1 n H^H ^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HB , tiQH 1 in ^^H ^^^^^^^H iijii •i HH '1 " tra|H Hi I / WILMINGTON RECORDS OF Rirtlis, Marriages and Deatlis, From 1730 to 1898. ALPHABETICALLY AND CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED BY JAMES E. KELLEY. EDWARD M. NICHOLS. TOWN CLERK. LOWELL, MASS. ■ Printed ky Thompson & Hill. — The Vox Populi Press i8q8. f1$»-> ■c< <^ 30H15 PREFACE. The original record of the Births, Marriages and Deaths in Wilming- ton, prior to the year 1S4;5, are contained in one volume, the binding of which was in a very poor condition, the leaves of which were loose and much worn on the edges. In 1895, it was decided to have the records copied, and I undertook the work, and on Jan. 1, 18!)6, I had copied all contained in the three volumes of the Births, Marriages and Deaths from 1730 to 1896. In March, 1897, it was voted to have additions made to the record of Deaths " which were very incomplete," from gravestones and family records and that the records should then be printed. I carefully examined the stones in the two cemeteries from which 1 secured about four hundred additional records, (these are marked with an asterisk *) which with those kindly furnished by individuals from family records, makes the Death Record appear more complete when compared with the record of Births. In the system here employed no index as such is used or needed. The surnames are all grouped and ar. ranged in alphabetical order and under such surname the christian names follow chronologically. There is no repetition of the surname with each entry in the Births and Deaths, and the word Son and Daughter are represented by the abbreviations "s." and " d." In the Marriages, each record appears twice ; once under the name of the man and again under that of the woman. To fully realize the amount of labor in a work of this kind, a person must have some experience. To take the entries from the original and insert them in their proper alphabetical and chronological place, to then check off and verify the same requires care and patience. I have taken great care to guard against error, but I would not assert that it is en- tirely free from a mistake of any kind, but what to some will appear as an error will be found an exact copy of the record as the Town Clerk received and entered it, and any person who discovers such an error should apply to the clerk and have the same corrected under an Act of the Legislature of 1897, Chap. 444, entitled. An Act relative to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages and Deaths. JAMES K. KELLEY. TOWN OF WILMINGTON. The Tow^n Clerk takes this opportunity to call the attention of all vvho may be interested to the following extracts from Chap. 444 of the "Acts of 1897." "Skct. 1. The Clerk of each town shall receive or obtain ami record the following facts concerning the births, marriages and deaths therein. * * * In the record of births, tlie date of record, the date of birth ? place of birth, name, sex and color of child, the names and places of birth of parents, including the maiden name of mother, the occupation of the father, and the residence of the parents." " III the record of marriages, the date of record, date and place of marriage, the nunip, residence and official station of the person by whom the marriage is solemnized, the names and places of birth of the parties married, the residence, age and color of each," etc., etc. '• In the record of deaths, the date of record, date of death, the name, sex, color and condition (whether single, widowed, married or divorced), the age, residence, occupation, place of birth, place of ileath, the names and places of birth of parents, the disease or cause of death, the place of burial, the maiden name of mother, and if the deceased was a married or divorced woman or a widow, her maiden name, and the name of her husband." " Skct. ;i. Physicians and midwives shall, on or before the lilth day of each month, report to tlie clerk of each town a correct list of all children born tlierein during the month next preceding, at whose birth they were present, stating date and place of birth of each child, the name of child if it has any, the sex and color of each child, the name, place of birth atul residence of parents, the maiden name of mother and the occujiation of the father. * * * Anj' ph}'sician or midwife neglecting to report such list for ten days after it is due shall for each ollV-nce forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars." "Skct. 6. Parents shall within /or/.v hei)a. d. of Levi and Itlioda, Nov. — 18;!!). Clarence T., s. of Xoali and Harriet, May 31, 18()5. ADAMS. Milton Fay, s. of Cyrus and Susan M., Sept. 0, 1840. Jasper Morrill, s. of Cyrus and Maria, Aug. '27, IS");) ALEXANDER. Peter, s. of Peter and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1737. John, s. of Peter and Hannah, Nov. *J3, 1741. Giles, s. of Peter and Hannah, Dec. "Jo. 1742. Hannah, d. of Peter and Hannali, May 3, 1744. Jonathan, s. of Peter and Hannah, May 7. 1747. Mary, d. of (Jiles aud Mary, Aug. '23, 174s. Gile's, s. of (Jiles and Mary. Oct. '28, 17.)(). John, s. of Peter and Hannah, Jan. 1(5, 1751. Heersheba, d. of (iiies and Mary, Jan. 22, 17.")3. Benjamin, s. of (iiles and Mary, Feb. o, 17r)5. Hannah, d. of JVter and Hannah, Mar. 12, 17")7. Susaniui, d. of Peter and Susanna, Feb. 22, 1770. Sarah, d. of (iiles and Sarah, Dec. o, 1771. John, s. of John and Molly, May 28, 177'). Peter, s. of John and .Molly, Feb. 18, 1777. John, s. of ,Iohn and Mollv, Nov. 1!(, 1778. MoUv, d. of John and .Mollv. Nov. 4, 1780. Joseph, s. of John and Molly. Oct. 21, 178-J. Natiianiel. s. of John and Molly. -Jan. 27, 178."). David, s. of John and .Molly. May 22, 17.S7. Jonas, s. of John and ]\Io!lv. .June 22. 178't. 6 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. ALEX Ay DER— Continued. Jonathan, s. of John and Molly, Xov. 25, 1791. John, s. of John and Molly, May 22, 1794. ■, Betsey, d. of John and Molly, Sept. 8, 1796. f Judith, d. Jonathan and Judith, Sept. 10, 181."). Mary Stetson, d. of Jonathan and Judith, Jan. 24, 1817. » Abby Loring, d. of Jonathan and Judith, Sept. 20. 1818. I Abby Ann, d. of Jonas and Hannah, Jan. 30, 1844. Abby Ann, d. of Jonas and Hannah, June 7, 1847. Jonas Watson, s. of Jonas and Hannah, June 16, 1849. ALL EX. Jeremiah, s. of Timothy and IMary, Feb. 17, 1845. Charlotte M., d. of William and Mary, Dec. 3, 18.57. William Jaquith, s. of William D. and Mary A., Mar. 21, 1860. George Lyman, s. of William D. and Mary A., Apr. 22, 1862. Lillian J., d. of Cieorge L. and Agnes, Apr. 8, 1893. Sarah K., d. of George L. and Agnes, Aug. 21, 1894. "I Paul Revere, s. of George L. and Agnes, Mar. 25, 1896. \ Carrie L, d. of George !>. and Agnes, May 21, 1897. ' AMES. William, s. of William and Sarah, Mar. — 183.3.* Harriet, d. of William and Sarah, Aug. — 1836.* Henry, s. of .Joseph A. and Harriot, Aug. 9, 1843. Juliet Stai'k, d. of Joseph A. and Harriot, June 9, 1847. Joseph Newton, s. of Joseph A. and Harriot, Apr. 1, 1858. Maud H., d. of Henry and Addie C. N., Jan. 9, 1884. Edith, d. of Henry and Addie C. N., Aug. 7, 1886. Helen A., d. of Henry and Addie N. (Neville), Oct. .5, 1890. AFPLEBY. William A., s. of William A. and Fanny F., July 30, 1880. AVERY. Frances E., d. of Charles P. and Hannah M., June 22, 1850. BABJXE. Minnie R., d. of Monday and M. Emily, Dec. 2(1, 1881. Mary L., d. of Monday and M. Emily, Mar. 14, 1883. Monday M., s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 16, 1883. Mary R., d. of Amos and Judith, Nov. 4, 1883. Lilie, B., d. of William and Annie L., Nov. 30, 1883. John W., s. of Amos and Judith, Nov. 25, 1884. Lawrence J., s. of Monday and M. ?2mily, July 20, 1886. Margaret E., d. of Amos and Judith, Oct. 21. 1886. Mary E., d. of Mark and Rose A., Aug. 9, 1887. John A., s. of John and Margaret, Feb. 17, 1888. Arthur O., s. of Monday, and M. Emily, May 9, 1888. WII.MINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. B A BINE— Continued. Stella, d. of Sylvine and Belle, July 28, 18S8. Louisa, d. of Amos and Judith, Sept. 4, 1888. Mary Emma, d. of Mark and Kose, May '25, 1889. .fosepli Peter, s. of Monday and M. Emily, June ;')0, ISSI. Minnie F., d. of Monday and M. Emily (iNIuse), July »">. IVm. Adrien, s. of Amos and -Judith (Muse), Jan. 7, 18!(1. John R., s. of John and Bridget (Fury), Apr. 17, 18!)1. Lena K., d. of Joseph and Mary (Amero), Aug'. 1, 1801. l^aniel, s. of Ambrose and Allies (Muse). May 2^5, ISiii'. Joseph A., s. of Mark and Kose (Muse), Aug.';5(», 18!)2. Mary J., d. of Kudoli>h and Fanny (Lefavor), Sept. 28, 18!»2. Susan, d. of Amos and Judith (Muse), Nov. 2, 1892. Julia D., d. of Ramie and Evelina (Surrette), Jan. 27, 18!);j. Susan, d. of Ambrose and Agnes (.Muse), Nov. 12, 189:J. of Joseph X. and Mary (Amero), Jan. 12, 18!)1. Arthur O., s. of Monday and'M. Emilv (Muse), July 1."). 1S!)4. Isabella, d. of Mark and Rose (Muse),"^ July 27, 18!t4. Thomas, s. of John and Britiget (Fury), Sept. 22, J8!)4. John A., s. of Ramie and Evelina (Surrette), Oct. 9, 1894. Amos D., s. of Amos and Judith (.Muse), Dec. 24, 1894. Nellie, d. of Ambrose and Agnes (Muse), Feb. 25, 1895. Mary J., d. of Rudolph and Fanny (Lefavor), Aug. 25, 1895. William C, s. of John and Bridget (Fury), .Sept. 24, 1895. Mary T., d. of Mark and Rose E. (Muse), Oct. 10, 1890. George Walter, s. of Amos and Judith (Muse), Jan. ;31. 1897. .Sydney P., s. of .John and Bridget (Fury), Apr. 8, 18!»7. Joseph W., s. of Lawrence and l{i)sanna (Surrette), Sept. 17. 1897 BACOX. Ann Louise, d. of William and C'laia \\'.. July 21, 1815. BADGER. James ('.. s. of Obediah and Maria, May LJ, 18l;5. BAKER. Raymond, s. of Russell and Mary, Dec. 2(i, 1895. BALD fV IX. Ezra, s. of Jonathan and Hester, .May 12. 1742. Timothy, s. of Jonathan and Hester. Aug. l;5, 1717. .>Lartha," d. of Ezra and Martha, Xov. 2L 1771. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and .Abigail. ^li\y 14. 177;j. P^sther, d. of Jonathan and .Vbigail, Apr. 11. 177i. Anna, d. of Ezra and Martha, Dee. 2(1, 177!». Molly, d. of Timothy and Mary, Mar. 2.!. 17s|. 8 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BALL. Susan Heave], d. of Charles and Susan, Feb. 8. 1838. BANCROFT. Mary, d. of Caleb and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1764. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1766. Haskell Kneeland, s. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Feb. 12, 1831. Harrison Orn, s. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Aug. 27, 1832. Thomas Adams, s. of Harrison and Hephzibah, May 17, 1834. Rebecca Jane, d. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Oct. 6. 1836. Charlotte Ann Kingsbury, d. of Hiram and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1838. Sarah Ellen, d. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Aug. i), 1839. Eunice Sophia, d. of Hiram and Lydia, Apr. 18, 1840. Marcus Morton, s. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Jan. 9, 1842. Sarah Bird. d. of Hiram and Lydia, Dec. 21, 1842. George, s. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Jan. 14. 1845. Sophia Bird, d. of Hiram and Lydia K., Dec. 4, 184.3. Laura Jane, d. of Parker H. and Lydia Jane, Apr. 21, 1847. John Hiram, s. of Hiram and Lydia, Oct. 24, 1848. Eunice, d. of Harrison and Hephzibah, Dec. 21, 1848. Abby F. C, d. of Hiram and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1850. Emma Jane, d. of Hammon and Emeline, Xov. 8, 1850. Cornelia, d. of Harrison and Hannah C, Feb. 10, 1857. Harriot Adeline, d. of Thomas A. and Mary E., Mar. 3, lS5.s. Andrew, s. of Han'ison and Hannah W., Apr. 4, 1858. John W., s. of Thomas A. and Mary E., Mar. 8, 1865. Harrison, s. of Thomas A. and Mary E., Apr. 30, 1868. Illegitimate May 30, 1876. Ida A., d. of John W. and Annie (Johnston), Mar. 13, 18!)0. John F. A., s. of John W. and Annie (Johnston), May 30, 1891. Mary E., d. of John W. and Annie J. (Johnston), May 14, 1893. Bertha F., d. of Harrison and Ellen P., (Snelling), July 14, 1893. Annie J., d. of John A\^. and Annie (Johnston), Sept. 13, 1894. Helen, d. of Harrison and Ellen P. (Snelling), Mar. 30, 1897. BARNARD. Charles E., s. of Benjamin and Caroline (Slack). Jan. 5, 1S55. BARRON. Moses, s. of Moses and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1755. Hannah, d. of Moses and Hannah, May 13, 17.57. Molly, d. of Moses and Hannah. July 11, 176(i. Rhoda, d. of Moses and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1761. Joshua, s. of Moses and Hannah, May 18, 1766.* Jamson, d. of Moses and Hainiah, Oct. 18. 1767. BARROWS. Illegitimate, June 11, 1760. WILMINGTON KECOUD OF BIRTHS. BATt'IIELDFAt. Ciirric Francis, d. of .losi.ili ami and .Maria .M., Oct. "Jl, Isiio. BATCHELLER. Flora Avij>iista, d. of James II. and Mary K., May '2'). isiio. Enieline M., d. of rJanies H. aneiiezer and Catherine, Feh. 12, 17.">2. Heuhcn, s. of .Jacoh and Ahigail, Mar. li>, 17.")2. lOlijah. s. of Ehenezer and Catherine, Mar. 27, 17-") I. Lvdia, d. of Xathan and Mary, \\n\ 4. 17.")."). Nathan, s. of Xathan and Maiy, Mar. 30, 17o(i. Edward, s. of Ehenezer and Catiierine, Sept. 1, 17-")ii. Ruth, (1. of Xathan and Mary, Xoy. !», 17.")8. Ahigail, d. of Ehenezer and Catherine, Mar. 7, 17-")ii. Samuel, s. of .Samuel and llel)ecca, Dec. 22, 17o!'. Hannah, d. of Xathan and :\Iary, Aug. 20, 17fi0. Hehecca, d. of Samuel and Kei)ecca, Nov. 14, 17. William, s. of James and 'Shxvy (.McKay). July "Jl, ISiH. Mary Ellen, d. of James and Mary (.McKay), June 15, 18!»7. BLANCH ARU. Williau), s. of William aiul .Mary, Aug. 5, 1770. Walter, s. of William and Mary, .Apr. 7, 1779. William, s. of William Jr. and" Betsey, Jidy Id. 18li2. Eliza Ford, d. of William Jr. and Betsey, l)ec. 1:5, 180;). Cadwallader Ford, s. of William Jr. and Betsey, Oct. 4, Iso."). AV alter, .s. of William Jr. and Betsey. June Jl.'l807. John Orne, s. of William Jr. and Betsey, Xov. !). 1.S08. Samuel, s. of William Jr. and Betsey, Fel>. 7, 1811. George, s. of William Jr. and Betsey, Mar. 17, 181;!, Elizabeth Ford. d. of William .Ir. and Betsey, .Mar. i', isL"). Edwin, .s. of William Jr. and lietsey, Jan. 1, 1817. ^lary, d. of Aimer and Hannah, .Inne '21, 1818. Abner, s. of Al>ner and Hannah, Dec. "JO, 181!). Henry, s. of William Jr. and Betsey, Jan. 24, 1820. Mary Jane, d. of William Jr. and Betsey, July '2, \>^2'2. Samuel Orne, s. of ^^'illiam .Ir. and Betsey, Feb. (i, 1827. Ann Dawson .Morrisson, d. of William .Ir. and Betsey, May 2'k 182!i. WalterllarrissontJrayOtis.s. of Walter and Charlotte, Fei).2(), ls:n. Lucy Davis, d. of Walter and Charlotte, .Ian. 4, 18:5:}. Chnrlotte Elizabeth, d. of Walter and Charlotte, July IS. bSo."). .Tohn Orne, s. of Walter and Charlotte, Xov. Iti, 1857. William, s. of Walter and Charlotte, Mar. 11. 184:5. Laura .Amanda, d. of Henry and Laura, Xov. 2"), 184:5. .Joseph, s. of Walter and Charlotte, May 24, 184.\ Emma Catherine, d. of Xoar F. and Emeline, .Tune 22. I>i4.'3. 12 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BLANCH ABD— Continued. Henry Jr., s. of Henry and Rebecca L., Sept. lil, 1850. Fannie, d. of Walter H. and Koxann N., Apr. 20, \>i7A. Minnie Davis, d. of Henry and Rebecca L., Feb. 11, IS.")."). Nellie Lewis, d. of Henry and Rebecca L., Feb. 27, 18.57. Edwin Bond, s. of Edwin and Helen B., Apr. 11, 18.59. Carrie M., d. of John O. and Maria V., Aug. 19, 1808. Mary S., d. of Samuel (). and Mary S., June 11, 1878. Mary, d. of Samuel O. and Mary S., Aug. 10, 1874. Reginald, s. of Henry and Lillian F., May 11, 1888. BODWELL. Olive M., d. of Stephen ()., and Satah, Nov. 24, 1872. BOICE. William H., s. of David and Jane, Mar. 28, 1850. Mary Elizabeth, d, of David and Mary Jane, Julv 29, 185o. of David and , June 29, 1856. Lottie M., d. of David and Hannah, June 2, 1874. Amandy F., d. of David H. and Hannah L., Dec. 25, 1877. BOND. Alanson, s. of Capt. Joseph and Polly, Oct. 18, 1802. Charlotte, d. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy. Feb. 15, 1809. Charles W^illiam, s. of William and Sally, Mar. 16, 1809. Eliza Thompson, d. of William and Sally, Xov. 8, 1810. Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 5, 1811. Mary L., d. of William and Sally,"^Apr. 5, 1812. Henry, s. of William and Sally, July 2ij, 181:5. Albert, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 13, 181:}. Nancy Hosmer, d. of William and Sally, Feb. 24, 1815. Sarah Stanley, d. of William and Sally, Feb. 24, 1815. Timothy Davis, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 12, 1815. Thomas Davis, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 12, 1815. Lovicia Wyman, d. of William and Sally, Jan. 8, 1817. Lavinia Shed, d. of William and Sally, Jan. 8, 1817. Edward Lawrence, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 10, 1817. Addison Fletcher, s. of William and Sally, iNIar. 21, 1818. James T., s. of Albert and Sarah Ann, 18-53. Albert Henry, s. of Albert and Sarah Ann, Oct. 14, 18:54. Arthur T., s. of Thomas D. and Olive T., Aug. 4, 1850. Arthur Tiiomas, s. of Thomas I), and Olive T., July 16, 18.52. Addison Judson,s. of Tiniutliy D. and Abby Frances, Aug. 27, 1S54. Lizzie Tiiompson, d. of Thomas D. and Olive T., Feb. 21, 185.5. Eliza Ann, d. of Timothy D. and Abby Frances, Dec. 27, 1855. , of Thomas D. and Olive T., Nov. 23, 18.56. Mary Davis, d. of Timothy D. and Abl)y Frances, Oct. 1, 1857. Frances Abby, d. of Timothy 1). and Fanny J., Feb. 14, 18(iO. Joseph Justiii, s. of Thomas D. and Olive 4'., Feb. 12, 1862. Ethel O., d. of Joseph J. and Margaret M., Oct. Ki, 1885. (In Dakota.) Thomas D., s. of Joseph J. and Margaret M., Jan. 7, 1887. (In Dakota.) WII.MINGTOX HIXOKD OF BIKTHS. 13 BOXDS. Mary Bciloii;i. d. of .loslma and Kli/alx-lli. iH-c. 1. lsr,;5. Kliza, (I. of .losliiia and Elizaltetli, .\\>t. \2, 18o4. -lames Ilenrv, s. of -Fames and l^ois. ,Jaii. IS, l,S5(i. .Ir.sliua. s. of .Foslma and Kli/al.ctli. S(-].t. Id, ISC.O. liOUCHEli. Mary Delpliine, d. ot' Ileiirv and .Iiiditli, May Id, 1887. Hosie, d. of Henry and .hidith. Oct. -J.'), 1SS8. Francis, s. of Henry and .Iiiditli (iNIu^c), .Inly L>. l^iXI. BOUTWELL. Samuel, s. of -lonatlnm and Klizal>eth, Sept. 20, 1750. Hannah, d. of Heubeii and Eunice, .May 1!), 17.")4. I>ois, d. of Heiilien and Eunice, .Ian. 17, 17.")7. Reuben, s. of Heid)en and Eunice, -Inne !), 1759. Eunice, d. of Keulien and Eunice, Nov. 4, 17(il. Al>i.uaii. d. of .lonatlian and Abioaij, dan. li), 17(J-J. Elizabeth, d. of .lonathan and Ahiuail, Mar. 7, 1704. .Molly, d. of Reuben and Eunice, Mar. LS, 171)4. Sarah, d. of .lonathan and Abigail, Api'. I'J, 170(5. Molly, d. of .lonathan and Abigail. .Vu<;-. 1.'), 17(i!). .bdiathan, s. of .lonathan and Abigail, May "J, 1771. Susanna, d. of .lonathan and .Miiyail. Auj^-. 14, 177;$. Eoammi, s. of .lonathan and Abigail, Auj;. 17, 1770. .lonatlian, s. of .lonathan and .leminia. May 1."), 179(i. (Jeorjie, s. of .lonathan and .leniima, Mar. 12, 17.'I8. William, s. of .lonathan and .leminia, Mar. 14, 1801. Abitjail. d. of .lotmtiuin and .leinima, Apr. 25, 1803. •lames, s. of .lonathan and .leminui, .Inly 2!), 180.5. Lucinda (J., d. of .Jonathan and .leminia, .Ian. 11, 1807. Olive Marshall, d. of .lonathan and .leniima, .June Hi, 1811. Mary .lane, d. of William ant! Mary, Aug. 22, 18:55. AViliiain Henry, s. of William and Marv, Mar. (i, 1842. Eydia, Ann, d.' of William and ^lary, Feb. 18, 1846. no WIN, Isaac, s. of .leremiah and Abigail, Oct. 10, 1707. BOYXTON. May E., d. of Dan W. and Laura .1. (Butters), .Fan. 20, l.s7J). W^iilie M., s. of Dan W. and Laura .1. (Butters), Dec. 8. 1S80. Frank H., s. of Dan W. and Laura .1. (Butters), .July 4, 1884. Bit ABE XT. Stillborn, .Alar. 10, 1892. , of Alexander and Mary (Bulger), Apr. 18, 1893. 14 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BRANDON. Mary, d. of Patrick and Ann, Sept. G, 18.38. BREED. Sylvester Symonds, s. of Rogers J. and Matilda J., May 10, 1845. BRIDGES. Anna, d. of -lehiel and Ruth, Sept. 9, 179"2. Jehiel, s. of .lehiel and Ruth, June 29, 1796. John, s. of Jehiel and Ruth, Mar. 26, 1800. BRIGDEN. Eva Maria, d. of Charles T. and Charlotte A., July 24, 1866. BROWN. John Ball, s. of Dr. Jabez and Anna, Dec. 14, 1770. Anna, d. of Dr. Jabez and Anna, Apr. 27, 1775. John Ball, 2d, s. of Dr. Jabez and Anna, Oct. 20, 1784. Mary Dexter, d. of Dr. Jabez and Anna, Dec. 13, 1787. John Huse, s. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1806t. Mary, d. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Jan. 24, 18091. Abigail, d. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Mar. 26, ISllf. Sally, d. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1814J. Nancy, d. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Mar. 18, 1816$. Silas,\rr., s. of Dr. Silas and Abigail. Oct. 6, 1818. Jonathan, s. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1821. William, s. of Dr. Silas and Abigail, Sept. 18, 1823. Thomas Baldwin, s. of William and Hannah J., Aug. 10, 1827. Orrin, s. of John H. and Charlotte S., Sept. 24, 1844. Daniel Stimpson, s. of John H. and Charlotte S., Oct. 28, 1845. William, s. of John H. and Charlotte S., Dec. 7, 1847. Maria C, d. of Jonathan G. and Rachel, Mar. 24, 1856. Edwin, s. of Walter and Roxann, Oct. 12, 18.56. Nellie (i., d. of Alfred P. and Amy M., Mar. 6, 188.5. Everbell, d. of Alfred P. and Amy M., July 6, 1887. George Edward, s. of Alfred P. and Amy M., Jan. 30, 1889. Frank R., s. of Alfred P. and Amy M., Apr. 30, 1891. Bertha L., d. of Alfred P. and Amy M., Mar. 3, 1893. Amv M., d. of Alfred P. and AmvM. (Wadsworth), Dec. 17, 18^4. Ruth M., d. of Alfred P. and Amy M., May 9, 1897. BRYANT. Ruth, d. of Jeremiah and Ruth, Apr. 2, 1740. Martha, d. of William and Eunice, July 6, 1854. William G., s. of W^illiam and Eunice, Nov. 11, 1857. t In Kittery, Me. 1 1» Methiiou, Mass. "WILMINGTON KKCOKD OF BIRTHS. 15 H UCK. Samuel, s. ot" Kpliiuiiu and Mary, Fel). \o. 17"_'i). Thomas, s. of Isaac and Kiitli. Oct. 27, IT^iO. Epliraiin, s. of Ei>liiaiiii and .Marv, Feb. Ki, 17;51. Hester, d. of Isaac and Kutli, .Inly 2:5, 17:U. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Kacliel, Dec. 17, 17;U. JMary, d. of Epliraim and .Mary, rluly 28, 17;}(j. Reuben, s. of Samuel and Hacliel, Nov. 28, 17;5(!. Abigail, d. of Epliraim and Mary, Apr. If), 17;^8. David, s. of Samuel and Rachel, Apr. (i, 173i). Asa, s. of p]phraim and Mary, Feb. 2(i, 1741. Nathan, s. of E|)hraim and .\Iarv, Veh. 10, 1744. Eydia, d. of Zebadiah and Lydia, May 5, 1744. Mary, d. of Zebadiah and Marv, Feb. 7, 1747. Ruth, d. of Zebadiah and Mary, Aug. Ki, 174!». Hannah, d. of Zebadiah and Mary, June 11, 17.')1. F^sther, d. of Epliraim and Mary, Sept. 13, 17.")1. Lydia, d. of Samuel and Lvdia, Apr. 4, 17."')2. Zebadiah, s. of Ze])adiah and Mary, Apr. 11, 17.')3. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Aug. 1, 17.")4. Lydia, d. of Zebadiah and Mary, duly 30, 17.').'3. Hannah, d. of E]>liraini and Hannah, Jan. 0, 1757. Betty, daughter of Samuel and Lydia, Jan. 10, 17.')7. Mehitable, d. of Zebadiah and Mary, Aug. 9, 17.)7. F^phraim, s. of E[)liraim, .Jr., and Hannali, Apr. 2, 17r)9. Reuben, s. of Zebadiah and Mary, .June 27, \~T){). Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lydia, July 10, 17.")!). Ephraim, s. of F^phraim, Jr., ami Hannah, Mar. (J, 1701. Jonathan, s. of Zebadiah and Mary, .June 10, 1701. Dolly, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Jan. 1!), 1702. Jemima, d. of Epliraim, ,Ir., and Hannah, Apr. 3, 17r>:). Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Apr. 2, Kii.}. Samuel, s. of Zebadiah and Mary, Jan. Ki, 17(iO. Willard, s. of Samuel and Lydia, March 24, 1708. Esther, d of Reuben and Esther, Jan. 12, 1783. Molly, d. of Reuben and Esther, F"'eb. 2, 178.'). Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sally, Oct. 2, 1780. Ephraim, 4th, s. of Epliraim, 3d, and Dorcas, Dec. 23, 17'S0. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Esther, Aug. 10, 1787. Sally, d. of Samuel and Sally, May 2, 1788. Cleveland, s. of IOi)liraini and Dorcas, Aug. 31, 1788. (In Reading.) Jonathan, s. of Simon and Folly, Apr. 24, 1789. Asa, s. of F^phraim and Dorcas, ,Iuly 21, 1790. .Alehitable, d. of Samuel and Sallv, Sejit. 5, 1790. Betsey, d. of Nathan and Elizai)e'th, July 14, 1791. Dorcas, d. of Epliraim, Jr., and Dorcas, Sept. 23, 1792. Nancy, d. of Samiud and Sally, Oct. 5, 1792. Lydia, d. of Reuben and F^sther, Apr. 10, 1793. Polly, d. of Simeon and Polly, July 24, 1793. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1793. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Sally, May 27, 1794. Hannah, d. of Ephraim, Jr., and Dorcas, .April 1.x 179."). Nabby, d. of Reuben and F2sther, Sept. 9, 179.'). 16 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. B UCK — Continued. Jonathan, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 7, ]7f>-">. Asa, s. of Ephraim, -Ir., and J)orcas, Apr. G, 1797. Zebadiah, s. of Samuel and Sally, June 80, 1797. Benjamin, .s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1797, Abner, s. of Zebadiah and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1797. Joseph, s. of Reuben and P^sther, Jan. 8, 1798. Sally, d. of Zebadiah. and Sarah, May 81, 1799. Matilda, d. of Samuel and Sally, June 1, 1799. .loab, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Dorcas, June 16, 1799. Rhoda, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth, April 14, 1800. Alvah, s. of Reuben and Esther, June (i, 1800. Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Sally, Aug. 22, 1800. Franklin, s. of Ephraim, Jr., and Dorcas, July 28, 1802. Mary, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1801. Dorcas, d. of Samuel and Sally, 1801*. James, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1807. Clarissa, d. of Samuel and Sally, 1807*. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Sally, 1809*. Alice Almira, d. of Reuben and Alice, Aug. 14, 1811. Sarah Blodgett, d. of Sewell and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1818. Reuben Anzel, s. of Reuben and Alice, Aug. 8, 1818. Hannah Jac^uith, d. of Sewell and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1815. Rachel Furbush, d. of Reuben and Alice, Dec. 18, 1815. Abigail, d. of Nathan and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1819. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Betsey, Dec. 10, 1821. Nathan Edwin, s. of Nathan and Abigail, July 27, 1828. Caroline, d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Feb. 1. 1825. Otis Clark, s. of Nathan and Abigail, Dec. 18, 1825. Darius, s. of Jonathan and Betsey, Oct. 18, 1820. Susan Carter, d. of Nathan and Abigail, Apr. 5, 1828. riames Francis, s. of James and Naomi, Feb. 14, 1882. Catharine, d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Sept. 9, 1882. Lavina Jane, d. of James and Naomi, Dec. 18, 1838. Charles Sewell, s. of Sewell and Abigail, July 14, 1884. Emily jSIaria, d. of Nathan and Abigail, June 27, 1885. Stephen, s. of Sewell and Abigail, .Ian. 2, 1886. Harriet, d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Nov. 8, 1887. Abigail, d. of Sewell and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1889. (ieorge Everett, s. of James and Naomi, Feb. 21, 1839. Achsah, d. of Sewell and Abigail, Aug. 7, 1844. , d. of Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 4, 1844. Charles Milton, s. of Silas and Harriet, Nov. 7, 1845. , s. of Asa and Mary Ann, Apr. 17, 1846. Adelaide Sylvania, d. of Henry and Sylvania, Dec, 1817. Henry, s. of Sewell and Amira, Aug. 29, 1848. p]dward, s. of Silas and Harriet, Sept. 19, 1850. , d. of Otis C. and Esther, Aug. 81, 1852. , d. of Ilenrv and Sylvania, Oct. 17, 1852. Esther Elizabeth, d. of Otis C. and Esther, July 18, 1853. , s. of Henry and Sarah Ann, 18.54. Edith, d. of Silas and Harriet, June 16, 18.55. Al)by C, d. of Edwin and Alvira, May 27, 1853. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 17 BUCK— Coniinttnl. Harry, s. of flames F. and Ireiif, Atij;. 1;^, iSoT. Sarah Alvina, d. of Henry and Sarah .lane, Nov. 7, 1857. Arthur Otis, s. of Otis ('.'and Caroline II., .Fan. 1!>, 185S. Myron Edwin, s. of Edwin and Alvira. .Fune (5, 18r).s. A(Ui Damon, d. of Cliarles and Susan 1)., Nov. 9, ls.">!). Frank Ellis, s. of .lames F. and Augusta M.. .Ian, !>, 18(i0. Caroline Frances, d. of Otis C. and Caroline. A])r. -M), 18H(). Sydney Calvin, s. of Nathan Edwin and Elvira B., .June !•, ISfid. .lessie'F., d. of Charles S. and Martlia ,f. (Hutters), May -JO. ISOI. Alma Qnimby, d. of Otis C. and Caroline II., Feb. 10, i8(iL>. Ilerhert X., s"! of Nathan E. and Elvira Z., March 27, ISfrJ. . of Charles and Susan 1).. Dec. 11, 18()2. Charlotte S., d. of Nathan E. and Elvira Z.. Nov. 21, 180:5. AVilliam E., s. of Otis C. and Caroline R. (Howard), Feb. 2."). Iscf. Nellie L., d. of Silas and Harriet L., Feb. 27, 186.3. Laura S., d. of Charles and Susan S., May 2!), 1865. Emily M., d. of Otis C. and Caroline R., Apr. 6, 1866. (Jeorge W., s. of Xatlian E. and Alvira B., Apr. 1-i, 1867. Helen H., d. of Otis C. and Caroline R., May 22, 1868. Asa Minot, s. of Silas and Harriet L., Apr. 7, 1870. Francene A., d. of Otis C. and Caroline R., A])r. 26, 1n71. Charles Willard, s. of Charles and Susan S., .Inly -i. 1S71 Horace S., s. of Nathan E. and Elvira Z., .Jan. 24, 1S72. Lewis G., s. of Silas and Harriet, March 5, IS7:). Morris A., .s. of Edwin and Elvira, .June 2, ls74. Aldice W., s. of Charles and Susan S., May ol, 1875. Percy E., s. of ICdward and Mary Emma, March 7, 1876. Roger C, s. of Edward and Mary iMiima. Sept. 1(1, 188(i. Harold R., s. of Edward and Mary Emma, Nov. 16, 1S81. Sarah C, d. of .L Henry and Catharine T., .Fan. li), I8,s:;. Cliarles H., s. of .F. Henry and Catharine T. .May !>, 1885. Clarence W., s. of .F. Henry and Catharine T.. .Fuly ol. 18S7. Forest II., s. of Herbert N'. and Emma E., Sept. I'X isss. llermon Fl, s. of Myron !■>. and Mary .!., May 15, bss'i. Elsie L., d. of .Mvron E. and Mary .F., Apr. :i, l.S!)(». Mildred E., <1. of Sydney C. and Clecilia M. (Marsin>). Mav H). 18!)0. .Marjorie E.. d. of Mvron E. and Marv .1. ( Wiiittemore). Oct. .5, ■l8!)l. Everett, s. of .F. Henry and Catharine T. (Warland). Oct. 2.'), l8!n. Norman S., s. of Sydney C. and Cecilia .M. (.Marsins), Feb. II, 1802. Robert Ellwood, s. of Ali>ert C. and l"'Iorence i. (Stevens), Se])t. :!unice, May 20, 1822. Elizabeth Vashti, d. of Thomas and Eunice. Sept. 3. 1823. Hannah Jane, d. of Thomas and Eunice, Sept. 6, 1825. Sarah Augusta, d. of Thomas and Eunice, Dec. 8, 1827. Delia Pratt, d. of Thomas and Eunice, July 7, 1829. Thomas Cadwallader Ford, s. of Thomas and Eunice, Feb. s, LS:!!. Henry Bruce, son of Thomas and Eunice, Sept. 24, 1833. James Brown, s. of Thomas and Eunice, Dec. 25, 1837. Abby Ann, d. of Jacob D. and Anna B., Dec. 28, 1853. B USH. Ethel M., (1. of Almon A. and I.anra S. (Buck), Nov. 6, 1893. BUSTEAD. John A., s. of Adam and Maggie J. (Snelling). Oct. 23. 1.S93. William II., s. of Adam and Maggie J. (Snelling), ]May 18, 1895. BUTLER. Herbert William, s. of Benjamin F. and , Jan. 18, 18.57. Fanny F., d. of Benjamin F. and Anna B., Apr. 21, 1859, BUTTERFIELD. Mary, d. of Zachariah and Desire, Dec. 12, 1739. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 19 B UTTERS. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Sarah. Nov. \. ITJti. Hannali, d. of Saimiel and Sarah, Sept. 1!>, 1727. Samuel, .s. of Samuel and Sarah, \ov. •"?(», 172s. Reuben, s. of Samuel anil Sarah, Xov. 17, I72!t. Mary, d. of Samuel and Sarah, .March 1, 1741. dohn, s. of Samuel and .Sarah, \\n-. "Jfl, M'-Vl. Al)i<;ail, d. of William and Ahii^ail, Nov. ■J7, 17:VI. William, s. of William and .Vl)ii;ail, Feb. 27, 178(5. Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 12, 17:5t). Elizabeth, d. of William and Abioail, duly 2.S, 1712. -James, s. of William and Abigail, Feb. 22. 17-1<). .Joshua, s. of William and Abigail. Xov. 22. 17bS. Samuel, s. of Samuel, -Jr., and Iveziah. Nov. lo, 171!'. Keziah, d. of Samuel, -Jr.. and Keziah. Sejit. 14, 17.")1. Hephzibah, d. of Reuben and Rachel. Sept. 12. 17."):5. Ann, d. of Samuel, .Jr.. and Keziah. .March 1."). 17.")4. Beulali, d. of Reuben and Rachel. .Sept. 2. 17.")."). .Sarah, d. of Samuel, .Jr., and Keziah, Feb. 1."), 17.'>(i. Reuben, s, of Reul)en and Rachel, Oct. 4, 17.')7. .Joseph, s. of Samuel, dr., and Keziah, .May 2:}. 17")S. dohn, s. of John and Mary. .May 21, 17.")i). Simeon, s. of Reuben and Rachel, Aug. 2:}. 17.")!'. William, s. of William, dr.. and Elizabeth. Marcli 12. 17!. William, s. of Reuben and Rachel, Aug. 21. 17t)l. Sarah, d. of Samuel. -Jr.. and Ruth, .March 2. 17t)."). .Jonathan, s. of Samuel, .Jr.. and Ruth, .Jan. 2 i, 1707. Abigail, d. of William. .Jr., and Elizabeth. .\pr. 14, 17i)7. Molly, d. of .John and .Mary. March !J, 17(i9. David, s. of Samuel, .Jr., and Ruth, Apr. 2ti. 17ii!i. Grace, d. of James and Aliigail, Feb. 15, 1772. Loammi, s. of Samuel, .Jr., and Ruth, Nov. 2, 177:5. Rebecca, d. of Samuel, .Jr.. and Ruth, Aug. 18. 177(i. .James, s. of .James and .Vbigai]. .Ian. 1, 1777. Walter, s. of Reuben, .Jr.. and Abigail. Apr. 28. 1781. Nathaniel, s. of .lames and Abigail. PVI). 1(!, 17"^:5. Warren, .s. of Reuben. .Jr., and Abigail, Ai)r. Hi. I78:J. .Ies.se, s. of .Jesse and Rebecca, Sept. 9, 178;}. Lydia, d. of .Toseph and Eydia. Sept. lit, 178.'). Joseph, s. of .losejjh and {..ydia. Dec. 7, 178(i. Suel, s. of William .J. and Lucv. .Mav 15, 1788. William, s. of William. -Jr.. and l.ucy, Oct. 8, 178!). Silas, s. of Lt. .Jesse and Betsey, Oct. 7, 178!). Abel, .«. of .Jedediah and Betsey, Xov. 8, 178!). Eliezer Carter, s. of Zachariah and Polly, Feli. I. 17!) ». Samuel, s. of Joseph and Eydia. Aug. 2!>. 17!)(). Francis, s. of Lt. .Jesse and Bet.sey. May 11. 17!tl. .Jacob, s. of William. .Jr., and Lucy. May 1"). 17i)l. 20 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BUTTERS— Continued. Daniel, s. of .redediah and Betsey, Aug. 7, 1791. .lonathan, s. of Jonathan and Martha, July 11, 1792. Lucy, d. of AVilliam, .Ir., and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1792. Betsey, d. of Lt. Jesse and Betsey, Dec. 31, 1792. Franklin, s. of Jedediah and Betsey, July 8, 179o. Sally, d. of Jonathan and Martha, Aug. 11, 1791. John, s. of Jedediah and Betsey, Apr. o, 1795. Abiel, s. of William, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 5, 1795. Rhoda, d. of Lt. Jesse and Betsey, May 24, 179(i. Betsey, d. of William, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 8, 1797. xVbigail, d. of James, Jr., and Betsey, March 20, 17!»9. Sabrina, d. of Loam mi and Sally, Oct. 12, 1800. Mehitable W., d. of Simeon and Polly, Feb. 4, 1801. Dorothy, d. of James, Jr., and Betsey, Feb. 11, ISOI. James, s. of -lames, Jr., and Betsey, Aug. 29, 1802. Pamelia, d. of Loammi and Sally, Feb. 20, 180:5. (iracie, d. of Simeon and Polly, Sept. 12, 1804. Sally, d. of Loammi and Sally, March 7, 1805. Elbridge, s. of Simeon and Polly, July 1, 1806. Abigail Fames, d. of Warren and Rebecca, Aug. oO, isoo. Lorenzo, s. of Loammi and Sally, May 8, 1807. Louisa, d. of Loammi and Sally, May 8, 1807. Mary Ann, d. of .lames, Jr., and Betsey, Sept. L"), 1807. Fanny T., d. of Simeon and Polly, July 8, 180S. Eldad. s. of Simeon and Polly, Aug. Is, 1810. Simeon, s. of Simeon and Polly, March 21, ISlo. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Asenath, Oct. 29, 1814., Reuben, s. of Simeon and Polly, July 1, 1815. liuel, s. of Simeon and Polly, Feb. 22, 1818. , d. of Ruel and ^Nlary, Apr. 17, 1845. Lucelia Angeline, d. of Lorenzo and Angeline, June 7, lr. 1*8. 174!). Martha, d. of Natlnurand Martha, Nov. '21. 17.'.l'. .lo.seph. s. of Ezra and Lydia. .lane •J4, 17."):5. \\'illiam. s. of Ezra and Lydia, .lune 24, 17"):'). Nathan, s. of Nathan and Martha, Nov. \7>, \~')'-\. Lydia, d. of Ezra and Lydia. Sept. 21. 17.")."). Mary, d. of Nathan and" Martha. Apr. 22, 17.")t). James, s. of .lames and Margaret. .June 8, 17.")7. Jonatiian. s. of Nathan and Martha, .July iil, 17;')7. Esther, d. of I'^leazer, .Jr., and Esther, Feb. 21. 17")8. 'I'imothy. s. of Nathan and Martha, .Se]>t. 11). 17.">!). Henjamin. s. of Ezra and Lydia. Dec. 21. 17-"!). I^hebe, d. of F^leazer. .Jr.. and Esther, .June '.\. 17<)l). .James, s. of Ezra and I^ydia. Nov. 28. 17(il. Timothy, s. of Nathan and ^Martha. .Tune 27, 17f)2. Molly, d. of Eleazer. .Ir.. and Esther. Oct. 2:1 17f)2. .lohn, s. of Ezra and Lydia. .June 2:}, 17,ra and Lydia, .Inly 27. 1707. Lvdia. d. of Eleazer, .Ir., and Ivsther. Oct. (J. 1770. 22 AVILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. CARTER— Continued. Beulah, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Beulali. Nov. 2:2. 177o. Joel, s. of Joel and Sarah, Apr. 7, 1774. Ezra, s. of Ezra and Hannah, ^Nlay Ki, 1774. Louise, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Beidah, Sept. 11, 177-5. Sarah, d. of Joel and Sarah, ^lay 17, 1776. Hannah, d. of Ezra and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1776. Molly, d. of Ezra and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1776. Anna, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Beulah, Aug. 11, 1777. P^benezer, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Sept. 5, 1777. Lydia, d. of Joel and Sarah, July .5, 1778. Sarah, d. of Ezra and Hannah, Oct. "i. 1778. Cyrus, s. of Nathan, Jr. and Beulah, July 4, 177.'». Elizabeth, d. of P^zra and Hannah, Sept.' 17, 1780. Dolly, d. of Joel and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1781. Sewell, s. of Nathan, Jr. and Beulah, Nov. 12, 1781. Abigail, d. of Ezra and Hannah, May 4, 1782. Joseph, s. of Joel and Sarah, Jan. 2.'), 1788. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1783. Oliver, s. of Nathan, Jr. and Beulah, Sept. 11, 1783. Phebe, .d. of Ezra and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1784. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. S, 1785. Adford, s. of James and Lucy, Mar. 2, 178.'3. Hannah, d. of Joel and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1785. Simeon, s. of Nathan, Jr. and Beulah, May 7, 1785. Eusebia, d. of Ezra and Hannah, June 13, 1786. William, s. of Joel and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1787. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Rachael, Oct. 21, 1787. Abiel, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 8, 1788. Betsey, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Eeb. 20, 1788. Alford, s. of Jonathan, Jr. and Mary, Dec. 8, 1788. Rebecca, d. of Joel and Sarah, ]\Iay 14, 1789. George, s. of Timothy and Rachel,' July 29, 1789. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1789. Isaac, s. of Ezra and Hannah, Nov. .5, 1789. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, Jr. and Mary, Mar. 26. 1791. Ruel, s. of Timothy and Rachel, June 17, 1791. Rich, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, July 7, 1791. Richard, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, July 7, 1791. Abra, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, July 14, 1791. Amaziah, s. of Joel and Sarah, F'eb. 15, 1792. Rufus, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Nov. 7, 1792. Daniel, s. of Jonathan, Jr. and Maiy, Mar. 24, 1793. Polly, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1793. Rachel, d. of Timothy and Rachael, July 21, 1793. Eldad, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Oct. 9, 1793. Sally, d. of John and Sarah,'Feb. 7, 1795. Samuel Woodbridge, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Apr. 21, 1795. Francis, s. of Timothy and Rachel, July 22, 1795. Lydia, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, Oct. 30, 1795. Mary, d. of Joel and Sarah, Apr. 20, 179(). Lucy, d. of John and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1797. Rebecca, d. of Ebenezer. Jr.. and Rebecca, Apr. 30, 1797. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 23 CARTER— Continued. Charles, s. of Jonathan and Ly, 17!>7. William, s. of Henjaniin and Klizabeth, .\|ir. 1l'. \~\\>-. Lydia, d. of Timothy and Haeliel, May 1, ]7!ts. John, s. of Mo.ses and Anna, Oct. 1, 170!). Nathaniel, s. of Khenezer, Jr. and IJebecca, Kri>. \'-\, isoo. Betsey, d. of John and Saraii, Mar. s, ISOO. Clarisa, d. of 'i'iniothy and Hachel, July ;{, ISOO. Sylvester, s. of Henjaniin and Elizabeth, Any. '_'.). iSOd. Lydia, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, -liuie 14, 1801. Eliza, d. of Ebeuezer, Jr. and Rebecca, Dec. *J, 1801. Abner, s. of Timothy and Rachel, Nov. 18, 1802. Patty, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 5. 180:5. .Sanuiel, s. of Moses and Anna, Dec. 27, 180;5. Ell)ridi;e, s. of -Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. :>0, 1805. Jeremiah, s. of Ezra. .Jr. and Anna, June 10, 180o. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sejjt. 10, ISO.'). Lavina. d. of , Jonathan and Lydia, Apr. !), 1807. .\nna. d. of Ezra, .Jr. and Anna, July 17, 1807. Joshua, s. of Moses and Anna, .Aug. Iti, 1807. Charles Sewell, s. of Sewell and I.,(Miisa, Sept. \'-\, 1807. [..ouisa Henrietta, d. of Sewell and Louisa, Se]it. 21, lso;i. Lucinda. d. of Timothy and liachael, Apr. 18. 1810. Augustus Ilenrv. s. of .Sewell and I.,ouisa. Aug. 18. IsH. Ab'iel. (iowing.'s. of Ai)iel and IMiebe, Oct. 28. 181 1. Cyrus I^ewis, s. of lleni-y and Hannah Lewis, Nov. 1."). isi 1. Rosanu)nd Cliffoi-d. d. of Sewell and Louisa, July 2:5, 18l;>. William Henry, s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Aug. 11. 181:5. Horatio Appleton. s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, -luly 19, isl."). L'hebe Morrill, d. of Abiel and Phebe, Aug. 27, 181."). Alfred fJowing, s. of Alfred and Hetsey, Sept. 17, 181."). .\dol])hus Ja([uith. s. of Sewell and I^ouisa, Jan. ;5. 181(1. Charles Humphry, s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, June 2S, Isi; Percival, s. of l^ich and Elizabeth, June 29, 1817. Timothy, s. of 'i'imothv and Sabra, .Sept. 15, 1817. Jane, d.' of Abiel and Phebe, May 4, 1818. .\lbert, s. of Alfred ami Susan, May 8. 1818. Adeline Jane, d. of .Sewell and Louisa, Nov. :50. ISls. Hannah I.,ewis, d. of Ilenrv and Hannah l.,ewis, Aug. 7, l^lii. Olive, d. of Eldad and Olive. Dec. ;51, 1819. William, s. nf Alfred and Susan, Jan. 2f), 1820. Ellen, d. of .Vbiel and I'hebe. Mar. 2;5, 1820. Martha Carnes, d. of .Sewell ami I.,ouisa. -Jan 9, 1821. .Sabra. d. of 'I'imothy and Sabra, -Jan. 11, 1821. Mary Davis, d. of Henry and Hannah J^ewis, Jan. is. 1S22. Edvvin, s. of Eldad and Olive. May 19, 1822. Cynthia, d. of Simeon and Esther. Aug. 28, 1822. Jiulith, d. of Rich and Elizabeth. Dec. 22, 1822. \\'illiam Wallace, s. of .Sewell and I^ouisa, Aug. 11, 182;5. -Jonathan Dexter, s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Feb. 14, 1824. 24 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. CARTER— Continued. Daniel Clark, s. of Alfred and Susan, Oct. 22, 1824. Simeon, s. of Simeon and Esther, Nov. 3, 1824. Otis, s. of Abiel and Phebe, June 19, 1825. Olive Thompson, d. of Eldad and Olive, June 26, 1825. Rich E., s. of Rich and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1826. Rebecca Lincoln, d. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Apr. 7, 1826. Catherine, d. of Simeon and Esther, Apr. 28, 1826. Electa, d. of Simeon and Esther. Mar. 2, 1828. Asa Warren, s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Oct. 12, 1828. Edward A., s. of Elbi'idge and Roxann, Mar. 9, 1829. Ozro, s. of Simeon and Esther, June 29, 1830. Elbridge Brewster, s. of Elbridge and Roxann, Oct. 11. 1830. John Orne, s. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Dec. 2, 1830. Abigail Jane, d. of Alfred and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1831. Lydia, d. of Eldad and Olive, Mar.'24, 1832. Roxann Xichols, d. of Elbridge and Roxann, Sept. 3, 1.S32. James, s. of Alfred and Abigail, June 7, 1834. Harriot Henchman, d. of Henry and Hannah Lewis, Aug. 24, 1S35. Milton Badger, s. of Elbridge and Roxann, Sept. 5, 1835. Sylvester, s. of Sylvester and Esther, Apr. 16, 1839. Mary Davis, d. of Elbridge and Roxann, Aug. 23, 1840. Lois May, d. of Sylvester and Esther, Feb. 1, 1841. Elizabeth Ann, d. of Elbridge and Roxann, Nov. 1.5, 1841. Leroy, s. of Jonathan L. and ]\Iary (i., March 8, 1846. William Wallace, s. of Otis and Abbie A., Apr. 9, 184(). William Warren, s. of Jonathan, 2d, and Mary Ann, July 13. 1^47. Amanda Jane, d. of Otis and Abbie A.. Apr. 22, 1849. rlulia A., d. of Jonathan, 2d. and Mary Ann, Apr. 1, 18.50. Elizabeth Jane, d. of Daniel C. and Nancy A., July 9, 18.50. Henrv Lawrence, s. of Jonathan L. and ^lary G., Jan. 29, 1851. Abby Ann, d. of Otis and Abby A., May 22, 1851. Daniel Henry, s. of Daniel C. and Mary A., Dec. 19, 1851. Araminta Dormor, d. of Otis and Abbie A., July 28, 18.53. Daniel C, s. of Daniel C. and Nancy .\., July 29, 1854. Helen C, d. of Daniel C. and Nancy A., July 29, 1854. Fred ^Mortimer, s. of Otis and Abby A., Aug. 16, 1855. Harvey Eames, s. of Osgood A. and ^lelvina, Sept. 5, 18.5.5. George E., .s. of Jonathan L. and Maiy G., Sept. 17, 18.55. Kdwin Milton, s. of Edward A. and Mary A., Oct. 21, 1856. William Thomas, s. of Daniel C. and Mary A., Jan. 24, 1857. Mary Eliza, d. of Otis and Abby Ann, Aug. 28, 1S57. ^[aria Walker, d. of William Henry and Judith D., ^Lir. 8, ls.-)8. Ida, d. of Osgood A. and Malvina E., June, 1858. , of William and Sarah Ann. Jan. 16, 18.59. I^aura Amanda, d. of Otis and Abby A., July 2, 1859. Hannah l.,ewis, d. of Jonathan, 2d, and Mary Ann. Aug. 7, 18.59. Eugene Ames, s. of Edward A. and ^lary, Sept. 20, 1S60. Sarah L., d. of William and Susan A., July 15, 1863. James H., s. of James O. and Lizzie R., Dec. 26, 1865. Arthur Brewster, s. of J^dward A. and Mary A., Apr. 12, 1867. Harriet E., d. of Osgood A. and Malvina E., Nov. 26, 1867. Sarah Amanda, d. of James O, and Elizabeth R., Dec. 1.5, 1869. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 25 CARTER — Continued. William Otis. s. of James O. and Elizabeth R., Dec. 2, 1871. Etta J., d. of Walter I), and Mftry E., July 31, 1873. Abbie Jenett, d. of James O. and Elizabeth R., Oct. 4, 1873. George T., s. of Walter I>. and Mary E., May 17, 1875. George A., s. of James O. and Lizzie R., .Sept. 2"i, 187"). Lena B., d. of William Warren and Henrietta V., March 2, l87ii. Fred M., s. of Walter D. and Mary E., March 5, 1877. Willis IE, s. of Henry L. and Lottie A., Jul.y>12, 1877. Francis R., s. of William W. and Sarah L., Sept. 3, 1877. Franklin S., s. of James O. and Elizabeth R., Sept. 12, 1877. Nathan E., s. of (ieorge E. and Mary A., Apr. 27, 1878. Arnold D., s. of Walter D. and .Mary E., Sept. 16, 1878. Frank L., s. of Henry L. and CHiarlotte A., Aug. 29, 1879. Ernest R., s. of William Warren and Henrietta V., Oct. 7, 1879. Arthur R., s. of William W. and Sarah L., Dec. 2, 1879. Ethel E.. d. of Edward M. and Belle, Oct. 3, 1882. Fred M., s. of Fred :\I. and Barbara E., Oct. 29, 1882. Stillborn, Apr. 19, 188-1. Clarence E., s. of William Warren and Henrietta V., Apr. 22, 188.5. Daniel R., s. of William IL, 2d, and Clara A. (J., Apr. 14, 1886. Helen W., d. of William W. and Sarah L., Jan. 31, 1887. Emery C, s. of Frank and Mary, Nov. 2(), 1888. Jessie N., d. of William IL, 2d, and Clara A. (Gowing), Feb. 18, 1892. Phillips M., s. of Fred M. and Barbara E., May 9, 'l893. Luther S., s. of Walter I), and Mary E. (Boyce), March 27, 1894. Maxwell B., s. of Fred M. and Barbara E. (Cole), Nov. 15, 189.5. Ina Florence, d. of Ellis E. and Emma F. (Blaisdell), Jan. 1.5, 1897. Harold E., s. of Arthur E. and Lillian A. (Cady), Feb. 12, 1897. CASEY. Annie F.. d. of Michael and Lena, March 4, 1886. CHA MB ERLA IN. Mary, d. of Daniel and , Feb. 25, 1706. CHAPMAN. Ed Paul, s. of William and Mary Ann, Oct. 23, 1857. Charles Fremont, s. of O. and Roena W., March 3, 1858. Mary Ellen, d. of William and Mary Ann, Sept. 26, 1859. CLAPP. Luceba Alcista, d. of Noah and Louisa R., Dec. 23, 1844. Adelaide Louisa, d. of Noah and Louisa R., Nov. 15, 1849. Ella Jane, d. of Noah and , March, 1858. CLARK. Robert, s. of Robert and Mary, June 17, 1S46. Ellen, d. of Robert and Mary, Jan. 6, 1848. 26 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. CLARK — Continued. Hattie F., d. of David S. and Martha C, July If), 1861. Nellie, d. of Fred P. and Hattie, Oct. 4, 1888. CLEMENS. Rachel, d. of John and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1737. COBB. Lewis C, s. of Andrew J. and , Oct. 28, 1857. COBEB. Jennie, d. of Titus and Violet. May 27, 1789.t COG GIN. Mary, d. of Josiah and Mary, Aug. 12, 1737. Molly, d. of Joseph, Jr., and Ruth, May 14, 1764. William, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Ruth, Apr. 11, 1767. Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Ruth, June 10, 1770. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Judith, June 22, 1770. Ruth, d. of Joseph, Jr., and Ruth, July 13, 1773. Judith, d. of Samuel and Judith, Dec. 23, 177.i. James, s. of .Samuel and Judith, Dec. 15, 177S. COLE. Eunice R. R., d. of George and Jane A., Feb. 15, 1877. Edna L., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., Oct. 12, 1877. Cora P., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., Julv 27, 1879. Alice E., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., March 27, 1881. Jessie M., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., Aug. 2, 1883. Xellie F., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., Nov. 14, 1884. Marion C, d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., Sept. 4, 1891. Grace M., d. of Samuel F. and Mary E., July 12, 1894. COLUMBE. Henry, s. of Alexander and Delia, March 9, 1879. CONEB. Mary, d. of Charles M. and Margaret, March 25, 1882. CONNOLLY. Angelia B., d. of Patrick and Annie (Donovan), May 23, 1894. Catharine M., d. of Patrick and Annie (Donovan), Apr. 6, 1896. t Servants of Ebenezer Jones. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 27 CO XT A. Tlala P. A., s. of Geataiio and Clovinda (Boni), Sept. 17, 1897. COXfVAV. Honora, d. of Micliael and .Mary J., Dec. 26, 1865. James, Jr., s. of James and Maria, June 7, 1885. COOK. Tliomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 10, 17;i(i. Timothy, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. '27, 1732. Lydia, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Sept. 19. 173.'). Arthur George, s. of George F. and Jerusha C, Feb. 16, 18f)3. Carrie C, d. of George F. and Jerusha C, Oct. 3, 18()5. Frank D., s. of George F. and Jerusha C, Nov. 9. 1868. COOLEY. Don v.. s. of David F. and Elizabeth (Stevens), Sept. 27, 1896. COON. Albert Ray, s. of Moses A. and Bessie (Thorn), Jan. 7, 1893. Mary, d. of Moses A. and Bessie (Thorn), Jan. 13, 1894. COOPER. Watie Tay, s. of John H. and Rebecca B., Aug. 8, 1855. CORNEAL, or CORNELL. Sarah, d. of Peter and Rebecca, Feb. 20, 1740. Mary, d. of Peter and Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1742. John, s. of Peter and Ilepzibah, Sept. 10, 17(J2. James, s. of Peter and Ilepzibah, Oct. 2, 1764. Ebenezer, s. of Peter and ilepzibah, Feb. 9, 17G6. James, s. of James and lAicretia, Oct. 22, 1787. Lucretia, d. of James and Lucretia, Oct. 22, 1787. James, s. of James and Lucretia, Aug. 12, 1797. .Lames Thompson, s. of .Limes, .Jr., and Polly, ^Lirch 24, 1821. Mary, d. of James, Jr., and Polly, Oct. 9, 1S22. Charlotte, d. of .lames, Jr., and Polly, Apr. 11. 182.'). COWDREY. William, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Sept. 23, 1709. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Mar. 10, 1773. Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Apr. 10, 1775. CRAGIN. Mary C, d. of :Michael and Mary M.. Jan. 13, 1874. .lames P., s. of Michael and Mary M., Jan. 8, 1875. Susanna F., d. of Michael and ^larv M.. Oct. 16. 1877. 28 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. CRAM. Jonathan, s. of John and Sarah, Feb. 21. 1708. rionathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, June 8, 1733. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Mary, June 6, 1735. David, s. of Jonathan and Mary, June '26, 1737. Jacob, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. i, 1739. Elizabeth, d, of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 4, 1741. CRANE. Julia Bliss, d. of Charles T. and Jerusha J., Sept. 30, 1855. Francis, s. of James E. and Katie A. (McGowan), Oct. 3, 1897. CROFT. Carroll David, s. of David F. and Mary E. E. (Messiah), Aug. 29, 1897. CROTO. Eugene, s. of Louis and Mary, Nov. 14, 1887. Eugene, s. of Louis and Mary (Levine), Oct. 27, 1890. Catharine, d. of Louis and Mary (Levine), Feb. 2, 1892. CURRIE. Mary IL, d. of Ronald and Fannie, Oct. 5, 1889. CUTTER. Henry H., s. of William H. and Susan M. H., Oct. 17, 1887. Marianna O., d. of William H. and Susan M. H. (Coburn), May 15, 1890. Persis A. M., d. of William H. and Susan M. H. (Coburn), Nov. 1.5, 1892. Annie M., d. of William H. and Susan M. H. (Coburn), June 19, 1895. Edna M., d. of William H. and Susan M. H., June 19, 1895. Minot C, s. of William H. and Susan M. H. (Coburn), Mar. 5, 1897. CUTTING. Helen Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Esther (Beard), Nov. 10, 1847. nAILEY. John W. Jr., s. of John W. and :VIary (Griffin), Oct. 4, 1893. Frank, s. of John W. and Mary (Griffin), Feb. 27, 1895. Leo, s. of John AV. and Margaret (Griffin), Mar. 15, 1896. Edward, s. of John W. and Margaret Griffin, Nov. 26, 1897. DAMON. Mehitable, d. of Samuel and Mary, Mar. 10, 1735. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, June 27, 1749. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 29 DA MON— Continued. Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 18, 17.')1. Aaron, s. of .lonatlian and Sarah, Nov. 28, IT'vJ. Sarah, d. of .lonatlian and Sarah, -Jan. 9, 175."). Judith, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, July 1, 17.")7. Jerusha, d. of and , \\^v. 30, 1804. (In Reading.) Charles W., s. of William J. and Kate K., June li'. 18.S(). L>AXE. Mattie E., d. of Georoe F. and Anna M., Aui>'. 4, 1877. DA VIS. Nellie J., d. of Eleazer W., and Angeline, Nov. G, 18(J7. Arthur W., s. of Frank E. and Addie E., June 1*8, 187U. DAT. William, s. of William and Susanna, May ii. 17."jO. DEAN. Hiram, s. of William and Sarah, Nov. 2i, 1747. Jonathan, s. of William and Sarah, May 27, 17.50. Olive, d. of William and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1755. James, s. of Jesse and Mary, July 24, 1779. Molly, d. of Jesse and IMary, Nov. -i, 1781. Jesse, s. of Jesse and Mary, Sept. 20, 1784. Sylvester, s. of James and Rlioda, Dec. 22, 1808. James, s. of James and Hlioda, -Jan. 22, 1810. ]\Iary Johnson, d. of .lames and Klioda, Oct. 9, 1811. Klioda, d. of James and Hhoda, Aug. 21, 1813. DEARBORN. Ransellier, s. of , Apr. 12, 1819. DELAY. .leremy, s. of .Jeremy and Elizabeth, Dec, 1844. DE VEIN. Daniel, s. of .John and , Oct. 10, 18.58. DEIVHURST. Joseph Washington, s. of William and Anna. Jan. 6, 1849. DIX. Giles, s. of James and Mary. Aug. 6, 1779. 30 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. DOLLIVEB. Peter, s. of Peter and Hannah, Apr. 29, 1755. Hannah, d. of Peter and Hannah. Feb. 24, 1757. Thomas Pierce, s. of Peter and Hannah, June 2, 1759. Sarah, d. of Peter and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1762. Amos, s. of Peter and Hannah, May 1, 1761. DONO VAN. Catherine, d. of Patrick and Annie, Dec. 26, 1889. Catherine A., d. of Michael and Annie (Terry), Feb. 1, 1891. Stillborn, s. of , Mar. 6, 1891. Mary T., d. of Michael and Annie (Terry), Feb. 1, 1893. DOUCETTE. Mary C, d. of John M. and Fransoise H., Aug. 6, 1870. William H., s. of Jeremiah and Ann D. M., Aug. 30, 1870. Simeon F., s. of Dommique and Ann J., Mar. 17, 1871. Francois Davies, s. of Joseph and Gertrude, July 11, 1871. Rosalie C, d. of Timothy and Mathilda, Aug. 17, 1871. Joseph E., s. of Jeremiah and Ann D., Mar. 16, 1872. Ann U., d. of Joseph and Ann G., Feb. 5, 1875. Ann Rose, d. of Jeremiah and Ann, Dec. 16, 1875. Isabella, d. of Joseph and Ann, May 17, 1877. Alice M., d. of Jeremiah and Ann D., Sept. 21, 1877. Georgianna, d. of Joseph and Ann, Feb. 4, 1879. Thomas L., s. of Jeremiah and Ann D., Aug. 25, 1879. Joseph A., s. of Joseph and Ann S., May 1, 1881. John J., s. of Casamire and Julia, May 13, 1881. Alice M., d. of Jeremiah and Ann D., .Tuly 25, 1881. John F., s. of Joseph and Ann, July 5, ls83. Margaret L., d. of Jeremiah and Ann D., Feb. 26, 1884. Simon A., s. of Joseph and Ann, Apr. 28, 188.5. John E., s. of Jeremiah and Ann D., June 26, 1883. David F., s. of Joseph and A.nn, Aug. 8, 1887. Mary J., d. of Frank and Maggie (Frotton), Aug. 23, 1892. George M., s. of Ramie and Adelina (DeLong), Oct. 10, 1893. Henry O., s. of William H. and Mary A. (Surrette), Oct. 23, 1893. Clarence E., s. of William H. and Marv A. (Surrette), Sept. 24, 1894. Marv Josephine, d. of Joseph E. and Susan F. (McEnroe), Apr. 7, "1895. Bernard F., s. of Bernard F., and Maria A., (Doucette), Aug. 26, 1895. William H., s. of Ramie and Adelina (DeLong), Jan. 17, 1896. Cecilia F., d. of Joseph E. and Susan F. (McEnroe), June 6, 1896. Joseph E., s. of William H. and Marv (Surrette), Mar. 23, 1897. Nettie J., d. of Frank and Maggie (Frotton), Sept. 13, 1897. DOYLE. James, Jr., s. of James and Catherine, Nov. 26, 1874. Michael J., s. of James and Catherine, Aug. 9, 1876. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 81 DOYLE— Continued. Ann, d. of James and Catherine, .luiie 11, 1S7.S. Margaret, d. of James and Catherine. Nov . 1819. Elsie, d. of Caleb and Betsey, Aug. 3, 1820. " Mary Ann, d. of Nathan and .^Llrv, Aug. 2.1, 1827. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Sallv, .Sept.' 26, 1827. Nathan B., s. of Nathan and Mary, June 18, 1829. Sarah G., d. of Caleb and Sallv, -July :50, 182!). .John N., s. of Nathan and .Marv. Sept. 21. 18:51. 34 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. EAMES— Continued. Warren, s. of Nathan and Mary, July 30, 1833. George T., s. of Nathan and Mary, June "27, 1837. Lemuel Holmes, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Oct. 1.1, 1838. Catharine Elizabeth, d. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, May 1'), Is-lu. Charles Henry, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Jan. 9, 184'2. Abby Maria, d. of Jacob and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1844. Mary Ellen, d. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Apr. '24, 1844. James Edward, s. of James M. and Delia, Aug. 30, 1844. Elona Augusta, d. of Thomas P. and Elona M., May 2, 1845. Edward Appleton, s. of Daniel and Lydia, June 17, 1845. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, July 8, 1845. Charles Brooks, s. of James M. and Delia, Juue 8, 184(j. Henry Martin, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, June 13, 184(j. Helen Maria, d. of Jonathan and Sophronia, March 2, 1847. , s. of Daniel and Lydia, Apr. 28, 1847. Emma Frances, d. of Thomas P. and Elona M., Aug. 23, 1847. Emily Hannah, d. of James M. and Delia, Apr. 3, 1848. Cynthia, d. of Daniel and Lydia, Aug. 16, 1848. Clara Ann, d. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Dec. 2, 1848. , s. of Thomas and Elona M., July 20, 1849. Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Rachel, Feb. 12, 1850. , s. of Thomas P. and Elona M., June 23, 1851. Walter Horatio, s. of Horatio N. and Eliza N., July 2, 18.52. , d. of -lames T. and Harriet, Aug. 15, 1853. John Howard, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Sept. 24, 1853. Mary Emma, d. of Nathan B. and Sarah AV., Dec. 10, 18.53. Lizzie Augusta, d. of John N. and Sarah P., Feb. 14, 1853. Leonard Thomas, s. of Horatio N. and Eliza M., July 7, 1854. Myron, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Oct. 31, 1855. Edward B., s. of Nathan B. and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1856. Albert Thomas, s. of Thomas P. and Elona, June 10, 1856. Addie Eliza, d. of Thomas P. and Elona, June 10, 1856. Cynthia Augusta, d. of Jacob and Rachel, Jan. 7, 1857. Jonathan Allen, s. of James T. and Harriet, Jan. 12, 1857. Sarah Florence, d. of John N. and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1857. Annetta, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Juliann, Feb. 13, 1857. , d. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, Oct. 10, 1857. Frank Lawrence, s. of Nathan B. and Sarah, Feb. 14. 18,58. Edgar Newton, s. of John N. and Sarah H., Marcli 24, 1858. Edward Nelson, s. of Horatio N. and Malvina, Oct. 19, 1858. William Thompson, s. of George T. and Lucy, Oct. 17. 18.59. Melvin, s. of Daniel, Jr., and J. A., Oct. 30, 1859. Arthur Warren, s. of Bradley and Sarah W., Apr. 15, 1860. Ida Eliza, d. of Horatio N. and Eliza M., Sept. 9, 1860. Mary Stone, d. of AVarren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), Sept. 15, 1861. Lizzie E., d. of George T. and Lucy E. (Dane), Apr. 11, 1862. Nellie B., d. of Warren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), July 4, 1863. Helen A., d. of Charles E. and Sarah (Bordman), Apr. 28, 1864. Mabel W., d. of John N. and Sarah (Hobbs), Apr. 17, 1864. Frederick Alden. s. of Nathan B. and Saiah W., Oct. 24, 186.5. Agnes C, d. of Warren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), Nov. 26, 1865 Laura T., d. of John N. and Sarah P., Dec. 10, 1865. George Sherman, s. of George T. and Lucy E., May 29, 1866. WILMINGTON KECORD OF BIRTHS. EA MES — Contimied. Lula Line, d. of Thomas 1'. and Eluiia .M., Aug. ItJ, ISOti. Melville, s. of Warren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), Sept., iSiiT. Irvin, s. of Henry W. and Olive S., Nov. 1, 18(17. Walter A., s. of George T. and Lucy E., Dec. 7, 18(58. Myra, d. of Horatio N. and Eliza M., Aug. 11, 1870. Nathan O., s. of George T. and Lucy E., March 1.), 1870. Henrv E., s. of Horace E. and Annie M., March '27, 1873. Evelyn R., d. of Warren and Elizalieth A. (Carter), Nov. 22, 1873. Lillian F., d. of George T. and Lucy E., Dec. 27, 1873. Hattie E., d. of Thomas and Emily, June 18, 1874. Robert L., s. of George T. and I^ucy E., Aug. 17, 1875. Gertie ^L, d. of John N. and Sarah P., Sept. 4, 1875. Raymond W., s. of Warren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), Nov. 23, 1875. Winthrop B., s. of Warren and Elizabeth A. (Carter), Dec. 22, 187!». Marion G., d. of Edgar N. and Kate, June 10, 1880. Wesley Dane, s. of George T. and Lucy E., July 31, 1881. Stillborn, Sept. 13, 1881. Myron A., s. of J. Howard and Martha A., Aug. 1, 1884. Aiden N., s. of Warren and Elizabeth A., April 11, 1885. Edna H., d. of J. Howard and Martha A., Sept. 30, 1885. Clarence G., s. of William T. and Lillian, Apr. 6, 1886. Beulah E., d. of Warren and Elizabeth A., Oct. 22, 188(3. Stillborn, June 20, 1887. Gertrude M., d. of Arthur W. and Annie L., March 28, 1889. Helen M., d. of J. Howard and ?ilartha A., Sept. (5, 1889. Ernest Warren, s. of Arthur AV. and Annie L. (Currier), .\ug. 12, 1890. Harold N., s. of Edward N. and Mattie E. (Nichols), Oct. 17, 1890. Hubert B., s. of J. Howard and Martha A. (Joy). March 9, 1895. EATON. .Mary Abby, d. of Horace and Hannah, March 31, 1843. Sarah Frances, d. of Horace and Hannah, May (5, 1844. Elsie Amelia, d. of Horace and Hannah J., Aug. 31, 1845. , s. of CharU's E. and Emma S. (Sherburn), Oct. 25. 1892. ELK INS. Jasper Couitland. s. of Josiali K. and Aliiiir;i. May 30, l.s40. FORTIS. Williau), is. of William and Maiy Ann, Nov. 11. 184o. .Fames, s. of William and Mary Ann, Nov. 24, 1847. George Gardner, s. of William and Mary Ann, July 28, 184!i. Sarah J^lizabeth, d. of William and Mary A., Oct. 28, 18.')2. Edward F. s. of William and Mary Ann, Mar. 20, 18.")7. Illegitimate s. of , -fan. 2!), 1874. Hattie M.. d. of James M. and Susie II., Jan. 14. 187S. Milton H.. s. of James ^I. and Susie II., June 1(5, 1881. Ethel M., d. of Edward F. and Ida M., .Mar. 27, 1888. Nellie I., d. of James M. and S. Hattie, Apr. 5, 1888. Eola P.. d. of Edward F. and Ida :\I., Dec. 2. 1884. FOSTER. Deborah, d. of Ebenezer and Deborah, Dee. 25, 1782. p]benezer, s. of El)enezer and l)el)orah. May 2;"). 1784. Giles, s. of Ebenezer and Deliorali, May f». 178(i. Ebenezer, s. of P^benezer and Deborah. .\pr. 10, 1748. Samuel, s. of Eoenezer and Deborah, July 14, 17 Ki. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Judith, Feb. 2!l. 17H8. Judith, d. of Samuel and Judith, Aug. 4, 17(i!). Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Judith, Api-. 27. 1771. Jesse, s. of Samuel and .ludith, Apr. 2, 1778. Anna, d. of William aiid Anna, Dec. 11, 1778. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Judith. May 80, 1770. Sally, d. of Samuel and Judith, July 17, 1778. Loammi, s. of Samuel and .Judith, Ajir. 80, 1780. Lydia. d. of Samuel and .Judith, Sept. 2, 1781. Edmund, s. of Samuel and.Jutlith, A})r. 10, 1788. Nehemiah, s. of Samuel and Judith. .Jan. 1."), 178.'). 38 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. FOSTE R — Continued. Nancy, d. of Samuel and .Judith, Nov. 2, 1787. Esther, d. of Benjamin and Hephzibah, June 'Jfj, 1805. Eunice, d. of Timothy and Pumice, Dec. 28, 1806. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hephzibah, Aug. o, 1807. Elizabeth Walker, d. of Timothy and Eunice, Nov. 21, 1810. Susan, d. of Edmund and Patience, Apr. 8, 1813. Eliza, d. of Edmund and Patience, Apr. 8, 1815. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Eunice, Aug. 17, 1815. Charles, s. of Timothy and Eunice, June 26, 1820. FOWIjER. Everell E., s. of Arthur and Irene (Harnden), Sept. 28, 18!>4. FOYE. Archelaus, s. of William and Susanna, Nov. 29, 1752. FRAZEE. Gerald Foster, s. of Walter E. and Florence (Folkins), Mar. 18, 1896. FRAZER. Cora Bliss, d. of James and Mary E., Jan. 11, 1860. FREEMAN. , s. of .Joel and Lucy, P'eb. 15, 1845. FRENCH. George Albert, s. of Moses and Ellen, Nov. 29, 185'-). Mary Ann, d. of James H. and Clara, May 7, 1855. , of Moses and , Oct. 25, 1855. FROST. George William, s. of William A. and Phebe E., Feb. 17, 1868. Eldora E., d. of William A. and Phebe E., Sept. 27, 1869. Ada Florence, d. of William A. and Phebe E., Julv 22, 1871. Clara Ellen, d. of William A. and Phebe E., Apr. 30, 1873. Maggie H., d. of A^'illiam A. and Phelte P^., Apr. 5, 1875. Fred S., s. of William A. and Phebe E., July 30, 1879. Phebe A., d. of William A. and Phebe E., Oct. 16, 1885. FROTTON. Mary .M., d. of Simon and P^ransoise D., Nov. 16, 1870. Lizer, d. of Simon and Fransoise, Aug. 4, 1872. Albert W., s. of Simon and Fanny, Nov. 6, 1877. George A., s. of Ruben and Mary, July 2, 1891. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 39 FROTTON— Continued. William, s. of Reuben and .Marv, June L'O, IS9;?. Annie M., d. of Jolm and Maria (Sunvtte), Oct. If), 189;J. Nellie F., d . of .John and Maria (Surrette), Dec. 24, 1894. Frederick, s. of Heiihen and Mary (IVabine), Sept. 2'-^. 189"). .lohn F. H.. s. of John and Maria (Surrette), Jan. 2, 1890. France B.. d. of .loini (). and Maria (Surrette). .\n,n. 1, 1897. GALLAGHKR. Thomas F., s. of Barney and Margaret dnne 1, 187;5. •lames A., s. of Thomas and Flizalieth, Xov. 29, 18«8. Terreiice, s. of Thomas and Flizaliftii (Devine), Feb. 18, 1890. Maurice, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Devine), Sept. o, 1891. . of Tliomas and Elizabeth (Devine), June 27, 189:}. Thomas D., s. of Thomas A. and Elizabeth (Devine), Aug. 8, 1895 Sarah Ann, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Devine), Apr. 7, 1897. GARY. Ellen, d. of John and Jane, June 21, l84.'i. GIL LIS. Henry Codman, s. of Josiali and ]\Iary, Aug. 24. 1)^1 1. Harriot, d. of Josiah and .Mary, June oO, 1820. Charles S. s. of Josiah and Mary, .\]ir. 1."), 1822. GILSON. Levi A., s. of Solomon S. and Lizzie !>., Apr. 17, 188(3. Ethan D., s. of Solomon S. and Lizzie L., June 14, 1.S88. Eva A., d. of Edward B. and Kate (Blodgett), Aug. 6, 1890. Ellen F., d. of Solomon S. and Elizabeth L. (Boynton), Jan. 2t). 189;i Lizzie, d. of Solomon S. and Elizabeth L. (Boynton), Feb. 2:5, 189.'). Olive Mae, d. of Edward B. and Kate (Blodgett), Oct. 1.5, 1895. GLKASON. .John. s. of .John and Elizabeth, Fel). 1:5, 17ti8. Dolly, d. of Benjamin and Deborah, Feb. 10. 1774. GORMAN. Fvate, d. of Michael and Mary .\nn, Dec. <), 1855. GOSS. Arthur C, s. of Godfrey A. and Mary T., June 7. 1893 GOULD. Esther, d. of William and Sarah, Apr. 22. 1749. William, s. of William and Sarah, Jan. 26. 1752. 40 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. GOULD — Continued. .John, s. of WiJliam and Sarah, Jan. 26, 17.12. David, s. of William and Sarah, Xov. 9, 1756. Jonathan, s. of William and Sarah, Nov. !), 1756. Benjamin, s. of William and Sarah, May 24, 17.")8. Susanna, d. of William and Sarah, May 24, 1758. George, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 11, 1783. John, s. of John and Rebecca, ]\iay 22, 1785. Polly, d. of John and Rebecca, Sept. 28, 1788. Major, s. of John and Rebecca, July 28, 1791. Nancy, d. of John and Rebecca, May 3, 1796. James Creighton Hopkins, s. of Levi and Elizabeth Webb Whit- man, Aug. 22, 1838. Edwin Carter, s. of Levi and Elizabeth \A'ebb Whitman, Aug. 19, 184U. Elizabeth, d. of Levi and Elizabeth W., Jan. 22, 1845. Jessie P\, d. of Albert and Emma F. (Eames), Sept. 23. 1866. GO WING. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Esther, Oct. 28, 1729. John, s. of Daniel and Esther, Aug'. 17, 1732. Tabitha, d. of Daniel and Esther, July 16, 1737. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Sarah, July 5, 1754. Sarah, d. of Daniel and Sarah. Feb. 28, 1756. John, s. of flohn and Lydia, June 22, 1756. Jabez, s. of Daniel and Sarah, ]\Iar. 9, 17.57. Mehitable, d. of Daniel and Sarah. Oct. 4, 1758. Joseph, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1760. James, s. of Daniel and Sarah, May 31, 1762. Lydia, d. of John and Lydia, Nov. 28. 17<)2. Thomas, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1764. Sarah, d. of Daniel and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1766. Rachel, d. of John and Lydia, Nov. 1, 17<)7. Mary, d. of John and Lydia, .July 22, 1769. Abigail, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, Dec. 21, 177H. Kezia, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, Jan. 3, 1782. Sally, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, ,Ian. 18, 1781. Susanna, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1783. John, s. of Capt. John and Kezia, Sept. 25, 1783. Sally, d. of Jabez and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1784. Daniel, s. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, Mar. 1.5, 1785. Nancy, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, Oct. 2.'>, 1785. Hannah, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, June 4, 1787. Mary, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, July 8, 1787. Betsey, d. of Jabez and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1788. George, s. of Capt. John and Kezia, Mar. 25, 1789. Micajah, s. of Daniel, Jr., and Al)igail, Sept. 27, 1790. Joseph, .s. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 1.5, 1791. Fanny, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, Feb. 25, 1791. Sabra, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, Apr. 8, 1793. .labez, s. of Jabez and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1793. James, s. of Daniel, Jr., and Abigail, Oct. 21, 1793. Eunice, d. of Capt. John and Kezia, May 24, 1795. WILMINGTON RECOKI) OF BIRTHS. 41 Joshua, s. of .losepli and Sarah. .Ian. '_'."), 17!li.«;ail. Mar. L"), 17!Mi. Samuel, s. of Jabez and Sarah, .Apr. I'J. 17!"). Lydia Rich, d. of Capt. John and Kozia. May 7, 17!is. Samuel, s. of Jabez and Sarah, Se|)t. 17, i7!iS. Jonathan, s. of Daniel, Jr.. and Abi,i;ail, Feb. 27. 17!*!). Sally, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 22, 17!tO. Sophia, d. of Capt. John and Kezia. Aug. 11. bSdd. Harriot, d. of Jabez and Sarah. Aug. 10. US(i:l Sylvester, s. of Capt. John ami Kezia. Sept. 1, 1804. ^iar^• Jane, d. of Jonathan and Jane, -Vug. lM. 1.S"J.'). Kstlier. d. of Jonathan and ,Iaue. Oct. 12. 1S2(). Sarah, d. of .Jonathan and .lane. Sept. 1!'. ls2H. Daniel, s. of Jonathan and .lane, .fuly 1."). 1830. .bisliua, s. of Joshua and Clarisa, .June 10, ls:J2. Frances, d. of Jonathan aiul .lane, .lune 18, 18:52. Milton, s. of .Foshua and Clarisa. .July (i, 18;}."). .Josephene, d. of .Jonathan and .Jane, Oct. 21. 183."). (iayton, s. of Joshua and Clarisa, Apr. 19, 1837. Samuel Henry, s. of Samuel and Family. .\ug. 3, 1837. Thomas Ford, s. of .Joshua and Clarisa, .Inly 4, 1838. .loiiathan Herbert, s. of .lonathan and .lane, Nov. 24. l^KK Clara, d. of .Joshua and Clarisa, Apr. 29. 1811. Horace, s. of Joshua and Clarisa. Oct. 21, 1842. Oilman, s. of Joshua and Clarisa. .July 2.'). ls44. Sarah L., d. of James and Mary 11. .\lay 31. isp;. Marcus, s. of .Joshua and Clarisa. .July •», 1S4(;. Otis. s. of .Joshua and Clarisa. .Jan. 10. I84!t. Frances 1\.. d. of .lames, .Ir., and Flizabeth .1.. .Ian. 20. 18."ii». Clara Adeline, d. of Daniel and Sarah. Feb. 12. ls.")0. Kiiiily. d. of Joshua and Clarisa. Dec. ."). \XM. Sarah Locke, d. of Charles and .\deiine, Ai)r. 27. 1^51. (ienrge Pearson, s. of George and .\deliiie. Oct. l', IS.jl. ^^'illianl FL, s. of William and Bridget, Feb. 27, 1854. GREEXI.EAF. • lennie E.. d. of Benjamin and Olive C.. Dec. 14. 1S7(). GRIMES. Joseph M., s. of William and Rose (McMalion), Feb. 2, 189:5. Mary M., d. of William and Rose (McMahon), Dee. 19, 189:5. IIAEE. Mary E., d. of ,J;imes and Mary Ann, VvU. 2:'>. ls>47. James Warren, s. of Janij-s and .Mary Ann, Jan. ."), 1849. Angeliiie, d. of .Fames and Mary Ann, -Jan. 28. 18."il. Charl'^s Arthur, s. of James anil .Mary Ann, Aug. 28, 1851. Horace Gardner, s. of James and AKary Ann, Feb. 4, 18.').s. Su,sani)a E., d. of James and Mary Ann, Oct. 28, ISIiO. Orin Ellsworth, s. of James and iNIary Ann, Feb. 21, 1S()7. WILMINGTON RECOKD ()!• BIRTHS. 48 HAf^iC — C'outinucji.. Warren P]liiier, s. of rl. Warren ami I. aura. June l':J, is.si). Vera H., d. of ,1. Warren and l.anra, Oct. I(J, iS'Ki. Oriii'K. s. of ,1. Warren and Laura (Si)eni'er), ,Iau. is, IS!)*;. HALL. Hudson L.. s. of Osgood and Harriet. Apr. l!», iSlfi. (ieorgia A., d. of Austin W. and Enmia E.. Fel). 11. Is7s. — , s. of Henry and I>aville. Nov. b, l.s.S;;. Lillian, d. of Aust'in and Kniniit (Davis). Fel.. -J. ISJKI. HA liny. David, s. of David and Hannah. A|>r. '■>, ITTU. Jesse, s. of David and Hannah, Mar. '•), 1778. (Jideon, s. of David and Hannah, Sept. P, 17711. Hannah, d. of David and Hannaii. Xov. 14. 17S1. HARMOy. (iauis K.. s. of Klijah and .Martha A.. June 1"., 1SS7. HAIlMtlCX. Abigail, d. of John and Susanna, Apr. 'J'k HiitJ. .Mary, d. of Jolm and ^lary, .\ug. "Ji, 17l's. .Mary, d. of Samuel and Mary, .\pr. "_'!), 17"J!i. John, s. of .Fohn and ]Mary, Mar. 8, 17;50. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Aug. ■J8. 17;>1. Josliua, s. of John and .Mary, .\pr. 19, 173l'. Klizaiieth, d. of .Samuel and Mary. Feb. (J. \7-i'-i. Jonathan, s. of Barachiah and Sarah, May lo, 17:{o. -Vbigail d. of Jolni and Mary. Feb. 1, 17:U. Susanna, d. of Samuel and Mary, .Vpr. 17, 17;)5. Kli/abeth, d. of IJaraehian and Sarah, June.."), 17;»."). William, s. of Samuel and .Mary, .Mar. .">, 17-)'). Joseph, s. of John and Mary, iNIay "J, 17->(i. John. s. of John and Mary, Sept. (i, 17;{8. Sarah, d. of Samuel and .Mary, Sept. (i, 17;<9. .lo.shua, s. of flohn and Mary, Oct. 14, 1740. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Xov. If), 174'J. Benjamin, s. of ,Iolin and .Mary, Dec. '2U. 1744. .Abigail, d. of .John and Mary. Dec. 4, 1740. Molly, d. of Joseph and Esther, -Ian. 'Si, 17t;i. Esther, d. of Jose[>h and Esther, .\pr. 10, 17ti:i. Sarah, d. of .Joshua and .Sarah, Xov. '21, 17()4. Rachel, d. of Joseph and Esther, June '2'.K \~ii'>. Hannah, d. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah. June s, 17t!7. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Sarah, June 22, 1707. John, s. of Capt. John and Uuth. Oct. !», 1708. Betty, d. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Xov. V',. 170!». Benjamin, s. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannali. Xov. l;>. 170!(. Ruth, d. of Cai.t. John ini.l Kuth. Apr. ■]. 1770. 44 WILMINGTON RKCOHD OF BIRTHS. HARNiyEN— Continvt^d. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Estlier, Apr. 11, 1770. Molly, d. of Capt. John and Rnth, Feb. ;5, 177-J. Hannah, d. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Mar. .3, 1771*. Hannah, d. of -Joseph and Esther, May 3, 1772. Susanna, d. of Joshua and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1772. Samuel, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, Apr. 26, 1778. Ebenezer, s. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. 24, 177-i. Thirzr", d. of Joseph and Esther, Aug. 28, 1774. Augustus, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, Mar. 5, 177."i. Anna, d. of Joshua and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1775. James, s. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Mar. 14, 1777. Abigail, d. of Joseph and Estlier, Jan. 23, 1777. Nancy, d. of Capt. John and Ruth, Apr. 5, 1777. Rebecca, d. of Lt. Joshua and Sarah, June 19, 1778. Jesse, s. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1778. Timothy, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, June 5, 1779. Abigail, d. of Capt. John and Ruth, July 28, 1781. Rhoda, d. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. .), 1781. Frederick, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, Feb. 10, 1784. Jonathan, s. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Mar. 9, 1784. Clarisa, d. of Joshua and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1784. Olive, d. of Lt. Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 12, 178(i. Amariah, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, July 26, 1787. Jeduthun, s. of Lt. Benjamin, and Hannah, June 11. 17!tit. Lucretia, d. of Capt. John and Ruth, Dec. 7, 1790. Folly, d. of Joseph and Polly. Aug. 14, 1791. Patty, d. of Joseph and Polly, Dec. 16. 179-_>. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Polly, Apr. 6. 1794. Dolly, d. of Joshua, Jr., and Dolly, Aug. 15, 1794. Elbriclge, s. of Joseph and Polly, July 31, 1796. Joshua, s. of Joshua, Jr., and Dolly, Dec. 21, 1796. Orpah, d. of Joseph and Polly, July 27, 1798. James Jaquith, s. of Joshua, Jr., and Dolly, June 4, 1800. Betsey Jaquith, d. of Joshua, Jr., and Dolly, May 25, lMi3. Henry, s. of Joshua, Jr„ and Doily, Dec. 26, 1808. Rhoda Maria, d. of Jonathan and' Rhoda, Mar. 1, 18l<). Harriet, d. of Samuel and Nancy, Oct. 6, 1843. , d. of Elbridge and Abby. Dec. 25, 1844. Albert H. s. of Albert and Mary, Dec. 16, 1845. Abby Jenette, d. of Elbridge and Abby, Oct. 31, 1846. • Margrette, d. of Albert and Mary, Aug. 16, 1847. Frank, s. of Albert and Mary, July 11, 1849. Charles Elbridge, s. of Elbridge and Abigail, Sei)t. 9, 1849. I'hebe G., d. of Elbridge and Abby, Oct. 15, 1850. Mary Carter, d. of Elbridge and Abbv, Sept. 20, 18.'>3. Anna M. d. of Everell and Julia C, Oct 17, 1859. Jerusha D., d. of Henry and Emma F., Ju^ne 11, 1862. Nellie H., d. of EvereU and Julia A., Mar. 12, 18()3. Eugene E., s. of Everell and Julia A., July 19, 1865. Charles ()., s. of Otis and Mary L., Sept. 2(5, 1866. Harry T., s. of Otis and Mary L., May 24, 1868. Arthiir M. s. of Otis and Marv L., Dec. 5, 1871. Herbert A., h. of Everell and Julia A., Feb. 13, 1873. WiLMlNGtOX RKCQKD Q¥ lUKTU^. 4$ HARRIMAX. Amelia T., d. of Fred T. and Ualoo M. (Walker), Aug. 2'>. L895. Krrol I., s. of Fred T. and Iralan M. (Walker). Oct. 1, 1«»7. HARRIS. Stillborn, Nov. 11, 1892. Dorothy, d. of Herbert A. aiid Mabel C. (lirowii). N'ov. 11, liW-}. HA THORNE. John, s. of .John and Esther, Jan. IH, 1744. Samuel, s. of John and E.sther, May 7. 174t). William, s. of John and E.sther, Mar. 11. 174!t. Seth, 8. of John and Esther, Nov. :{, 17.')1. Sarah, d. of John and Esther, .May It), 17.")4. Nathaniel, s. of John and Esther, Jan. li(, 17.')7. Sarah, d. of P^benezer and Hephzibah, May 15, 1759. James, s. of John and Esther, June 1, 1700. Ichabod, s. of Ebenezer and Hephzibah, (Jet. ;i(), 1701. Benjamin, .s. of Collins and Sarah, Dec. 13, 17(51. Jacob, s. of John and Esther, May 1, 1763. Eleazer, s. of Eleazer and Hephzibah, Sept. 2tJ, 1703. Beulah, d. of Eleazer and Hephzibah, May 25, 1705. Lemuel, s. of John and Esther, Aug. 11, 1700. F^sther, d. of Eleazer and Hepzibah, Oct. 11, 170H. Ann, d. of Ebenezer and JVl^cy,-Feb. 3. 170S. HAWKINS. ■■ Isabella, d. of Ah ah F. and Frances, Np*. 3U, 1»52. HAl. '■■■ Catharine, d. of John and Catharine. Feh. 22, 1770. HA I'ES. Edward, s. of Edward and Hannah. Aug. .31. lS.5.'i. HA YNES. Lucy K.. d. of Joseph K. and .lane .M.. .May JO, 1885. HEALEV. •Fulia. d. of William and Mary, Feb. 11, 1878. Daney. s. of .lames 1). and Margaret, Dec. 4, 187>>. HEATH. , d. of James W. jind Emma L.. Sept. 1. 1883. .Stillborn, Feb. 14, 189.5. I 46 WILMINGTON RECOHD OK BIRTHS. HENDRICKS. James, s. of Joseph and Anna, '"^ept. 12, 1845. Phebe, d. of Joel and Rachel, Jan. 7, 1754. Moses, s. of Joel and Rachel. Xov. 1!», 1756. HEUBENER. Ernest C. s. of Albert W. and Jane (C'hilds), Mar. '24, 1891. HILDRICK. Reuben, s. of Israel and Rachel, July 17, 1751. HILL. Pauline V., d. of Oscar W. and Annie (Bergmanu), Dec. Hi. l.S!i5. t HOBAN. Patrick F., s. of John and Mary (i., Nov. 7, ISS'J. , . " Thomas J. s. of John W. and Mary, Mar. 8, 1885. John Henry, s. of John W. and Mary, Nov. 8, 1889, Katie Elleii, d. of John W. and Mary (Garvey), Apr. 1, =181)2. Leo. s. of ,F(-lin W. and Mary ((;arvey), Mav. 22, 189.5.; '■ HOLT. Rebecca, d. of Obediah'and Rebecca, Feb. 4, 175S. Sarah, d. of Obediah and Rebecca, Aug. 18, 17(>:5. Sylvester, s. of Asa and Abigail, Sept. bi, 1797. ■;. . . Abiel, s. of Asa and Abigail," Feb. 18, 18()U. Sally, d. of Asa and Abigail, Ang. 20, 1802. Asa, s. of Asa and Abigail, July 16, 1807. Marv Jane, d. of Timothy K. and ]\lary Ann, Oct. 21. 1845. Vasiiti Alaria, d. of William F. and Vashti B., Sept. 5, 1847. Sarah Kidder, d. of Timothy K. and Mary Ann, Jan. 2.5, 1848. ''■' Marion, d. of :Martin F. and Ella L., June 27, 1879. Lewis, s. of Martin F. and Ella L., July IB, 1881. Winfield, s. of Martin F. and Ella L., June 28. 1885. (Juy, s. of Martin F. and Ella L., Dec. 2(1, .1887. Alma, d. of Martin F. and Ella L., Jan. 15, 1891. Clyde, s, of Martin F. and Ella L. (Carter). Sei.t. 22, 1>^7. HOPKINS. Samuel, s. of Richard and Hannah, Xov. 29, 17o7. Hannaii, d. of Richard and Hannah, Apr. 21. 174(1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Hannah,. Oct 11, 1741. Ruth, d. of Richard and Hannah, Oct. 15, 174:1 Jesse, s. of Richard and Hannah, June 17, 1747. William, s. of William and Rebecca, Jan. 2(i, 1755. :\Iolly, d. of Richard and Molly, Oct. 8, 17(1:}. . Samuel, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Molly or Sarah, Dec. 21, 17(17. John, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah, Oct. 17, 178(1. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 47 HOt^KINS — Continued. Sally, d. of iSainuel., Jr., and llaniiali, Jan. 24. 1788. Kebecca, d. of Sanuiei. Jr., and Rebecca, June '11 . ITitT. Laviuia, d. of Samuel, Jr., and Rebecca, Jan. '•\s Iftitl. Samuel, 3d, s. of Samuel, Jr., and Rebecca, July 1, 18fiL*. Charles, s. of Samuel, .Ir., and Rebecca, .Inly '11. 1807. Loui.'. 1721. . Sarah, d, of John and Sarah. .May 11. 1724. Kbenezei', s. of riohn.aiid Sarah, Dec. 18, 172"). ■ Lydia. d. of .John and Sarah. Sept. 8, 1729. Deborah, d. of John and Mary. Feb. 8, 17;{1. John. s. of John and llannaii, Aug. oO, 1741. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Damaras. Aug. 19, 1742, Renjamin, s. of John and Hannah. Mar. 1."). 174 !. Sarah, d. of John and Hannah. Mar. l;>. 174. >. Stephen, s. of Isaac and Danuiras. .\pr. 20, 17 b'. IMiebe, d. of Joseph anil Sarah. .May 4, 17(i2. M^'lly, d. of Josejih and Sarah, June (!. 17<)j. . HUBBARD, or HEBBARD. Zaclieus. s. of Zacheus aiul Jan<'. Oct. 21. 1721. Lucy (adoi>ted daughter), of Zacheus and Jane, Mar. 10. 17;5i Hi'yr. Walter Cdl, s. of William and Inez W.. ,lnne 2.'>. lS.-,!». 4S WfLMrNGtON ftftCORD 6f BrKTHFS. HUNTER. Mary M., d. of James G. and Satah, July 17, 1847. HUSTON. Fred W., s. of .losiah B. and Elittira, Oct. 27, 187L'. H UTCHINSON. Bertha F., d. of Merrill and Harriot A., June 'j6, 1880. INGERSON. Ann Maria, d. of Nathaniel and Abt)y, (y6L 27, 1853. IRELAND. Abby Isabelle, d. of John and Mary, Jan. .">, 1858. Emily Augusta, d. of John and Mary E., Jan. 29, 1860. James W. s. of John and Mary E., June 16, 1862. 1 V ESTER. Florence E., d. of Robert arid Elizabfeth, D6. Adeline Tylfer, d. of JamfeB and Mary, Mar. 16, 1841. I WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 49 J AOL ITU. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, .luiie 5, 1708. Ebenezer, s. of Abraham. -Ir., and Sarah, June :}, 1714. .John, s. of John and Marv, Oct. "J."). 17;5(). Mary, d. of Jolin and Mary. Anj;'. 1.}, 17.L'. John, s. of John and Mary. Sept. "Jli, 17;5"». Josliua, s. of -lohn and Mary, Oct. S, \7.\S. BenjaTnin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, May '2A, 17 tO. Kebecca, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, .Inly (J, 1710. Abigail, d. of John and ^lary, Jan. •_';}, 1712. Ebenezer, s. of Elienezer and Kebecca, Sej)!. 10. 1712. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. l;5, 174'J. William, s. of Ebenezer and Hel)ecca, Dec. '21, 1714. Nathaniel, s. of John and Tanison, Feb. 13, 1745. James, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, Mar. ."51. 1745. Thomas, s. of Ebenezer and Kebecca, \\n: •J4, 174(i. Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, .Mar. tj, 1747. Sarah, d. of John and Tamson, Sept., 1747. Isaac, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, May 7, 1749. Judith, d. of Benjamin and Hannah. ."May 12, 174!). Jonathan, s. of Jolm and Tamson, .Sept. 1-5, 174!). Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, May 19, 1751. David, s. of .John and Tanison, Dec. 13, 1751. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Kezia, .Mar. 5, 1752. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, July 11, 17.'J2. Abraham, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, May 2(), 17.')4. Nathan, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, May 7, 17.")(i. Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Hannali, Jan. 12, 175!». Abigail, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, Feb. 13, 17(51. Patty, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 3, 17')5. .loshua, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 24, 17()7. Patty, d. of Samuel and Patty, Sept. 13, 170S. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Patty, June 30, 1771. Benjamin, s. of .Samuel and Patty, May 31. 1772. Polly, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, July 17, 1772. Dolly, d. of James and Dolly, .lune (i, 1773. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Patty, .lune 2!>, 1774. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1775. .\braham. s. of Samuel and Patty, Mar. ■"). 177(). William Rogers, s. of William and Rebecca, .lune 7, 177^. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Patty, June 7, 177>i. Anna. d. of Nathan and Anna, Feb. 21, 1779. Abigail, d. of Nathan and .Anna, Feb. 21, 1779. Betsey, d. of Lt. James and Dolly. Jan. 24, 17S0. Josiaii, s. of Samuel and Patty, Oct. 5. 17S0. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Anna, Mar. 31, 17Sl. Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Pattv, July 9, 17S2. Oliver, s. of , Sept. 19, 17>2. Jeremiah, s. of Nathan and .Vnna, .^L'^r, \'.K 17>^3. Nancy, d. of Samuel and Patty, .lune 25, 17S4. Nathaniel, s. of Nathan and Anna, June 21, 1785. .Mice, d. of Nathan and Anna, .Ian. (i, 17'^7. 50 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. JAQUITH— Continued. James, s. of Nathan and Anna, Xov. 1, 178S. Hannah, d. of Lt. James and Dolly, Jan. 1, 1701. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Polly. Oct. 25, 17!K1 Betsey, d. of Jacob and Rachel, Sept. 30, 17!»5. Phebe, d. of Benjamin, .Fr., and Phebe, June lo, 17!)(i. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Rachel, May 25, 1797. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, Ji'., and Phebe, Apr. 13, 1798. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, Xov. 12, 1M)1. Henry Thompson, s. of Jacob and Rachel, ^lay \, 1802. Sylvester, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, Oct. 24, 1803. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Esther, Oct. 25, 1803. Esther, d. of Nathan and Estlier, Dec. 28, 1804. Simeon, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, ]Mar. 17, 180li. Polly, d. of Jacob and Rachel, June 23, 180(i. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Esther, Aug. 1, 1809. Susan, d. of Nathan and Esther, jNIar. 6, 1811. Sally Ford, d. of Jacob and Rachel, June 23, 1811. Alanson, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, Nov. 25, 1811. Achsah, d. of Nathan and Esther, Dec. 12, 1817. Joshua O. s. of Joshua, Jr., and Sabra, Nov. 2t), 1823. Sabra J., d. of Joshua, Jr., and Sabra, jNIay 12, 1825. Sarah D., d. of Joshua, Jr., and Sabra, Mar. 24, 1832. Sarah Jane, d. of Alanson and Sarah B., Aug. 29, 1830. Charles A. s. of Alanson and Sarah B., Feb., 1839. , d. of Alanson and Sarah, Dec. 1, 184(). Edward S., s. of Simeon, 2d, and ^Nlary M., May 10, 1875. JEXKINS. Joseph, s. of Joel and ^lary. Mar. 17, 1725. Obadiah, s. of Obadiah and Lydia, May 19. 1739. Lydia, d. of Obadiah and Lydia, Sept. (5, 1741. pjlizabeth, d. of Obadiah and Lydia, ]\[ar. 28, 1744. Susanna, d. of Obadiali and Lydia, Aug. 20, 174(>. ^fary, d. of Obadiah and Lydia, July 15, 1749. Obadiah, s. of Obadiah and Lydia, May 14, 1751. Mary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1751. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1753. Jonathan, s. of Obadiah and Lydia, July 5, 1753. Lydia, d. of Josejili and Sarah, Jidy 11, 1754. Dorothy, d. of .Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1755. Joel, s. of elo.seph and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1757. Rebecca, d. of Josepli and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1759. Joseph, s. of Josepli and Sarali, Apr. 5, 1701. Rebecca, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1702. Hannah, d. of .loseph and Sarah, iMay 20, 1704. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 13, 17()5. Benjamin, .s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 1, 17!)7. Eunice, d. of .loel and Elizabeth, Aug. ^lO, 17S4. William Williams, s. of Joel and Elizabeth, .June 22, 1 Hannah, d. of .loel and Elizabeth, July 14, 1795. Timothy Walker, s. of .Joel and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, \1\ft WILMlNliTON IJKCOIU) OF HIRTMS. 51 JOHNSON. Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Abigail, Nov. (i, 170."). William, s. of Beiijaiiiin and Elizabeth, Feb. 7 17ti7. Betty, d. of Henjaniiii and Elizalieth, Mar. -Jl', 17(i.S. Edward, s. of Henjaniin and Elizabetli, .June 1, 17ti!i. Eoe, s. of Benjamin ami Elizabeth, .Sept. ^s, 177!>. Betsey, d. of Pliili}) and Susanna, Sept. •JO, 1787. Molly Smith, d. of Philip and Susanna, Jan. 0, 17S!). Samiiel Adams, s. of Philip and Susanna, Jan. 11, 17i»l. liuel, s. of Philip and Susanna, Aug. 11, 17!(3. Osgood, s. of Solon L. and Louisa, Oct. 1"), 18-11. William Roswell, s. of Solon and Louisa, June 24, 1847, Warren L., s. of Horatio and Lizzie A., June 11, bSf).'). JONES. Elizai)eth. d. of -Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. !». 1721. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, .Ian. 20, 172:i. William, s. of Jonathan and Elizal)eth, Aug. 23, 172-i. Calel), s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 172(i. .Martlia, d. of , Jonathan and Elizabetli. Aug. 1;{, 1727. Mary, d. of .Jonathan and Elizabeth, May 15, 172!). Abigail, d. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, June 2!», 172!). Josliua, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Mar. 2o, 1731. .losiah, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Mar. 2;!, 1731. Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Elizal)eth, Sept. 1!), 1733. James, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 173."). David, s. of Jonatiian and Elizabeth, Apr. 2!», 1737. Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizal)eth, Mar. 1, 174o. Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth. Feb. 27, 17-11. Mary, d. of Jonatiian and Elizabeth, July 28. 1743. Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 1!>, 174(i. Jonathan, s. of -Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1748. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 18, 17")1. Russell, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1752. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1755. Jonathan, s. of -Jonathan an, Ilezekiah, s. of Enocli and Patience, Oct. !'>, 17(16. Hutii. d. of Enoch and Patience, Aug. 9, 17()!i. Jonatiian, s. of Enocli and Patience, Se))t. "J!*, 1771. ."^arali, d. of Enocli and Patience. June 7, 177."). duditli. d. of Ezra and .Susanna. May 17, l.Slti. Ezra Otis, s. of Ezra and Susanna, May 17, isl.S. Ahi'-ail .Maiia, d. of Lt. Ezra and Susanna, Oct. .'51, IS-JO. KEXXEV. .lulia. d. of Edward and Hridi;et. Oct. •J7, is.". StiiU)orn, .May 12, 1S8l'. , of John and Mary, May iM, 188:$. Annie, d. of John and Mary, ()ct. "J."), 1884. John, .s. of John and Mary," Jan. H. 18S!). Thomas, s. of John and Mary (Duffy). Dec. 1*2, I89;i. KEXT. Albert L.. s. of Jonatiian and Elizalx-tli, Aug. 1^, 1854. KERXON. Addie, d. of James and Mary, Sept. :J, 1879. Annie, d. of James and Mary, 1881. Elizal>eth, d. of James and Mary, Keb. 8, 1884. C'atiiarine, d. of flames and Mary, May 22, 188(5. Frank F., s. of James and Mary, .Ian. 7, 1SS9. Henry P., s. of James and Mary (\\'oods), July 20, I8!ll. Stillborn. Xoy. :'.(), 1892. KTDVEB. Arthur (i., .s. of Frank W. and .Mary A., Feb. 9, 188;}. Harlan H., .s. of Frank W. and .MarV A., May 21, 188."). Percy P., s. of Frank \V. and Mary A. (Sheldon), June 24, 189:}. KILLAM— See Kellom. Martha, d. of Daniel and Mary. Jan. 7, 172S. Thomas, s. of Daniel and Mary, Fell. 1, 17;}(>. Daniel, s. of Daniel and .Mary. -Jan. 11, 17:}2. Peiijamin, s. of Josei)h and Martha, Aju'. 2, 17:52. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Abigail. Feb. 1, 17:}8. FuMijainin, s. of Samuel ami Abigail, May 2(J, 1710. Orace, d. of Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 11, 1743. Abigail, d. of Samuel and Abigail. June L"), 174(j. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Puth. Feb. S, 1700. Thomas, s. of Daniel and Kuth, July is, 17.')!l. Penjamin, s. of Penjumin and .Sarah, Aug. 4, 17(J2. 54 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. KILLAM — Continued. Joseph, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 4, I7IJ4. Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Apr. 7, 176(i. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1707. Ebenezer, s. of Benjamin and Sarali, Nov. 20, 1770. Aaron, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1773. (In Lynds- borough, N. H.) iNIoses, s. of Benjamin and Sarah. Jan. 8, 1780. (In Lyndsborough. X. H.) I^ydia, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1784. (In Lynds- borough, N. H.) KIMBALL. Thomas Waterman, s. of Ezra and Lydia, June 4, 1814. Alfred Converse, s. of Ezra and Lydia, July 4, 181(i. KIXCAID. Carrie Belle, d. of William L. and Millie E., June 21, 18s9. Laurence H., s. of William L. and Millie E. (IloV)bs). Jan. •">, 18U7. KITTREDGE. Francis, s. of Dr. Francis and Sybil, Oct. 14, 1807. Eliza, d. of Dr. Francis and Sybil, Mar. 14, 1809. Lucretia, d. of PMmund F. and Harriet E., Feb. 17, 1845. Vienna Jaquith, d. of Henry and Hannah J., Sept. 25, 1845. Horace Vesper, s. of Timothy B. and Christianna N., Sept. 20, 1850. George Bradley, s. of Timothy and Matilda, Nov. 2, 1851. KNEELAND. Mary Ann, d. of Augustus and , Aug. 23, I85tj. LAKE. George S., s. of George E. and jMary A., June 8, 1886. Sarah M., d. of George E. and JMary A., June 2o, 1889. Albert W., s. of George E. and Mary E. (Butters), June 12, 1894. LA WHENCE. John, Jr., s. of John and Nancj' T., May 27, 1802. LEONARD. Hugh, s. of John and Margaret, Oct. 1, 1870. LEVALLE. Mary J., d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, No\-. 0, 1872. WILMINGTON RECORD OF niRTHS. 66 LE WIS. Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Hannah, June 5, 170o. Honjaniin, s. of Renjaniin and Elizabeth. Sept. "JS. 17l>!I. Jonathan, s. of Bciijaniin aneth, d. of Henjaniin and Elizabeth. Jan. s, \~.y.\. Josopii, .s. of Joseph anfl Lydia. Oct. 17, 17^^;^. -lames, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. '_'."), 17:^."). Tiniotiiy, s. of -Fosejih and Lydia. May -4, 17;5ti. -lolin. s. of Benjamin and Elizabetli. Aug. 5, 17-{7. -fohn, s. of -John and Susanna, May Ki, 1739. Keuben, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. 2"), \7'-VK Mary, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Nov. 1:5. 174L Hester, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, May 2S. 171 L Susanna, d. of -fohn and Phebe. Apr. 0. 174i). Phebe, d. of -John and Phebe, Nov. 11. 1747. LI VJNGSTOXE. Lillie E., d. of Charles and Clalista, -hdy 20, 1^62. LOWMAX, or LOMAX. .Margaret, d. of Samuel and .Mary, Oct, 12, 1717. ^lary, d. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. (5, 1719. Samuel, s. of Samuel and .Mary, Sept. 9, 1721. Abraham, s. of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 1."), 1724. Nathaniel, s. of Samuel and Mary, -June 25, 1720. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Mary, July 21, 1728. LORn. Harry B., s. of George H. and Alinnie (Turner), P>b. 1.^, ISOl. Everett T., s. of George H.and Minnie E. (Turner), Oct. 10, lS9ti. .VInia. d. of Ernest .\. and (Jeorgiana (Hall), -Jan., 2(>, 1.S97. LOWB. (Jeorge T., s. of 4"im()tliv and Maiv S.. .Mav 22, 1857. AUu'it Willis, s. (.f Tiin'othv and Marv S., Jnlv 2.5, 18. of 'I'homa.s and Isabella, June 10, 188"). Elizabeth, d. of Tlioinas and Isabella, .Ian. 11, iSSii. Augustine M., s. of Tlionias and Isabella (McEnroe), .June l.'i, ISOI. Rose, d. of Tlionias and Isabella (McEnroe), Sept. 12, 1893. .lames M. s. of Peter and Annie (.McEnroe), .\pr. 30, 1894. Winifred, d. of Peter and .Annie (McEnroe), .Iiine 12, 189."). -Joseph ]^., s. of Thomas and Isaliella (McEnroe), Feb. 11, 1897. Henry A., .s. of Pefcer F. and Annie M. (McEnroe). Aug. 2(i, 1897. MACE. Rosanna H., d. of Edward M. and Fanny .1., .June 3, 1878. Sarah T., d. of Edward M. and Fanny J., May 25, 1880. MAGUIRE. Stillborn, Aug. 30, 1891. Catharine W., d. of Dennis and Ellen (Murphy), Feb. 23, 1893. Mary, d. of Dennis and Ellen (Murphy), Sejit. 22, 1894. MALONEY. Earle T., s. of .