Qass Book—:. REeORDS OF THE TOWN OF LEE I- r///j FROM ITS INCORPORATION TO A. D. 1801 ALL THE EXTANT RECORDS OF THE TOWN CLERKS, TOWN TREASURERS, HOPLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH FOR THAT PERIOD Also Inscriptions from the Cemeteries WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN'S INCORPORATION, STATE AND COUNTY TAXES, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE TOWN LEE, MASS. Press of The Valley Gleameb 1900 Si. ^. 5^0 C ONTEN TS Introductory Notes 3-8 Charter - - - 9-10 Town Clerks' Records Recoids of Town Meetings 11-108 Road Surveys 109-121 Town Lines 123 Fence Divisions 123 Creature Marks 124-132 Publishments and Marriages - - 133-143 Records of Births ........ 144-174 Deaths - V 175-180 Treasurers' Accounts 181-201 HoPLAND School District ^ Charter and Explanatory Acts 202-204 Records . 205-227 Leases - ■ 228-246 Congregational Church Records Organization and Members 247-251 Members, Baptisms, Votes, etc. from May 25, 1780 to May 6, 1792 247-259 Ordination of Mr. Parmele 259-260 Ordination of Mr. Hyde 261 Votes from June 6, 1792 to 1801 261-272 Admissions from June 6, 1792 to 1801 - . . . 273-276 Baptisms 276-282 Ecclesiastical Councils 382 Marriages by Mr. Hyde from June 6, 1792 to 1801 - - 283-284 Deaths recorded by Mr. Hyde from June 0, 1792 to 1801 - 285-288 Inscriptions FROM the Cemetries 289-303 Appendix 305-327 Indexes Baptisms 331-335 Church Members 336-338 Publishments and Marriages 339-341 Deaths 342-344 General Index of Names , 345-358 General Index 359-372 ERIJfATA 373 Additional Notes 374 MEETING-HOUSE BUILT IN 1780. NTRODUeTORY JSIOTES. The purpose of this volume is to present a faithful reproduction of all the early records of the town known to be in existence, to the close of the last century. It includes the records of the town clerks and treasurers; of the Hopland school district, with the unrecorded manuscripts of that or- ganization; those of the Congregational church, and the mortuary records of the cemeteries. They are not all strictly limited to the last century, however. Under 'Records of Births," those of each family are given as fully as recorded, many being later than the year 1800. Under "Creature Marks," the transfers are given, several of which were later than that year, and the treasury accounts of the town and Hopland school district extend several mouths into the year 1801. In the appendix is a brief histoiy of the town's incorporation; a tabulation of the state and county taxes apportioned on the town, and the marriage records of some residents of Lee found elsewhere. The facsimiles on pp. 319-339, the plate opposite page 10 and that oppo- site p. 79, are from originals in the department of Archives at the State House. The volume thus contains for the period covered, all the public records discovered relating to the town's business, educational, and religious his- tory, as well as its vital records. It was in contemplation also, to include a brief military record of the men who served in the Revolutionary war, from the town, or previous to its organization, from the grants or parts of grants now in its limits, but the design was abandoned, as it was found that scarcely any reliable in- formation of this kind exists except in the state archives, and all such matter in possession of the state is being published in ' 'Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War." Mainly the object in undertaking this work has been to collect and col- late the early vital records of the town. These records are often consulted by persons in search of their ancestry, and frequent inquiries are made by persons at a distance regarding births, marriages and deaths among the early residents here. The information sought for, if in the records, is not always readily fviund, and is sometimes overlooked unless many pages are carefully scrutinized. Unfortunately the vital records of that period are not complete, the clerks preceding Daniel Wilcox, whose service commenced in 1793, having neglected to enter a considerable part of them. Less then a page of birth records were entered before 1791. Most of those in this volume were recorded by Daniel Wilcox, and of course many of them some years after that of birth. The method of arrangement was that followed in this and many other towns until the present uniform system was adopted by the State in 1844. It is believed nearly all the births in town before 1801 were finally recorded, but it is known some were not. There is also rea- son to believe the record of marriages is incomplete, au^l few deaths are noted before Dr. Hyde's records commence. The town clerks for the period over which the birth records in this vol- ume extend, were as below, with the term of service of each: — Prince West was chosen at the first town meeting and served to March 18, 1783, but according to the first two publishments recorded (see p. 133), he acted as such before he was chosen Dec. 36, 1777; Thomas Beecher served from March 18, 1782 to April 7, 1783; IS^athan Dillingham from April 7, 1783 to March 4, to 1793, and also from March 7, 1814 to March 4, 1816; Daniel Wilcox from March 4. 1793 to March 3, 1806; Nathaniel Thayer from March 3, 1806 to March 9, 1807; Cornelius T. Fessenden from March 9, 1807 to March 7, 1814; Ransom Hinman from March 4, 1816 to March 8, 1834. West's and Beecher's I'ecords entire, and Dillingham's before 1791, exist only in copy. The book in which they were first entered was prob- ably improvised, like the first book of Hopland, and the first and second books of church records, by stitching a few sheets of paper together. It was not until nearly thirteen years had passed from the first town meet- ing, that a more durable book was procured and the entries in the first book transcribed into it. March 7, 1785, the town "Voted to raise six pounds as soon as be conveniently for procuring a Standard of Weights and Measures and a Town Book for Records". Pex-haps at that period of onerous taxation just preceding the Shays rebellion, a tax of $30 for the purpose specified could not be conveniently raised; at all events it was not soon raised, for May 11, 1789, the town again voted to raise "six pounds to pm-chase a standard of Weights & Measures and a Town Book", and Capt. Josiah Yale was appointed to procure them. At the anniial meeting March 1. 1790, he was requested to "procure a Standard of Weights & Measures as Cheap as may be and answer the Law". The records thenceforth are silent as to the weights aud measures, and it would seem that the book was not procured until some months after the last date, for all the records of that year were entered in the original first book. In the minutes of a meeting, Dec. 30, 1790, is the en trj': "Voted to give Mi; John Powers, Eighteen Shillings on his transcribing the Whole Contained in this Book into a new Book of Records". The transcript occupies about 70 pages of the first volume of town records. It is in a fairly legible h?>nd (see plate opposite p. 136), but abounds in rare spelling and construction, and a wealth of capitals. Many words, also, commence with a letter which may be considered either large or small, and as the writer followed no rule, it is uncer- tain which he intended. In printing this part of the records the aim has been in cases of doubt, to follow the customary usage of educated wri- ters of the period. The literary qualifications of the coi^yist were evident- ly slight. As the original is not in evidence, it can not positively be proved that the transcript is not a true copy; but comparing the copy of West's records with matter penned by him, and the copy of Dillingham's, with those in his own hand, it is fair to conclude that the copyist not only i)re- sei'ved their grammatical errors, but added many of his own. For the characteristics ofWest's writing see the petitions on pp. 323-;327. Xone of Beecher's writing has been found, except hissignature(see p. ;537); judging from it, and the crudities in the transcript of his records (pp. 22-27), he did not weild a ready pen. Some of Dillingham's writing is reproduced on the plate opposite p. 185. Major Dillingham was a versatile man, and served the town and community in many capacities. His fame as a wit and a poet has been handed down to this day. He settled here soon after the town's incor- poration and at once became prominent in its affairs. For many years he was host of the "Red Lion'' and also carried on a successful merchan- tile business. Besides his records as town clerk and treasurer, two of the Hopland leases printed in this book (pp. 228-233), and the item about the arrangements for observing the day appointed for mourning on account of the death of Gen. Washington, were written by him. There is also in possession of the town a map of that part of Hartwood included in the town's limits, whicli he delineated. His reports of town meetings seem to have been entered in the book w^hile the business was in progress, and though they show marks of haste, are clearly and well expressed. In the transcribed portion of his records are some jumbles, which, without doubt, he Avas not responsible for; — as that about the school districts, pp. 30, 31; the regulations of the inoculating committee, p. 34,'and that about abatement of taxes, on the upper part of p. 46. He was from Sandwich, and served several short enlistments — about a year in all — in the militia, in the early part of the Revolutionary war. The copied part of the records are indicated under the various headings, except under "Birth Records." Less than a page of these were tran- scribed and are : — Joseph Freeman Austin, p. 144; Sarah, Abigail and Rebecca Dillingham, p. 153; Children of Asahel Dodge, except Samuel p. 153; Percival record to Hannah, p. 165; Walker record, excepting death of Caleb, p. 170; Mary. Prudence, and John Brewster West, p. 171; Christian and Azuba VVood, p. 174. The dates of most of tlie above mentioned births, prove that they were originally recorded by Dillingham, and judging from the peculiar form of entry, it is probable the others were recorded by West. The only death noted is that of Huldah Walker, in the above mentioned Walker record. A reproduction of some of Wilcox's writing may be seen on the map facing p. 70. His minutes of town meetings, also, appear to have been 6 entered in the records during the transaction of the business. His records are not very plain; evidently he drove a rapid, and careless quill. lu his manuscript small e and i are generally indistinguishable, and the same character of ten stands for small a, o and u. Altogether his writing is very peculiar. Numerous words are not fully written out, — the most frequent fault in this respect being the omission of a letter or syllable from the end of words. Some date-errors also appear; as for instance, he records that his brother Oziel was killed at Sheffield, March 27, 1787. Oziel was an adherent of Daniel Shays, and was killed in the skirmish which took place between the insurgents and state forces at Sheffield Feb. 27, ]787. Other errors of date have been noticed, and where considerable are noted. His record of the death of his brother Peter (p. 178), and of his sister Electa (p. 180), are circumstantial to an extent seldom attempted by town clerks. It is much to be regretted that the town meeting reports during the Revolutionary war and Shays's rebellion periods are not more full and explicit. Meager as they are. however, they show how enormous was the burden laid upon this new and struggling community in furnishing its quota of men and means to carry on the war, and the restiveness under the excessive taxation for several years following it. What the state and county taxes were may be seen by reference to the tabulation in the appendix. No town meeting warrants were recorded until 1816. It is supposed they and many other town manuscripts; — such as assessors' lists, tax bills, voting lists, etc., prior to 1826, were stored in the town hall in the basement of the Congregational church, and were destroyed in the great fire of 1857. Some of the business transacted in the town meetings cannot be un- derstood without the warrants, and all that which was presented in the numerous articles passed over is lost entirely; and by the loss of the other material much valuable local history has been blotted out. As above stated Dillingham's and Wilcox's minutes of town meetings, bear evidence of having been permanently recorded while the business was in progress. Probably the preceding clerks did the same, and the haste necessary may account for some of the peculiar abbreviations and frequent omission of letters and words. When the note on page 61 was priuted it had not been noticed that the records of the two elections on page 71 are in Joseph Whiton's writing. The Hoplaud records, except where noted otherwise, are in his hand, as also several of the leases. Joseph Whitou settled here in or about 1790, and from that time until his death in 1828, was active in the management of the town's business, and was honored with many offices He was a native of Middletown, Conn., and at a very early age, served a short time in an organization of that state in the Revolutionary army. In the militia of Massachusetts, he rose through various grades, until as Maj. General he commanded part of the forces at Boston in 1814. His hastily written records indicate his familiarity with routine clerical work. The treasurer's accouuts, and the warrants and other uurecorded Hop- land manuscripts were found after the priuting of the volume was begun. The leaves coutaiuing these accounts had become separated from the treasurer's book and were supposed to be lost, but were opportunely found, though in a fragmentary condition. The Hopland papers were found with a mass of other documents which had been lost sight of, belonging to that corporation, in the othce of the late Harrison Gai-field, long treasurer of the district. There are doubtless some gaps in the continuity of the church records be- fore Dr. Hyde's pastorate, but the names of all members of the church are mentioned therein, which appear for that period in the first published list (supposed date 1818), except David Baker, and Stephen Tobey, received in 1792. Whether all the baptisms are mentioned, cannot be determined. The records kept by Dr. Hyde contain a list of all baptisms, admissions to the church, marriages solemnized by him, and deaths in town from June 6, 1793 to the time of his death in 183;j. His records herein printed are limited to the close of the year 1800. On the first fly leaf of the first book of Town Records is written, "Rec- ords of the Town of Lee". The first matter recorded is the Act of Incor- poration. No heading is used, the commencement being, "State of Mass- achusetts Bay — " On account of numei'ous errors of orthography in the transcript, the act in this volume has been printed from a copy of the original in the State House. The words "In the House of Representa- tives Octr 18th" (p. 10), "A true Copy" and "Attest" are obliterated in the document, and are given from the copy in the town book. The dates at the top of the pages on which are printed the minutes of town and Hop- land school district meetings are not in the original. The headings also in this volume to the several subject-matters into which the records of the town clerks are divided, except "Town Lines "(p. 122), are not therein given. The free edges of several of the first pages of the first book of town records are so worn away by long usage that a little of the wi'iting is lost. The same is true of the first page of publishments and marriages. Such obliterations in this volume are indicated by stars. The minutes of the fijt-st meeting closely follow the Act of Incorporation, and being on a left hand page, the stars indicating the obliteration are at the left margin. In the minutes of several of the next meetings, however, the manuscript lines sometimes contain more matter than the printed ones, so that the stars must be placed at a distance from the margins. In printing the records and other matter, great pains have been taken to preserve the exact spelling, abbreviations, and punctuation of the orig- inals, and since the volume has been printed the whole matter has been carefully collated, and all typographical and other errors which have been found, have been corrected or noted in the errata, pp. 373. Most of the departures from the original spelling, are in the pages printed from the manuscript by Powers, where the same words, especially proper names, are often spelled differently, — taxing the attention of compositor and proof reader to an unusual degree. Doubtless more explanatory notes and bracketed words should have beei. used in printing the town meeting minutes, but the meaning is gen- erally obvious, despite omitted words and faulty construction. Some things, however, cannot be understood or explained. Several notes are here given which have been prepared since the minutes were printed. P. 14, second line: The word "time" is uncertain; in the manuscript it seems to be "same". The Centennial History of Lee, p. 161, quoting this vote, has "sum", and Amory Gale's pamphlet history of the town, p. 18, has "term". Miss Jones in her History of Stockbridge, p. 180, says: "In March 1779, the town unanimously voted themselves bound by the doings of the Great and General Court. ' ' P. 16, third and fourth lines, minutes of June 15: The fanciful surmise is given in the Centennial History, pp. 58, 147, that the adjom-nment from Peter Wilcox's house to his barn, indicated "probably an increase of pop- ulation which made the one room of a log house inconveniently small". That such an event did not then happen in Peter's family is certain from the bii'th record of his childi-en, — see p. ITd. P. 19, lines eight and nine, minutes of J?iu.8,15: The word "sum" probably here signifies the quantity of beef. The assessment was "in kind"— 6818 lbs. of beef ,— see p. 315. The Centennial History states the town voted to raise £6818 to purchase beef. This might have been so, for at that time £6818, Continental money, possibly would have purchased 6818 lbs. of beef. The difficulty and amount of work involved in producing this volume was greatly. underestimated when the first type was set for its pages nearly three years ago. It was then supposed that a few months would suffice for its completion, and that all records i^ertaining to the town for the period covered, could be gathered into a book of at least a hundred pages less than this. The delays have been many and for various reasons. It is the product of intervals between more necessary or more profitable work. The size is greater than was estimated because diligent search has brought to light considerable more material than was supposed to exist. All the records and other matter the volume contains, have been so ar- ranged, and so fully indexed that it is believed any name, or subject men- tioned therein may be readily found. Lee, Mass., Feb. 15, 1900. C^axttt, From the Manuscript in the Archives in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. State of Massachusetts Bay — I\ THE Year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and SEVENTY SEVEN AN ACT to incorporate the Southwesterly Part of Washington, the Northeasterly part of Great Barrington, or Hoplands so called, the Glass works Grant, and part of William's Grant, in the County of Berkshire, into a Town by the name of LEE — Whereas it has been made to appear to this Coui't that the In- corporating the Southwesterly Part of Washington, the Northeaster- ly Part of Great Barrington, or Hoplands, so called, the Glass works Grant, and pai't of William's Grant into a Town, will greatly contribute to the Benefit of the Inhabitants of the sd. Lauds: — Be IT therefore Enacted by the Council, and House of Represent- atives, in General Coui't assembled, and by the Authority of the same, that the sd. Southwesterly part of Washington, the Northeasterly part of Great Barrington, or Hoplands, so called, the Glassworks Grant, and Part of William's Grant, beginning at the Southeast Corner of Stockbridge, thence runing East, seven Degrees South, six hundred and thirty two Rods; Thence running North, thirty seven Degrees East, six hundred and seventeen Rods; thence running East one thousand two hundred and four Rods, on Tyringham Line; Thence running North, seven Degrees East, three hundred and seventy nine Rods; thence running North, thirty De- grees west, five hundred and forty Rods; thence running South thirty De- grees west, two hundred Rods; thence running North, thirty Degrees west, twelve hundred and thirty six Rods, to Lenox Line; thence running- South, seven Degrees East, eight hundred, and eight Rods; thence run- ning west, seven Degrees North, Six hundred and eighty six Rods to Stockbridge Line; thence running South, seven Degrees West, on Stock- bridge Line, One thousand, four hundred and fifty Rods to tlie first mentioned Bounds; containing in the whole fourteen thousand, two hun- dred and thirty seven Acres, be, and they hereby are incorporated into a Town by the name of LEE — . And that the Inhabitants be, and hereby are invested with all the Powers, Privileges, and Immunities which the Inhabitants of other Towns within this State do enjoy. And be it further Exacted that Charles Goodrich, Esq. be, and her hereby is inipowered and directed to issue his Warrant directed to some Principal Inhabitant within the said Town, requiring him to warn the Inhabitants of the said Town, having a Freehold therein to the Value of forty Shillings per Annum, or other Estate to the Value of Forty Pounds, to meet at such Time and Place in the said Town as shall be therein direct- ed, to choose all such Otficers as are required by Law to manage the Af- fairs of the said Town; And the Officers that may be chosen in Conse- quence thereof, shall have, hold and exercise the Powers to their respect- ive Offices belonging, untill the Time that shall be appointed for the said Town's annual Meeting in March next. And be it further Enacted, that the Inhabitants of the said Lands be, and they hereby are held and enjoined to pay a Proportionable Part of the State & County Taxes of each of the Towns to which they have hitherto^ been annexed, belonged, or by which they have been taxed, till -"^ a n e w Valuation shall be made throughout this State, by ^ Order of this Court. — In Council Oct^* 17th 1777. This Bill having had two several readings passed to be engrossed Sent down for Concurrence. Jn<> Avery Dpy Secy. In the House of Representatives Oct^' 18th 1777. This Bill having been Read in the House three several times |"passed a Concurrence to be engrossed with the following amendment viz: dele- from A to B and insert "the farther". Sent wp for Concurrence. J Warren Spkr In Coancil Octr 18th 1777 . Read and Concurred A true Cony Attest Jn*^ Avery Dpy Secy. / / / ■ ) ry.«;«r my -^o^t: (Kccorbfi of Zo)vn (pUetin^s* 1777- 177S. By a Warrant I served Out By Charles Goodrich a Esqr of Pittsfield By Order of the geuaril Court Bearing: Date November 17 AD 1777 to Call a town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Lee agreeable to said Warrant the Town Meet on Wednesday the 26 Day of December Currant at the house of Peter Willcockinsaid Town tlie Warrant Lys in file Open- ed the Meetting 1 Chose Ml- William Ingersoll Moderator for sd Meeting 3 Chose MI- William Ingeisoll and Capt Jesse Bradley Oliver West Amos Porter and Prince West for Select Men for the year Insuing<; and swore =tliein 31y Chose Prince West for Town Clark ;t Voted to Accept a Road from the Widow Davis's to Mansfield's Mill 22d Vote passed to act on the 6th Article in the Warrant — — 23d Voted to take Care of the School Laud-24th Vote put to see if the Town will take Care of the School Laud-25th Vote put to see if the Town Will grant the School Land — passed in Negative — 26th Chose Wi.n Ingersol-Captii Jesse Bradley-OliverWest and Amos Mans- field as a Committee to Look into the School Land [and] take Care of the Same-27th Voted to except Jonathan foot from Serveing as Constable — 28th chose Jonathan foot Jui" Coustable-refused-29th Voted the Select Men to procure a town Stock of Amunition — 33th Voted to raise 30£. to pay Town Debts all ready Contra;cted-3l«t Voted to raise 40£, to pay out for Amunition friday March 28th Town Met by Adjom-nment 32d Voted to choose 2 Constables-83cl -Voted That georgeBennet shall serve as Constable — Refused — 34th Voted to accept a Road through Capt'i Crocker's Land to Levi Nye 35th Voted Not to accept of that Road beginning at Becket Road from George Beuuets to S Backus's — 36th Chose James Tuttle Constable — 37th Voted to reconsider all the Votes passed on the 25th of Instant on ac- count of the Hoplands called School land 1782-1783. ^ 38th "Voted that the above Laud is voted to that part of the luhabitauts Belonging to the said HopUiud — 89ti» Voted to choose a Comiuittee of 3 40t;i» Voted that Eleazer West Aiuos Mansfield Thomas Crocker be a Committee to take Care of said laud Dissolved At a towu Meeting in Lee the 28th 1783- l":* Chose Oliver West Moderator 3d Voted tu Except of a ward done by that Committee Coucerniug the School Lauds 'S'-} Voted to pay Mr Catling the Sum of Money which was 48£. 16s together with 24£. that was assesst Desolved Berkshire SS at a town Meeting Legally Warned and held at the Meeting house Lee the IGth Day of April 1783 and three of the Men that were Voted for Governor L eut governor and Senators for a Governor John Hancock 13 James Boardwine 4 for L eut. Governor thomas Quesin [Cushing] 13 Votes go 4 for Senators Nathaniel Kiugsly 16 Jonathan Smith 11 James Harris 8 John Bacon 5 Yail Woodbridge 6 William Ingersol 3 deacond Judg's 3 Ebeuezer Jiukins 1 — —Desolved— At a Legal Town Meeting November the 39th 1783 1st Chose a Moderator Captn Bradley 3ci Voted to apply for preaching 3d Voted to hire preaching till the first of March 4th Chose a Commit- tee of three and they Chose L eut. Wells Ebeuezer Jiukens Esqr Seth Backus a Committee— 5th Voted to give the Instructions— 6th Voted to apply to Mr Catling if not obtain to use there Dischressiou 7th Meeting was adjourn to Mr Dillingham's house for four Minutes 8th The Meeting was opened— 9th Voted to rais 30 pounds in Money 10th Voted to rais this Money by the first of february Next nth Voted that L eut. Crocker be a Collector for this [his] Class— 13th Voted that Capt» Bradley be a Collector for his Class— 13th Voted that Captn Yale be a Collector for his Class 14th Voted to Make those Men that was Heads of Classes for raising of beef Collectors For sd Classes Namely Isaac Davis James Peuoyer Daniel Church L eut Nye George Bennit Elijah West Desolved At a Legal annual Towu Meeting, March 3d 1783— l^t Chose Amos Mansfield Moderator.— 3d Thomas Becher Town Clerk. 3d Capt Thomas Crocker Ebeuezer Jinkens Esqr Capt. Josiah Yale ■{ Select Men ■ » 1783. 4th Voted to Chose a Constable by bidding- down wards. 5th Voted to chose assessors Viz Daniel Church L eut Joshua Wells & Prince West — 6th Voted toCJliose nine Surveyors of high ways viz. Prince West Esqr Jenkins Leut Crocker Jered Bradley Abiathar Chadwick, Capt Yale Manoah Ellis, Oziel Willcox. Simon Calkins— 7th Chose David Kellogg Tyething Man also Daniel West 8th Nathan Ball, Prince West & Nathan Dillingham Fence Viewers 9tli Sylvenus Dimuck George Bennet, Jered Ingersol Hogreavs also John Davis— 10th Seth Gibbs Corder of Wood. 11th David Kellogg sealrjr of Leather and Weights and Measures — 12th Seth Backus Oliver West Wardens 13th Peter Willcox undertook to serve as Constable for the Consideration of 8^£ 14th Voted to raise 250£. for repairing Highways & Bridges — to be work't out at 5/ fir Day till the first of Sepr and then at 3/ till the loth of Octr 15th Voted that warning of Town Meetings Shall be given by setting Notifications 3 Sabaths proceeding the Meeting — 16th Voted to raise 7£. to Purchase Land round the Meeting house — 17t'i adjourned to the first Monday in April Next April 7tii the Town met according to ad- journment at 3 OClock P M. 1st Votes brought in for County Rigester were for Moses Hopkins 81 Votes — 2d Voted to reconsider the l-lth Vote in Last Meeting for raising Money to repair Roads — 34 Voted to 150£. to repair Highways to be wrought out a -1/ fir Day till The last of Sepr after that 3/ a Day— 4th Voted to excuse Simon Calkins as Surveyor Chose Rufus Stanton in ' his Room — 5th Voted to accept the following Roads viz — One from the S. W. corner of Glass Work grant to Daniel West's; One from Aaron Ingersol to Eleazer West's and one from Pelatiah West's to Nathan Ball's Road to Furnace— 6th Voted to discontinue the Road from Noah Crocker's to Jonathan foot Jul" Road — 7th Voted that the Surveyors of Roads be Collectors for gathering Money raised for higliways — 8th Voted to discontinue the Road from John Davis's to W'.n Ingersol Esqv — 9th Chose the following Committee to Vew and assist the Select Men in laying out a Road to Winegar's Mill Viz-Wm Ingersol EsqY Capt" Jesse Bradley & Leut Joshua Wells Adjourned to friday the 11th Instant at 3 OClock P. M. Chose Archelaus Chadwick Tything Man ■{ Oths Friday, March 11th 1783 Town Met According to Adjournment — l>:t Voted to accept a Rgad frona George Chanters to Winegars Mill — 2d Voted to choose a Surveyor to Repair the Road between Reuben Pixley's & Levi Nye's & 3d Chose John Coffey for that Purpose 4th Chose Luke Fisher Surveyor on the County Road he Lives on — 5th Voted to accept the Road again from 1783. ^ Chanter's Road to Jonathan foot's Jur Road (leading to Becket, ) Which was discontinued last Meeting — <)i.ii Uhose James Penoyer Collector of his own Class Rates — T^h Chose Elisha Freeman Collector of his own Class's Rates — 8th Voted to excuse Seth Backus as Warden — 9th Chose Reben Pixley Collector of his own Class's Rates Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting Sepr [Apr?] 7th 1783— Votes brought in for a Governor were Genl Lincoln 35, Geni Hancock 16 for Lient Govr Thomas Cushing 30 John Bacon 5 For Senators Jahai Woodbridge 3 John Bacon 20 Theodore Sedgwick 15-Co\ Smith 4 Jona Nash 4, W'n Walker 2, Prince West 1, Wm IngersoU 1. Voted to excuse Thomas Becher from serving as Town Clerk and chose in his stead Nathan DillinghT.m At a Legal Town Meeting May 12th 1783 — Chose Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr to Represent the Town in Geni Court this year May 12th the Select Men appointed a spot of Land 24 feet Square off the South West Corner of Peter Willcox's Lot by the Meeting House to erect a Pound upon Broke into the Meadow of James Gardener a Black Horse, about 14 years old, 14 Hands high, paces Altogether, Star in his Forehead and Shod before— May tith 1783 Taken iip by Ashahel Dodge a brown horse, about 2 years Old. 13 hands high little White in liis forehead, a Wart Near Right Ear. — Jane 31-ft 1783 At a Legal Town Meeting June 30th 1783— Chose Amos Mansfield Moder- ator— [Motion] made to see if the Town Will grant the Request of the Petitioners against support'g Mv Parmele. Divided the House. 19 in favour 39 against Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting August 18th Chose Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr Moderator Chose Elijah West Grand Juror and Samuel Porter Petit Juror The Select Men appointed the Barn Yard of Isaac Davis and Elijah West for Pounds — and also appointed Amos Mansfield or Elijah West Pound Keepers — Dissolved ^ 1783-1784. At a Le?al Town MePtinj? Sep^ 321 1783— Oliose Mathew Vauduzer Grand Juror and Ichabod Backns Petit Juror both to serve at the Next Superi- or Court At a Le.fjal Town Meeting Jan 6th 1784— Chose Ebenezer Jeukens EsqV Moderator- l^t Cliose Captn Jesse Bradley Prince West L eut. Joshua Wells, Job Hanibliu William Ingersol Es^r as a Committee to Collect Receipts &c concernins Beef Which the Town has paid by Classes, and Make Return to the Next Town Meeting— 2 Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to next Tuesday, at one OClock afternoon and that the Con- stable give Notice of the same Tuesday Jan 13tii the Town met according to adjournment 4th Voted to adjourn to N Dillingliams immediately. Town Met accordingly 5th Voted to Chose a Committee to take into Consideration the affair of the Building the Meeting House, and see Whether the former Commit- tee have fulfill'd their agree ment — Bth Voted to chuse two in addition to the former Committee and to Repor to the Nex Meeting — 7th Chose Eleazer West Capt Jesse Bradley for the above Committee — — •Question was put to determine whether 8th the Select Men to give Orders to the Town Treasurer to pay the Fines that are or Shall be Col- J.ected from those Men that Were Chosen Constables, to the Last Years Constables, when they shall have compleated their Rates passed in the ^Negative At a Legal annual Town Meeting March 8th 1784 1st Chose Capt" Josiah Yale Moderator — 3d Voted to Chuse three Men for Select Men the Ensuing Year. Accordingly Made Choice of 3d Capt-} Jesse Bradley, Amos Mansfield, and Lieut Joshua Wells — 4th Nathan Dillingham Town Clerk 5th Voted to Chuse three Men for Assessors and Accordingly Chose Assessors { Prince West John Nye and Amos Mansfield — 6th Voted that the Constable 'Constable for the present year shall orecure two sufficient • Bondsmen or Securties, and that lie shall be paid so much "^r Cent for all the Taxes he shall Collect, and that the Constable's pay shall be assess'd in Each and every Bill that shall be put into his Hands. Elisha Crocker undertook to serve as Constable for the Consideration of three pounds Eight Shillings on the Hundred, and was voted in accord- ingly 7th Voted to chuse Nine Surveyors of highways — Chose David Porter Aaron Benedick; Reuben Pixley Samuel Stanley, Ozias Strong Lieut Josh Wells John Coffey, Prince West, Seth Barlow, Survevors. 118^. 29 8th Voted to chuse two Tything Men chose Archelaus Chadwick & David Ingersol— 9fh Chose Oziel Willcox, Thomas Becher Seth Backus Fence Viewers — W}^ Cliose Daniel Willcox Isaac Davis Ichabod Backus, Cor- nelius Bassett, Serves Hogreaves — Uth Chose Heth Gibbs, John Rams- dill Corders of Wood — 12th Chose Lemi Crocker Capt' David Porter Sur- veyors of Lumber. — IJ^t'^ Chose Elijah Bushneil Sealor of Leather, and of Weights and Measures 14th Chose Lieut Levi Nye Mathew Vauduzer Wardens. Town Treasurer Capt Josiah Yale— 15^1 Voted to raise loO£. for repair- ing High Ways — KUh Voted that those who work on the Roads Shall be allowed 4/a Day till the Last of June and that one half the Money raised shall be wrought out before the last of June - — 17th Voted that the other half Shall be wrought out by 10th of October at the Rate of 3/ |^r Day— I8th Voted that the Surveyors of high Ways shall be Collectors of the Money raised to repair High Ways — IQth Voted that the Surveyors Shall apprize the work of Oxen and, Utensils employ- ed on the highways 20th Voted that Prince West (who undertook to Build the Pound. Shall have 5£. Said Pound to be built as follows viz 30 feet Square, 8 feet high. Posts framed into Sills with plates on the Top agate Hung with Iron, & fastened With strong padlock and to be completed by the first Day of May Next 21st Voted that John Coffey Shall be paid 8/i3 for the use of his Waggon on an alarm — 22 1 Voted not to Divide the Company of Militia in the Town. 23tl No high ways brought in to be accepted, therefore, No Vote upon that article 24th Vote put to see if the Town will give Orders that Eleazer West And Amos Mansfield Shall liave the Fines that was Granted them Passed in the Negative 25th Chose Hope Davis Pound Keeper 26th Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting on Monday the 5th Day of April 1784 l^jt Chose Amos Mansfield Moderator — 2'^ Voted to raise Money for Sup- porting a pubblick School in this Town. 3d Voted to raise forty pounds the present year to be laid out in Schooling. 4th Voted to Choose a Committee to divide the Town into Districts for Schooling, at'i Chose Joshua Wells, Amos Mansfield Deacon Jesse Bradley, Deacon Oliver West and Prince West for the above Committee. Gtli Voted to choose two Men in addition to the former Committee. 7th Chose Simon Calkins and Lemi Crocker to joyn the above Committee. 8th Voted that Elisha Crocker shall be paid Ten shillings ~f^ct addi tion to what was allowed him before [for] all he shall Collect by way ^ 1784. of Rates. 9th Voted to accept of Peter Willcox iu lieu of Elisha Crocker to serve as Constable this year — said Crocker to be Willcox's Boudsmau — lOth Voted to puss over the Article respecting raising Money to repaii' Bridges. — 11th No Vote to give up the Bond to the Committee Who Build the Meeting House — 12fh — Dissolved At a Legal Town Meeting, Monday the 5th Api 1784 — in order to Choose Governor &c. Votes brought in for Governor were for John Hancock 13 Votes Geni Lincoln — 1 — for Lt Governor, Tho>? Cashing 14 Votes for Senators Jahaleel Woodbridge Esqy 9 Votes Nathaniel Kingsly Esqy 8 Col Jona Smith-3^Ebenezer Jenkeus Esqr 1 — John Bacon-2 — Theodore Sedgwick 2 — William Walker Esqv 2 — David Stevens 1 Dissolved the Meeting Monday May 10th 1784 According to a Warrant the Town Met and Chose Amos Mansfield Clerk protempore for Sd Meeting Secondy Made Choice of Ebr Jenkens Esqy to represent the Town iu the General Court the year Ensuing According to the above Mentioned Warrant Chose Capt Jesse Bradley Moderator — 2^ Voted accept the report of the Committee that Was Chosen to Divide the Town into Districts for Schooling 3d Voted that every Districts Shall Draw Money to pay for the Schooling according to their ratable Estate, and to pay accordintrly, the Charge of schooling-^4th Voted to Chuse 5 Men as Agents. .Ith accordingly chose Capt Thomas Crocker Cap* David Porter, Lieut Church Bsqi; Jenkens & Ozias Strong — ^-/ -'• SCOOL DISTRICTS First District — Begiuiug at James Gardener's and Ruben Pixley's then accross to Esqy Ingersoll's thence to Jeremy Wormer's and to the Hop- land North Line, then taking all West & South iu that part of said Town Called the Hoplands Except Eby Swift which makes out the first District Lee April the 12th 1784 According to an agreement the Committee for Dividing the Town into Districts met at Nathan Dillingham and Agreed to Divided' the Town into four Districts first Districts' Begiuing at James Gardener's and Ruben Pixley and then to Esqy IngersoU from thence''' Jereme Wormer's and to the Hoplaud North Line then taking ail West and South in that part of said Town Called tlie Hopland into the first District [except] Ebeny Swift Mi-!. 1784. *' Second District is to take all West of the Main Road in Lee West and North line ExBeptiiiR Mr Ashbel Lee and Mr Penoyer's to the first Div- ision line of''the tirst District the third Division is to Begin at the Meeting House thence North up the above said River to the North Line of said town taking Mr Lee & Penoj-er & also the Road from Mr Cal- ogg East by Mr freeman to Samuel Standley and taking in Mr Andrew West into said District fourth^ Division is to take all South and East from the above said Line Lying Within Said Town to Beckett and Tyringham Line Jesse Bradley, Joshua Wells, Amos Mansfield, Si- mon Calkin —Committee for the town of Lee Second District— takes all west of the Main River in Lee, not included in the tirst District, excepting Ashbel Lee & James Penoyer. Third District is to Begin at the Meeting House thence North up the said River to the North line of the Town taking My Lee and Mr Penoyer, and also the Road from Mr Kelloggs East by My freeman's to Samuel Staudley's taking Andrew West into sd District— Fourth Division takes all that part of the Town not included in the fourth Districts Jesse Bradley . Lee April 12tli 1784 Joshua Wells Committee men xjec ^T.|jiii 1-. ii , Amos jNlausheld I ^ Simon Calkins At a Legal Town ]\[eeting July ot'i 1TS4— Chose Capt Jesse Bradley Mod- erator — 2 1 Voted to Chuse a Committee to look into And adjust Mattel's respecting the forrage Rate, and accordingly 3d Chose Lieut Wells, Prince West and Simon Calkins for the above Com- mittee — 4th Voted that the Town will hire preaching — 5fh Voted to raise Sixty pounds to Supply the Pulpit 6th Voted to chuse a Committee to lay out said Money 7tli Chose Lt Wells Prince West and Esqr Ingersoll for the af o re said purpose— 8th Voted to adjourn this Meeting to friday the 16th Inst '^ o'clock afternoon July ICt.h 1784 — Town met according to adjom-nment 1 Voted that the Assessors Shall assess one hundred & twenty pounds ou the assessment that the second Beef tax was made upon. 2d Voted that the Committee that was chose this Day to look into the affair of the Beef or forrage tax be a Committee to assist the Assessors in proportioning the Tax now granted, and to credit those that have paid in the former Calls 3d Voted that Eby Jenkens be added to the Committee afore said. Dissolved the Meeting t "of to the" in MS. t "forth" in jkta. 82 1784 At a Legal Town Meeting July 16th 1784— Uapt Jesse Bradley Moderator Vote journed this Meeting to Monday the 19tli Inst 5 O'clock Monday July the lOtii 1784 — Town met and Voted that the Town Treasurer be and he is hereby Directed to pay to Eleazer West and Amos Mans- field the Contents of the Executions— viz £. 30-16-0 which they Recov- ered against Jesse Bradley, Levi Nye George Bennit & Jona foot Jur for not serving as Constables ) out of the Money that was raised to pro- cure a Town Stock of Amunition Meeting Dissolved At a Legal Town Meeting Augt 30th 1734— 1st Voted to Choose a Grand- juryman by Nomination — 2'} Chose Lt Joshua Wells to serve Grand- juryman the year Ensuing At a Legal Town Meeting Sepr 27th 1784 Chose Prince West petit Juror to serve at the nest Supreme Court. — Chose Capt David Porter Grand Jui'or to serve at the next Supreme Court at the same Meeting Chose Ebeuezer Jenkeus Agent to act for this Town at a County Convention to be holden in Lenox on the 3Sth Inst and instructed him that the Town would not have the County Courts holden at two Places At a Legal Town Meeting Novr 8th 1784 — Chose Dean Jesse Bradley Moderator — 2d Chose to send two Delegates to the County Convention to be holden at Lenox — 3'} Made Choice of Wi." Ingersoll Esqr and Deacn Jesse Bradley to serve as Delegates at said Convention 417 Voted that the Courts be holden at but one place [in] this County 5\y Voted that it is the Choice of the Town to have the Courts holden at Stockbridg 6th Voted that provided there should not be an agreement in the Conven- tion with Regard to proposals already made that our Delegates move to fix the Court House in the Centre of the County. — 7th Chose Reuben Pixley to Serve as Petit Juror at the next inferior Court Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town .^.leeting Novr 23^ 1 734 Chose Dn Jesse Bradley Moderator Pased over the 2d article in the Warrant — Voted to remitt 2 Rates against Ebenezer Swift on Simon Calkins Bills viz £. 2—15—11 Voted also to remit the following Rates against Wm Carr £. 1 — 9 — 1 David Mirchel 0—7—9 1784-1785. 33 Voted that Peter Willcox be impowered to Collect what Rates Remains due on Simon Calkins's Bills said Calkins agreeing to make Willcox ample Satisfaction— Voted to remit Mr Howard's Rates of Goose Pond on Job Hamblins Bills — Voted to remit a Rate of l(f/S against Ebenezer Swift on Joshua Wells's Bills. Voted that the Committee for supplying the pulpit be and are hereby Dii-ected to agree with M'; Storer to preach here as long as he will agree for — Voted that those persons who hav'e or shall Work on the County Road shall be allowed Ji'/pv Day on their Highway Rates Next year — Voted that Mr Job Hambliu oversee and take an account of the Work done on the County [road 1 aforesaid. Monday March 7t!i 1785 At a Legal annual Town Meeting — Chos Dn Jesse Bradley Moderator — 1 Chose Joshua Wells — 3d Seth Backus — Isaac Davis — Select Men and Assessors — Xathn Dillingham Town Clerk — 4th Capt Thomas Ciocker, Constable, who undertook to Collect the Taxes the present year for the Consideration of Ave pounds on the Hundred and David Stevens & Isaac Davis become Sui'eties for the punctual payment into the Treasuries of all Taxes which the said Crocker shall Collect. — jtii Voted to raise the Sum of one Hundred and fifty pounds for repairing high ways 6th Voted that those [who] work on the Roads shall be allowed four shil- lings ^r Day from the first of April to the Last of September and two Shillings a Day after that time — 7th Surveyors of Roads Edmond Hink- ley Amos Mansfield, Elisha Grant, Job Hamblin, Ephraim Hollister, Seth Gibbs, Ebeny West, Thomas Gifford, Sylvenus Dimmuck — 8th Voted that the above Surveyors be & are hereby appointed Collectors of Taxes for repairing high ways— 9th Capt Josiali Yale Town Treasurer 10th Voted that Sami Davis be a Surveyor in addition to the former Surveyors and to act accordingly 11th Nathan Ball Seth Gibbs, Ty thing Men 12th Jona foot Juv Hope Davis, — Wardens 13th Prince West, Levi'Nye — fence Viewers — 14th Amasiah Doten, Abiar Chadwick Wait Hatch, Elisha Martindale, — Hogreaves 15th Voted that hogs may run on the Commons yoaked and ringed the^ present year. 16th-Prince West Corder of Wood— Hth Ebr West, Silas Dibal, Sylv* Dimmuck — Sealer of Leather ISt.h Hope Davis — Sealer of Wt'* & Measures 19th Cornelius Bassett, Sami Porter,Da\nd IngersoU J- Surveyors of Lumber 20th Voted to Chuse a Committee of seven Men to take care of the small pox Accordingly, Chose Prince West, Amos Mansfield, W>ii IngersoU Esqr James penoyer Capt Josh Yale, Job Hamblin, Capt David Porter, for the above Committee 34 1785. 