O^ ''. ^OO^ ■^ , V '^A v^^ .^ %.. ^ -V^ '^^_^ ^ S ... , I -A ^^ .c > f^- o 0^ <>, •'' / O vO <" ' , V "* V\ '^ ''' / ^ o ^ -or ,o .T ,-0' '^. * N o ' ^'^ . ^'/- V vV e, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners for keeping in repair the Public Road from the above said north-west boundary line of Orangeburgh township to the place where the said road crosses Charlestovvn district line, and that they shall have the same powers and authorities as any other commissioners of the high roads in this State may or can exercise and enjoy; and in case any of the said commissioners shall die or refuse to act, the re- maining commissioners shall from time tO time choose one or more commissioner or comnjissioners, in the room of him or them so dying or refusing to act, and he or they so chosen, shall have the same power and authority as the other commissioners have; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. "Hugh Rutledge. Speaker of the Legislative Cotinci]. "Thomas Bee, Speaker of the General Asuenthly. "In the Couuril Chamber, the 16th day of March,' 1778. "A.s.set/fed to: Hawlins Lowndes." The Constitution of 177S provided that the whole State should, as soon as possible, be divided into dis- TIk' rotul rt'tiTred to in tlio Inst section of the above Act is the road now know II as tlie Bull Swamp roatl altove Oraiiiivhura', as lirougli- toii Stri'et ill the city <>!' Oraiiiicliiira-, ami as the olil Charleston road Iti'Iow Oranirehufii. 12 THE HISTORY OF tricts and counties, and that County Courts should be established. Accordingly in 1783 (March 16th.) the Legislature, concluding that it was "necessary to di- vide this State into counties of a convenient size, in order to the establishment of courts of inferior juris- diction",* passed "An Ordinance for appointing Com- missioners in each of the Circuit Court Districts, for dividing the same into Counties". Under the Ordi- nance commissioners were appointed in each of the several districts and "empowered and directed to lay off and divide" their respective districts "into counties of a convenient size, of not more than forty miles square, unless where the number of inhabitants and situation of the lands" required some deviation: were required to "recommend a proper place as nearly cen- tral as possible in each of the said counties, for erect- ing court houses and goals", and were required to "make report thereof to the first session of the Gener- al Assembly", held after the last day of December fol- lowing. The following were the commissioners ap- pointed to divide Orangeburgh District: William Ar- thur, George Robinson, William Thomson, John Park- inson, George Rennarson, Charles Middleton and Uriah Goodwyn. They were "authorized and impovvered at the public expense to employ surveyors", where they deemed it "absolutely necessary", "to fix and ascertain the boundary lines of each district or county respect- ively". (Stats, of S. C, Vol. IV., p. 5()1.) Following this Ordinance, the Legislature, on March 12th, 17S5. passed "An Act for hiyiiig off the seveial (V)unties therein mentioned, and api)ointiiig Commis- sioners to erect the Public lUiildings". The following clause of the Act concerns Orangeburgh District: "The *To be Ix'ld oiici" in every three iiiotitlis in encli of tlie counties, to l>e i)reside li.-id si'ttlcd ill that proviiu-c. ORANGEBURG COUNTY, 21 son and factory at the Congarees, whence the Chero- kees may be supplied with afms and ammunition.' '"Samuel Kinsman was the head carpenter, who ex- ecuted the work, and was paid nine pounds per month for his services. As this fortress was designed simply as a safeguard for the g.oods and other property be- longing to the trade, accumulated here, it was of no more formidable construction than a common stock- ade inclosure. "The name was derived from the Congaree Indians, in whose settlement it had been built. It stood on or near the site occupied, in after-years, by old Fort, St. John's, a short distance above the mouth of Congaree Creek, near the present City of Columbia. Here was once the great centre of trade for the Catawbas, and Middle and Lower Cherokees. The Over-hills traded chiefly at Sa,vannah Town. "At this period. Savannah Town and the Conga^rees often presented scenes more boisterous and busy than many a commercial town of the prpsent. with far more pretention in situation and trade. On their out- skirts are; encamped numerous caravans of pack-trains, with their roistering drivers, who are mostly mischiev- ous boys. The smoke from a hundred camp-fires curl above the thick tops of the trees, and the woods re- sound with the neighing of horses, and the barking and howling of hungry Indian dogs. A large supply of g;sell.'" in trust for her children. The land was situated at or near McCord's Ferry, between the Congaree and Wateree rivers, in Craven County, "over the Congaree" from Amelia Township. It was sur- veyed Deer. 10. 1741, by George Haig, Deputy Survey- or-General. Mrs. Russell died Jan. 5, 1754, and was buried at her plantation, and the Rev. John Giessen- danner in recording her burial states that she had lived in the township (Amelia) twenty-six years. About 1730 Moses Thomson, with his family and his connections, the Maxwells and Powells, moved into Amelia Township from Pennsylvania. Dr. Joseph Johnson, in his "Traditions of the Revolution", says that the Thomsons were Irish people from Pennsyl- vania. A member of this family, William Thomson, married Eugenia, daughter of Capt. Charles Russell, and John McCord, a member of another of the families early settled in this section, married her sister, Sophi- anisba Russell. From these three early Orangeburgli families. Russells. Thomsons and McCoi'ds. descended many people who have l)ecome [ii-ominent in the his- tory of South Carolina. Among their descendants we find the names Thomson, McCord. Heatly, Hart, Ta- ber. Rhett, Haskell, Cheves. Darby. Sinkler, Goodwyn. 24 THE HISTORY OF Hayne, Michel, Stuart, and many uthei's equally well known. A leading spirit in this section ahout 1787 was Major Christian Motte. He is mentioned in old records of that day as being present at njarriage ceremonies at Orangeburgli, and the Statutes show that he was, in 1738, an Inquirer and Collector of taxes for the parish of St. John's, Berkeley. He probably collected the taxes for the townships of Amelia and Orangeburgh, as those townships were nearest to St. John's. It is not likely that he remained in this section, as no re- cords have been found to show that he became a per- manent settler in this section, and an extract from the Sonih Carolina Gazette of January 25 — 29, 1741, seems to indicate that he then lived in Charlestown. The extract referred to is an advertisement of a wonderful medicine that was "guaranteed to cure or no money taken", and reads as follows: "To be had of John Lax Indian Doctor at Col: Saunders plantation at Cypress swamp or of Major Christian Mote in Charles Town a Decoction" &c., &c. This name must not be confounded with Ft. Motte, for that place obtained its name from Col. Isaac Motte and his heroic wife, Re- becca, who were well known in Charlestown subse- quent to this, and who owMied a plantation in St. Mat- thew's Parish, the house of which was seized and gar- risoned as a fort by the British during the Revolu- tion, and hence the name Fort Motte. Probably the first settler in the vicinity of wdiere the present town of Orangeburg is located was John Hearn, (pronounced Harn) who lived just below where Orangeburg nov^^ stands as early as 1782. His planta- tion contained iive hundred acres of land and em- braced lands now or lately belonging to Messrs Jolin H. Dukes, A. L. Dukes, (i. W. Brunson. and Mrs. Alary Huiihes. The followino- certificate of admeasurement. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 25 which accompanies the plat to the above lands, is re- corded in the office of the Secretary of State at Co- lunihia. '"South Carolina. "By virtue of a warrant from his Excei- lency, Robert Johnson, Esqr. Governor. &c., Bearing date the 2Sth, day of November 1732. and a precept thereon to me directed by James St. John Esqr. his Majesties Surveyor General of the said province of South Carolina bearin.tr date the 18th, day of Decem- ber 1732. I have admeasured and sett out unto John Hearne of Colleton County Planter a Plantation or Tract of Land Containing five Hundred acres where he now lives Sit?uate in Colleton lying and being part of the land reserved for the Inhabitants within the Township of Edisto Butting and Bounding to the South Westward on pon pon river to the Northwest on twenty thousand acres of land laid out for the said Township to the Northeastward and Southeastward on land reserved for the Inhabitants of the said Town- ship and hath such form and uiarks as are represented in the above delineated plat certified the twentieth Day of September anno domini 1733 Per me. "George Haig Depty. Surveyor." The following is a copy of the grant which was made to Mr. Hearn, of the lands so laid out: "South Carolina. "GEORGE THE SECOND by the grace of God of Great Brittain, France and Ireland King De- fender of the Faith &c. "TO ALL to whom these presents shall come Greet- ing, Know Ye that we of our special grace certain knowledge and meer motion Have given and granted and by the presents for Us Oui' Heirs and Successors Do give and grant unto Mr. John Hearn his Heirs and assigns all that parcel or tract of land containing five 26 THE HISTORY OF hundred acres situate l3'ing and being in Colleton County in the province aforesaid butting and bound- ing to the South Westward on pon pon Kiver to the North westward on twenty thousand acres of land laid out for the said Township to the North eastward and South eastward on land reserved for the Inhabi- tants of the said Township and hath such shape form and marks as appears by a plat thereof hereunto an- nexed together with all woods underwoods timber and timber Trees lakes ponds fishings watei's w^ater courses profits commodities appurtenances and heredi- taments whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining together with privileges of hunting hawking and fowling in and upon the same and all mines and minerals whatsoever saving and reserving nevertheless to us our heirs and successors all w hite pine trees if any there should be found growing there- on and also saving and reserving to us our heirs and Successors one tenth part of mines of silver and gold onely TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of five hundred acres of land and all and singular other the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said John Hearn his heirs and assigns for ever an free and Common Soccage he the said John Hearn his heirs and assigns Yielding And Paying therefore unto us Our heirs and Successors or to our Receiver General for the time being or to his Deputy or Deputies for the time being Yearly that is to sa}^ on every twenty fifth daj' of March at the rate of three Shillings sterling or four shillings Proclamation money for every hundred acres and so in proportion accord- ing to the quantity of acres contained herein the same to grow due and be accounted for frou) the date here- of Provided Always and this present diiant is upon condition Nevertheless that he the said John Hearn his heirs and assions shall and do within three vears ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 27 next after the date of these presents clear and culti- vate at the rate of one acre for every five hundred acres of land and so in proportion according to the quantity of acres herein contained or build a dwelling House thereon, and keep a Stock of five head of cattle for every five hundred acres upon the same and in proportion for a greater or lesser quantity. AND UPON CONDITION that if the said rent here- by reserved shall happen to be in arrear and unpaid for the space of three years from the time it became due and no distress can be found on the said lands tenements and hereditaments hereby granted that then and in such case the said lands tenements and hereditaments hereby granted and every part and par- cel thereof shall revert to us Our heirs and Successors as fully and absolutely as if the same had never been granted. "Given under the Great Seal of Our Said Province Witness Thomas Broughton Esqi'. Our Lieutenant Governor of our said Province of South Carolina the twelfth day of May in the Eighth year of Our Reign and in the year of Our Lord One Thousand seven hun- dred and thirty-five. "Thomas (Seal) Broughton," "And hath thereunto annexed ] Signed by the Hon- a plat Representing the I ble. Thomas Brough- same tract of land certified [ ton Esqr. Lieut. Govr. by James St. John Surveyr. fin Council. Genl the 20th. September | J. Badenhop, 1733. j C, C." The foregoing deed was recorded May 28th, 1735. In the t^oath Carolina Gazette of June 25, 1753 this place is advertised for sale as follows: •'John Hearne's place is offered for sale. 500 acres lying &. I>eing in Colleton county: butting iV: bounding to S. W. on Ponpon River. N. W. on Edisto Township 28 THE HISTORY OF to N. E. & S, E. on lands reserved for the Inhabitants of said Township. "100 acres in the limits of Orangehnrgh Township, b. & b. to N. E. on lands laid out to John Strutzenerk- er, to N. W. on land belonging to John Hearne S. W. on Ponpon S. E. on land laid out to Henry Wuester, one town-lot N. 253." Another of the early settlers of Oratigeburgh Town- ship was Henry Salley, who settled in the township about 1735, as will be seen by the following eertiticate of measurement for a grant of land, and a subsequent conveyance of the same: "So. Carolina. "Pursuant to a precept under the hand & seal of James St. John Esq His Majesty's Sur. Genl I have admeasured & laid out unto Henry Zaley a tract of Land in Orangeburgh Township in Berkeley County containing Two hundred acres Butting &: Bounding to the S. W. on Pon Pon River to the N. E. on land not laid out; to the S. E. on land laid out un- to Jacob Twyther & to the N. W. on land laid out to Barbara Hatcher & also one Town Lot in Orangeburgh, containing one half of an acre; Known on the grand plat of the si Town by the number one hundred & 6S: Butting & Bounding to the S. W. on 165 laid out to Hans Deitricks Jun£ to the N. E. on a Street; to the S. E. on N lfi9 Laid out to Jacol) Miller; to the N. W. on N lf)7. Tiand laid out to Henry Pickenfiaker, A: each hath such shape ^ marks as are lepresented t)y the above plat. Certified the 20 Sepl 1735. "Geo. Haig 1). S." It will be observed that in tlie foregoing certificate the name is given "Zaley," but tliat must have been the way |Mr Salley's German neighbors called it. for the name has always been vSalley. and the following extra<*t frou) a later dee«l of the same tract of land. ALEXANDER S. SAI.LEY, M. 1), Born April 2(;tli. ] SI 8— Died Ai)ril l^t. 1893. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 29 from John Salley. Jr., to John Salley, Sen., clearly shows Mr. Haig to have heen in error in beginning the name with the letter Z: 'Mil that plantation or Tract of Land — Original Bodnty — containing two Hundred acres Situate in (the former) Berkl}^ County, & in Orangeburgh Township." ***** "The said Tract of Two Hundred acres of Land and Town Lott aforesaid, was Originally Granted to Henry Zaley (more properly Salley) on the Seventeenth day of Sep- tember One thousand Seven Hundred and thirty Six" * * * * "Which said Tract of Land & Town Lott aforesaid Devolved in a Lineal Decent to the aforesaid John Salley, Jun^ as being Heir at Law to the said Tract of Land & Town Lott." This last deed was made August 26, 1790. As early as 1741 the naiiie oc- curs on Giessendanner's record book spelt "Sahly", and a few yeafs later the same authority records it "Sally"; but the name has obtained in Yorkshire, En- gland, and vicinity, for centuries; and the bearers of the name have always spelt it as the bearers of it in Orangeburg spell it to-day — "Salley." The name Sal- ley signifies "the field of sallows, and was so named undoubtedly", says Whitaker, in his Histoi-y of the Deanery of Craven, "from real salix and leza ager". (Species of willow.) There is a village of the same name in the parish of Gisburne (in th6 Deanery of Graven) in Yorkshire. For sonie years previous to 1735 John Peter Purry^ a Swiss gentleman, had been trying to establish Swiss colonies in South Carolina, and had actually establish- ed one on the' Savannah river at a place called Purrys- burg. He gave such a glowing account of the coun- try in a pamphlet, (See Carroll's Historical Collections of South Carolin.i, Vol. 11.) which he freely distributed throughout Switzerland. Holland, North Germany and the Provinces of the Rhine, that a great many set- 30 THE HISTORY OF tiers were induced to come to Carolina. The first ship load for Orangeburgh Township arrived in Char- lestown in July 17B5, and immediately set out for the township on the Edisto, which was thereafter named Orangeburgh. The next year another installment of settlers arrived, and in 1737 a third arrived, bringing with them a Lutheran minister, the Rev. John Ulrick Giessendanner. Others arrived later. Dr. David Ram- say in his "History of South Carolina", page 11, says that the vessels which brought them over usually re- turned with loads of rice, and made pi'ofitable voy- ages. Rev. J. TT. Giessendanner and his nephew and successor. Rev. John Giessendanner, kept a record of the marriage, baptismal and burial ceremonies per- formed by them, and from the burial record we are able to learn where many of these settlers came from in the old country. From Switzerland came Peter Hugg (Canton Bern, 1735); Anna, wife of Peter Roth: Rev. John U. Giessendanner and his wife; John Gies- sendanner, Jr.; Jacob Giessendanner; Hans Henry Felder (1735); Jacob Kuhnen and wife (1736); Ann, wife of Jacob Bossart; Melchior Ott (1735); Anna Negely, widow; Magdalena, wife of Hans Imdorff: Martin Kooner; Peter Moorer; Zibilla Wolf (Grisons); John Friday (1735); John Dietrick (1735); Barbara Fund; Henry Wurtzer (1735); Henry Horger; Jacob Stauber (Canton Zurich, 1750); Henry Haym and John Myers. From Germany came John George Barr: David Runtgenauer; Lewis Linder and Elias Snell (1735). From Holland came William Young. These are all whose places of nativity aie given, l)ut it is reasonable to presume that the many other settlers bearing the same family names as the above, caux' from the same places. Besides the above there are njany more naujes on the (liessendanner record that are unmistakablv (ler- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 31 man; among them the names: Stroman, Stouden- mire. Shaumloffel. (leiger. Hoi man, Hessy, Kuhn, Yutsey (lltsey), Yssenliut (Whisenhunt), Kreyter (Cri- der), Huber, Shuler, liumph, Zimmerman, Rickenbac- ker, Kobler (Culler), Hungerbiiller (Hungerpiller), Wannamaker, A maker, Keller, Inabinet, Zeigler, Ley- saht, Golson, Joyner, Ferstner, Tilly, Hartzog, Whet- stone. Balziger. Brunzon, Stehely (Staley), Starekey (Sturkie), and Tbeus — names nearly all of which ob- tain in this section to-day. There are many names to be found on the Giessen- danner record that are evidently not German names. These settlers came in about the time of the German settlements or a little later. In some instances the Giessendanner record tells where the settler came from. This was the case with Gideon Jennings, who came in to Orangeburgh Township, with his wife and two sons, Philip and John, in 1736. In recording his death the Rev. Mr. Giessendanner states that he was an "Italian protestant," and in recording the death of his wife, Ursula, a few years later, he speaks of her as the "widow of Gideon Zanini alias Jennings". Wheth- er Jennings is the English for Zanini, or whether Gideon Jennings was an Englishman who went to Italy, (seeing that he was a protestant) and there as- sumed the name Zanini and changed back to the En- glish name Jennings upon resuming habitation among English people, or whether he changed his name to Jennings because he fancied that name, or for other cause, is only a matter of conjecture, but, at any rate, the Jennings family has long been a large and influ- ential one in this section and members of it have in- termarried with many of the oldest families in the County. William Harrie. another of the early settlers, is re- corded bv Giessendanner as haviuii been a native of 6 6 THE HISTORY OF Scotland, and Seth Hatcher as a native of Virginia, The Larry, or Larey. family frequently mentioned by Giessendanner was an Irish family.* Other names not German to be found on the record are: Martin, Gard- ner, Bunch, Powell. Oliver, Brown, Curtis, Robinson. Robison, Barber, Bright, Weekly, Gibson, Barker, 8ul- livant, Haig. Holmes. McGraw, McFashion, Reece, Cheavy. Potts, Good, Fitzpatrick, Carter, Tate, Jones. Tap, Hickie. Smith, Gossling, JVlurphy, Clements, Whiteford. Hill, Mercier. Partridge, and Wright. Some of them have a decidedly Hibernian smack, others sound English, others Scotch, and one or two sound somewhat Frenchy. It is likely that some of these settlers came from the colonies to the north- ward, while others of them doubtless came from the lower parishes of South Carolina. Another prominent man among the early settlers of Orangeburgh was John Chevillette, who had formerly been an otficer under Frederick the Great—probably before Frederick became King of Prussia. That he had been a friend of that king is shown by the let- ters that that monarch wrote to him (which letters were long in possession of the late Mrs. William Gil- more Simms) telling him how to cultivate the vine to ?Tiake vvine in Carolina. Col. Chevillette married in Orangeburgh Township, in 1745. Mrs. Susannah Hep- perditzel, a widow, by whom he had one son. John Chevillete. who married the widow of Honald Govan. and was the step-father of Eliza (iovan.l who nunTied Nash Roach, and not the father, as Trent puts it on page IK) of his Life of Simms. The defeat of the revolutionaiy efforts in England and Scotland in behalf of Charles Fdwaid.the "Youny- •It WMs n (lesccndaiit of this fmiiily that fst:il)lislu'oni wliat I could gatber sbe was considerably above one hundred years old, yet she smoked tol)acco, and eat her victuals, to all appearances, as heartily as one of eighteen. At night we wen- laid in the king's cabin, Avhere the (jueen and the obi scjiiaw pigged ill with us. "In the nHMning we rose before day, Iiaving liired n guide the over night to conduct us on our way. The (|Ueen got us a good lireakfast before we left her; siie bad a young child wiiicb was nmcb afflicted with the colic, for which sbe infuseel)iirii, but wliose names do not appear on tlie (Tiesseiidanni'r Record. 44 THE HISTORY OF themselves and their children in this fertile portion of South Carolina, hut many of them became lilessed with abundance and wealth. "From the records of Rev. Giessendanner we learn that there were also a considerable number of me- chanics, as well as planters and farmers, among these colonists; and the results of this German colonization wei'e extremely favorable to Orangeburg District, in- asmuch as they remained there as permanent settlers, whilst many of their countrymen in other localities, such as Purysburg, (S:c., were compelled to leave their first-selected homes, on account of the want of health and of that great success which they had at first ex- pected, but the Orangeburg settlers became a well-es- tablished and successful colony. "It has been asserted that the German congregation established in Orangeburg among these settlers was; Reformed, which is evidently a mistake, as any one may perceive from the following facts. On the one hand, it must be admitted that the Switzers came from the land where eTohn Calvin labored, and where the Reformed religion prevails, but where there are also many Lutheran churches established. It is also admitted that the Giessendanners were natives of Switzerland, but it would be unsafe to conclude from these facts that the German congregation at Orange- burg, with all. or nearly all, of its members, and with their pastors, were Swiss Reformed or Calvinistic in their faith. On the other hand, although nothing positive is mentioned in the Record-book of the Church, concerning their distinctive religious belief, yet the ])resnmptive evidence, even from this source of information, is siilticiently strong to conclude tliat this first religious society in Orangeburg was a Luther- an Church. The facts from which our conclusions arc drawn are: ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 45 '^"Firstlij. — Because a very strong element from Ger- many was mixed with their Swiss brethren in the early settling of this county, which, by still later ac- cession of German colonists, aj3pears to have become the predominating population, who were mostly Lu- therans, and the presumption becomes strong that their church-organization was likewise Lutheran. '"'Secondlij. — It seems to have been a commonly ad- mitted tact and the prevailing general impression of that time, when their second paster had become an ordained minister of the Church of England, "J7//yy////. — In examining their church records one will discover, through its entire pages, a recognition of the festivals of the Lutheran Church, as were com- monly observed by the early Lutheran settlers. ''Foiui/dff. — In Dalcho's History of the Prot, Epis. Church in S. C, published in 1820, at the time when the son of the younger Giessendanner was still living (see Mills' Statistics, p. 657, published as late as 1826), it is most positively stated concerning his father, that *he was a minister of the Lutheran Church.' (Dalcho, p. 333, footnote.) How could Dr. Dalcho have been mistaken when he had the records of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina before him; and in that de- nomination this was the prevailing impression, as w^as, doubtless, so created from Giessendanner's own state- ments in the bosom of which Church he passed the latter days of his life. "'Fifthli/. — One of the churches which Giessendan- ner served before he became an Episcopal clergyman, located in Amelia Township, called St. Matthews, has never been any other than a Lutheran Church, and is still in connection with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina. "'Sixihlij. — The Orangeburg colonists, after their paster departed from their faith, were served with Lu- 46 THE HISTORY OF theran pastors entirely, numbering in all about seven- teen ministers, and only for a short time a Reformed minister. Rev. Dr. Ziibly, once labored there as a tem- porary supply, '^Sevenflili/. — In Dr. Hazelius' History of the Ameri- can Lutheran Church, p. 64, we have the following testimony, gathered from the journal of the Ebenezer pastors, Bolzius and Gronan, found in Xh'lsperger's Nachrichten: 'Their journal of that time mentions among other things, that many Lutherans were set- tled in and about Orangeburg in South Carolina, and that their preacher resided in the village of Orange- burg.' "It is to be hoped that all this testimony is satisfac- tory to every candid inquirer, that the first establish- ed Church of Orangeburg, vS. C, which was likewise thefrsf organized Lutheran Chui'ch in both the Caro- linas, was none other than a Lutheran Church; that those early settlers from Germany and Switzerland were mostly, if not all, of the same denomin.ation, and that Dr. Dalcho has published no falsehood by assert- ing that 'their paster was a minister of the Lutheran Church.' "The first colony of German and Swiss emigrants who settled in Orangeburg village and its vicinity in 1735, as well as those who selected their homes in Amelia ToAvnship along Four-hole swamp and creek, did not bring their pastor with them: the Rev. John Ulrich Giessendanner did not arrive until the year 1737: he was an ordained minister and a native of Switzerland, and was the first and at the time, the only minister of the gospel in the village and District of Orangeburg: we infer this from Mills' Statistics, p. 657, stating that there were but four or five English settlers residing in the District before the (iermans arrived, and these few would not likelv have an Eng- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 47 lish minister of their own to labor among them. We infer this, moreover, from the record of Giessendan- ner's marriages; the ceremony of one was performed in the English language during the first year of his ministry, with the following remark accompanying it: 'Major Motte having read the ceremony in the Eng- lish language,' from which we conclude that at the time, October 24th, 1737, Rev. Giessendanner was still unacquainted with the English language, and that on this account he solicited the aid of Major Motte in the performance of a clerical duty. That there could have been no other minister of the gospel within reach of the parties, who did not reside in the village, otherwise they would not have employed Rev. (r. to perform a ceremony under such embarrassing circum- stances. "Rev. J, U. Giessendanner came to this country with the third transportation of German and Swiss settlers for this fertile portion of South Carolina. In the same vessel also journeyed his future partner in life, who had resided at his home in Europe as house- keeper for twenty-six years, and to whom, on the 15th. of November, 1737, he was 'quietly married, in the presence of many witnesses, by Major Motte;' doubt- less by him, as no minister of the gospel was within their reach, to which record he piously adds: 'May Jesus unite us closely in love, as well as all faithful married people, and cleanse and unite us with him- self. Amen.' By this union he had no children, since both himself and his partner were 'well stricken in years'. "The elder Giessendanner did not labor long among this people. Death soon ended his ministrations in Orangeburg, and we infer that he must have died about the close of the year 173S, since the records of his ministerial acts extend to the summer of that 48 THE HISTORY OF year, whilst these of his nephew commence with the close of the year 1739, Allowing the congregation time to make the necessary arrangement with the nephew, and he to have time to seek and obtain (u-di- nation, as we shall see hereafter, besides the inference drawn from the language of a certain petition, tV-c. we learn that during the fall of 1738, the Rev. John Ulrich Giessendanner, Sr., was called to his rest, and thus closed his earthly career. "The congregations in Orangeburg village and Dis- trict now looked about them for another servant of the Lord to labor among them in holy things, but the prospect of being soon supplied was not very encourag- ing. The Ebenezer pastors were the only Lutheran ministers in the South at that time, and they could not be spared from their arduous work in Georgia, and to expect a pastor to be sent them again from the Fatherland was attended with niany difficulties. An- other plan presented itself to them. The nephew of their first pastor, who had prepared himself for the ministry, was induced to seek ordination at the hands of some Protestant denomination, and take upon him- self the charge of these vacant congregations in the place of his departed uncle. "From the records of the Orangeburg Church we learn that their second pastor was also named John Ulrich Giessendanner, but he soon afterwards dropped his middle name, probably to distinguish him from his uncle, and so is he named in all the histories of South Carolina, which give any account of him.* "Difficulties and sore trials soon attended Rev. John *Tt ajipo.'irs from tlie Geniinii ])(>rti(in of the record hook tluit In- siijiK'd liiiHMC'lf in some phu-es ".lolui Firiek (Jiesseiidnimer" and in otiiers "TIrick (liesseiidiimier", niid if was not until he returned from England that lie iiivarial>ly signed himself ".loliii (iiessendannei'." See also Daleho, p. 888. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 49 Giessendannet's ministry; the Urlsperger Reports state, in vol. iii. p. 1079, that the town of Orangeburg was then, A. D. 1741, in a worse condition than Purys- burg; that the people were leading very sinful lives, manifesting no traces of piety, and that between iDas- tor and hearers there were constant misunderstand- ings. It is also stated that their lauds were fertile, but. as they were far removed from Charleston, and had no communication with that city by water, thej* could not convert their produce into money, and on this acconnt very little or no money was found among them. Di". Hazelius likewise gives an unfavorable ac- count of the state of religion in that communit}^ On p. 64. he remarks: 'From one circumstance mention- ed with particular reference to that congregation, we have to infei* that the spiritual state of that church was by no means pleasing. A Mr. Kieffer, a Salzburg emigrant and member of the Ebenezer congregation, was living on the Carolina side of the Savannah River, whose mother-in-law resided at Orangeburg, whom he occasionally visited. On one occasion he remarked, after his retura, to his minister. Pastor Bolzius, that the people at Orangeburg were manifesting no hunger and thirst after the word of God; he was therefore anxious that his mother-in-law should remove to his plantation, so that she might enjoy the opportunity of attending to the preaching of the word of God. which she greatly desired.' All this testimony, though in the main correct, needs, however, some explanation, and by referring to the Journals of Council for this province, in the office of the Secretary of State, we will soon discover the cause of such a state of things. The people had been but sparingly supplied with the preached word, the discipline of the Church had not been properly administei'ed, and when the younger (liessendanner took charge of these congregations, 50 THE HISTORY OF and attempted to regulate matters a little, wiiilst the majority of the people sustained him in his efforts, a minority, who were rude and godless, became his bit- ter enemies, and were constantly at variance with him. "This condition of Church affairs opened the way for the Zauberbithler difficulties, which are very min- utely described in the .lournals of Council of the Province of South Carolina, vol. 10, page 395, d seq.: the main facts of this troublesome affair were the fol- lowing: "During the year 1743, a Swiss minister of the gos- pel, formerly located along the Savannah River, at New Windsor, Purysburg, and other places, named Bartholomew Zauberbuhler, very adroitly attempted to displace the Rev. John Giessendanner from his charge in Orangeburg, and make himself the pastor of those churches. He supposed that by becoming an ordained minister of the Episcopal Church, at that time the established church in the Province, he would have rights superior to the humble Lutheran pastor in charge at Orangeburg, and, as he supposed, have the law on his side in thus becoming the pastor hiui- self. The records of his evil designs, which have long- slumbered in oblivion in manuscript form on the shelves of the Statehouse at Columbia, are now brought to view, and read as follows: " 'Nov. 9th, 1742. Read the petition of Rev. 11 Zaii- berbiihler, showing that as there were a great many Germans at Orangeburg, Santee, and thereabouts, who ai'e very desirous of having the woixl of (lod preached to them and their children, and wdio desire to be instructed in the true religion, humbly prays: That he may be sent to serve them and to be sui>[><)j-t(Ml with a competent salary until he shall be able to take a voyage to England to be ordained by the Rishop of ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 51 London, and at the same time proposes to bring- over with hiai a number of Germans, which he thinks may be as great a number as ever were bi-ought at any time into this province, it being a great encourage- ment to them when they find that they may have the (lospel. not only on their voyage, but also after their arrival in this province, preached to them, th, 1743: '"Read the humble petition of the German and Eng- lish inhal)itants of Orangel)urg hikI the adjoining plantations, showing to his Excellency, to whom it is ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 53 directed, that the petitioners heartily congratulate his Excellency on his auspicious ascension to the gov- ernment of this Province, hoping that by his judi- cious care and power not only their present grievances, but likew^ise all other misfortunes may evaporate and vanish. And ye said petitioneers humbly beg leave to acquaint ye Excellency, that above five years ago. the German minister happening to die, Mr, John Gies- .sendanner. by the consent and approbation of your said German petitioners, went to Charlestown with the intention to make his application to the Rev. Mr. Alexander Garden, Commissarj^ to admit him into holy orders, to preach in German in this township: and when the said Mr. John Giessendanner came to Charlestown aforesaid, he accidentally met wnth one Major Christian Motte, who acquainted him that he ought not to trouble the said Rev. Alexander Garden with the affair, but to go with him to some certain gentlemen, who, if they found him suflBcient, would directly give him orders according to his desire; upon which the said Mr. John Giessendanner, being then a stranger to the English method of proceeding in such cases, accompanied the said Major Christian Motte. and was by him introduced to an Assembly of the Presbytery, who, after examination, presented him with orders to preach, which he has since done in German constantly for the space of five years to the inexpressible satisfaction of the congregation at Orangeburg; and about two years ago your said English petitioners, being fully sixty miles from any other place of divine worship, some of whom had not been favored with an opportunity of hearing a sermon in the space of seven years, observing the said Mr. .lohn Giessendanner to be a man of learning, piety, and knowledge in the Holy Scriptures, prevailed with him to officiate in pi-eaching once every fortnight in 54 THE HISTORY OF Enp^lish, which he hath since pei-foiiiied very articu- late and intelligible to the entire satisfaction of ye said English petitioners, and always hehaves himself with sobi'iety, honesty, and justice, encouraging virtue and reproving vice. "'And the said Mr. John (liessendanner lately ob- serving great irregularities and disorders being com- mitted almost every Sabbath day by some wicked per- sons in one part of the township, publicly reprimand- ed them for the same, which reproof so exasperated them that they threatened to kick the said Mr. John Giessendanner out of the church if he offered to preach there any more, and have lately sent for one Barthol- omew Zauberbilhler, a man who not long ago pretend- ed to preach at Savannah town, but, as your said pe- titioners are informed, was soon obliged to leave that place and a very indecent character behind him. The last week he arrived at Orangeburg, and upon the last Sabbath, he, the said Bartholomew Zauberbilhler and his wicked adherents associated together, and pretend- ed that the said Bartholomew Zauberbilhler had brought with hirn a power from the Hon. William Bull, Esq., late Lieutenant-Governor of this Province, his Majesty's Hon. Council, and the Rev. Mr. Alexan- der Garden, Commissary, an order to expel the said Mr. John Giessendanner from the church, and to preach there himself, and some of ye said petitioners demanded a sight of his said authority, but he refused to produce it, which occasioned great animosities and disorders in the congregation, and when the said Bartholomew Zauberbtihler niakes his second ap[)ear- ance at or near ()rangel)urg, which he declares shall be at ye expiration of three weeks, there will certain- ly be more disturbance and <*onfusion than before, un- less some powerful means be used to obstruct it. "'Whereupon your said petitioners most humbly ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 55 beg that your Excellency will be pleased to interpose with your authority, and direct the said Mr. Alexan- der Garden, if he hath given or granted any such or- ders, to countermand them, and to permit the said Mr. John Giessendanner still to officiate for them in divine service, free from any further disturbance or molestation, &c. "'Signed by John Harn, and above forescore more subscribers.* "'Ordered by Council that the consideration of this affair, and of the above petition, and those of Mr. Zau- berbiihler, be deferred until Mr. Zauberbiihler's return from England, and that ye Clerk acquaint them there- with in writing.' "Fortunately, however, Mr. Zauberbiihler had not yet departed on his journey to England as the Coun- cil had supposed, but had been lurking for awhile in Orangeburg District, and as soon as he returned to Charleston he once more made his appearance upon the floor of the Council chamber. "Journals of Council, Vol. XI, p. 143: 'Bartholo- mew Zauberbiihler, being returned from Orangeburg Township, attended his Excellency in Council, and laid before him two written certificates from justices of ye peace there in his favor, and which were read, representing his sobriety and good behavior, where- upon Mr. Zauberbiihler was by his Excellency direct- ed to wait again on Rev. Mr. Garden, and to learn if he has any objections to his receiving orders in Eng- land, and to report the same.' "Journals of Council. Vol. XI, p. 152: 'Bartholomew^ Zauberbiihler attended his Excellency, the Governor, in Council, according to order, whom the Governor gave to understand that he had not acted well in the •All efforts to find the oriyiiuil of this i)etiti(tii, w itii the iiiiiiies .i))- IH'iided, have heeii misuecessfnl. 56 THE HISTORY OF exhibiting a certificate from the Township of Orange- burg, read at this Board on November 13th. 1742. see- ing that under the notion of having an invitation to the ministry by the majority of that Township, there was, on the contrary, a later memorial laid before the Board, signed by near ninety of the inhabitants, and by far the majority of the Township, praying that Mi-. Giessendanner, their present minister, might be con- tinued to preach among them, and that Mr, Zaul)ei'- biihler's going to preach in the said Township, and his design to be settled there as a minister, was not by their desire, on the contrary, had occasioned no small disturbance in the said Township. That his proceed- ings with the Lieutenant-Ciovernor and Council in ye said affair had not been with that candor that might have been expected from one who designed to take on him holy orders, and that, therefore, he ought to be contented with at least one-half of what had been paid him by ye Treasurer, and return the other £250, or, at any rate, to procure a joint se(Hirity of one re- siding in Charlestovvn that he would return the mone}' in case he did not bring over the Protestants men- tioned, but that if he did bring them over the whole £500 should be allowed him; whereupon Mr. Zauber- biihler withdrew.' "After this action of the Governor and Council we read nothing more of Mr. Zauberbiihler in the .Journals of Council, and the Rev. John Giessendanner w-as per- mitted to continue his labor as pastor in Orangeburg without further molestation. ''The historical facts deduced from the above State papers are the following: "That the Rev. John Ulrick Ciiessendanner, Sr.. who w^as the first pastor at Orangeburg, depai'ted this life during the close of the year 178S, having labored there but little more than one year. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 57 "That his nephew, the Rev. John Giessendanner, became his successor some time during the year 1739, and that he was *a man of learning, piety, and knowl- edge in the Holy Scriptures"; he was probably educa- ted for the ministry, but left Europe before he had been ordained; that, although a Lutheran in his re- ligious persuasion, as we learn from other documents, he applied for ordination at the hands of any Protest- ant ministry who were empowered to impart the de- sired authority, there being at that time no Lutheran Synod in all the American colonies. That he was or- dained by the Charleston Presbytery is certain, but that he was not a Presbyterian in faith is evident also, else he would not have endeavored first to obtain or- dination at the hands of the Protestant Episcopal au- thority, and only (dianged his purpose of becoming Episcopally ordained at the suggestions of Major Chris- tian Motte. and doubtless to avoid an expensive and wearisome voyage to Europe, which he would have been obliged to undei'take had he insisted upon ob- taining the requisite authority to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments eithei- in the Lutheran or Episcopal Church. "That the first Orangeluirg Church must have been built some time before the aljove-mentioned petition was written, A. D. 1743, as it is therein spoken of. as being then in existence. "That Rev. John Oie^sendanner lal)()red faithfully as a good servant of his Master, even Ininging enmity upon himself for reproving vice; likewise, that he preached in the (lerman and English laiiguages. "That the counti-y in the vacinity of Orangeburg must have been sadly deficient at that time in the en- joyment of the usual means of grace, as many persons were living sixty miles fi-oni any other church, some having not heard a seiiiioii [)reached for seven years; 58 THE HISTORY OF need we wonder at the irregularities in faith and con- duct manifested in those days. "That Rev. (Hessendanner must have had a consid- erable congregation, inasmuch as the petition drawn up in his defence was signed by nearly ninety male persons, who were either all members of his congre- gation, or mostly so, and the remainder his friends and adherents. "That Rev. Bartholomew Zanberbiihler must have sadly degenerated in the latter period of his ministe- rial life, as the Ebenezer pastors give us a very favor- able account of him several years previous in the Url- sperger Reports, wdien he first came to this country. "Rev. Giessendanner was affectionately remember- ed by the Church in Europe. Rev. Bolzius, in the I^rl- sperger Reports, Vol. Ill, p. 875, states: '1 also wrote a letter to-day to young Mr. Giessendanner, the pres- ent minister in Orangeburg, informing him that a do- nation of about nine guilders had been collected for him in Switzerland, of which a respectable merchant in Zurich writes, that as old Mr. Giessendanner had died, this amount should be paid over to his nephew- Also, that we will send him, as soon as possible, those books collected for him in Switzerland, which are sent in the chest for us, and which has not yet ar- rived. '•'T would have been pleased to have sent him this money sooner had any safe opportunity presented it- self. T entreated him, likewise, to write to me occa- sionally, and inform me of the transactions of the de- parted (liessendanner. which may be of great service to him.' "The name (liossendiinner occurs in several other [)aragra})hs of the sam<' iiejiorts. but only in connec- tion with the books and nmiioy above-mentioned; but nothing further is said conccining himself and his ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 59 ministry, or that of his predecessor. He was probably prevented i'roni imparting the desired information on account of the want of connnnnication between Eben- ezer and Orany;eburg. ''Rev. John Oiessendanner labored ten years as a Lutheran minister, after whi(di. in 1749, he went to London to receive Episcopal onlinatioli* at the hands of Kev. Dr. Sherlock.! Bishop of London. The rea- sons for making this change in his Church relation- ship are not known; however, it is presumable that, as he was then the only Lutheran pastor in South Carolina, he preferred to enjoy a more intimate con- nection with some ministerial organization than the one that was then afforded him in the bosom of his own Chundi; and although the Ebenezer pastors were also then laboring in the South, nevertheless they were somewhat distantly removed from him, and dwelling in another Province. He doubtless also had his fears that some other Zauberbiihler difficulty might hai'ass him again, and thus, by taking this step. he would have all legal preferences in his favor, as the Chundi of England was then virtually the established Church of the Province. "'He was united in marriage to Miss Barbara Hug. and became the father of several children, one of wdiom, a son named Henry, born duly 8d, 1742, was still living in 182(1 as he is mentioned in 'Mills' Sta- tistics;' and his widow spent the (dose of her life with one of tier (diildren residing in Ceorgia. "Henry (liessendanner was married to Miss Elizabeth Humpf. Febriiary 25th, 1707; he I'ecorded the birth of but one child, Elizabeth, in his father's (diurch-l)ook. ■•Ordniiicd Dcjicoii Auu. 27, jiiid I'licst St-pt. 1'4, 174!!. — DaU-lio, i*. tCii'ii. 1). F. Jamison oiuv liad i\ luaycr hook tlial Dr. Sherlock had l)ivs('iitc'd to lU'V. Mr. (Jiossc'iidaiiiKT. GO THE HISTORY OF though he may have had more children, whose name? were not entered there. This record-hook likewise in- forms us that Rev. John Giessendanner had a hrother ^ and sister living in Orangeburg, named George and I Elizaheth (afterwards married to a Mr. Krieh), and that the whole family were natives of Switzerland: hence also the money sent llev. Giessendanner came from this country, as mentioned in the Urlsperger Reports. This concludes the history of the Giessen- danner family, as far as it is necessary for our purpose, and until recently it was not know^n that these two pastors were the first Lutheran ministers that labored in South Carolina — even their very names had become almost obliterated in the annals of the Lutheran Church. Dr. Dalcho yet adds this information, that Rev. John Giessendanner departed this life during the year 1761.* "The Orangeburg settlers at first clustered together near the banks of the Edisto River, and built their dwellings near each other in the form of a small tow^n. supposing that the adjacent stieam would be advan- tageous in forming an outlet for them to Charleston, in the transportation of lumber to market. A year later other German emigrants arrived, who located themselves on lands adjoining their predecessorvS, and thus this tide of immigration continued until the en- tire district became mostly colonized with German and Swiss emigrants. The present town of Orange- burg is located very near the spot where this original German village once stood. In this village the first [jutheran church in the Carolinas was erected,}- and "His will is(lntfut was of opinion that the C'onjirefiation l)aul I think the «videnee is sO-onji the other way. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 61 there also the first. Lutheran pastor of this congrega- tion lived and died; his nephew and successor, as is supposed by some of the present inhabitants, had his home several miles from the village, where he died and was buried.* "Some half a mile from the centre of the present town of Orangeburg and towards the Edisto River there is a graveyard, which presents the appearance of having been a long time in use for the interment of the dead, and where the entombed generations. of the present day are silently slumbering with those of the past. It is still styled 'the old (jnincjiard' although there are many new-made graves to be seen in it: and here, doubtless, repose the remains of the first Luther- an pastor in the Carolinas. "During the evening twilight of autumn the writer visited this hallow^ed spot, in order to commune with the dead; the seai'ed and faded leaves of October over- hanging his head or rustling beneath his feet; the pe- culiar sighing sound of the winds of autumn, passing through the foliage of the Southern long-leaved ,pine trees, produced Nature's sad and fitting requiem for the dead. He sought for records of the past upon some dilapidated tombstone, but his search was un- availing, and, like the fallen leaves of many years pasl, even these mementos of a former age were no longer visible. "What lessons of the vanity of all human greatness. namely: the power of wealth, the pride of family, t\w pleasures and gayeties of life! All end at last in the grave — all alike blend in oiie common dust. "Aj'onnd this place, with the old chiu'ch edifice very near it. the former village stood: they are both thus *Mr. Lucas said liis wife was also l)iiri«-(l there, Ixit it is more likely that she was hmied in (ieoiiiia, where Dr. Ileniheini says she "spent the close of her life". 62 THE HISTORY OF described by a correspondent: 'The OrangeI)iirreached there in connection with another coni>reair'd that Subscriptions be made for each respectively and tiiat service be perforni'd in each alternately". — Miiuitesof Vestry, April ITth, 17S(i. :i;Mr. Sanniel 1'. .Jones iuid a cojty of tliis plan made from the orif>i- iial in the oflice of the .Secretary of State, from this Judge Cllover made a copy and fro?n .Judge (ilovir's copy Mr. Lucas made a copy which is now in tiie record Ixiok of tlu' Church of tiie Iledeemer in Orange- tnu'tr. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 65 same street as that on which the present brick Court House now stands say feet. There is a lot be- tween the grave yard and the Bull Swamp Road* which corresponds with the space marked for public square. This said lot is now owned by the Town Council of Orangeburg. "The old Court House of wood and jail of brick oc- cupied the second square North of the said street on which the new Court House now stands. The jail was destroyed & another, built.f The Court House still stands having had many changes and uses. First as a church for first one and then another denomination, a masonic Lodge, black-smiths's shop, and it is at this present time in good order and repair, & is owned and used as a residence by Mr. John Marchant. This said square (C. H. «S: Jail) is on the West side of the Bull Swamp Koad or street known on map as Broughton street. There is no other grave yard nor has there been any other known in this village except this one & those recently opened by the Methodist ch., Luther- an, & Baptist and not as yet used for burials.;]: The Catholic, Presbyterian & this Episcopal Church of the the Redeemer has grounds in use not older than 10 to 12 years. "Tradition, as well as facts, has marked this old vil- lage grave yard as the grave yard and the spot on which stood the Prot. Epc. Church known in the Book of Record of the Revd Jno. Giessendanner as the Church & Churchyard of Orangeburgh and in which he officiated. "There is a mound of earth on the South end which ""'Which lot has siiicv lnvn (111t'Tavt.'8, mostly of iiffrrcK's. tUpoii tlu' site wheiv tho First Baptist Church now stands. tThc Methodist and Lutheran churcli-yanls were never useel at Orangehurgh". And Mr. Lneas hinisi'If stated that Mrs. Arant had a prayer hook used by her inotiier at Orangehurgh, and tliat Mrs. .\rant herself was baptized in the Protestant Episcopal ('lunch, and that she was born in 1770; which was eight years after 17(iS. Again, my grandmother, Mrs. A. S. Salley, tells me that she remembers a part of an old church stan. 611: 'May 26th, 1742. — Petition of John Casper (iallier and family, John ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 71 Casper Clieger and family, John Shalling and family, Abraham Gie^er and family, Jacob Liver and family, Julius Gredig and family, Caspar Fry and family, Con- rad and Caspar Kiintzler (now Kinsler), John Jacob Bieman and family, Herrman Gieger and family, Eliz- abeth Shalling and family, showing that, as they ar- rived and settled in his Majesty's Township of Saxe- Gotha, even since the year 1737, and received his Majesty's most gracious bounty of provisions and war- rants for lands in Saxe-Gotha Township, but that they could not find in what office they are, therefore they huml)ly pray his Honor, the Lieutenant-Gover- nor, and his Majesty's honorable Council, that they would be pleased to order that search may be made," &c., &c. "Again, under date 1744, 'John Jacob Gieger arrived seven years ago, is now married, and prays for one hundred acres of land over against Santee River, op- posite Saxe-Cirotha, where he has already begun to clear ground and almost finished a house. Granted'. Subtract seven years from 1744, and we have again the date 1737, the time of the first settlement of that township by Germans. ''From the above reliable source of information we evidently perceive that Mills' statement is entirely in- correct, and that Saxe-Gotha Township was laid out and received its name long before the year 1750, as it is spoken of in the Journals of Council as early as 1742. as being then a township and known by the name Saxe-Gotha, and may have been so called, ac- cording to Dr. Hazelius' statement, during Queen Anne's time, previous to the year 1714, the time of her Majesty's death. However, the Council Journals likewise prove the Doctor to have been mistaken in stating that these lands were wrested fVom the Ger- iHdiis, for thev settled there, and their descendants are 72 THE HISTORY OF there still, occupying the very lands which their fore- fathers had received l)y warrant from the king of England, showing conclusively that, inasmuch as their titles came directly to them fiom the first legal author- ity, these lands had not yet passed into other hands. "But it is possible that, as in the State of New York, the benevolent Queen Anne did make grants of land for church and school purposes in Saxe-Gotha Town- ship, which, however, could not be occupied at the time, as the settlements in South Carolina had then not been extended so far inland; the Indians were still in possession of that portion of the province, and the grants and good intentions of the Queen were eventu- ally lost sight of and forgotten. Afterwards, when the Germans did actually locate themselves in Saxe-Gotha. new w'arrants were issued and secured to them by the authority of the then ruling sovereign, his Majesty George II. "Independent of the actual account and dates of the settling of this township, we have before us the gener- al rule that 'Westward the star of empire takes its way,' and that the farther westward or inland the set- tlements were made, the later will be the dates of such settlements. This is the result of natural causes, and admits of no exceptions to the well-known rule: the first settlers of America necessarily located them- selves along the seashore, afterwards a little more in- land, whilst the aborigines, living in the forest, gradu- •d]\y receded from the march of civilization; then fur- ther encroaches were niade upon their territory, and so on. gradually, until the Appalachian chain of moun- tains was reached. After the Revolutionary Wai' even the mountains formed no bai-rier to the settlements of the whites, and thus, in a short tinu\ nearly all of America became populated, even bf^yond the valley of the Mississippi. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 73 ''Oningeburg, South Carolina, was settled by Ger- mans in 1735; Saxe-Uotlia, further inland, of necessi- ty was settled still later; hence common sense will admit ot no date of permanei'it settlement earlier than, or even as early as, that period of time. "Saxe-Gotha comprised nearly all that portion ot territory eml)raced at present in Lexington County, it is not many years since the name was changed, in honor of tlie battle of Lexington. Massachusetts, by an act of legislature, which was a most unfortunate ex- change of names, being less euphonic, very inappro- priate, and altogether unhistorical.* Give us back the the old name, and may the citizens of old Saxe-Gotha, in South Carolina, never be ashamed of their German names and German extraction. ''How the name originated, as applied to this town- ship, it is in)i)ossible to state. It certainly was not so called in compliment to the Germans who settled there, as they came from a different section of Ger- many; it is possible that the name, 'Saxe-Gotha', was applied to this scope of territory during Queen Anne's reign, as intimated by Dr. Hazelius, and thus, even by name, it was to be distinguished as a future home for German emigrants. "The following record of this settlement is made in the Urlspergei Reports, vol. iii, p. 1791: 'Wednesday, December 2d. 1741. We had heard nothing before of Saxe-Gotha in America, but we have just received the intelligence that suidi a town (township) is laid out in South Carolina, twenty-five German miles (100 Eng- glish miles) from Charlestown. on the road which l)asses through Orangeburg, and settled with German pef)ple. Doubtless the majority of them were German Reformed, as they have a Reformed minister among them, with whose character we are not yet acquaint- ■Nor w MS I lif lioiior v\vv tipprwiated l»y the jK-ople of Massnchiist'tts. 74 THE HISTORY OF ed\ This minister was the Rev. Christian Theus, of whom we shall say more hereafter. He comnienced his labors in Saxe-Ootha as early as 1730. "The Geiger families and their neighbors were not compelled to remain a long time as isolated settlers in their new homes; the name Saxe -Gotha sounded so agreeably familiar to the ears of the Germans that they florked in numbers to this Germany in America. ''Besides, a certain German, named Hans Jacob Riemensperger, contracted with the government to bring over a number of Swiss settlers, many of whom he located in this township, as we learn from Urlsper- ger, vol. iii. p. 1808, and from the Journals of Council, on several different pages. In addition to these set- tlers, this same Riemensperger, in company with a Mr. Haeg, brought a number of orphan children to Saxe- Gotha, for which service to the province, as well as; for the boarding of the children, they brought in their accounts to the Council for payment. Vol. viii, pp. 69 and 70." The following extract from the South Caro/iiw Ga- zette of November 13th, 1736, should settle the question as to how this township got its name, and set at rest the differences in statements given by various South Carolina historians on this point: "His Honour the Lieut:Governour* having been de- sired to visit the Townships of Amelia Orangeburgh & Saxe-Gotha. so named by liis Honour, k before known by the name of Congaree Township, in ordei- to settle some Inconveniences complained of by the [nhabitants of those Townships, did after the adjourn- ment of the Genera] Assembly ^ when the Business of the Council was dispatched, set out for the said Townships on the 10 October, settling all matters to the entire satisfaction of the inhabitants A: re- '•'Brounliton. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 75 turned in good Health to bis !i)i«'s of tlic rrls|H'reburg^li Townsliip also liad some fears of In- dian ontrages, and that many of them collected toj^ether in forts or block-houses; (See baptismal entrys Nos. (ill, (il(>, (517, (i24.) and that at least one ({erman citizen of ()ranfie))nrfih Townshij), John Whet- stone, .Tr., served in tln' exitedition ajiaiiist the Cherokces. (See No. lOo on burial list. ) ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 89 were mostly all descendants from the original German settlers in Saxe-Gotha 'Township, with an occasional addition from the German settlements of North Caro- lina and Virginia." Dr. Bernheim should have placed Orangeburgh Township along with Saxe-Gotha. An examination of the Giessendanner record will show that many of the names thereon obtain in Newberry and Saluda counties to-day. During the Revolutionary War many of the Hessian hirelings of the British army deserted and became per- manent settlers in this country. Dr. Bernheim says, p. 174: "Among these Hessian deserters was one who afterwards became a Lutheran minister in South Car- olina, named John Yost Miitze, known better as Rev. •J. Y. Meetze, and whose history was obtained from one of his sons. He deserted near Charleston at the time the British army was besieging that city from the othei- side of Ashley River; he was pursued some thirty miles, but finally made his escape over Bacon's bridge, where he was safe within the American lines. He located himself in Saxe-Gotha Township, now Lexington County, six miles above the present county- seat, and became the forefather of a large and influ- ential family in that section of the country. The fol- lowing tablet inscription marks the spot where his remains now repose: " 'Sacred to the memory of the Rev. J. Y. Meetze, who departed this life May 7th, 1833, aged 76 years, 5 months, and 5 days.'" Section 4. The seffkrs of Barnirelf. That portion of Orangeburgh District, afterwards embraced in Barnwell District, also received a share of the German settlers, as Dr. Bernheim says, by the breaking up of the Dutch colony on James Island, the 00 THE HISTORY OF gradual absorption of the unsuccessful German and Swiss colony at Purysburg, aud the influx of other German settlers from Orangeburg County." The same section also received many settlers from Virginia. In this connection the following extract from "Memoirs of Tarleton Brown."" p. 8, will be of in- terest: "Flattering inducements being held forth to settlers in the rich region of South Carolina contigu- ous to the Savannah River, and my uncle, Bartlet Brown, having already moved, and settled himself two miles above Matthew's Bluff, on the Savannah River; my father brought out some negroes, and left them with his brother to make a crop: and in 1769. a year afterwards, my father and famil3% consisting of eleven persons, emigrated to this country and settled on Brier's Creek, opposite to Burton's "Ferry. We found the country in the vicinity very thinly inhabit- ed. Our own shelter for several weeks to protect us from the weather was a bark tent, which served for our use until we could erect a rude dwelling of logs."' General Johnson Hagood is authority for the state- ment that Tarleton Brown probably has more de- scendants in Barnwell County to-day than any other man who ever lived in that county. Among the other natives of Virginia, early settled in the same section, were the Wriaht and Erwin families. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 91 CHAPTER II. THE GIESSENDANNER RECORD. Almost every South Carolina historian who has mentioned Orangeburg has spoken of the Giessendan- ner Church record-book, but Dr. Bernheiui is the only writer who has gone beyond a mere mention of the fact that this record-book existed. What Dr. Bern- lieim has said of this interesting work has already been given in these pages. After the death of Rev. John Giessendanner in 1761, his son Henry cahie into possession of the book, and a fevv^ scattering records were made by him. After his death the book fell into the hands of his second wife, who, previous to her marriage to Henry Giessendan- ner, was the widow Larey; and through her it fell into the hands of her son, Daniel Larey. Daniel Larey left it to his daughter, Mrs. M. B. Tread well, of Orangeburg. Mrs. Treadwell, after keeping it for many years, turned it over to the late Mr. John Lucas, Senior Warden of the Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal) at Orangeburg, and Mr. Lucas, after making a copy of it, turned it over to the Diocese of South Carolina, and it was deposited in the Episcopal Library in the small building in the rear of St. Stephen's Chapel, on Anson Street in Charleston. It was there that the M^ritei- tirst saw the book, and copied it by permission of Rev. A. R, Mitchell, Secretary of the Diocese of South Car- olina. Since then Bishop Capers has had the book re- turned to Mrs. Treadwell at her request. The lK)ok appears to have been an ordinary, but substantial, blank book, over which Rev. John Gies- 92 THE HISTORY OF sendanner, or 8ome subsequent keeper of the hook, had stretched a raw-hide binding and sewed it on with thick, twisted, white chord. It is in a very dihipidated condition; some of the pages being torn in half, and numerous pages have been lost. It is evident that the first Oiessendanner, who began to keep the record in the fall of 1737, and kept it un- til his death, the latter part of 1738, kept it in a differ- ent book; for when his nephew began to keep the re- cord in 1739 he says that the record kept by his uncle has been copied from the old book into the new, and after giving the record kept by his uncle, he begins his own record. The record kept by the elder Gies- sendanner and most of that kept by the younger be- fore his trip to England for ordination was written in German, and the records here given for that period are from translated notes made by Dr. Bernheim, and others, for Mr. Lucas; and possibly some of them were made by Henry Giessendanner, as the papers appear to be of different ages, (some appeal' to be very old) and in different handwritings,* The parts, preserved and translated, of those rec- ords kept up to the time when the younger Giessen- danner went to England are very meagre and scatter- ing, but those kept after his return are very complete. It is doubtful if there was a church record-book kept in the Province at that time, that is as complete. The 3'ounger Giessendanner started to keep all of the records of marriages, births, and deaths in one book and divided the book equally into three parts and kept the marriages in the first part, the births in the second part and the deaths in the third part. His record before his departure for England only covered *I hnvo lu'iird tluit Dr. liMchiiiiiri traiislMtcd some (tf tlu' (u'rni:m I'words into Kiii>lisli tor Mr. Lm-as. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 93 a few pages in each part. After his return from Eng- land he continued with the record, but the record of one part usually took up more than its allotted space, so that he would have to run it over a few pages be- yond the record of the next part and continue it there- from. On this account it requires some patience to get the records straight. I give the record as nearly like the original as I can, with the style of spelling, punctuation and abbrevia- tions unchanged. The following is the imperfect translation of the incomplete record kept in German by Rev. John Ulrick Giessendanner, and by Rev. John Giessendanner l)efore his departure for England: "Catalogus Conjugatorum. "This Book contains the names of all those who were Married and Baptized by me in Orangeburgh in Public as well as in Private & herein accurately Re- "John Ulrick Giessendanner. "Minister." "Anno 1740. "This Book should be carefully preserved that those who may wish to know of their family may find it in the Book of Record." — John Giessendanner, the young- er. Then follows a quotation from Genesis 2 Chap. 18 v. "And the Lord said it is not good for man to be alone 1 will make a help meet for Him": then follows anothei' passage from 12S Psalm and another from Hebrews 13. 4. "Here follows a Register, or List of such persons as were married and joined together in matrimony by my predecessor cV: Uncle, deceased, and now in Heaven. This register is copied from the old Book into this new one — word for word accurately— as he wrote and kept it.** 94 THE HISTORY OF Anno -1737- jstiy. J have on 24 Oct|^ by request of Major Motte — & two Englishmen — who are Majors — and at their own Risk and Responsibility Married in the house of M^i' Price a widow — in the Village of Beystein — a Posses- sion of the English Crown. Joseph Russel to Mrs. Margaret Russel. Her maiden name was Price. The Major read the marriage service in English in my presence. 2^ 3 Novl Was publicly married & joined together in Matrimony Simon Sanger to Miss Barbara Strow- mann. 3 ^">' Nov. 15 I John Ulrick Oiessendanner got mar- ried — in presence of many witnesses — to my house keeper who for 26 years served in our house &: who from affection and to escape family troubles followed me over the ocean — & to prevent &■ obviate any cause offence or scandel I married her. privately. Major Motte read the marriage service. May Jesus unite us closely in love, as well as all faithful married people, and cleanse and unite us with himself. Amen. [4] 26Janyl73S Married— Jacob Pruncen to Miss Barbara Fusters Lawful daughter of Johannes Fusters. [5] 31 Jany 1738 Following Persons married Peter Grimmer to Dorothea Huber Lawful daughter of Jo- hannes Huber — In Zim merman ns Daughters house. [6] Elias Schnell — son of Henry Schnell to Anna Barbara Meyer — John Meyer daughter. [7] 24 Feby John Shaumloffel to Anna Maria widow of Nicolas Dirr. [8] 12 April. 1 have married in presence of English & (ilerman witnesses — after 3 times i)ublishing the Banns (t in presence of the congregation of our Church Christian Meyers — Johannes Meyers* Lawful son to Rebecca Young — William Youngs daughter fi-om Hol- land — Johannes Myers from Switzerhmd. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 95 No 9. John in Amelia Township, Miss Nessa Wolf. The foregoing is all of the elder Giessendanner's record that is given. The following is the younger Giessendanner's record : Anno 1740. Jay 1^ On New Year Day By 3 Public publishments of Banns, at 3 different Places — and after Service was over — The following got mari'ied that day — \i John Jacob Meyer a lawful son of Mr. Henry Meyer — To Miss Anna Bustrin. (Buser.) 21' Privately, Mr. Conrad Alder to Mrs. Anna Burgin, widow, in Her own House — Her former Husband was Henry Ricken baker — after the Banns hath been 3 times published. 3 — Privately in Her own house in presence of sever- al witnesses — Jacob Pier Hans Fridig and Jacob Kuhn — The following two persons were married — Mr. Benedict Kollerto Magdalina Springin — Mr. Johannes Springin's law^ful daughter. (4) 3 Jany that is on Thursday after 3 times publ. publicly in a large congregation. Banns, Mr. Richard- Horsfort & Miss Barbara Diedrick, that is Mr. John Diedrick's lawful daughter. (5) The 14 Jany. at sun set in Mr. Henry Schnell's house after 3 times publication in German; & once in English language Mr. Benjamin Carter in Amelia Township to Rebecca Murphy. (6) The 3^1 Feby. The following persons were after Pul)lication John Julius Tapp son of Christian Tapp to Anna B. Hergersperger widow — maiden name Kese- birnger. (7) (This entry is obliterated.) S. Thomas Joyner and Faithy Carse In Amelia. 9. Joseph Batford and Eugenia Carse in Amelia. 96 THE HISTORY OF 10, Lewis Men tier, and N. N. 11, Joseph Greiter to Susanna Shuler, 12, Mathias Keller to Maria Handshy. 