\delbert and Elizabeth (Thompson), Aug. 12, 1897. MANNING. .Jacob, .Jr., s. of .Jacob and Elizabeth, .June 29, 1811. Eliza, d. of .Jacob and Elizabeth, Oct. 10. 1812. Rebecca, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth. Apr. 3, 181.5. Erza Carter, s. of .Jacob and Elizabeth, Mar. 3, 1818. Charles, s. of .Jacob and Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1821. Mary Elizabeth, d. of .Jacob and Mehitable A., .June l."i, 1817. p:iiza Jane, d. of .Jacob and Mehitable, Oct. 30, 1H49. Sarah Abby, d. of Jacob and Mehitable, Apr. 21, 18.51. Henry Edward, s. of .Jacob and Mehitable, Jan. 31, 1853. MARION. , s. of Matthew and Zebner, Dec. 11, 189H. MARSH. John .1.. s. of Charles and Mary, July 9, 1891. MARSTON. Carrie A., d. of John and Sarah S., Sept. 19, 1862. 68 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. MAMTIN. Mary Frances, d. of Patrick and Ellen, May 17, 1857. Sarah L., d. of Patrick and Ellen, Mar. 12," 1859. William Francis, s. of Patrick and Ellen, Dec. 2, 18H0. Mary Ellen, d. of Timothy and Sarah, July 25, 1861. George E., s. of Timothy and Sarah, Sept. 1, 18tj8. Sarah, d. of Timothy and Sarah, June 22, 1865. Annie D., d. of Timothy, and Sarah, July 2, 1867. James F., s. of Timothy and Sarah, Nov. 22-, 1870. William H., s. of Timothy and Sarah, May 9, 1878. Marion R., d. of Warren and Mary (McGorty), Dec. lo, 1895. MATHEWS. Edith L., d. of Rev. S. S. and Ann E., Mar. 1, 1875. , s. of Eugene H. and Lizzie A. (McMillan), May 16, 1895. MASOJV, John W., s. of Charles A. and Luellie J., Apr. 6, 1880. Fannie E., d. of Charles A. and Luellie J., Apr. 6, 1880. Florence G., d. of Henry A. and Malissa A., July 10, 1881. MEAD. , s. of Leonard and Olive B., Oct. 3, 1855. John, 8. of Thomas and Margaret, Aug. 5, 1875. Mary E., d. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 12, 1878. MEABS. Nathan E., s. of Nathan and Catharine (Pearson), Apr. 7, 1861. Willie C, s. of Edward and Adeline IL, Feb. 7, 1866. Ada Catharine, d. of Nathan and Catharine, Aug. 5, 1878. MELANSON. Mary M., d. of Theodore and Fanny (White), Mar. 6, 189.5. Rosanna E., d. of Theodore and Fanny (White), Nov. 8, 189H. MELLEN. Charles E., s. of Charles and Anna, Apr. 24, 1878. MILLER. Labon Essella, d. of (ieorge H. and Caroline L., July 8, 1847. James William, s. of James and Mary J., Aug. 2, 1871. Mary J., d. of James and Mary J., Sept. 16, 1873. Nellie P., d. of Charles O. and Laura A., July 24, 1878. Oscar L., s. of Charles L. and Mary A , Nov. 21, 1885. Alfred C, s. of Edward C. and Ada F., May 27, 1887. Bertha Foster, d. of Edward C. and Ada F., Feb. 17, 1889. Charles E., .s. of Charles L. and Mary A. (Boutwell), Nov. 4, 189 L WILMINGTON RRCORD OF BIRTHS. 59 MILLETT. Margaret Blanchard, d. of Frank E. and Xellie I.., Aug. «, 1889. MILLIGAN. Kate Howaid, d. of (ieorge M. and Mary E. (Eanies), .July 1. 18(J7. George A., s. of (ieorge M. and Mary E., Sept. 4, 187tJ. Emma M.. d. of (Jeorge M. and .Mary E., Apr. 2, 188;1 MOREHOUSE. Morton E., s. of Herl)ert E. and Minnie ((iuyniont), Aug. 3, 1890. MORRII.L. James, s. of Isaac and Mary, June 9, 174i'. Samuel, .s. of Isaac and Dorothy, Apr. 21, 1744. Elizabeth, d. of Isaac and Dorothy, June 1, 174ti. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Dorothy, Aug. lo, 1748. James, s. of Isaac and Dorothy, Feb. s, 17.")1. KHakiin, s. of Isaac and Dorothy, Jan. 2, 1758. Nathaniel, s. of Isaac and Dorothy, Apr. 22, 1757. DoroMiy, d. of Isaac and Dorothy, July l;}, 1760. Abigail, d. of Isaac and Dorotliy, May 19, 1765. Phebe, d. of Rev. Isaac and Dorothy, July 17, 17(38. •Micajah, s. of Xathaniel and Ilannali, Xov. 25, 1782. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Dec. ^5, 178;}. Hannah, d. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1785. .Samuel, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1787. Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, ^lar. 11, 1789. Phebe, d. of Nathaniel and Hannah, July 11, 1791. Isaac, s. of Dea. Nathaniel and Hannah, July 2, 179;}. Cadwallader, s. of Dea. Nathaniel and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1799. Sophia, d. of Dea. Nathaniel and Hannah, July 5, 1S02. Susan Maria, d. of Cadwallader and Susan, May 31, 18:50. Harriet .\ugusta, d. of Cadwallader and Susan, Jan. 27, 18:52. Samuel, s. of Cadwallader, and Susan, .May 7, bs;{4. Millie M. d. of Samuel and Abby S., July"7, 1862. i.ena May, d. of Samuel and .\bhy S., Nov. 7, 18(54. .\gora L." d. of John W. and Hannah. Feb. 24, 1894. MORRIS. Frank I)., .s. of John and .\bby J., Dec. 2, 185.5. Fred H., s. of .Jonathan B. and .\bby J. (Carter), Dec. :iO, 1861. MORSE. Donald Howard, s. of Howard B. and Francene A. (Buck), Jan. 11 1897. MORTOX. Helen, d. of James and Helen, Aug. 31, 1846. James Richard, s. of James and Helen, July 25, 1850. Charles Freeman, s. of James P. and Helen, June 28, 1857. 60 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. MULIjEN. John T., s. of .Michael and Sarah (O'Toole), Dec. IS, 189U. Mary J., d. of Michael and Annie (O'Toole). Mar. .0, 189-_'. MUNROE. Charles Micajah, s. of Jessie B. and Ann F., June 7, 1844. Martha Almira, d. of Archelus T. and Louisa A., ,Iune 3, 1845. MURPHY. s. of Timothy and Julia, June '2\, 1845. Joseph F., s. of John and Catharine (McDougald), Oct. 22, 189:>. Mary M., d. of John and Catharine (McDougald), Mar. Vo, 1895. MURRAY. Emma A., d. of James W. and Alice, Jan. 4, 187;3. Edith L., d. of James W. and Alice J. (Perry), Aug. -JO, 188.J. MUSE. Louis, s. of Joseph and Margaret, Nov. 2, 1872. Annie, d. of Reuben and Charlotte, Sept. 12, 1877. Joseph J., s. of Peter and Fanny, Feb. 11, 1884. James A., s. of Frank and Rosalie, Feb. 5, 1884. , d. of Frank and Mary J. (Voung), July 4, 1890. ]\Iary O., d. of Frank and Mary J. (Young), Apr. 5, 1892. MUSOLINO. Reginald G„ s. of Antonio and Marghuta (May). July 20, 1895. Marion May, d. of Antonio and Marghuta (May), Feb. 21, 1897. NEILSON. Clara P. d. of Christopher and Annie C. (Madsen), Oct. 17, 1897. NELSON. Catharine C, d. of Neil and Mary (McDonold), .Mar. 29, 1890. Hendrick O., s. of Neil and Mary. Sept. 12. 18!)1. NEWHALL. Francis Willie, s. of F. Reuben and Harriet M., July 1". 1851. Clara M.. d. of George F. and Lottie, Sept. 21. 1884! NICHOLS. Susan, d. of Edmond and DoUv, Aug. 4, 1805. (Of Reading.) Sally, d. of Charles and Sally. July 9, 1808. Charles Austin, s. of Charles and Sally, May 2, 1810. Samuel Buck, s. of Charles and Sally, Jan. 2, 1812. Alanson, s. of Charles and Sally, June IG. 1815. Wtl.MINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 6l XICHOLS—Continupd. Betsey, d. of Charles and Sally. Oct. ;50. 18l'0. Henry Brewster, s. of Charles and Sally. Xov. 17. l.S'JO. Samuel Otis, s. of Samuel B., and lMiel)e M., Apr. 4, 16M>. Ella Jane. d. of Samuel B. and IMiel).' M., duly '2S, LSIJS. Dudley Morrill, s. of Samuel B. and I'liehe M'., Aut^'. L'7, l.S4(t. Harriet Carter, d. of Samuel B. and Bhehe .M., Sept. :ll), 184:.'. Mary Ellen, d. of Samuel B. and IMiebe M. (Carter), Sept. 2U, I84(i. Edward Mdrrill. s. of Samuel B. and Phebe M. (Carter), Aug. "J-J. 1848. Charles Lishy, s. of Edward E. and Sarah, Auj;. "J, 1M.")1. dames Burtt', s. of Samuel B. and Phel>e M. (Carter), Aug. 4, LS;")!'. Frank Henry, s. of Samuel B. and l'hel)e M. (Carter), Dec. ."), 18'):;. Annie Frances, d. of Samuel B. and Phebe M. (Carter), duly "Jti. 1857. Eugene Brewster, s. of Henry B. and Phebe 1).. June 1!). 1859. Carrie Ellsworth, d. of Samuel B. and Phebe M. (Carter), Xov. 10. 18«1. Charles W., s. of John H. and Hannaii E., Oct. ;50, l8tL>. Hattie, d. of Francis and Sarah, duly -'d, 1884. Guy E., s. of Edward M. and Esther E., Aug. 27, 1887. .\lvah M. s. of Frank and Sarah A., dan. 13, 1888. Annie F^rances, d. of Edward M. and Esther E., Dec. 4, 1888. Kuth Benson, d. of Edward M. and Esther E. (Buck), dan 11. 1890. Lillian E., d. of Francis and Sarah \. (Messenger), Xov. 4, 1890. Stillborn, Aug. 2(1 1893. Edward F"., s. of Francis and Sarah A., (Messenger), dan. 11, 1887. Marguerite L., d. of Charles J. and Alice M. (Chase), June 1.'), 1897. XTCKERSOX. Eucy J., d. of Isaac W. and Sarah J., Oct. 8, 1884. XICKLES, Abby Ann, d. of John R., and Abigail, June 9, 1835. Sarah, d. of John R. and Abigail, Oct. 2, 1837. John Hobbiiis. s. of John R. and .Vbigail. Apr. 22, 1842. XORCKOSS. Olive H., d. of Daniel C. and Ida .M. (i., Xov. 30, 188."). Charles G., s. of Daniel C. and Ida .M. G., Aug. 2U, 1887. John W., s. of Daniel C. and Ida C. (Gowing), Aug. 15, 1892. Elizabeth (i.. d. of Daniel C. and Ida C. (Gowing), Nov. 27, 1894. XORRIS. Charles Warren, .s. of Lewis and Mary, June 9, 1844. Loton Josiah, s. of Lewis and Mary, Apr. 30, 1848. Elvira J. d. of Lewis and Mary. Xov. 25, 1850. 6^2 WILMINGTOtf RECORD OF felRtrtS. Moses, s. of Moses and Lydia, Apr. 29, 1767. Lydia, d. of ISIoses and Lydia, Apr. 7, 1771. Paul, s. of -Moses and Lydia, June 27. 177;>. NURSE. Susanna, d. of Jonatlian and Abigail, Dec. 23, 171:5. Abigail, d. of .Jonathan and Abigail, Nov. 9, ITl i. O'DONALD. John F., s. of Terrence and Maria, Apr. 11, 1888. OLIVER. Daniel, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Apr. 4, 17.")8. OSBON. Willie L., s. of Charles B. and Alice W. (Pringle), Mar. 4, 1890. Arthur M., s. of Charles B. and Alice W. (Pringle). Jan. 31, 189;J, PAGE. Edward, s. of Edward A. and Adeline G., Jan. 20, 1881. Catharine L., d. of George II. and Mary L. (Milliken), June 29. ls9r,- PALMER. Isabella Annette, d. of Natlianiel and Isabella A., Dec. (J, 18tJ0. PARKER. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Mar. 19, 1737. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Mar. 20, 1738. Mary, d. of Samuel and Susanna, Feb. 16, 1743.- John, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Aug. 13, 1745. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Susanna, Feb. 6, 1749. Ruth, d. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 17, 1751. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, May 21, 1753. Joseph, s. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 14, 1755. Benjamin, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 23, 1760. Samuel, s. of Thomas and Mary, -Fune 9, 1764. Molly, d. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 24, 1767. Hannah, d. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 12, 1769. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1781. Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1784. Abigail, d. of Thomas and Sarah, June 20, 1787. Betsey, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1796. Mary, d. of Levi and Polly, Feb. 19, 1806. Levi, s. of Levi and Polly, July 12, 1809. Ward, s. of Levi and Polly, July 1. 1813. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 68 PARKER— Continued. John R., s. of .lohn and llaclu'l, .Ian. 1!» 1^17. Newman, s. of Levi and l'f)lly, ,Ian. 21, 1817. Rachel Ann, d. of .John amd Rachel, Nov. L'S, is-Jll. William, s. of Levi and Polly. Aug. 20. 1821. Baxter, s. of Levi and Polly, Apr. Ki, 1827. Dexter, s. of Levi and Polly, Apr. Ki, 1827. .Joseph Henry, s. of Newman and .\lice, Apr. 2."). is 11. Warren Milton, .s. ot Ward and Eliza. ,Ian. 11, 181(1. Alice N., d. of Newman and .Uicc, .May 17, 184ti. Levi, s. of Newman and Alice, Nov. 14, 1848. .Inlia Maria, d. of Ward and Eliza, Sept. 2."). 18.5:-$. Clara Ann, d. of .Jacob and Polly, Anj^. •"), 1854. Adelaide Thompson, d. of Dexter and , Apr. 27, 18oti. Sarah Frances, d. of Dexter and Elvira, Mav 12, 18.o7. .Mary E., d. of .Jacob W. and Polly ()., May' 15, 1862. Addie T., d. of Dexter and Elvira T., Aug. 2, 1SH2. Lucy E., d. of .Justin L., and Sadie R.. .\pr. 27, 188:5. Harrison P., s. of .Justin L., and Sadie R., .Jan. 14, issi). rARKHURST. (ieorge W. K., s. of Edwin and Charlotte, Oct. 28, 1847. (ieorge W. K., s. of Edwin K. and Charlotte M., Oct. 28, 1848. Emma Faustina, d. of Edwin K. and Charlotte M., Aug. 11, 18.50. BA UL. Stella L., d. of George W. and Margaret A., .July 19, 1888. Lilla F., d. of George W. and Margaret A. (Woods), Apr. 2'A, isfJl. Wilbur F., s. of George W. and Slargaret A. (Woods), .Jnnr lo. 1894. PBARSOX. William, s. of Thomas and .\l.igail. An-. 20. 17:i2. Thomas s. of Thomas and Aliigail, Ai>r. 2, 17-'n. Ebenezer, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 14, 17;{(>. Samuel, s. of Thomas and .Vbigail, .July Ki. l~'M>. Mary, d. of Kendall and Mary, A])r. 12, 17:5!'. I.,ydia, d. of Kendall and Mary, Apr. 7. 1740. .Vbigail. d. of Thomas and Abigail. .June It), 1740. Elizabeth, d. of Kendall and .Mary, Nov. 2. 1742. Susanna, d. of Thomas and .Vbigail, .Vpr. 17, 174:>. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 9. 1744. Kimball, s. of Kendall and Mary, .lime 14. 1745. Mary, d. of Samuel and .Mary, A[>r. 14. 174<). .ledediah, s. of Samuel and Mary, .V|ii-. lo, 17.")0. Moses, s. of Nathan and Mary, Nov. (i, 1750. Thomas, s. of Nathan and Mary, Feb. is, 17.52. Mary, d. of Nathan and Mary, .Ian. Ki, 1756. William, s. of William and Mary, Se[)t. 27, 1757. William, s. of Nathan and Mary, .Vpr. 6, 1759. Bridget, d. of Samuel and Bridget. Apr. 2i()ii. Mary, d. of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, Ai)r. If!, 18U2. 68 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BA VJVOLDS — Continued. Jabez, s. of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, June 17, 180(i. Samuel, s. of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, July 26, 1809. Levi, s. of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, June 2, 1811. Martha, d. of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, Oct. 80, 181."). John, s, of Rev. Freegrace and Nancy, ^lar. 1, 1810. John P., s. of John and Anna, Mar. 31, 1871. REAGAN, James, Jr., s. of James L. and Mary, Jan. 9, 1887. -lohn Joseph, s. of James L. and Mary, Sept. 21, 1889. Thomas J., s. of James L. and Mary, Feb. 12, 1892. Catharine M., d. of James L. and Mary (Murphy), June 26, lfs9-l. Annie, d. of James L. and INIary (Murphy), Dec. 9, 189o. REED. Lucretia, d. of George W. and Susan, Oct. 14, 1807. Lucinda, d. of George W. and Susan, Sept. 1, 1810. Lucinda, d. of George W. and Susan, May 3, 1816. Lucy R., d. of George W. and Susan, Apr. 25, 1822. Mary P., d. of Charles F. and Christiana M., Nov. 26, 1881. REYNOLDS — See Bmjnolds. Frederick J., s. of John F. and Jennie I)., Aug. 22, 1886. RICE. Charles IL, s. of Samuel R. and Mary J., Oct. 20, 1878. Winifred W., s. of Samuel R. and Mary J., Dec. 24, 1880. RICH. Rachel, d. of Thomas and Rachel, Mar. 19, 1724. Lydia, d. of Thomas and Rachel, Oct. 14, 1732. RICHARDS. Mary A., d. of Samuel and Maggie (Young), July 6, 189.J. RICHARDSON. Susanna, d. of Ebenezer and Ruth, Dec. 20, 1730. .lude, s. of Jiide and Abigail, Dec. 31, 1786. Zebulon, s. of Loammi and Judith, Apr. 13, 1794. Suel, s. of Loammi and Judith, Feb. 1, 1797. Ebenezer, s. of Loammi and Judith, Nov. 6, 1798. Susan, d. of Loammi and Judith, Jan. 1801. Sally, d. of Loammi and Judith, July 12, 1804. Mary, d. of Loammi and Judith, Jan. 12, 1807. Henry ]\L, s. of Loammi and Judith, Feb. 4, 1810. Harriet M., d. of Loammi and Judith, Feb. 4, 1810. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 69 RICHARDSON— Continued. Harriet P^liza, d. of David and , Mar. I'l, lS'2(i. (In Charles- town.) Frances 8araii, d. of David and . Oct. 10. l^-JT. (In Charles- town.) Caroline Alercey Iloylston, d. of David and , .Jan. 1, lH-_'!t. (In Charlestown.) Mary Jane Brown, d. of David and , Sept. 4, 1S;J(). (In Charlestown.) Henry David, s. of David and , Feb. 29, 1832. (In Charle.s- town.) Horace AugustiLS, s. of David and , Sept. 0, 1^33. Abby, d. of Ilartwell and Rachel, Sept. 9, 1834. VV. M. Eugene, s. of David and , Dec. 16, 18.37. Charles C, s. of David and , Aug. 23, 1S41. Harry, s. of FMward C. and Annette .1., Sept. 28, 1878. Wallace, s. of Edward C. and Annette J., Oct. •!, 1879. RILEY, Anna Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Susan, Apr. 12, 1800. Mary S., d. of Edward and Susan, Dec. 7, 186U. ROBIE. Edward, s. of Benjamin A. and Lucy II., Nov. ;»0, 1873. ROBILLARD, Philip, s. of Peter and Rosanna, Jan 20, 1890. William J. E., s. of Peter and Rosanna, Oct. 0, 1897. ROBINSON. John T., s. of George V.. and Mary E., Apr. 20, 18.s,s. Mary E., d. of Thomas and Jane (Amero), Sept. 23. isicj. ROGERS. Frederick E., s. of Frederick E. and Carrie F., May 1, 18(17. ROONEY. Alice, d. of Michael and Alice, July 9, 1889. ROSS. Clara A., d. of Chester A. and Maria L., Aug. 14, 18()7. Ralph P., s. of James A. and (Phillips), June 22, 1891. Mildred J. C, d. of Charles and Elizabeth F. (Connors). Feb. 19. 1897. 70 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. ROSSITER. James, s. of John and Lizzie, May 12, 18S6. Nellie, d. of John and Lizzie, Oct. 15, LSST. RUSSELL, Hannah, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 4, 1778. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Saiali, Oct. 6, 17M(». Edward, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 16, 178-^. Patty, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. "21, 1785. John, s. of Bartholm«w and Mary, Nov. 27, l^H. SARGENT. Henry W., s. of John S. and Angelina, Mar. 9, 1873. Jennie W., d. of John S. and Angelina, Oct. lij, 1877. Amy Clark, d. Charles J. and Abbie F. (Sheldon), Dec. 3, 1892. SAUNDERS. William, s. of Giles and Mary, Jan. 9, 174:6. SA WYER. Jacob, s. of Benjamin and Phebe, Oct. 27, 1747. Jonathan, s. of Benjamin and Phebe, Mar. 6, 1749. SCALES. William, s. of Nathan and Hannah, Apr. 12, 174.'). Nathan, s. of Nathan and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1750. Phebe, d. of Nathan and Hannah, Jan. 6, 175:5. SCARLET. Louisa Wade, d. of Randolph and Lousia L., Oct. 2;J, 1844. Adeline, d. of Randolph and Louisa, Mar. 1, 1846. , d. of Randolph and Louisa, -Ian. 6, 1848. SHA W. Annie A., d. of Eugene G. and Hattie A., Jan. 2, 1887. Edgar Allen, s. of Eugene G. and Harriet A. (Sheldon), Feb. 6, 1890. SHEA. Inez L., d. of Jeremiah F. and Nellie G., Aug. 14. 1885. SHEDD. Sarah, d. of . July 19, 1822. Clarisa Lydia, d. of Jacob H. and Lydia C, Nov. 10, 1849. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 71 SHETjDON. Harriet A., d. of H. Allen ami Cathaiiiie, July is. 18.")(!. Mary Allen, d. of H. Allen and Catharine, Sept. 10, 1S5>^. Susan M., d. of Horace and Su.saii ('., Dec. "20, iSo!). Horace H., s. of Horace and Susan C, .Mar. 4, isiio. Abbie V., d. of Horace and .Susan ("., Nov. 1!), ISCT. Anna 'I'., d. of Horace and Susan ('., Dec. 27, Isdf). Lizzie Temple, d. of H. Alien and (atliarine, Dec. ;il, isflM. William (i., s. of H. Allen and CatliarinH. ,lan. "J."). 1878. Edith M., d. of Henry J>. and Lucy K. (C'hilds), Dec. 17. 1890. Harrison L., s. of Henrv L. and Lucv K. (C'hilds), Feb. 7, 180;^. Helen C, d. of Henry L. and Lucy K. (Childs), June L'!i. ISn.'i. Stillborn, Nov. !», 1896. (iage A. M., s. of W. Gage and Bertha .\. (Uichardson). Dec. I!*. 18!»7. SIDELIXKER. Amelia, d. of (ieorge W. and May A. C, Dec. 22. isij."). (irace, d. of George W. and Mary A., Nov. 2o, 18()S. (Jeorge A., s. of George W. and 5lary A., Aug. 7, 1S7(I. ]>izzie L., d. of George W. and Mary A., Oct. 80, 1872. Ada M., d. of (Jeorge W. and Mary A., Feb. 1, 187H. ' Thomas Talbot, s. of George \\ . and Mary .\., Nov. 7, 1878. Chester A., s. of G. Arthur and Mabel (Pike), Oct. 2!», 189 i. SILBRISTIEN. William H., s. of John ami Ellen. June 1, 1888. SIMONDS. Susanna, d. of William and .Susanna, Dec. 10, 177;^. Susan L., d. of .Vrtemas and Mary Ann, July 18, 18.52. , of Artemas and , Oct. 17, 18.")5. , of lienjaman and Ellen, Sept. 3, ]'^o7. Ellen Lucretia, d. of Otis and Ellen, Jan. 22, 18(12. Mary A., d. of Otis and Ellen (Crosby). Apr. lo, 18(i!. John R., s. of Elmer E. and Jennie (Collier), Sept. 18, 1891. Mildred M., d. of Elmer H and Jennie (Collier), Aug. 1(5, 1891. SIMPSON. .Mmond E., s. of Charles L. and Sarah J.. Mar. 12. IsfJ-^. SKILTOX. James E., s. of .lames and Emily M. (Buck), Dec. ;)(), 18(1 1. Emily, d. of James and Emily M. (Huck), Oct. !•'), lS(il. SLACK. William, s. of William and Phebe, Oct. 22, 17.")1. Joseph, s. of William and Phebe, June 25, 17ol. 72 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. SLA CK — Continued. Rebecca, d. of .John and Esther, Feb. 29, 1756. Jesse, s. of William and Phebe, May 1, 17.56. Joseph, s. of William and Phebe, Feb. 17, 1757. Jonathan, s. of John and Esther, Jan. 20, 1761. (ieorge Edward, s. of George W. and Elizabeth L., July 3, l!S.5(). Ida Florence, d. of Charles and Sarah. Nov. 24, 18.55. SLOAN. Mary, d. of (ieoi'ge and Alice, Oct. 4, 1806. Lydia, d. of (ieorge and Alice, Apr. 16, 1811. George, s. of George and Alice, July 10, 1813. floseph, s. of George and Alice, Jan. 8, 1816. Sarah, d. of George and Alice, May 16, 1818. Alice, d. of George and Alice, Mar. 22, 1822. SMITH, , d. of James H. and Kate, Mar, 2, 1884. Katie, d. of James H. and Katie, Apr. 8, 1885. SNELLING. Stillborn, Apr. 2.5, 1882. Annie M., d. of George H. and Mary A., Xov, 4, 1884. Hattie A., d. of George H. and Mary M., Feb. 4, 1887. Viola L., d. of George H. and Mary J\I., Apr. 10, 1889. , s. of George 11. and Mary M., Aug. 7, 1893. George, s. of John H. and Mary (Munroe), Feb. 13, 1.S96. SNOW. Martha, d. of Francis and Betsey, jNIay 31, 1821. Betsey, d. of Francis and Betsey, Jan. 2, 1824. Sarah, d. of Francis and Betsey, May 5, 1826. Francis H., s. of Francis and Betsey, July 16, 1828. Mary Jane, d. of Francis and Betsey, Jan. 31, 1831. Lydia Maria, d. of Francis and Betsey, Jan. 29, 1838, , of Henry and Hannah, Oct. 16, 1855. SOWISBY. Mary E., d. of John and Mary Ann, Sept. 1, 18.50. Henry Abbott, s. of John, Jr., and Mary, Dec, 7, 1851, Frederick E., s. of John and Mary E., Oct. 14, 1855. Richard L., s. of John and Elizabeth A., Jan. 4, 18.58. Carrie Weymouth, d. of James H. and Josephine, June 17, 1858. SPAULDING. Mary Ellen, d. of Maynard and Ellen, Nov. 25, 1846. Sarah Jane, d. of Maynard and Ellen, Feb. 10, 1849. Martha E., d. of Maynard and Ellen, Mar. 25, 1856, wii,min(;ton recorf) of rirths. 73 STAFFORD. Joseph Clarence, s. of George and Aurilla, May 9. 184"). Thomas Stanley, s. of George and Aurilla, May 9. 184;"3. STANLEY. David, s. of David and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1746. Jonathan, s. of David and Sarah, Aug. 26, 174S. Jonathan, s. of David and Sarah, Ort. 12, 175<>. Samuel, s. of David and Sarah, Aug. 19. 1752. Sarah, d. of David and Sarah. Jan. .">, 1755. Ruth, d. of David and Sarah, June 21. 1757. Elijah, s. of I);nid and Sarah, Feb. 24. 1759. Keziah, d. of David and Sarah, Nov. 1.5, 1762. David, s. of David. Jr., and Margaret, May 2S. 176S. Abraham, s. of David and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1768. Molly, d. of Jeduthun and Dorcas, June Ifl. 1772. Dorcas, d. of .leduthun and Dorcas, Sept. 27. 1771. Abigail, d. of Jeduthun and Dorcas, .lunc 27, 1779. Betsey, d. of Jeduthun and Dorcas, June 27. 1784. Ambrose, s. of .\brahani and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1792. Abraham, s. of Abraham and Ruth, Aug. 10, 1794. James, s. of Abraham and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1796. Sylvester, s. of Abraham and Ruth, -Ian. 19, 1798. Gilman, s. of . Feb. 21, 1801. Hannah Jane, d. of James and Hannah. July 81, 1828. James, s. of James and Hannah, Sept. 22, 182.5. ■ , d. of Charles W. and .Amelia. Dec. 6, 1844. STEARNS. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy and Dinali, Xov. 8, 1740. STENNOX. John, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, July 2H. 1741. STEPHENS. Lucy. d. of William and . Mar. 19. 1780. *STICKNEY. Abraham C, s. of Edward and Gauette, May 23, 1854. , of Edward li. and , July :50, 1856. Hannah C. d. of Charles C. and ElizaV)eth H. (Moodv). Ai)r. 25, isiin. STIMPSON. Charlotte, d. of Daniel and Persis. Aug. 2. 1^08. STONE. Listene Hannah, d. of James R. and Haniuih L.. Mav 28, 1847. 74 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. SUBRETTE. Annie J., d. of Joseph E. and Jane, Sept. 1, 1888. Mai'y Etta, d. of Henry and Mary, Jan. 9, 1889. Maggie F., d. of Joseph E. and Jane P., May 8, 1880. Julia E., d. of Joseph E. and Jane P. (Babine), July -il, 1890. David H., s. of Henry and Mary (Babine), Feb. 6, 1891. , d. of Henry and Mary L. (Babine), May 12, 1892. , d. of Joseph E. and Jane P. (Babine), May 23. 1892. Mary M. F., d. of Eugene and Maggie (Babine), Dec. 11, 1892. Annie J., d. of Joseph O. and Agnes (Gordon), Mar. 28, 1898. Stillborn, Feb. 16, 1894. Joseph AV., s. of William and Nellie (White), Feb. 21, 1894. Joseph L.. s. of Joseph O. and Agnes (Gordon), Feb. 6, 189.5. Mary J., d. of Eugene and Maggie (Babine), Oct. 27, 189.5. Maria L., d. of William and Nellie (White), Nov. .5, 1895. Florence, d. of Henry and Mary (Babine), .Ian. 24, 189ii;ail, Oct. 7, 17o"J. Meliitable. d. ot" Amos and M.ehitahle, Jan. 27. 177!». ('yrns, .s. of Cyrus and Liicretia, Oct. 11, ISl,'). Henry, s. of Cyrus and l>ucretia, Aug. 10, ISIS. Hannali Tlionipson, d. of ("yrus and Luorftia. .Vui;. s, ISJO. Sewall, s. of Cyrus and Lucretia, Deo. ."), IS-Jf). Cliarles Alonzo, s. of KIbridge and Al)by, Xov. 2(1, 1847. Clarisa I^ucretia, d. of James C. and Julia K., Jan. 2((, IS4!>. Frank Cornell, s. of James C. and Julia. Se[)t. 1, is.'il. i^aura, d. of .lames C. and .lulia, Aug. 28, IS.'iS. Willie Kverett, s. of Hlbridge and Al)by .S., Apr. 2(5, 185!). Susan Harriet, d. of Rlbridge and .Vbbv S. ( .\lexander). .Vpr. 14, 1S()1. .b)lin A., s. of John \. and Mary K., Apr. 2, iSti.'). Infant, s. of George I.,, and .lulia ..A, July 81, 18()(). (ieorge L., s. of George L. and Julia Ann, May !), 18(j8. Ethel L., d. of John A. and Marv E., Sept. 15, 18(j8. Charles E., s. of Charles A., and' Ella J., Jan. 1, 1873. .Vnnie F., d. of Henry .\. and Inez J., Dec.;}, 1877. Fred A., s. of Henry A. and Inez ,1., Mar. 27, 187!). George M., s. of Charles A. and Susan M., .July 14, 1879. Willie P., ,s. of Willie E. and Hattie J., Sept. 22. 1S79. Elizabeth Z., d. of Sylvester W. and Laura J., Feb. 2, ISSO. Helen G., d. of Henry A. and Inez J., July 22, ISSI. Leona J., d. of Willie E. and Hattie J., Aug. 7, iSSl. Leon Leslie, .s. of Willie E. and Hattie J., Aug. 23, lss2. Mabel F.. d. of Henry A. and Inez J., Aug. 9, 1SS3. Florence 15., d. of Sylvester W. and Laura J., Sept. 2, 1SS4. Ethel M., d. of Charles A. and Susan M., Jan. 28, 1S85. Walter E. s. of Henry A. and Inez J.. Veh. 2, ISSd. Minnie J., d. of Willie E. and Harriet J., Feb. 8, 1888. Tressa Evelyn, d. of Henrv A. and Inez J., Feb. 9, 1889. .Stillborn, Dec. 4, 188!). Harrison, s. of Willie E. and Hattie J. (Bancroft). March IC, 18!j(). .Merle L.. d. of J. .Arthur and Emum (Kincaird), March 21. 1S9(». , of John H. and Nellie (Peacock). 1S!)(). (iladys M.. d. of J. Arthur and Emma L. (Kincaird). Sept. 20. 1S!)1. Bertha E., d. of Charles A. and Susan (Parker), Oct. 10. lsi)l. Cliester L. V. B.. s. of (ieorge I^., Jr., ami Amelia .V. (Hale), March IL 1S92. Viola N'., d. of John II. and Xellie (Peacock). Feb. 29, 1892. Hazel B., d. of Willie E. and Harriet J. (Bancroft), July 12, 189.]. (ieorge W., .s. of George L., Jr., and .Vmelia A. (Hale), Feb. s, 1S9L Svdnev O.. s. of Willie E. and Hattie (Bancroft), Sept. 16, 1895. lialph' A., s. of Willi.> K. and Hattie J. (Bancroft), Aug. 27, 1897. TEMPLE. Jabez, s. of Jabez and Meliitable. March 19, 1739. 76 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. TEMPLE— Continued. Mehitable, d. of Jabez and Mehitable, May 8, 1743. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Hephzibah, Sept. UJ, ITii. Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Hephzibah, Aug. 23, 174ii. TEBRETT. Tlioniaw A., s. of Richard and (Catharine J., Aug. , 177:!. Mary, d. of William and Marv, Apr. "JS. 1774. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. ">, 1771. Henry, s. of Benjamin and Lydia, Aut;. lil, 177<). Joshua, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. s, 177(i. Timothy, s. of William and Mary, July 15, 1777. Betsey, d. of El)enezer and Judith, May IS, 17.s;}. (In Walt hum.) John, s. of Benjamin, Jr., and Susanna, ,Iune 14, 17S4. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, .Jr., and Susanna, .\pr. 1, 17S(i. Sally, (1. of Kbenezer and Judith, March 14, 17S7. (In Bedford.) Sally, d. of Benjamin, Jr.. and Susanna, July IS, 17.S!». Loammi, s. of Kl)enezer and Judith, July 81, 17!M). (In Walthnin.) .lames, s. of Benjamin, .Jr., and Susanna, Xov. "JM, 17!n. .lacob, s. of lienjamin, Jr., and Susanna, Aug. 2i.rJ. TO WNSEND. James, s. of .lames and Elizabeth, Jan. IS, 1730. Sarah, d. of James and Elizabeth, Jan. *J3, 17:^2. Xoah, s. of John and Tabitha. \\n\ ;i(l, 174:5. t Servants of Kbenezer Jones. 78 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. TO WXSEXD — Continued. Esther, d. of John and Tabitha, May •_'4, 1746. Mary C, d. of John and Catharine, March 4, 1850. , of Jolm and Catharine, Apr. 14, 18r)S. TUCKER. David, s. of William and Mary. May 12, 17"^5 . Mary, d. of William and Mary, Sept. 27, 1727. Joel, s. of William and Mary, Jnly 16, 1739. William, s. of William and Mary, May 21, 1744. Mary, d. of David and Martha, Apr. 2, 1759. William, s. of David and Martha, March 21, 1761. Daniel, s. of Joel and Mary, Jnly 4, 1863. Mary, d. of Joel and Mary, Feb. 18, 1765. Rebecca, d. of David and Martha, Sept. 3, 1766. David, s. of David and Martha, Apr. 11. 1768. William, s. of William and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1789. Asa Holt, s. of William and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1791. Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, July 12, 1794. TWEED. James, s. of .lames and Mary, May 19, 1770. Sally, d. of Ens. James. Jr., and Sally, Jan. 13, 1799. James, s. of Ens. James, Jr., and Sally, Aug. 27, 1800. Nancy, d. of Ens. James, Jr., and Sally, May 27, 1802. Abigail, d. of Capt. James and Sally, Feb. 21, 1804. Samuel, s, of Capt. .James and Sally, Apr. 7, 1806. Timothy Gibson, s. of Capt. James and Sally, Nov. 21, 1808. Mary, d. of Capt. James and Sally, .Jan. 10, 1811. Charles, s. of Capt. .Tames and Sally, March 21, 1814. Emons, s. of Capt. .lames and Sally, .July 23, 1817. TYLER, .John, s. of .Joseph and Emeline, May 30, 1847. Mary Ann, d. of .Joseph and Emeline, June 30, 1849. UPTOX. Molly, d. of Richard and Rachel, Apr. 16, 1747. Thomas Rich, s. of Richard and Rachel, Feb. 15. 174!J. Paul, s. of Richard and Rachel Aug. 12, 1751. .letheo, s. of Richard and Rachel, Sept. 15, 1753. Rachel, d. of Richard and Rachel, Feb. 2, 17.56. Timothy, s. of Richard and Rachel, .Tune 21, 1763. Ruth, d. of 'I'homas Rich and Ruth, Nov. 12, 1771. Betty, d. of Thomas Ricl) and Ruth, .Tan. 28, 1773. Anna, d. of Thomas Rich and Ruth, Apr. 11, 1774. Molly, d. of Thomas Rich and Ruth, Oct. 29, 1775. Rachel, d. of Thomas Rich and Ruth, .Tuly 16, 1777. Richard, s. of Thomas Rich and Ruth, Jan. 25, 1779. Patty, d. of Paul and Jerusha, Jan. 29, 1780. WILMINGTON RECORD OK BIRTHS. 79 UPTON— Continued. Thomas Evans, s. >(l. Reuben, s. of I'aiil and .Iciuslia, May ''^\, 1788. I.,ydia, d. of Tlioinas Kioli and Hntli, .luue 4, 178:5. Tiinothy, s. of .Fetheo and Molly, June 11, 1783. Elijah, s. of Paul and -lerusha, Xov. "). .Mary, d. of Paul and .Fcruslia. .lune 80, ISOO. Thomas, s. of Thomas Phans and Ilannali, May 12, 1818. Hannah Cornell, d. of Thomas Evans and Hannah, Apr. 11. 1^1.'). Rachel, d. of Thonuis Evans and Hannah, Au<,^ 17, 1817. Daniel Rich, s. of Tliomas E. and Hannaii. Oct. 21, 181!t. Ambrose, s. of Thomas E. and Hannah, Se]>t. (i, 18'2(i. Isaac .7., s. of Timothy and Ruth. \\\'^. -'), 182!). Caroline, d. of Thomas E. and Hannah, 'luly 7, l-'^SO. Timothy H. 1)., s. of Timothy and Hnth, Aug. 2, 1S8S. Amanda Carter, d. of Thomas and .fane, Dec. 10, ls4:!. Thomas O.sgood, s. of .\mhrose and Eliza .Tane. Apr. fi, 18.')7. Rosa (»., d. of And)rose and Eliza .lane, Dec. 24, 18.").S. VVillard Eestus, s. of Ambrose and Eliza J., Dec. 2, 18fi(). Oriett Belle, d. of Ru.ssell and Sarah A., Oct. 29, 18t)l. Hattie R., d. of Russell and Sarah Ann, Oct. 18, 18()7. Milton G., s. of Daniel H. and Clara, .June 18, 1S71. Alonzo R., s. of Daniel R. and Clara, .luly 11. 1878. VALENTINE. Martha E., d. of Peter and Phebe B., .June 8, ls(i2. Thomas T., s. of Peter and Phebe , Feb. 18, isfiti. .lames H.. s. of Peter and Phebe. Oct. 2.i, 1807. VINCENT. Sarah Wood, d. of buli.' and ,Ian<- ('.. Xov. 12. 184.'). VOIGT. Elizabeth, d. of Leopold .1. and .Julia (Coe), .Jan. 7, 18t)H. , d. of Leopold J. and .Julia (Coe), Dec. 80, 18f)7. WAITE. Hazel, d. of David F. and Nellie li., Mar. 22, 188J). Charles F., s. of David F. and Nellie R. (Fames), .June 12. 1^!)4. WALKER. Richard, s. of Samuel and Hannah, .July 1. 1730. Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Grace, Sept. 17, 1780. Timothy, s. of Samuel and Hannah. July 25, 1782. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and (irace. Dec. 12. 1782. 80 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. WALKER— Continued. Judith, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1784. Grace, d. of Benjamin and Grace, Aug. 14, 1735. Edward, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1787. John, s. of Benjamin and Grace, June 5, 173. Susan, d. of Benjamin and Susanna, Feb. 11, 1811. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, Jan. 24, 1822. Mary Abby, d. of George and Hannah, Nov. 10. 1850. George W., s. of George W. and , ,June 19, 1856. WALL. Margaret, d. of Thomas A. and Bridget, May 30, 1886. Alice, d. of Thomas A. and Bridget. Aug. 11, 1887. Arthur, s. of Thomas A. and Bridget (O'Donnell), Mar. 23, 1891. Edward C, s. of Thomas A. and Bridget (O'Donnell), Sept. 22. 1894. WALSH or WELSH. William, s. of Patrick and Mary, July 13, 1768. Elizabeth, d. of Charles and Elizabeth, March 7, 1858. John F.. s. of Charles and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1865. WARD. Soger R., s. of Samuel, Jr., and Lillie B.. Nov. 6. 1882. WARDEN. Ellen Almira, d. of William R. and Ahnira H.. Nov. 22, 1843. WEAFER. Nellie, d. of Thomas and Mary (Flaherty), Oct. 27, 1891. Thomas E., s. of Thomas and Mary (Flaherty), Apr. 4, 1894. WESSON. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1730. Lydia, d. of Stephen and Elizabeth, Feb. 15. 1732. James, s. of Stephen and Elizabeth. Dee. 3, 1735. WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 81 fFESSON— Contimied. Nathaniel, s. of Steplifu and Elizalx-tli, Nov. :», 17;i7. Nathan, s. of Stephen and Elizabetli. March 17, 174(1. Caleb, s. of Steplien and Elizabetli, Jan. 22, 17bi. .Mary, d. of Stephen and Elizabeth. .\ug. 17, 171.'). .Mary d. of Stephen and .Mary, Nov. 1."), 174.S. Lydia, d. of E))liriani and Lytlia, Feb. IG, 1749. Kezia, d. of Stephen and Elizabeth, Ang. "Jli, 1749. Stephen, s. of Stephen and .Mary, Feb. !», 175'J. Nelley, d. of Ephriain and Lydia, .\pr. Ki, 175J. Elizal)eth, d. of Ste])lien, rJr., and Mary, Dec. "Jo, 175.'). Lucy, d. of Isaac and Lucy, .March ;>, 17")9. Caleb, s. of Caleb, -Jr., and Rebecca, dan. L!. 17fiS. WEST. .Marion, d. of Calvin E. and .Mary H. (i'heips), Jan. l'O, 1897. WHITE. Silas Henry, s. of Silas and .Maria, Aut;. L'4, 184.'). Syndey, s. of Silas and Maria. .May Ki, 1847. .Aiarv Louisa, d. of Silas and Hlioda M., .lunt^ 17. 1849. .\rthur B., s. of Zebard T. and Lydia .1., Jan. J9, 187ti. Xellie E., d. of IVter and Elizaiieth, Oct. 22, 1877. -Vggie L., d. of .Joseph and .Madeline M., Dec. 24, 18S1. Ilenrv, .s. of John .M. and .Margaret. Jan. 28, 1884. Charles W., s. of William H. a\id Agnes, Oct. 3, 188."). .Maggie :Mav, d. of Ciuirles IL and Evelina. May Ki, 1888. .Mary E., d." of Charles and Evelina. Sept. 29. r889. -lames 1)., s. of Charles and Evelina. .\pr. 28. 1S91. Annie J., d. of Kavmond J. and .losepiiiue (Surrette), Oct. 2."), ISHI. Herbert E., s. of Michael and .Mary J. (Babine), Jan. 19, 1892. ^Nlary M., d. of Haymond J. and Josephine (Surrette), >[arch 21. 189;j. Mary M., d. of Charles and Evelina (Babine), :May 2.'), 1S9;;. Michael \\., f^. of Havmoml J. and Josephine (.Surrette), Oct. 11. iS91. William A., s. of Edmund and Sadie. Jan. 18, 189.'). .Maggie M., <1. of .Michael and Jane (Babine), Feb. I.'), isil.",. Fanny E., d. of Janu's and .Margaret (Jaquitli), Feb. 2:^ lS9(i. Michael H., s. of Raynu)nd ami Jo.sephine (Surrett^^), May 12, lS9(i. Joseph E., s. of Charles and Evelina (Babine), Aug. (i, lS9(i. Frank H., s. of James and ^largaret (Jaquith), .\pr. 10, 1897. WILBUR. Charles I!., s. of Charles H. and .Vbbie L. (Baker), Sept. 17, 180.">. WILCOX. A. B. Alburn, s. of A. S. and .Margaret, Jan. 12, 1848. lola (iennett, d. of .\maziah S. and .Margaret, Feb. 11, isfil. Madora Estella, d. of .\niaziah S. and .Margaret, Sept. 4, 18.')o. Mary X., d. of .\maziah S. and , Feb. 1, 18.")6. 82 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. WILCOX— Continued. -, of Amaziah S. and , Apr. 22, 1858. lola Elizabeth, d. of Amaziah S. and Maryetta (Roberts), .Jan. 17, 1861. WILLIAMS. Samuel, s, of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 22, 1738. Abijah, s. of Samuel and Mary, Apr. 1, 1742. Molly, d. of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 18, 1747. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Mary, Jan. 7, 1749. WILLOUGHBY. Harriet Jane, d. of John Milton and Pauline Frances (Phelps), Jan. 24, 1870. WILSOX. -, d. of Samuel and ^Mary Ann, Sept. 1844. GeoT Clifford ge H., s. of John F. and Marietta G. (Harris), Dec. 28, 189:^. 3rd H., s. of John F. and Marietta G. (Harris), Sept. 22, 189.5. WIXX. Joseph, s. of Joseph and JNIartha, Sept. 9, 1()9S. Hezekiah, s. of Joseph and Martha, Nov. 28, 170t). Joseph, s. of Joseph and P^lizabeth, Nov. 17, 172>J. Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. (J, 172(1. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1728. Abigail, d. of Joseph and P^lizabeth, Oct. 2, 1730. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, July S, 1731. Nathan, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, May 19, 1734. Jonathan, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Apr. .">, 1736. Martha, d. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Oct. 4, 1737. Mary, d. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Sept. 9, 1739. Hezekiah, s. of Plezekiah and Bethyah, Aug. 9, 1741. Nathan, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Oct. 25, 1743. Joseph, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, July 28, 1745. Jonathan, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, July 27, 1747. Samuel, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Oct. 3, 1749. John, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, May 2, 1751. Caleb, s. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, Oct. 19, 1754. Elizabeth, d. of Hezekiah and Bethyah, June 8, 1759. Molly, d. of Joseph and Mary, May 29, 1766. Hezekiah, s. of Joseph and Mary, 7\pr. 27, 1768. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 27, 1770. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, March 16, 1772. Jonathan, s. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 11, 1774. Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, Oct. 31, 1774. Peter, s. of Joseph and Mary, .Ian. 17, 1776. John, s. of John and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1776. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Mehitable, Apr. 2, 177(). Aaron, s. of John and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1777. WILMlXr.TON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 83 IFIXN — Continued. Rebecca, d. of .I()se|.li and .Mary, Xuv. 11. 177^. Aaron, s. of Joliti and .VI)i,oaiI, Aug. 20, 177!t. lietsey, d. of .Joseph and .Mary, Jan. 1, 1780. Abigail, d. of .lolin and Abioail, July 22, 17>il. Moses, s. of John and Abigail, Feb. 22, 178:1 WOOD. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Ilannali. Nov. 12, 17;J2. .Mary A., d. of Newall and .Mary 15.. .S,.|>t. 27. ls,S2. WOOD BERRY. .Martha, d. of .losiah and .Mary, Dec. 2:>, 17 IH. .Mary, d. of Josiah and .Mary. Oct. 27, 1748. Joseph, s. of Josiah and Mary, Dec. '■), 17-")(). i.ydia, d. of Josiah and .Mary. .Xiig. li). 17.'>2. Josiali, s. of -losiali and Mary. May 7, 17.">l. Joiin. s. of Josiali and .Mary. Feii. 20. 17.")i'i. .Vathaniei, s. of -Josiali and .Mai'y. .Mareli -"i. 17')'^. WOODLTX. Isabella, d. of William and Rel)ecca, July, 1S17. -Vdonirani, s. of William II. and Rebecca. \\^v. X'y. 18.')2. WOODMAX. Xellie M., d. of diaries II. and Lizzie 15., Dec. .'j, 1879. WOODWARD. I'rank, s. of Darius and Lucy A.. Oct. 2.'), 18(J.J. WRiaiTT. .\bigaii, d. of Josiali and .\l)igail. -Ian. 2S, 17:17. Rhebe, d. of Josiah and Abigail, Nov. l!», HoU. Riitii, d. of Josiah and Abigail, Oct. 2."i, 1742. Lydia, d. of Jo.siali and .\bigail, Oct. 1^, 1744. .Mary, d. of Samuel and .Mary. .Vug. 27, 174."). Hannah, d. of Samuel and ^lary, Dec. 8. 1740. Josiali, s. of .Josiah and .\bigail, Jan. 0. 1747. .Mice, d. of Samuel and .Mary. June lit, 174!l. Jonatlian, s. of Josiali and .Vbigail, July :i(>, 174'.». .Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Fel). 2(t, 17.")1. Klizal)et]i, d. of Samuel and Mary, .Jan. 11, 17-"):i. .Folin, s. of .Josiah and .\bigail, .June 2!t, 1750. Sarah, d. of .Samuel ami Mary, -Vug. 27, 17."j7. .\nna, d. of Samuel and .Mary, Aug. 10, 17.')^. Llisiia, s. of Samuel and Mary, .lune :{, 170:}. Josiah, s. of .Josiah and -Molly, .\]>r. :i(l. 17^."). Daniel, s. of .losiah and .Mollv. .lulv 1."). I7.S7. 84 WILMINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. WY3IAN, Lucy, (1. of lloubcii aiifl OaUiarine, Ajtr. ">, 175/1. Mary, d. of Reuben and Catharine, Aug. Ill, IToT. .Jonas, s. of lleuben and Catharine, Sej»t. !», 17.'3i). Kli/ah(>tli, (1. of Reuben and Catharine, Sept. 10, 17'il. Caroline, d. of Noah and Ruth, Aug. 11, 17<)'j. Reuben, s. of Reuben and Catharine, Oct. 20, 17r. (i, 1848. Hannah K. Adams of 'rewUsimry and Francis II. Snow of Wil- mington. Oct. — . ].S,")4. Horace B. Adams and Mary K. Hall, duly l'4, 1858. A I) I) I soy. Frances Addison of Wilmington and Kugcnf F. Ib/llins of Hnr- lington. Oct. Ki, isT'J. ALEXANDER. -lohn .\lexander of \\dl)urii anson of \\'ilniing- ton. Mar. 8, 17")7. Zachariah Alexander of Wilmington and l\(d)ecca Hojtkiiis of Woburn. Apr. I'l, 17()1. Mary Alexander of Boston and .lonas Fames of Wilmington. Aug. "l.'). 17()3. I'eter Alexander, .ii. and .Susanna lioutwcll. both of Wilmington, Nov. L'O, 17t!(i. (iiles Alexander of \\ ilmington and .Sarah Heed of Wobiirn, .Vpr. 28, 17(17. John .\lexander of Wilmington and .Molly Winn of \Voburn. Sejit. •JO. 1774. 88 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. ALEXANDER— Continued. Hannah Alexander of Wilmington and Isaac Fierce of Wobiu'n, Mar. 'I'd, 1775. Susanna Alexander and Joel Tucker, both of Wilmington, -Ian. 20, 1779. Peter Alexander of Wilmington and Lucy Dean of Wohurn, Oct. 22, ISOl. Molly Alexander and Benjamin Hutler, both of Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1802. ALLEN. Harrison Allen of Andover and Nancy Eames of Wilmington, Sept. 29, 1829. Charlotte Ann Allen of AVilmington and Cyrus Taylor, Jr. of Lex- ington, July — , 1839. Mrs. Nancy Allen of Wilmington and Reuben Brooks, .Ir. of Kock- port , 1840. Edwin H. Allen of Billerica and Susan Hopkins of Wilmington, :\[ar. — , 1841. Alniira P. Allen and Joseph ^L Emerson, both of Billerica, June 2, 1844. William 1). Alls-u and Mary A. Holt, Ijoth of Wilmington, Apr. .1, l.s.")7. Elizabeth Alleu and Willie K. Butters, both of Wilmington, Ai)r. 26, iSfil). Lottie A. Allen and Charles (ireen, both of Wilmington, Dec. 5, 187.'). Rebecca L. Allen of Andover and Frederick S. White of Wilming- ton, Oct. 7, 18.S2. AMERO. Lena Amero and Michael Casey, both of Wilmington, Apr. '-W, 188.'). Belle Aniero and Sylvine Babine, both of Wilmington, Nov. 21, 1887. AMES. William Ames of Boston and Sarah Dav of Wilmington, Nov. 29, 1S27. Joseph A. Ames and Harriot Gillis, both of Wilmington, Oct. 9, 1836. Sarah Ames and Daniel (Jowing, both of Wilmington, Mar. 26, 1848. Mary Ames and PMward A. Carter, both of Wilmington, Nov. 23, 18.54. :Maria Ames and Charles .M. (iowing, both of Wilmington, Nov. 23, 18.54. Henrietta Ames and Charles W. Swain, both of Wilmington, Jan. 1, 1857. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 89 AMES— Continued. Harriet Ames and Kdward K. Swaii), l)otli of Wiliuiiinton. Feb. 2, ISUO. William Ames of A\'iliniii.ntoii and Mary \un Claik of IJoston. Sept. — , 18»il. .luliet 8. Ames and .Samuel II. (Jowing, liotli of Wilminnlim. .Iinie •J8, 186.1. AXXABLIJ. Mary K. Annalile and Alvin ('. riicli)s, liolli of W'iliningtou, Dec. 'oil, 1S!)1. ABMSTBOXa. Catiiarine Armstrong and Jonathan Manning, both of A\'ilmington. Aug. (), lsr)S. ,Iolin II. Armstrong of Hill.sdale, Mich, and .Marietta L. Willard of Wilmington, Nov. -JH, 18t)3. AT WOOD. -lolm Atwood of Bradford and Mrs. Mary Uuck of Wilinington. Dec. 5, 17()!t. A VERY. flulia Ann .\verv and (ieorge L. Taylor. l>otii of Wilmington, May W, iSfiC. Frank E. Averv and -lane L. Kincaiil, luith of Wilmington, dnlv 20, 1S7S. BA BIXE. Monday Haliine and Hmily Muse, both of Wilmington, Feb. .">, Issj. .\mos Babine and dudith Muse, both of Wilnungton, Sept. 17, ISSI. Kliza liabine and .John Muse, both of Wilmington, Fel). o, bss-_>. .Mary Jane Hal>ine and .Michael II. White. l)otii of Wilmington, Jan. 21, iss;j. -Josephine Habine and William II. White, botii of Wilmington. Jan. 20, 1S,S4. Mark Uabine and Hose Muse, both of Wilmington, Oct. 2(1, l.SS(i. .lane 1'. Babiue and Joseph F. Surrette, both of Wilmington, Nov. 8. 1S87. Sylvine Habine and Helle Amero, lioth of Wilmington, Nov. 21, lSh7. Evelina Babine and Charles II. \\'liite, both of \\'ilmington. Feb. 12. 1S8.S. .Marv Babine and Ilenrv Surrette, both of \\'ilmington. Mav S, "isss. Hudolidi Babine and Fannie Eefavour, Aug. 18, isiil. Ramie Babine and Evalina Surrette, both of Wilmington. Feb. 2;i. 18!)2. 90 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BABINE— Continued. Maggie Babine and Eugene Surrette, both of Wilmington, ]Mav l". 189-2. Rosie A. Babine and Richard F. Burke, botli of Wilmington, May •28, 1892. ]Mary A. Babine and William II. Doucette, l)oth of Wilmington, Jan. 10, 1893. Lawrence A. Babine and Rosanna .Surrette, both of Wilmington, Feb. 25, 1895. Rose E. Babine and tlohn E. Porter, both of ^^'ilmington, Feb. s, 1897. Maggie Babine and Henry Surrette, both of Wilmington, Dec. 27. 1897. BACON. Benjamin Bacon of Bedford and Anna Jaquith of Wilmington, 'Aug. 18, 1807. AVilliam Bacon of Wilmington and Clarimond W. Leathe of Woburn, Dec. ol, 1813. BAILEY. .loshixa Bailey of Heading, Vt., and Susanna Bmitwell of ^V^iIming- ton, March 10, 1795." Bailey of Andover and Polly llarnden of Wilmington, Oct. — , 1795. Nathan Bailey of Tewksbury and Ruth Upton of Wilmington, Sept. 21, '1812. John Bailey of Wilmington and Lilla (lage of Lawrence, Nov. 23, 1892. John Bailey of Wilmington and Kate Xee of Boston, Ajir. 29, 1896. BALCH. Sarah Kiml)all Balch of Burlington and Isaac Jones of Wilming- ton, Dec. 4, 1800. BALDWIN. Esther Baldwin and .lolin Slack, ])otii of ^Vilmington, A[)r. 23, 1755. Jesse Baldwin of Tewksbury aiul Sarah Boutwell of Wilmington, Dec. 19, 17.59. Susanna Baldwin of Tewksbury and -lohn Pollard of Billerica, March 26, 1762. Ezra Baldwin of Wilmington and Martha Beard of Wilmington, Nov. U, 1769. Jonathan Baldwin, Jr., and Abigail Beard, both of Wilmington, July 25, 1770. Timothy Baldwin and Mary Beard, both of Wilmington, June 22, 1774. Esther Baldwin and Ebenezer Harnden, both of Wilmington, Dec. 29, 1801. Silas Baldwin and Betsey Piper, both of Wilniington, Dec. 1, 1803. WtLMlNGtON RECORD OP MARRIAGKS. 91 BABINE— Continued. William Baldwin of Lowell mid Marv Ann .1. I'liitlers of Wiinuni;- loii, Dec. 1, 1.S31. Francis Baldwin of Billerica and Kiiciicl Ann I'iirk.T of Wiiniinj^- ton, Nov. '2S, lS8f). BAN^CROFT. Harrison Bancroft and IIe|i/.il)ali .Jones, Ixitii of \\ ilniinglon. Dec. K), 1.S2S. Ilanunon Bancroft and Knieline (iowinj;', hoth of Wilmington, Xov. "ili. 1884. Parker II. Bancroft and Lydia liancroft, both of Wlimington, 1.S4.'), i^ytlia Bancroft and Parker II. Bancroft, both of Wilmington, 1S4,"). ^iarv E. Bancroft of Wilmington and Jolm L. Howard of Swansea, Aug. l;}, ls.-,;5. Harrison Bancroft and Ilannali ('. I'pton, liotli of Wilmington. Nov. L', IS.") I. Thomas A. Bancroft of Wilmington and Mary K. ()n;ott of Tewksbury. Dec, IS.IO. Sarah E. Bancroft of Wilmington and (ieorge K. P. .Morgan of Heading, .May 28, IS.l.S. Clarisa \. Bancroft of (Jroveland and (Ieorge II. Tenneyof (ieorge- town. Dec. 24. 18(i8. Sophia B. Bancroft of Wilmington and Oscar K. Johnson of Wo- biirn, Dec. 17, 18(»S. Iliram liancrofl and Hannah M. Hull. l)oth of Wilmington, Apr. (i. isoy. Emma .1. Bancroft of Wilmington and Charles .M. Wendell of Wol)nrn, Sei)t. 2-'), 1S72. Ilenrv L. Bancroft of Wilmington and I'^liza Ann Dow of llooksett, X. H.. .Ian. 1, 1S7;;. Marcus M. Bancroft and .lulia Owens, iiotli of Wilminuton. .Iiilv U. ]S71. (ieorge Bancroft of Eawi'ence and .lulia AMiowing of \\'ilmington. .\larch 28, IS7:). Ilattie.I. Bancroft and Willie E. 4"avlor. both of Wilmington, Sept. 111. 1S7S. .lohn W. Bancroft ami .\nnie .1. .lolmston. l>otli of Wilmington, Xov. 28, ISSS. Harrison Bancroft and Ellen P. SnelliuL;. both of Wilmington, Dec. 10. 