31«t Voted that ou discoutiuuiiig the Road by Job Hambliu's & Dii Wests to allow to D'l Oliver West What Damages that an iudift'ereut Coniuiit- tee, hereafter to be agreed on shall Judge sufficient the sd D.' West sustains by Discontinuing s^i Road 23d Voted to refer to Wp Walker E.sqr and Mr Elijah Gate.s both of Lenox to Judge the Damages, Dn West May sustain by discontinuing the Road by Job Hamblin's &c — ■ 23d. Voted to raise six pounds as soon as be conveniently for procuring a Standard of Weights and Measures and a Town Book for Records 24th Voted that the Committee for supplying the pulpit be & hereby are directed to Employ Mr Hatch to preach till the Next Adjourned Meeting- 25th Voted that innoculation for the Small Pox be set up under the Re- strictions of the Committee this Day chosen, which are as follows Vv''e the Subscribers being appointed a Committee by the Town of Lee do think it best to set up an Innoculation for the Small Pox under the fol- lowing Restrictions that no Person or persons shall innoculate them selves or by any other means suffer the infection to be giveing or taken without Given Previous Notice & obtaining a Permit from the Maijor- ety of us as a Committee appointed by the sd Town of Lee for that Pur- pose under the Penalty of the Law Provided in such a Case that all Nurses & tenders and all others and other Persons Which Partic- ular Restrictions in Walking and Cleansing themselves and others un- der their Care, as Nurses and tenders to the Infected and to s^e that every Person shall be duly cleansed by a Certificate from under the Hand of some Doctor appointed by us for that purpose Before going a Broad or at Large as at other times tiiat neither Nurses or tenders, or the Infected shall not pass over the Boundaries or line Drawn for the Safety of not spreading the Contageous Disease— ou Penalty of the Law Provided in such a Case as above said Given under our hands this 7th Day of March A D— 1785 26th Voted to adjouruto the last Monday of March Instant— at one O'Clock afternoon Monday, March 28th — ]785 — The town met according to adjournment 1-t Voted to accept the report of the Committee that laid out the bmying yard which is as follows — viz — Beginiugin the North line of Levi Nye's about 6 Rods West of his North East Corner in the South Line of the high way, thence Running South 7 f West 10 Rods to a Stake & Stones, then 7= South to a Stake & Stones, then North 7° East to the South Line of the high way, then in S'l Line of the high way to the first mentioned Bounds Containing One Hundred Square Rods the above Land laid out by— Peter Willcox, Seth Backus, Elisha Freeman-; Committee [Note.— Evidently part of the survey of the burying yard was omitted from the record. The courses and bounds api eiir to have been : from first sta- tion, south 7 deg. west, 10 rods; then west 7 deg. south, 10 rods; then nor tli 7 deg. east, 10 rods; then along tlie south line of highway to first station.] .1785. 35 2d Voted that it is agreeable to the Town to employ Mr Hatcli to preach a spell lon«?er — 3^ Voted that the Town would employ Mv Hatch to preach six Sabbaths ensuing — 4tiily Voted to raise sixty Pounds this year [to] procure Preaching — ot'i Voted to chuse a Committee to dispose of the above sixty Pounds in ])rocuring preaching or to Supply the Pulpit — 6th Voted that the Committee Chosen Last year to supply the Pulpit be continued for the same i)uri)ose 7th Voted that M^ Hope Davis be & is hereby appointed to take Care Sweeping & shut the Doors & Windows of the Meeting House, and to be allowed What it Shall be Worth at the years End gth Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the first Monday in April Monday Api 4tli 1785 — The Town met according to adjournment- Vote put to see if the Town will accept the report of W'." Walker Es(iv & Elisha Gates respecting the Damages which Might have been sustained by D'.i West on Discontinuing the Road by his House, — passed in the Negative Voted that Prince West & John Nye be and hereby are requested to assist the Committee chosen to adjust or settle some Matters respecting a Forrag Rate Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting Monday Api 4th 1785 Votes for a Governor Were as follows for James Bodwine Esq'" EightVotes Thomas Gushing Esqr Sixteen Votes — For Lt. Governor James Bodowin Esqr one — Thomas Cushing Esqr one Benja- Gorham Esqy -fourteen General Lincoln-three — John Bacon Esq^ -two for Senators Jahaleel Woodbridge Esqv fourteen — Oapt Skinner-live — Nath\ Kingsley Esqr _ seven — Ebeni" Jenkins Esqr -three — John Bacon Esqr three Votes At a Legal Town Meeting Ap\ 2Sth — Instant— Drew for Petit Juror to serve at May term — -Cornlius Bassett Jr At a Legal Annual May meeting on Monday, i^h of May A D — 1785 1st Chose Lt Joshua Wells Moderator — 2'.i Voted to send a Representative to the Geni Court the present year • 3d Made Choice of Ebenr Jenkeus Esq7 —to represent the Town in the great & Geni. Court the present year— 4^1 Voted to raise forty pounds to hire Schooling — 5th Chose Esq'" Jeukens-Amos Mansfield, Lieu* Wells, Ozias Strong:: Capt Yale, Cap* Crocker, Deacon West Esq 7 Inger- soll. School Agents. 6th Question moved to see if the Town will divide in Districts — passed in the Negative 36 1785. 7th Question put to see if the Town will Choose a Committee to divide The Town into Districts— passed iu the Negative 8th Voted to Choose a Committee of three Men to settle with tlie Commit- tee that built the Meeting House— 9th Chose Deac'i Bradley. Caleb Walker, &Esqv Jeukens a Committee for the purpose before Meutioued- 10th Voted that Nathan Ball shall deliver the Bond he has iu Keeping, Concerning building the Meeting House— into the Hand of the above Committee— 11th Voted that the Meeting House Committee be desired to Defer any alteration in the inside The Meeting House, or selling the Pew Next the pulpit Stairs till a Settlement be made between said Com- mittee and Town 12th Voted to divide the Militia of this Town into two Companies. 13th Voted to Choose a Committee to Divide the Militia in town as above Mentioned— 14th Voted that the Selectmen & Militia Officers now in office be and hereby are appointed to Divide the Militia above said. — 15fh Voted to Choose a Committee to Meet the County Convention iu Pittsfield in order to determine the place for holding Courts iu this County- 16th Chose Amos Mansfield & Dean Bradley for the above Committee 17th adjourned to Wednesday ISth lustaut Wednesday May ISth iTSo- The Town met according to adjournment.— 18th The Town having considered the report of D'l Bradley & Others who were chosen to settle with the Meeting House Committee Quest- ion put to see whether the Town accept of the Meeting House and will give up the Bond to the foresaid Committee, by which they were holden to build The Meeting House, allowing said Committee the Priviedge of Selling pew Spots according to the first agreement between said Com- mittee & the Town passed in the affirmative 19th Voted [to] take of the Meeting house Committee the Pew next The pulpit Stairs, and the gang way leading into the West Porch in the Meeting house, at eighteen pounds gOth Question put to see if the Town will reconsider the 12Th Vote of this Meeting— passed in the Negative 2lst Voted that the town be Divided into two Militia Companies by a Line runing from Stockbridge Line upon the Hoplaud Line to the Road by Mr Howks t]ien in the middel of the road Easterly to Benja Backus, tak- ing all on the North of said Line to the North Company— and contains 112 Men— South Company takes all on the Road East of Beuja Backus's to Becket Line, and takes all not included iu the North Com'any, and contains 113 Men. 22d Voted that Esqr Jenkens & Jos Crocker have Liberty to improve the pew next the pulpit Stairs ( rhey paying customary Rent ) till the town shall Need the pew for other use— 33^ Dissolved the Meeting 1785. '"' At a Town Meeting Lejjally warned and bold on the 3'i Day of June — 1785 Chose Joshua Wells Moderator 1 Question put to see if the Town will purchase the whole of the Meeting^ House, passed in the Negative — 2<} Question put to see if the Town will raise (50 £. for linshing the Meeting House. — passed in the Negative, — 3.1 Motioned to raise 50 £. Voted in the Negative. 4tii Voted to raise 18£. to pay for a pew and pew spot 5tii Motioned to raise Money to Glaze the Meeting house — Voted in the Negative — Gth Voted not to alter the School Districts. Sept^27th At a Legal Meeting — Voted to chuse Deacon Jesse Bradley Mod- erator — "3^ Voted that W'." Dillingham be Town Clerk the present Day — Si to raise fifty Pounds for Glazing the Meeting [House] and Building Seats in the same — 4th to chuse a Committee to see to the disposing of the above Money — 5th Maide choice of Joshua Wells. Cap* Yale and Elisha freeman for the above Committee — 8th Voted to raise Twenty Pounds for repairing the Bridge over the River by the Meeting House — 8th to Chuse a Committee to lay out the above Money for repairing the Bridge— 9th Made Choice of Capt.> Backus, Capt.> Yale, and Capt Brad- ley for the said Committee — 10;h to give three Shillings fjf Day for Labour at repairing the Bridge — 11th Dissolved the Meeting At a Town Meeting on Monday the SO-h of October 1T85 1 Question put to see if the town would have the Committee apply to M'" Lord to preach with us a certain tirm of time longer. Passed in the Affirmative. — 2} Motioned to choose a Committeee to Look Tu to the affaii- in dispute between M'; James Penover & Mv Burghart of Bar- rington Concerning sd Burghart's being over taxed (as he says in this Town, and to Submit the Matter to indifferent men, or settle it other ways as the Committee may think best-Passed in the affirmative-35 Chose Capt Josiah Yale & Lt Wells a Committee for the purpose last men- tioned. 4th Drew for a Petit Juror Capt Phinehas Fish to serve at the nest inferior Court Thursday Novj; 17th 1785 — At Legal Town Meeting Chose Deacon Jesse Bradley Moderator — 2d. Motioned to see Whether the Committee for pro- curing preaching Shall apply to My Lord to preach with us any longer- on Which the House was equally Divided — 3 } Voted to choose a Com- mittee to look into, and adjust Matter with regai-d to a former forrage Rate see What Job Hamblin and John Nye former Constables, have iu their hands collected of the Town's or individuals Money or Property — • 4th chose Seth Backus and Joshua Wells for the above Committee 88 1785-1786. Monday Deer 26*11 1785 at a Legal Town Meeting, made Choice of L* Joshua Wells Moderator — Voted to pass over the second article in the Warrant, concerning Eleazer West, — Voted the article concerning the Widow Handy be refered to the Select Men for them to provide for her as they sliall think best Tuesday Jan. 24th i786 Drew Lemi Crocker for Petit Juror. Monday March 13tli 1786 — At a Legal Annual Town Meeting, Chose Lt Joshua Wells-Moderator — (refused) Seth Backus, . Lt Joshua Wells, ' Select Capt" David Porter, >" Men Captii Jesse Bradley,-' Chose Nathan Dillingham Town Clerk Motioned to cliuse Assessors — Vote passed in the Negative Seth Backus refusing to serve as Select Man, the Town made choice of Capt" Jesse Bradley for Select Man, in Backus's stead. Chose Captii Josiah Yale — Constable — who undertook to serve as Con- stable for the Consideration of five pounds on the Hundred, on the taxes he shall collect; — and Caleb Walker and Sylvenus Dimmuck became sureties for the payment of all Taxes into the Treasuries Which the said Yale shall Collect. Chose John Nye — Grand Juror Elisha Freeman, Hope Davis, [ wardens ? ] -[ David Ingersoll, Job Hamblin, Tythingmen-| Sworn r David Ingersoll, AbiatharChadwick, Cornelius BassettSenr ^ Survey- p J Sami Porter, Amos Mansfield, Levi Nye, Ebenezer West , v 9^^ ^^ ^ ( Calab Walker. James Tuttle, Phinehas Fish. ^^^!l" ^. V. - ways Voted that the Surveyors of Highways be Collectors of Money raised to repair Roads Nathan Dillingham Sealor of Weights & measm-es Sami Standley, Sealor of Leather Wm Ingersoll Esqr Lt Jos Crocker, Seth Backus, Fence Viewers — — Chose Lt Joshua Wells Moderator — Question put to see if the [town] Will act on a Letter from the town of Partridgefield respecting a County Convention — Voted in the affirmative — Voted to Choose three Delegates to attend a County convention to holding on the Sth of September next — — Chose Amos Mansfield, Prince West and Joshua Wells as Delegates afore said— adjourn the Meeting to Sepr 1st — Sepr 1st The Town met according to adjournment and Gave approbation to the In- struction Drawn up by the Last Mentioned Committee for the Delegates Who are to attend The County Convention Drew Stephen Tobey for a petit Juror to attend the Next inferior Court — Dissolved the Meeting- September 8 ^ ITS ) Town Meeting — — — Chose Capt Seth Backus to serve as Grand Juror at the next Supreme Court — and Drew David Stevens to serve as Petit Juror at the Same Court At a Legal Town Meeting Sepr 21st 1786 Chose Deacon Jesse Bradley Moderator — Voted to Continue The former Line that Divided the Town into two Militia Companies from Benjamin Backus's, easterly, in the Middle of the Road to Becket Line; taking all upon the North of Said Division Line to the North Company and all upon the South, to the [South] Company [see May 1785-for the begining of the aforesaid Line] [Note.— The words in the last brackets are in the original record.] The Question being put to see Whether the Town will prefer Dr Beebee or Mr Haskel — there appeared 56 in favor of Dr Beebee and 23 for Mr Haskel — on the Question being put to see if the Town Choses that our Representative attend The next sitting of the General Court — Voted in the affirmative — Voted to chose a Committee to take into consideration the doings of the late County Convention and to Draw us instructions for our representative, to be laid before the Town Chose Amos Mansfield, Lt Joshua Wells Prince West David Steven.^, Dn Jesse Bradley for the above Committee — Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to 3 o'C lock this afternoon • 4^ 1786-1787. Sep! 21st 1786 — Tlie town Met according to adjournment— and Voted that the Instructions drawn up for the Representative be accepted and put into the form of a Petition to belaid before the General Court at their next Sitting Dissolved the Meeting Wednesday Novr l^^t 1786— At a Legal Town Meeting- Voted to send Deacon Jesse Bradley as a Delegate to the County Conven- tion to be holden at Pittsfield on Monday the 6fch of Nov: Iiis\ —Voted the Committee be and hereby are directed to apply to Mi; Beebee to preach with us a Spell longer At a Legal Town Meeting Movr 20i;h 1786 Chose Wm Ingersoll Esqy Moderator On being informed that a Petition In conformity to the Doings of a late County Convention is soon to be laid before each Town in this County for their approbation and to pre- sent to the Geni Court — Voted to pass over the Article in the Warrant respecting the Doings of s^ Convention — Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be and Hereby are Directed to apply to M^ Haskel to [preach] to us four Sabbaths to Come — Dissolved tlie Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting January, 2d^_^ 1787 Chose D" Jesse Bradley Moderator— Accepted & approved of the Doings of our late Convention— Question put Whether our Represeutive Shall attend the Geni Court the present Session — passed in the Negative Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Friday the 2d of february next to Meet at the Meeting [House] — at 2 o'clock P. M Friday Feb. 2 Bradley, Capt Wells, W'" Ingersoll Esqr & Mr Stanley be a Committee to select out (in behalf of the Town) such Men from the List returned this Day by the Select Men, as they Shall think best qualified for Jurymen, and leport to the Next Town Meet- ing—Voted Mr Hope Davis be, and he hereby is appointed to take care of, and sweep, the Meeting House one year from this Date and that he shall be paid therefor twenty four Shillings. Dissolved the Meeting At a Town Meeting August 21^t 1787— Drew Eli Bradley to S3rve as Petit Juror at the next inferior Court. 1787. <^ At a Lefral Town Meetitifr Sepr 1787— ]st Chose Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr Moderator— 2'1 Clio so Joshua Wells Cierk for the Day — 3d (Question put to see whether the Town will direct the Committee to send for Mr Mills — passed in the affirmative 4*.li Voted the Committee le, and they hereby are directed to use their endeavors that the Pulpit be Supply'd 5tii Past over the thii-d Article in the Warrant— Gth Voted to give Mr Job Hamlin three pounds seven shillings as a Consideration for Damage he sustains by Roads ruuing thro' bis Land. 7th Voted to adjourn this Meeting to tuesday the 2o\^^ of Sepr lus* at one O'clock afternoon — — Sepv 2oth of Sepr 1787 — The Town mec according to adjournment. 8;h Voted to accept of a Report of a Committee appointed to examine ac- counts brought against the Town — — 9t^ Voted to give Joshua Wells two pounds for his Cost in Carrying on the Case with Ebenezer West to secure his Taxes — 10th Voted to direct the Committee, and they hereby are directed to apply to Mr White to Supply the Pulpit as long as they can Obtain him — 11th Voted to raise twenty pounds in addition to a Sum formerly raised to pay a Forrage Rate and which was put into Capt Crocker's hands to Collect — 12th Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 16th of Octr next at two o'clock afternoon Octv 16th 17S7. The Town Met according to adjournment Voted unanimously that the Committee be and they hereby are directed to apply to Mr White to Supply the Pulpit as long as he can be obtained— Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting November 30th 1787— Voted to send a Delagate to attend the Convention to sit in Boston on the second Wednesday of January next, to consider of the New Constitution, Made Choice of Deaii Jesse Bradley as a Delegate to attend the Convention as above. — Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator— Voted that the Town will unite with the Church in giving Mr C.ilviu White a Call to s?ttle in the work of the Ministry in this Town— Voted that the Select Men be and they here- by are directed to examine what are Called Desperate Rates and lay a List of them before the Town at the next Town Meeting for Consider- ation—Voted accept a Road leading from Eli Bradley's to BenjA Smith's as fJ Minutes— Voted to Except a Road leading by John Percival's and Elisha Crocker's, as "^ Minutes.— Chose Dn Jesse Bradley, Lt Joshua Wells, Lt Levi Nye as a Committee to agree with Mr Peter Willcox Concerning the Land on Which the Meeting House Stands and to report to the Next Meeting Dissolved the Meeting 46 1788 January 2d 1788 — At a Legal Town Meeting Chose Di> Jesse Bradley Moderator — Voted to give our Delagate Chosen to attend the State Convention to take into consideration the New Con- stitution no Written Instructions — 3d Voted to bate or remit tlie follow- ing Taxes— In State Tax No 2 in Peter Willcox's Hands to Collect-David Dirumuck Jur —0-9-0 — In Continental tax Nv 2 in same Hands — Wido King— 0-15-9— Solo Revnolds— 1-14-9 £ s d Ebr Swift— 1-0-10 all the Taxes against Nathan Campbel— 1-14-9— in Willcox's Bills— 5-17-11 Sami Hilliard— 0-16-10— RoswellHubbart— 0-16-1 £3-9-0 4th Voted to adjoiu-n till to Morrow — to meet at Noon at the Meeting House January 3d 1788 — The Town met according to adjournment and remitted the following Taxes-viz- In State On Taxes for Work on Tax No 3 in Willcox's Hands — Meeting House — in £ s d Roswell Hubbart 0-2-5 Crocker's Hands Charles Avery — — David Dimmuck Jur — Justus Burden — — £ On State Tax No 5 in Capt Yales Hands Charles Avery — — Charles Avery Juy — — George Chanter — — 0-1-10 0-1-1 Minister Tax in same Hands 0-0-6 David Stevens — — — 7-2 0-3-5 1-10-8 1—6-8 Elisha Martindale 1-10-1 Joseph Jones — — — 3-4 School Rates of D? Charles Avery — — — 3-6 William Bowers — — 0—1-9 1—5-0 £. 2—8-3 Eleazer Hayward — 1-14-8 Joseph Mansfield — 1—5-0 In Thos. Crocker's Bills Joseph Strong — 1—5-0 for Glazing Meeting House David Thayler — — 1-5-0 Charles Avery — — —0-1-0 Davis Williams — — — 1—5-0 Noah Burden— — — 0-2-0 Frederick Avery — — 1—6-8 Timo Burden — — — 0-1-0 Jnv Hoose — — _ — 0-8-2 £. 12—3-8 Ju'; frieze — — — 0-6-0 Town Tax in same Hands Juo Howk — 0-9-0 Charles Avery 0-2—4 Jo7 Mansfield— — — 0-1-0 Charles Avery Juy 0-1-11 David Stevens — — — 0-7-2 Jn'.> Clark — 0-1-9 Davia Dimmuck — — — 0-1-9 1-15-4 Sylv^ Gifford — — 0-4-8 Eleazer Howard — 0-2-8 Mistake in Levi Chase Jo-j Jones — 0-1-9 and others— — — 0-18—0 J07 Mansfield — — 0-1-9 On Parish Tax for Preaching Jo^ Strong — — 0-1-9 — in Thos Crockers Hands David Thayler — — 0-1-9 Charles Avery — — 0—5—4 Danl Webster — — 0-1-9 Noah Crocker — 0-7-7 Frederick Avery — 0-1-11 Moses Northrop — — 0-3-10 David Stevens — £. 0-9-4 £. 1-14—9 1-15-1 1788. 47 TAXSS REMITTED IN 1788 Couutr Tax Charles Avery — Charlos Avery Ju'; Jiio Clark — Eleazer Howard Jo;: Mansfield James finuey — Jo-* Stroiii; — Daui. Webster- Davis Williams - Frederick Averv 0-1-3 C-1-1 C-1-0 0-1-6 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-1-0 - 0-1-0 0-1-0 ■ 0-1-1 0-11-6 January 2SHi 178S — Drew Fenner Next Court of Common Pleas &c On Capt Crocker's Bill for (Tlazinfj the Meeting House Charles Avery — (ie.' Chanter William Chanter Syh's (xifford John Stevens- Matt V Duzer — J re Vallet 0-2-8 — 0-5-7 0-5-3 — 0-3-0 0-4-6 1-1-9 — 0-8-0 2-10-9 foot to serve as Petit Juror at the Monday February llt^i 1788 Chose Will Ingersoll Esq'; Moderator— Question put to see whetlier the Town Would chose to have M'; Collins preaoh with us a Number of Sabbaths next Coming with a view of Settling him with us — Passed iu the affirmative. Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be, and they hereby are dii'ected to apply to Mi; Collins for the above purpose Dissolved the Meeting At an annual March Meeting Thursday the 20tii of March 1788 1st Ebeuezer Jenkens Esqv Moderator — 2d Voted to pass over the first Article in the Warrant for the Present. — 3^ Chose Seth Backus, Nathan Bali, and Prince West Select Men. — if.ii Chose Nathan Dillingham Towu Cierk — 5'.'^ Chose Capt Josiah Yale Towu Treasurer 6tii Question put to see if the Town will chuse assessors exfcjlusive of The Select Men passed in the Negative — 7;ii Question put to see if the Towu will unite with the Church iu giving M"; Collins a Call to settle with lis — passed in the affirmative — 8fiiChose Cap^ Josiah Yale, Elisha Free- man, & D'l Oliver West a Committee to Draw up proj^osals to make Mi; Collins — which proposals are to be Laid before the Town at the Next Towu Meeting for Consideration 9tli Chose Samuel Porter Constable, who undertook to Collect Taxes for the ensuing year for five pound five Shillings on the Hundred ■{ Sworu 10th Chose Isaac Davis, Jonathan loot Jur & Daniel Willcox, W^ardeus 11th Job Hamblin, James Peuoyer , Tythiug Men J- 48 1788. C William Whitney, Jedediah Crocker, Setli Backus, '\ Surveyors : andrew west, Beuja Smith, Levi Kye, V of Sworn ^ Mathew Vanduser, John Nye, \ Roads 13th Voted to raise one Hundred and fif tv Pounds to repair High Ways the present year— to be wrought out at the Rate of four Shillings a Day from the first of May to the First Day of October— and at 2/o a Day after that time 14th Voted that the above Surveyors be Collectors of the above Money 15ih Samuel Stanley Scaler of Leather-^ 16th Asahal Dodge Benj^ Stevens Thomas Crocker Ashbel Lee ^i Fence Viewers } 17th Nathan Ball Surveyor of Lumber ; Sworn— 18th Seth Backus Wood Corder •; Sworn ; 19th Nathan Dillingham [Sealer] of Weights & Measures 20t;h Chose Capt Jesse Bradley, Capt Joshua Wells & Capt David Porter as a Committee to settle with the Town Treasurer— and report to the Town at next March Meeting 21st Theophilus Mansfield, Lewis Hatch Oliver Collins, Sylvenus Dim- muck, ElishaMartindale, -^ Hogreeves >22d Voted to remit The foUow- Rates as Desperate viz-on John Nye's Bills Abner West - £. 0-1-6 Silver Money Do — — 0-4-1 Do Do 0-5-7 Do — — 5-3-0 Continental Money Ebenezer Swift £. 32-3-0 Continental Money on Job Hamlin's Bills Continental Money Moses Hopkins — 34-0-7 H William Carpenter — 30-9-8 ^ Ebenezer Handy — 10-0-0 £. 74-10-4 The above Brought into Silver at 6/ for 20 .£. is 1-2-6 SIker'Toney ^^.^ ^^^ Culver 0-4-2 Eb7 Handy 0-5 — old Howard 0-5 — Total of Hamlin's — — £.2-0-10 23d Chose Dn Jesse Bradley, Prince West and Levi Nye a Committee to attend to Mathew Vanduser's Tax on Capt Yale's Bill and to report to the Town What part of said Tax should be remitted— 24th Voted to 1788. *^ raise thirty pounds to Defray town Charges — 25th Voted to disco ntiuae- the old former Road From Ebeuezer Swift's to Daniel West's and the- Land given up to those Who formerly owned it — 26'h Voted that the Town Meetings be Warned in they manner they were Warned the Last- year Chose Levi Nye Grand Juror for the year ensuing Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal annual April Meeting on Monday April Tt'i 1788 The Town brought in Votes for Governor as follows — viz — for John Hancock Esqy 40 Votes — Elbridge Gerry Esqr 25 Votes — Votes for Lieut Governor for Elbridsre Gerry Esqr 34 Votes — Nathaui Gor- ham Esqr 14 Votes Benj'i Lincoln Esqi; 10 Votes Samuel Adams Esq^ 1 For Senators Total William Whiting Esqr 51—2 53 Elijah Dwight Esqr 6—4 10 Thomas J Skinner EsqY 5-12 17 William Walker Esqr 1 1 John Bacon Esqv 7 7 William Williams Esq" 42 42 Voted to pass over the third article in the Warrant for the present Voted to pass over the fourth article in the Warrant — Voted to give up to Dn Jesse Bradley, Jon.> foot Juf Levi Nye & George Bennet the Oostr that was made against them (being 54/ to each) on a suit Commenced to Collect their fines for not serving as Constables in the year 1782 Voted that the Town Treasurer be, and hereby is directed to Collect all Monies due to the Town within one Month from this Day (excepting What is in Caleb Walker's hands to Collect — Voted to pass over the Sixth Article in the Warrant — Voted to accept a Road leading from the Road [which] runs from Esqr Ingersoll's to Stockbridge — Voted to ac- cept a Road from Abiathar Chadwick's Laud thro' Randal's Laud to Lenox Line. Voted to accept a Road leading from Enoch Garfield's to Eleazer West's and to the County Road — Voted to discontinue a piece of old Road laid some years ago leading from John Percival's by Elisha Crocker's Voted allow the Assessors for the year 1787-four Shillings ^ Day for their Service— 3 Men, 5 Days at 4/— is — £. 3-0-0 Voted to grant to Mathew Vanduser fifty Shillings on account of r'ost made against him Collecting a fine from him. Voted to raise twenty pounds to Defray Town Charges Voted to remit two Taxes against Elisha Cole now in Caleb Walker's Hand's to Collect 50 1788. At the Anuual May Meeting— May 7th 1788 Chose Ebeuczer Jeukeus Moderator— Cliose Ebeuezer Jcukeus Esq*; to re- present the Town in the General Court the ensuing year Voted that it is the Desire of the Town that the aforesaid Jenkeu's attend the General Court the Next session so long as he shall th nlc Necessary - Voted to pass over the third Article in the Warrant— Voted to raise fifty Pounds to hire preaching the Present year. — Chose Capt Josiah Yale, Lt Daniel Church and Mv Nathan Ball a Committee to dispose of the above Mentioned fifty Pounds in Supplying the Pulpit. Voted that Peter Willcox be, and he hereby is directed to apply to thej Town Treasurer for the Allowance of an Order Drawn on a former Town Treasurer in favor Said Willcox— Voted to remit the following Taxes as desperate in the Hands of Caleb Walker to Collect-viz against John Clark £. 0—5—2 John Ellis £. 0—5—2 Justus Burden 3—9 Joua West 5—6 Jonathan Church 16—6 Coruel Gifford 5—2 Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting June 21 1788 Chose Prince West Moderator— Chose Capt Joshua Wells Capt Josiah Yale, John Nye, Ashbel Lee & Ephraim Holiester a Committee to look into the Matter of Simon Calkin's & Moses IngersoU's R;ite Bills, Which said Calkins's Bills were afterwards pat into tlie Hands of Peter Willcox to Collect Said Committee after Considering the matter are to report to the Next Town Meeting Chose William Ingersoll Esq'; Deacon Oliver West & Levi Nye a Committee to attend to a proposal Made for laying a Road from Samuel Chadwick's to Jos Nickols and to report to our next adjourned Meeting And then Voted that the Select Men be, and they hereljy are directed to attend to Capt Wells's accounts which he has against the Town, and see what Interest and Cost ought to be al- lowed him— and report to our next adjourned Meeting — 7oted to ad- journ this Meeting to Monday June 16, 'i at two o'clock afternoon- then to meet at this place Monday, June 16tii 1788 The town met according to adjournment Voted that the Select Men be and they hereby are desired to lay a road from Sami Chadwick's to Jo-; Nickol's, Voted to Chose an Agent to prosscut the Matter Depending between this Town & Simon Calkins a defective Collector- which agent is to use his utmost Endeavours to se- cure this Town with regard to the Tax- Bills formerly put into said +Gave Peter Willcox an order for three Pounds on this Vote. Nov. 13, 1795. r Above note in writing of Nathan Dillingham, Treasurer in 1795.] 1788. 51 Calkins's liaiids to colli^ct; the agent chosen shall at the Expenca of the Town, atteaoh the Body or Goods of said Calkins or use any other Law- ful means he may think proper. Chose C.ipt Josiah Yale, Agent as above Accepted a Road leading from Reuben Pixloys Northward. Dissolved the Meeting Friday August l^t nsS— At a Legal Town Meeting Chose William IngersoU Esqi; Moderator— Chose William Ingersoll EsqV Lt Levi Nye, D'-i Oliver West— as a Committee to View the Bridges on the great River in Town, and Make computation of what they shall judge ought to be done on said Bridges, together with the Cost tliat may arise thereon— and report to the Town as soon as they conveniently can Dissolved the Meeting Monday Sepr StiUTSS— l^t Chose Capt Joshua Wells Moderator 2(1 Voted to pass Over the first Articl in the Warrant for the present 3d The Committee chosen on the first of August last to view certain Bridges in this Town- Reported that the middle Bridge between Esqi; Ingersoll's & Reuben Pixleys ought to be built New, and the Cost there- of would be thirty Pounds— Voted not to concur with the above report— 4thly Voted to pass over the fourth Article in the Warrant 5iy Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be, & they are directed to apply to M'; Holt to preach with us two or three Sabbaths after his present Engagement are up. ethly Chose Capt Josiah Yale, Ebeuezer Jenkens Esq'; & Nathan Dilling- ham a Committee to examine what Rate Bills shall be Laid before them and see What Taxes on Said Bills ought to be remitted Tth Question put to se if the Assessors be direc^ted to go to Each ratable Person to take in List passed in the Negative Dissolved the Meeting. Monday Sepr 29iii 1788 At a Legal Town Meeting, made choice of Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr Moder- ator Question put to see if the Town will unite with the Church iu giving Mr Holt a Call to settle in the Work of the Ministry in this place passed in the affirmative, by a Majority of fifty against one Voted to offer Mr Holt SO £. a yearly Sallary and :iOO £. Settlement or iu Lieu thereof 100 £. Salary >» Annum if tlie first mentioned Salary & Settlement be accepted by Holt the 300 £. for settlement is to be 52 1788-1789. paid Withiu four years after his settling — paying 50 £. each year — and if he accepts in Lieu thereof the 100 £. Salary it is to be paid iu the fol- lowing manner— viz — for the first year 50 £. at the end of six mouths and 50 £. at the end of the year, and for every year following 100 £. at the end of the year, Chose William lugersoll Esqr , Cap: Josiah Yale and ; Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr a Committee to present the above proposals to Mr Holt, iu behalf of the Town Chose Capt Joshua Wells Grand Juror Elisha [uame omitted] petit Juror, to serve at the Next Supreme Court Meeting Dissolve.! At a Legal Town Meeting Jan. 29th 1789 Chose William lugersoll Esqr Moderator— Voted that the Pulpit-Com- mittee be and they hereby are directed to apply to M; Miller to preach with us a number of Sabbaths, with a View of Settling — Chose Eben- ezer Jenkens, Capt Yale and Nathan Dillingham a Committee to attend to Moses lugersolls desperate Rates — Voted to remit Elisha Cole his Rate— £ 0—12—10 Dissolved Annual March Meeting 1, 1789. At a Legal Town Meeting March !■;* A D. 1789 Chose James Peuoyer Grand Juror for the ensuing year 1 Chose Ebenezer Jnkens Esqr Moderator — 2 1 Enoch Garfield Cap* Joshua Wells, Capt Jess Bradley, | Selectu-en } Sworn 3<;l Nathan Dillingham Town Clerk 4tii Capt Josiah Yale, Town Treasurer 6th Chose Sami Porter Constable, who undertook to serve and Collect Taxes for the Consideration of three pounds nineteen & sixpence on the Hundred Pound 6t_h Elisha West, Nathaniel Bassett Ji>b Hambliu | Wardens, Sworn J- 7Hi Thom^ Becher, Sworn David lugersoll, Seth Nye •[ Tythingmen — 8th and then Voted to Divide this Town into four Districts for repaii'ing high Ways 9th Chose JNlathew Vanduser, Capt Josiah Yale, Reuben Pixley, Capt Jesse Bradley, a Committee to Divide the Town as mentioned above 10th Voted to raise one hundred and fifty pounds for repairing high ways to be wrought out at the Rate of four shillings a Day from the first Day of May to tlie first Day of October, and 2/6 a Day after that time 11th Chose Sami Stanley Sealor of Leather, ; Sworn 12th Jedediah Crocker, John Percival, Ben Stevens, Elisha Grant -i fence Viewers Sworn 'r 1789. "" 13''^ Sworn Nathan Ball — Surveyor of Lumber 14th Saml Stanley J. Wood Corder 15!h Nathan Dillingham Sealer W\^ & Measures 16th Ebeuezer Jenkens Esqr Mathew Vanduser, Capt Joshua Wells a Committee to settle with the Town Treasurer IT'h Abraham Perry Sworn Elisha IngersoU, Jesse Randle, Jo-* Nichols Solomon Cole { hogreeves |- 18th allowed Nathaniel Bassett 18/ for taking Care of the Meeting house a year, and appointed him to the Same Office again 19th Voted to allow Lt Jo-^ Crocker his acct — 350 continental Dollars ac- cording to the seal of Depreciation in June. 1780 20th Voted to accept a Road leading from Jonathan Foot Junior's to Jonathan Foot Seniors — and to discontinue the old Road lying between the ab )ve said Foot giving them the Land in exchnnge for the new Road 21st Voted to accent a Road from Ashbel Lee's Laud to Saml Chadwick — ■22'! Voted to remit the following Taxes on Capt Yale's Bill — viz — to Jonathan West £. 1 — — Peter Willcox Jr 1—7—9 Adjourned this Meeting to the lirst Monday in April next at one o'Clock afternoon then to meet at th:s p'.ace Monday April 6th the Town met according to adjournment Chose Surveyors of Highways as follows viz — Levi Nye, Sworn ]- L* Dan- iel Church, Hemau Hinckley, D'» Jesse Bradley, Voted that the Select Men be, and they hereby are directed to View the Road that was laid from George Chanters to Winegar's Mill and report to the next meeting their opinion With regard to opening said Road Voted to raise thirty pounds in addition to the 150£. already raised to re- pair roads, which ;jO£. is to be laid out in repairing the Bridge between Mansfields Mills & Isaac Davis's • Chose Capt Enoch Garfield, Archelus Chadwick & John Starns as a Com- mitte to take the Care of building or repairing the above Said Bridge — Appointed Capt Joshua Wells & Levi Nye. to assist Capt yale in settleiug matters betwixt the town & Simon Calkins & Peter Willcox Adjourned this Meeting to the 1st Wed. in may at 1 o'Clock P M At a legal Town Meeting, Monday March 16th 1783 Chose Cap* Joshua Wells Moderator — Voted unanimously to give M^; William Miller a Call to settle in the Work of the Ministry with us Voted use mine rcon. [uemine con.] to offer Mr Miller a settlement of 200£. and a yearly Salary of 80£. as long as he may [remain] in the Work of the Ministry With us. — Chose Capt Joshua Wells, Capt Josiah Yale, and Nathan Ball a Committee to Wait on Mr Miller and inform [him] of the proceeding of the Town as above Dissolved the Meeting 54 1789. Annual April Meeting, Api 6th 17^9 Votes brought in for Governor were as follows viz — for John hanck Esqr 49 Votes Sami Chaclwick-l Vote— for Lt Governor — Benjamin Lin- coln Esqv 28 Votes — Samuel adams Esqr 21 Votes for Senators— Elish [a] Dwight Esqr 15 Votes — Thompson J. Skinner Esqr 25 Votes Mr Whiting Esqv 32 Votes Wm Williams Esqr 33 Votes John Bacon Esqy 19 Votes Jesse Randel 1 V^ote Dissolved the Meeting March Meeting adjourned — Wednesday May 6*;^ 1789 The Town Met according to adjournment, Opened and adjourned the same Meeting to the eleventh Day of this Mouth to meet at usal place at one O'clock afternoon. March Meeting continued— May Uth 1789— The Town met according to adjournment — Chose Nathi BassettPound Keeper Chose Ebr Jenkens Esqr William Ingersoll Esqy & Capt Josiah yale as a Committee to View the circumstances of a Road in dispute, Leading from John Winegar's by Hope Davis's Eastward. Voted to raise nine pounds to pay Peter Willcox for the Land on which the Meeting House stands, and six pounds to purchase a standard of Weights & Measures and a Town Book, and seventy pounds to hire Preaching— Appointed Capt Josiah Yale to procure a Standard of Weiglits & Measures and a Town Book Chose Ebr Jenkens Esqr William Ingersoll Esqr & Capt Joshua Wells a Committee to Supply the Pulpit Voted that hogs have Liberty, in this Town, to run atLarge under the Restrickons of the Law— Voted that Ebr Jenkens Esqv & John Nye be a Committee to settle a Matter depending, between Peter Willcox and this Town concerning Rate Bills, shifted from Simon Calkins to said Willcox, Voted to raise thirty pounds to defray sundry Town Charges — Town Rates remitted on Eleazer West's Bills on a Tax in 1782 Nathi Backus John Mead — Oliver Cary Roswell Hubbard 0- -4- -6 — 0- -4- -6 0- -4- -6 — 0- -4- -G 0- ]8- -0 Widow King's Son Sami Hilliard — John Goodspeed Asa Atherton — 0-18-0 —18—0 Total £. 1—16-0 Voted that the Town Meetings be warned in future by setting up Notifi- cations at the Whipping Post, at Starns's Mill & at Lee's Mill. Dissolved the Meeting 1789-1790. ^ May 11th 1785) — Votes brought in for Federal Repe for Sami Lymau Esqi; 38 — for Theodore Sidgwick Esqr 27 — John Bacon Esqv 13 — Voted not to chuse a Representative to attend General Court the present yeaa' At a Leeral Town :ieetinff— July :'Otii 1789 Voted that tlie Commitree for Suijplying the Pulpit be, and tlie[y] hereby are directed ro apply to M'; Prart to Preach with us Six Sabbaths More-- Eissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting September 7t.'i 1789 Votes brought in for Register of Deeds were as follows — for Lt John Stroughton 5 Votes for Vv'illiam Willard 34 Votes Voted to accept a Road from the top of the hill east of the Furnace to Washington Line, as pr the Survey Bill — Voted to discontinue an Old Road from the top of the aforesaid Hill through Jo^ Goodwin's Laud to Which it strikes the above mentioned new Road. Voted to chuse a Ccminittee to review Sertain List of Taxes called des- perate Laid before rhe Town this Day — Chose Eb; Jenkens Esqi; Capt Josiah Yale and Thomas Crocker for the above Committee Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be, and they hereby are diiected to apply to Mv Pratt to preach witli us till the Money that was Voted last March to hire prea':'hing. be all expended Voted that the aforesaid Committee are hereby directed to apply to a Certain M7 Crocker of Newhaven to preach with us, in Case that Mr Pratt will Not preach with us as long as Mentioned above — Dissolved the Meeting . At a Legal Town Meeting, Moiulay Jany 4tii 1790 Voted that the Select Men be and they hereby are directed to put out Ebi; Handy (one of the Town's Poor) to Benj. Brown or some other Man 011 as good terms as can be obtained. — Voted to Build a House for Ebr Swift of the following dimensions viz 24 feet long, 14 feet Wide — 7h feet high between joints— Walls to be boarded & 3 Windows 12 — 6 by 8 squares of glass each — Double floor be- low — single floor above — 1 fire place, 1 oven — Chimney Complete, Bedroom & Butterry to te petitioned, seprated Swined Doors complete, to each Room, imderpin'd with Stones: stand on the most convenient place on Eb^; Swift's Farm; to be finished by the first of October next. Pay to be in Country produce Capt Joshua Wells undertook to build the above mentioned House fcr £. 24-14-0 an 1790. Voted to raise thirty pounds iu Money to replace money that has been taken from What was raised to hire preaching, and to Defray other Town Charges— Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be, & they hereby are directed to apply to Mr Lee of Salisbury to come and preach with us Voted that the following Seth Barlow Jos Hatch Jona Crowel John Bacon -- Arthington Elisha Goodspeed Widow Allen John Hoxie Elies Church Charles Avery Wid<2 Collins Mathew Reynolds Utter's Heirs Heuery Wait -- John Hoxie Taxes on Moses Ingersoll's Bills be remitted -viz 2- 4-10 0- 3- 2 2- 3- 0-16- 1- 0- 0-16- 0-16- 0-16- 1-17- 1-15-11 0- 8- 4 0-16- 2 0- 8- 4 0- 3- 0- 7- 3 These Taxes to be adjusted liqui- dated and allowed by Cap* Yale as he Shall find they ought iu equity to be — £. 14-13- 3 at a Legal Town Meeting January 29th 1790 Chose Capt Joshua Wells Moderator Voted for Register of Deeds for the Middle District in the County of Berkshire as follows viz— for William Willard sixteen Votes Caleb Hyde Jur five Votes Drew Elisha Crocker for Petit Juror to attend the next Comity Court Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting Monday March 1, 1790 Called March Meeting — Chose Capt Joshua Wells Moderator Chose Nathan Dillingham Town Clerk Sworn — Doer Gideon Thompson — Excused — Levi G. Porter— J Sworn John Nye-; Select Men [&] Assessors-; Capt Josiah Yale- Town Treasurer Enoch Garfield — Grand Juror- William Ingersoll Esqr Constable-Sworn Beuben Pixley— Sylvenus Dimmuck— Cornelius Bassett Ju^ 1 Sworn "^^l 1 Sworn James Tuttle Sworn John Nye Sworn Nathan Dillingham | Sworn John Gifford I Sworn Enoch Garfield ,' William Ingersoll Jr I Sworn Nathan Ball | Sworn Josiah Yale J Archelus Chadwick> Surveyors of Roads Samuel Porter Daniel Willcox > Tything Men Fence Viewers Elijah Ingersoll)" Voted that hogs have Liberty to run at large under the restrictions of the law 1790. 57 Sworn Fenuer foot ^ Sworu Abiathar Chadwick Seth Backus | Sworu David Baker tt^ „^„ Stephen Leonard > Hogreves Sworn Enoch Garfield I Sworu Levi Chase I Sworn Aaron Benedict J Voted to excuse William Ingersoll Esq^ from serving as Constable the present year Chose Sylvenus Dimmuck Constable, Who undertook to Collect taxes at the Rate of £. 3 — 13 — O-on the hundred. Sworu [- Nathi Bassett — Pound keeper Jedediah Crocker, Stephen Tobey, John Starns, Sami Porter, — Surveys Lumber^ Sworn ,'- Seth Backus, Jared Bradley, Jonathan West,— Wood Corders<{ Sworn } Henry Donnely — Sealer of Leather Nathan Dillingham — Sealer of Weights & Measures Voted that Nathaniel Bassett be allowed twenty Shillings for Sweeping the Meeting House last year Voted that the Meeting House shall be swept Once a fortnight in the Sum- mer Season— Six Months— and Once a Mouth in the Winter Season— Six Mouths— the House to be kept lock'd except on Public Days, when it Shall be Opened and Shut in Season, The Windows to be kept Shut When the People are out Chose Solomm Cole to Sweep & take Care of the Meeting House as Men- tioned above— and he agreed to do the Service for twelve Shillings the ensuing year Chose Capt Joshua Wells, Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr Seth Backus a Com- mittee to Settle with the Town Treasurer and report to the Town — alsso to report What Money they may think Will be necessary to raise the present year to defray Town Charges, Voted to choose a Committee to View the great Bridge near the Meeting House and report to the next meeting what they may think necessary to do to said Bridge Chose Esqr Ingersoll Levi Nye and Mathew Vanduser for the above Purpose Voted to raise £. 150 for repairing Roads— to be worked out at 4/ a Day to the first of October— and 2/6 a Day after that time Adjom-ned this Meeting to the first Monday in April next— then to meet at this place. Monday Api 5th 1790— The Town met according to adjournment Chose Seth Backus, Prince West, & Nathan Ball as a Committee to Settle with amos Mansfield in behalf of the Town Voted to excuse Levi Porter & D[r.] Gideone Thompson from serving as Select Men Chose Capt Josiah Yale & Nathan Dillingham Select men Sworn 58 1790. Voted that Cap* Josiah yale be & he is hereby requested to procure a Standard of Weights & Measures for this Town as Cheap as may be S& answer the Law Chose Esqr Ingersoll, Levi Nye & Esqr Jenkens as a Committee to give directions What is necessary to be done to the great Bridge and to Yan- due tlie Job of doing it Voted that Ebenezer Handy a poor Child be Supported by Hope Davis, Who agreed to undertake it 26 Weecks to find him Victuals & Cloaths for four pounds The Town to pay What Doctoring he may want Adjourned this Meeting to Next May Meeting Monday April otii 1790 — At a leg?I Town Meeting Votes for Governor &c. the present year — were brought in as follows — viz for his Excly John Hancock Esq'.' 50 I for Senators James Bowdoin Esqr l Elijah Dwight Esqr 13 for Lieut e-iovr | Tliomas J. Skinner Esqr gOi Sami Adams Esqr — 40 [ John Bacon Esq'.' 4B John Bacon Esqr 6 I William Williams of Dolton '6 Same Day as above Chose Capt Joshua Wells Moderator. Voted to Chose a Committee to finnish underpining and glazing, and Making Door Steps to the Meeting House; which Committee are to Do the Work and be allowed tlieir Cost for the same Chose Samuel Porter, Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr and Capt Josiah Yale for The above Committee. At a Legal Town Meeting, May 4th 1790— Chose Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr Representative for the ensuing year Chose Mr John Nye Moderator Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be and they hereby are directed to apply to Mr Mead to preach With us after his Journey to Boston Dissolved the Meeting March Meeting Continued Voted to Vendue tlie keeping of old Mr Howard— and Samuel Porter un- dertook to Keep him four Weecks at nine Shillings ^ Weeck Exclusive the expence of Doctors Set up the repairing the great Bridge ^Var the Meeting House at Vendue Which bridge is to be done in the following manner — viz — one good pair of Trusties to be put at the West end— and Well breaced The bridge to be covered with good plank, three Inches thick, Two New String Pieces to be put on the out side of the top of the bridg— well keyed to the lower string pieces — The Westerly Abutment to be raised with timber & gravel, so as to make it good passing onto the Bridge — one Cross Tim- 1790. '' ber to go underneath the middle of the bridge— to be Well Keyed to the upper String Pieces— Prince West bid of the above mentioned Job at Eleven pounds eight Sliillings he is to finish the Bridge by the Last of July— appointed the Select Men to settle with Mr Willcox for the Land that the Meeting House Stands on Voted to raise one hundred pounds by Tax to defray Town Charges the present year.— Capt Joshua Wells agreed to give up the building a house on Ebr Swiffs Land— and Nathan Ball undertook to Build the same for 28 £. But the house is Now to be 20 feet Wide and 22 feet long— and two fireplaces At a Legal Town Meeting, Monday May ai^jt 1790- Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Chose Levi Nye, Nathan Ball & Dn Oliver West as a Committee to Supply the Pulpit the present year— Voted that the Town has no Objection to the granting of the Prayer cf a Petition of the inhabitants of that part of the Town living on the Hoplands — setting for[th] their Desire of be- ing incorporated into a Society for Supporting Schools Voted that Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr be and he hereby is directed to apply to the Select Men or overseers of the poor for the Town of Stoughtou — and inform that there is one of their poor in this Town whome they are desired to provide for: and that in case of their Neglect the said Jenkens is hereby directed to prosecute the matter to final Judgment Voted that James Penoyer, Capt Joshua Wells, W'" Ingersoll Esqr be & they are hereby appointed a Committee to enquire into an old Class Tax for which Lambert Howk calls on the Town— and to report to the Next Meeting. Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting Auirt ;3ist 1790 Chose Ml" John Nye Moderator Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit, be and they Hereby are directed to Apply to Mv Mead to com and preach with us in order for a Settlement. — Chose Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr as an Agent to attend to the Demand Which Mr Watson of Becket Brings against the Town, for Keeping the Wid? Handy' s Child Dissolved the Meeting At a Legal Town Meeting, Sepr 23d 1790 Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be and they hereby are requested to apply to M^ Mede to come and preach with us on pro- bation 60 1790. Chose EbenezerJenkeusEsqr Capt Joshua Wells, Johu Keep, Capt Abijah Merrills, Cap* Seth Backus & Edmoud Hiuckley a Committee to treat With the regard to making some alterations in the Church's Covenant — Chose Capf Joshua Wells Grand Juror. Dissolved At a legal Town Meeting Ocf; 4tii 1790 — Votes brought in for Representative to Congress were as follows — viz, for Theodore Sedgwick Esqr 3:3 John Bacon Esqv - 23 Sami Lyman Esqy - 2 Thompson J. Skinner Esq^ 1 On the same Day Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator — Voted to Vendue the keeping of Ebenezer Handy a poor Child for six Months to come, on the following Conditions — viz The Child to be victualed, Cloathed & Schooled as much as he can attend during the Said term of six Months, The Child to be sufficiently cloathed for Winter, and retui'ued with his cloaths in as good repair as they now are — The Town to pay the Schooling viz Tiie teaching over and above What he is veudued at Hope Davis bid off the keeping of said Child at five pounds 3V for the six Months Dissolved the Meeting Expeuces on Eleazer Howard Stockbridge Expeuces & transporting — 12 — Dr Thompsons Acct — — 15 — 6 Joshua Wells's Acct — — 4 — 6 Samuel Porter's Acct — 9 — 2 — 9 10—14—9 More Addition — 9—6 £. 11 1—3 At a legal Town Meeting ]\[onday Decy 20tli 1790 Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Voted to pass over the Third Article in the Warrant ■ Voted to leave the care of John Davis's f amileyWith the Select Men for the Present. Voted to raise twenty pounds to Supply the Pulpit Voted that the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit be, and they hereby are directed to employ such Candidate or Candidates to preach in Town as will board in Town during each Weeck he or they may preach With us- Voted that the Town does not choose that Our Representative Should at- tend the General Court the Next session 1790-1791. 61 Voted to srive Mr John Powers Eighteen Shillings on his transcribing the Whole Contained in this Book into a new Book of Records Said Pow- ers to complate the Work before the next Annual, March Meeting Voted that the Rate Bill for an old Class Tax now in dispute With Howk & Vanduser be Committed to Sylveuus Dimmuck With a Warrant to Collect the said Tax Dissolved the Meeting [The copy of the original book of records, made in accordance with the vote of the last meeting, contains the only extant records of the town, previoub to January 24th, 1791; since that time they appear in the writing of the clerks.] At a legal Town Meeting, Monday Jany 24th 1791. Chose John Nye Moderator. Question put to see whether Esqr Jenkens be desired to attend the General Court the next Session: — passed in the affirmative. Voted that the Committee for supplying the Pulpit be and they hereby are requested to apply to Mr Jones to preach with us six Sabbaths after the first six he agreed for shall have expired. Voted to raise ten pounds in addition to twenty pounds already granted to procure preaching Dissolved the Meeting. At a legal Town Meeting— Monday, March 7tb 1791. Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Capt Josiah Yale) g^^^^^ John Nye - ^^^^ Enoch Garfield ) Nathan Dillingham Town Clerk Capt Josiah Yale Town Treasurer. Lt Joseph Crocker Grand Juror. tjedediah Crocker Constable, who undertook to collect Taxes for thirty nine Shillings on the Hund- red Pound, and Lt Jo-* Crocker, and Abraham Perry became his Sureties for the faithful discharge of his Duty. tStephen Leonard) tLt Dani Church - Wardens. tLt Levi Nye ) tNathan Ball ^ tW»i IngersoU Esqr | tPrince West ; Tythingmen. tAbijah Merrills | tWilliam Whitney J tCapt Jared Bradley ^ Thomas Becher I tLewis Hatch | +Tho~« Crocker I tisaac Davis | tMattw Vandusen +John Percival Elijah West tjesse Clark tRufus Stanton Sami Cliadwick tJob Hamblin i Surveyors [ Highways. tJohn Starnes + Jared Bradley) - Fence Viewers f John Starnes fSami Chadwick tCaleb West tJos Bradley Hogreeves tWm IngersoU Jr "1 Levi Chase [ Cornelius Bassett j tJos Nichols J Field Drivers 63 1791. March Meeting 1791.- Voted that Hogs iu Towu may ruu at large uuder the restrictious of the Law. Chose Nathaniel Bassett Keeper Pouud tSami Porter tStephen Tobey fArohelaus Chadwick tJohu Crosby Sui'veyors of Lumber tSolomou Cole > tSami Stauley / Wood Corders. tHenry Dounellv Sealer of Leather Nathan Dillingham Sealr Wt^ & Meafs Feuner Foot Grave Digger Peter Wiilcox to Sweep the Meeting Honse the same as the last year, for the Sum of IIV- — Ebenezer Jenkeus Esqr Capt Joshua Wells & Seth Backus, a Committee to settle with the Towu Treasur- er of the last year. Voted to raise forty pounds to sup- port Schools in Town, to be dis- tributed among the inhabitants according to the number of Chil- di-en aged from four- to fourteen years. Chose Eli Bradley, Joseph Whiting Levi Nye, & Levi Porter, a Committee to take the number of Children in Towu, of the above discription. Chose Jedediah Crocker iu addition to this Committee. Voted to raise one hundred and fifty pounds to repair high Ways — to be paid in Work by those who choose it, at the rate that Work was estimated iu the year 1790. — Voted to give M^ Abiel Jones a Call to settle with us iu the Work of the ministry. Voted that the Committee for sup- plying the pulpit be and they here- by are requested to acquaint M'" Jones with the doiugs ot the Towu resijectiug him. Voted to allow D" Jesse Bradley twenty Shillings for printiug the doings of a County Convention, of which he was a Member. Vote culled to see whether the Towu will allow the accounts of Prince W^est & Wait Hatch for cloathing furnished to the Soldiers some years since passed in the nega- tive. Adjourned this meeting to the first Monday in April next. NB. Those Names of Men iu Of- fice with this mark t are sworn. Monday April 4*h I7i)i The Town met according to ad- journment Question put to see if the Towu will raise money to defray towu char ges; passed in the negative. Question put to see if the Town will raise any Sum of Money as a Sal- lary, or encouragement for Mi" Abiel Jones to settle with us; pas- sed iu the affirmative. i Reconsidered the Vote of 31 arch Ith. respecting giving Mr Jones a Call. Voted to give Mr Jones a Call to settle witii us in the Work of the miuistry — and to give him 80£ f^r annum Sallary on his settling as aforesaid Chose Dn Oliver West, Wm luger- soll Esqr & Capt Josiah Yale a committee to treat with Mr Jones on the above mentiouea Business of giving him a Call &c. 1791. 63 Voted that the minister Taxes that have been laid on Eusigu Johu Burg- hardt's property ill this Town be refunded to said Burghardt Voted that the Taxes ajjainst James Mansfield in the hands of Sami Por- ter shall lie two Months at the riscjue of the Town Voted to allow John Powers two Dollars in addition to the three Dollars before allow'd him for transcribing the town's records. Dissolved the Meeting Be it remembered that Joseph Moon, his Wife & Children were warned to depart from this Town — March 1st i7!)i At a legal Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Lee Monday Api ith 1791 — Votes brought in for Governor, Lieut Governor & Senat- ors were as follows — viz — for Governor-John Hancock Esq'; — 39 Lt Govr Sanii Adams Esqr — 2<> — — Nathi Gorl^am Esqv — 10 Senators-John Bacon Es(iv — — 41 — Thomson J. Skinner Esqv — 40 — Elijah Dwight Esqv — — 1 At the same Meeting chose Ebenr Jenkons Esqr Moderator Votes brought in for County Treasurer were as follows— viz — Barn '> Bid well Esqv — ^^ Moses Ashley Esqy — 15 Capt Josiah Yale — 22 Johu Stoughton — 3 Ebr Jenkens Esqr — — 1 Wm Walker Esqr — i Chose the following Persons overseers of the poor — viz William Ingersoll Esqv I Seth Backus | & Ebenezer Jenkens Esqv Voted that the overseers of the poor be and they hereby are directed to vendue such poor Persons as are or may become chargeable to the Town, or all such poor Persons as the overseers shall judge most expedient to vendue. Chose Thomas Crocker overseer of the Poor in lieu of Seth Backus excused- Dissolved the Meeting "* 1791. May Meeting — 1791- — At a legal Town Meeting— thursday the 5th Day of May A. D. 1791. Question put to see whether the Town will choose a Representative the present year — passed in the Negative Chose Capt Josiah Yale ^.loderator. Voted to raise fifty pounds to defray Town Charges the present year. Voted that the Select Men be, and they hereby are directed to use their endeavours to prevent the spreading of the small pox in Town — and to proceed on the matter as the Law directs. Dissolved the Meeting At a legal Town Meeting, Monday, June 6tli 1791. Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Voted to raise sixty pounds to supply the pulpit. appointed Deacon Oliver West, Nathan Ball and Levi Nye a Committee to procure preaching, & dispose of the above Money. Voted that those Persons who did not work out their high Way Rates the last year have Liberty to work to the amount of said rates the present year, at the usual wages; provided they do the- said Work before the first of July next. Voted to remit the high Way Taxes of Abiathar Chadwick, Lemi. Bar- low, & Nathan Davis, which they were assessed the last year, also James Penoyer's last year high Way Tax re mite d. Dissolved the Meeting At a legal Town Meeting — Monday the 25th of July, 1791 Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Chose Peter Willcox & James Penoyer agents to defend an action brought against the Town of Lee by Caleb Chadwick, which action he com- menced on account of his loosing a Horse in Town. Voted that said agents be and they hereby are directed to act discretion- arily on the above Business Voted to pass over the fourth article in the Warrant. Voted to pass over the fifth article in the Warrant. Voted the Pnlpit-Committee be, and they hereby are directed to apply to Mr Stejheu Williams to preach with us three or four Sabbaths on pro- bation. Dissolved the Meeting 1791. At a legal Town Meeting, Monday August 8t> 1791. Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. 65 Voted to discontinue the Road leading from William Goodspeed's Land on Washington Town-Line, as far South as to come abreast with Jesse Ward's House, and said part of a Road is hereby discontinued. Question put to see if the Town will unite with the Church in giving M^ Stephen Williams a call to settle with us in the Work of the Ministry — passed in the affirmative — Yeas 72, Nays 5. Do 4 added. Voted to make Mr Williams the following proposals— viz— To give him 200 £ Settlement, to be paid in the term of four years— 50 £ a year; and 60 £ Salary yearly, the lirst four years; afterwards 80 £ Salary. The aforesaid Settlement to be paid in Grain, Cattle & Bar Iron Or to give him 100 £ Salary and no Settlement: Or the improvement of a Parsonage, worth 200 £. containing convenient Lands & Buildings, wnthiu a suitable Distance from the Meeting House, so long as he shall continue to be our minister, and 90 £ Salary. Chose Messl" Prince West, Abijah Merrils, Joshua Wells, Josiah Yale and John Nye a Committee to wait on Mr Williams with the above pro- posals and request an answer. At a legal Town Meeting — Nov. 14th 1791 Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Voted that 50 £ be raised to discharge an Execution in fav of Caleb Chad- wick Voted to finish the Meeting House Appointed James Penoyer, Josiah Yale & Seth Backus a Committee to compute the cost of finishing the Meeting House and report to our next March Meeting Voted that Samuel Porter be, and he hereby is appointed an agent in be- half of the Town to collect a Demand on the Town of Stoughton, for the support of Eleazer Howard, one of the poor of the said Town of Stough- ton Voted that the Town is hereby directed to drive the old Constables to a Settlement. Dissolved the Meeting 66 1791-1792. At a Legal Towu Meeting, Monday Deer 19th 1791. Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Question pat — Whether the Town will give the Pulpit- Committee direct- ions to apply to Mr Hyde to preach with us any longer or not ? passed in the affirmative — Yeas 82 — Navs 3. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be, and they hereby are t.irected to take such care of Ebeuezer Swift & his Family as they shall chink proper. Voted to give John Green twelve pounds on condition of his taking Eben- ezer Handy a poor Child and keeping him till he shall be 21 years of age, and learn him the Taylors trade, also reading writing and arith- inetick. — Said Sum to be paid at three payments — viz 4 pounds a year till the whole be paid Annual March Meeting — 17y2 — Monday, March oth Chose Capt Josiah Yale — Moderator- tNathan Dillingham Town Clerk — tJosiah Yale ) •f-John Nye - Select Men fEiioch Garfield ) Josiah Yale — Town Treasurer -j-Ebenezer Jenkens Jr — Constable, who undertook to collect Taxes the ensuing year for six Shillings on the hundred pound; and Ed- mund Hinckley & Lt Jo-; Crock- er became his Sureties for the faithful Discharge of his Trust. tftephen Tobey ^ ) hardens. + William IngersoU jr j fjoseph Wyllys ) tSolomon Cole - Tythingmen Matthew Vauduser) tEbenezer West ^ tSylvenusDimmuck I tJob Hamlin | tOliver Hatch j +William lugersoll Esqr Surveyors tStepheu Couch [ of tDauiel Willcox high -(•Josiah Yale Ways. tLevi Chase t Aaron Wormer tBenja Hinckley |john Crosby " j tThoraas Becher IJonathan Graves ^Cornelius Bassett TJared IngersoU tElijah West tThomas Shaw tJosiah Crocker ■•"Jabez Bradley tLewis Hatch TReuben Marsh tJacob Fuller TElisha Freeman Fence Viewers )• Hogreeves. I J Field Drivers jNathi Bassett Pound keeper, and to take care of, & sweep the Meeting House. tJohii Hewlet tJedediah Crocker Sam' Porter Sui'veyors of Lumber ^ , Wood i Corders. tJohn Howk tJohn Starnes Leml Barlow ^Thomas Shaw J tSylvenus Dimmuck Sealf Leather Nathan Dillingham Seai; Wts & Measures Fenuer Foot — Grave-Digger ~] Committee I to settle ac- Oliver West | counts.onbe- Ebeur Jenkens Esqr ; half of the David Stevens I Town, with I t li e Town J Treasurer. — 1792. "" Voted to raise fifty pouuds to defray Town Charges Voted to raise Forty pounds to support Schools. Voted to raise 150 £ to repair hiijli Ways to be wrought out at 4/ a Day till the first of October, and 2/6 after that time. Voted to pass over tlie article in the Warrant, respecting finishing the Meeting- House. Proposals to M^' HN'de Question put to see if the Town will unite with the Churcli in giving Mr Alvin Hyde a Call to settle with us in the work of the ministry, passed in the affirmative; 85 in favour; and 39 Neuter & against, including other persuasions. Voted to offer Mr Hyde on condition of his settling as above 200 £ as a Settlement, viz 5U £ a year till the whole be paid. Voted to offer him, as above, 60 £ Sallary the first year, which Sum is to be enlarged by the Town 5 £ a year immediately after the first year, till the Sallary shall be «0 £ a year, which last mentioned Sum is to be a permanent Salary. Chose William luger.soll Esqr Capt Yale Capt Garfield, Deacon West and Nathan Ball a Committee to wait on Mr Hyde with the above proposals, and request an answer. — • NB Those names of Town Officers with this t mark are sworn — or rather, the men are sworn Voted to discontinue the Road leading from Hope Davis's to Sylveuus Gifford's, as far as from Saml Davis's Land whereon Hope Davis lives, to the road leading bv Ge.> Chanter's & Jedediah Crocker's Houses. Voted to discontinue the old North Road leading to Becket, from the County road near William Perry's, to Becket Line. Voted to discontinue tiie Town Road leading across Sylvenus Dimmuck's Land, in the east i ait of the Town, Legining and ending at the County Road. Adjourned this Meeting to the first Monday in April, to meet at the usual place 68 ' 1792. April Meeting — 1792 — At a legal Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Lee on Mon- day the 2d Day of April— 1792— Votes brought in for Governor of this Commonwealth were for His Excellency John Hancock Esqr 42 Votes For Lieut Governor, His Honor Sam' Adams Esqr 49 Votes For Senators— Elijah Dwight Esqr — 38 Thomson J. Skinner — — 15 John Bacon Esqr — 28 On the Same Day Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Voted that the treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to pay Mr Joshua Wells four Pounds, seventeen Shillings for his Cost in prosecuting Eleazer West, for which Sum said Wells is to be accountable, till he shall produce to the Select Men, a Bill of the above Cost, and make a settlement of the matter with them Adjourned March Meeting — opened. Voted that the Select Men be, and they hereby are requested to examine the Laws, respecting the Estate of Utter's Heirs, and to proceed thereon as the Law and their Discretion may direct. Voted that the Select Men be, and they hereby are requested to lay out a road to meet a road leading from the North of Becket. Voted that the Money voted this year to Support Schools be divided to each District according to the amount of Taxes paid in each District. — Voted that Ashbel Lee have liberty to turn the road from Pratt's Potato- Hole so as to pass by the Silver Furnace, along the Bank of the river, making it more direct from the main road to the Bridge below said Lee's House. Voted that hogs have Liberty to run at large the present year, under the restrictions of the Law. Voted that William Chanter, George Chanter, Sylvenus Gilford & John Gifford be exempted from paying their minister Taxes. Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 9tii Day of April instant, at 5 o'clock afternoon. Adioiirned — March — Meeting, 1792. Api rtb 1792 The Town met according to adjournment Chose Lt Joshua Wel'.s Grand J.;ror for the ensuing year. Dissolved the meeting. 1792. Apl 9th 1792— Drew Jesse Clark Petit Juror. At a lefjal Towu Meetinjr, May 8th 1792 Question put — will the Town choose a Representative for the ensuing year ? Passed in the affirmative. Chose Capt Josiah Yale to represent this Town in the General Court the present year. Chose Capt Enoch Garfield Moderator. Voted to remit the following Taxes — viz — on Samuel Porter's Bills. Hon. Theodore Sedgwick's Taxes £ — 5 — 0, and 12/2 on John Davis's Taxes Also George Parker's Taxes in full. Question put— will the Town choose a Committee to remit all such Taxes as they may think desperate ? Passed in the affirmative. Chose Ebenezer Jenkens EsqY Svlvs Dimmuck, Matthew Vanduser, Nathan Dillingham & William Ingersoll Esqr for the above Committee Voted that the road by Nichols's Mill near Lee's Biidge, so called (which was voted by the Towu in April last, might be turned [by Ashbel Lee], J so as to pass by the Silver Furnace) shall be, and hereby is established according to the former Boundaries, as recorded in the Towns Book, page 463. [Page 5J5.] Voted that the Assessors shall make up taxes on their present Valuation, making such alterations as they may think proper Chose William Ingersoll Esqr Deacon Oliver West, John Nye, Levi Nye & Nathan Dillingham Capt Josiah Yale a Committee to provide articles for the Ordination of Mr Hvde. Voted that the above Committee be. and they hereby are requested and authorized to consult Mr Hyde on the Subject of purchasing Land for him, and that they may purchase a Place in behalf of the Town, ac- cordingly, for the use of Mi" Hyde. Chose Levi Nye, Josiah Y^ale & David Porter a Committee to superintend the building of Horse- Sheds back of the meeting House. Voted that all persons who wish to build sheds as above, shall apply to the above Committee within two Weeks from this Day. Voted that all who agree to build Sheds shall erect them before or by the first of September next, otherwise tliey shall forfeit their priviledge of building said Sheds on the Town's Land. iThese three bracketed words are in the original. ™ 1792. Voted that the Pound s^hall be removed to Mr Willcox's Land, a little North of his House, within three Weeks from this Day, and is to be re- paired with new Sills all, two Braces to each Corner, and other new timber where the old is rotten. Aaron Benedict undertook to remove & repair the pound, as above, for tlie consideration of 27-/6D. Voted to allow Prince West ten Dollars for his Journey to get a minister — some years ago. Adjourned this meeting to tuesday the 22'1 Day of May instant, at 4 o'clock afternoon, to meet at this place. Tuesday, May 22d 1792 — The Town met according to adjournment Question Put will the Town discontinue the road leading from Esqr lu- gersoll's Southward, over the three Bridges, so called, to the South end of the South Bridge. — passed in the affirmative. Voted to accept a Road leading from William Ingersoll Ji"j to Elijah In- gersoll's according to N. Dillingham's Survey taken May 6th nyi. Voted that the South West District shall be allowed ten pounds, to be paid out of such Districts in Town as the Select Men may judge most proper. — Said ten pounds allowed for the purpose of helping to build a Bridge on the Road accepted above. At a legal Town Meeting on Monday the second Day of July Anno Dom- ini 1792 — Chose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Voted to pass over the second Article in the Warrant. Chose Sylvenus Dimmuck — Collector, to collect such Taxes as may be assess'd for the Salary and Settlement of the Revd Mr Alvan Hyde, the present year Voted that the Surveyors in the South part of the Town be, and they hereliy are directed to repair the three Bridges South of Esqr Ingersoll's, so thai; they may be passable for the present Summer. Dissolved the Meeting Aupt .30th 1792— Drew Nathan Ball Petit Juror. At a legal Town Meeting September 6th 1792. Chose William Ingersoll Esqv Moderator. Accepted the Road as turn'd or laid anew by Capt Tho? Crocker's. 1792-1793. ^' Accepted also the Road from Freeman Mosier's Northward, aud discon- tiuued the former Road through John Chadwick's Lot. "Voted to defer acting on the Survey of a Road leading from Cap* Gar- field's to the Forge, aud also that from the Forge to Beuja Hinckley's. Voted that the Pew reserved for our Minister, be aud is hereby given to , Mr Alvan Hyde, for him to improve so long as he sliall continue in the Office of the Ministry in this Town, and no longer. Voted that the Town's stock of Amunition be kept at the House of Nathan Dillingham. Appointed Ebenezer Jenkens Esqr and Josh^ Wells & Nath'} Ball, agents to attend the next Court of Sessions and make such objections against the Road, laid across Reuben Pixley'sLand, as they may think proper. — Voted to raise the Sura of twenty five pounds to defray former charges of the Pulpit. Chose Seth Abbott Grand Juror Drew Lieut Jo-; Whiton Petit Juror Dissolved the Meeting. At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Lee The votes bi-ought in for Representatives were as follows (viz) For the County of Berkshire. Esqr Sedgwick — 2G John Bacon Esqr g For tlie County of Hampshire — Samli Lyman Esq — 32 For the County of Worcester Artemas Ward Esq — 1 7 Jonathan Grout Esq 1 For the District at Large Esq Bacon 35 For the three Districts— David Cobb— 14 SamH Phillips Esq 17. The same Dav chose Lt John Nve Moderator — — Voted to refer the accepting of Roads to next March Meeting Voted to* raise thirty pounds to be laid out in purchasing Oak Plank three Inches thick for the repairing Bridges. Desovi.i the Meeting. Jany 14 1793 At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Lee The Votes brought in for Representatives were as follows (viz) for the County of Hampshire Hon. Samuel Lyman Esqr n Votes For the District Hon. Thompson J. Skinner Esqv — 22 Votes Hon. John Bacon Esqy^ — 1 Vote The Meeting Desolv^l 72 1793. At a legal Town Meeting, Monday, Feby 18, 1793. Chose Capt Enoch Garfield Moderator. Question put— Will the Town agree that iuuoculation for the Small Pox be set up in this Town ? Passed in the negative. Dissolved the Meeting At a legal, annual, March— Meeting, Monday March 4tii 1793 Chose Ebenezer Jeukens Esqr Moderator t Daniel Willcox Town Clerk — Josiah Yale ^ 3^^^^^ t John Nye - ^^^^ t Archalus Chad wick ) tChose Nathan Dillingham Town Treasurer tEbeurJeukins Esqr MinisterTreas- urer Samuel Porter — Constable undertook to Collect the taxes for twenty one shillings on the hundred Pound. John Nye and Jesse Bradley Jr be- came'surety for the faithful Dis- charge of his duty Jedediah Crocker » [ Fence [ Viewers Seth Backus Wardeens Tythingmen Surveyors of Highways tAbiathar Chadwick Aron Wormer tArou Benedict fjohu Nye tJohn Starnes | tCornelius Bassett Sen J jjacob Winegar 1 t Jacob Penoyer Hosreevps lEbenezer Squire .^ogieeves tTliomas Shaw J Hogs to run under the restrictions of the Law JSamuel Stanley), ^.^^ ^. t John Howk > Svlvanus Halett ) r, ^- tSJepheu Tobey S^^Xr' tSnmuel Porter ) "^"^i. Daniel Willcox Pound keeper t Nathan Dillingham Sealer of Wts & measm'es tSylvanus Dimmuck Sealr of Leath- er jDavid Stevens jSamuel' Stanley tCapt Abijah Merrill {Stephen Leonard 1^^ Wood [ Corders J tAsael Foot ^ tJoseph Bradley | fWilliam Whitney [ tDavid Baker J tNathan Ball tSeth Abbot ■fDaniel West +Ebeuv West tReubeu Barlow JEbeur Jenkins Jun^ tAbraham Perry Levi Nye t Jesse Gifford t John Freese t Jared lugersoll ,■« ilh lu jjan tJouathan Graves I ' ' J Treasurers NB Those names of Person of town officers with this t mark are sworn Voted to raise £ 65 as a Sallary for Mr Hyde the ensueing year Fenner Foot — Grave Digger II ^jor Jared Bradley ] ^ST^uf Esqr Ebenr Jenkins ). \^^^^^^^l Nathan Ball 1 ^Mtn tne Voted to raise £ 150 to repair highways { ''SlIUll" ill M.^. !' "diirccr" in MS. 1793. 73 Voted to accept of the report of a Committee Choseu 1790 to settle with the Towu treasvu-er found due to the towu £ (59 — 5 — 7 Voted to accept the report of a Committee Chosen 1791 to settle with the T. Treasurer And found due to the town £ 48 — 17 — 10 Voted to accept the report of a committee Chosen 1792 to settle with the towu Treasurer Found due to the town £ 179—5 — 9 — Voted to remit six shillings of Matthew Vandusens Tax in Sylvanus Dim- mucks hands Voted that James Penoyer have tne privilege of working out his highway Tax for 1791 Voted to remit six shillings of Benjamin Backus's tax in Sami Porters hands and the whole in Ebenf Jenkins hands Voted to Discontinue the road by Job Hamlins & to B. Backuses Chose Nath\ Bassett to keep the Meeting house the year eusueing Pass'd over the 4tii and 6 articles to Api meeting Adjourned to the fii-st monday of Api at the usual place at 11 o clock P. m. [A. M.] April 1st 1793 At a legal Town meeting on monday the first day of April 1793 Votes brought in for Rei^reseutatives to Congress as follows (viz) For the Destrict the Hond Dwight Foster Esqr 42 Votes For the County of Hampshire the Hond Sami Lyman Esqr 40 Votes Votes brought in for Governor of the Commonwealth For John Hancock Esqr 50 Votes Lt Governor Hon'd Samuel Adams Esqr 41 Senators Hon'd John Bacon Esqr 3s Elijah Dwight Esqr 30 Hon'd Thompson J. Skinner Esqr 11 Desolved the meeting Adjourned March meeting. The Towu met according to adjournment Chose David Ingersoll Grand Juror. Voted to raise £ 15 in addition to Mr Hydes Sallary or for Support of preaching 7* 1793 Voted to raise £40 for sujiport of Schooling Voted to accept aud Establish the old road by Dani Churches through John Freeses land & Baruam & others to James Andersons according to a survey bil Aug. 31—1792 Laid out by Jo? Yale, John Nye & Enoch Garfield. Dissolved the Meeting. April 1 1793 Drew Daniel Willcox Petit Juror. At a legal Town meeting on thursday the 16th day of May 1793 Question put will the Town Chose a Representative for the Eusueing Year ? — passed in the Negative Chose^Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Adjourn'd this meeting to monday the third day of June next at three- OClock P. M. June 3d 1793 The Town met according to adjournment Chose^Capt Jesse Bradley Moderator (Josiah Yale unwell & Excusd) Voted to accept of the return of a settlement with the Town Treasui-er by a, Comittee Chosen for that purpose Dated June 3d. 1793 The S} Commit- tee find a balance due to the town for town Taxes £ 106 — 19 — 2% And Minister Tax £ 97— 2— 5'-4 ■ • Voted to raise Eighty pounds to defray Town debts Voted to Choose a Comittee to Examine the fence around the Burying yard and apply to some person to repair the same and bring their ac- count in for payment.— Chose Levi Nye, Capt Tho« Crocker & Thomas. Beecher for the above named Committee Desolved the meeting At a legal Town Meeting monday August 26th 1793. Chose^Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Voted to acci'pt of the road from Becket line old road to the County road according to a survey bill Api 17tli 1792 made by Nath" Dillingham Question put shall the Assessors go around and take a new valuation ? Pass'd in the negative Voted that the Assessors shall Assess one hundred pounds of Mr Hydes Settlement at the next Assessment. Dissolv'd the meeting t "Choose" In m8. 1793-171^1. August 2Gtli 1793 Chose Capt Jesse Bnulley Ciraiul Juror 75 At a legal Town meeting on Monday the !)tii of Septf 1793 Choose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator. Question put will the[To\vn] repair the bridges across the river in this Town (viz) the bridge near the forge in t)ie south part of the town, and the great bridge near the meeting house, and the bridge near Ashbel Lee's ? Pass'd in the affirmative. Voted to raise by assessment forty pounds for the above purpose. Voted that the selectmen oversee the repairing of the above mentioned bridges and too appropriate the money according to the best discretion & Judgment Desolved the meeting At a legal Town meeting Monday November '^oth 1793. Choose Josiah Yale Moderator for Sd meeting. Voted to raise twenty pounds in Addition to school monies. Voted to pass over the third article. Desolv 'd the meeting. At a legal annual March meeting, Monday March 3d 179-1 Chose' Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Daniel Willcox T. Clerk josiah Yale ) John Nye Archs Chadwick) Select men tNathan Dillingham Town Treas- urer t Jesse Clark — Constable Undertook to Collect the taxes for two pounds fourteen shillings on the huiulred pound and Elisha Freeman & Jared Bradley be- came surety for the faithful dis- charge of his duty JThomas Beecher ) Tythingmeu TJonatnan Graves ) •' =■ jjob Hamlin > tJohu Keep / Wardeens Surveyors of highways tJared Bradley ^ fSeth Backus Lt Joseph Crocker Levi Nye tPeleg barlow t David Foot tCapt Abijah Merril f Capt Enoch Garfield tJoseph Crocker 2d | +Nathan Ball Jr +Jess Clark [ tDaniel West J William Ingersoll "1 tJames Orton | tJess Gilford ; Field drivers Oliver West | Seth Abbot J tisaac Davis ^ jEbeni; West | Fence tJob Hamlin |' Viewers tMatthew VanduseuJ "Choose" In ms. 78 1794. tJesse Randal "| tSeth Burden | ^^ eves tsilas Leonard \ " triio^ Crocker J tJohn H'llett ) Surveyors tSami Porter - of t Jedediah Crocker ) Lumber tNathan Dillingham Sealer of Wts & measures Daniel Willcox Pound keeper tSylvanus Dimmuck* Sealer of tLevi Chase )" Leather tSeth Backus » ^^ ^^^^^^.^ Reuben Pixlev) Nathaui Bas?ett to take the care of the meeting house NB those with this mark + have sworn to office Voted that the Selectmen be the Committee to settle with the T. Treasurer Voted to allow Nath\ Bassett eighteen shillings for keeping the meet- ing house Voted to pass over the 4tii article in the warrant Voted to choose a committee of 5 men to inspect bridges and report at Api. meeting. Choose Isaac Davis, EbenV Jenkins Esqr , Jared Bradley and David Porter & Josiah Yale for the above committee Voted that the T Treasurer be directed to call the collectors of more than one years standing to a settlement Voted to choose a Committee to confer with Masons & Carpenters about the expence of linishing the meeting house Choose Edmund Hinkley, Ebenr Jenkins Esq'; and Nathan Dillingham the above committee Voted to Adjom-n this meeting to the first Monday of Api. next at 13 o Clock Monday April Ttli 1794 the Town met according to adjournment. Opened the meeting and adjourn'd to -i o Clock P. M. the same day. Met according to adjournment Voted to repair the bridge betwixt Mr Tylers & the furnace by building two stone hutments and to be cover'd with three inch plank. Voted to raise money to repaii- all bridges in the town that is necessary to be repair'd. Voted to raise £ 100 for the above purpose Chose'Capt Josiah Yale to petition to the next Court to discontinue a piece of road in town kn[own] by the name of the 3 Bridges Adjourn d to Friday next at one o Clock P. M. At a legal Town meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Lee on Mon- day the seventh day of Api 1794 Choose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator t "Choose" In M3. 1794. Choose Seth Abbot Grand Juror for the year Eiisneing. Adjourn d this meeting to Friday next at 8 o Clock P M. At a legal Town meeting of the inhabitants of tlie Town of Lee on Mond[ay] the seventh day of April 1794 votes brought in for Governor, Lt Governor and Senators were as fol- lows (viz) for Governor For the Hon'd "William Cushion Esqi" (37 [Cusliing] For Lt Governor Hon'd S;imu»l A lams Es(iV (iii For Senators John Bacon E>qr 41 Tliompson J. Skinner Esqr 32 Elijah Dwight Esqr (j A<"j )uvuM March nieetiug. Friday Api 11th 1794 The town met according to adjournment. Voted to choose a Committee consisting of five men to ^inspect the re- , pairing the bridges (viz) one for each bridge. Choose John Nye to inspect the building the bridg near Jesse Wards Co' Bradley the bridg near the furnace. Deacon Nye tlie great bridge near the meeting house Isaac Davis the Hop brook bridge, Capt Merril the Cove Bridge. Choose Edmund Hinkley as an assistant to Deacon Nye Voted that for every faitliful days work shall be allow d four shillings, and four shilling pi' day for a team and cart sufficient to carry a load — Voted that each man begin his days work at 8 o Clock A M. and rest an hour at noon. Capt Tho« Crocker undeif 00k] to procure good hemlock plank 3 inches thick deliver'd at the bridge near the meeting liouse sufficient to cover the same at 10/1 pr Jiundred — Capt Jesse Bradley undertook to procure the plank to cover the bridges near Tylers and Jesse Wards deliver d at the bridges 8 inches thick at 10/ I pr hundred — John Starnes undertook to procure the plank for Hop brook bridge at the same rate. John Hulet undertook to procure the plank for the cove bridge at the same rate. Voted to raise seventy five pounds to repair highways to be laid out in labour at 4Al pr day until tlie first of Octr next then 2/6 Field Joseph Bradley )' drivers Stephen Tobey "| tSamnel Porter { Surveyors of tJohn Crosby Jr ( Lumber t John Keep J Nathan Dillingham Sealer of Wts <& measures Sam'. Chadwick Sealer of leather StepliPu Lftnnar) Surveyors of Thomas Shaw f wood George Bennett Sexton Drew John Ciosby to Serve as Grand- Juror the Ensueing year Voted that hogs run at large under the restrictions of the law — N.B. Those Persons who have this mark t anexed to their names are sworn to office Voted to raise the sum of seventy five pounds for the support of the Gos- pel the ensuein[g] year Voted to Choose a Committee of three men to inspect the bridges and make their report at the next April meeting — Choose Levi Nye, James Penoyer and Josiah Yale for the above Committee Voted to pass over the fifth article Voted to pass over the seventh article Voted to discontinue the road from Ebenezer Squier's to the County road leading from Lee meetinir-house to Stockbridge Voted to pass ovpr the ninth and tenth articles Voted to At.jdurn the nieetin[g] to the first monday of April at lOo.Clock A. M. 1795. 81 April fith 1795 the Town met according to adjournment Voted to accept the report of a committee Chosen to inspect the bridges and estimate the charge of repairing them as follows (viz) The bridge over the river near James Penoyer's £ 4 — — The bridge over the river near Nathan Ball's 3 — — The bridge over the brook near Edmnnd Hinkley's 18—0—0 — archA with stone Tlie bridge over the brook near Levi Chase's 8 — — The bridge over the brook near Tho^ Beechers 7 — — — cover'd with stone The bridge over the river near the Forge — 9 — — £ 49—3—0 Voted to repair the above mentioned bridges in the same way that the bridges was repaired the last year Voted to raise £ 50 in addition to the above £ 49 — to bnild a bridge over the river near Nathan Ball's to be a part laid out in procuring materials the ensaeing winter for the above bridge Choose James Peuoyer as a Committee [to] inspect the repairing the bridge near [his] house Josiah Yale the bridge near Nathan Ball's Edmund Hinckley — the bridge near his house ' Joseph Whiton the Forge bridge Levi Ny the bridge near Levi Chases and the bridg near Thos Beecher's Voted to Choose a Committee [to] rebuild tlie bridge over the brook near Job Hamliiis and the cost taken out of the last mentioned £50 Choose Job Hamlin for the above Committee Voted to repair the bridge near Nathan Davis in the same way that the bridge liear Job Hamlins isrepair'd and the Committee shall inspect the same and make their report to the select men Voted to raise £100 to repair highways Choose Jesse Gifford to inspect the repairing the last mentioned bridge Voted to raise £40 (Exclusive of the Hoplands) to support schools the eusueing year Voted to Divide or lay out the school money according to the list Voted to raise £18 to pay Gospel arrearages Voted to Adjourn'd^this Meeting May 6th 1795 at one o Clock P. M. At a legal Town meeting on Monday Api. 6tli 1705 Votes brought in for Governor For Hondi«* Sami Adams 47 For Hon'd Moses Gill 2 For William Cushing Esqr 9 I gjg For Nathaniel Gorham Esqr 2 ^ 1795. Lieut Governor Moses Gill Esqr 27 Nathi Gorham Esqr 17 For Senators Johu Bacon Esqr 31 Thompson J. Skinner Esqr 19 Gideon Wheeler Esqr 12 Desolv'd The meeting Adjourn'd Marcii Meeting. Wednesday May 6tii 1795 The Town met according to adjournment Voted to submit Esq Jenkin's affair relative to his expense in defending the expense of a suit brouglit against him by James Finney, to the Selectmen to allow wnat they think best, or Reasonable Toted to allow Edmund Hinkley £ 2—0—0 for Labour on the bridge in \ Jan— 1794. | Voted to allow Levi Xye £ 1—13— 11 for Labour done on the bridge in June 1795. Voted to allow Daniel Willcox — 13 — 8 for the above mentioned Labour. Voted to allow John Nye — 18 — for the above mentioned Labour. Voted to allow Capt Jesse Bradley £ 1—6 for plank and work &c. Voted to allow Col Bradley 17/6 for attending Court &c. Voted to allow Eph Williams & Sami Qu.incy Attorneys £ 1—6 — Voted to allow Jesse Clark — £ 0-12—6. Voted to allow Nathan Dillingham £ 0—9—6. Voted to allow John Nye — — 4 — . Voted to allow John Crosby J'; — 5-0-0 for road Damages. Voted to allow Jonathan Finney — 1—4—0 for road Danuiges. Voted to allow Thos Beecher — G—5 — for road Damages. Voted to allow George Bennett — «)— 0— for road Damages. Voted to allow Seth Backus — 1-10—0 for road Damages. Voted to allow Enoch Garfield — 4—0—0 for road Damages. Voted to allow Sylvanus Hulet — 3-0-0 for Do Do Voted to allow John Freese — 0-14-0 for Do Do. Voted to Raise £ 75-0 — to Defray Town charges. Voted to allow John Starnes £ 1 — 10 to Joseph Whitou £ 1 — 14 to Sylvanus Hulet £ 2 0-0 Voted to raise £ 10 — — to procure plank for bridges Voted that the price of highway labour be 4/^ pr day and the same for a team until the first of October thence 2/6 until Novr thence 2/^ Voted that the farm and family of Ebenr Swift be left with the care of the Selectmen Desolved the meeting 1795-179(3. ^ At a Legal Town Meeting "Wednesday May 6th 1795 Question put will the Town Choose a Representative for the Eusuein[g] year ? Passd in the negative Yotes for the Revision of the Constitution (viz) in favor '27 votes Desolv'} the Meeting At a Legal Town meeting, Thursday October Stli 1795 Choose Co'. Jared Bradley Moderator Voted that the interest of Mr Ebenezer Swift be given up to his Son Owen in consequence of his becomeing Surety for a Comfortable Maintenance of that part of the family which is supported by the Town Question put will the Town raise a sum of Money to build a bridge over the river near James Peuovers ? Pass'd in the negative Voted that the Selectmen Lay a road from James Penoyer's across the river &c Voted that the Select men view the several spots of highway that want repairing and give orders to the several surveyors to repair the said roads on the Credit of the next year's highway Tax at 8/.^ pr day Desolvrt the meeting Annual March meeting, Monday March 7tli 1790 Choose Josiah Yale JNloderator Choose Wi» Ingersoll, Seth Abbot Jared Braaley to Regulate a list of Jurors Choose Daniel ^Yillcox T. Clerk — Choose Josiah Yale ) gg;^^^^ John Nye - ^^^^^_ ArchalausChadwick ) Drew Capt Thomas Crocker to serve as a Grand Juror the eusueing year Choose Nathan Dillingham Town Treasurer Choose Josiah Yale Minister Treasurer Choose Calvin Ingersoll Constable who undertook to Collect the Taxes for 7 Dollars on the £ 100 John Nye and Elisha Freeman became surety for the faithful discharge of his said office Choose Nathan Dillingham Town Treas — Job Hamlin David Ingersoll Stephen Couch ) * Tything men Surveyors of highways f Jared Bradley tDaniel ^Yillcox 1 John Couch J'" tJEphraim Sheldon Fence Viewers Levi Nye, Oliver West Thomas Beecher Ploe-reeves t Joseph Bradley tDavid Hamlmg tSamuel Couch tLevi Robinson Daniel Willcox Pound keeper — Voted that Hogs run at large under the restrictions of the Law 84 1796. Field Drivers tLemuel Barlow tJacob Wiuegrar tChristopher Hurltut Dauiel Church Sen^ Surveyors of lumber tJohn Crosby Jr tJoseph Wyilys tStexihen Tobey tSamuel Porter Sealer of Wts & measures fXathau Dillingham Sealer of Leather Sylvauus Dimmuck Wood corders tAron Graham tBeujamiu Stevens James Gilford Sexton Nathi Bassett to sweep the meet- ing house NB Those with this + mark are sworn to office Voted to raise ninety pounds for M'; Hydes sallary and pay arrearages. Voted to raise eighty pounds to defray Town charges. Voted to raise one hundred and fifty pounds to repair highways Voted that the road from the Gibbs farm ( so calld ) tliro' Jared Bradley's land be a pent road that is w;th Gates or bars so long as the Town shall ■ think fit Voted that the road from Ebenr Squiers to the road leading to the red school house be Discontinued Voted to Adjourn this meeting to the first Monday of Api next at two O Clock afternoon Annual April meeting Monday April 4tii 179) Votes brought in for Governor, Lt^ Governor & Senators Governor — For The Hond Increase Sumner 64 votes - Lt Governor — For the Honci Moses Gi.l 68 — For Senators John Bacon Esq — 65 Thompson J. Skinner 6o Adjonrn'd March meeting Monday Api 4th 1796 The town met according to adjournment Voted to pass over the 7th Article Votes for County Register for the middle Destrict as follows For Daniel Williams 35 votes For Samuel Quincy 25 votes For Eldad Lewis 3 votes For Thaddeus Thompson 1 vote — Voted to procede and Finish the meeting house as it now is Voted to reconsider the last vote with regard to finishing the meeting house 1796. «5 Voted that Individuals shall havo tho privilege of Finishing the meeting hous[e] and have tho piivilofje of building piews in the porch allies and selling them toward defraying the Expence that may arise Voted to raise £ 40 to support schools tlie ensueing year Voted to Divide the school money by the list Voted that M" Hydes salary be paid to the Treasurer by the first day of Feb. next Voted that the Town's money be paid to the Treasurer by the first day of Deer next Voted that the school money be paid by the first of February Voted that the price of labour on the highway be 4/o i fm- each faithful days work and the same for a team & plow or cart. Voted that boys not 1(5 years old shall not be allow'd wages on tlie highways Voted to reconsider the last vote, the wages be left to the Surveyors re- specting boys Adjouru'd this meeting to Tuesday the 3(1 day of May next at four O Clock afternoon Adjourn'd March meeting — Tuesday May 'i'} 1796 The Town met according to Adjoui-nment Voted to accept of a highway of two rods wide from William Whitney to the high[way] by Archalaus Chadwick's on the line of David lugersoll and Archalaus Chadwick's being 34 Rods long — William Whitney to pay Archs Chadwick 5 Dollars & Da via Ingersoll 4 Dollars Voted that highway surveyors draw their pay from the T. Treasurer Voted the [that] James Penoyer Repair the old bridge near his house for a foot bridge on his own expence Voted to adjourn this meeting to the second Tuesday of June at 4 O, Clock P. M. At a legal Town meeting Tuesday May 3'^ 1796 Question put will the Town choose a representative for the ensueing year ? Pass} in the affirmative Votes brought in as follows (viz) Josiah Yale 31 — Eben'; Jenkins 19— Col Bradley 2 — Choose Josiah Yale Tuesday, June 14th 1796 Adjourned March meeting Opened Choose Deacon Nye Moderator Capt Yale absent Vc ted to Choose a Committee of three men to \T.ew bridges in Town and ascertain the money that requires to be expended on bridges and make report at the next meeting Choose John Couch Jr Nathan Dillingham and Levi Nye for the above Committee Dissolv'd ^ 1796. At a legal Town meeting on Monday July lltb 1796 Choose Capt Nathan Dillingham Moderator for s"^ Meeting Question put; will the town rebuild the bridge near Jedh Crockers ? Pass'd in the affimative — Voted to reconsider the last mentioned vote Voted to build a bridge East of Job Hamlins Saw mill on the County road across the brook ' Voted to build a bridge over the brook on the new county road between Seth Backus's and Ab'.ii Finney's Voted to rebuild the bridge over the brook by Hall's old Potash [factory?] East of Walley Backus's farm Voted to build a bridge over a gully West of Thomas Ewer Voted to rebuild the bridge near Aron graham' s Question put, will the town build a bridge over the river near Jam. Pen- oyer's ? Pass'd in the Negative Voted to raise £ 80 to build and repair bridges as above voted — to be laid out at the direction of the Selectmen Voted to Choose a Committee to superintend each bridge Jedediah Crocker for Hamblin's bridge Levi Nye the New County road bridge John Howk the Potash bridge Thomas Ewer his bridge Joseph Whiton Grahams bridge Dissolved the meeting At a legal Town meeting Monday Septr 5th 1796 Votes brought in for a Federal Representative for the Western District for Congress — as follows (viz) For Ephraim Williams Esqv ] 30 For Barnabas Bidwell Esq. 