13, Henry Rickenbacker to Anna Diel. 14, Jacob Wannaniaker to Susan Shuler. (16)* Anno 1740, Thursday 10, Decbr. married after usual publication, Hans in the Villagef to Magdalene Piercy maiden name Bush. (17) Jacob Wolf to Veronica Fluhbacker, widow, k daughter of Hans Domin. (18) (This entry is obliterated.) (19) January 12 on Tuesday, married Kilian Abeck- lin to Maria Schwartz. Witness, Hans Freydigs, &: Christian Schwartz, published 2 times, (20) Joseph Cuttier to Maria Sahly, Witness Hans Diedrick jun. Hans Freydig, Henry Wurtz, and Joseph Robison. }:Thursday 14, April married (after two times pub- lishing) private Joseph Hasforts, nickname Cooper.** (21) William Smith to Abigail Shannon, Witness Richard Hasford, Thos. Morys, James Merrimans, John Jennings etc. (22) Wednesday 1, July Married in Capt. Harn's house, John Hamelton to Catharine Myers, widow etc. (23) Anno 1741. Thursday 3 Septbr. in Mr. John Hearns, Esqr's house marriedft ("See book"):|:.'{; (24) Tuesdaj^ 19, Novbr. njarried privHt after once publishing (Jhrist. Schwartz to Elizabeth Fustei'in. widow, in presence of Kilinn Abecklin, John Fuster and 2 children. (25)/ Sunday 22 Decbr, private, once publish. Ed- *There wns no No. \F, in tlic liook. fTlie groom soenis not to have li:i(l :i siirntmn'. jXot niiinheivd, **Wonijin's iianR' not jiivcn. tt<)l>lit<'r!it('(l. ttTn Mr. Lucas's copy, now the ]iroi»crty of the Churcli of the RcdconuT, is the rest of this entry, as follows: "James I'endarvis to CatluTine Riunph witness .Tolin Hearn .John Pearson .lolm Haninielton .lolm l)ie. (11) On the Sunday 24 May was W_ Hans Henry Strauman Legit (diild of Mr. Henry Straiiman ^- Mrs. C'atharin Strauman formerly ^liss Horger in [n-esencc of Spon':. Mr. Simon Saenger. Verona Freydig. (12) On Sunday 31 May was Baptf- Johannes Wett- -•■()l>litcr:itc Margaretha lawful daughter of Louis Reichen & his wife Elizabeth (Witness) Jacob Giessendanner & Mrs Agues (xiessendanuer it Mrs Margaretha Row. Febry 8. At Mr. Thonias Jones's House. Thomas, son of Johu Jones, and Hannah his wife, Deceased, he was before lawfully baptized by private Baptism by at Stono was now only signed with the sign of the Cross (Witness) Eugenia Jones, & George Pou. Feby 3 1747 In the House of Ml Thomas Jones. Eugenia daughter of John Jones and Hannah his wife deceased. Goss. Joseph Jones, Patience Faure & Eu- genia Faure. Ditto. In Domo Predicti Thomas son of Peter and Ann Grieffous: Goss. John Jones Eugenia Jones and Thomas Jones. March \^ In the house of Mr Thomas Foi-t, Jcdm son of Leonhard and Sarah Warnedow Goss John Fitz Mrs Lammons and foi- w^ant of another the mother March Sill Frederick Son of dohn ».V Ann Wolf: Goss Henry Woortzer, Thomas Wolf Agnesia W. late widow of Lewis York deceased. Ditto Isham Peter Pi-ant. son of Thomas and Ann Maria Ebei-Jiard: (ioss: Peter Moorer dun'' Prancis Kooner and dgft Dorothea Weistine 1747 March 15!il Samuel, son oi Joseph and MargaiM^t Grietibus. (loss Mi(diael Christopher liow i^4(M- Hot- tow an book, and may not be concft as to dates. tTiiis is a di'taclifiJ iMitry, hut hcioiias hciv, cvidciitlN. 10() THE HISTORY OF Oct2 2 Johann Matthias Petri et Anna uxorsejiis Sponsors Henrick Wartzer Joseph Kreider Barhara Giessendanner and Agues Giessendanner Oct2 9- Baptized Johann Jacob Henreick and Catli- arina Strawmann uxoris ejus Sponsors Henrick Wartzer Michael Row Elizabeth Roth & Mnrgaretha Row This closes up the record kept by Rev. John Gies- sendanner before his departure for England. The fol- lowing list, made out in English in the handwriting of Rev. John Giessendanner, is recorded in the hook: and was doubtless made out by him shortly after he returned from England, as it is evident from the posi- tion it occupies in the book that it was njade out at an early day, as the recording preceeding it caught ui? with it; thus placing it in the midst of the record of births kept in English after his return from P^ngland, By comparing it with the translated i-ecord, already given, of the mairiages performed by Rev. John Gies- sendanner before his trip to England, it will be seen that it is made up from those records. It contains some marriages not given in the German record — probabl\^ because the pages containing the record (in German) of those particular marriages have been lost. At any rate this list, translated as it was by the Rev. John Giessendanner himself, is a valuable snpplenuMit to the translated record already given: A List of all those; w^io have been n.arye. To Su- sannah Ffepperditzel. Widow. 2 George Giessendanner -Inn-. To Agnes hiedricli. Widcm. 8 Jacob Wolf. 1740. KM'i Dec'.'.'' To \'t'roiiica Toninien. Widow. 4 Jacob Wolf- - - -To Appollonia Sliuler. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 107 5 Hans iiii Dorff 1740. 10^.^ Dec'."" To Magdalene Pier- en. widow. () .lacob Wannenniadier. . -To Catharina Shuler. 7 John Kitchin- . To Barbara Pfund. widow. 8 Samuel Davis To Salome Fuster. 9 Henry Felder 1747. Dec; 15. To Mary Elizabeth Shauniloftel 10 John Fairy 1743. Febr: 5^.1' To Ann Yssenhut. . . • U Christian Thwartz 1741. To Elizabeth Fuster. widow. Nov. 19tii 12 John Simmons- . . To Catherina Zorn, widow. 13 John Fuster- - • To Sirrah Hatcher. 14 John Cleaton - . - To Sirrah Fuster. widow. 15 James Pendarvis 1741..To Catherina Rumph. Sept!!.!- 34 16 John Pearson 1742... To Mary Raiford. April 25 V.'. 17 John Hammilton 1741.. To Catherina Myers. Widow. July l!^ IS Thomas Puckridge. . .To Catherina Pfund. 19 Jacob Roth . ■ • -To Catharina Ygly. widow. 20 George Gatz - • - To Ba rbara N. widow 21 Hans Jacob Strauman 1748. To Ann Margareth Shaumloffel July IS^l' 22 Hans Jacob Myer 1740. To Ann Buser. January l^K. .. 23 Hans Jacob Gyger. . To Margaret Shuler. widow 24 Jacob Horger. - To Lovisia Shaumloffel. 25 Peter Moorer Jun - - - To Margaret Larry. 26 Hans Giegelman . ■ - To Ann Elizabeth Shuler 27 John Jubb To Eve Catherine Shuler. 2S Antony Ernst- - • To Ann Barbara Gyger. 2V) Melchior Ott 1746/7. Febr. W± To Ann Barbara Zangin. 30 Henry Strauman 1740. Ai)ril l""} To Catharina Horger. 108 THE HISTORY OF 31. Christian York 1742. May IStji To Barbara Heym. 32. Joh: Julius Tapp 1740. Febr: 3^^ To Ann Barbara Hergersperger, widow. 33. Georg Adam Ernst. ---To Ann Barbara Tapp. widow. 34. Hans in Abnit 1742 Nov. 30tii To Margaret Nage- ly. 35. Henry Rickenbacher. .To Ann Diel. 36. Hans George Hessy 1742. ()<'t 12th To Catliarina Margaret Shuler. 37. Joseph Deramas . - To Ann Pt'uml. 38. Peter Grieffous. 1742. May 25lii To Anna Hottow. 39. Leonhard Warnedow . ■ - • To Sirrah Hottow. 40. Charles Hottow ... To Ann Tshndy 41. Benedict Koller 1740. Jany. l^t.-.To Magdalene Spring. 42. Michael Larry ... To Regula Koch. 43. Peter Hottow To Margaret Barbara Shuler. 44. Joseph Kreiiter. . . -To Susannah Shuler. 45. Andrew in Abnit- . • -To Mary Nilgely. 46. Conrad Alder 1740. January l«t . . To Ann Rick- enbacker. Widow. 47. Richard Hasfort 1740. Jany. 3'j To Barbara Died- rick. 48. Benjamin Carter 1740 -lany: 14','.' T<> Keberca Murphy, widow. 49. Thomas Joyner . To Faithy Carse. 50. Joseph Hatford ... To Eugenia (-a)se. 51. Lewis Montier . - To M. Biddys. 52. Matthias Keller ... To Mary Handshy. _ 53. Joseph Lyons. 1740/ 1. .lany: 4^'; To Susannah (irim. widow. 54. Joseph Lyons. 1741. Hec. 31 . . -To [Barbara - In the Presence of the Congregation in the Church of Orangeburgh. by Ditto: Jacob Stauber and Miss * of this Township. (6.) On Sunday, June 24*1'- In the Church of Orange- burgh in presence of the Congregation — By Banns: John Frederick Ot and Magdalene Wechter, late wife of George Wechter, deceased, both living in Amelia Township. (7.) On Thursday June 28^''- In the House of these married Person by Ditto: Casper Kuhn and Anna Barbara Ernst, late wife of Ceorge Adauj Ernst, of this Township, deceased; Being present: Valentine Yutzy, John Fritchman, John Friday Jnn'; etc. etc. (8.) On Wednesday, July 11^'- In tlie Church of Orangeburgh By Ditto: Kobeit Andrews of Saxa- Grotha Township, and Mary Carney of Amelia Town- ship, Being present: John McCord. Sam'l Bright. Robert Sea Wright etc. etc. (9.) On Thuimiay, July 19fi^- In y*' Church of Orange- burgh By Ditto: Joseph Markis and Ann Pickings, both living down this River: Being present: Joseph (iriffis, David Jackson. (10.) On Tuesday August 7*'' In the Churcii "o Ditto. By Ditto John Frederick Huber and Barbara Kreyter. both of this Township: Being present Martin Binsky. John Friday Sen'"- et Jun'- Henry Heyin. (11.) On Saturday, September 22'"'- In y*'Chni'chof Orangeburgh. By Banns. Miles Hiley and Elizabeth Weekly, widow of Thomas Weekly, of Amelia Town- ship, deceased. Being present: \A'illiani Cannnel. Wil- liam Coopei-. Caspar Ott. (12.) On Wednesday. October o'-«>- In the Cliurch 'o ■ NiUiu' oliIiterattMl. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 113 Ditto. By Ditto. William Heart of the Congrees & Sirrah Young of Edistoe Fork. Being present Adin Frogat. William Young etc. etc. (13.) On Thursday, December fith. In the Church of Orangeburgh. By Ditto: William Mecket & Ann Roth of this Township: Being present Henry Haym, George Giessendanner, Jun^ Charles Hottow etc. etc. (14.) On Monday, Dec. 24tii- in the Church of Orange- burgh, by Ditto: Henry Wetstine & Barbara, widow of Hans Ulrick Morff, deceased, both of this Township: Being present, Henry Haym, Caspar Kuhn, Peter Moorer, Junr. etc. etc. 1751 (15.) On Tuesday. February b^^^- at the house of Mrs. Mary Russell in Amelia, by Licence, John McCord of Saxa-Gotha & Sophinisba Russell of Amelia Town- ship, Being present Samuel Bright, Charles and John Russell. (16.) On Tuesday April 2"f^- In Orangeburgh Church By Banns Peter Murer, Jun^; To Magdalene Horguer; Both of this Township. Being present Valentine Yutzy, Samuel Suther. etc. (17.) On Tuesday April BO^ii- in Ditto. By Ditto. John Harresperger To Elizabeth Frichman, both of this Township. Being present Nicolas Shewler. Conrad Yutzy, Jacob Ott etc. etc. (18.) On Tuesday, May 28tii- In Ditto. By Ditto. Robert Lammon to Barbara, wddow of Jacob Brunzon. deceased. Both living upon Edistoe River. Being pres- ent Michael Christopher Rowe. Joseph Griffons, Sam- uel Davis. (19.) On Thursday September 5ti>- In Ditto. By Dit- to. James Lewis to Esther, widow of John Jones, late of Amelia Township. Deceased. Being present Robert (lossling. Christian Minnick, Michael Christopher Rowe. etc. etc. 114 THE HISTORY OF (20.) On Thursday, September 26th- In Orangeburgh Church, Freeman Snellgrove of Amelia Township to Ann Jenkins, widow, Being present: Miles Riley, John Fairy, Joseph Duke. 1752. (21.) On Sunday, February 2"d- In Ditto. By Ditto. Peter Roth to Agnes, late widow of George Gies- sendanner. Deceased. In presence of the Congrega- tion. (22.) On Sunday, February 23''^- In Ditto. By Ditto. Christopher Stehely to Elizabeth, widow of Christian Schwarz, Deceased. In piesence of the Congrega- tion. (23.) On Friday December 27^1'- 1751. In Ditto. By Ditto. Gotli6b Ebert to Anna Amacher. Being pres- ent: Henry Wartzer, Martin Binsky, Michael Larry, etc. (24.) On Tuesday, March Sl^'t- In Ditto. By Ditto. Emanuel Miller to Mary, widow of Andrew Inabnet, of this Township, Deceased. Being present: Henry Wartzer, Henry Ricken baker, etc. etc. (25.) On Tuesday June 9th. 1752. In Orangeburgh Church. By Banns: Henry Crummy to Magdalene Zorn; both of Orangeburgh Township. Being pres- ent: William Bari-ie, Henry Felder, Luke Patrick. (26.) On Tuesday, July 2nd. 1752. In Orangeburgh Church. By Banns: William Young of Edisto Fork to Mary Linder, below Orangeburgh Township: Being present: Michael Christopher Rowe, Johanes Wolfe. Lewis Linder. (27.) On Monday, July 13, In Am.elia at the house of Mr. William Martin: By Banns. Thomas Cryer and Elizabeth Powell; both of Amelia Township; Being present John McCord, Charles Kut^spll. William Thomp- son. (28.) On Tuesday -Inly 21st. in Oiangeburgh Church. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 115 By Banns. Jacob Kooner. Sen'; and Anna, late widow of Martin Tshudy. deceased, both of Oranj^eburgh Township. Being present: Henry Wartzer, In- derabnet, Ulrick Reber etc. etc. (29.) On Tnesday Septembei- 26th. in Orangebnrgh Cliurch. By Banns. John Nicolas Shuler to Verena Hoggin. (30.) John Heller to Esther Ott. (31.) John Frederick Ulmer to Mary Barbara Shu- ler; all of Orangeburg Township. Being present: John Miller, Henry Rickenbaker, Lewis Golsen, etc. (32.) On Tuesday October S''^^- In Orangeburgh Church. By Banns. John William Ley sath to Ursula Giessendanner, of this Township: Being present: Henry Wartzer, Jacob Ott, Peter Roth, etc. etc. (33.) On Tuesday December 19th. in Ditto. By Dit- to. Lewis Golsen to Elizabeth Stehely. (34.) Caspar 0th to Mary Stehely. All of Orange- burgh Township. Being present: Benedict Roller, Joseph Kryter, Henry Horger, Junr. (35.) On Tnesday December 26th. in Ditto. By Dit- to. Christopher Monheim to Catharine Fry; both late- ly arrived from Germany in Orangeburgh Township. Being present: John Shaumloffel, John Friday, Jun. Jacob Roth. 1753. (36.) On Sunday, March 25th. In Ditto. By Ditto. George Frederick Knobel to Elizabeth Fichter. both lately come into this Township from Germany: Being present: .Henr}^ Felder, Bai'nard Snell, Jacob Giessen- danner. (37.) On Tuesday, April KHi'- At the house of Moses Thompson. Esqr. In Anjelia. By Ditto. Thomas Bal- lew to Ann Cox. Being present: Moses and William Thompson. Thomas (\)urtonne. (3S.) On Thni-sday. Apiil 12"'- In Orangeburgh 116 THE HISTORY OF Church Miirryed by Banns. Greorge Jacob Kiirner to Ann Catliarina Larry wecht, widow, both lately arrived in this Province from Germany, Being present: Michael Christopher Rowe, III rick Raber. (39.) On Tuesday, April 24^1- In Ditto. By Banns. Henry Mell to Mary Catharina, widow of Isaac Hut- tow, late of Orangebui-gh Township, deceased. (40.) Bernard Zeigler to Anne Mary Wedlin, widow, both lately come in from Germany. Both couples in presence of John Amacher, Senr., Frederick Huber, John William Leysaht, etc. (41.) On Tuesday June 7^1'- In Ditto. James Eler- son to Elizabeth Elerson; both near Orangeburgh Township. Being present: Henry Crummy, Michael Larry, The Banns been' published at Orangeburgh May 27tii; et 3lst., June 3^1. (42.) On Tuesday September 4ti'. In Ditto. Joseph Huber to Elizabeth Horrmutt. (43.) John Valentin Kranick to Anna Mary Heck- ler. All of Orangeburgh Township. Being present: Lewis Golson, Martin Binsky, Lewis Kern, etc. (44.) On Tuesday September 27*^'- In Ditto. By Banns. Edward Brady to Rachael Whiteford of Ame- lia. Present: William Powell, John Burdell. etc. (45.) On Thursday at the house of John Eberly. Marry ed October llti^- By Banns. John Grossman to Margaret Stephen; both of Berke- ley County. Being present: Lewis Linder, John Eber- ly, etc. (46.) On Sunday. November 4t''- In Oratigeburgh Church. By Banns. Christopher Miller to Angelia Zeigler. widov^-. In presence of the (Congregation. 1754 (47.) On Tuesday, February 12"'- Joyni^l into the Holv State of matrimon\ at tiic house of Simon ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 117 Theiis, conimonly called Monk's Corner, in St. John's Parish, hy virtue of Licence derected to me, Simon Thens of the said Parish to Elizabeth Mackey of Ame- lia Township. Present: John Lloyd, Robert Rawlins, Clerk of the Crown, etc. etc. (4S.) On Tuesday, February W^^- In Orangeburgh Church. By Banns. Jacob Beck to Brigitta Smith, both of Amelia Township. Present: Christopher Rowe, John Friday, Senr. & Junr. (49.) On Sunday. March IQth- In Amelia. At the house of Charles Russell. By Banns. Christian Reich- art to Catharina Peterman; both of Amelia Township. In presence of the Congregation. (50.) On Thursday, March 14th. j^^ Orangeburgh Church. By Banns. Daniel Linder to Sarah Hill of Berkeley County. Present: James Tilly, Alexander McCord, John Burdell, etc., etc. (51.) On Monday, April 9th. j^^ Orangeburgh Church. Manyed By Banns. Henry Young of Edisto Fork to Ann Hill of Orangeburgh Township. Present: John Burdell, David Hall, etc., etc. (52.) On Sunday, May 12tii. In Amelia. By Banns. Benjamin Spurlock to Mary Elizabeth Smitzer, both of Amelia Township. Pi-esent: Moses Thompson, John Chevillette, John Lloyd, etc. (53.) On Tuesday, July 16*''. In Orangeburgh Church. By Banns. Conrad Yutzy to Magdalene Warner; both of Orangeburgh Township. Present: Henr}^ Snell. Senr. & Junr., Christopher Rowe, etc.. etc. (54.) On Tuesday, August 6th. |n Orangeburgh Church. By Banns. John Henry Shilling to Ann Mar- garet McLennen; both of Orangeburgh Township. Piesent: Henry Rickenbaker. Henry M<'11, Sam Su- ther. (55.) On Tuesday. August 2()ti>- In Ditto. liy Banns. James Tavlor to Elizabeth, late widow of William 118 THE IirSTORY OF Barrie; hotli of Orangeburgli Townshi}). I^reseiit: Henry Folder, Henry Crummy, etc., etc. (56.) Od Thursday, August'2'2 (Jcnnan Reformed jx'ople in the Carollnas, and w.ms pastor of the (JniU'ord cbarjic durinjj the Rev- olutionary war. Ml', Suther was a man of learning?, and an unconi- l)romisiii<,' patriot during;- the stru^-yU' for American freedom. His residence was a mile from the battle nrounr mentioned l)y (Ticssi-udanncr, and he probably sojourneil awhiU- in ()i-nugeburgli bdorc ncfiving his license to preach in this countrv. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 119 Banns. Jacob Ott to M.ivgaret Fichtuer, both of Orangelturgh Townsliii). I'reseiit: Henry Wartzer, Adam Snell, George Hessy, &c. &c. (59.) On Thursday. December 19th. In Ditto. By Banns. John Gibson to Margaret Fludd, both below Orangeburgh Township. Present: David Hall. (60.) On Sunday, December 22"d. In Ditto. By Banns. Jacob Dirr of Amelia and Eva Catharina Key- ser of Orangeburgh Township. Present: John Fred- erick Huber, & Henry Felder, &c. (61.) On Monday, December 23id- In Ditto. By Banns. John Joyner, Junr. to Naomy Bunch, both of Amelia Township. Present: Henry Snell, Senr., Chris- topher Rowe, etc. 1755. (62.) On Monday, February 17*^. In Ditto. By a Li- cence directed to me. Josiah Evans to Margaret Lar- kins, of Prince Frederick Parish. Present: James Tilly, Senr. & Junr. (68.) On Tuesday, February 18th- i^ Ditto. By Banns. Barnard Hertzog to Anne Mary, late widow of Warner Ulmer, of Orangeburgh Township. Pres- ent: Col: John Chevillette, Henry Wartzer, &c. (64.) On Thursday, August 14tii. at the house of Capt. John Lloyd in Amelia Township, Marryed^ — By Licence; William Thompson to Eugenia Russell, both of the Township aforesaid. Present: John M<'Cord, Edward Barwicke, &c. (65.) On Sunday, August 24^^. ii^ Orangeburgh Church. By Banns: John George Hayner to Eva Cathai'ina Barrin; both of Orangeburgli Township. Present: Jacob Giessendanner, Henry Felder, &c. (66.) On Monday, December 29^1'- In Ditto. By Dit- to. John Ofi.ll to Elizabeth Rice, both of the Salt- ketchers in Colleton C(»unty. Piesenl : Isham Clay- ton. Samnc] Pickings. &c. 120 THE HISTORY OF 175(1 (67.) On Tuesday, January 27^''- In Orangeburgh Church. By Ditto. .John Jacob Wymer to Anne Died- rick, both of Orangeburgh Township. Present: Sam- uel Suther, John Jennings. &c, (68.) On Monday, Fel)ruary 2"fi- In Ditto. By Dit- to. John Anding to Margaret, late widow of Rudolph Brunner, both living beh)w Orangeburgh Township in Berkly County. Present: Henry VVuitzer, Lewis bin- der, John Aberly, &c. (69.) On Sunday, February 15tii- hi Ditto. By Banns. James Clatworthy to Mary, Widow of Rush. Present: Joseph Wood, &c. The remainder of the marriage record kept by Rev. John Giessendanner is lost from the book, but several fragmentary records were entered b}^ later custodians of the book, as follows: "John Pou to Elizabeth Giessendanner Boath of Orangeburgh Township.'"'' ''Henry Giessendanner and Elizabeth Rumph Maryed the 25 Day of february 1767 '"Henry Gissendaner" "Henry Gissendanner (late uivt'ii. tSccoiid wilo — slii- was a widow. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 121 baptized per J. Giessendanner. V. D. M."; at the head of each of the forty-two pages containing the entries fi'OQi 9S to 422 is written, ''Register Book of Baptisms per Jn" Giessendanner. V. 1). M."; at the head of each of the four pages containing the entries from 423 to 482 is written, ''Register of Christenings by John Gies- sendanner. V. D. M.'*; and at the head of each of the remaining twenty-five pages containing the entries from 4S3 to 639 is written, "Register of Births & Chris- tenings by John Giessendanner V. D. M." The follow- ing is the baptismal record: A List of Children Baptized by me in the Church of Orangeburgh and in Sundry other places Since my re- turn from England according to the Liturgy of the Church of England and the forms prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer John Giessendanner Minister of the Church in and of Orangeburgh Township and Amelia Township- 1749-50. (10.)* On Sunday, March ISti^- 1749-50. Received publick Baptism in the Church of Orangeburgh Joseph, son of James and Marget Tilly; born . Goss: Joseph Robinson, Brand Pendarvis, and On Sunday, April 1st: (11.) Christian, son of John and Margaret Inabnet; born March the 17t'i- a. c. Susceptr. Hans Jacob Stroman, Henry Wetzstine, and Mrs Mary Inabnet. (12.) On Sunday, April S^h- in Amelia Township at the house of Mrs. Mary Russell: Charles, son of Wil- liam and Mary Elizabeth Heatly; born November 15tii- 1749. Susceptr: John McCord. (Uiarles Russell, Miss Sophia Russell. *Fr()iii 1 to 10 lost. 122 THE HISTORY OF Eodem Die eodemg Loco: (13.) Williani, son of William and Martha Evans; Seven months old. Susceptr. Freeman Snellgrove, and as no others could be got, the parents themselves. Eodem Die eodemg Loco: (14.) Pov^el, son of Ditto. Susceptr. Thomas Powel and the parents. Eodem Die et Loco: (15.) John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Barker; born October 2nd. 1749. Susceptr. Samuel Bright and the mother. Eodem Die et Loco: (16.) Josias, son of an unknown father and Mary Gibson; born June 20^ii- 1746. Susceptr. Hopert Gib- son. (17.) On Easter Monday, April 16th- 1750, Received public baptism in the Church of Orangeburgh, Ann Appollonia, daughter of Jacob and Ann Appollonia Wolf; born March lO^-h. a. c. Susceptr. Nicolas Shu- ler. Mrs. Barbara Jennings, Ann Elizabeth Giegelman. Eodem Die et Loco. (18.) Margaret, daughtei' of Nicolas and Regula Larry; born March 27^1'- a. c. Susceptr. John Jen- nings, Mary Regina Philippina Yutzy, Catharina Kuh- nen. (19.) At the Congrees in the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Haig on Saturday May 19^^. Edward, son of Edward and Obedience McGrae; born August 5^^. 1746. Sus- ceptr. Thomas McFashon, Herman Gygei", Isabel Potts. Eodem Loco. (20.) Sunday May 20t'>- Naoniy, daughter of Nico- las and Naomy Fritz; born March W^^- 1748. Susceptr. Solomon Holmes, Sirah Snclling. no more. Eodem Die et IjOco. (2D Elizabeth, daughtei* of the parents aforesaid: ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 123 born March 19t'i- 1744. Susceptr. Henry Snelling, and the mother of the baptized, no more. Eodem Die et Loco. (22.) Grace, daughter of Hugh and Mary Murphy; born May 10ti>- 1749. Susceptr. Henry Snelling, Sirah Snelling, Ann Ginnoway. (23.) At the Congrees in the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Haig on Sunday, May 20th. 1750, Gabriel, son of An- drew and Rebecca Clements; born December 25tii- 1749. Susceptr. Marget Reece, no more. Eodem Die et Loco. (24.) Sirah, daughter of Thomas and Ann Cheavy; born April 23rd. a. c. Susceptr. Solomon Holmes, Elizabeth Good and the mother. In the Church of Orangeburgh. (25.) On Whit Sunday June 3'-d-, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary Grieffous; born April 12^^. a. c. Sus- ceptr. Adin Frogat, Mrs. Maria Catharina Ottow, Mrs. Ann Grieffous. Eodem Die et Loco. (26.) Ann, daughter of John and Barbara Potts; born May St^- a. c. Susceptr. Isaac Ottow, Mrs. Ann Ottow, Elizabeth Tshudy. (27.) On Sunday, June lOth- In Amelia Township at the house of Mrs. Mary Russell; Mary, daughter of James and Elizabeth Carter; born 4th. January 1749. Susceptr. Henry and Mary Carter, Elizabeth Tate. Eodem Die et Loco. (28.) Mary, daughter of John and Esther Jones; born 20tJ»- October 1748. Susceptr. Conrad and Mary Hahnan, Elizabeth Lap. Eodem Die et Loco. (29.) Margaret, daughter of William and Rebecca Hickie; born 19^1'- November 1747. Susceptr. Robert Gossling, Esther Jones and Mary Whitford. 124 THE HISTORY OF (30.) In Amelia Township at the house of Mrs. Mary Russell, on Sunday, June 10*^- 1750; John, son of Henry and Mary Carter; born in December 1747. Susceptr. James Carter, James Barker and Elizabeth Carter. Eodem Die et Loco. (81.) Margaret, daughter of John and Mary Sulli- vant; born 15^^. June 1749. Susceptr. William Evans, Martha Evans, and Mary Sullivan t. Eodem Die et Loco. (32.) Winified and Martha, daughters of Thomas and Sarah Powel. (33.) Winifred born in May 1747, Martha born in April 1750. Susceptr. for both: James Carter, Mar- tha Evans and Sarah Powel, In the Church of Orangeburgh. (34.) On Sunday June 17tii. David, son of David and Ann Rumph; born April 1st. a. c. Susceptr. Jacob Rumph, William Bear}^ Barbara, wife of John Jennings. Eodem Die et Loco. (35.) Elizabeth, daughter of Adam and Margaret Snell; born March lOt'i- a. c. Susceptr. John Fritch- man, Lovisa, wife of Jacob Horger, and Magdaline Werner. Ibidem. (36.) On Sunday July Ist. Johannes, son of Abraham and Mary Issenhut; born May 31st. a. c, Susceptr. Peter Hug, John Tnabnet. Agnes, w^fe of George Giessendanner, Junr. In the Church of Orangeburgh. (37.) On Sunday, July 1st. Ann, daughter of Seth and Susannah Hatcher; boi-n April 24th- a c. Susceptr. Michael and Regnla Larry. Anna Angelia, wife of I^lrich Raber, (38.) In Amelia at the housp of Mrs. Mary Russell. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 125 On Sunday July 8*^. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Gossling; born Febi'uary 1st. 1745. Sus- ceptr. William Evans. Elizal)eth, wife of Thomas Bar- ber, and Elizabeth, widow ot Thomas Weekly. Eodem Die et Loco. (39.) George, son of Robert and Elizabeth Gossling aforesaid; born May 13^^. a. c. Susceptr. Moses Thomp- son, Thomas Powel, and Mary, wife of Robert Whitford. (40.) On Sunday, August W^^- In the Church of Orangeburgh. Leonard, son of Leonard and Sirrah Warnedow; born January 15ti>- 1749/50. Susceptr. Isaac Hottow, William Cooper, and Sirrah his wife. Eodem Die et Loco. (41.) Sirrah, daughter of John and Sirrah Clayton; born April 30^ii- a. c. Susceptr. William Pendarvis, Sirrah, wife of W^illiam Cooper, and Mary, wife of Da- vid Rum ph. Eodem Die et Loco. (42.) Johannes, son of Henry and Ann Rickenback- er, born . Susceptr. John Inabinet, John Harrisperger, and Catharina Diel. In the Church of Orangeburgh. (43.) On Sunday, September 16^^- Anna, daughter of Jacob and Anna Rumph; born August 26th- ^ q Susceptr. George Giessendanner, Junr., Mary, wife of Hans Balsiger and Anna, wife of Joseph Robinson. Eodem Loco. (44.) On Sunday September 30th. Maria, daughter of Andrew and Mary Inabnet; born July 27th- a q Susceptr. Caspar Negely, Maria Stehe- ly and Anna Amacher. Eodem Loco. (45.) On Sunday. October 2Sth. Isaac, son of Jacob and Barbara Brunzon; born . Susceptr. Abraham Yssenhut. Samuel Davis, and — wife of Elias Snell. 126 THE HISTORY OF Eodem Die et Loco. (46.) William, son of Joseph and Margaret Cooper; born September IS^h. a. c. Susceptr. William Cooper and Sirrah, his wife, and John Wolf. (47.) On Sunday November llt'i- At the house of Mrs. Russell in Amelia Township, Thomas, son of Peter and Mary Oliver; born in October last. Sus- ceptr. Robert and Mary Whitford, Joseph Ferstner. (48.) Also: John, son of John and Regania Tittleby; born in October last. Susceptr. David Merkly, Joseph Ferstner, Mary Ann, wife of Conrad Halmann. (49.) In the Church of Orangeburgh. On Sunday, November 18th- John, son of Luke and Mary Patrick of Edistoe Fork; born October 20th. a. e. Susceptr. William Barry, Jacob Rumph, and Ann, his wife. Eodem Die et Loco. (50.) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Catharina Puckridge; born September 21st. a. c. Susceptr. Wil- liam Barry, Ann, wife of Henry Ricken backer, and Ann, wife of John Deramus. Eodem Loco. (51.) On Sunday, November 25th. George, son of Jacob and Barbara Bowmann; born September 15th. y c. Susceptr. George Giessendanner, Junr., Jacob Rumph and Ann, his wife. Eodem Loco. (52.) On Sunday, December 2nd, Hans George, son of John and Susannah P'rydie; born November 29th. a. c. Susceptr. John Inabnet, George Giessendanner, Senr., and Anna Angelia, wife of Virich Rebei-. Eodem Loco. (53.) On Sunday, December lO'h. Cathaiina, daugh- ter of Henry and Catharina Strowman; born Novem- ber a. c. Susceptr. Jacob Giegelman. Ann Elizabeth, wife of John Ciegelman, and Ann. wift' of Henry Hicken backer. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 127 Eodem Die et Loco. (54.) Ann Margaret, daughter of Peter and Ann Griffons; born October 14fi^- a. c. Susceptr. Joseph Griffons and* 1751. (55.) In the Church of Orangeburgh. On Sunday, January 20^1^- Hans Heinrich, son of Joseph and Ann Koch; born November 2Stii- last. Susceptr. Henry Wetstine, Hans Negely and Regula, wife of Michael Larry. Eodem Die et Loco. (56.) Isaac, son of Peter and Margaret Barbara Hot- tow; born December 4th. last. Susceptr. Isaac Hot- tow, Charles Hottow and Ann Margaret, wife of George Shuler. (57.) On Sunday. January 27^1^- Abraham, son of Johnathan and Martha Brunson; born March 26th. 1749. Susceptr. Isaac Gleaton, Abraham Yssenhut, and Sirrah Hard man. (58.) On Sunday, February 3rd. Eva Maria, daugh- ter of Werner and Anna Maria ITlmer; born Decem- ber 2Sth. last. Susceptr. Hans George Shuler, Senr., Anna Maria, wife of John Shaumloffel, and Esther Ott. (59.) On Sunday, February 17^^- William, son of John and Eva Catharina Jubb; born December 19th- last. Susceptr. Abraham Hasfort, William Pendar- vis, Anna Elizabeth, wife of John Giegelman. (70.)f On Sunday, June 2nd. In Orangeburgh Church. Thomas, son of Joseph and Margaret Duke;' born 4th. September last. Susceptr. David Rumph, Ulrich Roth. Sertina, wife of Brand Pendarvis. (71.) On Monday, June 17th. John Ulrich, son of Peter and Ann Roth; born 12th. ^f this instant. Sus- *Other names obliterated. tFroni (»0 to ()9, inclusive, lost from the book. 128 THE HISTORY OF ceptr, John Giessendanner, George Giessendanner, Junr., Elizabeth Roth, widow. ' On Sunday, June 30f'>- In Ditto. (72.) Rachel, daughter of John and Rachel Brun- zon; born December 1746. Susceptr. Joseph Couture, Mary, his wife, Ann, wife of Joseph Griffith. Eodeni Die et Loco. (73.) Alexander, son of John and Rachel Brnnzon; born in March 1749. Susceptr. Joseph Griffith and Ann, his wife, and John Elders. Eodem Die et Loco. (74.) Sirrah, daughter of John and Rachel Brunzon; born in January last. Susceptr. William Pendarvis. Ann, wife of Joseph Griffith, Mary, wife of Joseph Couture. (75.) On Sunday, July 14th. In Amelia Township. Catharina, daughter of John and Mary Morrison; born the 13th- May last. Susceptr. William Thompson. Rebeccah Thompson, Eugenia Russell. (76.) On Sunday, September Sth. In Amelia Town- ship. James William, son of William and Mary Eliza- beth Heatly; born July 27tii. last. Susceptr. John Russell, William Thompson, Eugenia Russell. Eodem Die et Loco. (77.) John Henry, son of Joseph and Mary Eestner; born in August last. Susceptr. Nicolas Durr, Henry Whetstone, Eleanor, wife of John Whetstone. Eodem Die. (78.) William, son of Garret and Agnesia Fitz Pat- rick; born March 27*''- last. Susceptr. Robert Rogers, John Fouquett, and Ann Mary, his wife. (79.) On Sunday, September 15th- Jn Orangeburgh Church. Peter, son of Johannes and Elizabeth Wolf; born August 2Stli. last. Susceptr. John Giessendan- ner, Hans Imdortf, and Magdalena, his wife. Eodem Die et Loco. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 129 (SO.) Maiy. daughter of Gavin and Margaret Pon; boi-n August 8rd. last. Susceptr. Lucas Wolf, Eliza- beth, wife of Phili[) Jennings, and Margaret, wife of Joseph Cooper. (81.) On Sunday, (3ctoher 27th. 1751. In Orange- burgh Church, dohn, son of David and Mary Jackson; born October 4^''. curr. Susceptr. Peter and Joseph Griffith, Maria Catharina, wife of Isaac Hottow. (82.) On Sunday, November 3rd. In Ditto. Hans Henry, son of William and Anna Meekel; born Octo- ber 3i"*^ last. Susceptr. Uliich Roth, Henry Hayni and Barbara, his wife. Eodem Die et Loco. (83.) Hans Ulrick. son of Felix and Margaret Morff; born April lO^'i- last. Susceptr. John Giessendanner, John Heller, Margaret, wife of Peter Larry. Eodem Die et Loco. (84,) Margaret, daughter of Barnard and Susanna Elizabeth Shnell; born May 15^'i- last. Susceptr. Ja- cob Roth. Barbara, wife of Henry Haym, and Marga- ret, wife of Adam Shnell. ^ (85.) On Sunday, December 1st. Samuel, son of John and Margaret Inabnet; born October 24th- jj^yt. Susceptr. Samuel Suther, John Friday, Junr., Mary, wife of John Balziger. Eodem Die et Loco. (86.) Maria, daughter of Michael Christopher and Margaret Rowe; born October 25t'i- last. Susceptr. John and Barbara Giessendanner, Isaac Hottow, Su- sanna Barbara (liessendanner. (87.) On Sunday December 15- 1752. Susceptr. David and Rosina Markly, Ann Mary Festner. Eodem Die et Loco. (92.) Charles, son of John and Sophianisba McCord: born November 7^*^ 1751. Susceptr. Charles Russell. John and Rachel Lloyd. (98.) On Sunday, January 12<''- In Amelia. Rachel Elizabeth, daughter of John and Rachel Lloyd; born October 9tii- 1751. Susceptr. Charles Russell, Eugenia Russell, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Wil- liam Heatly. On Sunday, February 2nd. In Orangeburgh Church. (94.) Johann Nicolas, son of Hans Ceorge and Cath- arina Hessy: born* Susceptr. John Heller, Nicolas Shuler, Margaret, wife of (Uiristopher Howe. (95.) On Sunday, February 28rd. Rebekar. daughter of Samuel and Willoughby Fox: born September llti>- 1751. Susceptr. John Bni-dell. Mary Fox, Elizabeth, wife of William Barrie. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 131 On Siuidny. March St'i- In Amelia. (9().) John, son of Joseph and Miles Joyner; boin the 15^'» of July 1750. Susceptr. John Russell Joseph Jackson, and Mary Jackson. On Sunday, March lo^ii. In Orangeburgh Church. (97.) Sarah, daughter of Leonard and Sarah Warne- dow; Ix^rn* Susceptr.f (9S.) April I3f''- Baptized. Catharina, daughter of Joseph and Anne Deranius; horn 12f'i- of February last. Susceptr. William Bonnell, Barbara Pund. widow, and Catharina. wife of Thomas Prickridge. (99.) On Sunday, April 26tii- In Orangeburgh Church. Benjamin, son of Brand and Sertina Pendaivis: born February 9th last. Susceptr. Gavin Pou, Samuel Suther, Sarah, wife of William Cooper. (100.) On Sunday May lO^''- In Amelia. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Barker; born March 17- last. Susceptr. John Russell, Elizabeth, wife of Miles Riley, and Mary Camniel. On Sunday May 17t'»- In Amelia Church. (101.) Maria Catharina, daughter of Martin Stoud- enmeyer and Anna, his wife; born February Sti>- last. Susceptr. Fi-ederick Huber, Mary Catharina. wife of Elias Snell, and Maria Catharina, wife of Isaac Hot- tow. (102.) On Sunday, June 21st. In Ditto. Johannes, son of Adam and Margaret Snell; born March the 2Sti>- i^igt" vSusceptr. John Harrisperger. Henry and Mary Elizabeth Felder. June 21st. Baptized in Orangeburgh Church. (103.) Johannes, Son of Richard ».^' Mary Busk; Born May 2^ last; Suscept.'". David linni])li. Brand Pendarvis. and Ser- tina. his wife ■ • ■ *No date yiven. tN<»i"<' .uivni. 132 THE HISTORY OF (104.) On Sunday June 2Sth hi Ditto. James. Son of John «S: Christina Fairy; Born Dec'; 29t[» 1751. Suscepti; Joseph Griffith, Seth Hatchen Christina Fairy. (105.) On Sunday July 12^}} In Amelia at the House of Mary Russell. John, Son of Morris & Phibbe OHearn; Born March 17th. 1752. Suscepti;. Caspar Brown, John Elders Sen. Mary, wife of Con- rad Holman. Eodem Die et Loco. (106.) Priscilla, Daughter of Thomas & Frances Cur- tis; Born Septembr 23^? 1751. Suscepfi; William Thompson, Ann Cox, & Phible. wife of Morris OHearn (107.) On Monday July 13tA' In Amelia at the House of William Martin. Samuel, Son of Thomas & Faithful Joyner; born January 13'.'.^ 1752. Suscept*; John Gardner, James Cape, Agnes Joyner. Eodem Die et Loco. (108.) Elizabeth, Daughter of Thomas & Faithful Joyner; born Sept»; 17^^ 1749. Suscept'; James Cape, Agnes Joyner, Elizabeth Frances. (109.) July 13th Baptized. In Amelia at the House of William Martin. Mary, Daughter of Paul & Naomi Bunch; born July 71th. 1750. and (110.) Elizabeth, their Daughter: born April 17fh 1752. Suscept'; for both: Joseph Joyner, Winifred Joyner, Mary Bunch. (111.) On Sunday July 26th In Orangeburgh Church. Mary=Elizabeth, Daughter of Jacob A: Ann-Apolloni;i Wolf; born May 29th 1752. Suscepf; John (leorge Hessy, Ann Diedrick. Ann Wolf. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 138 Eodem Die et Loco. (112.) Elizabeth. Daughter of William & Bellinder Booth; born July (>t[i. 1752. Suscepf; Henry Felder. Mary, wife of Joseph Grif- fice, Magdalene Werner. (113.) On Sunday August 2- 1752. Susceptr. William Barrie. William Coopei-. and Margaret, wife of Chris- topher Rowe. On Christmas Day. December 25fi'- (134.) Henry, son of Peter and Margaret liarbara Hottow. l)orn 175 — . Susce[)tr. Henry Sally. Junr.. Isaac Hottow. Susannah Vcmn, "Xcxt iiMUic l iterated. 136 THE HISTORY OF 1753. (135.) On Sunday, February 4th. Johann. Caspar, son of John Caspar and Anna Barbara Mintz; born January 2(i»ti>- 1753. Susceptr. John Friday, Seiir:, John Friday, Junr.. and Susannah, his wife. Eodem Die et Loco. ( 136.) Margaret. Daughtei- of Gottlieb & Anne Eljei't; l)orn January 21st. 1753. Suscept^;. John Aniacher Juni'-, Margaret, wife of Peter Larry. «t Margaret, wife of Ulrick Stereky. On Sunday February I U.',' In Amelia. (137.) Catharina. .Margaret. Daughter of Thomas A: Margaret Cronimelich; born Feb£ d^}} 1753. Suscept^' Mathew & Margaret Sreferet, & Catharine Ax. On Sunday, Feb": \S^}} In Orangel)urgh Church. (138.) Isaac and Jacob, Twins. Sons of Abraham &■ Mary Yssenhut; born Decern l)|; 2()t^ 1752. Suscepf; for Isaac: Henry & Mary., Elizabeth Felder, and Hans Balziger. (139.) SusceptJ; for Jacob: Jacob Rumph, Joseph Duke, iV: Mary, wife of Hans Balziger. On Sunday February \^^}} 1753. In Orang: Church. (140.) Catharina, Daughter of John & Catharina Miller; born January 3*? 1753. Suscept^ John Giessen- danner, Verena, wife of Henry Wurtzer and Elizabeth, wife of John Harrisperger. Eodem Die et Loco. (141.) Theodor, Son of Nicolas & Mary Dirr: born January 20tji 1753. Snscept/ Theodoris Fichtner, Adam Snell, & Barbara, wife of Henry Snell Sen'; Eodem Die et Loco. (142.) John, Son of Emanuel .^' Mary Miller; l)orn January 15tji 1753, SusceptL John Inabnet. John Har- risperger, & Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Suthcr. On Sunday February 25f'.> In Ditto. (143.) Christian, Son of liarnard *.V: Susannah-. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 137 Elizabeth Snell; born Dec.'; 20ti' 1752. Suscept.r Mi- (.'hael Christopher Row, John Anding. & Elizabeth, wife ottSamuel Sntlier. Eodem Die et Loco. (144.) Joseph, son of Robert and Frances Ellison; !)orn .lanuary S^JJ 1753. Suscept>; Jacob GJiessendan- oer, Martin Sally, 1753. • SusceptL Henry Mill: Jacob Tshudy, Margaret McLannon. (163.) On Sunday June 17^.';. . . In xAmelia. Mary. .Ann, Daughter of Conrad ct Mary. .Ann Hal- man; born May 14t'.\ 1753. SusceptI Caspar Brown. Maria, wife of Joseph Fest- ner, and Kegina. wife of John Willis (164.) On Sunday June 14^.'.'. In Orangeburgh Church. Jolm. Son of John «t Elizabeth Burdell: born March \7\\\ 1753. Suscei)t^ Chri.st()i)her Kow, Jn*» William Leysaht. it Margaret, wife of CliristV Ivow. (1()5.) On Sunday July S'.i'. in Amelia. Marv. Dauiihter of Jolin ct Aiiues (Ji-ilfen: born 140 THE HISTORY OF April 218^. 1753. Susceptl" Caspar Brown, Brigitta Smith, & Mary, wife of Martin Poutchmouth. (166.) On Sunday Jnly 2^)^}} In Orangeburgh Church. William, Son of William & Mary Yoang; Born May 19th. 1753. Susceptr John Giessendanner, Lewis Lin- der, & Mary.. Magdalene, his wife. (167.) On Sunday August 12th. !„ Amelia. Mary.. Margaret, Daughter of Matthew & Margaret Sigfritt; born June W^± 1758. Susceptl Thomas Gum- ble, Margaret & Mary. .Ann Sigfritt. (168.) Baptized In Orangeb';. Church. On Sunday August 19Hl- • - ■ Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry & Ann Rickenbacher: born July 3l)lit('r;ite(l. J 42 THE HISTORY OF (180.) On Sunday Novembi: 25U> Elizabeth, Dangbter of John & Barbara Piatt: born October 28^.1' 1753 SusceptH Ulrick Koth, Ann. wife of William Meckel, & Ann, wife of Peter Griffith. On Sunday December ^^]} In Amelia. (181.) Lydia, Daughter of Thomas & Elizabetli Cry- er; born May 2 1754. Suscept^ John Giessendanner, Christopher Row, & Ver- ena, wife of Henry Wurtzer. Eodem Die et Loco. (198.) Catharina=Barbara, Daughter of Stephen t^' Mary.. Ann Whitman; born FebL3' In Orageburgh Church. Hans=Emanuel, Son of John^^Martin and Ann,,Margai"et Hossleiter: born March istii 1754. Sus- ■■^This wiiolc entry luis Ix'cii crMscd from tiic liook, or else \v:is lu'vcr jmt in. 146 THE HISTORY OF cept= Emanuel Miller, John& Elizabeth Harrisperger. (210.) On Easteiv.Snnday April 14tji Baptized. In Orangeburgh Church. George^^Adam, Son of John, ^Frederick & Mary.^Bar- bara Ulmer; born March 20^'' 1754. Suscepti" Nicolas Shuler, George Hessy, & Julianna, wife of Henry Snell Jun. Eodem Die et Loco: (211.) Mary,,Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Eliza- beth Waber; born March 24»i» 1754. Suscep= Nicolas Waber Jun, Anna^^Maria, wife of Nicolas Waber, Sen^^ & Eve,,Elizabeth Hertzog/ Eodem Die et Loco: (212.) Mary ^.Elizabeth. Daughter of Jacob & Anna Bress; born March 1?^ 1754-. Suscept Hans=George Rintz, Aun^^Mary, wife of Bern hard Ziegler, & Eliza- beth Myer Eodem Die et Loco: (213.) Anna^^Catharina, Daughter of George & Cath- arina Ulrick; born January 26f'M 754. Suscep= Ulrick & Angelia Raber, & Anna^A'^tharina, wife of George,^ Jacob Kurner. (214.) On Tuesday April 23'j . . In Charles Town. At the House of Jnf> Frederick Shroder. Christina.^Dorothea, Daughter of the s*^ Jn<| Fred- erick & Dorothea Shroder; born April 13ti> 1754. Sus- cep= John Kelly, Christina, wife of Christopher Nuffer, & Margaret, wife of John Kelly. (215.) Baptized: At the House of Thomas Pendar- vis near the Four Holes. On Friday April 26ti' David^.Frederick, Son of John & Ann^^Margaret Windlee; born February IS^'i 1754. Suscepf David Rumpli, Hannah, wife of Thomas Pendarvis, it Eodem Die et Loco: (21().) Sarah, Daughtei- of David A: Mary Rumph: ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 147 born May 7*^ 1753, Susf-epf Abraham Penclarvis & An n^, Margaret, wife of John Windlee. (217.) On Sunday May 5f'> In Orangeburgh Church. Regina, Daughter of Michael & Regula Larry; born March I8f'» 1754. Suscepf Ulrick Roth, Susannah, wife of John Friday Jnn= & Ann. wife of Joseph Dera- mus. (218.) On Sunday May 12^'^ - - In Amelia. Mary, Daughter of John & Mary Morrisson; born Novembf; 3 . .in Amelia,, Benjamin. Son of Henry «t Mary Carter: born April 148 THE HISTORY OF 13th 1754. Suscepf Alexander Tate, Robert Carter, k Mary, widow of Robert Whitford. Eodem Die let, Loco: (225.) Robert, Son of Thomas Hails & Eleanor, his wile deceas'd; born Octob"; 28^'' 1758: Suscepf Alex- ander Tate, William & Elizabeth McNirols. (22(1) Baptized In Amelia. On Sunday June 9t|i Margaret, Daughter of Alexander & Isabel 1 Tate: born Septemb'" 26ti^ 1753. Suscep= Henry Carter. Catharina M^Nieols, & Elizabeth Vanoe= (227.) On Sunday July l^]} In Orangeburgh Church. Jacob, Son of Hans^/xeorge & Catharina Hessy; born June 15^1' 1754. Suscepf;. Jacob Rumph, John Heller & Mary^^Barbara, wife of Frederick Ulmer. (228.) On Sunday July 14ti'. In Amelia at the House of Capt. William Heatly administered public Baptism to Harry, a negro^^Child, belonging to Timothy Dari- gan. (229.) Thomas, belonging to (230.) Robert, belonging to Suscep: for the Three: Timothy Darigan, Thomas, a Baptized Negro, belonging to the s*? Timothy Dari- gan, Nancy, a baptized negro.^woman, belong, to Nelly, a Ditto belong, to (231.) On Sunday July 28<^'i In Orangeburgh Church. John. Son of Heni-y & Catharina Strowmann: born July 7t'> 1754: Suscept'" John Ciessendanner. John Ott, & Barbara Egly. (232.) On Sunday August 25t'« . . . In Ditto. Samuel, Son of Leon hard & Sarah Warnedow: born Feb*" 15ti» 1754. Suscep- Jacob Koonen, Isaac Hot- tow, & Ann, wife of Peter (iritfice. (233.) Baptized ... In Orangeburgh Church. (Jn Sunday Septeml)'" 1^^ Ann=Margaret. Daughter of Llias (Jc Mary=Catharina ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 149 Snell; born August 18*'' 1754. Suseepf: John Fritch- man, A nn,^ Margaret wife of George Shuler Sen, & Mary,3I^i'K^»i"Pt Shnyder, in the Room of Barbara, wife of Henry Snell Sen= (234.) On Sunday Septemb^ 22tii Ulrick, Son of Henry & Elizabeth Stareky; born 1754. Suscep= Peter Larry, Ulrick Stareky Jun^^ & Anna Hug. (255.) On Sunday Decemb'' 29th .... in Ditto. Benjamin, Son of Joseph jt Martha Wood; born Oc- tob'' 14th 1754. Suscep= Ulrick : Mary,, Elizabeth, wife of Henry Felder. (325.) Baptized. . . In Orangelnirgh Church On Sunday March 21^t Elizabeth^ Barbara, Daughter of Lewis H: Cathariuji., Elizabeth Kern: born Februarv 17f'> 1756. John ».^' ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 161 Elizabeth Waber, & Barbara, wife of Jn^ Frederick Hnber Eodein Die et Loco: (326.) Mary.,Cathariiia. Daughter of Stephen & Mary.. Ann Whitman; born February 9t'.' 1756. Suret^ Hans., George & Mary,,Catharina Usman, & Magdalene Usman ........ (327.) On Sunday March 28tJ> In Orangeb,, Church George. Son of James & Margaret Tilly; born No- venibf; 28^1^ 1755. Suscep,, Jacob Giessendanner, George Shuler, & Margaret Barr. • . - (328.) On Easter.,Sunday April 1811l.. In Orang,, Church Jacob, Son of Jacob & Anne Whideman; born March 22^' 1756. Suret,, Ulrick Booser, Jacob Annis, & Anne, .Margaret Whetstone Eodem Die et Loco: (329.) Hans.. Peter, Son of Andrew & Margaret Fred- erick; born March 16^11 1756. Suret,, Jn^ Peter & Mag- dalene Sondel, & Jacob Kearn Eodem Die et Loco: (330.) Mary„Elizabeth, Daughter of Barnard & Mary„Apollonia Lebennder; born January 14yi 1756. Suret,, Henry & Mary„Elizabeth Felder, & Margaret, wife of Andrew Frederick Baptized . • • • In Orangeb,, Church (331.) On Easter,.Sunday April m?. Nicholas, Son of George & Catharina Uhick; born February 26ti» 1756. Suret,. Rudolff Harrisperger. Nicholas Zorn, & Catharina. wife of John Simmons. (332.) On Easter,.Monday April 19ti' In Ditto Paul, Son of Lewis & Frances Patrick; l)()rn March 2 In Orangeb.. Church Jonathan, Son of Joseph & Martha Wood: born July WJl 1756. Suscep,, Luke Patrick. Lewis Patrick. & Susannah,. Barbara Giessendanner. (347.) On Sunday Septemb'' 12^11 In Amelia William. Son of William & Rachel Hickie; born Septemby \{)[\^ 1754. Suret., Thomas Bamrick. Cas- par Brown & Rachel Gant (348.) On Saturday Septemb'' bsV.' .. Administered private Baptism at my own House to Alexander. Son of John &• Judith Tennison: born July 22iller . . . ■ (350.) On Sunday September 26^.1' In Orangeb,, Church Thomas, Son of Leon hard k Sarah Warne- dow; born 12i'' May 175(). Suret., Jacob Hottow, Abraham llasfort & Margaret, wife of Joseph Grif- fice ... (351.) Baptized.. In Orangeburgh ('hurch On Sunday Septenjber 26 d' • • Mary,,Catharina, Daughter of Frederick & Elizabeth Strubel; born August 15. 1756. Suret., Lewis & Cath- arina,. Elizabeth Kern, & Anne Mary, wife of Nicolas WaberSen... (352.) On Sunday October 3 J| In Orangeb,. Church — Anne,.Catharina, Daughter of Henry & Anne Rick- enbacker; boin August lO^.l' 1756. Suret. Ni(diolas Dill, Barbara, wife of John Jennings, & Anne, wife of John Caspar Stereky. (353.) On Sunday October 24"i. . In Orangeb,, Church Hannah, Daughter of Nicholas Waber Jun„ and Maria„Barbara, his wife; born 24th September 1756. Suret,, John & Elizabeth Waber, & Elizabeth, wife of Frederick Strubel (354.) On Sunday Octobr 31^^ In Orangeb., Church Margaret, Daughter of Philip & Elizabeth Jennitigs: born October 9^11 1756. Suret,. John & Barbara Jen- nings, & Susannah,, Barbara Giessendanner. Eodem Die et Loco: (355.) Ilachel. Daughter of .Joseph & Margaret Cooper; born August 14th 175(>. Suret. Abraliam Has- fort, Mary, wife of Joseph Coutier. «t Regina. alias Rachel Howe. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 165 (356.) On Sunday Novenib': 21^; In Orangeb,, Chnrch Hans..Uli'ick, Son of Nicholas Dirr late deceas'cl, & Mary. Iiis wife: born Novenib'' 2«} 1756. Suret. Rev In Amelia Garret. Son of Garret & Agnesia Fitz„Patrick; born Decemb'; 151'.' 1755. Suret. John Morrison, Duncan M^Intire, & Anne Jones. (361.) On Sunday Decemb': 19^^ in Orangeb,, Church Susannah, Daughter of Jacob & Mary„Sasannah Her- lan; born November 30th 1756. Suret: Lewis & Mary,, Barbai-a Roth, & Catharina, wifeof Jacob Koonen.. . . (362.) On Tuesday Decemb. .21«.t Administred Bap- tism to a Sick Infant, born this 2b^.t Decemb. 1756. viz: Anne„Margaret, Daughter of Jacob & Anne Wymer. . . at the House of Peter Roth ... (363.) On Christmas„Day Decemb'; 25th i„ Orangeb,, Church Anne,,Mai-y, Daughter of John & Elizabeth Harrisperger: born — 1756. Suret., Ru- doltf Herrisperger. Anne, wife of Henry I{i(d\<'nl)ackei'. iV Marv.. Catharina. wife of Elias Snell. 166 THE HISTORY OF (364.) On Sunday Decemb'; 26^.1' In Orangeb,, Church Henry. Son of Henry & Anne Young; horn Novemb'; 28th 1756. Suret. John Wolf Sen, Luke Patrick, ^ Regina„Barbara Rowe- • • • Eodem Die et Loco: (365.) Mary, Daughter of William & Mary Young: born Novr 3^) 1756. Suret. James Tilly Sen,,, Bar- bara, wife of John Jennings, & Susannah. .Barbara Giessendanner. . . (366.) Baptized ... In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday Decemb.'; 26tii Mary, Daughter of Henry & Mary Jordan: born Decemb'; 1}}} 1756. Suret., Peter & Anne Griffith, ^ Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Thornton ... - Eodem Die et Loco: (367.) Thomas, Son of Thomas & Hannah Pendar- vis; born September 23^ 1756. Suret., Peter Faure. William Pendarvis, & Catharina, wife of Thomas Puckridge. 1757 (368.) January 1st. . . Jn Orangeb,. Church Ulrick, Son of Ulrick & Eve., Mary Brunner; born Decemb,, 17^^ 1756. Suret.. Jacob Ott, Rudollf Herris- perger, & Christina, wife of Nicholas Yonn. Eodem Die et Loco: (369.) Anne, .Margaret, Daughter of John iV: Eva,. Catharina Jubb: born April 28*1' 1756. Suret: Henry & Anne„Margaret Shilling, & Margaret Gyger, widow. (370.) On Sunday January 2^1 - - In Orangeb.. Church Samuel, Son of Daniel & Sarah Linder: born Jul.v 2Sth 1756. Suret.. Jacob Giessendunner. Chiistopher Llowe. and Elizabeth Linder Eodem Die et Loco: (371.) Martha, born November 2(Ki.' 1752. (372.) Susannah, born M arc 1 1 261'.' 1754. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 167 (378.) Rehecrah. horn Angast Vo^}} 1756. 'J'hose three the Daughters of Jonathan & Martha Bruuzon: Suret for the three: Daniel & Sarah Linder, Isaac Hottow, Samuel Brunson, Mary Brunson & Mar- garet, wife of Joseph Griffice- . • (374.) On Tuesday January 4^.li . . . In Orangeb,, Church Zachariah, Son of William & Agnes Aldridge; born \S^}} January 1754. Suret: Abraham Hasfort, Peter & Sarah Faure. (375.) Baptized . . . ■ In Orangeburgh Church Sarah, Daughter of William & Agnes Aldridge; born 14*'.! July 1755. Suret: Anne Faure & Anna„Maria Kemlerin, & Isaac Hottow • ■ • • Eodem Die et Loco: (376.) Henry, a Mulatto,, Bastard of Ana,. Maria Kemlerin; born in March 1755. Suret,, Peter Faure, William & Agnes Aldridge (377.) On Sunday January 16^^ In Orangeb,, Church John„CTeorge„Melchior, Son of John., Caspar & An- na.,Barbara Mintz; born January 4th 1757. Suret,, John Friday Jun: Melchior Smith, & Anne„Margaret Tyner (378.) On Monday January 17^'' In Orangeb,, Church James, Son of John & Sarah Clayton; born 1756. Sui'et:. Peter Faure. Anne Faure & Tsham Clay- ton ...... ri ; (379.) On Wed nes,day January 19tii At the House of John Aberly below Orangeburgh Township John,, Nicholas, Son of John iS: Margaret Anting: bornNo- vemb'" 27t]i 1756. Suret.. John Aberly, Nicholas & Margaret Noe Eodem Die et Loco: ; (380.) Catharine„Margaret. Daughter of John & Anne Aberlv: born Decemb'' 31*"^ 1756. Suret,, ReV' 168 THE HISTORY OF John Giessendanner, Margaret, wife of John Anding, & Margaret, wife of Nicholas Noe ■ - • • (881.) On Wednesday January 26^.^ At the House of Frederick Thore at the Four Holes.. . ■ Anne. Daughter of David & Mary Humph; born De- cemb,, 27t'i. 1755. Suret: Thomas & Hannah Pendar- vis, & Anna, wife of Frederici\ Hoggs . . . • (39(1)* Baptized In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday February 27^'.' John„Martin, Son of George,, Frederick & Elizabeth Knobel; born January \H^}} 1757. Suret: Martin Egly. Barnard & Anne., Mary Hertzog Eodem Die et Loco: (397.) John,, George, Son of John., George & Eve,. Catharina Hayner; born January 26tji 1757. Suret,. Conrad Hungerbiller, Hans Ulmer, & Anne„Margaret Barrin. Eodem Die et Loco: (398.) Catharina, Daughter of Henry Snell Jun„ & Juliana, his wife; born February 2*^ 1757. Suret: Henry Snell Sen,^, Catharina, his wife, & Anne, wife of Jacob Whideman. (399.) On Monday February 28tj.i At the House of Moses Thomson Esq?- • In Amelia- ■ • Katherine, Daughter of Bryan White. & Katherine. his wife, deceas'd; born January 3011' 1757. Suret: Peter & Katherine Burns, & Elizabeth M*'Farlen (400.) On Sunday Mar(;h Bt!' In Orangeburgh Church Anne,,Elizabeth, Daughter of Martin & Susannah Sal- ly; born 19*.^^ January. 1757. Suret: John Sally. Mary, wife of Luke Patrick, & Christina, wife of Nich- olas Yonn ... (401.) On Monday Night March 7'.'.' Administred •Fnun i«KI t«> t\UU lost. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 169 private Baptism at the House of Adam Snell in Oraugehuigh Township to a Sick Infant, viz: Magdalene, Daughter of said Adam & Margaret Snell; born February lOHl 1757. Present: Henry & Jacob Horger, Peter Murer Jun. (4()2.) Wediiesday March ^^}} Administred private Baptis'ni at the House of Peter Murer in Orangeb,, to John„H^"i'y' Son of the said Peter Murer Jun,, & Magdalene, his wife, born December 26^.1* 1756 (403.) Eodem Die et Loco: Maria.,Magddlene, Daughter of Henry Horger, Ju- nior, & Catharina, his w^ife, born October 20V? 1756: Present: Adam Snell, John & Jacob Giegelnian &c. (404.) On Sunday March 13U^ In Amelia Chappel — Mary, Daughter of Charles & Anne Russel; born 1757. Suret: William & Eugenia Thomson, & Katherine Dargan . ■ - Eodem Die et Loco: (405.) Frances, Daughter of John & Sarah Hope; born April 2^} 1754. Suret: John Burdell, Marion, wife of John Fouquett & Mary„Ann, wife of Conrad Hal man. (406.) On Sunday March 27*;^ In Orangeburgh Church Samuel, Son of Jacob & ApoUonia Wolf; born February 16t.h 1757. Suret., John Wolf Sen,, John & Anne., Elizabeth Giegelman (407.) On Sunday April 3aiiahter nf .lohn A: Margaret (Hbson: born 172 THE HISTORY OF Decern It; W}} 1756. Snret: George Fox. Rachel, wife Michael Larry, & Willonghby Fox. widow. Eodem Die et Loco: (426.) Elizabeth. Daughter of William & Mary Dann; born March 18^.'.' 1757. Suret: Thomas Ly wick, fr Wil- loughby Fox, widow (427.) On Tne.sday Septembi; 3011' Administred pri- vate Baptism in my own House in Orangeburgh. to Maria, Daughter of Caspar & Mary 0th; born April 8U' 1757. Present. Lewis Golsen, Peter Stehely &c. (428.) On Sunday Octob'- <)th i^ Amelia Chappel Thomas, Son of John & Anne Millis; born June lO^^^ 1757. Suret,, Alexander & Isabell Tale, & William Thomson, Eodem Die et Loco: (429.) Joseph, Son of Conrad & Mary. .Anne Halman; born Septemb., 8U^ 1757. Suret: Caspar Brown, Joseph Festner, & Regina, wife of Adam Willis- • - (430.) Baptized ... In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday Octob"; 23'? Anna, Daughter of Jn*;^ Henry & Anne„Margaret Shilling; born Septemb'; -. 1757. Suret: Peter Grif- fith, Anne, wife of Henry Rickenbacker, & Mary,, Catharina, wife of Henry Mell - ■ . (431.) On Sunday Novembf; ^^}}. In Orangeb,, Church George„Riggs, Son of Peter & Mary Wood; born De- cember 4^'? 1751. Suret.. Joseph Griffith, Henry Sally Jun„ & Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Thornton. (432.) On Sunday Novemb': 13th. i„ Amelia Chap- pel Mary, Daughter of William & Eugenia Thomson: born Octob"; 3p;i]-, »Son ot Barnard & Anrie„Mary Ziegler: lioiii Seiitemh'" 28'.'.i 1757. Suret: Conrad Hungerbiller, Caspar Knlin & Anne„Margaret Barrin. Eodem Die et Loeo: (435.) John. .Jacob. Son of Conrad & Maria„Elizabeth Hungerbiller; born iSeptenib^; 3*^ 1757. Suret: Bar- nard Ziegler, Jacob and Christina,. Barbara Hunger- biller...r. Eodeui Die et Loco: (436.) John,,Jac()b. Son of Abraham & Susannah Du Puis; l)orn Octoby. 23<1 1757. Suret: John Giegelman, Jacob and Mar\%,Susanah Herlan ..... Eodem Die et Loco: (437.) Mil r}^. Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Susanah Friday; born Octob': 91'.' 1757. Suret,, Lewis & Mary,, Barbara Roth, & Elizabeth, wife of John Harrisper- ger. (438.) Baptized- . . In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday Novemb'; 20tAi Magdalene, Daughter of Barnard & Susanah„Eliza- beth Snell; born Septemb W}} 1757. Suret:.. Fred- erick Hoff, Mary„Catharina, wife of Elias Snell, & Eve,, Catharina, wife of John,, George Hayner. (439.) On Sunday Decemb': ID.^ In Amelia Chappel Margaret, Daughter of Samuel Bly & Margaret Beck; born Novemb';5th 1757. Suret: Caspar Brown, Mary,, Anne, wife of Conrad Halman & Mary Whiteford, widow. (440.) John, Son of Barnard & Mary„Apollonia liebennder: born Octob'' HU.I' 1757. Suret: Frederick Huber. Abraham & Mary Yssenhut- Baptized-. On Sunday, Christmas,. Dav. Decemb'' 25'!.< 1757 • ■ • 174 THE HISTORY OF (441.) On Wednesday Decembf; 2Sth. . . Baptized (442.) Mary and Lydia, both the Daughters of Thomas & Lucretia Oisins; Mary born Decemb'; 2Sl]l 1751. Lydia born Octob'; Gth 1757. Suret for both: John & Margaret Gibson, & Willoughby Fox, wid- ow • • • - 1758: ) On Saturday January 7t^. • • • ■ Baptized At the House of Colonel Richardson in S* Mark's Parish, Craven County (32.) Thirty„two Children (475.) On Sunday February b^}} InOrangeb,, Church Barbara, Daughter of Henry & Magdalene Crummy; born Decembr 26th 1757, Suret: John Wolf Sen,, Margaret Roller, & Barbara, wife of John Jennings. (476.) On Monday February 13th Jn Orangeburgh Church William, Son of Joseph & Mary Dewidd; born March 7tii 1757. Suret: Charles Strother, John Thomas. & Anne, w^ife of John Taylor. . - (477.) Friday March 3^? Administred private Bap- tism at the House of John Giegelman in Orangeburgh to Mary„Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Anna.,Eliza- beth Giegelman; born February 6t!> 1758. Present: Valentine Kronick, Jacob Giegelman &c. (478.) On Sunday March 5!.h. In Orangeb.. Church Abraham, Son of Joseph & Margaret Griffice; born January 19th 175}^, Suscept: Andrew Covan. John Wolf Sen, & Susanah„Barbara Giessendanner. (479.) Eodem Die et Loco: Patty, Daughter of John & Barbara Piatt; born 175—. Suret: Charles Hottow, Mary.. Katherine, wife of Henry Mell. & Margaret, wife of Samuel Densmore. (480.) On Easter..Sunday March 26th. |n Orangeb.. ('hurch ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 175 - - - Daughter of Jacob & Anna Wideraan; born February 26t.h 1758. Suret: Rudolph & Elizabeth Theiler, & Anne,,MtiiT. wife of Caspar Kuhn .... (481.) On Easter.,Monday March 21\]^ In Orangeb,, Church Susannah, Daughter of Joseph & Barbara DuUe; born 175 — . Suret;* (482.) On Sunday April 16*1., in Orangeb,, Church Anna, Daughter of Jacob & Catharina Koonen; born March 81*^* 1758. Suret: Francis Koonen, Anna, wife of Joseph Deraujus, & Barbara Harrisperger, widow. (488.) Baptized In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday April 23^1 John„Jacob, Son of Jacob & Johanna Hegler; born March Vd^\ 1758. Suret: John & Margaret Myer, & Frederick Myer. Eodeni Die et Loco: -(484.) Isaac, Son of Charles & Anne Hottow; born 28 . (489.) Saiah, Daughter of William & Mary Thom- son; born Decembf 21^*1757. Suret: Moses & Jane Thomson, Jane Beard, widow. Eodem Die et Loco: (490.) Martha, Daughter of Thomas & Anne Powel; 'born, Octobr 12^^ 1757. Suret: William Thomson, Sarah Powel & Anne Powel. (491.) Thursday May 18t.'.> Administred private Bap- tis'm in my own House to Catharina, Daughter of Henry & Catharina Horger, born March 2b{^} 1758. Present Valentine Yutzy &c. . (492.) On Sunday May 2S^\\ In Orangeburgh Church George„Lewis; Son of Adam & Anna„Margaret — Evin- ger; born May 4^^ 1758. Suret: Johannes Wolf. George„Lewis & Mary„Barbara Roth - . . (493.) On Sunday June llt'.^-- In Amelia Chappel Rachel, Daughter of Edward & Rachel Brady, born March 6th 1758. Suret: William M^Nicol, Mary M^- Gowan, & Sarah Thomson ... (494.) On Sunday June W}} ■ ■ ■ ■ In Orangeburgh Church Margaret, Daughter of George & Eva,. Cathari- na Hayner; born May 5tM758. Suret: Adam & Anne,, Margaret Snell & Mary,.Elizabeth Strowman. Eodem Die et Loco: (495.) Anna,„Catharina, Daughter of Henry Snell Seni; & Catharina, his wife, deceased: born in Ma} 1758. Suret: Adam Snell, Juliana, wife of Henry Snell Juni; & Anna,.Catharina Barrin. (496.) On Sunday June 25^.!> In Orangeb., Church Mary.. Magdalene, Daughter of Jacob & Anna AVan- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 177 nenmaker; born October 4^'' 1757. Snret: Jacob Roth,* Barbara Frolich. widow, & Mary, wife of Abraham Yssenhut. (497.) On Sunday July 9^1^ In Amelia Chappel. Jacob, Son of Garret & Agnesia Fitz,, Patrick; boru February 9t.ii 175S. Suret: John M^'Colloch, George M<:Colloch & Lydia M^;Colloch. (49S.) Baptized In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday July 23'1 Peter Son of John & Margaret Inabnet; born July ii\]^ 1758. Suret: (leorge Giessendanner, Abraham Yssenhut, & Mary,, Elizabeth, wife of Henry Felder. Eodem Die et Loco: (499.) Seth, Son of Seth Hatcher deceas'd & Susan- nah, his wife; born April 23th of May iMstant will be sold hy public vendue, at the plantation of the late .Jacob Roth, deceased, in Orangeljursfh Township, All the said l)lantation, with the Standinf>- croi) thereon, three very .yood planta- tion slaves, and two children; the stock of cattle, horses, hoys, honse- iiold furniture, plantation tools, and all otiier articles belon. In Orangeburgh Church. John„Jacob, Son of John., Frederick & Mary,, Barbara Ulmer; born July 3^1 1758. Suret: Jacob Giessen- dafier, & Jacob & Margaret Ott. (503.) On Sunday August 27l'.i In Orangeb,, Church John, Son of Ulrick & f]va,, Maria Brunner; born Augt 4th 1758. Suret: John Miller, Nicholas Yonn. & Elizabeth, wife of John Herrisperger Eodem Die et Loco: (504.) Jacob, Son of Andrew & Margaret Frederick; born June 20th 175s. Suret: Peter Shoeman, Peter &. Margaret Dirr. (505.) Baptized. . -In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday August 27^}?. Anna, Daughter of Emanuel & Mary Miller; born August 5th 1758. Suret: John Stehely, Anna Negely, & Elizabeth, wife of John Herrisperger. Eodeni Die et Loco: (506.) Sarah, Daughter of Adam & Anne„Margaret Snell; born July 16^1} 1758. Suret: Barnard Ziegler. Mary,, Elizabeth, wife of Conrad Hungerbiller, & Cath- arine Herter. . . (507.) On Sunday Septemb';.3*i . In Orangeburgh Church Susannah, Daughter of John & Elizabeth Bur- dell; born July 4th 1753, Siiret: Lewis Ulmer, Eliza- beth Tilly, & Mils Hawskin, widow. (508.) On Sunday Septemb'; 10th In Amelia Chappel Jane, Daughter of Thomas & P\inny Curtise; born Febi; 7th 1757. Suret: John & Fanny Millis, and Katherine Ballintine - • • (509.) On Thursday Septemb'; 14!.''. In Oranegb.. Church. Anna, Daughter of Leonard & Sarah Warne- dow; born March lOth 175s. Surets: Charles & Anna Hottow and Anna Kays- • (510.) On Sunday Septemb';. 17"' In Orangeb,. Church Anna, Daughter of Joseph & Anna Cook: boi'n ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 179 Augiir^t 14t.V. 175S. Siiret: Jacob Yssler, Rachel, wife of Michael Larry & Barbara Frolich, widow. Eodem Die et Loco: (511.) Elizabeth. Daughter of John & Anne„Mar- garet Myer, born August 2*? 1758. Suret: Frederick Myer, Lovisa, wife of Jacob Horger, & Verena, wife of Jn^' Nicholas Shiiler. (512.) Baptized in Orange burgh Church On Sunday Septeml)'; \7^}^ Elizabeth. Daughter of John., Peter & Magdalene Sondel; born JuneSt'i 1758. Suret: Peter Shoeman. Ann„Catharina. wife of George..Jacob Kurner. & Ann= Mary-Cat harina, wife of Ulrick Roth ... (518.) On Sunday Octob'; l*?t Baptized at a House upon the High.,Hills in SI Mark's Parish, where per- formed Divine Service (514.) Two Children. (515.) On Tuesday Octob': 3 Sept'; 175S. Suret: George M^'- Nichols* & his wife & Katharine Flood (517.) On Sunday Octob'; S*!' In Amelia Chappel. Moses. Son of Jeremiah & Katherine Strother: born August St.'.i 1758- vSuret: Jerenjiah Strother. S\\ en «V p]lizabeth Themlioro. ■^Tl>c will (if one Ocoruc McN iclidls, iccunlcil in llic ulVwr of .Judtic of Prohiitf, Cliiirk'stoii, is d.-itcd 17.").">, .-iikI is to lie Iniiini mi it.-iyc 14.';, of tlu- hook for tli;it iu'i'io(l. ISO THE HISTORY OF Eodeni Die et Loco: (518.) Margaret, Daughtei- of Richard & Mary Bald- ridge; born August 31*?^ 1758. Suret John Tliom- son, Sarah Thomson, & Elizabeth Vance. (519.) Baptized In my House On Saturday Octob'; 14!!^ James, Son of Isham & Anue Clayton; born Sep- temb'; 5^!' 1758. Suret: Peter Faure, Lewis Netman & Mary Faure (520.) On Sunday Octobi; 15^.11. In Amelia Chappel. Rachel, Daughter of Willinm & Jane Newton; born Sepf; llt.l^ 1758. Suret: William M^'Nichol, Eliza- beth, wife of William Heatly, ^ Mary.,Anne, Wife of John Fouquet (521.) On Sunday Octobi; 224 In Orangeburgh Church Anne,, Katharine, Daughter of Nicholas & Su- sannah„Elizabeth Zorn; born Sepf; 23'J 1758. Snret= Henry Zorn, Eva„Katharine Pfuntzius, widow, & An- na,, Maria„Cathariija, wife of Ulrick Roth. . (522.) On Saturday Novembr 4^ii At the House of John Aberly below Orangeburgh Township Anna,. Barbara, Daughter of John & Margaret Anding; born Septr 8th 1758^ Suret^ Frederick and Barbara Huber. & Barbara, wife of Peter Shoeman. Eodem Die et Loco: (523.) Anna„Barbara, Daughter of Petei- & Barbara Shoeman; born in Decemb^ 1757. Suret: George Drechsler, Margaret, wife of John Anding, & Anne Aberly. Eodem Die et Loco: (524.) Anna„Margaret, Daughter of Peter and Kath- arine Dirr; born January 20*.^ 1758.. Suret: Peter A: Barbara Shoeman. it Maigaret. wife of John And- ing... (525.1 Baptized - ■ In Aimdia Chappel ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 181 On Sunday Novenil)! 12!!> Rachel, Daughter of William & Maiy., Elizabeth Heatl}-; born August 24^.' 1758. Suret^ Cob: John Chevillette, Anne, wife of James Courtonne, & Rachel, wife of John LloyrI Eodem Die et Loco: (526.) Jeremiah, Son of Randal & Rachel M^'Car- they; born Septenib'; 23 Herman & Elizabeth Crummy; born Feb'; 2'? 1753. Suret: Henry and Mary,.Elizabeth Felder, & Martha, wife of Joseph Wood. 1759. January 15*:^. (536.) Charles, Son of Barnard k Martha Linsey: born Pebi; IStji 1756. Sui-et: Thomas Farles, Freder- ick & Anna Hougs- • (537.) Baptized... January 15^'^ Elisha, Son of Frederick & Anna Hougs; boi-n Sep- tembr 5th 1758. Suret. Barnard & Martha Lindsay, Thomas Farles- • • Eodem Die: (538.) Benjamin & } both the Sons of Bartilot and (539.) William ( Katherine Brown; Benjamin born January 27*!^ 1756; William born Octob*; 51^ 1757. Suretf! for both: Henry Kowe, William De- widd &c, (540.) On Sunday In Orangel)., Church Daughter of Jacol) i^' Margaret Ott: born 175— Suretr.* (541.) On Wednesday Felj'; 7f.','- In Orangeb., Church Christopher, Son of Henry A: Anna liowe: born January 20^1.' 1759. Suret^ Andrew «.V: Rachel Co van. John Giessendanner. . . ■•Noiu' uivcii. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 183 (542.) On Sunday Feb'; 18^... In Orangeburgh ChiuTh Elizabeth., Barbara, Daughter of George and Catha- rina Waber; born January 21^;^ 1759. Suret.*? Nicho- las & Barbara Waber, k Elizabeth Waber, widow. • Eodem Die et Loc-6: (543.) John, .Theodore, Son of George,, Frederick & Elizabeth Knobel; born Jan'; W}} 1759. Suret.*? Theo- dore Fichtner, Frederick Ulmer, & Anna„Maria Hert- zog. . . (544.) On Sunday March 4t'.>. In Orangeb,, Church Samuel. Son of James & Judith Nicks; born January 30^J 1757. Suret« Nathainiel & Mary— Watson, & Ja- cob Hottovv. (545.) Baptized In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday March i^. Jane, Daughtei- of Nathaniel & Mary Watson; born Octobi; 9Lll 1758. Suret« Frederick Ruber, Jacob Hottpw, & Margaret, wife of Sam! Densmore. (546.) On Sunday March ll':'^ In Amelia Chappel. James, Son of Samuel & Mary Carney; born April 'j\^ 1758. Surety Arthur Carney. Moses Thomson 1: Taylor \ & Mary., Ann, wife of Conrad Halman. (547.) On Tuesday March ]S^}} Administred private Baptis'm at the House of Jacob Stroman in Orange- burgh Township to Anna.. Margaret, Daughter of the said Jacob ^^ Eva., Catharina Stroman; born Novemb'; 3r next ( if a fair day) if not the next fair day following: All the personal estate of ('apt. .lolm MeCord, late of St. Mark's I'arisii, deceased," ^-c. 186 THE HISTORY OF of the said Jacob & Mary,.Susannah Herlan; born May 20th 1759. Present: Anna Roller. NB: This Child recover'd, and was receiv'd according to the Order of the Church on Sunday July 22«? 1759. Suret« Nicho- las Yonn, John Stehely, Anna Koller. (565.) Baptized ... In Orangeburgh Church On Whit Sunday June 3*? Daniel, Son of John„Nicholas & Verena Shuler; born April 25t'i 1759. Suret^ Daniel Shuler, John & Margaret Myer (566.) On Monday June 4tii Administred private Baptis'm in my House to Frederick. Son of Peter & Magdalene Murer; born April 5t'.i 1759. Present: John & Ulrick 0th .. - (567.) On Monday June 4^^ In Orangeb,, Church Thomas, Son of Henry & Anne Young; born April 13^.1? 1759. Suret« Gavin Pou, John„Lewis Wolf, & Eliza- beth Tilly Eodem Die et Loco: (568.) Rachel, Daughter of John Crummy deceas'd and Elizabeth, his late wife; born March 2 and Elizabeth Roberts; Reuben (607.) Solomon \ born Octobr Uth 1756. Mary born January i^}\ 175S. Solomon born 23<| January 1760... Eodem Die- • . Administred private Baptism (60S.) To Henry and / both the Sons of .lames & (609.) William ( Mary Scytes: Henry born Feb'- 15f'' 1757. William born Decemb'; lOU' 1758. 190 THE HISTORY OF (610.) Eodera Die--- Administred private Bap- tis'm to Archibald, Son of Charles & Lucy Scytes; born January l«t 1760 (611.) On Wednesday Feb': W}} Administred pri- vate Baptis'm in Cap* Rowe's Fort to Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry & Anna,,Catharina Horger; born Decemb'; 2^j^}} 1759. Present: Peter Roth, Henry Rickenbacker (612.) On Sunday Febr 17th !„ Orangeburgh Church Daniel, Son of Conrad & Magdalene Yutzy: born Novembr.Sth 1759. Suret«. Daniel Shuler & Mary,. Barbara, his wife, & (jieorge Hertzog (613.) On Sunday Febl' 24tii In Orangeb,, Church Anna, Daughter of Jacob & Dorothy Tshndy; born Febr 17V.1 1760. Suret^. Simon Yonn, Margaret, wife of Jacob Hottow, & Anna, wife of Charles Hottow. Tuesday Feb'; 261^ Administred private Baptis'm to (614.) Peter and } Sons of George & Marv Cornw^ell: (615.) Billander f Peter born July II tii 1757. Billan- der born January 24^,!' 1759. (616.) On Saturday March 81^ at John Oth's Fort Jacob, Son of Ulrick & Eve.. Mary Brunner: boru 1760, Suret^: Lewis Golsen, John Stehely. for Jacob Rumpb, & Barbara, wife of John Oiessen- daner (617.) Eodem Die et Loco: Administred private Baptism to Jacob, Son of Jacob & Anne. .Margaret Giegelrnan: born Febr 23 In Amelia Chappel ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 191 Thomas, Son of Thomas & Elizaheth Cryer; horn Sept':. 11^.'.^ 1759. Surets Thomas & Anne Powel. and Agnes Joyner Eodem Die et Loco: (620.) Deborah, Daughter of Thomas & Anne Powel; born Jan'; 17^1' 17G0. Suret« Thomas & Elizabeth Cryer & John Powel (621.) On Monday March 24l'.i In Orangeb,, Church Josiah, Son of William and Rebeccah Cantey, of S^ Mark's Parish; born Jan"; 201'.' 1760. Suret« William Sims, James & Elizabeth Brunson (622.) Baptized... In Amelia Chappel On Sunday April ISt'i William, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Guphill; born Nov; 1st 1759 Suret?. John and Joseph Collins and Ann Guphill Eodem Die et Loco: (623.) Catharine, Daughter of Willm & Catharine Strother; boi-n Febr 28ti} 1760. Suret?. John Davis, Dorcas Milner and Elizabeth Dargan ...... (624.) On Thursday April 17^1^ In John & Ulrick 0th s Fort Elizabeth, Daughter of Ulrick & Barbara 0th; born April 9th 1760. Suret^. John 0th, Barbara, wife of John Oiessendaner, & Elizabeth Giessendanner. (625.) On Sunday April 20^^ In Orangeburgh Church Johannes, Son of Jacob & Anna Wideman; born March 1«* 1760. Suret^ John and Barbara Giessen- danner and Peter Murer (626.) Eodem Die et Loco: Administred private Baptism to Elizabeth. Daughter of Samuel & Eliza- beth Suther: born April 5^.'.' 1760. Present: Fred- erick Huber. (627.) On Sunday May lS.t[> in Orangeburgh Church Thick. Son of Charles it .\nnii Hottow: born May 7^} 192 THE HISTORY OF 1760. Surety. William Waiienmacker, Christian and Elizabeth Roth Eodem Die et Loco: (628.) Anna, Daughter of Jacob and Anna Wan- nenmacher; born March 5^.'! 1760. Suret^, Jacob Bowman, Anna, wife of Charles Hottow, and Anna, wife of Joseph Deramas . • • • (629.) Baptized ... In Orangeb,, Church On Whit„Sunday May 25t.h. Anna, Daughter of Henry and Apollonia, Dentzler: born April 15*1} 176O. Suret^ Ulrick Bruner, Mar- garet, wife of Jacob Ott, & Margaret, wife of John Myer (630.) On Sunday June S^Js In Amelia Chappel Helena, Daughter of Garret and Agnesia Fitz,, Patrick: born* (631.) On Tuesday June 10^,1} Administred privat Baptis'm in my House to John,, Jacob, Son of John and Charlotte Roberts; born May 23^ 1760.t (632.) On Sunday June 15*^ In Orangeb,, Church Maria„Barbara, Daughter of Hans„George and Catha- rina Waber; born May 23^1 1760. Suret;* Conrad Baumgartner, Anna„Maria, Wife of Barnard:]: and Barbara, wife of Nicholas Waber, (633.) On Sunday June 29t.i}** John, Son of John and |f 1 760. Suret« ft (634.) On Sunday August lO^j; Baptized in Amelia Chappel Jane,,Margaret, Daughter of Thomas and Isa- bel Murray; born May VS^}] 1760. Suret- Moses Thomson Esqi" Sarah Thomson, and Elizabeth wife of Robert Twiddie. (635.) On Sunday August \7^}]. In Ornngeb.. Church Anna„Margaret. Daughter of Martin and Mar- *Rest left out. tRest left out. iNaiiie torn off. ■•Otlu'r words torn off. ttOther name torn off. tt'^^'i^t yone. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 193 jjfaret,, Barbara Kemler; born July 4^}} 1760 — Suret^ Barnard Ziegler. Appollonia, wife of Henry Dentzler, and Anna„Margaret Myer (636.) On Sunday Septemb'; 7^.''. In Orangeb,, ' Church Isham, Son of Isham* and Anne Clayton; born May IQt.i?. 1760. Suret'^ Henry Felder, Tobias and Mary Hertzog Eodem Die et Loco: (637.) Anne, Daughter of Henry and Magdalene Crummy; born April 15'jj 1760. Surety Henry Zorn, Sarah Crummy and Catharine Simmons (638.) On Sunday Septemb'; Utji. In Amelia Chap- pel Andrew, Son of William and Mary„Elizabeth Heatly; born August li^}] 1760. Suret^ Jerome Courtonne. Willf^^ Sabb. and Rachel, wife of John Lloyd. Eodem Die et Loco: (639.) William. Son of Samuel & Mary Carney; born DecJ; 22*.» 