1S91. Carrie A. Bancroft and (ieorge 4". Eames. both of Wilmington, .Ian. 2S, 1,S!»2. .lohn W. Bancroft of Wilmington and Eliza .lolinston of Durham, X. P.., .Inne 1, 1S!I7. BARXAJiiy. IJebecca Barnard and 4"'homas Evans, both of Wilmington. .Ian. 27, 17!ll. Cyrus (i. Barnard of Worcester and .loauiui W. Eittletield of Wil- mington, Apr. •">, 1842. 92 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BARNES. Frank E. Barnes of Somerville and Almira F. Noyes of Wilming- ton, June S, 1881. BARNS. John Barns and Mary Ann Cook, both of Lowell, July 22, 1827. BARRETT. Jacob Barrett of Reading and Rebecca Pierce of Wilmington, Oct. 21, 174(t. BARRON. Sarah Barron of Westford and Joseph Jenkins of Wilmington. Nov. 16, 1749. William Barron of Wilmington and Olive Johnston of Woburii. Mar. 18, 1702. BARROWS. Herbert C. Barrows of Wilmington and Flora i\I. Symnies of Derry, N. H., Apr. 2o, 1807. BASSITT. Justin Bassitt of Reading and Persis J. Jaquith of Wilmington, Oct. 25, 1S.J5. BA TCHELDER. David Batchelder of Reading and Sally Fames of Wilmington. Dec. 1, 1814. Ebenezer Batchelder of Reading and Alice Fames of Wilmington, July a, 1828. Hiram Batchelder aud Marv A. Batchelder, both of North Read- iug, May 22, 185:3. ]\Iary A. Batchelder and Hiram Batchelder, both of North Read- ing. May 22, 1858. Josiah Batchelder of Wilmington and ]\Iaria M. Lovejoy of Biller- ica, Apr. 2, I860. Caroline E. Batchelder of Wilmington and Samuel Low of Ando- ver, , 1862. Leander R. Batchelder and Susan C. Orcott, both of ]Middleton, Jan. 1, 1864. Ryland D. Batchelder of Boston and Lizzie M. Hart of Wilming- ton, Jan. 14, l.sc)2. BATCHET.LER. ,Iames II. Batcheller of AVilmington and ^lary F. Ilanniford of Billerica, Sept. — , 1859. James H. Batcheller and Emeline I). Jaquith, both of AVilmington, Oct. — , 1861. Wilmington record of marriaijes. 93 BJ TCHIJLLER — Continued. May L. Batcheller of North Heading aiul Otis Hanidcn of Uiliniiig- ton, Dec. — , 1805. James H. Hatcheller and .Mary K. lirvant. Itotli of Wilniinnlon. Fi'l). 14, 18()7. Xettie F. Hatcheller and Weslev \. Tovvle, botli of Wibnington, Mar. •_'. l.ssn. KInier ¥.. liatciieller of Wilmington and Alice 10. Whitdey of Tewksbury, Apr. 7, IS!) I. Irvin V. Batcheller of North Heading and .\lice \V. IMkt- of Wil- mington. Fell. l;>, ISiid. HATCHELOR. dohn Hatchelor of 15cading and Marv Fames of ^^'ilnliIlgton. .Mar. 1(», 178.'). BEAN. Henry A. Hean of Stoneliam and Orietta K. Kindiali of Wiiining- ton, Oct. — , 18.')8. BEARD. Jonathan Beard and Deborali Buck, both of Wilmington, Mav 1">, 174(5. Nathan Beard and Marv Flagg, both of ^^'ilmingt()n, Sc]it. L'fi, 1754. Mary Beard and (Jeorge Burns, botli of \\'ilmini4ton. dan. lU. '1755. Samuel Beard and Hcbccca Butters, both of WilniiuLiton, Jan. 25. 175!). Hannah Beard and Joshua .faiiuith. both of Wilmiu'^tou, .May L'7, 1702. Isaac Beard and Rebecca Jaquith. both of \\'ilmington, Dec. 10. 170-J. .John Beard, Jr. ;ind Surah Walker, both of Wilmington, Mav :5(), 1705. Molly Beard of Wilmington and Josiah Cutter of Medford. Nov. 'l!», 1707. Martha Beard and Fzra Baldwin, both of Wilmington, Nov. 14, 1709. Abigail Beard and Jonathan Baldwin. Jr., l>()th of Wilmington, "July 25, 1770. Marv Beard and Timothv Baldwin, both of Wilmington. June 22, "1774. Jacob Beard, ,)r. and Olive Ilazeltine, both of Wilniin^ton. Feb. 22, 1770. Nathan Beard and Sarah F;imes, both of Wilmington, Nov. 21. 1778. Ruth Beard of ^^'ilmington and .Vmos Blodgett of \\'oburu. June 2:5, 1780. Jacob Beard and .Vnna I'vnns. botii of Wilmington. Aug. ."lo. 17>il. 94 WiLMINGtON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BEARD — Contimted. Ehenezer Beard, Jr.. and Lvdia J(Mikiiis, lK)th of Wilmington, Sept. 2(), 1782. Edward Beard and Polly Burt, hotli of Wilmington, Apr. 1(>, ITS.'). Elijah Beard and Fhebe Jones, both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 17S5. Abel Beard and Molly Bontwell, both of Wilmington, Sept. 12, 1787. Ithamar Beard of Tewksbnry and Hannah Eames of Wilmington, Feb. 7, 1788. Catharine Beard and Reuben Butters, both of Wilmington, Sept. 2, 1789. Rebecca Beard and Aaron Jones, l)oth of Wilmington, Apr. 13, 1797. Hepzibah Beard and Benjamin Foster, both of Wilmington, Sept. 4, 180:i Reuben Beard of Tewksburv and Susanna Johnson of Wilming- ton, Mar. 11, 180.5. Ruth Beard of Wilmington and Tiiomas Holt of Andover, May 2S, 1812. Edward Beard of Hancock, N. H. and Mary Carter of AVihuing- ton, May 24, 1812. Katharine Beard and P^lbridge Jones, both of Wilmington. Jan. 28, 1813. Mary Beard and Albert Webster, both of Wilminoton, Dec. 30, "1834. Esther. Beard and Sylvester Carter, both of AVibnington, Sept. 1(5, 183S. Badilla Beard and Dolly Pearson, both of Wilmington, May 24. 184G. Elizabeth J. Beard of Wilmington and AA'illiam S. Parker of Head- ing, Sept. 21, l.S.-)(). BEDELL. Winfield (i. Bedell and Alma Q. Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. 6, 1888. Walter E. Bedell and Sarali P. (iowiug, both of \A'ilmiiigtoii, Jan. 4, 18!)3. BEEDE. Joseph Beede of Stratford, Vt. and ^fary Sloan of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1829. BEERS. Joseph W. Beers, .Ir. of AVobnrn and Jerusha Fpton of Wibning ton, Nov. 21, 1811. BELL. John Bell of Wilmington and Mary Reed of Woburn, Oct. lU, 1809. WILMINGTON KIICOKD OK MAIiUIAGES. 96 BELL — Cuntimml. Sarah Ik'll and William W . .Ifiikiiis, \nA\\ of Wiliiiiii<>toii, Oct. \2. isi;;. I'attv IJell (if \\'iliiiiiii;t(iii and Oliver Fisiicr of AN'ohiini, Mav "_', ■lSL'i>. .I()sei>li Hell and lOli/.aliflii 1 )i'arl>orn, liotli of \\'iliiiin,:;ton. .March •j:j, ls-)(). -losie A. liell of \\'ihninj;ton and Charles 10. Taylor (jf \\'(jlinrn. Dec. 5, IST."). ItEXNKTT. Jonas Bennett of (Jrotou and Xancv l>nck of \\'ilmini;ton, Apr. •J4, isoij. BICKUM. Sarah II. Bii'kinn and .losepii 1!. i'Mtnain. .Innc — , iSll. BIRD. Lottie A. Bird and llrnrv ly. Carter, hotli of \\ ilniinnton, .Ian. . blaisedj:ll. AValter Blaisthdl of Wilmin;;ton anoth of Wilmington, Xyv. \'-\. ISIS. Adeline Blanchanl of Wilminj;ton and .lohn Tvler of Boston, Feb. 11, 1828. 96 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BLANCH ARD— Continued. Waltei" Blaiichard and Charlotte Bond, both of Wilmington, rlune 30, 1829. Mary J. Blanchard of Wilmington and Charles H. Carter of Woburn, Sept. (i, 1843. Henry Blanchard and Rebecca L. Carter, both of Wilmington, June 28, 1819. Walter H. Blanchard and Roxann N. Carter, both of Wilmington, July 14, 1858. Edwin Blanchard of Wilmington and Helen Bond of AVoburn, Sept. 29, 18.57. Charlotte E. Blanchard and AVilliam E. (iowing, both of Wilming- ton, March 13, 18H0. John O. Blanchard of Somerville and ^Maria V. Holt of Wilming- ton, Nov. <), 1867. Edward Blanchard of Andover and Sarah K. Holt of Wilmington, Nov., 1869. Samuel O. Blanchard and Mary S. Wheelei', both of Wilmington. Sept. 1.5, 1872. Henry Blanchard, Jr., of Wilmington and Lillian E. Cummings of Reading, Jan. 8, 1885. Nellie L. Blanchard of Wilmington and Frank E. Millett of An- dover, Sept. 25, 1888. Carrie M. Blanchard of AVilmington and Walter Stickney of Epping, N. H., Nov. 15, 1892. BLODGETT. Betty Blodgett and Samuel Eames, both of Wilmington, Feb. 19, 1778. Amos Blodgett of Woburn and Ruth Beard of Wilmington, -June 23, 1780. BLUNT. John Blunt of Andover and Sarah Eames of Wilmington, Oct. 26, 1780. BO ICE — See Buyce. David Boice and ]Marv Jane Snow, both of Wilmington, -June 11, 1848. liOND. Joseph Bond, .Ir. of Wilmington and Lucy Davis, , ISOS. William Bond of Wilmington and Sally Thompson of Woburn, Apr. 21. 1808. (ieorge Bond and Eleanor Kittredge, , 1815. John Bond and Lydia Angell, . Alanson Bond and Clarisa Buck, both of Wilmina-ton, March 28, 1825. "^ Charlotte Bond and Walter Blancliard. both of Wilmington. -Tune 30, 1829. WILMINGTON KPX'ORD Ol' MARRIAGES. 97 BONT> — Continued. Juseitli Hoiul, •'](!. and Saiuli .1. llopUiiis. liolli of W'iliiiininloii, St])t- 1:5, Is.TJ. Albert Hoiiil and Sarah Ann Cliandlcr. Ixitli >>{ Wilniinuton, Maicli :5. is:;:;. Alanson Hond of \\'ilniin'4ton and .Maiv Ann sinii'son of lloston, Sept. •_>!!. ISJI. 'liinotliy Davis Hinid and Anna Hacon. . i'lionias Davis liond and Olive 'riinMi|>son, , LSLi. '{"iniotiiy Davis Hond and Frani-es Abha .Indkins. . Helen IJond of W'obnrn and Kdwin l>lancliard of Wilmington. Sept. -JU, 18.")7. Albert Ilenrv Bond of \VilniinL;t()n and Adelaide Walker of W'ake- Held. .In'ly :}, lS(i4. .\i-tliur T. Hond of Wilniington and Minnie F. Dorr of .Medfoni, .lime "J, 187."). Lillie T. Hond of Wilmington and W illiam 11. Sweatt of W'oon- socket, R. I.. May 17, 1S.S2. Josej)!! .[. Hond and Margaret M.Cole, botii of \>'ilmint;ton, Dec. •J'K 1S,S4. -loshna Hond of Wilmington and dane A. lliggins of Andover, Oct. 17. ISS.I. Ai'tlinr T. Hond of ^Viimington and Sophia I'lanco llamblin of W akefield, March 15, 1SS7. liOXDS. Marv Ann lionds and ^\'illiam Fortis. both of Wilmington. .\ng. '11. isl.-,. Fllen Honds and Mavnard Spaulding. liolli of Wdiiurn. Nov. jit, 1S4.-). dames Honds, dr.. of ^^'ilmington and Lois I*. M. Stevens of Haverhill, Ai>r. — , Is.m. ludiecea Honds and David (i. I'ieiee. both of \\'ilmiiigton. \ov. s, 1 s.-,.-,. liOUTVELL. Hebecca Hoiitwell and Kbenezer I'ike. both of \\'ilmington. March •_>1, 17.VJ. dames Houtwell of Wilmington and Mary doimson of Wdbnrn, Nov. 4, 17.")(i. Elizabeth Houtwell and William liulters. lioth of Wilmington. :\Iarcli 10. 1757. Sarah Hontwell of ^\■ilmington ami desse Hahhvin of TcwsklMirv. Dec. 111. 17.")!». Jonathan Hontwell, .li-.. and Abigail Fames, both of Wilmington, duly 2, 17(11. •Joseph lioutwell of \\'ilmington antl Hannah Faton of \\'obnrn. Apr. IJ, 17ti;]. Susanna I'xiutwell antl Peter Alexamicr. .li.. both of Wilmington. Nov. jfl. 17(;(). .Abigail Houtwell of Wilmington and Isaac (handler, :;d, ofj|.\n- dover, Dec. 10, 17^0. 98 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BO UTWELL — Continued. Sarah Boutwell and Samuel Hack, both of Wilmington, Apr. 27. 1786. Molly Boutwell and Abel Beard, both of Wilmington, Sept. 12. 1787. Betsey Boutwell and Jedediah Ikitters, both of AVilniington, Fel). 17, 1789. Susanna Boutwell of Wilmington and Joshua Bailev of Reading, A^t., March 10, 1795. Beulah Boutwell of AVilmington and William Campbell of Woburn. June 5, 1798. Hannah Boutwell and Jesse Hopkins, both of AVilmington, May 19. 1811. Loammi Boutwell of Wilmington and Abigail GrifRn of Burling- ton, June 17, 1812. Abigail Boutwell and Jacob Jones, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2(i, 1821. Lavinia Boutwell of Wilmington and John Kendall, 2d. of A\'o- burn, Jan. 5, 1830. Marj' Jane Boutwell and AVilliam A. Butters, both of Wilmington, Oct. 23, 1853. Lydia A. Boutwell of AVilmington and Clark M. Manning of Burlington, Jan. 26, 1876. Mamie A. Boutwell of AVobnrn and Charles L. Miller of AVilming- ton, Oct. 1, 1883. BO WEN. Charlotte A. Bowen and Charles H. Kingsbury, both of AVoburn, Nov. 23, 18.53. BO IFLES, Elvira Y. Bowles and Nathan E. Buck, both of A\'iImina;ton. Dec. 25, 1853. BOYCE—See Boice. Marv E. Bovce and A\alter I). Carter, both of A\'ilmington. Alav 17, 1873: David H. Bovce and Hannah L. Clark, both of Wilmington, Julv 2, 1873. ' BOrXTOX. Dan W. Bovnton and Laura .1. Butters, both of A\'ilininf;ton. Sept. 19, 1878. Lizzie L. Boynton and Solomon S. Gilsou, both of Wilmington. Dec. 29, 1885. BRABEXT. Alexander Brabeut of Wilmington and Olivine Chandonnett of Lowell, May 17, 1897. WILMINGTON RECOliP OK MARRIA(;es. 99 iiRACKETT. Kliza J. P. llrackett of Tewkslmrv and Amltrosc I'ptdii of Wil" iniiigtoii. ^lay — , l^^-")!;. IIRADFORD. I.vdia Bradford of Wiliuiiigtoii and Maj. Al»ijali rii()iii|isiiii of \Vol)uiii. ^farch 10, ISOJ). liliADY. Catharine Brady of Winoli-'srcr and .lames Dovle of AVilinini^ton. , 1873. Annie Bradv and .lames Kellet. both of U'ilmingt\'ol)iirn and .Matilda .f. Simonds of \\'ilming- ton, July 15, 1844. BRIDGES. .lehiel Bridges and Kntli Kames. 1)ntli of Wilmington. .Fiilv "Jti, 170-2. liRIGHAM, Hannah E. Brigliani of Wihnington and .John II. Nichols of Con- cord, X. ir. Xov. !.">. ISCO. BR ITT AN. Al)igail Brittan and Josiuia (Jritfin. Ixith of Wilmington. Ajir. II. 'l78!). BROOKS. .lolm W. r.rooks of Lvnn and DoUv I'ntters of Wilmington, Oct. 1(1. lSi'4. lieuben Brooks, .Ir. of Hockjiort ami Mrs. Xancy Allen of Wil- mington. . 181(1. BROWX. Esther Brown of Tewkshnry and Thomas I'nrt of Wilmington. Xov. 1,'j, 174.S. Xancv Brown and Hev. Ereegi-acc Baynolds. lK)th of Wilmington, (■)ct. -Jll, 17!)7. William Brown of Sonth l^eading and Hannah Kames <,f Wil- mington, Dec. 2, 1819. ,Iohn Brown of Wilmington and .Mice ('. Stimjison of Wohnrn. Xov. -J-l, 1831. Samuel Brown, 2d, of Billerica and Xancy l-miMst)n of Wilming- ton, Feb. 2tJ, 1839. 100 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BBO WN— Continued. Nancy Brown of AVilmington and Iliram Coburn of Boston, Apr. 80, 1839. -lonathan Brown of Tewksbury and Olive T. Carter of )>'ilmin<;- ton, Dec. 21, 1848. Francis B. Brown and Pollen Chase, botli of Wilmington. . I nlv — . 18.38. . '" Annie Brown of Tannton and Frank Ilarnden of AVilnnngton. June 15, 1882. ^fabel C. Brown of Marblehead and Herbert A. Harris of Wil- mington, Nov. li', 1891. BRUCE. John W. Bruce of Carlisle and Snsan T. Fames of Wilmington. Apr. 30, 1ST2. BRYANT. Frances H. Bryant and Edmand 1). Pearson, both of Wilmington. Oct. 20, 18()2. Mary E. Bryant and .lames H. Ihitclieller. both of >A'ilmington, Feb. 14, 18f)7. BUCK. Samuel Buck of Wilmington and Rebecca Roberts of Woburu, Mar. 6, 1734. Sarah Buck of Wilmington and Daniel Pierce of Harvard, Dec. 23, 1741. Zebediah Pnick and Lvdia Carter, both of Wilmington. June 1). 1743. Samuel Buck and ^NTary Killam, both of Wilmington. Mar. 2.j. 1740. Deborah P.nck and Jonathan Beard, both of Wilmington. Mav !•"). 1746. Zebediah Ibick and ^Nlarv Batters, both of Wilmington, July 9, 1747. Samuel Buck. Jr. and Lydia Lewis, both of Wilmington. Oct. 1.'). 17.-31. Ephraim P>uck, Jr. and Hannah Killam. lioth of Wilmington, Sept. ;')0, 1750. Asa Buck and Joanna Corneal, both of Wilmington, Oct. 9, 1700. Molly P)uck and James Tweed, both of \\'ilmington, Apr. 4, 1709. Knth P>uck and Benjamin Pelsue. both of Wilmington, June 20. 1709. Mrs. Mary P)uck of Wilmington and John Atwood of Ibadfoid. Dec. '.5, 17(i9. Hannah Bnck and Samuel I'reston. .Fr.. both of Wili'iinglon. Dec. 25, 177(1. Hitty Buck of Wilmington and .Icrcmiah \\\\n\ of Woimni. Nov. 9, 1775. Lydia Ihick of Wilmington and \\'illiam Cartel^ Ji-. of Woburu, .linu- 13, 177ii. WILMINGTON RECOUD OT MAKlJIAtHCS. 101 HUCK — Continued. Sarah IJiick and 'riiomas I'arker, l)otli of \\'iliiiiiii;t(iii, May 1, 17^1. IJciilxMi IJiu'k aiirl Ksther HanultMi. l>olli of \Viliiiiiit;toii, May "J. 178L>. Samuel I'.iick aiul Savali Iloiitwell. l)otli of \\iliiiiiii;(oii. Ai«i-. 'JT. ITSti. Ilamiali liiick and .lames Cartel". l>otli of \\'ilmiiii;ton. ,Iiilv l!l. 17S7. Simeon IJnek and Polly (ioss, i)otli of \\ilmin,ntt)n. Dec. '2, 17-S8. Aznhali I'lUck and Samuel Clark, botli of \\ilminnt()n, Nov. :5(). 17!HI. Nathan iWu'k and Kli/.al>etli 'i'liomiison. I'ulli of Wilmin-ton. Dec. ;;i. 17!)(t. Anna liuek of Wilmini^toii and Aliijali Wesson of iJeadiuL;. dan. L'U. 17!ll. Olive IWick and Samuel 'riiom|ison. Ixith of \\ilmin'•. 179:5. Ksther Buck ami Nathan ,Ia(iiiilli. hotli of \\ ilmint^ton. Apr. 'JS, ISO.-;. Sallv r>uck and Charles Nichols, holh of \\ilniin<;ton. S,-pt. 11'. 'ls(l7. .Marv r.uck and Nathaniel Morrill. . 1 1'. hoth of \\ilniin<;ton. Dec. "l, ISOS. Mehitabh' l?uck and Chailes Htiitt. hoth of Wiimini^ton. dan. 19, 1809. Nancy IJuck of ^\'ilminL;ton and donas Bennett of (iroton. .\|>r. ■J4. 18(19. Mrs. Ksther Buck and Samuel daipies. lOsn.. hoth of \\'iImin;.;(oii, .Vul;-. ^i. ISO!). Keulien Buck and Alice datjuith, both of \\'ilminnton. Nov. 7. 1S()!». Kphi-iam Buck, ;kl, and Betsey Thompson, lioth of Wilniiiii^ton, Nov. -J 1, 1811. Sewall Buck and Hannah dacpiith. hoth of \\ilniim;to:i. dan. 11. 181-J. .Vliiiiail Buck and Bicliard Carti'r, lioth of Wilmin-ton. Dec. 1:'.. ISM. doseph Buck and Sally Twevd, both of Wilmington, Keb. I'J. isls. Hannah Buck and .Vbner I'.lanchard. bot h of Wilmini;ton. Apr. V-\, ISI.S. Dorcas Buck and dacob Burtt. lioth of \\ilmin-ton. Sept. lM. is^':;. .Matilda Buck of \\'iiminnton and Charles liadcliff of Andover. Nov. 18, 1824. Clarisa Buck and .\lanson Bond, hoth of W ilminL;ton. Maich I'S, IS-.T). Benjamin Burk and Marv I'arker. botii of \\ ilmin^ton. Oct. li'. ISSG. .Marv Buck and .Nathan Kames. both of Wilnuni;ton. March -22. "1827. donathan Buck and Kannv ( lowint;. iioth of Wilmiui^ton. Dec. Id. 1829. Khoda Buck of Wilnnn<;ton and ll;irvev (dlcord of — - — •, dan. •J:j, 18:U. 102 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRlAGfiS. liUCJv — Continued. Hannah J. Bnck of AVilmiiigton and Ileniy H. Fvittredge of Tewks- bury, Oct. 1, 1 800. Sarah Buck and Alanson -laquith, both of Wilmington, Nov. — . 1835. Abigail Buck of Wilmington and -John B. Tav of Woburn, Sej^t. 26, 1837. Henry Buck and Svlvania Butters, both of Wilmington, Oct. (i, 1844. Nathan Buck of Wilmington and Charlotte Caldwell of Woburn, Marcli 2.1, 184.3. Mary A. Buck and Jonathan Carter 2d, both of >Vilmington, Sept. "17, 184(). Sewall Buck and Aniira (ileason, both of Wilmington, May 14, 1846. Catharine Buck aud Harrison Allen Sheldon, both of Wilmington, Nov. 24, 1853. Nathan K. Buck and Elvira Y. Bowles, both of Wilmington, Dec. 25, 1853.- James F. Buck and Irene L. Harnden, both of Wilmington, Nov. — , 1855. Susan Buck and Horace Sheldon, both of Wilmington, Jan. 1, 1857. Charles Buck of Wilmington and Susan S. Damon of No. Reading, June — , 1857. James F. Buck of Wilmington and Augusta Messer of ^Nfetheun, July — , 1859. Fmily M. Buck and James Skilton, both of Wilmingion, June 12, 1860. Sylvania A. Buck and Albert J. Miller, both of Wilmington, Dec. 27, 1864. Angeline Buck and J. Sheldon Sargent, both of Wilmington. Jan. 25, 1871. Ellen Buck and ^^lllianl Stanley, both of Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1874. Edward Buck and Mary Emma Fames, both of Wilmington, ,Ian. 19, 187.'). May F. Buck and Levi W. Swain, both of ^^'ilnlington, Jan. 1, ' 1876. Abbie C. Buck of ^^'limington and .John 1!. Buttun of Lawrence, Oct. 17, 1878. F. Lizzie Buck and A. Warren Killom, both of Wilmington. Jan. 16, 1879. Jonathan H. Buck of Wilmington and Cathiirine Warland of Woburn, Dec. 21, ISSO. Ada D. Buck of Wilmington and Thomas O. I'pton of Minneapo- lis, Minn., June 24, 1885. William C. Buck of Wilmington and Sallie L'. Flint of No. Kead- ing, Aug. 25, 1886. Herbert N. Buck and Emma E. Hamlin, both of Wilmington, Oct. 11, 1887. Laura Stone Buck of Wilmington and Alnmn Allen Bush of An- dover, Jan. 4, lisss. Myron F. Buck of Wilmington and Mary J. \Vliitten)ore of Lowell. Feb. 15, 1888. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 103 B UCK — Continued. Alma Q. liuck and Wiiiti.'ld C. I'.rd.'ll. Im.I li ,,f \\iliiiini;(.>ti. Dec. 0, isss. Sydney ('. Buck of \\iliiiiiiL;t(Hi and Ccrilia M. .Marsin.s of Cludsea, June .">, IS.SI). Ijnilv Maria Buck and Kd^ar Clicslcv Folkins. hotli of Wilming- ton. May -21, isOO. Irene I^. Buck ami I'.rwiii llames, both of Wilmington. Sei)t. "JK. isno. Albert ('. Buck of Wilmington and I"loi-(Mice I. Stevens of i^cwis- toii. Me., Dec. In. 18f»l. (ieorge \\. Buck and Ihden II. Buck, liotii of >\'ilmiiii;ton, duly 2."), 18!»;5. Jlelen II. Buck and (ieort^c \\ . Buck. l>otli of \\ilminL;ton. rliiJv 25, ISiCj. . ■ Horace S. Buck and Kva Haley, liolli of \\'ilminj;t( \ut;. !). l.s!)|. Krancene A. Buck and Howard B. Morse, l^otli of Wiliuinnton. Ai>r. 2. IS!).-,. Charlotte Susan Buck of Wilmington and dames ilcniv Keadio of Tawtucket, 1{. I.. Sept. 2(i. IS!).",. Nettie M. Buck and lldwin L. llalev. both of Wilmington, Mav 20, l.St)6. B UBKE. dulia Burke of Heading and .Iose|ili White of \\ ilmington. \\n\ 2:^, 18.S2. Kiciiard F. Burke and Kosic \. ISaidne. both of \\ ilmington. .Mav 2.S, 1S02. B URN A r. lOdward Burnaii of Beading and I'ollv Barker of Wilmington. Feb. 2, 17!I2. dosejili Burnap, .Ir., of Beading and .\bigail rhom])son of \\'il- mington, Jan. 20, 18o:5. BURNETT. Sarah liurnett and Daniel (iowing. both of \\'ilmington. Oct. :{, 175:5. liURNHAM. l!uth Burnham an* URNS. (ieorge Burns and .Mary Beard both of \\ ilmington. .Ian. IH. 1755. 104 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BURT. Benjamin Burt iiiid Abigail 'J'li3. Ksther Burt and Jedediah Preston, botli of Wilmington, Aug. !•. 1778. .Jacob Burt of Tewksbury and Sarah Stanley of \\'ilmington, .June 15, 1775. Ebenezer Burt and Lydia Stanley, both of \\'ilmington, Xov. "JO, 1777. Josepli Burt and Kezia Stanley, l)oth of AVilmiugton, Sept. 20, 1782. Polly Burt and Edward Beard, both of Wilmington, A])r. 10. 17So. Brown Burt and llannali llarnden, both of Wilmington, Oct. ol, 17S.5. Kuth Burt of \\'ilmington and Isaac Johnson, Jr., of Woburn, May 22, 1806. Charles Burt and ^lehitable Buck, both of >\'ilmington, Jan. 1!», 1809. Hannah Burt and Benjamin P^ames, botli of Wilmington, Ai>r. V-K 1810. (ieorge Burt and Nancy Jones, both of \>'ilmington, Nov. 5, 1.S12. -lacob Burt and Dorcas Buck, both of Wilmington, Sei)t. 21. 1S2:5. Kezia Burt and -John (iowing, both of AVilmington, Oct. 2, 182:5. Dorcas Burt of Wilmington and Franklin Kidder of Tewksbury, Nov. 27, 1827. Charles J. Burt and Clara A. (iowing, both of AA'ilinington, Sept. 27, 1836. Mrs. Clara A. Burt of AMlmington and (ieorge .S. Simons of Lowell, Nov. 26, 1840. Hannah J. Burt and Harris Pratt, both of A\'ilmington, Aug. 29, 1841. BUSH, Almond Allen Bush of Andover and ]>aura Stone Buck of \\'il- mington, Jan. 4, 1888. bustj:ad. Adam Bustead and Maggie J. Snelling. both of \\ilinington, Xov. 25, 1892. B UTLEB. Jacob Butler of Nottingham and Marv Kames of Wilmington, March 11, 1746. Benjamin Butler and Molly Alexander. Ixith of \\ilniingt()n, 'Oct. 28, 1802. William Butler and ^laggie Urchart, both of \\'ilmington, Jan. 12, 1887. WILMINGTON RECOKD OF MARRIAGES. 105 BUTTERFIELI). Abigail Hiitterficid and -James Hutleis, hotli ol' \\ iliiiingtoii. Aii^;. ^1, 17()!». />• UTTERS. Sarah Butters ami David Staulov. liolh of W'ilmim^toii, Mar. "J"), 1746. Marv liutters ami Zid)t'diali Uiii'k. Ixitli of \\ ilmiiigtoii, ,luly !'. 1717. Reuben Butters and Kacliel TlHimpson. botli of W'iliuiutitoii, .Ian. 17, 1751. Abigail Butters of \\'iliiiiiigt()ii and William Carter of \\(>burii. ^Feb. 7. 1751. William Butters ami Klizabetli IJoutwtdl, ixitli of \\'ilmiug(on. Mar. 10, 17.')7. .lolm Butters and .Marv Killam, both of Wilmington, Apr. "Jti, 17.57. Hebecoa liutters and Samuel Beard, both of Wilniington. dan. "25, 17.5!t. Samuel I>utters, Jr.. and Kutli Killam, liotli of \\ ilniingfon, Oct. 7. 17(L'. Susanna Butters and Samuel Dean, both of W ilmington, Oct. 7, 176-J. .lames Butters and Abigail liiittertield, both of Wilmiii'^toii. Aug. I, 17(59. Keziah Butters and -James llavward, both of \\ ilmington, Dec. 7, 1771. Anna Butters of \\ilmington and William Foster of Beading, Dec. :5, 177l'. Beulah Butters and Nathan Carter, -Jr., both of Wilmington, May II, 177:'.. -lohn Butters, -Jr., and Fli/.;ibctli Winn^ltoth of Wilmington. Mav 11, 17S(). Simeon Butters ami Betsey Fames, iioth of \\'ilminglon, -Jnlyi!, 17S(). Heuben Butters, .Jr., and .Vbigail Fames, both of \\'ilminglon, Dec. 11, 17.S0. Sarah liutters and -Jonatlian 'riiom]pson, both of Wilmington, -Jan. 15, 17S1. Kuth Butters and -loiin .buiuith, -Ir.. both of Wilmington, .S'|>t. ■_'7. 17S1. -Joseph Butters and Fydia Carter. l)oth of \\'ilmington, Nov. I'O, 17S;5. Betsey Butters of Wilmington and Micah Cutter of \\'oburn, Feb. 16, 17S(). William Butters. .Jr., and Fucy I'>ames, botli of \\'ilmington. May 2S, 17S7. .Tesse Butters of Wilmington and liettv Cutter of \\'oburn, Nov. •2-2, 17S7. -Jedediah Butters and Betsey B()ut\vell. both of Wilmington, Feb. 17, 17S!I. Reuben Butters and Catharine Beard, both of Wilmington, Sept. 2, 17S0. 106 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BUTTERS— Continued. Zachariah Butters and Polly Carter, both of Wilmington, Nov. 2.5, 1789. -Jonathan Butters and l*atty Tottingham, l)oth of \\'ilniington, Xov. 9, 1790. Rebecca Buttei-s and Samuel Hopkins, Jr., both of Wilmington, Nov. 19, 1795. Lydia Butters and Ebenezer Carter, Jr., both of AVilinington, Deo. 15, 1796. James Butters, Jr., and Betsev Butters, both of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1798. Betsey Butters and James Butters, Jr., both of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1798. Loammi Butters and Sally Gills, both of Wihnington, June 5, 1800. Simeon Butters of Wilmington and Mary Twist of Burlington, Oct. 22, 1800. Jesse Butters and Phebe Carter, both of Wilmington, Oct. 12, 1809. William Butters of AVihnington and Esther A\'eston of Reading, Feb. 10, 1810. Francis Butters of Woburn and Betsey (iriffin of A\'ilmington, Jan. 20, 1814. Rhoda Butters of Wilmington and William Tay, Jr., of Woburn, June 15, 1817. AV alter Butters and Lucy Butters, both of A\'ilmington, May 20, 1818. Lucy Butters and Walter Butters, both of Wilmingion, May 20, 1818. Mehitabie Butters of AVilmington and Lyman Woodruff of An- dover, July 18, 1822. Abigail Butters of Wihnington and Levi Frost of Lynn, Oct. 10, 1824. Dolly Butters of AVilmington and John \\ . Brooks of Lynn, Oct. 10, 1824. Nancv Butters and Joel Emerson, both of A\'ilmington, Oct. 28, 1824. John Butters and Lvdia Emerson, both of Wilmington, May 19, 1825. Abiel Butters and ^Nlaria (i. Carter, both of \\'ilmington, Dec. 22, 1825. Betsey Butters of Wilmington and rJosepli Tvler of ^\'oburn, Apr. 13, 182(1. Oliver Butters and Sarah Cutler, both of Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1831. Mary Ann J. Butters of A\'ilmington and William Baldwin of Lowell, Dec. 1, 1831. riames Butters of Charlestown and Esther Foster of Wilmington, Apr. 24, 1833. William Butters and J^ydia ('onverse, both of Wilmington, Jan. 10, 1834. Pamelia Butters of AA'ilmington and Lamon Dale of Woburn, July — 1834. Abiel Butters and Martha R. Smelling, both of Wihnington, Apr. 17, 1835. WILMINGTON RECORD OK MARRIAGES. 107 BUTTERS — Continued. Hutli J. Butters of Wiliniiintoii and -Idiiatlian \\'(K)d of Lowell, Dec. 1, is:56. Lorenzo Butters and Angelina Buttei-.s. l)otli of Wilmington, LS4(). Angelina Butters and Lorenzo Butters, both of Wilmington, ' 1840. Ifuel Butters and ^^a^y Butters, l)otli of Wilmington, .June l' 18 IL Marv Butters and liuel liutters. i>otli of Wilmington, dune '2 ."^vlvania Butters and Henry Buck, l)otli of Wilmington, Oct. t. 1 1817. William A. Butters and .Marv dane Boutsvell. l)otli of Wilmington Oct. 2;5, l.S5:i. Sarah 1'. Butters and Loammi IJichardson, hoth of \\ ilmington Sej.t. — , 18.34. Chauncey W. Butters and Mary .1. Damon, hoth of Wilmington Aug. 28, 18.39. Willie 1». Butters and KHzaheth Allen, hoth of Wilmington, .\pr 20, lS(j(i. Lucelia Butters of Wilmington and Lemuel I'ope of Acton, Nov 14. 1871. Sulivan Butters of Wilmington and Sophia .\hirtin of Charlestown Feb. 2, 1S73. Laura J. Butters and Dan W. Bovnton. l)oth of \\'ilmington. Sept 19, 1878. .^L^rv A. Butters of Wilmington and (ieorge K. Lane of Ihirling "ton, May 24, issi. .Vrdelle W. Butters of \\'iln\ington and Frank W. Ilol>art of (^uincy dune 1(). 188(i. Annie F. Butters and .John A. 'rillev. holii of Wilmington. Oct. 27 1S9(J. li UTTOX. •loini 1!. Button of Lawrence and Ahbie ('. I'luck of Wilmington, Oct. 17, 1878. in X TON. llannali Buxton and Janu's 'I'weed. both of Wilmington, Dec. 19, 178(5. John Buxton of Beading and Sallv Carter of \\'ilmington, Mav 27. 1802. Betsey Buxton of ^^'ilmingt(Ul and Flisha Davis of Leominster, Apr. 2, 1807. Albert IL lUixton and Ida 1]. F.auii's. Iioth of Wilmington. St-pt. 7, 187S. 108 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. CADY. Lillian M. Cady and Arthur E. Carter, both of Wilmington, June 30, 1896. CAILLOUTTE. Peter Cailloutte and ]\Ionique Surrette, both of AVilininoton. Jan. 14, ISOfi. CALDWELL. Charlotte Caldwell of Woburn and Xathau Buck of Wilmington. Mar. -25, 1845. CALEF. John L. Calef of Liman, I\Ie. and Laura Ann Davis of Wilming- ton, Oct. — , 1843. CAMPBELL. William Campbell of A\'obuni and lleulah Boutwell of Wilming- ton, June 5, 1798. CANON. Catharine Canon and John Townsend, both of Wilmington, Oct. 5, 18.')5. CARLSON. Carl John Carlson of ^Vilmington and Amanda C. Krckson of Boston, May 9, 1890. CABLTON. Silas Carlton of and Susan S. Damon of , ]\far. 23, 1837. CARTER. Lydia Carter and Zebediah Buck, both of Wilmington, June 9, 1743. Ezra Carter aud Lydia Jenkins, both of AVilmington, Sept. ."), 17 !.">. Nathan Carter and ^lartha Jones, both of \\'ilmington. Jan. 23, 1752. William Carter of Woburn and Abigail Butters of Wilmington, Feb. 7, 1751. James Carter and INIargaret Jaquith, botli of Wilmington, Dec. is, 1755. Kebecca Carter and John Elagg, both of AMlmington, Mar. 9, 175ii. lOleazar Carter, Jr., of Wilmington and Esther \Vood of \A'ol)urn, Mar. 21. 17.')7. Lydia Carter and Moses Noyce, both of \Mlnnngton, Oct. 10, 17U5. .)oeI Carter and Sarah Jenkins, both of Wilmington, Dec. 20, 1771. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 109 CARTER— Continued. Nathan Carter, Jr., and I?oInali Butters, both of Wihninn-toii, ^Fav 11, 177;j. Estlier Carter of Wiliiiiugton and Hcnjaniiii I'ostcr. :id, of Reading, Feb. 1."), 1774. Ebenezer Carter and Kebecca Fhigg, botli of \\'iliiiiiii;liiM, Mar. '2'-\, 1775. William Carter, .Jr.. of \\'oliurn and Lydia IWick of Wilmington, .June 13, 1770. ^Martha Carter of Wilmington and .b)el .lenUins of Andover, Dee. 12, 177(). .Jonas Carter of Wolmrn and I'liebe Carter of Wilmington. .Mav •27, 177!). IMiebe Carter of \\'limington and Jonas Carter of Wolmrn, .Mav 27, 177!». James Carter antl Lucy Johnson, both of Wilmington, June 17, 1779. Mary Carter of Wilmington and Josejdi Holt, rJr.. of IJeading, Dec. !», 177!). Jonathan Carter and I^'dia (lowinu, both of Wilmington. Dec. b], 1781. Lvdia Carter and Joseph Ibitters, l)oth of \\'ilniington. Xov. 2o, 17s;5. Timothy Carter and liachael (Jowing, both of Wilmington, .Mar. 22, 1787. James Carter and Hannah Ibick. both of \\'ilmington. July 1!), 1787. Jonathan Carter of Woburn and Mary Karnes of Wilmington, Feb. 5, 1788. Polly Carter and Zachariah Ibitters, both of \\ ilmington, Nov. 2."), 1789. John Carter of Wilmington and Sarah IJnggles of I'lilleiica, Jnne 2, 17!»1. Lydia Carter and Enoch Kendall, both of Wilmington, Fei). l!i. 1795. Moses Carter and .\nna Ruggle.s, both of Wilmini;biii. Dec. 31, 179.5. Joel Carter, -Jr.. and lU'tsev Fames, both of Wilminglon, A|>r. 2.S, 179(i. Ebenezer Carter, Jr., and Lvdia Butters, both of Wilmington, Dec. 1.5, 17!)6. Lucy Carter of I^irlington and .\bi(d Jone> of \\ ilmington, Xov. 23, 18()(». Lydia Carter and .\aron P. Emerson, both of \\'ilmington, ^lay 20, 1801. Dollv Carter of A\'ilmington and Joseph ^Lansfield of Danvers, "Feb. 11, 1802. Sally Carter of Wilmington and -lohn linxton of Heading, May 27, '1802. Ezra Carter, Jr., and Anna Ja<[uitii, both of Wilmington. Dec. 1, 1803. Jonathan Carter, :>d, and Hannah .Morrill, both of Wilmington. Xov. 1, 18(»4. 110 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. € ARTER — Gontinucil. Sewall Carter and Louis Jaques, both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1806. Jonas Carter, Jr., of Burlington and Abigail Jaquith of Wilming- ton, Feb. 5, 1807. Oliver Carter of AVilmington and Betsey (iardner of Charlestown, Jan. -26, 1808. Naomi Kendall Carter of Wilmingtou and Benjamin Jenkins, Jr.. of Andover, Dec. 1, 1808. Phebe Carter and Jesse Butters, both of Wilmington, Oct. 12, 1800. Rebecca Carter and Edward Emerson, both of Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1810. Elizabeth Carter and Jacob IManning, both of Wilmington, Sept. 2:5, 1810. Abiel Carter and Phebe Morrill, both ot Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1810. ]\Iary Carter of AVilmington and Edward Beard of Hancock, N. II., "May 24, 1812. Alfred Carter and Betsey Gowing, both of Wilmington, Apr. !). 18U. Richard Carter and Abigail Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. l;], 1814. Rebecca Carter of Wilmington and David •^. Parker of A\'oburn, Jan. 5, 181."). Rachel Carter and John Parker, both of Wihnington, ]\Iay 8, 181.5. Timothy Carter, Jr., and Sabra -Taiiues, both of Wilmington, Dec. 7, 1816. Ruel Carter and Mary Pearson, both of AVilmington, Apr. 3, 1817. Eldad Carter and Olive Thompson, both of Wilmington, Dec. 3, isis. Daniel Carter and Lydia Carter, both of Wilmington, ]May 22, 1819. Lydia Carter and Daniel Carter, both of Wilmington, May 22, 1819. Hittv Carter of Reading and Joseph Pierce of Wilmington, Dec. 2, 1819. Clarisa Carter of Wilmington and Jacob Shed of Tewksbury, May 30, 1821. Abra Carter of AA'ilmington and flonathan Manning of Tewksbury, May 31, 1821. Simeon Carter and Esther Eanies, both of Wihnington, Nov. 11, 1821. Harriot Carter of Wilmington and Joseph Law of Sharon, N. H., Nov. 16, 1S21. Lucretia F. Carter of Wilmington and AVilliam Ferguson of An- dover, Apr. 24, 1823. Maria 0. Carter and Abiel Butters, both of Wilmington, Dec. 22, 182.-). ■ Francis Carter of Billerica and Harriot Gowing of Wilmington, Oct. 2S, 1827. Sarah R. Carter of Wilmington and Samuel Flint of Danvers, Dec. 13, 1827. Elbridge Carter and Roxann Nichols, both of Wilmington, Apr. 17', 1828. Elizabeth Carter of Wilmington and Lendall Skilton of Reading, Aug. 28, 1828. Samuel'Carter and Louisa Kaiiies, liotli of Wilmington, Apr. 5, 1829. WILMINGTON UECOUD OF iMARKIAGKS. Ill CARTER— Contimted. Lvdia Carter of Wilniiiii^toii and I'licodnic Parker of Draciit. daii. 7. 18:^0. Elizabeth Carter of Wilmiiintoii and .lolm X. Sanl'nni of IJcadiut;. March 2(1, liS32. Lucinda Carter and llcnjamin I'\istiT, Jr.. Imlh of \\'ihninL;t()n, May — , 183:5. I'liebe M. Carter and Sainuel 15. Xichuls, liotli of \\ilniinL;ton, Nov. 24, 1S3.-,. Sylvester Carter and Kstlicr Heard. l)()th of \\ ilniinj;ton, Sept. lii. 1888. Lavinia Carter of Wilmington and .Vll>;'rt L. IJirhardson of IJoston, May 1!», 18:5!). .Vlfred G. Carter of Wolmjii and Caroline Sheldon of Wilmington, Nov. 21, 1S42. .lane Carter of Wilmington and I'homas Cpton of Reading, Nov. 2:3, 1842. .Jonathan L. Carter and .Marv (i. Swain, both of Wilmington, Xov. 6, 1843. ■ . Charles H. Carter of WOlmrn and Mary .1. lilancliard of W ilniing- ton, Sept. (3, 1843. .Jonathan Carter, 2d, and Marv C. IWick, ixitli of Wilmington, Se])t. 17, 1846. Olive 'I\ Carter of \\'ilniington and .Jonatiian 'irown of Tewkslmrv. . Dec. 21,1848. Hebecca L. Carter and Ilenrv liianchard. botii of Wilmington, .June 28. 18l!l. ilari-iet X. Carter and \\'illiam \\'vnian. both of Wolmrn, Fell. 2^, 18.-,2. \Villiani II. Carter of I^awrenee and .Judith 1). Carter of \\ ilming- ton, .July 1, 18.")2. Judith D.Carter of Wilmington and William II. Carter of Law- rence, .July 1, 18.")2. Koxann X. Carter and Waller II. lilaiicliard. liotli of Wilmington, .July 14, l8.-,3. Kdward A. Carter and .Marv Ames Ixitii of Wilmington. Xov. — , 18r)4. Alfred Carter and Sophia Chase, both of \\ilmington. Dee. 11, 18,')(i. Klizabeth A. Carter and Warren Kames, iioth of Wilmington, Xov. 29, 1860. .James (). Carter ami Li/./ie ()i-eutt. Ixith of Wilmington. .\|ir. 7, 1865. Ann Eliza Carter and William II. Putnam, both of Wilmington, Sept. l.>, 1865. Sophia Carter and William Wentworth, both of Wilmington, .Ian. 17, 1866. Mary A. Carter of Wilmington and ( ieorge W. Ilarnden of Lynn, Jan. 25, 1868. Abby A. Carter of Wilmington and Uichanl M. .M(d\en/.ie of Bos- ton, Aug. 27, 1870. Walter I). Carter and Marv E. l>ovt'e, both of ^\■ilmington, Mav 17, 1873. 112 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. CARTER — Continued. Cyrus L. Carter and Sarah Davis Jaquith, both of Wilminsfton, Feb. 5, 1874. W. Warren Carter of Wilmington and Henrietta Victoria Doe of Lynn, June 24, 1874. Mary E. Carter and George M. Milligan, both of Wilmington, Nov. 26, 1874. Almira Elizabeth Carter and Rufus Clement Eames, both of >Vil- mington, Apr. 25, 1875. Henry L. Carter and Lottie A. Bird, both of Wilmington, Jan. 6, 1876. William Wallace Carter and Sarah Lizzie Fortis, both of Wilming- ton, Oct. 21, 1876. George E. Carter and Mary E. (rowing, both of Wilmington, Oct. 31, 1876. Mary E. Carter and Samuel F. Cole, both of Wilmington, July 21, '1877. Fred M. Carter and Barbara E. Cole, both of Wilmington, Aug. 15, 1878. Ella L. Carter and Martin F. Holt, both of Wilmington, Oct. 14, 1878. William H. Carter, 2d, and Lizzie J. Harnden, both of Wilming- ton, Sept. 30, 1879. Charles E. Carter and Annie B. Cazneau, both of Wilmington, Sept. 19, 1883. William H. Carter, 2d, and Clara A. Gowing, both of Wilmington, May 13, 1885. Sarah E. Carter of Wilmington and Frank C. Nichols of Woburn, June 15, 1886. Hattie E. Carter and John Sands, Jr., both of Wilmington, June 30, 1886. Abbie S. Carter of Wilmington and Arthur C. ^Nlason of No. Bead- ing, Feb. 8, 1887. Arthur B. Carter and Apphia P. Norcross, both of Wilmington, Sept. 19, 1888. Jonathan L. Carter and Celia Sweeney, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1894. Arthur PL Carter and I^illian M. Cadv, both of Wilmington, June 30, 1896. CASEY. ^Michael Casey and Lena Amero, both of Wilmington, Apr. 30, 1885. Lena Casey of Wilmington and 'i'imothy F. Hayes of Billerica, Nov. 24, 1889. CASH MAN. .John Cashman and jNIary ^lurrey, both of Wilmington, Sept. 16, 1879. CASSIDY. Peter Cassidy of Wilmington and Catharine Hannon of Andover, June 26, 1880. WILMINGTON RECORD OK MARRIAGES. 113 CAS WELL. Horace Caswell and Euiiiia A. Marshall, l)()tli of Wlliniiiirtou. Xov. 14. 1.S7-2. CATE. Alinon F. Gate of Sehooley's Mt.. \. .1. and Kloiia A. Kanies of Wilmington, Mar. "JH, 1870. CAZXEA U. Annie B. Cazneau and Charles E. Cartt^-, both of Wilmington, Sept. 19, 18S:{. CHANDLER. Isaac Chandler, :3d, of Andover and Abigail Boutwell of Wilming- ton, Dec. 10. 1783. Isaac Chandler, dr., of Andover and Sally Thompson of Wilming- ton, Nov. L'(), 181-2. Sarah Ann Chandler and Albert Bond, botii of Wilmington, Mar. 3, 1833. C HAND ONNE T. Olivine Chadonnet of Lowell and Alexander Brabent of Wilming- ton. May 17. 1897. CHAPMAN. William II. Chapman and ^Nlary A. Upton, both of Wilmington, Dec. — , 1854. Hlla Chapman and Charles A. Tavlor, both of Wilmington, Sept. 9, 187'J. CHASE. Sophia Chase and Alfred Carter, both of Wilmington, Dec. 11, 18.")(). Ellen Chase and Francis B. Brown, both of Wilmington. July — , 1858. (Jeorge N. Chase of P^ast Saugus and Mary E. Nichols of Wilming- ton. July 4, 18(58. Charles H. Chase of Wilmington and Annie M. Robinson, of .Med- ford. Oct. 14, 189G. CHILDS. Lucv E. Childs and Henry L. Sheldon, both of Wilmington. June "17, 1889. Hannah H. Childs and Staidey S. Porter, both of Wilmington, June 9, 1892. 114 WILMINGTON" RECORD OF MARRIAGES. CLARK. Peter Clark of Tewksbury and Sally Piper of Wilmington, Jan. f), 178S. Samuel Clark and Azubah lUick, both of Wilmington, Nov. 30, 1790. Josiah Clark of Wilmington and Polly Saunders of Tewksbury, Oct. 10, isae. Hetsey Clark and Uriah Wright, both of Wilmington, ^lay 2:3, 1816. Mary Ann Clark of Wilmington and Lewis Pray of Salem, Oct. •25. 1836. Orlander P. Clark of Wilmington and Matilda C. Ham of Roxburv. Oct. — , 18.J5. Mary Ann Clark of Boston and William Ames of Wilmington, Sept. — . 1864. Hannah L. Clark and David H. Boyce, both of Wilmington, July 2, 1873. Nathaniel C. E. Clark and Lizzie A. Larrabee, both of Wilmington, Nov. 9, 1897. V LEMONS. Julia A. demons and Everell Harnden, both of Ballard Yale, Nov. 13. 1856. Elenor Clemons and Charles R. Fairbrothers, both of Wilmington, 'June 26, 1897. CLOSSON. Maud M. Closson of Wilmington and Virgil C. Pond of Foxborough,- Oct. 6, 1886. Arabelle K. Closson and Charles B. Blaisdell, both of Wilmington, Mar. 25, 1897. C LOUGH. Annie J. Clough and Charles Jennings, both of Wilmington, Feb. 27, 1889. COBER. Titus Cober and Vilot Noble, both of Wilmington, Aug. 28, 1785. COBVRN. Hiram Coburn of Boston and Nancy Brown of Wilmington, Apr. 30, 1839. COGGIN. Joseph Coggin, Jr., and Ruth Hopkins, both of Wilmington, Oct. 6, 1763. Samuel Coggin and Judith Jaquith, both of Wilmington, Mar. 29. 1770. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 115 COGGIN— Continued. Judith Coggin and Ebenezer Thompson, both of Wilmington, Apr. 18, 1782. Joseph Coggin of Anilierst, N. II. and Lydia Jaiiuith of Wilming- ton, May 8, 17U3. COGSfVELL. .lenette P. Cogswell of and Kdward li. Stickney of , May 30, 1852. COLBUIty, Robert CoUdun, Jr., of IloUis and Dorcas Upton of Wilmington, Oct. (i, 1772. COLCORD. Harvey Colcord of and Rhoda Ruck of W'ilmington, Jan. •26, 1S31. Mrs. Rhoda Colcord and Levi .\bbott, both of Wilmington, Oct. 4, 1838. COLE. Lvdia M. Cole of Cornish Me. and Thomas R. Flagg of Wilming- ton, May 2S, ISC.G. Samuel F. Cole and .Marv E. Carter, both of Wilmington, July 2-1, 1877. Rarbara E. Cole and Fred M. Carter, both of Wilmington. Aug. L"), 1878. Margaret M. Cole and Joseph J. Rond, both of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1884. Cena E. Cole of Roston and Charles O. Pearson of Wilmington, Apr. — , 1893. Jennie Cole of Wilmington and Kirke P. Sanborn of Reading, Sept. 22, 18J)tJ. COLLIER. Jennie Collier of Pawtuckel. R. I. and Elmer E. Simonds of Wil- mington, Sept. 24, 18S!). Margaret W. Collier of I'awtiicket, R. I. and .Arthur R. Fames of Wilmington, Feb. 2!», ISQ.J. COLLINS. Patrick Collins of \Viliningt(in and Delia ^litchell of Lowell, Si'pt. 14, l8!Hi. COX DRY. Thomas Condrv and Lvdia Evans both of Wilmington, Mar. lo. 17HS. 116 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. CON NELL. Patrick Connell of Woburn and Arm Considine of Wilmington, July 31, 1864. CONNELLY. Patrick Connelly of Wilmington and Annie Donovan of Lawrence, May 13, 1893. CONSIDINE. Ann Considine of Wilmington and Patrick Connell of W^obiirn, July 31, 1864. CONVERSE. Ruth Converse of Woburn and Ephraim Flagg of Wilmington, , 1757. Samuel Converse of Woburn and Betsey S. Eames of Wilmington, Feb. 27, 1821. Lydia Converse and William Butters, both of Wilmington, Jan. 16, 1834. WMlliam Converse of Woburn and Betsey Snow of W^ilmington, Jan. 9, 1843. Henry S. Converse of Lowell and Delia H. Gerry of Wilmington, Jan. 12, 1886. COOK. Mary Ann Cook and John Barnes, both of Lowell, July 22, 1827. Fannv Cook of Billerica and Hiram Harrington of Burlington, May 16, 1844. Fanny Cook of Billerica and Levi H. Reed of Charlestown, Sept. 1.5, 1853. George F. Cook and Jerusha C. Damon, both of Wilmington, Xov. — , 1860. Carrie C. Cook of AVilmington and Luther A. Parrott of Quincy, Sept. 23, 1886. Arthur G. Cook of W^ilmington and Annie E. Xourse of Burling- ton, Oct. 8, 1891. Frank D. Cook of Wilmington and Maggie E. Rooney of Woburn, June 6, 1804. COOrER. John H. Cooper and Laviua Ames, both of Woburn, Jan. 22, 1846. CORItWELL. Rebecca Cordwell and Nathaniel Hunt, both of Wilmington, Dec. 12, 1792. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 11 CORXEAL, or CORNELL. Rebecca Cornell and Jolin Denierev. both of Wilmington. Mav Jl. 1750. Hannah Cornell and John Eanies, both of Wilmington, Mav \-\. 17fiO. Peter Cornell, .Jr.. and Hephzibah Temple, both of Wilmington. Apr. 80. 1761. Sarah Cornell and Joshua Ilarnden. both of Wilmington, Dec. s, 17»j:3. Mary Cornell and Joseph Winn, both of Wilmington. Feb. V-^. 'l7titi. Joanna Cornell and Asa Buck, both of Wilmington, Oct. 9, 176'i. James Cornell and Lucretia Jaquith. both of Wilmington. Jan. 4, 1787. Lucretia Corneal and Cvrus Tavlor. both of Wilmington. Feb. Iti. 1800. COSTELLO. James Costello of Woburn and Catharine Mahon (Meehan) of Wilmington. July 2, 1859. COULTER, ^. W. Coulter and Margaret B. Dawson of , Nov. js, \b'i2. CRA GIX. .Michael Cragin and Marv .M. Kellev. both uf Wilmington. Oct. l^, 1S78. C RANDALL. Susan Kllen Crandall and Benjamin F. Hatch, both of Cambridge, Oct. 1-2, 18«2. CRANE. .Mice F. Crane of Chelsea and Avard L. Forter of Wilmington. Dec. IS, 1890. CROSBY. Thomas Crosbv and Elizabeth Starvman. both of Wilmington. Mar. 8. 17.37. .\nna Ci-osby of Billerica and Nathan Ja. Jeremiah Crosbv of Billerica and .Vbigail Jaquith of Wilmington, Oct. 23. 1783. CROW. .Vnnie Crow and Peter Serensen, both of Wilmington. Oct. 1!'. 1887. 118 WILMINGTON RECOKU OF MARRIAGES. CUILLAN. John Cuillan and Rosanna Quinn, both of Wilmington, July 4, 1861. CUMMIN GS. Lillian E. Cumniings of Reading and Henry Blanchard, Jr., of Wilmington, Jan. 8, 1885. CURBIE. Ronald Currie and Fanny C. Guymont, both of Wilmington, Jan. 16, 1889. CURRIER. Anna L. Currier of Maiden and Arthur W. Eames of Wilmington, Apr. 26, 1887. CURTIS. Ephraim Curtis and Lydia Farley, both of Wilmington, Jan. 18, 1742. Elizabeth L. Curtis of Danvers and Joseph A. White of Wenham, Nov. 10, 18.>1 CUTLER. John Cutler of Woburn and Rachel Putney of Wilmington, Nov. 24, 1743. -lacob Cutler of Stoneham and Mrs. Elizabeth Presson of Wilming- ton, Dec. 16, 1769. Phebe Cutler and Jonathan Pearson, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2.'), 1775. Micah Cutler of Woburn and Betsey Butters of Wilmington, Feb. 16, 1786. Retty Cutler of Woburn and Jesse Butters of Wilmington, Nov. 22, 1787. Jesse Cutler of Burlington and Nancy Simonds of Wilmington, Dec. 11, 1814. Sarah Cutler and Oliver Butters, both of Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1831. Henry O. Cutler of Burlington and Thirza E. Jaquith of Wilming- ton, . Martha A. Cutler of Burlington and James Jaques of Wilmington, May 28, 1874. CUTTER. Josiah Cutter of Medford and Molly Beard of Wilmington, Nov. 19, 1767. CUTTING. Nellie E. Cutting and Frank Morris, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1878. Wilmington record ok marriages. 119 DALE. Lainon Dale of WolMirn and Panielia Hutters of Wilminqton. ,Fiilv — KS34. DAMON. Jonatlian Damon of K"adint;' and S;irali (lowing'; of Wilininntoii, Dec. -27, 174S. Edinoiul Damon of Keadinij and Kutli Kames of Wilmington, Oct. m, IS 14. Susan S. Damon of and Silas Carlton of , Mar. 2'-\, 1S:37. Harriet E. Damon of \Vilmin>>ton and Daniel (iowiny of Reading, Apr. 28, 1840. ' ^ Hephzibali Damon of Reading and S. (i. Rradlev Pearson of Wil- mington, Mar. Ib57. .Susan S. Damon of No. Reading and Charles Ruck of Wilmington. June, — , 18.")7. May -J. Damon and Chauncy W. FUitters, both of Wilmington. Aug. 28, 1859. .lerusha C. Damon and (ieorge K. Cook both of Wilmington, Nov. — , 18HU. DANA. Martha Dana and Cieorge Durant. both of Woburn, Oct. 2, 18.'):5. DANE. Lucy E. Dane of Andovei- and (leorge T. Eames of Wilmington. "Aug. — , 18r)S. (ieorge ¥. Dane of Andover and Anna M. Ilarnden oi Wilmington. Dec. 23, 187.'). DAVENrORT. Melissa C. Davenport of Somerville and Frederick W. Phelps of Wilmington, Mar. 2S. ISiH!. DA VIS, Elisha Davis of Leominster and lU'tsev IWixton of Wilmington, Apr. 2, 1807. Samuel B. Davis of flrafton, X. Y. and Esther Sloan of Wilming- ton, Oct. 2(J, 1818. Laura Ann Davis of Wilmington and .John L. Calef of Li man, .Me., Oct. — , 1843. Eleazer W. Davis and Angie Hale, both of Wilmington, Nov. 1, I86(i. DAWSON. Jane L. Dawson and David 11. Ingerson, both of Wilmington, Oct. 3(1, 183.». INIargaret R. Dawson of and J. W. Coulter of , Nov. 2.S, 1832. 120 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. DAY. Sarah Day of Wilmington and William Ames of Boston, Nov. 29, 1S27/ Thomas Day and Clara A. Smith, both of Wobnrn, May 1, 18.53. Louisa Day of Peterboro, N. II. and Horace Oowing of Wakefield, .Tilly 1:5, 1869. DEAN. Lucy Dean and Isaac Wesson, both of Wilmington, May 4, 1758. Mollv Daan of Wilmington and Seth Thompson of Woburn, Dec. 11, 1760. Sarah Dean and Collins Hathorne. both of Wilmington, June 9. 17(31. Samuel Dean and Susanna Butters, both of Wilmington, Oct. 7, 17()2. Ruth Dean of Wilminoton and Robert Delap of Reading, Oct. 10, 176:). Jesse Dean and ]\Iolly Johnson, both of Wilmington, Oct. 2, 1777. Patty Dean and William Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, June 28, 1792. Betsey Dean of Wilmington and Allen Lauchlen of Goffstown, Jan. 16, 1794. Lucy Dean of Woburn and Peter Alexander of Wilmington. Oct. '22, 1801. Joseph Dean and Sally Parker, both of Wilmington, Sept. 2, 1802. James Dean of Burlington and Rhoda Ilarnden of AVilmington, Nov. 27, 1806. Joseph Dean and Ruth Pelsue, both of Wilmington, Mar. 2;J, 1809. John Dean of Wobui-n and Sarah Snow of Wilmington, Apr. 2.5, 1843. DEARBORN, Elizabeth Dearborn and Joseph nell. botli of Wilmington, Mar. 23. 1850. DECOSTEB. Sarah O. Decoster and (ieorge Morrill, both of Wilmington, Apr. 25, 1833. DELAP. Mary Delap and Ebenezer Hathorne, both of Wilmington, Jan. 8, ■l7()0. Robert Delap of Reading and Ruth Dean of Wilmington, Oct. 10, 1765. ^largaret Delap and David Stanley, Jr., both of Wilmington, Sept. 24, 1767. DEMEBEY. John Demerey and Rebecca Cornell, both of Wilmington, May 24, 1750. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 121 DEMERRITT, Paul R. Demeiiitt and Lvdia A. Moon, both of Wilniinstr)"- -'"ly s, 1891. DENNISOX. Hannah yi. Dennison of Wincliester and Cliarles II. Doak of Wil- mington. Mar. 2"), I'SOt). DEVINE. Lizzie Devine of Lawrence and Tlinnias Ciallaglier of Wilniingtim. June 11. ISST. DEWEY. Edwin P. Dewey of ^Vinche^ter and Knmia X. IMiilbrick of Wil- mington, May •>, 1801. DILLISGHAM. Kliza d. Dillingham of SonuMvillf and 'riidiiias Eames of Wilming- ton, May 8, 1859. 