'S For Hon Thompson J. Skinner 1 — At a Legal Town Meeting Monday Septr 5th 1796 Choose Josiah Yale Moderator for sd Meeting Dissolv'd the meeting At a Legal Town meeting, Monday Novr 7th 1796 Choose Capt Josiah Yale Moderator Voted to adjourn this meeting for half an hour JVieeting Opened according to adjournment 1796. S7 Questiou put, will the town build a new meeting house provided a Com- mittee hereafter cau agree with those persons who own piews to the acceptance of the Town ? Pass'd in the affirmative Voted to Choose a committee of twelve men for the above purpose Choose Josiah Yale, John Nye, Enoch Garfield, Levi Nye, Seth Abbot , Elisha Freeman, Nathan Ball, Nathan Bassett, Jed'.i Crocker, Joseph Whiton, Edmund Hinkley, David IngersoU. Voted to pass over the ii^} Article Voted to Choose a Committee of three men to Mercy Backus's circum- stances Choose Elisha Freeman, Jed\i Crocker & Levi Nye Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday 21st Instant two O clock P. M. Monday Novy 21st 1796 The town met according to adjournment Choose Capt John Nye Moderator ( Capt Yale absent ) Voted that the selectmen settle with Mv Stephen Tobey for keeping Mercy Backus the year past and take the remains of her property for the use of the Town and provide her a place of Residence and whenever her uneasiness is Discover'd for her to apply to the selectmen for a new place Voted that Martha Deen, Hannah Levite (as Poor) be submitted to the Selectmen for a fatherly care Dissolv'd the meeting At a legal Town meeting on Monday the Ttli of Novr 179G Votes brought in for an Elector for President [&J Vice President as follows- For Truman Wheeler Esq — 103 votes For David Roseter Esq — 4 votes For Thomas Ives Es(i — 1 vote Votes brought in for a Federal Representative ' For Ephraim Williams Esq — 98 votes For Barnabas Bid well Esq — 21 votes For Thompson J. Skinner Esq 3 votes At a legal Town meeting on Monday the 21st Novr 1796 Votes brought in for a Representative to Congress for the first Westera Destrict in the room of Theodore Sedgwick Esq. For Ephraim Williams Esq. 35 For Barnabas Bidwell Esq 13 For Thompson J. Skinner Esq 2 For John Bacon Esq 1 1797. Annual March Meeting, Monday March 6th AD 1797 -Choose Esq Jenkins Moderator Selectmen — John Nye tArchalaus Chadwick Joseph Whiton Voted to adjourn this meeting to Nathan Dillingham's The Town met according to Ad- journment — Choose DanielWillcoxTownCler [k. ] Choose Nathan Dillingham Town Treasurer Nathan Ball Minister Treasurer -Chose Abraham Howk Constable who undertook to Collect the Taxes the ensueing year for 12 Dollars on the hundred pound and Daniel Church and John Howk became surety for the faith- ful discharge of his duty Tythingmen Nathi Bassett Jesse Clark David IngersoU — Josiah Yale Nath" Ball Jr Jared Bradley Ebenr West Jedediah Crocker Nathan Bassett Rufus Stanton Freeman Mosier 1 Surveyors of highways - J Voted that the Surveyors of high- ways attend with their men and their demand (after deducting their Taxes) to draw out of the Town Treasurer — Voted to Choose a Committee of three men to settle with the Treasurers Chose Edmund Hinkley, John Nye, and Eben^ Jenkins Esq TJohu Hulett ] t Josiah Willoughby 1 Fence Ebenr West j" viewers Elijah West j Voted that Hogs Run at large un- der the restrictions of the Law — tBenjaii Stevens "1 Christopher Hurlbut [ Hog tLevi Robinson | Reeves tJosiah Willoughby J •fLemi Barlow Stephen Dexter Jacob Penover Abni Perry [ Field David Stephens \ drivers Lodowick Gardner Ben j '.> Hinkley | David IngersoU J Surveyors of Lumber) tJohn Crosby Jr tjohn Hulett ) Sealer of Wt^ & measures » Nathan Dillingham ..^^ > Sealer of Leather) Sami Chadwick > Wood Corders ) Thos Shaw :- tJohn Hulett ) James Gilford Sexton Peter Willcox Pound keeper Nathi Bassett to take Care of the Meeting house N.B Those with this t mark are sworn to office Voted to raise 300 Dollars for the support of the Gospel the ensueing year Voted to raise 300 Dollars to defray Town debts Voted to raise 200XDollars to support Schools the ensueing year ■ Voted to reconsider the last vote and in the room thereof to laise 150 Dollars Voted to raise 500 Dollars to repair highways 1 r-O" Xilh . 8U Voted to allow au account of Dr Sergeant of £ 3—11 for visits & medicine administered to Jonathan West in his Last sickness Voted to allow Natlian Ball J'; 5 Dollars for Collecting a Minister tax for 179o Voted to allow Josiah Yale 5 Dollars for horse hire and expences and time in attending Court at Northampton X Voted to Choose Esq Jenkins an Ageant to attend Court in consequence of an Indictment against the Town by James Penoyer Voted that the above Ageant be directed to Petition the Court to discon- tinue a County road from Edward Willcox's to Gt Barrington line — Voted to vendue ]Marcy Backus a Towns poor by the week, if sick to be allowed in proportion by the Town — bid oft' by Sami Porter for the Term of One Year at 5/ycl Per week Lois West Daughter of Jonathan West Deceasd a Towns Poor bid off by Sami Jones at l/'iPer week to be Cloth d at the expence of the Town Lydia another of the same poor bid off by W'n Sturges at 1/3 the Con- sideration Alvan brother to the two last bid of at 1/3 pr week bid of by Sami. Porter Voted to Reconsider the Vote in Choosing Ab'" Howk Constable and Clioose Ephi>» W^illiams in his room at 1:3 Dollars on the £ 100 Elisha Crocker & Nathan Ball became surety for the faithful discharge of his dury Adjourned this meeting to the first monday of Api at 9 o clock A M. Adjom'n,d March Meeting Monday April 3^ 1797 The Town met according to Adjournment Voted that the price of highway labour be 4/6 a^ippf ^Tq,, Oliver West, > Road from Charity Davis's to the Bridge above Mansfield's Mill Begins at Stake & Stones E. side John Davis Lot then W. 6= N. across s'l Davis's Land to Reuben Pixleys Line then across the Lot to a stake on E. Bank of Isaac Davis meadow 123 Rods, then West 28 f N. to a Maple 60 Rods marked H. then West 45 N 21 Rods Then West 34= N. 116 Rod to a Stake at the E. end of Bridge above the Mill, said Road 4 Rod Wide 2 Rod North of side line 1 1 I Jesse Bradley, Amos Mansfield' Sepv !)th 1781 II Josiah Yale— Select Men, [See p. 24.] Survey of a Road begining at a great Hemlock tree the S. side of Spring Brook in Thomas Crockers Land bought of Eleazer W^est and others at the end of a Road Laid out before. Thence X. 5= E. 2 Rods then W. 20 = N. 12 Rods, then North 42 Rods to John Coffeys Laud, then North 13 = West 23 Rods then N. 15= E. 26 Rods 13 Link, then N. 1 = E. 32 Rods to a Hemlock marked H on Levi Nye's Land then N. 4f W. 40 Rods then N. 2 = 30 minits W. 40 Rods to the N. E. corner of Levi Nyes Barn then N. 8f 30 min. W. 18 Rods to a Large Hetnlock stump 10 feet easterly of Mr Nye's Shop on the Road lead g to Becket — "p^'' Phins Brown Sur — 29th March 1784 [1782] ■{ Ebenr Jenkens, Oliver West ,^ Select men [See p. 24— Tne error in date, probably made by copyist ; see p. 61.] 114 East Road from the Furnace to Mr Lee's— Begins at Lenox Line in Mr Lee's Corner on the Bank of the River, then run'g on said River 23 Rods to a Cherry Mark'd H— road on the E. side, then E. 3= North, 14 Rods to a Hemlock Marked H then E. 9° S. 44 Rods to a Stake Marked H on the Road leading by Capt Bradleys said Road from the River to be the south [side] of the Line-And to be 2 Rods Wide— Sm-vey d by Mr Crocker, Jesse Bradley, Amos Mansfield. Road from Becket Line Begins at a Black Oak in Becket line then W. 10? N. 34 R S 38°E. 18 Do to a Hemlock E. 32= S. 22 Do to Do.E 23. S. 14 Rd Do E. 35 S. 10 Rd D? E 15 S. 12 Rd Do East-73 Rd Do E 9= N. 42 Rd Beach E. 30' N. 14 Rd hemlock E. 8. S. 30 Rd Basswood in Dn Bradley's East line— S. 50 E. 14 Rd ash-East-20 Rd Hemlock by a brook— E. 16 S. 8 Rd Hemlock— E. 12 N 44 Rd Beach— E. 26 S. 44 Rd Ben Smith's Potatoe-Hole E. 89 S. 24 Rd to the Old Road leading thro' Doge Town The Road two Rods wide from the Begining till it comes to hilly ground then three rods wide to the end Don by — Nathan Ball, Prince West, ■I Select Men '- Novr 1787 N Dillingham Surveyor [See p. 45.} 117 Piece of a Road from Leiiox Line by Jesse Raudle's Begins in the South Line of Leuox Near Elisha Percival's House, then ruuiug South 2ai' West 55 Rods to Stake & Stoues in the South Line of tlae aforesaid Randle's Land hitherto the Road is three Rods Wide, thence forward the same Course before, six Rods, to the Line of an Old Road, and but two Rods Wide — And all lies West the aforesaid Line — Laid Out By Prince West, Nathan Ball ■; Select Men } Nathan Dillingham Survey r [See p. 49] Road from Enoch Garfield's to Eleazer Wests. Begins at the South West Corner of Capt David Porter's Lot Opposite the aforesaid Garfields House — then runing North 20- East 6U Rods to Capt Porters North Line N. 11= E. 19 R^i to Stake & Stones N. 19= E. 64 Rod, to Do Do N. 33i= E. 29 Rd to Stump & Stones N. 46= E. 37 Rd to Stake & Stones N. 39 f 178 Rd to Do Do in Line of the County Road leading to Stockbridge — Said Road is 3 Rods wide, & lies west of the aforesaide Line. Laid out by Prince West, Nathan Ball } Select Men N Dillingham Survr [Seep. 49.] Road from Reuben Pixley's Northward Begins at a Stake & Stone^ South East of said Pixleys in the Line of the Road leading to Tyringham, by a Certain Brook, thence runing North 6= East 24 Rods to a Stake & Stones. N. 8= W. 28 Rods to a Hemlock tree. N. 22- W. 42 Rods to Stake & Stones in the West Line of the Old Road Said Road is four Rods Wide, and lies East of the above Said Line Laid Out by, Nathan Ball* Select June 14. 1788 Prince West/ Men Nathan Dillingham Surveyr [Seep. 51.] Road from Jonathan foot Jrs to Jonathan Foot Senrs Begins at a Stake & Stones in the West Line of the Old Road leading from Jonathan foot Jrs to Andrew West's about 10 feet from said foot's Barn— thence runing South 20 = West to the County Road Oppisite Jon- athan foot Senrs Barn. Said Road is three Rods Wide and lies East of the aforesaid Line. Laid out by — Seth Backus > Select Prince West)" Men Nathan Dillingham Surveyr Feb. 28, 1789 [See p. 53.] 118 Road from the Furnace to Washington Line Begins at a Stake «fe Stones in the North Line of a Road from the Furnace in Lenox, and on the top of a Hill east of the Furnace, and in the line betwixt the Town of Lee & Lenox— thence runing East 33^= N. 50 Rods to a Stake & Stones— then E. 36° N. 42 Rd to a Stake & Stones then N. 34= 10 Rd to a Stake & Stones- then N. 52= E. 10 Rd to a Stake & Stones in the Line of an Old road- then in said Old Road, Eutirly to a Stake & Stones a few Rods South of Ebeazer West's Barn, thence East 7= N. 33d to a Stake & Stones— then East 21 ° N. 14 Rd to a Stake & Stones— then E. 7° N. 13 Rd to a Stake & Stones— then South 34° E, 10 Rdto a tree marked South 7? E. 19 Rd to a heap of Stones— E. 15= S. 13 Rdto a tree— E. 5= S. 34 Rd to a Hem- lock Stump— N. 8= E 68 Rd to a tree marked— N. 58= W. 5 Rd N. 10= E. 13 Rd— N. 64= E. 36 Rd N. 33= E 8 Rd North 18 Rd — N. 16= E. 12RdN. 30= E 10 Rd N. 20= W. 20 Rd N. 5 = E. 20 Rd —East 8 Rods— N. 45= E. 32 Rd thence by a Line of Trees marked H Northerly & Easterly till it meets a road Laid by the Town of Washington to the North East Line of this Towm The above Road is laid three Rods Wide and lies southerly & east- erly of the above Mentioned line — Done by Joshua Wells (Select)^ Jesse Bradley i\ Men > Sepr 3d 1789 Nathan Dillingham Surveyor [Seep. 55.] [The preceding surveys are in the writing of John Powers, copyist (see p. 61,)— the next four in N. Dillingham's writing, and the remaining in Daniel Wilcox's.] Road from William Ingersoll J^^ Northward to Elijah Ingersoll's Begins at a Stake near Wm Ingersoll's Jr Barn on the Road leading to Stockbridge, tbence N. 20= E. 23 Rd 9 Links to a Stake & Stones— N. 27= E. 54 Rd to a Stake & Stones— Same course 26 Rd to an Elm Stump by the River— thence across the River to a Hemlock Tree mark'd H— N. 19° E. 78 Rd to Stake & Stones in the Road leading from Stockbridge to the House of William Ingersoll Esqr Said Road is laid 3 Rods wide and lies East of the aforesaid Line Done by Josiah Yale) N. Dillingham Surveyor. Jno Nye - Select Men accepted, May 22-1792— Enoch Garfield) [See p. 70.] March 6-1797 Voted to discontinue the first part of sd road to the river [Last line written by D. Wilcox, Clerk in 1797.] Road from Freeman Mosier's Northward, Begins at a Maple Tree a little South of Mosier's House in the East Line of the old Road: thence N. 72i W. 20 Rd to a Stake & Stones; thence N. 55° W. 58 Rd to a Bass Wood Tree— t "Braddley" in MS. 119 N. 41° West to a Hemlock Tree & N. 22=" W. 42 rods to the old Road; theuce from a Hemlock near a Spring, N. 38= W. 43 Rd— N. 19= E. 24 Rd—N. 25« W. 30 Rd— N. 12° E. 19 Rd — N. 1° E. 28 Rd to the old Road by Isaac Davis's House. Laid by Josiah Yale, John Xye Enoch Garfield-Select-Men — N. Dillingham SurveyorllAngt ,31-1792.11 The above Road is 3 Rods wide, and lies West of the above described Line. [Seep. 71.] Road by Thomas Crocker's, altered. Begins at an Apple Tree, east side of tlie Road, opposite said Crocker's House— thence S. 7° E. 20 Rd to an Apple Tree— S. 23= E. 20 Rd to au Elm Staddle in the East Line of the old Road. Same Road alter'd across the Toad Farm so called. Beginiug at a Stake & Stones in the East Line of the old Road at the Foot of a Hill; thence Southward, ruuiug by the River about three or four Rods from said River to the North Line of the Toad Farm — theuce South 4^ Degr West, in all, 100 Rods to a Stake & Stones in the East Line of the aforesaid old Road. The Road from Thomas Crocker's to Reuben Pixley's laid 3 Rods Wide. The above mentioned Lines are on the East Side of the Road.^ — Accepted Sepr 6—1792 — Josiah Yale, ) N. Dillingham Sm-veyor. John Nye - Select Men — Enoch Garfield —) [Seep. "J.l Road from Washington by Jesse Ward's. Begins at a Hemlock Tree on Washington Line, at the end of a Road laid in said Washington — thence runiug South 10= West 27 Rods to a Beach Tree — Thence South 6= East 19 Rods to a Beach Tree — theuce South 1 = East 45 Rods to a Beach Tree by the Bridge that leads to Lieu- tenant Newel's in Lenox, and in the line of the old Road laid out in Lee — Said Road is three rods wide, and lies East of the aforesaid line. Done Jan. 25. 1793. by John Nye)^ ^, . ,, N. DUlingham Survevor Enoch Garfield > ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Becket old road new laid Road from Becket line to the County road Beginning at Becket line at an oak Tree thence West 10= N. 25 Rods to a Beach marked H W 17 S. 22 Rods to a Beach marked H S-10 rods to a 120 Hemlock Staddle S 32 W 18 Rods to a Beach mark'd H iu County road The above Line is South & East of the road which is 3 Rods wide. Nathan Dillingham Josiah Yale ) g^ ^ Purveyor John Nye) [Seep. 74.] ' Road from the Northerly Corner of 3(1 Division Hopland Lots No 10 & 11 To A Merrills— Thence South 6= W. 28 R S. 25= E 51 R to a large pine tree Same Course 12 Rods South 5= West 11 R to a Swamp maple— South 14° W. 38 R to a Srake South ti = E 68 [?] R— South 5 f West 20 R & IS L to the County road leading by the Forge— Said road is 3 Rods wide & on the left hand of the line— Done Octv 1794 by the Selectmen. Api 1795 Accepted by the Town Road from the N line of Gt Barrington (on Bear Town so Calld) North- erly to the County road— Begining at a Stake & Stones on^^said line- Thence N. 23 E. 8 R N. 14 E. 30 R N. 20 W. 9 R N 57 W 10 R^W. 12 N 13 R. W. 10 S. 22 R W 6 S. 3U R W. 36 R W 46 N. 8 R— N. 16 W 14 R to a Ohesnut tree markd on the sLv line of the County road — Said road is 3 Rods wide & on the right hand of sA line Done Oct'; 23d 1795 by the Selectmen March 7th 1796 Accepted by the Town — Road from James Penoyers easterly across the river to the County road- Begin a bar post at the corner of the old road near Penoyer's house — Thence North 45 f E. to the west bank of the river Said road is 2 Rods wide and on the left hand— Thence across the river at right angles with the river— Thence on the line between Eli Bradley & Seth Backus one rod each side 29 R. 16 L. to the County road— Done Deer 9th 1795 by the Select men — May 3d 1796 Accepted by the Town — [Seep, w.l 5 Road from William Ingersoll's Juurs Altered to the river Begining at a stake West of Ingersolls house and on the line between lugersoll and John Couch Thence N. 30= E 80 Rods Thence N. 36= E 30i Rods to the river where the former road Crosses — Accepted by the Town March 6tli 1797 and the Old road so far discon- tinued Laid out by Daniel Willcox Feb. 26tli 1797 — Sd road is 3 Rods wide and the line on the Centre 121 Road from Sami Chadwicks to Sami Joues — Begin at a bar post East of Chadwicks Orchard— Thence W. 35 S. 33 R 6 L— W. 25 S. 19 R West 4 ° S. 15 R to the road leading to L Robinsons Done March 1798 by the Selectmen Api 2ha, Crocker's, and that by the meeting house. The last, now (1&9T> Park street, having been lately surveyed from the "bill" as given on page HI, near enough for practical purposes. But were it of consequence, none of th.-m could be accurately surveyed, for such stations as "Mrs. Davis's door," "Levi Nye's shop," "Ben. Smith's potatoe-hole," the hemlocks, "beaches," stumps, "stadels," eic, have long since passed away. 122 T}'rino;ham In perambulating rhe Line betwixt. Lee & Tyringham we began at the South East Corner of Lee and run North 35 Deg^ East 546 rods to a heap of stones, the North West Corner of Tyringham, coming out one rod and three Links easterly of said Corner, or so much varied on Tyringham side. thence East 3 Degs North 666 rods to the upper Goose Pond, having set up a stake & stones at the end of every eighty I'ods. The Pond uotmeasured- beyond the Pond, no monuments erected, nor exact measure kept. The old Line South-East of the Pond, and the last or east Corner could not be found. Done Novr lOtt & llth( with the Select Men and Surveyor of Tyringham) A. D. 1791. — John Nye) Select Enoch Gartield - Men of A true Copy from the minutes. Novr 1791 ) Lee — [The above written by X, Dillingham ; the two following by Daniel Wilcox.] Lee Novr ISOO The line betwixt The Towns of Lee & Tyringham Per- [am"|bulated by the Selectmen of both Towufs.] — Monuments erected & marks renew' d Becket line Perambulated Novr 1800 Began at the N. E. corner Thence S. 5= W to Tyringham line Erected Monuments & renewed marks Novr 1800 By the Select men of Becket & Lee D. Wilcox Suiveyor prior 1o irc Note— The above are the only entries on the town bcoks^relatirig to peranil ulation of lines between this and contiguous towns ; although an act passed in 1TS6, required it to be done within three years, ai d once every five year.- fore ver.alter, and that each time the procedings should be enteied on the town b', oks. See p. 815. 123 J'ettce-©ii?t0ion0, Feuce between Sam' Chadwick & Jo^ Nichols — — Begins at a Bass wood Tree at the Soutliwest Corner of Sam\ Chadwick Laud theuce - ruuiug East thirty six Rods tliirty seven Links to a Stake & Stones from thence riming Westward vice versa on Said Line eighteen Rods, eighteen Links and a half to a Stake and Stones whicli is to be Sanii Chadwick's to Support and Maintain according to Law, From said Stake & Stones Westward said Bass wood Tree, eighteen Rods & eighteen Links and a half is to be the part of Joseph Nichols to Main- tain & Support according to Law Lee Augt Tfi 17SG Seth Backus, Joseph Crocker { Fence Viewers — We the Subscribers being requested by Ashbel Lee to run the Line be- tween him the Said Lee & Joseph Nickols, we accordingly began at a Stake & Stones according to said Lee's Deed, and run 74 Rods West- : ward to a Stake & Stones which is the Westward Bounds of said Lee's Land, thence Eastward vice versa on said Line thirty Seven Rods which part of the fence viz. from the Western Bounds of said Lee's Land East- ward thirty Seven Rods to a Stake & Stones) belongs to the said Lee to Make & repair according to Law. and from thence to the river Thirty Seven Rods to a Stake & Stones on or near the Bank of the River, which part of the fence belongs to Joseph Nichols to make & repair according to Law. Lee August 17 rh 1786. ,, Seth Backus, Joseph Crocker -| fence Viewers [The record of the above divisions i.s in the hand of John Powers, copyist— see p. 61; the last, in that of Daniel Wilcox, cleric in 18J0.] Lec Septr 30tii 1800 Be it remembered that we the subscribers fence viewers for the Town of Lee for the present year being requested to divide the partition fence between Seth Nye & Peter & Dan\ Wilcox have proceeded to the business & divided sc^ fence as follows have assign'd to Seth Nye one rod on the west end of s'l fence to make & repair. Then the s^} Peter & DanJ to make & repair fourteen rods & seven Links, Then the said Seth to make & repair twenty rods & eleven Links- Then the s AD: 1777 then Was Noah Burdiu of Lee ani Avis Th* * * * + of Chesterfield Was Published According to Law by me Prince West Town Clark — December 229 — Children of Archalaus Chadwick and Sarah his wife Thomas born monday March 3^1 1777 Jabez born Saturday August 14th ]779 Elis-abeth bcrn thursday Jaly 27th i7si John born Monday Novr ISth 1 78 3 And Died October 4th 1 784 — John born Monday August 23^ 1784 Samuel born Saturday February 24th 178B And Died August 2l)th 1787- Sarah born Saturday October 20th 1787 Samuel born Sabath August 24th 1789 — Rhoda born February 12th 1792 Ancel born Thursday November 21-*t 1793 — Daniel born Monday August 22 ]79f) Children of George Chanter & Martha his wife William born Octr 07th i78o — 150 Children of Levi Chase and Tempereuce his wife Polly born Deer 1777 Silence born July 31 — 1779 Levi May 25 — 1781 Marcy Jany 8th 1782 Seth March 13 - 1783 Thomas June 1 — 1785 Nabby Apl 17- -1788 Betsey Decr 2 — 1789 Tabitha July " 7 — 1791 Died Feb. Sth 1783 Died May — 1783 Died July 27—1791 Children of Daniel Church & Hannah liis wife Rachel born July 26th 1770. Daniel June 8th 1772 Levi Aug. 14th 177,5 Eli Aug. 19th 1777 Dan\ Septr 8— 1783 Died May 10—1783 Died Feb. 16 1784 Hannah the wife of Daniel Church Died April 15th 1784 Marrieci Anne Bates Sept'; 20th 1785 Hannah born Aug. 7th 1787. Anne June 16th 1791 Children of Jesse Clark & Sarah his wife Eli born SeptT 30 - 1779 John Feb. 14th 1793 Cynthia Septr 22 - 1782 Charles July 1 — 1795 Jesse Aug 21 - 1784 Alma born October 3cl 1797 Sarah Aug. 24 - 1786 Chauncy Fenner Deer 20th 1799 Mildred Aug. 21-1788 Ruth ll&j 24th 1802- Triphenia Novr 5 - 1790 Children of Jonathan Clark, & Desire his wife. Jonathan, ^ Septr Jo.shua, I April Abel Potter, > born in Charlestown, Rhode island. Oct>; Rebecca, j Febr Amy, j July Samuel, born Octy 14th 1795. Sylvia, born Joseph Crocker,born NovY '■^^1^ 1797. Alvau, — 20th 1784. 11th 1786. 1st 1788. 16th 1790. 22<1 1793. July 9th 1801. Octr ■ 3d 1803, Children of Archabakl Collins and Rhoda his wife Hannah born Novr 24th 1788 151 Children of Samuel Couch & Hanuah his Wi.'e Marcus born May 26, 1790 Hannah bora July 23, 1802 Phebe — June 2(5, 1793 Ferriss — Nov 14, 180(5 Fhirza ~ Feb 14, IVJo — Chiblren of Stephen Couch & Polly his wife John Morton born March 7—1794 Susanna Aug 10 — 1797' Children of Elisha Crocker & Lucy his wife David born Octt" 27tli 1775 — William born June 18 1789 Zernah born January 18 1778 Electa Lewis May 19fi» 1791 Sophia born Nov; 22 — 1779 John Dimmuck March 14 1793 Mira born Septv 17th i7,si Lucy born May 12 — 1795. Laura born March IS — 1784 Lucius, born April 16-li 179S. Elisha born Novr 11 1785 Zeruah born Sept. 21'^t 1801. Children of Jedediah Crocker and Sally his wife Noah born Au^r. 3-1783 — Elizabeth Apl 1(5—1792 Jedediah Davis born May 30 1785 Polly May 2—1795 Sarah March 19-1787 Philna Aug 1798. Samuel A pi 17—1790 Children of Josenh Crocker & ^Martha his wife Sarah born March 16—1782 Benj" born 14 — 1784 Chrysilda 18—1786 Betsey Clark Novt- 18—1788 Polley Apl 3—1790 Asa June 19—1792 Abigail Oct^ i -1794 Joseph born Apl 1 1797 William born March 26—1800 Sabrina — March 26 1803 Children of Joseph Crocker Jr and Polly his wife Elizabeth Wormer born Septr 4-1790 Marcy Hamlin Dec; 1—1791 Died Septr 7—1795 — Temperence born Novr 10 — 1793 Joseph born Deer 17 — 1795 Died July 24 — 1796 Joi^eph Crocker Jr died Jany 8—1796 in the 30th Year of his age 152 Children of Josiah Crocker & Hannah his wife Seth born Jany 5—1796 Thomas March 15— 1797 Died April 6— 1797 Betsey Crosby born Api 3d 1798 Died Deer 23—1798 Josiah born Septv 23d 1799. Theressa born Feby 5'> 1804. Betsey born March 3d 1801. Thomas born March 23d i805. born Jauy 12th 1803 An infant died Feby 4 1804 t Children of Abijah Crosby. & Caty his wife. Abner, born Novr 4f.h 1795. Charles, born Deer llth I8OI. Lyman, — April 16tu 1798. Thomas — Deer 1-1;^ 1804. Children of John Crosby Jr and Salome his wife An infant born March 24 1793 Died Apl 21 — 1793 An infant born Apl 21— 1795 Died May 1st 1795 Salome born July 23-1796. Joseph born July 13, 1805 Horace born Aug. 13, 1799 Josiah — June 28, 1809 John, Jan 31, 1801 — Charles — July 4, 1811 Anna, March 23, 1803 Children of Calvin Davis & Hannah his "Wife Joseph born Feb. 25tji 1799. Isaac born Septv Sth 1801. Calvin Davis, Son of Isaac Davis, born March 5t!i 1778. — Reuben Davis Son to John Davis born June Sth i783 Children of Nathan Davis and Lucy his wife Jedediah born May 2—1779 Died May 16—1779 Sarah March 21—1780 Died Novr 1780 Lucy born Septv 11—1781 Isaac Deer 30—1791 Hannah Octr 30—1783 Bathsheba August 26—1794 Nathan Feb. 16 1786 Hope July 17—1796 Charita August 18—1789 — Marcy July 1799 Children of Sami Davis & Priscilla his wife Sally born August 16—1782 — Sami born June 1790 Hope March 1783 — Priscilla Apl 1792 Parmele Rebeca Jany 1785 Wait May 15—1787 Lewis t Feb. 7, in chh. rpp. Novr 26—1794 March 1797 153 Childreu of Solomc>u Davis uud Martha his Wife Sally Davis boru May 24th 1783 Luciuda bora Sepr 21 1791 Patty — Api 26 17S5 Betsey Feb. 19—1794 Bathsheba — June 27 — 1787 Solomon born Aug. 25 — 1796 Oziel — Api. 2 J 1789 Children of Timothy Davis and Tabitha his wife born March 2d 1741 — Mary born Falaiouth Novr 2!)th nni Thomas born Do May 9th 1764 Anna Davis Do April 2 2d 1766 Rowland Davis Do Aug. 8 1770 Ephraim born Do Octr 11 — 1772 Timothy born Do Octr 21 — 1774 Children of Stephen Dexter & Lydia his wife Benjamin Backus born July 30 — 1795 Eveline born Jany 27 — 1798 Children of Nathan & Rebecca Dillingham born Sarah Dillingham born Sat.y (Jcfr Uth 1783 Abigail Dillingham born Saty Feby Rebecca Dillingham — Friday Feby William Henry Dillingham Tuesday Augt Lucy Dillingham boru Saturday, July Nathan Dillingham Octr John Dillingliam Thursday Feb. Charles born Monday July Nancy, born April George Washington born Octr Bourn Green Born Mav 2.5th 1786 29th 1788. 3d' 1 790. 14th 1792. 17th 1794. 16 — 1797 22 1 79!) 26th 1802. 2Cth 1S04. 30th 1807 Children of Asahel Dodge and his wife, born as follows — Hanah, born January 12tli 1776 — Asahel torn Novr 23d 1734 Seymour, — April 29t> 1778 Sarah — March 18th 1787 Abraham — Septemr 29th 1780 - Samuel — May 29tt 1792 Hemau — Novr 7th i782 154 Children of Elisha Dodge & Betsey his wife Harriot — born Aug. 13th 1799. Almira boni June 6th 1802. Elisha — Julv 12rh iSOo. Children of Henry & Hannah Donnelly - Eleazer Donnelly born Novr 9th 1788. George Gardner Donnelly born Novr 13th 1791. Children of Silas Easton and Rachel his wife Polly born January 30th 1795 and Died February 15th 1795 Thomas Nye born Oct^ 20th 1796 Children of Paul Ewer & Marcy his wife John born Septr 2—1783 — Nabby 1791 Tilsou 1785 Martha 1793 Polly 1787 Paul March 28—1795 — Jane June 7 — 1789 Marcv his wife Died March 28—1795 Children of Abraham Finney & Huldah his wife Ezra born August 23 1803. Jonathan, Dec. 5. 1812 — Marshal, born, Nov. 28th 1S05. Harriot — April 3, 1815 Huldah Jane Feby 7 1821 Children of Asael Foot and Anne his wife — Sally born Api 2—1794 Amanda — — Jany 13th 1803- Elizabeth Deer 25— 1795 — Asahel & Anne twins born Deer 16th 1804 Lyman July 9th 1798 Lydia — — Sepr 13, 1807- Charles May 12th I8OO Children of David Foot & Betsey his wife Betsey born June 23—1786 — Thomas May 21—1788 Silas Aug. 18—1791 David July 11— 1792— Died Octr 13—1792 Deliverence May 3 — 1794 Temperance, born Nov. 7ih 1800. Laovisa Novr 29th 1796 _ Ransom, Feb. lotli 1802. 158 Childreu of Elisha Foot & Dille his wife & born Apr. 29—1785 Chandser born Aug. 19—1797 Sophia — July 13th i807 Amelia boru Feby 1 -it 1799 Elisha Augt i, 1S09 Justus Battle '• Jauy 25^^ 1801 Delia born at Lenox Api. 5, 1814. Ransom Hinman April lytiUSO:} Geo. Franklin boru at albany Henrietta Jauv l9ih 1805 March 13 1817 Children of Fenner Foot and Sarah his wife Lucinda born Sept [• 8th 1779 Erastus boru Septr 4 1792 Calvin born Deer 15-1781 Fenner born Octr 10 1794 Daniel born Feb. 17-1784 Sena boru Octr 18th 1796 Olive born Feb. 2-1786 Cyrus boru June 18th 18OO. Jerusha born Ocf 20-1789 Childreu of Jonathan Foot Jr au[d] Delivereuce 22 1775 — 29—1777 22—1780 and died Deer 9—1780 23—1781 John May 7—1791 Died Octr 25—1791 12—1785 William Aug-24—] 793— & Died Oct^ 1793 11—1788 — Children of Lovisa Foot Meliuda born July 22 1789 — Parthenia Octr 12, 1790 Elisha born Jauy Alvan May Jerusha May Jerusha Dec Sylvanus Apl Jonathan Feb. Children of Elisha Freeman and Elizabeth his wife Benjamiu born Jauy 21 — 1775 Thomas June 27 1777 aud Died June 28 1780 Betsey March 27—1779 Thomas boru July 28—1788 Elisha Septr 4—1781 Ly.lia Novr 10—1788 Faunv March 14-^1784 Charles March 16—1793 Childreu of Wi» Freeman & Jerusha his wife Alva Freeman boru October 12th i7i)i Sally — boru NovV lOt.h 1793 John Percival born February 23 — 1797 Betsey — boru February 23 1797 Died March 7—1797 Betsey — boru July 18th 1799. 157 Childreu of Varmuii Gardner & Mehitablo his wife Sabriua, born Sepr 28, 17!!5 — Elisha — born Nov 28, 1803— Ira, born Aufjt 4, 1797 — Benjamin born Dec 5, 1809 Lophina, born Aufft 20, 1799 — Mehitable born March 10, 1S12 James, boru Dec 1, 1801 — Caroline, born May 17, 1814 Cliildren of James Clifford & Sarah his wife Eunice born Anp. 27th 1792 Charles Peck born Aug 80, 1805 James born March lOth 1798 Children of Jesse and Ruth Gifford Caty born March 3 — 1775 Tho^ born A pi. 17—1785 Betsey Aug. 20th 1777 Lydia June 10—1787 — Celia May 22—1779 Nabby Apl. . 11—1789 — Abraham Jaiiy 8th 1781 Ruth Octv 18th 1792 Phebe March 23—1783 Alvau J any 13th 1794 Children of John Gifford and Jehanuah his wife Sylvanus born Sept7 10th 178I — John born May 31 — 1785 Sylvia May 18 — 1783 Jeneverah born Deer 23 — 1787 Erastus Deer 29— 1791— Died Jany 5—1792 Jesse born Feb- 19— 1793 Died June 29-1794 Lewis Apl. 7—1795 Died Apl. 11—1795 Sally born Jany 31 1797 Lewis boru May 19, 1800 Children of Elisha Grant & Marah his wife Elisha born Deer 29—1774 Ruth August 22—1776 Esther Octr 14—1778 Prudence Deer 7 — 1780 Jared Septv 6—1782 David born June 4—1784 Thankful May 12—1786 Orris Octr 16—1788 Eunice Apl 17—1791 Polly born Octr 23-1793 Isaac boru Aug. 29. 1797 Died May 15 1785 Died March 19 — 1794 Died Novr 10—1795 — 158 Children of Jonathan Graves & Anne his wife Archalans born Septr lOtii 1783 Joseph Novr 5 — 1785 Jonathan Api 17—1788 Anne Api 17-1788 Lester Deer 21 1790 John Deer 21 1790 Died Deer 22—1790 Rebeca Aug. 21—1793 Died Aug. 20— 1795 — Rebeca Octr 27—1796 Alvau & Alma— Twins born Feb. 23d 1799 Children of John Green & Martha his wife Philo born Deer 14—1791 Shubel born Feby 17tli 1799. William born Jany 16—1794 Abisha — Feb. 26tli 1801. Daniel born Novr 3—1795 Sally born Feby 24 1803 Jerusha born Api 17—1797 Huldah May 12t> 1805. Children of Abraham Hall & Rachel his wife Lydia born Jany 6tii 1799 Harriot — Feb 27, 1807 John " June 15 1801 Albert Feb 1, 1809 Alma born March 25tli 1803. Children of Abraham Hall & Second Rachel his wife Linus P — born Sepr 23d 1810 Rachel March 28, 1812 — Luther Chaffee May 11,1816 Children of Moses Hall, & Relief his wife. Charles, born Septr i2tli 1798. Re^^beu). ^wins, boru Augt 9th 1804. Nancy. — April U'.h 1800. Relief ) "■ ■ Lucy — May 29tli 1802. Children of Cornelius Hamlin and Mercy his wife Job boru April 21—1795 — William Finney June 21— 1796— Died OctV 23—1797 William Feb. 11 1799 Marcy, Nov 22, 1809. Stephen June 21, 1802. Mary — Jan 20, 1811. LucyF. April 11, 1804 Job — Jan 15. 1813 Hannah, June 12, 1806. 159 Childien of David Hamliu and Sally his wife — Kabby boru Aug. 4—1795 Nathaniel Maria, June 23, 1797. Beujaiuiu Augt 8. 1809 David July 23, 1802. Children of Widow Anne Handy Obed Handy born Oct: 16 1777 Darius Carpenter born May 18- 1790 Ebenr Handy born May 21—1779 Orsiah Hoose — June 19 1793. Elizabeth Handy - Apl 15 — 17S4 Children of Wait Hatch & Marah his wife Rebeca born 175() Died May 1—1788 Edward born June llth 1776 — Children of Moses Hill & Polly his wife Lucy born Feb. 9—1788 Ira Dec; 1787 ' Justus born Feb. 9tli 1785 Silas Aug. 1789 Moses born June — 17.S6 Sallr Jan.y 1795 Polly Sepr 1787 f Harvey March 16.1797 Children of Benjamin Hinckley & Puella Goods peed his wife Electa Hinckley Born Thomas Goodspeed Born Warren Hinckley Born April 24, 1 795 Charles Hinckley Oct 22 1800 Luther Thacher Hinckley Children of Heman Hinkley and Lydia his wife Zenas born June 12—1779— Edmund Ap\ 27—1789 Polly boru Apl 26—1781 Carolina Nov; 1—1791 Lucretia Oct: 13—1783 Heman August 22—1793 gilas — Octr 1—1785 Benjamin Lydia March — 1787 — 160 Children of Joseph Hinkley, & Polly his wife Nabby born April 14th 1T96. Sally — July 5th 1799. Edmund — Augt 09th ISOO. Hudson — Auer. 12th 1S03. Content Lovel - July 3d 1805. Barnabas A — March 23, 1808 Luman — June 12, 1810 Mary — June 10, 1812 Bradford Feb. 26, 1817 Bathsheba March 22, 1823 Children of Zina Hinkley, & Elizabeth his wife. Priscilla born Octr 28th 1799. Eliza — Octr 2d 1802. Died Octr 17th I8O6. Alvira — Septr 13th i804. William — Augt 2d 1806. Ransom Hinman Born May 14th 1785 — Polly Battle his Wife " June 5th 1785— in Tyringham [No child born until 1805.] Children of Abraham Howk & Esther his wife Hannah born Octr •24—1793— Roxe June 1795 Died Jany 3d 1799 Children of Andrew Howk & Betsey his wife An infant born Deer 20th 1799 Died Deer si^t 1799 Richard Caty John Isaac Children of Isaac Howk & Fiche his wife born Api 1—1787 — Fiche born April 16 — 1795 Septr 25—1788 — March 15 1791 July 23, 1793 — Isaac Howk Sen. Died Jany 29th 1805 Alonson, born Septr 15, 1799 Electa, born, Oct. 17, 1801 Children of John Howk and Caty his wife David born March 20— 1786 — Mariah born Deer 2—1794 Clarry March 19th 17S8 Eliza, Oct. 14, 1797 John Feb. 7—1790 William, Jan 19, 1802 Caty Hollembeck Jany 25 1793 — Alburt, June 28, 1806 161 Children of John Hulett & Sarah his wife — Achsah May 5 — 17S4 — Betsey Augr-fi— 1786 — John Anpr 2o— 1788 and Died Off lo— 1796 Wealthy May 10th 1795 t — Died Feb. 8th 1794. Sally Feb. 21 1798 and Died June 28— 1793 — Westley Aupt 15 — 1794 — John CVf; 1^—1796 Sarah hiss wife died Jan.v 21 — 1797 Children of John Hulet & Sarah his wife + Isaacs born June 22, 1792tt Teressa born Feb 26,1805 Sally Jan 2, 1799 Betsey April 7. 1811 Abijah Aupt 24. 1801 Samuel Feb. 3, 1814 Fletcher April 6, lhO;j Children of Sam'. Hulett and Susanna his wife Chauncy born March 14th 1790 — Orren born May 17 — 1796 Electa May 31 1793 Children of Sylvanus Hulett and Mary his wife Sally born Oct'; 29th 1787. Charlott born Xovr 7— 179:+ Charles born March 3—1790 — Rhoda burn June 8th 1795 _ Children of Rev,d Alvan Hyde and Lucy his wife Alvau born June ISth 1794 "William born Augt l()thiS06. Charles Backus March 24th 1796 Edward born Sept 15th 18O8 Harriot born March 19 — 1798 Chauncey Thompson Sept 25th 18IO Stephen born March 24th 18OO Theodore born Augt 5, 1812 Joseph born Septr 3d 1802 Alexander Hyde Sept 25 1814 Lucy born June 3 1804 I Date of birth erroneous— The date of deatli corresponds, within a day, of that given bj- Dr. Hyde. t Presumably this name should be Hannah— see page 140 for intention of marriage between John Hulett and Hannah Walker of Tyringham— proof of the marriage, how- ever, cannot be given, for the marriage records of that town are wanting for this period. tt Date printed as rec jrd-^d. tt Last figure obliterated —name as recorded. 162 Children of Calviu IngersoU and Lydia his wife Electa born Yashti Philo Lemi t Horace, Erastus May 1— 1790 Cyrus — Septy 2, 1802 Jauy 14tli 1792 — Lydia — Septr 1, 1804 DecT 2—1793 David Sauford Oct. 23, 1806 Jany 24—1796 — Edward M — July 23, 1809 June 23, 1798 Calvin — Feb. 5, 1812 June 17, 1800 Children of David Ingersoil and Sarah his wife March 3—1795 March 3—1795 June 21—1797 June 6 1799- [The last three names appear to have been written long after the others.] 317. Erastus born Novv 9- -1782 David Luciuda born June 2d. 1784 — Sarah Theodore April 26- -1786 — Elizabeth Lucretia Feb. 9, 1788 Lucy Moses February 15- -1790 — William t Sophia March — 1792 — Elihu Par Children of Elijah Ingersoil & Polly his wife Clarrissa born May 24th 1 ~87 Barhsheba — Api 14th 1 789 Nathan — J any 8—1 -91 Laban — Feby 5th 1 ?93 Levi — March 10—1" "95 — Isaac 1797 Elisha Jany 7th 1799 Lucinda 1802 George Washington 1804 Children of Jared Ingersoil and Elizabeth his wife Ebenr Kniblow born June Polly June Lois Jany John Sepi; David June Merit March 16 Reuben Sept 29- -1784 Elizabeth 5— -1785 Rhoda 29- -1787 Ashur 23- -1788 Stephen J 10- -1790 Phadime 16- -1792 Milton 26- -1793 Jared born June 1795 May 8 1797 Nov 5, 1799 Nov 6, 1801 Oct. 24, 1803 Jan. 22 1806 July 30, 1808 IiKliftinc -liii-.y oe ijtmi. 163 Children of Moses Iiigersoll and Eunice his wife Elener bom March 11—1771 John Calvin Api 18—1780 Anne born March 13—1776 Billey born Api lOth 1782 Luther born Jany 8—1778 Betsey born Api 10—1783 Eunice his wife died Novr 19th 1785 in the 50th year of her age Children of Moses Ingersoll & Se[c]ond Prudence his Wife Moses born May 27, 1797 Eunice born Sepv 13, 1798 Children of William Ingersoll Jr and Marcy his wife Lydia born Novi; lOth 1783 Seth Crocker born May 1 — 1785 William born March 21 1787 Celia Jany 21— 1790 Sarah June 21— 1792 Thomas Novr 2— 1794 — Joseph Decv 22—1796- James May 7th 1799 Marshal Jan 29, 1802. Charles May 2, 1804. Harriot Jan 21—1807 Children of Ebenezer Jenkins Juni; & Lydia his wife. Henry Willm born Aug. 17th 1793. Lydia, born Sept. 3<} 1800. Nathan, born Feby 11th 1795. Elizabeth, born July 1st 1802. Josiah, born Nov. 9th 1796. Warren, born April 12th 1804. Ebenezer, born Sept. 12th 1798. Marshal, born Aug. loth I8O6. Children of Sami Jones and Remember his wife Anne born June 30—1793 Caroline born April 9th 1797 DeborahSmithborn Augustll— 1795 Sam\ born May — 1799 Children of John Keep and Elizabeth his wife Olive born July 80—1789 James Sept^ 30—1792 Abbe Jany 18—1791 Jabez Feb. 14—1794 Elizabeth his wife Died Feb. 20 — 1796 Married Abigail Lenester Lenesterborn Sen. 6 — 1797 164 Children of Arnold Lamphier & Anue his wife Lois (Windham) Nov 26, 1796 Joseph (Wr Greenwich R. I.) Lorric as ( Springfteki ) Lyman do Arnold (Mansfield) Zalmon ( Wasliin^tou) Anne (Hinsdale) Lena (ao) Angelina Matilda ( Saratoga ) March 22, 1S12 Else (Grafton N. Y.) Feb. 18, 1816 Moses 1818 died Charles Bishop Moses (Lee) Feb. 22, 1822 ) Oct 7, 1797 Apl Vd, 1799 Feb 6 1801 Mav 18 1803 Aug 18 1805 Oct 27, 1807 Apr 8, 1810 Children of Zachens Maltby and Ruhamah his w^ife Ezra Burchard born April 1—1798 — Mercy born Feby 9th 1800 Betsev Mansfield born Jany 27 — 1772 Children of Reuben Marsh & Lydia his Wife Alpheus born Sept^ 27,1792 William — July 1,1796 Tripheua — March 2, 1794 Amasa — April 24, 1800 Children of Tliomas Miller & Aunis his wife Daniel Gain Miller born Septr 23(1 1796 Children of John Nve and Lois his wife born Stephen born Esther Hannah John Ira Ira Esther Lois Charles Aus. 22—1780 Died Novr 10—1780 ]Snvr 1—1781 Died Dec: 1—1781 Novr 17 — 1782 Jany 19—1785 22—1787 Died May 22—1787 Apl 10—1788 Deer 19—1790 Feb. 22—1793 Janv 6—1796 Died March 6— 1796 165 Children of Levi Xyo ami Sar.ih his wil'e Josliua born Auijusr 24tli ITCT Levi May (Uli 1777 Benjamin February !)th 17t)!) Sally .]uly2S ITSO Marah and Rachel Sepf; 1 1772 Thomas Auj? — 2u— 1774 Thomas Died Children of Seth Xye and Auiey his wife Elisha born Septx 2:5— 17S-3 B^rsey born Sept^ 13— 17!)1 Jerod born Septr 5 — 1785 Josliua born Sept'; 215 17!).") Caleb born Novr 21 I7s7 Sally born Novr 23--! 797 Thaukfalboru Auf,'. 20— 17s<) Children of Gecr'je Parker & Rf^member his wife. Hannah born March iStli 1 7^0 Mahala Ang. 17, 1791 Rebecca Aufr. 31 — 17n2 Benj'> Jany 179.) Remember Aug. 21 1784 Sasana May 21, 1797 Kathau Dec; 29, 17.s;) Children of Salmon Peck & Anne his wife Olive born Jany 7'ii 1793 Moses luge. sol born Hiram born ucrr 5tl> 1797. Children of Jacob Penoyer aud Alice his wife Sally born Jau.y 19th ni).") Marcy born Aug. lO'li 1797 John Percival E<,)rn Ruth Percival Born Betsy Percival Born Lydia Percival Bcjrn John Percival Ju^ Born Ruth Percival Born Samuel Percival Born James Percival Born Mont Gomerr Pt-rcival Born Hannah Gates Percival burn Content — boiu Nabby — born November h 17."j4 at Sandwich January 9.I1 17.'j9 at Falmouth October 20th 1777 february 12th 1779 April 2.")tM 1781 April 25th i7s;^ August 29tu 17S.5 June 5th 178S Sep'; 2.)th 1790 Jany 1:-— 1793 Feb 28 179t) Feb 1798 166 Children of Abm Perry and Temperence his wife S[illegible] born Apl 3—1789 — Died Apl 18—1789 — Polly born Apl 11—1790 Arthur born Jany 27— 1792 Diadama DecT 9th 1793 Abram born Deer 30 1797 Lyman Jany 5th 18OI Tenipey born Novr 4th 1803 Died March 9th i802. Wui. Tei-ry's children. p.'Jl' Sylvanus Phinney born Dec. 15. 1778 Lucy (formerly Kingsley of Becket, ) his wife March 12, 1781 [No child born until 1803— This record found after the note on page 144 was printed.] Children of Reuben Pixley Jr and Polly his wife Reuben born Tuesday Octr 6th 1795 Children of Oliver Pool & Lucy his wife Orrin born Aug. 23(} 1797, Lucy born May 1st 1800 Children of Levi G. Porter and his wife Huldah born Feb. 28th 1786 and died March 13—1794 Philander Feb. 29— 1788 Horace — June 15— 1790 Rhoda — Apl. 20— 1792 and died June 5—1795 Levi Goodwin Apl 10—1794 Abel Apl 15—1796 Children of Samuel Porter & Prudence his wife Ebenezer Samuel Mary Grace Abigail Laura Lydia Kimbal born Octr July Septr Jany Oct: May July Novr 8th 1776 12—1779 17th 1781 2— 1784 5th 1786 7th 1789 25 1791 26— 1795 Died Feb. 20th 1T84 And died March 7th 1796 Joel Putnam's children, p. 317. 16T Children of John Reed & Elizabeth his wife Amanda born May 21 — 1795 Anne born Deci; 24t'i 1797 Fear born May 26— 1796 Paulina born June 24th 1799 Children of John Reniniele & Hannah liis Wife Curtis > Lydia born Sep'" 8, 1797 Hannah — Feb 20, 1800 John M — June 1:5, 1802 Calista ) twins Sepr 22d 1806 Children of Simeon Reynolds, & Zeruah his wife Cyrus Almond, born Polly Asenath, born Edward, born Rachel, born in Benson Vermont, Lucy, born David, born Simeon Jun June 11th 1786. March . 23d 1791. Sept 21«t 1793, April 8th 1800. Deer I'^t 1803. Aug. 3l^t 1806. Jany 13 1809 Children of Amos Roberts & Susanna his wife William born Novr 21 — 1778 — Deborah born May 11th 1730 Dorse born March 22— 1782, and died Octr 17th 1783 — Timothy born June 11— 1784 — Susanna Decf 11th 1793 — Amos March 8th 1786 Sheirman Apl 24th 17S0 f Anne Api 11th 1738 — Elijah born June 18 1799. Dorse June 28th 1790 — Children of Levi Robinson & Elizabeth his wife Amos Benton born Octr 9—1784+ — Polly Feb. 18—1790 Sally Novr 21- 1784: Fanny August 9—1794 Becsey July 26- 1786 Amanda Jany 31 — 1796 Children of Ephraim Sheldon & Lydia his wife Lydia born May 6th 1795 t Doubtless intended for 179). t Dates printed as recorded. 168 Children of Benjn Smith and Sarah his wife Lydia born Septr 14—1777 Matthias bom Feb. 10th 1786 Meribah — Octr 34 1779 Sarah born Feb. 21 —1788 Benji.i Novr 1—1781 Assenath March 37 1793 William Octr 8—1783 Children of Ebenr Squire & Adrye his wife Sally born Septr 18^^ 17S1 Daniel born March 5—1784 Children of John Starnes and Lucy his wife Pollv born March 16 1780 Sally John Abijah Fanny Thomas Abijah Betsey James Bulah Dani — July bom 22-1781 March 29- -1783 Oct: 22 1784 August 26- -1786 July 5 1788 June 27 89 June 3- -1790 Octr 4- -1793 Nov: 2 - 1793 Sept: 29- -1795 Abijah Died 1786 Died July 14—1799 Betsey Died Oct: 5th 179!). Children of Benjn Stevens and Sarah his wife Susanna bom Aug. 39— '■,785 Sally bom March 8—1791 Marcy Aug 39—1787 Chauncy Jauy 37—1793 LucT Feb 30 1789 Benjn May 19 1795 Children of James Stevens and Lucretia his wife An Infant born Dec' 3—1793 Died Dec: 3—1793 Richard Williams born March 17th 1794 — Norman Deuison Born March L'tth 1798 Zar Banff ord March 25th 1800 Roxa Minerva Dee: bth 1803 Lydia Millonia March 7th 1807 — Anna Williams " May 4th li^Oi m Children of Squire Stone & Rebecca his wife Triphenaboru June 20th 1790 Almes born Feb. 23, 1796 Harvey March 9th 1792 Palmira March 3 1798. Zaphne March 22 1794 William Septr 13th 1799 Children of William Sturges & Salome his wife Samuel born June 2— 1796 Nabby born May 24th 1798. William Aug. 1 1800 Franklin born Septr 4th 1802. Sally Septr "*^ 1804. John, April 4, 1807 Persis, May 4, 1809 Ebeuezer Feb 7. 