Governor, and the mayor, part of the Magistrates on Rhode Island; as they see cause, may send letters or messengers to the New York Governor, con- cerning such business; and the charge not exceedinge teun pound, to be paid out of the Generall Treasury. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. II., page 525. In General Assembly at Newport May 1G79. Voted, The Recorder shall draw forth the copy of the Act of the Gener- al! Assembly in October, 1674, concerninge the confirming of the act of the Generall Councill in establishing a Towneshipp in Narragansett, and calling it King's Towne, which shall be sent to the inhabitants there under the sale of the Colony. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. III., page 55. NORTH KINQ5T0WN. Js/L.A.Ti.:RXJ^<3-ES. NOTE.— North Kingstown had at one time as fine a Town Record as any town In the State, and full as Important and historic. In Decemher, 1869, the records were badly daraa2:ed by fire. The books, or rather wliat remains of them, were so badly burnt and pages become so disai-ranged that It has become Impos- sible to give original book and page, as In the other towns, and hence are omitted here. No doubt errors in najnes and dates are here made, hut this can be reUed on far safer than the present condition of the records. This Is an honest attempt, therefore, to save wliat remained of them In September, 1881. ABORN —ah, and Josi'ph Atherby, Dec. 0. 1724. ALBRO Benonl, and Mary Browning ; m. by Denjamin Weight, Justice of Peace, Jan., 1744. " Samuel, Jr., and Jane Cole, Dec. 3, 1758. " Dorcas, and Thomas Phillips. April 23, 17fil. " Mrs. Martha, and William PhUlips, M.irch It, 1782. " Ann, and Sewall Kingsley, March, 1784. " Elizabeth, and David Gardiner, Jan. 20, 1704. AI/DRICH .Sarali, and Samuel Biss'dl, 19, 1753. " Isaac, of Providence, and Mi'rcy lirowniug, of North Kingstown; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse. Dec. 22, 1840. ALLEN Christopher, ot Kliode Island, and Elizabeth Segouche, of Little Compton, at Boston, according to tlie forms of the Church of England, by Rev. Robert Ratcliff, , 1087. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Hill, Sept. 10, 1710. " Rebecca Cole, and Thomas Hill, March. 1731. " William, of Prudence Island, and Mary Dyre ; m. by George Tibbetts, Jus- tice,, Feb. 19, 1737-8. " AbigaU and BickneU. Oct., 1738. " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Huling; in. by Thomas HiU, Justice, Nov. 2, 1740. " Thomas, and Patience Greene: m. by Thomas HUl, Justice, 20, 1742. " John, of Prudence Island, and Hannah Wall; m. by Thomas Hill, Jus- tice, 1743. " Hannali, and Nicholas Northup Jun., March 29, 1750. " Joshua, and Hannah Watson, Sept. 13, 11750. " Thomas, of John, and Ann Corey, el John, dec. ; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Justice, Sept. 4„ 1750. " John, of Thomas, jun., and Mary (lould. of Daniil, dec; both of N. Kings- town, Jan. 1700. " Anna, and Jolin Corey, Dec. 7, 1772. " Jeffrey, and Elizabeth Richardsen : ni. by Elder Simeon Brown, March 3, 1770. " Phebe, and Oliver Carr, April, 1770. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Morey, widow of Robert, of Exeter; m. by George Thomas, .Tustlce, Ain-il 23, 1776. " Mary, and Ali'.xander Huling, March 31, 1777. " Marcy,. and William Spencer, Oct. 22, 1781. " Saruli, and Samuel BisseU, March 18. 1782. ■" Lydia, and Immanuel Case, May 12, 1782. / 6 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISL.\ND. AT.T. P.K Elizabeth, and Gporgo Blssell, Doc. 2. 1787. — , pnd WllUnni trai-dtner, Dec. 20, 1790. " Mrs. Dorcus. and Congdon, Feb. 23, 1793. « , and M:xr>' Greejie. " John, of Jonathan, and Mary Havens, of Thomas, Hay 17, 1767. " Thomas G., and Pliebe B. ConRdon. " Caleb, of Joshua,, and Euth Underwood, of Eenj.imin. " Freelove, and Dawley, 29 " Anne, and Warner. Dec. 13, . " Rose, and Thomas, — , . " Phebe, of Jonathan, and Jeremiah Ayksworth, of Arthur, July 24, 1763. Mary, ajid William Corey, Dec. 4, 1812. " Phebe W., (of Thomas G.), and Nathan A(llen) Arnold, Sept. 3, 1S20. " Lucy Ann, and Thomas Hill, Jan. 14, 1821. " Caroline, and Ishmeal Eldred, May 12, 1830. " Harriet, and Samuel S. Baker, Sept. 17, 1838. " Lydla, and Benjamiu B. Munroe, March 17, 1840. " Daniel, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Flney ; m. by Elder John Slocum, July 27, 1845. " (Julie), E(Ima), and Thomas W. Noyes, Sept. 28, 1845. " , and Gardiner, Nov. 11, 1847. ALVERSOX David, and JIartha Card: m. l>y George Tibbetts, Justice, — 30, 1735. " DeUvc-rance, and Moon, Dec. 37, 1759. " Da\1d, and Phetje Jones, both of X. Kingstown; m. by William Hall, Jus- tice, Jan. 24, 1705. " , and Jencl^es Reynolds, May 4, 17G7. ANTHONY Adelaide, and Royal \'auglin. Aug. 17, 1792. " James B., son of Gideon Thomas Anthony, and Anna Johnson of Lawton, of Coventry, R. I. ; m. by FJder ,Pardon TUllnghast, Marcli 15, 1332. " Benjamin, and Ann Weeden, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder David Avery, May 18, 1845. AKMSTRONG Mi-s. Nancy, and John Northup, Oct. 19, 1845. ARNOLD Joseph, and Patience Glfford ; m. by William HaU, Justice, Nov. 23, 1732. " Joseph, and Hannah Gitlord, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Benjaniln Weight,, Justice, Aug. — , 1737. " H-annah. and George Thomas, April 15, 17li4. " Patience, and Abraham Greene. Sept. 5, 17ii5. " Ann, and Mlcah Whitraarsh, June 12, 1774. " Josiah, of N. Kingstown, and Fnelove Case, of W. Greenwich; m. by Elder James Weightman, July '•'. 1775. " Edmund, of Joseph, deceased, and Abigail Hylame.9, of George, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, April 20, 1777. " George, and Margaret Slocum ; m. by Elder James Welghtman, April 26, 1778. " EUzabetli, and Samuel Spink, Feb. 20, 1798. " Joseph, of N. Kingstown, and Mercy Browning, of Samuel. Jr., of do.; m. by Francis Wlllett, Justice, April 24, 17 — . " Oliver, of Josiah, of E.xeter, and Anstls Thomas, of George and Hannah of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder William Xorthup, Aug. 4, 1811. " Nathan Allien), of Edmund, and Phet)e W. Allen, of Thomas G., of N. Kingstown : m. by Elder John Ciardiner, Sept. 3, 1820. " Abbie, and Benjamin W. Champhiiu, Nov. 19, 1.S37. " Joshua, and Lucy A. Lovell; m. l>y Elder Benedict Johnson, Jim. 3, 1841. " Hcratio N., of 'William and Abigail, and Jlartlia G. Card, of Joshua P. and Harriet; m. by Elder Edwin Slilln-an, March 29, 1842. " Pai'don .M., and Mercy A. Taylor, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Ed- win Stillman, Dec. 23, 1843. " Mary Ann, and Lewis D. Lawton, April 8, 1849. " Perry, and Abigail Sophronla CJreene ; m. by Elder Preserved S. Greene, Jan. 13, 1850. ATHEEBY Joseph, and ah Aborn ; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Dec. 9, 1724. AUSTIN , and Margaret Sunderland, Oct. 23, 1725. NORTH KINGSTOW'N M^VERLiGES. AUSTIN Stephen, of Nortli Kingstown, ami Mary, of Ilortsmouth ; m. by WilUom Sanford, Justice ol Peace, Apill 25, 1720. " Benoni, of John, of E. Greenwich, and Merry Austin, of Jeremiah, of N. Kingstown ; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, Aug., 1729. " Mercy, and Benoni Austin, Aug., 1729. " Ann, and Obediah Rathbun, Sept. 16, 1731. " Elizabeth, and Nichols, Oct. 18, 1736. " Robert, and Elizabeth ; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice of Peace, July £2, 1739. " Hannah, and Thomas Cobb, 1, 1753. " Sarah, of James, and , May 4, 1755. " James, and Catherine Hunt; m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, March 4, 1759. ** , and Jeremiah Macomber, Aug. 3, 17G1. " , and Adam Hunt, 3, 17(>1. " Lettice, of John', and ; m. by Creorge Northup, Justice of Peace, July 27, 1766. " Mary, and Thomas Spencer, Oct. 15, 1767. " Patience, and Nathan Tanner, Feb. 28, 1768. " Pearces, of John, and Eleanor Smith, of Jeremiah, both of N. Kingstown"; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Oct. 21, 1779. " Paulipus. of John, and Abigail Northup, of Elizabeth, both of N. Kings- town ; m. at N. K. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Dec. 14, 1779. " Prisimus, of John and Elizabeth, and Presilla Smith, of Jeri'miah and Mary; m. by Elder William Northup, Dee. 11, 1783. " Mary, and Benjamin Smith, June 6, 1788. " Margaret and Palmer Tanner, Dec. 17, 1789. " Catherine, and Daniel Fones. Jan. 9, 1791. " Mary, and Jonathan Vaughn, Jan. 11, 1790. " , and Ann Balder; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, April 9, 17—. " Anne, and Stephen Sweet, Dec. 16, 17—. " Mary, and James Northup, March 17. . " John, and " Russell, of James, and Catherine Essex, of Benajah, of Warwick, E. I.; m. by Daniel Eldred, Justice of Peace, Nov. — , 1802. " Wanton, of Peace and Eleanor and Elizabeth Havens, of WlUiani and Lucy; m. by Elder William Northup, rec. Feb. 28, 1817. " Mar}', and Periy, Oct. 22, 1^47. AYLESWOETH Robert, and Ann Davis; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice of Peace, May 20, 1708. " James, of Arthur, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Wood, of William; m. by WUliara Spencer, Justice of Peace, Feb. 8, 1733. " Robert, Jr., and Susannah Reynolds; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, , 1737. " James, of E. Greenwich, and Man,' Wood, of William; m. by William Silen- cer, Justice of Peace, Feb. 8, 1739. " Mary, and Nathaniel Potter, Sept. 20, 1739. " Dorcas, and Wanton, Feb. 27, 1758. " Elizabeth, and Samuel Ralph. Feb. 16, 1762. " Sarah, and Benjamin Tanner. — , 1765. " Mary, and Richard Essex, July 24, 1768. " William, of Arthur, and Catherine Havens, of Rhodes ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace. June. 1774. " Arthur, Jr., and Abigail Dyre, Imdi nf N. Kingstown; m. by Eider Nathan HUl, Sept. 14, 1783. " Martha, and George Thomas, Aug. 19, 1787. " Jeremiah, of Arthur, ami Anna Spencer, of lli-nry ; m. by Elder Philip Jenliins, , 1793. " Elizabeth, and John Diamond, April 26, 1798. " Jeremiah, of Arthur, and Phebe Allen, of Jonalhan, July 24. 1768. " John', of Warwick, and Ann R. ynelds, of .Sajriuel, of North Kingstown; m. by Benoni H.tll, Justice of Peace, April 19, . " Polly, and John Reynolds, Sept. 20, 1801. O ^■I^AL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. AYLESWOETH , and Chiidsey. Miirch 17, 1803. " Isaac, of Joreniiali. ami Sally Cun-y, of William and Sarah; m. by Elder William Northup, Aiiril 18, 1808. " Samuel Rhodes, ot Jeremiaii, and Alice Cbadsey, of John and Alice; m. by Isaac Hall, Justice of Peace, Aug. 17, 1S08. " Edward D., of Arthur, and Anna Havens, of Coventry, now of Warwick, R. I.; m. by !Rev. Thomas Mamhester, , 1811. " Penelope D., and Mercliant Weeden, rec. Feb. 14, 1829. " , of Samuel Rhodes Ayies-woi'th, and ; m. -by Rev. James E. Stone, May 15, 1843. " , and Pieleg A. Coggeshall, rec. Dec. in. 1849. AYEES Mary, and James Reynolds, Jan. 28, 1721-2. " Bethlah, and Nahum Cha.se, March 8, 1727-8. " Sarah, of Thomas, dec, of N. Kingstown, and Robert , of Robert, o( Warwick; m. by Peter Boss, Justice of Peace, Nov. 13, 1736. B BAJBCOCK George, and Elizabeth Hall, Xi.v. 28, 1094. " Job, Jr., and Eiiz;ibeth Hull; m. by Rouse Helnie, Asst., Oct. 10, 1717. Geoige, Jr., and Susannah Potter; m. by Cliristopher Allen, .Justice Dec £0. 1721. Thomas H., and Eunite A. Northup, of Stukelev ; m. by Rev. J. H. Rouse, Jan. 21, 1847. BAILEY Prudence, and Jeremi;ili Carpentrr, M.-.rch 25, 1800. BAKER Benjamin, and Mary Ha ; m. by William HaU, Justice, 18, 1704-5. " ■ "" nnlds ; „,. by ^ynUnn, Spencer, Justice. Jan. ~' °^ J^eiiJ-^'lJi. aBn of N. Kingstown; m. by Juaer John Sloeum, Dec. 31 1844 . • "j BABiNES Thomas, of Glocester n T '■,„.i p.ii, ,. ^ ^ vjiocesiLr, iv. J., anil l,.i1h Greene, of Kingstown e ■ m by George Tibbetts, Justice, is -o-msu nne, m. NORTH KINGSTc i\VN MARRIAGES. BAENEY Elcliard, ot Isaac, of Swanzey. and Kranci's Nortlni», i.f George, ol N. Kliigstuwn; m. by El(t?v William X.>rtliup. Aug. 10, 1704. BATES Francis, and Margaret Nichols; m. liy William Sponerr, .Iu,Uce, July 9, 1721, (prob.). " Samuel, and Ellzal>e,th Nichols: m. by William Spencer, Ju.>tice, July 12, 1721. " James, and EUza : m. by William llall, Justice, AprU 25, 1723. " He,zeklah, and , Dec. 24, 17:t7. " Mary, and Samuel iCodner, Dec. 28, 1740. " Jonatlian, and Mai-y Himes ; m. by Tliomas Phillips, Justlc?, March 26, 1747. " Amle, and John Ea-st'l.-s, Oet. 24. 17t;2. " Kuth, and Sitniuel Gavitt, Nov. 29. 17()i3. " Daniel, ot Daniel and Lois, and Rnlh Hazard, of Ji>lni and Abigail; m. by Elder WUliam Northup. June I.'), 1799. " David, and Lowi'y Sherman, of Iteiioni. BATON Miiry E., and Alfred Thurston. -May 12, 1,S49. BEABES Susannah, and JonatJian Greeni-, March, 1733. BENTLEY Jane, and John Weiglitman. Jan. (!, 1700. " Sarah, and. man ; ni. by Elisha Cole, Assistant, Mai'Ch IG, 1721, " Jane,, iind Clement Reynolds. — :',. •172r>. Caleb, and Dorcas Gould, m. by Job Tripp, Justice, Jan. 21. 1738. " Lewhannah, and James Jame-, May 28, 1738. " Bethsheba, and John Bissell, March 2;i, 17i;i. " Thomas, and Elizabeth Ch.imberlajid : ni. by John Eldred, Assistant, June 6, (1706). " Thoma.s, and Mary Reynolds: in. by William Spencer, Justice, May 20. HERRY Charles, and Kleanor Berry; m. by Brnjamiu Nichols. Jiisllco. Aug. IS, 1728. " Eleanor, and Charles I'.eriT, Aug. 18. 1728. " Mary, and William Godfrey, Au;;'. 7, 1729. Dinah (ir.)l.). and William Wrighl, Feb. i:i, 1731. " Mary and Thom.as Hill, 8, 1743. " Charles, of .N'athaniel and Rebecca, and Sarah Mitchell, of Ephralir. and Deborah : m. Ijy <'hiistopbcr Spencer, Justici', Dec. 1, 1757. " Frances, and \Villiam Fowler. No\'. 7, 1765. " John, and Mndie Nichols; m. by Job Ti-ipji. Justice, F.'b. 6, 17—. " Nathaniel, and Reheeea Nichols: m. by Benjamin Weight. Jusliee, Ian. 8. BICKNELL 1, and Abigail Allen, of town of Bristol Co,, Mass.; ni. by George Tibbetts, Justice, Oct., 1738. Arnold, and Kmeliue* Himes: m. by J. A. TUlinghast. Justice, Dec. 23, 1849. " Nehemiah, of Jesse, and Snsan A. tJardiner, ot James, dec; ni. by J. A Tillinghast, Justice, Sept. . 1850. BIDELCOM Daniel, and Rutii Tarbox, both of E. Greenwich ; in. at N. Kingstown, by William ll:ill, Ju.siliei'. .\iiril 27, 1760. BISSELL Anne, and Jeremiah Vallett. Dec. 27, 1753. " Samuel, (blacksmith), and Saiuh AJdrich; m. by Immanu.-l Northup, Jus- ticic, . 19, 1753. " John, of N. Kingstown, and B.-illisbeba I'.entley, of Richmond; m. by Jeremiah Craiidall, Justice. Marcli 29. 1761, " Thomas, aiul I'liebe Congdon, boh of \. Kingstown; m. by Elder .lames Welghtman, March 17, 177(). " Daniel, of Thnuius, ol N Kingstown, anil Waite Congdon. of Benjamin, dec; m. by Eber Sherman, Jusllre, June 4, 1776. " Samuel, of T.'ajnuis, and .Sarah .\llen, of Jonathan ; m. by Elder James Weightman, March 18, 1782. " George, ol Thomas, and Elizabeth Allen, ot Capt. Jonathan, both of N. King.stowu ; m. by Elder Jam s Weightman, Dee. 2. 1787. " Samuel, of Thomas, and Ann Spink, of Josiali : m. by Elder riiilip Jen- kins, Dec. 15, 1798. « , and Izitt Biu'gess ; ni. at Jaiuestown by Tiddeman lIuU, Justice, Jan. 16, . " John, ot Thomas and Ruth Congtion, of Benjamin, 3d., dec. ; m. by George Tliomas, Justice. Dec. 15. 17—. " Thomas, aiul Hannah Finder; m. by Thomas ThiUips, Justice. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RlIOnE ISLAM). BOONE Sarah, and Cai)t. Saniu«.'l Rhodes. M:ir(li C, 172-i. Ann, .ind Jackson, Aug. 15, 1725. " Samuel. Jr.. and -Mer , U.'C. li, 1736. '■ , ;nid Epliniiin Smith, F.-h. 4. 1741. " William,, and Rutli Hill; m. by Eld. Samuel Albro, May 21, 17G1. " Richard, and llarty Carey, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Samuel Albro, Feb. 28, 1765. " Siimuel, of Siiiiiuel, .nnd Margar.4 Siiiitli. of Kphraim., of .X. Kingstown; m. by Georse Thomas. Justice, Jan. 7, 1767. " Hannali, and J osepli Clarke. Dec. l.'i. 270—. " James, of James, and Jlary Weiglitman, ol George; m. V.y Elder Philip Jenkins, April 19, 1778. " Martha, and I'eleg Clarke, MirL-li 11, 17S4. Sarah, .nnd Robert Eldred, Jan. 1. 1789. " Thomas, of NortJi Kingstown, son id' ^— and -Mary, ;md Susannah Gardiner, of Christoi>her and Jlaiy, Sepl. i-'l, 171)4. " Thomas Ct., of Thomas and Luceanna, and Hannah Reynolds, of Benjamin and : m by Elder Wllliaiu Nnrthiip. " , and Nicholas Spink. BOSS Peter, and Amie Gardiner; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Jan. 28, 1719-20. Another recoid reads "23." , " Hannah Martin, and Thomas Smith. June 13, 1711. BOTTOM Sarah, and William Learnai-d, Feb. — , 1708-0. BOWEN Stephen, of Aaron and Elnathan. of Coveulry. R. I., and Rebecca Hill, ol Caleb and Mercy, ot N. Kingstoivn ; m. by Elder William Northup, AprU 22, 1S02. BEAMAN James, of James and Elizabetli Caipenter ; m. by Rouse Ilelme, Justice, Dec. 3, 1721. " Hannah, and William Himes. Marcli 2s. 1845. BRENTON Elizabeth McLoughling, and William ti. .Shaw, M. D., Oct. IC, 1796. BRIGrtiS Sarah, and Plulip Smith, , 17:.0-1. " Rose, and Nathaniel Havens, Feb. -, 1733-4. " Mary, and Fowler, Nov. — . 1737. " Wiliiam, ot N. Kingstov.-n, and Deliverance Shippee, ol East Cireeirwich ; m. by Benjamin Weiglit, lustice. May 18, 1740. " John, Jr., and Mary Parmelent; m. by Thomas H'll, Justii-e, Dec. —,1740. " James, and Elizabeth ; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, July — , 1741. " Richard, of Frances, and Sasannali Baker, ot Jereiniab ; m. by Nicholas Nortliui>, Justice, March :>, 17o5. " Su.;anuah, and Nathaniel Spencer, .March 10. 17:>S. " Hannah, and Samuel Fones, Apiil 26, 17(i0. " Hannah, and ■ Congdon, . 13, 1760. " John, ,Tr., and .Maiy Taune.-. if palmer, dec; m. by William Hall, Justice, Dec. 25, 1763. " Eunice, and John Ilerce, JIaroh 34, 1771. " George, of Eicliard. and Frances Dyrc, ol Edward; m. by Elder PliUip Jen- Idns, Feb. ]i). 1777. " Wcalthian, and C'barU-.-. Brown, Jan. 15, 17 78. " Silas, and Elizabeth Sponcer, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder James Wejgbtman. March 26. 1780. " William, Jr., of WiJIiam, .and llaiiiiah IJix m. of Eoliert, of N. Kings- town : m. by Elder Nathan Hill, IVc. 23, 1788. " Paul, and y Carr. of Gideon, ol N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, . 1, 1798. " , and Mary Joslin, i. . " Henry, of William., and Mary Ulckson, of Robert, both ot N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Jusiice, Fob. 7, 1802. BROWN'l.NG John, and .Vnii H.izard (of .1 eremiain ; m. Ijy Stephen Hazard, Asst., April 21, 1721. " Sarah, and Eleazer Kelley. Oct. 6. 1721. " Rebecca, and Isaac I'ldl, April p. 17:;I. " Mary, and Benoni .Vlljru. Jaa. -, 1744. " Isaiic. and Eiiz-abeta ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, Dec. 2, 1754. " Samuel, of Isaac, and Lucy Kintsley, of Samuel, both of North Kingstown; ni. by Elder PliiLp J nkins. Dec. 31. 1778. NOKTII KIXGSTi >\VX JIAEKIAGES. H BKOWNINGt Gardiner, of Sa.miu-1, nnd Izi-lt Cole, of John, both of NorUi Klngs- t7. " William, of Samuel, and Anne Tanner; m. by lienrge Noi-lhop, Justice, Sept. 2, 1768. " Benjamin, and Waiti' Rrynolds, botb. of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Sam- uel Albro, Gel. 17, 1771. " Elizaljel-h, and Anthony Rathbun, Nov. 7. 1771. " Phenls, of Charles, and Dorcas Congdon, of WUliam, dec. : ni. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 16. 1772. " Elizabeth, and Nathan' lirowu, Sept. 27, 1772. " Nalhato, of Ehenezer, and Elizabelh Brown, of Jolm; m. l)y George Thomas, Justice. Sept. 27. 1772. " Stukeley, and Sarah Congdon, both of X. Kingstown; m. by Elder James Welghtman, July 'M, 1775. " Sanniel, Jun., of N. Kingstown, and Anna Ha—, (jf E. Greenwich; m. by Elder James Welghtman. Aug. 27, 1770. " Elizabeth (widow), and Thomas I'hillips. Oct. 27. 1770. " Charles, of Samuel, of N. Kingstown, and Weathian Briggs, of E. Green- wich; m. by Elder James W'eightman, Jan. 15, 1778. " Mary, and James Eldred, Jan. 28, 1779. " - Mrs Abigail, and Benedict Brown, M— 23, 1780. " Benedict, of John, and Mrs. Abigail Brown, of Ebenezer, both of N. Kingstown: m. by Cieoi-ge Thomas, Justice. May 23, 1780. " Benjamin, of Benjamin, and Elizabeth Coo|ier, of James ; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Nov. 2, 1780. " Margaret, and William Weedon. March 2;), 1781. " Penelope, and Anthony Rathbnn, Feb. IS, 1787. " Alexander, (jf Beriah. of Exeter, and Maiy Thurber, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder PliilUp Jenkins, Jan. 2. 171JD. " Abigail, and BJisha Gardiner, . — , . " Charles, of Charles, and Sherman, of Samnal. . — , , " Buiali, and Elizabeth Smith; m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, 30, " , and James Eldred, — , . Honor, and Samuel Hopkins. A|>ril 23, (1729-30). James Eldred, of , and Abigail, and Thomas, of George and Han- nah ; m. by Elder William Northup, ' Jiily 2, 1602. Ann, and Heniy Spencer, July 10, 1806. Maiy, and John Eldred, June 8, 1820. Sarah, and John Pierce, Nov. 0, 1825. Elmathau C, of Samuel anil Amie, of We.stiu-iy, ami Frances G. Hazard, of John, of N. Kingstown, Jlay 11, 1827. Joseph, and Desire C. Pierce, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder John GawLLuer, Feb. 24, 1828, 12 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BEOWX Elizabeth, and Scijiniel A. Tnotliack.r. July 2*",. 1838. '• Jane C, and Jeremiah WllLs. Marcli 1", 1847. " Natlian, of Newport, and Mar— Gardiner, of X. Kingstown ; m. by Elder John Slocuin, July 4. 18-17. " Harriet, and Daniel Spink, Jun., Oct. 25, 1847. " Ann F.. and Willett Hinu'S, Oct. 23. 1848. " F>dmund A., of Daniel, and Mnrparet ('. Tanner, of Abel: m. by Elder Joseph \V. Allen. March 23, 1849. " Amle A., and Simuel Greeuo, Oct. 13, 1849. " William, and A\-is Ann Spink; m. by Rev. Alfred H. Taylor. Feb. 11, 1850. " Ebenezer, of (WLlllara). aiiid Jlre. Sarah Reynolds, (\Tidow of D.anlel, dau. Allen TiUlnghast). both of N. Klngstoivn ; m. by Elder William R. Slocura, April 23, 1850. " Elizabeth, and George linker. Jan. 21, . BTJLLOCK Celinda, and John P. Case, March 17. 1799. " Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Lyriia A. Hammond, of WlllSam, dec.; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Nov. 15, 18-11. BULL William, and Mary Coggesliall, Oct. 27, 1092. (Another record reads '■ Ephraim.") " Ephraim. and Hannah Holway, .Tune 20, 1700. (Another record reads ■' WlUl.i.m.'') " Isaac, and Rebecca Browning: m. by Daniel Coggesliall, Justice, April 8, 1731. " Hannah, and Eber Harrington, . " John, and Lydia ; m. by Daniel Cflggeshall, Justice, , EUNDT Rebecca, and Edwanl Rogers, July 11!,. 1739. BUEDICIK Joseph, and Abigail Eldred, of .loseph, of N. Kingstown; ra. by George Thomas, Justice, Jan. 10. 177() BUEGEUSS Izitt, and Bissell, Jan. IG, . IIUEGE Anne Shaw, and Thomas, Aug. 9, lS-t4. BURLINGAME Audrey, and Arnold Thomas, . 22, 1801. " James, and Abbie A. Sweet; m, by Rev. John Slocuni, Dec. 13, 1847. " Alice, and John Sherman, Xov. 7, 1848. " Hazard, and Hannah Gardiner, May 20. 1S50. BUEN1IA3I Alva, and Hannah Holloway Oct. 7, 1839. BIT Haniet, and Caleb Carr, Aug. 4, 1S3-. CAHOONE William and Sarah (arpeiilr; m. by Ri-njamin Nii'hols, Justice, March 10, ]7::o. CANUDA Jeune, and John Hull. July 11. 1709. CAPEON Jonathan, of E. Greenwlcli, and Greene, of N. Kingstown : m. by Wil- liam Hall. Justice. :!0, 173(). " John, of Greene, and Rnlinnui. o; K CJreenwich. and Mary Eldied, of James and Mary : Dee. 4. lSO;i. CARDER Thomas K.. and Mary E. HoNsle, both of E. Greenwic-li ; m. by Rev. C. C. Li'Wis, .Sept. (i. 1841). CAHD James, of J.-imes. and Marth.i Wait or West, March 4, 1702-3. Maiy, and Josei)h Straight, May 15. 1735. Martha, and Diwid Alveison, — 30, 1735. Stephen and ; m. by Thomas Norlhup. Justice, 8, 1740. Phillip, of N. Kingstown, and Catliei-iue Da\ is : m. bv Thomas Hill, Jus- tice, Dec. 3, 1741. Elizabeth, and ; m. by El sha Clarke, Justice, April 12, 1752. ■ , and Hannah Dyer; m. by Elisha (larke. Justice. April 2, 1752. Job, and .Martha EMrid: m. by Samuel Albro, Justice, .N'ov. 1, 1756. Sarah, and John Olio Jun, Oct. ISC 17(15. Elizabeth, and Daniel Dawley. Nov. 20. 1774. Job, of N. Kingstown, son of Jo—, dec, and Barbara Smith, widow of iSamuel, and dan. of Beujainiu Northnp; m. by Eb.T Sherman, Justice* June 3, 17.S2. JIary. and ; m. by Wilii.-iiu Spencrr, Justice, Oct. 13, . NURTII KIXfiSTilWN MAHEIAGES. 13 CAKD , and Marilia West; m. by \\ilU;im Hnll. .Tuslici-. :Maich 04. • . '• Pliillii), ol Peleg ami Alice, iiiirt Anstris. Hclme, of William, ajid Mar- garet; m. by Elder William Nortbup, Aug. 20, 1807. " Robert, of N. Kingstown, anil -Mary Gardiner, of Exeti i- ; lu. by Klder Gersliem Piilmer.' Sept. :.. 1813. Martha G., and Horatio >;. Arnold. Miiroli -29, 18-1-2. " Phillip, and Mrs. Jemima Congdon; m. by Rev. John Slucum, Aug. XI, 1S44. CARl'ENTER EUzabetli, and Jatnes Traman, Beo. 3, 1721. " Saral), and William Calioone, Match 10, 1730. " TaWtha, and : m. by George Tliomas, .Justice. Feb. 22. l~3-2. " Daniel, and Renewed ; m. by Daniel Coggesball, Justice. April 29. 1733. " Jeremiah, oI East (Jreennich, and Eliz.abeth Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Samuel Casey, .7tis Ue. Dee. 25, 1737. " Dinah, of John, and Joshua Greene, Feb. 12, 1746. " Sarab, aiMl John Kej-nolds, Jan. 17, 1T(>2. " Ellsha, of . KeiVti Co.. E. ]., and Lydla. Greene of X. Kingstown; m. by Willbim Hall, .Justice, Sept. 20, 1767. " C'hrLstopher G., ;ui.d . '• Hannali, and . Oct. 30, 17— " and Josbna Greene, Feb. 12, . _ ., i •' H:inn;ili, and Benjn. Ratbbun. Oct. 31, L^'. ' " Francis, and Elizabeth Case, of Joseph, Oct. 4, 1801. " , of (Joshua, icnd William Baker, of Bt-njamin ; Dec. 5, 1,?03. " Jeremiah, of Epliniim and Mary, of S. ICingstown. and Prudence Bailey, ol Eli and Hannah, of N. Kingstown: m. by Elder Thoim;is Manchester, Jfairh 2.-), ISOi;. " Jeremiah, (vf Willuim and F.lizabetli Vaughn, of John, of E. Greenwich: m. by Elder (iefshem Pnloner. Feb. 5, 180j. " Sarah, and Pardon V.iughu, March 4. 1809. " Jolm J. Jr.. of John J. of Providence, and Hannah G. Hall, of Sloctim : m. by Rev. Janii's R. Stone. Oct. 22, 1843. Charles S., of E. Greenwicli, and Susie R. Clai-penter, of N. Kingstown: m. by Rm-. John H. Rou.'i-, O.t. 8, 1840. " Susie R.. and Charles S. Carpenter, Oct. 8. 1846. CASEY Sarah, and Ebenezer Slocum, Oct. 11, 1772. " Josej>h, (jf Willbim and S:inih. and Anna Reynolds, of George and Sarah. o( E.\et,:-r: m. by Elde«- William Nortbup, March 31, 1799. " Snlly.' and Isaac Ayh-snoi'tli. A;.ril 18, 1603. 'This should be ftcrey. CASE Margaret, and Abraham Perldns, June 29, 1718. " Sanford, and Godfrey, of East Greenwich; m. by WilUam Hall, Justice. Sept. 1, 1701. " Imiuajiuel, .Ir.. and A. Ratlibun : m. by Elder .Samuel Albro, Oct. 4, 17(il. " Ann, and I!cn]n. Fowler, ,bui. 2, 1763. '• .Sarali. and Thomas Cl.arke, Dec. 20, 1770. " Freelove. :ind Josiah Ariiolrt, JiUy 9, 1775. " Immanuel, ol .South Kingstown, and Lydia Allen, ol North Kingstown; m. by Elder James Weightmaii, May 12, 1782. , d:iu of Immanuel ; m. at N. Kingstown to , by Eld. Nathan Hll! ; rec. Sept. 18. 1784. " John P., of Immanuel, and Celinda Bullock, of John ; m. by Eld. Wil- liam Northiip, March 17, 1799. " Elizabeth, and Francis Carpenter, Oct. 4. 1801. " Elisha. of Joseph and Abig.all, and Anne Clarke, ol Thomas and Sarah; m. by Elder William Northuii, April 18, 1805. •" , and Harriet HoUoway ; m. by B. L. Pecldnim, Justice of Peace, April 21. 1814. " Ann P., iinid Willi im A. Sliaw : rec. Feb. 1. 1848. CARR Anne, atid Nortbup, , 174 ."j-O, Mercy, and Ja.mes Wight man. Feb. 1, 1770.. " Oliyer. of Jamestown, and Phebe Allen, ol Joshua. April — , 1776. " Samuel, of John and Fi-anci's Eldred, of Josepli ; m. by Ge.rg- Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 17, 1779. 2^4 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLANT). CAKR William, of DaiiiH a,nd Elizal.eth Pierce, ol SUas, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Pliilllp Jenkins. 13, 1794. " — ^, and Paul Briggs, 1, 1798. Robert Robinson, of , and Abbie. of Newport, and Mary Da\1s, of Benin, and Pliebe, of N. KingstQ-wn ; m. by Elder WillLim Nortliup, Feb. — , lSO-2. " Phebe, anjd Joseph Elda-ewn ; m. by Eev. James E. Stone, Aug. 4, 183—. Mary M., and Ebenezer Rose, June 11, 1843. " Phebe Ann, and WUluam Rose, Nov. 2-J, 1843. CEASER Solomon, (negro), and Sweet; m. by Elder Benjn. Harrington, Dec. 12, 1735. WUliam, and S;u-ah Wolmesley (col.); m. by George niomas, Justice of Peace, March 25, 17(58. " Joseph, of N. Kingstown, and Pwelove King, of E, Greenwich ; m. by Benjamin Barton, Justice of Peace, Aug. 10,. 1780. CHADSEY Jabez. a!nd Honor HiUing (Alexander) ; m. by Edward D.vre, Justice of Peace, March — , 1751. " Jabez, of N. Kingstown, and Mary Corey, of W. Greenwich ; m. at X. K. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Sept. 1, 1774. " WUUam, ahd Barbara El'dred, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Eber Sher- man, Justice of Peace, 21, 1776. " Jabez, of Jabez and (Hannah) Greene, of Jeremiah, dec, both of N. Kingstown; m. by Eld Phillip Jenkins, Sept. 30, 1770. " Honor, and Benjamin Jenkins, AprU 13, 1780. " John, of Jabez, of N". Kingstown, and Alice llierce, of John, of E. Green- wich ; m. at E. G. by George Spencer, Justice of Peace, May 'J, 1701. " Jaibez (of WlUtam, dec), of N. Kingstown, and Martha Greene, widow of Archibald, of E. Greenwicli ; m. by George Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 21, 1792. " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Slocum ; m. by Elder PMlip Jenkins; rec. Jan. 30, 1704. " Circuit, of Jabez and Honor, and Rachel Ayleswortli, of Jeremiah and Ann; m. by Elder William Norlhup, March 17, 1803. " Rowland, of Jabez and Honor, and Patty Pearce, of John' and Eunice; m. by Elder William Northup, June 22, 1803. " George, and Elizabeth Spencer, both of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Wil- Uam Northup, Oct. 16, 1803 ; rec April 21, 1804. " Alee, and S;i.muel R. Aylesworth, Aug. 17, 1808. " Henry T., of .Teroniiah G. and Alciira W Wightman, both of N. Kingstown, m. by Elder J. W. AUen, Jun ■ 13, 1830. Elizabetli, and Thomas S. Baker, Jan. 18, 1838. Maiiah W., and Charles F. Woodw rth. Nov. 30, 1846. CHAMBEi:i_\Nn Elizabeth, and Thomas Bentley, June 6, • •. •CHAMPLAIN William, and Lucy Lewis; m. by Isaiah Wilcox, Justice, June 18, 1786. " Emblem, and ; m. by Elisha Cole, Assistant, Dec. 25, 1721. " Jetfrev, and Mary Northup, of Henry ; m. by WUUam Hall, Justice. Septi. 26. 1725. " Benjamin, of Daniel G., of Exeter, and Amle Ann Pleirce, of Eli.sha, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder J. W. Allen, Sent- 28, 1837. " Benjamin W. iind Abbie Arnold ; m. by Elder William Northup, Nov. 19, 1837. " Georse Leroy, of Isa^ic and Ann, :ind Clnra H. Thomas, of Samuel and Ann, , — , 1847. CHAPPELL James, of S. Kingstown, and Virtue Scra,nton, ol N. Kingstown ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, April 4, 1751. " Khoda Ann, and James Eldred, Oct. 3, 1842. " Esther C, and Esbon Sinford, -Vug. la, 1850. CHASE Nahum, (mariner), and Bethiah Ayres; m. by WUliam Spencer, Justice, March 8, 1727-8. " Phebe, and Jeremiah Harrington, Feb. — , 1753. " Sarah, and Benjn. Congdon, Nov. — , 1748. " Annie, and Cato Greene, ■ . — , 1779. XORTII KIX(;ST()\VX MAnRIA(iES. 15 CHASE William E. (sclioiilinaster), of ,Tiisi;ih 8.. and CJiarity. nl Uxliridge, Mass., aged 25 years, and Hanuali H. Heynulds, ot llcnry and Rutli, aged 26 yeais: lu. by Rev. .Tosepli A. TiUingliast, Oct. y, 1848. '* , and James Congdnn. . — , . Jonatlian, and (Mary Huiing, widow of James). .Sept. 3, . CHUKCll George H., of George H., and barah Uneepe Eldred, of Islimeal ; m. bj Rev. Jolin Enocli CUesliire, June 13, 1853. Sarali E., and Henry M. Coffin. Dec. 1, 1868. CLAliKE William, and Ann Greene: m. by William Hall, Assistant, Nov. ,?, 1730. " Margaret, and , of E. Greenwlcli; m. by Gewrge Tibbetts, May — 17.-iG. " , and Josiepb Baiter, — — . 13, 1754. " Cary, of Caleb, anid Dyre. d.iu. of Geo. Tliomas ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice, April i!, 1755. Elislia, and Desire Gardiner; m. by Rev. Samuel Albro, April 10, 17(;3. " Sarab, and Carr Northiip. Maroh 9, 1766. " Susonn.ib, nnxl Jobn Nlihols, Mareb in, 1769. " Joseph, and Hannah Bo. me. Dec. 13, 176—. Thomas, of Ellslia, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Case, of Joseph, of N. K. ; m. by Elder Solomon Spragtie, Dec. 20, 1770. / j " Peleg, of Ciirnealius, of E. Greenwicli.. and Martha Boone, of James, / de.c., of N. Kingstown ; m. at X. K. bv George Thomas, justice, March C 11, 1784. " Hannah, and Henry Gardinfr. Oct. 26, 1796. ^ " William, of Thomas, of N. Kingstown, and Sarna Hamllt ,n, of Frederic, June 18. 1797. " Patience, and Augustus Morey, May 4, 17—. " Elizabeth, and James lliUing, May 15, . " Margaret, and Peter, , , " May, and ^; m. by Jeremlab Gould. A9..~ist.int, June 11, 17—. " Mary, aJid Benjamin Wart, J.an. 24, 1805. " Anna, and Klislia Case, April l.-<. Is05. " Ellsha, of Thomas and Sarah, and' Phebe Reymolds, of Henry and Mary; m. by Elder Willi.am Northup. Aug. 5, 1810. " Benjamin T., of Thomas and Sarah, arad Mary Arm Reynolds, of Henry and Maa-y ; ni. by Elder Willlani Nortlmp, .Tan. 14, iSll. " Esther, and Diclcinson ; rec. April 19, 1822. CLEAVELAND Palmer, and Esther Northup, widow of David; m. by John Cong- don, Justice of Peace, July 1, 1751. " Deborah, and Tripp, March 8. 1743. " Deliverance, of E.ii;eter. and H:inn;\h . of N. Klng^tmuel Tyler. June 24, 1795. " Heniy, of James, of N. King-town, and Sweet, widow, of N. Kings- town; m. by Elder Nath.in Hill. 29, 179.'). " Ciipt. Daniel, and Mrs. Hannah Thurs-ton. of S. Kingstown; m. by Elder Benjamin Weigh*, Jan. 24, 1797. Ruth .-nl John ! iss.ll. De.-. l.j. 17—. •' Elizabeth, anil Slas (iard Ui-r, Bee. 20. . XI nrrji Kixiisrc iw.v — :mai:i!iage8 17 R. I., .111(1 "^r:lI■y Kiiiffslown : ni. !>y CONGDIJX Fraupi'S. ami Geoige Xoithuii. Dec. 20, . " Pliebe B.aad Tlionias G. AUi n. " Hamiali .ind John J. Ee51iolrlUup„ Feb. 5. ISIG. " Josejih. of Joliu and Mary, .uul I'liehe ('(ingdon, dan. of William and Plu'lie Eailey, ni. by Elder William Xorlhui). Feb. ii3, 1817. " Phel)e and JoseiiU Congdoii, Fill. il't. 1817. " . of Daniel anil llannali. and -iiiinli. ef .Saniuil and Elitnbeth : ni. by Ebler William Xiirtlin|>, reciirded .Uuie — . 1h-_'1. " Benjamin H., ofi Benjamin ri., aid Abbie Ann Siiink, of Job; ni. by Elder Edwiii Stminan, Feb. 12, ISii. " Mrs. Jemima, and Pliilip Card. Ang. 11, 1844. " Thomas, ol Benjaintn. and Eliza Ann .-Spink, of Bonne; in. by Rev. El- bridge CJale, Dee. 15. is-t"). " \V., and Jlercy Ratlibnn, X.iv. 8, 18411. " CUdeon G., of Gideon (1. and Elizabeth, of Warwick, XichulK Keynolds, of William B. and .'^nsaii. of X Rev. A. .Tlldson Cliaplill. Dee. 14, ISKJ. " Hannah S., and Daiii>l S. llaz.ard, rec. July 15. 1847. " Ellzabetli, and H. nry 8. Tonrgee, Nov. 1^, 1848. CONNELLY Bridget K.. and George S. A. Patterson. CX)OK Sarah (widowl. ami Daniel McCoone, June in, 1705. " air.ah, and John Ney, Oct. -M). 1710. " Philip, of Charles and Annie, anil Jl.'irinali Tlioraas, of Benjamin and Aus tin ; ni. by Elder WlUiani Xorlhnp. Feb. 1,^), 1709. COOPER Abigail, and Matthew Cooper. Oct. 13. 1721. " Matthew, and Abigail Cooper, Oct. 13, 1721. " Gilbert, of Matthew, and Elizabeth Davis, of Jolin, dec.; Thomas. Justice of Peace. April 7, 1755. " , and Jemima Hart; ill. by Fphraim c.ai-din r. Justice 28, 1700. " Matthew, and Rebecca Spink, ofCapt. Benjamin: Justice of Peace. April 1. 1763. " Margaret, and John B-iwiy, .8ept. 17. 1772. " Mary, and John Slocum. Dec. 3. 177;i. '■ Elizabeth, and Benjamin Brown. Nov. 2. 1780. " , of Thomas, dec, and . of Capt. Benjamin : than :IU11. May — . 1782., " James, ,Tr.. and Ruth Warner, 28, . " 5Iary, and John P. Whitford. Aug. 5, 1803. " Edmund, of N. Kingstown, son of Gilbert, and Eleanora Miner, of Snow : m. by Joshua B. Rtithbun. Justice of Peace, June 10, 1829. " Elizabeth, and Daniel Northup. March 30. 1841. " John, and Mrs. Lydia Smilh : m. by Rev. J. E. Stone, J;ai. 19. 1842. COREY Ann, and Thomas Allen, Sept. 4, 17.50. " Harty, and Richard Boone. Feb. 2S, 1765. '• John, Jr., and Mary Greene: ni. by Elder Samuel Albro, Nov. 13. 1 , i:6. " Job, of John, Jr.. and Elizabeth Pearce, of N. King.stown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace. July 30. 17G7. William, of Caleb, of N. Kingstown, and Martha Pierce, of Benjamin, of Warwick: m. by Roliert Hall, Justice of Peace, 1771; rec. Sept. 14, 1771. John, of Thonins. dec, and Anna .\llen. of Christo.jher ; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Dec. 7, 1772. " John, ef Samuel, of Richmond. R I., and Abigail Smith, of Thomas^^of N. Kingstown: m. 'y George Thomas. Justice id' Peace, Xov. 7. 1.7;J. (Vit. Retc, Vol. 5.) 2 in. by Samuel of Peace, Feb. by William Smith, by Elder Na- 18 MTAI, KKCOKD OF KilODE ISLAND. COREY limy, and Julj.-/, CbndB.-y, .^ept,. 1, 1771. " Sarah, and Nicholas lliii-l. Manli U), 1779. '• Esther, and JCklrwl Ke.vnolds, April ili. 1702. •' Mary, and William Hall, Julie 8. ISOli. William, of William and ElizaOjclh, and Maiy Allen, of Cliiislopher and Margaret; m. liy Elder Williani Xorlliap, Dec. 4, 181-2. " Mary, and Benjamin Gartilnrr, .l.iii. -.^. l.-ii-. " William, and , JIov. 2ii, . <'ORNELL Abigail, and Caleb Sisson, Aug. 27, 1700. COTTHELL Rachel, and ; m. by William Siieni er. .Justice of IVace, March 2, 1737. John, son of liuhel Osborne, and Kogrrs ; m. by James Eldred, Justice of Peace, Nov. HI. I7.v_>. " Abigail, and Stephen Reynolds. .^, . '■ Phebe, and . " , and Elizabeth Cindluer; m. by Williaiu Hall, Assistant, Dec. — , COZZENS William E., ami Eliza)>eth A. Haul. Dec. — , . CO — Sarah, and Simon Smltli, Nov. — . 17:ia. CR-'VNDALL Jonathan, and , JiUy 2G, 173ti. s.nnuel, and llamiali Riynohls, of Joseph, Dec. 12, . jVnstls, and David Nortliu]), JIarch !i, 17,-!). hillp Jenkins, April 2(5, 1708. " Elizabeth, and John Fowler, Slarch 15, 1804. Eunice, and S;\iiuiel Miinroi', Sept. !), 1832. DICKERSON M.ary, and Elisha, RepioUls, Feb. 19. 1758. DICKINSON Jlaj-y, and Elisha Reynolds, Feb. 9, 1758. " Charles, and Jlary Slocum ; m. liy George Thomas, Justice, Dec. 20, l~ft2. " Willhim A., and Phebe Greeni' : m. by J. A. TilUnghast, Justice. Jan. 17, 18-. " , of (Jhart'S, and Esthe,r Clarke, of Gardiner: m. bv Elder William Nortimp ; recorded April 19, 18i!2. DICKSON Mary, and Henry Uriggs, Feb. 7. 180-J. DICK Jeaiinia, and Jolin Cinyou, Jr.. June 15, 1755. DlXtiN Hannah, and William Brings, Dei'. 23,, 1788. DOLI.INUR Rel>ee(a, and , Sept. — , 1700. DONISON Jonathan, of Providence, son of Ca.pt. William, dec, and Avis llnUng, of Alexander, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Tliom;i.s. Jnstiee of Pea.ce, Aug. 8, 1773. DOUGLASS Mary, and Leniston, May — , 1707. " Thomas, of N. Kingstown, son of Jam&s and Elizabeth Hazard, of James- town ; m. at E. Greenwich by John Briggs, Justice of Peace, Fe.b. 24, 17715. Da\i!l, and .Snsan ('. Shei-man, Jan. 7. 18.")0. DOWNING Ilebecea, and Thiwnas Eldred, March 20, 1730. DI'RGAN James, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of I'homas ; m. by Rev. J. R. .Stone, AprU 211, 1S41. DVRK Mary, and Wlllla?a .Vlh-n, Feb. 19, 17:)7-S. " Freelove, and ; m. by Tiiom s Hill, Justice of Peace, April 9, 1741. " Edward, and Ellzubelh Fisli, N,iv. 2'.i. 1750. " Hannah, and Card, April 21, 1752. " , and Cary (.larke, Aijril 0, 1755. " William, and S;irah Baker; m. by Elder James Wightmau, Sept. 23, 1770. " France^, and George Briggs, Feb. 10, 1777. " Abigail, and Arthur Aylesworth. Jr., Sept. 14, 1783. " Samuel, of John, and Walte Eldred, of Thomas, deceased; m. by Elder Plnllip Jenkins, July 13, 17sC,. " Freelove, and John Pierce. •' Ruth, and Ishmeal Spink, March 19, 1804. " Charles F., and Mrs. Harriet Teiirgee; ni. by Elder John Slocum, July 21, 1845. EARLE Mary, and Joseph Slu'tliehi, Jan. 27, 1708. John, and San h Potti'r; m. l>y Christoplier Allen, Justiie of Pi'ac. starch 19. 1711-12. EASI'IjIX John, of Prudence Island, and Amle Ba.tes, Oct. 24. 1702. ELDRED. Elizabeth, and Mapes Barber, May 23, 1705. Mary and Niclnda.s Gardiner. Oct. 13, 1709. " Penelope, and Eiihraim Gardiner, April 28, 1713. Maigarel, and William Gardiner. June 12. 1718. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. ELDRED Freelove, nnd Nicholas NortUup, June 23, 1720. " Freelove, and Churlcs Nortimp. June 23, 1720. " Thomas ol N. Kuigstown, and Al.ig:iU Tucker, ol Groton ; m. liy John Plumb, Justice of Peace, Oct. 12, 1727. " Thomas a-nd Rebecca Downing; ni. by WUUam Spencer, Justice of Peace, March 26, 1730. " Capt. John, and Mary Greene, of John; m. by WilUam Hall. Justice of Peace, Aug. ft, 17r,;i. " , and Waite Gould; m. by George Thomas, Justice ol Peace, Sept. 1, 17.34. '•' Margaret, and Eber Slierman, Feb. — , 1738. " Thanlrfiil, and Daniel Scranton. Sept. 22, 1744. Martha, and Job Card. Nov. 1. 17,51;. ^ " , and Martha Weeden ; m. liy Elder David Sprague, April — , 17.^0. " Benedict, and Patience Smith ; ni. by Thomas Phillips, JusUce ol Peace, , 1764. " Martha, widow of Thomas, of N. Kingstown, and Nicholas , of E. Greenwich; m. by George Thomas, Justice ol Peace, July 5, 1700. " Gardiner, and Mrs. Martha ; m. by Georg eTbomas (of Samuel) Justice of Peace, Jan. — , 1773. " Elizabeth, and Havens Sherman, Oct. 10, 1773. '•■ Abigail, and Josepb Jiurdick, Jan. lO, 177(). " Barbaiy and William Chadsey, 21, 1770. " Ehoda (col.) and Prince Greene, June 21, 1778. " Lydla, and Jolin Spink, Dec 27, 1778. " Frances, and Samuel Carr, Jan. 17, 1770. " James, of Seth, and Mary UrowJi ; m. liy George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 28, 1770. " Waite, and Samuel Dyre, July 13, 176i">. " Robert, of James, a.id Sarah lio(,ne, ol .lames; m. l^y Elder Nathan Hill, Jan. 1, 17.S9. " Thomas, of Thomas, anil .sarah Spinlc, of Ishmeal ; m. by Eld 'r PltlUp Jenldn<. 24, 179). " Elizabeth, and Vernon lliames. -Aug, 20, 179.j. " Daniel, aiul M.iry Philips; m. liy William .-smith, pastor Triaity Church. Jan. 10, 1799. " Elizabeth, ;ind Ufnixtict Peckham, Sept. 0, 17—. " Abigail, and John Walson, Marcli 14, • " Jami's, and Brown, of Samuel; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, , . " Elizabeth, and ; m. by tJeorge Thomas, Justice of Peace, Slay " Elisha. and Elizabeth. ; — , . " Bej-lah, of James and Lucy, and Elizabeth Peckham, of Benedict and EUzabeth; m. by Elder William Northup, Sept, 7, 1800. " Joseph, of WiUlam and Lydia, tind Phebe Carr, widow, dai\. of James and Ruth Cooper; in. by Elder William Northup, Jan. 15, 1802. " James, of Robert .and Hannah, and Joanna Wilson (widow), dau. of George and Joaiuia Reynolds, of Exeter, thougli s;ild Joaniui is of Rlchinondtown ; m. by Eldi'r Wlllla.m Northup, June 8, 1803. " Mary, and Jolm Capron, Dec. 4, 1804. " Snsan, and George Tlllinghast, Sept. 4, 1800. " Berlah, and Elizabeth Reynoldjs, of Hezelciali ; m. by George Thomas, Town Clerk, April 27, 1807. 1 *' Hannah, ajid Samuel Spink; rec. Jan. 8,; 1814, " John, of Thomas and JIary Brown, of Pheni.x ; m, by Elder Gersliam Palmer, June 8, 1820. " Ishmael, of Thomas and Carolltie Allen, of Thomas G. ; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, May 12. 1830. " James, of and Phebe, and Rlioda Ann Gliappell, of Franiis and Beth- sheba ; m. by Rev. Lemuel N. Burge, Oct. 3, 1842. " Sarah, and Richard Smith,, Maivh 9, 1840. " John C, and Abiiie F. Rathl'uii ; ni. by Eider John Slocum, June 13, 1S47. " Sarah G., and George H. Church, June 13, 1833. ELEY EUzabeth, a,nd George JIaa-lner, Sept. — , 1722. NORTH KINGSTi:)\VN JLAEEIAGES. 21 ELLIS Daiius, and ; m. Iry SaraiU'l Foni'S, Justice uf Peace, Sept. 23, 1715. „ and Mary Hall. Feb. G, 17^1-2. " Ruth, and William Havens. Jan. :;. 17'ifi. ENOS Elizabetli. and John C'leaveland, Jan. 28, 1773. ESSEX Richard, ol Ilugh, of Warwlcl>. R. I., and Mary Aylesworth, of Artinr, ol N. Klngst.AMi ; ni. by Jolm Goi-ton, Justice of Peace, July 24, 170S. " Catherine, and Uu-ssell Austin, Nov. — , 1802. " Phebe, and Arnold Spink, (Nov. 3, 1812. FINEY Mrs. Ruth Ann, and Daniel Allen, July 27, 1S45. FISH Hannah, and ; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, May 7, 1738. " Elizabeth, and Edward Dyre, Nov. 29, 1750. FOSTER Ann, and Barlliolnmcw Hunt, Nov. 30, 1785. FONES Mai-y, aud Joseph Smith, Dec. 18, 1724. " , and Baker, daughter of Benjamin, , 1725. " Sarah, and Tliomas Scranton, March — , 1725-G. " Mary, and Ebenezer Hill, Jan. 1, 1729-30. " Mary, widow ol Samuel, and — — ; m. by Thomas Northup, Justice of Peace, Nov. 13, 1738. " Elizabeth and John Gardiner, Jan. 4, . " Mary, and Ephraim Davis, . " Lydia, and . " James, and Elizabeth Havens, Feb. . " Margaret, and Robert Wliitlord, May 10, . ^ " Mary, and Edward York, Jaai. — , 1755. ** ,Mary, and Kbenezer Hill ; rec. Nov. 12, 1756. " Samuel, and Hannah Briggs ; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice of Peace, April 26, 17U0. FONES , aud Jolm Siieneer ; recorded Aug. 3, 17(57. " Martlia, and Daniel ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace; recorded . — , 17G3. " Elizabeth, and Christopher Gardljier, Feb. IS, 1775. " Maiy,, and Henry Reynolds, May 15, 1785. " Daniel, aJul Catherine Austin, ol James; ni. by Elder Nathan Hill, Jan. D, 1701. " Rebecca, and Benjamin Tanner, Sept. 25, 1799. " , of James, and Reynolds, of Peter; m. by William Hall, Jus- tice of Peace, Dec. 23, . FOWLER Isaac, and Marj- llopkims ; m. by Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, Jan. 15, 1720-21. " Thomas,, and Mary Hoiikiiis; m. by "Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, Jan. 15, 172-. " Deborah, and Paske Whitford, July 5,, 1723. " i—, ol E. Greenwich, and Mary Briggs ; m. by George Tibbetts, Jtistlce of Peace, Nov. — , 1737. " Mary, and ; JU. by James Eidi-ed, Justice of Peace, Feb. 17, 1754. " , and WiUiara Weeden,, Nov. — , 1755. '• Benjamin, and Ann Case; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Jan. 2, 1763. " Delewey, and Sai-ah Hunt; jn. by William Hall, Justice ol Peace, March 11, 1764. " WiUlam, of E. Greenwich, and Frances Berry, of Nathaniel; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel). Justice ol Peace, Nov. 7. 1765. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, s«n of G.eorge, and Freelove Nichols, ol W. Greenwich ; m. by Elder Solonmn Spraigue, Dec. 15. 1771. " George, Juu., and Elizabeth Wightman ; m. by Eldi-r James Wightman, Dee. 10, 1781. " Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, and lluldah Randall, of Warwick; ni. by Elder John Htman, Oct. 23, 1791. " Mary, .-ind Peleg Weeden, 5. 1803. " John, of Deli-way, of E. Green \rieli, and Elizabeth Dimond, widow of John, dau. ol Jeremiah Aylesworth; ni. by Judge Jol n Allen, March 15, 1804. 22 AITAL EF.COKD OF RHODE ISLAND. FOWLER Samuel Carr, and Elizabeth Fon's Haven-^ : m. by RUl.ai-d Thomas, Jus- tice of P.-aci'. All;.'. 10. l.sl'.l. " Henry, and Mary \V. BaK.-r : m. by Rov. .T. E. Slone, Jnii. 20, 1842. FRANKLIN Sylvester R., and AWJe Ann Thonia^i. FRARERS Ruth, and BiMijaniin Smith. Doc. 10, 17151. FREEBOURNE Thomas, of Portsmouth, and , .Tan. 30, 1734. " S;irah F., and .Toseph Sealey, Ft'l). — , . Capt. Gideon, sun of Capt. Gideon, dec, and Freelove W. Weeden, ol Peleg; ni. by Md"r Elbridgo Gale. Nov. 13, 1825. Hnldah S., and Albert Sitnford. Dee. 24, 1S49. FRY Thomas G., of E. Greenwich, and llaimah A. U. Reynolds, of N. Kingstown; m. by Rev. J. K. Stone, Feb. 13, 1841. " Anne, and Job Gardiner. Dec. — , • " Samuel, ol Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and CoggeshaU, ol Dani.-l ; m. by Jeffrey Watson, Justice, 20, . Q GADDIE Robert, ol E. Greenwich, son of Joseph and jUlce Allen Spencer, of Essex; m. by Rev. &imucl C. Brown, May 4, 1843. GARDINER Nicholas, ol Nicholas, and SlJry Eldi-ed, of Thomas; m. by John El- dred. Assistant, Oct. 13, 1709. Henry, and Desire Havens, Aug. 4, 1710. Dorcas, and Abial Sherman, Nov. 20, 1712. Ephraim, and Penelope Bldred, April 2S, 1713. Wmiani. of Heniy, and .Margaret Eldred, ol Capt. John; m. by KouSe Helme, Justice of Peace, June 12, 1713. Sarah, and Edward Sheffield, April 5, 1719. Amie, and Peter Boss, Jan. 23. 1719-20. Another record reads "28." Hannah, and James McSparran, May 22, 1722. Mary, ol Kiiig.->tiiwn, and , of E. Greenwich ; m. by Francis Wollett, Justice ol Peace, , — , 1723. Mary, and Peleg Tripp. J—. 28. 1728. Nicholas, and Martha Havens, ot William ; m. by William SiK-ncer. Justice ol Pence, 12. 1729-30. Hannah, and John Sweet, March — , 1733-34. Elizabeth, and Benoni Hall, .M;ircU — , 1734-5. Nathaniel, Jim., and Pierce: m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, 23, 1734. , and Lydia Dawley : m. by Peti-r Boss, Justice of Peace, — , 1736. Margaret, and Isaac ; tn. by I'cler Bois, Jiusllce ot Peace, Dec. 26, 1730 Sarali, and ■ : m. by Job Tripp. Jiisllre of Peace, .April — , 1737. Mary, and John Spencer. March. ^, 1739. Mary, and Jarah Mumfopd, Nov. 29, 17;!9. Jaaies, and Waite Coggesh;ill, Manli 15, 1 74D. Annah. and Robert Reyimlds, Jaly — , 1742. Henry, of WUliam, and Mary Helnv/. of Cbii-lopber : m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice of Peace, G, 17.")0. Nicholas, of E.\eter, and Honor Brown, of N. Kingstown ; m. by ISlder Samuel Albro, — , 1757. Ephraim, and Ann Coggeshall ; m. by Thomas Hazard, Justice ol I'eace,, March 12, 1758. Ephraim, and Patience Congdon ; m. by Frances Willett, Asst., Oct. 19, 1761. Nathaniel, ol E.xeter, and Martha Brown, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 3, 1703. Samuel of E. Greenwich, and (iitherlne Greene, of N. Kingstown: m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Dec. 18, 1702. Joshua, ot Benjamin, of S. King-town, and Mercy Tanner, of Palmer, ol N. Kingstown; m. by Caleli Hill, Justice of Peace, Feb. 22, 1703. Desire, and Elislia Clarke, April 10, 1703. NORTH KIN'GSTOWN — ^L^RRIA^ES. 23 GAKDINER Ezckii-1. :iiilii-aini. and Mrs. .Mary Thomas, of Gi'orge. of N. Kings- town ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace. Jan. 3, 178-2. " Joslah. of Epbraim, and Patience CJ.arduier, of S'las; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Sejit. 3. 1780. " Patience, and Josiall Gai'diner. Sept. 3, 1780. " Nancy, and Arnold Weeden, Nov. lO, 1783. " Samuel, of Samuel, dec, and Elizabeth Slociun, of William: ni. by Elder Philip Jenkins, M.ircU 3-t, 1789. " WUllam, of S. King>t , of S. Kingstown; m. by Elder William Northup, Dec. 5, 1824. " Jeremiah, of Jeremiali, and Abbie C, F.rownurg, of Gardiner, Marcli 16, l;-i2G. " Vincent, of A'incent and Mary, and Maiy M. Reynolds, of Jonathan and Mary ; m. by Rev. Lemuel r.urge, Jan. 18, 1829. " Lucy Ann, and Thomas R. RattJiun. May 3. 1841. " Harrison G. O., of Moravia, Cayugo Co., N. Y.. and EllzalieUi Fi-ancls Reynolds: m. by Rev. J. li. Stone, July 18, 1841. II , and Amie .'-uiiderland, of Ixeter; m. by Hlder Edwin StUlman, Jan. 22, 1844. " Mary C., audi .SteiJhen Northup. .lune 28, 1844. " Ab1)le E., and George Whitman. >Iarch 9. 1815. " Mar—, and Nathan Brown, .inly 1, ls47. 24: MTAI, RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. GAEDINER , and — - AU.-n. of Jain.'S ; m. by Elrt.-i- .To-rph \V. Allen, Nov. 11, 1647. " Mary E.. and HiMiry S. 8Ui-iinan. Anril 19, 1S4'J. " Dulctna, ana William Gardiner, Oct. 23, IclO. William, ol Exeter, and DnU-Uini Gardiner, of N. Klns^town; m. by Elder Joseph A. TilUngUast, Oct. ■-!«, 1849. " Caroline E., and Joseph U. Hood, AprU 9, ISbO. " Hannah, and Hazard Burliugame, May 20, 1850. '•■ Susan A., and Nehemiah Bk-knell, Sept. 1, 1850. " Mary K., and Isaac H. Jecoy, Nov. 21, 1S30. " Harriet C, and Stei>heii B. Reynolds, . GARFIELD , and Penelope Rods ; ni. by WUlLam Hall, Assistant, May 4, 1729. GAVITT Samuel, of WesUTly, and Kuth l;at.es ; m. by George Northup, Justice of Peace, Nov. 20, 17G6. GIFFOBD Ann, and William Congdon, Jlarch 30, 1732. " Patience, and Josei>li Arnold, Nov. 23, 1732. " Hannah, and Joseph Arnold, Aug. — , 1737. — GILL S;irah, and Samuel Place, Jan 23, 17110. GODFREY wmianj, .and .Mary Berry ; m. by Benj. Nichols, Justice of Peace, Aug. 7, 1729. " Weltha, and Edward Keltli-, Aug. — . 1751.;. " , and .■vinford Uisi'. Sept. 1. 17G1. " Caleb, and Mary Maxlield ; ni. by William Hall, Justic- of Peace, 2, 1702. " Eebecca, and James Eeynolds, Nov. 10, 1702. GODWORD Nicholas, of E. Greenwich, and Freelove Havens, of N. King-stown. GORTON Jane, ami Cyras H. Stuart. " Louisii, !iud Slfpheu N. Hlmes, Oct. 2.5, 1847. GOULDING Sarah, and , Jr.; m. by Francis Willetl, Justice of Peace, Jiily — , 1723. GOULD I.saac, and Elizabeth Jarlnvise: m. by Eli-ha Cole. Assistant, July 8, 1722. " Sarah, and Imnuuiuel Nortjiup, 24, 17-7-6. " Ani\, and Samuel Slocuni, 4, 1733. '■ Waite, and Eldred, .Sept. 1, 1734. '• Dorcas, and Caleb Benib-y, Jan. 21, 173S. " liuth, and Samuvl Adams, Feb. — , 1739. " Hannah, and Henry Wall, 13, 1742. " Elisabeth, and Jonathan Vaughn. Jan. 1, 175G. " Mary, and Benjamin Greene, S.'Pt. 21, . " Mai-y. and John Allen. " TUonius J., aiul Snsan Knowle-; m. by Elder James Hammond, Sept. 20, 184b. GREF.NH Ann, and William Clarke, Nov. 8, 1730. " Jonathan, of N. ICingK, 1784. " David, and Lydia Matteson; m. by Elder WUliarn Norihup, July 3, 1788. " Martha, and. Jaliez Chadsoy, March 21, 1792. k~liould ]>r tirieves or Grievo. widow of Arcliilialrt. " Mrs. Sari'li, and Augustus Huling, AprU 22, 1792. " WUUam, of Abraham and I'atlence,, of N. .Kingstown, and Sarah Shaw, of Anthony and Wei.glity, of Ex''ter; m. by Elder William Northup, May 20, 17<.IG. " William, of N. Kingstown, son ot Abraliam, and Jlary Wilcox, of Robert, dec., of Exeter; ra. by Eldi-r Thomas Mancliester, March 30„ 1809. " Samuel, of N. ICingstown, and Amle Ann Brown, ot Exeter; m. by Elder J. A. TiUinghast, Oct. 15, 1849. " Abigail .S., and Perry Arnold, Jan. 13, 1850. " Phebe, and William A. Dickerson, Jan. 17, 18—. GWILUAM Mary, and Eljenezer Slocuni, Jan. 1,. 1788. H HAGAN D.avid. of N. King.stown, son ■A Anthony, of PhUadelpliia, and Sarah t'p- dike, of Lodowick and Al)ig;iil; ra. by Isaac Hall, Justice of Peace, Fob. TO, 1807. " David U., of David, of N. Kingstown', and Lucinda Harris, of Daniel, dec, of Warwiclc, R. I.; m. by Eev. Moses FifleUd, Sept. 8, . HALEY John, and Mary Sa.imders, of Westers; ni. liy Cliristopher Allen, Ju.stice ot Peace, May 18, 1719. " Samuel, Jr., of N. Kingstown, l.ate of Thompson, Conn., and Audrey Spencer, of Henry, late of N. Kingstown, dec ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Aug. 25, 1791. HALL Eliza Ix'th. and George Babcock, Nov. 28, lt;94. . " . and John Seager, Jr., March 1, 1707. " S;irali, and John Spencer, Oct. — , 1725. " Maiy, and John Lee, March 172(t-7. " Mary, and Ellis. Feb. 6. 1731-32. " Benoni, and Elizabeth Gardiner; m. I>y Williani Spencer, Justice of Peace, March — , 1732-3. " Rebecca, and Thomas Stalfoi'd. Feb. — , 1702. " Abigail, and Nicholas Spencer. — , 1763. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. HALL C:ilcb, of W. Greenwicb, and Moi-ab:ili Havens, of X. Kmgstown ; m. by Eldt'i- .Solomon Simipio, (HI. 15, 17C>'.). " William, of N. Kingstown, and ElizalioUi Coggeshall, of E. Greenwich; m. by John Northup, Justice of Ivaci'. Aug. — , 177.3. " Lucy, and Eln^nezer .Spi-nciT, .luly 9, 177S. " Elizabeth, and • Hunt, Jan. — , 1777. " ^Uina, and Clinstcplu-r (:ogg>'sliall. Oil. 1">, 1780. " Marj-, and John Reynolds, Jlai-ch 17, 1792. " Penelope, and Christopher Northup, Dec. 12, 17'.)o. Susannah, of N. Kingstown, and , of Jlxeter : ni. by Elder I'liillip Jen- kins, Jfarch 7. 17'JS). " Abigail. aJid Weight, . " Elizabeth, and Cfardiner. — •— . " Thurza P.. of N. Kingstown, and , of E. Greenwich; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen. " Abigail, and SyJvester Wat.son, Juno — . 1802. " Wilham. of Robert, and Mary, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Corey, ol William and Sarah, of ^'. Kijigstnwn ; m. by Elder Wllliam Nortliup, June 8, 1803. " John, of Slocuin. dec. and P.it'ence Peckh-im, of Capt. Benedict; m. by George TJi..inis, Jr., Town Cleric. Aug. 23. 1807. " Harriel. and John B. Hartwell, March 21, 1842. " Hannah G., and John J. Carpenter, Oct. 22. 1S43. HAMILTON Sarah, and William Clarke, .lune 18. 1797. HAMMOND Lyda A., and Jabez Bnlloclr, Nov. 15. 1841. ' " Benjamin W., and Sirah R. Joiin.son; m. by Rev. .1. H. Rouse, Dec. 11, 1848. (HANDLEY Mattlww. of Jamos. and Lydla Pierce, of Benjamin, of IMcliniond, R. I.; m. by Elder William Xortbup. Sept. 22, 1794. HANNAH Mafy, and Nalhaniel Niles, Jr., Jan. 26, l(i99. " Jlary, and George Webb; m. by Christopher Allen, Justice of Peace, April 21. 1708. Hj\EMON Mary, and Oliver White, Jan. 21. 1747. HAEKINGTON Job. and Alice Weightnian, of John and Jane; m. by Williaju Spen- ^) cer, Justice ol Peace, June 8, 1722. " 'f-~\ and Elizabeth Spencer; tn. by Uenj. Nic'xls. .Inslice of Peace, July 4, 1731. " Jeremiah, and Phebe Chase, of Jonathan ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice of Peace. Feb. -, 1753. " Ebenezer, of Liverjiool, England, .and Mary Merry, of E.\eter ; m. by Elder Solomon Spnigue, May 20, 1778. " Eber, and Hanntili Bull, . " Tlmolhy, and . HARRIS Mary, and Job Kathbun, 1, 1737. " Lucmda, and David I'. Hagan. Sept. 8, . HARTWELL John B., of Piwddenee, and Harriet Hull, of John; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, Mai-ch 21, 1842. HART Jemima, and Ojoixt, Feb. 28. 171,0. " Nichola.s. of N. Kingstown, son of Nicholas, and S;irali Carey, of Caleb; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, March 19, 1779. HARVEY Lucy C, and Adam M. Thurston, April 2, 1848. " Mrs. Mary F., and Edwin A. Sweet, May 28, 1848. HATHAWAY" jVnthony, of E. Greenwich, son ot MarUia and Lyilia SIretson, of Si- las, ol N. Kingstowtn: m. by Rev. Elisha Sweet, Aug. 7, 1808. " Edward 11., of W. IMdgewater, Jlass., son of Nathan and Susan, of New Bedlbrd, Mass., and Ruth 1 ierce. of N. Kingstown ; m. by Kev. A. J. Chaplain, Feb. — , 1848. HAVENS Desire, and Henry Gardiner, Aug. 4, 1 710. " Phebe. of Thomas, ot Klngstowne, and (John WightmanI of George, of Warwick, R. I.; ra. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, June 14, 1722. " WUliani. o* Thomas, and Sarah Pierce, widow' of Benonl ; m. by Jeremiah Gould. .Tustice of Peace, Nov. 21, 1725. " JIartha, and Nicholas Gardiner, 12, 1729-30. Nathaniel, of Joseph, and Rose Briggs, of Robert; ni. by Robert Hall,, Jus- tice of Peace, Feb. — , 1733-4. NORTH KIN(iSTii\VX MARRIAGES. 27 HA\'ENS GedrfTO. ajiil Mary ; in. by riimiias Siienc-fr, .Iu>tiliM ol' I'ejico, Aug. 25, 1748. " Siirali,. ;u«l John Vaugliu, April !). ITiU. " William, of Thomas, aud Ruth Ellis, ol Saiimi-l; m. by CH'orjji' Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 2, 1760. " Morabah, anl Caleb Hall, Oct. 1."., 17(;0. " , of William, and S,iril o. 1770. " C.itherlne,, and Wiilliam Aylesworlh, June — , 1774. " Robert, of N. Kingstown, son of Thon\as, and Elizal«-tk Wightman, of George, of Warwick, R. I., . — , . " , and SaTUson Hasten : m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, Jan. 9, . " Rliodes, and Uitlierini- Nichols, of David, . " Jolm. and Jemima Havens; m. by George Thomas. Jiisilce of Peace', Dec. 1, . " Jemima, and John Haven.s, Dec. 1, . " Freelove, and Niciiolas God want, . — . . " Sarah, and Smith. Dec. 1:>. . " Phebe, and Thomas Hill, . — , . " Mary, and .Tohn Alb-n. . 17. . " James, of N. Kingslown. and I'eneloiie Scott, of Coventry, R, I,: m. by Elder Charles Stone. April 1", l.soo. " Anna, and EdwLird 1). Aylesivoi-lli, ~, 1811. " Elizabeth, and Waiilon Anslin. recorded Fell. 2-.. I,si7, " Elizabeth Foni'S, a?nl Samuel Carr Fowier, Aug, l',i, 1819. " Sai-iih D., and Jeremiah Miteliell. 5. 1844. HAXSON Tamson, and Havens, Jan. n, . " Martha, and Jess. June -J',. 1714. HAXTON FJizabeth, and' Baker. March f,, 171 .J. HAZARD Mary, and John Robin.snn, Oel, V.i. 1704. " George, of Thomas, and Mary : ni. I>y Ste|lieii naz.ird, Assistant, Nov. 17. 17i!l, " Thomas, and Slocnm : m. by Franeis Willell. Justice of Peace, Feb. •2-2, 17:;7. " Robert, and Martha : m. by Fr.im is Willell, Justice of Peace, March 2-2, 1727-8. " Margaret, and Joseph H. .lines, . 20, 17i:7. " Sarah, and Robert Marcy. Get. :;4. 1728. " Thomas, and Hannab Ui«like; m. by George? Thomas, Justice of Peace, May — , 173S. " Edward, of Jamestown, and Susannali Havens, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice' of Peace, April 13, 1773. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Douglass, Feb. 24, 1770. « Ruth, and Daniel Bales, June 15, 1700. " Caleb, and Abigail ■: m. by Stephen Hazard, assistant, Nov. 10, . " Frances G., and Elnathan C. lirown. May 11, 1827. " Hannah M., and Samuel R. Philiios, Jan. 9, 1843. " Wilbur, of WUbur. and Lydia Pi-rce, of William; m. by Rev. Edwin StiU- man, Dec. 25, 1843. " Eliza, and Samuel Weeden, March 13, 1844. " Daniel S., of Wilbur and .Mary, and Hannah S. Congdon, of Benjamin and Mary; m. by Rev. A. J. Oliaplaiu ; rec. July 15, 1847. " Mar.v, aud S;imuel Pierce, . HAZELTON William, and Mary Paine; m. by Nathan NUes, Justice of Peace, Sept. 27, 1710. " ^lary, and James Nichols, Nov. 7, . HA Maj-y, aad lieujn. BaJier, 18, 1704-5. HA(ZZARD) Elizalietli, and (John) Tibbetts, 7, 1705. HA Annti, atid Samuel Browne. Jr., Aug. 27, 1775. HEDLEY Lydla, and James Congtbm. — 3. . HELME Rouse, Jr., and Sarah Nlles ; m. by John Eldred, Assistant, July 21, 1709. " Mary, and Ehenczer Ti'rry, Nov. 30, 1721. " Mary, and Henry Gardiner, . (i, 1750. 28 VITAL KEC'dRD OF liHODE ISLAND. HEL5IE Silns, and Eslhor Cm—, of N. Kiisrstown: m. by S;innu-1 Nortlmp, Justice of Peacf, May 5, 1-00. " Anstis, and Plulllp <':ir(l, Aug. :;o, ISOT. HENKY .lames, of ^■llllmtown, IVinn., anil Mrs. Anna Nortlmp. ot N. Kingstown, daiigliter of James, dec: in. by George Thoma.s, Justice of Peace, Jan. 5, 1780. HILL Tli.)mas, and Elizabeth Allen. Sejit. \i;. ITir,. " Ebenezer. of Prudence Island, and Mary I'ones, of X, , Kingstoivu ; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, Jan. 1, 1729-30. Tliomas, and Rebecca Cile Allen, Marcli — , 1731. , and Kebecca Cole; m. by \Villia,m Sjiciicer, Justice of Peace, March 25, 173—. Mai-y, and Paymen Tanner, Jan, — , 1737-S. Thomas, and Mary Berry : m. by Thomas IHUI. Justice ot Peace, 8, 1743. ■-._, ,.J, ,, Thoma-s. and Anna Oatley (p'rob.). Oct. '24. 1749. Elizabeth, and Benjamin Ricliardson, Dee. 1, . Anne. aJid .Stephen D.i-yis, , Thomas, ES(i., and Elizabeth Tibbetts ; m. by Thonuis HUl, Justice of Peace, . . Thomas, of E. Greenwich, son of Thotnas and Phebe Havens, of Rhodes, Jan. — . . Caleb, and Mercy Stafford, M:irch 2:!. 1755. Ebenezer. and Mary Fones, rec. Nov. 1*2, 1750. Mary, and Thomas TiUiiighast, Aug. 27, 1702. Kutli, and WUllam Boone, May 21, 1771. Bridget, .and Peter Tourgee, l)ix'. <>. 1775. Caleb, a.nd SaUy Greene, Jan. 4. 17S4. Rebecca, and Sleplien Uowen, Aprtl 22, 1802. Thoma.s, of Caleb, and Lucy Anna ^Uien, of John, dee. : ni. by Rev. John Gardiner, Jan. 14, 1.^21. HEMES. Benjamin, of N, KingstoTvn. and Mary James, of Westerly : m. by Benjamin NiclHifls, Justice of Peace, Ju:ie — , 1723. " Ann, and , . — , 1727. " Sarah, and Jeffrey Wlleox, April 24, 1726. " John, and Hannah Himes : m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace,, Dec — , 1734. " Hannah, and John Himes, Dw. — . 17o4. " Mary, and Jonathan Bates, March 20, 1747. " Elizabetli, and Jolin More . June — , . " Abbie A., and Joljn W. Pliiilips, . — , . " Martha, and Albert C. G. RiLlhbun, . " Aljigail, and Edmund Arnold, April 20, 1777. " Martha, and .; ni, by Elder James Wightman, Dec. 18, 1777. " Debor.ali, and George Congdon, Oct. 25, 1781. " Vernon, of Sylvester and Lois, and ESizabeth Eldn>r, Feb. 1, 1761. " Adam, .and Austin; m. by WilUam Hall, .Justice of Peace, 3, 17i>l. " Samuel, and Mary Weaver; m. by John Reynolds, Justice of Peace. May 2, 17112. " Sarah, and Delinvay Fowler, Maicli 11, 17(14. " ^-^, and Elizabeth Hall; m. by Daniel Hall, Justice of Peace, Jan. — , 1777. " Catherine, and James Austin. March 4, 1759. " William, and Prudence Toiu-gee ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill. Feb. t, 1783. " Bartliolomew, of North Kingstown, and Ann Foster, of Newport; m. by Rev. Gardiner Thurston, Nov. 30, 1785. " George, of .S.amuel, and Ellzabetii Whitford, of Benjamin ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec. 0, 1788. " Daniel, of Samuel, and Sus;innah Nortlmp, of Lebbens, of Exeter; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec. 18, 1794. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Letson, March 12, 1797. " , and Benjamin Tanner,, Aoril 16, 1815. " Elizabeth A., and William E. Cozzens, Dec. — , . Sukev, and David Terry, Feb. 4, 1858. IirxCHINS Mary, and .Tames Justin, Dec. — 1728. 30 ATIAL RI-:r()RD OF RHODE ISLAND. INMA.V Eli^lia. cif s,itn:il.'. ;iii(l Sandi Miliols. of KoImtI, ot X. KingstoMTi ; m. by Ilfiiry tfiieiici'r, Jiistico, .hin. 13. ITi'il. JACKSON , ,nncl Ann Bnoiic, Aug. IS, 1723. JACQITES Elizatjeth, and liicliarrt Sweet ; -Mairb 8. 170+. JACKWISE Nalli.m, and Hannah Norris ; m. by Jeffrey Champlain, As-sistant", Ajir. 1, 1709. " Elizabeth, and Isaac GiniW. July S, Lie. Thomas, and Hannah SpLnk : m. by WUUam Spi-ncer, Justice of Peace, Oct 24, 1725. JAMES MMri". inrt Benjaniin Himes, June — . 1723. James, of Westerly, and Lewhanuah Bentley ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Pence, May 28, 1738. JECOY Isaac H.„ of N. liridgewviler. Mas.s., and M;ixy R. Gardiner, of N. Kings- town; m. by Rev. Alfred H. Taylor, Nov. 21, 1850. .lEXKIXS Kobecca, and Thomas Siiennan : recorded July 10, 17i>l. Chrislopli.r. and Riilh Tanner: m by Elder James Wlghtman, Sept. 26, 1770. " Benjamin, of rbillii) ajid Honor ( liailsey, of Jabez ; m. by George Thomas, JiustlcfARD William, and Sarali Bottom ; ni. by Thonia.s Mumfoi-d. Justiee, Feb. (10), 1708-9. LEE Charles, and Alibie ; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Justice, March — , 1725-0. " .bihn. and M.iry Hall: ni. by Francis Willctt. Justice, March — , 1726-7. LETSON Thomas, of W. Greenwii'li. son of Ei>liraim, and Elizabeth Hunt, of Jeremiah, ol N. Kingstown; m. by S:ocum HaU, Justice, March 12, 1797. LEWISTOX (schoolmaster), and Mary Douglass, of George; m. by George Ntirthup, Justice, May . 1767. LEWIS Jonathan. Jnn, of Exeter, nnd Patience TourRli\ (widow), of N. Kings- town ; m. by George Thomas, .lustice. Feb. 7, 1776. " Taey. and WllUam Champlain. June 18, 1786. " Nathaniel S., and Abigail F. Baker; m. by Rev. Alfred H. Taylor. Dec. 30, 1849. LILLIBRIDGE Samuel, of Ellsha. of Richmond, and Mary Pecliham. of Ben- jamin, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Aug. 18, 1808. " Lydia B., of John, and John G. Huling. of Andrew. May 25, 1823. ,L1PP]TT George, of N. Kingstown, son of Aaron, and Ellzalieth Rodman, ol Timothy; m. by Eld. John Slocum. July 22. 1855. LOD Phebe, and George Thomas. Sept. 25, 1763. " Phebe, and Georg-e Thomas, July 10. 1784. LUXG Ezejdel, of E. Greenwich, and Ruth Nichols, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Wil- liam Spencer, Justice. . 22. 1724. LOV; LL Nathaniel, of Soitunle. and Ruth Vauphn of Isaac; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel), Justice, Nov. 1, 1772. " Lucy A., and Joshua Arnold, Jan. 3. 1841. LCVELASS Thomas, of West^'rly, and Isabel Darts; m. by George Thomas, Jus- tice, Nov. , 1734. "LUTHEK Phebe J., and Silas Splak. Jan. 1, 1862 M JIAOTJMEER Jeremiah, of Middletown, and Austin ; ra. by Joseph Coggesh.all, Aug. 3. 1761. 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. MArx.MX John, and Mrs. Haunah CoggeshMU, <.f Jo.-opli : in. by George Thomas, Juiitic", Dec. 1:3, 179S. MANCHESTER Hannah, and John Spenc. r, Feb. 17, . " John, of Matlhe^v and . of George, . M-\BIiESFIELD Con> , and Margaret Nic luils ; ni. by William Spencer, Justice, Slarch 4, 1739. MARINER George, ami Elizabrtli Eley: m. by Rev. Dr. .James jrcSparruii, Sept. -, 1722. :MAESH John, and Mary M:isey. April — , 1732. '■ . and Sanniel Thomas, . MATTESON , and Josiah ; m. by Elder James WiglUman. Jan. (">. 1771. " Job. of \V. Greenwich, and Margaret Spink, of N. Kingstown: ni. by Rob- ert Hall, Justice. Dec-. 1.', 1772. " Lydla, and David Greene, July 3, 1783. " Simeon, and Mercy Ann Taylor. . « — . of ^■erbatus. and JiL-s. llannali Rose, age IS years; born S. Kings- town, dan. of Miiu'r; m. at Hamilton Mills by Elder John Slocum, Oct. , 22, 1854. JfAYFIELD Mary, and Caleb Goilfrey, 2. 1702. McCOONE Daniel, and .Sarah Cook, widow of George; m. tiy John Eldred, Assist- ant, June 10, 1705. McCOTTER William, and Abigail F. Uaker : m. by Rev. Alfred H. Taylor, Jan. 27, 1S50. McLOUCiHLJNG Jolin S., of John and Joanna M. Nichols, of Samuel; ui. by Elder William Northup, Dec. 8, ISKi, McsPARRAN Ja.nies. a.nd llanu;ih Gai-dln^r, of WUliam, May 22, 1722. MEDBURY Thoitias, and ; m. by ThoJnas Hill, Justice, March 27, 1744. " Deliverance, and Daniel Brown, Oct, 25, 1747. MEREETT Sarau'jl, of Samuel, of N. Stoninglon, Conn., and Sally G. Thomas, of Samuel ; m. by Elder Joseph \V. Allen, Jan, 24, 1830. MERRILL WUliam H., of Warwick, R. I., and Amanda F. Northup; m. by Rev. John H. R<.use, Jan. 21, 1S47. MINER Abigail, and Simuel Rose, Dec. 28, 171)3. " Eleanora^ and Edmund Cooper, June 10, 1829. MITCHELL Sar.ah, and Cliarles lii'rry, Dec. 1, 1757. " Thomas, and Sarah Reynolds; m. by Robert Hall,, Justice of Peace, Aug. 1, 1769. " , and Sarali Whittord. . " Samuel, and Margtiret . '■ Cieorge A., and Mary R. Willis; m. by Rev. David Avery, Oct. ]:>, 1S44. " Jeremiah, and S;irah D. Havens ; m. by Elder John Slocum, . 5, 18-14. " E -, and Reily, July 7, 1850. MONTGOMERY Edwin, of Proridence, and Smsan W. Wightman, of N. Kingstown, April — , 1830. MOORE Robert, and Ann Tripp ; m. by William Spencer, Jastiee of Peace, June — , 1729. " Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth Dake ; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, June 12, 1733. " Elizabeth, and Johnson, Jr., July 10, 1737. " , of ExetiT, and Deliverance Alverson, of N. Kingstown; m. by Wil- liam Hall, Justice of Peace, Dec. 27, 1759. " William, and S;irali Pinder, both of Newi)ort ; m. by Rev. GardiniT Thurs- ton, Aug. 16, 1775. MOOT James, of E. Greenwich, and ■ ; m. by WUUam Spencer, Justice of Peace, . — , 1738. MOREY' Robert, of Westi'rly, and Sarah Hazard, of N, Kingstown; m. by Francis WUlett, Justice of Peace, Oct. 24, 1728. " Hannah, and ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, . 13, 1732. •■' ■ ■ Mary, and John Marsh, April — , 1732. " Siirah (widow), and Benjamin AUen, April 28, 1776. " Mary, and Ebenezer Harrington, May 20, 1778. " Augustus, of Benjamin, and Patience QLarke; m. by George Thomas, Jus- tice of PenC'\ May 4, 17—. XOKTH KINtiSTc >\VX JLXEKIAGES. 33 MOELEY Joseph, of Exeler, and FroAova ancuni. of N. Kingstown, Oct 21 MOEO Johi],, Jr., and Elizabetli Hiraes ; ni. by WiUiam Hall Justice o£ Poai'o MOSS John, iind Maiy RolpU ; m. by WUliam Hail, Justice of Peace Julv 8 1725-6. MOTT Jacob, and Sarah Mott ; m. by ElKha Cobs Assistant, March T, 1720-1. " Snnili, and Jacob Mott, Marcii 7. 1720-1. " Rebecca, and John Kay, May 10. 1728. Rebecca, of Newport, and ing, of Kings To wne; m. by S;imuel' Pones Justice of Peace, Nov. — . . ' GUbert, of K. Y., and Mar .\nstis Slocuin, of N. IClngstown ; rii. at Wickford by Elder D.ivid Av.ry, June 30, 1844. MUMFOED Tlioma.s, Jr., and Ilaniuli Kob'mson : ni. by Jobn Eldrert, .luslicc of Peace, May 3, 1704-5. " Thomas, Jr., and Ihuinah Remlivyti.n : m. by John Eldr.'d. A.ssi^ttmt Jin 3, 1705-0. " Thomas, oen., and Esther T. in ; m. by Stei)hen Hazard, Assistant Nov '^5 1708. ' ■ " ' " George, and Mary R^ilijiscii ; m. by Joseph Jendce-s, Assistant, Aug 7 1709. " Sarah, and William Paib.'r. Jlay 5, 1720. " William, and Hannah Latham, of Ciroton. (onn.: m. by Rev. Ephraim Woodbridge, March 1. 1720-1. " Jerah. of .-i. Kingstown, and Mary Gaidinrr, of N. Ivingstown ; m. by Benja- min Weight, Justice of Peace, Nov. 20, 1731). " — ' • 0' Kings Towiie. and Mi's. HannaJi , of Grotem, Mas.s. ; m. by Rev. Ephraim Woodbridge, Sept. 7. 1821. MUNROE .Samuel, and Eunice Dimond, of .Inlm : ni. by Elder Josrph W. Allen. Sept. n, 1832. " Benjiiniin P., of E. Orienwicli, and Lydia Allen, of N. Kingstown : ni. by Rev. S. Na.sh, March 17, 1840. N NASON Elizabeth, and James Tanner, Oct. 14. 1810. " Phebe G., and Benoni S. Rose, Sept. 10. 1848. NEY John, of Sandwich, and Sarah Cook-, of Kings Towne ; m. by Samuel Pones, Justice of Peace, <}ct. 2'j. 1710. NICHOLS Margaret, .and Francis Bates; (nub.) July 9, 1721. " Elizabeth, and Samuel Bates, July 12, 1721. " Jona.han, and Sarah Thomas; m. by WUliam Spencer, Jn.sflce of Pence, June 9, 1723. " Kutli. and Ezeklel Long, -^, 22, 1724. " , of Jolm, (dec), and Elizabeth AiLstln, of Joseph, .Tun., (dec); m. by Peter Boss, Justice of I^eace, Oct. : 8, 1730. '• Margeret. and Markesfield. .May 4, 1739. ■' Sarah, and Elisha Inman, Jan. 13, 1761. " Thomavs, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of N. Kingstown: ni. by Caleb Hill, Justice of Peace, Sept. 8, 17(15. " Christopher, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Niiliols, of Thomas, of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas. Justice of Peace. Marcli 5. 1707. " Elizabeth, and Christopher Nichols, March 3, 1707. " John, of E. Ur«'nwich, and Susannah Clarke, of Caleb, of N. Kingstown ; m. by (ieorge Norihup. Justice of Petice, March 19, 17i;!). " Freelove, and Benjamin Fowler. Dec. in, 1771. " , and Jonathan Dean, Nov. 14, 1773. " Mrs. .Susannah, of George, of N. Kingstown, and , of Jolin ; ni. by George Thoma^, Justice of Peace, Dec. 5. 1773. " . of George, and ; ra. Ijy George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Jan. 12, 1779. " Samuel, of Samuel, of Newixirt, and Mary Wall, of H.nry, of X. Kings- town: m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, March 10. 1783. Brownen. of Jo—, of E. Greenwich, and Dorcas RejTiolds, of Franei.s, of N. Kingstown : m. by Elrii-r I'hiHip Jenkins, M.arch 0. 1794. (Vil. Rec, Vol. 5.) 3 34 VITAL RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAXD. NICHOLS Alexander, of E. GreemvicU. :Uid Mercy Siiencer, of William, of N. Kings- town : m. by ■J'unni.is Hill. .Insiicc of J'cacf. JiUy 1."?. . James, and Mary llazellon ; m. by Willuim Hall, Justice of Pea&?, Nov. " Pliebe, and JoUn Berry. Feb. 0. 17—. " Qvtlierine, and Rliodi'.s Havens, . " Rebecca, and Nalh.iniel Berry. .Ian. S, . " Hannah, and Icliabod Smith. . " Susan, and William Keyiiolds. Oct. 25, 1808. " Joanna 31., and John S. JIcLnugUUng, Dec. 8. 1610. NILES Nathaniel, Jr., and Mary Hannah, Jan. 2(5, lRfi9. " Tabitha, and Abniliam Pprldns. Jlay 23. 1708. " Sarah, and Rouse llelme, Jr., July 21, 1709. " Nathaniel, and Ruth Sweet; m. by William .■^penc.-^'r, Justice of Peace, 3. 1731. " Jeremiah, of W. Greenwich, now of N. Kingstown, and jMercy Cobb, of N, Klngstxiwn ; m. by Daniel Hall. Justice of Peace, Dec. 29, 1778. NOKRIS Hannah, and Nathan Jackwise. AprU 14, 1709. NORTHUP Benjamin, and , July 3. ]71,><. " Charles, and Freelove Eldred, June 23. 1720. " Nicholas, and Fn'cliive Eldred : m. by Rouse Helme, Justice of Peace, June 23. 1720. " Immanuel, and Ann Tilibett-s, of George ; ni. by WUliam Hall, Justice of P«ice, May 4. 1721. " Hannah, and Thomas Sandford, .May 25, 1724, " Mary, and Jeffrey Champlalii, Sr]>t. 2i>, 172u. " Patience, and Oongdon. Nov. 16, 1727. " Immanuel, and .Sarah (Gouldl : m. by Francis Willctt, Justice of Peace, 24. 1727-8. " — — . and Anne (?arr. , 17-15-0. " Nicholas, Jr., and Hannah Allen ; m, by Jeffrey Watson, AssHttmt, March 29, 1750. " Esther, and Palmer Cleaveland. ,luly 1, 1751. " Rufus, and Mary Talman ; m. by Nicholas Noilhup, Justice of Peace, March 30, 1700. " Carr, of Imma'nnel, of N. Kingstown, and Sarah Clarke, of Hopkinton ; m. by George Noithup, Justice. March 9, 1706. " Elizabeth, and lluling Gardln-r, Feb. 1, 1767. " Anne, of Immanuel, of N. Kingstown, and , of E. Greenwich ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Dec. 4, 1768. " John, of N. Kingstown, and Margery Talford, of Newport; m. by Rev. I Gardiner Thurston, Dec. 25, 1771. " Mary, and Edmund Barber, May 1, 1773, " Samuel, of Stephen, and Waite Thomas, of George; m. by Eher Sherman, Justice of Peace. Feb. 25. 1779. " Abigail, and Paulipus Austin, Dec. 14, 1779. " Hannah, and ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, July 10, 1780. " Stephen, of Stephen, and Martha Cole, of Benjamin : m. by George Thom.as, Justice of Peace, — , 1780. " Stephen, and Mary Reynolds: ni. by Elder NathiUi Hill, Nov. 18, 1782. " John, of John, dec, and Lucy Spink, of Ishmeal ; m. by Nathan Brown, Justice of Peace, 1, 17.'^3. " (Anne), and Nicholas Carr Northup, Dec. 1, 1765. " Nicholas Carr, and (Anne) Nortlmp: m. by Elder James Wightman, Dec. 1, 1785. " Mrs. Anna, and James Henry, Jan. 5. 17.?6. " David, of Robert, of N. Kingstown, dec. and Antis Cmndall. dan. of John Austin, of said town ; m. by Eber Sherman, Justice of Peace, March 9, 17.89. " Clarke, of Carr, dec, and Maiy Knowles, of Reynolds; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, March 13, 1791. *' Stephen, of Rufus and Slary, and Slary Slocum, widow of John, dan. of James and Alniy Cooper; m. by Elder William Northup, Jan. 10, 1793, " Frances, and Richard Barney, Aug. 10, 1794, NOETII KINGSTOWN MARRIAGES. 35 JNORTllUP Sus.innali, and Dauk'l Hunt, Dec 18, 1794. " ChrLstoplier, of Can- and Sarah, and Penelope Hall, of William and Pene- lope; m. by Elder Williani Nortbiip, Dec. 12. 1705. " James; of N. Kingstown, anil Mary Austin, of Kiiliniond : m. by George Thomas, Justice, Marth 17, . " Lucy Anna, and Benjamin Gai'dlner, — ^. " John, and Lydia Gardiner, of Jeremiah, Jr.: m. by William Hall, Justice of Peace, June 8, . " George, and Fraju-es Congdon, of John ; m. by James Gardiner, Justice of Peace, Dee. 20, . " William, of Nicholas, and Frenlove, and Ann Slociim, of Samuel and Ann', of Jamestown, 17, ■ . " Mary Ann, and ; m. by Ri>\-. C. C. Lewis. . " Klizabeth. and Samuel Northuii, March 1, 1802. " Sainuel, of Zebulon and Mary, and Elizabeth Northup, of Stephen and Martha; m. by Elder Willi:: m Northup, March 1. 1802. " 1 lannah, and Chi'istopher Spem er ; rec. Nov. 22. 1809. " Sarah, and -^— Sweet ; rec. Oct. 1, 1816. " Thomas, of Warwick, R. I., and Mai-y Frances .Sherman, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Kev. Thomas Tew, Aug. 24, 1840. " Daniel, and Elizabeth Coop.r: m. by Rev. J. R. Stone, March 30, 1841. " David, of Samuel, of N. Kingstown', and Mary Alibic Dewey, of Cham- plain, of S. Kingstown; in. by Rev. Edwin Stillman, Feb. 18, 1844. " Stephen, and Mary V, Gardiner; m. by Elder John Slocuui, June 28, 1844. " James M., and Penelope Northup. of Stukoley ; m. by Rev. Jolm H. Rouse, Nov. 0, 1844. " Penelope, and James M. Northup, Nov. 9, 1844. " John, and Mrs. N.-incy Armstrruig. Oct. 19, 1S45. " Amanda F., and William 11. M'rrill, Jan. 21, 1847. " Eunice A., and Thomas H. Babcock, Jan. 21, 1.^47. " Mary F.. and Niehohis S. Spink, Jan. 24, 1850. " Stephen, and Elizabeth A. Willis, Feb. 14, 1850. " Mary, and Daniel Sunderland, June 7, 1850. " Abble O., and George S. Thomas, Sept. 15, 1801. NOYES Thomas W., of Robert F., of S. Kmgstown, and Julia Elmer Allen, of Elder Joseph W. ; m. by Rev. Jonathan Braylon, Sept. 28. 1645. o OATLE'i' Anna, (prob.) and Thomas Hill, Oc<. 20, 1740. " William, and Harriet Turgee ; m. by Rev. Cyrus Wilson, June, 10, 1843. ■OLIN John, Jan., and Sarah Card, of Phillip; m. by George Northup, Justice, Oct. 13, 1705. " Giles, and Ann Reynolds; m. by George Thom:LS, Justice, Dec. 17, 1769. " , and Valentine Wliitman, . ONVON John, Jan., ol N. Kingstown, and Jemima Dick, of Jamestown ; m. by Samuel Thomas, Justice. June 15, 1755. •OSBORNE Rachel, and John Cottrell, Nov. 16, 1752. PAINE Elizabeth, and Jonathan Turner, June 9, 1709. Mary, and WUliam llazelton, a,-'pt. 27, 1710. PARMELENT Wary, and John Briggs, Jun., Dec. — , 1740. PATTERSON Geoi'ge S. A., of James, and Bridget E. Connelly, of N. Kingstown, age 17 years, late of Ireland. PECKHAM Thomas, and Deborah Bmwne ; m. by Rev. James JlcSparran. Oct. 4, 1'22. " Benedict, of Newport, and Elizabeth Eldred, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder James Wlghtman, Sept. 6, 17—. " Elizabeth, and Beriah Eldred, Sept. 7, leOO. 36 VITAL RECUKD OF RHODE ISLAND. PECKHAM Paijence, ami Julin Hall, Aug. "", 1607. " Mary, aud Abr.ibam E. RathbuQ, June 17, 1807. " Mary, and Saimil;-! LUUbridgp, Aug. 18, 1808. " Michael, of Middletown, and Abble C. Lawton, ot X. Kingstown; m. ty Eev. J. A. Tillinghust, Doc. — , 1840. PERKINS Abi-iUiam, .-md Ta.1.itha Nilc-s ; m. by Thomas Mumlotd, Justlw, May 23, 1708. " Abraliam, and Mnrg-aa-et Case; ni. by Rouse Helmc, Jusliee ol Peace, Ju ne 29, 1718. PEREY Mathilda, and Amos Oardiner, Die. 5, 18^4. , and Mary Ausidn ; ni. by Rev. A. .T. Chaplain, Oct. 22, 1847. PHILLIPS (Samuel, of ?amnel, and Elijah-..-,, and Abigail Brown; m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace. — . -1. 173;!. " Mary, and Joseph ; m. by William Spencer, Justice ot Peaci-, Sept. 10. 17 M. " Jolm, and Wilseii ; n/. by Jon Tripp. Justice of Peace, — -. — , 173=). " Elizabeth (widow), aud George Themas, Feb. 0, 1708. Charles, and Dorcas ScraiUon: ii;. by \\illiam Hall, Justice of Peace. Apr. 12, 1761. Thomas, of Samnel, and Deria- Albro. ol Major Samuel, jn. by Samuel Br owning. Justice of Peace, Apr. 23. I7(il. " Sarah, and Jeremiah Wall. Sept. 25. 17t;S. " Thomas, oj Samuel, and Elizalwlh Brown (widowi), dau. of Saniu. 1 Brown; m. by Daniel Hall, Justice ot Peace, Oct. 27, 1776. " Winiam, of William, and Mrs. Martha Albro, widow of Capt. James; m. l)y George Thomas, Jr., Justice of Peace, March 14, 1782. " Mary, and Daniel Eldred, Jau. 10, 1799. " John W., and Abbie A. Himes ; m. l>y Elder John Slocum. " Samuel R., of Richmond, son of Nicholas H., and Hannah M. Hazard, of N. Kingstown, dau. of Stephen, Jan. 9, 1843. " Ezekiel B., of Nicholas H., of Richmond, and Maiia Pierce, of Samuel, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, May 29, 1833. " HeniT A., and Eliza Spinli, Oct. 29. 18i;0. " EUza, and Edw-ard C. Schoonmaker, Oct. 1, 13(55. PIEECE MaiT, and . , 1715. " Benoni, and Siirah Rhodes; m. by -Jeremiah Gould, Assistant, Nov. 10, 1723. " Sarah (widow), and WiUiam Havens, Nov. 21, 1725. " , and Nathaniel Gardiner, Jr., . 23', 1734. " Joseph, of Scitnate, and Reynolds,, of N. Kingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Nov. 3, 1734. " Joshua, and Smith; m. by Elder Da\-ld Sprague, April H'.. 1747. " Elizabeth, and Job Corey, July 30, 1707. " John, and Eunice Briggs; m. by Caleb Hill,, Justice of Peace, March 24, 1771. " Martha, and W'illiara Corey, Sept. 14, 1771. " Sj'lvester, of Joshua, and Martha Warner, ot Samuel; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, .Ian. 26, 1775. " , and Spencer, of Henry; m. by Elder Phillip J< nkins, . — ,. 1777. " Josepli, of Sylvester, dec, and Ann Greene, of John, late ot N. Kings- town ; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Nov. 16, 1784. " Alice, and John Clmdsey, May 9, 1791. EUza.beth, and William Carr, 13, 1794. Lydia, and Matthew Handley, Sept. 22, 1794. " Martha, and Daniel Weeden, Jan. 14, 1796. " Samuel, and Jlaiy Hazard, ot Ephralm, aud Mary ; in. by Eldei- Wil- liam Northup, . — , . " John, of E. Cireenwich, and Freeluve Dyer, of John, of N. King--tow ;i. " DeUverance, and Elisha TlUtnghast, . " William, of N. Kingstown and — »— of Jamestown, Jan. 27, . " Jonatlian, and Margaret , F,.b. 22. . " Nathan, and Abigail Spink; m. by Jeremiah Gould, Assistant, . — , 8—. NORTH KINGSTCJWK MARRIAGES. 37 PIERCE Jolm, of E. Greeni\'icti, ajid Alice Tll'betts, of N. Kingstown, April 13, " Pattey, and Ruwland Cliudsfy, .lune 22, 1803. " William, ol John and Be.tsey Tanner, of Benjamin ; m. by Jolin AJlen, Jus- tice, July 3, 1S03. " Sai'ali, and Wanton Siiencer, July 4, 1811. " Mercy, and Joseph S. Reyaolds, Feb. 4, leiG. " John, of Giles and Desire, and Sai-;ih Urown, of Stulec. 20, 1721. " Nathaniel, of Charlestown, and Mary Aylesworth, of N. Kingstown'; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, Sept. 20, 1739. " Alice, and Joshua Greene, Jan. 1, 1771. " Hannah, and Nicholas Spink, Aug. 12, 1802. :" Patience, and WUllam Roome*(col.), Jan. — , 1849. " William, of North Kingstown, and Nancy Kenyan, of Richmond; m. by Elder James Hammond, Aug. — , 1849. POWELL Mrs. Esther, and ; ni. by Rev. Joseiih Torrey, Oct. 3, 1738. POWERS Iclia,bod, and Mirlbali ; m. by Daniel Coggeshall, Jitstice of Peace, AprU 8, 1733. PRATT Mrs. Susan, and John Greene, June 3, 1779. Q R KANDALL Huldah, and Benjamin Fowler, Oct. 23, 1791. HATHBUN Samuel, of New Shoreham, and ; m. by WUllam Spencer, Justice of Pieace, April 13, 1725. " Obedlah, and Ann' Austin; m. by William Spencer, JiLStice of Peace, Sept. 16, 1731. " Job, and Mai-y Harris; m. by Samuel Dorrance, Justice of Peace, 1, 1737. " WUIliam, and el Sweet ; m. by Job Tripp, Justice of Peace, Dec. 16, 1739. " Sarah, and Abner Wilbour, Feb. 8, 1753. " Thomas, and Ho ; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, , 1758. " , and Imraann'el Case, Jr., Oct. 4, 17G1. 38 VITAL RECORD OF KIIODE ISLAND. EATHBUN Antli.iiiy, of Snmui-L ajjd Elizalieth Broivn, of CLinrles; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Nov. 7, 1771. " Anthony, of SamueL dec, and Penelope Brown, of Charles; m. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, Feb. 18, 1787. Albert C. G.„ of Benjamin, and JIartlia Himes, . Benjamin, and Hannah Canicn.er: ni. by William Hall, Assistant, Oct. 31, -, and AblgaU " Abraham Boiileu, of Joshua, and Jlary Peclvliam, of Benonl ; ra. by George Thomas, Justice of Peace, .lime 10, 1808. " Thomas R., and Lucy Ann Gardiner: m. by Rev. James E. Stone, May 2. 1841. " Mercy, and W. Congdlon. Nov. 8, 1846. " Abble F., and John C. Eldred. June 13. 1847. RAY John, and Rebecca Mott : m. by William Spencer, Justice of Peace, May 19, 1728. " John, and Mary ; m. by Elder Benjamin Harrington, March 6, 1735. EALPII Mary, and Daniel Greene, Jr., .Tan. 0, 1737-8. " Samuel, and Elizabeth Aylesworth : m. by John Reynolds, Justice of Peace, Feb. 10, 1762. " , and Peleg Greene, M . 10, 17G2. " Mary, and John Moss, 8th, 7m. (1725-6). BEMINGTON Elizabeth, and John Kenyon, Jun., July — , 1704. " Hannah, and Thomas Mumford, Jun., Jan. 3, 1705-6. REYNOLDS James, anecca Godfrey ; m. by Caleb Clarke, Justice, Nov. 10, 1762. " Elizabeth, and Thomas Nichols, Sept. 8, 1705. " James, of John, and Alverson. of Daniel, May 4, 1707. " Ann, and Giles Olin, Dec. 17, 1700. " Martha,, and Robert Teirt, ■ -l, 1769. " Sarah, and Thomas Mitch.'ll, Aug. 1, 1709. Walte, and Benjamin Brown, Oct. 17, 1771. , and William WaU, Nov. 17, 1771. " Francis, of John, and Mis. Martha Tibbetts, of George, dec. ; m. by Calel)- HilL Justice ot Peace, Oct. 25, 17T2. XOETH KlNGSTc )\VN JIAKRL\GES. 39 REYNOLDS Mary, aiitl Abraham Greene, Jmii, 0. 1774. " Esth.T, and WUllani lleynelds, J m. ■j:i, 1774. " Wllluim, of John, of Peter, ami E.sther Reynolds, of .lohii, of Jatrns: m. by George Tlioinas, .lusiice of Peace. Jan. 'j:!, 1774. " Jabez. of N. Kins.stown, and Sybel Keias, of Wariviek ; m. liy Daniel HaU, Justice of Peace, March 14. 1'. 7!>. " Miiry, and Stuyhen Jyorthup, Ni.\ . is, 17yi. " , and Saaiuel Watson, Jl^iy -21. 17S4. " Henry, and Mary Fones ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, May 15, 178.5. " Gardiner, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Davis, of Benjamin, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Jn^tic< of Peace, Ajir. 23, 17.'3r), " Mary, and Jolin Smith, Oct. Hi. 17!)1 . " John, and Mary Hall; ni. by Geoige Tlionias, Jnstice of Peace. March. 17, 17!)2. " Eldred, of John, of X. King-town, and Esllier Corey, of Slieffield. of W. Green-wich: m. by Elder Xathan Hill. April 26, 1792. " Dorcas, and Brownen Nichols. March (•. 1794. " ADna, and Joseph Casey, March 31, 1799. " Jonathan, of P. ter. and Mary T.niner, of William, Sipt. 4, . " Hannah, and Tliomas'G. Boooe, . " , of .l.onalhan, and . ol' Rnfns; m. by George Thomas, Justice ot Peace, . " Stephen, of John, and Al.airail f ttrell, of Samuel; m. by Eber Sherman, Justice of Pence. . 3. . " Deborah, and Jeremiali Balier. J n. 9. . " Hannah, and Samiel frandall. Pec. 12.. . " M.-^ry, and Thomas Benlley. May 20, . " Ann. and John Avleswoi-ih. April 19. . " Ste]>hen P... of William J., and Harriet C. tJardiner, Ang. 7, . " Anne, of Jonatlian and Anstis, .and ; m. by Elder Wra. Northup, " Jonathan, and Mary Sjiinlc, of Nirliolas. Jan. 20, 1R0-. " , daughter of Peter, and Foni'S. ot James, Dec. 23, . " Jobn, of Benjamin, and Po'ly Ayleswoith, of Ailibur; m. by Elder WLUlam Northup, Sf'pt. 20, 1801, " Jonathan, of William, and Mary Spink, of Nicholas; m. by George Tllomas, Justice of Peace. Jan. 20, 1S03. " Elizabi-th, atid Beriah Eldred, A;iril 27, 1807. " William, of Benjamin and Susannah, and Susan Nichols, of Samuel and Mary; m. by Elder William Northup, Oct. 23, 1808. " PhcbB, and Elisha Clarke, Aug. 5, 1810. " Mary Ann, and Benj. T. Clai'ke. Jan 14, 1811. " Joseph S.. of Eldred, and >Iary PHei-ce, of Sylvester; m. hy Elder Gersbam Palmer, Feb. 4, 131 (i. " John J., and Hannah Congdon : m. by Kev. James R. Stone, April 9, 18—. " Helena M. W., and Abial Sjierman. Sept. 11, 1S28. " Mary M., and Vincent Gardiner. .Tan. 18. 1829. " Alniira Amanda, and Boone S2)ink, Jr., Sept. 14, 1840. " Hannali A. U., and Thomas G. Pry. Feb. 13. 1841. " Capt. James J., and Sally S. Baker; m. by Rev. James K. Stone, March 2, 1S41. " Sarah, and James Durgan. -Vpril 29. 1841. " Elizalaeth Frances, and Harrison G. O. GardiTier, July IS, 1841. " Mary Nichols, and C+ideon G. Congdon, /Dec. 14. 184ij. " Hannah B., and WUliam E. Chase, Oct. 3, 1848. " Mrs. Sai-ab. and Ebenezer Brown. April 23, 1850. " Mary A., and Tillingliast : rec. 27, 1830. RHODES Sariih, and Benoni Pierce, Nov. 10, 1723. " Capt. Samuel, and Sarab BOone ; ni. l)y WiUiarji Spene«r, Justice of Peace, ber 0. 1724. " ^, and W.Uiam Utter, Jan. — . 1743. RICHARDSON EUzabeth, and Jetfrey Allen, Mareli 3, 177(5. " Bc-'njamin, and Elizabeth Hill ; m. I y George Thomas,. Jnstice of Peace, Dec. 1, . 40 WTAh RECORD OK RHODE ISLAND. ^ RIELY , Of J— E— , of N.'-wport, niid 11— liiiclu'll. of Ciin.liih- M— ; m. by Rev. C. C. Lewis, .luly 7. lb.-)0. KOniNSON Hunnah, and Thonius Mumford. Jr. (sliould be Eemlngloii). Jliy 3, 1704. " John, and Mary Hazard. Oct. 10. 1704. Elizabeth, and William Brown. Nov. 2. 1707. Mary, and George Mumford. Aug. 7, 1709. " Mercy, and John Potter, Jr., Oi-t. -8„ 1714. " Lewis, of Relioboth, Mass.. and Mar^eret Swan, of X. King^^town ; in. by Ko bert Hall,! Justice of Peace, .luly 29, 17(39. RODMAN Elizabeth, and George Llppitt, July 22, 1835. RODS Penelope, and fiarJield, May 4, 1729. EOYf;BS Ed-ward, of Westerly, and Rebecca Biindy. of E. Ureenw'ich : m. by Benja mln Weight, JiLstioe of Peace, July 1(3, 1739. B0. " John, ot John, and Eleanor Si>lnl;, of Joseph : m. by William Hall, Jus- tice, Sept. 30, 175tJ. " Martha, and Reynolds, Nov. 28. 1757. " Ebenez.er, of Ebonezer, and Sarah Casey, of Gideon; m. by George Thomas (of Samuel), Justice. Oct. 11. 1772. " Margaret, and (Joorge Arnold, April 20, 177.^. " John, of Ebe-iezer, aiul Mary Cooper, of James; m. by Elder PliUlip Jenldns, Dec. 5, 1779. " .Mary, and Charles Dicln. Dec. 20, 17.s2. " Ebenezer, of William, of N. Kingstown, and Maor Gwilliani, la.te of Europe; m. by Elder Phillip Jenldns, Jan. 1, 1788. " F.llzabeth, and Samuel Gardlnc'i;, ilarch 2-1, 17,-=:9. " Mary (widow), and Stephen Norlhup. Jan. 10, 1793. " Jonathan, .-uid Elizabeth Cliadsey ; m. by Elder Pliilip enUins. rec. Jan. 30, 1704. Jlary, and Edwaid C. Gardiner. Dec. 9, l"i'9< Freelove, and Joseph Morey, Oct. 21, -'—t-M'^ " Mrs. Ann S., and Jolin A. Shaw . " Ann, and William Nortliu]. . — . 17—. George Wasliin:!ton, ot JoliU ai d Mary, and Anstis Thomas, of Benjamin and Anstis; m. l>y Elder William Northup. Jan. 9, 1.S00. " Mar— Anstis, and Gilliert Mott, June Ml. 1844. " l harles A., of William R., and Elizjibeth A. Barber, . SMITH John, Jr., and Mercy Wescott . m. by Joliu Eldred,, asslslant. Jan. S, 170S. " Mercy, and William Barber, March 22„ 1710. " Abigail ('.vidiiW), and Peter Tonr'jee, April 5, 1722. " Joseph, and Mary Fones ; ni. by William Spencer. Justici., Dec. 18, 1724. " Sarah, and John Weight. Feb. 27, 1728. " Phillip, and Sarali Uriggs ; m. by William Spen 'er. Justice. • — , 1730-1. " Simon, and Sarah Co—; m. by Beni:unln Weight, Justice, Nov. — , 1739. " Ephralm, of S. Kingstown, and Boone, or N. Kingstown, Feb. 4, 1741. " (Maiy). and James Huling, Feb. 3, 174.5. " , and Joshua Pierct April IR, 17.17. " Ichabod. ot Jamestown, and Haunali Nichols, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Samtjel Albro. Nov. 2.">, 1759. " PrecUla, and John TourgO''. Nov. 5, 1761. " Benjamin, ut N. Kingstown, and Ruth Frarers, of S. King.stown ; m. by Heflry Giardincr. Justice. Dec. 10, 1761. " Patience, and Benedict Eldred. — , 1764. " ElizaU4h. and Tliomas Sr.ntli, Sept. 14, 1766. " Ih.mias. ana Kllz'beth .Smith: m. by George Thomas, Justice. Sept. 14, 1700. " Margaret, and Samuel .Boone, Jan. 7, 1767. " Ablgitil, and John Corey, Nov. 7, 1773. " Catherine, and William Collins, June 3. 1779. " Eleanor, and Pearces Austin, Oct. 21, 1779. " Stephen, and Patience Spooner : m. by c;eorge Thomsis, Justice. July — , 1780. " —'-^. and Siimuel Lawton, May 8, 1781. " Barbary (widow), and Job Card, June 5, 1782. " Precilla, and Jolm Austn, Dec. 11, 1783. " Benjamin, and JIary Austin. .lune 8. 1788. " John, of William, dec, of N. Klngsto-wn, and Mary Reynolds, of Ben- jamin, of Bxeter ; m. by Elder L'liiilip Jenlans, Oct. 16, 1791. " John, of Benajali and Ruth, and Elizabeth Rose, of James and Tliank- ful; m. by Elder Wdliam NA\n ; m. by Wil- liam Spencer, JiLStice, JIarcli — , 1739. " John 3d, of E. Greenwich, and Susannah Reynolcis, of N. Kingstown; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, 8, 1741. ■' Elizabeth, and Kemiegt^m Spencer, Feb. 27, 1757. ■' Remington, and EllzaU'th Spencer, Feb. 27, 1757. •' Nathaniel, of William, and Eliza, of E. Greenwich, and Susannah Brlggs, of , [ind Mary ; m. by C'hristoplier Spencer, Justice, Marcli 16, 1758. Nicholas, of E. '".reeiiwlch. and .Abigail Hall, of N. Kingstown; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice, . — , 1703. •' Elizabeth, and John Tibbotts ; recoi-ded Aug. 3, 1707. " John, of 10. Greenwich, and Fonies, of Daniel, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Thomas, Justice; recorded Aug. 3, 1767. " Thoniiis, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Austin, of N. Kingstown; m. by W'llllam HaU, Justice, Oct. 15, 1767. " , and Havens, Apiil 5. 1770. " Chrlsloplier, and Patience ; m. by Joliu Northup, Justice, June 24, 1773. " Ebenezer, ol John, and Lucy H;ill. of William: ni. by George Thoma?, Justice, July 9, 1775. " • , and Pierce. — , 1777. " Elizabeth, and Silas Brigss, Much 2i;, 1780. " OVilliara). and Mary Allen: m. by Elder James Wightman. Oct. 22, 1781. " Peleg, of E. Greenwich, aTid Hiiinah Greene, of .lohn, of N. Kingstown; m. by George Tliomas, Jtistii e, 14, 1783. " Audrey, and .Samuel Haley, Aug. 25, 1791. " Anna, and Jeremiah Aylesworth, — , 1793. •' Lydia, and Nathaniel ..-ipinlc. June 1, 1798. " Ruth, and John Spencer, May 28, . " John, and Ruth Spencer; m. by Benjamin Nichols, Justice, May 28, . " John, of Christonlier, and Hann- h Manchester; m. by WUiiam Hall, Jus- tice, Fob. 17, . " Mercy, and Alexander Nichids. July 13. -^. " Ellzabetli, and Benjamin Welglit. , l.SOl. " Ellzabetli, and Gef>rge Chadsey ; recorded April 21, 1804. " Henry, of William and Mary, and Ann Brown, of Willlaiu and Ann ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, July 10. 1806. Christopher, and Hannali Northup; m. liy Elder WiUiam Northup; re- corded Nov. 22, 1809. " Wanton, of William and Mary, and Sarah merce, of -Sylvester and Mar- tha: m. by Elder John Gardiner, July 4, 1811. " Mary, and Stephen Congdon, Jan. 17, 1814. " Alice Allen, and Robert Gaddle, May 4, 1845. SPINK Hannah, and Thomas Jackwise. Oct. 24, 1725. " Eleanor, and John Slocum. Si'!>t.-:iO. 17o(;. " Sarah, and John Greene, Dec. -'4, 1758. " Rebecca, and Matthew Cooper. April 1. 17(i3. " Mai-y, and Stukeley Wcsteott. Jan. 22, ]7f)4. " (llajinaJi), and Joshua. Dayls, May IS, 17iii). 44: viTAi, i;k,c()1;i) of kikide island. SPIXK Al.igail, iuwl Joshiua : m. by R..).rrt UM. .lustico. Oct. -, 1709. " Jlnrgarpt, and Job Mattesoii, DiC. 15. 177:;. .Tobn, of John, and -ary Wi-pdi'n, of Danifl : m. by Eldur I'bmip JenJdns, May -29, 1774. " John, of Samni-1. dw.. and Lyriia Kldrcd. of Josi-ph : m. by George Tbomas. .liisticc, D"C. 27. 177S. " Lucy, and John Northup, 1, 17^3. " Desire (Deliverance) Ann. and Andrew Haling, Oct. 28, 178i. " Sarah, and Thomas Eldred, 24, 17'.)0. Samuel, of Ishmeal, and Elizabeth Arnold, of Samuel; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 20, 1798. " Nathaniel, of Ishmeal, ot N. Kingstown, and Lydia Spencer, of George, of E. Greenwich ; m. by Nathaniel Spink, Justice, June 1, 170S. " Ann, and Samuel Bissell, Dec. 15, 1798. ' " Abigail, and Nathan Pierce, . " Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, and Jean ; ni. liy George Thomas, Jus- tice, April 7, . " John, and Sarah Tibbetts : m. by Jeremiah Gciidd, Justice, (Aug.) 22, (1725). " Nicholas, of John, and (Ann) Uoone, of Samuel (and Mary). (July 20, 1769). " Mary, and Jonatihan Reynolds, Jan. 20, 1803. " Nicholas, Jr., of Nicholas and Anna, and Hannah Potter, of Robert and Hannah; m. l>y Elder William Northup, Aug. 12, 1802. " Boone, of Nicholas and Anna, and Nancy Tennant, of George and Tabltha ; m. liy Elder William Nnrthup, April 15, 1803. " Ishmeal, of Ishmeal and Waity. and Ruth Dyer, of Samuel and Walty ; m. by Elder William Northup. March 19, 1804. " Arnold, of Warwick, R. I., and Phebe Essex, of do.; m. by George Tll- llngbast. Justice, Nov. 3, 1812. ' " Samuel, of and Waity, and Ilannnh Eldred, of Weeden and Mercy; m. by Elder WiUiam Norlhup ; recorded Jan. 8, 1814. " Oliver, and A%-ls Ann Smitli, of l^cnjamin : m. by Elder Gershora Palmer, Jan. 28, 1827. " , and Congdon ; recorded June — , 1821. " Nicholas N., and Huldah A. Weeden; m. by Rev. B. C. Grafton, July 12, 1837. " Samuel, and Ann Cranston, Nov. 9, 1837. " Boone, Jr., and Almlra Amanda Reynolds ; m. by Rev. James R. Stone, Sept. 14, 1840. " Margery, and Hazard C. Walson, t>ct. 10, 1842. " Abble Ann, and Benjamin H. Cong'don,, Feb. 12, 1844. " Eliza Ann, and Thomas C<)ngdon. Dec. 15, 1845. " Daniel, Jr., of Daniel, and Harriet Brown, ot Daniel : m. by Elder Joseph W. AUen. Oct. 25, 1347. " Frances, and Jonathan C. Waile, Jan. 1, 1849. " Nicholas .S., and Mary F. Nurthu]); m. by Elder J. A. Tillingliast, Jan. 24, 1850. " Avis Ann, and William Brown, Fel>. 11, 1350. " Eliza, and Henry A. Plilllips, Oct. 29, 18(;0. ' " Silas, and Phebe J. Luther, Jan, 3, 16(;2. " Hannah C, and Charles L. Wightman, Feb. 5. 1860. ePOONER Patience, and Sty Elder Jolin Gorton, Feb. — , 1762. STONE Rachel, and ; m. by WUliam Spencer. Justice, , 1731. STRAIGHT John, and Sarah Crowell ; m. by WUliam Hall, Justice, Nov. 19, 1721. " Henry, and , July 5, 1733. " Joseph, and Mary Card; m. by Elder Benjamin llarnngton. May 15, 1735. " Roseanna, and John Cutter, Oct, 23, . " John, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Sunderland, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Benjamin Weight, June 17, . y NURTII KIXGSTiiWX MARKL\GES. 45 STREETEK Aljliie N., and -UfxandcT (x. (ii-nif, . STEETSON Lydla, and Authony Hathaway, Aug. 7, l.soS. ST Hannali, and Robei-t Wesfcolt, . ! STUART Bi.'lsfy, and T]»omas R. Congdon, 10, 1789. Thankful, and Stephen Cuiigdon. Juih' 24, 1793. " Cyrus H., and Jane Gorton, . SUNDERLAND ilargaret, and Austin. Oct. n:,. 17io. " Elizabeth, and John Straight, Jujie 17, . " Amie, and Uardirun-, Jan 2-J. 1844. " Daniel,, and Mary Northup, June 7, 1850. SWAN Margaret, and Lewis Robinsou. July -20, 17C.0. SWEET Richaid, and Elizabeth Jacques: m. by William Hall, Justice. March 8, 1704. " Ann. and —,-' — Wighluian, Feb. 12. 1720. " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Couedon. Nov. 22, 1722. " Sarah, and Isaac Tripp, June — , 1729. " Alice, and John West. March --, 17.30-31. " Ruth, and Nathanu'l Niles. . 3, 1731. " John, and Hannah Gaidluer; m. by George Thonia-;, Justice, March — , 173S-4. " James, ol' Kingstowue. and Aim Weeden. of Newport : in. by Juli Tripp, Justice, .July (i, 1734. " Bridget , and James Wlghtman, Sept. o, 1734. " . and Solomon Ceaser (col.),, Dec. 12, 1735. " Janu'S, and Sarah Daley: m. by Peter Boss. Justice, 4, 373t;. '' . and Mercy Sweet; ni. by Si mud Corey, Justice, June ~, 1737. '• Mercy, aiul Sweet, June — , 1737. '• —el. and WUllnm Ilallibun, Dir. Hi. 173D. Catherine, and Nichnl:is Whitfoid, • 1, 1730. '• Benonl, Jr., and Isabel. 10, 173—. Job, of James, and Sarah Kiugsley, of Joliu : ni. by S.Limiel Tli laias. Jus- tice, 18, 1753. '■ Mary, and Sylvester Slierman. .Inly li;. 17.58. '■ —am, and William Shernuui. Jan. 2.'s 7750. Steiiheii, and Mary Con.gtlon ; m. by i:i(ter Jti.incs Wi^ljlinan, Jan. 2^. 177i;. Wailc, and George Wightnian, June Ki, 177(i. Lucy, and Job Tibbctts, Oct. 4, 17S1. " Godfrey, of Uapt. Sanniel, of Newport, and :\Irs. llenrella Wit ry, of John, of N. King.stown : m. by Gecu-ge Tiioinas, Justice. I>.t 1'!. 1704. " (widow), and Jieniy Congdon, 29, 1795. Job, and Jeminui Shernutn ; m. by Jtimes Gardiner. Justice. . Stephen, late of Charlestown, and Anne Austin; m. Ijy Nieholis Gardi- ner. Justice, Dec. 16. 17—. " Mercy, and John Clevielaiul, . 4, . . of and Ann, and Sarah NortlKip of and 3Iar> . ni. by Elder William Nortliup; recorded Oct. 1, 1816. '• Sally, and Charles Leach, March 16. 1813. '■ Abbie A . and James Burlingame, Dec. lo, 1847. Edwin A. ot Johnson. R. I., and Mrs. Mercy F. Harvey, of N'. Kings- town ; m. by Eldier John Slocum, May 28. 1848. I TAHciU (widow.i, and Kob,u-t Sherman, March 25, 1768. TALFOI4D Margery, and John .Xortliui), Hoc. 25, 1771. TANNER John, and Susannah West, of Frances; m. by William Hall. Ju! tice. May 9. 1723. '• Willitim, ami Eli;',aliell: Keynolds; m. by William Sjiencer. .lustiee, M Lrcli — , 1729. rienjamin, and Abig.iil Tripp: m. by .lob Tripp, Justice. July 21. ]7:;4. Payineu, and Mary HUl ; m. t>y George Tibbctts, Justice, .Ian. — , 1737-8. " , and Edward 'Treene, .\prii 28, 1739. Anis, and Charles ; n.. by William Hill. Jn-tice. .Inn. — . l-iit. 46 VITAL RECOKD OV RHODE ISLAND. TANNER Frances, and Roscamaa Hont : ni. by ^Villklm Hall. Justlco, Feb 1, 1701. " Mercy, and Josliua C anil no-. F.-b. i-, ITijy. '• Mary, and John liriggs. Di'r. 2b, 1763. lienjamln, and Sarah Aylt'swof tb, or Arlliur; m. by Caleb Hill, Juodce, — , 17'>i) " Nathan, and Patience AiwHn; ni. by William Hall, Justice, Fob. 33, 1768. '■ Anne, and William Brown, S-pt. -, 1708. Ruth, and CUristopher Jenkins, Sept. 26, 1770. " ral7ner, of Benjamin, and Margii-et Austin, of James; m. by Elder Natban Hill. »ee. 17, 1769. " Benjamin, ot Benjamin and Sarab. and Rebecca Fones, of Jobn and Ruth : m. by Elder William Nor. Imp, Sept. 25, 17U0. " Slary, and Junatban Reynolds. Sept. 4, . " Betsey, and Williajn Pierce, July 3, 1S0:J. Benjamin, of I'almer, and Hunt, of WUliam ; m. by Rev. Thomas Man- chester, Apill 16, ItolS. " James, of N. Kingstown, son of l':Umer, and Elizabeth Nason, of Dartd, of Newport; m. by Samuel Hunt, Justice, Oct. 14, ISlii. " Margeret C, and Edmunil A. BrowTi, March 25, 1849. TABBOX Ruth, and Dani.-l Bidelcome, AprU 27, 1700. .^ TAYLOR Ruth, and Gerjige Waile, J.m. 0, 1820. " Mercy A.,, and Pardon M. Arnold, Dec. 23, 1345. " Lydia S., and Samuel ('. King Aug. 9, 1.S44. " CJara, II., and George Leroy Cliamplain, — , 1847. " John, and Leucy Ann Watson; ni. by Elder Preserved Gre,ene, July 13, 1843. " George S., and Abble O. Northup ; m. by Rev. A. B. Flanders, Sept. 15, 1861. THUKIiER Mary, and Alexander Brown, Jan. 2, 171)0. THURSTON Mrs. Hannah, and Capt. Daniel Congdon. Jan. 24, 1707. " Adam M., of Westport, Mass., and Lucy C. Harvey, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder John Slocum, Aprl 2, 1848. " jMfred, o: Geoige, of Rhode Island, and Wary E. Haten, of Warwick, R. I.; m. by ICev. 0. C. Lewis, May 12, 1849. TIBBETTS (John), of Hi.'nry, and Elli.abelti Haxzard; m. at E. Greenwich, . 7, 1705. " Ann, and Inimnnuel Northup, May 4, 1721. " Martha, and John Reynolds, Nov. 2, 1721. Henry, of George, and Hannah Reynolds, of John; m. by Robert Hall, Justice, Nov. 3, 1734. " Dorcus. and Joseph Reynolds, May 23, 1756. " George, and Susannah Wall ; m. by Robert HrOl, Justice, Dee. 11, 1760. " Nathaniel, of George, dec., and Waite Wall, or Henry ; m. by Georgle Northup, Justice, Feb. 15. 176(). " John, of Henry, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Spencer, of John, of Warwick: m. by Caleb Hill, Justice; repordjed Aug. 3, 1767. " Mrs. Martha, and Francis Reynolds, Oct. 25, 1772. '■ Job, of , and Lucy Sweet, of James; ni. by George Thomas, Justice, Oct. 4, 1781. " Alice, and Jolin Pierce, April 13, . " Elizabeth, and Thomas HUl, . " Sarah, and John Spink, Aug. 22, 1725. " Mary, and Caleb Greene, Jan. 24, TILLINGHAST John, of E. Greeii^rich. and Thomas, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Thomas HUl, Justice, Sej)t. 21, 1742. " John, i!i!d Mercy Greene, of Oavid ; m. by Jellrey Watson, Justice, Feb. 14. 17.54. " Thomas, of Phillip, of E. Greenwirli. and Mary Hill, of Thomas, of N. Kings- town ; ra. by Elder John Ciorlon, Aug. 27, 1762. " Nancy, and George Siwncer, Sfept. 3, 1780. " Elisha, and Deliverance Pierce, of E. Greenwich, . " , and Alice Thomas. . " Joseph R.. of PhiUip, and Anne Tillinphast, of John and Ruth. July 31, 180—. " Anne, and Joseph R. TUlinghasI, July 31, 180—. " George, of George and Mary, and Susan Eldred. of Robert and .Sarah; ni. by Elder William Norlhup. Sept. 4, 1806. " Anne, and TiUinghast, rec. Nov. 27, 1815. 48 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Til LINU1I\ST , of Benjamin ajul Ann, of E. Groenwich, and Anne TUlingliast, of PhUlip and >-i-ancfs, of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder William Northup, rec. Nov. -", ISLj. Harriet E.. and I'ardon A. TlUiiigliast. March 3. 1650. Pardon, and Harri.'i E. TUlin!;ha^t, both of E. Greenwich ; m. by Rev. Alfred H. Ta\lor. March 3, 1850. , of Sterling. Conn., son of George, and Mary A. Reynolds, of Kich- mond. dau^ of Robert ; m. by KeV. C. G. Lewis, recorded -JT, 1850. TOI.JIAN Mary, and Rufus Northnp. iJIarch 30. 1708. " , . and Thomas Cutter, rec. .Inly S. 1703. TOOTH^CKERf^amiiel AUen. of Charles, of Glvmsford. Miuss.. and Eli/a b, th Brown, of Daniel, of N. Kliigbt >wn : m- by Elder Joseph W. Allen, JiUy 20. 1838. i-CTTRGES Peter, of I'rndi'noe Island, and Mary Smith, of AbigaU. widow of \VU- liara, dec. .\pril o. \7-22. " AbigaU. and I'.enjamin Dimond. Sept. 27. 1753. John, .ind Priscllla Smith: m. by Joseph Coggeshall, Justice, Nov. 5.1761. '■ Peter. Jr.. and Hridget Hill: ni. by Elder James Wightman, Dee. 0, 1775. '■ Patience, and Jonathan L-wis. Feb. 7, 1770. " Prudence, and William Hunt. F^ b. 4. 17.S3. •■ Harriet, and William Oatley. J ne 19, 1843. Jlrs. Harriet; and Charles F. Dyre, July 21, 1.945. Thomas M.. of N Kingstown, and Melissa Porter, of New Y..rk : m. by Rev. Daniel Aver\ . July 27, 1845. •• Henry S., of Phillip and Peggy, and Elizabeth Congdon, of G.'orge and Patience: m. by Rev. A. J. Chaplain. Nov. 13. 1848. John F., .and Martha F. Shippee : ni. by Elder John Slocum, Aug. — . 1800. TRIPP Peleg, of S. Kingstown, and Mary Gardiner, of N. Kingstown : m. by WU- 11am SiK-ncer. Justice, J 28. 1728. '• Mary, and John Dawley, . 1, 1729-30. " .Vnn, and Robert Moon, Jan. — , 1729. Isaac, and Sarah Sweet: m. by William Spencer, Justice, June — , 1729. Abigail, and Penjamin Tanner, July 29, 1734. , and Deborah Cleaveland, of Exeter, March 8, 1743'. William, and Mary leaches; ni. by Job Tripp, Justice, — , . TRoWIUUUtiE Alice, and . Jnsiiec>, A' ril — . 1709. TUCKER Abigail, and Thomas Eldred, Oct. 12, 1727. , and Sally I>. Waitc. of Jos -pb and Mary ; m. by Re.v. A. j Clia;)- 1am. rec, April 5, :.847. Benjamin P., and Sarah F. Cranslon, . TCHNF.R Jonathan, and EUzabeth Pain.-, June 9. 1709. u UNDKRWOOD Ruth, and Cahh ,UU'n. . '■ Harriet, and Josejih Shaw, May 1. 1843. riDIKE Hannah, and Thomas Hazard. May — . 1738. Daniel E.. and Elizabeth Wall; m. by Elder PbiUip Jenkins, Feb. 3. 1788. Sarah, and David Hagan. Feb. 10. 1807. VITEK lAnnI, of William, of Warwick. R I., and (Ik-njaminI Greene, et N. Kings- town, Jaji. or June — . 1743 4. V.VLI.ETT Jeremiah, of N. Kingstown, and Anne Bissell, of John, of do.; m. by Immanuel Northup, Justice, Dtc. 27, 1753. VArc.HN Isaac, and ; m. by Daniel Coggesball, Justice, Feb. 14, 1730. Mai'y, and James Congdon, .March 30, 1732. '• Merabah, and ; ui. by WilUam Spencer, Justice, Jan, — , 1730. '• Jonathan, of Isaac, and Elizabetli Gould ; m. at E. Gi-eenwicb by Thomas Aldiich, .rustiee, Jan. 1, 175i>. " John, and Sarah Havens; ra. by William Hall, Justice, .\pril 9. 1701. " Mary, and John Whitford, Jr., March 22, 1707, " Rulh, and NaihanieJ Lovell, Nov. 1, 1772. NORTH KINGSTOWN MAHEIjVGES. 4'9 VAUGHN Sanih (widow), and Henry Congdon, Feb. S, 1787. " Eoyal. of N. Kingstown, son of Robfrt, of E. Greenwich, nuil Adelaide Anthony, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Natlian Hill, Aug. 17. 179;^ " Jonaflian, and JIary Austin; m. by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, J:m. 11, 1796. " , of Warwick, R. I., and Aliial S., of William, of N. Kingstown. " Elizabeth, and Stukeley Hiraes, Jan. 13, 1803. " ElizabeUi, and Jeremiah Carpenter, Feb. 5, IBOfi. " Pardon, of Robert, of W. Greenwich, and Sarah <'ai'i>eiiter. of Ephraim, of S. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Thomas Manchesler, Jlanb 4, 1809. " Elizabeth R., and Isaac K. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1841. w WAIT Susannah, and Moses Barber, J[:irch 22, 1091-2. WALL Henry, and Hannah Gould; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, 13. 1742. " Hannah, and John AUen, — , 1743. " . and Joseph Congdon, Jan. 10, 1754. " Susannah, and George Tibbetts, Dec. 11, 1760. " Waite. and Nathaniel Tibbetts, Feb. 15, 1760. " Jeremiah, of Henry, and Sarah Phillips, of Capt. Christopher; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Sept. 25, 1708. " William, of Henry and R-ynolds, of John ; m. liy Eld.-r Phillip .Tonkins, Nov. 17, 1771. " Mary, and Samuel Nichols, March 16, 1783. " Elizabeth, and Daniel E. Updike,, Feb. 3„ 1788. " Samuel, and ; m. by Francis Chappell, Justice, Noy. 29, 1818. " Daniel., of Jeremiah, and Elizabeth C. Hiscox, of Thomas J.; m. by Rev. John H. Rouse, Feb. 3, 1849. WALMESLEY Sarah, and William Ceaser (colored),, March 25, 1768. WANTON , anid Dorcas Aylesworth ; m. by Cliristopher Siiencer, Justice, Feb. 27, 1758. WARNER Anna, and (Samuel) Brown, April 24, 1707. '• Martha, and Sylvester Pierce, Jan. 26, 1775. " Susannah, and Phineus Jenkins, JiUy 19, 1787. " , and Anne Allen, Dec. 13, ^-^. ■ " Ruth, and James Cooper, -8, . WART Benjamin, of Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, nnd Mary Clarke, of Thomas and Sarah, of N. Kingstown; m. by Eldrr WiUhim Northup, Jan. 24, 1805. WATV50N, Mai-y. and Edward Slocum, Aug. 20. 1741. " Dorcas, and ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Aus. l:i, 1736. " Frances, and Moses Slocum, Aug. 21, 1746. " Hannah, and Joshua Allen, St-pt. 13. 1750. " oamuel, and ReyiiohLs, of .'o , dec.; m. by George Thomas, Justice, May 21, 1784. " Sarah, and Amos Gardiner, Jan. 7. 1794. " Samuel, and Hann.ah' ; m. by Benja.mln Weight, Justloe. March 14. . " John, and Abigail Eldred; m. by Elisha Cole. Assistant. JIareb 14, . " .Sylvester, of Benjamin, dec. and Abigail Hall, of Slocum. dec: m. by George Thomas. Juslice. June—. 1802. " Mrs. Patience, and Alexander Gardiner, Nov. 2.'., 1802. " John, of A\Tieeler, of Windham, Greene Co., N. V.. and L. Watson. of John and Mary, of S. Kirgstown; m. by Elder William Northup ; rec. May 23. 1831. " L., and John Watson; rec. May 23, 1831. " Hazard C. and Margei-y Spink; m. by Eld. John Slocum. Oct. 10. 1842. " Lucy Ann, and John Thomas, July 15, 1849. WEAVER William, of E.ast Greenwich, and ■ ; m. by George Tibbetts, Justice, 27, 1735. " Mary, and Samuel Hunt. May 2, 1762. " Waitey. and Heni-y Congdon, Feb. 5. 1.^1 6. WEBB Goorgo. and Ma,i-y Hannah; m. by Clirist,ripber AUen. Justice, April 21, 1708. John, and Joanna Telft; m. by Kouse llelme, Justice, April 28, 1721. (Vlt. Rec, Vol. 5.) 4 50 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. VVEEEF.N Ann, and Jamps Sweet. July 6, 1734. William, and Fowler ; m. by William Hall, .lustice, Nov. -, 1735. " Martha and — Eldred. April — . 175'.). « ay, and Jolin Spink;. May 29, 1774. William, or Daniel, of .lamestown, and Maxgeret Brc.wn, ol John, of N King.^town; m. by George Tlioma?, Justice, March 2!), 1781. Arnold, of Jamestown, a.id Xaney Gardiuej- of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder i\:'tLan Hill, Nov. 16, 1783. " Daniel, of John, of S. Ivlngstown. and Martha Plerco, of Mercy, of N. Kingstown; m. by Elder Phillip Jenkins, Jan. 11. 1790. " Feltg. of Benjamin and Susar.nah, and Mary FowLer, of Benjamin and Freelove ; m. by Elder WUliam Northup, , 5, 1803. " Freelove N., Olid Gideon Freebome, Nov. 13, 1825. " Merchant, of Daniel and Penelop? D. Aylesworth ; ni. by Elder Pardon TiUingh,a.st ; rec. Feb. 14. 18i:9. " Hudlah A., and Nicholas N. Spink. July 12, 1837. " Samuel, and Eliza Hazard; iii. by Elder David Avery , March 13, 1844. " Ann. and Benjamin Anthony. May IS, 1845. WEIGHTMAN John, and Jane Benlley, Jan. (i, 1700. " (Valentine), and Susannah Holmes ; m. by William Hall, Justice--. Feb. 17, 1702-3. " Sarah, and WlUtfoi-d. — , 1722 3. " , and Ann Sweet : m. by WiUlam Hall, Assistant, Feb. 12, 1729. " John, and , of Newport; m. by Job Lawton, Justice, June 4, 1729. " James, of John, and Bridget Sw. et, of Samuvl ; m. by Robert Hall, Jus- tice, Sept. 5, 1734. " Deborah, .ind John Reynolds, 22, 17o9. " Paul, and Hannah Whitman; m. by George Tlmm.is, Justice, June 2:'.. 1772. James, of Valentin,-?, and Mercy farr, o[ C'ab'b ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Feb. 1, 1776. " George, of N. Kingstown, and Waile Sweet, of E. Givjenwich ; m. by Elder James Wightnian, June Hi, 1776. " Frederic, of George, Jr., and Sarah Br , of Samuel : in. by Elder Phil- lil> Jenkins, April 19, 1778. " Mary, and James Booiij?, April 19, 1778. " Elii^abeili. and George Fowler, Dec. 10. 1781. " Patty, and Benjamin Cole, Nov. 2, 1783. " Elizabeth, and Robert Havi'iis. , . " Alice, and Job Harrington, Jane 8, 1722. Alnilra W., and Heniry T. Chadsey, June 13, 1830. , and ; m. by Elder Joseph W. Allen, Sept. 4, 1833. " Mary G., and Horace J. Sliiiipee, March 8, 1S47. " Sarah B., and Beriah H. Lawton, Nov. 4, 1847. " Suraii W., and Edwin Montgo.nery. April — , 1850. '• Charles L.. and Hannah C Spink, Feb. 5, 1806. WEltniT . :uid Elizabeth Shetheld; iii. by William Spencer, Justice, Get. 17, 1717. John, and ."^arah Smith: ni. by Willialu Silencer. Jastice, Feb. 27. 1728. " . ami Abig-aU Hull; m. by William Spencer, Justice, — — . '• Joseph, Jun.. and Elizabeth, Doc. 29. . " Benjamin, of r.eiijamin, and S.uah, of Exeter, and Elizabeth .Spencer, of William and Merey ; m. by Elder William Noithup, , 1801. '• George, and Rath Taylor, Jan. 9, 1820. " Mary ('.. anil David S. Baker, June 14. 1842. " Sally B., and Tucker; rec. April 5, 1847. " Jonathan C, of George, and Frances Spink, of Thomas; m. by Rev. A. J. Jurtsiin, .Tan. 1, 1840. WELLS Mary, and David Whitford, April 5, 1722. Benjamin, and Miry Juixbm ; in. by William Spencer, Justice, Jan. 21, 1730. " John, and : m. at ('olche,ter, Cimn.. by John BuUceley, Justice. Nov. 12, 1732. '• I'eler, and , Nov. 4. . NOKTH KINGSTOWN JLiERIAGES. 51 WELLS ;bb, latt; of Green-svicli, now of N. Klngi?t,own, luid , late of New Shore- ham ; m. by Gforge Thomas,, Justice, Nov. 16, 17—. WESCOTT Mercy, and John Smitlt, Jr., Jan. 8, 1708. " , and JIary D.^^c, Aug. 17, 1718. " Mary, and .Toshua Sanfnrd, Jan. 9. 1757. " Stukeley, aud Mary Spink; ni. hy Elder Samuel Alhro, Jan. '2-2, 17Q4. " Zorobabel, and Mary Da.\-ls. Aug. 17, . " Kobert. of N. Kingstown, and Ilann;Ui St •, of E. Greenwich; m. at E. Gieenwieh. . " Zorobabel, and I'hebp Taylor; m. by John Spi^nccr, Justice, Jan. 1, 17—. " E., a.iid Arnold Place, Sept. 9, ISGO. WEST Susannah, and Moses Harber, March 20 or 2i., 1G91-2. " Susannah, and John Tanner. May 9. 172X " John. a:nd Alice Sweet ; m. by William Spencer, Justice. JIarch — , 1730-1. " . and Edmund ; m. by WiUiani Spencer, Justice, Aug. 2-, 1731. " . and Sarah Baker; m. by William Spencer. Justice, Nov. 7, 1731. " Martha, and -^ Card, March 4, . " Li>cy Ann. and Benjamin Eookes, July 9, 1S43. WHITEMAN George, of Thomas, of Warwick. R. I., and Abbie E. Gardiner, of David, dec., of N. Kingstown ; m. by Elder Edwin Stlllman, March 9, 1845. WHITE oliv.r, and Mary Harmon ; m. by Jelfrey Cliaminlain, Justice. Jan. 21, 1747. WHITlUliD l)a\id, and Mary Wills: m. by EUsha Cole, As-sistanl, April 5, 1722. " , and S;irah Weightman : m. by Elisha Cole, As-sasttint, . 1722-3. " Paske, Jr., and Deborah Fowler: m. by K-anees WUlelt, Justice. July 5, 1723. " Nicholas, of E. Greenwich, and Catln-rine Sweet, of N. Klngstin: m. by Benjamin Weight, Justice, . 1. 1739. " Jolui, Jr., of Jolin, of Exeter, and Mary V.aughn, of Isaac, of N. Klng.s^ town ; m. by George Thomas. Justice, March 22, 17G7. Elizabeth, and George Hunt. Dec. 6,1 7.88. " John P., of Thomas, and Patience, and JIary Coopi r, of Gilbert, and Elizatoeth ; m. by Elder William Nortliup, Aug. 5, 1803. " Ezekiel, and . Dec. 17. . " Lydia. and John Sherman, April 24, — -. Kobert, of E. Greenwich, ami Margaret Foiies, of N. Kingstown; ra. by William Spencer. Justice, May 10, . " Sarah, and Mitchell, . WHIT:\IAN JIary, and William Ho ikey, April 17, 1760. Hannah, ijid Paul Weightman, June 23,, 1772. Valentine,, and — Olin. . WIIITMAKSH .\licah, of E. Green wieh, and Ann Arnold, of N. Kingstown: m. by Elder James Wighlman, June 12. 1774. WICKILAM , and Mary Place; m. by .John Eldred, Assistant, May 23, 1707. WILCOX JcHi-ey, and Sar'.h 1 [miles; m. by William Hall, JiLStice, AprU 34, 1726. " Mary, and William Greene, March, 30. 1809. " Hannah, and Enodc Place, March, — , — . " Thoraas, and , . WILKES , and Mary Crowder ; m. by William UaU, Assisla'it, Jan. 14, 1732 3. WILKEV Mrs. Henrietta, and Godfrey Sweet. Oct. 10, 1794. WILBOR Sclpeo, and Jemima Sigworth, (c 1). Nov. 11, 1743. " -ibner, and Sarah Raihboni,'. Feb. 8, 1753. W1LLI.\MS Sarah .\nn, and George W. Th, . <( Jonathan Nichiils. Aljove ref'orded ^Marcli 17. 1779. Aug. r>, . u Edmund, of Ji sepli and Hannah. Dec. 8, 17—. <( Dorcas, Aug. 1, 17—. " Haanah, (b. Exeter), July 31, 17—. " Joseph, (b. Exeter), of Peleg aj>d Margaret, Sept. 19, 1779. '■ . (son), Sept. (i, 1781. " , (snnl. (N. K.). June 18. 1783. " , (son), (N. K.), May 23, 1785. Mary, Aug. 9, 1787. " — nna. Nov. 3, 1791. AUSTIN James, of Eduiuml and Maiy, June 14, 173-. " , ■ ber — , . ;; , (dan.), . 10. . , (n.iu.), Nov. 10, . '• . Idau.), Sept. 22, 17fi-. " . (son). Aug. 30, 1767. ■' . ((inu.). Aug. IS, 1766. " Marpiaret, Sept. 30, 1771. " , (son). Oct. 24, 1773. " 11. (son). July 7, 1775. " . (dau.), March 31, 1777. " . ot John, June 20. 1784. " . (dan.), April 5, 1786. " William. Si?pt. 22, 1788. " Elizabeth, July 1, 1790. " Nichols, Nov. 13, 1792. " Stephen Sweet, March 29, 1794. John, June 1, 1797. " Patience Ann, of Rubs(_'11 and Katey, Aug. 4, 1805. " (Jeorge W., Oct. 20, 1807. " Penelope, March 27, ISIO. " Henry, Jtm., Jan. 13, -^-. " Sarai, of Paske and Mary, Jnlv 26, . " Margaret, June 9. . *• Gideon, July 16, . " Daniel, .luly — , . *' Pasque, March 30, . Isaac, March 10, . Hannah, April 1, . AYLESWORTH Ai-lhnr, of .Vi-tliiir, Nov. 15, 176-. *' \Vm. P^arce, of SaniT R., and Alee (Chadscy), Sopt. 9, IS—. '• Benjamin, April 12, 18—. (They had sis others.) '* Eunice, of Dyre and Mary, Dec. — , . Ezra, Feb. 5. . " Mary, March -. " Hannah Savage, of Isaac and Saraii, (Cory; m. April 18, 180^), Oct. 29, . '' Isaac, Feb. -, . '* Anne, of Christopher and Phebe, March IS, . ti Russell, (of Jeremiah and Phoebe (Allen), • — ■ . tt Elizabeth, tt George, Sept. ]."i. . it Rachel, March 29, . u Phillip, March 29, . " Phillip, d. following December. " waiiam. Dec. 22, . u Dyre, Jan. 11, — -. 56 VITAL, RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. AYLESWORTH Dj-re, of JeremiaJi and Plioelie (AJJenI, d. following Caleb, Allen, Isaac, Samuel Rhodes, Phebe Ann, Charles, Mary, of Arthur and Abigail, Hazard Dyre, WUUam. Samuel Dyer, Tamer, Penelope, Josiah Fowler, Sept.. 15, Nov. 11, .Tune 11. Jan. 6, Feb. — , May 7, March IS. June 2, March — , Nov. — , May 1.1, May — , AYRAULT -, of Daniel, Oct. — , 1705, B BABCOCK Mary, ot G«orge and Elizabeth, George, David, Jonathan, Klizabelh, AblgaU, Ruth, Eunice, Hezeklah, Ellsha, " Chancey, (born StalTord, Tolland Co., BAILEY Warren, - — Augu-tus, Samuel, of George and Saiub, BAKER Thomas, of Tliomas and Mary, John, Jereml&h, nu, - all, lah, Joshua, Joseph, Elizabeth, Ann. Phillip, Ruth, Ichabod, Mary, of Comfort and Elizabeth, Benjamin, LodoTfick, (son), Benjamin, of William, of Benjamin', Joshua C, William, Jr., Lodowlck, Abel, Hannah, Hannah, 2d, Rhoda Ann, (dau.), of James and Penelope, Daniel, Abel, George, Alice, Sept. 20. 1695. AprU 9, 1699. Dec. ■2-2, 1700. March 32, 1702-3. March 16, 1704-5. Feb. R, 1706-7. Match 1, 1709. Jan. 13. 1712-13. March 26, 1715. May 18, 1718. Conn.), of Hoiaee and Elizabeth, Oct. — , . Nov. 27, 1795. Aug. 19, 1798. Nov. 23 Jan. 7 169—. Sept. 20, 1699. July 26, 170—. Itirch 6, 170— . Dec. 15, 170—. Oct. 11, 170-. Feb. 11, 17—. Feb 2, 17—. Jan. 29 Oct. 15 Nov 11 . July 12, March 1 Feb. 3, 1716. Oct 16 Jan. 13 Sept 15 Sept 15 March — Nov _ Sept — , . March — Oct. 8, NOKTH lUXGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. BARBER Dinah, of Moses and Susannah, " Lydia, " Samuel, " Susannah, " Thomas, " Joseph, " Martha, Ruth, " Benjamin, " Mercy, EzeWel, Abigail, " Henry, of John and Dorcas, 2d wife, " Wmiam, " Ednnmd, '* Mary, Phebe, " Robert, died, ased 24y. Im., BARNEY Richard, " George Wheatou, BATES , of James and Elizabeth, Penelope, of Hezekiah and Elizabeth, " Jonathan, of Daniel, " Daniel, " Francis, <. Ruth, John, " Da\id, it FJ)enezer, of Francis " Samuel, 11 John, Maiy, Elizabeth, Freeborn, Benjamin, Amey, Samuel, Joseph, Lydia, BEAR\ I'harles, of Nathaniel " Francis, " Ellsha, BENTLEY Hannah, of James and Dorothy, " (dau.), of James and Hannah, Tllltnghast, of WflUam and Eliza, " John', " (son), " (son), of William and EUzabeth, " (son), of Benjamin and Sarah, " Christopher Coggeshall, " Martha, " Mary. " Elizabeth. " Elizabeth, £M, Jan. 5, im-2-3 Feb. 24, 1004-3 Nov. 8, 1095, Oct. 23, 1697 Oct. 19, 1G99 Oct. 16, 1701 Nov. 30, 1703, Jime 23, —705, March 10, 1706-7, March 13, 1708-9, March 6. 1710 J.aa 6, 1712-13 Jan. 22. 17— July 0. 17— May 30, 17— June 3, 17— 22, 17- May 29, 1760, June 25, - Dec. 9, 1723 Dec. 15, 1725 Aug. 30, 1727 Oct. <•>, 1729, Dec. 10, 1731 Oct. 13, 1733 Jan. 11, 1735-6 July 17, 1739 .Tuly 9, 1738 AprU 17. 1742 March 26. Sept. 22, Jan. 8, Dee. 7, Aug. 24, June 23, March 25, 1096 Dec. 1, 1098 Feb. 25, 1700 31, 2 13, Aug. 24, — April 29, May 2, Oct. 20, , Jan. — , , Jan. — , June 11, March 30, Nov. 14, Feb. — , March 25, 1702-3 Dec. 15. 1718 June 2, 1735 Dec. — , 1736, Aug. 22, 1739, June 15, - April — , - March 2, - Juno 2, 1797. Oct. 18, - VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BEXl LEY Lucy, of Benjajuln and S.arali, Juno 12, 180—. Thomas. March 26, 180—. " James, had children, names and dates all burnt oflF. i; William, of Samuel and Susannah. Jan. 20. . « James. Dec. 31, . " EmeUno, J.an. — , ■ . li Roheit. Oct. — . . ti Sarah, of Benjamin and , May 24, . £( Mary, Aug. 28, . " Jeremiah. Feb. 16, . (t Elizabeth. Dee. 29. . ti AprU 10, . BICKNELL Japeth, — . . 11 Oct. 24, 1787. u March 27, 1790. BISSELL Thomas, of Samuel, Feb. 2S. 1724. " Thomas, d. Oct. 4. 