1)1 X. -fames Dix and Marv Lames, both of Wilmin<;to;i. Oct. 14. ITTo. Kachel Dix and Jacol> .IaVilmington and Catharine Brady of Winchester, DRISCOLL. Hannah P. Driscoll of Chelsea and -lolin S. Kvitt of Denton, Md., June 18, 1870. DUFFEE. Mary Duffee of Andover and John Kenney of A\'ilmington, Nov. 20, 1880. DULONG. Katie Dulong of Reading and Luke White of AVilmington, Nov. 10, 1887. Wilmington record of marriages. 128 DUNCAN. Robert Duncan ("A. Hritton ") and Ahijurail \\riulit of Wilming- ton. Jan. -J!*. ITSO. J>UNTLIN. Xathaniel Duntlin and Sallv .Jackson. lK)tli of Wilmington. Oct. URANT. W'illiani Durant of iJillciica and Mary Dutch of Wilmington. .Ian. 1(), 1750. (Jeorge Dnrant and .Maitiia Dana, botli of Wobnrn, Oct. 2, \'6'h\. DURGIN. Louisa Durgin of Uoston and Thomas Y. (iowing of Wihnington, Dec. 10, 18()S. DUST IN. Alary Ann Dustin and (ieorge W. Walker, i)oth of Wihnington. Mar. :il, l.s.>{. •Steven F. Du.stin of Wihnington and Mary I.. Fairbanks of Xo. Heading, , lsO.'>. Samuel Dustin and Knima Xolan, both of Wilmington. Feb. is. IStU. DUTCH. .Mary Dutch of \)'ilmington and William Durant of I'.illerica. .Ian. 'Hi, 17.-)(). DYKE. \A/./Ae .S. Dyke of .Stoui'liam ami Xclson I'aiki'r of Heading. -Ian. 10, 180(5. EA MES. •kinathan Fames and .Sarah Roberts, both of Wih)iington, Alar. 14, 17:vs. Marv Fames of \\'ibnington and .Iacf)b ilutler of X'^ottingham. "Mar. 11, 174(5. .John Fames and Mary daquith, botii of \\ ilmington. Mar. 1."). 17.-)3. -Facob Fames and Lucy Frost, both of ^Vilmington, Jan. 22. 17.-)(i. .b)Iin Fames and Ilannali ("ornell, Ivoth of Wilmington. Mav b5, 17(50. Caleb Fames. Jr.. and Marv Ilarvev, botli of Wilmington. May 22. 1700. t'aleb Fames and Mrs. Grace Ilathorne. both of \\'ilniington. -Vug. 7, 17(30. Abigail Fames and .Jonathan lUtutwell. .Jr., both of Wilmington, July 2, 1701. 124 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. EAMES — Continued. Jonas Eames of Wilmington and Mai-y Alexander of Boston, Aug. 15, 1765. John Eames, Jr., of Wilmington and Azubah Tidd of Woburn, Mar. 18, 1778. Sarah Eames and Peter Lowe, both of Wilmington, IVIar. 27, 177o. Mary Eames and James Dix, both of Wilmington, Oct. 14, 177:}. Sarah Eames and Elijah Flint, both of Wilmington, Apr. 18, 177(i. Samuel Eames, Jr., and Esther Harnden, both of Wilmington, Feb. 18, 1778. Samuel Eames and Bettey Blodgett, both of Wilmington, Feb. 19, 1778. Sarah Eames and Nathan l>eard, l)otli of Wilmington, \ov. 24, 1778. John Eames, od, of Wilmington and Abigail Thompson of AVoburn, Aug. 19, 1779. Betsey Eames and Simeon Butters, both of Wilmington, July (i, 1780. Jacob Eames and Lucy Jones, both of Wilmington, Aug. 3, 1780. Sarah Eames of Wilmington and John Blunt of Andover, Oct. 2(), 1780. Abigail Frames and Reuben Butters, Jr., both of Wihnington, Dec. 14, 1780. Jonathan P^ames and Ruth Parkei-, both of AVilmington, Sept. 25, 1781. Hannah Eames and fJohn Jaques, both of >Mlmington, Sept. 27. 1781. Jonathan Eames, Jr., and Mehitable (Jovving, both of Wilmington. Dec. 30, 1784. Mary Eames of AVilmington and Isaac Russell of Andover, Jan. 20, 1785. Mary Eames of Wilmington and John Batchelor of Reading, ]\[ar. 10, 178.-). Lucy Eames and William Butters, Jr., both of \\'ilmington, INIay 28, 1787. Mary Eames of Wilmington and -Jonathan Carter of Woburn, Feb. 5, 1788. Hannah Eames of Wilmington and Itliamar Beard of Tewksburv, Feb. 7, 1788. William Eames and Ruth Kendall, both of Wilmington, ^lav 28, 1792. William Eames, Jr., and Ratty Dean, both of Wilmington, June 28, 1792. Ruth Eames and Jehiel Bridges, both of W^ilmington, July 26, 1792- Caleb Eames, Jr., and Hannali Jenkins, both of AVilmington, Nov. 22, 1792. Ruth Eames of Wilmington and Isaac Abbott, Jr., of Amherst, N. II., Oct. 15, 179.3. ^ Nathan Eames aiul Susanna Harnden, both of AA'ilmington, Nov. 19, 1795. Phebe Eames and IVnjaniin Jatpiith, -Jr., both of M'ihnington, March 2, 179(i. Betsey Eames and Joel Carter, -Ir., botli of AA'ilinington, Apr. 28, 1796. I WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 125 EAMES — Coutinned. Caleb Eanies, Jr., and IJetsey Locke, both of >\'iIiiiingtoii. May ;5, 1796. Anna Eaines of W'ihuiiij^toii and Asa I'arkcr tif Itcadiim, .linif !). 1796. Tliirza Kaines and .lonatliaii .Ia(|iiitli. l)otli of \\"ihiiinL;toii, \ov. Nov. 2S, 17911. daoob Kaines, Jr., of LviinHcld and llaiiiiali Holt of \\ iliiiiiiutoii, duly 1.'), ISO-J. Leonard Kaines of Wdhmii and Aliii;ail Parker of \\'ilniini;toii. Mar. 7, ISOS. l>enjainin Kaines and Hannah IWirl, both of Wilmington. Apr. l!t, 1810. Hannah Eaines and 'riioinas E. I'pton, Ixith of \\'iliiiint(ton. dune 7, 181-J. Kiitli Eaines of \\'ilinington and Ediuond Damon of iieading, Oet . ;30, 1S14. Sally Eaaies of \\'ilmin<;ton and David liatehelder of Keadint;. "Dec. 1, 1814. Clarisa Eaines and Asa (i. Sheldon, both of Wilmington. Oct. :{. 1815. Samuel Eames, dr.. and Abigail ,Iones. iioth of \\'ilmin!nton. I'"eii. 14, 1816. Susanna Eaines of \\'ilmin,t;ton and David Hart of Ueadini;, .Nov. 14, 181(i. Susanna Eames of W'ilmintitoii and Joseph Vouni; of Keadini;'. Dec. 4, 1817. Ilittv Eames and .labez (iowiiit;, Jr., both of \\'ilmin<;tori, .Mav ol>. "1819. Hannah P^ames of Wilmington and William Ibown of So. lieadinj;'. Dec. L', 181!». Abigail Eames and Isaac Morrill, both of Wilmiiiii'ton, Feb. 24, 1820. Hetsey S. Eaines of \\'ilminL;toii and Samuel Converse of Woluirn. Feb. 27, 1821. Dolly Eaines and Aaron I'earson. both of Wilmini^ton, Sept. "_'(), '1821. Esther Kaines and Simeon Carter, liotli of Wilminuton. Nov. 11. 1821. Jonathan Eanies, -Ir., and Susan Morrill, both of Wilmington. Apr. 7, 1822. Samuel Eaines, E-scj., and Itebecea Hopkins, liolh of Wilmiuinton. Nov. 28, 1S22. Mary H. Eaines and .Fames (iowiiiL;. l)otli of Wilmington. Jan. 2:!. 1828. Until Eaines of WilminL;lon and Cvrus i'liillips of ft!i A. Carter, Ixitli of W'ilMiin^ton. N'uv. 2!), 18U(). Samuel Eaines of VVilmiimton and ('ornt'tia N. Weston of Ixcad- iiig, Nov. •_'. 18(i5. Mary E. Eaines of \\'ilniin<;ton and (ieori^e M. .Milligan of V\\- "mouth, X. 11., Apr. iM, 1S6<;. Henry W. Eanies and Olive S. Meades, hotli of \\ ilmington, Nov. 28, lH6(i. Lemuel Holmes Eanies of Andover and Helen Eames of ^^'ilminn- ton, Nov. IS, 1860. Helen Eames of Wilmington and Lemuel Holmes Eames of .\n- dover, Nov. is. 18()!»." Elona A. Eames of Wilmington and .\lmon V . (ate of Sciioolev's Mt., X. J.. Mar. 29, 1S7(I. Mary Eames of Wilmington and Cliarles (). Fargo of Lynn, dan. 'i:j, 1S72. Henry Martin Eames of Wilminglon and Caroline Frances Walker oi Fryburgii. Me.. Jan. 81, 1S72. Horace E. Eames of ^\'ilmington and Annie M. Fletcher of Head- ing, Mar. ;5(l, 1872. Susan T. Eames of \\'ilmington and dolni W. Bruce of Carlisle, Apr. :{0, 1872. Leonard T. Eames of \\'iimiugton and Emilv L. Trull of Keailing, Dec. 24, 187;5. .Mary Emma Eanu's and Edward IJiick, l)oth (jf Wilmington. -Ian. "19, 1875. Hufu.s Clement Eames and -Vlmira Elizabeth Carter, liotli of W"\\- mington, Apr. 2.'), 1875. Florence S. Eames and (ieorge T. i>o\ve, hotli of Wilmington, ,I;ni. 27, 1877. Hehecca Eames of Wilmington and dames W. Towne of Orange, X. J., Oct. .-), 1S77. Edgar X. Eames and Kate (iowing, lioth of \\'ilmington. dulv 21, 1S78. Albert T. Eames of Wilmingtcui and Elsie .M. (iould of Heading, duly :H. 1878. Ida E. Eames and Ail)ert 11. I'.nxton, l>f)th of Wilmington. Sept. 7, 1878. l'>l\vard H. Eames of Wilmington and Clara L. Young of Heading. dan. 21, ISSO. d. Howard Eames and Martha A. Jov, hotli of \\ilniinutoii, Oct. 18, 18S:3. \Villiam T. Eanies of Wilmington and Lillian C. (iordon, f)f Som- erville, Dec. -M, 1885. Eilward Xelson Eames ami Mattie E. Nichols, both of \\'ilmington, Jan. 19, 1S,S7. .Vrthur W. Eames of Wilmington and Anna L. Currier of .Maiden. Apr. 2t), 18S7. Xellie B. Eames and David F. Waite. both of Wilmington, .lulv 7. 1887. Erwiii Eames and Irene L. Hnck, both of Wilmington. Sept. 2n. 1890. 128 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. EA MES — Continued. George T. Eames and Carrie A. Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Jan. 2y, 1892. Arthur B. Eanies of Wihnington and ^largaret W. Collier of Pawtucket, R. T., Feb. 29, 189."). Fred A. Eanies and (iertrude (iounds, both of Wilmington, June 24, 1897. EARLE. Hannah Earle of No. Andover and Benjamin F. Upton of AA'il- niington, , 1864. EATON. Hannah Eaton of Wobiirn and Joseph lUnitwell of Wilmington, Apr. 12, 1763. Samuel Eaton of Reading and Sarah Evans of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1781. Lilly Eaton of Portsmouth, N. H. and Betsey J. Harnden of A\'il- mington. Mar. 21, 1822. Symonds B. Eaton of Reading and Esther (Jowing of AA'ilmingtou. Nov. 30, 1826. Ruth Eaton of Reading and Eberiezer Kittredge of AMlmington. Dec. 22, 1829. Henry Eaton and Judith Richardson, both of Wilmington, Aug. 6, 1841. Horace Eaton and Hannah J. Morrill, both of Wilmingon, Feb. 22. 1843. ELDRIDGE. Daniel Eldridge and Marv C. Wentvvorth, both of Wilmington, Feb. 14, 1866. ELKJNS. J. R. Elkins and Almira Simonds, both of >\'ilmington, Dec. 7, 1S4.1. EMERSON. David Emerson of Reading aiul Sarah (iowing of \Vilmiiigton, Feb. 8, 1787. Aaron P. Emerson and Lvdia Carter, l)oth of AA'ilmington, ^lav 26. 1801. Edward Emerson and Rebecca Carter, both of Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1810. floel Emerson and Nancy Butters, both of Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1824. Lydia Emerson and John Butters, both of Wilmington, May 19, 1825. Nancy Emerson of Wilmington and Samuel Brown, 2d, of Bil- lerica, Feb. 26, 1839. .loseph ]\1. Emerson and Almira P. Allen, both of Wilmington, June 2, 1844. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 129 EMERSON— Continued. Ilattie L. Emerson of IJoston and Walter IJlaisdcll of \\'ilniinf;l(iii, Aug. 21, 1877. EMEltr. ^^'illianl C Knieiy of Htclibiug and (ieoigiana F. Loavitl of Wil- mington, .June !l, 1859. ERCKSOX. Amanda ('. Krckson of I'xistuii and Carl dolin Carlson of \\ ilmlng- ton. May fi. \^'.H). E VAXS. Lydia Evans of Andover and El)enezer I'reston of W ilmington. dune 18, 1744. Lvdia Evans and Tliomas Condry, hotli of \\'ilmington. Mar. 10, 17(i.S. Kuth Evans and Thomas Rich I'jiton, l>otli of Wilmington, dan. 10, 1771. .\nna Evans and Jacob Beard, both of Wilmington, Aug. :{0, 17S1. Sarah Evans of Wilmington and Samuel P^aton of Heading, Dec. 18, 17S1. Sherebiali Evans of Wilmington and Betsev Kay of Middleton, Sept. 21, 1781. Esther Evans of Wilmington and Samuel Iladley of ^fedford. Dec. !», 1700. Thomas Evans and Rebecca Haniard, both of Wilmington. -Ian. 27, 1791. Charles H. Evans and Ann Maria .Mcintosh, both of Boston, .Mav 18, ]8.-)l. .\nn Maria Evans of Wilmington and Charles A. .Mtdleii of Bille- rica, Oct. 21, 1802. dohn \. Evans of Wilmington and Ilattie J. Xoyes of Somevville, Dec. — , 18H7. Ef'TTT. dohn S. Evitt of Denton, .Md. and Hannah 1'. Driscoll of Chelsea, June 18. 1870. FAIRBAyKS. Mary L. Fairbanks oi No. Keailing ami SlepluMi F. Diistin of W il- mington, Nov. — . 18tio. FA IRBRO TIIERS. Charles K. Fairbrotliers and Elenor (lemons, both of \\ ilminglon, June 20, 1897. FALL. Sarah .\un Fall of \Vilmin<;ton and Joshua Mather of Billerica, Julv 4, 18(il. 130 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. FAREWELL, Jesse Farewell and Rebecca Jones, both of Wilmington, Jan. 25, 1803. FARGO, Charles O. Fargo of Lynn and ^Slary Fames of AVilmington, Jan. 13, 1872. FARLEY. Lydia Farley and Ephraim Curtis, both of Wilmington, Jan. 13, 1742. FARMER. Moses Farmer of Tewksbury and Sarah Jaquith of Wilmington, May 26, 1796. FARRAR. Joanna Farrar of Wilmington and Jolni Fletcher, Jr., of Lan- caster, Aug. 15, 1744. FERGERSON. Mary F. Fergerson of IJoston and -lames Kenney of Wilmington, Oct. 16, 1887. INIargaret J. M. F-ergerson of Lowell and Charles INIcPhail of AVil- mington, June 20, 1888. FERGUSON. William Ferguson of Andover and Lucretia F. Carter of Wil- mington, Apr. 24, 1823. FISH. Sarah Fish and William (iould, both of AVilmington, -July 28, 1741. FISHER. Oliver Fisher of Woburn and Patty Bell of Wilmington, May 2, 1822. FLAGG. Mary Flagg and Natlian Beard, both of AVilmington, Sept. 26, 17.54. John Flagg and Rebecca Carter, both of Wilmington, Mar. 9, 1756. Ephriam Flagg of Wilmington and Ruth Converse of Woburn, , 1757. Rebecca Flagg and Ebenezer Carter, both of Wilmington, Mar. 23, 1775. I \vn,MIN(;T()Il RKCOHI) OK MARKIAGKS. 131 FLAGG — Continued. John Flagg. .Jr.. ami Marv W'vniaii, l>otli i)t' Wilinitigtoii, Mav 11. 1780. Tlioinas 15. Flagg of W'iliiiiiigtoii ami Lvilia M. Cole u1' (Ornisii. Me., May •_'«,' ISGU. rLAXDERS. Susie E. Flanders and William 11. .loluison, both of Wilmington, Sept. -Jl, 187S. rLETCHER. .lohn Fletcher of Lanchaster and -loainia Farrar of Wilmington, Aug. 15, 1744. A\'illiam N. Fletcher of Wilmington and Mary M. Taplin (jf Head- ing, Nov. 29, ISoo. Annie M. Fletcher of Reading and Horace F. Humes of Wilming- ton, Mar. ;i(>, 187-2. rLIKT. David Flint and Marv We.sson, botii of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 17()(). Klijah Flint and Sarah Fames, both of Wilmington, Apr. 18, 177(J. Amos Flint and Abigail llarmlen. both of Wilmington, Ai)r. 11. 1805. Samuel Flint of Danvers and Sarah K. Carter of Wilmington, Dec. 18, 1827. Sallie r. Flint of No. Reading and William C. Huck of \\'ilming- ton, Aug. 25, I88(i. FLOYD. Isaac Floyd and Sophia Morrill. Iiotli of Wilmington. Apr. 2.'>. 1829. ELYXN. •lacob Flvnn and Mary Pearson, iiolh of Wilmington. .Mar. 24, 1778." FOLKIXS. Edgar Chesley Folkins and Emily .Maria I>uck, both of \\'ilming- ' ton, May 27, I8!t(). Florence E. Folkins of Wilmington and \\'a]ter (t. Frazee of Somerville, June 28, 180;i. JORV. Sarah Ford of Wilmington and James (iray of Biddeford, Mav 27, 1750. Hannah Ford of Wilmington and Job Foster of .Vndover. Mar. 27, 1700. 132 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. F'ORD — Continued. .Samuel Ford of Woolwich and Mrs. Mary Perkins of Wilmington, Dec. 2, 1762. C'adwallader Ford, Jr., and Elizabeth Morrill, both of Wilmington, May 2:5, 1776. ^Irs. Elizabeth P^ord of Wilmington and Rev. Josiah Winship of Woolwich, Mar. 27, 1780. Betsey Ford and William Blanchard, Jr., both of Wilmington, Dec. yi, 1801. C'ajit. George W. Ford and Sarah Thompson, both of Wilmington, Jan. 7, 1810. FORTIS. William Fortis and Mary Ann IJonds, both of Wilmington, Aug. 11, 1845. Sai'ah Lizzie Fortis and William Wallace Carter, both of Wilming- ton, Oct. 21, 1876. James M. Fortis and Susan H. Taylor, both of Wilmington, Jan. 27, 1877. Edward F. Fortis and Ida M. Philbrick, both of AVilraington, Jan. 22, 1881. FOSTER. Job Foster of Andover and Hannah Ford of Wilmington, Mar. 27, 1760. Sarah Foster and Benjamin Killam, both of Wilmington, Oct. 1, 1761. Ebenezer Foster and Mai'y Jones, both of Wilmington, ^lar. 8, 1768. William Foster of Reading and Anna Butters of Wilmington, Dec. 3, 1772. Benjamin Foster, 8d, of Reading and Esther Carter of Wilmington, Feb. 15, 1774. John Foster of Reading and Dorothy Jenkins of \\'ilmington, fFune 15, 1775. .Judith Foster of Wilmington and Loammi Richardson of \Voburn, Nov. 26, 1789. I>ydia Foster and Jonathan Kendall, both of Wilmington, Feb. 1. 1797. Esther Foster of Wilmington and Daniel Kitteredge of Ilollis, N. If., Jan. 1:3, 1800. Dolly Foster of AVilmingtou and Elnathan Cload of Chelmsford, Jan. 26, 180:5. Benjamin Foster and Ileplizibah Beard, both of ^^'ilmington, Sept. 4, I8O:}. Timothy Foster and Eunice Jenkins, both of Wilmington, Aug. 14, 1806. Kunice W. Foster of Wilmington and -lames Taylor, Jr., of Read- ing, May 20, 1824. Lydia Foster of Wilmington and Edward Richardson, Jr., of \\'o- burn, Nov. 23, 1830. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 133 FOSTER — Coutinucd. Esther Foster of Wiliniiii,'toii and .liiines Butters of Charlestown, Apr. 1^4, ls;58. Henjamin Foster, .Jr., jiiid Liirinda Carter. l>otli of Wiliiiin4. Harriot Foster and .loliii M. Willoiiglibv, I'otli of Wilininj^toii, Mar. 2H, l,s44. •Joseph II. Foster and Frances A. Stiirtevant, both of Woluini. May 5, 1S.")1. Caroline Foster of \\ilinington and Kin^shiirv ()th of Wilmington. -lune !», l.So:{. I'"raiik M. Foster of Tewksbury and Annie M. Ilarniien of W il- niiiigton. Dec. •2-\, 1S8(). FRAZEE. Walter (i. Frazee of Soniervilie and Florence K. Folkins of ^^'il- mington. June L*.S, l.S!)3. FRENCH, .Sanuiel French of Wohurn and Uebecca Wade of ^\■ilnungtoll. Dec. -JT, 1750. Leonard French of Manchester. X. H. and .Mary D. .Moor of .Vni herst. N. H.. dune 2."). lf^()7. IROST. Hannah Frost and Samuel I'reston, both ot \Vilmington. Afav L'7, 17.54. Lucy Frost and Jacob Fames, both of \\'ilmington, dan. •_'2, 175('). Samuel Frost and .\bigail (irittin, both of \\'iimington, dan. 8, 17!»0. Abigail Frost and Asa Holt, both of Wilmington. Oct. it. 17!>ii. Levi Frost of Lvnn and .Vl>igail liutters of Wilmington. Oct. lo. 1824. William A. Frost and IMiebc K. Downs, both of Wilmington, dan. l.j, 1807. FRO T TON, Maggie Frotton of \\'ilmington and Cihine Doncctte ut Fork. \\. S., Nov. — , 1S71. -lolm Frotton and Maria Surrettc both of Wilniiimton. \\>\\ 17. 1803. FR YE, Noah li. Frye of Wulnirn and Abigail Wyman of Wilmington, Dec. 2, 1813. 134 WILMINGTON UECORD OF MARRIAGES. FULLER. Blanche E. Fuller of Wilmington and Charles W. Livingston of Andover, Oct. 20, 1S«1. AValter Clark Fuller of Boston and Elizabeth \\'alke]' AA'hite of Wilmington, Nov. U, 1894. FUR BUSH. Simeon Furbush of Andover and Rachel Harnden of Wilniington. May 11, 1786. GAGE. Lilla Gage of Lawrence and John Bailey of Wilmington, Nov. \ii, 1S!)2. GALLAGHER. Thomas Gallagher of Wilmington and Lizzie Devine of Lawrence, June 11, 1887. GALLEHAN. Ann Gallehan of Andover and Augustus Xelan of Wilmington. Dec. — , 1855. GARDNER. Peleg Gardner and Peggy Tony, both of Wilmington, Oct. 1(!, 1788. Betsey Gardner of Charlestown and Oliver Carter of Wilmington, Jan. 1^6, 1808. GARVIN. Sally Garvin of Reading and Samuel Parker. Jr., of Wilmington, Jan. 3, 1793. GATES. Sarah Ann Gates and Rnel Butters, both of AV'ilmington. Aug'. 25, 1847. GEORGE. Newton George of Wilmington and Elizabeth A. Hall of IMelrose, Aug. 13, 1873. GERRY. Delia H. Gerry of Wilmington and Henry S. Convers of Lowell, Jan. 12, 188G. WILMINGTON KECUKD OF MARRIAGES. 135 GIBBS. Euima fJibbs and -loliii A. Taylor, liotli of Wiliiiiiigton, Xov. 1!. 189'_>. GIBSON, Reuben Gibson and .\bii;ail Wright, both of \\'ibnington, Nov. IS, 18-J-l. Hannah (Jibson of Wilmington ami Edward dohnson of Hurling- ton, Oct. U, 18l'4. GILLI8, Harriot (Jillis and dosepii A. Ames, both of ^^'iImington, Oct. !), IHSti. GILLS. Sallv (iills and Loammi Butters, both of Wibnington, dune ."), 'l.SOO. GILS OX. Solomon S. (iilson and Lizzio L. Bovnton, botli of Wilmington, Dec. 29, 188.). GLEJSOX. John (ileason and Elizabeth Hopkins, lioth of Wilmington, Oct. 11, 176:5. Amira (ileason and Sewall Hnok, both of A\'iIniiiigton, Mav 1 I. 1816. GLOAD. Elnathan (iload of Cludmsford anfl Dollv Foster of Wilmington. Jan. -Jti, 1S(K1 GODELL. Agne.s CJodeii and .b)se[ih O. Surrette. both of \\'iimington. Fel). 13, 1888. GOODALE. William H. (ioodale and Frances .\. Niciiols, both of Lowtdl, .Mav. 4, 1.S(;l>. GOOVRinGE. Francis (ioodridge of Liincnbiirg and Sarali (irillinof Wilmington. July -J-"), ITS-J. Goonwix. Abigail (ioodwin of Boston and -Jonathan Heed of Wilmington. July l(i, 1775. 136 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. GORDON. Lillian C. Gordon of Somerville and William T. Eanifis of \\"\\- mington, Dec. 81, 188.5. GOULD. William (iould and Sarah Fish, both of Wilmington, .luly 2S, J741. Benjamin (iould and Mary Thompson, both of Wilmington, Aug. ■22, 1782. .John Gould and Rebecca Slack, both of ^^'ilmington, .Ian. 20, ITSl. Susanna (rould and Philliji Johnson, both of A\'ilmington, ]\Lar. 1.5, 1785. Elsie M. Gould of Reading and Albert T. Eames of Wilmington, July 31, 1878. GOUNDS. Gertrude Gounds and Fred A. Eames, both of Wilmington, June 24, 1897. GOSS. Polly Goss and Simeon Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2, 1788. G OWING. Martha Gowing and Joseph Killam, both of Wilmington, Jan. 28, 1732. Sarah Gowing of Wilmington and Jonathan Damon of Reading, Dec. 27, 1748. Daniel Gowing and Sarah Burnett, both of Wilmington, Oct. 3, 1753. John Gowing and I^ydia Rich, both of Wilmington, Feb. 5, 1756. Tabitha Gowing, and John Hathorne, Jr., both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 17H6. John Gowing, Jr., and Kezia Jaques, both of Wilmington, Sept. 3, 1781. Lvdia Gowing and Jonathan Carter, both of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1781. Jabez Gowing and Sarah Jaques, both of Wilmington, May 4, 1784. ^Nfehitable (iowing and Jonathan Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, Dec. 30, 1784. Sarah (iowing of Wilmington and David Emerson of Reading, Feb. 8, 1787. Rachel Gowing and Timothy Carter, both of Wilmington, Mar. 22, 1787. Joseph Gowing and Sarah Harnden. both of Wilmington. Nov. 27, 1788. Sally Gowing of Wilmington and .losiali Sawyer of (ireenfield. N. H., Oct. 29, 1801. Thomas (iowing and Rachel Ileaton, l>oth of Wilmington, Apr. 12. 1803. WILMINGTON RFX'OKD OF MAKRIAGKS. 137 G OWING — Continued. Hannah Gowing of Wilmington ami rlolin Stiles of (ireeiificld, N. H., Sept. L>4, ls()7. Hetsey (Jowing and AUieil Carter, both of Wilmington, A])r. 0, 1814. I'hebe (Jovving and Levi Swain, hotli of Wilmington, Apr. TJ, l>ils. ,Iabez (lowing, Jr., and Ilitty i^ames, both of Wilmington, Mav 'M), ISlit. .lames (Jewing and Mary II. Eames, both of Wilmington, -Ian. 'l'-\, 1828. Sabra (iowing and rioshna riaciiiith, -Jr., lioth of Wilmington, Mar. 10, 1828. John Gowing and Kezia Hurt, both of Wilmington, Oct. 2, 1828. Jonathan (iowing and Jane Holt, both of Wilmington, Feb. 22, 1S25. Sallv (iow'ing and Calel) Kames, Jr.. both of Wilmington, Nov. -"jO, l82(J. Esther Gowing of Wilmington and Symonds I>. Eaton of Reading, Nov. 80. lS2t). Harriot (Jowing of Wilmington and Francis Carter of Hillerica, Oct. 28, 1827. Fanny Ciowing and Jonathan IJnck, both of \\'ilmingl(>n. Dec. lii, 1S20. Lydia Gowing of ^^'ilmingtoM and Joslnia Ilarnden, Jr., of Read- ing, May 2(;, 1880. Eineline (iowing and Ilammon Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Nov. 2(J, 1881. Clara A. (iowing and Charles J. liiiitt. l)oth of \\ihnington, Sept. 27, l.S8(). Daniel (iowing of Heading and Harriet K. Damon of Wilmington, Apr. 2S. 1840. ' .. \ , ^lary Jane (iowing of Wilmington and Cliarles Kidder of \o. "Heading, May 0, 1844. Esther (iowing of Wilmington ami (ieorge C. Webster of Heading, Dec. 2.'), IS 14. Daniel Gowing and Sarah Ames, both of Wilmington, Mar. 2t), 1S4S. Julia E. (iowing and James C. 4'avlor. l)oth of Wilmington. Apr. 2, 184S. (ieorge (iowing and Angelina Hearson, botii of Wilmington, Sept. 12, 18.10. Maria (iowing and Henjamin Swain, Jr.. both of Wilmington, Sept. 21, 18.-)0.^ Josephine Gowing of Wilmington and James W. Sowisbv of Ilnd- son, X. Y., July — , 18.-iJ.' Charles M. (iowing and Maria Ames, both of Wilmington, Nov. 28, 18o4. Josephine Gowing and Edwin C. Marsh, both of Wilmington. May — , 1857. Francis Gowing and Harriot M. Kames, both of Wilmington, Sept. 20, 18.')0. William E. Gowing and Charlotte K. Hlanchard, both of Wilming- ton, Mar. 13, 1860. 138 WILMINGTON KECORD OF MARRIAGES. GO WING — Continued. Sarah Gowing of Amherst and Henry Sheldon of Wihnington, Nov. — , 1861. Samuel H. (rowing and Juliet S. Ames, both of Wilmington, June 28, 1865. Joshua Gowing, Jr.. of Wilmington and Mary W. Gustin of I)an- vers, June 10, 1866. Thomas F. Gowing of Wilmington and Louisa Durgin of' Boston, Dec. 10, 1868. Clara Gowing and Daniel i\. Ui^ton, both of Wilmington, Dec. 31, 1868. Horace Gowing of Wakefield and Louisa Day of Peterboro', N. II., July 13, 1869. Charlotte K. Gowing of Wilmington and Ira O. Witham of Blue Hill, Me., June 30, 1870. Julia A. Gowing of Wilmington and George Bancroft of Lawrence, Mar. 23, 1875. Mary E. Gowing and (ieorge E. Carter, both of Wilmington, Oct. 31, 1876. Charles j\[. Gowing of Wilmington and Carrie A. (ireen of Wo- burn, June 1, 1878. Kate Gowing and Edgar N. Eames, both of Wilmington, July 24 1878. Mary Jane Gowing of AVilniington and Samuel II. Rice of Billerica Sept. 8, 1878. Fred Gowing of Wilmington and Lizzie F. Richardson of Billerica Mar. 26, 1879. Clara A. Gowing and William H. Carter, 2d, both of Wilmington May 13, 1885. Daniel H. (iowing and Mary Iveston, both of Wilmington, Dec. 22 1886. Josie H. Gowing and Henry II. Bisbee, both of Wilmington, Mar. 15, 1887. Annie E. Gowing of Lawi'ence and Fred (iowing of Medford, Aug. 8, 1888. Fred Gowing of Medford and Annie E. Gowing of Lawrence, Aug. 8, 1888. Sarah P. (iowing and Walter E. Bedell, both of Wilmington, Jan. 4, 1893. GRA CJE. Hannah (irace of Wilmington and Nathaniel Williams of Cam- bridge, May 10, 1778. Benjamin Walker (irace and Rachel Patten, both of Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1784. GMANFIELD. John Grantield and Mary ,Iane McPhiroe, both of Wilmington, Apr. 1.5, 1877. WILMINGTON RECORD OK MARRIAGES. 139 GRAY. James (Jray of IJiddeford and Saraii Ford of Wiliiiiiii^toii, Mav -~ , ITofJ. GREEN. Charles Green and Lottie A. Allen, both of \\'iliiiini;ton, Dec. "), 1875. Carrie A. Green of Wolmrii and Charles .M. (rowing of Wihiiing- ton, June 1, 1878. GRTFFIX. Sarah (iritfin of Wilmington and Francis (Joodridge of Lunenluirg, July li5, 1782. -loshna (iritRn and Abigail Brittan, both of Wilmington. A^ir. 14, 1789. Abigail (iriffin and Samuel Frost, both of Wilmington, .Ian. 8, 17!M). Abigail Griffin of lUirlington and I^oammi IJoutwell of Wilming- ton, June 17, 181'J. Hetsev (iritfin of \\'ilmingt()n anil P'raucis IJidtcrs of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1811. GRIMES. W^illiani (Jrimes and llosie McMahon, both of Wilmington, -Ian. U», 1892. GUSTTX. Mary W. (iustin of Danvers and .losiiua (lowing, .Jr., of Wilming- 'tou, June 10, IBtiU. GU13IOXT. i'^annie C. (Juyniont and Koiiald Currif, liolh of Wilmington, .Ian. K), 18S!)/ HAD LEI'. Samuel Hadley of .Medford and Esther Evans of ^^'ilmington, Dec. 9, 1790. HALE. .lames Ilale of Exeter, X. II., and Mary .\nn Eames of \Vilmiiig- ton. May 14, 184(i. Marv K. Ilale and .lohn A. Taylor, both of Wibnington, Nov. 12. '18(J;?. Angie Hale and Eleazer \\'. Davis, both of Wilmington, Nov. 1, 18(JG. Amelia A. Hale and (Jeorge L. Taylor, . I r., both of Wilmington. Jan. 28, 1892. 140 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. HALEY. William H. Haley of Wilmin^;ton and Lucy iVF. Harris of Marble- head, Oct. 2.), 1882. Eva H. Haley and Horace S. Buck, both of Wilmington, Aug. !), 1894. Edwin L. Haley and Nettie M. Buck, both of Wilmington, May 20, 189G. HALL. Silas Hall, D. D., and Lucy jNIarshall, both of Wilmington, ]May G, 1858. Mary E. Hall of and Horace B. Adams of , July 24, 1858. Elizabeth A. Hall of Melrose and Newton (Jeorge of Wilmington, Aug. l:}, 1873. Georgana Ilall of Wilmington and P^rnest E. Lord of Woburn. Apr. 22, 1890. HAM. Matilda C. Ham of Roxbury and Orlander P. Clark of Wilmington, Oct. — , 1855. HA3IBLET. Rebecca Hamblet of Wilmington and Joshua Simonds of Woburn, Aug. 27, 1740. HAMBLIK. Sophia Frances Ilamblin of Wakefield and Arthur Thomas Hond of Wilmington, INlar. 15, 1887. HAMLIN. Emma C. Handen and Herbert N. Buck, both of Wilmington, Oct- 11, 1887. HANKS. Benjamin Hanks of So. Reading and Elnta B. Eames of Wilming- ton, , 1S4U. HANNIFORD. ]\rary E. Hanniford of Billerica and James H. Batcheller (jf Wil- mington, Sept. — , 185!). HANNON. Catharine Hannon of Andover and Peter Cassidy of Wilmington, June 20, 1880. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIA<;KS. 141 HARNDEN. Josepli Hariiden and Esther Pierce, both of Wilmington, Dec. 1*0. 17.J9. .loshua Ilarnden and Sarah Cornell, l)oth of ^^'iInlin'^ton. Dec. 8, 170:3. lienjaniin Ilarnden, -Jr., of Wihnington and Ilannali Ki(hler of 'lewkshnry, Dee. !*, 17'iO. .lolm Harnden'and Rutii I'ierce, both of Wihnington, Apr. 7, 17r..s. Kstlier Ilarnden ami Samnel Eanie.s, Jr., both of Wibninnton. Fel). IS, 177S. Estlier Ilarnden and lu'ubcii iliick, both of Wihnington, May •_'. 17SL>. Hannah Ilarnden and Iliowii Ibirt, liotli of Wilmington. Oct. •Il, 178.-). r.etsey Ilarnden and David doncs. dr., both of Wilmington. Miir. 10, 1780. Kachel Ilarnden of Wilmington and Simeon Fnrbiish of Amiover, May 11, 17S(i. Sarah Ilarnden and Joseph (Jowiiig, both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1788. Joseph Harnden and Tolly Ja Samuel Ilarnden and Tolly Tiper. both of Wilmington. July "JiJ, 1798. Nancy Harnden of \\iliiiingtoii and Levi 'I'rull of 'I'ewksbury, Nov. -iil, 1798. Ebenezer Harnden ami Esther Baldwin, butii of Wilmington. Dec. •_>9, 18(»1. Clarisa Harnden and Jonathan Jones, bdlh of Wilmingt(m. Dee. •J .3, ISOI. Abigail Ilarnden and Amos Flint, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11. l80.-). Rhoda Ilarnden of ^^"ilmington and .bimes Dean of Burlington, Nov. -27, 1800. Kebecca Harnden of Wilmington and Caleb Warren of Fryburg, Feb, 10, 1.S07. Olive Harnden of Wilmington and Rernece Tichardson of \\"a]tliam, Oct. 10, 1808. Jonathan Ilarnden and Khoda Abbott, both of Wilmington, l-'cii. 0, 1809. Eucretia Harnden and Joel Tweed both of Wilmington. May 29, 1811. Susanna llariuleii and Jabez Jones, both of Wilmiii:;ton. Apr. I'O, 1818. 142 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. HABNDEN— Continued. Eliza S. Harnden of Wilmington and Nathan Townsend of Andover, Oct. 20, 1820. Betsey J. Harnden of Wilmington and Lilly Eaton of Portsmonth, N. H., Mar, 21, 1822. Samuel Harnden, Jr., and Nancy Tweed, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1822. Sarah Harnden of Wilmington and James Tweed, Jr., of Wobiirn, May 4, 1826. .Foshua Harnden, Jr., of Reading and Lydia Gowing of Wilming- ton, May 26, 1830. Louisa Harnden of Wilmington and Lorenzo White of Boston, Sept. 11, 1831. James J. Harnden of Wilmington and Mary W. Newhall of Lynn- field, Apr. 17, 1838. Albert Harnden and Susan E. Philbrook, both of Wilmington, June 18, 1839. William Harnden and Hannah Harnden, both of Wilmington, Oct. 4, 1839. Hannah Harnden and AVilliam Harnden, both of Wilmington, Oct. 4, 1839. Elbridge Harnden and Abigail Swain, both of Wilmington, Jan. 23, 1844. Albert Harnden and Mary Harnden, both of Wilmington, Nov. 6, 1844. Mary Harnden and Albert Harnden, both of Wilmington, Nov. 6, 1844. Helen Harnden of Wilmington and James P. INIorton of Roxbury, June 22, 1845. Irene L. Harnden and James F. Buck, both of Wilmington, Nov. — , 1855. Everell Harnden and Julia A. demons, both of Ballard Yale, Nov. 13, 1856. Henry Harnden and Emma F. Pearson, both of Wilmington, Nov. 14, 1801. Otis Harnden of AVilmington and ^Nlay L. Batcheller of No. Read- ing, Dec. — , 1805. (leorge W. Harnden of Lvnn and Mary A. Carter of Wilmington, Jan. 25, 1.S08. Anna M. Harnden of Wilmington and (Jeorge F. Dane of Andover, Dec. 23, 1S75. Lizzie J. Harnden and William H. Carter, 2d, both of AVilmington, Sept. 30, 1879. Annie M. Harnden of AVilmington and Frank ]\L Foster of Tewks- bury, Dec. 23, 1880. Frank Harnden of A\'ilmington and Annie Brown of Taunton, June 15, 1882. HABBIMAN. Fred T. Harriman of Wilmington and Iralon M. ^^'alker of Everett, Mar. 12, 1895. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 143 HA RRIXG TON. Hiram Harrington of linrlington and Fannv ("ook of liillerica, MayKJ, 1S41. Elizabeth L. Harrington of Wilmington and Cliarlfs X. Villas of New York City, Dec. 16, 1S79. HAllRIS. Lucy M. Harris of Marl.leliead and William II. Haley of Wil- mington, Oct. 2.'i, ls,S2. Lydia A. Harris of Franklin and .ledntlian Richardson of Wilming- ton, June 8(1, 1S87. Marrietta fJ. Harris of Wilmington and .lohii I'. Wilson of Boston, Xov. -JO, 1S88. Herbert A. Harris of Wilmington antl Mabel C. Urown of Marble- head, Nov. iL', 181>1. HART. David Hart of Heading and Susanna Kames of Wilmington, Xov. U, 1816. Lizzie M. Hart of Wilmington and Itvland D. ISatcheldcr of Bos- ton, Jan. 14, 18[tl'. HARTY. Sarah Hartv and Timothy Martin, both of Wilmington, Nov. li', 18.")0. HARVEY. Marv Harvev and Caleb Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, .Mav "-'2, '176(1. HATCH. Benjamin F. Hatch and Susan KUcu (raiulalK both of Cambridge, Oct. 12. 1862. HATHORNE. Samuel llathorne of Wilmingfou and (irace Walker of Woburn. Feb. 11, 1711. Elizabeth llathorne and Edward Kemlall, , Dec. — . 1712. Ebenezer Hathorne and .Marv Dclajt, both of ^\'ilnlingt(ln. Jan. 8, 1760. Mrs. (irace Hathorne and Caleb Eanies, both of Wilmington, Aug. 7, 1760. Collins Hathorne and Saraii Dean, both of ^^'ilmington. June f), 17(n. John Hathorne -Fr., and Tabitha (lowing, both of Wilmington. Nov. 27, 1766. William Hathorne of Woolwich and Mary Jeidcins of Wilmington, Mar. 30, 1780. 144 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. HAYDEJV. Morton Hayden and Angelina Sargent, both of AV^ilmington, Mar. 1, 1894. SA YES. Annie Hayes and Patrick Donovan, both of AVibTiiington, Apr. 25, 1888. Timothy F. Hayes of Billerica and Lena Casey of A>'ihiiington. Kov. 24, 1889. HAY WARD. Susanna Havward and John Walkei', botli of Wilmington, Mar. 28, 176.5. James Hayward and Keziah Batters, both of A\'ihnington, Dec. 7, 1771. (ieorge Henry Hayward of No. Reading and Mary E. Parker of Wilming-ton, Mar. — , 1869. HAZELTINE. Olive Hazeltine and Jacob Beard, -Jr., both of Wilmington, Veh. 22, 177(). HEABNE. (ieorge Hearne and Frances F. Pierce, both of Wilmington, Jan. 14, 186!). H EATON. IJachel Heaton and Thomas Gowing, both of A\"ilmington, Apr. 12. 180:}. HEBBAltn. Zaclieus Ilebbard and Abigail .Johnson, both of Wilmington, May 24, 174S. Zacheus Hebbard and Susanna Parker, both of A\'ilmington, Feb. 20, 1765. HE BRICK. Joseph Herrick of Lewiston and JNIary Preston of Wilmington, Oct. 17, 1775. HIGGINS. Catharine Higgins of .\ndover and .lohn Kelley of Wilmington, Kov. 26, 1878. Jane A. Higgins of Andover and Joshua Bond of A\'ilmington, Oct. 17, 188.5. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 145 HILL. Amos Hill of Tewksbury and Sophronia Jaquith of Wilmington, Sept. 28, 1850. Mary J. Ilill of Reading and Benjamin F. Waitt of Wilmington, HILLER. Henry Hiller and France B. Hiller, both of Wilmington, Mar. 15 and Apr. 2, 1893. France B. Hiller and Henry Hiller, both of Wilmington, Mar. 15 and Apr. 2, 1893. HOB ART. Frank W. Hobart of Quincy and Ardelle W. Butters of Wilming- ton, June 16, 1886. HOBBS. Sarah P. Hobbs and John X. Fames, both of Wilmington, May 29, 1853. HODGES. Ilattie M. Hodges of Woburn and James E. Stevens of Wilming- ton, Sept. 11, 1890. HOLDEN. Abiel Holden of Reading and Martha Raynolds of Wilmington, Mar. — , 1859. HOLT. James Holt of Andover and Martha Winn of Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1742. Simeon Holt of Andover and Sarah Reed of Wilmington, Mar. 31, 1767. Joseph Holt, Jr., of Reading and Mary Carter of Wilmington, Dec. 9, 1779. Lois Holt of Andover and Moses Pearson of Wilmington, Jan. 4, 1785. Asa Holt and Abigail Frost, both of Wilmington, Oct. 9, 1796. Hannah Holt of Wilmington and Jacob P^ames, Jr., of Lynnfield, July 1.5, 1802. Thomas Holt of Andover and Ruth Beard of Wilmington, ]\Iay 28, 1812. Jane Holt and Jonathan Gowing, both of Wilmington, Feb. 22, 1825. Mary Holt of Wilmington and Frederick J. Thomas of Northport, Me., Mar. 11, 1835. Mary Ann Holt and William 1). Allen, both of Wilmington, Apr. 5, 1857. y 146 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. HOLT— Continued. Maria V. Holt of Wilmington and John O. Blanchard of Somer- ville, Nov. 6, 1867. Sarah K. Holt of Wilmington and Edward Blanchard of Andover, Nov. — , 1869. Clara J. Holt of Wilmington and Walter H. Stickney of No. Cam- bridge, Oct. 24, 1870. Martin F. Holt and Ella L. Carter, both of Wilmington, Oct. 14. 1878. HOOBLEY. Marinda H. Hoodley of and John H. White of Boston, May 18, 1856. HOOPER. Phebe Hooper of Wilmington and Nicholas Strieker of Roxburv, Nov. 29, 1731. HOPKINS, Hannah Hopkins and Jonathan Jones, both of AVilmington, Dec. 31, 1747. William Hopkins of Wilmington and Rebecca Reed of Woburn, Mar. 28, 1754. Rebecca Hopkins of Woburn and Zacheriah Alexander of Wil- mington, Apr. 21, 1761. Richard Hopkins and Mary Walker, both of AVilmington, Dec. 16, 1762. Ruth Hopkins and Joseph Coggin, Jr., both of Wilmington, Oct. 6. 1763. Elizabeth Hopkins and John Gleason both of Wilmington, Oct. 11, 1763. Jesse Hopkins of Wilmington and Keziah Twist of AVoburn, Feb. I, 1782. Ebenezer Hopkins and Dorcas Stanley, both of AVilmington, Apr. II, 1793. Samuel Hopkins, Jr., and Rebecca Butters, both of AVilmington, Nov. 19, 1795. Sarah Hopkins of Wilmington and John Thompson of Boston, June 1, 1809. Jesse Hopkins and Hannah Boutwell, both of AVilmington, May 19, 1811. Rebecca Hopkins aui Samuel Eanies, Esq., both o~f AVilmington, Nov. 28, 1822. Lavina Hopkins of Wilmington and Joseph Newal of Charlestow^n, Jan. 21, 1823. Sarah J. Hopkins and Joseph Bond, 3d, both of AVilmington, Sept. 13, 1832. Susan Hopkins of Wilm ington and Edwin H. Allen of Billeriac, Mar, — , 1841. ) WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 147 HOFKINS— Continued. Keziah Hopkins of Wilmington and Andrew J. Wheeler of Lowell, Oct. 5, 181-2. Charles Hopkins of Woburn and Judith E. Xichols of Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1817. SOFKINSON. John E. Ilopkinson of Lowell and Annie T. Pearson of Wilming- ton, July l;i, 1887. MORTON. Howard M. Horton and Lizzie T. Sheldon, both of Wilmington, Oct. 24, 189U. HOWARD. John L. Howard of Swanzey and Mary E. Bancroft of Wilmington, Aug. l;}. 185:5. William J. Howard of Wilmington and Annie B. Shaw of Daniel- sonville, Conn., June 8, 1881. HO WE. Isabel Howe of Wilmington and Barzillia Pierce of Hollis, Dec. 7, 1772. HULL. Hannah M. Hull and Hiram Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Apr. 6, ISO!). =. ' i ' HUNT. Nathaniel Hunt and Rebecca Cordwell, both of Wilmington, Dec. 12, 17!)2. William Hunt and Inez ^I. White, both of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1858. HUTCHINSON. Lottie Belle Hutchinson of Reading and Charles C. Johnson of Wilmington, Nov. 28, 1895. INGEBSON. David H. Ingerson and Jane L. Dawson, both of Wilmington, Oct. 30, 1832. IRELAND. Martha E. Ireland of Wilmington and Edwin Ireland of Medford, June 30, 1867. Edwin Ireland of Medford and Martha E. Ireland of Wilmington, June 30, 1867. 148 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. IVESTON. Mary Iveston and Daniel H. Gowing, both of Wilmington, Dec. 22, 1886. JACKSON. Sally Jackson and Nathaniel Duntlin, both of Wilmington, Oct. 6, 1785. JAQUES. Samuel Jaques and Keziah Thompson, both of Wilmington, May 28, 1751. Samuel Jaques, Jr., and Ruth Wyman, both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 1773. Lydia Jaques of Wilmington and Jonathan Johnson of Woburn, Dec. 12, 1776. Kezia Jaques and John Gowing, both of Wilmington, Sept. 13, 1781. John Jaques and Hannah Eames, both of Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1781. Sarah Jaques and Jabez Gowing, both of Wilmington, May 4, 1784. Ruth Jaques and Abraham Stanley, both of AVilmington, Aug. 2, 1792. Abigail Jaques and Eldad Whitting, both of Wilmington, May 24, 1795. Polly Jaques and Oliver Jaquith, both of Wilmington, Nov. 15, '1804. Lois Jaques and Sewall Carter, both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1806. Sally Jaques of Wilmington and John Skilton of Charlestown, May 4, 1809. Samuel Jaques, Esq., and Mrs. Esther Buck, both of Wilmington, Aug. 6, 1809. Sabra Jaques and Timothy Carter, Jr., both of Wilmington, Dec. 7, 1816. James Jaques of Wilmington and Martha A. Cutler of Burlington, May 28, 1874. JAQULTH. Ebenezer Jaquith of Wilmington and Rebecca Stearns of , June 19, 1739. Mary Jaquith and John Eames, both of Wilmington, Mar. 1.5, 1753. Margaret Jaquith and Jdmes Carter, both of Wilmington, Dec. 18, 1755. Mary Jaquith and William Pearson, both of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1756. John Jaquith, Jr., and Hannah Thompson, both of Wilmington, Sept. 8, 17.57. Ebenezer Jaquith of Wilmington and Elizabeth Whitting of Bil- lerica, Jan. 8, 1760. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 149 JAQUITH— Continued. Joshua Jaquith and and Hannah Heard, Vjoth of Wilmington, May 27, 17(i-2. Rebecca Jaquith and Isaac Beard, both of Wilmington, Dec. lO, 17()'2. Ebenezer Jaquith of Wilmington and Mary Danforth of Billerica, July V2, 1763. Sarah Jaquith and rbmathan Thompson, both of Wilmington, July 8, 17(i7. Judith Jaciuith and Samuel Coggin, both of Wilmington, Mar. 2!>, 1770. Elizabeth Jaquith of Wilmington and Samuel Willoughby of Mol- lis, Dec. :5, 1772. Isaac Jaquith of Wilmington and Ursula Walker of Billerica, Jan. 14, 177:i. Jonathan .laquith of Wilmington and Lydia Johnson, of Wobnrn, Jan. 11, 1773. - ^ David Jacjuith and Hannah Jones, both of Wilmington, June 23, 1778. Nathan Jaquith of Wilmington and Anna Crosby of Billerica, July 28, 1778. Hannah .Jaquith and Thomas Killam, both of Wilmington, Apr. 12, 1781. John .Jaquith, Jr., and Ruth Butters, both of Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1781. Hannah Jaquith and Nathaniel Morrill, both of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1781. Abigail Jacjuith of Wilmington and Jeremiah Crosby of Billerica, Oct. 23, 1783. .Susanna Jaquith and Benjan)iii Thompson, Jr., both of Wilming- ton, Jan. 22, 178-4. Lucretia Jaquith and James Cornell, both of Wilmington, Jan. 4, 1787. Patty Jaquith of Wilmington and Jeremiali Abbott of Asht)urn- ham, Nov. 2 » > Joel Jenkins of Lowell and Sarah M. Steele of Wilmington, June 30, 1831. JENNES. Mary Jennes and David Merrill, both of AVilmington, May 27, 1818. JENNINGS. Charles Jennings and Annie J. Clough, both of \\'ilmington, Feb. 27, 1889. JOHNSON. Samuel Johnson of Woburu and Judith Kendall of Wilmington, . Dec. 23, 1731. Abigail Johnson and Zacheus Ilebbard, both of A\ ilmington, May 24, 1748. Mary Johnson of Woburn and James Boutwell of Wilmington, Nov. 4, 1756. Joseph Johnson, Jr., of Woburn and Kuth Kendall of A\'ilminoton Apr. 10, 1760. Olive Johnson of Woburn and ^^'illiam Barron of Wilmin<'ton Mar. 18, 1762. Lydia Johnson of Woburn and Jonathan Ja(iuith of ^Vilmin<'ton Jan. 14, 1773. Jonathan .Johnson of Woburn and Lydia Jaques of AVilmington, Dec. 12, 1776. Molly Johnson and Jesse Dean, both of Wilmington, Oct. 2, 1777. Lucy Johnson and James Carter, both of Wilmington, June 17, 1779. 152 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. JOSNSON— Continued. Philip Johnson and Susanna Gould, both of Wilmington, Mar. 15, 1785. Isaac Johnson, Jr., of Woburn and Ruth Burt of Wilmington, May 22, 1806. Susanna Johnson of Wilmington and Reuben Beard of Tewksbury, Mar. 11, 1806. P^dward Johnson of Burlington and Hannah Gibson of Wilming- ton, Oct. 14, 1824. Oscar E. Johnson of Woburn and Sophia B. Bancroft of Wilming- ton, Dec. 17, 1868. AVilliam H. Johnson and Susie E. Flanders, both of Wilmington, Sept. 21, 1878. Charles C. Johnson of Wilmington and Lottie Belle Hutchinson of Reading, Nov. 28, 1895. JOHNSTON. Annie J. Johnston and John W. Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Nov. 23, 1888. Eliza Johnston of Durham, N. B., and John W. Bancroft of Wil- mington, June 1, 1897. JONES. Abigail Jones of Wilmington and John Taylor of Woburn, Jan. 19, 1732. William Jones and Rebecca Jenkins, both of Wilmington, Mar. 25, 1745. Abigail Jones and William Thompson, both of Wilmington, Nov. 24, 1747. Jonathan Jones and Hannah Hopkins, both of Wilmington, Dec. 31, 1747. Martha Jones and Nathan Carter, both of Wilmington, Jan. 23, 1752. Josiah Jones 'of Andover and Mary Trifery of AVilmington, Nov. 27, 1753. ■ Jacob Jones and Mary Winn, both of Wilmington, jMay 16, 1758. Ebenezer Jones of Wilmington and Rachel Sawyer of Reading, July 19, 1759. David Jones and Martha Winn, both of Wilmington, Jan. 10, 1760. Mary Jones and Ebenezer Foster, both of Wilmington, Mar. 8, 1768. Hannah Jones and David Jaquith, both of AVilmineton, June 23, 1778. Mrs. Martha Jones and Rev. John Marrett, both of Woburn, Dec. 16, 1779. Lucy Jones and Jacob Eames, both of Wilmington, Aug. 3, 1780. Hephzibah Jones and Moses Pearson, both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1781. Sarah Jones and William Pearson, both of Wilmington, June 15, 1784. Phebe Jones and Elijah Beard, both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 1785. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 163 JONES— Contimied. David Jones, Jr., and Betsey Harnden, both of Wilmington, Mar. 16, 178(). Willard Jones of AVilmington and Bridget Tlioinpson of Woburn, Aug. 20, 179;}. Ruth (Rachel) Jones and Jonathan Thompson, both of Wilming- ton, June 10, 179."i. Aaron Jones and Rebecca Beard, both of Wilmington, Apr. 13, 1797. Abel Jones and Abigail Jones, both of Wilmington, Jan. 2, 1800. Abigail Jones and Abel Jones, both of Wilmington, Jan. 2, 1800. Abiel Jones of Wihnington and Lucy Carter of Burlington, Nov. 2:3, 1800. Isaac Jones of Wilmington and Sarah Kimball Balch of Burling- ton, Dec. 4, 1800. Rebecca Jones and Jesse Farewell, both of Wilmington, Jan. 2;"), 1803. Jonathan Jones and Clarisa Harnden, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2.5, 1804. Elizabeth Jones of AVilmington and Lt. Samuel 'I'hompson of Tewksbury, Apr. 14, 1808. Betsev Jones and Abner Stanley,' botli of Wilmington, Dec. 15, 1808. Nancy Jones and George Burt, both of Wilmington, Nov. 5, 1812. Elbridge Jones and Katharine Beard, both of Wilmington, Jan. 28, 1813. Abigail Jones and Samuel Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, Feb. 14, 181f5. Jabez Jones and Susanna Harnden, both of Wilmington, Apr. 20, 1818. Jacob Jones and Abigail Boutwell, both of Wilmington, Dec. 26, 1821. Hannah Jones and James Stanley, both of AVilmington, May 4, 1823. Joab Jones and Elizabeth Jane Reed, both of Wilmington, Oct. 3, 1824. Hephzibah Jones and Harrison Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Dec. 16, 1828. Jephthah Jones and Mehitable Woodruff, both of Billerica, ^lay 10, 1844. Susan Jones of Andover and AVilliam H. Pool of Wilmington, Aug. 24, 1845. Maria Jones of and Henry L. Tingley of , June 6, 1852. Hannah J. Jones and John Seavy, both of Fryburg, Me., Sept. 7, 1862. JOY. Martha A. Joy and J. Howard Eames, both of Wilmington, Oct. 18, 1883. JUDSOK. Dr. Walter P. B. Judson of So. Bridgewater and Hannah Thomp- son of Wilmington, Apr. 13, 1824. 164 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. KAIME. Kingsbury G. Kaime of Haverhill and Caroline Foster of Wilming- ton, Mar. 15, 1851. KEARNS. Mary A. Kearns of Woburn and William A. Fierce of Wilmington, Feb. 4, 1861. KEEFE. Ellen Keefe and Patrick Martin, both of Wilmington, Dec. — , 1856. KELLET. James Kellet and Annie Brady, both of Wilmington, July 15, 1877. James Kellet and Ida M. Travis, both of Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1881. KELLEY. James (4. Kelley and Amanda M. Kimball, both of Wilmington, Jan. 5, 1854. Mary V. Kelley of Woburn and Benjamin F. Ferry of Wilming- ton, June 26, 1872. Mary M. Kelley and Michael Cragin, both of Wilmington, Oct. 18, 1873. John Kelley of Wilmington and Catharine Higgins of Andover. Nov. 26. 1873. James E. Kelley of Wilmington and Mary J. Martin of Woburn, July 3, 1881. KELLOM, or KILLOM. Oliver J. Kellom of Haverhill and Betsey Nichols of Wilmington, May 7, 1846. Francene Kellom and Daniel Porter, both of Wilmington, July 19, ]863. J. Warren Kellom and E. Lizzie Buck of Wilmington, Jan. 16, 1879. Esther E. Killom and Edward M. Nichols, both of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1885. KENDALL. Judith Kendall of Wilmington and Samuel .lohnson of Woburn, Dec. 23, 1731. Ephraim Kendall and Ruth Pierce, botli of Wilmington, Feb. 24, 1737. Edward Kendall and Elizabeth Hathorne, of , Dec. — , 1742. Judith Kendall of Wilmington and Josiah Richardson of Billerica, Jan. 31, 1749. Enoch Kendall of Wilmington and Mary Kitteredge of Tewksbury, Dec. 17, 1754. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 155 KENDALL— Continued. Ruth Kendall of Wilmington and Joseph Johnson, Jr., of Woburn, Apr. 10, 1700. Esther Kendall and William Slack, both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 1761. Mary Kendall and Xathaniel Scales, both of Wilmington, Apr. 2G, 1781. Anna Kendall and Nathan Scales, Jr., both of Wilmington, Dec. 18, 1781. Ruth Kendall and William Eanies, both of Wilmington, May 28, 1792. Enoch Kendall and Lvdia Carter, both of Wilmington, Feb. 19, 1795. Jonathan Kendall and Lydia Foster, both of Wilmington, Feb. 1, 1797. Ezra Kendall and Susanna Walker, both of "Wilmington, Nov. 30, 1815. John Kendall, 2d, of Woburn and Lavinia Routwell of Wilmington, Jan. 5, 1830. Frances R. Kendall of Wilmington and Ezra Manning of Reading, Sept. 30, 1844. KENNEY, -lohn Kennev of ^\'i]lllingt()n and Mary Duffee of Andover, Xov. 20, 1880''. James Kennev of Wilmington and Mary F. Fergerson of Boston, Oct. 16, 1887. KENWORTSY. William Kenworthy of \A'ilmington and ^Nlary Jane Thompson of Andover, Sept. 7, 1861. KERNON. James Kernon of Stoneham and ]\Iary Wood of Wilmington, , 1875. KIDDER. Hannah Kidder of Tewksbury and Iienjamin Harnden, Jr.. of AVilmington, Dec. f), 1766. Dorcas Kidder and Jeduthiin Stanlev. both of Wilmington, .Jan. 23, 1772. Franklin Kidder of Tewksbury and Dorcas Burt of Wilmington, Xov. 27, 1827. Charles Kidder of -Xo. Reading and Mary Jane Gowing of Wil- mington, IMay 9, 1844. Frank W. Kidder of Stoneham and ^Nfary A. Sheldon of Wilming- ton, Mar. 17, 1880. KILLAM. Joseph Killam and Martha (lowino, lioth of Wilmington, Jan. 28, 1732. 156 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. KILLAM, — Continued. Mary Killam and Samuel Buck, both of Wilmington, Apr. 1, 1746. Martha Killam of Wilmington and John Tottingham of Woburn, Aug. 29, 1751. Martha Killam and James Scales, both of Wilmington, July 9, 1754. Hannah Killam and Ephraim Buck, Jr., both of Wilmington, Sept. 30, 1756. Mary Killam and John Butters, both of Wilmington, Apr. 26, 1757. Benjamin Killam and Sarah Foster, both of AA'ilmington, Oct. 1, 1761. Ruth Killam and Samuel Butters, Jr., both of Wilmington, Oct. 7, 1762. Mrs. Sarah Killam and Stephen Wesson, both of Wilmington, Nov. 7, 1771. Thomas Killam and Hannah Jaquith, both of Wilmington, Apr. 12, 1781. Abigail Killam of Lyndeboro and Samuel Parker of Wilmington, June 13, 1785. KIMBALL. Amanda M. Kimball and James G. Kelley, both of Wilmington, Jan. 5, 1854. Orietta E. Kimball of Wilmington and Henry A. Bean of Stone- ham, Oct. — , 1858. Josephine Kimball and Daniel N. Pearson, both of Wilmington, July 28, 1859. KINCAID. Jane L. Kincaid and Frank E. Avery, both of Wilmington, July 20, 1878. Emma L. Kincaid of Chelsea and J. Arthur Taylor of Wilming- ton, Mar. 26, 1889. KING. Harriot T. King of Lynn and Levi Reynolds of Wilmington, Nov. — , 1861. KINGSBURY. Charles H. Kingsbury and Charlotte A. Bowen, both of AVoburn, Nov. 23, 1853. KITTEREDGE or KITTBIDGE. Mary Kitteredge of Tewksbury and Enoch Kendall of Wilmington, Dec. 17, 1754. Daniel Kitteredge of Hollis, N.H., and Esther Foster of AVilming- ton, Jan. 13, 1800. Ebenezer Kitteredge of Wilmington and Ruth Eaton of Reading, Dec. 22, 1829. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 157 KITTEBEDGE or KITTllIDGE— Continued. Henry R. Kittridge of Tewksbury and Hannah J. lUick of Wil- mington, Oct. 1, 1835. Dr. Edniond V. Kittridge and Harriet C. Richardson, botli of Wil- mington, Oct. S, 18-13. LANE. George E. Lane of Burlington and Mary A. Butters of Wihning- ton, May 24, 1884. LARRABEE. Lizzie A. Larrabee and Nathaniel C. E. Clark, both of Wilming- ton, Nov. 9, 1897. LAUCHLEN. Allen Lauchlen of Goffstown and Betsey Dean of WiLmingtou, Jan. IG, 1794. LAW. Joseph Law of Sharon, N. H.. and Harriot Carter of Wilmington, Nov. 16, 1821. LEATHE. Clarimond W. Leathe of Woburn and William Bacon of Wilming- ton, Dec. 31, 1843. LEA riTT. Georgiana F. Leavitt of Wilmington and William C. Emery of Fitchburg, June 9, 1859. LEFA VO UR. Fannie Lefavour and Rudolph Babine, both of Wilmington, Aug. 18, 1891. LE WIS. Joseph Lewis and Lydia Pearson, both of- Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1731. John Lewis of Wilmington and Phebe Walker of Billerica, jNIar. 14, 1745. Lydia Lewis and Samuel Buck, Jr., both of Wilmington, Oct. 15, 1751. Susanna Lewis and Philip Peters, both of Wilmington, Apr. 7, 1708. Arthur W. Lewis of Woburn and Harriet G. Swain of Wilming- ton, Apr. 26, 1881. 158 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. LIB BY. Nellie M. Libby of Wilmington and Daniel M. Richardson of Melrose, Oct. 10, 1897. LITTLEFIELD, Joanna Littlefield of Wilmington and Cyrus G. Barnard of Worces- ter, Apr. .5, 1842. Maliala Littlefield of Wilmington and Edwin T. Searl of Lowell, Sept. 20, 1842. Almira Littlefield and George L. Smith, both of Worcester, Dec. 15, 1846. LIVINGSTON. Charles W. Livingston of Andover and Blanche E. Fuller of Wil- mington, Oct. 20, 1881. LOCKE. Betsey Locke and Caleb Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, May 3, 1796. LORD. Ernest C. Lord of Woburn and Georgana Hall of Wilmington, Apr. 22, 1896. LOVE JOY. Thomas L. Lovejoy of Reading and Mary Sheldon of Wilmington, Dec. 18, 18.56.' Maria M. Lovejoy of Billerica and Josiah Batchelder of Wilming- ton, Apr. 2, 1860. LOWE. Peter Lowe and Sarah Eames, both of Wilmington, Mar. 27, 1773. Newton Lowe of Amherst, N. II. and Helen Richardson of Wil- mington, May 13, 1847. Timothy Lowe and Mary Saunders, both of "NA'ilmington, Apr. — , 1855. Samuel Lowe of Andover and Caroline E. Batchelder of Wilming- ton, Nov. — , 1862. George T. Lowe and Florence S. Eames, both of Wilmington, Jan. 27, 1877. Edward E. Lowe and Harriet Ida Perry, both of Wilmington, Oct. 21, 1885. Mccormick. Archibald D. McCormick of Arlington and Abbie P. Swain of Wil- mington, Oct. 1, 1889. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 159 Mcdonald. John ^IcDonald and Esther E. Perry, botli of AVilniington, Apr. 30, 18()(). Arthur P. McDonald and Sarali E. Smith, hotli of Wilmington, Oct. 20, 1886. McDOUGALD. Catharine McDougald of Maiden and John Muri)hy of Wilming- ton, Nov. 15, 1892. McENltOE. Mary Jane ]\IcEnroe and John (Jrandfield, both of Wilmington, Apr. 15, 1877. Isabella McEnroe and Thomas ^Ic^NIahon, both of AVilmington, July 4, 1880. Annie M. McEnroe and Peter Mc^Iahon, both of AVilniington, June 7, 1893. Susan F. McEnroe and -Joseph E. Doucette, both of Wilmingtoi, May 2, 1894. McGEE. Elizabeth li. Mc(iee and Charles L. Skinner, both of Wilmington, Jan. 22, 1853. McGRANE. Annie F. McGrane and Michael J. McMahon, both of \\'ilmington, Aug. 12, 1888. McGBORY. I'atrick McGrory of Wilmington and Mary Malone of Woburn, Oct. 1, 1890. MclNTOSH. Ann Maria Mcintosh and Charles II. Evans, both of Boston, Mav 18, 1851. Schamiel II. Mcintosh and Agnes L. Mathinson, both of \\ilniing- ton, Oct. 3, 1892. McKAY. Herbert L. McKay of Reading and (uace Sideliuker of Wilming- ton, June 17,1889. Ebenezer McKav of Wilmington and Susan J. Skinner of Wobiirn, Dec. 10, 18S56. McKEXZTE. Hichard M. McKenzie of Hoston and Abby A. Carter of Wilming- ton, Aug. 27, 1870. 160 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. McMAMON. Thomas McMahon and Isabella McEnroe, both of Wilmington, July 4, 1880. Michael J. McMahon and Annie F. McGrane, both of Wilmington, Aug. 12, 1888. Rosie McMahon and William (Irimes, both of Wilmington, Jan. 19, 1892. Peter McMahon and Annie M. McEnroe, both of Wilmington, June 7, 1893. McMILL'AN. Lizzie A. MciNIillan of Andover and Eugene H. Mathews of Wil- mington, June 6, 1894. McPHAIL. Charles McPhail of Wilmington and Margaret J. M. Fergerson of Lowell, June 20, 1888. MACE. Edward Mace and Fanny Teresa Jane Skeats " Whittaker " Mace, both of Wilmington, Jan. 1, 1877. Fanny Teresa Jane Skeats " Whittaker " Mace and Edward Mace, both of Wilmington, Jan. 1, 1877. M AGO ON. Sarah J. Magoon of Ballard Vale and Timothy D. Upton of Wil- mington, July 1.5, 1874. MAGUIRE. Dennis Maguire of Wilmington and Ellen Murphy of Woburn, Oct. 9, 1890. MAGUS. Pomp Magus of Stoneham and Naomi Rolf of Reading, Feb. 2, 1789. MAHON. Catharine Mahon (Meehan) of Wilmington and James Costello of Woburn, July 2, 1859. M ALONE. Mary Malone of Woburn and Patrick McGrory of Wilmington, Oct. 1, 1890. MANNING. Thomas Manning of Tewksbury and Abigail Stanley of Wilming- ton, Apr. 2, 1776. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGF':S. 161 MANNING — Continued. Jacob Manning and Elizabetli Carter, both of \\'ilMiington, Sept. 28, 181(1. Jonathan Manning of Tewksbury and Abra Carter of Wihning- ton. May 31, ISl'1. Ezra Manning of Reading and Frances K. Kendall of Wilmington, Sept. 30, 1814. Jacob Manning and Mehitable A. Thayer, both of Wilmington, Jnly 24, 1845. Jonathan .Manning and Catharine Armstrong, both of Wilmington, Ang. (), 1S.")S. Clark M. Manning of linrlington and I>ydia A. Uontwell of Wil- mington, Jan. 20, 187G. MANSFIELD. Joseph ]Manstield of Danvers annck of Wilmington. June .'), 1880. MARTIN. Daniel Martin and .^b^ry Xee, both of Wilmington, Apr. Id, IS.j;}. Patrick Martin and Ellen Keefe, both of Wilmington, Dec. — , 18.")(i. Timothy Martin and Sarah Ilarty, both of Wilmington, Nov. 12, IS.-;!). Sophia Martin of Charlestown and Sullivan Butters of Wilming- ton, Feb. 2, 187.5. Mary J. Martin of Woburn and -lames E. Kellev of Wilmington. "July3, 18S1. 162 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. MASON. Georgianna A. Mason and Edward E. Poore, both of Wilmington, Sept. 11, 1886. Arthur C.Mason of No. Reading and Abbie S. Carter of Wilming- ton, Feb. 8, 1887. MATHER. Joshua Mather of Billerica and Sarah Ann Fall of Wilmington, July 4, 1861. MATHEWS. Eugene H. IMathews of Wilmington and Lizzie A. McMillen of Andover, June 6, 1894. MATHINSON. Agnes L. Mathinson and Schamiel R. Mcintosh, both of Wilming- ton, Oct. 3, 1892. MEADES. Olive S. Meades and Henry W. Eanies, both of Wilmingion, Nov. 28, 1866. MEABS. Nathan Mears and Catharine Pearson, both of Wilmington, Oct. 8, 185.3. Edward INIears and Ellen M. Slack, both of Wilmington, Apr. — , 1871. Emma Mears of Andover and Charles P. Ryan of Wilmington, Dec. 11, 1894. MELANCON. Hilidore IVIelancon and Fanny White, both of Wilmington, Aug. 21, 1894. MELINDY. Samuel Melindy of Reading and Hannah Pierce of Wilmington, June 24, 1802. Samuel Melindy and Lucinda Reed, both of Wilmington, May 1."), 1838. 3IEELEN. Charles A. Mellen of Billerica and Ann Maria Evans of Wilming- ton, Oct. 21, 1862 . MEEOON. Abigail Meloon and John Smith, both of AV'ilmington, Oct. 30, 1744. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 163 MERRILL. David jNIerrill and Mary -leniies, botli of Wiliiiiiijiton, ]\Iay'27, 1818. Ilattie K. iMenill ot" \\ ilmiiigton and Hicliavd F. 'I'lioiiipsoii of Springfield, Oct. — , 180(i. MESSENGER. James V. Messenger of \\'ilniin<;ton and Monica C. C. Tait of l»os- ton, Oct. y, 1893. MESSER. Augnsta Messer of Metheun and -lames F. Hack of Wilmington, .July — , 18.3!>. Eliza Messer of Ballard \'ale and Cliarles 11. i'earson of Wilming- ton, Ang, 1:2, 1881. MILLER. (Jeorge II. Miller and Caroline L. Shepard, both of Iloxbury, July 3, 1847. Charles O. Miller of Burlington and Laura A. Fray of Wilmington, June 17, 1804. Albert J. Miller and Sylvauia A. Buck, both of AVilmington, Dec. •J7, 18t)4. Mary Vj. Miller and Edward Young, both of Wilmington, Feb. 24, 1883. Charles L. Miller of ^\'ilmington and Mame A. Boutwell of Wo- burn, Oct. 1, 18,s;5. Nellie Miller of Wilmington and Wilson Tiiompson of \\'obiirn, June 12, 1892. MILLETT. Frank E. Millett of Andover and Nellie L. iUanchard of Wilming- ton, Sept. 25, 1888. MILLIGAX. (ieorge M. Milligan of Plymouth, N. 11. and Mary E. Fames of Wilmington, Apr. 24, 1800. (Jeorge .M. .Milligan and Mary E. Carter, both of \\'ilmington, Nov. 20, 1874. Ml RICK. Lilian Mirick of Boston and W. Herbert Slack of \\ ilmington, Feb. 20, 1878. MITCHELL. Delia Mitchell of Lowell and Patrick Collins of Wilmington, Sept. 11. ISDO. 164 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. MOON. Lydia A. Moon awd Paul R. Demerritt, both of Wilmington, July 8, 1891. MO OB. Mary D. Moor of Amherst, N. H. and Leonard French of ]\Ian- chester, N. H., June 25, 1867- MOBEY. Jacob Morey of Hingham and Nancy C. Eames of \Mlmington, Aug. 21, 1845. MOBGAN. George E. P. Morgan of Reading and Sarah Bancroft of A\'ilniing- ton. May 23, 1858. MOBBILL. Elizabeth Morrill and Cadwallader Ford, Jr., both of Wilmington, May 23, 1776. Nathaniel Morrill and Hannah Jaquith, both of Wilmington, Dec. 13, 1781. Hannah Morrill and Jonathan Carter, 3d, both of Wilmington, Nov. 1, 1804. Nathaniel Morrill, Jr., and Mary Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. 1, 1808. Phebe Morrill and Abiel Carter, both of Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1810. Dorothy Morrill and Joel Jenkins, both of Wilmington, Aug. 2, 1814. Samuel Morrill and Susan Tufts, both of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1818. Isaac Morrill and Abigail Eames, both of Wilmington, Feb. 24, 1820. Susan Morrill and Jonathan Eames, Jr., both of Wilmington, Apr. 7, 1822. Hai'riet Morrill of Wilmington and Thomas Stimpson of Danvers, Apr. 21, 1825. Sophia Morrill and Isaac Floyd, both of Wilmington, Apr. 23, 1829. Cadwallader Morrill and Susan Eames, both of Wilmington, flulv 30, 1829. (ieorge Morrill and Sarah O. Decoster, both of Wilmington, Apr, 25, 1833. Abbie Morrill of Wilmington and Charles K. Pemberton of Brad- ford, Nov. 24, 1839. Hannah J. Moriill and Horace Eaton, both of Wilmington, Feb. 22, 1843. Susan M. Morrill and Cyrus Adams, both of ^^'ilmington, Apr. (j, 1848. Samuel Morrill of Wilmington and Abbie Stearns Kichardson of Medford, June — , 18(J1. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 165 MORRIS. Frank Morris and Nellie E. Cutting, both of Wilmington, Ajir. 11, 1878. MORSE. Howard B. Morse and Francene A. Ihick, both of Wilmington, \\n\ 2, 1895. 3IORTON. James P. Morton of Koxbury and Helen llarndeuuf Wilmington, June -J-J, 1845. 3IULLEN. Michael Mullen of Wilmington and Surah Toole of Woburn, Oct. 28, 1889. MURPHY. p]llen Murphy of Woburn and Dennis ]\Iaguire of Wilmingb)ii, Oct. 9, 18!K). John Murphy of Wilmington and Catharine MeDougald of Mai- den, Nov. 15, 18t)2. M UR RA Y or M URR E Y. .lames W. Murray and Alice J. Perry, both of Wiiminntoii. .Ian. 11, 1871. Mary Murrey and .lohn ('ashman, botii of U'ilmiiigton, Sept. lli, "1879. MUSE. John E. Muse and Maggie Muse. l)otii of Wilmington, ,I;iu. 8 187;5. .Maggie Muse and .b)hn E. Muse, liolh of \\'ibnington, .Jan. 8, \H7'-) Emily Muse and Monday IJaliiiif. both of Wilmington, Fcii. 5 1881. Timothv Muse and Maggie Muse, both of Wilmington, Aug. 14 1881. Maggie Muse and Timothy Muse, both of Wilmington, Aug. 14 1S81. .ludith Muse and Amos liabine, both of Wilmington, Sept. 17 1881. .lohn Muse and lOliza [Sabine, botii of Wilmington, Feb. 5, l8,Si>. Hose .Muse and Mark r>ai)ine. both of Wilmington, Oct. "Jfi, iSSti. Frank X. Muse and .Mary J.Young, botli of Wilmington, Aug. 2, 1887. NASON. Weslev Nason and Sarah A. Nichols, botli of \\'ilmington, Oct. ;{(», 1879. 166 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. NEE. Mary Nee and Daniel Martin, both of Wilmington, Apr. 10, 18,53. Kate Nee of Boston and John Bailey of Wilmington, Apr. 29, 1896. NELAN. Augustus Nelan of Wilmington and Ann Gallehan of Andover, Dec. — , 1855. NE WAL, Joseph Newal of Charlestown and Lavina Hopkins of Wilmington, Jan. 21, 1820. NE WHALE. Mary W. Newhall of Lynnfield and James J. Harnden of Wilming- ton, Apr. 17, 1838. Reuben T. Newhall of So. Beading and Abby Eames of AVihning- ton, Apr. — , 1857. NIVHOLS. Alice Nichols and George Sloan, both of Vv'ilmington, June 22, 1800. Charles Nichols and Sally Buck, both of Wilmington, Sept. 12,. 1807. Sally Nichols and Paul Upton, Ji-., both of AVilmington, Oct. 3, 1819. Jonathan Nichols and Elizabeth Peabody, both of Wilmington, Dec. 5, 1822. lloxann Nichols and Elbridge Carter, both of Wilmington, Apr. 17, 1828. Susan Nichols and Loton Eames, both of AVilmington, May 18, 1828. Samuel B. Nichols and Phebe I\I. Carter, both of Wilmington, Nov. 21, 1835. Sarah Nichols of Wilmington and John Eames of Reading, Oct. 25, 1830. P)etsey Nichols of Wilmington and Oliver J. Kellom of Haverhill, May 7, 1846. Judith E. Nichols of Wilmington and Charles Hopkins of VVoburn, Dec. 10, 1847. F^dward E. Nichols and Sarah Eames, both of Wilmington, Mar. 27, 18.51. Harriet A. Nichols of Reading and James T. Eames of Wilming- ton, iNlay 8, 1852. John H. Nichols of Concord, N. H., and Hannah E. Brigham of Wilmington, Nov. 15, 1860. Frances A.Nichols and William II. Goodale, both of Lowell, May 4, 1862. Charles A. Nichols of Lawrence and Ella Jane Nichols of Wil- mington, Oct. 17, 1865. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 167 NICHOLS — Continued. Ella .lane Nichols of Wilmington and Cliarles A. Nichols of Law- rence, Oct. 17, is(j."). Charles II. Nichols of W'olmrn and lldeii M. White of )\'ilniing- ton, Dec. 7, 1^0.'). INIary E. Nichols of ^\'illnin^ton and George N. Chase of East Sanf;us, .July 1, 1.SG8. Herbert J^. Nichols of Reading and Clara V.. Swain of Wilmington, May 4, 1876. Oscar E. Nichols of Lawrence and Frances E. Pearson of Wilming- ton, Mar. 20, 1S78. Fainiie L. Nichols of Andover and Herbert C. Pearson of Wil- mington, July 17. 1.S7!). Sarah A. Nichols and Wesley Nason, both of Wilmington, Oct. 3(1, 1879. Edward -M. Nichols and Esther p]. Killom, both of Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1.S85. Frank C. Nichols of Woburn and Sarah E. Carter of Wilmington, June 15, 18SfJ. ^Littie E. Nichols and Edward Nelson Eames, both of Wilming- ton, Jan. 1!), 1887. Henry li. Nichols and Olive T. Simmons, both of Wilmington, Apr. 1, 1892. NOBLE. Vilot Noble and Titus Cober, botli of Wilmington, Aug. 28, 178.">. NOLAN. Emma Nolan and Samuel Duslin, lK)tli of Wilmington, Fel). 18, 1801. NORCBOSS. Apphia V. Norcross and Arthur B. Carter, i)otli of Wilmington, Sept. 19, 1888. NOUBSE. .Vnni(^ E. Nourse of IWirlington and Arthur (I.Cook of \\'ilming- Oct. 8. 1891. NOYCE. ]\Ioses Noyce and Lydia Carter, botii of NAilmington, Oo). 10, 1705. ]\Ioses Noyce of Wilmington and Phebe llicliardson of Bilicrica, IVIay 30, 177."). NOTES. Hattie .L Noyes of Somerville and .loim A. Evans of Wilmington, Dec. — , 18G7. Almira F. Noj'es of Wilmington and Frank E. Barnes of Somer- ville. June 8, 1881. 168 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. NUTTING. Benjamin Xutting of Woburn and Lucy Wyman of Wilmington, June 30, 1772. OBCOTT. Mary E. Orcott of Tewksbnry and Tliomas A. Bancroft of Wil- mington, Dec. — , 185(5. Susan C. Orcott and Leander R. Batclielder, both of Middleton, Jan. 1, 186i. Delia E. Orcott of Tewksbury and Peter O. Riley of Billerica, Dec. 18, 1864. Lizzie Orcott and James O. Carter, both of Wilmington, Apr. 7, 1865. Addie J. Orcott of Tewksbury and Alvin C. Phelps of Wilming- ton, Jan. 6, 1878. O'DONNEL. Bridget O'Donnel of Lowell and Thomas A. Wall of Wilmington, Aug. 1, 1885. Terrence O'Donnel and INIaria White, both of Wilmington, Sept. 10, 1887. OS BON. Charles B. Osbon and Alice W. Pringle, both of Wilmington, Aug. 29, 1886. O WENS. Julia Owens and Marcus M. Bancroft, both of Wilmington, July U, 1874. FALMER. Nathaniel Palmer of Wilmington and Isabel A. Stickney of East Lexington, rlune 24, 1816. PARKER. Susanna Parker and Zachens Ilebbard, both of Wilmington, Feb. 20, 1765. Thomas Parker and Sarah Buck, both of Wilmington, May 1, 1781. Ruth Parker and Jonathan Eames, both of Wilmington, Sept. 25, 1781. Samuel Parker of Wilmington and Abigail Killam of Lyndeboro, June 18, 1785. Polly Parker of Wilmington and Pklward Burnap of Reading, Feb. 2, 1792. Samuel Parker, Jr., of AV'ilmington and Sally Garvin of Reading, Jan. ;5, 1793. Asa Parker of Reading and Anna Eames of Wilmington, June 9, 1796. Sally Parker and Joseph Dean, both of Wilmington, Sept. 2, 1802. WILMINGTON KECORD OF MAKKIAGKS. 169 FA RKER — Continued. Abigail Parker of Wilmington and Leonard Eanies of Wohurn, Mar. 7, ISOS. Samuel Parker and Ksther Pierce, botli of Wilmington, Dec. 7, 1S09. David J. Parker of Wohurn and Rebecca Carter of \\"ilmingt()n, Jan. 5, 181."). -lolin Parker and Kacliel Carter, both of Wilmington, May S, 1815. Pet.sev Parker and Francis Snow, both of Wilmington, Nov. 28, 181(). Marv Parker and Henjamin Muck, both of \\'ilmington, Oct. 12, 'l82(i. Theodore Parker of Dracut and Lvdia Carter of \Mlmington, Jan. 7, l.s:U). Kachel Parker and Ilartwell Kichardson, both of Wilmington, Mar. 20, 18:5:}. Ward I'arker and Eliza Foster, both of Wilmington, Oct. SO, 18:54. Rachel Ann Parker of Wilmington and Francis Baldwin of Bil- lerica, Nov. 28, 1S:W. Newman Parker and Alice Sloan, botli of Wilmington, , 1841. William S. Parker of Reading and F^lizabeth J. Beard of Wilming- ton, Sept. 21, 1850. Dexter Parker and Elvira T. Slack, both of Wilmington, Apr. — , 1855. Nelson Parker of Reading and Lizzie S. Dyke of Stoneham, -Jan. 10, 18.")fi. Baxter Parker and Elizal)eth Thompson, both of Wilmington, .June 12, 1S()!). Mary E. Parker of Wilmington and (ieorge Henry llayward of No. "Reading, Mar. — , l.S(j!). Susan M. Parker and Charles A. Taylor, botli of Wilmington, Jan. 1874. rAliltOTT. Luther A. Parrott of Quinoy and Cariie C. Cook of Wilmington, Sept. 2:5, 18S(). PASHO. Henry F. Pasho, Jr., of Haverhill and Frances S. Richardson of Reading, .June :{, 1846. PA TCH. Thomas Patch of Ilollis and Molly C[it()n of Wilmington, Dec. 6, 1770. PATTEN. Nathaniel Patten and ISeriah Verdy, both of \\'ilmington, .Inly 11. 1757. Nathaniel Patten of Woburn and (Jrace Walker of Wilmington, May 27, 17()0. Kachel Patten and Benjamin Walker (irace. both of Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1784. 170 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. PEABODY. Joseph Peabody and Elizabeth Jenkins, both of Wilmington. Nov. 17, 1796. Elizabeth Peabody and Jonathan Nichols, both of Wilmington, Dec. 5, 18-2'2. David Peabody and Lucy D. Tolman, both of Wilmington, Feb. 22, 1859. PEARSON. Lydia Pearson and Joseph Lewis, both of AVilmington, Oct. 22, 1731. Kendall Pearson and Mary Smith, both of AVilmington, Mar. 14, 1738. Sarah Pearson of Wilmington and Jonathan Smith of Kingston, Apr. 12, 1739. Nathan Pearson of Wilmington and Mary Wilson of Reading, Jan. 16, 1746. Mary Pearson and Stephen Wesson, both of Wilmington, Mar. 1, 1748. William Pearson and Mary Jaquith, both of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1756. Ebenezer Pearson of Dnxbury Farm, N. H. and Mary Thompson of Wilmington, Nov. 30, 1762. Nathan Pearson of Wilmington and Rebecca Tay of Woburn, Oct. 21, 1766. Jonathan Pearson and Phebe Cutler, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2.5, 1775. Mary Pearson and Jacob Flynn, both of Wilmington, Mar. 24, 1778. Moses Pearson and Hephzibah flones, both of Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1781. William Pearson and Sarah Jones, both of Wilmington, June 15. 1784. Moses Pearson of Wilmington and Lois Holt of Andover, Jan. 4, 1785. Moses Pearson, 2d, of Wilmington and Susanna Wyman of Wo- burn, Sept. 30, 1804. Hephzibah Pearson of Wilmington and \\'illiam Tucker, Jr., of Andover, Nov. 30, 1815. Mary Pearson and Ruel Carter, both of Wilmington, Apr. 3, 1817. Aaron Pearson and Dolly Eames, both of Wilmington, Sept. 30, 1821. Dolly Pearson of Wilmington and Padilla Beard of Reading, May 24, 1846. Louisa Pearson and Levi Swain, Jr., both of Wilmington, Nov. 28, 1846. A. Porter Pearson and Sarah A. Townsend, both of Wilmington, Nov. 29, 1846. Angelina Pearson and George Gowing, both of Wilmington, Sept. 12, 1850. Jerusha A. Pearson of Wilmington and Job Wade of Stoneham, Oct. 20, 1850. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 171 PEARSON— Continued. George O. Pearson and Adeline C. Fpton, both of Wilmington, Mav 1», 185-2. Catharine Pearson and Xathan ]\Iears, both of Wilmington, Oct. 18, 185:$. James K. Pearson of Wilmington and Ellen ^^. Pearson, of Tewks- bury, June 1, 1856. Ellen M. Pearson of Tewksbury and -lames K. Pearson of Wil- mington, June 1, 1856. S. G. Bradley Pearson of Wilmington and Ilephzibah Damon of Reading, Mar. — , 1857. Daniel N. Pearson and Josephine Kimball, both of Wilmington, July 28, 185{). Emma F. Pearson and Henry llarnden, both of Wilmington, Nov. U, 18(il. Edmund D. Pearson and Frances II. P.ryant, both of Wilmington, Oct. 20, 1862. Frances E. Pearson of Wilmington and Oscar E. Nichols of Law- rence, Mar. 20, 1878, Ilerbei't C. Pearson of Wilmington and Fannie L. Nichols of Andover, July 17 1879. Charles II. Pearson of Wilmington and Eliza ^Nfesser of Ballard Vale, Aug. 12, 1881. Mary L. Pearson of Wilmington and Charles E. Burnham of Worcester, Oct. 1, 1884. Ella J. Pearson of Wilmington and Everett B. Richardson of Read- ing, Oct. 29, 1885. Annie T. Pearson of Wilmington and John E. Ilopkinson of Lowell, July 1:5, 1887. Ilattie M. Pearson of Wilmington and Austin L. Mansfield of Wakefield, Oct. 27, 1887. Abiel P. Pearson and Henrietta L. White, both of Wihnington, Mar. U, 1880. Charles O. Pearson of Wihnington and Cena E. Cole of Boston, Apr. 10, 180:5. FELSUE. John Pelsue of Wilmington and Esther Taylor of Reading, ]Mar. 10, 1767. Benjamin Pelsue and Ruth Buck, both of Wilmington, June 20, 1769. Rutii Pelsue and Joseph Dean, both of Wilmington, Mar. 2:5, 1809. Sophia Pelsue and Samuel Shed, both of Wilmington, Apr. 9, 1812. PEMBEIITON. Charles K. Pemberton of Bradford ami Al>tii<' Morrill of Wilming- ton, Nov. 24, 18:59. PERKINS. Mrs. ]\Iary Perkins of Wilmington and Samuel Ford of Woolwich, Dec. 2, 1762. Hamilton H. Perkins of Boston and Emma M. i't-ny of Wilming- ton, Apr. :J, 1872. 172 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. rEBRY. Esther E. Perry and John McDonald, both of Wilmington. Apr. 30, 1806. Alice J. Perry and James W. Murray, both of Wilmington, Jan. 11, 1871. Emma M. Perry of Wilmington and Hamilton li. Perkins of Bos- ton, Apr. -i, IS7'2. Benjamin F. Perry of Wilmington and Mary V. Kelley of AYoburn, June 26, 1872. Mary F. Perry and Frank M. Walton, both of Wilmington, Apr. 25, 1877. Harriet Ida Perry and Edward E. Lowe, both of Wilmington, Oct. 21, 1885. PETERS. Philip Peters and Susanna Lewis, both of Wilmington, Apr. 7. 1708. Edward F. Peters of Charlestown and Mary Ann Shick of AVil- mington, Apr. 6, 1848. PHELrS. Elisha Phelps of Andover and Rhoda Tay of Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1795. linoch Phelps and Marv Ann Pray, both of Wilmington, Apr. 23, 1848. Alvin C. Phelps of Wilmington and Addie J. Orcott of Tewks- bury, Jan. 6, 1878. Alvin C. Phelps and Mary E. Annable, both of AVilmington, Dec. 23, 1891. Frederick W. Phelps of Wilmington and Malissa C. Davenport of Somerville, Mar. 28, 18U0. PHILBRICK. Ida M. Philbrick and Edward F. Fortis, both of Wilmington. Jan. 22, 1881. Emma A. Philbrick of Wilmington and Edwin P. Dewey of Win- chester, May 3, 1891. PHILBROOK. S^usan E. Philbrook and Albert Harnden, both of Wilmington, June 18, 1839. PHILLIPS. Cyrus Phillips of (iates, X. Y. and Kuth Fames of Wilmington, Jan. 26, 1821. PIERCE. Thonuis Pierce of AVilmington and Hannah Thompson of Woburn, July 27, 1732. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 173 PIERCE — Contimied. Ruth Pierce ami Kpliniim Kendall, Uotli of ^^'ilmill<;t()ll, Fcli. 21, 17:57. Rebecca Pierce ot" A\'iliiiiiint()n ami Jaciil> iJarrctt of Ivcadiiig, Oct. •2\, 1740. Daniel Pierce of Harvard and Sarah Hiick of ^^■illllillgt()ll. Dec. •J3, 1741. Ilaniiaii Pierce of A\'iliiiim;tou and Peter Doliver of Marbleliead, Feb. 7, 17.51. Kstlier Pierce and rJosepli Ilarndcii. l>i)tli of Wilmington, Dec. 'JO, 17.')!). Ruth Pierce and John Ilarnden, both of \\'ilmington, Apr. 7, 17(J8. liarzillia Pierce of Ilollis and Isabel Howe of Wilmington, Dec. 17, 177-2. Isaac Pierce of Woburn and llannali Alexander of \\'ilmington, Apr. 13, 177."). John Pierce of Wobnrn and Rel)ecea ^Vilson of Wilmington, Aug. 17, 1788. Hannah Pierce of Wilmington and Samuel ^lelindy of Reading, June 24, 1802. Susanna Pieree of Wilmington and George W. Read of Rillerica, Feb. 8, 180(j. Esther Pierce and Samuel Parker, both of Wilmington, Dec. 7, 1809. Abigail Pierce of Wilmington and ,Iohn Richardson, :?d, of Hiller- ica, Aug. 29, 1815. Joseph Pierce of Wilmington and Hitty Carter of Reading, Dec. 2, 1819. David (i. Pierce and Rebecca Honds, both of AVilmingloii, Xov. 8, 1855. William A. Pierce of Wilmington and Mary A. Kearns of Woburn, Feb. 4, 18(Jl. William Pierce of Wilmington and Kliza A. \\'ilcox of Saxonville. Oct. IS, 1805. Frances V. Pierce and George llearne, l)()lh of Wilmington, Jan. 14, 1809. riKE, F>benezer Pike and Rebecca P>oul\velU both of \\'ilmington, Mar. 24, 1752. John S. Pike of Reading and Mary Al)by Walker of Wibnington, Mar. 2, 1871. Mabel A. Pike and (;. Arthur Sidelinker, both of Wilmington, Apr. 25, 1895. Alice W. Pike of Wilmington and Irvin F. Ratcheller of N'o. Read- ing, Feb. 13, 1890. PIPER. Sally Piper of Wilmington ami Peter Clark of Tewksbury, Jan. 9, 1788. Polly Piper and Samuel Ilarnden, both of Wilmington, July 22. 1798. Betsey Piper and Silas Baldwin, both of Wilmington, Dec. 1, 180:5. 174 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. POLLARD. John Pollard of Billerica and Susanna Baldwin of TeMifsburVj Mar. 26, 1762. POND, Virgil C. Pond of Foxhorough and Maud M. Closson of Wilniing- ton, Oct. 6, 1886. POOL. William II. Pool of Wilmington and Susan Jones of Andover, Aug. 21, 181.1. POOR. Edward E. Poor and Georgiana A. Mason, both of Wilmington, Sept. 11, 1886. POPE. Lemuel Pope of Acton and Lucelia Butters of Wilmington, Nov. 14, 1871. PORTETt. Daniel Porter and Francene Killom, both of AVilmington, July 10. 1863. Simon II. Porter and Marv J. White, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1887. Avard L. Porter of Wilmingtoii and Alice F. Crane of Chelsea, Dec. 18, 1890. Stanley S. Porter and Hannah II. Childs, both of Wilmington, June 9, 1892. John E. Porter and Kose E. Babine, both of AVilmington, Feb. 8, 1897. Henry D. Porter and iNIadeline AVliite, both of Wilmington, May 3, 1897. PRATT. Harris Pratt and Hannali J. Burt, both ol: AVilmington, Aug. 29, 1841. PRAY. Lewis Pray of Salem and Mary Ann Clark of AA^'ilmington, Oct. 25, 1836. Mary Ann Pray and Enoch Phelps, both of AVilmington, Apr. 23, 1848. Laura A. Pray of AVilmington and Charles O. Miller of Burlington, June 17, 1864. Frank AA^ Pray and Nellie Tobin, both of AA^ilmington, ]\Iay 28, 1897. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 175 rRESSON. Mrs. Elizabeth Presson of A\'iliiiiiiL;t(iii and Jaooli Cutler of Stone- ham, Dec. 10, 17G9. rHESTOX. Samuel Preston and :\Iarcy Scales, both of \\'irniin<;ton, Dec. 2, 1742. Ebenezer Preston of Vrilniini;ton and Lvdia Evans of Andover, June 13, 1741. Samuel Preston and Ilannali Frost, both of ^^'ilmin<;■ton. May -'7, 1751. Samuel Preston, Jr., and Hannah Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2.'), 1770. Jedediah Preston and Esther lUirt, both of Wilminiiton, Aus. J», 1( /•). Mercy Preston of Wilmington and Joseph llerrick of Lewiston, Oct. 17, 1775. rBINGLE. Alice W. I'ringle and Charles ]>. Osbon, botli ot Wilmington. An<^. 29, 18S6. » - » rVTNAM. Joseph 15. Putnam and Sarah II. liickum of , .luiie — , 1811. William II. Putnam and Ann Eliza Carter, both of Wilmington, Sept. 1.'), 1865. PUTNEY. Kachel Putney of Wilmington and Joim Cutler of AVoburn, Xov. 21, 174:}. QUINN. Rosanna Qninn and John Cnillan, both of Wilmington, Julv 4. 18(il. RADCLIFF. Charles Kadciff i>f Andover and Miililda IJiiek of Wilmington, Nov. 18, 1821. RANDALL. Mary Randall of Lawrence and Joseph Rogg of Wilmington, ,lnlv 16, 18.S,-). RAY. Betsey Ray of Middleton and Sherebiah Evans of \\'ilmington, Sept. 21, 1784. 176 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. BA YNOLJDS. Rev. Freegrace Raynolds and Nancy Brown, both of Wilmington, Oct. 29, 1707. " Mary Raynolds of Wilmington and Warren Swain of Clarksville, Mo., Jan. Ifj, 1827. Martha Raynolds of Wilmington and Abiel Holden of Reading, Mar. — , 1859. Levi Raynolds of Wilmington and Harriot T. King of Lynn, Nov. — , 1861. READ. Geoi'ge W. Read of Billerica and Susanna Pierce of Wilmington, Feb. 8, 1806. READIO. James Henry Readio of Pawtucket, R. L, and Charlotte Susan Buck of Wilmington, Sept. 26, 189.5. BEED. Rebecca Reed of Woburn and William Hopkins of Wilmington, Mar. 28, 1754. Mary Reed of Wobnrn and John Townsend of AMlmington, Apr. '12. 1763. Sarah Reed of Wilmington and Simeon Holt of Andover, ^lar. .31, 1767. Sarah Reed of AA'obnrn and (Jiles Alexander of Wilmington, Apr. 28, 1767. Elizabeth Reed of AVilmington and Thomas Wvman of Wol)nrn, May 25, 1773. flonathan Reed of Wilmington and Abigail (ioodwin of Boston, July 16, 1775. Mary Reed of Woburn and John Bell of Wilmington, Oct. 10. 1809. Elizabeth Jane Reed and Joab Jones, both of Wilmington, Oct. 3, 1824. Lucinda Reed and Samuel INIelindy, both of Wilmington, May 15, 1838. Levi H. Reed of Charlestown and Fanny Cook of Billerica, Sept. 15, 1853. RICE. Samuel R. Rice of Billerica and jNIary Jane (iowiiig of A\'ilmington, Sept, 8, 1878. RICH. Racliel Bich and Bichard Ui)ton, both of AVilmington, June 26, 1746. Thomas Rich of Wilmington and jNIary Sawyer of Reading. July 16, 1747. Lydia Rich and John (iowing, both of Wilmingtou, Feb. 5, 1756. WII.MINGTOX KKCOKD OF MAKKIAGES. 177 RICHARDSOX. .rosiali Ixicliai'dson of Uillerica and -Iiiditli Kendall nf Wiliiiiiintoii, Jan. ;n, 174!). Ja.sper Uiohardson of I.exin^fon and Kuth \\'iii;lil of \\'ilniint;ton, Mar. 1!), 17.VJ. I'hehe Hichardson of IJillerica and ^Iose.s Noyce of Wilmington, jNIay 30, 177."). .Jerusha Riciia'r. Kirke P. SanV)orn of Readint;' anil .lennie Cole u\' Wilmington, Sept. -JO. I8!li;. SAXDS. John Sands, Jr.. and llattie K. Carter, both of Wilmington, ,fune :)0, issii. SARGKXT. John B. Sargent of Oxford. X. II.. and Clarisa Sheldon of Wil- mington, Nov. "27, 1841. J. Sheldon Sargent and Angeline Rutjk, l)otli of Wilmington, .Jan. •_>.-), 1871. ^ Charles J. Sargent and Ahhie F. Siieidon, both of ^^'ilmington, Oct. 20, 1891. Angelina Sargent and Morton Ilavden. both of Wilmington. Mar. ' 1, 1891. SAUXnLRS. I'ollv Saunders of Tewksbury and .losiah Clark of Wilmington. 'Oct. 10. 180(i. Mary Saunders and Timothy Lowe, both of Wilmington, Apr. — . '1855. SI WYER. Mary Sawyer of Reading and Thomas Rich of Wilmington, .lulv 1(3, 1747. Rachel Sawyer of Resding and Kliene/.er Jone-^ of \\'ilniington, July 19,' 1759. Josiah .Sa^vver of (ireentlt-ld X. II.. and Sally (lowing of Wihning- ton, Oct. 29, 1801. 180 WILMINGTOX RECORD OF MARRIAGES. SCALES. Marcy Scales and Samuel Preston, both of Wilmington, Dec. 2, James Scales and Lydia Roberts, both of Wilminoton, Sept. 7, 1743. Nathan Scales and Hannah Townsend, botli of Wilmington, June 11, 1744. James Scales and Martha Killam, botli of Wilmington, July !», 1754. Xathaniel Scales and Marv Kendall, both of Wilmington, Apr. 26, 1781. Xathan Scales, Jr., and Anna Kendall, both of Wilmington, Deo. 18, 1781. SEABLE. Edwin T. .Searle of Lowell and Mahala Littlefield of Wilmington, Sept. 20, 1842. SEA^ rr. .lolin Seavy and Hannah J. Jones, both of Fryburg, j\Ie., Sept. 7, 1862. " SEMENSEN. Peter Serensen and Annie Crow, both of Wilmington, Oct. 19, 1887. SHARPS. Rosanna Sharps and Reuben Butters, both of Wilmington, Sept. 1, 1847. SHATTUCK. Mr. Samuel Shattuck and Klizabetii Wesson, both of Pepperell, Oct. 28, 1756. SHA W. Annie B. Shaw of Danielsonville, Conn., and AVilliam J. Howard of Wilmington, June 8, 1881. Eugene G. Shaw and Harriet A. Sheldon, both of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1884. SHED. Samuel Shed and Sophia Pelsue, both of Wilmington, A]n'. 9. 1812. Jacob Shed of Tew ks bury and Clarisa Carter of Wilmington, May 30, 1821. Sarah Shed and Joshua O. Jaquith, both of Wilmington. Nov. 27, 181.5. wi[,min(;t()X kkcokd of marriages. LSI SHED — Cuntimird. Jacob H. Shed of WiliuinotoM and l.vdia C 'I'lioiiias of Lowell, Jan. 7, 1849. Josiah Shed and Martha Shed, both of Tewksbiirv, Oct. — , 1800. Maitiia Shed and Josiah Shed, botli of Tewkslmrv. Oct. — , isc.u. SHELDOX. Asa (i. Sheldon and ("larisa Kanies, both of Wilmington. Oct. •■'). 181."). Caroline Slieldon of Wilniinj;ton and Alfred (i. Carter of Woburn. Nov. -J 1, 1842. Ciarisa Sheldon of Wilmington and John H. Sargent of Orford. N. II., Nov. '21, 1844. Harrison Allen .Sheldon and Catharine Buck, both of \\'ilmington, Nov. 24, 185:]. Mary Sheldon of Wilmington and Thomas L. Lovejov of Reading, Dec. 18, 1856. Horace Sheldon and Susan lUick, both of Wilmington. Jan. 1, 1S57. Henry Slieldon of Wilminerton and Sarah (iowing of Amherst, Nov. — , ISGI. Mary A. Sheldon of AVilmington and Frank W. Kidder of Stone- ham, INIar. 17, 1880. Harriet A. Sheldon and Eugene (J. Shaw, both of Wilmington, Nov. 25, 1884. Henry L. Sheldon and Lucv E. Childs, both of \\'ilminglon. June 17. 188!). Lizzie T. Sheldon and Howard .M. lioitoii. lioth of Wilmington, Oct. 24, isgit. Abbie F. Sheldon and Charles A. Sargent, both of Wilmington, Oct. 20, 18!)1. William (Jage Sheldon of \\'iImington and Bertha .\nn Richardson of Woburn. Oct. 2!). 1S!I5. SHEVARD. Caroline L. Shei>ard and (Jeorge H. Miller, both of Koxburv. .Iiilv ;?, 1847. SIDELINKER. (Jeorge W. Sidelinker and Marv \. Simpson, both of Wilmington, Sept. 22, l.S(i;5. Grace Sidelinker of Wilmington and Herbert L. ]\ UK ay of Read- ing. June 17, 18S!». (;. Arthur Sideliidver and Mabel A. Pike, both of Wilmington. Ai>r. 2.5. 18!»5. SIMMONS. Olive T. Simmons and Henrv 1>. Nichols, both of Wilmington. Apr. 4, 18!)2. 182 WILMINGTON RECORr) OF MARRIAGES. Joshua Simonds oi' ^V'ob^u•n and Rebecca Ilaiiiblet of Wibniiigtoii, Aug. 27, 174(1. Abigail Simonds of Wo1>uni and James Tliomjison of Wilmington, Apr. 23, 1747. William Simonds and Susanna Wardell, both of Wilmington, Dec. 18, 1777. Xancy Simonds of Wilmington and Jesse ("utler of linrlington. Dec. 11, 1814. Matilda J. Simonds of Wilmington and Rogers I. r>reed of Wobuni. July 17\ 1844. Almira Simonds and J. R. Elkins. both of Wilmington, Dec. 7. 184.3. Inez J. Simonds and Henrv A. Tavlor, both of Wilmington. Mar. 31, 1877. Elmer E. Simonds of Wilmington and Jeannie Collier of Pawtucket. R. r., Sept. 24, 1889. SIMONS. George S. Simons of Lowell aiid Mrs Clara A. Rnrt of Wilmington, XoY. 2(j, 1840. SI3IPSOJV. ]\Iarv Ann Simpson of Boston and Ahinson Rond of Wilmington. Sept. 29, 1844. James Simpson and J^ouisa Ryan, both of Wilmington, ]May ii, 1861. INIary A. Simpson and George W. Sidelinker, both of Wilmington. Sept. 22, 1863. John II. Simpson and Anna L. .Swain, both of AMlmingt(jn. Xov. 28, 1878. SKILTOK. John Skilton of Charlestown and Sally Jaques of Wilmington, May 14, 1809. Lendall Skilton of Reading and Elizabeth Carter of Wilmington, Aug. 28, 1828. James Skilton and Emily Maria Buck, both of A\'ilmingtoi], .Imie 12, 1860. SKINNER. Charles L. Skinner and Elizabeth R. McCiee, both of Wilmington, Jan. 22, 1853. Susan J. Skinner of Woburn and El)enezer INIcKay of AVilmington, Dec. 10, 181)6. SLACK. John Slack and Esther Baldwin, both of Wilmington, Apr. 23, 1755. William Slack and Ksther Kendall, both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 1761. wn,MiN(;TOX RF-COKi) OF mai;kiagp:s. 183 SLACK — Continued. Rebecca Slack and John (iould, both of \\'iliiiiiiL;loii, Jan. "Jd, 17S1- Abner Slack of Keadiiig and ^Nlaiv Tlioiiipsoii of Wilniiiii^tdii, Nov. :}(», 18-J«. ^lary Ann Slack of Wilmington and Kdward F. I'eters of t'liarle.s- town, Apr. H, 1818. Charles Slack and Sarah A. Sowisby, both of Wilmington. Sept. ;iO, 1855. Elvira T. Slack and Dexter Parker, both of Wibuington, Apr. — . 1855. Ellen ^I. Slack and Kdward Mears, both of Wilmington, Apr. — , 1871. \\. Herbert Slack of \\'ilmington and Lillian .Mirick of Boston, Feb. 2^), 1878. SLOAX. (ieorge Sloan and Alice Xichols, liotli of ^\'iinlingfon. .Inne 'J2, 18(H). Eliza Sloan and Samuel Tufts, both of ^\'ilming■ton, .June 1, 1.S17. l^sther Sloan of Wilmington and Samuel 1». Davis of Grafton, X. Y., Oct. 26, 1818. Marv Sloan of Wilmington and Otis Cpliani of Watertown, Oct. 'itj, 1821. Mary Sloan of Wilmington and .Joseph Beede of Stratfoid, A't., Nov. 25, 1829. Diantha Sloan of Wilmington and Henry Thompson of AVobinn. Dec. 15, 18o0. Alice Sloan and Newman Parker, both of Wilmington, , isH. SMELLING. William Smelling and Martini \\. .hupiitii. liotii of \Viliiiington, Ai)r. :}, 1827. .Martiia H. Smelling and .M)iel Putters, botii of \N'ilmington, Apr. 17, is;}.-.. SMITH. .Mary Smith ami KiMidail Pearson, l)oth of Wilmington. .Mar. 11, ■i7;}8. .lonathan Smith of Kingston and Sarah Pearson of \\'ilmington, Apr. 12, 17;if). .Fohn Smith and Abigail ]\leloon, both of Wilmington. Oct. ;5(), 1714. Dustin K. Smith of .Vndoyer and Betsey .laipiith of Wilmington, .Jan. 11, 1821. George L. Smith and Abnira Litt l(;tieid, iiotii of Worcester, Dec. 15, 18-10. Clara A. Smith and Thomas Day. both of Wobiirn. :\Iay 1. 1^5;{. Sarah E. Smith and Arthur P. McDonald, both of \\ilniington, Oct. 2(j, 1880, 184 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. SNELIjING. Ellen P. Snelling and Harrison Bancroft, both of AVilmington, Dec. 10, 1891. Maggie J. Snelling and Adam Bustead, both of Wilmington, Nov. 2.5, 1892. SNO W. Richard Snow of Billerica and Lydia Wright of AVilmington. Jan. 19, 1769. Francis Snow and Betsey Parker, both of AVihiiijigton, Nov. 28, 1816. Betsey Snow of AVilmington and William Converse of Wobnrn, Jan. 9, 1843. Sarah Snow of Wilmington and John Dean of Woburn, Apr. 25, 1813. ]Mary Jane Snow and David Boice. both of Wilmington, -June 11. '1818. Francis H. Snow and Knth Roberts, botli of Wilmington, Oct. 17. 1849. Francis H. Snow of Wilmington and Hannah K. Adams of Tewks- bnry, Oct. — , 1854. SOWISBY. James W. Sowisby of Hudson, N. Y., and Josephine (iowing of Wilmington, July — , 18.54. Sarah A. Sowisby and Charles Slack, both of Wilmington, Sept. 30, 1855. SPAULDING, Maynard Spaulding and Ellen Bonds, both of AVobnrn, Nov. 29, " 1845. STANLEY. David Stanley and Sarah Butters, botli of Wilmington, ^Alar. 25, 1746. ^Irs. Ilannali Stanley of Wihningtcm and William Upton of Read- ing, Dec. 1, 17.57. David Stanley, Jr., and Margaret Delap, both of Wilmington, Sept. 24, 1767. Jeduthun Stanley and Dorcas Kidder, both of Wilmington, Jan 23, 1772. Sarah Stanley of Wilmington and Jacob Burt of Tewksburv, June 1.5. 177.5. Abigail Stanley of Wilmington and Thomas Planning of Tewks- bury, Apr. 2, 1776. Lydia Stanley and Ebenezer Hurt, both of Wilmington, Nov. ■>() 1777. WILMIXG'ION liKGOKD OF MAKKIAGKS. 185 STANLEY— Continued. Kezia StanU'v and Josepli Burt, l)i)tli of Wilmington, Sept. 26, 1782. Abraham Stanley and liutli rlaijues, both of Wilmington, Aug. 2, 1792. I'ollv Stanley and Josinia .IiKiuitli, both of AVilmington, Nov. 29, ■l7!»2. Dorcas Staidev and Ebenezer Hopkins, both of AVilmiiigton. A]ir. 11, 17!):3. " Abner Stanley and lietsey Jones, both of Wilrniugton, Dec. 15, 1808. James Stanley and Hannah Jones, both of Wilmington. ^lay 4, 1823. AVilliam Stanley and Ellen Buck, both of Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1874. STARVMAX. Elizal)eth Starvman and Thomas Crosby, both of Wilmington Mar. 8, 17.')7. STEARNS. Timothy Stearns and Elizabeth Jenkins, both of AVilmington, Nov- •), 17o7. Rev. Josiah Stearns of Epping and ]Mrs. Sarah Ruggles of Wil- mington, Aug. 13, 17G7. STEELE. Sarah 'S\. Steele of Wilmington and Joel Jenkins of Lowell, June 30, 1S31. STEVENS. Lois P. ^L Stevens of Haverhill ami .lames Bond, Jr., of Wilming- ton, Apr. — , 1855. A\'illiam D. Stevens and IJlie B. Ward, both of AVilmington, June S_ LS85. James E. Stevens of Wilmington and Ilattie .M. Hodges f)f Woburn, Se[)t. 11, 1S90. Florence L Stevens of l>e\viston, ^le., and Albert C". Buck of Wil- mington, Dec. 15, 18!)1. William C". Stevens of Wilmington and Agnes Black of Boston, >Lay 22, 1892. STEWART. Sarah Stewart and Nathaniel Russell, both of AVilmington, Dec. (i, 1775. fieorge .F. Stewart and 'IVresa J. .Marsh, lH)|h of Wilmington. .\ug. 13, 18117. 186 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. STICKNEY. Edward B. Stickney of and Jannette P. Coggswell of May 30, 1852. Isabel A. Stickney of East Lexington and Nathaniel Palmer of Wilmington, June 24, 1860. Walter H. Stickney of North Cambridge and Clara J. Holt of Wil- mington, Oct. 24, 1870. Walter Stickney of Epping, N. H., and Carrie M. Blanchard of Wilmington, Nov. 15, 1892. STILES. John Stiles of Greenfield, N. H., and Hannah Gowing of Wilming- ton, Sept. 24, 1807. STIMPSON. Thomas Stimnson of Uanvers and Harriet Morrill of Wilmington, Apr. 21, 1825. Alice C. Stimpson of Woburn and John Brown of Wilmington, Nov. 24, 1831. STBICKER. Nicholas Strieker of Roxbury and Phebe Hooper of AVilmington, Nov. 29, 1731. STURTEVANT. Frances A. Sturtevant and Joseph H. Foster, both of Woburn. May 5, 1851. SURBETTE. Joseph E. Surrette and Jane 1*. Habine, both of Wilmington, Nov. 8, 1887. Joseph O. Surrette and Agnes (iodell, both of Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1888. Henry Surrette and Mary Babine, both of Wilmington, May 8, 1888. Josephine Surrette and Raymond J. White, both of \Yilmington, Feb. 10, 1890. Evelina Surrette and Ramie Babine, both of Wilmington. Feb. 23, 1892. Eugene Surrette and Maggie Babine, both Wilmington. May 10. 1892. Maria Surrette and John Frotton, both of Wilmington, Apr. 17, 1893. William II. Surrette and Nellie White, both of Wilmington, June 4, 1893. Rosanna Surrette and Laurence A. Babine, both of Wilmington, Feb. 2.5, 1895. ^lonique Surrette and Peter Cailloutte, both of Wilmington, Jan. 14, 1896. Henry Surrette and Maggie Babine, both of Wilmington, Dec. 27, 1897. \vii.MiN'(;'i()N KKcoin* OK maki;ia(;ks. 18' SfVAIX. Benjamin Swain and Uutli IWick, liotli ol' \\ilniin<;lnn. Mav -H), 179:]. I.evi Swain and Pliehe (iowing, hotli of Wilmington, A])!'. \'J, 1818. Warren Swain of Clarksville, Mo., and .Marv llaynolds of Wilming- ton, -Ian. Ki, 1827. Mary (i. Swain and Jonathan I.. Carter, hotli of Wilmington. Xov. U, 184.3. Abigail Swain and KIbridge llarndi-n, l-otii of \Vilmington, Jan. •28, 1814. Levi Swain, Jr., and Louisa Pearson, l)otli of Wilmington, Xov. 28, 184G. Benjamin Swain, Jr., and Maria (iowinn. Iiotii of Wilmington, Sept. 21, LSoO. Sarah "NV. Swain and Nathan B. Eames, both of Wilmington, Xov. 25, 1802. Charles W. Swain and Henrietta Ames, both of Wilmington. Jan. 1, 1857. Edward E. Swam and ilaniot .Vmes, both of Wilmington, Fel). 2, 18()(). James IL Swain and Catherine Tuckei', both of Wilmington, July 2, 186!). Levi W. Swain and Mary K. {'.iiclv, both of Wilmington, Jan. 4, 1876. Clara E. Swain of \\'ilmington and Herbert E. X'ichols of Reading, May 4, 1876. Anna L. Swain and John 11. Simpson, both of Wilmington, Xov. 28, 1878. Harriet G. S\vain of Wilmington and .\rthnr \\'. Levyis of Wobnrn, Apr. 26, 1881. Lawrence C. Swain of Wilmington and Mina A. Taylor of Ibirling- ton, Dec. 24, 188:!. Ellis E. Swain and Lucy E. Taylor, both of Wilmington, .May 18, 1889. Abbie P. Swain of Wilmington and .\reliibald D. MoCorinieU of Arlington, Oct. 1, 188!)! StrEATT. William H. Sweatt of \\'oonsoeket, K. I., and l^illie 1". Bond of Wilmington. .Mav 17, 1S82. SWEENEY. Celia Sweeney and .Jonathan L. Carter, both of Wilmington, .\pr. 11, 1894. SV31MES. Flora AL Symmes of Derry. X. II.. and Herbert C. Barrows of Wilmington, Apr. 25. 1S!I7. 188 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. TAIT. Monica C. C. Tait ot" Boston and James F. Messenger of Wilming- ton, Oct. 9, 1893. TAFLIN. Mary M. Taplin of Reading and William N. Fletcher of Wilming- ton, Nov. 29, 1855. TAY. Rebecca Tay of Wobnrn and Xathan Pearson of Wilmington, Oct. 21, 176(>. William Tay of Wobiirn and Bethiah Winn of Wilmington, May 1(5, 1780. Rhoda Tay of Wilmington and Elislia Phelps of Andover, Oct. 28, 1795.' William Tay, Jr., of Woburu and Rhoda Butters of Wilmington, June 15, 1817. John B. Tav of Wobiirn and Abigail Buck of Wilmington. Sept. 26, lS8t. TAYLOR. John Tavlor of Woburn and Abigail Jones of Wilmington, Jan. 19, n;32. Esther Taylor of Reading and John Pelsue of Wilmington, ]\Iar. 19, 1767. Cyrus Taylor and Lucretia Corneal, both of Wilmington, Feb. 16. 1809. James Taylor, ,Ir., of Reading and Eunice W. Foster of Wihning- ton. May 20, 1824. Cyrus Taylor, Ji-., of Lexington and Charlotte Ann Allen of Wil- mington, July — , 1839. James C. Taylor and Julia E. Gowing, both of Wilmington, Apr. 2, 1848'. John A. Taylor and ]\Iarv E. Hale, both of Wilmington. Xov. 12, 1863. George L. Taylor and Julia Ann Avery, both of AVilmington, ^lav 30, 1866. Charles A. Taylor and Ella Chapman, both of Wilmington, Sept. 9, 1872. Charles A. Tavlor and Susan M. Parker, both of Wilmington, Jan. — 1874. " Charles E. Taylor of Wobui-n and Josie A. Bell of Wilmington, Dec. 5, 1875. Susan H. Taylor and James M. Forti,-. both of Wilmington, Jan. 27, 1877." Henry A. Taylor and Inez J. Simonds, both of Wdminoton, Mar. 31, 1877. Willie E. Taylor and Hattie ,). Bancroft, both of Wilmington, Sept. 10, 1878. Mina A. Taylor of Burlington and Laurence C. Swain of Wilming- Dec. 24, 1883. J. Arthur Taylor of Wilmington and Emma L. Kincaid of Chelsea, .Mar. 26, '1889. WILMINGTON RKCOKD OF MAKRIAGKS. 189 TJ ILOIt - Conlinur,!. Liicv K. Tavlor and Kllis E. Swain, Itotli of W'iliniii'^lon, May is, 'l88tt. George L. Taylor. Jr., and Anndia A. Hale, liotli of \\ ilniinnlon, -Jan. -28, l89-_>. .lolin A. Tavlor and Knnna (iiidis. liotli of \\'iiiniiii;ton. \o\. II, 1S!)-J. TEMPLE. Hephzibali Temple and Peter C'onnell, dr., both of Wilniint^ton. Apr. 3(», 17<)1. TEXXET. Georoe II. Tennev of (ieorgetown and Clarisa A. r.ancroft of Grovelaud. Dec. -24, 18U:l" THA YER. Meiiitable A. Tliaver and dacol) .Mannin*;, liodi o'i ^^'il^lin;4fon, Jtdy -iK 184.-)." THOMAS. Frederic d. Tliomas of Xortliport, Me., and MaiT Molt of Wilmins^- ton, Mar. 11, 188."). Lydia C. Thomas of Lowell and .lacoK II. Sju-d of \\'ilinington, Jan. 7, islii. THOMI'SOX. Hannah Thompson of WOluirn and riioma.s I'iurce of \\'ilmin<;ton, July 27. 17:32. Jame.s Thompson of Wilmington and .\liigail Simonds of Woburn. Apr. 28, 1747. Abigad Thompson and Ui'njannn IJiut. both of >\'i]mington. Jnne 9, 1747. William Thompson and .\bigail Jones, botii of \\'ilmini;ton. Xov. 24. 1747. Rachel Thompson and Heuben IWitters. Iiotii of Wilnungton, Jan. 17, 17.->1. Keziah Thompson and Samuel Jaipies, botii of W'ibnington, Mav 28, 1751. Susanna Thompson and Jose|>h Ibirt. l>oth of Wilmington. Oct. :>1. 1708. .Vbigail Thompson of \\'ilmington and John .Mi'xander of \\"olini-ii. '.Mar. 8. 17.^7. Hannah Thompson and John Ja(|nith. Jr., both of Wilmington. Sept. s, 1757. Seth Thompson of Woburn and Mollv Dc.in of \\'ilmiugton. Dec. 11, 1760. ^[ary Thompson of Wilmington and Kbcnezer IVarson of Duxlmrv Farm. X. II., Xov. .'Jd. i7()2. Jonathan Thompson ami Sarah Jaiiuitli. both of Wiluiington. ,Iuly 8. 17G7. 190 \VILM[XGTOX RECORD OF MARRIAGES. THOMPSON— Continued. Abigail Thompson of Wobuni and John P]ames, 3d, of Wilming- ton, Aug. If), 1779. Jonathan Thompson and Sarah Butters, lioth of Wilmington. Jan. 18, 1781. Ebenezer Thompson and Judith C'oggin, both of Wilmington, Apr. 18, 1782. . Mary Thompson and Benjamin Gould, both of Wilmington, Aug. 22, 1782. Benjamin Thompson, Jr., and Susanna Jaquith. both of Wilming- ton, Jan. 22, 1784. Elizabeth Thompson and Xathan Buck, both of AVilmington, Dec-. 21, 1790. Samuel Thompson and Olive Buck, both of Wilmington, ]\Iar. 31, 1791. Bridget Thompson of Woburn and Wiihird Jones of Wilmington, Aug. 20, 1793. Jonathan Thompson and Ruth (Rachel) Jones, both of Wilming- ton, Sept. 13, 179.1. Abigail Thompson of Wilmington and Joseph Burnap, Jr., of Reading, Jan. 20, 1803. Lt. Samuel Thompson of Tewksbuiv anil Elizabeth Jones of Wil- mington, Apr. 14, 1808. Sally Thompson of AVoburn and William Uond of Wilmington, Apr. 21, 1808. Maj. Abijah Thompson of Woburn and Lydia Bradford of Wil- mington, Mar. 10, 1S09. John Thompson of Boston and Sarah Hopkins of \\'ilniington, June 1, 1809. Sarah Thompson and (.'apt. (ieorge W. Ford, both of Wilmington. Jan. 7, 1810. Betsey Thompson and Ephraim Buck, 3d, both of Wilmington, Nov. 21,1811. Sally Thompson of Wilmington and Isaac Chandler. Ji-., of Andover, Nov. 26, 1812. Olive Thompson and Eldad Carter, both of Wilmington, Dec. 3, 1818. Hannah Thompson of Wilmington and Dr. Walter V. B. Judson of So. Bridgewater, Apr. 13, 1824. Mary Thompson of AVilmington and Abner Slack of Reading, Nov. 30, 182G. Henry Thompson of AVoburn and Diantha Sloan of Wilmington, Dec. 15, 1830. Elizabeth Thompson and Baxter Parker, both of A\'ilmington, June 12, 1860. Mary Jane Thompson of Andover and AA'illiam Kenworthy of Wilmington, Sept. 7, 1861. Richard F. Thompson of Springfield and Hattie E. INIevrill of Wil- mington, Oct. — , 186(i. Wilson 'Vhompson of \>'oburn and Nellie Miller of AA'ilmington, June 12, 1892. TTDD. Azubah Tidd of U'olturn and John Fames, ,Ir., of AVilmington, Mar. 18, 1773. Jacob Tidd and Mary AVeymouth, both of Woburn, Oct. 7, 1845. WILMINGTON RECOKI) Ol' MAKRIAGKS. 101 TIL LEY. -loliii A. Tillev and Annie F. IWittors. hotli of \\'ilinin.<;ton. Oct. 'JT. 1S!»(;. TIXGLIIY. Henry L. Tingley of and Maria .Fones of , June 0, 1852. TO BIN. Nellie Tohin and Frank W. Frav, l:otli of Wiiniingto?!. M;iv JS. 1807. TOLMAN, "Lucy 1). Tolinan and David I'ealxxlv. liotli of Wilmington. Fob. "22, 1850. TONY. Peggy Tony and Peleg Cardner. both of Wilmington. Oct. 1(1. i788. TOOLB. Sarah Toole of Woburn and ^Micliacl .Mnllcn of Wilmington. Oct. •28, 1889. t TO TTINGHA 31. dolin Tottingliam of Woburn and .Martha Killam of \\'ilmington, Aug. 2!)! 1751. Fattv Tottinuliani and Jonathan Ibittcrs. Ix.lh of Wilmin"ton, Nov. 0, 17!)(l. TO WLE. We.slev A. 'I'owle and Nettie F. IJatclieller, both of Wilmington. Mar. 2, 1880. TOifXi:. James W. Towne of Orange. X. ,1., iind Keliecca ilames of Wil miugton, Oct. 5, 1S77. TO trNSENI). Hannah Townsend and Nathan Scales, bolh of Wihnin^lon, June 11.1741. John Town.send of Wilmington and .Marv lu>ed of Woburn. .\|>r. 12. 17();{. Nathan Townsend of Andover and Kliza S. Harnden of \\'ilming- ton, Oct. 2(1. 1820. 192 WILMIN(iTON KFXORD OF MARRIAGES. TO WNSEND — Continued. Sarah A. Townsend and A. Porter Pearson, both of Wihiihigton Nov. 29, 1846. fJohn Townsend and Catharine Canon, hoth of Wihnington, Oct. 5, 1855. TRAVIS. Ida M. Travis and James Kellett, both of AVibnington, Feb. •J6, 1881. TRIFJ^RY. Mary Trifery of Wihnington and Josiah Jones of Andover, Nov. 27, 1753. TRULL. Levi Trull of Tewksbury and Nancy Harnden of Wilmington, Nov. 29; 1798. \ , . . Emily L. Trull of Heading and Leonard T. Eames of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1873. TUCKER. Joel Tucker and Susanna Alexander, both of Wilmington, -Ian. 20, 1779. William Tucker, Jr., of Andover and Hephzibah Pearson of Wil- mington, Nov. 30, 181.5. Catharine Tucker and James H. Swain, both of Wilmington, July 2, 1869. TUFTS. Samuel Tufts and Eliza Sloan, both of Wilmington, June 1, 1817. Susan Tufts and Samuel ^lorrill, both of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1818. A TlfjtSED. James Tweed and Molly Buck, bolli of Wilmington, Apr. 4, 17()9. James Tweed and Hannah Buxton, both of Wihnington, Dec. 19, 1786. Joel Tweed and Lucretia Harnden, both of Wilmington, May 29, 1811. Sally Tweed and Joseph Buck, both of Wilmington, Feb. 22, 1818. Nancy Tweed and Samuel Harnden, -Jr., both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1822. Abigail Tweed and Benjamin Walker, both of Wilmington, ^lay '16, 1822. Jarnes Tweed, Jr., of Woburn and Sarah Harnden of Wihnington, May 4, 1826. Samuel Tweed and Mary ^^'incllester, both of Wilmington, Oct. 25, 1829. WILMIXGTOX KKCOlil) OF MAKKIAGKS. 103 TWIST. Keziah Twist of \V()liiini and -Fcs.'c Hopkins oi' A\'iliiiington, Fcli. 1, 17SL'. Mary Twist of lUirlin^ton and Simoon Hnttt'is of \\'ilniin!4t()n. Oct. •2-2, 1:S()(». " TlLl'JIl, .Joseph Tyler of W'oluirn and Bctscv linltcrs of \Vilniint;lon. A]>r. 1:5, 182(). .lolin Tvlor of I'x^ton and Adeline lilaneiiard of AVilniington, Feb. Il,'l828. urn AM. Otis l'i)liani of Watertown and Marv Sloan of Wilmington, Oct. 16, ISl'l. UPTOX. Richard Cjiton and IJaehei Hieli. l>otli of W'ilinin^toii. .lime L'ti. 17!(). ^^'illiam I'pton of Reading and Mrs. Hannah Stanley of Wilming- ton, Dec. 1, 17-)7. Mollv Upton of Heading and Nathaniel Wesson of Wilmington. Apr. -23, 1701. Mollv Upton (if \\'i]mington and 'I'lionias Tatch of Hollis, Dec. (J, '177(». Thomas Rich Upton and Rnth Kvans, hoth of WiiminL^ton, Jan. 10, 1771. Dorcas l'|)ton of Wilmington and R. 194 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. UFTON— Continued. Hannah C Upton and Harrison Bancroft, both of Wilmington. Nov. 2, 1854. Mary A. Upton and William H. Chapman, both of A\'ilmington. Dec. — , 1854. Ambrose Upton of A\'i]mington and p]liza J. P. Brackett of Tewks- bur^', ^lay — , 1857. Daniel R. Upton and Clara (lOwing, both of Wilmington, Dec. '?>\, 1868. Benjamin F. Upton of Wilmington and Hannah P^arle of No. An- dover, 1864. Timothy D. Upton of Wilmington and Sarah J. Magoon of Ballard- vale, July 15, 1874. Thomas O. Upton of Minneapolis, Minn., and Ada D. Buck of Wilmington, June 24, 1885. UBCHART. Maggie Urchart and William IWitler, both of Wilmington, Jan. 12, 1887. VEBBY. Beriah Verdv and Nathaniel Patten, both of Wilmington, July 14. 1757. VILAS. Charles N. Vilas of New York and Elizabeth L. Harrington of Wilmington, Dec. 16, 187!>. WABE. Rebecca Wade of Wilmington and Samuel French of Woburn, Dec. 27, 17.50. Hebecca Wade and Caleb Wesson, both of Wilmington, Apr. 16, 1765. .lob Wade of Stoneham and Jerusha A. Pearson of Wilmington, Oct. 20, 1850. WAITE. David F. Waite and Nellie B. Fames, both of Wilmington, Julv 7, 1887. WAITT. Benjamin F. Waitt of Wilmington and Mary J. Hill of Heading. WA LKEB. (irace Walker of Woburn and Samuel liathorne of Wilmington Feb.^ll, 1741. Wn.MIN'<;T()N KKCOIM) OK M AIMJlA<;KS. 195 WA LKEIt — Cn„tinn<',l. I'liebe Walker of IJillt'rioa and .lolm l^cwis of Wiliniii'^ion. Mur. 14, 174.-). (irace \Valker of Wilmington and Xatlianiid Tatten of \\'ol)iiiii, :\ray 27, 1700. Marv Walker and iJioliard IIo])kiiis, Itotliof Wilmington, Dec. It;, 1702. Mrs. Abigail ^^'alkel• of Wilmington and Wilii;ini Kaggles of Waltiiam, June 'Jl. 1704. John Walker and Sii.sanna Ilavward, liotli of Wilmington, Mar. 28, 170.'). Sarah Walker and John Ueard. Jr., l)oth of Wilmington, .May .'{(i. 1765. Ursula "Walker of Billerica and Isaac -Jacjuith of ^^'ilnliIlgton, Jan. 14, 177;}. Elizabeth Walker and Joel -lenkins, both of Wilmington, -Inne ];>, 1784. James Walker and Xaiicv Harndcn. both of Wilmington, N'ov. 20, 1795. Susanna AValker and K/.ia Kendall, both of Wilmington, Nov. ;>0, 1815. Henjamin AValker and Aliigaii Tweed, both of Wilmington, ^Nlay 10, 1822. (ieorge Walker and Hannah Karnes, both of Wilmington, Sept. 1, 18:51. (ieorge W. Walker and ^larv .\nn Dnstin, both of Wilmington, Alar. ;51, 185:!. .\delaide Walker of Wakefield and .Mbert II. Hond of Wilming- ton, July 3, 1864. .Marv A. Walker of Wilmington and John S. i*ike of Reading, "Mar. 2, 1871. Caroline Frances Walker of Kryeburg, Me., and Henry .Martin Kanies of Wilmington, Jan. M, 1872. Iralon M. Walker of Kverett and Fred 1". Harriman of \\'ilming- t). Bancroft of Wil- mington, Sept. 25, 1872. WENTWOBTH. William Went\vorth and Sophia Carter, both of Wilmington, Jan. 17, 1866. Mary C. Wentworth and Daniel Eldridge, both of Wilmington, Feb. 14, 1866. lFESSO^\ Stephen Wesson and Mary Barron, both of Wilmington, INIar. 1, 1748. Elizabeth Wesson and ]Mr. Samuel Shattuck, both .of Pepperell, Oct. 28, 1751). Isaac Wesson and Lucy Dean, both of AVilmington, IMay 4, 1758. Nathaniel Wesson of Wilmington and Molly Upton of Reading, Apr. 23, 17(il. Caleb Wesson and Rebecca AVade, both of Wilmington, Apr. 16, 1765. Mary AVesson and David Flint, both of Wilmington, Xov. 27, 1766. Stephen Wesson and Mrs. Sarah Killam, both of AMlmington, Xov. 7, 1771. Abijah Wesson of Iteading and Anna Ruck of Wilmington, Jan. "20, 1791. WESTON. Esther Weston of Reading and Wiliiam Butters of AVilmington. Feb. 4, 1810. <'ornetia X. AVeston of Reading aiul Samnel Fames of Wilming- ton, Nov. 2, 186.'). i WII.MIXCTON HI'XOKD OF MAKKIA(;i:S. U>7 tVEY MOUTH. Mary Wc\ iiioiit li aii.l Jacob Tiild, l.ntli of Wol.iirn, ()c(. 7, ISl."). IVHEKLER. Andrew J. Wheeler of Lowell and Kcziali llojikiiis ot' Wiiminnton, Oct. 5, 184J. Mary 8. Wheeler and Saniiu-l O. IJIanchard, iiodi ol Wilmington, Sei>t. 1.'), 1672. WHITE. Lorenzo White of lioston and Louisa Hanidcn of Wilinin^toii, Sept. 11, 18:3 L Joseph A. White of Wenliam and Klizabetli L. (.'uriis of Danver.s, Nov. 10, 18.>i. John 11. Wliite of Uoston and .Marinda 11. Iloodlev of , May 18, 18o0. Inez M. White and William Hunt. l)otii of Wilmin<;ton, Xov. •'."), 1858. Helen M. White of Wilmington an.l Cliarli's II. .Xiciiolsof Woluirn. Dec. 7, ISti.'j. Jane White and James Hoiicetlc. l>oth of Wilmin"lnii. Dec. oO, 1877. Joseph White of Wilmiiii^ton and Julia IWuke of Keadiii"-. Apr. •j;i, ISS-J. Frederick S. Wliite of Wilmington and Uebecca L. Allen of An- dover, Oct. 7, 1881*. Michael H, \\'hite and ]\Iarv Jane lUibine, both of Wilmington, Jan. 21, iss;!. Fanny White and James H. Doucette. both of Wilmiugtou. June •il, 1S8:J. William H. White and .lose[)liine l!al>iiie. Ixitli of \\'ilniiugton, Jan. -JO, 18SL William H. White and Agues White, both of Wilmington, Aug. 2, 188.J. Agnes Wliite and William H. Whit.-, both of Wilmington, An". 2, 1S8.-). .Mary .). White and Simon K. l\jrler, both of Wilmington, Apr. 11, 1887. .Maria White ami Terrence O'Donnell, both. if Wilmington, .Sept. lU, 18,S7. Lnke White of Wilmington and Katie Didong of Iveadiiig, Xov. l(t, lSb7. Charles H. White and Kvelina liabine. liotli of Wilmington, Fel). 12, 18SS. Henrietta 1.,. White and Abiel F. Fearson. i)otli of Wilmington, .Mar. U, 1SS!». Ravniond J. White and Josephine Surr.-tte, both of Wilmingtou, ^ Feb. 10, IS! 10. Kdnuind White and Sarah White, i>oth of Wiluiington, Oct. 7, 18!»0. Sarah White and Kdmund White, both of Wilmiugion, ( )ct. 7, 1890. 198 WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGKS. tVHl TE — Con t in a e'ilmiugton, Feb. 15, 1888. WHITTING. Elizabeth Whitting of Billerica and Ebenezer Jaquith of \\'ihning- ton, Jan. 8, 1760. Eldad Whitting and Abigail Jaques, both of Wilmington, May I'l, 1795. Sampson Whitting of Cambridge and Betsey Upton of Wilming- ton, Oct. 9, 1790. WILCOX. p]liza A. Wilcox of Saxonville and William Fierce of Wilmington, Oct. 18, 1865. WILEY. William H. Wiley, 2d, of Wakefield and Addie S. ^\■arll of Wil- mington, Oct. 5, 1887. WILKIJSS. Cora Isabella Wilkins and Charles (). Blaisdell, both of Wilming- ton, ]\Iar. 17, 188S. WILLABD. Marietta I.. Willanl of ^^'ilmingt()n and ,hihii Hoffman Armstrong of Hillsdale, Mich., Nov. 20, 18();5. wii,mix(;t()x kkcoui) oi' marimacks. 199 WILLIAMS. Xathaniel Williams of Camlniduc and Ilannali (Jiacc of Wil- mington, .Alay 1(1, 177S. U ILLOIGHBY. Sanmcl Willouglil-vof linlli-^ mid Kli/.alictli dinpiilli of Wilming- ton, Dec. o, 1772. .lolin M. Willouglil>v and Harriot Foster, hotli of \\'ilniingtnn, .Mar. -28, 18-i4. WILSON. Mary Wilson of IJeading and Xallian Pearson of Wilmington- Jan. 10, 174(3. Rebecca Wilson of AViliningtmi and dolin Pierce of Woluirn, Aug. 17, 1788. Betsey Wilson and Henjaniin Ihundcn. .Ir., liotli of Wilmington, Nov. 17, 1795. John F. Wilson of Boston and Marietta (i. Harris of Wilmington, Nov. 20, 1888. WINCHESTER. Marv Winchester and Samuel 'I'weed, both of \\'ilinington, Oct. 2."), "l82!t. WINN. Martha Winn of Wilmington and -lames Holt of Andovcr. Oct. '*'^ 1742. Mary Winn and .lacob .lones, both of ^Vilmington. May Ki. \~7)S. ^[artha Winn and David Jones, both of Wilmington, Jan. 10, 17(i(). -Foseph Winn and Marv Cornell, both of Wilmington, Feb. i;{, 17(it;. John Winn and .\l)igail Bogers, both of \\ ilmington, ,lan. (i, 1774. Mollv Winn of Woburn and John Alexander of \\'ilniington, Sei)t 20, 1774. .Jeremiah )\'inn of Wdbnrn and Hittv Buck of Wilmington, Nov !», 1775. Klizabeth Winn and -lolin Butters, Jr.. both of \\'ilniington. M;iy 11, 17S0. Bethiah Winn of Wilmin'.;ton and William 'I'av of \\'obiirn, .M;iv Ki, 178(t. wiNSUir. Rev. Josiah Winshi|i of Woolwich and .Mrs. Kli/.abctli Ford of Wil- mington. Mar. 27. 17^(1. WITH AM. Ira O. W'ithain of Blue Hill. .Me.. Mnd Cliiirlofte K. Cr.wing „f Wilmington. Jnne 30, 1870. 200 WILMINGTON RFXORD OF MARRIAGES. WOOD. Esther Wood of Woburn and Eleazer Carter, Jr., of Wilmington, Mar. 21, 1757. Jonathan Wood of Lowell and Ruth J. Batters of Wilmington, Dec. 1, 1S;56. Mary Wood of Wilmington and James Kernon of Stoneham, Jan. — , 1875. WO ODIN. Geoi'ge William AVoodin and Teresa Ellen Skeat AVhiltaker, both of Wilmington, Oct. 4, 1876. WOODBUrF. Lyman AYoodruff of Andover and Alehitable Batters of Wilming- ton, Jaly 18, 18l>-2. Mehitable Woodruff and Jephthah Jones, both of Billerica, May 10, 1811. WRIGHT. ]Mary Wright of Wilmington and Nicholas Youngman of Concord, Feb. 12, 1747. Ruth Wrio;ht of Wilmington and Jasper Richardson of Lexington. ]\Lir. 19, 1752. Lydia AVi'ight of AVilmington and Richard Snow of Billerica, Jan. 19, 1709. Abigail AVriiiht of Wilmington and Rol)ert Duncan " A Britton," Jan. 29,^1780. Josiah AV right of AVilmington and ^lolly Ruey of Salem, Feb. 10, 1785. Uriah AVright and Betsey Clark, both of AA'ilmington. JNIay 2o, 1816. Abigail AVright and Reuben (iibson, both of AVilmington. Nov. 18. "1824. WYMAX. Lucy AVyman of Wilmington and IJenjamin Nutting of Woburn, June oO, 1772. Uuth Wyman and Samuel Jaques. Jr., both of Wilmington, Mar. 17, 177;}. Thomas AVyman of AVoburn and Elizabeth Reed of Wilmington, ]\Lay 25", 177o. ALirv AVvman and ,Tobn Flagg, Jr., both of Wilmington, May 11, "1786'. Susanna Wynum of AVoburn and Aloses Pearson, 2nd of AVil- n)ington, Sept. 30, 1804. Abigail Wyman of Wilmington and Noah H. Frvc of AVolmrn. Dec. 2,\l.si:5. AVilliam AVyinan and Harriet N. Carter, both of AVoburn, Feb. 29, 18.32. WILMINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 201 YOUNG. Joseph youiii,^ of Heading and Susanna Eaines of Wilmington, Dec. 4, ISIT. Clara L. Young of Reading and Edward 15. Eanie« of Wilmington, Jan. •_>!, 1880. Edward Young and Mary E. Miller, both of Wilmington, Feb. 24. lS8:i. Mary J, Young and Frank X. Muse, both of AVilmiugton, Aug. "_'. 1887. YOUNGMAN. Nicholas Youiigmuu of Concord and Mary Wright of Wilmingtoi.j Feb. 12, 1747. DEATHS. DEATHS IN WILMINGTON, MASS Kron-i 1730 to 1H98. Alphabetically and Chronologically Arrangld. (Ah Asterisk * against si lutme signifies Kcconi lakcii lioiii (iiavcstoiu*.) ABBOTT. Tryplieiia, (1. of Levi and Hlioda, Sept. s. ]s\-j, -j yrs. Id mo Levi. s. of Israel and Alice, Feb. '2'6, 18(i7, 7^5 vis. lin. Frank F., s. of , Mar. -JO, LS97, .')5 yrs. " ADAMS. Eliza A. d. of Sanford and , Dec. 11, !«.>(), 1:'. yrs. Jerusha, , Aug. 22, IS'A, 7^ yrs. ADD J SOX. John, , Nov. 4, 1878, 75 yrs. 7 nios. Mary A., , Sept. 29, 1888, 81 yrs. ALDRICH. Charles A., s. of Arnold A. and Lucy. .July 'J-i, 18!t;5, tlO yrs. ALEXANDER Jonathan s. of Peter and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1748. Benjamin, s. of Giles and Mary, May 18, \7'>i>. Mary, wife of (iiles, Oct. 2."), 17t)0, in her ;}2d year. Abbie Ann, d. of .Jonas and , F'eb. 2.">, 1844. , child of Jonas and Hannah, Mav 22, 18.14, -i mos. Lucy, wid. of Peter, Oct. 2."), I8.'>(i, 75 yrs. .Joseph, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 5, 1800, 79 yrs. Lucy, d. of Peter and Lucy, Oct. 1(J, 1870, 67 yrs. Judith, , .Ian. 23, 187"), 79 yrs. Kancy, , June 20, 1875, 85 yrs. 206 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. ALLEN. Ann, of , ]\Iar. 25, 1854, 43 yrs. Willie J., s. of William and Mary A., May lo, 1868, 8 yrs. 1 nj. 23 days. Eliza E., wid. of , Dec. :>1, 1870, 82 yrs. 10 nios. 17 days. Timothy E., s. of Thaddeus P. and 'J'imna, Apr. 29.1890, 54 yrs. 3 mos. 15 days. ALLISON. , of Old Age, Aug. 24, 1843. AMES. William, s. of William and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1830, 20 mos.* Harriet, d. of William and Sarah, Oct. 0, 1837, 14 mos.* Sarah, wife of William, Aug. 11, 1803, 45 yrs. Joseph A., s. of Joseph and Phebe P., Apr. (i, 18S2, 08 yrs. 9 mos. 4 days. William, s. of Benjamin and , Apr. 3, 1884, 80 yrs. mos. Mary Ann, wid. of William, Sept. 28, 1884, 74 yrs. 3 mos. Edith, d. of Henry and Addie N., Feb. 25, 1889, 2 yrs. mos. 18 days. Henry A., s. of Jo.sepli A. and Harriot G., ]\lay 13, 1890, 40 yrs. 7 mos. 4 days. ArPLEBY. William A., s. of Charles S. and Lucy, Sept. 10. 1887, 32 yrs. 1 m- 10 days. AUSTIN. Lucy, , Dec. 24, 18.57, 50 yrs. AVEBY. Ebenezer B., s. of Ebenezer and Mary H., j\Lay 19, 1887, 79 yrs. mos. 9 days. Lavinia A., wid. of P>benezer B., June 17, 1S91, 81 yrs. 2 mos. 20 days. H. Maria, wid. of Charles, May 20, 1897. 71 yrs. 4 mos. 8 days. B J BINE. Monday, s. of Joseph and iNIary, -July 8, 1882, 10 mos. Joseph A., s. of Amos and Judith, .July 10, 1883, 9 mos. 17 days. ]\Iary L., d. of Monday and Emily, Aug. 14, 1883, 5 mos. Lizzie J., d. of William and Annie L., -fuly 17, 1885, 1 yr. 7 mos. 12 days. Mary Emma, d. of Mark and Pose, -June 21, 1888, 10 mos. Mary E., wid. of , July 27, 1890, 75 yrs. 4 mos. 23days. Arthur O., s. of Monday and Emily, Feb. 22, ls91, 3 yrs. Minnie E., d. of Monday and Emily, Apr. 20, 1S91, 1 yr. Arthur, s. of Mark and Kose, July 7, 1894, 1 yr. 10 m. Sydney P., s. of .John and Bridget, Aug. 16, 1897, 4 mos. WILMINGTON RFXORD OF DEATHS. 207 BATLEY. Abner, , Oct. 4, I.S08, m yrs. Hannah ^I., wid. of , .June 1"), issii, s.") yrs. I.illia (Gage), wife of -lolm. Mar. !•. isii"). 17 yrs. BAIMD. .Tolm. s. of George and .Margaret. June 1. 1^711, 77 yrs. Ki day.s. BALCoyr. liet.sey A. (Woods), wife of lidward II.. Sept. -Jli. iSJJ.j, .J8 yrs. 11 nios. 1 day. BALDWIN. Samuel, s. of Jonatlian and IIest mos. ne[>hzil)ah, wife of Harrison, Oct. fi. l>i"):5, 4.0 yrs. Timothy, s. of Edmund and Sarah P., Feb. o. isiJl, ()(> yrs. Andrew, s. of Harrison and Hannah ('., May (i, \^iV-\. ."> yrs. 1 m. 2 days. .\bigail, wid. of , Apr. \'-^, lsti4, (IG yrs. Minnie P., d. of Thomas A. and Mary K., Feb. l'."), iMis, s yi-.s. 11 days. H. Orn, s. of Harrison and llephzibah. May 11, l.S7t), 43 yrs. John P., s. of Timothy and Abigail, Nov. 11, 1S7S, Sfj yrs. Hannah, wife of Hiram, June 17, ISHI, (iO yrs. 1 ni. l.Vdays. ,Marv E. (Orcott), wife of Thomas A.. An«i. 4, 1S!»1, 51 vrs. 3 mos. 29 days. Thomas A., s. of Harrison and Ilepli/iliali, Oct. 23, isii], .')7 yrs. 4 mos. 27 days. Hanimon, s. of Harrison and Eunice, Jan. 2. l"'!)!. s:') yrs. 5 mos. 9 days. Jane, d. of John W. and .Vnnii- J., Oct. 21, is'H. 1 ni. 11 days. Annie J. (Johnston), wife of John \\'., Nov. 27, l">!il, 23 yrs. 5 mos. Hiram, s. of Jonathan and Sophia, .\pr. 9, ls9.'), S7 yis. 1 ni. 10 days. Emeline ((iowing), wife of Ilamnion. Oct. 1, Is!),"), s-J yi-s. 4 nu)s. 1(1 davs. 208 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. BARRON. Joshua, s. of JNIoses and Hannah, June s, 17()6, 3 wks.* BATCHELDER. Flora A., d. of James 11. and Lizzie, Sept. 8, 1860, 3 mos. 14 days. BATCHELLER. Enieline ^NL, d. of James II. and f]meline I)., Jan. 23, 18(i.5, 2 yrs. (5 mos. 19 days. Emeline I). (Jaquith), wife of James W., May'2, 1865, 32 yrs. 7 mos. Ethel, d. of James II. and Mary E., Sept. 7, 1872, 8 mos. 8 days. James II., s. of Josiah and Olive S., Apr. 22, 1804, 67 yrs. 6 mos. 20 days. BEALS. Thirza E., , Oct. 20, 1882, Ih yrs. BEARD. Mary, d. of John and Hannah, -hine 11, 1738. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Abigail. Mar. 10, 1730. Abigail, d. of fvbenezer and Esther, May 21, 1746, 18 vrs. 10 mos. 20 days.* Edward, 3d, s. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 10, 181.5 6 mos. 13 days.* Owen, s. of Edward and Mary, Feb. 8, 1840, 8 yr. 9 mos.* Clevland, s. of , Dec. 30, 18,56, 30 yrs. Henry, s. of Edward and Mary, Oct. 1, 1860, 25 yrs. 16 days. Louisa, wife of , Sept. 16, 1862, 50 yrs. Edward, s. of Edward and ^Nlary, Jan. 10, 1870, 82 yrs. 2 mos. Mary, wid. of , Aug. 5, 1875, 82 yrs. 4 mos. Lydia, d. of Edward and Mary, July 16, 1883, 79 yrs. 10 mos. 24 days. BEDELIj. Alma Q. (Buck), wife of AVinfield (J., Oct. .5, 1801,29 yrs. 7 mos. 15 days. beel. Sarah, wife of John, Dec. 19, 1803, 48 yrs.* John, , Nov. 14, 1825, 81 yrs.* John, , Feb. 23, 1833, 24 yrs.* Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Beluah, Oct. 18, 1846, 18 yrs. 11 mos. 17 days. Beulah, wife of Joseph, May 28, 1848, 42 yrs. 4 mos. Freeman, s. of John and Sarah, Apr. 12, 1858, 69 yrs. Joseph, s. of John and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1869, 68 yrs. 11 mos. 10 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 209 BENNET. Xancy (Huck), wife of .Fames. Mar. s, 1S47, .j4 yrs. •) mos. 8 days.* BIRVH. Laura, tl. of Ik'iijaiiiiu and , Apr. '2, Is.jO, 12 yrs. BLAISDELL. Bessy Hiick, d. of Walter J. and llatti.' I.., Dee. -W, ls7!l, 1 day. Sarah F., d. of Charles (). and Sarali L.. May 2, l^Sl, mos." Maud L., d. of Walter J. and Ilattie L.. Xov. 2S, 188:5, 2 yrs. f) mos. 10 days. Alfred E.," s. of Walter J. and Ilattie L.. IVh. 27, ISSo, 8 mos. 8 days. Hthelyii, d. of Walter J. and Ilattie L., Mar. 1(». issfi, 2 mos. o days. .Fesse, d.'of Walter J. and Hattie L., Sept. 28, 1887, 2 days. F.avir.ia J. (Hack), wid. of , Dee. 17, 1887, 5:j yrs. 11 mos. 2n days. Charles if., s. of Walter J. and Ilattie L., Aug. JC. 1800, 5 mos. Louis ('., s. of Charles O. and Cora I., Dec. 17, 1895, 4 mos. 10 days. lialph'K., s. of Charles (). and Cora I., Oct. 21, 1897, 7 mos. 2 days. BLAKE. John dames, s. of .Fames and Mary, Feb. 11, 1^92. 1 yr. 11 days. Lenora. wife of Charles, Aug. 7, 189^i, (i!~< yrs. 1 mos. 12 days. BLANCHABD. Walter, s. of William and Mary, Oct. 21, I8()(i, 27 yrs. fi mos. U days.* Marv, wife of William, .Fulv 4, l''^()>i, .o4 yrs.* Hannah (I'.uck), wife of AJmer, May 24, 1822, 28 yr.s.* ('(.1. William, .Tan. 8, 18:^3, 82 yrs.* \\'illiam, s. of ^\'illiam and Mary, Nov. 14, 1840, til yrs. ;{ mos. 9 days. I>aura, wife of Henry, Feb. 27, 184."), 24 yrs. 8 mos. 27 days. .Mary, wid. of .T , Mav Ki, 1849, 80 yrs. Walter 11., s. of Walter iind CharIotte,"^Feb. 20, 1855, 24 yrs. Elizabeth, .Tune 25, 18.57, ~'-\ yrs. Anna D. M., d. of William" and Klizabetli, Feb. 9, 1s7l>, 40 yrs. 9 mos. 14 days, (ieorge, s. of William and Kli/.abeth, Sept. 10, 1872, .59 yrs. 5 mos. Mary S., d. of Samuel O. and Mary S., .Tune l;{, 1878, 1 day. \Villiam, s. of William and Klizabetli. Xov. 9, 1881, 79 yrs. 8 mos. 28 days. Henry, s. of William and Klizabetli. Sept. 8, 188(1, (id yrs. 7 mos. 11 days. 210 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. BIjANCHABD— Continued. Samuel O., s. of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1889, (!1 yrs. 6 nios. 2 days. Lucy D. d. of AValter and Charlotte, Oct. 1, 189(), 03 yrs. 8 mos. 27 days. BOARDMAN. Mary, d. of and Phebe, Nov. 27, 1847, 4(1 yrs. 5 nios. BOICE, see Boyce. Child of David and , Sept. 29, 18riG, 3 mos. BOND. Charlotte, d. of Capt. Joseph and ^Vlary, June 9, 1804, 19 yrs.* Henry, s. of William and Sally, July 27, 1813, 13 mos.* Nancy H., d. of William and Sally, Feb. 25, isio, 24 hrs.* Lucy, wife of Joseph, Dec. 2, 1835, 54 yrs.* Capt. Joseph, July 2(j, 184(1, 79 yrs.* Clarissa (Buck), wife of Alanson, Jan. 25, 1841, 34 yrs.* Joseph, 3d, s. of Joseph and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1842, in his 31st year.* James T., s. of Albert and Sai'ah A., Feb. 10, 1848, 15 yrs.* Mary (Lawrence), wid. of Capt. Joseph, July 24, 1848, 82 yrs.* Joseph, s. of Capt. Joseph and Mary, ]\Iay 21, 1849, 65 yrs. 4 mos. 9 days. Arthur T., s. of Thomas D. and Olive T., Oct. 12, 1850, 2 mos. 15 days. Addison J., s. of Timothy I), and Fanny, Sept. 24, 1855, 1 yr. Albert, s. of Joseph and Lucy, Aug. 3, 1873, 62 yrs. Olive T. (Thompson), wife of Thomas D., Nov. 22, 188.5, 63 yrs. 10 mos. Ethel Olive, d. of Joseph J. and Margaret INI., July 3, 1886, 8 mos. 17 days. Thomas D., s. of Joseph and Lucy, June 6, 1888, 72 yrs. 9 mos. 4 days. BONDS. -, s. of Joshua and Elizabeth, Ajir. 12, 1854, 4 mos. Martha (Oscar), wife of James P., Apr. 14, 1870, 73 yrs. James P., s. of George and Mary A., Sept. 30, 1870, 76 yrs. Elizabeth (Brandon), wife of Joshua, Oct. 26, 1884, 58 yrs. BOUCHEB. Rosanna, d. of Henry and Julia, Apr. 20, 1889, 5 mos. 25 days. BOUTWELL. Harriet, d. of Loammi and , May 6, 1845, 17 yrs. Sarah, d. of Loammi and Abigail, Apr. 3, 1848, 25 yrs. Loammi, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Dec, 23, 1863, 87 yrs. William, s. of Jonathan and Jemima, Jan. 15, 1883, 81 yrs. 10 mos. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 211 BOJVLICR. Mary, Se|>t. :}(). IST.'), >JC) yis. BOIVLES. Mary, d. of , Nt)v. (i, 1.S.")L', IS yrs. BOYCE, see Boice. Mary J., wife of David, Sept. 17, isTl, 41 yrs. S ino.s. Lottie M., d. of David II. and Hamiali, .Sept. IG, 1874, 3 nios. BBACKETT, Mary F. ( French), wife of , Aii.^. 2:5, 1S(;!», .lO yrs. 10 nios. BRADY, Delia, d. of Thomas and Mar-;an't. Dec. Ki, 1,SS7, IS yrs. (J nios. 11 days. BRANDON. Patrick, s. of John and , Nov. ;5, ls7(l, !t2 yrs. BRENNAN. Peter, s. of Patrick and Eliza, P'eb. 9, 1892, 4.3 yrs. BRIDGES. Anna, d. of Jeliiel and Ruth, .Sept. 10. 179.'). BRIG DON. Tininthy, s. of Z. and , Dec. 2r. 0. 1S74, 71 yr.s. 10 uios. BROWN. John P.all, s. of Dr. Jal>ez and Anna, Oct. 10. 1777, yrs. 10 nios. 2 days.* Anna, wife of Dr. -lahez, Xov. 22, isj:?, 74 vrs.* Sarah, d. of Silas and Ahinail, Feb. 11, 18l'7, 13 yrs.* William, s. of Silas and Abioail, June 30, 1828, f) yrs.* Dr. Jabez, Nov. lo, 1830, 88 yrs.* Mary, d. of Silas and Abigail, July 27, 1833, 24 vrs.* 212 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. BROWN— Continued. Mary Dexter, d. of Dr. Jabez and Anna, Sept. 1, 1849, (il yrs. 8 mos. 18 days.* Abigail, May 15, 1857, 83 yrs. Child of , July 2.5, 1857. 1 yr. Lois, wid. of , Sept. 1:3, 18(54, 78 yrs. Dr. Silas, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 15, 1864, .s4 yrs. Kt mos. 5 days. Abigail, d. of Silas and Abigail W., Apr. 28, 189:], S2 yrs. 1 mo. 2 days. BRYANT. Child of , Dec. 2.5, 18.57, 1 m. 15 days. Emma A., d. of William and Emma, Dec. 31, 1863, 9 yrs. 6 mos. 24 days. Martha J., d. of William and INIary, Jan. 16, 18G4, 12 yrs. 5 mos. 11 days. BUCK. Reuben, s. of Zebadiah and Mary, Nov. 30, 1805, 46 yrs. 5 mos. 3 days.* Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 7, 1810, 25 yrs.* Dolly, d. of Sewall and Hannah, July 17, 1817, 8 wks.* Marv, wife of Zebadiah, Sept. 1<», 1818, 88 yrs.* Hannah (Blanchard). d. of Samuel and Sally, INIay 24, 1822, 28 yrs. Nathan Otis, s. of Nathan and Abigail, Aug. 4, 1822, 7 mos. 7 days.* Zebadiah, s. of Samuel and Sally, Apr. 12, 1823, 27 yrs.* Mehitable (Burtt), d. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 18, 182-5, 35 yrs.* Samuel, s. of Zebadiah and Mary, Feb. 15, 1827, 62 yrs.* Sally, wife of Samuel, Feb. 16, 1828, 60 yrs.* Nathan, s. of Ephraim and INIary, Mar. 9, 1830, 8(5 yrs.* Matlida (Radcliff), d. of Samuel and Sally, July 2, 1830, 32 yrs.* Hannah, wife of Sewall, Apr. 4, 1833, 42 yrs. 3 mos.* Elizabeth, wid. of Nathan, Oct. 27, 1836, 73 yrs.* Dorcas (Kidder), d. of Samuel and Sally, Feb. 27, 1840, 36 yrs.* Clarissa (Bond), d. of Samuel and Sally, Jan. 25, 1841, 31 yrs.* Abigail, wife of Nathan, June 22, 1843, 46 yrs.* Ann, wife of Nathan, Nov. 4, 1844, 40 yrs. Naomi, wife of James. Nov. 23, 1845, 42 yrs. Abigail, wife of Sewall, Jan. 9, 1846, 40 yrs. , d. of Asa and Louisa, Aug. 1, 1846, 6 mos. Sylvania, wife of Henry, Oct. 28, 1852, 28 yrs. Sewall, s. of , Apr. 24, 1855, 64 yrs. George, s. of James and Naomi, July 29, 1855, 16 yrs. N. Irene (Haruden), Jan. 26, 1858, 17 yrs. Alvah, s. of Reuben and Esther, May 28, 1863, 50 yrs. Betsey (Temple), wife of , June .5, 1865, 63 yrs. 10 mos. 12 days. Amira (Gleason), wid. of , Sept. 2, 1866, 62 yrs. 5 mos. 5 days. Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Sally, Feb. 12, 1867, 63 yrs. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Betsey, Dec. 26, 1867, 46 yrs. 18 days. WILMINGTON RECOKD OK DKA TIIS. 218 BUCK— Continued. ^fary (Parker), wife of , May 7, 1S()S, ()2 yrs. Oliver, s. of Saimiel and Sally, Sept. -J, ISOO, 5i) yrs. James, s. of Nathan and Betsey, Feb. 17, l.S7(t, (i;5 yrs. fi nios. .lob, s. of Epliraini and Dorcas, Ajir. ."i. 1S72, 7"J yrs. !) nios. Aldice W., s. of Cliarles and Snsan S., Apr. 17, l>i7ti, lit nios. lH days. Cliarles W.. s. of Charles and Susan S., Apr. "Jl, 187(), 4 yrs. i> nios. Jonathan, s. of Xathan and I'.etsey, Mar. 10, 187!), s:5 yrs. :{ inos. Nathan, s. of Nathan and I'.etsey. May Ht, ISSl, !»() yrs. (i nios. '2:i days. Henjaniin, s. of Nathan and Hetsey, Aj)r. ."), 188."), 87 yrs. G nios. Fanny (Gowing), \\k\. of , .\] r. (i, 1887, 91) yrs. 1 mo. 1*2 days. Darius, s. of Jonathan and Betsey. Oct. 'J'J, 188!), (i3 yrs. 11 days. Cecilia M. (Marsins), wife of Sydney C Oct. 10, 189,'). 81 yrs. 11 days. Louisa M., d. of Herbert N. and j'.iiiina F., .May is. Is!t7, 11 nios. ■J days. /{ UFFUM. Joshua, s. of Samuel and Lydia. .'uig. 17, 1887, 8:! yrs. 3 mos. 2(5 days. BURNAF. Hradley, s. of Joseph and Abigail, S('|)t. 2(1, lsl7, 10 yrs.* Joseph, June 27, 18.J1, 82 yrs. Abigail (Thonii)son), wid. of . June 20, ISO"), 92 yrs. ."> mos. 8 days. Abigail, d. of Joseph and .Abigail, Sept. 1. 187;}, (31 yrs. II mos. 18 days. BURT. Jonathan, s. of Benjamin and .\bigail, Dec.!), 178(i, in his ;);Jd year.* Benjamin. Feb. 1, 17!);'). 71 vrs. 7 nios.* Lieut. Jacob, Dec. 2S, 1810,'8,-i yrs.* Mehitable (Buck), wife of Charles, Dec. 18, 182.'). :5.') yrs.« Martha, wife of Jacol), Dec. 10, 18:{(), 59 vrs.* Charles J., May 9, 18;5s, 2!) yrs.* Mary E., d. of Thomas and Eunice, Apr. 21, ISpJ, -2 yrs. '.] mo.s.* Thomas, June l(i, 18.")8, .')8 yrs. 8 mos.* Eunice, wid. of Thomas , Feb. 13, 18.")9, Oil yrs.* ].,ouisa, A})r. 24. 1888, 79 yrs. BU STEAD. (Jeorge J. A., s. of .Adam and Maggie .1., Apr. 7. isiM, ."> nios. William IL, s. of Adam and Magnie ,)., .Vug. H. is!).'.. 2 mos. L'O days. BUTLER. Mary, Sept. 19, 185."), 2(1 yrs. Child of , May 15, 185U, 8 yrs. k 214 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. BUTTERS. Ilephzibah, d. of Reuben and Rachel, May 26, 1756. Kezia, wife of Samuel Butters, J)-., July 15, 17-")9. William Butters, Feb. 9, 1746, 80 yrs.*" Elizabeth, wife of James, Jr., May 1, 1830, 61 yrs.* James, Nov. 8, 1831, 58 yrs.* Lucy, wife of William, Sept. 2.5, 1832, 75 yrs.* William, March 2, 1836, 74 yrs.* James, Mar 21, 1838, 97 yrs.* Franklin, July 3, 1844, 50 yrs. Mary, wife of Ruel, Aug'. 18, 1845, 25 yrs. , d. of Rnel and .\lary, Oct. 26, 1845, 6 mos. Simeon, s. of Eldad and Charlotte, July 6, 1846. 9 yrs. 3 mos. 28 days. Grace, d. of Simeon and Mary, Jan. 19, 1847, 42 vrs. 4 mos. 7 days. Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1848, 60 vrs. Oliver, s. of Reuben and Abigail, Nov. 3, 1S49, 44 yrs. (i mos. 10 days. MoUv, July 3, 1855, 88 yrs. Charlotte. Sept. 5, 1856, 50 yrs. Sarah, July 8, 1857, 77 yrs. " Allen, s. of Reuben and Rosanna, Oct. 6, i860, 6 mos. 8 days. AValter, s. of Reuben and Mary, Dec. 1, 1861, 80 yrs. 7 mos. Alfred, s. of Reuben and Rosanna, Dec. 21, 1861, 1 yr. 9 mos. 15 days. Albert, s. of Reuben and Rosaiuia, Dec. 28, 1861, 1 yr. 9 mos. 22 days. Simeon, s. of James and Abigail, Oct. 5, 1862, 83 yrs. Mary J. (Damon), wife of , Dec. 12, 1863, 23 yrs. 2 mos. 16 days. JNIary (Twist), wid. of Simeon, Apr. 28, 186.5, 89 yrs. Lucy, May 17, 1869, 76 yrs. William A., s. of Daniel and Susan, Apr. 25, 1871, 45 yrs. 6 mos. Frederick, s. of Amos and ^Nfary, Sept. 18, 1871, 75 yrs. Louisa, d. of Loammi and Sarali, Apr. 12, 1879, 71 yrs. 11 mos. 3 days. Elbridge, s. of Simeon and Polly, Nov. 10, 1883, 76 yrs. Lorenzo, s. of Loammi and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1884, 76 yrs, 9 mos. 16 days. Eldad, s. of Simeon and Felly, Feb. 23, 1886, 75 yrs. Mary, wid. of , Jan. 20, 1887, 73 yrs. Esther (Foster), wid. of , Sept. 28, 1888, 83 yrs. 3 mos. Rebecca, d. of Loammi and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1889, 78 yrs. 2 n)os. 23 days. Fanny, d. of Eldad and ^Tary, Oct. 21. 1891, 52 yrs. Stephen O., s. of Daniel and Susan, Sept. 2, 1893, 55 yrs. 2 mos. 16 days. Angeline, d. of Walter and Lucy, Dec. 12. 1893, 73 yrs. 3 mos. 25 days. BYBON. Lillian, d. of Terrence and Mary (i., Aug. 24, 1885, 2 mos. \Vn,MIN(iTON RF.COKD OK DEATHS. 215 CAILTjOUTTE. Joseph F., s. of IV'ter and .Moiiiinic. Oct. !!•. l>. 2'2. ls.')(), Tfi yrs. CARI.TOX. Silas, s. of Jereiniali and l)i'l)orali, Sent. 1."), IS.SS, ,s7 vis. I nios. CART Eli. Abigail, d. of Kbene/er and Lvdia, .Innc 7. 17.)'^, ltli year.* I^etsev, d. of Benjaniin and Flizabeth, Nov. 1!>, 179;5, 5 yrs. 9 nios. Nathan, .hilv 21, 1807, in his soth vear.* Martha, wife of Nathan, Nov. :}, 1812, 84 yrs.* Hetsey, wife of Alfred, .Sept. 23, 1815, 27 yrs.* Jonathan, Ang. 18, 1822, ().j yrs.* Olive, d. of Eldad and Olive" Sept. 8, 1822, 2 yrs. 8 nios. 8 days.* William Wallace, s. of Sewall and l^ouisa, Oct. 8, 182."). Susan, wife of Alfred, ^lar. 12, 182(1, 33 yrs.* Ezra, s. of Ezra and Lydia, Feb. 11, 1827, 82 yrs. Jonathan, ]\Lar. Ifi, 1829, <).") vrs.* Knel, Feb. 13, 1833, 42 yrs.*" Electa, d. of Simeon and Esther, Sept. 4, 1833, .") yrs. G nios,* Timothy, July 29, 1834, 72 yrs.* Oliver, Dec. o, 1834. 51 yrs.* Elizabeth, wife of Benjaniin, .Ian. 14, 1S37, 73 yrs.* Harriet Henchman, d. of Henry and Hannah L., .\pr. 18, 1S38, 2 yrs. 8 nios.* ^lary Davis, d. of Henry and Hannah !>., Aug. 24, 1839, 17 yrs. 7 mos.* Abner, Oct. 14, 1839, 37, yrs.* Lydia ((iowing), wid. of Jonathan, Jan. 4, 1844, 81 yrs. 1 mo. 4 days. Isaac, Mar. 9. 1844, 55 vrs. Sarah J., wile of William H., .Sept. 21, 1S44, 33 yrs. Leroy, s. of Jonathan and Caroline. Oct. 22, 1S45, 10 yrs. Rebecca (Flagg), wid. of .July 12, is4(i, 90 yrs. 3 nios. 11 days. Rachel (Gowing), wid. of , Feb. 2(5, 1847, 79 yrs. 4 mos. 25 days. 'I'imothy, s. of Tiniothy and Kachel, Mar. is. I.sl7. 59 yrs. 4 mos. 28 days. Benjamin, s. of Fzra and Lydia, .\ug. 20, 184^, !)(i yrs. Sally, wid. of John, Nov. 24, 1848, 86 yrs. 216 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. CARTER — Continued. Abigail, wid. of Jonathan, Ai)r. 6, 1849, 92 yrs. 6 mos. John, s. of Ezra and Lydia, June 19, 1849, 86 yrs. 1 mo. 11 days. p]lbridge, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1850, 48 yrs.. Kiifus, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Dec. 8, 1850, 58 yrs. Milton Badger, s. of Elbridge and Roxann, Jan. 19, 1851, 13 yrs. 3 mos. Amanda Jane, d. of Otis and Abby A., Feb. 3, 1851, 1 yr. 8 mos. 11 days. Percival, s. of Rich and Betsey, Apr. 10, 1851, 33 yrs. James, s. of Alfred and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1853, 19 yrs. 4 mos. Abiel, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1854, 66 yrs. Olive T., Nov. 1, 1854, 59 yrs. Eldad, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 3, 1855, 61 yrs. HelenC, d. of Daniel C. and , June 12, 1855, 11 mos. Abigail, Dec. 24, 1855, 52 yrs. , d. of Ruel and Martha, Sept. 27, 1858, 2 yrs. 3 mos. Ida Clara, d. of Dexter and Harriet, July 28. 1860, 1 yr. 3 mos. 8 days. Alfred, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 20, 1860. 72 yrs. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, INlar. — , 1861, 76 yrs. Laura A., d. of Otis and Abbie A., Sept. 30, 1861, 2'yrs. Ellen, d. of Abiel and Phebe, Jan. 27, 1863, 44 yrs. Phebe (Morrill), M'id. of Abiel, Apr. 19, 1863, 71 yrs. Mary D., d. of Flbridge and Roxann, Mar. 23, 1864, 25 yrs. John O., s. of Henry and Hannah, June 4, 1864, 33 yrs. 5 mos. Caroline, wife of , Dec. 6, 1664, 69 yrs. 2 mos. 22 days. Rich E., s. of Rich and Betsey, June 1, 1865, 38 yrs. 3 mos. George T. s. of William and Susan A., ]\Iar. 16, 1868, 22 yr. 8 mos. 12 days. Mary B. (Bridges), wid. of , Feb. 9, 1870, 40 yrs. 11 mos. Hannah L. (Lewis), wid. of Henry, July 20, 1870, 83 yrs. 10 mos. Susan A. (Butters), wife of , Aug. 15, 1870, 48 yrs. 5 mos. 20 days. Leroy, s. of Jonathan L. and INIary, Apr. 10, 1871, 25 yrs. 1 mo. 7 days. Elizabeth W. (Walker), wife of , Dec. 21, 1871, 75 yrs. 10 mos. Abiel G., s. of Abiel and Phebe, Feb. 18, 1873, 61 yrs. 4 mos. Etta J., d. of Walter D. and Mary E., Aug. 8, 1873, 8 days. Esther (Beard), wife of Sylvester, ]May 26, 1874, 76 yrs. 3 mos. 16 days. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 13, 1874, 83 yrs. 6 mos. Hannah M. (Fames), wife of , Jan. 31, 1876, 44 yrs. H. Malvina (Fames), wife of Osgood A., Jan. 31, 1876. Betsey (Newall), wid. of , .Mar. 27, 1879, 85 yrs. Mary (Norris), wid. of , Sept. 7, 1879, 81 yrs. 9 mos. 21 days. Sabra J. (Jaques), wid. of Timothy, May 8, 1881, 92 yrs. 2 mos. 1 day. Timothy J., s. of Timothy and Sabra J., Sept. 11, 1881, 63 yrs. 11 mos. 26 days. Sylvester, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1H82, 81 yrs. 11 mos. 18 days. Cyrus L., s. of Henry and Hannah I.,., Sept. 4, 1882, 70 yrs. 10 mos. WILMINGTON KIXOHD OF DEATHS. 217 CARTER _ coatinned. Rich. s. of -loiiatliaii and Lvilia !)1, 78 yrs. 10 mo.s. CH AMPLER. Sally (Thomp.son), wi.l. ..f Isaac, Jr., Sept. li), 18.38, (i4 yrs. CHAPMAN. Baurena (Upton), wife of , Aug. 12, is,")!), 22 yr.s. CHASE. Arthur (i., s. of George N. and Mary K.. June 14, 1^7."». 1 yr. 4 mo.s. 17 days. Harry B., s. of George N. and Mary E., Sept. 7, is.so, 1 ni. 1.") days. CHENEY. .Joseph A., s. of .Jo.seph and Martha, Xov. 12, 1880, 78 yrs. 8 inos. 7 da vs. CHITjDS. Abner C, s. of Willian) and Hannah B.. Feb. 12, 1891, 5.3 yrs. 9 mos. 8 days. 218 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. CLAPP. Luseba A., d. of Noah and Louiya, Nov. 1, 1S02, 17 yrs. 10 ino.s. '"i days. CLARK. Josiah, Dec. 8, 1.S55, 80 yi's. Mary, Feb. 4, 1857, 80 y'vs. Sarah (Brown), wife of , July If!, l'S(!8. (iS yrs. 4 mos. 7 days. J\lary H., Apr. 18, 18(j!), 1 mo. Amasa F., s. of Cephas and Deborah, Sept. 5, 1879, 6S yrs. Ella E., d. of Amasa F. and Belinda, Sept. 4, 188l', 25 yrs. -t mos. 23 days. Lizzie A. (Larrabee), wife of Nathaniel E. C, Nov. 1), 1897, 29, yrs. 11 mos. 22 days. C LOR AN. Bartlett, s. of , Nov. 13, 1894, 46 yrs. Bridget (Dowd),wid. of Bartlett, Apr. 13, 1897, 51 yrs. C LOUGH. Albert W., s. of Joseph E. and Rachel, Dec. 7, 1879, 26 yrs. 1 m. 19 days. Rachel (Roaks), wid. of Joseph E., Dec. 19, 1896, 69 yrs. 11 mos* 11 days. COGGIN. Lydia, wid. of Joseph, Jnly 4, 1830, SO yrs.* COLBURN. Anna B. (Brown), wid. of , Feb. 11, 1894, 77 yrs. 10 mos. 23 days. William H., s. of John and Anna, Mar. 21, 1894, 53 yrs. COLE. Grace M., d. of Samuel F- and Mary E., Oct. 12, 1895, 1 yr. 3 mos. COLOMY. Eliza E., d. of Abram and Ann, Feb. 7, 1895, 54 yrs. 2 mos. 11 days. CONVERSE. P^liza Ann, d. of Joshua and Bet.sey, Sept. 15, 1844, 5 mos. 5 days. , d. of William and lietsey, Sept. 24, 1849, 2 mos. 8 days. CONWAY. Maud, wife of , May 5, 1894, 39 yrs. 3 mos. 13 days. WILMINGTON KKCOUD OK DKATIIS. 210 COOK. (Jeorge F., s. of Francis .ind Eliza, Apr. 0, 1>'M'), IS yrs.* James, Feb. l'7, 1837, 7:J yrs.* James T., s. of Jame.s, Jr., and ^lary, June 2!), 181,"), •_>! yrs. Mary, wid. of James, Jr., \\n\ 1. is.">.'), .")7 yrs. CRAM. ]Marv, d. of -lonathan and .Mary, June .'), 17-'i8. CROSBY. Mieliaei, s. of Michael and Asenith, Dec. 2!», 18(;3. 71 yrs. 8 mos. CROTEAU. Xapoleon, s. of Louis and Mary L., Apr. l^!. 18SS, .'> uios. Willie, s. of Louis and MaiT, Sept. 28, 18S9, 7 mos. CROWELL. Fred Thomas, s. of Tliomas F. and Harriet II., Srpt. (I, 1n'i1.-J(» yrs. !) mos. 21 days. C UNXIXailA M. , wife of , July 2!l, 1^1!), 70 yrs. CUTTING. Harriet, d. of John ami Kstiier. Mar. 1_'. 1^.'.:;. 1 yr. 1 mo. Esther 15. (Heard), wid. of . Jan. 1 I. Is.M. ", yrs. !l nios. 8 days. DAILEY. John W., s. of rK)hn \\'. and Margaret, Apr. 1, 1804, .") mos. 2fi day; Frank, s. of John W. and .Margaret, Feb. 27, ISO."), !» hrs. Kdward, s. of John \\. and .Margaret, Nov. :iO, 18!)7, 4 days. 220 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. DAMON. Mary (Taylor), wife of , Aug. 3, 1884, 72 yrs. 5 raos. Isaac, s. of Lafayette and Esther, Nov. 2i\, 1886, 81 yrs. 2 nios. is days. DA VIS. Sarah F. (Mooer), wid. of , Feb. 10. 1872, 84 yrs. 6 mos. 14 days. Nathaniel, s. of John C. and Lucy G., Dec. 1, 1887, (i^i yrs. 11 mos. 9 days. DAY. Stephen P., Jan. 6, 1849, 66 yrs. , d. of Thomas and , July is, 18.')2, 1 yr. 6 mos. DEAN. Sarah, wife of Joseph, May 9, 1S04, in her 2;!d year.* Sally P., d. of Joseph and Sally, Jan. 12, 1809, in her 6th year.* Rhoda, wife of John, June 30, 1.S18, 38 yrs.* Patty, d. of , Sept. 16, 1S49, .jO yrs. James, June 16, 1857, 77 yrs. DEARBORN. Mary, Jan. 17, 1855, 60 yrs. • DERRY. Martha, wife of , Jan. 6, 18S2, 45 yrs. DONOVAN. John F., s. of Patrick and Annie, Feb. 26, 1889. 6 days. DOUCETTE. Mary J., d. of C and Julia, July 31, 1880, 10 mos. Mary, d. of Layon and Mary, Nov. 22, 1891, 19 yrs. William H., s. of Kamie and Adelina, Apr. 25, 1896, 8 yrs. .8 mos. 11 days. Nettie, d. of Frank and Maggie, Dec. 12, 1896, 1 yr. 5 mos. DO WD. James, Apr. Ki, 1880, 63 yrs. DOYLE. Annie, d. of James and Catharine, Apr. 21, 1879, 111 mos. 11 days. Ellen, d. of James and (Catharine, Aug. 3, 188.5, 1 mo. 21 days. Annie, d. of James and Catharine, May 11, 1893, 2 mos. 22 days. WILMIXGTCN RECORD OK nKATIIS. 221 Martin V., s. of I.azanis and I{atlishcl)a. .Ian. l!). ls7-_'. :{!) yrs. ■_' 111 OS. Samuel, Escj., Fell. (1. 17;!>^. in liis tstii year.* DUMPHEY. William, s. of E and JoIiaiK.a. I\'l). 1 1. ISS;',, so yrs. DUNKLEY. Maud ('., d. of William and Edith .1.. Nov. 27, 1S!I7, ft uios. Jl davs. D US TIN. Charles, s. of IJichard and Delxuah, Nov. L'li, isiil, -Jl vrs. Samuel, s. of Richard and Deborah, Se])t. "Jfi, l8(ii), ;57 vrs. DUVE. Fannie (Doucette), wid. of Thomas, Aui;-. 2. ISf),"!, :i7 yrs. EA3IES. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 27, 174!). Samuel, s. of Caleb and Sarah, Aj>r. IS, ]7.")1. James, s. of Caleb and Marv, \ov. — , 17fil. John, s. of Daniel and -AbiHail, May 27, iSdl, 77 yrs. .'! nios. s davs. John, s. of Samuel. Jr., and Dolly. Oct. 1(!, Iso."), ] yi-. j mos. Itl days. Dolly, wife of Samuel Eame.s, Jr, Mar. 21, 181"}, ;54 yrs.* F:ns." Nathan, Sept. 28, I8]s, in his .">()th year.* James 11., Oct. 1(5, 1820, 47 yrs.* Esther, wife of Samuel Fames, Es(f., Sei)t. (i, 1S21, 80 y^s.* Wiliiam, Jr., s. of William and Hulh, Nov. 11, ls-_>-_>', in Ids 2iith year.* Benjamin, Jan. 6, is-j-l. ;^7 yrs.* Susan, d. of Jonathan and Susan, Feb. II, ls-_'!, :.' (|;i\- Jonathan, July, 22, 1S24. 1(1 vr.s.* Caleb, Jidv 3,"l.S28, (i.j yrs.* " Samuel, Jr., Aug. 2, 182!), l!J yrs.* Samuel, Esci., Jan. 21, 18:»4, 79 vrs.* Abigail, d. of , Mar. 1!», is:54, 22 yrs.* Cynthia, d. of Leonard and Abigail, May li, ]s;55, 21 yrs.* Horace, s. of Jacob and Cynthia, Sept. 27, l8;{.j, 1 mos.* Sarah (i., d. of Caleb andSallv, Apr. ;50, l.s;5S, 8 yrs. !» mos.* Marv, d. of Caleb and Sallv, May !», ls:58, .-> vrs.*" Elizabeth, d. of Calel) and Sally, May Ki, 1838. 1 yr. ;$ nios.* Cynthia, wife of .Jacob, July 10, \s:\H, '.\l yrs.* Jocob, s. of Jacob and Cynthia, Oct. 7, 18;58, 4 inos.* Webster, s. of .lonatlian and Sarah, Feb. 8, ls:{9, 4 yrs. .") mos.* Judith, wid. of James II., May 17, ls;J!), 0!) yrs.* 222 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. EAMES— Continued. Martha, 2d wife of William, Feb. IH, 1840, 59 vrs.* Leonard, Dec. 12, 1840, oii yrs.* Nathan, s. of Ens. Nathan and Susanna, Jan. 2, 1841, 33 yrs. 3 mos. 16 days.* Jonathan, s. of John and Hannah, July 2, 1841, SO yrs.* Susanna E., d. of Nathan and JNIary, Jan. 1, 1842, 8 nios.* Charles Henry, s. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, July 10, ls43, 1 yr. 6 mos. 7 days. Betsey, widow of Caleb, Sept. 22, 1844, 05 yrs. Henry, s. of Daniel and Lydia, Sept. 5, 1847, 4 mos. 8 days. Abigail, wife of Jacob, Apr. 20, 1848, 32 yrs. 1 mo. 24 days. Rebecca (Butters) "Hopkins," wid. of Samuel, Esq., Sept. 23, 1848, 72 yrs.* Abigail, wid. of Samuel, Sept. 25, 1848, 70 yrs. Hannah, wid. of Benjamin, Oct. 17, 1848, 60 yrs. Cynthia, d. of Daniel and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1849, 5 mos. 11 days. , s. of J. Baxtei*and Adeline, Feb. 28, 1852, 1 yr. , d. of James T. and Harriet, Dec. 23, 1.S53, 4 yrs. Caleb, Jr., s. of Caleb and Sally, Jan. 3, 1854, 20 yrs. Cynthia, d. of Jacob and Cynthia, Aug. 1, 1854, 16 yrs. , child of John N. and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1854, mos. days. William, Feb. 14, 1855, 87 yrs. , s. of Daniel and , May 15, 1855, 2 yrs. Child of Horatio N. and , Nov. 7, 1855, 4 yrs. Abigail, wife of Leonard, Nov. 8, 1855, 67 yrs. Mehitable, wid. of Jonathan, Jr.. Nov. 8, 18.57, 99 yrs. Child, of Lemuel C. and Catharine, May 17, 18.59, 1 yr. 5 mos. Catharine E., d. of Lemuel C. and Catharine, June 23, 1800, 2(t yrs. 1 mo. 8 days. Susanna (Harnden), wid. of , Nov. 18, 1803, 91 yrs. 2 uujs. days. Lizzie E., d. of George 4'. and Lucy, July 22, 18()4, 3 yrs. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Betsey S., Apr. 8, 1860, 07 yrs. 3 mos. 9 days. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Mehitable, Oct. 10, 1860, 66 yrs. 5 mos. 27 days. Melville, s. of Warren and Elizabeth A., Sept. 23, 1867, 22 days. Jacob, s. of William and Ruth, Mar. 3, 1869, (i6 yrs. 9 mos. Sylvania, d. of .Jacob and Cynthia, Mar. 31, 1869, 37 yrs. 4 mos. 25 days. Walter A., s. of George T. and Lucy Yj., Dec. 31, 1870, 2 yrs. 3 mos. 3 days. Sarah T. (Taylor), wid. of , Sept. 2;5, 1S71, 68 yrs. 9 mos. Myra, d. of Horatio N. and Eliza M.. Feb. 19, 1S73."2 yrs. (i mos. 8 days. Jonathan, s. of lienjamin and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1875, 59 yrs. 2 mos. Raymond W.. s. of Warren and Elizabeth A., July 14, 1876, 7 mos. 21 days. Sarah P. (Hobbs), wife of John N., July ;50, 1877, 44 yrs. (iertie M., d. of John N. and Sarah P., Mar. 13, 1878, 2 yrs. 6 mos. 10 days. Myron, s. "of Lemuel C. and Catliariue E., Oct. 10, 1881, 25 yrs. 11 mos. 10 days. Arthur, A., s. of Thomas I'., and Elona M.. Feb. 8, 1882, 30 yrs. 7 mos. 16 days. v\-ii,mix(;tox record of r)F,ATF^s. 228 EAMES— Continued. Wesley D., s. of (Jeorge T. and I^iicv H., Sept. :\, iSSo, [ yrs. Kuhert L., s. of (Jeorge T. and Luey H., Scjjt. *J."), 188."), 10 yis. 1 mo. Mary (Buck), wid. of . Nov." '20, 18«5, Si yrn. ;j nio.s. 18 days. , s. of J. Howard and Martha A.. June 121, 1887, 1 day. Rachel (Upton), wid. of , Sept. -27, 1887, 70 yr.s. 1 mo. Hi days. Sainnel, s. of .laeoli ami Cyntliia, Dec. ;">, 1888, ;'»!) yrs. "J mos. 28 days. Frank H., s. of Iloratit) X. and Malvinia, Xov. 28, ISHO, 27 yrs. 9 nios. 20 day.s. Thomas P., s. of Leonard and Sally, May 2(>, 18!H, 7-1 yrs. mos. Lucy K. (Dane), wife of (ieorge T., Mar. •\, 1891, 53 yrs. Sarah CI. (Gowing), wid. of , -Ian. 2i!, 1893, 93 yrs. 10 mos. 19 days. Catharine E. (Howard), wife of I>eninel C, June 29. 1891, 8 mos. 12 days. EVANS. Slierehiah, s. of Thomas and Kuth, Nov. 15, 1757. Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Hutli, 1783. Lizzie, d. of .lolin and Marv, Feb. 4, 18.')9, 6 yrs. Mary (White), wife of ---, Sept. 16, 1862, 38 yrs. FARRELL. Child of Thomas and Ellen. Mar. 25, ls54, 2 days. Tliomas, Dec. 31, 1875, 70 yrs. FLAGG. Kebekah, wife of John. Aug. 2, 1792. 62 yrs.* Rebecca, d. of John. Jr.. and Molly. Sept. 2.'i. 17!tl, 2 yrs. (i mos. 13 days. 224 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. FLAGG— Continued. Rebekah, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 25, 1794, 9 yrs. 5 mos.* John, Jr., Feb. 22, ITflri, 8:5 yrs.* Polly, d. of John and IMary, June 14, 179H, 9 yrs. 2 mos.* Betsey, d. of Jolm and Mary, Jnly 2."), 1808, 18 yrs.* John, Aug. 7, 1808, in his 77th year.