1812 Eliza July 4, 1814 Josiah 1816 Children of John Thatcher, & Parna his wife. Luther Robinson born in Wareham Jany 15th 1791. Hannah born in Wareham Septr 6th 1792, Lucy born in Leicester June 1st 1796. Thomas born Septr 9th 1798. Emily — April 4th 18O6. Sylvia — March 22d 18OO. Harriot — March 7, 1808 Children of Timothy Thatcher, & Dorothy his wife. Crocker, born Octr 9th 18OO. Adah Ells — Feby 25th 1808 Charles Skinner, — May 5th 1802. Eliel — Feb— 12— 1812 Betsey Freeman — Jany 23d 1803. Martha — Feby 5, 1815 Bulkley — March 22d 1806. Children of Doct. Nathaniel Thayer, & Anne his wife. William Austin, born in Woodbury, State of Connecticut, August 5th 1793, Lucius Fowler, born in Durham, State of Connecticut, June 2l3t 1797. Nancy Lucretia, born November 27th 1804. Children of Elijah Thomas & Patience his wife Patience born Feb. 24—1780 Abraham Aug. 11—1790 Nathan Feb. 4—1783 — Isaac Aug. 11—1790 Aaa Novr 10—1785 Ezra June 25 1794 Rebeca Septr 2—1796 — 170 *^ Children of Dr Gideon Thompson & Olive his Wife Rhoda born December 11th 1786 Chauncy — May 24 1790 Hezekiah Or ton Novr 11th 1789 Olive — Aug. 1st 1793 Children of Samuel Tilley and Hannah his wife Electa born July 16—1786 Marcy June 21 1788 Died July 5— 1789 Rhoda Novr 13—1791 Lucy Api 10—1794 For children of Nathaniel and Deborah Tobey, see page 155. Children of Steph Tobey and Lydia his wife Nathaniel born Septr 10th 1775 & died the 18th Remember born Ap\ 11 1777 Celia born Api 10— 1780 Steph born Deer 20— 1782 Lydia born July 7 1785 Nathi born Feb. 17 1788 Asael born Novr 21—1790 Sarah born June 17 179S Mary born Aug. 14—1796 An infant born March 12th 1799 Died same day Children of Laurauce Vandusen and Christeen his wife Betsey born Octr 14 1790 Isaac March 7—1793 Died Deer 4—1793 Andrew Septr 8 1794 Christeen Van Deusen born May 27—1797 Richard Montgomery Walker, Son of Caleb & Huldah Walker, born Friday February 8th 1788 Huldah, Wife of Caleb Walker deceesed March 16th 1788 Caleb Walker died at Genesee in the Summer of 1790. Children of Henry Wans^y & Chloe his wife Betsey born Feb. 24—1783 — Electa Novr 24—1789 Reuben May 10—1784 Esther March 25—1791 John Deer 28—1786 Lucretia Api 22—1793 — Benjn Api. 28—1788 Jared Api 1—1795 Children of Daniel West and Elizabeth his wife Elizabeth born Feb. 28th 1776 Died Jauy 23d 1785 Zeruiah born April 4tb 1777 Elizabeth Thomas Tracy Septr 21 1798 1 Orson Daniel born Aug. 1, 1780. Pelatiah Lucy May 19th 1783 Alvah Sally Feb. 25— 1784 Eunice at Lenox Ira May 24th 1786 171 March 18th 1788 4— 1791 26— 1793 21— 1795 29th 1797 Jany Feb. June June Children of Elijah West and Marah his wife Jeduthan born Novr 5, 1779 Erastus Aug. 29 — 1783 Orange Aug. 5—1781 Deborah Septr 5—1785 Parmelia Aug. 27— 1787 Died March 12—1789 Ashbel May 10— 1789 Wareham Api 7th 1791 Alpheus born Novr 1—1795 Sahara June 28— 1793 Edua born Deer 5—1797 Mary West Daughter to Elisha West and Olive his Wife Born March the 4th 1772 Prudence West Daughter to Elisha West and Olive his Wife Born December the 9th AD: 1773 Ann West Daughter to Elisha West and Olive his Wife Born October the 31st AD: 1775 John Bruster West Son to Elisha West and Olive his Wife Born Decern- ber the 11th AD: 1777 Children of Jonathan West & Elizabeth his wife Miner born Feb. 29— 1774 David born June 18th 1775 Died Octr 17—1777 Lydia born Octr 9th 1776 Died Octr 8—1777 David July 4— 1778 — An infant born Jany 17th 1779 Died Jany 19—1779 Jared June 11— 1780 an infant born July 1781 — Died July —1781 Betsey born Aug. 5— 1782 Jonathan March 30—1786 Laura Feb. 11— 1784— Thomas Aug 24—1787 Lydia Deer 24— 1788 Died Deer 14—1790 — Lois born Feb. 29— 1791 Alvan May 2^th 1793 Lydia Feb. 29— 1791 Susanna Jany 15th 1795 Jonathan West Died Septr 179.5 t Evidently a mistake for 1778. 172 Children of Levi West and Bathsheba his wife who died Api 20tb 1805 Nabby born Nathaniel Patty Amasa Patty Marcy June 16—1784 Septr 13— 1785 August 13-^ 1787 August 4th 1789 Novr 6— 1791 Novr 30— 1793 Died April— 1791 Anne Mercy Feb. 29— 1796 — June 18th 1798 Children of Prince West and Hannah his wife — Bathsheba born Hannah John Sylvanus Christopher Aug. 12— 1763. Jauy 13th 1766 Feb. 15th 1770. July 23, 1772. Deer 14, 1774 Heman born June 7th 1777. Amey October 30fh 1779 ■ Philo Feb. 16th 1782. Ezekiel May 2^ 1784. Prince Novr 1st 1786- Children of William Whitney and Sarah his wife born Aug. 13 — 1754 Nabby born Apl 10 — 1774 Sarah Patty Mary Marah Richard Esther Apl 23—1776 Novr 6—1778 William Clarissa John Jany 9—1782 Septr 6—1785 Jany 29— 17J June 26—1790 Died July 27—1790 Septr 27—1791 Feb. 10—1795 Died April 23—1796 Octr 5 1797 Children of Joseph Whiton & Amanda his Wife Semanthe born Augt 80, 1794 Edward V — June 2d 1805 Harriot — March 7, 1796 Eliza — April 16, 1807 Amanda — Octr 10, 1797 Catharine — March 8, 1810 Joseph Lewis — July 14, 1799 Agnes — Augt 12, 1813 Daniel G — March 20, 1801 Children of Daniel Willcox and Lydia his wife Hudson born Monday October 12th 1795 Electa born Saturday Apl 12 1800 John born Sabbath Feby 2l3t 1802 Hudson Died May 28th Seven o Clock P. M. 1802 I 173 en of Edward "Willcox & Deborah his wife 14—1790 Sally Feb. 22—1794 9—1792 kTillcox born Killingsworth. June (ith l73;j boru Coveiirry Dec^ — 17:38 and Died May 30th 1778 Their Children born us follows 16—1759 and was Killed at Sheffield March 27tt 1787 30—1761 Jerusha boru March 22 1769 16tii 1763 Ephraim Willcox Deer 24tlil773 12th 1765 Erastus Willcox Feby 26 1775 26th 1767 Sena boru May 17 1777 .cox Married to Tabitha Davis Feb. 1779 — r 10th 1779 Electa born xMarch 2d 17S1 •en of Peter Willcox Jf & Polly his wife ha born Septr IQth 1784 Lee born Api 39 1786 Lee a born October 16th 1 788 Warrens bush born Jan3' 9th 1791 Warrens-bush born Julv 2cl 1793 Warrens bush n of Ephriam Williams & Mima his Wife b 16,1800 Thomas G. born March 16, 1811 b. 8, 1805 Thankful C. — March 14, 1815 1 of Josiah Willoughby and Sally his wife irch 29—1794 Lydia born July 27—1796 en of Jacob Wiiiegar and Anne his wife. ]I heus born May 10th 1798 la Clarena Born June 2d 1800 18 born June 16th 1802. 3n of Jacob Winegar & Sally his 2d wife Qgt Sth 1804. Ehzabeth — Feb. 19, 1811. dy 2d 1805. Jacob — July 30. 1813. )V. 15th 1806. Sally — Octr 31, 1815. .ue 5th 1809. 172 Children of Levi West aud Bathsheba his wife who ( Nabby born June 16—1784 Nathaniel Septr 13—1785 Patty August 13- 1787 Died April- Amasa August 4th 1789 — Patty Novr 6— 1791 Anne Marcy Novr 30— 1793 Mercy Children of Prince West aud Hannah his born 0( Bathsheba born Aug. 12— 1763. Heman Hannah Jauy 13ch 1766 Amey John Feb. 15th 1770. Philo Sylvauus July 23, 1772. Ezekiel Christopher Deer 14, 1774 Prince Children of William Whitney and Sarah his wife be Nabby born Apl Sarah Patty Mary Marah Richard Esther 10—1774 William Apl 23—1776 Clarissa Noyr 6 — 1778 John June 26—1790 Died July 27— 17f Septr 27—1791 Feb. 10—1795 Died April 23—17 Octr 5 1797 Children of Joseph Whiton & Amanda h Semanthe born Augt 30, 1794 Edward V Harriot — March 7, 1796 Eliza Amanda — Octr 10, 1797 Catharine Joseph Lewis — July 14, 1799 Agnes Daniel G — March 20, 1801 Children of Daniel Willcox and Lydia hi Hudson born Monday October 12th 17< Electa born Saturday Apl 12 18( John born Sabbath Feby 2l3t 18( Hudson Died May 28th Seven o Clock P. 173 Children of Edward Willcox & Deborah his wife Edward born Septr 14—1790 Sally Feb. 22—1794 Randal Deer 9—1792 Peter Willcox born Killingsworth, June 6th 1735 Jerusha his wife born Coveiiny Dec^ — 1738 and Died May 30th 1778 Their Children born as follows Oziel born Aug. 16—1759 and was Killed at Sheffield March 27th 1787 Sarah born Jany 80—1761 Jerusha born March 22 1769 Daniel born May 16th 1763 Ephraim Willcox Deer 24th 1773 Peter born July 12th 1765 Erastus Willcox Febr 26 1775 Elijah born Aug 36th 1767 Sena born May 17 1777 Peter Willcox Married to Tabitha Davis Feb. 1779 — Phebe born July IQth 1779 Electa born March 2d 17S1 Children of Peter Willcox Jr & Polly his wife Jerusha born Septr 10th 1784 Lee Polly born Api 29 1786 Lee Rhoda born October 16th 1788 Warrens bush Oziel born Jany 9th 1791 Warrens-bush Peter born Julv 2d. 1793 Warrens bush — Children of Ephriam Williams & Mima his Wife Nancy C— born Feb 16, 1800 Thomas G. born March 16, 1811 Lucretia W. " Feb. 8, 1805 Thankful C. — March 14, 1815 Children of Josiah Willoughby and Sally his wife Polly born March 29 — 1794 Lydia born July 27 — 1796 Children of Jacob Winegar and Anne his wife. 1 Zacheus born May 10th 1798 - Anna Clarena Born June 2 y ^ ^o a March 19th 1794— omitted before I i 1^5 u Dec" lOTh Bv Town Clerk's Certiflcate in favour > y ^r. f. Backus & Bassett- returu.d ) ^" " Deer loth By Select Men's Rect to Sami Porter 1—13—9 25 By an Order favor Cap* Garfield -y ) i q « from Select Men — ___ ^^ — — Idb 1797 Feb. lOth By an Old Order given to William Watson y > ., .(. (. Octr 1789— on which Sami Porter Paid S^>'~ 9- -9 -3 ibid By Select Men's Order Dated Jany t4th 1790 X — 14— 4i ibid By Do — Do — Dated Jany. 18, 1796 X — 14-0 ibid By his Ace* of Payments to 23 Men for repairing w ) .,„ ._, .. the Bridge near the Forge / " "^ Dolrs C. Feb. 15. By Select Men's Order for 12— 50 X 3—15—0 43-14-Si 1798 Dolrs Cents March 19 By Select Men'.s Order for 30, 37 — 9 — 2—3 £ 52— 10-1 li 184 (2) t Jedediah Crocker Collector To Ballance of his Accouut in Book N9 2, p. 14 1797. — Ephraim Williams Collector Town Tax committed to him. aprreeable > to Select Men's Return, dated I3th Sepr 1797 > School Tax for 1797-agreeable to Select Men's Return 1798 ^ Deer 18 1 Tenner Foot's School Tax, Omitted by the Select Men; and brot in since the above f To Cash paid him by Capt Yale as he and I the Select Men say I Diie Bill given him this Day — — — [^Settlement with him & Select Men this Day When all Tax Accounts & matters for 1797-were settled, as the Treasurer understood. Jan. 798 5th D^ s —14-7 Dols C. M. 321, 60, 1 •n 162, 63, 2 2, 42, 8 35, 62, 6 522, 28, 7 8. - 24, 96, 3 5, 9 $ 555, 30, 9 To Tax committed to him to collect for defraying Town Cliarges & for Support of Schools, agreeable to Select Men's Return — Sepr i^tii 1793. To Select Men's Return of Tax to Collect To Mistake in filing & crediting ) Order No 2; brot in Augt 24-1798 > To the Overlaying of School Tax 1 798— which ) the Select Men Mentioned to the Treasurer after - their Return ) See a new Statement of this Ace* page 7. $456, 87, 166, 5, 8 622, 92. 8 5, — — 6, 86, — 634. 28, 8 + Corner of original witii date wanting.— Crocker was e'.ectad Cjnatable March 7, 1791. "Book No. 2" in first item, a clerical error. 1795. Api 6 By his tukina- v.p au Order in favoui- of N. Dilliugham, from Select Meu 1798 3— Augt 24. By Sundry Town Orders — " School Orders — 1799 March 26 By 41 Select Men's Orders brot in this Day for § 2 65, 83, 8 is June 27. By 10 Select Men's Orders brot in this Day 1800. Feb. 25fh By 3 Do — Do — brot in this Day — By wrong Charge of Select Men's Return of Jan. 5, 1798, which was for a Tax made in 1797 — and was charged to E. Williams above — 183 9-14—7 D. C. 398, 1, 157, 29, M. 9 555, 30, 9 $265, 33, 8 192, 12, 35, 97, — 166, 5, 8 659, 48, 6 See p. 186 (3) t Ebenezer Jenkens Jr o^couector ^' To Ballauce of his Account iu Book No 1, p. 12 — 4 — 5 1796 Mar. 7. To Cash 0—5—3 £4-10-11 t Corner with date wanting. — Jenkins was elected Constable March 5. 1793.— See p._66. 1)5 179(5 187 Api (5. By Select Men's Order in favr > of N. Dillingham __ i" X 2—17-8 Jan. 18. By an Order from Select Men. in » Ilia foTTi-^nv V £4—10—11 his favour _! |- X 1 — 13 — 8 188 (4). - f Onp^ JeRse Clark Constable D^ To the Assessment to defray town charges \ £69_i2— 2| for the year 1794 ^ __. School Tax for the same year— viz— 1794 — £ 43—5 —10^ To the Assessment to defray Town Charges ] for the year 1795 in your hands to collec t \^ i43_-i8— 4% including Town Tax, School Tax, and i Ballance of State Tax J 1797 — Feb. 15. To Cash on Settlement — 4—11^ £ 144— 3— 4^ t Corner with date wantinsr.-Jesse Clark was elected Constable March 3, 1794, and also March 2, 1195.— Bee pp. 75, 80. 189 1794 t O School Mouey Eecr 2-1 By Treasurer's Order ou him in fav^ of A.Benedicty^. 4 — 10 — 0. 1795. Feb. 10. By Treasurer's Order on him in favr Aroh'^ (Chadwick X 24. By _ Do — Do — — Cap* yale — X March —By — Do — Do — — Silas Clark X 11. By — Do — Do — — Dani West - X By his Commissions on the State, County,) Town and School Taxes, amounting to £ 218—4—9 at £ 2—17-0 pr Cent ) Api 6. By Order in favr Juo Nye By Sundry Orders brot in, not before credited By indorsement on Rec^ he had from > yale ) June 221 By 5 School Orders returned which the } Treasurer gave out — — — ) Nov. 13. Gave an Order ou him in favr Peter Willcox 1796Feb.lO By 1 School Order return'^ ibid By Cash in full for Scholl Tax 1794 1796 May 30th By Select Men's Orders brot iu. to answer)^ on Taxes for 1795 j March 7 School Crder for North East District Augt 24th Select Men's Order in favr Jesse Clark Feb. loth 1797 Bv Select Men's Order for 4 — 3_6. 7 — 2—8. 1—11—0. — 11—0. X 6 3—3. 3—18- 30—07- 15—14-10 £ 69—12—3 X 27- -9- -0 3- — 0- -01 X 14- -14- -9 X 1- 2- -1 £43- -10 X 126—15—2% X 12 7—7 X 3 — 3—7 X 1— 16-lH £ U4 -3-4i t The 4 written over a 5. The first entries of this account were undoubtedly written in 1795, and the first item dated back to 1794. t This item not included in the footing. 190 (5) 1796. Cash D': Feb. 10. To Cash reed of Jesse Clark — — £ 1 2 1 1798. Feb. 20. To Cash reed of the Select Men $171, 0, 1799. Feb. 27th To Cash from Select Men | ^ 23 50 now in the Treasury ) ' 191 179(3 C^ INIarch. By Cash jniid for recording the Town's Deeds — 6 — 8 March Tth By Cash pfi Ebv Jenkeus Jr iu Ball<:*^' of his Ace* —5—8 1797 — Feb. lo. By Cash paid Jesse Clark in Ball':^ of liis Acct —4-11^ 0-16— 2i Sepv 9 — By Cash paid Archelaus Chadwick \ - ^q in part of an Order lie has on the Treasr ) ' ' £ 1— 2— Oi 1798. Dolrs Feb. 20. By Cash deliv^ Jcsiah Yale Esqr by Select ) 90 Men's verbal Order f • > > March 5 By paid Archelaus Chadwick, on Select Men's order 1, 70 — " " paid N. Dillingham's Acct allow'd by Select Men 7, 59 — " By paid Select Men's Order iu fav Ebr Squire } 1 58 3 presented by Calvin IngersoU ) ' ' March 27. By paid Select Mens' Order in favr Ephm Williams!^ „- g., ,> presented by Arch^ Chadwick j ' ~' Api 2d Pd Jot Bradley 4 Dolrs & Sami Chadwick 3 Dollars 7, 0, 25. Paid Capt J. Nye 1, 25 Paid Select Men 26, 20 170, 94, 9 Change in the Treasury 5, 1 $ 171, 0, 1799 Api. 10th By Cash paid Capt Joseph Whiton ) by Select Men's Order three Dollars ) May 6tii By Cash paid Jarei Bradley <& Others) Committee — as pr Acct allowd by the Town ' ' ) June 21tt By Cash Paid Seth Nye) pr Select Mens Ordv >' Sep. 4tii Paid James Austin pr D':> Do 3, 7, 50 11, 50 1, 50 $ 23, 50 m («) 1796 Calvin Iiioersoll Constable D" No\r 4th To Select Meu's Return of Taxes D C M For Towu Charges 271, 43, 6 School Money 148,38,2 $419,81,8 1796 C: Dec; 26 By Snudry Orders jriveu by 1 Do'/ C. the Select Men— return M T l()6-;36 ibid By D? 2* p :3 and * * * — — — 80—3 1707 136-3=) Mar. 14 By Sundry Orders given by > . -^ q~ - the Select" Men— retm-nVi T loj, t»(, i 1798 296, 3fi, 1 Feb. 20. By Snndi-T Orders Rive 1 by ) ,.j, ,,-, n the Select'Men — brot in — >" i~3, -ij, .^ By Cash 4, 9 $419, 81, 8 194 Ephraim AVilliams ('onytable D"" & School Taxes committed to him to » . .„ 07 lect, agreeable to Select Meu's Return Sep*; 12, 179S. / ' Mistake iu filiug & crediting Order No 2 ) t in Augt 24, 179S ' / ^' ~ 461, 87 Treasm-er's Certificate 31, 55 + 1- £493,42 t See page 184. { Portion of the margin and some of the test wanting. tt £ Should be $. 193 1799. ° MiU-. 26. By 41 Select Men's Orders June 27. By 10 Do Do 1800 Feb. 25. By 8 Do D ' t Corner wanting. For the missing figures, see p. 185. 19) (S) Samuel Porter Constable D^ To Tax Bills committed to him to collect ) $ agreeable to Select Men's return of this Dat? > 480,46 00 To Tax Bills committed to him to Collect agreeable to Select Meus return of this date to a T; s to defray Town Charges ^ 441,33 to a Tax for the Seporr of Schools 152,03 $ c93,?6 [Only the heading and first debit item of this a?count were written byDillingham. The rest is in Nathaniel Bas.sett's hai.d.] t Part of margin, and date missing.- Porter was elected Constable March 4, 1799, also March 3 IsOO.— See pp. 97, i05. 197 By Orders & Acouuts for which I give a April () By Orders &• Acounts for which I gave a Rociet 449,32 ISO I May 4 By Orders from Selectmen for which I gave Reciet 090,31 January 13 By Orders from Selectmen for which I gave reciet 053,73 1802 $ 593,36 t Corner wanting. 198 (9) wn of LeeD*" to town orders & accounts Town alowed Dollars Cents No No No No No No No N6 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N6 No No No Nb No No No No No No No er in favour of David IngersoU — — — der iu favour of Hope Davis — — — — 3 order iu favour of Johu Couch — — — — 4 order iu favour of Euock Garfield — — — — 5 jrder iu favour of Oalviu lugersoll — — — 6 order iu favour of Calviu IngersoU — — — — 7 order iu favour of Calviu lugersoll — — — 8 order in favour of Cpt Porter & Gpt Whiton — — 9 order in favour of John Ball - — — — 10 )rder iu favour of Hemau Hinkley — — — — 1 1 order iu favour of Johu Nye _ _ — — 13 order iu favour of Joshua West — — — — 13 order in favour of Elisha Grant — — — — 14 Major Nyes account allowed By the Tovrn — — — 15 order iu favour of Johu Stearns — — — — 16 order iu favour of Abijah Crosbey — — — — 17 Nathaniel Thares account alowed By Town — — 18 order in favour of Erastus Sergeant Jr — — — 19 order in favour of Samuel Chadwick — — — 20 order iu favour of Daniel Willcox — — — — 21 order iu favour of Jenkins & Foot — — — 22 Opt Joseph Whitous Acount Alowed By Town — — 23 Dotr T[h]aeres Acount allowed for doctoring T North, p I 24 order in favour of Stephen Dexter — — — 25 order iu favour of Elijah West & J Austin school C — 26 order in favour of Jeams Austin — — — — 27 order iu favour of Seth Bardeu — — — — 28 order in favour of Elisha Grant — — — — . 29 order in favour of Nathaniel Bassett — — — — 30 order iu favour of Jeams Penoyr school Mon — — 31 order in favour of Jeams Gifford — — — — 32 Johu Keeps Acount alowed By the Town — — 33 order iu favour of Jeams Penoyr — — — — 34 order iu favour of N. Dillingham & Dr Thare School O 35 order in favour of Stephen Bradley — — — 36 Jared Bradleys Acount alowed By the Town — — 37 Josiah Yales Acount alowed By the Town — — 38 Josiah Yales Acount alowed By the Town — — — 39 order in favour of David Baker — — — — 006 005 005 022 018 003 001 093 000 001 001 004 006 013 003 004 001 Oil 006 014 018 030 002 038 007 005 020 004 03 001 Oil 001 082 004 006 026 013 032 10 35 39 86 45 80 83 66 06 90 50 — M 83-3 41 26 55 44 50 77 497 84 t Corner misHing. t See pp. 100. 107, 180. 19,> Town of Lee Creclet By Selectiuens return Dollars Cents of a Tax Bil Comited to Samuel Porter to Collect | | for the year 1799 the sum of — — — i480 40 Recieved in Cash of the Selectmen — — — 55 — Recieved of Esqr Jenkins for Seth Handeys flue for a Breach of Sabbatli — — — 002' — T Lee Dr By order in favour of J & Foot — By order in favour of Samuel Porter — — By order in favour of Josiah Yale — — — B V order in favour ot John Nye — — — By Account Esqr Jenkins Col Bradley * Bassett t Bv' Dr John Rathburns Acount — — — 1 Auditing Ccmniittee.— See page 97. 537 46 oil- Cent 019 — 01052 01545 004 — 003 — 003 — 154 97 2JU Town of Lee D^ (10) to Orders & Accounts Dollars Cent?s No 40 to No 41, to No 43 to No 43 'to N? 44 to No 45 to N? 46 to No 47 to No 48 to No 49 to N-^oO N'ol No 52 No 58 Nu 54 No 55 No 56 N9 5 N«'i 58 No 59 order iu favour of Samuel Chadwick — — order iu favour of Livi Chase — — order iu favour of Elisha Graut — — order iu favour of Erastus Sergeant — order iu favour of Epliram Williams — order in favour of Samuel Porter — order in favour of Isaac Davis — — order in favour of Nat" Ball, School agent order in favour of Nathi Bassett — — order in favour of Peter Willcox — — order iu favour of Nath" Dillingham — — order in favour of Daniel Willcox — order in favour of Daniel Willcox — — order in favour of David Hamlin — — order in favour of Josiah Yale — — — order iu favour of C Bassett School agent order in favour of Nathan Dillingham — order in favour of Nathan Bassett — order in favour of Eli Bradley — — — order iu favour of Col Bradley School agent [The fo )ting should be 4J3,94 A 4 seems to have been made over the second 3, althuugh it is uncertain which figure was made last. The Auditing Committee must have considered the footnig $434.94 or the balance would have been $144.07.] lOUb — 012 — 026 — 004 002 062 022 i)47 009 051 1)01 037 )06 72 002 06 )29|— :)38 019 006 )03 )46 434 94 201 Town of Lee Credet By Selectmens returns Dollars Cents of Tax bils Commited to Samuel Porter to Collect for the year 1800 Tax to defray tou Chargee a Tax for the Seport of Schools "We the Subscribers Being a Committee to Settle with Nathi Bassett Towu Treasurer have attended that Serves. & find his acounts Right Cast and well avought, and find there is Due from him to the town one hundred and forty three Dollars & Seven Cents. Lee May 1st Day 1801 Josiah Yale ) John Nye - Commit© Nathan Bassett) 44133 15203 593 36 202 Note:— This district was incorporated to more effectually manage the school lands reserved for the inhabitants of the Hoplands, and the fund arising from the sale of those lands. "1749, July 18, the Hoplands were laid out and the meadows divided, one right being set apart for schools. 1750, April 12, there was another division, and as before, land was set apart for school purposes. 1771, Feb. 1, the school lands in this particular district were set apart for the benefit of people residing in the district. There were six different allotments of land, ranging from ten to forty acres at a time. The school rights reserved amounted in all to about 170 acres." (Centennial Hist, of Lee, p. lib.) The district was abolished April 5, 1389, Besides the acts of incorporation and abol- ishment, there were three others passed by the legislature regarding it:— one March 11, 1797, f orb. dding town assessments on Hopland property for school purposes; one June 19, 1798, giving authority to the district to levy taxes, should its fund prove in- sufficient, and one Feb. 12, 1830 permitting the district to dividj into subiistricts. The first three acts are here given. For the action of the town regarding these lands, and the incorporation of the district, see pp. 24, 59. AN ACT FOR INXORPORATIXG A CERTAIN PART OF THE TOWN OF LEE INTO A SCHOOL DISTRICT, BY THE NAME OF THE HOPLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT. Whereas it appears to this Court, that certain lands lying in that part o f the town of Lee, which f ormerly belonged to the town of Great Earrington in the Count y of Berkshire, were appropriated for the use & support of Schools, which lands b y the Act of incorporation of the said Town of Lee are reserved to the said Town of Lee; And whereas it also appears that the said Town of Lee hove since their being incorporated as aforesa id, relinquislied their right in said lauds (so far as respects the support of Schools in the^saicRown of Lee) to those persons who do now, and who ma y hereafter reside on the same lauds; And whereas, in order to carry the good design of the appropriation aforesaid into effect, it is foun d necessary, that the persons residing on the said lands should be incorporated into a School District as afores aid; Be it therfore enacted by the Senate and Ho use of Representatives in General Cou rt assembled & by the authority of the same, that all the iu- habitants now living on the aforesaid lands, or that may hereafter live on the same, with all their estates be an 1 they hereby are incorporated into a School District by the name of The Hoplaud School District, in the Town of Lee as aforesaid — And be it further enacte d by the authority aforesaid, that the inhabitants of the said Hopland SchoorPistriot be ard "th' y hereby are vested with all the privileges, powers and immuuitips necessary for enabling them to use & improve all the monies that have or may arise in consequence of the aforesaid appropriations, for the support of a School or Schools in the said Hopland School District; but the said inhabit- 303 ants are still to be considered as belonging to the said town o f Lee , in every respect, saving their being subject to be taxed to the support of Schools in the other parts of said town. And be it further en acted by the authority aforesaid, that Ebenezer Jenkins Esqr. be & he hereby is impowered to issue his war- rant directed to some one principal inhabitant of the District aforesaid, requiring him to warn a meeting of the inhabitants of the District afore- said, qualified by law to vote in District affairs, to assemble at some time & place within the said Hopland School District , to be mentioned in the same warrant, for "the purpose of chusiug such Officers as may be necessary for transacting the affairs of the District aforesaid, so far as respects Schools only, according to the power and authority given by this Ace; and the said inhabitants qualified as aforesaid, being so assembled, shall be & they hereby are impowered to chuse such officers as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid. Provided always that the inhabitants of the aforesaid Hopland School District, shall keep maintain and support within the said Dis- trict, their proportionable part of all Schools by law hereafter required to be kept, maintained and supported within the aforesaid Town of Lee. March 7, 1791. AN ACT, IN EXPLANATION OF & IN ADDITION TO AN ACT, ENTITLED "AN ACT FOR INCORPORATIN'U A CERTAIN PART OF THE TOWN OF LEE INTO A SCHOOL DISTRICT, BY THE NAME OF THE HOPLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT." Whereas doubts and difficu lties have arisen upon the construction and operation of the sai d Act : Sect. 1. Be it Enacted by the Senate & House of Representatives in General Court assembled and b y the auth or ity of the same That the said Hopland School District shall be understood and construed to include all the Laud situated in that part of the Town of Lee which formerly be- longed to the Town of Great Barrington, together with all the inhabit- ants & residents thereon, but not to include any Land or real estate situ- ate without the said Limits, though owned by a Resident or Residents within said District. Sect. 2. Be it further Enacted, that the Assessors of said District for the time being, or the Treasurer or the Clerks of said District, when there are no such Assessors, be and they hereby are respectively authorized & required to call District meetings for the purposes mentioned or intended in this and the former Act, in the same manner and under the same reg- ulations & penalties as Selectmen of Towns by Law are. Sect. 3. And be it further Enacted , that the polls & estates belonging to the said District are & shall be exempted from being subject to be tax- ed by the said Town of Lee, to the maintenance and support of Schools, and from being liable to be prosecuted and punished, or subject to the payment of any fines or costs with the rest of said Town, for any neglect 204 of said Town in maintaining and supporting Schools. Sect. 4. Provided always, & be it further Enacted, that the said Dis- trict shall be liable to be prosecuted and punished as a District, for neglecting to maintain and support their proportionable part of all schools by Law required to be kept, maintained or supported by or wnthin said Town, in the Siime manner as a Town is by Law liable to be prosecuted and punished for neglect of Schools. Approved March 11, 179". AN ACT IX FURTHER EXPLANATION OF AND ADDITION TO AN ACT, ENTITLED "AN ACT FOR INCORPORATING A CERTAIN PART OF THE TOWN OF LEE INTO A SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE NAME OF THE HOPLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT." Sect. 1. Be it Enacted by the Senate a nd House of Representatives in General Court assembled a nd by the authority of the same, That whea- ever the Rents and Incomes of the School Lands and other property be- longing to the said District shall be insufficient for the purpose, the said District may, at any District Meeting, regularly called and warned there- for, from time to time, grant such School Taxes as may be necessary and sufficient, together with such Rents & Incomes to build & repair a suit- able School-House or School- Houses for said District, and to provide and support a suitable School or Schools within and for said District; which Taxes shall be assessed by the Assessors of said District or by the Asses- sors of said Town of Lee for the time being, upon application of said Dis- trict, upon the Polls and Estates belontriug to said District, and shall be collected by the Collectors of the said District, or by the Collectors of said Town of Lee, for the time being, upon application of said District, in the same manner and under the same regulations and penalties, as Town- School Taxes by Law are assessed and collected. Sect. 2. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the said District shall be understood and construed to be capable of suing and being sued, and of appearing in Court to prosecute or defend, and of pos- sessing, improving and leasing from time to time, the School-Lauds be- longing to said District by a Committee or Agents thereto diily appointed, at any Meeting regularly called aud warned therefor. Sect. 3. Be it further Enact ed by the Authority aforesai d, that the said District shall have power to exchange any parts or parcels of the School-Lands belonging to said District for other Lands lying within said District, to be holden in the same manner aud to the same uses as the lands so exchanged. Sect. 4. And be it fu rther Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the said District shall be capable of taking any Estate Real or Personal to the amount of Five thousand Dollars, which may hereafter voluntarily be bequeathed, granted or given to said District, for the use and support of a School or Schools aud of holding the same for the use of Schools within said District. Approved June 19, 1798. 201 HOPLAXD SCHOOL DISTRICT; RECORDS. Began, April 12"^— 1791. At a Legal Scliool Meetiug of the Hoplaud School District in Lee, on Tuesday the 12tn Day of April 1791, at the school house in sd District Ebeuer Jeukius Esqr Moderator. It Choose Joseph Whiton Clerk T 2nd Chose Capt Euoch GarfieldT Capt David PorterT & Lieut Levi Nye as Comiuittee to take care of the Public School Laud 3rd Voted that S^ Committee shall act as Assessors 4th Chose Archelus Chadwick Treasurer T 5 Chose Edmund Hiuckley Collector 6 Voted that the Committee Determine what part of the Public money shall go to the Propriators living on the East side of the River. 7 Voted that those Propriators who live on the East side of the River down said River to the south Line of Lot No l-i be set off by themselves which said Line and the River is the boundary Line 8 Chose Job Hamlin Collector for the East side of the River. 9 Voted that All those persons holding public school lands in the Hop- land School District sliall hold their Lauds according to the Tenure of their Leases. 10 Voted that all future Meetings be Warned by setting up three Noti- fications, one at "Winegar's Mill, one at the school house, and one at the Grist Mill Near the Forge in sd District, said Notifications to stand Two Public Days. Desolvd the Meeting Those officers with this mark T set over or after their Names are sworn. Lee May the 30^^—1791.— At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee at the Senter School house in said District, W'.n Ingersoll Esqr Moderator Voted to Continue the School. Voted to finish the School house. Voted to Complete the School house by Vendue To the Lowest Bidder John Keep bid it Down to Eight pounds ten shillings and was the Low- est Bidder. Voted to raise the Sum of Fifty five pounds L M9 for the Building and Completing the school house. •; ; Chose a Committee Consisting of Archelus Chadwick Esqr Ingersoll and John Hulet to Inspect the work Mr Keep does on the school house to 206 see if it is workmanlike. 1791. Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the first Monday in July next then to Meet at this place. 4 O'clock P. M. Monday 4^^ July 1791. Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the Second Monday in August next then to Meet at this place Second Monday in August 1791 Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the first Monday in Septr at 3 O' Clock P. M. then to meet at this place. Monday 5 Septv 1791. Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted to adjourn the Meeting to Monday the 19th Day of Septy Instant at 3 O'clock afternoon then to Meet at this place. Monday 19*^ SeptT 1791. Meeting opened According to Adjournment Voted to Adjourn the Meeting to Tuesday the 27tli Day of Instant Septr at 3 O'clock afternoon then to meet at this place. Tuesday 27*^ Sept^ 1791 Meeting opened according to Adjournment. It Voted that the Assessors proceed to Assess the Money Voted to be raised. 2nd Desolvd the Meeting. At a Legal School meeting of the Hoplaud School District in Lee, at the Senter school house in said District, on Monday the Thirty first Day of October 1791. Capt John Starns Moderator. Voted to Excuse Edmund Hinckley from serving as Collector '" Voted to Vendue the Collection of the Money assessd to the Lowest Bidder Capt John Starus bid it Down to seven pence on the pound and was the Lowest Bidder Chose Capt Starus Collector T Voted that each Scholar that attends School shall furnish half a Cord of wood for the School house, or the Parent or Master of Such Scholar shall be assessd and pay three shillings to pay for the Getting said wood Desolvd the Meeting. 1792. 207 At a legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District iu Lee, at the Red School house in said District on Monday the 25th Day of June 1792.— William Ingersoll Esqr Moderator. It Choose Capt Enoch Garfield Capt David Porter and Lieut Levi Nye a Committee to take care of the School Lauds. 2nd Choose Joseph Whiton Clerk. T 3rti Voted that said Committee shall act as Assessors. 4. Voted to Continue the School. 5. Choose David Ingersoll Collector and Archelus Chadwick Treas^ Desolvd the Meeting [L. S.] Berkshire ss t To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School-District in Lee Greet- ing In the name of the Commonwealth [of] Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District iu Lee, to Meet at the red School house in said District on Monday the seven- teenth Day of Decer Instant at 5 O'clock P. M. To act on the following Articles (viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting. 2nd To see what method the District will come into to supply the School with wood the present Winter. 3ly To transact any other Business that may be thought necessary Fail not of this Warrant but make return with your Doings thereon at or before said Day. Given under our hands and Seal this sixth Day of December in the year of our Lord 1792 Enoch Garfield > School David Porter ) Committee In pursuance of the within Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned Joseph Whiton Clerk Deer lOtli 1792. At a Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District iu Lee at the red School-house, in said District on Monday the seventeenth Day of December 1792. Capt Abijah Merrill Moderator. Ist Voted, that for each Scholar who attends School the Parent or Mas- ter of such Scholar shall provide half a Cord of wood Cut up suitable for the fire t The warrants for the early Hopland meetings were not recorded. This, and the others given in this volume have been preserved among the MSS.of the district. Those for the preceding meetings have not been found. 208 1792-1793. nd Voted that said wood shall be Delivered at the school house by the first Day of Feby next Voted that the Committee be Directed to give John Keep an order of one pound sixteen shilling on the Treasr for service Done in Completing the School house Desolvd the Meeting [L. S.] Berkshire ss To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School-District in Lee Greet- ing. In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts you are hereby reauired to warn the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee to Meet at At red School-House in Said District on Monday The fourth Day of February next at 5 O'Clock P. M. to act on the following Articles (viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting 2th To Se if the Destrick will Give any Derections To the Commitee Re- t spictiug the Sail of the publick School Land 3 To transact any Other business That may be thout proper hear of fail not but make return of this Warrant to serve us att or be fore Said Day Giviu under Om- hands and Seal this 25 Day of January 1793 Enoch Garfield) School David Porter ) Comite In pursuance of the with in Warrant I have notified The Inhabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the Time and place and for the piu-poses within mentioned LeeFebt-y 1st 1793. Joseph Whiton Clerk At a Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee, at the red School house in said District on Monday the fourth Day of Febry, 1793. Mr Archelus Chadwick Moderator. 1st Voted that the Committee be Directed to give Aaron Wormer a Lease of the School Lot he has in his Possession. Desolvd the Meeting [The warrant for this meeting not found.] -^ ~ At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee on Monday the fifteenth Day of April 1793. Capt John Starns Moderator. 1st Voted that the Committee Procure a School Master to Teach School one year. t To the second article, written by the Clerk, Joseph "Whiton. The second and third articles were written by Enoch Garfield. 1793. 200 2nd Voted that the Committee pay Joseph Whiten What is Dae him^ from a former Subscription Committee, for what was Due them; from Eleazar West for his Children's Schooling one Summer. 8rd Voted to raise the Sum of eighteen pounds for the Support of School the year ensuing 4 Voted to add an addition of one to the present Committee 5 Chose Joseph Whiton Committee man. 6 Voted to remit Freeman Moshier's and Edward Willcox's taxes in Capt Starn's Bill. 7 Voted that Enoch Garfield get the opinion of an Attorney whither a District Collector has Lawful authority to Collect any Tax Commit- ted to him Desolvd the Meeting [L. S.] Berkshire ss To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee Greeting — In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of said District to meet at the red School house in said District on Tuesday the seventh Day of May next at 4 O'clock P. M. to act ou the following Articles (viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting 3 To see if the District will reconsider the Doings of the last School meeting 3rd To transact any Business that may be thought necessary respecting Schooling affairs the insuing Summer. Fail net of this Warrant but make return with your doings thereon to one of us at or before said Day Given under our hands and seal this 37th Day of April 1793. Enoch Garfield)^ School David Porter ) Committee In obeciance to this with in Warant I iiave warned The inhabiants of the Hopland School Destrick to Meet at time and pleace as the with in Warant Derects Attest Joseph Whiton Clerk Lee May 4th 1793. [This return, although signed by the clerk, was written by Enoch Garfield. The following memorandum, in an unknown hand, is also on the back of the warrant :] First Voted that the Committee be directed to take back the forme[r] bill in Cap iStairns hands to Collect and to make an other according to Law. Voted that Capt Stearns be a Collector for the Same At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee on Tuesday the seventh Day of May (at the Red School house in said District)- 1793. Enoch Garfield Moderator. Voted To reconsider The first and Third Votes passed at the Last School Meeting. 210 1793. By the first of which Votes the Committee were Directed to procure a Teacher for one year. By the second The sum of Eighteen pounds was Voted to be raised for the support of School the year insuing. [L. S.J Berkshire ss To Joseph Whitou Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of said District qualified to act in District meet- ings to meet at the Red School house in said [Lee] on Friday 18 day of Oct7 Instant at 4 O'Clock P. M. to act on the following Articles (viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting 2nd To Choose District Officers. 3rd To see if the District will continue the School 4 To see if the District will raise money to support Schooling. .5 To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary Fail not of this Warrant But make return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to one of us at or Before said day Lee Octr 5 1793 Euch Garfield^ School David Porter f Committee In pursuance of the with in Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of with in mentioned District to meet at the time and place and for the pur- poses within mentioned Joseph Whiton Clerk. [The following mem., by Enoch Gfarfleld, is also on the back of the warrant:] Met according to ajoriiment and Voted that the School Comitys be Directted to potisian the Select men of Said Town to Call a town Meeting for the purpose of rais- ing Money for the purpose of Schooling Voted to Excuse Capt Poter from Sering as a Comity Voted that David IngersooU be a School Comity At a Legal School meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee on Friday the 18th day of Octr 1793. at the red School house in said District. Enoch Garfield Moderator Voted to adjourn the meeting to friday the 25th of this Instant. Met according to ajornment Voted Lieut Joseph Whitou was Chosen Clark for the year insuing Enoch Garfield David Porter & Edmoud Hinkley & Livi Nye was Chosen Committe Archelus Chadwick was Cliosen Treasurrer David In- gersoll Chosen Collecter Voted to Excuse Capt Enoch Garfield from Be- ing one ot the aforesaid Commite and Chose Mr Archelus Chadwick to Serve in his Room Voted to Continue the School Voted that the Commite be Directed to Employ Mr Samuel Allen To Teach a School in this District for the Term of Six months from the time 1793-1794. '" he the Said Began to Teach School in this District Voted to Excuse Mr archelus Chadwick from Serving as one of the aforesaid Comniite — and Choose Mr John freese to Serve in his Sted Voted to adjorn this Meeting to friday the It Day of Novr next Friday Novr 1st Met according to Adjournment 1st Voted that the School Committee be Directed to petition the Select- men of the Town of Lee to Call a Town meeting for the purpose of raising money for the purpose of Schooling. 2nd Voted to Excuse Capt Porter from Serving as Committee-man. 3rd Chose David IngersoU Committee man. Desolved the Meeting. [L. S.] Berkshire ss To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee Greet- ing. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusett you are hereby re- quired to warn the Inhabitants of the said District to meet at the red School house in said District on Tuesday the fourth Day of March next at 5 O'clock P. M: to act on the following Articles (Viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said meeting 2iid To see if the District will continue the School 3rd To see if the District will give the Committee any Instructions who to apply to for a Teacher. 4th To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary. Fail not of this Warrant but make return hereof with your Doings thereon to one of us at or before said day Given under our hands and seal this 22ii In pm-suance of the Within Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the within mentioned District to meet at the Time and place and for the purposes with in mentioned. Joseph Whiton Clerk At a Legal School meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee, on Tuesday the fourth day of March, at the red School house in said District 1794. Capt John Starues Moderator. Voted, to Continue the School. Voted That the Committee be directed to apply to a School Master to Teach School for the Term of six Months from the first of May next as near as Consistantly may be. Desolved the Meeting. t These names were written by the Clerk. Mr. Hinckley spelled his christian name, Edmond. 213 1794. [L. S.] Beekshire ss. To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School District iu Lee Greet- ing. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to warn the Inhabitants of said District to meet at the red School- house in said District on Monday the Thirtieth Day of June Instant at 4 O'clock in the afternoon to act on the following Articles (Viz) l3t To Choose a Moderator for said meeting. 2nd To see if the District will Divide the District into Two Schools. 3rd To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary Fail not of this Warrant but make return witn your Doings thereon to one of us at or before said Day. Given under our hands and seal This Thirteenth Day of June— 1794 Edmoud Hinckley) Committee David lugersoll j In pursuance of the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of the Hoplaud School District to meet at the Time and place and for the purposes within mentioned Joseph Whiton Clerk At a Legal School- Meeting of the Hoplaud School District in Lee on Monday the Thirtieth day of June at the red School house in said District 1794. Capt Abijah Merrill Moderator. Voted to Divide the District into Two Schools. — — — Voted That the District be Divided as follows (Viz) The River shall be the Line from Mr Pixleys Down said River to the Bridge near the Forge from thence up the Road north to the Road Leading from Esqr lugersoU's to Stockbridge thence on s *-o"^^"^^^ In pursuance of the within Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the Time and place and for the purposes within mentioned Lee Deer I5th 1794 Joseph Whitou Clerk At a Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee at the Red School house in sd District on Monday the fifteenth day of Decv 1794. Capt Abijah Merrill Moderator. Voted Not to Divide the School house Voted Not to Divide the Public Money. Voted the Committee Apply to a Teacher to Continue the School Voted to Reconsider the Vote passed at a former meeting Respecting the Division of the District Voted That the Committee be Directed to warn a Meeting as soon as may be Desolvci the Meeting [L. S.] Bekk.^hire ss To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee Greet- ing. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Commanded to warn the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee (qualified By Law to Vote in District affairs) to meet at the red School house in said District on Monday the fifth Day of January next at 4 O'clock P. M. To act on the following Articles (viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting 2nd To see if the District will Choose an Additional Committee-man in the Northeast part of the District. 3iy To see if the District will do any thing respecting a Division of the District or setting up Schools in various parts of the District 4ly If the District shou<:l not vote to have scliools in various parts of the District nor in any way Divide the District To see if the District will Build an Addition to the present School house suitable for the Accommodation of Two Schools the whole or part of the Time as the District shall think proper 214 1794-1795-1796. 