1725. 11 Hannah, Jan. 5, 1729. ti (son). Jan. 7, 1732. " Susannah, of George and Elizabeth, July 21. 17—. '■ Thomas, June 21. 17—. '• Arter Le\'y, Nov. 17, 17—. " (sou), of Juhn and Ann, July 21, 1728. (dau.). May 4, 1730. (son). April 4, 1732. (dau.l. Miroh 2n, 1737. (dau.). March 4, 1734. " Jonathan, of Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 10, . William, Jan. 27, . " William, d. May 7, . " WUliam, 2d, Jan. 1-1, . 1. Betsey, Dec. 17, . Izitt. Jan. 23, . '• Caleb Allen, Feb. IS, . •• Sarah, Nov. 21, . " Sarali, -wife of Samuel, d. Dec. 11, 17—. Sarah, Sept. 6, 1754. " Samuel, March 19, 1/55. '■ Maiy. Diec. 2, 1757. " Da\-ld, Feb. 4, 1763. Daniel, of Thomas, Sept. — , . '• Johu, May 25, . " Thomas, April 13, . " Samuel, Nov. 25, . " Susannah, Dec. 17, 1759. " WlUiam, Fob. 16, 17—. " Maiy, July 10, . " George, March 12, 1770. " Nathaniel, of Thomas and Phebe, April — . 1777. (.' (son). March 14, 1779. " AbigaU. AprU 24, 1781. '* William, cf Samuel and Saxah; died ofl Cape Florida and buried at sea, Sept. 23, 1806. " Thomas, of Samuel, Feb. -, . " Maiy. Oct. — , . '■ Hannah, . ■ " Samuel, June — , . '• EUzabeth, — . . " John P., .■ . (i Hannah, Apill — , . " Thomas, July 2.'3, . " Thomas, died following Dec. 23. . " Randall Mumlord, -Vug. — , « Thomas, March 30, . •• George, ■ . XORTH KINGSTOWN ^BIETHS XSD DEATHS. 59 BLV (;iiar!i'<. (if Jonathan and Eunice, " Amie, Lyrtia. * Anna, Daiiv'l, *' Janii;*ft, '* Kunicf. llnnnali, " Abi'-'aii, •' Jonat-liaa, Walte, " L>anM. " Honjninin. BOONE Haiin;ili, of Samuel (■woolcomber) and Mai-y, " Ann, " Mary. " Freeloye, " Susannah, " Samuel, " Sarah, " James. " Abigail, " Elizalieth, " , of Richard and Harty, " pha. " — hn. " Richard, " Penelope, of and Susannah, " Thomas G.. " Christopher C, " Benjamin Reynolds, of Thomas G. and Hannah. " Elizabeth Leroy, of S;imuel and Mary, of No. Klngstow Benedict Peckham, of do., die. AprU 2"-, 1757. Dec. 3, 1758. ^■. K.), June 7„ 17(!-. April 0. 170-. Marcli 10, 171)0. Nov. ] Ct 177--. July 1, 177—. Jan. 2Q, 177—. July i 13, 177—. Jan. 23, 17—, Jidy ■ B, 17-. Nov. 2 15 , 1782. May £ :5, 178-. Sept. 16, 178-. 20, 1789. April o 1700. Oct. _, 1790. of Elisha, (of Tlion): s), and Mary, of Benjamin T. and M.ary Ann, Harriet S William, '• James M., " William, Frederic, " Joseph, " Elisha, Mary, " Thomas, " Sarah, " Benjamin, " Abigail, CLEAVEI.AND ,Tohn, of Palmer and Deborah, " Deborah, '■ Deliverance, " Mercy, " Palmer, John, COATNEY Susannah, dau, of John, COGGESHALL (dau.), of Daniel and Mary, " (son), " Luranna, of Daniel, " Maiy, Weight Joseph, (Vit, Rer., Vol. 5.) 5 .Tan. 3, 1811. S.'pt. 20, 1812. March 12. 18i:i. July 21, .. July -. Aug. 7, ^- .lan. 8, Oct. 27, July 12, , Aug. 9, , May -, , June — , . Feb. 2, , Dec, 11, . Feb. 3, 1753. Nov. — , (Jan.) -, July 2, 19, 20, 13 170(1, 1708. 1727. 68 ^^TAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. COGGESHALL Ihiiinali, of Daniel, (dau.i, CliristopbT, of Joseph and Elizabeth, ^hod (Sen), h (d;ui.), (dau.), of Joseph and Elizabeth, • (son), Phillip, — h (dau.l. Autiray. of Christuplier and Anna. COI-F. (dan.), of John and Ann, (son), (dau.), (son), ■ (dau.), of John and Mary, Dd. (son), (son), (son). (dau.). (son). BradHeld. of Capt. Thomas and Nancy, George Washington, (son), Hlzabeth. — ace. Edward. Peggy. Ills Tvlfe. Sarah, of Edward and Peggy, Maila. Sybil P.. Joseph E., Susiin TUlinghast, of Hutchinson A. and Sally B., George Hutchinson Tilltnghast, of do.. Whitman, of and Patty, Susannah, of Benjn and Igap, Joseph, Benj.amin. Mary. Martha, Jeremiah, CON(iD0X WUlium Eliza) leth, Elizabeth, Margoret', Benjamin, (son). of John and Patience, of William and Mary, ■wife ot Benjn, Jun, of Benjamin, Jr., and Elizabeth, (dau.). (dau.), of WUliam and Ann, Oct. 5, 1753. Sept. 24. 1760. March 7, 1733. Marcli 14, 1765. July 11, 1766. March 7. 1770. Oct. 6, 1773. Dec. 18. 1780. June 10. 1735. March 13, 1736. April 22. 1739. Aug. 21. 1741. April 4. 17-44. March 31, 1763. May 13. 1747. JiUy 6. 1749. May 13, 1752. Deo 4, 1754. Jan. 10, 1700. Sept. 27, 1797. Dec. 13. 1781. Nov. 0. 1784. 1787. Feb. 4, 1800. Apr.l 18. 1786. Oct. 3, 1784. March 1. 181—. July 31. 18—. June 28 Nov. 18 , : May 9, 1818. April 3, 18-. June 28 April — July 25 Nov. 18 , . Dec. 4 . , March 26, . May 6 Jan. 25, 1098. Feb. 20, 1701. May 28, 172—. Nov. 6, 1T2-. Nov. 28, 173-. April 11, 173-. July 17 » • ■ •■ ctet. 3 Dec. 12, 1723. Sept. 1, 1730. JiUy 28, 1733. Feb. 21. 1735-0. Si'Pt. 25, 1738. Aug. 15, 1741. May 21, 1749. Feb. 29. 1732. March 25 1735. Dec. 29. 1730. Jan. 11. 1739. March 28, 1741. Feb. 24. 1743. Aug. 24. 1744. April 30 May 17 NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. •CONGDON , of William aud Ann, " Ellzabe.tli, of Jamuo ana Mary, " (son), Hannah, of Benja"''n and Fiances, died " («"n), " ( Martha o.. Nov. '.). 1837. " Ann Eli^a, Aug. 15, liil. " Mary, , it Ruth. , ■' Waitey, . ■' George \V., of George (of J ) and Sarah. Oct. 24, . Freelove, . . t( Benjamin, — . , ■' Joseph, , . " James, — . . •' Sarah, of Stukeley, , o.^ •' StiUieley, ■ 15, . •' Jereniiali. of John and Mary, Nov. S. . ■' John. May 7, . " Marj', Jan. 30, . " James, Aug. 28,. . COOPER . or Stephen and Mai-y. April — , 1717. u Saj-aii, June 5, 1721. " Thomas, of Matthew and Abigail. Feb. 25. 17212. " Tliomas, 2d. April 0. 1723. - " WUliain, of J:imes (of Stephen) and Ruth, July 2, 17.J8. u Oct. 20. 1739. •> Dec. 19, 1741. .1 . Dec. 17, 1743. >' Nov. 20, 1745. " Samuel. Aug. 13, 1748. " Lodowielc. of Thomas and Mary. July 25. 17.>— . •' Lodowick, Nov. 20. 1797. " Samuel, of Samuel and JIargaiet, Maj 19. . " (sonl. June 17, . " (dau.), Feb. 25, . t( (dau.). Jiuie 3. . " Samuel .Mitchell, of Ahigail. April 10„ . COREY William, of WiUiam and Elizabeth, May 0. 174-. Franci-^, April 7. 174—. " Esther, of Thomas and Ellzat.eili (widow of William Corey), May 30, 17—. " John, April 5, J 7- . " Daniel. June 8, 175—. " Gideon. March 21, 1757. " Job, of Jolm and Ori'lia, Dec. 1), 17—. " Hai-ty, Jan. 29. 174-. " ShefHeld. July 30, 174—. " Benedict, Jan. 1. 175 — . " Peleg. JiUy 12, 1754. " Paris. April 7, 17 37. " Abel John, July 10, 1T65. " Orpha. ot Job and Elizabeth, Nov. 24. ]7(;— . " Harty, Sept. 25, 17N Thomas " Esther. " Elizabeth, " Samuel Northup, " Sally, " Penelope, " William Northup, *•' Sfcisannah, " Avis, " Jeremiah, " , of Caleb, GROSSMAN Sarah, of Jonathan, " Mary, CUTTER Thomas, of Thomas and Freelove, of Peter and Susannah, of Caleb and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1819. Oct. 10, 1821 Nov. 10, 182— Sept. 23, 182— June 5, Aug. — , June 30, . 23, 1679 March 22, Sept. l-l, . — , 1687 Oct. 18, 1760, Sept. 1. 1772 Nov. 11, 1774 Sept. 13, ISO—, April 9, 180—. Oct. 19, ISO- May 10, - Aug. 13, - April 9, - July 9, - Feb. 1, 1706-7, . 30, - Nov. 2, - March 18, - April 28, - Feb. 9, - May 10, - Oct. 21, - April 30, - June 4, - June 8, — May 4, — Jan. 8, - March 29, - D DAVIS Henry, of Henxy and Deliverance, Ill (son), (dau.). Deliverance, (son), WllUaui, of Benjamin anifl Pheaby, Ruth, Mary, Jettrey, Benjamin, Phebe, Elizabeth, Mary, H.annah, Waite, John Warner, William, of WUllam and Hester, March 11 1729 Jan. 26, 1731. Mai-ch 1.) 1733. June 15, 1735. June 25, 1737. Oct. 29, 175—. July 26, 175-. March 2. 176— Dec. 17, 170—. March 10, — . May 1 -^. Jan. 16, 177—. July 14, 177—. July 14, 177—. Oct. 27, 177—. AprU 22, 1780. Nov. 16 VITAL EECOED OP RHODE KLAITO. DA\T;S Mnry, of William and Hester, Dorcthy, I'liclie. •' Benjamin, of Jeffrey, '• Elizateth, " Stephen " Mary, " Joshua, DAWLET , of , and Freelove, a D.WTON John (N.l, of Benjamin and Debro. Benedict, (N. K.), , (Jan.). (E.), , (dau.), (E.), , (N. K.), " , (N. K.), , (N. K.), , (N. K.), DEAN slah, of Timothy, and Sarah, DICKINSON \Vm. Allen, of Wm. N., and Mary, DICKSON Jame.s (son of Anthony, of N. K.,), by -wife Ann ford, of do.) had son. *' Anthony, " Hannah, ol Anthony, and Hannah, " John, " Thomas, " Robert, " ^raUam, " (dan.), of Robert and Martha, " (son), " (son), (son), u , DIMOND Benjamin, " Mary, of John and Eunice, " Benjamin, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, 2d w., Abigail, " John, DOUGLASS Mary, of George and Susannah, " Patience, " Mary, of G':'orge, " (son), DOWNING • , of .Tohn and R , DUEFEE (snn), of Richard and Susannah, July n CHI May - Nov. 10, . Sept. 2, 1737. May 20, 1740. 3, 1773. Feb. — , 1777. May 17, 1779. Aug. 28, 1780. — , 1783. Aug. 17, 1785. Jan. 13, 178-. Jan. 13, 178—. Nov. 24, 1773. May 21, 1835. (dau. of Benj. JIum- bom Aug. 16, 17—. DVRE (son), of Edward and Mary, -, of Samuel, Christopher, of Charles and Penelope, Samuel, Freelove, Samuel, ne (dau.), AblgaU, EUzabeth, Hannah, Esther, Elizabeth, Sept. 22, Feb. 27 Oct. 3 Sept. — , , — -. , 1709. Sept. 25, 1770. Nov. 15, 1772. Oct. 12, 1774. Jan. 17, 1777. July 5, 1780. Sept. — April 19 Dec. 6 Sept. 24, 17—. Nov. 19, 1759. J.an. 31, 17B4. Jan. — , 1791. June 25, 1744. March 25, 1746. Jan. — , 1701-2. Dec. 27, 1726. Dec. 3, 1728. March 26, 1731. Oct. 20, 1735. died Nov. S, 1735. Dec. 26, 1736. Dec, 22, 1739. July 14, 1743. Feb. 3, 1745. Sept. 16, 1750. March 4, . March 28, . June 12, . July 4, . May 12, 176—. June 24, 176—. March 33, 17tj — . March 4, 177—. XOKTH liJNGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 71 DYEE Lydla. of Cliailes and Penelope, iluy 11, 1772. Abigail, dau. of Col. Charlea, July 14, 170—. William, of Edward and Elizabeth, Jlny 2, 175—. Charles,, July 4, 175—. Francis. March 4, 17—. Benjamin, Feb. 22, 17—. Amherst. July 10, 17—. Heury,, JiUy 10, 17—. Susannah, Feb. 15, 17—. Anne, May 26, 17—. Mary, of Charles, Jr., and Susannah, Jan. 5, 1789. Samuel, May 29, 1790. Abigail, Dec. 29, 1792. ELDEED , of James, Elizabeth. bery, (dau.), of Thomas and Rebecca, Bathshcba, , (son), Robert, Stirah (Boone of James), wile of Robert, Susanna Boone, of Robert and Sarah, James Boone, James Boone, died Sarah Boone, William, Charles, Robert, Richard Boone, Mary Updike, Abigail Goddard, Ezra, of Thomas and Martha (Potter, of Robert of S. K.), April 21, 1760. Waite, May 4. 1762. Lucy. ' Feb. 1, 1773. Weeden, July 27, 17—. Samuel, of Joseph and Sarah, May 30, 1768. Sarah, Feb. 7, 1770. MaiT. Jan. 20, 1772. Elizabeth, ' July IC, 1773. Martha, July 25, 1775. , of Joseph and Alice, 2d wife, July 2. . Elizabeth, Of Daniel and Mary, Oct. 25, 1790. Margaret, Oct. 19, 17!)2. Lucy. Jfin. 7, 1795. Mary, May 30, 17!)7. Sarah Ann Peclt, Jan. 27, IsOO. Lydia Gardiner, Nov. 9. 1802. Robert, of James and Lucy, Oct. 23, 17—. George, March 18, 17—. Christian, Nov. 16, 17—. Charles, May 5, 17—. Daniel, •!:>"• 5, . Ann or Nancy (sic.) Sept. 0, 17—. Joanna, July 10, 17—. Ihinnah, July 10. 17-. Lucy. -A^ug. 2S, 17—. Sept 1, 1716 (Doubtful) Nov. 27, 1716 Sept. 16, 172f) April 26, 1734 Fet . 7 17— April 20, 1730 Dec. — , 173— Feb 26, Oct. 23, 1761 Jmit 3, 1763 Oct 5, 1789 May 18, 1792 Oct 3, 17J3 May 28, 1794 April 21, 1796 Sept 2, 17;)8 Dec. 17, 1800 Jan 2, 1803 Jan. 24, 1806 Dec. 20, 1808 T2 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. ELDRED Beriiiii Brown, ot James and Lucy, " Clarke, " Plie'oe, " Rowland, " John, of Robert and Hannah. '• Simeon, " WUUam, " Hannah, " Mary, " James, " Barberry, ' " Joseph Eldred, " Deborah, " Phebe, " Walte S., ot Thoma.s and Sarah, " John, " Beriah, " Mary, " Ezra, " Ishmeal S., " Thomas. " Isaac, " Dorcas, ot Henry and Mary, " William, of Thomas and Hann:ih, " Samuel, " Jeremiah, of William, WUliam, " Ann, '• Mary, Abigail, " Thomas, " Sarah, " Sarah, of John and .Mary, " Abble Emeline, '• Mary Ann, '* Mercy Eleanor, ELLIS . , " (dau.), " (dau.), " AbigaU, " George, of John', Jr.. and Martha, " Silas, of Silas and Hannah, " Robert, of Alice, dau. of S:imuel, ENSWOIJTll Nathaniel, ot Leariiord and Esther, " Elizabeth Stuart, ot Libbeus and Thankful, ESSEX Corpse, " Martha, March 21. 17—. Dec. 2, 17— Nov. 17, 17— Oct. 4, 1781 Nov. 25, 17S-- Nov. 1, March 0, March 15, March 9, Sept. 9, Aug. 29, July 21, March 8. June 6, Sept. 30, Oct. 12, Feb. 25, Oct. 11, Jan. 9, Aug. 19. Jan. 20, June 13, May 24, Feb. 15. May 8, , Dec. 13, Dec. 26, 30, March 18. - Nov. 29, - Feb. 7, - July 14, 1838 Nov. — , 1732 May 16, 1734 Nov. 26, 1736 Aug. 5, 1738 Aug. 2, 1760 July 18. 1708, March 12, , Oct. 10, Dec. 11, 1803 FISH Daniel, of Jeremiah and Mary, " Samuiel, FONES , (Jame(5to-wn), of Jeremiah and Elizabeth, " , (Son, Rochester), " , (Jamestown), " , (dau.), (Jamestown), June 6, 1722. June 6, . June — , 1695. Aug. — , 1697. May — , 1699. May 22, 1701. James Foues made oath Nov. 20, 1755, that the above was correct, .^nn. of Samuel, and Anne, Oct. 28, 16—. Samuel, of Samuel and Merlbah, 2d wife, July 4, 1702. .Sarah, July 3, 1703. Margnret, July 23, 1704. Mary. July 1, 1705. (dau.), died, Nov. — , 1705. NORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS 73 Ft)NES (Sion), of Siimnel and Mi'i-itoU, 2d. wife, " ■ (son), of Jami's and Mary, " Jame, of Jolin and Hopustill, " Margaret, '■ (soni, " Samurl. died aged 90y. 10m. 15d., " Anne, of Josepli and Sarah, " Sarah, " Mary, of Capt. Daniel. Martha, " Elizabeth, " Daniel, " (dau.), of Joseph., " Samuel of Jauies and Elizabeth, " William, " Jfiseph, " Margaret, " John, " Meribah, " Marti] a, " Elizabeth, " — (son), FOWLER Ann, of Ben]n. and Ann (Case, dau. of Joseph), " Ann, wife of Benjn, died Benja.nin, of Benjamin and Frrelove, FREEBORNE Mary Esther, ol Gideon an I Freelove N., Dec. 17, 1700. April -21, 1728 April — , 1748 — ber 29, 1750. Oct. 3, , 14, 1757 Sept. 35, 1762 July 28, 176— Jan. 11, Oct. 2li, Dec. 9, Nov. 12 Dec. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 27, Oct. 2, Dec. 21, Nov. 20, Jan. 11, — Ap , — May 1, 1760, April 14, 1774, Feb. 5, ■ Q OALLl'P ^— , (Hon), of Richard and Lydla, , (dau.), GARDINF.H Henry, of Henry and Abisail. (Remingtom, Epharaim, WilH.am, i Henry, of Henry and Desire. John, of William and Abigail, WUUam, Abigail, Thomas, . Hannah, i Lydla, Sylvester, Job, of William and Margeret, . (dau.), of Henry, Benjamin, of Nallianiel and Mary, 5(ary, Penelope, Dorcas. Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Nicholas. EzekJel. Sylvester. Hannah. Amey. Susannah. Thomas. Dorcas, Dorcas, of Ephralm and Penelope. Penelope. Samuel. James. Elizabeth, of Jeremiah. Freelove, of Elizabeth , of Nicholas and Mary, Dec. C, 1727. Jan. 9, 1738. Feb. 25, 1691. Jan. 7„ l(i93. Oct. 27, 1C.97. June 16, 1714. July 8, 1696. Jlay 21,. 1098. Sept. 24, 1700. Oct. 30, 1702. Dik;. 7, 1704. June 27, 1706. June 29, 1703. Dec. 5, 1719-20. Aug. 4, 1703. Feb. 26. 1705. Nov. 30, 1707. Oct. 11, 1709. June 10, 1712. June 16, 3 ■'14. May 17, 1703 Dec. 6. 1710. Sept. 29, 1712. Aug. 3, 1714. Sept. 2, 1717. June 17, 1723. 9. . Oct. 1. 1729. March 27. . Jan. 31, 1713-14. Oct. 15, 1716. Jan. 16, 1719-20. July 10. 1721. Nov. 26, 1714. Feb. 28, 1716. 74 \aTAL RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. GAEDINER jOTemiah, " Phebe. " Sarah. " AbieaU, of Jeremlati, .John, oi William and Margaret, Margaret, ol John and Mary, , (dau.) of Jeremiah, Jr., ami Taljitlin, , (dau.), , (son), , (dau.), , (son), Daniel, of James and Walte, who was daughter Daniel, Jlary, Waite, Ann, James, Siisauiiali, Abigail, Samuel, Wanton, David, of Ezeklel, Jun., and Susannah, Mary, Ezekiel, JIannah, Doreas, Susannah, Ann, Elisha, William, Palnit-r, Oliver, Jesse, Almy, Jeffrey, Col. Ephraim, died age 80 years, John, (of N. K.), son of Flora, (col.), Clarke, r Wilbour, Jeremiah, Dorcas, Unrton, Mary,, Lydia, I'.cnjm. Walte, , of Samuel, Carpenter, P'rancls Carpenter, MarLnus WUlett, — ey Easton, OctaATis Fedlnand, William Henry, Thomas Rodman, Sally Carpenter, Jan. 28, Oct. 2fi, April 6, Dec. 28, June 23. Nov. 6, Nov. 11, June 9, Dec. 5, n May 7, 1719. 1723. 1725. 1727. 1731. 1734. 1737. 174-. 19-20. 1720. 1723. 1725. , 1727 173 -. 173-. 1741. 1743. 1746. 1750. 1758. Dec. 24 Aug. 2, July 27 Aug. 17, Jan. 25, Jan. 15, May 27, Nov. 9, July 30, Dee. 7, of Joseph Cnygeshall, D,JC. 19, 1751. died Feb. 10, 1755. Nov. 3, 1752. Sept. 2, 175--. March 29, 1759, Sept. 14, 1703. Dec. (i, ITliy. Sept. 7, 17, 1770.- Feb. 3, 1772. April 28, 1774. Marcn 15, "776. Jan. 28, 177S. Oct. 15, 1780. AprU 29, 1783. May 20. 1785. March 7, 1789. JIarch 7, 1789. Oct. 21, 1791. April 11, 177-t. Aug. 5, 1799. June 29, . Dec. 16, . Jan. 3, . . Feb. :3, . May 18, . Sept. - , . April 7, 1783, July 7, ., Dec. 25, 1790. Feb. 16, 1799. Jan. 22, 1801. May m, 1803. AprU 9, 1605. March 14, 1807. June 30. 1809. July 20, 1811. Sept. 11, 1813. Dec. 27, 1815, X<_)RTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 75 GAI> DINKR Walter Eastoii Jii«i'pli, of David, and EUiatetli, SLephfii Dorts, of Samufl aiid Rebcccn JoIju Reynolds, Nicholas J., David, of B aud ElizabeUi, Rodman, Samuel C, Siirali Jane, Lucy Aim, lienjaniin, of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nicliola.s Easton, of Christopher, Henry, Edward, John. Waite, Idea, Daniel, Mai-y, of Job and An , Nalhnniol, Mary, of Isaac and EUizabeth, Elizabeth, Sarah, Isaac, Benoni. Samuel, Penelope, Silas. Gideon, John, of EzeJiic'l ;ind Dorcas, Hannah, Ezeldel. Mary, Elisha, George, David. Nicholas, (sou), (son), (son), Henry, Lydla, Mary, Caleb, Nath.in, Tabitha, (dau.), of Henry, Mary Eleanor, of Vincent, Jr., and Mary, Jonathan Vincent, Susan Elizabeth, Zeliidon, of Benjamin E. and Elizabeth, Daniel C, of and Lucy, Peleg C John H., Lucy, Samuel E., Mary, Peggy, Rowland, James S., Thomas', of Jrremlah, Wickes, or Benjn. and Elizabeth, Larry, Nov. ,■5, 181 March 25, IS—, March 11, 1800. April 24, 1827 Oct. 15, 183- April 23, 1826, d. at N. Y. Sept. — . 1.S34, May — . Feb. 15, - April 13, - July 23, - April 10 25. Aug. 21, April 7. March 30 March 24, May 5, May 5, May 31. Sept. oy July lii. Oct. 2'.l, Oct. 21, Feb • 4, Aug. 2.5. Feb. 2), of William and Sarali. " William, (Abigail) March 8. 1719-20. June 20. (1(!9S.'). Jan. 7. l(i99-00. Aug. 7, 1702. 78 \TTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLjVJJD. HAIX lilMJinali), of Wmiam and Sa.ivi.li, " Alice, " William, of John niift Mary, " (son), of Benoni ami Elizabutli, " (son), " (son), " . wife of Robi-i( ; died " Elizabeth, " Izabel, " Sarali, of Robert and Isabel. " Daniel, " , of John ajid Ruth, " Abigail, of William, (of John), ;ind Mary; " Ephraim, '• Mary, -" , of WlUiam and Penelope; '• Elizabeth, , (dau.). , (dan.), , (dau.). Sarah, of Daniel and Mary ; Amie, Isabel, Ruth, Patience, Robert, Dorcas, Martha, Benjamin Greene. Ruth ■, of Dani"] and Mary, Daniel Wa.'ihlngtoii, Robert, of N. K.. died at midnight in "ridi y., Spencer, of William and Mary, P'rances, of Slocum, and Frances, Frances, wife of Slocum. Susannah, of Slocum and .Susannah, John , of Slocum and Almy, 3d w., Abigail, Almy, Christopher, Sarah , of Henry (ind Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, Robert — William, Elizabeth, of William, llAM.MdND P.ardon Tillinghast, of William, .Tr., and Alice, Maria, Estlier, " Ruth F., " William G. " George, " Lydia Alice, " Saamel, of (iil\in and Sarah, " Benjamin, '• WUliam, ■' James, UARUINGTOiV (.son), of Richard anil Sarah, " (dau,). F. b. 7, 1704, An:.;. 111. 170 Aug. 3, 1723 Aug. — , 1734 Nov. 10. 1736 30, 1739 Oct. — , 1736 Jun« 4, 1741, Jan. — , 1726 Feb. 28, 1739, Jan. 22, 1739 Jan. 22, 1739 Dec. 10, 1740 Oct. 29, 1744, March 20. 1748, May 14, 1702 Nov. 20, 1745 Sept. 10. 1748 Jan. 29. 1750 Feb. 1, 1753 Dec. 13, 1754, Jan. 5, 175V Oct. 18, 1758 Feb. 22. Oct. 3. March 15, July 22, 1700, Aug. 22. 170—, Miirch 28, 17—, Oct. — , Oct. — . — - May 30, Aug. 22, May 22, March 2, 1765 Feb. 10. 1700 March 2. died March — , 1771 Feb. 21, Jan. 3. Jan. 15, Feb. — , May 20, March 17, 177— June 10, 177— Aug. 14, 177—, 21, . Nov. 20, 9, Jan. — , Jan. 31, 1702 Oct. 26, 1794 M.irch 23, 1797 June 20, 1799 Jan. 21, 180: Nov. 1, 1804. Jan, 29, 1307 Oct. 31, 1798 Aug. 24, 1800, Sept. 7, 1808 June 19, 1713 Jan. 4, 1719 iN'ORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 79 HARRINGTON — Richard, (dau.), (if Riclianl and S;ii'ali, of Eloazer aiKl Mary, William, Dorcas — Susannvah, Sarah, Daniel (K.), of Benjamin, Clarke (Prov.), Sarah (War.). Ezeknel (N. K.), Mercy (N. K.), Benjamin (N. K.), Hannah (N. K.), Saiah. of Job and Alice. Lydla. Job. Ehenezer. William. ' Alice, Elizabeth. ,VEY Frederic, William. Simeon. ENS , dau , dau. Joseph, of do Susiinnah. it of William and Waite (s. b.). of Thomas (of IJobert), and Mary, of do., burn AprU 23, 17T1, William and Rnlh. — • and Bridget, Rhode Daniel, of Dariu.s, Sarah, William. Aniie, Elizabeth, Wlghlman, John Camiibell, of Sylvester and Mary, Absalom, of and Elizabeth, Phebe,, Elizabeth, Thomas, Mary, Dnnlel (1>. Sarah, of Jeroniialx, Mary, Merabah, Frances, William. Susannah JHAZARD Mary, o Il.'innab, Sarah, Robert, Thomas, Stephen, Jeremiah. George, Benjamin, Jonathan, Abigail, fif George and Penelope, Robert, Caleb, George, Thomas, Oliver, i N. K.). Robert, of Alexaiidi> (Wm.). and Mercy (Stafford), Thomas and Susannah, May (I, 1721. April Ki, 1724. Oct. 19. 172b. Aug. 17. 1779. Nov. 20, 1781. Dec. 17, 1783. Aug. — March 20 July 20 Feb. - , . Dec. — Aug. i:' 12 . - Dec. 1.5 • Oct. S March 25 March 27. I7r35. Dec. 14, I7r>(;. Feb. 13, 1709. d. May 3, 1771. Feb. 9, 1773. Nov. 22, 1774. Aug. 12, X771. March 20, 17-. May 23, 170-. May 30, 1707. March 20, 1709. July 2.5, 1771. April 10, 1773. Jan. 9, 1775. July 22, 170—. Sept. — . Oct. D, 17-. Sept. 30 17—. Dec. 17 17—. Dec. 4. 17-. July 6 Oct. 10 . Feb. ') . Aug. IS Aug. 22 , . Oct. 14, 1743. (Nov. in. 1745.) Oct. 3, 1633. April 11, 1635. July 15, 1687. May 23, 1089. May 11, 1691. June 13, 1093. Jime 5, 1697. Jan. l.s. 1698. Nov. 2. 1702. Oct. 1, 1704. March 19, 1090. Nov. 3, 1694. Nov. 24, 1697. Oct. 9, 1700. March 30, 1704. Sept. 30. 1710. 80 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. HAZARD JIary, of StiIien and EUzabetb, Ilannali, " Susannah, ol' Stoplien and Ellzabclh, " Stephen, Robert, Samuel, " Thomas, " Susannali, of Stephen and JXargaret, " FoneSj •letlroy. of Robert and Amie, " Hannah, Ilannali, 3cl, Robert, '* Thomas, " Amy, Mary, Mary, of .lereiuhih and Sarah, " Ann. Rijbert, Sarah, 5Iartli.'i. " Hannah, *' Susannxi, of Jeremiah and Sarah, " Mary, of Robert, (of Thomas), and , " Thomas, " Thomas, " Thomas, 2d, " \vmia,m, of Caleb and Abigail, " Enock, of George and Mary, " Oliver, of Oliver and Elizabeth, . " Mercy, " Elizaebth, " Easton, of Ephralni and Mary, " Willett. of Easton and Cli.arlotto, " Varnum, " WUUam Kobin'son, of Nathan G. ajid Frances, " Sarah Gardiner, " Catherine, John, " ■ , of Jeremiah, Jr., " , 'Kite of Thomas, died " Mai-y, " Jereniiah, " Ephralni, " Gideon, " , (.-ion), of Cieorse and JIary, HAZELTON, Jarvls, of William and Mercy. HEFFERNAN, Sukey, of Stephen and Abigail, " Snkey, died, " John. " Eunice. " Jeremiah. Cranston. HF.LMB Mary (dan.), of vSamue! and Di rcas, '• riiristoplier, '■ John. " Samuel, " Dorcas, " ■\Villlam, " Tliomas, " Mary, " JIary, wife of Rouse, died, " Rouse, died July 20, 1693. April 20. ItiOT. ApiU 20, 1699. Nov. 29. 1700, Sept. 12, 1702. June 29, 1705. July 28, 1707. May 9, 1715. Sept. 22, 1717. Sept. 29, 1098. Jan. 16, 1701. Fob. 2i'i, 170.3. Jan. 19, 1709. June 18. 1713. Sept. 20, 1715. May 14, 171S. March 10, 1699. Feb, 28, 1701. April -fi. 1703. Jail. 11, 1706. Oct. 8, 1708. AprU — . 1714. May 21, 1716. Feb. 23, . May 9. . d. Dee. 2, 1719. 15, . April 12, 1721. Sept. 1, 1721. March 30, 1739. Jan. 21. 1740. Sept. 13, 1737. Sept. 13, 1783. Nov. 23, 1803. Oct. 9, 1805. Jan. 11, 1810. July 15, 1811. June 2, 1818. April 30. 1821. Aug. 3, . Sept. 4, . June 2, . Oct. 28, . Jan. 24, 17—. . 20, . - — . 25, . . 16, . Sept. — , . Oct. 28, 1711. July -, . Feb. 28. . July 6, . Aug. 30, . April 5. . June 14, 1700, Mar. 30, 1702-3. Feb. 11. 1703-4. Oct. 21, 1706. J.an. 14, 1710. Mar. 12. 171.3-14. Jan. 3, 1717-18. May 9, 1712. May 17. 1712. NORTH MNGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 81 HELME Beneec. — , 1721. May 7, 1710. Aug. Ul, 1711. Fcl). 11, 1712-3. Dee. 17, 1714. Feb. 17, 171ii-7. Dec. 1.-,. 1718. Oct. 3, 1720. July 20, 1740. >. Dec. 15, 173.), d. Feb. 5, 1735-6. March 7, 1730. AprU 14, 1739. April 22, 1741. Fel). (•>, 1742. Feb. 10, 1743. Feb. 3, 1747. Aug. IJ, 1743. May 7, 1751. Fi'b. 27. 17,-i4. July 7, 1733. July 2U, 1755. Jan. Hi. 1737. March 31. 17(30. July 11, 1764. May 7. 1736. May 19. 181 — Feb. 8. . Jan. IC. 17(;i. April K;, 1763. Oct. 23. 1765. Oct. 10. 1767. Jan. 11. 1770. Juiy 22. 1773. June 22, 1777. June 20. 1781. )eth. May 19, 18—. Oct. 8, IS—. Oct. 20, . Oct. 27, 1727. May lo. 1726. Nov. 6. 1728. Nov. 1, -— . July -, . Dec. 28, 1755. Sept. 5, 1758. Jan. 20, 1761. Nov. 5. 1764. March 2, 1769. Nov. 19. 1772. Sept. 30. 1784. July 27. 1786. Sept. 14. 1788. Jan. 6, 1793. Doc. 6, 1800. Dec. 26, 1800. July 18, 1802. March 29, . Jan. 21. . Oct. 30, . 82 \1TAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. Jr.. and EUzobetli), JIILL Caleb, died Sarah, wife ol Caleb, died mi.l.iiWAY William (S. K.), of William and Mary, David (slierniaii, " Eldred, " Anna, " Mary, " Haunali, UOXiilE ZebiUon, ot Josepli and Mary. " Mary, " Joseph, " Ann, " Gideon, " Lodowlck, " Ann, " Zebnlon. IIULING (Honour, of Alexander " (John), " (Margaret), " Elizabeth, '■ Alexander, of Alexander, of Alexander and Elizabeth " Virtue, *' Catherine, " Walton, " Abigail, " Martha, " Lydla, of ^Vli'xandep, ot James and Mary (Smith), " William, " Avis, " Augustus, " (James), " Andrew, Hannah (another record n-ads Henrietta), of Cath.-rine, " James, of Andrew (of Alexander) and Deliverance (Splnl. " William, ot Andrew and Ruth. " Ali'xander, " Ray Greene, " Toleration Harris, " Jonathan Donnlson, " 'John Clreene, " Christopher, " Mary Ann, " John, ot .Uexander and Susann ih (Brown), ('This was my grandfather. The town record to the year of his birth, whiih was ISOl. R. G. " James, " Elizabeth (Cla.rke). his wife, ", Gardiner C, of James and Elizabeth, " Samuel S., " Abigail S.. " Eleazer Slocum, Elizabeth W., " Oliver II. Perry. " Emeline. " r.urrill James, " Juliette C. '• Rnth Esther, b. Sei>t. IS, 183: HULL -Mary Ann G.. of John and Waity Ann, " John B.. " George, E., " William B., " Adelia, nt'NT Samuel, of Samuel, " Susan ( ), Ills wife, " Susan, of Siimnel and Susan. Sally N.. May 6, 1837. Oct. 18, 1830. Nov. 9. . March 28, . May 0. . Feb. 23, . Jime 7, . Feb. 15, . Aug. 11, 1(;97. Sfpt. 15. 1099. Nov. 25. 1701. Aug. 1, 1704. Jidy 31. 1706. Sept. 27, 1708. Dec. 10. 1710. Sept. 21, 1718. Si>pt. (28), 1729. (May 14), 1731. (May) 13. 1733. Seipt. (24), 1735.- Jan. 211. 1737-8. , 17401. May 28, 1743. , 1745. Nov. 23, 1749. (Ajiril) 5, (1745.) March 1, (1748.) Feb. 24. 17(43). March 2, 17(i(2). March 7, 170(7). Dec. 14. 1769. i). Nov. 17, 1784. May 18, 1791. Slarch 4, 1793. Dec. 1. 1794. AprU 18. 1797. Aug. 25, 1799. March 20, 180(1). AprU 17, 180(3). (July O, 1S05.) Oct. — , (1704.) was not correct as H.) Nov. 17, 1784. Sept. 27, 1790. Dec. 19. 1809. May 3, 1812. March 7, 1814. Feb. 29, 1818, Feb. 22, 1819. Jan. 14, 1821. Oct. 27, 1822. March 20, 1825. June 7. 1827. i : d. July 30, 18313. Nov. 22, . Nov. 22, . Dec. 15, . Feb. — . • . Oct. 26, 1769. Sept. 15. 1773. June 1, 1795. Nov. 4. 1796. NORTH EINGSTO\\T^' BIRTHS AND HUNT Cliarlotle. of Samuel and Susfm, Riith Ann, Lucy, AWili'. Mnry S. H., Esther, of George and Heart, Gideon, George, Jeremiah. David. WUtford, JIary Ann, David. Eliza. Charles, Avis ( ). his -wife, Mary, of diaries and Avis, William. Charles, Rufus. Elizabeth,- Oliver, of Charles and A\-ls, Jiinathan. Ruth. Avis. Suliey, ol Samuel and Mary, Allen, Lawton Hazelton, Job, of Ru'Ius and Phebe. (son), of Samuel, Jr.. (S(.n). (son), (.son), (son). BATHS. 83 Nov. 11, 1798. May 14, 1801. Nov. 10, 1803. March 17, 1807. March 21, 1812. Oct.. 23, 1788. Dec. 29, 1790. April 25, 1793. Feb. 21, 1796. Oct. 4, 179S. April 2r>, 1801. Feb. 20, 1804. Sept. 17, "1806. Feb. 9, 1735. , 173R. Oct. — , 17—. Feb. 17 17—. Nov. 1.3 17-. AprU 20, 17-. Dec. 15 17—. July 15 17—. Oct. 15 . 17—. April 30 . 17—. May 10 , 17—. March 8. 170-. Feb. 7, 17:)-. Dee. - -. : April ( 5. • Aug. 18. . Aug. 28, . Oct. 30, Sept. 9, Sept. 2 1, TRISll Jedediah, of Jedeliah and Mary, " JIary, " Elizabeth, Lydla, " John, Nov. Hi. 1711. Jan. 22, 1713-4. Nov. 4, 1715. Nov. C, 1718. June 9. 1720. JACKSON George, of StejAen, JACKWISE Ebenezer, " Ly«lia, " Hannah. " Elizabeth, " Hannah, of Aaron and Elizabeth, Elisba, " Marj', " Lydla, JENCKES Waite Ann, of Brown. JENKINS Mary, of Job, Eilzabetli, of PUineas, " Mary, " Amie, Azabab. " Surab. " Benjamin Rush, William, Aug. 25. Jan. 10, Aug. 11, Feb. 22. Aug. 2, Aug. 5, March 11, Jan. 31, March 7, Feb. 5, July 13, May 17, April. 11. AprU, 19, 84 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. JENKINS SUas, of Plilneas, Noti'— Born from 1780 to 1800. JEEKET John B., at Elisha and Maiy, " James C, JESS Elizabetli, Jlarj-, JOHNSON Ann, ot Ezeklel and Ann, " Elizabetli, " Benjamin, " William, of Sylvester and Elizabeth, JUSTICE JIargaret, Ann, JUSTIN I'reelove, of Thomas and Mary, Jonathan, ol Melicent, Sept. 2S, Aug 4, 1806 Aug 4, 1806, July ::4. 1718 JIai-ih 5. 1719 May 5, 1722 Jan. 10, . July 4, 1718 Sept. 23, 1772 K of William and M- KEAIS WilUam, •' Mary, " Hannah, " Sybel, " Ebenezer, " Alice, " Nathan, " Hannah, " Sybel (above died I, Sybel, 2d, KENYON John, of John and Elizabeth, " Thomas, Sylvester, •' George, Sarah, KINGSLEY Samilel. Jonathan, " Lucy, " Samuel, " Elizabeth, " Mary, " Jedediah, " Deliverance, * " Jonathan, of John and AUah, " Samuel, " Mehitable, " Jedediah, " Sarah, " Elizabclh, Abiah. Samuel and Bartlmnia. Oct. 17, Jan. 30, March 27, Jan. 10, June 17, JiUy 23, Oct. 11. JIarch 27, Si'pl. 26, Oct. 15, Nov. 21, 1700 Dec. '28, 1708 April 7 Sept. 28 .Sept. 21 Jan. 4, May 6, 175—, May 19, 175— Jan. 21, Aug. S, Apill 18 Nov. 8, May 5 Oct. 8, March 20. Jan. 30, April 10, Feb. 27 Dec. 19 July 14. 1710 1712 1715 17— LAWTON (son), of Thomas and Elizabeth, ■• George Nichols, of and Snsanmih, " Walt-ey Nichols, " Beniamin C., <( " Susannah Hall, of . Jr.. and Rusannali, Benjamin 0 1711. June 25, 17. :j. Feb. 3, 171ii. June B. 17L-. Dec. 2, 172(1. Dec 4, 1722. Nov. 10 17— Sept. 21 17— Oct . — • Dec . — .. Aug 13 , — - June — i July 31, June 12, May 2G, March 20, . 13, Deo. 20, . 18, March 3'0 Aug. 9, Sept. 15, AprU 7, Nov.- 12, Aug. — , March — , Oct. 16, 1783 1694 1696 1700 1703 1705 1708, 1713 S6 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND . >[U:MFo1;D Xliomas. of Thomas and Hannah, " John, " AbigaU, " JIarj-, of Gi'iirge and Mary, " Abigail. " WiUlam, of WlUlam and Hannah. " Hunry, of Thomas and Abigail, ■' Henr}-, ■• Thomas, Stpphon, of and Jadith, '• Judith, " Sarah, " Pearce, " Perry, MINDAY George, of Nathaniel and Ellzabeih Ann, Sept. 1-t, 1708, May 29, 1714 Sept. 3, 1710 Nov. 15, 1710, April 7, 1713 Dec. 2, 1721, May 28, 1753 died Oet. 21, 1753 .lime 20, 17— June 25 Maieh IS, 1700, N NANNIE Koblnson, son of (negro) Cotterly, deceased in tills to 1764. NASON Benin. Jefferson, of James .and f;arah. " ElishH. ■' Betsey, " John, NEWTON , (dau.) of James and Mary, These were not ta1;en from N. K. Records, but in possession of Mrs. Joseph l;rown. ^^CHOLS Hannah (wife of Thomas), " Thomas, of (Thomas and) Hannah, " Susannah, " John, " Robert', Htmnah, " Benjamin, " Jonathan , " Joseph, " Elizabeth, (Phiee of births uncertain: probably Newport. " Benjamin', of Benjamin and Mary, " Jonathan, ■' Ruth, " Joseph, " Jolin, " \i'iUiani , " Thomas, " George, " Ann, Mary, of Thomas and Rebecca, " Benjamin, " Elizabeth, , (dnu.), George, of Benjamin and Mary. Waite Vaughn (of Da\'id), his wife, Mary, of Greorge and Weight (Walte) (Vaughn), Susannah, Jonathan, Sarah, George, above, d. Waite, his wife, d. Lydia, of (of Thomas) and Anstrus, wn, born Aug. 14, Feb. 17 July 27 Nov. 2 Jan, 20 March — , 1703-4. from an old paper b. Dec. 17, 1642. Aug. 6, 1660. Oct. 15, 1662. April 16, 1666, Nov. 22, 1071. Aug. 7, 1674. Jan. 2.S. 1676. June 10, 1631. April 18, 1684. June 14, 1688. Aug. 22, 1698. Nov. 27, 1700. Jtarcli 13, 1703. June 8, 1707. Dec. 20, 1709. March 25, 1712. Feb. 28, 1714, Aug. 25, 1715. Oct. 16, 1717, Api-11 — , 1738. Oct. 11, 1739. March 20, 1 743-4. Dec. 13, 1745. March 7, 1747. May 30, 1730. July 30 17—. July 20 17—. b. Aug. 25, 1715. b. May 2, 1722. (Sept. 12, 1744.) Aug. (26, 1748). Aug. 27, 1752. Sept, (5, 1757). Dec. 8, 1794. March 2, 1800. Feb. 17 XORTH KINGSTOWN BIETHS AND DEATHS 87 If nnd Ansti-iLs;, died ; ni'l am ^'ewport, Vnry. of George T. and Amie Ann. XICllOLS Sisson, Hannah. " Elizabeth " Benjanjin, Slarj'. Eussell. " George, " Surah, of Col. Thomas, '• Joliu Mendall, of .Sam " Simuel. " Henry Hall. " Susannah, " .Joseph. " .losepU. d. " Thomas Wall, " Jeanmi Mcndnll, " Mary PhilUp'., " George Bnrdiit " AnTile Frances. " Walter S.. " Luelnda Caroline, " .UtsepIiiTie. " Thomas Wilson Dorr. " Joseph, of .Tnhn and Elizahi^h. John, MLES Nathan, of Xalhanlel and Mary, " Robert, " Mary, " Jeremiah, " Sarah, TaMtha, " Silas, " Paul. '■ iSylvanns, " Sylvanus, d. " James Hazard, of Patience (colorpd), born in .South NOHTHUP , of Joseph and Elizabeth, David, of Robi'rt and Snsiinnah. Dorcns, Nicholas, Hannah, Bonjamln, William, Da\ad, of Rufus and Mary, Abigail, Stephen, Catlierlne, of Joseph (of Henry) and Mary. Patience. Patience. Samuel, of Gideon, Ann, William, Sarah, Dorcas, Fredericli, Mary, of Joseph and Mary, Hrnry, John. John, died. Feb. 24, . Nov. 28, . Jan. 14, 17(;7. Nov. 24, 170-. Sep. 9, 1T70. July 7, 1772. Feb. 17, 177r,. .Sept. — . 1787. AprU 3, . Oct. 7, . Sept. 0, . April 20, Jan. 5, . Feb. 7, 1792. April 21, . July 2. . July 25, . April 9, 162--. Oct. 5, 182-. Feb. 0, 183—. Nov. ir,, 183—. Sept. 27, 183—. Jnjy 25, 184—. July 16. . ■ 30. . Sept. 12. 1700. Nov. 9, 1702. Aug. 14, 1704. April 7, 1707. June 17, 1711. Nov. 14, 1714. May 2(5. 1718. May Ifi, 1721. May Ifi, 1721. June — , 1721. Kingstown. Dec. 13. . Dec. 5. 1727. Aug. 12. 1729. Sept. 15, 1731. June 21. 1734. Sept. 17, 1736. July 17, 1740. Nov. 4, 1745. May 9. 1740. Nov. 30. 1748. Oct. 26, 1751. Aug. 12, 1755. Dec. 18. 1757. June 4, 1760. Sept. 29, 17.')-. April 9, 175-. May 29, 176 -. Nov. 15, 175-. Oct. 16, 17—. Nov. 4, 175—- July 22, 176-. Nov. 28, 176-. Jan. 29, 176-. May 30. 17li-. Aug. 22. 17—. May 4, 175-. April 4, 175—. Nov. 15„ 175-. 88 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. NOKTHUP John. -Jd, of JfisepU and Maxy, '• Joseph, '• Pnlience, " John, of George and Francis, " John, died, Anne. " Henry, " Sarah, " Marj', Tibbith, " Frances, " Frances, (lied, " Frances, 2d. " George. " , (son), of John. " Lydia. of .lohn and Pliebe, 2d w., " Sarah. " Jeremiah G., " Phehe, wife of John, died " Nichols, son of Nioboln ft- and Ann Slocum, of — children. )\i ,• t '. " Harris, " Remington, " Gideon, " Peleg, John, William, " Et)enezer. " Benjamin, " Benonl. " Stephen, " Mary, " Daniel Gouid. of , (of Immanuel) and Mary, " —ay, " , died " Mary, " S.arah, " Elizabeth, " Elizabeth, " Josepli, " John Gardiner, " Elizabeth, " Heniy W., " anin (dan.), " ■ (dau.), of Stephen (of Stephen) and JiarlUa, " (dan.). " — - (sou). Daniel, of Stephen (of Rufus) and Mary, Mary, fdau.), of Stephen (of Rufns) and — (/liristopher, Thomas G., of Cyrus and Sarah, Amelia, Cyrus, Sally Smith, of Abi.al P. and Thnrza, Elizabeth, Sarah Clarke, William H.ill, Christopher CatT, -, of -, 2d wife, Jan. 14, 175- Sept. 1, 175 AprU 8. 175 Sept. 9, 17.J4.. Oct. 5, 1754. June 2.S, 17- AprU 14, — June 4, . — Feb. 13, — Feb. 4, — Oct. 23„ — April :i, fol'g, Jan. 14, Feb. — . 17.;9 July 30, - July 23, 176—, April 5, 1767 JiUy 20. 1771 July 27. 1771 Jamestown, their Jan. 4, - Feb. 1, 1764 Jan. 4, 1760, Aug. 4., 1709 Sept. n, 1770, Nov. 20. 1772, Dec. 25.' 1774, AprU 10, 1777 Nov. 17, 1779 Jan. 20, 1782, JiJy 13, 17,84 Sept. 13. , July 17, 17—, Oct. 7, 17 Dec. 19, 1779, Jan, 19, 1781 Sept. 1, 17.S2 d. Nov. 28, 1782 Oct. 0, 1783 Sept. 25, 1785 Jan. 9, 1768 Aug. 14, 1790 Nov. 30, 1792 10. 1780 AprU 1, 1783 Aug. 10. 1785, Feb. 20. 178- Nov. 23. 178- Feb. 8, 17— July 30, 1783, Oct. 4, 1786 Oct. 19, 1788, Oct. 25, 1703, Aug. 27, 179- April IG. 1794 June 16, 1797 March 22, ISOO Sept. 1, 1801 Jan. 8, ISO—, June 5, 1831 Oct. 10, Sept. 10, Oct. 25. April 14, NORTH KI.XaSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 89 and Mary, and Ann Tibliett had Ihri'G wis-es. See below. NORTIiri' Isiiac, of Abial P. and TInirza, Thoznas, Abigail, Nicbnias, liideon. Rouse, Daniel, Eunice, William, Iramanuel, of Henry Henry, of Immanuei Mary, George, Note.— Immanuel Ann, of Nicholas, Benjamin, Freelove, Hannah, Rufus, of Da\1d. Susannah, Mary, lienjamin, Henry, of Immanuel and Sarah (Gould) (2d Hemy, Mary, Jeremiah, John, Daniel, Henry,"~2d, (3d) Sarah, wife of Immanuel Da\id, of Da\-ld and Susannali. Stephen. Benjamin, Robert, (iould, of Jeremiah and Sophia. This is given above on p. 113. also exc. See below at bottom of page. " Henry, of Immanuel and Ann, " Mary, " George, " Ann, wife of Immannel, " Sarah Ann, of Nicholas (Onrrl and Anne, " Hannah, Elizabeth Bliss, Carr, Waltey, " John Holmes, " Immanuel, " Mary, " Carr, of Immanncl and Ann. Rd wile, " Ann, NORTH (Jere)miah, of Thomas and AbigaQ. " (Susan), " , (dia.u.), " (son), " (son), " Thomas, of John, h. April — , of George Jan. 14, April — , - Jan. — , - March — , - d. Nov, — , - Nov. -. - Dec. 8, , June 17, 1699 Aug. 7, 1722 Feb. 9, 172 Aug. 7, 172 wife). April .Ti Fell. 19 April 11 March 1 Feb. 25 June iG. d. Oct. S, March 10. April (5, Jan. Ifi, June 10, April 23-(2), d M;u"ch 15, Dec. 11, Oct. 9, June 1, Aug. 20, 17, death of 1st wife, 1729, 1736 1732 1734, 1735, 1738 1740, 1745 Ann (Aug. 7, 17S2.) Feb. 9, (1724.) Aug. 7, 1727. died Aug. 28, (1728.) July 14, (1780.) Oct. 31, (1787.) (June 11, 1789.) Sept. (25, 1791.) Jan. 14, (1793.) Aug. (9, 1796.) July 18, (1798.) Dec. 31, (1800.) Apiil 1, 1747, Aug. 20, 1749 Jan. 24. - July 23, - Feb. 15, - Feb. -, - o ONION Nalhanii-1, of Marcraret, " Joseph, " Nathaniel, of Sarah. May 9, 1,304. Feb. 28, 1809. March 28, . 90 VITAL EEC4IKD OF KHODE ISLAND larris. of ami Sarah, Nov. 14, ITC.S. Hannah, Feb. a. 17(^. Isabel, Aug. 31, 17i;-. Sarah, April 7, 1770. Ezra, March 23, 1772. Pliebe, July 7, 1774. Daniel, of Barbara, dan. of Jrali, M.ay 11, 1717. June 23, 1776. '• April 17, 1780. " Dee. 23, 1782. " .. . .■jept. 17, 1784. i. , April 9. 17.*(i. Thomas Boone, of Benedict and JIary, June 18, . " Mary, -wife of Benc July 12, . PECK Ainie, of Aaron and Aisle, Aug. 6, 1772. 11 Nancy. April 12, 1775. PEEKINS Tabitlia, -wife of Abraliani, d Dec. 28, .; b. 30, 1717, PHILLIPS , (dau.) of Samuel and Abigail, Nov. 1, 1733. . (jion). Jan. 13, 1735. . (dau.). April 27. 1737. " . (son). S.pt. 11, 1739. ti Samuel, of Clirlst4. 1700. 1770. 1725. 172—. 1730. 1773. 1775. 1777. 17S0. 17S3. 1710. 1720. 1723. L725. 172S. Thomas and Susannah, Oct. lo, l(i'>7. Jan. 5. Hi!)—. J!ay 3. 10!)—. Ni.v. 2. li.li— . April 2i. 170—. May 10, 170- Dec. 22. 170—. Sept. — , 170—. Jan. 9, 1699. April 12. 1701. . 170R. Sopt. — , 1709. Jaly — , 1714. Doc. 30, 17—. Nov. 23. 17—. Oct. 3. . Jan. 20. . Sept. 20. 17—. Sept. 14. 17^. July 8. 17—. Aug. 20. 17—. May 17, 17—. Aug. 3. 17—. AprU 29, 17—. 1. Sept. 19. 1782. June 20, 1756. AprU 24, . March — . . Dec. 28 . June 28, . July 12, . June 25, . Dec. 20, 1602. May 20, 1095. Sept. 2, 1099. April 15, 1702. a^pt. 17, 1704. March 2, 1700-7. July 28, 1715. Feb. 8, 1695. Oct. 2, 1097. AprU 15, 1700. 92 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. pi.iTTEU Benjruiiin. ot Tlinmns and SusannaJi, Joseph, Mary, Thomas, of Thomas a.n(l Mary, (Barberry). Marliary, of Robert and EUzabeth, JIartha, Robert, Ichabod, Susan, John, of John and Mercy, Chilstopher, Chrislopbit'r, 2d, Mary, Lydla, of Robert and Merlam, John, S;irah, of Robert aid MerianL. Ilamiuh, Joseph, of John, Benjamin, Mary. Hannah, John, S:irah, Matthew, .hm. in, 1703. Jan. 30, 1700 Aug. 16, 1708 Sept. 14, 1720 Feb. 2, 1097-8 Aug. 10, 1699, July 26, 1702 Nov. 30, 1703 Feb. 14, 1705 Jan. 3, 17iri-l« Nov. 5, 1/17. Nov. 8, 1719 M.ay 24, 1731 March — , — May 1, Aug. 5, - .Tan. 31, - Sei>t. 34, , Sept. 24, . Feb. 4, - 28, - July 5, Q R EATllBUN Mary, Of Roger and Mary, " .Toshua, of A. B. and Waitey, " Deborah C, " Eliz.abeth Thomas, " Walte, " P., ot A. B. and Mary, " Joseph, " Rebecca, Mary, " Ann, RAY , of John and Rebecca, " — , ot John and Mary. REMINGTON Matilda, died aged 27 years. EE"i"NOLDS John, of James (of William), iind Deborah, the Indians, , 1675. " James, of James (of William), nnd Deborah, " J oseph, Henry, " Deborah, " FnincLs, " Mary, " James, of James and Sarah, " — , (son), of John and Hannah. '* Tlenjamin. , (.';on), , (dan.), . (dau.). John, Phebe, of John and Sarah, Wealthlan, Jan. 25, 1764. Dec. 5, 1797. Nov. 24, 1799. Oct. 30, 1801. Nov. 4, 1803. June 26, 18—. Jnly — , . Dec. — , . Nov. — , . July 3, . Nov. 6. 1730. May 29, 1736. Dec. 14, 1737. Aug. 3, 1739. April 11. 1741. Dee. 10. 18S2. Oct. 12, 1S48, and sliot by Oct. 28, 1650. Nov. 27. 1052. Jan. 1. 1II5G. — , 1638. Oct. 12, 1662. — . 1664. Feb. 12, 1705-6. Aug. 23, 1722. Jan. 31, 1726. Oct. 9. 172-. Nov. 14. 17—. March 11, 17—. , 5. J 7 — . horn , 1723, died about , 1775. Oct. 5, 1729. Feb. 17, 1731. July 18, 1733. Jan. 2, 1747. April 20, 1749. NOKTII MNGSTOWN BIETHS AND DEATHS yy REYNOLDS Ajuki,, of ,T(.Uu ;uul -M wife William, iicnjamlii, Daniel, llannali, .Tnmes, Jcmallian, (if .Tnlin and Melaitable. iVancls, " Sarali, Mi'hiiablo, Esthpr. Il.'iiry. Watty, '• EUzalK'lli, " Colonol, > ('"II). ol .Timatli.ni. , (flan.), , (SO)J), , (flan.), . (s.m), . Uiin). Abel, Anna, Sarah, ■. (dan.) of Jolm (of Jolin) and Dorcas, Eldred, Eulh, Sa.fah, Joseph, of Jabez and SnsannMli, Henry, Mary, Phebe, Lucy, Joseph (died) William, of Jaboz and Sybol. 2d, wife, Peter, of James and Rebecca, James, Elizabeth, Dorcas, of Francis (of John) and Anna, Mary, Anna, Martha. anis. Colonel, Tibbette, ah, (diiu.), of Jonathan and Anstis, George, Anstis, Elizabeth, of Benjn (of ,7ohnl, and Elizabeth John, as, Mehitable, Anna, Sarah, Elizabeth, Waite, WUltam W., (JeoTge W., James, Hannah., Ans. 9, 1751. July 10, 17.-);i. April 19, 170(1. June 3, 17(;o. May 5, 174a. Nov. -24, 1744. Jan. 2, 174S. Aug. 4, 17r.ii. Aug. 8, 1702. Feb. 14, 1704. Sept. 11, 1705. Dec. 21, 1767. Bee. 25, 1750. Nov. .iO, 1703^ Jan. 24, 17155. Jlarch 10. 1747. March 13. 1749. Feb. 3. 175' . March in. I75:i. March 12. 1705. Feb. y, 1757. March 31. 17.'.'.). Feb. 7. 17lil. Fei>. 4. :.7c:;. -May 7. 17r,o. Dec. 10, . April — , . AprU 21, . July 11, 173-. March 15, 17(1-. April 2, 1705. July 23, 17()(;. May 19, 1768. Feb. 1, 1758. March H, 1709. March 14, 17ii-. Jan. 1, 17(i5. Dec. 1, 1771. May 8, 1758. April 20. 177!). May 24, 171)1. July 5, 17ii3. Nov. 14, 171)7. Jan. 11, 1773. S?pt. 26, 1775. Dec. 28, 177.S. April 20, 17S1. Aug. 17„ 1783. Oct. 17, 1780. Oct. 15. 1788. Dec. 3, 1777. July — , 1780. Jiuie 5, 1784. July 19, 1779. Dee. 21, 1780. Nlov. 8, 1782. Aug. 18, 17,84. May 17, 1780. Oct. 15, 1787. Aug. 12., 1780. Oct. 10, 1701. AprU 26. 1793. Sept. 5, 1790. Aug. 11, 1708. June 5, l.-,02. ai A'lTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. EF.V.NOLDS . (flail.), of George, (of .T-i-opli), .^Ild Sarah, . (son), , of Honry (of .lolm. and Mary, Ann, Elizabeth Fones, than, of and Esther, Nicholas, is, • , (sou) olon rtter, Esther, William, .Sanil Watson. Daniel, , of and Elizabeth. William M., Susannah Wall, of WUliam, (of Benjamin) and Susannah, Esther Chapone, of Jonathan and Mary,. Helena Maria Williapis, Mary Mebitable, Hannah Anne I'tler, John Jonathan, William Peter, William Peter, died, James J., of GHeo. W. and Ruth, George W., Charles E., of Giorge W. and Mar}' .Vnn, Da\id G., of Gardiner and Elizabeth, Mary, Phebe, Benjamin, of John B.. (of Benjamin), and Mary, Mar>-, John D., Hazard D., Abble. William W. A.. Elizabeth, Ann G., Etnnia, Almira, Allen, S.irah Leontha, Sarah, Stephen, Ilenn', Mary, Hannah, John, Martha, Peter, Mary, Stephen, 1785. 1788. 1790. 1793. 1793. 1796. 17—. 17—. 17—. 17—. 17—. 17 179--. . 1773. May 16, 1780. July 25, 1782. June 8. 1784. June 25, 1787 May 11, 1790. Oct. 15, 1792. 3, 1795. Oct. 24, Jan. 4, Oct. June 11, June 11, Sept. 26, March Dec. 22, April 7 Oct. 17 Nov. 12 Aug. 10, March 12, AprU 13, 179-. May 13, 1797 Feb. 38, 1795. a?pt. 23, 1798. May 3, 1800. April 3, 1795. Oct. 26, 179—. Sept. 27, Aug. 12, 180—. Sept. 1, 180—. Jan. 29„ 180- . Aug. 16, 1807. May 15, 1810. Dec. 7, 181—. May 21, 181—. Oct. 1, Jan. 13, Dec. 30. May 30. Nov. 27, . Oct. . 11, July 11. Oct. 17, Jan 5, April 6, April 22, Aug. 31, Aug. 9, Feb. 20, April 18, April 23, Dec. 19. Dec. — , 1817 1818. 13-J 18.30. Aug. 3, Sept. 25, EEVXfJLDS NORTH KJNUSTOWN- iif .Tiisc'ph niul Susa.niiali. William, Esther, TvLTo nf William. Estht^r, ■wife "f William. Jonatlian, of William and E-^tlicr Nicliola.'^, .lames, Nicholas, Silas, Sllns. died (Troy, y. Y.|, ZelHiIon U., Estlier, William .1., Samuel Watson, Daniel, (if William ami EsMicr, Daniel, died, at Cherrvl)oiu-ne Hi qital. Jabez, or Wni., (of .Tal.oz) and Elizahetli, " James, ■' I.ydia, " William K., " Ho Kim. '* Thomas A., " Uicharcl, " Ohediali B., " Mary NortUiili, of and Kebooca. " Eliza. " Abigail BiLrroiigli, " Frances. \Vm. Hookey, " Benjn^ Hnrrougli, " Sarah Jane, ■" Edwin Nelson, " Edwin Nelson, died, I'hristian, of George and Hannah, Snsannali, '■ Isabel, " Ann, Robert, " Martba, " Mary, " .Sarah, Tliomas, of Samuel, '■ Freelove, Aldgail, " Susannah, of Jabez and Mary, " James, " Jabez, '• John, -'* Mary, Mary, -'d, James, Elizabeth, Euth, " Deborah, " Amey, TIICHAEDSON Ben.jamm, o£ and Elizabeth, " Elizabeth. By above wife wben .she bore tlie name of Hill AND DEATHS. 95 April 27, _. March 2:;, Dec. 21, — . Oct. 13, Aug. 14, — . Dec. i:i. — • July 19, Aug. 11, — . d. Sept • ~, — . Ma rch — . Dec. — , April — , — . d. Jan. w. — . Oct. —, — . Oct. .T."* — . Nov. _, — . Aug. — , — . ilarch — . — . April — . — . .Marcl — . — . ne:ir BataNia. N. V.. March 21, 1S21. Jan. 31, 1803. Nov. 2T, 1.S04. Oct. 9, 1807. Sept. 0, 1812. Nov. 11, 1S14. Nov. 1, 1817. Jtuie 25, 1820. Feb 13, 1S23. AprU 22, . Feb. 22 Nov. 28 Jan. 24 Aug. 29 Jan . 2 Nov. 21 Sept. 20 Apri — 1", AprU 5, Nov. 2i), Feb. 21 Feb , r, Fet . () Aug. 11. . March 1(3, . Oct. .•31 M— r . (ii t . ] . July 21 . Oct. 22. . ._ 11 21 ~[ 15 14 28, • Dec. Nov. IS, 20 06 A'lTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. EK'IIARDSOX M;u-y. of and EUzal)eth, ROBINSOX Mary, of John and Mary, " Sarah, '■ Ruth, ROOME William, of Cnto and Dorcas, ROSK Charles Henry, of Charles and Lydla, ROT'SE JIary Grant, of Jolin II. and Soi>horonia, Alexander Billings, " ,Tolin Frederic HUl. Dec. — , . Sept. 30, 1705. Jan, 22, 1706-7. JlarcUi 12, 1708-9. April 4, . Nov. — , . May 31, 1838. Jan. 20, 1842. Sept, 28, 1844. SAJino Chrktopher, of .S;iniuel and Eunice, Barbara, " James, Job, " Patience, " Mercy, " Ge.irge, Samuel, Xancy, " Sarah, " Thomas, SA.VDsOJ^r'Maynai-d, -wife of R ilicrt G., died, SANFORD Joseph C, of Esl)on and AWgail, Mary, " Dorcas, William C, " Abigail, " Esbon, " Rebecca, " Lydia . " Esther, '• Eliza, " Harriet, Hannah Hall, " Peleg Clarke. SCKANTON , (soni, of Thomas and Sarali. '■ Desire, " Abigail, of Jolin, " Hannah, SHAW , of Berijamin and Hannah, Elizabetli, of William G. and BUizabeth, " Samuel, " Samuel, died " Brenton, " Susannah, ■' Horatio JTelson, SHEFFIELD Joseph, of Jo.-eph and Maiy, Mary, Xathanii'l, " Elizabeth, of Josepli .and Mary, u " (dau.), of WilHam and Hannah, SHELDON (dan.), of John and Sarah. Thomas, of Isaac, " Sus;innah. " Gideon. SHERMAN . (son.), of Jonath.nn and -Mary, " Martha, of Eber and Martlia, Dec. 20, 30, May 20, Dec. 13, Nov. 20, Oct. 13, Dec. 22, Miiy 14„ July 7, 1795 Jan. 17, 17 Jan. 28, 1790 May 3. 1792 March 13, 1794 June 3, 179fi June 21„ 1798 Aug. 14, 1800, June 30, 1802 March 21, 1804 July 10, 1806. March 6. 1809, June 12, 1810 June 20, 1812, Nov. 24, 1726 Sept. 7, 1725 1794 1799, May 15 Oct. 14, Jun,e 23, Nov. 18 Sept. 20, Dee. 29 J,an. 29 March — , April 1, 1711 Sept. 9, 1713, Mav 11, 1714, May 21, 172S May IS, 1705 July 25, 1707 May 15, 1709 Oct. 30, 1711 ^'ORTll IvINIJSTOWN BIRTHS AND SHEEMAN Abis-all, of Eljcu ;iiul Jiariha, William, " Mary, " Heni'y, " Haiinaji, of Abial aJid Dorcas, " Ezekiel, " Job. of Ellslia and Mary, '• ElisUa. " Benoni, " Elizabeth. " Stephen, Jiariha. of Stephen and .Sarah. Samuel, Ma IT, I.sabel, (soul, of Stephen and Margaret, (sou), (dan.). Sarali, of Samuel arw* Annah, Cliri--topher, Anne, Elizabeth, Susannah, Mercy, (jid^'On, Stephen, Samuel, Gitfe, of and Mary, Steplien. Freeborn, .Tames, Mary. Susannah, Jenkins, of Thomas and Bath.sheba, Caleb. Martha. Sarah (b. and d.i, of ■ Sarah, 2d, Lorey, Xathaniel, Anne, Anne, M.ary Madeliu. of Wm. N. and Mary Madella, James, of Stephen, (of Heniy. and Lydia. (icorge, Andrew, Lucy, Abial, William N .rthnp, I'yrus Xortliup. Potter, of and Abble, Albert. G ' orge, Easton, Edwin, Gali'U Wickliam. . of James and Clffie. John, of John and Fieelove, Kemiugton. (Vit. Eec, Vol. 5.) 7 EATIIS. 97 Mareli 22. 1714. Dec. 3(1, 1716. AprU in, 1719. Jan. It, 1724. Oct. 2s, 1713. Api-U 1:3, 1717. June '20, 171C. Nov. 17, 1717. July 7, 1719. March 24. 1722. Mai'cli 21;, 1724. Auk. 11, 1720. March 2(1. 173-. (let. 2 , . Sept. I'.t , . April — , 1722. Aus. 2. 1723. Aug. 10, 1725. BelJI. IC, 1727. July 1:1, 1731. May 7 , . May 30 , . Dec. 20 Marcli 30 , . May i, 1730. June 5, 1752. May l.s, ]7.".5. Oct. 2'J. 175,-;. June 15. 17i;2. Oct. 0, 17(14. Jttly 8, 17(!0. Sept. 2(i, 1708. Majcli 4, 1770. 27. 175S. May 4 17—. June 30, 17(1— May .i. 17(5-. March 31, 1770. Feb. 20, 1772. JUile 11. 1702. March 10, 1704. Oct. 5, 1700. Aug. l-_ . Sept. 4 , . July 1 , . March 26 d. May IC. 1783. Dec. 20, 18—. Feb. 2 . . May 2f , . June 7 , . Jan. 10. ^. July 2: i. . Feb. 10„ . May 1. . . Nov. 8. . July 7. . Jan. 1" July 31 , • F,3b. , June 17 Dec. 30, . Nov. 2- :. — April •.:■. :. — . 98 \'ITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. SHERMAN Sara:Li, of .Uilin aiid Freelove, Freel >Yi', " Henry, and Ms -n-lfo, cliUd, wlio was widow of Syb. " Beriah, born, " Innocent, of \ViUi;un. Jr., and Amie, Jlartha, Godfrey, " Abigail, " MaiT, " Giffle. " Amie. " IcIi:ibod, of Pek'g, Lydla, " ElizaTieth. " Mary. " Mo-es, " Deliverance, of William, " Eber, " Pbebe, " Abigail, " Mary, " Edward, " .Temima, " WUllam, " Parthenla. " Jacob. " Palmer, " Peleg, of Eber and JIarguret. '• Silas, SHII'PEE William Francis, of Horace J. and Mary G., SHORT Charles, of Lncy, SISSO.V Abigail, Of Caleb and Abigail, any, SLOCUM Mary, of Moses, " Moses, " of Ebenezer and Mary, " . (dau.), ti " (dan.), ti '• Joseph, of William and Sarah, "' Sarah, of Abel, " , (son), " Elizabeth. " Mary, of Ebenezer, " John, of George W. and AnstLs, " (dau.l. " (dan.), " Arnold, of and .Sally, " ohm.), " (Solli, " (dau.). ** (son), of Ebenezer and SaraJi, " Abigail. " Ebeio'zer, " (da.u.). of Samuel, " • — : (dau.), f.MITH Maig.iret, of Juhn and M.-rcy : " Bathsheba, '•' Freelove, of EphraJm and Margaret, Sarah, July 10, . Feb. — „ . str-r Shii-rman. Feb. — , . March 11, . Jan. 28, . Feb. 5, . Aug. 15, . July 8, . June 10, . Dec. 3. . April 2, -. 11. . July .*. . April 10, . Aug. 7, . Jan. 4, . Oct. 2G, . June 29, — . March 4, . Dec. 14. . March 10. . Feb. Hi, . Nov. 20, . May 3. . Nov. 0, . March 23, . Jan. 12, 1S48. Jan. 2, 1771. Nov. 23, 1709. Jan. 1, 1774. Oft. 29, . March 7, 1748. March 23. 174i;. April 5, 1747. April 1, 1743. Feb. 21, 174§. Jan. 2.J, 1750. June 20, 1758. July 2o, 17ii7. June 25. . Oct. 7. . March 25. 178-. d. Feb. 12. ■. Nov. l(i, Smiday. Aug. 13. 17S0. July 21. 1793. Jan. 1, 1804. June 9, 1.S0.J. May 28. 1807. June 2. 1809. June IS, . Dec. 7, . Oct. 19. . Oct. 19. ■ . Dec. 17. . Nov. 2. . Feb. 23, . April 7, . Oct. 2, (30). 1708. April 7. 1710. .Tnly 24, 1711. Oct. 4. 1714. NORTH KIN«iSTOWN BIETHS AND DEATHS. 99 SMITH Keiiewed, ot Epiu'ajm and Margaret, JFai-garet, Eyhraim, (dau.), ol William and A\1s, (Ed-ward), William. (E?i;d year. , wife of Williajii. C'lii-istopher, ol' Tlioma.s and Jeruslia, Abigail. Patience, .leroniiali, .Teremiali, P^.benezer, Freelove, rai-sallali, Benaja.li, IjUoreti.a. Fones, Joseph. (son), of Benjamin and Mai-j' (son), Elizabeth, of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, of Jeremiah, of Jn rpb. ( hildren's names and dates of birth tirely btirnt off. C-.'ilherine, ot .lohn and Christiana, Thomas, of William and , PaUaiee, Patienee, (dau.) (dau.) " Daniel, of Daniel and Eo— •6PENCEE (son), of Wiiliam and Elizabeth, " Mary, " Elizabeth. " Jiinathan, " WUliam. " Daniel. " William, of John and S.arah, " Lydia. of Henry and Lydia, " Anne. " Elizabeth, " Sarah. John. " Esther, " Edna. " Henry, father of above children. " Nicliolas. of Christopher and Prances. " Frances, " Phebe. " Mary, May 8, ITi.T. May 4. 1719, April 13. 1722 Ma.rch 1. 1741) d. Dec. 11. 1747 Sept. -20, 1748, July ^50. 1750, d. Aug. 20. 1750, Aug. 12. 1755 Nov. 2, 1756 Dec. 18, 1745 d. Nov. 20, 1759 'let. 4, 1753 Sf'pt. 8. 1755 July 22, 17— Nov. 22. 1755 Dec. (>, — Nov. — . June — . April ~. April <;. Feb. 17, 1789 April 5, 1790 28, 1791 28, 1791 May 18, 1793 Feb. 5, 1795, Jan. — . 179— July 3, 170—, Sept. 7. 1800, Sept. 15, l.SO— July S, 180—, nl Jolm and Presilla Smith en- Oct. 1 . Dec. 15 15 , . d. Sept. 30 . Ma> 15 . . d. Dec 11 . Sept . 27 , Aug. 2') , — r — 1<), . AprU IG, 1093. March 29, 1700. May 11, 1702. Jan. 21, 1704. June .30, 1700. June 20. 1708. Feb. 21 , 1 723-0. April 29, 17—. June 13, 17—. June 14, 17—. Oct. 11, 17—. Feb. 12, 17—. April 12, 17—. Dec. 2Ci, 17-,. d. July 13. 17—. April : 7. 174—. Marcll 27, 17—. Sept. 10, 17—, June 12, 175—. 100 VITAL RECORD OF KIIODE ISLAND. SPENCER (nun), of ClirLstopher and AMg;iil, " AbigaU. -wife of Christopher, " Thomas, " man (, '• Benjamin, " Thomas, " Amie, " Mercy, " Mary, SPIXK Siinuiel, iif John and Hannah (Carpenter), Samuel (Ishmael). " Oliver, " John, •' Sarah, " Silas, " Nicholas. Hannah. ■' Abigail, of labovei .Tolm and Sarah (TibbettB), ** (soil), of I^hniael and Deliverance), " (dan. I, " Capt. John, b. -. 1753; d. in S4th year, " Anne, of Josiiih and Anne. " Penelope, of and .Mary Oliver, I " Daniel, of John and Judeth, •' John, of and Walte, '* SUas, Waite. •' Isaac, •' Lucia, " Samuel. " Hannah, " Nathaniel, " Nicholas, born JiUi. 24, 174.3. '■ Hannah (Boone, of Samuel), fits wife, '' Hannali, of Nicliolas anti Hannah, " John, Maty, Aug. 14, 1737. d. Aug. 24, 1737. Dec. 23, 1740. May 20, 17.37. Feb. 20. 1730. Aug. 2, 1734. Jiarcii l.i. 1779. May 2S, : 178—. May 28. 17S-. 5, : 178—. Nov. Ifi, 1782. Sept. 22, 1784. Sept. 14, 1786. June 17, 1788. June 16, 1790. May 9, 1793. March — , 1812. Dec. 21, 1813. March 11. d. , June 20, 1S22. , Sept. — , Aug. 4 4 , . 18 Dec. 4 > . March .J April o , . JiUy 22 Nov. 3 , . Sept. l(i , . July 13 , . Jan. 22 . . Feb. 18 , . , Feb. 18 , . Dec. 31, 1729. Feb. 12, 1731. Dec. 23. 1733. March 21. 173(1. Sept. 22. 1741. Jau. 24. 17-j:;. March 3. 1745. Jidy 23. 174Ci. Sept. 11, 1723. Jan. 21, 1702. Nov. 7. 17(14. — , 1837. Oct. 6, 175—. May 20 , . June 26, 17G3. Feb. — , 1776. July 20 . 17—. Aug. 23 , 17—. Jan. 19, 17—. March 3, 17—. May 22 , 17—. Oct. 30, 170—. Feb. 23, 176—. Nov. Ki, 17ii!). d. Manh 3. 174.-.. Aug. 19. 1 749. Jan. 30, 1770. June 22, 1771. March 25. 1773. N-OKTII iaX(JSTOWN BIETHS AND DEATHS. 101 SPINK Samuel, of NichnUis and Hannnli, Christopher, Boone, Nicholas, Anna. Lucy, William. Franklin, Martha. Martini, of John and Judeth, ah (E, G.), of Nathaniel and Lydia, . of Thomas, Frances Ann, Albert E. N., Eliza, of and , Samuel, Arnold. Lucy, Judeth, Mary, Matilda, Emellne. ^ Alniira, William, Kuth A., Samuel. Ann, his wife, Eliza, or Samuel and Ann. Hannah C, Silas, Eliza, died ,Tged 23 years, Nicholas N., Huldah A., his wife, Benjn. Weeden, of Nicholas N. and Huldah A., Frances Ann, Prances Ann, Mary Fo-nler, Mary Fowler, Frances Ann, Christoplier, Christopher, Mary Fowler, Anudd. died aged 47 years, Mahalie, Hannali C, died, aged 36 years, Anil, died aged 60 yrs. 5mos. 9 days. Walter E., of Silas and Phebe, Hat tie A., Mlnme Mabel, George Teimant. of Booue and Amie, Eliza Ann Sweet, Mary Eleanor. Emeline Fry, Boone, Charlotte. Susannah, Eichai-d Eldred, of Nicholas and Lldge, Penelope, of Oliver, Oliver, Arnold, of Samuel Betsey, Joseph, Mary, and Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1775. March 17, 1777. April 15, 1779. Feb. 11, 1781. Jan. 10, 1783. Jan. 5, 1785. Jiily 1:;, 1786. March ;;7, 1738. July 24, 1790. Nov. 21, 1774. March — , 1800. Feb. 14. 1802. Feb. 27, 1811. Feb. 18. 1814. Jan. 17, 1827. Aug. 30, 18i!9. March 14, 1813. Nov. 20, 1815. Sept. 29, 1817. Oct. 27, 18i;i. Nov. 24, 1821. Feb. 12. 1822. Feb. 9, 1825. Sept. 26, 1827. April 15. 1830. AprU 12, 1833. Feb. 11. 1S36. Nov. 2:1. l.sl.j. Sepl. 21. 1-17 Dec. 22, 1'538. Jan. 23. 1840. Sept. 12, 1841. Oct. 10. 1«:!6. Aug. 26, 181—. .■^lay 11, l.sl.-J. AprU 2, l.s— . Sept. 26, 18—. d. Feb. 17. 1843. Oct. 2, IS-. d. April 25, 1842. Feb. 6, IS—, Dec. 23, 18—. d. April 19, 18—. May 14, IS—. May 24, 1865. d. March 12, 1865. June 9. 1876. AprU .30, 1878. June 29. 1.S62. M.anch 2s. 1S65. Jlay 9. 1875. Feb. 14, . Feb. 10, . Aug. 27. . Dec. ]6. . March 4. . Jidy 2. . AuK. 15. . Feb. 20, . May 20, . June 26. .. June — , . Nov. 16, , Sept. — , . Aug. — , . 102 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLA>rD. SPRAGIT; Mary, of Da-vid, " Detorali, STANTON , of TULViA and Martha, STEADILVN HeniT, ol Asa ;ind Sarali, bom In Petertoro, Aug. 6, 1800. STRAIGHT Henry, of Joseiili and Mary, Ruth, SWl'lET James, of Benoni and EUzaheth, " Margaret, Benoni, ■' Mary, •' Elizabeth, •■ Thomas, June — , . Aug. 10. . Nov. 25. 1742. Renssiiloar Co., N. Y., Fell. — . . May 28, 168(7). Sept. 22, (1080). March 28, ](!!)2. 1C96. 1700. 1703. , 1715. 1710. , 1720. , 1721. 172.3. 1725. , of John of Catherine, CalheiTue, , of Thomas and TaWtha, —, of Benoni, Jun,, and Isabel, Elizabeth. Benoni, Thankful, ot Daniel, Alice, EUzabeth, (dau.), ■ (son), ■ — (son), (dau.), of James, Jun., — ^ (dau.l, of Job and Jemima, died Margeret, dau. of James, on oath that the fathe Au-lin, her sun Ezra, bom , of and , Dec. 8, Feb. 22, Aug. , Oct. — Jan. 5 Aug. 17 Dec. 29 Nov. 2, Jan. 31, Nov. 21. 1727. March 30, 1730. April 26 July 23 Feb. 27, 1725-6. Feb. 14, 172-. Sept. 1, 172S. Dec. 2, Oct. 12, Oct. 8, May 2(5, June 10, 1740. Oct. 10, 1742. AprU 20, 1745 1733. 1719. 1730. 1732. 1742. 1746. Oct. 1748. Polly. Christopher A., Dorcas, Samuel, John A.. William, Potter. Sally, Jeremiah, Stephen, of Sylvester and Patience, Mary, C, , and , Stephen S., of Scranton E. and Mary, Betsey C, Green A., Oct. 3, 1752. Dec. 30, 1736. Jan. 19, 1744. Sept. 5, 1741. Feb. 23, 1743. Feb. 8, 174—. Jan. 2, 174^. Aiiril 2C., . Miiy 31, . Oct. 29. 1740. Sept. 8, 175—. r of her son was James April 13, 1767. Feb. 9, 1779. Nov. 21, 1780. March 18, 1782. July 29, 1785. AprU 13, 1787. June 25, 1790. July 15, 1793. March 20, 1795. Nov. 20, 1796. Nov, 20, 1798. Nov. 9, Nov. 7 Nov. 14, April 24, July 17, June 19, 1813. Oct. 28, 1814. 17—. 17—. 1806. 1803. 1814. >'(JRTH KINOSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ]():; SWEET William Henry, of Scranton E. ;uid Mury, '■ JIary Ann. " George, of Potter and Aliebn, " William Harris, " Wasliington, " Mary E., " Daniel H., " Lucinda, '■ Esther, ■■ Parker Hall, " Isaac Henry, " Sarah Eliza, '• Amie, of Elnathan, " Mary, " Elnatban, " Elizalietb, of John, " Sarah, " John, ^ " Benoni. " Tlieophilua, " James, " (dau.), of Jame^ and Maxy, " (son), « (dau.), " (son), " Gidooii. of Job and Sarah, •' James, '• Benoni, Jonathan, Margaret, Lydia, Hannah, KlLfllS, Sarah, Ruth, of Samui'l and S.irab, Sarah, Samuel, of and Henrietta, Thomas, Mary, Frances, Robert, Abigail. Benoni, of James and — -, ElXT. Mary, James, Elisha. Fri-elove, Jch, Elizabeth, Margaret, Slliis, of Elizabeth, E!i?abeth, Isabel, Joshua, Patience, Thankful, Phebe, Tolding, April 13, 1810. Jan. 13, 1819 Dec. 19, 1831 July 18, 1833 June S-i, 1835 Sept. 20, 1837 July IT, 1840, Dec. 31, 1843, Dec. 31, 1843 Oct. 24, 1S45 May 7, 1848 May -23, 1851, Nov. — , July 4, June 24, May 30, June 2t, Nov. 7, May 3, April 30, Aug. 24, April 30, May 28. May 7, Nov. 9, April 11, April 11. — Oct. 17, Sept. 0. Dec. 4. Dec. 4. Aug. 3, Dec. G. 174—, April 4, 17—, April il, Man b 14, Aug. 7, AprU 2, June 5, Nov. 25, Oct. 18, April 12, Dec. 1, May 13', April 4, 24, March 21, July -, Ma roll 27. Oct. -, TANNER William, ot WUliam and Hannah, " Benjamin, Sept. 22, 1712. June 16, 1714. 104 ^^TAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. TANNER Honor, of Willium and HannaJi. all, '■ Elizabi'th, of Fnincis and Rosanna, '• Phebe, '• , oJ Ij'-njaniin, Cathi-riii.-. of PalniiT and Margaret, Job. lU'njaniin. JIarj, PaJniev, Jarees, Henr>, Abel, ■ , of \VLllia.ni aaid Elizabeth, TAYLOR William Uavls, of Syh'ia (ooL) TENNANT Ueorge, (.Tamestown) Hannah, ■wife of George, " Li-naJaU. I.T.) of (Joorge and Hamiah, Mary, (N.) Sarah, IN.), Luke, John, of George and Tabitha, Hannah, (Plamfield), " George (Plalnfleld), of George and Tabitha, " Daniel CPlaiafield), " Nancj-, (PlaJnfleld), " lietser, (Plalnfleld), " Honor. (Plalnfleld). " , of George and AustJs, " Abigail, " Abigail, " Lydla, '' .la.mes, of John and Mary, .loLiu, " Merabuh, Dec. 15, 1716. Oct. IC, 17J3. Jan 10, IT::—. March 30. 17()— . Nov. 10. 1703. Feb. 2S, 1700. July 3, 1707. April 9, 1709. May -21, 1771. March 27, 1773. Dec. -5, 1774. June IS, 1776. Nov. 21, 1778. June 13, 1780. March 10, 1782. April 15, 1784, Dec. 5, 1787. May 11. 1711—. Dec. a, 17a—. June ID, 17!)—. Dec. 3, 179—. March 9, 179—. May 8, 179-. Jan. 25, 179—. Aug. 8, 1800. Dec. 0, . Oct. 11, . SepL, 5, . Sept. 15, . Jidy 10. . Si-pt. 22, . April 23, . July 13, . Aug. -. . June 13, . Jan. — , . Jan. — , '. Jan. — , -. Feb. 28, 17—. Feb. 9, 1788. June 1, •. d. June 21, s. m. Feb. 22, -. Dec. — , 1789. THOMAS , (son), of Abraham and Rose, " Phebe. "wife of George, (.son of Samuel) ; " Jnriah, of Samuel and Euth, " George, Gould, " Alice, " Samuel, " Ellzaheth, '• Ruth, wife of Samuel, died " ticorge. of Samuel, and Ills wife. I'Uebe 1 Warwiik, R. I., children. " Rulh, " George, Gould, Dec. — , 1723. a gel 43 years, Nov. 19, 1744. May 15, 1757. June 7 . . Api-U 7, 174—. March 24. 174—. Aug . 1, , 17—. Feb. . 11 Jan. 4 :, ., ;\vood , d au. of Capt. AniO!!, ot Jiil,\ ■ 1. 1764. March 23, 1706. Aug. 17, 1709. JfORTH KINOSTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lO.J THOMAS Dajilel, of Samuel and Plipbt', Sarah, Sarah, died, , (son), . (son), died, Amos, Amos, died, SuTai Ann, Sarali Ann, died, , son of George, Jr., died. , (dau.), - — , (.son), Eliza.betli. Martha Augusta, Phebe Ann, (Newport), George W., (Newport), S.'illy, Jane, Catherine Gould, all, (dau.) of and Hope, Richard, ty, (dau.), , (son), ot Benjamin and Eliz.nlieth, Elsie Ann, IMariaU, Susannah, Arnold, Nichols Allen, Niohols Allen, died, age 9 months, Allen (Mason, Majy of Arnold and Audrla, Asel, ) Rose, Samuel. Esq., died, Dyre, (dau.). of George. .7r., and Abigail, Waitey, of George, (of John) and , Mary, Alcey, Abigail, Anstress, Arnold, ot George, (of John) and Hannah, Eliz.abeth, Hannah, Coggeshall, Elizabeth, of George P., James M., Hannah, of George P., Cft'orge,. of lii'Hj. and Mary, AnsHs, Abig.ill, Benjamin, JIary. of Col. George,, Sarah. George, John, Nov. 27, 1771. March 17, 1774. Feb. 5, 1775. May 3, 177(i. May 10. 1776. Oct. 2.3, . Feb. — , . Oct. 23. . . 177s. Nov. 13, 1785. Feb. — , 178S. March 23, 1700. Oct. 11, 1702. Jan. 4, 1795. Nov. 7, 1795. July 30, 179(5. . 179S. May 7. 1798. Oct. 11. 1794. March 3, 1797. Feb. 4. 1799. Jan. 5. 1801. Jan, 0. 1804. Jan. 9, 1804. Nov. 19, 1807. 2, 1810. June 23. 1813. 5, . Jan. 22, 17—. Oct. 11. 177—. June 10, 1801. Nov. 17, 1803. Feb. 6. 180(3. Oct. 12, 1808. ■ July 1(5, 1811. Sept. 15, July 25, Aug. 7, ISO- Sept. 8, IBO- June 3, 180— . April 12. 1807 June 17. 1809 Nov. 22, Aug. — Sept. 22 Dfc. a . April — Dec. - . March — Aug. 19 Aug. 19 • AprU 6 Feb. 15 March 20 March 1 Ap May - Feb. — AprU 20 . Nov. 2 . F.'b. - . ApiU G . lIHj VITAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. (Wall, r \Vm.) THOMAS Alice, of Col. George, Benju, Elizabeth, (son), TEBBETTS (dim.), of George ami Dorcas, (dau.), ■• — (dau.), (dau.), ■• (dau.l, " (dau.), ■ (dau.), ■• George, of George and William, '•' Benjamin, " .lubn, '• Jobn, died " Dorcas, " Hannah, of Natkauiel aud Waile, GVorge, TILLIN'GIIAST Jl.-rcy, of and Abignil, John, " Pardon, " Joseph, Phebe, '■ Charles, ^Ulen, " Amle, Anne, of Phillip and Frances, " Fiances Spencer, ■■ Almy E. (N. K.), of Job, ■• Sidney S., " Ann, ■wife of Benjajuin, died, " Alice, wife of Phillip, dau. of Col. " Thomas, PhUlip, of Capt. Josepli K. and Phebe, " William, " Joseph Henry, " Anne Elizabeth, " Harriet Moore, TOPKGEE , of Peter and Mai-y, '•' (son), " — (dau.), (diiu.), - (son), " (son), » " Desire, of Hollis and Patience, " William, " Elizabeth, " AbigiiU, " Sarah, Charlotte, " Prudence, of John and , " Mary, " Peter, " Grizell, (dau.), of Thomas, '• PhUlip, '■ Margaret, " Ma IT, TRIPI- Mars-, of Olhniel and Mary, " Othnlel, " Penelope, •• Otlmiel, 2d, " Susannah, George, June — . - July — , - Oct. — , Dec. — , .Tan. — . 1731-2. Jan. 17, 173:i-l, March 14, 1736 .May 18, 17:',—, Aug. 2(!, 174— Sept. — , - Feb. 24, Marcli 2, June 18, , Feb. 3, 1772 .Ian, 23, — Feb.' 27, 17 Jan. 6, 17 June 5, — Dec. — , 178 Oct, 25, 17—, Oel. 13. 177- Feb. 7, 177, May 13, 1736. " .Samuel, . — , 173.9. a WUUam, of and Barbara. April 27, 1770. " John, March 17, 1772. tt John, , (1702.) " Sarah, Jan. 23, (1704.1 '* John, March 11, . '* James, Feb. 17, .. '* .lean. M- 20, . " , 31, . " , (( Harry H.. of John (of ThomasI and Mary, . — , . *' >Iary, Jan. 13, 1807. It Isaiah, Sept. 8, . NCIRTH KINGSTOWN l;lKTHs AXD DR,VT1IS. 101> WEIGllTMAX SukUi, of John and Mary, Aug. 1, '■ Almidy, April i, " Fannie, Sipl. 4. " Horace, Oct. 20, Esther Ann, " April IG, " John Horace, Sept. 21, " Bridget, of James, June 22, " John, July 17, " Daniel, JiUy 21!. '• William, of Elizabeth, Dec. 10, " George, . — , " Sila-i. . — , " JIary, AprU — , " John, . '. — , '• Elizabeth, . — , ■' Frederic, . — , " EUxabeth, of Valentine, " Elizabeth, of Holmes and Comfort. John, WEIGHT Jcjsieph, oT Samuel and Alice, " George, " Samuel. Heiijamin, Martha, " Jdhu, (dau.), (dau.), (dau.), (dau.), — ' Ison), Alice, ol John and Saiah, Lydla. Eiuiice, .Sion, " . of Benjamin and Abigail, " AVilliam Heriab, of George and Kuth. " Ann Matilda, " Jonathan Card, " Martha, uf Joseph, " Reuben, " Oliver. '• IleiH'y of lii'njamin, '• lieujaniin, " William, " Sarali, " Virtue, Jonathan, " (son), of Joseph and Elizabeth, " (dau.), (son), " Elizabeth, " iSanniel, " Alici', '• Benjamin. " Damaries, i'hebe, " Mary, WF.IK , of Daniel and riiebc. r.enjamin, William, July 2, Ffb . — . . Oct. 24, . April -~, 1007. Aug. 14. 16'.)i). Oct. i:i. 17')1 . ■ 1", -. 1 :, !■ 1703. Feb. 2-. 70fi-9. 11, 172.-,. Sept. 11. 1727. Dec — . 172iJ. May — , 1732. Jan. 22 1734. Jan. 0. 173(;. Jan. 5, 173,". . 23. 172'.). Julj ■ - ', . JtUy 4, 1742. Oct. 1-, 1822. May iO, 1824. April 20. 1821). March 10 , . July 24 . V.i , . Jlay 27, 172r,. Oct. 13, , . Jun e 0, Jan. 9, , . May 12 Aug. 11 , . J 2(i, , . Aug. 15 , . Oct. 16 21 - -28 '. • ■ 2fi ii; 14 11! Feb. 27 1744. April 14, 174(i. Oct. 7^ 1747. .Tan. 17. 17.-.4. 110 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. WEIR — , of Daniel and Phel)e, WKsri^'OlT barah, Of Zerabubel and I'lu'bo, Stukeley, Samuel, Lewis, " John, of Stukeley and JIary, '• Hanuali, Mi'ivy, " RohiTt, uf Zerobabfl and Jane, ^- Margart't, *' Zerobabel, " Catherine, Robert, of Robert and Hannah, " Samuel, " Zerobabel, '■ Stukeley, '■ Mary, " Ann, WEST (Wilham. of Francis and Susannah, (T have t'lu-ment,, Instead of Thomas, '• Thomas, of Francis and Susannah, '• Mary, of Francis, WHALEV , (son) of Jane. th. of Thomas and ^nah, Theophilus, " Thomas, " Lydia, of Lawrence, " Susannah, TheophUus, " Thomas, WUITFORD Lydia, of Joseph and Sarah, Alice, of Thomas and Patience, John Place, Caleb, Joshua, Sarali. Benjamin, Lydia , Elizabeth, Mary, John, Mercy, Martha . . of David and Mary. Jan. 5. ITofi. Jlay 15, 1T59. May 13, 1701. Dec. 30, 1764. Nov. 17, 1767. Aug. 26, 17—. Oct. 1!), . Oct. -21, . Dec. 5. ITCKl. Nov. 8, . April ir, July 8, (17-). June 23, . Dec. 15, . July 11, . Nov. 37, . March 23, . jMay 31. 1681). at same date,. R. G. H.,- Sept. 18, 1684. June 20, 1711. . 25, 1693. March 5, 1756. April 19. 1758. March 10, 1760. May 13, . Jan. 21, . Feb. 14, — . April 10, . March 7, 1724. Feb. 7, 1726. Jan. 5. 1728. Oct. 9. 1730. March 6, 1735-(i. Jan. 16, 1740. Aug. 10, . Feb. 23, . April 11, . Nov. 22, ■ . Dec. 22, . • 7<3o WHITMAN', John, ''---^, dau. of above John, Thomas, of ^- — and Elizabeth, " John, '■• Elizabeth, '■ Fr?derie . Weight, " George, UTln'MAN JIary. of anil F.lizal.e'h. March — , . Jan. 21, . June 11, . Sept. 6, . March 6, . March 29, . June 23, . June 7, . Dec. — , . Feb. — , . April 16, . Oct. 26, 1702. Jan. — , . March — , . Oct. 23, . Sept. 23, . March 7, . Jan. 19, . April 17, 175—. XORTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS AND DELITHS. Ill V WIII'I'JIAN Ss«, of anLETT , of Andrew and Ann, " Francis. \WLSON (dau.), of Robert and Catherine, " (dan.), " (dau.). (dan.), " (dau.). (dau.). (dau.). ^\■EEDEN Josiali, of Peter and Mary, b. ia Harwid] " Charlotte, \V(JODEN (son), of Potter and Mary, WRIGHT, Susannah, of Capt. Peter, " John, " Hannah, " Samuel, " Mary, " Daniel, " Deborah, " Sarah, " Elizabeth, Recorded Sept. 29, 1779. b. in Kings March 28, 176—. March 1, 17ti— . Feb. 20, 17(5—. Oct. 7, 1780 Dec. 11, 1784. Oct. 5, 1789 Sept. 29, 1791. March (i, 1797 Oct. 2, 1799. June 26, 1724. Oct. 10, 172.-). Nov. 17. 1702. Dec. 21, 1706 Dec. 27, 1708. April 30. 1710 Nov. 4, 1712 Feb. 4, 1714. March 23, 1716. May 1.-5, 1718. July 4, 1735. June 16, 173—. Dec. 27, 17—. Nov. 12, 173". Sept. 26, 1689. Sept. 21, 1690. June 25, 169.1 May 13, 1696. March 0, 1697-8. Aug. 10, 1720. Sept. 4, 1722 April 24, . June 28, . Nov. 7, . comiiy of Barnsfcible, May 10, . ingstowne, Feb. 24, 1697. Feb. 24, 1697. April 2.'), . June 6, . Nov. 7, . AprU 11, • . May 29, . Nov. 11, . April 4, . April 10, . AprU 13, . X Y Z YORK Margaret, " James. YOUNG Nicholas, of Thomas and Miry. Nov. 17, 1691. NAMES LOST. Sybil, Elisha, Joseph, Sarah, Rhodes, Samnel, Sarah, Dec. 14. 178—. Feb. 19. 1789. July 19, 1791. Oct. 19, 1793. May 29. 1706. Aug. 27, 1798. April 14. 1807. Ill' VITAL EECXJRD OF RHODE ISLAND. NAMES LOST. and Abigail, James, WiUiam, , and Frances, , and JIary, Mary, wlfi' til , died. , died, Abigail, liis wife, died aged 6G years, , (dau.),, nf Francis and Mary, Ebenezer, , (sou), , (son), , (son), Francis, father of above, died Oct. 10, 1776. Jan. 13, 1780. Sept. 8, 1781. Aug. 13, 1783. Feb. 22. 1787. Aug. 22, 1789. Feb. 11, 1782, July — , 1727 April 15, 1720 Jan. 22, 1731 Feb. 3, 1733 MarcU 24, 1734 May 31, 1681 Marcti 27, 1748 Sept. 10, 1749, Jan. 12, 1751 Jan. 27, 1742 3, 1744 April 26, 1743 Oct. 3, 1743 Marcli 25, Dec. 1, ■ Feb. 25, Dec. 9. . 15, Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. First series. BIRTHS, MAREIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register, "Is Nly Name Written in the BooU: of Life?" Vol. 5. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. Part II. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. I: KARRAGANSETT IIISTOUICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1891. ACT DIVIDING THE TOWNE OF KINGS TOWNE. "Voted, that the Act for diriding of Kingstown, be not repealed. We, whose names are present Subscribed, being appointed and authorized by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Colony of Rhode Island, etc., held at Newport, by adjournment, the third Tuesday of June, 1722, to divide the Town of Kingstown into two towns (with all the equality that could be, and to be called by the name of NORTH and SOUTH KINGSTOWN), have proceedeth as foUoweth, viz.: , Beginning at the Narragansett Bay, at the dividing line between Mr. Francis Willett and Mr. William Robinson, and so continuing said line to the river commonly called Pettaquomscut river, and from thence, a westerly course sixteen degrees southerly into a certtaiu bound mark in the country road, at a corner of a hedge between Watson and Watson's, and from thence, west four degrees north, until it comes into a highway between Mrs. Mary Haszard and Eber Sherman's and from thence, keeping the highway, which runs west twenty-one degrees north, to a marked tree, near the cud of said highway; and from thence, taking a westerly course twenty-seven degrees northerly to a marked tree, something to the southward of Job Babcock, Jr's, house, and so continuing the same course as near as we could, for the bad- ness of the way, taking a marked tree marked on four sides, on the other side of the swamps, continuing the same course into a stake and heap of stones at, or near Misquamocock line, and the line continued in the aforesaid Kings- town, to the southward of said dividing line, to be called SOUTH KINGS- TOWN; and all to the northward to be called NORTH KINGSTOWN. And it is the opinion and intent of the aforesaid subscribers, that if, and in case it should so hai^pen, that the aforesaid line shall run through any man's land, or property, on that side where his house or major part of the laud thereunto belonging fall, he shall be one of that Town, and he shall pay rates and taxes into, and do all other duties in the same, for all his said estate as afore mentioned. As witness our hands this 23d of September, one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-two. JONATHAN NICHOLS, WM. WANTON, T. HULL. Voted, that this foregoing return be accepted, and that North Kingstown be the eldest Town. It is voted and enacted by this As.sembly, that the Town Meeting to be held at the house of Thomas Joslin, (for the late Town of Kingstown, now North and South Kingstown) on Monday next, to choose jury men to serve in the ne.xt General Court of Trials, to be held for this Colony, on the last Tuesday of March next; and that the freemen of each of the respective Towns of North Kingstown and South Kingstown, meet on the third Wednesday of March next, in each of their respective Towns, and some convenient place in each respeciive Town, as the Assistant or Justices dwelling in each respective Town, shall appoint, and shall then choose deputies, and give in their proxies for the General Election, and appoint their quarter meet- ings, and that the inhabitants of each Town at their Town Meeting on M ■onday next, be advised thereof by the Assistants of said Town; aud that IV VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. the Towns of North Kingstown and Sonth Kingstown govern themselves accordingly. And that the Recorder draw up for each Town their Charter, in order to deliver them to the magistrates at the Election, such as shall be chosen for each respective Town. And that all former Charters shall cease, upon their receiving their Charters for each Town. And at their respective Town Jleetings to be held on the third Wednesday of March next, each Town shall choose two men, to join in a Committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts, that each Town of North and South Kingstown may have their proportion of said money, when they have chosen their respective Treasurer's, in proportion accord- ing to their taxes for each Town. And that the Records of the late Town of Kingstown be put into the hands of the clerk of North Kingstown, to be and remain in said North Kingstown; and that a copy of all Records belonging to .South Kingstown, to be drawn out of the Records of the late Kingstown, and to be delivered to the clerk of said South Kingstown, when chosen, and to be paid for out of North and South Kingstown treasuries. And that Mr. Rouse Helme and Mr. Francis Willet, be, and they hereby are appointed to draw a copy of said Records; and that each Town of North and South Kingstown, shall, after they receive their Charters, choose two petty jurymen, and one grand juryman, to serve at each General Court of Trials, to be held for this Colony. And it is further ordered, that the day of choice of Town Officers for each Town be mentioneil in their Charters. Voted, that the Act for regulating of North and South Kingstown, be im- mediately proclaimed. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. lY., pages .32-2, 323, 324. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. 3vr A.i?,R,i-A.(3-£: s- 1-66 ABB Abigail, icskling in Siuitli Kiiigsto-wn. and Johu Lee, of North Kings- tiiwn, Aug. 19. 1743. 1-80 ADAMS Josppli, of Westerly, and Mai'.v I'l-andall, of Soutli Kingstown ; liy Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sei>t. -J. 173T. 2-3 " MiUiJia.. of Ebenezer, aad Sarah; and Samuel Bentley, of Caleb and Anne, Nov. lij. 17!W. 2-1 " John F., and Ann E. O.itley; by Rev. Pardon Tlllinghast, Dec. 31, 1848. 1-105 ALBRO Eunice, and Jauie.s Whithorne, Oct. 12. 1758. 1-105 " Jeremiah, and Mary Tefft : by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Oct. 15, 1758. 1-100 " Hannah, of Richmond. K. I., and Michael Lehson, of North Kings- town, Sept. iiS. ITi'.n. 2-54 " Edmund B., and Lucy Ann Siiiitli ; by Rev. Wilson Cogswell, Feb. 24, 184.8. 2-38 " Pliebe A., of Exeter. R. I., and Samu.I Rose, of South Klng.s- (own. Aug. 4, 1&.")0. 1-68 " ALLEN Cliristopher, of Rhode Island, and Elizabetll Seyouche, of Little Compton, .it Roston : by Rev. Robert Hatch, 1687. 1-68 " Caleli. and Marcy Nortlirup ; by Rinise Ilelme, Assistant, July 15, 17-24. 1-70 " Abigail, and Joseph I'.raiiian, June '27, 1725. 1-85 " Pas^aval, and M.iry Sherman : by Kouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 21. 1732. 1-94 " Samuel, and Marg.iret Congdon ; by SaMHul Tellt, Justice, June 25, 1784. 1-96 " Jiishua, of Caleb, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Watson, of Jef- frey : by Daniel Cng;;esliall, Asslslant, Sept.l3, 1750. 1-157 " Mary, of North Kingslewn. and Roliert Lirowning, of South Kings- town. March 'J, 1777. 1 — ■• Ray. of Charlestown. aud Susann.a.h GoiUd, of SoutJi Ivingstown ; by Samuel Helme, Justice. Dec. 11, 1796. 2-35 '• Ueorge, and Mercy Pea-ry, ..( Jehu R. and Sally Itiouldi, Fob. 30, 1636. 2-17 " Ann. and Nlcliolas N. llnlland : l>y Rev. Silas Leonard, Fi4i. 1, 1S41. 2-55 " Louisa, and Phiueas P. R.irluT, yiarch 18. 1843. 2-1 " Christopher R. and FJizahctli Jackwarys ; by Rev. Wilson Cogs- weU, Dec. 11. 1842. 2-1 '■ Jonatlian. nf Horatio and Alice 11 a /a id ; by Rev. Henry C. Coombs. Oct. li, 1850. 1-91 ANTHONV Mary, and Henry Reynolds. Nov. !>, 1746. 2-1 " Edwin, "f Richmond, R. 1., and Mary E'erldns, of So. Kingstown; by Rev. WUs n Ciigswcll. July — , 1843. 1-103 ARNOLD Ann. of North Kingst.iwii. and Joseph Habcock, of South KLigs- town. Jan. 1, 17.")8. 2-54 •' Steiihen, of Warwick, ami RlnUiamah (iouhl, ef South Kingstown; by Rev. Nathan R<'ed, July l.">, 1839. i6 VITAL KECOED CIF RHODE ISLAND. 2-1 ARNOLD George, and Eliza, Jastin ; by Rev. Tlioraas Vernon^ Nov. 8, 1839. 2-39 •• Sally, and Isaac P. Eodmaa, July 15, 1847. 1-85 AUSTIK James, and Maigaret Gardiner; by Rou.se Helme. Assistant, Dec. 39, 1734. 1-104 " Bllzab.',t.U, and WiUiim finis. May 27, 1757. 1-156 " Hannah, of lixeter, R. I., and Samuel Wbaley, Jr.. of Suutli Kingstown, June 11, 1769. 1-84 " Thomas, and Harriet Sweet, of Job ; by F. Perry, Justice, Oct. 27, 1791. 3.X6 " Eunice, and Roboit Hazard, Oct. 25, 1807. 2-54 " George, and Patience, Gardiner ; by Benjamin Hull, Justice. June IG, 1814. a-36 " Belinda, of South Kln.gstown, and Liberty N. May, i.f Spencer, Mass., July 5, ]8i0. 2-1 " Charles, and cnarlssa Tucker; by Rev. Cyrus Miner. Nov. 29. 1841. 2-44 " Abble, of Geoige, and WlUlam N. Steadman, of Henry, July 2, 1848. 1-08 AYLESWORTH Sarali. and Edward Oariliner. Feb. 25, 1734. B 1-73 BABCOCK Deborah, and Joseph lloxsle, Oct. 17, 1728. 1-85 " Ann. and Silas Grec-nman, March 23, 1730. 1-73 " itutli, (if Soulli Kingstown, and I'ab'b Hill, of Pi-udence Island, Feb. 2:, 1730. 1-73 " Abigail, of Soutli Kingstown, and lienjamln Hall, of Portsmuuth, AprU 29, 1731. 1-79 " Mrs. Eunice, of South Kingstown, and Capt. SUas Greenman, ol Stonlngton, Conn., May 10, 1737. l-Sy " Hi'Zi-kiaU, of S"iilh Iviniislown, and Mary Peekham, of Newport, at Newport; by Daniil Gould, .hislici-, Jan. 3, 1730-40. 1-90 " M;iry, of South Klngslown, and RieUard Boss, of (,'liarlestown, Aug. 8, 1745. 1-93 " John, and Jemitna Reynolds; by John Case. Ju.stice, March 17, 1747. 1-95 " Samuel, and Elizabclh r.itUell; by Kenjamln Potter, Justice, Jan. IK. 1748. 1-94 " Job, 3(1. and Susannah Hopkins; by Samuel Tillt, Justice. Nov. 20. 1748. 1-03 '• Jouailian, and Lydia Lee; by Pel jamin Petter, Ju.stice, Nov. 20, 1740. 1-95 " Simeon, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Cahoone, of W.irwick, U. I.; by Benjamin Poller, Justice. April 10, 1730. 1-99 " James, of Sanmel, and Sarah Sheldon, of Isaac, lately deceased; by Jeffrey Watson. Assistant, Jan. 31, 1704. 1-108 " Jonalhan, of John and Amey Clarke, of Simeon, of Richmond, R. 1.; by Jellrey Watson, A.sslstaut. March 5, 1755. 1-103 " Joseph, of South Kingstown, and Ann Arnold, of North Klngs- lown; by Silas Albro, Justice. Jan. 1, 1738. 1-107 " Isabel, and James sledinaii, Nov. 11, J7(52. 1-108 " John, and Mebitable Sheldon : by Jeremiah Craudall. Justice, Feb. 14, 1705. 1-157 " Mary, ,of Hezeldah, and Josephus Peckham, May 25, 1774. 3-156 " Augustus, of HezeldaU, and Mary Browning, of Joseph; by Edward Perry, Justice, AprU 1, 1781. ' 1-02 " Bridget, of Abijah, and Stephen Frowning; by F. Perry, Justice, March 16, 1786. 2-2 " Cudjo, of Cllal•le^town, and Deborali Card, widow of Abram. ol South Kingstown; by F. Perry, Justice, Dec. 22, 1791. 1 " Mehitable, and C:Ueb Cory. Nov. 11, 1798. 2-32 " Susannali, ol Peleg. and John B. Perry, of Samuel, April 11, 1605. 2-23 " Susan S., of SoulU Kingstown, and Jonathan C. Kenyon, of North Providence, Oct. 23, 1S39. 2-33 " Hannah E., and Eooerl C. Peckham, Nov. 14, 1842. a-28 2-60 2-57 1-87 :-108 1-86 1-63 POT'TH KIN(isr<;\VN MAKIU A(iES. 2-43 BABC'iiCK Kcl>fcca. of Juseiili. ami WilliMm Sloiuin, i.r John, i.r Eiclimoiwl. R. I., Jliirch 30. 1845. " Eliza C, of (ieorge, and Arnold \V. Nye, of William, July 24, 1345. " Jiai'ia S., of Jesv and Sally S., ami tieorso X. Cuindall. of Gi-oi-ge \V. and Thankliil G.. (Ut. 1. Inlo. " Isaac P., and .ibbic- 1'. luviwn ; l.y K'-v. A. Diirfci', Dec. 11. 1845. BAKER IJrnjaniin, ,nnd Maiy ^lnTriiaii ; by I>.aac' Nhi-ldun. Justice. Supt. 16, 174i.. " llannali. and Tlmnjas iLipkins. Jr.. Au?^. 2)), 1765. " Munnic. and iMarvcl Barbel': ty Kev. Denjamiii Waite. St'pt. 8, 17;'3. " Slaffcnd. of E.xctcr, and Mnry Crouchcr. of Nfwporl : by Kev. l;cnjamin Waile. Oct. 27. 17n3. 1-68 EAUBER Unlh. and Gc ,r«c Bcnfl.y. March 4, 172:j-4. 1-69 " Jiiscpji. and Rebecca P, tli'r: by R.uise Hilmo, Assistant, Feb. 4. 17J4. Martlia., and Tlnima.s Bai-bcr. Ocl. 3. 1727. " Tlionui-s, and, Jl.irllia Baj'bcr ; by Rouse llelme. Assistant, Oct. 3. 1727. I JIartlia. and Tliiimas I'arker. net. 5, 1727. ' Mary, and Saanul Tcltt. of Jidin. y Rev. Benjamin Waite, Aug. 4. 170:'.. ' JIar\el. and Muiuoe Baker. Sept. 8. 1703. '• Ibiwland Robinson, of Allenton. X'crmoni, and Susannah Wliaiey, of South Kingstown; liy Rev. Benjamin Waite, Oct. 10, 1704. " Jlnscs. and Anne Cliapman. of istoninglon. Conn.; by Joshua Bab- c. ck. Justice. Marcli :!0. 1806, " Elizabeth, of Jonathan, and James Barber, of Jame^, April 6, 1800. 2-2 " Jaaies, of JuTues, and Ulizabetli Barber, of Jonnth.an, of E-\eter, at Richmond: by Rev. i'hineas I'almer. April 6, 1800. 2-3 " Jessti, of Jauics. of .8ou1li KinizNtown. and Anna Sherman, of God- frey, or North Kin!,;sto\\n. at Exeter; Ijy John 1-Iopliins, Jus- tice, Nov. 4, I8i:i. 2-26 ■' Susan, of Richmond, R. I., and Silas Ellirv Moore, of Cranston, E, I., March 28, 18:i'i, 2-5 '• ElizalM'th, .a.nd Pltmn.ii V. Clarke, both of Richmond, R. I.. July 11, 1830, 2-55 " lleui-y., and Eliza Ennis. at East Greenwich: by Rev. Thomas Til- lingrtiast, Jan. 20. 1840. I 2-55 " Pliin,e:)s P., ami Loui-;i Alen ; by Rev. Silas learnard. March IS. 1S41. 2-55 " Albert S.. of James, an'I Waity Peikham. of Reuben S. ; by Rev, Ezeklel J. Locke. July 21, 1845. 2-55 " Da.vis G., son of Rhodily, and Snsau O, II. Clarke, of Joseph; by Rev. Ezekiel J. Loclc. Fell. 1, 1846. 2-50 " Susannah S., of James, of Siuth Kingstown, and John G. Vaughn, of James T.. of West c.ri'enwich. Dec. 24, 1840. 2-56 " Albert S., of James, of S'Ulli Kingsiown, and Eliza Pockham, of Richnumd. R. I., daughter of Eeulien S. ; by Rev. Ezeliiel J. Loclce. April 21. 1850. 1 — 1 1-70 1-70 1-70 1-75 1-76 1-85 1-70 1-88 1-01 1-03 1-86 1-86 1-86 .-)_o o..-> 8 \ITAL KECCiRD OF 1!1101>E ISLAND. 2-16 BAKBER Joanna, of South King«t<)wn, .^nrne; liy Kobert Haiinali, JusUi'o, April 12, 1732. 1-69 BROWNEI.L JLUz:ibetli, and John Xii-liols, May 24, 1726. 1-7.) " Esther, and Jostph Ttllt, Feb. 22, 1729. 1-90 " Joseph, et Little Compton, and E)izaboth Congdon, of Soutli Kinsslown' ijy Thnmi-^ Brown. Justice, Sept. 20. 1746. 1-96 BROWNING- Mrs. Hannah, of Stice, Jan. 27, 1740. 1-90 " Jeremiah, and Ruth Closon : by Samuel Tefft. Justice, June 26, 1745. 2-3(j BUBDICK Henry B., of Xewport, and Margaret B. Patterson : by Re.v, Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 11, 1846. 1-83 BURXSIDE Josepli. and Al)igail Lee: by Bouse Helme, Assistant, 1735. 1-102 BUTTOX .\mos. and ^Vuu Briskow : by Samuel Separ, Justice, June 8. 1755. 1-95 CAHi)t)XE Ellzibclli, of WarivicK-, K- I., and Simeon Babcock, of South Kingstown. April 19, 1750. 1-85 CAMPBELL Charles, :ind yiarllia Price: by Bouse Helme, Asslstiint, Sepl. 17. 1732. 1-80 ■' Jidin, and Elizabeth ; m. by Isaac Sheldon, Ju^'llce, Dec. 15, 1727. 1-08 CABD Margery, and .lohn Flas Bryant Potter, Jan. 28, 1794. 1 — ■ " Mai-y, of Stephen, and ,7ohn Cooke, SelH, 27, 1798. -00 ■• Billiard, and Elizabeth B aiuaTi : l.y Rev. Henrv C. diombes, Jan. 6, 18:)0. 2-6, 35 " Isaac H,, a.nd Abbie Perry, of John E., .aJid Sally (Gould) ; by Rev. Wilson Cogswdl. l.> 1. 30. 1842. 2-43 " Laviiia. and Henry Spear. .Inly 28, 1850. 2-30 ■• Sasan .V., and Adolplius M.-mnei i>)ien. Xrv. 7. lS5.-i. 1-102 CASEY Elizabeth, of E.NeieT. and Jeremiah Crandall, of South Kingstown, Feb. 2. 174(i. sofTji kjnl;.si'(;\vn — mauuiauks. 11 1-71 CASE Eliznbetli, and Jamos Yor'c. Jsin. 1 . 17-27. 1-70 •• Sanili, aiid Isaac Slu-ltt 1(1, Apiil JO, 17:27. 1-71 ■■ Ann. and -Vanin Milli'inan. May iili. 17-2S. 1-7." ■' Ann. and Aaron Williams, May 2:j, 1728. 1-7-2 ■• William, and MiTcy C'randall : by Kouse Helnif, Assistant. Si'pt. 1. 172'j. 1-7^ •• Jiist*i)h. of Joseph, ,Tr., and Sarah ^riunlord; by Cliris'oplier Allen, Justici', Dec. Is. 172'.i. l-S" ■• MItiliel, of South Kinestrwn, and Ann i;i(.wii. of North Kings- town: by Rev. Da\-ld SpitiBiic. Mar:h 1. 1740. 1-iii; •■ Hannah, and Samnel WUsnn. Dec DO, 1741. l-fi-2 •• Antic, and Samuel I'urlis. Jlaicli V.i. 74f.. 1-107 •• Merry, of William, of South KiiiRs own. and .John Clarke. .Ir.. of Newport. .July 1(>. 175."). 2-240 ■■ Sarah, of Spnth Kingstown, and Kolierl R. Knowles. of North rrovlrieliee. It. I.. S.ipt. 20. 1S41. 2-6 CASWELL Rimben. and Susannah A. Nichols ; by Kev. Elisha F. Watson, Sept. 2, 1844. 2-13 •• Mary S.. of Gardiner T. and Mary S., and Wtn. Gould, of William tmarrlage not given), recorded May 17, 17S0. 1-93 C11A3IPLA1N Anne, and Henry Gai-diner, June 27, 17:i6. Mai-y, and Jolin Craddock (Indians). Feb. 5, 1737. Elijah, of Chariestnwn. and Pheb'3 Card, of South Kingstown : by S;tmiiel Tefft, Justice, Nov. 27. 1731. Mary, of Stephen, and Joseph Browning, of Win., Feb. 12, 17(il. Stephen, son of Din.'ih, widow, and Elizabeth Perry, of Fro'Mnan ; by Rev. Benj. Waite, Dec. 20, 1782. Jeffrey, of Elijah, and Ann C^ard. of Jib; by 1'. Perry, Justice, Oct. 23, 1783. Gardiner, of William, and Lydia West, of Jani-'s, of Westerly, R. I.: by Rev. Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 31, 1791. ■' Thomas Hazard, of Jeffrey. i)f South Kingstown, and Amie Tripp Perry, of Newport, dau. of Joseirh ; by Oliver Gardiner, Seinitor, Oct. 2, 1803. 2-4 •• Jeffrey Washington, and Rebecca Perry; by Janu-s C'4jngdon, Jus- tice, Jan. 30, ISOii. 2-1(3 '• AniLe, and Thurston Tucker, Jan. 4, 1841. 2-5 " William, of Richmond, R. I., and Jane Clianiplain. of South Kingstown; by Rev. Silas Leonard, Maix'h 14. 1841. 2-3 '• Jane, aaid WUHarn Cljaniplain, March 14, 1841. 2-3 " William, and Adeline B. Tucker; by Rev. Silas Leonard, AprU 4, 1841. 2-5 '• Jos,-ph. 3d., and Mary Whitford; by Rev. Cyrus Miner, Dee. 22, 1841. 2-28 " Elizabeth P., of South Kingstown, and lienjamin Nye, of Cliajles- town, Oct. 11, 1841. 2 8 " Daniel, of Providence, and Susan Ann Beniley. of .South Kingstown, by Rev. Wilson CoasAell. Dec. 11, 1842. 2-4(3 " Ann. of Robert H. and Esther, and Lyndon G. Telft, of Elijah and Frances, Aug. 18. lo43. 2-C.O ■• Jolui p., of Samuel, and Mary Whaley, of Ezeki.l, bv Rev. Jolin Slocum, Dec. 20. 1850. 2-2 CHAPMAN Amie. and Moses Barl-er. Jtarch 30. l.SOn. 1-107 CHAPi'Kli Miralj.ah, and WUliani Osborni', Nov. IS, 17(!2. 2-4 •■ Fones and Penelope Hale, by James lleline, Ju-tice. March 12. 1803. 2-i;0 ■■ Frederic, of Frederic, and Prudence S. Holley. of John, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke, Oct. 12, 184(3. 2-130 ■■ Willuini J., of Richard, and Debiu-ali Moore, of Nathan, both of Richmond, by E. J. Locke. l-(is CLARKE Emm inuel, i.nd Margaret .smith, at North Kingsiown. by Willi.iin Spencer, .Instlre, J. in- -1. 1723. 1-72 " SariJi, and John Page, Sept. 21, 1729. 1-83 •■ William, and Rebecca Wells, bv Kouse llelrae. Assistant. Sept. 4. 1731. 1-81 1-Oii 1-10(3 1-03 1-02 1-84 2-4 112 VITAL KEC(_>RX) OF KUODE ISLAND. 1-85 CLAKKE Judilli, and Robert Potti-r. Jr.. Sept. 5, 17,31. 1.85 ■• Caleb, .and M:iry Sheffield, by Rouso Helme. Assistant, Dec. 1, 1737. l-SO " L.ithaiii, of S.riuul of .Taini'Stown. and Jfartha Robinson, of Wil- liam ol Smith Rinssti'wn. by David C'oKSfshall. Assistant, April 18, 1743. 1-91 " Alice, and .Tushua Cai-d, Fi'b. -20, 1746. l-i)4 " Mltlbel, aj3d Maj-tlia West, liy Samuel Teflt, Justice, Nov. 13, 1748. 1-108 " Ainle. of Simeon of Riclimond, and ,Tonathan Babcock, of John of South Kingstown. JUurh 3. 175.5. 3-107 '■ .Ti.hn. .Ir.. of Xewport. and Mercy Case, of Williiim, of South Klngs- tiiwn. July 10, 17-'i5. 1-105 " James, of Stonlngton, Conn., and Dorcas Gardiner, of South Kingstown ; by Henry Gardiner. Assistant. Nov. 19, 1760, 1-107 " Lucy, of South Kingstown, and Edward S:inuth Kingstown, by lsa;ic Sheldon, Justice, Aug. 13, 1736. 2-4 " Jolin, of Amos, of North Stonlngton, Conn,, and Eliza Perktns, ol James, of South Kingstown ; by Rev, Gershom Palmer, Oct. 23, 1809. 1-107 COMSTOCK Jub, of East Ciroeuwich, and Hannah Hookins, of .South Kings- town, dau. of Christopher; by John LUlibridg.', Justice, Dec. 18, 1763. 2-5 " Joseph. ;vnd Sarah R. Comstock; by Rev. Joel Mann. May 31, 1802. 2-5 " SariUi R., and Joseph Comstock, May 31, 1802. 1 — COStiDON StiJ'ah, of S;umue], and Capt. Robert RobinBon, of .Christopher, March 15, 1795. 1-90 '• Eliz.abeth, of South Kingstown, and Jcseph Brownell, of Little Compton, Sept. 20, 1746. 1-94 " JIargaret, and Samuel Allen, June 25, 1748. 2-7 ■■ Mary, of William and Freelove, and John B. Dockray, ol Jolm and Mary, Sept. 6, 1779. 1 " Deborab, of WlUiam, of Sotith Kingstown, and John Fry, of East Greenwich, June 4. 1795. 2-4 " John K., of James, of Charlestown, and Sarah Knowles, y Samuel Heline, Justice, Sept. 27, 17SI8. 2-Gl " Alfred, ajiA Anstress Bramau ; m. by William Nirbols. Justice, Sept. 1.1, 1830. 2-12 " Abble, of Elisha, and Hazard GavHt, of Reuben, Oef. 28, 1849. 1 COON LorloKiek, of Hopkintou, and Thankful Williams, of So. Kingstown ; by Samuel Helmi', Justk'e, June 4, 1795. 1 CURY Benjamin, and Catherine .lames; by Samuel Hilme. Justice, June, 17<)8. 1- — " Caleb, and Mehitable Babcock ; by Sanmel Helme. Justice, Nov. 11, 1708. 2-5 " Benjamin S., and Merlab Perry ; by Joseph P. Balxock, Justico, Dec. 15, 1839. 2-24 " Mrs. Hannah, widow of Gardiner, and Nalhan LlUibridge. of Gideon, April -23, 184S. 2-01 " Augustus, and Clarissa Stre<>ter ; m. by Kev. Daniel Carr, Xiiv. 22, 1875. 1-71, 73 COTTRELL Mar)-, and Peter Stephens, Sept. 1, 1728. 1-76 " Mai-y, and Nath.an Tanner, May 28, 1731. 1-80 " Patience, of South Kingstown, and Benjamin James, oi Westerly, Aug. 27, 1737. 1 1-83 '■ George, and Abigail White ; by James Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1739. 1-95 '■ Ellz,abeth, and Samiu'l Babcock. J;in. 18. 1748. 1-63 " AVUliam (silversmith), .and Mary TefTt. of CJeorge ; by G. Pcclcham, Justice, Dec. 7, 178(j. 2-6 '• Jesse, and Hannah Sti-adman ; by Rev. Silas Leamard, June 21, 1313. 1 COYHES William, of Charlestown, aud Mary Nocake, of South Kingstown (Indians) ; by Samuel Helme, Justice. March 19, 1795. 1-76 COX Ellzabetli, and Thomas Read, Nov. 3, 1733. 1-81 " Jacob, of Newport, and Mrs. Mary Heydon, of South Kingstown ; by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Sept. 3, 1737. 1-81 CRADDOCK John, and Mary Cliamplaiii (Indians), by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Feb. 5, 1737. 1-72 CRANDALL Merc-y. and Willi im Case. Sept. 11, 1729. 1-80 " .Mary, of South Kingstown, and Joseph Adams, of Westerly. Sept. 4, 1737. 1-106 " Elizabeth, and Natlianlel Perkins, March 1, 173''J. 1-82 " Martha, and Jolm Frazer, July 31, 1739. 1-102 " Jeremiah, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Casey, of Exeter; by Rev. David Sprague, Feb. 2. 1740. 2-60 " George N., of Westerly, R. I., son of George W. and Thankful G., and Maria S. Ba brock, of Jesse and Sally S., by Rev. Thomas Vernon. Oct. 1, 1845. 2-21 " .Jane M. H., of WiUlam and Rindall c. Jame,. of Ezekiel. July 1. 1847. 2-9 " Benjamin. F.. and Patlence-V. Tourjee. by Kev. Eli^ha F. Watson, .Vug. 30. 1.^5:.'. a-9 " Clarke, and Ruth A. Foster, by Rev. EIrtredge Craudall, Sept. 17, 1805. 1-109 CROSSMAN M.axy, of South Kingstown, and James Pierce, ol East Greenwich. Nov. 7, 1773. 1-— CROSSWELL Mlngrel, of Sterling, Conn., and Mary Slas, of South Kingstown, by Samu.l Helme. Justice, Nov. 22. 1794. 1-62 CROSS Sarah, and WUllam Case Clarke, July 21, 1781. 14l VITAL KBt'ClKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-r. CROSS Charles, ol Joseph. uS Charlestown, .nnd Marth.i B. Hazard, of Bivntoii, by Jost-iili 1'. Balicock, Justice, Sept. 23, 1842. l-ia ('RMrcHER Mary, of Newpoi'I. and Stafford Baker, of E.xeter, Oct. 27, 1703. 1-81 ( RAWFOKD WUUam. of Warwick, and Mary Wells, of -South Kiuirstowu; by Isaac Sheldon. .lustice, SeiJt. 7, 1738. 217 CRUMB Almlra I-., of Westeily, and Benjamin Holland, of South Kingstown, .■\np. 2. IS.iO. 2-17,62,113 •• Mary Ann. and Edward Hazard Holland. Jr.. July 4, 1841. 1-92 CURTIS Samuel, and Araiu Caso, by Jelfrey Hazard, Assistant, March 19, 174G. D 1-1.-.7 DAKE Benjamin, and Elizai-elli Ui'ynuUls, by Emmanuel Case, Assistant, March 23, 1779. 1-104 1)AVL~ Martha and Edward Read. Oct. 15, 1758. 1-156 " Thankful, of .routh Kiiif-'stown. and William Brown, of Hopklnton, Oct. 19, 1791. 2-02 " William A., of Fall llivi-r, Mass., and Susan C. Tettt, of South Kinpitown, by Riv. Thos. Vernon. Dec. 9, 1840. 2-(;2 DAWLEY John C, and 5ra,iy A. Reynolds, both of Exeber, by Rev. Silas Learnaril, Aii^. 2.s, 1842. 1-70 iiEXNISON John, and Alice Perry, by UoU!-e llelnie. Assistant, July 21, 1725. 1- _ Dewy SusJinnali. of South Kinesto^vn. and Ebenezer Vanshn, of East Green- wich. Feb. 7, 179i;. 1-81 DICKINSON Mrs. Ann. and Jeremi." XUes, April 21, 1737. 2-62 DIXON George, atid Saa-ah Ann Rodman, by Rev. Silas Learnard. .May 3. 1840. 2-7 DdCKltAY John liif-'elow, of Jnhn and Mary, and Mary Ccmgdon. of Wil- liam and Freeh>ve, by Sanniel Tetft. JnsUie. Sept. 6. 1779. 2 52 •• JIary and Elisha F. Watson, by Rev. James H. Eames. June 6, 1843. 2-7 DOUGLASS Ge(M-ge, of David, and Mary Ann Clarke, of WilUam C, by Rev. Thomas Kendall. Dec. 18, 1805. 1-82 DRUCE Ebenezer, and Marj' Haz.iid ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, June 6. 1739. 1-104 •' Mary, and Natluiiii.l Banili-h. .Ian. 12. 17.i8. 2-34 DYE Mary W., of Asa and -Mary, .ind Edwin A. Peekham, of .Tudgc William Peckham, May l.J. 1.849. l-7< EARL Susannah. anx, Ain-il G, 1733. 1-80 " Abigail, and William Elclred. Jtaroh li!. 1737. 1-68 FOSTER .lolin, and Margery Card, Ijotli of Wraleily, by Ronse Holme, Assistant, June 11, 1724. 1-69 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth JIuinlord. Iiy Rouse IMine, Assistant, Feb. 4, 1734-5. 2-28 " Lydia M., of Othnlel of South Kingstown, and Tliotnas P. Nicliols, ol Newport. July 17, 1844. 2-9 " Ruth A., and Clarice Crandall, Sept. 17, 1805. 1-72 FOWLEE Thomas, and Sybil Knowles, by Robert Ilajinah, Justice, April 20. 1730. 1-90 " Simeon, and Mercy Jones, by Samuel liabcoek. Justice, March 20, 1745. l-7(j FOX Joseph, and Abigail Fish, by Christopher Allen, .lustiee, April 6, 1733. 1-94 FRANKLIN Penelope, of Jamestown, and James Slieriiian, ol North Kings- town. Sept. S, 1748, 1-78 FRAZER Thomas, residing in North Kingstown, and Ann Wells, of South KLngistown, by Is:ia« Sheldon, Justice, Nov. 2r,, 1735. 1-82 " John, and JIartha Crandall, l->y Isiuic .Sheldou, .lustiee, July 31, 1739. 1-92 " Martha, and Edmund l.itllefield, Nov. 30, 1740. 1-100 " Anne, of South King>to\. ii, and Christopher Poller, nt Riehiiiond, Nov. 23, 1700. l-'.li! FRINK Jedediah. of Preston. Conn., and Mrs. Hannah I'.rowning, of S(julh Kingstown, by Rev. Joseph Paa-k, Sept. 7, 1748. 1-100 FRY Hannah, of East CTreenwioh, dau. of Thoma.s', and James Sherman, of South Kingstown. Feli. 0, 1755. \ 1 " John, ol East Greenwich, and Deborah Congdon, of .So. Kingstown, dan. of William, by Sanniel Hdnie. Jvislico, June -4. 1795. 2-10 " William S., and llarty .\nn 0-1, 1-96 " Ezekiel. of Nicholas, of North Kingstown, and Dorcas Walscm, of John, of vSonth Kingstown, by Epliratm Gardiner, Ju,stlce, Aug. 29, 1734. 1-85 " Margaret, and James Austin, by Rouse Helme, As-isf.mt, Dec. 29. 1734. 1-77 " Caleb, and Isabel Shernnn. l>y Christopher Allen. Justice, Feb. 20,. 1734. 1-93 " Henry, and Anne Cliamiilain, of Westerly, by Rev. .Samuel Scribe,. June 27, 1736, 1-80 " Abigail, and Jeremiah Werdrn. Nov. 30, 173S, 1-82 " Hannah, and Caleb Westcott, May 27, 1739. 1-97 " Mary, of Exeter, R. I., of John, and Jirali Mnmlord, of South Kingstow'n, Nov. 20. 173!t. 1-84 " Amle. and Stephen Tcfft, Dec 10. 17.H. 1-86,87 " George, a.nd Saj-ah Potter ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1742. (Vit. Rec, Vol. .-,.1 9 16 VITAL RE<'ciRD OF lilioUE ISLAND. 1-84 GARDINER Cicorgo, :!nd Sanil] Ho-s: by Isaac Sli.'Hc.n. Justice, April 22, 1742. 1-104 " Jolin, :Lnxl Aim Verner ; b.v I!c>bi-i-l Haniiali, Ibnth came from Ire- laml) alio\a 174:3. 1-95 " Tliomas, .ind. Mary lliginljottom ; by EiAraim GajiUner, Justice, April 12. 1744. 1-95 " William, Jr., and Frcclove Joslln ; by Ephraim Gajdlner, Justice, May IB, 1744. 1-SS " Edward, of Henry, and Eliznbrtli Tabur. of William; by WilUam Edijinson. Deputy Governor, May 2a, 174.i. 1-92 " Mary, and Jonathan Hazard. AprU Ifi, 1747. l-'.(;i •■ Nnlhaniel. .Ir.. and Sarali Carpenler; by S.imuel Tettt, JiLsllce, b,l>t. ■-!. 1752. 1-98 •• Edward, and Sarah Ayles\v"rtli ; by Samuel AU)ro, Jastioe, Feb. 25, 1754. 1-104 " Hannab, of North KiiigHlown. and Ji-ttrey Walson, Jr., of SDiith Kingstown. March 24, 1757. 1-105 " Clarke, .and Amie Lilliljridge ; by William Walte, Justice, Nov. 1, I7.'i;j. 1-105 " Christiipher, of .Snulh Kin^^tiiwn, and Mrs. Merry Wheeler, of Ston- .- ington. fnnn.: by Rev. Joseph Fish, Jan. 23, 1760. l-:-0."> '■ Dorcas, of south Kinfc'siown, and James Clarke, of Stoninglon. Conn., Niiv. lii. 17i;o. 1-108 " Thoma.s. and Abigail Par'ril ;jO, :_71J7. 1-109 " James, and Abigail TefTt, of Ebenezer, Ijv F. Ferry. Justice, June 27, .177:. 1-157 '■■ WiUiam, of South Kingstown, and Mary Boom', of Xorth Kingstown, by i;e\-. James Whitman. Jati. 26, 1775. 1-157 " TaMiha. of C.ileb, of Sout'i Kingstown, and Chrisloplu'r Xichids, of John, of East C.reenwlcli, March 10, 1779. 2-54 " Patience, and George Austin. June 16, 1814. 2-52 " Mary C, and Moses ^\ilco.'w, Jr., Nov. 1. 1840. 2-12 " Robert C, of Exeter, R. I., and. Julia Ann Larkin, of Richmond, R. 1.. by Rev. Dan'l Slocnm, Jan. 1. 1*44. 2-12 " Sylvewfer E., of North Kingstown, and Ruth Northup, of South Klugsitown, by Key. John Slocum, Jan. 21, 1847. 2-12 " Marvin, of Amos, and Sarali Hathaway, of Xatlian, both of Exeter, R. I., by R»-v- Ezeiii.'l J. Locke, Oct. 17. 1847. 2-12 " Ellz.^beth, and WajK^m Gaifliuer, Aug. 12. 1841). 2-12 " Wanton, and BUlzabeth Gardiner, by Rev. James Hammond. Aug. 12, ls49. 2 12 " Robert, o;' Siuith Kingstown, and Almlra Blcknell, of North Kings- t'owii, by Hev. Henry V. I'oombes, Nov. 4, 1849. 1-— GA\^TT Samuel, and Ruth , Nov. 29, 1700. 2-12 '• Hazard, .jf Reuben, and Abide Cooke, of Elisha. by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locki-, Ocr. 2*. 1.^49. 2-;i3 GINNODO Peggj- D., of South Kingstown, and George B. Pitman, of Rich- mond. R. I.. Jan. 27, 1814. 1-103 GOODBODY John, of North Kingstown, and Anna Rose, of South Klngs- ' town, by John Sheldon. Justice, April 4, 1765. 2-12 GOODCHIIJ) Isaac, of Newport, and Ann WhiQey, of South Kingstown, by Ri'V. Silas Learnard. Aug. 29. 1841. 1 GOULD Susimnah, of South Ivlngstown, and Ray Allen, of Ch:Li'lestown, Dec. 11. 3 796. 1- — '■ Martlui. and Wm. Tourgee, Jr., Nov. 10, 2797. 1 '■ Hannah, of John, and Join Tourjee. Aug. IC, 1798. 2-35 '■ Sally, and John Robinson Perry, Oct. 3, 1S09. 2-54 " Ruhannah. and Stephen Arnold, of Warwick, July 15, 1839. !-17 " Rlioda Ann, and Riymuiul H. Holland, May 2, 1841. " Henrietta, and Thomas Webster, March 12, 1846. 2-4-t ■' airah C, of Jonathan P., of South Kingstown, and Henry Sanford, of .Joseph, now of Norwich, Conn.. Sept. 16, 1849. o_=o SOUTH KI.NUSroWX .MAl.'l.-l \(.ES. 17 2-13 GOULD William, of William, and .Mary S. Caswell, iif Gai-diU-'r T. and Mary S., liy Rev. H. C. Coombes. recorded May 17, 1850. 1-91 GRAY Bt'timny, of Shrewsbury, N. J., and Jobn Steadman, of South Kings- town, Jan. l;9, 174i>. 1-83 GREENJIAN Silas, and Ann Babcock, by Rouse Helme, Assistant. March 23, 1730. l-"9 " Capt. Silas, of Stonington, Conn., and Miss Eunice Babcoclc, ol Georg'E), of S(jutb Kmgstown, by Rev. Daniel Everett, May 10, 1737. 1-98 " Deborah, and Samuel CarjientiT, Nov. 15, 1753. 1-100 " Benjamin, and Ruth Shellield, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 23, 1735. 2-33 " Mary 11., and Caleb S. Perrigo, ol Wrenlham, Mass., May 20, 1841. 1- — GREENE Hawkins, and Sai-ah Tennant. by Samuel Helme, Justice, Feb. 12, 1799. 2-12 •• James C, and. Susan Hull, Ijy Rc\-. SUas Learned, March 4, 1841. 2-12 GRINNELL Daniel, Jr., and Sus:uinali Jloiildns, by Bouse Helme, Assist ant, June 14, 1724. 1-70 " Daniel, Jr., and Jane Lewis, by Rouse Helm.', Assistant, May 21, 1727. 1-83 " Mary, and Benjamin Laild, Oct. 10, 173i;. 1-100 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Braman, Jau. 20. 1753. 2-13 '■ Jolin G., and Rac-liel A. Peiry, by Rev. Augu.-.tus Dui-fee, Oct. 24. 1858. 1-81 GUTRIDGE Mrs. Sarah, and Paine Wi...(ll.ii(lp', .Inly 5. 1737, H 2-17,42 HADWIN Benjamin, of Barney, of South Kingstown, and Mercy D. Pecliham, of Pon\v. "f East Greenwich; l)y Rev. Nathan Pierce, March 29, 1838. 2-4 HALE Penelope, and Fones Chapiiell. .March 12. 1805. 1-100 HALL Sarah, and Joseph Harvey, Aug. G, 1754. 1-73 " Benjamin, of Portsmouth, and Abigail Babcoek, of South Kingst«wn ; by Cliri topher Allen. Justice. April 29, 1731. 1-97 " Elisha, and Elizabeth Jo--iin ; Ijy Jellrey Watson, Assistiiut, May 17, 1753. 1-100 " Surah, and Jo-epli Harvey. Aug. ij. 1754. 2-39 " Benjamin. F., and Hanii:bh N. Rodman, Aug, 19, 1354. 1-75 HANNAli Robert, and Elizabeth Bniwn ; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 31, 1730. 1-93 '• Catherine, and Joseph Hohvay, March 1, 1740 1. 1-109 ll.UlRINGTON Stirah. of North Kingstown, and Jonathan Sherman, Jr., of South Kingstown, .May 17, 17U8. 1-100 HARVEY Joseph, and Sarah H;i 11; by Samuel Teflt, Justice, Aug. 6, 17,"i4. 2-18 '• JIary Ann, of Charlestown, and Peter llazai-d. May 22, 1842. S-18 " Hannah S., amd Samuel S. E. Harvey, July i:>, ],s45. 2-18 " Samuel S. E.. of Tliomas B.. and Hannah S., of Benjamin, of Newport ; by Rev. Ezekiel .1. Locke, July 13, 1845. 2-38 " Lydia Ann, of South Kingstown, and John M. Roljbins, of Brook- lyn, Conn., June IS, 1849. 2-44 " Alice, and Edward H. Smith, Oct. 7, 1849. 2-56 " Mary Elizabeth, and Henry Braman, July 15, 1855. 2-16 HASKELL John Balier. of Philadelphia, Penn., and Patience Bentley BiUing- ton, of South Kingstown, by Syl'r Robinson. Justice, Dec. 15, 1 60S. 2-12 HATU.VWAV Sarah, of Nathan, and Marvan Gardiner, of Anins, both of Exeter, Oct. 17, lS47.i 1 HAWKINS Thomas, and Hann.ah Mnmtn. March 2, 1726-7. 1-72,74 •■ Elizabeth, and Benj.iiuin Perry. .Ir.. July 10, 1729. 18 AITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-85 HAZARD Amie, and Elier Sherman. Jr., May 30, 1734. 1-78 " Oliver, of South Kingstown, and EUzabeth Raymond, of the North P.arish of New London ; by Eev, JosejA Torrey, Dec. 9, 1736. 1-85 " Mai-y, and Benjamin Peckliani. .Tr., March 2, 1739. 1-82 " Mary, and Ehenezer Dnice, June 6, 1739. 1-90 " Simeon, and Abigail Mumfoi-1 ; by Thomas Brown, .Tustice, Feb. 6, 1745. 1-92 " Jonathan, and Mary Gardiner; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant. Aijril 10, 17d7. 1-93' " Jeremiah, Jr., of North Kingstown, and Ruth Potter, of South ICingstown; by John Case. Justice, April 24, 174S. 1-lOS " Penelope, of Col. Thomas, and William Potter, of Col. Potter, Nov. 18, 1750. 1-108 " Elizabeth, of Robert, of Pt- Jtidith, and Col, Robert Hazard, AlJril 13, 1752. 1-108 " Col, Robert, and Elizabeth ITazard, of Robert, of Pt, Judith ; by Kov. Dr. McSparran. April 19, 1752, 1-97 " Mary, of Stephen, and J..hn I'otter, of Ichabod, Aug. 30. 1752. 1-97 " Susannah, of Jeffrey, and Wilkinson Browning, ot William. Feb. 4, 1753, 1-103 " Mrs. Hannah, of Col. Th.mas, and Col. John Wilson, Nov. 21, 17fi2. l-(i3 " Sarah, of Roliert, and Job Watson, Feb. 12, 17(36, 1-156 " Alice, and Godfrey Hazard, Feb. 22, 1778, 1-156 " Godfi'ey, of Simeon and Abisrail, and Alice Hazard, ot Cfeorge and Sarah: by Nathaniel Gai-dlner, Justice, Feb. 22, 177S. 1-62 " Jonathan, of Sti-phcn, and Jlary Kobi^.sor,, of Sylveslor; by -N, Helme. Justice, May 12, 1785. 1-84 " Thomas H., and Abigail Robinson, of Sylvester; by Nathaniel Gardiner, Justice, Feb, 2:1, 1790. 1-109 " Robert R., and Anni- Vnrterwood. by Samuel Curtis, Justice, Sept. 4, 1791. 1- — " Sally, and Jeremiah N. rotti-r, March 23. 1794, 1- — •• Mnmferd, of Newoort, aiul Elizabeth R iblnson. of Christopher, of Siiuth Kingstown: by Sainnel Helme. Justice, Feb, 18, 1796. 2-16 " Robert, and Eunite .\ustin ; by Key. Asher Mine,i, Oct. 25. 1807. 2-16 " Bowdoln. and Teresa Clarke, at Slo:ilntt3U, Conn.; by Rev. Wil- liam Randall. Dec. 0, 1810. 2-38 " Eliza, and William H. Rnhin-on, Dec, 13, 1840. 2-6 " Martha 1!.. of Brent ^n. and Charles Cross, ot Joseph, of Cl.arb s- town, Sept. 25, 1842, 2-18 " Peter, and Mary -\nr Harvey, of Charlestfwn; by Rev. Thomas V. Wells, May 22, 1842. 2-18 " Abrani, and Susan H, Taylor: by Rev, Wilson Cogswell, Sept. 18, 1842. 2-33, 35 " Harriet T.. and John G. Perry. March 12, 1843, 2-19 " Canler C. and Susjin C. Knowles ; by Rev. C. T. Chapman. Dec. 10, 184S. 2-38 " Mary A., of Thomas, of .South Kingstown, and John A, Rathbun. of North Kingstown, Nov, 11, 1849. 2-1 ■■ Alice, and Jonathan, son of Horatio Allen. Oct. 6, 1850. 2-;!S " .Susan T.. and George W. Rose, Nov. 20, 1850. 2-24 " Thomas E., and Elsa Larkln : by Rev. A. Durfee. Sept. 10, 1854. l-ii9 HAZLETON Mary, and Joseph Kenyon, Dec. 27, 1724. 2-17 1IE-\LEY Jonathan, of Charlestown, and &ally Reynolds, of Smith Kings- town: by Ri.y. John 11. Baker, Nov. 24. l.'s;!9. 1-85 HELME Dorcas, and Nathan Siioffieid, Aug. 18. 1734. 1-81 " James, of South Kingstown, and Esther Powell, of North Kings- town : by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Oct. 19, 1738. 1-63 " James, and Sarah Clarke: by Rev. Joseph Torrey. Nov. 9, 1777. 2-26 " Mary, and Nathaniel Mumford, Jr., May 3, 1801. 2-16 " J.ames. of Janies. and Alice Perry, of Jonathan; by Rev. ThoniAs Ki-Mda!l. ( el. 7, 1.-02. SOrTH KINGSTOWX MAI!i;;.\(iKS. 19 2-19 HELJIE rowc-11, r,t wuitli Kinssto.vn. son of S.-iiiiiii'l .ind Abliir. and Annie E. Keiiyon, of HUjtili ami i^lary E. : liy KfV. Tliomas Vernim, May 24. 1>47. 1-81 IIEYDON Mrs. IMary, o! Si.utli Kin^'stowii. and .Taciili Cii.x. of Newijort. .-ieiit. 3. 17.37. 1-05 HIGGINKOTTOM Mary, and Thomas fiardinor. .Vijril i-2, 1744. 1-73 MILL Ciilfli. of Prndenoe Island, and Ruth Bahooc'.c, ol Sonth Kingstown; hy Christopher .All'.n. .Tnstioo, Feli. 21,, 1730-1. 2-39 HOLBURTON Drusilla, of George, and Hazard PeiKiiam. of Reuben, both of Richmond. Nov. 11, 184n. 2-17 HOLLAND Benjiimin, of Soulh Kingstown, and Alniira P. Cruml), of Wes- terly: by Rev. Silas Learned. Aug. 2. 1840. 2-17 HOLLAND Nicholas N., and Ann Allen, by Rev. Silas Learned, Feb. 1, 1841. 2-17 " Raymond H., and Rliorta Ann Gould, by R/^v. Silas Learned, May 2, 1841. 2-17.02.113 " Edward Hazard, Jr.. and Mary Ann Crumb. I)y Matthew Waite, .lustlce, July 4, 1841. 2-17 " Abble, of John, and Stephen Holland, of Henry, Aug. 21, 1845. 2-17 " Stephen, of Henry and Abbie Holland, of John, by Ezeldel J. Locke, Aug. 21, 1843. 2-19 " Conrdand B., and Silena E. Sims, by Rev. Milo Frary, recorded April 2, 1849. 2-19 " John, and Cordelia Clarke, by Ezekjel J. Locke, July 7, 1850. 1-lor. HOLLEY S:iraU. and Caleb Sheihcld. Dee. 5, 174fi. 2-60 " Prudence T., of John and Frdd-ric ChappeU, of Frederic, Oct. 12, 1841;. 1-70 HOLWAY Nicholas, and Patience Mott, bv R(nise Helnie, Assistant, May 8, 172(>. 1-93 " Joseph, and Catherine Hannah, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, March 1, 1710-1. 1-89 " Penelope, and Samuel Redman, Mairh 10, 1744. 1-93 " Joseph, and Abigail NUes, by Rev. Josei)h Torrey, Nov. 30, 1746. 1-98 " Jonathan, and Deborah Everett, by Jellrey Waison, Assistant, May 24, 1733. 2-42 HULLOWAY Rebecca C, of Chariestown, and George J. Sherman, of Exeter, July 4, 1841. 1-107 HOOKINS Hannah, of Christopher, of Soutli Kingstown, and Job Comstock, of Eaojt Greenwich, Dec. IS, 17(i3. 1-108 HOPKINS Thomas, Jr., and Hannah Baker, by Francis Tanner, Justice, Aug. 20, 17ti5. 1-68 " Susannah, and Daniel Grinnell, Jr., June 14, 1724. 1-72-73 " Thomas, and Hannah Mumford. by Rouse Helme, Assistant, March 20, 1728. 1-94 " Susannah, and Job Babeock, 3d, Nov. 20, 1743. 2-17 HOWARD Thomas S., of Newport, and Elizabeth P. Brown, of Sonth Kings- town, by Rev. Wm. H. Newman, May 31, 1640. 1-71 HOWLAND Mary, and Benjamin Gardiner, March 22, 172(i-7. 1-72 HOXSIE William, and Margaret KnowleS, by Rouse Helme, Assistant. April 14. 1728. 1-73 " Joseph, and Deborah Babcoek, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 17, 1728. 1-85 " Stephen, and Elizabeth Kenyon, by House Helme, AssisUnit. 1735. 1-91 " Samuel, of Chariestown, and Lydia, Bsuber, of South Kingstown, by Is.aiic Sheldon. Justice, Nov. 27, 174ij. 1-99 " Mi-s. Ann, of Chariestown. and Abial Sherman, of Soutli Kings- town, May 10, 1772. 1-62 " Samuel, of Stephen, of Kidimond, R. I., and Amie Reynolds, of James, of West Greeuwieh, R. I., by Rev. Jiilm Pendleton, June 8, 1783. 2-17 " Stephen, and Mary .Stanloii. by Rev. Lewis Jansen. Nov. 1, 1838. 2-26 " Silly, of Enoch, of Riehniond, and Gardiner Moore, of Henry, of South Kingstown. April 1. 1844. 2-18 " Gideon R.. of Rouse, of iXiehmond. K. I., and Joanna Barber, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Ezekiel J. Locke. 20 "^ITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLA>'D. SJ-18 HOYT Betsi-y, of LitclLfield. Conn., and Wm. Heni-y lloyt, of Ezr.a, of ProA'iclence, Nov. -5, 1845, 2-18 " Wm, Henry, of Ezra, of Pi'ovidtncp, E. I., and Betsy Hoyt, of Litcli- field. Conn., by Ri.-v. Tlionias Vernon. Nov. 25, 1845. l-!)7 HULL Charles, .ind Aliigail .Slack, of Samuel, of Westerly, by Jolm Rlcli- mond. JusUce, D'T. "O. 1730. 1-82 " Stephen, and Martlia Mon-y, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, April 27, 1738. 1-103 " Hannah, of Charles and Samuel Segar, of John, Nov. 27, 1755. 2-12 " Susan, and James C. Grrene, March 4, 1841. 1-89 INN'MAN Abigail, and Nathan Ball, Jan. -27, 1740. 1-83 IRISH Jedidlah. and Thankful Lamphere, by Rouse Holme, Assistant. Dec. 10, 1732. 1-S5 JACKQt'AWS Nathan, and Marg-aiet Llttle]ohn; by Rouse Hflme, Assist- ant, May 15, 1737. 1-90 " Samuel, and Abigail S:ibin ; by Thomas Brown, Justice, Aug. 26, 1746. 2-21 •■ Taylor, and M,a,ry Mitchell, May 22, 1808. 2-29 " Mary, and Henry Northup, May 8, 1826. 2-29 " Hannah, of South Ivingstown, and Jonathan R. Nye, of Charles- town, Jan. 8. 1831. 2-45 '• Merobah S., and Rniben Wright, Nnv. 14, 1S41. 2-1 " Elizabfth, aul Christopher K. AUcn, Dec. 11, 1842. 2-21 " Nathan, and Mary Ami M. Thurston; by Rev. A. G. Palmer, Jnly 25. 1868. 1-80 J.VMES Benjamin, of Westerly, and Patience Cottroll, of South Kings- town; by Isaac Shnldon, Justice, Aug. 27, 1737. 1-98 " Sarah, of Charlestowri, and Isaac Sheldon, of South Klngstcwn, Jan. 23, 1741. 1- — " Catherine, and Benjamin Cory, .rui.e, — „ 1708. 2-lf.,21 '• George, of Richmond, R. I., and S;irah WUcox, of Sjuth Ktngs- tflwn; by Rev. Henry C. Hubbard, April 24, 1826. 2-21 " EandiOl C. of Ezeldel and Jane, M. U. Crandall, of William; by Rev. E. J. Locke. July 1, 1847. 2-21 " Jolm, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Card, of Charlestown ; by Rev. Ezeklel J. Locke. Dec. 31, 1849. 1-70 JOHNSON Stephen, aiid Susannah Long; by Rouse Helme, Asslstatit, Feb. 2, 1727. 2-21 " WUUam H., and Charity Barber; by Rev. Pardon TlUlnghast, Dec. 24, 1854 1-90 JONES Mercy, and Simion Fowler, Jlarch 20, 1745. 1-85 JOSHUA .and S.arah (Indians), by Eonse Helme. Assistant. Sept. 28, 1732. 1-72 JOSLIN Mary, and J(.lin Lillibrid-'''. .Man-li 29. :.730. 1-05 " Freelovo. ;uk1 William Gardiner, Jr., May 19, 1744. 1-97 " EUzalX'th. and Elisha Hall. -May 17, 1753. 1-156 " Henry, and Mary Tefft, by Jeremiah Cr;uid:ill, Justice, May 21, 1769. 1-01 JrsTIX Ruih. of Nortli Kingstown, and Ebenezer Lewis, of South Ivlngs- lown, Oct. 17, 1746. 2-1 ■* Eliza, and George Arnold, Nov. 24, 1839. K 1-71,73 KEAIS WilUam, and Margaret Knowles, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, April ;.4. 1728. * II SOfTH KINI_iSr(J\VN MAI'.KIACES. 21 1-G9 KENYON Joseph, ami Jlany r;. ll.i,'.>'lli'n : liy ifoiiM- Ili-lnie, Assistant, Dec. ■J7, 17J-1. l-'if' '■ JiiliTi. .Ir.. :iiiil Mary ( iaiilliicr. (if Natliaiili-1 : by Chrisloiilier AUeu, Jnsilii', Martli i3. l7i:r,-7. 1-85 " Sa.rah. and Ebrnezer NUe^. Marcli i;."i. 17:j(i. 1-85 " Elizabeth, antl Stephen Hoxsic, — , 1735. •~---> ■■ Susaimali. of (iardiiiel-, and ilazanl KikiwIi-. (if Willi, irn, Jan. 31, S13. 2-23 ■• .lon.illiaii C. of Norlli Pi-n\ i •• Anna, E., of Elijah and M;'i-y E., and i'owell Ibdrne, of Samn<-1 and Abbie. May :>4, 1S47. 2-35 ■' Ellen F.. and William Wantcm I'erry. Apia! 3. 1848. -->>l " Mai-llia A., of Amos, and Alien Kinpiley, of WilUam, lioth of Riiliniond. R. I., Sept. 4. 1.--1.S. •2-2:; KF.'iTLE S.imu.'l. of West Ulc.'n wirh. son of Simon, and H.innah Wi'Us. of Jolin. of South Kins"^l"\v]i: ny Rev. K. J. Locke. June 11. 184:;. 2-43 KINtiSLLY Pianna, of William, and Alfred Slocum, of John, both of Ricli- m.mil, R. I., Nov. 20. :s4r,. 2-04 " Allen, of Wiiii.nm. and Martha A. Kenyon. of Amos, both of Rich- Tnl:l) (IF RHODE ISLAXn. l-7iJ LAEKIN Aljigail. and Joseph PoU'l-. J:ill. 14. 17:;(). 2-55 " Mariha, and CUarles Hrigi-'s. Dec. 2b, ISS'J. 2-12 " Julia Ann, of Richmond, R. I., and Robert C. (Tardin.r, of Exeter, Jan. 1, 1844. 2-46 " DelUhi. of John W., and Ji.hu A. Tucker, of Joshua. Jr., i.Iarch 0, 1S45. 2-24 " Elsa, and Thoma.s E. Hazard, Sept. 10, 1,^54. 1-85 " Abigail, and Joseph Burn-ide, 1735. 1-87 " Nickoias, and Cortent >'(>,ves ; by Isaac Shtldon, Justice, June 17, 1743. 1-86 " Jolm, of North Klng?;ti>\\n, and Abigail Abli, residing In South Kingstown ; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Aug. 19, 1743. 1-05 " Lydia, and Jonatlian Babcock. Nov. 26, 1740. 1-106 LETSON Michael, of Xortli Kingstown, and Hannah Albro, of Richmond, R. I.; t:iy Jeremiali Craiidall, Justice, Sept. 28, 1760. 1 — " Thom;u5 Mitchell, of North Kingstown, and Hannah O.sborne, of Richmond. E. I- ; by Jeremiah Crandall. Justice, Sept. 28, 1700. 1-7 LEWIS Jane., and Daniel Grumell, May 21, 1727. 1-75 " Elizaljeth, of Westerly, and William Reynolds. July 17, 1732. 1-91 " Ebenezer, of South Kingslown. and Kiith Justin, of North Kings- town; by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Oct. 17, 1748. 2-35 " Phebe Ann, and Robinson Perry. March 11, 1832. 2-23 " Emetine, and William N. Knowles, of Jeremiah. Dec. 1, 1839. 2-47 " Eunice A., of Arnold, of E.xeter, arid Steplien A. Telft, of Benja- min, of Richmond. R. I.. June 20, 1850. 1-73 LILLIBRIDGE Jolm. ami U:uy Josliii; by Christopher Allen, Justice, March 29, 173(1. 1-105 " Amie, and Clarke Rardlner, Nov. 1, 1759. 1-103 " John, and Susannah Segar : by Samuel Segar, Justice, July 6, 1755. 1-62 " Eleanor, and Jeremiah Hnjwn, Jr., Sept. 29„ 177G. 2-24 " Nathan, of Gideon, and Mrs. Hannah Corey, widow of Gardiner; by Rev. E. J. L.clce, April 23, 1843. 1-93 LlTTLEFIEl.D Edmnnd. and .Maltha Prasei ; by Jetfrey Watson, Assistant, Nov. 30, 1740. 1- — " .'\mie, and .\ljraham Polter, Aug. 11, 1794. 1-85 LITTLE.IOHX Maiparet. and Nathan j!tckwa.ys. May 15, 1737. 2-24 LOCKE Joslma, Jr f Richinonil, R. I., and Alib'e Brown, of South King.stown; by Rov. Weeden Barber, Apill 10, 1812. 2-24 " William J. S.. of Joshua K., of Richmond, K. I., and Callierine Steadman, of Henry, of South Kingstown; by Rev. Ezeidel J. Locke Si.pt. 24, 181.3. 1-70 LONG Susannah, and Stephen Johnson, Feb. 2, 1727. 2-32 LUNT Sarah, of WUlia.n, and S;iniui'l U. PoUoclc, Nov. 27, 1808. n 1-88 MAJOR Sarah, of South Klngsto«n. and Robert JI<,.t.v, oI Exetei, March 31, 1745. 2-144 MAWNEY Wary, and Elish.i R, I'oltur, July 9, ISIO. 2-26 MAY Libeity N., of Spencer,, Mass., and BeUnda Austin, cf South Klngs- tiwn; by Kev. SUas Lcamsurtl, July 5, 1840. 1-77 McCOON Tlianlitid, and Thomas WilUams, Jan. 6, 17.34. 1-103 MILLER Thomas, of Dighton,, JIass., and Mercy Tertt, of South Kings- town; by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 16, 1750. 1-71,73 MILLEMAX Aaron, and Ann C^so: by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 23, 1738. 2-21 MITCHELL Mary, and Taylor Jackways, May 22, 1808. 1-88 MONEY Eobevt. of Exeter. R. I., and Sjirah Major, of South Kingstown- by Isaac Sheldon. Justice, Match 31, 1743. 2-2G MOORE Silas Fllery, of Cianston, R. I., and Susan Barber, of Richmond, R. I., by Rev. Thomas Vernon. March 28, 1839. 2-20 " Gardiner, of Henry, of Soutli Kingstown, and SaUy Hossle, of Knock, of Richinoin!. R. I., by Rev. Ezckiel J. Locke, April 1, 1844. !?oi;tii KiNGsruwx — MAUi;i\(:Es. 23 2-2G J10<;)RE IsaMT S., of Nall];ai. of Rk'hiii.iiid, R. I.. ;iiid Catherin- ,r. C. M. 1'ii.tterson, ol Jajiios, "1 Soiitli Kingslowii, by R"V. Ezekid J. Lockf, Ni)V. 24, lr.44. 2-60 " Deborah, of Nathan, aud Wllli.un J. O. CliaiJiJi^U, of Kit-hard, both of Richmond, — , . 1-82 MOREY Martha, .ajid Stoplicn Hull, April 27, 173S. 1-81 '• Sarah, and John Watson, Sopt. 28, 17:38. 1-70 MOTT Pallfino. and Moliolas llolway. May S, 17211.. 1-iiO Mt^MFOED Kli/.al'itli. aiid .]<]n;ith:i,n Foster, Fob. 4, 1724^5. 1-72,73 " Hannah, and Thomas Hopkins, Marcli 20, 1728. 1-73 " Sarah, and Joseph Cti.se,, of Jos..i>h, Jr., Dec. 18, 1729. 1-75 " William, and Ann Ray (widow), by Rev. Dr. McSi)arran, April 3, 1729. 1-B5 " John. and. Elizabeth IVrliins, Ijy Rouse Holme, Assistant, 17.'S5. 1-97 " Jiraii, of South Kijigstown, and Mary Gardiner, of John, of E.xetor, R. I., at F.xeter, by Rov. Bi'njamin \\ altA<, Nov. 29, 1739. 1-88 " Abigail, and Samuel Barber. July 20, 1744. 1-90 " Abis.iil, and Simeon Hazard, I'eb. li, 1743. 2-26 " Nathaniel. Jr., and Mary Helme, by Rev. i:;enjaniin Walte, M;iy 31, 1801. 2-249 " Mary E., of South iCbicrstoivn, ;inil Joseph ];. Potter, of Uichmond, R. 1., Uet. 18, 1841. 2-43 ■■ Aljbi. . and Ularko IS. Shorm;in. Nov. 5. 1543. 1-156 MII!1-IIV Mania. aniis Veinon, Dec. 10, 1844. 1-— NUOAKIO Mai-y.'Of SouUi Kingstown, and William Coyhes. of Charlestown, llndhms). March 10, 170.-,. 1-68 N'JRTHLIP ,Mary, and Caleb Alb-n, July 15, 1724. 1-71,73 " Maiy, and Nath.in Nlles, Si'pi. 12. 1728. 1-89 " Slev.luii. and Surah Ro.i.its. by .samuel Teltt. Justice, Oct. 17, 1744. 24 VITAL EElonU OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-i9 2-36 0-28 2-12 2-29 2-31 1-87 2-20 1-S8 2-29 2-28 2-28 NORTHUP S.n-:ili, and Daniel Tellt. Feb. 0, 17')5. " Heiii-y, and Mary .laekways. by Daniel Sleadman, Justice, May 8, 182r>. " Joljn v., and Mrs. Hannah D. -Sweet, by Rev. Tlioma^ Vernon. Oct. -JT. 18-14. " Eiith. ()I Somli Kiniistuwn, and Sylvesi. r U. Gardiner, of North Kingstown, Jan. 21, lr^-17. " Gideon S., of Jami's II-. and Mary .\jin Tliomas, of George, by Rev. Henry C. Coonilics, Oct. P.. 1850. " Samnel G., and Emeline Clarke, Sept. 27, 1855. NOYES Content and Nicholas Lee, Jiuie 17, 1743. " Azel, and Snrali Jane Sherman, of Exeter, I!. 1., by Rev. Ezeklel J. Locke, March 22, 1349. NI'TTER .Samuel, and Eliziibulh Uowler. by Isaac Slielrton, Justice, Oct. 28, 1744. KYE Jonathan R., of Charleslowii. and HarmaJi Jaclrwnys, of South Kings- town, by Rev. Jonathm Oatley, Jan. 8, 1831. " Benjamin, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth P. Charaiilain. of South Kingstown, by Rev. VVUson. CoggsiTeU, Oct. 11, 184a. " Arnold \V., of William, and Eliza C. Babcocli, of George, by Rev. Ezeklel J. Locke, July 24, 1845. o 1- — OATLEY John, of Samuel, and Susannah Sherman, of Daniel ; by Samuel Helme, Justice, Sept. — , 1796. 2-1 " Ann E., and John F. Adams, Dec. 31, 1848. 2-30 OPEN Adolphus Manuel, and Susan A. CarpentiT ; by Rev. Isaac M. Church, Nov 7, 1858. 1-7G OSBORNE Hannah, and John Brooks, April 12, 1732. 1- — " Hannah, of Richmond, R. 1., and Thomas .Mitchell Lctson, of North Kingstown, Sept. 28, 1700. 1-107 " William, and Mlrabah Chappell; by Francis Tanner, Jojstlce, Nov. 13, 1702. 1-102 OVERING Henry John, of Newport, and Mary Whltehorne, of South Klngs- tiwn; bv Jeiemiah Crandall, Justice, Nov. 15, 1755. 1-72 PAGE John, and Sarah Clarke: by Robert Hannah, Justice, Sept. 21, 1729. 2-52 PALMER Binmi, o' Stonington,, Conn . (his second wife), and Thomas it,. WeUs, Oct. 10, 1833. 1-69 PARKER GeoTgr, and Catherine Cole; liy Rouse Helme, Justice, Oct. 18, 1724. 1-70 " Thomas, and Martha Barber; m. by Rouse Helme, Asslstjint, Oct. 5, 1727. 1-92 " Frances, and Rel*cca Veal ; by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant, March 22, 1746. 1-108 '• Abigail, and Thomas Gaidlner, Feb. 4, I7l<5. 1- — PARE Jonathan, and Polly Steadman, of James ; by Samuel Helme, Jus- tice, Oct. 29, 1795. 2-20 PATTERSON Catlierine J. C. M., of .lames, .and Isaac S. Moore, of Natlian, Nov. 24, 1844. 2-50 " Margaret R., and Henry I?. Bnrdick. of Newport, Oct. 11, 1846. 1-100 PEARCE James, of East Greenwicli. and Mary Crossman, of South Kings- town : by Joseph Torrey, Clerg., Nov. 7, 1773. 2-34 " George G., of Newport, of George, and Mary N. Robinson, of George C, by Rev. Henry C. Coombos, Oct, 15, 1849. 1-80 PECKHAM Benjamin, Jr„ :md Mary Hazard; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, March 2, 1739. 1-83 " Mary, of Newport, and Hezckiab Balicocic, of South Kingstown, nt Newport. .Ian. 3, 1739-10. 1 — " Sarah, of Benj.amin, and John Robinson, of William, April 9, 1701. SOL'TU KIXGSTDWX JIAltK lAI :KS. 25 ,1-157 PBC-KILAM Ji.SL-plius, nfB, iijiiiniu. iuul Mary Baljci.cK, of Ilczeklah ; by Syl- vester Rubinson. .luslioe. JUiy 25, 1774. 1-iui " Mary, of Benjamin, and Jd^liua I>eiTy, ol Freeman, Oct. 17, 1780. l-(>-2 •' Pt'log, Jr,, and Desire WmImh), of .loliii, ,Ir. ; by G. Peclctiam, Jus- tice, j\iig. 23, 178."). 1 — " Phebe, and Benjamin Seg.ir. April -2, 1793. 2-C2 " 'Benjamin T., and Jlrs. Jiary Wand; by Kev. Benjamin Waite, Dec. 5, 17'J1), 2 32 " WUliam, Jr., and Susannah Stanton, of Joseph ; l>y Thomas IIox- sie, Senator,. Feb. 13, 1803, 2-3S " Mary, of Benjamin, and Saniuel Rodman, July 15, 1821. 