1759. Suret^ John Mitchel John Johnson, Mary Fitz Patrick. (640.) fand Agnes Jackson; born:j: On Easter day April 7 1751 Baptized in Orange- burgh Church Maria, Daughter of Richard & Eliza- beth Hainsworth Born Feby 17 Last. Spon Michael Christopher Row% Margaret His wife. Christiana wife wife of Jacob Morflf'.** Here the record of births kept by Rev. -John Gies- sendanner ends, as the few lenjaining records made by him have been lost from the book. The following records were made l)y subsequent custodians of the book: *Tlie Gazette of the State of Soiif/i Carofhia, in Fehnuiry, 177S, i\n- houiicihI the deiitli of Tshain Clfiytoii at Orniiuclniriili. tFiist name torn oti; i Jilt's t torn oft". ■• "Omitted in tlic ii-iiiilar account of (Miildivii Baptized." — Mr. Lneas's e(»i»y. 194 THE HISTORY OF "Elizabeth Giessendaiiner the Daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Gissendanner Born July the 10- 1783." "Elizabeth Giessendanner the Daughtei" of Daniel Giessendanner and Ann Giessendanner born Decem- ber 21, 1791. Henry" The following is the burial re<'orcl kept by Mr. Gies- sendanner after his return from England: A List of Persons deceased and buried in the Township of Orangeburgh Per J Giessendanner Minis- ter of the Township- 1749—50 (1.) On Sunday the 25t'> of Februy was entered and buried in the Church yard at Orangeburgh the Body of Dorothy Moorer wife of Peter Moorer Jun^; She died the day before after a Fortnights Illness Aged — (2.) On Thursday April the i9tii Eodem Loco was entered and Buried the Body of Anna Magdalena, Daughter of Ulrick and Anna,,Angelia Raber: She died after ten Days Illness: Aged 2 year. 7| months. (3.) On Tuesday Augst \4[^^ Eodem Loco was en- tered and buried the Body of one who went by the name of William Little, or Willjam Little Williams. He died at Mr. Joseph Robinsons Aged about 70 years. (4.) On Sunday September 9''^ eodem Loco was en- tered and buried the Body of Jacob Stauber, a native of Canton Zurich in Switzerland Inhabitant of Orange- burgh for about 7 months, who died after 9 dys Ill- ness on Saturday Sept St^ a. c. (aged 44 years Left A Wife) A List of Persons deceased and buried (5.) On Saturday November lOt'i 1750 was enterred & buried in the Church yard of Orangeburgh at a nu- merous Attendance of People the Body of Peter Hugg, one of the first and principal settlers of this Townshii* where he had been a Liver with his Family these 15 ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 195 years past. He was horn in Switzerland Canton Bern. September n. s. 2r)f'i 1690 and dyed on Thursday night November S^'i 1750 mncli lamented by his wife and children, and all that l as he was mounting the same, of which after much Anguish and Pain he died on Munday night Jan*" 27^^ (17.) On Thursday Feb. 20f.»» was enterred the Body of Maria Daughtei of Christopher & Margaret Row after some weeks Illness: Aged 3 Mo- -29 days-- (18.) On Sunday May 24'i' 1752 was enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Regina. wife of Jacob Kuhnen Sen'; a native of Switzerland and ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 197 settled in this Township in the yeai- 1736. She dyed after a lingering Illness of one month in the 74'^ year of her age, and had lived with her above named Hus- band in wedlock 52 years (19.) On Munday August 17^^ was buryed the Body of Isaac Hottow, a Settler in this Township for several years past, who died suddenly on Saturday August 15<^h on \\^Q edge of the Path as he was going home and was found and taken up dead between, his Home and the Town of Orangeburgh, no mark of any Fall or violence done him could be seen on his Body. He left a wife and 7 children, four of which are niarryed. He was aged 57 years and buryed at his own Plantation. (20.) At the Same Time and Place, and into the same Grave was enterred the Grand child of the said Isaac Hottow named Susannah Daughter of Charles & Ann Hottow, who died on Monday August 17^^^ in the morning after a Fortnights Illness, aged one year- Qi ( On Wednesday Septr 27^'^ was buryed at the \ Plantation of the late Isaac Hottow de'cd the Body of Catharine Daughter of Peter and Ann GriflBce of this Township. She died the Day before being Septr 26 after two days Illness aged 3 years and about 9 months. 1753 Register of Buryals in Orangeburgh Township J. G. (22.) On Thursday March 29t»» 1753 was buryed at the Plantation of Joseph Kryter the Body of Daughter of said Joseph Kryter and Sarah his wife: She dyed of a cough ^tat. (23) On Sunday July 15^1' was enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Margaret daughter of Michael & Regula Larry: She died after a lingering Illness of nigh a Twelveiiionth atat 3 years 3 months — 198 THE HISTORY OF (24) On Monday Septr 24^^ was enterred in the Church yard of Orange burgh the Body of* (25) On Saturday Octoh'' 27tii 1753 was enterred in the Church yard of Orangebnrgh the Body of William son of Joseph & Margaret Cirieffous died Octob'' 26^'' A tat 1 year 24 Days (26) On Monday Decern b'' 17*ii 1753 was enterred at the Plantation of Henry Staicfcy the Body of Ann daughter of the said Hy & Elizabeth Starcky died Octbll6ti»,Atat IS days. (27) On Wednesday Jany 2^1 1754 was enterred at the Plantation whereon Joseph Kock now lives the Body of- Hans Heinrich, Son of the said Joseph & Ann Kock died Decemb'' 31. 1753. Atat 3 years 3 weeks. Register of Buryings Orangebnrgh Town- ship. 1754. (28) On Saturday January 5^'' died and on Sunday Jany G^^i was enterred at the Plantation of Mrs. Mary Russel in Amelia Township, the Body of the said Mary Russel, who lived in the s'^ Township nigh 26 years, and died aged about 55 years — after 4 Days Hl- ness — — : — (29) On Monday Febry 4tii died and the following- day was enterred in the church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of John Illrick son of Peter Roth & Ann his late wife deceas'd who died after a lingering Illness of some months; aged 2 years & upwards of 7 months. (30) On Monday March 1 P»i was enterred at the Plantation of W»»' Barrie the Body of s<|. W"^ Barrie. a native from Scotland but a Liver in Orangeburgh Township for many years. He dyed after a lingering niness of several months on Sunday March 10 Jitat- (31) On Wednesday July KM.'' died «t the day follow - 'Name not ^iiven. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 199 iiig was enterred at tlie Plantation whereon Jacob Bossai't then lived, the Body of Ann wife of the said Jacob Bossart some Time agoe arrived from Switzer- land, in this Province She died after three weeks Ill- ness aged nigh 60 years. (32) On Saturday Angast 3*1 died after three weeks Illness and on Sunday August 4^1' was enterred at the Plantation of .lohn Friday Jur the Body of Zibella daughter of Barnard & Ann=Mary Ziegler, aged 7 months 3 weeks The remainder of the burial record which now fol- lows was not copied from the original, but from a copy of the original, made by the late Mr. John Lucas. Warden of the Church of the Redeemer in Orange- burg. His copying was not as precise as to details as the foregoing, but is correct as to the substance of the entries: Page 8. Register o Buryings Orangeburgh Town ship 1754 N^ 33 On Saturday Oct^' 19 died and on Sunday Oct2 20 was Enterred at the Plantation of Henry Strom an the Body of Catharina Barbara, Daughter of Stephen & Mary ann Whitman aged 8| months. 34 On Friday NovH' 29 died / having unfortunately and as was generally judged by an unhappy accident shot himself whilst he thought to tire at deer — David Runtgenauer a Foreigner from Germany, and late ser- vant of Capt James Tilly and was Enterred at the plantation of Christopher Monheim on Saturday Nov 30 aged unknown 35 On Thursday Dec'" 12f'> died of a lingering Ill- ness, attended with apoplectick Fits and on Fridax Dec""' 13 was Enterred at the Plantation of John George Barr in Oiangeburgh 'i'ownship tln^ Ixxly of 200 THE HISTORY OF the said John George Barr a native of Germany aged 48 years 2^ months 36 On Saturday DecIH 21^'' died after having been afflicted with a tedious Illness of almost 84 years, and on Sunday Dec"" 22i^ was Enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Christian Hnber, son of Hans Huber of Orangeburgh Township aged 30 years & 1755 37 On monday March 24^*1 died after 14 days Illness and on Wednesday March 26. 1755 was Enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Susannah Daughter of John and Barbara Giessendanner aged 2 years 5 months 38 On Thursday Augt 21t'i died after four weeks Illness and on Friday august 22 was Enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Mary Eliza- beth, daughter of John and Susannah Fridig of Orange- burgh Township aged 6 years and 5 months. Register of Buryings. Orangeburgh Township Page 9. 1755. N^ 39 On Tuesday August 26^^! died after some months Illness and on Wednesday August 27 was En- terred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh The body of Ann Margaret daughter of Elias and Mary Catha- rine Snell of Orangeburgh Township Aged about 26 years — 40 On Thursday Augt 28. died nfter a tedious and most painful Disorder of Nigh Seven years and on Fri- day August 29^*' was Enterred at the plantation of Henry Rickenbacker in Orangeburgh Township the body of Catharine Dill a maid aged about 26 years. 41 On Thursday Oct'_» 23<1 died nftei- a long disoi'dei- and a few davs confinement in lied and on F^'riihiv ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 201 Octl^ 24 was Enterred at the Plantation of Melchior Ott, a native of* Switzerland who settled in the said Township in the year 1735 aged about 57 years 1756 42 On m()n(iay Jany 19^ died after a long disorder and one days confinement in Bed and on Wednesday Jany 211^ was Enterred at the plantation of John Spring in Orangeburgh Township The Body of Mar- garet wife of the said John Spring aged about 73 years. 43 On Saturday morning January 3l£.t died after Thirteen days Illness and on Sunday Feby 1 was En- terred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Barbara wife of Henry Snell — Senior of Orange- burgh Township aged about 72 years Register of Buryings Orangeburgh Township Page 10 1756 44 On Sunday Feby 8^ died of a painful disorder and on Monday Feby 911l was Enterred at the Planta- tion of Joseph Robinson in Orangeburgh Township the body of Anne, wife of the said Joseph Robinson aged about. 45 On Wednesday April 14^ died after one months Illness and on Thursday April 15ill was enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the body of Jacob Kuhnen senior a native of Switzerland who settled in Orangeburgh Tow^nship in the year 1736 aged about 83 years 46 On Thursday June 17ti» died after a lingering Ill- ness of nigh a Twelve month and on Friday June 18^1^ was Enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Abraham Son of Jacob and Anne Rumph aged one year 8 months ct 20 days 47 On Sunday July 41il died after some months Ill- ness an Peter aged 5 years & 1 month 13 days. Jacc)b aged 2 years 3 months and 22 days. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 203 55 On TuescUiy Oct<» 12 died of the Bloody flux and on Wedtjesday Octi.^ 13 was Enterred at tbe Plantation of Francis Kooner in Orangeburgli the Body of Jacob son of the said Francis and Mary Kooner aged two years wanting 15 days 56 On Friday Oct<> W± died and on Saturday Oct2 16 was Enterred on the plantation of John Martin Hossleiter of Orangeburgh Township the Body of Hans Emanuel son of the said John Martin and Anne Margaret Hosssleiter aged 2 years 7 months Register of Buryings Orangeburgh Township 1756. 57 On Saturday Oct2 16 died and on Sunday Oct" 17 was Enterred ^t the plantation of Jacob Herlan in Orangeburgh Township the body of Mary Catharina Daughter of the said Jacob & Mary Susannah Herlan aged 11 years wanting 2 months 58 On Friday Evening Dec^» 3^ died after Ten weeks Confinement in Bed and on Sunday Decl" ^^— was En- terred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Magdalene late widow of Peter Hugg of Orangeburgh deceased aged 59 years wanting 22 days. 59 On Sunday night DecV/ 26 1756 died & on mon- day Dec™ 27 was Enterred at the Plantation of Peter Roth in Orangeburgh the Body of an Infant named Anne Margaret, daughter of Jacob & Anne Wymer aged 6 dayS: 1757 60 On Saturday Jany SHi died & on Monday Jany 10^ was Enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of F^lizabeth, widow of Henry Hessy deceased aged ahnost 79 years- 61 On Sunday Jany 16 dieti<;»' 284 of Mic hook for that [wriod. 208 THE HISTORY OF Anne wife of John Jacob Wymer of Orangeburgh aged about 23 years 1758 (89) Thursday Decl 211* died after 15 days Illness and on Friday Decl 22 was enterred on the plantation of Peter Murer in Orangeburgh. Township the Body of the said Peter Murer Senior a native of Switzerland aged almost 75 years. 1759 (90) On Thursday Feby 22 died after some days Ill- ness and on Friday Feby 23 was enterred in Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Zibilla Wolf widow a native of the Orisons County in Switzerland aged 73 years (91) On Monday March 5H!_ died after aboat three weeks Illness and on Tuesday March 6Hi was enterred in the church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Michael Larry of Orangeburgh, Blacksmith aged about 34 years. (92) On Wednesday evening March 21, 1759 died after Eleven days Illness and on Friday March 23^] was enterred on the plantation of the late Melchior Otte late of Orangeburgh deceased the body of Bar- bara, widow of said Melchior Otte. aged 50 years — (93) On Wednesday April 11^ died after some days Illness and on Thursday April \2^ was interred in the church yard of Orangeburgh the bod}'^ of Elias Snell a native of Germany but residing in. So. Ca since the year 1735 aged almost 40 years — Register of Buryings Orangel)urgh Township 1759 (94) On Tuesday April 2411i. died and on Wednesday April 25th wa.s interred on the plantation whereon Emanuel Miller now lives the Body of Mary Daughter of Andrew Inabnet deceased and Mary his late wife Aged S years 9 mo ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 209 (95) On Tuesday May 15 died and the day after was interred on the plantation of John Caspar Mintz The Body of John Jacob son of the said John Casper Mintz and Anna Barbara his wife aged 4 years 5 mo 21 days (96) On Friday May 25 died & the day after was in- terred on the plantation of John Casper Mintz the Body of John George Melchior son of John Casper Mintz and Anna Barbara his wife aged 2 years 4| mo (97) On Monday June ISHl died of an apoplectick Fit and the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of John Friday Sen£ a native of Switzerland and a settler in this Township since the year 1735 aged about 69 years (98) On Thursday June 21^ died after a lingering Illness and the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of John Dietrick a na- tive of Switzerland and a settler in this Township since the year 1735 Aged about 73 years (99) On Wednesday June 27th died after three days sickness and on Friday June 29 was interred on the plantation of Nicholas Yonn in Orangeburgh the body of Anna Barbara daughter of the said Nicolas Yonn and Christina Yonn aged 15 years 6 mo- Register of Buryings Orangeburgh Township 1759 (100) On Friday July 20^^ died after nine days Ill- ness and the day after was interi'ed in the plantation of Nicholas Yonn in Orangeburgh Township the Body of Nicholas son of the said Nicholas & Christina Yonn aged almost 8 years. (101) On Thursday Morning August 16tii died after 8 days Illness and the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Cap^ Jacob 210 THE HISTORY OF Giessendanner He was born in Switzerland Jany 25/1727 Therefore aged 32 years 6 ?no 3 weeks ' (102) On Friday August 31:1^ died after a lingering Illness of above a Twelvemonth and the day after was interred on the i:)lantation of Henry Rickenbacker of Orangeburgh the Body of Anna, mother to the said Henry Rickenbacker and wife of Conrad Alder aged 63 years 11 mo (103) On Saturday Sept 29^ died and the day after was enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Barbara Kitchen |alias| Fund widow a native of Switzerland aged (104) On Sunday Nov^i 25 died after a few days Ill- ness and the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orange))urgh the Body of Henry Wurtzer a native of Switzerland and a settler in Orangeburgh since 1735 aged 55 years & some njonths 1760 Register of Buryings Orangebg T. Ship (105) On Friday Jany 1V± 1760 died and one day after his return from the Cherokee Expedition and the day after was interred on the plantation of the Late "John Whetstone Sen^ deceased the Body of John Whetstone Jun"* son of the above aged about (106) On Tuesday Jany 15 died and the day after was enterred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Elizabeth Daughter of Adam Snell and his wife deceased aged almost 10 years — (107) On Friday Feby \^:t died in Child Bed and the day after was interred in the Church yaid of Orange- burgh the Body of Magdalene, wife of Benedict Koller aged years (lOS) On Tuesday Feby 5^'' died and the day after w^as interred in the church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of John I'lrick son of Benedict Koller i\: Magda- lene liis wife deceased Aged 7 days ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 211 (109) On Thursday Feby W± died & the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body Henry Horguer Sen'" a native of Switzerland Aged about 89 years — (110) On Monday Feby 25^ died & the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Magdalene wife of Henry Sally JunI aged Register of Buryings Orangeburgh T. S. 1760 (HI) On Tuesday Feby 26^ died of a pleuritic dis- order & the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of George Ulrick aged about 28 years (112) On Wednesday Feby 27th died & the day after was interred on the plantation of Casper Foust in Orangeburgh the Body of wife of Fred- erick Purly Shoemaker aged years (113) On Thursday March 6 died after nine days Ill- ness & the day after was interred on his own planta- tion in Orangeburgh the Body of Henry Haym, a na- tive of Switzerland aged about 60 years (114) On Friday March 711l died after a pleuritic dis- order of 8 days & the day after was interred on the plantation of Ulrick 0th the Body of Francis Kooner Aged 35 years (115) On Tuesday March 11 died after Five days Ill- ness, and the day after was enterred on his own plan- tation in Orangeburgh the Body of Kilian Gussert aged years (116) On Wednesday March 12ili died after 9 days Illness and the day after was interred in the planta- tion of John Ulrick 0th the Body of Catharine wife of Jacob Kooner aged years (117) Oil Thursday March 13ili died & the day after was interred in the above plantation the Body of 2'12 THE HISTORY OF Johij, son of Johannes & Elizabeth Wolf aged 15 years 3 months and 13 days, was sick 11 days Register of Buryings Orangeburgh Township 1760 (140)* On Saturday June 211^ died of the small poxf and the day after was interred in Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Mary Magdalene. Daughter of Jacob & Anna Wannenmaker, aged 2 years & 8 months ^ (141) On Thursday June 26^ died of the small pox and the day after was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh The body of Anna, daughter of the above Wannenmaker and Anna his wife aged 3 months 3 weeks (142) On Thursday July 29 died and the day af- ter was enterred in the church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Regina Daughter of Jacob and A Wolf aged 10 months (143) On Friday August l«tdied — — was interred in the Church — — the Body:t A List of Persons Deceased and Buryed in the Churchyard of Orangeburgh 1760 ' No** 144 (145) On Wednesday Oct^' 15;^ died & the day after was interred on the Plantation of Ulrick Brunner in Orangeburgh Township the Body of John, son of the said I hick Brunner aijd Eva Mini:) his wife nged 2 months 11 days (146) On Saturday Oct«^ KStiL died & the day after "From No, 117 to No. 140 in recor*! lost. tThat tliere was any ditti'iciKv of opiiiiidi as to vvht'tlier this was sinall pox or "ag^fijravatrd fhicki'ii [mix", tht' record saitli not. tOllu-r words torn off. ■ "Tlir cntrv torn off. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 213 was interred on the plantation of Lewis Roth in Orangeburgb Township the Body of Catharina Eliza- beth daughter of said Lewis Roth and Mar}' Barbara his wife aged 22 months (147) On Sunday OctL* 19!]L died the day after was interred on the plantation of Capt William Seawright at Beaver Creek the Body of the said William Sea- wright aged between 50 and 60 years (148) Nov 7 died and the day after - — was interred in the Cbui'ch Yard* The subsequent burial records are missing, but there could not have been many numbers after 148, as Rev. John Giessendanner died early in 17(n. The following is the record as to communions, kept by Rev. John Giessendanner after his return from England: The number of all those who have received The Holly Communion on Easter and Monday in the Church of Orangeburgb according to the Form and use of the Church of England.! On Sunday April 15 the following 1 Michael Christopher Row 3 John Futchman and his wife 4 Mary Margareth Shnyder 5 Barbara Jennings 6 Agnes Giessendanner 8 Wenner Ulmer, and his wife > : 10 John Frederick &■ George Lewis Ulmer 12 Nicholas Durr cV: His wife 14 George Giessendanner Sen^ife wife 16 Hans Fryding Juni; & his wife 18 Hans George Hessey and his wife *Tlu' i)art of tlu' pajif coiitaininu the lialniici' (if this nconi is foiii offaiwl lost. tThe year of tliis ii-conl is not >iivcii, i«iit I7.")(l was mitfrif/ht txii/ Gelding, twelve hands high, five years old, a star on iiis forehead, branded on the mounting buttock S [], a trotter; also a hai/ Mar<\ near twelve hands high, four years old, branded on the mounting shouhler I '^^ a trotter; also a .strawherri/ roan Metre, near thirteen hands high, six years old, branded on the mounting shoulder and buttock K. R. The owners may jirove their property within six niontlis, at Orangeburgh, l)efore "Samuel Rowe." ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 219 siderable part in Orangeburgh District; though we do find the following notice in the South Carolina Gazette of March 16th, 1769: "In Council, 13^'» March 1769. It having appeared to his Excellency, and the Board, that Benjajiiin Farrar, and Barnabas Arthur, Eqrs. Justices of the Peace for this Province, had been instrumental in for- menting and increasing the Disorders that prevailed among the People who stiled themselves REGULA- TORS in the Back Country: His Excellency, by the Advice of the Council was pleased to strike their Names out of the Commission of the Peace." Farrar and Arthur were both prominent citizens of Saxe- Gotha Township. While the chief seat of "Regula- tion" was higher up in the State, still there were some disturbances in Saxe-Gotha and Amelia Townships, hardly in Orangeburgh Township, or the section be- tween the North Edisto and Savannah rivers. The condition of the country embraced by the pres- ent county of Barnwell is given by Tarleton Brown in his "Memoirs". About the same conditions existed in the other parts of Orangeburgh District, so some ex- tracts from the "Memoirs" will be given here. After stating that he had moved to South Carolina from Virginia with his parents and settled on Brier Creek, opposite to Burton's Ferry, in 1769, he goes on thus: "Having cleared a piece of land, we planted, and found the soil to be exceedingly fertile in the river swamp, producing abundant crops. The country was literally infested with wild beasts, which were very annoying to the inhabitants — killing the stock and de- stroying the crops — and were so bold, daring, a,nd ravenous, that they would come into our yards, and before our doors take our sheep and poultry. Indeed, it was dangerous to venture out at night beyond the l)ieciiicts of our yards unarmed. We used every de- 220 THE HISTORY OF vice to exterminate them, and ultimately effected our object by setting traps and poisoned bait. "The forest abounded with all kinds of game, parr ticularly deer and turkeys — the former were almost as gentle as cattle. I have seen fifty together, in a day's ride in the woods. The latter were innumera- ble, and so very fat that I have often run them down on horseback. The range for cattle was excellent; it was a very common thing to see two hundred in a gang in the large ponds. In any month in the year beeves in the finest order for butchering might be ob- tained from the forest. It was customary then to have large pens or enclosures for cattle under the particular charge or direction of some person or per- sons; I was informed by one of those who kept a pen at King Creek, that there had been marked that spring seven hundred calves. Our produce for mar- ket was beef, pork, staves, and shingles. There was but little corn planted in that section then; and, in- deed, there was scarcely any inducement to plant more than sufficed for our own consumption, there being but few mills in the country, and consequently very little demand for the article. "From the fact of the new and unsettled state of the country, it may readily be inferred that the roads were very inferior; in truth, they were not much bet- ter than common bridle paths; and I feel confident in asserting that there were not, in the whole Barnwell District,* any conveyances superior to carts of com- mon wood slides. There were a great many wild horses running at large in the forest when we first settled in the district, a number of which were caught and sold by various individuals, who puisued exclu- sively the business for a livelihood.*" *It was not Barnwell District at that tinu-, hnt a part of Oranjir- burjih District. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 221 The writer tells us of the cow-pens, situated in vari- ous parts of the district. One of these pens was situ- ated upon the present Middlepen creek, and was the middle pen of the cattle raisers for a certain territory, and hence the name of the stream. Another of these pens was owned by Capt. John Salley, the writer's great great grand-father, but the family tradition has always been that it was his own pen, as he had thousands of acres of land and many cattle; and Mr. Brown speaks of it* as "Capt. Salley's 'Cowpens'" — doubtless a col- lection of pens at one spot. It is said that the spot on Dean Swamp whereon this pen stood is still so fertile as to show a marked difference between the crops planted there and those all around. What Mr. Brown has said about the wild beasts in this section is confirmed by the traditions of many old people hereabouts. One old gentleman of this county relates that his elders have often told him of the troubles the early settlers had with beasts of prey. The settlers had to build their cow-pens and sheep folds and poultry houses very near their dwelling houses, and had to keep their firearms constantly loaded and primed in order to protect their stock. The same old gentleman tells of an old wolf trap that was built in the Limestone section before the Revolu- tion, and which was still to be seen ten or fifteen years ago, though there are now no traces of it left. It wa!5 built by digging a large, grave-shaped hole in the gi'ound about ten or twelve feet deep. Then the walls of this pit were secured by means of a snug fit- ting pen of notched poles built from the bottom of the pit to a level with the surface, so as to prevent a wolf from scratching his way out. A board was then nicely balanced lengthwise over the pit, and a piece ■*"Mt'iii<»ir»", psifre 12. 222 THE HISTORY OF of fresh meat suspended over one end of the board, so that if a wolf walked out on the board to try to get the meat he was dumped into the pit, from which he was unable to escape, and where he was killed by the hunters soon thereafter. It was usually the custom to drag a piece of fresh meat about through the woods for several miles, and finally to drag it to the wolf trap, so that wolves might follow the trail and be led into the snare. The same old gentleman remembers going to the trap when quite small and seeing some of his neighbors kill a wolf.* Bear were also plentiful in this section in the days of the pioneer, and occasionally one is to be met with to-day in the Edisto river swamp. Mr. Benjamin Cul- ler,}- grand-father of Mr. W. W. Culler of this county, once killed a large bear in a hand to hand encounter. It was near his home in the Limestone section. He was stooping over a spring when suddenly a little dog he had with him sprang, apparently much frightened, into the spring beside him and splashed the water all over him. This caused Mr. Culler to straighten up suddenly, and just as he did so a large bear clasped the little dog in his embrace. Quick as thought Mr. Culler grabbed old bruin by the long hair on the back of his head, and drawing his hunting knife, gave him *He was also present at the killin{>- of the last wolf killed in this sec- tion, which was about 1839 or 1840. It was killed by William Robin- son on the plantation of his father, Joseph Robinson, on Limestone. He shot it twice and broke both of its fore lejis, l)ut in spite of its crip- pled condition it managed to turn back every dofj- tiiat came within reach of it. A short time before that a lone wolf had made its ap- pearance on Great Branch, and "Jack" McMichael got a i^hot at it and wounded it, but did not bajr it. But as it was never seen iji that section afterwards, it was supposed that it died of its wounds. In each or these instances the wolf had played havoc with the sheep about it before being l)rought to earth. tOr Collar, as it was then si)elled. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 223 a few swift stabs under the foreshoulder and laid him low. He weighed 370 or 380 pounds. The early settlers of Orangeburgh doubtless found some buftaloes roaming the forests about them, for there are old salt licks to be seen in this section to-day that are still called "buffalo licks." It is doubtful though if there were ever many buffaloes in this sec- tion of South Carolina, as the topography of the coun- try was not suited to them, and it is more than likely that deer, bear, wild horses and the small animals did most of the licking at the salt licks of this section, not- withstanding the fact that the buff'alo has received the credit of producing these mosquito farms of to-day. The beaver was also to be found in this section in the days of our first settlers, and, although it has been long over a century since he passed out of our terri- tory, he has left his impress* behind him. There were one or more Beaver creeks and Beaver dams in the old District of Orangeburgh. Mr. W. W. Culler also gives a description of a very unique dwelling house that was built about 1750, or earlier, by his great grand-father, Benedict Roller, on the lands that had been granted him by the govern- ment, and which lands are still in possession of the Culler family. The last wall of this house was torn down by Mr. Culler himself about 1835, and he remem- bers perfectly well how it was constructed. It was about 16 X 20 feet. The sides were built by putting up in line eight fat lightwood posts, with eight or nine feet clear the ground, about two feet apart. Each post had a groove cut in the sides facing the neighboring posts. These grooves ran the entire length of the posts. The spaces between the posts were tilled in by sliding into these grooves a wicker *Aiia Weher's Confession. "'"April 16th, 1761, being imprisoned and ironed, it occurred to me and the jailor to transmit to my be- loved children a sketch of my mournful life. I, Jacob Weber, was born in Switzerland, in Canton Zurich, in the county of Knomauer, in the parish of Stiffer- schweil, and was raised and educated in the Reformed Church. In the fourteenth year of my age I journeyed with my brother to South Carolina, leaving my pa- rents; and soon after my arrival I lost my brother by death. Thus I was forsaken of man, and without father or mother. But God had compassion on me amid much trouble and sorrow. He planted the fear of the Lord in my heart, so that I had more pleasure in the Lord, in godliness, and the Word of God, than in the world. I was often troubled about ray salva- tion when I reflected how strict an account God would require, that I must enter into judgment, and know not how it would result. Although God drew me with his grace, 1 found also the reverse in my corrupt nature, which was excited with the love of the world. viz., of riches, honors, and an easy life. "'"Mankind love a social life, and as the Lord drew me back in many wonderful ways, I came, therefore. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 241 nearer to him; notwithstanding I always attended to my religious services and prayer, but with a heart cold and averted from God. Through such exercises of the heart T arrived at a knowledge of my sins, and learned how awfully the human race had fallen from God, and how low all maiikiiid. without exception, are sunken in depravity. As soon as T experienced this, I earnestly besought God day and night for forgiveness, for the Holy Spirit, for a pure heart, and for saving faith, and I felt the necessity of retirement to restrain my thoughts, and to prevent the Divine work from being hindered in me. In this retirement I forgot the turmoil of the world. In this light I regarded all vain desires and thoughts and all human works as by na- ture damnable in the sight of God. Fear and sorrow now seized upon ray poor soul, and I thought, what shall I do to be saved? It was shown me that noth- ing would suffice but being born again of water and of the Spirit. Realizing that I could not be saved in any other way, I prayed still more earnestly, and it was shown me still more plainly by the Holy Ghost in my heart how sinful I was (Rom. 7), so that I stood there before the judgment of God; but the judgment of God became manifest in me, so that I judged myself, and confessed that I deserved a thousand-fold to be cast from the presence of God. and wondered that the for- bearance of the Lord had not long since hurled me, poor and condemned wretch, into the lowest pit of destruction; and then too, I saw the whole world lay in sin. Feeling myself so lost, I cast myself entirely upon the mercy of God to lead me according to his holy will and pleasure, whether unto life or death, if he would only be gracious unto my poor soul for Christ's sake, and pardon my sin. and purify my heart from all uncleanness. Thus I lay at the feet of Jesus with all my heart in submission, sighing and praying 242 THE HISTORY OF night aud day for his grace, and so continued for sev- eral days, until I had passed from death unto life. Then Jesus revealed himself unto my soul. Then there was great joy in heaven over me, a returning sinner. Then all my sins were forgiven me, and I was full of the Holy Ghost, and rejoiced with a joy un- speakably great. This occurred, or 1 experienced this joy, A. D. 1756, in the month of May. This grace caused me to despise the joy of the world, and to dis- regard its reproach, and kept me, thenceforth, continu- ally with my surety, Jesus, amid many temptations not now to be mentioned, until tinally I found rest for my soul. This peace and communion with God I pos- sessed about two years, under every burden of afflic- tion, for I had the grace to enable me, under all cir- cumstances, to submit my will to the mercy of God. Through the grace which was in me 1 could govern temporal goods without danger to my soul. Upon this followed the great misery and awful fall into sin, already, alas! too well known. The devil bringing me into a greater temptation and fall than was ever known, of which Peter Schmidt was the origin and in- strument. After this, by the providence of God, I was captured and cast into prison, that I might recover my reason, come to a knowledge of my great sins, and confess them before God, that thus it might awaken great wretchedness in my soul, humble me before God and man, yea, beneath all creatures, yea, that 1 might account myself as the poorest worm. I often thought each and every persoi] too good to speak to me, and interest himself in me. Nevertheless 1 sought cordial- ly the forgiveness of my sins in the blood of the Lamb of God, my Redeemer, who loved me and died for all my sins, and for his righteousness' sake arose, all which I heartily believe, because I experience again the witness of the Holy Spirit, which testifies unto ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 243 my spirit that I am a child of God. And now, my children, beloved in the Lord, T must leave this world, and, perhaps, behold your face no more in this life. I commend yon. therefore, to the protection and mercy of God! Pray without ceasing, learn and read; injure no one vs^illingly and wilfully while you live; labor in- dustriously and faithfully according to your ability; then, if vs-e should meet no more in this world, we may hope to meet each other in heaven, in the world to come; which may the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, grant to you for the sake of the crucified Jesus, Amen. Such cunning and celerity does Satan possess as to cause so great a schism and injury even among the children of God, and to lead them astray, and make them fall so suddenly against their knowl- edge and consent. May God preserve all persons from so great a fall, and trample Satan under foot, for Christ's sake, Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and all persons. Amen. And I beseech all persons who have been injured by me to forgive me, for Christ's sake. *'* "Written or dictated by '""Jacob Waeber. '""April 16tli, 17(j]."' "Dr. Hazelius' account of this tragic affair is as fol- lows: "'It was about this time that a number of our (Ger- man) people, living on the banks of the Saluda River, in South Carolina, being destitute of ministerial in- struction, agreed to assemble from time to time for singing, prayer, the reading of the Scriptures, and mu- tual edification. This was as it should be, but the enemy soon sowed tares among the wheat, by intro- ducing spii'itual pride among the small fiock. One man, by the name of Weaver, personated Christ, an- other the Holy Spirit, a certain woman, the wife of 244 THE HISTORY OF Weaver, the Virgin Mary, and one poor fellow was doomed to represent Satan. The curiosity of the peo- ple became highly excited by the strange proceedings on Saluda River, in the neighborhood of what is now called Younginer's Ferry. Excess followed excess, until at length Weaver, representing either Christ or God, ordered, in virtue of his dignity, that Satan should be chained in a subterranean hole, and finally that he should be destroyed. For this purpose they met, placed the unfortunate man in a bed, covered him with pillows, on which some seated themselves, while others stamped with their feet on the bed until the life of the man had become extinct. The corpse was then taken out of bed, and thrown into a burning pile of wood, to be consumed to ashes. The perpetrators of this crime were taken to Charleston and tried. Weaver was found guilty, and suffered the penalty of the law on the gallows. His wife was pardoned.' "The Rev. Christian Theus furnished Dr. Muhlen- berg with a more detailed description of this sect of Weberites, as he was well acquainted with their do- ings, having lived about twenty-five miles fiom the place where the murder occurred. At a certain time he came unexpectedly into their meeting, and found Jacob Weber contending that he was God, and the said Peter Schmidt insisting that he himself was Christ, and that the unconverted members must be healed through his stripes. "Pastor Theus opposing such blasphemy, the leaders became enraged, and threatened his life, and coun- selled with their rabble whether to drown or hang him. He escaped, however, fronj their hands, fied to the river, and fortunately found a negro with his ca- noe at the shore, sprang into it, was conveyed across, and thus saved his life. "All traces of this abominable heresy have long since ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 245 been obliterated: neither are tliere even any descend- ants of Jacob Weber and Peter Schmidt to be found in the Sahida Fork. To what region of country thej' emigrated, or what was their subsequent history, is not known. The object of history in preserving the record of such deeds is that it might serve as a w^arn- ing to all not to depart from the truth as revealed in God's word, even in their religion."' * * * * « "That Weber was sincere, his confession, which he made with eternity in view, fully proves; notwithstanding his sincerity, so great was his deception in spiritual things, that he became guilty of the most horrid blas- phemy and the greatest crime known to the law." "In this locality, v^here the Weberites had their ori- gin, and about that period of time, A. D. 1758, accord- ing to the import of Weber's confession, the Gospel was but seldom preached, and the effects of such neg- lect soon manifested themselves: the people generally gave a loose rein to their passions, rioted in their wantonness, and actually believed that in doing so they w^ere rendering service to God." These were the people who contributed much to- ward bringing about the ''Regulation" troubles, and here is where the largest number of German Tories was to be found during the Revolution, and on that account the whole German population of South Caro- lina has been charged with being of Tory inclination. But let it be remembered that the little angle between the Saluda and Broad rivers — partly in Orangeburgh District and partly in Ninety-Six District — constitu- ted a very small part of South Carolina, and the Ger- mans there settled constituted a very snjall portion of the South Carolina (Jei-mans, and they were not all of them Tories either. 246 THE HISTORY OF Section 4. The Ciric Officers of the Period. Up to 1768, when the Pioviiice of South Carolina was divided into districts, the townships of Amelia, Orangeburgh and Saxe-dotha formed parts of Berkeley County, as already stated, and the only civic officers in those townships were the Justices of the Peace, and the Inquirers and Collectors of taxes. After the formation of St. Matthew's Parish in 1765, representa- tion was allowed that Parish in the Commons House of Assembly of the Province; and after the formation of Orangeburgh District in 1768. a Sheriff, a Jailer and a District Clerk of Court were added to the list of office holders. The following is a very incomplete list, made up from various sources, of the civic officers of the period: Justices of the Peace.* 1734. Charles Russell. f 1737. George Haig.:J: Christian Motte.§ 1747. John Chevillette.1l 1752. Moses Thomson *The ottice of justice of the peace was a far more important position in Colonial days than it lias ever been since. t^S'. C. Gazeftc, .Iiine 7, 1734. J.S'. a Gazeftc, July 2—9, 1787. He was also at that time a Dep- uty Surveyor General, as will appear by the grants of John Hearn, p. 25, Henry Salley, p. 28, and the grant made April 13, 1739, to Mrs. Mary Russell, in trust for her children.— p. 23. ^*S'. C. Gazette, March 26, 1737. lAs appears by an old original document. °Snuth Caroli- na Gazette, 1752. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 247 Christian Minnick.* 1753, Moses Thomson, I Christian Minnick.;]: 1754. Moses Thomson.§ 1756. Jacob Motte. Moses Thomson, Tacitus Gailliard, John Chevillette, Christian Minnick. 1762. Jacob Motte. Tacitns CTaillard, Moses Thomson, ^ John Chevillette, James Mayson. 1765.11 Moses Thomson, Christian Minnick, John Chevillette, Gavin Pou, Lew^is Golson. 1768. Thomas Bond,l[ Lewis Golson,"^ Moses Thomson** William Thomson. |f *South Carolina Gazette^ 1752. -fS'otifh Carolina Gazette, Aufj. 6, 1753. XSouth Carolina Gazette, March 26, 1753. hSouth Carolina Gazette, March 19, 1754. || "In and for Amelia and Orangel)iirgh Townships." — From X\\e South Carolina Almanac, 1705. Jolin Govaii is mentioned in the same authority as one of the justices of the peace for Granville County. He had probably removed to Granville Coun- ty, for in the Gazette of July 18, 1768, (No. 1711— Supplement) under the caption "Provost-Marshal's Sale", appears the following notice: "On Thursday 25tli of August next, will be sold, at public vendue, at the usual place in Charles-Town, All that valuable plantation or tract of 520 acres of land", &c., "whereon John Govan, Esq., deceased, lately lived, situate in Prince Williams parish, Granville-county", &c. ^S'. a Gazette, May 9, 1768. °S'. C. Gazette, April 18, May 9, July 4, Sept. 5, Oct. 10, 1768. **.S. C. Gazette, July 11, 1768. tt-'^'- C Gazette, August S, 1768. 248 THE HISTORY OF -1768-9. Benjamin Farrar,* Barnabas Arthur.* Philip Pearson, (Saxe-Gotha.)t Tacitus Gaillard.:|: 1769-70.§ Moses Thomson, John Chevillette, William Hopton, Gavin Po«, Lewis Golson, Christopher Rowe, William Thomson, William Arthur, George Strother. 177(>-71.1i Moses Thomson, , Lewis Golson, William Thomson, Gavin Pou, Christopher Rowe, William Hopton, John Chevillette, George Strother, William Arthur. 1775° Gavin Pou, Christopher Rowe, Benjamin Farrar, John Savage, John Fairchild, James Thomson, Henry Felcler, Donald Bruce. Justices of the Quorum.** 1775. Gavin Pou, Christopher Rowe, Thomas Green, Benjamin Farrar, Moses Kirkland, John Savage, *See page 219. -fS'. C. Gazette and Country Joaniat, June 13, 1769. JThe South Carolina Gazette of Febriuiry 28rd, 1769, announced that the day before the Governor had ordered Tacitus Gaillard's name "struck out of the Commission of the Peace; and at the same time, the said Tacitus Gaillard, as Colonel". ^.For the townships of Ame- lia, Orangeburgh and Saxe-Gotha in Berkeley County. — The SoutU Carolina Gazette, Oct. 18, 1769. ^South Carolina Gazette, Oct. 18, 1770. °«S'. C. Gazette, Jan. 7, 1775. **For Orangeburgh District. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 249 David Pou, John Fairchild, Henry Patrick, Thomas Young, Joseph Kirkland, Samuel Rowe,* William Tucker, Arthur Symkins, David Holmes, John Dicks, Johannes Beard, Michael Dickert, John Chestnut, Isham Clayton, Malcolm Clark, James Thompson, William Housell, Henry Felder, Ephriam Mitchell, William Brovv^n, Donald Bruce, Evan McLaurin, Lewis Golson, William Arthur. Inquirers and Collectors. 1758.t Amelia and adjacent ^ ^.jj.^^ g.j^^ places: ) ° Orangeburgh, with the ) forks of Edisto river and > Gavin Pou. the adjacent places: ) The Township of Saxe- I j Leslie,t Uotha and forks between j^u^, j pp the Congaree and Wa- ^r^j^^^^g j^g^^j^gU^ teree rivers and adjacent ] j Pennington, places: J ° 1760.§ The Township of Ame- } -1117-^11;.,^. q..i.u lia and adjacent places: < *See page 218, foot note. fStats. of S. C, Vol. IV, page 56-7. tOn Dec. 14, 1758, an Ordinance was passed "for rectifjang Mistakes in the names of two of the Inquirers, Assessors and Collectors, for the Town- ship of Saxegotha, and the forks between the Congree and Wateree Rivers, and adjacent places, appointed by the Tax Act, passed the 19th May, 1758". James Leslie and Thomas Kennelly were by the mistake in the said Act, called "John Leslie and John Kennelly". — Stats, of S. C, Vol. IV, pages 73 and 74. |Stats. of S. C, Vol. IV, page 132. 250 THE HISTORY OF Oraiigeburgh Township, ) with the forks of Edisto > Michael Christopher Rowe. river and adjacent places: ) Saxe-Gotha Township^ and the fork between the | John Pearson, Congaree and the Wa- [-William Harson, teree rivers and adjacent 1 William Raiford. places: J 1764.* For Amelia Township ) ^^-^^ ^.j^.^^ Thomson, and adjacent places: ) *' Orangeburgh Township, ) with fork of Edisto river > Gavin Pou. and adjacent places: ) Saxe-Gotha Township ] and the fork between the I u^u^ - n^^^^.. Cono-aree and Wateree l^^^^^* ^^^^"^' L^ongaree and wateree ^Andrew Allison. rivers, and adjacent places: 1 765.1 Amelia Township and } ^j p^^^^ adjacent places: ' Orangeburgh Township, ) with the forks of Edisto [■ Gavin Pou. river and adjacent places: \ Saxe-Gotha Township and the fork between the t^u. i^ir.n. ,.a Congar-ee and Wateree hil'^ ^f,^'^' rivers and adjacent places: Isaac Ross. 1766.^ The Parish of St. Mat- / Thomas Piatt, thew: \ Samuel Rowe. *Stats. of S. C, Vol. IV, pa^e 193. tStats. of S. C, Vol. IV, page 217. jStats. of S. C, Vol. IV, page 242. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 251 Saxe-Gotha Township] and the fork between the I t i xj -i^. Congaree and Wateree K J^^' Sc^^o d'"^ rivers and adjacent I ^°"" ^^^^^^^• places: J 1767.* i?^„ 4-u^ r> ..;,u ^v a^- ) John Thomson, lior the ransh or bt. ( f i ^t -xt- u i Mr>^^u^„.. V Joiio McJNichols, Matthew ( nu • j. u r» ) Christopher Kowe. ) John Thomas, For the Congarees: > Thomas Corker, Jr., ) Thomas Green. For both sides of Broad \ Thomas Kennedy, river: , ) John Freydig. Members of the Provincial Assembly. 1765-67. It will be remembered that when the Parish of St. Matthew was erected in August, 1765, that two rep- resentatives in the General Assembly were allowed that parish. At an election held in October following William Thomson and Tacitus Gaillard were returned as representatives for the parish, and took their seats in the assembly that met on the 28th of the same month, and closed its session on April 12th, 1768. From the journal of that unusually long session we learn that; "His Majesty having been pleased to Re- peal, the Act for establising S* Matthews Parish, Ma- jor Gaillard and Coll^ Thomson quitted their seats in the House the lO^ii day of November One thousand seven Hundred and sixty-seven." 1768. It will also be remembered that a second Act was passed, in April 1768, establishing St. Matthew's Par- *Stats. of S. C, Vol. IV, page 272. 252 THE HISTORY OF ish, and that provision was made therein for one rep- resentative in the Provincial Assembly. The Soiitft Carolina Gazette for Monday, September 5th. 176S, contains the following announcement: "Wednesday last ended the |>eneral election of members to represent the inhabitants of the several parishes into which this province is divided, in the ensuing general assembly, which is to meet here on Monday the 25th instant;* when the following gentle- men were elected, viz." * * •* * "For St. Matthew's. William Thomson. Esq." 1769. The South Carolina Gazette for March 16tb 1769, contains a list of the members elected to the General Assembly on the 7tb and 8th of that month. W^illiara Thomson is named as the representative elected for St. Matthew's Parish. f 1772. The South Carolina and A/neriran Genera f Gazette. for March 3Ist, 1772, announced that Isaac Huger had been elected a member of the Provincial Assembly for St. Matthew's Parish.:|: The same paper for September 29th, 1772, again announced Isaac Huger as a member of the Assembly for St. Matthew's Parish.§ 1773-75. The South Carolina and American General Gazette. for December 29th. 1772. nnnounced that at the late elections, Tacitus Gaillard had been i-eturned as the representative fron] St. Matthew's;;; but Mr. (lailliard was not permitted to sit easy in his seat, for the South *Met Nov, 15, 17()S, fFIie Assembly nie( on the 2HtFi of .Tune fol- lowinjf. JThe new Assembly niet soon nfter. ^Tlie Assembly met on OetoberSth, following. ||The new Assembly met on .Jnn. ITtli, 1773. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 253 VaroVuKi and American General G<(zetU\ for March 26th, 1773, announced that Isaac Huger would contest the election of Tacitus Gaillard; and the journal of the House of Representatives for Saturday, March 20th, 1773, contains the following: "Petition of Isaac Huger Esq to set aside the Elec- tion of Tacitus Gaillard Esquire "A Petition of Isaac Huger Esquire of Charles Town,* was presented to the House and read in the words following ( ) "That 3'Our Petitioner with Tacitus Gaillard Esquire were candidates at the last Election of a Member to serve in the present General Assembly for the Parish of Saint Matthew That the Election was not managed and conducted agreeable to the directions of an Act of the General Assembly for ascertaining the Manner and form of Electing Members to represent the Inhabetants of this Province in the Commons House of Assembly: First that no public notice was given in Writing at the Door of the •Parish Church, two Sundays before the appointed time of Election — That at two of the Clock in the Af- ternoon when the Box which contained the Names of the voters was produced by William Stent, one of the Church Wardens for the said Parish, two of the Seals were tore otf. That many undue practices were al- lowed by the Church Wardens during the Election to obtain a Majority of Votes for Mr Gaillard. That sev- eral persons were refused the liberty of Voting for your Petitioner on the first day of Election, and on the second were, offered their Votes, provided they would Vote for Mr Gaillard, That many Persons un- der Age, some who had no property in the Parish, and several Mulatoes were allowed to Vote at the said *A citizen of South Carolina was eligible for election to the Conl- iiio!is House from any parisli or election district wherein he owned land, and Mr. Huger owned land in St. Matthew's Parish. 254 THE HISTORY OF Election, contrary to the derections of the said Act, — Wherefore. Your Petitioner humbly prays that the Premises may be taken into Consideration by this Honorable House, and on proof thereof, that the Elec- tion of the said Tacitus Gaillard Esquire may be set aside and deemed void and of no Effect." "Ordered-that the Petition be referred to the Com- mittee on Privileges and Elections. And that the said Committee have Power to send for Persons, Papers and Records." What their report was the journal does not show, but suffice it to say that Mr. Gaillard served out his term, which — by the way — lasted until September 15th 1775, when Governor Campbell jDroro- gued the Assembly; the last Assembly under the Royal government. We may, therefore, take that date as the closing date of the colonial period in our history. Sheriffs. 1772. William Thomson. 1775. John James Haig.* Jailer of Orangeburgh District. 1775. John Mills.f District Clerk of Court. 1775. James Caldwell. :{: * "His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor has bt'en pleased to apjioint John James Haig Esq., to he Sheriff of Orangeburgh District." — South Carolina Gazette, Feb. B, 1775. "To Be Sold "At Orangeburgh C. H. on the 1st. Tuesday in December next." * * * * "Plantation", &c. "John James Haig, "Sheriff".— A'. C. Gazette, Nov. 28, 1775. t^S'. C. Gazette. J.S'. C. Gazette, Jan. 28, 1775. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 255 CHAPTER IV. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Section 1. The Civil Affairs of the Period. The excitement occasioned by the blockading of Boston port, by act of the British Parliament, in 1774,* caused a great number of the people of the Province of South Carolina to meet together in convention! in Charlestown, July 6th, 1774. St. Matthew's Parish was represented in that convention by Col. Tacitus Gaillard, who at that time was a member of the Com- mons House of Assembly (or Constitutional Assembly) for St. Matthew's Parish. (See S. C. Gazette for Mon- day, July 11, 1774.) This convention passed a set of resolutions con- demning the British Parliament for shutting up Bos- ton port, and setting forth the rights of the American <;olonists; and also elected five delegates:|: to a Conti- nental Congress, to meet in Philadelphia the first Mon- day in September following. This convention select- ed a committee of ninety-nine to act as a General Comnjittee to correspond with the committees of the other Colonies, and to do all matters and things nec- essary to carry out the resolutions of the convention. It was stipulated that twenty-one of this committee should constitute a quorum and that the power of the General Committee was to continue until the next general meeting. On this committee Col. Tacitus Gaillard, Col. William Thomson and William Ancrum *See South Carolina Oazette, June 3,»1774. fHee :ress." "Resolved, That the President do re- turn the thanks of the C'onjiress, to the Rev. Mr. Tunjuaiid, rector of iSt. Mathew's Parish, for his devout and pious performance of divine service before the Congress. And the same was done accordingly." —Moultrie's Memoirs, Vol. I, page 89. JAny voter who owned land in an election district was eligibU" to represent that district in an Assemltly, whether he lived in that district or not. 258 THE HISTORY OF carry their suggestions into execution; and to this end adopted the following resolution:* '"Remlved that the following Gentlemen be the Committee for effect- ually carrying into execution the Continental Asso- ciation! and for receiving and determining upon ap- plications relative to law processes". On this Commit- tee the following gentlemen were appointed to repre- sent St. Matthew's Parish, which included Orange- burgh Township: Col. Tacitus Gaillard, Col. William Thomson, Col. John Savage, Rev. Paul Turquand. Mr. George King, Mr. John Caldwell, Mr. Simon Berwick. Mr. Henry Felder, Col. Michael Christopher Rowe, Mr. Lewis Golson, Mr. Adam Snell, Mr. Christopher Zahn. And the following gentlemen were appointed for Saxe-Gotha Township, Orangeburgh District: Benjamin Farrar, Jonas Beard, William IVicker, Samuel Boykin, Godfrey Drier, Ralph Humphries. On the 19th of April, 1775, the Battle of Lexington was fought, and the very same day a packet from *8ee S. a Gazette, Feb. 13, 1775, and Moultrie's Memoirs, Vol. T, page 43. tThe first of February, 1775, was the day fixed by the Continental Congress after which no British goods sliould be imported. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 259 Loudon reached Cliarlestowii with intelligence sub- versive of the [jleasing hopes of a speedy acconiinoda- tion. These matters so excited the people, and affairs began to take such a serious shape that the Provincial Congres.>s was immediately summoned by the General Committee, to meet in twenty-three days at Charles- town. "So great was the zeal of the inhabitants", says Dr. Ramsay in his History of the Revolution of South Carolina, p. 33, ''and so general the alarm throughout the province, that one hundred and sev- enty-two members of the provincial Congress met on the day appointed, the first of June 1775, and proceed- ed with such assiduity, that they finished a great deal of important business in a short session of twenty- two days. Great were the objects which came before this assembly. Hitherto the only sacrifices demanded at the shrine of liberty, were a suspension of trade and business; but now the important question was agitated, whether it was better to 'live slaves or die freemen"." On the second day of their meeting it was unani- mously resolved that an association was necessary, and, accordingly, one was drawn up and signed by all of the members present, and afterwards by a large majority of the people of South Carolina.* By the terms of this association the people of South Carolina united themselves ''under every tie of religion and honour", and associated '"as a band in her defence against every foe'*. All persons who should refuse to subscribe to the association were to be considered as "inimical to the liberty of the colonies". Within three days it was resolved to raise two regiments of infantry Hud a regiment of rangers.* and to put the *See letter of Henry Laurens to Col. Fletehall.— Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society, Vol, II, page 42. fOn .June 21, 1775, the Council of Safety: ''Rcmlvrd, That it is not 260 THE HISTORY OF town and provini^e in a respectable position for de- fence. On June 22nd this Congress adjourned. From the Smdli Cayolina Gazette of September 7th, 1775, we learn that on the 7th, Sth, 28th, and 29th of August, 1775, elections were held throughout South Carolina for delegates to a "Colony Congress" to be held in Charlestown the tirst day of December follow- ing. St, Matthew's Parish, including the Township of Orangeburgh, elected the following delegates: Col. Tacitus Gaillard, Mr. Simon Berwick, Rev. Mr. Paul Turquand, Mr. Henry Felder, Mr. John Caldwell, Captain William Fludd. The Township of Saxe-Gotha, Orangeburgh District, elected the following: Hon. Wm. Henry Drayton, Benjamin Fai'i-ar, William Arthur, Henry Patrick, Ralph Humphries, Dr. Jacob Richmond. The section between the North fork of the Edisto river and the Savannah river, also a part of Orange- burgh District, elected delegates to this Congress also, but their names have not been obtained. The new Provincial Congress met, agreeably to their original appointment, on the 1st of November, 1775.* necessary for the present, to raise more than fifty men per company in the Foot, and thirty men per troop of Horse, in tiie Regiments or- dered to he raised for the service of this colony." *A sliort while previous to the assembling of the Provincial Con- gress, Lord William C'ami)bell, the Royal Governor, assembled the Constitutional Assembly and tried to transact business, but as most of the members of this Assembly sided with the Colonists, he could do nothing with them, and accordingly, on the loth of September, he ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 261 •*Till the year 1776, the opposition to Great-Britain was conducted on such temporary principles, that the repeal of a few acts of parliament would have imme- diately produced a reinstllee- tions of S. C. Historical Society. He sympathised with the Crown. IRamsay and Col. Thomson f^We his name as John Donaldson, but his name is given on the Journal of Council of Safety and in (xeneral DeSausure's pamphlet as James Donaldson. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 281 immediately transmit an exact inventory of the whole to this Couneil". Orders in accordanee with thi.s resolution were then sent to Col. Thomson,* and on July 1st he transmitted them to Major Mayson to be by him put into execu- tion: and Major Mayson was directed to place Fort (_'har!otte in chal-ge of Capt. Purvis. On the 13th of July the Council of Safety issued or- ders requiring Col. Thomson to make a complete re^ turn of hi.s regiment, and issued further orders for the regiment to begin a series of movements on August the 10th; whi<-h last orders were rescinded by the Council on July 20th. On July 14th, the Council, upon application by Col. Thomson, issued the following order, which was doubt- less very agreeable to the officers and men of the Ran- gers: ■'Pay to Col. William Thomson, to be paid by him to the Paymaster of the Regiment of Hangers, for pay- ing the said Regiment, the sum of one thousand Pounds currency; for which this shall be your war- rant. "7V> John NevfviUe. Ffif^r Barof, WUluihi Gihbes, esqa., Comniissioners of the Co/on i/ Tjrasun/.'" Fronj the Journal of the Council for the same day, July 14th. we extract: "The Council signed a certifi- cate for Dr. Alexander Rogers, appointed Surgeon to the Regiment of Rangers, dated this day, upon an ap- plication by Col. Thomson." Col. Thomson was next given orders, on July 15th, to immediately march his regiment, or such part of it as he might deem necessary foi' the service, to take Fort Chailotte, in case the same had not already been *.See his order book in Section 8 of this chsiptcr. 282 THE HISTORY OF secured agreeable to the order of June 26th. Upon re- ceiving this order Col, Thomson issued orders for Cap- tains Goodwyn, Kershaw, Richardson and Woodward to meet him at the Congarees on the following Sun- day, ready to march to Fort Charlotte; but upon reach- ing the Congarees he met an express from Major May- son containing the intelligence of the capture of Fort Charlotte.* Thereupon Col. Thomson went into camp at the Congarees with the four companies he had with him, issued orders for Capt. Wise to also join him at once with his company, and sent a detachment to Fort Charlotte for powder. From his camp at "Granby near Friday's Ferry", Col. Thomson wrote a letter to the Council of Safety on July 22nd, in which he advised that some member of the Council of Safety and the Rev. William Ten- nent be sent among the back-country people. It appears that when the Continental Association was carried among the settlers in the fork between the Broad and Saluda rivers, (a part of which territor}^ was in Orangeburgh District, but the greater part of which w^as in Ninety-Six District) many of them re- fused to sign it. The Council of Safety then resolved, on July 23rd, to send William Henry Drayton and the Rev. William Tennent among them to try to persuade them into signing it. The Council also gave them the following authority: "Gentlemen — in order to give you every necessary and proper support and protec- tion in your progress into the country, in execution of our commission of this date, you are hereby author- ized to call upon all and every Officer of the Militia and Rangers for assistance, support and protection". Acting under this authority Messrs Drayton and *WIiieli was plaet'd under the care of ('apt. John Caldwell and his company. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. Tenuent. who had left Charleston on August 2nd, <-alled upon Col. Thomson soon thereafter to accom- pany them with his regiment. The following account of their journey tiirough Orangeburgh District, and their transactions with Col. Thomson and his regi- ment of rangers, is made up from Mr. Tennent's diary, several letters written by Messrs Drayton and Ten- nent, and various other documents: Tennent's diary: "'Sth. Set out a little after 6, and by the help of Mr. Thomson's good pair of horses, passed over sixteen miles of the worst road I almost ever saw, owing to the steepness of the hills, and the gullies made by yesterday's shower of rain. Dined at Mr. Patrick's, a man of property among the Dutch, and afterwards rode with him seven miles. Arrived at Col. Chestnut's paymaster and there found Col. , with sundry othcers of the regiment. Among others was agreeably surprised to find Dr. Charlton, from Philadelphia, a lieutenant among them. We were soon introduced to Messrs Dunn & Booth, two lawyers sent from North Carolina, prisoners, for having been busy in stirring up there in opposition to the Conti- nent. They appear sensible and plausible men. After making known our errand to the Commanding Officer, we consulted with him and concluded to send the prisoners by a detachment to Charleston to the gener- al committee informing them of the time of the Con- gress in North Carolina, to disband the Kangers for a few days, to take off the fears of the people. Sunday, August 6th. Preached in Camp at Col. in the evening. Finding some disaffected among the soldiers Mr. Drayton harrangued them and was followed by myself until all seemed well satisfied, and we returned to Mr. Chestnut's 2 miles. About midnight were alarmed by an officer from the Camp, who informed us, that they had niutined and were deterujined to g6 284 THE HISTORY OF off in the morning, we agreed to let matters rest until they ordered the Companies to come to us. "Monday, 7th. Discovered that the Mutiny arose from some words dropped by some officers concerning their pay and duty. We dealt plainly with the Corps of Officers, and addressed the men at the head of the Regiment in such a manner as that they all went away happy". Letter written by Drayton and Tennent: "Congaree Store,* August 7th, 1775. ''To the Council of Safety. "Gentlemen: — Having left Charles Town on Wed- nesday morning, we arrived here early on Saturda}' afternoon, 130 miles distant from town. In our way, we spent some hours at Col. Gaillard's.f and we flatter ourselves the visit had a good effect. It is to be hoped, he has not delivered himself in public so warmly, as he has expressed himself to us." ********* "As a first step to the particular object of our pro- gress, upon our arrival here, we despatched notices to particular persons of influence among the Dutch, to endeavor to procure a meeting of them at the place of election as on this day. To our great mortification not one German}: appeared, but one or two of our friends who had been industrious to procure a meet- ing. By them we were informed, their countrymen were so much averse to take up arms, as they imag- ined, against the king, least they should lose their *"A few hundred yards below Graiiby." fTaeitus Gaillard, who lived in Orangehiirgli District, near Eutaw Springs. JLet it be borne in niind that these were the 8axe-(Jotha and "Dutch Fork" Germans — not the Orangeburgh Germans. And even the small hopes that Drayton entertained of fheae, were redeemed ?ifterwards. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 285 lands; and were so possessed with an idea, that the rangers were posted here to force their signatures to the association, that they would not by any argu- ments be induced to come near us". * * * "How- ever unfavorable these circumstances are, we hope you will not be alarmed at them; we yet have some hopes of success, though we confess they are but small in this quarter. "We have engaged Col. Thomson to order a muster of two Dutch companies in this neighborhood on Wed- nesday next, and w-e have declared if the officers diso- bey they shall be broke. This threat was highly nec- essary, as the Dutch Captains had some little time ago disobeyed such an order, alledging that extra mus- ters were warranted only by orders from the Gover- nor. We hope this step will oblige a part of the Ger- mans to give us a hearing; and as we flatter ourselves that our discourses to them will not be entirely lost upon them, we expect these will induce others of their countrymen to be willing to hear what we have to say. With this view, and to give such persons an op- portunity of hearing us; w^e have engaged one Dutch clergyman to perform service at one place on Friday next, and another, at a second place on Sunday next, at both which places Mr. Drayton will be present. And in the mean time, as we know in general, that an argument relating to money matters most readily catches a Dutchman's ear, we have declared that no non-subscriber in this settlement will be allowed to purchase at, or sell to this store or Charles Town. When Mr. Drayton shall quit the Dutch settlements on Sunday next, after having had on Saturday a meet- ing with a large number of people of all sorts, at one McLaurin's, a store keeper, hitherto an enemy, but now. at least in appearance, a friend, he will proceed up the fork to Col. Fletc hall's". 286 THE HISTORY OF "Yesterday Mr. Tennent performed divine service in Camp; and in the afternoon Mr. Drayton harran- gued the Rangers respecting the new and extraordi- nary power by which they were raised; the nature of the public disputes, and the justice of the cause in which they were engaged; the nature of their alle- giance to the King and their duty to their country, their families and themselves; their duty and obliga- tion to oppose and attack any British troops landing in this colony; their honor was awakened by con- trasting their personal value and importance against the importance of the British troops; their complaints respecting provisions were entered into, and they were assured the public meant to do all that could be done for them consistently with the nature of disci- pline and the calamitous situation of affairs; they were informed that the public could not so much dis- honor them as to imagine they had enlisted merely for pecuniary gain, but persuaded that they being ac- tuated with a nobler motive, all men were willing to believe, that they without wishing to be at ease in every respect, as in a regular service under an estab- lished and quiet Government, did not, as they could not in honor or conscience, desire more than absolute necessaries. And that, if they thought it a hardship to go abroad to procure provisions, the Council were ready to save them that trouble by deducting a rea- sonable sum from their pay, and supplying them with provisions in the manner in which the foot were fur- nished. They had grumbled about tents, and were now informed that the British troops in America dur- ing the last war, not only generally used but piefer- red huts made of bushes. Finally, encomiums were passed upon the progress they had made in the art military, and it was recommended to them in the ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 287 strongest terms to pay the most perfect obedience to their officers, as the only means by which they could become good soldiers, and to defend those liberties and rights which they appeared so willing to protect. Hitherto there has been but little subordination. "To these things Mr. Tennent added assurances of the value of Congress currency which many people liad endeavored to depreciate in the opinion of the soldiers, and he read and commented upon the declar- ation of the General Congress. "These things being finished, we left the camp in apparent quiet satisliiction and content, the men on being discharged expressing their thanks to us. But about midnight, an officer stole from the camp (about two miles off*) and gave us the most alarming intelli- gence that a most dangerous mutiny had broke out in, and prevailed throughout the whole camp, in which there was no longer any command or obedience; that the men were in an uproar at the idea of a de- duction of their pay, for they had in general been promised provisions above their pay, and they were determined to quit the camp this morning and dis- band. Col. Thomson and Capt. Kershaw lodge with us; they were willing to do any thing that was thought proper. We consulted with them upon the case, and it was thought most advisable not to take any step in the night or for either of those officers to go to the camp; but that time should be allowed for the men to cool, and for the three Captains and other officers in camp to sound the men, and learn who would be depended upon. This measure had the effect we exi»ected, and this ujorning the men appeared quiet, and it became evident that the disorders arose from three or four privates of prof!igate dispositions, * "At the Corif^aree Creek, below Grant»y". ■288 THE HISTORY OF and from improper conduct, declarations, and conver- sations of some officers. Capt. Woodward had incau- tiously at enlisting his men, made promises which proved grounds of discontent and disappointment, and yesterday had even the rashness to attempt to he spokesman to us in the hearing of the Rangers in fa- vor of their being found above their pay; and Lieu- tenant Dutarque, also attenjpted to inveigh against the cruelty of keeping men encamped without tents. Such topics had by these officers frequently been touched upon heretofore, but we have privately given them a lecture upon the subject, and we hope as the}' heard us in a proper manner, that it will have a good effect. From such sources, however, it is plain the disorder of last night arose. The Rangers were this morning marched from camp to this place, where Mr. Drayton harrangned them upon the disorder of the last night, attributing it to a few disorderly persons. who in this the first instance, would by the Colonel be passed over unnoticed, in hopes such lenity would work a reformation in them. The consequences of a mutinous conduct were described as tending to expose them to the derision of their neighbors and enemiejs. and to cover them and the whole corps with shame, con- tempt, infamy and ruin, without effecting the public service; for, if they should prove unworthy of the ser- vice, they would certainly be brought to condign pun- ishment, and other and more worthy rangers be found to supply their places. For they ought not to flatter themselves, that because some parts of this country w^ere disaffected, that therefore they could desert and be in places of security. If any should desert they must some time be off their caution and guard, and then they would be seized, for a reward would be put upon their heads — no money would be thought too much to ferret them out wheiesoever they should go; ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 28^ and dead or alive the}" would oeitainl}^ be carried to Charles Town. The situation of America was placed l)efore them. On one side of the question stood almost infinite numbers, supported b}^ wealth and men of learning and abilities to plan and execute measures to evercome their opponents, who, of the Americans were only a few men of little property and less knowledge and abilities to conduct affairs; and they were asked, if they could possibly think ther6 was any safety among such men. The obligation of their oath was strongly insisted upon; and as to provisions, it was declared that the officers wH)uld endeavor to en- courage people, of whom many were willing to sup- ply the camp; in which case the soldiers should pur- chase as they pleased in camp, where, when there were any provisions they should not be allowed to go abroad to seek what they could find at home. They were told, they were not now to look for rewards, but that they must expect them when these troubles w'ere over. For, as in the mean time it would be known who among them behaved with due obedience, and who conducted themselves otherwise; so, all these things in time to come would be remembered by the gentlemen below, who would in private affairs shew to the first all kinds of favors and acts of friendship whenever opportunities should offer; and they would carefully mark the latter, and discountenance and thwai't them upon every occasion. This discourse we flatter ourselves had a full effect. They were called upo!! to say what they pleased; except three men, they wer-e all well satisfied and contented, and showed the most perfect submission. These three were prop- erly checked, and the worst of them severely repri- manded and spoken to in private." ***** :M :i: * =!