* iNIary, wid. of John, Aug. 31, 1843, 86 yrs.* :Molly, Sept. 29, 1843, 84 yrs. Josiah, Jan. 13, 1846, 79 yrs. John, s. of John and Polly, Nov. 3, 18.51, 63 yrs. Mary, Nov. 25, 1857, 94 yrs. Rebecca, d. of John and Mary, June 28, 1875, 79 yrs. Thomas B., s. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1884, 46 yrs. 7 mos. 4 days. FLINT, Sally (Carter), wife of , Mar. 15, 1865, 70 yrs. Samuel, s. of Elijah and Hannah, May 18, 1867, 80 yrs. 4 mos. 10 days. FLOYD. Estella, July 16, 1894, 2 mos. 1 day. FOLKINS. Clarence F., s. of Richard L. and Mary E., Aug. 19, 1882, 2 yrs. 22 days. William H., s. of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1887, 60 yrs. 9 mos. 24 days. Margaret (Scofield), wid. of William H., Aug. 9, 1887, 58 yrs. 3 mos. Mary E. (Foster), wife of Richard L., Aug. 16, 1887, 44 yrs. 1 mo. 7 days. Mary E., d. of Richard L. and Mary E., Sept. 18, 1887, 1 mo., 27 days. FORD. Hannah, d. of Cadwallader and INIary, June 28, 173(i. Elizabeth, d. of Cadwallader and iSIary, Feb., 1740. Elizabeth, d. of Cadwallader, Jr., and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1777.* Elizabeth, d. of Cadwallader, Jr., and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1778. Mary, wife of Cadwallader, Esq., May 29. 1789. in her 84th year.* Cadwallader, P^sq., Nov. 3, 1790, in his 87th year.* Master Cadwallader, Jr., Mar. 9, 1794, 14 yrs.* Master John II., Apr. 18, 1803, 12 yrs.* Elizabeth, wife of Cadwallader, Aug. (i, 1804, 58 yrs.* Capt. Cadwallader, Oct. 15, 1804, 61 yrs.* Timothy, s. of James and Mary, Mar. 1, 1879, 25 yrs. FOTtTIS. William S., s. of ^^■illiam and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1871, 53 yrs. 7 mos. Milton H., s. of James M. and Susan II., Oct. 10, 1881, 3 mos. 26 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 226 FORTIS— Continued. Susan II. (Taylor), wile of Jame.s M., rliiiu' (i, 18.S3, L'L* yr.s. 1 mo. 17 days. James ^I.,s. of William ami .Marv A., .hiii.il, 1S9J, 44 vis. 1 mo. 11 days. ■ . Mary A. (Bonds), wid. of William. Aitr. 7, 1802, (i7 yis. 11 mos. 3 days. I OS TEH. Giles, s. of ^benezer and Deborali, Aug, 31, 1742. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and , 174!i. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Juditli, Xov. 13, 17!)s, in his 27111 year.* Kstlier, wife of Benjamin, Au.^. 13, 1802, 44 yrs. 5 nios. 23 days.* Judith, wife of Samuel, Oct. 6, 1802, in her .")6th year.* Samuel, Aug. 13, 1808, in his (i3d year.* :\Iary L., Aug. 30, 1808,23 yrs.* Ebenezer, Oct. 2, 1809, in his G7th year.* Mary, wife of Ebenezer, Dec. 8, 18< 9, in Ikm' (i7th year.* Samuel, s. of Edmund and I'alieuce, Xov. 13, isii'. 11 mos. 20 davs.* Edmond, July 5, 1832, 4!» yrs.* Hephziliah, wife of Dea. Benjamin, Oct. 20, 1814, 70 yrs. Patience, wife of Edmond. Feb. 8, 1848, G(J yrs. 10 mos. 29 days. Dea. Benjamin, Xov. 19, 18.5.5, 75 yrs. Nancy. Jan. 10, 1807, 79 yrs. 2 mos. 14 days.* lOlVLEB. Everell E., s. of .\rthur E. and Irene L., Mav (>, 1895, 7 mos. 7 davs. FRASIER. Annie C. B., d. of James and Mary E.. Aug. 13, ls(U, 4 yrs. 7 mos. 2 davs. Mary Ann McP.. d. of James and .Mary E., Aug. 18, 1864, 12 yrs. 4 mos. 22 days. FRENCH. Child of :\Ioses and , Oct. 18, 185.5, 1 vr. Mary, :May. 21, 18.57, 89 yrs. .John, s. of .John and Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1877, 74 yrs. 10 mos. FROST. .Abel, s. of Joseph and Dorcas, May 28, 1804, 68 yrs. 4 mos. Ada F., d. of William \. and Phebe E., June 5, iS76, 4 yrs. 10 mos. 14 days. Clara E., d. of William A. and Phebe E., .fan. 24,1891.20 yrs. 8 mos. 24 davs. Magi^ie II., d. of AVilliam A. ami Pitebe E., Feb. 20, 189.5, 19 yr.s. 10 mos. 15 days. 226 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. FRO T TON. Annie M., d. of John and Maria, Jan. 16, 1805, 1 yr. 2 mos. 27 days. John F. H., s. of John and Maria, Jan. 21, 1897, 1 yr. 19 days. FULLER. Darius S., s. of Xathan and Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1895, 67 yrs. 11 mos. 22 days. GALE. , wife of , Sept. 12, 1856, 22 yrs. GALLAGHER. Barney, Aug. 13, 1873, 40 yrs. GAREY. Michael, s. of John and Jane, i\Iay 3, 1816, 3 yrs. 1 nio. 10 days. Jane (Lovell), wife of John, Oct. 29, 1846, 23 yrs. 6 mos. 9 days. GAY. Jotham E., Nov. 17, 1822, 27 yrs.* GETCHELL. Barzillai, s. of William and Rebecca, July 5, 1887, 76 yrs. 2 raos. GIBBS. Mary S. (Fuller), wid. of . Jan. 1, 1894, 71 yrs. 10 mos. 12 days. GILBURD. Miss Sarah, Feb. 22, 1793, 55 yrs.* GILLIS. Charles Stark, s. of Josiah and Mary, June 16, 1817. 10 mos. 8 days.* Josiah, June 8, 1825, 36 yrs. 1 day.* Henry Codman, s. of Josiah and Mary, Sept. 17, 1853, 39 yrs. 23 days.* Mary (Stark), wife of Josiah, Aug. 3, 1878, 83 yrs. 6 mos. 15 days.* GIL3IAN. Ruth R. (Russell), wid. of , June 24, 1878, 85 yrs. GILS ON. Eva Alniira, d. of Edward 1>. and Kate, Aug. 21, 1890, 15 days. Lizzie L. (Boynton), wife of Solomon S., Feb. 24, 189.5, 28 yrs. 3 mos. 6 days. Helen, d. of Solomon S. and Elizabeth T^., June 1, 1896, 3 yrs. 4 mos. 10 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OV DEATHS. 227 GLOTER. Sophia (Symonds), will, of Saimu'l, Apr. 18, ISfll, 7!) yrs. GOODWIX. Jolm R., s. of lienjaiiiiii ami Susan, Nov. 28, 1884, (!7 yrs. Hannah S. (Colby), wid. of , Mar. 18, 188(1, 84 yr.s. L> mos. 21 days. GO WIN, GOWEN and G OWING. Mary Snow, d. of Robert and , Oct. 1, 1732. Sarah, d. of Daniel and Sarah, May 12, 17r)tJ. Lieut. Daniel, Aug. 5, 1704. John, Sei)t. 2.3, 1804, 72 v's- 27 days.* Daniel. :\Iay G, 18U9, 79 vrs.* Sarah, wid. of Daniel, Jan. 10, 1812, in her 80th year.* Lydia, wid. of John, Feb. 23, 1813, 81 yr.s.* Capt. efohn, Feb. 18, 1818, in his U2d year.* Daniel, Jr., May 13, 1819, 54 yrs.* Jo,sei)]i, July 12, 1825, 04 yrs.* (ieorge, Jniie 18, 1820, 37 yrs.* Kezia, wid. of Capt. John, Jan. 27, 1830, (i!) yrs.* Jabe/, Sept. 25, 1830, 73 yrs.* Henry, s, of Jabez, Jr., and Hitty, Oct. Ki, 1835, 15 vrs.* Sylvester, Aug. 27, 1840, 30 yrs.* Kezia, Feb. 22, 1841, 59 yrs.* Sarah, wife of Joseph, ^lay 3, 1842, 77 yrs.* Clarisa, wife of ]\[icajah, Sept. 2.5, 1847, 55 yrs. 19 days. Sally, wid. of Jabez, Sept. 21, 1848, 80 yrs. Sarah Locke, d. of James and Mary IL, May 20, 1S51. 4 yrs. 11 mos, 20 days. Jane, wife of Jonathan, Jidy 24, 1851, 40 yrs. (ieorge Pearson, s. of Ceroge and Angeline, Apr. 2, 1853, 1 yr. 7 mos. 14 days. Sarah Locke, d. of Charles and Adeline, July 23, 18.53, 2 yrs. 1 mo. 25 days. Child of Charles and .\deline. May 0, 1854, mos. Nancy, d. of John and Kezia, Nov. 17, 1854, 69 yrs. Adeline, wife of Charles, July 8, 1855, 20 yrs. (Jeorge, s. of James and Mary H., Jan. 20, 1803, 34 yrs. Angelina (Pearson), wife of (ieorge, Jan. 20, I8(i3, 33 yrs. ^licajah, s. of Daniel and Abigail, Feb. 3. 18()4, 70 yrs. I.,eslie, s. of Charles and S. J., Aug. 20, 1804, 1 yr. 9 mos. 9 davs. Seth C, s. of Charles and S. J., Sept. 12, 1804, 4 yrs. L. C, d. of Charles and S. J., Dec. 12, 1804, 7 yr.s. 1 mo. 12 day.s. Daniel, s. of Joiuithan and Jane H., Jan. 18, 1805, 34 yi"S. mos. 3 days. Franci.s, s. of Jonathan and Jane H., -Ian. 21, 1805, ;)2 yrs. 7 mos. days. Clarisa, Aug. 3, 1805, 50 yrs. I mo. days. Emily, d. of Joshua and Clarisa, .Vug. 29, 18()5, 14 yrs. s mos. 21 days. William A, s. of George ami Angelina, Sept. 25, 180,5, 4 vrs. 5 mos. 19 day.s. 228 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. GO WIN, GO WEN and GO WING — Continued. John, s. of John and Keziah, Dec. 26, 1865, 82 yrs. Carrie, cl. of William E. and Charlotte E., Sept. 24, 186(), 1 mo. Katie, d. of William E. and Charlotte E., Sept. 80, 1X66, 1 mo. (i days. Willie F., s. of Herbert and Sarah J., Oct. 17, 1869, 17 days. Jabez, Jr., s. of Jabez and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1870, 76 yrs.* Ford, Jr., s. of Thomas F. and Loiiisa, Dec. 18, 1870, 3 days. Louisa, d. of Thomas F. and Louisa, Dec. 13, 1870, -J days. Jonathan II., s. of Jonathan and Jane, Apr. 12, 1872, 32 yrs. Hitty (Fames), wid. of Jabez, Jr., JVIay 8, 1874, 82 yrs. 3 mos.* Elbridge G., s. of Jonathan H. and Mary J., Nov. 8, 1874, 6 yrs. 2 mos. 2 days. Maria (Ames), wife of Charles jNI., Sept. 7, 1877, 46 yrs. 6 mos. Mary, d. of Capt. John and Keziali, Oct. 14, 1879, 92 yrs. 3 mos.* Thomas F., s. of Joshua and Clarisa, Feb. 25, 1880, 41 yrs. 7 mos. 21 days. Joshua, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 5, 1880, 84 yrs. 3 mos. 10 days. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1884, 93 yrs. 10 mos. 15 days. Verona M., d. of D. Herbert and Mary, Mar. 3, 1889, 1 yr. 6 mos. Oilman, s. of Joshua and Clarisa, May 12, 1894, 49 yrs. 10 mos. Mary W. (Gustin), wife of Joshna, Alar. 4, 1895, 51 yrs. 6 mos. 1(! days. Henry E., s. of Jaines and Mary II., ^lay 31, 1895, 65 yrs. 20 days. Annie E. (Gowing), wife of Fred, June 11, 1897, 34 yrs. 11 mos. 1 day. GBAGG. Andrew, s. of Richard and Jennie, Jan. 18, 1880, 78 yrs. 6 mos. GRAY. Mary, wife of Robert, d. of William and Mary Tucker, Jan. 29, 1758, in her 31st year.* GBEENLEAF. Jennie E., d. of Benjamin and Olivia C, Dec. ^U, 1876. 17 days. GBIFFIN. James , Oct, 24, 1844, 70 yrs. G UYMONT. Mary A. (Donahue), wife of Marshall, Nov. 1, 1891, 44 yrs. 10 mos. HALE. , s. of James and JNIary Ann, Sept. 20, 1854, 4 days. HALEY. Sarah (Kirkpatrick), wife of Edwin L., April 16, 1895, 48 yrs. 7 mos. WILMINGTON RECORD OK DEATHS. 229 HALL. Helen G., d. of Osgood A. and Harriet, Mar. 1, 1«.')1, I yrs. , s. of Henry and Lavitie, Nov. Hi, l.S.S:5, 8 days. Mary, d. Henry and Lavitie, Dec. '2-5, ISS:!, •_' yrs. 4 uu)'^. HAMBLET. riacob, s. of Jacob and Mary, Dec. ehjaMiiii, Deo. ol, 17;5t. Susanna, d. of Benjamin and Klizalielli, Aug. 12, 17;5."). I\Iary, d. ol' John and Mary, Aug. 1, 17;J7, S yrs. 11 mos. 7 days. John, s. of John and Mary, Au'i. 1, 17:57, 7 yrs. 4 nios. '_':} days. Abigail, d. of John and ^lary, Aug. (I, 17;}7, -S yrs. (J mos. .") days. Joshua, s. of John and Mary, Aug. !l, 17;>7, •"> yrs. ;} mos. I'd days. Ijenjamin, s. of Richard and Mary, May 'M), 1710. John, s. of flohn and Savali, Nov. 2(i, 1748. Sarah, wife of John, Dec. 10, 1718. Joseph, s. of John and Mary, Dec. I'l, 177"), ^5!* yrs. 7 mos. 22 days.* Thirza, d. of Josei)h and Esther, Oct. — , 1777, 3 yr.s. 2 mos. Abigail, d. of Joseph and Esther, Dec. — , 1777, 11 mos. Col.^Ioshua, Sept. I), 1807, (i8 yrs.* Polly (Jaquith), wife of Joseph, , 181(1. Sarah, wid. of Col. Joshua, Aug. !), 181(5, in her 77th year.* Benjamin, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 18, 18:!(j, f»l yrs. !) mos. 19 days.* Hannah, wid. of Benjamin, Feb. 22, 1830, 91 yrs.* Rebekah, wife of John, Mar. , 1846, 10 mos. 'lO davs. Timothv K., Julv 18, 18.53, 36 yrs. Harriet'j. (Wild), wid. of , Aug. 23, 1S85, 48 yrs. 11 mos. 14 days. HOPKiyS. Hannah, d. of Richard and Hannah, Oct. l:>, 1706. William, s. of Richard and Hannah, Oct. 2.s, 17.56. Samuel, Esq., Jan. 16, 1817. 49 yrs.* Hannah, wife of Jesse, June 9, 1842, .56 yrs.* Keziah, d. of Jesse and Keziah, May 15, 1864, 75 yrs. 11 mos. Jesse, Jan. 27, 1865, 79 yrs. 7 mos. HOUSED. Lucretia, wid. of , May 4, ls92, 61 yrs. HOWARD. Zachariah, May 10, 1758. Maiy E. (Bancroft), wife of , Mav V, 1862, 26 yrs. 10 mos. Annie 15. (Shaw), wife of , Dec. 20, I8,sl, 21 yrs. HOWE. James, Mar. 3, 17-54. WILMINGTON RECORD OT DKATHS. 231 HUSTIX. Tabitlia (Bacon), wifo of , Aug. •_'•;. Isj."), 7J yi-,s. HUTCH IXSON. Alinira, d. of Amos ami Kaolifl, .Ian. l!>, iss-J, (il yrs. 2 mo.s. INGEliSON. Sophia G., Mar. 15, 18y4, 83 yrs. s nios.* IRELAND. Abbie L., d. of John and Mary, Dec. lo, lS(il, 1 yrs. Mary A., d. of John and Mary, Dec. 20, 1861, 8 yrs. JAQUES. Samuel, Sept. 80, 1774, 44 yrs. 7 mos.* Abigail, d. of Samuel ami Ruth, Sept. 17, 177.'>, S nios. 17 days.* James, s. of Samuel and Huth, June 2(), 17!»(), 1 yr. 1 m.* Leonard, Mar. ;31, 17 — , in his ;i!lth year.* Charles, s. of Samuel and Kutli, Oct. 12, isod, 1:1 yrs. mos. 24 days.* Kuth, first wife of Samuel, Mar. 24. isos, .-)2 yrs*. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Keziali, Oct. 20, 1880, 77 yrs.* Esther, second wife of Samuel. June 1, 18;{(), ~'.\ yrs.* Charles Henry, s. of James and Mary, Sept. 10, IN^H. Mary B., wife of Jame.s, d. of Jeremiah and .Mary Hlanchard of Billerica, Apr. 2, ls41, .V.) yrs.* Adeline Tyler, d. of James and Mary, Sept. 10, 1.S41. Hannah (Carter), wife of James, Mar. 2.'5, 1.S4;'3, 2(5 yrs. Henry, s. of Samuel and Huth, July 10, 181(5, 55 yrs. 5 mos. 12 days. Mary Jacpiith, d. of James and Mary, Apr. 1, 1^50, 22 yrs. 10 mos. 27 days. Sarah, wid. of Henry, Nov. 1, 18(58, 74 yrs. 10 mos. 10 ilays.* JAQUTTH. John, s. of John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1780. Mary, wife of John, Mar. 2s, 1748, 82 yrs. 1 mo. 28 days.* Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, .Inly 14, 1740. Rebecca Stearns, wife of l-^i>ene/er, .Ian. 10. 17.')8. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Ke/.iali, .Iidy 4, 1758, 1(5 mos.* Abraham, s. of Abraham and .Maiy, Dec. IS, 17.58, S() yrs. 11 mos. licnjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, .Iiine 10, 17(50. Elizabeth Whitting, secon'. in his 88d year.* 232 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. JAQUITM— Continued. Patty, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 1.5, 1792, 26 yrs. 10 mos. 1"2 days.* Betsey, d. of Capt. James and Dollv, July 12, 179tj, 16 yrs. 6 mos. 12 davs.« Ruth, wife of Maj. John, July 21, 1799, 36 yrs.* Ebenezer, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. IS, 1800, in his S7th year.* Hannah, wife ot Uea. Benjamin, Feb. 20, 1801, 82 yrs. 5 mos. 9 days.* Dea. Benjamin, Aug. 29, 1801, 8.5 yrs. 1 mo. 21 days.* Dolly, wife of Capt. James, Oct. 39, 1808, 59 yrs. 1 mo. 8 days.* Polly (Jaquith), wife of Joseph Harnden, , 1810. :Mary (Danforth), 3d, wife ot Ebenezer, Feb. 7, 1823. Sylvester, s. of Jonathan and Tliirza, Auo-. 7, 1827, 24 yrs.* Skrah, 2d, wife of Gapt. James, May 29, 1828, 78 yrs.* David, s. of John and Tamson, Jan. 15, 1829, 77 yrs.* Capt. James, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, July — , 1831, 86 yrs.* Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1836, 60 yrs. 10 mos. 26 days.* Hannah, Nov. 15, 1836, 82 yrs.* Charles A., s. of Alanson and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1841, 2 yrs. 2 mos.* Polly, wife of Joshua, June 3, 1844, 70 yrs. Esther (Buck), wife of Nathan, Dec. 2, 1846, 64 yrs. Joshua, s. 'if Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 20, 18.53, 86 yrs. Emeline, d. of Jacob and Sophronia, Apr. 21, 1854, 18 yrs. Thirza, wife of Jonathar., Nov. 12, 1855, 77 yrs. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Polly, Jan. 6, 1864, 70 yrs. 2 mos. 12 days. Oliver, s. of , Jan. 5, 1868, 85 yrs. 3 mos. 16 days.* Polly (Jaques), wid. of Oliver, Mar. 17, 1868,83 yrs. 3 mos. 23 days.* Sarah (Buck), wife of Alanson, Apr. 2.5, 1871, 58 yrs. Sarah (Shed), wife of Joshua O., Jan. 8, 1872, 49 yrs. 6 mus. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, Sept. 14, 1877, 75 yrs. 10 mos. Jacoo, s. of Jacob and Rachel, Feb. 13, 1879, 81 yrs. 9 mos. Orinda M. (Pooler), wife of Simeon, Aug. 20, 1887, 81 yrs. 9 mos. 8 days. Simeon, s. of Jonathan and Thirza, Jnne 12, 1888, 82 yrs. 2 mos. 25 days. Joshua O., s. of Joshua and Sabra, Feb. 23, 1892, 68 yrs. 3 mos. Elizabeth (Sprague), wid. of , July 5, 1892, 86 yrs. 11 mos. Sabra O. (Gowing), wid. of Joshna, Aug. 14. 1892, 99 yns. 4 mos. 6 days. JENKINS. Rebecca, d. of Jo.se ph and Sarah, June 10, 1762. Elizabeth, d. of Joel and Elizabeth, Aug, 13, 1796.* Josejih, Jan. 8, 1808, in his 83d year* Sarah, wife of Joseph, Mar. 7, 1810, in her 85th year.* Elizabeth, wife of Jn.^I. ^Fay 3, 1813. in her 50th year.* JENNINGS. Mary L. (Lyons), wife of , Apr. 8, 1887, 46 yrs. 13 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 233 JEWETT. Nellie, M., d. of (ieorue and Sanili II.. .May -'n, l».v_', -j.s yns. I'd days. JOHNSON. Kichaid H., s. of Solon L. and Louisa, .lunt- 1, IHIkJ, 28 yrs. Osgood, s. of Solon L. and Louisa, Apr. 4, LsT'i, :iS yrs. (i mos. Louisa (Kowell), wife of , ,Iune 1!), 187L Victor, Jr., s. of Victor and Anna. Aug. 2!), 187."), 7 nios. Harriet L., d. of Horatio and Elizabeth A., May lU, 1882, 15 yrs. ."i mos. \Villiani R., s. of Solon L. and Louisa. .Fune 20, 1801, -If) yrs. ;"> mos. 20 days. Solon L., s. of Joseph and Hetsey, Oct. 17, 1894, 89 yrs. JONES. ^lary, d. of Jonathan and Kli/abeth. Felt, f), 17;{8, 8 yrs. 8 mos. 20 days.* James, s. of Jonathan and Klizabeth, Feb. 14, 17^)8, 2 yrs. li mos. 5 days.* Klizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizabetli, Feb. is. 17:58, K! yrs. 2 mos. 8 days.* Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Klizabeth, Mar. ;>, 17:58, 4 yrs. ."> mos. l:i days.* Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1711, I day.* (Still born), Aug. 27, 174;").* I. lent. Jonathan Jones, May 24, 17")3, .")() yrs. 9 mos. 17 days.* Hannah, d, of Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 27, 17.")4, 3 yrs. !» mos. 7 days.* .lonathan, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 1:'), 17")4, •") yrs. 11 mos. 20 days.* Ensign Jonathan, Nov. 2(!, 17(i"), 42 yrs. 10 mos. 27 days.* Hruiiiah, wid. of Ensign .Jonathan, Apr. :5, 17(ihthah, s. of Russell and , Nov. 10, 1855, 5S yrs. Dorcas, Sept. 2, is,")7, 70 yrs. Mehitable W. (T'l'tters) wid. of , Apr. 19, 1802, (i:5 yrs. Catharine (Reanl), wid. of , Jan. ;50, 187(i, s:5 yrs. Harriet W. OVallace). wid. of Ebrn. Dec 15, 1S91. .'.0 yrs. 1 m.w. KA TME. Kingsbury, G., s. of Samuel and Nancy .S., July 25, 18s:5. (57 yrs. KELL,ETT. Ann (Brady), wife of James, Nov. 2S, 1879, 22 yrs. I 234 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. KELLEY. Mary (Carliu), wife of Daniel, Feb. 5, 1S79, 66 yrs. Olive L. d. of Charles AV. and Emma J., June 4, 1887, 15 yrs. 1 mo. 10 days. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Susan, Sept. '20, 1804, 77 yrs. 7 mos. '27 days. Joseph W., s. of George A, and Valeria ^I., Nov. 6, ISOO, oO yrs. 8 mos. KELLOM, or KILLOM. Abby Maria, d. of Oliver J. and Betsey, Feb. 15, 1850, 3 days. Oliver J., s. of Thomas and Lois, Sept. 18, 1871, 57 yrs. O. J. Warren, s. of Oliver J. and Betsey, Sept. 9, 1880, 26 yrs. 3 mos. 22 days. KENDALL. Ilezekiab, Nov. 20, 1730. Mary, wife of Enoch, Nov. 9, 1755. Patience, d. of Enoch and Patience, Apr. 23, 1789, in her 23d year.* Dorcas, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, Oct. 13, 1801, 1 yr. 7 mos.* Enoch, Mar. 3, 1815, 86 yrs.* Sarah, d. of Enoch and Patience, Dec. 30, 1816, 41 yrs.* Elizabeth, d. of Enoch and Patience, Apr. 14, 1827, in her 65th year.* Patience, wife of Enoch, ^lay 29. 1827, in her 92d year.* Susannah, wife of Capt. Ezra, Jan. 18, 1840, 61 yrs.* KENNEY. Stephen D., s. of Jethro and Ilitta, May 23, 1882, 64 yrs. 6 mos. 4 days. , d. of John and Ualj, INIay 2.5, 1883, 12 hrs. Thomas, s. of John and Mai-y, Dec. 28, 1893, 6 days. KENNISTER. George, jNIar. 2, 1854, 43 yrs. KENNIVAN. Michael A., s. of Daniel and Margaret, Feb. 8, 1894, 36 yrs. 5 mos. 8 days. KEBNON. Bridget (McAnana), wife of Barney, Dec. 18, 1876, 55 yrs. Annie, d. of James and Mary, -June 26, 1883, 1 yr. 5 mos. 28 days. Henry B., s. of James and Mary, Oct. 13, 1891, 2 mos. 24 days. KIDDEB. Dorcas (Buck), wife of Franklin, Feb. J7, 1840, 36 yrs. Mrs. Sarah ((iowing), wife of , Apr. 25, 1858, 32 yrs. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DKATIIS. 235 KILL AM, see Kelloin. Martliii, wife of Josepli, May 20, 1782, 4(» yrs. 1 mo.* Ueiijaniiii, s. of Josejili and Mnrtlia. Jan. 2!i, 17:{, l.S7r), 11 yrs. KITTREDGE. . Francis, s. of Dr. Francis and Sylijl. Sept. 2."), isos, 11 mos. !) days.* William R., s. of Henry and llannali. -Ian. :l, 1S|1, 1 mo.* Lucretia, d. of Kdnumd F. and llairiet K., F(d). 17, isi."), 1 m,,. Anna (IMichavay), wid. of , Feb. 25, 18^4, s.") yrs. KNIGUT. Amos. s. of Jolin ami Eunice I... A|)r. 8, l>-(in, !)(l yrs. KRAMEB. Charles, s. of Nicholas and . .Inly 2s, isiic. 7 mos. LA WSOX. John, s. of Andrew and , Jidy 20, ISf)."), 22 yrs. LEA VI TT. James, s. of James and Lydia. Mar. 21, isd.'), do yrs. fi mos. 27 davs. LEOXARD. Mary A., d. of John and Margaret, Xov. o, 1875. 10 mos. LEWES and LEWIS. Abraham Lewes, Jan. l^!, 1751. (i:! yrs. (! mos. 1 days.* Sarah, wife of Benjamin, d. of Samuel and Maiv I'danchard. Oct. 27, 1838, 84 yrs> Harriot (i. (Swain), wife of , .\pr. 2ii, l^s-j, •_' I vis. 7 nu)s. 5 days. LIB BY, Almon, s. of Alexander and Nancy. Fei). l!t. 1875, :!(i yrs. 2 mos. 7 davs. 236 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. LOWE. Florence M., d. of Timothy and Mary S., June 'S, 1876, 11 mos. 1 day. LUCAS. Freddie, C, s. of Robert B. and Mary, Aug. 13, 1872, 7 yrs. 10 nios McDonald. Esther E. (Perry), wife of , Nov. "20, 1873, 28 yrs. 3 mos. Ada W., d. of John and Esther E., Sept. 14, 1875, 2 vrs. G mos. 2G days. John, s. of Alexander and Sarah, Apr. 7, 1895, 57 yrs. 3IcE]SROE. James, s. of Bernard and Susan, Sept. 22, 18(iJ). 9 yrs. 11 mos. 18 days. McGinn IS. Ellen, wife of , Aug, 22, 1814, 18 yrs. McGBANE. Peter, s. of Peter and INIary, July Id. Is7s. 1 day. McGBORY. James A., s. of Patrick and Mary, Apr. 20, 18!>2, 3 mos. McGUIRE. Jessie, d. of James and Jennette, Xov. 1, 1870, () yis. r» mos. Katie, d. of Daniel and Katie, Nov. 1, 1870, 5 yrs. 2 mos. McINTOSH. George W., s. of George W. and Mary Ann, Sept. 0, 1802, 5 yrs. 5 mos. 3 days. Anna M. (Walstrover), wife of , Aug. Ifl, 1871,84 yrs. fJ mos. George W., s. of \>'il]i:im and Ann M., Dec. 28, 1888, 07 yrs. 7 mos. Bessie, d. of Schamiel R. and .\gnes Iv.. Jan. 5, isj),"), 1 day. McMAHON. James M., s. of Peter and Annie M.. May 5, isni. (i days. Elizabeth A., d. of Michael and ..Alary, Nov, 12, I8!il, .37 yrs. 3IANNING, Jacob, Aug. 30, 1842, 00 yrs.* Kliza, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth. Aug. 8, 1844, 28 yrs. Rebecca, d. of , June — , 1845. WILMINGTON RECORD OK DEATHS. 237 AfAWIXG — Continued. Betsey W. (Smith), wife of , Apr. o, 187t!, 7(,' yr.s. h in(i.>--. 8 days. Jonathan, s. of Thomas aiul Rebecca, .Ian. 10, 1877, t{] jrs. '.i mos. Nehemiah, s. of Jonathan and Abra (.'., A[tv. 1"), 1>^^(\ 0-'. yrs 10 mos. 13 days. Samuel, s. of Solomon and Olive, Sept. "JO, 1880, 83 yrs. 3 mos MABSH. Frederick, s. of Jose I ill and Catharine. ,func '■'<(). 18!).',, M yrs. s mos. MARSHALL. John, Jr., s. of , Api-. 1."). ls.')(!, 11 yrs. John, s. of . July 1, 18.")!), 8(i yrs. 3IART1N. Mary E., d. of Timotliy and Sai-;ih, May l'o, ls7s, lo yrs. !) mos. l'.'» days. George E., s. of Timothy and Saraii, Oct. 1, 187!>, KJ yrs. 1 mo. Sarah, d. of Timfithy and Sarali. July i'J, 1880, 1,") yrs. 20 days. Annie D., d. of Timothy and Sarah. Jan. 7, 188.'), 17 yrs. (; mos. 7 days. Sarah (Ilarty), wile of Timotliy, .Inne '_'3. iss."). Id yr.s. Timothy, s. of Patrick and liannali, Sept. li), 1S8."), 48 yrs. William, s. of Timothy ami Sarah. Xo\ . 1, is.s mos. L'l days. MATTHEWS, -, s. of Eu.nene H. and Lizzie A., May 17, 18!l.'>, 1 hr. Elizabeth A. (.McMiUan), wife of Eugene II., Feb. 'JO, 1S!)(;, ;j.-, yrs. 8 mos. 17 days. MEABS. Eddy P., s. of Edward and Adeline II., .Sept. 1'!, 18(;."), .j yrs. tl mos. 1 days. Frank E., s. of Edwaid and ,\deiiii(> II., .Sept. l'l, l8(i.">, i* yrs. <; mos. 17 days. Adeline 11. (Tickner), wife of i:dw;ird, I >ee. I's. isiis. |ii yrs. lo mos. 5 days. Willie C, s. of Edward and .\deline II.. An<4. I. \Xi\. .'» yrs. mos. MTLTjER. Adelaide (Buck), wife of , Oct. .">, 18(19, 2') yrs. !) mos. MJLTAdAX. • Mary E. (Eames). wife of . Dec. -JO. 1S71. -.^ yrs. 7 mos. -Jfl days. 1 238 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 3IONTY. Charles F., s. of (4eorge W. and Adeline, Jan. 15, 18 yrs.* Isaac, s. of , July 17, 184:5, 50 yrs. Abigail (Eames), wid. of Isaac, Apr. 20, 1847, 40 yrs. 7 mos. 23 days. Harriet, d. of Cadwallader and Susan, Feb. 10, 1850, 18 yrs. Emily, d. of Cadwallader and Susan, Oct. 8, 1850, 14 yrs. Abigail, d. of Rev. Isaac and Dorothy, Dec. 3, 1851, 80 yrs. Samuel, s. of Cadwallader and Susan, Feb. 0, 1805, 30 yrs. 9 mos. Susan (Tufts), wife of Cadwallader, July 16, 1880, 80 yrs. mos. 12 days. Cadwallader, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1881, 85 yrs. 2 mos. 29 days. Grace C, d. of John W. and Hannah 1)., Aug. 8, 1889, 3 mos. MORRIS. Fred H., s. of Jonathan B. and Abbie J., May 17, 1880, 24 yrs. 4 mos. 17 days. Abigail J. (Carter), wife of Jonathan B., Feb. 22, 18i)l, 59 yrs. 10 mos. MULLEN. Mary J., d. of Michael and Annie, Apr. 0, 1892, 21 days. MUNROE. Jesse B., s. of Jesse and , Nov. 13, 1854, 44 yrs. MURPHY. Catharine, d. of Dennis nnd Margaret, Nov. 0, 1892, 27 yrs. 3 mos. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 239 3IURRAY. Hugh, s. of James and F2lizal)PtIi, Nov. -W, 1.S71, .'ili yrs. Kl nios. Elsii" A., \vi,l. of . D.c. •_'!•. ISSl. 7;', yis. "J iiios. L'1 days. Silvt'i V. (I. of diiliM and Silvcrv. Aiii;, "Jll, l>i7"J, 1 yr. I iiios. fTos('|)li C, s. of IVtcr and Fanny, Sept. :>(l, lss-_>, .") nios. ]Mary E. (Babine), wife of Frank, Mar. ."», 1887, -VJ yrs. .'> nios. 'j;5 days. XASU. Lucy A. (Davis), wid. of , Jan. II, iso;^, no yrs. 7 nios. S days. NASON. Sarah A. (Worth), wife of . ^Far. 28, 1878, U\ yrs. 28 days. NEWELL. Cyntliia, d. , Dec. :51, 1s:j4, 24 yrs.* NICHOLS. Retsey, d. of Jonatlian and Hetsey, Sept. U>, 18()(), 21 yrs.* Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Betsey, Jnne 10, 1818, ;{5 yrs.* Betsey, wife of Jonatlian, Nov. 2"), 1821, (i;{ yrs.* Hhoda, (1. of Jonathan and Betsey. Jan. 6, 18:')(>, 2!) vrs.* Sanuiel Otis, s. of Samuel B. and" Bliebe M., A]>r. ."i."^l8:}(;, M lirs.» Jonathan, July 2<;, 1840, 82 yrs.* Dudley Morrill, s. of Samuel B. and Phebe M., Oct. :;. 184(), ."> wks.* Charles, s. of Jonathan anti Betsey, Sept. 21. 1847, (J9 yrs. '> inos. 2 days. Sally, wife of Charles, Aug. 1, 18.")5, (i8 yrs. William, s. of , INIar. 2(), 18.j(j, 71 yrs. :Mary, Jan. ltt,~18r.7, 82 yrs. Judith (Sprague), wid. of , Jan. 2."), 1850, 03 yr.s. Charles A., s.' of Charles and Sally, Oct. 2.'), IS.")!), 49 yr.s. Freddie, s. of .lohn 11. and Hannah E., Sept. •"}, 18()4, !> mos. Charles W., s. of .lohn II. and Hannah E., Sept. 18, 18(i4, 2 yrs. 10 nios. 19 days. Caleb, s. of William and Bet.sey, Feb. ."), ISGO, .K! yrs. 10 mos. Eugene B., s. of H. Brewster and Phebe, Apr. 24, 1871, 11 yrs. 10 mos. Carrie, d. of John II. and Hannah E., Aug. 22, 187:5, 7 yrs. Annie F., d. of Samuel B. and Phebe M., Sept. 9, 1878,21 yrs. 1 mo. 14 days. Samuel B., s. of Charles and Sally, ^lay 14, 1879, (i7 yrs. '> in<. of Thomas and Sally, Nov. lit, J^uT, in his •_':> year.* Tliomas, .Sept. 17, 1827, 74 yi's.* Charles, s. of Ward and Kliza, Oct. 22. I.s41, 4 yrs. s mos.* Sarah, wid. of Tiiomas, Feb. 15, lsi;5, 7!) yrs.* .Joseph Henry, s. of Newman and Aliee, .Vn*;'. 2."), 18 14, 4 mos. Levi, s. of Newman and Alice, Sept. 7, l.s4!l, {» mos. 2(5 days. .\delaide 'l\, d. of Dexter and Elvira, Ally-. ;5, 18(jl, .') yrs. 4 mos. I-,evi, s. of Asa and , Nov. is, 18():{, si yrs. Eliza (Foster), wife of , Oct. 11, 1804, 49 yrs. Hetsev -M. (Manning), wife of , July 15, 18t)8, 72 vrs. :5 mos. 24 days. Ward, s. of Levi and Tolly N., ^lar. Ki, 1880, (ifi yrs. 8 mos. 15 days. Warren M., s. of Ward and Eliza, Mar. 11, 1881,' ;>.') yrs. 4 mos. Herman A., s. of William H. and Adelia, Nov. 19, 1894, 14 yrs. 2(i day.s. PARKHURST. Charlotte, wife of E. K. Tarkhurst, Dec. 13, 1851, 24 yrs. fi mos. 9 days. PEARSON. N\illiamt, ^- of Kendall and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1731, 9 yrs. 9 mos.* Lydia, wife of Kendall, July 10, 1737, 51 yrs. 2 mos.* Moses, s. of Nathan and Mary, Apr. 25, 1751.* (apt. Kendall. Feb. 2, 17d. of Nathan, and Mary, Aug. s, 1775. Aaron, .Inly 2, 1821, .53 yns.* Mehitable,"wid. of Aaron, Sept. 14, 1S44, 70 yrs. Lydia, wife of Nathan, Oct. 20, 1847, 57 yr.s. 6 mos. 11 days. William, s. of .\biel and .lerusha. .Ian. 7, 18l!», 5 days. Martha, wife of Daniel II., Apr. 10, lsl9, 30 yrs. Lydia .Jane, d. of Daniel II. and Martha, Apr. 10, 1S49, I yrs. 2 mos. 24 days. Sarah .\nn, d. of Daniel H. and Martha, Apr. 10, 1849, 4 yrs. 2 raos. 24 days. , wife of Nathan, Jr., May 20, 1849, 30 yrs. Ai)iel, •-. of Moses and Lois, Nov. 9, 1851, .53 yrs. Aaron, s. of Aaron and Mary, Feb. !(>, ls.53, .57 yrs. Child of ^lo.ses and , .June 1, 1851, 5 days. t Thfc fli'st buried in the v)Ul or First Cemetery. 242 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. PEARSON— Continued. Nathan, s. of Moses and Lois, Feb. 20, 1855, 06 yrs. Child of George and Adeline, June 15, 1859, 1 yr. 7 nios. Edith ()., d. of Bradley and Hephzibah, Jan. "^20, 1861, 2 yrs. 10 days. John, s. of Aaron and Dolly, May 14, 1861, 19 yrs. Clarence O., s. of (Jeorge O. and Adeline, Feb. 28, 186.5, 8 yrs. 1 mo. 25 days. Lncy (Hardy), widow of — , Jan. 20, 1870, 76 yrs. 20 days. James K., s. of Nathan and'Lvdia, Oct. 28, 1871, 43 vrs. Minnie C, d. of Charles O. and Abbie E., Mar. 27, 1879, 2 yrs. 4 mos. Henry E., s. of Abiel and Jeruslia, Aug. 9, 1880, .52 yrs. 9 mos. Dolly (Fames), widow of , Aug. 13, 1883, 81 yrs. Sarah A. (Townsend), wife of , June 5, 1886, 64 vrs. 4 mos. 13 days. Martha A. (Upton), widow of , Nov. 17, 1892, 60 vrs. 1 mo. 20 days. Daniel N., s. of Abiel and Jerusha, Aug. 12, 1896, 54 yrs. 7 mos. 18 days. Henrietta (English), wife of Abiel P., Apr. 10, 1897, 48 yrs. 3 mos. 15 days. PELSUE. Susanna, widow of William, Nov. 28, 1770, in her 59th year.* PEMBERTON. Emily Jane, d. of Charles K. and Abby, Aug. 16, 1846, 2 yrs. 8 mos.* PERKIXS. Nellie, d. of Daniel F. and Adelaide M., Apr. 19, 18.88, 1 day. PERRY. Deborah, d. of John S. and Martha, Nov. 1, 1861, 20 yrs. 2 mos. 7 days. Martha A., d. of John S. and ^Martha, May 15, 1863, 23 yrs. 10 mos. 21 days. John S., s. of John and , July 18, 1865, 56 yrs. Ina B., d. of -John W. and Olive A., Nov. 4, 1875, 7 mos. Henry AY., s. of Benjamin F. and Valeria M., Oct. 3, 1878. 4 mos. 9 days. Herbert T., s. of Everett T. and Harriet A.. Dec. 6, ls89. 7 yrs. 2 mos. 20 days. Ella Florence, d. of John S. and Martha, .Alar. 21, 1890, 30 yrs. 24 days. Meranda F. (Buck), wife of Franklin AV., ]\Iay 9, 1893, 65 yrs. 2 mos. 25 days. Martha G. (Snow), widow of , June 17, 1893, 73 yrs. 17 days. WILMINGTON KECOKI) OF DEATHS. 243 PHELPS. Mary Emiiia, d. of Enoch I'., and ,Marv Ann, iVc. 3, 18(j0, 8 yrs. 4 (lays. Kiiocli I)., s. of John and Doiolliv, Dec. "JS, iSfi-J, ')\ yis. ;{ nios. L'O days. Mary A. '(Ch\rk). widow of , Sept. l."*, I.s,s4, 7-1 yrs. 1) nios. 15 days, -loseiili A., s. of Enoch ami .Mary A., Mai. 1(), Iss!), 40 yrs. 8 inos. PHILBROOK. Benjamin F., s. of Franklin and Mary, Apr. 11, Isyf), ;{(; yrs. PHILLIPS. Salome (Hipley), wife of . .Inly '11, 1SS(J, 7.", yrs. lo inos. KJ days. Joseph L., s. of Lemuel and Sarah, Feb. [), LS.Si), 7.S yrs. 11 mos. PICKKRING. William, W., s. of and Eliza \\'., Jan. 17, ls.sl,71 yrs. ;j mos. 11 days. PIERCE, Timothy, s. of Joseph and Dehorah, Oct. 21, 17;>7. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Deborah, Nov. 2(i, 17^57. Dinah, wife of Daniel, Jan. 7, 17;i8. Jonathan, Apr. 7, 17o!t, in ids lifjth year.* Jacob, s. of i'homas and Hannah, Dec. i>, 1750, I'J yrs. '2\ days.* Mary, wife of Lieut. Ei)enezer, Jan. L'fi, 17(!l, in her soth year.* Lieut. Ebenezer, Apr. Ki. 17onds), wife of , Apr. 20. 1801, 2(5 yrs. Amelia (l>iitler). wife of , July 2, l.S(i4, 5!) yrs. mos. Charles, .s. of William and Amelia. Oct. 20, 1805, 3!t yrs. Eliza A., wife of , June 1!>. 1894, 87 yrs. 5 nios. 7 days. POOL. Henry ("., s. of William H. and Susan, Dec. 20. is.VJ. I yrs. 4 mos. PORTER. Cora J., d. of Daniel and Francene, A\\\f. 2.5, 1805, mos. Mary E., d. of Rudolph and Mary, Sei)t". 1. I8!t2. 1 yr. 3 mos. PRATT. Helen A., d. of Caleb S. and M. !>.. Sept. !), 1^70. iM yrs. 5 mos. 244 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. PRESCOTT. Susan J. (Cheney), wife of , Feb. 5, 1881, ;57 yrs, 8 nios. PBIM. George A., s. of George A. and Agnes, Aug. 12, 1S77, -2 yrs. G uios. PUTNAM. Joseph H., s. of AVilliam H. and Eliza Ann, Dec. lU, 188i, 18 yrs. 11 mos. QUINN, John, Feb. 13, 1858, 46 yrs. Margaret, wid. of John, June 11, 1880, 85 yrs. RADCLIFF. Matilda (Buck), wife of Charles, July 2, 1830, 32 yrs.* BAYNOLDS. Rev. Freegrace, Dec. 6, 1854, 88 yrs. Nancy, wid. of Rev. Freegrace, June 2.5, 1855. 87 yrs. REED. Lucinda, d. of (4eorge W. and Susan, Sept. (i, 1815. Susanna, Apr. 25, 1844, 60 yrs. Clarisa, Feb. 18, 1881, 86 yrs. RICE. Lucy J. (Staples), wife of , June 28, 1878, 34 yrs. 5 mos. 5 days. RICH. Thomas, Feb. 8, 1754. RICHAKDSON. Loammi, s. of Jacob and , j\Iar. 14, 1847. 7!) yrs. 11 mos. 14 days. , d. of Loammi and . Aug. 21, 1850, 28 yrs. , wife of Loammi, Feb. 10, 1852, ;et 11., S.-],!. •_', |,^s•_'. H y^s. G mos. ROSSITER. James, s. of Jolm and Liz/i^. May 1"J. |ss(;, 1 day. RY^AXS. William, s. of John and Mary, June is, 18(j(;, s.") yis. 1:} days. SANBORN. Eliza Jane, d. of Jnlui and i'lizalii'lh, .Mar. I'l. ls;!4, II mos. 11 days.* SARGENT. Jennie VV., d. of J. Sluddon and .\n<;elina, .\|ir. 'M). ISSO. -J yrs. yrs. 9 days.* Elizabeth, wife of Henry, Nov. !), 1848, 20 yrs. !» mos. 8 days. Sarah Catharine, d. of Asa (i. and Clarissa, May 21, 1849, 16 yrs. 1 mo. 5 days. Nancy Eames, d. of Asa G. and Clarissa, July 27, 1849, 21 yrs. 8 mos. 2 days. Elizabeth, wid. of . Aug. 19, 18.');], 94 yrs. 1 mo. 13 days. Horace H., s. of Horace aud Susan, Nov. 29, ISd;], 9 mos. Susie IVr., d. of Horace aud Susan C, June 20, 18(59, 9 yrs. 5 mos. 22 days. Asa G., s. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (i., Sept. 2, 1S7(), S2 yrs. Clarissa (Eames), wid. of Asa (i., Dec. 1, 1S82, 84 yrs. 1 mo. 8 days. Catharine (Buck), wife of , May 16, 1S!)2, ."')9 yrs. 8 mos. 7 days. Horace, s. of Asa G. aud Clarissa, May 9, 1895, 69 yrs. 9 mos. 8 days. (4age A. M., s. of W. Gage and Bertha A., Dec. 19, 1897, 1 day. SIDELINKER. Lizzie L., d. of (ieorge W. aud Mary Ann, Sept. 15, 1874, 1 yr. 10 mos. 15 days. STMONDS. Laviuia, d. of Mixter aud Susan, Apr. :], 1815, 5 wks. :{ days.* Lavinia, d. of jNlixter and Susan, Dec. 19, 1835, 19 yrs.* Sylvester, s. of Mixter and Susan, Oct. 12, 1843, 25 yrs.* Eli, s. of Mixter and , Jan. 12, 1856. 24 yrs. Mixter, s. of Calvin and , Apr. 28, 1858, 71 yrs. Ellen C. (Crosby), wife of , Jan. 26, 1870, 37 yrs. Celia M., d. of Otis and Ellen C, Oct. 27, 1872, 18 yrs. 5 mos. 17 days. Susauua C. (Converse), widow of , Nov. 21, 1876, 84 yrs. 10 mos. 8 days. Nellie L., d. of Otis and Ellen (!., Jan. 13, 1877, 15 yrs. Otis, s. of Joshua and Abigail, Maj-. 10, 1877, 67 yrs. STMPSOK. Frank L., s. of Charles aud Addie F., Dec. 11, 1894, 17 yrs. 1 mo. SKILTON. Emily ( I'.uck). wife uf , Oct. 2t;, 1.S64, 29 yrs. WILMINGTON RECOKD OF DKATHS. 247 SKINNER. . <1. of Cliarlt'S and . Sr|it. 1. IS.").\ -JO yis. SLACK. Joseph, s. of William and IMicIks Oct, 15, IT")!!. Aliiier, s. of .loliii ami Anna, Oct. 10, ISIS, 41» yrs. Harriet A., d. of (Jcortic and Caroline, Mar. "Jd, is.v^, 17 yrs. I nios. Francis, s. of Al)ner and Mary. Oct. 27. l.s.'iH, L'l yrs. (ieorge. s. of John anrl .\nna. June 7, 1^71. 7-"> yrs. Louisa K. (Kenney), wid. of , Sept. 1. 1MS4, 85 yr>. 1 mo. '21 days. SLADK. Kol)ert S., s. of \\. L. and Annie U., .Vug. :{. ll-iso. lu nios. 21 days. SLATTERY. Mary, widow of , June l;{, 1882, SO yrs. SLEEPER. Ezekiel G., s. of P2zcl, 1887, ."i-l yrs. SMITH. ~' , d. of James ai.d Kate, Mar. 2, 1S84, 1 day. Agnes M., d. of William and Annie, Sept. 1, 1803, .'5 mos. 5 days. SNELLING. William, Dec. 3, 1827, 27 yrs.* (Jeorge M., s. of (Jeorge II. and Mary A., tJnly 31, 1S!)4, 11 mos. 23 days. SNOW. Betsey, wife of Francis, Dec. fi, 1845. If) yrs. Francis, Nov. 7, 1852, 60 yrs. S PAULDING. Owen ^[., s. of (Jeorge W. and Sarah IC. .Aug. 15, l>«7fi. 15 yrs. 5 mos. Eleanor (Bonds), wife of Maynard , 188.5, 3 mos. STANLEY. Ambrose, s. of Abraham and Kuth J., 1815, 2o yrs.* Sarah, d. of Abraham and Wwih. J., 1818, 5 mos.* Abraham, s. of David and Sarah, 1824, 56 yrs.* James, s. of Abraham and Ruth J., 1828, 32 yrs.* Caroline, d. of Abraham and Kuth J., 1821). 25 yrs.* Charles Jaques, s. of Abraham and Ruth J., 1829, 19 yrs.* Abraham, s. of Abraham and Ruth Jaques, 1833, 39 yrs.* (iilman, Feb. 7, 1812, 40 yrs. 11 mos. 16 day.* Ruth (Jaques), widow of Abraham, 1849, 76 yrs.* Sabra (Jaques), widow of Gilman, May 16, 1852, 46 yrs. 4 mos. 1 day. STAPLES. Abbie L., d. of John and Abby, Apr. 15, 1892, 44 yrs. STEARNS. Elizabeth, wife of Timothy, Mar. 16, 1738. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy and Dinah, Nov. 23, 1740. STEWART. James, s. of , Dec. 20, 1844, 38 yrs. STICKNEY. Esther Jane, d. of Edward B. and Hannah, June 19, 1S3!), 15 mos.* Hannah, wife of Edward B., Apr. 25, 1844, 26 yrs. Child of Edward B. and , Dec. 30, 1856, 6 mos. STIMPSON. Marv, d. of P^benezer and Mary M., Nov. 15, 1808, 1 yr. 2 mos.* Daniel, May 16, 1828, 45 yrs.* ' Persis (i., wid. of Daniel, Oct. 7, 1865, 80 yrs.* *' TO CKBRID GE. James O., s. of Lewis A. and Mary A., July 7, 1887, 46 yrs. STOCKWELL. Sarah E., wife of , June 15, 1878, 37 yrs. Emma C, d. of John W. and Ellen, Sept. 5, 1897, 32 yr.s. 4 mos. 13 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 249 STOKES. Kliza, (1. of Joseph and Susan, Aug. 15, Is'CJ, !) mos. SUBBETTE. Samuel, s, of , Feb. L'C, lS!l-_>, ()2 yrs. , d. of Henry and Mary, May 14, l.Sf)'_>, i» days. Joseph W., s. of Jose])h (). and Agnes, Oct. "J'J, ISOJ, 1 yr. ."i mos. , s. of Kugene and Maggie, Feb. 10, 18!)1, 1 hr. Mary, wife of Henry, .Ian. 138, 1897, -32 yrs. S WAIN. William Henry, s. of Levi, Jr., and Louisa, Apr. :{, is.'i;}. 1 yrs. .") mos. 2!( day. Henrietta (Ames), wife of , :\rar. 24, 1860. , d. of diaries W. and Henrietta, Mar. 25, 18G0, 2 day. Charles W., s. of Levi, Jr., and Louisa, June 27, 1865, 7 yrs. 11 mos. 11 days. Edward E., s. of Levi and Phebe, Aug. 6, 186.5, 30 yrs. lien jamin, s. of Walter and Abigail, Jan. 10, 1867, 64 yrs. 4 mos. Harriet A. (Ames), widow of , May 8, 1869, 81 yrs. 1 mo. 3 days. Aseneath (Trull), widow of , Feb. 2v>, 1877, 76 yrs. 2 mos. i'liebe G. (Gowing), wife of , Feb. 1.5,1879, 82 yrs. 11 mos. Levi, s. of Walter and Abigail, Jan. 2, 1881, 83 yrs. 11 mos. 1 day. James IL, s. of Levi and IMiebe, Apr. 16, 1889, 55 yrs. , s. of Lawrence (". and Mina A., Sept. 25, 1889, 2 days. lienjaniin, s. of Benjannn and Aseneath, Apr. 22, 1892, 64 yrs. 8 mos. 18 days. Edward, s. of James IL and Catharine, Apr. 18, 1893, 22 yrs. Charles W., s. of Levi and Phebe, Sept. 20, 1895, 69 yrs. 4 mos. 22 days. SWALLOW. Harriet Endicott, d. of Rev. J. E. and M;iri;i I",.. .Inly 16. 1S51, 1 yr. 6 mos. SWEETSEB. Jane (Brigs), wife of , June 28, 1870, 55 yrs. Addie E., d. of John E. and Addie E., Sept. 14, 1870, 11 m..s. 1 day. TAYLOB. Lucretia, wife of Cyrus, Feb. 7, 1836, 48 yrs.* Cyrus, ^Iay 24, 18.57, 78 yrs. Ethel L., d. of John A. and :\Iary E., Dec. 1, 1868, 2 mos. 2 days. Ella J. (Chapman), wife of , May 7, 1873, 17 yrs. 8 mos. 7 days. Charles E., s. of Charles A., and Ella J.. .June 29, 1873, 5 mos. 25 days. 250 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. TAYLOR — Continued. Ella J., d. of Charles A. and Susan, Apr. 13, 187fi, 1 yr. 3 mos. 5 days. Mary E. (Hale), wife of , Oct. 30, 1876, 29 yrs. 8 mos, Helen G., d. of Henry A. and Inez J., Aug. 19, 1882, 1 yr. 1 mo. 27 days. Walter E., s. of Henry A. and Inez J.„ Feb. 2, 1886, 8 hrs. Minnie J., d. of Willie E. and Harriet A., Apr'. 11, 1888, 2 mos. 3 days. Julia A. (Bailey), wife of George L., Sept. 5, 1890, 61 yrs. 11 mos. 21 days. Clarence A., s. of John II. and Xellie J., Oct. 24, 1891, 3 yrs. 9 mos. 10 days. Chester L. V. B., s. of Cieorge L., Jr., and Amelia A., Apr. 2, 1892, 18 days. Abbie L. (Alexander), wife of Elbridge, June 7, 1896, 77 yrs. 8 mos. AValter L., s. of George L., Jr., and Amelia A., June -1, 1897, 7 mos. 22 days. J^lbridge, s. of John and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1897, 85 yrs. 4 mos. 27 days. TEMPLE. Jabez, s. of Jabez and INIehitable, Aug. 9, 1737. Richard, s. of Jabez and Mehitable, Aug. 28, 1737. Mehitable, d. of Jabez and JNIehitable, Nov. 26, 1750. Jabez, s. of Jabez and JNIehitable, Feb. 21, 1754. Mehitable, wife of Jabez, Oct. 6, 1758. THOMPSON, or TOMPSON. Elizabeth, d. of James and Abigail, A])r. 16, 1728, 19 days. Martha, wife of Lieut. Joshua, June 3, 1749, 66 yrs. 3 mos. 25 days.* Richard, s. of James and .Abigail, Sept. 10, 1749, 31 yrs. 1 mo.* Abigail, wife of William, Sept. 15, 1757, in her 29th year-.* Abigail, wife of Dea. James, Mar. 17, 1759, 69 yrs. 11 mos. 17 days.* Lieut. Joshua, July 10, 17<)0, in his 83d year.* Dea. flames, July 3, 1763, in his 84th vear.* Stillborn, July 12, 1765.* Lieut. Benjamin, Jr., Aug. 30, 1776, 37 yrs. Benjamin, s. of Lieut. Benjamin, Jr., and Lydia, June 9, 1777, 3 yrs. Lydia, wid. of Lieut. I>enjamin, Jr., June 14, 1777, 26 yrs. Loamini, s. of Ebenezer and Judith, Mar. 25, 1796. Sally, d. of Ebenezer and Judith, Dec. 3, 1806. Dea. Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1807, in his 81st year.* Sarah Ann, d. of John and Sally, Sept. 24, 1812, 4 mos.* Sally, wife of John, Aug. 11, 1813, 25 yrs.* Mary, wife of Dea. Benjamin, June 23, 1816, 86 yrs.* Capt. James, ]\Iar. 16, 1821, 29 yrs.* Joshua, Jan. 28, 1825, in his 28th year.* Benjamin, Esq., Jan. 30, 1826, 67 yrs.* Dea. Ebenezer, Oct. 31, 1828, 73 yrs.* Judith, wife of Dea. Ebenezer, Sept. 30, 1833, 84 yrs.* Jacob, Jan. 30, 1834, 34 yrs.* WILMINGTON RECORD OF DKATIIS. 261 THOMPSON, or TOMPSON- ('ontimml. Siisaimali, wife of IJeiijamiii, Pel). 10, IS-lO, 7<) yrs.* Frank W ., s. of \\'ilsoii and Nellie, Jnly -U, 189"), 7 nios. ir> days. ^'iola T., d. of Wilson and Nellie, Mar. '■), 1.S97, (j nios. 2'^ days. TOLMAX. Racliel D. (Damon), widow of , Apr. ]ii, lMi>i, 71 yrs. 1 nio. •25 days. TOWNS iixn. Kendall, s. of .John and ral)itlKi, Xov. ll', 17.").S. Tabitlia, wife of .lolin, N*iv. -JO. 18(11. Mary, d. of .John and Taliitha, A])r. 29. 17(10. John, June 11, 17(5'). Xoali, s. of John and Tabitlia. Ant;. 27. 17()rj. Sarali, d. of John and Tabitlia, July 19, 17(jli. Eliza S. (Ilarnden), ^vife of — , Jan. 27, 186"). (!i» yrs. (1 nms. Natlian, s. of Ebenezer and , -Iiine s, isjo. 7!) yrs. TUCKER. ,Ioel, s. of William and Mary, Jan. l.">, 17;J7, 2 yrs. 9 days.* William, s. of William and Mary, Apr. G, 17-1."), 10 nio8. l(i days.* TWEED. Hetsey (Paslio), wife of , May 28, 1871, si; yrs. Zebediali, s. of Zebediah and Betsey, June 20, 1S74, .")(i yrs. (UNKNOWN.) Cliild, Sept. 20, ISolJ, 15 yrs. Child, Jan. 2(1, 18.57, 2 yrs. Child, Apr. 14, 1872, 7 days. .Man, June 1:5, 1S9:5. Man, AuH-. 14, 189.5. IVIan, Dec. 15, 189(j. UPTON. Thomas H., Sept. 27, 1819, 70 yrs,* Ruth, wife of Thomas K., June 11, ls29, S4 yrs.* Thomas, Apr. 1, 1S|;5, 29 yrs.* Amanda Carter, d. of , .Inly s, 1815, 2 yrs. Francis, s. of , -Ian. 5, isjs. Thomas p]., s. of Thomas IJicli and Hntli, July 2;>. 1S5I. 71 yrs. Jose})h H., s. of Paul and , Sept. 7, 18.'>4, 1:5 yrs. Susan, d. of Paul and Mary. A[tr. 25, 1^(50. Jane. d. of Paul and Sarali". Dec. 10. IStj:]. Willard F.. s. of Ambrose and Fliza J.. Mar. 7. 1^(11. 15 yrs. :> mos. 5 days. Paul, s. of Paul and Jernslia. Feb. 1:',. Isiit;, 7i; yrs. :5 nii.s. 252 WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. UPTON— Continued. Henry F., s. of B. Francis and Hannah, July "2o, 1807, 3 mos. 23 davs. Sally (Nichols), wid. of , Dec. 16, 1868. Milton G., s. oi Daniel R. and Clara, June 13, 1871, 1 day. Lydia, Oct. 10, 1871, 88 yrs.* lluth (Burnham), wid. of , Feb. 14, 1872, 77 yrs. Hannah C. (P2ames), wid. of , Oct. 15, 1872, 85 yrs. Alonzo R., s. of Daniel R. and Clara, Aug. 30, 1873, 1 mo. 10 days. Daniel R., s. of Thomas F. and Hannah E., Feb. 21, 1884, 04 yrs. 4 mos. Clarisa (Gowing), wid. of Daniel R. Mar. 19, 1S84, 42 yrs. 10 mos. 19 days. VALENTINE. Peter, s. of John and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1874, 71 yrs. Annie M. C, d. of Peter and Phebe, Apr. 16, 1877, 6 yrs. 2 mos. VARNEY. Helen B. (Appleby), wife of , Aug. 2, 188.5, 36 yrs. 9 mos. VOIGHT. John J., s. of Julis and Louisa, Feb. 15, 1870, 63 yi's. rosE. John Franklin, s. of , ]\Iay 11, 1844, 3 yrs. WALKER. Stillborn, Jan. 20, 1733.* Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, May 16, 1738, 18 yrs.* Judith, d. of Samuel and Hannah, May Hi, 1738, 3 yrs. 9 mos.* Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Hannah, May 17, 1738, 12 yrs. 1 mo.* Nathan, s. of Samuel and Hannah, INIay 18, 1738, 10 yrs. 2 mos.* James, s. of Samuel and Hannah, May 31, 1738, 16 yrs. 1 mo.* Edward, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 10, 1738, 8 mos.* Richard, s. of Samuel and llaimali, June 21, 173s, 7 yrs. 10 mos.* Abigail, d. of Samuel and Hannah, June 27, 1738, 13 yrs. 10 mos.* Timothy, s. of Timothy and Eunice, Sept. 7, 1707. Capt. Samuel, Feb. 13, 1771, 77 yrs. Hannah, wid. of Capt. Samuel, May 13, 1788, in her 91st year.* Timothy, Esq., May 9, 1809, 77 yrs.* Benjamin, Esq., s. of Timothy, Esc^., June 26, 1811, 44 yrs.* Horatio, s. of Benjamin, Plsq., .* Eunice, wife of Timothy, Esq., June 2, 1815, 84 yrs.* Susannah, wife of Horatio, Jan. 26, 1821, 17 yrs.* Horatio, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1824, 3 mos. 12 days.* Catharine K. ((iillis), wife of , Nov. 6, 1874, 55 yrs. 9 mos. Hannah (Eames), wife of (George, Sept. 16, 1889, 78 yrs. 9 mos. 15 days. George, s. of (ieorge and Mary, July 24, 1892, 83 yrs. 8 mos. 10 days. Alice E., d. of Charles F. and INlary A., Sept. 27, 1892, 2 yrs. 2 mos. 29 days. . WILMINGTON RECOKU OF DEATHS. 253 WALSH. Catharine, d. of Charles and Klizalu'tli, Sept. '■], 1SS2, ;{2 yrs. 7 iiuis. 1:5 days. Charles, s. of -loliii and ( 'athaiiiie, Aug. "J;5, issl, 7-_> yi>. 7 hkis. 23 days. Elizabeth (Pierd), wid. of Charles, Oct. 1:5, 1S!)0, 07 yrs. Charle.s 1)., s. of William and Mary A., Aug. 14, lS!t7. 12 yrs. S mos. .') days. tVA RD. Samuel, Jr., .s. of Samuel and Sally, .Ian. I'J, ISs."), 11 yrs. 'J mos. 14 days. Samuel, s. of Samuel, .Jr., ami Liliic 11. , Sept. 1, is.s."), (i yrs. I mcjs. WARDSWORTH. Isaac, Dec. 0, ls.5;3, 6;? yrs. WARE. Albert C, s. of D. L. and Mary B., Oct. 18, 1873, 22 yrs. mos. WATSON. Catharine T. (Pratt), widow of Joiui, Mar. ;51, ISDo, !)1 yr.s. !» mos. 16 days. WELCH. Benjamin F., s. of (ieorge AV. and CImrlotte T., dali. 7, \^M, If! yrs. 11 mos. 17 days. Lydia .1., wid. of , Sept. 17, 1884, 47 yrs. 7 mos. 11 days. WELLSrRING. Alice W., d. of Alfred anil Alice, Nov. 1:!, isDO, 7 yrs. :> mos. WENT WORTH. William B., s. of William and , Jan. 8, 1857, 21 yr.s. Mary (Allen), wife of , Feb. 2f), 18(14, "lO yrs. 7 mos. 18 days. William, s. of lOlias and Lydia, May 4, 188t>, 81 yrs. (i mos. l!i days. Sophia E. ((jlidden), widow of , .Ium<> l!i. issil, 78 yrs. 2 mos. WESSON. James, s. of Stephen and Hlizabelh. June 8. 173(5. Elizabetli, wife of Dea. .Stejiiien, Ajjr. 22, 170(5, in her Ullh year.* Dea. Stephen, June 5, 1777, in his 8lst year.* WESCOTT. Lilla M., d. of Waller 11. and Elizabetli E., Apr. Ki. IS!)7. 12 vrs. K) mus. 254 , WILMINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. WHEELER. Kezziab, Dec. 3, 1855, 33 yrs. WHITE. Joseph, s. of • , July — , 1845. Laura (Gowing), wife of , July 30, 1859, 22 yrs. Rhoda M. (Harnden), wife of , Nov. 22, 1886, 56 yrs. Madeline E., wife of , Jan. 15, 1882, 20 yrs. 8 mos. Mary J. (Babine), wife of , May 5, 1884, 20 yrs. 11 mos. 28 days. Mags'ie M., d. of Michael and i\Iary J., Sept. 27, 1887, 7 mos. 11 days. Eugene A., s. of Lorenzo and Louisa, Dec. 4, 1887, 53 yrs. 1 mo. Maggie May, d. of Charles and Evelina, July 1. 1888, 1 mo. 21 days. Peter, s. of Bernard and Margaret, June KJ, 1891, GO yrs. Thomas H., s. of Alexander and Uosanna, Dec. 5, 1894, 22 yrs. 8 mos. Charles D., s. of Charles and Evelina, Oct. 15, 189.5, mos. Alexander, s. of Anthony and Margaret, Oct. 31, 1896, 67 yrs. WHITTEN. Hattie Frances, d. of J. II. am! II. R., Sept. 7, 1862, 4 mos. WILCOX. Angenette, d. of Amaziah and Mary, Aug. 24, 18.59, 8 yrs. Amaziah S., of Silas and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1861, 36 yrs. 7 mos. lola E., d. of Amaziah and Margaret, June 12, 1863, 2 yrs. 4 mos. 26 days. Margaret (Roberts), wid. of - — ■, Nov. 8, 1870, 48 yrs. WILD. Faulkner, s. of Benjamin F. and Amy F., Aug. 24, 1887, 1 yr. 1 mo. 11 days. WILKIJSS. Betsey E. (Tellison), wid. of , Jan. 12, 1887, 55 yrs. 11 mos. 17 days. WILLARD. Jael, d. of , May 28, 1862, 67 yrs. Leander C, s. of AVilliam and Jael. Feb. Id. 1863, 44 yrs. 9 nics. 28 days. WILLIAMS. Hannah R. (Stockwell). wid. of , July 29, 1875. 65 yrs. 6 mos. 24 days. WILMINGTON RECORD OF DF.ATIIS. 256 WJLLOUGHBY. John M., s. of Abiier and .lane, Jan. i*l2, is4s, IM yi's. 1 nio. Harriet (Foster), wid. of , Aug. <), LSfio, 55 yrs. WINN, .lonatlian, s. of Ilezekiali and ISctlivah, Apr. 1.'5. \7'-\*'>. Ilezekiali, s. of Hezekiali ami rx'tlivali, Oct. 11. \7'-'>7. Hezekiali, July 'J5, 177'J, in liis (iTtli year.* Aaron, s. of John and Abigail, Sept. 8, 177>i. Abigail, d. of ,Iohn and Abigail, Sept. '•), 1778. Jolin, Jnly 1!), 17s;i Molly, d. of -Joseph and Mary, Nov. "JH, 17^;), 17 yrs. tl mos. WOOD LIN. William II., s. of , Nov. 27, 1851, 10 yrs. Isabella, d. of AVilliam H. and Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1S51. I yrs. 5 mos. WRIGHT. James, Sept. 14, 1819, 68 yrs.* WYMAN. John, Nov. 30, 1747, 61 yrs. 14 days.* Abigail, d. of Noah and Kuth, Apr. 3, 1765, 1 mo. YOUNG. Minnie F., d. of Edward and Mary K., Jnne 20, 1880, 3 mos. 5 days. Elizabeth J. (Jaquith), wid. of , July 9, 1891, 61 yrs. 11 mos. 20 days. Maud E., d. of Edward and Mary E., Sept. 24, Isill, (i yrs. 2 mos.