2-17, 42 ■' Mercy D., ol East Grei mvich, dan. of Perry and Jienjamin H.ad- wln, of Barney, Mirch ■;<), 1838. 2-4C ■' Sarah, and Stimuel Tuclcer, Si-pl. i;-,, 1840, 2-33 ■■ Roijcrt C, and Hannah E. BalKocl;; by Rev. Wilson Cogswell, Nov. 14, 1S42. 2-55 •■ Waity, of Reuben S., and Albert S. Barln'i-, of James, July 21, 1845. 2-34 ■• Nathaniel, of Middletown, and Jane P. Tucker, of South Kingstown; by Rev. I'. T. (■bapniaii. Jan. 1('>, 1840, 2-34 ■■ Edwin A., of Judgi' William, and Mary W. Dye, of Asa ajid Mary; by Ri'V. II, C, Coombes, Jlay 13, ISl'J, a-34 " Haz;ird, of Reuben, and Urusilla liollnirtou, of Geoige, both of Kiehniond : )>y Ke\-. E. J. Locke, Nov. 11, 1840. 2-51) •' Eliza, of Kicljniond, and .Ubert S. Barber, of Jamia, of South Kiutrsliiwn. .\pril 21. Is.'.i). 1-85 PEBiaNS Ellza.belh, and Jolm Mumfonl. — . 1733. 1-106 " Nathaniel, and Elizabeth t-'iandall ; by Rev. Dauhl Everett, Jlareh I, 173;i. 2-144 " Mrs. Mary, and Elisha R. Potter. Nov. 7, 1700, 2-4 ■' Eliza, of James, ot South Kint'stov.ii. and John Collins, of Amos, of North Stoniuiilon. C(.nn., (let. 23, 1 SOO. 2-1 •■ JIary, ot Smitli KinsstoWii. anil Edwin Anthony, of Richmond, R, I.. July —. 1.--43. 2-33 PERRK.liJ Caleb S., of Wren h;,ni. :\tass.. and JIary H. LJreennian, of South Kin^'stown: by Ri'v. Silas Leaianird, Jlay 2i;, 1S41. 1-70 PERRY Alice, .tnd Jnlin Dennison, Jnfy 21, 1723. 1-70 •' Ben3;unin. and Susannah Barber; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, June II, 1727, 1-72,74 " Benjamin, Jr.,, and Elizabeth lla7,ai-d; by Rouse Helme, Assistant, July :0. 721). 1-79 " Maiy, and John Potter, O t. 20, 173i;. 1-03 •■ Joiuilhan, of James, an;l Mary Potter, of William; by Emm.muel Case, Justice, May 1'!, 1777. 1-113 ■■ J. 1731. 1-85 " Capt. Ichabod, and Margaret Potter, by Rouse Helmr. Assi-tant, Nov. — , 1735. 1-85 " Margaret, and Capt. IchtihiHl Poller, Nov. — , 1735. 1-79 " John, and Mary Peny, by Friends ceremony, Oct. 20, 1736. 1-86,87 " Sarah, and George Gardln-r. Feb. 10, 1742. 1-94 " Jonathan, and Mary West, by Samuel Teift, Justice, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-93 " Eutli. ot South King^stown. and Jeremiah Hazard, Jr., of North Kingstown, AprU 24, 1748. 1-108 " WiUiam, youngest son of Col. Potter, and Penelope Hazard, eldest dan. of Col. Thomas, by Eev. Dr. MeSparran, Nov. 18, 1750. 1-97 " John, ot Ichabod, and Mary Hazard, of Stephen, by Jeffrey Wat- son, Assistant, Aug. 30. 1752. 1-100 '• Martha, and Daniel W<'eden. Jan. 7. 1753. 1-lO.S " Tliomas, ^f Ichabod, and Mrs. Ellzaheth Eeynolds, by Eev. Joseph Torrey. CJit. 29, 175s. i-106 " Christopher, of Richmond. R. I., and Anne Frazer, by Jeremiah Crandall, ,lnsiice, Nov. 23, 170O. 1-109 " Lydia. ot (apt. Benjamin, and William Potter Taylor, Dec. 11, 1 760. 2-32 " WUliam, of i;i.l>ert, and -Mary Ratlibiin. by Eev. Joseph Torrey, Jan. 24, 1705. 2-32 1-84 1-86 1-68 1-09 1-R9 1-70 I SOUTH KINGSTOWX MAKKJAUKS. 27 1-U3 POTTEE JInry, ot South Kingstown, and Jcnathan Perry, of James, March 31, 1777. 2-144 " EUsha E., and Mrs. Mary Perkins, by Eev. Benjamin Waile, - Nov. 7. 1790. 1 " Nicholas Biyaiit, and Mary Hannah Carpenter, ijy Samuel llelme. Justice, Jam. 28, 1794. 1- — " Jeremiah N., and Sally Hazard, by Samuel Helme, Justice. March 23, 1794. 1 " Aliraham, and Amie Littlefleld, by Samuel Heluie, Justice. Aug. 11, 1794. 2-52 " Maria, and Thomas liobinson Wells, March 15, iso.-i. --32 " Al.ram, and Abigail Perry, by -Matthew Kobinson, Justice, March 5, 18U9. 2-14-4 " Elisha K., and Mary Mawney, by Eev. William Nnrthup, July 9, 1810. 2-3 '• JNIary,- of E.xeter, and Silas Brown, ol South Kingstown, Marcli 9, 1823. --33 ■' William, of Alexander, and Sarah Ero-svn (colored), by Mattliew Waite, Justice, Oct. 23, 1839. 2-249 " Joseph B., of Richmond, B. I., and Mai-y E. Mumford, of .South Kingstown, by Kev. Jolin H. Balcer, Oct. 18, 1841. 2-43 •■ Susan, of South Kingstown, and David Sherman, Jr., of Coven- try, K. I., March 21, 1842. 2-47 •• Harriet, and Benjamin H. Taylor, Oct. 30, 1342. 2-28 •• Mai-y, of Aaron and Abble, and Edward T. Niles, of Simon and Nancy, Hec. 19, 1844. 2-34 ■• Kouse, and UorcMs Li. Watson: by Rev. Wilson CoggsweU, Mav 2."), 1841!. 2-34 •■ Samuel, of Nicholas E., and Alice Smith, of James W. ; by Kev. Ezelciel J. Locke, May 1-1, 1848. 2 31! •' George, and Elizabetli Su-rman. Aug. Ki. 18J?. 1-81 POWELL Mrs. Esther, of North Kingstown, and James- Ilelnie, of South Kingstown, Oct. 19. 1738. 1-95 POWEES WUliam, of Warwick, and Sarali Bill, now resitling in South Kings- town; by Benj.-iniin Potter, Justice, April 12. 175U. 1-85 PRICE MaxtJaa, and Oharles Campbell, Sept. 17, 1731. 1-108 PROSSER Arnold, ;md Esther Eldred, by Jeremiali Crandall, Justice, (both dates given), .Inly 1-1. 1704— July 15, 17ii5. Q R 2-32 EATHBL'N Maay, and WUllaju Potter, Jan. 24, 17ti5. 2-38 '• John A., of North Kingstown, and Mary A. Hazard, of Thomas, of South Kingstown, by Hev. Henry C. Coomljes, Nov. 13, 1349. 1-78 it.\Y.MOND , of New London, and Oliver Hazard, of South Kingstown. Dec. 0, 1730. 1-75 KAY ANN (ttidowj, and William Mumford, AprU 3, 1729. 1-70 ■ REYNOLDS Deliorah, and Icliabod Potter, March 20, 1725-0. 3-71, ',3 '• Elisha, and Susannah Potter, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Jan. 30. 1728. 3-75 " William, and Elizabeth Lewis, residing in Westerly, R. I., at South Kingstown, by ChrlsloiJher Allen, Justice. July 17, 1732. 3-91 ■• Henry, and Mary Auihony, by Thomas Brown, .lustice, Nov. 9. 1740. 1-93 " Jemima, and John Babcock, March 17, 1747. 1-94 " John, and Abigail Sherman, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Oct. 24. 17-18. 1-100 " Elizabeth, of Exeter, and James Sherman, of South Kingstcnn, Nov. 39, 1701. 1-108 '• Mrs. Elizabeth, and Thf.uias Potter, of IchaV.od, Oct. 29. 17")S. 1-157 " Elizabeth, ol Soutb Kingstuwn, and Benjaaiiu Dake, >t .Voi-lh Kingstown, Marcli 23, 1779. 1 i'2 " Amie, of James, of West Greenwich, and Sanmel Iloxsi.-. of Sleplicii, of South Kingstown. June 8, 1783. 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-17 RE\X(iLD3 Sally, Of South Kingstown. anU .T"i :ithan llealy, ol Cliarlestown. Nov. 24, laait. 3-Ga •• Jiaiy jUin, and .liilm C. Dawlcy. both of EscU-r, Aug. 28, 1842. 1-76 RE.UJ Thomas, and Elizabeth Cos, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Nov. 3, 1733. 1-104 " Edward, and M-.u-tU.-i Davis, by S:imuc-1 Casey, Justice, Oct. 15, 1758. 2-52 RHODES Elizabeth, oJ Stonlnf-'lon. Cumi., and Tiiomas E. Wells, ol South Kingstown, ^-'ept. 2s. 1844. 1-75 RICE William, and PiH-be Ti-i|i|i. by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Dec. 10, 1730. 2-38 ROHBINS .liilin M., of lirooklyii. Conn., and Lydia Ann Harvey, ol South Klngst'OAMi. by R',v. .lames Hammond, June 3. 1843. l-«3 ROBERTS Finances, and Stephen Knowles, Ang. 27, 1732. 1-89 " Surah, and Stoidien Northi-up, Oct. 17, 1744. 1-90 " Mary, and Stephen Rcjse, June 10, 1745. 1-68 ROIH.NSi )N Mary, and Stephtn Hazai'd, by House Hilme, Assistant, Jan. 9. 172y-4. 1-68 " Sarah, and lehabod Potter, Jr., Jan. 10, 1723-4. 1-71 " William, and AbiSMil Hazard, by Christopher Allen,, Justice, March 2, 1726-7. 1-76 '• Ruth, and Joseph t'nderwood, April 27. 1732. 1-89 " Martha, of WlUhTju, of South Kingstown, and Latham Cl.nke, of Saniuel. of Jamestown,, AprU 18, 174."). 1- — " ■ John, of William, of Sontli Kingst-own. and ."^arah PecJ^ham. of Benjamin, April '.), 1761. 1-G2 " Mary, of Sylve~l, p'. ami Jona.tlian Hazard, of Stephen, May 12, 17-5 1-84 EOBINSON AbisaJl, of Sylvester, and Thoma.s H. H:uzai-d, Feb. 23, 1700. »| 1 — " Capt. Robert, of Clulstopher and. Sarali Congdon, of Samuel, by J] Samuel Helme. Justice, March 15, 1795. 1 " Elizabeth, of Chris'toplier, of South Kingstown, and Slumlord Hazard, of Newport, Feb. 18, 1796. 2-38 " WilUam H., and Eliza Haza.rd, by Kev. SU.a.s Learn.-uil. Dec. 13, 1840. 2^3'4 " Mary N., of South Kingstown, d.aughter of George C. and George <;. Pearce, of George, of Newimrt, Oct. 15, 1849. 1-89 RODMAN Sajuuel, and Penelope HnUvay, by Stimuel Tellt, March 10. 1744. 1 " Peneliipe, and Natlu-uiiel Tripp, Dee. 15, 1791. 2-38 " Samuel, and Mary Peel-ham. of Henjaniln, by Matthew Robinson, Justice, July 15, 1821. 2-63 " Sarah Ann, and George Di.\on, May 3, 1S40. 2-38 " Peleg C, of Christopher, and Nancy, of South Kingstown, and Eliza Brown,, of Robert and Hajinati, of Wa-rwlclc, R. I., by Rev. Thomas Vernon, March 22, 1846. 2-39 " Isaac P., and Sally Arnold, by Rev. C. T. Broolis, June 15, 1847. 2-39 " Hannah N.. and Benjamin F. HaU. Aug. 19, 1854. 1-108 ROGERS Amie, Sa,muel .ajid John. Rogers, Jr., Jan. 7, 1704. 1-108 " John, Jr., and Amie Rogers, of Samuel, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justire, Jan. 7, 1764. 1-78 ROSE John, of Prerrtou, Conn., and Elizabeth Eldred, of South Kingstown, by Ephraim Gardliwr. Justice, June 12, 1734. 1-90 " Stephen, ;uid Mary Roberts; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, June 10, 1745. 1-108 " Anna, of South Kingstown, and John Goodbody, of North Kings- town, April 4, 1765. 2-53' " Elizabeth S., of George and James E. B. Walker, Oct. 25, 1849. 2-38 " Samuel, of South Kingstown, and Phebe A. Albro, of E.xeter, by Rev. John Slocum, Aug. 4, 1850. 2-38 " Uenrge W., and Susan T. Hazard, by I'.ev. John Slmum, Nov. 20, 1850. 2-39 " George P., of South Kingstown, and llai.nah P. Card, of James- town, by Rev. .Lames Hammond, Dee. 5. 1852. 1-88 ROWLEK EUzabeth, and S,aniuel Nutier, Oct. 28, :744. SOUTH KINIISTOWN MAKKIAUKS. 29 1-90 SABIN Ahigail. and Samiul .lackways. Aug. liii. 17 MI. 1-107 SAND iklwarrt, ol Xewporl, and Lucy CUirko. nl Sdiiili Kiui^Mown, by Silas Nil'-s, .Tiislice. Sept. li>. 17(>o. 2-41 SANFOED Henry, ajid JoseiA, of North ICiiigstOwn, miiv of Norwich, Coan., and Sarali r. Gould, ol' JouaUiau 1'., of Soutli Kingslown, by Rev. Ezeliiel ,T. Locko. Soyt. in, 1841). 1-85 SARAH, .111(1 Joshua (Indians). Sep! i;,-;, 173-2. 1-84 SAUNDERS Susannah, and Eichar t 'lioai-y. .Jan. Ji. 17:Ji;. ■J-ii •■ lapi. Ellas, ol .loliii A., and Sarah E. I'.ruwn. by Rev. Henry C. Coombis, JIaroh 3. 1 -.'.0. l-Sr. SI'OTAWAY Hann.ih. and .lohn Swain, Nov. (i. 17:',1. 1-83 SELA,GER Experience, and Ichabod S. Shelfield, Api'U 17, 1740. l-UM) •■ Aljigail. and William I. 1-lOS " Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, and lehabod Sheffield, of Charles- lOTvn, Nov. 4, 1764. 1-107 " Thomas, and Rebecca Browning, of Wllli.im, by F. Perry. Ju-tiee, Feb. 17, 1785. 2-42 " John, of Sontli Kingsto\vn, and Aliigail Brayton, of Portsmouth, by Benjamin Foster, Justice. Nov. 9, 17sr>. ] " FJizaljefh, and William Perry. M.ireh 23. 17!IJ. 1 •■ Benjamin, and Phebe Peelcbam. by Samuel Hidme, Justice, April 2. 1793. 2-53 SEACIEE Itary P., of South Kingstown, and Joseph Brightman, of Hopkln- ton, Oct. 19, 1S40. . 2-44 " William F.. and Mary Ann Browning, by Eev. L'. T. Chai>ni;ui, Aug. 20. 1848. 1-68 SEGOUCHE Elizabeth, of Little Oompton, and (Christopher Allen, of R. I., , 1GS7. 1-75 SHAW Elehanl, and Alice Wilson, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, Aug. 7, 1720. 2-4-1 SHED George E., and Eliza Ann Tucliea-, by Eev. C. T. Chapman, Dec. 25, 1848. 1-70 SHEFFIELD Isaac, and Sarah Cas.e, by Eouse Helme, Assistant, April 20. 1727. 1-85 " Natlian, and Dorcas Helme, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, April 18, 1734. 1-85 '• Mary, and Oileb Clarlie, Dec. 1, 1737. 1-85 " Mary, and Daniel Everett, July 12, 1739. 1-83 " Ichahod, and E.xperience Seager, by Jolm Potter, Justice, Api-il 17, 1740. 1-103 " Citleb, and Sarah HoUey ; m. by Thomas Hazard. Assist-int, Dee. 5, 1746. 1-100 '■ Ruth, and Benjamin Greenman, Jan. 23, 17S5. 1-108 " Ichahod, of Charlestown (weaver), and Elizabeth Seager, of Soutli Kingstown (spinster), by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Nov. 4. 1764. 1 — " Martha, of Nathan, of South Kingstown, and Samuel Smith, of Stoniington. Conn., Nov. 8, 1703. 1-68 SHELDO.N John, and Horred Wiiteon, April 11. 1700. 1-70 •' Jolin, Jr., and Sarah ,Shornian, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Feb. 2, 1727-8. 1-70 « Dorcas, and Jonathaji Sherman, Jr., Feb. 7, 1720-7. 1-82 " Samuel, and Susannah Sherman, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 23, 1739. 1-98 " Isaac, Jr., of South Kingstown, and Sarai James, of Charlestown, a,t ,C., by Joseph Church, Justice, J;m. 23, 1741. 1 109 " John, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Webb, of Ch.arlestown, by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, May 29, 1743. 30 VITAL EECOKD OF KIIODE ISLAND. 1-00 SHELDON Isaac, of Isaac, and Abigail Earl, of Jolin. by Rev. Daniel Everett, ■who died before the marriage ivas asserted ; asserted by Jeffrey Watson, Assistant. Dec. 20, 1746. 1-98 " Abigail, and Jereniiab Carpenter, June 24, 1752. 1-00 " Sarah, of Isaac, and James Babcock, of Samnel, Jan. 31, 1754. l-10(i " James, and Hannali Beard, by Frances Tanner, Justice, Oct. 24, 1762. 1-108 " JMeliitable. and Jolin Babcock, Fob. 14, 1766. 2-45 ■' Allc. of Rouse, and Daniel Sleadman, of Daniel, Sept. 8, 1850. 1-71,73 SHERMAN KutU. and Benjamin Potter, Feb. 1, 1726-7. 1-70 " Sarah, and John Sheldon, ,1r., Feb. 2, 1726-7. 1-70 -' Jonathan. Jr., and Dorc.is SheMon, by Rouse Ilii'ne, Assistant, Feb. 1, 1727-8. 1-70 " Josiah, and Mary Potter, by Rouse Helrae. Assistant. Jum- 4, 1727. 1-S5 " Mary, and Passaval Allfn, Dec. 21, 1732. 1-77 ■■ Isaliel. and Caleb Gardiner, Feb. 20, 1734. l-b5 " Eber, Jr., anid Amle Hazard, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, May 30, 17:i4. 1-77 " Daniel, and .Snsannali Earl, by Isaac Sheldon, Jastice, May 22, 1735. 1-82 " Susannah, and Samuel Sheldon, by Isaac Sheldon. Justice. Sept. 23 „ 1739. 1-87 " Mary, and Benjamin Baker, Sept. 16, 1742. 1-89 " Alice, and PhUlip Sherman, Feb. 14, 1744. 1-89 " Phillip, of Portsmouth, and Alice Sherman, of South Kingslowiv, by Samuel Tefft, Ju.stice. Feb. 14, 1744. 1-90 " Ablel, and Susannah Bo>s, by Samuel Tefft. Justice, Jan. 30, 1745. 1-04 " James,, of South Kin.i:sto\vn, and Penelope Franklin', of Jamestown, at Jamestown, by Ji'seph Clarke, Justice, Sept. 8, 1748. 1-0.") " Experience, and Jusepli Taylor, AprU 6,. 1749. 1-97 " Sarah, and Robert Brown, Esq., May 16. 1753, 1-100 " James, of South Kingstown, and Hannah Fry, of East Gieenwlch, daughter of Thomas, by Giles Pierce. Justice, Feb. 6, 17o5. 1-94 " Abigail, and John Reynolds, Oct. 24, 1748. 1-102 •■ Samuel, of Newport, and Phebe Smith, of South Klngslown, by Rev. Da\-id Sjirague, Sept. 25, 1756. 1-105 " Lydia, of Benjamin, and Isaac Tanner, Dec. 8, 1750. 1-106 " James, of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Eeyndds. of Exeter, by John Lillibridge. Justice, Nov. 19, 1761. 1-103 " Josiah. and Dorcas Bentley, by Jeremiah Crandall, Justice, Dec. 15, 1763. 1-109 •• Jonathan, Jr., of South Klng3tow*n, and Saiah Harrington, of North Kingstiwn, by Rev. Samuel Alliro, May 16, 1768. 109 " Ablel, of S)uth Kingstown, and Mrs. Ann Hoxsle,, of Charles- town, at C, by Rev. Joseph Parks, May 10, 1772. 2-42 •' David, and Hamiah .Sherman, by Jame,s Parker, Justice, Nov. 26, 1775. 2-42 " Hannah,, and Da^-ld Sherman, Nov. 26, 1775. l-"*^ " Robert, of South Kingstown, and Honor Brown, of Noith Kings- town, by Riv. James Wightman, Feb. 26, 1777. 1 " Snsajmah, of Daniel, and John Oatley,, of Samuel, Sept. — , 1796. 1 " Sarah, and Benjamin Stanton, Dec. 4. 1796. --3 •' Anna, vi Ciodfrey. and Jesse Barber, of James. Nov. 4, 181". 2 55 ■' Abbie, and Benjamin B. Brown, -\ug. 17, 1831. 2-42 " George J., of Exeter, and Rebecca C. HoUoway, of Charlestown, by Rev. John H. Baker. July 4, 1841. 2-13 •' David. Jr., of O'ventiy. R. I., and Susan Potter, of South Kings- town, by Rev. John H. Baker, March. 21, 1842. 2-43 « Clarke B., of S<:iuth Kingstown, son of Robert and Abbie Mnmford, of Oliver, of Richmond, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Nov. 5, 1843. 2-44. 46 " Daniel, of Joseph, and Mary Ann Knowles, of Hazard : m. by Rev. E. J. Locke, June 19, 1848. -'-'■' '■ Sarah Jane, of Exeter, and Azel Noyes, of South Kingstown. Majch 29, 1848. 2-'^'> ■■ Elizaueth. and George Poller. Aug. 16, ISOS. SOUTH KIXUSTUWN JIAKltlAUES. 31 1 SIAS Miiry, iif South Kingstown, nnd MliifeaiU Ci-usswell. of Slerlmg, Conn., Nov. 33, 1794. 2-10 SIMS Silence E., and Courtland B. Holland, AprU 2, lS-19. 1-17 SLACK Abigail, of Samuel, and Charles Hull, botli ol Westerly, Dec. 30, 173G. 2-43 .SLOCUM John, Jr., ot Riclnuond, R. I., and Sarah M. Stendman, oC Henry oJ South Klngstomi, by Kev. E. J. Locke, Sept. 2-1. 1843. 2-43 '■ WilUam, of John of Richmond, R. I., and Rebecca Babcoek, ot .Joseph of South Kingstown, by Rev. E. J. Locke, March 30, 1845. 2-43 " Alfred, of John, and Diana Kingsley, of William, both of Rich- mond, by Rev. E. J. Locke, November 20, 184(i. 1-68 SMITH JIargaret, and Emmanuel Clarke, at North Kingstown, Jan. 4. 172S. 1-77 ■■ Bath.sheba and Jeffi-ey Watson, Nov. 30, 1732. 1-83 " Mary, and Benjamin Thomas, Sept. 1, 1737. 1-81 " Sarah, and John Bent, Nor. 13. 1737. i-81 •' Mrs, Marv, of Boston, and Jacob Pindar, of NorUi Kingstown, April 2, 173'8. 1-102 •■ Phebe, of South Kingstown, and Samuel Sherman, of Newport. Sept. 23. 1750. 1- — ■• Samne'l, ot Stonington. Conn., and Martha Sheffield, of Nathan of South Kingstown: by Samuel Helme. Justice, Nov. s. 1705. 2-3 " Mary Ann, and Edgar, R. Eaton, Dec. 4, 1842. 2-54 '• Lucy Ann, and Edmund B. Albro, Feb. 24, 1848. 2-34 " Alice, of James W., and Samuel Potter, of Nicholas E.. May 14, 1S4S. 2-44 •■ Edwird II.. and Alice Harvey; by Rev. James Hammond, Oct. 7. 1849. 2-43 •• INck li.. aged 18. .son of James W., and I.iu'y A. Weljster. aged li;. dau. of Nathan, by Kev. Ezekiel J. Locke. Nov. n, 1831. 2-.')4 ■• John A., and .\nn A. Whatey. by Rev. A. Durfec, Oct. 21). 1834. 2-45 SPEAR Henry, and Levtna Carpenter, by Rev. E. J. Locke, July 28, 1830. 2-43 SPKA(;i'E WilliaTu, and Adeline WhilT.^rd, by Rev Silas Learned, Ang. 28, 1842. 1-93 ST.\NTON Isaliel. an'> TAYLOR Josppli, and Experience Sherman, by Jeffrey Watson, Assist;int, April 6. 1749. 2-35 " Esbon S., of WilUam, of North Kingstown, and Mary Perry, of John R., and Sally (Gould). March 6, 1834. 1-109 " Wra. Potter, and Lydia Putter, of Capt. Benjamin, by Rev. James Roger-:. Dec. II. 1760. 2-18 " Susan H.. and Abram Hazard. Sept 18, 1842. 2-47 " Benjamin H., and Harriet Potter, Oct. 30, 1842. 1-75 TEFFT Joanna, and John Webb, April 28, 1721. 1-70 " Samuel, of John, and Mary Barber, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, Oct. 1, 1727. 1-75 " Mary, and Benj,y Samuel Helme, Justice, Dec. 15, 1791. 1-68 TUCKER Ehzabeth, and Isaac Nash, Jr., May 13, 1723. 2-46 " Samuel, and Sarah PeckUam, by Rev. Silas Learnard, Sejrt. 16, 1840. 246 " Thurston, and Amie Champlain, by Roy. Silate Learnaixl, Jan. 4, 1841. 2-5 " Adeline B.„ and WiUiara Champlain, April 4, 1841. 2-1 " Clarissa, and Cliarles Austin, Nov. 29, 1841. 2-42 " Elizabeth, ot Joshua, and William Steadman,, of Oliver, Jan. 23, 1842. 2-G " Mary T., and Hom-y Clarke, Dec. 2, 1843. 2-46 " John A., of Joshua, Jr., and DelUla Larliin, of John W., by Rev. E. J. Locke, March 6, 1845. 2-64 " SusaJi P., of Simeon, and Robert E. Knriwles, of Jeremiah N., Sept. 20, 1845. 2-40 •' Eunice C, and Samu. 1 P. Tucker, Nov. 7, 1^48. 2-46 " &amuel P., and Eunice C. Tucker, by Key. C. T. Chapman, Nov. 7, 1849. 34 AaXAL EECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 2-44 TUCKER Eliza Ann, ami George E. aifd, Dec. 25, 1848. 2-34 " Jane P., of Sloinli Kini;stowii. and Nathaniel Peckham, of Jliddle- town. Jan. llj. 1840. 3.47 " Palmer, of Simeon and Irallj-, and Susan Browning, of Samuel and Dorcus, Ijy Rev. H. C. CoouilieS, Feb. 17, 1850. u 1-7P) UNHEKWiuin Josi-pU and Rntli Kiil>in..on. Ijy CUristoylier Allen. Justice. April -27. iryi;. 1-109 " Anne .aJul Ecd'ert R. Hazard. Sept. 4. 17111. 2-40 .. Pi-iry n.. and Mary E. Hnnvn ; ni. liy E.-v. A. Durfec. Dec. -o. ls,-,4. 2-50 V.\LLETT tiilljiTl. of .Iirtin. of Eicliinund. R. I., and Catherin.' \Vilc"X. of iiiliniil. of Exeter, liy Rev. E. J. Loclie, Jan. 1, 184ii. 1-— VArUHX Ebenezer. of East Grecnwioh, and Susan Dewy, of Soutli Kings- lown, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Feb. 7, 179(). 2-50 ■■ John U.. of .I.-mies. of West Greenwich, and Susannah vS. Barber, of James, of South KinL'StX)wn, by Rev. E. J. Locke, Dec. 24, 1849. 1-92 VE-\L Rebeecfl, and Francis Parker. March 2-2, 1740. 1-104 VERNEK Ann, and John G.irdlner, (I'oth came from Irehind): m. by Robert llaunah, .luslice, about 1743. w 2-5:1 W.VLKER James ¥.. B., and Elizabeth S. Rose, of George, by Rev. 11. C. Coombes, Oct. 25, IS-IO. l-i;8 \V.\TSi)N Horred. and John Sheldon, .\pril 11, 170f!. 1-77 ■■ Jetti-ry. and llallislicba smith, by Ohrlstopher .Mh-n, Juslir.-. Nov. 4ii, 17:12. 1 or. " Dorcas, of Jolin, and F.zeklel Gardiner, of Nlchola.s, Aug. 29, 17TO. 1-81 " John, and Sarah Morey. by Js.aar Sheldon, Justice, Sept. 28. 17.3S. 1-96 " Hannah, of Jeffrey, and Joshua Allen, of Gileb, Sept. 13, 1750. 1-104 " Jeffrey, Jr., of South Kingst/iwn. and Hannah Gardiner, of North Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel Albro, March 24, 1757. 1-63 " Job. and Sarah Hazard, of Robert, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Feb. 12, 176G. 1-108 " Batlisheba, of .leffrey, and Jolin Gardiner, of John, April 30, 1767. 1.Q2 " Desire, of John, Jr.. and Peleg I'eckham, Jr., Aug. 25, 1785. 1 " Capt. John, Jr., and Mary Watson, by Samuel Helme, Justice, Dec. 18, 1794.' ' 1-— '• Mary, and Capt. John Watson, Jr., Dec. 18, 1794. 2-51 " John, or .Jamestown, and S.arah Brown, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Theodore Dohon, Jaji. 24, 1799. 2-51 " Isabel, and John Watson, Atig. 4, 1.S05. 2-51 ■• John, atfd Isabel Watson, at SuJTield, Conn., by Rev, Daniel Wablo. Aug. 4, 1805. 2-51 " Freeman P.. of South Kingstown, and Phebe Watson, of James- town, at Stonington, Conn., liy Rev. Nathaniel Minor, Dec. i:i, 1811. 2-51 " Phebe, and Freeman P. Watson, Dec. 13, 1811. 2-52 •• Elislia F., and Mary Dockr.ay, by Rev, James H. Eanics. June 0. 1843. 2-62 " Henry, ol Cyrus and E.xperience, and Harriet Wi'Crien, of Lon- don and Eliza (col. .red), Ijy Rev. Thomas Vernon, March 19, 1846, 2-34 WATsr 2-40 <( 2-53 it 2-33 WAUD 1-75 WEBB SOUTH KINGSTDWN" MAKKI M ; E.S. 35 WATSON Dorcas G.. ami Runs.. Potter. May 23, 184fi. Phelie \Vee(k.n, ami Slfylirn H. Teffl. .hiii. :23, 1849. William W., ol' Souili Kingstown, and Sussui C. Woodmansee, of Exetor, by Roy. F.. .1. 'Looke. Jan. 30. 1850. Mrs. Mary, and Benjamin T. Peckli.im, Di'C. 0. 1709. John, and Joanna TetTt, by Rouse Holnu', Assistant April 28, 1721. 1-109 " Elizabeth, of fhiirleslowii, and John Slu-Ulon, oi South Kingstown, May 29, 1743. 1-79 WEBSTER Hannali. of John, and Ez.-lai-l liarber, Nov. 2S. 1736. 2-52 " Thomas, and Henrietta Gonlil, by Rev. Eldri(li;'e Cranchdl. March 12, 1S46. 2-45 " Lucy Ann, of Nathan, and EseU R. SniUh. of James W.. Nov. 9, 1851. 1-100 WEEDEN I'aniel, and Martlia Potter, by Re,v. Joseph Toircy, .Jan. 7, 1753. 2-:)3 " Liinl.-a Ann, and (reorfro U. Perry (colored). March 5. l.S4o. 1-78 WORDEN Hannah, of South Kingstown, and Jedediah Collins, of Westerly, Autr. 13. 173R. 1-80 •■ Jeremiah, and Al>igail Ganliner, I'y Henry Gardiner. Justice, Nov. SO, 1738. 2-45 WEIGHT Reuben, and Merebah 3. Jacques, Nov. 14, 1841. X Y Z 1-71 YORK James, and Ellzabetli Case, by Rouse Helme. Assistant, Jan. 11, 1727-8. 1-106 YOUNG John. Jr.. and Mercy Galen, both of E.Neter, by Jeremiah CrandaU, Justice. Oct. 11, 1760. SOUTH KINGSTOWN. BiB,Tia:s. 1-119 AXiMY, Mrs. Abigail, servants. 1-110 " Bristcil, son of negro woman Plilllls, Jan. 4, 1733. 1-119 " TimtTa. daughter of negro v.-oman Phlllls, Feb. 2, 1748. 1-131 ALLEN Cliristopher, of Samuel and Margaret, Feb. 8, 1748. 1-131 " Deliverance, March 17, 1751. 1-131 " Mary, Feb. 3, 1754. 1-126 " Deborah, of Benj.amin and WailstiU, • Mareh 10, 1753. 1-126 " WaltstiU, Sept. 2c;, 1754. B 1-7 BABCOCK Marj-, of Samuel and Bellilab, Dec. 18, 1721, 1-7 C( Jonathan, Nov. 20, 1723. 1-10 C( Samuel, Nov. 5, 1725. 1-10 u John, June 27, 1727-S. 1-11 U Job, Jan. 20, 1729-30. 1-16 tt Simon, Jan. 6, 1731-2. 1-113 James, June 14, 1734. 1-113 Joseph, Oct. 4, 1737. 1-6 Mary, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 1, 1724, 1-31 Laleb, Of Hezekiiih and Mary, Dec. 7, 1740. 1-31 Pel eg. .\pril 16, 1742. 1-31 Caleb, of Hezeldah and Mary, Jidy 10, 1741. 1-122 Stephen, of Simeon and Elizabeth, July 19, 1751. 1-122 Bethiah, Dec. 1, 1752. 1-128 Ohamplain, of Job (of Samuel) and wusannah. Oct. 10, 1752. 1-126 Elizabeth. Feb. 27, 1775. 1-125 Uecrge, of George and ^Vlehilablo, Sept. 22,'l753. 1-12.-. Lucy, Dec. 15, 1754. 1-125 Cyrus, Dec. 11, 175(5. 1-125 Mary, . Jan. 17, 1767. 1-125 Frederlek, Sept. 10, 1771. 1-128 James, of James anF RHODE ISLAND. 2-74 BABCOCK George P., ol Peleg aiivl Lucy, Oct. 19, 1770. 2-74 Lucy. Dec. 2, 1778. 2-74 Mary, March 22, 17S1. 2-74 Jweph P., Jan. 17, :.783. 2-74 Walty. Jan. 22, 1787. 2-74 Susannah, Jan. 22, 1787. e-74 Ethan, Aug. 7, 1789. 2-74 " Charles, March 14, 1792. 2-74 " Abigail, Oct. 2G, 1795. 2-74 " Frances Hazard, of IVbg and Lucy, Sept. 5. 1798. 2-74 " Amle, of Gideon J. and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1777. 2-74 John, Feb. 1, 17.^0. 2-74 " Samiu'l, M.-irch 22, 1782. 2-74 " Henry, Aug. 3, 1784. 2-74 " Hannah, JiUy 1, 17SG. 2-74 " Charles, July 24, 1791. 2-74 " Lydia. Aug. 12, 1795. 2-7 (i " Joseph Browning, ot Wni. Hri>\vnlng and Mary .March 0, 1810. 2-7(5 " Frederic, of Frederic and Nancy. May 31, 1820. 1-2 BjUJBEE Moses, ol Mo.ses. Jr.. :.ncl Elizabeth, Fvb. 25, 1 705-0. 1-2 " William, Sept. 4, 1707. 1-2 " John, April 19, 1709. 1-3 " Elizabeth,' March 18, 1711. 1-3 '• Nicholas, Dec. 23, 1713. 1-3 " Bridget, Jan. 23, 17 151(1. 1-3 '■ Daniel, of Moses aiul Susannah, AprU 22, 1714. 1-3 " Anna, Oct. 8, 1717. 1^ " Sarah, of Samuel and Ann, Xov. 28, 1719. 1-4 " Mary, June 12, 1721. 1-4 " Benjamin, May 30, 1723. 1-24 " Jlartha, of Thomas and Avis, Oct. 9. 1726. 1-24 •• Dinah. May 3, 1729. 1-24 " Thonuis, June 5, 1731. 1-24 " Mary, Aug. 18. 1733. 1-24 " iCebulon , Jan. 22, 1736. 1-13 " Lydia. of l;enjaniin and Mary. April 16, 1730. a-77 " Isra.el A., 2d son of Willelt A. and Lucy Ann iAu>tin) Feb. 25, 1843. 2-75 " Henry, of Jame-^, Jr.. and Eliza. March 20, ISIO. 1-123 BATES Ruih, of Hezekiah. and Elizabeth, July 4, 1746. 1-123 Nathan, Sept. IS, 1750. 2-77 BELCHER Louis H., ot Gldwu and Eunice, D.w. 21. 1839. 1-131 BENTLEY .Tolm, o£ \VilU;im nrul KiicUel. Sept. 24, 1755. 1-131 a Sjirali, Oct. 11, 1757. 1-145 " Aggrippa, Oct. 14, 1759. 1-145 " Samuel, July 24, 17lil. 1-143 " Charlotte, April 21 1765. 1-9 BERRY Elizabeth, of Richard and Susannah. Ang. IS, 1727. 1-141.1^0 BILLIXCTOiV Jane, ot Joseiili and Abigail, Xov. 13, 1762. 1-141.149 '■ Elisha, June 24, 17(56. 1-141,149 •' Abigail, June 24 1768. 1-144 BILL Mar.v, of Joshua and Sar.ih, June 15, 176(3. 1-1 BRAYMAM Jane, Oct. 28, 100.5. 1-1 '■ James, Xov. 17, 1 097. 1-1 *' Mary, .'May 4, 1700. 1-1 '* Joseph, March 24, 1703. 1-1 '•' Benjamin. April 3, 1705. 11 .John. March 15 1707. 1-1 Freelove, Jan. 11, 1708. 1-27 Aliigail, wife ot Joseph. Jr., Nov. 1^9, 1700. 1-27 Sarah, of Joseph and Abigail, Feb. 19, 1725. 1-27 " Abigail, Dec. 23, 1727. 1-27 " Joaepli, Feb. 23, 1729. 1-27 '• Ann, Aug. 12 1731. 1-27 " Thomas, AprU 23, 1734. SOI Til KIX'.JSTOWX lilKTHS, 39 1-27 1-27 2-7a 1-10 1-23 1-23 133 1-23 1-131 1-132 1-137 1-137 1-137 1-132 2-75 1-22 1-22 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-13S 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-118 1-113 1-llS 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-128 1-128 1-146 1-146 1-146 1-146 1-146 1-146 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 2-75 1-153 1-153 1-153 1-153 1-153 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-70 2-76 2-76 of Joseph ajid Abigail, of PuliiKT and Aniio, of William and -Mary. BRAYMAN Jolrn Paia. HKKiGS Charles W"., BKOWNliVC; Williani •' Wllkliisuu, " J. 10, Dee. 28, Feb. 17, March 4, March 3, Aug. 13. Nov. 19. Dec. 14, March 15, Dec. S, Dec. 10, Sept. 20, Oct. 21, Jan. 17, Feb. 10, Sept. 13, June 0, Feb. 14, Nov. 10, Not. 10, Nov. 19, July 11, Jtin. 2, Feb. l.-, Jun.> 2.:. Oct. 4, April 2, 1737. 174ti. 1S13. 1724. 1731. 1733. 1735. 1730. 1750. 1758. 1702. 1762. 1704. 1707. ISll. 1735. 1742. 1744. 1747. 1740. 1751. 1755. 1757. 1750. 17i;l. 3703. 1745. 1747. 1748. 1750. 1700. 1740. 1747. 1749. 1753. 1740. 174S. 1750. 1757. 1761. 1763'. 1760. 1708. 1703. 1770. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1797. 1799. 1803. 1805. 1307. 1777. 1779. 1780. 1782. 17.-i4. 1797 1800. 1803. 1807, 1808. 1810. 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-76 BROWN Benj. Brentoa, of Silas and Frances, •j-77 •• Lucy, of Palmer and Mary, 2-77 '• Robert CUamplain, 2-77 ■■ Pfleg, ■J-T7 ■• Laura, i-77 " Palmer Armstrong. 2-77 " Mary, 2-77 ■ ■' Sally St;inton. of James H. and Hannah S., 2-77 " James Dennis, 2-77 " Hannah Maria, 2-77 ■■ Marj- Ann. 1-10, 35 BULL Hannah, of Ephraini and Patience, 1-35 " Ephraim, l-.-iS " Jireh, 1-35 " Joseph, 1-35 " Catherne, 1-35 " Hannah, ed, 1-35 " Thomas, 1-35 " John, 1-35 " Patience. 1-15 '• John, of Isaac and Rebecca, l-3i " EUzaTielh. of Timothy and Pa.tlence, l-3ii " A.aron. of Nathan and AMJah, 1-3H " Mary, of Joshua and Sarah. 2-77 BURDICK George S., of Stephen and Mary, 2-27 " Mary E., June. 28, 1811. Aug. 5, 1814. March 24, 181G. Oct. 29, 1817. Aug. 5, 1819. April 17, 1821. Feh. 6, 182S. March 20, 1822. March 10, 1824. March 2, 182(5. AprU 22, 1828. Sept. 26, 1727. Sept. 6, 1729. Jan. 15. 1731-2. Feh. 18, 1733-4. May 9, 1736. Aug. 4, 1738. Nov. 7, 1740. Feb. 19. 1742-3. Aug. 13, 1745. May 15, 1732. Jan. 8, 1744. Aug. 27, 1740. Jan. 15. 1700. Dec. 28, 1861. Dec. 28, 1861. 1-127 CASEY Edmund, of Gideon and Jane. 1-127 n Gideon, 1-127 ((- Sarah, 1-141 " Mary, of Samuel and Martha, 1-141 (( S:imiiel. 1-141 ^■ William, ] 141 C( WUlett, 1-29 CA.SE Mltchc-U. nf Joseph and Ell^.^beth, 1-7 ii Amie. of Emanuel and Hannah, 1-0 it Hannah, 111 u Mary, 1-16 u Joseph, 1-23 " Penelope, 1-12 " Emmanuel. 1-12 " Susannah, of William and Jlercy, 1-20 ■■ WlUlam, 1-20 " Mercy, 1-21 AUgail, of Sanford and Mary, 1-21 " Hannah, 1-21 " Alexander. 1-136. 137 William, of Emmanuel, Jr.,, and Ann, 1-136, 137 Ann Maynard, 1-136, 137 John Peck. 1-151 Thomas Allen, of Emmanuel and Lydia, 1-1 CARPENTER Elizabi^th, of Solomon and Elizabeth, 1-1 Solonion, 1-1 Daniel, 1-1 u Sjirali, 1-33 - Simuel, of Solomon and Deborah. 1-33 Joseph, 1-33 " Elizabeth, 1-33 Jeremiah, of Daniel and Renewed, 1-33 Sarah. 1-33 Jonathan, 1-33 (i Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1747. June 17, 1751. Jan. 14, 1734. Feb. 7, 1754. Feb. 4, 1738. Jidy 25, 1760. Feb. 14, l7Ci4. May 29, 1722. Dec. 4, 1725. Nov. 13, 1727. Aug. 19, 1730. Jan. 27. 1732. July 27, 1730. Nov. 8, 1739. JiUy 30, 1733. Jtine 2*2 1735. Oct. 11, 1737. May 24, 1743. Aug. 29, 1746. Nov. 19. 1747. Aug. 18, 1762. June 23, 1766. Dec. 18, 1774. March 30, 1783. Jan. 4, 1703. Feb. 16. 170-. Dec. 28, 1712. Aug. 24, 1716. Ayr: il 4, 1733. June 22 173(i. May 10, 1741. April 13, 1734. Oct. 10, 1736. Aug ■ 2, 1730. Oct 2 1741. SOUTH KINGSTOWN BIRTHS. 41 1-113 1-113 1-13.1 1-134 l-l.-J-i 1-134 1-134 1-134 1-1-20 1-143 1-143 1-143 1-343 1-143 1-143 1-33 1-33 1-33 1-11-1 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-12S 1-137 1-137 1-137 1-137 1-144 1-147 1-147 1-147 1-147 1-147 2-3.) 2-85 2-&r* 2-85 2-S5 2-&S 2-8c. 1-131,101. 1-131. 13C, 1-131,13(1 1-131 ,130 1-131.13(1 1-1 1-1 1-1 12 17 1-7 1-18 1-113 1-131 i-ir>2 1-1.^^2 1-152 1-152 1-152 1-154 1-154 Samuel amd Deborah, Jerenilali and Aljigail, of Charl.'S and MartUa, and Hannah, and Dinah, CARPENTER Daniel, fit Daniel :md Renewed, " Renewed, " Margaret, " Mercy,, " Hannah, " James, " Mary, " Stephen, " Solomon, " Ephraim, " Dorcas, " Sarah, . " Esther, '• Susannah, " Jeremiah, CHAJLPBELL Charles, Mary, -' George, ClIAMPLIN Stephen, of Stephen and Mary, •' Hannah, " Sarah, " Mary , " Susajinah, " Jellrey, " Robert, " Hazard, of Thomas " Mary, of citepheu " Stfpllell, " Hannah, " Susannah, " Thomas H., of Thomas and Hannah " Mary, of Jeffrey (of Stepheu) and Mary Stephen Gardiner, " Koh -rt, of Robert and Mary, " oarah, " John, " Rober' " Ann, " Mary, " Stephen, •' Sarah, '- George, " John IS., Abigail, CHAPPKLL, William, of Caleb and Saruh, " Holley, " Frederic, '• WUliam, 1(1 -' Susannah. CLARKE Saiah, of Benjamin and Mary, " Bi'njamln, " Ebenezer Lion, " Emmanuel, of Benjamin. ■' Latham, of William and Hannah, John, " Benjamin, of Emmanuel and Margaret, -' Mary, of Latham (of Siniuel of Jame-town) and Wm. Case, of John, Jr. and Mercy, " Sarah, of John, Jr., and Mercy, "■ Hannah NUes, of Samuel and Sarah, " Latliam, " Silas Niles, " Samuel, " Mercy, of Wm. Case and Sarah, " Mary Ann, H., of Steplien and Mai.o Sept. 8, 1744. Aug. 4, 1716. Sept. 1, 1749. Dec. 8, 1752. .Tune 29, 1754. Feb. 26, 1756. Dec. 11, 1750. May 31. 1763. Api-U 21, 1754. May 25, 1753. June '5, 1755. Aug. 30„ 1757. Jan. 1, 1760. AprU 9, 1762. June 23, 1764. July 7, 1733. May 31, 1735. June 2(3, 1730. Sept. 29, 1734. Jan. 20, 1735. Aug. 18, 1737. April 14, 1739. March 2«, 1742. March 21, 1 714-5. April 12, 1747. Sept. 13, 1754. June 26. 1760. Aug. 3, 17(1 June 5, 1765. Dec. 9, 1772. Oct. 9, 1708. AprU 7, 1760. Jan. 31. 1771. Nov. 1, 1769. Jupe 1, 1771. AprU 7, 1773. Oct. 18 , 1706 Fel. 26, 1708. Oct. 7, 1709. March 12, 1801. Maj-oh 4, 1803. March 11. I,:i05. Dec. 28, 1807. Jan 3, 1810., Nov. 25, 1757. May 15, 1759. July 1, 1761. July 5, , 1764. Sept. 19, , 1766. Feb. 26, 1603. April — , 1604. Se(pt. 2, , 1717. April 4 , 1607. Nov. 19, , 1724. July 13, , 17-26. July 12 , 1728. Mary. Serit. 2 !, 1743. July 21 , 1756. Sept. 23 , 1758. Jan. 17 , 1777. March 31 ., 1778. Feb. IC 1, 1780. May IS 1, 1783. May 19, 1783. JiUy 16 i, 1785. 42 VITAL HECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-154 1-1 34 2-87 2-87 1-16 1-37 1-27 2-85 2-S6 2-86 2-Sf> 2-80 2-SG 1-21 1-21 1-21 1-21 1-2:1 1-2.3 1-23 1-22 1-22 l-i:;8 1-138 1-13S 1-138 1-138 1-13S 1 138 2-84 1-110 1-111) 1-110 2-87 2-87 2-87 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-125 1-123 1-123 1-125 1-134 1-121 1-: 21 1-135 1-1 -44 1-44 1-141 1-131 1-1.50 1-150 1-150 1-150 1-1.30 1-130 1-150 1-130 CLARKE John, of Wm. C:i.se and Sajali, NathaniL'l Hi-lme. of Wm. Case and Sarah. CLEARY Hugh Georgf. of Stephon and Ann (Grinnell), •' JIaggio, " Ann Stanton. " Stephen Henry. '• Theresa, (b. Moosup, Conn.). COGGESHALL Hannah, of JO-seph and Amey, COLLINS Mary, of Hezeklah and Jiatherlne, " Joseph, COMSTOOK Sarah, of Charles and Anne, " Joshua Perry, of Joseph and Sarah E., '• Mary, " Esther, " Elizabeth, Joseiih Erasmus Darwin, of Jo.seph and Sarah R. CONGDON William, of Joseph and Mary, Barberry, •' Mary, Sa mue! , " Mary, of Williun and Mary, Robert, Sarah, Ann, of WUham (of Benj.i and Ann, Hannah, " Joseph, of Samuel and Sanili, " Hannah, " Creorge, Maxgai-et, of Wm. (of James) and Rebecca, " Anne, of William aJid Rebecca, Thomas Taylor. " S.arah, Stei>hen CTiamplain, ol Sam'l and Susannah. COOKE, Alice, of John and Elizab-Ui, " -Sarali, G eorge, '• Daniel, , Mary S., SannuU, of Alfred and Ausrers (liroman), " Jesse F., CRANDALL, James, of Peter and Susannah. Mary, Peter, '■ John, Elizabeth, Samuel, of Jeremiah and Elizabeth, " Esther Jeremiah, " Dorcas, CROSS. Hannah, of Samuel and Ann. I niTRF.lX, Elizabeth, of Stephen. .)i-., David, Abel, of Tiiomas and Mary, Lydia, of Stephen and Lydia Stephen. Elizabeth, William, of Thomas " Thomas Paine, of " .Susannali, •" Sarah. " Susannah, " Abel, of ATiil and Mary. " Mary, " SUence, James Arnold, of Abel and Mary and Lydia. and Sarah, John and JIargaret, Dee. e. Dec. 10. July 4, April (5, July 17, Jan. 28, Dec. 29, Oct. 20, Sept. 6, AprU 18, April 13, March 31, July 29, Feb. 12, March 16, July 20, J vine 1 , May 13, Jidy 28, Feb. IS, June 5, Jan. 27, May 9, Feb. 23, March 23, March 1, July 15, Dec. 9, Oct. 24. Maxch 3, March 6, March 3:, Dec. 9, May 13, J tme Jan. .May July Feb. Oct. 14. 12. 10, 15, 12. 1, 19, 24, April 17. Fel>. 17, July 4. June 18, Fco. 1, n Sept. 18, March 13. Sept. M.iy March 27, Dec. 4, April 7, Oct. 22, April 0, Aug. 20, Sept. 3, Jan. 14. June 28. Oct. 29, June 27, April 29, Feb. '.). Jan. 8, April 1, June 22, 1787. 1789. 1857. 1861. 1S66. 1868. 1869. 1723. 1736. 1738. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1806. 1809. 1812. 1724. 1726. 1730. 1733. 1729. 1733. 1733. 1733. 1733. 1738. 1759. 1700. 1759. 17G2. 1704. 1700. 1803. 1740. 1742. 1744. 1834. 1853. 1343. 1S33. 1709. 1711. 1713. 1710. 13-19. 1730. 1733. 1753. 1738. 1700. 1747. 1752. 1747. 1755. 1758. 1701. 1702. 1708. 1770. 1775. 1780. 1771. 1773. 1775. 1777. SOUTH laXGSTOWN BIRTHS. 43 1-150 COTTKELL Thoma.s, of Abel and M;UT. May 7, 17S1. 2-ti-i " Jliil-KMivl, Dec. 2ii, 1764. 2-«-t •• lielljanim Putter. 5I:iy 30, 178ft. •2-89 CEUJIB JIary Jane, of Le.vi Lewis, uiul Susan, of , ilareli 25, 1S34. •2-s<.i ': Amanda, Dsc. 7, isft.-). ■2-6y " Ella F; Feb. 22, ISiiO. 2-S9 '• Cieoi-gc h.. May 12, 18(;8. 1-137 CURTIS Samuel, of Samuel and Amle, Auf. 14, 1717. 1-1U.7 " iSarali, Feb. 2o, 1752. D l-i; D1C'ICIN&<1.\ lUarles,, uf Charles and Mary, Frb. 27, 17ir>-7. l-i; •■ I'liilip, Jlareh 17. 1718 11). l-() " Sarah, Jan. 18, 1722-3. 2-02 DOCKRAV Ann, ol J Un Bigelow and .Mary, Oct. IS, 1770. 2-02 " John Blgelow, Oct. 25, 17S0. l-i> " Mary, May 7, 1784. 2 02 DOUGLASS .Maria, ol George and Mary Aim, , July 21, 1808. 2-02 '• Eliza, June 30, 1811. 2-02 " WUliam, May 10, 1813. 2-02 " Susan, May 12, ISUi. 2-02 " Horace, Oct. 31, 1820. 2-02 " Geoige Horace, March 18, 1823. 1-28 UYRE Hannah, of Charh's and Penel pe, Feb. 13, 1730-7. 1-115 ■• WUllam, of WiUiaiu and Mercy, Oct. 11, 1740. Dec. IS, 1712. June 25. 1715. Aug. 7, 1724. Dec. 30. 1721-.. Jan. 30. 1735. July 17, 1737. Aug. 24, 174(1. 1-3 2 EARL Eenjaniiii. of .luhn and Sarah, 1-12 " Susannah. 1-12 Abigail, 1-12 " Lydia, 1-34 EASTON S^irah, of James and Waite, 1-34 " Mary, 1-34 " Mercy, 1-130 FRANKLIN .Sirah, of Jolm 1-130 " Miiry, 1-130 Frances. 1-1 30 " William, 1-130 " Roliert. 1-0 FISH Jeremiah, of Jereaiiali 1-.-^ Thomas, l-IO " Patience, 1-12 " Mary. :-ii; Isabel, 15 Fi.)REDICP^James, of Janu's 15 u Abigail. Did Rlizabftli, iuul Mary, Q May 5, 1751). (Jet. 30, 175s. Jan. 11, I7i;i. March 14, I7i;3. Sept. 20, 1705. July 4, 1724, Sept. 14, 172(i, Jan. 2,S. 1728. Aug. 30. 17".V.>. Feb. 2, 1732. Jime 2, 1714. M.arch 14, 1717 8. 128 GARDINEi; .Siiiinel. uf Ephi-.iini and Peneli.pe. 1-8 " Christopher, 1-7 " George, of Georg.' and Sas nnili, 1-7 " Hannah, 1-7 " Anne, 1-.32 " Austls, of John ari!l Mary, Mareli 23, 1721. 1-32 ■• Hannah, -^PiM 22. 172.3. .Ian. 10. 1719, June 3, 17211. July 25, 1720. May 27. 172.1, Aug. 13. 1725 u VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-33 GARDINER Thomas, of John and Mary, March 11, 1725. 1-32 u Amos, Maivh 27, 1729. 1-32 '■ Abigail, Sept. 2. 1775. 1-154 " Hannah, April 4, 1779. 1-154 John, Marrli 9, 1781. 1-154 Kiith, Nov. 9, 1784. 1-154 Arnold, .7an. 9, 1787. 1-154 Perry, May 19, 1789. 1-27 GOTLD Mary, of William and P..nflop,\ JIarcli 11. 1731. 1-27 Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1733. 1-27 Walte, .Tnii.D 10, 173H. 1-27 Tabitha, July 12, 1738. H 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-153 1-1 53 1-1) 1-6 1-6 1-9 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-32 1-16 1-21 1-29 1-151 1-21 1-36 1-36 1-36 1-36 1-36 1-36 1-28 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-20 1-26 1-3 1-6 19 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 ..d JIary, fl, of Th imas and Ri'bofoa. iif Jo and Marv, HATCH HAYES it Dee. 27, 1721. April 7, 1723. A UK. 17„ 1726. Jlaroh 11, 1746. .Ian. 18, 1747. Ffli. 4, 1 720-1. Nov. 6. 1732. l)l'C. 10, 1724. s"p;.. 14, 1726. Fell. 1, 17 13-14. Dop. 10. 1716. E.^li. 21, 17 17 18. March 26, 1719. June 2, 1721. Oct. 13, 1723. March 17, 1723. April 18, 1731. Feb. 11, 1732. Feb. 28, 1734. July 2, 1746. June 29, 1779. S'pt. 13, 1710. Riihard Bt. 15, 1720. Jonathan, of Robert, of Thoma Tiverton, Aug. 17, 1726. " Richard, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Eiihard I3orden, of Tiverton, Dee. 31, 1730. Sarah, of Robert, of Thomas and Sarah, of Richard Borden, of Tiv- ton, June 27, 1734. " Mary, of Hon. George, Es H 1-8. 25 1--JJ 1-2.5 1-7 1-18 1-lS 1-18 l-IO 1-1(1, 24 l-l(i, 24 I-IC, 24 1-24 1-24 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-80 1-29 l-;!,'5 l-:;2 l-ii:; i-;a 1-112 1113 1-142 1-142 1-142 1-142 1-1 12 1-1 12 1-14.-, 114.) 1-1 15 1-14.-. l-14.-> 1-145 1-142 1-142 1-142 1 142 l-l.-U 1-134 1-129 1-129 1 153 1-153 1-153 11.-.3 1-152 1-1.52 1-154 1-154 1-1.-.4 1-154 1-154 2-11(1 2-1111 2-110 2-11(1 2-110 2-110 2-110 2-110 AZARD Stephen, of Steplien H. and Mary, Mary. ■■ Elizabeth, •' John, Jeremiah, o( Jeffrey and Mary, Thomas, of Jonathan iniil Abigail, " Susannah, '■ Mary, " George, Joseyli, of Koliert and Esther, '• Elizabeth, " Esther, " Stephen, Robert. Penelope, ol Capt. Tliomas and -\lice, " Hannah, " Sarah, Alice, -■ Elizabeth, of Oliver and Elizabeth, Sarah, of Samuel and Abigail, " Thomas, of Thomas (of Stephen) and Hannah, '■ Hannah, of Thomas lot Stej.hen) and Hannah, •• Slanton. of Robert, E.sq., and Esther, Martha, of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sarah. of Dr. Robert and Elizabeth. Joseph, of William .uul I'liebe, Hannah, nf Khhard ami Susannah, Robert, Georiio. Benjamin, Snsaniiali, Eiehard Abigail. Esther. Elizabeth, S>lvestcr Gardiner, of Dr. Robert and EUzabe Nancy, of Dr. Roliert and Elizabeth. Chiirles. of Dr. Robert and Elizabeth, Alice, of George and S.uah, Thiimos, George, Thomas, 2d, (also 1-1451, Robert Hull, of Carder and Alice, Peter Bowers (Bours). BobMt. of Joseph and Hamiali, Mary, Mary, of Fnuck and Mary, Sarah, Enock, Alice, Benjamin, of Thomas (.if lienl.i and Hannah, Tliomas. or Thomas (of lienj.) and H.innah, James Kobin-on, (f Jonaihan N. and Mary, Alice Robinson, of Jonathan and MaiT, Steiihcn. of Jonaihan and Mary, Jonath la NiclJols, of Jon ithm and Mary, Sylvester Robinson, of Thomas H. and Aldgall Eliza Clarke, of liofden and Teresa. Arnold \V.. Alfrid, Harriet TitcSi. William Rliiid s, M.iilettii, John Lahiyette, Nathaniel. July 10, 1723. Sept. 18, 1725. July 17, 1729. June 26, 1731. Aug. 13, 1726. Feb. 22, 1727. March 24, 1729. March 22, 1737-8. May 22, 1742. May 21, 1728. May 31, 1730. Dec. 7, 1732. June 13, 1736. June 13, 1736. Feb. 11, 1730. Aug. 5, 1732. Jan. 23, 1734. Aug. 30, 1737. Sept. 13, 1737. Nov. 2(3, 1738. Nov. 30, 1741. Dec. 22, 1745. June 8, 1743. Jme 14, 1745. Jan. 10, 1745. Dec. 20, 1748. AprU 14, 1753. April 11, 1755. Sept. 22, 1756. Dec. 20, 1757. April 11, 1700. Nov. 14, 1761. Aug. 29, 1753. July 26, 1755. Nov. 28, 1757. ■til, July 27, 17(i0. April 29. 1704. July 14, 1766. Nov. 15, 1754. Oct. 3, 1757. April 8, 1702. March 3, 1705. April 10, 1758. Dec. 5, 1759. Jan. 31, 1702. May 29, 1704. Sept. 6, 1763. Aug. 13, 1768. Doc. 28, 1775. Jan. 11. 1773. Nov. 4, 178-1. May 8, 1787. Feb. 10, 1789. Dec. 12, 1700. Sept. 20, 1792. Jan. 10, 1795. March 3. 1791. Sept. 1, 1813. Oct. 4, 1815. Jan. 15, 1818. Jan. 15 1820. April 21, 1821. Feb. 18, 1823. Feb. 4> 1825. Feb. 4. 1827. SOUTH KINGSTOWX BIRTHS. 47 (if Xatlianiel and Mai-y, of James and Eslli?r, 2-110 HAZARD Isa.-ic Peace, of Borden nnd Terese, •J-:U) " Edwin Claike, 2-lia HEALEY Hornce Dlghtnn. of Jonat'ian and Sally. 1-35 HELIVIE Bc>n. diet, of Clirlstoplier and M'ry, 1-35 " Christ, pher, l-'i5 " S:inutel, 1-H5 " Mary, 1-10 " Mlas, of Ro .sea:;d S lah, 1-11 " S;irah. 1-11 " Jonathan, 1 »i " Oliver, 1-aO " Samuel, l-2'.i " Robert, 1-112 " Esther, 1-112 " Powell, 1-112 " Rouse, 1-112 " Sarah, 1-112 " EUz.a.beth, 1-112 " Jami'S, 1-112 " Adam, 1-13(1 " Samuel, l-13(i " S;irah, l-i:i(i " CTatniil, l-13(i " Nathaniel,, 1-144 '■ CatlHTlne, of Robert and Mlzabet.h, 1-144 " Natiianlel, 1-153 " dHarj' Hannah, of Robert and Elizabeth, 1-153 " Ann Harris, 1-153 " Jtarthii Perry, 1-153 " Rebel t Hanibal, 1-153 " Cyril Ivay, 1-152 " James, of James and Sarah, 1-152 " Adam Powell, of James and Sarah, 1-152 " Mary, 1-152 " John Clarice, 1-152 " Esther, 1-152 " Bern.ai. 1-152 " Elizabeth, 1-152 " Sarah, 1-152 " Mary, 1-152 " Nathaniel, 2-110 " Saa-ali ClaJke, of James. Jr.. and Alice, 2-110 " .Mercy, 2-110 " James, 2-110 " Jonathan P"rry 2-110 " Adam. 2-111 " Esther, of .lohn Claike and Susannah, 2-111 " Mao', 2-111 " Anne, 1-3 HKaNI! Henry llooiier. of Henry IIo.i[Mr 1-151 " John, 2-113 ■■ Edward. Hazard, 2-113 •■ Mary Ann (Crumb), his 2-113 " Julia Ann, of Edward H 2-113 " John BurreM,* 2-113 " .lesse Babcock, 2-113 " Xi-llie Knowles, 2-113 " Lizzie, 2-112 " Louisa, of Stejihen and Abble, 2-112 " Stephen, iiid .Susannah. wife. b. Westerly, iiid .Mary A., Feb. 4. April 4, Oct. 1. Jlarch 22. 1 Jan. 31. 1' Sept. 7. March 9, May 20. May 16, Oct. 14, June 17, June 3, Aug. 12, July 20, June 17, April 10, Jan. 30, Peb. 15, March 12, Nov. 20, Feb. 7. .Inly 6, oel. 26, Die. 24. April 25, Sept. 15, April 2, June 3, Jan. 25„ Sept. 11, March 18, Aug. 14. AprU 5, Jan. 6, Sept. 30, .June 28. March 1(5, May 11, May 8, May 20, Sept. 1(), AprU 8, Aug. 28, May 11. Jan. 13, May 25, May 28, Sept. 24, • June 14, March 30. March 27, Oct. li), Sejit. 15, July 24. Nov. 24, Feb. 4, Aug. 1, .May 20, Aug. 6, July 3, June .7, Aug. 1, April 20, .May 14, 1829. 1831. 1841. 723-4. 725-6. 1723. 1732. 1724. 1727. 1729. 1731. 1734. 1739. 1740. 1742. 1744. 17J5. 1747, 1749. 1752. 1755. 1757. 1759. 17(;i. 1704. 1765. 176.'-. 1773. 1781. 17S5. 1788. 1778. 17.80. 1782. 1783. 1785. 1787. 17.89. 1791. 1794. 1790. 1804. 1805. 1807. 18O0. 18U. 1805. 1807. 1809. 1724. 1726. 1727. 1730. 1767. 1769. 1822. 1824. 1814. 1848. 1854. 1858. 1863. 1852. 1.S55. (Vit. Rec, Vol. 5.) 11 ■48 VITAL llEXJOED OF RHODE ISLAND. l-loO IKiLl.EY Daniel, of Joiuitluiri and D.borali, 1-130 " Htni-y, 1-130 " George, 1-148 " William, of William and. Saj-ali, 1-148 " Benjamiii, 1-148 " Penelope, 1-8 HOLWAY Silence, of Benjamin and Pemlope, 1-8 " Daniel, 1-111 " Robert Hannah, of Joseph and Calljeiine, 1-111 " Joseph, l-lll " Joseph, of Joseph and Abigail l-yii Hdl'KlNS Thomas, of Thomas, 1-36 " Mary, l-iys HULL Joseph, of Trlstam, 1-138 " Elizahelh (HifU), -wife of Joseph, 1-138 " Martha, 2d, wife of Jciseph, 1-133 " Sarah, of Joseph and Elizabeth, 1133 " Trlstam, 1-133 " Hannah, 1-133 " Elizabeth, 1-31 " Ehzabeth, of Joseph and ilartha. 1-31 " Joseph, , 1-132 " Thomas, 1-132 " Benjamin, 1-132 " ThoHMS, 1-132 " Charles, 1-132 " Martha, 1-133 " Lydla, l-ll.'j " William, of William and Mary, 1-115 " James, 1-115 " Marj', 1-115 " Sylvester, 1-122 " Bathsheba, of Charles and Abigail, 1-122 " Hannah, 1-122 " Samuel, 1-122 " Gideon, 1-122 " Charles, 1-146 " Joseph, of Stephen and Martha, 1-146 " Ehzabeth, 1-146 " Stephen,, ■ 1-146 " Latham, 1-146 " Samuel Dyre, 1-146 " Elias, 1-140 " Sarah, 1-146 " Hannah, Feb. 11, 17.-) 4. Dec. 10, 1755. Oct. 24, 1757. Dec. 28, 1767. Oct. 10. 1760. May 21, 1771. Aug.' 11, 1722. July 14, 1726. April 12, 1742. May 31, 1744. Nov. 2, 1747. March 24, 1742. Aug. 6, 1745. Oct. 1, 1706. Aug. 23, 1715. April 5, 1722. Sept. 8, 1732. May 28, 1734. May 13, 1736. April 7, 1738. June 20, 1741. Feb 23, 1742. Jan. 30, 1744. Jan. 22, 1748. .Ian. 23. 1750. Sept. 20, 1752. Oct. 26, 1755. ' Sept. 23, 1759. Oct. 7, 1737. Aug. 31, 1744. Oct. 8, 1746. Oct. IS, 1757. June 13, 1738. June 23, 1740. May 20, 1742. March 6, 1744. Jan. 26, 1755. March 22, 1730. May 15. 1741. Sept. 17, 1743. Feb. 17, 1749. J.TJI. 20, 1745. April 13, 1748. JiUy 1, 1752. Aug. 22, 1754. 1-5 1-5 IRISH Thankful, of Jedei.Uah nnd Mary, '• Joseph, Aug. 24, 1722. AprU 20, 1724. J K 1-10 KEAIS Samuel, of WUliam and Margeret, 1-11 " SybU, 1-1 KENYON James, of James and Ruth, 1-0 " Elisha, of Thomas and Mary, 1-9 " Daniel, 1-9 " Desire, 2-121 " Ellen L., of Thomas G. and Susan, Aug. 19, 1728. Jan. 10, 1729. April 17, 1693. Oct. 26, 1716. June 24, 1721. Nov. 24, 1723. Feb. 12, 1859. SOUTH KINUSTOWN BIRTHS. 4!) 1-138 LEWIS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel aud Elizaheth, 1-29 LILLIBRIUGE ChamplaLn, ol Ji.hu and Amle, 1-3 " Dorcas, 1-131 LITTLEFIELD Sanauel, of Edmund and Martha, 1-131 '■ Surah, 1-131 " Penelope, 1-149 LUXT Miiry, ot William and Bethany, 1-149 •■ Joshua, April 3, 17ti3. Sept. 15, 1730. Aug. 27, 1747. Sept. 28, 1747. June 24, 17-19. Jan. 1, 1753. Oct. 10, 1781. Aug. 20, 1783. M 1-23 JIASH John, ol John and Mary, July 6, 1734. 1-23 Rowl.and, Aug. 16, 173B. 1-113 " Mary, Oct. 19, 1741. 2-128 MAWNEV Mary, wife of EUslia R. Totter, AprU 25, 17 '79. 2-128 MAY Ellsha G., ot Liberty N. and Belinda, Nov. 3D, 1844. 2-128 •• Horace A., Jan. 15, 1852. 2-138 '• George L., April 29, l,-<53. 1-17 MOUE\ Mary, ot Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1704. 1-17 Robert, Aug. 31, 1706. 1-17 '■ Joseph, Aug. 24. 1708. 1-17 " Benjamin, May 2, 1710. 1-17 " Roger, July 2, 1712. 1-17 " Martha, Dec. 3, 1714. 1-17 '• Sarah, Aug. 31, 1717. 2-128 MITCHELL Maiy A., of John R. and Mercy E., Aug. 4, 1858. 2-128 Martha S., AprU 8, 1860. 1-13 MUJIFOED James, of George and M.ary, Feb. 7, 1715. 1-13 Robinson, May 1, 1718. 1-13 '■ Mary, Nov. 27, 1721. 1-13 Ivebecca, May 2, 1724. :.-26 " Jlrah, of Peleg (ot Peleg) and Mary, Aug. 5, 1717. 1-26 '• Peleg, July 25, 1719. 1-26 ■• Abigail, Nov. 28, 1721. 1-26 '• Samuel. Feb. 2. 1723. 1-20 '• Content, March 23, 1725. 1-26 " Sarah , S<'pt. — , 1728. 1-26 Peleg, Nov. — , 1729. 1-26 Thomas, May 30, 1733. 1-28 Stephen, ol Joseph and Hannah, March 2, 1718. 1-7 '• Pliebe, of Benjamin and Anne, Nov. 25, 1721. 1-7 •• Samuel, Jan. 20, 1723. 1-7 •■ Thomas, March 7, ) .724-5. 1-9 ■' Peter, March 9, 1727-8. 1-7 " Lucy, of William and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1725. 1-17 " William, of William ajid Hannah, Sept. 14. 1728. 1-17 " Nallianiel, of William and Ann, 2d wife. Dec. 29, 1729. 1-17 " Abigail, of WUliam and Ann, 2d wWe, Dec. 27, 1731. 1-25 " Paul, Marcli 5, 1734. 1-23 t< Sarah, March 26, 1737. 1-27,34 X Simon Bay, .4.pril 25. 1739. 1^34. " <_Udeon, Dec. 17, 1T41. 1-34 " Augustus, July 7. 1744. 3-123 " Waite. ol Jlrah and Mary. June 27, 1712. 1-123 i^ Gardiner WUUam, ol Jirah and M;iry, Nov. 26, 1744. 1-123 ii J irah. May 30, 1717. 1-123 li JIary, Aug. 24, 1749. 1-123 u Mary, 2d, June 17, 1751. 1-123 '■ Sarah. May 1, 1753. 1-123. " Hannah. Jan. 18, ]7ri.->. -ics 1 anl, of Gardiner William and Klizaljeth, Jan. H. 1770. 50 VITAL KECOKD OF EHODE ISLAND. 2-12S MUMFOED Dorcas, of Gardiner 2-128 It Amie, 2-128 " SUflS G., 2-128 " Oliver, 2-128 " Augustus, 2-128 " EUzaheth, 2-128 " Da\1s, WUliam and Elizabeth, Arril 8, 1772. Maj' 20, 1774. lliuch 4, 1776. Jan. 12. 1778. Jan. 20, 1780. Feb. 4, 1782. May 8, 1786. N 1-15 XASH Ann Engley. of Faith Nash. 1-12 NICKOLS Estier. of John and EUiabetb, 3-12 " Thomas, of John and Ellzabetb, 1-12 " J(an, 2-332 NICHOLS WUliam H. H., of Matthew and Silly, 1-111 " Martha, of Andreiy and Rachel, 1-111 " Eunice, 1-12 NILES Ebenezer, of Ebenezer and Abigail, 1-124 " Catherine, of Nathaniel and Mary, 1-10,10 " Catherine, of Na.tbaii and Mar>-, 3-16 " Mary, 1-Ki " Sarah. 1-120 " Slla.s. of Sila-s and Hannai, 1-1 20 " Nathaniel, of alas and Hannah, 1-320 " Mary, 3-137 " Sarah, of Jeremiah and Ann, 1-137 " Ann^ 1-137 " Martha, 1-33 " Simon, of Mliigo and Dinah, Nov. 2r>, 1714. Oct. 27. 1720. Oct. 24, 17-28. Oct. 2, 1730. Nov. T), 1810. Oct. 24, 1741. July 6, 1745. [aj-ch 4, 17 09-10. Jlarch 5. 172i-5. July 18, 1729. May in. 1731. Oct. 22. 1732. Oct. 19, 1745. Feb. 17, 1747. Aug. IG. 1750. March 31, 174.5. Sept. 12, 17-W. AprU 21 1740. Nov. 23, 11770. o 1-30 OATLEY Samuel, of JouatJian, Oct. 23. 1720. 1-30 " Rebecca, Sept. 10, 1728. 1-30 It Ehoda. Dee. 29, 1730. 1-30 " Benedict, Dec, 25. 1732. 1-30 " Joseph, March It, 17.J9. 2 130 O'NEIL Abbie Randall, of James and Mary, Jan. 18. 1651. 2-136 " Mary Ann, April 8, 1353. 2136 " Sasan Dec, 10, 1858. 2-136 (( James Daniel. Sept. 2, ISOl . 1-2 OSBORNE Hannah, of Nathaniel and Hannah, Aug. 23. 170!. 1-2 u Nathaniel, Nov. 20, 1708. 1-2 " William, Sept. 30, 1711. 1-2 " Ann, Sept. 13, 1714. 1-2 " John. Dec. 30, 1V15. 1-2 (( Abig:dL Feb. 25. 1 718-9. 1-6 (( Joseph, -May 31, 1724. 2143 PIT.MAN Sarah .\nn, of George b. and Feggj- D., 1-34 PECKHAM Peleg, of Benjamin and Mary, 1-13 •' Joseph, 1-13 " Isaac, 1-13 " Mary, 1-24 •■ Timothy, 1-37 •' George Hazai-d, Jr., 1-32 " Josephus, 1-112 " l^leg, 1-151 " Sarah, of WilUam a;id ilercy, 1-151 '• AUce, Dec. 19, 1815. June 28, 1723. Jan. 14, 1725 6. Dec. 23, 1728. May 2.S., 1730. JiQy 19, 1737. -Vpril 14, 1T39. Feb. 21, 1742. June 11, 1762. Nov. 28, 1777. Jan. 19, 1780. 1-151 1-1,^1 1-1.-)1 1-151 1-1 51 1-150 1-150 1-150 1-150 2-140 2-143 2-143 2143 2143 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-141 2 141 2-1-11 2-141 2-141 2-141 2-1-10 I-IO 1-11.-) 1-11.-. 1-n.-. 1-115 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-151 1-142 1-142 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-110 1-1 3fi 1-130 1-13C. l-isr, 1-13C> 1-134 1-134 1-134 2-145 2-145 2-145 2-145 E-145 2-145 2-145 2 145 2-145 2-145 SOUTH KlNUSTOWTv" BIKTHS. 51 PECKJIAM WUU.%m, of Wmi.ijn anl Mercy, Nov. 11, 1781. Jlirey, July 11, 1783. Boreas, Feb. 7, 1787. Perry, June 30, 1789. Ellzabetli, Nov. 9, 1792. EUzabclh, of Peleg, Jr., and Desli-e (N. K.) July 25, 1786. RiLtus Wlieeler, of Peleg, Jr., and Desire (N. K.) Sept. 27, 1789. " Peleg Brown, of Peleg, Jr., and Deslr? (N. K.) JiUy 17, 1792. " G-eorge, of Peleg, Jr., and Desire (N. K.) Feb. 24. 1796. " Mary, of WUllam and Mercy, Aug. 27, 1795. " Jospphns, of Josepbns and Mary, May 20, 178.S. George, F.'.b. 15, 1735. WllUam Robinson, July 4, 1791. " Hannah, JLay 17, 1795. " biLsannah Stanton, of WUliam and Susanuah, Jan. 3, 1804. Sarah, of WUllam and Susannah, June 23, 1805. Benjamin, Nov. IS, 1800. William Stanton,. Sept. 22, 1808. Mercy Perry, April 29, 1810. '• Dorcas, of William and .Sisannah, June 5, 1812. Jane Hazard, June 8, 1814. " Oeorge Hazard, Fob. 18, 181(5. " Jameg Perry, March 25, 1819. Edwin Alexander, Dec. 10. 1820. " John Cross, Nov. 30, 1823. " Alice Rathbone, March 8. 1S20. '• Carder, of Benjamin and Jfary, Jan. 22, 1,300. '• Heni*y Wand, July 22, 1804. " Renewed, Jan. 19, 1805. '• Edward Hazard, of George and Ellzabelh, Jan. 2, 1809. PERKY. Bi'njaniin, of Benjoniln and Susannah, Nov. 7. 1729. Edwai-d.i March 528, 1731. " Freeman, Jan. 23, 1733. Jiary. Nov. 19. 1735. '■ Susannah, Nov. 19. 1735. " Mercy, of James and Mary, Feb. 24. 1754. " Anna. March 16, 1756. " James, May 20, 1758. " William. June 19, 1759. " John, July 28, 1760. " Jnhii. of John and Hannah, Aug. 7. 1784. '■ Robert N., of John B. and Susan, Dec. 27. 1805. " Su-an. March 16. 1810. John B., Feb. 14. 1814. PERKINS Nalhnnlel, of Nathaniel and Eliza beth. Jan. 1. 1739. " Susannah. Jan. 13. 1742. '■ Elizabeth. Dec. 25, 1745. " Abraham , March 9. 1 .747-8. William. Nov. 20. 1754. " iSands, May 12. 1757. '■■ James, March 13, 1700. " Jenckes, — H — '■ Kb. nezer. of Edward and Elizabeth. April 4. 1741. " .\nn. May 19, 1743. '• Brenton, March 23, 1745. PERRY .Idhn Robinson, of John, and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1784. " Sarah (Gould, of Jolin and Mary), his wife. Feb. 19, 1789. •' Mercy, of John R., and Sarah, Aug. 37, 1810. " Robinson, Oct. 10, 1811. AMgnil, Jan. 12, 1313. " Mary, July 1, I,sl4. " John Gould, June 2, 1817. " Sarah, Aug. 21, 1819. " George Thomas, Jan. 30. 1823. " Oliver Hazard, Jiay 12, 1824. ^^TAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-115 2-145 2-145 2-145 2-145 1-134 1-134 1-134 1-1 '• Thomas, > 1 136 '* Elisha Reynolds, 1-136 " Asa, 1-136 " Elizabeth, 1-136 " Peggy, 1-123 " Paul Munford, of Deborah, 1-140 " Benjamin, of William aiid I.ydia, 1-142 ■• .T:imc«, cif Ithabod and Deborah, 1-150 " Robert, of WilUara (of Rob.i-tl and Mary, 1-14!) " Stephen. nry. 1-110 " Sarah. 1-121 " Benjajniu, of Job and Abigail, 1-121 " Abigail, 1-121 " Phebe, 1-121 " George, 1-121 " Mary, 1-120 " Alice, "f Henry and Miry, 1-120 " Sarah, 1-126 " Stephen, of John and .Mjipa 1-126 " Henry, 1-126 " Mary, ail. May 10, 1710. June 30, 1729. April 11, 1731. Sept. 3. 1732. May 16, 1734. Sept. 11, 1737. Oct. 13. 1741. Nov . 9, 1748. Sept. 5, 1740. Nov. 27, 1710. March 20, 1T31, Oct • "*> 1753. Aug. 31, 1700. April 17, 1740. March 28, 1751, Dee • 5, 1740. Jidy 23, 1751, AprU 20, 1753, oi VITAL KECUKD OF EHoDE ISLAND. 1-1 DO REYNOLDS Eli.sha, of Henry aud M^ixy, 1-J5t) " Sarali, 1-1 SO " Slary, 1-150 " James, l-loO " TLiomas. 1-150 " Henry, 1-150 " Jessie, 1-143 " Lydia, of Lydia Seer.aut. of CoL Elislia. l-14:i " Jennie. 1-143 " ^"ancy, 1-132 EHODBS Annie, of James and Amiie, 1-132 " Jo.scpli, 2-152 EOBBIN6 Tliomas, of Tlioma.s and EUzabetli (also l-e, 8 EOBIXSON Eewland, of Williuni and Martlia, 1-6, 8 " Jolin, 1-6, 8 " Marali, or Mary, 1-6, 8 " EUzahelll, 1-8 " Maj-tha, 1-9 " Clll•i^tol)he^, of WUliain and Abigail, 1-11 " AVminm, 1-23 " Mary, 1-27 " James, of Wllllajn and AWsaU, 1-110 " John, 1-110 •' Cliristopher, 1-121 " Hannah, of Itowland and Ansti.s, 1-111 " Mary, 1-111 ■• WtUlam, 1-121 " Hanuali, of William and .'-aran, 1-121 ^- Abigail, 1-121 "• Pbillp, l-iya '• James, of .Sylwister and ,Uiee, 1-132 " ■WUliam, 1-1^2 " Abigail, of Clirisloplier and Kuliamali, l-i:i2 '• Chrisloplier, 1-132 " G<"orge, 1-132 " Elizalietli, 1-148 " DenjamLa, of JoUn and S;irah, 1-148 " Sarah, 1-148 " William, 1-148 " John, 1-148 •• Sylvester, 1-148 •' Thomas, 1-4 RODMAN Tl'iimas, of Thomas and C'fltheilne, 1-4 '■ Palieiife, 1-4 " John, 14 " Joseph, 1-4 " Samuel. 1-4 " Ann, 1-4 " Robert, 14 " WlUlam, 1-28 ' '• Joseph, of Jov'pl; and labitUa, 1-28 " Jlary, 1-28 " Jolui, 1-30 '• Thomas, 1-4 " Benjamin, 1-144 " Hannah, wife of Benjamin, 1-144 " Catherine, of Benjamin and Hannah, 1-144 " Mary, of Benjamin aud Hannah, 1-144 " Anne, 3-144 '■ Luceanna, 1-144 '■ Ruth, 3-144 •■ Deborah, S-152 '■ Isaac P., eldest son of Samuel and Mary 2-152 " Sally, his wife, daughter of Lemuel H. Ar 2-3 53 '• Isaac P., of Isaac P. and Sally, AprU 19, 1762. June 29, 1764. Oct. 18, 1766. Jan. 7, 1760. Jan. 13, 1771. Jan. 13, 1774. AprU 1, 1730. Aug. 24, 1773. Api-U 14, 1773. AI:u-ch 21, 1777. Oct. ;20, 1755. Sept. 10, 1758. 2-255) Oct. 6, 1771-r- Oct. 8, 1710. July 23, 1721. Jan. 27, 1 722-3. June 111, 1724. Nov. 11, 1725. Dec. 31, 1727. Aug. 1, 1729. Oct. 8, 1736. Deo. 31, 1738. Jan. 13, 1 742-3. Dec. 31, 1747. Way 10, 1740. Aug. 15, 1751. Sept. 13, 1758. Feb. 21, 1751. Aug. 24, 1753. Oct. 6, 1753. Oct. 3, 1756. Dec. 20, 1760. Jan. 20, 1755. Nov. 26, 1736. Aug. 3, 1758. June, 14, 1760. Aug. 5, 1763. D.X. 10, 1764. April 25, 1766. Dec. 16, 1767. July 12, 1769. May 5, 1771. March 9, 1707. March 22, 17 09-10. Dee. 26, 1711. Oct. 1. 1713. March 22, 1716. AprU 20, 1718. June 11, 1720. May 3, 1723. March 23, 1733. Feb. 7, 1736. March 24, 1737. JiUy 1, 1740. July 22, 1726. Oct. 26, 1723. Dec. 29, 1753. Dec. 16, 1755. Dec. 11, 1757. April 28, 1760. Aug. 12. 1763. Aug. 5, 1766. ■, Aug. l.-i. 1822. ■noil, Feb. 25, 18: 26. AprU 21, 1848. SOUTH I-aXUSTOWX HIRTH> 2-153 K(JUM.\N SaJly Lyman, of Isaac P. niid SaUy, Feb. 10. 1S50. 2-152 Mary I'eckhani. Maj'ch 25, 1S52. 2-] 52 " Sanuiel, Feb. 0, 1S.-.4. 2-152 C( Tlinmas, March 23, 1856. 2-1 52 ] ;; Samuel, April 11, 1853. 1-153 Elizabeth Arnold. July 24, 1S60. 1-119 KCJSE Samuel, ol John and Eliz.-ibelh, Oct. 21. 1734. 1-119 " Ablwill, July 1, 173'(3. 1-119 " Thomas, Jan. 30. 1739. 1-119 -;: John, June 13, 1742. 1-119 James, Deo. 19, 1714. i-n9 '; Phebe, Dec. 4, 1746. 1-119 " Phillip, Dec. 11, 1743. 1-119 " Stephen, March 1, 1750. 2-153 "\ .Mari' E . of George P. and Harriet P., Sept. 3. 1,<53'. 2-1 33 "\ George A., July 25, 1S50. 2-153 " Thomas, Dec. 3, 185-1. 1-116 ROGERS MaT-y. of .Tnim-. and Mary, Jan. 20. 1743. 2-11-2 SAxrs Wai. Case, of Robert G. and Anne, 2-162 " Anne Xaynard. 2-104 SEAGER Abisaii, of John a.nd Abii-'all, 2-164 " John, 2-164 " EUzalieth, 2-16+ " Sarah, 2-164 " Francis Brayton, 2164 " Joseph Taylor, 2-104 " David Anthony, 2-164 " Alice, 2-164 " Hannah, 1-30 SHEFFIELD Geoi-fe. of Joseph and Mary 1-30 (( ^fartha Tellt, 1-1 « Ezeliiel. of Edmund and Sarah, 1-1 " Elizabeth. 1-7 <( Fidmund, 1-12 u Jeremiah, of Deborah. 1-25 " William, of Nathan andl rorois. 1-25 " Christopher. 1-25 " Elizabeth, 125 " Susannah, 1-25 t( Nathan, 1-32 (( Sarah, of Isaac and Sarah, 1-130 u Dorcas, of William and Lois, 1-130 Sarah, 1-145 " Edmund, of Joseph and Ma.ry, 1-145 " Prudenee, 1-145 (( Joseph. 1-145 " Jolin, 1-3 SHELDON John, ot John and Honvd, 1-3 " Dorcas, 1-3 " George,, 1-3 " Samuel, 1-3 " William, 1-3 •' Elizabeth, 1-3 " Sarah, 1-8 " Thomas, of Isa.ac and Susann.ab, 1-8 " Roger. 1-8 " EUzabeth, 1-8 '• Isaac,, 1-8 " John, 1-8 •• Susannah, 1-8 ■• Joseph, June 27. 17S5. April 15. 17.57. JI:!rch 7, 1787. Nov. 5, 1788. April 3, 1790. Jan. 18, 1792. Feb. 24, 1704. AprU 11, 1796. March 12. 1798. .Tune 17, 1802. Dec. 27, 1805. Jidy 12, 1718. Sept. 29. 1719. Jan. 31, 1720-1. March 16, 1 72-J-3. Jlay 17, 1725. May 8, 1720. Jan. 23, 1730. Nov. 18, 1732. Aug. 3, 1734. Feb. 29, 1736. Oct. 23. 1737. Jan. 3, 1735. May 12, 17.53. May 7, 1755. June 21. 1749. June 12, 1751. Jan. 19, 1754. Jan. 24, 1737. Feb. 10. 1706-7. Jan. 4, 1707-8. May 25, 1709. Jan. 15, 1713-14. JlarcU 27, 1714. March 31, 1720. Feb. 26„ 1721-2. Feb. 18, 1703-9. Den. 15, 1710. Nov. 8, 1713. .March 4, 1715-16. Aug. 21, 1718. Oct. 23, 1720. iMarch 17, 1721-2. VITAL EECOED OF KHODE ISL.\XD. 1-8 1-8 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-1, 127 1-1, 137 1-1, 127 1-1.3 37 1-1, 137 1-1, 127 1-149 1-140 i-:4n 1-141) 1-140 1-14!) 1-149 1-149 2-163 2-162 2-162 2-163 3-l(!2 3-163 3-: 63 2-162 2-162 3-162 2-162 2-162 3-163 1-31 1-32 1-135 1-135 1-135 1-133 1-133 1-36 1-139 1-139 1-139 1-129 1-139 1-129 1-130 1-143 1-143 1-143 1-14.-. 1-150 2-163 2-106 2-l(;6 2-160. 2-166 2-166 2-166 2-166 2-160 SHELDON Palmer. Of Liunx; and Susann.ii, Jlay IG 1724. Benjamin, Mai'Ch 4, 1727. " Sarali, of Isaac and Sarah, Jan. r , 1733. " Hercdia-^, of John and Sarah, May 2:, 1729. " Jolm, May 21, 1729. " Dorcas, Feb. 12, 1732. Abigail, March 3, 1734. Sarah, May /22, 1736. " George, Dec. ' 17, 1738. " James, of Isaac and Sarah, Apriy 11, 1743. " Samuel, of Is.aac and Aljlgail, Jun<; 30, 1747. " Lydia, Autv. 23, 1749. Sarah, Auf; 17, 17.31. " Isaac, Ji;ly 23, 1735. Benjamin, July 28, 3758. Palmer, of John and Elizabeth, Jin. 28, 1745. Mehltable, .'uly 20, 1746. John, April 29, 174ri. Isaac, May 11, 1750. " Nathan. March 29, 1753 •■ Jonathan, May 4, 1755. " Gt-'orge, Oct. 11, 1757. Joann;i. April 10, 1760 Auguitii,-,. Ill James and Hannah, Feb. 23', 1763. •' Henry, March 30, 1765. " Sarah, May 7, 1767. " Hannah, July 17, 1770. " Dorcas, Sept. 17, 1773. William J., July 15, 1776. Waite, of .lames and Elizabeth (2d -wife), Oct. 13, 1782. " Elizabith. Sept. 20, 1784. " William, of Jonathan and Dorcas, March 27, 1783. " Susannah, Aug. 24. 1786. " Hannah, Aug. 12. 1783. Samuel. May 2, 1790. ■' Elizabeth, April 29. 1792. SHERMAN Danii-1, of D.ini.l and Susannah, Aug. 28, 1735. " Mar>-, of Jo-:iah and ilary. Aug. 1, 1727. " Abigail, of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 25, 1737. " Jonathan, Oct. 14. 1731. '• Gideon, Oct. 25, 1741. " Mary, Nov. 5. 1745. " Robert. Sept. 14, 1752. " Anile, of Abiel and Sasannah, June 1. 1746. " Nathaniel, of Henry and Ann, Aug. 15, 1748. " John, Oct. 24, 1750. " Mary, March 11, 1753. " Charles, Feb. 1. 1756. " Henry, March 31. 1759. " Martha, March 9. 1762. •' Sarali, March 29, 1763. " Josias, of Benjamin and ^lary. Sept. 21, 1745. ■' Waite, of Jonathan, Jr., and Sarah. Jan. 11. 1755. EUzabeth, Aug. 13, 1757. " Gideon, Feb. 22, 17G3. •' Jonath.an, of Robert and Honor, July 20, 1779. " Catherine Greene, of John R, and Maj-gfiret, March 5, 1801. Da\'ld, son of Da\id. April 18. 1786. " Hannah, wife of David. Feb. 3, 1783. " David, of David and Hannah, «'pt. 2, 1805. " Lydia B., April 24, 180.S. Ruth B., Jan. 7, 1811. " George Washington, of Da\-id and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1813. " Sasannah E., Aug. 16, 1817. " Nehemiah K.. May 14, 1830. SOUTH KINGSTOW'N BIRTHS. 57 2-166 2-166 2-163 2-163 2-103 2-163 2-163 1-25 1-23 1-25 1-25 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-33 1-137 1-34 2-105 2-105 2-165 2-165 2-165 2-165 2-165 2-165 2 165 2-165 1-8 1-8 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 2-166 2-166 2-166 2-166 1-142 1 142 1-23 SHEKMAN Arnold S., of David and Hannah, " Horace Diinn, " Aimer O., of iDavld and Salome (2d -Kife), Jane E., " Clarissa, A., " Joseph, " 5[:a-y C. SiaTH John, of John and Mary, " Jlai-y, " Mary 2d, " William, " PUillis. '•■ Arnold, of Ephralm and Mercy, " St;iffor1 TORREY Elizalifth, of Joseph and Elizabeth, 1-21 " Joseph, 1-21 '■ Oliver, 1-21 " Ann, 2-170 TOTTEN John Le\-i, of Levi and Slartha, 2-170 •■ EUza, 2-170 '• Henry Morris, June 20, 1742 M.irch 22, 1743. JiUy 30, 1746 JiUy S), 1744 March li. 1745 Dec. j;4, 1749 Aug. as, March ,24, 1732 1756 May 2, Aus^. 14, 1758 17G2 .luly 19, Fell] 4, 1 Fi'l.. 14, 1 1731 732-3 734-5 J^ay 13, 1737 .lAily 30. 1790 Mjdrch 26, 1792 March 9, 1794 u 1-18 UNDERWOOD John, of Jo«-ph and Ruth, 1-li) ' Joseph, 1-116 Anne, of William and Susannah. 1-116 Joseph, 1-128 Henry, 1-1 2t Alice, 1-116 Samuel, 2-170 Anne E., of Perry G. and M;iry E Dec. 24, 1732 \pra. 12, 1734 June 26, 1748 Oct. 21, 1744 Jan. 25, 1752 Aug. 24, 1753 Jan. 29, 1756 Sept. 20, 1855. V w 2-181 WAITE Dorcas, of Matthew .md Jlercy, 2-181 '* benjamin' Case, 2-181 John, 2 181 " Samuel, 2-181 William, 2-131 William, 1 13 WALMESLEY Thomas, of Thomas and , 1-13 Mary, 1-13 Patience, 1-13 " James, 1-13 " Sarah. 1-13 " Joseph, 1-14 " Samuel, 1-14 Kenj'amin, 1-20 WATSON Hannah, of Jetfrey and Bathsheba 1-116 Jeifrey, 1-116 ElLsha, 1-116 Mercy, 1-116 Dorcas, 1-116 " Sarah. 1-116 William, 1-116 " Kathsheba, 1-130 " John, of John, Jr., and Isabel. 1-130 '• Hannah, 1-130 Bridget, 1-130 Job, 1-130 Mary, 1-130 Elisha, 1-130 '• Isabel, 1-131 W:ilter. Sept. 25, 1816. .April 10. 1819. April 10. 1821 June 16, 1823. Sept. 12. 1826 Sept. 27, 1837 .Tan. 3, 1706 Nov. 16, 1708 Jan. 5, 1710 July 17, 1713 Nov. 6, 1715 Dec. 27, 1717 Dec. 29, 1720 Dec. 27, 1723 June 2, 1733 Oct. 16, 1734 July 10, 1736 July 10, 1740 June 5, 1742 Jan. 11, 1743. April 25, 1745 Sept. 16, 1748. May 23, 1737. Sept. 28, 1738. Dee. 24, 1741 Aug. 7, 1744. Sept. 3, 1746 Aug. 5, 1748 May 7, 1753 May 7, 1753 SOUTH laNGSTOWN ^BIRTHS. 5!> 1-122 1-1 ;■)•-; 1-1. -l-J 1-1 J2 1-1 r)2 i-:.:i2 2-180 l-14'.l •J-l.-(l •j-iso e-i(-o •2-I00 ■2-1 t-o ■2-1 .-(> 2-1 fiO ■J-IW) ■J-18() i-lSO 1-3 1-3 1-122 1-128 1-1 28 1-120 1-20 1-18 1-18 1-18 1-18 1-18 1-18 l-l:n l-l:il 1-131 IJlIil 1-131 2-52 ^-52 2-181 2-1 si 2-1 81 2-lSl 2-181 2-181 2-181 1 lo 1-10 112 1-22 1-24 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1 -1 1-19 1-19 1 19 110 1-in 1-19 i-nv 1-1 17 1-117 WATSuN Robert, ol Benjamin and Sarali, Avis, Isubtl, of Job luid Suruli, Job, Kob'Tt Hazard, WuUcr, Korilfn, " Jolm, Ueoi'gi', of John llary, uf Elslia. Elislia, Joseph Uiunison, of Elish Asa, and Di'siro, Jr., and Miriam, Jr. and Miriam, <;eorge, WUUam, I'reeman. of EUslm, SiLsannuii, Elizabeth, Jr., and Stisannali, " Miriam, WEBB Margaret, " Elizabeth , WEFDEN Mercy, John, or jf Jnliii iind Joanna, of 111. Ii. Hopkinton. li. Rhlnebeck. N. of Thomas R. V.h ind his wife M;irla, Caleb and I.ydi'i, Daniel and Martha, Judah (a dau.), ■\VKIR James, of Daniel atid Phidjo, WELCH Henry, of Williani and Catherine, WELLS James, of Peter, 'jr., and Ann, " Ann, " Rebecca . '• Peter, " John, '• Siimuel, " Jnnu'.s. ' Iti, 1741. 2-212 " Anile, ot Gideon and Haiinali. in 19tb year, July 31, 1796. 1-1-11 BROWNING Mary, of Josepli and Mai-y. March 14, 1762. 1-141 " Susannal), Aug. 26. 1764. 1-141 " William, Sept. 5, 1767. 1-139 BROWN Sarati, v.lto ui Robert, May 31, 1750. 2-76 '■ Benjamin lirenton, of Silas and Frances, aged 6y. 3rn. 6d., Oct. 17, 1803. 2-112 " Sally, wife of I'almer A., d;iu. ot Jolin E. and Sally Berry: also 2-250, Dec. '.i. 16.'j4. 1-155 CASE Anne, ivlfe o' Immenuel, Esq., in 37y., 1-155 " WUliani. ot Immenuel and ^\Jine, ii 1-131 CHAFPELL William, of Caleb and .Sarah, 1-141 CLARKE Sarah, of John and Mary, Nov. 9, 1773. Oct. 2, 1783. April 15, 1708. Sept. 23, 175S. D E F Q 1-32 GARDINER Hannah, of Jolin and Mary, 1-140 ■■ Mary, wite of Thunias, 2-231 GOULD John; also 2-250, Dec. 31. 1727. June 9, 1752. Sept. 23„ 1828. H 1-36 HAZARD Thomas, of Robert and Sar.ah (Berden), 1-V69 " Hon. George, Deputy Governor, 1-139 " Jon^lhan, of Thomas, 1-139 " Beni;:Dii!i, of G, Trife of George, 1-140 " Thomas, of George and Sarah, 1-11 HELME Jonathan, of Eouso and Sarah, 1-139 " Sands, la Surinam, 1-139 " Sim' on, in S. Kingstown, 1-139 " Roi se, Esq., 1-140 " Esther, wife of James, 2-333 " Jnii:t--- F 67y.. Cm.. 1 d., 2-232 '■ L'ni v.. Dec. 2 1719. June 24, 1738. Oct. 15, 1746. Jan. 24, 1748. March 17, 1765. Nov. 14, 1761. May — , 1730. May 20, 1733. Mirch 11, 1737. Aug. 28. 1751. March 22, 1764. May 19, 1777. April 27, 1780. I (!2 VITAL EECOKD OP EHODE ISLAND. 2-232 HELME Rouse, Jr., In 40y.. Of F riuse :ind. Sara.li, 2-232 " NathaBlel, Jr., in 2Sy., 2-232 " Aflam, in 43y., 2-232 " Aliie. wife of James, Jr.,i In '-8y., 1-152 " Esther, of James aiid slai;ili, 11 l-2m. l-l.-)2 " Sarah, 1-152 " Mary, 2-113 HliLLAND Edwanl Hazard. 2-113 " Julia Ann, of Edwar 1 II 1-ni HOLW.VY Joseph, of Joseiil: : 1-111 ■' Catliai'ine, "wife of .1'" 1-111 •• Aliif-'ail, -wife of jo-..v>i 1-20 HfLL Peter B:ill, of WUliau. d 1-140 " Elizalieth, -wife of 1-1-10 '- Elizal.eth, of .lo^epU 1-lJO " TrLstam, of Josep) 1-140 '■ Tlumias. of Josept . ;h 1711). 1-144 •• Charles, of Joseph and 23, 1753'. 2-232 ■■ Hannah, -wife of Christopher, dau. of John and Perry; also 2-249, July 1, 1832.' Jiary Ann, ; . iL Catharine, .....ph. (11 ' WlUiami and JIary, J.)S-i'l>. 24y. Im. Kkl., Elizalielli, T'.lizalieUi, ir,y. 4m. i: '■artha. 2d wife. 4y. Martha, 2d -wife, llw no. I anil Oct. 13, 1789. Nov. 19, 1789. Jan. 3, 1794. Aug. 16, 1811. June 14, 17sr.. Dec. 27, 1792. May 13, 1797. March 8, 18IJ8. May 23, ISOG. Oct. 4, 1744. Sept. 15, 1745. Nov. 5, 1747. Feb. 13. 1734. Oct. 9, 1739. .Inne 20, 1738. Id., Oct. 8, 1750. Ini. 23d., June 21, . 7d. lOmln., , Aug. Hannah (Robinson) I J K L 1-13S LF.WIS Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth. M 1-123 MfMFORD W.aite, of Jirah and Mary, 1-123 " Mary, 1-123 " Mary 2d, 2-224 " Mrs. Frances, In S5y., Oct. 7. 1743. Dec. 30, 1749. Feb. 26, 1752. Dec. 15, 1814. N 2-246 2-24li NICHOLS William H. H., 20y., 8ni.. l.-.d. Sally T., in GOy., .Inly 21, 1861. Oct. 5, 1872. O P 1-40 2-249 2-249 2-249 2249 2-240 2-249 2-24!) 2-249 S-249 2-249 2 249 2 2 19 2-24'.) 1-140 i-:4u l-lo.j PERKINS Ebenezer, of Edward, and Elizoh-: PERRY John B., of .Samuel Esq., " Sally, wife of John Robinson, 58y. ll]m, and Mary (Grould), March 22, 1?47. " Wllliaii) Wanton, of John R. and Sally (tjc " James, of alx)ve, 2y. 2m. 8d., | " Rowland, of above, " John. " Hannah, widow of John, " John Robin.son, 73y. ;im. 24d. " John, of James, in New York State, " Hannali, his widow, PIT-MAN, Pesw 1)., wife of (;.•. r,-- li.. S-trali .\nn. of Geori;.- 1:. .md Pegg- 1>.. POLLOCK Lydla. wile of WUHam W., Jr., POTTER Col. John, of John iind »a:-ah. Mary, wife of Col. John, 3tary. wifi- of WUliani lof Robert), ii) •-' .) Nov. 19, 1816. 12a., dau. of John .uld). a t Hartford Conn., May 21, 1886. Aug. 10, 1836. Aug. 22, 1826. Sept. 14, 1634. Aug. 29, 1849. Nov. 24, 1857. Sept. 14, 1834. Aug. 29, 1849. April 29, 1817. Nov. 6, 1817. Sept. 21, 1811. AprU 11, 1739. Oct. 23, 1762. ear, Oct. 14, 1768. SOUTH KINGSTOWN DEATHS. 63 1-130 POTTER Margaret, of Tliomas and Elizubelh, Nov. 24, 1700. 2-144 " Mary, wife of Ellsha R., March 7, 1809. Si-144 " Thomas, of Ellsha and Mary, June 15, 1814. 2-249 " Mary, -wife of Ellsha R., (lau. of Pardon Mawney, at brother-in- law, Jeffrey Davis, In North Kingstown, July 20, 1835. 2-240 " ElLSha R., Sept. 20, 1835. Q R 1-150 REYNOLDS James, of Henry and Mary, Aug. 28, 1709. 1-150 " Thomas, of Henry and Mary, Sept. 10, 1773. 1-155 " Susannah, wile of Elisb:i, 84y., 14d., Alarch 10, 1700. 1-155 " Col. Elisha, Nov. — , 1791. 1-9 ROBINSON Mary, of WilHam and Martha, AprU 10, 1723. 1-139 " Hon WUliaoi. Sept. 19,, 1731. 1-148 '• Sarah, wife of John, In 31 y.; also 1-156, Jan. 11, 1775. 2-250 RODMAN Second son of Isaa<' I', and Sally, March 3, l.'-SO. 2-164 SEAGER. Sarah, of John and Abigail, Dec. 20, 1792. 1-149 .^HKLDiiN Eliz.al.eth, wile of John, in 40y., Nov, 23, 1703. T 1-150 TAYI.iiK William, late of Barnstable, Eng., Sept. 21, 1770. U V w 1-130 WAT.SON EUslia. Sept. 11, 1737. 1-140 " Isabil. wifr of John. Jr.. May 22, 1753. 1-82 WORDEN Samuel. Sept. 17, 1727. 2-208 WRIGHT, Reuben, 76y. 6m., ■ Nov. 18, 1833. X Y Z 1-140 YORK Elizabeth, widow of Janirs. of Charlestown, in South Kingstown, In "f^y., ^lareli 27, 1784. (Vlt. Rec., Vol. 5.) 12 Yital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KIRSX SERIES. BIRTHS, MARKIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is Ivly Name W^ritten in the Book of Life?" Vol. 5. EXETER. Part III. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. 1: MARRAGANSETT UlSTURICAL rUBLISHINQ COMPANY. 1S94. ACT INCORPOHATING THE TOWN OF EXETER. AN ACT for iucnrporating the west end of the Town of North Kingstown into a Township, am] the same to be distinguisheil and known by the name of Exeter. Be it enacted liy the General Assemlily of this Colony, and by the authorioty thereof it is enacted that the Town of North Kingstown, in the County of King's County, be divided into two Towms, by a line beginning at the south side of said Town, at the middle of the highway that runs between the farm, now 01^ late of Jeoffry Haszard, and the farm of Eber Sherman, to ex- tend from thence northerly to the extent of said highway, as the same runs northwardly; and from the middle of said way, where it meets the cross highway, to extend northwardly in a straight line, to meet the highway that runs between the land of William Hall and Christoi)her Spencer; and from thence to extend northwardly, as said highway runs to P^aiSt Greenwich, south lines and that the eastward part of said Town retain the Charter, and name of NORTH KINGSTOWN, and the western part to be called by the name of EXETER, and be incorporated into a Township; and to have and enjoy the like privileges with other Towns in this Colony. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that each Town re- ceive, and have a proportion of the money in, and belonging to, the Treas- ury of said North Kingstown, acording to the money for which the lauds in each Town is mortgaged to the Colony; and that all .Tustices living within the bound.s of said new Town, retain their authoriety, and act as such therein, until the next General Election. Colonial Itecords of Rhode Island, Vol. V., pages 57, 58. EXETER. 3S^jA.E,R,I-A.C3-£:S. 'J-2-M ADAMS EsthcT. and SheffieW Kithbun, Jan. 1, 1833. 3-43 AuURO Thomas,, of Exeter, and .'-arali Uiijikini. of West GreenwlcU : m. by the Rev. Jami's Weighlnian. .Tan. -J', 1772. 3-29 " T'lth. and Waite Albro, Jan. 25, 177r,. 3-29 ■• Waitt, son of Elder S. 11. 1770. 3-55 " Patience, and David Davis. IVli. 1(. 1715. 8-115 " Penelope, and Daniel Chaniplain. Dec. 22. 1778. 3-13 '• George \V., and l^uey Ann Dupuy ; ni. by Elder Bcnedlc John- son. Aug. 30, 1841. 3-104 " Mrs. Louisee, and Joseih C. Reynolds, Ai)ril 25, 1853. 3-111 ANDREWS Peleg, of ExetiT, son of Samuel, and Jemima Hunt, of North KlngstoTvn dau. of George; m. at North Kingslown. by Eider John Gardiner. Nov. 10, 1816. 3-14 " Jlartha R., and Russell J. Parber, Sept. 13, 1841. 3-279 , " Mary, and Charles Leytis, .Tune 23. . 2-166 ANGELL John, of Johnston, R. I., and Jlartha Aldrich, of Exeter; m. by Elder Samuel Alln- . Fe1). 4, 1765. 1-188 ARNOLD Abigiil. and Stephen W.atson, Sept. 4, 1757. 1-157 " Stephen, of North King-tiown, and Martha Gardiner, of Exeter, dau. of Nicholas ; m. by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, March 3, 1760. 3-4 " Mary, and Joseph Reyi.olds,, Oct. 29, 1769. 3-5 " Sarah, and Amos Wliillord, March 28, 1770. 8-66 " Oliver, of North Kiiigstoivn, son of Joseph, and Hannah Rey- iiidJs, lit Exeter, dau. of Joseph: m. by George Fierce, Jus- tice, Nov. 24. 1782. 3-128 " Oliver, and Phebe Lawton: m. by Elder Solomon Spr.ague, M.ay 8, 1785. 3-79 " Gideon, and Rebecca Rathhun: m. by Elder Solomon Sprague. Aug. 18, 1785. 3-83 " Peleg, and Lucy llopkns: m. Iiy Elder Solomon Spragiie. Oct. 20. 1785. 3-93 " Hannah, and Sil.as Pierce. Nov. 24. 1785. 3-114 " Russell, of Caleb, and Merabali Terr\ . dau. of WUliani Booth, of Exeter: m. liy Stephen R.yniilds, Justice, Oct. 24, 1790. 3-160 " Deborah, and Jeremi.ih Xorthup, Jlay 25, 1794, 6 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-271 ARNOLD JIary, and Avery Bro-iyning. July 17, 1808. 3-27ii '■ Lucy, and Danifl G. Clianiplain, Dtc. 22, 1814. 3-83 " Rcnvlanrt. of Exeter, anl Elizabeth Ellis, dau. of Arnold, of West Greenwich : ni. by Elder Gei-shom PalmcT. Feh. 18, 1816. 3-i6 ■• Freelove li., and Samm 1 Hopkins, Nov. 7, 1821. 3-164 ■• Ahbie, and Nicholas Gardiuer. May 16, 1820. 3-184 " Elizabetli. and Pliiliip TUIinfihast. May 4, 182(5. 3-277 •• Esther, and Samuel Arnold, April l(i, 1839. 3-277 " Samuel, and EslluT Arnold, both of North Kinfr-^town : m. by Elder B'^necUek Johnson. April 10, 1839. 1-243 AUSTIN Jemima, and Gideou Ellis,, Feb. 14, 1744. 1-238 " Freelove. and Benjn. Slierman. March li'>, 1744. 1-191 " Saruh, and Mc;ses Sherma.n. .'March 31, 1745. 1-180 ■ " Margaret, and Thomas Hill, Feb. 15, 1753. 1-186 " Jeremiah, and Ilannnh Harrington, both of Exeter, by Benonl ILall. Justice. April 13, 1756. 1-187 " Paskow, and Mary Northup. by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 5, 1756. 1.156 •• Jeremiah, of Exeter, and Isabel LitUe, by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 28. 1700. 3-5 •' William, ot R., son of Joseph, and Martha Rogers, by Newman F-Tkins, Justice, Feb. 4. 1770. 3-89 " Miiry, and John Ca.rr, May 12, 1786. 3-275 " Abigail, aud Richard Corey, Jr., May 11, 1810. 3-19 " Abide, and Barber Kenyon, Jan. 5, 1845. 1-182 AYLESWOKTH PhiUip. Jr.. of Norlli Kingstown, and Debor.ili Dyre, of Exeter, widow of WlU*j;ni. of said North Kingstown; m. at Exeter liy Benonl Hall, Jirslice, July 1, 1753. 1-190 " Aaile, and Joshua Katlibuu, Jan. 2, 1755. 1-194 " Mary, and Jeremiah Nil.s. Dec. 8. 1755. 3-29 " John, of East Greenwich, son of Anthony, dec. and Bethana Fry, of Exeter, dau. of James; at Exeter, by George Pierce, Jos- tlce, March 4, 1771. 3-52 •■ Annii, and William Petly, r^ept. 2. 1772. B 1-189 BABCtiCK Jos.-ph. of S.imuel, and Sarah Waite, of John; by Benjamin Reynolds. Jaslice, Feb. 9. 1758. 1-199 " Debora.h, and Axi Moon, Aug. 13, 1758. 1-155 •■ Lydia. and Joseph Holloway, Oct. 11, 1761. 3-27 '• George Waite of Exeter, son of John, .and Susannah Fowler, dau. of i^imeon, of Exeter: by Elder Solomon Sprague, Feb. 21,1771. 3-220 " Penelope, and Shettield Rathbun, Dec. 20, 1829. 1-188 BAILEY Robert, of East Green-nlch. and Phebe Waite, of Exeter; by Elder Samuel Albro. Jan. 28, 1738. 3-223 '■ Ely S., son ol Col. SUas, of West Greenwich, iind Mercy Claxke, dan. of James, of Exeter ; by Elder Thomas Manchester, Jan. 26, 1800. 3-281 " .Sarali, dau. of Job. and Seth Lewis, Sept. 22. 1849. 1-244 BAKER .Mary, and Phillip Greene, Dec. 31, 17.'j0. 1-177 " Ellsha. of Exeti-r, aJid Siir.ili Harrlngt«.n, of Job; by Benonl Hall. Justice, Feb. 0, 1752. 1-177 " Susannah, and .Toseph Sunderhmd. Feb. 7, 1752. 1-190 " Abel, of North ICingstown. and Anne Reynolds, dau. of George; by Bmonl Hall. Justice, Oct, 7, 1758. 1-160 " Asa, and WUli;iju Caboone. May 20, 1759. 1-193 " Mai-y, and Giles Broimell, June 3, 1759. 2-165 " 'William, Jr., of Exetrr, and j\jm(> Gardiuer, of West GreenTiflch; m. by David Stanton. Justice, June 22, 1764. 2-171 " Saj-aJi, and Pheneos Solomon Lemoine, Feb. 19, 1768. 3-40 " Sarah, and Wilheim Harrington. Oct. 10, 1771. 1-194 BARBER Mary, and JonaUian B:u-ney, Dec. 1, 1754. 1-194 ■• Zebtdoii. and ElizaibetU Nichols; m. by Newman Perkins, Justice, March 21, 1755. EXETER JIARRIAtiES. 1-187 BAEBEE Eleanor, and Joisias BarljiT, X(.v. -20, IT.')!!. 1-187 " Josias, and Eleanor Earlier; m. ty Rev. Daniel Earlier, Nov. 20, 175G. 1-195 " Susannah, aiul Joruithan Katlilmn, JIaJcli 3, 1757. 1-158 " SnsannaJi, and Jeremlali Coldgruve, Oct. 1.8, 1759. 1-153 '■ 3I;iry, and .lolin Wilcox, Jan. 31. 1702. 3-13 " Daniel, of Daniel, of Exeter, .'ind CUajity E;ittil)un, of Jolin, of do.; by Dajidel Sunderland, Justice, Aug. 11, 1709. 3-16 " Deliverance, and Josejih Barber, Jan. 6, 1770. 3-16 " Joseph, of Hoi)kintou, son of WiUi.Tm, and Deliverance Barber, of Daniel, of Exeter; by Daniel .Sunderland, Justice, Jan. o, 1770. 3-7 " Lydia. and Djmlel Lewis, March 21, 1770. 3-132 " Eebecca, and Isnac 'Wilcox. Jan. 7, 177:;. 3-26 " Levi, sou of Nicholas, and Eliiaboili Ney, of John; m. by Gideon Moshier. Justice. Ayril 29, 1773. 3-26 '■ Lillibrldge. of Susnnnah, of Exeter, and Alice Wilcox, of Abraham, of Exeter: by Newman Perldns, Justice, Dec. 30, 1773. 3-58 " Thankful, and James Lewis. Jan. 15, 1775. .3-198 " Asa, of Hopkintou, son of Josiali, and Meriani Barber, of Daniel, of Exeter; m. by EldiH' Solomon Spragne. May 13, 1760. 3-198 " Meriam, and Asa Barber, May 13, 1780. 3-150 " Henry, of Exett-r, son of Caipt. Jonathan, and Anne Eathbun, of Simeon, of Exeter; by Jelfrey Hazard, Justice, Nov. 1, 1792. 3-156 " Mary, and Daniel James. Feb. 5, 1793. 3-153 " Moses, Jr., of Exeter, son of .Moses, and Mary Clarke, of Eich- mond, dau. of Mose.s ; m. by Elder Henry Joslin, March 20, 1794. 3-173 ■■ WUcox, or Lillibrldge, of Exeter, and Mrs. Patience TelU, of Heze- Idiih, of Eichmoud; by J. W. Sheldon, -Justice, June 1, 1797. 3-208 •• Ruth, and Samuel Lewis, Jr., March 2, 1797. 3-lS)3 • Sus.annah, and John Browning, March 2, 1797. 3-182 •■ Alee, and Thomas Tillinghast, Feb. 7, 1799. 3-210 " Alee, and Isaac WUcox, I'eb. lo. 1K03. 3-220 ■■ PuUy, and Jolui Wilcox,, Sept. 1, 1.S05. 3-239 •• Elioda, and Cabb Hall, .Ma)ch li, 1S08. 3-240 " Gardiner, and Eleanor Le"is,: by Eld'-r Jtattliew SiiUman, April 17, 1808. 3-253 " Eeuben, and -Mary Terry; by Elder Phine.is Palmer, Feb. 13. 1810. o-:;7-l " Joanna, and Job Eeynolds, Feb. 17, 1811. 3-281 " Hannali. and Daniel Lillibridge, Aug. 18, 1811. 3-290 " Learuanl E., of LUlibridge. and Phebe B. Eathbun. of Eowland; by Elder Uersham Palmer, Nov. 21, 1610. 3-307 ■■ Thomas C, and Su.san Congdon ; by Elder Uershom I'ahuer, Feb. 2, 1824. 3-124 ■• Silas H.. of Siimuel. and Lydia Lewis of Simon : by F.lder Peleg Peckham, June 6, 1.S24. 3-300 " Mrs. NelUe, and Eoswell I'almer, Oct. 29, 1829. 3-280 " Rowland R., of Norirtch, Conn., and Mary Browning of Exeter; by Elder Benedick Jolinson, Jan. 12, 1840. 3-13 •' Eachel, iiud Jiseph W. LUlibridge, Sept. 6, 1841. 3-14 " Eussell J., of Exeler, and Jlartha E. Andrews of Richmond; by Elder Benedick Johns.ui, .Sept. i;i, 1841. 3-211 " Edward, of Si niuel, and Sally B Eathbun of Rowland; by Elder John Tillinghast, April '.i. 1844. 3-71 ■• M.iry, and Bi riah Ney, Dec. 2, 1844. 3-16 ■■ Beijjanitn T., of Robert, of Exeter, and Maria Champlalu, of Ethan, of Hopklnton, by Elder Daniel Slocuni, ,\prU 14, 184.J. 3-10 ■• Hiram, of South Kingstown, son of Moses, and Susan E.Sherman, of Samuel, of Exeter, by Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Dec. 28, 1845. 3-260 " Thomas D.. of Hopkinton, and Olive Lewis, of E.-ceter, by Elder Thomas TUlinghast. JIarch 9, ls46. 3-228 •■• Mary, and Thomas Woodmansee, Dec. 12, 1848. 3-228 " S;imuel K., of Hopklnton, and Hannah Tillinghast, of Exeter, by Elder Thomas Tillinghast. Dec. 12, 1848. 3-205 " DeUa, and John Sarlc, J une 10, 1849. g ' VITAL REC-ORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-237 BARHKK Jesse W.. of Hoiikliiton, and Mary A. Lewis o£ Volimtoivn, by Rev. J. Ct. Post, .liil.v 3. 1S.-j3. 1-194 BARNEY Jonathan, of Newporl, and Mary Rarl.er ot Exeter, by Newman Perliins, Jusliee. Dec. 1. 175-t. 1-150 BATES .Tolin. of Exeter, and atiU Morey. of Exeter, dan. of Jos.-i)b, by Benjamin R ynolds. .luslice, Aug. 10, 1759. 1-156 " Hannah, and Henjanihi Beiilley. Ang. 23, 17t!l. 2-170 " Mary, and William Ileilernan (also 3-0(>), Feb. 6, 1707. "3.15 " George, of Jonathan, and Joanna Brigps, of Peleg, by Jonatliaa Bates, Justice. Dec. 14, 1779, 3-136 " Elizabeth, and Lebbeus W ilcox, Jmie 27, 1703. 3.9 " Benjamin, of John, and Rebecca Wilcox, dau. ot Abraham Booth, ot Exeter, by Elder Eli^ha Greene. Jan. 28, 1793. 3.10 " Mary W., and John Dn-'is Mius, JiUy 2S, 1811. 3.15 " Morcy, of Exeter, and Hannah Potter, of Richmond, at Rlcli- mond, by Elder Henry C. Hnl>bard, June 18, 1820. 3-298 " Olive, and Thomas T. Wilcox. Oct. 21, 1829, 3-169 " Perry, ol MoTvry, of Exeter, and Eliza, Clarke, of Ann, of Ricli- niond, by rider D.aniel Slocum, July 2, 1846. 3-185 " James W., of Philii). and Harriet N. Palmer, ot Gershom, by Elder Ezekiel J. Locke, Nov. 8, 1847, 3.93 " Lewis, of Jlorey, of Exeter, and Nancy Matteson, widow of Josejih. late of Coventry, dec, by Elder Isaac Greene, Oct. 1, 1854. 3-217 BATEN Benjamin, of East Greenwich, and Caroline F. Knight, of Warwick, R, I., by Elder Daniel Slocum, Nov. 27, 1843. 3-178 " Francis E., of J5ast Gnv^nwich. and Mussena Sunderlaiul, of Warwick, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Aug. 1.1, 1844. 3-230 BENJAJIIN Betsey, and Job Kenyon, Feb. 15, 1807. 3-182 BENNETT Harriet, and Ezekiel W. Matteson, Sept. 25, 1843. 2-177 BE2vSC>N John, and Mercy Casey, by llopson Wilcox, Justice, April 28, 1708, 1-132 BENTLEY Haimah, and Robert Reynolds. July 15, 1733. 1-185 " TUllngliaSt, of Exeter, and Sarah Thomas, now of South Kingstown: by Elder Samuel .\lbro. May 29, 1755. 1-155 " Benjamin, and lUnnah Bates, by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 23, 1761. 3-11 " Anna, and James ColdgiMVe, Jan, 12, 1766. 3-60 " Beiij.Tjiiln, Jr., and Ruth Fiwler. by Elder James Weightman. Aug. 34, 1780. 3-34 " Gideon, of Exeter, and Elizalieth N.ngers, of North Kingstown, by Elder James Weightman. Ajjril 5. 1781. 3-77 •' Lucy, and Beujamin Reynolds, Dec. 22. 1785. 3'-110 '• Nathaniel, of Exeter, and Sarah Caril, of Richmond, by Elder Henry .Toslin, Dec. 24, 1789. 1-156 BILL Hannah, and John Hoxste, May 21, 17C.]. 1-189 BISSELL Anna, and Thomas Wells. June 9, 17r..-'. 2-167 '■ S:imiiel, and JIary Frazier, both of Nortb Kingstown, by Elder Sjinuiel Albro, March 2, 17(;(>. 3-92 '■ David, son of Samuel, and FJizabeth West. dan. of Capt. Benjamin, by George Pierce, Justice of Peace, .March 10, 17S5. 3-110 BLV Job, of Job, of Volnntown, Conn., and Freelove Watson, of Sliphen, of Exeter, by .Toll Kenyon. Justice of Peace, July 14, 1811. 3-104 BOONE Orpha,, and John Qorton, June 18, 1789. 3-176 " Richard, Jr., ot Exeter, and Betsey Shetlield, ot Voluntown, Conn., by .\llen Campbell. Justice, April 23, 1795. 3-170 " James, of Richaaid. of Exeter, and Patience Terry, of Silas, of C"harlesto\vn, by Peleg Cross. Justice. Jan. 8, 1797. 3-192 '■ Elizabeth, and Stephen Vaughn, Dec. 16, 1799. 3-237 " Sarali. and .James Clarke, Feb. 28. 1S05. 1-243 BOSS Edward, ot Richmond, atirt Mary Nichols, of Exeter, dan. of James, 1)V Roliert Moon, Justice. Oct. 22. 174S. 3-68 " Mary (widow), and Abraham Wilcox, Dec. 13, 1791. 3-75 " Ellzabetli, and John Browning. Jan. 12, 1817, 3-286 BOWEN Desire M., and Benoni Wells, April 3, 1636. r EXETER MAKKIAGES. 1-188 BOWDISH Mary, oiul .Teremiah Gardln-r, Jiim- -2:1. 1757. 3-55 "1. Martha, and .Tonatlian Lewis, Aug. 12. 1779. 1-237 BEA'CaiAN' Soluiuon, o( Expter. and Content Mtinilurd, of South Kings- ■l^ town, by Elder David Spragne, April 0, 17-14. 3-235 ■• Lucy, and .Ii.^liua Vniiglin, Dec. 31. 170.-. 3-18 " Ann, and William C. Potter, April 20, 1843. 3-15 BRIGGS Joanna, and Oooi'ge Bates, Dec. 14. 1779. 3-97 " Pi'log, Jr., of Kxeler, and Kljzabelh Chambers, of Newport, by Nich- olas G.ardlner, ol East Greenwich. Justice. Oct. 15, 1786. 3-181 " .Mercy, and Samuel HoUoway, March 17, 1704. 3-293 '• .Mary Ann, .tnd Oeorge Kay Palmer, May 18, 1823. 3-196 " Cynthia, and William E, Kenyon, Oct.. 3, 1842. 3-185 " Charle.'s H., of South K ngstown, son of Gorton, and EUzn.beth H. Woodmansee, of Richnmnd, by Elder E. J. Locl;e. Nov. 10, 1847. 1-241 BKOWN Ann. and Mitchell Case, March 1, 1743. 1-180 " James, and Damarius Tombs, by Nicliolas GardiniT, Justice. Dec. 7, 1752. 1-196 " Jeremiah, of South Kingslown, and Auiie Tanner, of E.xeter, by Caleb Arncld. Justice. Jan. 19. 1758. 2-181 " Sarah, and Caleb Greene. April 16, 1769. 3-26 " Sarah, and Jenclces Wrigit, Feb. 11. 1779. 3-j7 " Penelope, and Daniel lilUngbast, Oct. 17, 1770. 3-130 ■• Eleanor, and Timothy Money, Dec. 0. 1702. 3-202 •• Freelove. and Rowland Kathbun. May 11, 1704. .3-297 " Dinah, and Fortune Congdoi). Auk. !•>. 1829. 3-277 •• Ebenezer, a.nil Alniy Franklin, liy Elder Benedict Johnson, April 21, 1839. 3-15 " Hannah, and Albert llimes. Dec. 5. 1841. 3-13 " Stukeley, of Exeter, and Susan Ann Sanford. of West Kingstown, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Jan. 24. 1842. 3-2.30 " Ellsha, and LouLsa C.apweU. both of West Greenwich, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Sept. 24, 1843. 3-1.1.-) " Martha, and Siimuel A. Lawtou. Oel. 0. 1843. 3-177 •■ Dianna, and Burrell Hopkins. Fel>. 22. 1844. 3-314 " .-Vmbrose. of Scth. and Lyriia Lewis, of Thomas, at Exeter, by Elder John Tillinghast, Sept. 17. 1848. 1-193 BEOWNELL Giles, and Mary Bnker, of .John, late of Exeter, deceas.-d, by Benonl llaU, Justice, June 3. 17.'jO. 3-6 " Slary, and Abel Fowler, June 3, 1770, 3-74 BROWNING J.dm, .and May Davis, Feb. 28. 1765. ' 3-74 " J(din. and Eunice Williams, Aug. 3. 1777. 3-193 " John, of John, and Susannah Barber, of LiUibridge, by Elder Elislia Greene, March 2. 1707. 3-217 '■ Eunice, and Preserved Hall. April 12. 1804. 3-271 " Avery, Of John and Mary, and Mary Arnold, of Peleg, by Elder Gershom Palmer, JiUv 17, 1808. 3-75 '■ John, of Exeter, and Elizabi-th Boss, of West Greenwich, by Elder Stafford Greene, Jan. 12, 1817. 3-280 " Mary, and Rowland R. Harber. Jan. 12, 1840. 3-229 BURDICK Eawson P.. of Hopldnlon. and Lydia N. Palmer, of Exeter, by Elder Chailes A. Weaver, April 3, 1843. 1-160 C.MIOG.VE William, of Exeter, and Asa Balier. of West Greenwich, by Elder Samuel Albro, May 20. 1759. 1-154 " Reynolds, and R/?becca Kathbun. by Elder Samuel Albra, Nov. 5, 1761. 2-170 •■ Reynolds, and .Mercy Railibun. by Elder PliUip Jenkins, Feb. 12, 1769. 2-167 CAMMELL Deborah, and Jeremiah Greene, July 20, 1765. 3-230 CAI.-WELL Louisa, and Elisba Brown. Sept. 24, 1843. 3-227 CAKDEN Ma.iy Ann. and Charles I'blllips. F-b. 2>.i, 1832. :i-r.s c.\RD Mary, and .Mmihani Wilcox. Feb. 14. 1770. 3-110 " Sa.rali. and Natli.iuiel Bentley, Dec. 24, 1780. IQ VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-177 CARNEY Rachel, nnd GiMirgo Cnrtju'r. Feb. -20. 1769. 1-241 CAEPENTEU H:innali„ :ni(l Iioni;imin Ratblnm, Oct. 31, 1732. 3.11 •• Thaukliil KnowU's, :uid \Vm. Waite PoUiT, Sept. 7, 1816. 3-23 CAKR AblgiiU, aiid John Cimgdon, M;ireh 8. 1778. a 12 " Freelove, and Elder NatUaii Hill, Jime 6, 1782. 3-89 " John, ol Jamesto-wn, and Mary Austin tit Exet<'r, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, May 12. 178(). 3-244 " Hannah, and Michael Dawley, Jan. It), 1609. 3-3 " Mary, and Giles S. Jenliin.>, Feb. 13, 1825. 3-286 CARTER Sally, and John Myniek, .Ian. 23. 1846. 1-243 CASEY Gideon, and Jane Rolierts. by Peleg Trim), Justice, JiUy 31, 1747. 2-177 " Mercy, and Jolui Benson. April 28, 1768. 3-273 " Sarah, :',nd Jolni Ralhbun, Oct. 10, 177(5. 1-241 CASE Mitchill, of South Kingsiowa, and Ann Brown, of North Kingstown, by Elder David Spragiie. Marcli 1, 1743. 2-165 '■ Joseph, of North Kingstown^, and Ablg.iU Waite of Exeter, by FJder Samuel Albro, lii'C. 20, 17c,3. 3-65 " Elijah, of Alexander, and Silence Potter, of Joseph, by Elder Solomon Spragiu', — , 1774. 3-63 " Samuel, of West Greenwich, and Cate Wheeler CrandnJl, of Exeter, by Elder Eliei Loclie, Nov. 20. 1780. 3-127 CHACE Hannah Huling Abbbs and George Whitman. Oct. 3, 1790. 3-97 CHAJJBERS Elizabeth, and Peleg IJriggs. Oct. 15, 1786. 2-166 CHAPM^VN. John, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Clarki', of Joseph, of North lOngstown, by Caleli Allen, Justice. Jan. 8. 1765. 3-15 " Eufus, of Warwick-, E. I., and Dorcas SewaU. of Exeter, by Elder Salomon Spragiie, May li), 1770. 3-131 " Mary, and Jeremiah Peckliaiii, Sept. 27, 17(i2. 1-186 CHAMPLAIN Elizabeth, and Jolin G.axliner, June 3, 1750. 2-163 " Benjamin, and Elizabc^lh (iardiner, by Elder Samuel Albro. Feb. 8, 17(33. 2-166 " Christopher, and Mary Coilrell, (also 3-1), by Elder Samuel Albro, Feb. 27, 1763. 3-16 " Susannah, and Arnold Wilcox. Jan. 22, 1707. 3-64 " Jeffrey, of Jeffrey, of Exeter, and Hannah Hazard, of South Ivlng.s- town, dau. of Robert, dec, by Elder Solomon Sprague, April 1, 1777. 3-75 " SamueJ, of Exeter, and Alice K.yiiolds. of Benjamin, by Elder NatJian Hill, Dec. 10, 1782. 3-73 " Thomas, of John, of Exeter, an! Tharikfiil Coone, ot Joseph, of Voluntown. Conn., by Jonathan Butes, Justice. Dec. 17, 17S3. 3-115 " Daniel, of Benjamin, of Exeter, and l>enelope .Mien, of Matthew, of North Kingstown, by Elder Nathan Hill, Dec. 22, 1788. 3-120 " AVHliani, of John, dec, and Abigail Shi'rman, of Eber, by Stephen Iteynolds, Justice, April 5, 1790. 3-141 " Stephen, and Dorcas Dawley, by Elder EUet Locke, Feb. 9, 1796. 3-284 " George G.. of Exeter, and Marj' Wilcox, of Soutli Kingstown, by Elder Pheneus Palmer, Dec. 1. 1811. 3-276 " Daniel G.. of DanleL and LiiCy Arnold, of (Oliver, by EMer Gersham Palmer, Dec. 22, 1814. 3-299 " Walty, and Samuel C Potter, Jan. 2, 1831. n-17 " Dorcas, and Nelson B. Hazai-d, Dec. 19, 1841. 3 16 " Maria, and Eenj. T. Barb'T, April 14, 1845. 2-171 CHURCH Benedict of Jamestown, and Martha Wilkey, of Jeremiah, of Exeter; by William IJall. Justice. March 14, 1708. 3-241 " Pliebe Ann, and James Tew, March 22, 133(i. 3 308 " .Susan E., and Palmer G. Perkins, Jan. 4, 1852. 1-181 CLARKE Mary, and Thomas Rathbun, June 3, 1753. 1-187 " Mary, and Caleb Gardiner, March 7, 1754. 1-150 " Joshua, of Richmond, and Dorcas Smith, of Simon, of Exeter; by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Apiil 23, 1760. 2-ieo " Anne, and liobert G.irdiner, Sept. 28, 1704. ■2-166 " Elizabeth, and John Cliapaian. Jan. 8, 1765. 2-171 " William, of Jonatlnin, of Newport, and Catharine Stanton, of Exe- ter, dau. of David; by George Pierce, Justice, May 10, 1707. EXETER 1L\RRIAUES. 11 3-28 CLAEKE Benjamiii,. of N. Ivlngstoivn. son of Jo^epli, of Warwick, R. I., and Piiticnco EatlibuU', of John, of Exiter, by Jonathan Bates, Justce, Jan. 2, 1780. 3-71 " AWg.iU. and Joseph Walle. Foh. 23, 1783. 3-16(3 " John, of James and Barbeiry, and Mary Walte, of Benj. and Sarah, by Elder William Norlhup, Jan. 17, 1786. 3-155 " JIary, and Moses Ilarljer, JIarch 20. 1794. 3-173 " riiebe, and Job Dawley, March 10, 1797. 3-179 " Moses, Jr., of Mo^es. ol Riebniond, and AWtrail Reynolds, of Ste- plien. by Elder Henry Joslin, Feb. 22. 171:8, 3-237 " James, Jr.. of Jame-i, and s-irali Boonlh Kingstown, by Robert Moon, Justice of Peace, Nov. 20, 174.8. 2-106 '• David, and Martlia Wilbur, liy Newman Perkins. Justice', Jan. 16, 1763. 2-177 " tieorKc, of Epliariam. and Raclel Carney, by Newman Pcrldns, Justice, Feb. 20, 1769. 3-247 " John C, of Exeter, son of Eli?,al>,.th, and Fannie Tillinghast. of John, late of Exeter, dec, by .8teplien Cliamplain, Justice. July 22. 1810. 1-190 CXJLDGROVE Mary, and Da\id Pitt-y, ApiH 23, 1758. 1-158 " Jeremiah, anfl" Susa.nnah r.arber. of Thomas, by Newman Perkins, Justice. Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Mary, and Samuel C-oldgrove, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Samuid, .and Jlary Coldgrove. both of Coventry, R. I., liy Newman Perkins. Jn^tli'e, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-158 " Benjamin, of Coventry, R. I., son of Stephen and Sarah Coldi- grovo. ol Exeter, dan. of Elvenezer, by Newman Perkins, Jus- tice, net. 21, 17,".9. 1-158 " Sar.ah and Henj.amin Coldgrove, Oct. 21, 1759. 3-11 " James, of Exeter, and Anna Beiitley, of South Kingstown, by Dan- iel Simderland, Justice, Jan. 12, 1766. 3-197 COMSTOCK Joel, of Jon.ithan, of West Green-wlch, and Hannah Lawton, ol James, of Exeter, by Elder Henry Joslin, Aug. 19, 179S. 1-182 OONGDON Elizabeth, and Saninel Ciardiner, May 3, 1750. 1-181 " Jolin, son of James, dec, and Mary Reynolds, of John, by Benonl Hall. Justice, March 25, 1753. 3-23 " Jolin, of Exeter, and Jlrs. Naomi Tew, of Jamestown, at James- town, by Benj,anun Underwood, Justice, Oct. 22, 1770. 3-23 " John, of Exeter, and Abigail Carr, of Jamestown, by Elder Solo- mon Sprague, March 8. 1778. 3-9 " John, Jr., of Exeter, son of Jolm, and Sarali Morris, of Newiiort, dan. of William, by Jonathan Bates, Jr., Justice, March 1, 1781. 3-76 " Benjamin, of Exeter, son ol John, and Sarah Sweet, of Warwick, at Exi'ter, by George PierCi-, Justice, Sept. 11. 1785. 3-245 " Jonathan, of John, late of Exeter, dec, and Abigail \Vliltman, of James, by Jonathan Pitcher, Justice, April 13, 1809. 3-307 " Susan, and Thomas C. Barber. Feb. 2, 1824. 3-297 " Fortune, and Dinah Brown, now residing In Exeter, by Isaac Greene, Justice, Aug. 10, 1829. 3-309 3-103 22 VITAL EFXOED OF RHODE ISL.\XD. 3-289 COXGDOX S;illy M., and Willi am W. Tillingliast, July 3, 1843. 3-309 ■■ Emeline, and JoseiiU II. Congdon, Sept. 6, 1.S40. Josenli J. H., son ol Xaacy. of XortU Kingstown, and Emeline C..ngdon, of Matilda, of Charlestown, at Exeter, by Elder Danil. and Susannah Eey.iolds. by FJdei David Spragne. Feb. 6, 1752. 1-192 " Nathaniel, Jr.. and Martha Reynolds, of George, by Benjamin Rey- nolds, Justice, Dec. 21. 1738. 2-163 " Nathaniel, and Sarah Smith, by Elder Samui-1 Albro, June 10, 1762. 2-166 " Mary, and Christopher Chaniplain, (also 31). Feb. 27, 1763. 3-14 ■■ Sarah, and Benjamin Reynolds, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-70 " AbigaU, and Stephen Reynolds, March 3, 1774. 3-7 " David, of Xathaniel, of Exeter, and Sarah Sherman, of Benoni, ol North Kingstown, by Klder WOIiam Xorthup, Jan. 28, 1817. 2-163 CUAXD^VLL Sarah, and Christopher Harrinirton, Nov. 16, 1762. 2-181 " John, Jr., of Exeter, son of John, and Kczia Shaw, of Voluntown, Conn., dau. of Thomas, by Newman Perkins, Justice, May 18, 1768. 2-177 " Hannah, and Thomas James, July 3. 1768. 3-2 " John, of Exeter, and Phillia Freeborn, of Portsmouth, E. I., by Elder Solomon SpKigue. Sept. 26, 1780. 3-63 " Cate Wheeler, and Samuel aise, Nov. 26, 17S0. 3-.33 ■• Joseph, of Exeter, and Olive Wheeler, of Norwich, Dmn.. by Rev. Le\-1 Hart, May 24. 1761. 3-118 " Charity, and Zebulon Kenyon, Jan. 12, 1792. 3-144 " Robert, and Margaret Gardiner, by Elder Solomoa Spragne, July 1, 1792. 3-13* " Olive, and Oliver Albro, Feb. 16, 1793. 3-184 " Elizabeth, and Waite R.ynolds, April 28. 1793. 3-3 " EobtTt, of Exeter, and Mrs. Lettice Hubbanl, of Pro-\-ldence, R. I. ; m. at Tunbridge, Orange Co.. N'. Y., by Jason Steele, JusUce, Oct. 21, 1824. 3-295 " Mary A., and Moses B. Lewis. Jan. 14, 1827. 3-275 " James, of Joseph, of Hopkinton, and Tacy Greene, of Peleg, ol Westerly, by Elder Daniel Slotum, Xov. .30, 1844. 3-226 " Catharine, and John Turner, May 23, 1S45. D 1-196 DAVIS Elizabeth, and Isaac Gardiner. March 24. 1709. 11^0 •• Jobn. and Mary Sherman, of Peleg, by Benjamin Morey, Justice, Dec. 21, 1752. 1-138 " Barney, and Catherine Wilcox, of Robert, by Job Tripp, Justice, Si'pt. 26. 1759. 3 74 '■ Mary, and John Browning, Feb. 28, 1765. 3-lOti " Experience, and Joseph Reynolds. Oct. 31, 1771. 3-52 " WilUam, now of Exeter, and Mary Greene, of Philip, of West Greenwich, by George Pierce, Justice of Peace. Sept. 7, 1772. 3-55 •• David, and Patience Allen, liy Ilopson Wilcox, Justice. Feb. 9. 177.5. EXETEE JL\RRIAGES. 13 2-C87 DAWLEY Jolin. of Exeter, and Snlly Rice, (if \V;ii--wkt, by Hder Pardon TilliMfihast. April :-•<;. isjl. 1-240 " Dank'l. and Hannah Sweet, by Xicholas Gardiner, Justice, April 26, 1744. 1-184 " Nathan, and Alice Wiitt'ord. at North Kingstown, by Benjamin Allen, Justice. Jan. 4, 1746. 1-179 " Elizabeth, and J .hn Eatlibun. Deo. 13, 1752. 3-12 " Jlaigaret, and Joseph Uathlmn, Aug. 17, 176i>. 2-175 " liJenJamin, and Millie Sh--'rnuin, l^y ilopson Wile )\, Justice, March 4, 1768. 2-175 " Oliver, and Jlerey Sliernian. by Hopson Wilcox. Ju.stlce, Jlarcli 31, 176S. 2-177 " Peleg, of John, of West Greenwich, late dec, and M.irgeret Eath- bun, of tJbediah, of Exeter, by Newmau F-'rkin<, Justice. Nov. 27, 1768. 3-1 5S " Molly, and Ssimuel Littlefeld. Feb. 19, 17<):-. 3-141 " Dorcas, and Stephen Chamjilain, Feb. 9, 179r,. 3-172 " Job. and Phebe Clarke, both of Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., according to the iltes of the Dutch Keformed Cliurch at Plattsburg. X. Y., by Jolm Frank, Justice,. March 16, 1707. 3-22S ■■ Diund, of David, of Exeter, and Mary Eeyn lils. of Benjn., by Elder Gershom Palmar, Dec. 11, 1806. 3-241 " Aincent, and ?arah Harringten, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Oct. 13, 1808. 3 244 ■• Michael, of Oliver, and Hannah Carr, of John, by Eliler Gershom falmer, J.-in 1!). 1609. 3-SO " William, of Nathan, and phebi' Lawtiin, of Edward, by Elder Ger- shom Palmer JIarch 23, 1609. 3-264 '• .Sally, and James .Sheldon. Dec. 6, 1811. 3-272 " Susannali. and Solnmou Sprasjue, July 9, 1815. 3'-2 " Beriali, of Job. of Coventry, and Charlotte Koitse, of St'-rling, Coim., by Elder James Burlinsame, Jan. 8, 1824. 3-34 ■■ PeU-K A., of Sliibiiiy. and Abbie P. Nortbup, of Benj.tniin, by FJder Gershom Palmer. Jan. 19. 1826. DE.VN .\bi;J:ai. and George Gardiner. Feb. 20. l.SOO. DOrl:irv. and l^ac Katiiliun, Jan. 14, 1770. 1-243 ELLIS liidi^oii. of West Groenwioli. and J,-niinia Austin, of Exeter, by Samuel Casev, Justioo. Feb. 14, 1744. 1-U» " Jeremiab, and PriscUla Oicenc, botli of West Greenwich, bj- Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 21. 1759. 3.154 <. oUver, of Gideon, of West GreemvicU, and Hannah Reynold.^, of Hi'nry, of Exeter, liy Klrter Elisha Greene, Mareli 1, 1702, 3-2r.O " Surali, and Reynolds Lillil.ridse. 0<'t, S, 180U, 3-83 " FJlzalieth, and RowLind Aiin.ld, Feb, 1'^. 181o. 3-2S4 •• Anit.lrt, of Jeremiah, of West (^.reenwith, and Almira Coone, of KllsJia, of Hopldntim, by Elder Daul.l Sloeum, March 30, 1S4S. ' 3.14ti EN!?:WORTH Leonai-d, of Jost-ph, of Canlerbury. fonn., and Esther WUcox, of Oain. Job. of Exeter, by Elder EUslia Greene. Jan. 17, 1793. 3-204 FEXXER Mary, and Isaac Morey. March 22. 1802. 3-17 FISHER Ljjcy Ann, and Dulee J. Hall, Jan, 23. 1842, 1-191 F'OXKS Eunice, and lYancis West, Ot. 1, 1758, 1-193 FOSTER Mary, and Daniel Kathbun, JLiy 28, 1758. 3-0 FoWLEi; Abel, of Simeon, and Mary Brownell. dau. ol Mary (widow), by George P.erce, Justice, J«ne 3, 1770, 3-9 '■ Job J„ of Slme-, aiid Abraham Terry, April 4, 1791. 3-273 " Jeremiah, of West Greenwich, son of Joshua and Amle Albro, of Exeter, d;iu. of Silas, by Elder Gersliom Palmer, May 30, 1S19, 3-277 " Almy, and Ebenezer Brown, Apill 21, 1839, 3-229 •■ Joseph P., of Exet«r, and M:iry S. Vaughn, of West Greenwich, by FJder Thomas Tlllinghast. Nov. 23, 1844. 3-229 '■ Albert G.. of Exettr, and flancey G. Vauglm, of West Greenwich; by Elder Thomas TUIlngha.s,t. Dec. 18, 1848. 2-107 FRA/IER Mary, and Ssunuel Bis sill ; March 2, 1766. 3-2 FREE1;oi;N" Philla, and John Crjindall, Sept, 26, 1780. 3-29 FRY Bethany, and .Tolm Aylesworth, March 4, 1771. G 1-196 GAKDl.NER Isaac, and Elizabeth Da-N-ls, both of Kln^ Towne, by Samuel Foncs, Justice. Msvroh 24, 17091 1-240 " Mary, and John Spencer, March 23, 1732. 1-1~2 •• Samuel, aud Elizabeth Congvlon, by Job Tripp, Justice, May 3, 1750, 1-244 " Giilenu, and Tabitha Gardiner, dau, of Jolin, by Benoni Hall. Jus- tice, Sept. 9, 1730. 1-014 " Tabitha, and Gideon Gardiner, Sept. 9, 1750. 1-244 " Josliua, and Deliverance Reynolds, by Benonl Hall, Justice, .\pril 28, 1751. 1-178 •• Dorcas, and Henry TsinneT. April 13, 1732, 1-182 •• Benjamin, of Benjamin, deceased, and Elizabeth OUn. of Joseph, by Benonl (llall. Justice, Nov. 11, 1733. 1-187 •■ faleb, of Thomas, and Maiy Clarke, by Newm.au Pei-kins. Justice, March 7. 1754. 1-183 '• Bridget, and Thoma.s Newoomb. Jr.. June 2. 1754. 1-185 " M:ixy, and WUUam Hill. .\ug. 25. 1754. EXETER JIAlUilAGES. 15 l-18i> OAlilUNER Joliii,. or Ncji-Ui lOiifstown, aiKl KUwiIhUi Clinmi>laln, or Exeter, liy Elder S'l.niuel Alliro, Juno ;i. lV5(i. 1-188 " Joremiiih, of Thomas, of Exelor, a,nd JI;iry Dowdls'li, of West CJroenwlili. (l;ni. of .losriih, liy .luseiih Ellis, Jiislice. June •J:!, 17.-)7. l-19i " Ma.ry, aiul Uliver lieynoULs. Feb. S. 17,".!). 1-157 " William, aawl Mai'tha Reynolds, d;iu. of Vy.ipt. Jolui. by lieiijamin KrynoldK. .lustlce, Ma,i-cli -J. 17(jO. W57 •■ JIanlia, and SU'pheii Arnold, JIa.i-eli :>. 17ii(). 1-154 " Ann, and Samuel Morey, Feb. "J.-^. 171!:;. 2-163 '• Nieliola.s. .Ir.. and n.'ljorali \'lneenl (also 3-53), by Elder S,imuel All>ro. Oil. ID. 17(;-J. 2-1G3 " EUzabrih, and Jii'uja.niln Cliamiilain. F,a>. 8. 1703. 2-165 '• Anne, and Williani liiiker. .luiie -J-J. 1704. 2-1G5 '• JoiuillKUi. ot Newport., and Mary Morry. of Exeter, by Elder Samuel All)ro, .July 'J-J, 17iU, 2-170 " OtlinJel, and Lydli Reynolds, by Williani ll.ill. .lustlee. Aug. 10. 1764. ' 2-lGO '■ Robert, aud Anue Ciarlce, liy Eldi'r Samu<>l Alhro, Sept. 28, 17(i4. 2-166 " Elizabeth, a.nd Joseph Reynolds. April 12, 1765. 3-51 " Benjamin, of Jereniiali. ;md Tabitlia , May 22, 1766. 2-170 " Aruie, ;md Josepli ^■il•holas. Jjin. 25. 1767. 2-170 , '• Maj'garet, and Joliu Reynohls. Jr.. AprU 6. 17(17. 3-48 '• Eliztilieih, and Joseph Uollouiay. April !). 1769. 3-9 " Rulli, and Job J. Fowler, June ■28. 1770. 3-50 " S)-lvester, son of Nlehoias. aial llannali Itrynolds. .,r Junalhan, by George I*ieree, Justier. .lune 6. 1773. O-60 " Mary, and .losliuu Nausliil, Eeb. 4, 177'J. a-144 " M.•lr^'ar.■l, and Robert Ci-iiulall, July 1. 17:j2. 3-169 " Elualielli, and Clirlo- Sisson. Xov. 3, 17!)(i. 3-195 " Georg.-, of Abel, and Abieail i'ean, of Jonatlia.n, of West Oreen- wleli, by Elder Chirle^ Hone, Feb. 20, 1800. 3-216 " Anile, and Jame., TilUiigliast. Feb. 5. 1801. 3-215 " Ruth, antl Junies Reynolils. March 27, 1803. 3-24fi " Jolm, of Exeler, and Francis ilall. of West Greenwieli. by Elder Gershom Palmer. July 16. 1809. 3-285 '• Willi;ini II.. of E.xeter. sm of (ionld. aud Patience A. Ileiulrieli. "1 James, ot North Kingstowu, by Elder Gei'sliom Palmer, Dec. 7, 1817. 3-220 '■ Elizab'lli, anl Kenjamin <.:rillin. Jr.. Nov. 18, 1821. 3-188 " Susannah, and lienjamin l.illibrldBe. Sept. 29, 1825. 3-184 " Nicholas, of lienjamin C. and Abble Arnold, of Benjamin, by Elder Gersliom Palmer, Maicli 16, 1826. 3-296 " Mcroy. iind 'Stephen A. Gal diner, Feb. 1, 1829. 3-296 " Stephen A., and M:u-y Gaixllner; m. by Elder John G-.irdiuer, Feb. 1, l,s2il. 3-297 '• Jo.seph W., of Goidd, and Sally, of Exeter, and Maiy W. Hendilclc, of James ajid Hannali, of Nortli Kiugstown ; m. by Elder WiUlam Northiip. Feb. 19, 1829. 3-301 " Zebulon, and Miss Sarah G, Sweet: m. by Elder Levi Murch, Sept. 4, 1831. 3-10 " Ma.ry. ajid George A. Wells, Nov. 30, 1845. 3-314 '• Sarah, and George B. Sunderland, Jan. 22, 1870, 3-205 GATES Mary, and Job Wilcox, Feb. 7, 1771. 3-287 GA , ;ind Mre. Caroline, and Joseph Robinson, March 4, 1830. 1-160 GILL Daniel, Jr.. of West Greenwieli. ajwl Jlerey Wliltfoixl, of John, of Exeter: ni. by Benjamin Reynolds, J. P., Jan. 1, 1760. 3-104 GORTON Jijin, of Sa-mnel. and On>Iia. Boone, da.u. of Riehaaxl Booth: m. by Elder Ellsha Greene, June 18, 17s9. 3-281 " Eliz.ibeth. and ThemasA. J.a.mes, June 1, 1817. 3 249 " Mary, a,nid Willard W. Perkins, June 15, 1834. 1-237 GOULD Sirah, and Alexander Nichols. J.in. 29, 1743-4. 1-244 GREENE PI I'lp, and Mary Baker; m. by Peleg Tripp, Justice, Dec. 31, 1750. 2G "SaiAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-178 GREENE Benjamin, of West Grcenwb, son of Henry, dec, and MehitaWe Tiipp, of Job; m. by BenoiU Hall, Justice, Sept. 22, 1752. 3-10 " Mai-y, and George Pierce, Dec. 2, 1753. 1-160 " PretiUa and Jeremiali Ellis, Oct. 21, 1759. 2-l(;:; •' David, and Peiulupfi Nurtbrni), by Elder Samuel Albro, Aug. 15, 1762. 2-107 " Jf-remiah, and Detiorali CnmiiU'll, liy Elder Samuel Albro, July 20, 1765. 2-181 " Caleb, of West Greenwich, son of Benjamin, and Sarali Brown of Exeter, daii. of Benjamin, by Newman Perkins, Justice, April IG, 17(;9. 3-53 " Mary, and William Davis, Sept. 7, 1772. 3-100 " Mrs. Sarali, and William Katbbun, July 9, 1780. 3-24i; " Job R., of East Greenwich, and Mary Johnson, of West Green- wich, by Elder tJorsliom Palmer, Fell. 28, 1S13. 3-2?;; " Lucy, and Thomas Lewis, Mar. 7, 1813. 3-50 " Isaac, of Benjamin, and Eliza Kenyon. of John, late of E-xeter, by Eider I'ebg l'ecly George Pierce, Justice, Dec. 20, 1771. 3-07 " Frances, and PhUlip Tillinghast, April 13, 1731. 3 9 " James, and Mrs. Lucy Hoxsle, dau. of Capt. John Ho.x.sle, by J. W. S'.ieldon, Justice, Nov. 4, 1792. 3-214 " .Abigail, and Christopher, Joslin, Feb. 20. 1803. 3-217 " Preserved H , of Caleb, late of West Greenwich, and Eunice Browning, ot John, of Exeter, by Elder Stephen Allen, April 12, 1804,. 3-239 " Caleb, of Caleb, of West Greenwich, and Rhoda Barber, of LUll- t)rldge, of Exeter, by Robert Craudall, Justice, March 6, 1808. 3-246 " Francis, and John Gardiner, .luly 10. IfcOB. 3-166 " Mary, and Samuel B. Reynolds, June 30, 1825. 3-280 " Phebe, and P-alraer Lewis, Sept. 22, 1841. 3-17 " Dutee J., of Exeter, and Lucy Ana Fisher, of Warwlcic, by Eld/;r Benedict, Johnson. Jan. 23, lt42. 3-7 H-VMMOND WilUam, of Exeter, son of Joseph, of Newport, and Lucy Waite, dau. of Samuel, of Exeter, by George Pierce, Justice, Aug. 10, 1779. 3-125 " Joimna, and Smith Tanner, JIareh 4. 1792. 3-310 HANDY William J., of Andrew, of West Greenwich, and Mary Ann I.an- phere, of Oliver, late of Exeter, dec, by Elder Nathan N. (ial- lup, Sept. 28, 1840. 1-237 ILVRKlNGTdN Lvdia, and .Vbraham Wilcox, June 5, 1739. 1-237 " Ebenezer, and Rebecca Spencer, liy Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, Dec. 18, 1743. 1-177 " Alee, and Daniel Sunderland, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-177 " Sarah, and Elisha Baker, Feb. 0. 1752. l-l&fl " Hannah, and Jeremiah Austin, .•Vprll 13, 1756. 1-100 " Aniie, and James Reynolds, Jan. 10, 1780. 1-150 " Anna, and Benjamin Reynolds, Nov. 10, 1760. 1-155 " Ordeiy, and Jeremlali Eld red. Oct. 29. 1761. 2-163 " Chrbtopher. and Sarah Crandill. by Elder Samnel Albro. Nov. 10. 17(i2. 2-107 ■■ Freelove. and llrqiry Hanin^-lon. Jlay .'50. 17'r'). E X ET ER 51 A R EIAUES. 17 2-107 HAREINGTOX Henry, ajul Frei'love HarriiiBtnii, by Elder Samuel Albro, May 30, 17ij5. 3.0 u D;i\i(l. ;iiKl Waite Tripp, by \Villi:iiii lI:iU. Jiisdre. JIarcli 27. 171)6. 3.43 •■ William, lit E.NHlri-. and Sarali P.akei-. of Riclimond. at Ricliniond, by , 1753. 2-163 " -Samuel, and Meriam Katlilmn, ny Elder Samuel Albro, Feb. 2y, 1762. 2-105 " -Mercy, and Benjamin Sweet, Dec. 13, li64- 3-15 " Davis, ol WUliaiu. and Cliloe Allen, ol" Jeremlali, by Daniel Sundeiland. Jusliiv., Fel). 11, 1770. 3-12 " Elder Nathaji, of Exeter, a.nd Freelove Carr, of North Kingstown, widow of Slocuni C:irr, liy Elder James Weiglitman, June 8, 1762. 3-iaO " Sarah, and John Rhodes,, March 14. 17SI9. 3-155 HOLLOWAY Josepb. and Lydla Habcoclc liy Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 11. 1761 . V 3-4 3 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Gardiner, by George Northup, Justice, April y, 1769. 2-179 " Jo^.iih. Jiin.. son ol Joseph, and -Sarah Tripp, dau. of Ueleg. by (_i^- .ige 1-leice, Justice. May 23, 1769. 3.03 " Catherilie. and Robert Wleaton, March 3, 1.76. 3-140 " Abigail. aJnl Dr. Simon Sprague, J.-n. 13, 17»J. 3-181 '■ S;iiuuel. of Josepb, of ICxeter, and Jlercy Briggs, of Gai-diner. ol East Greniwich. by Elder Nalb,T,n Hill, March 17, 1794. 3-8 " Julia A. and Jeremiah A. Keuyon, June 30. 1614. 3-257 HOOD James C. of West Greenwich, and Desire C. Richmond, of Volim- town, Cciin., by Ekler WilUnd Ji. .yocum, Sept. ^4, 1850. 3-126- HOPKINS Honor, and Stukeley lilllnghasi. Nov. 22. 1762. ■ 3.40 '• Siirali, and Tliomas -Uliro, Jan 27, 17 1 2. 3 11 '• Phibe (widow), and John Morey. Jan. 26, 1761. 3-83 " Luey. and P.deg Arnold. Oct. 20, 1785. 3-40 " Samuel, of Exeter, s.m of Kufiis and Amie. and Freelove B. Ar- Dolil, d u. of Elijah and Sally ^Vnn, ol Wai-wick, K. I., by Bev. Junatlian Wilsiai, Nov. 7. 1624. 3-177 " Bnrrell. and Dlanna. Brown, botli of West Greinwlcb, by Elder Dallli-1 Sbicuai, Feb. 22, 1.S44. 3-04 " Kutus; of Exeter, and Sally Kettle, of West Greenwlcb, by Elder D.anli'l Slociun, March 2, 1644. 1.241 " Plirlie. and Simeon Tom.s, March 13, 1745. J^8 A'lTAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-15G HOXSIE Jolm. of Richmond, iinrt Hamiah Bill of Exeter, l)y Elder Samuel Albro. May 21, 1761. 3-36 " Siunuel, of Eklimond, son of Stephen, and Anna WUcox, of Thomas, of Exeter, at Exeter, by Eobert Stanton, Justice, Sept. 30. 1772. 3-68 " Annii (widow), and Abraham WUcos, Aug. 20. 1781. 3-133 " Mary, and Freeman Phillips, April IH, 178(i. 3-9 " Mrs. Lucy, and James HiJl. Nov. 4, 1792. 3-2U1 " ColUn.s, of John, dec, and Sarah James, ol Joseph, by Elder Ger- shom Palmer, Sept. 9, 1824. 3-276 " Mercy, and Thomas PhiUlps, Jr., Feb. 26, 1828. 3-302 " Sarah S., and James Sheldon. March 24. 1839. 3-224 " Thankful, and Stephen James. . 3-3 HUBBARD Mrs. Lettlc, and Robert Crandall, Oct. 21, 1834. 3-239 HULLNUr George W., of Xorth Kint-stown, and Joanna E. Llllibrldge, ot Exeter, by Elder Samuel West, Dec. 16, 1624. 3-193 HULL Sarah, and John Spencer, Feb. 25„ 1759. 3-111 HUNT Jemima,, and Peleg Andrews, Nov. 10, 1816. I J 2-177 JAMES Thomas, of Richmond, and Hannah Crand.iU, of Exetej , by Newman Perldns, Jusllce, July 3, 1768. 3-156 •• Daniel, of Joseph, and -Mary Barber, of Ualeb, by Elder Beniamin Barber, Feb. 5. 1703. 3-268 " ElizalK'lli, and Newman Perlrtiis, April 9, 1815. 3-281 " Thi'raas A., of Exeter, and Elizabeth Gorton, ol West Greenwich, by Elder Stafford Greene, June 1, 1817. 3-291 " Sarah, and Collins Hoxsie, .s=pt. 9, 1824. 3-15 " Alee, and George TelTt, AprU 1. 1837. 3-306 " Euth E.. and Horace Johnson, Jnly 6, 1.937. 3-8 " Susan, and Henry D. Rallibun, March 14. 1S41. 3-227 " Reynolds, and Alice Poller, botli of Elchraond, by Elder Daniel Slocum, March 31, 1844. 3-8 " Phebe A., and Benjamin H. Reynolds, June 30. 1844. 3-224 " Stephen, of Deacon Joseph, and Thankful Hossle, by Elder Henry Joslin. not given. 1-178 JEXCKES Anclllis. and Samuel Walte, June 26, 1752. 3-5 JENKINS Giles S.. son of Lydia Jliers. of Exeter, and IMary Carr of New- port, dau. ot S;imuel Greene, by Elder Gershora Palmer, Feb. 13, 1325. 3-246 JOHSSON Mary, and Job R. Greene, Feb. 28. 1813. 3-306 " Horace, ol Exeter, and Ruth E. James, of Richmond, by Elder Thomas Tillingha.st. July 6, 1837. 3-201 " Clara, and George W. WUcox, Sept. 16, 1849. 1-183 JOHNS Benjamin, and Prudence Thompson, both of Canterbury, Conn. ; m. at Exeter, by Newman Perkins. Ju.stlce, March 20, 1754. 2-179 JONES Martha, and Thomas Phillips. Feb. 9, 17r, and Abigail Hall, ol Caleb, by El- der Thomas TilUnghast. Feb. 20, 1803. 3-S " Betsey, and Joseph \V. Lewis. March 10, 1841. 3-9 " Annis T., and Nathan Dutemple. April 17. 1841. 3-7 " John H.. of Exeter, and Julia Ann Vaughan, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Bened ct Julmson. .\ng. 30, 1841. K l-lSi; KENYON John, and Freelove Reynolds, by Daniel Barber,, Justice, June 8, 1755. 1-158 " Dorcas, and (iideon Eathbun, Feb. 18, 1759. 1-159 " Christopher, and Mary Ualhbun . by Stei>hen Eichmond, Justice, Dec. 27, 1759. EXETEK JIARRIAGES. 19 1-188 KENYON Mercy, ami Siepheii Walsc.n. .Manli -2. 17S0. 3-118 '• Zcbulnn, of John, and (Jliarity Cranrtall, ul Joseph, by Stephen Reynolds. Justice, Jan. 12. 17'J'J. 3-230 " Job, of John, and Betsey Benjamin, of David, by Elder Gersliom Palmer. Feb. 13, IbOT. 3-248 '• Keynohls, of Exeter, and P.^rmerle Dyre, of A.sljford, Conn., by Robert Cu-andall, Justiee. March H. 18 0. 3-123 " I'liarity, and David Terry. June 6, 1824. 3-00 •• Eliza, and Isaac (Jreine, Nov. 24, 182,5. 3-302 ■• Jlary. and William 1!. Wilcox, Nov. 8, 1830. 3-30:5 •' Siirah, and Ezra Reynold^. Oct. 20, lb3«. 3-10(> " William R., of Exeler, and Cynthia. Briggs, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thomas Tillinsliasi. Oct. 3, 1842. 3-8 " Jeremiah A., of Richmoiul. and Julia A. Hollo-svay, of Cliarles- town : m. at Exeter. Ijv Elder Daniel Slocum, June 30, 1844. 3-19 " Barber, of Exeter, son of Heuedict. and Abbie Austin, dau. of Let>- tice. by Daniel Slocum. .Ian. 5. ]84o. 3-129 KEPPARD John, anil llaiuiah Sherman,, by Elder Solomon Sprague, March 7, 1797. 3-04 KETTLE Sally, and Rufus Hopkins, March 2, 1844. 3-43 " Nancy, and WilUam H. Ecpi'dds, July 3, 1848. 3-202 KEZER Anna, and Sanmel Perkins. March 12. 1820. 3-14 KING.SLEY Dorcas, and Da\-ld D. Northup, Oct. 12, 1841. 2-173 KING Earle, of South Kings-town, and Content Richmoud, of Stephen,, of Exeter, by David Slniiton, Justiee, Jan. 24, 1768. 3-105 " Stephen, and Dorcas Watson, by Pheneus Kenyon, Justice, Feb. 24, 17.-9. 3-217 KNIGHT Caroline F., and Ben.jamin Baton, Nov. 27, 1843. 1-221 KNOWLES Margaret, and Ezekl.-l Shi'rmau, Feb. 26. 1747. 2-173 " .Samuel, and Abigail Wilcox, by Hopsou Wilcox, Justice, March 31, 1708. 3-119 3-221 3-251 3-310 3-291 1-117 2-163 2-170 2-176 3-128 3-117 S-I97 3-30 3-155 2-171 3-95 3-88 3-88 2-167 3 47 3-7 1840. 1847. iif North Kingsto^vn, b,y LADD Mrs. Elizabeili. and S.ili.nion Lewis. July 1,*. 1700, •• Eleanor, and Moses Lewis. Nov. 18, 1804: Esther, and Jesse Lewis. Nov. 4, 1810. LANPHRRE Mai'y Ann. and Wm J. Handy, Sept. 2S. Mr-. Eliza, aiid Jonalliau Kobbins, Dec. 19, LAWToN Brnjamiii.. of Exeler. and Anna Phillips, Benoni Hall, .lust ice, May 3, 1752. " culver, and Ann Ifcithbun, by Elder Samuel Albro, Oct. 21, 1762, " Mary, and Ezekiel Tripp, April 29. 1765. " Timothy. aJid DAorah Reynolds, by Elder Samuel Albro. Nov. 21, 1765. " Phebe. and Oliver Arno'd. May S, 1785. " El auor. and -isa Wileox. Oct. 16. 1791. Hannah, and Joel Couistwk. Aug. 19, 1798. Phebe. and William Dawley. Maiich 23. 1809. Sanuiel A., of Caleb, lute of Exeter, dec and Martha Brown, of Josluia, of Exeter, at East Greenwlcli, by Elder Pardon TUliug hast, Oct. 9, 1343. LEMOINE Pheueus Solomon, and Sarah Baker; ni. at Exeter by William H.ill, Justice, Feb. 19. 1708. LEWIS Sylvester, of Exeter, aiul Sai-nh Reynolds, of West Greenwich, by Elder David Siirague, ,lune 3, 1748, " George, of George, and Ellzabetli Pendleton, Jan. 12, 1757. Caleb, and Sybel , at Preston, Conn.. April 7, 1757. " Ktindall. of Hopkiutou. and Alee Rathlmu, of Exeter, by Stephen Eichmond, Justice, Nov. 21. 1763. " Stephen, sum of .loliu and Alice Sheldon, of Roger, by William Sweet, Justice, Jan. 2i', 1770. •' Daniel, (d Jonathan, and Lydia l!.-irber, by Robert C'randall, ,Tn3tice, March 21, 1770. 20 VITAL RECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 3-207 LEWIS Joseph, and Hary Blaufcnn, Jaji. C, 1774. 3-58 " James, and Thanktid Ji;irh-'r, Jan. i:>, 1775. 3-108 '• Jolm, of Jouatlian, and Anile tilu-ldon, of Roger, by Elder Caleb Nicholas, aept. 28, 1777. 3-55 '■ Jonathan, 3d, of Exeter, son of Jonathan, 2d. and Martha Bowdish, ol Nathaniel, of I'reslon, Conn., by Elder John Pen- dleton, AiiR. 12, 1779. 3-145 " Benjamin, and Deliveranuo Cleavrland, dau. of Deliverance, both ol West Greenwich, by Elder Elisha Greene, Feb. 10, 17S0. 3-14(; " Elizabeth, and Roger Slicldon, Feb. 14, 1783. 3-171 " AViUiam, of Thomas, of lO.xeter, and Eleanor Straight, of John, of West Greenwich, by Elder Elisha Greene, Nov. 29, 1786. 3-119 " Sidonion, of Kxeler, anil Jlrs. Elizabeth Ladd, of Coventry, R. I., by Elder John B'lrdick, July 18, 1790. 3-103 " Lacy, and Stephen Ratlibun, Doc. 17, 1795. 3-208 " Samuel. Jr., of Samuel, and Rnth Barber, of Reynolds, by Elder Elisha CJreene. March 2, 1797. 3-189 " Stephen, son of Capt. Ste|)hon. and Hannah Lewis, of Samuel, by Elder Tlionia.s Manchester, Nov. 7. 1799. 3-189 " Hannah, and Stephen Lewis. Nov. 7. 1799. 3-1S3 " James, and Olive Ratlibun. by Robert Crandall. Justice, Oct. 13, 1798. 3-186 " Ruth, and Allen Tlllinghast, JtUy 11, 1799. 3-211 " Lucy, and Nathaniel Wilcox, Dec. 23. 1802. 3-213 " John, of Elisha. of Exeter, and Lydia Tanner, of Benjamin, of South Kingstown, by Steplien Reynolds, .lustlce. May 29, 1803. 3-222 " Lydla, and Silas Lewis, Oct. 38, 1804. 3-232 " Silas, of Jonatlian, Jr., of F.xeter, and Lydla Lewis, of James M., of Exeter, by Elder Ellet Locke, Oct. 2S, 1804. 3-221 •' Moses, of Jonathan, Jr., of Exeter, and Eleanor Ladd, of John, of West Greenwich, by Elder Kllet Locke. Nov. 19, 1804. 3-232 " Dorras. and Alii 1 Ralhbim, Nov. an. I,s0i;. 3-2,238 " Natliaii ])., of Jami^s, and Sally Hichmend, of Stephen, by Elder tTerslinm P.ilmer, Feb. 4, 1.S08. 3-240 " Eleanor, and Gardiner DtirbiT, iAi>ril 17. 1808. 3-242 '■ Annls, and Caleb Strange, Api-il 111, 1809. 3-250 " Jonatlian. Jr.. and Mariah Lewis, by Robert Craadall, Justice, March 8, 1810. 3-250 " Mariah, .and Jiina1ilia.n Lewis, Jr.. March 8, 1810. 3-251 " Jesse, of Jonalhan, and Esther Ladd, of John, of Coventry, E. I., by Elder (ler^liom I'alm r, Nov. 4. 1810. 3-203 '• rrndenci., and Roger Sheldon. April 11. 1811. 3-254 " Daniel, of Elisha, of Exeter, and Elizabetli Lewis, of Daniel, of West Greenwich, by Elder Ellet J^ncke, Oct. 17, 1811. 3-254 " Elizabeth, and Danhl Lewis, i)c-.t. 17. 1811. 3-262 " Sanford. and Aseneth Palmer, by Job Keuyou, Justice, Jan. 24, 1813. 3-2S2 " Thom.is, of Ex.-ter, s.m of Steplien. and Lucy Greene, of West (.ireenwich, dau. of S;albir'ichelas tiariUner, Jus- lice, Dtc. 15„ 17-13. 3-277 " Alice, and Christopher Merey. April i], 1772, 3-128 " Amie, and Christoplier Harrington, Oct. 21, 1792. 3-260 " Reynold-, of Jonathan,, ot Exeler. and Sarah Ellis, of Capt. Au- gustus, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thom;iB Manchester, Oct. 5, 180i;. 3-266 " Deborah, and Sunuel Keyuolils, July 31, ]sos. 3-281 " Daniel, of Gardiner, and Hannah Barber, cU LUIihridg", by Elder Gershom Palmer, Aug. 18, ISll. 3-267 " Elizabedi, and John Sheldon, Dec. 25, 1814. 3-286 " John. Jr., of Exeter, son ot Jolni, and Mrs. Phebe Swan, of Gris- ■wold, Conu., at Griswold, by Elder Levi Wallier, .lane 4, 1820. 3-290 " Whltaian W., of John ; Mercy Whitman, of Jaines, by Elder Ger- shom Palmer, March 7, 1823. 3-239 " Johannah E., and (ieorg<- W. Hiding, Dec. 16, 1^24. 3-188 " Benjamin, ot Clarke, and Susaiuiah Gardiner of Jeffrey, by Elder Gershom P.ilmer, Sex>i. 29. 1825. 3-13 " Joseph W.. and liaihel Baiber, by i:ider Benedict Johnson, .Sept. 6, 1841. 3-158 LlTTLEFIELBi Samuel, son of .S.irah Kalhbun, of Slephenstowu, N. V., and Molly Dawley, of Margaret, of Exeter, by Elder Benjamin Bar- ber, Feb. 19, 1795. 1-156 LITTLE Isabel, and Jeremiah Austin, Sept. 28, 1760. 3-236 LOCKWOOD Oliver, and Amie II. Thurston, now- residing in Exeter, by Eliler Sleadniaji Kenyi'ii, Nov. .'), 1849. M 3-302 MAKER Mrs. Rulh. ania E. Wood, 29, 1833. 1-153 JLVNTON Abigail, and Libbeus Xorlhup. Jan. 19, 17i>l. 3-283 MAR.Sil Niehohis, of Newimrt. anil Deborah P. Clarke, now residing in Exeter, by Elder Benedict Johnson, Feb. 21, 1840. 1-189 MATTESON Elizabeth, and Theophilus Spencer, Nov. 11, 1757. 3-304 " H.annah, and WUlett Rathbun, Sept. 9, 1832. 3-9 " Catherine S., and Caleb S. Lewis, May 9, 1841. 3-72 " Uriah, ^nd Betsey Moone, bolh of West Greenwich, by Elder Caleb Greeiie, June 5, 1842. 3-182 " Ezeklel I>.„ of Coventry, R. I., and Harriet Bennett, of West Greenwich, by Eliler Baii'iel Slucum, Sept. 25, 1S43. 3-308 " Samuel K., of West Gi nwieli, son of Levi, and Almlra Spencer, of Edmund, of EasI lii-eeinvich, by Elder Daniel Slocura, Sept. 6. 1846. 3-95 " Nancy, and Lewis Bates, Oct. 1. 1854. 3-10 JUAS John Da\-id, and Mary W. Bates, of James: m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, July 28, 1811. 2-107 MAXSON Polly, and John Richm .ml. March 2, 1801. 1-183 M'QUEEN Mary, and John SUelllon. .May 28. 1754. 3-9 MEUISS Sarah, and John Congdon. .inn.. March 1, 1781. 3-103 " William A., of William, ami Susan A. Congdon, of Clarke, all of Exeter, by Isaac Ore lie, Juslice, Aug. 27, 1549. 