= "As well to remove the apprehensions of the Dutch 290 THE HISTORY OF settlers as those of the interior parts, that the Rangers were posted here to force measures; and to remove every idea that we came up to issue orders to plunder and lay waste, as well as to allow the soldiers to go home to places of election, and to procure necessaries, and to shew that we place a contidence in their good behavior, we have this day broken np the camp ami sent them to their respective homes under their offi- cers, with orders to repair to a new camp in Amelia about thirty miles below this, and to join there on the 18th inst.,* at which place Maj. Mason is likewise un- der orders to appear at the same time with Capt. Pur- vis' Company. For the Major's personal presence in 96 is of disservice to the public affairs." "With regards to Oapt. Polk, we are at present si- lent, but we hope you will not delay to fill up Cap- tain's Commissions for those two vacancies, by pro- moting the two eldest first Lieutenants,}- as in such a case Mr. Heatly will speedily procure full compliments of recruits for and himself. We also beg leave to inform you that a Surgeon's mate is necessary for the Rangers, although there is no provision for such a post by particular act of Congress, yet it may arise *Here is a copy of one of the orders issued by Col. Thomson to his captains on this occasion: (Gibbes's Documentary History, 1855, page 127.) "Camp at Mineral Springs, August 7th, 1775. "Sir: — You are hereby ordered to give your men leave to go to their respective homes, and you are to order them to get their horses re- cruited, and themselves properly equipped, and on the 18th instant you are to rendezvous with your company in Amelia phice, known by the name of Flechall's old field, where you are to camp till furth- er orders. "From the Honorable W. H. Drayton, or "Your most humble servant, "Wm. Thomson. "To Capt. Robert Goodwyn." fThis was presently done. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 291 from your power, as such an officer is, in our opinion and the Colonel's, necessary for the service. We beg leave to recommend Lieutenant Thomas Charlton, a man of experience and reputation in physic, and who came into the corps under an idea, that there was provision for such an appointment. He is worthy of the first post in that line in the Regiment; but being willing to serve the public in this cause, he is content with the last rank in the way of his profession." "P. S. The Rangers perform their exercise at least as well as the Regulars in Charles Towm'', &c. Tennent's diary: "Tuesday 8th. Spent the morn- ing in preparing matters, to get people together in dif- ferent parts of the district, crossed Congaree River and rode 5 miles to an election for the Congress, where they refused to proceed, unless we should enlighten them. We found persons had come a great way to oppose the election. Harangued the meeting in turns, until every man was convinced, and the great- est opposer signed the Association and begged pardon for the words he had spoken to the people. Returned and found that Major Mason had come. N. B. This morning about 11 o'clock sent off Lieutenant Dutar- que with the prisoners to Charleston, charged with our dispatches." Letter from Drayton to Council of Safety: "Congaree, August 9, 1775. "jTo the Council of Safety: "Gentlemen: — This afternoon Mr. Tennent and Col. Richardson sat off upon their progress on the north side of Broad River. Mr. Kershaw, who came from Camden to-day, remains to continue the progress with me, through the fork between Broad and Saluda rivers.'" 202 THE HISTORY OF "This day we procured a German audience by the means of a muster by the order of Col. Thomson, of which we informed you in our last. During our dis^ courses, the falling tears from the audience showed that their hearts were penetrated,* and that we might hope for success. In conclusion all who were present signed the Association, except fifteen persons, who mildly desired, nay begged to consider of the af- fair until Friday, when they would certainly meet me at the place of divine service. They have since as- sured me they will subscribe. All persons joined in the election, which we judged it necessary to postpone yesterday and the day before, as no persons appeared; and as we judged we had authority so to do, as such a proceeding tended to compose the people, and bind their obedience to the measures of the Congress by giving them an opportunity of electing Representa- tives after they understood the nature of the dispute in which the British Empire is engaged. 1 expect a large meeting on Friday next, when I expect equal success; by which the whole Congaree settlement will be made parties in our proceedings. I shall then at- tend two larger assemblies of the people on Saturday and Sunday; and I have now no doubt of success in the Dutch settlements".! "I have drawn an order upon the Council in favor of Mr. John Chesnut for four bundled and five pounds, for four horses purchased by Col. Thomson for the service of the progress". * "What would I have given to have been a spectator at the Dutch crying bout, with an Hogarth's i)encil in hand? one of you certainly must have been vastly moving, whether Tennent or yourself, we are much at a loss to know, for I find you have united the orators under the word we, and thus confounded religion and politics". — Andrew Marvell to William Henry Drayton. tHe had evidently changed his mind about the "Dutch". ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 298 ■ TenDent's diary: "Wednesday 9th, Left here about 7, met a Company of militia and harangued them. They signed the Association and generally promised to meet Mr. Drayton in the Fork. After the meeting I gained over in private the most obstinate. Mr, Ker- shaw now came to us. Major James Mason came through from 96, and gave njany melancholy accounts. Having agreed upon our route, we separated and I rode four miles to Mr. Beard's on the Bank of the Sa- luda, a romantic situation Col. Richardson accompa- nies me". "Thursday August 10th." * * * ''Reached Capt. Woodward's of the Rangers after Sun Down, an honest man who informed that his company had uni- versally signed". Andrew Marvell, Member of Council, to Drayton:* *'T have mentioned youi' request respecting the vacan- cies in the Regulars, and the blank commissions are forwarded to Thomson by this conveyance." Tennent's diary: "Friday, 19th. Capt. Polk now came. We find that he has laid under some mistake as to his duty".-}- Col, Thomson and the five companies of Captains Wise, Kershaw, Goodwyn, Richardson and Woodward, duly met at the appointed place, "Flechall's old field", where they were soon joined by Maj. May son from the Congarees, and by the companies of Captains Imhoff and Heatly. From this camp Col. Thomson moved, by order of Mr. Drayton, to the "Ridge" on September 8th. In the meantime Messrs Drayton and Tennent continued their progress into the up-country, and the * "Charleston, August 12th." fHe had bfeii charged with treaeliery. 294 THE HISTORY OF extracts here given from various documents, will show how the work continued: Drayton's letter to the Council of Safety, from Law- son's Fork, August 21, 1775: "I have the honor to ac- knowledge receipt of your letters of 11th and 13th in- stant. They came to hand last night, forwarded hy Col. Thomson." ********* "I believe Mr. Charleton expected to hold the lieu- tenant's commission together with that of surgeori's mate. I had forgot the resolution of Congress respect- ing one person holding two commissions; but 1 have acquainted Col. Thomson with the affair, who, with- out doubt, will transmit the explanation you expect. "I am happy that you approve of my putting off the election at Saxe Gotha; and also that you have direct- ed me to appoint elections for those places where none had been held. In my last of the 16th from. King's Creek, I had the honor to acquaint you, that neither of the districts in the Fork, between Broad and Saluda rivers had held any election. For the lower district* I have already acquainted you with the day of election". ********* "The commissions for the volunteer companies are not come to hand, but I suppose they are with Col. Thomson, who, in all probability, will continue in his new camp until my arrival there." ********* "Things wearing so unfavorable an appearance, Colonel Richardson, Mr. Kershaw, Mr. Tennent and myself unanimously, thought it absolutely expedient, to direct Captain Polk to raise an additional troop of rangers immediately to lie on the back of these peo- *The "lower district" was in Orangebiirgh District. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 295 pie. And Mr. Tennent and myself have given direc- tions acfordingly. not doubting but that the necessity of the case will induce you to approve the measure. Captain Polk came to us, appeared much concerned for his past conduct, attributing it to a mistake touch- ing the station of the rangers, wiiich he had thought, had been by the Congress fixed to the back country and frontiers. He has been since active in our favor as a person of influence in his part of the country on the back of Fletchall; his brother is a man of great influence in Mecklenburgh, and ready to march to our assistance when called upon; and already Fletchall looked upon Captain Polk as an acquisition to his par- ty. Hence, to bind Captain Polk's brother, and all the friends of both to us; to quash FletchalFs expecta- tion from the Captain, and to have a troop of rangers on the back of FletchalFs people to watch their mo- tions, we all thought it absolutely necessary to direct the raising of this additional troop, as we apprehend- ed you would consider Captain Polk's letter and con- duct as a resignation of his commission, and that you had already disposed of it. In short, we have given Captain Polk such a lesson, which he has received with all due submission, as I believe will render him more obedient to orders, than he has been." "Within twelve days, I purpose to be at Colonel Thomson's camp, where 1 think it will be advisable that I should remain till I shall see every spark of in- surrection extinguished; but in regard to this, I shall regulate myself by your orders on the subject which I hope to receive by the time T arrive at the camp". The following is a copy of a letter from Maj. An- drew Williamson,' of the Ninety-Six militia, to Capt. Caldwell, of the 3rd regiment: 296 THE HISTORY OF "White Hall, August 21, 1775. "Dear Sir: — I just now received a letter from Col. Thompson and Major Mayson, dated the 10th iust., at the Oongarees, informing me that they learn of a body of men going from our regiment and headed by some of the disaffected about Stephen's Creek, to attack Au- gusta. They desire me to give you every intelligence for the defence of Fort Charlotte, that you may be on your guard. I have heard nothing as yet of the above report, but you may depend upon it that if ever they make such an attempt they will have Fort Charlotte in their view. "I would take the liberty to advise you, if you should hear anything of the above report— that Cap- tain Taylor w^ould order some of his Company to rein- force the post. "I think it would not be amiss to send one of your men, you can put the most confidence in, to watch the motion of the disaffected about Stephen's Creek, and the Pine-a-wood House. If I learn any thing from this quarter you may depend upon me letting you know immediately — the privater this is kept the better. 1 this moment send an express from the Council of Safe- ty to Mr. Hammond. Excuse me taking the liberty of dictating to you. I am, dear sir, "Your most obedient humble servt., "A. Williamson. ''Captain John Cahhrell, ('<)nniiretty fast, Cunning- ham's party said, 'there comes the liberty caps; damn their liberty caps, we will soon blow them to hell'; and such like scurrilous language. Cunningham's men, as soon as Lieut. Charleton came up wnth his guard, re- treated behind trees on the road side, and called out to him to stop and not to advance one step further, other- wise they would blow out his brains; at the same time, a gun was fired by one of their men, but did no damage. Lieut, Charleton, with his men, were soon surrounded by the opposite party, with their rifles presented, who said, 'don't move a step; deliver up your arms, otherwise we will immediately fire upon you.' Lieut. Charleton continued moving on, when Cunningham's men marched up to him, with their rifles presented at him, and repeated, 'deliver up your arms without moving one step further, or you are a dead man;' they then took his arms, together with his men's; afterwards they tied Lieut. Charleton, Mr. Goodwin, and William Witherford, a private, by their arms. "Lieut. Charleton seemed very much displeased at their behavior, and said 'he would rather have been shot, than used in such a manner, had he expected it; ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 307 that be did not value his own life: thought he had acted prudent by not onleiing his men to fire on them, as it would be throwing away their lives, without an- swering any good pui[iose; especially as their party were so numerous, that he was sorry to see them be- have in such a base manner, and that he would very willingly turn out his party against twice the number of theirs, and give them battle:' Cunningham and Bowman, some little time after asked Lieut. Charle- ton. 'whether if they wei'e to unloose him he would be upon his honor, not to go off:' to which he replied. *I scorn to run, and all your force cannot make me;' they then marched off with the ammunition, and the 'prisoners,' (as they called them,) and left the depo- nent, desiring him to return to the Congarees: but as soon as they were out of sight he took a horse from out the waggon and came to Ninety-six. to inform me of what had happened, and where he arrived this night about 8 o'clock. This unfortunate accident of taking the ammunition, happened IS miles below Ninety-six. '"Moses Cotter. '"Sworn, before me, this / i, .,.^, Mo,,u^..i t p "' oi £ \t irv^r ' ; James iVlavson, J. r. 3d of Nov. 17^5. ^ * The news of this insurrection being laid before the Provincial Congress, that body, on the 7th of Novem- ber, ordered Col. Richardson forthwith to assemble six companies of rangers. Captain Ezekiel Polk's com- pany of volunteers, draughts of militia from Richard- son's, Thomson's,* Savage's, Neel's and Thomas's regi- ments, and with such troops pursue such instructions as should, from time to time, by order of the Congress, *At the time that Col. Thomson was made lieiiteiiaiit-ooloiiel of the Haufiers, he eommaixh-d tlie militia ivj>iment of Oraiijidniijih Dis- trict. < 'hristoph«T l{o\vc was lieiitenant-coloiicl, ami Lewis (Jolson major. 308 THE HISTORY OF or the Council of Safety for the time being, be signi- fied to him by the President. In the meantime, Maj. Andrew Williamson had, as soon as he heai-d of this seizure, begun to enjbody the militia for the purpose of recovering tlie powder and lead, and of apprehending the oifenders. The Council of Safety at once thanked Maj. Williamson for em- bodying the militia, advised him of the instructions that had been given to Col. Hichardson, and directed him, with the militia under his command, to act against the insurgents with the utmost vigor. Major Williamson lay encamped near Ninety-Six for almost two weeks, receiving the militia who came in, and waiting for the rangers. The Tories were dili- gent on their part, and by circulating a report to the effect that the Council of Safety had intended the am- munition which was seized, for the Indians to murder the whites with, they gained a considerable following. But notwithstanding their force, Maj. Williamson did not believe that they would dare attack him; and he continued encamped in this persuasion, until the 18th of November, when, in the evening of that day, he re- ceived certain information, that the insurgents were in full march upon him; and that they were actually crossing Saluda river in order to attack him. At this time. Major Mayson, who had been in the neighbor- hood with thirty-seven of the rangers, joined Major Williamson. Maj. Williamson would have marched to attack their camp in the night, but was overruled by Major Mayson and a council of war, who preferred to erect breast-works, and fortify themselves near the Ninety-Six court house and jail. It was also hoped, that by taking this position, opportunities would be furnished for reinforcements of militia, and of Col. Thomson's arriving with the remainder of his rangers. Hardly had their foi-titications been erected, when the ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 309 enemy appeared in force, at about eleven o'clock on the morning of the 19th of November, and taking possession of tiie conrt house and jail, they advanced troops, ajid completely invested the stockade fort. Maj. Williamson then dispatched an officer with a flag to Maj. Joseph liobinson and Captain Patrick Cun- ningham, who appeared to be the leaders, and de- manded their intentions: but they refused to confer with anyone save the con)manding officers. Major Mayson and Captain John Bowie were then sent out, and they were met midway between tlie two parties by Robinson. Cuningham and Evan McLaurin* on the part of the enemy. The Tories insisted upon an immediate surrender of arms, and a disbanding of the assembled militia. Just as Major Mayson and Capt. Bowie had returned to the fort and made their report, the Tories seized two of Williamson's men: upon which Major Williamson gave orders to rescue them and a general tiring commenced from the fort, which v\as answered by the Tories. For two hours and a half the firing on both sides was incessant, but from that time until night, it was less severe. During the night, the fort kept up a firing to discourage any attempt on the part of the besiegers to fire the fort. On the next day (Monday), almost as heavy a fire was commenced, and continued, as had lieen kept up the afternoon before: and the besiegers endeavored to use mantilets which they had constructed, for the purpose of approaching the fort, to fire it: but not being able to advance them so as to cover their approaches, they were destroyed. The firing, however, only slackened *N()iie of those who had ssi^iied tlu' treaty of Nitiety-Six, on ►Sep- tember Ifith, when William Henry Drayton hrought them to terms, took any open part in this affair, save McLaurin, who, with the treachery charaeteristie of his clan, had violated the treaty which he liad signed on that occasion. 310 THE HISTORY OF with the night, and on Tuesday it was recommenced, and continued until about sunset, when the Tories displayed a white flag from the jail, tuid called a par- ley. Strange to say, the Tories then sent a messenger to again demand a surrender. To tliis demand Capt. Bowie carried a negative answer, and in two hours he returned with ('apt. Cuningham, who went into the fort and fully discussed the matter with the command- ing officers; after which it was determined that a con- ference should take place the next morning. At the conference the next morning it was agreed that hos- tilities should cease. The following is a copy of the treaty signed upon that occasion:* •'1st. That hostilities shall immediately cease on both sides. ''2nd. That Major Williamson and Major Mayson shall march their men out of the Fort and deliver up their swivels.f "3rd. That the Fort shall be destroyed flat without damaging the houses therein, under the inspection of Capt. Patrick Cunninghanj and John Bowie, Esq., and the well filled up. "4th. That the differences between the people of this District and others disagreeing about the present public measures shall be submitted to his Excellency, our Governor, and the Council of Safety, and for that purpose that each party shall send dispatches to their superiors — that the dispatches shall be sent unsealed *Gibbes's Docuiueiitary Hisstory, 1764 — 177H, jjage.s 214, 215; Dni.y- ton's Memoirs, Vol. II, pages 148, 149. fBy a secret article of the treaty it was agreed that tiie swivels should be returned in a day or two. Tliis mock surrender of swiv- els was agreed upon by the leaders to appease a large party of the l)e- siegers, who insisted, that if the swivels were not given up, they would abide l>v no articles. — Drayton's Memoirs, Vol. II, page 120. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 311 and the niesseiigei* of each part}^ shall pass unmolest- ed. "5th. That Major Hobinson shall withdraw his men over Saluda, and there keep them embodied or dis- perse them as he pleaseth until his Excellency's or- ders be known. "6th. That no person of either part}^ shall in the meantime be molested by the other party either in going home or otherwise. "7th. Should any reinforcements arrive to Major Williamson or Major Mayson, they also shall be bound by this cessati(m. "Sth. That twenty days be allowed for the return of the messengers. "9th. That all prisoners taken by either party since the second day of this instant shall be immediately set at liberty. "In witness whereof the parties to these articles have set their hands and seals at Ninety-six this twen- ty-second day of Novetnber, one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy-five, and in the .sixteenth year of his Majesty's reign. "Present, Joseph Robinson. "Patrick Cunningham. A. Wm. Son. "Richard Pearis. James Mayson. "Andrew Pickens. "John Bowie." On the 24th. Major Mayson directed a letter to Col. Thomson detailing an account of the siege and treaty: and on the 25th Maj. Willianison wrote Mr. Drayton * "Major Robinson's mess('n<;t'r, or a ihtsou who pretfiids to he the messetifier, and ealls hijnself Flo.vd, lias ai»i)eare-." — Kxtraet from letter of Henry Laurens to Maj. Andrew Williamson, .Journal of (V>uneil, Dee. ")th, 177"), Colleetions S. (". Hist. Soe., Vol. in, i)aKe4,s. 812 THE HISTORY OF an account of the affair, in which he stated that Maj. Mayson with thirty-seven of the rangers, were with him;* and by the '"Report of the Militia and Volun- teers on duty in the Fortified Oanjp at Ninety-Six on Sunday the Nineteenth November, 1775, under the Command of Major Andrew Williamson, by order of the Honorable the Provincial Congress."}- it appears that Lieutenant Hugh Middleton,of the 3rd regiment, and two privates of his company were also there. At the time Major Williamson was being besieged by the Tories at Ninety-Six, Colonel Richardson had commenced his march against them, in pursuance of the orders he had received from the Provincial Con- gress; and in doing so, he was directing bis course to- wards the middle, or the upper part of Col. Fletchall's command, over Broad River. But, as soon as he was apprized of Williamson's investment, he changed his route, and proceeded by forced marches to the Conga- ree river, over which he crossed his troops; and on Novembei- 27th he addressed th^; following letter to Mr. Drayton: "Camp near Congarees, Nov. 27th, 1775. "Sir: — I arrived at this place last night, and take the earliest moment I can spare to write you this, as I have been very busy in getting the men's wagons, &c., over the river, which I shall scarcely complete to-mor- row. The route 1 intended to have taken was very different from the one 1 at first anticipated; as wdien 1 heard of the fort at Ninety-Six being besieged, 1 alter- ed my march, in order to make what speed I could to relieve them; but they had concluded articles too soon, for a possibility of my reaching them. Perhaps *Gibbes's Documentary History, 17f)4 — 1776, page 216. fCiibbes's Documentary History, 1764 — 1776, page 221; Drayton's Memoirs, Vol. II, page 150. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 313 it may be said in Congress why did not Col. Thomson go and relieve theni? I answer, he could not. was not ahle. nor liad timely notice if he had been. We have yet received no accounts from there but what I here- with enclose a copy of, together with a letter from Mr. McLanrin, which was sent to-day to Col. Thomson." ********* "1 cannot ascertain the number, of my men, as I* have not, from the bustle, been able to obtain regular returns. a:nd which, I believe, at this time, amount to about one thousand, with daily additions, and soon expect^ as many more." * f * * "Though we hear the opposers are very numerous and violent and desperate, yet hope in a little time to give you a more full account of our army and our opposers, who are now much elated and carry a high hand. But though much, very much, depends upon this campaign, do not be under two great apprehension for the event." ********* "P. S. After I wrote and sealed, about 12 o'clock last night we were alarmed by some of our rangers, which we had sent light to discover where Col. Thomas was, who, I heard, was on his way, in a dangerous part; they came to him about 22 miles from us, who had three prisoners. Lieut. Boykin, who commanded that light detachment of rangers, reported that Col. Thom- as had stopped about dark to take a mouthful and re- fresh, intending then to drive on while he (Boykin) was there. Col. Thomas received a letter, informing him that Major Robinson was pursuing him with a thousand men. and would be cut off before he crossed the river. I immediately detached a party of rangers, volunteers and militia, sufficient I hope to sustain him. This evening have not yet heard; think, if proper instructions be given to look sharp for Robin- son in his way to town, it would be a great mattei; 314 THE HISTORY OF to get hill] without his putting himself in your power: a good watch at Dorchester, and other places may se- cure him, for, T think, it will he his only refuge soon." Whether this suggestion of placing a "good watch" at Dorchester was followed out, we know not, but cer- tain it is that Captains Purves and Imhoff, of the Ran- gers, were about that time stationed at Dorchester.* •and kept there for some weeks. On November 2Sth Col. Thomson addressed the fol- lowing letter to Henry Laurens:! "Camp, Congaree, Nov. 28th, 1775. "Honored Sir: — You will see by the enclosed that our party and the opposite have had an engagement, and came to a cessation of arms on the 22d: and you * "Read a letter from Captain Peyer Imhoff, of the Raiijjers, dated Dorchester, 14th Decemher, 1775, inclosiiij; return." — .Journal of Coun- cil of Safety, Dec. 14th, 1775. "O/Y/f/Tf/, That Capt. Peyer Imhoff he supplied with about one hundred yards of the cloth imported for the public, to clothe his com- pany of rangers, and that he be desired to procure Doct. (.'hauler's ac- counts for attending sick rangers, properly certified, to be laid before the board." — .Journal of Council of Safety, Dec. 15th, 1775. "Read a letter from Captain Jolin Purves, of the regiment of Ran- gers, dated 22nd December, 1775." ^^Ordered, That Capt. Purves, of the Rangers upon duty at Dor- chester, have leave of absence, not exceeding three weeks." "To Capt. John Purves, the pay-bill of his company of Rangers, from 20th November to 20th December, at Dorchester,... 850 00 0." "Capt. Peyer Imhoff, the pay-bill of his company at Dorchester, same time, 656 10 0." "On the last two orders, liie treasurers were desired to take especial care that those pay-bills be not included in other account.^ — they hav- ing been issued upon an extraordinary occasi«vn." — .Journal of Coun- cil of Safety, Dec. 23rd, 1775. tThis letter had evidently not reached the President of the Council of Safety by December 2nd, for in a letter to Maj. Williamson, of that date, Mr. Laurens wrote: "As we have not heard properly, eith- er from Col. Richardson, or Col. Thomson, we cannot account for their slow progress. When we learn their strength and plan for uni- ting their forces, we shall immediately give orders for such operations as we hope will prove effectual." ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 315 will perceive how dilatory they were, in giving us in- formation of it. The moment I received it from above, I acquainted Col. Richardson with the same, who was then about eight miles distant from us, and joined me about four hours after. We immediately summoned our officers and held a consultation on the following propositions: "1st. 'Whether according to our orders in the pres- ent situation, the cessation of arms stipulated between Col. Mayson, Major Williamson, and Mr. Bowie on our side, and Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Robinson, and others, on the [)art of the others, have any weight upon our operations. Carried in the negative. "2d. 'As we have been informed of a kind of cessa- tion of arms between the contending parties, if it be not necessary to acquaint the Congress therewith and ask their advice. Affirmative. "3rd. 'As we have heard that troops were, or are now assembled, near Augusta, at the Cherokee Ponds, whether it may not be necessary for them to be de- sired to advance and meet us at some convenient place appointed, and a letter dispatched for that pur- pose. Affirmative. "4th. 'Which may be the njost necessary route to order our march, and the destination of the wagons now on the other side of the river. •'5th. 'Whether if they can be come at, it may not be prudent to take Cunningham, Robinson, and Pearis, in custody, though they are the persons acceding to the cessation of arnjs at Ninety-Six, and the best method to be pursued for that end.' "By order of Colonel Richardson, I marched with my regiment of rangers on Monday last, with about one hundred of the draughted militia to this place. Col. Richardson gave orders for draughting two hun- 316 THE HISTORY OF dred men, which orders I directed the officers of lu}' militia to distribute, but was unfortunate enough to raise but about one hundred, and those collected from three companies in my own neighborhood. When the Sergeants warned the draughted people about Orange- burgh and the Congarees, they seemed very insolent, asked which camps they were to join, and, in fact, did as much as to declare themselves King's men, as they term it. The same dissatisfaction seems to have reigned amongst a part of Col. Richardson's people. But I am persuaded, after all their murmuiings, we shall have a sufficient number of men to vanquish all the disaffected people in South Carolina, and I hope Col. Eichardson will have orders so to do before we break up. As 1 have heard several of the officers and men declare, that they would never take up arms again, unless the militia who have been diaughted and do not appear, are made to suffer by fine or other- wise, and they have the liberty to subdue the enemies of America, as they observe that those who are not for America, are undoubtedly against it. Such dis- courses we hear spreading through our camps, and I have reason to believe is their determination. "We have had great uneasiness amongst them, when the news arrived of the cessation of arms, and we have no other means of appeasing their disturbed minds, but by signifying that the cessation of arms was not binding on us, and so forth. "I have some reason to believe that the late mob has privately murdered people in the woods who had been our associates. I imagine w-e shall march from here to-morrow, to the Forks betw^een Broad and Sa- luda rivers. If any pai't of this you think will prove of service to the country, I beg you would show it to ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 317 the Congress; such other parts of it, beg you would treat as from a friend. "I am, honored sir, "Your very humble servant, "Wm. Thomson.* *'P. S. I believe part of the disaffection among the people at Orange burgh, proceeded part from cov^^ard- ice, and part from the speeches of disappointed gen- tlemen in our parish. But I hope to have the liberty of putting the militia law in force against the defaul- ters, and that I shall see their expectations frustra- ted." That "the disaffection among the people at Orange- burgh" was of short duration, is proved by subsequent events. From his "Camp near Congarees", Col. Richardson wrote, on November 30, to Mr. Drayton: "We have now, at least one thousand men, and are still increas- ing, and intend entering the Fork of Broad and Salu- da rivers this day." Reaching Ninety-Six a few days later. Col. Richard- son issued the following proclamation: "South Carolina. "Whereas, on the third day of November last past, Patrick Cunningham, Henry O'Neal, Hugh Blown, David Russe, Nathaniel Howard, Henry Green, and sundry other persons, did, in Ninety-six District, raise a dangerous insurrection and commotion, and did, near Mine Creek, in said District, felloniously take and carry away a quantity of ammunition, the property of the public, and in contempt of public au- thority, and did also, with further aid. and by force of * "To William Good wyn, express tVoni Col. Thomson, £33. 00."— .lounial of Couiifil of Safety, Dec. .')tli, 1775, Collectioiis of the K. C. Hist. Soe., Vol. Ill, pajieoO. 318 THE HISTORY OF arms, on the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first clays of said month of November at Ninety-Six, in the District aforesaid, attack, besiege, kill and wound a number of the good people of this Colony, and iu manifest violation of peace and good order, and breach of a solemn treaty entered into on the eighteenth day of September last, made and concluded between the Honorable William Henry Drayton, on the one part, and Col. Thomas Fletchall and others, on the other part, thereby becoming guilty of the atiocicus crimes of robbery, murder and breach of treaty of peace. To satisfy public justice in the just punishment of all which crimes and offences, as far as the nature of the same will admit, I am now come into these parts, in the name and behalf of the Colonies to demand of the inhabitants, the delivery up of the bodies of all the principal offenders herein, together with the said am- munition and full restitution for the ravages commit- ted, and also the arms and ammunition of all the aid- ers and abettors of those robbers, murderers, and dis- turbers of the peace and good order as aforesaid; and, in case of refusal or neglect, for the space of five days, I shall be under a necessity of taking such steps as will be found disagreeable, but which T shall cer- tainly put in execution for the public good. "Given under my hand this eighth dav of Decem- ber, 1775." That the Council of Safety meant to spare no ex- pense to quell the disaffection of the non-associa- tors, the following extract from its proceedings will show: "Upon the accounts of Mr. John Chesnut, Paymas- ter of the Regiment of Rangers, the order was drawn in the words following: "Gentlemen — Please to order the above accounts and the several accounts therein referred to, to be ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 319 carefully examined; and if found free from error, pay the above mentioned sum of £9850, 7s. Hd. to Mr. Aaron Loocock, on behalf of Mr. John Chesnut, Pay- master of the Regiment of Hangers, and charge to the proper account. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Henry Laurens, President. ''To John NeiifvilU', Peter Bacot, William Gibbes, esqs., Coirnnissioners of the Co/o)/i/ Tt'ea-suri/.^"'^ A few days after the surrender of Ninety-Six, Maj. May son repaired to Charlestown,f and on the 7th of December he addressed the following letter to the Council of Safety::J: ■'Charlestown, 7th December 1775. "Gentlemen, "It is with the greatest reluctance that 1 pre- sume to trouble you with a matter, which principally relates to myself. But, as its example and tendency might perhaps hereafter be of some prejudice to the cause, in which we are all engaged, if no notice was taken of it; I find myself under a necessity, of not be- ing entirely silent on the subject. "The few forces which were lately assembled at Ninety-Six, were drawn together by me, as well as by Major Williamson; and, though I was Lieutenant- Colonel of the same regiment of militia in which Ma- joi- Williamson held his commission, and also a Major in your Regular Troops, to my surprize Major Wil- *Joiirnal of Council of Safety, DeeeiiilKM- I'lid, 177"), Collections 8. C. Historical Society, Vol. Ill, page 40. f Ordered, That Major Mayson have leave to visit and converse with Robert Cunningham, contined in Charles-Town jail." — Journal of Council of Safety, Dec. 6th, 177-5, Collections S. C. Hist. Soc, Vol. Ill, page o{». tDrayton's Memoirs, Vol. II, page lol. "Read a letter from Major Mtiyson, of the Rangers, of this date." — .lournai of Council of Safety, Dec. 7th, 1775. 320 THE HISTORY OF liamson disputed the command with me — but, rather than hurt the cause, T 3ne]ded some points to hi m : which, I am sensible as your soldier, I shall not be justifiable in, without the greatest indulgence from vou. 1 however think it proper to mention, that although on account of the public good 1 suffered his name to be inserted in the Truce before mine, yet the means of our defence was planned by me; and the whole negotiation with the disaffected party, was addressed to me. "I thought the conduct of Major Williamson in this affair the more extraordinary, as he was a member of the very Congress, which settled these points of com- mand; and which points, I find have been confirmed by the present Congress, as well as by the Continental Congress. But, lest hereafter the same disputes may arise, 1 humbly submit it to this honorable board, whether Major Williamson should not be informed, that when we act together, and hold our present com- missions, I am to have the command. "The thanks of my country, it will be my highest ambition to deserve; and. as 1 understand that Major Williamson is to return the thanks of Congress to the officers who were present at Ninety-Six; I shall with joy receive them, though delivered to me by an in- ferior officer. "I cannot conclude without assuring you, that both Major Williamson and myself concealed our difference from all, except one or two of the officers. "I have the honour to be, "Gentlemen, "With the greatest respect. "Your most humble sei'vant, "Jas. Mayson." To this letter the Council of Safety, on December Sth, addressed the following reply:* *J()iirn:il ofCVniiK-il of JSafety, Dec. Stli, 1775. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 321 "Charles-Town, Dec. 8th, 1775. "'Sir — We have duly considered the contents of your letter, which was yesterday laid before us. and as we have received no complaint from Major Williamson, and are satisfied that each of you had the real service of the colony at heart in the late affair at Ninety-Six, we wish to avoid a minute inquiry, which in our opinion would produce no beneficial end. "The command of the militia was, by the Congress, vested in Major Williamson, froui considerations of the distance of Col. Savage, and the little probability of his heading the regiment, as well as from an infor- mation that you were at that time extremely ill, un- able to take the field. It was therefore necessary to order that gentleman to call forth the militia in his district,* and to hold them in readiness to join the troops under Col. Richardson: your junction, and what afterw^ards happened at the fortified camp at Ninety-Six, were circumstances altogether adventi- tious and unexpected. Hence we are convinced, that Major Williamson, when he took the command, acted in conformity to the order of Congress, and you will perceive that those orders were not intended to over- look your merit, nor to offer you an affront. We high- ly applaud you, for having, after you had joined Major Williamson, yielded in any points of mere punctillio, on account of the public good. We are so sensible of your services, that with pleasure we repeat to you the thanks of this board, and desire that you w\]\ also *"M;iysoii was Lieut. C'ol. of the Nitiety-Six Regiment of Militia; of which Willianisoti was then aeting as Major; hut tiie (^oiineil of Safety di(] not approve of Major Maysoii's coninianding on llie occa- sion, either as Lieutenant-Colonel of tlie regiment, or as Major of the M regiment of rangers; as their contideiice was greater in Major Williamson; and he was more influential in tliat jiart of the count- try." — Drayton's Menioii-s, Vol. TI, page 111*, foot note. 322 THE HISTORY OF present our thanks to the officers ami soldiers of the corps of rangers who were under your command, "You are now to repair immediately to Col. Richard- son's camp. We are satisfied of your zeal and attach- ment in the cause of the colonies, and particularly we confide that you will persevere in your endeavors to promote harmony within your sphere, and to dis- countenance every kind and degree of dissention, the hane of public service. We wish you health and suc- cess. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Henry Laurens, President. "Major James Mayson." On Dec. 12th, Col. Richardson wrote, from "Camp Great Survey, Duncan's Creek", to Henry Laurens: "The eighth instant I wrote and made public a kind of declaration, of which I herewith inclose a copy, which I hope may in some measure meet with your approbation, upon which they have come in, many of them, and delivered up their arms, all of whom, where they have not been capital offenders, I dismiss with soft words and cheerful countenances, and admonish them to use their interest with their friends and neighbors, which seems to have a good effect. Our army which is now formidable strikes terror, and the opposite party have hitherto fled before us, keeping fifteen or twenty miles distant. We often are told they will give battle, but yet have not attempted it, and do hope we shall by the measures pursuing so weaken their party that most will abandon them, and they will not be able to make head with any great body, and the salutary measures prove the best con- quest. Should their behavior be otherwise we shall deal with them accordingly. We have several prison- ers, amongst whom are Col. Fletchall, Capt. Richard ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 323 Pearls, Capt. Shuhurg. and several others of the first magnitude. B.y the capture of Col. Fletchall (who was hid in a rave.* and taken b}^ Col. Thomson and rangers, and the volunteer companies who were sent out on that and some other service) papers have fallen into my hands which the Council of Safety will be glad to see, but which I cannot venture to send by this conveyance; but shall transmit by the officer of the guard, with the prisoners, which I intend to dis- patch to-morrow. Our arnjy is about three thousand of diJS'erent corps, viz: my own regiment. Col. Thom- son's, and volunteer light horse. Col. Thomas, Col. Neel, Col. Polk and Lieut. Col. Martin of the North Cai-olina regiment, upon the continental establish- ment, who voluntarily stepped out on this occasion, as did Col. Thos. Polk.''" ***** -This minute, while I am writing, Capts. Plumer and Smith with thirty men surrendered themselves and arms." On the 16th. Col. Richardson wrote, from "Camp Liberty Hill", to Mr. Laurens: "I herewith send you the persons of Col. Thos. Fletchall, Capt. EMchard Pearis, Capt. Jacob Fry, Capt. George Shuburg, John McWilliams, Philip Wells, James Davis, Capt. Mc- David, alias McDade, and Joseph Alexander. These being all adjudged by the officers and people here to be offenders of such a nature that from the active part they have taken, it would be dangerous for me to let either of them go." * * * * "These unhap- py people are in a great panic, still flying before us, and it is told that young Pearis and others have gone to bring the Indians down, in person; if it should be the case, it could not be in a better time, and if any such intentions, should be glad the whole would conie while we are here." *Sonie say in tlie lioUow of a large sycainoiv tree. — Drayton's Me- moirs, Vol. II, i)age 12!), foot note. 324 THE HISTORY OF On the 22ad, Col. Richardsou, from ''Camp Raborn's Creek, Hollingsworth's Mill", wrote Mr. Laurens: "1 thought to let you hear from us before now, but con- stant marching, and multiplicity of cares and business have prevented, and the more so, as 1 had not such things as I could wish to acquaint you with; but now, as we have got to the very extremity of the roads north-westward, take the liberty to inform you, that on Saturday last, the 16th instant, we were joined by Col. Rutherfoi'd, of Rowan, and Col. Graham, of Tryon counties, in North Carolina, with about five hundred men." * * * ''Qjj Wednesday, the 20th inst., I was joined by Maj. Andrew Williamson, Capt. Ham- mond, and a small party of Col. Bull's regiment, amounting in the whole to about eight hundred, so that our army is now formidable, between four and five thousand — a number most desirable to view — though we have had no occasion tor more than my own regiment to have done the business. Notwith- standing, the number has a good effect, strikes terror, and shows what can be done on occasion — and, upon the whole, it may prove a happy event — we have been successful in disarming most of this unhappy people; they are coming in with fear and trembling, giving up their arms, with a sensible contrition for the errors they have been guilty of." ****** "There is still a camp w^e cannot yet come up with, consisting of the principal aggressors, which were, by best information, camped on the Cherokee land. 1 detached yesterday about thirteen hundred horse and foot, about an equal number, under the command of Cols. Thomson, Martin, Rutherford, Neel, Polk, Lyles, Major Williamson, and others, commanding all volun- teers, which, I flatter myself, will render us a good ac- count, as I don't expect them in till to-morrow, or perhaps some days hence." * * * * "They ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 325 have had expectations of the Indians joining them, but b\^ a letter from Mr. Wilkinson to Major William- son, they will be disappointed in that, as he says all are peaeable there, and the Indians well satisfied, and say the Saluda people are devils, &c." * * * * * "We have at times got small parts of the ammunition they got, and delivered with their arms; and yesterday two barrels, say fifty pounds, and have a slight information of some more." * * * * * * '"I shall, therefore, crave your permis- sion to discharge the North Carolinians, to make their way from hence through the upper parts by the In- dian line to their own colony, which will scour that part, and Cols. Neel and Thomson through a middle direction to their different quarters." * * * * * "The spiiit of discord will so far subside, that they will hardly raise any more commotions." ********* '"P. S. This minute since, or while I was writing my name, a messenger from Col. Thomson and the detach- ments arrived with the agreeable account, that they had surprised and taken the camp of Cunningham, &c., and taken the greatest part prisoners, with all their ammunition, guns, wagons, and utensils. P. Cunning- ham had escaped, and some principals, but the most are taken, &c." "On January 2nd, 1776, Col. Richardson sent, frt)m the Congarees, to Henry Laurens, the following re- port:* ''Sir: — In my last I informed you of the detachments I had sent out, and in a postscript, of my intelligence of success. Our people surrounded their camp by day- light in the morning after a long march of near *"Read also a letter from Col. Richardson, dated Congarees, 2d .laniiary, 1776." — .Journal of tlie ('onncil of Safety, .Jan. Stli, 177G. 326 THE HISTORY OF twenty-five miles, and lying on their amis till day, they then attacked and took about one hundred and thirty prisoners, with baggage, arms, ammunition, &c., which completed the conquest of that flying party which had till then kept out of reach. They were en- camped at a convenient place called the Brake of Canes on the Cherokee land; Patrick Cunningham es- caped on a horse bare backed (and they say without breeches) telling every man to shift for himself.* None of our men were killed or wounded, except the son of Col. T. Polk, a fine youth, was shot through the shoulder, and was in great danger. Some five or six of the other party, T am told, were killed; happily the men were restrained or every man had died. The next day they returned to camp, the snow set in, and continued for thirty hours without intermission, which, with the hardship and fatigue the men had suffered before made them very uneasy, and seeing no more could be done they grew so uneasy it was out of my power to keep the troops together any longer. I, therefore, on Christmas-day dismissed the North Caro- lina troops, viz: Col. Rutherford, Col. Graham, Col. Martin and Col. Polk to all of whom, in behalf of my country, I returned my cordial and hearty thanks, &c.; the same day Colonels Neel and Thomas, and Major Williamson with proper orders to pursue such meas- ures in their different marches, as I was (convinced would be necessary for the public service. I then as I found the service pretty well done and no possibility of detaining the men longer, the snow then lying on the earth in the smoothest places at least fifteen inches deep}- (most say two feet) I marched in the best manner we could downward. Eight days we *He fled to Florida, where he spent a good portion of his time. (See Southern Quarterly Review for April 1847, Vol. XI, No. 22, page 484.) tThis expedition has been, by many, termed tiie "Snow Camp". ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 327 never set foot on the earth or had a place to lie down, till we had spaded or grabbled away the snow, from which circumstance, many are frost bitten, some very badly; and on the third day a heavy cold rain fell, to- gether with sleet; and melted the snow and filled every creek and river with a deluge of water; but with all these difficulties we reached this place yester- day with the prisoners, whom we have used in the best manner we could^about ten Captains and a hun- dred and twenty of the most mischievous men (sonie of whom will make good soldiers); all the powder; Ninety-six and New Camp men. We retook seven kegs of gun-powder, six of which I delivered to Maj. Williamson to be sent to Mr. Wilkinson for the Chero- kees; many arms have been delivered up, and I caused the men to sign an instrument of writing, which they did willingly with fear and trembling, by which they forfeit their estates, real and personal, if they ever take up arms against, or disquiet the peace and tran- quility of the good people of this colony again, and to assist them if they are ever called upon. The arms taken by Maj. Williamson and those from that quar- ter I ordered to be stored at Fort Charlotte, which he (the Major) is to see done. Those taken by the upper regiments are to be sent down, and many lodged in the hands of the Committee to be sent to Mr. Ches- nut's Store at the Congarees, and about two hundred stand 1 have ordered to Camden, &c." * * * * "The prisoners I send in a boat from this place to Wil- son's Ferry, under the command and guard of Capt. Thomas Sumter, who on this expedition I constituted, Adjutant-General, who has behaved very well and has been to me and the cause, of extra service; from thence Col. Thomson with the Rangers and others under him will guard them to Charleston, who. with Major Mayson and officers under them have l)een obliging in THE HISTORY OF behavior and alert in service, and must recommend them to your particular notice; and I must say through the whole I have been extremely happy in the mutual harmony which has subsisted." * * * * "I shall refer you to Col. Thomson and Maj. Mayson for further particulars, as I am still broke in upon every line.'' On the same day Col. Richardson wrote the Council of Safety: "By Col. Thomson of the rangers, you will receive, if nothing happens, the i)risoners, we thought proper to detain,* which, upon examination, find were *"Charlf«-T()wii, .Ian. 10th, 1776. "Sir — We have received your several letters of the 2(1 and 8th instant, together with tlie proceedings of the Court of Inijuiry in the case of Lieut. Charlton, and the general court-njartial on Capt. Samuel Wise, and approve of their respective determinations — which you will sig- nify in proper orders. We desire when you arrive at some convenient ground, at or near the Quarter-House, that you will order a halt, leaving the prisoners under proper guard, and come forward, yourself in order to attend the Board for further direction. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Henry Laurens, President. "Col. Will. Thomson." "Col. Thomson, of the Regiment of Bangers, came to town, and at- tended for instructions how to dispose of tlie prisoners sent down by Col. Richardson. ^^ Ordered, That Col. Thomson do cause the said prisoners to be conducted to Mr. Strickland to-morrow morning, and that he then attend this Covuicil again." — .lournal of C'onncil of Safety, Jan. 10th, 1776. "Col. Thomson and Major Ferguson of the rangers attended, with a list of the prisoners sent down by Col. Richardson, and distinguished the most culpable offenders." — Journal of Council of Safety, Jan. 11th, 1776. ^^Ordered, That Col. Thomson do immediately attend this board; and that the prisoners from Col. Richardson do remain at, or return to, their stations at Strickland's." — Journal of Council of Safety, Jan. 12th, 1776. "Col. Thomson reported the names of twenty of the prisoners sent down by Col. Richardson, wiio liad voluntarily signed a paper, (which he delivered in,) being a strong assurance of their future proper be- haviour. "Whereupon, Col. Thomson was authoiized by the Council to dis- cliarge them." — Journal of Council of Safety, Jan. 18th, 1776. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 329 the mo8t leading and active, in taking the powder at Ninety-Six, and the late camp. They were long ont before taken, and have been some time since in du- rance, from which circumstances they of course will make but a despicable appearance, adding also, that the spirit of humility and contrition takes place of the opposite character." * * * * ^^j ^^^^ ^^ 3^ loss to know how to recommend ray brother Colonel, will say his behaviour has been as becomes him, and deserves your notice." Pains have been taken to quote all of these details of these two expeditions into the back country, not only to show the part taken in them by Colonel Thom- son and the 3rd regiment, but also to show that, after all, the disaffection of the people living in that section of the Districts of Orangeburgh and Ninety-Six, be- tween the Broad and Saluda rivers, was not so serious in its consequences. We have seen how the Ninety- Six troops, assisted by only a portion of the forces from the adjoining districts, twice vanquished them with scarcely any bloodshed. We have seen them wavering from side to side, accordingly as the most plausible speeches were made them; we have seen them intimidated by a powerful force; but we have seen the final triumph of the Whigs. Col. Richardson tells us that his own regiment could "have done the business" in the second expedition, but there never was a time after that when the Ninety-Six Whigs could not handle with ease the Ninety-Six Tories. Pickens and Williams did it in the darkest days of the Revolution, and were only restrained by the British regulars — and Tories from other States thrown in, for Cruger's regiment of six hundred Tories that garrison- ed Ninety-Six in 1780-81, were every one men that he had enlisted in New York and New Jersey. 330 THE HISTORY OF The mission of Messrs Drayton and Tennent in the first expedition was of a diplomatic nature; that of Col. Thomson was both of a diplomatic and a military nature, and how he succeeded the records themselves show. In the second expedition, his excellent work is vouched for by his fellow officer. Col. Richardson, in his reports. That Col. Thomson never received a brigadier's commission in the Continental service was no fault of his. May posterity ever award him the honor that the Continental Congress failed to be- stow. We cannot refrain from adding here some extracts, anent these expeditions, from Ramsay's History of the Revolution in South Carolina, which not only concern the 3rd regiment, but the conduct of the whole peo- ple of South Carolina during the Revolution. It has been charged by partisan historians that South Caro- lina furnished no troops to the Continental Establish- ment; that troops from New England had to fight her battles for her; that the State was overrun with To- ries; and that the majority of her people were luke- warm in the cause of American independence. The paragraphs from Dr. Ramsay, besides giving us a short account of the Tory uprisings of 1775, speak eloquent- ly in refutation of these slanders. Dr. Ramsay pub- lished his history in 1785, just three years after the close of the war. while events wei'e still fresh in the minds of men, and he had been a prominent figure in the Revolution, in South Carolina, and he therefore WTote with authority. He cannot be accused of un- due partiality, for he was a native of Penns3dvania. He says, Vol. I., p. 67: "Though there were some royalists in every part of the province, the only settlement in which they out- numbered the friends of Congress, was in the country ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 331 between the Broad and Saluda rivers.* When it was determined to raise troops, the inhabitants of that part of the province could not be persuaded that the measure was necessary. Feeling themselves happy and free from present oppression, they were averse from believing that any designs, inimical to American liberty, had been adopted by the British government. Instead of signing the association, they signed papers at their general musters, declaring their unwillingness to concur in the measures recommended by Congress. The council of safety sent the hon. William-Henry Drayton, and the rev. William Tennent, into their set- tlement, to explain to them the nature of the dispute, and to bring them over to a co-operation with the other inhabitants. They had several publick meet- ings, and much eloquence was exerted to induce them to sign the association. Some were convinced and subscribed that bond of union; but the greater num- ber could not be persuaded that there was any neces- sity for congresses, committees, or a military estab- lishment. Suspicion, that bane of society, began to exert her mischievous influence. The friends of the old government doubted the authenticity of all pamph- lets and newspapers, which ascribed to the British troops in Boston, or to the British government, any designs injurious to the rights of the colonists. They believed the whole to be an imposition by artful men, who wished to excite storms, that they might shew their skill in pilotage. The friends of Congress sus- pected the leading men of the royalists to l)e in the * "Excepting in tliat jnirt of the country included between tiie Broad and Saluda rivers the non-subscribers were comparatively few. In Charleston, where the jjeneral committee sat, their number amounted to about forty."— Ramsay, page 42. The (Chicago paper that accused Senator Tillman of uttering a falsehood, when he said that South Carolina had "stood to the front in 177(5", was evidently better acquainted with the falsehoods of the Sabines and Sumners than with the truths of the Ramsays. 332 THE HISTORY OF pay of governor Campbell. Reports were circulated by one party, that a plan was laid to seize the com- missioners sent by the council of safefy; by the other, that the third provincial regiment was brought up to compel the inhabitants to sign the association. Mo- tives and designs were reciprocally attributed to erch other of the most ungenerous nature and mischievous tendency. The royalists embodied for reasons similar to those which had induced the other inhabitants to arm themselves against Great-Britain, They suspect- ed their adversaries of an intention to dragoon them into a compliance with the measures of Congress; and they, in their turn, were suspected of a design to com- mence hostilities against the associators for disturbing the established royal government. Camps were formed in opposition to each other, and great pains were taken to increase their respective numbers. Moderate men employed their good offices to prevent bloodshed. After some days, the leaders on both sides met in con- ference. Several explications having taken place, a treaty was leciprocally agreed to, by which it was stipulated, that 'the royalists should remain in a state of neutrality.' Both parties* retired to their homes, and a temporary calm succeeded. Mr. Robert Cun- ningham, who had been a principal leader among the royalists, continued to encourage oj)position to the popular measures, and declared that he did not <*on- sider himself as bound by the treaty. Suspicion again began to spread her poison. This declaration was con- strued as an evidence of a fixed intention to disturb the peace, by another insurrection. To prevent his *This treaty was signed at Ninety-Six on Sept. 16, 1775, by William Henry Drayton on belialf of the Whigs, and by Thomas Fletehal, Jolm Ford, Thomas Green, Evan McLanrin and Benjamin Wofford on belialf of the Tories. Tlie witnesses to ttie agreement were William Thomson, Ely Kershaw and Francis Salvador. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. attempting any thing of that kind, he was apprehend- ed, brought to town, and committed to gaol. Patrick Cunningham instantly armed a party of his friends, and pursued, with the expectation of rescuing his brother. The party collected on this occasion seized a thousand pounds of powder, which was at that junct- ure passing thi'ough their settlement. This was pub- lick property, and had been sent by the council of safety as a present to the Cherokee Indians. To in- flame the minds of the people, some designing men among the royalists propagated a report, that the powder was sent to the Indians, accompanied with in- structions to them, to kill every man who should re- fuse to sign the association.* This charge, entirely false in itself, was not believed by any of the well-in- formed inhabitants; nevertheless it answered the pur- poses of party among some of the ignorant multitude. It w^as confidently asserted that some private marks had been agreed on by the popular leaders and In- dian chiefs, to distinguish the associators from the nou-ai?sociators; the former of whom were to be spared, and the latter sacrificed. Clreat pains were also taken to exasperate the inhaliitants against the council of safety, for furnishing the Indians with powder at a time when the white people could not be supplied with that necessary ai-ticle. "Major Williamson, who commanded the militia in *''Tlius Pearis swears, that lie 'is assured, from what I said to the Indians, I intended to employ them ajfidnst tlie white men, for the ♦•ommittee', although it is notorious, at the great store at the Conga- rees, that I never saw the Indians but in public, and that the speec^i I made to them was by an inter|)reter, in a crowded room, and that several copies were taken froni the original draught of it, now depcjsi- ted emong the public papers, in which draught and copies there is no foundation for Pearis' oath and charge in this j)articular." — Dray- ton's "address to the inhabitants of the frontier settlements". Jour- nal of Council of Safety, Dec. 6th, 1775, Collections S. C. Hist. >Soc., Vol. Ill, pages 55, 5(i. 334 THE HISTORY OF favour of Congress, went in quest of the party which had taken the publick powder, but was soon obliged to retreat before their superior numbers. The royal- ists, irritated by the capture of Cunningham, and flushed with success in seizing the powder, were at this time more numerous than at any other period. Major Williamson was reduced to the necessity of re- treating into a stockade fort, in which he and his par- ty w^ere confined without any water, till, after three days, by digging they obtained a scanty supply. The royalists possessed themselves of the gaol at Ninety- Six, and from that station tired into the fort. Mon- sieur St. Pierre, an ingenius French gentleman who had settled there some years before, and had made considerable progress in the cultivation of vineyards, was killed by the fire of the royalists, and some others were wounded; but on the whole, very little execu- tion was done. After some days the assailants hoisted a flag, and proposed a truce. Reciprocal permission was given to forward expresses from the royalists to the governor, and from major Williamson to the council of safety. Both parties once more dispersed, and retired to their homes. "Domestick division at this time was particularly to be dreaded. An invasion from Great-Britain was soon expected. A British fleet and army in front, and disaffected inhabitants in rear, threatened destruction to the friends of Congress. Lord William Campbell had uniformly recommended to the royalists to re- main quiet till the arrival of a British force. The ad- vice, so well calculated to distract the views of the popu- lar leaders, had been providentially frustrated. Similar reasons of policy to those which induced the royal governor to recommend inaction to the royalists, operated with the council of safety to crush their in- testine foes before that force should arrive. Their ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 335 late insurrection, in violation of the treaty of Ninety- Six, gave ground to doubt of the sincerity of their en- gagements to continue in a state of neutrality. From their past conduct it was feared, that, as soon as a proper opportunity should offer itself, they would throw their weight into the royal scale. It was there- fore judged necessary, for the publick safety, to march an army into their settlements before that event should take place." ********* "The provincial congress did not rest their cause on reasoning alone, but enforced their measures with an army sufficiently numerous to intimidate opposition. The}^ sent a large body of militia and new raised reg- ulars, under the command of colonels Richardson and Thomson. They were also joined by seven hundred militia of North-Carolina, commanded by colonels Polk and Rutherford, and two hundred and twenty regulars commanded by colonel Martin. In a little time Congress had an army of several thousand men under their direction, with instructions 'to apprehend the leaders of the party which had seized the powder, and to do all other things necessary to suppress the present and prevent future insurrections'. Colonel Richardson proceeded in the execution of these or- ders with great moderation and propriety. A demand was made that the persons who had seized the powder should be delivered up to the justice of their coun- try. Assurances were publickly given that no injury should be done to inoffensive persons, who would re- main quietly on their plantations. The leaders of the royalists found great difficulty in persuding their followers to embody. They were cut off from all com- munication with governor Campbell. Unconnected with their brethren in other parts, there was no union in their measures. They were 'a rope of sand' with- 336 THE HISTORY OF out order and subordination, and without that en- thusiasm which inspired the friends of Congress. Their leaders were destitute of political knowledge and without military experience. The unanimity of the whigs, and the great numbers which, from all sides, invaded the settlements of the royalists, disheartened them from facing their adversaries in the field of bat- tle. They saw resistance to be vain, and that the new government had much greater energy than they had supposed. The whigs acted by syssteni, and in concert with their brethren in the adjacent states, and were directed by a council of safety composed of the great- est and wisest men in the province. They easily car- ried every point — seized the leaders of the royalists — and dispersed their followers. In erecting this busi- ness they did not lose a single man, and only one of their number, major Polk, was wounded. This de- cided superiority gave confiden(^e to the popular lead- ers, and greatly strengthened their hands. The van- quished royalists retired to their plantatious; but on all occasions discovered as much obstinacy in oppos- ing their countrymen, as their countrymen did firm- ness in opposing Great-Britain. Several of them, and of others who were averse from fighting, retired over the mountains, where, remote from the noise and bus- tle of war, they enjoyed that independence for which so many were contending. In the year 1778, when every inhabitant was called on to take an oath of al- legiance to the state, many of them voluntarily aban- doned their country for the barren sands of East- Florida. In the same year, when the alliance between France and the United States of America was publish- ed, others of them nominally joined the Congress. Mr. Robert Cunningham and two or three more of their leading men, were elected members of the legis- lature. After the reduction of Savannah, a consider- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 337 able party rose a second time in favour of royal gov- ernment; but they were completely routed on their way to the British encampments in Georgia.* They afterwards remained quiet till the British obtained possession of Charleston. "Excepting these ill-concerted insurrections; no pub- lick body in the province, prior to the British con- quests in the year 17S0. gave avowed evidence of their disapprobation of the popular measures." ********* "Vigorous decisive measures characterized the pop- ular party; while their opposers either acted without system, or from timid counsels which w^ere feebly ex- ecuted. "No revolution was ever effected with greater una- nimity, or w ith more oi'der and regularity. The lead- ing men in every part of the province, with very few exceptions, from the first njoments of the contest, ex- erted themselves in the cause of their country. Their abilities and influence gave union and system to the proceedings of the people. A few persons in the col- ony hated republican governments, and some ignor- ant people in the back country were induced to be- lieve that the whole was an artful deception, imposed upon them for interested purposes, by the gentlemen of fortune and ambition on the sea coast. But among the independent enlightened freemen of the province, who loved liberty, and had spirit to risk life and for- tune in its support, there were very few to be found who took part with the royalists." We have it, therefore, from Dr. Ramsay, an eye-wit- ness, that the only place in South Carolina where the Toiies outnumbered the Whigs, was in that little tri- angle between the Broad and Saluda rivers — the great- *At Kettle^ Civt'k, liy Col. Andrew Pickens. 