5th To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary Fail not of this Warrant But make return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to one of us at or Before said Day Given under oui- hands and Seal this Twenty fifth Day of Deer 1794. Edmond Hinckley t committee David IngersoU > In pursuance of the within Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee to meet at the Time and place and for the pui'poses therein mentioned Lee, Jauy 5tii 1795. Joseph Whiton Clerk At a legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee on Monday the oth day of Jany , 1795 at the red School house in said District. Capt Abi.iah Merrill Moderator. Choose Jedediah Crocker Committeeman in Addition to the present Committee. Voted to Build an Addition to the present School house so as to accom- modate Two Schools with the present house Voted that the Committee be Directed to procure a Chair for the School reconsidered the Last Vote Desolved the Meeting [L. S.l Berkshire ss — To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School- District in Lee Greet- ing In the Name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to warn the Inhabitants of the said District to Meet at the red School house in s"! District on Monday the 4tli Day of Jan.y nest at O'clock P. M. to act on the following Articles (Viz) 1 To Choose a Moderator for sd Meeting 2 To See what method the District will come into to provide wood for the School the present winter 3 To see what the District will Do about boarding the present Teacher. — 4 To Transact any other Business that may be thought Necessary — — Fail not of this warrant But make return with your Doings to one of us By said Day Given under Cm- hands and Seal this 25tli Day of Decemr 1795 John Freese ) ri^^^;<.i.„^ Edmond Hinckley; Committee In Pursuance of the with in Warrant I have warned the Inbabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the Time & place & for the pur- poses within mentioned. Lee Jan.y , 2^]d 1796 Joseph Whiton Clerk 1796. 215 At a Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hoplaud School District in Lee ou Monday the 4th Day of Jan.y , 179G at the red School house in sd District. Capt David Porter Moderator Voted that all Scholars who attend the School shall be turned out provid- ed the Parents or Masters Do not provide Their Quota of wood By the 20tii Day of Jany Current, untill the wood is provided. — — — Voted That for each Schollar who attends School there shall Be one Quarter of a Cord of Good wood provided and Cut ready for the fire Voted that Enoch Garfield, Capt Starnes and Edmond Hinckley be a Committee to turn those Scholars out of School who shall not have wood provided for them as above mentioned. Desolvd the Meeting [L. S.] Berkshire ss To Joseph Whitou Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee Greet- ing In the Name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of Said District to meet at the red School house in said District on Monday the Fifteenth Day of Feb.ry Cm-- reut at 5 O'ClockP. M. To act on the following articles (Viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting. 2nd To see if the District will reconsider a former Vote respecting Build- ing an addition to our present school house and if sd Vote shoud Be reconsidered see what the District will do about a Division of the District and Building school house or houses for the accommodating the Schools, But if sd Vote shoud not be reconsidered To see what method the District will come into to make the Addition so Voted. — 3rd To Transact any other Business that may be thought Necessary Fail not of this Warrant but make return with your Doings there on to one of us on sd Day. Given under om- hands and seal this sixth Day of Febry 1796 ' Edmond Hinckley)^ committee David IngersoU > In pursuance of the with in Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the Time and place and for the piu'poses within mentioned Lee Febry, 13th 1796 Joseph Whitou Clerk At a Legal School meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee at the Red School house in said District on Monday the fifteenth Day of Feb- ruary 1796. at 5 O'clock in the afternoon Capt Enoch Garfield Moderator. Voted to adjourn the meeting to Monday the 2:2nd Day of this Instant at 5 O'clock P. M. 216 1796, Monday 22nd Febry. Meeting opened according to Adjournment. — — — Voted to reconsider a former Vote respecting Building an Addition to our present School house Voted to Divide the District into Three Schools Voted to Divide the District as follows (viz) That the River Be the Boundary Line Beginning at where Hopbrook Enters into it so Down the River to the Bridge near the Forge thence up the street so as to Include Mr Squier thence the Line is to Run Due North to the Road Leading from our present school house to Stockbridge thence on s^ Road to Stockbridge including the Inhabitants on s^ Road, and from the mouth of Hopbrook up sd Brook to Tyringham Line all south of said Lines is to Constitute one School — — — — — And the remaining part of the District Be Divided as follows (viz) That the Road Leading By Mr Edmund Hiuckleys Be the Division as far as om- present school house and from thence a Due south Line to the River all East of the above Described Line is to be one school and ail West is to Be the other Desolvd the Meeting [MS., not recorded.] A Memorandum of the proceedings of the Inhabitants of the South School in the Hopland School District in Lee on the 29tb Day of March 1796 sd meeting being at Mr John Couches 1st Choose Capt Merrill Moderator 2nd Chose J. Whiton Clerk for the meeting 3th Voted to Build a School house within Twelve Rods from Bridge over J. Couches Mill Brook and Where in sd Limits Three Men to be ap- poi[n]ted shall say 4th j Choose Capt Starnes, Isaac Davis, and Capt Merrill, [to] be the Men i to say where the house shall Be Built — — — — 5th Voted to Build a School house Twenty six feet By Twenty (Voted to Choose a Committee to report to sd meeting what sort of a 6th . house it is Best to Build whether a Wood house or a Brick one which ( Committee are to Assertain as near as may be the Cost of Each 7th Choose Joseph Whiton John Couch and Capt Starnes Committee Adjourned the Meeting to Tuesday the fifth Day of Api. next at six O'clock in the afternoon then to meet at this place — — — Tuesday o^^ of Api Meeting opened according to Adjournment Voted to Build the School house near the Culver house so Called on the East side of sd house the front of the house to stand on the Line of the Road Voted that Sami Davis may Send his Children to this School on Con- 1796. ''' ditiou that he pay five DoUars towards Building tlie house and pay his proportion of Schooling Voted to Build a School house of Wood and not of Brick Voted that those persons who attend Preaching in this Quarter may make an addition to the house of four feet each way at their own Expense provided they Do not interrupt the School. Adjourned the meeting to Tuesday the Twe[l]fth Day of Api. Current at 6 O'clock P M. then to meet at this place [L. S.] Berkshire ss To Joseph Whitou Clerk of the Hoplaud School District in Lee Greet" In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of the Hoplaud School District to meet at the red School house in said District on Monday the Eleventh Day of April Current at 2 O'Cloek P. M. to Act on the following articles (Viz) 1st To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting. 2ud To Choose a Committee to Take care of the School Lands and employ School Teachers -5rd To see if the District will reconsider a Vote passed at the Last meet- ing respecting a Division of the District and if s^ Vote shou^ Be re- considered see what the District will finally Do about School affairs whither they will Build an Addition to our present School house or not. 4 To see whether the District have a mind to be Taxed for the Support of Schooling the present year 5 To see what the District will Do about Schooling the Ensuing sum- mer () To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary ■ Fail not of this warrant But make return to one of us at sA meeting Given under our hands and seal this second Day of April 17!)() Edmond Hinckley) David Ingersoll - Committee John Freese ) In pursuance of the within Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hoplaud School District to meet at the Time and place and for the pm-poses within mentioned Lee Apl 11th 1796 Joseph Whiton Clerk At a Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee on Monday the Eleventh Day of April at 2 O'Cloek P. M. at the red School house in .said District 179(5. Mr Joseph Wyllys Moderator. Choose Capt David Porter, Mr David Ingersoll, and Mr John Hulet Committee To take care of School Lauds and Employ Teachers 218 1796. for the year Ensuing. Voted f To submit the matter, about Dividing the District; To a Com- >^^r^ I mittee of Three: who shall determine what the District shall 2 > '^■s ; do; whither they shall Divide, or not: and if s^ Committee shall c J i'^ I say, it is Best to Divide; they, are to say how many, Schools there » > as L* shall be, and where the Dividing Lines shall run. Choose John Bacon and William Walker Esqf« and Capt Adonijah Bidwell Comniitte, and in Case either of the above shall fail then Maji' Allen is to supply his place Choose Capt Enoch Garfield and Wni IngersoU Esqr To Notify the Committee and wait on them round the District to show them the situation of the District. Voted That the Committee be paid for their services out of the public Money Adjourned the Meeting to Monday the Eighteenth Day of Api Current at 4 0'Clock P. M. then to meet at this place. Meet according to adjournment Voted That the money arising from the School Lands in sd District Lye Dorment for one year from the Date in the hands of the Comittee on Interest Voted not to Build an addition to the Red School house Voted To be Taxed With the othe[r] inhabitants of the Town for the Support of Schools in Sd Town of Lee — Voted tliat there be Three school Set up the present Summer by way of the town Desolved the Meeting [MS., not recorded.] We the Subscribers a Committee appointed by the Hopland School District to consider whether it is best that the said district should be divi- ded, & if the said Committee should judge it best that the said district should be divided, in that case, to say how many schools there shall be. & where the dividing lines shall run; have attended that service, & find the said district to Le so situated as, in their opinion, not to admit of a division, with- out being attended with considerable inconveniences. Besides, the Com- mee are of opinion that nothing short of Legislative power is competent to discribiug any dividing lines within the district which might exclude any individual inhabitant from the benefit of any part of the money be- longing to the district, this being property that is held in common, and cannot be held or used in severalty. The Commee are, on the whole, unanimously agreed in their opinion, that altho' the district have a right to erect as many schools within the district as they may think fit. Provid- ed that each school be open & free to all the inhabitants of the district; Yet, that it will be most for the advantage of the district at large, as well 179G. as for the individuals who compose it, to have at present but one school, with one or more Masters, as the number of children to be taught, may- require. John Bacon April 15tii 1796. William Walker Adonijah Bidwell Lee 18th april 1790 Voted to Except the within Report attest Joseph Wylljs Moderator — [L. S.] Berkshire .ss To Joseph Whiton Clerk of the Hopland School District in Lee Greet- ing. In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn the Inhabitants of said District (qualified to Vote in District affairs) to meet at the red School house in said District on Mon- day the sixteenth Day of May Current at 2 O'Clock P. M. to Act on the following articles (Viz) 1 To Choose a Moderator for said Meeting. 2 To see what Instructions the District will Give the Committee respect- ing the Public Money. 3 To see if the District will Call Back and Unite with District (in their former State) those Propriators living on the East side of the River. 4 To see if the District will Build an other School house in the South West part of the District. 5 To Transact any other Business that may be thought necessary. ■ Fail not of this warrant But make return to one of us at or Before said Meeting. Given under our hands and Seal this seventh Day of May 1796 David mgersoll)^ Committee John Hulet ) In pursuance of the within warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District to meet at the Time and place and for the purposes within mentioned. Lee May 16th 1796 Joseph Whiton Clerk At a Legal School meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee at the Red School house in said District on Monday the sixteenth Day of May at 2 O'Clock P M. 1796. Capt Enoch Garfield Moderator. Voted that My David Ingersoll be allowed a Dollar which he paid an attornev for advice. 220 1796-1797. Voted that the Committee Be Directed to put what Public money they may have in Possession out ou Interest with Good Security till the Eigh- teenth Day of April next. Desolved the Meeting [The warra'its for tlie remaining meetings wanting.! At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee on Monday the 24tii of Septr 1796 at the red School house in said District Capt David Porter Moderator. Voted that the Committee procure a School Master To Teach School the Ensuing "Winter. Voted that the Committee (if necessary) hire an assistant to the Master. Voted to Petition the Geni. Court for a New Act of incorporation. Choose Deacon Nye and Cai * Enoch Gai field a Committee to apply to an Attorney to get a form of a Corporation Adjourn';! the meeting to monday the fifteenth Day of Novr next then to meet at this place at 4 O' Clock P. M. ' At a Legal School Meeting of the luhalitants of the Hopland School- District in Lee on Monday the Ninth Day of Jany ,1797 at the Red School house in s> Disti'ict at 5 C Clock in the afternoon. Mi; John Hulet Moderator Voted to proceed about wood for the School in the same manner as was done Last Winter (viz) that all Schollars who attend School shall be turn- ed out of School unless their Parents or Masters do provide a Quarter of a Cord ready Cut for the fire (including what they already got). The Time however Limited by this Vote Extends to the first of Febry next at which Time all Schollars who have had no vvood provided are to be Turn- ed out of School Chose Mr William Whitney Mr Elijah Ingersoll and Mr John Keep Committee to Turn those Schollars out of School who shall have had no wood provided for them agreeable to the foregoing vote Voted That the Committee Use their Discretion about boarding the Master if there Can be places found for him to board without pay, then Do that way and if such places Cannot be found where he will board, then hire him boarded out of the Public Money Desolved the Meeting ■ At a Legal School meeting of the Hopland School District in Lf e ou monday the 22 Day of|May 1797 at the red School house in said District at 4 O'clock in the afternoon. 1 p-n- 221 Euoch Garfield Moderator. T Voted Not to expend tlie public money the Ensiling summer. Voted That the Committee Act Discretionary with the Lands that are forfeited. Desolved the Meeting At a Legal School Meeting of Hopland School District in Lee at the red School house in said [District] on Monday the 14th Day of August at 4 O'clock P. M. 1797. Enoch Garfield Moderator. Adjourned the Meeting to the first Monday in SeptV next at 'S O'clock P. M. First Monday Septr Meeting opened according to adjournment Desolvd the Meeting At[aJ Legal School Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hopland School District in Lee at the red School house in said District on Friday the sixth Day of Octr at 5 O' Clock P. M. 1797 Enoch Garfield Moderator — — — — — — — — Adjournii the Meeting to Friday the 13th of this Instant at sunset then to Meet at this place. Friday 13th October 1797 Meeting opened according to adjournment. 1st Voted that Two Schools be set up in the District, one at the red School house, and one at Capt Starnses. Voted that there be a Committee, to each District. ' Choose Messrs David lugersoll, and Elijah Ingersoll, be the Commit- tee, for the red School house School, and Messrs Joseph Whiton, and Sami Couch, be the Committee for the School near the Forge. Voted that each School shall Draw their proportionable part of the Money according to the Time they really send to each School Voted that there be a Quarter of a Cord of wood to each Scholar by the Tenth of Nov. Desolved the Meeting. t The following has been cancelled in the Record: Voted that whereas there is now a School kept By subscription that sd. School be Continued. 223 1798-1799. At a Legal School Meeting of the Hoplaud School District iu Lee at the red School house iu said District ou Monday the nineteenth day of Feb. 1798. at 5 O'clock in the after noon Levi Nye Moderator. Question. Will the District Let Aaron Wormer hold his School Lot which is forfeited By not paying the rent in season. Voted in the Negative.! Choose Joseph Whiton Jedediah Crocker and Enoch Garfield a Com- mittee to take in to Consideration the situation of the School Lands and report what they think Expedient to be Done Adjoui-ned the Meeting to next week Wednesday the Twentyeighth Day of Feb. Current at 1 O' Clock P. M. then to Meet at this place Wednesday Twentieth Day of Feb Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted To Accept of the report of the Committee Chosen at the Last meeting to take into Consideration the situation of the School Lands which report is as follows "That it will be Best to Let the School Lauds remain in the same situ- ation they are now an other Season and in the Interval of Time petition the Geni Court for an amendment of our Act of incorporation so that the District may have power To Tax themselves to the support of Schools and Do other Business Authenticly" Chose Joseph Whiton Enoch Garfield and Jedediah Crocker a Committe to Petition the Geni Court for an Amendment to our Act of incorporat- ion. Desolved the Meeting. At a Legal School Meeting of the flopland School District iu Lee on Monday the 29tli Oct^ 1798 at the red School house iu said District at 3 O'clock P. M. — Capt Abijah Merrill Moderator Voted To pass over the second article in the Wai-rant Voted That there shoud be a School or Schools Set up in the District the approaching Winter. Voted To Set up Two Schools one at the red School house the other iu the Neighborhood near the Forge. Desolved the Meeting At a legal School meeting of the Inhabitants of the Hoplaud School District in Lee at the red School house iu Sd District ou Monday the 35tli day of February at 2 O'Clock P M. 1799 Capt David Porter Moderator. — Voted to Choose a Committee of Three to take care of the School Lauds Choose Capt David Porter, Joseph Whiton & Mr Jedediah Crocker for the above Committee t See lease under H'^pland MSS. 1799. ''' Voted that the Committee for the takeiug care of the P'lblic School Lands shall act and be considered as assessors if there shoiid be any Assessing necessary. — Choose Joseph Whiton Clerk Choose Capt Enoch Garfield Treas^ • Choose Mr David Ingersoll Collector Voted to be Taxed witli the Town of Lee the Ensuing? year to the sup- port of Schools in the same proportion that the rest of the Town agree to be Taxed Sd Tax to be assessed by the assessors of the Town of Lee. and to be Collected [b]y the Collector of Lee. Choose Capt Garfield as an aijaunt to pro cure a form of Lease for the public Lands Clioose Joseph Whiton Sami Davis & Mr Enoch Garfield a Committee to settle with the former Committee for Taking care of the School Lauds Adjourned the Meeting for three Weeks from this day then to meet at this place at 2 ,0 Clock P M. Monday ISth March 1799 Meeting opened according to adjournment. — Voted That Job Hamlin May possess his School Lot agreeable to the Tenure of his old Lease Excepting having the privilege of paying up the principal when he pleases and so Extinguish the rent t Voted That Edmond Hinckley possess his School Lot on the Terms that Mr Hamlin is to possess his School Lot I Voted That Anan Hall possess his Lot on the same Terms that Mr Hamlin has his Lot with the addition of one Dollar rent yearly. • Voted That Enoch Garfxeld possess the Lot he has improved these num- ber of years on the Like Terms. Voted That Jared Ingersoll possess his Lot on the like Terms with Mr Hamlin and others Voted That the Tongue and Island Lot (so called) be set up at Vendue for five years. Voted That the School Lot that the Heirs of Benjn Backus Improve be in the Hands of the Committee to do as they see proper. \ Voted to Choose a Committee of six to take into Consideration where the Line ought to run between the Two Schools and to report to a future Meeting. Choose Archelus Chadwick John Hulet Joseph Whiton Nathan Bassett Enoch Gt^rfield and David Ingersoll be the above Committee. Voted to Choose one in addition to the above Committee Choose Stephen Couch for the Committee Voted To Adjourn this Meeting to next Monday 2oth lust, at 1 O'Clock P. M. then to meet at this place Monday, 25 Jau.y —[March] Meeting opened according to Adjournment. Voted To Accept of the report of the Committee to whom was referred t See lease under Hopland MSS. 224 1799. how the Schools ought to Divide — Which report was to the following effect (viz) begiuuing at Tyriugham Liue where Hopbrook Comes into Lee aud following the brook down to \vhere it Comes into the River thence down the River to the East Line of the Lands of the Mr Hulets which they purchased of the Heirs of Amos Mansfield thence northwardly on said Line to the Road Leading from the Red School house to Stock- bridge (meaning the old County road) and thence on said Road to Stock- bridge Line but it is understood that persons living in the south part aud having property in the other part the s^ property goes with them and so with persons living in [tliej otlier part & having property in the south part, their said property goes with them in like manner. Desolved the Meeting [MS. not recorded.] We the subscribers Committee of the Hopland School District who were appointed to Take into Consideration where the line ought to [be] be- tween the Schools in said District that is the School that attend at the School house near Mr Garfields and School that attends at the School house near Mr Hurlburts having met and duly considered the same report as our opinion that it will be expedient to Divide the Schools as follows (viz) beginning at Tyringham Line where hopbrook Comes into Lee and following Scl Brook to where it Comes into the River thence down the River to the East line of the Lands Belonging to the Mr Hulets which they Lately purchased of the Heirs of Amos Mansfield thence northward- ly on Sd line to the Road Leading from the Red School house to Stock- bridge But it is understood tliat persons living in the South part of Said District and having property on the other part of it is Considered that the s*.! property goes with them and so with persons Living in the other part & having property in south part their scl property goes with them in Like- manner, Archelus Chadwick Lee March 2::ind 1799. Enoch Garfield David IngersoU Nathan Bassett Joseph Whiton At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District on Monday the 13tli day of March at the red School house in Sd District at 4 O, Clock in the afternoon 1799 Choose Capt Enoch Garfield Moderator. Voted that the Seal of the Hopland School District be a representation of a Mans head Voted to accept the New form of Leases Adjourned the [meeting] To Monday the Twenty seventh day of May Instant at 4 O'clock P. M. then to Meet at this place 1799-1800. ^^ Monday 27th May 179f) Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted to Leave the Second article in tlie Warrant respecting the Leases of the Pul lie Lands Discretionary with the Committee Desoivil the Meeting. At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District on Tuesday the Eighth Day of Octr 1799 at 4 O Clock in the afternoon at the red School hoiise in said District. Choose Capt. David Porter Moderator Voted To Pass over the Second article for the present Voted To pass over the Tliird Articl[e] in the Warrant Voted To set up Two Schools the winter approaching— one at the Scho( 1 house near the Forge — The other at the red School house or at some place where the persons [whol send to the red School house shall see fit to direct. Desolvd the Meeting At a Legal School Meeting of the Hopland School District in Lee on Monday the 24th Day of March 1800 at the red School house in said Dis- trict at 2 O'clock in the afternoon. Choose Capt David Porter Moderator. Choose Joseph Whiton Clerk Choose Capt David Porter, Joseph Whiton, and Jedediah Crocker Com- mittee to Take Care of the Public School Lands Voted That the Committee for Taking Care of the Public School Lands shall be Considered and shall Act as Assessors if any Money be Granted by the District. Choose Capt Enoch Garfield Treasurer Choose Thomas Chadwick Collector. Voted to Divide the Public School Money raised by a Tax the year past according to the Lists of Each part of the District That is to the Three Schools in the manner aforesaid. Voted to Divide the Money arising from the Public School Lands and what Does not Go to the Cape-Street District between the Red school house Division and the Forge Division Equally that half to each. Voted To allow Nathan Basset as much School Money as his School Tax was the Last year — Adjourned the Meeting to Monday the Thirty- first Day of March In- stant at 4 O'clock P. M. Then to meet at this place. March 31th 1800 Meeting opened according to adjournment Voted That the Committee for Taking Care of the Public School Land be Directed to Give Leases to those persons who hold s^i public School 226 hSOO. Xiands agreeable to the Lease which Edmond Hiuckley has of his School liot with the addition of a Clause Granting the Leasee the priviledge of paying the principal of which the yearly rent is the Interest any Vote of the District heretofore to the Contrary thereof Notwithstanding. which Lease is in the words and figures following (Viz) This Indenture of Lease, in Two parts, made this (here is inserted the Time of making the Lease)— Between the Hopland School District, in the Town of Lee in the County of Berkshire of the one part, and ( here is inserted the Name of the Leasee and the place of his abode) of the otlier part Witnesseth. That the sA District in Consideration of tlie Rents and Covenants hereinafter mentioned, hath Demised granted and to farm Lett and By these presents doth Demise, grant and to farm let, to the said (here is again inserted the Name of the Leasee) one certain tract of Land Described as follows (viz) Lying in sci Hopland School District (here Continues the Description of the Land) Being School Land lying within and belonging to said District. — To have and to hold the same, with the Appurtenances thereof to him the sd (here again is inserted the Name of the Leasee) his Heirs executors Administrators and Assigns, for and Du- i-iug the Term of ( here is inserted the Length of the Term)yie]ding and pay- ing therefor To the said District the yearly sum of (here is inserted the sum to be paid) to be paid annually, on the aforesaid (here is inserted the Time of paying the yearly rent) in each and every year during sd Term the payment to be made to the Committee of the District for the Time being-Aud if the aforesaid yearly rent of (here is inserted the sum of the yearly rent) or any pnrt thereof shall be in arrear and unpaid for the space of three Kilendar Months, exclusive, from the day when the same shall become payable as aforesaid it shall be Lawful for the s^ Dis- trict by their Committee for the Time being into the above Demised prem- ises or any parcell thereof in the Name of the whole to re-enter and the same Demised premises and every part and parcell thereof to repossess have & enjoy in the same right title and estate as the s the Church met and voted that it is a Breach of coven- ant for a member to marry to one that lives an openly Wicked life 256 Lee August y? Sth 1784 Mr Monsoii Preachd and Adminnestred the Sacrament here Seth Nye was Receved into f ul communion with this Church and was baptized Ezekiel Son of Prince and Hannah West Salle daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth west and Esther and David Children of Elisha and Mary Grant and Remembrance Celah and Stephen Children of Stephen and Lidia Toby ware all baptized December ye 5t_li Mr Monson Adminnestred the Sacrament and Bap- tized of Thomas and Phebe Beacher and Mary daughter of Abiather [and] Desire Chadwick and John Son of Achelus and Sarah Chadwick January the 9tii 1785 Mr West Adminnestred the Sacrament Jesse Gif- ford and Ruth his Wife Samuel Davis and Priseilla his Wife Josiah Yale and Ruth his Wife Sarah the Wife of Roswel Hubbort Cornelus Basset and Aichelus Chadwick all were recvd into the Church and Jesse Gif- ford and Samuel Davis Mary and Hopestil Cnildreu of Samuel and Pris- eilla Davis all were baptized. August the Uth 1785 Mv Kirkland Preached here and baptized Isaac Son of Nathan and Ruhamah Ball and Lucina daughter of Aaron Ben- edic and Eli Sou of Oliver Hatch and Elisha aud John Sous of Cornelius Basset Lee September 3d the Chui-ch Voted upon the Request of Maria Porter to invite the church of Christ in Becket the church of Christ in Washing- ton the church of Christ in Laiusborough the chm-ch of Christ in Rich- mont the chm-ch of Christ in Eggremont the church of Christ in Olford by their Pasters and deligates to meet att Lee the Seccond wensday of Octo- ber next to attend to a difaculty Subsisting between the church and the Sd Maria Porter Att a meeting of the Church the 29tii of April 1786 after many meetings before and great attention to oneasunesses with Deacon Jese Bradley the Chm-ch Voted to in vite the Chm-ch of Christ in Stockbridge the Church of Christ in Lenox and the Church of Christ in Pitsfield by their Pasters and Delegates to meet att Lee on wensday the 12 of april and attend to all matters of difaculty and disagreement be- tween the Church and Deacon Bradley and give their advice in the matter April the 6 the Church Chose Cpt Josiah Yale Aaron Benedick Leut Daniel chiu-ch a committy to make provision for the above named coun- cil and proportion the cost on the church Lee June ye 25th 1786 Mr Monson preachd here and Baptized Theo- dor Son of David and Sarah Ingersol and Elisha Parmale Son of Samuel and Prissilla Davis September the 17th 1786 Mr Perry Preached here and administred the Sacrament and Baptized Electa daughter of John and Elizebath Winegar and Lidia daughter of Stephen and Lidia Toby, aud Ira Son of Daniel and Elizabeth West Thankful daughter of Elisha and Mary Grant and Sirus. Son of Josiah and Ruth Yale Archelus Son of Abiather and Desire Chad- 257 wick Daniel Lewes Son of oliver and Rebekah Hatch and Samuel Son of Archelus and Sarah chadwi -k, and Elizabeth Wife of Cornelius Gifford and Eunice Wife of Ebenezar Brown were taken into the church Sabatliday June the I()t> 17S7 Mr Camp Preach d here and Baptized Prince Son of Prince and Hannah West and David Son of Cornelus Bas- set and Lucy daughter of John and Lucy Williams was given up by Jer- usha Standly and Tliomas and Mary E-wev April 6th 17S8 Mr Averry preach^ here and Baptized Lucreace daugh- ter of David and Sarah Ingersol April the 20th Mr Bell baptized Caleb Son of Seth and Amy Nye May the 4th Mv Steeveus Baptized Hannah daughter of Danniel and Ann Church and Jonathan Son of Jonathan and Deliverance Foot May ye 1 1788 the Church met and attended to a complaint brought against Deacon Bradley by Nathan Ball a brother of the Chm-ch accusing him of deviating from the Rules of the Go[s]pel and his one Covenant ingagemeuts by imbracing heresy and upon the Request of Deacon jese Bradly the cliurch voted to give him some time to attend to the matter and the Meeting was desolved att a meeting of the church in Lee the 22 of may 1788 1 Voted the Revd Mr West Moderator of Sd Meting the Meeting was opened by prayer Motioned Whither it be the opinion of the Brethren of this Church that to ascert it to be a doctrine of the holy Scriptures that all mankind will be finally Savd and happy is heresy 2 Voted in the atifirmative Motioned whither it [be] the opinion of the brethren of this church that Deacon Jesse Bradley as he acknowleges the before mentioned to be his sentiment is herein guilty of heresy— Voted in the affirmative - Sabathday June ye 1—1788 Mr West preached att Lee and baptized Elisebeth daughter of Daniel and Elizebeth West. Lee June 26th i788 the church met and 1 Voted the Revd Mr Stephen West moderator of Sd meeting the meeting was opened by prayer being made manifest to this church that Jesse Bradley a member and a Dea- con of this church is guilty of heresy in denying the Eternity of the pun- ishment of any of the human race and all those measures which Christ has directed to be made use of in such cases in order to convince of his error and reclaim him having been taken without any effect Whither it be the minds of the brethren of this church that he be excluded their communion: Based uuanimusly in the affirmative Sabathday August the 24 Mr West Preached here and baptized Nathan- iel Son of Stephen [and] Lydia Toby February the 22 1789 Mr Sanford preached here and baptized Ezra Son of James and Hannah Youngs and Sarah Daughter of Archelus and Surah Chadwick Lee March the 16th 1789 the church met and voted uuanimusly to de- 238 sire M^ William Fowler Miller to take the Pastoral Care and Charg of this Church Provided the Town will unite in Supporting him June the 20th 1790 Mr Mouson Preach' id hear and admiuistred the Sacrament and John Son of Josiah Yale and Moses Son [of] David and .Sarah lugersol and ThankfuU Daughter of Seth and Amy Nye all were Baptized June 20th 1790 contribution money 1, 1, 4 T July the 29 the Church met and voted to Desire Hope Davis Nathan Ball & Prince West to go and Converse With Mrs Bradley and inquire the Reason of her not attending our meeting and also to Converse with Mr Penoy[e]r respecting his Ideas of all mankinds being finaly happy August tlie 1 Mr Avery Preachd here and Eleaser Son of Thomas Ewer Aaron & Desire children of Aaron Benuedick and Lemuel & David niont. Charles Backus of Snniors. David Perry of Richnumd. .josepli Avery of Tyriugham. Samuel Notr of Franklin. Jacob Catlin New Marlborough. Delegates from the Churches. Erastus Sergeant Escp; — Mr Eldad King. Deacon John Partridge. Deacon Aaron Foot. Mr Bartholomew Heath. Mr Charles Sheldon. Deacon James Gates. Deacon William Hale. Deacon Joshua Willis. Col. Daniel Taylor. The council made choice of Mi; West Moderator, & M'" Catlin Scribe — after which the council was opened by prayer by the Moderator. It was then proposed to attend to the examination of Mr Hyde; & after a most careful examination of his knowledge in the doctrines of the holy scriptures, & of his experimental acquaintance with the religion of Jesus Christ; as also, of his other qualilicarions for the work of the gospel-min- istry, the council voted unanimously that they approve of his qualifica- tions, & proceed to the public solemnities of ordination. The parts in the public solemnity were assigned to the Reverend Eld- ers iu the following manner — viz — Mr Nott to make the introductory prayer, Mr Backus to pi ea-h the sermon, Mr Collins to make the conse- crating prayer, Mr West to give the charge, Mr Steele to give the right hand of fellowship, and M" Avery to make the concluding jn-ayer. Jime (Jrii 1792. The council proceeded to a convenient stage erected for the purpose, & in presence of the church & congregation of Lee, & a re- spectable assembly, solemnly consecrated Mv Hyde to the sacred office of a minister of Christ, & committed to his charge the church of Christ iu that place. Jacob Catlin Scribe — - Stephen West, Moderator. An account of the Votes passed by the chli. since June 6t'^ 1792. June 27tli 1792. The church met & voted to have the Sacrament of the LorD's Supper administered the second Sabbath iu July, & to be admiuis- tered the second Sabbatli of every other Mouth. July 29th 1792. — Jesse Bradley and James Penoyer, who had beeu ex- 262 eluded from the commuuion and fellowship of this church for their wick- edly embracing, & obstinately continuing in, heresy, both publicly con- fessed their wickedness in so doing, & manifested repentance therefor; on which, the church voted to restore them both to their christian charity and watch. September Tth 1792. —The church met and passed the following Votes. — 1 That the vote passed by the chh Augt 29tb 1783, respecting occasional Communicants, should be recalled. 2. That no member of another Church shall be allowed to partake of the LorD's supper occasionally more than nine months from the time of his becoming an Inhabitant of the Town, unless circumstances .shall be such as the chh shall judge it proper to vary from this term of time, — making June 6tli 1792, the time of Mr Hyde's ordination, that from which they begin to reckon. Sept 28th 1792. The church met & made choice of Mr Levi Nye to fill the otfice of a Deacon. March 13th 1793. The church met and voted, that no confession exhib- ited by an offending brother, shall be read in public, until it has first been read to the church, & been attended to, & acted upon by them, at some church-meeting. March 5th 1793. Aaron Benedict publicly confessed his wickedness in striking his wife, & asked ye forgiveness of ye chiirch — on which the church voted to restore him to his former place in their charity & fellow- ship. June 30th 1793. Daniel San tie publicly confessed his wickedness in de- ceiving Mr Jeremiah Wormer, & violating a covenant-engagement enter- ed into wnth him, & asked the forgiveness of the church — on which the church voted to forgive him, & to restore him to their charity & fellow- ship. July 14th 1793 — Ebenezer Jenkins Juur publicly confessed his wicked- ness, in betraying the confidence which the Town put in him as a Col- lector of public Taxes, & in attempting to convert the property of the Town to his own use; on which the Church voted to restore him to their christian Charity & Fellowship. Augt 2-sd 1793— The church met & voted to give Mrs Zurviah Wells, & Mr» Anne Bradley, each of them a certificate expressive of their standing, & also to recommend them to tlie charity & fellowship of those churches, wherever GoD in his providence may call them; — which certificates shall be their dismissions from this church, whenever a door is opened for their union with any regular church. October 18th 1793. _ The church met and voted to give Mr.s Sarah Dodge, & her daughter Hannah Dodge certificates expressive of their reg- ular standing in the Church, & also to recommend them to the charity & fellowship of the Church of Christ in South- Granville; — which certifi- cates shall be their dismissions from us, whenever a door is opened for their union with that, or any other regular Church. October 27th 1793. — The church voted to give Mr>^ Lydia Ingersol a Letter expressive of her regular standing in this Church, & also to re- commend her to the charity & fellowship of the church in Christ in Clin- lon; — which Letter shall be her dismission from us, whenever a door is opened for her union with that, or any other regular Church. October 28th 1793 _ The church voted to give Mr Prince West a Letter of recommendation to the Church of Christ in South-Granville; which Letter is to be his dismission from us, whenever he unites with that, or any other regular Church. — November 17th 1793. — The church voted to give Mrs Eunice Fuller a Letter of recommendation to the Church of Christ in South-Granville; which Letter is to be her dismission from us, whenever she UDites with that, or any other regular Chiu'ch. December 8th 1793. Josiah Crocker publicly confessed his wickedness in committing the sin of fornication; on which the church voted to re- store him to their cliristiau charity & fellowship. Jan-y 19th 1794. — The church voted to give -Mr Lewis Hatch a Letter of recommendation to the Church of Christ in South-Granville; which Letter is to be his dismission from us, whenever he unites with that, or any other regular Church. January 26th 1794. — The church voted to give Miss Abigail Barns a Letter of recommendation to the Church of Christ in Litchfield- South- Farms, which Letter is to be her dismission from us, whenever she unites with that, or any other regular church. Feb-y 2} 1794. The church voted to give Mrs Elizabeth Crocker, & Miss Deborah Taylor certificates of their regular standing in this church & also to recommend them to the charity & fellowship of churches wher- ever they may be called, in God's providence. — March 6th 1794. — The church voted to give Mr Oliver Hatch, a recom- mendation to the church of Christ in South-Granville, which is to be his dismission from us, whenever he unites with that church. March 20. h 1794. The thureh voted to give Mrs Sarah Lee a certificate of her regular standing in this church, & also to recommend her to the charity & fellowship of those churches, wherever she may be called in providence. March 23.1 1794 — Jonathan Foot Junr publicly confessed his wicked- ness, in directing Mr Andrew West's boy to make a wrong representat- ion of facts, & in neglecting Mr West's family, during his absence, who were under distressed, & embarrass d circumstances, & who had reason to expect aid & relief from him; on which the church voted to forgive him — March 30th The church voted to give Mr Daniel Church, Seur , Mr* Sarah Tyler, & Molly Staule.v, (now Molly Barns) certificates expressive of their regular standing in this church, & also to recommend them to the fellowship of the churches in the places to which they are gone. 264 Juue 12t.ii The church met , & attended to the case of Cap* Jesse Brad- ley, who hod previously requested a dismission from them, & a recom- mendation to the church of England, & -who had withdrawn from com- munion, & really united with tiie Episcopal church at Lenox. There- quest & conduct of Oapt Bradley being of such a nature, as made it dif- ficult for the church to determine concerning duty, on their part, it was thought prudent to ask the advice of sister churches. Accordingly it was uuSimously agreed, & voted, to call a council to consist of five churches, viz. the church of Christ in Lanesborough. the church of Christ in Rich- mond, the church of Christ in Pittsfield, the church of Christ in Stock- tridge, & the clim-ch of Ciirist in Tyringham. Voted also that the council should be requested to convene in this place on Wednesday the 35^11 dav of June Instant. ■ Voted finally, that the particular questions which we would propose to the council for their opinion & advice to be the following — viz — 1. Whether it be consistent witli the rules of the Gospel, for a church of the Edwardian principles respecting doctrines & discipline, to grant a dismission & recommendation to a member, who says, that he requests them with a view to unite with a church, with which they are not in fel- lowship ? 2. Whether a churcii ought to look upon a brother, as walking irregu- larly, & as giving real occasion of offence, who leaves their communion, & unites himself with the church of England in another town, & with which they are not in fellowship ? June 25tli 1794. — The council convened agreeably to appointment & attended to the questions, mentioned above, & were unanimous in an- swering them both in the negative. Vide Copy of this result on file. July 3'} The churcli met & voted to take the result of said Council into candid & serious consideration. July 6th Mehitabel West, a sister of this Church, publicly confessed her wickedness, in conversing jDassiouately & unadvisedly about Mv Jon- athan Foot Junr her neighbor, & brother in the church, between whom there had been a difficulty of long standing; on which the church voted to forgive her. Augf 15t> The church voted to accept the result of the Council which met on the 25tli day of June 1794 October 29f> The church met & voted, that a committee of three be appointed to see that Mv Hyde be supplied with wood, & that Messrs Nathan Ball, Edmund Hinckley & Elisha Freeman be this comttee Novr 2';i 1794 — Lydia Hodges publicly confessed her wickedness in committing tlie sm of fornication, on w^ the church voted to forgive her, & to restore her to their charity & fellowship. Novr 26th 1794. The church met, & appointed a Committee to visit Mr Beujamin Backus, who being confined to his house by sickness. & who wish- ed to unite himself with the church. — It was voted that this Committee 265 should cousist of five brethren with the nastor. & that Doa" West, Hope Davis, Nathan Ball, Stephen Toby & Dea" JNye should be the Committee. Novr 2Tth This Committee, with a number of the brethren of the church attended with Mr Backus at his house, & after free conversation & inquiry into his religious views & exercises, voted, that he should be proi)ounded for admission into the church. December 24tii The church had a meeting & attended to a circular let- ter from the Rev. Messr^ Austin & King, on the subject of a concert of prayer among churches of all denominations, to be entered upon the first Tuesday of January 1795. After some conversation on the subject of the Letter, the church i)assed, unanimously, the following votes. • ". 1. That this church will be in the proposed concert. 2. That they will enter upon it the first Tuesday of January 1795 y. That this chm-ch subscribe for one of the Magazines, which is to be printed, as an aid, to the proposed concert. February IS^ii 1795. The chui'ch voted to give Mr Lemuc! Crocker and his wife, & Mrs Sally Foot (now Sally Thompson) Letters expressive of their regular standing in this church, & also to recommend them to the fellowship of cliristians in the places in which they are called to reside, which Letters are to be their dismissions from us, as soon as they unite with regular churches. Feby 26t.ii 1795. The church voted to give Mrs Mamre Bartholomew, a letter expressive of her regular standing in this church, & also to recom- mend her to the fellowship of christians in the place to which she is gone. March 6tii 1795 — The church met, and appointed Deacon Oliver West to visit Capt Jesse Bradley, and if he found that his ideas of regeneration were in his view erroneous, & amounting to a denial of that important doctrine, to bring forward a complaint to the church. April 16^11 1795 — The church met, and attended to a complaint ex- hibited by William Ingersol EsqV against Jonathan Foot Juny ; but, on the request of Mr Foot, voted to put off deciding on the complaint, until another meeting. Voted also, at this meeting, that Deacon Oliver West on his request, be released from attending with Cap* Bradley, and that Capt Josiah Yale be requested to deal with him, in his room. April 24tii — The church met and attended further and more particu- larly to the complaint against Mr Jonathan Foot, and finally the votes be- ing called for, a majority of the church, determined that the complaint was not supported. At this meeting, voted also, to give Mr Solomon Foot, on his request, a letter of recommendation to professing christians, wherever he may be called. June llt'i 1795 — The church met and voted to have monthly confer- ences in the church, and that the usual day of meeting for this purpose should be tlie first Tuesday in every month. • Novr (jth 1795. The church met & voted, that they will receive per- 266 eons, who bring letters of recommendation from regular churchep, & who give this church opportunity for free inquiry into their religious views & exercises, without publicly reading to them our confession of faith & covenant, as has heretofore been practised. Novr 14tb 1795 — The church met, & attended to a complaint brought against Capt Jesse Bradley, by Josiah Yale, for neglecting to walk with this church, and for representing baptism to be regeneration, after some conversation, the church voted to accept the complaint, & to prepare themselves at some suitable time, to act upon it. Voted also, at this meeting, that Mrs Hambleton, & her daughter, the wife of Benjamin Bassett, who are recommended to this Church from the church of Christ at Eastham, shall have occasional communion 9 months longer than the usual time, on the account of their not having sufficient opportunity to become acquainted -svith the sentiments & practices of this church to become members. Novr 26tli 1795 — The church met, & attended to the complaint " ronght ■by Josiah Yale against Capt Jesse Bi-adley, & after some conversatiou upon it, & upon Capt Bradley's answer, the church voted, 1st That his plea in answer to the first part of the complaint, which accTised him of a breach of covenant-engagements, was insufficient. 2iy That the matter should be deferred until the church could have opportunity to have Capt Bradley before them, & to inquire of him re- specting his views of regeneration, as different opinions were entertain- ed by the members, in regard to his real sentiments, December 4th 1795 — On the request of the church, Capt Bradley came before them, & gave them opportunity to hear his sentiments explained, from his own mouth, after which nothing more was done, than to ad- journ the meeting. December Utli 1795. The church, agreeably to adjournm3ut, met and attended further to the complaint exhibited against Capt Jesse Bradley, and after some conversation, the following questions were put. 1st Whether it be the opinion of the brethren of this Church, that Capt Jesse Bradley, in that he has, for considerable time, neglected to walk with this church, and has united to another church with which we profess not to be in fellowship, particularly viewing all the circumstances under which he hath done this, has deviated from his eoveuant-eugage- ments ? Voted in the affirmative. 2nd Whetlier it be the opinion of the brethren of this Church, that to hold sentiments which exclude the necessity of a change of heart, by the special and supernatural operations of the Holy Spirit, in which men are born of God, is heresy ? Voted in the affirmative. 3rd Wherher it be the opinion of the brethren of this Church, that Cat)t Jesse Bradley holds to sentiments, which reallj exclude the neces- sity of a change of heart, by the special and supernatural operations of the Holy Spirit, in which men are born of God ? Yeas 14^ Nays 12. » 2t)7 At this meeting another question was proposed, which immediately re- spected the rejection of Capt Bradley, but, on the account of the great enibarassmeut in the minds of many bretliren, it was thought best to ad- journ, accordingly the meeting was adjourned for a fortnight. Deer 24th 1795 — The church, agreeably to adjournment, met and on being informed that Capt Bradley requested the advice of a Council, be- fore any further steps were taken in his case, they passed the following votes 1. That they will join with Capt Bradley in calling a council for ad- vice, in the matter ot difWculty sn^isting between them. 2. That the proposed council should consist of three churches to be chosen in the following manner, (viz) One to be chosen by the church, another by Capt Bradley, and the third to be agreed on, by the church & Capt Bradley. Accordingly the church made choice of tlie church in Norfolk, of which the Rev. Mr Robbins is Pastor, and Capt Bradley made choice of the church in West- Springfield of which the Rev. Dr Lathrop is Pastor, — and the church in Westfieli of which the Rev. Mr At water is Pastor was agreed on for the third, by the church & Capt Bradley. Voted, also that this Council be requested to convene the second Wed- nesday in Febr-y next at Mr Hyde's. Febr-y 3d 179G — The church voted to give Mr William Bradley, and his sister, Mrs Lydia Hodges, Letters expressive of their good and regu- lar standing, and to recommend them to the fellowship and watch of professing christians, wherever they may be called. Febr-y 19th 1796 — The church met a id passed the following Votes — 1. That Mr Danl. Church Junr stall have a Letter of recommenda- tion from us to the Church of Christ in South- Granville, State of New- York 2. The Council which was called by the Church and Capt Bradley having disappointed us, by not coming, it was voted that the matter should be post-poued, until the season might be convenient to call a sec- ond Council, if it should appear to be expedient. May 5th i79(i. The church met and appointed a Committee to visit Mrs Lydia Barlow, the wife of Mr Peleg Barlow, who being confined to her house, by sickness, & who wished to unite herself with this Church. It was voted that this Committee should consist of four brethren with the pastor, and that Dean West, Dean Nye, Mr John Crosby, and Mr Stephen Toby, should be this Committee. May 17th This Committee, attended with Mr^ Barlow, at her house, and. after free conversation, and inquiry into her religious views, and ex- ercises, voted that she s'nonld be propounded for admission into the church . May 19th _ The churcli met & voted to give Mr Joshua Nye and Charity his wife a Letter expressive of their regular standing in this Church, and also to recommend them to the church of Christ in Snows- bush. 268 July 5tii 1796 — The Church iw^t and attended farther to the case of Ciipt Bradley, an ', after m.ich couversatiou in regard to his seutiaieuts, and the duty of the church, the following votes were passed. Voted F.rst. That as circumstances now are, it is not expedient for the Church to unite wirh Cap^ Bradley in calling a second Council. Secondly. That the votes passed at a church-m-^eting, on the 11 tii of T,e ember n9o, relative to the complaint brought by Cap|^ Josiah Yale agt Capf Bra(-.l"y, be reconsidered; and that the two articles of charge in y* complaint, be comprised in one general question. - — - The question then put was the following — Whether it be the opinion of the brethren of this church, that the complaint brought against Capt Jesse Bradley, by Capt Josiah Yale, is so far supported, as that it is duty to reject him ? Voted in the affirmative. Nov'' lOt'i 1796 — The chur h met and chose a Committee of five, ex- clusive of the Pastor, to attend with Ebeuezer Jenkins Esqv ,who had ex- hibited a Letter of Recommendation from the Church of Christ in Barn- stable, and with whom some difficulty had arisen — the names of the Com- mittee are the following — Hope Davis, Levi Nye, Edmund Hinckley, David Ingersol and John Parcival. — Novv 13**1 David Giffordand Daniel Wilcox made a public acknowledg- ment and confession of their wickedness in some transactions with M'" Elisha Foot, particularly in evading the truth, and using deception; on hearing their confession and seeing their appearance, the church voted t<3 forgive them. Jan-y 8fli 1797 — The church voted to give Mi; Lemuel Hatch and his wife a Letter expressive of their regular standing in this church, and to recommend them to the communion and fellowship of professing Christ- ians, wherever they may be called in God's providence. March 1799 — The church voted that Mr Seth Abbot and Martha his wife be recommended to the Communion and watch of the chm-ch of Christ in Cornwall. Novr 7th i7!)9 — The church votei that Mr Daniel West and his wife be recommended to the communion & watch of the church of Christ iu Lenox. — J 272 Deer 4th 1799 — The church had a meetinfj and attended to the exam- ination of Mrs Prudence Couch, the wife of M^ John Couch Junr — Mi;« Lucy Crocker the wife of Elisha Crocker, Mrs Thankful Humphrey, the wife of Mr Elias Humphrey & Miss Sally Squire, and voted that they all be propounded. January 5^^ 1800 — Samuel Tilley publicly confessed his wrong in ab- senting himself from communion, on account of some difficulties,— on hearing which the church voted to forgive & restore him. Feb-y 14th 1800. — The church had a meeting and attended to the ex- amination of Mrs Lydia Bradley, wife of Mr Stephen Bradley, Miss Sally Stewart, & Miss Patience Dexter, & voted that they all be propounded. Feb-y ISt^ 1800 — The church met and attended to the examination of the following persons — viz — John Couch Junr — Dr Nathaniel Thayer and Anne his wife, Hannah Davis, wife of Calvin Davis, Sophia Crocker, Mira Crocker, and Laura Crocker — and voted that they all be propounded. April 1st The church voted to give Mrs Abigail Bradley, the wife of Mr Asahel Bradley a Letter of dismission and recommendation to the church of Christ in Stockbridge. April 17t_h The church met to attend to the examination of John Win- egar and Lydia Stanton, and voted that they be propounded. August 13th The church met & attended to the examination of Adria Squire, the wife of Ebenezer Squire, and Rhoda Hatch, and voted that they be propounded — a committee was also appointed to attend to the examination of Elizabeth Robinson, who wished to make a profession of religion, but was so unwell as to be unable to attend at the meeting- liouse. — The committee chosen for this purpose were Dea" West, Dea'i Nye, Mr John Crosby and Mr Nathi Bassett, with the Pastor. Augt 15th They attended, and voted that she be propounded. Sepr 14th Seth Nye made a public confession of his wickedness, for manifestations of anger before the world, and for accusing Samuel Porter of telling that which is false, on hearing which, the church voted to for- give him. Octor 2A The church met and attended to the examination of Samuel P. Robbins, and Sally Barlow, and voted that they be propounded. — Octor 26th The church voted to give Jabez Chadwick and Samuel Prince Robbins, letters expressive of their regular standing in this church, and recommending them to the communion and fellowship of other churches, wherever God in his providence may call them. December 26th 1800 — The church met & attended to the examina- tion of Mr John Nye & his wife, recommended from the church in Tol- land, & voted that their letter be read in public — at the same time, at- tended to the examination of Mrs Desire Clark, the wife of Mr Jonathan Clark, and Hannah Parker, & voted that they be propounded. 273 An account of persons taken into the church of Christ in Lee^ since June 6\^ 1792, the time Mr Alvan Hyde was ordained. Jniie ITtii 1792 — Elisha Freeman, & Elizabeth, his wife, Cornehus Bassett & Abipail his wife, Anne the wife of Daniel Church, & Mehitabel, the wife of Andrew West, were all received into this church in full com- munion. Aupust l^tii 17!)2 — David Perry, & Desire his wife, Thomas Beecher, Samuel Winejjar, Elizabe'h West, Temperance Chase the wife of Levi Chase, Abifjail Parcival the wife of Elisha Parcival, were all taken into this church in full communion. Sept (ith 170-.?. Lewis Hatch, Sarah Dodce the wife of Asel Dodpe. & Mercy Ingersol the wife of William Inger^ol Junr , were taken into this church. Oct l-if^ 1~^-- — Seth Abbott and Martha his wife, Joseph Bradley and Eunice liis wife, Mehitabel Northrop the wife of Thomas Northrop, Eliza- beth Crocker the wife of Job Crocker,Nabby Barns, and Miriam Dickinson were received into this Church. November 11th 1792. Ehsha Parcival, Peter Willcox, Nathan- iel Hamlin and AbiRail his wife, James Austin and Achsah his wife, — Daniel West, Nathaniel Bassett, Daniel Willcox, Asahel Foot, Widow Silence Chase, Phebe Bradley the wife of Eli Bradley, Anne Abbott, and Daniel Santie, and Betsey his wife, were all taken into this Church. December 9tii 1792 Edmund Hinckley and Content his wife, Nathan Davis and Lucy his wife, Paul Ewer and Mercy his wife, Daniel Church, Jared Ingersol, Ebenezer Jenkins Juur , Elizabeth Jenkins the wife of Ebenr Jenkins Esq., Sarah Tuttle ye wife of James Tuttle, & Martha Crocker j^ wife of Lt Joseph Crocker were all taken into this church. December 28 > 1792. Widow Thankful Dimick was taken into this chh. January i:3th 1798. Jonathan Foot, David Goodspeed. Levi Chase, Solomon Foot, Mehitabel West, the wife of Ebenezer \Vest. Anne Brad- ley the wife of Heman Bradley, Nabby Barlow the wife of Reuben Bar- low, Molly Stanley, Louis Nye, the wife of John Nye. and Joshua and Charity Nye, were all received into the communion and fellowship of this church. March 10th 1798. Jedidiah Crocker and Sarah his wife, James Tuttle,. Samuel Tilley and Hannah his wife Josiah Crocker, Jabez Chadwick, Salvina Baker the wife of David Baker, Deborah Taylor, Sarah- Ann Foot,— Hannali Barlow, and Huldah Winegar, were all received intO' this Church. May .")th Nathaniel Toby & Deborah his wife, John Parcival & Ruth his wife, John Nye. Samuel Porter, Ebenezer W>st, Tabitha Gilford, Zurviah W'-lls, Ruth Tyler, Joanna Gifford, Thankful Barlow, Olive- Thompson. Lucy Hyde. Mary Casey, Lydia Ball, Huldah Gifford & Han- iiah Dodge, were all received iuto this church. July 14tii Daniel Church, Thomas Fuller Remember Bassett, Sarah Tyler, Temjie Perry, & Lydia Bradley were received iuto this Church. — Sept 8^*^ Jeremiah Wormer, Joseph Crocker Seur , Eli Bradley, Eliza- beth Beuuett, & Euuice Fuller, were all received iuto this Church. November ITth — John Gifiord, Jesse Bradley Junr — "William Brad- ley, Dorcas Crocker, & Ziua Peuoyer were received to the communion & fellowship of this Church. 1794- Jany 12tii Sarah Lee, the wife of Ashbel Lee, was received iuto the communion & fellowship of this church. — — March -il Enoch Garfield was received to the communion & fellow- ship of this Church. May 18th John Couch Senr & his wife, James Gifford & Sarah his ■yvife, — Mamre Bartholomew, the wife of Jesse Bartholomew, Lydia Hins- dale, & Tabitha Crocker were all received by this church to their fellow- ship & communion. July 13tii Tabitha Hambliu was received by this church to their com- munion & fellowship. Decemr 23(1 Benjamin Backus was received by this church to their communion & fellowship, at his own house, where the church convened, ou the account of his being sick. 1795- July 12tii Ephraim Sheldon, & Mrs Sarah Blackman, wife of Mr Jonth Blackman, were received by this church to their communion & fellowship. Novr Stii Mv Levi Robinson and his wife were received by this chm-ch to their communion & fellowship, being recommended by the church of Christ at Meriden in Connecticut. 1796. Jauuy lOth Mr'* Prudence Porter,wife of Mr Samuel Porter, was receiv- ed by this church to their communion & fellowship. June 7th Mrs Lydia Barlow, wife of Mr Peleg Barlow, was received by this Church to their communion & fellowship, at her own house, where the Church convened on account of her being sick. Novr 13th Widow Thankful Bassett, and Martha, the wife of Mr Nathi Rowland, were received by this Church to their communion and Fellowship, being recommended from the West Church in Barnstable. — 1797. I Samuel Leonard Junr was received by this church to their communion and fellowship, ou the 13t.h day of March — also at the same time widow 275 Experience Childs was received, by this church, to tlicir coininunion and fellowship, beiujj recommended from the West Church in Barnstable. April 23d M\^ Hambleto:i was received, by this churcli, to their communion and fellowship, being recommended by the Rev^ Gideon Hawdey, Pastor of the church at Marshpee. July 80tli Lemuel Barlow and Josiah Willoughby were received, by this chm-ch, to their comnuiuion & fellowship. Sept loih Widow Sarah Pai'sons, recommended from the church in Stockbridge, and Mrs Prudence Ingersol, recommended from the chiirch in Wiliington. were recommended to communion also Grace Wor- mer. the wife of Jeremiah Wormer — and Chloe Wansey, the vvife of Henry Wansey, were received into the church. 1798. April 22d 1798 Squire Stone and his wife, recommended from the church at West Stockbridge, were received as members of this church. . Sepi; 2d Deidama Perry was received by this church to their commun- ion & fellowship. 1799- Jan-y IStti Abigail Bradley, the wife of Mr Asahel Bradley, was re- ceived to the commanionand watch of this chh, being recommended from the church at Cornwall, in Connecticut. March lOth Hannah Crocker, wife Mr Josiah Crocker, was received by this church to their communion, watch and fellowship. April 14th Abraham Hall, and Rachel, his wife, were received to the communion, watch & fellowship of this Church. June 30th Esther Bailey, wife of M^ Thomas Bailey, was received to the communion and fellowship of this Church. July 28th Anne Parcival, daughter of Mr Elisha Parcival, was received to the communion and fellowship of this Church. Sepr 8th Dean Rowland Thatcher and his wife were received to the communion and fellowship of this church. Novr 3d Samuel Couch & Hannah his wife, Stephen Bradley & widow Rebecca Putnam, were received to the communion & fellowship of this church. 1800. Jau-y 12th Prudence Couch, wife of John Couch Juni; — Lucy Crocker, wife of Elisha Crocker — Thankful Humphrey, wife of Elias Humphrey and Sally Squire were all received to the communion and fellowship of this Church. March i)th Dr Nathi Thayer & Anne his wife, recommended from the church at Dui-ham, in Connecticut — John Couch Junr — Lydia Bradley, the wife [of] Stephen Bradley — Hannah Davis, the wife of Calvin Davis — Sarah Stewart, Patience Dexter, Sophia Crocker, Lemira Crocker and Laura Crocker, were all received to the coiumuuiou and fel- fowship of this Church. May 4th John Winegar and Lydia Stanton were received to the com- mnuiou & fellowship of tliis Church. Sepr 14th Adria Squire, wife of Ebeu" S.juire, Rhoda Hatch and Eliza- beth Robinson were received to the communion & fellowship of the church. Octr 19th Samuel Prince Robbins, and Sally Barlow were received to the communion & fellowship of this church. All account of persons baptized by the Rex^ Alvan Hyde, who was ordained to the work of the Gospel-ministry and charge of this church, June 6^.h 1792. — — June 17th Elizabeth Freeman, wife of Elisha Freeman, — Nancy, Lem- uel, and Lydia, children of Cornelius Bassett and Abigail his wife, — Hannah and Abigail, children of Mehitabel West, wife of Andrew West — Molly and Betsey, children of Aaron Benedict — and Justus and Oliver, children of Oliver Hatch were all baptized. June 24tii — Elisha, Fanny, Thomas, and Lydia Parcival, children of Elisha Freeman & Elizabeth his wife were baptized. July 8th Lucy Tracy, daughter of Josiah and Ruth Yale, and Eliliu son of Lydia lugersol. wife of Aaron Ingersol were baptized. July 15th Sarah, Lydia Lemuel and Salvina, children of David Baker were baptized. July 22 Josiah Willoughby and Sally Backus were married. Novr 20th Joshua Nye and Charity Parker were married. NovV 29th Heniau Bradley and Anne West were married. 1 793- Jauy 17th Wally Backus and Grace Vandusen were married. • Jany ai^t Ichabod Lathrop & Esther Pixley were married. April nth Ancel Bassett and Hannah Dimmuck were married. Augt 21st Asael Foot and Anne Abbot were married. October I7th Joseph Whiton to Amanda Garfield. October 17t:h Jabez Bursley to Abigail Perry. November -^S^}^ Pai-don Austin to Rhoda Stanton. i794-_ March 27th Jacob Penoyer to Alice Hoyt Crocker. May 25th Ephraim Sheldon to Lydia Gifford. June 30th Silas Easton to R ichel Nye. July 8th Isaac Barlow to Sally Casey. August 24th John Read to Elizabeth Crocker. October 8 .h David Hamlin to Sally Backus. October 12th Samuel Hodges to Lydia Bradley. October 19th Daniel Wilcox to Lydia Ball. October 24rh Stephen Dexter to Lydia Backus. ■ October 30th Ebenezer Hawes to Electa Northrop. November 19th Joseph Hinckley to Polly Stewart. November 20th Abraham Finney to Huldah Gifford. 1795- Abijah Crosby to Caty Olds, Jany 15th Jany 15th Josiah Crocker to Hannah Crosby. Feby Iflth Benjamin Hamblln to Thankful Barlow. Feby li-th Lemi Bradley to Ruth Newel of Lenox. June 3d. Reuben Pixley Junr to Polly Chase. — Sept 7th Hope Davis to Mv^ Lucy Bullard. Sept lOth William Sturges to Sallome Dimmuck. Jany 20th Sherinau to Avis Collins. 1 Feby I8th jMr Paul Ewer to Miss Susannah Hamblin. — March 10th Benjamin Adams to Sarah Parker. March 29th Reuben Penoyer to Polly Gifford. Api-il lyth John Remele to Hannah Barlow. June 29th Nathaniel Hudson to Nabby Hinkley. 284 Octor 16t> Jacob Wiiiegar to Anne Parker, - Novr 8th Simeon Wright to Sukey Abbott. Deer 15th Ozias Judd to Luceua Hewlet. Deer 35th Harvey Osboru to Caty Gifford.— i797;_ Jauy 12tli Samuel Winegar to Tabitha Crocker. Jany 13th Nathan Bassett to Azubah Jones. Jany 14th Joshua Howe to Urania Stevens. Jany 18th Peleg Barlow to Esther Griffin. Jany 22d Lewis Gifford to Betsy Backus. Jany 26th Ephraim Williams to Jemima Wormer. June 29th Nathan Ball Junr to Fear Chadwick. June 29th Zina Hiukley to Betsey Ball. Octor 4th Jeremiah Vallet and Abiah Moot. Octr 19th Job Northrop to Sally Bennet. Novr 9th William Foot of Stockbridge to Abia Vollet. Novr 23; John Hewlit, aged 1797 - Jany 2(1 Died a daughter of Mr Seth Burden, aged 5 years. — — Jany 21«t Died Mi;« Hewlit, the wife of Mr John Hewlit, aged 8i5 years. Feby l()ti> Died Peggy Casey, in the lGti» year of her age. Feby 25iii Died Ebenezer Chadwick Jum; in the 25t,h year of his age. — March 8tli Died an infant child of Mi; W"i Freeman, aged 2 weeks. — April l^t Au infant cliiid of M'" Jacob Wiuegar. April (jth An infant son of Mi" Josiali Crocker, aged 10 days. May 2(Uii An infant cliild of Mi; Ancel and Mrs Hannah Bassett, aged 3 weeks. June 25tli Died Mi;s Christene Garduej-, wife of Mv Lodowick Gardner, aged 23 years. July 3l)f'i 1797— Died Mr Eleazer Turner, in the year of his age. Augt 31st Died, widow Silence Chase, in the 76tii year of her age. Seyjtr 23il An infant child of the widow Turner, aged 5 months. Octv 23d A son of Cornelius Hamblin, aged 17 months. Deer lijtli Died, Mrs Desire Perry, wife of Mv David Perry, in ye BGt.h year of her age. Dec; 2tt;ii Died, Mv Nathan Ball, in the 02^1 year of his age. 1798. Jany 19t}i Died Harriot Bassett, daughter of Mr Cornelius Bassett Juur , aged 2 years. -March 14th Died Mr John Wiuegar, aged 55 years. In the 29th year of his age, he was severely frozen; being left in the woods, and without shelter. Both of his feet came off, and his constitution was so injured, that he never had good health afterwards. May 2cl Died Mv Benjamin Hamblin aged 67 years. May 3<.i Died au infant child of M'; James Austin, aged but a few hours. May Gth Died Dennis Casey, of a consumption, aged 20 years. — — June 5th Died Anner Bassett, of a consumption, aged 18 years. June 13th Died Catharina Winegar, of a consumption, aged 33 ye^rs. She was au example of piety in her life, and met death with fortitude & composure. July 28th Died at Mv Wi" Sturges, Cyntliia Chadwick, aged 13 years. SepV 2'} Died Zeruiah Crocker, of a consumption, aged 20 years. — — Nov. 30th Died Widow Dorcas Crocker, in the 79t_h year of her age. Decv 23d Died Betsev C. Crocker, aged 9 months. 388 1799- Jany 3d Died Rosaua Howk, daughter of Mv Abrm Howk, iu the fourth year of her age. Jauy Tth Died, Mrs Sarah Graves, wife of Mr Phineas Graves. Feby 1th Died Miss Remember Toby, daughter of Stephen Toby, in the 22cl year of her age. Feby^l^t Died Mrs Elizabeth Turner, widow of Mr Eleazer Turner, aged 39 years. March 8th Died Mr Daniel Church, aged 92 years, wanting a few days. March lltii Died Mrs Meribah Burden, the wife of Mr Timothy Bur- den, aged, March 13tli Died an infant child of Mr Stephen Tobey. April 3'1 Died Mrs Lydia Toby, the wife of Mr Stephen Toby, in the 43d year of her age. June l^t Died Mrs Sarah Couch wife of Mr John Couch, in the 77th year of her age. June Sth Died a sou of Mr John Couch Junr aged one year & nine months. June 39th Died Bulah, daughter of Mr Elijah Peet aged 9 years. July 19th Died Laurence Vaudusen, in the 32d year of his age. July 20th Died a child of Mr Polly, aged one year and seven months. Augt 5th An infant child of Mr Alvan Foot, aged but a few hours. Augt 9 jM t.T.;tf»jaf V "1 imit ilh '•'i! U ii.l«ij«l 1^ w-Jlaf I 301 303 21 ^^ ]n-mtn>oryorMigfc,'iJ r/fha In . r'r ifb. 22ui 1 yesr ct 'Tlelivi,! ATolci.., I '' I lay 2a jvvei'e yoii n.uff fi" Sets fc/ M'.vi^ji III. n, Bull!' .H:vtc!.ui' loMi-rii i.ili 'i. ^h ■ !-HtteyR6 ■hislik' ; Mged ■ cy. ! i )l '. ;. ^'(Jays Tiir bl' !r.iii^ cheeks iW- iovely cV'bi-ing Lit: cbpC'i in 305 (Hppenbix. ...^^"■'I'^J^'^^f 7 °X*^®*^^'°'^'"^"''I'orati<)n may be found in vol. V, pp. 717-719 «6- '-^' .^;. u'>?- °J l^^ Province of Mass. Bay, (ed. iSStJ), where are printed the petitions on pp. (51SM:>7 ot tliLS vrO. ; together with the rival petitions frojii some of the proprietors and inhabitants of Hartwood, and a succinct statement of the action of the General Court on the subject. Most of the matter is reprinted below, with the quotation mark-- unchanged. The proprietors of Great Barriugton having passed tli ■ following vote:— "At a Meeting of the Freeholders, & other Inhabitants of the town of Great Barrington, Legualy qualified to vote in T affairs, regularly as- sembled at the Court-house in said town, on the ;:i9th. of Deer. 1773— To see if the Town will agree, that that pare of this Town called the Hoplands, be set off into a seperate Town, or District, Thereupon voted, that this Town have not any objection against that part of this Town called the Hoplands, being set off into a seperate Town, or District whenever the Great & General Coui-t or assembly of this prov- ince, shall see fit — A True Copy of Records Att W: King, Town Clerk."— (J^fo-SS. Archives, vol. 118, p. 745.)— —the following petition was presented to the House on the 28th of January, 1774. and referred to Capt. White, Capt. Brown of Abingtou and Col. Whetcomb: — [See pp. 819, bSL] On the 16th of February, this committee reported leave to William In- gersoll to bring in a bill. Meanwhile, the proprietors of Hartwood pre- sented their petition for incorporation, which was read in the House, on the first of February, 1774, and referred to Mr. Gardner of Stow, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. Ellis of Dedham. The original of this petition has not been discovered, but the substance of it, and the action of the Legislature thereon, appear in the following entry: — "Feb. 17, 1774. A Petition of Moses Ashley and others a number of the Proprietors and Inhabitants of the plantation of Hartwood in the County of Berkshire and of the Inhabitants of the adjacent Grants— Setting forth. That they labour under many disadvantages by reason of their not being invested with Town privileges. And praying that the said plantation, together with Hills & Jones's Grants and the Westerly part of Prescots Grant so far to the East as Partridgefield South corner, may be Incorporated into a Town. In the House of Representatives. Resolved that the further consider- ation of this Petition be referred to the next Session of the General Court and that the Petitioners notify the proprietors or owners of Hills Grant, Jones's Grant and Prescot's Grant within referred to of the contents of the within Petition and this Order by serving them with a Copy thereof that they shew cause, if any they have, on the second "Wednesday of the next Session of the General Court why the prayer of the within mention- ed (so for as it respects their interest therein) should not be granted. In Council, Read and Concurred."— S'o^^'/^/C^7 Records, vol- XXX., p. 190. The consideration of the Ingersoll petition was likewise put off to the same time, with similar notice to the proprietors of Hartwood. The next Legislature, again took these petitions into consideration, to- gether with the following new petition from the inhabitants of Hart- wood: — "To His Exellency Thomas Hutchenson Esqr Captn General and Com- mander in Chiaf in and over his Majestys Province of the Massachusets Bay, to tiie Honi^ie his Majestys Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled May the 25th 1774 The patition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Hartwood So Colled in the County of Berkshire Humbly Sheweth — That tney Labour under Great Incouveuiency in their Preasent Scitua- tion Having No Power to Call and Settle a Minister Lay out and Estab- lish Roads & Build Bridges in s Sep. 1782, no taxes for county- expenses were levied in Bi-rkshire county. By a resolve of the (-feuvral ('ourt, June 3, 17s2, the Court of Sessions wa-; empowered to assess £645;— of this sum £100 was ap- portioned ttep. 1782, and £2i5 Sep. 1783. ~ Apoort'd to Lee. £20 Os. Sd. 31 3 7 23 15 9 $141.50 194.43 67.18 Exc«>pt in relation to the taxes, thsre are few references lo this town in the "Laws and Resolves of Massachusetts," from the adoption of the Constitution to the close ol Tlie^^t wo principal are here given. The first is in the act of June 18 1788, by which Berk-^hire county was d.vided into three registry districts. The middle district was comvK.-^ed of "Lenox, Pittsfi^^kl, Richmond. Stoekbridge, Lee, Tyringham, Becket, ■Washington and Partridgelield, and such goiei or tracts of land unincorporated as may lie between any of the said Towns.'' In the "Laws and Resolves" for 1795, under the heading "Expences of maintaining the Poor of the Commonwealth," is the item : "To the Town of Lee for supporting Alexr. Richa Including Doers, bills— up to Octr. loth 17a5, $ Survey of the Line between Lee and Great Barrington. Thefollowing was not found until after page l-'2 was printed. There is no way to determiie in what year it was entered on the R-Cjrds, but it could not have been before 1816 as the recorder was not Town Clerk until that year. Qt Barrington ) Be it remembered; that on the fifteenth day of No- " G. Barrington Josiah Yale) Selectmen of John Nye / Lee True Copy Attest Ransom Hinman To%vn Clerk Marriages of Residents of Lee recorded in other Towns. In a volume in the custody of the Town Clerk iif Monterey containing a tran*cript of the records of Marriages by Rhv. Aionijah Bidwell and Rev. Joseph Avery, ih-- first two pastors of the church in Tyringaam, are the following:— Solemnized by Rev. A. Bidwell. 1778 June 4tii Capt Abijah Merrill & Hannah Chadwick 1779 June 30th John Steriis & Luce Merrill 1782 Jauv 10 Freeman Mosier & Hepzibah Ortou 1782 Oct 17th Jonathan Graves & Anna Taylor Solemnized bv Rev. Joseph Averv. 1790 May 2(itii Reuben Davis of Lee & Polly Abbott of Tyringham 1790 Nov 11th Timothy Aldin of Tyringham & Lowis Wilcoeks of Lee 1791 Jany 27th Stephen Markham of Tyringham &■ Dolly Jacksliu of Lee 1791 July 7th Reuben Marsh of Lee & Lydia Rathbuu. of Tyringham. 1791 October 12th Artemas Rogers of Lee, & Phebe Cross, do [LeeJ 1792 June 21st Jonathan Foot of Lee, & Temperance Holly, of G Barriugton From the Lenox Records: — By William Walker. J. P. . Ephraim Hollister of Lee to Laurana Canfield of Lenox, 1.5th Deer 1785 — T. B. lOrig.) p. 337, John Briggs to Martha Gibbs both of Lee on the l^t of Jauv 17S9. Do. p. 337. By Eldad Lewis, J. P., David Hay ward of Lee & Mercv Howland of Lenox, Febv lOth 1795. Do. p. -sag. Also the following "Intentions'" : 1790, May 31, Intentions of Marriage Legally published and certified be- tween Jonathan Keith of Lenox & Pollv Backous of Lee Do. p. 361. From the Str^ckbridge Record-;:— David Ingersoll and Sarah Parsons were married Dec 13th 1781 by Rev. Stephen West. From 1st Book of Records, Cong, church. PittsfieM: Bv Rev. Thomas Alien, 1795, Dec. 24. M'; Silas Stephens of Lee & Miss Irene Tracy of Pittsd were married L'nder "Marriages" in a published vol. of vital records of Sharon, Ct., by Law- rence Van Alstine: Elisha Collins of Lee and Lovina Gates of Sharon. Mar. 20. 1785. m. by Ebenezer Knibloe, 1st Past6rof S. Amenia [X. Y.] Church. Abraham Perry of Lee and Temperance Hatch of Sharon, m. Feb. 24. 1788. 81T First Publishment on page 133. Tho following from Holland's History of Western Mass. vol. 2, p. 516, completes the mutilated record on p. 133 of this vol. : "The firf^t 'publishment' of intentions of marriage, recorded on the town books, perpetuates the names of Noah Burdin of Lee and Avis Their of Chesterfield." Births omitted from the Records pp. 144-174. Children of David Ingersoll & Sarah his Wife (See p. 162.) William & Alvan — born Dec 22d. 1801 (Twins) Elihu Parous " Sepr. 20. 1804. Children of Wm Perry and Content his wife Fear born Feb. 20 - 1777 — Ruth Novr 14th 1783 — Hannah — 21 - 1778 Sarah July "28 — 17«4 Phebe March 22 1780 John Ausus't 1 — 1788 — Lucy July 28 1781 Children of Joel Putnam & Elizabeth Sarah Maria Johnson (Becket) Jany 30. 1803 — Sally Putman (Becket) March 10. 1800 Loriuua " " March 23 ItO^ Abner do — do June 18 1802 Caroline " " Feb 14. 18i0 Joel do do Nov 10. 1804 James Allen Lee Sep 14 1817 Ransom Nathan do June 18 180& Orson R " Apr 14. 1819 Sardis Barns do Jany -2. 1808 Julia Tryphena " July 27 182i Lucy Anne do [?] oct 14. 1813 The explanation of the above peculiar record is : Joel Putnam, a widower with live (or six) children, married Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, with three children, ana three children were born to them. The births, except two, are recorded as below in Becket, but there is no record there of the death of James Johnson, or of marriage between any of the parties. Sally Putnam dau. Joel & Sally born Mar. 10, 1799 Abner " sen " " " June 18, iSOl Joel " •' " " " Dec. 10, 18o3 Ransom " " " '• " June 15, 1805 iSardis '* " " " " Jan. '22, 18.'7 Sally wife of Joel Putnam died June 10, 1813. James Allin Putnam sou of Joel & Elizabeth born Sept. 14, 1815 Orson Resallion '• " " " " Oct. 14, lsl9 Sally Maria Johnson dau. James & Elizabeth born Jan. 80, 1804 Lorana Eliza " " •• " " Mar. 23, 1807 Caroline Content " " " " " Feb. 14, 1810 Besides the Records of the Congregational church printed in this vol., there is in the archives of the church a book of accounts entitled : RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS . OF THE proprietors For Building a ]SJeetixg House ix Lee Began May lol'? 1799. In it is a debit and credit account with those who contributed to the erection of the church finished in 1801. Many of the accounts, however, were not finally settled until several years later. The book relates entirely to the accounts, except the following in the writing of Nathan Dillingham, the proprietors' clerk: — January 24th 1800 At a Meeting of a number of the inhabitants of the Town of Lee to make arrangements for the observance of the Day appointed by Congress 318 for Mourning on account of the Death of General George Washington ; Chose Josiah YaleEsqr Moderator — N. Dillingham Clerk. — Appointed Doctor Thayer N. Dillingham Lt Jenkins a Committee to attend to the above Business. Voted that the above Committee confer with Mr Hyde and request him to address the people on the above occasion, likewise to apply to Mr Rob- bins to prepare an Oration to be delivered on the same Day — and to make such other arrangements as the Committee shall think most expedient. — '' Signatures to petition, Wi" lugersoll Isaac Davis Isaac Davis Jur Peletiah West Amos Stantton Eldad Kebbe Jonathan West Peter Willcoks Samuel Wright Elisha West Elijah West Daniel West Daniel Church Oliver West Eleazer West page 3 19. Elisha Freeman Levi Nye Abner 'West David Kellogg Ozias Strong Seth Backos Joshua Backous Benjamin Backous Thomas Ewer hope Davis Ebenezer Swift Asahell Dodge Elijah Dodge Samli Hatch Jolm Nye Signatures to petition, pai George Beunet Nathan Bennet Isaac Davis Theos Mansfield John Davis Isaac Davis Jur William Benjamin Il?uben Pixley re u ben Gary Amos Stiintou Theophilus iiansfield Jr ;e 32.{. Ozias Stronge Elisha Grant Eleazer West Peter Willcoks Daniell West Richer Houck Matthew Vandusen Aaron Wormer Wm Ingersoll Aaron Ingersoll Wm Carpentor Signatures to petition, Jesse Bradley Noah Crocker Hope Davis David Dimmick John Winegar Oliver West Phinehas Fish. Simon Calkin Ebnr Swift Nathaniel Backus Seth Barlow Lemuel Crocker Jonathan Foot Job hamlin William pei-ry pages 325, 32r. Joseph Nickles Jur Levi Nye Prince West Wait Hatcii Cornelius Gifford Thomas Gifford Jesse Gifford Timothy Goodspeed John Baker thomas Ewer Jonathan Foot Ju^ Nathaniel Tobe Ichabod Backus thomas Adkins Benjamin Backus Zeuas Goodrich Aaron Ingersoll Elisha Grant Jonathan foot Jonathan foot Junr Simon Calkin Joseph Handay John Winegar Theophilus Mansfield George Beunet Nathan Beunet Ephraim Hollister , Matthew Vandusen Jaremiah Wormer Moses Ingersoll Malatiah hatch Moses Ingersoll Pelatiah West Elisha West Daniel Church Natlian Bail Justis Yale Josiah Yale Ephraim Hollester Elisha Martindale Richard Larrabe Amos Porter Elijah West John Nye Elisha Freeman Seth Backous David Kellogg Sam\i Stanly Jeremiah Wormer Asahel Dodge John Davis Thomas Becher Jonathan West Aaron Smith Abijah Tambliug Seth Gibbs Silas Perry James Penoyer Hans Winegar 319 ■^^/^p.: 'ft^d c< ■y: \-\ui A j-xi^'tvix/h^fsc-'--- — - — /.I ^i J See p. oU5. 7 / y^ C /a^— 6"* li I l/L/'fl^l/L ^ ■■ -s. See p. 305. 'y ^ j9tj.. (/^y.:^.. Z^ fZr^^^ tf^^--^^^^^^^'^ i^«J<— -«^/ ■ ^^-^ , -^ /<^,.t^^^>.^ -^^^..^.^i^ Jfu<^^^^^ "^'TTSi^ ""2^ oCL/Ht^^ ■fpti'^ f /JlfX) '/'^.ui. ,.' :^.;i^^ // / z:^ ' . t^'^^^.inr P^■'Cc^^ See p. 308. <. /• ■/■'■ /. >: /-/; ;..,./ r .. < r. / An-^^^^- »•'- A .t ^ /j;^. . 2:^^/^ ^r->- 7- C-c-l', /,^-C Z' ',._f> tCt.-t^i , ,./v..r..T-,'^''/^-^l-rt- / A M '-(-.,-. /(/. ..■"•- '•"• • /" V!^\" -■ ,^.-^'/ ^ ^'/ / 1> /*-^-^ y i^t^-^-i 't jW- See p. 308. •i'^ 1 /j-t'/A *:^*^^ C^^^ /t n /; 1 * - i ' , , » ,o i ^- — -^ - .h /. .^/ J-' , jtAA V, :^ r/^,... /^ ^/J-r-//...- »U^«_.V.-. -^'/-^-^ / Bee p. 308. . 824 REDUCED FROM 12X14 INCHES. :ee p. 319. M 3tt^6x. BAPTISMS. I Austin, Bereiiioe, 277. .lohii, 281. Zat'ua, 277. Zafna, 279. Backus, Anson, 252. Benjamin, 252. Hannah, 252. Maria. 247. Nathaniel, 252. Sarah, 252. Bailey, Esther, 281. Orra, 281. Smith, 281. Thomas, 281. Wealthy, 281. Baker, David, 278. Lemuel, 276. Lydia, 276..TnVii.'^?i. Salviua, 27(). Salvina, 277. Samuel Crocker, 279. Sarah, 27(5. Ball, Daniel, 247. Isaac, 25(;. Samuel, 252. Barlow, Cornelius, 278. Cornelius, 279. Elizabeth, 276. Hannah, 278. Joseph Warren, 280. Lvdia, 279. Nabby, 277. Nathan, 252. Reuben, 278. Sally, 282. Seth, 281. William Bassett, 278. Bartholomew, Augustus, 278. Daniel, 281. Jesse Bradley, 278. Lemi, 278. Lydia, 278. Mamre, 278. Bassett, Cornelius, 281. David, 257. Deborali Webb, 277. Elisha, 256. Experience, 279. Hannah, 277. Harriet. 279. Isaac, 2S(). .Jolni, :J5(i. John Smith. 277. Joseph, 281. Lemuel, 27(). Lydia, 276. Nabbj-. 277. Nancy, 276. Nathaniel, 278. Pollv, 277. Kaciiel, 281. Remember Nye, 277. Thomas, 277. Beecher. Alvah, 278. Hopestill, 247. Pamela, 258. Thomas, child of, 256. Benedict, Aaron, 258. Betsey, 276. Clarissa, 252. Desire, 258.E. nice, 2TS. Huldah, 279. Lucina, 256. Molly, 276. Steplien Thomas, 252. Bennett, Bersey, 279. Henry Williams, 278. Pruda. 278. Bradley. Abigail, 281. Amanda, 278. Anne. 277. Asenath. 276. Bet-sey. 278. Celah, 277. 332 BAPTISMS. Bradley, Ebenezer Cook, 281. Eli, 2.S1. Elisha, 2H1. Eunice, 279. Joel, 277. Josiah, 277. Lucy. 281. Lydia, 280. Lydia, 281. Lyman, 280. Parmelia, 281. Philo, 277. Polly, 277. Sallv, 278. Wiiiiaiu, 279. Billiard, Charlotte, 258. Carpenter, Darius, 276. Casey, Mary, 277. Cliadwick, Ancel, 278. Archelus, 256. Daniel, 279. Fear, 252. Heman, 252. John, 252. John, 256. Joseph, 252. Marv, 256. Ruth, 259. Samuel, 257. Sarah. 257. Church, Anna, 258. Daniel, 253. Daniel, 278. Hannah, 257. • Huldah, 277. James, 277. Polly. 277. Coffey, Crecia, 252. Couch, Amanda, 281. John, 282. Mabel, 282. Phebe, 281. Tirza, 281. Crocker, Abignil, 278. Asa, 277. Aurelia, 282. Benjamin, 277. Bet.'^ey, 276. Betsey Clark, 277. Betsev Crosby, 280. Celah, 276. Electa, 276. Electa Lewis, 281. Elizabeth, 276. Ehzabeth, 278. Grissilda, 277. Crocker, Huf2rg:ins, 27G. Jedediah, 277. Jedediah Davis, 278. John Dimick, 281. Joseph, 278. Jose])h, 280. Josiah, 281. Laura, 281. Leniira, 281. Lucius, 281. Lacy, 281. Lucy, 281. Noah, 278. Olive, 276. Philena, 281. Poilv, 277. Polly, 279. Samuel, 252. Samuel, 278. Sally, 277. Sarah, 277. Sarah, 278. Seth, 279. . Sophia. 281. Tliomas, 280. William, 281. William, 282. Davis, Bathsheba, 278. Charity Hall, 277. Elisha Parmele. 256. Hanjiah Crocker, 277. Hope, 279. Hopestill, 256. Isaac, 277. Lewis, 280. Lucy, 277. Lucy, 277. Mary, 256. Mercy, 281. Nathan, 277. Priscilla, 276. Samuel, 256. Samuel, child of, 258. Wait Hatch, 279. Denio. Betsey, 278. Dickinson, Daniel, 277. Miriam, 276. Dodge, Asahel, 276. Hannah, 277. Heman, 276. Samuel Stanley, 276. Sarah, 276. Ewer, Alva. 281. Ansel, 252. Asa, 278. Chai-les, 280. BAPTISMS. Ewer, Ebonozer, 252. Elca/.er, 258. Elisha, 252. Elizabeth, 258. Huiiiah, 279. Jane, 277. •lohu Crocker, 277. Lvdia, 252. Martha. 277. Mary, 252. Mary Bursley, 277. IMen-y, 277. NabbV. 277, Paul. 279. Seth. 252. Thomas, 252. Tilsou, 277. Fiuuev, Abraham, 282. Aseiiath, 280. Ezra Thompson, 279. Fish. Thankful, 252, Foot, Asahel, 277. Charles, 282. Elizabeth. 279. John, 258. Jonathan, 257. Lyman, 280. Sarah Ann, 277, Sarah Ann. 278. Solomon, 277. William. 27(). Freeman, Charles, 277. Elisha, 27G. Elizabeth, 276. Fanny, 276. Lvdia Percival, 276. Thomas, 276. Fuller, EliJia, 278. Jacob, 278. Lucy, 278. Thomas Williams, 278. Garfield, Daniel, 278. Polly, 278. Silas, 278. Gifford, Abigail, 259. Abraham, 259. Alvan, 278. Eunice, 278. Geueverah, 277. James, 278. James, 280. Jesse, 256, Jesse, 277. John, 277. John, 278. Lewis, 282, Gifford, Lvdia. 259. Lvnian, :.'S2. Piii'bc, 259. Kurh, 277. Sallv, 280. Sylva. 277. Sylvanus, 277. Thomas, 259. Goodspeed, Abifjrail, 247. Thankful, 2-17. Grant, David, 256. Elislia. 252. EstlK^r, 256. Eunice. 258. Isaac. 280. Jared, 252. Polly. 278. Prudence, 252. Ruth, 252. Tliaukful, 256. Hall, Lydia. 281. Hamblin. Natnaniel, 277 Tabitha, 278. Handy, Elizabeth, 277. Hatch, Alpheus. 276. Daniel Lewis, 25 Daviii, 258. Eli, 256. Heman, 280. Justus, 276. Lemuel, 258. Oliver, 276. Poliv. 277. Tabitha. 276. Tamar, 278. Thomas Davis, 2 Wait, 276. Hinckley, C^ontent, 277. Hinsdale. Lydia. 278. Hodf,'es, Lucy. 279. Humphrev, Elias, 282. Thankful, 282. Hyde, Alvan, 278. Charles Backus, Harriet, 280. Stephen, 28L lugersoll, Anna, 247. Asher, 282. Betsey, 247. Billv, 247. Cela. 276. David, 277. David. 279. Ebenezer Niblow Elenor, 247. Elihu. 276. 279. 334 BAPTISMS. lugersoll, Elizabeth, 279. Elizabeth, 280. Eunice, 281. James, 281. John, 277. John Calvin, 247. Lois, 277. Lucretia, 257. Lucy, 281. Luther, 247. Lydia, 276. Merit, 277. Moses, 258. Moses, 280. Pollv, 277. Reuben, 278. Pvhoda, 280. Sarah, 27fi. Sarah, 279. Seth Crocker, 276. Sophia, 259. Theodore, 256. Thomas, 278. William, 276. Jenkins, Ebeuezer, 281. Henry William, 278. Josiah, 280. Lydia, 282. Nathan, 279. Kellogg-, Otis, 252. King, Artemesia, 279. Leonard, Samuel, 280. Nye, Betsey, 259. Caleb, 257. Charity, 277. Charles, 279. Elisha, 252. Esther, 277. Hannali, 277. Ira, 277. John, 277. Joshua, 279. Lois, 277. Sally, 280. Sarah, 279. Seth, 256. Thankful, 258. Penoyer, Truman, 247. Percival, Anne, 28]. Content, 279. Elisha, 276. Elisha, 277. Fear, 276. Hannah Gates, 278. Huldah, 270. James, 278. Percival, John, 276. John, 277. John, 378. Montgomery, 278. Nabby, 280. Polly, 276. Ruth, 277. Ruth, 278.^ Samuel, 278. Perry, Abraham, 280. Arthur, 278. Dama. 278. Polly, 278. Porter, Abigail, 278. Grace, 278. Kimball, 279. Lorain, 278. Lydia, 278. Mary, 278. Remele, Hannah, 282. Lydia, 280. Robinson, Amanda, 279. Fanny, 279. Sheldon, Lydia, 279. Stanton, Lydia, 282. Stewart, Sarah, 281. Stone, Palmira, 280. William, 281. Taylor, Deborah, 277. Thompson, Chauncey, 277. Harriet Maria, 281. Hezekiah Orton, 277. Olive, 278. Rhoda, 277. Tilly, Hannah, 277. Lecta, 277. Lucy, 278. Rhoda. 277. Samuel, 277. ' Tobey, Achsah, 278. Asael, 259. j Celah, 256. Cynthia, 278. Deborah, 277. Deborah, 278. Lydia, 252. :,.] Lydia, 256. Mary, 278.'312'^^«I« Nathaniel, 257. Nathaniel, 277. Remembrance, 256, Samuel, 278. Sarah, 277. Stephen. 256. Turner. Polly, 281. Tuttle, James, 377. ', BAPTISMS. 8a5 Tyler, David, 278. SallT, 278. Sibyl. 278. Wausey. Beiijaniiu, 281. Chloe, 281. Electa, 281. Esther. 281. Grace, 281. Henry, 281. Jared. 281. John, 281. Reuben, 281. West, Abigail, 276. Alvah, 279. Amy, 247. Benjamin, 282. Daniel, 252. Ebenezer, 279. Elizabeth, 252. Elizabeth, 257. Ephriam, 277. Ezekiel, 256. Eunice, 280. Hannah, 276, Heman, 247. Ira, 256, Joel, 277. Mehitabel, 280. Orson, 258. Lucy,C^2. West, Pelatiah, 277. Phebe, 277. Prince, 257. Sally, 256. Saviah, 252. Stephen, 277. Thomas Tracy. 252. Timothy Nye, 277. Wilcox, Daniel, 277. Electa, 247. Electa, 282. Hudson. 279. Willouphby, Josiah, 280. Lydia, 280. Polly, 280. Semautha, 281. Winegar, Electa, 256. Elizabeth, 281. John, 280. Stephen, 253. Yale, Electa, 278. John, 258. Josiah, 279. Lucy Tracy, 276. Sirus, 256. Youngs, Alvin, 258. Benjamin, 247. Ezra, 257. W:ili.anv^,. Lu'-y, 2"7. 336 CHURCH MEMBERS. Abbott, Anne, 273. Martha, 271, 273. Seth, 271, 273. Austin, Achsah, 273. James, 273. Backus. Benjamin, 264,26.5,274. Maria, Mrs., 247. 2.50, 253, 254, 355, 256. Bailey, Esther, 271, 275. Baker, Salvina, 273. Ball, Lydia, 273. Nathan, 248. Ruhamah, 248. Barlow, Elizabeth, 247, 251. Hannah, 273. Lemuel, 269, 275. Lydia, 267, 274. Nabby, 273. Sally, 272, 276. Thankful, 273. Barns, Nabby. 263, 273. Bartholomew, Josiah, 247, 248. Mann-e, 265, 274. Phebe, 248. 252. Bassett, Abigail, 273. Mrs. Benjamin, 266. f (Jornelius, 256. Cornelius, 273. Nathaniel, 273. Remember, 274. Thankful, 274. Beecher, Phebe, 247, 251. Thomas, 273. Benedict, Aaron, 251, 252, 262, 270, 271. Bennett, Elizabeth, 269, 270, 274. Blackmau, Sarah, 274. Bradley. Abigail, 272, 275. Anne, 262, 273. Eli, 274. Eunice, 273. Jesse, Dea., 247, 248, 252, 253, 256, 257, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268. Jesse, Jr., 274. Jo.seph, 273. Lvdia, 264, 267, 274. Lydia. 