22 3-130 MONEY 3-188 3-25-J 3-127 1-179 MOON 1 I-ISIO 2-l('.7 2-167 3-5!) 3-170 3-7-2 3-278 3-231 1-243 1-183 1-194 1-139 1-154 2-105 2-167 3-3 3-277 3-57 3-44 3-204 3-234 3-291 3-282 1-1 OG 2-179 1-181 1-239 1-237 1-154 J-28a VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Tlmotliy, (it S:uiiurl, nf Exi'ter, :iii(l El.Miior Bniwn, ol West Gri'cii Willi, ;il Exi'H'i-, by Sti-iihi'ii llfyncilds. Justice, Doc, 9, 1792, Sarah, LUicl James Young. Sepl. 20, 1799. Allen, of Exeter, and Pern loiie Westcott, of North Kingstown, by Elder Gershom Palmer, pub. Dec. 10, 1818. Mrs. 8:uah. and William A. llendrlek, April 14, 1838. Robert, Jun., and Eleanor Walti', of Samuel, by Benoul Hall, Jus- tice, Nov. 23, 1732. A^a, of Exeter, and Deb irab r.ahrock', of South Kingstomi, by Jeremiah Cranrtall Justice, Aug. 13, 1758. " John, and Ruth Moon, by Klder Samuel Albro, AprU 28, 1705. " Ruth, aJld John Moon. April 28. 1765. JIary, and Harris Weaver. Dec. 20. 1772. Lyman, and Sarah Thurs on, by Simon Lillibridge, .Tustice. Sept. 7, 1830. '• Betsey, and Uriali Matle-;on, June 3, 1842. MOORE Alee, and D.aniel Reynolds. Feb. 18, 1813. " John, of Isaac, of West (ireenwlch, and Betsey Potter, of George, of Hiclimond, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Dec. 28, 1845. -MOREY JIary, and Ephralin Codner, Nov, 30, 1748. " Mary, and John Willnir, April 28, 1754. " Mary, and Jeremiah Wilco.x, Nov. 9, 1755. " Still, and John Bates, Aug, 10, 1759. " Samuel, and Ann Gardim-r, of Nicholas ; m. by Benjamin Rey- nolds, Justice, Feb. 28, 1762. " Mary, and Jonathan Gardiner, July 22, 1704. " Sarah, and John Richmond, Oct. 20, 1705. " Lucy, and Stephen Richmond, Jan. 18, 1770. " Clu-istoplier, of Benjamin, late of Exeter, and Alice LiUibridge, of John, of South Kingstown, late deceased, by William Ham- mond, Justice, April 0. 1772. " Benjamin, of Joseph, and Ituth Sweet, of John, by Elder John Pen- dleton, Jan. 1.5, 1775. " John, and Phebe Hopkins (widow), by Matthew WeUs, Justice, Jan. 26, 1781. " IsjitW. and iJIary Fetmer by Benjamin Angell, Justice, Marcli 22, 1802. " Til!inglia-.t, ol Exeter, and Eli/.al>eth Vaughn, of Sterling, Conn., Dec. 2(i, 1803. " E.sther, and Thomas Wilcox, Nov. 1, 1841. MORGAN Elisha, of .Madison, Conn., ami .Mary Ann Newton, of Exeter, by Elder BcueiUct Jolmson. Feb. 21, 1840. 5I0SH1EK Ichabod, and Anna Tiii-P. liv Caleb Arnold, Justice, July 13, 1700. " Anna, and Benjamin Tripp. Miinli 29, 1709. MOTT Lydia, and William Sweet, 5Iarch 18, 1733. MUMFOKD John, Jr., of North Kingstown, sion of John, holds, of Janus, Iu>n Reynolds, Justice, Oct. 4,, 1705. 3-34 " Abbie P.. and Pel.- A, Dawley, Jan. 19. 1826. 3-14 •• David J».. of IJichniond. .and Dorcas Kingsley, of Nortli lilngs- to-mi, by Elder lienediet Jiilins-nolds, of Exeter, at Exeter, by Elder Alfn>d B. BuixUek. April 23, 184S. 3-267 " Royal L., and Susan A. Straight, by Elder Pardon TllUngh.ost, March 15. 1849. 3-227 " Cliarles, of Sarah, of UnpMnton, and Mary Ann Garden, dau. of Peter, of Ireland, by Elder l^aac Greene, Feb. 29„ 1852. 3-10 PIERCE George, of East Greenwich, and Mary Greene of West Greenwich, at West Greenwich, by Phillip Greene, Justice, Dec. 2, 1753. 3-62 '■ Amie, and Oliver Spink, Dec. 10, 1774. 3"93 " Giles, of Exeter, son of George, and Hannah Arnold, of North Kingstown, d;iu. of Joseph, at North Kingstown, by Elder Sol- omon Spragne, Nov. 24, 1785. 1-242 PLACE Thomas, Jr., and Jemima Spencer, both of Exeter, by Elder David Sprague, D/c. 13, 1747. 1-153 " Peace, and Joseph Smith, Jan. 3, 17C>.'5. 2-171 POPPLE Stephen, and Sii.sann.ih Pullman, by Hubert Crandall. Justice, Jan. 24, 1708. EXETER JL\BKIAGES. 25 1-242 POTTER JospijU, uf Exuter. niKl Catht-rine Spencer, oT East Greenwicli, by Eklfi- U:nid SpraKUc. Peb. 14, 1747. 1-342 " iSeiiininiii,, aud Susumuih Sweet, by Peleg Tripii, Justice, Sept. 15, 174S. 1-105 •• Gideon, el lIi>pldiiton. :iiid ll:iiin:ih I',;itljbun, by Newman Perldus, JlLstiie,, Oct. 3tl. 17.'>7. 3-10 ■• Mary, and Nallian Wilcox. June 15, 17(vl. 3-31 " Abel, of Exi-ter. son of Jo.sepU, and Al^iiiail Staffard. of Coventry, E. I., dau. of Tlioraas, by Elder Pbillip Jenkins, lice. n;. L770. 3-05 '• Silence, and Biijah Case, . — , 1774. i 3-17S '• Joshua, of Suiitlieon, of Riclimond, and Deborah Young, of Caleb, of Exeter, by Stephen Reynolds. Justice, March 18. 1708. 3-11 " William Waile, of Exeter, son of William, and Thanl;Iul Knowles Carpenter, of Jeremiah, ol Soulii Kingstown, by Elder Gtrshoni Palmer. Sept. 7, 1810. 3-12 " Jesse, of Clarke, and Betsey Shernun, of Eber, by Elder Ger.shom Palmer, March 17, 1S25. 3-192 " CUirk.', son ot WQIiam. dec, aud Sarah Sherman, of Wanton, by Elder Gershom Palmer. Sei>t. 1. 1S25. 3-200 ■• Samui-l C. of 'Clarke, and Waitv Cliamplaiu. ot Natlianiel, by Elder Moses Fifield, Jan. 2, 1831. 3-15 ■• Hannah, ai\d Mary Bates, June 18, 1826. 3-18 ■• William C, of Benjamin, aud Ann Brayman, of Solomon, by Elder E. J. Locke, April 20, 1843. 3-227 •■ Alice, aul Reynolds James, March 31, 1844. 3-231 " Belsey, and Jolin Moore, Dec. 28, 1845. 3-17 " Loiu-ania B., aud Prince A. Taylor, Aug. 10, 18(11. 2-171 PULLJMAN Susannah, and Sleplieu Popple, Jan. 24, 1708. 3-1H4 •■ Mercy, and Joseph Wilcox, Jan. 7, 170ii. 1-184 1-190 l-l.':i; 1-104 1-1 '.•5 1-105 1-105 Q R 1-241 KAIIUTX Beuj.nnin. aud Uannali Carpeuler, by William Trip:', Justice. Oct. 31, 1732. 1-lSG •• Thomas, of North Kinssiowu, and Charity Perkins, of libeiiezi'r, ot Valentine, by John Brown. Justice. Dec. 31, 1732. 1-179 " S:u-ah, and Wilbur Earl, Dee. 10, 1752. 1-170 •• Capt. John, and Elizabeth Dawley. of John. Jr.. by Benoni Hall, Juslice, Dee. 13. 1752. 1-181 •• Tliemas. of Exeter, and Mary Chirke. widow of John, Lite of New- purl, by Bcuonl Hall. Justice. Jiuie 3, 1753. Margaret, and kSanuuL Havens. Jan. 3. 1754. " Joshua, and Amie Ayle.sworth, by Newman Perldns, Justice, Jan. 2. 1755. jiiitu. and Mary Ross, by Elder Sanuiel Alljro, July 31. 1755. .\iina. and Joseph Nu'hols, Jan. 13, 1757. Joiiatluiu. of John. dec. and Susannah Barber, ot JoseiJh, by Newman Perkin-, Justice, March 3. 1757. Hiiiinali. aud Gideon Potter, del. .TO, 1757. Daniel, and Mary Foster, by Newman Perkins, Justice. May 28, 1758. 1-158 ■■ Gideon, and Dorca ^ Kenvon. by Newman Perkins, Justice, Feb. 18, 1750. 1-150 '• .Sarah, and John Wilcox, -Sept. 30. 1750. 1-150 •• Mary, and Christopher Kenyon, Dec. 27, 1750. 1-154 ■• Ibliecia. and Reynolds Cahoone, Nov. 5, 1701. 2-l(;0 •• Marian, aud Sannul Hill, Feb. 29, 1702. 2-Xci:> ■■ Ann', and Oliver Lawton. Oct. 21, 1702. 1-153 •• Jeivmiah. and Mary Phillips, by Elder Samuel All>ro. Aug. 8, 17i;3. 2-107 ■• Alee, and Randall Lewis. Nov. 21, 1705. 3-H) ■■ Joseph, of Obedial), .'ind Margen't Dnwley, ot John, by Daniel Sunderland. Justice. Aug. 17, 1760. 3-13 •■ Charityi, and Daniel Barber, Aug. 11, 1709. ■26 \TrAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-177 EATHBUN Margaret, and Peleg Da.-wley, Nov. 27, 1708. 2 17!i " MiTiy, and Reynold^i Cilioone, Feb. 12, 1709. 3-03 '• Is;iac, of John, and Mary Eldred, of Samiul, by S;imuel Gorton, Justice, .Tan. 14, 1770. 3-273 " John, of Jnlin, of Exptci'. and Sarah Casey, of John of West Greemvieh,, by Elder CaUOi Nidiolas, Oct. 10, 1770. 3-28 " Patience, and Benjamin Clarlie, Jan. 2, 17ti0. 3-79 '• Rebecca, and Gideon Arnold. Aug. 18, 17S3. 3-100 " William, and Mrs. t-arali Greene, at Norwich, I>y Jonathan' Hunt- ington, Hon. Justice. July fi, 1780. 3-118 '• I'helie, and Jonathan Wilcox, Jan. 1, 1792. 3-150 " An7i!i, and Henry iiarber, Nov. 1, 1792. 3 141 " John, and Joanna Juslin. by Thomas Albro. Justice, March 3, 179.J. 3-202 '■ Rowland, of John, of Exeler, and Freelove lii'own, of Zephaniah, of Hopkinton, liy Eiiler Henry Josliii, May 11. 1794. 3-158 '• Sarah .and Samuel Littlelield. Feb. 19. 1705. 3102 '■ I'hebe, and Stukeley Nortlnip., Oct. 4, 1795. 3-103 " S1e|ihcii, of (iideon, and Lucy Lewis, of Elisha, by Stephen Rey- nohls, Justice, Dec. 17, 1795. 3-174 " Paul, son of Joshua, and I'atience Wilcox, widow of Thurston, dan. of Nallianiel Kenyon. by Natlian itullibnn'. Justice, Sept. 4, 17110. 3-183 " Olive, and James Lewis. Oct. IS, 179.S. 3-249 '• Anna, and John Rathbiin. Apiil 25, 1802. 3-S49 •' Jolin, 3d. son of John. Jr., of F.xeter. and Anna ' Ratlibun, of Joshua, of TyrinKliam. Conn., by Elder Elliot Loclce, April 25, 1802. 3-209 " Charity, and Hnrilngrton Wilcox, Aug. 1, 1802. 3-220 '• Olive, and Shetfi.-id Knihbun, Feb. 10, 1803. 3-220 " Sheffield, of Joshua, and (->Ii\-e Rathbun. of John, by Nathan Rjith- biin,. Justice, Feb. lo, 1803. 3-232 " Abel, of John, Jr.. of Exeter, and Dorcas Lewis, of Jacob, of West Greenwich, by Elder EUet Locke, Nov. 30. 1800. 3-299 '■ Pliebe 11., and Samuel E. Barh.-r, Nov. 21. isio. 3-280 " Josliua. 2d, and Susannah Richmond, of John, by Elder Ger.shotn Palmer, May 22, 1817. 3-220 " Shetheld. of Exeter, and Dorcas Babcock, of Richmond, by Elder JIallhew Slillman. Di>c. 20, 1829. 3-220 " Slietlield. of Exeter, and Esther Adams,, of Kiiiingly, Conn., by Elder StafToi-d Greenv, Jan. 1. 1833. 3-304 " Willett, of Exeter, .son of .Sheflield. and Hannah Matteson, of West <;i'eenwicb, dau. of Reuben, by Elder Slatl'ord Greene, .Sept. 9, 1832. 3-257 " Berlah L., of Exeter, and Hanicili K:illibnn, of West Greenwich, by Elder Thomas Tillini,'hasl, Oct. 31, 1839. 3-257 " Hannah, and Bertha, L. Katlibun, Oct. 31, 1839. ''-8 " Henry D.. and Susan Jinuvs, liy Elder Benedict Jolinson, March 14, 1841. 3-241 '■ Sally P... and Edward B:irbcq-. Ajiril 9. 1844. 3-247 " Sally, and Ira A. Wilcox. Sept. 18, 1842. 3 214 " SheffleM, of Joshua,, of Exeter, and Betsey Wood of JoaV>. of Cov- entry. R. I., dau. ol' r;ibli Bri^T's, by Isaac (ireene. Justice. Jinie 9, 1S,',0. l-2:;9 RRYNciLDS :Meny, and Jolin JIumford. Oct. 14. 1742. 1-241 " Wihiam, and Hannah Wilcox, by William Tripii, Justice, Nov. 12^ 1745. 1-242 " Benjamin, of John, of Exeter, and Alice Waite. of John, by Benoni Hall. Justice. March 19. 1740. 3-95 " Sarah, and Sylve.sler Lewis, .Tune 3, 1748. 3-139 " Isabel, and SWomon Spriigue, June 3. 1750. 1-244 " Deliverance, and Joshua Gardiner, ApiH 28, 1751. l-''77 " .Susininali. and iSamnel Cotlnll, Feb. i"., 1752. 1-181 " Mary, and JoI]n Coni-'don. :iI.-nTh 25, 1753. EXETER MARRIAGES. 27 1-182 EEYNOLDS Robert, of Joseiili. of West Greeiiwicli, and Ilanmli Bentley. of Exeter, dan. ol .laiucs, ;il Exrlrr. by lieiioiii Hall. Justice, •Tilly 15. 1753. J.186 " Freelove, and John Kenyon, June 8, IT'iT). 1-187 " Robert., of G6org<>, and Enniee Wailo, ot John, by Elder David Spragiie, Jim. 20. 1737. 1-189 '■ Mary, and Reuben Waitts .Tuly 13. 1758. 1.190 " Anne, and Abel Baker, Oct. 7, 1738. 1-192 " Martha, and Natlianiel Ci>ltrell, Dec. 21, 1753. 1-192 " Oliver, ot Oapt. John, and Mary GardimT, ot Nieliolas, by Benonl Hall, Justice, Feb. 8. 1759. 1-160 " James. oC James, and Anile HarrLnKt.on, by Stephen Elcbmond, Justice, Jan. 10, 176ii. 1-137 " Slartha, and William Gaidinrr, March 2. 17i'i0. 1-156 '■ Benjamin, of South Kings>to\vn, and Anna. Harilngton, of John, hite ot Exeter, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Nov. 16, 1760. 1-134 " Elizal>eth. and James Sherman, Nov. 19, 1701. B-170 " LydSa, and Othnlel Gardiner, Aug. 10, 1764. 2 166 " Jose]>h, and Elizahelh Gardiner, by Elder Samuil Albro, April 12, 17(i5. 2-167 " Benjamin, and Mary Nasli. both of South langstown, by Elder >Samuel ,All)ro. Nov. 11. 1765. 2-176 " Deborah, and Timothy Law'ton, Nov. 21, 1765. 2-170 '• John, Jr., and M.irgaret Gar.liner, by Thomas Justin, Justice, AprU 6, 1767. 3-14 •'• Benjamin, of Job, and .Sarali Goltrell, of Nathaniel, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-4 ■• Joseph, ot llenjamin, of Exeic-r. and .Mary Arnold, ot Joseph, ot North Kingstown, al North Kingstown, ly George Thomas, Jus- tice, Oct. 2i), 1769. 3-100 >• Joseph, of George, ot Exeter, and Experience DavLs, of William, ol West Greenwich, by Elder Solomon Si>rague, Oct. 31, 1771. Lydla, and William llaU, Dec. 20, 1771. Henry, ol Henry, of WesI Greenwicli. and Mrs. Jemima Weight- man, of George, ot Warwick, E. I., by Elder John Gorton, Sept. 27. 1772. Hannah, and Sylvesti'r Uaidiiier, June 6, 1773. ■• ■ Stephen, of North Kingstown, and Abigail Cottrell, of Exeter, by Eber Shernum, Justice, March 3, 1774. " Phebe. and John Nichols. July 23, 1775. " George, of Joli, and Nancy Reynolds, of Jonatliau, by George I'ii'rce. Justice, May 3(1. 1779. " Nanney, and George Reyn.dds, May 30, 1779. Anna, and Phillip TUliiigliast, AprU 14, 1782. Hannah, and Oli%'er Arnold, Nov. 24, 1782. Alice, and. Samuel Clinml'laln, Dec. 10, 1782. " Benjamin, of Clement, a'ld l^uey Bentley, by George Pierce, Jus- tice, Dec. 22, 1785. 3-112 •■ Benjamin, Jr., of Exeter, ami Elizabeth Whltloi-d, ol DaN-ld, by Elder Nathan Hill, May 6, 1790. 3-154 '• Hannah, and Oliver EliiM, March 1, 1792. 3-129 " JLargai-et. and William Weaver. Nov. 11. 1792. 3-157 " Solomon, of Robert and Eunice, of Exeter, and Frances Northup, ot Rouse and Sarah, of North .Kingstown, by Elder WUlSam Northup, Dec. 24, 1793. 3-184 " Walte, ot Thomas, of West Greenwich, and Elizabeth CrandaU, of Joseph, (dec.), of Exeter, by Elder Elisha Greene, Ai)ril 28, 1796. n-179 " Abigail, and Moses Clarke, Jr., Feb. 22, 1798. 3 187 " Lucy, and Benjamin T. Tefl't, Sept. 8. 1799. 3-215 " James, ol Amos, and Rmli G.ardlner. of John, late of Exeter, by Elder Tliomas Mancliester. Jlarch 27, 1803. 3-218 " John, of Stephen, of Ex-ler. and Mercy Tefit, of Benjamin, of Eichnmnd, by Elder Henry Josltn. June 4. 1804. 3-228 " Mary, and David Dawley, Dec. 11, 1806. 3-25 3-38 3-50 3-70 355 3-59 3-59 3-267 3-61) 3-75 3-77 28 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-2i3 REYNOLDS Steplien, Jr., :uul AtiiRall Terry, of Seth, by Elder Stephen AUen, Aug. 30. ISllT. 3-360 '■ Samuel, of Stephen, of Exeter, and Deborah LiUlbridse, of Champ- lain, of Eiehmond, by Elder Ger.sliom Palmer, July 31, 1808. 3-274 •• Job. of Exeter, son of S'eiihen, and Joanna iiarber, of Richmond, aau. of Caleb, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 17, 1811. 3-2511 " Sarah, and I'o.ses TeiTy, Jan. 23, 1812. 3-278 " Daniel, of Exeter, sou of Stephen, and Alice Moore, of Richmond, dau. of George, ,by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. IS, 1813. 3-293 " Sarah, and Ger.shom Palmer, Jr.. Aug. 13, 1824. ;j-l(56 '• Samuel !>•., ami Mai-y Hall, by Elder Peleg Peckham, Jnne 30, 1823. S-301 " Margeret, and Stephen T.ny, ,lune 20, 1833. 3-303 '■ Eura, of Exeter, and Sarah ICenyon, of Richmond, by Elder Thomas Manchester, Oct. 20, 1830. 3-8 " Benjamin H., of Richmond, and Pliebe A. James, of Exeter, by Eld.r Diniel Slocum, .lune 30. 1844. ."-Sll " Lucy, and Elislia P. Phillips. April 23, 1348. 3-42 ■• WUUam H.. now residing in Coventry, R. I., and Nancy Kettle, of West Gi'ecnwicli, now residing in Warwick, R. I., by Elder Thomas Manchester, July 3, 1848. 3-104 " Jo.seph C. or Exeter, and Mrs. Louisa Allen of Providence, by El- der .Joseph McReady, April 33, 1853. 3-184 " Almond I'., of Daniel, and llanuali M. Perkins, of John P., by El- der Win. K. Slocum, Jan. 1, 1804. 3-100 RHODES John, of John, dec, and S.arali Hill, of Barnelt, by Elder Ths, of Vohmtown, Conn., now of E.xeter, by Elder Jolm Tllllnyhast, Feb. 20, 1843. 3-237 " Desire C, and J.imes C. Hood, Sept. 4, 1850. l-24:j RtlEERTS Jane, ami Gideon Casey, .luly 31, 1847. 3-287 ROBINSON Joseph, and Mrs. Caroline Ga ana, by Elder Henry C. Hub- bard, March 4. 1830. 3-291 ROBINS Jonathan, and -Mrs. Eliza Lanphere, by Elder John TiUinghast. Dec. 19, 1847. 3-5 RtiiJEKS Martlia, and William Austin, Feb. 4, 1770. 3-94 " Jonatliau, of Exeter, and llanuah C obb, of North Kingstown, now residing In Western New York, by Jonathan Dean, Justice. Feb. is, 1781. 3 99 " Benjamin, of Thomas, of Exeter, and Lucy Cobb, of West Green- wich, l.y Jouatlinn Dean. Justice. Dec. 27, 1787. a-2 ROUSE Cliartotle. and Beriah Daaley. Jan. 8. 1824. 2-lii5 KOsS Jonathan, of Richmond, and Phebe Tripp, of Exeter; m. by Elder Sanmel -\lbro, April 8, 17(M. 1-186 " Mnry. and .Tolm R.itlibun. July 31 . 1755. EXETER JLVEEIAGES. 20 3-15,111 SANFORD Susan Aim, und StuUiloy Biuwn, J:in. 24,' 1842. 3-205 3AILE John, and Delia Barbur, widow of Jolin, liy Isaac Greene, Justice, June 10. 1849. 3-121 SAl'NDErjS Hiiiaah, and Slas Perkins, Aug. 26, 17S9. 3-255 SEPSON Hannaii, and James Clarice, Oct. 27, 1811. 3-15 SISWALL Dorcas, aul Rulus Cliapman, May 19, 1770. 2-181 SHAW Kezla, and John Crandall. May 18, 17G8. 3-137 " Anthony, of Exeter, and Anna Dyre. of North Kin^'stown, at East Green ivlch, liy Elder Nathan HUI, April 25, 1703. 1-23S SHEFFIELD Muiy, and Stephen Wilco-X, Oct. 17, 1744. 3-176 " Betsey, and Richard Boone. Jr.. AprU 23, 1795. 3-47 SHELDON Alice, and Stephen Lewis. Jan. 26, 1770. 3-108 " A mil', and Jolin Lewis, Si^pt. 28, 1777. 3-146 " Roger, and Elizahi'th Lewis--, hy Phuieas Kenyan, Justice, Feh. 14, 1783. 3-237 " Lucy, and John H. Sherman. Sept. 5, 1810. '3-111 " Roger. Jr.. of Exeter, and Piniilenfe Lewis, of West Greenwich, dau. of Jacob, hyt Elder Gershom Palmer, April 11, 1811. 3-264 " James, of Eog.-r, and Sally Da.wley, of James, hy Elder Gershom Palnn-r, Doc. 6. 1811. 3-267 " John, of Rogi-r, and I'llzabcth LiUihridge. of Gardiner, by Elder Gershom P.ilmer, Dec. 25. 1814. 3-302 " James, of Exeter, and i-'arah T. Hoxsie, of Richmond, by Elder Benedict JohnSon, March 24. 1839. 1-237 SHER^L\N Anile, and Benjamin Lillibriflge, Dec. 15, 1743. 1-238 " Benjamin, of Exeter, and Freelove Austin, of Nortli Kingstown, hy Elder David Spra^ue, March 16, 1744. 1-240 " Mow=s. and Sarah Austin, by Nicholas Gardiner, Justice, March 31. 1745. 1-221 " Ezekiel, of Jonatli.in, and Mary, and Margeret Knowles, of John, Feb. 26, 1747. 1-244 " Susannah, and Peregrine Tripp. Jan. 22, 1749. I 1-179 " .Stephen, of North Kingstown, and Giffe Sw'eet, of F.xeter, by Nicho- 1.1S Gardiner, .lustice. July 15. L749. 1-180 " Mary, and John DaWs, Dec. 21, 1752. 1-191 " Moses, and Mary Tarbox. by Benjamin Rej-nolds, Justice, July 13, 175S. 1-154 " Jaini's. of South Kingstown, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of Exeter, by John LUlibrldge. .Tustlee. Nov. 19, 1761. 1-154 " Silas, and Lydia Sweet, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, March 7, 1762. 2-175 " Millie, and Benjamin D.iwley, Jiarch 4. 17(i8. 2-175 " Mercy, and Oliver Dawley. March 31. 1768. 3-120 " Abigail, and William Champlain, April 5, 1790. 3-176 " Sanuiel. of Moses, of Exeter, and Mary NUes, of Jeremiah, of West Greenwich, by Elder Phillip Jenliins, Jan. 18, 1794. 3-129 " Hannah, and John Keppai-d. "March 7. 1797. 3-201 " Elizabeth, and WiUlam t'nderwood, Nov. 12, 1801. 3-237 " John H.. of North Kingstown, and T.ney Sheldon, of Exeter, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Sept. 5, 1810. 3-246 " Fr''elove. and Reynolds .dlierman. March 22, 1811. 3-246 " Reynolds, of Exeter, and Fr'eelove Sherman, of North Kingstown. by Stephen Reynolds. Justice. March 22, 1811. 3-7 " Sarah, and Dn\-id rottrell, Jan. 28. 1817. 3-292 " Samuel, Jr., anid Amie Palmer, of Gershom, by Elder Gershom Palmer. June 9, 1322. 3-12 " Betsey, and Jesse Pott'T, March 17. 1825. 3-192 " .'^arali. and aarlce Polt'-r. Sept. 1. 1825. 3-3 " Othnlel. Jr., and Mary Wliitnian, of James, dec, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Oct. 2, 1826. 3-293 " Lydla R., and David Nichol.is, Jan. 8, 1837. fVit. Rec., Vol. 5.) 14 30 VITAL RECORD C)F RHiiDE ISLAND. • 3-10 SHERJIAN Gerelicim, of Exeter, and Abble A. Ney, of Nortli Pro-vldenoe, at P:nrtueket, hy Rev. S. S. BradJord, JiUy 24, 1843. 3-10 " Susan E., and lUram Barlwr. Dec. 23. 1840. 3-285 SHIPrEE Albert <_r., ot John, of East Greenwlcli, and JIary Sunderland, of Nathaniel, of Exelei-, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Dec. 15, 1844. 3-288 " Pardon V., of Allen, of East Greenwich, and Hannah M. St^ne, of Wanton, of Coventry, K. 1., at Exeter, by Elder Daniel Slo- cum. March 15. lS4ii. 3-101 " J<'hn, ot Thomas, and Siirah Aldrich. ot Philip, both of Glocester, R. I., by Steijhen Ri>ynolds, Justice, nut friven. 3-169 SISSUN Clarke, of Rs.'2. 1-102 SMITH llannuh, and John .Smilli. Maj-ch 19, 1759. 1-192 " John, of South Kingstown, and Hannah Smith, widow of Benja- min', late of Newport, by nenjamin Reynolds, Justice, March 19, 1759. 1-103 " Patience, and William Thorn, April 12. 1759. 1-15G " Dorcas, and Joshua Clarke, Apiil 23, 1700. 2-163 " Sarah, and NaUianlel Cottrell, June 10, 1762. 1-153 " Josei)h, of Nortli Kinpstown. and Peace Place, of Exeter, by Elder Samuel Albro. Jan. 3, 1763. 3-69 SNOW Samuil, Jr., of Taunton. Mass., and Ann M. Walker, of Exeter, at Exeter, by Elder Pardon Tillingha.st. Feb. 3, 1851. 1-240 SPENCER John, of Peleg. of Ea.st Greenwich, and Mary Gardiner, of Isaac, of Norlh Kingstown, at North KlngstLVKEIACtES. 31 « 3-172 STANTON Catherine, and AUen C. Douglasa, Dec. 23, 1824. 3-288 STONE Hannah M., and Pardon V. .Shlppon, Ma>-ch i:,, idici. 3-242 STEANOE Caleb, ot WUliam, and Annie Le-wts, of Eligha, by Joshua Pierce, Justice, April 10, l.SOO. 3-171 STRAIGHT Eleannr, uid William Lewis, Nov. 2!), 1786. 3-267 " Susan A., and Eoyal L. PhUUps, March 15, 1840. 1-237 SUNDEELA.XD Mercy, and Thomas Thurstnn, Oct. 18. 174n. 1-177 " Daniel, ol William, and Afce Harrington, ot Job, by Benonl Hall, Ju-stioe, Feb. 6, 1752. 1-177 '■ Joseph, ot Exeter, a,nd Susann.ih Baker, ot John, by Benonl Hall, Justice, Feb. 7, 1752. M.iry, .™d John S-wcel, March 2;i, 17(50. Geoigc, ot WiUiam (dec), and Debnraji Wilcox, of Jeffery, by Hap- son Wilcox, Justice, S pt. ■2^>, 1774. George B., and Mrs. Sarah Gardiner ; m. by Eev. Pardon TlUlng- hast, Jan. 22, 1870^ John, ot George, and Nancy Halliaway, of Nathan, by Elder Ger- shom Palmer, May 17, 1807. Mass- na. and Fr.incie E. B itim, Aug. 10, 1844. Mary, and Albert Cf. Sliippee. Dec. 15, 1844. Mrs. Phebe, and John Lillibrldge, June 4, 1620. , Jolm, and Abigail Bldn-U, by Benoni Hall. Justice. Feb. .5. 1743 4. Hannah, and Daniel D;i\vley, AprU 2(i, 1744. Kicli.-iid. of North Kingstown, son of John, (dec.) .and Martha Nichols, of Exeter, by Benonl HaU, Justice, May 3, 1747. Susannah, and Benjamin I'olter. S^pi. 15. 1748. (jitfe, ami Stephen .Sherman. July 15. 1749. William, and Elizabeth Whltford, of John, by Benjamin Morey, Jus- tice, March 8, 1752. William, and Lydi.a Moit, botli of Noi-Ili Kingstown, by Benonl Hall, Justice, March IS, 17.^:!. John, and Mary Sunderland, dan. of William, by Benjamin Roy- nidds. Justii-e. Man-li ii:!, 17(;0. Joriatlian. and Edc- WilcnX, liy Steplicn Richmond, Justice, Nov. 33. 17iio. Samuel, and Sarah Wilcox, by FJiLa- Saniu.4 Albro, May 10, 1701. l.ydia, aiul Silas Sherman, Marcli 7, 17iJ2. Benjamin, and Mercy Hill, by Elder Samuel Albro, Dec. 13, 1764. Jeremiah, ot Exeter, and Jane Eldred, of West Greenwich, by Elder Jamer Whitm.an, July 12, 1771. Rutli. and Benjiimin Mon'y, Jan. 16, 1775. Sarah, and Benjamin Congdon, Sept. 11, 1785. Thomas, and Elizabctli Tingley, by Elder Thomas Tllllnghast, Sept. 2, 1802. Miss Sarah G.. and Zebulon Gardiner, Sept. 4. 1831. Albert, of Eveter, and t'larissa D. Vaughn, of East Greenwich, by Elder Beueiilct Johnson, Aug. 23, 1841. 1 178 TANNER, Henry, and Dorcas Gardiner, ot Nicholas, late of Exeter (dec). by Benjamin Morey. Justice, Aug. 13, 1753. 1-184 " Jiunes, ot West Greenwich, and Mercy Wilcox, of George, of Ston- inglon. Conn., by iV wman Perkins, Justice, Dec. 24, 1753. 1-196 " Amie, and Jeremiah Brown, Jan. IS). 1758. 1-153 " Tlii'mas. and Mary Whitfnrd. of John, by Benjamin Reynolds, Jus- lic.-, April 15. 1762 3-i25 " Sniiili. of Thomas, and Jennna Hammond, by S'cphen Reynolds, Justice, March 4, 17!i2. 3-213 " I.yilia, and John Lewis, May 20, 1803. .^-226 " Jolm, or Reuben, of Exeter, and Catherine Crandall, of Joseph, ot Kiciimond, at West Greenwich, by Elder John TUIinghast, May 25, 1845. 1-157 (I 3-143 ti 3-314 " 3-233 " 3-178 i( 3-285 " 3 28i; SWAN, 1-237 SWEET, i-r40 " 1-242 *' 1-242 .. 1-179 " 1-178 ** 1-181 " 1-157 '■ 1-156 " 1-155 " 1-154 " 1-165 " 3-38 " 3-57 .< 3-76 " 3-205 " 3-301 " 3-11 " 3-170 3-173 3-187 3-213 3-15 3-236 3-23o 3-11-1: 3-170 3-110 3-243 3-253 3-25.3 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-17S TARBOX Mary, and Moses Slieimaii, July i;S, 2.758. 3-178 " Robert W., of Tones W., of West Greenwich, and Harriet M. Wells, of Jolin, of East Grcenwicli, by Elder Daniel Slocum, Dec. 8, 18-15. 3-17 TAYLOR Prince A., and Laurani.i B. Potter, by Elder Pardon Tlllingliast, Aug. 10, 1861. TEi'Ff Mary, and William Hesnline. Jan. 4, 1787. " Mrs. Patience, and Wilcox Baxber, June 1, 1797. " Benjamin T., of Tbom.as, of Richmond, and Lucy Reynolds, of Stephen, of Exeter, by Moses Barber. Justice, Sept. 8, 1709. " Mercy, and John Reynolds, June 4. 1804. " George, of John, of Exelir, and Aloe James, of Richmond, dan. of Stephen, by Elder Uersbom Palmar, April 1, 1827. '• Alice, and Amos Tetlt, D c. 29, 1830. " Amos, anil Alice Teftt, by Elder Bent^ct Johnson, D"c. 29. 1S39. TERRY Merebah. and Russell Arnold. Oct. 24, 1700. Patience, and James Boone. Jan. 8, 1797. ■• Abraham, of Exeter, and Mary Franldln. of Hannon, by John Rich- mond, Justice, April 4, 1791. AbipaU, and Stephen Reynolds. Aug. 30. 1807. " Mary, and Reuben Barber, Feb. 18, 1810. " Mcses. of Beth, and Sarah Reynolds, of Stephen, by Elder Gersbom Palmer, Jan. 23, 1812. 3-125 '• D.n\'1d. of Seth, and Charity Kenyon, of John, by Elder Peleg Pecliham, June 0, 1824. 3-301 " Stephen, and Margaret Reynolds, by Isaac Greene, Justice, June 20. 1835. " Sarah, and William Y'onng. Nov. 1. 184fi. TEW Mrs. N.anmi. and John Congdon, Oct. 22. 1770. " James, of W.arwick. R. I., and Phebe .-Vnn Church, of Exeter, by Elder John Gorton. March 22. 18'5B. THOMAS Sarah, and Tillingbast Bentley, May 25, 1755. " Samuel, of Richmond, and Mary Phillips, of Exeter, by Newman Perkins, .Tnstice, .Tune 12, 1757. " rhelie. and Samuel Phillips. Oct. 27, 1757. " Hannah, and Gardiner TllUnghast, Oct. 30, 1834. THOMPSO^r Pr.uience, and Benjamin Johns. March 20, 1754. THORNE William, of West Greenwich, and Patience Smith, of East Green- wich ; m. at Exeter by Elder Samuel Albro, April 12. 1759. 1-153 " Edward, of West Greenwich, and Hannah Tripp, of Exeter, by Thomas JosUn. Justice, May 20, 1762. 1-237 THURSTON Thomas, of West Greenwleli, and Mercy Sunderland, by Be- nonl Hall, Justice, Oct. 18, 1743. 3-170 " Sarah, and Lyman Moon. Sept. 7, 1839. 3-236 " Amie H., and Oliver Loclrwood, Nov. 5, 1849. 3-206 TILLINGHAST Stukeley. of Exeter, son of Pardon, of West Greenwich, and Honor Hopkins, of Samuel, of West Greenwich, Nov. 23, 1762. 3-57 " Daniel, of Pardon, and Penelope Brown, widow of Clirlstopher, by Geo. Pierce, Justice, Oct. 17, 1779. 3-2.07 " Phillip, sou of Phillip, and Anna Reynolds, of Joseph, by George Pierce, Justice, April 14, 1782. 3-67 " Phillip, of Exeter, and Frances Hall, of North Kingstown, at North Kingstown, by Elder Solomon Sprague, April 13, 1791. 3-162 " Thomas, of Thomas, of West Greenwich, and Alice Barber, of LlUibridge, of Exeter, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Feb. 7, 1799. 3-186 " Allen, of West Greenwich, son of Charles (dec.), and Ruth Lewis, of Sylvester, of Exeter, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, July 11, 1799. 3-216 " James, and Annie Gardiner, by Elder Ellet Locke, Feb. 5, 1801. 3-236 '• Anna, and Thomas TUlinghast, Dec. 13, 1807. 3-236 " Thomas, of West Greenwich, son of Pardon, and Anna TUling- hast, of Exeter, widow of John, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Dec. 13, 1S07. 3-216 3-23 3-241 1-1 S5 1-195 1-195 3-305 1-183 1-193 EXETEE MAERIAGES. 33 3-247 TILLINGHAST Fannie, and Jobn C. Cotoer, July 2-2, 1810. 3-184 " Pldllii), ol Saniui-l and Martlia, and Elizabi-tU Arnold, of Benjn. and Ellzabetli ; m. at North Kingstown by Elder William Northiip, May 4, 18:i(5. 3-305 " Gardiner, of Samuel and Jlarlha, and Ilaniiali Thomas, of CogSTvell and SaUy, by Elder WlUiam Northup, Oct. 30, 1834. 3^280 •' Willi;im W., of East t}reejiwich, son of Tliomas, and &illy M. Oougdon, of West Graemwicli, dau. of Jolm; m. at Exeter by Elder Daniel Slocum, July 3, 1843. 3-228 " Hannah, and Samuel K. Barber, I>ec. 12, 1848. 3-203 TrSGI-EY Elizabeth, and Thonnis Sweet, Seirt. 2, 1302. 1-180 TOMBtj Damarius, and James Brown, Dec. 7, 17j2. 1-241 TOMS Simeon, of Exeter, and Phebe Hopkins,, of West Greenwich, by Nicho- las G.ardiner, Justice. March 13, 1745. 3-4 TOUKGEE Mary, and Rhodes Perkins, March 28, 1323. 1-238 TEIPP Capt.. WiUiani, of Exeter, and Mary Waite, of West Greenwich, by Jeremiah Ellis, Justice, Nov. 13, 1743. 1-244 " Peregi-ine, of Exeter, and Susannah Sh'rman, of South Kingstown, by Peleg Tripp. Juslice. Jan. 22, 1749. 1-178 " Mi'hitable, and Benjamin lireene, Sept. 22, 1752. 1-187 " Job, Jr., of Exeter, and \irtue Waiti', dau. oE Benjamin, of West Greenwich, by iTeserved Hall, JiL-.tice. March 24, 1755. 1-160 " Virtue, and John Vaughn, Sept. 9, 1759. 1-155 " Mary, and Thomas VVeel.n, May 11, 1760. 1-196 " Anna., and Ichabod Moshler, July 13, 1760. 1-153 " Hannah, and Edwanl Theme. May 20. 1762. 2-165 " Phebf, and .lonathan Ross, Aiiril 8, 17G4. 2-170 " Ezels. of Exeter, and Margaret Weeden, of Pro\-ldence, by Rev. H.^nry Edes, I>ec. 9, 3816. 3-7 " Maj-y \V., and James II. Peckham, Dec. 12. 1841. u 3-201 UNDERWOtJD William, of Samuel, of Snutli Kingstown, and Elizabeth Sherman, of Eber, Jr.. of Exeler, by SteiJhen Reynolds. Jus- tice, Nov. 12. loOl. 1-165 VAt'GIlN Elizabeth, and Joseph Wood. May 12, 1754. 1-185 " Charity, and Henry Olin, Sept. 1. 1754. 1-160 " Jiihu, of North Kingstown, and Virlue Ti'ipp, widow of Job, at Exeter, by Benoni IlaZl. Justice, Sept. 9, 1759. 3-16 " Jeremiah, ot North -Ing-town. son of Isaac, and Sarah Tripp, of Exeter, dau. of Peregrine, by George Pierce, Justice, June 23, 1770. 3-60 " Joshua, of North Klngs'own, son of Isaac, and Lucy Brayman, ot New London, dan. ot James, of Exeler, by Samuel Bissell, Justice, Dec. 31. 179,s. 3-192 " St^Jhen, of West Greenwich, sun ot George, and Elizabeth Boone, of Exeter, dau. of Richard, by Stephen Reynolds, Justice, Dec. 13, 1799. 3-234 " Ell/.abeUi, and Tillingliasl Mi.rey, Dec. 26, 1505. 3-11 " Clarissa D., and Albert Sweet, Aug. 2H, 1841. 3-7 " Julia Ajin,. and John H. Joalin, Aug. 30, 1841. 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-229 VAUGHN Mary S., and Joseph P. FraakUn, Nov. 25, 1844. 3-229 " Claiicey U., and Albert U. Fiajiklin. Dec. 18, 1848. 2-1G3 \TNCENT Delioinli. ai:d Nicholas Gaidln.T. (also 3-53), Oct. 19, 1762. w 1-238 WAITE Mary, and William Tripp, Nov. 13, 1743. 1-242 " Alee, and Benjamin Reynolds. March 19, 1746. 1-243 " Elizabeth,, and George Welghtman. Dec. 21, 1746. 1-178 " Samuel, and AnciUis Jenckes, at Sraii^ileld, R. I., by Thomas Lap- h:iin, .'uslice. July 26, 1752. 1-179 " Eleanor, and Robert Moon, Nov. 23, 1752. 1-187 " Virtue, and .lob Tripp. Jr., March 24, 17u5. ^^t 1-188 " Pbebe, and Robert Bailey. Jan. 23. 1757. o k I ;, \t 1-187 " Eunice, and Robert Reynolds, June 2, 1757. ■'" N <- i* ^ 1 1 I > 1-190 " Domarius. and Daniel Wliitman. JiUie 5, 17')7. 1-180 " Sarah and Joseph Babcocl<, Feb 9. 1758. 1-189 " Reuben, and Mary Re.mnlds. of George, hy Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, Jtily 13, 1758. 2-165 " Abigail, and Joseph Case, Di?c. 20. 1 763. 3-26 " Jenches, of Exeter, .Tnd Sarah Bro-wn. of North Kingstown, by Elder Solomon Sprague, Feb. 11. 1779. 3-7 " Lucy, and William Hammond, Aug. 15, 1779. 3-71 WAITE Joseph, of North Kingstown, son of Benjn.. and Abigail Clarke, of Exeter, by Elder N-itham Hill, Feb. 23, 1783. 3-166 " Mary, and John Clarke. .Tan. 17, 17S6. 3-G9 WALKER Ann M.. and Samuel Snow, Jr.. Feb. 3. 1851. 3-227 WALTON Sybel. and Isaiah WUcox, Sept 21. 1806. 1-188 WATSOX Stephi-n. of North Kln#.-,tiwn, and Abigail Arnold, of Exeter, by Elder S:imuel Albro, Sept. 4. 1757. 1-158 " Robert, and Rebecca Riilimond. Ijy Newman Peridns, Justice, Aug. 3, 1758. 2-171 " Martha, and Latham Stanton, .Tan. 3, 1768. 3-28 " Stephen, of Robert, and Jlerey Kenyon, of John, by Newman Per- Hns, Justice, March 2, 1780. 3-105 " Dorcas, and Stepehn King. Feb. 21, 1789. 3-152 ■■' John, of E., son of Stephen, and Isabel Dyre, dau. of James, of Ashfoi-d, Conn., by Robert, Crar.dall, .(ustice, April 1, 1300. 3-110 " Freolove, and Job Ely, July 14, 1811. 3-59 WEAVER Han-is, .and Mary Moon, by William Sweet. Justice, Dec. 20, 1772. 3-129 " William, and Margaret Reynolds, of Benjamin, by Elder Nathan Hill, Nov. 11, 1792. 1-155 WEEDEN Thomas, and Mary Tripp, by Elder Samuel Albro, May 11, 1760. 3-268 -' Marg;iret, and Cdiarles Tripp, Dec. 9, 1S16. 1-2J3 WEIGHTJLiN Genrge, of North Kingstown, and Elizabeth Waite, of Exeter, by Thc.nias Casey, Justice, Dec. 21, 1746. 3-38 ■•■ Mrs. Jemima, and Heniy Reynolds, Sept. 27, 1772. 313 " Stephen, of Exeter, and Deborah NUes, of West Greenwich, by Jonathan Dean, Justice, April 12, 1781. 1-189 WELLS Thomas, of I'eter, of East Greenwich, and Aima Bissell, of Exeter, by Benjamin Reynolds, Justice, June 9, 1758. 3-2 '■ Peter, r.f Peter, of East Greenwich, and Margaret Cleveland, of Palmer, of Exeter fdec), by John Chapman, Justice, Nov. 19, 1769. 3-286 ■' BeiiDni. of Exeter, and Desire M. Bowen, of Coventry, R. I., by Elder W. E. Johnson, April 3, 1836. 3-10 '■ George A., of Silas, ol Exeter, .nnd Mary Gardiner, of Jeffrey, of Exeter, by Elder E/.ekiel J. Locke, Nov. 30, 1845. 3-178 " Harriet M., and Robert W. Tarbox. Dec. 8, 18-45. 3-252 WESTCOTT PeneIopi>. and Allen Money (l>rob.), Dec. 10, 1818. 1-191 WEST Frances, and Eunice Fones, by B./njamtn Reynolds, Justice, Oct. 1, 17.-,,-^. EXETER MARRIAGES. 35 1-159 2-163 3-02 3-63 3-33 1-1S4 1-178 1-18.-) 1-1 CO 1-153 3-3 3-112 3-177 3-300 l-lflO 3-12- 3131 3-245 3-200 3-3 1-183 2-166 3-312 1-237 1-233 1-238 1-241 1-184 1-194 1-153 1-159 1-156 1-155 1-153 3-19 3-16 :-175 :-177 3-5 3-5 8-68 3-203 3-3G WE.ST Benjamin, and Mary Eldvid, I'y Di-njamln EeJ^lOl(ls, Justico, Oct. 7, 1759. S;inih. :inril 23, 1754. '• :Marlha. and David Codoer. Jan. 16, 17i;:i. " Mrs. Susan A., and Bi'njamin Cornell. Jan. 21, 1841. WILCOX Abr.aham. and I.ydia Hanlngtnn, June 5, 1739. " Thomas, and Abigail Osborne, of Rachel, by William Tripp, Jus- tice, ATarch 3. 17-14. " Steplieu. Jr.. of Cbailesto^Tn, and Mary Sheffield, of Exeter, by WUliam Tiipp, .Tustice. Oct. 17, 1744.^ " Hannah, and Wiiliajii Reynolds. Nov. 12. 1745. " Mary, and .lami'S Tanner. Dec. 24. 1753. " Jeremiah, of Richmond, and Mary Morey. of Exeter, dau. of Jo- seph, by Netvnian Perliins, Justice, Nov. 9. 1755. " Catlicrine. and Barney Davis. Sept. 26, 1759. " John, of South Kingstown, and Sarali Rathbun, of Exeter, by Ste- phen Ricliniond, .Tustice. Sept. .SO. 1759. " Ede, and .lonathan Sweet. Nov. 13. i760. " Siirah. and Samuel Sweet. Jlay 10. 1761. " John, of Abraham, and Mary Barber, of Daniel, b.^' Newman Per- kins. Justice, Jan. 31. 1762. " Nathan, of l-^xcter, son of Thomas, and Mary Potter, of .Tosepli, of South Kin;:stown, by Da.nlel Sunderland, Justice, June 15," 1704. " Arnold, of Jeremiah, of Stmth liingstown, and Susannah Champ- lin. of Stephen, of Exeter, by Daniel Sunderland, Justice, Jan. 22, 17()7. " AbiL'ail. and Simucl Knowles, March 31, 1763. Robert, and Catheiiue Tiipii. tiy JIopsoii Wilcox, Justice, April 14, ]7i;8. " Jshnieul, and JIary Wilcox, by Newman Perkins, Justice, Jan. 15, 1770. " Mary, and Isluu.al Wilcox. Jan. 15, 177". Abiahaui. Jr., of Exeter, and Mary Card, of West Greemvich, at West Greemvich, by Judeth Aylcsworth, Justice, Feb. 14, 1770. " Job, ami Mary Gatc>s, Feb. 7. 1771. " Anna, and Saniio 1 Hoxsie, Sept. 30, 1772. 36 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-132 ^^^LCOX Isa;ic, and Rebecca Barbc-r, )>5- Elder Siilumon Spragiir, Jan. 7, 1773 3-26 " Alice, and LUhbridge Barber, Dec. 30, 1773. 3-143 " Deb'irali, antl George Sunderland. Sept. 25, 1774. 3-68 " Abralinm. .son of Abraham, of Exeter, and Anna Hoxsle, widow of Tlioinas (dec. I, of West Greenwicli, by Elder Elislia Greene, Aug. 20, 1781. 3-117 " Asa, of Job, and Eleanor La\rtct. 21, 1829. 3-302 " William B., ol Griswold, Conn., and Mary Kenyon, of Exeter, at Volimtowu, Conn., by Elder Nathaniel Shelheld, Nov. 8„ 1830. 3-291 " Xhonms, ol Joiiat-ian, of Exeter, nuw of East Cireeuwich, and Esther Moi-ey, of Amos, of Exeter, by Elder Pardon TlUinghast, Nov. 1, lb4l. 3-247 '• Ira A., of Nathan, ef Wc'st Greenwich, and Sally Rathbun, of Sliefticld, of Ex"t-u, by Elder John TlUinghast, Sept, 18, 1842. 3-201 •• George W., ol Exeter,, and Clara Johnson, ol Coventry, R. 1., by Elder John Tillmg\:ast, Sein. 10, 1849. 2-171 WlLIiEY Hannah, and Elijah Harris, Feb. 25, 1708. 2-171 " Martha, and Benedict Church, March 14, 1768. 3-8 " John, uf Jeremiah, and Betheny Clawson, by George Peirce, Jus- tice, June 24, 1770. 3-74 WILLIAMS Eunice, and John Browning,, Aug. o, 1777. 3-185 WOODMANSEE Elizabeth H., and Charles H. Briggs, Nov. 10, 1847. 3-228 '• Thomas, ol Hopkinlou, and Mary Barber, of Exeter, by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Dec. 12, 1848. 1-185 WOOD Joseph, of Scltnate, K. I., and Elizabeth Vaughn, of North Kings- town, by' Elder Samuel Albro, May 12, 1754. 3-200 " Job, of b.hiN, of Sleplien -town. N. \., and Rebecca Wilcox, of Isaac, by EUb-r Thomas Manchester, Jan. 25, 1798. 3-202 " Asia E., of East Greenwiih, and Mrs. Ruth Maker, of I*ravldence», by Elder Thomas Tillin;;hast, 29, 1833. 3-214 " Betsey, and .-ihell j -id Ratlilmu, Jniu' >.). 1850. 3-1 7S YllI-NG 3-18S '* 3-133 a 3-177 " 3-21 r, '■ EXETER MAUKIAGES. X Y Z Deborah, and Joshua rotter, Mnrfh 1.= , 17fiS. James, of Caleb, and S.irah Money, of Samuel, by Stephi-n Rey- nolds, Justice, Sept. 20, 1709. liridget, and Reynolds Lewis, June 20, 1814. Roxey Ann. and Caleb Whitlord, Oct. 0, 1S4J. William, and &iiali Terry, liy Elder Benedict Jnhnsnn. Nov. 1. 1846. «». EXETER. BIIlTXaiS -A-lSriD I3EA.THS- 1-21S ARNOLD Abigail, of Josi'ijli and I'atlcnce (1st wUe), 1-218 " Joseph, of JosepU and Hannaii (2d wife), 1-218 " Stepliefl. I 1-218 " Samuel, 1-218 " Josias, 1-218 " Patience, 1-2U8 " Mary, 1-218 " Peleg, 1-218 " OUver, 1-219 " Elizabeth, of Caleb and Hatmah, 1-210 " Sarah, 1-219 " Hannah, 1-219 " Caleb, 1-219 " Samuel, 1-219 " Oliver, 1-219 " Peleg, 1-219 " Gideon, 1-219 « Saniu.l, 3-128 " Amie, of Oliver and Phebe, 3-128 " Mercy. 8-128 " Uorcns. 3-128 " Jam,- 3-83 " Beriah, 3-83 " JIary, 3-S3 " EowUind, 3-11-t " \Vm. Terry, 3-114 " Caleb, 3-11-1 " LydiM. 3-11-i " Sarah, 3-114 " Sheffield, 3-83 " Pelep. of Rowland and EUzalieth, 3-83 " Lucetta, 3-83 " Gideon E., 3-83 " Mary, 3-83 " Slephcn, 3-83 " Hannah, 3-83 " Robert C, 3-83 " Clarke, 1-242 ALBRO John, of Samuel and Alue, 1-202 " Alee, 1-202 " Thomas, 1-202 " Samuel, 1-2(J2 " Jlartln, 1-163 " Mary, of Stephen and Alee, 1-105 " Benjamin, 2-172 AUSTIN Samh, of Paskow, 2-172 " Margaret, 2-172 " , 2-172 " Gideon, of Oliver and Phebe, of Peleg and Lucy, of Russell and Merlbah, Jan. 24, Feb. 3, April 20, Jan. 16, Dec. 31, July 16, Oct. 9, Feb. 15, Oct. l.>, Jan. 1, J.an. 11, Oct. 11, Nov. 11, Dec. 24, Deo. 12, March 21, Dec. 18, died Aug. 7, June 15, July 16, March 17, Aug. 4, Dec. 30, June 8, May 10, Feb. 0, Aug. 21, Sept. 28, March 8, Aug. 10, Aug. 22, March 9, Dec. 22, Nov. 5, June 12, May 5, Oct. 22, Jan. 27, AprU 16, Feb. 19, July 28, Oct. 12, Feb. 2, July 31, Oct. 24, July 26, June 9, 1733. 1738. 1739. 1741. 1743. 1745. 1747. 1749. 1730. 1749. 1752. 1753. 1755. 1757. 1739. 1762. 1763. 1821. 1735. 1 787. 1790. 179G. 1787. 1791. 1794. 1791. 1798. 1804. 1807. 1808. 1817. 1820. 1821. 1823. 1826. 1829. 1830. 1834. 1739. 1743. 1745. 1749. 1752. 1752. 1754. 1727. 1729. July 16, 1731. EXETER BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. 39 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 2-172 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-200 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 3 5 3-211 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-222 1-222 1-222 AUSTIN Daniel, of Paskow, " Paskow, " Isaac, " Hannah, " Jfivmlali, " Betsey, Da\ld, " Jonathan, " Stephen, Jeremiah, of Jeremiah and S;irah, " ElizalX'th, Sarah. " Thoma.s, " Daniel. " Catherine, John. " Al)ipail, of Stephen and Mary, " Kezia, " Rufus, " Eunice, Lucy, " Jcseph, of ^\■llllam and Martha, " Palmer, of Simeon and Dorcas, AYLESWOETII Mary, of Robert, .7r.„ and Susannah, " Sarah. ■' Rohert, " Susannah. Elizabeth, " Josej)!], Amle, l.st, " Amie, 2d,, " Anne. 1st. Milliani. of Ephraim and Alee, " Anno, srary, Eiihraim, July 6, , 1733. March 30, , 1735. March 10, 1737. AprU 1, 1739. March 10, 1741. Oct. 27, 1744. May 12, 174-). June 29, 1747. May 30, 1751. Sept. 9, 1730. June 29, 1733. Aug. 1.5, 1738. Aug. 8, 1741. March 17, 1743. June 14, 1746. July 4, 1750. Aug. 21, 1733 Aug. 19, 1739. AprU 11, 1742. March 31, 1745. July 8, 1747. Nov. 12, 1770. July 7, ISO 7. .June 12. 17:j!). March 5. 1 7 (O. Feb. 1, 1712. Sept. 10, 1745. Aug. 10, 1747. April 1, 1750. May 18, 17.-.2. Sept. 4„ 1754. Aug. 28, 1751. Oct. 3, 1744. Aug. 3, 174(i. Feb. 13, 174S. Dec. 2, 1750. B 1-220 1-220 1-227 1-226 1-220 1-226 1-220 1-227 1-164 1-164 1-164 1-164 1-164 327 1-160 1-169 1-169 1-169 1-169 1-169 1-169 1-169 1-165 1-165 1-165 1-165 liAi;COCK McTcy. of Jonathan and Lyflja, Mary, born Oct. 15. 1751; d. Nov. 17. 1751. John, died March 30. 1760, a^ed 32y. 2m. 3d. Gcurge Walte, of John and Lydla, Samuel, of do, b. .Ian. 1. 1754; d. Feb. 24, 1757 " Sarah, of John and Lydla, ■' John, " Samuel, " James, of J.^mes and Sarai, •' Sarah, " Mary, " Elizabeth, of Joseph and Sarah, '■ Joseph, George Waite, of George Walte and Susannali. BAKER Benjamin, of Samuel and Abigail, " Amos, ■' Thomas, Rutli, '• M;iry, " John. " Pel eg. " Mehitable, " Dorcas, of Ellsha and Sarah, " Da\ad, ■' Harrington, " ChrisUan, Oct. 14. 17 June 25 July 17, 1756. Nov. 28, 1758. Oct. 19. 1760. June 22, 1755. Aug. 10, 1756. Aug. 4, 1753. Nov. 29, 1758. March 29, 1768. May 11, 1778. Jan. 21, 1749. Feb. 2, 1750. Oct. 29, 1751. Feb. 24, 1753. Nov. 24, 1756. July 16, 1759. May 23, 1701. March 10, 17(i4. M.ay 18, 1754. Dec. 6, 1755. Oct. 8, 17o6. May 18, 1758. 40 AITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-215 i;AHnER Ri^becca, of Nathaniel nnd Cbaiity, 3-43 " Mary, of Moses and Barberry, 3^3 " Moses, 3-294 " Moses, Jr., 1). Nov. 13, 1768. 3-2!i4 '• Mary (Clarke), -wife of Moses, Jr., 3-294 " Moses, 3d., of Moses and Mary, 3-294 " Robert, 3-294 " Thomas C, 3-294 " Aai-on, 3-294 '• SamiLel A., 3-294 " WasMngton, 3-294 " Jetfeit'in, 3-2.^4 " N.nraU"!, 3-294 " Benjamin, 3-294 " Ed\vi>rd. 3-123 " WUfox, of LllllbiMg- and Alice, 3-1 23 " Alice, 3-123 " Edward. 3-123 " Susannah, 3-123 " Learnard, 3-123 " Kboda, 3-198 " West, of Asa and Marian, 3-198 " Asa, 3-198 " Smith, 3-253 •• -Mary, of Reuben and Mary, 3-299 " Rowland RaUibun, of Sam'l C. and Phebe E 3-299 " Sally Eathbun. 3-307 " Henry, of Thomas C. and Susan. 3-307 " Clarke, 3-307 '■ Mary Ann, 3-238 liAEEOWS Catherine 2d, dau. of Joseph and Deborah 3-0 BATES .loseph, of Jonathan, Jr., and Anna, 1-201 BEARDM.\RE John, of Thomas and Eleanor, 1-eOl " Gideon, 1-201 " Mary, l-EOl " Anna, 1-201 " Nicholas, 1-201 " Damarlus, 1-201 " Xlckolas, 1-201 " Thomas. 1-201 BENTLEY Caleb, ol Benjamin, Jr., and Sarah. 1-201 " Joseph, 1-201 " Tliomas, 1-201 " annuel. 1-eOl '■ Benjamin, 1-224 " Patience, of Thomas, Jr.. and Margaret, 1-224 " Sarah, 1-224 " Benjamtn, 1-224 " John. 1-224 " Zer\iah, 2-109 " Sarah, of Caleb and Leah, 2-169 " Hannah, 2-lnn " William, Noll — Eldest born East Greenwich ; the others 1-170 '• Nlobe, of Caleb and Martha, 3-34 " Isaac, of Gideon and Elizabeth, 3-34 " Chrl-itopher. 3-34 " Tliomas, 3-87 BISSELL Mary, of Samuel and S:ir.ah, 3-87 " J..hn, 3-87 " Stephen, 3-87 " Siirah, 3-288 " Tliomas, of Caleb A. and Mary, 3-2S8 " Tliomas, 3-23S " Mary Ann, June 16, 1755. May 10. 1764. Nov. 13, 1768. Feb. 1, 1774. June 23, 1794. Aug. 21, 1796. Dec. 20. 1708. Nov. 8, 1800. Feb. 19, 1803. Jan. 11, 1807. Jan. 11, 1807. AprU 6, 1S09. Aug. 10, 1814. Feb. 14, 1816. Jlarch 2, 1774. Aus. 28, 1777. July 17, 1779. July 17. r/79. Nov. 30„ 1787. July 6, 1791. July 21, 1781. Aug-. 28, 1787. Nov. — , 1789. April 29. 1811. Sept. 23, 1.817. AprU 1, 1824. .May 23, 1825. Dec. 5, 1826. March 5, 1838. 1, March 25, 1780. Sept. 25, 1778. May 17, 1740. May 11. 1743. Sept. 20, 1745. .A.U?:. 2, 1749. May 15, 1752. May 19, 17.54. May 13, 1756. July 6. 1758. Aug. 25, 1739. March 25, 1 740-1. Jan. 4, 1743. Jan. 4, 1746. May 5, 1749. July 22, 1752. Sept. 14, 1754. March 15, 1757. Aug. 23. 1700. April 4, 176:1. May 12, 1764. Feb. 12, 1766. Jtm. 17, 1768. Exeter. Nov. 2, 1761. Aug. 12, 1781. July 6, 1783. Jan. 13, 1785. Oct. 16. 1779. Sept. 15, 1781. Sept. 29.17.83. Aug. — , 1785. July 22, 1823. died Dec. 19, 1824. Oct. 30, 1821. EXETER BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. 41 ot Eichu'd and Betsey, 3-1 76 EOUNE Lydla Sheffield, 3-176 « Thomas, I-201: ERAYMAN Solomon, of James and EUzabeth, 1-20:J « Sarah, 3-y7 BRIGOS James, of Peleg and Elizabeth, 3-7-t, 75 BROWNING John, h. Nov. 15, 1742, 3-74, 75 " Mary. TTife of John, 3-74, 75 " Eunice. 3-74, 75 " Jedediah, of Jolm and Mary, 3-74, 75 " John. 3-74. 75, « George Hazard, of John and Eunice, 3-74, 75 « George Hazard, 3 74. 75 " Mary, 3-74. 75 " Eunice, 3-74. 75 " Avery, 3-74. 75 « Annie, 3-74. 75 " Jes'e, 3-74, 75 " George Wllltomp, 3-193 " Thm-ston, of .lolin and Susannah, 3-271 " Aniulci, of Avei-y and Mary, 3-271 " Hii'am, 3-271 ■■' Beriah H., 3-271 " Eunice Willianis, 3-271 '• Eunice Williams, 3-271 '• Clarke, 3-15 BROWN .James E. (also 3-165), Feb. 4, Sept. 13, July 2, Sept. 18, -"*Iay 3, died Feb. 24, died July 5, died April 15, Sept. 4, Oct. 20, July 7, died April 26, June 1, June 4, Feb. 8, March 16, Aug. 31, Aug. 10, May 3, May 27, Oct. 6, Sept. 13. Dec. 27, died Feb. 6, March 10, died March 26. 1796. 1797. 1723. 1731. 17S7. 1832. 1776. 1816. 1767. 1770. 1779. 1795. 1781. 1783. 1786. 1788. 1792. 1796. 1778. 1810. 181. S. 1819. 1S24. 1831. 1829. 1846. 3-89 3-89 3-89 3-89 3-89 1-214 1-214 1-214 1-214 1-214 1-214 1-214 1-214 1 -21 4 1-211 1-214 1-223 1-223 1-223 3-17 3-17 3-17 3 17 3-17 1-208 3-65 3-6.-, 1 2(]:) : -iOj 1-205 ] -205 1-205 1-205 1-205 CARR Hannah, of John and Mary, " John Chapman, " Mercy, '•' James Casey, Stephen, C'.A.SEY Sarah, of John awl Mercy. &irah, " M.iry, " Mary, " Samuel, ■' Mercy, John, ■' Sarah, "' Mary, "' Abel, of John and Mercy, " Dorcas, Edmund, of Gideon and Jean, " Dorca.s, of Thomas and Alee, " Mary, CASE Elijah, of Alexander and Mary, Lydia. " Joseph, 4th son, " Hannaii, '• Susannah, Note— 3 eldest born South Kingstown, " Elisha, of Mit hell and Ann, " Mary, of Elijah and .Sih'Uci', Elijah, Cll.^-MPLAIN Jellrey Thomas, " Susann.ah, " Mary, Emldem, Eliznbelh. " Cliristoiyher. of Jeffrey and Mary, Oct. 9, 17S6. April 10, 1787. JIarch 4, 1789. March 13, 1791. .Tan. 30, 1794. May 18, 1745. died June 2, 1752. April 24, 1747. died June 26, 17.52. April 14, 17.50. April 28, 1752. Feb. 28, 1754. Nov. 7, 1755. Feb. 7, 1758. May 21„ 1760. May 11, 1760. Aug. 20. 1747. June 16. 1749. April 6, 1751. AprU 3, 1753. Feb. 25, 1757. Aug. 6, 1759. Aug. 7, 1763. Jan. 12, 1767. 2 youngrst Exeter. Jnte 23, 1745. Dec. 12„ 1774. Sept. 11. 1776. Oct. 4, 1726. Sept. 17, 1728. Jan. i, 17301. Jan. 12, 1732-3. Jan. 31, 1734-6. June 20, 1737. Oct. 13, 1733. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-205 1-205 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 1-217 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-5 3-5 3*73 3-98 3-fl8 3-75 3h7o 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-151 3-151 3-151 3-151 3-141 3-141 3-141 31 3-1 3-1 3-284 2-173 2-173 3-167 3-1(17 3-107 3-ir>r 3-28 3-2S 3-179 3-179 3-170 3-179 1-224 1-224 1-224 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 CHAMPLAIN Benjamin, of Jrffri'j- and JI; iry. Oct.. 13, 1741. " Daniel, June 11, 1744. " Jolm, of John and Freolove, July 30, 1744. " Samuel, July 17, 1746. •• ^Villiam, Aug. 15, 1749. 4. 1-217 " John. Nov. 29. 1756. 1-213 Lydla. of Jeremiah and TaMtlia, June 15, 1741. 1-213 " Phelie. Jtay 27, 1745. 1-21.1 " Benjamin, Nov. 9, 1747. 1-213 " Othiiiel, of Eenoni and Elizabeth, Juno 24, 1742. 1-213 " Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1743. 1-213 " L.itham, Jan. 11. 1745. 1-1 G8 '• Latliam, died, Feb. 27, 1747. 1-I(i8 " n.'Uenl, Aug. 18. '1747. 1-1 OS " B"'nor)i, died Feb. 27, 1749. 1-lCS Eulh, Jan. 12, 1750. 1-168 " Benonl, .Ian. 7, 1752. 1-108 " Lucy, May 15, 1755. 1-168 Lucy, died Oct. 27, 1756. 1-163 '■ Abel, of John and Amle, Sept. 2, 1747. 1-163 Walte, May 4, 1750. 1-1(;3 " Zilplia, Jan. 14, 1752. 1-103 " Zilpha, died Fob. 9, 1752. 1-16.3 John, April 7, 1753. 1-163 " Henry Greene, Api-il o. 1755. 1-163 " Samuel, May 13, 1757. 3-51 Benjamin, of Jeremiah, Jun., Nov. 9, 1747. 3-51 " Tahitha. wife of Benjamin, Sept. 4, 1748. 3-51 '■ Clarke, of Benjamin and Tabitha, June 29, 1767. 3-51 Wilbm-. Dec. 10, 1769. 3-51 " Jeremiah, Jan. 3, 1772. 3-51 " Dorcas, Feb. 13, 1774. 3-61 '• James, of Nicholas and Dorcas, Oct. 26, 1730. 3-61 " S\lvester, ; Aug. 30. 1752. 3-61 " Fi-ancls, April 4. 1755. 361 " Dorcas. March ,12, 17i;o. 3-61 " Martha, wife of Nicho'as. dh'd Sept. 25, 1746. :i-Hi " D()rcas, died Mai'ch 23, 1775. 1-161 Benoni, of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 30. 1751. 1-161 Mary, Jan. 16, 1753. 1-161 '' James. Oct. 1, 1754. 1 -] 63 Sarah, of Caleb and Jlnry, May 3. 1754. 1-163 " Clarke, Sept. 13, 1755i 1-163 " Ann, March 5. 1757. 1-1163 Heart, July 15, 1759. 1-176 " Simeon, of Benj. and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1754. 1-1 76 Alice, May 0, 1756. 1-171. " Mai-\-. Jan. 31, 1757. 1-176 " Belijaiijin, Sept. 13, 1759. 1-176 Eliza belli. Sept. 12, 1761. lire. " Howlanil, Sept. 1, 1763. (Yit. Eec, Vol. 3.) 15 4G VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. l-17ii 1-17(; 3-101 3-101 3-101 3-101 1-1 liO l-ioii 1-170 3-53 3-53 3-53 3-53 3-53 3-53 3-53 353 3-56 3-50 3-56 3'-5<> 3-80 3-80 3-80 3-SO 3-2o'J 3-229 3 297 3-297 3-297 3-297 3-297 3-297 0-297 3-297 1 211 1-211 1-211 1-211 1-211 1-2U 1-213 1-213 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-175 1 175 1-175 1-175 of Jcremi;ih aad Mary, C'hamplin, Hilling and Elizabeth, G.i\J!DINER Natluijiiel, of Ben], and EUzatietli, Caleb, SamueL of John and Annie, '• Mary, " Amie, Margaret, " Patience, " Thomas, Elizabeth, wife of Isaac, " Honor, of Nicholas and Deborah, " Vincent. '• Elizabeth, '* Nicholai^, " Beriah, Willett, , " Elizabeth, " ' Benjamin " Sarah, of " Gould, " Wanton, " Mary, Noti'— Eldest born North Btogstow " Sweet, of Abel and Dorothy, " George, " Mary, " Amie, " Nicholas, of Georse and Dorcas, " Nathan Allen, of John (of James) .and " Harrison, of Joseph Warren and Mary, " Grwne, " Mary Fields, •■' Josepli Warren, " Owen G., " Massena T., Ansel B., " CaUdn P., GILL John, of Daniel and Hami.vh, Sarah, Daniel, '• Hajinah, " Susannah, " Samuel, GREENE Pruden* Mary, " Eunice " Waite. " Son (b. : " Henry, '■ Margaret, " Josepli, " Sarah, " Benjamin " Mary, Duty. " William, of PhUix) and Hannah, of Benjamin and Mehltable, !Uid d.). Oct. 11, 1765. Feb. 1-1, 17(38. May 5, 1757. Api'U 7, 1759. July 1, 1761. Aug. 27, 1767. Dec. 31, 1757. May 23, 17(;0. died May 20, 1759. Jan. 3, 1763. Dec. 9, 17(i4. April 10, 1707. Aug. 11, 1769. Nov. 10, 1771. Feb. 13, 1771. Oct. 6, 1776. April 27, 1779. Oct. 7. 1768. Oct. 17, 1772. Dec. 5, 1775. March 22, 1778. u. the others Exeter. June 1. 1773. Aug. 19, 1775. Aug. 14. 1777. Aug. 16, 1780. Nov. 7, 1803. Elizabeth. Nov. 17, 1S05. May 18, 1830. Nov. 24, 1831. Sept. 10, 1834. March — , 1836. Jan. S, 1845. Nov. 9. 1846. Jan. 29, 1849. AprU 24, 1851. June 29, 1732. Sept. 30, 1733. Sept. 25, 1734. April 2. 1740. June 30, 1746. May 1, 1753. March 7, 1746. Aug. 7, 1748, Feb. 6, 1754. Jmie 1, 1755. Sept. 27, 1756. Aug. 16, 1757. Feb. 24, 1759. Dec. 1, 1760. Dec. 10, 1763. Aug. 13, 1764. May 24, 1766. May 27, 1768. May 20, 1770. H 1-170 HALL S:irah, wife of William, 1-1711 " JIary, 1-170 '■ Mercy, 1-170 '• Wi]li:ini, in his 87th year. I-IPS " William, of Benoni and Elizabeth, 1-198 " Henry, died July 12. 1733. May — . 1741. Sept. 27, 1757, July 9, 1759. •\ng. 3, 1734. Nov. 16, 1736. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 4'7 of Bonjamin nnd Temperance, of William. Jr., and Mary, 1-198 HALL Isaac, of Benonl and EUzabeth, 1-198 " Olive, l-l<),s " Rowland, 1-108 " Sarah, 1-198 " Elizabeth, 1-212 " Rufiis, of Samuel and Dinah, 1-212 " Alice. 1-212 " Rachel. 1-219 " Timothy, l-]r,fi r.rnonl, l-inr, " Walt^, 1-1 or, " Waite, l-lOr, " Isaac, 3-69 " Syhel, of Caleb, 3-fi9 " Merlam, 3-P.9 " Siir.ali. 3-69 " Daniel, 1-208 HARRINflTON' Alee, of Job and Eliz.abeth, 1-208 " Elizabeth, 1-208 " .Sarah, 1-208 " Henry, 1-208 " Andra, 3-208 '■ Christopher, 1-208 " Mercy, 1-208 " Ruth, 1-198 " Mary, of John and Anna, 1-193 " Anna, 1-193 " Amie, 1-198 '■ FreL'love, 1-198 " Desire, 1-198 " De.slre, 1-198 " Elizabeth, 1-198 '• William, 1-198 " Ahigiiil, 1-108 '• John, 1-108 " Benjamin, 1-198 " Beiijainln, 1-198 " John (Senior), 1-203 '• Esther, of Eber and Hannah, l-2oa " Richard, 1-203 •• ilaunuh, 3-113 " Henry. 3-113 " Freelove 3-113 ■• John, of 3-113 " Job, 3-113 " Henry, 3-113 " Gideon, 3-113 " (ildeon, .3-113 " Annie, 3-113 " Al.igail, 3-113 " Elizabeth, 3-113 " Free'love, 3-113 " Daniel, 3-113 " Alice, 3-113 " Mary, 1-161 " Thnmas, of Ebenezer and Rebecca, 1-161 " r.rnjamin, 1-101 " Alee, l-l(il '■ Lyjia, 1-161 '■ Ebenezer, 1-161 " Elizabetli, 1 161 " Ebenezer Weightman, 3-37 " Alice, of Christopher and Sarah, 3 37 " Cliristopher, .3-37 " William, , -wUe of Henry, Henry and Freelove, Sept. 30, 1739. June 3, 17-11. March 6, 1744. Sept. 19, 1749. Nov. 25. 17.')5. June 8, 1744. May 24. 1746. .Inly 15, 17,")0. Jan. 12. 17.=)0. June 20, 17.'j.'>. Feb. 4. 1757. died July 2, 17.'i8. April 6. 1761. Dec. 27, 1794. July 24, 1796. March 15, 1800. April 5, 1804. Oct. 8, 1733. ^ March 25, 1734-5. Aug. 13, 1736. Sept. 28, 1738. Sept. 2. 1740. Aug. 12, 1742. June 8, 1744. June 11, 1747. Sept. 15, 1737. Feb. 24, 1738. Nov. 12, 1740. Oct. 13, 1742. Jime, 14, 1744. died Jan. 26, 1744. Dec. 2, 174d. Jan. 11, 1746. May 23, 1748. Aug. 31, 1730. Sept. 14, 1752. died April 4, 1753. died Jan. 27, 1753. June 28, 1738. Ji'ly 2,. 1739. Oct. 8, 1742. Sept. 27, 1738. Oct. 13, 1742. March 27, 1766. March 19, 1768. Feb. 16, 1770. Jan. 11, 1772. died April 22, 1774. April 20„ 1774. Jan. 27. 1776. Oct. 13, 1777. Aug. 3„ 1779. April 6, 1781. May 12, 1783. May 24, 1783. April 4, 1744. Oct. 22, 1745. Oct. 22, 1747. Oct. 2, 1749. April 11, 1752. April 19, 1754. May 1, 1756. Dec. 12, 1762. Nov. 17, 1704. Oct. IB, 1766. 48 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAXD. 3-37 3-37 3-37 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3 3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 R-2(Ki 3-200 3-206 2-287 1-222 1-222 3-4n 3-49 3-4 n 3-40 3-49 3-49 3- — 3-48 3-48 3^8 3^3 3-48 3-48 3 4S 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-181 3 181 3-181 340 3-4G 3-40 3-40 3-40 3-4(i 3-40 3-46 3-46 3^6 3-40 3-78 3-78 3-78 3-78 3-78 3-78 3-78 3-78 HARRINGTON' Sarah, of Cliristoplier and Sarah, " Crandall. " H;inn,ih. " Christian, of Da\-ld and Weight, " Nicholas, " Warder, " Sarah. " Martha, " Itary, " Hann;ih, " Walt.', " I.uey, " Da\-l(l, F.llzabolh. " Phehe. " WlUlani. of WillLam and Sarah, " Benjamin, " Sarah, daii. of Walte, . HAWKINS Thomas Hazanl, HILfj Mary, of Robert and Freelove, Diiniol, HIMES Stephen, " Walter, " Mary, Lydla, " Meriani, " Potter, HOAR Hezeki.l. of James and Ahlgall, June 20, 1769. Sept. 5, 1771. Aug. 31, 1774. Sept. 5, 1768. Dec. 11, 1771. Jan. 2, 1773. JIareh 25, 1774. Feh. 25. 1776. .April 2.S, 1778. April 18, 1781. June 0. 1783. March 22. 1785. June 24, 1767. June 13, 1789. April 6, 1793. March 1.5. 1772. Oct. 4, 1773. July 8, 1799. born Sept. 20, 1795. April 23. 1730. Jan. 7, 17.i3. .Jan. R. 1750. Jan. 2S, 1753. Oct. 6, 1753. June 2, 1758. June 23, 1703. Dc«. 21, 1704. md Dehorah, his wife : no children recorded. HOI.LOWAY Catlierine, of Joseph and Lydla, July 19. 1750. " Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 17.-)8. " Lydla, *Iiiy 7, 1703. Lydla, dli', 1-213 " Joslas, 1-213 Jonatlian, 1-213 " Gideon, 1-213 " Benjamin, 1-213 " Gardinei'. 1-213 *' Amie, Note— Also recorded 1-221. 3-281 " Gardiner, of Daniel and Hannah, 3-281 Daniel, 3-2M " David, 3-281 Josejih W., 3-204 '■ Wanton, of WaiTen and Mary, 3-238 Gardiner, a Rev. soldier. 3-205 LdCKE, GhaJ-les B., of Elliot and JIary, Aug. 20, 1780. Dec. 13, 1791. Feb. 17, 1794. April 14, 1700. April 17, 179S. May 22, 1800. Jan. 17, 1799. March 24, ISOl. March 28, 1803. July 18, 1799. Aug. 12, 1802. July 11, 1803. Nov. 14, 1304. Feb. 10, 1807. Sept. 23, 1805. Aug. 13, 1808. May 1, 1811. Oct. 10, 1812. <1. Oct, 10, 1813. Aug. 25, 1814. June 21, 1817. Nov. 8, 1805. Oct. 11, 1810. JiUy 2, 1813. Feb. 2(5, 1816. Aug. 29, 1818. Oct. 23, 1811. Sept. 10, 1813. Dec. 19, 1811. April 30, 1815. Sept. 27, 1813. May 4, 1815. d. May 7, 1817. Oct. 23, 1817. died Mai'ch 3, 1821. Oct. 23, 1S17. June 27, 1S22. May 7, 1.^24. Aug. 18, 1826. May 3, 1814. May 21, 1810. July 17, 1818. Jan. 21, 1828. Feb. 30, 1842. Oct. 10, 1845. April 23, 1847. May 3, 1,849. died Aug. — , 1872. May 3, 1849. died , 1869. Sept. 18, 1744. May 29, 1740. Aug. 18, 1749. Aug. 23, 1751. June 1 0, 1754. Aug. 14, 1756. Sept. 19, 1758. May 10, 1765. Feb. 1, 1812. .July 27, 1814. Aug. 17, 1S18. Dec. 20, ism. May 10, 1323. died July 22, 1824. May 15, 1787. MTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. M :}- Oil MA(iUlRE Ruth, ol Jolm and Susuii, .■MOi» ■■ Cim.S'tantine, S-lU'.i ■• riicbe, 3-lOJ '• Si. Dec. 25, 1771. April 12. 1772. Oct. :!, 1803. June 23, 1782. June 3, 1784. July 29, 1787. Jan. 1, 1791. Aujr. 9. 1792. Nov. 8, 17f)S. June 3, 1800. Dec. 2, 1801. AprU 22, 1804. July 14, 180(i. May 6, 17;«). Jan. 30, 1740. March 13, 1742. May 0, , 1743. Dec. 23, 1746. June 28, 1749. March 13, 1751. Jan. 31, 1753. July 1, 1740. Dec. 22. 1742. April .8, 1747. Nov. 26. 1750. Jan. 10, 1752. Feb. 13, 1754. Sept. 4, 1757. July 10, 1760. July 5, 1762. .Tan. 13, 1765. April 18, 1766. Apj'il 18, 1766. Feb. 14, 1768. Feb. 4, 1770. March 28, 1772. March 28, 1772. Aug. 21, 1773. d. Aug. 7, 1772. d. Aug. 4, 1772. Greenwich. exete;i; — biuths axd deaths. 53 3-27 MOKE\ Chrisliip'ior, of Clirisioplier and Alice, June 21, 1773. 3^27 .(C Mary, Jan. 2, 177G. Not)' barn South Kingstown Exeter. 1-173 u Hazard (N. K.), of Joseph and Freelove, Deo. 24, 1780. 1-173 " Joseph, May 22, 1782. 3-83 " Lydla, of John and Margaret, Oct. 11, 1778. 3-82 " Isa^ic, > Sept. 28, 1781. 3-39 MOSHEIE Mehitable, of Icliabod and Anna, March 3, 17G1. 3-3y " Joseph, Feb. 5. 1765. 3-39 " Jonathan, Feb. 20, 1770. Note—Joseph (above) born Riehmond ; the others Exeter. 1-204 MUMFi_>RD John, of John. Jr., and M;i ry. Aug. 5, 1743. 1-204 " Freeman, May 14, 174(5. 1-204 Jr.deth, l.st wife of John, Jr.. d. Oct. 21, 1730. 2-180 " Rnlh, of Thomas, Oct. 12, 1750. 2-180 " Robinson, Jan. 13, 1758. 2-lSO " .Sarali, Jan 17, 17C.0. 2-180 " Mary, Dec. 10. 1761. 2-180 a George, Aug. 6, 1764. 2-180 a Hannah, Nov. 20, 17(i8. Sept. 7, , 1760. Sept. 23, , 1771. March 29, 1773. March 6, 1773. Aug. 8, 1789. . 28, 1795. Dec. 8, . 1817. May 19, , 1821. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 55- 3-11 POTTER Jeremiali Carpenter, of William and Thankful, 3-11 " Isauili KnowU'S, 3-11 Nathan L., 3-11 Willett F., 311 " George W., 3-11 " John S., 3-11 " Haniel B., May 24, 1823. Feb. 7, 1821). April 18, 1828. .Sept. 13, l.'<30. March 4, 1833. Oct. 28, 1835. March 4, 1.'338. Q R 3-41 RATHBUN Sarah, of Obediah and Anna. June 15, 1733. 3-41 « Mary, Miiy 25, 17.i4. 3-41 " Dorcas, May 5, 1737. 3-41 WiUiam, Jan. 28, 1744. 3-41 " Joseph, Sept. 22, 1745. 3-41 '• Margeret, Feb. 2(1, 1748. 3-41 Susannah, April 21, 1750. 1-228 Oliver, of Thomas and Charity, Feb. 15, 1734. 1-223 Charity, April 12, 1735. 1-228 Thomas, Dec. 5, 1730. 1-228 Hannah, July 3, 1741. 1-228 " Simeon, May 10, 1745. 1-228 Oliver, Feb. 2, 1747. 122S " Mary, March 23, 175(1. 1-228 Nathan, May 25, 1753. 1-211 " Joseph, of Joseph. Jr., and Abigail, July 10,. 1733. 1-211 •' Rebecca, Dec. 27, 1730. 1-211 " Mary, Nov. 22, 1738. 1-211 •' Ann, JiUy 30, 1740. 1-211 " Jeremiah, ^ March 27, 1742, 1-211 George, March 7, 1743. 3-00 John Peek, of Nathaniel and Ann, March 23, 1740.' 3-90 " Margeret (3d dau.). July Hi, 1749. 3-91 " Capt. Nathaniel, i 1. June or July — , 1750. 3-91 " ThanMul. of Joshua and Amle, Nov. 29, 1735. 1-107 *' Mercy, Feb. 25, 1758. 3-82 " Margaret, of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1758. 3-82 '• John, June 8, 1770. ■3-202 " Rowland, born, Sept. 10, 1705. 3-202 " Phehe Brown, of Rowland and Freelove, March 10, 1795. 3-202 Sally Prown, March 21, 1797. 3-202 " Thomas, of Simeon and Anna, Oct. 19, 1771. 3-202 " Anna, Sept. 20, 1774. 3-202 Charity, Sept. 2G, 1774. 3-202 " Mary, Jan. 7, 1778. 3-202 OUve, Feb. 10, 1780. 3-202 " Russell, Jan. 20, 1782. 3-202 " Simeon, Sept. li. 1784. 3-202 " Nathan, May 17, 178S. 3-202 " Eunice, Feb. •>, 1790. 3-84 " Joseph, of G-eorge and Mercy, June 23, 1T79. 3-2C.0 " Nathan D., of Nathan and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1607. 3-2(;9 Charity D., May 28, 3 809. 3-269 " Mary A., Sept. 29^ 1811. 3-269 John H.. Oct. 14, 1814. 3-100 " Jerome B., of Nathan .and Mary, Dec. 8, 1859. 1-197 REYNOLDS George, 01 John and Martha, March 1, 1728. 1-197 " Ann, June 7, 1733. 1-197 " Ami, d. Aug. — , 1734. 1-197 Mary, April 3, 1736. 1-197 Mary, a. Jan. 7, 1737. 1-197 " Oliver, June 21, 1739. 1-197 Martha, Slay 8, 1741. 1-197 Martha 2d, Sept. 19, 1744. 50 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISI^AND. l-li)T KEYN 1-1U7 1-lUT " 1-197 1-197 1-197 1-197 1-197 ■ •■ 1-197 1-197 1-iilO 1-210 l-i210 1--J10 1-215 " l-'JXo 1-215 1-21"> 1-213 '• 1-213 '• 1-215 1-215 " 1-215 1-213 1-215 1-212 1-212 1-175 1-175 1-175 1-171 " 1-171 1-171 1-171 " 1-171 1-171 1-171 1-171 •' 1-171 " 3-25 3-25 3-25 " 3-25 " 3-25 3-25 " 3-25 " 3-159 8-159 " 3-159 3-159 3-159 3-159 3-159 3-159 3-159 3-159 " 3-159 3-159 3-5 3-14 3-14 3-4 3-33 3-38 OLDS George, ol Jobn and Martha, »r'Pt, 18, 1751. Jolin, Dec. 9, 1753. Lueza, ol George and Joinna, July 8, 17-13. Ueorge, AprU 37, 1745. Lydla, AprU 4, 1747. Joseph, July 9, 1749. EUzateth, July 9, 1749. George, Dec. 30, 1751. George, d. July 1, 1753. Joanna, March 12, 1755. Henry, of Jolin, (carpenter), • Sipt. 22, 1724. Thomas, ol Henry and. jlehltaWe, March 18, 1746. Hannah, Feb. 1, 1748. lltnry, AprU 17, 1751. Joseph, of Denjamln and Aloe, July 26, 1747. Jonathan, Aug. 6, 17-t9. Hannah, Oct. 14, 1752. Hannah, Jan. 26, 1754. Alee. JiUy 21, 1755. i;<-njrtmin, Oct. 6, 1757. John, Aug. 20, 1759. Jlary, (.July) Aug. 10. 1763. M;ir^'aret, Dec. 14, 1766. Stephen, Aug. 10. 1772. Stt^phen, d. Mnrch 27, 1773. Note.— Msn recorded 3-135. Christopher, of Christian, dau. of George. Aug. 16, 1747. Cliristopher, d. Aug. 20, 1747. Hannah, of Jonathan and Ann, July 20, 1756. Ann. May 6, 1758. JonatJi.an, Oct. 7. 1760. Sarnh, of Robert and Eunice, ^ Oct. 17. 1737. Ann. Dec. 15. 1739. Ann, d. Mnrcli 10, 1760. George, Feb. 19, 1761. \V:iile. D -c. 26, 1763. W.nite. d. March 13, 1769. Eunice, Deo. 29, 1765. Phenews, Feb. 23, 1768. Anna, Dec. 11, 1769. Jolin, of EUsha, March 31, 1758. Mary, May 28, 1760. Elisha. Oct. 29, 1763. Thomas, July 19, 1765. bellai. Feb. 12, 1768. PhUUpa, Sept. 18, 1770. Walt/?, t)cl. 24, 1773. Henry, born Aug. 31, 1759. Mercy (Brown), his wife. Aug. 8, 1761. Margaret, of Henry and Jlercy, Dec. 31, 1784. Martha, May 8, 1786. Cliarles, May 8, 1787. Job, Jlay 20, 1790. EUzaheth, Dec. 3, 1791. Benjamin, Feb. 28, 1796. Abel, May 25, 1798. Phebe, March 1, 1801. Mercy, AprU 18, 1804. Henry, AprU 22. 1811. Anna, of Joseph, (of Robert) and Elizabeth, June 28, 1765. Amon, of Benjamin and Sarah, June 17. 1770. Benjamin, Dec. 12, 1772. :Mary, of Joseph and Mary, -V.v. 2, 1771. Hannah, ol Henry, Jr., and Jemima, March 16, 1773. Elizabeth, July 4, 1774. EXETER— -BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 3-33 REYXOLDS M?Uilii1.1e, of Henvy. Jr., nnd J.-niima. Key. 18, 1778. 338 Sarah, May 13, 1781. 3-38 W'iiaUtnian, Jan. 26, 1783. Note— Two eldest born West Greeuwlcla, the oth. ■rs Exeter. 3-14;: " George, of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1774. 3-1-12 wmiam. Feb. 23, 177:;. 3-14:2 " Stephen, Aug. 7, 1773. 3-14:2 AMgaU, Dec. 17, 1781. 3-14ii " David, July 17, 1784. 3-142 " Sarah, Jan. 20, 1767. 3-70 '•■ Susannah, of Stephen and Abigail, Feb. 11, 1775. 3-70 Abigail, Oct. 11, 177i;. 3-70 Lucy, April 5. 177K. 3-70 " Jolin, Ang. 29, 1780. 3-70 " Steplien, May 19, l-K-2. 3-70 '* Snjmiel, June 7, 1784. 3-70 " Daniel, July 21, 1780. 3-70 Jo)), Dec. 7, 17SS. 3-70 Martha, Feb. 11, 1791. 3-70 Sarah, Sept. 1, 1703. 3-r.l)" " Anna, of George anci Aniie, Aug. 22, 1784. 3-50 " George, JiUy 14, 1786. 3-jn " John Gardiner, Dec. 2, ■'790. 3-50 Abel, JIny 8. 1793. 3 50 "•■ Dutee, Nov. 24, 1795. 3-59 ■' Sa muel. Oct. 6. 1800. 3-180 " Joseph, of Henry and Anna, April 25. 17.^5. 3-lSO Harris, Nov. ]5, 17Sii. 3-1 SO " Susannah, Sept. 3. 17.S8. 3-180 Lucy. Marcli 7, 1791. 3-180 ■' Tatience, April n. 1794. 3-180 .labez. Jan. 14. ]7.)7. 3-1 (n John, d., aged 83y. 11m. Sd., Aug. 18, 1794 3-1 lil AbigaU, widow of Jolin, died, aged 83y. 3Tn. .' ^(1.. July 30. 1798. 3-018 narriiiuT C. of John and Mercy, (let. 10. ]s04. 3-218 Asm T., Aug. 17, 1-06. 3-21 8 " Susannah, Oct. 23', 1808. 3-218 '* Deliorali, May IS, 1811. 3-218 Abigail, May IS, 1811. 3-218 " :\r(rry. Jan. 14. 1814. 3-2] 8 "■ Jolin. Feb. 2. 1.-16. 3-218 " Jesse Bui'diok, March IS, 1818. 3-218 " Benjamin Hoxsie, Marcli -S.;. 1,«20. 3-218 " Stephen. July 11. 1822. 3-243 " Ezra, of St'^ptieji. Jr., and Al)igail, Jan. 5. 1808. •i;-243 Joiinna. Feb. 5. Isll. 3-243 Clarke. Jan. 12. 1816. 3-43 " Lucinda Nud, U.'C. 17, l.*24. 3-25!) '* ^^■il!iam, of S;innul and Debor:ili. .l.'n. 12-13, 1809. 3'-2J9 " Steplien, AprU 26. 1812. 3-2(56 " Amie, Sept. 8, 1819. 3-274 '* HarlMT, of Job and .To;inna. June 14', 1811. 3-274 Lney. June 14. 1813. 3-274 Nathaniel. June 14, 1813. :;-274 Nalhnnirl. d. Dec. (J. 1815. 3-274 Job. A. Feb. 7. 1850. 3-278 i^ii'ii,-, nf Danlf] iilid -\Ice. June 4. 1813. 3-278 IJulli. March 24. 1815. 3-278 Waile, Sept. 3. 1818. 3-278 Al)igail. AprU 17. 1821. 3-278 Ab>y Ann. June 15, 1825. 3298 TOiitma.n G., of Almond 8. and llannjli 'St.. Aug, 25. 185J. 3-2(18 (■lioM-r A.. Jlay 4, 1858. 2-l(;i) niCHMOND William, ot Adani and Jl.-irr, Nov, 21. 1762. 2-ll>i) I'resiM'ved. June 25. 17i;4. 58 \TrAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-169 RICHMOND Dorcas, ol Adam and Mary, 3-5 John', of Steptien and Lucy, 3-225 '• Susannah, of John and Polly, 3-225 " Sarah, 3-225 •Stephen Hazard, :i-225 " Julin Maxson, 3-225 Mary, 3-225 George W., 3-225 Robert H., 3-225 " Nancy, 3-225 Lucy, 3-225 Almira, 3-35 Eliza, of Stephen and Margaret, 335 " Ephraim, 3-35 Benjamin, 1-215 ROOEKS ThanMnl, of Joseph and Marg-a 1-27.5 Joanna, 1-215 " Elizabeth, 1-215 " Margaret, AprU 27. 1766. Dec. 25, 1777. March 22, 1802. Feb. 10„ 180-t. Dec. 7, 1805. Dec. 25, laos. Jan. 3, 1811. April 8, 1813. March 9, 1815. June 15, 1817. Nov. 21, 181!). Aug. 21, 1821. Nov. 13, 1810. Dec. 12, 1811. Aug. 13, 1815. Oct. 8, 1742. March 20, 174-1. Majrch 10, 1746. Dec. 28, 1748. 3 44 SANFORD Jeremiah, of ■W'Uliam C, 3-44 '• Lydia, 3-44 " Edwin A., 3-111 SHELDON Roger, of Eo.ger and Elizabeth, 3-111 " James, 3-111 " John, 3-204 " James Seager, of Jame.s and S;aiy, 3-2(>4 " Palmer, 3-2ii4 " Joseph, 3-264 " Elizabeth, 3-264 " Cazanda, 3-264 '■ Gardiner Dawley, 3-267 " Hann.ah, of Roger, Jtui., and Prudence, 3-267 " Sarah, of John and Elizabeth, 3-267 '■ D.anlel, 3-202 " Benju , bf James and Sarah T., 1-321 SHERMAN Ezeld-1, of Jonathan and Mary, 1-231 " Elizabeth, of Ezeklel and Margaret, 1-221 " WilUam, 1-221 " Wary, 1-221 " .lohn, 1-222 " Joseph, " Anstls, 3-1 3(i " Clarke. 3-126 '• James. 3-22 " Alice. (3d dnn.) of Pardon nnd Ruth, 3-22 " Ruth. (4tli dan.). 3-22 '" RuMi. vnff of Pardon. .3-57 " . of Pi'Tiolope. (.Tmnestown). 3-57 " Daniel Hollowny, of Daniel and 3-57 " Pardon (Exeter), 3-67 " .Toseph B., of Phillip and Anna. 3-lsr. " Amle. of Allen and Ruth, 3-lPfi '• AMtrail. 3-lSO " Ctiarle"!, 3-1 Sfi '• .lohn, 3 2"n " .Irihn, of Pardon S.. 2-lBO TEFFT AhlRnil, of R ihiTt and Aldpnil. 2-180 " .Totin. 2-180 " Robert, 2-180 " .loseph. 2-180 " Tat ir nee, 3-22 " Jfarth.n. of RnViert and Martlia. 3-107 " Rnliert. of John a,nd Anna, 3-107 " Aliiirall. 3-107 " .Teremlah. 3-107 " Simon, 3-107 " Marr. 3-107 " D.aA-ld. 3-187 " Lvdin. of Renjamln T. and Lucy, 3-187 " Aliitrail. 3-187 " Lney. 3-187 " Relieoe.T. 3-187 " Hannah. 3-187 " Benjamin B.. 3-lfil " Lney, -nife of Benjamin T., dnn. of nfrerl 3ny., 5m., Od, 3-102 TERRY Srih. 3-102 " AWRrill. of Selli and Mary. 3-102 " .loanna. 3-102 " Wosej;, 3-250 " Cli:irles, of Ollinlel and Naney. 3-25i) " Willl.am R.. of Mose!! and S.irnh, 3-25'". " Steplien, ' 3-250 " Seth W.. 3-250 " Bareness P.. 3-230 " Whitman Barlier, 3-250 " Wliitmnn Barlier, 3-250 " EUet. 3-250 " Sil.as Wliitman, 1-203 TRIPP .lob, 1-203 " Sarah, his wife. 1-203 " Pel(>.2. of Job and Sarah, 1-203 " Pereiirini'. 1-203 " Charles. 1-203 " diaries. 1 203 " :\Iehital)le, 1-203 " Sarah, 1 -203 " Job, 1-203 " Amos. 1203 " Mary,. 1203 " Phebe. 1-203' " EzeWel. 1-203 " Ciiarles, 1-203 •• Thomas, of William and Mary, (Vit. Rec, A^ol. 5.) 10 Jan. 20, 1780. J"r.. 18, 1783. April 17, 1784. AuR. 21. 1780. M.ay 21 „ 1707. \Xrn 22, 1773 d, Ans. 21, 1770. Sept. 3B, 1780. Mnrcli 23. 17S2. Dec. 29, 1783. Oct. 11, 1799. Sept. 11, 1801. Nov. 18, 1803. Dec. 30, 1805. Feb. 1. 1808. Oct.. 0, 1755. Feb. in, 1758. Feb. 4, 1701. Oct. 13, 1703. D"e. 1(1 1700. May 7, 17'1. March 1. 1779. Oct. 0. 1781 . July 23. 17.02. April 27, 17S-(. .lane 23. 1780. .TiUy 3, 1788. Fel). 3. 1800. Feb. 20, 1.802. April 25. 1.'^04. Feb. 15. 1800. Mnrcli 25, 1808. May O, 1810. Stephen and Abiccail Reynolds. Sept. 11. 1811. Jan. 22, 17(i-l. .Tan. 11. 1780. Marcli 28, 1787. Dec. 2. 1738. Sept. 14, 1811. June 2, 1812. Nov. 3. 1814. Jan. 31. 1810. Aug. 1, 1817. :May 23, 1818. d. April 8, 1.823. April 3. 1820. April 3. 1822. t). AniU 20. 1701. b. May 20, 1704. June 13'. 1723. Aug. in, 1725. Oct. 1. 1727. d. in Surinam, Auril —, 1748. Dec. 1. 1729. Dec. 20, 1731. June 28, 173'4. Sept. 8, 1730. Marcb 28. 1739. Au?. 13. 1741. March 9. 1713-4. Sept. 30. 1719. May 12. 1740. 62 \1TA1 EECORD OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-216 TEIPP Hannah, of Peleg and S:i.rali, 1-216 " Sunili, 1-216 " Loiiis, 1-21C " Waite, 1-216 a Sarah, of Peregrine and Susannah, 1-216 It Euth, 1-21G " Susannah, 3-169 It Lucy Ann, of Jobn S., 3-1G9 It Samuel Burrell, 3-109 ti Huldali EUza 3-169 " Perry Greene, Jan. 19, 1743. Nov. 11, 1745. Aug. 10, 1747. AprU 1, 1749. Oct. 1, 1749. AprU 15, 1751. Jan. 1, 1753. AprU 15, 1818 Feb. 23, 1S20. Oct. 12, 1821. Oct. 12, 1823. U V 3-235 VAUGHN Joshua, born 3-235 ' Lucy, his ■wife, bom 8-235 ' mtt. of Joshua and Lucy, 3-235 ' Ray Greene, 3-233 ' JIaria Flagg, 3-235 ' Catherlue Isabel, 3-197 ' Isaac Watton, of Eiiliard and Esther 3-197 ' Lucy, 3-197 ' Mary, 3-197 .Sybel, 8-197 ' Abigail, 3-1 97 ' Betsey, 3-197 ' lianiel. Nov 1. 1773. March 21, 1772. Sept. 24, 1799. Aug. 3, 1801. Api-il 18, 1803. Nov. 18, 1804. March 4, 1798 Jan 5, 1800 J;in. 10, 1802. April 21, 1,S03 Dec. 4. laoc Feb. 17, 1815 Oct. 31, 1813 w 1-226 WAIXIIAN Sarah, of Richard and A\-is, June 10. 1733. 1-226 " Pelleloiie, Jan. 9, 1735. 1-226 " Charles, Oct. 22, 1737. 1 209 WAITE Deliorah. of Samuel, Jr.. and Sarah, July 11, 1725. 1-209 Caleb, Sept. 11, 1727. 1-209 " M.arthu, Dec. 4, 1729. 3-209 Kuth, May 12, 1732. 1-209 " Lucrttta. Jan. 22, 1734. 1-209 " Elear.or. Jan. 9, 1736. 1-209 " Samuel. Jan. 1 , 1738. 3-209 " Catherine, June 19, 1740. 1-209 " Henry, Jan. 7, ] 742-3. 1-209 " Jonathan, Jan. 7, 1 -42-3. 1-209 " Benjamin, Jan. .5, 1 745-6. 1-209 Alee, June — , 1747. 1-209 " George, Mareh 32. 1749. 1-174 " Martha, of Joseph and Elizabeth, March 10, 1738. 1-174 " Keul.en. July 2-1. 1740. 1-174 " Oliver. June 13, 1741. 1-174 " Elverton, Sept. 14, 1743. 1-227 " Mary, of William and Mary, Feb. 18, 1751-2. 1-227 " Benjamin, Sept. 3, 17.'V3. 1-227 Isaiah. Jan. 30, 1736. 1-227 " John, Dec. 29, 1757. 1 -227 " William. Jan. in. 1760. 1 -227 Stephen. Oct. n. 1761. 1-227 *' Nicholas, April 17, 17l>3. 3-226 " Jenekes. of Samuel, Jun., and AnsUles, Feb. 6. 1753. 1-226 " Lucia, June 0, 1756. 1-326 '* .len<'kes. March 3, 1759. 1-172 " Beriah, of Benjamin and Parah, Nov. 28, 1737. 1-172 " Josi'ph. Jan. 27 1759. 1-IT2 8ifi)Iien, Jan. 2G 17(51. EXETER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 63 1-172 WAITE Honor, of Benjamin and SaxaJi, Ang. 18, 1762. 1-172 :( Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1765. 1-172 « Edmund, Feb. 26, 17G7. 1-172 tt Ljdla, Dec. 25, 1769. 1-172 ti Mary, Jan. 14, 1772. 3-Sl " Bi'njamln, Jan. 8, 1776. 3-81 a Sarali, Oct. 8, 1780. 3-81 ti Jolm, Aug. 22, 1785. 1-173 (( Elizabeth, of Reuben and Mary, July 19, 1759. 3-26 It Jenclves, of Jenckes and SaraJi, May 24, 1781. 3-71 " George, of Joseph and Abigail, Aug. 10. 1784. 1-176 WATSOX Ste-pUen. of Robert, Dec. 7, 1760. 3-152 u Samuel (2(1 sonl, of Robert and Rebecca, May 10, 1778. 3-152 tl Jolm (3d son). June 22, 1782. 3-177 " .John, of Stephen and Mercy, Nov. 24, 1782. 3-177 " Gardiner, Jan. 17, 1785. 3-177 " Freeleve, Note.— Also recorded 3-28. AprU 6, 1790. 3-152 11 Patience, of Jolm and. Isabel, Sept. 7, 1801. 3-152 >• John Kenyou, MtiKh 15, 1S04. 3-152 " Stephen Dyer, Oct. 25, 1806. 3-152 " Jolm Mumford, June 20, 1809. 1-171 WEEDEN I'eleK, of Caleb and Lydia, Sei>t. 15, 17.59. 1-171 " John, Dec. 22, 1701. 1-2125 WEIGHTKAN Thankful, of Tilus and Haimali, Sept. 19, 1752. 3-13 '• Mary, (b. In Warwick), of Stephen and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1773. 313 " Al-iigaU, wUe of Stephen, died Feb. 22, 1780. 1-210 WHITFORD Sai-ali, of Joliii .and Martha, Sept. 17, 1727. 1-210 « Benjamin, M.ay 1, 1720. 1-210 " Lydia, Nov. 22, 1730. 1-210 << ifll/.abeth. April 3, 1733. 1-210 " Mary, Dee. 22, 1735. 1-210 " Jolm, Dee. 1. 1737. 1-210 " Jkrey, March 25. 1739. 1-210 " Martlia, Jan. 21, 1740. 1-210 " Amos, July 25, 1743. 1-225 WHITMAN EUzabeth, of Georgi- and Bridget, Sept. 23, 1752. 3-103 WILBUR Abigail, of John aiid Ahif-'aU, May 1, 1752. 3-206 ecca, Dee. 23, 1779. 3-132 .. Isaac, Feb. 22, 1781, 3 132 Nalhaniel, March 20, 178:^, June 5, 1785 3-132 " Josialt, 6i VITAL EECOKD OF KHODE ISLAND. 3-132 a-I3'2 3-132 3-231 3-lOfi 3-227 3 257 3-207 3-207 3-207 3 207 3-207 3207 3-207 3-207 3-207 3-207 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8 WILCOX Anli.nba, of Isaax; and Eebecca, " Jacob, '* Isaac, died " Jctti-ey H., (3d sou) ot Jeffri'y and Sarah, " Gardiner, of St<>plieii, Kebooca Walton, of Isaiab and Sybel. " (;iiarli»s T., of Otlmlel an carry on the affairs there, as in condition of a towneship. Bee it therefore enacted by this Assemlil.v. and by the authority thereof, that the said inhabitants of Musquamacott being seated adjoining to Paw- catucke, alias Narragansett or Narragansett River on the west part and boundary of this Collony, and within that part thereof known by the name of the King'iS Province aforesaid, to wit, Mr. ,lohn Crandall, Mr. Tobias San- ders and all such others a,s now are, or hereafter shall be legally admitted as freemen and inhabitants in the said place called Jlusquamacott, etc., shall be knowne and called by the name of WESTERLY, and shall be reputed and deemed the fifth Towne of this Collony, and shall have use and enjoy all such privilidges and exercise all sucli methods and forms for the well ordering their towne affaires, as any other towne in this Collony may now use and exercise, and they shall have lilierty to elect and send two Deputies to sitt and act in the Generall Assemblys of this Collony from time to time, and are enjoyned to choose and send to the General Court of Triads one grand jury man, and one for the jury of trials from time to time, and further this Assembly for their the said peoples better governing themselves, and such as come amongst them, and untill his Majest.ves pleasure be father knowne doe recommend the care and speciall regard or ordering and appeynt- ing Conservators of the Peace among them unto the Governor, Deputye Gov- ernor and Assistants of this Collony, as was by the Governor and Councill began in the year 1C6.5, and hath been since continued disiringe it may still be ordered, and by the said justices, renewed and as occasion requires compleatcd and established, as they shall see meett, even to erecting Courts for Triall of such small matters as other particular Courts in this Collony may doe in that respect. Rhode Island Colonial Records Vol. II., pages 2.30. 251. M '4\ WESTERLY. nS/^ A.R,R,I.A.C3--E S- 2-84 AUAMS Thomas, and Mury ILill (oC Kdwaril, dre.) : in. by .Tolm RicUniond, Justice, Nov. 23, 17;!2. 3-80 " Janus, iind Jlaiy Randall, both of iM'oion. Conn.; m. by Silas tlrot-nnuin, .htstice. .Vu^. 3, 1 7.'j(>. 5-89 AKINS Andi-ew J., of Volnoy, Oswego Co., N. Y., and Haimah Vars, ol Westerly; in. by Rev. Thoinas U. Osborn. Dec. 2, 184i>. 5-101 AiJ',.\.\NUER Di.xoii. of Benson. VI.. 51. D.. son ol Alexander, o( De Kalb, N. Y.. and >lary Elizabelh Weiilw.irtli, of I'rastus, ol Coun. ; ni. by Rev. Tlninias H. V.iil. ('ci. 2, ls41). 2-110 Af.LEN Gideun, and Lydia . Nov. li, 170."). 2-110 ■• Samn.-l, and ( aHieiin ■ Hinriis, Auk'. 20. 1707. 2-87 " r.ntlcnce, and Willlarri Mi'ekcome. Ainll 2. 1738. 2-94 " Sanili, and Tliomas Hurdicl;, Dtv. li, 1712. 2-73 '■ .John, and Lydia Kichnionil : ni. by Elder .leseph JIaxson, March 30, 174-4. 3-93 " ThanMnI, anil Isai ili L-aniiliear, del. lO, 17iJ3. 3-l.'55 " Racliel, and Paul Edu'ards, April 13, 17S2. 4-64 " Polly, luul William Noyes. Ayril 21, 1702. 4-120 " ■ Jo.sliua, of James, of Cluuli'stown. and Rachel Bliven, of Daniel, of We^lerly ' m. by S miiel HUven. Justice. Marcli 1, 170S. 4 212 '• Greene, of CUirbstowo. and Aniey l-!l;ven. of Westerly: m. by Elder Abram Co .n. E b. 12. ].s04. 4-257 " Amelia., and Henjamiii Ciavilt, .May IT, 1S14. 5-97 " Fredi'iic Lee, of ^ew London, Conn., and Walte Harris Lippitt. of tliristopher. of Wi-sterly ; m. by iWv. Thomas H. Vail, June 4, 1849. 2-72 AI.r.onY Sara,'i, and William l)a,\is, Feb. 7, 1739-40. 5-67 Alios Rufus, and Bethey Wliile; m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tnckerman, Jan. 35, 1840. 3-Gfi Al'STI.N' Cornelius, of .Scituale, and Thaiildul Saunders, of Westerly: m, by John Kichniond. Justice, Oct. 2o, 1733. 3-17 '■ liarbara, and Dani/l liutlon, Oct. 7, 1752. 4-103 ■• Cliamplain. of Stephen, of Charlestown, and Uolly Hall, of Abigail,, of Westerly: ni. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, (also 4-109), .\ov. 20, 1790. 5-52 " Charles W., and Emma Ann Bliven; m. by I\ev. Oliver P. Tuc.ker- niau. April 2.'). 1S44. 5-25 " Khoda -N., .ind William R. linrdick. Jul> 4. is4i!. 3-32 A^■EKV Charle-;, ol Cfrotc^n, and .Mary Thurston, y Elder Joseph IMaxson, May 19, 1748. 3-28 " Susannah, and Benjamin Clarke, Nov. 3, 1748. 3-01 '■ William, ot Duniel. and Patience Cotlrell; m. by William Bab- lock. Justice, Jan. 'Jf<. t'AU. 3-20 " Anne, amt Josepli Davis, .liin. 18, 1749-50. 3-9 " George, Jr., of Wei^teily, and MehitaWe Wheeler, of Stonlngton; m. Iiy Kc'v. Jiiseijh risli, June 20, 1751. 3-25 " Lucy, and Nathan Breed, June — , 1751. 3-3 " Elizaljedi, ami John' Bui-dlck, Dec. 1, 1751. 3 25 " Hannali, null Joseph Reynolds, Sept. — . 1752. S-2!i ■■ Mary, and Joseph Dasis, Jan. 10. 1753. 3 35 " Caleb, of Westerly, and Susanna llall, of Richnioiul : m. by Daniel JIaecoon, Justici'. Jan. 11. 1753. 3-30 " James, and Mary Satterly, Feb. 21,, 1753. 3-31 " John, of Westerly, and Abigail Pearce, ot Richmond; m. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice. March 8, 1753. 3-9 " SajBb, and Stephen Chalken. Nov. 5, 1753. a-33 " Joshu;!, ef Daniel, and S;irali Berry ; m. by WlUlam Hern, Justice, Jan. 10, 175-1. 3-41 " Elizabeth, and Xatlian Smith. Sept. 10, 1754. 3-42 " James, and S.irnh Stanton ; m. by Silas Greenman, Justice, Deo. 2, 1754. 3-43 " Prudence, and William Saunders, Jr., Jan. 9, 1755. 3-43 " Samuel. Jr.. and Mary Snuth ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Jan. 23, 1755. 3-9 " Ichabod. Jr.. of Westerly, and Esther Stanton, of Charlestown; m. by Joseph ("randall. JusUce, March 17, 1756. 3-51 " Aiine, and Copt. Simin RlKides. Dec. 15, 1756. 3-44 " Job. and Sarah Porter; ni. by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1757. 3-55 " James, Jr.. of Stonlngton, and Lucretla Bal>cock, of Westerly ; m. by Silas Greenman. Justice, .July 21, 1757. 3-55 " Lucretla, and James Bab nek. Jr., Jidy 21, 1757. 3-23 " Ceazar, and Reensy Greenman : m. by William Hern, Justice, April 7, 175s. 3-72 " Sarah, and John Gonon, Nov. 9. 1700. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 3-77 BABCOCK Oliver, and SUvestre Belolit-r ; m. liy Joseph Craiidall, Justice, .Inly 2, 17t;i. 3-Sl " Ellcaniili, nnd EsiUor Crandnll ; ni. by Jaim's Bllveii, Justice, (also 4-6(;), Mai-cli 28, 17r.2. 3-86 " Th:inkfiil, and Joseph Staiitr>ii, Jr.. July 1-t. 17(V2. 3-94 " Beneiliet, ol South KiugstoTivTi, and Maxy Thompson, ol Capt. Joshua, of Westerly; m. hy Rev. Jcseph Park. JIareli 2, 17l'i3. 4-19 " Jesse, of Joseph, and Abigail MulMn, of Henry; m. hy Ichahod Bal'cock. Juslie.', ^^Iireh 8. 17ii3. 3-94 " Mary, and Pheneo.s Clarke, Nov. 23. 1763. 3-12 " Nathan, of Westerly, a.nd Eli/.nlieth Rrmvn, ot Stonington; m. hy Rev. Joseiih Fisli. :M:iy 20, 17i;i. 3-09 " Joseph, Jr., and Hannah Champhdn ; in. by Eev. Joseph Park, Jtareh 31, 17<'."'. 3-104 " Pi-udinoe, and EUjah Lewis. Nov. 10, 1765. :i-105 " Ephraim, of Westerly, and Ann Peekham, of Cliarlestown ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Aim. 10, 17r,6. 3-109 '• Phelie. and Ezekiel Gavitt, Jr., March 22, 1767. 3-115 " JIajor James, of Westerly, and Joanna MeDowell, of .«tonington. at .Stoninfrton, by R-v. Xathani.l Eell-. Au;;'. 27, 1709. 3-11+ " Elizabeth, an " Anna and Robert Thompson. March 18, 1773. 3-141 ■' Ann-lla, and Nathan Penrth-tun. Jan. 22. 1775. 3-149 " James, 3d, of James, and Sarali Ross, of John : m. by Eld.T Isaiiih Wih-ox. Jan. 26, 1777, 4-61 " Deborah, and Nathaniel .Sillmaii, Feli. 26, 1777. 3-160 ■■ Lucy, and Christopher ('randall, .Vin-il 17, 1777. 3-17:! " Anne, and Rowland riianiphiin. May 10. 1777, 3-153 " Prentice, of Isaac, and Anna. Gavitt, of William, dec. ; m. hy Joseph Hrandall, Juslice, March 15, 1778. 3-154 " Heniy, of James, and Prudence Gavitt, of Hezeklah : m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 4, 1778. 3-163 " Samuel, of Nathan. 2d, and Lucy Wilcox, of David, dec; m. by ^_ Elder Isaiah Wilcox, May 23, 1779. 3-164 " Nathan, ot Sanniel, di-c, of Westerly, and Nancy Lewis, of Na- thaniel, dec, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Lsaiah Wilcox, Aug. 26. 1779. 3-177 " Simon, and Mrs. ll.iunali Champhiiii : m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, April 6. 1780. 3-170 " lion. Joshua, of Westerly, and Mrs. Anna Maxson, late of New- port; m. by Josepli Clarice, Justice, May 28, 1780. 3-127 " Isaac, and Am,?y Ciavitt, (.f Deacon Ezeklel ; m. by Joseph Cran- dall. Justice. Nov. 12, 1780. 3-171 " Paul, ot Samuel, of Westerly, and Charlotte CrandUI, of James, of Richmond ; m. by Joseph Crandali. Justice, (also 4-76), Nov. 30. 1780. " Stirah, and Sylvester Gavitt, Sn)t. 30. 1781. " Elizabeth, and Villiam Blacjiinglon. Nov. 27. 1781. « Amos, of Isaac, and Mary Babcock, of Joseph; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, (also 4-84),, Di'C 2. 1781. " Mary, and Amos Babcock, (also 4-84). Dec. 2, 1781. Mary, and Peleg Ross, Jr., D,-ic. 2. 1781. " Dorea.T, and Nathan Itabc.jck. Feb. 1782. " Nathan, of .Samuel, dec. of Westerly, and Dorcas Babcock.' of David, of Soutli Kingstown: m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, "eb. 6, 1782. 4-113 " Cliristopher, Jr., of Cliarlestown. and Polly Potter, ot Middlotown; m. by Rev. Gardliu'r 'I'hurston, June 16. 1782. 3-118 " Joseph, Jr.. son of Icliab id, Jr., and Sarah Babcock, of Christo- pher : m. hy Elder Isaiah Wilcox. Aug. 4, 1782. 3 118 " Sarah, and Joseph Baljcock, "Jr., Aug. 4, 1782. 4.7 " Mary, and William Babcock. Sept. 8, 1782. 4-43 3-171! 3-176 3-176 3-17() 3175 3-175 ATfAL RECORD OF RHUDE ISLAND. 4-7 BABCOCK Willi.im, of CUristnplier, and. Mfuy Biiticock, of Ichabod ; m. by Eldor Isaiah Wilcox, Sopt. 8, 1782. 4-C.8 " JIary, and Hfiiry Davi^^, Aug. M. 1783. 4-13 " CUi'lstopher, ot Cliristoplicr, and Polly Burdick. of Oliver, dec", m. by Eldor Is.iiah Wilcox, Nov. 30, 1783. 4-100 " Anna, and W.alter Brand, Jan. 28, 3 784. 4-4 " Daniel, of James, dec, of Westerly, and Hannah Biirdick, of Peter, of Stonington; m. by Josepli Crandall, Justice, March 1, 1784. 4-20 " Silas, of Westerly, and Mercy Keiiyon, of John, of Uiclimond, at Kicliniond; m. liy Elder John Burdick, Jan. 18, 1787. 4-27 " Rhoda, and Cieorge GavlU, March 31, 1783. 4-68 " Jared, of Samuel, of Wesiejly, and Martha Lewis, of Daniel, of Hopldnton ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Oct. 25, 1789. 4-55 " Je>se, of Isaac, and Hannah Thompson, of Isaac; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 2.3, 1789. 4-97 " Joanna, and Joseph WiUiur, Jr., Jan. r,, 1790. 4-49 '* John, of John. dec. of Wi'sterly, and Anna Maxson, of Jonathan, of Riclimond; m. by Eld. Henry Jo.slin, Jan. 10, 1790. 4-<;o '■ Arnold, of Oliver, di'c, and Lucy Davis, of Josiph : ra. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 17. 17:)0. ■!-li)h-r, and Molly Habcock, of Joseph; ni. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Jan. 16, 1800. 4-151 " Molly, and Asa llabeock, Jan, 16, 1800. 4-154 " Martha, and Sanfoi-d Noyes, Feb. 2, 1800. 4-165 '• Bouse, of Rouse, ot Westerly, and Hannah Brown, of George, of South Kingstown; m. at South Kingstown, by Rev. Theodore Di-hon, Jan. 13, 1801. 4-103 " Stephen, of Christopher, and Phebe Hurch : m. by Sjtmu.l Bliven, J U.St ice, March 22, 1801. *-'^SO " Joseph, of Joseph, of Westerly, and Keturah Gavilt, of Jolin. of Charlestown ; m. by Nathan Taylor, Justice, April 12. 1801. 4-174 " Elizabeth, and John WiHiur. Sept. 21, 1801. '>-1<''4, ■• Ruth, and Sylvester Cruiub, Jr., Oct. 11, 1801. 4-173 " Daniel, of Joseph, and Nancy Babcock. of James: m. by Joseph Pendb'ton, Justice, Oct. 29, 1801. ■'-^'^^ " Nancy, and Dani.I Babeo -k. Oct. 29, 1801. "•"'"1^ " I'liineas, of Christopher, and Thankful Babcock, of Joseph: m. by .Samuel Bliven, Justice. Nov. 29, 1801 ••-'"l " 'I'liankful, and Phiueas Babcock, Nov. 29, 1801. "*''"- " Josliua, of Elder Elkanali. .and Nancy CrandaE, of John; ni. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Dec. 13. 1801. '*"'"'j " Janu's, of Josep'.i and Hannah Rhodes, of Capt. Joseph; m. Iiy Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 6, 1802. ''"4 " Nancy, and WUllam Bliven, 2d, Jan. 16. tSOS. *"!'*" " ( harlotte, and Augustus Cranlcll. Sept. 17. 1803. •^■^'IS " DamaiUis, and Nathan Burch, Dec. 22 1803. 4-214 4151 4- 211 4- ■J37 4 250 4- 241 4 255 4- ■247 WESTERLY MAKRIAOES. 4.-208 BABCOCK Nathan, of Nathan, tec, and Patty Barber, of Poleg; m. by Joseph PendJetoii. .Justice, March 18, 3805. Xancy, and William Thompson, March :il, 1805. Asa, of Chrlstoph-'r, of We-itcily, nnd Elizabeth barber, of Thomas, de ,„ of Hopkiiiton ; m. by diaries Greene, Justice, Dec. 19, 1805. Dorcas, and N.alhan Barber. :id, Jan. 12, ISOG. Benjamin, of Westerly, and Ann Wilcox, of Gol. Edward, of Charlestown; m. at Chnrl'?stown, by Peleg Cros.s, Justice, Jan. 20, IHOii. Estlier, and Stephen Smit.li, S.>pt. (!, 180? David, of Nathan, dec, and Fanny Tetlt, of John; m. by Joseph Pendletiin, Justice. April 7, 1808. Eunice, and Thomas B:al)er. May 25, 1800. Paul, Jr., and Ani"y Clarke, of Job B. : ni. by Elder Matthew StUlmaU. Sept. 5, 1811. 4-253 ■' Asa 2d. and Mary liarttt: m. by Elder Jesse Babci.ck, Sept. 12, ISlli. 4-256 '• Mary, and Joseph Potter. Jr.. Oct. 28. 1813. 4-250 '• Elisha, and Cella Wilbur, m. .at .Slonington. by Nathaniel Miner, Justice, Jan. 17. I.si4. 4-203 " Hannah, and llibert F. Ferguson. Jjn. 23, 1814. 5-15 " Xancy, and Jolin P. Hall. Sept. 3, :S2i;. 5-4S " Edward W., and Martlia H. Cross; m. by Eller JIatthew Stillman, Nov. 27, 1833. 5-33 " Henry, of Slouinijton. and Mary Caroline Ross, of Westerly; m. by Eev. James Pratt. Feb. 4. 1839. 5-35 " Charlotte, and James E. Irish, Aug. 20. 1839. 5-60 " Sarah A., and Dr. John G. Pence, Jiuie 1, 1840. 5-10 " Perry G., and Eliza Slicifield ; m. by Rev. A. G. Palmer, April 11, 1811. 5-25 " Ezekid, and Mary W. Lee; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Feb. 13, 1842. Mary Ann, and Benjamin K. Champhn. Sept. 22, 1842. Susan, and George W. Barber. Dec. 7, 1842. Ehoda, and Matthew S. Barber, Jan. 8. 1843. Horace, and Abby Jane Cross; m. by Rev. Wilham H. Newman, Sept. 11, 1843. Lydia A., and WUUani P. Taylor, Oct. 5, 1.^43. Harriet. .an,l Horalh) Nelson Campbell. Sept. ^, 1846. Esther, and Charles A. Stillman, Oct. 4, 1S46. Mary Ann, and George (r. Crandall. Oct. 4, 1840. Matilda, .and Perry Hoxsle, July 3, 1848. Epliraim, of Pomfret. and JUiry Vincent, of Westerly ; ni. by Benoni Smith. Justici', Feli. 20. 17.J4. ' Hannah, and Francis Coldgrove, (also 2-n5), March ."i, 1718-9. JIai-j', and Eilward Eogers. July 22, 172S. Samuel, and Cliarlty Chissen ; m. by Samuel Wilbur. Justice, Feb. 12. 17'i5. Judeth, and Thomas Brand, May 17, 1739. Mary, and Jonathan Tettl, Jan. 29, 1740. Samuel, Jr., .and Hannah York: m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 8, 1701. 3-102 " Silas, of Caleb, and Amey Stillman, of Joseph, dec; m. by Joseph Clarke. Justice. May 22. 1777. 2-88 BARBER Dinah, and Edw.ird Wilcox. June 14, 1710. 2-92 '• Moses. n;id JIary Larl;in ; m. by Theodoty Rliodes. Justice. April 9, 1729. 2-82 " Ezeklel. of South Kingstown, and Hannah Webster, of W\'sterly ; m. by Samuel WUbur, Justice. Nov. 29, 1736. 3-41 " Mary, and Timothy Peckluim. Sept. 19. 1754. 3-56 " Mary, and Darins Waterman, .Sept. 23, 1757. 4-21 " Mary, and John Wilbur (also 4-10) Dec 30 or 31, 1780. 4-15 " Eunice, and Thomas Dunbar. .A.ue. 29. 1784. 5-43 tl 533 U 5-49 (I 5-47 a 5-40 « 5-74 It 5-75 " 5-7H " 5-87 " 3-37 BACON !-110 BAILEY 296 " 2-72 " 2-72 " 2-10 it 3-08 "" 10 \TrAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-9 BARBER Beniajnia, of Capt, Nathan, .-md Fanny BUven, ol Major Edward, dec. ; m. by Joseiili L'rand.ill, Justice, Dec. 1, 1784. 4-41 " John, of Nathan, and Sally WUcox, of Isaiah ; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 9, 1790. 4-ir)0 •• Perry, of John and Jlolly, of Exeter, and Hannah Winer, of Oliiirles, and Eunice, of Stonlngton; m. by Elder Eleazer Brown, March 30, 1794. 4-42 " Hosea, and Cattern Lanpliere ; m. by 'Joseph Clarke, Justice, Deo. 18, 1794. 4-125 " Lucy, and Rogers Cranrtall. Feb. 12, 1797. 4-122 " Ruth, and Daniel EUvcn, .Tan. 2S, 1803. 4-197 " Spragiie, ol Joseph, and Leney Stillman, of Col. George ; m. by Jo- seph Pendleton, Justice, April 7, 1804. i 4-208 " Patty, and Nathan Babcock, March 18, 1805. 4-151 " Elizabeth, and Asa Babcock. Di«. 19, 1805. 4-211 " Nathan. 3d. of Nathan, Jr.. and Dorcas Babcock, of Nathan, dec; m. by Joseph Pendleton. Justice, .Tan. 12. 1606. 4-2C)0 " Benjamin P., of Westerly, and Hannah Mtrriott, of Hopldnton ; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder M;itthew Stillman, March 13, 1808. 4-255 " Thomas, of Peleg, and Eunice B.abcock, of Joseph, dec. ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Ju.slice, May 25, 1609. 4-245'' " Peleg Sherman, and Louisa Gavil t ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, March 15, 1810. 4-41 " John, of Westerly, and Barbara Maxson, of Lebanon, Conn. ; m. by Natlianiel Dodge, Justic, Dec. 9, 1810. 4-254 " Thankful, and Capt. Thomas Dunbar, Jan. 30, 1814. 4-268 '• Amos, Jr., of Amos, of Westerly, and Lucinda Champlaln, of Paris, of Hopkinton; ni. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Dec. 7, 1615. 4-267 " Jered, Jr.. of Westerly, and Lois Lewis, of Ellas, of Hopkinton; ni. at Hopkinton. by Elder Matthew Stillman, March 6, 1817. 4-273 •' Hosea,, i.f Westerly, and Fanny Pendleton, of Stonlngton; m. at StoniJigton, by Elder Asher Miner, Oct. 4, 1m21. 4-248 " KetiiiTih, and Capt. Clarke Laupbcjie, March 31, 1823. 4-273 •• Jared, of Westerly,, an Eliza Stanton, of Stonlngton ; m. by Fadei Asher Miner, Feb. 12, 1825. 5-5 ■• Paul M., of Westerly, and Almlra Dowry, of North Stonlngton; m. by Elder A.sher -Min»r. Dec. 30, 1827. 5 61 " Geoige S.. of Westerly, .and Maiy A. Boss, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkinton. by Elder John Greene, March 13, 1842. 5-33 " George W., and Susan .Babcock ; ra. by George D. Cross, Justice, Dec. 7. 1842. 5-49 " Matthew S., and Rhoda Babcock; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Jan. 8, 1843. 5-47 " Dorcas, and Thomas W. Sisson, Dec. 3, 1843. 5-56 " Nancy 51., and Davis Laiiphere, Sept. 9. 1844. 5-84 " George S., and Julia A. Otis; m. by Rev. P. F. Kenney, Jan. 28, 1848. 5-100 " Mary E., and Oarke D. Crandall. Aug. 27, 1849. 5-105 " George H. S.. of Nathan, and Frances M. Hall, of John ; m. by Rev. John Taylor. Feb. 4. isso. 2-72 BARKER Barberry, and Jar\'is Hazleton, Jan. 21, 1735-6. 4-142 BARNES Bessy, and Amos Cross, Dec. 9. 1798. 4-214 " Sally, and George Brown, Dec. 9. 1804. 5-90 " Matthew, of Amos, and Jlarllui G. BurtUck, of Ichaiwd; m. hy Rev. Fred Denison, Se'pt. 4. 184S. 3-65 B,\REOXS jVfi-s. Lydia, and Wllliau! Pendleton, March 10. 1725-6. 5 53 BATES Lewis. Jr., ol Exeter, and Sarah Sim.s, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Ralph Fhinncy, July 29. 18i4. 1-102 BEBEE Mary, and Ji hn Clarke, Nov. 1, 1705. 2 73 '• Gideon', and Ruth Clarke: by EUh'r John Maxson, Nov. 25, 1735. 3-in ■• Mrs. Path'nce. and Thomas Hiscox,, March 2, 1756. 4 m BEERS Elizabeth, and .lolm Burdick, Jr.. Sept. 23. 1779. 3 Of) BELCHER EMzalieth, and .lob Slanlon, Nov. 11, 1764. 3-77 '• Silvestre, and Oliver Babcock,, July 2, 1761. WESTERLY MARRLVti ES. 11 3-4r, 2-79 3-94 3-321 4-139 3-33 3-47 3-99 4-18 4-65 4-S9 4-89 4-149 4-134 4-129 4-140 4-160 4-165 4-193 4-210 4-228 4-227 4-232 4-253 5-13 3-121 2-85 2-72 2-17 2-14 3-57 3-176 2-84 4-243 3-121 2-220 2-ll!l 2-110 2-98 2-09 2 118 3-19 BELL jVmra, iiiid 8:11)11114 Hern. July 28. 1754. BENXETT Ricliard, of StoniiiKtiin. :ni(l Mary Lovi4rss, of Westerly: m. by J„_ Mary, and Joseph Lowis. Scpr. 20. 1752. ''"^ (Vit. Rec. V, 175C. 3-86 " Daniel, of Westerly, and Haimah trrcene. of CharlestoTfn ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 21, 17(;2. 4-52 " Daniel, of Westerly, aud llanmt'i Gr.'3ene, ot Cliarlestown ; m. by Jo.seph Cj-andall, Justice, Nov. 21, 17t)2. 3-94 " Mary, and Lieut, llezelilah Saunders, Nov. 20, 1763. 4-191 " ?amuel. of Jinies and Ann. of Westerly, and Ruth Greene, of J, .slab, and Hannah, of Charlestovi. : ra. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, (al^o 3-1041, March 17, 17i;(i. 3-12." " WiUiain. of Edward. Jr., and Eleanrjr .Maxson, ot Jolui : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, t)ct. 31, 1771. 3150 " Patience, and Thompson llurdick. Jl.-irch 17. 1773. 3-132 " Edward. 3'd, of Edwaril. and Mary Champlain, of Capt. Samuel; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jusiiee. Jan. H. 1774. 3.13.-, « Anne, and Pardon Clarke. April <;. 1774. 3-145 • Elizabeth, and .lonathm Sis.sr>n. JUiy 1-. 1770. g_j-,l ti Isaac Koss. of Miior Ertward. and Nancy Champlain, ot Williitm; m. by Joseih Clarke, Justice. Au;;. 17, 1777. 3-157 " Thankful, iuirt P. leg Koss, Jan. 15, 1778. 3-100 " James, Jr.. of Jam -s, and Mary Hall, widow, dan. of Peleg Ross; ni. by .losepli Cianrlall. .Iusti<'e. Feb, 22, 17,-0. 4-in " (ieort-'e. ol Edward, ami Yashti Gavltt. of Capt. Samuel, dec; m. by Elder Isiiiab Wilco.x, Aug, 12, 17.S-1. 4-9 " Fanny, and Beujanun Rirber. Dec. 1, 1784. 4-9 " Nancy, and Petea- Cran.lall, Feb. 9. 1785. 4-121 " Arnrild, ot Edward, dec., of Westerly, and Nancy ^^■ilco.x, of Josi'ph, of Charlestown : m. by Elder Isaiali Wilcox, I'eb. — . 178.-. 4-33 " J.ihn, ot Westerly, and l.n.cretia Dodge, of New Shorehara ; m. at New Shorehani. by John Sands Warden, Fel). 8, 1789. 4-28 " Fanny, aitd Panlon Greene, April 'J, 17,'<1). 4-29 " Hannah, and Jesse Rogers, Dec. 23. 17,S'J. 4-121 " Arnold, of Edward, ot Wi-sterly. and Mai-y Wilcox, of Joseph, ol Charlestov.-'u : m. by Elder Is.aiah Wilcox, Dec. 31. 1789. 4-34 " Tlieodoiy. of Daniel, ot Westerly, and Bathana Rogers, of Nathan. of New London ; m. by Elder Darts Rogers. March 18. 1790. 4-37 " Samuel. Jr-, and Elixabeth Hull, of Isaac ; m. by Samuel Bliven, .Justice. Jan. 24. 1790. 4-44 " Jolin, ot D.aniel, of Westerly, and Barbaia Davis, of Joseph, of Charlestown r m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, at Charlestown, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-54 " William, of William, 2d. ot Westerly, and Rozina Dodge, of New Shoreham : m. at New Shoreham, by John Gorton Worden, April (), 1791. 4-71 " Elizalielh, and -Anthony Bennett Ross, Aug. 26. 1792. 4-72 " Luther, ot Westerly, and Rebecca Cook, ot Preston, Conn.; m. by Elder Paul Park, Nov. 28, 1792. 4-9(3 " Joshua, of Westerly, and Rhoda Brown, ot Stonington; m. by Elder Simeon Brown. July 30, 1795. 4-101 " Lucy, and George Gavltl, Sept. II. 1795. 4-48 " Henry, of Nathan, and Nancy Bliven, of Edward; m. by Nathan Taylor, Justice, Dec. 31, 1797. 4-48 " -Vancy, and Henry Bliven, Dee. 31. 17!i7. 4-181 '• Capt. Nailiaii, Jr., and Mrs. Polly Taylor; m. by Elder WUUnm (Jardiner, Feb. 1, 1798. 4-120 ■ " Rachel, and Joshua Allen, March 1, 1798. 4-123 " Ethan, ot Sanmel, and Mary Hiscox, of Ephraim ; m. by Elder Asa Coon, May 12, 1798. 1-145 " Rutli, and Nathaniel Frnzier, Oct. 0, 1799. ■1-154 " Desire, and George Clarke, Jan. 19, IsOO. WESTERLY M^UiRIAGES. 13 4-167 BLIVEN \VUli;ini P., of Major William, or Westerly, nnd Amey Tavlor, of N;illiaii, of Cliarlostovn ; m. at Charlestown hy Lemuel Bllven, Justice, Aijril .5. 1801. 4-122 " Daniel, of S;imuel, and Ruth Barber, of .fo^eph : m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Jan. 28. 1&02. 4-54 ■■ William, id, and Nancy Babcock: m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. IG, 180:S. 4-199 •' Fanny, and Samuel Saunders, Jan. 1, 1804. 4-212 " Amey. and Greene Allen, Peli. 12, 1H04. 4-244 " Thankful, and Joseph Gavitt, Nov. 20. 1509. 5-5ii " Betsi^y, and Silas W. Edwaitls. Nov. 22. 1^27. 5-7 " Eravtus, and Phebe C. St.ites; m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Nov. 5, 3S29. 563 " Knnna Anii, and Charle-s W. Austin, Ajiril 25, 1844. 5-37 " Namy, and Willard B. Tefft, June 2(1, l.SlCi. 5-103 " Abby .Tane, and Evan C. Burdick, July 15, 1850. 4 1(1 IILY AlilL-ail, aiul flarke Stillnian. March 17, 1779. 5-C.l. Boas Mary A., and George S. Barb.^r, .Marcli 13, 1.S42. 5-93 BRACKETT Lucy E., and John A. Taylor. March 21, 1849, 4-13 P.EADFDRD Alexander, of Ale.xaiuler (dec), of Stonington, and Lois Pen- dleton, of C'apt. lieiijamin. of Westerly: m. by Joseph (I'rau- d;ai, Justice, JiUy 14, 1785. 5-2S " Alexander, of Stonington. and Eunice Cr.inriall. of Westerly: m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Deo. 2<). 1840. 5-31 " Col. Clinrles, and Fanny Fowl-r: ra. Ijy Rev. Thomas H. Xidl. Sept. :!0. 184t). 5-100 " Cluarles H., of Lewis, of \Vorcesler, Jliiss., and Martha Taylor, of Isaac R., of Stonin.gton : ni. by Rev. John Taylor, Aug. 27, 1.S49. 4-104 BBAGDON Josepli. of Sullivan. Hancock, Co., Mass,, and Content Da^^s, of J.imes. of Westerly: ni. hy Joseph Clarke, Jusice, Nov, 10, 179:i. 3-55 BRAM.iJ* Freelove, ajid Thomas l:rand, Oct. 2p. 1734. 4-223 BEAMBLEY Perry, and Dcjnas P. ndleli.n : m. by Samuel Bliveii, Justice, March 4, 1807. 2-10.-. BRAND Isabel, and Peli.g Ro.cers, Aug. 25. 1721!. 2-95 " Tobhis, and Mercy Bal)Coc!< : m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Api-il 30, 1730. ^ 2-85 '• Rebecca, and (.'a.leb Ohurfh. Sept. lij. 1731. 2-ti5 ■• Ben.|amin. of Westerly, and Rebecca Tanner, of South Kingstown; m. at South KingstoAvn, by Isaac Sheldon, Justice, March 16, 1734. 2-71 •' James, and Rachel Hall: m. by Elder John Maxson. March 11, 1735-15. 2-72 '■ Elizabeth, and Amos Babcoek. Dec. 20, 1738. 2-72 " James, and Rachel Hall: m. by Elder John Maxsoiv,, Aug. 10, 17.37. 2-72 '• Thomas, and Judeth Ilaih/y: m. Ity Eider John Maxson, May 17, 1739. 2-118 •' Mercy and Henry AVells. July 30_. 1739. 2-72 '• Benjamin, and Lucy Coitrell: m. by Elder John Maxson, Jmie 25, 1740. 2-42 ■• James,, and Grace Viley : m. by Elder John Jlaxson, Feb. 22, 1741. 2-37 •• Mary, and Benjamin I'.roomer, May 8, 1743. 3-55 •■ Thomas, and Freelove Braman ; m. by Samuel Perry, Justice, Oct. 28, 1734, 3-5 " Roliert. and Prudence Lanjihere : ni. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Nov. 1-). 1751. 3-34 '■ Judeth, and Jloses Warren, Dec. 27, 1753. 3-37 " Lsabel, and Nelson Millard,, March 31, 1754. 3-99 ■• Hannah, and Joseph Crumli, March 17, 17G5. 3-132 " Thomas, of Samuel and Nancy Brotvn, of Cteorge, dec. : m. by Oliver Crary, Justice, Nov. 28. 1773. 14 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAITO. 3-147 BRAND Dartd, of StonlngfcoD, son of Benjamin, and Lovlce Chase, of Oapt. Oliver, of WeslLTly ; m. Ijy Elder Isaiah Wilcos,, July 18, 1776. 3-170 " Samuel, of Samuel, of Westerly, and Anne Sheffield, of Nicholas, of Richmond; m. by Kolierl. Stanton, Justice, March 9, 1777. 4-136 " Capt. Nathan, of .'^muel. and Susannah Vincent, of Dr. William ; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock, Oct. 24, 1779. 4-100 " Walter, and Anna Babcock,, Jan. 28, 1784. 4-100 " Walter, and Lydia Babcock, May 16, 1701. 4-241 " Eussell, of Thomas, and Hannah Thompson, of Elias ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice. Jan. 1. 1S03. 4-210 " Susan, and Thomas C. slatteiy, Oct. 13, 1805. 3-111 BRAUGHTON Eunice, and EUJai Crandall, May 20, 1768. 3-25 BREED Nathan, of Stoninffton. and Nancy Babcock. of Westerly; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, June 16, 1751. 3-57 " Grace, and Jes>e Billings. March 5. 1761. 3-94 BRIAN Mary, and Deacon Ezeklel Gtavltt, May 8, 1763. 3-91 BRIGGS Jacob, and Freeglft S:uinders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 14, 1707. 5-35 BRIGHT John, of HopeweU, N. J., and Martha StUlman, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon. Aug. 25. 1830. 2-37 BROOMER Benjamin, and Mary Brand, of Thonms ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, May 8, 1743. 2-79 BROWNING William, of South Kingstown, and Mary Wilkinson, of Westerly ; m. by George Babcock, Justice, Aug. 5» 1728. 3-139 " Sarah, and George Slielfield, Jr., Jan. 22, 1775. .?-155. " Anna, and Samuel Sheffield, Dec. 3, 177S. 2-72 BROWN Elizabeth, of ITiomas. of Stonlngton, and James Pendleton, Jan. 6, 1717-S. 2-106 " Peter, and Elizabeth Sjiunders ; m. by Theodoly Rhodes Justice, Dec. 15. 1726. ::-ii6, 97 " Mar>-, and Matthew I>utt«n, Dec. 20, 1727. 2 96 " George, and Elizabeth Tosh ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Sept. 25. 172SI. 2-92 •' John, of Westerly, and Abigail RandaU, of Stonlngton; m. by Rev. Ebellezer Bussell. Oct. 16, 1729. 2 95 " Benjamin, and Abigail Maccoon ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, .Justice, April 6. 1730. 2-88 " William, and Dorothy Crandall; m. by Theodoty Rhodes. Justice, Sept. 10, 1730. 2-94 " Dorcas, and David Babcock. Feb. 24. 1730-1. 2-:i4 " Abigail, and James Pendleton, March 22. 1731. 2-78 " George, Jr.. and Jerusha Lewis, of Joseph ; m. by John Richmond. Justice. April 4, 1734. 2-37 " Simeon, of Stonlngton, and Dorothy Hern, of Westerly; m. by Will- iam Balicock. .Tustice. March 1, 1742-3. 3-8 " Rebecca, and Gideon Worden, May 1, 1748. 3-20 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Eleanor Haxston, of North Kingstown ; m. by William Hem. Justice. JtUy 9, 1749. 3-25 " Jesse, of Stonlngton. .and Hannah Leeds, of Groton, Conn ; m. by Benjamin Randall. Ju-t ce, Jan. — , 1752. 3-23 " John, of John, and Ruth blunders ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jus- tice, June 25, 1752. 3-28 " Hannah, and Jonathan Hakes, Nov. 23. 1752. .•3-27 « Elizabetli. and James Hall, Jr., Feb. 11, 1753. :!-48 " Ebenezer, of Westerlj-, and Anna Wells, of Stonlngton ; m. by WilUam Hern, Justice. Feb. 5. 1750. 0-54 " Jonathan, and Elizabetli Burdlck; m. by WlUlam Hem, Ja.stice. March 1, 1757. "■■'■'2 " James, and Lois WlUls; m. by Rev. Joseph Parks, May 25, 1757. ^^-59 " Benajah, and Mary Tettt : m. by William Hern, Justice, Jan. 25. 1758. 3-''l " Capt. Joshua, of Hopklnton. and Abigiiil Saunders, of Westei-ly ; m. by Joseph Cranda'.l. Justice, June 19, 1758. 3-82 " SS '• James, of Westerly, and Mrs. Prudence Htillam, of Stonin^on ; m. by Rev. Ebenezer Rossiter. Jan. 15, 1734-5. 3-3 " Andrew, and Eunice Greeamaii: m. by William Hern, Justice, Jan. lo. 1745-6. 3-20 " Joseph, of Stonington. and Sarah Saunders, of Westerly; m. by William Hern, Justice. May 24. ;_74S. 3-23 " Mary, aud S:ephen Lanpl'.er.-, Oct. 2ii, 1749. 3-5 '• S;iiali, and Sylvester Pendh'ti>n, Jun.- Hi, 1751. 3-9 " William, Jr.. and Nirali P' luib't n : m. by William Hern. Justice, Dec. 4, 1751. 3-45 " Susaimali, aud Benjamin Lanphere, March 27, 1755. 3-47 " Esther, and Jonathan Laiigford, Dec. 25, 1755. 3-49 " Capt. John, of Charlestuwn, and Thankful Thompson, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU. Justice, Feb. 26, 17.'i6. 3-51 " Col. Christopher, of Charlestown. and Mrs. Lucy Stanton, of Wes- terly ; ra. by William Hem, Justice, Aug. 19, 1756. *-127 " William, Ji., and Sarah Pi ndleton ; m. by William Hern, Justice, IX'C. 8, 175—. 3-83 " Mary, and Sasnuel Thompson, July 18, 1762. 3-84 •' Susaiuiah, and John Stanton. June 8, 1763. 3-94 " Rowland, and Hannah stetson; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Deo. 21, 1763. 3-96 « Eunice, and Daniel Lirkin, Aug. 29, 1764. 3-98 " Asa. of CharlestOAvn, and Mary Thomp-oii. of Westerly ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice. March 21, 1765. WE-STERLY MARRIAGES. 19 March 31, 1705. Josi.'i>!i C'r.iudull, Justice, by IS . 1774. of Natliiin of Stephen m. by ol Isaac; m. by III Westerly; 1918. 1.S41. Elder Daniel Coon, 3-09 CllAJIPLAIN Hannah, and .Tosopli Bal.cock, Jr., 3-101 " WiUlam, Sd, and Mary Gardiner; m. by Dec. 19, 176.). 3-132 " Mary, and Edward P.liven, 3d, Jan. 0, 1771. 3-135 " Sarah, and William Greene, (also -1-40), March 3-173 " Rowland, of William, dec. and Anne Babcock, Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jlay 10, 1777. 3-151 " Nancy, and Isaac Ross Bliven, Aug. i7, 1777. 3-17-4 " Oliver, of Cupt. Sanniel, and Thankful Gavltt, Elder Isaiah Wibox, Jan. 33, 1779. 3-160 " Sarah, and William Rhodes, Jan. 31, 1779. 3-167 " .Samuel, of Oipt. Sjuauel, and Fi-eelove Boss, Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 12, 1780. 3-167 " Abigail, and Thomas Slatlery, Jan. 16, 1780. 3-177 " Mrs. Hannah, and Simeon lialicock, April n. 1780. 4-i:i " George, and Patience Lamphere, Oct. 3, 17.S0. 4-135 '■ Adam 1'.., of Westerly, and Henrietta Coggesnall. ot Newport; m. by Rev. Gardiner Thurston, March 27, 17():i. 4-93' " Sally, and Stephen Wilcox. Ma.v 17, 1795. 4-187 " George, of .South Kingstown, and Lydia Thnrsti m. by EUdir Elkanah Babcock, March 20, ISOO, 4-226 " Hannah, and Isaac Ross, May 11, 1807. 4-228 " Eliz.i. and Jedediah Knight. Aug. 21, 1807. 4-245 " Margaret, and Barker Noyes. March 18, 1810. 4-268 " Luclnda, and Amos Barber, Dec. 7, 1815. 5-1 " Charlotte, and WUllam SUlInian, Jr., April 30, 5-2 " Sally, and George H. Slirllield. Jan. 2, 1825, 5-57 " Sarah -Vnn, and Wanton Lillibridge. Nov. 7, 5-43 " lieujaniin K., anil Mary Ann Balicock; ni. by Sept. 22, 1842. 5-53 ■• Jjinies, of Paris, dec, and I'hebe A. tJavltt. dau. of SiU:s Edwards: ni. by Jedetliah July 4, 1841. 3-19 CHAPMAN, .Andrew, of Stonirigton, and llanna'i Smith, of Westerly; WUliam Hern, Justice, Oct. 15, 1745. 3-48 " Sumner, and Ellzabeh Herlok : m. by William Hern, Justioi 23, 1750. 3-109 " John, and Mary Crantbill ; ni. by Elder Joseph Park, Mar. 1767. 4-51 ■• William, Jr.., of William, of Westerly, and Bridget JohJison, of Daniel, ot Charlesiown : m. by Eider Stephen Babcock, March 14, 1773. 3-139 ■■ Elizabeth, and .lames Davis. Jan. 5„ 1775. 3-138 " Mary, and Abram Perkins, Jan. 17, 1775. 3-181 " Timotliy, of Sunnx'r, and Naiu-y Pendleton, of Major Joseph; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock. .M.irch 14, 1782. 4-14 '• Mary, and Ichalmd Burdick, Oct. 21. 1784. 4-182 " Plumb, ot William, dec, and Lois While, of Seth ; m. by Clarke, Justice, Nov. 14, 1784. 4-18 " Sumner, of Sumner, and Nancy Greennian, of SUas ; m. by Crandall, Justice, Aug. 27, 17815. 4-28 ■• Prudence, and Paid Crar^dall, March. 2(5, 1789. 4-87 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Elizabeth Kenyon, of Hopkinton : llopkintr.n, by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Dec. 21, 1791. 4-119 " Israel, ,-iiul I'ully Kmyon: m. l>y Samuel ISrowm, Justice, Oct ]79ii. 4-131 " Hannah, and Peleg Berry. Jan. 21. 17fi8. 4-117 - Lucy, and Joseidi Sissioi, F.-h. -J. 1798. 4-139 ■■ William. Jr.. aiul llauuah Bent; m. by Elder Abram Conn, Jan. 24, 1799. 4-206 '• Elizabetli. and S;inford sissi.n. March 3, 1799. 4-51 " WUliam, of William, and .Mary Johnson, of Ri-uben ; m. by Elder Elk.-mah Babcix-k. .luiu- '4. 1799. 4-163 " Case, and Polly Pendleteu : m. by Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 15, l.soi. widow of Isaac P., W. Knight, Justice, By Feb. 8, Joseph Joseph m. at 20, 20 AaXAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-180 CHAPMAN Nancy, .inil William Claxko, Feb. (i, 1803. I 4-237 " Samuel, of William, of Westerly, and Abigail Johnson, of John, o^f Charlestown ; m. by Samuel Bliveii, Justice, May 13, 1810. 4-255 " Phebe, and Jeremy Crandall, Dec. 20, 1812. 4.265 " John, and Abigail Sisson; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, March 28, 1816. 4.372 " Thomas, of Phimb, of Westerly, and Aium Pickham, of James, of Charlestown : m. at Charlestown. by l-.U.er Matthew StUlman, Dec. 26. 1819. 5.3 " Joseph, and Eunice Oarke ; m. by Ehler Matthew StUlman, Jan. 7, 1820. 5-23 " Emma, and Randall T. Brown, Jan. 3, 1841. 5.5s " Abby, and Ellas R. Maine, May 31, 1843. 5^9 •■ Elizabeth X., and S:imuel J. Bull, Jan. 21, 1844. 5-76 " .luUa, and Charles W. Thompson, Dec. 8, 1847. 5-96 " Albert, of Case, of Westerly, and Martin Greene, of Sheffield, of Charlestown : m. by Rev. John Taylor, May 7, 1849. 2-222 CHASE Joshua, and Mary JIaxson ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, May 12, 1748. 3-62 '• Elizabeth, and ElLsha Saunders, May 17, 1753. 3-116 " Mary, and Angus McDonnell, Nov, 22, 1769. 3-128 " Eunice, and Nathan Dye. Nov. 26, 1772. 3-147 " La\-ice, and David I'rund, July 18, 1770. 3-152 ■• Reliecca, and William Sims, Nov. 20, 1777. 4-12 " Martha, and Christopher (jliester, Jan. 3, 1779. 4-5 " Fi'ederie, of Capt. Oliver and Ruth Fry ; m. by Elder Oliver Bab- cock, Feb. 2, 178.'J. 4-166 ' Maxson, and Polly Merriatt ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Dec. 10, 1803. 4-224 " Frederic, Jr.. of Fn'diM-ic, of W(»st.-rly, and Rebecca Cartright, of Edward, of Niw Shoreham; m. at New Shoreham, by John Gorton Worden, Feb. 1. 1807. 5-31 " Eliza, and S;imuel Russel, May 1, 1836. 5-72 " Nathaniel J. L.,and Martha A. Wilcox ; m. by Rev. E. T. Hls- cox, Jan. 1, 1S46. 3-65 CHEESBBOROUGH .Mrs. Mary, and tt>l. William Iviidletun, April 25, 1751. 3-58 " James, of Stonington, and Lucy Pciidb'ton, of Westerly; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Feb. 10. 17'>8. 3-Sj " Zebulon. .iiid Lydia Pendleton; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 10, 17111. 3-104 " Molly, and Tlumias Randall, Dec. 1, 1705. 3-104 " Amos, of stoiiingt^in, son of Amos, dec, and Anna Gavitt, of Westerly, (widow.) dau. of Stanton York, of Ch.arlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 10, 1779. 4-1-' CHESTER Christopher, and Martlia Chase; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 3. 177U. 4-199 " Samuel, and Nancy Bur lick : 10. by Elder Abram Coon, Sept. 20, :.s04. 4-217 " Jlartba, and Rowland Buidick, JIarch 30. 180(i. 4-246 " John C, a.nd Nancy Cartright; m. at Shelter Island, N. Y., by Elder Dani 1 Hall, A- lil 4. IrtOS. •2-n5 CHl'RCH Caleb, and Rebecca Br.inil ; ni. by Tlieodoty Eliodes, Justice, Sept. 16, 1731. 3-49 •• Joshua, a.nd Katherine K' iiy; n ; "i- by Daniel Maccoon, Justice, March 2!i. 1751). 1-57 CLARKE Joseph, of Westerly, an 1 lielhia Hubl.ai-d, dau. of Samuel, of Newjiort; ni. by Janus Barker, Assistant, Nov. 16, 1664. 1-37 " Joseph, ,Ij-,, ami Dorothy Maxson. of .lohn, of Westerly ; ni. by Tobias Saiuiders, Justice, Jan. 3. 1092. 1-95 " Sarah, of Joseph, and Thomas Reynolds, Oct. 11, 1683. 2-78 " Judith, and Juhn Maxson. Jan. 19, l(i87-8. ' 2-122 " Siimuel. and Ann Cliamplain. Jan, li), '.098-9. 1-102 " MaiT, and William Champlain, Jan. l.s, 1099-1700. 2 73 " Bethiah, and Thomas Hiseux, Oct. 31. 1703. 1-102 " John, of Joseph, Jr., and Mary Beehe, of Samuel, Nov. 1, 1703. WESTKKl.Y MAKKIAGES. 21 2-119 CLARKE WHUaru, and Joan BUve" ; in. by IVIiu- Ciamlall, Jiustlco. Sept. !i. 1700. ■--11- ■" Sniiiiiol. of Wi'Sti'i-ly, anil Susannah I'hamplatn, of South Kings- town : m. Iiy WUllim Grooiie. .Instlco, May iO, 1720. 2-110 •• Anna, and .Inlm Lp\virandall, Apill 22, 1740. 3-28 " Benjamin, of Charlestonn, and Susann.ah Babcock, of Westerly; m. by William Babcodc, Justici', Nov. 3, 1748. 3-21 " William, and Jeminna Vincent: m. by William Hern, Justice, Nov. 13, 1740. 3-2 " Katharine, ami Jolin Millard, Oct. 1, 1752. 3-54 " Joan, and Daniel Edwards. Sept. 0, 1750. 3-50 " Joseph, 4th, and Tiiankiul Davis; m, by Joseph Craiidall. Jus- tice, Sept. 15. 17."i7. 3-67 " Eunice, and WUliam Siitfrly, Sept. 13, 1750. 4-144 " Mary, and Peleg Saunders, (also 3-73), Jan. 1 or 21. 17iU. 3-177 " Mary, and Joseph Lewis, May 14. 1701. 3-S3 " John, and Jtary Saunders; m. by Joseiph Craudall, Justice, Nov. .j IS, 17f>2. 3-04 " Phlneas, of Hopkintou, and Mary Babcock, of Capt. Nathan, of Westerly ; ui. by Rev. Joseph Park, Nov. 23, 1703. 3-82 " WlUinm, of ^ewport, and Ruth Peckham, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Nov. 24. 1705. 3-109 " Nancy, and Joshua Pendleton. .Ian. 6, 1768. .3-122 " Sarah, and Silas Maxson. March 20, 1771. 3-135 •■' D.aAld. of Eplu-aim. and Jane Peckliam. ol Isaac; m. by Elder John Gardiner, June 3, 1772. 3-129 " Hannah, and William Sweet Peckham. (also 4-102), Jan. 6, 1773. 3-129 " Mary, and Samuel Crandall, Feb. 4, 1773. 3-136 " Pardon, of Henjarnin. of Stcnijngton, and Anne liliven, of Major Edward, of Westerly; m. by Elder Joshua Clarl;e, AprU 0, 1774. 3-143 " Lydia, and Nicholas Young, Feb. 1, 1770. 3-143 " Ethan, of Joshua and Haniuih of Hoplauton, and ..Ulna Ward, of Sanniel, of Westerly : ni. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Feb. 4, 1776. 3-151 " Anne, and Isaac Peckham. Jr., Sept. 28, 1777. 3-151 " Anne, and Job Johnson, Oct. 30, 1777, 1781. ; m. hy Eld.T ■ Jo hn Burdiek, 7. 17S0. 4-50), Marcli 14, 1782. m. by .1' iiSl'pll CUx rke, , Justice, 22 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-99 CLARKE Ciem-e. of EUsha,, and Ketiinili JIa.x.s..ii, ol Joseiih ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan. -20, 177.^. 4-^7 " Amey, and Sa/inuel Brown. Marcli 1. 177S. 3-154 " Susannali, and James Rallibone, (also 4-531, Sept. 27, 1778. 4-134 " Nicholas, ol WiUiam (dec.) and Jemima, of Westerly, and Barbara Wells, ol Peter and Elizabeth, ot Hopkintoii ; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder Joshua Clarke. Jan. 20, 177!i. 4-2 " Jemima, and John Clarke. 51ay 2i>, 4-2 " John, and Jemima Clarke, of Daniel; May 2li, 1781. 3-172 " Lucy, and Benediete Ci-andaU. Dec. 3180 '• Marlha. and Edwaixi iNumders. (also 3-181 " I'en'y. and Patience York I'eekham : D.-e. 1, 1782. 3-131 " Hannah, and James Cran^all, Dec. 2"-. 1783. 4-250 " Hannah, and James Cran'lall. Nov. 20, 1783. 4-17 '• Is.abi'l, and Jos.'ph Variii. Jan. 20. 178(i. 4-58 " Joshua, and Wealthy StUlnian : m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice. Feb. 10. 1786. 4-23 " Icbahod,, Jr., of Ichabod. and Mary, or Polly Rock, of Robert, dec. ; m. by Joseph CrandaU. Justice, Nov. 22, 1787. 4-46 " Hannah, and Arnold Sanndere, Oct. 21, 17(i0. 4-171 '• Ahel. and Eunice Lanphere . m. by Elder Elkanah Bal^cock, Oct. 13. 1791. 4-153 " Wait, of Wlliliam, and Abif;ail Lanphere. of Nathan ; m. by Elder .lohn Burdlck, Nov. 14, 1700. 4-154 " George, of George, and DesU-e Blivcn. uf William: m. by Eldfir Asa Co>n. Jan. lii. 1,900. 4-153 " Sally, and Joseph Teffi. Jan. 24, 1800. 4-189 " Wiliiam, of South Kinpslo-wn. son of Nicholas, and N.ancy Chap- man, uf Timothy: m. liy Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Feb. 6, 1.S03. 4-185 " Sophla>, and Jessie Maxson, Jr.. (also 5-24.) March 30, 1803. 4-212 " Jolui, and Mercy Laupheir: m. by Elder Jesse I;abcork, Nov. 29. 1804. 4-a37 " Sally, and Cornelius, St'ts >n, Jr., Dec. 13. 1807. 4-247 " Deborah, and Hezekiah Lanirtiere. Feb. 17, 1811. 4-247 " Amey. and Paul Babcock. Jr.. Sept. 5. 1811. 4-248 " WeaUhy. and Cl.irlie Laniiliere. March 1, 1812. 5-3 " Eunice, and Joseph Chaiiiuan. Jan. 7, 1826. 5-6T " Frances M., and Edward i'eirce. Jan. 26. 1846. 5-81 " Susan M., and Joseph Burdick. Nov. 4. 1847. 2-94 Cl.OSSOX Balhsheba. and Ed^^Mr 1 llerce, Dec. 3. 1T31. 2-72 " Charity, and Samuel Bailc^y. Feb. 12, 1735. 4-5 " John, of Ichabod. of Charlestown, and Marcy Kenyon. of James, dec of .said Town: m. by Joseph Cranilall. Justice. March 11, 1784. 4-2:!0 " Polly, and Parker Wlb ox. April 21). 1807. 4-231 CLAWSON Eunice. anrd : in. by Saimiel Wilbur, Justice, Nov. 0. l7:^o. 3-146 COMSTOCK Sarali, and Eliphalet Harris, .luly 10, 1776. WESTERLY JIARKIAGES. ,' 23 ■ 2-8e CONGDON Jumes, „f Westerly, son of James, of Providence, R. I., and Celinda Holw;iy, of lienjiiniin ; m. by Samuel Perry, Justice May 2, 1732. 5-103 " Prudence (;., and P.'ter Stevenson,, Nov. 10, 1849. 4-72 COOK Rebecca, and Luther Kliveii, Nov. 28, 1702. 3-88 COON William, of llopkinton, and Freegift Stetson, of Westerly; m. by Stephen S;iunders, Justice,, Jan. 6, 1763. 3-88 •• Peleg, of Hopliiirton. and Eunice Rurdlck, of Westerly: m. by Stephen Saunders. Justice, Jan. 26, 1763. 3-91 " Tliomas, of il.pldnton. and Anne Crandall, of Westerly; m. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, Jun5 16„ 1763. 3-68 " Jemima, and David Crandall, June 14, 1764. 3-98 " Samuel, of Iloplclnton. and Esther Saunders, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice. March as,, 1765. 3-113 " John, Jr., of John, of Hi.pliinton, and Amie Hiscox, of Ephraim, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarl;e, May 15, 1771. 2-41 C01;EY Rac'a?!,. and Theodosius Lanphere, June 22, 1707-8. 2-4 " James, and Sarah Lanphere; m. by Peter CrandaJl, JiLstice, March 21, 1708. 2-76 " Mary, and Thomas Nett, Dec. 25,> 1734. 2-43 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Lydia Davis of Stnnin?ton, Conn. ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, March 23, 1736-7. -■118 " Hosea, and Lydia Davis: m. by John Richmond, Justice, March 23, 1736-7. 2-38 " James, and .Mary Lanphei'e ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jaiv. 21. 1738-0. 2-38 •' John, and Martlia Jiurdirk, both of Stonint'ton : m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 23,, 1741-2. 5-50 " Alfred B., of North Kin;;slown, and Ell/.a Ann Lock, of Ricli- mond; m, by liev. Willi.am H. Newman. April D, 1843. 2-105 COTTKELL Dorothy, and Jolju Itandall, Dec. 22, 1726. 2-7ii " Amey, and Joseph CrunJi. .Iiiiie — . 1734. 2-73 " Nicholas, ajid Rebecca Randail : m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 3, 1733. 2-70 •• Eleanur, and Nathan Raniiall. July 22, 1736. 2-72 " Lucy, and lienjamin Ih-and. Juno 23. 1740. 2-73 " Prudence, aiul Nathanii'l Lanphere, July 7, 1743. 3-1 " Dorc.Ts, and Elisha Lewis, Oct. 25, 1744. 3-10 " Nathaniel, of Westerly, and Mary Niles, of Stonin.eton; m. by Rev. Nathanitd EeUs, March 3, 1744-5. 3-1 " Ellxab-nh, and Sands Niles,. Sept. 4, 1745. 3-61 " Pal loner, and WUliani ISabcock, Jan. 28, 1740. 3-33 " Hann.ah, and Elias Burdick. Jan. 17, 1754. 3-42 " Dorcas, and Carey Burdick. Dec. 27„ 1751. 3-66 ■• Joshua. n: m. by Elder Aluam Coon, Jan. 31. 1810. 2-121 CRANDALL Deborah, and George Slillnian (also 2-12.11. April 13, 17or,. 2-S2 '• Joseph, and Ann Langvvoi-ihy ; ni. by Peter Crandall, Justice, Feb. 15. 1715-6. 2-115 " Peter, and Mary Burdick, Feb. -27, 1717-8. 2-78 " Luc.v, and John Lewis, of James. M.arcli 3. 1717. 24 A1TAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAXD. B-78 3-10 •2-SS 2-90 2-no 3-26 2-iin 2-88 2-45 2-45 2-42 2-90 ;-119 3-7 3-108 315 3-7 3-7 3-1 3-20 s-3n r(-30 O-30 398 3-46 3-56 3-66 3-(;6 3 70 3-69 3-78 3-81 3-87 3-87 3-91 3-95 3-68 3-97 a-99 CRANDALL Jane, and Gyrus Riclimoncl, Jan.. 29, 1718-9. Deborah, and Joseph Clarkf. AiJril 25, 1729. Uiii-utliy. and Willmm Jlrown, St-pt. lo. 1730. John, and Mary Crandall ; in. hy Tlii'dduty Rliode.s, Justice. Nov. m, 1730. JIary. and John Crandall. Xciv. 10. 1730. Elier, and Mary Long; m. at South Kingstown liy Robert Hannah, Justice, Feb. 10, 1732. Elizabeth, and Samuel Larkin. Jan. 21, 1734-5. Jijsc|)li. and Edith Hisoo.x : ni. by Eld.T John Masson, May 2. 17:!f.. M:u-y. and Samuel Langwortliy. Aug. 7. 1736. Laey, and Thomas Willi ini Davis. Dec. .S. 1737. Jolin. and Elizabeth L 'Wis : ui. by Elder .tohn Jtassou, June 2.'!, 1738. Elizabeth, and Joseph Crandall. l>er. 1,3. 173.^. Joseph, and Elizabeth i'laiidall : in. by Williatu Hern. Justice, Dec. 13, 1738. Jiihn. and Estlier Lewis: rn. by William ilern. Justice, April 19. 1740. Peter, and Esther Frink : m. by William liabcock, Justice, Dec. 22, 1740. James, of Westerly, and Damarias Kenyon. of Charletstown : m. by William Champlain. Justice. Feb. 27. 1742. Ann. and Henry Hull, Sept. 6. 1742. Janu'S, of AVesterly, and Damarias Kenyon. of Charlestown ; m. by William Chaniplnin, Justice, Feb. 27, 1743-4. Simeon, and Mai-y Sweet; m. by Elder .Joseph Park, June 23. 174.J. Ebenezer, and Thankful ( larke ; m. by William Hern, Justice, April 22, 1746. Dcliorah, and William Crandall. March 12. 1746-7. . William, and Deborali Crandall: m. liy William Ealjcock. Justice. Mareh 12, 174C. 7. Jonathan, and Hannah Dovvnins: m. i>y William Hern. .Tustlce. • April 12. 1747. Anna, and .Tames Rhodes. Dix'. 14. 1752. Edward, of Westerly, and S,arah Kenyon. of Charlestown. m. by Jos<'ph Crandall. .Jusrtlce. Ian. 18. 1753. Eber, of John. Jr.. and Elizabeth Crandall. of Fber : m. by John LarkiTi. Justice. Feb. 22, 1753. Elizabeth, and Eber Crandall. Feb. 22. 1753. Benaj-.ili, of John, late of Hopklnton, dec. and Elizabetu Slack, of Siunnel. dec.; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, March IS, 1754. Abijah, of Westerly, and Sarah Yeoman, of Stonington ; m. at Ston- infTton by Rev. Nathaniel Eells. Aug. 29, 1754. Jti's. Hannah, and Nathan Rogers, Sept. 17. 1757. Edey. and Isaac Thorn, Feb. 27. X7.59. Desire, and Joshua (Tottrell, March 15, 1759. Jonathan, and Elizabeth Wells; m. by William Hern. Justice. April 3, 1760. liridjrot. and Thomas Curtis. April :i<). 17:iO. Joseph, and F,sther Hull: m. by I'.eui.nl Smith. Justice. Aus. 24. 1761. F.stber. and Elkanah Rabcock (also 4-66). March 23, 1762. Abigail, and Joshua Crandall. Oct. 20. 1762. Joshua, and Abigail Crandall: m. by Elder Joseph Davis, OC. 20. 1702. Anne. and. Thomas Coon, Jam' li;. 17()3. Snsaunah, and Comfort Sliaw. April 5. 1764. David, and Jemima Coon; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jnno 14, 1764. Amey, and Nathan Lanphere, Oct. 28, 1764. Anna, and John Tefft. Dec. 16, 1764. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 23 3-90 CRANDALL Emilce. and AuRiistus SUintou, Fe1). 0, ]7ii5. 3-101 '• J):iiiiari;is, aiiA .Tos.'ph PciKlletoii, Jan. 19. 17B0. 3-102 " F.z.'lcicl. Miul Mary Pendl(ii.n: m. by Josi'ph Cianf iiUvrr (Uiase ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, June 211. 17i;S. 3-131 '■ Ellas, of Peter, and Sarah stillman, of Capt. George: m. by Joseph Clarlie, Justice. Apill 30, ]7(i'J. 3-127 " Joseph, of Josepli, dec, of W.'slerly, and Martlia Crandall, of John, of Hopkinlon, dee. ; m. by Job Taylor, Justice. Sept. 17, 1772. 