338 THE HISTORY OF er part of which was in Ninety Six District and the lesser part in Orangeburgh District. And that little triangle constituted a very small part of South Caro- lina, and the people there dwelling constituted a very small portion of the population of South Carolina, and we further have it from Dr. Ramsay that they were either ignorant, or selfish, republic haters, or timid — and we might add— or criminals, and that it was not a difficult matter foi' the well oi-ganized Whigs to con- trol them, as they had no organization, system or ability. We have already seen how they were thrice brought into line, the first time by Drayton's per- suasion, — although he had Col. Thomson's regiment along — the second time by Richardson and Thomson, and the third time, just after the fall of Savannah in 1778. And the fact is that nowhere else in South Carolina did the Tories attain any strength, and if the State was ever overrun by Tories it was in 1780, after the fall of Charleston, and it was not South Carolina To- ries that did the overruning. but it was Clinton's over- whelming army of regulars, assisted bi/ Tories direct from the Northern States; those fron) East Florida, who were the offscourings of the whole thirteen colo- nies; those of Georgia, wheie there were many set- tlers only lately from Great-Britain; and the few fur- nished by South Carolina. And with all of these odds against them — to say nothing of tlie bad management of Lincoln and Gates — the people of South Carolina were fighting their own battles and driving out and defeating the enemy at the very moment that General (ireene was sent down to their assistance. Toward the close of 1775, the Council of Safety in Charletown received intelligence of the approach of a powerful British fleet and army destined for the re- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 339 dnction of Chai'lestown. The Council immediatelj^ be- gan to make preparations for defending the coast. With that object in view the following letter was ad- dressed to Col. Hichardson: "Charles-Town, Dec. 30th, 1775. ''Sir — We have judged it necessary to detain your messenger Newton, upon an information which we have received by express from the Committee at George-Town, of a fleet of ships having been seen sail- ing southerly on Christmas evening, said to be eighteen sail, five of which are very large — the weather has ever since been l)oisterous and thick, in which no ship could with safety approach the land^ — the first clear day will probably confirm or remove our apprehen- sions. In the mean time we shall direct Col. Thom- son to march his Regiment of [{angers immediately to Monck's Corner, and if you can prevail upon a body of volunteer foot, fronj 500 to 1,000 men, under proper officers, also to march to the same place, we desire you to do so. The conimanding officer, upon his ap- proach, will give notice to this board, and we will transmit the necessary orders for his further proceed- ings, and we shall give orders after their encampment that payments be regularly made to the troops, and rations of provision duly served to the companies. We confine our application wholly to volunteers, be- cause we would not harrass the militia who have al- ready been engaged in a severe service, nor call upon them out of turn but by their own consent. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Henry Laurens, President.'" On the same da}' the following letter was addressed to Col. Thomson: "Sir — If Col. Richardson from some unexpected oc- currence shall not find it necessary to detain you' in 340 THE HISTORY OF his army for the service of the colony, you are direct- ed to march that part of your regiment of Rangers now with you, with all expedition to Monck's Corner, and upon your approach to that place, to give notice to this board. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Henry Laurens, President. "Col. Thomson." Col. Thomson was next placed in charge of the fort at Dorchester, as will be seen by the following extract from an order from the Council of Safety, dated Jan- uary 3rd, 1776, to Col. Joseph Glover, then command- ing at Dorchester: "You will, at the end of the sta- ted time for service of the draughts now upon duty, discharge the whole, and have the command with the othcer of the Regiment of Rangers." Next we extract from the Journal of the Council of Safety for January 12th, 1776:* "Col. Huger, Col. Motte, Col. Thomson and Col. Roberts, being ordered to attend, and attending accordingly, were conferred with. ''Ordered, That Col. Thomson do cause a detach- ment of fifty or sixty of such of his rangers as are good riflemen and will volunteer to go on the service, to proceed to Sullivan's Island, immediately, for the better securing the possession thereof. ''Ordered, That Col. Thomson be immediately sup- plied with twenty-five pounds of gun-powder and one hundred pounds of lead, for the use of the said detach- ment."! ^Collections S. C. Hist. Soc, Vol. Til, pages 170 and 171. f^^ Ordered, That one quarter of a lumdred more of ji:uiii)o\vder be issued innnediately to Col. Thomson. ^'Ordered, That fifty weight more of lead lie immediately issued to Col. Thomson." — Journal of Council of Safety, Jan. 13th, 177(i. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 341 . 3, 177(). 344 THE HISTORY OF son's regiment was mHrched down from the Ten Mile House, and the 2nd and 3rd regiments of regulars, un- der Colonels William Moultrie and William Thomson, respectively, were stationed on Sullivan's Island. On June 8th, Gen. Charles Lee, who commanded all the forces in and about Charlestown, issued the following order to Col. Moultrie: "Charlestown, S o'clock, June 8th. "Sir, "As we have received information that a body of the enemy have landed, and are lodging themselves on Long-Island, and as the nature of the country is represented to me as favorable to riflemen, I must re- quest that you immediately detach Thomson's and Sumpter's regiments; Capts. Alston's, Mayhara's, and Coutirier's companies to that Island, vvith orders to at- tack, and if possible, dislodge this corps of the enemy; . . . but you must above all, take care, that their re- treat across the breach from Long-Island to Sullivan's Island, is secured to them in case of necessity. For which purpose, you are desired to move down to the point, commanding the breach, two field-pieces; . . . the sooner it is done the better: . . . you are there- fore to exert yourself in such a manner that the attack may be made at break of day. "I an], sir, yours. "To Col. Moultrie. "Charles Lee. "Major General." In another letter to Col. Moultrie of the same date. Gen. Lee wrote: "I have ordered a considerable rein- forcement of riflemen to join Colonel Thomson, which, with the advantages of ground ought to make you to- tally secure." The following is Col. Moultrie's reply to Gen. Lee: ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 345 "Sullivan's Island, June 10th, 1776. "Sir. "I just now received your orders for detaching Thompson and Sunipter's regiment;^, AUston, Mayham and Coutirier's companies. By the date of your letter it seems as if you intended this business to have been done this morning, but your letter came too late to hand for that purpose, 1 shall send the detachment to our advance guard, there to remain with their boats for crossing them, hid till night, then shall em- bark them for Long-Island, where they may be re- connoitreing till day-light." * * * '*I am, sir, your most obedient, '* William Moultrie, "Col. 2d. regiment." ^ But before night Col. Moultrie received the follow- ing letter: "June the 10th, 6 o'clock, P. M. ''Sir ; •'I am just returned from an excursion into the country .... As the large ships are now over the l)ar, and as your bridge must be finished: 1 would wish you would lay asside all thoughts of an expedition against Long-Island, unless your scouts bring such intelligence as almost to insure a successful stroke. "I am, sir. yours, "Charles Lee. "To Col. Moultrie. "Sullivan's Island." In a letter to Col. Moultrie, dated the 11th, Gen. Lee wrote: "I hope the point of your Island, oppo- site to Long-Island is secui'e against the enemy lodg- ing there." The task of guarding that point had been enti-usted to Col. 'IMiomson. On June 16th Col. Moultrie wrote to Cen. Arm- 346 THE HISTORY OF strong, who commanded at HaddreH's Point, on the mainland: "Col. Thompson is now with me, and in- forms me that he has taken particular notice of the movement of the enemy, he observed about 10 o'clock, 200 grenadiers, and a small battalion, (which he imagines came from Dewee to cover the landing of the rest) where they posted themselves, about one mile from our advanced guard, and waited until about seventeen hundred men were landed. They then marched off to Dewees' Island, he observed every six men carried something like a tent; they are still landing as fast as the boats can bring them. Col. Thompson begs that he may have at least his own men which are over with you (one hundred) without whom he cannot undertake to prevent their landing on this island, should they attempt it. We are all in high spirits, and will keep a good look out to prevent a sur- prise. Col. Thompson requests as a favor, if you have time, that you would come over and take a ride on the island to observe what a length of ground we have to defend." To this Gen. Armstrong replied, on the same day: "I shall do my utmost to comply with yours and (]ol. Thompson's request, respecting the resi- due of his regiment, no passage over, unless you can send boats in the morning." * * * * ^q y^^ no reason why you may not also reinforce Col. Thom- son: nay, if they appear indeed to land on Sullivan's it must be done, and the point at the island where they may best land, prudently and vigorously defend- ed at all events. Let the Col. know this.'* On the 21st, Cen. Lee wrote to Col, Moultrie: "Those two field pieces at the very end of the point, are so exposed that 1 desire you will draw them oflf' to a more secure distance from the enemy ... in their present situation it appears to me, they may be carried oft' when ever the enemy think proper." ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 347 III a letter to Col. Isaac Hayiie, dated June 24th, Hon. Richard Hiitson relates the following incidents concerning the 3rd regiment: "On their sending their first reconnoitering party upon Long Island, one of their men was shot by one of our Riflemen. He was dressed in red, faced with black, and had a cockade and feather in his hat and a sword by his side. By which it appears that he was an officer; but that is all we know about him. Some time after there happened an affair of a very tragi- comical nature; when they began to effect a landing on Long Island our President offered a premiurii of tliirty guineas to any of the Riflemen who should first take one of the King's troops prisoner'. Accordingly three of them went over one night for that purpose. Two of them agreed to keep together, the other deter- mined to go by himself. In the morning by twilight the one that was alone descried the two others at a distance, and imagining that they were the King's troops, took up his gun to fire at them, thinking, I snppose, to kill one and then take the other alive; one of the others seeing his piece presented, was quicker than he was and shot him through the thigh, upon which he fell. They immediately ran up, dragged him to the boat, threw him in and pushed off, all thinking that he was one of the King's troops. They had got a considerable distance from the shore before the poor man was sufficiently recovered from his fright to speak. As soon as he spoke they discovered their mistake. He is likely to recover.'* * * * * "There was a sham battle the other day between our men on Sullivan's Island, and the troops on Long Island. Some of our Riflemen had been over in order to endeavor to obtain the President's premium, and on Friday morning last, the King's troops tracked them down to the Breach between the two islands. 348 THE HISTORY OF which tit low water is foixlable. As soon as our guard upon Sullivan's Island discovered them, they fired upon them with a field piece, which they returned l)y Platoons of Musketry. They continued firing at each other in this manner across the Breach for several hours. One of our men had one of his hands blown off by our own Field-Piece, which went off while he was loading it, owing to its not having been sponged. Two others were wounded by tlie enemy. We have not learnt what loss they have sustained." It was doubtless this same "sham battle" that in- duced Gen. Lee, on June 22nd, to write the following to Col. Moultrie: "Sir, "Inclosed is a letter for Col. Thompson: I send it open that you may read it: for allowing for the differ- ence of his circumstances as a rifle officer, the spirit of the order is to extend to the whole: no vague un- certain firing either of rifles, muskets, or cannon is to be permitted." And Gen. Lee was probably referring to the three adventurers, referred to by Mr. Hutson, when he continued, in the same letter: "Soldiers run- ning at random wherever their folly directs, is an ab- solute abon)ination not to be tolerated." But it appears that a few days later there was an- other exchange of shots between Thomson's men and the enemy, for on June 27th, Mr. Hutson wrote again: "The firing yesterday was between the troops on Long- Island and our advanced Guard on Sullivan's Island, across the Breach. They fired with Field Pieces, and threw several shells. The President and General Lee were down there at the time. One of the shells burst- ed within a few yards of the President, and he brought a piece of it up to Town with him. They did not do anv execution and General Lee would suffer oniv two ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 349 shots to be returned from an eighteen pounder which has been carried down there." On the 27th, Gen. Lee, in a letter to Col. Moultrie, wrote: "I have ordered Gen. Armstrong to send an hundred volunteers to ease Col. Thompson's regiment of their heavy duty, for I find, that a part of Col. Hor- ry's regiment* had most magnanimously refused to take this duty on them: We shall live I hope to thank them." On the 28th of June the British fleet, having crossed the bar, bore down on the little fort that Colonel Moultrie occupied at the western extremity of Sulli- van's Island, — but the result of the British admiral's temerity on that occasion, in bearing down upon that fort, is too well known. The battle, of Fort Sullivan is American history. We have only to deal with the part taken by our own Thomson at the other end of the Island. About the same time that the British fleet moved to attack Col. Moultrie's fort, the British army of tw^o thousand regulars, under General Sir Henry Clinton, marched down to the western extremity of Long Island, and attempted to cross the inlet, where it is fordable at low water, over to Sullivan's Island. Clin- ton's army was flanked by an armed schooner and a sloop, and by a strong flotilla of armed boats from the fleet, with orders to co-operate with the army. But Col. Thomson's sharpshooters and artillerists not only drove Clinton's regulars back from the ford as often as they attempted to cross it, but swept the decks of the flotills^ as often as it approached to aid the army. And after a short and decisive fight the army was defeated and driven off^ and the flotilla dis- *Militia. 350 THE HISTORY OF porsed. Clinton's forces, including the marines, num- bered nearly two thousand more than Thomson's, and yet Col. Thonison bad not a man killed and only one wounded. While the tight was going on Gen. Lee sent tiie fol- lowing letter to Col. Moultrie: "Dear Col. "Mr. Byrd makes reports of your condnct which does you infinite honor; they are indeed such as I expected. I have sent for more ammunition for you, and ordered a large corps of riflemen to reinforce Col. Thompson." Whether Col. Thomson received these reinforcements before, during, or after his fight, the records do not state; but Gen. Moultrie in his ''Me- moirs." p. 142. says that Col. Thomson's force corjsist- ed of his own regiment of 300 men, Col. Clarke with 200 North Carolina regulars. Col. Horry with 200 South Carolina troops, and the Racoon Company of 50 militia riflemen. He further says: "Col. Thomp- son had orders that if they could not stand the enemy they were to throw themselves into the fort" — an or- der which, it appears, he was not put to the necessity of obeying. On the day after the battles. Gen. Lee wrote Col. Moultrie a letter of thanks, to which his secretary added the following postscript: "The General desires that Col, Thompson w\\\ send as soon as he can, a re- turn of all occurrences in his part of the Island." "On July 1st, (lien. Lee addressed a letter to Col. Moultrie to which he added the following postscript: "I must request that your garrison may be kept more vigilant than ever, and that Col. Thompson and his corps do not relax; for it is almost proverbial in war, that we are never in so great danger as when success makes us confident." But the British were satisfied ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 351 with the drubbings they had received, and soon sailed away from our coast. For his splendid victory over Clinton, the Continen- tal Congress included Colonel 'rbomson's name in the general resolution df thanks to the victorious forces on this occasion. The following is a copy of the resolution:* -Philadelphia. July 20th, 1776. "In Congress. "Pipsolved, That the thanks of the United States of America, be given to Maj. Gen. Lee, Col. William Moultrie, Col. William Thompson, and the officers and soldiers under their comman*ls; who, on the 28th of June last, repulsed, with so much valor, the attack which was made on the State of South-Carolina, by the fleet and army of his Britannic majesty. "That Mr. President transmit the foregoing resolu- tion to Maj. Cen. Lee, Col. Moultrie, and Col. Thomp- son. ■'By order of the Congress. "John Hancock, President."'! The six South Carolina regular regiments were now, by resolutions of the Continental Congress, passed June 18th, and July 24th, 1776, put regularly upon the Conti- nental Establishment, and the South Carolina officers came into the Continental line as the youngest officers of their respective ranks, as will appear by the follow- ing resolution of the General Assembly of South Caro- lina, passed September 20th. 1776: "Resolved, that this house do acquiesce in the resolution of the conti- nental Congress of the 18th of June, and the 24th of July last, relative to the putting the two regiments of ♦Moultrie's Memoirs, Vol. I, page 183. fFor Col. Thomson's tiDswer to this letter see his order book for Aug. 14, 177(>. 352 THE HISTORY OF infantiy, the regiment of rangers.* the regiment of ar- tiller\', and the two regiments of riflemen, in the sei-- vice of this state, upon the continental establish- ment." Hildreth says, Histor}^ United States, Vol. III., Chap- ter XXXII., p. 109, that "Congress had already! taken into Colonial pay:|: the three regiments of South (Caro- lina, presently increased to five". In the month of July following his victory ovei' Clinton, Col, Thomson was called upon to furnish a de- tachment for an expedition against the Cherokee In- dians in the upper part of South Carolina. Upon the breaking out of hostilities, the British agents in the South instigated the Cherokee Indians to take up arms against the colonists. An Indian war commenced, and was carried on with its usual barbari- ty. § The speedy departure, however, of the British fleet from the sea coast, after their unsuccessful attack on Fort Sullivan, gave an opportunity to concentrate a large force for the chastisement of the savages. Col. Andrew Williamson,!' of Ninety Six District, commanded the forces in this expedition. With a small force of militia he began his march on the third of July. His force being small, his progress was ne- * "There are some of my officers, I am informed, who will not take Continental Commissions". — Col. Thomson to Major Morgan Conner, January 2nd, 1777. tTowanl the chjse of 1775. JTt was 'T'olonial pay" in name only, for fieneral Moultrie says that up to April, 1778, "the state Iiad paid and clothed the troojts, and furnished every article that was necessary for military operations from their own stores, the continent having nothing here at the time".— Memoirs, Vol. II, page 864. ?Mr. Francis Salvador stated in a letter lo Mr. Drayton, dated July IS, 1776, that some of the inhabitants of the up-connfy were so panic stricken that they fled as low down as (^rangeburgh. — I)raytoi\'s Memoirs Vol. II, page 363. l|He was promoted colonel uhiU' on this expedition. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 353 cessai'ily slow. On the IGth lie reached Dewett's Cor- ner near the Cherokee houndary line. Here he was joined by Capt. Felix Warley, of Thomson's regiment, with a detachment of a hnndred rangers, and a con- voy of wagons with anununition, arms, and stores.* The Carolinians had several sluir|) engagements with the Indians, bnt they finally defeated them; traversed their whole country; and laid waste their fields of coin; and about five hundred of the Chero- kees were forced to take refuge in West Florida, where they were fed at the expense of the British government. Of this expedition Ramsay says: "None of all the expeditions before undertaken against the savages had been so successful as this first effort of the new-horn conjmon wealth. In less than three months, viz. from the 15th of July to the Uth of October 1776 the business was completed, and the na- tion of the Cherokees so far subdued as to be incapa- ble of annoying the settlements. The whole loss of the Americans in the expedition did not exceed fifty men, but in this number was that w^oithy citizen Mr. Francis Salvador.''}- In August, 1770, Gen. Charles Lee, comiiianding the troops in South Carolina, undertook an expedition against the British province of East Florida. Presi- dent Rutledge gave oi'ders to Col. Thomson to send 130 men of his regiment with Gen. Lee. In conse- quence of this order Col. Thomson, on August 7th, is- sued an order to Major Mayson to take command of this detachment at Savannah. Gen. Lee's expedition * "Captain Warley with this loaded eoiivoy, luairhed from Charlew- tovvn to Dewett's Comer, by the road aloiiji the Coiigaree and Hard- Lahour Creek, in fourteen days." — Drayton's Memoirs. Vol. II, page 843, foot note. tFor a sketch of this jieiitleman see Drayton's RIeinoirs, Vol. II, ])a,ires 847, 84S. 354 THE HISTORY OF left Savannah in September and marched towai'd St. Augustine; but two days thereafter Gen. Lee received an express from Congress ordering him to the north- wai'd with the Virginia and North Carolina troops. This put an end to the expedition, and Major Mayson returned to the Congarees with liis detachment in Oc- tober, and at once gave his men furloughs for thirty days, for recuperating. On October the 6th we find, by his own order book, that Col. Thomson was in camp at the Congarees with 161 officers and privates, with the detachment that had been sent to East Florida not yet returned, though it did return a few days later. Scarcely had the detachment under Major Mayson returned from Georgia, when Col. Thomson was or- dered to send off another detachment to assist the Georgians. This detachment, consisting of two cap- tains, three lieutenants, three sergeants and ninety- three privates, marched from the camp at Congarees on October 14th, 1776, under the command of Capt. John Caldwell, with orders from Col. Thomson to cross the Savannah just below Augusta and proceed to Fort Barrington on the Altamaha. A second detachment, of seven privates and a, sergeant, under command of Lieut. Beames, marched, on October ISth, to join Capt. Caldwell, and took orders to Capt. Caldwell instruct- ing him to execute his orders, and then to join the regiment wherever it should then be. On the 2Sth of December, a detachment under Capt.' Richard Winn was ordered to Georgia to relieve Capt. Caldwell and his detachment. The next service required of the 3rd regiment was to go to Georgia, in 1777, under General Robert Howe, who then commanded the troops in South Carolina and Georgia. Gen. Howe, in February, 1777. received ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 355 intelligence from Georgia tliat a body of regular troops, under (V)l. Fuser, were marching to invade Georgia, and he immediately left C'harlestown for Sa- vannah; but the enemy soon retreated, and in March following, Generals (ladsden and Moultrie, command- ing at Charlestown, requested Gen. Howe to return to that city, which he did in June following. In the meantime he wiote a letter to Gen. Moultiie, from Savannah, on March IGth, in which he said: "Thomp- son's are at Purisburgh, and will he ordered to march to-morrow."* They were ]n'obably marched back to their homes, for we find in Col. Thomson's order book a letter, dated at "Charles Town 25th April 1777", di- rected to Maj. Wise, in "Camp near Nelson's Ferry", ordering him to send a detachment to Charlestown. During the remainder of the year 1 777, Col. Thomson's regiment was divided up into detachments, which per- formed various duties in difl'erent parts of South Caro- lina. One detachment, for some time, guarded the jail at Ninety-Six, another, under Capt. Lyles, was, on August 16th, ordered to capture several Tory leaders in Ninety-Six district and convey them to Charles- town jail, v^hile othei' detachmerits w^ere given other similar duties to perform. The regiment was en- camped part of the time at Amelia and pai't of the time at Nelson's Ferry. In December, 1777, the State of Georgia being much disturbed by British and Tory inroads from Florida. Gen. Howe returned to Georgia. On April 6th. 1778, President Lowndes wrote the following letter to Gen. Moultrie: Sir, "I liave received letters and information from the Congarees, which give good grounds to suspect that some design is formed to disturb the tranquility 356 THE HISTORY OF of the interior piirts of this state. Several of tlie in- habitants have suddenly and secretly withdrawn themselves from their habitations, and have manifest- ed, by other parts of their behavior, that some enter- prise is in agitation, that may, if not timely attended to, surprise us at a disadvantage. I have ordered Colonel Beard to keep a good look out, and to raise a proper number of his militia, so as to l)e in readiness to oppose any sudden attem})t that may be undertaken by those people called Tories. 1 have taken the liber- ty to direct him in case the matter should wear a seri- ous aspect and require a greater force than he can readily draw from his regiment, to apply for aid and succor to Colonel Thonjson, who, I l)elieve has a de- tachment of his regiment near those parts, as 1 in- tended to apply to you to give the required assistance. I wish the present appearances which have given this alarm may blow over* without producing any ill con- sequences. Perhaps the late incursions of the Florida scouts in those parts, may have afforded an opportuni- ty of tampering with the ill-affected, and of exciting ill humours amongst them. However this may be, it is prudent to be prepared against the worst. ''I am, &c. "Rawlins Lowndes. "The honorable General Moultrie." On April 7th, (len. Howe wrote, from Savannah, to Gen. Moultrie, wishing him "immediately to prepare, and have in readiness to march at a moment's warn- ing, 200 men"; and in answer to this Gen. Moultrie wrote, on April 10th: "I have, agreeably, to your or- ders sent 150 men from Thompson's, and 50 from Sumpter's regiments in readiness to go off at a mo- *They seem to have done so. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 357 ii)ent"'s warning: I hope, however, you will have no occasion for them."" Thomson's regiment seems to have been very much in demand abont that time. On Api'il 14th President Lowndes wrote to Gen. Moultrie as follows: ''As it appears froni the concurient accounts of all the intel- ligence 1 have leceived, that the disaffected plan their hopes and expectations on being joined with a force from Florida: and that their aim is to form the junc- tion by crossing Savannah river, a condiderable party having alieady taken that route, 1 submit to you. whether it would not be necessary and proper to post Thompson with his regiment at some convenient place on Savannah river to interrupt or prevent such a de- sign, more especially as he would be enabled from thence, more expeditiously to remove to the immedi- ate assistance of Georgia. The militia in all parts of the back country being in arms, and on their guard, 1 think no gi'eat danger is to be apprehended, unless a combined force should be effected, which must be by crossing Savannah river, the guarding of which might bafile their scheme."" To this dien. Moultrie replied on the same day: 'T just now received yours, and have considered with attention what you mention with re- gard to posting Thompson"s regiment on Savannah river, I cannot at present think it proper by any means, and 1 will therefore give you my reasons. That regi- ment consists of about one third the number of conti- nental troops in this State (150 of them in town which we cannot do without, unless the militia will take off' some of our guards) and the sending them so far from the capital would be running too great a risk, besides the harrassing the troops: should any sudden attack be made upon our sea coast, we have only the conti- nental troops to make head until the militia can be 358 THE HISTORY OF collected, which you know will take some little time; should any attack be made on our frontier it cannot be halt" the consequence, and should the enemy attempt to move with an army through the back country, they must drag themselves so slowly along that before they could penetrate far we should be collected to oppose them; and should they move in small parties I think our militia quite sufficient to check their progress. I flatter myself that this bustle is not so serious as was first imagined, or 1 ceitaiuly should have heard from Gen. Howe ere this, to move on the troops, he had or- dered to be in readiness." But Gen. Moultrie had not long to wait on Gen. Howe for marching orders, for on the same date that he addressed his letter to President Lowndes, Gen. Howe wrote him, from Savannah, as follows: "The situation of affairs here, makes it necessary to desire that the men under marching orders, repair, with all possible expedition to Purisbui-gh, where they will re- ceive directions as to their further conduct. You will take care that they are provided with every military requisite, as this state cannot furnish them. You are, however, not to delay the march of the men, for any preparations of this sort, as 1 am exceedingly anxious for their arrival, and shall continue to be so, till they do arrive." "When I wrote you before, though I thought it eli- gible to prepare for the worst, yet 1 had hopes that things would not have been so serious; but the aspect they now weai-, induces me to believe, that this state,* deplorably weak in itself, will need every support yours can give it: 1 am therefore under the necessity of ordering fifty men from the first regiment, and also *({c(»rf);ia. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 359 thirty men from the artillery, with two field-pieces, with everything proper tor action." The occasion of these alarms was the well authen- ticated reports received from St, Augustine, that a British army, under Tien. Prevost, was about to invade Georgia. On April iSth Gen. Moultrie replied to Gen. Howe: "1 received yours by express, last night, and shall order the first detaidiment off to-morrow morn- ing; the remainder of the first regiment and the artil- lery will march off on Monday, under the command of Colonel Charles C. Pinckney." On the same date Maj. J. F. Grimke, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Howe, sent the following order to Gen. Moul- trie: 'i am directed by General Howe to request of you, that you would have the remaining part of the continental troops, amounting to one half the number and allowed by the president and council of your state, in immediate I'eadiness for marching, upon re- ceiving the general's orders." On April 24th Gen. Moultrie answered this order: "Our first detachment* marched off a few days ago, and Colonel Charles C. Pinckney with the second, went otf yesterday." =!:*** 'i have order- ed the i-emainder of Thomson's and Sumpter's regi- ments to be ready to march on my receiving your fur- ther ordeis." * * * * "()ur number of con- tinental troops belonging to this state, amount to about fifteen hundred." But Gen. Moultrie was too slow for Gen. Howe, for on the 2()th, Major Grimke wrote again as follows: 'T have to request your excuse if 1 did not deliver myself so explicitly as 1 was ordered to do in the last letter I wi'ote you by desire of Major (ieneral Howe. As I did not keep a copy, not having time to write it again, *Consisting of 150 men of Thomson's regiment, under Major Wise, iiU(] ')0 men of Sumter's regiment, under Lieut-Col. Henderson. 3()0 THE HISTORY OF 1 cannot refer to the order, nor do I at present recol- lect in what mode of expression I delivered myself. The order, sir, that it was my intention to transmit yon, shonld have positively declared the necessity for the imniediate march of the troops, forming and re- maining part of the continental battalions in the state of South Carolina. Yon will please, therefore, to order the troops you refer to, whom you say you have directed to be ready to march at a moment's warning, and consists of the othei- parts of Colonel Thomson's and Sumpter's regiments. They are to proceed to Fort Howe, by the shortest road upon the Alatamaha, without touching at Savannah." To this (len. Moultrie replied, on May 1st: "The excuse you request should rather l)e asked by me, as I neglected to inform you, that your orders were very explicit, and I accordingly put them in execution, excepting for Thomson's, in lien of which I sent the hrst regiment, as they are better clothed and disciplined." The appearance in (ireorgia of so formidable a force had the effect of deterring Prevost froni invading that State, and Gen. Howe then determined to "carry the war into Africa" by marching into P]ast-Florida, but the country through whicli they passed was so barren, and the season so unfavorable that upon reaching the St. Mary's river and capturing and destroying Fort Tonyn, it was decided, on July 11th, to go no farther. Gen. Howe, with the (Georgia troops, and, it appears, a portion of the South Carolina troops — among them the detachment fron) Thomson's regiment under Maj. Wise — returned to Savannah; while Col. Pinckney with the other South Carolina troops returned by watei" to Char- lestown. The South Carolina troops reniaining with Howe lingered out a summer season in Georgia, and when the autumn came the British army again found work for them to ati-olling the Edisto and Savannah rivers in order to keep out "Florida scouts" and protect the frontier settlers from Indians. On the 29th. Gen. Howe's army was totally defeated by Col. Campbell, and Savannah fell into the hands of the Bi-itish. In this tight the South Carolina troops, including Maj. Wise's detachment of the 3rd regiment, formed the right wing of Hovs-e's army, which was commanded by Gen. Isaac Huger. In the meantime Major-General Benjamin Lincoln, a New Englander whouj Congress had sent to relieve Cren. Howe, had arrived in Charlestown and assumed command there. As soon as he could collect reinforcements, he marched *Wh('rt' tlifv had ]>r<)l)al)ly sin'iit tlie siiiumer. 362 THE HISTORY OF for the Savannah river, arriving at Purishurgli on Jan- uary Brd, 1779, — too late to save Howe. That evening- he vs^as joined by Howe, and the next day by the South Carolina troops. Gen. Lincoln remained at Purisburgh. with the Con- tinental troops and some militia, having skirmishes with the enemy almost daily, until April, when he moved his army up to Black Swamp, twenty-five miles above; leaving a small force at Purisburgh. On the 20th of April Cen. Lincoln marched off up the river, leaving Gen. Moultrie with a fence of 1200 men at Black Swamp. Two days later Gen. Lincoln wrote back, ordering (len. Moulti'ie to send up Gen. Huger with the remaining (Continental troops, excepting de- tachments of the 2nd and 5th i-egiments (numbering 220 men), to the nuniber of 1000 men. The 3rd regi- ment was, therefore, with Lincoln, and shared the for- tunes of his army as he marched up on the South Caro- lina side of the Savannah, and crossed that river and marched down on the Georgia side. The ai'iny was engaged in only a few skii'mishes, it is true, but the long march through a rough, thinly settled country was more trying to the health and spirits of the men than a pitched battle would have been. While Gen. Lincoln was marching up and down the banks of the Savannah river "inspiring the inhabi- tants of the country with confidence". Gen. Prevost crossed the Savannah liver. on April 2yth, with about 3000 men and marched for Charlestown. But Gen. Moultrie with about 250 Continentals and 1000 militia lately arrived from Orangeburgh, was between Pre- vost and Charlestown, and delayed his march in every possible way: all the while sending despatches to Lin- coln requesting him to send reinfoicements, and to re- turn to South Carolina with his army in order to save Charlestown. Gen. Moultrie was joined at Charles- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 363 town by a considerable militia force, and by a skillful- ly arranged piece of deception Prevost was made to believe that the town would be surrendered; but when time enough had been gained to bring (len. Lin- coln's army, which had recrossed the Savannah and was marching to Moultrie's relief, uncomfortably near to Prevost all proposals of surrender were withdraw'n. It was then too late for Prevost to attempt to storm the works around Charlestovvn, and he withdrew to the neighboring sea islands. On the 20th of June, Gen. Lincoln made an unsuc- cessful assault on Pi-evost's trenches at Stono, and the next day Col. Grimke wrote a letter to jMr. J. Kean in which he stated that ''the left of our line was com- posed of continental troops, under Gen. Huger"; and we may presume that the detachment of the 3rd regi- ment was there. A few days after Lincoln's attack on his trenches at Stono, Prevost embarked his army for Beaufort, where he left a part of his force and repaired to Savannah with his main army. AI)out the 1st of Se])tember Count D'Estaing, with a French fleet, appeared oiT Charlestown bar and an- nounced to Gen. Lincoln that he was ready to assist him to lay siege to Savannah. On September 5th Gen. Lincoln ordered all officers and soldiers to join their respective regiments. This brought Col. Thom- son and all of the officers and men of the 3rd regiment to their places. On the 23rd of September, Lincoln's army joined the French, and encamped before Savan- vt^h. On the 4th and 5th of October their batteries opened on the British works, and on the 9th an as- sault was made, which resulted in the defeat of the allied forces. The 3rd regiment lost its major, (Samuel Wise) one Lieutenant, (Bailev) and 10 of the rank and 364 THE HISTORY OF file; while one captain, (Farrav) two lientenants, (Gas- ton and DeSanssure)* two sergeants and twenty-foui- of the rank and file were wounded — making a total of 41 killed and wounded, | From certain documentary evidence now before us, we are led to the conclusion that Col. Thomson and Lieut. Col. Mayson l)oth resigned their commissions in the 3rd regiment about the beginning of the year 1780. It is on the following evidence that we base our conclusion: Extract from a letter from Gen. Lincoln to Lieut. Col. Marion, dated Charlestown, November 25th, 1771): "I will inquii-e into the reason why the officers of the Third are absent, I must find some officers who belong- to another corps to do duty in that l^egiment.'":|; Order from Major Edmund Hyrne, Deputy Adjutant General, to Lieut. Col. Peter Horry, dated February nth, 17S0: "You are this day in orders for the third Regiment, and the General desires me to inform you that your presence is immediately and absolutely ne- cessary. We have certain intelligence of the British Troops having landed and we are just informed that sail are now off Stono,"§ Letter of same date, from Major Hyrne to Lieut. Col. Peter Horry: "I am sorry to have troubled you with my letter of this date by the Express. Col. Hen- derson, (before the order was issued,) informed the General he had altered his mind and would accept the appointment, and he is accordingly appointed Lt. Col. of the third." *Tt appears from Gen. DeSaussure's paiiiplilet that hotli of tlu- wounded lieiiteiiant.s died of their wounds. tSee Soiffh Carolina and American Genera/ G'azeffe, Oct. 2!», 177!i. JGibbes's Docunieiitary Histor>-, 1781 and 1782, page 4. Hhid, page 10. II Ibid, pages 10, 11. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 365 The next seivice required of the 3rd regiment was to assist in tlie defence of Charlestown against the fleet and arn]}' which Sir Henry Clinton brought from New York against that city in February, 1780. Col. Thomson was not with the regiment during the siege. Dr. Johnson, in ''Traditions of the [levolution". says that he was on detached service in Orangeburgh Dis- trict; and John Lewis Gervais, Deputy Paymaster General for the Southern Department, writes, in his diary of March 10th: "Col. Thomson is forming a camp near Orangeburg, to put a stop to plunderers." Moses Young writes, in his journal of April 4th: Col. Thomson raising men — has got 20". J. L. Gervais, in a letter written from Georgetown, dated April 28th, says: "By our last advices, Gen. Caswell was, with 1000 men. near Col. Thomson. Gen. Williamson was expected last Sunday at Orangeburg, with DOO men — say 600." * « * "Col. Thomson was at Orange- burg with 200 men." * * "Major Vanderhorst, formerly in the first regiment, arrived yesterday from Colonel Thomson." And when Charlestown finally fell, one lieutenant-colonel is the only field officer* re- corded as having been surrendered by the 3rd regi- ment — and that lieutenant-colonel was doubtless Hen- derson. The reorganization of the Continental Army might have caused the resignation of Col. Thomson. Instead of having regiments with full colonels, the army was organized into 88 battalions, each commanded by a lieutenant-colonel. This was done to accord with the arrangement in tlie British army, and facilitated the exchange of prisoners. It is likely that this change, coupled with his long illness, caused Col. Thomson to *Tlie major of tlie regiment luwiiig'beeii kille:n('d May SO, 177S; hut from the statcmonts of (JtMierals Mcintosh and Moultrie we must t*5. COI.ONEI. WIJjLIAM THOMSON. KKl'KOITC i:ll l-olt THE HISTORY IIK OKA Mi KUT HIi Cor.NlY FHOM AN OLII OTL I'OUTKAir IN I'OSSICSBION OK (Il.vlM.KK T. HAKKKl.L. KKti.. OF KA\ANNAH. (JHOlfCUA ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 369 fanners, and escaped over the borders with the stolen horses and cattle. The parties aggrieved united to protect each other, soon took upon themselves to pun- ish the aggressors, and personal feelings no doubt hur- ried them on into some unjustifiable acts. They called themselves Regulators; the depredators appealed to the royal governor for protection, and a silly fellow, a Colonel Schovel, was sent up for that purpose. He encouraged them to assemlile in arms, and bloodshed was barely prevented by the intervention of a few more discreet pei'sons. They took their name from that of their colonel, and having been screened by the royal authority, many of them and their descendants became royalists in the revolution, which commenced a few years after this event. "Among the royalists of 1775, there were, no doubt, many conscientious, honest men. "To soothe these irritaticms, and prevent future dep- redations, sevei'al additional courts were established in the upper country, one at Camden, one at Orangeburg, and one at Cambiidge. in Ninety-Six, now Abbeville District. As soon as the establishments could be car- ried into effect, William Thomson was elected sheriff of Oiangeburg District, as a man of the greatest influ- ence, energy, and decision. He entered on the duties of his office in June, 1772, and continued to be called upon in all difficulties and in all emergencies of a pub- lic nature that subsequently occurred. "He was elected a ujember of the Provincial Legis- lature, under the royal government, and was a mem- ber of the convention which commenced revolution- ary measures, adopted a constitution, and organized the means for resisting Great Britain. When it was resolved to raise three regiments for this purpose in South Carolina, William Thomson was elected colonel of the Rangers, oi- third regiment, and immediately 370 THE HISTORY OF proceeded to enlist his men, under ordeis issued on the 17th June, 1775. Before his number was complete, and while employed in drilling his men, the royalists in Ninety-Six armed in opposition to the revolution- ary government. Col. Thomson had previously been out with William Henry Drayton and the Rev. Mr. Tenant, acconjpanied by Colonel Joseph Kershaw, of Camden, endeavoring to <*onciliate and restrain the disaffected in the upper and western portions of the State. Now, that the royalists assembled in aims, and attacked Colonel Williamson, at Cambridge, for- bearance ceased to be a pacific measure. Colonel Thomson marched with his command, under General Richard Richardson, captured all their officers, except Colonel Cunningham.* and crushed their hostile pro- ceedings. This was in the winter of 1775, and such was the severity of the weather that the expedition was designated *the snow camp." ''Scarcely had Thomson's reginjent returned from this campaign, when news arrived that the British had assembled, in New- York, a fleet and army, under General Clinton, to attack Charleston and overrun the Southern States. After this British armament had appeared off Charleston bar, but had not yet either landed their army or entered the harbor. Colonel Thomson asked for leave of absence, that he might make some arrangements on his plantation, called Belleville, about one hundred miles from the city. A furlough was granted him for only two days. He im- mediately mounted his hoise, rode home, effected his business, and returned to the city within forty-eight hours. This is a family tradition. "The united attack of this British army and navy on Sullivan's Island, and their total defeat, on the 2Sth of *Patnck, captain. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 371 June. 1776, are ns well known as any part of the American histoiy. Bnt it is not generally known what an important part, in this defence, was perform- ed by Colonel Thomson's command. They were posted at the easterii extremity of Sullivan's Island, in a redoubt, called 'the advanced guard,' constructed of palmetto logs, with merlins, on a brick foundation. At this point, the army under General Clinton, num- i)ering two thousand regulars, was to make the gener- al attack, as soon as the fleet should become engaged with Fort Sullivan. They accordingly marched from Iheir encampment on Long Island, down to the edge of the inlet, where it was fordable. except at high water. They were flanked by an armed schooner and sloop, and by a flotilla of armed boats from the fleet, with orders to reach the landing on Sullivan's Island, and rake the platform of the redoubt, while the army crossed over the inlet and stormed the little fort, which was entirely open on the west. Colonel Thom- son had but two cannon, and they were manned only by his rangers, who had never fired a great gun before this occasion. But, with small arms, they were the best marksmen in the State, and their commander, Colonel Thomson himself, was decidedly the best shot of the whole regiment. "The flotilla advanced Inavely to the concerted at- tack, cheered on by the army, paraded on the shore, within speaking distance of the boats. When within reach of his guns. Col. Thomson opened on them so well directed a fire that the men could not be kept at their posts; every ball raked the decks. The flotilla njade repeated attempts to reach their destined point, and did come so near to it as to be within the range of grape shot. This being equally well directed, soon cleared the decks, and dispersed the flotilla. '•This atta(d^ by Clinton's regulars, on land, was well 372 THE HISTORY OF coucertecl, but not well execnted. Tliey intended that it should be made at the same time with that of Sir Peter Parker's fleet on Fort Sullivan. Clinton harl two thousand British infantry, exclusive of the ma- rines and boatmen supplied from the fleet, which probably amounted to six or seven hundred more. He had, therefore, about two thousand rejjjulars more than the whole command of (Jolonel Thomson, of which the Raccoon and other militia companies con- stituted a considerable portion. The force w^as sufli- cient to defeat Colonel Thomson, and then storm Fort Sullivan, as was intended. If Wellington had commanded instead of Clinton, he would probably have passed with more facility than he did over the river Douro, near Oporto. Clinton had the command of boats for transportation, of which Wellington had very few. •'Mr. Alexander Forrester, a near relation of the late Robert Elliott Rowand, left Charleston at the com- mencement of the revolution, and joined the British troops in this expedition. He said, in my presence, that he was in the schooner, and that it was impossi- ble for any set of men to sustain so destructive a Are as the Americans poured in upon them on this occa- sion; that it was the destructive Hre from Colonel Thomson's fort wdiich prevented the flotilla from ad- vancing, and not the shoals and sand bars, as was al- leged; that it was the repulse of the flotilla which prevented General Clinton from fording the inlet, and not the depth of water. "One of the opposition papers in England, the St. James' Chronicle, announces, in an epigram, a miracle on Sullivan's Island: " 'By the Red sea, the Hebrew liost detained, Througli aid divine, the distant shore soon gained; Tiie waters tied, the deep a passage gave, Hut this God wrought, a ehosen race to save. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 373 '"•Tlioiiiih Clinton's troops litivc sharoristol! "Bold (Minton, l)y land. Did (juietly stand. While 1 made a thundering clatter; But the channel was deep, So they only could peep. And not venture over the water. "Devil take them, their shot Came so swift and so hot. And the cowardly dogs stood so stiff sirs, That I put ship about, And was glad to get out. Or they would not have left me a skiff", sirs. "But, my lords, never fear, Before the next year. Although a small island <'oidd check us. The continent whole, We will take, by my soul. If these cowardly Yankees will let us. It was a happy thing for America that this tlotilla *The British called all Americans "Yankees", but it was a sobri- (piet which Southerners were never proud to acknowledge. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 375 was so soon repulsed; had they made another attack, they might have effected a landing. Colonel Thom- son had, by this time, expended all the ammunition provided for his two Ccinnon, and v^^ould have been compelled to spike them, and rely on his infantry and small arms, to oppose the enemy in their march to Fort Sullivan. For this purpose, he had about seven hundred and fifty excellent marksmen to oppose two thousand British infantry." ********* "From this time, Colonel Thomson continued ac- tively engaged, wherever duty or danger required his services. Under General Howe, he lingered out* a summer campaign in one of the most sickly parts of Georgia, w^here inaction and disease, more wasteful than war, reduced the numbers and spirits of his brave companions in arms, until the British forces, under Colonel Campbell, defeated Howe,t and overran that State. Next he served under General Lincoln, in his various endeavors to protect the Carolinas, by confin- ing the enemy within the limits of Georgia, and^ final- ly, to expel them, by the attack on their enti-ench- ments at Stono. In these harrassing duties, his expo- sures brought on a fever, when in the neigh l)orhood of Purisburg, and he retired for a while under furlough. "Colonel Thomson also served under Count D'Es- taing, in his w^ell known disastrous siege of Savannah, in which it became evident, as previously demonstra- ted in the siege of Newport. Rhode Island, that a iman high in rank at the Court of France, and high in the favor of his king, was not. intuitively, a skillful ad- miral or al)le general. It was probably lucky for the Count that he was wounded at Savannah. He had *He was not with Howe in tiie sunnntT of 1778. tDetvniherlii), 177S. 376 THE HISTORY OF something to show for hi>s defeat— a set-ofp. In this unfortunate expedition, Coh)nel Thomson had embark- ed with all his family influence, with the highest hopes of success. His son, William, his three sons-in- law, and two nephews, accompanied him to Savannah, under D'Estaing; theii' mortificntion at the result was sore, indeed. "In these battles, in the pieviotis severe duties of the campaign, and in the subsequent exposure and suf- ferings of his reginient, little or no mention is made in history of the services rendered by Colonel Thom- son. Justice has not been done him; probably, be- cause he w^as always attached, with his light troops, to the command of some officei' of high rank, to whom his services were inestimable, in scouting and skir- mishing, but not reported in the line of battle. By his own men, he was designated l)y the sobriquet, 'Old Danger'. Even General Moultiie, when speaking of the battle of Sullivan's Island, uses the expression, T had seven hundred and fifty men under Colonel Thom- son,' although in a deta. aged sixty-nine years." The late Mr. Simms, in his book, "South Carolina in the Revolution", has also paid a trilmte to (.'olonel Thomson and the 3rd. regiment, as follows: "Tlie resistance to the efforts of Sir Henry Clinton, ORANGEBURG COUNTY. with the lanatches, they said that the flotilla became embarrassed among the shoals, and the channel proved too deep for the infantiy to ci'oss over." "In wishing you harmony and happiness, I beg leave to offer a toast, in which I believe all will cordially unite. "Col. William Thompson and his gallant sharp- shooters of Orangeburg, as true in a fort as in a bush fight." The following is an incomplete list of the officers of Thon]son's regiment, made up from various sources: HANK. NAME. APPniNTKl). UKMAFiKS. Colonel Lieut. Col. MajoT* \Vm. Thomson \Vm. Thomson James Mayson William Henderson .lames Maysou Samuel Wise At): Jan. 1. 1777 June l.s, 177." Ab: Jan. 1, 1777 Fell. 11. 17S() June 18, 1 775 Ab: Jan. 1, 1777 Promoted. I'ronioied. Killed at Savannah, Oct. JHh, Adjutant Paymaster John Esom f'harles Heatly John Chesnut Ab:July20,1775t June 21, 1775t *Oii Dec. 2, 1775, a letter was addressed by Henry Laurens, [^resident of the <'ouncil of Safety, to "Andrew Williamson, esq.. Major in Col. Thomson's Regi- ment at Ninety-Six". This only meant that Major Wfllianis(»n was, for the time beins', serving- under Col. Thomson — not that he belonged tt) the 3rd reg;i- ment. From the Journal of f'oiuu-il of Safety for Jan. 11, 177(>, we extract: "Col. Thomson and Major P>rguson of the rangers attended", &c. Maj. Ferguson probably bore the same ndation to f'td. Thomson that Maj. Williamson did, as I'ecited above. He was not a Major in the Hrd regiment. t"Col. Thomson attended the Council, and represented the necessity of having an Adjutant to the Regiment under his command. "The (^ouncil taking the said representation into consideration, "Rf.solved, That as theCongress had not a|)pointed an Adjutant for the Regi- ment of Rangers, they can only approve of Col. Thomson's choice, and agree to recommend to the next Provincial Congress to provide the pay." — Journal of Council of Safety, July lOth, 1775. "Tf) Col. Thomson, for pay due to .John Esom, Adjutant to his regiment of rangers tils <)0 ()". — Journal of Council of Safety. Jan. 2r!i-d, 177(i. JHe was ajipoiuted on June 21st, but his commission was dated .lune IStli. See page 1 SO. 386 THE HISTORY OF HA.NK. NAME. API'OI.NTKn. RKMAKKS. Paymaster [John James Haig* Ab: Sept. 10, 1777 Surgeon Alexamler Rogers July 14. 177." Taptain Samuel Wise June \H. 177."> Promoted major. Ezekiel Polk His comi)any classed as vol- unteers. John Caldwellf " •• Killed by "Bloody Bill" Cun- Ely KershaAV [inKham'stories.Nov. 1781.$ Robert Goodwyn§ Moses Kirklanil Deserted to the enemy, 1775. Eflvv'd Richardson " Resigned Jan. 80. 177(5.11 Thos. Woodward " .. .. Resinned Jan. 80, 177«).11 " John Purvis •* John LeAvis I'ever Imhoff Aug-ust, 1 77.^1 f'harles Heatly Richard Winn Mentioned 187H John Donaldson Felix Warley James Wat ley Richard Rrown October, 1770 I>Mvid Hopkins " Robert Lyles Mentioned 1 777 Thomas Taylor 1777 ResiK-ned Oct. 1777(1 J. f'arawav Smith 177N "• Mask all 177S William Heatl.v.Jr. " Jesse Baker° " John Buchanan" William Caldwell" Field Farrar° Wounded at Savannah. 1 77I>. Alexander Keith" Keith" " Thomas Marshall" " Fiichard Pollard" Oliver Tow les" Killed by "Bloody Bill" Cun- iiiKhani's tories. Nov. 1 7S1 ** Lieutenant John Lewis Pevei- Imhoff June IS. ]77."> I'romoted Cai)tain. Charles Heatly Richard Winn "Sir — Complaints have been frequently made to ns, of jjreat inconveniences arisins: to the regiment and detachments of rangers, from your non-attendance In person or by a sufficient deputy. It has been allejfed, tliat Ions continued sickness has rendered you incapable of performing .vour duty: if this be true, you outjht to have ajjpointed proper clerks, and to have acquainted us with the cause of your a))sence. We desire you will immediately take such measures as will tend to the public service, and prevent further c<)m))lafnts in your de- partment. "By order of the Council of Safety. "Mr. Chesnut. Henry Laurens, President."— Journal of Council of Safety. Jan. 18th, 1776. Journal of Council of Safety, Jan. 21), 177(5: "To John Chesnut, esq., Pa.y- master to the rangers, for pay of the officers, and 6 companies of that regimeni. up to the 20th instant £11, .571 12 11." *"John James Haig is appointed Our Pay Master."— Col. Thomson to Lieut. Col. Mayson, Sept. 15th, 1777. tHe was maternal uncle of John (,'aldwell Calhoun. tO'Neall's Annals of Newberry District. SGen. DeSaussure says, pam])hlet, page 7, that (apt. (Joodwyn resigned Maj' 80, 1778, l)ut Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh, in his journal for April 26, 1780, states that "Cai)tain Goodwin, of :?d South-Carolina", was on that day killed in the siege of Charlestown. fJournal of Council of Safety, Jan. 30. 177<>. II DeSaussure, page lo. "DeSaussure. •*0'Neairs ,\nnals of Newberry District, page 24.'{. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 387 KANK. NAMK. AITOINTKK. RKMARKS. l^ieiiteiiant .lolin Donaldson Ljnne IS, 177r> Promoted Cajitain. " Husli Middleton " Louis Dutarfiiif' Resigned Jan. -SO, 1770.!? " FraiK'is Buykin <• Samuel Watson " Wni. Heatly.Jr.t •• 17. ■• " David Hoij'kins June, 177." rromr)ted Captain. " Thomas Charlton • > Cantey I. " David Mono>>l)an I'iesifjned Dec. 1.5, 177.'i.t " Moses Vance July 1. 177.-. " Mitfhell 177.-. <' Joseph }'ledser Resigned Jan. .SO, 1770. § '• Beanies 177.^) or 177n ♦ ' r'rowthers Resigned Oct. 177S. Maskall " " " Promoted Captain. Willam Caldwell " " Promoted Captain.* " Charles M.Genney Mentioned 1778 " McGinis «• William Taggert " '• «> Hartll Resijrned Oct. 1778. " Wm. R. Thonisfin " " ** Bailey 177'.» Killed at Savannah, Oct. V). 1779. / " Louis DeSaussure Killed at Savannah, Oct. 9, 1779. *' Robert Gaston Killed at Savannah, Oct. N, 1779. William Goodwyn* Resif?ued May 30, 1778.* " John Lisle* Aug. 1779.* " Cato West* Se|)t. 14. 1778.* ," Isaac Cowther* '• John Davis* • ' Wm. Fitzjiatrick* " Benjamin Hodnes* ♦' John Jones* >' Richard Jones* " Edward Lloyd* " (Jeorfje Liddell* " William Love* " Luke Mason* " James Roberson* Knsisn Wm. R. Withers* Corporal Daniel Shannon Thomson's order book. Section S. Cohnic/ TIiod/soi/'s Onler Book — June 24fh, r/7r^, fo Noreniher Hnl, 1778. Dr. Joseph Johnson, in his "Traditions of the Revo- lution", page 99, states that the order books of Col. William Thomson "have been preserved by his family, and are verv creditable to his officer-like conduct and §.Iournal of Council of Safet.v, .Ian. :'.(>, 1 77<>. tHeitman's Continental Officers. JJournal of Council of Safet.v, Dec. 1.'"., 177-.. *DeSaussnre. llDerrill Hart, no doubt. THE HISTORY OP discretion." One of these books is now in possession of Judge A. C. Haskell, of Colymbia, who has very kindly allowed it to be copied for use in this work. The book is bound in soft brown leather, is about eight by ten inches in size, contains about ninety un- ruled pages, very closely written in the style of script that generally prevailed at the time of the American Revolution. The following is a carefully made copy of the original: [l]8t Regiment 2nd: Regiment Rangers: Ist: Colonel £ Mr: Gadsflen : (J per Day Colonel Und: Regt: Wm: Monltrie Lt: Colonel of Rangers Colonel Thomson lA: Col: Isaac Huger Lt: f'ol: Isaac Motte James Mayson Ma- Owen Roberts, Major Alexr: Mcintosh Major (^'hK:Cli\vt: Piiu-kney.... BarnaiMl Elliott X c 'S a s 's J as: McDonald F:zek: Polk I Francis Marion = Wm: Cattel 5 Peter Horrv Francis Huger.. . . '% a Adni: McDonald Ednid: Hyrne Roger Saunders. . ^ Tlionias Evnch Thos: Woodward Wni: Scott Beni: Cattel John Barnwell Anthony Ashby James Ladsdeh John Vanderhost John Mouatt Thomas Elliott X c eg a Z 3 Alexr: McCiueen X s i. s Jno: Lewis Pyre Inhoff (has: Heatlev ." *^ Richard Shubrick Richard Fuller..; Richd: Shingleton Jno: Allen Walter 5 Richd: Wyron Winn.... *! Wm: Oliphant Hugh Middleton - Glvn Dravton Lewis Dutarque Francis Boyakln Samuel Wat8f>n J Joseph loor W m : Cha rnock Thos: Lesesne. Robert Armstrong John Blake Pay Master: Thos: Evanee P ay Master: Jno: Sandft: Dart V ay Master: Jno: Chesnut Council of Safety. Col: Pinckney Col: Laurens Col: Parsons Mr: Lowniles Mr: Brewton Ben: Elliott Wm: Hen: Drayton Thos: Heywood John Huger \ Wm: Williamson [ Thos Bee r rhos: Ferguson J Andw: Middleton On the 2>A^}} June, 1 received my Commission from the above named Council of Safety with the following orders. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 389 In the Council of Safety, 21^;. June 1775./ To William Thomson Esq}'. Lieut: Col: Commandantof theRegim* of Rangers or to the commanding officers for the time being. Sir, You are hereby directed forthwith to Issue Or- ders for levying in this and the adjacent Colonies proper men not exceeding thirty in each Company to serve for six months certain and not longer than three Years in the Regiment of Rangers under your com- mand observing the Articles agreed upon in Provin- cial Congress, for Ordering and governing the Forces in this Colony. And it is recommended to all the good People of this and the neighboring Colonies to give you and the officers under your command all necessary aid and assistance therein. Signed by the above Council. True Copy. Amelia 24^1' June 1775./ Sir. Inclos'd is a Copy of orders I rec*? from the Council of Safty. You will observe the contents and give orders accordingly to the four upper Companies Viz: Captf. Perwis. Kirkland, Caldwell, and Polk, you will also order an Encampment in the most con- venient place near Reedy River and that each CaptV. as soon as he has enlisted Ten men to send them to the Camp in order to learn their Exercise and be in readiness with a good Horse, and Rifle, and other ne- cessaries. directed sign'd To Major James Mason. Wm Thomson True Copy 390 THE HISTORY OF same dny gave orders to the lemaining Hve Capt*: Wise, Woodward, Kirshaw, Rirhardson, and Good- wyn, for their levying thirty men with speed, with oi'ders for each Captain immediately upon raising Ten men to send the same to their Camp near Holmans. Wni Thomson In the Council of Safety, Orders. To Col: William Thomson Charles Towne June 26^1? 1775 Sir, You are hereby forthwith ordered to station at Fort Charlotte a Company of Rangers to Harrison that Post, and to take care of the Military Stores which are there deposited. You will direct the commandiiig Officer of this De- tachment to take an Inventory of the Military Stores he shall find in the Fort and to send to the Council of Safety an Exact Copy of it, and also an Account of the state of the works. Order the Commanding officer, whom you send on this Service to inlist the Men at Present in Garrison to serve as Rangers if they are willing, and give Mr. Whitfield* all proper Encouragement to remain in the Fort, provided he will be subject to your order, we are very desirous of retaining him in the Service of the Colony, and therefore you might propose to him pay equal to his present allowance, which we will confirm if he accepts it, and will upon Your Recommendation of him as a proper Person appoint him to the first Va- cancy in your Regiment. You will also cause the two Brass Field Pieces, and *Georj;;e Wliittit'ld, a iui)lic\v of tlu' ctlchratcd Rt>v. George Whit- field. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 391 all tlie Spare Bayonets in the Fort, to be sent in a cov- ered Wagijoii and by a careful Waggoner to the Coun- cil of Safety in Charles Town. You will immediately send a copy of these Instruc- tions to Major Mason, in order that he may not exe- cute any thing relative to the Directions he had con- cerning Fort Charlotte. We are Sir. Your most humble serv^ Col. W'»' Thomson By order of the Council Henry Lawren«, President. Colonel W"' Thomson Amelia July l^t 1775./ Orders: To Major Ja^ Mason. Sir. Inclos'd you will find orders, I rec*? from the Council of Safety You are hereb}" or- dered forthwith carefully to put them into Execution, direct CaptV Perwis to take the Command, desire You will see that he has good likel}^ Men and good Rifles &c. Desire You may give CaptV Purvis orders to see that M^ Whitfield and his Possession is not molested if he will accept the offers made him, and if it is conven- ient for him I would be glad to see him at my House. I hope you will see that the four Capt'' of Rangers in your neighborhood does list good likely Rifled Men. T expect to hear from you as soon as you have executed these orders, which I make no doubt will be on sight. I intend for Town this Day week, but will be home in few Days. W'" Thomson. True Copy 392 THE HISTORY OF Amelia b; July 1775. Sir Yours of the 29''' by M"" Swcinston I rereived, I desire Yoa will send some of Your Men, not less than Twelve, with one Officer, as soon as You can, I inclose You the Articles against Meeting, and the Oath to be taken by the Men when listed. Have the Meeting Act Read to Your Men, and them properly enlisted, good likely Rifles, 1 hope to see You have, as 1 know You can have choice, tell my Friend your Brother, I am ohlig'd to go to Town this Day Week, as soon as I return hope to see him, in mean while hope he will endeavor to settle the Minds of the Catawbas as I am almost sure some one has been tampering with them. True Copv. W"* Thomson To : Capt" Eli Kirshaw. Sir, 3'''^ July 1775./ Some time past 1 wrote to you to come down or send Your Lieutenant to receive Your commission and orders, but has not heard from You, makes me think the Letter miscarried I expect you have listed Your number of thirty before this time our Can:ip is near Holman's on the old Road, 1 shall go to Town Satur- day, in the mean tinje beg to see you or Your Lieu- tenant I remain. Sir Your humble Servt True Copy i W Thomson To CaptV Woodward, In the Council of Safety, V6^}^ July. 1775. ordered, That Col: William Thomson do immedi- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 393 ately make a return to the Council of the several Companies in the Regiment of Rangers specifying the names of the officers non=coni missioned officers, and Privates, the station of each Company together with a state of their Cloathing, Horses, and Ammunition. That if the Companies are not full, he use his ut- most Diligence in order to complete them- and that each Man be well mounted, armed and accoutred. On the Tenth Day of August next, Eight companies shall rendezvous at some proper Place to be appointed by the Colonel, and march \)j the following Routes, to wit: Three Companies to the Southward by Orangeburgh, to the three Runs, thence down Savannah River to Purrysburg, thence to Ponpon, and downward by the High Road. Three Companies to the Northward, by the Kings Tree, and the most Populous Parts of Waccamaw^ and Pedee to George Town, thence by Wambaw to Hugers Bridge, and by the Strawberry Road going up to Childsburry=Town to Biggin Bridge, Monck's Corner, and thence downward by the High Road. Two Companies through S^. Stephen's Parish down to Monck's Corner thence to Edistow saw Mills, and from thence thro' the Horshoe, and Round to Par- kers Ferry, Dorchester, and thence down the High Road. That Col: Thomson do march with the First Detach- ment to the Southward. That Major Mason do march with the second Detachment to the Northward. That the senior CaptV on Duty march with the third Detachment of two Companies. That the whole meet and rendezvous at some con- venient Place within Ten Miles of Charles Town on the First Day of September, and that notice of the 394 THE HISTORY OF Junction and Encampment he iminediateh' given to the President of the Council. That the utmost Diligence be constantly used, to train and Exercise the Regiment by Companies and otherwise as Opportunities may permit, in the use of Arms agreeable to the Manual Exercise approved of by the Council. That strict discipline be at all times kept up in the Regiment, Companies, and Detachments, . , That Ma- rauding and every degree of Injury to the Inhabi- tants or their property be strictly forbidden; and that exemplary Punishment be duely inflicted upon offend- ers against the orders of the Council and the Articles of War. That all needful and proper Assistance be given, when required by the Parochial Committees, officers of the Colony Regiments of Foot, Magistrates and offi- cers of the Militia who have signed the genei-al Asso- ciation; and imuiediate Notice transferred to the Council of such Requisitions, and services intended or performed. That orderly Books be kept by the commanding of- ficer of each Detachment and the whole returned, to- gether with a State of the Regiments, at the time of their Rendezvous on the first of September to the Council. As there are persons suspected of attempts to alien- ate the affections of the Inhabitants of this Colony from the Interests of America, Col: Thomson and all the officers of the Regiment of Rangers, are ordered to take proper Notice of such suspected Persons. And if it shall appear to the Colonel, or the Commanding officer of any Detachment, that the conduct or be- havior of such Person or Persons are dangerous to the safety of the Colony the Colonel or such Com- manding Officer of any Detachment is required to ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 395 confine such Person or Persons in the District Gaol or otherwise, and report immediately to the Council of Safety. Col: Thomson is to procure from Fort Charlotte, half a Pound of Gun=Powder per Man, and Lead in proportion, for the Eight Companies which are to march and to the Commanding Officer of Fort Char- lotte, a receipt for such Powder and Lead. Strict or- ders to be given for the Preservation of such Pow- der and Lead, against all kind of Damage; and that no part be used but as occasions may require solely for the service of the Colony. Owners and Keepers of Ferries are to charge Ferri- age of the Rangers and their Horses, to the Public: Accounts thei'eof to be certified by the Commanding officers of Detachments, and transmitted to the Coun- cil of Safety.* The Council of safety recommend to the Inhabi- tants — throughout this Colony, to treat the Regiment and Detachments of Rangers with Hospitality, and to supply them with Provision and necessaries, for their Money, at Reasonable Rates. By order of the Council of Safety. Henry Laurens True Copy. President. Amelia 17t.'> July 1775./ Sir, I herein inclose you copy of the orders received from the Council of Safety. You will please to give the three Companies in Your District orders accord- ingly I should be glad if you would have them all in Amelia by the sixth Day of August as I could wish to have them together four Days before they March. * "To Jonas Beard, for ferriajie of rangers, £84 17.s (Jd." — Journal of Council «)f Safety, Nov. 30, 1775. 396 THE HISTORY OF You'll observe the Instructions about the Powder and Lead in Proportion and order down sufficient Quantity for the five Company's in this Neighbourhood, as perscribed in the General orders, that I may be able to make a return of the whole You may supply those three Company's with their Dividend of Powder and Lead before they come down in order to save Car- riage. I make no doubt but you have comply'd with the orders concerning Fort Charlotte before this time. I should be glad to hear from You immediately. To W>" Thomson Major Ja^ Mason. True Copy. Amelia 17^.'' July 1775./ Sir, You are hereby required to rendezvous your Company in Amelia by the sixth of August next, in the meantime you are to be very diligent to learn them their Exercise. 1 hereby send you the Manual Exer- cise that is ordered to be learned by the Council of Safety, which You'll please to teach them except the Bayonet Exercise, and in loading, the Breech of Rifles must go to the Ground, and that You immediately make a return to me of your Company, specifying the names of the Officers, non commissioned officers, and Privates, the Station of Your Company with the State of their Cloathing, Horses, & Ammunition, if yonr Company is not full, use your utmost diligence to compleat it I remain Sir Your humble Serv^ W»» Thomson The underwritten is a Copy of Orders from the Council of Safety, which please strictly to observe. "As there are Persons suspected of attempts to ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 397 "alienate the affections of the Inhabitants of this Col- ''ony from the Interest of America, Col: Thomson and "all the Officers of the Regiment of Rangers are order- "ed to take proper Notice of such suspected Persons. "And if it shall appear to the Colonel or the Com- "manding Officer of any Detachment that the Conduct "and Behaviour, of an,y Person or Persons are danger- "ous to the Safety of the Colony, the Colonel, or such "commanding officer of any Detachment, -is required "to confine such Person or Persons in the District "Gaol, or otherwise and report to the Council of safe- "ty immediately. The above is a copy of Let- ters to Capt'.i^ Wise, Woodward, Goodwyn, Kirshaw and Richardson. True Copy. In the Council of Safety. Charles Town, W}^ July, 1775. Ordered. That Col: Thomson do immediately march with his whole Regiment, or such Part as may be ne- cessary for his Service, and take possession of Fort Charlotte, if the same is not already secured agree- able to the order of the 26th of June last, after which he is to leave one Company in Garrison and follow his late orders: And that the President do forthwith transmit a Copy of this Order and write Col: Thomson on the Subject. Sign'd True Copy. Pef; Timothy, Secretary. lOtJi July 1775 Sir Please to order your Men to be in readiness to March at half a Days Warnings for perhaps I may call 398 THE HISTORY OF upon thern about Monday next to take a Tour of about Ten Days, owing to some Intelligence I just now received let Lieutenant Hopkins proceed on his Journey, forward the Express to Major Mason with all possible speed I am. To Your hnm'ble Serv^ CaptV Robert Goodwyn. W T. Amelia. lOtj. July 1775. Sir I just now rec^J your friendly Letter with the orders from the Council of Safety which shall he put in execution immediately. I expected that Major Mason had executed the orders of the 26fJ' June long before this time, as I trusted that part of the service to him with particular orders to execute it, being in his neighborhood I am very sorry the Council of Safety has to i-epeat their orders to me. To W T: Col: Hen: La wrens. True Copy. m^ July 1775. Sir. Since the Express sent You, Yesterday, I have rec Instant being entirely without, Excepting 151';'' borrowed of M'! Kir- shaw, this will be handed you by Capf; Woodward* who being desirous of going to Town in order to fit out himself and his Men, & as he also comes from near that Quarter where most of the disaffected lives he * "The President laid before, and read to the Coiuieil, sundry pa- pers, contained in a dispatcli from Col. William Thomson, reeeiveiJ Jast nijiht l)y Capt. Thomas ^Vood ward, of the Uangers." — Journal of Couneil of Safety, July 2t>tli, 177"). ORAT^GEBURG COUNTY. 