272, 275. Mary, [Manny] 248. Phebe, 273. Stephen, 272, 275. Tabitha, 270. William, 274. Brown, Eunice, 257. Casey, Mary, 273. Chadwick, Archelus, 256. Desire, 247, 250. Elizabeth, 247, 250. Jabez, 372, 373. Sarah, 250. Chase, Levi, 373. Silence, 373. Temperance, 273. Childs, Experience, 275. Church, Anne, 373. Daniel, 347, 249. Daniel, 263, 273. Daniel, 367, 274. Hannah, 347, 349. Clark, Desire, 373. Coffey, Experience, 351. Collins. Hannah, 250, 371.. Couch, Hannah, 375. John Sr. , 274. John .]r., 272, 275. Prudence, 272, 375. Samuel, 375. Sarah, 374. Crocker, Dorcas, 374. Elizabeth, 263, 373. Hannah, 275. Jedediah, 273. Joseph, Sr., 274. Jo.siah, 263, 273. Laura, 372, 376. Lemira, 373, 276. Lemuel, 249, 265. Lucy, 272, 275. Martha, 273. Mercy, 261, 253. Sarah, 249. Sarah, 273. Sophia, 372, 376. Tabitha, 374. Thomas, 351. 253. Crosby, John, 247, 349. Martha, 247, 249. Davis, Hannah, 247, 248. Hannah, 273, 275. Hope, 348. Lucy, '<>73. Nathan, 373. Priscilla. 356. Samuel, 356. Dexter, Patience, 372, 276. Dickinson, Miriam, 373. Dimick, Thankful, 250. Thankful, 273. t Occasional communicant,— meinber of Eastham ch/ CHURCH MEMBERS. 837 Dodge, Hannah, 2C>2, 274. Sarah, '2<)2, 27:5. Dnnn, Matta, •>()!). t Ewer. Marv. •24!>, 253. Mercy, 27;i. Paul, 27:5. TliDiuas, 249. Fish, Mvvry, 24!». Phiiieas. 249. Foot, Asnhel, 27i5. i)eliverance, 2r)(). Jonathan, 2();*),2()4, 27:1. Sarah, '249. Saiah Ann, 27:5. 2':i5. Siilon)on, 2()r), 27;5. Freeman, Elisha, 27:5. Elizabeth, 27:5. Fuller, Eunice, 26:^, 274. Thomas, 274. Garfield, Enocl;. 274. Giftord, IJavid, 268. Elizabeth, 257. Huldah, 27:?. James, 274. Jesse, 256. Joanna, 273. John, 274. Lydia, 250. Rnth, 25«j. Sarah, 274. Tabitha, 273. Goodspeed, Abifjail, 247. David. 273. Naomi, 251. Thankful, 247, 250. Grant, Mary, 251, 252. Hall, Abraham, 270, 275. Rachel, 271, 275. ; Hamblin, Abigail, 273. Nathaniel, 273. Tabitha, 274. Hamilton, Hannah, 2()(>, 268, 275. Handy, Lois. 247, 251. Hatch, Lemuel, 248. 268. Lewis, 263, 273. Marv, 251. Oliver, 251, 253, 263. Rebecca, 2")1, 253. Rhoda. 272, 276. Temperance, 248, 208. Hinckley, Content, 273. Edmund, 273. Hinsdale, Lydia, 274. Howland, Martha, 274. Hubbard, Sarah, 250. Humphrey, Thankful, 272, 275. Hyde, Lucy. 273. Ing(>rsoll, David, 247, 249, 25:i. Eunice, 247, 250. Jared, 273. Lydia, 247, 250. 26:5. Lydia, 248, 252. jVlercy, 273. Prudence, 209, 375. Sarali, 249, 253. William, 247, 248. Jenkins. Ehenez(>r Jr.. 262, 273. ' Elizabeth, 273. Kellogg, Dn.vid, 249. Elenor, 219. Lee, Sarah, 26:5, 274. Leonard, Samuel Jr,, 274. Marsii, Tryphena. 2.50. N>sire, 273. Tcmpe, 274. Porter, Prudence, 274. Samuel, 270, '273. PutiKnn, Rebecca. 275. Robbins, Samuel Prince, 272, 276. Robinsoji Eliznbctli. 274. Elizabeth, 272, 270. Levi, 274. t Occasional,— member of Barnstable ch. Church members. Santie, Betser, 278. Daniel, 262, 273. Sheldon, Epliraim, 274. Stanley, Jerusha, 251, 252. Molly, 26:3, 278. Stanton, Lydia, 272, 276. Stevvart, Sarah, 272, 276. Stone, Rebecca, 275. Squire, 275. Squier, Adria, 272, 276. Sally, 272, 275. Taylor, Deborah, 263, 273. Thatcher, Elizabeth, 270, 371, 275. Rowland, 270, 271, 275. Thayer, Anne, 270, 272, ?75. Nathaniel, 270, 272, 275 Thompson, Olive, 268, 273. Sally, 265. Tilley, Hannah, 273. Samnel, 272, 273. Tobey, Deborah, 273. Lydia. 251, 252. Nathaniel, 273. Totman, Joseph, 248. Tuttle, James, 273. Sarah, 273. Tyler, Ruth, 273. Sarah, 263, 274. Wansey, Chloe, 269, 275. Wells, Zurviah, 262, 273. West, Daniel, 271, 273. Ebenezer, 273. Elizabeth, 251. 271. Elizabeth, 273. Mehitabel, 264, 269, 273 Mehitabel, 273. Oliver, 248, 253, 265. Prince, 247, 248, 263. Thankful, 248. Wilcox, Daniel, 268, 273. Peter, 273. Tabitha, 247. 250. Willoughby, Josiah, 269, 275. Wiuegar, Elizabeth, 250. Huldah, 273. John, 272, 376. Katharina, 251. Samuel, 273. Wormer, Grace, 369, 275. Jeremiah, 274. Yale, Josiah, 256, 265, 266. Ruth, 256. Youngs, Hannah. 249. James, 249. PUBLISHMENTS AND MARRIAGES. 339 I Abbott, Anne, 136. 2^n. Pollv, :n6. Sn'^anna, 130, 284. Adams. 15oiijamin. 139, ii83. Aldm. Timothy, 316. Atkins, Gporere, 133. Austin, Pardon. 136, 283. AverT, Sallv. 13o. Backus, Botsev, 139, 284. lohalod, 133. Lucv, 142, 284. Lydia. 137, 283. Mrs. ^laria, 255. Pollv, 316. Sallv. 136, 2S3. Sallv. 137, 283. Thomas, 142. 284. Walley. 136, 283. Baker. David, 13.'. Ball, Bel spy. 140. 284. Bydia. 137. 283. Kanov, 142, 284. Nathan, Jr., 140. 2S4. Patty. 142, 284. Harden, Seth, 135. Barlow, Hannah, 143. 283. Isaac, 187. 283. Lemuel, 135. Lvdia, 135. Pelejr. 140, 284. Samuel. 142. 284. Thankful, 138, 283. Bartholomew, Jesse, 135. Bartiline, Phebe, 135. Bassett, An.sel, 136, 283. Benjamin, 140. Del orah Webb. 143,284. Nathan, 140. 284. Thankful, 135. Bates. Anne, 150. Benedirt, Aaron, 147. Bennett. Sally. 140. 284. Bosworth. Constant, 133. Bradl'i'v. Eli. 135. ^ Tol. Jared 148. Heman. B;6. 283. Lend. 13.S. 283. Lydia. 2f-3. Mamrv. 13.". "William. 140. 284. Brayman. Betsey. 143. Brijj-jrs. John. 316. Bullard, Mrs. Lucy. 138, 283. Burden., Noah. 133. 317. Seth. see Harden. Bursley, Jabez, 136, 283. Calkins. Sybil. 1.34. Cantield. Laurana. 316. Casey, Sally, 137, 28.". Chadwick, Abiathar, 149. Elizabeth, 142, 2M. Fear, 140, 2.S4. Hannah, 316. Jabi'z. 143. Thomas, 142. -'84. Chanter, (ieorpe. 133. Meribah. 133. Polly, 138. 283, Silence, 141. Childs, Delia. 141. 2!'4. Job. 142, 143, 284 Church. J:)aniel. 150. Eli. 142. 284. Levi, 141. Clark, Eenjamin. 135. Jesse. 133. Rel-.ecca, 138. Simeon, 142. 284 Cole, Sarah. 135. Collins, Avis. 138. 283. Elislia, 316. Couch, Rebecca, 142.284. Crocker. Alice Hovt. 137. 283. Eli7.abeth.'^137,283. Hannah, 141. 284. .jedediah. 135. Josiah, 138, 283. Mercv, 135. Tabitha, 139. 284. Thankful, 143. Vina, 135. Crosbv, Abijaii, 1.38, 28:\ Betsey. 141. 284. Hannah, 138, 283. Cross, Phebe. 316. Davis, Benjamin, 142. Caivin, 141. 284. Hope 138, 283. Mary. 134. Reuben. 316. Solomon. 13.'-. Mrs. Tal.itlia. 173. Dav. Luther. 1-11, 2S4. Dexter, Sterh'^n. 137, 283. Tabitha, 13.". Dimick Betliiah. 135. Hannah. 136. 283. Salome. ].38, 283. Sarah, 133. Dodge. Elisha. 141. 284. Miriam. 134. Doten. Amasiah, 134. 340 PUBLISHMENTS AND MARRIAGES. Easton, Silas, 137, 283. Eddey, Rachel, 135. Ewer, Paul, 139, 283. Fesseuden, Cornelius, 142, 284. Lucy, 136. Finney, Abraham, 137, 283. Deborah, 134. Foot, Alvan, 141. Asahel, 136, 283. David, 135. Feuuer, 134. Jonathan, 316. Sally, 137. Sarah, 133. William, 140, 284 Fowler, Levi, 141. Frarv, Joseph, 140, 284. Fuller, Amos, 133. Gardner, Betsey, 141. Hannah, 141. John, 141, 284. Lodowick, 141. Garfield, Amanda, 136, 283. Gates, Lovina, 316. Gibbs, Martha, 316. Gifford, Abigail, 135. Caty, 139, 284. Huidah, 137, 283 Lewis, 139, 284. Lydia, 137, 283. Polly, 139, 283. Rachel, 142, 284. Sally, 140, 284. Sarah, 135. Sylvanus, 135. Gillet, Nathaniel, 134. Gleason, Nathaniel, 138. Goodrich, Lois, 135. Grant, Isaac, 135. Martha, 141,284. Graves, Jonathan, 316. Green, John, 135. Griffin, Esther, 140. 284. Haas.[Hoose],John, 134. Hamblin. Bathiah. 134. Benjamin. Jl'8, 288. Betsev, 135. David, 137. 283. Deliverance, 133. Martha, 135. Nabbv, 142. Susanna, 139, 283. Tabitha, 140, 284. Thankful, 142. Hancock, Jemima, 133. Handy, Anne, 140, 284. Hatch, Edward, 143. Lewis, 134. Rhoda, 143, 284. Temperance, 316. Hawes, Ebenezer, 283. Hayward, David, 316. Hinckley, Joseph, 137, 283. Nabbv, 139. 283. Zina, 140, 284. Hodges. Samuel, 283. Hollister, Ephraim. 316. Holly, Temperance, 316. Howard, Mehitabel, 135. Howe, Joshua, 284. Howk, Andrew, 141, 284. Ficha, 134. Howland, Mercy, 316. Hudson, Nathaniel, 139, 283. Huggins, Anne, 133. Hulet, John, 140. Lucena, 139, 284. Huntington, Azel, 140. Hyde. Alvan. 136. IiigersoU. Calvin, 135. David, 316. Jared, 135. Lucinda, 142, 284. Luther, 141. Moses, 139. William, Jr., 135. Jackslin, Dolly, 316. Jenkins, Ebenezer, Jr., 136,283. Johnston, Stephen, 138. Jones, Azuba, 140, 284. Judd, Ozias, 139, 284. Keep, John, 163 Keith. Jonathan. 816. Kilborn, Elijah, 141,284. Lathrop. Ichabod, 186, s;83. Lenester. Abigail, 163. Mansfield, Betsey. 141, 284. Fanny, 135. Martha, 135. Pollv, 135. Markham, Stephen, 316. Marsh. Reuben, 316. Merrill, Capt. Abijah, 316. Imcy, 316. Mosier, Freeman, 316. Mott, Abia, 140, 284. Munson, Phebe, 148. Newel, Marv, ]41. Ruth, 138, 283. Niblow, Elizabeth. 185. Northrop, Electa, 283. Job, 140, 284. PUBLISHMENTS AND Nyo, Francis, 134. James, 14i5. John, 1554. Joshua, 1:50, -2^:?. Mehitabel. i;J4, Rachel. i:57, ^m, Seth, 1:54 Olds, Caty, l-W, -.'s;]. OiTon, Hopzibah, 55 1(5. Usborn. Harvt'V. i:59, 284. (Jwen, jNIartha, 1*5-5. Packard, Philip, 142, 284. Parker, Anne, ]:5i), 284. Charta, 1:5(1, 2n:!. Daniel, 140, 284. Sarah, i:59, 283. Parsons, Sarah, ;51G. Peuover, Jacob, i;57, 283. Reuben, 139, 283. Percival. Sally, 141. Perry, Abigail, 13(5, 283. Abraham, 31(5. Fear, 241, 284. Phelps, Dorothy, 142. Pixlev, Esther, 136, 283. Reuben, 138, 283. Poi;ter, Amasa, 143, 284. Ebeuezer, 142. Pratt, Jacob, 133. Putnam, Polly, 138. Randal. Betsey, 147. Rathburn, John, 142, 284. Lydia, 31(5. Read, John, 137. 283. Remele. John, 113, 283. Rider, Eathshua ,135.- Robinson, Hannah, 140. Rogers, Artemas, 31(5. Sha\y, Crispus. 137. Duncan, i:55. Levina. 137. Sheldon, Ephraim, 137, 283. Sherman, Ichabod, 138, 283. Smith, Isr.-'l, 13.",, Ni h 'miah, 135. Lyvaa, 13(5, 283. Meribah, 141. 284. Stanley, Jerusha, 135. Stanton, Asahel, 142. 284. Rhoda, 136, 283. Rufus, Jr,, 135. Stearns, John. 316. Stevens, Patience, 134 Silas. 316. Urania. 284. Stewart, Batbsheha. 149. Polly, 137, 283. Sally, 143. Strong, Biilah, 134. MARRTA{;ES. 341 Stnuifj, Horatio, i:!!. Sturi.M's, William, I3S, 283. Sutherland, .loliu. i;!5. Taylor, .\nna, :!I6. Lucy, w.'k Prudeuce, 139. Thatclier, Timothy. 142. Thomjjson, Israel, 137. Their. Avis, 13:5. 317. Tiff.iny. Walter, i:'.5. Tubey, Uelia, 1 12. 282. Nathaniel, 134. Tooley, Lydia. 141, 284. Tntcy, Hannah, 135. Irene, 316. Hntii. 135. Treat, Timothy, 134. Yallet, Abia, 140, 2.s4. Hannah. 141. Jeremiah, 140, 284. Phebe, 134. YanDeusen, Grace, 136, 283. ]Matthe\y, 143. Walker, Hannah, 140. Walley, Jonathan, 136, 283. Wedge, Oliver. 141, 284. West, Anne, 136, 283. Amy, 134. Ebeuezer, 13-1. Jeduthan, 142, 284. Joshua. 141. Levi, 135. Lois, 134. Mercy, 133. White, John, 141, 284. Whiton, James, 143, 284. Joseph, 136, 283. Wilcox, Daniel, 137, 283. Lois, 31(5. Oziel. 135. Peter, Sr., 173. Peter. Jr.. 1.35. Phebe, 142, 284. Sarah, 134. Sena , 142. 284. Williams, Ephraim. 139, 284. Willoui;hby,*Josiah, 136, 283. Winegar, Bet.sey, 143, 284. Jacob. 139, 284. Samuel, 139, 284. Winslow, Mary, 136, 283. Molly, 140. Wormer. Aaion, 134. Jemniia, 139, 284. Wright, Samuel, 133. Simeon, 139, 284 Yale, Eunice. 142. Josiah, 135. 342 DEATHS. Atkins, Henry, 280. Austin, Joseph Frenmn, 289. JViarjiiiret, 28!». Zafna, 144, 285, 289. Zafna, 289. Chiklcf James, 28.J, 289 287,289 Backus, Benjamin, 28(5, 297. Deliverance, 144, 285. Nathaniel, 299. W alley, s. of Wallev, 145. Son of Walley, 145. Baker, Avis, 145. Ebenezer, 145. . Child of David, 145. Ball, Nathan. 287. 'iO-i. Sarah, 145, 289. Barden, see Bmxlen. Barlow, Cornelius, 285. Lvdia, 286. Child of Reuben, 140, 285. " 146, 287. Bassett, Anner, 286. f Aunah, 287, 290. Harriet, 147, 287, 290. John Smith, 147. Joseph, 147, 288, 290. Marv, 296. :30:5. NanoY, 147, 290. Child of Ansel, 146. Child of Cornelius, 146 Beecher, Parmelia, 285, 290. Phebe, 290. Thonuis, 290. Benedict, Esther, 147. Eunice, 147. Mary, 147, 299. Natiiau, 147. Bennett, Betsey, 147, 290. Child of George, 285. Blackraau, Orra. 286. Bradlev, Charitv, 148. 299. " Esther, 296, 299. Lvdia, 296, 299. Child of Jesse Jr., 148. Child of Joseph, 148. Burden, Betsev. 149, 287. Meribah, 180, 288. Casev, Dennis, 179, 287. Molly, 178, 286. Peggy, 179, 287. Chadwick, Cynthia, 179, 287. De.sire, 149, 291. Ebenezer, 179, iS7. Chadwick, John, 149. Samuel, 149. Samuel, 297. Child of Caleb, 285. Chase, Mercy, 1.50. , Seth, 150. Silence, 179, 287. Tabitha, 150. Church, Daniel, 1.50. Daniel, 150. Daniel. 180, 288, 301. Daniel, 288, ;50l. Hannah, 150, 301. Clark, son of Jal;ez, 285. Son of Silas, 286. Couch, Samuel. 180, 288. Sarah, 180, 288. Child of John, 180, 288 Crocker, Abigail, 178, 286,301. Betsev Crosby, 152, 287 Content, 285, 291. Dorcas, 287. Hannah, 177, 28?i. Joseph, son of Joseph Jr., 151, 386, 291. Joseph Jr., 151.286,391 Merer Hamblin, 151, 286, 29;. Thomas, 152, 287. Capt. Thomas, 178, 286, 801. Zeruiah, 179, 287, 291. Child of Josiah. 152. Crosby, child of John, 152, 285. Child of John, 152,286. Davis, Hannah, 285, 291. Isaac. 303. Jedediah, 152. Sarah, 152. Easton, Polly, 154, 285, 291. Ewer, Lvdia, 287. Mercv, 154, 285, 292. Child of Paul. 285. Farrar, child, 285. Finney, Barnabas, 155. Benjamin Franklin. 1.54. Polly, 155. Child of Abraham, 154. Foot, David, 155, 292. Jerusha. 156, 219. John, 156, 299. Sarah, 297. WiUiam, 1-56, 285, 299. Child of Alvan, 155, 288, 292. t Anner in Dr. Hyde's record, but Mary on gravestone. DEATHS. :'43 Freeman, Betsoy, 15G, 2S7. Tlu)inas, laG, 292. Gardner, Chrisreue, 2!ST. Child of L()do\vick,280 Gifford, Erastus, 157. Jesse, 157, 285. Lewis. 157, 280. Thomas, 2!)9. Child of James, 28r». 280. Graliam, child of Aaron, 280. Grant, Eunice, 157, 285. 292. Jared, 157, 292. Polly, 157, 286. Graves, John, 158. Kebecca, 158, 280. Samuel, 285. Sarah, 179, 288. Hall. Nancy, 292. Hamblin. Benjamin, 179, 287, 308. William Phinnev, 158, 287, 298. Handy, Mattv, 289, 297. Hatch, Rebecca, 159. Rele-ca, 295, 299. Mariam, 18a, 288. 293. Hinckley, Cluirles, 285, 293. Eliza, 100. Hodg'es, Lena. 2S0, 293. Ho,vk, Isaac, 1(0. Roxana, 100, 288. 293. Child of Andrew, 100, 288. Hulet, John, 101, 287. Sally, 101, 285. Sarah, 101, 287. Wealthy, 161. 285. lugersoll, Eunice, 163, 176, 286, 293. Lucinda, 28S. 303. Jenkins, Elizabeth, 293. Jones, Jo.seph, 280. Keep, Elizabeth. 103. 280. Son of John, 286. Lamphier, Moses, 16-1. Leonard, Sibvl Hurd, 294. Stepiicn, Jr., 294. Northrop, Thomas, 180, 288. Nye, Charles, 164, 280. Esther. 164. Ira, 104. Stephen, 101. Thoma.s. 105, 285, 294. Dau.of Joshua,285,294. Peet. Bulah, 180, 288, 303. Perry, Artliur, 285, 295. Desire. 287, 297. Lyman, l()(i. Child of Abraham. HiO. Policy, Jerusha, 189, 28S, 297. Abif^ail. 180, 288, 297. Porter, Hnldah, 100, 285, 294. Kimball. 100. 280. 303. Rhoda, 100. 280, 294. Samuel, 100, 303. Putnam, Sally, 317. Ramsdel, Moses, 288. Roberts,, 107. Shaw, cliild, 285. Smith, child of Jesse, 285. Stanley, Samuel, 297. Stearns, Abijah, 108. 289, 303. Bet.sey, 108. 288. Tho)uas, 108. , Stevens, child of James, 108. Swift, Abiirad, 280. Taylor. Achsah, 288. Tilley, Mercy, 170. Tobey, Barnabas, 1.55. 286. Lydia. 180, 288, 294. Nathaniel, 170. Remember, 179, 288, 295. Child of Stephen, 170, 288. Turner, Eleazer. 179. 287. Elizabeth, 179, 288. Cliild of Eleazer, 179, 287. VanDeusen, Isaac, 289, 299. Isaac, 170, 285. Laurence, 180, 288,297. Walker, Caleb, 170. Huldah, 170. West, David, 171. Elizabeth, 171. Elizabeth, 180. 288. Jonathan, 171, 286. Lydia, 171. Lvdia, 171. Patty, 172. Parmelia, 171. Child of P^beiipzer. 285. (Miild of Elijah, 288. Two children of Jon- athan, 171. 314 Whitney, Mary, 172. 295. 'Richard, 172, 280. Wilcox, Electa, 180, 288, 296, 299. Had.soii, 172. Jerusha. 17i5. Oziel, 17:3. Peter, Jr., 173. Wiliiam.s, Lucy, 295. DEATHS., Caty, 179, 287, 301. Johu,'l79,287, 296, 301. Zach, 171, 301. Child of Jacob, 287, 29(i. :'.i)l. Child of Jacob, 296, 301 Worraer, Mary Ann. 288. Wyllys, Elizaierh. 174. Rhoda, 174. Youngs, s^on of James, 285. (tENERal index of names. N. B. Names of women imd (children, except tluse mentioned in connection with some town business, arc not litTe siven. Abbott, Capt. Seth, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80(2), 83, 87. 91, -271, 37a. Srth. Jr., 144. Adams, Barnabas, 131. Boujaniiti. i:}9, 144. 283. C;ov. Saniuol. 49. .54, 58, (i;}, (i8. 73. 77, SI. Arlkins. see Atkins. Aldin, Tiniothv, of Tyringham, 3i(i. Allen. Samncl. 210. Rev. Thomas, of Pitts- field, 2.")i), 2()1. 31G. Major. 218. Widow. .5'). Ammidown.Caleb.of Charlton.313 Ander.son, James. 74. Arthiugton. .56, probably Ather- ton, see below. Ashley, Capt. Azariah, of Wash- ington. 30(). Moses, of Washington, 63, 305, 306. Moses, Jr., of Washing- ton. 306. Atherton, Asa. 54. Atkius, Geor5,^e. 1.33. John, 128. Henrv. 286. Thomas. 125, 318. 327. Atwater, Rev. Mr., of Westtield, 267. Austin, Benjamin, Boston, plate opp. D. 10. James. 100, 129. 144, 177, 179, 191, 198. 273, 277, 279, 281, 285(2), 287, 289(3). Pardon, of Tyringham, 186. 283. Rev. Mr.. 265. Avery, Charles. 20, 24, 46(5), 47(2), 56. Charles, Jr.. 46(2). 47. Frederick. 46(2). 47. John, Dep. Sec. State of Mass. Bav, 10, plate opp.p. 10. 309(2^.310(2), 311, 31". Rev. Jost^ph, of Tvring- haiu. 140. 257, 258(2), 26l(2\ MO. Mr., 254, 355. Ayer, Rev. Oliver, West Stock- • bridge, 282. Backus & Bassett, 183. Backus, Benjamin. 14, 36(2), 73(2), 125, 223, 228(2), 229. 230, 264, 265. 274. 286, 297, 318(2), 321, 327. Rev., Charles, of Somers, Conn., 261(2). Ichabod. 15. 20. 29. 43, 104, 126, 133, 144, 177, 285, 318, 327. Joshua. 126, 318, 321. Mercy, 87(2), 89(2). 100(2) Nathaniel, 14. .54, 299, 318. 327. Capt. Seth, 12, 20, 24, 25, 2H. 27, 29, 33. 34, 37(2), 38(3), 41,47, 48(2), .57(4), 60. 63(2), 65, 72, 75. 76, 82, 8(5, 94, 102, 104(2), 109. 110, 116, 117, 120, 123(2), 124, 318(2), 321, 327. Seth, Jr., 126. 131. Thomas. 142, 284. Walley, 129, 136, 145.283. Bacou, John, of Stockbrulge, 18, 21, 25, 27(2), 30, 35(2) 39, 40. 54, .55, 56, 58(2)' 60, 63, 68, 71(3). 73. 77. 82, 84, 87, 90, 93, 107, 108, 218, 219. Badger, Rev. Mr., of Blaudford. 282. Bailev, Thomas, 145, 271, 275, 281(2). Baker, David, 57, 72. 78. 92(2), 104, 106, 127, 135, 145, 198, 273, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281. .John, 318, 327. Baldwin, Samuel, 124, 127(2). Ball, John, 106, 198. Nathan. 14(2). 15(2), 26, 33. 36. 42, 43, 47, 48, 50, 53(2), 56. 57, 59(2). 61, 64, 67, 70, 71. 72(2), 81(3), 87, 88, 89, 115, 116(3). 117(3), 125, 145, 176, 179, 247, 248. 2.53, 255, 256, 257, 258, 264, 265. 269, 287, 289, 318, 323,C03. 346 GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES. Ball, Nathan, Jr.. 75, 80.88.89, 92(3), 97, 104, 105(2), 140, 146, 200, 284. Baxdeu, Lot, 14(). • Seth, 76, 92, 135, 149, 179, 198, 287. Tiinothv. see Burden. Barlow. Isaac, 1,37, 283. Lemuel, 64, 66, 78, 84, 88, 135, 269, 275, 281, 285. Peleg, 75. 132, 140, 146, 274. 279, 284, 286. Reuben, 72, 131, 146, 177, , 178, 273, 277, 280, 285. 287. Samuel, 142, 279, 284. Seth, 24, 28, 56. 78. 247, 251, 252, 276, 318, 327. Barnam, 74. Bartholomew, Jesse, 78, 135,274, ;:78 ;.'8i Josiah, 24, 247, 318, 253,' Bartlett, Hubbard, 128, 130. Bassett, Aucel, 97, 104, i;^0, 136, 146, 179, 283, 287. Benjamin, of Tyr., 140. Corneliu.s, 24, 29. 83, 38, 43, 61. 66, 72, 80, 104, 114, 197, 146, 177, 5i56(3), 257, 281. . Cornehus. Jr., 35, 56. 104, 106, 1H1(3), 147,176,179. 200, 273, 276, 277, 279. 281, 287, 290. Gershom. 126. 131. Nathan. 87, 88. 91. 96. 97. 98. 99, 102. 104. 105. 106. 108(2). 130 140. 199, 201, 223, 2?4, 2J5, 284, 286, 296, 303. Nathaniel. 38. 52. 53. 54, 57,(2), 62, 66, 73, 76(2), 84. 88(2). 92(2). 97(2), 104, 105(2). 106. l-'8. 147, 181, 196, 198, 200. 201, 272, 273. 277, 278, 280. 281. 288, 290. Bayley, William, d'en. Court. 313. Beard. Amos. Hartwood. 306. Beebe, Rev. Dr.. 40, 41, 42. Bell, Rev. Mr.. 257. Beecher, Thomas. 14. 15. 23, 25, 27, 29, 43, .52. 61. 66. 74, 75. 81(2), 83. 124. 135(5), 247, 2nl, 2.56, 2.58. 273, 278, 285, 290, 818, 327. Bement, Asa, selectman. Stock- bridge, 311. Benedict, Aaron. 28, 43, 57, 70, 72, 125, 147, 175, 177, 180, 189. 252, 256. 258, 262. 270, 271(5),, 276, 278. 279. 299. Benjamin. William. 318. 323. Bennet, Georee, 24(2). 25. 26. 32. 43, 80, 82, 129, 147, 177, 270(;O, 278, 279, 285, 290, 318(2), 321, 323. Natlian, 318(2), 321, 323. Bidwell, C:ipt. Adonijah, Tyr- ingham, 218, 219. Rev. Auonijah. Tyring- hani,3l6. Barnabas, of Stockbridge, 63, 86, 87(2). 93, 96. Bill, William, of Hiirtwood, 306. Blackman, .lames. 286. Jonatlian. 274. Blazdet.or Blaze.iel. Nathaniel, 44. Bliss, Joshua S., i:i2. Boughton, Hezekiah, selectman, Stockbridge. 311. Bowdoin. Gov. .lames, 18(2), 21, 25. 35(2). 39. 43, 58. Bowers, William, 46. Bozworth, Constant, of Saudis- field, 133. Brace. .Joseph. 147. Bradlev, Asahel, 97, 148. 272 275 281. Eli, 43. 44. 02, 97(2), 116, 120, 1-26. 128. 135. 148, 200. 255, 274, 277, 278, 279. 281. Heman, 136, 273. 283. Jabez, 66. Jared, Col., 26, 43, 57, 61(2), 72, 75(2), 76, 77, 79(4), 80(2), 82, 88(3). 84. 85, S8. !)1(2), 92(2), 93. 95, 97(2), 99(3), IflO, 106(2), 130, 14R. 177, 191, 198. 199. 200. 299. Capt. Jesse, 11(4). 12(2). 13(6), 14. 15. 16(2). 17. 18(2). 19(8), 31, 22, 23(2). 24(3), 25(2). 26, 2"*(3). 29, 30. 31(3, 32(3), 33. 86(2). 87(2), 3'^(2), 40. 41(2),42(J),44(3),45C'), 46. 48(2). 52(2). .53. 62, 74, 75, 77, 83, im, 106, GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES. 347 Bradley, Capt. Jesse, co/Uiiuoed- 109, no, 113, 114. 116, 118, 136, 247, 248, 253, ?o3, 356, 257(3), 261, 264, 265(2), 266(7), 267(8), 368(a),299, 809. 318, 327. Jesse, Jr. 72, 148, 177, 274, 278(2), 280, 281. Joseph, 61, 72, 83, 90, 101, 104(2), 105,148,177,191, 273, 276, 279, 281. Josiah, 130. Lemi, 138(2), 283. Philo, 125, 132. Stephen, 131, 198, 272, 275(2), 281. William, 140, 267, 270, 274, 284. Bridges, Moody, of Gen. Court 1774,307. Briggs. ,lohu. 316. Bright, Josiah, of Pittsfield, 259. Browu, Ebonezer, 257. EhjaL, of Stockbridge, 259 Phineas, 113. Capt. Woodbridge, of Ab- iugtou, 305. Bullard, Asa, 233. ■ Burden, Justus. 46, 50, 114. Noah, 46, 133, 317. Timothy, 38, 46, 180, 288. Seth, see Barden. Burghardt. John, Gt. Bar., 37.63. Busla, Gideon, of Hartwood, 306. Bushuell. Elijah. 29. Bursley, Jabez, 13C, 283. Calkin, Simon, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26(2), 29, 31(3), 32, 33, 40. 50(2), 51, 53, 54, 308(2), 309(3), 318(2), 321, 327. Camp, Rev. Mr., 257. Campbel, Nathan, 46. Carpenter, Darius. 276. WiUiam. 48. 318. 323. Carr, William, 32. Cary, Oliver. 54. Reuben, 126. 318. 323. Reuben, 132, 144. 149. Casey, Dennis, 179, 287. Edmund, 130. Catlin. Rev. Jacob, New Marl- boro'. 19. 25(2). Chadwick, Abiathar, 14(2), 16, 20, 26, 33, 3.S(2), 43, 49, 57, 64, 72, 105, 149, 177, 247, 250, 252, 256, 291. Arqhelus, 26, 29, 53, 56, 62, 72, 75, 83, 85, 88, 91, 92(2), 94, 99, 104, 105, 106(2), 149, 176. 189, 191(2). 205(2), 207, 208, 310(2). 211,223,224,250, 252. 256(2), 257, 259, 278, 279. Caleb, 64, 65, 285. Ebenezer, 179, 287. Jabez, Rev., 143, 273, 273. Samuel, 297. Samuel, 50, 53, 54, 61(2), 80, 855-288 364 GENERAL INDEX. Debts of town, appropriations to pay, 24, 74, 88 Deeds of town, expense of recording, 191 Doctor's bills, 58, 89, 90, 198 DODGETOWN, 116 Edwardian' principles, 264 Episcopalians, exempted from Ministerial taxes, 16, 21, 78 Fence Divisions, 128 Fence Viewers, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 52, 61, 66, 72, 75, 80, 83, 88, 92, 97, 105. 123 Field Drivers, 61, 66, 72, 75, 80, 84, 88, 92, 97, 106 Forage for army, see under army Forge, 75, 81(2), 94, 108, 120, 183, 205, 212, 216, 221, 222, 225, 227 Furnace (Lenox), 24, 76, 79, 113, 114, 115, 118. 254 silver, 68, 69 Gangway m the meeting-house, 36 Goose Pond, 33, 122 Gospel, appropriations for, 11, 25, 35, 39, 50, 54, 60, 61, 64, 73, 79, 80, 81, 84, 88, 93, 94, 10.7 Grain, proposed settlement of Rev. Mr. Williams, partly in, 65 soldiers pay to be in money or grain, 17 value of in Continental money (1781), 19 Grants— Glass Works, 9, 26, 109(3), 114(2), 307, 308, 309, 319, 322 Hartwood, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 319, 323, 325 Hills', 305 Hopland, 9, 24, 25, 30, 36, 59, 202, 305, 308, 309, 313, 319, 323, 325 Jones's 3C5 Prescott's, 305 Williams's. 9, 308, 309, 319, 323, 325 Gravedigger, 62, 66, 72; see also sextons Governors and Lt. Governors, votes for, 18, 21, 25, 27, 30, 35, 39, 43, 49, 54, 58, 63, 68, 73, 77, 81, 84, 90, 93, 99, 107 Great Barrington, 9, 89, 94, 109(2), 120, 202. 203, 228, 231, 233, 236, 238, 305, 307, 308, 309, 313, 315, 316, 319. 323 Hartwood, see grants Heresy trials, see under chui-ch Highways, appropriations for, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 52, 53, 57, 62, 67. 72, 77, 81,- S4V'8^; 93, 95, 98. 107 hours for days work on, 77 town divided into 4 districts for working, 52 wages for work on, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33(2), 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 62, 67, 77, 82, 85, 89, 95, 98, 107 wages for work of boys under 16 left with surveyors, 85 surveyors of, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48, 58, 56. 61, 66, 72. 75, 80, 83, 88, 90, 92, 93, 97, 105 surveyors of, to appraise work of oxen and "Utensils", 29 GENERAL INDEX. a«-. Highways, c „iiuuoed: surveyors of, to collect highway taxes, 20, 26, 29. 33, 88, 43, 48 surveyors of, to draw their pay from towu treasiu-er, 85 taxes of several persons remitted, 04 taxes, persons allowed to work out old, (54, 73, !)5 voted to adopt additional act of 1 797 with respect to, 92 see also under roads HoGREEVES, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24. 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 57, 61,66, 72, 76, 80, 83, 88, 92, 97, 135, 106 Hogs, regulations regarding, 12, 14, 16,33, 54, 56, 62, 68, 72, 78, 80, 83, 88, 92, 106 Holland's History of Western Massachusetts, quotations from, 289, 317 HoPBROOK, 77, 210, 224 HoPLANDS, action of Great Barrington regarding separation. 305 action of towu regarding school land of, 24, 25 action of town regarding incorporation for school purposes, 59 polls on, when separated from Great Barrington, 313 HoPLAND School District — accounts, 227 act of incorporation and additional explanatory acts, 202-204 agent to procure new form of lease, 223 appropriation for town and Hopland schools, 98 assessors, 203, 205, 206, 207, 223, 225 Cape street district in, 225 clerks, 203, 205, 207, 208. 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 223, 225 collectors, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 223, 225 committee from out of town regarding dividing district, 218, 219 committee, subscription, 209 committee to apply to attorney for a form of incorporation, 220 committee to care for the lauds, 205, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 236, 238, 241. 242, 243. 245, 246 coiumittee to consider the situation of the lands, 222 committee to inspect work on school house, 205 committee to petition Gen. Court for new act of incorporation, 222 committee to petition selectmen to call meeting to raise money, 211 committee totui'u out pupils whose quota of wood is not furnished, 215, 220 houses — center, 205, 208; — erection of one in South Lee considered, 216, 217— red, 84, 94, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227 lauds, 24, 25, 20-^ 203, 204, 205, 207, 208. 222, 223, 226, 229 leases, 205, 2u8, 223, 225-246 meetings, how warned, 205 money, regarding interest on, 218, 220 MSS. not recorded, 207 (note), 216, 218, 2i.8-246 366 GENERAL INDEX. HoPLAND School District, enntinued: preaching — regarding? enlargement of proposed school house for, 217 rents, 327; — see also leases seal, 224 subscription school, 221 taxes remitted, 209 teachers named, 210, 24G teachers regarding hiring and board of, 208, 210, 211, 21S5, 214, 220 treasurers, 203, 205, 207, 223, 225 wages of teachers, 246 warrants for meetings, 227(note) wood, quota for each pupil, 206, 207, 215, 220 Horses — bought for state, 22, 314 marks of, registered, 124, 127 stray, 27, 40 suit against town for loss of a horse, 64, 65 Horse Sheds, 69, 108 HousATONlc river, name mentioned, 40, 307 Incorporation of town, account of, 305-310 Indictments, see law suits Indigent family warned to leave town, 63 Inoculation, see small pox Iron, proposed settlement of Mr. Williams to be partly in, 65 Jurors — Seth Abbott, 71, 77;Ichabod Backus, 28; Capt. Seth Backus, 41; Cornelius Bassett, jun., 35; Eli Bradley, 44; Capt. Jesse Brad- ley, 75; Jesse Clark, 69; Elisha Crocker, 56; Lt. Joseph Crock- er, 61; Lemuel Crocker, 38; Capt. Thomas Crocker, 83; John Crosby, 80; Capt. Phineas Fish, 37; Feuner Foot. 47; Enoch Garfield, 56; David Ingersoll, 73; Lt. Levi Nye, 49; Reuben Pixley, 32; Capt. David Porter, 32; Samuel Porter, 27, 90. David Stevens, 41; Stephen Tobey, 41; Matthew VaiiDeusen, 28; Capt. Joshua Wells, 32, 52, 60, 68; Elijah West, 27; Prince West, 32; Capt. Joseph Whiton, 71; Daniel Wilcox, 74, EHsha (sm'name omitted), 52 committee to select list of, 44, 83 Land— about meeting-house, 26 on which meeting-house stands; 45, 54. 59; — for second meeting- house, 98, 107, 108 common, 98, 108 for Rev. Mr. Parmele, town votes not to buy, 39 for Rev. Mr. Hyde, committee to buy, 69 for roads, see under roads Leather Sealers, U, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 62, 66, 72, 76, 80,84,88, 92, 97, 106 GENERAL INDEX. i«7 Len-OX, 10. S2, -49, 114, 117, 118, 119, 316 records of, 138, 140-143, 316 LUMBEU SuitVEYORS, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66. 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 97, 106 Map of town, selectmen to take, 79 Meeting-House— first, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 35, 36, 37, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 62, 65, 67. 73, 76, 77, 79, 84, 85, 96(2), 100 second, 87, 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 317 Meetings, town, see town meetings Militia, 29, 36, 41 Mills— J. Couch's mill-brook, 216; Job Hambliu's saw mill, 86; Ashbel Lee's grist m., 16, 20(2), 22, 39, 54, 113; Amos Mansfield's m., 16, 22, 24, 39, 53, 113; Nichols's m., 69; Stearns's m., or m. near forge, 54, 205; John Winegar's grist m., 16. 22, 26, 39, 53, 121,205 Minister — expense of jom-uey to get a, 70 pew reserved for, 102 Ministerial Taxes, refunded and remitted, 63, 99 Ministerial Treasures, see under treasurers Monterey, early Tyringham records in, 316 Northampton, Capt. Yale's expenses attending court at, 89 Ordination of Mr. Hyde, 69, 261;— of Mr. Parmele, 259 Overseers of Poor, 63, 66 Partridgefield, 305, 315 circular letter from, respecting Co. convention (1786), 41 Paupers - action regarding, 38, 58, 59, 60, 63, 66, 87, 89, 100. .:.i state pauper, received for expense of, 315 Stoughton p., agent directed to collect bill for maintenance of, 65 PERAitiBULATiONS of towu liues. 122, 315 Potato Holes— Pratt's, 68— Ben. Smith's, 116 Pounds— barn-yards of Isaac Davis and Elijah West to be used for, 27 land for pound, and how to be built, 29 to be removed to Wilcox's land, etc., 70 to be repaired, 107 Pound Keepers, 27, 29, 57, 6>, 66, 72, 76, 83, 88 Preaching in South Lee mentioned, 217 Presidential Election— votes for electors, 87 Presbyterian Minister, members of other denominations not to be taxed for support of, 16 Publishments of intentions of marriage, 133-143 Pulpit Committee, see committee to procure preaching Quakers exempted from ministerial taxes, 16, 21, 78 Records— book for, to be procured, 34, 54 copied by John Powers, 61, 63 mutilated, il, 12, 13. 15, 133, 134, 182-198 of proprietors tor building meeting-house, 317 368 GENERAL INDEX. Representatives — to Congress, votes for, 55, 60, 71, 73, 79, 86, 87, 96, 108 to General Conrt: Ebeuezer Jenkins, 27, 39. 40, 41, 61; Josiah Yale, 44, 69, 85, 91, 94; Joseph Whitou, 100; town votes not to send a rep., 60, 64, 74, 83; pay of, 314; Glass Works Grant taxed for Stockbridge rep., 312 Richmond, 97, 101, 315 Roads — accepted ■ from Seth Backus's to Wilcox's land, etc, survey of, 109 from Hans Wiuegar's soiitherly, survey of, 109 from end of road at Glass Works' line to Goodrich's, survey of, 109 from Washington line towards Capo. Bradley's, survey of, 110 from Washington line at Stanley's to Freeman's, 16 — sui-vey of, 110 from near Capt. Porter's to Howk's barracks, 16 from West's lane by the meeting-house to river, 20— survey of. 111 . from near Jonathan Foot's to Freeman's, 20 - survey of. 111 from Pelatiah West's eastwardly to river, 20— survey of HI from Lee's mill by Chadwick's across river to Lenox line, 20 — sm-- vey of, 112 from Lee's mill to road between Capt. Bradley's and meeting-liouse, 20 — survey of, 113 from Widow Jones's by E. Grant's to meeting-house, 20 — sur. of, 111 from Widow Davis's to Tyringham line, 20— survey of. 111 from Widow Davis's to Eleazer West's, 20 — survey of, 112 from Widow Davis's to Mansfield's mill, 24— survey of, 113 from Bartholomew's to north and south road through town, 24 from near Furnace to Hans Winegar's 24 from John Stevens' to Ebenezer West's, 24 from S. Gibbs's to S. Barlow's by Crocker's to Becket road, 24 through Capt. Crocker's land to Lt. Nye's, 24— survey of, 113 from S. W. corner Glass Works Grant to Dan. West's, 26 — sur. of, 1 14 from A. Ingersoll's to Eleazer West's, 26 -survey of, 115 from Pelatiah West's to Ball's road to Furnace, 26— survey of, 115 from Chanter's to Winegar's mill, 2C— survey of. 115— selectmen to view, 53 from Chanter's road to Jonathan Foot Jr's. (reaceepted), 27 from Winegar's mill to Co. road, 39 by Samuel Stanley's, 43— survey of, 116 by Widow Gibbs's, 43— survey of, 116 from Eli Bradley's to Ben. Smith's, 45 — survey of, 116 from Percival's to Elisha Crocker's, 45— survey of, 116 from Chadwick's throu<,'h Randal's land toLen. line, 49— sur. of, 117 from E. Garfield's to Eleazer West's, 49— survey of, 117 from a road from William Ingersoll's to Stockbridge road, 49 from Lee's (or Nichol's) to S. Chadwick's, 50^2), 53 from Pixley's northwards, 51— survev of, 117 . GENERAL INDEX. «W Roads— accepted— c,';/t//// iwd • from Foot's to Foot's, 53 — survey of, 117 from hill east of Furuaee to Wushiugtoii line, oi)— survey of , 118 from Iiiptersoirs to Iiigersoll's, 70— survey of, lib alteration by Oapt. Crocker's, 70 — survey of , 119 from Mosier's northward, 71 — survey of, 118 from Becket line old road to Co. road, 08, 74 through Fi'eese's and Baruum's land, 74 from Gibbs-farm through Bradley's land (pent), 84 — discontinued, 99 from Whitney's to near A. Chadwick's, 85 from Hopland lots 10 and 11 to A. Merrill's, survey of, 120 from N. line of Gt. Barriugtou, on Beartowu to Co. rd., survey of, 120 from Peuoyer's across river to Co. road, survey of, 120 from William IngersoU's to river (altei-ation), survey of, 120 from Samuel Chadwick's to SamuelJoues's, survey of, 121 from Lt. Crocker's through Dea. West's laud and to Co. road, survey of, 121 from Hope Davis's to Winegar's, etc., survey of, 121 fromN. Crocker's to Jonathan Foot Jr's., 26— reestablished, 27 from John Davis's to William IngersoU's, 26 by Hambliu's and Dea. West's, regarding discontinuing, 39, 44 on West's laud, regarding discontinuing, 89, 44 from Percival's to Elisha Crocker's, 49 from Ebeuezer Swift's to Daniel West's, 49 from Foot's to Foot's, 53 from hill on furnace road to Goodwin's, 55 from William Goodspeed's to Jesse Ward's, 65 from Hope Davis's to S. Gifford's, part of disc, 67 old north road to Becket, from near Perry's to Becket line, 67 across Dimmick's land, 67 from William IngersoU's over the 3 bridges to south bridge, 70 through Chadwick's lot, 71 by Job Hambliu's to B. Backus's, 73 Capt. Yale chosen to petition Court to disc. "3 bridges road", 76 from Squier's to Co. rd. between meeting-house and Stockbridge, 80 from Squier's to roud leading to red school house, 84 from E. Wilcox's to Gt. Barriugtou line, to ask Court to disc, 89 from Co. road to Penoyer's soutli line, 89 from John Crosby's to bridge, 90 frcm west of red school house to Stanton's and Forge,94-rescinded,96 to ask Com-t to disc, road from Shaker road to Great Barrington line, 94— rescinded pent road through Bradley's land, 99 370 GENERAL INDEX. R OABS— continued: not accepted, etc., from George Beuiiet's to S. Backus's, 24 from Elijah lugersoll's across river to William Ingersoll, Jr's., 95 action deferred ou road from Capt. Garfield's to Forge, 71 action deferred on road from Forge to Hinckley's, 71 agents to make objections to Court about road across Pixley's land, 71 committee to assist selectmen to lay road to Winegar's mill, 26 committee to view road in dispute, from Winegar's by H. Davis's, 54 committee to lay road by great reck between north and south Stockbridge roads, 95 committee from out of town to "propose" place for a road across river near William lugersoll's, 93 selectmen to .ascertain bounds of road from Stockbridge by Forge to Tyriugham line, 108 survey of, from Isaac Davis's to Co. road, 110 survey of, from Furnace southwardly, 113 siu-vey of, from Furnace to Lee's, 114 survey of, from Becket line to near meeting-house, 114 survey of, from Washington by Ward's, 119 through Wormer's lot mentioned, 16 through Bradley's lot, to remonstrate to Court about, 79 turned, and reestablished at Pratt's potato-hole, 68, 69 damages for land for, 34, 35, 44, 45, 85, 94(2) Sabbath, fine for breach of, 199 Schools — agents or committee, 29, 30, 106, 198,200 — see also. Hop. School Dist. appropriations, 29, 35, 62, 67, 74, 75, 77, 81, 85, 88, 94, 98, 106 census of pupils to be taken, 62, 78 districts - committee to divide town into, and limits. 29, 30, 31 — voted not to divide into five, 35 — voted not to alter, 36, 37 — five, 78 — Cape street district not to be helped by rest of town, 99 money, how divided, 30, 68, 78, 81, 85, 94, 98, 99 money, orders for, 185, 189, 198, 200 money, voted not to raise in 1786, 39 money, when to be paid, 85, 89 see also, under Hopland School District Selectmen— 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 33, 38, 42, 47, 52, 56, 57, 61, 66, 72, 75, 80, 83, 88, 92, 97, 105 reimbursed for money advanced for bounties, 15 directed to give orders on treasurer for bounties, 19 committee to assist them to lay road to Winegar's mill, 26 appoint pound keepers, and barn-yards for pounds, 27 not to give orders on treasm-er for fines of those who refused to act as constables, 28 account of Mansfield's for building a bridge, referred to, 40 GENERAL INDEX. :fn SKi^ECTMEs—corUiniced: Abuer West's rates referred to, 40 instructed to lay certain roads. 50, (iS, !)5 to settle with constables and treasurer, 44 — with treasurer, 70 to examine desperate rates, and lay a list of, before town, 45 to use their endeavors to prevent spread of small- pox. (54 to proceed against Utter's heirs according to law and theii- dis- cretion, 68 to allow £10 to S. W. highway district from other districts, 70 to act discretionarily about disposing of Swift- farm— also committee to assist them to dispose of it, 78 — the farm and family left with, 82 to take map of town, 79 to allow Jenkins what is reasonable for defending suit, 82 to settle for keeping Mercy Backus, and take her property, 87, 89 to a new valuation, 90 to view road from Couch's to cove bridge, and report, 91 to estimate money for highway repairs and report, 106 town's poor left with, 44, 82, 87, 89, 100, 107 orders of, 183, 185, 187, 191, 193,195, 197 Senators or Councillors, votes for, on same pages as for Governor Sextons, 80, 84, 88, 93, 97, 106— see also, Gravediggers Shaker road mentioned, 94 Shaysites, oath of allegiance to Commonwealth taken by some of Lee, 44 Singing Master, voted not to hire, 101 SilALL-Pox, 33, 34, 64, 72, 92, 93, 147, 255, 290 Soldiers, see under army Springfield records, 133 Stake for center of town, 15, 303 State, civil authority of, vote to obey for one year (1779), 14 Stockbridge, 9, 10, 32, 49, 95, 108, 115, 117, 118. 212, 216, 224, 310,311,312,315 records, 137, 140, 141, 316 Stoughton, demand against for supporting pauper, 59, 65 Suits at Law% 45, 64, 65, 68, 78. 82, 89(2) Surveyors of highways, see under highways of lumber, see under lumber of W'ood, see under wood Tavern, Hambliu's, at Fm-nace, 254 Taxes — against Jas. Mansfield to lie 2 months at risk of town, 63 committed to constables, 184, 188, 192. 194, 196, 199, 201 compensation for collecting, 26, 28, 29, 33, 38, 43, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 72, 75, 83, 88, 89, 92, 97, 105, 189 contention, regarding, between Glass Works and Stockbridge, 315 Continental. 46, 314 county, 314 desperate, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 55, 69 373 GENERAL INDEX. TAiXES—continiced- highway, see under highway remitted, 46, 47. 4«, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 68, 64, 69, 73, 79, 99 state, 46. 315 ministerial, refunded* P3. 99 — certain persons exempted from, 68 ministerial, not to be levied on those refusing to pay for preaching, 21 ministerial, not to be levied on Baptists, Quakers and churchmen, 16, 21, 28 Town— charges, 12, 49, 54, 56, 59, 62, 64, 67, 78, 82, 84, 89, 94, 98, 106 debts, 74, 88 meetings, at Peter Wilcox's, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; at Nathan Davis's, 23; at Nathan Dillingham's, 25, 28, 88; at meeting-house, 21, 22, 23 meetings, how warned, 16, 22, 26, 39, 44, 49, 54 meetings, to be opened in the hour specified, 101 unites with church to call Rev. Mr. Collins, 47 Township No. 4 (Becket), 307 Treasurers, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23. 25, 28, 33, 38, 42, 47, 52, 56, 61, 66, 72, 75, 80, 83, 88, 93, 97, 105 accounts of, 182-201 to pay certain fines, 32 to collect all money due town within one month, 49 settlements with, 73, 74, 99, 201 ministerial, 72, 75, 80, 83, 93, 97. 105 Tyringham, 9, 31, 108, 111, 117, 122, 216, 224, 315, 316 Tythingmen, U, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 66, 72, 75, 80, 83, 88, 89, 92, 97, 105 Valuation — assessoi-s to make changes they think proper, 69 — to make a new v., 90 'schedules of state v., 314 town to pay taxes as before incorporation until a new v., 10 Voters, qualifications of, 10 Wages on highways and bridges, see highways and bridges Ward of town bound out as tailor's apprentice, 66 Wardens, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 66, 72, 75 Warrants for town meetings, 11; for Hopland School District, 207 Washington, 9, 16, 65, 110, 118, 119, 256, 307, 308, 315 Washington, Gen., day of moui-ning for death of, 317 Watertown , Gen. Court convened at, 325 Weights and Measures, sealers of, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 61; 66, 72, 75, 80, 83, 88, 97, 105 regarding procuring a standard of, 34, 54, 58 Whipping Post, 54 Williams's Grant, see grants Wood Oorders, or surveyors of wood, 24, 26, 29, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 97, 105 ERRATA. P. 34, 4tli and 27th liues from bottom-"be^iniiinp:" is "begining" in ttie MS. "Negative" in the 15th line from bottom, is "Negtive" in the MS. P. 25, 5th line, minutes of Apr. 16-"go 4" must bo a clerical error of the recorder, Thos. Beecher, or of John Powers, copyist of this part of the records. The word "doacond" in the last line of the sam.c minutes is "decoud" in the ms. P. 27, 1st line in last estray notice — for "2 years", read "two years". P. 28, 15th line — for "agree ment", read "agreement". P. 34, 5th line from bottom of text-"iluuning" is "Rmiing" in the ms. P. 38, 10th and 9th lines from bottom-" Viewers" and "Abithar" are "Vewers" and "Abiathar", re.spectively, in the ms. P. 41, 14th liue-"Stepheu" is "Steven" iu the ms; in 9th lino from bottom, for "favor" read "favour"; in last line for"C lock" read "Clock.'' P. 43, 16th, 14th, and 4th lines from bottom-" Standleys", "Thompson", "Lincoln" are "Stanleys", "Thomson", "Liuclon" in the ms. P. 44, 13th line from bottom-"Hamblin" is "Hamlin" iu the ms. P. 45, 6th line — for "endeavors", read "endeavours". P. 47, last liue-"Haniblin" is "Hamlin" in the ms. P. 50, 12th line— for "favor", read "favour"; for "Calkin's", in 20th line read "Calkins' s". P. 52, 12th line from bottom-" Hamblin" is "Hamlin" in the MS. P. 54, 5th liae-"Thompsou" is "Thomson" in the Ms. P. 57, 3d line from bottom-"Thompson" is "Thomson" in the MS. P. 61, in Surveyors of Highways-" Hamblin" is "Hamlin" in the MS. P. 62, 15th line from bottom in 1st column-" Joseph Whiting" is an error of record, — should be Joseph Whiton. P. 71, 5th and 6th lines from bottom-"follows" and "Meeting" are "folows" and "meeting", respectively, iu the ms. P. 99, 3d line from bottom-"Thatcher" is "Thacher" in tlie ms. P. 133, 2d publishment-"Ichabod" is "Ichobud" in the ms. P. 159. Record regarding Rebecca Hatch is probably incorrect:— "Rebecca wife of Mr Oliver Hatch died May 1st 1788". See p. 299. P. 242, first witness should be "Enoch Gearfleld". P. 248. Mrs Jesse Bradley's name is incorrectly recorded. — should be Mamry (see p. 297). For "Ruhanuah Ball", read "Ruhamah Ball". P. 252, 16th line — from bottom "meetings", is "meettings". iu theMS. P. 255, 10th, 14, 18 lines from bottom — "Motioned" is "Motiond" in MS. P. 356, 11th and 14th liues— "Jesse" is "Jese" iu the ms. P. 261, 4th liue-"letters missive from the Church in that place", etc., should be, — "letters missive from the chiu-ch of Christ in that place", etc. P. 314, 4th line— for '^£1, 800,000 of the tax was", etc., read "£1,800.000 of the tax of that date, was", etc. / 374 ADDENDA. Doubtless after Huplands (last ifne, p. 24), the word so was omitted; the iuteutof the writer having beeu Hopland' s, so called, school land' The "a ward" mentioned in line 7, p. 25, has recently been found. It lacks a few- letters and words as indicated below. It is on a fragment of a page of foolscap, orig- inally part of a sheet containing the copy of the charter mentioned on p. 180. A few words of the copy are on the fragment containing the award or opinion This copy was doubtless furnished the committee who made the award, to aid them in their judgment. The fragment in qui-stion seems sometime to have been placed in the original book of Hartwood records, and when the book was rebound recently, was fastened in as one of its leaves, though foreign to th')se records. Tliis book, for- merly in the custody of the town clerk of Lee, is now in the office of the Registry of Deeds, Pittsfleld. The document is as follows, the cancelled word "Land" being retained : — We the subscribers being Nominated and appointed by t * * * * bitants of the Town of Lee to award adjudge & Determ *** Concerning the Title of a Certain Right of Land c * * * * the School Land Land Lying in that part of Said * * * * of Lee formerly called Great Barriugton Hoplan * * award adjudge and Determine that Said Right of Land is the Right and Doth belong to the Inhabitants on the aforesaid Hoplauds for the support of a Sch *** * * Schools in said Hoplands, and not to the res * * * the Town of Lee — Sam Brown Jun Nathii Kingsley Jah. Woodbridge In second line, p. 44, probably the words the poor of were omited from tlie MS. after of- In a copy of the 1st vol. of t nvn records, made by Franklin Gr. Taylor in 1858, is the birth record of Benjamin Hinckley's children witn the three dates which are wanting in the original 1st. vol. These dates are not in tne writing of the copyist, but in that of a town clerk lat(^r than 1858. The record of the copy is :— Children of Benjamin Hinckley & Puella Goodspeed his wife Electa Hinkley Born Jan 10. 1787 ["Hinkley," in record.] Thomas Goodspeed Born Feb 5, 1789. Warren Hinckley Born April 24, 1795. Charles Hinckley Oct. 22, 1800. Luther Thatcher Hinckley May 2d, 1809. See p. 159. Since the note on p. 255 was printed, the writing mentioned therein as supposed to be Deacon Oliver West's, has been positively identified as his. f LRBAg'?? ^