3-127 " Martha, and Jc.srph (Vindall, Sept. 17, 1772. 3-129 ■' Samuel, of Sanniel. of fliarlestown, and JIary Clarke, of Daniel, of Westerly : m. by Josepli Crandall. Justice, Feb. 4, 1773. 3-123 " Enoch, of Jamrs, and Hannah Crandall, of CVd. John, dec; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justiee. March 24. 1773. 3-123 " Hannah, and En(jeh Orandall. ilarch 21, 1773. 4-91 " Elimibeth, and James Saunders, Oct. 3. 1774. 3-140 " Josopb, 4th, of Joseph of W'esti rly. and Mary Ladd, of John, of Charlestowu ; ra. by Nathan Bm-dlcK, Justice, Feb. IG. 1775. 3-140 " Lyitia, and Joseph Saunders. Jime 30, 1776. 4-70 " Nancy, and Joseph Pendleton, JIajch 23, 1777. 3-lUO " Christopher, of James a.nd Lucy Babeock ; m. by Elder IsajaJi Wilco'i, April 17, 1777, 3-150 " ElUa.betai, and Henry Ciandall. July 17. 3777. 3-150 " Henry, of Capt. WilUam. of Westerly, and Elizabeth Crandall. of Aliijah. of Hopkinlon now of ('barlestown ; m. by Joseph Cran- dall. Justice, July 17. 1777. 4 95 " John, and Anna Gardiner : m. l>y Elder ,sime(m Brown, at Stonuig- lon,. Nov. 9. 1777. 3-159 " Clarke, of James, and Hannah Bnrdick, of Jeuathan ; m, by Jos 'ph Crnndan, Justice, Nov. 21, 1778. 3-161 « Sally, and Niebnlas Davis, June G, 1779. 3-162 " Ehjah, of Josepli. of Westerly, and Mercy Kenyon. of James, dec. of Charlestown : m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice. July 18. 1779. 3-169 " Anna, and Jonathan Greene, Aug. 27, 1780. 3-171 " Cluirlolte, and Paul Babeock (also 4-76), Nov. 30, 1780. 3-172 " Benedict, of James, of Westerly, and Tacy Clarke, of Ephraim, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Dec. 7. 1730. 5-150 " Henry, of Capt. William, and Mary Greenman, of SUas ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice. Feb. 24. 1782. .3-18tt " Ruth, amd Theodoty Johnson, March 31, 1782. 3-131 " James, of James, of Westerly, and Hannah Clarke, of Ephraim, of Charlestown; m. by Josepli Crandall. Justice, Dec. 21, l,7e2. 3-174 " Rebecca, and Samuel Taylor (also 4-202). Jan. 6, 1783. 4-2 " Rho(Ui, and Le)>ben9 Ross, March 23, 1783. 4-3 " Elizabeth, and Benjamin Watson. July 9, 1783. 4-259 " James, of James and Sarah, and Hannah Clarke, of Epliraim, Nov. 20, 1733. 4-14 " Elbridge. of Joshua, of Westerly, and Marv Crandall, of Abljah, of Charlestown : m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Marcb 4, 17S4. 4-14 •' Mary, and Elbridge Crandall, March 4. 17S4. 4-9 '• Peter, of Joshua, and Nancy lUiv. ii, of Daniel: m. by Joseph Cran- dall, Justice, Fell. 9. 1785. 4-22 " Enoili, of James, and Mary Pendleton, of Simeon; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Sejrt. 13, 1737. 4-19 " Ai'nold, of Capt. W^illiam, dec, and Dinah Gavitt, of Hezeki.ih ; m. liy Joseph Crandall. Justice, Dec. G, 1787. 20 ^^TAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-25 CRA>'DALL Barney, of Capt. Wlllin.m. dec, ;ind HanmUi Da\ns. of WLUiam, dec. ; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 12, 1788. 4-26 " Joseph, of Joshua, of Westerly, .and Molly Greene, of Joshua, of Charlestown, Nov. 25. 1788. 4-38 " Paul, of James, and Prudenice Chapman, ot William ; m. by Joseph Craiidall, Justice, March 26, 1789. 4-41 '■ Mary, and Ehenezer Rathlmne, Sept, 23, 1790. 4-111 " Hester, and Riiwland linrdick, Oct. 22„ 1790. ,j-44 " Olenient, of Joshua, ef Westerly, and Su^nnaJa Davis, of Joseph, of Charlestown; m. by Samuel BUven, Justice, at Charles- town, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-71 " Stiinnett, ot Capt. Wil!l-im, dec. and Caty Greemnan. of Silas: m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Aug. 20, 1792. 4-170 " Grace, and David StUlman,, Feb. 20, 1794. 4-105 " Daraarlus, and John P..abciicl<. Dec 4, 1794. 4-iri6 ■' Nnncy. ami N'atlian Lanphere. Dec. 23. 1794. •1-118 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Xancy Lanphere, of Stonington ; m. by Samuel Brown. Justic-, April 3, 1790. 4-110 " Rebecca, and Jo-eph .Saundei-s. Dec. 27, 1796. 4-].;5 " Rogers, of Phineas. of Xew London, and Lucy Parber, of widow C-ontrnt iPiittiT : m. by Jose])li Potter. .Justice. Feb. 12. 1797. 4-172 " Joel, of WiUiam, and Rutli Pecl;sto-wn. and Mary Hoxsle, of Gideon, of Clini-lestown': ni. hy Freeman Perry, Justice, at Cliarlcstown, Jan. 23. 171(1. 4-142 " Amos, and Ik-sy llarue-, : m. by Joseph Poller, .lusHee, Dec. 9, ITiiS. 5-26 ■■ Georj;i' D.. of Weslerly. and AM.y Hinckley, of Stoningrton : m. at Slonington by Ger-hom TrumbuU, Justice, Oct. 25, 1829. 5-48 " .Martha B.. and Edward W. Tiabeoek, Nov. 27. 1833. 5-17 •• Abby Jane, and llorare Eabcock, Sept. 11, 1843. 5-.'r, '• Gi>orKe I).. Jr.. of Hon George ,'D. and Mary D. Burlinpame. of Gen. Ray G. : m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail. May S. 1848. 2110 cnrMTi Rachel, and Josi'ph Ha/ell. Nov. 10. 1715. 2-84 •■ Elizabeth, and Sannn-I Saunders, Nov. 30, 1732. 2-71! ■• Joseph, and Aniey Cottrell : m. by John Babcoek. Jusliee. .Tune — . 1 734 . 2-70 " Williajn. and Hannah Lewis; ni, by Elder John Maxson. April 25, 1736. 3-20 •■ Hannali. and Ste]iliin Hall. Mai-ch 27, 1747-8. 3-50 •• Elizal.elh. and Nathan Saunders. Feb. 23. 1758. 3-67 ■• Josej.h. aTut Rebecca ILiH: ni. by P.enoni Smith, .Tusfice. July 26, 1759. 3-95 ■• William. nTid Mrs. Edilh Thorn: ni. by Sti^iihen Lanphere. Jusliee, April 13. 1761. 3-99 •■ Joseph. Jr.. and Hannah f'.rand : ni. by Sle|ihen Lanphere. Justice, Jtarch 17. 1765. 3-124 " Da\id, of Josejih. of Westerly, and Hannah Denison, of Joseph, of st^inington : m. hf Oliver Crary, Justice. Dec. 12, 1771. 4-59 " Simeon, of William, and Hanlet Pendleton, of Samuel; m. by Joseph Cl.arke. Justice, May 25. 1783. 4-2G " Sylvester, and Grace Culver: m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 23. 1799. 4-164 " Sylvester, Jr., of Sylvester, and Ruth B.abcock, of Samuel; m. hy Joseph Pendleton. .Justice, Oct. 11. 1801. 4-176 " Lucy, and Matthew Lanphere. Oct. 22, 1801. 4-269 " Alice, and Joshua .Slsson. May 20, 1811. 4-274 " Charles, and Susannah Hlscox ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcoek. April 25. 1822. 5-03 •' Charlotte L., and Allen Gory, May 12, 1845. 2-52 CLLVER Thank-ful, and Ebenezer Hill, Sept. 10, 1744. 4 26 " Grace, and Sylvester Crumb, Jan. 23, 1799. 5-107 " Cynthia A., and Henjimin F. Sisson. June 2, 1850. 3-1 CPETIS John, of Westerly, .and Margaret Curtis, of Stonlngton; m. by William Hern, .Tustice. March 11, 1744-5. 3-1 " Margsiret, and John Curtis. M.arch 11, 1744-5. 3-69 " Thomas, of Slonington, and Bridget CrtindaU, of Westerly; m. by William Hern, Jusliee, April 30. 1760. D 2-97 DAERISET Andrew, and Rebecca Enos, of John ; m. by John Richmond, Jusliee, March 1, 1727-8. 2-9S DAKE George, and Susannah : m. by Christopher Champlaln, Jus- tice, June 15, 1721. 2-119 ■■ Richard, and Content Maxson; ni. by Elder John Maxson, Dec. 4. 1739. 2-113 " Elizabeth, and Epliraim Clarke, Dec. 12, 1745. (Vit. Eec, Vol. 5.) 18 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-135 DANIELS Susannah, and Samuel Slicfliukl. Fi'b. 14. 1799. 2-118 DARBY F.lias, of William, and Lydia D:u-I).v, April 23. 1739. 2-118 " Lydti, and Elias Darby. ApiU 23. 1739. 2-00 " William, tmd ExporienCL' PivnliiL' : ui. by Eld.-r Joseph Parks, Feb. 9, 1743-4. 2-02 DAVISON Rebecca, and Samuel T,:rner, JLirch 4, 1727-8. 2-10(i DAVIS .liibii. and Elizabeth Max "U : m. by Tluinuis Hlseux. .lustiee, Aug. ■j:>. 1713. 2-43 ■• lydia, and Isaac CXu'i'y, March 2:;. 17:;i; 7. V!-i:s " l.ydia. and Hosea Corey. March 23. 17311-7. 2-119 " Thomas William, and Lucy CrandaU ; m. by Elder Jolm Maxson. Dec. 8. 1737. 2-r,9 •■ Thomas, and Bethiah Ma.\son: m. by Elder .John Maxson, .Ian. 5, 1737. 2-72 ■• William, and Stirah Allaby : ni. by Willi, im Ib-rn. Jns lee, Feb. 7, 1739-40. 2-<;9 ■■ Ainiy. and John WlUer. Jr.. Sept. 7, 1741). 2-7 ■• iMarlha, and Thomas Bulcli. Oct, II). .740, ■^-10 ■• .lames, ;ind Judeth Maxs n ; m. by Elder Jolm Maxson. Jan. 10, 1740. 2-3.-) •• JiKh-diali, and Annie Doilue. ni. by Elder Jolm Maxson. June 5. 1741. 2-83 " William, and Mary L-wls ; m. by William Hern, Justice. Api-il 24, 1743, 3-18 " Joseph, and Comfort Lans-'worlhy, both of Stonlngton : m. at StoniiijJton by Elder Wait Palmer, — — — , 1745. .3-20 " Joseph, and Ajine Babcock: m. by WQllani Hem, Justice, Jan. 18. 1749-50, a-29 " Josepli, of William, and Mary Babcock, of Stephen; m. at South Kingstown by Elder lames Rogi'rs, ,Ian. 10, 1733. 3-.")4 " Nathan, if Westerly, and Tabllha Nlles, of Stonington ; m. l»y Wil- liam Hern, Justice, March 3, 17,j7. 3-Mi " Tli.iirkful. and Jo.seph llarke. 4tli. Sl'pl. 15. 1757. 3-00 " Mary, and Elisha SlUJman, Jan. 23, 1759, 3-(!3 " Maiy, and Elisha iStilUnaii, Dec. 23, 1759. 3-103 " Elder Jo.styiih, and Pemlope Lewis: ni. by Elder Thomas Ross. May 14, 1703. 3-139 " James, of William, and Elizabeih Cliaiimaii, of WiUiam : m. by Elder Joseph Park. Jan. 5, 1775. 3-141 " Maryel, and James Schriyens, March 2. 1775. 3-15'J " Isabel, and Asa Burdlck. Jan. 28, 1778. 4-110 " Mary, and Simeon Buidiclc. Nov. J9. 1770. 3-101 '• Nil hola . ,if Will'am. anil Sally CrandaU (so called), dau. of Zerdlah West, dec. ; ni. by Josepli CrandaU, Justice, June (i, 1779, 4-08 " Henrj', of Westerly, and Mary Babcock, of Stonington; m. at Stonington by Elder Simeon Brown, Aug. 21. 1783. 4^25 " Hannah, and Barney CrandaU, March 12, 1788. 4-(>0 " Lucy, .and Arnold Babcock, Jan. 17, 1790. 4-44 " B.'irbaVn. and John Bliveu, Jan. 10, 1791. 4-1 1 " Susannah, and Clement CrandaU, Jan. 16, 1791. 4-0!) " Clarke, of Westerly, and Polly Miner, of Stonington ; ra, by Eld, El.-a/.er Browtn, Oct. 21. 1792. 4-104 ■■ Content, and Joseph Bragdou, Nov. 10, 1793. ino " Nancy, and Thomas Duran. Sept. 6, 1795. 4-212 '■ Jamis, Jr.. and Lydia Saimders; ra. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Sept. 10. 1815. 3-:i0 DE,\K John, and Hannah Foster; m, by Elder Joseph Maxson, Feb. W, 1740-7. ■;i-52 •■ Cont 'Ut, and Tlmolhy Peckham. June 24, 1750. 5-39 " Denly, and John Ryan. Jan. 18, 1841. 2-125 DENISON Elizabeth, and William Babcock, Dec. 5, 1703, 2 i)2 '• Sarah, and William Halicuck, Aug. 14. 1730. 5-41 " MaiT Ann. and Whitman T. Le>vis. July 18, 1341. .•i-124 ■' Hannah, and Daviil Crumb. Dec. 12, 1771. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 5-43 DENNIS WUliam L.. of Ni'wpm-t. niid Ilniiiiah G. Crandall, of Westerly; m. liy Elder Daniel Ciion, June 5, 1842. 5-34 DERBY Levi Loliirop. and Esther Snimders : m. by Rev. James Pratt, Jime 24, 1839. 3-68 DETTEOCK Hannah, and Rufiis i erldns, JIarch 2, 1760. 4-42 DEWRY' S;u-ali. and Luke Saunders, Oct. 29. 17S1. 4-'l91 " Amey. and Ebenezer Sh'^Hey. Nev. 15, 1799. 5-5 " Alniira, and Paul M. Barber, Dec. 30, 1827. .1-157 DICKINS Trust.ini. or Amo.s, of .N'ew Slioreham, and Martha Wilcox, ot llezefciah: m. by JoS' iili Crandall. Justice, Oct. 27. 1752. 3-119 DIXON Sarah, and Isaiah Burch, Jan. 20. 1742-3. 2-107 DODGE John, and Elizabeth , Oct. 19, 1710. 2-84 " jrary, and Theodoty Vars. Dec. 21, 17.32. 2-82 " EUzabeth, and Siimuel R;ithbone. March 15, 1733-3. 2-35 " Annie, and Je DCNBAU Phoiiias, of Jcdin. dec, and Eunice Barber, of Natlian ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcors, Aug. 29, 1784. 4-254 " Capt. Thomas, and Thankl'iil Hiirber : m. by Elder Elisha Cheese- borough, at Sionington, Jan. 30, 1814. ■)-54 JjrNll.AM William R. E., of Freeman, dec, and Eunice SisBon, of Sanford ; m. by Jededluh W. Knight, Justice, Aug. 18, 1844. 5 77 DUNN Mar>- Ann, and Henry R. Gavi'.t, Aug. 2, 1S47. 5-103 " EdTvard M., of Tohn E. and Desire A. GaAitt, of Benajah ; m. by Thomas H. Vail. Dee. 24. 1849. 4-00 DURAN Tliomas. of Massaclmsetts. and Nancy Davis, ot Westerly: m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Sept. 6, 1793. 4-198 DUKFEE Johin. of James, of Stonlngton, and Reljicca -Saunders, of Joshua, of Westerly : m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Sept. 15. 1804. 3-81 DYE Esther, and Remington Sears, I'eb. 1, 1701. 3-128 " N.a.f.han, of Jonathan, of St^nington, and Eunice Chase, of Oliver, of Westerly; m. by Josejih Cr.andall, Justice, Nov. 26, 1772. 2-103 DY'RE Deliorali, and Daniel Loa.ljard, Sept. 24, 1747. 2-71 EACiLESTONE. Ichabod and Thankful ll.adfall; m. by Samuel Wilbur, Jusltlice, June 27, 1730. 2-74 EDWARDS, Christopher and Phebe Wells: m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 24, 1735. 2-119 " Thomas and GarOirat Gieenman ; m. by Elder John Maxson (also 3-33). Nov. 1, 174e. 3-54 " Daniel, of Ch.ao-lestown. ;uid Joan Clarke, ot Westerly ; m. by sit.eiphen v^a^md<'l^^^, Justice, Sept. 9, 1756. 4-133 " Clarke, oif Daniel, dec, of Charlesto-wn, and Cathai-lne Maxson, of Tory, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, ApiH G, 1780. 3-171 " Sarah, and Joseph Ga.vitt, Oct, 1, 1780. 3-155 " Pa.ul. of Westerly, and Rachel Allen, of Stonlngton, m. .a.t Ston- lngton' by Elder Eloazer Brown, Api-il 13, 1782. 4-191 " Mary, and Samuel EUis, Nov. 7, 1801. 4-243 " Nancy, and Amold Hiscox, Feb. 7, 1810. 30 AITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 5-20 EDWARDS Ilaimali, and Albert Stlllma.n, May 5, 1818. 5-28 ■■ Phebe Aun, and Isaac Oavitt, Oct. 7, 1827. 5-B6 " Slla.^ W., an.i Belsey BUven: m. by George D. Cross, Justice, Nov. ■2-2, 1S27. 5-6S " Elizabelli L.. and Tbomas .1. Codiier, June 2, 1846. 3-19 EGLESTciNE Doiciis. and Wllllaiii Hadsall Dec. 4, 1745. 8-96 " Deliverance, and Benjaiijin Jonus, Sept. 24, 1764. 2-58 ELDERTON Eoger. and Lydla liabcock ; m. liy Jolm Babcock, Justice, Sept. 20, 1722. 3-30 " Anna, and John Hawk, Sept. 9, 1751. 3-63 " Lydla. and Olivi-r BuriUck, Oct. 19, 1758. 3-79 " Patlrnce, and Wait .Saunder.s, Dec. 16. 1761. ,1-137 ELDREDOE Peler, of Ni-wport, and E.stlier Pendletf'n, of Samuel, of Wes- terly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 20, 1774. 4-160 ELDEED E-ther, and Stephen Gaxltt. Sept. 29, 1600, 2-77 ELLIS Zerniah, a!id Joshua Lanpliere, Oct. 17, 1734. 3-31 ■' Mary, and Samuel Teffl. May 5, 1753. 4-83 " Phebe, and Th Tipson Wi-lls, Sept. 27, 1792, 4-191 " SaniU'l. and Mary Edwards; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 7, 1801, 2-84 ENOS Joseph, and Margaret Webster. ?<>pt. 20, 1716. 2-97 " Eebecca, and AndreTT Daleriset, March 1, 1727-8. 2-108 " Mary, and Benjamin Cobb, Jan. 30, 172S-9. 2-77 ". .Tohn, and Mercy Hall: ni. at Stonington by Rev. Nathaniel EeUs, Dec. 28, 1743. 3-2 " Tliankful, and Edmund linrdlck, AprU 23. 1749. 3-2 " Sarah, and John MUlard. AprU 21, 1751. 3-54 " Elizabeth, and Joshua Lewis, Feb. 23, 1757. 3-57 " Lydia, and Zebulon Lewis, Feb. 12, 1758. 5-51 FENNEE Eliza, and Charles G^ar. Dee. 17, 1843, 4-218 FELLOWS Polly, and ChristophL-r Burdiek, Nov. 27, 1806. 4263 FERGUSON Robert F., of Philadelphia, Penn., and Hannah Babcock, of Westerly : m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. 23, 1814. FIELDEN see Phelden. .':-92 FISH AbigaU, and Andrew Lotiirop, Sept. 14, 1763. .j-71 PITCH Waitey, and Jesse W. Hall, Jan, 8, 1846. 2-79 FOEDIS John, and Susannah Pettes ; m. by John Hoxsle, Justice, Dec. 27, 1733. 2-S2 FOSTER John, and Margarey Card : iii. liy Rouse Helme, Assistant, June 11, 1724. 2-97 ■■ Eiizabi'lli, and John I.aiipliiTe. March 3, 1727-8. 2-72 " Calel), and Elizabeth Iil^li : ni. by John Richmond, Justice, Sept. 24, 173."), 2-70 " Thomas, and Mary Stewart; Tu. by Elder ,Iolin Maxson, April 5. 1736, 3-36 " Hannah, jind John Deak, Feb. 26, 1746-7. 3-;f4 •■ Jui.athan, Jr,. of Richmond, and Anna Lawton, ot Westerly : ni. Daniel Maccoon, Justice, Nov, 29, 1753, 3-142 ■• S:ir;il). and Abel Larkin. April 1. 1770. 4-120 •• Tliomas, of Westerly, and Nabby York, of Stoninglon ; m. by Elder .Simeon Brown, Sept. 4, 1791. 4-92 FOWLER John, of Westerly, and Hannah lidmes, of Stonington: m. at ■itpt, 30, 1846. 3-109 FR.VZIF.R Gideon, and Mercy G bbs ; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Oct. 22, 17f,7, 4-12 ■• (iideon. and Elizabeth t^reene. ot William; m. by Josepii Cianrlall. Justice, March 1, 1785. 4-145 •• Nathaniel, of Gideon and Ruth Bliven, of Samuel; m. by Elder .lidin Gardiner, Oct. 6, 1799, 4-221 " Judith, and Lyman Ross, Jan. 8, 1807. WESTERLY JIAKUIAGES. 31 5-115 FEAZrEE Frajices, and Arnold SauiMlt-rs. Jr., J:in. 29, 182G. 2-74 FRENCH WUliain. and l^iidi-nci- Ga\-ltt ; m. by ,)ns.,-ph Pendleton, Justice, Jhiroh 1, 17:;S-0. 2-42 FKINK Esther, and Prirr (TandMll, Dec. 22. 1740. 4-228 " Marshall, ot Stoninglon. and lietsey Berry, ot Westerly; m. by Elijab Palmer. Justice, May 1. 1.S05. 4-227 " RdsaiuKih, and Wain Berry Deo. 7, 1866. •t5 FI;Y Ruth, .ind Frederic Cbase, Feb. 2. 1783. 4r-229 FULLER Lliid;>ll A., of Pomfret, ccini.. ajid -^arali W'll ..r Il.iplcinton; m. at liopkiiiton, by Eldir Abram Coon, Marcli 1, 1806. Q 5-98 GAGE John M.. of Moses, of Mendon. Mass., and Frances Burdick. of Wel- ccinii'. of C'harlestown : m. by Eev. John Taylor, June 18, 1849, 3-88 GARDINER Lydla, and Joseph Slu'fHcld, Jan. 13, 17G3. 3-101 " Mary, and William Cbiimplain. Dec. 19, 1705. 3-131 " Lydla, and .tJanford Taylor (also 4-98t, June 17. 1773. 4-95 " Anna, and John Crandall. Nov. 9, 1777. 3-169 " Waitey, and Isaac Vars, Oct. 15, 1780. 4-S " Dcrcas. and .leptlia Brown, Oct. 31, 1784. 4r81 " Susannah, and Simeon Burdick, Feb. 4, 1786. 4-184 " Caty. and Russell Saunnjamin ; m. by Elder Matthew Stillnian. Dec 21. 1.S23. 4-203 " Benajah, and Rhoda G.avitt ; m. at Sloninstun, by Elder Asher Miner, Feb. 29, 1824. 4r-203 " Khoda. and B. najah Ga.vltt, Feb. 29, 1824. 4-266 " Wells, of Stephen, dec, and Eunic4? Lanphere, of Matthew, dec., by Elder Matthew Sliillman, Dec 30. 1826. 5-28 ■' Isaac, and Fhebe Ann Edwards; m. by Rev. Benjamin Shaw, Oct. 7, 1827. 5-18 " Thankful, and Job W. R:i,tlibone, March 28, 1831. 5-53 " Phebe A., and James Gluunphiin, July 4, 1844. 5-77 " Henry K. of Henry C. an I Mary -\nn Dunn, of John K. : m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail. Aug. 2. 1847. 5-78 " Keturah \'., and Peh'g Saiuiders, Sept. 22, 1847. 5-88 " Tunothy P., and Freelove V. Thompson; m. by Eev. John Taylor, June 5. 1848. 5-103 " Desire A., and Edward .M. Danii. Dec. 24, 1849. 5-100 " Abbie C. and Avery V. i'eckhara, Mareli 2, 1850. 5-109 " Abbie. and Maxson While. Aug. .".. ISoO. 3-37 GEER William, and Lydla Hall, loth of Preston, Conn.; m. by Benonl Smith, Justice. Slarch 20, 1734. 3-42 " Jonathan, of Groton. and Lois Lanphere, of Wi«terly; m. by Benonl Smith, Justice, Jan. :-, 1755. 5-50 ■• Ebi ne/.er, and Euth .M. i'erkins ; m. by R»v. \Mlliam H. Newman, April 23, 1843. 5-51 " Cha,rlcs IT., of Westerly, and Eliza Fenner, of Warwick; m. by Eev. Oliver P. Tuckerman, Dec. 17, 1843. 3-109 GIBBS Mercy and Gileon Frazier, Oct. 22, 1767. 2-74 GIFFORD (aUuulne and llezeklah ColUni-s, Nov. 6, 1735. WESTERLY MARRIAOKS. 33 5-07 GILBERT .Tiihii. of G-i-fitun, Conn., and ljyili:i I'.ti-.v. of Westerly; m. by Ki'V. Oliver P. Tufkernian, May 31, 1845. 3-80 GODANDO (muatie), and Mnry MltlM'll : m. by J(.si'pli Crandall, Justice, .Ian. 28, 1762. 5-63 GOODKICn. Samuel \V.. and Sarah E. Hayden. both of Now York; m. by Ri'V. Thomas H. Vail, Maaxli in, 1847. 3-72 GORT. Cnimb, of Arnold and Lueinda. of We.sterly ; m. by liev. Ralph Phinnev. May 12. 1.^45. 4-2T8 GRANT Prudence, and Samuel Wibc^x, „ 1708. 2-94 GREENELL Daniel, ,Tr.. and J.-ine Lewis, of Israel: m. at South Kingslo-wn by Rouse Helme, Asssl.Uuu. .May 21, 1727. 2 .?S GREENMAX Silas, of Sloiiinjrtcm, and Anne liabc ek. of Wes(erly : m. by Ronse Helme, As-.i-itant, Mari'li 2", 17ri0-l. 3-21 " Jlnrparet. and Josejdi Greene, Serrt. 20, 1747. £-310 " Gartlirot, and Thomas Edwaxds (also 3-3P). Nov. 1. 1742. 3-3 " Eiuiiee, and Andi-ew Champlaln, Jan. 15, 1745-6. 3-22 •' Reeasey, and Cenzer liabeock April 7, 1758. 3 SO " Chloe. and Christopher Bordiek, Mareh 24. 17r,2. 3-94 " EIlzal>eth, and Hobert Helme. Feb. 10. 17<::;. 3-94 " Catharine, and Oliver Helme, Dee. 25. 17n.!, 3-41 " Na.than, of Exetor. and Eunice S.aunders, ol Westerly; ni. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, March 19, 1700. 3-119 •' Abisail. and .lames Rhodes. Feb, 21, 1708. 3-120 " Cnfh.rine. and N'albaii Lanjiliere. ,lr., Aos. 10. ]77n. 8-150 " Mary, and Henry Cmndail, Feb. 24, 17.82. 4-18 " Nancy, and Sumner Chapman, .\uj:. 27. 1786. 4-71 " Caiy. and Stennelt Crandall, Auc. 20. 1702. 4-94 " Silos and Polly Stillman : m. by Daniel l'nl>c( ck, .Tnstice, Oct. 17, 179.'3. 4-274 " Silas. Jr.. of Wesleily. and ThanlTl'nl Wells, ,,r Sanniel, dee., of Hop- kinton : m, by Elder M.atthew Slillman. 0<-c. 20. 1821. 5-79 •• William, of Sila^i, and Frances Hall, of Stanton : m. by Rev. Isaac Jloore, Sept. 29. 1847. 2-85 GEEENE Benjamin, and Eleanor Randall, March 19, 1714. 2-09 " PheI.e, and Thomas W.Ols. Sept. 22, 1717. 2-94 '• Sarah, and Joseph Mis'X, March 28. 1739. 3-27 " Sarah, and Joseph Hisco.x, :March 28, 1739. 3-21 " Joseph, of Westerly, and Marjrarel fTreenman, of Charlestown : m. by William Hern, Justice, Sept. 20, 1747. 3-22 " Matthew, and Judith Maxson, Dec. 1, 1748-9. 3-20 " -4mey, and Elisha Lewis. Jan. 10, 1751. 3-59 " William, of Ciiarh'slown. and Judith Rnthbone, of Westerly; m. .at Charlestown by Nathaniel Slieffield, Justice, Jan. 25, 1756. 3-86 " Hannah, and D:inlei liliven (also 4-52), Nov. 21, 1702. 3-104 " Ruth, and Samuel BIiv.>n (also 4-194), March 17, 1706. 3-136 " Christopher, of Natlaniel. of Warwick, dec, and Catliarlne Ward, of Samuel, of We-ierly : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 23, 1773. 3-135 " William, and Sarah Champlaln, of Joseph, dec: m. by Stephen Satmders, JtLstlee, (also 4 40), March 18, 1774. 3-141 ■' Jihn, of Exe'er, son of Josins, dec. and Prudence Saunders, of Joseph, of Westerly: m. by Joseph Cmndall, Justice (also 4-200), March 2, 1775. 3-15.8 " Sarauel, of J and Dorcas Eglestone ; m. by WilUam Hern, Justice, Dec. 4, 1745. 3-28 HAKES Jonathan and Hannah Brown, of Jonatlian ; m. by Benonl Smith, Justice. Nov. 23, 1752. 3-68 HALLA5I Mrs. Patience, and James Champlain. J.in. 15. 1734-5. 2-83 HALL Jamrs, Jr., and Racliel Meckcome ; m. by Peter Cnind.all, Justice, AlirU 17, 1721. 2-106 •' lienjamin. and Lydia Hall; m. by Thcortoty Rhodes. Justice, Jan. 0, 1720-7. 2-106 " Lydia, .and Benjamin Hal!. Jan. 6, 1720-7. 2-84 " Maris and Thomas Adams. Nov. 23, 1732. 2-75 " Hannah, and Israel Styles. April 10, 1735. 2-71 " Rachel, and James Brand, March 11, 1735-G. 2-81 " Sarah, and Simeon Tucker. May 1, 1737. 2-72 " Rachel, and James Brand, Aug. 10, 1737. 2-119 " Henry, and Ann Crandall : m. by Elder John Maxson, Sept. 6, 1742. 2-57 ' Anna, and Nathan Meekanie. Dec. 23, 1743. 2-77 " Mercy, and John Enos, Di-c. 26, 1743. 3-1 " Sai-ah, and Benjamin Ross, April 26, 1741. ^''"^ " Anna, and Nathan Maxsrni, D c. 23, 1643. 3-51 " Anna, and Nallian Maceouii, Dec. 23, 1743. 3-1 " Phebe, and Simuel Pendleton, Feb. 13, 17440. 3-1 " Gideon, and Rebecca Hern: m. by William Hern. Justice, Marcll 11, 17-145. 3"20 " Stephen, and Hannah Crumb ; m. by WUUam Hern, Justice, March 27, 1747-8. ^--^ " Bavid. and Judeth WUbur : m. by WLUlani Hern, Justice. M.iy — , 1743. 3-- " Is;uLC, and Abigail Burdick; m. by Josepli crandall. Justice, Nov. 5, 1750. 325 " Sus;inna, and Caleb Babcock, Jan. 14, 1753. • ^"^^ " James, Jr., of Westerly, and EUzabelh Brown, of Norwalk ; m. by Daniel Maccoon. Justice, Feb. 11, 1753. 3-34 " Henry, of Henry, and Sarah Hall, of James; m. by John Saun- ders, Justice, before 1754. 3-34 " Sarah, and Henry Hall, before 1754. 3-(i7 *' li<'I)i'<'Ci 3-G5 ll.z.'Ui:i 3-78 Estlu'l',, 3-llV " f^arnli. 4-82 Mnrlliii, 3-140 Eslh.T, 3-142 Tll.^ndol WRSTERI.y JFARRIAGES. 33 3-37 HALL Lydla, and William Geer. Mnrt-li :;(). 1704. y-40 •■ Benjamin, and I'^'ii.'lupc Pnlmeter; ni. tiy WUllam Hern, Justice, Si'pt. 14. 1754. !^-''3 " Josepli, ol' Hopkiiiton. and 'i'cresi.i Wilcncl;, of Westerly; m. by .losepli Crandall, Jnstice. Uw. 18, 1758. a. .■ind .li s,.ph ('rami), July 2(j, 1759. Ill, 111 Jlopkinlon. and Durcas Peclcliam, of Westerly; ai. by eph (Tamlall, Juslic-e. Oet. 11. 1750. .and Joseph Craadall, Aug. 24, 17G1. and Benjamin Hoss. Mareli 4, 1770. , and Cliarles Kaiinders, Nov. 25, 1773. and St<'plien Peekli.-im, Feb. 20, 1775. Illy, Jr., of Ttieodoly,, and Mary Peckliam, of Isaac; in. Iiy Josejih Oi'andall, Jnslire, .Tan. 3, 1770. 4 135 " Thomas, of Isaac, of Westerly, .and EimSce Johnson, of Reuben. d<-c., of Charlestown ; ni. by Elder Thomas Eos.s, at Charlestown, May 1, 1777, 3-160 " Mary, and James Bliven. Jr., Feb, 22, 1780, 3-100 " William, ef WUlLam, dec., of Hopklnton, and Rachel Saondei'S, of ,I:!mes, ot Westerly; m. by Joseph Cranctall, Justice, March IG, 1780. 4-14 " Mai-y, and Benjamin Pecliham, June 11, 1785. 4-20 " Rachel, and Joseph Lewis,. Dpc. 27, 1786. 4-85 " Capl. Lyman, of Joseph, d/^c and Eunice Pendleton, oT Jo'm; m. by Elder Isolati Wilcox (also 4-30), Jan. 27, 1787. 4^34 " James, of Ephraim, of Oliarlestown, and Sarah Larldn, ot Moses, of W'^sterly ; m. by Jrsepli C'randall. Justice, Dec, 31, 1787, 4-29 " Free^irt, and Phelia Millard, Dec. 17, 1789. 4-37 " Elizabeth and Samuel Bliven. Jr., June 24, 1790. 4-115 " Hraddoclc, and Susannah Wilcox ; m. by Elder Is,alah Wilcox. July 30, 17P0. 4-95 " Dn\id, .in! Hannah Yoang; m, by Elder Elkanah Babcock Nov. 20. 17;)1. 4-103 " Dolly, and Cl.amplaln Austin (al.so 4-109), Nov, 20, 1790. 4-115 " l.ynian. of Westerly, and Pli."be Palmer, of StoningtOD ; m. hy JosJiua Babcock, Jnstice, Nov. 27, 1796. 4-200 " Benjamin, and lluldah Wilbur; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, June 8, 1707. 4-150 " Th/;odoty, Jr., and Caly ( randall, of Elijah; m. by Paul Maxson, Jnstice, May 5, 1700. 4-151 " Amcy. and Isaac Nash, Jan. 30, 1800. 5-37 " Stanton, of Westerly, and Merry PerKlns. of Charlestown; m. by Elder Oliver Brislit, July 8, 1800. 4-161 " Wilbur, of J>a^^d, and Polly Saunders, of Joshua; m. by P.a.nl Max- son, Justice. Nov. 10, 1800. 5 171 " Barl.aia. and Nathan Nash. Oct. 11. ISOl. 4-204 " SaUy, and WUllam Greene, Jan. 17, 1805. 4-223 " \'arnuiT], of Throdoty and Caty ."^annders, of Joseph ; ra. by Sanuu^l Bliven, .Tn-.tice. Fell. 25, 1.807. 4-230 " Merchant, and Abigail Gavltt; m. by Elder .Te.sse Babcoclc. Dec. 17, 1807. 4 238 " Dorcas, and .T.ames Orandall. Jr., Dec. 4, 1808, 6-12 " HezeWab, 5. 3-30 HAWK John, of Charlestown. and Alma Elderton. of Westerly ; m. by John Lnrkin, Justice, Sept. 9„ 1751. 3-20 HUXSTON EUiiior, and Samuel Hrown, July 9, 1749. 5-G8 HAVDEN S:irah E., and Siimuel W. Goodrich. March 15, 1847. 2-7-2 HAZELTON .)ar\1s. and Barlierry Barker; m. by Elder John Masson, Jan. 21. 1735-R. 3-94 HELME Robert, of South Kinj^stown. and Elizabeth Greenman, of Wes- terly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Feb. 10, 1763. 3-94 '• Oliver, of South Kinijsto\Tn, and Catharine Greenman, of Wes- terly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Dec. 25, 1763. ■t92 " Hannah, and John Fowler, Aug. 5, 1792. 4-1S3 " Mary, and Christopher Leeds. May 23. 1800. 2-119 HERN William, and Mary Lewis : m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 26, 1742. 2-37 ■ " Dorothy, and Simeon Hrown, March 1, 1842-3. 3-1 " Rebecca, and Gideon Hall. March 11, 1744-5. 3-23 " William, Jr., and Eunice Wilcox; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, June 25, 1752. 3-29 " Elizalu'th. and John Blivrn, Jan. 3. 1753. 3-46 " Siimuel, of Westerly, and Anna Bell, of Stoninsrton ; m. by Eev. N:;lhaniel Eells. July 28, 1754. 5-li)0 HEWITT Edmund, of Eiimund, dec, of Slonington, and Hannab Peckham, of Isaac, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 7, 1779. 2-51 HILLIARD Isaac, and Victorias Coats, both of Stonington ; m. at Westerly by John Larkln. .lustice. April 5, 1751. 2-45 HILL Hannah, and Christopher Chamilain, April 22. 1730. 2-83 " MaiT. of Josias. and Ebi«iezer Lnmb. July 26, 1732. 2-86 " Samuel, and Sarah Hadfall ; m. by William Hern, Ju.stice, Dec. 3, 1738. 2-7 " Samuel (negro), and Anna (mtUatto) ; m. by WlUiam Hern, Jiistlce, Oct. 21, 1740. 2-52 " Ebenezer. and ThankfiU Culver. Sept. 10. 1744. 4-185 HINCKLEV Betsey, and Resolved Carr, Dec. 6. 1792. 5-26 " Abby. and George D. Cross, Oct. 25. 1820. 2-73 HISC<:>X Tliomas. of ^'ewpo^t. and Bethiah Clarke, of Westerly; m. at Westerly by Elder Joseph Parks. Oct. 31, 170:}. 2-81 " Epliraini, and Ablg:til S;iunders; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Oct. 29, 1733. 2-71 " Edith, and Joseph Crandall. May 2. 17.16. 2-S4 " Hannah, and Jonathan IVigei-sv Oct. 26, 1737. 2-94 " Joseph, and Sarah Greene : ra. by FJder John Maxaon, March 24, 17:i9. 2 98 " William, and Cont*>nt Ba! cock ; m. by Elder Jo-eph Maxson, Dec. 22. 1742. 3-39 " William, and Susannah Burdlck; ni. by Thcodoty Rhodes, Justice, Jan. 11, 1727-8. 3-27 '• Joseph, and Sarah Greene; m. by Elder John Maxson. March 2fl, 1739. 3-39 " WiUiam, and Content Babcock; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. — , 1742. 3-24 " Sarah, and Ed-ivard Sum ders (also 4-57J. Aug. 13, 1752. 3-41 " Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth Saunders: m. by Benoni Smith, Justice, Nov. 14, 1754. 3-42 " Joseph, and Bathsheba Mackee ; m. iiy Benoni sn i'.h. Justice, Do3. 30, 1754. S-49 " Thon'Ss, of Westerly, and Mrs. Patience riebeo. of Southold, L 1.; m. by Silas Greenman, Justice, March 2, 1756. i5-S3 ■• Joseph, Jr., and Susannah Burdlck: m. by Stephen Saunders, Jus^ tice, Api-U 15, 1762. WESTERLY JIARKIAG ES 37 3-99 HISCOX Xathan. :uid Kuth Sanndeis : ni. l>j- Rev. Joseph Park. May 7, 1764. 3-lli3 '• Amey. and Join Coon. Jr., May 15, 1771. 4-11 •• AMpiU, and George Gaviit. Xov. 4, 1773. 4-142 •' Ephraim. ol Ephralm. and Mary Slsson, of Thomas; m. by Joseph. Clarke, Ju-.Hce, Oct. -21, 1773. 4-3 " Clarke of Joseph and Bathsheba, and Sarah Saunders, of Ekiward; ni. by Elder Jc^shua Clarke. Dee. li;, 1762. 4-14 " Bethiah. ana David Thayer. March 7. 1786. 4^54 " Xancy, .and Kenyon Burdick, Jan. IS, 1790. 4r-122 •' Mary ajid Ethan- Bliven, May 12, 1708. 4-159 " Abigail, and Clarke Burdick. Jan. 20. 1799. 4-130 " Thomas, ol \Ve.-.teily. and Susanna Wood, of Westport, Mass. : m. f.l ^Vestpor* by William .\lmy, Justice, Xov. 13, 1797. 4-163 " Epliraim. .and Susannah Lanphere ; m. by BUder Abram Coon, Dec. 25, 18(X). 4-239 " Clarke. Jr.. of Hopldnton. and JIary White, of TV^esterly; m. by Elder Abram Coon. Jan. 11. l-Oi). 4-243 " Arnold, of Hopkinton. and Xaney Edwaiils. of Charle-itown : m. at Chnrlestiiwn by Elder Abram Coon, Fel.. 7, 1810. 4-163 •■• Ephralm, Jr.. and Hannah BuitUck : m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Xov. 29, ISIO. 4-274 " Susannah, and Oliarles Ciiimb. .\prU 25. 1822. 4-124 HOBEET WUliam, of Westerly, and Lois Bahcnck, of lIopkLnton : m. by Joseph Potter, Justice, Xov. 20. 179S. 4r-126 HOLLY SMUy, and Stephen Lanph.re. .\ug. 12. 179S. 2-72 HOLMES Bethiah, and Ben:i]'ah BilUngs. March 24. 1739-40. 3-45 " Thomas, .and Zer\-iah Mason, both of Stonington ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice. Feb. 5, 1755. 2-86 HOLW.\Y Cellnda. and James Congdon. May 2. 1732. 3-20 HOPKIXS 3;irah. and Mark WUIiams, July 2. 1749. 3-48 HORICK EUzaheth. and Sumner CLapni:>n. Feb. 23. 1736. 3-133 HOXSIE Sarah, and James Sheffield. Dec. 26. 1773. 4-119 " Mary, and John Cross, Jr., Jan. 23. 1791. 5-87 " Perry, of New London, and Matild.a Babcock. of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Fred Denison, July 3, 1846. 1-57 HUBBARD Betliiah. and Joseph Clarke. Xov. ic".. 10<)4. 2-105 " Thomas, of Boston, and Lydia Ruy. nf Westerly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 7, 1747. 4-C9 " Tacy, and Edward Sheffield Wells, 4-136 " James, and Amey Stillman; m. 20, 1799. 2-86 HULL Joseph, and EUz.i.beth Richnieml : Xov. 11. 1731. 2-77 " Jo.an. and Thomas Kimber. Xnv. 7. 1743. 3-123 " Benjajnln, of Joseph and. LjtUa. S.aimdeis, of Stephen; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. Xov. 7. 1771. 3-136 " Martba. and Charles aaunders. Nov. 25, 1773. 3-140 " Benjamin, of Joseph, and Mary Ross, of Peleg; m. by Joseph Cran- dall. Justice. Feb. 9. 1775. 4-72 « Thomas, of Thomas, dec., of Westerly, and Amey Peckham, of Abel, of Charlesto^vn : m. by Robert Burdick, Justice, Aug. 27, 1791. 4-156 HUNTLEY Joseph, of Lyme, Conn., and Susanna Peckham, of Westerly; m. by Elder .Asa Coon. June 15, 1800. J;' 11. r,. 1791. by Elder John Bxirdjck, Jan. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, I 3-20 INGRAHAM Jeremiah, and Elizabeth Lanphere, both of Stonington; m. by WUlLam Hern, Justice, Nov. 11. 1748. 2-81 IRISH Johanna, and Edward Robinson. Oct. 11, 1708. 2-81 " Mary, and John Robinson, Aug. 23, 1733. 2-72 " Elizabeth, and Caleb Foster. Sept. 24, 1735. 3-26 " Lydia.. and Elisha Lewis. Oct. oO. 1740. 6.35 '• James R., of Alfred X. Y"., and Charlotte Babcock, of Westerly; m. by Elder Daniel Coon -Vug. 20. 1530. 38 VITAL RF.COKD (_iF RII(:>DE ISLAND. 2-S3 JAGERS Sarali, and Joseph Stewiirt, Si:>irt. 6, 1732. 5-102 JAMES C31i;ii-les H., of WUliam, and Elizabeth S. Brown, of Arnold; m. by Rev. Fred Denlson, Nov. 6, 1849. 4-271 jmiOME Sally, and James StillTu.nn, Dec. 2, 1819. 2-13 JOHNSON Joseph, and Mary Lanphere ; m. by Elder John Maxson, June 18. 1739. 2-87 " Gideon, of Westerly, and Sarah Downtng, of Block Island; m. at Block Island, by Samuel Rathbone, Deputy Warden, Oct. 23, 1743. 3-75 " JoSfpM, Jr., of Charlestown, and Judith Burdiek, of Westerly ; m. by Joseph Crand,all, Justice, Feb. 28, 1762. 3-97 " Stephen, of Hopliintcn, son of Stephen, and Lois Eoss, of Westerly, dau. of Thomas ; m. by Simeon Burdlclc, Justice, Dec. 10, 1767. 4-51 " Uridget. and Willljim I'haiJiinui, Jr.. JIanh 14, 1773. 4-135 " Eunice, and Thomas Hall, May 1, 1777. 3-151 " Job, of Joseph, of Oharlrstown, and Anne Clarke, of Daniel, of Westerly; m. by Josejih Crandall, Justice, Oct. 30, 1777. 3-160 " Hannah, and Thomas Taylor, Ki^b. 0. 1780. 2-178 •• Esther, ;uid William Rathbone Greene (also 3-180), March 21, 1781. 3-180 " Tlieodoty, of Daniel, of Oliarlestoivn, and Ruth CrandaU, of James of Westerly; ni. by Josi i-li C'randall, Justice. Marth 31, 1782. 4-21 " Mary, and Benjamin Gr.i'iie. Jan. 28, 1787. 4-51 " Mary, and William Chapman. June 14, 1799. 4-237 " Abigail, and Samuel Chipman. JIarch 13. 1810. 5-28 " George M.. of Scotland, and Klimbeth Quail, of Ireland; m. by Rev. Tliomus H. \'ail, Sept. 14, 1847. 3-98 JONES Benjamin, and Di'liveranc • Kaglestone, both of Stonlnglon, published by Sylvester Warden. Ju.stioe, sometime ago. puMished .also by EWer Wait I'almc-r, at Stonington. Sept. 18. 1704: m. at Wes- terly, by Stephen l.anphercs Justice. Sep;. 24. 1764. 2-14 JUSTl'S Lydla, and Elisha Lewis, Nov. 30, 1740. K 3-56 KENECOME Abigail, and Valentine Wilcox, Aug. 10. 1757. 4-108 " Mallnda, ,anid Thomas Gavitt. Nov. 17. 1790. 2-10i; KEN VON Peter, and Naonii Wels; m. by Theodoty Ehodes, Justice, Sept. 15,. 1726. -••i3 " George and .\niia L.>wi~ ; m. by Eld.-r .lolin Maxson, June 16, 1741. 2-90 " Diiiuarias, and Jamrs Crandall (also 3-7), Feb. 27, 1712-3. 3-29 " .Sarah, and Edward Crandall, .Ian. ,18, 1753. 3-37 " Nathaniel, and Elliner I'lter: m. by Henoni Smith. Justice, March 21, 1754. 3-49 " Katlierine. .and Jo^bua (tiuireh. Marcli 2'.i. 175(".. 4-13 " Mary, and Peleg Berry. Apiil 17, 1774. 4-183 " Joshua, and Mary Cross, both of Ch irlestown ; m. by Sylvester Robinson, Justice, O. C. Pleas, May 5, 1774. 3-162 " JI,.ri-y, aiul Elijah Cramlall, July 18, 1770. 4-5 " Mercy, and John Closson, March 11, 1784. 4-20 " Mercy, and Siias B.abcoel:, Jan. 18, 17.37. 4-87 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Chaiiman. Dec. 21, 1791. 4-110 " I'olly, and Israel Chapman. Oct. 20, 1796. 4-154 " .Sally, and Luth?r P.almer, Dec. 12, 1790. 4-205 " Betsey, and nates Pendleton, Dec. 6, 1801. 5-11 " Hann.iJi, and Hor.ace Wilcox. March 11. 1831. 5-30 " Bridget, and Icliabod Sisson, Dec. 27, 1846. 6-05 " Harriet M.. and John A. Weller. April 2, 1849. 2-77 KIMBEU Thomas, ol New Haven, (sailor), and Joan Hull, of Westerly; m. by William Hern. Jus' ice, Nov. 7, 1743. '^ WESTERLY MARKIAGES. 39 3-32 KING Susaimiib, and Ednumd PfiuH.'ton, April 9, 17^8. 2-77 " Mary, and John Pullmnn, March 17, 1750-1. 4r228 KNIGHT Jededjah, and Eliza Cbamplaln; m. by Elder Abram Coon. Auk 21, 1807. 6-32 " J. WMtney. of Westerly, and Mary Ann Perkins, of Sterling, Conn. ; m. by Elder Teleg I'eelcham. Nov. 26, 1838. 4rl92 KNOWLES Joseph M., of South Kingstown, and Mrs. Dorais Tmingba.st, of Exeter; ni. at Exeter, by Elder lie,.i amln Weight, Jan. 7, 1802. 5-19 " John T., of Westerly, and Elizabeth K. Stantoji. of CharlestowT; m. by Elder fbomas TUllnghast, Oct. 23, 1833. 3-110 LADD :Mary, and Joseph Crandall. 4th, Feb. 16, 177.5. 2-70 LAKE Jeremiah, and Thanlrfwl Bilmister ; m. by Elder John Muxson, April 1, 17S7. 3-S3 LAMB Ebenezer. and Mary HiU, <.t Jar\is ; m. by John Hichmcnd, Justiee. July 26, 1732. ^-31 " , and Sarah Larkin ; m. by Daniel Maccoon. Jnstice, April 27, 1753. 3-47 L,\N^CTroi{D Jonathan. ,aud Esther Champlain ; m. by Silas Greennian, Jus- tice, Deo. 25. 1753. 5-75 ^ L^VNGLEY Joseph F.. of Newjiort. and Elizabeth Brown, of Westerly ; ni. by Kev. 'Itidmas 11. VaU, Oct. 4, 1847. 2-82 LANUWORTHY Ann, and Joseph ('randall, Feb. 15. 1715o. 2-72 " Samuel, and Mary Crandall; m. by Elder John Maxson, Aug. 7. 1736, 2 "ll" " -Mary, and Nathan Laupliei'e (also 3-15). June 22. 17:i'i. 3-^2 " John, Jr.. and Abigail Munro : m. by Stepiien Riclinmnd, Justice, Jlay 27, 17-J2. 3-18 " Comfort, and Jos 'ph Davis. . — . 174.5. 4-74 " Lucy, and Charlrs Ba.bcock, .Tan. 1. 1792. 4-156 " Betsey, .anjd Sylvaaus Maxson. Sejjt. 24. 1797. 5-29 •■ Lucy P., and Alfred Lewis, Sept. 28 1840. 2-42 LANKFlTRD Ann, and John Lewis (Fuller). June 3. 1741. 2 41 LA.NTHEUE Theodosius, and Racliel Carey; m. by Peter Crandall. Justice, Jan. 22. 1707-.'s. 2-4 " .Sarah, and .Tames Corey, M.arch 21, 1708. 2-124 " Elizabelh. of George, and James Pendleton, Jan. 12, ]7iiO.]0. 2-105 " Exijr-i-ii'nce, and .Tolm Sntterly. .Tan. 5, 172R-7. 2-07 " John, and Elizabeth Foster; m. by John Richmond. Justice, March 3, 1727-8. 2-95 " Anna, and John Lanphere. .Inly 24. 17J0. 2-95 " John, and Anna Lanphere; m. by Theodoty lUiodes, Justice. July 24. 1730. 2-SS " Daniel, and Cattron Pi-osser ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Jan. 24. 1730-1. 2-77 " Joshua, of Westerly, and Zerniah Ellis, of Stonington ; m. by John Richmond. Justice, Oct. 17. 1734. 2-7(1 " Abigail, and Joshua Burdick, Dec. 25. 1734. 2-711 ■• Patience, and Ichabod Prosser, Nov. 26, 1735. 2-58 " Mary, and James Casey, .Ian. 21. 1738-9. 2-119 " Mary, and Joseph Johnson, June 18, 1739. 2-119 " Nathan, and M.ary Langworthy ; m. liy Elder John Maxson (also 3-15). June 22. 1739. 2-7:j " Nathanlcd. and Prudenee Cultrell ; m. by William Hern. Justice, July 7, 1743. 3-1 •• Mei'cy, and Joseph Saunders (also 3-168), April 5, 1744. 3-1 •■ Hannah, and Ephr.aim Clarke. Dec. 15, 1744. 3-1!) ■■ Jerusha. and Willi;im Sims. March 24. 1747-8. 3-20 . •■ Jeru-ha, and William Lewis. March 22, 1747-8. 3-20 •• Elizabetli. and Jeremiah Ingi-aham, Nov. 11, 1748. 3-18 '• Aniey, and Joba Satlerly, ]»''C. 4, 1748. 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. . 3, 1755. 3, 1757. 30. 1758. Josepli Cranilnll, Justice. . 15, l7r.i. Jan. Mnroh at 3-23 LANPHERE Stephen, and Mary Cliaraplain ; m.,l)y Benja.mln EandaU, Jus- tice, Oct. 26, 1749. 3-5 " Pi-urloDce, and Robert Brand, Nov. 14, 1751. 3-32 " Martha, and Tony JIaxson. Oct. 18, 1753. 3-42 " Lois, and Jonathan Gier, Jan. 2, 1755. 3-45 " Benjamin, and Susannah Champlain : m. by Benoni Smith. Jus- tice, March 27, 17.")5. C-47 " Content, and Timothy Wvst, Deo 3-52 " Mary, and Joshua Voso. Jr., May 3-63 " Mary, and ■\VilUam Steward, Nov. 3-1)7 " Nalior, and Anne Lewis: m. by 24, 17(i0. 3-39 " Barl>nra. and Samuel Lewis, Oct 3-87 '• David, and Sarah Smith: ni. ty Joseph Clarlie, Jr.. Jnstl 4. 171)2. 3-P2 " Ellas, and Sarah Brown ; m. by Benoni Smith, Justice. April 22, 1702. 3-03 " Is;ilah, of Westerly, and Tliankfid Allen, of Stonlnstun : m. by Josepii rrnnrtall. Justice. Oct. 16. 1763. 3-97 " Nathan, Jr.. of West^Tly. and Amey Crandall, of Charlestown : ni. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Oct. 28, 1764. 4-76 " Daniel, of Weslerly, iind Weltlia Worden, of Stonington : m Stonlnpton by Elder Simeon Brown. Nov. 13, 1765. 3-120 " Nathan. Jr.. and Catharine Greenman : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. Aug. 16, 1770. 3-123 " Nathan, Jr.. of Nathan, and Sarah Landers, of John: m. by Elder Joshua Clarke (also 4-100), Oct. 31, 1771. 3-124 " Abram. of John, of Westerly, and Sarah Lanphere, of Ebeuezer, of Hopklnton : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dec. 29, 1771. 3-124 " Sarah, and Abram Lanphere, Dec. 29, 1771. 3-126 " Champlain, of Stephen, and Rebecca Kabcock. of Joseph: m Oliver Crary. Justice- March 9, 1772. 3-126 " Amey, and William Weaver, March 10, 1772. 4-4 " Wealtha, and Christopher Seager, March 17, 1777. ■ 4-21 " Patience, and George Champlain, Oct. 5, 1780. 4-22 " Hannah, and Nathan .Stillman, Nov. 10, 1765. 4-89 '■ Pkiul, and Ellzal)eih l)i>rry ; m. by Jox'ph C arke. Justice. Feb 1789. 4-Sn " Itirdon, and I'.dly Herry : m. by .Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb, 1790. 4-201 " Cynthia, and Barney Sissf n, March 7, 1790. 4-174 •• Eunice., and Abel Clarke, Oct. 13. 1791. ■4-42 " Catt^m, and Hosea Barber. Dec. 18, 1794. 4-101 •• Lydia, and Elisha West, Nov. 33, 1794. 4-100 " Nathan,, of Da\-id, and Nancy Crandall: ni. by Joseph narke, tice, Dec. 23, 1794. 4-137 '• Ma.xson, of Nathan, dec, of Weslerly, and Susannah Freenian.'^of Southold. L. I. ; m. at Southold, by Elder Elisha GiUett. Nov. 19. 17'.1,-,. 4^114 '• Eli-ha. of N;ithan. ;md Betsey Potter, of George, dec: m. by Elder John Hurdick. IVc. 17. 1795. 4-118 " Nancy, and .Joseph Crandall, April 3, 179<). 4-111 '• Joshua, of Champlain, and Ruth Thompson, of WUliam : m. by Elder .-Nimuel Nortlinn. Nov. 4, 1797. 4-123 " Joseph C, of Westerly, and Lucretla Yeomans, of D.-uilel, of Stonington; m. by Elijah Palmer. Justice, June 6, 1798. 4-126 " Stephen, of Champlain, of Westerly, and SaUy Holly, of South Kingstown ; m. by Samuel Bllven. Justice. Aug. 12, 179S. 4-140 " Pally W., and Isaac Peckham, June 30, 1799. 4-153 " Abigail, and Wait Clark.', Nov. 14, 1799. ■1-158 " Dorothy, and Dea. OliviT Dodge, March 26, 1800. •t-lfiS " Susannah, and Ephralm Hiscox, Dec. 25, 1800. 4-176 " Maltlii'W. of Westerly, and Lucy Crumb,, of Stonington Elijah Palmer, Justice, Oct. 22, 1801. 4-215 " Simeon, and Susannah Stillman: m. by Elder Abram Ci 26, l."04. \ bv 18, Jus- bv .Ian. I 7a.'/- WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 41 4-212 LANPHERE Mercy, and Jciliii CUirki-, Nov. l;9, 1504. 4-1227 •■ A-A. Niicl Siisaniui SaiiiKicrs. ..f si(iiii,.|i: m. by Elder Jfuse Bnb- ciM'k, J:in. 1.'), 1807. 4-232 " Eiiipfk, .■iiirl Susannah Ilcrry ; ni. ]>y .Ii.lin Cross,, Justice, .Tan. 20, 1S07. 4-225 '■ I'rentire, of Westerly, ami Anna Merriott, of lloplclnton : m. at Hop- kintnn by Elder Mattliew Stillnian, March 1.3. 1807. 4-247 " Hi'Zekiah, iiiid Deborah Clarke: m. by Elder Abrnin Coon. F.'b. 17. isil. 4-243 " Clarke, and We.illhy Clarke: ni. by Elder .lesse Babiock. March 1, 1812. 4-251 •' Nancy, and George Crocker. Dec. C. 1812. 4-252 " Willinm, 2d. and Eli/.a Miner: ni. by Elder .Tesse P.abcock. Deo. 23, 1812. 4-264 " Acors. o! Westerly, and Weallhy Stillnian. of Hopkinton : m. liy Daniel lialicock. .Tusiice C. C. Pleas. Nov. 30, 1815. 4-2r>4 " Anu'lla. aiul Daniel Ratlibone, March 7, 18H5. 4-248 " Capt. Clarke, of David, and Ketnrah Earlier, of Amos, of Hopkiu- ton : m. by Elder Matthew Stillman. Marcli 31, 182'i. 5-4 " Abby. and Thomas Lewis. Nov. 20, 1825. 4-200 " Eiiulc, and Wells c.avitt., Dec. 30, 1820, 5-0 '• Frank, of Westerly,, .and Waitey Lewis, of Hopklnton : m. at Hop- kinton by Elder Amos I'. Wells, Oct. 5, 1828. 4-352 " William, and Susein Burdick: ni. at llopldnton l>y EldiT Christo- pher Chester, Jan. 24. 1835. 5-02 " Perry, and Snpliia A. Slocum : m. by Rev. E. T. Hiscox, .Sept. 1, 1.S44. 5-50 " D.ivis, and Nancy 51. Barber; m. hy Rev. Ralph P. Phlnney, Sept. 9, 1814. 15-80 " Horace \ ., of Stonington, son of Daniel and Sybel G. Sharp, of Oliaiies, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore. Oct. 0. 1847. 5-01 •• Juliet, and Frank Maxson, Nov. 27, 1848. 2-100 LARKIN John, and Sarah Tncki'r : m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice. Jtme 15, 172(i. 2-02 " Marv. anil Mowre Barber. April 9, 1720. 2-95 " Roger, and Rebecca Tucker: m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, March 19, 17:i0. 2-95 " John, and Mary Mnccoon ; ni. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice. July 24. 1730. 2-95 " Joseph, and Johannah York: m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, July 24. 1730. 2-75 " Samuel, and Elizabeth CrandaU : m. by John Hoxsle, Justice. Jan. 21. 1734-5. 2-75 " Rel)ecca. and Da\'ld Lewis, Aug. 28, 1734. 3-31 " Stirah. and Ebenezer Lamb, April 27, 1753. 3-02 " Daniel, of John, and Susannah Rathbone ; m. by Stephen Saun- ders, Justice, Feb, 27, 1758. 3-96 " Daniel, and Eunice Cbamplaln : m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Aug. 29, 1764. 3-51 " Hamiari, and Trustara Dodge, Oct, 28, 1764. 3-142 " Abel, of John, and S,arah Foster: m. by John Larkin. Justice, April 1, 1770. 4-24 " Sarah, and James Hall, Dec. 31, 1787. 4-39 " Lydla. and William LoOmas, Aug. 22. 1790. 4-129 " Abel, Jr., of Westerly, and Hannah Larkin, of Hopklnton; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Jan. 25, 1797. 4-129 " Hannah, and Abel Larkin, Jr., Jan. 25, 1,797. 4-160 " James, of Kenyon, of Charlestown, and Nancy Berry, of S:imu.4. of Westerly; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice. Nov. 23, 1800. 4-217 " Jonathan, and Ann Rhodes, of James", m. by John Cross, Justice, Nov. 22, 1804. 4-204 " Sally, and Bphraim Gavitt. Feb. 17, 1805. 5-55 « Samuel S., of W'esterly, and Mary A, Potter, of Ricitmond : m. by Ri'V. Alexander Campbell, Sept. 2, 1844. 5-71 " Susan E., and Joseph Ko ss, Sept. 22, 1845. 42 VITAL KECOKD OF UHODK ISLAND. 5-106 LAEKIN David C, of Richmond, and Lucinda Bm-dlck, ot CaiarlestoTra ; m. by EldiT Henry Clarko, Jlay 4, 1850. 2-1 LAWTO.V Mary, and Sanford Noyes, Nov. 24,, 1738. 3-34 " Anna, and .lonatlian Foster, Jr., Xov. 29, 1753. 3-44 ■' .lane, and Da™! Lewis, Jnne 11„ 1755. 3 105 " Thomas, of Portsmouth and Amey Poole, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 20, 1766. 3-25 LEEDS Hannah, and Jesse Brown, Jan. — , 1752. 4-183 " Christopher, of Thomas, of Stonington, and Mary Helme, of Simeon, of Westerly : m. by Joseph PeDdleton, Juistice, March 23, 1800. 5-25 LEE Mary W., and E/.ekeil Dabeock, Feb. 13, 1842 5-50 " Mary Esther, and Slilos Sherley, May 1. 1843. 5-54 " Henxy, and Nancy Tefft; m. by Rev. Ralph Phinney, Sept. 1, 1844. 2-17 LESTER Elizabeth, and Trusitum Billings. Sept. 10, 1740. 2-86 LEWaS Ann, and William Ross. April Ifi, 17]]. 2-78 " John, of James, and Lucy Crandall ; m. by Joseph Hall. Justice, March 3, 1717. 2-118 " John, Jr., and Mary BnnUck, March 12, 1718. 2-113 " Israel, and Maiy Mash; m. by Joseph Hall, Justice, March 27, 1718. 2-112 " Israel, and Bnthsheba : m. by Christopher Champlaln, Jus- tice, June 30. 1720. 2-110 " John, and Anna Clarke, Nov. 24. 1720. 2-94 " Jane, ot Israel, and Daniel Greenell. Jr., May 21, 1727. 2-90 " Mary, and Nathaniel Li'Wls. Nov. 13. 1729. 2-96 " Nathaniel, and Mary Lewis; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Nov. 13, 1729. 2-37 " .loseph, and Mary Lewis ; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, April 1, 1731. 2-87 " Mary, and Joseph Lewis, April 1, 1731. 2-42 " WlUiam, and Mary Gavltt : m. by John Saunders, Justice, Oct. 10, 1733. 2-80 " George, and Sarah Lewis ; w. by John Hoxsle, Justice, Nov. 22, 1733. 2-80 " vSarah, and George Lewis, Nov. 22, 1733. 2-78 " Jorusha, and George Brown, Jr., April 4, 1734. 2-79 " Bathsheba, and William Bentley, Aug. 1, 1734. 2-75 " Da^•ld . and Rebecca. Larki n ; m. by Samuel Wilbur, Justice, Aug. 2S, 1735. 2-70 " Hannah, and Wiliiam Crumb, April 25, 1736. 2-88 " Elizabeth, and John Crandall, June 28, 1738. 2-4 " Thankful, and John Lewis, Jan. 21, 1738-9. --4 " John, and Thankful Lewis; m. by Elder John M;ixson, Ja.n. 21, 1738-!). 2-1 " John, and Margaret Burdick ; m. by Elder John Masson, May 3, 1739, 2-72 ■• Esther, and John Cniiirta 1. April 19. 1740. --!■* " Elisha. and Lydi.a Justus; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Nov. 30, 1740. -■■'- " John (Fuller), and Ann L-aalrford; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, June 3, 1741. "'■''' " Anna, and George Kenyou, Jmu' 16, 1741. -11'' ■" Mary, and WilUam Hem, Oct. 26, 1742. 2-77 " -Avis, and Hubbard Burdick, Nov. .1, 1743. 2-58 " Martha, and John Maxson, Seiit. 13, 1744. 2-83. 97 " Jiary, and William Da\-ls, April 24, 1745. 3'-'' ■■ Elisha. and Lyrtia Irish: m. by Elder Joseph Maxson. Del. 30. 1740. 3-177 " Joseph, and Sarah Clarke : m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, June 16, 1743. •'-l " F.lisha, and Dorcas Coltrell : ni. by WUlLam Hern. Justice. Oct. 25, 1744. 3-5 •■ John. Jr., and Prudence Mitchell ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Justice, Sept. 20, 1746. WESTERLY MAI!I;IAI : ES. 43 3-28 LEWIS JoBiillKiji, .-UKl Tacy Maxson ; m. by .losbua Clarke, JusUoc, Jan. 2-2. 1741-, 7. 3-10 •• Stephen, ami Martha Wllt.-r; m. by Natbnniel Lewis, Justice, Oct. 18, 17-17. 3-20 ■■ William, of North Kinc.stown, and Jenislia Lanphere, ot Westerly; m. by William Hern, Justice. March 22. 17-47-8. 3-22 ■' Elias, and Susannah Reynolds; m. by Bimjaniin Randall, Justice, Sept. 15, 1740. 3-25 " Keziah, and C'harles Phillip<;. Nov. 3. 1749. 3-2fi " Ellsha. and Aniey Greene, Jan. 10, 1751. 3-26 " Abel, and Thinkful Maccoon ; m. by Benjamin Randall. Justice, Aug-. 2. 1751. 3-19 " Joseph, and Mary Bliven : ni. by WUllam Hern. Justice. Sept. 20, 1752. 3-38 " Wait, and Sarah Bliven ; m. by \A'lIliam Hern, Justice, Oct. 2 1 7,54. 3-45 " Elizabeth, and Nathan Bliven. March 15, 1755. 3-44 " Da\'1d. of Westerly, and Jane LaTvton, of Newport; ra. by 'WTlHara Hem. Justice. Jnne 11. 1755. 3-47 ■• Hannah, and Peles; Ross. Dec. 10. 1755. 3-54 " Joshua, and Elizabelh Enos : m. by Stephen S.annders. Justice, Feb. 23, 1757. 3-57 " Zebulnn. and l.ydia Eno- : m. by Jciseph Crandall, .Justice. Fr-b. 12, 1738. 3-fi3 •' Esther, and Ezekiel S;iunders. Dec. 14, 1758. 3-07 •■ Anna, and Nahor Lanphi-re, Jan. 24, 1760. 3-177 '■ Joseph, of Westerly, and Mary Clarke, of Sloningrt;on: ni. I>y Elder N.athaniel Eells. Mav 14. 1761. 3-80 " Sa.muel, and Barltara Lanphere; m. by .Joseph Clarke. .Tr.. Jus- tice. Oct. nr,. 1701. 3-70 ■• Sarah, and Isaiali Wilcox. Oct. 15. 1761. 3-103 " Penelope. aDtoiiiijgton : m. R;i(lili.iiir. V, U. M., Dec. •2Q. 17!m; utoii, Conn. : m. bv if Hoiildnton: ni. liy 4-94 LEWIS Prentice, aJid PoUy Thoii'lison; ra. by .Inscpli Clarke, Justice. Dec. 7. 1794. 4-]00 " .Simecm. ;in(l Lydia .ShiT|1i old : ni. by K^iiijurl liidwii. Justice, Dec. 20. 1795. 4-21(i " Eliasi, of Westerly, and I'l-iMilla LrwU. of -itoniiigtnn : m. at StoniiiKlon by Valenliiii' \V. 1796. 4-216 " rriscUla, and Ellas Lewl^, I>c<-. 4102 " Dorcas, and William Sweet, Picklinai. Aprl 30, 1707. 4-196 " .Tabez, 34, of Hezekiali, of Westerly, and Lois Lewis, of WU- liani, of fttonington ; m. tiy Rev. Hezckiah Woodi'uff about 1797. 4-190 ■■ Lois, and .Tabez Lewis, .'ibout 1797. 4-175 " Jabez, of Westeily, and Betsey Couien, of t ■ JoseiJli Allen. Juslici'. Nov. 24, ISOl. 4-179 " AblpiU, and Benjamin Koss. Jan. 7, 1802, 4-187 " Frances, and Simeon Lewis. Marcli 27, 180o. 4-187 " Simeon, of Westerly, and Frances Lewi Elder Abram Coon. March 27, 1803. 4-22S " Maxson. of Westerly, aiTl I'olly Jlalne, of Stoningtun ; m. by Elder David Lilllhrld.'e, Oct. 21, 1805. 4-267 " Lods. and JarfKl Barber, ,lr., March 6, 1817. 5-4 " Thomas, of Henry, and Abby I.aiipbere, of I'erry : ni. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Nov. 20. 1825. 5-0 " AValtey. .ind Frank Lanpbere. Oct. 5. 1.S28. 5-29 " AUii'd, and Lucy !'■ LanRwertliy ■, ni. by Elder Daniel Coon. Sept. 28. 1840. 5-41 " Whllniaii T., and M.iry Ann Dmison : m. by Oeorffe D. Cross. Jus- tice. July 18. IStl. 2-105 LILLIBEIDGE Tliom.as. and Mary Woodmansee ; m. by Theodoly Rhode«. Justue, June 12, 1726. 5-57 " Wanton, of RlchniMiul, .: nd Ssirab Ann Chaniiilatn. of Westerly: m. by Rev, Weeden Haiber, Jr., Nov. 7. 1841. 5-97 LIPPITT Waite Harris, and Frederic Lee AUen. .Tune 4. 1849. 5-50 LOCK Eliza Ami, ami Alfred B. Corey. April 9, 1843. 2-105 LOMBARD Daniel, of Newport, and Deborah Dyr.'. of Westerly ; in. by Eldi-r Joseph Clarke. Sept. 24. 1747. 4-39 LOOMAS WilUam. of WUliam, of Ashton, Lancashire. Great Britain, and Lydia LarWn. of Daniel (dec); m. by Joseph Crandall. Jus- tice. Aug^ 22. 1790. 3-26 LONG Mary, and Eber Crandall, Feb. 10, 1732. 3-02 LOTHROP Andrew, of Norwich, Conn., and Abigail Fish, of Grotoii : pub- lished Sept. 0, 1763. by Rev. Benjamin Throop, at New Con- cord, Norwich ; ni. iit Westerly, by Stephen Lanphere. Ju.stice. Sept. 14. 1763. 2-76 LOVELESS Mary, ajid Richard Bennett, Jan. 12, 1726. 2-4 " Joseph, and Elizabeth Tems ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 20, 1728. 2-81 '• .\nn, and .Solomon Partelon, April 21, 1731. 4-180 LOVITT Ketnrah, and Jfiseph Babcock. April 12. 1801. M 3-52 MACEATER Anne, and Elder John Maxson. Oct. 31. 1756. 2-121 MACCOON Isabel, and Edward Bliven, Oct. 2, 1691. 2-95 " AbigaU. and Benjamin Brown. April 6. 1730. 2-95 " Mary, and John Larkln, July 24, 1730. 3-51 " Nathan, and Anna HaU: m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. 23, 1743. 3-22 " Lois, and Caleb Wells, Jan. 18. 1748-9. 3-26 " Thankful, and Abel Lewis, Aug. — , 1751. 3 54 " Anna, and Samuel We.st, March 17. 1757. | 3-42 MACKEE Bnth.sheba, and Joseph Hiscox. Dec. 30. 1754 :::-112 ■• Bathslieba. and Ichabod Burdlck. Feb. 6. 17'^. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. ( 45 3-38 MACKINTOSK Andivw. of Stonington. and BridKi-t Pmtj-, of Westei'ly : m. tiy Silas Greenraan, Justici'. May 29, ITrji. 3-88 MACOMBER Jonathan, of Cliiirlestuwii, and Sarah Varse, of Westerly ; m. by Stephen vSaunders. JilsUcp. Sept. 8. 1705. 3-77 MALLEESON Joseph, Jr., of Grolun, and Sarah Stewart, of Stoning-ton; m. by Joseph Cl.irke, Justk-e, Aug. 18, 17111. 3-43 MAINE Jonas, and Patience Peck ham, botli of Stonington; m. l)y Benoni Smith, Justice, June 3, ITSti. 3-59 " Jeremiah, of Stonington, and Batlishelja Vose; m. by WiUiam Hern, Justice, Feb. 2 2, 1758. 3-135 " Anna, and Hezekiah Lewis, Marcli IH, 17(;ii. 3-131 " FJizabeth, and Isaac Peckham. July 18, 1773. 4.005 « poUy, and Maxson Lewis. Oct. 21, 1805. 5-58 " Ellas R., of Ledyard, Conn., and Abby Chapman, of \Ve-^terly ; m. by Elder Weeden Bapber. Jr.. Jlay 31, 1843. 2-113 MASH Mary, and IsVael Lewis, Marcli 27, 1718. 3-4.> MASON Zerviah, and Thomas Holmes, Feb. 5, 1755. 2-78 MAXSON John, and Judeth Clarke, Jan. 19. l(iS7. 1-57 '• Dorothy, and Joseph Clarke, Jr., Jan. 5, 1692. 2-116 '• Jonathan, and Content Rogers, May 1. 1707. 2-lOt; '• Eaizabeth, and John Davis, Aug. 25, 1715. 2-125 " John, Jr., and Thankful Randall, Sept. 20, 1724. 2-87 " Content, and James Babeock, July 7, 1731. 2-87 '• Avis, and Samuel Hubliard Burdick, Nov. 5, 1731. 2-77 ■■ Elizabeth, and Jonathan Weiis, Nov. 29, 1734. 2-73 '* Jonathan, and Jrmiina Muinford: m, by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 0, 1735. 2-47 " John, of Westerly, ajxd Lucy Rogers, of New London ; m. by Elder Stephen Gorton, Oct. 27, 1736. 2-09 •■ Bethiah, and Thomas Davis, Jan. 5, 1737. 2-110 " Content, and Richard Dake. Dec. 4, 1T39. 2-10 " Judi'fli, and James Da\-1-.. Jan. 10, 1740. 2-111 " Joshua, and Anna, Slack ; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Sept. 2>>, 1742. 3-3 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Rutli Rogers, of New London ; m. by Rev. Eliplialet Adams, Oct. 13, 1742. 2-79 " Ooodi'th, and Nathan Burdick. Oct. 14, 1743. 2-79 " WiUiaui, and Hannah Reynolds; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 14, 1743. 2-77 " Nathan, and Anna Hall; m. by Elder Joseph Ma.x3on, Dec. 23, 1743. 2-58 " John, and Martha Lewis ; m. by John Lewis, Justice, Sept. 13, 1744. 3-28 " Lucy, and Jonatluin Lewis, Jan. 22, 1746-7. 3-20 " Matthew, and Lucy Wilbur; m. by WilUam Hern, JasUce, May 2, 1T48. 2-222 " Mary, and Joshua Chase, May 12, 1748. ;i-22 " Judeth, and Matthew Greene, Dec. 1, 1748-9. 3-21 " Matthew, and Martha Potter; m. by Benjamin RandaU. Justice, Dec. 21, 1748-9. 3-22 " Isaiah, and Judith Reynolds; m. by Benjamin Randall, Jastice, Oct. 19, 1749. 3-102 " Jesse, and Keturali Ranxlall ; m. by Rev. John Lyons, Sept. 11, 1753. 3-32 " Tory, and Martha La,nphere ; m. by Benjamin Rand:Ul. Ju.stLce, Oct. 18, 1753. 3-41 " Content, and George Potter, .Sept. 18, 1754. 3-52 " Elder John, of Newport, and Anne Maccarter, widow, of Westerly : m. by Elder Thomas Clarke, Oct. 31, 175ti. 3-80 " Daniel, and Barredel Ross ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice. March 31, 1762. 3-122 " Silas, ol David, and Sirah Clarke, of Joseph; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Marrh 20, 1771. 3-123 " Eleanor, and WUliam Bliven. Oct. 31, 1771. 3-148 " Tliomas, and Hannah Sisson : m. by Elder Joseph Clarke, Dec. 17, 1772. 46 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-158 MAXSON Ellznbeth, and Joseph StUlman. Jaji. 27, 1773. u-181 ■■ A«\. of Davlfi. ami Lois stillman, of Jos'ph : m. Ijy Joseph Clarke, Justice, Dec. 4S. 3-115 MCDOWELL Joanna, and Major James Babcock, Aug. 27, 1769. 3-116 McDonnell Angus, and Mary Chase, of Capt. Oliver: ni. by Joseph CriUi- dall, JusHci-, Nov. 22. 1769. 2 83 MEEKCOME Rachel, iuid Jajnes Hall, Jr.. April 17, 1721. 2-75 " Joseph, and Jemima Ross: m. by John Itiilimond, Justice, Jan. 9, 1734. 2 87 " WlUlam. and Patience Allen : m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, April 2, 1738. 2-57 " Nathan, and Anna Hall : m. lyy Elder Joseph Maxson, Dec. 23, 1743. 4-166 MEERIOTT Polly, and Maxson Chase. Dec. 10, 1803. 4-2110 " Hannali. and Benjamin V. Barber, March 13, 1806. 4-225 " Anna, and Prentice Lanpliere. March 13, 1807. 4-268 " Lucy, and Pardon Thomp^on. Dec. 10, 1816. 3-2 MILlAliD John, of Charlestown, and Sa.rah Euos, of Westerly; m. by Jo- seph CrandaU, Justice, April 21, 1751. 3-2 '■ John, of Charlestown, and Katharine Clarke, of Westerly ; m. by John Larkin, Justice, Oct. 1, 1752. 3-37 " Nelson, of Charlestown. and Isabel Brand, of Westerly; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, March 31, 1754. 3-143 " Ellas, of Holmes, and Elizabeth Lewis, of Joshua: m. by Elder Thomas Ross, April 10, 1777. 4-2D " Phelia, of Stephentown. N. Y., and Freegltt HaU, of Westerly : m. by Joseph CrandaU. .Justice. Dec. 17, 1789. l-o8 MINOR D,0>orah. and Joseph Pendleton. July S, 1696. 4-(19 " Polly, and Caleb Da\is, Oct. 21, 1792. 4-190 '•■ Hannah, and Perry Barber. March 30, 1794. 4-253 " Eliza, and William Lanphere. 2d, Dec. 23, 1812. 3-14 JUTCHELL Sai'ah, and Stephen ( larke. Dee. 29, 1745. 3-5 " Prudence, and John Lewis. Jr., Sept. 20, 1746. 3-80 " Mar>', and Godando. Jan. 28, 17(;2. 3-59 " Elizabeth, and Samuel Tefft, July 26, 1767. 4176 " BetSi'y, and Jonathan Nash. Jr.. Jan. 7, 1793. 3-102 MOON Jolm. of Exeter, son of Robert, and Elizabeth Brown, of Jonr.th-n. di-c.. of Westerly ; m. by Simeon Burdlck, Justice. Oct. 1' . 1708. WESTERLY MAIUUAI.ES. 47 2-119 MORRIS OaUKirinu, and Samuil Allen. Aug. 20, 1707. 2-111 MOTT Plu'be. and Cyru.^ Rkhnionil, M^ircU 27, 17;J4. 2-86 " Sarah, iiiul WlUUim Thorn, July 10. 1736. 2-77 " Jonathan, and .lolianniih Page; ni. by steyhen Kiclimond, Justice, Oct. 11, 1740. 2-14 MULKINS Henry, and Abigail Babcock ; m. by Ehb-r John Max.son Nov 4, 1740, ■ 4-19 " Abigail, and Jesse Babcock, March 8, 1763. 2-73 MUMFORD Jemima, and Jonathan Hanson, Jan 6, 1733 3-12 MUNRO Abigail, and Jolin Langwortliy, May 27, 1742. 2-166 " S;\rah. and Job Taylor, Nov. 18, 1742. S-69 MUSGRAVE Eleanor, and Allen Stevenson, July 18, 1647. N •4-176 NASH Jonathan, Jr., ot Jonathan, ol Westerly, and Betsey Mitchell, of (ieorge, of Groton. Conn.; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 7. 1793. 4-132 " Asa, of Jonathan, and .y Joseph CSarte, Jr., Justice, June 3, 1762. 2-77 2-128 4-128 4-115 4-197 4-153 2-47 2-123 2-76 2-84 2-45 a-72 2-73 3-1 .3-1 3-32 3-40 3-59 3-37 4-1 R9 5-ph CrandaU, JusOice. Feb. 24, 1754. m. by WESTERLY JLXRRIAtiES. 49 3-41 PECKITAM Tlmotliy. nf Stoiiiiigtoii, :in 3, 175i;. 3-52 " Timothy, and Content Drnie: rii. Iiy Eld.r Thumas Clarke. .Tone 1:4. rrsfi. 3-60 " Isaar-, .Ir.. ej Westerly, and Dorea.s Sweet, ot West Greenwich; m. liy Samuel Hopliius, Justice, Oct. 25, 1757. 3-65 " Dorcas, and Hezeldah Hall, Oct. 11, 1750. 3-95 " Anne, and William York, Not. 15, 17(14. 3-82 " Entli. and William Clarice, Nov. 24, 1765. 3-105 " Ann, and Ephraim Babcock, Aug. 10, 1766. 3-135 '• Jane, and Da\id Clarke, June -S, 1772. 3-129 " William Sweet, of .Tolin. of We.siterly. and Hannah Clarke, of Jo.seph, of Cliarlestown: m. by .Joseph CrandaU, Justice (also 4-102), Jan. 0, 1773. 3-131 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Elizabeth Maine, ot Stonlngton; m. at Ston- Ington, by Elder Eleazer Brown. July 18, 1773. 3-140 " Stephen, of Isaac, and Esther Hall, of Charles; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Feb. 26, 1775. 3-142 " Mary, and Theoduty Hall, Jr., Jan. 3, 1776. 3-151 " Isaac. Jr., of Isaac, and Anne Clarke, of Joseph ; m. by Joseph Craiitoll. Justice, S-pt. 2s, 1777. 3-153 " Joseph, and Ann Burdiik, of Pavid : m. by Tlioraas WeUs, Justice, Jan. 21, 1778. 3-160 ■■ Hannah, and Edmund Hewitt, March 7, 1779. 3-171 " Anna, and James York Peckham, Nov. 23. 1780. 3-171 " .Tames York, of Isaac, and Anna Peckham. -widow; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, Nov. 23. 1780. 3-1 SI " Patience Y'ork, and Perry Clarke, Dec. 1, 1782. 4-16 •• Rebecca, and Edwaixl Vars, Dec. 22, 1785. 4-14 " Benjamin, of Isaac, and Mary Hall, of Isaac; m. by Joseph Cran- daU, Juslice, June 11. 1785. 4-23 " Pelec:, of Abel, and Betsey Stetson, of Sti'phen, dec; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice. Oct. 25, 1787. 4-72 " Amey. and Thomas Hull, Aug, 27, 1701. 4-102 " William Sweet, and Dorcas Lewis: m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock, April 30, 1797. 4-172 '• Ruth, and Joel Orandall. May 14, 1797. 4-140 " Isaac, of Isaac, dec, of Westerly, and Polly W. Lanphere, of Samuel L., dec,, of Stoniiigton ; nj. by Samuel BUven, Juslice, June 30, 1709. 4-136 •• Susanna, and Josepli Huntley. June 15, 1800. 4-190 " Deborah, and John lUder, Dec. 21, 1800. 4-272 " Anna, and Thomas Chapman, Dec. 20, 1819. 5-34 " Maria Louisa, and Averj- Nelson Brown, July 14. 1839. 5-39 " Abby. and aamuel Sweet. AprU 4, 1841. 5-41 '■ Pardon S., and Hannah E. Gorton ; ni. by Jedediah W. Knifrlit, Justice, May 25, 1841. 5-64 " Eliza A., and William E. ParMnsoB, Jaji. 5, 1845. 5-73 " Hannah Amelia, and Thomas H. Sherman, Feb. 23, 1847. 5-89 " John D., of John, and Eliza A. Thompson, of William ; m. by Rev. John Tayflor, Oct. 9, 1848. 5-94 " Jolm S., of Joseph, of Preston. Conn., and Emellne E. Crandall, of Benjamin, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore, Feb. 11, 1S49. 5-99 " Amanda F., and Franklin Purdy. Aug. 16, 1840. 5-106 " Avery P., of John, and Al'by c Oavitt, of Isaac W. ; m. by Rev. Fi'ed Denison, March -. 1850. 5-60 PEIRCE Dr. John G-., and Siirah A. Babcock : m. by Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, .Tune 1, 1840. 5-65 " A.iron, and Emily Brown : m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tnckerman, April 14, 1845. 5-G7 " Edwiird, ot North Kingstown, and Frances M. Clarke, of Westerly: m. by Rev. Oliver P. Tuckermaii, Jan. 20, 1846. 50 \'nAL RECORD (_)F Kill IDE ISLAND. hy Rev. Eljcnezer Ju.stlc:e, Feb. 13, 1-58 PENDLETON Josepli. and Di'lioiuli .Minor, of Eplii-iiira, ol Stonington : in. by Kev. .lames Noyes, July 8, 1696. 1-58 " .losi'pli, ol VVeslerly, and Patience Potts, of William, of New Lon- don: m. by Nrliomiali Smith, Jii.stice, Dec. 11, 1.700. S-134 " James, of Caleb, and Elizabeth LjiniJheiv, of George, .(an. 1-2. 1709-10. 2-72 " James, and Elizabi41i Brown, of Thomas, of Stonington. Jan. G, 1717-8. 2-112 '• aaleb, .-ind M;iry Randall, . 3-58 « Lucy, and James Che s. bo ouBh. Feb, lu. ]75.-*. 3-62 ■■ I'l-lig, of Westerly, i nd Anna Park, af Charlestowu: m. Ivy Rev. Joseph Park (also 3-116), Sept. 7, 1758. 4-128 " Simeon, of Col. Joseph, of Wi-.sterly, a, id Mary Palmer, of Walter, of Stonington ; m. at Stonington by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, Jan. 15, 1760. 3-86 '- Ruth, and Elisha Brown. Dec. 30, 17(12. 3-87 " Wealthian. and Thomas Sliettield, Jan. I'J 3-94 " llrnjamin, and Lois liurdick; m. by liev. 1763. 3-148 " Hannah, and David Wilbur, April 27, 17(i:>. 3-104 " Jolm, and Sebra Thompson; m. by Ri'V. Joseph Park. Sei»t. 22, 1765. 3-101 " Joseph, and Damarias CrandaU; m. by .loseph Crand;ill, Justice, Jan. 19, 1766. 3-102 " Mary, and Ezeldel Craiidall. May i2. 17(;6. 3-109 " Ephralm, and Sarah Thompson ; ra. by Eld. Joseph Park (also 4-148), Dec. 17, 1767. 3-109 " Joshua, and Nancy Chi: ke; m. by Elder Joseph Park, Jan. 6. 1768. 4-88 " Deborah, and .Samuel Sins, Oct. 20, 1770. 3-137 " Eslher, and Peter Elrtndge, Nov. 20. 1774. 3-141 " Nathan, of Cil. WilUam. and Amelia Kabcock, of Col. James : in. by Kev. Joseph Park. Jan. 22. 1775. 4-70 " Joseph, and Nancy Crandall ; ra. by Joseph Clarke. 23, 1777. 4-59 " Harriet, and Simeon Crumb, May 25, 1783. 3-181 " Nancy, and Timothy Chapman, March 14, 1782. 17(3. Joseph Park, Feb. 9, Justice, March WKSTERLV- -ji.m;;;iai:es. 51 410 4-13 4-30 4-22 4-33 4-43 4-75 4-1)6 4-6R 4-75 4-147 4-88 4-117 4-117 4-125 4^118 •tll8 4-120 4-146 4-107 4-103 4-205 4-180 4-166 4-219 4-220 4-223 4-254 4-248 4-265 4-273 5-6 5-51 5-101 3-68 3-138 5-37 5-32 5-50 3-38 4-1P8 5-60 5-07 2-79 3-50 3-25 Dec. by by .In-ii-ph PENDLETON Anne, and Jesse Wilcox, Dec. her Segar, and Biidget Thompsim, of Jo.shua ; ni. by Joseph Pondletiin, Justice. Feb. 15, 1801. IVdly, and Case Chapman, Feb. 15, ISOl. " Dates, of Amos, and Betsey Kenyon, of Joshua Pendleton, Justice, Dec. 6, 1801. Susannah, and Thomas Bnrch, Jan. 31 Fannie, and Jashua Thompson, Feb. 12 " Lucy, and Abial Sherman, Dec. 1. 1805. " Charles Lee, of John, and Nably Taylor, P ndleton, Jiustice, July 13, 1S06. " Dorcas, ."md Periy Brainbley, March 4. 1807. Betsey, and Russell Coltrell. Jan. 31. 1810. " William, and Anna Taylor, both of Westerly Stoningten by Stephen Avery, ,Tustice, Feb. 2 " Capt. Nathan, of Norwich, Chenango Co., , N. Ga\-ltt, of Westerly; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Oct. 20, 1816. " Fanny, and Hosea Barber, Oct. 4, 1821. " Taylor, of Stonlngton, and Clarinda R. .Smith, of Westerly ; m. by Tliomas J. Wilcox, Justice, Feb. 4. 1829. ■' Mary B., and Joseph L. Thompson. Oct. 23, 1843. " William D.. of William, and Frances M. Thurston, of John C. ; m. by Rev. Fred Denlsun, Nov, 5, 1849. PERKINS Rufus, and Hannah Dettroch, both of Norwich; m. by WiUiam Hern. Justice, March 2, 1760. " Abram, of Nathaniel, dec, of South Kingstown, and Mary Chap- man, widow, dau. of Col. John CrandaU, dec, of Westerly ; m. by JoseijJi Crandall. Justice, Jan. 17, 1775. " Jlercy, and Stanton H.all. July S, 1800. " Mary Ami, and J. Wl;itiirv l-;nij;lil. Nov. 20. 1838. Ruth M., and Ebenezer Gear, April 23, 1843. PERKY Bridget, and Andrew JI;ick Intosh, May 20, 1734. Susannah, and I'almer Wills, Sept. 20, 1802. " Mary Ann, and Charles N. Smith, May 5, 1845. " Lydia. and John Gilbert, May 31, 1843. PETTIS Sus.iniiali, and John Forh Clarke, Justice, Nov. 27. 174(5. 3-105 POOLE Am. y. and Tlioni is Lawton. May 20. 1766. 3-44 PORTER Sarah, and Job Babcock, Feb. 10, 1757. 2-115 POTTER Thomas, of Thomas, of Kings Towne, and Mai-y Babcock. of George, lit Westerly: m. by Rouse Helme, Justice, March 19, 1717-8. 3-24 " Mary, and ElisUa Clarke, Feb. 15, 1743-4. 3-21 ■■ Martha, and Matthew Maxson. Dec. 21. 174S-9. 3-41 " George, and Content Maxson; m. by Joseph C'rajirtall. Justice, Sept. 18, 1754. 3-50 ■• Stephen, of Riciimond. and Sarali Phelden. of Charle.stown ; m by i^inieon Perry. Justice. Sept. 2, 1756. 4-48 ■• Polly, and John Stillman, April 10, 1776. 4-45 •■ George, Jr., and Polly Stillman ; m. by Joseph dark, Justice, April 26. 1780. 4-113 " PoUy, and Christopher Babcock, June 16, 1783. 4-9 " Josejjh. of Westerly, and I'hebe Wells, of Hopklnton ; m. by Elder John Burdick, April 7, 1784. 4-31 ■ Hannah, and Amos Maxson, Jan. 3, 1789. 4-184 " Martha, and William Stillman, April 28, 1791. 4-114 •• Betsey, and Elisha Lanptiei-e, Dec. 17, 1795. 4-131 ■■ Nathan, of George, of WestA-rly, and Lucy Rogers, of Ezeklel, of Connecticut ; m. by Elder Da^ls Rogers. June 14, 1792. 4-220 " PoUy, and James Ross, April 29, 1S04. 4-234 " Bcniamln, of George, and Betsey Greene, of Pardon; m. at New- port by Elder Henrj- Burdlck. JIarch 6, 1808. 4-251 " George, of Westerly, and Betsey Rogers, of Waterford, Conn.; m. at Waterford, by Pardon T. Tabor. Justice, Oct. 11, 1609. 4-256 •' Joso])h, Jr., of Westerly, and Mary Babcock, of Peleg, of Stoning- ton ; m. at Stonington, by Eld. Sla.ttJiew StUlman, Oct. 28, 1813. 5-lfi " Matthew, and Xancy Siumders; m. by George I). Cross, Justice, July 2, 1828. 5-55 " Mary Ann, and Samuel S. Larkin, Sept. 2. 1844. 1-58 POTTS P.atienee, and Joseph Pendleton. Dec. 11, 1700. 6-108 POWELL John D.. of Morris D.. of Bristol, Eng., and Mrs. Diantha C. Williamson, dau, of Peleg E. Dawley, of North Kingstown ; m. by Kev. John T.iylor, July 14, 1850. 5-92 PRATT Benjamin W., of Benjamin W.. of Mendon, Mass., and Elizabeth il. Rogers, of Joseph, of Lyme, Conn.; m. by R:perience. and WUliam Darby, Feb. 9, 1743-4. 2-88 PROSSER Cattron, and Daniel Lanphere. Jan. 24. 1730-1. 2-73 " Ichabod, and Patience lanphere; in. by Elder John Maxson, Nov. 26, 1735. 5-83 " Abby A., and Jlilton P. Saunders. Jan. 10, 1848. 5-55 '• Mary S.. and Saunders Sisson. Sept. 2. 1814. 2-77 PVLLM.VN John, and Mary King; m. by William Hern, Justice. March 17, 1750-1. 4-112 ■• Susannah, and James West, Dec. IS, 1751. 5-99 PURDY Franklin, (.f Colioes, N. V.. and Amanda F. I'ecUliam. of John, of Stonington: m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail, An^. 10. 1849. Q 5-28 QL'AJL Elizabeth, and George M. Johnson, Sept. 11, 1817 WESTERLY M.VllKIAGES. 5^ 2-85 RAXDALL EU-anor. niirt Bvnj;iniin Greene, Maj-ch 19, 1714. 2-71 •• Mercy, and Stephen WUcox, July 12, 1716. 2-113 " Mary, and Caleb Pendleton, Oct. 25, 171C>. 2-135 '• ThanUM. anil John Maxsun, Jr., Sept. 20. 1724, 2-109 " Elizabeth, and Edward Wells. Jan. 13, 1725-0. 2-105 " John, and Dorothy Cottroll; m. by Theodotv Rhodes, Justice, Dec. 22, 1726. 2-95 " Abigail, and John Brown, lke, July 23, 1721. 2-98 '• Mercy, and John BUven, Nov. 8, 1727. 2-83 " Samuel, and Elizabeth l>odge; m. by Theodoly Rhodes, Justice, March 15, 1732. 3-69 " Jndeth, and WiUiam Greene, Jan. 25, 1750. 3-53 " Anna, and John' Thurslon, Feb. 20, 1757. 4-107 • ■■ Anna, and John Thompson, April 17, 175i'. 3-63 " Susannah, and Daniel Larkin, Feb. 37, 1758. 3-105 " Dorcas, and Maxson Lewis, Dec. 23, 1705. 3-154 " James, of Thomas, and Susannah Clarke, of Joseph ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, (also 4-53), Sept. 27, 1778. 3-161 " Stephen, of Thonms, and Elizabeth Taylor, of David; m. by Elder Isalab Wilcox, March 25, 1779. 4-41 " Ebenezer, of Ebenezer, dec, and Maiy Crandall, of James ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Sept. 23, 1790. 4-70 " Mercy, and Asa Wilcox. Nov. 28, 1791. 4-264 ■' Daniel, and Amelia Lanphere ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, March 7, 1816. 5-18 " Job W., of Stephen, dec, and Thanle. Dec. li, :752. 3-51 " t'aiit. Simon, of Newport, and Anne Babcock, of Westerly ; m. by Elder Joseph Park. D >e. 15, 1756. 3-119 " James, of Hopkluton. and Abigail Greenman. of Westerly; m. by E.-v. Jo.seph Park, Feb. 21, 176S. 3-160 " William, of James, of Stonlngton, and Sarah CliampLim, of Col. Christopher, of Cliarlestown ; m. by Josi'iih Croiidull. Justice. .Tan. 31, 1779. 4-] 25 " Oliver, and Eiuiice Pendleton ; m. by Elder Elkanah Babcock. Dec. 14. 1706. 4-159 " .lames, of Westerly, and Martha Rhodes, of Hopkinton : m. at Hop- kiiilon. by Elder Abram Coon, May 12, 1800, 4-159 " Martha, and James Ehodes, May 12. 1.900. 4-162 " Ohrislopher, of William and Ann Hammond : m, by Eld. Asa Coon, Deo. 28, 1800. 4-175 " Hannah, and Jame.s Babdock, May 6, 1802. 4-217 " Ann, and Jonathan Ixirkiji, Nov. 22, 180-t. 3-53 RICH.ABD90N Prudence-, and Samuel Woodburn, March 4, 1757. 2-78 EICHMO.ND Cyrus?, and Jane CrindaU : m. by John Babcock, Justice, Jan. 09, 1718-19. 2-111 " Eebecca, and Peter Worden. May 26, 1720. 2-91 " PrescUl;!, and Joseph Reynolds, July 3 4, 1729. 2-86 " Elizabeth, and ,Tose|)h lluU, Nov. 11, 1731. 2-111 " Cyrus, and Phebe Mott : m. by John Hoxsie, Justice, March 27, 17,34. 2-73 " Lydla. and John Alia. March 30, 1744. 4-190 ETDEE John, of Charlestown, and Deborah Pecliham, of Westerly; m. by Elder Abram Coon. Di-c, 21, 1800. 2-sl ROBINSON Edward, son of Margaret Hull, Tridow, of Newijort, and Johan- nah Irish, of John, of Little Compton ; ra, by GUes Slocum, As- sistant, Oct. 11, 1708. 2-81 " John, and Mary Irish : m. by John Richmond, Justice, Aus. 23, 1733. 2-119 " Mercy, and Edward Wilcox, Jan. 5, 1733-9. 3-10 EOCK Valentine, of New Shorehara, and Hannah Saunders, of Westeily ; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Oct. 29. 1765. 4-23 " Mary, anil Ichabod Clarke, Jr., Nov. 22, 1787. 2-Sl SOGERS S,amuel, and Patience ; m, by John Babcock, April 23, 1707. 2-116 " Content, and Jonathan Maxson, May 1, 1707. 2-105 " Peleg, and Isabel Brand ; m. liy Tlieodoty Rhodes. Justice. Aug. 25, 172(;. 2-96 " Edward, and M-iry Railcy; m. by George Babcock, Justice, July 22, 1728. 2-87 " Robert, and M.wy Williams; m. by George Babcock, Justice, Oct, 7, 1728. 2-45, 77 " Thoma.s, of James (deceas\ cox, Dec. H, 1771. 3-13^ " John, Jr., and Lois T.iy or; m. by Elder Jip.seph Park, April 11. 1773. 3-137 " Abigail, and Jude Taybir. March 13, 1774. 3-140 " Mary, and Benjamin Hnii, Feb. !), 1775. 3-149 •' Sarah, and James Babeock, 3d, Jan. 26, 1777. 3-1.J7 " Peleg, ol Peleg, and Thankful Bliven, of James ; m. by Elder Daniel Saunders, Jan. 15, 1778. 3-153 " James, of J7 " Freelove, and Samuel Chuujplain, Jan. 12, 1780. 3-176 " Peleg. Jr., ot Peleg, and Mary Babeock. of Isaac: m. by Elder Thomas Kos.s. Dec. 2. 1781. 4-2 " Lebbeas, of Peleg. and Rhoda Crandall. of Capt. Willi.im; m. by Joseph Crandall, .rustice, March 23, 1783. 4-4 " Thanlctul, and Augustu.^ Maxson, Jiuie 5, 1733. 4 () " Thomas, of Peleg, ol Westerly, and Betsey Lewis, of James, of Ni'%vi)ort: m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 23, 1764. 4-29 " Pnidence. and .tames Burdick, Dec. 10, 1788. 4-71 " A]ithni\y Bennett, of Isaac, dec., and Elizabeth Eliven, of Samuel; m. by Samml Bliven. Justice. Aug. 20, 1792. 4-Sl " Lyman, of Cttdando. ctec. of Westerly, and Doicas Lewis, ot E\- chnnge, of Hopldnton ; m. by Samtiel Bliven, Justice, Aug. 29, 1793. ■l-^'■'tfi " .Joshua, iind Thankful Saunders; m. by Joseph Potter, Justie, March 17. 1796. 4-119 " Sarah, and James Babeock, Jan. 26. 1797. 4-132 " Anna, and Asa, Nash. Feb. 4. 1799. 4 150 " Lydia, and James Kenyon Crandall. Dec. 15, 1709. 4-1 6ii " William Lewis, of West<ril 20, 1804 4-213 ■■ DitAid. of John, of Westerly, and Sarah Taylor, of Natha,n, of Charlestown; ,m. at Charlestown by Samuel Bhven, Jtistlce. Feb. 6, 1806. 50 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISL.VXD. 4-221 ROSS Lyman, of Joliu, aJid Judeth Frazler, ot Gideon; m. at Charles- town by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Jan. 8, 1807. 4-226 " Issue, late of Nantucket, and Hannah Champlaln, ot Westerly; by Samuel BUven. Justice, May 11, 1807. B-32 " Mary, Caroline, and Henry Babcoek, Feb. 4, 1839. 5-109 " RutU Ann. and James B. WUbur, July 26, 1840. 5 71 " Joseph, ot CharlestOTra, and Susan E. Larkln, ol Westerly: m. by Rev. Alexander Campbell, Sei)t. 22, 1845. 3-62 EUDD Zeniah, and Willlaui Vincent, June 22, 1758. 3-112 EUSSELL Le^'l, of Prestiin. and Abipiil Sisson, of Westerly: m. by Joseph Cra,ndaU, Justice, Dec. 1, 1708. 5-39 EYAN John, and Lydla Denby. -widow of William : ni. by Jededla.U W. Knight. .Justice, Jan. 18, 1841. Ma V 1 1740. m. by WUliam Feb. 21 1753. m. by William Hern, JiLstlco, Dec. Hern, Justice, Sept. m. by Stephen Lanphere, Justice, Jan. Ju-itice, Oct. 2-105 SATTERLEE John, and Experi.'nce Lanphere; ni. Ijy Theodoty Rliodes, .Justice, Jan. 5, 172';-7. 3-20 " Dorothy, and John Worden, 3-18 " John, and Amuy Lanphere ; 4, 1748. 3-30 " Mary, and James Babeock. 3-67 " William, and Eunice Clarke; 13. 1759. 3-94 '■ Gideon, and Ruth Bentley 3, 1764. 3-94 " I^udence, and Jeremy Newbury, Jan. 4, 1764. 2-70 SAMPSON Sarah, and Joseph 3:iwcross, April 27, 1737. 2-88 SANFORD Elizabeth, and Simeon Clarke, Dec. 20, 1736. 2-84 SAUNDERS Stephen, and Rachel Bleason ; m. by John Saunders Nov. 19, 1721. 2 406 " Elizabeth, and Peter Brown. Dec. 15, 1726. 3-50 " John, and Reed Pendleton; m. by Samuel Clarke, Justice, 31, 1728. 2-84 " Samuel, and Eliaibeth Ciumb : m. by Theodoty EJiodes, Justice. Nov. 30, 1732. 2-80 " Thank-ful, and Cornelius Stetson (.also 3-60), Oct. 25, 1733. 2-81 " Abigail, and Ephralm Hlscox, Oct. 29, 1733. 2-80 " William, and Mary Vars ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Nov. 15, 1733. 2-118 " .Toshua, and Freelove Bliven; m. by Elder John Maxson, Oct. 25, 1739. 2-10 " Mary, and Thom.as .Sisson, Oct. 10, 1740. 2-7 " H.innah, and John Ross, Feb. 27, 1740-1 . 2-85 " Stephen, Jr., of Westerly, and Lydia Wilcox, ol Charlestown : m. by William Babeock, Justice, Aug. 12, 17-14. 3-1 " Joseph, and Mercy Lanphere; m. by William Hem. Justice (also 3-68), April 5, 1744. 3-39 " Isabel, and Simeon BurduU, Sept. 20, 1747. .'1-20 " Sarah, and Joseph Chaniiilin, May 24, 1748. 3-4 " M.ary, and Benjamin Siillman, Feb. 28, 1730-1. 3-23 '• Ruth, and John' Brown, June 25, 1752. 3-24 •• Edward, and aarah Hiscox ; m. by Joseph Cnuidall, Justice (also 4-67), Aug. 13, 1752. 3-33 " Gideon, and Elizabeth Stetson ; ni. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Sept. 30, 1753. 3-*! ■' Eliz.abeth, and Thomas Hiscox, Jr., Nov. 14, 1754. 3-43 '• WUliam, Jr., and Prudence Babeock; m. by Benoni Smitli, Jus- tice, Jan. 0, 1755. 3-59 " Nathan, and Elizabeth (rumb; m. by William Hern, Justice, Feb. 23, 1758. 3-62 " Elisha, and Elizabeth Chase ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 17, 1758. 3 01 •• Abigail, and Capt. Joshua Brown, June 19, 1758. WESTERLY MAUUIAUES. -3-63 SAUNDERS Ezeldel, and EsbluT Li'wis : m. bv WiUiim Heni, Justice, Dec. 14, 1758. 3-64 " Martha, and Jolm Varse, Nov. 19, ITM. 3-69 ■' David, and Eleanor Siniih ; ra. by William H^'i-n, Justice, March 17, 1700. 4-144 " Peleg, of Stephen, dec, and M;iry Clai-ke, of Thomas, dec. ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Jan. 1, 1761. 3-73 " Peleg. and Mary Clarke: m. by Joseph Crandnll. Justice, Jan. 21, 1761. 3-79 " Walt, and Patience Elderton ; m. by Joseph (-'randall. Justice, Dec. 16, 1761. 3-83 •• Mary, and John Clarke, Nov. 18, 176:.>. 3-94 " Lieut. Hezi'kiah, and Mary Hliven ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Oct. 30, 17()3. 3-99 " Ruth, and Nathan Hisc( x. May 7. 1764. 3-99 " Dinah, and Elijali Ben-y, Oct. 24. 1764. 3-98 " RsthT, and Samuel Coon, March 25, 1765. 3-40 " Hannah, and Valentine Keck, Oct. 20, 1765. 3-41 " Eunice, and Nathan Greennian, March 19. 1766. 3-91 " Freeglft, and Jacob Briggs, March 14, 1767. 3-111 " ElizalieUi. and J.nmcs Crandall, Jiuie 26. 1768, -3-121 " Hannah, and Jolin Bent, Jr.. Oct. 10, 1770. 4-17 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Woodworth : m, by Elder Timothy Whit- man, June 25, 1771. 3-123 " i5arah, and Nathan Lanphere, Jr. (also 4-100), Oct. 31, 1771. •3-123 " Lydla,. and Benjamin Hull. Nov. 7, 1771. 3-128 " Josliua, of Daniel, ot Charlestown, and Mary Taylor, of Humphrey, of Westeily: m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Dec. 27, 1772. :3-136 " Charles, of Stephen, and Martha Hall, of Joseph, dec; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke (also 4-82), Nov. 25. 1773. 4-78 " Stephen, a,nd Tacy StUlman; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 12. 1774. 4-91 " James. Jr., and Elizabeth Crandall, Oct. 3, 1774. 3-141 " Prudence, and John Greene (also 4-200), March 2, 1775. 3-146 " Joseph, of Joseph, and Lydla Crandall, of James ; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, June 30, 1776. 3-159 " Augustus, of Steiihen, dec. and Elizalieth Var-^, of Isaac; m. by Joseph CrandaU. .lu-stlce, Dec. 31, 1778. 3-155 " Freelove. and John Tanner, April 8, 1779. :3-166 " EacheL and William Hall. March 16, 1780. 4-5 " Dorcas, and Luke Saunilers. Feb. 15, 1781. 4-5 " Luke, of Elisha, dec, ot Westerly, and Dorcas aiunders, of To- bias, of Charlestown; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Feb. 15. 1781. 442 " Luke, of Charlestown, and Sarah Dewry. of iStouington ; m. by Elder Elea,zer Brown, Oct. 29, 1781. 3-180 " Edward, of Capt. Edward, and Martlta Clarke, of Elisha; m. by Elder Joshua, Clarke (also 4-56), March 14, 1782. 4-3 " Sarah, and Cliarles Hiscox, Dec. 12, 1782. 4-1 " Augustus, ot Daniel, of Charlestown, and Lois Cottrell, of John, of Westerly ; m. by Joshua Case, Justice, Jan. 19, 1783. 4-6 " Peleg. of Steplien, dec, and Sarah Vars, of Isaac; m, by Joseph Crandall, Ju.stice, June 28, 1784. 4-86 " Mereha, and Daniel Cottrell, May 21, 1739. 4-33 " George, of Hezekiali, and Lydia Saunders, of Charles; m. by Joseph CrandaU, Justice, ApiH 15, 1790. 4-33 " Lydia, and Geoige Saunders, April 15, 1700. 4-46 " Arnold, of Capt. Edwai-d. dec, and Hannah Clarke, ot Elisha; m. by Elder Joshiui Clarke. 0<'t. 21, 1790. 4.169 " David, of Westerly, anil Sarah Parliei, widow of Richmond: m. by Edmund Burdick. Justice, Dec 16, 17'.(0. 4-47 " Russell, of Capt. Edward, dec. and Sarah, and Mary Burdick. ot Clarke, dec, and Amey ; m. by Iclial>od Durdick. Justii'e, March 31, 1791. 4-80 " Hanmili, and M tthew Le^.is. Feb. 12, 17'i2. 5S VITAL KECORn t)F RHODE ISLAND. 4-45 SAVNDEKS Mary, and LebV.inis Cuttrell, Slay 17, 1793. 4-1.38 " ThaiikfiU, aiid Joshua Russ. JIarcli 17, 17£'0. 4-110 " JosopU, of WfKtirly. and Rebecca, Crandall, of HopMnton ; m. by Saranel BHven, Justice, Dec. 27. 1796. 4.143 " Clarke, of Peleg, of Westerly, and Sarah Rogers, of EzeWel, of Connecticut : m. by Elder Da\-is Rogers, leb. 15, 1798. 4-lfi8 " Dora, and Stephen Saunders, Jr., April 15, 1798. 4-103 " Stephen, Jr., and Dora Saunders; m. by Thomas P. Gardiner, Jus- ttoe, April l.'i. 1798. 4-161 " Polly, and WUbur HaU, Nov. 16, 1800. 4.022 " Desire, and Capt. Benjamin York, Jan. 21, 1801. 4-184 " Russell, of Westerly, and Caty Gardiner, of Hopklnton; m. by DanM Edwards, Justice, March 1, 1801. 4-17.3 " Sally, and Samu?! Nye, Dec. 27, 1801. 4-190 " Samuel, and Fanny Bllven ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. 1, 1601. 4-198 " Rebecca, and John Durfee, Sept. 15, 1804. 4_oo7 " Joshua, of Westerly, and Hannah Handcox, of Stonlngton ; m. at Stoningtou. by Elijah Palmer, Justici-, April 18, 1805. 4-327 " Susannah, and Asa Lanphere, Jan. 15. 1807. 4.223 " Caty. and Namund Hall, Feb. 25. 1807. 5-20 " Ellas, and Fanny Vars; m. by Elder Matthew StlUman, Sept. 24, 1809. 4-252 " Mary, and LodoTvIck Slsson, March 27, 1813, 4-242 " LydJa, and James Da\^s, Jr., Sept. 10. 1815. 5-115 " Arnold, Jr.. and Frances! Frazier, 01' Nathaniel; m. by Elder Matr thew Stlllman, Jan. 20, 1826, 5-8 " Lydia. and Charles Craud;ill, March 18, 1827. 5-10 " Nancy, and Matthew Potter. July 2, 1828. 5-7 '• John A., of Westerly, and l.MViiia t landall, of Hoplrinton ; m. at Hopkiinon by Elrti-r Mattlvow .Stillman, Dec. 6, 1829. 5-0 " .Sally, and John Cnindnll . Fell. 20, 1830, 5-31 '■ Samuel. Jr„ of Westerly, and .\mey K. Greene, of cliarlestowu ; m. by Elder Matthew Stdllmau. Nov. 6, 1834. 5-34 " Esther, and Levi Lotlirop Derby, June 24. 1839. 5-57 " Sophia \V.. and Warreu <;. rrandall. Oct. 1, 1842. 5^0 " Rebecca, and Jo.SepIi Scott. Oct. 5. 1842. 5-78 '■ Peleg. of F.lias, and KilturaJ'. V. Ga\1tt, of Benajah; m. by Rev. Tiiomas H. Vail. Sopt. 22, 1847. 5-83 " Milton P., of Brookfleld, N. Y., son of William B., and Abby A. Prosser, of Welcome, Of Westerly ; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore, Jan. 10, 1S48. 2-70 SAWCROSS Joseph, and Siirali Snmpson: m. by Elder John Maxson, April 27, 1737, 3-141 SCH.RIVEN James, of William, of Westeily, and -M.irval Davis, of Elder Joseph, of Hopkintou : m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, March 2, 1775. s-40 SCOTT Joseph, and Rebecca Saunlers ; m. by Rev. John II. Cross, Ju.stice. Oct. 5. 1842. 4-4 SEAGER Christoplier. and Wenltha Lanphere, of Ebenezer; m. by Elder Isaiali Wilcox. >I:irch 17, 1777. 4-224 " Sally, and William Sims, Jr., April 0, 1807. 2-70 SEALLENtiER Martha,, and William Wright. March 34, 1745-6. 3-125 SEARL John Rugglo Joseph, of Ch;u-lest«-wn. and Lyma GniHliner, of Westerly; m. tiy Steidien Saimders, Justice, Jan. l.f, 1703. ^"133 " James, of George, of W. slcily. and Sarah Ho.xsie, of Benjamin, of Charlesto-wn ; m. by Elder Joseph Pai-k, Dee. 26, 1773. 3-139 •• George, of George, of Westerly, and Sarah Urownlng, of Jeremiah, of Cliarleslown : m. by Joseph Cr.Tndall, Justice, Jan. 22, 1775. 5-l''^0 " Anne, and Samuel Brand. March 9. 1777. 3-155 " Samuel, of George, of Westerly, and Anna Browning, of John, of Charlestown : m. hy Josepli Crandall, Justice, Dec. 3, 1778. 4-106 ■• Lydia. and Simeon Lewis, Dec. -JO, 1795. 4-135 ■' Samuel, of Charlestown, and Susannah Daniels, of New London; m. by Elder Abrani Coon. Feb. 14. 1700. 5-2 " George H., and Silly Champlain ; m. by Jedediah W. Knit:ht, Jus- tice, Jan. 2, 1825. 5-30 " Martha, and James B. Thompson. Aug. 27, 1837. 5-40 " FJlza, and Perry G. Babcock, April 11, 1841. 3-75 SHELDON .Toseph, and Ruth I'.uidieU: m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, May 3, 1701. 4-11 " Abigail, and Thomas Vars, Feb. 10, 1785. 4-101 SHELLEY Ebenezer, and Amey Dewry; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 15, 1700. 5-50 SHEKLEY Sliles, of Stoiiington, and Mercy Esther Lee, of Westerly; m. by Rev. William H. Xewnian, May 1, 1843. 4-210 SHERJL\N Abial, and Lucy Pendleton, of Simeon; m.' by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Dec. 1, l.so.".. 5-50 " William H., of Soutli Kingstown, and Susan Carpenter, of ^^'esterly ; m. by Elder Henry Clarlie, .Time 21, 1840. 5-73 " Thomas II., of George H., of Iiopklntoi', and Hannah AmeUa Peckham, of John : m. by Rev. Tlioma.s H. Vail, Feb. 23, 1847. 4-210 SHORT Eunice, and Stanton Stephens, Jan. 10, 1802. 3-19 SIMS William, (.f .N^ortu Kliig.stown. and J.erusha Ijinpliere. of Westerly; m. by William Hern, .Tustiee. M.aich 24. 1747-8. 4-88 " .Samuel, of Westerly, and Deborah Pendleton, of .Stonington; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, Oct. 20, 1770. 3-152 " William, of William, dec, and Rebecca Chase, widow, dau. ot S.'i.mnel Pendletmn ; m. by Joseph Cr.andall, Justice, Nov. 20, 1777. 4-88 " Samuel, and Anna Pendleton : m. by Eider Elkanah Babcock, Feb. 8, 1794. 4-103 " Deborah and Lemuel Smith. Nov. 7. 1802. 4-213 " Phebe, :ind Gilbert Sl-snn. Feb. 10. 1806. 4-224 " Wllliiini, Jr., and Stilly Seager; m. by Elder Jesse Bahcoclc, April 9, 1807. 4-257 " Samuel P., of WUliam, and Sally Sisson, of Barney ; m. by Joseph Penclletun. Justice, March 17, 1814. 5- .53 " Sarah, and Lewis Bates. Jr.. July 29, 1844. 2-10 SISSON Thomas, and Mary Saunders: m. by Elder .John Maxson. Oct. 10, 1740. . — 3-1 " Rachel, and Walter Clarke. M.-irch 19. 1743-4. 3-103 " Peleg. and Content Wes*. ^Vidow : m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Feb. 20. 1707. a-112 " Abigail, .and Levi RusseU, Dec. 1, 1768. ^^ 3-120 " Amey, and Clarke Burdick. Dec. 12, 1770. 3-148 " Hannah, and Thomas Maxsnn. Dec. 17. 1772. 4-142 " Mary, and Ephralm Hiscox, Oct 21, 1773. 3-145 " Jonathan, of WilUajn, dec., aJid Elizabeth Bllven, of Nathan : m. by Joseph CrandaU. Justice, M.ay 12, 1776. 4-152 " Feleg, Jr., of Peleg, and Esther West, of Timothy, dec. ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 10, 1777, 4-1 " Thomas, of William, dec., and Abigail Cnttrell, of Major John ; m. by Joshua, Vose, Justice, Jan. l!i, 1783. (Vlt. Kec, Vol. 5.) 20 60 VITAL RECORD (IF KHDDE ISLAND. 4-201 4r62 4-105 4-1 IT 4-206 4-219 4-213 4-252 4-257 4-265 4-269 5-33 5-33 5-45 5-47 5-54 5-55 5-30 5-107 y-0!) 3-99 2-2G 2-111 3-37 3-98 3-i(;7 4r210 5-02 2-105 2-17 3-19 3-41 3-43 3-61 3-69 3-75 3-87 4-193 ^-250 5-12 SISSON Bnrney, of Peleg, and Cynthia Lamphere, of ELias; m. by Elder Is:>lah Wilcox, Mnrcli 7, 1790. " Sion, of Westerly, and Betsey Welden, of Stonlngton ; m, at Ston- Inston by Valentine Ratlibun, Justice, Dec. 11, 1791. " Amey, and Tliompson Burdick, May 28, 1796. " Josepli, of Peleg, and Lucy Chapman, of William ; m. by .Samuel Bliven, Justice, Feb. 4, 179S. " amfoi-d, and Eliz.abeth Chapman ; m. try Elder Elkanali Babcock, March 3, 1799. Hannah, and James Stetson, Dec. 2, 1804. " Gilbert, of Peleg, and Phebe Sims, of William ; m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, Feb. 16, 1806. " Lodi>v.-ick, of Peleg, of Westerly, and Mary Saundei-s, of Uriah, of Hopklnton: m. by Elder Matthew pitUlmuu, March 27, 1813. " SaUy, and Samuel P. Sims, March 17, 1814. " Abigail, and John CUiapman, March 28, 1810. " Joshua, of Peleg, and Alice Crumb, of Slmeun dletuu. Justice, May 20, 1811. " Llbbeus, and Nancy G. Smith; m. by Rev. March 24, 1839. WiUlam S., of Stoningl.in. and Maria A. Burdick, of Westerly; m. by Elder Daniel Coon. Dec. 17, 1839. " George, of Ichabod B., and Susan Hall, of Hezeklah ; m. by Jede- rtiah W. Knight, Justice, May 28, 1843. " Thomas W., of Ichabod B., and Dorcas Barber, of Benjamin P. ; m. by Jedediah W. Knight, Jiistice, Dec. 3, 1843. " Eunice, and William R. F. Dmiham, Aug. 18, 1844. Prosser, both of Hopklntoii; m. by Rev. St'pt. 2, 1844. Miynn: m. by Rev, Oliver P. Tuckerman, m. by Joseph Pea- Albert G. Palmer, " Saunders, and Mary S. Alexander Campbell, " Ichabod, and Bridget K- Dec. 27, 1846. " Benjamin F., of Ichabod, "f Westerly, and Cynthia A. Culver, of Abram, of Stonlngton : m. by Rev. John Taylor, June 2, 1830. SEEESUOH Daniel, and Sarak Slleesucb (both Indians) ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, May 10. 1764. " Sarah, and Daniel Skeesuch, May 10, 17f:4. SLACK Mary, aJid EUsha Burdick,. Feb. 23, 1739. Anna, and Joslma Maxson, Sept. 20, 1742. Benajali, and Mary Button : m. by Benoni Smith. Justice, Feb. 7, 1754. " Elizabeth, and Benajah Ciandall. March IS, 1731. SLATTEKY Thomas, and Abigai' Champlain. of Capt. Samuel; m, by Jo- seph Clarke, Juslii e. .Ian. 16, 1780. " Thomas C. and Susan Brand : m. at Stonlngton, by Stephen Avery, 2d, Justice. Oct, 13, 1805. SLOCUM Siiphia A., and Perry Lanphere, Sept. 1. 1844. SMITH Benoni. and Ruth Pendleton; m. b^^ Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Dec. 28. 1726. , " Mehitable, and Isaac Wordeu. Aug. 31, 1740. " Hannah, and Amb-ew Chapman. C)ct. l.j, 1743. " Natlian, and Elizabeth Babcock: m. by Joseph Craiidall, Ju^stice, Sept. 19, 1754. " Mary, and .Samuel Kabeoek, Jr., Jan. 23, 1755. " Elizabeth, and Zacharlas Burdick, Feb. 19, 1739. " EUeanor, and David Saunders, March 17. 1760. Nathan, and Mary Stillman; m. by Williani Hern, Justice, Feb. 19, 1761. " Sarah, and David Lanphere, Starch 4, 1762. " Lemuel, Jr., of Stonhigton, son of Lemuel, and Deborah Sims, of aimuel, of Westerly ; m- by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Nov. 7, 1802. " Stephen, and Esther Babcock; m. at Noi-th Stonlnigton by Stephen Avery, Justice, S"Pt.. 0, 1807. " Jane, aiid Hezeklah Hall. Nov. 12, 1822. " Clarlna R., and Taylor Pendleton, Feb. 4, 1829. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 61 5-33 SMITH Nancy G., aiMi Libbeu-S Sissin. March 24, 1P39. S-36 " EUzabet-U M., and WUUam E. Muxsoii, Dec. 2, 1S39. 5-06 " Charles V.. and Mary Ann PtTry ; m. by Rcy. Oliver P. Tucker- man, May 5. 1845. 3-47 SPENCER Dinah, and Eli.sha Bi-rry, Jan. 8, 1756. 3-12 STAFFORD Deboroh, and Na.tlian Balicocli, May 19, 1748. 2-119 STANTON Hannah, and Jamos Viirl<, Nov. 13, 1695. 2;76 " Hannah, and Jushua J;alicoc)f, Aug. 11, 1735. 2-44 " Thankliil, and EUas TlKHiipson. March 24, 1736. 2-90 •■ Joseph, and JIary CliaiTipIaln ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Aug. 9, 1738. 3-13 " Sarah, and Joshua Tlioiupson, May 27, 1736. 3-42 " Sarah, and James Dal>ci,cli, Dec. 2, 1754. 3-9 " Estlier, and Ichabod Babcoek, Jr., JIa.rch 17, 1756. 3-51 " Mrs. Lucy, and Col. C!iiisfopher Clianiplain, Aug. 19, 1756. 2-B6 '• Joseph, Jr., ol Charlestown, and Thankful Babcoek, ol Westerly; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, July 14, 1762. 3-10 " Daniel, of Charlestowri, and Mercy Wilcox, of Westerly ; m. by WlUlam Chnniplaiii, .lustlce, July 18, 1762. 3-107 " Mary, and Elias Tljompson, Oct. 14, 17G2, 3-84 " John', of Stonlngton, and Susanna Champlain, of Westerly ; m. by Thomas Gardljier, Jusllce, June 8, 1763. 3-09 " Job, and Eiizabetli lii-lclier; m. py Key. Joseph Park, Nov. 11, 1764. 3-99 " Augustas, of Charlestown, and Eunice Crandall, ol Westerly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Park, Feb. 6, 1765. 4-147 " Hannah, and Joseph Pendleton, Feb. 28, 1793. 4-146 " Abigail, and Abel Pendleton, Sept. 30, 1799. 4-253 " Lucy, and Samuel F. 1!. rry, April 13, 1813. 4-273 " Eliza, and Jared Barber. Feb. 12, 1825. 5-19 " Eliza))elh R., and John T. Knowles, Oct. 33, 1833. 5-38 STATES Mary Ann, and Lemuel \ose, Jr., Dec. 29, 1825. 5-7 " Fhebe C, and Erastus liliven, Nov. 5, 1829. 4-215 STEPHENS Sally, and Joshua P. Thompson, Oct. 25, 1789. 4-210 '■ Stanton, of Westerly, and Uniee Short, Of Stonlngton; m. by Elder WiUiam Gardiner, Jan. IC. 1S02. 333 STF. rSt i.N" Elizabeth ar.d Gideon Saunders, Sept. 30, 1753. 3-52 " Sarah, and James. Bliven, Dec. 16, 175(;. :f-88 " FrHCgilt. and William Ooon, Jan. 6„ 1763. 3-83 " Ruth, and Willi.am Thu\-ston. .Ian. 17. 1763. 3-94 " Hannah, and Rowl-iud Cliampiain, Dec. 21, 3 78:3. 3-153 " Coraellus,, and Susanna West ; m. by Elder Daniel Saunders, July Ij. 1777. 4-23 " Betsey, and Peleg Peckham, Oct. 25. 17P7. 4-219 •' Tames, and Hannah Sis?on; m. by Elder "^althe-w Stillman, Dee. 2,, 1804. 4 2U7 " Cornelius, Jr , and Sally Clarke; m. by Elder Jesse Bab 'Ock, D'C. 13, 1807. 5-69 STEVENSON Allen, of Norwich, Conm., and Ele.anor Musgrove, of Thomas, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vail. July 18, 1847. 5-103 " Peter, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Prudence o. Congdon, of Sionlng- ton ; m. by Rev. Thomas H. Vall, Nov. 19, 1849. /'3-63 STEWARD William, and Mary Lanphere; m. by WUllam Hern, Jus- tice, Nov. 30, 1758. ( 2-88 STEWART Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Burdlck, Jan 21, 1730-1. ! 2-83 " Jo.seph, and Sarah Jager-; ; m. by John Richmond, Justice, Sept. O, 1732. 2-70 " Mary, and Thom.as Foster, April 5, 1736. 2-75 " S.irah, and Joseph Witter. Dec. 9, 1736. 2-83 " Oliver, and Rebecca Pendleton; m. by Rev. N.athanlel EeUs, Aug. 21, 1741. 3-79 " &irah, and Joseph Malleson, Aug. 18, 1761. 2-121 STILLMAN George, and Deborah Crandall ; m. by Peter CrandaU, Justice, (also 2-123), April 13, 1706. 62 ^'IIAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-84 STILLilAN George, ami Mary Burdlc-k ; m. by Eldor Jolm Maxson, Nov. 3, 1737. 2-35 " Deborah, and Benjamin Tanner, April IS. 1741. 3-19 " John, and M;Lry Clarke; m. by WiUiam Hern. Justice, Dec. 12, 1745. 3-4 " Benjamin, and Mary Saunders ; m. by Benonl Smith, Justice, Feb. 28, 1750-1. 3-58 " Esther, and George Stillnian, 3d. (also 4-93), Feb. 11, 1758. 3-58 " George, 3d, and KsHier Siillman ; m. by Benonl Smith, Ju.stice, lalsn 4-93), Feb. 11. 1758. S-CiO " Elisha, and Mary Dnvls : m. by EldiT Thoma-s Clarke, Jan. 23, 1759. (Another eMry in 3-(i3 says Dee. 23. 1759.) 3-75 " Mary, and Nathan Smith, Feb. 19, 1T61. 3-134 " Sarali. and Ellas Crandall. .\iiril 30, 17(19. 3-156 " Joseph, ol George and Marj', and Elizabeth Ma.xson, of Da\id and Abigail : m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Jan. 27, 1773. 4-78 " Taey, and Stephen Saunders, Jan. 12, 1774. 3-181 " Lois, and A.sa Ma.xson. Dee. 1). 1775. 4-48 " John, .-ind Polly Potter; in. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, April 10, 1770. 4-Gl " Nathaniel, and Debor.ili Uabrock; ni. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Feb. 36, 1777. 3-162 " Amey, and Silas Bailey, May 22, 1777. 4_IQ " Clarke, of Westerly, and .\bigail Bly. of West Greenwich; m. by Elder Elisha Greene, March 17, 1779. 4-90 " Susannah, and Paid Ma-tson, Dec. 22, 1779. 4-45 " Polly, and George Potter, Jr.. April 20. IT.sO. 1-22 ■' Nathan, of Benjamin, dec, and Hannah I.anphere, of Natha'n : m. by Joseph Clarke, Justice, Nov. 10. 1785. 4-58 " Wealthy, and Joshua Clarke. Feb. lO, 17#r,. 4-32 •■ Benjamin, and Prudi'n e JIaxson : m. by Elder John Burdick, F b. 11, 1790. 4-31 " Mrs. Thajikful. and Joshua Maxson. :March 4, 1790. 4-184 " William, ol Bristol, Conn., and Martha Potter, of Jonathan, of Eicbmond, K. I. ; m. at Richmond, by Eldier John Babcock, April 28, 1791. 4-65 " Esther, and Ethan Burdick, Dec. 26, 1792. 4-94 " Polly, and Silas Greennian, Oct. 17, 1793. 4176 " David, and Grace Crandall ; m. by Daniel Babcock, Justie ■, Feb. 20. 1794. 4-162 " Nancy, and Daniel Tiuman, Dec. 10, 1795. 4-143 " Maxson, of Col. George of Westerly, and Esther CKindall. of New London, dau. of Phenlas, of MonU-lUe, Conn.; m. by Elder Davis Rogers, Dec. 8, 1798. 4-13« " Amey, and James Hubbair. 4 232 " niiene, ai\d Isaac U. Taylor, Feb. 21. 1809. 4-233 " Nathaniel, and Mrs. Polly Thompson; ra. by Elijah Palm m-. Jus- tice, March 31. 1808. 4-239 " Belsey, and Silas Maxson. Oct. 13. 1308. 4-249 " Lydla. and John Cottrell, .Nov. 13. I'OS. 4-242 " Daniel, and Lois Cottrell; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 17. isrp. 4-244 " Oliver, of Nathaniel, dec. of V'esteily. and Ruth Burdick, of Simeon, of Hopkinton; m. at Hopkljiton. bv loseph Pendle- ton, Justice, March 1, 1810. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 63 4-240 STILLMAX Zeliulon, of Westerly, and Eunice Wells, of Hopkinton ; m. by Kldf-r Abrani Ooon, Nov. 17, 1810 4-259 " I'liclii., and Rouse Stillman, Dee. -JO. 1S12. 4-25Q " Kon^". and rheb_' Stilli-ian; ra. by Daniel Kabcnck, Justice, Dec. 20, 1812. 4-204 " We:ilUiy. :ind Acors Lanphere, Nov. 30. 1815. 5-1 " William, Jr.. and Ciiarlntte Ohamplain, of Adam, of Hopkliiton ; ui. by Elder Mattliew Sl.illmau, April .30, 1818. 5-29 " Albert, and Hannah Ed^va^d6 ; m. a.t Stonington, by Elder Asher Miner, May 5, 18' s. 4-27 " James, of Westerly, and Sally Jerome, of Waterford. Conn.; m. by Elder Fitineis Damnu. I)i-c. 2, 1819. 5-1 " Ephralm, of William, of Westerly, and Mary Tanner, of William, of Hopkinton: m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Feb. 19, 1824. 5-5 " Jonathan P.. of William, and Phete Cai-r, of Resolved ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlm.-m. (Jet, 28, 1827. 6-13 " Weltlii.'i, and Horatio S. Berry, Aug. 23, 1832. 5-14 " Amos, and Hannah Carr ; m. by Elder Matthew Stlllman, Oct. 28, 1832. 5-42 " Phebe Ann. and Joshua Thompson, Oct. JO, 1837. 5-33 " Martha, and John Bright. Aug. 25, 1839. 5-59 " AUiert, and Emeliue Rogers: m. by Rev. Alexander Campbell, Sept. 23, 1S44. 5-69 " Franklin W.. of New York city, and Lucy E. WVUs, of Westerly; m. by Rev. Alexander Campbell, May 28, 1845. 5-70 " Abby E., and Ezra Stillman, Sept. 9, 1845. 5-70 ■' Ezra, and Abby E. Stillman; ni. by Rev. Alexander Campbell, Sept. 9, 1845. 5-69 '• Maiy A., and William Bnffington. Sept. 9, la45. 5-25 " Thankful, and MlUen S. Greene, Sept. 1, 1846. 5-75 " Charles A., of Wesierly, and Esther V. ISabcock, of Scott, Cort- land Co.. N. Y. : m. by Eev. Ale.\ander Camjibell, Oct. 4, 1346. 5-1104 STUR&EO.V WmUun, of William, and Marui Eurlingame, of Chajles ; m. by Rev. Fi-ed Denisou, Jan. -2, 1850. 2-80 STUTSOX ComeUus, of Scituiitf. now of Westerly, and Thankful Saunders, of Westerly ; m. by John Richmond. Justice, Oct. 25, 1733. 2-75 .STY'LES Israel, and Hannah Hall: m. by John Richmond, Juslice, April 10, 1735. 5-19 SULLIVAN Mary Ann, and Asa Wordeu, Feb. 28, 1845. 2-110 SWAROS Freelove, and Edward Bliveu. May 12, 1719. 2-72 " Abigail, and William Ro>s, Oct. 23. 1739. 3-14 SWEET D.borah. :uid John Peckliam, Dec. 25. tl7y5. S-108 " Mary, and Simeon Cranrtall, June 23. 1745. 3-60 " Dorcas, and Isaac Peckham, Jr., Oct. 25. 1757. S-39 " Samuel, of South Kingstown, and Abby Peckham, of New Shore- ha,m : m. by Elder Daniel (_'oon. April 4, 1841. 5-9 TAFT Orman, of Worcester. Mass., and Nancy A. Carpenter, of Westerly; m. by Rev. O. D. Tnckerman. Feb. 16, 1845, 2-95 TANNER gebecca, and Benjamin Brand, March 3 6, 1734. 2-69 " Eliz.abeth, and Benjamin IJurdick, Dec. 28, 17.37. 2-35 " Benjamin, and Deborah Stillman; m. by Elder John Maxson, AprU 13, 1741. 2-106 " Jean, and Zacchea-s Pooler, Nov. 27, 1746. 3-47 " William, of Richmond, and Susannah Thurston, of Westerly; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Nov. 6, 1755. 3-155 ■• John, and Freelove Sanuders, both of Newpoit; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. April 8, 1779. 5-1 " Mary, and F.phraim StiUman. Feb. 19. 1824. 2-166 TAYI.OK Job. and Saran Monro: m. by Stephen Riclimond, Justice, Nov. IS, 1742. 3-128 " M'lry. and Joshua Saunders, Dec. 27, 1772. 6i VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-138 3-131 3-131 3-137 3-161 3-1 G6 4-169 3-170 4-181 4-197 4:-167 4--21S 4-213 4-220 4-221 4-232 4-248 5-50 5-46 S-93 TAYLOE Lois, and John Ross, Jr., April 11, 1773. Sanford. of John, ol WestiTly, and Lydia Gardiner, nl Samuel, of Hoplcintioi ; m. by Elder btephen Habcock (also 4-98), June 17, 177:i. " Sarah, and Joieph Thurston, Xov. 7, 1773. " Jude. of Da\-id, and Abigail Ross, of Isaac: m. by Elder Joseph Park, March 13, 1774. " EUzabeth. and St-ephen Rathbun. Jiarch 23. 1779. " Thomas, of liumplir.'y. of Westerly, and Hannah Johnson, of Na- thanUl, of Hopkinton : m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 6, 1730. " Dennis, and K.-slah Greene, both of Hopklnton : m. by Elder Jo.sliua Chirkf. Feb. 17. 1762. " ^amuel. of Da\l(l. dee., and Rebecca Crandall. of Capt. William; m. by Joseph Crandall. Ju--tice (also 4-202), Jan. 6, 1783. " Mrs. Polly, and Capt. Naihan Bliven, Jr.. Feb. 1, 1798. " Samuel. 2d. of Westerly, and Cynthia Palmer, of Stnuingion : m. at Stonington, by RfV. HezeU-iah Woodruff, Aug. 25, 1790. " Amey, and William P. Bliven. April 5, 1801. " Pliebe. and John Ross. Jr.. Dec. 5. 1802. " Sarah, and David Rosa. Feb. 6, 1806. " Nabby, and Charles Lee Pendleton, July 13, 1806. " Rebecca, and Samuel Ga\-itt. July 24, 1806. " Isaac R., of Jude and Rhone SUllman, of Nathaniel: m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, F'Jb. 21, 1808. " Anna, and William I'endleton, Fob. 26, 1812. " Alvey, of Charlestown. and Kesiah Hall, of Westerly ; m. by Rev. W. H. Newman. April 18, 1843. " William P.. of Stonlngton. and Lydla A. Babcock. of Westerly; m. by Rev. Shuball Wakefield. Oct. 5. 1843. " John A., of Stonington, son of Benjamin F., and Lucy E. Brack- et1. of Preston, Conn., dan. of Samuel: m. by Rev. Fred Denl- son, March 21. 1849. 5-100 " Maitha. and Charles H. Bradford. Aug. 27, 184!). 2-113 TEFFT John, of Kings Towne. and Mary Reynolds, of Westei-ly : ni. by John Bal.cnck. Jus-tice, Nov. 11, 1721. 2-84 " David, and Freelove PalmiHer: m. by Elder John Maxson, Nov. 26, 1737. 2-119 " Sar.ih, and Tbomns Wilcox, July 2, 1739. 2-10 " Jonathan, and Mary Bailey; m. by Elder .John Maxsim. Jan. 29, 1740. 3-;il " Samuel, of Westerly, and Mary Mils, of Preston, Conn. ; m. at Stonington. by Simeon Miner, Justice, May 5, 1753. 3-59 " Mary, and Benajah Brown, Jan. 2.i, 1758. 3-61 " JIary. and Joseph Bnndy. Oct. 31, 1758. 3-99 " John, and Anna Crandall: m. b>- Joseph Parks, Dec. 16, 1764. a-59 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Elizabeth .Mitchell, -widovr, dau. of Joseph Bandy : m. by Rev. Thomas Ross, July 26, 1767. 4r92 " John, of Samuel, dec, and Mrs. Mary LeTrts, of Joseph, dec; m. by Elder Stephen Babcock. Nov. 24, 1773. 4-3 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Partelosv, April 29, 1784. 4-153 " Joseph, and Sally Clarke; m. by Elder Elkan.ah Balicock, Jan. 24, 1800. 4-241 " Fanny, and Da\-ld Babcock. April 7, 1808. 5-54 " Nancy, and Henry Lee, Sept. 1, 1844. 5-37 " WUlard B.. and Nancy BUven ; m. by Jededlah W. Knight, Jna- tiee, June 26. 1S46. 5-82 " Peleg S., of John, and Sally West, of Simeon; m. by Rev. Isaac Moore, May 12, 1847. 4-103 TENNANT Sarah, and Peleg Vars, .Ian. 5. 1794. 4-14 THAYER David, of Worcester, Mass., and Bethiah Hlscox, of Ephralm, of Westerly ; m, by Joseph Crandall, Justice. March 7, 1786. 2-113 THOMPSON Samson, and Edward Wilcox, May 1, 1698. 2-45 " Anna, and Stephen Bai> ock, Oct. 12, 1726. 2-90 " Rebecca, and John third ick, Oct, 21, 1730. WESTERLY MAKKIA(iE.S. G5 2-88 THOMPSON Susnjuinh, and .TosepU Balicock. JJpc. 0. 1730. 2:87 " Mary, and Tljonias Ni.y.'s. May 1, 1731i 2-S3 " Maiy. and David Hnrdlrk. .luly -20. 1733. 2-94 " Elias. and Tliankfnl siantmi ; m. by Kpv. Elias Kossitcr, March 24, 173C>. 3-4 •• Ruth, and William Tljonipsun. Oct. 11), 1732. 3-4 " William, and Knth Thompson, be of Wi-sterly, sho ol Brookliaven, L. I.: m. by Gforp' IMiillips, Justice, Oct. 10, 1732. 3-13 " Joslnui, of Westorly, and Sarah Sianion, nf .sioiilngton ; ni. by Daniel Palmer, Jnstice, March 27, 173('>. 3-17 " Sarah, and Thoma.s. Wens, Jr.. April 3. 174.'j. 3-32 ■' Mary, and Charles Avery, Aus. 28, 1753. 3-40 '■ ThankfiU, anl Jo'-:n Champlaiu, Feb. 2(;„ 1750. 3-53 " John, of W'?sterly. and Anna, Italhbone, of Stonington: m. at Ston- insto'n, by Elder Walt Palmer (also 4-107, says April 17, 1757), Feb. 20, 1757, 3-83 " Sanniel, and Maii Cli:>ni|ilain : m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, July 18, 1762. 3-107 " Ellas. Jr., of Elias, of Westerly, and Mary Stanton, of Joseph, ol Cliarlestown ; m. at Chavli'stown. by Abram Barden, Justice, Oct. 14„ 17t)2. 3-94 " Mary, and Benedick BabcocJc, March 2. 17r.3. 3-OS " Mary, and Asa Cliamiilaln, March 21, 17ii5. 3-104 " Sebra. and John Pendleton. Sept. 22, 17i!o. 3-100 •' Hannah, and Jonathan Wilhur, Nov. 7, 1765. 3-109 " Sarah, and Ephraim Pendleton (.also 4-148). De<'. 17, 1767. 3-130 " KolH-rt, of Col. Elias and Anna Bahcock. of William; m. liy Joseph Crandall. Justice. March IS. 1773. 4-38 " Hannah, and William Lems. Dec. 2-2. 1781. 4-.'!0 " Nancy, and Sinieon West, Oct. 30, 1784. 4-215 " Joshua P.. and .-^ally Stephens; m. hy Joseph CLirke. Justice. Oct. 25. 1769. 4-55 " Hannah, and Jesse Bahcock, Dec. 23, 1789. 4-55 " Thomas, Jr., of Thomas, of Westerly, and Dorcas Greene, of Capt. -Vmos, of Charlestoyrn ; m. liy Elder Henry Joslln, Dec. 21. 1791. 4-94 " Colby, and PreTitlce Lewis. Dec. 7. 1794. 4-158 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Alilgail Copgeshall. of Newport ; ni. by Elder Gardiner Thurston. Dec. 25. 1794. 4-106 " Nan.y, and Benjamin Wilcox. .Sept. 28, 1796. 4-111 " Euth, and Joshua Lanphere. Nov. 4. 1797. 4-124 " Prudence, and Elisha Noofcen. June 6, 1798. 4-120 " William, of Wilhani. dec. and Eunice Gavitt. of Capt. Samuel, dec. : m. hy c=amnel P.Iiven. Justice, April 9, 1798. 4-167 " Bridiret. and Christopher Seagor Pendleton, Feb. 15, ISOl. 4-241 " Hannah, and Russell Brind, Jan. 1. 1803. 4-160 " Joshua, of John and F.innie Pendleton, of .John: m. by Joseph Pendleton. .Tustice. Fe!>. 12. 1804. 4-195 " John, and Lydia Gardiner; m. by Elder .Tesse Babcock, March 8, 1804. 4-216 " John. 3d. of Joshua, and Bridget Berry, of Snmuel; m. by Joseph Pendleton. Justice. Feb. 27. 1805. 4-214 " William, of John and Nancy Babcock. oC Henry; m. by Elder Jesse Babooclc, ^lir h 31, 1805. 4-233 " Mrs. Polly, and Nathaniel Stillman, March 31, 1808. 4-268 " Pardon, of Westerly, and Lucy Merriott, of Henry, of HopUnton ; ID. Ijy Elder Mattheff Stillninn. Dec. 10, 1816. 5-30 " .Lames B., and Mariha Shehield ; m. by Rev. Thomas V. Wells, Aug. 27, 1837. 6-42 " Joshtui, Jr., and Phebe Ann Stillman; m. hy Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 30. 1S37. 5-51 " Joseph L.. and Mary B. Pendleton' m. by Eev. OUver P. Tucker- mfui, Oct. 23. 1843. 5-72 " Henriettji, M.. a,nd Dudley R. Wilco.x, Nov. 6, 1845. 5-76 " Charles W.. and Julia Cliapman ; m. by Rev. John Taylor, Dec. 8, 1847. GG VITAL KECOKI) OF RHc:)DE l.-LA.ND. 5-88 THOMPSON Freelove V., and Timotliy P. (iavitl. June 5, 1848. 5-8G '• Eliza A, auvl John D. Pi-ckham, Ocl. !). 1648. 2-Si> THORN William, an. Pendleton, Nov. .^, 1849. 2-81 TIKON Sampson, of Westerly, and Bettey Wogg, of StoniDgton: m. by Wil- liam Hern. Justice, Jane 15, 1748. 4-192 TILLlNGllASr Mrs. Dorcas, and Joseph M. Knowli s. .Ian. 7, 1802. 2-4 TOMS Elizabeth, and Joseph loveless. Jan. 20. 1726. 2-96 TOSH Elizabeth, and George iliown, Sept. 25, 1729. 4-137 TRUMjVN Susannah, and Ma.vson t.anphere. Nov. 19, 1795. 4-162 " Daniel, of Soubhold, L. I., and Nancy StlUraim, of Westerly; m. by Joseph Potte-.-. Justice. Dec. 10, 1795. 5-63 TUBES Jonathan, of Norwich, t'onn., and Adeline Newbury, of Westerly: m. by Rev. E. S. Hisco.x, July 4. 1644. 2-106 TtXKER Sarah, and Johu Larkin, June 15, 1726. 2-95 " Rebecca, and Roger Larkin. March 19. 1730. 2-81 " Simeon, and Sarah Hall : in. by Samuel Wilbur. Justice, May 1, 1737. 2-45 " Hannah, and Joshua P.ilmitter, Jan. 19, 1736 9. 2-92 TURNER Samuel, and Rebecca Davison, both of Stonington : m. at Westerly, by John Rlchinoud, Jastice. March 4. 1727-3. 3-89 " Samuel, and .\bigail Nutl'-r, both of Stoulngton ; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jr., Justice, Nov. 26, 1761. 1 u 2-79 UTTER Thankful, and Thomas Weeks, Nov. 8, 1741. 8-37 " Eleanor, and Nathaniel Kenycm, March 21, 1754. 4-17 VAEIN Joseph, of James, dec, and Isabel Clarke, of Ichabod; m. by Robert Bui'dick, Justice, Jan. 26. 178i'>. 2-S4 VAES Theodoty, and Max\- Dodge : ni. by John Richmond. Justice, Dec. 21, 1732. 2-80 « JIary, and WUliam Saunders, Nov. 15, 1733. 2-111 " Aniey, and George Pooler. Aug. 8, 1742. 3-S8 " Surah, and Jonatlian Macumber, Sept. 8, 1765. 3-64 " John, and Martha Saund-rs : m. by Joseph CrandSll, Justice, Nov. 19. 1759. 4-7 " Joseph, of Isaac, and Hannah SIa-\son, of Joseph; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, July 1.^, 1764. 8-159 " Elizabeth, and Augustus Saunders, Dec. 31, 1778. 3-169 " Isaac, of Westerly, and Waitey Gardiner, of East Greenwich, or Warwick: m. by Jos. ph Crandall, Justice, Oct. 15, 1780. 4-6 " Sarah, and Peleg Saunders, June 28, 1784. 4-11 " Thomas, of Isa.ic, of Westerly, and Abigail Sheldon, of Capt. Isaac, dec., of South Kingstown: m. by Jos i)Ii Crandall, Justice, Feb. 10, 1785. WESTERLY MARRIAGES. 07 4-lij VARS Eklwnrd, of ls.i:ic ami RflHTca P.'ckli;ini. of Abfl : m. by .Tnsi'pli LYtindlUl. Jlisjec, Dor. 22. 178.5. 4-103 " Pi'leg. of Joliii and Martha, of Jliddletowii, and Sai-ali Tomiant. of Oeoi-gc" and Hannab, of North Kingstown: m. by Elder WilliaJti Xortbiii), Jan. 5. 170 1. 5-20 " Fanny, and Elias S:iiinrtors. Sept. 24, 1809. S-Sfi " Hannah, and Andrew J. Aliins. Dec. 2, 1840. 2-42 VILEY Grace, and James Brand, Feb. 22, 1741. S-21 \nNCENT Jemima, and William Clarke. Nov. 13. 1749. 3'.37 " Mary, and Ephraim Bueon. Feb. 20. 1754. 3-B2 " WlUiam. of Westerly, and Zerriab Rudd, of Norivich, Conn, June 22, 1758. 4-130 " Susannah, and Capl. Natban Br.aud. Oct. 24, 1779. 4-157 " Elizabeth, and Capt. Oliver Lewis. Aug. 2, 1781. 2-HO 'violet Thankful, and Thomas Clarke. May 27, 1740. .3-1 VOSE Joshua, and Mercy Downing; m. by Benonl Smith, Justice, March 3, 1753. 3-52 " Joshua, Jr., and Mary Lanidiere: m. by William Hern, Ju.stice. May 3, 1757. 354 " Elizabeth, and A.sa Ci-ocker. Julv 4, 1757. 3-59 " Bathsheba, and Jeremiah Maine. Feb. 22, 1758. 4.30 " Lemuel, of .Joshua, and Deliglit Babcock, of Elder Elkanah ; m. by Saumel Brown, Justice. JIarcli 13, 1794. 4-132 " Joshua, Jr., and Prudence Wilc.x: ni. by Ekler Elkanah Babcock. Jan. 3. 1799. 5-3 " Sophia, null Slephen Wilcox, Jr., Oct. 21, 1S24. 5-3B " Lemuel. Jr., of Westerly, anil Mary Ann States, of Stonington ; m. by Rev. Ira. Hart. Dec. 29. 1825. w WARD S.'imnel. and Anna, Ray : m- hy R^-v. Joseph Ptirk (also 3-30), Dec. 20, 1745. 3-136 " Catharine, and Chrjstnplier Greene, Dec. 23, 1773. 3-143 " Anna, and Ethan CbirKi', Feb. 4, 1770. 3-34 WARREN Moses, and Judetb llrand ; m. by Danhd Maccoon, Justice, Dec. 27, 1753. 3-56 WATERMAN Darius, and Mary Barker, both of Lebanon, Conn.; m. at Westerly by Benonl Smith, Justice, Sept. 23, 1757. 4-3 WATSON Benjamin, of Benjamin, of North Kingstown, and EUzabeth Crandall, of Jonathan', of Westerly; m. by Joseph Crand;ill, Jus- tice. July 9, 1783. 3-120 WEA\ER William, of Ellsha, of stonington, and Amey Lanphere, of .Stephen, of Westerly; m. by Oliver Crary, .Tustlce, March 10. 1772. 2-84 WEBSTER Margaret, and Josepli Enos, Sept. 20, 1710. Hannah, and Ezekiel liarlier, Nov. 28, 1730. WEEKS Thomas, of Warwick, and Thanlvful Utter, of Westerly: m. by Elder Joseph Maxson. Nov. 8. 1741. 4-62 WELDEN Betsey, and Slon Si.s. 4-207 4-274 5-r.9 5-101 4-112 (IS VITAL KECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 3-17 ■\\'ELLS Thomas, Jr., .md Sarah Thompson; m. Tjy \Mmam Hern, Justice, Api'U 3, 1743. 3.22 " Caleb, and Lois Maccoou ; m. by Benjamin EandaU, Justice, Jan. IS, 1746-9. 3-25 " Ed-waixl, and Elizabeth Slieffleld; m. by Benjamin Randall. Jus- tice, Dec. — , 1749. 3-10 " Barbary, and Joseph Noyes (also 3-144), July 31, 1754. 3-48 " Anna, and Ebenezer Brown, Feb. 5, 1756. 3-70 " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Crandall, AprU 3, 1760. 4^134 " Barbara, and Nicholas Cl.arke, Jan. 20. 1779. 4-9 " Phebe, and Josepb Potter, Aug. 7, 1784. 4..24 " EUsha, of MattbeTV, of Ilopklnton, and Eunice Wilcox, of Davi.l. dec, of Westerly: m. by Elder Isaiah Witcox, June 28, 1787. 4-31 " George, of Hopldnton, .and Ly-, of South Kingstown; m. by Eev. Fred. Denlson, Aug. 5. 1850. 4-218 WHITTLES Meliitable, and Capt. Peleg Wilcox, Sept. 15. 1790. 3-11 WILBUR William, of Seconnett, and Mary B.aticock, of Westerly: m. by Wil- liam Babcock, Justice, AprU 17, 1745. 3-20 " Lucy, and Matthew Maxson, May 2, 1748. WESTERLY MCAERIAGES. G9 3-20 WILBrK JiulSUi. ;UMl Da,%id HmU, May -. 1748. 3-148 " David. aii4 11-,ii,nali IVniUeioji; m. by Eieiliarrt Barry, .Tusticf .\prU 27. 17(15. 3-100 " .Tonatlian, and Hannah Thompson; m. by Joseph Crandall. Jusii-,. Nov. 7, 1765. *"^1 " Jol^n- »f Joseph, and Maiy Barber, of Capt. Nathan; m. by Elder Oliver Babcock (also 4-10), Dec. 30, 17S0. ^'^ " Joseph, Jr.. ol Joseph, and Joanna Eabeock, of Col. James, dec; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Jan. 'i, 1790. 4-206 " HuJdali, and Benjamin Hall, June 8, 1797. 4-174 " John, of lirookfield, N. Y., son of Joseph, and Elizabeth Babcock. of Westei'ly, daugliter of Nathan; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Jus- tice, Sept. 21, 1801. 4-192 " Ichabod, of David, and Desire StlUman, of Thanlel ; m. by Joseph Pendleton, Justice, Feb. 21, 1804. 4-356 " Celia, and EUsha Babcock, Jan. 17, 1814. 4-274 " Desire, and Isaiah Wilbur. Aug. 14, 1823. 4--74 ■' Isaiah, and Desire Wilbur, both of Westerly; m. at North Ston- Ington by Elder Wlllhim Bondall, Aug. 1-1, 1825. 5-109 " James B., of Westerly, and Riitli Ann Ross, of Saybrook: m. at Suybroolc by Rev. Fred WUllam Hotchldss, July 20, 1840. 2-113 W ILCOX Edward, of Westerly, and Tamson Thompson, of Taunton : m. by Elder Samu.l Dantorlh. May 1, 1G08. 2-8S " Edward, of Westerly, and Dinah Barber, of Soutli Kingstown : m. by Rouse Helme, JilsI ice. June 14, 1716. '^-"^^ " Stephen, and Mercy Randall: m. by John Babcock, Justice, July 12, 171 C. 2-91 " Anna, and Biyant Pendleton. March 11, 1725. 2-109 " WliUiira, and Susimnali Burdick; m. by Theodoty Rhodes, Justice, Jan. 11. 1727-S. 2-119 " Edward, of Stonlngtnn, .ind Mercy Robinson : ra. by William Hern. Justice. Jan. 5, l".3S .'). 2-119 " Thomas, and Sarah Tefft ; m. by Elder Joseph Masson, July 2,1739. 2-85 " Lydla. and Stephen Saunders. Jr., Aug. 12, 1741. 3-23 " Eunice, and WUIiam Hem. June 25, 3-37 " Hezeldali, and Hunn-:ih Pirker; m. March 31. 1754. 3-56 " VaJentlne, and Abigail K"neciinie ; m. Aug. 10. 1757. 3-59 " Sarah, and Jonaihan Piilinitter, Jan. 3-63 " Teresa, and .Toscpli Hall. Dec. 18, 1758. 3-79 " Is.aiah, and Sarah Lewis: m. by Joseph Crandnll. Jiistjie. Oct. 15. 17f.l . 3-10 " Mercy, and Daniel Stanton. July IS. 1762. 3-83 " Amey. and John West. Dec. 29, 1765. 3-125 " Sheffield, of Edirord. and Esther, of Richmond, .and Eunice Ross, of Thomas, of Westerly : m. by Jeffrey Wilcox. Justice, Dec. II. 1771 4-186 " Desire, and John Gnvitt. Dec. 28, 1773. 3-169 " Amey. and John Lewis. March 16, 1775. ;M(;3 " Lucy, and Samuel Babcock. May 22, 1770. 3-170 " Da.^id. of David, dec, anil Content Lewis, of .M>hn : m. by Elder Thomas Ross. .Tan. 1. 1780. 3-172 " D.nnlel, of Hezeldah. of Westerly, and rrndem-.' Wilco.';, of Ed- ward, of StonlnKtou : ni. liy Joseph Crandall. Justice, Dec. 28. 1780. 3-172 " Prudence, and Daniel Wilcox, Dec. 28. 1780. 3-157 •' Martha, and Trustam Dielnns, Oct. 27, 1782. 4-10 " Jesse, of Hezeklah, and Anne Pendleton, of C;ipl. Pcleg; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice. Dec. 9, 1784. 4-24 •' Exinlce. and Elisba Wells, June 28, 1787. 4-33 " Isaiah, and Polly Pendleton; m. by Elder Isaiah WUcox, Jan. 22, 1788. 4-121 ■• Nancy, and Arnold Bllven, Feb. — . 1788. 4-121 ." Mary, and Arnold Bliven, Deo. 31, 3 789. 1752. by William Hern. JusJice. by Josepii Cranilall, Justice, 23. 1753. 70 VITAL RECORU OF KMIIDK ISLVNO. 4-41 4-32 4-115 4--218 4-79 4-93 4-106 4-318 4-132 4-198 4-211 4-227 4-230 4-231 5-3 5-11 5-72 5-72 2-79 5-108 2-87 3-17 3-20 3-(!2 2-75 2-6!) ,1-16 5-10 2-Sl 3-5.J 4-17 4-130 2-105 2-45, 77 2-111 2-85 2-17 3-6 3-20 3-8 3-96 4 76 3-114 WILCOX Sally, and John Barber, .'an. 9, 1700. " Nathan, of Elder Isaiah, and Nancy Lewis, ol' llezjnah : m. ty Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Feb. 17„ 1790. " Susannali, and. Braddock Hall. July 30, 1790. " Capt. Peleg, and Mehitable Whittles; m. by Joseph Clarke, Jus- tici-, Sept. 15, 1790. " Asa, and Mercy Ritblioiie; m. at Colchest,er, Conn., by Rev. Abel Palmer. Nov. 28. 17 91. " Stephen, of Elder LsaUih, dec, and S.ally Ohamplain, of Capt. 11am : m. by Samuel Bliven, Justice, May 17, 1795. " Benjamin, of Valentine, and Naacy Th(imi)si>n, of John ; Samuel lUaven. Jii.stlce, Sept. 28. 179(). " Samuel, of Hezeklah, of Westerly, and Prudenci' necllcut, — , 1798. " Prudence, aind Jc».'»hua Vose, Jr., Jan. 3, 1709. " Peleg, and TliaTikful liurdick, of OUver, Jr. ; m. by John Cross, Jr., Justice. April 25, 1804. " Hannah, and E/.eliiel (iavitt, Nov. 21, 1805. " Ann. and BeiijaiTiiii li.'ibcncli, Jan. 20, l.soii. " Paj-Icer, and Polly Closson '■ m. Justice, April 26, 1 -107. Wil- m. by Grant, of Con- I Sionington by Elijali I '-y of Samuel by Elijah Palmer, 1 mer. Justice, Jan. by Elder Matthew Jedediah W. Knlglit, Justice, Rev. E. T. HiscflX, by Dec. 9, Justice " Isaac, and Eunice Clawsim; 17, 1808. " Stejihen, Jr., and Sophia, VoS' Slilluian, Oct. 21, 1824. " Horace, and Hannah KenyiMi March 11, 1831. Dudley R., and Henri ■Ha M. Thomii Nov. C, 1845. " >!arUia A., and Nathaniel J. I.. Cliase, Jan. 1, 1846. WILKINSON Mary, and William Browning. Aug. 5, 1728. WILLIAM.-^ON .Mrs. Dlanna, C.. j:n(l .Tolin D. Powell. July 14, 1850. WILLIAMS Mary, and Eobert Rjgers, Oct. 7, 1728. " lien.ijab, and Elizabelli .Vvery. both of Oroton : m. by Josepli Cran- dall. Ju.stlce. Sept. 1, 17.54. " Mark, and S:irah Hopkins: m. by William Hern, Justice, July 2, 1749. WILLIS Lois, ;ind James Brown. May 25, 1757. WITTER J. 177i . WOOD Sii-.innah. and Thomas Hiscox. Nov. 13, 1797. WOODMAN8EE Marj-, and Thomas Lillibridge, June 12, 1720. Zerniah, and Tlioni.as Rogers, Oct. 3, 1734. WORDEN Peter, Jr., and Rebecca Richmond, May 26, 1720. " Sarah, and Joseph Pendleton, Jan. 9. 1723. " Isaac, and Mehitable Smith; m. by Elder Joseph Maxson, Aug. 31, 1740. " Mary, and Isaac B.abcock, .\i)ril 17, 1746. " Jdliii, and Diirothy Saiti'rly : m. by William Hern, Justice, May 1, 1746. " Gideon, of Westerly, and RebcM-cji Brown, of Portsmouth; m. at Portsmouth, by William Sanford, Justice, May 1, 1748. " William, of Stonington, and Mary Bjrns, of Rhode Island; m. by Elder Joseph UaN-ls, Oct. 4, 1764. \V"ltha, and Daniel Lanphere, Nov. 13. 1765. John, of Join, dec of Ilopkinton, and Elizabeth Babcock, of Joshua, Jr., dee., of Westerly; m. by Joseph Crandall, Jus- tice, Nov. 12, 17ii9. by WESTERLY MARKIAGEH. 71 5-19 WOUDEN As:i. iif Ib.pkliitoii. ;m; H. Va,il. Fob. 'JS, 1845. 2-70 WIUGIIT WilliMui (nmlntto), antl Martlm S('alleiiger (Inaiun); m. by Wil- liam Hlbc.ick. Justlo.o. JInrcli -24. 1745-li. 4-209 " Ann, and Caijt. Dudley Babcock. JaJi. 7, 1799. X Y Z 3-46 YEOMAN &u-ali. ami Ablja.li Cranilall. Au^-. :;ri, 1754. 4-123 " Lncrelia,. and Jdsepli C. LaBphere, June 6. 1798. ■J-li:i YORK Janii-s, and Hannah Sfeniton. Nnv. l.'S. lii'..j. 2-95 " .lohnnnali, and .Inscph LiiiWii. .Inly 24, 1730. 3-2 " Mai-y, and Isaac P.'Ckliam, Apiil 11. 17."iO. 3-62 " Anna, and John Gavltt, April 19, 175S. 3-(i8 " Hannah, and SamiR'l Bailey, .U\. Jan. 8, 17()1. 3-95 " Willlan], and Anno Pcckliam ; m. by Josi'ph rrandall. .Tustlco, Nov. ir>. ]7iU. 4^120 " Nabliy. and Thomas Foslpr. Sept. 4, 1701. 4-222 " Capl. licnjamin. of William and Desire Saunders, of Joshua, bnih of ('harlestown : m. by Elder William Gardiner. Jan. 21. l.'^OI . 3-143 YOt'N'G Nirhcilas, of Samuel and Lydia Clarke, of Daniel; ra. by Joseph f'randall, Jnstloe, Feb. 1. 177fi. 4-95 " Hannah, and Da>ld Hall. Nov. 20, 1791. WESTERLY. BinTHS A.lSriD XJE-A-THS. 1-173 ADAMS .Trmips, of James, Jan, 20. 1097-8. 1-173 (( John. May 26, 1700. 1-173 U Jonathan, Sept. 28, 1702. 1-173 it Henry, Sept. 27, 1704. 2-120 u Honor, of James and Honor, July 11, 1706. 2-120 ^' Nathaniel, March 25, 1 708-9. 2-120 « Thomas. March 24, 1710. 2-120 (( Joseph, March 4, 1 714-5. 2-96 t( David, ol Nathauifl and Hannah. Sept. 20, 1737. 2-96 CI EUJali. Aug. 8, 1734. 2-118 ALLEN Mary, of Samuel and Ca therine, Sept. 17. 1709. 2-113 t( Catherine, Dec. 20, 1711. 2-118 (I Ellzaheth, Sept. 4, 1713. 2-118 t* Joshua, AprU 2, 1715. 2-118 " Samuel, June 26, 1717. 2-119 (( Lydlii. of Gideon and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1710. 2-119 « Sarah, Sept. 19. 1711. 2-122 « Cl'.ristoplier, of Zachariiih and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1711-2. 3-35 f( Thnnlv-ful, ol Jonatlian and Eachel. Sept. 14. 1744. 3-115 (• Pamola, of Samuel and Isabel. .lune 9, 1769. 31 IR (( Anne. Nov. 11, 1770. ;!-ii:> « Polly, Nov. 20, 1772. 3-115 « Rhode, July 26, 1790. 4-120 It Betsey, of Joshua and Ra chel, Jan 8, 1799. 4-120 a P.itty. June 23. 1800. 4-120 " Joshua, March 6, 1802. 4-120 " Fanny, Sept. 6, 1803. 4-] 20 (( Samuel, Note.— Patty horn at Clinrle'lown. Oct. 3. 1805. 4-212 " Greene, of Greene nnd Amey. Dec. 13. 1805. 3-66 AUSTIN Freegift, of Cornelias, nnd Tluinlvful, June 20. 1738. 3-66 te Sarah, Oct. 2. 1740. 3-66 ct Hannah, Nov. 30, 1742. 3-66 (( Ruth. March 27, 1743. 3-66 tc Stephen, MHy 17, 1747. 3-66 « Corn' lius. Aug. 7, 1749. 3-101 »' Edward . of Thom;is. and Martha. Sept. 23, 1754. o-lOl t( Sarah. Jan. 29. 1757. 3-101 " Martha, March 24. 1759. 3-101 " Thomas. April 24. 1761. 3-101 " Da\'id, Note— Thomas bom! Westerly, all others Oct. 27, Chaxlestown. 1763. 3-71 (( Hannah, of Jededlah, and Anne, Nov. 26. 1756. 3-71 " Dorcas, July 7, 1759. 3-71 " ,Tohn, Aug. 24, 1761. 3-71 " Anne. Oct. 13. 1763. 3-71 u Jetlecliah, June 22, 1766. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 73 B 2-124 BABBITT Mary, dl.-d Nov. 8. burk.d !ith, ITll. 1-172 BABOOCK James, uf Capt. Janu'S, Jr., 1-172 ' Elizabeth, 1-172 ' Sajjiuel, 1-172 ' Daniel, 1-172 Anna, of Capt. James, Jr.. and Elizabeth, 1-172 ' Sarah, 1-172 Sarah, 2-121 ' Joshua, 1-95 John, ol John and Mai-j-, 1-95 * Icha,l)od, 1-95 ' Stephen, 2-113 ' Mary, of Eobert nud Lvdia, 2-113 Lydia, 2-113 Robert, 2-113 Eii^iha, 2-113 Sarah, 2-113 * Patience, 2-113 ' Simeon, 2-113 Ezelciel, 2-113 ' Joseph, 2-113 ' Remember, 2-109 * Susannah, of Oliver and Susannah, 2-109 ' Thomas, 2-109 ' Mary, 2-109 Nathan, 2-109 ' Simeon, 2-109 John, 2-109 Oliver, 2-109 Joseph, 2-120 William, of John and Mary, 2-120 ' Amey, 2-120 * Mary , 2-120 Ann, 2124 ' .lohn, Jr., of John and Mary, died July 10, buried 2109 ' Jonatlian, ol James, (bUioUsmith) and Mary, 2-74 ' Isaac, of Daniel and Abisall. 2-74 ' WilUam. 2-74 ' JoLshu.a, 2-74 Elizabeth, 2-74 ' James, 2-74 Daniel, 2-74 ' ElkaujUi, 2-90 ' Ellza.lieth, of George and Susannah, 2-90 " George, 2-90 Martha. 2-90 ' Sn .sail nail. 2-90 Christc.pher, 2-90 ' Samuel, 2-00 Hezeklali, 2-90 Rouse, 2-112 ' Nathan, of Samuel and Ann, 2-112 Klizabeth, 2-112 ' Samuel, 2-95 ' Jiihn, of Stephen and Anna. 2-95 ' ' Anna, 2-88 ' Ilosannah, of Joseph and Susannah, 2-88 ' rrudence, 2-8S ' ' Joseph, 2-88 ' ' Jesse, 2-88 ' ' Hannah. 2-88 ' Joseph, 2-88 ' R*beeca. Dec. 23, 1G88. Feb. 8, 1691. Feb. 15, 1(W7. April 23, 1(;99. Nov. 29, 1701. Dec. 13, 1704. d. Nov. 13, 1703. May 17, 1707. May 4, 1701. Nov. 21, 1703. May 2, 1706. Aug. 31, 1702. Nov. 5, 1703. May 8, 1700. June 5, 1708, March 38, 1710. Dec. 33, 1711. Oct. 17, 1714. June 22, 1716. AprU 0, 1718. Feb. 11, 1720. Sept. 20, 1705. March 7, 1710. Feb. 8, 1712-3.- Oct. 12, 1715'. Sept. 27, 1717. May 13, 1720. Sept. 16, 1722. Oct. 18. 1726. April 15, 1708. Feb. 8, 1712-3. July 23, 1716. Sept. 14, 1721. — 11, 1719. Feb. IS. 1723. April 24. 1724.- March 11, 172.i-0. Dec. 7, 1723. Jan. 13. 1730-1. June 3, 1733. March 14, 1735. Aug. 21, 1738. Jan. 23, 1735-6. Dec. 37, 1727. Dec. 8, 1729», March 10, 1731-2. Feb. 27. 1736-7. May 30, 1739. May 30, 1739. AprU 29, 1746. Nov. 25, 1726. May 6, 1729. May 16, 1731. July 16, 1727. Jan. 30, 1729. April 1, 1730. Oct. 22, 1732. Dec. 9, 1734. April 3, 1737. Jan. 27, 1739-40. Jan. 9, 1741-2. AprU 11, 1744. 74 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISL. \yD. 2-88 BABCOCK Jiishuii, of Joseph, and Susannah, Oct. 5, 1747. 2-88 " Anne, June 1.°, 17-10. 2-88 " loLabod. June — . 1751 . 2-0-2 William, of WUliam. and Sai-ali. May 10. 1731. 2-92 " Joshua. Dec. 2. 1732. 2-02 " Christop!;er, Sept. 12. 1734. 2-92 " Sarah, Oct. 17. 1736. 2-02 Elijah, July 10. 1738. 2-124 Elijah, d. Dec. 11. 1733. 2-02 Elia.-. July 28. 1740. 2-94 If'halu d of Ichahod and Jenilnia., Dec. 12. 1731. 2-P4 Mary. May 9, 1733. 2-04 .TllM'Illl, F'Jh. 3, 1730. 2-04 " John. July 27, 1730, 2-87 " Ann. of Capt.. James ;md Conti'Ut, March 30, 1732. 2-87 " James. Nov. 1, 1734. 2-87 '• Jonathan, Oct. 11. 1730. C-113 AndreTV, of Samuel, and Ann. April 12, 1733. 2-1 13 " Silas, Dec. 31, 1 734-5. 2-04 " David, of Daviil and Dnrens. April 10. 1734, 2-94 Joniith.an, Nov. 10, 1735. 2-04 " Benedick, Oct, 21, 1737. 2-118 " Pi nelope. of EIl-;ha and Sarnh. Oct. i;. 1734. 2-1 IS " Eunice. Jan. 27. 1 738-9. 2-70 " Henry, of Joshua and Hannah. April 26, 1730. 2-70 lail;.'. July 6. 1738. 2-70 " Adani. Sept. 27. 1740. 2-70 " Hannah. Jan. 22. 1 742-3. 2-70 " Frjinces. May 11. 174). 2-76 Paul. Dec. 5, 1748. 2-70 Amelia. April 19. 1751. 2-70 Harriet. May 18. 1756. 2-70 Sallv. Oct. 18. 1753. 2-70 " Elislia. of William and Sarah. d. Dec. 12. 1738. 2-70 " William. d. Feb. 6. 1751. 2-70 " Pheneus, Sept. 29, 1742. 2-70 " Mercy, July 14, 17J5. 2-70 " Samuel. Sept. 4. 1747. 3-100 " Ahipail. wife of Jesse, (dan. of Henry Mulklns and Abigail, his •n-lfe). horn Oct. 15, 1741. 2-124 Capt. John, died March 28. 1740. 2 05 " Thankful, of Stephim and Anne. Nov. 17, 1747. 2-124 " Eehecca, widow of Josepli. died •Inly 15. 1747. 3-0 " Phelie. of Is.aac and JIary. July 24, 1748. 3-0 " John Prentice. Oct. 4. 1750. 3 Isfiac, Jan. 15. 1754. 3-0 " (Mary, March 11. 1757. 3-0 " Amos. Aug. 1, 1759. 3-0 " Rel lecca . Oct. 21, 1761. 3-0 " Rlioda. Aug. 21. 1704. 3-0 " Judah. July 13 1760. 30 '* .Tesse. June 16 1768. 3-0 AhlRail. June 16 1708. 36 " HMUn.-ih. June 23. 1770. 3-6 " Joshua. June 23, 1770. 3-12 " Thomas, of Nathan and Hehorali, July 29, 1749. 3-12 " Benjamin, April 7, 1751 . 3-12 " Anne. Nov. 0. 1732. 3-12 •' Mercy. Oct. 12, 1754. 3-12 " Samuel. March 22, 1757. 3-12 '* Nathan. Jun«> 10, 1750. 3-01 William, of Willium and r.-itienci'. Fell. 23 1750. 3-01 " Anna. March 20 1753. 3 01 " Esther. Jan. 27 1753. 3 61 " Eunice, Feb. 33 1757. WESTERLY BIRTHS ANB DEATHS. 75 3-lil BABCOCK Hannah, of William and. Patit-nns 2-92 William, Es(i., died Jan. 15, I751-2! •J-l-M .lames, ol Jamos and Mary, a-12i) Ulllllrl. y-120 Ill mv. a-i2U •Man-. 3-lUU Conti'nt. B-120 IJairdl.'ll. 3-1-1) Lc.is, 3-120 1 atlence. 3-J2 1 vJideiin. 3-33 Susannah, of Jo^liua and Sarali. 3-33 IJirhard. 3-:j3 Oaniel. ■i-lOU William, of Clmstoplier ;!iid M.-hitahle, ■1-lUi) Aniev. 4-Ui!J .l.i-hiia. 4-101I .l..-hua, ■1-100 " ClirisloiJher, ■1-109 " Sarah. 4-109 " Eunice. 4-109 Jeremiah. 4-109 Asa. 4-109 Asa. 4-109 Wealihy, 4-109 Wraltliy. 4-109 " Stephen, •1-109 Elias. 4-io:i Elias, 4-109 Phenias, 4-109 Asa. 3-42 " Ami-lia. of .lames and .Sarah. 3-42 " Simeon, 3-42 " Sarah, 3-43 Wilii.'tm. of Samuel and Mary, 3-43 " Naham, 3-43 Paul. 3-43 •* Fanny, 3-43 Sll;.-.' 3-40 Jared. 3-43 Tliaukful, : 3-9 " Ichabod, of Ichabod, Jr. and E.sther, 3-9 Lucy, 3-9 Joseph, 3-9 " Mary, 3-9 " Lodo-iriclc, :>-u " Auffnstus, 3-12 John Barber, of John and Klizalietli. 4-r,ii " Linda, of Elkanah and Esther, 4-fili " Joshua, 4-(i(i Delight, 4-r.i', " Amelia, 4-6(1 Bradley, 4-r,ii Luke, 4-r,c, " Hannah, 4-r,(; Ohancey, 4-<;(i Lodowick, 4-r,(; Esther. 4-0(5 Elkanah, Xote— First 5 rere rded also 3-S] 3-12 Andrew, of Nathan and Elizabeth, 3-12 Jenathan, 3-130 Lucy, of Jdhn and Lucy. 3-130 Jemimah, May 29, 1763. July 31 , 1733. Feb. 25 , 1755. June 2.'! , 1737. Sept. 22 . 17(il. March 19 , 17G4. Jan. 19, , 176(i. May 20, , 1768. Dec. 25, . 1770. April 30 . 1773. Jan. 11 , 1735. Feb. 10 . 175(;. Sept. 10, 1757. Ilef. 10, . 1733. Jurn- 12, , 1757. March 13, , 1739. a. Oct. — , 1786. July 20, 1761. March 10. , 1763. Dec. 28, 1764. Nov. '23, 1766. July 6, 1768. died April — , , 1777. June 12, 1770. died June — , 1772. Feb. 37, 1772. Oct. 26, 1773. died .\pril — , 1794. Feb. 14, 1770. Oct. 7. 1777. 1733. Feb. 27. 175S. March 25. 1764. Dee. 22, 1756. March 5, 1758. JIarch 30, 1760. Jan. 23, 1762. April 10, 1764. Feb. 11, 1760. Feb. 15, 1768. Jan. 15, 1738. July 24, 1700. Anrll 1. 1702. April 8, 1705. Feb. 18, 1767. Jan. 80, 1769. Aug. 2, 1759. Feb. 25, 1763. May 8, 1766. Feb. 8, 1768. March 5, 1770. May 14, 1772. May 1, 1774. May 28, 1777. Nov. 28. 1779. Jan. 27, 17S1. April 0, 1784. June 29, 1786. Aiirll 6, 1765. Dec. 14, 1766. Aug. 14, 1765. Dec. 28, 17(37. (Vit. Eec, Vol. 5.) 21 76 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-130 3-99 3-99 3-99 3-99 3-99 3-115 3-115 3115 3-115 3-115 4r^83 4-83 4-83 4-53 4-53 4-53 4-53 4-53 4-53 4-53 4-149 4-149 4-149 4-149 4-149 tJ-153 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-74 4-74 4-74 4-74 4-76 4-76 4-76 4-76 4-76 4-7 4-7 4-113 4-: 13 4-113 4113 4-iia 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 •W84 4-84 Nathan and Anna. 2(1 wifi' Major Jami's and Jiianna. of William and Penelope. BABCOCK John, of John and Lucy, " Hannah, of Joseph (of Ichabod) and Hannali 4-113, 3-132), ■• Ellzaheth, of Nathan and Elizabeth. Charle.s, Deburali. Mercy, (if Joanna, of James. Ezra. Charlotte, Anna, Jason, of Elder Oliver and Silvestre, Stephen. Oliver. Naney. John, Sylvester, Jesse, Daniel, Clarke, EunL^e, Hannah, of James and .Sarah, Jesse, Abipiil, Martha, Joshua, Note — Two last bom South Kingstown, first Is given as Hannah Clarke. Stanton Prentic?, of Prentice and Anna, Henry, of Henry and Prudence, James, Ezeklel, Asa, Nancy, Joshua, Joshua, Hannah, Sarah, Benjamin, of Rouse and Ruth, Sally, Nancy, Rouse, died June 13, 1801. Cluirlotte, of Paul and Charlotte, Dnmarlas, Mary, P.aul, Hannah, Wealthy, of W'Llliam and Mary, WUUam, Mary Ann, of Christopher and Polly, James. Martha, Christopher, Eli/.al.elh, Benjamin Perry, Charles, Susannah, Snsann.ah, Martlia, Christopher, Sr., Note — One born Middletown, next thri others Westerly. Charlotte, of Amos and Jiary, Amos, Jan. 13, 17t)9. 1st -wife (also Jan. 2, 1767. Oct. 30, 1768. Aus. 23. 1770. Aug. 16, 1772. Jnly 21. 1780. June 10. 1770. Dec. 10, 1771. May 13, 1773. Nov. 30, 1775. Dec. 19. 177S. Marih 30. 1774. July 31), 1777. March 20. 17.S0. Jan. 27, 1775. Oct. 14, 1780. July 10. 1783. Oct. 1, 1785. July 10„ 1788. Sept. 28, 1790. Dec. 17 1793. Sept. 3. 1777. May 20, 1784. July 20, 1786. March 30, 1789. March 20, 1793 In 3-149. name of Dee. 15, 1778. Jnly 32,, 1779. Oct. 16, 1781. Oct. 33, 1783. April 36, 1786. Oct. 17, 1788. AprU 18, 1791. d. Jan. — , 1794. Sept. IS, 1794. July 17, 1796. Sept. 2, 1779. April 6, 1783. May 13, 1786. Sept. 15, 1781. Oct. 14. 1783. May 3. 1787. June 3, 1791. Jan'. 16, 1800. Nov. 33. 1782. June 13, 1784. Jan. S3, 1783. Nov. 10, 1784. Aug. 21. 1786. May 33, 1788. Oct. 28, 1700. Dec. S, 1792. Aug. 8. 1794. Feb. 10, 1799. died Oct. 37 1S03. died Oct. 27 1803. dli-d July 38 1803. e (liarlestown, the Nov. 4, 1784. March 30, 1790. WESTERLY BIRTHS AICD DEATHS. 77 4-84 3-127 3-127 3-175 3-175 3-175 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-134 3-134 4-20 4-20 3-173 4-R8 4-68 4-68 4-55 4-55 4-55 4-55 4-55 4-55 4-SS 4-S5 4-55 4-55 4-60 4-60 4-80 4-74 4-74 4-74 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-1 '4 4-164 4-1 (i4 4-104 4-105 4-209 4-209 4-209 4-ir,i 4-151 4-180 4-180 4-180 4-180 4-180 4-165 4-l(i3 4-li;5 BABCOCK Anna, of Amos and JIaxy, " Lucy, of Isaac and Amey, " Sajiah, " Nathan, of Natlian and Dorcas, Da%1d, '* Dorcas, " Hannah, of Daniel and Hannah, " Daniel, " Hannah, " James, , " Daniel Lee, ** Desire, Note— Hannah, 24, bom Stonlngton. " John Prentlci-, of Isaac, Jr., and Amey, " Denison Avery, .at Groton. " Samuel, of SUas and Maiy, " Silas. Not* — Is'b bom Pre.ston, Conn. " Asa. of Nathan and Dorcas. 4tli -wife, " Martha, of Jared and Martha, " Jared, " CJarke, " Hannah, of Jesse and Hann:ili, " Beley (dau.), Polly, " Rhoda, " Lucy Ann, " Piiebe, " .Jesse, " Lydia Ann, " Abby, '•' Jobn Chaniplain', " Lucj , of Arnold and Lucy, " John, " Amey, " Charles, of Charles and Tacy, " Jonathan, Tacy. Note— Two eldest bom Hopklnton. " Oliver, of .loshua and Ruth, " Silva, " Ephraim, " Lodowlck, " Thankful, •' J'maihan, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, « Harry, " Bcttey, ] " Nancy, Aprtl 1, 1793. March 19, 1783. April 18, 1785. Oct. 30, 1782. Aug. IG, 1784. AprU 20, 1780. Feb. 12, 1785. Nov. 17. 1787. March 30, 1789. Jan. 10, 1791. Jan. 20, 1793. Feb. 21, 1797. Oct. 13, 1787. Fob. 23, 1793. Oct. 19, 1787. Aug. 9, 1789. Feb. 25, 1788. Aug. 8, 1790. Aug. 8, 1792. M.ay 21, 1796. Sept. 22, 1790. Oct. 7, 1792. Oct. 8, 1794. March 7, 1798. July 31, ISOO. Sept. 3, 1803. Aug. 31, 1806. Feb. 3, 1809. June 21, 1811. July 1, 1814. March 25. 1791. Feb. 4, 1793. Dec. 29, 1794. Aui;. 24, 1792. July 2(), 1794. Nov. 14, 1796. Dec. 21, 1792. Aug. 19, 1794. March 15, 1796. Feb. 14. 1798. Feb. 1, 1800. Sept. 13, 1795. March 11, 1797. June 20, 17994 Jan. 24, 1301. Note — 1st two born Norwich, Conn. ; last two Charlestown. John, of Jt)hn and Dam arias. Frances Ann, of Capt. Dudley and Ann, Du(Uey Right, Paid, Note — Eldest bom Stonlngton. Caroline, of Asa and Molly. Moll., , wife of Asa, Desire, of Joseph and Keturah, Desii-e. Hannah. Hannah. Desire Gavltt, Note— Two eldest bom Charlestown ; youngest Westerly. Rouse, of Rouse and Hannah, Oct. 27. 1801. Rouse. d. May 3', 1802. Rouse, 2d, May 4, 1803. Feb. 18, 1796. Oct., 20, 1799. Jan. 5, 1803. Feb. 11, 1805. Sept. IS. 1801. a. Dec. 31, 1302. Sept. 25, 1801. d. Nov. 15, 1802. Sept. 10. 1803. d. July 21, 1804. Dec. 19, 1805. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-105 4-108 4-108 4-16S 4-168 4-168 4-168 4-168 4-171 4-171 4-171 4-171 4-171 4-171 4-172 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-173 4-175 4-175 4-208 4-151 4-227 4-241 5-45 4-247 2 247 4-271 5-8 5-8 3-8 5-8 5-17 4-190 4-190 4-ino 4-190 4 190 4-190 4-263 4-263 4 263 4.263 4-263 4-263 4-203 4 263 4-203 4-263 4-263 4-43 4-42 4-42 4-43 4-42 4-107 4-107 BABCOCK Hannali, of Rou'-'e and Hannali, '■ Phebe. ol Stephen and Phebe, " Stephen, " Elia.?, " Nathan, " Na-tihan, " Amanda, " Amanda, Xov. 4. 1805 Marcli 3. 1S02. May 10. 1804. March 19. 1806. July 27. 1808. died Dec. 11, 1614. Nov. 30, 1810. died Sept. 19, 1812. Note.— Ttvo born Hopkinton ; next three Stonington. Aug. 1, 1802. Sept. 24. 1804. Jan. 2, 1806. Oct. 2, 1807. March 31, 1811. Nov. 15, 1S12. May 26, 1802. died Aug. 3, 1802j Nov. 29, 1803. Feb. o, 1806. June 26, 1811. Dec. 24, 1813. Jan. 10, 1810. .\ug. 10, 1.803. .July 31, 1805, Jan. 17. 18110. Sept. 24, l.-OO. AprU 25. 1807. Sept. 21, 1809. Feb. 8. 1812. May 21, 1812. May 30, 1810. Oct. 13. 1819. Nov. 19. 1823. Feb. 20. 1827. Oct. 20, 1828. Dec. 4, 1829. " A\-Uda, of Phlneas and Thankful, " Phineas, " CiirHopher Denlson, " Mary. " Hannah, " Nancy B., " Nancy, of Joshua and Nancy, " Joshua, " Nancy, of Daniel and Nancy, " Emory, "■ Oliver. " .loseph, " Ezra, " James Rhodes, of James and Hannah, " Joseph, " Frank, of Nathan. Jr., and Patty, " Thoma-s. of Asa and Elizabeth. " Benjamin, of Benjamin and Ann, " Da^-ld Fenner, of Da\4d and Fanny, " Stanton, of Chancey W. and Prudence, " Merian. of Paul, Jr., and ,Amey, " Charlotte, •' Hannah Almy. of Daniel, Jr., and .\nne, " Nathan, ot OUver and l'hel>e, " Phel).. Maria, " Amanda, " / Daniel, " Paul, died AprU 21. 1843. BARBER Perry, of John and Molly, horn at Exeter, " Hannah (Miner, of Cliarles and Eunice), his -wife, born Stionlng- ton, Oct. 3, 1767. " PeriT. of Perry and Hannali, Dec. 3, 1794. " Charles Miner, Sept. 13. 1790, " Silas Holmes, July 6, 1799 " Ezra Styles. Oct. 30, 1803. All born Stonlngton except youngest In Westerly. " Thomas, of Peleg and Isabel. Oct. 24, 1783. " Peleg Sherman, July 4. 1785 " Patty, May 11, 1787 " Ablal, Aug. 14, 1789 " Merchant, " F.xperience, " Mercy, " Hannah. " Susannah. " Isaac, " Wealthy Ann. May 21, 1802. Nnt&— First, bom Hopkinton; next five ChnrlestoTvn : sixth, Hopkinton; the othnrs Westerly. " Hosta. of Hosen and Cattei-n. Sept. 13, 1799. Jared, Sept. 19. 1601. « Caty, Nov. 12. 180'!. Paul Maxson. Feb. 28. 3806. Eunice. -^pnl 1, 1613 " Sprague, of Sprague. an I Seney, July 27, I804 « &aUy, -Tune 11, 1800. June 1, 1707 Feb. 20. 1T91, April 0. l7o:s. May 7, 1794, .\pril 17. 1790. ,\pril 18, 1798. Jan. 20, 1800. WESTERLY BIRTHS AOT3 DEATHS. 79 4-200 4-2C0 4-260 4--J()0 4-255 4-255 4-255 4-255 4-11 4-il 4-11 4-41 4-272 4-2 1 2 5-18 5-lil 5-«l 5-li] a-11 2-79 3-121 2-7'J 2-79 2-25 2-25 2-25 2-25 3-96 3-1.9 3-(;t» 3-()9 3-97. 2-121 " James, Oct. 27, 1702. 2-121 " John, .Tan. 22, 1707. 2-121 " Freeliive, of Edward and Freelove, Dec. 20, 1719. 2-121 " Joshua, March 21, 1720. 2-121 " Edward, May 30, 1722. 2-121 u Isabel , Oct. 22, 1723. 2-121 " Patience, June 3, 1725. 2-121 " Peter, ■ Feb. 1, 1727. 2-121 " John, Sept. 22, 17,30. 2-12L " Nathnn, Nov. 20, 1732. 2-121 " Mary. Feb. 16,. 1734. 2-121 " Sarah, May 26, 1736. 2-ns " Mercy, of John and Mercy, Nov. 25, 1728. 2-98 » John, died Aug. 25. 1728. 2-(>9 " James, of James and Anna, March 22, 1735. 2-98 (( John, March 22, 1735. 2-G9 " Daniel, March 12. 1737. 2-159 u Mary, May 13, 1739. 2-69 " Theodoty, May 3, 1741. 2-G9 " Samuel. March 12, 1744. 2-220 " Joshua, of Edward. Jr., and Ann, July 13, 1743. 2-220 " William, Dec. 15, 1745. 2-220 " Edward. July 12, 1748. 2-220 u Isaac, .Tuly 13. 1750. 2-220 " Ann, March 10. 1755. 2-220 " Arnold, Feb. 7, 1757. 2-220 C( George, Sept. 16, 1759. 2-220 « Fannie. July 16 . 1761 2220 u .Timathan Burdlck, Aug 12 1704. 2-220 11 Jessie Chnmplaln, Nov. 14 17R6. 4-194 CI Samuel, of James and Ann, born Westerly, March 12, 1744. 4-194 (( Ruth (Greene of Joslah and Hannah), his wife, born Charlestown, March 16, 1746. 4-194 " EUz.aheth, of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1766. 4-194 u Samuel. Dec. 15, 1768. 4-194 " Luther, Oct. 30. 1770. 4-194 « Ruth, Feb. 5, 1773. 4194 « Mary, June. 14, 1776. 4-194 " Ethel, May 28, 1778. 4-191 " Daniel, Aug. 20, 1780. 4-194 Cf James, June 27, 1787. 4-194 '• Ruth, wife of Samuel, d. Dec. 18. 1803'. 3-29 " Patience, of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1753. 3-29 " Freelove, Tan. 26, 1756. :!-29 tt John, Dec. 23, 1758. 3-29 il WilUam, May 19, 1762. 3-29 " Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1764. 3-29 " Lucy, April 25, 1768. 3-29 M Joshua, April 29, 1773. 3-29 » Ruth Seager, March 9, 1773. 3-175 " Elizabeth, of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1755. 3-175 " Nathan, April 17, 1761. 3-175 " Mary, Feb. 15, 17114. NTOSTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 81 3-175 3-175 3-175 3-175 3-52 3-53 3-52 3-52 3-52 4-52 4-52 4-52 4-53 4-r,2 4-52 4-52 4-52 4-52 4-52 4-52 4-52 3-104 3-104 3-104 3-104 3-104 3-104 3-150 3-130 3-130 3-1 SO 3-150 3-150 3-1510 3-150 3-150 3150 3-132 3-54 3-54 4-181 4-181 4-181 4-181 4-181 4-181 4-181 3-] 57 3-157 3-157 3 28 3-101) 3-1(50 3-lC.(i 4-1 tl 4-10 4-10 4-111 4-19 4-19 3-lii8 3-1 1 -.8 BLIVEN Henry, of N.ithan- and Elizabeth, FreeliiVf, Abigail, Joseph Lewis, Thankful, of .lames ;uid Sarah, James, Freeman,' Sarah, Luke, Theodoty, of Daniel and Hannah, Anna, Jolin, Hannah, K.'icliel, Danltl, Greene, Isaac, Amey, Fanny. ,' Polly. Daniel, ST : died Note.— First seven recorded also 3-86. Elizabeth, of Samnel and Enth, Samuel, Lnther, Ruth. Mary, Ethel, Fanny, of WUlIam and Eleanor, Pardon Clarke, Eleanor, Willi.am Barton, Desire, Edward, John Maxson, Thank-fiil, Isaac Ross, Ma.ria, Nancy, of Edward, 3d, and Mary, Simon Ray, of James and S;irah, Martha, Polly ( ), wife of Cai>t. Nathan Robert EUery, of Capt. Nathan and Polly, Ann Marlah, Francis, Francis, Elizabeth, Francis, Xoto— Two eldesit horn Cliarlestown Is.aac, of Daniel and Hannah, Amey, Fanny, Isaac, of John and Elizabeth, Hannah, of James and Mary, Benjamin HaU, Betsey, Note— First horn Wes'fcrly, Nancy, of George and Vaslifi, Ed-ward, Polly, Samuel , Henry, Noyes, Daniel, of Samuel and Knth, James, Nov. 37, 1766. June HI, 1770. Nov. 3, 1774. May 3, 1773. Sept 10, 1757. Nov. 20, 1760. March 26. 1766. Oct. 25, 1768. June 20, 1771. ' Aug. 23. 1763. June 29, 1705. April 5, 1707. Feb. 26, 1770. March 5, 1772. Feb. 30, 1774. AprU 30. 1776. Jane 10, 1778. Sept. 19, 1780. April 16, 1783. Oct. 13. 1786. Nov. 15, 1803. 3-86. Dec. 27, T706. Dec. 13. 1708. Oct. 30. 1770. Feb. 5, 1773. June 14. 1776. May 28, 1778. Aug. — , 7 772. Jan. 4, 1774. April 1, 1776. Nov. 7, 1777. Aug. 1". 17^0. May 20. 1783. April 21, 1785. July 27, 1787. Dec. 20, 1790 Feb. 10. 1793 May 1, 1774. AprU 28, 1774. May 22, 1776. Dec. 11. 1774. Polly, Sept. 21, 1798. Feb. 7. 1800. Jan. 3. 1803. died Sept, 29, 1804. March 24. ]8f)3. Aug. 26. 1805. stown. June 10, 1778. Sept. 10, 1780. April 16, 1783. Sept. 20, 1778. April 2, 1781. June 17. 1787. June ,30. 1791. Valiintr wn, 3(1 Newport.. Dec. 4. 1784. May 7, 1786. May 27, 17S8. Feb. 28, 1792. April 3, 1794. .March 17. 1796. Aug. 20. 1780, June 27, 1787. 82 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-121 4^1121 4-121 4-121 4-121 4-121 4-121 4-121 4-37 4-o7 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-37 4-34 4-34 4-34 4-44 4-54 4-54 4-72 4-72 4-72 3-28 3-28 4-96 4-96 4-96 4-915 4-96 4-122 4-122 4-122 4-48 4r48 4r48 4-4S 4-48 4-48 4-48 4-48 4-48 4-194 4-107 4-167 4^122 4-54 4-54 4-54 4-54 4-54 2-43 S-4^ 2-43 2-43 2-43 243 2-43 BLI\'EX Niuicy, vrile of Arnold, .losliiui. HCC.i and Lucy, 2-51,95 " Benjamin. 2-51,95 " Da^■ld, 3-55 •• Isaliol. of Tliomas and Frooiovp, 3-55 " .Innc. 3-ss ■■ Susanna, of Samuel and Kacliel, 3-8S •• Samuel, 3-s>s " Hannah. 3-88 " Thomas, 3-88 " Nathan, 3-88 " Anne, 3-88 '• Walter. 3-88 " Eliz.iheth, 3-88 ■ •• Royzell, 3-85 " Sarah, of John and Mary, 3-85 " John, '! .~5 " Abigail, 3-85 " Thomas, 3-141 " Fanny, of John and Isabel, 3-141 " Hannah, 5-170 " Lucy, of Samuel and Anne, 4-130 •• Nathan, of Capt. Nathan and Susannah, 4-1 3B '• &amuel, 4-1 3fi " William, 4-13(5 " Betsey, 4-100 " Sally, of W.alter and Anna, 4-100' " Alpheus, 4-100 '■ Samuel, 4-100 " Nancy, of and Lydla, 4-241 ■' Thomas, of Eussell and Hannah, 4-241 " Rachel Thompson,, 3-91 BKIGGS Anne, of Jacob and Freeglft, 3-91 " Abigail, 2-4 I'.RlToX Mary, of James, late of Dialiton. Mass., 2-114 BIKWN Elizabeth, of Daniel. 2-114 '• Mary,, 2-111 '• Benjamin, 2-114 " Daniel, 2-114 " Elishar, 2-114 " Dorcas,. 2-114 " John, 2-114 '• Desire, and Frances, 2d wife, 2-115 " Mary, of John and Ann, 2-115 " Martha, 2-115 , " John, 2-115 " Ann. 2 115 " Thom.as, 2-115 " PhlUp, of and Martha, 2d wUe, Oct. 14. 1735. Oct. 11, 1737. I^lai'ch 2. 1794. Feb. 24. 1 731-2. Fell. 22. 1740. Oct. 27, 1748. March 20, 1750. Feb. 17. 1752. April 17. 1754. April 17, 1734. Mnreh 27. 175(i. Nov. 12, 1733. Marcli 11, 1761. net. 27. 17'-2. April 11. 17(U. April 11. 17ii4. Fell. 8, 1 73.-, li. June 28, 1741. Oct. 2, 1742. Jan. 11, 1 744-5. April 28. 1737. S 'pt. 24. 1742. July I, 1741. Oct. 10. 1743. March 0, 1740. July 2i;. 1752. Aug. lo. 1754. April 9, 1757. Miy 25. 17()0. July 5, 1762. Ajirll 10, 1775. May 18, 1754. Jan. 18, 1757. 17, 1758. Sept. 10, 1701. May 6, 1771. • Mai'ch 11. 1775. Sei>t. 1, 1777. Feb. 12. 1785. Feb. 16, 1788. Nov. 5, 1790. Dec. 23, 1793. July 16, 1785. June 8, 17,87. June 13. 1789. Sept. 13. 1791. Dec. 13. 1804. July 9, 1809. May 10, 1768. July 2, 1771. (lied Dec. 23. IV 50. March 13, 1703. -Vug. 3. 1706. March 16. 1703. Nov. 15. 1709. Jan. 26, 1711. May 23, 1713. Fi-b. 15, 1714. Jan. 8. 1723. Feb. 20, 1708. Sept. 24, 1709. Oct. 4. 1711. Nov. 2, 1714. Oct. 18, 1717. Sept. 2, 1721. 84 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISI.AND. 2-95 BROWN John, ol and AblgaU, 2-95 Joshua, •2-95 Abigail, 2-95 " Benjamin, of Benjamin and Abigail, 2 95 " Desire, 2-95 Frances, 2-95 James, 2-95 (( John, 2-95 ct Jeremiah, 2-95 " Desire, 2-95 (f Jesse, 2-95 Elijah, 2-95 " Abljah, 2-96 " Mary, of George and Elizabeth, 3-48 (( Caleb, of Ebenezer and Anna, 3-48 " Hannah, 3-48 (( Lydia, 3-48 it John, 3-48 " Aniey , 3-48 " Siirah, 3-100 " Dorothy, 3-100 " Nathan, 4-27 " Polly, of Samuel and Aniey, 4-27 u Sanmel, 4-07 " Benjamin, 4-27 11 Stanton, 4-27 il Phebe, -1 27 " Nancy, 4-27 •• Abigail. 4-27 " Elnathan Clarke, 4-77 Charles, of Robert and Hannah, 4-77 u Thom.is, 4-77 " Snsanna SlUlman, 4-77 " Sebra, 4-214 ■' Lorenzo Dow, of George and Sally, 4-12(; RFDINGTON Luke, of Luke and Charlotte, 4-12(.i it Lndowlck, 4-1211 " Charlotte, 4-126 " Rhoda Ann, 4-180 BURCH John Irish, of Thomas and Susanna, 4-229 ii Thomas, of Thomas and Mary, 2-119 EURDICK, Miuy, of Benjamin and Mary, 2-] 1 9 " RjK-hel, 2-119 " I'l'ter, 2-119 " lienjamln. 2-119 " John. 2-119 " David. 2-119 " William, 2-119 " ElUha. 2-125 <( Ilutiard, of Hnbard, 2-125 " Nathan, 2-125 (( John, 2-77.90 " Elnathan, of Peter and Desire, 2-77.90 " Mary, 2-77,90 " Peter, 2-77.90 Content, 2-77.90 " Oliver. 2-77, 90 " Keturah, 2-77, 90 " Elnathan, 2-77. 90 " Elisha. 2-77, 90 " Samuel Park (b. Charlesto-n-n), 2-76 '• Parker, of Joshua and Abigail, 2-70 Sylvanu.s. of Nathan and Goodeth, :;.70 " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Judeth, :s-70 " Joseph, July 15. 1730. Jan. 19, 1732-3. June 8, 1735. March 27, 1731. June 18, 1733, March 12, 1735. March 13, 1737. April 3. 1739. April 4, 1741, March 23, 1743. April 11, 1745. June 10, 1747. Nov. 3, 1749. Nov. 20, 1729. Dec. 3, 1756. March 17, 1759. July 9, 1761. M.arch 12 1764. Sept. 22, 1766. March 3, 1769. Dec. 11, 1771. -^. — , 1774. Feb. 8, 1779. March 2, 1782. Sept. 23, 1786. April IC, 1789. Jan. 14, 1791. July 20, 1793. Aug. 3, 1795. April 5, 1797, Dec. 16. 1792. Jan. 21, 1798. Api-U 8, 1801. Jan. 2, 1804. Dec. 27. 1805. Sept. 15, 1799. March 6, 1801. Jan. 21, 1803. July 15, 1806. Nov. 4, 1802. Aug. 25, 1807. July 26, 1699. July 5, 1701. Aug. 5, 1703. Nov. 25, 1705. March 24, 1708. Feb. 24, 1710. June 12, 1713. Sept. 22, 1716, Nov. 24. 171R. Fell. 19. 1718-9. May 19, 1721. Jan. 14, 1727. June 28, 1728. May 12. 1730. April 1, 1735. June 8, 1737, Jan. 30, 1741. April 11, 1743. Aug. 1, 1747. »'Pt. 10, Sept. 11, Sept. 17, April 1, 1730. Nov. 10, 1733. 1750. 1735. 1747. WESTEBLY— BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 85 3-70 BURDICK Oliver, of Jonatli.-m and Judetli, ■ March 27, 1735. 3-70 Rulli, Dec. 10, 1737. :j-7() JutUth, May 21, 1740. ■J-70 WVnlthy, June 18, 1743. 3-70 Epiiralm, May 1, 1746. 3-70 " Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1748. 3-70 Asa, Aug. fi. 1751. 3-70 ■' Hannah, Oct. 29, 1755. 3-70 " Joseph (grandson of tlie above, said son Joseph suppjsed to be deceased), boMi March 18, 1755. 3-71 " Lois, ol David and Mary, April 1, 1738. 3-71 " Da%-ld, April 15, 1740. 3-71 " Thompson, Dec.l5 1744. 3-71 " Clarke, Feb. 25, 1748. 3-71 " Anne, May 17, 1757. 3-3!) " Stephen, of Simeon and Isabel, March 10, 1748. 3-39 Edith. July 27, 1750. 3-30 Isabel, Feb. 23. 1753. 330 AblgaU, Aug. 11, 17(50. 3-30 Simeon, Aug. 25, 1702. 3-30 " Centent, Nov. 17. 1764. 3-30 ** Jonathan, Sept. 20. 1767. 3-10(i " Maxsim, of John and Elizabi'th, .Tan. 22. 1751 . 3-ior, " Thompson. Sept. 1, 1753. 3-lOB " Anne. Feb. 2. 1753. 3-100 John. Sept. 20. 1750. 3-10(s Paul. Oct. 24, 17.59. 3-10(i AbigaU, Nov. 22.. 1701. 3-lOfi Sarah. Sept. T, 1763. 3-100 " Frances, March 29, 1765. 3-n " Amoy. of E^eldel. and Amey, Juno 29, 1751. 3-33 " Esther, of Peter and Esther, Nov. 5. 1734. 3-33 Cynthia, Nov .20, 1759. 3-33 " Henry. Maroh 1. 1764. 3-33 " Hannah, April 20, 1768. 333 " Desire. April 20, 1768. 3-140 " Oliver, of Oliver and Lydia, Feb. 7, 1760. 3-149 " Sarah, Aug. 4, 1701. 3-149 " Hazard, AprU 21, 1764. 3-149 " Roger, March 13. 1767. 3-149 " Rowland. June 20, 1709. Note— Isti and 41 h born Charles'tow n, 2d and 5th Wesierly. 3d South Kingstown. 3-22 " Stanton, of Oliver and Susannah, April 7, 1760. 3-22 " Mary, Nov. 9, 1761. 3-92 " , Ruth, of Zaccheas and Elizabeth, Smith, June 2-1, 1760. 3-92 May 3, 17(>2. 3-89 John, of Clulstopher and Chloe, Sept. 25, 1762. 3-89 " Lodowlck. April 5, 1704. 3-112 " Clarke, of Ichabod and Bathsheba, March 11. 1765. 3-112 " Henry, June 2, 1767. 3-17IJ Mai-y, of Clarke .and Amey, July 28, 1771. 3-170 Da%id, Oct. 8, 1773. 3-17(1 Amey, Aug. 23, 1776. 3-17(5 " CIarke,( AprU 5, 1779. N,,ti— First cind 4tli born Westerly. 2d Newport. 3d 8outh KlhfistoTvn. 3-150 Thompson, of Thompson and Patience, April 15. 1774. S-lofi Elizabeth,, July 13, 1776. 3-150 " Samuel Allen, Doc. 30, 1779. 3-1 5(i " Mary, Jan. 3, 1783. 3-150 " Freelove Bliven, Oct. 11, 1785. 3-150 Lucy Bll-ven (b. Stonlnston), Nov. 15, 1792. 4-i;3 John, of John and Elizalietli, Feb. 9, L781. 4-63 Polly, April 13, 1783. >!() VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. June 5, 178G. May 17, 17S8. Die. 10, 1791. Mnrcli 6, 1794. March 14, 1798. )tt«' Pri'cinct. in the .June 24, 1783. •Ian. -29. " 787. died S i>t. 12, 180(i. March 16. 1789. April 28. 1792. May 30, 1794. May :-8, 1797. June 5, 1800. March 10, 1803. July 23, 1807. Dec. 28, 1790. Nov. 19, 1792. July 2, 1794. Feb. 3, 1797. April 16, 1790. June 10, 3801. NdV. 5, 1803. Oct. 17, 1805. April 17. 1808. April 17. 1808. .Ian. 9. 1794. Juno 15. 1795. ,0ot. 30. 179(!. 4-03 BURDICK .Sarah, of John ajid Elizabeth, 4-03 '• Paul, 4-03 " Hannah, 4-63 " Rouse Babcock, 4-i>3 " Ira Kllburn, 3-152 " Rutli, of Asa and Isaliel. born In the Charlottie Grant of the Nine Partners, N. Y., 4-81 " Simeon, of Simeon and Susannah, 4-81 " Simeon, 4-81 " Susannah, 4-81 " Ruth, 4-81 " Lucy, 4-81 " SaUy, 4-81 " Ca.ty, 4-81 " Matilda, 4-8] " Simi;ou, 4-54 " Nancy, of Kenyon and Nancy, 4-54 " Keuyon, 4-54 " Thomas Hiscox, 4-54 " Henry, 4-54 " Beley (dau.). 4-54 " Esther, 4-54 " Edward Hiscox, 4-54 " Phlnpa.s, 4-54 '* Lois, 4-54 " Hnnnah, 4-65 •' Esther, of Ethan and Esther, 4-05 " Dorcas, 4-65 " Ethan. 4-05 " f'ary. 4-105 " Thomas Thompson, of Thompson and Amey, 4-105 " Rodman Slsson, 4-105 " Polly, 4-105 " Desire, 4-105 " Slon Slsson, 4-105 " Eliza, 4-105 " Content, 4-105 " Samuel Lee 4-217 " Rowland Chester, of Rnwland and Martha, 4-217 " wmiam Coon, 4-217 " Horatio Nelson, 4-217 " Martha Chase, 4-217 " John Davis, 4-217 " Esther CrandaU, 4-217 " Alfred BaDey, 4-217 " James Palmer, 5-11 " Amanda, of Jed, ajid Sally, 5-1 1 " Lucanna, 5-11 " Asahel L., 5-11 " Thomas E., 2-90 BCTTON John, of Matthew and Mary, 2-96 •• Mary. 2-96 '• Matthew, 2-60 " Charles, of Joseph, and Abigail, 2-60 " Mary, of James, late of Dighton, Mass., (deceased), and Hannah, his wife, died Dec. 23, 1750. 3-13 " Charles, of Joseph, and Abigail, April 17, 1739. 3-13 " Elisha. Jan. 5, 1741-2. 3-13 " StiiUiberry, June 27, 1744. 3 13 " .loseph, July 16, 1746. 3-13 " Mary. Aug. 25, 1750. 3-13 " Joseph, Sr., died M:iy 20, 1750. April 12. 1708. Feb. 20, 1707. Feb. 11, 1799. Nov. 29, 1800. June 20, 1803. March 6, 1B05. Oct. 25, 1307. Aug. 5, 1809. Feh. 3, 1812. Sept. 20, 1807. March 30. 1809. Sept. 20. 1811. June 14. 1ST' April 25, 1315. April 30, 1817, Feb. 1, 1819. Nov. 21, 1820. May 23, 1823. March 23, 1825. April 28, 1827. March 24, 1829. Sept. 1, 1728. March 10, 1730'. April 22, 1732. AprU 17, 1739. WESTERLY IJIRTIIS AND DEATHS. ST -1-1 1- .-J C* IfR D:iniol. of Rosolvort aiid Butsoy, Oct. 14. 1793. 4-185 '• Saiiiuol. Oct. 29. 1795. 4-185 " ElizalM'th. • Oct. 1. 1797. 4-183 Pli. ")..'. Mrireli 2C.. IsOO. 4-1 g 5 Joaiiii.-i, .bin. 20, 1.-02. 4-185 " Viiicont. Dec. 3. 1!^04. 4-218 CASSON ClKirU's. of .J(ibn and Plielie, Oct. 3. 18(13. 4-218 " Nancy Taylor, Aug. — , 1803. 1-102 CH.\MI>LAIN" WUliam of Willinm and .Mary May 31, 1702. 1-102 '• Joffi-cy, Marcb 6, 1704. 2-1 2.-. '* Cliiisloijlii-r. of ChristopluT, .Tr .. aiul Eliza 1 letb, Nov. 30. 1707. 2-12r) Jos..i,h. AuR. 4. 1709, 2-125 " Ann. Marcb 29, 1714. 2-125 " Gfforgo, Feb. 15, 1713-6. 2-123 " Eliznl)pth. .Ian. 10, 1718-9. 2-125 (( Thankfnl, Marcb 27, 1721. 2-'25 " Lydia, Nov. 19. 1723. 2-125 *' .Tab..?., Aug. 31, 1728. 2-125 " Olivor. May 12. 1730. 2-123 " JIary. .Iiuie 29. 3 731. 2-98 " Andi-f-n-. of Josoi>li and "-arab, Feb. 25. 1722-3. 2-08 " .Tospnh, .Tnly 20, 1723. 2-45 '• Cbristoidior, of Cbrisloiilior and Hannab, Feb. 7. 1730-1. 2-45 " .Tobn, Dec. IS, 1732. 2-45 " Rbubaniaii, J:ni. 11, '735-6. 2-43 " Elizaholb. .May 22, 1737. 2-124 " CbrisloiihiT. died April 2. 1732. 4-127 " \Yilliani. Mar 31, 1702. di-ed .Vpril 1 1. ' 771. n-97 " Mniy. nf William and S:i;ab, .luly 13. 1722. 3-97 " .Sanniol. Oct. 6, 172-1. n-Q? " .Totri-(-y. Sept. 30, 172''. 3-97 " Anna, .Tan. 13. 1729. 3-97 " William, Aug. 14. 1731. 3-97 " Jobn, .Sept. 30. 1733. 3-97 " Sarah, March 5, 1733. 3-97 " OUVIT, Aug. 21. 1737. 3-97 " Anslis. Oct. 8. 1739. 3-97 " Rowland, '.Tan. 8. 1741-2. 3-97 " Eunice, Feb. 15, 1744. 3-(;8 " PbeH'. of .Tames and Prudence, Aug. 18, 1735. 3-68 " Wealthian, Jan. 1, 1737. 3-fi8 " .lames, Sept. 18, 1742. 3-68 " Paul, .Tune 20, 1743. 3-68 " Silas. , Nov. 20„ 1747. 3-68 " i^nidence (p. New L ondon), Oct. 19, 1753, 3-84 " WilUam, of Sa.muel a.nd Hannab, Nov. 6, 1745. 3-84 " llnnnab. Dec. 9, 1747. 3-84 Martba, Jan. 27, 1730. 3-84 " Mary, Aug. 16, 1732. 3-84 '• HenTy, Jan. 18, 1736. 3-84 Samuel, Sept. 18, 1758. 3-84 Oliver. Marcb 17, 1761. Note— First born Ne «' Shorebam, 2d Soulb Kinj^stown, olbers Westerly. 3-3 " .Tidni. of Andrew and Eunice, Nov. — , 1746. 3-3 Sdas. Sept. 8, 17-18. 3 3 " Eunice. Jan. 2-1. 17C2. .•13 " Catbarine, Sept. 13. 171-4. Note— Two yonniZ'^l bnrn Slonin igf on. 4-127 William, of William and Samb. Aug. 13, 1732. 4-127 Anne. May 19. 1734. 4-127 •' Lucy. May 17, 1736. 4-127 Deborab. April 12, 1758. 8S VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-127 40 27 4-127 4-127 4-J27 4-127 4-127 4-127 4-127 4-127 4-127 3-9 3-y 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-148 3-149 3-149 3-149 3-149 3-127 3-173 3-173 3-173 3-174 3-174 3-l(i7 3-167 3-1 (i7 3-107 3-167 3-167 3-167 3-167 5-170 5-170 5-174 5-174 5-174 5-174 5-174 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-155 4-155 4-153 4-153 4-161 4-161 4-161 1-95 4-182 3d irtte. CUAMPLAIN Piirmelia,, of William and Sarah Adam, " Lois, Sally, Eunice. Mizabeth, '• l-lH'l)t'. " Pliebe, " .losepli, Polly, Oliver. " WilUain, ol William, .1r. , and Sarah, " Anne, " Luey, " Dehor.ih. Pamela, " Adam. Lo s. " Hampton, of Rowland and Hannah, " Fanny, " Paul, " Rii-niand, and Anna '• Jeffrey. " Keturah, '• Hannah, of Rowland, and Anne, " Hannah, " Nathan, " John, of Oliver, and Thankful, " AbigaU, " Polly, of Samuel, and Freelove, " Martha. " Maj-tha, " Martha, 2d, " Isaac Ross, Lemuel, " Nancy or Amey, " Phebe, Note— T"wo yi>tuigtst bom Charlestown. J. IS., of William (of WlUuun. dec.) and Elizabeth, Nov. 20. '• James W., March 20, " iSlizabPth, Oct. 4. " Margraret, Nov. 2, William,, AprU 15, " Sally, June 37, " William , .Sr., died Aug. 31, Note— Two youngest bom South Kingstown, the others New port. Sally, of George and Patience, Jan. 7, 1784, June 5, 1760 July 24, 176: July 27, Aug. 1, Sept. 18, Dec. 24, Feb. 1, died Aug. 22, Oct. 1. Oct. 23, June 6, Aug. 13, May 19, May 17, April 12, June 3, July 24. July 27. M.av 20, June 7, March 12, June 8, Aug. 27, of SUa and Wealthy, born at Stonlngton, March 23, d. Oct. 31, d. AprU 13, Sept. 7, Aug. 10, April 13, March 12, May 20, March 25, Nov. 19, Jan. 6, Sept. 14, March 9, Nov. 21, 17(U. 1766. 1768. 1769. 1772. 1791. 1774. 1776. 1778. 1752. 1754. 1736. 1738. 1760. 1762. 171)4. 1706. 1708. 1774. 1776. 1783'. 1772. 1779. 1780. 1780. 1780. 1783. 1781. 1783. 1785. 1800. 1786. 1788. 1791. 1794. 1781. 1784. 17 i7. 1791. 1794. 1796. 1803. Susannah, O.-iirge. JoseJ))!, Edward, Nnncy, Patience, wife of George, and 5th March 18, 1786. March 18, 1788. June 3, 1790. Oct. 6, 1792. Nov. 30, 1796. dliKl nt South Kingstown. March 5, 1799. orn Hopldnton, 4th Hlchmand, 6th South Note— 3d Kingstown. " Chaxlotte Coggeshall, of Adam B. and Henrietta, March 7, 1795. " Henrietta, Dec. 21, 1796. James Dean, March 3, 1799. Oliver, Aug. 7, 1801. " Lydia, of George and Lydia, Nov. 18, 1800. Josiah Bliss, July 31, 1802. " Mary, March 24. 1804. Not*.' — All born South Kingstown, also recorded 4-187. CHAPMAN Richard, of Hope, of Westerly, alias Feverham, Feb. 20, 1687. " Plumb, March 23, 1732. WESTEELY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 89 4-182 CHAPJIAN Uiis. of Plumb and Lois, 4-182 " George Greene, 4-182 " Phelie, 4-183 " Nancy, 4-182 " Esther, 4-182 '■ Tbomas, 3-48 '• John, of Sumner and Elizabeth, 3-48 u Timothy, 3-48 '• Elizabeth, 3-48 " Sumner, 3-48 " Joseph, 3-48 " Israel, 3-48 " Case, 4-51 " Hannah, ot WiUiam, Jr., and Bridget, 4-51 u Wilham, 4-51 li Lucy, 4-51 " Eliz.ibeth, 4-51 " Sarah, 4-51 " Abigail. 4-51 " John, 4-51 " Samuel, 4-51 " Amey, 4-51 " Polly, 4-51 " Bridget, wife of Willinm. died Nov. 21, 1798, 3-181 Nancy Pendleton, ot Tlmolhy and Nancy, 3-181 " Rebecca, 3-181 '• Joseph, 3-181 " Damarius. 3-181 " (Oliver Rhodes, 3-87 '• Joliii, ot Joseph and Elizabeth, 3-87 " lienjamin Kenyon. 3-87 Elizabeth. 3-87 " Joseph, 3-87 " Mary Ann. 3-87 " William Robinson, 3-87 ti Rouse, 3-181 " Sumner, of Timothy and Nancy, 3-181 " John Ciise, 3-181 " Fn.ick Crandiili, 3-181 " Freeman Clarke. .4-119 " Joshua Kenyon, of Israel and Polly, 4-119 " John, 4-119 " Anne Palmer, Note— Two youngesi horn Stonlngton. 4-103 " Case, of Case and Polly. 4-139 " Hannah, ot William. Jr., and Hannah, 4-1 39 " WlUiam. 4-139 •' Saunders Brown, 3-l>4 CHASE Oliver, born Bristol. Jidy . 11. 1715. 3-64 " Elizabeth, his wife. Dec. 5, 1716. 3-04 ti Mary, of Oliver and Eli'.^ibotli. 3-64 " Seth. 3 64 " Abner. 3-64 " Con.sider. 3-04 " Lovice. 3-64 " Eunice. 3-64 « Martlia, 3-04 It Frederick. NotiT— Eldest born Freetown. Mass., th re^cu'ded 2-34. 3-222 it Mary, of Joshua and Mary, 2-222 " Joshua, 2-222 Jlaxson, . 3-145 " Maxson, of Masson and Rebecta, 4-5 " Frederic, of Frederic and Ruth. Sept. 29. 1785. AprU 11. 178S. Aug. 17, 1790. June 1, 1794. Sept. 30, 1796. AprU 11, 1799. Jan. 3, 175S. May 28, 1700. Dec. 12, 1702. April 23, 1705. July 29, 1707. June 27. 1770. Dec. 28. 1772. Nov. 6, 1773. April 21, 1775. Sept. 4, 1776. Sept. 17. 1778. Dec. 25, 1780. Feb. 6, 1782. March 20. 1784. AprU 18, 1786. Jime 17, 1788. Aug. 26. 1790. Aug. 11. 1783. Dee. 8, 1785. March 21, 1788. Jan. 31, 1791. Feb. 5, 1794. Sept. 23. 1792. Aug. 9, 1794. May 9, 1797. Sept. 13, 1799. March 28, 1.-^02. Aug. 21, 1804. Sept. 21. 1806. AprU 1. 1797. Sept. 13, 1799. March 22, 1802. Oct. 9. 1.904. Jan. 8. 1793. ;Sept. 30. ISOl. Feb. 4, 1804. Aug. 1. 1801. Jan. 6, , 1800. Jan. 23. 1802. July 16 . 1804. Jan. 5. 1738-9. Sept. 2. 1742. Oct. 7. 1743. Dec. 20, 1747. June 9. 1750. June 9. 1750. March 27. 1753. Feb. 2. 1758. next two are also March 27, 1749. June 15. 1750. May 9. 1732. Felj. 17. 1776. Feb. 5. 1784. DO VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-]r.(i CHASE Maj-y Ann, of Ma.\son and Polly, Nov. 16, 1804. 4-106 '• Maxson, Jan. 16, 1806. ■i-llJlj •' Isaac, Nov. 2, 1807. 4-3 66 " Eliza, Sept. 6. 1809. 4-166 •' Rebef<-a, June 22, 1811. 4-166 " Nathan lleiriott. May 6, 1813. 4-166 " Susan. March 15, 1815. 4-l(IU llaiTkt Laviiia, Dec. 23, 1819. 4-1-2 CHESTER Martiha, ol Chrisloplnr lUid Jl:LrUi;i, Jan. 16, 1780. 4-12 it Cbristopber, June 4. 1781. 4-1:; •• Christopher, died Oct. 6. 1783. 4-12 " Lemuel , Jan. 6, 1783. 4-1:; .lolin Chase, July 8, 1783. 4-li: (/hristupber, Feb. 24, 1792. 4-lt)y Lemuel, of Lemuel and Nancy, July 1. 1803. 4-1!)!) Ann, Sept. 19, 1800. 4-109 " Frederic Oliver Chase, May 12, 1808. 4-111;) Elizabeth Martha, March 22, 1810. 4-1'.)!) " Hannah, March 22, 1812. 4-lUU " Sophroiila, AprU 18, 1814. 4-l!l!) Eunice, May 26. 1816. 4-li)l) Crsula, Nov. 30, 1818. 4-246 Johu Edward, of John C. and Nancy, July 19, 1809. l-!)3 ClU'RCH tali'li. oI Caleb and Kclifcea, Mai-ch 6, 1732. i-:j5 Joshua, June 4, 1734. l-i)j Charles, July 26, 173(i. l-!)3 Siuuuel, Oct. 30, 1738. 1-3T CLAKKB Jos,'i)li. b. Newport, Feb. 11, 16-12. l-,")7 Judith, of Joseph and Eethiab, Oct. 12, 1667. 1-57 " Joseph. April 4, 1 670. i-:.7 Samuel, Sept. 29, 1672. l-.".7 " John. Aug. 25, 1675. 1-.-.7 " BethiaU. ApiU 11, 1078. lo7 '( Mary, Dec. 27, 1680. 1-57 " .Susannah, Aug. 31, 1683. 1-57 " riiiinias. March 17, 11)86. 1-57 " William, April 21, 16S8. 1-57 *' frcegilt. of Joseph, Jr., and l>or>thy. JiJy 4, ]6:)4. 1-37 Dorothy, M:iy 2», 1696. 1-57 Experience, July 6, Ili99. 2-122 tximuel, (.f Samuel and Ann, JaJl. 19, 1699-1700. 2122 " Mary, Nov. 27, 1701. O.I .->."» ■' Bethlah, JiUy IS, 170!. 2-122 " Jn.seph, Aus. 29. 170.'i. 2-122 (t Ann, Sept. 3. 1707. 2-122 " WUliam, May 21. 1709. 2-122 •( .Tames, Jan. 20. 1 710-1. 2-122 " Joshua. Sept. 22. 1712. 2-122 " Amos. Nov. 14. 1714. 2-l''^2 " Simeon. April 7, 1736. 2-122 " Christopher, Oct. 26. 1717. 2-122 " Samuel. Jr., May 6, 1710. Note^Samuel, 1st, died about this time. 2-122 " Amey, of Samuel and Susannah, May 3, 1721. 2-122 " Benjamin. July 13, 1722. 1-102 John, of John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1706. 2-ioi; *' Sjlrnuel, Jan. 15, 1 707-8. 2-106 " Mary, Nov. 15, 1709. 2-106 (( Ebenezer. JiUy 1, 1711. 3-106 Benjamin, June 21, 3713. 2-106 " Ellza.beth, .Tune 19, 1715. 2-106 Bathsheba, Note— Also second 2-121. Oct. 26. 1717. 2-11 n " Judetli. of William and Joan, July 7. 1710. 2-110 Svis.innah, Feb. 8, 1711. WESTERLY ^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. yi 2-119 CLARKE Lucy, of WlUiam and Jean, 2-119 " WUliara, 2-11-1 " ■--.ir.ih. of Tliomas and EUzahctli, 2-114 " Thomas, 2-ni4 •• Josliua, 2-114 " James, 2-111 " Elisba,, of JosejJh (dec.)- and Ann«i, 3-10 " Mary, of Thomas, Jr., and. Deborah, 3-1 " Joseph, 2-T9 " Mary, of Thoma.s, oi., and Thankful, 2-79 " Tliomas, 2-119 " EUsha, of Joseph, 3-71 '■ Robert, of Daniel and M.iry, 3-71 •• Jl.iry, 3-71 " Anne, 3-71 " Daniel, 3-71 « Edward, 3-71 " Lydia, 3-71 " Roger, 3-2-t " Mary, of EUsha and Mary, 3-24 " Anna, 3--J4 " Elisha, 3-i4 " Thomas, 3-24 « Martha, 3-24 " Joshua, 3-24 " Luke, 3-91 " Jesse, of Ephraim and Hannah, 3-91 " David, 3-91 " Susannah, 3-91 " Ictiabud, 3-91 " Amey, 3-91 " Tacy, 3-91 " .lani', 3-91 " Lury, 3-9L " ilannah. 3-9 L " Jud.tli, 3-91 " Marcy. 314 " Mitchell, 3-14 " Nathan, 3-14 " PhUena, 4-134 " Nicholas, of WUHam, dec, and Jemima, 4-134 " Barbara (Wells, of Peter and Elizabeth), ton, Jan. 17, 1700. 4-134 " Wimam, of Nicholas and Barbara, 4-134 " Peter WeUs, 4-134 " Freeman, 4-134 " Barbara, 4-134 " Arnold WeUs, 4-134 " Betsey, 4-131 " Henry, 4-134 " Joshua, 3-90 " Eleanor, of Ichabod and Marcy, 3 90 " Isabel, 3-90 " Ichabod, 3-90 " Sarah, of Joseph. Jr-. and Deborah, 3-90 " Samuel, 3-90 " Nathan, 3-90 " Nancy, 3-90 " A.sa, 3-90 " Simeon, 3-50 " Thankful, of Joseph and Thankful, 3-.5(> " Lucy, 3-5G * Desire, 3-5G " Deborah, (Vit Rec-, Vol. 5.) 22 Feb. 21, 1 713-1. Dec. 25, 1715. May 11, 1712. March 4, 1715. April 26, 1717. March 3, 1720. Nov. 17, 1718. July 5, 1729. March 30, 1737. April 15, 1741. April 23. 1743. Feb. 25, 1742. Dec. 11, 1744. Sept. 4, 1748. Nov. 20, 1750. Dec 26, 1752. June 1(5, 1755. May 10, 1758. April 13. 1760. Jan. 12. 1 744-5. Oct. 7, 1747. Jan. 28. 1 750-1. Feb. 29. 1 751-2. Feb. 17, 1757. June 20, 1759. Oct. 10, 1761. April 18, 1745. April 26, 1747. Sept. 1, 1749. May 29, i7.-io: Oct. 10. 1753. June 3, 1756. Aug. 13, 1758. March 13, 1760. Sept. 2.=i, 1761. May 1, 1765 Aug. 19, 1767. April 9, 1746. Aug. 7, 1748. Oct. 4, 1750. March 21, 1752. his vrife, born HopWu- Dec. 1, 17.S0. Jan. 10, 1783. Dec. 17, 1784. Feb. 6, 1787. April 5, 17S9. Sept. 19, 1792. Jan. 28, 1795. April 23, 1797. Oct. 8, 1752. ^ug. 25, 1757. Feb. 2, 1763. June 24, 1753. Dec. 11, 1754. May 9, 1756. May 24, 1753. May 25, 1760.. Feb. 13, 176::. Dee. 1, 1758. June 9, 1761. July 27, 17G3. Jan. 26, 17G6. oe VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-56 CLARKE Lucretla, of Joseph and Thankful, 3-51! Chally, 3-17a Patience, of Daniel and Mary, 3173 " Jemima, 3173 Bridget, 3-173 " Content, 3-83 " John, of Jolin and Mary. 3-83 " &u-ah. 3-83 Martha, 3-83 " Stephen, 3-83 IV'leg, 3-83 " Mary, 3-117 " Staatoii, of Phiueas and Mary, 3-117 Elnalhan, 3-117 " Joshua. 4-1 " Sarah, of William .iiid Eunice, 4-1 " Jemima, 4-1 Watte, 4-1 " Eunice, 4-1 " Eathsheba, 3-113 " Jesse, of Jesse and Sb. 3-170 " Truman, 3-170 " Clarissa, 3-170 " H,)sea Barber, 3-143 " Siimnel Ward, ot Kthan and Anna 3-143 " Anna 4-99 " tieorge, of Greorge and Keturah, 4-99 " Augustus, 4-99 Jude, 4-99 " Keturah, 4-09 " Phebe, 4-99 " Joseph, 4-2 " William, of Nicholas and Barbara, 4-3 " Peter Wells, 4-2 " Freeman, 4-2 " Barbara, 4-2 " Arnold, 4-2 " Lydla, of John, Jr., and Jemima, 4-58 " Joshua, of Joshua and W eiUtha, 4-58 Elisha, 4-58 " BenjamiUj 4-58 Wealtha, 4-58 Polly, 4-58 " Simon, 4-58 " Henry, 4-58 " Ephralm, 4-58 " Ephralm, 4-58 " Nathan, •t-5& " Clarissa, 4-58 Phebe, 1-53 Lydia, June 14, Sept. 24, Nov. 16, Sept. 21, April 6, May 22, Feb. 20, Oct. 15, March 22, June 26, Sept. 11, Jan. 0, May 17, July 13, Oct. 25, Jaji. 14, Feb. 17, April 16, May 22, July 9. June 20, Feb. 26, April 27, Dec. 29, May 18, Oct. 30. May 2r., June 18, June 6. Aug. a. Aug. 3. Sept. 20, Dec. 1, June 15, Oct. 12, April 9, May 21. Nov. 16, Oct. 17. AprU 22, May 29. Oct. 9, Oct. 1, Sept. 16, July 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 1, Jan. 10, Dec. 17, Feb. 6, April 5, Dec. 4. Feb. 16, Aug. 3, Jan. 20, May 30, March 29, Sept. 17, April 26, May 27, died AprU 3, April 10, Aug. 29, July 20, May 0, 1768. 1770. 1762. 1764. 1766. 1771. 1763. 1765. 1768. 1771. 1774. 1776. 17&1. 1766. 1768. 1771. 1773. 1775. 1777. 1780. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1776. 1779. 1781. 1784. 1773. 1775. 1777. 1779. 1782. 1785. 1787. 1790. 1793. 1797. 1778. 1780. 1779. 1781. 1784. 1789. 1792. 1794. 1780. 1783. 1784. 1787. 1790. 1781. 1787. 1738. 1700. 1791. 1793. 1794. 1706. 1798. 1802. 1800. 1802. 1804. 1806. / WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 99 4-58 CLARKE Caty, of Josliuii and Wealtha, 4-33 " Sarah, of Ichabod, Jr., and Mary, 4-23 " P.iUy, 4-23 '■ William, 4-23 '■ Esllicr. 4-23 " K').v Greene, 4-23 " Robert Palmer, 4-23 " Cliurles Balicock, 4-153 " WUliam, of Walte and Abigail, 4-153 " Eiiliraim, 4-153 " Susan, 4-212 " Gamilla, of John and Mercy, 4-212 " Nancy, 5-16 " .Tolin T., 2-110 OOLDCiRoVE Anna, of Francis andHannaii, 2-110 " Sarab, 2-110 " Hannah. Note — Also recorded 2-115. 2-121 COLLINS Hezelclah, of Johr and Susannah, 2-121 " Sarah, 2-121 " Jededlah, 3-74 COON Anna, ut John and Patience, 2-58 COKEY .James. 2-58 " Sarah, of James and S.'»rah, 2-5S " Mary, 2-58 " Hnpe. 2-r)8 " James, Jr., 2-58 " John. 2-58 " Joseph. 2-58 " Samuel, 2-58 " Elisha, 2-58 " EUsba. 2-58 " Elizabeth. ■2-118 " Elislia. of Hosea and Sarah, 2-41 COTTRELL Elizabeth, of John and EUzabeth, 2-41 " Hannah, 2-41 " Uorc.as., 3-41 " Thomas, 2-41 " Heniamln, 2-41 '• John. 3-10 " Dorothy, of Nathaniel and Mary, 4-6 " John, of Major Jobn (dec.) and Lois, 3-147 " Thanltful, of Ellas and Fhalley, 3-147 " John. 3-147 " Ellas, 3-147 " RU'iSeU, 3-147 " Phalley, 3-±47 " Lois, 3-147 " Lebbeus, 3-147 " Joshua Gorton, 4-86 " Daniel, of Daniel and Mereba, 4-86 " Amelia, 4-86 " Polly, 4-80 " Peleg Saunders, 4-86 " John Boardman, 4-ti6 " LoLsi Ann, 4-45 " Mary, of Lebbens and Mary, 4-249 " Silas H., of John and Lydla, 4-254 " Russell, 2d, of Russell and Betsey, bom 1813. 2 82 CRANUALL Joseph, Of Joseph and Ann, 2-82 " James, 2-82 " William, 2-82 " Simeon, 2-82 " JosJiua, AprU 16, 1809. Sept. 7, 1788. AprU, 4, 1790. Jiuie 27, 1792. Sept. 12, 1794. June 27, 1796. Nov. 3, 1799. Oct. 21, 1803. July 30, 1801. Aug. 11, 18U3:. July 2, 1805, April 27, 1807. Feb. 20, 1S09. died AprU 12, 1845. Jan. 23, 1721 2. June 20. 1724. June 20, 1724. Aug. IS, 1707. Jnne 18, 1709. Nov. 5, 1711. March 10. 1736. Mai-ch 1, 1687. Jan. 11, 1707. Sept. 3, 1709. Sept. 15, 1713. June 24. 1715. March 16, 1717. May 16, 1719. Oct. 15, 1721. March 7, 1724. died Dec. 7. 17,!0. Marcl\ 3, 1T26. Feb. 3, 1737-8. AprU 6, 1733. May 4. 1735. Jlay 4, 1737. Sept. 4, 1739. Sept. 14, 1743. March 12, 1745. Jan. 22, 1746-7. Sept. 2-2, 1760. Sept. 23, 1779. May 19, 1781. Dec. 2, 1783. March 31, 1785. March 3, 1787 AprU 11, 1789. Jan. 29, 1792. Feb. 10, 1794. Feb. 13, 1792. Feb. 8, 1795. Sept. 21, 1797. Jan. 29, 1799. JiUy 3, 1802. Sept. 23, 1806. Sept. 8, 1793. -\ug. 25, 1809. at Hopkinton, Dec. 10, Jan. 21, 1716-7. May 12, 1719. Aug. 0, 1721. Jan. 15, 1724-5. Oct. 15, 1737. 94 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-82 CRANDALL EzeMel, of Joseph aB(l Ann, Nov. 21, 1730. 2-82 " Ann, July 2. 173-). 2-«2 " Benjamin, Nov. 29, 1731!. 3-153 " Nathaniel, of Eber and Mary, Feb. 28, ITliS. 2-115 " I'eter, of Peter and Mary, May 30, 1719. 2-115 " Amos, May 19. 1721. 2-115 ■' Samuel. July (i, 1724. 2-115 " Edward, Oct. 11, 172ii. 2-115 " Mary, April 23, 1729i 3-20 " Eliza.)jcth, of Eber and Mary, Jan. 8, 1734. 3-2S " Aniey, Jan. 14, 1736. 3-20 •• Desire, June 10, 1738. 3-2H " Eber, March 13, 1741. 3-2 li " Tbaniaul, Fel>. 29, 1742. 3-26 u iienjamln. April 7, 1748. 3-SS6 u Mary, June 20, 1750. 3-26 " Apharinah, May 4, 1732. 3-113 " MarUin, of John, and Hannah, born at Hopklntor , Dec. IS, 1736. 2-49 » Jonathan, of Joseph, Jr., and Elizabeth, Fell. 10, 1739-40. 2-49 " Phendas. Api-U 7, 1743. 2-40 u Anna, Aug. 23, 1743. 2-49 U Elijah, Jan. 17, 1747-8. 2-49 U Joseph, Feb. 17, 1750. 2-49 " Sylvester, Nov. 7. 1732. 2-49 " Elisha, AprU 15, 1750. 2-49 u Eunice, of James and Damarins, Jan. 24, 1743-4. 3-98 (( Esther, of John and Esther, Feb. — , 1742. 3-98 " Ann, Aug. — , 1740. 3-98 " Lewis, Aug. — , 1738. 3-98 " Mercy, Feb. -, 1734. 3-98 « Jolm, Jan. — , 17.32. 3-98 " Ilannali, June — , 1730. 3-31 Esther, cif Peter and Esther, Nov. 21, 1743. 3-31 (( Peter, Jan. 4, 1745-0. 3-31 (( Ellas. Oct 17, 1747. 3-31 " Azariah, Dec. 22, 1749. 3-31 u Aslier, Feb. 7, 1751-2. 3-7 (( Eunice, of James and Damarlus, Jan. 24, 1744-5.. 3-7 " Ezoldel, Oct. 11, 1746. 3-7 It Damarlus, Sept. 8, 1749. 3-7 " Enoch, Nov. 1, 175-J. 3-7 " Christopher, Sept. 1, 1753. 3-7 (1 Augustus, March 27, 1701. 3-7 u Cynthia, Feb. 4, 1703. 3-7 u Charlotte, May 10, 1704. 3-7 l( James, July 16, 1706. 3-108 (( Amey, of Simeon and M;iry, Oct. 24, 1745. 3 108 (1 Caleb. April 7, 1747. 3-1 (1 Amos, of Amos and Hannah, AprU 3, 1747. 3-1 (( Edward, Jan. 6, 1750. 3-15 " Thomas, of Ebenezer and Tbankful, May 8, 1747. 3-16 " Bethany, June 17, 1749. 3-15 •' Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1751. 3-15 " Jasper, Sept. -D, 1754. 3-7 tl Anstress, of WUliara and Deborah, Feh. 18, 1748-9. 3-7 •( William, Oct. 8, 1751. 3-7 i( Henry, Jan. 7, 1754. 3-7 " Euhnmah, May 20, 1750. 3-7 " Ehoda, JtUy 27, 1758. 3-7 " Arnold, Oct. 24, 1760. 3-7 U Rebecca, May 1, 1763. 3-7 " Barney, Oct. 11. 170-.. 3-7 " Stennn, Nov. 1, 1707. 3-7 " Joel, Jan. 19, 1771. 3-7 u Beriah. ol Joshun and Eunice, July 5, 1732. WESTERLY BIETHS AND DEATHS. 95 -3-7 CRANDALL Saxah, of Joslnia nnd Eunice, 3-7 " Lacy, 3-7 " Luke, y-7 " iiiarertge, 3-7 " Joshua, Note— Three younge st born South Klngstowi 3-2SJ " Mary, of Edward and S:ira.h, 3-29 " Eeniprabcr, 3-29 " Alice, 3-20 " Gldonn. 3-108 " Lydla. of James, Jr., and Sarah, 3-108 " aarko. 3-103 ■' Benedick. 3108 " Anne, S-IOS " James, 3-108 " Ruth, 3-108 " Peter, 3-108 " Paul, 3-108 " Gardner, 3-108 " Miiry, 3-46 " :Moses, of Abljah and Sarah, 3-46 " .Slbbel, 3-46 " Amarlah, 3-80 " Anne, of Eenjnmln and Alice, 3-80 " Luke, 3-60 " Amelia, 3-80 " lUiwland, 3-80 " lienjamln, 3-80 " Sarah, 3-80 " Rowland, 2d, Not©— Eldest bom CharlestoTni. 3-70 " Trephenla, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 3-70 " Lyman, 3-70 " Kitzabeth, 3-70 " Hulrtah, 3-70 " Sa,herry, Note— Eldest born South Kingstown, thli-d Chailcstown. 3^ " I'l'lcr, of Joshua and Abigail, 3-8 " Joseph, 3-8 " Ki-My, 3-8 " Clement, 3-8 " WUUam, 3-8 " Martin Luther, 4-259 " James, Sept. 20, 1763. 4^259 " Lydla, of James ajid Hannah, 4-'.ir>y " J anus, 4-259 " ranny, 4-259 " Tlieodoty, 4-259 . " William, 4-259 " Natliitnlel C, 4-2.''.9 " Paul. 3-102 " Eunice, of Ezeklel and Mary, 3-111 " Sil.i.s. of Thomas and Euth, 3-111 " Grace, 3-111 ■' RogiTS, 3-111 " E-.ther, 3-111 " Ruth, 3-111 '■ Lydia, 3-111 " Ez.'kiel, 3-111 " Desire, April 21, 1754. May 2, 1756. May 29, 1753. Maich 5. 1700. April 16, 1762. Aug. 28, 1753. Oct. n. 17r.5. Jan. 12. 1758. June 10, 1760. Nov. 25, 1754. Sept. K!, 1756. Sepl. 1, 1758. May 4. 1761. Sept. 20. 1763. Jan. 13. 17C6. Jan. 26, 1768. Jan. 26, 1768. March 5, 1770. Dec. 6, 1773. Oct. 12, 1755. Jnne 9, 1759. AprU 3, 1763. June 25, 1760. Aug. 15. 1761. Feb. 4, 1703. April 21, 1764. Dec. 5, 1765. Jan. 2, 1767. June 25, 1769. April 29, 1761. Oct. 15, 17112. May 7, 17i'.4. Feb. 13, 1766. April 15, 1768. )Wn. Aug. 1, 1763.4 Nov. 18, 1705. March 1, 17(;8. May 7, 1770. March 4, 1773. March 28, 1776. July 10, 1783. July 12, 1789. May 4, 1791. March 29, 1795. Jan. 25. 1797. M.irch 31, 1798. Nov. 2. 1802. Jan. 16. 1707. March 3, 1768. Dec. 7, 1769. March 24. 1772. Aug. 17, 1775. Feb. 28, 1778. Srpt- 1. I'^Sl. Si'pt. 7, 1783. Nov. 9, 1786. 3-115 3-111 Note*— First bom Westerly, next four Hopldnton; the young- est at New London. Samuel Clarke, nat. son of Samuel Crandall, Jr., and Isabel Lost, June 8, 1768. Elizabeth, of James and EMzabeth, Aug. 8, 1769. 96 \aTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-111 CBANDALL Mary, of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 3. 1771.- 3-ni " OUver, Note— Eldest born CUarlesto-wii. Sept. 30, 1773. 3-134 " Tacy, of Ellas and Sarah, Nov. 30. 17li9. 3-134 " Esther, Nov. 22, 1772 3-134 " Elias, * Sept. 11, 1773. 3-134 " Mary, March 4, 1777. 3-134 tt George, Dec. 12, 1778. 3-134 u Sarah, Sept. 18. 1781. 3-111 u Eunice, of Elijah and Eunice, July 14, 1770, 3-111 " EusscU, July 14, 1772. 3-111 u Mary, Oct. 29, 1774. 3-130 " Prudence, of Benjamin and Alice, July 10. 1771. 3-133 u Damarlas, of James and Elizabeth, July 26? 1776. 3-133 ^ Nancy, Sept. 4. 177S. :!-i;!3 u Fanny, Note— Eldest born CharlestoiTD. Sept. 4, 1773. s-](;o " Pardfju. of Christopher and Tacy, Jan. 8, 1778. 3-1130 u Prndi.nce, Oct, 29. 1779. 3-133 u Charlotte, of Lewis ajid Betblah, March Ij, 1778. 3-i:;;3 u Jtisliua, Aug. 8, 1781. 2-133 a IjOrto>vlck, Oct. 23, 1790. 3-133 u Lewis, Oct. 24. 1709. 3-133 tt Ehoda. Sept. 1. 1771. 3-133 u John EraiHey, Jan. 23, 1773. 3-133 tt Russell Smith, Feb. 15, 1775. 3-133 u Dudley, April 11, 1776. 4-95 u Anna, of Jolin, and Anna, April 20. 1779, 405 u John, May 3. 1780. 4-95 " Dorcas, Aug. 23, 1782. 4-95 tt Gardiner, March, fi 17,90. 4-95 u Jeremiah, June 2, 1788. 4-95 tt Hannah, Sept. 23, 1790. 4 93 u Joshua, Nov. 31, 1793. 4-95 u Charles,' Feb. 3, 1797, 4-95 tt Daniel, July 16, 1790, 4-95 tt John, son of above, named Dorcas, Jtrne 15. 1809. 4-22 u Enock, of Enock and Mary, July 7, 1778. 4-22 tt Hannah, June 16, 1780, 4-22 u Bathsheba, May 8, 1732. 3-140 u Elizabeth, of Joseph and Mary, born at Hopktnt Dn, Oct. 15. 1778. 3-159 u Clarke, of Clarke, and Hannah, •Tan. 15. 1779. 3 15 1 u .Tamos. Sept. 3, 17?0. 3-159 >c Ephralni, Sept. 1, 17.92, 3-159 " Joseph. March 23, 1785. a-159 " Beniririiiu. Oct. 17, 1787. 3-150 " Hannah, June 27 1700. 3-159 u Pet<>r. June 1 1792. 3-159 tt Hoxslo, Jan. 23, 1706. 5-150 " Lydin. of Henry and Ellrabcth. March 8, 1779. 3-55 tt Nathan, of Joshna and Abigail, July 20, 1779. 3-162 tt James Kenyon, or Elijah and Mercy, April 30, 17.30. S-l(i2 " Catherine, Nnt(^lst born Charlestown ; 2d Westerly. May 6 1784. 3-172 It HMunah. of Benedick and Lucy, Sept 22, 1781. 3172 11 .John Dodge, .Sept. 13, 1783. 3-172 u Amey, Sept. 10 1795. 3-172 " Ta«y, Sept. 8, 17S7. 3-150 (( WUllam, of Henry and Mary, Dec. 28, 1783. 3-150 u Betsey Dec. 24. 1785. 3-150 tt Hannah, Nov. 26, 1787. 3-150 (t Henry, Feb. 1«, 1790. 3-150 (t Timothy, Note— Youngest born Petersbuiy, N. Y. Sept. 7, 1795. 3-124 " Alexander, of Jonalchan and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1783. WESTERLY ^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 97 3-a24 CEANDALL Baitnn, of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 3-124 " Jonat])an, 3-124 " Wells. 3-124 " Daniol ltos3, 3-124 Fallej, 4-8 Elizabeth, of Ellas and Sarah, 4-8 Khoda, 4-14 Eunice, of Eldredfte and Mary, 4-14 WUUam, Note— Both bom In Charlestown. 4-9 " Daniel, of P«ter and Nanry, 4-0 " Luke. 4-0 " Greene, 4-10 " Susannah, of Arnold and Dinah, 4-19 " Deborah, 4-10 Williain Gorton, 4-10 " Erastus, 4-23 " Rhoda, of Barney and Hannah, 4-25 WUUam, 4-25 Ellery, 4-25 " Amos Collins, 4-25 " Henry, Note— Second born Elohmond. 4-34 " Molly, of Benedick and Lucy, 4-34 " Judeth, 4-34 " Gardner, 4-20 " Maxson, of Joseph and Molly, 4-2(i " Betsey, 4-28 •' Paul, of Paul .and Prudence, 4-2S AMg.ail, 4-2.S " Ahicall, , 41 4-28 " Thomas Baster, 4-28 " Acors Rathbone, 4-28 " Gardner, 4-2S " Gardner, di 4-28 " John, 4-28 William Clarke, 4-44 " Josepli Da\l5, of Clement and Susannah, born Oct. 13, 1791. 4-71 " Silas, of Stcnnett and Caty, 4-11 S " Sophronia, of Joseph and Nancy, 4-llS " Hannah. 4-172 " William Hazard, of Joel and Ruth, 4-172 " Harry, 4-172 " John. 4-172 '• Joseph, 4-172 " Hannah, 4-172 " Amos, 1 S-133 " Dudley, of Rhoda (dau. of Lewis and Bcthiah), 4-123 " Jnros, of Rogers and Lucy, 4-125 " Susannah, 5-38 " Charles, of WUliam and Calharine, 5-38 '■ Hannah G., 5-38 " Mary Ann, 5-38 " Warren G., 5-38 " John N., 6-38 " Clarissa Catherine, 5-8 " Anna, of Charles and Lydia, 5-8 Sally .Maria, 381 IIARY Lucy, of Oliver and Hopestill, 3-.-1 " Oliver, 2 7(1 CKOgs Saniiwl, May 7, 1724. 2 70 " Josei)h, Dec. 2, 1727. 2-70 John, July 31, 1729. 2-70 " William, June 3, 1730. Jan. 30 1781 April 3 1770. Feb 16 1772 AprU 12 1774. May 2 1776. Aug 7. 1784. March 15 1786. July 8 , 1785. .March 1787. Dec. 23 1786. Dec. 21 1788. March 23 1791. July 21, 1788. Oct . 1 1790. Gel . 1 1790. Oct. 14, 1793. Jan. 25, 1788. Sept. 25 1700. April 7 1791. Nov 9 1793. Dec . 5 1704. May 9, 1789. July 22, 1791. Deo . 7, 1793. Sept. 17. 1780. July 3. 1791. Dec. 20, 1700. April 13, 1791. Ued D.-c. 25. 1703. Aug . 7. 1795. Dec. 15. 1 797. Dec . 3. 1709. died Dec. 11, 1700. March 10, 1801. July 14, 1803. •u at Charles town. March 10. 1703. Jan 0, 1707. Jan. 10, 1790. Feb. 21, 1798. Aug. 30. 1800. Aug. O 1,S03. March 15, 1 806. May 10, 1809. Feb. 2(1, 1812. July 29. 1798. Jan. 17, 1799. Sept 5. 1801. May 13, 1810. July <>, 1818. April 11. 1821. Dec. 2, 182X Oct. 3, 1820. Sept. 11. 1828. Feb. 4, ISiS. Feb. 10, 1,^20. M.arch 1, 1703. July 29. 1771. 98 VITAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-70 CEOSS Mary, March 24, 1732. 2 70 " Siisuimali, Dec. 6, 1734. 2-71) Edwaid, May 23, X735. 4-1 an " Dorcas, of John and JIai-y, June 26, 1791. 4-1 III " Elizabeth, Dec 3, 1795. 4-1 10 " George Delwln, Jan. 24, 1799. 4-119 " Susannah, April 26 1801. 4-119 " Mary, AprU 26, 1803. 4-119 " SiiBih jVlesander, Aug. 2, 1805. 4-119 " James Madison, March 5, 1809. 5-2li " John Hobert, of George D. and Abby Aug. 31, 1821. 5-2B " George Dillwyn, Jan. 17, 1823. 5-26 " Abby Janej Nov. S, 1824. 5-26 " James, Oct. 22, 1826. 5-26 " Sally Babcoeic, Sept. 5, 1828. 5-26 " Sally Bahcock, died, Jan. 29, 1831, 5-28 " Benjamin FranJdln, March 3, 1831. 5-26 WlUiam Henry, April 21, 1833. 5-26 " Samuel Hazard, May 23. 1835. 5-26 " Harriet Babcocl:, Jan. 8, 1833. 5-26 Anna Hob^'rt, Nov. 11, 1S40. 5-26 " CaUin Richard, May 31, 1S«. 5-26 " Clara Hobert, Dec. 13, 1845. 2-70 CUUMB KUzabeth, of Joseph and Amey, Dec. 27, 1734-5. 2-70 " Joseph, Sept. 22, 1737. 2-120 " Samuel, of William and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1740. 2-70 Daniel, Aug. 19, 1737 :r!-44 " Elizabeth, of Joseph and .\mey, Dec. 27, 1734. 3-44 " J oscph. Si'pt. 20, 1738. a-44 " Samuel, Aug. 22, 1740/ 3-44 Walt, JiUy 1), 1742. 344 Amey, July 6, 1745. 3-44 William, Aug. 31, 1747. 3-44 D:n'ld, July 18, 1749. 3-44 " Sylvester, Feb. 23, 1751. 3-U9 '• Amey, ol Joseph, Jr., and Hannah, March 30, 1765. 3-99 " Joseph. Feb. 10, 1708. 3-99 " Samuel, March 14, 17i;9. 3-124 " Denlson, of David and Hannah, March 31, 1772. 3-124 " Rebecca, Aug. 27, 1777. 3-147 " Da^1d, Oct. 19, 1773. 3-147 " Hannah, Nov. 21, 1775. 4-26 " Sylvester, of Sylvester and Grace, Oct. 18, 1779. 4-26 William, April 21, 1782. 4-26 Elizabeth. July 23, 1784. 4-26 Joel, Oct. 7, 1786. 4-26 " Culver, Dec. 8. 1788. 4-26 " Haanai, April 14, 1791. 4-26 Sands Nlles, July 18, 1793. 4-26 " John, May 1. 1795. 4-26 " Waite, Oct. 29, 1797. 4-59 " Nancy, of Simeon and Harriet, Sept. 15, 1783. 4-59 " Fanny, Dec. 25, 1784. 4-59 Else, Aug. 24, 1786. 4-59 " Simeon, March 22, 17HS. 4-59 " HLoda, Api-U 11, 1790. 4-59 " Prudence, Feb. 25, 1792. 4-59 Betsey, April 13. 1795. 4-59 Phenlas, Feb. 15, 17U7. 4-59 Cliarles, Nov. 12, 1798. 459 " Rowland, Oct. 1, ISOO. 4-59 " George Wnslilngton, June 11. 1803. WKSTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 99 D -2-98 DAKE Mnry, of Georfre and Su :innali, Jan. 17, 1721. 2-1(8 " John, Feb. 22, 1724. 2-98 " Eliz:\]te\h, April 15. 1727. 2-85 DARBY William, of WUliam and Lydin (also 2-114), March 1, 1' 730-7. 2-113 DAVIS .Tobn, of John and EllzabeUi, May 5. 1(;96. 2-100 ElizalH'th, April 17. 1717. 2-100 William, May 15. 1719. 2-100 Martha, Aug. 14, 1721. 2-100 " John. Sept. 18, 1723. 2-100 " J.pspph, Sept. 24. 1726. 2-100 Annri, Jan. 23. 1728-9. 2-100 " Jiidelh, April 7. 1731. 2-79 " JIartlia, of William and Exporience, May 13. 1721. 2-79 " WlUiam, Jan. 25, 1 722-3. 2-79 " Joseph, May 28, 1726. 2-79 Mary, April 29. 1732. 2-79 " Nal;han, A|ii-il 24, 1736. 2-79 " Thanldul, March G, 1 738-0. 2-79 " Dosirp, May 30, 1741. 2-79 " WlUiam, died Sept. 30, 1740. 3-118 " Sarah, of William (of Peter) and Sarah, Feb. 0, 1743. 3-118 " Mary, April 14, 1745. 3-118 " William, Feb. 20, 1747. 3-118 " refer. Nov. 9. 1749. 3-118 " James, May 19, 1752. 3118 <' Martha, March 20, 1754. 3-118 Nicholas, Jan. 30, 1756. 3-118 Aaron, March 6, 1759. 3-118 " Hannah, July 31. 1762. 3-18 " Martha, of Joseph .and Comfort, May 25, 1746. 3-19 " Samuel, Feb. 28, 1 747-8. 3-29 " Anna, of Joseph and , Aug. 7, 1750. 3-29 Henry, of Joseph and Mary, 2d wUe, Oct. 15, 1754. 3122 Henry, of Joseph (of WUHaral and Mary, 2d wife, Oct. 15„ 1754. 3-122 " Liicretla, Sept. 20, 1756. 3-122 Mary. Aug. 21, 1758. 3-122 J cseph, Aug. 27, 1760. 3-122 " I^ucy, Nov. 7, 1763. 3122 " Epbralm, Sept. 12, 1765. 3-122 " Lydla, June 7, 1767. 3122 " Amey, March 6, 1769. 3-122 " Clarke, Feb. 23, 1771. 3 79 " Nlles. of Nathan and Tabltha, Nov. 12, 17.57. 3-79 Willi ajn, De. . 13. , 1759. 3-117 Cieorge, of WUIiara (of John) and Anna, Jan. 20, 1769. 3-117 ■I Joshua, March 6, , 1770. 3-117 WUliam, Oct. 21, 1771. 4 ;io " Elizahelh, of James and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1775. •1-50 Anne, Nov. 8, 1775. 4- 5(1 Content, July 18, , 1777. 4-50 " William, Aug. 2, 1790. 4-50 U John Chapman, May 2. 1793. 4-50 11 Hnnn.ah, Jidy 20, , 1795. 4-50 li AbigaU, Fel>. 25, 1802. 31G8 " Mary, of Martha (also 4-90), Nov. 19, 1779. 4-90 Martha, March 4, 1787. 4-84 " Polly GrliBth, aila.s, of Mary. JIarch 7, 1798. 3-3R " , of John and Hannah, June 18, , 1747. KM) VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-36 DA\aS Chrlstoplier, of Jolin and Hanuali, 3-36 " John, 3-36 " Joseph, 3-36 " Benjamin, 2-119 DENTSON Sarah, of Daniel and Mary, •2 111) " Samui'l, 5-34 DERBY Horace liabcock, of Levi Lothrop and Esther, 5-34 " Harriet Elizabeth, 5-34 " William Blanchard, 4-114 " Jesse, ol Tristam and Martha, 4-114 " Amos, 4-114 " Hfzi-ldah, 4-114 " Martha, 4-114 " Nabby, 4-114 " Trlstajn, 4-111 " SylvestiT, 4-114 " Susannah, 4-114 " Margaret, 4-114 " Henry, Note— Two youngest Ivorn Stonington. 2-107 UUlXiK. John, of Jolin and EllzaixMh, 2-107 " .Mary, 2-107 " Elizalx'th, 2-1U7 " Aniey, 2-107 " Joseph, 2-H)7 " Walter, 2-1 07 " Catherine, 2-IU7 " Oliver, 3-110 " Lydla, of Oliver and Mary, 3-li5 " Susanna, of Joseph, Jr., and Lucre tin, 3-175 " Jolm, Not'— Urst bom Westerly, 2d, Stonington. 1-173 DOYLE William, of William and iUizabeth, 2-123 " Josi'ph, of William and Eleanor, 3-74 " Wllliara, of Philip and Sarah, 3-74 '• l-hllip, 3-74 " i^udence, 3-74 " Barbara, 3-74 " Ezeklel, 3-157 " WUllani, of William and iUizalieth, 3-157 " Philip, 3-157 " Hajuiah, 3-157 " James. 3-157 " Lydia, 3-'J3 " Ezeklel, of EzeMel (supposed dead) and Desire, 3-31 DL'NBAR John, of John and Anstrus, 3 31 " Thomas, 331 " Abigail, Note — ^Eldest born Lyme, Conn. 4-15 " Anstress, of Thomas and Eunice. 4-15 ■■ Thomas, 4-15 " Sally Preebody, 4-15 " Nathan Barber, 4-15 " John, 4-15 " WUliam Champlaln, 4-15 " Eunice, 4-15 " Oliver Champlaln, Aug. 21, 1749^ Aug. 16, 1752. Nov. 27, 1753. Nov. 27, 1753, Jail. 18, 17 00-10. Oct. 23, 1711. Sept. 19. 1840. June 8, 1S42. May 11, 1844. Aug. 3, 1783. July 14, 1785. July 9, 1787. March 19, 1789. Jan. 3, 1791. Nov. 14. 1793. Jan. 7. 1795. Sept. 7, 1796. May 30, ISOl. March 30, 1804. Aug. 24. 1711. March 12, 1713. Dee. 18, 1714. Feb. 20. 1717. June 29. 1719. Aug. 23, 1731, Aug. IB, 1723. April 20, 1720. Jan. 22, 1768. Feb. 14, 1779. Dec. 16, 1780. Aug. 2, 1098. Sept. 19, 171S. July 2, 1755. June 14, 1757. Aug. 1, 1759. March 25, 1762. May 2, 1705. June 9, 1779. March 3 3. 1731. Aug. 21, 1783. Sept. 5, 1785. Dec. 27, 1787. both Stonington, May 17, 1785. Aug. 18, 1759. May 20, 1764. Jan. 28, 1706. Oct. 6, 1786. Nov. 8, 1788. Nov. 9, 1790. Nov. 20, 170G. May 30, 1794. Sept. 20, 1798. Oct. 3, ISOO. Dec. 27, 1807. 2-116 EDWAItDS Sarah, of Thomas and Josei)ha, 2 116 " Daniel, 2-74 « I'hebe, of Christopher and Phebe, Jan. 24, 1720-1. March 15, 1722-3. July 18, 1737. WESTERLY ^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lot 2-74 EDWAJ5DS Peh'g, of Cliristoplier and Phebo, Sept. 3, 1741. ■2--i " I'aini', Feb. 3, 1743-4. •2-7-1 " I'alii'nci', May 1(>, 174(5. e-74 a Phineas. Oct. 17. 1740. i:-74 " l»i-udfnce, April 4, 1752. 'J-74 " PeiTy, Dec. 3, 3753. 3-38 " Leah, of Thomas and Gai-tJirot, Feb. 26, 1743,. 3-38 " Garthrot, June IS, 1745. 3-38 (( Thomas, Oct. 12, 1747. 3-38 " Paul, March 4, 1749. 3-38 " Silas. July 6, 173-J. 3-147 " :\lar,v. of Thomas and Mary, i^ept. 1, 1775. 6-147 " Thomas, Dec. 20, 1777. 3-147 u Sarah, June 15, 1780. 3-147 " Anna, AprU 1, 1783. 3-147 " Silas, Feb. 10, 17.^0. 3-147 • ( Groenmanj Nov. 15. 1789. 3-147 " Daniel, Aug. 2', . 1702. 3-155 " Paul, of Paul .ind Rachel, Jan. 0. 1781. 3-155 " Thomas, March 2.-), 1732. 3-155 " Jonathan. March 23. 1782. Note— Eldest bom Westerly, others Wes terly. 4-133 Patty, of Clarke and Catherine, Feb. 11. :73]. 4-133 « Polly, June 3. 1733. 4-133 u Clarke, March 20, 17S3. 4-133 " Daniel, March 4, 1787. 4-133 " Daniel, died April — , 1791. 4-133 " JIaxson, Sept. 7. : 7.S9. 4-133 " Thom.is, Aug. 22, 1791. 4-133 " Benjamin, Sept 18, 1703. 4-133 " John. May 25, 1701!. 4-133 " Hannah, July 25, 1798. 4-133 u Caty, Sept. 20, 1801. 4-3fl It Hannah, of Paul and Kachel, Nov. 6. 1783. 4-30 u Sarah, Aug. 211. 173h, 2d, Jan. 10. 174^-3. 4-191 ELLIS Mary Ann, of Samuel and Mary, June 20, 1803. 2-92 ENOS Josei)h, of Joseph and Margaret, June 10. 1718. 2-02 K Mercy, Nov. 1. 1720. 2-02 tt Benjamin, Oct. 25. 1725. 2-92 t( Margaret, May 27, 1729. 2-92 « Benjamin, Feb. 2f,. 1733. 2-92 " Hannah, AprU 7, 173(i. 2-82 FOSTER Card of John and Miixjory, 2-82 " Mary, 2-82 (( John, 2-82 " Hannah, 2 -.-.2 " Chiistoph.-r, 3-:;(; " Gideon, 3-3(i " John, 4-120 " Sally, of Thomas and Na'jtiy 4-1 1:0 " Thomas, AprU 17, 1725. April 20, 17-26. Sept. 10, 1727. May 19, 1729. July 6, 1731. Sept. 11, 1734. Feb. 25, 1740. Jan. 30, 1794. Oct. 17, 1797. 102 VITAL EBCOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-92 FOWLEK Da,maxias, Of Jolin and Hnnn.ili, 4ra2 " Sally, 4-92 " Harriet, 4-93 " i'anny, 4-92 " .Mary Ann, 4-92 " Oliver Hull, ■4r92 " Powell Helme, 4-92 " Emellne, Note— Eldest born Stonlngton. 3-109 FEAZIER Nathaniel, of Gideon and Mercy, 3-109 " Gideon, 3-109 " Anne, 3-159 " Elizabeth, 3-159 " Gideon, 3-159 " Thomas, 4-12 " Mercy, of Georse and Elizabeth. 4-12 " Mercy, 4^12 " JUdeth, 4-12 " Wllllani Greene, 4-12 " .Toseph, 4-12 " John Greene, 4-12 " Thomas, 4-145 " Nathaniel Warren Gibbs, of Nathaniel 4-145 " Fanny Hoxsie, 4-145 " William Robinson, 4-145 " Gideon WeUs, 4-145 " Charles Greene, 2-98 FRENCH John, of WUllam and Prudence, 2-98 " I»rudence, 4-228 FRINK Marshall, of MaJShaJl and Betsey, 4-228 " Mary, 4-228 " Peleg, 4-229 FULLER Sarah W., of Llndall A. and Sarah, June 8, 1793. Dec. 27, 1794. Jan. 10, 1797. Aug. 28, 1798. Aug. 1, 1801. AprU 6, 1803. June 25, 1S05. Nov. 1, 3 808. Jan. 24, 1768. Oct. 25, 1773. Dec. 23, 1775. Sept. 7, 1778. Oct. 20, 1782. AprU 30, 1784. DfC. 8. 1785. died Dec. 13, 1785. June 6, 1767. Dec. 9, 1788. July 26, 1790. April 14, 1792. March 8, 1794. and Eutli. July 17, 1800. July 19, 1801. Nov. 7, 1803. March 8, 1806. Feb. 25, 1809. Nov. 15, 1739. June 7, 1743. July 15, 1808. June 29, 1608. July 4, 1810. July 8, 1807. Q 3-67 GARDINER Benalah, of Thomas and .Martlia, March 8, 1754. 3-67 Abigail, Apiil 29. 1756. 3-67 " Tliomas, Note— Eldest born South Kingstown. Aug. 27, 1758. 2-84 GAVI'rr Elijah, of Ezeldel, May 23, 1734. 2-84 " John, July 13, 1736. 2-84 " William, Nov. 11, 1737. 2-84 " Amey, Dec. 1, 1739. 2-84 " Ezeklel, June 15, 1741. 2-84 " Hannah, March 8, 1742-3. 2-84 " Lucy, Dec. 5, 1744. 2-84 Elijah, Jan. 6, 1746-7. 2-84 " Icliabod, Oct. 30, 1750. 3-57 " nuver, of Samuel iind Miry, Feb. 11, 1733. 3-57 " .Susannah, June 14, 1741. 3-57 " Samuel, Spt. 8, 1743. 3-57 Krtward, May 6, 1747. 3-57 " Hannah, Aug. 17, 1751. a-57 " Kunlce, Aug. 3, 1753. 3-57 Vashtl, Sept. 4, 1755. 3-73 " .lohn, of Joseph and Thankful, JiUy 13, 1744. 3-73 " Marjory, Sept. 4, 1746. 3-73 '* Joseph, May 13, 1749. 3-73 Fhilley, May 13, 1752. 3-73 " San turd. June 28, 1760. 3-73 Samuel, March 29, 1763. 3-73 Jl.ary, Jan. 1, 1768. 3-61 " Maiy, of Stephen and Mary, Aug. 14, 1744. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 103 4-11 4-11 4-1 L 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 3-143 3-a4 3-B4 3-84 :mic) 3-110 3-lli'J 3-l-i9 3-lUU 3-1-29 3-118 3-118 3-118 3-118 3-118 3-138 3-138 4-i8n 4-180 4-186 4-180 4-180 4-180 4-180 :'-l7i 3-171 4-43 4-24 4-ti5 4-Orj 4-(-5 4-Hd 4-65 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-'J3 1 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-101 4-104 4-204 4-2i04 4-204 nnil Mary, and Ruth, Oliver ami 5Ia.r]ory, ot Stoplirii and Mercy, of John and Desire, UAVITT George, of Stephen, Nov. 21, 1745. George ol George and Abigail, 1 nomas, " Kpliraim, " Abigail, " Asii, " Arnold Saunders, " Mary, TbanMiu, o' Stephen and iMary, Anna., ol William and Anna, " John, William, " Amey, of E/.ekiel " George, " Oliver, ol Samuel " Daniel Pe.irce, " .M.ary, •• Esther, " Joseph, " Renjamin, " Ezeklel, " Thankful, " Mary. " ElizalH'th. " ^lartha. " Ki'tnrah " .Joseph , " Samuel. " Thankful. " Benjah, Polly. '■ Daniel Lee. Xote— Three yonngesi born rharlestnwn. Sarah, of Joseph and Sarah. 2d wlfi', " ThankfiU, " Lois, ol Sylvesler and Sarah, Mary, of Eunice, June 37, 1787. Samii.'l, of Sanford and Hannah, " Sexton Derry, " John, " Joseph, " Susannah, " Hannah, " Sanford, " Saunders, Stephen, of Stephen, Jr., .and Mary, " Keturah, of Sylvester and Keturali, " Sarah, " Bhoda. " Sylvester, " Charles Pendleton, " William Pendleton, " Isaac Pendleton. " Lucy, ol George and Liny. " Beley, " Isaac Bllven, " Abhy, " John Bliven, " George Washington, " Frank, '• Arnold. " Mary HLx, " Daniel, of Ephraim and Sally, Sally. Edwin. April 10. Feb. 20, Oct. 22, July 10, March 29, Nov. 10. March 1(>. Oct. 15. Dec. 29, Feb. 19, April 2, July 37, Oct. 28, Dec. 33, Oct. 20. Aug. 2, Feb. 20, Jan. 20, JtUy 10. June 20, Feb. 25. Oct. 18, Aug. 27. Feb. 13. Dec. 8. Jan. 10, March 19. .Ian. 21. June 30. May 7, Aug. 4. 1773. 1775. 1777. 17S0. 1732. 1784. 1787. 1754. 1701. 17i;4. 1700. 171-4. 1700. 1700. 1708. 1770. 1772. 1771. 1772. 1775. 1781. 1787. 1775. 1778. 1778. 1 781 . 1784. 1787. 17VI1. 1795. 1799. NOV. 20. 1781. July 3, 1785. Nov. 8, 1783. Oct. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1. March 4, Jtine 9, Jan. 5. Aug. n. Jan. 20, Feb. 5. Sept. 15. Sept. 3, March 28, AprU 3, Dec. 17, Feb. 19, May 9. July 7, Dec, 7, April 24, Feb, 11, Feb. 9. Feb. 9, March 12. May 17. July 18. March 3, Dec, 24. July 23, 1787. 1789.. 1791, 1794. 1797. 1800. 1802. 1804. 1790. L791. 1793. 1795, 1797. ■798 1801 1805. 1796. 1798 1801. 1803. 18(Ki. 1800. l.'iO,^, 1810. 1812. 1804. : 805. 1808. lOi VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. of Nathan aiirt Eunice, 4-204, GAVITT Mary Ann, of Ephrnim and SaUy, 4-204 " Al)by, 4-204 " Martlia Rhodes. Note.— Second born Norwich. Conn. 4-211 " Lydia. of Ezeklel and Hannah. 4-211 " JoseDh, 4-221 " Albert, of Samuel and Kebecca. 4-244 " John Emoi-y, of Joseph and Thankful, 4-244 " Francis. 4-244 '■ WUliam Sidney. Note.— Youngest born Clmrlestown. 5-2S " Isaac P.. of Isaac and Phebe Ann, 5-28 " Sylvester. 5-28 " Phebe Ann. 5-28 " Amos. 3^0 GORTON Grant, of Samuel ajid Mercy, 3-40 " Mary. Note.— First born Groton. Conn. ; second. 2-94 GREFJS'EI.L Sus.annah, of Daniel and Jane, 2-94 " Susannah, die 2-94 " George, 2-94 " Susannah, 2-94 " Jane, 2-3e GREENjMAN Catherine, of Sll:is and Eunice, 2-90 " AbigaU, 2-96 " Anna, 2-96 " EUzabeth, 3-41 " Rhahania, 3-41 " Nathan, 3^1 " Ethan, 3-155 " Luke. 4-94 " Sarah, of Silas and Pidly, 4-94 " Silas, 494 " Polly. 4-94 " Lucy, 4-94 " Lucy, 4-94 " Caty, 2-85 GREENE Sarah, 2-85 " HumlUty, 2-85 " Eleanor, 2-85 '• Benjamin, 2-85 " Matthew, 2-85 " Amey, 2-85 " Caleb, 2-85 " Joseph, 3-80 " IWa-garet. of William and 3-80 " Wlllliim Ratlibone, 3-80 " Elizabeth, 3-80 " Benjamin, 3-80 " Pardon, 3-80 " Judeth, of William and Sarah, 3-80 " Margaret, 3-80 " Sarah, ■3--1 " Charles, of Joseph and Margaret 3-2] « Luke, ^-21 « John, 3-21 " Rhody, 3-21 " Edward,' 3-21 •' Perry, 3-21 " Joseph, 3-21 " OUve, 4 3 " Lois, of Samuel and Lois. 4-3 '< Betsey, 4-3 " Bathsheba, 4-3 " Samuel, AprU 9, 1810. June 23, 1812. Sept. 21, 1814. June 30. 1306. Aug. 7, 1808. Feb. 14. 1807. May 11. 1811. May 11. 1811. Anril — . 1813. of Benjamin and Eleanor, Jud/eth. 2d wife. Dec. 1. 1827. Feb. 27, 1830. March 1 1832. Oct. 16 1837. April 5. 1753. Sept. 27 1755. Richmond. July 20 1738. d, June 17, 1733. March 2. 1731-2. Dec. 2.3 1733. May 30 17;!6. AprU 22, 1738. April 15, 1740. Jan. 30, 1741-2. Nov. 5. 1744. March 33, 1767. Oct. 12, 1774. May 22, 1776. Oct. 3 8 1779. Oct. 32, 1794. Nov. 2(5, 1796. Dec. 1, 1798. Jan. 25, 1300. d. March 2, 1303. June 11, 1803 Feb. 28, 1714^5. Feb. 6, 1716. March 2, 1718. March 2, 1720. March 13, 1723. Jan. 7, 1737. March 21, 1729. June 23, 17.31. Aug. 14, 1759. De;. 22, 1761. Feb. 4, 1764. Dec. 14, 1765. April 24, 1769. Nov. 23, 1774. July 5, 1776. Oct. 17, 1777. June 14, 1749. Sept. 18, 1751. Jan. 10, 1754. April 29, 1756. March 20, 1760. Feb.- .20, 1702. Oct. 31, 1704. March 5. 1708. Jan. 22. 1771. May 25. 1774. Oct. 10, 1777. May 21, 1780, WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 105 4-3 4-3 4-3' 43 4-10 4-40 4-40 4 -to 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 440 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 4-200 3-135 3-135 3-135 3-80 3-80 3-80 ii-l(J9 a-itjy 3-11)9 3-169 3-l()!) 3-1(59 3-1H9 3-109 3-l()9 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 4-178 421 4-21 4-23 4-28 4-2S 4-28 4-28 4-44 4-44 GREENE Margaret, of Samuel and Lois, " Stephen, " Hannnh, " Ruth, Note-Three youngest born Voluntown, Conn Judeth. of William and Surah, " Margaret, " Sarah, " Hannah, Elisha Cheesehorough, " John, Nathaniel, " Prudence, " Coggeshajl, " Thomas, " Saunders, of Jolm and I'l-iidence, " Na.than, " Oliver Da\1s,' " Abigail, " Hannah, " Rowland Thurston, George Saunders, " Alpheus Miner. " .liihn. Oct. 3, 1782. June IS, 1785. Sept. 24, 1788. April 5, 1791. Nov. 23, 1774. July 5, 1776. Oct. 17. 1777. April 13, 1779. Fob. 13, 1781. June 11, 1782. March 3', 1784. Oct. 31, 1785. Aug. 28, 1787. Sept. 29, 1790. March 15, 1776. Nov. 9, 1777. Jan. 15, 1780. April 22. 1782. Oct. 15, 1784. Oct. 23, 1786. Sept. 15. 1788. July 27, 1790. Oct. 28, 1792. Note-Hannah born, Charlestown, the next two Hopkintoni the two youngest Stonlngton. Hannah, of William and aarah Nathaniel, Prudence, Eli.sha Cheeseborougli, John, C(jggeshall, Josias. of Jonath.an and Anna Jonathan, William, Taey, Mary, l.urinda, riirbstopher, Christopher, Gardner, \Mlliam Rathbone, William Rathbone, Pcgy, Wilham Rathbone, Pardon, Sally, Polly, Nancy, N.ancy, Lucy, Fanny, Charles Keene, Note— 1st also recorded 3-lSO. JiKleth, of Benjamin and Mary, „^„c „, ^.^,. Matila, born at Richmond, Dec. 4, 1790, died at Volantown Conn July 18, 1790. (sic.) Pardon Clarl;e, of Pardon and Fanny, Betsey, William Bllven, LuthesT Bllven, Pardon died at Cooksocky, N. Y., Note— 3d born Hopldnton; 4th Cooksockj! Lydia, of Benjamin, and PoUy, Christopher, April 13, 1779. March 3, 17S4. Oct. 31, 1785. Feb. 13, 1781. June 11, 1782. Aug. 29, 1787. Dec. 23. 1730. Sept. 18, 1783. Sept. 18, 178.1. May 15, 1736. Aug. 11, 1789. July 8, 1792. June 1, 1793. died March 16. 1798. Manh 27, 1797. of WTIliam R. and Esther, Dec. 15, 1731. died May 13, 1783. Feb. 4, 1783. April 13, 1785. June 17, 1787. Feb. 22, 1790. Feb. 18, 1792. May 9, 1794. died March 11, 1796. Jan. n, 1798. June 13, 1300. ApiU 12, 1803. June 3, 1737. Jan. 1, 1790. Nov. 8, 1791. Feb. 9, 1794. Aug. 29, 1796. Aug. 12, 1799. N. Y, April 21, 1791. Feb. 1, 1794. l(l(j \J1Ah RECORD OF RHODE ISLA>"D. 4-il: 4-44 4-44 4-44 3-140 &REENE Olive, ol Benjamin and PoUy, " Benjomm Barber, " Pardon, " Perry, Xote— Tliree eldest Ijom Voliiutowii, next youngest Hopldnton. " Richard, of John, and Abigail, born In Exeter ; date not given Jan. 27. 1705.. Nov. 5, 1797, March 1, 1801). Oct. 25. 1802. two Richmonl. H 2-111 HALL Sarah, of James and Sarah, 2-111 " Jane, 2-111 " Honor, 2-111 " Ellah, 2-111 (( James, 2-111 •' Joseph, 2-111 " Mary, 2-lH " Benjamin, 2-111 " Amey, 2-111 u Jonathan, 2-83 u Benjamin, of James and Rachel, 3-83 " David, 2-83 " Anna, 2-83 (( Timothy, 2-83 " James, 2-83 " Amos. 4-15 " Amos, of David and Judeth, 4-15 t( Rachel, 4-15 u Deborah, 4-15 " Judeth, 4-15 if Lydli, 4-15 " David, 4-15 u Abigail, 4-15 " Wilbur, 4-15 (( Daniel, 4-15 " Nathan, 4-15 " Benjamin, 4-15 '* John White, Note— YouKge-t bo n Hopldnton. 3-107 " Elizabeth, of Theodoty and Ellzahetb, li-JOl " Margaret, 3-107 " Theodoty, 3-J0 7 " Rhodes, 3-107 " Uhlue, 3-107 u Rachel, 3-107 u Adam, 3-il»7 " Kreeglft, 4-135 " Thomas, of Isaac, born Westerly, 4-135 " Eunice (Johnson, of Reuben), his -wife, bom 4-135 " Eunice, of Thomas and Eunice, 4-135 " Anna, 4-135 " Barbara, 4^135 - Olive, 4-135 " Lydla, 3 a " Thomas, of Isaac and Ab gall. 3-2 " Nathan,. 3-107 " Lucy, of Charles and E-ither, 3-107 t( Esther. 3-107 " Charles, 3-107 '■ Amey, 3-107 •• Samuel, 3-107 ■' Lebhens, 3-107 " Penelope, Dec. 25, Aug. 29. Aue. 14, Ane. 23, 6eT>t. 17. July 8. Nov. 10. Nov. 19. Sect. 2G. Nov. 18, April 17, Dec. 11. Mav 1. Dec. 20, Mav 11. July 8, Feb. 14, June 8, Oct. 27, Oct. 20, April 20, Sept. 20, March 11, July 21, May 31, Aug. 22, June 1, Oct. 4, May 3, June 21, Aug. 23, March 23, July 1. July 20, April 3, May 2ii. .Jan. 4, Charlestown, May 20, Sept. 23, March 20, Feb. 12, May 20, Jan. 17, Jan. 4, March 7, March 27, Aug. 3, March 9, April 14. Mav 20. Nov. 9. March 12, 1693. 1695. 1697. 1699. 1701. 1703. 1705. 1707. 1709. 1711. 1722. 1723. 1725. 1726. 1729. 1731.. 1749. 1750. 1752. 1754. 1757. 175 1. 1764. 1766. 17li,S. 1770. 1772. 17 . 1749. 1751.. 1754. 1757. 1759. 1762. 171 '.fl. 176S. 1754. 1754. 1779. 1780. 17S2. 17^5. 1787. 1754. 1776. 1755 1756. 1758. 1760. 1762. 1764. 17G8. 3-107 3-107 3-175 3-173 3-175 3-175 3-175 3-175 3-65 3-fi5 3-05 3-05 3-108 3-168 3-108 3-142 3-14-2 3-142 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-38 3-166 3-173 3-173 3-173 3-173 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-85 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-206 4-206 4-206 4-206 4-206 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-113 4-150 4-1 50 4-223 4-::23 4-223 HALL WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 107 D(iri-as, of Chiirles and Estlier, Feb. 11, 1771. A en re Tosli, Oct. 23, 1773. •InseiJli, of Joseph (dec. ), and Tamson, Nov. 19, 1759. .Lyrain, Ang. 30, 1762. Krad(Uck, AprU 7, 1TP7. Dennis, May 27, , 1770. Warren, Oct. 23, 1772. MercHant, May 0. 1775. Zilpah, of Hezfkiah anil Dorcas, FeJj.' 18, 1763. Ampy, Feb. 6, 1767. Frances, Feb. 23, 1769. Deliorah, Oct. 3, 1771. Susanna, Dee. 4, 1774. Anaie, Jan. 24, 1777. Ilf/.ekiah, April 1. 1779. Mary, of Theodoty and Mary, Jan. 24, 1777. Thcodoty, May 2. 1779. .-Stanton, March 14. 1784. Eunicf. of Tliomas and Eunice, Slc^pf. 23. 1778. Aniey, March 20, 1780. Jitarliara, Feb. 12. 1783. Olive. May 17, 1785. Lydia, June 17. 1789. Note. — 2d Itorn Ciiarlestown. Weeden, of William and Rachel, AprU 28, 1782. Vaniuni, of Theodoty ai:d Mary, Sept. 21, 1786, Froeglft, AprU 3, 1789. Pecliham, Aug. 4, 1791. Margaret, Sept. 3, 1794. Eunice, of Capt. Lyman and Eunice, Dec. 27, 1788. Joseph, June 6, 1790. Joseph, died July 15, 1700. Lyman, Sept. 7, 1791. Lyman. died Oct. 8, 1791. Lyman. 2d, S*.pt. 18. 1792. John Pendleton, March 30. 1794. Eunice, wife of Lyman. died JIaj-ch 31, 1794. Note— Eldest child also recorded 4-30. Jc^seph, of Braddlck and Susannah, Dec. 15, 1791. Hezeklah, March 2, 1794. Elisha, April 23, 1797. Thomas, Feb. 2. 1799. Folly, Aug. 29. 1800. Polly, died April 9, 1801. Susanna, Feb. 26, 1803. Tamson, July 13. 1805. AblKail, Oct. 5, 1808. Hannah, Nov. 7. 1810. Nancy, Feb. 4, 1812. Daniel, of Benjamin and Huldnh, Juno 21 . 1798. Patty, Oct. 30. 1799. David, Nov. 29, 1801. Benjamin, Aug. 20, 1804. Judah Ann, Sept. 12, 1800. Palmer, of Lyman and Ihehe, Jan. 8, 1799. Palmer, died July 29. 1S07. Phelie. Aug. 4, 1801. Elizaheth, May 11, 1803. Palmer, Nov. 11. 1810. faty. of Theodoty- and ( aty, Feb. 8. 1800. ThPOd-, r " Ebenezer and Mercy, 7 " Tacy, r " Jonathan, ' " John. ' " Da\'ld, " Samuel, of Josiah and Mary, " Jttsiah, " John. " Ebenezer, " Josiah, Sr., " Jo.siah. of Ebenezer and Thankful. " Joiiiali, " Mary, " Timothy, " Josiah, " Ebenezer, HISCOX Willia,ra, *' Ephraim. March 27, 1309. March 1. 1812, June 9. 161.5. March 24. 182(i. Oct. 2, 1827. May 20, 1829. AprU 23, 1828. Oct. 3. 1829. Api-U 14. 1832. July 22, 171liraim, April 7, 1778. 4-142 u Ami'y, Dec. 19. 1780. 4-142 u PaT'don, April 13. 1783. 4-142 u John, Jan. 31. 1780. 4-142 WUllam B., of Ephraim and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1811. 5-17 l> Almlra, May 30, 1814. 5-17 u Ira F., Sept. 14, 1816. 5-17 " Paul E., Oct. 17, 1823. 4-243 >• Rowland, of Arnold and Nancy, Deo. 22„ 1810. 4-243 u John S., Note— First bom Hopklnton. Oct. 2, 1813. 4-163 tl Susannah (Lanphere), wife of Ephraim, died Feb. 4, 1810. 5-46 IC Cliarles Fxlward, of Edwaid T. and CaroUne, March 4, 1840. 2-91 HOLWAY Benjamin, ol Benjamin and Fenelope, Dec. 30, 1714 2-91 u Experience, .July 4, 1710. 2-91 Cl Expi-rience, died Jan. 21, 1720. 2^1 u Joseph, Feb. 10, 1717. 2-91 .1 Penelope, Jan. 12. 1719. 2-91 u WlUiam, Feb. 18. 1721. 2-91 u Samuel, AprU 3, 1723. 2-91 ., Hannah, Dec. 7, 1724. 2-91 1. Hannah. died Dec. 13, 1730. 3-115 HOWAKD linnry, ol Henry and ThankruJ, Aug. 12, 1755. Feb. 3. 1739. 3-115 Robert, y-UT) >. ■Ihanliful, Oct. 5, 1701. •J-80 HUXSIE .Martha, of Joseph and Mary, ApHl 13, 1729. 2-HO .. Gideon, Dec. 14, 1729. 2-«0 •■ Sarah, Sept. 14. 1731. no AaTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-80 HOXSIE Jiiseph, of Joseph and. Mary, 4-13fi IIUBBAKD Amey, of James and Amey, 4-136 " James, 2-86 HULL Sarah, of Joseph aJid Elizabeth, 2-86 " Truslam, 2-86 " Hannah, 2-86 " Elizabeth, 3-132 " Thomas, of Thomas and Hannah, 3-132 " Lydla, 3-132 " Josep:., 3-132 " James, 3-132 " Martha, 3-132 " Benjamin, 3-158 " Mary (so call^), dan. of Rachel Saunders 4-72 " Thomu^, of Thomas and Amey, May 8, 1733. Oct. 6, 1799. May 31, 1802. Sept. 8, 1732. May 28, 1734 May 13, 1736. AprU 7, 17.38 April 22, 1770. AprU 15, 1772. May 9, 1775. Aug. 7, 1777. June 6, 17S0 Oct. 19, 1782 (single -woman). Jan. 31, 1775. June 21, 1792 1 J 2-122 JOHNSON John, of Jonah and M ary. Sept. 8, 1709 2-74 u Ezekii-1. of Stephen and Susannah, Oct. 23, 1728 2-74 u Stephen, Sept. 23, 1730 2-74 (( Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1 73-2-3 2-74 tt Mary, May 24, 1735 3-127 tl Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. -.9, 1753 3 127 it Christopher, Note— Youngest horn Charlestown. June 30, 1773 3-150 " Hannah, of Nathaniel and Saiah, July :,. 1707 3-151 " Folly, Feb. 17, 17G5 K 2-68 KENYON Martha, . 5, 1725-(). 2-41 " Jahez, March 25, 1731. 2-41 " Joseph, Sept. 20, 1736. 2-108 " Elizabeth, of Seth and Sarali, Aug. 10, 1710. 2-109 " Amey, of Richard and .Mary, June 22, 1715. 2-109 " Lucy, July 3, 1718. 2-109 " Esther, Feb. 21, 17:20-1. 2-109 '■ Sophia, Oct. 12, 1724. 2-109 •■' Josepha, Jan. 25, 172.',-0. 2-124 " George, died Oct. 6, buried Oct. 7, 1731. 3-15 " Mury, of Nathan and Mary, April 5, 1740. 3-15 " Nathan, Feb. 18. 1 r42. 3-15 " Elisha. Jar. 21, 17 14. 3-15 " Jonathan, AprU 19, 1748. 3-15 " Langworthy, Feb. 5. 1753. 3-15 " Amey, Warch 20, 1755. 3-23 " Champlaln, of Stephen and Mary, July 14, 1750. 3-23 " Amey, AxnU 20, 1753. 3-23 " Susannah, Feb. 25, 1735. 3-23 " HulOalL, March 14, 1760. 3-23 " Anson, Fet. 22, 1764. 3-23 " Anson, died March 9, 1764. 3-23 " Ansin, 2d, Jan. 23, 1765. 3-23 " Lua, Deo. 6, 1768. 3-23 " PoUy, July 1, 1771. 3-45 " Ruth, of Benjamin and Susannah, May 27, 1757. 3-100 " Prudenof, of Daniel, Jr., and Eunice, Oct. 30. 1759.- 3-10C> " George, March 31, 1701. 3-10O " _ Lucretla, Nciv. 12, 17(;3. 3-100 " Elizabeth, June 26, 1764. 3-100 " Rhoda, Aug. 18. 1766. 3-100 " Daniel, May 10. 1768. 3-100 " Jesse, Jan. 30, 1770. 3-100 " Eunice, Siiit. 21, 1772. 3-15 " Patience, of Nathan, and Anna, 2d irtle. May 26, 1760. 3-15 " Pnul, Feb. 25, 1763. 3-15 " PaiUon, Feb. 25, 1762. 3-15 " Anne, Feb. 20. 1767. 3-87 " Benonl Smith, of Darid and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1763. 3-121 " Jlary. uf Nathan, 2d, and Amey, Aug. 21, 1765. 3-121 " Hannah, Nov. 22, 1767. 3-121 " Ethan, Jan. 10, 1770. 4-76 " Luther, of Daniel and Wealtha. July 27, 176S. 4-76 " Tacy, May 14, 1770. 4-76 " Eunice, Feb. 21, 1772. 4-76 " Oliver, Aug. 13, 1774. 4-76 '■ Lois, Nov. 16, 1777. 4-76 " Josliua, . Oct. 1, 1787. 4-76 " Ketur.Th, Aug. 9, 1790. 3-119 •' Ma.xson, of Nathau and Ann, 2d wife, Dec. r>. 1769. 3-119 " Cathajlne, Nov. 9, 1779. 4-100 " Amey, of Nathan, Jr., and Sarah, July 4, 1772. 4-100 " EllsUa, Nov. 19, 1773. 4-100 " Simoon. Nov. 5, 1776. 4-100 " Abigail, June 27, 1778. Ill: A1TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-100 LANPHERE Susaimah, of Natli.in , Jr., and Sarah, Slay 10, 1780. 4-100 " Enock, Jan. 14. 17.^2. 4-100 " Samuel. Oct. 14, 1783. 4-100 u HozeMah, Oct. 14, 1783. 4-100 (( Joseph, Oct. 12. 1785. 4-100 (( William, May 24, 1787. 4-100 (( Acors, Feb. 28, 1790. 4-100 " SUas, Oct. 3, 1791. 3-12(5 " Asa, of CliamiJlam and Rebecca, Sept. 19, - ^2'^ 3-126 " Jo-sliua, March 5, 1774. 3 126 (( Joseph, Oct. 3, 1775. 3-126 K Stephen, Aug. 16. 1778. 3-126 Ci Prentice, July 11. 17sl. 3-126 « Rebecca, May 5. 1784. 3-126 (( Polly, Jan. 11, 1786. 4-67 K Russell, of Daniel and Xancy, Dec. 2. 1776. 4-67 tl Mercy, Jan. 3. 1782. 4-(i7 {( William, Oct. 13. 1785. 4-67 (( Nancy, Sept. 16. 1787. 4-67 " Triphena, Oct. 7. 1789. 4-67 " Daniel, Dec. 22, 1792. 4-39 U Perry, of Da\'ld and Eunice, Oct. 13. 17S3. 4-39 tl Chirke, Aug. 24, 1787. 4-64 (C Wheeler, of Henry and Pi'iscUla, Oct. Ifi, 1788. 4-64 " Susannah. Oct. 15, 1790. Note— 1st 'born Albany, N. Y., 2d Stephentowu, N. Y. 4-89 K Abel, of Paul and Elizalieth, Jan. 25. 1790. 4-89 U Clarke, April 27, 1792. 4-89 " Susannah, March 6, 1795. 4-89 u Pardon, of Pardon and Polly, b. Hopldnton, Dec. 27, 1790. 4-160 " Stilly, of Nathan and Nancy, Jan. 29, 179.->. 4-166 (( Fanny, Dec. 9, 1707. 4-114 li Elislia. of Elislia and Betsey, JiUy 20. 1790. 4-111 (( Elisha. died Aug. 20, 1800 -11 14 (( Betsey, Feb. 1, 1799. 4-137 ii Polly, of Maxson and Susannah. Jan. 27, 1797. 4137 u Truman, Oct. 23, 1798. 4 137 u Nancy, Dec. 5, 1800. 4-137 it Clailssa, Nov. 26, 1803. 4-137 '2 2-1-24: 207 2-07 2-fi» 2-69 2-09 2-60 2 69 2-4] 3-72 3-128 3-128 3-128 3- 128 3-123 3-83 3-62 3-62 3-143 3-143 3-142 3-142 3-142 3-142 3-142 3-161 3-170 4-1 29 4-1 29 4-129 4-129 4-129 4-129 4-217 5-112 5-1 1 2 5-112 5-1 1 2 5-112 5112 3-1 4-1 S3 4-183 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-1 79 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 4-179 1-172 1-172 1-172 1-1^ 1-172 1.172 1-172 LANPHERE Jiiliet, of \vmi.i,m, 24, and Eliza, LARKIN Relu'cen. of John (rt.-e.) and widow Relitccn. " Joseiih. of Joseiih and Joliannah, " Joshua. " .Tolm. of John and Mury, " Nathan. " Danii'l, " Timothy. " Lebbous, " BiMiMJiih, of Samnol and Sarah, " Daniel, of Samnel and Sarah. " Moses, of Simeon and Jane, " Sarah, of Moses and .fene, " Thomas, " Isabel. " .Slephen and Barbara. 2d wife, Not*' — Yoimsest Ixirn at Charlestown. " Simeon, of Simeon, dee., " Jfary. of Daniel and Susannah. " John, '•■ Abel, of Abel and Sarah, " Sarah. " Jonath.an, " Anna, " Anna. " Daniel. " Jolin, " Simeon Oct.. 5, 1826. Oet. 11. 1701. Feb. 12, 17;!0-1. Aug. 20. 1732. May 1, 1731. June 13, 1732-3. Dec. 19. 1734-5. Oct. 10, 1736. June 5, l''38-9. Jiin.' 18, 17.W. Ajiril 1, Feb Aug Dec. 19, Feb. 15, May 2, 1739. 11, 1747. 29, 1769. 1771. 1774. 1797. Sept. IS, 1748. July 31. 1759. Feb. 4, 1760. 1 June 14. 1771. Fob. 7, 1773. Jan. 12, 1775. Feb. 24, 1778. died March 6, 1819. Dec. 26, 1781. Dec. 1, 1784. of Moses and Baj-bara, bom Charlestown, Oct. 22, Barbara, of Moses and Barbar.a, born Stonington, April 5, Aliel. of Aliel and Hannah. July 4. Abel. died July 14, " Hannah, " Nalhan, ■•' Hirris, " Sally -Ann, " Jonathan, of Jonath. Nov April Feb. Jan. Oct Aug. 25. May 9, .Tan. 15, Oct. 2-1. Aug. 16, Jfarch 10, two Lym Oct. 16, Aug. 17. May 4, Jdn. 6, May 20. .Tan. 30. 18^7. 1844. 1846. 1850. 1852. 1751, 1802. 22. 1804. R, 1784. 30. 17.S7. 20. 17.89. 10, 1791. 1792. 1794. 1790. 1798. 1799. 1801. 1803. e, the 1G83. 1687. 1689. 1691. 1693. 1098. /".V •nn Fell. 1, 1701-2. 114 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-204 LEwas Israel, of Israel ajid Joanna, June 22, 1695. a -204 " Benjamin, June 8, 1697. 1-204 (( Joanna, May 21, 1700. 1-204 cc Anna, July 13, 1704. 1-204 a Natlianlel, March 23, 1706. 2-117 " Jerublia, of Jolin and Ar.n, Jan. 11, 1706-7. eiie « Joriislia, of Joseph and Mary, July 13. 1707. 2-116 (( Joscvph, . Dec. 25, 1709. 2-1 Ifi K Thankful, June 15, 1720. 2-1 Ifi (( Alisolam, Nov. 25, 1724. 2-11 f. " Hannah, Nov. 21, 1726. 2-107 " Hannah, of George and Elizabeth, .Tan. 15, 1713. 2-107 it Samuel, Dec. 21, 1715. 2-107 " Mar>-, Sept. 21,1716. 2-107 « James, Dec. 18, 1719. 2-107 a Ebenezer, March 18, 1722. 2-107 " Otluilel. AprU 15, 1723. 2-78 u John, of John, Jr., and Mary, April 19, 1719. 2-78 <( EUsha. Dec. 30, 1722. 2-78 u Mary, Jan. 22, 1723'^. 2-78 <- Josi'ph, Note— -Also recorded 2-117. March 2, 1728. 2-78 » Stephen, of John (of James and Tacy), AprU 9, 1719. 2-78 " Joseph, of John and Mercy, 2d wife, Al>rll 2 . 1721. 2-78 (( Mercy, July 1, 1726. 2-78 (( Edward, June 19, 1723. 2-73 " JO!ihU;v, Nov. 20, 172f). 2-78 '■ NatJian, May 23, 1733. 2-78 " Zebulon, Sept. 3, 1734. 2-73 " Samuel, Sept. 15, 1736. 2-78 " Anne, Jan. 29, 1737-8. 2-73 " Penelope, March 29, 1739. 2-78 " John, July — . 1751. 2-112 " Elisha, of Israel and Mary, Feb. 4, 171S-9. 2-112 " Enock, of Israel and Kalhsheba, Oct. 13, 1720. 2-ll(J " Jonathan, of John and Anna, Aug. 21, 1721. 2-110 " John, April 13, 1723. 2-110 " Avis, Aug. 8, 1725. 2-110 " Anna, Nov. 13, 1727. 2-110 " Kezla, Jane 12, 1730. 2-110 " Joshua, May 13, 173S. 2-42 " Ezeirfel, of William and Mary, Dec. 16, 1723. 2-42 <( William, April 8, 1725. 2-42 •' Prudence, April 2, 1727. 2-42 " Sarah, May 15, 173:. 2-42 " Maa-y. Sept. 26, 1733. £-42 " Anne, May 31, 1735. 2-42 li Hannah, March 1, 1737-8. 2-42 it Itenjamln. of John and Ann, Jan. 24, 1-748-9. 2-96 " Amos, of Nathaniel and Mary, AprU 29, 1731. 2-S6 it Nathaniel, Feb. 28, 1732-3. 2-00 iC Mary, July 31, 1735. 2-96 it Jean, June 22, 1737. 2-96 '•■ Khahamah, Oct. 7, 1739. 2-96 " Elijah, Oct. 11, 1741. 2-96 " Slaiy, July 10, 1743. 2-96 it Israel, Sept. 15, 1745. 2-77 ti Elizabeth, of Joseph, Jr., and Mary, .Tuly 18, 1731. 2-77 it David, Nov. 12, 1733. 2-77 it J o.^eph, Nov. 25, 1735. 2-77 " Oliver, Sept. 23. 1733. 2-77 " Esther, March 2, 1*41. 2-77 " Betsey, July 28. 1744. 2-77 it Mary, July 24. 1747. 2-77 it Peleg, June 2, 1749. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 115 2-1 LEWIS BetliMia, of Elislin niid Durt-is (or TaliilhnK J.an. 7. 1745. ■2-1 Jlary, Nov. 3. 174C>. 2-1 ,lr..si>i>li, di.d Sept. 23, 1751. 3-139 .)(ilin, of John and ThanldiU, July 17. ITrw. 3-139 " Clw, Aug. ici, 1741. 3-139 " RiUiama, May 19, 1743. 3-139 Hc'ZfUiah, Oct. 24, 1744. 3:139 Elias. Nov. 25, 1746. 3 139 " Sihipon, Dec. 25. 1753. 3-13S " ll.innali. Sept. 7, 1735. 3-139 " Hcrnii'.', Feb. 1, 1738. 3-139 William, •Tune 21, 17(>0. 3-139 " .T<'ptha, May 17. 176.3. 3-139 " Anne, Sept. 23. 1765. 2-14 " Mosh. ot Elisha and Lyrtia (also 3 2G), Jan. 12, 17412. ■3-17;- " .lames, of Joseph and Sarah, Aus. 7, 174 5. 3-177 " fathcrine, May 11, 1746. 8-177 " Yalenfine, Nov, 20, 1749. 3-177 \iary. June 9, 1752. 3-177 " .lii-^eph, of ajirt Mary. 2d wife, Note— Com at Stoniiiffton. June IS, 1764. 3-16 " Stephen, of Stephen and Martha, June 13. 174.S. 3-in ■' Lydia. Marcli 21. 1749 30. 3-28 " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Taey, Jan. 28. 1748-9. 3-35 " Abel, of Abel and Thankful. Oct. 14, 1751. 3-35 " Augii'itus, AprU 30, 1733. 3-35 " Thankful, March 23, 1755. 3-35 Nathaniel, Jan. S, 1737. 3-35 Phlncas, March 2, 1739. 3-20 " I.y Phineas, of Elias and PreseUla, 4-i;ic. " Deney. 4-2 1(1 '■ Presdlla, 4--21ii " Prescilla. 4-i:ni " Rhuhiun.ah, 4-l:h; '• Elizabeth, 4-191! " Juliu', of John and Lois, 4-19(i 11 William, 4-196 « JIargery, 4-198 " Hezekiah, 4-187 " Jeptha Malbone, of Simeon and Frances, 4-187 " Enock, 4-39 LOMAS Martha, ot William an i 1 ydla. 4-39 It Willliun, 4-39 '* James, Bora at Voluntown, Conn. Sept. 21, 1778. Oct. 8, 178i0i. April 3, 1783. June 29, 178.J. Sept. 3, 1787. Jan. 14, 1790. Jan. 11, 1700. Sept. 3, 1792. M.ay 18, 1796. Oct, 31, 1798. Jime 10, 1782. March 11, 1784. Jan. 11, 1791. Jan. 18, 1793. Aug. 16, 1795. March 31, 1801. died Dec. 5, 1802. Oct. 2C. 1782. Sept. 19, 1784. Dec. K;, 1787. May 14, 1 791. Feb. 20. 1704. Oct. 17, 1706. Oct. 20, 1700. AprU 25. 1787. Oct. 14. 1780. Sept. 11. 1788. Jan. 23, 1789. AprU 1, 1793. Oct. 23. 1795. Sept. 27, 1797. Dee. 21. ISOO. died Nov. 14, 1801. Feb. 21, 1802. April 2. 1805. Feb. 4, 1708. Nov. 7, 1799. Jan. 16, 1802. April 3, 1802. March 23', 1806. March 23, 1806. AprU 20 , 1708. Aug. 20 , 1700. July 28, , 1801. March 8, , 1801. March 31, 1804. Dec. 5 , 1.805, Sept. 4, , 1791. Aug. 20, , 17!'4. May 20, , 1707. M 3-31 3-51 3-51 3-51 3-51 2-78 2-78 2-78 2-78 2-78 MACCOON Mary, of Nathan and Anna, " Nathan, " Isabel. ••' Tunothy, " Abnim, MAXSON Judetli. of John and Judeth. " Mary, Mary, " Betniah, " Elizabeth. Oct. 21, 1744. May 29, 1746. July 17, 1748, Feb. 9, 1730. April 15, 1753, Sept. 23, l(iS9. Oct. 26, 1691. March 10, 1692. July 31, 1693. Nov. 7, liiOS. WESTEELY BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 117 2-78 3IAXS0N HniiiKili, of John and Judolh, June l."5, 1098. 2-78 '* Jolm, April 21. 17.11. 2-78 " DorutUy, Oct. 20, 17aa. 2-78 " Susiumah, Oct.. 19, 170,;. 2-78 " Josi'pb, Dec. — , 1700. 2-78 A\'ls, Dec. 27, 1712. 2-78 JosepL, d. Dec. -. 1710. 2-(iO Josepli, Jr , March 10, 1092. 2-60 " BelhluU ( 1. -vtilu of .Nisepli, Jr., July 31, 109:i. 2-00 " BetW:i,ii, of Joseph, Jr., and BetUlah, Oct.. 19, 1716. 2-60 Jlai-i'. Aug. 28, 171~. 2-60 Judi'tii, Sept. 17, 1720. 2-00 ■' Josop!., Jan. 20, 1723-3. 2-60 " Zehulon, April 15. 1725. 2-60 " HiLsan, Aug. 25, 1727. 2-60 *■ Mason, March (i, 1729-30. 2-60 Ci.ntent, Dec. 31. 1732. 3-00 Nathan, Sept. 30. 17 J6. 2-llH " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Content, Jan. 16. 1707-8. 2-ni) Content. Jan. 28. 1708. 2-116 Josi"ph, J.an. 14, 1711-2. 2-116 ■' John, March 2, 1714. 2-116 '• Naomi, Mi,y 6, 1716. 2-116 " Snntuel, July 20. 1718. 2-110 Caleb, Nov. 1, 1721. 2-116 " Mary, Nov. 20. 1723. 2-3S " WUlijim. of John (of Joseph) and Hannali. .lau. 20, 1717 8. 2-58 " Amos, March 10. 1720. 2-58 " Joslma , Fel). 1, 1721-2. 2-58 " Isaiah, Jan. 21, 1723-4. 2-38 " Goodeth. Jiuie 5, 172(i. 2-58 " Tacy, Dec. 15, 1728. 2-58 Judelh, .Tan. 17. 1730-1. 2-58 " Torrey, Jan. 22. 1732-3. 2-58 " Sylvanus, May 3, 1735. 2-58 " Hannah, Dec. 3, 1737. 2-58 " Mary, Nov. 23. 17:!0. 2-58 " Jesse, anil Martha. 2d wllV, June 11, 1745. 2-58 " Enlh. Jan. 31, 17411-7. 2-125 John, of John, Jr., and Thankful, -■Vug. 27. 1725. 2-125 " Matthew, April 27, 1727. 2-125 Da\id. July 24, 1729. 2-125 " Joseph, March 23, 1731. 2123 " Benjamin, Feb. 21, 1733. 2-123 " Stephen, May 3, 1735. 2-125 " Thankful, JiUy 16. 1737. 2-123 " Daniel, Sept. 23. 17.'i9. 2-125 Joel, May 28, 1742. 2-123 Eleanor, Jan. 24, 1748-9. 2-47 " JiHinllian, of John and Tacy, Aug. 24, 1737. 2-47 " Esther, June 13, 1739. 2-47 " Anne, Jan. 24, 1710-1. 2-79 " William, of William and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1745. 3-3 " Samnel, of Samuel and Kuth, Sept. 5, 1743. 3-3 " Ruth, March 3, 1747. 33 Elisha, April 20, 1749. 3-21 " 'I'liomas, of Matthew, and Marth.a, Jan. 7. 1750. 3-21 " Teleg, Jan. 7, 1752. 3 21 " Matthew, Jan. 6. 1754. 3-21 " George, Oct. 10, 1756. 3-21 " Nathan, Dec. 9, 1758. 3-21 " Abel, Ja,n. 1, 1701. S-21 " Luke, April 18, 1763. 349 " Silas, of David and Abigail, Dec. 29. 1750. 3-49 " Asa, March 6, 1752. 118 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-49 MAXSON Elizabeth, of Da\-ld and AblgaU, JiUy 14, 1754. r;-49 Paul, Aug. 2, 1757.^ ;i-49 Chloe, Oct. 15, 1759, a-49 " Wealthy, March 9, 1762. y-4f) " Sarah, * Dec. 23, 1763. J77 " Amos, of Torrey and Maithn, Feb. 27, 1734. 3-77 " .John, Nov. 1, 1755. 3-77 " Catherlnp, April 16, 175.'5. 3-77 " Tacy, June 2, 1701. 3-77 " .Toshua, Jan. 27, 1703. 3-77 " Pi-U(Jeiiee, Aug. IS, 1765. 3-77 " Martha, Oct. 20, 1767. 3-77 " Hannah. Dec. 16, 1770. 3-77 " Benjamin, Feb. 27, 1773. 3-Wl .Tertedlali, of .Tesse and Keturah, Aug. 3, 1754. 3-102 " riann.ah. April 9, 1757. .;-102 " Kelurah. March 3, 1739. 0-102 " Aujrustus, Nov. 8, 1761. 3-102 " .lospph. Nov. 2, 1765. 3-102 " Sanmel Rnnrli'Il, July 26, 1772. 3-89 " Joel, of Daniel and Borrefiell, Jan. 1. 1763. 3-89 KUas, Sept. 11 , 1770 3-122 SUiis, of SUas and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1772. 3-122 " Kllzaheth, Nov. 25, 1773. 3-148 ." Hannah, of Thomas and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1773. 3-148 " Thomas, Aug. 17, 1775. 3-181 " Asa, of Asa and Lois, July 1, 1776. 3-181 Lois, Aug. 23, 1778. 3-181 .Mary, July 14, 1781. 3-181 David, Sej>t. 27, 17^8. 3-181 Weallhn, Aug. 18, 1790. 4-90 I'-aul, of Paul and Susannah, Oct. 28, 17S0. 4-90 SUas, Sept. 7, 1782. 4-9!) " .lariis. Jan. 15, 17Bb. 4-90 " .Susannn, Dec. 19, 1788. 4-'.IO Jesse, June 12, 1791. ■3-90 " (.u'lii'ge StlUman, Aug. IS, 1793. 4-90 lAilly. J.an. 27, 1795. 4-90 " Abigail, Jan. 20, 1798. 4-90 K^thcr. AprU 11, 1800. 4-90 David, Nov. 20, 1802. 4-4 " August-OS, of Augustus a'ld Thanlctul, Jlareh 19, 1784. 4-15i; " iSi-isey, of Sylvanus and Betsey, Sept. 6, 1793. 4-15(i " Cynlhia, Aug. 1, 1800. 4-15(i Altana, Sept. 19, 1802. 4-156 Sanford Langworthy, Dec. 5, 1806. 4-135 Ly(U;i Ann, Oct. 5, 1809. 4-13B Abby, Sept. 9, 1811. 4-150 " Sylvanus, Oct. 29, 1813. 4-185 " .icsse, of Jesse and Sophia, .Ian. 29, 1804. 4-185 " .Ifsse, died Oct. 18, 182-1. 4-185 I'ourtlana, Dec. 26, 1806. 4-185 " Courlland, Note— Also recorded 5-24. dlcMl Dec. 1, 1808. 4 239 Eliza, of SUas and Betsey, Aug. 20, 1809. 4-239 SU.a.s, Sept. 25, 1811. 4-239 Silas, died March 27, 1813. 4-239 Paul, Dec. 7, 1813. 4-239 Paul, died May 4, 1815. 4-239 " SUas FranhUu, April 6, 1816. 4-239 wilUam ELlery, Nov. 18, 1818. 4-239 " c:yrus Henry, March 17, 1821. 4-239 " tieorge franklin. Feb. 9, 1824. 2-75 MEEKCOMK Joseph, of Joseph and Jemima, Oct. 10, 1735. 2-75 '• Thomas, i Dec. 24, 1737. 2-75 Ellas, Oct. 5, 1739. WESTERLY ^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 119 2-75 MEEKCOME Pelefe', of Joseph ana Jemima, --7 5 " Jeremiah. --7 5 " All ria, 2-75 " WiUlam, '.i-75 " Boiijamln, a-75 " Koss, !3-75 " Joseph, Sr., 3-37 MILLfAXlD Ellas, of Nelson and Isabel, 3-37 " Stephen, i;-114 JMJOKE Steplien. of John, i;-114 " G-iorge, •J-114 " DavUl, 'J-liiS Muxr Hannah, of Samnel and Hannah, li-iiiS " l)eliiii-ah. •J-125 " Tluinlcful. --SU " Ed\var '' SaniU'I, 2-114 " Ed-ward, of John. 2-14 MULKINS Abigail, of Henry and Ai'lgaU, Oct. 24. 1741. Jan. 10, 1 743-4. March 1 5, 1 715-6. March 15, 1 745-6. June 27. 174S. June 10, 1751. died Jan. 22, 1750-1. Mnrcli 0, 1755. Dec. 2, 1750. Apill 20, 1710. •May 28, 1719. Sept. 13, 1721. Dec. 30, 1720. Aug • 9, 1729. Aug, . 9, 1729. Dec. 10, 1731. Sept. 12, 1734. Oct. 31. 1736. Dec. IS, 1736. Marcli 2 1. 1 7U-2. N 4-176 NASH Betsey, ol Jonathan, Jr., and Betsey, Dec. 28, 1704. 4-176 " Jonatlian. June 20, 1797. 4-176 " Joseph, Sept. 9, 1799. 4-176 " James Sheffield, Sept. 16, 1801. 4-132 " J»lary Ann, of Asa and Anna, Nov. 5, 1799. 4-132 ** I'eggy, Sept. 20, 1801. 4-132 " William Pendleton, Dee. 4, 1803. 4-132 " Nancy, Dec. 12. 1806. 2-97 NICHOLS David, of David and Sarah, March 27, 1 .734-5. 2-97 tt Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1736. 4-124 NOOCtEN Ellsliji, of Elisha and l^rudence. Dec. 27, 17i)9. 4-124 " William Thompson, June 24, 1802. 2-120 NO YES 1 James, of James and Ann, March, 18, 1 .707-8. 2-120 (( Bridget, May 25, 1710. 2-3 20 (C Dorothy, Oct. 1, 1712. 2-120 (( iSarali, Nov. 17. 1714. 2-120 " Ehz.alieth, April 17, 1717. 3 144 " Tlionias, of Joseph and Barbara, Oct. 3, 1754. 3-144 It can ford. Oct. 20. 1756. 3-144 " i-^anford, died .Sept. 30. 1759. 3-1-14 " Joseph, 3d, May 9. 1758. 3-144 " oanford, Jan. 18. 1761. 3 144 " Mary. Oct. 11, 1763. 3-144 11 James, Feb. 8, 1708. 3-144 tt Betsey, July 31. 1770. 3-144 " Josliua. Dec. 5, 1772. 3-144 (( Barker. March 13, 1775. 4-141 " Tlionias. of Col. .Toseph a nd Barbara (also 3-10). Oct. 3. 1754. 4-141 u Lydia (Ropers, of Willian: ) his -wife. born Newport. May 19. 1760. 4-141 (( Sally, of Thomas and Lyd ia, Dec. 0, 1781. 4-141 (( Sally. died April 23, 1782. 4-141 (( William R/)Ker.'?, March 19, 1783. 4-141 " James Wells, Dec. 22, 1784. 4-141 a Thomas, Nov. 22. 1786. 4-141 " Joseph. Nov. 27. 1788. 4-141 " Martha. April 25. 1701, 4-141 li Daniel Kosers, Aug. 22. 1793, 4-141 " A I. by. Si'pt. 29, 1795. 4-141 " -atiforil Barker. Nov. 4. 1797. 4-141 " Lyrtia. wife of Thomas, died Nov. 15, 1798. 3-53 " -Sanford. of Joseph and B arbara. (let. 20. 1750. 120 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. of Capt. Joseph and Barbara, Allen, of William and Polly, 8-53 NOYES Sauford, of Joseph ajid Barbara, 3-53 '■ Joseph, 3-53 " Sanford, 3-53 " Mary, 3-53 " James, 3-70 " Barker, 4-64 '■ Samuel 4-04 '• Sally, 4-64 " Lydia, 4-64 " Robert Faaulng, 4-64 " William, 4-64 " John Harvey, 4-04 '■ Polly, 4-04 " Jesse, 4-04 " Joshua, 4-]3a " Eliza, of Joseph, Jr., and Elizabeth, 4-155 " Ann Maria, of Sanford and Martha, 4-155 " Sanford, 4-155 " Lydia Rogers, 4-155 " Patty,, Note— Youngest born Hopklnton. 4-270 " Grace, of Josliua and Gi'ace, 4-270 '■ Joshua,. 4-270 " I'eleg, 4-270 " J.iarb:u-a, 4-245 '• WlUiani Champlain, Of Barker and Mariett, 4-245 " Joseph Barker, 4-245 " David Marvin, 4-173 NYE Lydia Ann, of Samuel a.nd Sally, 5-62 '■ Hannah A., of Jonathan R. and Hannah, Oct. 20, 1756. May 9, 1758. Jaji. IS, 17(n. Oct. 11, 1703. Feb. 8, 1768. March 13, 1775. July 7. 1792. Oct. 23. 1793. April 15, 1793. March 21, 1798. Oct. 7, 1799. March 18, 1801. Feb. 23, 1 803. July 30 180-t. Jan. 11 1809. July 4, 1800. Jaji. 0, 1801. Jan. 9, 1802. Sept. 1, 1804. Maroh 11, 1806. Sept. 10, 1811. June 6, 1814. July 18, 1816. Feb. 16 1819. March 22, 1813. Nov. 26, 1814. Dec. 30, 1825. Oct. 30, 1802. Sept. 13, 1852. o 2-93 ODELL Joseph, of Joseph and Elizabeth. Aug. 14, 171 £ 2-122 PALMER Jolm, ol John and Hannah, March 27, 1694. f> 1 .T.^ " F-pliraim, Feb. 21, 1699 2-1 •_'2 •• Joseph, Sept. 2, 1704. 2-122 " Hannah, Sept. 5. 1706. 2-122 " Mary, Nov. 1, 1709 4-154 " Eliiis Sanford, of Luther and S >Uy, March 27, 1801. 4-1. ->4 Polly Maria, March 1, 1803 2-47 PALMITTER Benonl, of John an 1 Mary Sept. 7, 1713. 2-47 (( Benajah, Nov. 28, 1714 2-47 " ■Jhanklul. April 8, 1716. 2-47 " Daniel, April 20, 1718. " Jonathan, of Jonathan and Pen elope. Feb. 21, 1721. " Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1725. " John. April 24, 1729. " i'enelope, May 17, 1734 3-78 " Mercy, of Jonnthau and Phebe, Nov. 16, 1745. 3-78 " Joseph, March 1, 1748. 3-78 " Phebe, Nov. 26, I7a(i. 378 Ci Jonathan, Sept. 18, 1758. 3-78 " Penlope, Oct. 1, 1760. 3-32 " John, of John and Deborah, July 23. 1753. 3-32 " Deborilh, June 10, 1755. 2-93 PARK Joseph, of Joseph and Abigail, Nov. 1. 1756. 2-93 " Benjamin, Nov. 1, 1736. 3-102 (( Benjamin, of Benjamin and Hannah (StantonI, Sep'. 16, 1765. 3-ioe u Thomas, Sept. 1. 1767. WESTERLY BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. 121 3-103 3-102 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-] 4 3-14 3-14 3-14 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-48 3-43 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-3 "k 3-2 3-2 3-60 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 4-102 3-140 3-140 3-1 51 3-153 3-153 3-153 3-153 3-171 3-154 4-23 4-23 4-140 4-140 4 140 4 140 5-liO Uuiiiiiiii (StMiikii]). :iii(l Mary, PARK Jobn, of Benjamin aji'rt " Hannah .Staufjin. PECKHA:\r Hannah, of Dani.l Mary, " Daiii.l, " Sarah, Abel. Note— alsd n-poi-di'd 2-112. " .Inlin, bora Ninvporl. , 1712. " Deborah (Sweet), liIs wif"'. Sept, " Ihaac. of ,Tobp and Debornb, Died In exijcditloa to Tlconderoga, July 8 Newport. Dorcas, of .fohi) -.inA D Rntb. 15, 1711. Aus. 29, 1709. .Inly :.2, 1771. Oct. 23. 1720. Feb. 22, 1722. Sept. 25, 1720. Aug. 31. 1729. Feb. 17, 1733. Feb. 21, 1737-8. 1708; born In eb.i Dee. 2(i. 1740. JIai-eli IH, 1743. Clemen:i), Aug. 1, 1745. Cl'-ment. dl(Kl Nov. 12. 17(58. ■'"li". Nov. 8, 1747. ■'"!'"• diort June 16, 1764. William Sweet. Apiil 22. 1750. Deborah, wif.' iif John, died In 60tU year, June 20, 1780. Isaac of Isaac, of Newport, born at Newport, net. 20. 1713. Bethiah, his wife. July 1, 1715, died Jan. 19, 1748 9. Barliara, of Isaac and Eethlah, Henj.imin, Joan, Joshua, Ann, Lsa^ic, Bediiah, Joseiih, of Isaac and Marj', Stephen, Mary, Hanna.h, James York, Patience, William, of Isaac and Dorca.s. March 14, 1758. Bom In West Greenwich. Hannah, of William S. and Hannah, John Hazard, John Hazard, Ruth, Deborah, Susannah, WiUisini Sweet, Josepli Clarke, Nancy, Hannah, wife of William S., died Nov. 5, 1795. Noto— The above, except two youngest, recorded 3-129. Aug. 1, 1738. June 2, 1740. Oct. 26, 1741. March 29, 1743. Sept. 4. 1744. May 8, 1747. Jan. 13, 1748-9. Feb. 7, 1751. Oct. 23, 1752. Oct. 11, 1754. Jan. 14 1758. M.ay 21, 1760. Sept. 0, 1763. May 1, 1774. June 23, 177C. died May 29, 1783. Dec. 19, 1778. April 2, 1781. June 29, 1783. Sept. 6, 1785. Oct. 25, 1792. Nov. 3, 1795. PEIRCE Lucy, of Stephen and Esther, Stephen, Isaac, of Isaac, Jr., and Anne, Mary, of Joseph and Anna, Betsey, Joseph, Betsey, Hannah, of James York aiul Anna, LoJs, of Joseiih and Anna, Peleg, of Peleg and Betsey, Rowland, Hannah Perry, of Is.aac and Polly i Haimali, Mary Ann, N;incy. .Sarali Augusta, of Dr. John G. and Jan. 6, 1776. May 19, 1777. June 23, 1778. Oct. 19, 1778. March 1, 1780. March 19, 1782. Oct. 2, 1783, Sept, 18, 1781. June 8. 1785. Feb. 9, 1789. June 20. 1791. Oct. 17, 1800. died Nov. 10, 1801. Dec. 7, 1801. Feb. 17, 1804. .\ , March 24, 1841. l:i2 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-58 1-5S 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2 112 2-112 2-112 2-113 2-85 2-85 2-85 2-85 2-85 2-91 2-01 291 2-98 2-lOU 2-100 2-109 2-100 2-100 2-109 2-109 2-109 2-32 2-32 "-72 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-33 3-32 3-32 3-32 3-32 3-97 3-97 3-63 3-65 3-fi5 3-65 3-110 PENDLETON Joseph, ol James and Hannah, born Sudbury, Mass.. Dec. 29j 1064. " Deborah, ol Joseph and Deborah, " Deborah, wife of Joseph, " Joseph, of Joseph and Patience, " Joseph, " ■\VUliam, " Joshua, " James, of James and Elizabeth, " Obadlai, " Christopher, " EUzabeth, " James, of James and Elizabeth, 2d wife. Samuel, ThankfiJ, Read, Hannah, Rutli. Abigail, of Caleb and Mary, S.irah, Mary, Benajah, Josoph, of Joseph and Sarah, I'atience. Aug. 29, 1697. died Sept. 8, 1797. March 3, 1702. died Feb. 18, 1706. March 23, 1704. Feb. 22, 1705-6. Nov. 21, 1710. Nov. 1, 1712. April 12, 1715. April 12. 1715. Jan. 3, 1718-9 Sept. 21, 1720. July 14, 1725. Feb. 24, 1728-9. July 3, 1731. Dec. 19, 17^4. Dec. 10, 1717. July 27, 1723. April 2, 1737. July 21, 1729. Oft. 26. 1724. June 13, 1720. Aug. 22, 1728. Aug. 5, 1730. Sept. — , 1731. Sept. 2G, 1727. Dec. 3, 1729. March 26, 1732. June £1, 1728. Feb. 11, 1726-7. Oct. 30, 17:n. July 9, 1733. May 20 or 22, 1737. Sept. 18, 1738. March 22, 1740-1. M.ay 6, 1744. July 14, 1746. Lois, Sylvester, Eunice, Jolm, of Bryant and Anna, Nathan, Anna. Amos, of William and Lydla, Wlillaiii, Freelove, Peleg. John, Benjamin, Lydia, Joshua, Ephraim, Note. — Also recorded 3-65. Anna, of Pl-lam, March 20, 1731. Caleb, Dec. 7, 1734. Ichabod, ol James and Abigail. May 9, 1732. Sarah, wife of Sylvester. March 5, 1735. .Sylvester, of Sylvester and Sarah. Jan. 14, 1752. Anne, Sept. 20, 1754. Katherine, March 13, 1757. Deborali. Nov. 11, 1758. Sarah, May 26, 1760. AblgaU. March 13, 1762. Oliver. Nov. 14, 1 1'OS. Ednuind, of Edmund and Susannah, Jan. 8„ 1738. William, Feb. 3, 1740. Daniel, Feb. 20, 1744. David, Feb. 20, 1747. Solomon,, Feb. 15, 1751. Joseph, of Joseph Jr.. (dec), and .\nne, Jan. 17, 1747. WUliam, July 15,, 1749. Note — (Grandchildren of WUliam Champlaln and Sarah, Ills wife.' Lucy, of Col. WUliam and Mary, April 22, 1752. Nathan, April 2, 1754. Isaac, June 23, 1757. Keturah. Jan. 25, 1761., Amos., of Amos and Susannah, Nov. 5, 1754. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 123 3-110 PENDLETON Andrew, of Amos and Susammli, July 7. 1756. :j 110 Molly, Aug. -1, 1758. a-lio Lfbulon., Maj 27, 1760. 3110 Charles. April 24. I7l,2. 3-110 FriHieric. June 13, 1706. 3-110 " Joucithan, and 2d trtfe, Sept. 19, 1769 J 3-110 " N;incy, July 22, 1771. 3-110 " Acors, July 2H, 1773. 3-110 WUUam, July 23, 1775. 3-110 " Isaac, Nov. 22. 1777. 3-110 " Otis, JIarch 7, 1780. 3-110 Glbbert, Sept. 7, 1782. 3-110 " Harris, Nov. 17, 1786. 3-(;o " iiebi era, of Samuel and Fliebe, ^ept. 2, 1755. 3-r.o " Stephen, Feb. 4, 1758. 3-(i0 (iitleon. May 15. 1759. 3-liO " Anna, March 18, 17n0. 3-1 ihirriet. Feb. 4, 17112. 3-tiO " Lucy, May 27, 171)6. 3-08 " Simeon, of .Tames and Abigail, June 3. 1756. 4-138 " Mary, of Simeon and Mary, May 12. 1700. 4 1-JS ■' Cirace, Jan. 15. 1762. 4-128 " Grace, died March 15, 1764. 4-1-JS '• BathslieTia. July 13, 1763. 4-128 Jabez, Sept. 15, 1765. 4-128 •' .labez. died Sept. 25. 1773. 4-128 " Hnnnali, Oct. 8, 1767. 4-128 " Hannah, died Get. 3, 1773. 4-128 " Grace, Jan. 18, 1770. 4-128 Sarah, July 2, 1772. 4-128 " Luerotia, March 15, 1775. 4-128 Ethan. April 3, 1777. 4-128 William, Sept. 7, 1781. 4-128 WUliam, died Jan. 20, 1782. 4-128 " Lucy, March 3. 1783. 3-14C " FeleK, of Peleg and Anna, June 22, 1760. 3 146 " Anna. June 4, 1763. 3-1 4«) Abigail, Dec. 2. 1704. 3-146 Abigail. died, Dec. 7, 1769. 3-146 " Tliomns, July 4, 1767. 3-146 " William. Jnne 17, 1769. 3-146 JuseiUi. June 17, 1769. 3-146 Abiii^iil, Aug. 11, 1771. 3 146 Lydia, Aug. 11, 1771. 3-146 " Greene, . 31, 1774. 3 146 '• Prnderice, Oct. 5. 1777. 3-177 " Benjamin, of Benjamin ami Lois, Feb. 7, 17<;4. 3-177 '• Lois. March S. 1766. 3-177 " Lydia, March 7, 1768. 3-177 David, May 13, 1770. 3-177 Paul. May 4, 1772. 3-177 " Lebbeus, Feb. 15, 1774. 3-177 " Chrisioplier, Sept. L8, 1776. 3-177 3-177 " Jabez Cheeseborongh. " Susannah, ^ May 21, 1778. July 25, 1783. 3-101 " Anne, ot Joseph and D.imarias, 1st wife. June 19. 1766. 3-101 Abel, Sept. 21, 1768. JuiJe 30, 1771. 3-101 3101 " .loseph, Alice, N-'"^'!"' 3tl wife. March IP, 1781. 3-101 3-101 " Jlaiy Miner, " Martha. July 17, 1783. April 38, 1785. 3-104 Eunio". of Jolrn and S"l>ra, Aug. 26, 1706. JiUy 34, 1768 3-104 " "jeorge. Jtay 7, 1770 3-104 " John Gardner, (Vit. Rec, Vol. 5.) 124 ■\7TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAJTD. a-104 TENDLETi >.N' Sebra, of Jt»lui ;i3ul .Si-bra, Aug. Ifl. 1773. 3-104 Julin Lee, March 4, 1777. 4-13 " Sarat. ol Epliraim and S:irah, bovn Mason's 16, 1768. i-'Jami, Conn., Sept. 4-13 Epliraim, of Ephralm and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1770. 4-13 " Lortowlck, May 5, 1772. 4-13 " Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1773. 413 Mary or Polly, Sept. 20, 1775. 4-13 " Nathaniel Miner, May 5, 1777. 4-13 Ki'lurah, Note— Also recordid 3-161 and 4-143. Jan. 19, 1770. 4-143 Lndowick, died at the West Indies Feb. 2, 1795. 4-14S ■' Edward IX>nlson, May 5, 1777. 4-14S Edward Denlson, d. July 2, 1778. 4-148 " Ephraim, Sr., d. Jan. 2, 17S0. 3-137 " Joshua, of Joshua and Anna, Miiy 25, 1770. 3-137 " Anne, June 3, 1772. 3-137 Murtha, March 3, 1774. 3-137 " Lucy, March 14, 1776. 3-137 " Clarrasah;irlo, April 24, 1778. 3-137 Polly, Aug. 16, 1780. 3-137 William, May 27, 1782. 3-137 " Elisha Clarke, May 16, 1784. 3-137 " Adam, Dec. 4, 1786. 3-101 " Damari:i.s, of Josi-ph and Damarias, Aug. 9, 1773. 3-163 " Simt-on, of Simeon (of James) and Tabltha. Au?. 12, 1775. 3-163 " Da\id, Se^rt. 9, 1779. 3-163 Tabltha. Dec. 1, 1783. a-i(;3 Elizabeth, July 30, 1787. 3-163 Ely, July 2, 1789. 3163 " Zcrriah, Oct. 11, 1791. 3-103 *• .lames. April 7, 1796. 3141 " Amell;i, of NaUian and Amelia, Oct. 20, 1775. 3-141 Sally, Aug. 13, 1777. 3-141 Nathan, June 1, 1779. 3-141 " Isaac, Jan. 16, 17S1. 3-141 " Keturah, Dec. 5, 1782. 3-141 Charlotte, Oct. 24, 17S4. 3-141 MoUy, Dec. 16, 1786. 3-141 Catharine, July 22, 1789. ;i-14i SUnon, Feb. 7, 1792. 3-141 " felmon. died Aug. 31, 1792: 3-141 Simon, 2d, July 30, 1793. 3-141 Willium, Note— Youngest born at Stonlngton. AprU 29, 1795. 4-70 " Arniella, of Joseph and Nancy, JiUy 4, 1779. ■3-70 " Alice, March 17, 1781. 4-70 " Jlary, July 7, 17S3 4-70 -Martha, April 28, 1785. 4-70 " Fanny, Dec. 11, 1787. 4-70 Elizabeth, AprU 8, 1790. 4-70 William, July 3, 1792. 4-70 " Benjamin Crandall, Nov. 11, 1794 4-70 Gurdon, July 4, 1797 4-70 " Lucy Ann, April 15, 1799 4-70 Ellet, May 4, 1801 4-70 " Rowland, Oct. 28, 1803 3-101 " Amelia, ol Joseph and Anna, 2d wife. July 4, 1779. 4-116 " Benjamin, of Capi. liinjamln and Lucy, Feb. 16, 1787. 4-116 " Joseph , March 25, 1789 4-116 " Frederic, June 24, 1791 4-116 " Lucy, Dec. 14, 1793 4-116 '* Lodowick, Feb. 22, 1796 4-116 Harrj', Oct. 6, 1798 -1-116 Xois. May 24, 1801 4 ;iij 3-173 3-173 3101 3-101 4-40 4-75 4-75 4 75 4-66 4-06 4-66 4-66 4-66 4-14 7 4-147 4-147 4-147 4-75 4-75 4-146 4-146 4-146 4-146 4-146 4-146 4-117 4 117 4-117 4-118 4-195 4-1 !i5 4-1 U5 4195 4-167 4-167 4-167 4-205 4 248 4-248 4-248 4-91 2-98 2-98 2 98 2-98 2-98 5-52 2-11)6 ■i2-106 2-106 3-92 3 92 392 3-92 3-92 3-92 3-92 3-92 ■2-40 2-40 2-40 2-40 240 WESTERLY -BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 1-25 L'EX])LKT( ).\ i_)liver. ul CMjit. Ki'iijnniin aud Lucy. Nov. 18. 1803. " Fanny, of Jobn and Sib;ii, Dec. 13, 1778. '• William, Nov. 24. 1787. '* Elizabeth, of Jos.'ph a£id Xancy, 3d wife. April 8. 179Q. " Fanny, Dec. 11, 1787. " ileU'cca, born (Jet. 13, 1789. •■ Eunice, of John and Su.sannah, Sept. 6, 1792. Freelove, Fob. 20. 1795. " John (iardner, May 16. 1300. " David, of David and Sally, Aug. 19, 1793. '■ Mercy, Dee. 31, 1795. '■ William Champlain, Nov. 2, 1798. " Polly, July 14, 1802. " EUian, Oct. 24, 1804. Kan'iah, of Joseph and llannab. Oct. 5, 1793. " Amoy, • May 25, 1795. Job Stiinton, Feb. 9, 1707. " S:imuel ClarUe. Fe'b. 15. 1799. '• Deborah,, of George and Deborah, Oct. 23, 1793. " George, June 30, 1795. Nancy, of Abel and Aljjgiiil, Jan. 6. 1796. " Gharle.s, Mareli 1, 1798. Frances, March 19, 1799. " Damarias, Mareli 5, 1800. " Amelia. Maivh 19. 1801 . '■ John S., Feb. 5, 1804. Note— Eldest and two youngest born Stoi uingtoii. Sabrina. of Paul and Sabra, " Aug. 26, 1797. " Paul Wasliinglon. Dec. 1, 1799. " Charles Lee, Jlay 16. 1802. " Amehii, of Joshua and Milly, Marcli 4, 1798. " Jabez. of Lebbeus, Jan. 4, 1800. " Frani;. Nov. 16. ISOl. " Lucretia. July 22. 1803. " Dudley, Oct. 3, 1806. « Almlrn. of Christopher S. and Bridget, March 7, 1803. t( Christopher. July 23, 1805. " Mary. Oct. 10, 1807. " Joshua Kenyon uf Dales nnd Betsey, Aug. 20, 1803. " William 'Jlaylor. of William and Anna, Feb. 8, 1813. " Anna Loesa, July 20, 1815. " John. March 9. 1818. PERKINS HiiWali. of Silas and HiOdah. nf West Greentvlch, Due. 3. 1790. PEEEY Elizab.dh. of Simuel hnd Susannah, Nov. 8. 1719. Miixy, June 10, 1721. " Samuel. Apiil 19, 1723. " Simeon. M.areh 31, 1726. " Hann.ali, April 13, 1728. Pliiniit^> • Julin Ed-wtn Clann. of Ralpli and EUza. Feb. 19, 1845. POOLER S;>r;ili. of Zaccheus and Jean. July 17, 1747. » Jolin. Aug. 25, 1749. " .^rary, May 29, 1752. POPPLE Stephen, of John and Dorcas, Feb. 25, 1745. >. Theodoty, March 16, 1747. u William, Sept. 23. 1750. >1 Anne, Feb. 23, 1753. u Hannah, Feb. 23, 1753. » George, Feb. 16. 1756. u Jchn, Sept. 24, 1758. .< Penelope. April 5, 1762. PORTER TijnoHiy. of John and Desire, Dec. 15. 1725. .r Hannih, Nov. 7, , 1728. I, John, Nov. 25. 1730. c. Desire, Feb. 11. : L7333. .. Sarah. Aug. 19, 1735. 126 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-40 PORTER Samuel, of JuJin and Di'slre, 2-40 ■' Thankful. 2-40 " Nathan, 2-115 POTTER Susannah, of Thomas and Mary, 2-115 •• Elizabeth, 2-113 " :viartha, 2-115 " George, 4-45 " Polly, of George, Jr., and Polly, 4-45 " George, 4-45 " Benjamin, 4-45 •' Polly, 4-45 " Epliralni. 4^5 " Sally, 4-45 " Jolm, 4-45 " Content, 4-45 " Charles, 4-9 " Thumas, Wells, of Joseph and Phebe, 4-9 " Joseph, 4-9 " Henry, 4-9 " Roli.-rt Tliompson, 4-9 " William. 4-131 " Hannah, of Nathan and Lnoy, 4-131 " Susannah, 4-131 " Cynthia, 4-131 " Amelia, 4-131 " Nathan, 4-131 " David Rogers, 4-250 " Julia, of Joseph and Mary, 2-90 PDLLEN Mary, of William and Jlercy, JIny 9, 1737. Dec. 7, 1739; June 26, 1742. Feb. 20, ] 718-0. Jan. 29, 1 727-8. Jan. 3, 1721)-.'!0. Jan. 3, 1 731-2. March 12, 1781. April 17, 178.J. June 18, 1783. June 20, 1787. May 30, 17811. Aug. 11, 1702, May 13, 1793. Aug. 9, 1707. 'Sept. 17, 1709, Jan. 26, 1785. Aug. 4, 1787. March 12, 1700. July 31, 1704. May 8, 1800. Jan. 29, 1793. March 5, 1795. Feb. 26, 1797. April 3, 1799. July 12, 1801. Jan. 3, 1804. Jan. 9, 1815. Nov. 18, 1713. Q R 2-70 RANDALL Nathan, of Nathan and Mary, Oct, 10, 1735. 2-70 " Mary, wife of Nathan. died Doc, 2, 1735. 3-121 KATHBONE Thomas, >f Ebenezer and Sarah, Nov. ■ 23, 1721. 3-121 " Tamsln, Oct. 8, 172t. .■J-121 " Sarah, March 27, 1723. 3-121 " Eleanor, Sept. 10, 1732. 3-121 •• Mercy, Jan. 16, 1737. 3-121 " Ebenezer, Jan. 2y, 1740. 3-113 " Thomas, of Ebenezer and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1721 3-113 " Stephen, of Thomas and Anna, Nov. 17, 1750. 3-113 " Prisfilla, Nov. 12, 1752, 3-113 " James, Aug. 6, 1754, 3-113 " PaiU Wilcox, D.-c. 29 1736 31 13 " Mary, Apill 29, T/58, 3-113 " Thomas, March 8, 1768, 4-53 (( Anne, of James and Susanna, March 23. 1770, 4-53 u Hannah Perry, Oct. 27. 1782, 4-53 " Hannah Perry, died Feb, 7, 1788, 4-53 u James, May 20. 1780, 4-33 " Hannah Perry 2d, Note.— Also record« 4-138 RiJSS Janii-s Sauiulrr^, or .Tusliufi iiml Tli/irkfiU, 4-226 " Robinson C, of Isaac and HannaU. ■J---0 " Jnnies Potter, of James and PoUy, 4-2i;0 '• llurnm, 4-220 " H.'nry, 4-213 " Avery, of David and Sarah, A-l"-' " Beiijamm, of Benjamin and Abigail, 4-170 " Peleg, Dec. 3. ITOS. Jan. O, 1799. Aug. 17, 1805. Oct. 22, 1807. Jan. 5, 1810. Sept. 13, 1806. Jmie 24, 1811. June 16, 1813. 1-94 oATTERLEE Penelope, of Nicholas and Mary, Nov. 15, 1698. 1-94 (( John, Feb. 24. 1701-2 1-04 (( Mary, Oct. 21, 1703. 1-174 SAUNDERS Mary, of John and Sllena, Jan. 6, 1699-1700. 1-174 " Hannah, Dec. 17, 1701-2. 1-17-1 " EUzalJeth, Oct. 27, 1703. 1-120 " Edward, of Edward and .-^arah, Jan. 10, 1702-3. 1-120 " John, of Jolin and Silena, Oct. 13, 1705. 1-120 (( .Susanna, Dec. 4, 1707. 1-120 " .Samuel, Feb. 28, 1710. 1-120 u Prudence, Jan. 19, 1712. 1-120 " Joseph, July 5, 1721. 2-79 " .■viury. of Benjamin and Ann, Jan. 29, 1714. 2-79 u Joshua, March 6, 1716. 2-79 " Daniel, Nov. 1, 1717. 2-79 " Lucy, Nov. 13, 1719. 2-79 " Taey, Feb. 4, 1722. 2-79 " Nathan, March 17, 1724. 2-79 " Ann. Dec. 15, 1736. 2-S4 " Stephen, of Stephen and Kacliel, Aug. 3. 1722. 2-84 " Rachel, Sept. IK. 1724. 2-84 " Isabel. Oct. 14, 1720. 2-84 u Ruth, July 1. 1729. 2-84 ii Tobias, March 28, 1732. 2-84 u Mary, July 9, 1734. 2-84 " Peieg, March 4. 1737. 2-84 (( Martha, Nov. 27, 1740. 2-87 « Mary, of John, Jr., and Recde, May 13, 1731. 2-67 " EUsha, May 29. 1733. 2-87 " Benjamin, Note— Youngest also recorded 2-119. Jan. 8, 1742-3. 4-57 Edward, Feb. 13, 172r,, 4-57 " Sarah, Ms wife, Nov. 20, 1734. 4-57 " Edward, of Edward and Sarah, July 13, 1756. 4-57 (( Sarah, Aug. 9, 1758. 4-57 " Al>igail, Sept. 17, 17(iO. 4-57 Arnold. March 20, 1763. 4-57 " Eliz.abeth, Jan. 27, 1766. 4-57 ec. 31, 1770. 4-50 ■• Gid.'Cn, June 25, 1773. 4-50 " Asa, Oct. 29, 1775. 4-50 " Phineas, March 5, 1778. 4-50 " Freeman, Aug. 6, 1780. Note— Eldest also recorded 3-9S. 3-152 " Thomas, of Joshua and Martha, Dec. 1, 1770. 3-152 " Simeun. Dec. 8, 1772. 3-152 " JIai-}-, March 20, 1776. 3-128 " Richard, of Joshua and Mary, ''nly "-4. 1773. 4-82 " Lydia, of Charles and Martha, -^'-ly 7, 1774. 4-S2 " Lodowlck, '^o^'- 5, 1775. -•-82 " Jlartha, March 5. 1777. 4-83 " Charles, Nov. 10, 1773. WESTERLY HIRTHS AXD DEATHS 131 4-82 SAl'NDEKS HaU, of cliaili'K ;iiul MaiMlui. • hily 12. 17.S0. 4-S2 " Hall. died Aug. 27. 1781. 4-83 " Sarah, July 10. 1782. 4-82 " Hall, .\pril 24. 7.7S4. 4-82 " Nancy, April 20. 1786. 4-82 " Cplia, Jidy 24. 1788. 4-82 tt d:iu., born and died, Nov. 23. 1790. 4-82 " LiK-iv'lia, May 19. 1792. 4-82 " Mrrol.a, July 30. 1795. 4-78 " Mary, of Stephen and Lucy, Oct. 12. 1774. 4-78 C( Stephen, May 21. 1776. 4-78 « Esther. April 26. 1778. 4-78 (( Samuel. Aug. 2D. 1780. 4-78 " Susannah. Jan. 1. 1784. 4-78 " .lolin AJdrlch. March 25. 1737. 4-78 " Elias. June 20. 1789. 4-78 u Lsdia, Feb. 29. 1792. 4-78 Cuty, Note.— Also recorded 3-164. Sept. 20. 1795. 4-91 " Thankful, of James, Jr., and Elizabeth. Jan. 19, 1776. 4-91 " James, Feb. 24. 1778. 4-91 " Walter, April 21. 1780. 4-91 " Rethona, April 11. 1782. 4-91 " Eunice, July 2. 1734. 4-91 " Mary. Jan. 6, 1787. 4-91 " Jared. Nov. 23. 1790. 4-ni " Elizabeth, JIarcli 3. 1792. 4-ni " Abel. Xote— Tito eldest also record ed 3-158. April 21. 1794. 3-146 " Sarah, of Joseph and Lydla, AuR. 8. 177S. 3-146 " Russell, July 12, 1782. M-146 " Esther. 51a y 27. 1785. 3-159 " Elizabeth of Augustus and Elizabeth. I>et. 5. 1780. 3-159 " Elizabeth, died Sept. 13. 17S2. 3-159 " ElizabeUi. 2d, March 5. 1782. 3-159 " Au crust us. July 12. 1784. 3-159 " .loel. Maich 7. 1787. 3-1 59 " ilUIings, Dec. 11, 1796. 3-159 C( Lydia , May 26, 1799. 4-5 " Elisha. of L'llce and D ^rcas. Dec. 4. 1781. 4 5 " Dorca.s. Feb. 11. 1783. 4-5 " Luke. Nov. 29, 1784. 4-5 " Silva, Feb. 13. 1787. 4-5 " Ezeldel, Nov. 26. 1789. Note— Eldest born Cliarlestown. yd Westi'rly. the others HopWnton. 4-176 " Rebecca, of Joshua and Martha. June 14. 1782, 4-176 ■' Joshua, Aug. 24. 1784. 4-176 " Fanny, Nov, 29. 1787. 4-176 " Zebulon, Nov. 29, 1789. 4-176 « Russell, June 23, 1792. 4-56 " Martha, of Edward and Martha, April 18. 1783. 4-56 « Edward, May 19, 1785. 4-56 « Nancy, May 9, 1787. 4-56 " Elisha aarke. Feb 25. 1780. 4-56 " Etlian, Feb. 15, 1795. 4-56 " Permilla, Feb. 15. 1705. 4-56 (( Fanny, Note— Two eldest recc r' I'eleg. of Capt. I'eleg and Sarah, Aug. 22. 1785. 4-6 11 Lyman, May 34. 1787. 4-6 Rowland, Nov. 16, 1789. 4-6 » Sally, Jlay 28, 1791. 4-6 " Stephen, Aug. 11, 1703. 5-20 " 11.1 ias. June 20, 1789. 132 ■\7TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. of Eussell and Mary, of Clarke and Sarah, 5 20 SArN"DEE> Faiiiiy (Vai« of Istinc). his -vtife, 5-i;o ■• Franc-s, of Ellas and Fanny, 5-20 •• Esther, 5-20 " Oliver t*., 5-20 " Mary Ann, 5-2U " Stephen, 5-20 " t'eleg, 5-20 '• Ellas, 5-20 " Sally, 5-20 " Tacy, • 5,20 •• Harriet, 4-33 " George, of George and Lydla, 4-l()0 '• John, of Da\-ld and Sarah, 4-160 " John, 4-1U9 '• Polly, •t-l('9 " Sarah, 4-169 '■ Nancy, 4-46 " Hannah, of Arnold and Hannah. 4-46 " Arnold, 4-4G " Charlotte, 4-46 ■' Sarah, 4-46 " Polly, 4-46 " Betsey, 4-46 " Elisha, 4-47 '• Kussell, 4-143 " Clarke, 4-143 " Ezeklel, 4-143 " Mary, 4-143 " Hannah, 4-le4 ■• Nathan Gardner, of Kus^«ll aJid Caty, 4-1S4 " Rowland Clarke, 4-1S4 " Joseiih Potter, 4-1S4 " John Al;uican, 4-184 " Polly Gardner, 4-142 •• Stephen, of Susannah, dflu. of Stephen, 4-199 " Daniel Bllven. of Samuel and Fanny, 4-199 " Samuel, 4-199 " Fanny, 4-199 •• Hannah, 4-199 " Charles, 5-31 " Samuel P., of Samuel and Aniey K., 5-31 " Charles Henry, 3-S5 SCRIVEN Wiiillam, of James, 3-S5 •• Maiy, -wife Of WUUam, 3-85 " Alios, of William and Alice, 3-85 " James, 3-85 " John. 3-85 '* Josiiua, 3-85 •• Hannah, 3-85 " William, 3-85 " Zebulon, 3-65 " Mercy, 3-85 " Thomas {born Exeter), 3-85 " Joseph, 3-85 •• Isaac, and EUp'.ia, 2d wife, 4-4 SEAGER Kutli, of Christopher and Wealtha, 4-4 '■ Mary Ivlngston, 4-4 " Sarah, 4-4 •• Maliehn, 4-4 '• CliristopUer. 4-130 SHAW Thumas. of Peleg and Lueretla. both of ■I-IM " Nancy, of Feleg and Lucretln, 2 112 SHEFFIELD Mary, ol Isaac and Jane, 2-112 ■■ .Martha, Jaly 11, 1790. May 14, 1810.. May 30, 1812. March 30„ 1814. Dec • 4, 1816. Dec. 12, 1818. Oct. 16, 1820. Dec. 20, 1822. Jan, 3, 1828. Ajiril 25, 1830. Oct. 19, 1832. March 4, 1791. June 5, 1791. died J Id J ' 6, 1791. Aug. 17, 1792. July 12, 1794. Aug. 31, 1796. Oct. 27, 1791. June 27, 1793. Feb, . 4, 1795. March 20, 1797. Feb. 18, 1800. Feb. 18, ;.800. May 19, 1802. ■ Aug. 11. 1792. Dec. 7. 1798. April 1, 1801. May 30, l.'iOS. April 2% 1805. Nov, . 9. 1S02. April . 1. 1803. Sept . 4. 1804. Feb. 19, 1806. May 1, 1S07. July 8, 1803. Sept. 30, 1804. Nov. 28, 1807. Aug. IS, 1809. April 15, 1811. Feb. 11, 1819. June 2.S, 1S35. Sept. 10, 183'8. June 6, 1727. July ' 1, 1726. Feb. 10, 1750. Aug. 28, 1751. Aug. 28, 1751. May 17, 1754. May 17, 1 754. Feb. 23, 1756. Oct. 23, 1759. Fet 1. S, 1761. July 26, 1762. April 10, 1766. Aug. 15, 1770. Oct. 11, 1777. Oct. 11, 1777. March 13, , 1785, <;ct. 13, , 1788. Jan. 20, , 1794. Stonlngton, born Westerly, Feb. 3, , 1793. Dec. 16, 1799. Sept. 29, 1721. Nov. 20, 1723. WESTERLY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 133. 305 SHEFFIELD X;itli;un..l. ul Jos,.i)li :iiiil LyOla. ;i-iio " Dorcas, ot Nnthrin and .Marina, o--i:jy '• f'llly. of Wcorge, Jr., and Sarah. 4-tli " William, of WlUiam (ol George, dec). 4-4li •lames. 4-i(i " EuniCL', 4-4l> Dudley, Note — Two eldest btTn 'iroton, youngest Westerly. 4-135 " Ehoda, of Samuel and Susannah, 3-75 SHELDON Phi^bo, of Joseph and Eiith, 3-75 " Susanna. 4-191 SHELLEY Charles, ol' Ebuuezfi- aad Amey, 4-191 '• George Washington Chester. 3-19 SIJIS &imuel. of WiUiam and Jenisha, 3-10 " Elizabeth, 310 William, 3-19 " Esther, 3-152 " Esther, of William and Rebecca. 3-152 '• Phebe, 3-152 William, 3-15-2 Jeremiah Babcock, 3-1 52 " SamiLol Pendleton, 3-1.-.2 " Elizabeth, 4-8S a Deborah, ol Samuel and Deborah, 4-S8 " Nancy, 4-8S u Sylvester Pendleton, 4-(-8 Sally, 4-88 it Samuel, 4-88 " OUver, 4 97 " Joseph Thompson, of William and 4-97 u James, \ 4-273 ii Ichabod Babcock (called Sisson), son 4-224 " WiUiam, of WlUiam, Jr„ and Sally, 4-22 L " Cliarles Ed^way, 3-73 SISSON Oliver, of William and Hannah, 3-73 " Nathan, 3-73 " Hannah, 3-73 ;( Hannah, 3-73 " William, 3-73 " Beiinaja, 3-73 " James. 3-73 « AbigaU, 3-73 « Jonathan, 373 " Hannah. 3-73 " Thomas, 3-93 " John, of Thomas, Jr. and Mary, 3-93 u Amey, 3-93 " M.ary , 3-93 " George, 3-93 u Ann, 3-no (( Elizabeth, 3-82 " Samuel, of Giles and Elizabeth, 3S2 " John, 3-82 » Jane, 3-82 " Content, 3-82 " Sarah. 3-82 " Esther, 3-82 '• Anne, 3-82 Ruth, 3-113 " Sion. ot John and Kuturah, 3-113 " Keturah, 3-113 « Content, 3145 " William, of Jonathan, and EUzabeth, 3-145 " Flizabeth, Oct. 10. 171,3. April 30, 17(18. Nov. 28, 1775. and ni-iugel. AprU 27, 1781. May 2, 1786. March 5, 1788. July 2, 179.0. Conn., next Southold, L. 1., April 21 ;, 1709. June J ."i. 1757. Aug. 19, 1758. Aug. 20, 1802. -March 25, 1804. Nov. 1. 17JS. Oct. 20, 1752. Aug. 13, 1750. May 11, 1758. May 14. 1778. April 29, 1782. Aug. 27, 1784, Dec, 23, 1787. May 3, 1790. May 25, 1792. Sept. 10, 1780. Aug. 10. 1783. Oct. 22, 1785, April 11, 1786. Dec. 11. 1790. April 27, 1793. Rebecca, Oct. 9, 1794. Sept. lOj 1797. ot Phebe Sims, Jan. 3, 1S()2. Aug. 211. 1807. Nov. 6, 1808. JIarch 30. 1738. April 14, 1740. Jam. 17. 1742. died soon. July 12, 1744. Sept. 2. 174(3. Aug. 25, 1748. Oct. 24, 1750. May 2, 1753. June 7, 1755. April 4, 1758. March 3. 1741. May 10, 1745. June 23, 1747. Feb. 5, 1750. July 19, 1753. April 9, 1756. Dec. 4, 1747. April 10, 1749. AprU 27, 1751. May 20, 1753. March 28, 1755. Aug. 6, 1757. Sept. 5, 1750. Dec. 23. 1701. April 16, 1768. Sept. 6, 1709. June 23, 1771. Oct. 5, 1776. March S, 1773. 134 XlTAh RECORD OF RHODE ISLAXD. .^-l4o SISSON .idiiathaii, ol JuuaUian and EUaabolli, March 27. 1780. 3-145 " Xathan, .March 23, 1783. B-145 " OUver, JIarch 23, 1784. 3-145 " Mary, AprU 1. 1780. 3-145 " Sarah, April 12, 1788. 3-145 " Nancy, June 17, 1790. 3-145 a Fanny, Oct. 4, 1792. 3-143 « Desire, Dec. 9, 1704. 3-145 '■ Hinry BUven, Aug. 12, 1798. 4-15'2 " rimothy, of Peleg, Jr., and Esther, Jidy 32, 1777. 4-153 Josbna, Feb. 14, 1780. 4-i5a " liUbert, April 10, 1783. 4-153 " Kebwca, March 14, 178'). 4-153 " Esiner, MarcU 5,, J.787. 4-153 " Lucy. July 14, 1790. 4-152 " LodoTvlck, July 14, 1790. 4-153 " Robert, Sept. 14. 1795. 4-132 " Gaty, Aug. 17, 1797. 4-133 u IVleg, Jlareh 10, 1799. 4-1 '■ Thomas, •)! Thomas and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1783. 41 " liaunah, Sept. 23, 1785. 4-1 .liishua Cottrell, Sept. 2, 17S7. 4-1 " Lois, Aug. 7, 1789. 4-1 " Daniel, March 39, 1791. 4-1 " Abigail, JNIarch 9, 1793. 4-201 '• Cynlhia, of Barney and Cynthia, June 14, 1790. 4-201 u Barney, July 15, 1792. 4-2fll " Sally. Oct. 11, 1794. 4-301 " Cliark-s, May 30, 1797. 4-201 " Hannah, Aug. k;, 1800. 4-201 " Rhoda, Aug. 7, 1803. 4-200 (( Elizabeth, of Sanford and Elizabeth, July 20, 1800. 4-200 " Sophia, Jan. 30, 1802. 4-200 " Damarias, Aug. 13, 1804. 4-200 it Jlaria Catherine, of Joshua and Alice, Dec. 28, 1813. 4-269 " Joshua Franklin, Sept. -26, 1814. 4-30!) " Caroline, Oct. 1, 1817. 2-27 SLACK Aliiaul. of Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1715. 2-27 u WilUam, March 27, 1717. 2-27 (( Mary, March 24, 1719. O.O- " Anna, Dec. 17, 1734. 2-27 " Temperance, Oct. 13, 1737. 2-27 " Elizabeth, April 26. 1731. 2-27 Benajah, Note— Also recorded 2-118. April 34, 1733. 3-37 « William, of Benajah and Mary, Dec. 8, 1733 3-107 SLATTERY Tliomas C, of Thoma- and AblgaU, June 13. 1781. 31(i7 " Abigail, March 31, 1787. 4210 " Susan, of Thomas 0. and Susan, Dec. 9, 1805 4-210 " CeUa, July 6, 1807. 4-210 " Abby Ann, Aug. 6, 1809. 4-210 " Dudley, Nov. 1, 1813. 3-105 SMITH Hannah, of Benoiii and Ruth. Nov. 19, 1727. 2-105 " WUllam. Feb. 13, 1729 2 105 WilUam, died June 19, 1754 2-105 " Xathan. Dec. 22, 1731. 2-105 " Nathan, died Jan. 11, 1734-3 2-103 " Xathan. 2d, Feb. 18, 1732-3 2-105 " Mary, Oct. 3. 1737. 2-105 " Elizabeth. May 22, 1739. 2-105 '• Eleanor, June 22, 1741. 2-103 " Sarah, July 11, 1745. 2-105 " Joseph, April 4. 1749. 2-103 '* Jtfseph, died May 5, 1749. 3-41 " Joseph, of Nathan and Elizabeth, June 15, 1753. ■WESTERLY laKllls AND DEATHS. 135 r-41 SMITH WiUiani. iif Nathan and Hizaleth, March 18, 1757. 341 '• Joshua, May 6, 1759. S-l-J Elizal>eth. wile nf Nallian, died Nov. 12. 17li0. 3-73 '■ Josepli. of Nathan and Mary, died May. 15, 1774. 4-250 Levi Hart, of Stephen and Clailna, June 23', 1799. 4-2o0 t'larma. Jan. 9, 1801. 4-250 John Wilson, March 17, 1803. 4-2o0 " Clarina, wife of Steplien, died Feb. 20, 1807. 4-250 a Stephen, of Stephen and Esther, 2d wife. Aug. 19. 180.S. 4-250 (( Esther Babcock, March 7, 1810. 4-250 " David, Dec. 8, 1811. 4-250 " Waiy Fitch, May 10, 1814. 4-250 " Martha Har\*ey, Sept. 27, 18ir>. 4-250 " Ellxabctii Moore, June 7, 1818. 4-250 " Cliarles ^'ose, Oct. 31, 1819. 4-250 " William Oakes, Sept. 1, 1821. 4-250 Harriet Newell, June 5, 1823. 4-250 '• Esther, wife of Stephen', dlcHl Feb. 17. 1833. 4-193 " Charles Granderson, ol Lemuel. Jr., and Deborah, Jan. 23, 1S03. 3-2S STANTON EUzabetli, wile of Jesse, ol Stonlugtoii' , died Au g. 7, 1803. 4-210 STEPHENS Eunice, oX Stanton and Eunice, July 24, 1803. 4-2T0 " Stanton, Oct. 5, 1S05. 4-210 " Hannah Clarke, Nov. 14, 1807. 4-210 " John. Aug. 7, 1809. 4-210 " John. died March 22, 1810. 4-210 '• Jusliua F., July 15, 1811. 3-1 ly STETSON lir.?n!(>n, ot Stephen and Dorcas, AprU 14, 1768. 3-iiy " Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 170;). 3-iiy Sarah, Oct. 5, 1771. 3-119 " Step'ii'Q, July 23, 1773. 3-153 " Cornehiis, Jan. 27, 1779. 3-153 " James, March 1, 1781. 3-153 " Isaac, Jan. 2(i, 1785. 3-133 " ThniilvfiU, June 19, 1787. 4-10 " Thomas, of Thomas and Marj- (ol Hanover, Idymoulli Co., Jlass.), March 9, .1780. 4-2iy •• James Robinson, of Jamea and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1803. 4-219 .. Hannah, Nov. 9, 1807. 4-210 " Abigail S., Feb. 29, 18.13. 4-219 " Susan iwh. Sept. 15, 1810. 3-93 STEWAUU Wartlia, of William and -Mary, June 14, 175b. 3-93 u WUliam, March V„ 17'i3 3-93 " Elisba. June 15, 1763. 3-93 « Mary, March in. 1703. 2-83 STEWART Danii'l, of Oliver and Eeliecoa Feb. 23. 1742-3. 2-83 ?a.rali. Marcli 7, 1743-4. 2-83 " Rebecca, ( Oct. 31, 1746. 2-75 OTILES .Tuliu, ot Israel and lla.nnali. March 5, 1736. 2-121 STILLJIAX Deborah, ol George and Deborali, Jan. 11, 1706-7. 2-121 u Nathaniel, Ma.y 2. 1709. 2-3 21 fi Mary. ■Sept. 27, 1711. 2-121 u George, Feb. 13, 1713-4. 2-121 u Joseph, Dec. 5, 1716. 2-121 u John. .Tune 14, 1719. 2-121 1. Ellsha, April 25, 1722. 2-121 tt Benjamin, Jan. 23, 1725-11. Note.— Also recorded 2 123 and 2- lit; 2-84 u George, of George and Mary, May 19, 1739. 2-84 th, of Ellsha anrt Mary. 2il wiff 3-109 " Ellsha, S-109 " Amos, 3-109 " Elizabeth, 3-109 u WiUiam, 34 " Eimiee, of Benjamin ,nnd Mary, 3-4 " Nathaniel, 3-4 " Nathan, 3-4 " Waite (son). 3-4 " Lydia, 3-4 " Mary, 34 '■ Itenjamln, 3-4 It Wealthy, 3-4 " Thankful, 3-4 " David, 3-4 " Ephralm, 3-flfi '• Anne, of Joseph and Mary, 3-fiO " Lois, 4-93 •■ Sasannah, of George, 3(1. and Esther, 4-93 " George, 4-93 (( Esther, 4-93 " Sarah, 4-93 " Sylvester, 4-93 " Mary, 4-93 " Masson, 4-93 " Luke. 4-93 (( Lucy, 4-93 " Ellas, 4-93 (( Amey, Note— First five also recorded 3-68, 4-25 " Sabra, of Dea. -Joseph and Eunice. 4 25 (( Lois, 4-25 " Amey, 4-25 Joseph, 4-25 Lydia, 4-25 " Paul, 4-25 Zebiiliin. 4-25 Daniel, 3-156 Asa. of Joseph and Elizabi-lh, 3-156 Tacy, 3-156 Jesse. 3-156 Silas, 4-48 Fanny, of John and Mary. 4-48 Susannah, 4-48 Betsey, 4-48 Caty, 4-48 Polly, 4-48 Phebe. 4-48 Content, 4-61 Nancy, of Nathaniel and Deborah, 4-01 Sar.aU. 4-61 Desire, 4-61 " Nathaniel, 4-61 it Oliver Davis, 4-61 li Benjamin. 4-61 " Kzri. 4-til Kaliamah 4-61 '• J avis, 4-61 " JVatbaniel, Sr., drowned at Mr. Hurdick's river, April 7, 1804. AprU 15, 1760. oept. 28, 1762. Feb. 5, 1747. Aug. 13. 1753. May 16, 1756. Oct. 28, 1759. Feb. 26, 1761. April 24. 1762. Dec. 6, 1765. May 4, 1767. Oct. 8, 1751. May 29, 1753. Feb. 1, 1757. Nov. 27, 1758. May 6, 1760. March 8, 1762. Nov. 15. 1763. June 24 1765. April 17, 1767. March 27 1769. Dec. 15 1771. April 7, 1754. April 18, 1756. Oct, 8, 1758. Sept. 3, 1760. Feb. 9, 1763. Nov. 9, 1766. July 26, 1769. Feb. 19, 1772. June 28, 1774. Oct. 5, 1776. May 30, 1779. June 13, 1782. Marcli 25, 1785. Oct. 28, 1771. Sept. 7, 1773. Felj. -30. 1777. Jan. 14, 1779. Oct. 16, 17S0. Sept. 19, 1782. June 21, 1784. June 3, 1787. Dec. 7, 1773. Jan. 8, 1776. Feh. 27, 1778. Aug. 6, 1780. Jan. 14, 1777. Sept. 12. 1778. Feb. 17, 1782. Feb. 15, 1784. AprU 30, 1786. July 17, 1788. Feb. 1, 1791. Oct. 31, 1777. Aug. 27, 1779. Oct. 3. 1781. Sept. 24, 1783'. Aug. 28, 1785. JiUy 1, 1789. July 8, 1789. July 11, 1791. .A.ug. 28, 1704. ilam. Pawcatuck \VE8TEELY BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 137 4 01 4-61 4-i;i 4-(il 4-(ii 4-(il 4-1(5 4-lb 4-l(; 4-lG 4-10 4-2-2 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-184 4-184 4-1B4 4-lb4 4-184 4-184 4-i7r, 4-lTG 4-170 4-143 4-143 4-143 4-343 4-243 4-344 4-344 4-244 2-244 4-259 4-250 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-29 5-39 5-2 5-3 5-15 1-174 1-174 1 ]74 1-174 1-174 STILLMAX Bel>fy, of Josepli, 2cl. and Ellzabi-th, " Henry, David, Abigail, J.-ired, " Josepli Note— AJfo recorrtefl 4-98. Clarke, ot Clark? and AblgaU, Kus<;eU, " House, Aancy, " Maba, Amey, of Nathan and Hannali. " Abel, of Dea. Joseph and Eunice, " Barton, " Adam, " William, of William and Martha, '* Ezra, Albert, " .lonaUian Potter. '• IMartha. " Ephralm, " Wi'althy. of David and Grace, " Sijphia. " David, " Maxson, ot Maxson and Esther, " Silas, *' Susannah, '■■ Edwin, of Paul and Sally, " Daniel, of Daniel and Lois, " fdiver Davis, of Oliver and Ruth. " Albert, " Weeden, " Lucy Ann, Note— Eldest born in Hopldnton. " Phebe Ann, of Eoiise and Pliebe, " Phel)e. wife of Rouse. " William Henry, of William and Charlotte, " Abram Coggeshall, " Ezra, " Elizabeth Coggeshall, Note — Eldert bom Hoi)Iilntou. " Albert, of Albert and Hannah, " Albert, " Wary Adella, of Ephr.ilm and Mary, " Horace, " Adam, died May 36, 1845. SWAIT Richard, of Richard and Mi'liitable, Aug. 30. 17S2. Nov. 19, 1784. May 8, 1787. Nov. 1, 17S9. March 29, 1792. June 24, 1795. April 32, 1783. Sept. 1, 1786. Feb. 1, 1788. Nov. 4, 1789. Deo. 18„ 1780. Nov. 30, 1786. June 14, 1789. March 20 , 1791. Nov. 3, 1793. Oct. 2. 1792. 13. 1794. AprU 27. 1796. Feb. 10, 1798. Feb. 21. I,i00. Jan. 31, I,b02. Si'pt. 21, , 1794. Dec. 12. 1797. Aug. 13, 1800. Sept. 29. 1799. Aug, 0. LSOl. Dec. 29. 1803. Oct. 21, 1803. Mar-ch 10, ISIO. ■Oct. 2, 1810. June 7, 1812. Dec. 17, 1814. Jan. 20, 1817. April 29, 1814. died Aug. 15. 1814. Jan. 7. 1819. Dec. 8. 1820. Jan. 10, 1833. Dec. 7, 1824. June 8, 1821. died Oct. 14, 1821. April 22, 1825. AprU 25. 1827. Feb. 33, 107,-)-e. Feb. 17, 1677-S. Feb. 10, 1679-80. Nov. 4, 1083. June 13. 1087. 3-108 TAYLOR Lucy, Of Josei 4-98 " Samuel. 4-98 Kuth, 4-98 " Lydia. 4ua " Sarah, 4-98 " Lueretla. 4-98 •Martha, 4 98 '* Smlord, 4-98 Gardner Wilbur, March 6. 1708. May 1, 1774. Feb. 18. 1776. Oct. 1, 1778. Aug. 14, 1780. Nov. 6, 1783. March 13, 1786. Aug. 21, 1789. May 14, 1795. 138 \nTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3137 .i-l-iJ 3-137 3-137 3-137 3-137 3137 3-137 3-ieG 3-16G 3-16G 3-166 3-l(i6 3-166 3-166 4-169 4-169 4-169 4-169 4-169 4-5S 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-202 4-302 4-197 4-107 4-1 97 4-197 4-232 4-232 4-232 1-173 2-l]l 21 11 2-111 2-ni 2-;u 3-116 3-111) 3-110 3-116 3-ni; 4-92 4-ii2 4 92 4-92 4-92 4-92 4-92 l-9o 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-95 2-121 TAYLOR Duvid. oi Jurte and Abi^iaU. ilartlia. David, AWgaU, " Isaac KOSS, " Fanny, " Anna, " Asent^tli, '• Hannah, of Tbomas and Hannah, " Hnmi)hrey. " John, '* Thomas, " Martha, " Reuben, " Lydla. " Lyndon, of Dennis and Keziah, " Th " William, of WUllam and 3-13 " Nathan, of Joshua and 3-13 " George, 4-107 " ,\nna, of John and Anna 4-107 " Anna. 4-107 " Ruth, 4-107 " John, 4-107 " .\sa. 4-107 . " Asa. 4-107 " .'^uRannah, 4-107 " Anna, 4-107 " I'rudence, 4-107 " MoHy, 4-107 " Na.than, 4-107 - William, 4-107 ■• Asa, 4-107 •■ Whitman Noti.- 3-83 " Samuel, of 3-83 •• llalillal], 3-83 •• Bridget, 3-83 '• Jonathan, 3-83 " I'aitlon. 3-83' •' Jhiry. 3-105 •• Eliiis, of Ella 3-105 " Tliankful, Noti — Eli.is is also recorded 3-107 3-127 '• Tliomas. of Thomas and Hannah. 3-127 '• Hannah, 3-127 ■■ Elizabeth, 3-127 •• Jsaa.', ol Thomas and Hannah, 3-127 •■ Jesse, 3-127 •■ Samuel. 3-127 '• George, 3-127 '• Christopher, 3-127 " Robert, 3-127 •■ Asa, (Vlt. Rep., Vr'. 5.1 25 Nov. 14, 1708 March 18, 1709-10. Oct. 14, 1711. Nov. 25, 1713. Aug. 13. 1714. March 11. 1716. June 4, 1737. June 11, 1739. June 8, 1741. July 12. 1743. March 17. 1745-6. Jan. 14, 1746-7. died. May 14, 1805. May 7, 1749. May 21, 1752. March 17, 1733. Aug. 1, 1738. July 14, 1741. Sept. 5, 1746. July 29, 1749. Nov. 23, 1736. June 25, 1738. April 17, 1741. Oct. 31, 1743. Jan. 81, 1747-8. June 25, 1749. Kvathbone, First six also recorded 3-53. Samuel and Mary, Jr.. and Mary, Sept. — , 1745. Sept. 22, 1756. Jan. 22, 1758. Feb. 4. 1758. died Maly 14, 1759. Sept. Ki, 1759. April 1(5, 1761. Aug. 10, 1763. died Nov. 5, 1781. April 3, 1768. Jan. 24, 1772. Jan. 20, 1774. Feb. 19, 1776. March 17. 177S. March 19, 1780v Miirch 30, 1783. June 1, 1787. Jan. 22, 1763. Jan. 10, 1765. Aug. 26, 1767. March 15, 1770. Nov. 2. 1772. March 19. 1776. April 23, 1764i. Nov. 25, 1765. Dec. 8. 1766. Oct. 25, 1758. July 19, 1770. March 25, 1772. Nov. 21. 1773. March 18, 1775. Oct. 23, 1771). April 23, 1778. March 27, 17.S1. May 13, 1783. 140 \ITAL RBCOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-127 THOMPSON Jolm, of Tliom:).s and Haanali, 4-73 " Mary, of William and lianiiali, 4-73 ■' Thankful, 4-73 '• WUliam, 4-73 •' Ruth, 4-73 " Prudence. 4-73 " Rliuliani.i, 4-73 " Reuben, 4-73 '■ Nani'y, 4-73 •' K'TDlce, 4-73 •■ Rebecca, 4-73 ■■ Jobn Lewis, 4-73 " Lueinda, 4-73 " Uarnali, 4-73 " Abel, 4-73 " Abel, 4-73 " Rliuliauiali, dau. of above Rhuliama, 3-131 " iUiiv. of William and Hannah, 3-131 " Xhanuiul, 3-131 •' wuiuim, 3-131 " RutU, 3-(i9 • •• I'ludeupe, of John and Anna. 3-163 " Pnutence. of William and Hannah, 3-130 ■• Kobvrt, of Robert and Anna, 4-215 " Joshua, of .Joshua P. and Sally, 4-215 " Polly, 4-215 " Nathan, 4-215 " Lydia, 4-215 " Sally, 4-215 " Els t her, ' 4-215 " Joseph, 4-215 " Nancy, NoU' — First five recorded 4-87. 4-158 " Martha Oh.amplain, of Samuel and Abigail, 4-158 " Samuel Ooggeshall, 4-105 " .Tohn Gardiner, of John and Lydia, 4-195 " Lydia, 4-21fi " Burrell, of John, 3d, ami Bridget, 4-16(1 " Joshua R., oi Joshua and Fanny, 4-1116 '■ Fanny Maria, 4-1 or. " Eunice, 4-268 " Pardon Henry, of Pardon and Lucy, 5-30 " " James Noyes, of James 1). and Martha, 5-30 " Harriet Fitch, 5-30 '• Stanton Sheffield, 5-42 " Joshua Lorenzo, of Joshua and Phebe Ann, 5-42 " Phebe Maria, 4-149 THURSTON Oliver, of Oliver and Lydia, 2-81 TIKON Sampson, of Sjimpson and ISattey. 2-81 " Mary, 2-81 " Elizabeth, 2-81 " Freelove, Noti'— 2d born Westerly, the otbei's St< Aug. 30, 1739. Feb. 4, 1773. March 7. 1774. March 22, 1776. JiUy 14, 1777. May 31, 1779. April 11, 1781. April 11, 17.81. March 18, 1783. March 10, 178b. June 12, 1789. (sic) Sept. 3. 1789. Aug. 1, 1701. Sept. 27, 1793. March 1, 1796. died April 1, 1796. March 16. 1803. Feb. 4, 1773. March 7, 1774. March 22, 1776. July 11, IV'/V. J 'an. 20. 177-1. May 30, 1779. March 28, 178S. J^n. 15, 17910. Jan. 28, 1791. Nov. 21, 1792. Dec. 29, 1794. Nov. 22, 1796. Jan. 23, 1798. Sept. 26, 1799. Dec. 8, 1801. Sept. 2, 1795. Dec. 2, 1706. Jan. 17, 1S05. Aug. 20, 1806. Nov. 25. 1805. Nov. 4, 1801!. Aug. 27, 1S08. Dec. 16, 1810. Jan. 3, 1822. Oct. 7, 1S38. July 16, , 1842. Feb. 5, , 1846. Dec. 20, 1338. Sept. 27, , 1841. Oct. 29. . 1793. May 10, 1749. Aug. 22 , 1751. Feb. 22. 1754. March 4 , 1756. ningtoii. u 1-173 UTTER John, of Thomas, 2-83 " Abraham, of John and Elizabeth, 2-83 " Eleanor, 2-83 " Isaac, 2-83 " Jemima, Jan. 29, 1703. Nov. 18, 1732. Feb. 10, 1733. Jan. 4, 1736-7. 24. 1738. WESTEELY BIBTHS AND BEATHS. Ul 4-17 \AKIN Nathan, of Joseph and Isariel. 4-17 " Jo.>oph. .3-1U5 \ AliSE Tiionias. of Isaac and Ellzabetli, 3-105 " Elizabeth. 3-105 " Josi'iHi, 3-105 " Edwaixl, 3-105 " Anne. 3-105 " Saiiih, 3-103 " Catherine, 3-105 " Lycock, 4-132 " Prudence, of Joshua and Prudence, 4-132 " .-^iUy, 5-38 " John Denlson, of Lemuel and Mary Ann, 5-38 " Eliza States, Sept 9, March 15, Aug. 21, Aug. 20, Nov. 7, March 13, Jlarch 13, March 25, Oct. 19, Marck 4, May 30, Jan. 15, Uct. 7, 1788. 1790. 1756. 1758. 1760. 1763. 1765. 1768. 1770. 1773. 1760. 1763. 1765. 1786. 1781. April 22, 1782, May 17, 1785, Nov. 24, Sept. 3, July 6, 1788 July 11, 1790 April 29, 1788. June 11, 1792, .Vpril 12, 1794, Sept. 28, March 7, Nov. 12, Sept. 11, March 31, Jan. 22, March 8, April 19, MaJi;h 15, 1' Aug. 13, Deo. 2, Jan. 23, Oct. 9, Oct. 8, Feb. 6, April 23, Jan. -14. Oct. 2, Aug. !7, 1794. 1797. 1760. 1762. 1764. 1708. 1770. 1772. r37-8. 1758. 1767. 1775. 1796. 1799. 1807. 1800. 1804. 1328. 1832. w 3-30 WARD Hannah, of Samuel and Anna, 3-30 Ann, 3-30 " Catherine, 3-30 " Maiy, 3-30 " S;imuel, 3-30 " Deborah, 3-30 '• Sinn)n Ray, 8-83 " John, 3-83 '■ Elizabeth, •2-111 WARNER Thankful, of Willi am ai:d Hannah, 2-111 William, 2-111 " Joshua, 2-111 (t Mary, 2-78 WEAVER Alice, of Thomas anil ^ arah. 2-78 John, 2 7« '■ p,.-,rlf.T;^.p_ 2- 78 uavls. April 12, 1749. Aug. 24, 1750. Oct. 2, 17.52. Dec. 3, 1754. Nov. 17, 1756. Oct. 12, 1758. Oct. 4, 1760. July 25, 1702. Aug. 16, 1767. March 27, 1718. Sept. 15, 1719. July 1. 1723. May 1, 1724. May 12, 1737. Feb. 2, 1739. Sep'. 2. 1740. April 7, 1748. U2 VITAL REXXIRB OF EHODE ISLAND. a45 WELCH wmiam, of wuua.Ti and Martna, 2-l:J3 WKLLo Naomi, of Naili-3niel ana Mary, a-iaa " K'lzaneth, 2-123 " Jonatliao, 2-123 " Tacy, 2-123 '* KutU, 2-60 " Fliebe, of rnomas and Phebe, 2-69 •• Lewis, 2-68 " Thomas, 2-69 " aenjamln, 2-69 " Caleb, 2-69 u Jo>hua. 2-69 " Nathan, 2-60 " Edward, of Edward and EllzabetJi, 2-60 <( Joseph, 2-60 " David. 2-60 (( Elizabeth, 2-60 " Matthew, 2-60 " Thomas, 2-60 " Mary, 2-60 " John, 2-60 (( Thanljful, ' 2-60 (1 Randall, 2-60 " Sarah, 4-24 " Eunice, of Ellsha and Eunice, 4-24 (( Ellsha, 4-24 " Amey, 4-83 (( Lucy, of Thompson and Phebe, 4-83 (( Abigail, 4-83 " Joseph Taylor, 4-83 u Elnathan Clarke, Note— Youngest born Hoi)klntou. 4-69 " Daniel L., of Edward S., and Lucy, 4-69 C( Elizabeth, 4-188 " Thompson, of Palmer and Charlotte, 4-188 " Ellsha, Not^Born Stonlnfton. 4-31 " Oliver Dodge, of George and Lydia, 4-188 " Palmer, of Palmer and .Susannah, 4-188 " Susan Potter, 3-72 WEST Samui'l, of Francis and Mniy, 4-112 '• James, of James and Susannah, 4-112 u Mary, 4-112 " Susannah, 4-112 U Robert, 4-112 " Robert, 4-112 " Lydia, 4-112 (( Arnold, 4-112 R<.bert. 4-112 James, Sr., 3-74 Samuel, of Simuel and Anne, 3-74 Anne, 3-74 Amey, 4-108 Arnold, of James and Susannali, 4-lOS Hannah, (Babcock of Jost-ph), his wife 3-130 Henry, of John and Amey, 3-130 Hannah, 3130 Eli-ha, 3-130 AbigaU, 3 1,30 « Thomas, 3-130 Esther, ■ 3-130 Peleg, 3-130 {( Mai-y, 3-132 (( Frederic, of Timothy and Mary, 3-1 20- " Sarah, of William and A nne. Aug. 27, 1737. May 11, 1707. Jan 9, 1 -09-10. June 22, 1712. Jan. 4, 1- •14-l.i. tWpt. 6. 1717. Oct. 7, 1718. Nov. 30 1720. AprU 5 17 2L. Nov. 23, 1727. May 15, 1731. Oct. 29, 1733. Feb. 12, 1737. Feb. 23, 1726-7. April 16 1728. July 20. 1731. Oct. 13 1733. Feb. 17, 1 73.-> 1.. Sept. 13, 17.'; 8. Oct. 17 1740. June 4, 1742. Dec. 0, 1745. Sept. 30, 1747. July 26, ■_751. March 31, 1788. Aug. 20, 17.S9. Jan. 28 , 1791 Aug. 16, 1793. Nov. 12, 1795. Dec. 14, 1707. May C, 1.^00. March 26, 1706. AprU 30, 1797. Aug. 1, 1796. Feb. 14, 1798. Sept. 2, 1802. Sept. 10, 1803. July 5, 1.S05. Feb. 2, 1732. Aug. 11, 1752. July 12, 175 1. April 9, 1756. March 25, 1758. died Aug. 2, 1759. July 6, 1760. Sept. 11, 1762. May 11. 17(i5. died Sept. 29, 1764. April 14, 1757. April 11. 1759. Dec. 25, 17110. S?pt. 11, 17r>2. Jan. 2, 1767. May 24, 17n6. Sept. 12. 17(i!>. Jan. (i. 1771. July 30, 1773. April 13, 1776. Jan. 20, 1780. Sept. 15. 1782. March 4, 1787. May 10, 17(i7. March 11, 1773. WESTERLY lilETHS AND DEATHS. 143 3-126 \\'EST Tlmottiy, of WUllam and Aime, 3-126 " Prudence, 3-126 '■ Jesse BabOJCk. 4-60 " Jesepli, of William and Anna, 4-60 " Ji-SKe, 4-60 " Nancy, 4-60 " William, 4-('iO " George, 4-00 " As.', 1783. 5-218 " L'.-n-iar, July 5, 1787. 0-218 •' Isaac, June 9. 1789. 4-33 '• I'olly. of I^aiali and P.dly, Jan. 4, 1789. 4-33 J.saiali, Note— Both lioru L'lvston. Uonn. Nov. 30, 1791. 4-32 " Nancy, of Nathan and Nancy, Oct, 3, 1790. 4-32 (( oally. Nov. 12, 1792. 4-218 tt Frederic, of Capt. Peles and Mi ■hltable. Jan. 13, 1793. 4-218 " tlilbert, July 28, 1796. 4^218 '• rJrcene, Feb. 21, 1798. 4- 218 li William, Aug. fi. 1800. 4-93 ti Stephen, of St.-ph.-n .and S:illy. May 7, 1796. 4-93 '• Phehe, Sept. 11, 1798. 4-93 " Thomas Jefferson, Aug. 15. 1800. 4-lOfi " Nancy, of Benjamin and Nancy, Oct. 1, 1797. 4-lOfi " Daniel, Oct. 9. 1,800. 4-1 or, " Ablsall. April 29. 1805. 4-106 (( John Tliomi)snn, AprU 13. 1806. 4-218 (( Pi'eelove, of Samuel and Piaidence, Sept. 11. 1799. 4-218 " Samuel, March 28. 1.801. 4-218 " Eunice, Aug. — , 1803. 4-218 " Polly. Dec. 30, 1805. 4-198 *t Peleft, of Pelep- and Thanl;ful. Sept. IS, 1805. 4-230 " Lney, nf Parker and Polly, June 5, 1808. 5-27 " N.-incy, of txeorge S. and Ann Maria, Aug. 13, 1823. 5-27 " lluklah, Nov. 17. 1824. 5-27 " (icurKe E., Sept. 7, 1826. 5-37 li .N'athan i!.. and Elizabeth, 2d wife, Oct. " 7, l.-^iS. 5-27 (C Thom.as C, April 17, 1 S30. 5-27 " Jo.seph F., Nott^Tlie four eldest born 1 Cliarlestown July 14. 1.934. 5-3 " Enock H.azard. of Stephen and Sophia, July 26, 1825, 5-3 " Enfiok Hazard, died June 25. 1828. 5-3 " Stephen, Feb. 12, 1830. 2-314 WILLIS William, of Heni->' and Sarah. Sept. 10, 1721. 2-118 WINvSLOW IlL'iijainln. of James and EJlM 1 belli. June 19. 1 707. 2-114 WORDEN Elizalieth, of Peter, Jr., and Rebecca, March 29, 1721. 2-114 ■' Giileon (also 3-8), Dec. 22. 1722. 3-8 " Gideon, of Gideon and Rebfcca, Feb. 17, 1748-9. 3-8 " Rel.eee;!, Feb. 20. 17 19-50. 3-114 •■ Dolly, of John and Elizabeth. Feb. 28, 1771. 3-114 t( Abigail Babcock, Oct. 1, 1773. 146 VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. X Y Z 4- lis YEOr AX Lucretia, of Daniel (of Stonlngton, Ct., born 13, 1775. 2-119 YORK Haimah, of James and Hannai, 2-13 9 " Joanna, 2-119 " James, 2-119 « Anna, 2-119 " Hanson, 2-119 " Thankful, 3-64 « Edward, of James and Elizabeth, 3-64 « Elizabeth, 364 « Siephen, 8-64 " Hannah, 3-64 " James, 3-C4 " WiUiam, 4-222 " Saunders, 4-222 « Isaac, 4-222 " Welcome, Note.— Two eldest born Charlestown 4-261 « Wanton, of Stephen and Mary 4.261 « Ruth Ann, 4-261 ■' Mary, at Stonlngton, Jan. of Capt. Benjamin and Desii-.-. March 21, 1007. Dec. 31, 1099. Sept. 6, 1702. Jan. 21, ■ 1704. March 14, 17i»8. Feb. 26, 1711. April 18, 1730. Feb. 11, 1732. May 24, 1735. Feb. 23, 1738. Nov. 20, 1740. Jan. 20. 1742. Oct. 30. 1801. June 24, 1804. Feb. 6, 1807. Feb. 8, 1S03. Sept. 11, 1810< Sept. 16, 1815. Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. KIRST SERIES. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for tiie People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register, "Is Nly Name Written in the Boole of Life?'* Vol. 5. CHARLESTOWN. Part V. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROTIDE^'CE, R. 1: JJARRAUAN3ETT HlSTOKICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1S94. M ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF CHARLBSTOWN. AN ACT for dividing and incnn)orating tlie Town of Westerly into two Towns^ and the same to be Ijnowu and distinguished by the na,mes of Westerly and Charlestown. Whereas, the present Town o£ Westerly is very large and its inhabitants are nnmeroiis, many of whom live at a very remote distance from the place of meeting appointed for the transacting the public, and prudential af- fairs of the Town and the rivers there (especially in the middle part there- of) being very large so that the way to said meeting is rendered difficult, as well as dangc>rous, and many of the inhabitants are thereby often impeded and hindered in attending thereon, v.-hieh proves a great injury and hurt to them. And. whereas the said Town is well situated and lies commodious for a division into two Towns which being divided will tend to the general interest and advantage of all its inhabitants. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of this Colony and by the au- thority thereof it is enacted that the line for dividing said Town be as fol- lows, viz. : Beginning northerly where Wood river enters the line between the said Town of Westerly and North Kingstown, and so running by the natural course thereof so far until said river empties itself into a river called Paw- catuck and then to run or extend as said Pawcatuck river runs by the bank thereof westward three miles, and from thence a south or southerly course to the sea, and that for the future of the town of WESTERIA' extend no further eastward than the aforesaid line. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that all the rest of said lands heretofore westerly situate, lying and being to the eastward of the aforesaid line be and they are hereliy incorporated and erected a Town and called and distinguished by the name of CHARLESTOWN, and that the inhabitants thereof have all the liberties, privileges and immunities in the same manner as the other Towns in the government enjoy by Charters. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that Jeremiah Gould. John Rice, and William Gould, Esqs.. be appointed a Committee to run a line between the aforesaid Towns and erect and make thereon proper monuments and bounds for distinguishing the same and to perform the same forwith. And be it further enacted by the autlKU-ity aforesaid that the Justice of the Peace in the Town of C!harlestown as soon as conveniently may be is- sue forth a warrant to summon in the freemen to elect and make choice of their Town Officers for the management of the prudential affairs of said Town and also for the choice of two deputies for said Town to represent the same at the General Assembly in the October Session next, and so on from time to time as by Charter is apitointcd and that the Town of Westerly send two deputies to be chosen in manner as usual. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that each of the said Towns have their proportion of the interest of the bank money appropriated for the Towns in this Colony in the same proportion and according to the sums that the lauds in each Town are mortgaged for. And bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Town of Westerly send three grand jurors to attend on the General Sessions of the Peace for the County of Kings County, and two petit jurors to attend at the Inferior Court for said Comity, and that the Town of Charlestown send; 4 I iV VITAL RECORD IIF RHODE ISLAND. two grand jurors to attend on said Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and two petit jurors to attend on said Inferior Court. And it is liliewise further enacted that the Towns of Westerly and Charles- town shall each send to the Superior Court one grand juror and one petit juror to attend on the same. Colonial Record of Rhode Island, Vol. V.. pages 545, 546, 547. I CHARLESTOWN. ^^■a.:rf{.xa.g-es. 2-171 ADAMS Ebenozer, and Mai-tln. Taylor, both of Charlestown ; m by Rev Jos. Parks, Scjit. 14, 1763. 1-31, 42 '• Mai-y, and John .loliiisoii, March 4, 1788. 1-«S " Simeon, and Dorcas Bnrdlcls; m. by Samuel Perry, Justice, Court ol Common Pleas, Nov. 4, 1805. 3-03 ALLEN Sarali, and John Earle, March 11, 1744. 2-171 •■ Joun, and Tacy S;iund,Tb. both of Charlestown : m. by Nathan Tefft Justic*-, Jfiiy 19, 1703. 1-00 AMMOXS Gideon-, and Caroline Kodman ; m, by John Colwell, MUiister of the Uospel, Nov. 10. 1840. 1-19 ARES Jos., and Mary Hiu-vey, both "1 CLarlesti.wn ; m. liy Peleg Cross, Jus- tice, Nov. K;, 1773. 2-ei AUCilMUDY Ann (wid.) and Enock Kenyon, Nov. 24, 1747. ^-236 " Mary, and AblJaJi Crnndiill, March 28, 1754. 21"1 " Isabel, and SleiJheu rraiidall, Dec. 10, 1702. 2-103 AUSTIN Mrs. .\bigaU, and John Hall. May 22, 1750. 2-162 " JedJah, of Westerly, and Ann King, ol Richmond,, dau. of Ann Kmg, wlduw: m. by Il.nj'm Hox-sie, Justice. Feb. 3, 1756. 1-49 " Joshua, of Robert, and Thankful Peii-ce, of James; m. by Pi-leg Cross, Jusllce, April 29, 1801. B ■2-227 EAECOCK Ichabod, of Westerly, and Esther Stanton', of Charh-stown ; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, March 17, 1750. 2-165 ■• Da\1d, of Diavid, of iSouth Kingstown, and Sarah Perry, of Samuel, of CHiTrlestown ; m. liy Benj'm Hoxsle, Justice, March 30, 1757. ^-167 " Jonathan, of David, of South Kingstown, and Susannah Perry, of Samuel, of Charlestown ; m. by Gideon Hoxsie, Justice, Feb. 10, 1759. 1-2 " Thankful, and Jos. Stanton. Jun., July 14, 1762. 1-43 " Lucy, and Peleg Hoxsle, Juup 1. 1777. 1-48 " Ctaxar. and Elie Cook nol.); m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, De«. 13. 1700. 1-67 " Benjamin, of Westerly, and Ann Wilcox, ol Charlestown; m. by Peleg Cross. Justice, Jan. 26. 1806. 1-71 " Elizabeth, and Daniel Miru'r. Nov. 23, 1807. 1-81 " Jared, and Annie Lewis; m. by Nathan Siillman, Justice, June 25, 1830. 2-61 BAILEY Rlchai'd, and Abigail Wi oomansee, both of Westerly; ni. by George Babcock, Justice, April 25, 1729. 1-76 " Cioe, and Capt. Hazard Jloxsle. Dec. 35. 1806. 2-103 BALL John, of Chailestown, and .Mrs. Abigail Austin, of do.; m. by Jeffrey Watson. Assistant. May 22. 1750. 2-02 BAluBER Sarah, and Jonathan Lewis, Jun., July 27, 1744. 2-103 BAKKER Ai igal!, and Consider Iliill, April 23, 1750. .2-170 BASSKIT Miiry. and John Davis, .inly 12. ]7i;2. 6 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. l-o5 BLJV-b"^ John, of Daniel, of \Ve->UTly, and aarbara Da\-ls, of Joseph, of Charlestown ; m. by Samuel Bliven, JusUc«, Jan. 16, 1791. 1-B9 " Mary, and Stephen YorK. March 10, 1807. 1-77 " MarUi, and Joseph Wilcox, -^a. Jan. 30, 1814. i;-61 BRAJIAN Benjamin, and Martha Hall, both of Charlostown ; m. by George B.-ibcock, Justice, AprU 38, 17i9. 'J-loy " I'ret'love, and John .Millurd. Jan, :i3, 1701. •J-'J^H " Benjamin, and Rebecca J nnston. both of Ciiarlestown ; m. by Joseph L'randall. Justice, .March 17, 1754. •J-165 " John. Juii., of Westerly, and Mary Willard, of Jolin, of Charles- town; ra. by Stephen Saunders, Justice, Nov. 5, 1756. 1-30 " Ellzalietli, and Thomas H rvey, Dec. 39. 1783. 1-9 BROWNING Annie, and Gideon Hoxsie, Oct. 30. 1774. 1-36 " JUiry, and Thomas Ho.xsic, Dec. 38, 1777. 1-15 " Annie, and Samuel Slieineld, Dec. 3, 1778. 1-65 " Sarah, and David fraiulal , March 31, 1805. 1-90 " Dorcas, and William Muciiford. Jan. 3, 1843. 1-4 BROWN Bridget, and James Cornell, Sept. 14. 1774. 1-50 BURCH Rhoda, and George .Slietlield, Jan. 3, 1803. 3-103 BURDICK Mary, and Jos. WUcox, July 38. 1748. 3-337 " Robert, 3d, and Hannah iiall, of John, Jan., of Charlestown; m. liy Stcphi'B Samid'rs, Justice. Mai-ch — , 1759. 1-28 •' Lydla., and John Welch, Aug. 27, 1774. 1-lS " Tacy, and Jonathan Hazai-d. Jr., Dec. 29, 17S1. J-35 " Anna, and Jonathan Bur.llck, Feb. 2, 1786. 1-35 " Jonathan, son of Jonatban. of Charlestown, and Anna Burdlck, of Ephi-aim, of Charli stown ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Feb. 2, 1786. 1-31 " Annie, and .Mathias Erio-i, March 3. 178S. 1-33 " Hannah, and Lodowlck Thompson, Aug. 39, 1788. 1-66 '■ Dorcas, and Simeon .\danis. Nov. 4, 1805. 1-73 " Samuel, of Gideon, and. Sally Sheffield, of Stanton ; m. by Peleg Cro.^s, Justice, Jan. 21, 1808. 1-73 ■• Martha, and Josejih Cross, Oct. 16, 1808. 3-63 CARD Martha, and Thomas Pott r, April 30, 1746. l-(>3 " Dorcas, and (Mdeon IliiUoway, Nov. 32, 1787. 1-101 " ]-"ardon, and Marllia Clarke; m, by Joshua Card, Jr., Ja-^tlce, Sept. 4, 1817. 1-67 C.KRR John, of Jamestown, and Mary Cros.s, of Charlestown, dau. of Peleg,. Jr. ; m. by Samuel Peii">'. Justice, Court of Comnum Plea.s, Dec. 2.3, 1805. 3-101 CHAMPLAIN Mary, and .lo.seph Santon, Jr., Aug. 9, 17,i8. 2-163 " John, of Willljini, of Newt London, and Rebeoca Stanton, of Daniel, of Charlestown; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Dec. 14, 1756. 3-166 " Ann, and James Peckliara, Ang. 19, 1757. 1-4 " Jesse, of Charlestown, and Hannah Potter, *f South Kingstown; m. by Djivid .Sprague. Clergyman, Aiiril 17, 1774. 1-33 " Sarah, and William Rhodes, Jan. 31, 1779. 1-16 " Jenatlian. and Mai-j' Moon ; in. by Peleg Cross. Justice. April 2, 17fO. 1-30 " John, of Charlestown, and Hannah Congdon, of Samuel, of South Kiiig;,town: m. by Freeman Perry. .Justice, .tune 14, 1781. 1-31 " Nancy, and Joseph Rhode.-, Dw. 9, 1781. 1-38 " Joshua, of Chnstopher. of CharlestoT\-n, and Mary Congdon, of Sam- uel, of South Kingslown ; m. at South Kingstown, by Peleg Cr.iss. .Ttlstic,-. Sept. 1.1, 1792, 1-74 " Amey, and Job Taylor, Nov. 9. 1809. 1-1 CHAPMA.V Ahlgail. and John Park, Nov. 4, 1772. 1-98 CH.4.PPELL Scr.Miiton. and Zilpha Perkins ; m. by Rev. George K. Clarke, Nov. 18, 1849. l-ia3 CHURCH Charles, and Sti.saniiah , Jan. 13. 1759. CHARLESTUWN MARRIAGES. 1-41 CHURCH Charles, and ILiry Cross, Imth of Chaj-lestowa ; m. tiy PeJeg Cross, Jiistifc, NiH', 2.3, 17.14. 1-44, " Caleb, of Isaac, anil Lu' y P.itt.T, or William; m. Ijy Peleg Crass, •hislicc, Del-, i:!, I7'.i.">. 2-31 CLARKE William. aJid Hanuali Kniglit: April Li, 1700. 2-169 " Sarali, and Edward Gri'ciiix.an, ,lr.. May 11, 1721, 2 6i0 " Ellsba, (t( Charlc-srtomi, and Judith Scager, «1 South Kingstown; m. by Rouse llfluu-, .Vsst., Dec, 18, 1739, 2-35 " Jonath.m, of Charlestown, and Tabitlia Westoiitt, of South Kings- town ; m, by Elder Daniel Evritt. Beb, 8, 1739. 2-226 " Bertha, and William Clarke; May 20, 1754. 2-220 ■• William, and Bertha Clarke, b<.lli of Oharlestown; m, by Elisha Baheock, Justice, May 2(i, 1754, 1-3 " Haunali, and Willijim S. I'eekliam, Jan. C, 1773. 1-" " Ichaliod, of Ephraim, of Westerly, and Mary Crandall, of Edward, of Chiirlestown : ni. by Ji seph Crandall, Justice, Jan, 10, 1773. 1-2 •• Edward, of Westerly, and Taniar CrandiiU, of Ciiarlestown ; m. by Elder Thomas C, Ross, May 31. 1773. 1-17 " Tacy, and Benedict Crandall, Deo. 7, 3 780, 1-22 " Judea, and Ciideon CniUdall, Dec. IJ, 1762. 1-27 " Simeon, of Josbua, and SUva Hall, of I'eter, both of Oharlestown; m. by Peleg Cross. Jusrtice, May 10, 1786. 1-33 " Mary, and Newman Tucker, Nov. 27, 1788. 1-101 " Martha, and Pardon Card, Sept. 4. 1817. l-tnO. 92 " Sarah, and Thomas Julmson, M.arch 10, 1842. 1-31 COLLINS Hezeliiab, of Jas., and Mary Ho.\sie, of Stephen, Jr.; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 20, 17S7. 1-5 CONCtDON John, of Sou'h Kiiii(.'slown, and Sarali lloxsie, of Oharlestown; m. by JoOin Hicks, Justlw, Oct. 0, 17J5. (Also 2-t32.) 2-62 " James, Jr., and Elizal eth Pike, both of Oharlestown; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Jan. 3t), 1745. 2-16r> " J.iimes, of James and 1 ehorah Potter, both of Oharlestown; m. by Jos. Ho.xsae, Justice, Nov. 23, 1757. 2-108 " Susiinnah. and Timothy Peckliam, March 11, 1759. 2-11)8 " Marpir. t, and Calioone Williams, March 25. 1759. 1-14 '■ James, of ,lohn, and Elizabeth Sherman, of Hopldnton ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jan, 2'i, 1773. 1-20 " Haninih, and Jolin Olianiiilain, June 14, 1781. 1-19 " Caley, and Peleg Cross, Jr,. .Tune 2S, 1781. 1-38 " Mary, and Joshua ChamplaJn, .Sept. 16, 1792. 1-45 " Ceasar, and Eunice Nib s : m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Dec. 26, 1797. 1-50 " Bristol, Jr., and llannali Trim (cil.); m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Jan, 3, 1.802, 1-48 COf)K Elce, .and Ceazer BaljCKk, D.-c. 13, 1800. 1-48 COREY Abigail, and Hazard Pei-ry, Nov. 23, ]800. 1-4 CORNELL James, of Newrm-t. and Bridget Brown, of Charlestowi., dau. of William: m. liy Sylvester lir, ,Tustice, Sei>t. 17, 1772, (Vlt. Rec, Vol. 5.; 20 VITAL RK'ORD i>F RHODE ISLAND. 1-2 CRANDALL :viarUia, and Joseph CraiKUiU. .Tr., m. Sei*. 17, 1772. 1.7 " Mary, and Ich.aliod CUitke; m. .T.in. 10, 1773. 1-2 " Tamar, ajid Edward Clarke; m. May 31, 1773. 1.11 •• Jared. of Simeon, of (Uarlestown, and Zilplia Potter, ol Benj'n', of Dartmouth, Mass.; m. by .los. Crandall, Justice, July 2, 177(i. 1-17 " Benedict, of James, of Westerly, and Tacy Clarke, of Ephriam, of Cliarlestown; m. l>y .los. Crandall, Justice, Dec. 7, 1780. 1.18 " Asa, of Simeon, and Phebe Taylor, of Job,, both of CharlestoTvn ; m. by Jos. Crandall Justice, Dec. 28, 1780. 1.^1 " Simeon, and Katherine Welch, both of Charlestown ; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, Feb. 22, 1781. 1-20 " Asa, of" Simeon, and S:ir;>h Tetft, of Nathan, both of Charlestown ; m. by Jos. Crandall, Justice, Sept. 12. 17.^2. 1-22 " tiiucon, of Edward, and Judea Clarke, of Ephriam, both of Charles- town ; m. by Joshua Vose, Justice. Dec. 12, 1782. 1-35 " Clement, of Joshua, of Westerly, and Susannah Davis, of Jos., of CharlestoWii ; m. by Samuel r.liven. Justice, Jan. 16, 1791. 1^8 " Hannah, and John B. Stanton, Oct. 12, 1800. 1-65 " Potter, and Patty Tayl r; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, April 11. 1803. 1-65 " Balhsheba. and Lewis Crandall. Feb. 20, 1605. 1.(55 " Lewis, of New London, and Bctl.esheba Crandall, of Charlestown ; ni. by Feleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 20, 1803. 1.(55 •• David, and Sarah Browning; m. by FJder John Sekoter, March 21, ISO.'). 2-101 CROSS Jos., and Abig-.iil Gould, both of Charlestown : m. by WUllam Clarke, Justice, Nov. .14, 1740. 1.38 " Peleg. and Mary ; ni. by Capt. Ji hu liill. Justice, Dec. 30, 17153. 2-220 " William, iind Abigail Darling, both of Charlestown: m. by Robert Potter, Justice, Jan. — , 1754. 2-171 '• Edward, and Elizabeth Moon, botli of Charlestown: m. by ChiLsto- pher Champlain, Justice. Aug. 7, 174 " Susannah, and Ho.\sie Perry, Dec. 4, 1803. 1-67 " Mary, and John Carr, Dec. 23, 1805. 1-73 " Jos., of Gideon and Martha. Burdlck, of Isaiah, both of Charles- town; m. by Peleg, Jr., Justice, Oct. 16, 1808. D •2-170 DA^^S, John, of Hopkinton, and Mary Ba.ssett. of Charlestown : m. by John Witter. Justice, July 12, 1762. 1-35 " Barbara,, and John Bliveii: m. Jan. 16, 1891. 1-35 " SusannjLh. ajid Clement. Crand;iU ; m. Jan. 16, 1791. 1-61 " -iophia, and George Hazard Sherman. Dec. 14, 1614. 2-220 DE.\RL1NC; .Vbigail. and AVUliam Cross; m. Jan. — . 1754. 2-224 DECTK Isaac, of Jomestown, and Hainnah Sash, of Charlestown; m. by Robert Potter, Ju-stioe, Oct. 25, 1753. 2-62 K;\XOS Mary, and John Lilliliridge ; m. Oct. 12, 1743. 2-77 " Jos., and .Margaret Webster; m. in Westerly by Thomas Hiscox, Justice, Sept. 20, 1716. _2-(i0 " Jos., Juii., and Keziali Woodmansee. Iwth of Charlestown; ra. by Samuel Wilbur. Just ce. Dec. 21. 1738. CHARLESTOWN MARRIAGES. 9 1-31 EANOS Mathlas, of Stephen, of South Kingstown, and Anne Bnrdlck, of Samuel, of Charleston n; m. by Telog Cross, Justice, March 2. 1788. 2-62 EABLE John, son of Freelove Parker, and :^n.rnh Alien, of William, both of Charlesto-wn ; ni. lij- Stephen Huxfie, Justice, March 11, 1744. 1-51 EDWARDS Daniel, of charlestown, and Lois StiUman, of Westerly; m. by Elder Asa Coon. .'-ept. 16, 1797. 1-73 " Jos., and Bnthsheba Hiseox; m. by Elder Abrnni Coon, Jan. 12, 1809. 1-15 ELLIS Jonathan, of Providence, and Phebe Taylor, of Charlestown; m. by Elder Thomas Ross, May 17, 1778. F 2-G2 FOSTER Sarah, and Beujnniin PeUis, April 2, 1740. Q 2-172 GAllDNEE Luci, and William Greene; ra. Aug. 20, 1767. 1-94 GAVITT Oliver, and Marth.a. Perry; ra. by Elder WUsou CoggsweU, June 30, 1.943. 2-169 GREENMAN Edward, Jun., of Wes-terly, and Sarah Clarke, of South Kings- town ; m. In 6. K. by Christopher Allen, Justice, May 11, 1721. 2-35 " Silas, and Sarah Peckham , boUi of Charlestown; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Oot. 27, 1751. :i-t:o. 1(14 tflvEENE .iVjnos, and Amie Knowles, boUi of Charlestown : m. by Wil- liam Clarke, Just ce. .lune 19, 1740. L'-2-.;7 " WULiam, and Judith Itiitlibone; m. by Nathan Sheftield. Justice, Jan. 25, 1756. 2-163 " Mary, and Natha/n Kenyon ; m. April 18, 1757. 2-172 " Amos, Jun., and Dorcas HaU. both of Charlestown ; m. by Edward I erry. Justice, June 9. 1763. 2-172 " William, of Chirlestown, and Lucl Gardiner, of Hopk-inton; m. by Nathan Burdick, Justice, Aug. 20, 1767. 1-41 " Anios. ol Charlestown. and Elizabeth Thompson, of Westerly ; m. by Eld. E. Babcock. Dec. 25. 1793. 1-31 " Robert, and Abignil Tetti; ni. by James Potter, Justice, Dec. 27, 1798. 1-100 " Al\-ln, and Esther Holbuiton; m. by Asa Church, Justice, July 13, 1822. 1-88 " Edward L., and Elizabeth ; m. Jan. 6, 1823. 1-83 " Jason B., and Hannah Saunders ; m. March 18, 1839. 1-9(1 " Nancy C, and Bradford K2 " John, .and Abigail L.add, loth of Charlestown; m. by Nathaniel Lewis, Justice, Oot. 16, 1743. 1-71 " Stephen, and Hannah Hazard, both ol Charlestown; m. by Peleg Cross. Justice, Nov. 26, 1807. 127 IKIULD Abigail, and Jos. Cro.ss ; m. Nov. 14. 1746. H 2-61 HALL Martlia. and Beni'm Braman ; m. April 28, 1729. 2-62 " W Uliam, of WestiTly, and Sarah Kenyon. ot Charlestown ; m. by Willjam Clarke, Justice. July 14, 1744. •J 103 " Con-ider, of John, Jun., and Abigail Barker, of Thomas, aU of Charlestown; m. by Bend'n Jioxsie. Justice. April 23, 1750. 2-103 " Martha, and ToWa.=! Siunders: m. April 9. 1752. 10 VITAL RECORD I'F RHODE IlSLAXD. 2-224 HALL Potter, and Hannaii Lovalt; ni. by Benj'n Hoxsie, Justice, Feb. 5. 1753. 2-162 " Jonatli.tii. of WcsU'i-ly, and Jaiv Hiu-vey, of Ch.arlestowii ; m. by Benj'n H<»xsi*'. Justice. M;ii*cli S, 175G. 2-166 " Ei)liraim. of Benj'n, .nnd Penelai>e Hall, -widow, botb of Hopldn- ton; m. by Benj'n Hoxsie, .Tustice, Dec. 11, 1737. 2 106 " Peneloi)e, -widow, .ind Epliraira HaE: m. Dec. 11, 1737. 2-227 " Hannab, and Rolx'rt Burdlck ; m. March — , 1759. 2-172 " Dorcas, and Amos Greene, Jim.; m. June 0, 1763. 1-27 " Sil\ia, aJid SimiM.n CTiirly Jolin Collins, Justice, June 8, 17liii ; in. ])fc. 14, 1756. 1-- "' Jos., Jun., ol Chai'h'slown, and Tlianklul ISabcoi-li. ol Wosterlj- ; m. by Joisopli Park, CkTp;., July li, ITiS. 1-33 " S;>muol. of Daniel, aad Annli' Ross, of TVk-R. bolU of Charlos- town: ra. by Eldui- John Gardiner, Susannah, and Isaic PeclUiani : in. July 27, 178(5. 1-05 SWAN Daniel, of Stonlnglon, and Hannah Ihnykins. of Charlestown : m. by Senator Thcm.is Uoxsiis Afu-il 3, 1S04. and El)e)iezer Adams : ni. Sept. 14. 17''3. ol Cliarlcstown, ami Anna Russ, nf Isaac, of Westerly; by Jos. Park. Clcig., Dec. 10, 1772. and Jonathan Ellis: m. May 17, 1778. and Asa Crandall : ni. Dec. 28. 1780. and Lodowick Hoxsie : m. Jan. 4. 1793. Potter Ciandall. Ajnil 11. 180:i. of Nalhan, and Amie Champlain. of ^anmel. of Wosterly : m. by Rev, Jesse Babcock. Nov. 9, l.-^0'.>. 1-91 " Josefjli W., and Lucinda ; m. at 5!anvillo, Conn.. July 4, 1813. 1-97 " Job, and Mary Slanton, both of Charleslown ; m. by Rey. Joseph P. Brown, March 24, 1849. 1-20 TEFFT Sarah, and Asa Crandall; m, Sept. 12, 17.^2. 1-34 '• Stirah, and Nathan Kenyon, Jr.: m. April 12, 1789. 1-51 " Abigail, and Robert Cireeue : m. Dec. 27, 1798. 1-93' THOMAS Sarah M.. and William H. Hazard; m. Dec. 30, 1844. 1-32 TH0JIP80N Lodowick. of Westerly, of Elias, Jr., and Hannah Burdick. ol Samuel, of Charlestown : m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Aug. 29, 1788. 1-41 " Ellzalieth. and Amos tireene ; m. Dec. 25. 1793. l-6fi THOMPSON P.hi-' S., of Charlestown, and Hannah T. .Sands, of New Shore- ham; ni. by John Gorton, Warden, March 18, 1805. 1-85 " Josepli, and Iltirriet Harvey: m. by Dan. King. Justice. Feb 9. 1840. 1-63 TIGEE Henry, and Jane Hall: m. by Peleg Cross, Justice,^ March -, 1804. 1-50 TRIM Hannah, and Rristol Congdi>n, Jr.. (col.) Jan. 3, 1802. 1-13 TUCKER Benjamin, and JIary Johnson, of Ciideon, both of Chark-stown : m. AprU 15, 1777. 1-33 " Newman, and MaiT Clark-, both of Charlestown ; m. by Peleg Cioss, Justice, Nov. 27, 178-*. l-sr, " Jonathan, of Soulli Kingstown, ajid Maa-y Perry, of tlus town; m. by Rev. John H. Baker, Sept. 30. 1840. 1-92 " Joseph B.. ami Dorcas T. Webster; m. by Joseph H. C^r.ffln, Jus- tice, July 19. 1*J-- 1-99 " Hann.ih. and Tliomas M. Webster : m. March 3. 1 350. 1-171 TAYLOl t JIarllu 1-6 Job. .Ir m. 115 '■ Plu'be. 1-18 Phelje. 1-42 Kuth, ; 1-65 Patty, 1-74 Job, of 16 VITAL REX'OED OF RHODE ISLAND. U V VAKS Thomas, oT Isaac, of Westrly, ■■.mi Abigail Shi'Id.in, of Isaac, of South Kingstown; m. by Jo-rjih C'rand;ill. Justice, Feb. 10, 1785. w 1-SO WARD Samiu-l. of New Sioreliam, and Mary Perry, of Charle.stown ; m. at Stonineton, Conn., by Coddlngton Billint's, Justice, Jan. 12, ISiii!. £-61 WEBii Mavgarel, and Joseph Rogers: m. April 22, 1742. 2-152 " Mehitable. and Jonathan James: m. Jan. 17, 1744. 2-77 WEBSTER Margaret, and Josejih Eanos : m. Sept. 20. 1716. 2 01 " Mary, and Joseph Woo'lmausee ; m. Aug. 17. 1"41. 2-61 " James, and Hannah Woodniiinsce ; m. by John Hicks, Justice, Sept, 12, 1742. 1-92 " Dorcas T., and Joseph B. Tucker, JiUy in, 1842. 1-90 " Thomas M., and Hannah Tucker; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, March 3. 1850. 1 26 WELCH John, of Charlestown, and Lydia BiU'dick, of Hopklnton ; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Aug. 27, 1771. 121 ■' Kalherliie, and Simeon Cnmrtall; m. Feb. 22. 17dl. 2-61 WELLS Dorc:is, and .loshua Kiithbone : m. May 4, 1742. 2-(;2 '■' Elizabeth, and John SheWon : m. May 20, 1741. 2-35 WESCOTT TabltJia, and Jonathan Clarke ; ra. Feb. 8, 17.39. 2 103 WILCOX .Josepli. and Mary Burdlck. both of Charlestown; m. by William Hern. Justice. July 2,S. 1748. 1-67 " Ann. ;in() lieiijamin Babcock, Jan. 26, 1806. 1-77 " Joseph, 2d. and Miriah Hhvcii ; m. by Elder Jesse Babcock, Jan. 20. J 814. 1-95 " Maj-ia, and Samuel B. Ho.\sle: m. Sept. 10, 1840. 2-168 WILLI.iMS I'ahoone, of Thomas, ot South Kingstown, and Margaret Cong- don, of James, of Charlestown : m. by Gideou Hossle. Jusiloe, March 25. 175!). 2-61 WODDJLVXSEE Joseph, and Iliinnah Lyst<>r, bolli of West-rly ; m. by Chris- topher Allen, Justice, .luly 7, 1710. 2-60 " Mar>-, ami Thomas LlUlbridge; ra. June 12, 1720. 2-61 " Abig-ail, and Richat\l Biiley; m. April 25. 1729. 2-60 " Keziah, and Joseph llanos, Jr.; m. Dec. 21, 1738. 2-61 " Joseph, of Joseph, and Mary Webster, of John, both of Charles- town ; m. by Stephen Hoxde, Justice. Aug. 17, 1741. 2-61 " Hannah, and James Webster; m. Sept. 12, 1742. 1-27 WORDEiN Abigail, and Joseph Cros.s ; m. April 25, 1786. 1-49,51 " Gardiner, of Chrlstoprer, and Nancy Worden, of William; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, March 18, 1793. 1-49, 51 " Nancy, and Gardiner Worlcn : m. Maixh IS, 1703. X Y Z 2 224 YORK Stanton, of Charlesiown. iin'i Jlis. Jemima Shaw, of Stoningfcm, Conn.; m. at Stonlngton, by Rev. Ebenezer Kosseter, April 30, 17:;0. 1-162 " lIo]iestilI, and Oliver Crary; m. JIarch 16, 1756. 2-167 '• Hannah Stanton, and Benjamin Park; m. (Prob.l D-'f, 4, 1757. 1-69 " Stephen, and Mary Eliven : m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, M.irch 19, 1807. CHARLESTOWN. BIItXHS -A.IsriD r)EA.TKCS. 1-19 ARES Ezra, of 1-10 Solo mar 1-lU Mnry, 1-19 ■' AMgaU, 1-19 " SUas, '2--311 AUSTIN JosopH, B-3-.: " ilartha, 2-3U " Mary, 2-3-J " Dinah, •2-3l! " David, •J-3:3 " Mercy, ol David and DlnaU, Feb. 23, 1774. May 17, 1775. .\ljril 9, 1777. Nov. 18, 1779. April 1. 17S2. Feb. 1, 1731. Deo. 7, 1733. Sept. 5, 1735. Jan. 8, 1738. July 21, 17-)0. Jan. 16, 1743, B 1-79 ItAHCOCK Wilcoiue B., son of Jared, 1-7 9 " Daniel L., 1-79 " Ellas L., 1- 1 3 BARTIEXT Leandpr, son of Dr John. 1-13 " Paschal Paoll. 1-13 " Susiinnah, ■i-.n llASSl '.XT William, boru :;-3i " Exi>i'rienoe. Ms wife. 2-34 " -Mary, of William and ExpiTlence, 2-34 " .Martha, 2-34 " lettise. 2-34 •' SaraJi, 2-34 " Jam.'S, 2-31 noss liiehard, ol Jeremiah and Martha. 2-31 " E.lward. 2-31 " Susaimali, 2-31 a Jeremiah, 2-31 (( MartJia, 2-31 " Peter. 2-31 u Joseph, 2-31 Ci John. 2-31 " Hannah, 2-31 " JonatJian, 2-33 liEAMAN Freelove, of Benjamin and Martha, 2-173 BKOWNIXG WUliam, of John and Annie (of John: 2-173 Annie, 2-173 " Ruth, 2-173 u Jolin, 2-173 " Ephralm, 1-10 BURDICK .Tames, of Ephralni and Anna, 1-10 " Anna, 1-10 u Ruth, 1-10 (I Benjamin, 1-10 u Sarah, Nov. 22. 1819. June 19, 1822. Dec. 9, 1829. Nov. 2H, 1777. Nov. 2, 1779. Feb. 25, 1777. Jan.' 2, 1703. Dec. 15. 1702. .March 24. 1735. Auf,'. 22, 1737. March l:i. 1710. Mareli 18, 1714. March IS, 1744. Feb. 26, 1724. Apiil 20, 1725. Feb. 9, 172S. May 17, 1729. Feb. 12, 1731. Sept. 30, 1732. March 2, 173'4. Oct. 14, 1735. Oct, 11, 1737. July 14, 1739. Deo. 9, 1729. Dec. 1, 1755. May Ci, 1757. Feb. 9, 1759. Jan. 1, 1761. Jan. 16, 1763. Dec. 17, 1766. Feb. 20, 1768. Oct. 11, 1769. June 18. 1772. May 25, 1774. IS VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-75 BURDICK .lanios, Jr., Of James, 1-73 Edith. 1-75 Joslui:i R. 1-75 '• Nancy, 1-75 Isaiah, 1-75 " PnuUinco, 1-* 5 \\\-althy. 1-75 Sally, 1-75 " Ephralm, March S, 17'J0. April 11, 179;i. July 1-1. 1704. July 10, 1790. Sept. -28, 1799. April 23, 180-2. May 0, 1803. April 3', 1809. April (). 1812. 2 ii;:j CHAMI'LAIN Thankful, of John. Nov. 10, 1750. 2-103 li Jiilin, JiUy 10, 1759. 2 103 (C llanuah, Nov. 29, 1703. 120 tl Thankful, of Jolm and Hannah, July 9, 1782. 1-20 " «irah. Sept. 30, 1785. 1-20 u John, Oct. 11, 1787. 1-20 " JIary, Nov. 30, 1786. 1-20 tc Hannah, Nov. 5, 1790. 1-102 CHURCH Ch.TTles, Aug. 26, 1737, died Dec. 21, 1785. 1-102 u Snsann.nh, his mfe, Sept.. 4, 1741, died Aug. 8, 1831. 1-102 " Lydia, of Charles, and Susannah, March 21, 1759. 1-102 " Syh^eslor, Jane 28, 1761. 1-102 " Sylvester, . died May 3, 1762. 1-102 " I'oneloi>e, Aug. 8, 1763. 1-102 " Asa, July 13, 1766. 1-102 u Anna, Oct. 1, 1768. 1-102 a Eliza hpth, July 21, 1771. 1-1 (>2 " Charles, Jr., AprU 17. 1774. 1-102 " -Mary, April 8. 1776. 1-102 " Samuel K., May 21, 1778. 1-102 " Rel.)ecca, Nov. 4. 17.*0. 1-102 " Rehecea , died Dec. 10, 1782. 1-102 ti Susannah, JiUy 13, 1782. 1-102 (( Rebecc.'i, 2d, AprU 17, 1784. 1-102 " Anna, wife of Sylvester 2d. died March 21, 1795. 1-103 '■ As.i, of Charles and Susannaji, July 13. 1700. 1-103 " Dorcas, ■nlle of Asa. Sept. 24, 1709. 1-103 '• Charles, of Asa and Dorcas, Aug. 25, 1794. 1-103 " Dorcas, Oct. IS, 1700. 1-103 (( Mary, July 20, 1800. 1-103 Mary, died Oct. 3, 1801. 1-103 " M.-u-y, 2d, June 22, 1.S02. 1-103 " Joseph C., April 7. 1805. 1-103 '• Anna, Oct. 23. 1807. 1-103 ti Asa, Jr., April 13, 1810. 1-103 " Albert, March 4, 1813. 2-31 CLARKE William, born May 27, 1673. 2-31 " Hannah (Knight), his wife. April 3. 1080. 2-31 " William, of William and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1701. 2 31 a Joiiatlian, Oct. 18, 1702. 2-31 " Haiin.Tli, Sept. 8, 1704. 2-31 « Tliomas, March 13. 1700. 2-31 li Ruth. July 15, 1708. 2-31 «( R.)hert, Oct. 28, 1710. 2-31 " Judith, Aug. 8, 1712. 2-32 ct Flisha, July 10, 1714. 2-32 ■' Caleb, July 20, 1710. 2-32 tl James, of William and Rebecca, Aug. 3, 1732. 2-32 ■■ Ann, (prob.) Feb. 15. 1734. 2-32 " Hannah, Feb. 15, 1734. 2-33 William, Feb. 19. 1736. 232 (( Gideon, Oct. 15, 17.^8. CHAELESTOWN— BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 19 2-33 CLARKE Rulli, i.f William and Rebi-ceai, Jan. 22, 1742. 2-33 2-33 " Petel-. April 18, 1745. " Joshua. Feb 10, 1749. 2-35 " Joiiallian, of Jonathan .ind Tabitha, Dec. 17, 1730. 2-35 '• AbralL'im, Marcli 20. 1731 . 2-35 '■ Josiah, July 14. 1742. 2-33 " Almy. of Simeon. Aug. 23, 1737. 2-33 *' Tlianlcfnl, Feb. 23. 1738. C-3(i " Elislia. of Elislia and JndiUi, ilareh 5, 1741 2-3(i " Roliert, April 0, 1742. 2-30 " Benjamin, of lehahod and. JIary, Dec. 5, 1773. 1-47 " Jolm, of Simeon, Sept. 4. 1780. •1-47 " Stephen, Sept. 10. 1789. 1-47 " Henry, May 17, 1702. 1-47 " Simeon, Sept. 22, 1801. 1-47 '* Jabez, Jan, 8. 1800. 1 47 " Mary, "f Stephen (Blanford, Mass.), Oct. 23, 1816. 1 47 " Sarah. Oct. 23, 1810. 2-1 r,4 fdLLINS, .lolin. (if John and Meliitable, April 13. 1745. 2-1114 " Siis.-innah, Feb. 10, 1747. 2HM Amos. July 27. 1749. 2-1 fi4 " Benjamin, Sept. 10, 1751. 2-1 R4 " Sannu'l, April 24, 1754. 2.1(i4 " Sa,rah. Dec. 6, 1750. 1-74 " James K., of James and Ilannali. Aug. 9, 1802. 1-74 u Clar.a. Jan. 17, 1S08. 1-7 t " Riehard B., March 26. 1805. 1-75 Jededlah, March 25, 1808. 1-7.-) '* Sarah, Dec. 30, 1800. 1-75 '■ Esther, Dec. 4, 1811. l-7.-> " Ell;anah B.. Feb. 20, 1814. 1-75 " Lucy A., April 25, 1820. 1-75 " Ann.T, S., Feb. 3, 1822. 2-70 CON'GDOX Janu's 3d, of James and Silence, July 23, 1732. 2-7(! Benjamin, Oct. 23. 1733. 2-70 " Margaret, June 7, 1735., 2-70 " Cnd^'on, Marcli 10, 1737. 2-70 " Josepli, Jan. 30, 1730. " Christ opiier. Nov. 9, 1740. 2-70 " St'-pli.'n, June 20, 1743. 1 ; " Jlarpait't, of Jehu and Sarah, Aug. (■), 17U. 1-5 ■' James, M.ireil 4. 1742. di.^d July 2, 1740. 1-5 " Jo'n, Nov. I>. 1730, d. Jan. 10. 1 740-1. 1-5 " Sarah. Tpife of above John, died .Nov. 8, 1743. 1-5 " Sarali (Uoxsie), of Jolm and Mary, born Sept. 13, 1731. 1-5 James, of John and Saraih (2d v, 11), Oel. 13. 174 7. 1-5 " Josepii, Oct. 13. 1749. 1-5 " Sarah, March 12, 1752. 1-5 Isaac. Deo 10, 1754. 1-5 Isajic. died June 14. 1758. 1-5 " Mary. Dec. 4, 1750. 1-5 '• Ca.theriJle, MauU 31, 1759.. ■ 1-5 " Martlia. April 5, 1701. 1-5 " Penelope, April 5, 1761.. 15 " Mi.ry, died June 20, 1703. 1-5 jMary. 2d, Nov. 30, 1703. 1-5 '• Frau'^' s. March 9, 1771. 1-5 ■' John. Jan. 29, 1773- 1-5 Sarah. died June 3, 1774. 1-30 •• Peleg ('.. 'If Joseph and Mary. (let. 3v. 1770. 1-30 Benjamin, Nov. 0. 1778. 1 30 Benjamin. died May 23, 1738. 2 K'O (KARY J.isepli. of Oliver and H .1 estill. Jan. 25. 1757. 2-100 Cliiisloiilor. June 24. 1759. 1-34 CRANDALL Zilplia,. of Caleb and I atlenee, .Inly 15, 1707. 3-34 Benjamin, No\. LO. 1700. •20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISI/AND. 1-34 CEANDALL Mary, of Caleb aad Patience, 1-04 •■ Amie. 1-34 " Nathan, 1-11 '• Elizabftli. of James and Eli7al)eth, 1-11 " Damarius, 1-11 '• Hannali, ol Jesse and Zili'ali, 1 11 " Tolly, 1-11 '• Jesse, 111 " Potter, 1-11 ■■' Asti, 1-23 " Member, of Gideon and Judea, 1-38 CROSS Peleg, born Dec. 6, 1723; died Dec. 27, 1812. 1-38 " Mai-y, wile of Peleg ; l.orn July 30, 1735; died 1-3S " Jlary, of Peleg and Mary, 1-38 '■ rhanktid, 1-38 " P.l.g, 1-38 " Mercy, 1-38 " Anna, 1-38 " Ruliamah, ■2 172 " Kutli, of Samuel and Annie, 2-172 " Durciis, 2-172 ■' Martha, 2-139 " EU/abelh, of Ed-n-ard and Elizabeth, 1-lfi '■ Mary, of Peleg, Jr., and Catey, 1-19 " riu'ah, 1-10 ■• Peleg, 1-19 •• Caley C., 1-19 ■' Anna, 1-19 " John <■.. 1-46 " Nathaniel L., 146 " Henjaniin C., 1-46 " Josi-iih H., l-4i; '• (Mia. 1-46 " Uioi-ge W., 1-99 " James F., of Charles an^l Martha B., 1-99 " Can-ie E., 199 " Mary A.. 1-99 " Jlllla.rd F., 1-99 " Frank P., 1 99 '■ George C, Present Town Clerk. Nov. 10, 1771. Nov. 16, 1771. Oct. 20, 1773. Aug. 8, L769. July 26, 1776. Sept. 17. 1778. April 21 1780. Oct. 22, 1781. Jiily IS, 1783. Feb. 17, 1789. Apiil 23. 1783. May 27. 1812 May 1. 1755. Sept. 7 1757. June 24, 1759. April 23, I7t;i. Dec. 8, 1703. July 27, 1767. Feb. 20, 1703. Feb. 1,5, 1765. Jlareh 17, 1767. Jan. 9, 1704. Nov. 29, 17S1. Marcli 31. 178:l. Dec. 17, 1784. Dec. 20, 1780. March 26, 1789. Mari-h 21, 1791. Mart-n 20, i7o;i. May 19, 1795. May 23, 1797. May 31, 1800. Oct. 22, 1802. Dec. 3, 1843 July 22. 1845. Dec. 8, 1840. Sept. 10, 1850. April 10, 1S53. June 27, 1355. D 1-100 DEVOLL William W., of David S. and Mary C., 2-79 DODGE Elizabelli, of Joseph and Mary, KANOS Josepli, Jan., of Joseph and Margaret, " Mercy, " Margaret, '• Benjamin, " Hannah, " Amie, " Meioy, of Joseph, Jan.. and Keziah, July 28, 1841. July 19, 1744. June 10, 1718. Nov. 1. 1720./ Oct. 25, 1723. Feb. 20, 1732. April 7. 1730. June 30, 1738. Sept. 1, 1739. 1-51 EDWARDS Joseph, of Daniel and Utls, 1-51 " WUliam, 1-51 " Nancy, 1-51 " Daniel. 1 51 " John, Nov. 13, 17S2. May 1, 1787. Jan. 20, 1789. Oct. 8, 1798. Sept. IS, 1801. CHARLESTi i\VN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 21 ■2-3'J, .■ii) FOSTER .Maiy, ol Caleb and Elizabeth 2-32,31; ■' Diil'ia-, 2-32, 36 " Ciilib. 1-30 FUANKLIN E Uii)>i'th, K. 1-9(3 EUY Mary E., of Jauies 1-9G " Martha S., of Abel and Anna (fTrotun, (_'t.). May 5, 1738. March 20. 1740. Jan. IS, 1741. on Dec. 28, 1773. April 28, 1339. Oct. 21, 1842. G 2-169 GREENMAN Silas, of Edward ana Sarah. June 11, 1724. 2-169 " Jlargaret, Oct,. 17. 1725. 2-169 " Abigail, Nov. 21. 1727. 2-1(19 " Edward, JIarch 9, 1731. 2-169 " (.'atlierine. Aug. 18, 1732. 2-169 (i Mary, AprU 12. 1735. 2-169 " Prudence. Oct. 28, 1736. 2-109 " Chloe, AprU 8, 1739. 2-160 '* Nathan. Feb. 21, 1740. 2-170 " Hannah, of Silas .and Sara,h (also 2-225), Aug. 4, 1753. 2-170 " Mary (.also 2-225), June 26, 1755. 2-170 <( Timothy (also 2-225), March 22, 1757. 2-170 " Saj'ah (also 2-225), Sept. 1, 1700. 2-104 GREENE Amos, of Amos and -\mie. March 25,1741. 2-11)4 William, Feb. I'X 1743. 2-164 Harinali, May 7, 1746. 2-164 " Eli/.alieUi, Aug. 17, 1748. 2-164 " Rnlii, May 17, 1731 . 2-164 .lolm. Aug. 13. 1734. 2-164 " Amle, Sept. 14. 173(5. 1-34 " Dorcas, of liraddoik. Dec. 7, 1786. 1-34 '* Hazard, Oct. 22. 1789. 1-167 " William Ellery, of Lucre, la. Jan. 13, 1799. 1-51 u William, of Pujberl and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1799. 1-51 (( Jeremiah, March 28, 1801. 1-88 " Edward L., Dec. 28, 1794. 1-88 " Elizabetli — , wife of Edward L., Nov. 2, 17 96. 1-88 " MarUia E., of Edward L. and Elizabeth, April 17, 1823'. i-88 li Martha E., d. Sept. 28, 1823. 1-88 " M.-uy A., Oct. 13. 1824. 1-88 " Mary A. K.. Oct. n. 1826. 1-88 " Rutli E.. Aug. 9, 1S28. 1-88 " Almira F., Aug. 2, 1830. 1-88 " Mariha .T., March 12. 1832. 1-88 (( Mariah L., May 10, 1334. 1-88 " Hannah A.. J.an. 9, 1837. 1-88 (( Dorcas D. B., June 7, 1840. 1-88 (C Braddocl< C, ol Nathan, AprU 27, 1827. 2-35 GRIFFITH George, of PhiUp and Eli/al)eth. Aug. 30. 1743. ■2-32 CiRJNNELL Susannah, of Daniel and .lane, Dec. 24. 1734. 2-32 " Jane, May 30. 1736. H 1-40 IIALI. Hannah, of Rhodes and Hannah, 1-40 " Elizabeth, 1-40 " Rhodes, 1-40 " Lydla, 1-40 " ThankfiU, 1-40 " Donas, 132 " Jos'pli, Dec. 6, 1779. Jan. 9, 1781. Aug. 16, 1784. March 23, 1780. May 5, 1789. Aug. 6, 1792. died April 17, 1738. 22 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-79 HARVEY Willi;un, of WUlia n. Dec. o. 1747. 2-79 " Solomon, Nov. 5, 1749. 1-73 HAZAED William Wanton, or Brfiitoii and Ann. March 11. 1810. 2-35 HICTKS Ephi-.iim, of Elizabotli, Jan. 15. 1744. 1-79 HISCO^ Arm;l(i, Jr., of Arnold. July 15. 1818. 1-79 Anna, March 29 „ 1821. 2-33 HOXSIE Sarah, of Josepla ami Mary. Sept. 17, 1731. 2-33 Jostpli, Jr., May 8, 1733. 2-33 " Deborah, May 23, 1735. 2-33 " Mary. June 20, 1737. 2-30 u B.aTna.ha.s, of Stephen anl Elizabeth. Nov. 1, 1733. 2-30 " Stephen, May 8„ 1738. 2-30 " Elizabeth, July 13, 1740. 2-30 " Edwai-d. Jan. 19. 1742. 2-30 " Hannrih. Jan. 7, 1744. 1-29 " Benjajnin. Jr., of Benja.niiii and Sarah. March 14, 1742. 1-29 •• r.athvluba. Nov. 13, 1744. 1-29 Sarah. Oct. 22, 1746. 1-29 Ann. Aug. 3, 1748. 1-29 Mary. July 5, 1730. 1-29 Sarah, mother of ab[i\-e eMUlren. May 9. 1722 died July 11 1750. 1-29 " Saa-ali. of Benjamin ;md Mary i2d -n-lte), July 25, 1753. 1-29 '• Thomas, Feb. 13. 17-,r>. 2-lGO " Gideon, of Gideon and Dorcas, July 11, 1732. 2-ltio " Martha. Sept. (i. 1754. 2-1 <1H '• Peleg. StpL 15, 1736. 1-37 a Mar>', of Stephen, Jr., and Hizabetiu Dec. 8, 1767. 1-37 " Lodowiclv. Dec. 22. 1709. 1-37 " Luke. Oct. 14. 1771. 1-37 •' John. Mip. 12. 1773. 1 :;? -Solomon. Aug. 2. 1778. 1-37 Rulh, Feb. IS 1784. i-i:. " I.ncy, of Peleg and Lucy. March 29, 1779. 1-43 Pilec- JIn.y 17, 1780. 1-43 " Dorcas, March 30. 17.82. 1-43 " Jirhn, March 12. 1781. 1-43 " EstiuT, May 15, 1785. 1-43 " Zebulon, May 22, 1787. 1-43 '• JIasah. June 7, 1789. 1-43 " Ichabod. Aug. 30, 1791 1-13 " Hannah B.. April 7. 1793. l-SR ti Hazard, of Thomas and M ary. June 17 1782. l-3fi a Mary. Aprl 28. 1780. i-7(; a Benjamin, of Capt. Hazard and rioe. Nov. 2. 1807. 1.71-. Mary. ■Tan. 18, 1810. l-7ii Lydia A., Aug. 27. 1811. l-7li Gordon H.. President of the Town Council, 1.^,^2. March 24 1813. 1-70 •' Thomas S.. of Capt. Hazard and Cloe. Feb. 27. 1815. 1-71-. a Abbie C, July 2 1818. l-7li a Sarah -■.. Sept. 14. 1820. 1-7H " Samuel B., Oct. 9, 1824. I J 2-30 JOHNSON Stephen, March 23, 1704. 2-30 •• .Susann;'h. wife of Stepl en. Oct. 4, 2 30 " Ezeliirl. of Stephen and .-usaiinali. 2-30 " Sti'phen. 2-1^0 " Fli/abelli. 2-:!0 " Mary, 2-30 " Susannah. 2-30 " Sarah. 2-30 " Stephen, Oct. 23. 172 =i. Sept. 24. 1739. Jan. 25, 1732. M.ay 24, 1735. Nov. 18. 1737. Nov. 22, 1710. March 7 7, 1744. CHAKLESTOWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 23 2-30 2-35 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-76 2-227 2-227 2-2-J7 2-135 JOHNSON Hannali, of Stephen and Susannah, .Iu>i'pli " Joseph, " John, " Mary, " flannel, " Michael " Job, " Jared, " Joseph, " Bi'-njamin, EUphal JONES Robert, of Joseph and Mary, of Joseph, of Jo^eph ajid Judeth, March 29, 1747. April 17, 1730. AprU 17, 1740 Jan. 23, 1743 Feb. 13, 1745 Feb. 3, 1746 April 6, 1752 March 2, 1756 July 2U, 1757 March 19, 1703 Oct. 12, 1764 Sept. 10, 1766 died May 2, 1775 K 2-6 KENYON Mary, of Ebenezer and Amle, March 22, 1722: 2-6 Sarah, March 28, 1724. 2-6 Rutli, April 1, 1727. 2-6 * Aniie, Oct. 12, 173t>. 2-6 Williiim, Deo. 5, d. 28, 1732. 2-6 ' Caiharine, Dec. 27, 1733. 2-6 ' Eunice, Feb. 2, 1736. 2-C Infant, March 2S, d. April 2, 1739. 2-32 ' David, Jr., of David and Mary, Jan. 7, 1724. 2-32 ' ' Hannah, Dec. 21, 1727. 2-32 ' Thomas, Nov. 7, 1729. 2-32 William, Jan. 30, 1731. 2-32 ' Mary, Nov. 24, 1733. 2-32 ' Robert, Jan. 10, 1735. 2-32 P.-leg. ' Feb. 3, 1737. 2-33 Ellwibeth, Jan. 25, 1740. 2-32 ' Sarah, April 24, 1742. 2-33 ' PhcDens, Oct. 3, 1744. 2-77 ' John, of John and M.iry, Sept. 29, 1730. 2-77 ' Remington, Feb. 6, 1732. 2-77 ' Mary, Feb. 4, 1734. 2-77 Dorcas, Aug. 4, 1737. 2-77 Hannah, Nov. 1, 1739. 2-77 ' Nathaniel, Jan. 4, 1741. 2-77 Elizabeth. June 20, 1743. 2-79 ' George, of Thomas and Catherine, Feb. 4, 1733. 2-79 ' Elizabeth, March 5, 1735. 2-79 ' Thomas, March 14, 1738. 2-79 ' Stephen, Jan. 35, 1741. 2-79 • " John. Feb. 25, 1744. 1-33 KEI IGROIN John Hazard, of Amo-, March 36, 1787. 1-33 Abigail, Sept. 11, 1789. 1 37 KNt )\V1.E.S Charles, of Daniel aud Antries, May 5, 1776. 2-35. 76 LADD .lames, of John. ;-35, ' 6 ' ' Daniel, 2-76 ' Elizabeth 2-76 Mary, 2-76 ' Dorcas, 2-76 ' .lohn. 2-76 ' Lydia. 2-76 LAIIKIN Reiil'in T.. of Reuben and Ar]l\-llle, April 22, 1746. Dec. 7, 1748. Dec. 7, 1750. May 37, 1752. May 27, 1754. May 8, 1756. July 8, 1759. July 30, 1844. (Vit. Rec, Vol. 5.) 27 24 VITAL IiBXX)RD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-34 LEWIS NatJiaiil>-l, of Nathaniel and Mary, a-34 " Amos, a-34 " Mary, •J-34 " Jane, 2-34 " Kahiima, 2-a4 " Elijali, B-172 " AugustiLs J., of Amos and Mary, 1-80 " Susamiali, of Jos. H. and Margaret, 1-80 " Mary L., 1-80 " Nathaniel, 1-80 " Augustus, 1-80 " OUver F., 2-34 LILLIBKIDGE Sarah, of Thomas and Mary, 2-34 " Thomas, 2-34 " Kdward, Feb. 2a, 1702. April 29. 1731. July 31, 1735. June 22, 1737. Oct. 27, 1739. Aug. 10, 1711. Oct. 10. 1759. :. 17, 1815; d. March 18, 1618. May 27, 1818. Jan. 16, 1622. Jan. 12, 1S24. May 20, 1827. March 20, 1727. Dec . 4, 1729. March 25, 1732. M 1-12 MACUMBER Abigail, of Jonathan and Sarah, 1-12 ti Annie, 1-12 " Benjamin, 1-12 " Sarah. 1-12 » Joseph, 1-12 ££ Dlamia, 1-77 " Francis, of Joseph and. Fannie, 1-77 " Ahigail, 1-77 (( John R., 1-77 (( Martha, 1-77 " Mary I)., 1-33 MICAEL Tury, of Euth (Indian) 1-33 " Sar-iJi, 1-33 •■ AJict\ 2-170 MILLAKD Martha, of Jolin, Jun. 2-170 " AbigaU, 2-170 It Benjamin, 2-170 " Ellzabetb, June 17, 17r,7. Dec. 30, 1769. May 5, 1772 Nov. 13, 1774< Aug. 24, 1782. Oct. 4, 179S. Feb. 12, 1809. Oct. 17, 1812. AprU 12. 1615. Dec. 23. 1817. Dec. 21. 1821. April 0. 1778. Sept. 9 , 1780 June 22, 1788. July 13, 1753. July 4, 1755. March 22, 1758. June 14, 1760. N 1-74 NILES Robert, ot Paul and Charity (N. Shoreham), Dec. 1, 1788. 1-74 " SaiMis, (Stonlngton), June 0, 1793. 1-74 " Nathaniel, June 6, 1793. O P 2-168 PARK Mary, of Benjamin and Hannah 2-168 Jonathan, 2-168 " Joseph, 1-4 " John, of John and Abigail, 1-4 tt Abigail, 1-4 *' Annie. 1-4 " Samuel, 1-4 u Joseph, 1-4 " Kate K., 1-4 " Benjamin, 1-4 (t Marali, 2-233 PECKHAM Hannah, of Daniel and Mar 3-233 " Mary, 2-233 " D.a.niel, Jan., 2-233 " Sarali, 2-233 '• Abel, Sept. 8, March 5, Nov. 13, Sept. 23, March 17, Sept. 28, Aug. 15, June 20, April 28, AprU 27, April 5, Sept. 23, Feb. 22, S?pt. 35, Aug. 31. Feb. 17, 1758. 1760. 1763. 1773. 1775. 1776. 1778. 1780. 1783. 1784. 1786. 1720. 1722. 1726. 1729. 1733. CHABLESTOWN BIETHS AND DEATHS. 2n 2-233 PECKHAM .Tames, ot Daniel and Mary, 2-233 " Annie, 2-225 Cf Mary, ot Daniel, Jr., and Mary, 2-225 " Abigail, 2-22.^ '• Daniel, 2-225 " Mary, 2-225 " .loim H. G. H., of George H.. 1-3SI PERRY Rowland, son of Annie Browning, 1-40 " James, of Capt. James and Deborah, 2-9 PETTBY Nathaniel, of WlUlam and Maiy, 2-34 u Susannah, 2-34 " Alice, a-34 " Ephraim, 2-34 " William, 2-3'4 " Joseph, 2-34 " Charles, 2-34 " Jolin, 2-34 " Mary, . 2-34 '• David, 2-34 " James, 2-7i; PIERCE Sti'plien, of Isaac, 2-7 (j " Benjamin, 2-70 " James. 2-70 Timothy, 2-70 '• Isaac, 2-7ii POTTER Benjamin, of Nathaniel and Mary, 2-70 Koiise, 2-70 Mary, 2-79 Nathaniel, 2-70 ■• Thomas, 2-70 Susannah, 2-70 Eljonezer, 2-30 Ruth, of Thomas and Martha, 2-103 Annie,, of Robert. 2-103 " Hannah, 2-103 " Elizabeth, 2-l(>3' " Robert, 2-103 " Thomas, Nov. 4, 17 '''j. Sept. 20, 1742. Dec. 19, 1751. April 26. 1752. Oct. 25, 1754. Sept. 19. 1756. Oct.. 24. 1775. May 11, 1789. March 1. 1708. May 17, 1714. JiUy e. 1716. June 4, 1718. Dee. 12, 1719. June 24, 1723. Oct. 27, 1724. Aug. 10, 1727. Nov. 23, 1729. Jan. 3, 1732. March 20, 1735. Nov. 14, 1737. Nov. 25, 1740. April 9, 1743. Feb. 25, 1744. March 13, 1747. March 8, 1749. Aug. 9, 1721. April 28, 1728. Oct. 10, 1731. Aug. 27, 1739. May 9, 1734. Dec. 20. 1743. Sept. 4. 1745. Sept. 13. 1740. July 7, 1755. March 20, , 1758. July 28, 1700. May 24, 1762. March 1, 17T>4. Q R 2-33 RATIIBONE Jo.^hua, of Joshua and Dorcas, ^-225 RHODES William, of James and Anna, 2-225 " William, of Deborah, 2-225 " Charles, 2-165 ROSS, Barberry, of Abigail, 2-165 " Annie, Jan. 8, 1742. Sept. 13, 1733. Jan. 18, 1789. Sept. 16, 1707. June 15, 1743. Aug. 16, 1747. 2-173 SAUUSBITRY, Martin,i 1-21 SCRIBENS, Wilhams, of William and Mary, 2-101 .SHEFFIELD. Th(ima.s, of Nathaniel and Hannah, 2-101 " Joseph, ^101 " Mary, 1-30 " Josi-ph, of Thomas and Wealthy, 1-30 " Amos, 1-30 " Samuel, 1-30 " Dorcas, 1-30 " Jnmes, 1-30 •• Thomas, 1-30 " George, bom Sept. 10. 1707. April 0. 1782. Nov. 25, 1741. Aug. 15, 1742. Jan. 9, 1745. Oct. 14, 1763. Feb. 12, 1766. June 27. 1708. April 11, 1771. Aug. 27. 177,X Jan. 9. 1770. June 27, 177ff. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-30 SHEFFIELD Anna, of Tliomaa and Wealthy, 1-30 " Nathaniel, 1-3D " Abel. 1^5 " Lydia. of Joseph and Phebe. 1-35 " Amos. 1-35 " Joseph, 1-35 " Jonathan. 1-35 " JIary. of Stanton and Anna, 1-35 " Sarah, 1-35 " Stanton, 1-35 " Anna. 1-35 " Beimda, 1-35 " Benjamin, 1-35 " Martha, 1-35 " Elizabeth, 1-35 " Robert. 1-35 " Rebecca, SHERMAN Geoi-se Haz.ird, June B, 1788. " Sophia (D:nis), Ms wtte, March 9. 1794. " Thomas Hazard, ol Geo. H. and Sophia, " Thomas Hazard, " Lucy A., " Lorlna, " Thomas H., " James, " Catherine W., " Martha B., " John R., " Hannah E., " Mary E., 2-36 STANTON Joseph, Jr.; also 101, born AprU 23. 1717. 2-36 " Mary, his wife: also 101, bom July I'i'. 1722, 2-36 " Joseph (also 2-101), 2-36 " Esther (also 2-101), 2-36 " JIary (also 2-101). 2-36 " Augustus (al* 2-101), 2-36 " Hamiah (also 2-101), Note — In another list the year is piven. ••174:6, respectively. 2-36 " Lodowick (also 2-101), 2-34 " Robert, of John and Susannah. 2-34 " Job, 2-34 " Susannah, 2-34 " Benjamin, 2-34 " Hannah, 2-34 " Elizabeth, 2-34 " Samuel. 2-135 " Col. Joseph (70 years old), 2-135 " Col. Joseph, 1-31 " AblgiiU, of Daniel, Jmi.. and Sarah, 1-31 " Thomas, 1-31 " Abel, 1-47 " Samuel, of Samuel and Elizabeth, 1-47 " Sarah A., 1-47 " ■ Elizabeth, 1-47 " .Tohn. 1-47 " Mary, 1-47 " Elizabeth, mother of aliove eliildren, 1-83 " Caroline E., of John and Celia, 1-83 " Dorcas, 183 " William, 1-83 " John H., 1-83 " Caroline E., 1-83 " William, . 1-83 " John H., Aug. 30, Dec. 19, April 27, July 8. Nov. 17, Feb. 1, Jan. 30, March 18, April 11, Aug. 23, Nov. 21, April 3, June 8, April 23, Nov. 6, April 12. June 21, 1780.. 1783. 1786. 1781. 1783. 17S7. 1790. 1785. 1787. 1789. 1792.. 1797.- 1799. 180S. 1804. 1^07. 180!). March 10. 1816. March 20, ISIS. M.ay 2, 1818. March 18, 1820. March 22, 1822. Sept. 20, 1?24. Aug. 3, 1827. Feb. 8. 1830. May 22, 1833. Feb. 23, 1835. July 23', 1838. July 19, 1739.* Nov. 23, 1741. June 18. 17-13. March 22, 1745.* • Feb. 24, 1747. • • • 173S ; 1744. and May 27. 1749. Aug. 18, 173.'j. Feb. 15, 1737. Aug. 17, 1738. July 4, 1740. March 28. 1742. Jan. 2. 1743. Dec. 2, 1745. April 23, 1752. died Aug. 2. 1752. May 18. 1785. .Tan. 21, 1787. March 28, 1791. Oct. 27, 1803. Nov. 23, ISO'S. Oct. 23, 1808. July 21. 1810. JIarch fi. ISl-l. died May 3, 1626. March 10. 1834. May 12, 183(;. May 13. 1839. July 16. 1844. died Deo. 11, lS3'i. died Dec. 20. 1846.. died J.in. 2, 1847. CIIAELESTUWN BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 27 •2-3(i TANNER .Insi-pii, of Jolin and Jane, Feb. 2. 1719. 2-36 '• J;iiie, Jan. 24, 1721. a-36 " George, of John and Susannah, Nov. 9, 1723. 2-30 '■ wiraii. Oct. 7, 1720. 2-36 Wtllinm, Feb. 28, 1727. 2-3 Ij John, Nov. 11, 1730. 2-3(3 " Su-iannah, Feb. 18, 1732. 2-3(; Mary. Jan. 9, 1734. 2-3(3 Esther, Aug. 22, 1738. 2-3H .lob, April 5, 1740. IBS TA1 Lou N:ithan, ot Nathan and Prudence, May 4, 1773. 1-08 Polly, Dec. 16, 1774. 1-68 Kittury, March 25, 1776. 1-68 * M.artha, Jan. (J, 1778. 1-68 ' Aniii-, Dec. 6. 1780. 1-68 PlR.|,e, Feb. 4, 1782. 1-68 ' Surah, June 26, 1784. 1-68 * Jn.suph, Aug. 4, 17S6. 1-68 ' J oh, June 9, 1789. 1-68 ' GUbert, March 16, 1791. 1-1 I'liUlip. ol Joseph and Rath, Dec. 12, 1770. 1-1 Johabod, June 28, 1773. l-f4 Margaret, of Job and Amle, Oct. 1. 1773. 1-74, Julia A., Sept. 1, 1810. 1^74 Gilbert, Aug. 22, 1,-13. 1-74 Alvah, Seirt. 22, 1815. 1-74 Maiy, May 17, 1818. 1-75 (Ji-orKi- W., Oct. 2, 1S20. 1-75 ilari-iet. Oct. 26, 1823. 1-75 EUza, Au;. 2. 1826. 1-75 ' .Martlia, June 10, 1833. 1-01 ' Charles B., of Joseph W. and Luclnda,, June 17, 1814. 1-91 ' Charles E., d. Maj-ch 8, 1818. 1-91 ' Eansford S., o( Joseph ami bucinda. Oct. 14, 1B15. 1-91 ' Caroline B., Si'pt. 1, 1817. 1-91 ' Caroline B., d. Feb. 8, 1819. 1-91 Sarah A., of Josrph and Luc.nda. Fob. 2, 1819. 1-91 .M:irgaret M., June 13, 1820. 1-91 Jolm E., March 25, 1S22. 1 91 ' Joseph E., March 4, 1824. 1-91 Lydia M., of Joseph and Luclnda, Sept. 15, 1825. 1-91 Job I., Aprtl 29, 1827. 1-fll Hannah M., Oct. 31, 1829. 1-91 George A., June 24, 1831. 1-91 Phebe L., Jan. 4, 1833. 1-1 TU(' KER Susannah, born Nov. 24, 1766. 1-1 Newman, born Jan. 24, 1767. 1-1 Jlary, born Oct. 31, 1769. 1-1 Rebecca, born Oct. 1, 1749. 1-1 Hann.ah, bom Oct. 21, 1755. U V w 2-35 WATSON Simeon, of WUllam and Mary, 2-35 " AblgaU, 2-35 " Elizabeth, 2-35 " John, 2-33 WELCH Charles, of William and Catherine 2-33 " Mary, 2-33 " John, Feb. 21, 1726. June 5, 1729. June 5, 1732. Jaji. 20, 1735. March 30, 1739. Jan. 2n, 1741. May 8, 1746. 28 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-26 WELCH Wimam, from Irelaud, died aged 85 yeai-s, 10 Mnpeh 10, 1736. 1-28 " Patrick, ol John and LydiS; 1-28 " .lolm, 1-28 " Henry, 1-28 " Katie, 1-28 " Gilbert, 1-2S " Sarnh, 1-28 " Lois, of John and Lydla, 2-3.3 WELLS Doro.ns, of Peter and Amie, (S. K.) 2-79 WEST Mnry, of Clement and Sarah 2-79 " Richard, 2-70 " Clement (N. K.), 2-79 " Siusannah (N. K.), 2-79 " Juhn, 2-79 " Elizabeth, 2-79 " Thomas. 2-79 " Eliza, 2-79 " Sarah. 1-78 WILCOX Georse S., of Joseph, 1-78 " Mary. 1-78 " Rebecca, 1-78 " Edward. 1-78 ■' Hannali, 1-78 " Rebecca, 1-7S " Nancy., 1-78 " Charlie W., 1-78 " Joseph D., 1-78 " Kllza A., 1-78 •■ Susan F., 1-78 " John G.. Present Rep. 1-78 " Nathan, 1-78 " Benjamin P., 1-95 " Governor Edward, died Sept. 7, 1838. 2-77 WOODMA^fSEE KezlaJi, of Joseph atnd Hannah, 2-77 " Joseph, 2-77 " Hannah, months and 15 days. March IS, 1775. Feb 0, 1770. Dec. 2l0, 1779. Aug 9, 1781. Nov. 15, I7a3. Feb. 1, 1786 ; d. April 28, 17S6. Feb. Ifi 1787; d. March 11, 1787. K.), Sept. 17, 1720. Feb. 28, 172C. Dec. 24, 1728. Jan 1, 1731. July 14, 1733. Dec. 18, 1736. May 20, 1738. Aug 6, 1740. Feb . 6, 1742. July 23, 1745. Feb 9, 1799. Aug. 11, 1801. JiUy 11, 1804. Aug 1, 1806. Feb. 25, 1809. Aug. 24, 1811. Feb. 22, 1814. Dec . <■>, 1S27. Feb. 12, 1829. March 16, 1830. March 26, 1831, / May 25, 1832. Nov. 17, 1833. July 7, 1835. Aug. 10, 1719. July 28, 1723. June 25, 1724. X Y Z 2-223 YORK Hopes dUl, of Stanton and Jemima. 2-223 * Jemima, 2-223 Anna. 1-44 Hannah, 1-44 ' James, 1-44 * Isaac. 1-44 * Augustus 1-44 William. 1-44 ' Elizabeth 1-44 ' Anna, of WUUam and Anna May 24, 1734 Feb. 17, 1739 AprU 7, 1741 Nov. 15, 1770 Feb. 6, 1772 April 4, 1776 July 28, 1778 Oct. 15, 1780 March 5, 1785 Aug. 24, 1788 Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. KiRST Series. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is IVly Name Written in the Boole of Life? Vol. 5. RICHHOND. Part VI. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. 1: Uakragansett Historical Publishing Company. 1394. 1 i 4 m ACT INCOKI'OKATIXi; T II E TOWN OF RICHMOND. AX ACT for incoriMffatiiis the iicirth i)ai-t of the Town of Cliuiiestowu. iiv King's Count.v. into a Township, tho sn.uio to Ijc distiuguishwl and known by the name of Kiolunoml. Be it enacted by the (Jeneral Assemlily of this Colony, and by the authority thereof, it is enaeted. that the Town of Charlestown, in the County of Kings County, ete.. be divided into two Towns, by a river that runs across said Town. l;nowu by the name of Pawcatucli River; all the lands to the southward of said river, shall retain the name of CHARLESTOWN; and that all the lands to the northward of said river, be. and hereby is incor- porated into a Township, by the name of IvICMMOND; and to have and enjoy the like privileges as other Towns in this Oolonv And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that each of said Towns shall have, and receive a proportion of the money in, and belong- ing to the treasury of said Charlestown, according to the money for which the lands in each Town is mortgaged to the Colony; and that all Justices of the Peace and Military Officers living within the bounds of said new Town called Richmond, retain their authority, and act as such therein until the next General Election; and that the eldest Justice of each of said Towns is hereli.v empowered to grant forth their warrants to some proper ofBcer, whom they shall appoint, to warn the inhabitants of said Towns to assemble and meet together in some proper place, in said Town, on Friday, the 28t day of this instant August, in order to choose deputies, to represent them at the October Session of this Assembly; and also, to choose Town Officers for said Towns, agreeably to the laws of this Colony; and that each Town shall send one grand juror, and one petit juror, to each of the luferior and Su^ perior Courts in Kings County. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. V., pages 220, 221. 1-285 1-78 1-78 1-80 1-135 1-84 1-128 2-51 RICHHOND. l^.A.-RFi,IA.a-ES. ADAMS Mary, and Nathan Lewis, Dec. 10, 1756. Anna, and Anrtn'w NiiiioN. .lun.- 11. ITfil. Thomas, and Abi^'ail Lirkin : m. liv Edward Perry, Justlc/" July- 10, 1764. Patience, and Thomas, Wehsler, Nov. 17, 1765. " .Sarah, and Jedcdiali Collins. Nov. 29. 1767. ALBIW Alice, and Joseph Telft. .Ir., Jlay 22, 1771. " Martha, and Noah WUeox. Nov. 15, 1789. ALEXANDER Esther Ann, and John Allen, &ept. 11, 1848. (N. B.— Another entry says L.) 2-51 ALLEN John, anl Esther Ann Alexander, (or L.) ; m. by Rev. Chris. C. Le-vvls, Sept. 1 1. 1848. 1-11 AUSTIN Joseph, anxl Abigail Rogers; m. by .Stephen Richmond, Jtis- tice, Aug. 20, 1750. 1-285 " Dinah, and Thomas Rogers, Sept. 7, 1755. 1-286 " Daniel, and Anna Barber ; m. by Samuel Telft, Justice, April 33, 1757. 1-123 " Jasephi, and Mary Rogers, (widow) ; m. by Thonfis letil. Justice, Dw. 8, 1777. 1-123 " Elizabeth, and James Grllt'eth, March 25. 1779. 2-50 " Elizabeth, and Clarke Cahoone. Sept. 23, 1847. 1-92 AlliESWORTH Alee, and Moses Clarke, Nov. 18, 1773. B BABCOCK Jane, and Izrael Lewis, about 1696. Elisha. and Elizabeth ; m. by Jolui Jiill, Justice, July 4. 1744. Elizabeth, and Mchard Dye, May 4, 1752. Susannali, and John Wordi'U, Jan. 1, 1769. Eunice, and Nathaniel Clarke, March 6, 1771. Thanklul, and Caleb Barber, July 19, 1781. Sarah O., and S.anford W. Foster, April 7, 1839. Sarah P.. aud Stephen l!a,tes, April 21, 1845. Harriet N., and Albert II. Russell, Aug. 25, 1845. Frances A., and Asa F. Noyes, Dec. 1, 1S50. Ruth, and Richard Chappell, March 12, 1848. Rlchai'd, and Abigail Woodmansee, both of Westerly; m. by George Babcock, Justice, April 25, 1729. Aliigail. and John Sunderland, March 2, 174S-9. Mary, and Thomas Lewis, Sept. 1, 1748. Sar.ah, and Jonathan Irish, Jan. 27, 1757. Rlcliarrt, Jr., and Judeth Clarke, botli of R.; ni. by Tiiom is Lilli. Iiridge. Justice of Pe.aec. April 8, 1762. Anue, and Willlara .Sheldan, June 7, 1767. Hannah, and Ezekiel James. Jan. 3, 1768. Major Richard, and Mrs. Judeth Card; m. by Edward Peiry, Jus- tice, Jan. 7, 1768. 1-255 " I 1-147 " 1-83 " 1-175 " 2-40 " 2-49 " 2-49 " 2-53 " 2-55 " 1-281 BAILEY 1-11 .> 1-10 " 1-286 " 1-554 " i-iin 1-161 " 1-147 " TlTAh RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-S4 BAILEY Clarke, of Richard, of Rl limoiKl, and Sarah Jami'S, of John, of Ext'ter; m. by EdwuKl Ferry, Justice, Slarch 19, nT2. 1-554 BAKER Susannah, and Thom.ns Stanton, Dec. 10, 1761. 1-43 " Mercy, and George HoUoway, Dec. 5, 17(52. 1-135 " Siilomon, and Lydia Kenyon, of l>a\-ld, Jr, : m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Feb. 4, 1770. 1-278 BARBER Bridget, and Thomas Clarke, Dec. 17. 1732. 1-11 " Susannah, and Da^id Potter, Jan. 5, 1748-9. 1-256 " Nathaniel, and Charity Rathbuu, both of Exeter; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, March S. 1753. 1-286 " Edward, and Charity Brlggs : m, by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Nov. 11, 1754. 1-284 " Oileb. and Elizabeth NUes ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Jan. 26. 1755. 1-286 " Anna, and Daniel Austin. April 22, 1757. 1-551 " Dinah, and JoseiJh Enos, Jan. 11. 1759. 1-551 " Samuel, Jr., ajid Eliza.bi'th Kenyon : ra. by Edward Perty, Jus- tice. April 2r>. 1759. 1-551 " Moses, and AblKall Xiles : m. by Edward Perrj-, Justice, Dec. 27, 1759. 1-80 " Desire, and David Nichols. Jr., Jan. 23, 1760. 1-552 '• Amie. and Benedict Kenyon. May 29. 1760. 1-652 '■ Mary, and Gideon Dickinson, Dec. 4, 1760. 1-552 •• Beujaniin, of Kingston, and Desire Moon, of Exeter ; m. by Stephen Mchmond, Justice, Mny 28, 1761. l-"8 " Joshua, and Mary Barber ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Mav 17. 17()4. 1-78 " Mary, and Joshua Barber, May 17, 1764. 1-92 " Lydia, and Thomas Tefft, Dec. 10, 1772. 1-1-3 " Benjamin, of Ezekicl, and Susannah Boss, of Peter: m. by Thomas Tefft. Justice, Nov. 25. 1778. 1-175 " Caleb, of Sanuiel, of Richmond, and Thank-ful Babcock, of Sam- uel, of Westerly ; m. by Elder John Pendleton. .Tuly 19. 1781. 1-126 " Sarah, and Taber Teffti, Jan. 25, 1732. 1-428 " Samuel, son of Benjamin, and TlianMul Kenyon, of WillLam ; m. by Simeon Clarke, Justice, Dec. 27, 1782. 1-128 " Benjamin, ot Caleb, and Siirah Teift, of Josepli ; m. by Elder Charles Boss, Oct. 16, 1785. 1-128 " Mary, and Moshler Web.ster. Feb. 12. 1789. "-8 " Charity, and John Kenyon, May 1, 1808. 3-153 " Deborah, and Girteon Ho.\sle, Jr., Feb. 11, ISIO. 2-1 " Joanna, and Job Rej-nolds, Feb. 17, 1811. 2-31 " EUzabelh, and Wells Reynolds, May 26, 1811. 2-8 " Peter, and Lucy Potter: m. by Elder Phinea.s Palmer, Feb. 13 1814. 2-18 " Edward, of Exetw, and Dlanjia WUcox, of Richmond : m. by F'.lder Phineas Palmer, April 24, 1817. 2-23 " Archibald, of Caleb, and Nancy Card, of Enoch ; m. by Elder Mat- thew Stlllman. Oct. 18, 1821. 2"28 " Joseph T., of Edward, and Nancy James, of Thomas : m. by Elder Peleg Peckham, Jan. 27, 1825. 2-30 " John, of Samuel, dec, and Sarah Tefft, of Thomas; m. by Elder Gersham Palmer, Feb. 3, 1826. 2-23 " Mrs. W'alty. amd Corey Kenyon, June 1, 182S, •S-31 " Chloe, and Willett R. LllUbridge. May 13, 1832. '^^^ " Thomas T., of Hopldnton, amd Mrs. Angelina P. Richmond, of Rich- mond ; m. by Rev. Dartd Avery, July 10, 1843. 2-*9 " Jolm A., of Rhoda, of South Kingstown, aad Deborah Tefft, of Richmond; m. by Elder Daniel Slocum, Nov. 5, 1846. 2-^1 " Jesse C, of Benjamin, :ind Sarah Tefft, of Silas; m. by Elder E. J. Locke, Dec. 27, 1847. 2-52 " Peleg, and Mary Boss; m. by Elder Steadmam Kenyon, March IS 3 849. 1-255 BASSETT William, and M.iry Oosson, both of Oharlest«wn : m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, April 12, 1752. RICHMOND MARRIAGES. a-43 BATES Sarah, and Stephen WUcox. April 24. 1763. 2-4B " Stephi-n, of Exeter, son ot Lewis, and. Sarah P. BaVicock, of Slmdon, of Richmond; ra. by Rev. J. P. Eurbank, AprU 21, 1845. 1-10 BENTLEY .John, of Richmond, and Mary CottreU, of Westerly; m. by Sam- uel Telfl, Justice, Dec. '21, 1749. 1-256 " William, and Ablrrall Jlilleman; m. by Elisha Babcock, Justice, April 21, 1754. a-159 " William, and Elizabeth Enos; m. by Jos. Woodmansee, Justice, April 1, 1778. 1-1 " Ezelciel, and Alice Sabin ; m. by Thomas LUIibridpe. Justice. Si>pt. l(i, 17Gr>. 2-50 BICKNELL Louisa H., and Ellas T. Burdlck, Sept. 8, 1846. 1-123 BITGOOU John, Jr., of St.inlngton, Conn., son ot John and Lydla Mitchell, of Richmond, dau. of Ellslia, late of North King. town; m. by Thomas Tefft, .lustice, Dec. 23, 1779. 2-59 BLANCHARD Ephraim A., and EmUy Larkln ; m. by Rev. A. D. WU- llams. July 1, IfSO. 1-43 BOSS Martha, and Peregrine Fry Tripp (also 1-553), Sept. 14, 1760. 1-550 " Joseph, aid ContLSil Peter.son; m. by Edw.ard Perry. lustlce, Oct. 27, 1757. 1-1 " Hannah, aiid ls;".ac Tanner, April 28, 1765. 1-96 " Charles, of Rlclimond, and Ruth Tripp, ot Exeter; m. Ijy Elder Solomon Si>rague, Feb. 9, 1775. 1-159 " Charles, and Mai-j' Webster; m. at Exeti'r by Elder Solomon Sprague, April 16, 1778. 1-123 '• SiLsapnali, and Benjamin Barber, Nov. 25, 1778, 3-1 " INlartha, and David Gardiner, Nov. 26, 1812. 2-40 " Eliza, and Abner .N'. Woodmansee, Feb. 14, 1839. 2-52 " Mary, and Peleg Barber, .March 18, 1849.^ 1-165 BRAMAN Mary, and Matthew Potter. Si'pt. S. 1796. :2-53 " Harriet L., and Brlglitman Tucker, Feb. 15, 1845. 1-286 BRIGGS fharily, and Edward barber, Nov. 11. l';54. -- 1-552 " Precilla, and Giles Kenyon, Jan. 3, 1760. 2-.'i0 '■ Saraii. ajid Thomas Wilbour, Jan. 21, 1S47. • 2-36 BROWNING Joanna, and Tliomas Reynolds. >.)ct. .'«, 1825. 1-175 BRO\VN Elizabeth, and Jonathan Maxson, Jan. 6, 1791. 1-552 BURDICT Anvi.s, of Stontngton, Conn., and Elizabeth Nichols, of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Feb. 4, 1761. 2-46 " Stephen, and :Mrs. EliJ.'ibeth Eldred ; m. by Eldei Weeden Barber, Jr., Oct. 17, 1839. 2-45 " George F., of Charlestown. and Mi-s. Mary James, of Richmond; m. by Elder Thomas TilUnghast, Aug. 16, 1842. 2-47 " Reuben, ot Hopklnton, and IMrs. Hannah E. Coolie, ot Richmond; ni. by Elder Weeden Barber. Jr., Dec. 4, 1842. 2-50 '■ Ellas T., and Louisa A. Bicknell, both of Hopldnton ; m, by Elder Charles C. Lewis., Sept. 8, 1P46. 2-51 " Lydia P., and Nelson M. P.°nrce, Oct. 13, 1847. - 2-255 CAHOONE Damarles, and Daniel Pierce. Feb. 3, 1752. O.50 " Clarke, of Hopklnton. and Elizabeth Austin, of West Greenwich; ra. by EMer Steadman Kenyon, Sept. 29, 1847. 1-13 CARD Prudence, and Ellslia Clarke, Feb. 25, 1746. 1-147 " Mrs. Judeth, and Richard Bailey, Jan. 7, 1768. 1.73 " Joseph, .i.nd Elizabeth Lewis; m. by Elder Heni-y Joslln, Oct. 8, 1789. 2-20 " Mary, and Josepli Griffin. Aug. 24, 1798. 2-11 " Judet.h, and, Sheffield James, June 28, 1812. •2-23 " Nancv, and Archibald Barber, Oct. 18. 1821. :2-47 " Alzada W.. and Clarke H. Reynolds, Deo. 25, 1842. 1-175 CARPENTER Margaret, and Park Enos. March 29, 1790. 1 82 CHAMPLAIN 11,-innah, and Simeon Clarke, Oct. 22. 1766. ■4!-45 '• JdaniuOi., and Joseph James Woodmansee, Feb. 19, 1843. O VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-53 CHAMPLAIN Stephen, ol Soutli Kinffstown, son of George, and Eniaa A. James, of George, of Richmond ; in. by Elder Geo. K. ClarJce, March 10, 1850. 2-55 CIIAPPELL Richard, and Kuth Bahcock. at Richmond; m. by Elder A. Diirfee, March 12, 1848. 1-256 CHURCH Caleb, of Westerly, and Lydla Larldn. of Richmond; m. by Ste- phen Eichttiond, Justice, July 29, 1753. 1-285 " Samuel, of Westerly, and Hannah Itogers. of Richmond; m. by Simeon Perry. Justice, July 3 8, 1756. 1-266 " Cliarles, of Hopkiuton. and Susannah Kenyon, of Richmond ; ra. by Thomas Kcnyun. Jiisiic,.. Jan. 12, 1758. 2-54 " Ebenezer K., of Kiclimond. and 'oplila RobMns, of Voluntown, Conn. ; m. by John Wllley, Justice, at Voluntown. Nov. 27, 1817. 1-12 CLO.SSON Alee, and Joseph Woortniiinsi'e, Sept. 27, 1750. l-25,> " Mary, and WiUiam Bassett, April 12, 1752. 1-12 CLARKE Joseph, and Siirah Reynolds; m. by Christopher Champlatn, Justice. Xov. 15, 1727. 2-278 •' Thomas, and lirirtgct Baibcr, Dec. 17, 1732. 1-13 " EUsha, and Prudence Card, both of Charlestown ; m. by Jos- eph Clarke, Juslic c, Feb. 25, 1746. 1-13 " Anne, and .Samuel Perry. Dec. 20„ 1746. 1-13 " Joseph. Jun., and JlannaU Perry, of Samuel. Jan., of Charles- town ; m. by .losepli Clarice, Justice, Dec. 26, 1746. 1-284 " Hannah, and Jolin Tefll. Jun., March 14, 1750-1. 1-284 " James, and Elizabeth Kenyan ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Jus- tice, AprU 24, 1755. 1-S86 " Anne, and Samuel Cross. March 13, 1757. 1-286 " WiUiam, 3d, and Mary Tellt; m. By EUsha Babcoek, Jus-tlce, March 20. 1757. 1-286 ■• Ruth, and Thomas Rathbun, June 20, 1757. 1-550 ■• Thomas, Jun., of Richmond, and Hannah Yeomans ; m. by Sam- uel Tetft, Justice, Dec. 8, 1758. 1-553 " Samuel, and Susannah Stanton, both of Richmond; m. by Joshua^ CLarke, Justice, Sept. 16, 17(51. l-55:i " Sarah,, and. Thomas Wells, Sept. 17, 1761. 1-354 " Judeth, and Richard Bailey, Jun., AprU 8, 1702. 1-80 " Lois, and Daniel Potter. Dec. 1, 1765. 1-82 " btmeon, of Capt. Simeon, of Richmond, and Hannah Champlain, of Jellrey, of Exeter; m. by Jelfrey Watson. Justice, Oct.. 22, 1766. 1-147 •• EUzabeth, and John PJiUlips, Jan. 18, 1768. 1-68 " Joshua, and Elizabeth Dodge; m. by Peleg Cross, Justice, Feb. 26, 1769. 1-82 " Nathaniel, of Jonathan, of Charlest<)Tv«, and Eunice Pabcock, of Elisha, of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry. Justice, March G, 1771. 1-92 " Moses, of Richmond, and Alee Aylesworlh, of Exeter; m. by Ed- ward Perry, Justice, Nov. 18, 1773. 1-f'i'' " Steplien. of Hopkinton. and Susannah Potter, of Richmond ; m. by Edward Perry. Justice. Nov. 24, 1774. 1-159 " Benjamin, now residing in S. 2-30 " Alice, and Jolin R. C.mgdon. April 7, 1825. 2-38 " Sally, and James T. Webster, Sept. 9, 1832. 2-46 •■' James W.. and Walty M. Taber; m. by Elder Weedcn Barber, Jr., Dec. 29, 1630. EICllMONI) :M.U!RIAGES. 2-40 CI„\EKE WilliaJii, ;m, 1790. 1-T8 " Oliver, of Cliarleslown, and Estlier Ti'-.ft. of .roseiili, ot Klchraond ; m. by Edward Perry, .Uistiie. April 28, 17i5."). 1-554 COLLINS Snwinnali, and Eiilirainj l.arkin. Maa-rli 2 1. 17ii2. 1-135 " Jedediah, and Sanili AdaiiLs ; ni. by James Kenyon, Justice. Nov. 29, 1707. 2-6 CONGDON Abigail, .and William Reynolds, Nov. 25. 1810. 2-3 " John R.. ol W.'st Ureeiiwlcli. son of Samuel D.. and Alice Clarke, of Moses: m. by Eider Uershnm Palmer, April 7, 1825. 2-47 COOKE Hannah E.. and Keuben Burdlelc. Dec. 4, 1842. 1-128 COON Mary, and EU Coldgroyi'. inlso 1-175), Dec. 16, 1790. 1-92 COREY Ric-bard. now residing in tliis town, and Mary Sherman, (widow); m. by Elder Joseph T.irrey, Oct. 25. 1773. 1-159 " John, ot Samuel, of Eiclimond, and Abigail Smith, of Thomas, of North Kingstown, at North Ivingstown ; m. by George Thomas, Justice, Nov. 7. 1770. COTTEELL Mary, and John Bentby. Dec. 21, 174!i. CEAJsDALL George, of South Kingstown, .and T.acy Tanner, ot Richmond, at Richmond; (also 1-553), m. by John Webster, Justice, Sept. 20, 1701, " Jba-cy, and Jonathan K'liyiin, .Tan. 21, 1790. " Ruth, and Daniel Larliin, Sepi. 5. 1842. ■' Sarah, and Sila.s W. Tetft. Dec. 27, 1847. CROSS Sanjuel. ot Charlestown. and Anne Clarke, ot Richmond; m. by Elisha Babeock. Justice. JIarch 13. 1757. D 1-110 DAKE .Mary. an- Moore, ot Eichmond ; m. by Samuel Teftt, Justice. Dec. 29, 1758. 1-552 DICIvlNSON Gldenn. now residing in Ho|>klnton. and Mary Baker, now re- sidling in Richmond; m. hy Edw.ard Perry. Justice, Dec. 4, 1760. 1-68 DODGE Elizabeth, and Jeshua Clarke, Feb. 20, 1709, 1-552 DOUGLASS William, of Volnntown. Conn., and Mary Petty, of Richmond; m. Ijy Edw.ard Perry. Justice, Jlay 1, 17(50. 1-255 DYE Eichaid. and Elizabeth Babceck, both ot JEUchmond ; m. by Samuel Tetfl. Justice. May 4. 17.",2. 1-550 -^ Jolm, and Thanl;ful Petl'-r, of William, Jr., of Eichmond; m. by Edward Perry. Justice, March 22, 1753. 1-550 " Tliankfnl, and Jonallian .Tames, Jr., Dec. 7, 1758. 2«t2 " Tliomas P.. of Ilopk-inion, and Del)orah Kenyon, ot Rlchm(jnd ; m. by KldHr Th; mas Tillingliasl, Jan. 1, 1340. 2-40 ELDRED Mi-". Ehzaf'tli, and siepli 'n Hurdick, Oct. 17, 1839. l-2ri4 E.NoS llnnuali. and Sami-el Wilbur, Marcli 10, 1755. 1-284 • Aniie. and John Larkin, Jr., March 30, 1755. l-5.-,l '• Josep .. Jr.. and ULnih Harlier. lioili ot Riclimond: m. by Edward Perry, Ju.stlce, Jan, 21, 1759. 1-551 " Catherine, and Joseph Kenyon, Uut' 11, 1V59. (Vit. Eec, Vol. 5.) 23 1 •10 1-43 1 -72 3. ■45 .-, -51 1-; i8o 10 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-147 ENDS Benjamin, anjd Jerusha. Pliillliis, both of Riclimond; m. 1'y Edward Perry, Justlc*, Jan. 14, 1708. 1-159 '• Ellzabetli, and William Honlley, April 1, 1773. 1-175 " Mary, and Je-sse Larldn, Feb. 18, 1790. 1-175 ■• Pai-I;. of Benjamin, of Klelimond (dec), ajid Majgaret Carpenter, of Daniel, of Richmond ; ra. by Elder Hem-y Joslln, March 29, 1790. 1-175 " Benjamin, of Benjamin, of Richmond (d°c.). and Penelope Ken- yon, dau. 01 James (dec), of Chiirleslown; m. by Elder Henry Joslin. Jan. 13, 1791. 2-12 ESSEX Lucy, and Rowland Hlscox, Oct. 4, It 10. 2-50 FENNEE Nathan, of Riclimoiid, and Hariiet B. Olney. of Fall Elver; m. by Elder Christopher C. Lewis. Sept. 21, 1846. 2-52 " GUbert., of HopUnton, and Martha S. Tuck, of Richmond; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon. Oct. 30, 1847. 2-52 '■ Hildah A., and Rufiis J. Johnson, April 10, 1S49. 2-40 FOED James, of Foster, R. I., and Anistis T. Hoxsle, of Richmond ; cv. by Elder Dajiiel Well >), May 15, 1S38. l-iS FOREIDICE John, of Richmond, and Elizabeth Stanton, of David, of Exe- ter: m. by William Petty. Justice, Dec. 6, 1764. 1-48 " Sarah., and John Stanton. Dec. 24, 1764. 1-11 FOSTER AbagaU, and Joseph Lawton, March 17, 1749. 1-255 " Caleb, and Abigail Wat.son; m. by Stephen Rlclimond, Justice, Feb. 9, 1752. 1-256 " Elizabeth, and Jabcz Tucker. .Ian. HI. 1754. 1-550 " Gideon, of Hopkluton, and Judeth Mumlurd. of Richmond; m. by Samuel TefTt, Justice, Oct. 12. 175S. 1-48 " Eleanor, and William Slieldun, Jr.. Jan. 21, 1705. 1-524 " Lawton, of Jonathan, late of Stonington (dec), and Susannah TefTt, of Samuel, of Richmond: m. by Edward Burdlck. Justice, Nov. 4, 1792. 2^0 " Sanford W.. of Rome, Me., and Sirah G. Babcock, formerly of Westerly, but now of Richmond, at East Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Tlllinghast, April 7, 1839. 2-51 " Al'ort G., of Richmond, and Le%ina Foster, of Hopktnton ; m. by Elder Steadman Ivenyon, Feb. 5, 1849. 2-51 " Levinn. and Albert G. Foster. Feb. 5, 1819. 1-43 FRAZER John, and Sarah Gnrgon : m. by John Webster. Justice, Dec. 6, 1762. Q 1-84 GARDINER Amie, and S:tmuel Tellt, Jr., Dec. 9, 1770. 1-96 " Mai-y, and Robert Pettis, Feb. 7, 1771. 1-58 " Amle, and Lsreal Lewis, Feb. 24, 1780. 2-1 " D.avid, of Exeter, .son of Nicholas (dec), and Martha Boss, widow of Tonatlian, of Richmond; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 26, 1812. 1-42,'! GREENE Catherine, and PhUlip Kenyon. March 13, 1780. 1-160 " John, of Charlestown, son of Allen, and Ellz.abeth Hoxsle; m. by Thomas TelTt, Justice. Oct. 28, 1802. 2-53 '• Almira, and Benjamin B. Greene, March 2. 1851. 2-53 " Benjamin B., of Charlestown, and Almira Greene, of Richmond; m. by Elder David Culver, March 2, 1851. 1-161 GRIFFETH Jami*. and Desire Potter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Dec. 29, 1703. 1-134 " PhUIip, of John, and Margaret Webster, of .lames; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 21. 1769. 1-433 " Joshua, and Penelope Mlnttirn, of Jonah ; m. by Edw.ird Perry, Justtce, Dec. 19, 1773. RICHMOND JIARUIAGES. 11 1-123 GEIFFETH Jamea, and Eliziilieth Austin; m. by Josepli Woodmansee, Jus- tice, Marcl\ 25, 1799. 1-433 " PliUlip. of John, and Mary Mintuni, of Jonas; m. by Elder Charles Boss, Feb. 23, 1783. 2-20 GRIFFIN Joseph, of Richmond, and Mary Card, of Peleg, at North. Kings- town ; m. by Elder Nathan Hill, Aug. 24, 1798. 1-43 GUEOON Sarah, and John FiMzer, Dec. 6, 1702. H 1-10 HALL John, of Westerly, and Hannah Rogei's, of Richmond ; m. by Samuel Teltt, Justice, Dec. 28, 1749. 1-285 " Eunice, and Amos Patterson, Dae. 28. 1756. 1-551 " Susannah, and John T.mner, Aug. 14, 1759. 1-551 " Sylvester, and Riilh L;irkin ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 1, 17 GO. 1-48 " Mrs. Anna, and V.alentine Hall, Nov. 22, 1764. 1-48 " Valentine, of Richmond, and Mrs. Anna Hall, of Sl.onlngton, Conn., at Stoningfon ; m. by Rev. Charles Phelps, Nov. 22, 1764. 1-285 HARUINGTCiN Hannah, and John Watson, Oct. 31, 1756. 1-552 " Paul, and Thankful Webster, both of Exet'T; ra. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct. 12, 17(14. 2-47 HAZARD Anthony, and Patience Woodmansee ; m. by Elder Weeden Bar- ber, .Tr., Jan. 6, 18-12. 1-26 HIDE John, and Hannah Stewart, both of Westerly; m. by Stephen Rich- mond, Justice, June 9, 1751. 1-26 HILL John, .■ind Jane West ; m. Iiy lienjamin Randall, Justice, . — , 1751. 2-42 HISCOX Rowland, of Iloplcinton, and Lucy Essex, of Richmond ; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 4, 1740. 1-43 HOLLOWAY George, of Richmond, and Mercy Baker, of South Klngsto^VIl; m. by Thcmias Lillibridge, Justice, Dec. 5, 1762. 1-553 HOLWAY Elizabeth, and llopson Wilcox, Dec. 10, 1761. 1-82 HOXSIE Stephen, of Jolm (dec), and Elizabeth Kenyon, of John (dec.) ; m. by Rouse Helme, Jusliee, Feb. 27. 1734 5. 1-13 " Job, of Richmond, and Anne Rathburn, of Exeter, at Richmond; m. by John Webster, Ju.sticc, March 25, 1749. 1-256 " Mary, and Tliomas LUlibridge. .Tun., Dec. 12, 1734. 1-43,553 " JoseiJb, of Richmimd, and Alice Weekes, of Warwick, at Klehmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, April 23, 1761. 1-286 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Rogers. Jun., March 20, 1763. 1-48 " Jeremiah, and Siirah Niles ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jime 11, 1764. 1-1 " .Steplien. and EUzabeth TetTt ; m. by George Webb, Justice, Oct. 12, 1766. 1-159 " John, of Stephen, of Richmond, .and Bridget Tripj), of Peregrine, of Exeter; m. by Robert Stanton, Justice, Feb. 14, 1779. 1-165 " Presbury, of Richmond, son of Stephen and Elizabeth, and Alice P(>rry, of Charlestown, dau. of E1. 1-48 " WlUlam, and Elizabeth Sa,bens ; m. by George Weibb, Justice, May 14, 1707. 1-161 " Ezektel. of Edward, and Hannah BaUey, of Richard; m. by Gideon Modiler, Justice, June o, 1708. 1-84 " Sarah, and Chirk Bailey, March 19, 1772. 1-110 " Thomas, Jr., of Col. Thomas, and Dorcas Perry, of George; ra. by Elder Hejiry Joslln. May 30, 1S03. 2-11 " Sheffield, and Judith Card : m. by Elder Phlneas Palmer. June 23, 1812. 2-25 " Caleb B., and Lucy ReyiKlds: m. by Elder Daniel Greene, May 4, 182,3. 2-28 " Frances, and Giirdtaer Ki nyon, Nov. 25, 1824. 2-28 " Nancy, aaid Joseph T. Bailwr, Jan. 27, 1825. 2-46 " Maliudn, and Samuel A. Hoxsle, Oct. 2, 1830. 2-43 " John I... and Mrs. Eliza Kenyon ; m. by Elder Thom,T.s TUlhighast. March 22, 1841. 2-43 " Simeon C, and Mrs. FJizabeth S. Locke: m. by Elder Bern diet Johnson, Oct. 3, 1841. 2-45 " Mrs. Mary, and George F. Burdick, Aug. 16, 1842. 2-45 " MehltaMe, and Barber Hoxsle. Jan. 1, 1843. 2-53 " Eliza A., and Stephen Cliamphvln, March 10, 1850. 1 256 JOHNSON Ezekiel, of Oharlestown, and Mercy Ke'.iyon, of Riclimond ; m. by John Webster, Justice. Feb. 3. 1754. 2-55 " Mei'cy, and William Kenyon. Sept. 25, 1825. 2-52 " Rufns J., and HUdah A. Fenncr; m. by Elder Steadman Kenynn. April 10, 1840. --52 " Kenyon, of .Jonathaji, and Sally E. Daris. of Pr«'?rved ; m. by Elder George K. Clarke. Sept. 33, 1849. l-r>53 JONES Hannah, and Peter Wilbur. Sept. 23, 1761. 2-40 JORDAN Mai-y A., and William Cl.-nke, Feb. 27, 1840. K 1-9G KELLEY Charles, .ijid Sar.ah Moshier: in. by Edmird Pei-ry. Justice, Dee. 23. 1775. l-.-i2 KENYON Elizabeth. ;nid Stephen Hopkins. Feb. 27. 1734-5. 1.-31,2-55 ■' John, and Elizabeth Webster; m. by Joseph CUirke, Justice, Jai». IS, 1748. 1-10 " Hannah, and Simeon Wntson, Oct. 24, 1748. 1-10 " Peneloi>o, .and Simeon Perry, Ayril 13, 1749. 1-256 l-25l5 1-284 1-284 J -285 i-2sr. 1-551 1-551 KI(niJH)NU MAERIAGES. 13 1-26 ■ KENYON David Jr., aijtl Miu-y Potter; m. by Stciilien Klchmoiid, Justice, Aiiril 21. 1.751. " Mercy, and Eti'kiel JoIi!iS'>n. Feb. 3, 17 54. " Ma,]-y. ;ind William Tefft, March 21, 1754. " William, and Hannah Niles ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justire. March 0, 1755. " Elizabeth, and James Clarke, April 24, 1755. " Thomas, of David, and Ruth TelU : m. by Stephen Elchmond, Jus- tice. April 15. 175ii. " Susannah, and Ch irh-s Church, .Tan. 12, 1758. " Elizabeth, ajid. Samuel Barber. April 26, 1759. " Joseph, .Tr., and Catherine Enes: m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 14, 1759. 1-552 " GUes, and PreslUa Brlggs ; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Jan. 3, 1760. 1-552 " Sarah, and Sylvester Kenyon, Jr., Feb. It, 17G0. 1-553 " Sylvester. Jr., and &irah Kenyon; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Feb. 14, 1760. 1-552 " Benedict, and Amie Barber; m. by Thomas Kenyon, Justice, May 29, 1760. 1-73 " Rhoda. and Ih'njamin James, Jr., June 23, 1764. 1-84 " Thomas. Jr., and Sarah Steadman ; ni. by Rev. Joseph Torrey, Kov. 15, 1764. 1-101 " Peleg, and Elizabeth Stanton ; m. by Edwai-d I'en-y, Justice, Oct. 1, 1766. 1-161 " Mercy, and George Ney, Sept. 6, 1767. 1-135 " Lydla, and Solomon Balder, Feb. 4, 1770. 1-12 " Abigail, and .Fames Woodmansee, Jan. 7, 1773. 1-43 " Esther, and Joshua Webb, Feb. 16, 1777. 1-159 " Mercy, and Benjamin Clarke, Feb. 26, 1778. 1-428 " Philip, ot Elchmond, and Catharine Ureene, of Charlestown ; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Justice, March 13, 1780. 1-58 " Jonatlian, of Samuel, of Charlestown, and Martha Kenyon, of George, of Eiclimond; m. by Hobert Stanton, Justice, May 30, 17S0. 1-58 " Martha, and Jonathan Kenyon, May 30, 17S0. 1-53 " Thomas, ol John, of RJclirnond, and Silvia Saunders, of Ellsba, late of Westerly (dec.) ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, Nov. 30, 1760. 1-428 " Thankful, and Samm-l liarber, Dec. 27, 1782. 1-370 " Marj', and John LlUibridge, Nov. S, 1789. 1-72 " Anna, and Josepli Webster, Nov. 29, 1789. 1-72 " Jonatlian, of Richmond, and Mercy Crandall, of Hopklnton; ra. by Elder Joshua Clarice, Jan. 21, 1790. 1-175 " Penelope, and lienjamln Enos, Jan. 13, 1791. 1-255 " John, and Elizabeth Webster, Jan. 18, 1743. 2-8 " Jnhn, ol Richmond, and Cliarity Barber, ol Hopktnton ; m. by Elder Phlueas Palmer, May 1, 180.-(. 2-18 " George, ol John, and Maitlia T. Hoxsie, of Joseph; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 30, 1817. 2-25 " Barber, ol Benedict, and Honor EeynoWs, of Jesse; ni. by Elder Gershom Palmer. June S, 1823. 2-28 " Gardiner, of Silas, and Frances James, of Thomas; m. by Elder Matlhew Slillman, Nov. 25, 1824. 2-33 " Corry, and Mrs. Waltey Barber ; m. by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, June 1, 182,s. 2-55 " William, and Mnry Johnson, ol Stephen ; m. by Thomas A. Haz- ard, Justice, S'pt. 25. 1825. 2-35 " Euth Ann, .and Willi an W. Kenyon, March 19, 1838. 2-35 " William W., of Eicliinoiid. and Euth Ann Kenyon, of HopWnton; m. by Elder Thomas TUlingha.st, March 19, 1838. 2-42 " Deborah, and Thomas P. Dye. Jan. 1, 1840. 2-42 " Hannah E. C, and George S. Peckham. Jan. 13, 1840. 2-43 " Mrs. Eliza, and John L. James. March 22. 1841. 2-49 " Amle A., and SUas Moore, Jan. 1, 1843. 14 I VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-i7 KENYON Pamelia C and Julm S. Clarke, Oct. 2, 1844. 2-DO " Lavlna, and Nathan L. Richnmnd. Sept. 21, 1846. 2-50 " Clarissa, and George C. Santford, Oct. 29, 1847. 1-10 " Abigail, and Jolin Weaver, Dec. 30, 1747. 2-52 " Benjamin P., of Hopldnton, and Mary J. Kenyou, o£ Richmond; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon, Jan. 28, 1850. 2-52 " Mary J., and Benjamin F. Kenyon, Jan. 28, 1850. 1-110 LANE Joseph, of Preston. Conn., and Mary Dake, of Richmond ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, April 19, 1781. 1-256 LAEKIN Lydla, and aileb Church, July 29, 1753. 1-284 " John. Jr.. and Amle Enos. of Richmond ; m. by Sylvester Ken- yon, Justleo, March 30, 1755. 1-561 " Ruth, and Sylvester Hall, May 1. 1760. 1-554 " Ephraim. of Hopkliiton, and Susannah Collins, of Richmond; m. by Elder Thom-.is TiULnghast. March 24, 1762. 1-78 " Abigail, and Thomas Adams. July 10, 17(^. 1-48 " Samuel, Jr., of Hopkinton, and Sarah Larkin, of Captain Nicholas,, of Richmond; m. by John Burdick, Justice, July 10, 1764. 1-48 " Sarah, and .Samuel Larkin, July 16, 1764. 1-78 " Edward, of Richmond, and Hannah Parker, of Hopkinton; m. by Kdward Perry, Justice, .Sept. 14, 1764. 1-92 " Luey, anil Benjamin WUbur. Mareh 23, 1777. 1-175 " Jesse, of Capt. David, and .Mary Enos, of Benjamin, dec. ; m. by Elder Henry JosUn. Feb. 18, 1790. 1-160 " William, of Samuel, and Bathsheha Webster; m. by Elder HeniTT Josllu. Jan. 21, 179S. 2-45 " Daniel, of Samuel, and Ruth Ciandall. of Joseph, of Westerly ; ra. by Nathaniel T. WUbur, Justice, Sept. 5. 1842. 2-59 " EmUy, and Ephraim A. Blanchard, July 1. 1850. 1-11 LAWTON Joseph, Jr., of Westerly, son of Joseph, and Abigail Foster, of Jonathan, of Richmond; m. by .'ohn Webster, Justice, March 17, 3749. 1— LEWIS Izrial. and Jane liabcock. both of Westerly; ra. by Tobias Saun- ders, Justice, about 1696. 1-10 " Thomas, of Exeter, and Mary Bailey, of Richard, of Richmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, Sept. 1, 1748. 1-285 " Nathan, of Charlestown, and Mary Adams, of Richmond; m. by- Thomas Kenyon, Justice, Dec. 16, 175o. 1-147 " Elnathan, of Richmond, and Margaret Tourgee : m. by Eldet Josepb Torrey, March 22. 1767. 1-147 " Maxy, and Juseph Woodmansee, Jan. 19, 1760. 1-92 '■ Martha, and Jonathan Potter, Jr.. Feb. 22, 1776. 1-58 " Isreal, of Richmond, son of Enock, and Amie Gardner, of Tbomas; m. by Elder John Pendleton, Feb. 24. 1780. 1-72 " Elizabeth, and Joseph Cai-d, Oct. 8, 1789. 1-256 LXIXIBRIDUE Thomas, Jr., and Mary Ho.xsle ; m. by Stephen HlchmonCl, Justice, Dec. 12, 1754. 1-285 " Edward, and Patience Tetft ; m. by Stephen lUchmond, Jastl'!e, DcC. 4, 1755. 1-43 " David, of Exeter, and Marian Moore, of Richmond; m. by. Thomas Lillibrldge, JiisUce. Oct. 28, 1762. 1-78 " Edward, and Thankful Wells; m. by Edward Pen'y, Justice, Jan. 6. 1765. 1135 " Mary, and William Reynolds, April 7, 1771. l-'*6 " Sarah, and Hezeklah TelH, March 23, 1775. 1-92 " Deborah, and Jerah Mimiloiii, March 14, 1776. 1-175 " Thomas, Jr., of Thomas, and Alice Sweet, of Joshua, dec. ; m. by iRobert Stanton, Justice, June 10, 1781. 1-370 " John, of Richmond, and Mary Kenyon, of Charlestown ; m. by Elder Henry Joslln, Nov. 2, 1789. 2-31 " Willett R.. of Exeter, and llilue Barber, of Richmond; m. by Elder Levi Jleech, May 13, 1S32. lUCIIMOND MAKEIAGE.-;. 15 2-42 LILLIBEIDGE Edward, and Mrs. Mary Clarke; m. by EldiT Thomas Tll- Itngliast, Aug. 30, 1840. 2-35 LOCKE Ezekiel J., aiid Mrs. Chloe Woodmansco ; m. by 'Elder Honry C. Hubbard. Oct. 27, 1833. •2-43 " Mrs. Elizabfth S., and Simouii C. James, Oct. 3. 184:1. M 1-550 MAXSON SaraU, and .Toseph feflt, Jr., JiUy 17, 1757. 1-43 " Jonatban, and Mary Wcodmansee ; ni. by Edward Perry, Jus- tice, Dec. 29, 1703. 1-53, 128 " Sarab, and WilUam E. PbUlips, Nov. 12, 1789. 1-175 " Jonaiffliaii, Jr., of Col. Joiialban, of Kicbmond, and Elizabeth UroKU, of Hopldnton.. dau. of lohn ; m. by Elder Henry Jo3- lin, Jan. 0, 1791. 1-256 MILLEMAN AbigaU, .and William Beiitley. April 21. 1754. 1-433 MINTURN Tenclope, and Joshua Griffetb, Dec. 19, 1773. 3-433 " Mary, and PhUip GriffeM;. Feb. 2:(. 1783. 1-123 MITCHELL Lydia, and John Bitgood, Jr., Dec. 23, 1779. 1-552 MOON Desire, and Benjamin liarbei-, May 28, 1761. 2-54 " Phebe Ann, and William O. Taber, Aug. 12, 1860. 1-550 MOORE Mary, ajid Michael Dawley. Dec. 29, 1758. 1-43 " Marian, and David Lillihridge. Oct. 28, 17r)2. 1-1 " Lucy, and Smith I'ottcr, Nov. 7, 1705. 1-161 " Phebe, and George Nibs. Oct. 5, 1767. 1-428 " Silas, and Chloe Phillips: m. by Edward Perry, Justice, March 7, 1780. a-33 " Silas, Jr., of Richmond, and Sarah Trij'p. of Exeter, dan. of Peregrine; lu. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 20, 1820. 2-40 " Mary Ann, and James Vallett, Mivrch 31, 1839. 2-49 " SUas, and Amie A. Kenyon ; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson. Jan. 1, lfc43. 2-47 " Robert E., of David, and Mary T. Hoxsie. of David; m. at East Greenwich by Elder Thoma.s TilUnighast, Nov. 28, 1844. 1-128 " Mary, and Mosliier Webster, Oct. 18, 1846. 2-76 MOREY Mary A., and Benjamin Worden, March 25. 1=43. 1-255 MOSHIER Elizabeth, and John Webster, Jr.. Dec. 6. 1751. 1-90 " Sarah, and Charles Kelley, Dec. 28, 1775. 1-550 MUMFORD Judetb, and Gideon Foster, Oct. 12, 1758. 1-92 " Jerai, of Jerah, late of South Kingstown, and Debnrali Lilllbrldge, ol Richmond, dan. of Thomas; in. liy Robert Stanton, Jus- tice, March 14, 1776. N 1-161 NEY George, of Charlestown, son of Isaac, and Mercy Kenyon, of Rich- mond, dau. of Samuel, dec; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Sept. 6, 1767. 2-42 NEWTON Mattliew. of Exeter, and Eliza Palmer, of Hopidnton ; m. by EUder Thomas Tillingbast, April 12. 1840. 1-552 NICHOLS EUzabetli. and Amos Burdlclc, Feb. 4, 1761. 1-78 " Andrew, and Anna Adams ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, June 14. 1764. 1-80 " Da\'ld, Jr.. and Desire Barber; m. by Edw.ard Perry, Justice, Jan. 23, 1766. 1-135 " Joseph, of David, and Penelope Woodmansee. of Joseph ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice. Sept. 24. 1769. 1-121 " David, Jr.. and Elizabetli Potter, of .lonath.an; m. by George Webb, Justice. AprU 7. 1774. 1-2.84 NILES Elizabeth, and Caleb Barber, Jan. 36, 1755. 1-284 " Hannah, and William Ken.yon, March 9, 1755. 1-551 " Abigail, and Moses Barber, Dec. 27, 1759. 1-48 " Sarah, and Jeremiah Hoxsie, June 11, 1764. 16 VITAL KiXXJED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-101 NILES George, and Plietie Moore : m. by Job Trim), Justice, Oct. 5, 1767. 2-53 NO YES Asa T., and Frances A. Babcocl^, ol Cliarlcstown ; m. at South Kingstown by Elder David Culver. Dec. 1, 1850. £-30 NEY Isabella W., and Reynolds II. CLorke, Jan. 20, IS-l.'i. o 2-45 OLNEY John, and Car. line .'^laldon: m. by Elder Pardon TiUingUast, May 22. l.>^42. 3-50 " Haj-riet B., and Nathan Fenner, Sept. 21. 1840. 2-42 PAIMER Eliza, and Matthe-\v Nvivtiwi, April 12. 1840. 1-78 PAHKER HaniKib, and Edward Larktn, Sei>t. 14. 1764. 1-285 PATTERSON Amos, of Wi'slerly. and Eunice Hall, of Richmond; m. by Syl- vester Kenyon. Justice, Dec. 28, 173(i. 2-^1 PEARCE Nelson M.. and Lydla P. Bm-dick: m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Sept. 13, 1847. 2-52 " Martha -M.. and James Woodmansee, Oct. 27, 1849. 2-42 PECKHAM George S., o£ Charlestown, and Hannah E. C. Kenyon. of Rich- mond: m. by Matthew B. Potfcm-, Justice. Jan. 13, 1840. 1-428 PENDLETON Zebnlon, of Westei-ly, son of Amos, and Thankful Wells, oi Richmond, dan. of Joseph, of Hoplcinton ; m. by John Pendleton, Justice, Oct. 1.^, 178:0. 2-81 PERRIN WiUiam, and Frances E. Clarke; ni. by Elder C. C. Lewis. Dec. 4, 1847. 1-13 PERRY Hannah, and Joseph aar!1 " AIir'i>, and Nalliiiin(d I'nllman,, Nov. 20, I7()(j. l-li;i " Bo.siri', and ,Jariifs Gritlrlli, Doc. 20, 17(;6. 1-135 " Kulh, and .lohn Kioc, Oct. 13, 17(18. 1-84 " Kobccca, and Wdliam Potter, Nov, 7, 1770. 1-84 •' William,, oJ Riclimond, son of Nathaniel, o( Dartmouth, Mass,, tlate deceased) and Rebecca Potter, ol Ichabod, late ol Dart- mouth, Mass., deciasi'd; ni. by Aaron Wilboiir, Justice, Nov. 7, 1770. 1-121 " Elizabeth, and David Nii hols. Aiiril 7, 1774, 1-96 " Susannah, and Stejihen Clarke, Nov. 24, 1774. 1-92 " Jonathan, Jr., and Mar. ha Lewis, of George, botli of Exeler; m. by Edward I'l-rry, Justice, Feb. 22, 177(1. 1-96 " Philip, ol David, and Abigail PhilUps, of Bartholomew; m. by Ed- ward Perry, Justice, April 10,, 1777. 1-105 " MaUhew, of Elchmoud, and Mary Draman, ol Ilopkiuton ; m. by Elder Asa. Coon, Si'pt. 8, 1700. 2-8 ■• Lucy, and Peter linrber, Feb, 13, 1814. 1-285 POWELL Thrcelah, and Jonathan Sherman, Aug. 31, 1755. 1-1(11 FIJLLMAN Nathaniel, Jr., now residiug in ilopkiuifon, and Alice Potter, of Richmond; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Nov. 20, 17(10. Q R 1-13 EATHBUN Anne, and Job Hoxsie, March 25, 1740. 1-250 " Charity, and Nathaniel Barber, March 8, 1753, 1-286 " Thomas, Jr,, of Exeter, and Ruth Clarke, of Eichraond; ra. by Samuel Tefft. Justice, June 20, 1737. 1-135 " Simeon, ol Exeler, and Anne Kussell, of Richmond ; m. by Edward Perry, Justice. Oct, 20, 1709. 1-340 RECORD Elizabeth, and Benjamin Wilcox, Nov. 14, 1799, 1-14 EB'i-NOLUS Mary, and Jolm Tefft, Dec. 11, 1721. 1-12 " Sarah, and Joseph Clarke, Nov, 15, 1727. 1-10 " Dinah, and William Witter, Nov. 30, 1749. 1-135 " William, Jr., and Mary Lillibridge, of Benjamin; m. by Elder James Rogers, April 7, 1771. 1-175 " Eobert, of Eichmond, and Jemima Eoss, of Charlestown ; m, by Elder Charles Boss, Feb. 14, 1782. 1-110 " John, of Stephen, of Exeler, and Mary Tefft, of Benjamin, of Richmond : m, by Elder Henry Joslin, June 24. 1804. 2-6 " William, of Eichmond, sin of Eobert, and Abigail Congdon, of West Grei'uwlch, daughter of James ; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Nov. 23,. 1810. 2-1 " Job, of Exeter, son of SIcJphen, and Joanna Barber, of Richmond, daughter of Caleb: _m, by Elder Gershom Palmer, Feb. 17, isll, 2-31 " Wells, of Eobert, and Elizabeth Barber, of Caleb; m, by Elder Ger- shom Palmi'r, May 2i;, isil, 2-35 " Eoberl, Jr., and Hanii.ah Hoxsie, of Eeynolds ; m, by Elder Gers'iom P.almer, Sept. 17, 1820. 2-25 " Lucy, and Caleb B. Jami-s. May 4, 1823. 2-25 " Jloiior, and Barber Kenyon. Jicne 8, 1823. 2-36 " Thomas, id' Eobert and ,Iemlma., and Joanna Browning, of Isaac, and Margeret: ra. by Elder William Nortlirup, Oct. 5, 1825. 2-55 " Eobert, of Richmond, and Sarah Ton-ey, of Exeter; m. by Elder Nathaniel SliefHrlrt, JIarch 30. 1828, 2-47 " aarke II., of Richmond, and Alzada W, Card, of Charlestown; m. at (Norwich, Conn., by Rev. D. N. Beezh^y, Dec. 35, 1842. 1-135 RICE John, of Cajilain Kichard. ol Coventry, U, I., and Ruth Potter, of Thomas, of Rii hmond : m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Oct, 13, 1708. IS VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-46 2-49 2-54 1-25 1-11 1-10 1-11 1-255 1-255 1-283 1-285 l-28«; 1-123 1-390 1-390 1-175 1-135 2-49 RICHMOND Mrs. Angellae P., and Thomas T. Barber, .July 10, 1643. " Benjamin L., of Exeter, son ol Benjamm, and Mrs. Elizabeth E.- Smith, of Xorrls; m. by Elder Ezoklel J. Locke, Feb. 21, 1846. " Nathan L.. of E.veter, and Levuia Kenyon, of Richmond; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Seit. 21, 1846. KOBBINS Sopljia, and El.enezer K. C'luirch, Nov. 27, 1S17. ROGERS Thomas, and Zerjiiah Woodmansoe ; m. at Westerly, by Samuel Wilbiiur, Justice, Oct. 3, 1734. " Martha, and Charles Pettis, Jan. 13, 1749. " Hajmali, and John Hall, Dec. 28, 1749. " Abigail, and Josi-iih Au-stin, Aug. 26, 1750. " Sleiihi-n, and Sarah \Vil; ; ni. by Samuel Tefl't, Justice, JiUy 23, 1754. 1-256 " David, of Westerly, and Hopestlll Worden, of Richmond ; m. by Stephen Richmond, Jn^tice. Nov. 24, 1754. 1-551 " John, of Riclimond, and Susannah Hall, of Hopkinton ; m. by Thomas Kenyon. Juslice, Aug. 14, 1759. 1-43, 553 " Tacy, and George CrandaU, Sept. 20, 1761. 1-1 " Isaac, and Hannah Boss ; m. by Richard Bailey, Justic*". April 28, 1765. 1-14 TEFFT John, of Ricllimond, and Mary Reynolds, of Westerly; m. at Westerly, by John Babcuck. Justice. Dec. 11, 1721. 1-11 " Jonatlian, and Mai-y W«bb; m. by Samuel Tefft, Juatlce, Jan. 26, 1749. 1-11 " Ezekiel, of Richmond, and Patience Potter, of Exeter; m. by Steplien Richmond, .'Justice, Oct. 21. 1750. 1-284 " John, Jr., and Hannah Clarke ; m. by Thomas Kenyon. Justice, March 14, 1750-1. 1-256 " John, and Elizabeth James; m. by Samuel Tefft, Justice, Dec. 26, 1752. 1-256 " William, and Mary Kenyon; m. by Steplien Richmouil, JustiOf, March 21, 1754. 1-256 " Abigail, and Robert Tellt, llareh 27, 1754. 1-256 " Robert, and Abigail Tellt ; m. by Stephen Kiichmond, Justice, March 27, 1754. 1-285 " Patience, and E'. Di'C. -20. ISiO. " Sarah, and John Bai-Bi-r, Feb. i. 18-26. « Kay G., ol Richmond, and Mi-s Mary Smith, el South King-ilemi; ni. by Elder Hem-y C. Ilubbai-d, Sept. 2-1, lc2G. " I>-?bor;-»li, and John A. Barber. Nov. 5. 13-lo. " Sarah, and Jesse O. Barber, Dec. 27, 1847. " Silas \V., of .Silas, ol Rielmicna. and Sarah Craudall, of Step'Jen, of CharJestown : m. by Elder E. J. Lucke, Dec. 27, 1317. TENNANT Fi-eelove, and Job Wilco.s, Nov. 30. 1779. THOMAS Freelove, and Siunuel Hull, Sept. 29, 1763. TILL1NUHA.ST Haunab, and Joseph Hoxsie, Nov. 10, 1797. TOREEY S.^rali, and Robert Keynold.s. March 30. 1S2S. TOL'RGEE Maj-ffar-ets and Eln.athau UmvIs. JIareh 22, 1707 1-43,553 TRIPP Peregrine Fi-y, of Exeter, and Mart' niond : m. at Riehmoiul by Jolm 1760. Ruth, and Charles Boas, Feb. 9, 1775. " Bridget, and John Ho.xsie, Feb. 14, 1779. " Sarah, and Silas Moore, Jr., Feb. 20, 1820. TUCKER Jab^z, ol Westerly, ana Elizabeth Foster, of Richmond; m. by John Webster, Justice. Jan. 10, 1754. '• Brightman, and Hannah L. Brajuan; ni. by Rev. Elbrldge Cran- dall, Feb. 15, 1845. TUCK Martha A., and Gilbert Fenaer. Oct. 30, 1847. TURNER Nancy, and Edward Telft, Dec. 10. 1804. 2-17 1- — 2-30 2-33 2-49 2-51 2-51 1-5S 1-48 1-202 2-55 1-147 1-96 1-159 2-33 1-250 Bos<, of Jeremiah, of Rich- Webster, Justice. Sept. 14, 1-53 2-52 1-205 U V 2-44 VALLF.TT James, and Mary -Vnn Jloure : ill. by Elder Henry B. Locke. March 31, 1839. w 1-10 WATSON Simeon, and Hannah Keiiyon; m. by Sanniel Telft, Justice, Oct. 24. 1748. 1-255 " Abigail, and Caleb Fo^-t^-r, Feb. 9, 1752. 1-285 " John, and Hannah Harrington : m. by Tliomas Kenyon, Justice, Oct. 31, 1750. 1-551 " John, and Alice Potter; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, May 17, 1759. 1 « Joseph W., and Susannah Clarke; m. by Rev. Matthew Stillman, Oct. 16„ 1806. 2-52 " Stephen 15., aged 45 years, and Siirah Star, widow, aged 41 years; m. by Elder A. D. Williams. March 5. 1850. 1-10 WEAVER John, of East Greenwich, and Abigail Keuyon, of Richmond; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 20. 1747. 1-11 WEBB Mary, and Jonathan TefTt. Jan. 26, 1749. 1-253 '• George, Jr., and Dorcas PliUiips; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Nov. 19, 17.'i2. 1-284 " John, and .:Uice Potter: m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Fi-b. 20, 1755. i-43 " Joshua, of George, .and Es her Kenyon, of Thomas, son of Da\-id; m. by Edward Pern-. Justice, Feb. 10. 1777. 1-31,255 WEBSTER Elizabeth, and John Kenyon, Jan. 18, 1748. 1-255 '• . Jclm, Jr., and Eiixi/.beth Mosbiir; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, Dec. 6, "i731. 1-552 " Tliankfnl, and PaiU Har}lngton, Oct. 12, 1704. 1-80 " Thomas, and Patience Adams; m. by Ed\',«r(l I'ei-ry, Justice, Nov. 17, 1765. 1-134 " Margaiet, and Philip Gritfeth, May 21, 1709. 1-159 " Mai-y, and t'harles Boss, April 16, 177,s. 1-1'2S " Moshler, and Mary Barber; ni. bv Elder Henry Joslln, Feb. 12, 1789. UILII.MDXJJ MAKRIAftES. 21 1-T2 WEBSTER JusL^pli, iif EichnKiiKl. :ind Aniiip Kfiiyoii. of Cljarlestown ; m. by Elder Henry Joslln, N'uv. -29, 17,-^1). l-lt>0 ■• R^itlisliebM, and Willuim L:ii-]dii, .hiii. -Jl. ITijb. l-'-^55 " Eliz;ilielli, mid John Kcnyion, Jan. 18, 1748. 2-38 ■■ .hiin.-s T., iiT JonnUuui, and Sidly Clarke, of Luke; m. by Elder Thomas 'nillnshasi. Hept. 9, 1832. 1-12S " JloslilHr. and Mary Mo.ir" (also ::;-50) ; m. at East Greenwich, by Elder Thomas Tillinj;ha.%t, Oct. IS, 184(). 1-43 WEEKS Alice, and Jiisoph Iloxsi,. (.^Jso 5-53), April 23, 1761. 1-553 WELLS Thomas, ol Hopkinton, ani Sarah Clark.-, ef Richmond; m. by John Telft.. Justice, Sept. 17, 17fil. 1-78 " Thankful, and Ed-ward Llllbrldge, Jan. li. 1705. 1-423 " Tluinkful. and Zebulon PeneUeton, Oct. 15, 1780. 1-21', WEST Jane, and John Hill, , — , 1751. 1-U84 WTLBOUR S;imucl. and Hannah Enos ; m. by Sylv.'stcr Kinyon, Justice, :\Iar. IC. 1755. 1-550 " William, of Richmond, and Mary Yountr, of Ex.ter ; m. by Ed-ivard Perry. Justice, Dec. 28, 1758. 1-533 " Peter, of Richmond, and Hfinniih Jones, of Charlestoivn ; m. by Thomas lallilnidse. Justice, Sept. 23, 17G1. 1-553 " Hannah, and Danhd Wilcox, Dec. 31, 1701. 192 " Benjamin, and Lucy Laildn; m. by Joseph Woodmansee, Justice, March 23, 1777. --34 " Thomas, ot Richmond, now residincr in Coventry. R. I., and S:irah Brigss. ot War-wick; m. at East CTi'eeiiwicji by Elder Thomas TilPnshast, Jan. 21, 1W47. 1-11 WILCOX Koliert. of Rob rt, di'C. of S(-iulJi Kin=:.stown. and Martha PoUer. of William, of Richmond; m. by John Webster, Justice, Dec. 24, 1740. 1-253 " Sarah, and Stephen Roi; rs, .Ian. 20, 1752. 1-250 " Mercy, and Oeorire Tanner. July 23, 1754. 1-280 " Amie, and Stephen Wilc.-x. Oct. 4, 1750. - 1-286 " Stephen, and Amie Wilcox; m. by Samuel Telft, Justice, Oct. 4, 1754. 1-285 " Job, of E.xeter, and Pati. nei> James ; m. by Jrri miali Cranda'l. .Ins tlce. Dec. 9, 1730. 1-353 ■• llopson, of Exeter, ana Kliza'rili llilway. of Riilimoud: rn. Iiy Thomas L'lUbridse, J n-t ice. D.e. lo, I7i;i. 1-533 •■ naniel. Jr., of Stoninston, Ciuin.. and Hannah Will'our. of Rich- mond; m. by Thomas I.iUibridsie. Juslice. Dec. 31, 1701. 1-43 " Steplieii. of Edward, of Richmond, and Sarah Bates, of Exeter; TO. bv Thomas Lillibridge, Juslice, April 24, 1703.-.. 1-58 •• Jo!., of Richmond, anil Freelove Tenminit, of South Kingstown: m. by Elder Thomas West. Nov. 30. 1779. 1-12S " Aiiiie, ot Ezekiel Tefft, Oct. 13. 1763. 1-128 ■■ Xoah. of Richmond, and M.-irtlia Albro. of Xorlh Kingstow-n ; m. by Elder Henry Joslii. Nov. 13, 1789. 1-340 " Pehg, Jr.. of Peleg. and Tliaiikfnl Wilcox, of Siojilu'n : m. b.^ Elder Henry Joslln, IVc. 8, 1790. 1-340 ■■ Tlianl-ful. and Pi'Icl' Wilcox. Dec. .'i. 1700. 1-340 ■• Benjamin, of Peles. and Ilizahnh Record, of Tliomas. die: m. by Elder Henry Ji>sliJi. Nov. 14. 1799. 2-8 •• Clinviiplain, ot Pile?-, and Kliz.-ibetli Clarke, of Simeon : m. by Fhb-r lierslo.in Palnnr. n I. 1-J. 1S13. 2-18 ■■ Dianiia. and Kdvvarrl liirlrr. April 24. 1S17. 1-10 WITTER William, .-ind Dinah R-xnirhls; m. bv Samuel T.tft, Jnslice, Nov. 3(1. 1740. 1-281 WO0DMAN8EF. Abigail, anl Richard Bailey. April 23. 172:>. 1-25 ■■ Zerniah. and Thomas R 'gers. Oct. 3, 17';d. 1-12 " Joseph, of Richmimrl, an 1 Aliie Closson. of Westerly: m. by .Steiihen Richmond, Ju- 1 ice, S'lil. 27. 1730. 1-43 ■• V-.ivv. and Jonathan Maxson. Die. 29. 17(!3. 1-147 ■■ Joseph. Jr., and M-iry Lewis; ni. by Edward Peri-y, Justice, Jan. 19. 1709. 1-135 ■• Pencdope, .-ind Joseph Nichols. Sel)t. 24, 1709. 'Z'Z VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-92 WOODMANSEE James, of Josi'pli :in(l Abigail Keiiyon, of Sylvester; m. by Ed'wai'd Perry, .Justice, Jan. 7, 1773. 2-35 " Mrs. Chloe, and EzeWel J. Locke, Oct. 27, 1833. 2-dO " Al>iiei- N., of Hin)kiiito:i. iind Eliza Bos.s, of Riclimond; m. at East Green-nlcli by Elder Thomas TlUlngliast, Feb. 14, 1839. 2-47 " Patience, and Antliiihy Ihizavd. Jan. G, 1842. 2-45 " Joseph James, of Richmond, son of ,rosei)h, and Hannah Champlaln. of Stephen of Exeter ; m. liy Elder Ezelilel J. Locke, Feb. 19, 1843. 2-49 " Sylvester, of -Samuel, and Martha PliilUps. of Nieliolas ; m. at Lons- dale, bv Rev. J. P. Biirbanlc, Api-il 21. 1845. ^g 2-52 " James, and Martha M. Pearce ; m. by Elder Steadman Kenyon. Oct. 27, 1849. l-25fi WORDEN Hopestill. .ind D.a-\nd Tanner, Nov. 24, 1754. 1-147 " John, and .Susannah Bal)Cock . m. by Edward Perry, .Tnstice, Jan. 1, 1769. 2-76 " Benjamin, of Clinrlestown, a,ml Jlary Ann Morey, of Richmond; m. by Elder ISoloman Carpenter, March 25, 1843. : X Y Z 1-550 YOEILVX IlannaJi. and Thomas Clarl;i\ Jr.. Dec. 8. 1758. 1-550 YOUNG Mary, and -William Wilbonr, Dec. 28, 1758. RICHHOND. BipiTHs A.3sriD idea.th:s- 1-14 ADAMS EzeUiol. 1-14 Martha, 1-14 Mary , 1-14 Thomas 1-14 Sanih, 1-14 Stephen 1-14 Hannah of ThoniMs and Mary, Aug. 24, 1734. May 29, 1737. Sept. 13, 1739. Sept. 34, 1742. Feb. 11, 1745. July 16, 1747. April 10, 1750. B 1-273 BABCOCK Elliha, 1-273 " Elizabeth, his wile. ■2-273 " Simeon, of Elisha .and Elizabetli, 2-273 " Eunice, 2-273 " Ehzabeth, 2-273 " Elisha, 2-273 " Alice, 2-273 " Sarah, 2-273 « Susan, 2-273 " Di'liverance. (also 2-275). 1-224 " Ph..be, of Jesse, 1-224 " Jesse, 1-224 " Anne, 1-224 " Elizabeth, 1-224 " George, 1-224 " Joseph, 1-224 " Mary, 1-224 " David. 1-281 BAILEY Mary, of Richard and Abigail, 1-281 " Abigail, 1-281 " EUzabeU), 1-281 " Sarab. 1-281 " Samuel, 1-281 " Richard, 1-281 " WllUam, 1-281 " WUliam. 1-2S1 " Smith, 1-281 " Hannah, 1-281 ■• Clarke, 1-72 " William, of Ricliard, Jr., ami Judelli, 1-72 " Abigail, 1-72 " Bridget. 1-275 BAEBER Susannah, of Svuuuel and Ann, 1-275 " Edward, 1-275 " Moses, 1-275 " Stimuel, 1-275 " HannalL, 1-275 " Amie, May 18, 171S. Nov. 3, 1719. May 31,, 1745. July 28, 1746. Sept. 23, 174,7. Dec. 17, 1748. May 29, 1750. April 25, 17.52. Feb. 1, 1754. May 9, 1755. Dec. 3, 1785. April 7. 1787. Feb. 13, 1789, March 23, 1791. May 30, 1793. June 7, 1795. May 14, 1797, Sept. 21), 1799. Dec. 18, 1729. Jan. 16. 1 731-2. April 29. 1734. Dec. 13, 1730. May 2ii, 1739. May 29, 1741. May 12, 1743. d. May 20, 1757. Oct. 18. 1745. Jan. 13, 1 747-8. Jan. 19. 1 750-]. July 11, 1702. Aug. 2(), 1765. June 24, 1708. Dec. l!i. 1727. Nov. 17, 1731. Apill, 10, 1734. Jan. 7, 1737. July 24, 1739. Nov. 28, 1742. 24 VITAL KECIJKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-1273 IIAUIJEE Mcr.-iliali, of Siiniu.'l Mini Aim, Nov. 3-i,, 1747. '2-'2-27 " B. njaiiiin, of Cak-b and Eli/.alpi-tli, May 25, 175(i. 2--J-7 Sarali. Aiirll 17, 17(;2. •2-J-27 ■• Caleb, Nov. 25, 17(14. 2''2'27 '• Mai'y, Dec. 3, 1772,, IS) Joi-liua, of Ezekiol and llaiiDali, Dec. li, 1739. i-:> '• Ezekicl, Oct. 22, 1742. 19 " Hannah, Sept. 9, 1747. l-U Di'.siri.', March 20, 1745-6. l--.)i Elizabetli. Oct. 13, 1751. 1-31 " Bunjamin, Feb. 7, 1755. 1-31 •' Susannah, Aug. 13, 1758. 1-31 " Slaiy, June 28, 17f;i. 1-8 (( Mary, uf Efiijaniin and >ai'ah. May 11. 1747. 1-279 •' Aniu'. ^ Sept. 15, 1 r t ■. l-(iO " Lydia, Feb. 17, 1751. 