401 f may be able to give .some farther particulars as with regard to them. I am Gentlemen Your most obt Serv* W»i Thomson Sir, Your favour dated, Amelia June 27t.'i oame safe to Hand, on Sunday last the 2"^ In- stant. I have the honour of acquinting You b}^ the return of the F]x|ness that we left Charles Town not sooner than the 24^'' of last Month, the very Day after the conclusion of the Provincial Congress, having ar- rived at my Place I begun imniediately to enlist Men, the number of which consisting this Day in 22 well cho- sen, young, and well mounted Men, I shall no doubt coinpleat my Company, this, or the beginning of next week. But permit me Sir. to observe that our people wants time to ecjuippe, and piepare for a march as long as such we have to perform from this place to the Camp. I hope to set out at the Head of the whole Company about the \^} of August, and Join the Camp with all possible diligence. I have the honour to be Sir Your most obedt humble Servt: Sam\ Wise Pedee the 15ti> July 1775. Sir, Just as I was about to dispatch Mr. Sallens yes- terday with the four Blank Association Papers, which you will receive in a seperate packett, certain intelli- gence arrived from. Fort Charlotte which render'd it proper to detain him till this morning. The Council of Safety alarmed by an intimation of Mr St Pierres proceed — with one Cossel, in the Fort as given by Capt: Whitefield in a letter to Mr. Gervais 402 THE HISTORY OF & not clearly informed of the part which the Capt himself means to take, are anxious that you should can-y their Orders of the 26*'i June into execution &■ immediately take possession of the Fort & all the Military & other Stores contained in it. for this end the Council made another oider last night for enforc- ing the former, a certitied Copy of which you will find here inclosed. The Gunpowder is most particularly recommended to your care, not only to get possession of the whole, but to prevent damage waste and misapplication of any part & not a moment to he delayer]. I flatter myself with hopes that you will have antic- ipated the wishes of the Counril, that the Fort is now in the Hands of their Officers nevertheless I have it in charge to signify their commands that if it shall be necessary You immediately attempt to surmount every difficulty by the united efforts of your whole Regiment, You at their Heads together with such as- sistance as our Friends & associates in that neighbor- hood may think proper to lend upon this momentous affair. The Council entertain hopes that Capt: White- tield will associate in the Interest of America, in such case he will correspond with the Council, by trans- mitting to them a return of all the Stores at the time of his surrending to their officer which must be coun- tersigned by that officer or Yourself if you shall find it necessary to go there. The earnestness of the Council upon this important service impels n)e in conclusion of the subject again to repeat, it is their order, you take possession of the Fort and Stores without delay & also without delay you transmit a return of your proceedings including a complete Inventory. I must also this occasion particularly refer you to the Councils orders which 1 delivered you Yesterday ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 403 for direction in case <>f opposition by an}' person either openl^y or otherwise were presumptive evidence is strong. And tliis moment when T cannot receive the Instruction of the Council «t when I dare not delay the messenger, it occurs to me that CaptV Whitfield how- ever ohearfully he may shew an inclination to serve the Colony by resignation, may not be content with a subcommand / if he is a man of spirit he will not/ in such case I recommend that you advise him to come to Charles Town & apply to the Council which I add from a Zeal for the Public service as well as from a feeling for a (ientleman, in the circumstances which he will be reduced to therefore if he follows my advice & does not succeed in This application to the Council, 1 shall hold n)yself answerable to reimburse if he de- sires it) the expence of his extra journey in conse- quence of my reconnnendation. I have the Honour to be president to the Council & Sir Your most obed^ Serv*: Henry Lawrens P S: in Council, by order, the Letter which comes inclosed with this is to be delivered to Capt White- fieid a'fter he has signed the association otherwise not for some Days after You have taken possession of the Fort. Col William Thomson H L* Null. Granby neai- Friday's Ferry, 22*1 July 177 The Honourable the Council of Safety Gentlemen. I havef * "The (%niiK-il havinji approved the letter, agreed witli Thomas Hingelton to deliver it to Col. Thomson, for forty pounds enrreiiey." — .Journal of Council of Safety, July 1(5, 1774. tThe rest of this letter was not copied into the order book. 404 THE HISTORY OF P: S to the Letter dated 22^' July 1775 to the Council of Safety, P. S: Mr: Chesnut informs me that King Prow, with about 50 of the Catawba's are now at Cam- den on a friendly visit. Mr: Kirshaw & 1 myself are both at a loss what to do with regard to taking some of them into pay for want of Your Instructions.* W T, Granby near Friday's Ferry 22*^ July 177 Col? Henry Lawrens, Di' Sir, I herewith send you In- closed Copy of orders I sent to Major Mason with the order of the 26th ^ifo from the Council of safety 1 an) sorry Major Mason, has so unfortunately lost the Gun- powder, & cannot tell why he brought it out of the Fort, perhaps the Council of Safety order'd him to do so, as be told me when on his way up from Town, that he had orders relative to Fort Charlotte, but did not * "Tlu" following letter was written l>y the President to Joseph Ker- shaw, es(i,, laid before the Council and approved of: "Charles-Town, July -oth, 1775. "Hiir — The Council of Safety have ordered me to acknowledge the receipt of your fovour of the 8th instant, and to return tlieir thanks for your assiduity in treating with the old men and head warriors of the Catfiwba Indians, "Your assurances that those people are hearty in our interest, and your hopes that forty or fifty of them will cheerfully enter into the service of the Colony, aflbrds the Council additional satisfaction, and the design of uniting them to tiie Regiment of Rangers is a measure which tliey altogether approve of, l)ut to be under the particular direc- tion of a whire man, agreeable to a resolution of the Congress in their late session. "The Council request you to give tliem immediate notice wiien any body of the Catawbas are ready to march in order to join the Ran- gers, and that you will recommend a white man well qualitied to lead them in scouts, and in action. Transmit your notice by the iiands of such a one. The Council will give him a commission, and dispatch him with a letter to Col. Thomson, in whose camp he will meet the Indians," — Journal of Council of Safety, July 2(5, 1775. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 405 inform nip what they were, and kept it a secret from me, as I could wish he had done from all others. T am doubtful that the officers in that Quarter are not the persons esteenj'd among their neighbors, & that they have not told the men their duty at the time of their Enlisting them, however j^ou will be better able to Judge when you Peruse the inclosed papers, by w^hich 3^ou will also see how Fletchall, Cunningham & Robin- son has deceived and deluded the poor people, in the Fork, Between Broad & Saluda Rivers I am Clearly of opinion if some Gentlemen of the Council of Safety, or of the most noted Character together with Coll? Richardson (as many of these People formerly be- longed to his Regiment) could be prevailed on to go up among them that could these unhappy disputes lietween Great Britain & the Colony's in a proper Light that most of them might be brought over by fair means. I do not mean Fletchall Cunningham & Robinson, if they was Cherokees Chiefs or Leaders I would v^enture to loose my life or send their Scalps to the Council of Safety But the poor people they have deluded, 1 am of opinion might yet be convinced of their Error. 1 think M^; Tennent would be a good hand to send up as a great many of those people are of his — Religion. I sent Lieut: David Hopkins with association Col. Fletchall, & expect him Back on Tuesda}^ or Wednesday next, & will immediately let you know what success he had. When I was left in Town 1 apply'd to the Council of Safety for a warrant for our Doctor Alexander Rogers, which I did not then get, and a Blank appointment for his Mate, 1 likewise apply'd to have an Adjutant appointed would be glad to know if the Council made any order for one. I am I)'- Sir &c 406 THE HISTORY CF NB I would Just beg leave to mention that I am well inforiued of there being a private *eak & great resentment between Mayson, Kirkland, &. this Cun- ningham the latter with some more of his Neighbours think they have not been taken proper notice oft I only throw out those hints for your information. Camp near Congnree Creek. 29 July 1775. (xentlemen, My last to You was the 22'."^ Instant by Capt'.' Woodward since whirh 1 have rec] the In- closed Letter from Lieut David Ho^jkins who 1 sent with the Association from the President to Col. Fletchall,:|: You likewise have inclosed a Letter hand- ed me last night from Capt: Wise f have rec August 1775. Sir, I wrote to You the 4^'' Inst: by ordei- of the Council of Safety by the Hands of G: Gibson, since ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 417 which the Council have been informed by a private Letter that Capt: Polk & his Company of Rangers had renounced the cause of Liberty & abandoned their Duty - - affairs of such moments should be communi- cated by Special Messingers & v^'ith out delay, your silence would have induced the Council to suspend their belief of that report had it not been made in pos- sitive terms by one of your officers to Mr Gervais. Great are the difficulties which the true friends of Liberty & their Country have to encounter, but we trust that by perseverance, patience & resolution every obstacle will be surmounted. To the disagreeable tiding above mentioned we have just now received the intelligence from Savan- na which you will find at large in the Copies of those Letters here inclosed — Viz: one from the Council of Safety for Georgia, dated Savanna 1^^ Augt; 1775./ one from the Committee at Augusta dated G^ii Aug* & the other from Moses Kirkland dated 31** July to CaptV Middleton to which you are particularly refer- red, the Council of Safety desire you will immedi- ately consult the Hon'ble M^ Drayton if he is in your neighborhood & pursue such measures, relative to the dangerous attack threaten'd upon Augusta as shall ap- pear most likely to suppress the Insurgents & restore peace ^ Quietness to our friends, Should Mr: Dray- ton be at any considerable distance you v^'ili act in this very important & alarming circumstance as shall seem best in your own opinion without delay - - - if our Eneuiies should succeed in this attempt their hands will be strength'ned & the work of suppressing them will be doubled. You will, if it shall appear necessary apply to the Commanding officer of the Regiment of Militia & raise as many A^olunteers as may be necessary to join the rangers & assure the officers & Men who may give you 418 THE HISTORY OF their assistance that the Council of Safety will make immediate order for, paying them for the time which they may be on duty & also for their Provisions when accounts properly certified shall be sent in. In a word the Council rely upon your Zeal & good conduct in this dangerous conjuncture, when it is impossible for them to give explicit orders, and they will expect to hear from you by return of this Messenger (Philip Hill) & as frequently afterward as there shall be occa- sion. I am Sir Your Most Obedt Servt. Henry Lawrens President of the Council of Safety. You know what will be proper to be done with CaptV Kirkland when practicable & safe meantime the secre'cy formerly enjoyned will be necessary. Charles Town 13th August 1775./ Sir, We refer to the contents of our Letter of the ll^h InstV which will accompany this, from the total silence of yourself and M^ Drayton upon the expected attack opon Augusta we are willing to hope, that our friends have been cautiously alarmed, nevertheless we must not loose sight of an object of such importance. We therefore Confirm our late orders & here inclose a Letter for CaptV Hammond which we request you to dispatch by a special Messinger, unless sonje othei' safe & immediate opportunity shall offer. We have applied assistance in Case of need, both as an Officer of Militia & a friend to the Cause of the united Colo- ny's Under Cover with this You will receive Eight Commissioners. Sign'd by us Viz: 1 for J L Peyer Im- hoflf' Esq'; to be a CaptV <>f Rangers. ORANGEBUEG COUNTY. 419 1 for Ch: Heatly, Esq'." to i)e a Capt'^ also. 1 for Moses Vance to be a Lieutenant dated the It* July the day on which you say he entered the Service. 5 to be appointed & the Blanks to be properly filled up by you in which we trust you will consult solely the Interest of the service — this is an extraordinary measure which we have consented to in the present unsettled state of your Regiment, hoping that by a discreet dis- tribution of these Commissions the Company's will be filled up by good Men & that the Public may reap some advantage from the vast charge which has al- ready been incurred by that establishment, but it must not be drawn into Precedent. We think it is now necessary to distinguish in each Company first & second Lieutenants, Seniority will be determined hereafter by the respective dates of Your Commission which in these you must vary for that purpose being careful not to antidate. When you have filled up these Commissions you will trans- mit to us immediately the names & dates. — We can not account for the miscarriage of our Letter which You say had not reached You, if our Secretary can write a Copy of it in time you will receive it under this cover. It affords us some satisfaction to learn by Your Let- ter of the 9th that the remaining Rangers were Con- tent & perfectly disposed to do their duty, we hope that disposition will be lasting, the effect of a true sense of their Duty & not the transient product of an harrangue. You will find the Copy above uientioned under this Cover the original we believe went by the Hands of Capt" Woodward & ought to be inquired for. By order of the Council of Safety. Henry Law reus Coll: William Thomson. President. 420 THE HISTORY OF Hon: W\" H: Drayton Esq'; Gianby 10 Augt 1775. Sir, Tester morning I rec<| the Inclosed Letters from Town, and immediately sett out for this place in order to forward them to Yon, Inclosed You have a Copy of Letter I rec 1775. PS. this is a paragraph in the Council of Safety's letter to me, Pray shew it to Mr: Charlton, & write the Council about it. "We do not understand wdiether you mean to ask for a Commission as Surgeons Mate for Lieutenant Charlton, in lieu of, or in addition to his Lieutenancey. If the former, altho we are not expressly authorized, yet for the good of the service we might find means to accomodate him, but you know that a double Com- mission would be directly contrary to a resolution of the Provincial Congress, this Article therefore must . . unavoidably wait for explanation." White Hall. 22".^ Augt : 1775. Dear Gentlemen. I received your favour of the lOt.'i Instant, the express to Mr: Hammond from the Council of Safety, I immediately sent to him, also at the same time wrote to Captain Caldwell advising him to be on his guard. I have heard nothing of any Body of Men going to attack Augusta shall acquaint M^? Mayson that you 424 THE HISTORY OF are well. I this day heard from M'; Drayton directing me to reinforce Fort Charlotte with Militia, which I am now giving orders to do. and 1 intend immediately to throw a Quantity of Provision in. M'; Drayton is to have a Meeting to-morrow with Fletchall's People at same Ford's, Enoree. & has some opinion that they may use violence to liis person. It that should be the Case I shall endeavour to iiave the Militia under my Command, to march whenever he may be carried a prisoner. T have sent this day a Young Man whom I can well depend upon to be at the Meeting tomorrow, and will return immediately & inform me what is done there. Excuse haste. I am Dear Gentlemen Your most obt humble Serv^. A Wp'Son. Camp Amelia Fuquett's old P^iehJ 25^1^ Aug*: 1775./ Hon'ble Sir, The express sent to M'' Drayton is not yet return'd, I am now camp'd at this Place with five Companys — Capt: Wise, Kirshaw, ({(jodwyn, Richard- son & Woodward; Capt^ Imhoff and Heatly, are out recruiting as is Capt: Kirshaw in behalf of them & likewise some of the Lieutenants, I am in hopes in a short time to have their Companys Compleated. Ma- jor Mason who has been some time at the Congrees waiting for them I expect at the same time to join the Camp, from all the Intelligence I have had there was not much reason for our Friends in Georgia being so much alarm'd, the first certain accounts I had of Capt: Polk's disobedience, T rec?*^ Commission for You. On recpt hereof you will wait on me in Amelia in order to receive the same. In the Interim & on your way, you may Enlist Men for yourself; Let them be good rifle Men with good Horses, please to fetch the date of the Commission of the 2nd Lieut, of Capt" Wise, & the date of Lieut*: Don- aldson's Commission. I am Y^our h'ble Serv* To W. T. Capt^ Lewis Peyer Imhoff. 430 THE HISTORY OF To the Hon'ble Henry Lawrens, President of the Hon'ble the Council of Safety. Camp Amelia 2"^ Sepf. 1775./ Sir, Last night I recA a Letter by an Express from the Hon'ble W'}^ Henry Drayton ordering me to march my Regt: of Rangers immediately to the ridge, which I shall do tomorrow morning & will endeavour to inarch as many of my Regt. of Foot* as I can make up agreeable to his orders Inclosed is a Letter reC? by said Express to the Hon'ble the Council of Safety. I remain with great respect Sir Yr most hum'ble Serv^ W. T. To Camp Amelia 2^} Sept'; 1775. Lieut: Coll: Rowe & ( Major Golson . . S Gentlemen You are hereby ordered to meet me on Saturday next the 9*.^ Inst'; at the Ridge, with two hundred Men well armed, out of our Regimt of Foot, if you cant raise them as Volunteers, You must draft them, & assure them that they will receive Pay as the other Provincials in this Province from the day they leave home to they day they return. I am (TentV Yr humble Serv*. W. T. *This was the regiment of provnicial militia that Col, Thomson had commanded before being seleeted to command the regiment of regu- lars known as the Rangers, ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 431 Camp at the Congrees The Hun'ble W'?' 6 Sept: 1775. Henry Drayton at AugV^ Wetherford: Exp^s Sir, Yesterday just when the several Companies were about marching from hence, there came an Ex- press from Captn Paris informing us that himself and five Cherokee Indians were stopt from coming down by CaptV Hendrick & some others belonging to Fletch- alls regt of about 10 Miles distant from the Congarees. The Companies here immediately got themselves in readiness and marched to rescue them, which they did & took Hendrick Prisoner, who is now confined in Camp, his associates made their escape a few minutes after he was taken, Capt" Paris is now here with the Indians who will inform You with the Particulars. I have order'd the Companies to march early tomorrow morning for the ridge where I expect to be with them on Friday Evening & where I shall stay untill I receive your further orders. The Men that are to be drafted out of my Regim* of Foot & the Volunteers I have order'd to meet me at the Ridge by Saturday next Your orders to Coll: Richardson I have sent, but I have not heard from him since, only that he is very much hurt from a fall* from his Indico Yatts, which *The following, heretofore unpublished, letter will he of interest here: [Direction on cover.] On the Colony Service To The Honble Henry Laurens Esqr Charles Town Sir I have to beg the favour of you to Conniiunicate to the Council of Safety, that two days ago I receiv'd a line from Colo Wm Thomson, accompanied by Copy of a letter from the Hon'ble Wm Henry Dray- 482 THE HISTORY OF I am afraid will deprive him from meeting us himself, but have not the least doubt of his complying with your Instructions the Express from the Hon'ble the Council of Safety arrived here last night with the in- closed Letter for your Honor, also two Bundles which I expect are for the Indians. Paris has just deliver'd me the Indians talk, which he desired me to forvvnrd by this same Express. Our detention here today arrises from the Fatigue toil, wherein he desires me to March 300 men of my Regin)ei)( to Broad River & eo I had the misfortune to get a fall wiiicli renders me unable to get out of my Bed, having Broke two or three of n)y Ril)s and am otlier- ways mucli liruised. however am hopefull shall get out in some short time. I have sent tiie necessary orders to Major Cantey to assemble the Regiment, and Collect the above numVter of men which hope will soon be carried into execution, but beg leave to represent to Council of Safety that I do not believe there are 300 loads of Powder in my Regiment, and therefore hope some speedy method will be fallen of lodging a supply to be in readiness upon any emergency that may happen; and if Possible about 200 Stand of armes, as a great number, (particularly the new Irish settlers) are distitute and many unable t<» provide themselves was they to be purchased for money, which at present is not the Case. There are several Volunteer Companys assembling in difterent quarters of my Regiment, some of which lam informed are nearly compleat Conimissions will be wanting to otticer them — As my Lieut Colo has left this Province a new arrangement of Field Olticers will become necessary, to fill up by Seniority will not answer, for sundry reasons; which I hope soon to have opportunity of comnumicating to the Council of Safety - — • I have the Honour to be Sir Your most Hump Servt: Richd Richardson St Marks — 6th: Septnir 1775 To Henry Laurens Esqr President of the Council of Safety [Endorsement on baek.] Collo R- Richardson 6th. Septr 177-") Read in Council 10th- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 433 the Horses had yesterday, we did not return to Camp until one o Clock this morning. I rem'.' vvith great Esteem Hond Sir Yrs &c W:T. Henry Laurens Esq^; Camp at Conga rees 6 in Charles Town the Colony of So Carolina \ Camp near the Ten Mile house 7tii May 1776. Sir Having been informed a few days ago that Mr 438 THE HISTORY OF John Giles at Monck's Cornei- had some Osenbiirgs for Sale. I desired one of my officers to send a person there «fe endeavour to pnrohase the whole of him in or- der to make Hunting Shirts for my men— The per- son returned without doing of it & informed me that Mr Giles asked 10/ hard money & 12/0 paper Curren- cy pr Yard — this morning I was informed he asks for the same Osnaburgs 10/ hai'd money «t 15/ paper ^ yd which 1 think is a very great extortion — my on- ly reason for troubling Your Excellency with this, is to beg your advice in the matter, as the distinction made between hard & paper money is of very great i- . tj Ml 4.1, t» 4- Charles town ISoXarolina Hon ble the Kepresenta- \ fives of the thirteen Uni- f i^itK a *. ^nnf ted States oi America in f ^ Congress, at Philadelphia J Sir As no greater honour can be confered on a faith- ful Servant of the public so next to a consciousness of having done his duty nothing can afford so much pleasure to such a Servant as the thanks of the peo- ple. — I must confess Sir, I had not entertained the small- est expectation of such distinguished Notice as the Congress have been pleased to take of my endeav- ours to assist in Repelling the attempts of the Fleet & Army upon this State on the 28^'^ of June last — I was conscious of having acted honestly in the Cause according to the best of my poor abilities & there My Ideas rested — however Sir I am not insensible of the very great honour which, for barely having done my duty, T have now received from the Congress — I beg leave to return you my particular thanks for the very polite manner in which yon have transmitted their ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 443 Resolution of the 20*-'^ July in your favour of the 22"^^ which I have communicated to the Officers & Soldiers of my Regiment. Permit me to request Sir, you will be pleased to pre- sent my humble respect & assurances to the Congress that my Life & Fortune are devoted to the Cause of the thirteen United States of America & to the gener- al propagation of Liberty & that while my health & Strength will permit me I shall hold myself at the Command of my Country — I have the honour to be with great respect, Sir Your mo: obed^ & moidium. Serv^ I Signed | W'.'» Thomson Lieut. Col. Command^; of the Reg^: of Rangers, being the 3';f^ Regt in So.Carolina (leneral Robert Howe. In Charles Town Camp at the Congarees 6^'.» October 1776. Sir The detachment of my Regiment which went to Georgia have not yet come to Head Quarters, but I expect them here in the course of this week — There are now in Camp 161 Officers & Privates, seven of whom are sick, the remainder all tit for duty — there are numbers sick also at their- homes, unable to join the Regiment at present, but I expect them as soon as they recover — I believe 1 shall not move from here untill towards the l^^ next month, when 1 intend to encamp near Nielson's ferry unless I receive orders to the contrary — I have not any news this way worth Your notice — 1 have the honour to be Sir Yours &c*- W. T 444 THE HISTORY OF His Excellency John Rutledge Esq!; In Charles Town Camp at the Congarees 6^^ October 1776. Sir Inclosed you have a Return of the Names & dates of the Commissions of the Officers now in my Regiment & likewise the names of the Gentlemen who stand next lor preferment — Lieut^ Brown & Hop- kins being the two first oldest Lieutenants & good Men, I beg you will be pleased to send Commissions for them as by the Return you will see there are two vacancies for Captains. — There are also vacancies for four second Lieutenants, & 1 shall recommend the first four Gentlemen now on the Recruiting service who shall raise ten men each— The bearer Capt. Richard Winn with a detachment & 2 waggons waits for Your Excellencys orders — You will please to ob- serve that the first Eighteen Officers in my Regiment Rank by number & not by the dates of their Commis- sions — I have the honour to remain Your Excellencys &c^ W. T. General Robert Howe, In Charles Town Amelia 15th October 1776. Sir Inclosed you have a Return of the detachment marched to Georgia, a Copy of Your Letter concern- ing the Expedition is sent to the Officer Commanding said detachment with orders strictly to adhere to & punctually to obey your directions therein contained I have directed the officer to Cross Savanna River be- low Augusta & from thence to proceed to Fort Bar- rington on the Alatainaha. The detachment is very badly provided with ammunition. I am sorry to inform you that 1 have been confined ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 445 eleven days with a severe fever, which has rendered me incapable of getting out of bed without help, & that a great many of the officers & Men are very sick with a disorder called the Mumps, which is very brief in Camp, besides those who were before afflicted with the fever, which occasions the Camp to be very thin both of officers & men who are fit for duty — I remain with great respect Sir Yours &Cc W. T. A Return of the Detachment of Rangers Command- ed by Capt John Caldwell, which marched from Camp at the Congarees on an Expedition to Georgia. The 14tii October 1776— Marched from Camp To March this Week / cr / 1^1 1 S /-/<^/ /•^/y- /S/^/ / ^ / ^" / i? / 58 / ^ ^ S -^ ■:: -3 1 O 1 ^ 1 :iQ 1 1^ / 5w 2 3 3 93 101 1 1 7 9 2 4 4 100 110 General Robert Howe, In Charles Town Amelia 15tji October 1776 Sir. Your orders of the 12ti> I this moment received by Express, 1 shall do all in my power to get the Batallion together, tho' I am afraid it will be some days first — the detachment that went to Georgia un- der Major Mayson returned only last Thursday & the Major has given them leave of absence till the 6th of November, as they are at present much scattered & a 446 THE HISTORY OF great deal of sickness amongst them will make it diffi- cult to collect them together k I am afraid will not be effected so soon as you may want them or I could wish for &: my not being in a condition to exert my self will be some hinderance, God knows when 1 shall be able to leave my loom, but never-theless I shall give all necessary orders to collect them as quick as possible I remain Sir Yours &c^: W. T. Capt. John Caldwell, on A march towards the South- ward — Amelia IS^ii October 1776 Sir By a Letter which I received from General Howe since 1 wrote Yon la.st, I have reascn to think the remainder of my Regiment will be ordered to- wards Georgia should occasion require it, but should it be otherwise, I hope as soon as You have executed Your orders there You will join me with your detach- ment either at the Congarees or where you shall hear the Regiment is — I have ordered Lieut, Beames to join you immediately & to take with him a sufficient number of Men to complete the detachment I still continue confined to my room very sick, but hope to be soon l)etter, wdien I may perhaps write you further — I wish you success & a Safe return to Camp — I remain Sirs Yours &Cf^ W. T. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 447 General Robert Howe In Charles Town P Capt Warle}^ Amelia l^t December 1776. Sir Please to receive inclosed a Return of my Regi- ment up to this daj^ I am extremely sorry it was not in my power to have' sent You one sooner, but some of ray Captains not coming to Camp agreeable to or- ders was the occasion of it, however you may rest as- sured that in future I shall transmit you Monthl}^ Re- turns I should have done myself the pleasure of waiting on you long before this, had not my 111 state of health prevented me, but as I find myself grow stronger daily shall endeavour to do it sonje time this week 1 remain with great respect Yours &C. W. T, Captain Richard Winn — going to Georgia Camp near Nelson's Ferry 28tii Decern 1776 Sir You are to proceed from Camp early tomorrow morning with the detachment under your Command for Georgia, there relieve Captain Caldwell & his de- tachment & follow such orders as he or the Command- ing officer there may give you — You are to send me a lietnrn of Your Detachment at least once a Month, in order that 1 may have it in my power to render in a monthly one to the General here — I am Sir Yours &C W. T. 448 THE HISTORY OF ^ Captain Winn. Captain John Caldwell, at Fort Harrington In Georgia Camp near Nelson's Ferrv 2St'i Decern 1777* Sir I have sent Capt. Richard Winn & 2 Subalterns with 2 Serjeants & 50 Rank & File to relieve the De- tachment under Yonr Command with directions to follow such orders as you or the Commanding officer in Georgia maj^ give him, after which You are to pro- ceed with Your said Detachment to the place of En- campment here where I shall be very glad to see you — Your several Letters did not come to hand untill three days after General Howe arrived in Town & then it was the first time that I heard from you since you left the Congarees — probably you could never meet with an opportunity to write me before however be that as it may T am very glad to hear that you & the other officers were all well, I wish you & them a happy new Year «S: a safe arrival in Camp — I remain with great regard Sir Yours &C<^ W. T. Major Morgan Conner In Charles Town Amelia 2<1 January 1777 ^ Lieut. Maskall. Sir Please to receive under cover hereof a Monthly Return of my Regiment up to the 1^^ Instant, as also one for General Howe, which I beg you will deliver to him — there are some of my officers, I am informed who will not take Continental Commissions — I ex- pect to be in Town in the course of four or five days, * 177(5. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 449 when T shall do nu' self the pleasure of waiting on You and the General — I am with great Esteem Sir Yours &!> W. T. His Excellency John Eutledge Esq''^In Charles Town Camp near Nelson's Ferr3' lO^ii Jan^^ 1777. Sir Agreeable to the request in Your Exceliencj^'s favour of the 17**1 Instant which I received last night ^ Express, I inclose a Return of my Regiment up to this day — Youi- Letter to Col. Sumter was forward- ed to him immediately as it came to hand, but his an- swer is not yet arrived — I would have wrote Your Excellency more fully by this opportunity, but as I propose being in Town in a few days, must beg leave to postpone adding any more untill 1 have the pleas- ure of seeing Your Excellency. — 1 remain with much Esteem Your Excellency's mo: hum'' Serv* W. T. Major Samuel Wise — Camp near Nelson's Ferry Charles Town 25ti' April 1777. Sir In consequence of orders which I just received from His Excellency the Pi'esident, 1 hope you will immediately on the receipt hereof, order 2 Captains 4 Lieutenants, 4 Serjeants 1 Drum & 1 Fife and 100 Rank & File well mounted with Twelve Waggons to Charles Town — Capt Warley is the first officer for Duty therefore You will please order the next Captain in turn, as also the Lieutenants — endeavour to pro- cure the Waggons without pressing if possible, but at 450 THE HISTORY OF any rate they must be had & with the greatest expedi- tion — Capt. Kirshaw is sick here & unfit for Duty — the Pay Master I expect will receive his Money this day & will meet the Detachment on the road & pay them — I am Sir Yr mo: homb*^ Servt W. T- General Robert Howe ----- Charles Town Camp near Nelson's Ferry 9^'^ June 1777 8ir As I was necessitated to discharge those Men belonging to my Regiment who were enlisted to serve no longer than the l^t Instant, it has been the means of reducing the Regt; to a certain number now on the Continental Establishment, which you will be made acquainted with by the inclosed Return, excepting 6 Serjeants & 45 Privates to serve upwards of Twelve Months longer who were enlisted upon the first estab- lishment of my Regiment — My sole motive for troubling you at present, is to beg Your opinion in what I shall take the liberty of proposing & receiving your advice thereupon As there seems to be not the least expectation of an Enemy shortly, I would propose sending all my ofii- cers out on the Recruiting Service & giving Furlows to all the Men in Camp for two months (save about 30 or 40) to go home, with orders to Recruit as many men as they could possibly get; this method I presume would be of infinite service in procuring Recruits, as I am well convinced that many of the men have great weight & influence in & about where they live & that this indulgence might induce others to enlist — Lieut. Col. Mayson who is the bearer of this will in- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 451 foi'Tii 3^ou of eveiT partieukiv relative to the Regiment to whojii T beg leave to refer you — I I'emain with great respect Sir Yr Mo: huinb Sevt: W. T. His Excellency John Rutledge Esq^' Charles Town Camp near Nelson's Ferr3^ 9^*i June 1777 Sir I take the liberty of informing Your Excellen- cy that I have discharged all those men belonging to my Regiment, who were enlisted to serve this State untill the 1*^^ Instant — The Regt is now reduced to a certain number on the Continental Establishment & 6 Serjeants & 45 Privates enlisted on the first Estab- lishment of My Regt to serve for three Years, as you will perceive by the inclosed Return I am of opinion that were these men at present in Camp given Furlows to, for two months, to go home, with orders to Recruit for My Regt it would be of in- finite service, as I am vei'y certain many of them have g7'eat weight & influence in & about the neighborhood where they live & this indulgence might be of great benefit to the Recruiting service: I also purpose send- ing the greatest part of my officers on the same duty & I make not the least doubt of my Regiment being tolerably forward before many months — 1 shall be very happy in i^eceiving Your Excel lencys Advice & Instructions as soon as possible — the bear- er Lieut Col. Mayson can give you any intelligence relative to the Regiment, in the mean time, I beg leave to add that I am with great respect Yr Mo: humb. Serv^ W. T 452 THE HISTORY OF Sir By Major Wise please to receive -d re- turn of my Regiment you will see by it that my offi- cers has not returned from Recruiting I do not expect them until the 1 Septr Please to let Major Wise have 200 Muskets and Bayonets Flints and Carteridges paper I intend to have Muskets and Bayonets for my meiii except 100 which I would have complete Rifle men with good Horses and spears I would be much obliged to you for advice in remodeling my Regiment so as to make them of most service to the State I would have waited on you before this time had it not been for a Fall from my Horse which broke my brest Bone so that as yet I am not fit to Ride as soon as the officer8 Comes in wnll wait on you then I will be able to Judge how many Muskets I shall want I am Sir Your Most Hbl Serv^ W. T P. 8 I have mentioned my intentions of new model- ing my Regiment to his Excellency the president hope to obtain his approbation with yours Amelia 13tii Augl 1777 To General Robert Howe- Sir By Major Wise you will I'eceive a return of my Regiment you will see by it that my [officers] are not yet returned from recruiting Please to let Major Wise have 200 Muskets and Baynets Flints and Oar- teridge paper If you think it proper I will have Muskets for all my men except one hundred of the most expert to be Rifle men with good Horses and Spears I should be glad to receive your approbation and advice on new modeling my Regm^ to make them of the most service to the State I should have waited on you my self before this Time had it not been for a ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 453 Fall from m}' Horse which broke my brest Bone and am not yet able to Ride I expect all my officers in by the first of Sep!; then I shall be able to make proper Return and know how many Muskets I shall want I am Sir Amelia IS^h Augt, 1777 Your Most Hble Servt W. T. To His Excellency John Rntledge Esquir Sir Inclosed yon v\ill Receive Copy of orders I re- ceived from his Exoely you will do all in your power to have them complyed with especially Capi Lyle 2 lieutl 2 Serjents & 50 men will call on you Cap^ Cald- well, Capt Brown 4 Lieuts 4 serjents and 100 men well guard the goal they will acquaint Col Williamson as soon as arrive at 96 of there being there Please to order all the men that is on Furlow all new recruits to Camp immediately do let any Joyn the 100 at the Goal or Capt Lyles detachmen they may if you think proper a few if there should be any up there that would rather stay and send some of them down that went from Camp Capt Caldwell Brown and Lyle will send to me their pa,y Bill by the first of Sept I am Sir Your Hmble Servt W. T- Col James Mayson Augt l(>ti' 1777 Sir You will proceed to Congarees and out of the detachment that is on their March with Capt Brown take 2 Lieut^ 2 Serjeants and 50 Men and March them to Col Mayson and there you will exert the best measures with him to take James Lindley Richard 454 THE HISTORY OF Pearce cind John Parker and on good Evidence any that is concerned with them and sen't^ November 1778 Sir/ I Received Yours of the 30*^' this day about one Oclock with the dispatches from the Governor & Ma- jor Genl How, I am much obliged to you for Comply- ing with part of them in Sending the Men with Can- non; Please to Enquire amongst the Men & Know who of them has Horses within one or two days Travel of the Camps, send them for them that we may he able to comply with the other Order in Gen''. How*t Dis- patches. T should have been at Orangeburgb on Monday, but one of my Children has been Til with the fever, which has never Intermitted this Eight days, as soon as She gets bettor 1 shall be at Camp. Please to send a man with the Inclosed to Captains Brown & Smith as soon as Possible and the one t(» Lieut. Mf'Gines 1 am Yours &C (True Copy) William Thomson To CaptV John Donaldson Amelia S''^ November 177S Sir When Colonel Williamson Requires, you and The detachment (or any part of them) under Your Command You are to aid & Co operate with him. I am Yours &Cc (A True Copy) W"' Thomson Amelia ^^'^ November 1778 Sir When Colonel Williamson Requires, you and ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 465 the detachment (or any part of theiu) under Your Command, you are to aid & Co operate with him. I am A True Copy Yours &C: Sign,d William Thomson To Captain John C: Smith Amelia 3i<^ Noyi; 1778. Sir/ On Receipt of this You are to March The Men Under Your Command to Camp having A Guard of a Sergant & five Men in as private a place as possible, let them be men that you can depend upon, with or- ders to follow you to Camp in six days after you leave them, if they make no Discoveries, leave with the Ser- gant the same orders you received upon that Com- mand. I am Yours &C: Signed W»i Thomson A True Coppy To Lieutt McGines* Sectton 4. Other Coj/fhieutals fro}n OratHjdmrgh Dis- trict. It has been stated that the 3rd regiment (Thom- son's) of regulars contained many Orangeburgh men. The 1st regiment (Gadsden's, C. C. Pinckney's) also contained some Orangeburgh men, for Rev. C. C. Pinck- *The foregoing is a copy of Colonel William Thomson's Order Book, owned, and loaned to me, by Judge A. C Haskell. With the excep- tion of several pages, it was copied by me, and I certify that this is a true copy of said book. Susan Richardson Guignard, Columbia, S. C, Member D. A. R. Jan. 2Stii, 1S98. 466 THE HISTORY OF ney, D. D,, says, in his ''Lite of Thomas Pinckney", page 27, that as soon as Captain Thomas Pinckney was authorized to enlist men, in July, 1775: "He at once determined to fill up the ranks of his company, and went to Orangeburg to gather recruits. As soon as he had obtained the requisite number of fifty men, his military knowledge was put into requisition", &c. And again, on page 48, Dr. Pinckney says: "Recruit- ing formed a large part of his duty during these earlier years of the war. He had already visited Orangeburg, and enlisted three fourths of his own company in that district."* And, in passing, it is well to relate that when Gen- eral Armstrong visited the South in 1776 to inspect the Continental troops, his brigade-major (Conner) "pronounced the first South Carolina regiment the best disciplined on the continent." When the first three regiments of regulars were formed in June, 1775, Isaac Huger, who owned a plan- tation in St. Mathew's Parish, and had several times represented that Parish in the Coloilial Assembly, was, on June 3rd, elected lieutenant-colonel of the 1st regi- ment. It is likely that his influence took some Orange- burgh men into that regiment. *And here it may be interesting to add that he visited Orangeburgh Distriet several times before the war ended, for in 1779 he attended Court in Orangeburgh, and successfully defended some prisoners who had erred through ignorance of military law. And we should also judge that he had been attending court at the Motte plantation, since in the same year he was married to Miss. Ehzabeth Motte. And again, after tlie battle of Camden, where he was wounded and cap- tured, he rei3aired, under parole, to the Motte place to recuperate and be nursed. GEN. ISAAC HUGEK. FKOM AN OLD PKINT. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 467 In addition to the four regiments raised in 1775, two regiments of riflemen were voted in Februarj% 1776. Lieut. Col. Isaac Huger, of the 1st regiment, was made Colonel of the first regiment of rifles, which was, in July of that j-ear, taken into the Continental service, and thenceforward known as the 5th regiment of South Carolina Continentals. It is also likel}^ that Col. Huger* had some Orangeburgh men with him in that regiment. Although we have not been able to find any of the rolls of any of the companies of the Continental line, we have extracted from a pension roll, dated as late as 1840, the following names of Revolutionary soldiers of the Continental Establishment from Orangeburgh Dis- trict: Orange Parish. Leven Argrove, Hugh Phillips, Andrew Houser, Erasmus Gibson, St. Mathew's Parish. Adam Garick. Barnwell. Tarleton Brown, Jesse Griffen, Daniel O'Dom, Henry B. Rice. *Col. Huger was appointed brigadier general January 9, 1777. 468 THE HISTORY OF Section 5. The Local Militia. Besides those who fought in the regular service, Orangeburgh District furuished many men to the mili- tia branch of the service. In the early days of the war militia companies were formed in every section of the Colony. Their rolls w^ere sent down to the Coun- cil of Safety by whom they w^ere generally approved and their officers commissioned, and the companies assigned to regiments. In 1775 the militia of the Province consisted of thir- teen regiments, nearly every officer of which, and the large majority of the men of which, signed the Associ- ation. The Orangeburgh District regiment had William Thomson for its colonel, Christopher Rowe for its lieu- tenant-colonel, and Lewis Golson for its major.* The lower district between the Broad and Saluda rivers, the greater part of which was in Orangeburgh Dis- trict, had a regiment of which Robert Starke was colonel, Moses Kirkland, lieutenant-colonel, and Tyrrel, major. After Colonel Thomson was made col- onel of the 3rd regiment of regulars (Rangers), the command of the Orangeburgh District regiment de- volved upon Rowe, though Col. Thomson seems to have exercised a sort of supervision over it, and, in the back country expeditions in 1775, spoke of it as, "my regiment of militia."f And during the siege of Charlestown, and after his exchange, he probably re- sumed command of the regiment. On November 21st, 1775, the Provincial Congress adopted the following resolution: "That all corps of *Drayton's Memoirs, Vol. I, page 353. fin a letter to the Council of Safety, dated Nov. 28, 1775, Col. Thom- son stated that three of the militia companies existed in liis inniiedi- ate neighborhood. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 469 Regulars take precedence of all corps of Militia, and that the regiments of Militia shall take precedence in the following manner: 1. Berkeley County. 2. Charles Town. 3. Granville County. 4. Colleton County. 5. Craven County, the lower part. 6. Orange- burg. 7. Craven County, the upper part. 8. Camden. 9. Ninety-Six, north of the Fish Dam Ford and be- tween Enoree, Broad and Saluda Rivers. 10. The New Acquisition, south of the Fish Dam Ford and be- tween Broad and Saludy Rivers, north of Enoree and between Broad and Saludy Rivers." In the Provincial Congress on March 23rd, 1776, it was resolved: "That the fork between Saluda and Broad Rivers, be divided into three regiments, accord- ing to the division of districts by the resolve of Con- gress of the 9th February last; one regiment in each of the districts." The lower or "Dutch Fork", regi- ment was probably commanded by Col. Jonas Beard, as we find, by a letter to Gen. Moultrie, dated April 6th, 1778, mention made by President Lownrdes of "Col Beard" and his regiment of militia at "the Con- garees." The niilitia of South Carolina were, on March 28th, 1778, divided into three brigades, commanded by Gen- erals Stephen Bull, Richard Richardson, Sr., and An- drew Williamson, respectively. Gen. Richardson lived in the Parish of St. Mark's, which was across the San- tee from Orangeburgh Distiict, and Gen. Williamson lived in Ninety-Six District adjoining Orangeburgh District on the North, and it is therefore likely that the bulk of the militia of Orangeburgh District be- longed to these brigades, though some belonged to Bull's brigade as is shown by Tarleton Brown in his "Memoirs."* *B.v the "Return of tlie Difterent Detachments on duty at Savan- nah in Georgia, under the Command of Colonel Stephen Bull", we 470 THE HISTORY OF After the fall of Cliarlestown, (leiieral Richardson having previously resigned,* General Bull having been paroled by the British, and General Williamson hav- ing taken British protection, Governor Rutledge com- missioned Colonels Thomas Sumter, Francis Marion and vVndrew Pickens as brigadiers of militia. Subse- quently John Barnwell was made a brigadier of mili- tia; and it said that Col. James Williams had just re- ceived a brigadier's commission when killed at King's Mountains. These officers were each given, by Governor Rut- ledge, military jurisdiction over a certain territory. In his proclamation of August 5th, 1781, Governor Rutledge warns all persons holding any property of the enemy 'to deliver it to the brigadier general of the district in which it is"; and again in his proclama- tion of September 27th, 1781, he stated that "the sev- eral brigadiers of militia" had been ordered to perform certain functions "within their respective districts". It is probable that a part of Orangeburgh District — the upper and western sections — was in Pickens's mili- tia district, and the western part, from the North Ed- isto to the Santee, in Sumter's militia district. These militia brigades were very well organized and rendered valuable service, but as the militia law was quite lax, the men dispersed to their plantations at pleasure, and only assembled in times of great public danger, or when there was a chance of a fight. The result of this was that a brigade was often reduced to the size of a company. This free and easy, come and learn that 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 sergeants, 1 druninier and 24 pri- vates of the New Windsor company, and 1 captain and H privates of tlie Upper Three Runs company were present at Savannaii on March 15th, 1776, soon after the British attack on tiiat place. *He died soon after resigning. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 471 go method of campaigning has induced many writers to apply the term ''partisan militia" to the brigades of Sumter, Marion and Pickens; but is a mistake to sup- pose that these were Robin Hood sort of bands. They were regularly established militia brigades with Gov- ernor Rutledge's power and authority behind them. And Governor Rutledge's power and authority ema- nated from the State legislature, and, therefore, from the people. But there were many militia companies that acted independently at times of the regiments and brigades to which they belonged, and without any special au- thority from a superior officer. There are many in- teresting traditions concerning several of these militia companies of Orangeburgh District. One of them was commanded by Captain Jacob Rumph, who lived about five miles above Orangeburg village. It probably formed a part of Rowe's regi- ment. It is said to have marched to Savannah, in 17*78, to join the American army in besieging that town, but arrived too late, the siege having been abandoned. Mr. C. M. McMichael, of this County says that his father, Jacob McMichael.* has often related to him many of the exploits of Rumph's company which had been related to him by Lieut. Wannamaker, and says that his father has often pointed out to him the spot whereon Rumph's house stood, and also a large oak whereon he said Rumph hung many Tories. His father was a boy of 10 or 12 during the Revolution, and lived not many miles from Capt. Rumph, and he further related to Mr. McMichael that Rumph had a "bull pen" wherein he kept his prisoners. Leaving tradition and returning to records, it is a *Wliose first wife was a niece of Capt. Runipli, and a daughter of Lieut. Wannamaker' of Rumph's company. 472 THE HISTORY OF certaint}^ that Capt Runipli still coiiiiuaiicled acoinpa- ny of militia in Orangeburgh District in 1784, as will 1)6 seen by the following extract from Judge O'Neall's "Bench and Bar of South Carolina", page 341: "November, 1784. "Mr. Justice Hey ward. "On motioi] of Mr. Sheriff, ordered that Capt. Jacob Humph do immediately send six men, out of his com- pany, to guard the gaol for the space of seven days; and that, after the expiration of seven days, ordered that Capt. Henry Felder do relieve the aforesaid six men with six men from his company, to continue seven days; and that, after said term, Capt. Rumph shall again send the same compliment of men to re- lieve Capt. Felders men, and so each to relieve the other alternately, until the prisoners now confined in gaol, and under sentence of death, be executed accord- ing to sentence, or otherwise disposed of." (From Circuit Court records.) Below is a roll of Capt Rumph's company. It was first published in the Clayton, Alabama, Baiuia', and had, it is said, been furnished that paper by the holder of the original roll. A copy of the published roll was sent to the Sonfhron, a newspaper published in Orangeburg about 1860, by the late Capt A. Govan Salley, and it was republished in the Southron on Sep- tember 10, 1861, with the remark that the editor had "no doubt of its authenticity", and that it was "worthy of remark that after the lapse of three-quarters of a century, the names, with scarcely an exception, still exist among the present inhabitants of Orangeburg District." The writer then adds: "The following are the names of Capt Jacob Rumph's men who fought the Tories of South Carolina in 1783, Orangeburg District, commanded by Col Wm Russell Thomson." The writer was wrong in giving the date 1783, and ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 473 he also probably mixed W'." Russell Thomson up with Wm. Thomson, his father. Jacol) Rumph, Captain Jacob Wannamaker, 1st Lt. Lewis Golson Sergeant John Golson, 2nd Lt. Frederick Snell John Cooke Henry Whestone, (Whetstone) Peter Snell John Moorer John Ditchell Paul Strom an Jacob Riser Abrani Miller John Lemmerman, (Zimmerman) John Whestone, (Whetstone) Michael Zigler, (Zeigler) Peter Pound John Ott David Rumph John Rumph John Hoober, (Hoover) John Densler, (Dantzler) John Miller Henr}^ Wannamaker John Amaka Michael Larey, George Ryly, (Riley) John Amaka John Brown Daniel Bowden Wni Hall David Gisendanner, Clerk Jesse Pearson Jacob Amaka Jacob Hoegar, (Horger) Christian Inabnet George Shingler Anthony Robinson John Cooney, (Cooner) Jacob Strom an John Deremus, (Deramus) Jacob Cooney, (Cooner) Thomas Aberhart John Strom an Nicholas Dill Peter Staley Nicholas Rickenbacker Nicholas Hulong, (Herlong) John Inabnet John Houk Jacob Rickenbacker Robert Bayley, (Baily) Arthur Barrot Frederick Burtz Peter Crouk, (Crook) Martin Grambik John Dudley John Rickenbacker Isaac Lester 474 THE HISTORY OF Benj. Collar, (Culler) Henry Lester Conrad Crider Henry Strom an Abram Ott John Housliter The company is said to have numbered seventy men, but it is evident that there are only sixty-five names on the above list. Many thrilling stories of the exploits of Rumph's daring partisans are told by the old people of this sec- tion, but, while many of them are no doubt ill-found- ed, or badly mixed up with other occurrences, they are worth preserving, and perhaps future discoveries in the way of records will either confirm or destroy their truth. The following account of some of the exploits in which Eumph's company was engaged is taken from the Southern Cabinet for 1840. The article is signed "J.", and was probably written by Gen. David F. Jami- son, of Orangeburg, a grandson of Capt Rumph, who signed most of his articles simply "J": "After the siege and fall of Charleston in the year 1780, and the shameful violation of the articles of treaty by the British officers, the war in South Caroli- na became essentially of a partisan character. The State was overrun, but not subdued. Bold spirits arose everywhere to assert their liberties, and they were frequently and instantaneously crushed by a powerful and unsparing foe, and no recollection now survives of themselves or their deeds; but not all of them thus perished. One fearful contest tradition has preserved, which I will endeavor to record— a struggle of man with his fellow man, a pursuit, a pistol shot and a death. "Capt Jacob Rumph, (known after the Revolution better perhaps, as Gen Rumph,) of Orangeburg Dis- trict, was the commander of a troop of cavalry raised ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 475 ill his neighborhood to protect themselves and their families, who lost no occasion of aiding their friends or annoying their enemies. They are all gone; history has not recorded their names, but few bolder spirits struck for liberty in that eventful war. Capt. Rumph was a man of prodigious size and strength, of great courage and coolness in the hour of danger, and though of a harsh and imperious disposition, no one was better fitted for the command of the hardy and intrepid men who composed his corps. They were usually dispersed at their ordinary avocations on their farms, but they united at a moment's warning from their leader. "Not long after Charleston was taken by the British Capt. Rumph was returning with two of his wagons, which had been sent to (Tiarleston with produce in charge of a Dutchman named Houselighter, and while slowly riding in company with his wagons on a small but strong horse, his mind gloomily brooding over the oppressed and almost hopeless condition of South Car- olina, he had reached a large pond, on what is now called the old road, about seven miles below the vil- lage of Orangeburg, when he was suddenly roused by the approach of three men on horseback, whom he in- stantly recognized as his most deadly foes. They were well mounted, and armed like himself with sword and pistol. When the horsemen had reached the opposite side of the road to Capt. Rumph they halted for a mo- ment and would have approached him nearer, but he. placing himself in the best posture of defence he could, called out to them: 'Gentlemen, stand off — I wish to have nothing to do with you!' The Tories, for such they were, surveyed him for an instant, and after a short conference with each other, to Capt. Rumph's great relief, rode on, and soon disappeared at the next turn of the road. 476 THE HISTORY OF "Rumph, though he saw with no little satisfaction that the Tories had passed on, yet was too well ac- quainted with them to suppose for a moment that he was to get off so easily. He knew very well that the short respite they had thus given him was only that with an increased force he might become their prey with less danger to themselves. He rightly conjec- tured that the three who had passed him on the road were only scouts sent to apprehend him if unarmed, and who, if he had incautiously suffered them to ap- proach him, would have shot him down while off his guard. Casting his eyes about a moment for means of escape from his wily foes, the danger of his situation became fully apparent. The three troopers he knew belonged to the corps of the sanguinary Cuningham, a part of which, he was certain, was in the neighborhood, under the command of one of his subaltern officers, and Capt. Rumph, after carefully surveying his situa- tion, became fully conscious of his extreme danger of falling into the hands of his merciless foes. He was mounted upon a strong but slow horse, and the thought of escape on horseback was abandoned by him without hesitation. He was armed with a trusty cut and thrust sword and a brace of pistols, but it would have been madness, he well knew, to think of exposing himself to such odds as he was sure would be brought against him. There was no time to be lost. His only chance of escape at once flashed across his mind, and he immediately set about executing it. He rode his horse up to the pond already mentioned, and tied him fast to a tree. He then took off the greater part of his clothes and left them near his horse, to in- duce the suspicion that he had concealed himself in that pond. But that was very far from his real inten- tion. Be walked in the water near the margin of the pond until he had gained the side opposite to which ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 477 he had tethered his horse, and, choosing with some caution the place at which he could best leave it, he set off at a rapid rate through the pine woods for home, a distance of some sixteen miles. "In the meantime the three troopers, who, as Capt. Kumph truly supposed, were a party detached to seize, him if they could, returned to their main body, con- sisting of about twenty men under the command of Lieut. Parker, and reported the situation in which they had left Capt. Rumph. Without loss of time the par- ty set off to overtake him. Upon their arrival at the pond they found that the wagons had proceeded but little distance from the spot which they occupied when the three Tories passed them, and Capt. Rumph's horse and clothes were in the same situation in which they had lieen left by him. The whole party rode up to the wagon and fiercely inquired of poor House- lighter, who was pale with terror, where Rumph was. He pointed to the pond, and they rode up to the place where the horse was tied, and when they saw his clothes and other signs of Rumph's having taken to the pond, they surrounded it on every side, and, dis- mounting, they entered it sw^ord in hand, and search- ed every place where he could possibly have been con- cealed. But their search was fruitless. Rumph was far on his way towards home before those who were so eagerly thristing for his blood could satisfy them- selves that he was not there. Irritated by the escape of the prey which they were so confident they had in their grasp, while one party scoured the neighboring woods in search of Capt. Rumph, the other party took cha.rge of the wagons, and, after taking such of the horses as could be serviceable to them, they stripped the wagons of everything they could not carry away and burnt them to ashes with the remaining part of 478 THE HISTORY OF their freight. They worried poor Houselighter until he was ready to die with fear and left him.* "Capt. Riimph reached home about sunset, with the determination to give his pursuers chance of a fight with less odds on one side, and he immediately set about collecting the scattered members of his corps. This was soon accomplished, and they, about twentj^- five in number, were ready to set off in pursuit of the Tories by daylight the next morning. "This party had proceeded for several hours on their way, and had nearly reached the spot where the wagons, of their leader had been burned the day be- fore, and wdiich was the scene of his perilous escape, when they were informed that the Tories, not far be- low, were feeding their horses near the road and were wholly unprepared for an attack. The patriots were prepared for an attack. The patriots were extremely anxious to be led to the charge. Just before their eyes were the evidences of the wanton destruction of property by the Tories, and their momories could read- ily supply numberless instances of their horrid barbar- ity, rapine and murder. They proceeded at a quicken- ed pace along the road and soon their enemies appear- ed in the situation in which they had been described, with their horses carelessly feeding with their saddles on, their bridle-bits out of their mouths and their ri- ders lying about in groups, or sleeping apart from the rest on the ground. No surprise could have been more complete. The Tories discovered their oppo- nents at the distance of three or four hundred yards and at once prepared for fight. They soon caught their horses, bridled them and in an instant were *Houselighter, who was then a mere boy, lived to a great old age, and there are several old gentlemen of this section who well remem- ber him and his quaint Dutch expressions. He often told how Cun- ingham's men took his own wagon whip and flogged him severely with it. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 479 mounted and flying in every direction. 'Save, who can', was the only word. Capt. Runiph and his troop- ers dashed down upon them and as the Tories scatter- ed, everyone for himself, the patriots were oljliged to single out and pursue, as they were nearly equal in number, almost every one his man. Various were the results of that fight and pursuit. 'Tt was the fortune of Lieut. Parker, the officer in command of the Tories, to be singled out by Lieut. Wannamaker, of Capt. Rumph's Troop. Wannamaker was a man of singular boldness and true devil-may- care sort of spirit. He was a fine horseman, and on this occasion was uncommonly well-mounted. In this respect, however, he was not superior to Parker; for after a chase of nearly two miles Wannamaker had gained but little, if any, upon Parker, but, unfor- tunately for the latter, after keeping well ahead for that distance, and while looking back to see if the enemy was gaining upon him, his horse carried him under a stooping tree, which struck him a violent blow upon the left shoulder as he rode under it and knocked him nearly off, and in his struggle to recover himself his saddle turned and got under the belly of his horse. In that situation he rode for some distance at an evident disadvantage, and Wannamaker began to gain upon him. Parker's horse, however, broke the girth and the saddle fell, so that Parker was again, for a while, able to keep Wannamaker at a safe dis- tance. But it soon became apparent to Parker's great dismay, that his horse's wind was failing from being ridden without a saddle. In vain he whipped and spurred his jaded horse. Wannamaker was shorten- ing the distance between them at every leap. Parker beheld him nearly within pistol shot, and, frightened beyond measure, he took oft' his hat and beat his horse on the sides with it to accelerate his speed. It sue- 480 THE HISTORY OF ceeded for a moment, but the fagged horse had done his utmost. Wannamaker was just behind, and called out to him with presented pistol: 'Parker, halt! or I will kill you.' Parker heeded not, but continued with renewed violence his blows with his hat. Wan- namaker approached nearer and called to him again, but still he rode on. Wannamaker called to him again, the third time, and offered him quarter, but the unhappy man knew that he had no right to expect that mercy which he had never given, and halted not. 'Halt, Parker!' said Wannamaker. 'I have told you the last time.' Parker rode on. Wannamaker, fear- ing something might occur to incline the chances against him, approached the doomed man within half a horse's length, and fired. Parker rode erect for a moment, but his hold soon relaxed — he fell backwards on his horse, rolled heavily off, and expired. J." That "J." was mistaken in saying that history had not recorded the names of the patriotic men of Rumph's company is attested by the resurrection of the original roll, and its publication in the Alabama paper. It has several times been reprinted in South Carolina newspapers. Lieut. Wannamaker often said, after he had had time to reflect upon the matter, that he regretted having killed Parker, as he had often thought that perhaps Parker had been stunned by his contact with the tree, and could not hear him calling to him. But, on the other hand, it is quite likely that Parker preferred to die the death of a soldier than run the risk of being hung by Capt. Rumph; for tradition- ary accounts of Rumph say he was a perfect martinet, and seldom showed his enemies quarter. From the traditionary accounts handed down to Mr. McMichael we also learn that it was Capt. Rumph who drove "Bloody Bill" Cuningham to his deeds of vio- lence. The account says that Cuningham was a mem- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 481 ber of Rumph's compan}' in the early days of the war,* and a ,a:ood soldier: hut that he had a brother, who was a Tory. One day this hrotherf was captured by Rumph's men, and Rumph, as w^as his custom, ordered him to be immediately hanged. William Cuninghara came up and begged that his brother be spared, and said to Capt, Rumph: '*If you will let him go I will guarantee that he will quit the Tories and join our company and make as good Whig as any man in the company", but Rumph was obdurate, and had the brother struug up. Cuningham quietly mounted his horse, and riding up to Capt. Rumph remarked: "From this day forth I am your deadly enemy. I have noth- ing against your men, but we must go different roads", and he rode off in a gallop. Capt. Rumph ordered his men to shoot liim, l)ut such was the esteem in which he had been held, and such was the sympathy for him, that not a man obeyed the order: and from that time on Cuningham was the enemy of the Whigs, and the especial enemy of Capt. Rumph. Lorenzo Sabine's work, "American Loyalists", also states that Cuning- ham was first a Whig and then a Tory,:|: but does not state why he changed. And a careful reading of J.'s article, above quoted, will disclose the existence of a vendetta-like hatred between Cuningham 's men and Rumph. Upon one occasion, when Rumph's men bad put Cuningham's troops to flight, Lieut. Golson singled out Capt. Cuningham and gave chase. They were both riding rapidly through the woods, when suddenly Cun- *He was a member of Capt. John Caldwell's company of regulars, but possibly lie was attached to Rumph's command on some scouting expedition or other like service. tAs we find no record of "Bloody Bill" having a l)rother, it is pos- sible that this was only a kinsman. jSee also O'Neall's Annals of Newberry District, page 254. 