1-60 " I\>aco, of Samuid, Jr.. and ElizaliutU, Aug. 18,, liCO. 1-104 (( Patii'Uce, Oct. 27, 1704. 1-104 " Saniuol of Beujaniin and Do.sii'e, Slay 1, 17(12. 1-104 " Bcujanun, June 10, 1764. 1-104 " Albro, March 9, 1767. 1-104 " Sarah, June 10, 1770. 1-104 a Desire. Aug. 2, 1772. 1-194 " Jared. of Caleb, Jr., and Jianna, July 16, 1788. 1-194 a Deborah, Majch 6, 1790. 1-194 " Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1701. 1-194 " Joanna, July 8, 1793. 1-419 " Caleb, of Benjaudn lot Caleb) and Sarah, May 21, 1796. 1-419 " Thankful, March 16, 1799. 1419 " lienjaiuin. May 31, 1801. 3-278 BENTLEY .himes. of WilHam and llallisliolia. June 6, 1739. 2-2T8 '• Greene, March 23', 1741. 2-276 " Beiijaniin, Juue 20, 1738. 2-378 " Benedict, of John and Elizabeth. Jan. 1, 1741. 2-278 u Gardiner, Oct. 1, 1744, 2-278 11 Susanna, Jan. 1, 1750. 2-278 " , Lucy, of John and Eliz.ibeUi, Nov. 15. 1752. 2-i;78 " Nlles, Dec. 6, 1734. 2-278 " William, Feb. 16, 1757. 111 " Sarah, of William and Abigail. Feb. 5, 1755. 1-41 " Thomas, May 5, 1757. ", -1 1 u Elisha, Oct. 21, 1759. 1-41 " Anna, July 26, 17(:2. 1 305, 362 CARD Jn:!. til, of 11 liJMini II ;:ih1 T;:cy, l-ral.-i. 362 Mary. 1 305, 362 '' -^arah. 1 .".05, 362 ' Joseph, 1-305, 362 ' * Benjamin, 1-305. 362 " Jiub'tli. 1 305, 362 '' Kl'oeiv, :-;.o.'. 36-2 " Newbury, 2-25 '•* Nancy, of Eneck and Mary, 2 -•_*."> " Jfatiiiew, 2-25 ' Tacy, lit F.nock, 2-25 ' Rodman S.. 1-275 CllACE Mercy, vl Joshua and Mercy, 1-3 CH.\MPLA1.\ Mary, of Sa,niuel and Marv, 1276 CHURCH Caleb, of Caleb and l.ydia (Westerly), 2-283 '• Sanuu'l. of Samuel and H -1 nnab . 2-283 Zerniah,, 2 283 ' SUas, Nov. 0. 1762. Dec. 25. 1763. Aug. 27. 17C5. July 2. 17i'.7. April 2. 1770. Dec. n 1772. Aug. b, 177'!. March 10, 1778. Oct. 25. 1801. Sept. 22. l.=0!. Feb. 17. 1807, Sept, 8. 1814. June 15, 1751. Aug. 18, , 1751 Mirch 1, 1734. May 18, 1750. Oct. 15, 1761 Oct. 25, 1763, RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 25 2-283 CHl'lvCH S.iraJi, of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1706. 2-283 " Hannah, May 27, 1768. 2-233 " Thomas. Nov. 7, , 1770. 2-2S3 Waite, March 7, 1773. 2-283 Kebecca, June 10„ 1775. 1-12 CLARKE Joseph, of Samuel, Aug. 29, 1705. 1-12 " .SaT-.ih. wife of Joseph, Oct. 21, 1709. 1-12 " Joseph, of Joseph and Sarah. March 5, 1728. 1-12 Anne, Oct. 23. 17.30. 1-12 " Joshua. May 13, 1733. 1-12 " S;irauol . Dec. 1, 1737. 1-12 John. July 8„ 1740. 1-12 Oliver. Nov. 21, 1743. 1-12 " Sarah. June 15, 1745, 1-12 " James, 1 July 9, 1748. 1-12 " Christopher, April 7, 1751. 2-278 " Ruth, of Thomas and Briditet, May 20, 173:;. 2-278 William, March 5, 1734,. 2-278 " Thomas, Dec. 27, 1736. 2-278 " Elizabeth, Feb. 22. 1738. 2-278 Judeth. Feb. 8, ] 742-3. 2-278 Lois, Dec. 3, 1744. 2-276 " Arnold, Oct. 30, 1748. 2-278 Moses. Dec. 29, 1751. 1-50 " Anile,, of Simeon and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1737. 1-30 Thankful, Feb. 23, 1739. 1-50 " Sanford, Oct. 7, 1740. 1-50 " Sanford, died Oct. 5, 1752. 1-50 " Sinu-un. of Simeon and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1742. 1-50 " Gideon, Nov. 21, 1744. 1-50 Gideon, died Aug. 27, 1752. 1-50 Bethlah. Oct. 19, 1746. 1-50 Bethlah. died Aug. 18, 1752. 1-50 Esbon, Aug. 20, 1748. 1-50 '* Esbon, died Aug. 28, 1752. 1-50 Pel.-g, July 20. 17.W. 1-50 Peleg, died Aug. 22, 1752. 1-50 " Aim, July .30, 1752. 1-13 " Ilebewa, of William and Eebecca, June 13, 1748. 1-276 AVeedeu, of WillKim, Juu., and Eebecca, Jan. 16, 1756. 1-276 Remington, of James and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1756. 1-276 " Hannah, Dec. 4, 1757. 1-277 WilUam, of WUUam and Mary, Oct. 11, 1757. 2-280 Ellas, of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1760. 2-280 " Catherine, Sept. 27, 1764. 2-280 " Rebecca, July 20, 1707. 2-280 " WilUam, Feb. 20, 1770. 2-280 " James, Oct. 12, 1772. 2-280 EUzabetli, Sept. 2, 1780. 1-50 Samuel, of Simeon, Jr., ;ind Hann.Th, Nov. 20, 1767. 1-50 " Samuel, died Deo. 10, 1767. 1-50 Mary, Jan. 11, 1769. 1-50 " Stennett, Nov. 24, 1772. 1-50 " Stennett, died . Sept. 6, 1778. 1-50 " H.-umah, July 17, 1775. 1-50 Hanii:ilb. died Sept. 5, 1776. 1-50 Chami>laJn, July 26, 1777. 1-50 " Champlain, died Sept. 10, 1773. 1-52 " Samuel. Feb. 7, 1780. 1-52 " H.aiinah, July 0, 1782. 1-52 '• Simeon. Aug. 21, 1786. 1-68 " R«iuse, of Joshua and EiizabeUi, Dec. 7, 1769, 1-68 Ellzaiirth. Oct. 17, 177L. 1-08 William. April 8. 1773. 1-68 Joseph, of Jostina and Elizabeth, (Vlt. Rec, Vol. 5.) 29 April 8, 1773. ? 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-GS CLARKE .losliua, of Joshua, and Elizabeth, 1-68 Joshua, 1-68 Wells, 1-68 " Susannah, 1-C8 " Porry, 1-68 " Hazard, 1-68 Luke. 1-68 " I^Iary, 1-68 J oshua. 1-293 " Newman, of Moses and Alice, 2-26 " Samuel, of Samuel and Renewed, 2-26 " SDsan S., 2-26 lii'njamln 5., 2-26 Renewed, 2-26 " .losOiua R., 2-26 " Dorcas, 2-26 JMary, 2-17 Sarah, of Luke and Sarah, 2-17 l-uke. 2-17 John Xefft, 2-17 Jlary, 2-17 " Elizabeth, 2-17 " Luclnda, 2-17 Ruth, 2-17 " Joshua Perrj-, ol Luke and Sarah, 2-17 " Reynolds Hoxsle, 2-17 HaiTlet WeUs, 2-44 " lialsey Ferry, of David and Susannah 2-44 " Mary Ann, 2-30 Susan Murssla, of Abbie, 1-165 COLDOROVE Desire, of Oliver and Esther, 1-163 Ruth., 1-165 Mi. 1-165 William, 1-163 Amos, 1-1 03 " Jcseph, of Oliver and Esther, 1-163 " Esther,, 1-163 William., 1-163 Jlary, 1-163 " i;ri)wnell, 1-163 " Jonathan, 1-163 " Xat han. , 1-163 Elizabeth. 1-163 " Christopher, 1-163 " Thomas. 2-30 OONGDON Sally Marali. of John R., Jan. -2, 1773 . Sept. 19, 1787 Feb. 15, 1777 Jan. 10, 1779 Nov. 21, 1780 May 20, 1783 Aug. IS, 1783 July 10, 1787. Jun.-3 28, 1790 Jan. 31, 1779. Nov. 21, 1796 May 13, 1798 Sept. 30, 1800 Nov. 14, 1802 Feb. 23, 1805 Feb 1, 130S Oct. 20, 1810 Jan. 18, 1808 Aug. 23, 1800 Sept . 5. 1811 March 17, 1813 Nov . 8, 1814 June 2, 1816. Oct. 2 1813 March 14, 1821. Feb 'J, 1323 Aug. '-4, 1825 Aug. 0, 1818. Nov 2 13.30. Feb 5, 1836 Nov. 21, 1765. March 11, 1767 Apri 4. 1768. Jul! • 3, 1769 Nov. 18, 1770 March 8. 1772. April 3, 1773 Sept. 14, 1774 Nov. 24, 1775 June 12, 1777. Sept. 21, 1778 Jan. 12, 1780. March 31, 1781 Feb. 13, 1783. Feb. no 1785. Feb 8. 1826. D 1-106 DYE Samuel, of John and Thankful. 1 106 " Richard. 1-106 " Elizabeth. 1-106 " Mary, 1-106 " Jonah. Feb. 26, 1739. Oct. 18, 1761. Feb. 8, 1785. May 21, 17.38. July 15, 1771. 1 273 1-273 ENDS Marcy, of Joseph, Jr., and Kezla. " Catheiine, Sept. 1, 1739. Sept. 12, 1741. 1-9 FOSTER Elizabeth, of Caleb and EUzabdh. -2-43 " John Avery, of Saiiford w. and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1747. April 25, 1841. RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 27 1-1 (i3 1-134 1-134 •_'-liO y-i;o i-'-UO 2-20 2-33 Q GRIFPKTH John, ol James and Jtpsire, l-idd, or HiUIlp (of Charlestovm), now of Rlclimon " Desire, ol Joseph and Mary, PFIN Stephen C, Susan, I'eleg, Kmellne, George W., Sarah, PriUip, Nov. l-_'. , Dec. 31, Feh. 22, M.iy 27, June 4, Dec. 8. April 11, Sept. 28, May 9, die " Simeon, 1-70 " Elijah, 1-70 " Joseph, 1-108 " ■ Frederick, of Job and Anna, 1-108 " Edith, of Barnabas and Ehzabeth, 1-1U8 " Stephen, 1-108 " Enock, 1-108 " Elizabeth, 1-108 " Estljer, 1-64 " Joseph, of Jeremiah and Sarah, 1-64 " Simeon, 2-1 " Amle, of Gideon and Jonah, 2-1 " Susannah, 2-1 " Potter, 2-1 " Hannah, 2-1 " Mary, 2-1 ■ '• tildeon, 2-1 " Kouse, 2-1 " Almira, 2-1 " Abigail, 2-1 ■' EUz.abeth, 2-1 '■ DaN-ld, 2-47 " Reynolds, 2-47 " Mary (TUllnghast) his wife, 2^7 " Hannah Tillinghast, of Reynolds and Mary, 2-47 " Hannah Tillinghast, 2-47 " Sarah TUIinghast, 2-47 " Clarke, 2-47 " Clarke, Aug. 22, 1746. Dec. 10, 1747. Jime 13, 1749. Jan. 30, 17S0. Aug. 22, 1752. Maxch 15, 1772T- Oct. 4, 1773. Aug. 19, 1775. Jilty 23. 1777. May 18, 1779. March 12, 1781. Feb. 27, , 17S3. July 24, 1759. May 15, 1729. May 21, 1731. Sept. 19, 1733. ■Nov. 8, 1735. Jan. 22, 1737. May 25, 1740. Dec. 25, 1742. July 31, , 1745 Oct. 4, 1748. died April 5, 1S15. Nov. 30, 1760. July 31, 1764. Jan. 16, 1768. July 27, 1769. April 1, 1772. May 21, 1774. Nov. -38, ir«>4. March 12, 1767. Sept. 3, 1773. April 30, 1781. Jan. 12, 1783. Feb. 26, 1785. March 27, 1787. March, 29, 1789. AprU 1, 1791. May 19, 1793. Aug. 4. 1795. Nov. 4, 1797. ApiU 2, 1805. Oct. 8, 1774. Jan. SI, 1776. May 1, 1797. d. Jan. 23, 1849. Maxch 10, 1790. Sept. 15, 1800. d. Dec. 7, 1838. 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. of Presbury and Alice, 2-47 HOXSIE Keyaolds, of Reynolds and Mary, 2-47 " Samuel Albro, 2-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Joseph Tilltnghast, 2-47 " JoseiiU ■I'lllingliaBt, 2-47 " Euth, 2-47 " Anstls, 3-47 " Mary, 2-47 " Thomas, 1-376 " Elizabeth, 1-376 " Stephen, 1-376 " Susannah, 1-376 " Alice, 1-376 HOXSIE Mary, of Presbnry and Alice, 2-23 " Martha, of Joseph and Hannah (lat wife), Sept. 2-23 " Stillman L., of Joseph and Susannah (2d wife), 2-23 " Simon G., 2-23 " .Tonah. 2-23 " Sylvester P., 2-23 " Nathaniel P., 2-23 " Ahigail, 2-23 " Stuliely T., 2-23 " Sophie Ann, June 30, 1803.. April 2, 1806. Jan. 14, 1S08. a. May 3, 1803. April 28, 1810. d. May 6, 1840. AprU 23, 1812. Marcli 26, 1814. March 25, 1817. .\ug. 13, 1818. Sept. y, 1792. June 24, 1795. Jan. 2, 1798. Jan. 2, 1800. Aug. 10, 1H03. 27, 1798. Feb. 12, 1802. Sept. 3, 1803^ Feb. 6, 1808. Feh. 10, 1810. April 21, 1812. Oct. 30, 1814. Sept. 6, 1817. Oct. II, 1810. 1-74 IRISH Thankful, of Jonathan and Sarah (also 149, 2 1-74 " Sarah (also 140, 280), 1-74 " Jonathan (also 149, 2.90), 1-74 " Hanii:ih (also 149, 280), 80), April 27, 1757. Oct. 25, 1761. June 2, 1764.. Hay 13, 1767. 2-282 JAMES Marlani, of Jolin and Margaret, 2-282 " Joseph, 2-282 " Paul, 1 1 2-282 " SUas, 2-282 « Samuel, 1-110 " Sarali, of Thomas and Hannah. 1-110 (( Thomas. 1-157 " Jonathan, of Robert .ind Anna. 2-5 " Russell, of Juhu and Elizabeth. 2-44 u Malinda. of G;u'diner and Hannah 2-44 u Hannah, 2-i4 u WUllara. 2-44 " Simeon Clarke, 2^4 it Elizabeth, 2-44 " EUzabeth, 2-44 " Roxanna. 2^4 " Roxanna. 2^4 " Mary C, 2-44 •' Betsey Ann, 2-44 n Betsey Ann, Jan. 13. 1750. May 13, 1753. Sept. 20, . 1755. March 20, 1758. July 16, 1760. March 15, 17/0. July 8, 1772. June 30. 1788. Sept. 12, 1797. J^ov. 8, 1808. Aug. 12, 1810. May 27, 1812. Sept. 18, 1814. March 12, 1817. March 28, 1^17. Aug. 26, 1822. Mju-ch 31, 1840. Jan. 24, 1^25. Aug • 7, 1820. L. Nov. 25,' 1838. K 1-14 KENYON Pheneas, of Da\ld and Mary, 1-14 " John, 1-273 " Mercy, of Samuel and Hannah, 1-118 " Martha, of Da\'id, Jr., .md Lydia, 1-118 " Lydia, of David and Mary, (2d wife.) Oct. 3, 1744. Oct. 22, 1747. June 24, 1740. Oct. 11, 1746. Aug. 17, 1752. KICHMOKD ^BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 29 ■1-118 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-64 1-G4 1-64 1-62 1-(J2 1-62 1-70 1-70 1-70 1-70 1-70 1-70 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-103 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-102 1-90 1-90 1-90 1-90 1-90 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-188 1-lbB 1-1S8 1-168 1-188 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-230 1-230 1-126 1-12U 2-44 2-58 2-58 KENYON Mary, of David and Mary, " William, " Deborah, Jnly 20, 1755. April 1, 1738. March 27, 1763. l-ottei-. March 23, 1768. Thurston, of WUliam and Hannah, June 8, 1755. Daxld, Juno 2t, 1758. " ThaiiioTid, Sept. SO, 1763. Jurius, of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 1, 1756. Thomas Websler, Maixill 9, 1758. " ai^^rcy, KENYON Philip, o! Thomas and Ituth, Oct. 29, 1763. May 17, 1758. " Esther, March 26, 1760. " Patience, Jan. 12, 1763. Sprague, May 10, 1766. Mary, April 8, 1768. " Pardon, March 19, 1770. Edie, of Benedict and Amle, Aug. 11, 1760. Samuel, April 17, 1762. " Remington, June 17, 1764. Silas, Aug. 28, 1766. '■ Benedict, Dec. 20, 1768. John, March 9, 1771. " Ci rey. AprU 13, 1773. " Ainie, Sept. 26. 1774. " Belsey, Jan. 3, 1778. '■ Mai-y, June 30, 1780. " George, Feb. 9, 1783. Tliumas, (3d son) of Thomas, Jr., and San ill. Feb. 3, 1765. " Sleadmam, of Thomvas, Jr., and Sarah, SeiJt. 20, 1767. " Haim.ali, May 3, 1771. " Simeon, May 16, 1773. " Sarah, July 17, 1778. '* Jonatlmn, of Jonathan and Sarah, July 13, 1782. " Asa, May 7, 1784. " Beriah, M.ay 20, 1786. '' Bei'iah, died Nov. 30, 1792. " Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1789. " Samuel J., Nov. 18, 1791. " Samuel J., died Dec. 17, 17!)3. (( Siimuel B., Dec. 16, 1793. *' Martha, May 27, 1794. *' Mary, July 2, 1796. (( Dorcas. July 23, 1801. u Solomon J,, Aug. 8, 1804. " Joseph, of John and Anstis, Nov. 8, 1793. " treorge. ApiTl 23, 1795. ** Alice. March 25. 1797. " Amie, Feb. 7, 1799. C( Cliarity, May 7, 1801. _2S2 " . Edwiird. 2-2 82 " ClianipLaln, 1-157 " John. 1-157 Mary, 1-157 " Thanldul, 1-280 " Sarah, ol Edward and Patience, 1-280 " Lester,, 1-370 " Sally, of John and Mary, 1-370 Thanliful, 1-370 Thomas, 1-370 Deborah, 1-370 Polly,, 1-417 " Nabby, of Amos and Phebe, 1-417 Darcus, 1-417 " Clarissa, 1-417 " Amos, 2-2 John H.„ of .lohn and Hannah, 2-2 " Nancy, d. April 3, 17G0. J uly 8, 17->6. March 0, 17G1. March Ki. 17(J3. April 3, 1765. Harch 9, 1767. April 22, 1769. March 20. 1771. AprU 25, 1773. JiUy 16, 1757. Sept. 25, 1T59. July 2, 1790. AprU 22, 1792. March 24, 1794. Oct. 27, 1706. AprU 28, ISOO. Sept. 17, 1798. Nov. 13, 1799. June 27, 1801. March 24, 1603. March 20, 1818. Dec. 1, 1820. M 1-56 MAXSON Mary, of Jonathan and Mary, 1-56 " Jemima, 1-56 " Jonathan, 1-56 Sarah, 1-8 MIL'S Elizabeth, of Oliver. 1-8 " Mary, 1-8 " Ann, 1-8 Alice, 1-8 " OUver, 1-76 MOON Sariih, of Robert, Jr., and Eleanor 1-76 Alice, 1-76 " Augustus, 1-76 Waite, June l-S, 1764 Jan. 25. 1766 June 9, 1768 Dec. 24, 1770 Sept. 12. 1736 April 6, 1740 Jan. 20, 1742 March 10, 1746 JIarch 18, 1748 May 1-1, 1754 Nov. 24. 1756 Nov • 2, 1759 Jan. 21, 1702 N 1-18V NEV Hannah, of (ieorge and Mercy, 1-187 " Siimuel. 1-187 •' Thurston, 1-187 " George, 1-187 " Mercy, 1-190 NICHOLS (Tcorge, of David and Sarah, 1-190 " George, 1-121 ■' Jonathan, of David, Jr., and Deslr?, 1-121 " David, 1-121 " Elizabetli, of David, Jr., and Elizabeth, 2d wife. 1-276 NILES Sarah, of Ebenezer and Sarah, born Chariestomn, 1-275 " Sarah, widow of Ebenezer, Dec. 7, 1767. Dec. 24, 1769. May 23, 1775. Sept. 2, 1774. JIarch 27, 1777. Nov. 8, 1748. d. Feb. 4, 1785. .Inly 20, 1767. Feb. 20, 1771. Jan. 7, 1775. May 13, 1743. d. Nov. 8, 1803. o 1-51 OLNl.Y .John, i^orn North Providence, R. I., :-51 " John, dl9d Kich-jiond, I Nov. 14, 1804. Dec. 7, 1847. 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-33 PliKUY Mary, of Samui-1 and Anne, Dec. 28, 1747. 1-271 " Samuel, of Simeon and Penelope, June 6, 1749. l-'JTl " Mary, Sept. 18, 1750. 1-271 u Samuel, May 1, 1754. 1-274 " Benjamin, of Edward and Dorcas, Dec. 11, 1754. l-27.i " Susannah, Sept. 25, 1759. 1-27+ " George, Feb. 9, 1762. l-l:i8 I'ETHS Jlary, of Rob.rt and Mary, May 11, 1771. 1-138 " Elizabeth, May 23, 1773. l-l-.iS " Knbert, May 13, 1775. 1-271 PETT\ 'S Robert, of Nathaniel, Feb. 24, 1739. 1-271 (( Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1741. 1-127 " Nathaniel, Jan. 5, 1743. 1-271 " Ephralm, April 13, 1745. 1-52 " Sarah, of William and Mary, Jan. 10, 1746. 1-52 " Alee, Dee. 5, 1749. 1-52 " Stephen, Nov. 1, 1751. 1-52 " Mercy, Dec. 9, 1753. 1-52 '' Joseph, .Tan. 4, 1759. 1-53 " Hannah, Feb. 27, 1761. 1-52 " Mary, Aug. G, 1763. 1-3 PETTY Pc'ler;, of Benjamin and Sarah, April 14, 1751. 1-276 ■' l.ytUu, June 17, 1753. l-27fi u James, Aug. 30, 1755. l-2T(i " Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1757. 1-279 '* Benjamin, March 12, 1759. 2-54 I'HILLI ll>; John Edwin, of John and Rebecca, JiUy 31, 1S51. 2-279 I'OlTElt ThonlctiU, of WUliam, Jr., and Ellzabetli, Mariih 15, 1741. 2-279 " Daniel, Feb. 2, 1743. 2-279 " Alice, of WUliam, Jr., and Elizabeth, S'pt. 16. 1745. 2-270 u Kobert, May n, 1748. 2-279 " :Mary, May 18, 1751. 2-27!) u Isabel, Nov. 9, 1753. 2-279 ti Jiiuathan, July 8, 1761. Note— The two first of the above born In Dartmouth , Mass. 1-13 u Euth, of Tliomn.s and Martha, Sept. 13, 1746. 1-13 *' George, Oct. 31, 1747. 1-13 '• Peleg, May 14, 1749. 1-13 (( Mary, Nov. 13, 1750. 1-13 a Thomas, Nov. 23. 1752. 1-13 " James, Nov. 0, 1754. 1-13 " Paine, Sept. 10, 175—. 1-13 " Gideon, Nov. 11, 175—. 1-274 it Elizabeth, of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 27, 1749. 1-274 (( Mary, June 20. 1751. 1-274 « Sarah, March 11, 1753. 1-274 (( Jonathan, Aug. 26, 17.j4. 1-274 " Ellsha, June I, 1756. 1-274 tt Susannah, March 31, 1758. 1-274 ti Lyman, May 1, 1760. 1-274 it Jutleth, May 1, 1762. 1-274 it Martha, Nov. 13, 1764. 1-274 " Matthew, Nov. 11, 1768. 1-11 it Income, of David and S isannah, July 7, 1749. 1-277 " Silas. April 17, 1751 1-277 " Philip, Sept. 13, 1753. 1-277 K Ehoda, June 20. 1756. 1-277 " lone. Dec. 20. 1758. 1-277 (( Mary, Jan. 17, 1762. 1-277 David. (sic.) June 23. 1723. 2-277 POTTER Stephen, of Stephen and Sarah (also 2-281), Feb. 8, 1759. 1-62 " Mary, of Smlteon and Lmy. Jan. 15, 1766. 1-62 *' Joshua, Aug. 18, 1788. EICHMOND BIRTHS AXD 1-U2 POlTF.l 1 IlnnnnJi, ot SmUeon ami Lucy, 1-62 '• Rachel, 1-62 '* Benjamlm, 1-62 " Smiteon, 2-260 " Ellslia, of Elisha and Susannah. 2-260 " Perry, 2-260 " Dorcas. . 2-8 " Mary, of Matliew and Mary, a-8 " Mattiiew Robinson, 2-8 " John Brayman, 2-8 '• Judctti, 2-8 '■ Jonathan, 1-196 PULLMAN Gi'orce. of Jonathnn and Sarah 1-196 '• Edward. DEATHS. 3:J AprU 18, 1771 AprU 10. 1774 May 16, 1776 Oct. 9, 1778 Jan. 8, 1788 March 5, 1789 JaJi. 20, 1791 July 12, 1797 Oct. 23, 1799 May 10, 1803 Nov. 8, 1S07 Dec. 26, 1609 May 17, 1776 May 17, 1776 Q R 1-187 RECOKl) Jrn;iUian. ot Thomas (dec.), and Abia, l-4a9 REYNOLDS Thomas, of Thomas and Jemima. 2-3.'> " Llarlcc H., of Robert aiid Hannah, 2-35 " t«deon, 2-35 " Mary, 2-35 " Hajinah, 2-36 " Robert Thomas, of Thomas and Joanu; 2-33 •' William Henry, 2-36 " IKarriet Newell, 2-36 " Lillian J., 2-36 " M.ai-y Elizabeth, 2-36 '_' Fnoices W., 1-9 KICilJIOXD Edward, of Stephen and Mary, 1-9 " Anne, 1-273 ROGERS Hannah, of Thomas and /ernlah, 1-272 -' Thomas, 1-272 '■ Siirah, 1-272 " Waite, 1-272 " Elizabeth, 1 272 " Benjamin, 1-03 " Anne, of 1-53 " Zurlah, 1-53 " Elizabeth, 1-53 " Thomas, 1-53 " James, 1-53 " Stephen, 1-53 " Amle, of Jeremiah, Jr., and Patience Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1775. Dec. 2, 1791. Dec. 1, 1821. Aug. 29, 182:^. Oct. 23, 1825. March 19, 1828 Sept. 26, 1826. Aug. 27. 1828 April 14, 1830. Dec. 17, 1831. Aug. 9, 1833. Oct. 23, 1S35. Dec. 15, 1746. June S, 1750. Sept. 21, 1735. March 10, 1741. April 1, 1744. Oct. 29. 1747. July 7, 1750. Apiill 3, 1752. Jan. 28, 1764. April 29, 1765. May 31, 1767. May 31, 1767. May 13, 1769. April 12, 1771. May 31, 1773. 1-56 SHELDON Susaimali, of William. Jr., and Eleanor, 1-56 " Potter, 1-272 SISSON Deborah, ot Barnett and Catherine, 1-272 '• Rodman, 1-272 " Saraii, 1-106 STAFFORD Catherine, of Andrew and Raciiel, 1-106 " James, 2-275 STAI^TON' John, of David and Martha, 2-275 " Latham, 2-275 " Hizabelh, 2-275 " Catherine, 2-275 " Mary, 2-275 " Hannah, jjote— Two first born North Kingstown, tUlrd to\yn, fotirth Exeter, the two last Richmond. 2-44 SLOCUM John H., of John and Sarah, .Tune 11, 176.> Jan. 4 17(ir AprU 1, 1741 June 3, 1744 Nov. 20, 1751 JtUy -21, 1775 . Oct. 6, 1777 Nov. 23, 1742 Jan. 13, 1745 April 1. 1747 Mareh 5. 1749 Dec. 23, 1751 Feb. 19, 1733 1 South Kinw- March 17, 1346. Si VITAL EEUORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-14 TEFFT Jolin, of John, Dec. 4, loot). 1-1-i " Mary, wife of Jobn, Feb. Feb. 5, 1704. 1-14 " Deliverance, ol Jolin and Mary, Aug.. 19, 1722. 1-14 ■■' Sarah, April 27, 172o. 1-14 " Sarah, d. Feb. — , 172i;. 1-14 " Joimthan, AprU 29, 1727. 1-14 " John, March 9, 172'.i, 114 " Eohert, May 25, 1732. 1-14 ■' Mary, Sept. 20, 1734. 1-14 " Patience, April 21, 1737. 1 14 ■' Deborah, May 18, 1739. 1-14 Mehitable, Aug. 3, 1742. 1-14 '• Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1744. 1 14 Jeremiah, May 29, 1747, 1-14 William, Jan. 10, 1749. 1-3 •• Elizabeth, of Joseph :ilul E-ther, Dec. 20, 1730. 1-3 WiUiam, Feb. 29, 1732. 1-3 Jose{)h, March 19, 1737. 1-3 Ruth, March 27, 1739. 1-3 Benjamin, June 3, 1741, 1-3 Esther, Aug. 6, 1743. 1-3 " Thomas, Nov. 10, 1745. 1-3 Sarah, Aug. 24, 1747. 1-3 " Samuel, Aug. 29, 1749. 1-27G " Reynolds, of John, Jr., and Hannah, Oct. 0, 1752. 1-276 " Reynolds, d. .luly 5, 1754. 1-283 Clarke, Jan. 7, 1761. 1-283 ' Hezekiah, of William and Mary, Dec. 10, 1753. 1-282 " Pardon, Jan., 27, 1755. 1-282 Thankful, March 21, 1757. 1-282 David, April 19, 1760. 1-282 WUliam, May 21 „ 17(:3 2-263 " Mary, March 13, 1766. 2-282 " John, May 18, 1767. 2-2S3 •' Mary, AprU 22, 1769. 1-41 Caleb, of Joseph, Jr., ard Sarah, Oct. 17, 1757. 1-41 Mai-y, NOV. 24, 1758. 1-41 Taber, Marchi 3, 1761. 1-41 " Jemima. July 10. 1763. 1^1 " Joseph, AprU 6, 1760 1-41 Sarah, Jan.? 12, 1763. 1-4] " .\nstlce. April 1, 1773. 1-41 Ahce, June IH, njf.. 1-41 Albro. Sept. 27, 1778 1-15 '• Phebe Woodmansee, of Penelope, Jan. d. 1765. i-i;o Joanna, ol Benjamin and Deborah, Feb. 7, 1766. 1-60 '■ Edward, March 12, 1768. 1-00 Ell'.abeth, Sept. 10, 1770, 1-00 " Asa, Jun,3 2, 1772. l-«0 Jesse, AprU 2, 1776. 1-179 Jlary, of Jeremiah and Bhoda, April 24, 1771. 1-170 " Jeremiah, Dec. 39, 1772. 1-179 " John, Dec. 18, 177&. 1-17S) Abigail, March 29, 1781. 1-179 Rhodn, AprU 11, 1783. 1-102 " (ieorgo, or Samuel, Jr., and Amte, May 7, 1773. 1-103 George, d. Dec. 10, 1773. 1-103 Susannah, Jun.f> 30, 1775. 1-3 02 " Amle, Dec. 20, 1777. 1-102 George, Oct. Id, 1780. 1-102 " Joslah, Sept. 12, 1782^, 1-102 " Esther, Feb. 6, 1785. 1-102 Sarah, Jan. 25, 1787. RICHMOND— BIETHS AND DEATHS. 35 1-102 TEFFT EUznbeth, of Suiiucl, Jr., and Amle, Nov. in, 1788. 1-102 " WillUim, Oct. 3, 1791. 1-102 " Uardiner, Jan. 20, 1794. 1-200 " Becjandn, ol Tliomas 1 and Lydla, S?pt. 11, 1773. l-30(i " b:irali, April 10, 1775. i-20(; " Esther, i'eb. 18, 1777. 1-200 Estuer, d. Dec. 5, 1824. 1-206 Joseph, April 6, 1779. 1-200 " Thomas, Feb. 23, 17HI. 1-306 " Welcome, Oct. 4, 17S2. 1-206 " Abi-iim. Jan. 24, 1785. 1-200 Abram, d. Oct. 9, 1785. 1-306 " LyiUa, Aug. 4, 1786. 1-206 " I.ydla, d. Dec. 27, 1786. 1-200 " Jlary, Jan. 25, 1788. 1-200 " Mary, d. April 5, 1827. 1-200 " Lydla, Jnr.c 2t), 1730. 1-206 u Lydla, wife of Thomas, d. iVIay 22, 1797. 1-206 " Enth, of Thomas and Lydla, July 12, 1794. 1-206 " Ruth, d. Oct. 22, 1826. 2-283 " James, of William and Mary. Feb. 18, 1776. 2-283 " Joseph, March 8, 1779. 1-120 " C:ilel>, (if Tabpr aud Sarai. Oct. 14, 1782. 1-126 t( Elizabeth. .Tune 16. 1784. 1-181 «4 Joanna, of Joseph, Jr., and AMgall. Dec. 2S, 1789. 1-181 " Jo.'^eph llaxson. Sept. 13, 1791. 1-181 <( WilUnni, Jan. 20, 1794. 1-181 U Nathan, Oct. 4, 1798. 1-181 " Sarah. Feb. 21, 1800. 1-240 " Benjamin, of Samuel Albro and Sarah. Nov. 22, 1798. 1-240 " Alice Albro, lat. Aug. 1, 1800. 2-2 " Alice Albro, 2d, July 29, 1803. 2-2 " Joseph, JtUy 21, 1804. 2-2 " Snmiiel Albro, Aug. 7, 1807. 2-2 " Taber, July 23, 1809. 2-2 " Snrah Ann, Nov. 15, 1812. 2-2 (( Jeremlali Gardiner, Nov. 20, 1817. 2-59 TUCKER Ella, of Brightman and Harriet L., May 10, 1849. 2-59 " Herbert, Nov. 11, 1851. 2-59 u Earle, Jan. 16, 1853. 2-59 " Wayne, Oct. 24, 1859. U V w 2-273 WATSON William, of Simeon and Hannah, 2-273 <( Hannah, 2-273 " Perry, 1-26 WEBB Margeret, ol John and Joanna., 1-26 u Elizabeth, 1-26 u Mehitable, 1-26 " Mary, 1-26 " George. 1-26 " John, 1-76 (( George, of George, 1-76 " Joshua, 1-70 " John, 1-78 ti Joseph, 1-76 " Joanna, 1-76 M Jerusha, 1-15 WEBSTER ThankfiU, of James and Hannah, 1-15 " Margeret, 1-15 " Hannah, 1-15 " Stephen, 1-15 (( Zerniah, July 3, 1749. May 24, 1751. Feb. 12, 1754. Aug. 21, 1721. Mari'h 27, 1724. Aug. 11, 1726. March 19, 17.30. May 10, 1733. Oct. 10, 1735. Aug. 15. 17.'53. Jan. 23, 1755. May 20, 1758. May 1, 1762. May 1, 1762. May 1, 1762. Feb. 15, 1743. Dec. 10, 1744. June 8, 1747. March 17, 1750. Dec. 4, 1752. 36 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-15 WEBSTER Jiunes, of James and Hannali, 1-15 " Juhn, 1-15 " Daniel, 1-15 (( SiU-ai, 1-15 t( Elizabeth, 1-58 u William, of John, Jr., and Elizabeth 1-58 (( Slary, 1-58 u Thomas, r-68 " Hannah, 1-58 " Elizabeth, 1-58 " John, 1-118 WILBOUB Benjamin, of Benjamin and Lucy, 1-118 " Anne, 1-118 " Vincent, 1-118 " John, 1-118 " Lucy, 1-118 " Elizabeth, 1-118 u Elizabeth, 1-llS u Elizabeth, 2d, 1-118 (t Robert Morey, 1-1-21 WILCOX Lyman, of Benjamin and EUzabetli 1-15 WOODMANSEE Joseph, of Jo&n>li and Mary, 1-15 ' Mary, 1-15 ' John, 1-14 i Penelope, 1-15 ' James, 1-15 ' Surah, 1-15 ' Da\-ld, 1-15 ' AbigaU, 1-90 • Hazard, 1-15 Mary Webster, of Marseret. Sept. 4, 1755. April ii. 1758. Nov. 7, 17r,l, May 21, 1763. Sept. 25, 1767. J.in. 27, 1753. Aug. 14, 1755. Oct. 20, 1757. Dec. 19, 1750. Ap]-il It. 1762. July 24, 1765. June 8, 1777. Sept. 13, 1779. April 17, 1781. June 6, 1783. May 15, 1787. July 11, 1789. Dec. 16, 1790. Dec. 28, 1701. May 5, 1794. July 17, 1800. June 14, 1742. Feb. 7, 1744. Feb. 13, 1746. Feb. 15, 1749. June 12. 1752. Sept. 5, 1755. June 16, 1759, June 27, 1764. Feb. 4, 1769. Feb. 13, 1766. X Y Z / Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. First serib^s. BIRTHS, MARKIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register, "Is IVly IMan:ie Written in the Boole of Life?' Vol. 5. ^ HOPKINTON. Part VII. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. 1: Maeraoansett Historical Publishing Company. 1894. 'V, % I .11 / ACT INCOKPORATING THE TOWN OK IK )I>KIXTON. AX ACT for divMin;, tlu- T.,wn .,( Westerly, m„l th,.,v„f ,„aki„s; two distinct J-u^viiships; out. to retaiu the uamc- of Westt-rly, m,d the other to be desig- nated and knoTvn by the name of Hopldnton. Whereas a great numlHu- of the inhabitants of the northern part of the lown of Westerly, preferre,! a petition, and represented into this As- sembly, that the said To\vn being lipwards of twenty miles in length they are much aggrieved by reasou many of them are obliged to trayel some fifteen or sixteen miles, to get en instrument recorded, others eighteen or twenty mUes. when biisniess calls them before the Town Coimcil, or to attend at a Court of Justices, the greater part of the public business being at this day transacted and done in Ihe southern parts of said Town; and thereupon prayed that the same may be divided, nature having cut it into two parts, by the large river, called and known by the name of Pawcatuck; and that they may be entitled to e;pial privileges with the other Towns in this fJol,,uy, on consideration whereof. Be it enacted by this General Assembly, and by the authorilv thereof it is enacted, that the said Town of Westerly, be, and the same i- hereby, u.ade and divided into two distinct and separate Towns; aud that such part thereof as lieth to the southward of the aforesaid Pawcatuck river, shall still be and remain a Town, holding its ancient name of WESTERLY; and all the lands lying to the northward of said river, shall also be, aud hereby is erected into and madi' a Town, to be distinguished, called and known by the name of HOPKINTON; and the inhabitants thereof shall have, hold and enjoy, all and singular, the liberties, privileges and immunities, that the other towns in this Colony are entitled to. New Shoreham and James- town excepted. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the money due unto the Town of Westerly, aforesaid, for the Cedar Swamp, shall be legally secured, both principal and intrest, unto those that live on the south side of the aforesaid Pawcatuck river; and they, in return shall be wholly and solely at the expense of defending said .swamp; and the Town of Hopkin- ton shall not be subject to any costs, and charges on that acconut; that all the Town debts (except such as may have lately accrued on account of the swamp), shall be equally paid by the Towns of Westerly and Hopkin- ton; and all such monies as were due to what, before this act, was the Town of Westerly, shall be applied towards paying off said Town's debts, except such as are due on acconut of the swamo. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all and every of the .Justices of the Peace, that were chosen and appointed such for the Town of Westerly, and who live in that part thereof, that is now made Hopkinton, be, and they hereby are, continued in their offices, with full [lower and ample authorit.v, in every respect, as they had in consequence of their being chosen into and commissionated for said office and that the eldest of them issue his warrant to call the freemen of the said Town of Hopkinton to meet together at some convenient place within the same, in order to choose and appoint officers neccessary for managiug and couducting the prudetial affairs of said Town. Colonial Records of Rhode Island, Vol. VI., pages 31, 32. (Vlt. Eec, Vol. 5.) UO HOPKINTON. 3Vn.A.B,R,I.A.Gr£:S- 1-1 ADAMS Martha, and William Douglas, Nov. 13, 1781. 1-41 ALLEN Sarali, and Gideon Foster, Marcli 3, 1765. 1"51 " John, Jr., and Elizabeth Matteson, both of Stonlngton ; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Feb. 11, 1769. 1-1 " Prudence, and Jonathan West, July 27, 17S0. S-IO AENOLD Gorton W., son of Joseph, of Hopldnton, and Nancy Brown, of Francis, ol Richmond ; m. by Elder Matthew Stlllraan, Aug. 13, 1836. 3-17 " Ruth, and Albert BlcifneU. . — , 18J3. 1-57 AUSTIN Mar>', and Amos Palmer. Jr., Feb. 15, 1770. ' 1-47 AVERY Eicliardson, ot Richardson, of Stonington, and Eunice Masson, of John, Esq., of Hopldnton; m. by Thomas Wells, Justice, Jan. I, 1766. 5 3 ATWOOD Betsey, and Albert Keeney, March 6. 1853. 1-116 1-58 1-23 1-22 1-27 1-32 1-32 2-58 1-54 1-54 1-55 1-55 1-56 2-16 1-B9 1-77 1-108 2-16 2-57 2-58 BAECOCK Simeon, and Sarah Gardiner, Oct. 3, 1743. Sarah, and Amos Langworihy, Feb. 15, 1758. George's negress Mary, and Joshua Eabcock's negro Port, March 9, 1758. Joshua's negro Port, and George Babcoclj's Mary, March 9, 1758. Sarali. and James Eldredge, Jan. 24, 1760. Oliver, and Deborah Knowles ; m. by Joslnia Clarkev Justice, Dec. 2, 1761. I John, and Deliverance Knowles ; m. by Joshua ClarSe, Justice, July 18, 1762. Thankful, and George Rutter Gardiuer, Sept. 12, 1767. Hezeliia,h's Indian servant James, and Sarai , a mulatto ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Jus-lice, Oct. 10, 1768. Martha, ami Simon Rhodes. Aug. 22, 1769. Rouse, of George, late ot Hopkinton, dec, and Ruth Majcson, Of Capt. John: m. by Elder JokIuim (larke, Oct. 12. 1769. Peleg, ot Oliver, Jr.. and 1-ucy Maxson, of Samuel ; m. l>y Joseph f'ra.nd:ill, .Tustice, Dec. 14. 1769. Simeon, of EUsha, of Richmond, and Mary Perry, of Simeon, of Hopkinton, at Hopkinton; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Jan. 7, 1770. Desire, and Zacclieus Reynolds, Dec, 11, 1771. Elizabeth, and Beriali Brown, Deo. 11, 1771. Lois, and Benjamin Baker. Nov. 25, 1773. Peleg, and Ruth Maxson ; m. by Elder John Maxson, Jan. 18, 177G. Phebe, ajid Zaccheus Reynold-;, Sept. 16, 1781. Daniel, of Hopkinton, and Content Potter, of Westerly, at Wester- ly ; m. by Elder Joshua Cl.arke, April 8, 1784. Peleg, of Stonlngton, and p;iizabeth Wells, of Jonathan, of Hop- kinton ; m by Elder Joshua Clarke, Jun? Id, 1789. VITAL EBCOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-7 BABCOCK Barrodel, .ind .Tobn Tanner, Maxch 24, 1791. 2-48 " Alice, and Rowland LanphiTe. Dec. 18. 17al. 2-43 " Lois, and Stephen Tanner, Jlarch 13. 1794. 2-45 " Jonathan, ol Hoplnnton, and PresUla Wlieeler. <>t Stonington, . at Stoninston; m. by Elder Christopher Avery, Feh. 20, 1795. 2-54 " Rowland, of Hezekiah. and Mrs. Nabby White, of Walter ; m. by Elder Jolin Bnrdlck. .Ian. 12. 1707. 2-42 " Mary, and Joseph Clarke, Jan. 9, 1800. 2-«) " .iVnne, and Henry Potter. Nov. 17. 1812. 2-59 " Anna B., and Peleg Babcock, March 22, 1818. 2-59 Peleg. of Chester, New '^ ork, and Anna B. Babcock, of Westerly, at Hopklnton; m. by Elder Matthew StlUman, March 22, 1818. 2-9G " Abbie, and John J. Maxson, Feb. 6, 1820. 2-88 " Eliza, a.nd Samuel Gardiner, Feb. 4, 1821. 3-18 « Eliza, and Paul Babcock. Jan. 15, 1843. S-18 " Paul, and Eliza Babcock; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jan. 15. 1843. 4-9 " liai-y Ann. ajid George C. Crandall, Oct. 4, 1846. 1-77 BAGGS Margaret, and Ellsha L.arkln, Dec. 17, 1773. 1-112 " Elizabeth, and John Hide. March 27. 1774. 3-13 " Martha, and Da-\-id Collins, May 13. 1838. 4-7 BALD Leander. ol XewiKjrt, and Louisa M. Pearce. of Richmond ; m. by Elder Charles C. Lewis, March 29. 1840. 1-51 BAILEY Timothy, of Richmond, and Dorca?; F.nos, of Hopidnton ; m. by Jolin Larldn, Jastlce. Feb. 16, 17G9. 1-22 BAKER Ruth, and Elias Reynolds, April 17, 1758. 1-77 " Benjamin, of Richmond, and Lois Babcock. of HopHnton, dau. of Oliver; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Xov. S'.. 1773. 1-111 BARBER Mary, and Lodowick Kenyon, Jan. 16, 1777. 1-1 " Peace, and Ephraim Coduei-, Nov. 15, 1778. 1-1 ■' Benjamin, and Mary Perry, botli of Hopklnton; m. by Edward Perry, Justice, Aug. 20, 1783. 2-12 " Cat*, and Amos Burdick, May 11. 1790. 2-59 " Sarah, and Thomas Potter, Nov. 1, 1798. 2-59 " Dorcas, and Caleb Coon. Dec. 14, 1800. 2-46 " Samuel, of Thomas, dec., and Tliankful Lewis, of James, of Exe- ter; m. by Elder Henry JosUn. Sept. 2, 1802. 2-65 " Susannah, and George J. Bowler, Nov. 22, 1802. 3-9 " Mar\-, and Amos N. Palmer. April 5, 1832. :i-10 " Ablel, of Hopidnton. and Nancy Broftvn, of North Stonlngton: m. by Elder Thomas Tilliiighast, Sept. 29, 1833. 3-11 " Franklin, and Lydla Maxson ; m^ at Westerly by Elder Daniel Coon, Aug. 11, 183i;. 3-15,17 " John M.. of Hopklnton. and Mary HLscox. of Westerly; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, (also 4-20), March 24, 1841. 3-17 " Waltey, and George W. Ri.seph, of Hopliinton. and Thankful Ney, of Caleb, of lloplanton ; m. by Elder John Pendleton. May 33, 1782. 2-6 "^ Martin, and Amle Larkln, of Amie, widow: m. by Elder Henry Jos- lin, Sept. 25, 179J. 2-76 " Joseph, and Patience Kenyon : ni. by Rowland Babcock, Justice, April 3, 1814. 1-47 BROWNING E|)liraim, of South Kltigstown, and Susannah Davis, of HopMn- ton : m. by Nathan Btn-rtick. Jnslice, Feb. 2.T, 1768. 2-7 " Elizabelh. and Ellas J,ev,is, Jr., Nov. 19, 1789. 2-6 " llaznr(). and Hannah Lewis: ni. by Daniel Babcock, Justice, Nov. 24, 1791. 2-49 " Susannah, and Stephen Cole. Nov. 21. 1794. 3-19 " Henrv- K.. and Ann EUzabeth Card, both of Chaiie.sto\vn : m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Aug. 1, 1841. 4-7 " Patlenre B., and .Silas H. Lanphere, Deo. 21, 1845. 4-7 " Thomas, of Hopicinton. and Anna Marift Powers, of Lebanon, tVinn.: m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, Jan. 7, 1846. 1-25 BROWN Anna, and Joseph Mott, Feb. 18, 1761. 1-46 " Pencil, pe, and Palmer SheWon, .Tan. 10, 1768. 2-15 " Ruth, and William Tanner. Feb. 16, 1771. 1-69 " Beriali, of North Kingstown, and Elizabeth Bahcock, of George, of Hopkinton : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Doc. 11, 1771. 1-07 " Ruth, and William Tanner. Feb. 10, 1771, .also Feb. 16, 1772. 2-19 " Fannie, and Thomas Chn-ke, Dec. 14, 1780. 2-43 " Christopher, and Mrs. Ani'n Bram.an : m. by Elder John Burdlck, Jan. 22, 1789. 2-6 " Francis, of John, of Hopkinton, and Lucy Brand, of Samuel, of Richmond: m. by EUler Henry Joslin, March 8, 1792. 2-66 " Alpheus. of Stor.lngtcn. now of Hopldnton. and Hannai Burdlck, ot Robert: m. by EMer John Burdick. Jan. 29. 1795. a-95 " James W., of Hopkinton. and N.abby Wilcox, of Thomas, of West Greenwich; ra, by John Hazard. Justice, Sept, 12, 1819. 3-10 " Nancy, and Goiton W. Arnold, Aug. 13, 1826. S-10 ■■' Nancy, and Aidel Barber, Sept. 29, 1833. 6-4 " Mary Ann, and Robert SntclitF. May 13, 1853. 1-63, 121 BURCU Billings, i,t Thomas, late of Stonington, dec. and Susannnli Bentley, ef John, ot Ric'imond : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Nov. 13. 1771. 1-51 1-20 1-22 1-116 1-34 1-42 1-36 1-35 1-38 1-38 1-38 1-38 1-38 1-39 1-41 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE 1SLA_ND. BUEDICK Sar.'.li. and John Maxson, Oct. 30. 174i;. " Samuel, of Stoningion, and. Anile Maecoon, of Hopklnton; m. by Simeon Perry, Justice, Oct. 31, 1757. " Bridget, and MattiiOTV Wells, Jan. 5. 1738. " Eunice, and Peleg Coon, Jan. 20, 1703. " Hannah, and Natban Slssel. Feb. n. 1763. ■' Jean, a,nil Amos Worden. Marcli 25. 1763. " Margaret, and Josliua Coon, AprU 7. 17U3. " \Villia.ni, Jr., and Mary Lamb ; m. bv Joshua ClarJfe, Justice, 8ept. 23. 17(i3. *' Eacbel, and Rufus Barclick, Nov. 15, 17i;3. " Rufus, and Rocliel Burdlck; m, by Lawton Palmer, Ju.stice, Nov. 15, 1763. " Lucretia, and Samuel G-ardlner, March 1, 1764. " Ellas, and EUxabetb Cottrell; ni. by Job Biu-rlick, Justice, April 23, 1764. " Mary, and Newman Herring, Aug. 14, 1764. Deborah, and Benjamin Tefft, Sept. 20, 1764. " Daniel, Jr., of Stonlngton, and Elizabeth Robinson, of Hopklnton, at Hopklnton ; ra. by John Burdlck, Justice, Feb. 7, 1765. 1-44 " Plimeas. of Westerly, and Penelope Hall, o£ Hopklnton : m. by Joseph Crandall. Ju-itlce, Feb. 5, 1767. 1-54 " Kelurah. and John SLsson, March 20, 1769. 1-55 •■ Hannah, .md Abraham UUer, Oct. 14, 17.59. 1-57 " Robert, of Slonlngton, aon of Daniel, and Sarah Remington; m. by Thomas Wells, Ju-liee, Dec. 24, 17C9. 1-57 " Danii'l. of WiUiam, and lempcrance Hall, ot Benjamin ; m, by John LarWn, Justice, March 19. 1770. 1-62 " Tilh'mus, of Nathan, and Lydla Lewis, of EUsha; m. by Elder Joshua aarke. May 15, 1T71. 1-103 " Margaret, and Leir Crandall, Jr., July 21, 1771. 1-67 " Amle, and Benjamin Lewis, Feb. 5. 1772. 1-76 " Ann.i. and Azariah Crandall, Marcli 24, 1772. 1-71 " Elizalieth, and Pliineas Maxson, Dee. 4, 1773. 1-101 " Elnathan, a,nd Aime Slssons, Jan. 9, 1774. 1-78,112 « Dyer, and Jfartlia Burdlck. m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 8, 1775. 1-78.112 " Mnrlha, and Dyer Burdiek, Jan 8. 1775. 1-112 " Paul, and Mary Slantnn: m. by Elder Thomas West, Feb. 18, 1775. 1-112 •' John, of Richmond, and ILi:)nah Carpenter, of Hopklnton: m. by Elder Thomas Wi>f.t. Nov. 12, 1775. 1-113 " Abel, iif Hopkinlon. and Comfort PalmiT, of Exeter; m. by i;lder Tliomas West. Dec. 21, 1775. 1-113 " Josepli. and Mary Tanner: ni. by Elder Thomas West, Nov. 23, 1776. 1-114 " .Stephen Rose, and Sarah West; m. by Elder Thomas West. Aug. 14, 1777. 2-13 " Robert, son of Robert, and S.arah Williams : m. by John Maxson, Ju.stice. Sept. 21. 1781. 2-78 " Prudence, and Elisha Sllilm.an. Jr.. April 24. 1782. 1-1 " Elijah, and Rhoda Dyer, both of Hopldnton ; ni. by Elder Tliomas West. Oct. 5. 17S2. 2-11 " Perry, and Tacy Wells, of C.ipt. Edward: m. by Elder John Bur- dlck, Dec. 19, 1782. 1-102 " Joab, and Sarah Crandall, of Benjamin; m. by Elder John Bur- dlck, March 27, 1784. 2-16 " Elder John, .if H.^pkin1on. and Thanlvful Clarke, of Capt. Simeon, ot Richmond; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. March 9, 1788. 2-8 " Ebem-zer. and Jemima Crandall: m. by David Nichols. Justice, Jan. 31. 1739. 2-5 " Esther, and Da rid Crandall. Jr.. Jan. 23. 1790. 2-13 " Charles, of Hopklnton. a nd Phebe Da\-ls. ,of Westerly ; m. by Robert Biirdick, Justice. March 15. 17&0. 2-12 " Amos, and Cate Barber; m. at Voluntown, Conn., by Allen Camp- bell. Justice, May 11, 1700. HOPKINTON JIABRIAGES. 2-17 BURDICK Joshua, ami PuUy CUu'ke ; m. by Daniel Biirdiclf, Justice, Dec. 1, 179]. 2-6 " Mark Stil«, alias, soil ol Mary Slilos, ;uKl Martha Wilcox, of Rob- ert, of Richmond; m. Iiy Tliomas Tetlt, Justice, Rec. March 17, 1703. 2-l(i " Amos, of Robert, of Hopklnton, and Catberlne Clarlie, of Capt. Samuel, ol Westerly, at Westerly : m. by Elder John Burdiuk, Jan. IG, 1794. 2-5(5 '■ Hann.ih, and Alphens Brown, Jan. 29, 1795. 2-60 " Ichabod, Jr., and Hannah Maxson, of Tory, dec. ; m. by Elder- John Burrllck, Oct. 1, 1790. 2-05 " Lucy B., and l.uk" Burdick, Aug. 30, 1798. 2-55 " Lul;o, ot Lulce, and Lucy H. Biirdick, of Sajuurl ; m. by Elder Juhn Bnrdlck, Aug. 30, iri.-8. 2-r.2 " Clari.ssa. and Pelcs Mnxson, Jr., June 15, 1809. 2-68 " Abram L'.'wis, ot James, and Catherine Burdick, of Theoloty; m. by Nathan l^i-ndlcton. Justice. April 14, 1S16. 2-68 " Otthi'iiiie, ami Aliram Lewis Burdick, April 14, 1816. S-93 " Ichabod, Jr., of HopMnton. f.nd I'annie Greene, of WllLlam R., of Westerly ; m. at S. K. by Elder Matthew SHllman, Nov. 32, 1818. 3-16 " Phebe A., and Allen Jordan, Oct. -l, 1840. 6-1 " Horatio N., and Thankdd L. lienyon : m. by Rev. Christopher Ches1(IA(;ES 11 2-91 2-91 2-91 2-76 2-92 2-97 4-5 4-5 3-14 3-16 3-18 5-2 1-40 1-115 1-22 1-1 1-113 1-113 126 1-40.1! 1-99 2^9 1-13 1-57 1-62 1-117 1-99 1-99 2-16 a-51 2-67 2-47 2-74 3-13 1-20 1-110 1-42 1-36 1-22 1-104 1-39 Joshua Clarke, Justice, Richmond ; m. by of Rlch- of CLARKE Rass-11, of Newn>ort, and EUznlietli Taylor, of Hopldnton ; m. by Eldir Abraui Coioii, Oct. lu, Iso-i. EuSKcll, son of Tliomas and Sanib Tliurslon. of Georgp of Hoplcln- Ion,; Til. l.y Elder Hattlicw StUlunuj. Aug. 29, 18i:). Russell, ajid Betsey Lansworlhy : m. at North Stonin^on by Killer Asher Miner, May 21, 1815. Joanna, and Rowland T. Creene. on. lo, 1812. Cbailes, of Job B., and Amanda Reynold-s, of Zaccheus; m. by Eld'r MattliL-w Stillman. Dec. 13. l.sis. Clarissa A., and Lester Crandall. Nov. 9, 182ii. ilenry, of Job B., Esq., and Jerusha Clarke, of Thomas; m. by Elder Matthew Stillniaii. Dec. 1, lH:i:i. Jerusha, and Henry Clarke, TXv. 1. 1 «H:!. Harriet, and Leonidns NichoLs, April 27, 1840. Nancy, an«l Jolni P. Kni.wles. Oct. 1-2. 184 . Corydon. aaid Julia A. Langwi.rlliy ; ni. Tjv RUb-r Henry Clarke, Selpt. 21, 1844. " Stephen A., of Henry B., aged V.) years, and HanniUi A. Wriglit, aged 18 years, dan. of Samuel ; m. l>y Elder John Greene, Nov. 5, 1853. CLOSSON Mrs. Lydia, and John Corey, Nov. 10, 1764. " Natliaj], ami Mrs. Martlia Palterson: in. l.y Abel Tanner, .Tus- tice. Feb, 14, 1784. CODNER Ishmeiil. and Margaret, Ste-warl ; m. by Feb. 13, 1758. " Ephraim, of Exeter, and Peace B.irber, Elder Thomas West, Nov. 15, 1778. C0LE(;R0\'E Jeremiali, of Hopldnton, and Hannah Webster, mond; m. by Elder Thomas West, Nov. 13, 1776. Thankful, and William Petloy. June 2, 1776. COLE .Joseph, of Hopklnton, and Pliebe Niles of Stonington ; m. by Elder Waile Palmer, .at Stonington. Aug. 30, 1759. " Martha, and William Witter. Nov. 1, 1764. " Joseph, and Hannah Collins; m. by Elier John G-nrdLner, Nov. 17, 1780. " Stephen, of Rliode Island, and. SusannaJi Browning, of Connecticut ; m. at New London by tieorge Williams. Justice, Nov. 21, 1794. COLLINS Amos, and TlumMul Clarke, both of Stonington ; m. at Hopkln- ton, by Elder .John Burdick, Aug. 10, 1767. *' Catherine, and Lobbeus Sweet, March 11. 1770. " Joshua, and Mary White ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. Feb. 7, 1771. " Susannah, and Fones Gardiner. Mardi 28, 1779. " Ruth, and William White, April 5, 1780. " Hannah, and Joseph Cole, Nov. 17, 1780. ' " Mary, and Natlianiel Briggs, .\ug. 27, 1793. " John, and Elizabeth Mores' : m. by F.ld"r Samuel Northup, Oct. 19, 1795. " Amos, M. D., and Mary Peckhara. of Uoliert ; m. by Henry Joslln, Elder, Feb. 10, 1804. " Nal'han, and Tabitlia Pf.pplo. ot George, of Richmond; m. by JoJn Masson, Justice, April 12. 1804. " Joshua, and Mary Cross ; m. a.t Charlestown, by Rowland Bab- cock, Jtistice, March 24. 1814. " David, of Hoplvlnton, and Blartha Baggs, of Richmond ; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., May 13, 1838. CX>ON J«3eph, and BUizabeth Larkin ; m. by Joseph Crandall, Justice, April 14, 1 7o7. " Peleg, and Eunice BurtUck. .Tan. 20. 17(;3. " Sarah, and WJlltam^Ross, Jlarch 11, 1703. " Joshiui. or llopkinton, and JIargerei Burdick. of Stonington, at Stonington; m. by Elder Walte Palmer, April 7, 1763. " Abigail. ,ajid Iclialiod Prosser, — , 1763. " Jemima, and D.avirt Crandall. June 10, 1704. " Marlha.. and Thonnis P.irteloiv. Aug. 2. 1704. lr2 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-45 1-49 " 1-69 1-70 l-il2 1-113 " 1-114 1-119 " 1-95 2-1 " a-1 " 2-4 2-4 2-18 2-18 2-61 2-74 2-62 " 2-59 2-72 " 2-95 " 4-12 " 4^16 4-4 " 4-21 " 1-40 COREY 1-34 1-38 1-43 1-113 2-51 2-64 1-27 1-104 1-103 1-63 1-7(1 1-72 1-78,1 1-112 1-113 1-110 1-114 1-102 1-103 2-3 2-3 2-8 1788. of M.ijor George : m. 23. 1789. la COON Amos,, and Sarah GaxdinEr; ni. by Lawtoii Puluier, Justice, April 5, 1767. " Ellas, .nnil PIk'Iiu Ney ; m.by .John Larkln, Jr., Jastlci', May 1, 1768. " Samuel, of Capt. John. an. " Bethany, and Sylvester Satleriee. Auf. S, 1773. " Abel and BalhsUeba Crandall ; m. by Elder Thomas West. JIarch 30, 1775. " Ann. and Asa Crandall, Jan. 7, 177(5. " Elizabeth, and Ezra Cr.indall, March 5. 1778. " Thankful, and Joseph Eiios, Jan. 5, ITSO. " S;irah, and Stephen Potter. Jr., Jvov. 20, 1730. " Lebbeus, and Mary Wordin ; ni. by Elder Josepli Davis. April 13, 1785. " Peleg. and Anne Dye ; m. by Eldei' Elenzer Brown, April 23, 1786. " Margeret, and John WTiitford. Feb. 6, 1768. " Elizabeth, and Mal(,liew Wells. Jr.. Dec. 18 " Stephen, of Hopkintnu, and Sarah Stlllman, at Westerly by Elder John Burdlck. Feb. " Lvdia. and Tliomas Lewis. Dec. 25. 1792. " Tacy, and Lewis Maxson. Jan. 27, 1797.. " Isaac, and Martha Hull ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, June 5, 1800. " Esther, and Samuel Larkiu. Oct. 5. 1800. '' Caleb, of Ellas, and Doi cas Barber, of Le^-i ; m. by Elder Heni-y JosUn. Dec. 14. 1800. " Thanlcful. and Jesse Clarke. Nov. 7. 1805. " Martha, and JonaUian Bui-dick. July 22. 1326. " Ellas, of Hopkinton, and Marv Palmer, of Westerly ; m. at Exeter bv Simon LUlibridge, Justice, Sept. 29, 1840. " M'lrtha. and Pardon Lewis, Feb. 13. 1848. " Archibald B., of Brookflcld. New York, and Phcbe A. Crandall, of Hoplcinton ; in. by Elder Henry Clarke. March 22. 1849. " Asa S., of North Stoniugton, and Lydia C. Tliorp, of llopkinton, at ]lopkint„ 1796. " Hannah, and Ethan Cnamplain, July 4, 1S09. CRANDALL l^ivid, and Siirsih Sherman: m. by Joshua Crandall, Justice, Feb. 19, ,1761. " David, and Jemima Coeu, June 16, 1764. ■' Levi, Jun.. and Marsraret Burdick ; m. by John Larkin, Justice, July 21, 1771. " Kezla, and P;une Waite. Oct. 29, 1771, " Azai-hih, of Fet.-r. aud .\nna Burdick, of Edward, March 24, 1772. " Amie, and Peleg Lewis, April 2, 1772. Susannali, and Benjamin Tanner, April 21, 1774. Bathsheba, .^nd Abel Coon, March 30, 1775. .Asa,, and Ann Coon ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 7, 1776. Pelefr. and Eleanor Lewis ; m. by Elder Joseph DaNls. Nov. 9, 1777. Ezra, and EHzabeth Coon ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Marcli B, 1778. Sarah, and Joa.b BiuxUck, Marcli 27. 1784. Lulve, and Marth.i Maxson, of Capt. Matthew; m. by Elder John Burdick, J.an. 6. 1785, Amherst, of Westerly, and Polly Maxson, of .'^amuel ; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilbur. Nov. 1, 1787. Archibald, and Susanna Slaxsim, Feb. 2, 1788. Jemima, and Ebenezer Burdick, Jan. 31, 1798, HOPiaXTON MARKIAtJES. 1^ 2-11 CEANDALL Rnwland, iif Hopldntou, :inil SusniinaU Kenyon, ot Poleg, of Smitli Kingstown, at South KingsUnm; m. by Elder John Bur- dlck, Nov. 5, 1789. 2-5 " Da\'id, Jr., and Esther Burdick : m. by Elder John Burdlck, Jan. 23, 1700. 2-13 " Prudence, and Daniel Maxson, March 20, 1790. 2-71 " Pardon, of Christopher and Esther Carpenter, of HezeWah ; m. liy Elder Ellet LocT;i-, Dec. 19, 179!). 2-47 " Lucy, and William Witter, Jr., Jan. 2, 1800. 2-62 " Ruth .and Naihau Maxson, April 28, 1800. 2-63 " Samuel, Jr.. and Elizabeth Vinson, of Nicholaa; m. by Elder John Burdick, Jan. 14, 1802. 2-56 " Esther, and John Carpenter, Feb. 4, 1802. 2-56 " Lydia, and Eusaell Wells, Aug. 5, 1802. 2-57 " Eunice, and Nathan Brand. April Ki, 1809. 2-67 " James K.i, and Hannah Champlaln ; m. by Elder Matthew StUlman, Sept. 5, 1816. 2-98 " Lydia, and Thomas Edwards, Oct. 13. 1821. 2-97 " Nicholas, of Btu-ney, and Abbie M. Reynolds, of Zaccheus ; m. by Elder Matthew Stillman,, Jan. 12. 1822. 2-94 " Susan H., and Lestler T. Rogers, April 30. 1825. 2-97 " Lester, of Phenmis, and Clarissa A. Clark, M Thomas, Jr. ; m., by Elder Matthew Stillman, Nov. 9, 1826. 3-16 " JncUth, and Joshua Crandall. Feb. 21. 1841. 3-16 " Joshua, and Judith Crandall ; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., Feb. 21„ 1841. 3-16 " Hannah, and Henry Tal'or. Oct. 4, 1840. 8-18 " Mary B., and Henry B. Manchester, Aug. 5, 1844. 4-9 " George C, of Their G., a"rt Mary Ann Babeock, of Charles, both of Westerly ; m. by Elder Henry Clarke. Oct. 4, 1846. 4-10 " Peleg W., and CUirissa K'nyon ; m. by Elder Lucius CrandaU, Oct. 18, 1846. 4-13 " Lulce, of Hopldns'lon, son of Amherst and Mary, and Mary Ann B. White, of Walter E. and Dorcas B., of Newport, at New- port; m. by Elder Joseph Smitli, Marcli 29, 1847. 4-15 " Eliza N., and Samuel C. Bilgood, Nov. 28, 1847. 4-4 " Phebe A., and Arcliibald B. Coon. March 22, 1849. 4-19 " Mahala, and John S. Putter, April 21, 1850. 5-3 " Natlian M., aged 25 y'ars, ot Lester, and AJmira J. Wilcox, aged 17 years, of Jeremiah W.; m. by Eev. Daniel Coon, .Tan. 29, 1853. 5-2 CROCKER Nancy C, and Jerah J. Gray, Jan. 9, 1855. 2-74 CROSS Mary, and Joshiui ColUns, March 24, 1814. 3-16 CRUMB Amelia, and James R. Case, Feb. 23, 1840. 1-28 Cl.iLVER Thankfnl, and Ehenezir Hill, Sejd. 1", 1744. D 4-18 DANIELS Washington, of Easti Ljnne, Conn., and EUzlabeth Greene, of Hoxsie, of Hopekintin, at Hopkinton ; m. by Elder C. O. Lewis, Nov. 30, 1848. 1-42 DAKTTS Elizabetb. and JoshiUi Wells, Feb. 15, 1759. 1-44 DAVIS Hannah, and Samuel Maxson, Dec. 15, 1765. 1_45 " William, of Westerly, an;l Anna WUbur, of Hopkinton ; m. by Joseph Ciand.iH,. Just ce, Feb. 26, 1707. 1-47 " Susannah, and Ephralm Browning, Feb., 23, 1708. 1-104 " Mai-i-el, and William Seriven, Feb. 2, 1775. 1-1 " Tacy, and Nath.aniel Kenyon, Jan., April 12, 1784. 1-1 •• Oliver, of Jedediah, dec, and Penelope White,, dan. of Oliver; m. by Robert Uurdiclc. Justice, July 16, 1784. 2-13 " Phebe, and Charles Burd ek. March 15, 3790. 2-98 " Thankful and William B:aman, Oct. 19, 1791. 2-66 " Ethel,, and .Samuel Laie-'wortjiy, July 31, 1796. 4-6 " Harriet, and George 11. Spicer, Nov., 9, 1845. 14 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-47 DAWLEY Hannali, and Alexander Webster, Miirch I, 1812. 4-15 " William H.„ and Ti-iplienia U. Taimor ; m. by EldiT C. U. Lewig, Dec. 10, 1847., 1-26 BEATS Jolin, and Hannah Foster, lioth of Westerly: m. by Elder Josepb Masson, Feb. 26, 1746-7. l-TS " Sai'ah, and Juiuitlian L^-wi-. .Nov. 10. lT5s. 1-39 " Anna, and Amos Rogers, Dec. 29, 1704. 1-113 " JOj.epli, ui Ricbmond, and Majy Button, of Hopkliiton; m. by Elder Thomas West, Dec. 12, 1770. 1-46 DEWEY D.avid. of Stonlngton, and SaraJi Witter, of Hopkinton; m. by Na- than Bui-dlck, Justice, .Ian. 12, 1708. 1-19 DODGE Daniel, of Colchester, and Mary Worden, of Westerly; m. a,t Wea- terly by Benj.uiiin l!:iiiilall, Justim-, April 11, 1756. 1-119 " John, of Weslierly, and Ikmnah Clarke, of Hopldnton ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke. Nov. 14. 1779. 2-75 " Lucretia, and Joseph Wi ter, 2d, Nov. 26, 1812. 1-1 DOUGLASS William, and Martha Adams, both of Voluntown, Conn.; m. by Elder Thomas West. Nov, 13, 1781. 6-1 •' Joel W.. and .McbitaUe Salisbury; m. by Elder John Greene, Dec. 14, 1851. 1-35 DOWNINQ Mary, and Samuel Max-on. March 5, 1763. 1-1 DYER Rhoda, and Elijah Burdick. Oct. 5, 17t<2. 1-1 " Jonathan, of llopkinion. and Penelope Button, of do.; m. at Ston- lnt;ton by Joshua BaliCocl;, Justice, Jan. 8, 1785. 2-1 DYE Aiinii, and Peleg Cooji, April 23, 1786, 1-41 EAGLESTONE Patience, and Peter Maine, March 3. 1765. 1-113 " Asa^ and Sarah Lake ; m. by Elder Thomas West, D, c. 31, 1775. 1-107 " Jason, of Stonlngton, and A\-ls Lanphere. of Hopklnon; m. by William Tanner. Justice, April 18. 1784. 2-88 " Anne, and Joseph Button, Jan. 26. 1809. 1-28 EDWARDS Phebe. and lleua-y Hall, Dec. 11. 1760. 1-108 " Daniel, of Charlestown, and S;irah Johnson of do.; m. by Elder Jolin Gardiner, Dec. 13. 1775. 2-73 " Mary, and Asa Sheldon, April 26, 1800. 2-56 " Patty, and Lajkln WUco.\, Sept. T. 1801. 2-98 " Thomas, of Nathan, and Lvdla OrandaU., of James ; m. by Elder M.-Lttliew Stlllman, Oct. 13, 1821. 1-27 ELDREDGE James, and S;irah Babcock; m. by Lai^-ton Palmer, JusUce, Jan. 24. 17(50. 1-51 ENOS Dorcas, and Timothy Bailey. Feb. 16, 1709. 1-119 " Joseph, of Richnuuid, and Thanlcful Coon, of HopklntoD ; m. at Hopkinton by Jos.93 " Fannie, and Ichaliod Burdick, Nov. 22. 1818. 4-8 " William R., and Nancy C. Kenyon ; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis, .Inly 14, 1846. \ 4-15 " Mary M., and Stacy B. Fenner, Sept. 28, 1S46. 4-18 " Elizabeth, and Washington Daniels, Nov. 30, 1848. 1-65 GEIFFETH George, of Phillip, late of Charlcstown, dec, ajid Mary Chase, of Joshua, late of Westerly, dec; m. by Naihau Burdick, Jus- tice, Dec. 8, 1771. 2-42 GRIFFIN Eahamah^ and I'eler Kenyon, April 28, 1794. 3-19 GRINNELL Lucinda, and Jonathan P. Larldn. JiUy 26, 1843. 1-27 GOODWILL Elizabelli, and John Harris, June 15, 1760. H 2-17 HALEY Belcher, of Stonington, and Phehe Turner, of Abel, of Hopklnt.)!! ; m. by Elder John Buidick, Jan. 20, 1793., 16 VITAL EKOORD OF RHODE ISLAXD. 1-42 HALL -Marj', and Thomas Stutson, Jan. — , 1758. l-4iJ ■■ SaraL, and Joseph Wilbiii', March US, 1758. l-'JS " Heury, and Phebe Edwurd.s'; ni. by John Laiidn, Justice,, Dec. U 1760. 1-41 " Eunice, and Edward llierce, April au, 17(j&. 1-44 " Penelope, and Phineus liiirdk-lc, Eeb. 5, 17(i7. 1-47 " Elizabeth, and Blount Cartrl^t, Jr., Sept. 17, 1707. 1-46 " Dorcas, and Stephen Slauson, Jan. 9, 1708. 1-57 '■ Temperance, and Daniel Bui'dlck, March in. 1770. 1-65 '• Margaret, and Isaac Jolmson,, Jan. 30, 177U. 1-77 " Esther, and William Fulni:in, alias Thompson, Jan. 26, 1774., 1-27 HARRIS John, of Plalnfield, and EUzabetJi GoodiviU, of Stonlngton ; m. by Joshua rinrke, JusiUe. June 15, 1760. 4-15 " Jane, and Mumlord biclcnall. July 26, 1.^-17. 4-15 HEALEY Pliebe N., and Ellas 11. Kathbun, Dec. 12, 1847., 1-38 HERRING, Newman, of Winterly, and Mary l!m-diclc, of Edward, ol Hop- Idnton ; m. 'by John Ma-Yson, Justice. Aun. 11, 17o4. 1-112 HIDE John, of Hopkinton, and Elizabeth Baggs, of Richmond ; ni. by Elder Thomas West, March 27, 1774. 1-28 HILL Ebenezer, and Th.anlilul Cullver ; m. by Elder James Whitman, Sept. 10, 1744. 1-35 HISCOX Simeon, and Thankful Wells; m. by Joshua Clarke. Justice, Dec. 20, 17i;2. -3-15 " Mary, and Jolin M. Bai-ber, (ajso 3-7 and 4-20), March 24, 1841. 4-15 HOOD John, of North Stonington, and Sarah L. Larkln, of Richmond; m. at Hoplnutcn by Elder C. C. Lewis, July 21, 1847. 1-34 HOTTEN Elizabeth, and Eulus Button, Feb. 21, 1762. 1-47 " Joseph, of Great Brittain, and Soaeil King, of Westerly; m. by Nathan Burdlck, Justice, Aug. 29, 1768. 4-18 llOXSIE Alice A., and Samuel C. Klngsley, Oct. 9, 1844. 4-1 '■ William B., and Susan Wilbur; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Jr., May 21, 1843. 4-18 " George S., of Holdcinlon, and Rachel S. Kenyon. of Rlclimond ; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis. Seirt. 9. 1848. 2-42 HULL Mary Saunders, alhas, and Randall Maxson, AprU 18, 1793. 2-74 " Martha,, and Isaac Coon, June 5, 1800. 2-68 IRISH Hanuidi, and James Tellt Joslin. Dec. 29. 1802. 3-17 IRVING Catherine, and John P. Burdlck, — , 1842. 3-17 " Eliza Ann, and Horace F. Sheldon, , 1843. 1-33 JACQUES Eliz.abeth, and Tiiomus Wilcox, Jan. 22, 1759. 1-44 " Amle, and Ebenezer Lanpliere, June 7, 1768. 1-63 JOHN.SOX Isaac, of Daniel, of Cluirh'stown. and Margaret Hall, ol Theo- doty, of Westerly; m. by Nathan Burdlck. Justice, .Ian. 30, 1772. 1-lOS " Sarah, and Daniel Edwards, Dec. 13, 1775. 1-1 " Prudence, and Hezeki:ih Carpenter, May 20, 1778. 1-67 " Nabby, and Jesse Wilbur. March 4, 1784. 2-65 " Mary, and Nathaniel Lewis, Jan. 4, 1800. :!-7 " Mary A., and Cliristopher C. Slillman. Dec. 7, 1829. 3-16 JORDAN Joseph, of Coventry, and Ann Button of Hopkinton; m. by Elder WecHlen Barber, Sept. 20, 1840. 3-16 " Allen, of Coventr\-. and Fliebe A. Burdlck of Hopkinton : m. by Elder Weeden Barber. Oct. 4, 1840. 4-15 " E, 1777. l-'*'*' " Eleanor, and Beaijamin Lanswoi-tliy.. Maron ir,, i77f). 1-1 " Nathaniel, Jr., and Tacy Davis, bolili ol ilupiiinton ; m. by Elder Thomas West. April 12, 1784. -■1 " Henjamin, ol lloplvliiton, and Mary Lanphore, ol Nathan, ol Wes- terly; m. at Westerly by EldiT John Burdick, Feb. 16, 1785. --W " Benjamlin, ol Benjamin, and Sally Worden, of WUUam; m. by Elder Isaiah Wilcox, Aug. 0, 1787. -'11 " Susanna,, and Kowhind craiidall, Nov. 5, 178y. --!•* " Eogwsk and Eslher .Maxson ; ni. by Elder Isaiah WUcox at Wes- terly, Aprtl C. 1701. ■.;-]6 '• Gideon, and Sarah l^^rKin, of Timothy; m. by Joseph Witter, Jus- tice, Oct. 8, 17!i;j. : 2-42 " Peter, of Peter, and Raliamnh Grltliii, ol riiiUlp ; ni. liy Elder Asa Coon, April '2b, 1794. --'>0 ■' Augustus,, of liopkintin'n, and Joanna rciidlelon, ol Wc'sterly ; m., by Joseiih roller, Jiislire, Oct. 11, 17'.),s. --52 " Robert, of Hopkiiiton, a'rd RahajnaJi Clarke, of Richmond; m. by Zaccheus Maxson, Jusilcc, Jan. 1, 1801. •J-63 " Burdjck, of stepheta, and Euth Worden, of Arnold; m. by Elder John Burdick, Feb. 14,. 1802., 2-79 " Wealthy, and (.'hi-istopher C. Lewis, April (>, 1812. 2-7(i •• PatiM-nee, and Joseph Brjghtman, April 3, 1814. 4-17 " Ruth, ffnd Beiijn. B. Woi dmansee, Feb. 7„ 1819. 2-!)4 " Hannah, and Benjn., Langworthy, Aug. 1, 1819. 2-95 •• George W., of Benjamin, amd Sai-ah Maxson, of Benjamin ; in. by Elder Matthew Silllman, 1)<"C. 30. 1819. 2-911 •• Sally, and Joel Burdkfc Jun., Feb, 22, 1821. 3-12 •■ Ransom, and Eliza Maynard : m. by Kldet' Amos R. \\ cUs. March 27, 1838. 3-16 " Thankful, and Horatio N. liurdkl,-. May 27. 1838. ;i-li; •• Maria, and William Kenyon, Nov. 29, 1840., 3-l() ■■ Willliim, and Muria Kciiyon. both of Richmond; m. by Elder Wee- deu Barber,, Nov. 29. 1840. ;!-17 " Minerva U., and (Jodirey A. Keliyon, — , 1842. 3nl7 " Godfrey A., of Hopklntoii. and Minerv.i r. Kenyon, ol Rlolimond; m. by Elder David A\ery, , 1842. 3-17 " EUza, and Charles P. White, , 1343. 4-16 " Ann Frances, and Daniel Lewis, M. D., May 24, 1846. 4-8 " Nancy C, and William R. Greene, Jidy 14. 1846. 4-10 " Benj.amln F., and Mary C. L.angworthy ; m. by Elder Lucius Cran- dall, Oct. 17, 1S46. 4-10 " Clarissa, and PeJeg W. CraDdaH, Oct. 18, 1840. 4-10 " Charles, and Sarah Langworthy ; m. by Elder Lucius Crandall, Oct. 10, 1846. 4-18 " Rachel S.. and George S. Hoxsie. Sei>t. 9, 1S48. 4-19 " Mary S., and Lodowlck Bimlick, Feli. l.l, 1850. 5-4 " Merebah, and William J. Spencer. March 14. 1853. 1-40 KEZIER Mrs. Lydia. and Jonas Partelow, Sept. 27, 1764. 4-18 KINGSLEY Samuel C, and Alice A. Hoxsie: m. by Elder C. C. Le-n-ls, Oct. 9, 1848. 1-47 KING Soueil, and JusCQih Hotton, Aug. 29. 1768. 1-32 KNOWLES Deborah, and Oliver Babcuck, Dec. 2, 1761. 1-32 " Deliverance, and John Babc-ock, .liUy 18, 1762. 3-16 " John P., and Nancy Clarke; m. by Elder D^inlel Coon, Oct. 12, 1841. 4-7 " Mrs. Sarah Ann., and Samuel Wnite, Nov. 27, 1845. 18 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-113 LAKE Sarali, and As;) Ea^li-suni.', Dec, 31, 1775. 1-32 LAMB Nathan, and Lydia Plinnhi'i-; m. by .losliua Clarke, Justice, July 13, 1762. 1-35 " Mary, and William Kuril dc, Jr., Sc-pt. 23, 17G3. 1-58 LAXUWOKTHY Amos, of Tlionia'i, of New London, and tiarah Babcook, of Jolm, of Souih Kings, own: m. by Jolin Sheldon, Justice, Fiflj. 15, 175S. 1-30 •• Ellzalieth. and liinjaniin Kenyon. On. 22, 1708. 1-59 •• Samuel, of liopkinton, and Mary tsiimders, of Tobias, of Charlei&- town ; m. by Nallian Burdick, Justice, Jan. 24, 1771. 1-62 " Kachel, and Timothy Larkin, Oct. 5, 1771. l-lUd ■■ Joseph,, and Lots Lewis; m. by Klder John Gardiner, Jan. 4, 177(i. l-'J^ '■ Bemjamln, and Ele'auor Kenyon, of Nathaniel ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Marrti l.s. 1V7U. 2-60 " Samuel, Jr., of Hopklntwu, of wimuel and Mary, and Ethel Davis, of Joseph and Mai-\ . of Westierly ; m. by Elder WllUam Northup, July 31, 1706. 2-i>.'> " Thomas, of Amos, of liopkinton, and Waitey Peckham, of Timothy, ol South KiiiL'siown. .May (>, 1797. 2-09 " Nathan, and Xabby Chees*brough ; m. at Stonington by Elder Heze- kiaU N. \V«<.drulf. D -c. 21, ISOO. 3-06 " Amos, Jr., and Susannah Langworthy, widow; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 21, 18.>2. 2-Uii •• Susannah, and Amos Langworthy, Jr., Jan. 21, 1802. 2-15 •' Benjamin. Jr., and Elizabeth Bentley ; ni. by Elder Abram Ooon, Jan. 8, 1S04. 2-91 " Betsey, anil Ru.-»ell Clirke, M:iy 21, 1815. 2-9-1 " Benjamin, and Hami.h Kenyon; mi. by Elder Matthew Stillman, Aug. 1, ISID. 4-1-t " Content, and Daniel Li'.vis. Jnni' 20. 1S23. 4-2 " Nathan H., and Ann E. Carr, Feb. 27, 1837. 3-lS " Julia A., and CorjAin C'arke. Sept. 21, 1844. 3-18 " Oliver, and Phebe C. Langworthy; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Oct. 16, 1844. 3-18 " Phelte C, and Oliver Langworthy. Oct. 16, 1844. 4-10 " Mary C, and Benjamin F. Kenyon, Oct. 17, 1846. 4-10 " -Sarah, .and Charles Ki nyon, Oct. 19. 1846. 1-44 LANPIIERE Ebenezer. of Ebenezer, of liopkinton, and Annie Jacques, of Hannah, widow ; ra. by John Maxson, Justice, June 7, 1708. 1-23 " Nathan, and Amia Ciiamplain ; m. by Josliua CLirke, Justice, Dec. 7, 1753. 1-51 " Joshua, Jr., of Joshua, and Amie Satterlee. of John, both of liop- kinton : m. by John Lark-in. Justice. Nov. 13, 1769. I-"''' " Latham, of Joshua, of Hopkinton, and Anna Wilbur, of Sjimuel, of Eiclimond . m. by Elder fohn Da\-ls, Jan. — , 1772. 2-1 " Kowlanri, of Hopkinton. and Elizabeth Palinitter. of Stonlngton ; m. by Flder John Burdlel.. March 23, 1777. 1-107 " Avis. f Ilcpldnton ; m. by Nathan BurdJclc. .lustice, Oct. 5. 177i. 1-77 " Elisha, of Sarnnel, and Jlargurot B.uggs. of John. .,f RIciraond; m. by ElUer John Gardiner, Dec. 17, lT7;i. 1-1 " David, Jr., of Richmond, and Sarah Utter, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jitne 10, 1778. 2-6 " Amle, and Marlln Brightman, Sept. 25, 1701. 2-16 " Sarah, and Gideon Kenyon, Oct. 8. 1703. 2-62 " SamiKl, of Richmund, and Esther Coon, of Mopklnton ; m. by Elder Asa Coon, Oct. 5, 18(X). 3-19 " Jonatlian P.. of Eichnnmd. and Lucinda Giinnell. ot South Kingstown: m. by Klder Weeden Barber, July 26, 1843. 4-10 " H.^nnnb, and Nathan li. Palmer. Oct. 17. 1846. 4-15 " S.arah L.. and John Hood, July 21. 1847. l-m LAWTU.V Mary, and Francis We.st, Feb. 17, 1757. 1-118 " Joseph, Jr., ot Hopklnton, and Anne Rat'ibun, of Joshua; m. by Eldnr John Gardiner, Dec. 17, 1778. 1-118 " EHizabetb, and Jededlah RoblDBon, Feb. 25. 1779. 1-1 " Euth. and AmoB Morgan. Oct. 13, 1783. 1-114 LEONARD Eiuiice. and Thomas Tanner, Apill 15, 1777. 1-75 LEWIS Jonathan, of Daniel, late of Hopldnton. and Sarah Deak. of George, late of Hopklnton ; m. by Benjamin Randall, Justice, Nov. 10, 1758. 1-38 " Daniel, and Amlj ClarkiS ni. by Lawton Palmer, Justice, March Id, 1763. 1-107 " Eleazer. and Tlianliful Lewis, Nov. 17, 1765. 1-107 " Thankt'id, and Eleazer Lewis, Nov. 37, 1765. 1-45 " WUllam Marsh, of Stoningtoi.. and Mrs. Hannah Maxsoc, of Hop- kinton; m. by John Burdick, Justice, Nov. 5, 1767. 1-55 " Mrs. I.ydia and Sylvanus Maxson. Dec. 21, 1769. 1-100 " Isreal, and Sarah Weils ; m. by Ijlder John Gardiuier, April 28, 1771. 1-62 " Lydla. and TUlemus Burdick, May 15, 1771. 1-65 '• HiTiah, ot Nathaniel, ot Hopklnton, and Lolsi Wells, of Thomas, of Hopklnton; ni. by .lohn Maxson, Justice, Jan. 16, 1772. 1-67 " JJenjaniin, of John, and Amie Burdielc, ot Ezeldel; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Feib. 5. 1772. 1-77 ■■ Peleg, of Hoplcinton,, and Amie Craudall, ol Charh-fetown, dau. of Eber ; m., by Klder John Gai-diner, April 2. 1772. 1-108 " Lois, and Joseph Laugvworthy. Jan. 4, 177U. 1-111 " Thankful, and John Grant, Oct. 6, 177G. 1-114 " Joslah, and Deborah Palraltli-r; m. by Elder Thomas West, Jan. 25, 17 I 7., 1-110 " Eleanor, and Feleg Crandall, Nov. 9, 1777. 1-121 " Hajmali, and James Braman, Jr.. Feb. 24, 1779. 1-108 " Eunice, and Thomas Smith (Tanner), Nov. 39, 1782. 2-7 ■■ Ellas, Jr.. and Elizabellh Browning; m. by Eldetr Joshua Clariie, Nov. 19, 1789. 2-2 " Haziird (col.), and Martha Will ; m. by Pcleg Cross, Justice, Nov. 6, 1791. 2-6 " Hannali, and Hazard Browning, Nov. 24. 1791. 2-18 " Thomas, and Lydla Coon, of Hamuel : m. by Daniel Babcock, Jus- tice, Dec. 25. 1792. 2-50 " Henry, and Edy Wilbur; ni. hy Elder Abram Coon, Feb. 5, 1794. 2-65 " Nathaniel, and Mary Johnson: m. by Elder A.ljram Coon, Jan. 4. ISOO. 2-40 •• Thankful, and Samuel Barber. Sept. 2, 1802. 2-71 " Daniel, lof Daniel and Amie, and Sarah Ann Northup, diiu. of Nicholas Carr and Anna, of North Kingstown; at North Kings- town by Elder William Northup (also 4-14), Sept. 5, 1803. (\i!. Kec. \ol. 5.) 31 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. a-79 2-93 4-14 3-14 4-16 4-16 LEWIS Cliristol)lier C. and WV.i ^ly Kenyoii : m. l.y Eldor MaUhew StiU- man, April 6. 1S12. " Deborah H.. and Ehranl S. Wells, Aiiril 30. 1817. " Daniel, and Content L.ingwortliy ; m. at Noi-tU Stonington by Elder Mattlii-\r SMUinan. June 26, 1823. " Clarindn, and William A. .^larrlan, Oct. 19, 1S39. " Daniel M. D., of Stoninjlon. and Ann Fi-ances Kenyon, of Hop- kinton : m. by Elder Daniel Coon, May 24, 18ii5. Pardon, of EUa.s, dec., and Martha Coou, of Isaac, dec. ; m, by Elder Henry Clarke, Feb. 13, 1848. M 1-54 1-54 1-41 3-18 3-14 2-12 2-fi 1-51 l-.'il 1-21 1^5 1-20 JIACCOON Amla. and Samuel Burdick, Oct. 31, 1757. 1-23 " Jonathan, and Elizabeth Stewart; m. by Josliua Clarke, Justice, D.I'. 4. ITjrt. 1-32 " Dartd, and Thankful Button; m. by Elder Joseph Fish, Nov. 20, 1761. " Anna, and John Button, Jr., April 23, 1769. " Timothy, and Anna Frlnk : m. by John Larkin, Justice, April 23, 1769. >L\rNE Peter, Jr., and Patience E.'slestone, both of Stonlngton, at Hop- kin gton : m. by Jon Burdick, JiLstJce. March 3, 1765. MANCHESTER Uenry B., and Mary E. Crandall ; m. by Eldn- John Greene, Aug. 5, 1844. MARRI,\X Wilham A., of Preston, Conn., and Clarinda Lewis, of Hop- klngton; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, Oct. 19, 1839. JIARRIOTT Anne, and George Maxson, Jan. 8, 1778. " Samuel, and Jurk. Oct. 12, 1709. 1-55 " l.ucy, and Peleg Babcock, Dec. 14, 1769. 1-55 " Sylvanus. and Mrs. l.ydia LeWLs ; m. by Joshua Clarke, Ju,itlce, Dec. 21, 1709. 1-05 " Lucy, !Hirl Ephraim Rogers, Feb. 13, 1772. 1-69 " Susannah, ami Edward Chiver, June- 28. 1772. 1-69 " Tliankful, and Simiiel C"'.n, Jan. 7, 1773. 1-71 " Phineus, of CapL. iHi^jamln, and Elizabeth Burdick, of Carey ; m. by Elder Josl.iui Clarke, Deo. 4, 1773. I-IOS " Ruth, and Peleg B.-ibcoclc, Jan. 18, 1776. 2-45 « Peleg, and SaraJi Oarke, Nov. 13, 1777. 2-12 " George, and Anne Marrio't; m. by Elder Jolm Burdick. Jan. 8, 1778. 2-15 " Nathan, of Hopklnton, and Nancy Vars, of Westerly ; m. by Elder John Burdick, Dec. 4, 1783. 1-103 " Sl.artha, and Luke Crandall, Jan. 0. 178.-i. 2-3 " Polly, and Amher.st Crandall. Nov. 1, 17S7. 2-3 " Susanna, and Archibnlrt Ciandall. Feb. 2, 1788. 2-14 " Elisha, of Samuel, of Hopkint«n, and Rebecca Wilcox, of Volun- town; m. at Westerly, l>y Elder Isaiah Wilcox, March 22, J7S8. 2-13 " Daniel, of Daniel, of Westerly, and Pnidenre Crandall, of Benja- min, of Hopklnton ; m. by Elder John Burdick, March 20, 1790. HOPIvlNTON MARRIAGES. 21 2-12 MAXSON Elhan, of Hopldnton. ;ind Liuy L;iiiiihiTf, of Westerly; m. by- Elder Joseph Clarke, Feb. 19, 3 791. 2-13 " Esther, and Roger Kiinyon, Apill (>. 170". 2-6 " Jmlitb. anil S;imuel Mnniutt, May 21. 1701. 2-42 " William Miner, of noi)liiiiliiii. and Sylvia Miuer, of Windham, Conn.; m. at Stonincfton, l.y Elder Eleazcr lli'..wn, Ma,rch 13, 1703. 2-42 " Eandall, and Mary Sauiideis. aiia.s Hull ; m. by Elder John Bur- dick, April 18, 1793. 2-60 " Uannah. and Ichabod liardick, Jr., Oct. 1, 1795. 2-61 " Joseph, of Sylvanus, of Hoplunton, and Lydia Potter, of George, of Westerly ; m. by Elder John Burdick. Dec. 17, 1795. 2-61 " Lewis, of Hopkluton, and Tacy Coon, of Hartford: m. at Mont- vUle. Conn., by Elder David Rogers, Jan. 27, 1797. 2-62 " Nathan, of Sylvanus, of Westerly, and Hiitli Cr^Ildall, of Phtneaa, of Mont\Tlle, Conn. : ni. by Elder Da\ns Rogers, at M., April 28, 1800. 2-4P " Lydia, and Joseph VtrlU, Jlay 1, lsOC>. 2-70 " lienjamin C, and Betsey Saunders; ra. by Elder Matthew BtUl- man. March 26, 1807. 2-62 '■ Peleg. Jr., and Clarice Bmdiek; m. by Zeeclunis Maxson, Justice, June 15, ISOn. 2-96 '• John J., and AbbLe Babooc'k; m. by Elder Thomas V. Wells, Feb. S, 1820. 2-05 ■• Saiah, .and George W. Kenyon, Dec. 30, 1819. 3-7 " Samuel, of Elis-ha, dee., and Lucy StUIman, of D.mi'jl ; m. by Elder Matthew .Stillmaii, Oct. 10, 1827, 3-11 " Lydia., and Franklin Barber, Aug. 11, 1836. 3-12 MAYNAKD Eliza, and Ransom Kenyon, M.irch 27, 1838, 1-108 MILLARD iHabel, a.nd James Braman, Dec. 27, 1775. 1-111 MINER Hannah, and a.arke Reyn"lds. Dec. 20. 1767. 1-47 " Lucy, and WUliiim Maxson, Sept. 16, 1767. 2-42 " Sylvia, and Wni. Miner Maxson, March 13, 1793, 1-1 MORUAN Amos, and Ruth La,wton, both of Exeter: m. by Elder Thomas West, Oct. 13. 1783. 2-4 MOKEY Hazjird, of Providence, and Huldah Champlain, of Hopldnton ; m. by David Nichols, Justice, Feb. 11, 1788. 2-4 " Dorca.s, and Rayzel Brand, June 8, 1788. 2 51 " Elizabeth, and John Collins, Oct. 19. 1795. 1-25 MOTT Joseph, and Anna Brown (both of Voluntown) ; m. by Jolm Latham, Justice, Feb. 18. 1761. N 1-22 NBFF Arriuld, anit Lois Pabuitl.-i-. boih of .Sloningion ; m. by Jcshua Clarke, Juslice, April 30, ITOS. l-:i(i NEY Sarah, and Tlmoihy Larkin, .lime 9, 17<)3. 1-10 " Phehe, and Ellas Coon, M ly 1. 1763. 1-25,62 " Catherine, and Caleb Potter, March 21, 1771. 2-6 " TliankMil, and Thom.is Bnglilman, May 23, 1782. 2-42 NICHOLS Eli/.abetJi, and Matthew .siillman, March 13, 1794. 2-72 " John, of HopkintOM, and Elizabeth York, of William, of Charles- town ; m. at Chai-lestown, by Elder Matthew StLllm.an, July 29, 1^04 . 3-14 " Leonidas, of Genesee, New York, and Harriet Clarke, of Charles- town; m. by Elder Daniel Coon, April 27, 1840. 1-20 NILE'S Phebe, and Josepli Cole, Aug. 30, 1760. 2-71 NOETHUP Siirah Ann, and Daniel Lewis (also 4-14), Sept. 5, 1805. 4-4 NOYES George W., ot Stonington. son of Thomas, dec. and Martha B. Noyes, of Sauford, dec.: m. by Elder Henry Clarke, July 7, 1345. 4-4 " Martha H., and George W. Noyes, July 7, 1.^45. 22 A'lTAL REOOPU) OF RHODE ISLAND. o 2-70 3-9 4-12 4-10 1-114 1-22 1-46 1-75 2-19 1-1 4-8 OLNEY George H.. of Richmond, and Emeline Amanda Blcknell. of Uop^ kintoai ; m. by Elder C. C. Lewis. Aug. 11, ltf46. 1-46,66 PALMEB Elizabeth, and Thompson Wells, Dec. 24. 1767. 1-57 " Amos. Jr., son or Amos and Mary Austin, of EzekleJ, late 01 Hopklnton; m. by John Tyaildn. Justice. Feb. 15, 1770. 1-113 " Comfort, ajid Abel Burdlck, Dec. 21, 1775. 1-99 " H.innah, and George Popple, April 13. 1780. 1-98 " NPtlianiel, of Lawton, of Hopklnton, and Mary Foster, of Gideon, of StoninKton; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Oct. 31, 1782. 1-64 " Fones, and Susannah Chev^r ; m. by Joseph Clarlto, Justice, May — . 1783. " Charlotte, and Nathen Tanner, Nov. 17, 1805. " Amos N., of Deacon Jabez, and Mary Barber, of Deacon Weedon ; m. by Elder Tliomas llllinghast, April 3, 1S32. " . Mary, and Elias Coon, Sept. 29, 1840. " Nathan I)., and Hannah Larkin ; m. by Elder Lucius Crandall, Oct. 17. lS4fi. PALMITTER Deborah, and Josiah Lewis, Jan. 25, 1777. " Lois, and Arnold Netl, April 30, 1758. " Joseph, of Joseph, dec, and Martha Tefft, of JonaTIian ; m. by John Bimllck, Justice, Dec. 22, 1767. " Nathan, ajid Abigail Slack, Den. 25. 1769. " Elizabi'lh. and Rowland Lanphere, March 25, 1777. " JoshuM, and Anne Button, both of Hopklnton ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Aug. 11, 17P2. 1-39 PARTELOW Thomas, Jr., of Stonmgton, and Martha Coon, of Hopklnton: m. by Jo-ihua Clarke, Justice, Aug. 2, 17o4. 1-40 " Jonas, and Mrs. Lydla Ke''ler, both of Stonington ; m. by John liur- dlck, Justice, Sept. 27, 1764. 1-115 PATTERSON Mrs. Martha, and Nathan Closson, Feb. 14, 1784. 4-7 PEARCE Louisa M., and Le.nnder Bald, Much 29, 1846. 2-8 PECKHAJI Daniel, and Avis Rogers, Feb. 1(1, 1775. 2-65 " Waitey, and Thomas Langworthy, May 0, 1797. 2-67 " Mary, and Amos CoBlns, Feb. 16, 1804. 2-77 " Sophia, and Caleb Greene, March 3. 1816. 1-41 PIERCE Edwanl, of Charlestown, and Eunice H.aU, of Hopklnton; m. by John room. Justice, April .30. 1765. 2-9 PENDLETON Catherine, and Henry Clarke, Dec. 5, 1776, 1-117 ' Sarah, and Willett Clarke, April 24, 1770. 2-60 " Joanna, and Augustus Kenyan, Oct. 11. 1798. 1-35 PERKINS Ebonezer. of Newman, of Exeter, and Hannah Pro.sser, of Ichabod, of Hopklnton; m. by John Maxson, Jastdce. Dec. 25, 17C.2. 1-56 PERRY JIary, and Simeon Btibcoek, Jan. 7, 1770. 1-1 " Mary, and Benjamin Barber, Aug. 20, 1783. 2-52 " I.ydla, and William Slocuni, Nov, 28. 1802. 3-14 " Charles R., and Mary A. Gaj-diner; m. by Eldier Christopher Ches- ter, Oct. 4, 1840. 1-113 PETTEY William, and Thankful Colegrove ; m. by Elder Thomas West, June 2, 17T6. 1-32 PLT.MBEK Lydla, and N;ithan Liiinb, July 13, 1762. 1-99 POPPLE George, „iid Hannih Palmer; m. liy Elder Joltn Girdiaer, Aprtt 13, 17S0. 2-52 " IMarv, and Samuel WlttiT, Nov. 12, 1796. 2-47 " Tabitha, and Nathan Collins. April 12, 1804, 141 PORTER Natlian, and Hannih Wilier; ni. by John Biirdick, Justice, Nov. 25, 1764. 1-25,62 POTTER Caleb, of Tliomas, of Hopklnton, and Catherln- Key, of Caleb, and Catherine, of do. ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, March 21, 1771. HOPKINTON MARRIAGES. 23 1-72 POTTER AblgiiU, and Ceaser WeUs, Oct. 8, 1775. 1-05 " Steplien, Jr., and Saruh (J.ion, ol William; m. by Elder John Bur- dlck, Nov. 20. 17.S0. 1-98 " Mrs. Kusannah, and Samiul Wi-lls, Nov. 29, 1781. 2-57 " Content, and Dani.a Italjcock, April 8, 178-1. 2-61 " L,.v. Doc. 2.^, 1764. 1-41 " Amle, and Jonathan Wells, Jr., June 6, 17(J7. 1-97 " Carey, of Ne"W London, and Martha Eathbun, of Exeter; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Jan. 10, 1768. 1-62 " Jeremiah, of Westei-ly, son of Nathan, of iNew London, and Ruth Pi'osser, of Ichabod, of Hopkinlon ; m. by EldiT Joshua Clarke, March 23, 1771. 1-65 " Eplu-alm, of Jonathan, of New London, and Tacy Maxson, of John, of HopK-inton ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Feb. 13, 1772. 2-8 " Avis, and Daniel Peckham, Feb. 1(5. 1775. 2-42 " Grate, and Benjamin Greene, Dec. 13, 1781. 2-94 " Lester T.. of Waterford, Conn., and Susan H. Cranrtall : m. by El- der Matthew StUlman. April 30, 18:25. 4-15 " Charles L., of Norwich, Conn., and Lucy E. Stearns, of Grlswold, Conn. ; m. at Hopkinton, by Elder C. C. Lems. Nov. 14, 1847. 1-42 ROSS William, of Charlestown, and iSarah Coon, of Hopkinton; m. by Stephen Siundei-s, Justice, Mai-ch 33, 1763. 5-1 SALISBURY .^rehitaWe, and Joel W. Douslas. Dec. 14. 1851. 2-43 SAMt«ON .Maria, and Aliel Fenner, , 1842. 1-51 SATTEKLEK Amie, and Joshua Lanphere. Nov. 3 3. 1769. 1-70 " Sylvester, of John, and t!i'thany Coon, of BUsha ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Aug. 8. 1773. 1-59 SAUNDEHS Mary, and Samuel Langworthy. Jan. 24. 1771. 2-54 " Esther, and John Titter, Sept. 5, 1801. 2-79 " Barton, of Charlestown, !vnd Sarah Potter, of HopHnton ; m. by Elder Abram Coon. March 5., 1603. 2-70 " Betsey, and Benjamin O. Maxson. Maivh 26. 1.307. 2-69 " Isaac. 3d. and MatUda Wells : m. bv Elder Abram Coon. May 3, 1810. 1-104 SCRIVEN William., and Marvel Davis, of Elder Joseph; m. by Joseph Oran- dall. Justice, Feb. 2. 1775. 1-27 SHERMAN Sai-ah. and David rrandall. Feb. 19. 1761. 1-50 SHEFFIELD Ell/.aljeth, and Edward Wells. Jr.. Dm-. 25. 1749. 1-65 " Elizabeth, and Woodman Wilbur, S -pt. 15. 1771. 1-46 SHELDON Palmi-r. of John, and PeUelone Brown, of John, both of South Klnffstown ; m. by Jolm Burdlck, Justice, Jan. 10, 1768. 2-75 " Asa. and Maj-y Edwards; m. bv Elder Abram Coon. April 26, 1800. 8-17 SHELDON Horace F.. of Hopkinton, and Eliza Ann Ir\Tng, of Coventry; m. by Elder David Avery, . — , 1843. 1-34 SISSEIL Nathan, and Hannah Burdlck; m. by Josi)ua Clarke, Justice, Feb. 9, 1763'. 1-54 SISSON John, of Westerly, son of Thom;is. and Ketiu'ah Burdlck, of Peter; m. by Stephen Saunders. Justice, March 20, 1769. 1-101 " Anne, and Elnathan Burdlck, Jan. 9. 1774. 1-75 SLACK Abigail, and Nathan Falmitter, Dec. 25, 1769. 2-52 SLOCtIM William, of Hopkinton, and Lydia Perry, of Stonlngton ; m. by Elder Simeon Brown, Nov. 28, 1802. 1-108 SMITH Thomas (T.anner), and Eunice Lewis, of Elias : m. by Elder John Gardiner, Nov. 29, 1782.* 4-6 SNOW Levlna L., and George Watson. June 18, 1S15. 5-4 SPENCER William J., of Coventry, of Pardon, aged 23 years, and Merebah Kenyon, aged 20 years, of Hopkinton, dau. of Arnold; m. by Rev. C. M. Lewis, March 14, 1853. 2-51 SPICER Joseph, and Fannie Thui-ston ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, Nov. 10. 1793. -■51 " Joseph, and Mary Cottrell, of Westerly : m. by Elder Abram Coon, March 6, 1796. 2-00 " Joseph, Jr., of Hopkinton. and Content Potter, of Westerly, dau. of George; m. at Westerly by Elder Matthew Stillmau, Nov. 12, 1818. nOPKlNTO.N MARRIAGES. 25 4-6 SPICER George H., of Josepli, anil il:ink.t Da\i^, ol l>ardon ; m. by EWe* Hcni-y Clarke, Nov. o. 1845. 4-0 " Mai-y, and Henry Wlupyle. Nov. 15. 1S43. 4-^1 " EdwaKl i)., ami Elixa Wells; ra. Dy Elder Jolin Crreene, Sept. 4. 1S51. 1-llii STANTON Mary, and Paul Bnrdiek. Feb. 18. r,73. 4-15 STEARNS Luiy E., ,and Cluules L. Rogers, Nov. 14, 1847. 1-Sii! STEWART Jlarjjari't, and Islmieil Codner, Feb. 11, 1738. 1-23 " .Tolm. and Content Larliln ; ni. by Dauiil .Alaccoon. .Inslice, AprU 8, 1758. 1-23 " EUzabetli, and JonatUan Slaceoon, Dec. 4, 1758. 2-78 STILLMAN Elislia. ol Elislin, and Prudence Burdicic, ol Elder Jobn. ApiU 24, 17.H2. 2-18 •' Sarah, and Stepben C(iiin, Feb. 28, 178U. 2-43 " Jlultbew, and Ilizabetli Nlchob-, oi David; m. by Elder Jolrn Burdick-. Mareb 13, 1794. 2-67 " Faimie, and liaiker Wells, Sept. 26, i;ui>. 3-() ■' llineas, and Thankful Gardiner, Dec. 26, 1810. 3-70 ■• Lucy, and Samuel Maxson. Oct. 16, 1,'<27. 3-7 " Christopher C, of \Vesterly, and Mary A. Johnson, of Hopkinton; m. by Elder Matthew StlUman, Dec. 7, 1829. 4-6 " Anrilia E., and Tbonna.s M. WUcos. Oct. 12. 1845. 4-19 " Daniel G., of Westerly, and Abbie L. WUbur, of Hopliinten; m. at Hopkinton, by Eldei- John Greene, May 13, 1849. 1-42 STUTSON Thnmas. and Mai? Hall : ni. by Stephen SaiUKlers, Justice, Jan. — . 1758. 1-46 " Stephen, of Westerly, and Dorcas Hall, of Cbarlestown ; m. by Nathan P.urdkk, Justice, Jan. 9, 1768. 5-4 STJTOLIFP Robert, and Mary Ann Brown, both of New Shoreham ; m. by Elder ,7ohn Uieene. .May 18, 1353. 1-43 SWEET Theddeus, of Hopkinton. and Abigail Cottrell, of South Kings- town ; m. by Lawton Palmer, Jastlce, Feb. 18, 1766. 1-51 " Lebbeus, of T ornas, of Hopkinton, dec, and Catherine Collins, of He»ildab, ol Hopkinton; m. by John Lai kin, Ju-stice, Marcli 11, 1770. 3-16 1-105 2-15 1-G7 1-78 1-69 1-113 1-114 2-5 2-7 2-43 2-17 a^43 2-70 TABOR Henry, and Hannah Crandall; m. by Elder Weeden Barber, Oct., 4, 1840. TANNER Nathan, of Nathan, and Elizabeth Tbur^-lnn. of Thomas, Dee. 29, 1757. William, of Francis and E''2il"'"ii ^^^ Rutli lirown, of John; in. by Elder John Davis, Feb. Hi, 1771., WUliam, of Francis, and Ruth Brown, of John; m. by Elder John Davis, Feb. 16, 1772. Beiijaniin, of West Greenwicli, and Snsaniiab Crandall, of llopldn- ton (also 1-112) ; ni. by Elder Thomas West, April 21, 1774. Nathan, of John, and Susannah Wes.ti, of Elder Thomas, Oct, 19, 1775. Mary, and Joseph Burdirk, Nov. 28, 177i;. Thomas, of Riehmund, and Eiujice Leonard, of Preston, Conn.; m. by Elde'r ThomaK West, Apiil 13, 1777. William, Jr.|, and Hannah Utter; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Nov. 2, 1784. John, and Barrodel liabeoelc, of James; ni. by Elder John Enrdick, March 24, 1701. Anstis, and Retiben Feiiiier, Jan. 17, 1793, Phebe, and Belcher Haley, Jan. 20, 1793. Stephen, and Lois Babcock; m. by Elder Asa Coon, March 13, ] 794. Nathan, ami Charlotte Palmer; m. by Eider Abram Coon, Nov. 17, lbll5. 2G VITAL RECORD OF RHODE I.SLA.ND. 2-73 TANNER Jolui, ami Debonili lientley : m. by Eldor Abrani Cooin, Jan. 25, 1807. 4-15 " Tripheniii H., anil WiUiaiii II. Dawley, Dec. 10. 1847. 2-5 TAYLOR Uenjamin. and Mrs. Mary TUursloii ; m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Dfi'. '28, 1763. 2-72 " Humphrey, of Thomas, and Betsey Wilbur, of Clarke ; m. by Elder Matthew StSllnian, Jan. 9, 1800. 2-91 " Elizabi-th, and Russell Clarke, Oct. 10, 1808. 1-39 TEPFT Benjamin. o£ Richmond, and Deborah Bnrdick, of Hoiikinton; m. by John Bnrdick, Justii-e, Sept. 20, 1704. 1-46 " Jfai-tha, and Josepli Palmitler, Dec. 22, 1767. 3-17 " Daniel C. and Abhie A. W'lllitims, both of Ricliniond ; m. by Elder David Averv. . l843. 4-15 " Ennice A., and Edmund Joixlan, June 28, ]847. 4-7 THAYEK Itulicl, and Samuel N. Richmond, July .'i, 134 5. 2-9 TH0M.4S S;iruh, and Josepli Brighlman, May 14, 1747. 1-77 THOMPSON William Tolman. Alias, of HopHnton, and Rsthei HaJl, of Chaiiestown; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Jan. 26, 1774. 4-21 THORP Lydia C, and Asa S. Coon, JIarch 22, 1852. 1-105 THUKSTON EUzibelh, and Nathan Tanner, Dec. 29, 1757. 1-22 " Mary, and Nathan Wells, JIareh 0, 1758. 2-5 " Mi's. Mary, and Benjamin Taylor, Dec. 28, 178b. 2-51 " Fannie, and Joseph Spicei, Nov. 10. 1793. 2-91 " Salli". and Russell Clarke, Aug. 29, 1813. 2-80 " Clarice, and Abble Reynolds; m. by Rowland Babcock, Justice, Jan. 7, 1816. u 1-47 UTTER Abraham, of John, late of Hopktnton, dec, and Hannali \Vhlte, of Roger; m. by Thomaa W'^Us. Justice. Nov. 22. 1759. 1-55 " Abraham, of Hopklnton, son of Jo' n. dec. and Hannah Hurdlck, of Hubbard; m. by Joseph Crandall. Justice, Oct. 14, 1769. 1-1 " Sarah, and David Larkin, June 10, 1778. 2-5 " Hannah, and William Tannei. Jr.. Nov. 2. 1784. 2-54 " John, and Esther Sanndi-rs. Sept. 5. 1801. S-15 VAltS Nancy, und Natnan Ma.\son, Dec. 4. 1783. 3-15 " Luciiida, and Gardiner Case, March 23. 1841. 2-63 VINSON Eli',ubeth. and Samuel Crandall, Jr., Jan. 14. 1802 w 1-63 WAITE raine, of Hopklnton, son if Thomas, of Tiverton, R. I., and Keder Crandall, of Hopklnton, dau. of Jei'emiah ; m. by Elder John Pendleton, (let. 21). 1771. 1-112 " Grace, and John lle'iijanin, .Tune 20, 1775. 1-113 " John, and Mary Cottrell ; ni. liy Elder Thomas West, Sept. 5, 1770. 4-7 " Samuel, and Mrs. txirah Ann Knoivles ; m. by Elder C. C, Lewis, Nov. 27, 1840. 4 6 WATSON George, .Jr., and Levina L.. Snow, both of Norwich, Conn.; m. by- Elder Weeden Barber. Jr., June 18, 1845. 1-98 WAUD Elizabeth, and Elder William llhss, .Tan. 9, 1780. 1-13 WEBSTER Hannah, and JeVeiniah Colegrove, Nov. 13, 1776. 2-47 " Alexander, of Joseiili, of Hopldnton, and Hannah Dawley, of Ex- eter, dau. of Oliver; m. by Elder Gershom Palmer, Miirch 1, 1812. 4-7 " Simeon T., of >^oulli Kln^'-.^own, and Alcy Ann Reynolds, of Exeter; m. by Elder C. C. l.iwis, Aug. 13, 1845. i I lOPKINTCiX MARRIAGES. 27 1-50 WELI.S FIdwarrt. ,li-., and Kliziiliclh Sln-tlirld, Di'C. 2^i ITfn 1--22 '■ JI;Utli«w, and Liridgut l;uraick; m. by "jasJma Clarke. .Tus- tice, Jan. 5, 1758. 1-22 " Na.iaiaji, and Marj' Thurston; m. by J„.sli„a Clarke, Justice March 9, 17.>H. ^"'- " •'u^iiua, c,f Uopktali.n, and EUzalit-lh DarUs, oX Slonlngti.n ; m. by Elder Waite Palmer, Feb. 15, 17.50. '•'1 '■ Mary, and Oliver Clarke. Dec. Hi, I7(il. 1'^" " Elizabeth, .Tjid. Joliii RoUnSon, Jr., Xov. 13. ]7ii2. l-!i5 " Thankful, and Sirneim UNcnx, Dec. 2(>, 17(;-_'. ^"•*^ " Jonathan. .Ir., and Amie I'.ugers ; m. by .lehn Miixsen, Justice June 0, 17117. l-*" " Elizabeth, and Tanner WeUs, Dec. 24, 1707. !-*>' " Tanner, a,nd Elizabeth WeUs, Dec. 24, 171)7. l-^''> " Tnompsen, and Elizabeth Palmer (;ilso l-Dr.) ; m. by John Bnrdick, Ju.stice, Dec. 24, 1707. 1-100 " S,arnli, and Izreal Lewis, April 38, 1771. l""'"' " Luis, imd ijeriah Lewi.s, Jan. Hi, 1772. I-"'' " Eunice, and John Eathbun, June 23, 177-1. l-"2 " Ceaser. servant of Jami'S, Init since a soldier, and Alvigail Poller ; m. by Elder John Gardiner, Oct. 8. 1775. ^'■'^ " Samuel, of Hopkinlon, and Mrs. Susannah Potter, of Westerly : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, Nov. 29, 17bl. 2-11 " Tacy, and Perry IJurdiOk. Dec. 19, 1782. 218 " Mrs. Mary, and Job B. Clarke, .Tan. 1, 1788. 2 4 " John, and Sarah Kidev : m. by Elder .John Bnrdick. July li5, 17SS. 2-4 " Matthe.v, Jr., and Eliz ib. tli Coon, of David: m. by Elder John nurdick, Dec. IS. ITbS. 2-58 " EUzabetli, and Peleg Raljcock, June 18, 1789. 2-17,45 " Gardiner, of Joshua, of ll.ipkinlon, and Weoltiiy Gallup, of Saniuid, of Voluntown : m. by Kdwnrd Burdkk, Juslice, Dec. 23, 1792. 2-f>7 '■ Harkei', and Fannie SlillmriJi : n;. by Elder Abram Coon, Sept. 26. 1709. 2-56 " Eussell, of UanihiU. ^md lj.\dii Craud.ill, of Phini'as, of Montville, ' Conn.: m. by Josepli I'otter, Justice, Aug. 0. 1802. 2 02 " Until, and Samuel Gatdiuer, Jr., May 22. 180:J. 2-40 " Joseph, and Lydla Maxsou ; m. by Elder Abram Coon, May 1, 1806. 2-69 " JIatlkla. and Isaac Siund. rs. 3d, M.iy 3, 1810. 2-76 '•■ Abbie, and Alpheus M. Greene, Dec. 18, 1812. 2-76 " Betsey, and John Greene, Jr., April 3, 1813. 2-93 " Edward S., and Deborah JI. Lewis; m. by Asa Church, Justice, April 30, 1817. 4-21 " Ehzn, and Edward D. Spicer, Sept. 4, 1851. 1-19 WEST Francis, and Mary Lawton; m. by Stephen Richmond, Justice, at Westerly, Feb. 17, 1757. 1-57 " Susannali, and Benjamin Clarke, Marcli 27, 1770. 1-69 " Susannah, and Nathan Tanner, Oct. 19, 1775. 1-114 " Sarah, and Stephen Rose Burdick, Aug. 14, 1777. 1-1 " Jonathan, of Hopkinton, and I'rudeuce .\llln. of Stonington ; m. by Elder Thon;as West. July 27, 1780. 2-47 " Sabrin.i, and John Wright, Jr., June 29, 17S8. 1-55 WHEELER Susannah, and Benjamin Clarke, Dec. l.'>, 1769. 2-45 '■ PresiUa, and Jon.athan Babcock, Feb. 20, 1795. 4-1 " Noycs !:>., and Susan S. Wilbur; m. by Ehb'r Lcander E. Wake- lield, Nov. 23, 1844. 4-6 WHIPPLE Henry, of Christopher 1'... of Coventry, n. I., and Mary SpicT, of JoseiJh, of Hopldnlou; m. by Elder Henry Clarke, Nov. 15, 1845. Job, at Roger, and Anna Claike, widow, dau. of John Lewis; m. by Elder Joseph Davis, Jan. 6. 175!). Hannah, and Abiaham L':t' r. Nov. 22, 1759. Marv. and Joshua Cidlins. Feb. 7, 1771. Sai'ah. and Clarke Wiltn.'. Feb. 7. 1771. William, and Rulh Collins: m. by Elder John Gardiner, April 5. 178(1. 1-50 WHITE 1-47 « l-(i2 " 1-62 ■' 1-99 28 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-1 WHITE Gwifrey, son of Oliver, of Hopkmton, a,iiy Rr>l>ert Biu'dicK-, Justico, Feb. 3, 17B4. 11 " Pfiulnpu, and Oliver Davis, July lOj. 17t4. ;;-l8 " .Susannah, find William U. Wreene, March 9, 1793. 3-54 ■■ Mis. Nahby, and Rowland Habcock, Jan. 12, 1797. 3-17 " Charles P., of North Stontngton, and Eliza Kenyon, of Hopkin- ton ; m. Dy Elder David Avery, , 1843. 4-12 " Mai-y Ann B., and Luke Crandall, March 29, 1847. 2 t WHITFOKD John, of Joshua, ol LlUIe Hoslek, N. Y., and Margaret Coon, of Joshua, o£ llopklnton; m. liy Elder John Gardiner, Feb. G, 1788. 1-42 WILBUR Joseph, of Hopklnlon, and S:iraU Hall, of Slonliigton . m. by Ste- phen .Saunders, Jusfiee, Marcii 25, 1758. 1-45 " Anna, and William Davis, Feb. 26, 17fi7. l-(?2 " Clarke, and Sarah White ; ni. by Simeon Perry, Justice. Feb. 7, 1771. 1-65 " Woodman, of Hopklnlon, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Sheffield, of Nathan, dec. ; m. by Simeon Perry, Justice, Sept. 15, 1771. l-()7 " Anna, and Latham L:inphere, Jan. — , 1772. 1-I17 " Jesse, of Richmond, anil Nabby Johnson, of Hopkinton : m. by Elder Joshua Clarke, March 4, 1784. 2-50 " Edy. and Henry Lewis. Feli. 5, 1794. 2-72 " Betsey, and Humphi'ey Taylor, Jan. 9, 1801!. 2-43 " Hannah, and Benjamin P. Bentley, Dec. 2, 1806. 2-43 " Lydia, and John Bentley, Dec. 3, 1800. 4-1 " Susan S., and Noyes D. Wheeler, Nov. 23, 1844. 4-1 " Susan, and William B. Ho.\sie, May 21, 1845. 4-19 " Abbie L., and Daniel G. SUUman, M.iy 13, 1849. 1-23 WILCOX, Thomas, of West Greenwich, and Elizabelii Jacques, of Ex- eter; Im. by Joshua Clarke. Justice. Jan. 22. 1759. 2-14 " Rebecca, and Elisha Ma.\son, March 22, 1788. 2-8 " Daniel, of Stonlngton, and Amle Cliamjilain, of Hopkinton: m. by Da\id Nichols, Justice, Dec. 20, 1789. 2-6 " Martha, and Mark Stiles, alias Burdlck, recirded March 17, 1793. 2-56 " Lnrkin, of Hoplvinloai, aaid PoJiy Edwaple, ol William, dec. : m. by Thomas Wells, Jusdee, Nov, 12, 1796. William, Jr., and Lucy Crandall : m. by Elder Abram Coon, Jan. 2, 1800. Josepii, 2d, of Hopklnlon. and Sarah Cliamplain, formerly of South Kingstown; m. by Eldel- Matthew Stillman, June 22, 1811. Joseph, 2d, and Lucrelia Doilge, of Joseph; m. by Eldei- Mattliew Stillman, Nov. 26, 1812. 1-40.1: iO 1-41 1-46 2-10 2-52 HOPKINTON MAERIAUES. 29" 4-17 WOODMANSKE Bonjnmin B., of Asa, aud Rutli Kc-nyon, of Georg.- ; m, by Elder MatUiew felUlnuin, Feb. 7, ]S19. 2-S WOOD Jemima, and Ames Button, Jr., Fob. 8, 17S9. 1-V.i WOKDEN Mary, and Daniel Dodfje, AiJril 11, ]75(;. 1-4- " Amos, of Stonlngton, and Jean Eurdick, of Westerly ; m. by Stephen Saunders, Justice, March 25, 1763. 1-23 " Merlam, and Jolin Witter, April 7, 1763. 1-G7 " WUllam, and Mary Byrnes, Oct. 4„ 1701. 2-1 " Jane, and Godfrey White, Feb. 3, 17b'4. 2-1 " Mary,, and Lebbeus Coon, April 13, 1785. 2-S " Sally, and Benjamin Kenyon, Aug. 9, 1787. 2-63 " Ruth, and Burdlck Kenyon, Feb. 14, 1802. 2 4 WRIGHT Thomas, and Lawando Sarah Button ; m. by Elder Thomas West, Justice,, Dec. 23, 1787. 2-47 " John, Jr., aud Sabrina West, of Francis : m. by Elder Joseph Davis, June 29, 1788. 5-2 " Hannah A., and Stephen A. Clarke, Nov. 5, 1753. X Y Z 2-72 V(.)RK Elizabeth, and John Nich.ils, July 29, 1804. HOPKINTON. BIEITHS .A.]SriD IDEA-TEiS. 1-66 ALLEN (jainu'-l, ol Stephen, Oct. 15, 1752 1-66 " Tamson, Nov. o. 1754 1-66 « Patience, Nov. 1, 1756 1-66 " Wmtam, Oct. 7, 1738 1-66 H Stephen, Oct. 24, 1700 1-66 U Sarah, Feb. 2, 1763 1-56 t( Sylvester, Oct. IP, 1764 1-66 U Mera^ah, Oct. 26, 1766 3-10 ARNOLD Job 11 G., of Gorton \V. and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1327 3-10 " FrancLs Brown, Dec. 15, 1828 3-10 u Mary Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1830 3-10 " Lucy Ann, Aug. 7, 1832 3-10 u Lucy Maria, March 6, 1834 3 10 " Susan Letltia T., March 20. 1841 B 1-116 BABCOCK Eunice, ol Simeon and Sarah, 1-116 M Jeremiah, 1-116 U Thomas, 1-116 U Lucy, 1-116 U Dorcas, 1-110 " Jason, :-]io " Lydla, 1-110 (( H:in'iah, 1-116 (( Lucos, 1-110 " J9. April 28, 1762. AprU 24, 1765. April 18, 1768. June 28, 1,743. Oct. 4, 1748. June 25, 1750. April 11, 1753. April 27, 1756. June 11, 1753. AprU 20, 1760. June 10, 1763. May 16, 1764. May 18, 17B6. Sept. 17, 1769. Aug. 6, 1772. Sept. 1, 1759. Jan. 18, 1701. J.an. 1, 1703. AprU 25, 1706. Dec. 17, 1709. May 12, 1773. Vlarch 14, 1775. Sept. 2, 1779. HOPKINTOiNT BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 31 l-llG 1-llfi 1-1 If. '2-4-2 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-57 2-57 2-57 2-57 257 2 57 2-57 2-57 2-57 2-58 2-58 2 58 --58 2-58 2-58 2-94 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-(U 2-1)0 2-158 2-'18 1-1 2-54 2 03 nil 3-15 4-20 4-20 4-20 1-70 2-,-0 2-80 1-108 1-108 1-21 l-l-.'l 2-r)o Simoon and Snrali, her of Ho/.i'ki:ili ;iii^. May 2, 1780. Aug. 30, March 13 Jan. II). Sei.t. -.;, Oct. 19, May 23, June 2ii, July 6, 1782 Dec. 10, 1784, Feh. 21, Jan. 20, May 9. Nov. 4, Dec. 12, of Peli'K and Elizahelh, Lois Franklin, of Ja.re. 2-13 Hannah, of Robert and Sarali. (bom Charles town) x\ng. 8. 1703. 2-13 Clarke, March 17, 1796. 2-13 Gilbert, March 19, 1709. 2-11 Polly, of Perry and Lucy, Feb. 27, 17.-^4. 2-11 Cynlliia, Nov. 2^, 1780. 2-73' Billings, of Billings and Hannah. May 21, 17S3. 2-73 Simeon Babeock. Sept. 29, 1789. 2-73 Thom.as, Aug. 10, 1791. 2-73 Joel, Nov. 20, 1793. 2-73 Sally, May 1, 1797. 2-73 Josliua. May 17, 1800. 2-73' Polly, April 11, 1803. 2-73 Hannah. March 23, 1806. 2-60 Icliabod, of Icliahod and Hannah. July 30. 1796. 2-00 Benjamin yiaxson. April 8, 1798. 2-no Hannah. May 4, 1800. 2-f.O " Mariha Slillman, FVb. 23. 1802. 2-00 Jonatlian Truenian, Maich 8, 1804. 2-60 " Martlia. Miiy 3. 1806. 2-60 " Isaac C-oe, Aug. 20. 1808. 2-60 Welcome Clarl;e, March 10, 1811. 4-9 William C. (born Westerly). Marcli 30, 1809. 4-9 " Lucy OrUla Gates, his wife, (Tjorn Preston, Con n.,) April 22, 1815. 4-9 " Lucy Estellp, of Wm. C. and Lucy O.. Jnlv 18. 1832. 4-9 (c Martha Jane, Nov. 20. 1833. 4-9 " William Henry. July 31, 1833.- -4-9 " Julia Emma, Aug. 11, 1837. 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 4-9 BURDICK Jolm Perry, of \Vm. C. Miirt Lucy 0. 4-9 u Harriet Newell, 4-9 « Lewis, Note.— Two eldest Imni L.-dyard ton. 2-fm BeiLiamin Franldln. ol I. Ilalll^d and Fi 2-93 " George Henry, 2-03 " AJlii'it Slillm.iii. 2-03 " Frances F.Uzabetli. 2-93 " Martha Greene, 293 (( Hancali Mary, 3-12 a Mary Frances, ol Henry Wikon and 1-34 BUTTON Hannnh, of Natluin ami Hannah. 1-34 u Saraii. 1-34 a Natlian. 1-40 (( Aliel. ol Rufus and Elizabetli, 1-104 " JIary, of Amos and Anne, 2-88 " Sanford N., of Joseph and Aiine, 2-88 tt Aslier 11.. 2-88 nnie, Nov. 3, 1819. March 23, 1821. JiUy 20, 1822. Feb. 22, 1824. April 17, 182(i. Oct. 7. 1827. Alible Moore, Nov. 11, 1838. Jan. 16, 1761. Jan. 19, 1762. Dec. 7, 1763. Jan. 5, 1703. Sept. 9, 1763. AprU 27, 1810. Oct. 25, 1812. March 29, 1816. Jan. 20, 1823. 1-76 CARTKIGHT Abigail, of BryaJit and Elizabeth, 1 7li IJryini, 1-76 "' Lydla, .N'otev— These children were aU born in 1-48 " Bryant, of Bryant, Jr.. and. Ellxabetli, 148 a Elizabeth Weelis. 1-48 u Jabez. 1-lS '• James. 1-48 " William, , 1-48 " TlieiHlaty, 1-48 " Cyrus, 1-48 " Benelope, 1-20 CHAMPLAIN Natluin. of Somuel. 1-20 " Mary, 1-20 " Jeffrey, 1 20 " Hannah, I -100 " HannaJi, of Jeffrey and Lydia, 2-9 " Stephen, 2-9 " Earlier, 2-0 " Thomas, 2-0 (( George Sli(>,fl:eld, 2-9 11 Jeifrey, 2-9 u Lyman, 2-9 (( Eunice, 2-9 u Reuben, 2-0 u Lydia, 2C.4 " I'liilip Cutirrll. of Ethan :ind Ilrnniah, 2-04 " Salirina, of Etlian and Il.iimah. 2-f>4 « I'attle, 2-64 <( Amey. 2-04 (( Wealtliy, 2-64 u Maria, 2-55 " Geors-'e C. Potter, alias, son of P.et-'ey I' 2-S8 " Kdwaid Greene, of Greene and Polly, 2-88 u Fra.nlc, 2-88 tl Lucy Maria, 2-88 (t Mary Jane. 2-55 CHEESEIiRortill I'a.ftey, of Harris and M ■rtba. 25t " Harris. 2-55 " Lydla. 2 55 " S.amuei, Dec. 30, 1730. May 3, 1739. March 31. 1746. Marthas Vineyard. Dec. 30, 1730. May 31, 1770. July 10, 1772. JtUy 10, 1772. Jan. 2, 1775. May, 29, 1777. May 17, 1779. Oct. 7, 1782. (O. S.) Oct. 8, 1749. (O. S.) Aug. 19, 1731. (N. S.) April 5 tN. 1754. S.) Nov. 5, 1757. Nov. 5, 1774. Feb. 28, 1781. Oct. 27, 1782. Oct. 3, 1784. 'Dec. 24, 1786. July 25, 178B. .\ug. 25, 1790. J;ui. 20, 1793. Feb. 2, 1795. May 31, 1797. July 21, 1809. July 17, 1811. Sept. 9, 1813. Jan. 23. 1816. Aug. 8, 1S17. AprU 27, 1825. March 16. 1811. March 12. 1823. Jan. 0, 1825. Aug. 20. 1827. Jan. 13, 1830. iSept. 19, 1790. July 13, 1792. .inly Qt, 17'»4. Apill 13, 1790. IIOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 35 1-77 1-1 1-1 2-4;; 3-i2 2-42 2-4 3-10 1-29 1-29 1-29 1-29 l-2:> 1-29 1 29 1 -29 1-29 1-29 1-42 2-0 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-Sl 2-91 2-91 2-91 2-91 2-01 291 2-15 2-15 2-15 215 2 15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2 -15 2-15 2-15 2-57 2-57 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 2-44 2-44 2-44 2-44 2-44 1-1 fHEN'ER Wminiii MaxsoTi, of Edwdra and Susannali, CHURCH Josliua, of Joshua, Jr., and Abigail, " Abigsill, Hannal), of Lodowlck and Hannali, " Elizabeth, " Adam, " Nancy Coon, alias, ol Ji.-inlma, " Lodowlck, Jr., born as he says CLARKE Phlnous, of .Fushua and Hannah, •' Joshua, ■' Ethan. Hannah , ** rnomus, EUaat-eth, *' Ai/)old, " Hi-nrj, •' WUlBtt, Niithan, .lOb Ht-nnelt, " Heri-y, of Hem-y and Catliarlne, Pliebe, Sally, " Oliver Pendleton, John Villtt, " Elizabeth, " Ethan, '' Fannie, of Xhomas and F;innle, " Nabby, Thomas and Pannle, feb. 21, Dec. 9, Jan. 2f.), Feb. 28. ■ Feb. 2, Feh. 17, July 13, ■Sept. 4, Feb. 33, Aug. 17, Match 7, May 4, June 10, Nov. March Dec. Oct. Feb May Dec. >Sept. July 35, March 39, Apill 14, April :^0, M.arcU 30, Sept. 11, Aug. 31, May 21, May 4, Feb. 3, AprU 6, April 13, May 9, died Dec. 17, JUIL'! 17 died Oct. 12, 14, 17. 2 30, 7, 13, 1(5, 28, " PoUy, of " Betsey. " Martha, " Nancy, " Russell, born, Elizabeth (Taylor) his 1st wife, Ellzabetli (Taylor) his 1st wife. " &uah (Thurston), his 2d wUe. " Sarah (Thurston), his 2d wife. Belse.y (LangwortUy), his 3d wife, . — " Sarah Elizabeth, of Russell and Sarah. .. 9, 1781. 1-1 " S.axaJi, bom In Stonington, Conn., 1-102 COLE JaniHS, of Jofepli and Fliobe. 2d wife, 1-102 " Benjamin >(l>orn Stonington) 1-102 " .Tolm, 1^102 " Stephen, 1-102 " Phebe, Susannah, 1-102 " Susajinah, 1-102 " Anna, 2-49 " N.inoy, ot Stephen and Susannah, 2-49 " Polly, 2-49 " Phpbe. 1-38 eOLLlX8 Mary, ot John anil Mary (also 1-107), 1-107 " John, 1-107 " Mehetable, 1-107 " Stephen, 1-107 " Samuel, 1-107 " Daniel, 1-104 " Henry, of Joshua and Mai's-, 1-104 ■■ Martli.i, 1-104 " Hezekiah, 1-104 " Oliver, 1-104 " Joshua, ' 2-47 " Nathan, of — and Cynthia (Foster), 2-51 •■ F.llzal)i-lb, of Jnhii aiul Eilzalieth. 2-51 ■' .S;irnh, 2 51 " Thomas, 2-51 " lienjamiii, 2-r>l " Anna, 2-51 " William, 2-51 ■' Amos, 2- " Joseph, Jr., also 2-43, 1 111! " Peleg, of Feleg and Eunice, 1110 " Keheeca, i-lli; " Esthe'r, 1 -1 1 c, " J oseph,, 1 lie " Thompson. l-nc> " Eunice, 1-11 (! " Arnold, 1-lir, " Anna, 1-116 " Richard, of and Anna, 1 no " Zer\1ah, 2 2 " Caleb, of Ellas and Ilubc, 2-2 •■ Ellas, 2-2 " Elias, 2 2 " Mary, 2-2 " Ellas, 2-2 " Tlumlcl'ul, of Ellas and Phebe, 22 " Pliebe, 2-2 " Ruth, 22 " George, 2-74 " Isaac, ot Wllllim, 2-74 " Marllia (Hull), his Tvife, Juno 28, 1773. Dec. 18, 177.J. Volimtown, Conn. Majch 16, 1785. Aug. 21, 1760. March 14. 1762. Feb. 21, 1764. Sept. 27, 1766. id, -wife, Oct. 31, 1767. Aug. 28, 1769. July 5, 1772. Jan. 13. 1790. Dec. 9, 1797. July 25, 1801. Nov. 30, 17G9. AprU 19, 1771. Nov. 19. 1773. June IS, 1776. Aug. 8, 1780. Dee. 13. 1781. Oct. 15. 1772. Aug. 13. 1774. AprU 21. 1776. Dec. 14, 1777. S(^t. 4, 1779. Sept. 12, 1783. Sept.. 29, 1796. Feb. 22. 1798. Feb. 9, 1800. Oct. 13, IS02. March, 18„ 1804. March, 1. ISOci. March 5,. 1808. Feb. 23, 1803. May 10. 1811. Dec. 28, 1814. Teb. 4, 1749. Jan. 18, 1731. Oct. 2, 1752. July 25, 1734. April 6„ 1760. Feb. 25, 1762. Feb. 17, 173.!!. Ocl. 12, 17C3. May 8, 1766. March 14, 1769. ' April 7, 1771. June 26,. 1773. Dec. 26, 1775. Feb. 6, 1778. Got. 7, 1780. Aug. 12, 1788. Sept. 11, 1790. July 23, 1769. Oct. 13. 1771. died Aug. 10, 1772. June 10, 1773. Nov. 23, 1773. July 21, 1778. July S, 1782. May 5, 1784. May 19, 17S8. March 26. 1774. June 6. 17S0. IIOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 37 2-74 2-74 2-74 in06 1-106 1-1 OB 11 00 1-106 :-ioo 2-1 2-18 2-18 2-18 2-48 2-59 2 59 2-59 4-12 4-12 i-ys 1-33 i-y:i 1-33 1-33 1-33 1-33 l-;>3 1-33 1-33 1-70 1-70 1 70 1-32 1-32 1-105 1-1115 1-105 1-105 1-105 1 105 1-105 1-105 2-19 2-19 2-19 23 2-3 2-3 2-3 4-13 4-1 3 2-(!4 2-04 2 04 2-53 2-71 2-71 2-71 2 63 2 (i3 2-03 2-78 2-78 '>-78 COON Isaac, of Isaac ajul Marlha. Cliai'k'S, Miirtha, Leljbyus, of Thomas and Arme, Thomas, Anne, LcKlowlclc, Elizabeth, Desli-e, Eunlco. wife of Pelpg, Stephen, of Stephen and Sarah, Samuel, George StiUman, JIary, of Peleg and Anna, Moses Barber, of Caleb and Dorcas Elias, ' -Mary, Mai-tha Ann, of EUas and Maiy, Ivuth Mary, COTTRELL John, of John S. and Esther, " Susan, CR.VNDALL Prudence, of Jeremiah and Kezler, Kezler, Sarah, Jeremiah, JNIatthew, Luke, Ebenezer, Tluuik-ful, Azariah, son of Peter, Anna (Burdlck), of Edward, Olive, of Azariah and Anna, Peter, Sarah, Sarah, of David and Sarah, Sarah, wile of David, died, Elias, of David and Jemima, David, Jemima, Zebbeus, Telek, John, Mercy, Aune, Thanlctul, of Le\'l and Margaret, Christopher, Samuel (born Charlestowu), son of Simuel Clarrissa, of Archibald and Susanna, Phineus Maison, of Amherst and Polly, Ethan, Polly. Luke, of Amherst and Mary, Mary Ann, Jalrus. of Rogers and Lucy, Susannah, Rogers, Anna, of Ezra, and Anna, Hezeklai, of Pardon and Esther, Pi'udence, Keuben, Mary Ann, of Samuel and Elizabeth, Samuel, William Clarke, Henry Clinton, of Elijah and Susannah, Samuel AVells, Susannah. Sept. 20, June 6, Nov. 18, Feb. 15, July 28, Jan. 3, Aug. 18, Oct. 31, June 14, died May 24, Oct. 22, June 17, May 13, Nov. 5, Feb. 9, Jan. 20, Feb. 21, March 17, June 7, May 6, Nov. 30, July 17, Feb. 17, Jan. 12, Dec. 17, June 30, June 22, July 21, Feb. 9, Dee. 22, Aug. l(i, Aug. 7, Feb. 11, April 10, March S, March 27, Feb. 17, Dec. 12, Jan. 26, Nov. 22, July 3, May 10, March 19, Jan. 17, July 22, .Sept. 22, and Mai-y. Aug. 11, Dec. 2, June 25, Jan. 11, Sept. 10, Maxch 22, .Udy 22, JiUi. 17, Sept. 5, May 13, Nov. 9, Sept. 22, Sept. 3. Jan. 6, Jan. 29, Jan. 27, April 22, July 15, Marcli 10, May 29, 1800. 1803. 1805. 1764. 1766. 1769. 1770. 177S. 1775. 1783. 1789. 1791. 1793. 1795. 1801. 1804. 1807. 1843. 1846. 1915. 1816. 1745. 1749. 1751. , 1752. , 1755. , 1757.- , 1759. , 1702. , 1749. 1753. 1773. 1775. 1777. 1702. 1702. 1705. 1766. 1770. 1774. 1776. 1778. 1780. 1783. 1772. 1774. 1780. 1788. 1787. 1790. 1792. 1795. 1811. 1799, 1801, 1804. 1707. 1800. 1803. 1800. 1803. 1805. 1800. 1809. 1813. 1816. 38 VITAL RECORD OF EHOD^ ISLAND. 1-73 CRUMB Siirali, ol Daniel, 1-73 u AWgall, 1-73 tl Haimah, 1-73 11 Daniel, ' 1-73 11 Samuel, 1-73 " Daniel, 1-73 " Hunneman 1-73 " William, Jan. 20, 1765-. Oct. 22. 1766. Dec. 25, 1768. Oct. 22, 1770-. Aug. 2. 1772. March 10, 177i;. Feb. 2. 1779. May 2, 1781. D 2-7 DAV1.S Martlia, of Elder Joseph, 2-7 " Samuel, 2-7 (( Comfort, 2-7 « Marvel, 2-7 (( Anna, 2-7 « Prudence, 2-7 " Joseph, 2-f7 " Tacy, 2-7 a Edward, 2-7 it Clarke, ;' 2-7 " Elizabeth, 2-7 u Ethan, 2-7 tl Dorcas, 2-7 tt Fannie, Note.— The first two of the above bury, the next two In Westerly, the 1-48 tt Lydla, of Da\-ld and Lydla, 1-70 tt LlUas Hudson, 1-70 tt DavMU 1-70 tt Joshua, 2-17 " Jodiiliah, of Oliver and Penelope. 2-17 " Pardon, 2 17 " Peter, 2 17 " Oliver, 2-17 " Mary, 2-17 C( Hannah, 2-17 tc Sarah. 2-17 " Lydla. 2-17 " Su.sannah, 2-17 tt WiUter White, 2-17 If Elizabeth, 217 tl Amey, 2-84 It David L.. of Aaron and Dorcas, 1-26 DEAR Joshua, of John and Hannah, 1-26 " Christcji'her, 1-26 C( John. 1-20 tl Joseph, 126 XI Benjamin, 126 " Hannah, 126 " Foster, 1-26 " Mnry, 1 .33 " William GoiUd, of Charles, 1-19 DODGE Elizabeth, (1). Charlestown) of Joseph, 1-10 " Susannah, 1-19 tt Joseph, Jr.. (b. Westerly) 1 19 " Peter, of Daniel, 1 43 DORRANCR D.mul, of Gershom and Margaret, 1 -«{ " Margary, 1-53 " Gershom, May 5, 1740. Feb. 28, 17-tO. May 18, 1753. Sept. 6, 1755. Feb. 4, 1758. July 7, 1760. Oct. 11, 1764. July 13, 1766. July 20, 1768. Nov. 20, 1774. May 8, 1776. July 16, 1778. March 7, 1780. Feb. 10, 1782. children born in Shrews- rest In HopK-inton. May 16, 1768. July 7, 1770. Oct. 31. 1772. April 5, 1775. May 2, 1781. Nov. 3, 1784. June 24. 1730. Marcli 15, 1798. Feb. 14, 1700. Nov. 13. 1"91. Aug. 13', 1703. Oct. 13, 1795. Sept. 24, 1707. Jan. 1, 1.^00. Jan. 14, 1802. Jan. 20, 1804. June 27, 1802. Juno 13, 1747. Aug. 21, 1740. Aug. 16, 1752. Nov. 37, 1753. Nov. 27, 1753. Dec. 16, 1753. Aug. 23, 1757. May 27, 1750. March 0, 1761. (0. S.) July 10, 1744. Nov. 12, 1747. May 2, 1752. Jan. 8, 1757. Feb. c. 1764. Oct. 11. 1706. March i2. 1768, HOPJilNTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 39 1-53 ED\\ ■AHDS Paine, of Peleg, U-105 ' Paine, 2d, 1-105 ChiisloiiUer, 1-105 J;uoT), 1-105 Perry, 1-105 Sarah, 1-117 JIary, of Pliineus and Mary, 1-117 Mary, 1-117 Pliineus, 1-117 Mary, 1117 Phebe. 1-117 Nathan, 1-117 Sarah, 1-117 Eunice, 1-117 Putnam Lewis, 2-2 Rliorta, of PeiTy and Rhoda, 2-2 ' Pi-udence, 2-2 ' Ruth, 2-2 Perry, 2-2 Pliebe, 2-2 Gurdiner, 2-2 Susannah, 2-2 Henry, March 13, 1708. March 1, 17G9. Aug. 4, 1T71. Aug. J, 1774, Nov. 5, 1770. Oct. 8, 1778. Jan. 4, 1771. died .Ian. G, 1773. M,ircli IS, 1773. June IS, 1775. Aug. y. 1777. March 30, 1780. Aug. 28, 1786. March 7, 1789. Jan. 8, 1798. March 12, 1735. Fel). r.. 17S7. July 6, 17o9. July 12, 1791. April 15 1794. April (i. 1796. March 3, 1800. ApiH 21, 1S05. 2-12 PENNEE 2-12 <( 2-70 (( 2-70 " 2-70 " 2-70 " 2-70 " 2-70 " 2-4ii " 2-43 li 2-43 " 2-43 " 2-43 » 1-20 FOSTER 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-29 " 1-31 ■' 1-31 " S-58 " 2-1 '•' 4-3 " Anstls, wife of Reuben, Roswell, of John, Deborah (WUcox) his wife, Alice, of Boswell and Deborab, Esther, Lucinda, Mary, Jcrah, of Reuben and AnsUs, RosweU Borden, R'_'aben,, Lucy Brown, (bom Milton, Cayuga Co., N. V Anstis, Anstls, wife of Reuben, died at Milton, N. i'., Elizabeth, of Thomas and Mary, Jonathan, JIary, Sarah, William, Hannah, Sosannali, ThomaiS, Elizabeth, of Jonatlian and Anna, Jonathan, Christopher, of Gideon, Mary Maxson, alias, of Amey of Hopkinton, Christopher, \ Sept. 8, 1769. April 19, 1776. Sept. 1, 1778. Jan. 2, 1779. March 27, 1796. April 23, 1798. Oct. 9, 1809. Feb. 23, 1304. July 18, 1795. April 9, 1798. Nov. 8, 1793. ) of Reuben and Nov. 3, 1799. Fob. 12. 1802. .nay 10, 1739. Jiiiie 24, 1741. Dec. 12, 1743. Feb. 12, 1746. June 36, 1748. Jan. 10, 1752. Sept. 13, 1755. July 23„ 1757. June 2, 1735. July 23. 1737. April IS, 1785. Jan. 24, 1782. died AprU 27, 1346. Q 1 lo:; CtARDINER Catharine, of Thomas I'otter and Cathaiine, Sept. 30, 1773. 1-24 GREENE Benjamin, of Matthew and Judeth, March 25, 1751. 1-J4 •• Hannah, Aug. 4. 1753. 1-24 '• S;irah, Aug. 14, 1755. 1-24 " Humility, -^Pfil 9, 1757. iO VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2^2 GEEENE Matthew, of Benjam In and Grace, Dec. 19, 1783. 2-42 " Bl-njamin, March 15, 17SG. 3-42 " Da\l0 '• Thomas Wilbur, ol Henry and Edy, 2-jO " Pai-don, 2-50 " Matilda,, 2-50 " Moses B., 2-50 •■ Mai')' A,, his "wife, 4-13 " Pibelie M., o£ Moses B. and Mai'y A., 4-1 :) " Moses D.„ 4-13 " Daniel C, 413 " Hannah A., 4-13 " Ijenjamin F., 4-13 " Susan A., 4-13 •• Francis J., 2-1)5 " George Waslilngton, of Natlianiel and Mary, 2-71 •■ EliMi, of Daniel and Sarah Ann, 2-71 " Anna, 2-71 '• William Bliss, 4-14 " Daniel C, 4-li " Amey, 4-11 " Emi'ltoe, 4-14 " Sarah Content, of Dnui.'l and Content, 4-14 " Abbie Altoona. 4-14 " Elizabeth, of Daniel and Ann, 4-14 " Anne, 4-14 " William Bliss, 2-79 " Hannah B., of Christopher C. and We;iUhy, 2-79 " Christopher C, 2-79 " AUred, 2-79 " Natlian Kenyion, 2-79 " Daniel. 2-79 " Welcome, 2-79 " Edwin Ransom, 4-8 " Edwin Augustus, of Charles C. and Frances Jan. 20, 179:2. June 1, 1794. June 3, 1796. Dec. 2b, 1798. born April 10, 1797. Jan. 29. 1803. Feb. 7, 1831. Jan, 28, 1833. Sept. 20, 1835. May 26, 1837. June 28, 1838. Oct. 8, 1841. Sept. 14, 1845. Nov. 20, 1800. Aug. 7, 180(;. Apra 15, 1808. June 14, 1810. Feb. 25, 1815. Nov.. 10, 1813. July S„ 1815. July 6, 1824. Jan. 18, 1830. Aug. 7, 1806. April 15, 1808. June 14, 1810. Dec. 21. 1812. Feb. 22, 1815. Jan. 31, 1817. Oct. 23, 1818. Feb. 4, 1821. July 7. 1822. Jan. 31, 1827. M., Feb. 11, 1848. M 1-27 Mr, April 16. 177S. l-(ifl ' Hannah, •VprU 1, 1780. 1-66 ' Susannah, March 25, 1783. 1-66 Lucy, May 22, 1784. 1-66 • Aseneth, June 21, 1786. 1-66 ' Ehui, Nov. 8, 1788. 1-63 ' Jo-^eph, of Sylvanus and Lydia, April 25, 1771. 1-63 ' Lewis, Dec. 17, 1773. 1-63 ' SylvTmus, Feb. 16, 1775. 1-63 ' Natlian, Oct. 5, 1777. 1-64 ' Binjaniin, of Stephen, June 27, 1771. 1-64 Thankful, Feb. 27. 1776. 1-78 ' Samuel, 3d, son of Samuel, April 1. 1774. 1-78 ' Elisha, 41 h, son, April 3, 1776. 1-78 ' Davis, 5lh, son. March 13, 1784. 2-10 • Benjamin, Jr., born Sept. 38. 1775. 2-49 ' Penelope, his wUe, Dec. 2, 1782. 2-49 ' ' Benjamin, of Benjamin and Penelope. Jan. 23, 1798. 2-49 ' Nanc.v, A|.nl 11. ISOO. 2-49 ' Da\dd, Dec. 4, 1801. 2-49 ' &illy, July 8, 1804. 2 49 ' Huldah, Aug. 17, 1806. 2-12 ' George, of George and Anne, Nov. 23, 1778. 2-12 ' Nancy, Sept. 17, 1780. 2-12 ' Polly. Feb. 27, 1733. 2-12 ' Freelove. of Georee and Anne. Dec. 2. 1785. 2-12 James. March 2. 1788. 2-12 Abel. May 11, 1790. 2-12 Martha. July 7. 1702. 2-12 ' Henrv. Aug. 1. 1794. 1-120 Wealthy, of Samuel. Mav 24. 1779. 2-45 Martha, of Pelee and S:irah, Aug. 12. 1779. 3-45 Benjamin Clarki . April 5, 1781. 2-45 Pelee. June 27. 1783. 2-15 iNathan. oi Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 16. 1785. 2-15 Elizabeth. Oct. 21. 1787. 2 15 Catharine, Nov. 9, 1789. 2-15 Xatthew, Nov. 27, 1791. 2 15 Matthew, dliHl Deo. 30. 1791. 215 Isaac Vars, May 23, 1793. 4G VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-15 MAXSOX Efhv;u-(l, of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 20, 1797. •J-ID Sarali, Sept. 16, 17SI1). '2-7 " .Toliii Davis, of Samuel, Jr., and iiannali. March 10, 1788. 2-14 •• F./.i kicl, ol Elislia and Riliccca, S.'id. 22, 1788. 2-14 " Tacy, AprU 6, 1700. a 14 Elic. 22, 1809. 2-62 " Nancy Crandall, 2d, Di-c. 22, 1810. 2-62 " Horace, Stay 17, 1812. 2-62 " Lydla WeUs, • Oct. 22, 1810. 2-62 " Ellas Irish, of Pel eg and i'iarrlssa, April 3, 1310. 2-00 " Tacy Ann, of Ellsha and l.ydla. Oct. 12, 1625. 2-90 it Abide jVngehne, July 2, 1827. 3-7 " David Stillman, of Samuel and Lucy, Sept. 2S, 1S28. 3-7 (( Nathan, Aug. 5, 1830. 3-7 " Sainu.-I l!.ay, Nov. 22, 1832. 3-7 " Julia Ann, Oct. 15, 1834. 3-7 " l.ucy Angeline, Dec. 29, 1836. 1-27 Mll.l.. \i;ii Saiah, of John and Catherine ', Felj. 23. 1755. 1-27 " EUJah, Api-11 21. 1758. 1-27 " Catherine, May 24, 1701. 1-42 " Susannah, Maich 13, 1764. 1-30 Ml ll'T Sarah, of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1763. N 1-25 NEY C athirlne, of Caleb and Catherine, 2-77 '• Mary, 2-77 u Joshua, 2-55, 1 7 " Mary, died, aged 66 years, July 5, 1788. 2-55, -< 7 Caleb, died aged 76 years, July 25, 1796. 1-1 NICHOLS Andrew, of Da\-ld and KUzaheth, 1-1 " George, 1-1 ti Joljn, 1-1 t( Desire, l-I " Luke, 1-1 " Marlha, 11 (i Amey , 2-72 li Eliza, of John and Elizalieth, 2-72 " Maria Ann, May 26, 17.-12. Urt. .->-> 1761, Marcli is'. 1758, May 10, 1776. Dec. 31, 1777. Nov. 22, 1779. May 10, 1782. Dec. 13, 17S3. Feb. 22 17Sti. Dec ■ 4, 1787. Aug. 23, 1604. Feb. 16, 1806. Bcc. 31, 1783. Jan. an. 1TH4. Fob. 23, 1785. Oct. 4, 1780. Auk. 15. 1788. .T.in. 31, 1790. .Sept. 10. 1770. April 24 , 1772 March 24, 17.34. Marcli 6, 1733^ Juno 28, 1757. Oct. 18, 1701. July P, 1703. Oct. 3, 1772. died Oct. 10, 1778. HOPKINTON BIETHS AOT) DEATHS. 47' O P 3-3 PALMER Natbanlel, born MaJ- 33, 1757. 2-3 " Mary, his "wife, bom Nov. 18, 1700. 2-3 " .Tud<'th, of Nathaniel and Mary, 2-3 " Mary, 2-3 " Gideon, 2-3 " Nathaniel, 2-3 " Samuel, 2-43 " Lawton, of Jolm and Hannah. 1-75 PALMITF.R Pholic, of Nathan and AhiKnil, 1-75 " Stephen, 2-5 PATTERSON Amos (lx>rn -Itoninston, Conn.l. 2^5 " Eunice (Hall), his wlfo (born Richmond), 2-5 " Mary, of Amos and Eunice, 2-5 " Martha, 3-5 " Eunice, 2-5 " Amos, 3-5 " Amo.s. Note— First child born in Richmond, the others In Hopkii 1-00 PECKHAM Hannali, of Daniel, and Avis, 1-BO " Polly, 1-00 ■' WctHlen, 2-44 " Amoy, 1-19 PERRY Mary, of Simeon, 1-19 " Samuel, 1-19 " Susannah, 1-19 " Simeon, 1-25 " Simeon, of Simeon, and I'cnelope, 1-47 POPPLE Tuliltlia, 1-70 PORTER llunnali, of Nathan, and Hannah, 1-70 " Desire, 1-70 " Nathan, 1-70 « Fannie, 1-70 " Jolin, 1-70 " Mary, 1-25 POTTER Caleb, of Thomas, ami .ludeth (O. S.J, 1-24 " Mary, of George, and Content, 1-24 " George, 1-24 « Joseph, 1-20 " Hannah, 1-20 " Susannah, 1-48 " Content, 1-48 " Lydla, 1-48 " Nathan, 1-48 " Lucy, of George and Content, 1-48 " .Elizabeth, 1-20 " -rstephen, of Stephen, 1-73 " Judeth, of Caleb and Catlierine, 1-73 " Judeth, of Caleb and Catherine, 1-73 " Mary, 1-73 " Thomas, 1-73 " Caleb, 1-73 " Clarke, 1-73 " Sarah. 1-73 " Catharine, 1-73 " Elizabeth, 1-33 " Thomas, died in his 78th year, 2-76 " Judeth, wife of Thomas, died, age 93 years, 2-76 " Judith, of Caleb, died, age 22 years, 2-76 " Catey, of Caleb, died, am- 2i) years, 2-50 " Lyman, of Jonathan, Jr., and Martha, 2-50 " Lydia, 2-50 " Lucy, 2-50 " Luke, April 25, 1777. Nov. 27, 1778. May 2, 1782. March 5, , 1784. Sept. 18, , 1750. May 1, 1754. June 17, 1.750. Sept. 29, 1759. Sept. -29. 1709. born March 22, 1787. April 10. 1704. Nov. 14, 1706. May 19, 170.3. Dec. 1.^, 1709. March 0, 1772. April 9, 17,4. Aug. 19. 17 19. May 30, 1755. Feb. 10, 1757. Feb. 10 . 1759 March 9, 1701. March 14, 1763. May 25, 17')5. Oct. 10, 1700. May 31, I7C-.9. Oct. 10, 1771. Sept. 19, 1775. Nov. 1, 1757. Nov. 15, 1771. died Dec. 19, 17!I3. July 29, 1773. Aug. 25, 1775. Oct. 30, 1779. Aug. 19. 1781. May 8, 1783. Feb. 17, 178S. Sept. 12, 1794. .Tan. 8, 1773. Jaji. 2ii, 1805, Dec. 19, 177!!. Dec. 4, 1810. Jan. 29, 1777. March 20, 1779. Jlay 20, 1781. June 5. 1783. 48 ^^TAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-SO POTTER Martha, of Jona,than, Jr., and Martha, 2-50 " Jonathan. 2-50 " S;irah. 2-50 " George, Noti^Flrst two burn In Richmond, the 1-95 " William, of Stephen and S;irah, 2-3 " Sarah, 2-3 " Stephen, '' 2-3 " Esther. 2-3 « Ezeld.-l, 2-64 " Rebecca, of Thomas and Sally, 2-64 " Asa Coon, of Thomas and SaUy, 2-64 " Asa Coon, 2-64 " Judith, 2-64 " Levi Barber, 4-11 " Benjamin, born June 16, 1785. 4-11 " Elizabeth (Greene), Ws wife, bom Nov. 8, 4-11 " Eliza, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, 4-11 " Maria Egerton, 4-11 " Benjamin Franklin, 4-11 " Elizabeth Frances, 4-11 " Siirah Turner, 4-11 " SiLsan Greene, 4-11 " Luther Greene, 4-11 " .lohn Edwin, 2-80 " Nancy, of Clarke and Ju'leth, 2-80 " BerL-th, 2-80 " Clarke Aldriih, 280 " William Wilbur, 2-89 •' Joseph Henry, of Robert T. and Mary, 3-J5 " Harriet D., of Clarke A. and Belinda, JiUy 11. 1785. Dec. 20, 1787. Dec. 16, 1789. March 30, 1793. others In llopklnton. Nov. 15, 1781. Nov. 23, 1783. Aug. 5, 1785. June 11, 1787. July ?1, 1790. Dec. 10, 1798. ILay 4, 1801. died Jan. 5. 1804. Nov. 4, 1803. Jan. 5, l.SOU. 1792. Sept. 20, 180S. Sept. 20, 1810. Nov. 17, 1812. April 7, 1813. Sept. 17. 1817. July 18, 1820. N"V. 8, 1S2:!. Jan. 20, 1826. Jan. 2, l>o:). Feb. 23, 1811. Si-pt. 20, 1812. March 8, lt>14. Oct. 21, 1823. Dec. 28, 1839. Q R 1-110 RANDALL Matthew, of Lieut. Matthew ai;d Mary 1-110 " Lucy, 1110 " Hannah, 1-110 " Sarah, 1-110 " Mary, 2-4 " Nancy, 2-4 " Betsey, 1 19 REYNOLDS Elizabeth, of Richmond, 119 « Presilla, 1-19 " Joshua, of Richmond, 1 - 9 " John, 1-10 " S.amuel, of Joseph (N. S.), 1-19 " Thomas, 1 ■-" " Simeon, of Richmond. 1-32 " Joshua, and Anne, buried Jan. 28, 17 1 32 " Anne, wife of Richmond, 1-27 " Thankful, of Jo.seph and Hannah, 1-30 " Rebecca, of Ellas and Ruth, 1 30 " James, 1 30 " John, 1-30 « EUas, 1-30 " Silas, 1-30 " Amey, 1-72 " Susannah, of Zaccheiis, Jr.. .and Desire, 2-16 " Pully, 2-16 " Susiuuiah, 1-111 " (lark,-, of aarke and Hannah, 1-111 " Ethan, 1-lH " Pliineas Miner, 2-16 " Desire, of Zaccheus and Phebe, May 17 1775 Dec. 16, 1776 Feb. 5, 1779. Feb. 10 1781 March 4 1783 June 22, 1786. Aug. 16. 178,^. Feb. 26, 1751. Sept. 20, 1752. March 7, 1751. Nov. 10, 1735. Oct. 23, 1751. Dec. 8, 1753. Jan. 15. 1738. 00. buried Jan. 28, 1760. June 9, 1700. Oct. It. 1700. Dec. 19. 1761. Sc>pt. 15, 1704. Nov. 3, 1767. March 14, 1709. AprU 5. 1771. Apiil 2. 1773. April 23, 1773. March 29, 17S0. Aug. 10. 1777. May 21. 1780. Dec. 24, 17,«7. May 29, 1782. HOPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 49 ^-16 REYNOLDS Pliebe, of Zaccheus and Pliobe. Sept. 17. 1783. 2-16 " SopUJa, Oct. 1, 178.5. 2-10 " Ira, Dec. 5, 1787. 216 " Cynthia, M.areh 2, 1791. 2-56 u Welcome, .\iml 13, 17!M;. 250 u Zaopheus, fatbor of the above children, died bi lure his son Wei- come was horn. 1-:!!) RHODES Snnili, 4tU cliUd of .Tami-.s aid Anna. .Inne 7. i7ai . 1 31) " .lanjes, 5(h, Aug. 12, 1764. 128 ROniNSD.V William, of Edward aiul M;u-tlia, March 29, 1736. 1-26 '• Edward, Feb. 15, 1738. 1-26 " Erancls. May 22, 1740. 1-26 Nathan. .hme 30, 174-2. 1-26 " Martha. bent. 28, 1743. 1-26 " Klizabeth, April 2i), 17 is. 1-26 '* Anne, Nev. 6, l-.-i'J. 1-26 Amey. F'li. 6, ISor.. 1-26 A\1a. July 12, 1759. 1-58 RouEltS Anioa. of Amos and Aiiiu>, Nov. 1, 1767. 1-78 John. Dec. 22. 1770. 353 ** Gleason, June 4. 1775. a-53 Uleason. d. Dec. 11, 1777. 2-53 " Kllsha. April 11, 1777. 2-53 " Anna, FeJ). 17, 1779. 2-53 " Charles DaJce. Nov. 8, 1780. 2^53 " . Sally, Nov. 17. 1785. 1-07 " Martha, of Carey and Martha, tk^pt. 16, 1768. 1-97 " Clarke, May 20. 1771. 1-97 " Benjamin. Jul).? 6, 1773. 1-07 " Carey, AprU 20, 1776. 2-74 KOSS Eliza Anna, of Lyman and Judeth. Feb. 5, 1810. 1-75 5AUNDER.S William, of Henry and Aphannah, 1-75 " Mary, 1-75 " Susannah, 1-75 " Klizabeth, 2-69 " MatlKla. of Isaac and Matilda. 2-73 SHELDON Phebe. of Asa and Mary. 2-73 " Renewed. 2-73 " Jlarv Ann, 2-73 " Phiiiens. 2-73 " Asa, 2-73 " Dennis, 2-73 " Gilbert Gardiner, 2-51 SPICER Joseph, of Joseph and Mary. 2-51 " Fannie, 2-51 " Geiirge Thurston, 2-51 " John, 1-70 STILES John, ot Israel .nnd H.an n.nb. 1-76 " Mary. 1-76 " Israel, 1-76 " Nathaniel. 1-76 " Nathaniel, 1-76 " WlUiani, 1-76 " Hannah, 1-76 " Hannah, 1-76 " Joshua. ^1-76 " Joshua. 1-76 " Hannah, 1-76 " A son born and died, .2-78 STILLMAN Elislia, ot Ellsha, Feb. 26. 1761. 2-78 " Prudence (Burdiclc, ot Elder John), his wife, Fob. 9, 1774 March 27, 1776 Feb. 3. 1780. Jan. 6, 1784 Fell. 7, 1811. S-l)t. 27, 1.801. March 2-'j. I,S03 Aug. 5. 1.305 .Sept. 13, 1.807 Feb. U 1810 April 7, 1812 Oct. 17, 1814 March 9, 1797. April 20, 1799 Aug. 4, 1,902 Aug. 20, 1804 March 5, 1736. Oct. 10, 1738 April 13, 1740 July 28, 1742 d. Feb. 23, 1754 July 29, 1744 July 13', 1740 d. July — , 1749 July 12. 1748 d. July — . 1749 .Inly '■>, 1750 Dee. 22. 1753 July 24, 1701. 50 AaTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-78 STILLMAN Prudence, of EUslia and Pcuden •2-T8 " Phlneus, 2-78 Polly. 2-7S Elisha, 2-78 " Johu Burdlck, 2-78 " Clarke, 2-78 " Susannah, 2-76 Ira, 2-78 Thankful, 2-67 " Phiueus. born May 10, 1,'85. 2-67 " Thankful (Gardiner), his wife. 2-67 " Thankful, of Phlneus and Thankful 2-(i7 " George P., 2-67 " Boton, 2-67 " Pj-udence M., 2-67 " Amelia E., 2-67 " Ransome T., 2-67 " Charles 0., S-67 Eliza C, 2-R7 David G., 2-68 " Maria, of l>avld and Gra ,;e. 2-68 " Ephraim, 2-68 " Lucy, 2-68 " Elizabeth, 3-9 " Maxson J., of Christopher 'J. and 2-10 STETSON Benjamin, of Tliomas, Marv. .Ian. 13, 1 7.%3. May 10 17.-S.-). Aug. 11 1787. Oct. 2, 1789. Aug, 29, 1792. Jan. 15, 1793. July 20, 1797. Oct. 30, 1799. Jan. «, 1S05. March 27, 1784. Oct, 27, 1811. M,irch 20, ISl.T. July 2, 1314. June 20, isii;. May 5, 181.S. Feb, 29. 1820. Jan. 12, 1824. Feb. 16, 1826. .rnly 24, 1828. Aug. 21, 1303. Jan. 8, ISOC.. July 19, 1808. March 7, ISll. Oct. 22, 1-31. July 9, 1772. 1100 l-lOO 1-100 1-33 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-33 1-33 1-35 1-47 1-47 1-47 - 1 47 1-47 147 1-47 1-21 1-21 1-105 1-U)5 1-105 1-105 1-105 11 05 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1 51 l-lOO 1-100 1-100 1-100 rA>fN'ER David, of Nathan (of William) and Mary, Xatlian, .\bel, " Hannah, of John and Maiy, " Nathan, " Mary, " Esther, " Ruth, Jolin, " Stephen (also 1-109), " Joseph, of William and ousannah, " Thurston, " Thurston, William, '" Susannali, ' Sarah, " Hannah, " Nathan, of D3\id, Mary, Hannah, of Nathan .and Elizabeth, " Nathan, " Thomas, ■' Elizabeth, " Sarah. " Mary, " Thankful, of David and llopeslill, ■" Nathan, of John and Mary, " Mary, " Esther, ■' Hannah, " Janii-s, of Da«d and Hopestill, " William, of Abel and Phebe (also 2-63), " Elizabeth, (also 2 63), " Phebe (also 3-63), " Mary (alsrf 2-63), Sept. 7, 1740 Sept. 19, 1752. Aug. 17, 1753 Jan. 7, 1758 Dec. 17, 17iiO Nov. 8, 1763 Aug. 27, 1766 Dec, 14, 1769. Feb. 5, 1736. April 15, 1738 died May 5, 1767 Aug, 6, 1760 July 23, 1763 Dec. 15, 1765 Jan. 29, 1768 Sept. 27, 1755. May 14, 1757 S»T)t. fi. 1760. Feb. 22, 1763 Seph. 14, 1767 Dec. 13, 1770 July 4, 1772 May 12, 1775 July 27, 1761. Aug. 17, 1755 Jan. 7, 1738 Dec, 17, 1760 Sept. 19, 1762 June 30, 1767 May 8, 1769. Ft*. 0, 1771 Jan. 4, 1773 March 2o, 1775 HUPKINTON BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 51 1-100 I-ICIO 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-69 1-69 215 2-15 2-15 1103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-103 1-115 1-115 l-ai5 1-115 1-115 1-115 1-115 1-110 1-110 2-5 2-54 2-80 2-80 3-8 3-8 1-40 1-40 1-40 1-40 1-40 TANNEi; llaiiiiuli. iil Alvl aii'ov. y. 1763. 1-73 Folly, April 9, 1767. 1-73 Hannah. April 16, 17(.:i. 1-73 Kuth, Si>pt. (!, 1770. 1-73 Anna. March 5. 1774. 1-37 EUsha. of Matthew and Bridget, Sept. 19, 175 S. 1-37 Bathsheba July 6, 17(30. 1-37 Mli.s, Jan. 3. 1702. 1-37 John. Dec. 3. 17f.3. 1-33 Barbara, Of Peter and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1760. 1-63 Clarke, of Thomas and S:irah, July 8, 1762. i-(;3 .1 oseph. Sept. 2. 176-1. 1-153 David, April 2, 1761;. 1-63 Mary, Dec. 2, 170.S. 1-63 Anne, Jan. 1, 1770. 1-66 Rhoda, ot Thompson and Elizabeth, May 14, 1768. 1-66 Palmer, March 31, 1771. 1-66 Eli7.abft,h, Aug. 28, 1773. 1-66 Thompson, June 16, 1776. 1-66 Marj-, Nov. 23, 1778. 1-66 Phobe, May 21, 1787. 1-66 Eunice, June 21, 1788. 1-97 Elizabeth, of Jonathan and Araey, Feb. 11, 1789. 1-97 Mary, Oct. 29, 1773. 1-59 Gardiner, of Joshua, March 20, 1770. 1-59 Joshua, July 17, 1771. 2-44 Joseph, of S:irauel and Susonnali, May 7, 1783. 2-44 Susannah. Nov. 14, 1788. 2-44 Samuel. April 27, 1791. 2-44 George Potter, Dec. 14, 1793. 2-44 WllUam Davis, AprU 8, 1797. S-44 Thankful. Aug. 7, 1803. 2-10 Batlishelia of John and Sarali, AprU 19, 1789. 2-67 PhebP, of B.arker and Fannie, Aug. 19, 1800. 2-67 John AMricb, ■Nov. 17, 1801. 2-46 Joseph WllUird, of Josi'ph and Lydla, Feb. 9, 1808. 2-46 (( Daniel B.abcock, Aug. 15, 1811. 2-93 it Edward S. of Edward S. and Deborah, Oct. 8, 1318. 1-114 WEST J inathan, of Elder Thomas, Nov. 28, 1754. 1-114 <( Susannah, June 3, 1756. HOPKINTON BIETHS AND DEATHS. 53 U-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-33 1-33 2-14 2-14 .2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 2-14 .2-14 1-26 1-26 1-26 l-()0 1-60 1-29 1-29 i-dd 1-29 1-29 1-29 1-29 l-3'5 1-33 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 3-8 1-115 1-75 1-75 1-75 1-75 i-75 1-75 1-.75 1-75 1-75 1-71 1-97 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 WEST Jlicliael, of Eldvr Tbonias, " Thomas, " Francis, " S:tmael, " .Jusoph. " Amie, Abigail, " Sarah, oC Francis antl Mary, " William. WHITE Godfrey, of Oliver, " Susannah, " Amelia, of Godfrey and Jane, " Amos, " William, " Phebe, " Oliver, " Henry, " Jane, " Abigail Sole, " Gideon Sole, " Susannah Greene, " Walter Ellis, " Sophia, " Wealthian, of Jol), " Sabra, " Jonathan. " Hannah Clarke, WILB1;K Dinah, " Deboral: of Oliver, Jr., of Christopher and Cynthia, mil Sarah. Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, lienjamln, LyUia, Jdliii, of Joliii and Thomas, Isaac, born March Martha, his wile. ill, 1T74. born June 6. 1780. " Isaac, of Isaac and Martlia. " Charles. " Martha, WILCOX Nathan Asa C^aites, of Nailiaii and Sophia, WILKINSON ShelBeld, of Samuel and Mary, WITTER Josiah, of Joseph, born " Tacy (Reynolds, of Zaccheus), his wife, born " Weeden, of Josiah and Tacy, " Susannah, " Lois, " Hannah, " Joseph. " Eiuiice, " Josiah, *' Sarah, " Saraucl. , 1753. Jan. 22, 1756. Dec. 19, 1757. May 6, 1760. J,in. 25, 1762. Ocl. 25, 1765. ■Sept. 20, 1800. June 0, 1803. Nov. 18, 1805. Dec. 23, 1832. Dec. 29, 1777. Jan. 23, 1739. March 19, 1743. April 30, 1765. May 7, , 1767. Oct. 1, 1708. Aug. 12, , 1772. Mai-ch 28, 1773. Oct. 31, 1775. March 28, , 1777. Feb. 6, 1779. June 29, 1745. Nov. 12, 1765. died Dec. 6, , 1703. Dec. 3, 1766. April 27, , 1769. Aug. 4, , 1771. Nov. 6, , 1773. Feb. 17, , 1776. Aug. 24, , 1780. Dec. 13, , 1782. Aug. 26, , 1778. L&Fe'25 54 \1TAL KECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. l-co WlTTEi; Mary, of Sanuu'l and Tacy (also 2-10), Dec. 10, 17C». 1-00 " Hnldah (also 2-10), March 1, 1772. 1-60 " Dav-ls (also 2-10), May 1. 1'"^- 1-fiO " Davis (.Tlso 2 10), -52 " Joseph, ^ec. 13, 1782. 2-52 •■ Dorcas, of Samuel and Mary, April 11, 1797. 4-17 WooD.MA.NSEt: Sarah Matild;!, of Uenjamln B. and Kuth, Feb. 24,, 1822. 4-17 ■■ George K., March 19, 1824. 4-17 " Thankful, ^^^y ^O- IS-^- WOliDKN l.ucla. of Water and Anne, Dec. 1, 1751. 1-31 1-31 " Dorothy, *'eb. 14. 1753. 1-31 " Anna. 1-31 1-31 F2b. 14. 1755. .T,hera)l Walle. A^S- «. IT'.W. BeiOaniin. No/. 5. 1758. 1.07 •• Jinrv. ol Willi.ini and Mary, May 20, 1766. 1-07 " Sarah, Sept. 10, 1767. 107 " Anne. -^us- '-'•>■ i"""- 2-47 WIUGHT .Sabrma. ol John and Sabrlna. Jan. 29. 1789. 2-47 " Francis West. •**"• <*!• 1791. --47 ■• Nancy. nee. 27. 1792. 2-47 •• Esther. JulV 3, 1704. 3.11 •• Daniel, of Daidel and I'atlence. May 3, 1815. X Y Z l.BAp'05 I I r. 'A