482 THE HISTORY OF ingham spurred his horse over a little ditch, and wheeling it in an instant, presented his pistol at Gol- son, and said: "Stop, Clolson! I have nothing against you, and I don't want to kill yon, nor do I want to he killed hy you, l)ut if you cross that ditch to-day one of us must die; so you had better go your way and let me go mine." Oolson said afterwards that he had never seen eyes in a huiuan head that looked as Cuninghani's did on that occasion. He said it was a tigerish look — more of animal than of human being. He, however, did not farther interfere with Cuningham, but return- ed to his company, and no one would ever have known of this incident had not Golson related it himself. On another occasion Rnmph's company come upon Cuningham's men taking their noonday naps, in fence corners, and before Cuningham awoke RuiBph was up- on him, and placing his sword at Cuningham's throat would have thrust it through his neck in another in- stant, but awaking suddenly, Cuningham, with a stroke like lightning, thrust aside the sword, sprang over the fence, and, mounting his horse, was off like an ai'row, with a shower of bullets hissing all around him; but he was never touched. He seemed to bear a charmed life — he had declared a vendetta, and he lived to make his very name cause a chill of horror to those who read the story of his bloody deeds. Upon one occasion, while Kumph's partisans were scouting in the "Upper Bull Swamp" section of Orange- burg District, they came to a deserted settlement. Rumph sent his men to hide in the swamp, near- the opening in which the houses were situated, and he took Paul Stroman with him and went up to the front of the houses. When they got there they saw a tall man walking in the yard. Capt. Rumph proposed that they give him a shot, and he and Stroman tired at him, breaking one leg, but nothing daunted the ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 483 man began to turn handsprings so rapidlj% using his arms and tlie good leg, that he would have escaped had he not run (or rather turned) into the ambuscade in the swamp, where he was shot down and killed. When Capt. Rumph came up Lieut. Wannamaker asked who the man was and what he was, but no one could tell, and Lieut. Wannamaker always held that the stranger should not have been killed, as he might have been a friend and not a foe. He described him as a n)agniHcent specimen of manhood, and said he looked like a gentleman and was well dressed. Another story told of Rumph is that upon one occa- sion he was complained to by some women who had been on a trading expedition toCharlestown — doubtless before its fall — ^that a party of marauders had stopped their wagons below Orangeburgh and robbed them of their purchases. Rumph immediately collected some of his partisans and went in pursuit of them, and suc- ceeded in capturing the whole party of them. He took them up to his "Imll pen", and, the robbed wo- men having identified them, he proceeded to hang them on the big oak. There was among the marau- ders a red-headed man named Billy Sturkie. When the rope was placed about his neck and he was about to be jerked up one of the women cried out, "Stop! that red-headed man did not take anything, but tried to keep the others from stealing". The other woman confirmed her statements, and Sturkie was turned loose, but his fright had been so great that he was only able to feebly exclaim, "You might as well a- hung me." It seems rather peculiar that all of the best known historians of this State have totally neglected to say anything of Rumph's command, notwithstanding the fact that at least one. Dr. Joseph Johnson, knew^ of the existence and work of this command. In his 484 THE HISTORY OF "Traditions of the Revolution", pages 548-50, speaking of the fight between the Tories and the Whig compa- ny, under Capt. Michael Watson, near Dean Swamp, in Orangeburgh District, he says: "Some of Watson's company, who had also taken to flight on seeing their captain fall, took possession of a farm-house neai- by, occupied only by a mother and her child. There was little or nothing to eat on the premises, Jind they now feared pursuit more than ever, believing that the wo- man would report them to their enemies. One of them was chosen by lot, and sent off to Orangeburg for help. Colonel Rumph came out to them as soon as possible, but, before the arrival of his company, the poor woman and child, with their unwelcome guests, were ail nearly starved out," Dr. Johnson seems to presume that the reader well knows who "Col. Rumph" was, for it is the only men- tion made of him in the book. He also calls him by his post-bellum title, ''Colonel", yet speaks of "his company." Capt. Rumph did not attain the i-ank of colonel until after the war, when he was chosen colo- nel of a militia regiment. Some years later he attain- ed the rank of brigadier general of militia. Sonje interesting stories are told of some of the in- dividuals of Rumph's company. One of these is about John Amaka — and, l)y the way, there are two John Amakas mentioned on the roll of the company, above given — who was an actual illustration of late popular song, for "One of his legs was longer than it really ought to have been"; that is to say, he had one leg shorter than the othei'. When the Whigs had com- menced to make it unpleasant for the Tories and those of Tory sentiments, njany of them left the State and went to East Florida. One day John Amaka passed by the house (jf George McMichael (grandfather of Mr. C. M. McMichael) and inquiied of him the way to ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 485 East Florida. Mr. MrMichael told him the way, but further remarked to him. '•John j'ou can't get there on those legs of yours, so if you are going to turn Tory you had better stay here and run your chances." Amaka, however, continued on his journey, but in a day or so he hobbled back, and it seems decided to cast his fortunes with Rumph's partisans. Paul Stroman, who lived where Mr. James H. Fowles's "Durham" place now is, has been accused of Toryism, but the traditions of his family and the ap- pearance of his name on Rumph's roll tend to dis- prove the accusation. The charge was probably based on the ground that upon one occasion he, it seems, refused to obey some order of Rumph's, and it so aroused that officer's ire that he rode down to Stro- man's place to arrest him. Stroman saw him coming and hid in his barn with his rifle by him. He after- w^ards declared that if Rumph had discovered him he (Stroman) would have shot him. Mr. W. W. Culler, of this County, tells a good story of Capt. Rumph's wit. He relates that one night Capt. Runiph called for his grandfather, Benjamin Culler, who was a member of Rumph's company, and, with several others, they went out to waylay and cap- ture some "outlyers". They secreted themselves in some pine brush by the road side, and after awhile a woman, the wife of one of the "outlyers", came along and began to call her husband. After calling several times she called out, "0, honey, 0, honey!" At that Capt. Rumph remarked to his companions; "If that fellow is any honey, the devil was the bee," Mr. Culler also says that his grandmother has often told him that "Bloody Bill" Cunningham had on sev- occasions come to her house and made her run down and kill and cook chickens for him to eat, and that 486 THE HISTORY OF she had often known, or heard, of his presence in the community. It is related that upon one occasion Capt. Rnmph had two sick members of his company staying in liis house. One night he was suddenly aroused hy one of his slaves, who ran in and shouted; "Run Massa de Tory comin!" Capt. Rumph quickly awakened his sleeping friends and told theni to run for their lives, but one of them complained that he was too sick to run. "Then you are a dead man"' shouted Capt. Rumph, and ran out of the house. Just then the Tories en- tered from the opposite direction, and finding the sick man, dragged him out into the yard and cut his head off with an axe. Old James Knight, of the Limestone section, who died about forty years ago, had b^en a member of Cuningham's company during the Revolution, and he was often heard to tell how he escaped on one occa- sion when Rumph's men had put Cuningham's to flight. Be said he simply lay down on his horse, threw his arms around the animal's neck, slapped his spurs to him with all his might and dashed through a thicket. Another militia company of Oi'angeburgh District, which doubtless also belonged to Howe's regiment, and of which there are many traditions, was that of Capt. Henry Felder, who has been mentioned several times heretofore in these pages as holding various civic offices, and as a member of the State Legislature, during the Revolution. The traditions of the Felder family say that Captain Felder had his seven sons, Henry, Jacob, John, Fred- erick, Samuel, Abraham and Peter, in his company. It is said that John was killed dui'ing the war. He was captured with his step-mother's brothei", Snell, ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 487 and while the British soldiers were at dinner on the l)anks of the Congaree river, they attempted to escape. Snell escaped to the wcods, but John jumped into the river and swam across while his hands were tied, the guard shooting at him all the while, but after he reached the opposite bank a bullet struck him in a vital place and killed him on the spot. And, strange to say, he was killed by his own gun in the hands of the guard. The late Col. Paul S. Felder often said that when he was a young man he met an old gentleman named Rice of Barnwell District, who told him that he (Rice) had been a uiember of Capt. Felder's company during the Revolution, and that he was present with the com- pany upon one occasion when they whipped a body of Tories at Hoi man's Bridge over the South Edisto river in Orangeburgh District. Capt. Felder had two dwelling houses burned by the Tories daring the war. and at the burning of the last one he lost his life. The following notice, in refer- ence to the burning of the first house, appeared in the Gazette of the State of South Carolina, October 7tli and 14th, 1778: "WHEREAS the subscriber s house was plundered and burnt on the third inst. and all his papers either burnt or destroyed: To prevent fraudulent demands that may hereafter be made on him, he gives this pub- lic notice, that those persons who have any lawful de- mands on him, either in books of account, bond, note of hand or otherwise, are desired to make demand on or before the first day of January next ensuing, and receive payment: And all persons indebted to him are likewise entreated to make payment as far as may be consisent with their knowledge. "Sept. 23, Henry Felder." 488 THE HISTORY OF Judge O'Neal 1, on p. 325 of hi.s Bench and Bar, has this to say of Capt. Henry Felder: "This gentleman was a very active partisan in tlie Revolution. He brought his love ot liberty from his native canton, and, like Tell, of his fatherland, he was willing to peril all, rather than siilmiit to tyranny. He guided (leneral Sumter in his approach to Orange- burg, and bore a part in the capture of that post. "At or about the close of the war, the Tories sur- I'ounded his house: the gallant Swiss, by the aid of his wife and servants, who loaded his guns while he tired, killed more than twenty of his foes. His house was at last fired, and he was thus forced to fly. In at- tempting to escape, he was shot, and killed." The traditionary account of the above affair, as re- ceived from the late Col. Paul S. Felder, who not only heard it from his fathei' and other members of his family, but from the lips of an old negro servant, who, as a young man, had been an eye witness of a part of the tragedy, is as follows: One day Capt. Felder re- ceived a message from Samuel Rowe, a good Whig- friend, that the Tories intended to attack his home the next day. With his sons, and his overseer, whose name was Fry, he defended his house, defeated the Tories and drove them off. As soon as they had left he sent his sons through a by-path to waylay and am- bush them, but before reaching the ambush the ene- my returned to the siege, and setting fire to a load of hay that was under a shed near the house they there- by set the house on fire. Capt. Felder put on some of his wife's (dothes and attenipted to escape, but was recognized by his boots as he jumped the yard fence and was filled with bullets. He continued his flight for several hundred yaids, however, and dropped from exhaustion and loss of blood just as he reaidied the woods. The same negro above mentioned was cutting ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 489 wood nearby and went to his master's assistance. He was not yet dead, and help being procured, he was taken to a place of safety where he lived a day or two before he died. In the fight he is said to have killed about twenty of the Tories with the assistance of Fry, his wife and servants loading the guns, while he and Fry shot. There are two old cannons used as corner posts in Oi'angeburg, that are said to have been used by him on the occasion of the siege of Orangeburgh by Sumter. However that may l)e, one of the guns has cut on it. ^•H. Felder 17S1" and the other has cut on it the mark PF. After the death of the father, his son, Henry Felder. commanded the company; and after the war this com- pany formed a part of the District militia.* It is also quite likely that another of these compa- nies was commanded by Capt. John Salley. On page 12 of Tarleton Brown's Memoirs the Cowpens of *'Cap- tain Salley" are mentioned, and in a grant of land made to him shortly after the Revolution he is called "Captain John Salley." These are the only docu- mentary evidences we have of the fact that he bore any title at all during the Revolution. Tradition has preserved two anecdotes of Capt. Sal- ley's Revolutionary life that are worth recording. He lived near the river swamp about half a mile from the village of Orangeburgh,! and one tradition is that whenever he slept at home a faithful old negro stood sentinel under his window, and whenever he heard the tramp of horses he jumped up and rapped on the window to warn his master. When thus warned he would slip out, and if be found that Tories were *kSee Bench and Bar, Vol. II, page 341. tHis grave and tombstone fjin be seen there now, near where his dweUing stood. 490 THE HISTORY OF abroad he would hie him to the rivei' swamp. This was probabl}^ when he had no troops with him. The other tradition is that he owned a very hne bhjoded horse which he very much feared the Tories would steal, so he carried him to his own house, the lower story of which was of brick, with a basement, or cellar. He took the horse into this basement and bricked him up in there, leaving st>me secret entrance through which food could be carried, and doubtless there were some sort of air holes, (Traditions never provide such things.) but, at any rate, the Tories found out the horse was there, and stole him out. This must have happened while the owner was absent, for, if he was as fond of horses as his numei'ous descend- ants are, (and he evidently was) he would have de- fended him with his life had he been present. Section 5. VarionH OpeiatioHs in South Caro/iiHf diniitf/ the War; and tlieir relation to Oiangehtmjh Dis- trict. From the commencement of hostilities up to Pre- vost's attempt on Charlestown, in May 1779, operations in South Carolina were confined to the coast and along the line of the Savannah river; with the exception of the two expeditions among the Toi"ies of the back- country in 1775, and the expedition against the Chero- kee Indians in 1776. Some account of these various operations has been given in the section on the 3rd regiment. While Clen. Lincoln lay with his army at Purisburg, in 1779, protecting our frontier from an invasion by the British from Georgia, Governor Rutledge con- ceived the idea of forming a grand militia camp at Orangeburgh, as is shown by the following extract from a letter written by Gen. Moultrie to Col. Charles ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 491 Pincl\ne3% dated at Pnrisburgh, March 2nd, 1779: "I observe in a letter from the governor to general Lin- coln, that he intends forming a camp at Orangebiirgh, of 2,700 men, the I3th instant: and that he also intends aug- menting them to 5,000. from Thomas', Lisle's, Neal's, and Williams' I'egiments, f ro n the Ninety-six regiment.* wdth- out interfering with the meas- ures necessary for defending the back country; I think all ^.^v. john uuxLEDGE.t seems to be secure thereabouts." The wisdom of establishing this encampment was questioned by Col. Charles Pincdvney (who was Presi- dent of the Senate and a member of the Council of Safety) in a letter to Gen. Moultrie, dated March 19th, as follows: 'T have received your favor of the 15th, and am glad to hear of the enemy bending their force downwards to Savannah; even though they should take a trip to our borders; especially as you say, you are of opinion we should manage them better there than where they are, w^hich opinion 1 think just; this movement 1 think should alter the orders for our grand camp at Orangeburgh, and place it nearer the capital for fear of a coup-de-main, I think you mili- tary men call it: and perhaps may be so soon: but at present it is the ruling opinion that the other place is near enough to receive succors from, in due time, should they be wanted. 1 wish it may be so"; and again on March 22nd, Col. Pinckney wrote Gen. Moul- trie: "His excellency has been obliged to pospone his *Willijunson's brigade. tBy courtesy of Everett Waddev ('oiupnny, publishers ChapmaiiV School History of South Caroliua. 492 THE HISTORY OF setting off for his camp until to-morrow noon: I am told that there are not above one thousand men in that camp; but tliat their number, in a few days, will be increased to double; and in due time, if orders are complied with, the given number (5,000) fixed on, may be there: be they more or less, T wish the camp had been ordered near Charlestown; and I in vain urged it should be so, but could not prevail: If you join me in opinion, T wish you would write the governor on it; for surely the present encampment at Orangeburgh, is, considering our present circumstances of expecting an attack here, much too far to give that necessary assist- ance that might be wanted." On March 28th Col. Pinckney wrote Gen. Moultrie: "You wish the post you just now left, may be rein- forced with militia; this, in my opinion cannot be conveniently done, otherwise than by detachments from the grand camp at Orangeburgh, under the gov- ernoi-, with whom no doubt, you will exchange a let- ter on the subject: he and his suite are now, and have been for several days past there,* and it is said his *Wliile iji Orangebiirijch, Gov- eriior Rntledge made his head- quarters at the house of Donald Bruce, wlio was at that time a member of the State legislature fiom Orange Parish. In July, 17.S1, when Lord Rawdon halt- ed for a few days in Orangel>urgh on liis return from tjje relief of Ninety-Six, he also made his headquarters in the Bruce house, hut it is reasonable to suppose that his Lordship did not find as warm welcome there as did the brilliant "Dictator", the 26th chapter of "The Forayers" to the contrary notwithstanding. Many years after tlie Revolution, after the death of the last of the Bruces, Mr. Daniel Larey bought the house, which stood at the southeast THE BRUCE HOUSE. FROM PHOTO BY T. H. HITCHCOCK. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 493 Camp is growing very strong, but I cannot inform you of particulars." From his headquarters at Orangeburgh, Governor Rutledge, on April 5th, wrote to Gen. Williamson: '"You will oi'der the prisoners of war, those who are accused of sedition, now in Ninet3^-six goal, to be safe- ly conducted under a sufficient guard to this place." The prisoners were ordered to Orangeburgh, '"as a place of greater security", says Gen. Moultrie in his Memoirs. Early in April Gen. Moultrie, at Gen. Lincoln's request, visited Orangeburgh to consult with Governor Rutledge. On his return to Black Swamp he i^^^^^rs.^ wrote as follows, to Col. Pinckney: "I have the pleasure to inform you, that I returned from Orangeburgh three days ago, after a ride of two hundred -^^r and twenty miles, a very fatiguing «kn. moultrie. jaunt, both to ourselves and horses, we were (Mr. Kin- lock and myself) gone six days; one day we staid with the Governor, and the others in traveling. We expect Col. Simons here to-morrow, with one thousand men of all ranks: this will be a reinforcement to us that will be very acceptable. The Governor has promised more as sijon as they can be collected. I was sorry to see so few" (three or four hundred) "left at Orange- burgh after this detachment mai'ched off; though Col. Neal lay about four miles off", with two hundred and eighty men of his regiment, and was to march in that morning." And on the same day Gen. Moultrie wrote corner of Windsor and Bull ( now Dibble) Streets, and moved it down on the "Five Notch" road about two miles below Orangeburg, where it now stands. It is now the property of Mrs. Lawrence S. Wolfe. In the 2Hth, 29th and 32nd chapters of "The B'orayers", Wm. Gilniore Simms has woven an interesting bit of romance about this historic old house. *By courtesy of Everett Wsiddy Company, publishers ("hnpman's 8chool History of South Carolina. 494 THE HISTORY OF as follows, to Governor Rutledge: "I have the honor to inform yon, that we arrived at our camp two days ago; nothing extraordinary have happened since we left it: they are much pleased to hear of the reinforcement (1,000) you have sent, and that they are on their march; we expect them here to-morrow. I hope ere long you will send us such another." On April 29th Lieutenant-Governor Bee wrote to Gen. Moultrie: "The Governor is again returned to Orangeburgh, from whence T hope he will he able to send to Gen. Lincoln", &i'.: and on May Lst, while Pre- vost was on his march towards Charlestown, Gen. Moultrie wrote, from Coosohatchie. to Gen. Lincoln: "I have sent dispatches to the Gov. at Orangeburgh, and to Charlestown." That sent to Charlestown was to request two or three hundred Continentals; that to Orangeburgh, dated May 1st, was as follows: 'T have here w-ith me about 1,200 men: I wish your excellency would reinforce me speedily; and with as many field- pieces as possible." On the same day Gen. Moultrie received a letter from Lieutenant-Governor Bee say- ing; "Yours of the 29th Api-il, directed to the gover- nor came to me this morning; 1 have sent it forward by express to Orangeburgh, fiom whence, if necessary, 1 make no doubt you will be reinforced." On May 2nd Gen. Lincoln wrote, from Silver Bluff, to Gen. Moultrie: "I have wiitten to the Governor at Orangeburgh, and requested that he would leinforce you by the militia, intended for this army, and Major Gri m ball's artilleiy"; and on the same day Gen. Moul- trie wrote to Gen. Lincoln, from Coosohatchie: "I have sent express to the goveinor at Orangeburgh, and to Charlestown. to hasten up the militia to this place." On the same day Governor Rutledge sent Gen. Moultrie a dispatch from Orangeburgh saying that he had written to the Lieutenant-Governor to ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 495 send Horry's horse to Gen. Moultrie, &c. Lieut. Gov. Bee also wrote to Gen. Moultrie on the same day, say- ing that he had no doubt hut that the governor would send reinforcements "as speedily as possible, from Orangeburgh"; and that the "reinforceuients must be from Orangeburgh". He further stated that lie had not heard from the governor since he (the governor) left town. From Tulifiny Gen. Moultrie wrote, at "6 o'clock P. M." on May 3rd, to Governor Kutledge at Orange- burgh: "[ this moment received yours; 1 was in hopes you wM)uld have acquainted me of a sti'oiig reinfoi-ce- ment marching to this place"; and again on the 4th he wrote to the Governor; "'l hope your excellency will hasten your light troops to reinforce me", and to Gen. Lincoln; '"I expect the governor will join me to- morrow from Orangeburgh with the Charlestown artil- lery; as to w'hat militia he hnd I cannot inform you." On the 5th he wrote again to Gen. Lincoln: "1 shall endeavor to make a stand at Ashepoo: as I will ex- pect the governor will join me there." On May 3rd Lieut, Gov. Bee wrote: ''Twenty-two of Horry's light horse, marched this afternoon for your camp and will hurry on the party, that went to Orangeburgh with the Governor, who are just re- turned." On Sunday evening Governor llutledge wrote, from Orangeburgh, to Gen. Moultrie: "In consequence of your advice, received this afternoon; I will march with Grimball's artillery, and all the force we have here (except about 50, who must remain; and 50 more, who go as an escort to the waggons with corn, &c. for Gen. Lincoln's camp) as soon as possible, to reinforce you. 1 hope to get off to-morrow, and no time shall be lost on the mandi. You will, without doubt, take every step in your power, to pro<'ure all the i-einforce- 496 THE HISTORY OF ments yon caD, and throw ever}^ obstruction in the way to annoy the enemy, and prevent their progress and ravages." From "Edisto saw-mills, at Mr. Charles Elliot's, 12 miles below Orangeburgh", Governor Rntledge wrote, on Wednesday morning, to Gen, Moultrie: "We began our march, with what force we could bring from Orangeburgh, yesterday morning, for your camp; and shall proceed as quickly as the weather and the roads will admit. T hope to bring up, and have very close after me, 500 men (exclusive of officers) horse, foot, and artillery. 1 received yours dated 3d of May at 6 o'clock, about 11 last night; I hope you will be able to withstand the enemy, or stop their progress. I shall send Allston's,* and some other horse, as soon as they come U13 (which I expect to day,) a-head. to join you. T have sent another express for the Catawbas. 1 hope to see you soon." On Thursday the Governor wrote, from the same point: "Some hours ago, on the march hither, I re- ceived yours of last night; and soon after, a letter from Major Butler; in which he says, he heard the enemy were at Ashepoo: therefore, as I think we can- not possibly assist you at Jacksonburgh (it being 24 miles from hence) I have ordered the troops hei'e, to cross the river, (they being now on this side) and pro- ceed, by forced marches, to Charlestown, over four- hole and Dorchester bridges, 1 think you had better move . . , when you do, move, down by Dorchester. You will continue to throw ol)struction in the enemy's way, and advise me of these, and your motions, by ex- *Oii page 432 of his ''Meiiioir.s", (vol. i) Creti. Moultrie says: "On my retreat from Blaek-swanii), Colonel 8eiif, feom the governor's camp, Orangehurgh, joined me at Ponpon I)ridge, with the racoon eompany, commanded by Captain .John Allston, of about fifty men on horseback." ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 497 press to Charlestown; foi- which I atii just setting off; 3'ou will give all uecessaiy orders for destroying bridges, &c." In his ''Memoirs", under date of May 8th, Gen, Moul- trie writes: "At this time there never was a country in greater confusion and consternation; and it may he easily accounted for, when 5 armies were marching through the southern parts of it, at the same time, and all for different purposes: myself retreating as fast as possible to get into town, at first with 1,200 men; but reduced to 600 before I got near the town; the British array of 3,000 men commanded by Gen. Provost in pursuit of me: and Gen. Lincoln with the American army of 4,000, marching with hasty strides to come up with the British: Gov. Rutledge from Orangeburgh, with about 600 militia; hastening to get to town lest he should be shut out; and Col. Harris, with a detach- ment of 250 continentals, pushing on with all possible dispatch to reinforce me; and my sending two or three expresses every day to the governor and to Gen. Lin- coln, to let them know where I was; and to Charles- town frequently, to hasten their works and to prepare for an attack; in short it was nothing but a general confusion and alarm. And the militia from the north part of the country, from every parish making what haste they could to reinforce Charlestown; that I may truly say the whole country was in motion." On the 9th and 10th the troops marched into Charles- town, and on the 10th General Moultrie issued orders making disposition of his troo[js on the lines. The country militia were ordered to occupy the left wing. On the morning of 1 1th a detachment of the enemy appeared near the lines. They were attacked by Count Pulaski with his legion and some militia, but they were too strong for him and he lost a considera- ble number of his men before getting back within the 498 THE HISTORY OF lines, "(len. Provost's whole ainiy*', writes Gen. Moultrie, "soon appeared before the town gates, at the distance of about a mile, the advance of his army be- ing about Watson's house, in the afternoon; when I ordered the cannon at the gate to begin to fire, which stopped their progress: We continued at the lines, standing to our arms, all night, and serving out am- munition to the country militia; who only came in the day before, with the governor: we were in expecta- tion of their attacking us that night." On the next morning, in order to gain time for Lin- coln to come up, Governor Rutledge arranged a par- ley with the enemy through Gen. Moultrie. After gaining the whole day it was decided, principally by Gen. Moultrie, not to surrender the town but to "fight it out", and the truce was declared at an end; and Prevost, fearing that Lincoln would be upon his rear before he could take the city, withdrew that night, filed off to the left, and went to the sea islands. The following is the account Ramsay gives of this invasion of South Carolina by Prevost while Lincoln was up the Savannah river and Governor Rutledge en- camped in Orangeburgh:* "The series of disasters which had followed the American arms, since the landing of the British in Georgia, occasioned, among the inhabitants of South- 'Carolina, many well-founded apprehensions for their future safety." * * * * * :k .q^-^ ^^^^^ time of general alarm John Rutledge, esquire, by the almost unanimous voice of his countrymen, was called to the chair of government. To him and his council was dele- gated, by the legislature, power 'to do every thing that appeared to him and them necessarry for the publick good.' In execution of this trust he assembled a body *Rev'<)lutioii in Soutli Carolina, Vol. IT, pages 18 to :24. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 499 of militia. This corps, kept in constant readiness to march whithersoever public service might reciuire, was stationed near the centre of the state at Orange- burgh. From this militia camp colonel Simmons was detached with a thousand men to reinforce general Moultrie at Black-Swamp. The original plan of pen- etrating into Georgia was resumed. With this inten- tion general Lincoln marched with the main army up the Savannah river, that he might give confidence to the country.'' * * * "^ small force was left at Black-Swamp and Purysburgh for the purpose of defending Carolina". * * * "General Prevost availed himself of the critical time when the Ameri- can army was one hundred and fifty miles up the Sa- vannah river, and crossed over into Carolina". * * * * * ''Lieutenant-colonel Mackintosh, who commanded a few continentals at Purysburgh, not being able to oppose this force made a timely re- treat. It was part of general Prevost's plan to attack general Moultrie at Black-Swamp, to effect which he made a forced march the first night after he landed on the Carolina side, but he was about three hours too late. General Moultrie had changed his quarters, and being joined by colonel Mackintosh's party took post at Tulifinny bridge, in order to prevent the incursion of the British into the state, and to keep between them and its defenceless capital." * * * * "The position of general Moultrie at Tulifinny was by no means a safe one, for the British might easily have crossed above him, and got in his rear. A gen- eral retreat of the whole force towards Charleston was therefore thought advisable." ****** "Governor Rutledge, with the militia lately encamped at Orangeburgh, had set out to join general Moultrie at Tulifinny bridge; but, on the second day of their march, advice was received of General Moultrie's re- 500 THE HISTORY OF treat, and that general Prevosst was pushing towards Charleston. This intelligence determined tlie gover- nor to march with all the force under his command to the defence of the capital." * * * * * * "General Moultrie's retreating army, governor Rut- ledge's militia from Orangehurgh, and colonel Harris's detached light corps, which marched neai-ly forty miles a day for tour days successively, all reached Charleston on the 9th and 10th of May. The arrival of such seasonable reinforcements gave hopes of a successful defence." The following extracts concerning these movements by Moultrie, Lincoln, Rntledge and Prevost are taken from Col. Henry Lee's ''Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department", (1812) pp. 82, 83: "Governor Rntledge, with the reserve militia, had established himself at Orangeburg, a central position, perfectly adapted to the convenient reception and distribution of this species of force, which is ever in a state of un- dulation. He was far on Prevost's left, and, like Lin- coln, was hors de combat". He goes on to describe Prevost's attack on Charles- town, and further says, pp. 83, 84: "The father of the State had removed from Orangeburg with the i-eserve, to throw himself into Charleston, if possible. What was before impossible, had become possible by the forty-eight hours' delay of Prevost. Rutledge joined Moultrie; and Charleston l)ecame safe". The next important movement was the attack on Prevost at Stono. Many of the "country militia", lately brought down from Oi'angeburgh by Governor Rutledge, were in that engagement. In September, 1779, when the French fleet, under Count D'Estaing, and the American army, under Gen. Lincoln, moved against the British, under Prevost, in Savannah, the militia of South Carolina were ordered ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 501 to asseml)le near Savannah. It is said — and it is doubtless true — that some Orangeburgh militiamen fought there. The next important event of the Revolution was the siege of Charlestown by the British under Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot, from February 11th to May 12th, 1780, when the city was formally surren- dered. "The capital having surrendered", says Ramsay, "the next object with the British was to secure the general submission of the inhabitants. To this end they posted garrisons in different parts of the coun- try." One of these posts was established at Orange- burgh. The brick court-house, which stood about where the old "Marchant House" lately stood, was fortified and a garrison placed in it. Another post was established at "Ninety-Six", and the old road now known as the "Ninety-Six" road was used by the British troops passing between the two points. An- other of these posts was established at Granby, in Saxe-Clotha Township, nearly opposite where Colum- bia now stands, where Friday's house* was fortified and garrisoned. At a later period of the war the houses of Mrs. Rebecca Mottef and Col. William Thomson (Bellville) were also seized and fortified as British posts. For about six weeks after the fall of Charlestown all military opposition to the progress of the British was practically suspended, but the British were not des- tinied to make an easy conquest of the State, for scarcely had the panic caused by tlie fall of Charles- town subsided before small bodies of militia arose in all parts of the State to harass the enemy, and, fortun- ately for the Southern States, Sir Henry Clinton *No\v known as the "Cayee House". tCalled "St. Joseph", afterwards known as Fort Motte. 502 THE HISTORY OF learned that a French fleet was soon expected about New York. This induced the Commander-in-Chief to re-embark for New York early in June, with the greater part of his arm}^ He left Lord Cornwallis as commander-in-chief in the South with about four thousand men. As early as July 12, a part of Sumter s militia regi- ment defeated a body of British troops and tories un- der Colonel Ferguson and Captain H ticks, respectively, in the up-country. Ferguson and Hucks were both killed. Col. Sumter soon raised 600 men and in less than a month fought two more battles with the Brit- ish at Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock. Col. James Williams, of Ninety-Six District, next defeated a con- siderable party of British and Tories at Musgrove's Mill on Aug. ISth. Various other little engagements were fought, with more or less snccess to the South Carolinians, during July and August. Meantime an army of continentals and North Caro- lina and Virginia militia, under Major Generals De Kalb and Gates, successively, had been marching to the relief of South Carolina; reaching this State in August they were joined by various bodies of South Carolina troops, and on the 16th, was fought the Battle of Cam- den in which Gates's army suffered defeat and rout. The British were very much elated over the victory at Camden, and again flattered themselves that all op- position in South Carolina was effectually subdued, but the spirit of independence was not to be crushed out in South Carolina, and the partisan organizations once more began to operate as Henry, of the Wynd, did, "'on their own hook". Scores of skirmishes and and fights took place in all parts of the State — some in Orangeburgh District, ah-eady mentioned — and the South Carolina patriots had all but redeemed the State from the hands of the British when Gen. Greene ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 503 arrived in the State from the North to complete the conquest. As an example of what this partisan warfare was, some accounts of the Revolutionary experiences of Tarleton Brown, of that part of Orangeburgh District which was afterwards formed into Barn w- ell District, taken from his "Memoirs", will serve. He relates that when troops were first called for in 1775, a draft was ordered in his section, and that he was among those drafted; and that they were marched to Pocataligo, then under command of General Stephen Bull*, where they were stationed about seven weeks. Nothing of importance happening his company was discharged and returned to their homes. Scarely had they got there, he writes, before there was another draft for the first siege of Savannah.f He escaped draft, but was employed by William Bryant to take his place. They embarked in an open boat on the Savannah River, Capt, Moore commanding the company, and passed down the river to Savannah, which they reach- ed in three days. He writes: "We passed some heavy and mortal shots at the enemy, which were re- turned with equal fierceness and more deadly effect". * * * * "We stayed at Savannah about seven weeks, and then returned to South Carolina, un- der the command of Gen. Bull." He then relates that having become attached to the army he enlisted in the regular service, in April 1776, at Fort Littleton, Beaufort District, commanded by Captain William Harden.:]: He next, in July 1777, left Capt. Harden and immediately joined Col. James Thompson's de- tach ment§ on Pipe Creek, from which point he went *He was only a colonel at that time. tFebruary, 1776. JState regulars — not Continentals. ^.Coi. James Tliompsun is mentioned in Gen. DeSaussure's pam- 504 THE HISTORY OF Oil an expedition to Georgia under Capt. John Mum- ford. In this expedition Muniford was wounded and John Booth killed. He next relates that during the tinal siege of Char- lestown, "Captain Mumford, in attempting to make his way to the American Army, was attacked at Morris' Ford, Saltketchie, hy old Ben John and his gang of Tories, In this encounter the poor fellow lost his lite, and a trner patriot and braver soldier never fell. He now sleeps at the foot of a large pine, on the left hand side of the main road to Barnwell C H., a few rods South of the bridge, just at the turn of the road from which you can see the bridge". * « * "In conjunction with Joshua Innjan and John Green, I raised a company of horse, which we called the 'Ran- gers,' with the view of scouting those sections of the country adjacent to the Savannah River, both in Geor- gia and Carolina, as occasion required." * % * * * » * * * * "A few^ months subsequent to this period, I withdrew frou) the 'Rangers' at Cracker's Neck, and connect- ed myself with a company of militia keeping guard at Burton's Ferry. We exchanged shots almost every day with the British and Tories, who were on the op- posite side (Georgia)." *****=;=* "On one occasion I was under the necessity of going- home on some important business. Soon after my ar- rival, a company of horse passed directly in front of our residence. My first impression concerning them was that they were a reinforcement of our guard at the ferry. phlet, and by the Journal of the Council of Safety, as having been commissioned as captain of the Round O company, of the Colleton County Regiment, Jan. 11, 177(5. As he seems by the above to have commanded a regiment in July, 1777, he must have raised it in the meantime in the section between theEdisto and the Savannah rivers. Major Bourguoin is mentiened as of Thompson's command. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 505 So soon as I had finished my l)usiness, I retarned with all possible speed, overjoyed at the prospect of an ac- cession to our numbers. On reaching the fort, to my astonishment, I found it completely evacuated. My reinforcement turned out to be a gang of Tories from Jackson's Branch, on the Saltl\atchie, commanded b}^ that famous old Tor3% Ned Williams. When they rode up to the ferry, the guard took them to be friends, and gave them a cordial reception, congratu- lating themselves upon so large an addition to their force. Thus they unconsciously and ignorantly de- livered themselves up to the enemy, and were taken across the river and placed in the hands of a large body of British and Tories, stationed at Harbard's store, about two miles from the ferry. The intelli- gence of this capture reached Col. Leroy Hammond at Augusta, who, without delay, marched down at the head of an effective force, and slew nearly the whole of the enemy, releasing and retui-ning with the Whig captives to Augusta, from whence my father, who was one among the number taken, came safely home". Following this the writer gives some idea of the toils and perils of the Carolina Whigs in those dark days, and then he goes on to tell of an expedition into Georgia, and upon the return to South Carolina he says: "We learnt that Capt. James Roberts, who had been scouting with a company on the Edisto River, had (wdiilst encamping for the night, by some treach- ery of the Tories,) been delivered into the hands of Col. Chaney and W^illiams, who cruelly butchered many of his men, Capt. Roberts and the rest escaping only with their lives. For this outrage we deter- mined to have satisfaction. So thirty-six men, myself among the number, immediately volunteered under Capt. Joseph Vince, a Hne officer and a brave soldier, to pui'sue these scoundrels, and to avenge the blood of 506 THE HISTORY OF our brave comrades. We overtook some of their number in what is called the 'Fork of Edisto River,' upon whom we visited summary and immediate jus- tice, killing five or six. From thence we proceeded to Captain Salley's 'Cowpens', a few miles distant. Whilst there our commander rode, unaccompanied, to a mill located near the house of the Pens. Here he was fired upon by several Tories lying in ambush hard by and seriously wounded by musket shot — in consequence of which he was disabled fronj doing duty for some time. This unfortunate circumstance interrupting our further march, we were compelled to retrace our steps and return to headquarters, Savannah River". The writer next describes how a band of one hun- dred and fifty Tories under Chaney and Williams murdered Adam Wood, one of his neighbors, and burned his house; and relates that after the outrage the Tories started towards Capt. Vince's station, on Savannah River, and that he (Brown) suggested to John Cave that they warn Capt. Vince of his danger, which they did. He states that as Yince's force num- bered only twenty-five it was thought best to abandon the fort, which was accordinglj^ done, and when the Tories arrived they found nothing. He then goes on: "Fi'om this point they turned towards their headquar- ters, on Edisto. In crossing Lower Three Runs, they stopped at the house of a Mr. Collins, a very quiet and inoffensive man, and far advanced in years, say about eighty-five. Whatever may have been the sentiments of this old gentleman, he njaintained a strictly neu- tral position, shouldering arms on neither side; yet those fiends of darkness dispatched him. with his head as white as snow by the frost of many winters, for an eternal world." He writes that he continued scouting in both Carolina and Georgia until the fall of Charles- town; that after the fall everything looked so dark and ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 507 gloom}^ in South (yarolina that his brother, Bartlet, and himself determined to refugee to Virginia until the outlook in Carolina should become brighter; but that they had scarcely reached Virginia when they learned that the Tories had been committing many outrages in South Carolina, "particularly in our own dis- trict. The substance of which was that McGeart and his company of Tories crossed the Savannah River from Georgia, at Sum merlin's Ferry (now called Stone's Ferry), taking the course of the river, and killing every man he met who had not sworn allegi- ance to the King, This notorious scoundrel passed in this trip through the neighborhood where my father lived, and brutally murdered seventeen of the inhabi- tants, among whom were my father, Henry Best, and Moore, leaving John Cave for dead, who afterwards recovered. They burnt my father's house level with the ground, and destroyed everything he possessed — my mother and sisters escaping by fleeing to the woods, in which they concealed themselves until the vile wretches departed. But the work of death did not stop here. This atrocious deed of the sanguinary McGeart and his band was shortly succeeded by an- other equally, nay, doubly cruel. The British Col. Brown marched down from Augusta with an over- whelming force of Tories and Indians, and taking their stand at 'Wiggins' Hill', commenced a slaughter of the inhabitants. The news of which reached the ears of those brave and dauntless officers. Cols. McCoy and Harden, who soon hastened to the defence of the terrified Whigs, and coming upon the enemy, charged upon them and killed and routed them to a man, Coli Brown escaping to the woods. Cols. McCoy and Har- den, having accomplished all that was required of them, retired from the held of action, after which Brown i-eturned with the residue of his force and re- 508 THE HISTORY OF took the 'Hill,' at which he remained until he hung five of our brave fellows — Britton Williams,* Charles Blunt, and Abraham Smith, the names of the other two not recollected — then he decamped for Augusta." The old veteran then relates that when Bartlet and himself heard of these outrages they at once returned to South Carolina to avenge the killing of their kin- dred; that at "Kingstree" they found Gen. Marion and joined his brigade. Account is given of several of Marion's engagements, and then the writer once more returns to his own district. He says: "On the first day of April, 1781, I left Gen. Marion on the Big Pee Dee River, in company with eighty others, forming a detachment under command of Cols. Harden and Baker, and Major John Cooper. The two last named oflicers were from Midway settlement, Georgia. There were also several other brave and energetic men who rendered themselves conspicuous in the war in our detachment, Fountain Stewart, Robert Salley, the Sharps and Goldings, fron) Georgia. Our route lay by the 'Four Holes'. Crossing the Edis- to at Givham's Ferry, we fell in with a man who as- sisted Brown in hanging the five brave fellows at 'Wiggins' Hiir. We gave him his due, and left his body at the disposal of the birds and wild beasts. Pur- suing our march, we came to 'Red Hill,' within about two miles of Patterson's Bridge, Saltkatchie. It was now^ in the night, but the moon being in full strength, and not a cloud to darken her rays, it was almost as bright as day. Near this place were stationed a body of Tories, commanded by Capt. Barton. They were desperate fellows, killing, plundering, and robbing the inhabitants without mercy or feeling. A company of men, commanded by Major Cooper, were now sent to *Britt<)ii Williams had been a riK'iulH'r of tiic State lejrislatiin-. 1 See page 276. ) ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 509 see what they could do with those murderers. In a few minutes after their departure we heard them fighting, which continued nearly one hour, when Cooper returned and told us he had killed the greater part of them, with but the loss of one man, John Stew- ard, from Georgia."* The writer then gives an account of the capture of Pocataligo by Col. Harden. The next day Col. Mc- Coy's detachment came up and the Brown brothers joined him and turned their faces once more toward home. On their way home they chased Ned Williams and his gang of Tories into Saltkahatchie swamp. Continuing he says: "Next morning we went up to the 'Big house,' now^ belonging to Col. Hay, and there found those of my father's family that the Tories and Indians bad left, whom we had not seen before for twelve months." After recounting various other expeditions iti which he and many of his neighbors took part he goes on to say: ''Although the war had closed, the Tories were still troublesome, plundering and occasionally killing the inhabitants." We now return to the regular army. After his do- *Extraet from a letter from Col. Harden to Gen. Marion: "Camp on Saltketcher, April 18th, 1781. '■'•Dear General: "This will be handed to you by Mr. Cannon, who will acquaint you of many particulars, which I can't mention at this present. — On Saturday, on the Four Holes, I came to a musterfield, where I took a Captain and 2-5 men, and paroled them, and on Sunday night got within six miles of Captain Barton, and six men to guard him. I de- tached Major Cooper and fifteen men who surrounded his house and ordered him to surrender, but he refused; a smart fire commenced and Major Cooper soon got the better, wounding Barton, who is since dead, and one other, killed three and took two prisoners. The Major got slightly wounded and one of his men, and lost a fine youth, Stewart, who rushed up and was shot dead." 510 THE HISTORY OF feat aiKl rout at Camden, in August 1780, Gen. Gates took a stand at Hillsborough. N. C, where he collect- ed up his scattered army, but moved down to Char- lotte at the end of 1780. On December 2nd, 1780. Gates was superseded by Major-General Nathanael Greene. Greene at once commenced operations. On January 17th, following, a part of Greene's force, un- der Gen. Daniel Morgan, won a signal victory over the British under Col. Tarleton, at Cowpens, and the Am- ericans began at once to recover much of their lost ground. Battle after battle was fought, with more or less success to the Americans, and within one year nearly every fortified position outside of Charlestown had been either captured or so harassed as to cause an evacuation of it. On February 19th, 1781, General Sumter crossed the Congaree in force and appeared before Fort Granby* * "Camp at Friday's Ferry, Feb. 20tli, 1781. ''Dear Sir: "Hurry of l)usine.«s ot)l]'«i:e.s me to he laeoniek. I arrived at this place yesterdaj' morning about lour o'clock. Shortly after, attacked the fort, with which I have been ever since engaged. Everything hitherto favorable, and have no doubt but I shall sucfved, if not in- terrupted by Lord Rawdon, who, T know, will strip his post as bare of men as possible to spare, to obviate which, as far as may be in your power, it is my Avish that you would be pleased to move in such a di- rection as to attract his attention, and thereby prevent his designs. Timely assistance in this way portends much good to this State. I have also to request that every- inhabitant of this State, westward of Santee be permitted to join their respective Regiments, or rather im- mediately repair to my station. I desired Col. Marshall, with what men Ave could collect to march down, eastAvard of Camden, and Avill probably fall in with you in good time. I Avish and l)eg that you Jiuiy suppress every species of plundering, as the greatest cA'ils to the pub- lick, as Avell as individuals, are experienced thereby. You cannot be too particular. The enemy oblige the negroes they have to make fre- quent sallies. This circumstance alone is sutticient to rouse and fix the resentment and detestation of CAeiy American Avho possesses com- mon feelings. I shall be happy to receive an account of the state of things to the East and NortliAvard. If you can, Avith propriety, ad- ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 511 in Orangeburgh District, and destroyed all the British stores. Lord Rawdon, then commanding the British forces in Sonth Carolina, immediately marched from Camden to the relief of Fort Granby, npon which Gen. Sumter retired. Of this attack Simms says, p. 209: "Such was the vigor with which he pressed the fort, that his marksmen, mounted upon a temporary struc- ture of rails, had reduced the garrison to the last straits, when they were relieved by the unexpected approach of succor under lord Rawdon, who appeared on the opposite bank of the river. Unable to contend with the superior force of the British, Sumter made a sudden retreat." Gen. Moultrie says, Memoirs, p. 273, that Gen. Sumter the next day "appeared before an- other British post near Col. Thompson's", which was probably "Bellville" itself. On April 25th, the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill took place near Camden, between the forces of General Greene and Lord Raw- don. On May 8th General Marion and Col. Henry Lee, of Virgin- ia, (father of General Robert E. Lee) crossed the Santee, and moved up to Fort Motte, and began their approaches,! which (,] x. i- k \n( is maiuon vauce Southwardly so as to co-operate, or correspond with me, it might have the best of conseciuences. "I am, dear sir, witli tlie greatest regards, "Your most obd't humble serv't, "Thos. Sumter. "P. S.— I am extremely short of ammunition: if you are well-sup- plied, should be much obliged to you to send some into the neighbor- hood of Buckingham's ferry."— Letter to Gen. Marion. *By courtesy of Everett Waddey Company, publishers Chaimian's School History of South Carolina. t "Head Quarters, Colonel's Creek, May 10th, 1781. "General Greene has this moment received information that the 512 THE HISTORY OF were carried on very rapidly until the 12th, wheFi the post surrendered.* Of the siege of Fort Motte, Gen. Moultrie says. Memoirs, p. 280: "They infornied Mrs. Motte, that they were afraid that they should be obliged to set fire to her house, which stood in the centre of the fort: she begged them that they would not consider her house as of any consequence in the general cause; and with great patriotism and firm- ness, presented them with an African bow, and quiv- enemy have eA'acnated Camden. They moved out this moriiinj? ear- ly, after destroying the mill, the goal, and their .stores, together with many private houses; Avhat may have induced this unexpected and precipitate movement is uncertain, hut the General is of opinion that the same motives which have induced Lord Eawdon to take this step will also induce the evacuation of all the outposts, which the enemy have at Ninety-.Six, Augusta and on the Conga ree. He begs 3'ou to take such measures as may prevent Ihe garrison at Mott'sfroni escap- ing. The army was to have moved to-morroAv morning towards Fri- day's Ferry. I will move that way still, though by a different route and perhaps more slowly. It is uncertain which way Lord Rawdon took his route; it was either to George Town or Charles Town and most prohaMy the latter. The Cleneral is lirmly of opinion tlie enemy will, if they can, evacuate all their out-posts. You will therefore take such measures as you think best calculated to prevent their design. "I am, sir, with high respect, "Your most obd't, most humble serv'f., "Nath. Pendleton, Aid-de-Canij)." — to General Marion. * "The 12th, Motte's fort sub.mitted to Gen'l Marion; the garrison consisted of upward of one hundred and forty men; one hundred and twenty were British or Hessians, with seven or eight officers. Tiie place had been invested the Sth; nor did it surrender till our troops had made their approaches regularly up to the abbatis; the redoubt was very strong, and commanded l)y Lieutenant M'Pherson, a very brave young officer. Great |>raise is due fo General Marion, and the handful of militia that remained with him till the reduction of the fort. Lieut. Col. Lee's Legion, and the detachments under Major Ea- ton, the artillery under Caj)t. Finlay, and tiie corps of Infantry under Captains Oldham and .^mith, were indefatigable in canying on the siege. There were found, in the fort, one carronade, one hundred and forty muskets, a (piantity of salt provisions, and other stores." — Ex- tract from letter from Gen. Greene to Samuel Huntingdon, Es(i., da- ted at "Camp at McCord's Ferry", May 14, 1781. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 513 er of arrows, and requested they would burn the house as quick as they could. With the arrows, and vskewers with combustibles tied to them fired from muskets, they soon put the house in a blaze; and the garrison commanded by Lieutenant MTherson* im- mediately surrendered at discretion. Mrs. Motte who had retired to a house at a little distance from her own, was extremely rejoiced at seeing the garrison surrender, although at the expense of her own elegant house." "Two days after this surrender", says Gen. Moultrie, "the British quitted their post at Nelson's-ferry,f on the south side of Santee-river, about sixty miles from Charleston, blew up their works and destroyed a great part of their stores. A few days after. Fort Granby, in Granb}', on Congaree-river, (which had been much harrassed by Colonel Taylor's regiment of militia) sur- rendered to Lieutenant Colonel Lee. J The garrison "I beg leave to return you iiiaiiv thanks for your politeness in transmitting to nie the letters wiiieh fell into your possession at Motte's house. Lieut. M'Piierson having mentioned to me that you proposed an exchange of the garrison taken at that post, I have only to ])romise, that an equal number of continental ofticers and soldiers shall be im- mediately set at liberty for all such as General Greene may think proper to send to Charleston." — Extract from letter from Lord Rawdon to Gen. Greene, May 14, 178L fNelsoii's Ferry is the point on the 8antee river where the dividing line between Cliarlestown and Orangeburgh districts commenced. JHead Ciuarters, Congaree, May 18th, 1781. "Sir: "I am directed by Gen'l Greene to inform you of the surrender of Fort (jrranby ; five pieces of iron Ordnance, nineteen officers and three hundred and twenty nine privates fell into our hands. The army will march this morning on the route to Ninety-Six. The General has directed General Sumter to continue at this post to command and organize the militia. You will be pleased to continue to harrass the enemv and to receive General Sunjter's orders. You will also arrange 514 THE HISTORY OF commanded by Major Maxwell, consisted of about three hundred and fifty men, most of then) militia: in all these different forts, the Americans took a large quantity of stores. Lord Ruwdon l)ping on the south side of Santee-river, marched down immediately to the relief of Fort Granby, but after marching fourteen miles, he met officers of that garrison on their way to town as prisoners of war, and paroled to Charleston; upon which, he returned." Oil May II th the post at Orangeburgh, consisting of seventy militia and twelve regulars surrendered to Gen- eral Sumter.* There is a tra- dition that Sumter came into town by the "Bellville" road, and that as he reached a spot on Russell Street about in front of where the Presbyte- rian Church is now he stopped and planted his cannon under a large oak tree which stood there then, and which stood there for upward of your Brigade with expedition, and be in readiness to eo-operate with this army, sliould an opportunity offer. "I am, with great respect, "Your most ol)d't. luinibie servant, "J. Burnet, Aid-de-Canip." — to Gen. Marion. *"On the 11th the post of Orangeburgh, defended by eighty men, un- der tlie command of a colonel and other otlicers, surrendered to Gen. Sumter, who, by his skill in the disposition of his Artillery and Troops, so intimidated the garrison, that the place soon submitted. We thus got possession of a very strong post, without loss either of men or time; a great quantity of provisions and other stores were found in it." — Extract from letter from Gen. Greene to Samuel Hunt- ingdon, Esq. GEN. THOMAS SUMTER. f fBy courtesy of Everett Waddey Company, pul)lishers Chapman's School History of South Carolina. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 515 one Imndrecl years after.* After firing a few shots from this position Gen. Sumter moved on down to a point on Broughton Street, about in front of the resi- dence of the late Harpin Riggs. There he placed his artillery under another large oak, which stood there, and was still there up to about 1S90. Froui this posi- *When the same tree was cut down, the following story concerning it appeared in an Orangeburg paper: "A Landmark Removkd.— The old oak that has stood in Russell Street, and shaded that thoroughfare during its whole career, that has been one of Orangeburg's primaeval landmarks since it has been a 'burg, has at last been felled. The grand old tree has been dead for several years, but has stood in the sunshine and the storm, grand even in its decay. Standing right in the road where General Sumter marched to attack tiie British garrison then occupying the jail, his ancient artillery rumbling over its roots, the old oak where it voiced, could tell of historic love. Separated from its hoary comrades of the forest, it has stood in the heart of our growing town, looking and smiling upon its iniprovements. At last in a green old glory, it has 'departed in peace.' "The town- councd has had it hewn down, and its massy trunk, riven by explosion, has been removed. In the summer afternoon; as the reports of the blasting reverl)erated on the air, they seemed a fun- eral salute over its remains. "So alas; must dear and grand old prejudices, smiling as if in re- luctant recognition of progressive change and advancement, pass away with things and systems of the past. "We publish below a beautiful poem, l)y Scribbler an occasional, and esteemed contributor: "THE OLD OAK. "When vengefully, the storms swept by. With maddening roar and livid sky. Was lit with flashings, (piick and dread. Thou'st held aloft, thy sturdy head Like Hector, when his noble dead. Around him countless lay. Defiant though the feo drove fast, Umnoved amid tlie wildest blast Thy stalwart limbs, stripped bare, and left Of every kindred soul bereft, And front with myriad gashings cleft, Yet braving up alway. 516 THE HISTORY OF tioii Gen. Sumter soon broiigbt the ganison to terms.* Gen. Sumter is said to have been assisted lr>y Capt. Henry Felder with his company of niilitia, and the two old cannons now standing in Oi'angebnrgh — one on the northeast corner of Russell and Church Streets and the other on the southwest coiner of Russell and Market Streets — are said to have been used by him io the siege. Of the events just narrated Simnis says, p. 226 et seq: "The fall of Camdeiif led to the rapid overthrow of the enemy's chain of posts below, and completed the recovery of the state lo within thirty miles of the sea. Greene, concluding after the evacuation of this place by Rawdon, that it would be the enemy's object to withdraw his posts on the Congaree, and concen- "How often have the birdlingj?- uuide. Their home within thy plenteous shade, A safe retreat, till icy breath, Of winter wrapped in early death, Thy pride, and scattered far bedeatii Ty tendrils clinging fast. Changes thou'st seen, of hope and dread Thou'st borne, and wept thy nuniereus dead Thou'st won the fight, 'gainst many a storm, Yet time hath gnarled thy giant form And age hath fed the wasting worm. And death exults at last." * Captain Thomas Young, a Revolutionary soldier, Avho was still living in 1848, wrote an account of some of his experiences, and, among other things, says: "T joined a detachment of whigs, under Colonel Brandon, and scouted through the country until we reached the siege of Fort Motte. There I remained several days, when we joined a detachment, under Colonel Hampton, to take Orangeburg. The State troops out-marched us, for we had a piece of artillery to manage; we arrived the morning after them. As soon as the field- piece was brought to bear upon the house, a breach was made through the gable end — then another lower down — then about the centre, and they surrendered." t Lord Rawdon evaeuafedl'tundvn, on May lOlli, and gradually re- tired into Charlestown. ORANGEBUKG COUNTY. 517 trate them helov\' the Saiitee. dispatched expresses to Marion and Sumter, to prepare themselves for such an event. He, himself, ordering the army to pi'oceed by the Camden road for the Congaree, took an escort of cavalry and moved down in person to Fort Motte. At McCord's ferry he received the tidings of the capi- tulation of this place. Fort Motte lies above the fork, on the south side of the Congaree. The works of the British were built around the mansion house of the lady whose name it bore, and from which, in their savage recklessness of shame, the British officers had expelled her.* It was a noble mansion, of considera- ble value; but not of so much value as to abridge the patriotism of the high spirited owner. Defended by a strong garrison, under a resolute commander, the fortress promised to baffle for a long time the progress of the besiegers. Under these circumstances, Mrs. Motte, who had been driven for shelter to a neighbor- ing hovel, produced an Indian bow, which, with a quiver of arrows, she presented to the American com- mander. 'Take these,' she said, while presenting them, 'and expel the enemy. These will enable you to fire the house'. Her earnest entreaty that this course might be adopted, prevailed with the reluctant Marion. Combustibles were fastened to the arrows, which w^ere shot into the roof of the dwelling; and the patriotic woman rejoiced in the destruction of her property, wdien it secured the conquest to her countrymen." ********** "Driven out from their place of shelter, the garrison *Rev. C. ('. Pinckiiev, her great grandson, says, "Life of Thomas Pinckney", p. 81: "While comparative peace reigned, Mrs. Motte was invited to occupy a part of the house; but when hostilities were resumed on the arrival of Greene, and Marion and Sumter and other patriotic leaders were assailing the British and their allies, Mrs. JNIotte was removed to her overseer's residence." 518 THE HISTORY OF at Fort Motte was fon-ed to surrender/^ and the force under Marion was ready tor operation in other quar- ters. A portion of it, under colonel Lee, was immedi- ately despatched by Greene, as the vmu of the army, for the reduction of Fort Gran by. The fall of Fort Motte increased the panic of the British, and two days after that event they evacuated their post at Nelson's ferry, blew up the fortifications, and destroyed their stores. Fort Granby, after a l)i'ief conflict, was sur- rendered with all its garrison, consisting of nearly four hundred men. The terms aflbrded by colonel Lee, were greatly complained of by the Carolinians. These terms gave to the enemy the privilege of carry- ing off their baggage, in whi(di there was included an immense quantity of plunder. The approach of lord Rawdon, with all his army, is said to have hastened the operations of Lee, and to have led to the liberal concessions which he made to the garrison; but he has incurred the reproach of hastening the caj)itula- tion in order to anticipate the arrival of Sumter and the grand army. The siege had been begun some time before, by Sumter, who had left colonel Taylor with a strong party to maintain his position, while he made a sudden descent upon the enemy's post at Orangeburgh, in which he was thoroughly successful. Sumter, himself, conceived that he had suffered injury by the capitulation, in which nothing was gained but the earlier possession of a post which could not have been held many days longer, and must have fallen, without conditions, and with all its spoils, into the hands of the Americans. It was with bitter feelings that the whig militia beheld the covered wagons of the enemy, drawn by their own horses, which they * Another account, with illustrations, will t)c fouixl in Lossing's "P'ield Book of the Revolution" vol. 2, p. 477. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 519 knew to be filled with the plunder of their farms and houses, driven away before their eyes." The following is Lord Rawdon's account of these operations, extracted from his report to Lord Corn- wallis: "My first news, upon landing- at Nelson's, was, that the post at Motte's house had fallen. It was a simple redoubt, and had been attacked formally by sap. Lieut. M'Pherson had maintained it gallantly till the house in the centre of it was set in flames by fire ar- rows, which obliged his men to throw themselves into the ditch, and surrender at discretion. "But as Major M'Arthur joined me with near three hundred foot and eighty dragoons, I conceived I might, without hazarding too far, endeavor to check the ene- my's operations on the Congaree. On the 14th, at night, I marched from Nelson's, and on the evening of the 15th I reached the point where the roads from Congarees and M'Cord's ferry unite. Various infor- mation was brought to me thither that Greene had passed the Congaree, at M'Cord's ferry, and had pushed down the Orangeburgh road. The accounts though none of them positive or singly satisfactory, corres- ponded so much, that I was led to believe them, and the matter was of such moment, that it would not ad- mit of my pausing for more certain information; there- fore, after giving the troops a little rest, I moved back to Eutaws the same night, but hearing nothing there, I pursued ray march hither."* "The British", says Gen. Moultrie, "had now lost all their posts in the three Southern States, except that at Ninety-six, one at Fort Golphan, and one at Au- gusta, in Georgia."! *Chaiiestown. fFort Cornwall is. 520 THE HISTORY OF The day after the taking of (iraDby, (len. (jreene dis- patched Col. Lee with his legion to take Fort dol- phin,* and to assist Gen. Pickens and Col. Clark in the taking of Fort Cornwallis; while he proceeded with his niain force to Ninety-Six, before which he arrived on the 21st of May, 1781, and immediately began his approaches. The siege was continued until June 18th, when the approach of Lord Rawdon froiu Charles- town,! with reinforcements, compelled him to retreat across the Saluda and Broad rivers to a point above Winnsboro. The subsequent movements of the two armies are best described in the following letter, writ- ten by Adjutant-General Otho H. Williams to Maj: Pendleton, Aid-de-Camp to (len. (ireeue: "Camp Hills, Santee, July 16, 1781. "Dear Pendleton: "After you left us at Ninety-Six we were obliged to retrograde as far as the cross road« above Winus- borough. Lord Rawdon's return over Saluda induced the General to halt the army, and wait for intelli- *Whifh wii!^ (lone by Captain Rudolph, one of Lee's officers. t "Congaree, June Kjth, 1781. "Sir: "The enemy are yet advancing, are some distance above Orange- burgh, their force consideral)le; Ninety-8ix not yet taken; every- thing with respect to the siege going on well; tinje is all that is need- ed. I wrote to Gen'l Greene for amnuinition for you, which, if he furnishes, I will have forwanled to meet you. In one day more the enemy's designs imist be known, whether their object is Ninety-Six, or my party, to which they have already given much trouble in marching and counter marching. As their movements have been very singular and with uncommon caution, they are strong in horse. An express this moment from Gen'l. Greene; the post not reduced, but m a fair way. T am, sir, "Your most obd't. bumble servant, "Thos. Sumter." — to (U'U. Marion. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 521 gence respecting his further manoeuvres, and hearing a few days after that his lordship was on his march to fort Gra^b3^ our army was ordered to march towards that place by way of Winnsborough. Before we could arrive at Congaree, Lord Rawdon retired to Orange- bargh; and as he had left a considerable part of his army at Ninety-Six, (len. Greene detached the caval- ry and light infantry to join Gen. Marion, and endeav- or to intercept Col. Stewart, who was on his march from Charleston with the Third Regiment, &c., consisting of about three hundred, conveying bread, stores, &c., of which Lord Raw- don's troops were in great want. Stewart however joined his lord- ship at Orangeburgh; and Gen. iGreene, from the information he LORD RAWDON. \y^^\ i-ecclved, was encouraged to expect success from an attack upon the British army at that post. Accordingly he collected his troops, and called together the militia and state troops under Gen's. Sumter and Marion (Gen. Pick- ens being left to watch the motions of Col. Cruger). A junction of the whole formed a very respectable little army, which marched to a small branch of North Edisto,* within four miles ol Orangeburgh, where we halted, and lay the 12th instant from about nine o'clock in the morning till six in the afternoon. "Gen. Greene reconnoitred the position of the ene- my, and found it materially different from what it had been represented. The ground is broken, and natur- *Turkey Hill Branch on vv hat is now called the old Columbia road, in all probability. fBy courtesy of Everett Waddey Company, pub- lishers Chapman's School History of South Carolina. "^^v GEN. GREENE.f 522 THE HISTORY OF ally strong, from the Court-bouse (which is two stories high and built of brick*), to a bridge four or five hun- dred yards distant, the only pass over the Edisto with- in many miles. The general had every reason to be- lieve what he had soon afterwards confirmed, that Col. Cruger had evacuated Ninety-Six, and was on his march to join Lord Rawdon, which might possibly be done before we could force his lordship (if he could be forced at all) to a general action, — the issue of which was not certain. These considerations induced the General rather to offer than give battle. The enemy declined the opportunity, and put up with the insult. Gen. Greene, therefore, ordered our troops to retire in the afternoon to Col. Middleton's plantation, from whence we have proceeded by slow easy marches to this place, and not without leaving behind sufficient detachments to intercept their convoys from below, and to create such a diversion at Monk's Corner, Dor- chester, &c., as wall very probably oblige his lordship to march to their relief." Rawdon's operations were now confined almost- en- tirely within that extent of country which is enclosed by the Santee, the Congaree and the North Edisto. Within these limits, after the late retreat of Greene, Rawdon evidently resolved to canton his forces, but he soon found that the Americans were not to be shaken off. He was no doubt surprised when he found that Gen. Greene had not retreated a great way off, but had faced about to give him battle upon the Con- garee. Having divided his force, and left one part of it at Ninety-Six under command of Col. Cruger, he felt himself unequal to an encounter, but fell back before the approaching Americans to Orangeburgh, where he was sheltered on one side by the Edisto, and on the *That building was destroyed soon thereafter, or else Col. Williams mistook the jail for the Court House. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. " 523 other by strong buildings, little inferior to redoubts. But even these advantages might not have saved him, had not the approach of Cruger compelled Greene to withdraw. Cruger having joined him, Lord Rawdon left the post at Orangeburgh in command of Colonel Stewart, and, with five hundred of his troops retired into Charlestowu, the State troops dogging his foot- steps. Having succeeded in driving Rawdon from Camden, by striking at the posts below, Greene determined to pursue the same course to compel the evacuation of Orangeburgh. With this object in view he let loose in the country below Orangeburgh most of the State troops under Marion and Sumter. These so harassed reconnoitering parties, convoys, escorts and stragglers; so often captured or cut off supplies, and otherwise so annoyed Stewart that his situation at Orangeburgh was becoming precarious, although he had command of nearly three thousand troops. When Stewart moved, he took post near the junc- tion of the Congaree and Wateree rivers, but on the South side. He left a force at Orangeburgh, and Col. Lee, crossing the Congaree with his cavalry, penetrated between the main body of the British army and the post at Orangeburgh, and in sight of the latter place, drove in, dispersed and captured several of their de- tachments. The embarrassment produced by such operations; the great difficulty of procuring provisions; and the necessity of lessening his main army to strengthen his posts below; in order to cover his com- munications between Orangeburgh and Charlestown, rendered the position of Stewart still more critical. The concentration by Greene of most of his detach- ments at a general rendezvous, determined the move- ments of Stewart. Falling back upon his re-inforce- ments and convoys, he took a position at Eutaw 524 THE HISTORY OF Springs, about forty miles from Orangeburgh. He was followed by Col. Lee, who was pushed forward to watch his movements, while Gen. Pickens, with his South Carolina militia, advanced with a similar object, in the neghborhood of the enemy's post at Orangeburgh. Meantime, Greene crossed the Congaree, and moved down to Fort Motte,* where he resolved to discontinue the pursuit and await events. This hesitation seemed to determine Stewart. Halt- ing at Eutaw, he withdrew the garrison from Orange- burgh, and establishing it at Fairlawui Barony,t he pre- pared for a fight. Greene being joined by Marion, fol- lowed up, and on September 8th, 1781, the battle of Eutaw was fought.:|: Although the action was inde- cisive Stewart retreated towards Charlestowni. And though he succeeded in escaping from his pursuers, the British power in South Carolina was completely pros- trated by the battle of Eutaw. Meanwhile intelligence reached the South that Corn- wallis contemplated returning from Virginia to Caro- lina by land. A movement of Stewart seemed to con- firm the report. Having strengthened his army he returned to Eutaw. * "Near Ferguson's Swamp, Sept. 11, 1781. "In my dispatches of the 25th of August, I informed your excellen- cy, that we were on the march to Friday's Ferry, with tlie intent of forming a junction with the troops of the State and the corps of mili- tia that were assembled, and to attack tlie Englisli army, encamped near M'Leod's Ferry. "On the 27th, upon our arrival there, I received advice tliat tlie eneniy had retired. We passed tlie river at Howell's Ferry, and our tirst post was Motte's plantation, where T learnt that the enemy had stopped at Eutaw Springs, about forty miles from us." — Gen. Greene to the President of Gongress. fThe plantation of Sir James Golletoii, who — by the way — sided with the Americans. JEutaw Springs are situated just across the line that then separated Orangeburgh and Charlestown districts. COL. HENRY LEE (tEN. ANDREW PICKENS. [By permission, from \Vel)er"s History of Soutli Ciiroliua, Ginu & Company, Publishers.] ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 525 The advance of the British to Eutaw did not, on their part, result in any increase of vigor. They took post at Fludd's plantation, three miles above Nelson's ferry. Their force of over tv\'o thousand was so much larger than Greene's that it gave the enemy the undivided command of the country to the South of the Santee and Congaree, and westward to the Edisto. But Greene received reinforcements and within two months of the battle of Eutaw was again ready to act. Marion was ordered to operate between the Santee and Charlestown, and Sumter, with his brigade of State troops, and some companies of his militia brigade, was ordered to take post at Orangeburgh and defend the country against the loyalists from Charlestown.* Gen. Sumter crossed the river in the beginning of November, and advanced upon the enemy. He soon fell in with a strong party of Tories under Gen. Robert Cuningham, who had advanced upon Orangeburgh, and one of his officers, a Major Morris, suffered him- self to fall into an ambuscade, in which he sustained some loss. The forces of Sumter and Cuningham *"Geii Sumter has orders to take post at Orangeburg, to i^reveut the Tories in tluit quarter from conveying supplies to Town, and liis ad- vance i^arties will penetrate as low as Dorchester; therefore you may act in conjunction with him" &c. — Extract from a letter from Gen. Greene to Gen. Marion, Nov. 5, 1781. "Gen. Sumter is gone to take post at Orangeburg." — Greene to Marion, Nov. 11, 1781. "Orangeburg, Nov. 23, 1781, "Sir: "I have some reason to tliink Gen. Greene don't mean to move downward until the lower posts are well explored, and the number and situation of the enemy accurately ascertained." * * * * "The enemy in this quarter are numerous in horse, but not formid- able."— Sumter to Marion. "Would you wish to have a part of tlie militia of Gen. Sumter's Brigade? tliey are at Oi'angeburgh and Four Holes— please to infonii me. I suppose you have heard of the General's resignation; Col. Henderson is thought of to succeed liim." — Gen. Greene to Gen. Ma- rion, March 1, 1782. 526 THE HISTORY OF being nearly equal, operated as mutual checks upon each other. Cuningham, who had issued from Charles- town on a pillaging expedition into the upper coun- try, was checked in his progress; while Sumter, to con- tinue this restraint upon his enemy, and maintain him- self in safety, fell back for the present, and secured himself by a carefully selected position. About this time the news of the fall of Cornvvallis at Yorktown reached South Carolina. It gave confi- dence to Greene and caused Stewart alarm. On November ISth, Greene struck camp at the High Hills, and took up the line of march on the route by Simons's and McCord's ferries, through Orangeburgh, to Riddlespurger's; thence by the Indian field road to Ferguson's mill, wdiere that road crosses the Edisto. The remainder of Greene's operations were to the South of Orangeburg District. The country from the Edisto to the Santee became thrown open in conse- quence, for a time, to the ravages of the enemy: and a party of Tories, under the command of William Cun- ingham, ("Bloody Bill.") escaped from the lower coun- try, passed through Orangeburg District, and ascended the Saluda with a body of three hundred horse.* By the beginning of the year 1782 the British held no posts outside of Charlestown, but they did not for- mally retire from that city until December 14th, 1782. In the meantime about the only warfare waged in South Carolina was that waged between Whigs and Tories. Several events of this warfare have been re- corded. Two by Eh'. Johnson, in his "Traditions'", con- cern us. Of the first of these he says, p. 54S: *Dr. Johnsdii, says, p. 505: "Tt is supposed, that wlien Bill Cunning- ham made liis bloody incursion into tlie up-country, in 17S1, his aim was to surprise and capture Haminond." (Col. Samuel.) But on the other hand he did not surprise Hammond, hut was worried by him until Gen. Pickens joined Hammond and chast'd Cuiiin,i>ham from the Saluda to Orangeburgh. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 527 ''Near the close of these troubles in South-Carolina, in May, 1782, Captain Watson* heard of a body of to- ries in Dean's Swamp, near Orangeburg, and, in con- junction with Captain William Butler — his friend and neighl)or — it was dertermined to attack them. Wat- son's men were mounted militia, armed with rifles and muskets; Butler's command were cavalry, armed with pistols and cutlasses. In order to surprise the tories, the associates marched forward at sunset with great rapidit}^ captured a disaffected man, named Hutto or Hutton, and hurried him along with them under guard. As they approached the tory encampment, Hutton made his escape, and gave notice to the tories of Watson's approach. They immediately paraded in ambush to surprise and oppose the whigs. When Button's es- cape was reported to the two captains, Watson declared his opinion that the expedition should be abandoned, but Butler, for various reasons, thought otherwise, and they accordingly continued to advance. When they approached the edge of the swamp, two men were ob- served, as if endeavoring to hide themselves. Butler, Watson, and Sergeant Vardel — a very brave man — rode rapidly forward to capture them. Watson first discovered that these men were only a decoy, and, w^hen too late, w^arued the others that the whole of the tories were there concealed. They arose, on being dis- covered, and poured on their assailants a well-directed fire, which brought down Watson, Vardel, and several others of the foremost whigs. Although sorely galled, Butler brought off' the wounded men, and now found, to his mortification, that the infantry had little or no ammunition left, and that the enemy were advancing upon him with double his numbers. In this emergen- cy, he appointed a brave young man, named John *Micliael Watson. 528 THE HISTORY OF Corley. his liententant, and made a desperate charge on the enemy's line, so unexpectedly as to throw them into confusion. He pressed on them so hotly, n)ing- ling in their disoi'dered ranks, and hewing them down with his broad swords, that they had not time to rally — their superior numbers only increased their confu- sion and destruction. Butler continued his impetuous attack, until the tories took refuge in the swamp. As the whigs returned in triumph, the gallant Vardel made an effort to rise and wave his hand in hurra, but fell immediately and expired. They buried him — where the brave are proud to lie — on the field of vic- tory. "Watson survived until the Americans reached Orangeburg. In that village he was buried with the honors of war, and his grave was w^atered with the manly tears of his fellow soldiers. "The following in(;idents occurred in this expedition to Dean's Swamp. A smart young man, who had never been engaged in battle, was very anxious to become an officer in Watson's company, and very desirous of distinction. He was elected, and advanced in his com- mand very gallantly to the attack mounted on a beau- tiful filly. When the enemy were discovered, he dis- mounted with the rest, and having hitched his horse, was advancing on foot, when the tories rose and de- livered their destructive fire. Seeing the number that fell with Captain Watson, the young officer's courage suddenly evaporated from his fingei- ends. He tui'ued his back, and, forgetting his hoi'se, becanie more dis- tinguished in the flight than in the fight, and never stopped until he reached home, spreading a report that the party had been ambushed and all killed but him- self. The horse was saved by those who brought off' the wounded. When they reached Orangeburg, find- ing that the owner would not return to claim her, the}' ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 529 sold the mare, and expended the money in rum and other i-efreshments/' In the sketch of Captain James Ryan to be found in Johnson's "Traditions of the Revolution" the follow- ing paragraph concerns us: "In the latter part of the year 1782, while advancing with his usual impetuosity, and perhaps too much temerity, upon a party of tories that v^ere encamped near Orangeburg, he received a musket ball in his shoulder, which he carried to his grave. Not at all disconcerted or discouraged, although unable to pro- ceed, he ordered, with great presence of mind, his first lieutenant, William Butler, to lead on the attack and continue the pursuit." This warfare between Whigs and Tories did not even end with the war, though waged without the sanction of the law. But at any rate we will consider the Revo- lutionary war as closing in South Carolina, and in Orangeburgh District, on the day when the British vessels containing the British army sailed out of Charleston Harbor, Deceniber 14th, 1782. "Three hundred noble vessels Rose on the rising' flood, Wherein with sullen apathy Knibarked those men of blood." The following list of battles fought on the soil of what is now Orangeburg County, was kindly furnished by General Edward McCrady from the manuscript of his forthcoming volume on the history of South Carolina during the Revolutionary period: 1. Thomson's Plantation, 22 and 23 February, 1781. Sumter attacks British post at, is repulsed, but next day captures wagon ti"ain and guards on way to Raw- don. 2. Orangeburg, 11 May, 1781. Sumter attacks Brit- ish post at, and makes captures. 530 THE HISTORY OF 3. Fort Motte, 12 May, 1781. Taken from the Brit- ish by Marion and Lee. 4. Forks of the Edisto, May, 1781. Captain Con- naway Royal Militia of Orangeburg attacks Whig par- ty, kills many and disperses rest. 5. , November, 1781. Maj. Morris, Whig, is surprised and defeated by Tories under Cun- ingham, 6. , 27 November, 1781. Colonel Richard Hampton is surprised and defeated by Tories under Cuningham. 7. Dean Swamp, May, 1782. Captains Watson and Butler attack Tories. Led into ambush. Watson and Vardell killed, Butler defeated. Section 6. The Germans and Scotch of Orangehargh in the Revolution. The German people who resided in Orangeburgh Dis- trict have never received justice in regard to their con- duct during the Revolution, at the hands of any of our historians, and for that reason outside historians have been free to declare that the large German settle- ments in South Carolina were of Tory sentiments. On this subject Lorenzo Sabine in his work, "Amer- ican Loyalists", says, speaking of the conduct of South Carolina in the Revolution: "The population, com- posed as it was, of emigrants from Switzerland, Ger- many, France, Ireland, and the northern colonies of America, and their descendants, was, of course, defi- cient in the necessary degree of homogeneity, or same- ness of nature, to insure any considerable unanimity of political sentiment." After giving the above as one of the principal reasons why the people of South Car- olina were not true to the cause of Independence, Sa- bine continued by making many asserfioihs to the effect ORANGEBUEG COUNTY. 531 that South Carolina's conduct was reproachful, but proved nothing. In his admirable pamphlet, "South Carolina in the Eevolution", Mr. Simms refutes many of the slanders of Sabine, but even he has fallen into the error, that so many otiier historians had fallen into, in regard to the conduct of the German and Scotch elements of our population. Mr. Simms says on p. 17 of his pamphlet: "The Scotch, a people remarkable for their loyalty, were naturally with Great Britain. The German pop- ulation found no arguments equal to the conclusive fact that George the Third was a Prince of Hanover," Again on p. 71 he says: ''Her numerical force was lessened by the Scotch, German and Quaker settle- ments of the interior all of which were loyalists." Dr. Joseph Johnson, in "Traditions of the Revolu- tion", pp. 101-2, makes the same error. He says: "The Germans in South Carolina generally refused to take part in the revolution, either for or against the govern- ment, saying that the King was of German descent, and that they did not understand the dispute." Quotations from other historians might be cited, but these will suffice. Now. the bulk of the German people of South Caro- lina lived in the districts of Orangeburgh and Ninety- Six — that part of Ninety-Six now embraced by New- berry and Saluda counties. This work does not concern the conduct of the Ninety-Six Germans, but extensive research as to the conduct of the Orangeburgh Germans, shows that among them were some of the truest Whigs in South Carolina, and we must insist that only a very small percentage of them were Tories, outlaws or neutrals. A careful examination of the Giessendanner Record, given in the second chapter of this work, will disclose the names of the German families of Orangeburgh 532 THE HISTORY OF District. A comparison of those uaiues with those to be found on various Revolutionary documents will show that prominent representatives of almost every one of those families were ardent Whigs, and as the same men had been leaders among their fellow-coun- trymen before the Revolution Ijegan, it is reasonable to suppose that their leadership was still followed dur- ing the Revolution, especially when we consider that as a race the Germans are particularly given to stick- ing together and following their leaders when in a foreign country. We see illustrations of that before our very eyes almost daily. Again we have seen that at least two strong mili- tary organizations existed among the German Whigs in the immediate vicinity of Orangeburgh village, and the only roll extant (so far as we know) of one of those companies contains about sixty German names out of a total membership of sixty-five. That there were other German soldiers fighting in other branches of the service it is reasonable to suppose; else why should Governor Rutledge have selected Orangeburgh, as his headquarters in 1779, and as the place of ren- dezvous of the militia, if it w^as not a Whig strong- hold? And from the letter of Col. Charles Pinckney to Gen. Moultrie, of March 2nd, 1779, (p, 491,) we infer that Governor Rutledge expected to raise 2,700 men in the vicinity of Orangeburgh, and with four Ninety- Six militia regiments added, he expected to have a force of 5,000. We have shown that from his camp at Orangeburgh he detached, on the 13th of April, 1779, Col, Simons with a thousand njen to Gen. Moultrie at Black Swamp, and yet retained a force of six or seven hundred men. We have also seen that after sending out several detachments, amounting to one or two hundred men in all, he joined Gen, Moultrie in Charlestown with about 600 militia. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 533 From the proofs already furniHhecl, it is quite cer- tain that Orangebnrgh District furnished a large mili- tia force during the Revolution, and as a large per- centage of the inhabitants of the District were Ger- mans, then a large percentage of the militia of the District must necessarily have been Germans. And of the large militia force assembled in 1779, by Gover- nor Rutledge, right in the heart of this, the principal German settlement in South Carolina, surely a good proportion of it niust have been from the country around, and as a very large majority of the people around there were German people, then a fair propor- tion of the Orangeburgh militia with Governor Rut- ledge must have been Germans. We have likewise seen that many of the regulars in Thomson's regiment were from Orangeburgh, and many of these were necessarily Germans also. The same thing may be said of the company of fifty men recruited by Capt. Thomas Pinckney in Orangeburgh in Jul3% 1775. And here it may be proper to ask why Capt. Pinckney went among the Germans to recruit if they were op- posed to the Revolution, and how it happened that he secured three fourths of his men from among them? And in Col. Row^e's regiment; and in Col. Beard's mi- litia regiment; and in those three militia companies mentioned by Col. Thomson as existing in his imme- diate neighborhood; and in that militia company commanded by Capt. John Salley, there must have been some Germans. And of the four Continental veterans of Orange Parish who drew pensions from the United States government in 1S40, two were Germans, while the only one of St. Matthew's Parish was a Ger- man. General Knox, who was Secretary of War under President Washington, reported that during the Revo- lution South Carolina had furnished 35,507 enlistments 534 THE HISTORY OF to the Continental service. When we consider that the maximum white population of South Carolina for that period was only about 90,000* this seems incredi- ble. But as the war lasted seven years, and as the longest term of enlistment was for three yearsf and after that had expired, for six months or longer, or for the war, many had a chance to serve out a first en- listment and then re-enlist; a thing which they must undoubtedly have done. Again it must be taken into consideration that a small boy at the beginning of the war was old enough to enlist long before the end of the war. South Carolina furnished fifteen regiments to *When the six regiments of Soutli Carolina regulars were first raised in 1775-76, the men enlisted therein were enlisted for three years, so that when, in 1776, these six regiments Avere taken into the Continental service they were already engaged for three years, al- though the Continental E'stablishment only required enlistments for six months at a time. This is one reason why Massachusetts could furnish 67,907 to South Carolina's 35,507. The New England States enlisted their regular troops for six months. The following note from page xviii of Drayton's Memoirs (vol. i.) will he of interest in this connection: "When the Congress began to consider of a Continental army, they were for leaving the army in Massachusetts, as belonging to the Colo- ny, which they were willing to pay — and besides, to raise a Conti- nental one. But the N Delegates said, this army has stood the brunt — you are willing to pay them — why deprive them of rank? Well, they were made continentals. The regulations came on next; the British, were proposed. No, said they, they have signed other arti- cles; and will you impose others upon them? And, this was yielded. The term, was next; the six months the NeAV-Englanders has enlist- ed for, was thought too short: no, said they, the war will be over in that time — besides, will you make these men serve longer, than they have agreed for? Well, then, they were answered, rescind the re- solve for making them continentals. No. And thus it was, that the ruinous policy of' short enlistments obtained. — This from J. Rut- ledffe. ' ' tin 1774, the population of South Caroli^ia was estimated bj' the Continental Congress at 225,000; but that included the negroes, and negroes did not, strictly speaking, count in^jjopufation (but as proper- ty) in that day — a Republican "Committee on Elections" was, a thing, at that time, yet to be created. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. 535 the Continental service, and besides, she was never with less than three militia brigades of her own — sometimes five. So that with her Continentals, mili- tia, State troops, (which sometimes acted as Continen- tals,) old men, women and children very few of her population of 90.000 were left for Tories or neutrals. Consequently, very few of the large number of Ger- mans in Orangeburgh could possibly have been else- where than with the Whigs. Eighteen men were appointed on the "Committee for carrying into execution the Continental Associa- tion" for Orangeburgh District in February, 1775; and of this number Henry Felder, Lewis Golson, Adam Snell. Christopher Zahn and Godfrey Drier were un- doubtedly Germans, while several other names on the list have a German sound. Surely if all of the Ger- mans were opposed to the Revolution, five Germans would not have been put on a committee of eighteen from one district alone. And again, in August of that same year, of the six members of the State legislature returned for St. Matthew's Parish, one, Henry Felder, was a German. Of the thirty-six justices of the peace for Orangeburgh District, appointed in 1776, five, per- haps more, were Germans. And on that grand jury, which in May, 1776, made such an able and eloquent presentment to Chief-Justice Drayton, the German names Felder, Leitner, Snell, Rickenbacker, Whet- stone, Crum and Drehr appear. Henry Felder was the foreman, and it is probable that he wrote the present- ment which speaks nothing but the loftiest words of Whig patriotism. Henry Felder was probably edu- cated in Zurich before he left that place, and was doubtless well able to write such a paper, since we have it as a traditionary joke that "whenever he got up in the legislature to present a bill it became a law before he sat down", from which w^e infer that he must 536 THE HISTORY OF have been a John T. Morgan in his day and time. (And there are those who seem to believe that the ability to say a great deal is really ability.) And if handwriting is any test of education then Henry Rick- enbacker, of the same jury, must have been educated, for he wrote a beautiful hand, almost like copy plate. There were doubtless many well educated Germans among the Orangeburgh settlers. Their pastor. Rev. Giessendanner, was characterized as "a man of learn- ing, piety and knowledge in the Holy Scriptures", and his book clearly shows that he was at least a man of learning. But to return to their immediate share in the Revo- lution. On the list of tax collectors for 1777, for Orangeburgh District, were the German names Felder, Stroul, Kaigler and Geiger. And on the Orangeburgh grand jury, that in 1778, presented as a grievance, "the want of a publick general test by which the foes may be distinguished from the friends of the American cause", and recommended that "the abjuration oath be made general", we find the German names Lewis Golson (foreman), Felder, Whetstone, Harrisperger, Rickenbacker, Drehr and Snell. Surely a loyalist, or a neutral who "did not understand the dispute", would not, in the first place, have been on the grand jury, or have signed such a presentment. And so on, throughout the war, we find a large per- centage of the civic officers of the district, Germans. Much to the same effect might be said of the Germans elsewhere in South Carolina, but this essay deals only with Orangeburgh District. Now, while the Cuninghams, Evan McLaurin, Moses Kirkland, John Stuart, Joseph Robinson, and other Scotch settlers of the "back country" were Tories, by no means all of the Scotch settlers of South Carolina were Tories. In fact the Tory eienient in South Caro- ORANGEBDRa COUNTY. 537 iina was confined to no special race or creed; they were representatives of every nationality then settled in America, and they were usually either the latest arrivals, or the scum of the ante-Revolutionary socie- ty; while the majority of them were the ^'driftwood" of the Northern colonies. But in Orangehurgh Township there were several ti'ue and tried Scotchmen whose names were scarcely ever absent from the council rolls of the State during the Revolution. Among these were Col, Christopher Rowe, Henry Rowe, Sanjuel Rowe, and Donald Bruce the latter of whom had. up to 1774, been a mer- es, 191, Brunson, John, 128, 156. Brunson, Jonathan, 127, I(J7, Brunson, Martha, 127, 167. Brunson, Martha, (2), 166, Brunson, Mary, 167. Brunson (Brunzon), name, 31, Brunson, Peter, 152. Brunson, Rachel, (1), 128, 156. Brunson, Rachel, (2), 128. Brunson, Rebecca, 167. Brunson, 8amuel, 167. Brunson, Sarah, 152. Brunson, Sin-ah, 128. Brunson, Susannah, 166. Brunson, WilHam, 152, Brunson, William, son of John, 156. Buchanan, Capt. John, 386. Buester, Anna, 99. Buester, Ulrick, 99. Bull, John, Provincial Secretary, 7. Bull, Lieutenant-Governor Wil- liam, 2, 6, 37, 54. Bull, orPhul, Peter, 227. Bull, Gen. Stephen, 264, 324, 469. Bullinger, 36. Bull Swamp Road, 11, 65. Bunch, Elizabeth, 132. Bunch, Gideon, 134. Bunch, Mary, 132. Bunch, Maiy, daughter of Paul, 132. Bunch, name, 32, Bunch, Naomy, 119, 132. Bunch, Paul, 109, 132, Buph, Joseph, 104. Burdell, Eliza V)eth, wife of John, 129, 139, 16^, I7S. Burdell, Elizjibeth, daughter of John, 129. Burdell, John, 4, 8, 116-17, 129-30, 139, 163, 170, 178. Burdell, John (2), 139. Burdell, Susannah, 178. Burdell, Thomas, 168. Burckhard, Barbara, 137, 147, laCL Burckhard, Frederick, 137. Bui-gin, Ann;i, 95. Burns, Katherine, 168. Burns, Peter, 168. Burrows, William, 264. Burton's Ferry, 90, 219. Buser, Ann, 107. Busi), Magdalene, 96. Busk, Johannes, 131. Busk, Mary, ISl. Busk, Richard, 131. Bustrin, Anna, 95. Bu teller, Isabel, 110. Butler, A. P., 69. Butler, Capt. William, 527-8, Cabarrus County, N. C, 118, Cain, Patrick, 276. Caldwell, James, 230, 254. Caldwell, John, 8, 257-8, 260, 27f^ 282, 295-7, 342-3, 354, 386, 388-9, 40(3-7, 414, 423, 437, 445, 448, 4-53, 481. Caldwell, William, 3S'6-7, 437. Calhoun, John C, 386. Calhoun County ("in future"), 9. Callyhon, Mary, 110. Calvert, Mr., 440-41. Calvin, John, 36, 44. Ca 1 n bri dge, 369-70. Cnmden,"291, 327, 369, 370. Camden District, 279. Cameron, Alan, 280, 388. Cammel, Mary, 131, 147. Cammel, Mrs., 100. Cammel, W., 100. Cammel, William, 112. Campbell, Archibald, 111, 139. INDEX 543 Campbell, Charles Fouqiiett, 139. Campbell, Col., 361, 375. C^imifbell, Eugenia, 139. Campbell, Governor William, '254, 260, 332, 334-5, 367. Campbell, Mr., 65. Canada, 236. Canadian Indians, 234. Cantey, Josiah, 179. Cantey, Josiah, son of William, 191. f Cantey, Lieut., 387. Cantey, Maj., 432. Cantey, Rebecca, 191. Cantey, William, 152, 191. Cape, James, 132. Carmichael, James, 11. Carney, Arthur, 183. Carney, James, 183. Carney, Mary, 112, 183. Carney, Samuel, 183, 198. Carney, William, 193. Cars, James, 98. Carse, Eugenia, 95, 108. Carse, Faithy, 95, 108. Cartaret County, 1. Carter, Benjamin, 95, 97, 100, 108. Carter, Elizabeth, 123-4, 148. Carter, Henry, 123-4, 138, 147-8, 163. Carter, James, 123-4, 143. Carter, John, 124. Carter, Joseph, 183. Carter, Mary (1), 128-4, 138, 147, 163. Carter, Mary (2), 128. Carter, Mary (8), 138. Carter, name, 82. Carter, Rachel, 168. Carter, Rebecca, 100. Carter, Robert, 148. Carter, Sarah, 97. Carter, Susannah, 143. Caswell, Gen., 365. Catawba Indians, 21, 40, 431. Catawba Nation, 234. Cattel, Benjamin, 388. Cattel, William, 388. Cattle Creek, 38. Chambers, .Joseph, 158. Chanler, Dr., 314. Charles Edward, the "Young Pretender", 32. Charleston Library, 218. Charleston Presbytery, 39, 57. Charleston road, the old, 11, 225. Charlton, Lieut. Thomas, 283, 291, 294, 305-7, 328, 887, 428. Charnock, Wm., 388. Chatterton, Ann, 149. Chatterton, John, 149. Chatterton, Mark, 149. Chavis, robber, 461. Cheavy, Ann, 123. Cheavy, name, 82. Cheavy, Sarah, 128. Cheavy, Thomas, 123. Cherokee Indians, 18, 19, 20, 21, 40, 86, 88, 804, 327, 338, 352-8, 461. Cherokee Nation, 19, 20, 284, 299, 824, 326. Cherokee Ponds, 815. Cherokee war, 88, 232-3, 235-7. Chestnut, John, 249, 265, 280, 283, 292, 827, 385-6, 888, 404. Cheves, name, 23. Chevilette, Col. John, 4, 32, 98, 102, 106, 111-12, 117, 119, 181, 214, 233, 237, 246-7. Chevilette, John (2), 82. Childsbury-Town, 398. Church of the Redeemer, 64-5, 68-9, 91, 96, 199. Clarke, Col., 850. Clark, Malcolm, 249, 265. Clarry, Joseph, 183. Clatworthy, James, 120. Clausand, George Henry, 105. Clausand, Leopold, 105. Clausand, W. A., 105. Clayton, Abraham, 175. 544 INDEX Clayton, Anne, 180, 187, 193. Clayton, Isham, 119, 158, 167, 175, 180, 187, 193, 226, 249, 2B5. Clayton, Isham, son of Isliain, 193. Clayton, Tshani, son of John, 153. Clayton, James, son of Isham, 180. Clayton, James, son of John, 167. Clayton, Jane, 18~9. Clayton (Cleaton), John, 11, 107, 125, 133, 137, 153, 167, 175, 184, 189, 274. Clayton, John (2), 133. Clayton, Sarah (I), 125, 133, 137, 153, 167, 175, 189. Clayton, Sarah (2), 125, Clayton, William. Clements, Andrew, 123, Clements, Gabriel, 12a Clements, Rebecca, 123, Clements, name, S2. Clement, William, 110, Clemmons, Joseph, 184. Clemmons, Lueretia, 184, Clemraons, Sarah, 184. CJlinton, Sir Henry, 338, 349, 351, 365, 367, 370-72, 376, 382. Colleton County, 1. 25, 26, 27, 119, Collins, John, 191, 274-6, 278. Collins, Joseph, 191. Columbia, 14, 18, 21, 25, 36, 50, 377. Concord, N. C, 118. Congaree garrison, 22, 70. Congaree Indians, 21, 40, 41. Congarees, 18, 19. 20, 21, 40, SO, 82, 85, 87-8, 122-3, 231-2, 234-6, 251, 282, 291, 296, 305, 307, 312, 314, 316-7, 325, 327, 333-4, 343, 354-5, 408. Congaree Townsliip, 2, 69, 74, 84, Conner, Maj. Morgan, 352, 448, Cook, Anna, 178. Cook, Anna (2), 178. Cook, James, 8. Cook, Joseph, 178, 21S, Cooper, Catharina, 186. Cooper, Elizabeth, 134, Cooper, Joseph, 109, 126, 129, 134, 136, 164, 1S6. Cooper, Margaret, 126, 129, 134, 164, 186. ('ooper, Rachel, 164^ Cooper, Sarah, 125-6, 131, 134, 139, 153, 261. Cooper, William, (I), 112, 12-5, mi, 131, 134-5, 139, 153. Cooper, William (2), 126. " Corbin, Peter, 230, 265, Corker, Thomas, 231. Corker, Thomas, Jr., 251, Cornelley,, James, 265. Cornwell, Billander, 190, Corn well, George, 190. Cornwell, Mary, 190, Cornwell, Peter, 190. "Corpus Evangelicum", 82. Cossett, Justice, 231. Cotter, Moses, 305, 307. Coullett, Christoplier, 4, Courtonne, James, 137, 18L. Courtonne, Jerome, 193. Courtonne, Thomas, 115, Coutonne, Anne, 181, Couton, Joseph, 141, Couton, Many', 141. Coutier (Cuttier), Anna Mam, or Many', 104, 128, 149, 156, 164., 182, im. Coutier, Joseph, 96, 109, 128, 149, 156, 164, 185, Coutier, Joseph, Jr., 182. Couturier, Capt., 344-5, Cowther, Isaac, 387, Cox, Ann, 115, 132. Craven Ctninty, I, 23, 174, 204, Crell, Stephen, 33, 235. Cressxvell, Rev, Mr., 408, 411, Crider, (Kryter, Kreyter, Kreir- ter), Anne, 154. INDEX 545 ('rider, Barbara, 122, 214. Crider, Conrad, 189, 21-5. Crider, Johannes, 170. Crider, Joseph, (1), 102, 103, 105-6, 108, 115, 1-42-3, 154, 170, 197, 206. Crider, Joseph (2), 103. Crider, 8arah, 197. Crider, Susannah, 103, 105, 143, 154, 170, 189. Crider, Susannah (2), 105. Cromnielich, Catiiarina Marga- ret, 136. Cromnielich, Margaret, 136. Croninjelich, Thomas, 136. Crossby, Elizabetli, 187. Crossby, James, 187. Crowthers, Lieut., 387, 459. Crum, (Crumme, Crummy) Anne, 193. Crum, Barbara, 174. Crum, Elizabetli, 182, 186-7, Crum, Elijah, 187. Crum, Henry, 114, 116, 118, 134, 145, 158, 174, 186-7, 193, 269. Crum, Henry (2), 158. Crum, John Herman, 182, 186-7. Crum, Magdalene, 145, 158, 174, 186, 193. Crum, Mary, 182. Crum, Peter Herman, 145. Crum, Rachel, 186. Crum, Sarah, 193. Cryer, Elizabeth, 142, 191. Cryer, Lidia, 142. Cryer, Thomas, 114, 142, 191. Cryer, Thomas (2), 191. Culler (Roller, Kohler, Collar), Anna, 186-7. Culler, Benedict (1), 99, 102, 108, 115, 162, 189, 210, 223, 224. Culler, Benedict (2), or Benja- min, 102, 222. Culler, Elizabeth, 162. Culler, John Ulrick, 189, 210. Culler, Magdalena, 102, 104, 162, 189, 210. Cruller, Margaret, 99, 174, 175. Culler, W. W., 222-3, 485. Cuningham, "Bloody Bill", 386, 476, 480-82, 485, 526*. Curtis, Frances, 132, 178. Curtis, June, 178. Curtis, Moses, 218. Curtis, Priscilla, 132. Curtis, Thomas, 132, 178. Danly, Anne, 159. Danly, James (1), 150, 159. Danly, James (2), 150. Danly, John, 159. Danly, Mary, 150, 159. Danly, Rose, 150. Dann, Elizabeth, 172. Dann, Mary, 172. Dann, William, 172. Danner, Barbara, 101. Danner, Hans, 97, 100, 101. Danner, Jacolj, 101. Danner, John, 96 Dantzler, Anna, 192. Dantzler, Anna Margaret, 177, 186. Dantzler, Appollonia, 177, 192-3. Dantzler, Barbara, 181, 215. Dantzler, Hans Henry, 177, 215. Dantzler, Hans Ulrick, 164-5, 177. Dantzler, Henry, 165, 177, 192- 3, 215. Dantzler, John, 215. Dantzler, Margaret, 165, 177. Dantzler, Ottinaries, 215. Dargan, Ann, 118, 153. Dargan, Dorcas, 153. Dargan, Elizabeth, 191. Dargan, John, 153, 158. Dargan, Katherine, 169, 172. Dargan, Timothy, 4, 148, 172. Darlsley, Edward, 20. Darweta, Ann Magaret, 142. Dattwyler, Anna, 105, 110. Dauge, Indian agent, 20. Davis, Elizabeth, 98, 109. Davis, James, 323. 546 INDEX Davis, John, 19], 387. Davis, Salome, 103. Davis, Samuel (1), 103, 107, 113, 125. Davis, Samuel (2), 103. Dayton, Ralph, 20. Dean, James, 110. Dean Swamp, 221, 528. Densniore, Margraret, 174. Densmore, Samuel, 174, 183. Deramus, Anne, wife of John, 126. Deramus, Anne, wife of Joseph, 131, 147, 152, 165, 170, 175, 184, 192. Deramus, (.'atharina, 131. Deramus, Joseph, 108, 131, 147, 152, 165, 170, 184, 187, 192. Deramus, John, 126. Deramus, Mary Cartharina, 152. Deruraseux, Daniel, 110. DeSaussure, Lieut., 364, 387. DeWitt, Joseph, 174. DeWitt, Mary, 174. DeWitt, William, 182. DeWitt, William, son of Josejih, 174. Dickert, Michael, 249, 265. Dicks, John, 249. Diebuebdin, Agnes, 98, 106. Diedrick, Anna, 101, 120, 132, 154. Diedrick, Anna Maria Margretta, 100. Diedrick, Barbara, 95, 99, 108. Diedrick, Hans (John), Jr., 28, 96. Diedrick, Johannes, 100. Diedrick, John, 30, 95, 96, 98, 209. Diedrick, Margaret, 175. Diel, Anna, 96, 99, 108. Diel, Catharina, 125, 214. Dill, Catharine, 200. Dill, Nicholas, 164, 215. Dirr (Durr), Anna Maria, 94, 133. Dirr, Hans Ulrick, 165. Dirr, Jacob, 119. Dirr, Katharine, 180. Dirr, Margaret, 178. Dirr, Mary, 136, 144, 152, 165. Dirr, Nicolas, 94, 128, 133, 136, 143, 144, 152, 165, 202, 213. Dirr, Peter, 178, 180. Dirr, Theodor, 136. Dolch, Johannes, 98. Domin, Hans, 96. Donaldson, John, 280, 243, 386-88, 425, 429, 464. Drechsler, George, 180. Dreher (Dreyer, Drier, Drehr), Godfrey, 227, 237, 258, 269, 272. Dubois, Samuel, 275-6, 278. Duboy, Mary, 188. Dukes, A. L., 24. Dukes (Duke), Barbara, 155, 175, 189. Dukes, George Alexander, 155. Dukes, John H., 24. Dukes, Josepii, 155, 175. Dukes, Joseph, 114, 127, 136, 138, 189. Dukes, Margaret, 127, 138. Dukes, Rebecca, 189. Dukes, Sarah, 138. Dukes, Susannali, 175. Dukes, Thomas, 127. Dukes, William, 34. Dunklin, Joseph, 271. DuPuis, Abraham, 173, 204. DuPuis, John Jacob, 173. DuPuis, Susannah, 173, 204-5. Durberville, Mary, 171. Durberville, William, 171. "Durham", 485. Dutaniue, Louis, 280, 28S, 291, 387-8. Eberhardt, Anna Maria, 103, 129. Eberhardt, Benjamin, 150. Eberhardt, Dorcas, 150. Eberhardt, Isabel, 150. Eberliardt, I. P. H., 103. Eberliardt, Jacob, 129. Eberhardt, Mary (1), 147, 184. INDEX 547 Eberhardt, Mary (2), 147, Eberhardt, Thomas, 103, 129. Eberhardt, William, 184. Eherly, Anna [I), 102, 141. Eberiy, Anna (2), 102. Eberly, John, 102, 110, 116, 141. Eberiy, Susannah, 141. Ebert, Anne, 136. Ebert, Gotlieb, 114, 136. Edisto Township, 2, 25, 27, 28. Edwards, John, 264. Edwards, Thomas, 156. Efird (Aifred), Benjamin, 159. Etird, Doreas, 159. Eflrd, John, 159. Egly, Barbara, 143, 148. Egly, Martin. 168, 171, 189. Egly, Zibilla Catharina, 171, 189. Elders, John, 128, 132, 207. Elders, Sarah, 207. Elerson, Elizabeth, 116, 137. Elerson, James, 116. Elliott, Barnard, 100, 257, 388, Ellison, Frances, 137, Ellison, Joseph, 137, Ellison, Robert, 137. Ernst, Anna Barbara, 112, 214. Ernst, Anthony, 107. Ernst, George Adam, 108, 112, Erwin, name, 90. Esom, John, 38''. Eutaw Springs, 284, 524. Evanee, Thomas, 388, Evans, John, 20. Evans, Joseph, 159, Evans, Josiah, 119, 152. Evans, Martha, 122, 124, 152. Evans, Mary, 159. Evans, Powel, 122. Evans, William (1), 122, 124, 125. Evans, William, 122. Even, Dina, 110. Everleigh, Nicholas, 388. Evinger, Adam, 152, 176. Evinger, Ann Margaret, 152, 176. Evinger, George Lewis, 176. Evinger, Joseph, 152. Fair, James, 276. Fairchild, John, 97, 218, 227, 228, 248, 249, 265. Fairy, Christina, 132, Fairy, James, 132, Fairy, John, 107, 114, 132. Farles, Thomas, 182. Farrar, Benjamin, 8, 219, 248, 257, 258, 260, 265. Farrar, Capt. Field, 364, 386. Faure, Anne, 167. Faure, Patience, 103. Faure, Peter, 130, 133, 135, 138, 166, 167, 180, 187. Faure, Sarah, 130, 133, 138, 167, Faust, Ann Mary, 101, 102, 214, Faust, Burril, 159, Faust, Caspar, 159, 211. Faust, Christian, 101, Faust, Eugenia, 103, Faust, Henry, 101, 102, Faust, Henry (2), 102. Faust, Jacob, 215. Faust, John, 186, 215, Faust, Naomy, 159, Felder, Abraham, 170, Felder, Frederick, 141, Felder, Henry or Hans Henry, 30, 105, 107," 114, 118, 119, 130, 131, 133, 136, 141, 145, 151, 155-6, 158, 160, 170-71, 177, 182, 185, 188-9, 193, 215, 248-9, 258, 272, Felder, Henry (2), 11, 105, 472, 486-89. Felder, John, 130. Felder, Mary Elizabeth, 105, 130, 131, 136, 141, 145, 151, 155, 160, 161, 170, 177, 182, 185, 215. Felder, Col. Paul S,, 487, Felder, Peter, 185, Felder, Samuel, 155, Ferstner, Ann Mary, 130, Ferstner (Festner), John Henry, 128. 548 INDEX Ferstner, Jo-epli, 126, 12S, 139, 145, 172. Ferstner, Mary, 128, 139. Fichtiier, Elizabeth, 115. Fichtner, Margaret, 119, 143. Fichtner, Theodoris, 136, 163, 183. Finlay, Jacob, 265. First Baptist Church, 65. Fitcli, John, 110. Fitz, Jolin, 103. Fitzpatrick, Agnesia, 128, 144, 165, 177, 181, 192. Fitzpatrick, Garret, 128, 133, 142, 144, 165, 177, 181, 192, 269, 272. Fitzpatrick, Garret (2), 144, 165. Fitzpatrick, Helena, 192. Fitzpatrick, Jacob, 177. Fitzpatrick, Mary, 193. Fitzpatrick, William, 128, 387. Fludd, Frances, 186. Fludd, James, 186. Fludd (Flood), Katherine, 179, 186. Fludd, Margaret, 119. Fludd, Mary, 186. Fludd (Flood), Sarah, 111. Fludd, William, 4, 8, 186, 260. Fluhbacker, Veronica, 96. Flutt, George, 110. Fort Motte, 24, 379. Fort St. John's, 21. Fort Sullivan, 349, 352, 371, 372, 375. Fort, Thomas, 103. Fouquett, Ann Mary, 128, 180. Fouquett, Marion, 154, 169. Fouquett, John, 128, 139, 154, 169, 180. Fowles, Jas. H., 485. Fox, George, 172. Fox, Jane, 154. Fox, Mary, 130, 154. Fox, Rebecca, 130. Fox, Samuel, 130, 154. Fox, Willoughby, 130, 150, 172, 174. Frances, Elizabeth, 132.' Frank, Jacol), 111. Eraser, Alexander, 140. Fraser, Mary, 140. Frauenfaederin, Anna, 98, 100. Frederick, Andrew, 11, 38, 151, 101, 178, 188. Frederick, Hans Peter, 161. Frederick, Jacob, 17S. Frederick, Margaret, 161, 178, 188 (Maria). Freeman, George, 230, Friday (Fridig, Freydigs, Friger), David, 237, 272. Friday, Hans George, 126, 195. Friday, Hans, 96. Friday, Henry, 98. Friday, Jacob, 98. Friday, Jacob, Jr., 207, 237. Friday, J. P. H., 95. Friday, Johannes, son of John, Jr., 140. Friday, John, Sr., 112, 117, 126, 136, 140, 151, 152, 207, 209, 214. Friday, .John, Jr., 30, 112, 115, 117, 129, 133, 136, 147, 152-3, 157, 160, 167, 170, 173, 195, 199, 200, 213, 251. Friday, Margretta, 99. Friday, Martin, 22-5, 234. Friday, Mary Elizabeth, 173, 200. Friday, Susannah, 126, 136, 140, 147, 152, 153, 157, 160, 173, 195, 200. Friday, Verona, 99. Frierson, George, 273. Frierson, Philip, 272, 273. Fritchman, Elizabeth, 113. Fritchman, John, 112. 124, 149, 153, 157, 163. Fritchman, M., 109. Frittstein, John, 99. Fritz, Elizabeth, 122. Fritz, Naomy (1), 122. Fritz, Naomy (2), 122. PYitz, Nicolas, 122. INDEX 549 Frogat, Adin, 97, 113, 123. Frolich, Adam, 156, 171, 207. Frolich, Barbara, 156, 171, 177, 179, 207. Frolich, Barbara (2), 171, 207. Frolich, Henry, 156. Fry, Caspar, 71. Fry. Catharine, 115. Fund (Pfiind), Ann, 108. Fund, Barbara, 30, 107, 131. Fund, Catharina, 107. Fund, Jacob, 184, 189. Fund, Mary, 189. Funtzius (Funtius, Pfuntius), Catharina, 139, 154, 180. Funtzius, Elizabeth, 170. Funtzius, Zibilla, 142. Fuster, Barbara, 94. Fuster, Elizabeth, 107. Fuster, Johannes, 94, 96. Fuster, John, 107. Fuster, iSalotue, 107. Fuster, Sirrah, 107. Futchman, Michael, 213. Gaillard, Tacitus, 3, 4, 6, 8, 233, 247-8, 251-5, 257-8, 260, 265, 284. Gallier, John Casper, 70. Gallman, Henry, 33, 111, 226-7, 234. Gallman, John, 226, 234. Gandy, Samuel, 110. Gant, Joseph, 181, Gant, Rachel, 163. Gant, Rebecca, 109. Gardner, John, 132. Garick, Adam, 467. Garick (Carick), George Ulrickt 134. Gartman, Barbara, 97, 108. Gaston, Lieut. Robert, 364, 387. Gatz, George, 107. Geiger. Abraham, 71, 82-3. Geiger, Ann Barbara, 107. Geiger, (^apt., 436. Geiger, Herrman, 71, 111, 122, 233-4. Geiger, John, 235. Geiger, John, Casper, 71. Geiger. John Conrade, 227. Geiger, John Jacob, 71, 107, 141. Geiger, Margaret, 141, 166. Geiger, William, 271, 276. Geltzer, Daniel, 101. Genney, Lieut. C. M., 387, 463. Gibbes's Pond, 224, 225. Gibson, Edward, 98, 109. Gibson, Elizabeth, 159-60. Gibson, Erasmus, 467. Gibson, Eugenia, 150. Gibson, Gilbert, 159, 410, 416. Gibson, Hopert, 122. Gibson, John, 119, 154, 171, 174. Gibson, Josias, 122. Gibson, Margaret, 171, 174. Gibson, Martha, 171. Gibson, Mary, 122. Gibson, Sarah, 159. Giegelman, Ann Elizabeth, 122, 126-7, 141, 165, 169, 174, 184. Giegelman, Anne Margaret, 190. Giegelman, Hans (John), 107, 126, 127, 141, 150, 162, 165, 169, 173-4, 184. Giegelman, Jacob, 126, 150, 169, 174, 184, 190. Giegelman, Jacob (2), 190. (Tiegelinan, Mary Elizabeth, 174. Giessendanner, Agnes, 103, 106, 114, 124, 213. Giessendanner, Antia, 187. Giessendanner, Ann, 194. Giessendanner, Barbara, wife of Rev. John, 101, 104-6, 129, 134, 140, 156, 162, 171, 183, 185, 187-8, 190-91, 200, 206, 214. Giessendanner, Barbara, wife of Henry (1), 102. Giessendanner, Daniel, 194. Giessendanner, Elizabeth, sister of Rev. John, 60. Giessendanner, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Henry (1), 102, 120, 191. 550 INDEX Giessendauner, Elizal)eth, daugh- ter of Henry (2), 194. Giessendanner, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Daniel, 194. Giessendanner, Elizabetli, wife of Henry (2), 194. Giessendanner, George (1), 60, 98, 105, 126, 145, 160, 177, 213, 215. Giessendanner, George, Jr., 105-6, 113, 114, 124-6, 128. Giessendanner, George, son of Rev. John, 206. Giessendanner, Henry (1), 102. Giessendanner, Henry (2), son of Rev. John, 59, 91-2, 101, 120, 194, 224. Giessendanner, Jac*ol>, 30, 98, 103- 5, 115, 119, 129-30, 141, 156-7, 161-2, 166, 178, 185, 209-10, 215, 233. Giessendanner, Johannes, 104. Giessendanner, Rev. John Uh'icii, 30, 35, 39, 41, 43-4, 46, 47-8, 56, 58, 62, 83, 92-5. Giessendanner, Rev. John (John Ulriclv, Ulriclc), 23, 30, 31, 35-7, 39, 41, 44-5, 48-50, 53-60, 62-3, 65-8, 83, 91-3, 95, 104-6, 110-11, 156-7, 162, 165, 168, 171, 182-3, 185, 187-94, 197, 200, 206, 213, 216, 226, 233, 237. Giessendanner record, the, 29-32, 34-5, 41, 43-4, 47, 59, 60, 63, 65-7, 83, 88-9, 91-216, 237. Giessendanner, Susannah Barba- ra, 129, 138, 145, 150, 160, 163-4, 166, 170, 174. Giessendanner, Susannah, dangli- ter of Rev. John, 134, 200. Giessendanner, Susannali (2), daughter of Rev. Jolin 156. Giessendanner, Ursula, 115, 214. Giles, John, 438. Gill, James, 231. Gill, Mary, 150. Ginnoway, Ann, 123. Gisburne Parish, 29. Gleaton, Isaac, 127. Glover, Judge T. W., 64, 229. Golson, Elizabeth, 160, 173, 181, 183, 217. Golson, John Cas|)ar, 160. Golson, John Lewis, 183. Golson, Lewis, 115-16, 154, 160, 172-3, 181, 183, 190, 217-18, 226, 247-9. 258, 265, 272, 275, 307, 431), 436, 468. Golson, Lewis (2), 473, 4S1-2. Godfrey, Mary, 110. Golphin, George, 462. Good, Elizabeth, 123. Good by, Sirrah, 109. Goodwyn, Robert, 250, 279, 282, 290, 293, 305, 343, 366, 386, 388, 390, 397-8, 400, 406, 424. Goodwyn, Uriah, 12, 305-6. Goodwyn, William, 317, 366, 387. Gossling, Anne, 181. Gossling, Elizabeth (1), 125. Gossling, Elizabeth (2), 125. Gossling, George, 125. Gossling, Robert, 113, 123, 125, 138, 181. Gould, or Cloud, Mrs. Mary, 234-5. Govan, Andrew (1 ), 8, 33, 174, 182, 187. Govan, Donald, 32. Govan, Eliza, 32. Govan, John, 4, 33, 247. Govan, Rachel, 182, 187. Gramling, Mrs. Caroline, 66. Granby, 265, 274, 282, 284, 287, 510. Grant, Frances, 185. Grant, James, 185. Grant, Rebecca, 185. Gray, William, 110. Gredig, Julius, 71. Greene, Gen., 366, 381, 510-526. Green, Henry, 317. Green, Thomas, 248, 251, 332. Greiter, Joseph, 96. INDEX 551 Griffeii, Absjiloiu, 135. Griften, Aji:nes, 135, 139, Griffen, Choice, 135. ( T rifle n, Jesse, 407. Griffen, John, 135, 139. Griften, Mary, 139. Griftitli (Griettbiis, Griffbrs, Grif- fice), Abraham, 174. Griffith, Ann Margaret, 127. (Griffith, Ann, 103, 123, 127-9, 142, 148, 158, 166, 197. Griffith, Catharine, 197. Griffith, David, 111. Griffith, John, 149. Griffith, Joseph, 103, 111-13, 123, 127-8, 132-4, 139, 149, 153-4, 164, 167, 172, 174, 186, 198. Griffitii, Margaret, 103, 134, 139, 149, 154, 164, 167, 174, 186, 198. Griffith, Mary (1), 123, 133. Griffith, Mary (2), 123. Griffith, Peter, 97, 103, 108, 111, 127, 129, 134, 142. 148-9, 158, 160, 166, 172, 197. Griffith, ISanuiel, 103. Griffith, William, 134, 198. Grinnii, Susannali, 108. Grimlock, Thomas, 147. Grissert, Kilian, 185. Grossman, John, 116. Gulgnard, iSnsan Richardson, 465. Gumble, Thomas, 140. Guphill, Ann, 191. Guphill, Edward, 191. Guphill, Elizabeth, 191. Guphill, William, 191. Gusseand, John, 105. Gussert, Killian, 211. Hagin, Anna Maria, 110. Hagood, Gen. Johnson, 90. Haig, Elizabeth, 63, 122-3. Haig, George, 23, 25, 28-9. Haig, James, 275. Haig, John James, 254, 386, 456. Haigler, Joanna, 155, 175. Haigler, Jacob, 155, 175. Haigler (Hegler), John Freder- ick, 155. Hails, Eleanor, 148. Hails, Robert, 148. Hails, Thomas, 148, 171. Hainsworth, Elizabeth, 193. Hainsworth, Maria, 193. Hainsworth, Richard, 193. Hales, George, 230-31, 233, 246. Hall, David," 117-19, 143. Hamilton, John, 96-7, 107, 251. Hamilton, Mary, 186. Hampton, Henry, 276. Hampton, Wade, 277. Handasyd, Joim, 150. Handshy, Mary, 96, 108. Hannicke, Caspar Andrery, 144 Hannicke, John Christopher, 144. Hannicke, Sophia Elizabeth, 144. Hardman, Sirrah. 127. Harley, James. 66. Harris, Mary, 105. _ Harris (Harrys), William, 100. Harris, William (2), 100. ^ Harris, William (3), 105. Harrisperger, Anne Mary, 165. Harrisperger, Barbara, 175. Harrisperger, Elizabeth, 136, 139- 40, 146, 153, 165, 173, 178. Harrisperger, John, 113, 125, 131, 135-7, 139-40, 146, 153, 157, 163, 165, 173, 177-78, 183, 202, 205-6, 272. Harrisperger, Rudolph, 149, 157. 161, 165, 166, 205. Harson, William, 220. Hart, Derrill, 387, 459. Hart, Sarah, 138, 171. Hart, Stephen, 171. Hart, William, 113, 138, 171. Hartel, Anne, 159. Hartel, Henry, 159. Hartzog, Anna Maria, 183. Hartzog, Anne Mary, 163, 168. Hartzog, Barnard, 119, 157, 163, 168. 552 INDEX Hartzog, Eve Elizabeth, 146, 184, 215. Hartzog, George, 290. Hartzog, John Theodore, 163, Hartzog, Mary Bai'bara, 190. Hartzog, Mary, 193. Hartzog, Tobias, 193. Hasford, Abraiiani, 127, 152, 164, 167, 175. Hasford, Barbara, 99, 100. Hasford, Elizabeth, 98, 109. Hasford, Joseph, 96, 98. Hasford, Richard, 95-7, 100, 108. Haskell, A. V., 388, 465. Haskell, Mrs. Charlotte, 381. Hatcher, Ann, 124. Hatcher, Barbara, 28. Hatcher, Frances, 149. Hatclier, Mary, 149. Hatcher, Rachel, 118. Hatcher, Seth, 32, 124, 132, 149, 177, 202. Hatcher, Setli (2), 177. Hatcher, 8irrah, 107. Hatcher, Susannah, 124, 149, 177. Hauscig, Henry, 99, 100-1. Hauscig, Margaretta, 99, 100. Hawskin, Mrs., 178. Hayge, Charite, 19, 20. Haym (Heym), Barbara, 97, 104, 108, 129. Hayni, Henry, 30, 102, 112-13, 129, 144, 156, 207, 211, 214. Hayner, Eve Elizabeth, 158, 168, 173, 176, 184. Hayner, John George, 119, 158, 162, 168, 173, 176, 184. Hayner, John George (2), 168. Hayner, Margaret, 176. Hay, Mary, 150. Hay, William, 150. Hearn, John, 24-28, 55, 96-7, 246. Heartley, Henry, 33. Heatly, Andrew, 193. Heatly, Charles (1), 20, 22-3, 232, 246. Heatly, diaries (2), 121, 230, 281, 290, 293, 385, 386, 388, 417, 424, 428-9. Heatly, Elizabetli, 153. Heatly, James William (William, Jr. ) 128, 386-7. Heatly, Mary, wifeof Cliarles, 22. Heatly, Mary, daughter of Wil- liam, 137. Heatly, Mary Elizabeth, 121, 128, 130," 137, i43, 153, 180-81, 184. 193. Heatly, Rachel, 181. Heatly, Richard, 22. Heatly, William, 4, 8, 22, 33, 63, 121,' 128, 130, 137, 143, 148, 153, 180-81, 184, 193, 230, 269, 273, 368. Heckler, Anna Mary, 116. Heinein, Barbara, 98. Heller, Ann, 145. Heller, Esther, 145. Heller, John, 115, 129-30, 145, 148, 157. Hent, David, 79. Hepperditzel, Susannah, 32, 9S, 106. Hergersperger, Anna Barbara, 95, 108. Herlong (Herlan), Jacob (1), 143, 165, 173, 185-6, 203. Herlong, Jacob (2), 143. Herlong, Johannes, 185-6. Herlong, Mary Catharina, 203. Herlong, Mary Susannah, 143, 165, 173, 186, 203. Herlong, Susannah, 165. Hertel, Henry, 33. Herter (Hirter), Eve Catliarina, 158, 178. Herter, John Nicholas, 215. Hessy (Hesse), Anna Catharina, 102, 154, 162, 187. Hessy, Catharina, 130, 140-41, 145, 148, 152, 181, 195. Hessy, Christina, 111. INDEX 553 Hessy, Elizabeth, 208, 214. Hessy, Georf?e, 102, 119, 144, 158-4, 162, 187. Hessy, Hans George Henry, 97, 108, 111, 180, 132, 140-41, 145, 148, 152, 181, 195, 213. Hessy, Henry, 203. Hessy, Jacob, 148. Hessy, Johann Nicolas, 130, 195. Hessy, John, 102. Hessy, Joseph, 187. Hessy (Hessig), Margaret, 100. Hickie, Margaret, 123. Hickie, Rachel, 163. Hickie, Rachel (2), 181. Hickie, Rebecca, 123, 181. Hickie, William, 109, 123, 163, 181. Hickie, William (2), 163. Hill, Ann, 117. Hill, Sarah, 117. Hill, William, 275-6. Hirsch, Veronica, 215. Hodge, Sarah, 159. Hodge, Thomas, 159. Hodge, Thomas (2), 159. Hodges, Benjamin, 387. Hoeffertin, Barbara, 98. Hoff, Frederick, 173, 188. Hoggin, Verena, 115, Hoggs, Anna, 168, 182. Hoggs, Frederick, 168, 182. Holman, Conrad, 123, 126, 132-5, 139, 144-5, 147, 169-70, 172-3, 183, 227, 237. Holman, Mary Ann, 128, 126, 182- 5, 139, 144-5, 169-70, 172-3, 183. Holman, Mary Ann (2), 139. Holmes, Ann, 110. Holmes, David, 249, 265. Holmes, Solomon, 122-3. Honig, Barbara, 99, 101. Hook, Barbara, 105. Hook, Magdalene, 105. Hook, Peter, 105. Hojie, Frances, 169. Hope, John, 169. Hope, Sarah, 169. Hopkins, David, 386-7, 398, 40">-6, 44, 459. Hopton, William, 248. Horger, Barbara, 102. Horger, Catharine, married Hen- ry Stroman, 99, 107. Horger, Catharina (wife ofHenry, Jr.), 169, 176, 190. Horger, Catharina (2), 176. Horger, Henry, 30, 169, 211. Horger, Henry (2), 104, 115, 169, 176, 190. Horger, Jacob, 105, 124, 169, 181, 215. Horger, John, 157. Horger, John, son of Jacob, 181. Horger, Lovisia, 105, 124, 181, 215. Horger, Magdalene, 104, 113. Horger, Maria Magdalene, 169. Horger, Peter, 97, 99, 100, 101. Hormutt, Elizabeth, 116. Hossleiter, Ann Margaret, 145, 161, 185, 203. Hossleiter, (Christina, 215. Hossleiter, Hans Enjanuel, 145, 203. Hossleiter, Hans Paul, 185. Hossleiter, John Martin, 145, 161, 185, 208. Hossleiter, John Michael, 161, 478. Housell, William, 249, 265. Houser, Andrew, 467. Houser, Elias, 227. Howell, Malachy, 159. Howell, Race, 159. Howell, Thomas, 159. Howell, William, 204. Huber, Agnes, 185, 215. Huber, Anna Barbara, 139, 144, 153, 161, 170, 175, 180. Huber, Christian, 200. Huber, Dorothea, 94. Huber, Elizabeth, 142, 144, 205. Huber, Hans, 98, 200, 204, 214. 554 INDEX Huber, Johannes, 94. Huber, John Coiu'ad, 144. Huber, John Frederick (Fred- rick), 112, 116, 119, 131, 139, 141, 143, 144, lo], 153, 161, 170, 173, 175, 180, 183, 185, 187, 191. Huber, Joseph, 103, 114, 142, 144, 152, 188, 205, 214. Huber, JuHana, 144. Huber, Magdalena, 110. Huber, Magdalene, 109. Huber, Margaret, 188. Huber, Rosina, 144. Huber, Susannah, 105, 214, 214. Hudson, Samuel, 109. Hueden, Barbara, 98. Huger, Isaac, 252-3, 340, 361-3, 388, 456, 466-7. Hugin, Anna, 98. Hugin, Theodore, 98. Hugg, Anna, 151, 154, 156, 162. Hugg, Barbara, 59, 101, 105. Hugg, Magdalene, 143, 203, 214. Hugg, Peter, 30, 105, 124, 194, 203. Humphries, Ralph, 258, 260, 265, 274, 276. Hungerpiller, Bernhard David, 138. Hungerpiller, Catharina Marga- ret, 154. Hungerpiller, Christina Barbara, 138, 155, 164, 173, 188. Hungerpiller, Conrad, 138, 154, 164, 168, 173, 178, 181. Hungerpiller, Elizabeth, 138, 154, 173, 178. Hungerpiller, Hans Barnard, 155. Hungerpiller, John Jacob, 138, 155, 157, 164, 173, 188. Hungerpiller, John Jacob, son of Conrad, 173. Hungerpiller, Zibilla Catharina, 138. Hutto, Anna, wife of Charles, 104, 139, 143, 157-8, 175, 178, 190-92, 197. Hutto, Anna, married Peter Grieffbus, 108. Hutto, Charies, 104, 108, 113, 127, 139, 143, 157-8, 174-5, 17S, 189-92, 197. Hutto, Charles (2), 158. Hutto, Henry, 135. Hutto, Jacob, 158, 164, 170, 183, 1S9, 190, 215. Hotto, Isaac (1), 102, 116, 125, 127, 129, 131, 135. 148, 160, 167, 175, 197, 215. Hutto, Isaac (2), 127, 175. Hutto, John Henry, 139. Hutto, Margaret Barbara, 127, 135, 143, 154. Hutto, Margaret, 190, 215. Hutto, Martin, 154. Hutto, Mary Catiiarina, 116, 129, 131. Hutto, Peter, 103, 108, 127, 135, 143, 154. Hutto, Sirrah, 108. Hutto, Susannah, 107. Hutto, Ulrick, son of Charles, 191. Hyde, Ann, 150. Iniboden, Catharina, 144. Imboden, Hans, 144, 189. Iniboden, Margaret (1), 189. Imboden, Margaret (2), 189. Imdoden, Peter, 218. Imboden, Ulrick, 144. Imdortr, Hans, 30, 96-7, 101, 104, 107, 128, 143, 145, 149, 158, 160, 204, 214. ImdorfF, Magdalena, 30, 102, 128. 143, 149, 158, 204, 214. Imhoti; J. L. P., 280, 293, 314, 386, 388, 418, 420, 424-5, 428-9. Tnabinet, Andrew, 108, 114, 12-5, 195, 208. Inabinet, Baldhazar, 104. Inal>inet, Christian, 121. Inabinet, John, 97, 104, 108, 121, 125-6, 129, 136, 143, 155, 160, 169, 170, 177, 214. INDEX 555 Tnabinet, Margaret, 102, 104, 121, 129, 143, 160. 169-70, 177. Tnabinet, Margaret (2), 143. Inabinet, Maria, 125, 215. Inabinet, Mary, 114, 121, 125, 187, 214. Inabinet, Mary, wife of Andrew, 208. Inabinet, Mary, daugliter of An- drew, 208. Inabinet, Peter, 177. Inabinet, Samuel, 129. Ininjliti, Agnes, 98. Izlar (Yssler), Jacob, 179. Jacln of Henry, 182. Rowe, Donald (2), 66-7. Rowe, Henry, 33, 158, 182. Rowe, Capt. John C., 66-7. Rowe, Margaret, 103, 106, 129-30, 133-35, 139-40, 143, 151-2, 165, 193, 196. Rowe, Maria, 129, 196. 564 INDEX Rowe, Peter, 06-7. Rowe, Racliel, or Regina Barbara, 99, 101, 164, 166, 171, 215. Rowe, Samuel, 8, 33, 218, 249-50, 265, 274, 276, 488. Rowe, Dr. William, 66. Riimph, Abraham (1), loO. Rumph, Abraham (2), 150, 201. Rumph, Ann, wife of Jacob (1), 125-6, 130, 133, 150-51, 157, 162, 170, 188, 201, 214. Rumph, Anna, daughter of Jaeob (1), 125. Rumph, Anne, daughter of David (1), 168. Rumph, Catherine, 96, 107. Rumph, David (1), 100, 124-5, 127, 130-31, 146, 168. Rumph, David, son of David (1), 124. Rumph, David, son of Jacob (1), 188. Rumph, Elizabeth, daughter of David (1), 59, 120. Rumph, Jacob (1), 105, 110, 124-6, 130, 133, 137, 148, 150-51, 157, 162, 170, 184, 188, 190, 201, 218, 226, 237. Rumph, Jacob, son of Jacob (1), 133, 471-86. Rumph, Mary, wife of David (1), 124 (Ann), *125, 130, 146, 168. Rumph, Mary, daughter of David (1), 130. Rumph, Sarah, 146. Rumph, Susannah, 170. Rumph's company roll, 473-4. Runtgenauer, David, 30, 138, 199. Rupp, Adam, 184. Rupp, Anna Barbara, 184. Rupp, Eva Catharina, 184. Rush, Mary, 120. Russell, Ann, 63, 158, 162, 169. Russell, ("apt. Charles, 20, 22-3, 232, 246. Russell, Charles (2), 63, 113, 117-18, 121, 130, 133, 158, 162, 169. Russell, Charles (3), 158. Russell, Eugenia, 23, 119, 128, 130, 147, 153, 368. Russell, Hans George, 142, 160. Russell, John, 113, 128, 131, 169, 185. Russell, Joseph, 94, 162, 172. Russell, Margaret, 94. Russell, Mary, 23, 63, 68, 113, 121, 123-4, 126, 132, 198, 246. Russell, Mary Margaret, 142. Russell, Rosina, 142, 160. Russell, Salome, 160. Russell, Sophinisba, 23, 113, 121. Rutledge, John, 490-500. Ryan, Capt. James, 529. Sabb, Ann, 184. Sabb, Deborah, 154, 184. Sabb, Thomas, 8, 226. ' Sabb, William, 154, 184, 193, 226, 249. Salley, Mrs. A. S., Sr., 68. Salley, Anne, 138. Salley, Ann Elizabeth. 168. Salley (Zaley, Sally), Henry, Sr., 28, 184, 246. Salley, Henry, Jr., 110, 135, 138, 154, 172, 184, 211. Salley, John, Sr., 29, 168, 218, 221, 489-90, 583. Salley, John, Jr., 29. Salley, Magdalene, 138, 158, 211. Salley, Margaret, 158. Salley, Martin, 137-8, 154, 168, 182. Salley (Sahly), Mary (Ann Ma- ria), 96, 109. Salley, N., 184. Salley, Robert, 508. Salley, Sarah, 182. Salley, Susannah, 168, 182. Sandel (Sondel), Catharina Mar- garet, 188. Sandel, Elizabeth, 179. Sandel, George Henry, 156. INDEX 565 Sandel, John Peter, 156, 161. Sandel, Magdalene, 151, 156, 161, 179, 188. Sandel, Peter, 151, 179, 187-8. Sanger (Zangin, Zangerin), Bar- bara (Ann Barbara), 98, 102, 107. Sanger, Simon, 94, 97, 98. Santee Jack, 40. Savage, John, 248, 258, 265. Sajior, Jacob, 275-6. Schmidt, Peter, 81, 87, 239, 242, 244-5. Schwartz, Christian, 96-7, 114, Scluvartz, Elizabeth, 114. Schwartz, Joseph, 97. Schwartz, Mary, 96, 108. Schwartz, Susannah, 97, 109. Schwerdt, Joseph Abraham, 98, 109. Scytes, Archibald, 190. Scytes, Charles, 190. Scytes, Henry, 189. Scytes, James, 189. Scytes, Lucy, 190. Scytes, Mary, 189. Scytes, William, 189. Seawright, Esther, 140. Seawright, Robert, 112. Seawright, William, 140, 213, 226, 249. Sellider, Capt. Daniel, 234. Shalling, Elizabeth, 71. Shalling, John, 71. Shannon, Abigail, 96, 109. Shannon, Corporal Daniel, 187, 463. Shaumloffel, Anna Margaret, 97, 107. Shaumloffel, Anna Maria, 157. Shaumloflfel, John, 94, 115, 127, 183, 207. ShaumloflTel, Lovisia, 107. Shaumloftel, Mary Elizabeth, 102, 107. Shaw, Ann, 110. Shilling, Anna, 172. Shilling, Ann Margaret, 166, 172, 189. Shilling, John, 150. Shilling, John Henry (Henry), 117, 188, 140, 154, 166, 172, 189. Shilling, John Jacob, 189. Shindler, Rev. R. D., 68. Shlappy, Hans George, 109. Shoemaker, Dorothy, 134, 170. Shoemaker, Frederick Purly, 211. Shoemaker, Margaret, 142. Shoemaker, Margaret Catharina, 142. Shoemaker, Valentine, 134, 142, 170. Shoeman, Anna Barbara, 180. Shoeman, Barbara, 180. Shoeman, Peter, 178-80. Shoolegre, Anne, 170. Shoolegre, James, 170. Shoolegre, John James, 170. Shroder, Christina Dorothea, 146. Shroder, Dorothea, 146. Shroder, John Frederick, 146. Shuler, Ann Elizabetli, 107. Shuler, Ann Margaret, 127, 149. Shuler, Appollonia, 106. Shuler, Catharina, married Jacob Wannamaker, 96 (Susan), 107. Shuler, Catharina, daughter of John Nicholas, 154. Shuler, Catharine, wife of Hans George, Sr., 135. Shuler, Catharina Margaret, 97, 108. Shuler, Daniel, 186, 190. Shuler, Daniel, son of John Nich- olas, 186. Shuler, Eve Catherine, 107. Shuler, George, 127, 149, 161, 214. Shuler, Hans George, Sr., 127, 135. Shuler, John Frederick, 141. Shuler, John Henry, 171. Shuler, John Nicholas, 115, 151, 154, 171, 186. 566 INDEX Shuler, Margaret, 107. Shuler, Margaret Barbara, lOS. Shuler, Nicholas, 102, 113, 122, 130, 183, 141, 146, 187, 237. Shuler, N., 109. Shuler, Susannah, 96, 108. Shuler, Verena, 133, 141, 151, 154, 171, 186-7, Siddal (Siceceals), William, 99, 101. Simnis, Wni. Gilmore, 33, 233, 382. Simms, Mrs. Win. Gilmore, 32. Simmons, Ann Catharina, 139, 189, 193. Simmons, John, 107, 139, 161. Simons, Col. Maurice, 493. Sims, William, 191. Sistrunk (Serstrunk), Henry, 33. Smid, Fullix, 79. Smith, Anna, 186. Smith, Ann Margaret, 142. Smith, Ann Mary, 142. Smith, Brigitta, 117, 140, 144. Smith, Jno. Carraway, 386, 459-60, 465. Smith, Melchior, 151, 167, 175, 230. Smith, Michael, 142, 151. Smith, Stephen, 276. Smith, William, 96, 109. Smitzer, Mary Elizabeth, 117. Snell (Schneil), Adam, 104, 109, 119, 124, 129, 131, 136, 149, 153, 155, 163, 169, 176, 178, 188, 204, 210, 258, 269, 272. Snell, Anna Catharina, 176. Snell, Ann Barbara, 214. Snell, Ann Margaret, 148-9, 200. Snell, Barbara, 104, 136, 149, 201. Snell, Barnard, 109, 115, 129, 136, 153, 1 73, 226. Snell, Catharina Magdalene, 104. Snell, Catharine, 168, 176, 207. Snell, Catherine (2), 168. Snell, Christian, 136. Snell, Elias, 30, 94, 97, 109, 125, 131, 134, 139, 148-9, 153, 163, 165, 173, 200, 208. Snell, Elizabeth, 124, 153, 210. Snell, Elizabeth Barbara, 139. Snell, Henry, 94-5, 99, 101, 104, 117, 119, 126, 149, 168, 176, 201, 207. Snell, Henry, Jr., 117, 146, 149, 155, 168, 176, 187. Snell, Jacob, son of Adam, 188. Snell, Johannes, 104. Snell, Johannes, son of Adam, 131. Snell, .lohn, 163. Snell, John Adam, 149. Snell, John Frederick, 187. Snell, John Peter, 155. Snell, Juliana, 146, 149, 155, 168, 176, 187. Snell, Magdalene, 169, 173. Snell, Margaret, 104, 124, 129, 131, 149, 155, 169, 176, 178, 188, 204. Snell, Margaret (2), 129. Snell, Maria Magdaleiia, 215. Snell, Mary Catharina, 131, 134, 139, 148-9, 163, 165, 173, 200. Snell, Sarah, 178. Snell, Susannah Elizabeth, 129, 136, 153, 173. Snellgrove, Edward Freeman, 99, 101. N Snellgrove, Freeman, 99, 100-1, 114, 122. Snellgrove, N., 109. Snelling, Henry, 123, 150. Snelling, Sirrah, 122-3, 150. Snyder (Shnyder, Sknyder, Shy- der), Ann Margaret, 153, 163, 189. Snyder, Daniel, 110, 145. Snyder, Elizabeth, 145. Snyder, John, 145. Snyder, Mary Barbara, 11"\ Snyder, Mary Margaret, 135, 149, 213. Snyder, Michael, 237. INDEX 567 Souderecker, Elizabeth, 98, 109. Souderecker, John, 97. Spencer, Edward, 66. Spring, Bartholonie, 102. Spring, Hans, 225. Spring, Johannes, 95, 201. Spring, Magdalena, 95, 99, 108. Spring, Margaret, wife of Bartho- lome, 102. Spring, Margaret, wife of John 201. Spurloek, Benjamin, 117. Stack, Anthony, 79. Starley, John, 218. Stauber, Jacob, 30, 112, 194, 214. Staley (Stehely), Cliristopher, 114. Staley, Elizabeth, 115. Staley, John, 170, 178, 186, 190. Staley, Maria, 125. Staley, Mary, widow, 142, 154, 214. Staley, Mary, married Caspar 0th, 115, 214. Staley, Peter, 172-3. Starke, Robert, 468. ' Stean, Chris, 97. Stent, William, 253. Stephen, Margaret, 116. Sterling, Henry, 18, 34, 39. Stetzel, George, 98. Stetzel, Johannes, 98. Stetzel, Maria Linden, 98. Steventir, Ebenbard, 218. Stewart, Ann, 155. Stewart, John, 225. Stewart, Robert, 155. St. Jolm's fort, 232. Stoudenmeyer, Anna, 131. Stoudenmeyer, Maria Catharina, 131. Stoudenmeyer, Martin, 131. Stroman (Strowmann, Strow- man, Straumann), Anna Mar- garet, 102, 130, 204. Stroman, Anna Margaret (2), 183. Stroman, Barbara, 94, 102. Stroman, Catharina, 99, 106, 126, 144, 148, 165, 195. Stroman, Catharina (2), 126. Stroman, Eva Catharina, 183. Stroman, Hans Henry, 99. Stroman, Hans Jacob, 195. Stroman, Henry, 97-9, 106-7, 112, 126, 144, 148, 165, 195, 199, 214-15. Stroman, Jacob, son of Henry, 165. Stroman, John Jacob (1), 97-8, 101, 107, 121, 130, 183, 204. Stronjan, John, 148, 473. Stroman, Maria Elizabeth, 101, 176, 187, 215. Stroman, Paul, 473, 482, 485. Strother, Catharina, 155, 179. Strother, Catharine (1), 191. Strother, Catharine (2), 191. Strother, Charles, 174. Strother, George, 248, 265. Strother, Jeremiah, 155, 179. Strother, Joseph, 155. Strother, Moses, 179. Strother, William, 191. Stroul, George, 271. Strubel, Elizabeth, 164. Strubel, Frederick, 164, 171. Strubel, Mary Catharina, 164. Strutzenecker, John, 28. Sturkie (Stareky, Stereky), Anna, 187. Sturkie, Ann, 142. Sturkie, Anne, wife of John Cas- par, 164. Sturkie, Elizabeth, 142, 151, 198, 204. Sturkie, Henry, 142, 151, 156, 198, 203-4. Sturkie, Henry (2), 198. Sturkie, John, 187. Sturkie, John Caspar, 160, 164. Sturkie, Margaret, 136, 187. Sturkie, Ulrick, 136, 160, 187. Sturkie, Ulrick, Jr., 151. Sturkie, Ulrick, son of Henry, 151. 568 INDEX Sullivan, John, 109, 124, 188. Sullivan, Mary (2), 138. Sullivant, Margaret, 124. Sullivant, Mary, 124, 138. Sumter, Gen. Thomas, 510, 514-16, 518, 525. Suther, Elizabeth, 135-8, 141, 149, 156, 162, 191. Suther, Elizabeth (2), 191. Suther, Jacob, 162. Suther, Johann Henry, 135. Suther, Samuel, 113, 117-18, 120, 129, 131, 133, 135-8, 141, 149, 155-6, 160-62, 190-91. Switman, John, 218. Switman, Richard, 218. Syfrett (Srefret, Sigfritt), Marga- ret, 136, 140. Syfrett, Mary Ann, 140. Syfrett, Mary Margaret, 140. Syfrett, Matthew, 136, 140. Symkins, Arthur, 249, 265. Taggart, Lieut. William, 387, 457, 460. Tapp, Ann Barbara, 108. Tapp, Anna Magdalena, 170. Tapp, Christian, 95. Tapp, John Julius, 95, 101, 108. Tash, Barbara (1), 137. Tash, Barbara (2), 137. Tash, William, 137. Tate, Alexander, 148, 172. Tate, Elizabeth, 123. Tate, Isabel, 148, 172. Tate, Margaret, 148. Taylor, Anne, 174. Taylor, Elizabeth, 170. Taylor, James, 117, 170. Taylor, Rev. J. W., 66, 68. Taylor, Mrs. J. W., 67. Taylor, John, 174. Teat, Ellas, 100. Tennison, Alexander, 163. Tennison, John, 163. Tennison, Judith, 163. Theiler, Elizabeth, 175. Theiler, Rudolph, 175. Themboro, Elizabeth, 179. Themboro, Swen, 179. Theus, (."apt., 420. Theus, Rev. Christian, 74, 80-83, S5-7, 109, 244. Theus, Simon, 116-17. Thieren, Jacob, 99. Thomas, John, 174, 251. Thomson, Charlotte, 380. Thomson, Eugenia, 162, 169, 172, 380. Thomson, Eugenia (2), 162. Thomson, James, 248-9. Thomson, Jane, 176, 185. Thomson, John, 176, 180, 182, 251. Thomson, Mary, daughter of Col. William, 172. Thomson, Mary, wife of William, 176. Thomson, Moses (Colonel), 4, 23, 63, 115, 117, 125, 137, 147, 155, 168, 176, 183, 185, 192, 215, 227, 232, 236-7, 246-8. Thomson, Moses, Jr., 162, 185, Thomson, Rebecca, 128, 137. Thomson, Sarah, 176, 180, 192. Thomson, Sarah (2), 176. Thomson, William, 176. Thomson, William (Colonel), 4, 8, 12, 23, 114-15, 119, 128, 132, 137, 153, 162, 169, 172, 185, 218, 227, 229, 232, 237, 247-8, 250-52, 254-5, 257-8, 265, 276, 278-465, 468. Thomson, William Russell, 376, 387, 459, 472. Thore, Frederick, 168. Thornton, Elizabeth, 166, 171, 172. Thornton, Joseph, 168, 171-2. Thwartz, Christian, 107. Thys, Cornelius, 181. Tilly, Elizabeth, 178, 182, 186. Tilly, George, 161. Tilly, James, Sr., 117, 119, 121, 135, 152, 161, 166, 196, 199, 233. Tilly, James, Jr., 119. INDEX 569 Tilly, Joseph, 121. Tilly, Market, 121, 135, 161, ]!)6. Tilly, Susannah, 182. Tilly, William, 185. Tittily, Mary Elizabeth, 144. Tittily, Rosina, 130. Tittleby, John (1), 12«, 130, 144, 147. " Tittleby, John (2), 126. Tittleby, Regania, 126, 130, 134, 144. * Tomnien, Veronica, 106. Ton del, John, 143. Tondel, John Peter, 143. Tondel, Magdalene, 143. Toonier, Jacob, 149. Treadwell, Mrs. M. B., 91. Tshudy (now Judy), Anna, lOS, 115.' Tshudy, Anna, daughter of Jacob, 190. Tshudy, Dorothy, 175, 190. Tshudy, Elizabeth, 123. Tshudy, Jacob, 139, 157, 175, 190. Tshudy, Margaret, 175. Tshudy, Martin, 115. Tshudy, Mary Catharina, 175, 177. . Tshudy, Mary, 215. Tucker, William, 230, 249, 157-8, 26.5. Turkey Hill, 38. Turquand, Rev. Paul, 62-4, 68, 257-8, 260. Twiddie, Elizabeth, 163, 169, 192. Twiddle, Robert, 163, 169, 192. Twyther, Jacob, 28. Tyner, Ann Margaret, 167. Tyrrel, Major, 468. Ulmer, Anne Mary, 119, 127, 133, 141, 144, 148. Ulmer, Barbara, 215. Ulmer, Eva Maria, 127. Ulmer, Frederick, 141, 183. Ulmer, George Adam, 146. Ulmer, Hans, 168. Ulmer, John Frederick, 115, 146, 148, 155, 162, 178, 213. Ulmer, John Ja(H)b, 178. Ulmer, John Lewis, 213. Ulmer, Lewis, 178. Ulmer, Mary Barbara, 146, 162, 178. Ulmer, Mary Catharina, 144. Ulmer, Mary Magdalene, 162. Ulmer, Verena Maria, 133. Ulmer, Warner, 119, 127, 133, 144, 213. Ulrick, Anna ('atharina, 146. Ulrick, Catharina, 146, 161. Ulrick, George, 146, 161, 188,211, Ulrick, Nicholas, 161. Ulrick, Susannah Barbara, 188. Usman, Hans George, 161. Usman, Magdalene, 161. Usman, Mary Catharina, 161. Utsey (Yutsey, Jutsig), Conrad, 113, 117, 153, 163, 190. Utsey, Daniel, 180. Utsey, Elizabeth, 153. Utsey, Magdalene, 153, 163, 190. Utsey, Margaret, 109. Utsey, Mary Regina Philippina, 122, 206. Utsey, Regina, 99, 101, 105. Utsey, Valentine, 112-13, 176, 206. Vance, Elizabeth, 148, 180. Vance, George, 137. Vance, Moses, 387, 414, 419, 420. Vance, Sarah, 137. Vance, William, 137. Vardel, Sergeant, 527-8. Volckart, Agnes, 185. Volckart, Esther, 185. Volckart, Henry, 185. Waber, Anna Maria, 146, 164. Waber, Catharina, 183, 192. Waber, Elizabeth, 146, 157, 161, 163-4, 171, 183. Waber, Elizabeth Barbara, daughter of John, 171. 570 INDEX Wiiber, Elizabeth Barbara, da ug:hter of George, 183. Waber, George, or Hans George, 183, 192. Waber, Hannah, 164. Waber, John, 146, 155, 157, 160-1, 163-4, 171. Waber, Maria Barbara, wife of Nicholas, Jr., 164, 171, 183, 192. Waber, Maria Barbara, daughter of George, 192. Waber, Mary Catharina, 157. Waber, Mary Elizabeth, 146. Waber, Nicholas, Sr., 146, 164. Waber, Nicholas, Jr., 146, 164, 171, 183, 192. Wagner, Philip, 188. Walling, Mary, 155. Walling, Robert, 155. Walling, William, 155. Wannanuiker, Anna, 170, 192. Wannaniaker, Anna (2), 192. Wannaniaker, Anne, 185, 212. Wannaniaker, (ktherine (Ann Catharine), 104, 135, 176, 212. Wannaniaker, Henry (1), son of Jacob and Catharine, 104. Wannaniaker, Henry (2), son of Jacob and Anna, 170. Wannaniaker, Jncob (1 ), 96-7, 101, 104, 107, 135, 170, 176, 192, 212. Wannaniaker, Jacob (2), 471, 479. Wannamaker, Mary Magdalene, 176, 212. Wannamaker, William, 101, 192. Warley, Capt. Felix, 353, 386, 456. Warley, Capt. James, or Joseph, 386, 459. Warnedow, Anna, 178, Warnedow, John, 103. Warnedow, Leonard (1), 103, 108, 125, 131, 148, 164, 178. Warnedow, Leonard (2), 125. Warnedow, Sarah, 108, 125, 181, 148, 164, 178. Warnedow, Sarah, daughter of Leonard, 131. Warnedow, Thomas, 164. Warner, Magdalene, 117, 124, 129, 183. Warren, Elizabeth, 110. Waters, Philemon, 275, 277. Watson, Jane, 183. Watson, Mary, 183. Watson, Capt. Micliael, 484, 527-8. Watson, Nathaniel, 188. Weanright, William, 110. Weber heresy, 86, 238. Weber, Jacob, 81 , 87, 238-40, 243-5. Wechter, George, 112. Wechter, Magdalene, 112. Wedlin, Anne Mary, 116, Weekly, Elizabeth,' 112, 125. Weekly, Thomas, 100, 125, Weekly, William, 100, Weigne, Anna, 215. Whetstone, Adam, 217, Whetstone, Anna, 99, 100-1, 145. Whetstone, Anne Margaret, 161. WHietstone, Barbara. 142, 145. W^hetstone, Dorothea, 103. Whetstone, Eleanor, 128. Whetstone, Henry, 118, 121, 127-8, 142, 145, 218, 287, 269, 272. Whetstone, Johannes, 98-9, 100-1, 228, 145, 210. Whetstone, John, Jr., 88, 99-100, 210. Whetstone, Margaret, 98. Whideman (Wideman), Anna, 151, 161, 168, 175, 177, 191, Whideman, Jacob (1), 142, 14,5, 149, 151, 161, 168, 175, 177, 191. Whideman, Jacob (2), 161. Whideman, Johannes, 191. Wiiisenhunt (Yssenhut), Abra- ham, 105, 124-5, 127, 138, 136, 143, 151, 169-70, 173, 177, 184. Whisenhunt, Abraham (2), 105. Whisenhunt, Ann, 107. Whisenhunt, Isaac, 136. INDEX 571 Whisenhunt, Jacob, 136. Whisenhunt, Johannes, 124. Whisenhunt, John, 169. Whisenliunt, Maria, 151. Whisenhunt, Mary, 105, 124, 136, 143, 151, 169, 173, 177, 184. White, Bryan, 168. White, Katherine, 168. White, Katherine (2), 168. Whiteford ( Whitford), Mary, 123- 4, 126, 133, 138, 145, 148, 1-5, 163, 173. Whiteford, Rachel, 116. Wliiteford (Whitford), Robert^ 96, 125-6, 133, 138, 145, 148. Wliitnian, (Jatharina Barbara, 144, 199. Whitman, Mary Ann, 144, 161. Whitman, Mary Catharina, 161. Whitman, Stephen, 144, 161, 199. Whitten, Robert, 4, 8. Wild, Thomas, 11. Williams, Britton, 276, 508. Williams, Hannah, 110. Willis, Adam, 172. Willis, John, 139. Willis, Regina, wife of Adam, 172. Willis, Regina, wife of John, 139. Windlee, Ann Margaret, 146-7. Windlee, David Frederick, 146. Windlee, John, 146. Winigum, Amy, 169. Wise, Christopher, 229. Witham, Solomon, 110. Witt, John Adam, 152. WMtt, Regina, 152. Wolfe (Woolf, Wolfi; Wolf), Ann, 103, 132, 134, 196. Wolfe, Ann Apollonia, 122, 132, 141, 152, 169, 187, 212, 214. Wolfe, Ann Apollonia (2), 122. Wolfe, Elizabeth, 128, 149, 202, 212. Wolfe, Hannah, 149, 156, 15S. Wolfe, Jacob, Sr., 96, 106, 122, 132, 134, 141, 152, 169, 187, 189, 227. Wolfe, Jacob, Jr., 11. Wolfe, Jacob, son of John, 149, 202. Wolfe, Johannes, 114, 128, 149, 162, 176, 202, 212. Wolfe, John (of Saxe-Gotha Township), 79. Wolfe, John (of Orangeburgh), 103, 126, 151, 166, 169, 174, 196. Wolfe, John Lewis, 100 (Lucy), 186. Wolfe, Lucas, 98, 105, 129. Wolfe, Mary Elizabeth, 132. Wolfe, Nessa, 95. Wolfe, Peter, 128, 202. Wolfe, Regina, 187. 212. Wolfe, Samuel, 169. Wolfe, Sertina, 100. Wolfe, Thomas, 103. Wolfe, Zibilla, 30, 208, 214. Wood, Benjamin, 151. Wood, George Riggs, 172. Wood, Jonathan Riggs, 160. Wood, Jonathan, 163. Wood, John, 105. Wood, Joseph, 120, 138, 151, 163, 182, 217. Wood, Joseph (2), 138. Wood, Martha, 138, 151, 163, 182. Wood, Mary, 171-2. Wood, Olivia. 110. Wood, Peter, 160, 171-2. Wood, Solomon, 218. Wright, Samuel, 98. Wurtz (Wuester, Wurtzer, Wart- zer), Henry, 28, 30, 96-7, 100-3, 106, 114-15, 119, 120, 136, 144, 158, 162, 185, 206, 210. Wurtz, Verena, 103-4, 136, 144, 162, 185, 214. Wylde, J., 275. Wymer, Anne, 165, 203, 208. Wymer, Anne Margaret, 165, 203. Wymer, Jacob, 165, 187, 203. Wymer, John Jacob, 120, 208. Ygly, Barbara. 157. 572 INDEX Ygly, Catluirinn, 107. Yonii, Anna, lcS2. Yonn, Anna Barbara, 209. Yonn, ('hristina, 138, 166, 168, 184, 189, 209. Yonn, Nicholas, 138, 168, 168, 178, 184, 186, 189, 209. Yonn, Nicliolas (2), 209. Yonn, Simon, 175, 190. Yonn, Snsannah, 135, 157. Yorli, Agnesia W., 103. York, Christian, 97, 108. York, Lewis, 97, 103. Young, Anna Barbara, 215. Young, Ann, 153, 166, 186, Young, Henry, 117, 153, 166, 186, 230, 271. Young, Henry (2), 166. Young, Mary, 140, 166. Young, Mary (2), 166. Young, Rebecca, 94, 153. Young, Sirrah, 113. Young, Thomas, 186, 249, 265. Young, William, 8, 30, 94, 113, 114, 140, 166. Young, William (2), 140. Zahn, Christopher, 258, 275-6. Zauberbuhler, Bartholomew, 36, 37, 50-1, 54-6, 58-9. Zeigler, Angelia, 116. Zeigler, Anne Mary, 142, 146, 155, 157, 173, 188, 199. Zeigler, Bernard, 116, 138, 142, 146, 155, 157, 173, 178, 188, 19.3, 199. Zeigler, Eva Catharina, 188. Zeigler, Hans Caspar, 173. Zeigler, John Jacob, 157. Zeigler, Zibilla, 142, 199. ZellM'egerin, Rosina, 110. Zinnnerman, Martin, 184. Zorn, Anne Katharine, 180. Zorn, ('atharina, 107. Zorn, Henry, 177, 180, 184, 193. Zorn, Magdalene, 114. Zorn, Nicholas, 161, 177, 180. Zorn, Susannah Elizabeth, 177, 180. Zubly, Rev. Dr., 46. (now in press.) Songs as They Came. BY JAMES EDWIN KERR CLOTH, PRICE $1.00. R. Lewis Berry, Orangeburg, S. C. ,- V ■» '-^ ^. > ^ •• ■ ^ -^ ^' /!o-.<'''-^>.". : <>:^'^ \^^^''''^''\^''^ .%y^^^'\^^ ^'\y^fy7-'^\<^ ./c-^>/^ ,..-:. r .x^^' "^^ ,,.» ^r^.^^,% .. . _ / ^' .^^'^ \ ^ J3RESS \ \ V *\ "« J \ \ \ \ Sfe. \\: