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They com- posed and signed, in the cabin of the Mayflower, Nov. ii, 1620, the grand though simple "Compact," model of all our constitutions; they organized Gen- eral Courts, patterns of our legislative bodies; courts of judicature and com- missions for the settlement of minor cases, — "to end small causes," — types of our municipal and justices' courts; they gathered congregational bodies of wor- shippers, embodiments and types of our best, fraternal, religious life; they crys- talized the old Saxon town idea into systematic town meetings; they first subscribed to support schools for their children, then devised the scheme of bearing the burden by general taxation, making schools by the people, for the people. And they and their descendants went forth to settle other parts of the great land, and built the foundation of new states out of granite, quarried from Massachusetts ledges. Thus it is the "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" where the largest number of American families had their first home this side of the Atlantic; and to her records and relics come yearly the largest proces- sions of pilgrims, seeking to obtain clues to the still earlier history of their ancestry. Love of family and desire to know and preserve the memory of worthy fore-fathers lead many inquirers into this field. The admirable organiza- tions which keep alive the memory of the Mayflower passengers, which place fresh laurels on the graves of colonial worthies and warriors, which pay honor to the guardians of a country in the face of foreign oppression, the founders of our republican institutions — these socie- ties have deepened the interest and greatly advanced the knowledge of our ancestors. Thus an increasing amount of exam- ination of old records is made; and the courteous town and church clerks, re- corders of deeds and wills, custodians of filed documents in court houses and the office of the Secretary of the Common- wealth, have abundant opportunity for the display of that remarkable affability and helpfulness which characterize the officials of our state. Numerous family histories and sketch- es of the founders have appeared, some of which are models of research and honesty; what a fine list that is which Munsell's Sons present in their Ameri- can Genealogist! Other books are in preparation and much investigation and compilation is being done for simple, private satisfaction. But the work of historical researcn is an art; records, ever so accessible, need skilled readers and interpreters. Apparatus is demanded for the work; charts are needed for the chart-makers. John Farmer, M.A., having explored to the best of his ability a part of the early records, published in 1628 "A Gen- ealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England," which had great value, and marked him as a benefactor of American students of history. Dr. James Savage constructed a treatise on somewhat different lines, and issued in 1858 his "Genealogical Dictionary of New England." In this four-volume work he undertook to present the chief points of interest in the life of every set- tler of each of the New England states from the settlement of Plymouth to the close of the century; and to trace out each family through four generations. How well he succeeded in this vast en- terprise, how much information he amassed and presented may be told by any genealogist of experience. The scheme was Titanic; the service rendered was Herculean; the name of Dr. Savage deserves high renown. But full success in such a vast under- taking was at that date simply impos- sible; and searchers find at the close of each volume an alarming list of errata, discovered by the author while the print- ers were doing their work; and the roll- ing years have added astonishingly to the list. Had Dr. Savage lived he would have issued a corrected edition, no doubt. But, meantime, by the liberality of the Athens of America and some lesser cities and towns, a good number of ancient town and church records have been copied with minute care and printed verbatim; the annals of both colonies have been made acces- sible in this way; and Suffolk county has set a fine example by its publication of almost a dozen volumes of deeds. The state has issued Bradford's History; the notarial records of Lechford and Aspinwall have been brought out; these three volumes illuminating the period of the Pioneers remarkably. The Mass. Historical Society, the His- toric-Genealogical Society, Essex Insti- tute, and other organizations have fixed in type many documents which the tooth of time had begun to gnaw ; and the task of the searcher has been wonderfully lightened. These printed books and pa- pers, however, contain only a small minority of the records essential to the making of such a work as Farmer and Savage designed; but they make the difference between an impossible and a practicable undertaking. The present writer conceived, quite a number of years since, the plan of mak- ing a revised edition of Dr. Savage's magnificent work. This scheme was revolved and discussed with gentlemen of wide acquaintance with the subject. At last this conclusion was reached: no man can to-day construct a trustworthy compendium of so many families and so many generations as Dr. Savage attempted. The problem must be separated into parts; divide et impera. THE PRESENT WORK narrows the field to the single state of Massachusetts, as bounded to-day; re- stricts the genealogy to the first settlers and their children only; and confines the study still further to those persons who came here early enough to be founda- tion-layers, first fellers of the primeval forests, first ploughers of the virgin soil, first makers of homes in the new coun- ery, first worshippers in the log meeting- houses, first freeman and officers in the plantations and colonies. What were these but "pioneers," whose bravery, earnestness, fidelity, love, made them worthy to be enrolled by themselves, an honorable list of heroes and heroines. All who came after the year 1650 found Massachusetts a reality, a single state, practically, although under two frater- nal colonial governments; all who came before that date helped essentially to make it. Although their jurisdiction ex- tended over a wider field than the pres- ent state limits, there seems to the writ- er a propriety in restricting this volume in this way. Later volumes by this or some other hand may present the Pioneers of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut for that early period, with all the light now thrown on their m.on- uments. This list is large enough for one volume, grand enough for the cit- izens of one state to call its very own. The limit of the "pioneer" period is an open question. It might be fixed by the statement of Winthrop in his His- tory. "2 (4) 1641. The parliament of England setting upon a general reformation, both of church and state . . . this caused all men to stay in Eng- land in expectation of a new world, so as few came to us." Although "few" arrived after 1641, yet the records show occasional ad- ditions; and a man did not always buy or receive an allotment of land or join the church or do anything which was noted in public records for several years after his arrival. Accordingly the limit has been fixed at 1650, to include all who came before the beginning of that "reformation" which Winthrop counted so significant, and to allow for the full development of the state in its life here and its significance abroad. The names here given are all which have been found in the journals and lists of the colonies, towns, churches and counties of the period, 1620-1650, inclu- sive, as well as those perpetuated in the passenger-lists of that time which have survived to our day. When once a name has been found within that period, it has been followed to the last day of the pioneer's life; in a few cases this has ex- tended to the second or third decade of the following century. This has neces- sitated the scrutiny of the documents until 1720 for record of deaths and pro- bate proceedings. While the names, dates and facts here stated have been taken by the compiler from the original documents or from such copies of them as have been made and verified by the highest authority, references are often given to pages in the Historic-Genealogical Register or other publications where copies or ab- stracts of the same may be seen. This is particularly noteworthy in the case of the exceedingly valuable notes of Eng- lish wills, made by Henry F. Waters, A.M., and the abstracts of Suffolk Co. wills by William B. Trask, A.M. The original words and phrases are quoted generally. Only in very rare in- stances has the compiler ventured to in- troduce an opinion of his own, preferring to put the reader in possession of the materials out of which an individual opinion may be formed. If you had the books before you and could read the peculiar chirography; if you critically studied the words employed, and tested your impressions by comparing one document with another; if you brought years of practise in this sort of reading to bear on the documents, — you would write down in your book the very things which are here presented. This volume represents the relative amount of matter which exists to-day about these people. Not that all is copied; far from it. But this is a char- acterizing list; this is sufficient to rank the pioneers for inspection. A full copy of every original line about them would not change materially the impression here given. THE PURITAN PILGRIMS OF MASSACHUSETTS. Governor William Bradford, who is the highest authority on the subject, tells us that the persons who came to Plymouth were called Puritans; that their English neighbors opprobriously & most injuriously imposed upon them that name of Puritans which it is said the Novatians out of prid did assume & take unto themselves." The colonists of Massachusetts Bay were chiefly Puri- tans, also; the most perfect understand- ing existing between the religious lead- ers of the two colonies in most respects. The nucleus of the colony of Ply- mouth, every one knows, was the little band of men and women who met in apostolic fashion in a private house at Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, on the flat banks of the Idle; whence they removed in 1607-8 to Leyden, Holland, and then came toward the sunset, full of faith in a coming day. The germ of the colony of Massachusetts Bay was a company of business men who met at London, plan- ning for a settlement wherein should dwell righteousness and profit. But Dorchester was founded by a church as definitely organized as that of Scrooby, and brought its two ministers, chosen in Plymouth, Eng., in 1629. Rev. John Cotton, in 1629, accom- panied some of his parishioners from their home in old Boston to Southamp- ton, whence they were to sail for New England, and charged them to "take ad- vice of them of Plymouth and do noth- ing to offend them." When Salem and Cnarlestown churches were organized the brethren of Plymouth church were consulted and similar statements of faith and polity adopted. Bradford says: "Rev. Mr. Warham of the church in Dorchester expressed a desire to one of Plymouth Church in 1630, to be on friendly terms with that church and people, and he declared him- self satisfied with their ecclesiastical gov ernment and proceedings." Thomas HoUamd of Yarmouth was "still a member of a separated church in Old England" in 1641, when his babe was baptized at Barnstable. Michael Metcalf of Dedham left on record an account of the persecutions he had en- dured at Norwich, Eng., for his puri- tanic life. Governor John Winthrop wrote honeyed words of farewell to the Church of England, and straightway joined in founding a separate church un- der the Charlestown oak. Robert Mas- sail was dismissed from Boston church "to the church of Christ at Dover in England" in 1646, and John Westgate to "the church of Pulham Mary in Nor- folk, Eng.," in 1674; and Mrs. Lydia Banks, a resident of Salem from 1636 to 1642, was dismissed "to a church at London of which Mr. Nye is pastor," at her request, 6 (9) 1664. Mr. John- son was received to the church of Charlestown 29 (5) 1660, "by dismission from a church of Christ at Canterbury in Old England." Mrs. Elizabeth Con- ant's child was baptized at Salem 12 (11) 1662, "upon ye letter from ye church at Corke testifying of her membership there." These and many other evidences prove the identity of the people of both these colonies with the grand Puritan host of England, described so admirably by Macaulay in his Essay on Mil- ton; who, whether remaining in the organization of the church of England or refusing to conform to ceremonies they believed anti-christian, were one in pure faith and life, one in resolute at- tempts to carry the doctrines of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man into all departments of religious and secular life. The term Bradford ab- horred was really a good, discriminatmg title, and it has passed into history. It is not correct, therefore, to call the people of one of the colonies "Pilgrims" and those of the other "Puritans," for both were Puritans in the fact of a holy determination to avoid every impure, de- grading fashion and to live by the stand- ards of the Revealed Word of God; and both were Pilgrims in the fact of making a journey from a high religious motive. Tliese people, however, were not perfect, and they learned slowly the art of giving and taking liberty. The annals of that early period are full of strife; our ancestors brought over many an old notion of intolerance and persecution, which they were suf- ficiently "conforming" to practice; it took long years for Puritanism to escape from those toils ; but by and by came the real fruits of the system. In some cases a person is said to have been "in court" when the whole cause was the harsh method employed by the gov- ernment in attempting to guard what seemed to the rulers the essential ele- ments of pure religion and good gov- ernment. The severe legislation of the Puritans was simply imitation of Eng- lish and continental methods. The cruelties of the Middle ages lingered in statute books on the other side of the Atlantic longer than they did here. Puritanism actually softened the laws, increased the protection of the weak; and it was here, where the Bible was widely opened and Jesus Christ was acknowledged absolute King, that po- litical and religious liberty and fra- ternity first found complete expression. the occupations, estates and social stand- ing of the Pioneers. The summary of these, given on another page, is well worth studying. The number who took to themselves the designation "gentleman," or had it attached to their names by the writers of passenger-lists, deeds, wills, church, town or court lists, is not very large; in some cases the title was used when a person had been in public office here, and was given by recorders, without reference to social standing in England. With very few exceptions, however, those noted as of "gentle" blood were entitled to use coats of arms and crests. Probably quite a number more had this dignity at home, but did not so appear on New England records. But the great majority of the pioneers were the plain, untitled people, bred to industry and economy, trained to professions, mer- chandise, trades, husbandry or service, 'those who came of noble families were often apprenticed in childhood to learn some trade, or to do house work; and persons who were employed, even in positions of trust and dignity, bore the title "servant" like humble menials. They were educated beyond the average of English people of their time, and their habits were cleaner, more virtuous than the majority of their old associates. And thus they had the stuff and force as well as the faith and patience for the en- terprise which made such drafts on body, mind and character as the laying of the foundations of a commonwealth. One exceedingly valuable feature of this compilation is the presentation of The writer wishes to acknowledge very gratefully the privileges and aid ex- tended to him by the clerks of the old towns and churches, registers of Pro- bate, recorders of Deeds, and custodians of ancient books and documents. In addition to placing these treasures at his service without fees, they have dered, for very courteous opening of shown great courtesy in arranging the ancient treasures and facihties extended; most convenient desk-room, hght, free- and in the city of Leyden, Holland, dom from intrusion, and in giving as- polite attentions and valuable privileges sistance when desired. They have were also accorded. recognized the special character of the It would be impossible to mention by work, and united to secure its thorough name these many persons, to each of and exact performance. Three summers whom gratitude is felt deeply, and with- in England have also given the writer a out whom the work could not have been long list of names to whom similar accomplished, acknowledgements are cheerfully ren- SPECIAL DIRECTIONS FOR SEARCHERS. 1. Look for many variations of surnames ; allow for phonetic spelling and carelessness The diphthong ea was usually pronounced a long ; consonants were often doubled after long vowels ; ph and f were interchanged recklessly ; and other alterations were loosely made, such as Hayward, Heywood, Howard and Hawoorth. The indexing of such matter is therefore difficult ; and one must sometimes look on several pages before discovering a desired name. Not only did public recorders vary the orthography, but a man sometimes spelled his own name in two or more ways. 2. Always consult the index, and there exercise the same liberal method. 3. Fail not to guage the meaning of the Abbreviations employed, since many lines of original record have sometimes been compressed into one, in this volume. 4. The source from which a particular word or statement has been drawn can be inferred in most cases from its nature; as proprietorship and town office from town records; chui-ch membership, dismission, etc., from those of the churches; purchase and sale of lands from county Records of Deeds; depositions, giving age, etc., from records or files of the Coiu-ts or Colonies; designations of trade, occupation or social position were usually given in deeds, but sometimes in records of admission to churches; wills and administrations of estates in Probate Records or those o£ the Comity or Colony. When an item was found in an unusual place, the source has been noted. 5. The dates are given as they were recorded. March 25 was New Tear's Day in England and her colonies in the seventeenth century. It is at once a blunder and a crime to alter such dates to suit a calendar which our Forefathers did not use. Their "style" was just exactly "old style," not at all "new." From January 1 to March 25, during which some other nations used the new year number, they often wrote a double date; as "3 February, 1621-2" ; but February was still "moneth 12," and even 24 March was in the old year, although the month, by anticipation of "day 25," was "moneth 1." 6. The Author will be grateful for information of any error discovereil in this volume, and for facts of definite importance respecting the Pioneers recorded in either American or English documents of that period. For list of Authorities, Table of Abbreviations, Roll of Pioneer Towns, Cross Index and Table of Occupations, Trades, and Social Position, see pp. 520 et. seq. The Pioneers of Massachusetts. ABBE, ABBEY, ABBEE, ABBT, John, yeoman, Salem, propr. 1G36. Ch. recorded: Rebecca, (m. 13 (3) 1U07, Rich- ard Kimball,) John b. and d. 1GG5, John b. 15 Dec. mm, Thomas b. 5 (12) 1GG7, Joseph b. 18 Aug. [1672.] His wife Mary d. Sept. 9, 1672, and he m. Nov. 25, 1671, Mary Goldsmith. Rem. to Weuham about 1642. He deeded land to sou Samuel April 3, 1675; and gave property Aug. 3, 1G83, to son John in trust, to care for himself and wife the rest ol their lives, and to pay bequests to his other chil- dren, viz. Samuel, Sarah, Marah, Rebecca, Obediah and Thomas. [Es. Prob. 307, 451.] ABBOT, ABBOTT, ABBETT, ABBITT, Daniel, Cambridge, propr., frm. May 18, 1631. Rem. to Providence before 4 (4) 1639. [Col. Rec] Edward, Taunton, atba. 1643. George, Rowley, propr. 1643. Son George b. about 1630. [Depos.] The Gen. Court re- ferred his will to Salem Court 11 Nov. 1047. Inv. taken 30 Aug. 1049; house, land, etc.; some lands at Newbury; 30 books; household effects. We learn of his family from the folg. : his son Thomas A. of Rowley, made will 5 (7), prob. 27 (7) 1C59; beq. to wife Dorothy, father-in-law Richard Swan, bros. George, Nehemiah and Thomas A. [Ipswich De.] George, of Andover, Nehemiah, of Ipsw. and Thomas, of Concord, sold, 25 Nov. 1659, land at Rowl. formerly belonging to their father George A., dec, subject to life of widow Dorothy A. George, Sen. Andover, propr. 1643. He testified in Joseph Parker's suit in Mdx. Court, 17 (4) 1673, ae. about GO years. He ABBOT, etc., cont. m. at Roxbury, Dec. 12, 164G, Hannah, dau. of William and Annis Chandler. Ch. John, Joseph b. March 11, 1649, d. 24 June, 16D0, Hannah b. June 9, 1650, Joseph b. March 30, 1652, George b. June 7, 1655, William b. Nov. 18, 1657, Sarah b. Nov. 14, 1659, Beujamin b, Dec. 20, 1661, Timothy b. Nov. 17, 1GG3, Thomas b. May G, 1G6G, Nathaniel b. July 4, 1671, Elizabeth b. Jan. 29, 1673-4. Will dated 12 Dec. 1681, prob. at Ips. 28 March, 1682; beq. to wife Hannah; to eldest son John; other ch. to inherit at death of wife. Bros. Thomas and William Chandler overseers. [Compare with Genealogy and Es. Ant. 1, 35.] John, accidentally shot at Concord in 1630 by Matthew Bridge. [W.] Probably the person who came, ae. 10, in the Hopewell in 1635, with Marie, ae. 10. Robert, Watertowu, propr., frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Rem. to Wethersfield, Conn. ABDA, ABDY, Matthew, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in July, 1G35; settled at Boston; fisherman. Wife Tabitha, dau. of Robert Reynolds, d. in 1061. He m. 2, Alice Cox, May 24, 1062; ch. Mary b. May 24, 1648, Tabitha b. 24 Nov. 1652. ABEL, ABELL, Robert, Weymouth, frm. May 18, 1631; propr. 1643. Wife Joanna; ch. Abraham bur. 14 (9) 1639, Mary b. 11 (2) 1642. Rem. to Rehoboth; propr. 1643; lie. to keep an ordi- nary, 1G5G. Inv. of his est. taken 9 Aug. 1C63; admin, gr. to widow Joanna. House and lands ABEL, etc., cont. given to eldest son; a cow and calf to dau. Mary; the widow to have her thirds; rest to the other five children. ACEY, ACY, ASEY, AVilliam, Rowley, propr. 1043; town oflScer. Wife Margaret. He made an agree- ment 21 (2) 1675, with son John and dau. Mary, wife of Charles Brown, concerning his est. Will dated 22 April, 1089, being very aged; prob. 30 Sept. 1090; gr. eh. John Brown, of Rowl., Nathaniel and Ebenezer B.; son John A.'s 3 daus. Elizabeth, Hannah and Mar- garet. ADAMS, Alexander, shipwright, Boston, bought house in 1645, adm. chh. 31 (3) 1046; frm. May 10, 1048. With wife Mary, dism. to Chh. of Dorchester for a season 23 (10^ 1647. Ch. Mary b. 9 (11) 1645, Susanna, b. 14 (3) 1648, Martha bapt. 27 (5) 1650, John b. 26 Feb. 1652, Samuel b. 7 May, 1056, Susanna b. July 21, 1658, Elizabeth bapt. 25 (5) 1658, Elizabeth b. Oct. 1, 1000. Admin, gr. Feb. 28, 1677-8 to his widow Mary. Ferdinando, shoemaker, Dedhani, propr. 1637, adm. chh. 25 (11) 1039; frm. May 13, 1640. Wife, Ann adm. chh. in 1039; ch. Abi- gail b. 45 (7) 1039, Bethia b. 10 (4) 1640, Na- thaniel b. 10 (1) 1642. He went to England 3 (6) 1641, and his wife followed in 1642. [Chh. Rec] He res. in St. Katharine's in 1653, when his agent sold lands in Dedham. George, glover, Watertown, 1645, propr. at Nashaway or Lancaster in 1647; sold land in Wat. Nov. 4, 1664. Rem. to Cam- bridge. Wife, Frances; ch. John b. 16 (8) 1045, Jo- seph b. March 0, 1057; other ch. George, and Mary. He d. Oct. 10, 1090. Admin, on his est. was gr. to the widow Frances Oct. 28. Henry, Sen., Braintree, had land grant at Mr. Wollaston 24 (12) 1039-40, 40 acres for 10 heads. Signed petition about meadows in 1646. [Arch. 45.] He was bur; 8 (8) 1646. Nunc, will prob. 8 (4) 1647, on testimony of Benjamin AUbe and Richard Brackett. Inv. filed. Beq. to wife; to sons Peter, John, Joseph, Edward ADAMS, cont. and Samuel, and dau. Ursula. House and lands, etc. Books to be divided among his children. Money due to son Samuel for ground bought of him; i)art of his land to return to the town. John (probably this son), depos. at Cambridge 7 (8) 1656, ae. about 35 years. [Mdx. Files.] Samuel m. Mary Eaglesfield, q. v. [Henry, town clerk, lieut., owner of a mill afterwards at Med- field, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Moses Paine, is believed to have been another son of Hen- ry, Sen.; but the writer has found no proof of this nor any trace of the origin of the family, in any contemporaneous document.] Jeremy, Cambridge, propr. 1033, frm. May 6, 1035. John, Plymouth, came in the Fortune in 1621; frm. 1032. Wife Eleanor and son James reed, shares of cattle in 1027. He d. in 1033; inv. of his est. taken Oct. 24, 1033. Ch. James, John and Susan. The widow m. 2, in June, 1034, Kenelm 'W'iuslow, who paid her son John his portion 20 Dee. 1651. She was bur. Dec. 5, 1681, ae. 83. [Reg. XXXIH, 410.] John, Salem left his master Thorndike in 1036. [Court Rec] Nathaniel, dish-turner, Weymouth, frm. May 20, 1047; town ofBcer. He rem. to Bos- ton; bought house and land about 1651. Town officer; had large estate. Wife Sarah; ch. Abraham b. 16 (11) 1041. He deposed about 2 (2) 1061, ae. about GO years, concern- ing a bargain made in 1057. [Mdx. Files.] He made will 14 July, 1075; "aged;" prob. 1 (9) folg.; beq. to wife Sarah, sons Nathan- iel, David, Abraham, Jonathan, Isaac (if yet alive and shall return to Boston); to David's ch. Sarah and David; to Mary Tin well. The widow's will, dated Oct. 10, 1684, prob. 14 May, 1685. The son Nathaniel depos., 1681, ae. about 50 years. Richard, ae. 29. with Susan, ae. 26, came in the Abigail June 20, 103.5, cert, from Northampton, Eng. Settled at Salem. Frm. Sept. 2, 1635. Deputy, town officer. Bought land, 1646. Wife Elizabeth d. at Maiden (9) 1050. Richard, ae. 29, servant to Wm. Read of Batcome, Eng., tailor, came from Wey- mouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635, with wife Mary, ae. 26, and ch. Mary, ae. 1. Set- 10 ADAMS, cont. tied at Weymouth. Com. for Gen. Court G (7> 1038. Excused from bearing arms on account of age 20 (4) 16C5. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Sarah b. 3 (5) 1637, Samuel b. (4) 1039, Ruth b. 3 (4) 1042. Robert, yeoman, tailor, Salem, iiropr. 1638; employed to "ring" the swiue in 1640. Rem. to Newbury about 1049. Wife Eleanor d. June 12, 1077. He m. 2, Feb. 0, 107S, Sarah, widow of Henry Short. Ch. John, .Joanna, (m. Launcelot Granger,) Abraham. Eliza- beth, (m. Edward Phelps,) Mary, (m. Jere- miah Goodridge,) Isaac, Jacob b. and d. 1049, Hannah b. 25 June, 1050, (m. William Warham,) Jacob b. 13 Sept. 1051, Jacob b. April 14, 1654, Arcbelaus. Joanna, ae. 17, and Abraham, ae. 10, depos. in 1651. He d. 12 Oct. 1082, ae. 81. Will dated 7 March, lOSO, and 27 June, 1682, pro!). 28 (9) folg.; beq. to wife Sarah, sons John, Isaac, Jacob, Abraham, and daus. Hannah A., Eliz- abeth Phelps, Joanna Granger, JIary Good- ridge; to several of their ch. and to Mary, Abraham's wife. The widow d. 24 Oct. 1697. Thomas, Cambridge, propr. 1639. Rem. to Braintree; propr. also at Weymouth, 1643. Rem. to Concord; sold house and land, lately called that of John A., 1 Jan. 1054. Rem. to Chelmsford. Wife Mary; ch. Jonathan and Pelatiah b. 6 (1) 1646, Timothy b. 15 (2) 1G48, George b. 29 (3) 1050. His will, dated March 28, 1688, prob. Oct. 7, 1090, beq. to wife Mary, sons Pelatiah, Jonathan, Timothy, Samuel, and dau. Coop- er. Inv. taken 11 Aug. 1088. William, ae. 15, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Settled at Cambridge; planter; propr. 1030; frm. May 22, 1638. Rem. to Ipswich. Memb. grand jury, 1642. He made exchange of land about 1651, as his son Lieut. John testified March 29, 1092, being about GO years old; mentioning his bro. William, and the latter's ch. William, Simon and John. William, b. May 27, 1050, who was ord. minister at Dedham in 1673, is doubtless the grandson here mentioned. His diary Is printed in Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-1. ADDINGTON, Isaac, surgeon, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. 13 (4) 1640, frm. 22 May, 1650. He m. Anne, dau. of elder Thomas Leverelt; ch. ADDINGTON, cont. Isaac b. 22 (11) 1644, Anne b. 10 (1) 1640, (m. 1, Samuel Mosely, 2, Nehemiah Pearce,) Re- becca bapt. 11 (1) 1049, (m. Capt. Eleazer Davenport,) Sarah b. 12 (2) 1051, d. 2 (6) 1652, Sarah b. 11, bapt. 13 (12) 1652, (m. Col. Penn Townsend). He d. in 1052. Admin. 10 (10) 1652. [Reg. IV, 17, and VIII, 128x.] ADDIS, Henry, brought suit in Es. Court In 1040. William, Gloucester; town oflicer, 1641. Mauson of Sci. Ch. Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, all bapt. in 2d chh. June 20, 1651, and Dart, of B. ADFORD, ADVARD, Henry, Scituate, Marshfield, atba. 1643, propr. 1645. He m. 6 Oct. 1643, Tamson Manson, June 29, of Sci. Ch. Mary, Eliza- beth, Sarah, all bapt. in 2d chh. 1051, and Experience bapt. April 18, 1652. He d. in 1053. AGAR, AGER, AGUR, William, Salem, 1636; frm. May 18, 1643. He summoned proprs. to meetings; was recorder of births, etc. Wif*! Alice memb. chh. before 1636. Ch. Benjamin bapt. 12 (12) 1630, Jonathan bapt. 10 (9) 1639. Will prob. Nov. 16.54; wife Alice; ch. Jo- seph, Jonathan, Benjamin, Abigail Kibben. AINSWORTH, EYNSWORTH, Anchor, shipwright, Boston, of ship Indevor, bound for Malaga, made his bro.- in-law Henry Rashley attorney for sale of land in B. 8 (7) 1645. [A.] Daniel, Roxbury, sold land in R. 15 (12) 1648; do, Nov. 4, 1604, wife Alice consent- ing. Admin, of his est. was gr. 21 Feb. 1680, to William Garey and Robert Pepper; transferred to John Gore Feb. 18, 3684, at the death of the widow Alice, for the bene- fit of the next of kin. The widow d. 9 Jan. 1684. AKERS, Thomas, mariner, Charlestown; d. in Mr. Garrett's ship in 1650. Admin, gr. in 1660 to widow Priscilla who m. 2, William Knapp of Watertown. Ch. 11 AKERS, cont. Thomas, Sarah, (m. William Mulford, of East HamiJton,) Kachel, b. about 1013; (she made Authouy Waters her attorney Aug. 22, 1G59, to receive portion of the estate of her bro. Thomas, who went into the wars of Ireland more than 10 years before, and had not been heard of since). [Mds. Files.] ALBEE, ALBYE, Benjamin, carpenter, miller, land-sur- veyor, Boston, 103!), Braiutree. 1040; frm. May 18, 1042. Signed peititiou about mead- ows in 1040. [Arch. 4-5.] Rem. to Mead- field; selectman. Rem. to Mendon; built the first mill there. Wife, HauuaU; ch. .lames, [John.] ALBESON, see Nicholas. ALBON, Alice, ae. 25, came in the Hopewell ii>. Sept., 1635. Sister Olbon (lately Cole), now deceased, left ch. Reuben and Eliza- beth, who were bapt. at Cambridge; Reu- ben was in the family of John Fesseuden in 1G58. [Mi.] ALCOCK, ALLCOCK, Annis, ae. 18, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Francis, ae. 20, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Mr. George, Roxbury, came with the first company, anno 1630. [E.] P^rm. May 18, 1031; deputy, deacon. His first wife, a sis- ter of Rev. Thomas Hoolier. d. in 1030. [Du.] Wife, ; ch. John b. in Eug. about Jan. 1, 1626, (a celebrated physician;) Samuel b. April 16, 1637. He was bur. Dee. 30, 1640. Will prob. 28 (11) 1640. Wife, sons John and Samuel, bro. Thomas of Ded., Elizabeth Blandfleld. Jo- seph Wise, John Plimton, bros. Edward Por- ter, Chandler, Mr. Hooker, and Carwithy. Thomas, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1; dism. 8 (7) 1639 to Dedham. His sister Eliza- beth Whitehead of Lemington Priors wrote him 25 (8) ir)47 concerning her sons. .John and Thomas W. then with Francis Hall of New Haven, who formerly lived in Buckintun parish where her uncle Darbie lived [A.] Wife, Mary; ch. Mary bapt. 8 (10) 1635, Eliz- abeth bapt. 10 (10) 1637, (m. 6 (3) 1656, Jo- soph Soper,) Sarah bapt. 5 (11) 1634, Han- ALCOCK, etc., cont. nah Ijapt. 28 (3) 1042. By wife Margery he had John b. 2 (5) 1651. He d. 14 (7) 1657. Admin. Jan. 30, 1057. [Reg. IX, 344.] ALDEN, John, cooper, hired at Southampton, came in the Mayflower, signed the Compact. Frm. and councilor 1633. Town and colo- nial officer. Settled at Duxbury. A part- ner in the Trading Co. [B.] He m. Pris- cilla, dau. of William MuUins; ch. Elizabeth, (m. 26 Dec. 1644, William Paybodie,) ana John,— both named at the division of cattle in 1027, — Joseph, David, Jonathan, Sarah, (ni. Alexander Standish.i Ruth, (m. Feb. 13, 1057, John Bass,) Mary, (m. Thomas Delano). He deposed July, 1082, ae. about S3 years. His heirs gave receipt June 13, 1088, to Jonathan, admin, for their portions of his est.; John. .Joseph, David, Priscilla and Mary Alden; William Paybody, Alexander Stand- ish iu right of his dec. wife Sarah, John Bass in right of his wife Ruth A., dec. and Thom- as Dillano. [Gen. Adv. I, 19.] ALDERMAN, "Quo Alderman of Bear Cove (Hing- ham) being about fifty years old. lost his way between Dorchester and Wessaguscus,'' 30 Sept. 1634, but escaped without serious effects. [W.] John, Salem, 1630; town otfieer; frm. May 22, 1038; juryman. 1646. Wife Jane one of the first chh. membs. recorded. Will dated 3 (5) prob. 3 (7) 10.")7; heq. to Mrs. Norrice; to Mr. Elliot and the Indians to whom he preaches; to Mr. Thatcuer, Mr. Whiting. Mr. Walton and Mr. Cobat; to John Home; house and land to go to Ezra, son of Edward, and Nathaniel, son of Nicholas Clap, who shall pay certain sums to Israel, dau. of Major Mason; to John, Elizabeth and Jonathan Pickering; to good wife and Josh- ua Buffam; to Edward C, the two daus. of Prudence, and the two daus. of Nicholas C. all his household stuff; to bro. Marshall. Mrs. Felton. widow Denis and goody Curtice. Edward C. exec. ALDOUS, ALDIS, ALDHOtTSE, ALDYS. ALDUS, Nathan, yeoman, Dedham, propr. 1638. adm. chh. 11 (12) 1639. Frm. May 13, 1640. 12 ALDOUS, etc., cont. Part owner of a water-mill, 1642. Deacon, town officer. Sisned as witness to ilie will and inv. of Richard Barber in 1644. Propr. at Cambridge in 1646. His wife was adui. ehh. 11 (1) 1641. Mary adm. chh. 30 (oi 1641. He d. 1.5 (1); admin, gr. 28 April, 1676, to widow Mary and .lobn Aldis tbeir son. ALDBURGH, Jolm, ae. 14. caiae in the Francis of Ipswich April 30. 1635. with Wm. Freeborn. ALFORD, cont. atban b. and d. 1663. His dau. Elizabeth m. Dee. 1, 1659, Nathaniel Hudson. He was bur. Jan. 13, 1676. [S.] Will prob. Jan. 23, 1676-7; aged; beq. to dau. ilary, wife of Hezekiah Usher, and her eh. Peter, Hannah, Samuel and Mary Butler; to Hez. U. Jr. his wife Elizabeth, and .John U.; to dau. Hudson, her dau. Elizabeth, and Hudson I>everitt; to the First chh. of B. ; to Peter Lidgett and his wife; to dau. Bethiah, wife of his son Elisha. ALDRIDGE, OLDRIDGE, George, tailor, Dorchester, with wife Katharine, memb. chh. about 1G36; ch. Mary bapt. in 1637, Miriam bur. 27 (11) 1639, Ex- perience d. 2 (12) 1641. Katharine deposed 18 (4) 1670, ae. about 60 years. [Mdx. Files.] Rem. to Braiutree; sold land June 9, 1663. Will dated Mendon, Nov. 2, 16S2, prob. 26 April, 1683; to wife, ch. Joseph, John, .Jacob. Maiy, Sarah Bartlett, Mercy Randall and Martha Dunbar. Henry, Dedham, propr. Nov. 11. 1641, adm. ehh. 8 (7) 1643; frm. May, 1645. Wife, Mary; ch. Mary b. 10 (1) 1643, Thomas bapt. 17 (7) 1643, Samuel b. 10 (1) 1644. He d. 23 (12) 1045. The widow m. 2, Sam- uel Judson, and 3, John Hayward. Widow, her case before Plymouth Court 5 Nov. 163S. ALEWORTH, Francis, [Dorchester?] Frm. May 18, 1631. Chosen lieut. to Mr. Southcoate July 5, 1631. Had liberty to ret. to Eng. Oct. 3, 1632. ALEXANDER, James, servant to Theodore Atkinson, d. 19 (6) 1644. John. Plymouth Colony, pimished and banished 6 Aug. 1637. ALFORD, Mr. William, merchant, Salem. 1635; memb. chh., contracted to build ammuni- tion house in li)37. Rem. to Boston; rec'd to chh. 9 (2) 1654. Town officer. Wife, Mary, memb. chh. Salem, 1636; eh. Nathan- iel bapt. 21 (1) 1636-7, Samuel bapt. 17 (12) 1638, Joseph bapt. 26 (4) 1642, Jonathan bapt. at B. 5 (10) 1647, ae. about 6 days. Sec. end wife Ann. Ch. John b. Nov. 29, 1658, Jon- ALLEN, ALLIN, ALLEYN, ALLINE, Bozouu, mercer, with wife and two servants, came from Lynn, Eng. in 1038, and settled at Hingham. Captain, town officer, di-puty. Rem. to Boston. [See will of his bro. William in Reg. XLVI. 331, and that ot his bro. Thomas in LIII, 23.] Wife, Anne; ch. Priseilla b. Aug. 1639, Ephraim and John b. Oct. 13, 1641, Ann b. Oct. 8, 1643, Deborah b. Nov. 10, 1645, d. Feb. 1660, Isaac b. April 6, 1651, Bozoin b. Feb. 13, 1652. He d. 14 (7) 1652. His will, dated Sept. 9, 1652, mentions his wife; ch.; sisters Eliz- abeth Bureham and Joanna Peck, Mr. Hub- bard, his pastor, and Matthew Hawks. The inv. contains the names of 286 persons with whom he bad accounts. [Reg. V, 299 and VIII, 60.] His widow m. 13 (3) 1653 Joseph Jewett of Rowley. Marriage contract in Es. files XXII. 44. Edward, gent., merchant, Dedham, 16,36, memb. chh. 1638; frm. March 13, 1638-9. Deputy; d. at Court 8 (7) 1642. Upon his death-bed gave his est. to his kinsmen, Ed- ward A. of Bo. and John Newton of Oren- tuu, CO. Suffolk, Eng. [Suff. De. 1, 34 and 233.] Mrs. Elizabeth, Boston, adm. cbh. 24 (1) 1639; dism. to Hartford 25 (5) 1641, hav- ing become the wife of Mr. Samuel Stone. Francis, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Note also Francis, Roxbury, was bur. 1 Dec 1692; will dated 10 Nov. 1692, produced in court May 19, 1693; be»;. to wife Hannah and chil- dren ,Tohn, Mary and Francis. Widow de- clined to admin. George, ae. 24, [54V] with wife Katha- rine, ae. 30, ch. George, ae. 16, William, ae. 8. Matthew, ae. 6, and servant Edward Poole, 13 ALLEN, etc., cont. ae. 26, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Settled at Weymouth; pe- titioned about the ferry in 1640. [L.] Propr. frm. 3 Sept. 1639. Rem. to Sandwich; town officer, juryman. Ch. John, (of Rehoboth, ae. SO, in 1689,) Robert ("revolted from the cov- enant of his father," [Sand, town roc] d. at the house of his bro. John at Reh. [Plym. Col. Rec], Ralph, (calls William bro.J George, William, Matthev(f, Henry, (sells land in 1684 to bro. G. wh. had come from father G. by will,) Samuel; the folg. are not specified of George, Sen. or Jun.; Caleb b. June 27, 1648, Hester b. Dec. 8, 1648, Eben- ezer b. Feb. 10, 1649. He was bur. May 2, 1648. Will prob. 7 June, 1648, beq. to wife Katharine, sons Matthew, Henry, Samuel, William, and five least ch. [Reg. IV, 284.] George, bricklayer, mason, Boston, 1044; frm. May, 1645. [See George, above.] Wife Susan adni. chh. 15 (12) 1651; ch. Hannah b. 10 (1) 1644, Naomi b. 26 (10) 1646, Ruth b. 3 (8) 1648; Susanna b. May 11, 1652, Elnathan b. Dee. 26, 1653. Henry, carpenter, house-wright, Boston, memb. chh. 23 (3) 1647, frm. May 10, 1648. Propr. at Weymouth but res. at Bo. Deacon. He m. the widow of William Tit'te, and adjusted the claim of her dau. Lydia ana her husband. Abraham Deeble of Haddam, Conn., after her death, 8 (3) 1673. [Suflf. De. VIII, 153.] He m. Judith , who joined him in a deed of laud 5 Jan. 1677-8. He d. Jan. 9, 1694-5. Inv. of his esr. talien 24 Feb. 1695-6, presented by widow Judith. Division made 18 July, 1701, to her aud the sons Joseph, Henry and John. James, Dedham, propr. 1638, frm. May 26, 1647. He rem. to Medfleld. He m. 16 (1) 1638 Ann Guild; ch. John b. 4 (10) 1639, Martha and JIary b. 11 (10) 1641, Sarah b. 4 (3) 1644, James b. 28 (2) 1646, Na- thaniel b. 29 (6) 1048. Will dated 23 (7) 1676, in old age; son Na- thaniel, son-in-law Joseph Clarke, dau. Sa- rah, wife of Domingo White of Lyun, dau. Martha, wife of William Saben of Reho- both. Prob. Jan. 30, 1670-7. Mr. John, Dorchester. 1034. Rem. to Springfield. Witness of the Indian deed in 1636; was paid £ 3 for thatching the planta- ALLEN, etc., cont. tion house in 1638. He m. 10 (9) 1651, Mrs. Hannah Smith. Rev. John, bapt. at Colby, co. Norfolk, Eng. May 22, 1597; Cains Coll. Cambridge, Eng., 1612, A. B. 1015, A. M. 1619. He m. at Wrentham, Eng. Oct. 22, 1022, Margaret Morse. She d. 1 (3) 1053; He m. 8 (9) 1653 Katharine, widow, in turn, of Samuel Hag- borne and Governor Thomas Dudley; ch. John bapt. Oct. 24, 1623, Benjamin b. 11 (6) 1654, Daniel b. 31 (5) 1656, Eliezer b. 26 (3) 1658. Mrs. Katharine AUin d. Aug. 29, 1671. He settled at Dedham, N. B. in 1637; was ord. pastor in 1638 and continued in office until his death, Aug. 26, 1671. "He was a man of peace and truth;" author of A Paper marking the just limitations of colonial al- legiance and imperial right, 1643; and other works. See introduction to and early por- tion of Dedham chh. rec. Will dated 23 (6) 1670, prob. 1671; beq. to near kinsmen Samuel Fisher, Thomas Fisher and Robert AUin; cousin, the widow [Caine] living at Cambridge; cousin James AUin of Medfield; sons John, Benjamin, Dan- iel and Eleazer; dans. Dudley and Chiekerin. Wife exec. The widow made nunc, will 28 (6) 1671. To sister Negus; to dau. Hunting and her dau. Katharine; to her son [Henry] Chickerin's 2 dans.; to dau. Wade's 2 daus. and sundry other persons. John, husbandman, ae. 30, with wife Anne, ae. 30, cert, from Herrn-hill, Kent, Eng., came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Plymouthr, propr. 1637, sold land in 1642. Rem. to Scituate; frm. 1 June, 1647, town officer, juror. Nunc, will prob. June 2, 1663. To wife Anna and "boy" Josias Lichfield. Mr. John, mariner. Charlestown, 1639, adm. chh. 22 (3) 1641, frm. June 2. 1641. Captain of ship Speedwell in 1666. He de- posed (10) 1667, ae. about 52 years. [Mdx. Files.] Part owner of mills at Char., at Kennebeck and Pascataquack. Wife, Sarah, adm. chh. 4 (9) 1643; second wife, Mary; third wife, Sarah, d. 27 (1) 1675. Ch. John b. 16 (8) 1640, bapt. 30 (3) 1641, Sarah b. and d. 1642. Mary b. 6 (12) 1643-4, (m. Nathan Rainsford,) Elizabeth, (m. Nathan H;iyman,) Rebecca, (m. John Goodrich,) Samuel b. Nov. 29, 16.56, Sarah b. aud d. 1659, Thomas b. 1 (6) 1667. 14 ALLEN, etc., cont. He d. in 1675; will dated 1 (12) 1672-3, ae. 57 years or thereabout; beq. to wife, Sarah and ch. Samuel, Thomas, Elizabeth and Re- becca. Matthew, son of Richard A. of Braun- ton, Devon., Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Deputy, comr. of the United Colonies. Rem. to Conn. With wife Margaret conveyed lands to [his brother,] Thomas Allyn of Barnstaple, Eng. 17 (10) 1638. [L.] Thomas came later to Barnstable, N. E.; see below. Nathan owned laud in Dorcliester in 1650. Nicholas, see Ellen, Nicholas. Robert, Salem, 1636, adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642. Propr. at Teffrey's Creeli 1638. Wife Sa- rah witness in court in 1642. Ch. John and Sa- rah bapt. 22 (3) 1642, Mary bapt. 19 (9) 1648. Dismissed to chh. at Norwich [Eng.? J 12 (11) 1662. Robert, Sandwich, served against the Narrangansetts in 1645. Rem. to Yarmouth; in court in 1651. Samuel, sawyer, Boston, Braintree, frm. May 6, 1635. [See sons of George, above.] He m. 1, Aline, who d. 29 (7) 1641. He m. 2, Margaret, widow of Edward Lamb. Ch. Joseph b. May 15, 1650, Sarah b. in Br. 30 (1) 1639. In his will dated Aug. 2, prob. Sept. 16, 1609, he mentions wife Margaret, eldest son Joseph, other sons Samuel and James, dau. Abigail under 21, sons-in-law Josiah Stand- ish and Nathaniel Greenwood. He d. 5 (6) 1669. Thomas, gent, Boston, drew on his triend Mr. Roger Delbridge, merchant, Barn- stable, CO. Devon, 23 Sept., 1639. [L.J Thom- as, gent, Dorchester, gave bonds in a suit 10 (10) 1640. Thomas, yeoman, Barnstable, N. E., sold to John Eells of Dorch. 8 July, 1041, a house and lands in Barnstable, co. Devon, Eng. and also gave an order for money upon his brother Richard A. of the same place, yeo- man. [See wills of Richard and other rela- tions in Reg. L, 504.] Frm. Plym. Col. 3 June, 1652. With wife Winnifred sold land at Watertown in 1055. Ch. Samuel b. 1 Feb. ALLEN, etc., cont. 1643, John bapt. Sept. 27 164G, Mehetabel bapt. Aug. 20, 1648. Will dated 28 Feb. 1675, prob. 5 March, 1679-80; beq. to son Samuel's eldest son Thomas; to dau.-in-law Sarah, William Clarke's wife; to Martha, Benjamin's wife; to dau. -in-law Rebecca, wife of Samuel Sprague; rest to sons Samuel and John and dau. Mehetabel. Son-in-law Samuel Anni- ble one of the execs. Rev. Thomas, came first to Boston; adm. chh.— a student— 27 (11) 1638; dism. to chh. of Charlestown 9 (4) 1639, and ordained pas- tor of that chh. in Feb. 1639-40. He m. An- na, widow of Rev. John Harvard, and re- ceived from the Gen. Court 500 acres ot land 6 June, 1639, in regard of Mr. Har- vard's gift. He m. after 1656, Joanna, wid- ow of Maj. Robert Sedgwicli. He accom- plished a good worii in his pastorate, show- ing a commendable spirit and excellent abil- ities. See letter in Arch. 240. He returned to England about 1650. Was of Norwich in 1657, when he sold land at Char, by at- torney. [Mdx. De. IV.] Ch. Thomas, Mary b. in Boston 31 (11) bapt. at Char. 13 (12) 1639-40, Sarah b. 8 (6) 1041, bur. 21 (2) 1642, Elizabeth b. and d. 1643, Mercy b. and d. 1646. Timothy, Salem, called to court in 1645. Walter, hatter, Newbury, 1641; rem. to Charlestown about 1652. Res. at Water- town 1662-1673; returned to Char. He m. 1, Rebecca ; he m. 2, Nov. 29, 1678, Abi- gail Rogers. Ch. Abigail b. 1 Oct. 1641, Benjamin b. 15 April, 1647, Joseph b. 1659. He d. July 8, 1681. Will prob. Aug. 1681, beq. to sons John, of Sudbury, Daniel and Joseph. William, carpenter, Salem, appl. frm. oct. 19, 1630, adm. frm. May 18, 1631. Jury- man, 1637. Town officer. Richard Brakenbury deposed to finding him at S. in 1628. He depos. 30 (9) 1664, ae. about 62 years; had lived in S. about 38 years. One of the grant- ees of Jeffreys Creek in 1640, but not a resi- dent. Wife Elizabeth memb. chh. before 1636. Ch. certified by himself, [Es. Files,] Persis b. and d. 1630, Samuel b. 8 (11) 1631, by wife Alls; Elizabeth b. (T) 1634, by wife Elizabeth; in chh. record: Deborah bapt. 15 AliLEN, etc., cont. 23 (2) 1U37, Bethiah bapt. IG (11) 1639, Onesl- phorus bapt. 3 (5) 1042, William bapt. 31 (3) 1646, Jonathan bapt. 29 (5) 1649. He d. May 10, 1678. AVill prob. 26 (4) 1679, beq. to wife Elizabetli and sons Samuel, Onesiphorus and William. William, carpenter, Salisbury, propr. 1639. Wife .Vnn, dau. of Richard Goodale; ch. Abigail b. 4 (11) 1639, Hannah b. 17 (4) 1642, Mary b. 29 (5) 1644, Martha b. 1646, John b. 9 (8) 1648, William b. 2 (8) 1650, Benjamin b. 1652, Joseph b. 13 (8) 1653, Richard b. 8 (9) 1655, Ruth b. 19 (12) 1657, Jeremiah b. 17 (12) 1658. The wife Ann d. 31 May, 1678. He d. June 18, 1686. Will dated 16 April, 1674, codicil 7 Nov. 1676, prob. 22 July, 1686, beq. to wife Ann; ch. John, William, Ben- jamin, Joseph, Richard, Jeremiah, Abigail, Wheeler, Hannah Ayers, Mary Hewes and Martha Hubbard. Mentions son (5eorge Hews and father and brother Goodale. ALLESTREE, Ralph, planter, Boston; placed his son Paule, apprentice, with Valentine Hill for 8 years, 29 (5) 1641. Paul was factor ot the shii) Hope of Rotterdam, of whose cargo Hill was part owner, 9 (6) 1649. [Lechford and Suff. Deeds, Vol. 1.] ALLEY, Hugh, came as a servant to Henry Col- lins in 1635. Settled at Lynn. He deposefl in 1662, ae. about 53, relative to Mr. Humph- rey's farm. Wife Mary; eh. Mary b. 6 (11) 1641, John b. 30 (9) 1646, Martha b. 31 (5) 1C49, Sarah b. 15 (2) 1651, Hugh b. 15 (8) 16.53, Solomon b. 2 (6) 1656, Hannah b. 1 (4) 1661, Jacob b. 5 (7) 1663. Will dated 2 (11) 1673, prob. 2 (5) 1674, beq. to son John and his ch.; gr. ch. Eleazer Linsy: Martha Willis and her ch. Martha; rest to wife. Widow Mary admin. Philip, Salem, called to court in 1645. ALLERTON, ALDERTON, Mr. Isaac, tailor, of London, adm. frm. of Leyden, Holland, Feb. 7, 1614, m. Nov. 4, 1611, Mary Morris of Newbury, Eng., who d. Feb. 25, 1620-1; he m. 2, about 1626, Pear, dau. of elder William Brewster, who d. in 1634; he m. 3, Joanna . He was a man of great enterprise, active in the affairs of the Pilgrim chh. and colony. Came In the Mayflower; signed the Compact; was Asst. 1633; agent for the Colony in Eng. etc. He deposed 24 (7) 1639, ae. about 53 years. [L.] Carried on trade at Machias and Kennebec in Maine, and at other coast points. Re- sided at Plymouth till about 21 (1) 1639, when he desired acommodations of Salem, near his son-in-law, at Marblehead. Adm. Chh. Sal. 21 (1) 1647. Rem to New Haven. He was a brother of Zarah, wife of God- bert Godbertson. Ch. Bartholomew, Re- member, (m. Moses Maverick,) Mary, (m. Thomas Cushman.) Sarah; these came in the Mayflower and had shares of cattle In 1627; Isaac. Bartholomew ret. to Eng. [B.] He a. at New Haven about Feb. 12, 1669. Son Isaac had the est, subject to the wid- ow's life interest. [Reg. VIII, 265, et als.] John, a seaman, reputed as one of the Company; came in the Mayflower to Plym.; was to go back for the help of others, but died before the ship returned. [B.] ALLIS, ALLISE, ALLYCE, ELLIS, Richard, embarked June 22, 1632. William, Boston, Braintree, 1639; frm. May 18, 1640; deacon. Had a lot for 3 heads, 24 (12) 1639-40. Wife Mary d. Aug. 10, 1677; he m. 2, June 25, 1678, Mary, dau. of John Bronson^aud widow of John Graves of Had- dam, Conn.; ch. John b. 5 (1) 1641, Samuel b. 24 (12) 1646, Josiah d. 15 (8) 1651, William b. 20 (8) 1051, Mary b. 25 (8) 1653, William b. Jan. 10, 16.56, Hannah, (m. William Scott). Rem. to Hadley and then to Hatfield; Lieut.; asst. of court, 1676. Will prob. Sept. 24, 1678; beq. to wife, and to ch. John, Samuel, Hannah and Mary. ALLISON, James, Boston, 1650, owned a ware- house at Charlestown before 1657. Wife, Christian; ch. James b. 20 (8) 1650, John d. 2 (2) 1653. James bapt. 19 (4) 1653. ALMOND, ALMY, ALMIE, AVilliam, ae. 44, came in the Abigail in July, 1635, with [wife] Awdry, ae. 32, and ch. Annis, ae. 8 and Chri: ae. 3. He deposed 20 (4) 1054, ae. about 53 years. [Mdx. Files.] Settled at Saugus, (Lynn). In Gen. Court June 14, 1631. Land gr. at Sandwich 5 April, 1637. Rem. and sold Sand, lands 22 June 1642. See Atkinson. 16 ALSOPP, JosepL, ae. 14, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Key, res. not stated; inventory talien 30 April, 1672. Daniel Stone and Wui. Kent signed admin, bond of widow Mary. [Suff. Prob.] The widow m. Capt. Wm. Turner. ALXARSON, Auu, ae. 20, and Mary, ae. 24, came as servants of John Balier in 1637. AMMIDOWN, AMMIDON, AMMA- DOWNE, AMMEDOWNE, HANNA- DOWN, Koger, Salein, 1640, rem. to Weymouth, then to Boston, 1643; later to Relioboth. Wife, Sarah; eh. Sarah b. at Wey. 10 (6) 1640, Lydia b. 27 (2) 1643, bapt. at Bo. as from the chh. of Wey. He was bur. Nov. 13, 1673. Division of the est. made 4 March folg.; widow Joan- nah; son Ebenezer, by his representative John Coblech of Swansey; dau. Hannah, wife of Jeremiah Wheaton; John Harrod of Patucksett, bro. of the widow, gave advice. AMBLER, Richard, Watertown. Wife, Sarah; eh. Sarah b. 4 (10) 1639, Abraham b. and d. in 1641, Abraham b. 22 (7) 1742. He sold his land to J. Norcross previous to 1644. AMBROSE, AMBROSS, Henry, house carpenter, Hampton, 1640; frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Salisbury; propr. 1649. Rem. to Charlestown; deposed in court in 1653, ae. 40. Rem. to Boston. Wife Susanna; ch. Ebenezer, Samuel bapt. July 25, 1641, Henry b. (4) 1649, Abigail b. at Boston Dec. 28, 1654, (m. William Os- good). He d. in 1658. Inv. tiled Nov. 19, 1658. The widow m. 2, Oct. 2, 1663, John Sever- ance. AMEE, AME, John, ship-carpenter, Woburn; ch. Mary b. 3 (12) 1649. Rem. to Boston. Shipped as carpenter on the Mary, Capt. Trumbull, for Barbadoes in 1657. [Wy.] He testified, 18 (10) 1672, ae. about 55 years, that land in Woburn was in possession of his bro. Ed- ward Johnson in 1646. [Mdx. Files] He m. 18 (1) 1650 [1649?] Mary Johnson; ch. Mary b. 3 (12) 1649-50. AMES, AIMES, AMEES, AYMES, AMYES, (see also EAMES,) Joane, of Yarmouth, widow, ae. 50, passed exam. May 11, 1637, to go to N. E., with ch. Ruth, ae. 18, William and John. Came first to Salem; adm. chh. 1637; Ruth adm. 1644. Propr. 1639. Rem. to Cambridge. The Gen. Court gave 40 pounds to "Mrs. Ames, the widow of Doctor Ames, of fa- mous memory, who is deceased," 15 Nov., 1637. [W.] She was bur. Dec. 23, 1044. Dau. Ruth m. Edmund Angier. John, Duxbury, atba. 1643. Town offi- cer. Rem. to Bridgewater. He m. 20 Oct. 1645, Elizabeth Heyward. He d. leaving est. to his brother's heirs. [Hist. Dux.] William, Braintree, 1641, frm. May 26, 1647. Wife, Hannah; ch. Hannah b. 12 (3) 1041, Rebecca b. (8) 1642, John b. 24 (3) 1647, Sarah b. 1 (1) 1650, Deliverance (dau.) b. 6 (12) 1653. He d. 1 (11) 1653. Adm. gr. to the widow March 6, 1654. She m. 2, 6 (2) 1660, John Heiden. ANCHOR, Thomas, Boston, mortg. house 27 (10) 1648. ANBEBSON, Go wen, Roxbury, Frm. May 13, 1640. Bought house in Boston 29 (11) 1641. Wife Alice. John, shipwright, Boston, sold one half of ship John and Sarah to Robert Allen of Norwich, Eng., merchant, 10 (5) 1648. [A.] Had liberty to wharf before his property in 1647. He m. 1, Jane ; she d. 4 (3) 1654; he m. 2, Jan. 3, 1654-5, Mrs. Mary Hodges, sister of Nicholas Davison. Ch. Samuel d. 10 (5) 1654, Joanna b. Dec. 25, 1055, Anna b. May 5, 1657, d. March 12, 1060, Amy [Em], (m. 17 (5) 1655, John Bralienbury). He d. at Char. Sept. 28, 1677. Will beq. to son Henry in Eng.; to heirs of son David, and 4 married daughters. The widow's will signed Nov. 6, 16S9, prob. March 11, 1692-3, beq. to daus. Mary, wife of Samuel Hayman of Char.; Emme, wife of Mr. Joseph, of the same, and the 7 children he had by my sister's daughter; to John Brakenbury and his sister Katharine 17 ANDERSON, cont. Phelps; to my dau. Katharine Philips, wife to Maj. John P. of Char., and to his -1 ch. ; to Joanna, dau. of my bro. George Miller, of Swanzey in Wales; to my sister Joanna Kent of Newbury; to cousin Daniel David- son, her son. and his dau. Joanna; to my dau. Katharine, wife of Capt. Richard Sprague; to gr. eh. Abigail, wife of Mr. Cot- ton Mather; to the second chh. of Bo.; to Harvard College. Robert before Gen. Court June, 1637. ANDREW, ANDREWS, ANDROS. AN- DROSSE, Edward. His wife had a son John Dotteris, who came over as an apprentice in 1637, and was allowed to remain with her. [W.] Mr. Henry, yeoman, planter, Taunton, frm. 4 Dec, 1638. Deputy, 1639. Attorney foi Nathaniel Patten 2 (7) 1640. [L.] Will, dated March 13, 1652; prob. 6 June, 1653; wife Mary; daus. Mary, (wife of Wil- liam Hedges,) and her son John; Sarah and Abigail; son Henry. The widow's will Feb. 14, 1654, ae. 43 years, beq. to same persons. [Reg. V, 259, and LI, 453.] The dau. Sarah m. 1 April, 1664, Israel Talbut. Johanna, maid servant of George Bur- don, adm. chh. Boston 3 (2) 1640. John, cooper, Charlestown, 1637. Owned land at Mystic side; rem. to Boston. His wife Lucie d. 1 (7) 1653. He m. Hannah . Ch. John b. Nov. 21, 165C, Hannah b. Feb. 20, 1657-8, Susanna b. Aug. 12, 1659, Martha b. Dec. 5, 1660, Mary [Susanna?] bapr. with Hannah and Martha 2 (4) 1661; John bapt. 21 (7) 1663, James b. March 17, 1666, Sam- uel b. May 18, 1668, Mary bapt. 9 (2) 1671. Admin, of his est. gr. to widow Hannah 18 Aug. 1679. Mabel, single woman, adm. chh. Boston 4 (7) 1636. Robert, Ipswich, propr., frm. May 6, 1635. Gave security April 2, 1641, to William Franklin of Boston, for the marriage por- tion of his dau. Alice, late wife of W. F., to be given her dau. Elizabeth. Refers to Phebe, present wife of W. F. Son Thomas, school master; daus. Abigail m. Danie! Hov- ey, Elizabeth m. Humphrey Griffin. ANDREW, etc., cont. He d. in 1643. Will dated April 2, 1641, prob. 22 (8) 1647, beq. to wife Elizabeth, sons John and Thomas, son-in-law Franlslyn and his dau. Elizabeth; gr. son Daniel Hovey; to John, son of Humphrey Griffin and two other sons, all under 21 years; to Icinsmen John, Thomas and Robert Burnam. His widow had lawsuit 31 (1) 1047, with Hum- phrey Griffin, husband of her dau. Elizabeth. [Es. Files.] John depos. 1692, ae. 70. Samuel, ae. 37, with wife Jane, ae. 30, and daus. Jane, ae. 3. and Elizabeth, ae. 2, and Ellen Lougie, servant, ae. 20, came in the Increase, April 14, 1635. He was one of four "sent away" by Robert Cordell, gold- smith, Lombard St., London. Res. at Charlestown. "Having had the command of ships upon .several voyages," he and Mr. Jonas Clarlve were appointed 13 Oct. 1654, to take observations at the northerly bounds of Mass. plantation. [Arch. Col. 23.] Inv. of his est. taken by Nicholas Davison and two other Charlestown men the last of Oct. 1659, shows merchandise; gives list of debts due from persons at Oyster Bay, L. I., Huntington, Hampstead, Stanford, Strat- ford, various Indians, etc. House, land given him by the town, etc. No clue as to family in the document. Thomas, Watertown, before the Court Sept. 27, 1631. He joined Mrs. Rebecca Craddoek in a petition in 1648. He rem. to Cambridge about 1645. Wife Rebecca; ch. Thomas b. Oct. 15, 1641, Daniel, Rebeccah b. 18 (2) 1640. He d. about 1648. The widow m. 2, Nich- olas Wyth. [Mi.] Thomas, Dorchester, propr. Nov. 22, 1634; with wife memb. chh. His dau. Hannah Garuesy was dism. to chh. of Roxbury 22 (2) 1660; son Thomas bapt. 23 (4) 1639. He d. May 20, 1673. Will dated April, 1667, prob. 21 (6) 1673. Wife Ann, son Thomas, dau. Hannah Hopkins and her children. Widow Anne d. Jan. 13, 1684. Thomas. Hingham. propr. 1635. [See Plaisto.] Son Joseph came with him; had ad- jacent lot; was town officer and deputy; d. 27 Sept. 1679, ae. 83 years. Old Thomas Andrews d. Aug. 1643. [Hob.] William, mariner, Cambridge, frm. Mar 18 ANDKEW, etc., cont. 4, 1633-4. Godly parents brought him up till 17 years of age; was apprenticed at Ipswich, Eng. Came first to Charlestown. In his ab- sence his wife rem. to Cambridge, which pleased him. [Rel.] Town officer. Sold house, all lands and rights in C. Sept. 25, 1637. Sold land again 2 (2) 1651. Wife Mary d. Jan. 19, 1639-40. He m. 2, (con- tract Aug. 11, 1640,) Reana James of Water- town. He d. in 1652, leaving an only son Samuel, who was adm. chh. Dec. 10, 1658. The wid- ow m. 2, Robert Daniels and 3, Edmund Frost. William, carpenter, Hampsworth, Eng., came in the James Apr. 5, 163-5. Salem, juryman, 1037; servant of Mr. Henry Cog- gan, before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. As- signed to Mr. Endecott 3 (7) 1639. Frm. May 13, 1640. ANGIEB, ANGER, Mr. Edmund, (Edward) woolen draper, Cambridge, propr. 1636, frm. May 13, 1640. Town otficer. Propr. Watertown in 1044. 'He was a son of John Angier of Dedham, Eng., and was b. about 1612; his wife Ruth was dau. of that famous Light Dr. [Wil- liam] Ames." [Mi.] [Reg. L, 400. etc.] [See letter concerning family connections in Mdx. Files No. 14] Wife Ruth d. July 3. 1650. He m. 2, June 12, 1657, Anna, dau. of Christopher Batt. She d. 3 Oct. 1688, In her 58th year. [Gt. St.] Ch. John b. 21 (6) 1645, bur. 2 (11) 1647, Ruth b. 28 (7) 1647, Ephr.aim, Samuel, John b. 22 April, bapt. May 15, 1049, d. Decem. 9, 1659, Edmund bapt. Sept. 25, 1659, Hannah bapt. Dec. 16, 1060, Mary bapt. May 10, 1663. [Mi] He d. March 4, 1691-2, ae. 80. [Gr. St.] The inv. of his est. was filed in May, 1692, and admin, gr. to his son Samuel. ANGLESEY, Margaret, Dorchester, adm. chh. June 9, 1640. ANNABALL, etc., cont. Jan. 2, 1046, Esek (Ezeliiel) bapt. April 29, 1649, Desire bapt. Oct. 16, 1653, Hannah, (m. March 1, 1645-0, Thomas lioreman,) Su- sanna, (m. May 13, 1052, William Hatch, Jr.), Sarah, (m. at Green's Harbour Nov. 23, 1638, Henry Ewell). He rem. to Barnstable 22 Jan. 1038-9. His wife Jane was bur. Dec. 10, 1643. He m. 2, March, 1044-5, Ann Alcocke; she was bur. May 16, 1051. He m. 3, Hannah [Ann] Earlier, who was bur. about March 16, 1057-8. Will dated 24 Feb. 1072, prob. 4 June, 1674. beq. to wife Ann, son Samuel, dau. Desire and other daus. not specified. John, tailor, Ipswich, came from Bos- ton, Eng. in 1038, as a servant of John Whit- tingham; commoner at Ips. in 1641. Bought house and land in 1647. Ch. John, b. before 1651; ch. mentioned in Dorchester records: Anna A., who m. 19 (10) 1071, Consider Atherton, Elizabeth A. ae. 15, and Robert A. ae. 13, named among children to be cate- chised in 1676, and Sarah A. who d. June 28, 1674. He d. before 7 Nov. 1664, when inv. of his est. was taken; his widow Anna m. Nich- olas Clap of Dorchester before April 15, 1667, when they sold land in Ips.; deeded still other land in 1672 to son John. ANTEB, Joan, maid servant of one Mr. Martin Holman of Biddiford, Eng., adm. chh. Bos- ton 18 (12) 1643; dism. to Rowley 31 (I) 1644, and letters of dism. sent 8 (1) 1640. to her, "now wife of one Heseltine of the ch. of R." ANTHONY, John, came in the Hercules in April, 1634. ANTROBUS, Joan, ae. 65, cert, from St. Albons, Herts. Eng., came in the Planter April 1, 1635. ANNABALL, ANNIBALL, ANNABLE, Anthony, came in 1(523 with wife .Tane and daus. Sarah and Hannah. Settled at Plymouth; planter; town officer; frm. 1632. Rem. to Scituate. He and wife Jane were membs. chh. at its organization Jan. 8, 1634. Ch. Deborah bapt. May 7, 1637, Samuel b. ANTRUM, ANTRAM, ANDRAM, AN- THROPP, Thomas, weaver, came in the James April 5, 1635; settled at Salem; propr. 1636; bro. of Edmund Batter. [Town rec] Frm. May 18, 1642. Town officer, juryman. Ch. — bapt. 8 (5) 1637, Obediah bapt. 7 (i) 1640. 19 ANTRUM, etc., cent. Mary bapt. 10 (5) 1G43, John bapt. 29 (1) 1646, Hannah, (m. Isaac Burnapi. Will dated 24 (11) 1662, prob. 3 (5) 1663; beq. to son Obediah A., dau. Hannah Bur- nape and her son Isaac B. ; to Thomas Spoon- er and Hilliard Veren. Review of the est. (9) 1684, on petition of Edmund Batter. APPLEGATE, Thomas, planter, Weymouth. Lie. to keep a ferry 2 Sept. 1635. Wife Elizabeth in Court 6 Sept. 1636. Suit in Plymouth Court 1 June, 1641. ARCHER, etc., cent. Samuel, carpenter, Salem, appl. frm. Oct. 10, 1630; propr. 1636; town officer. One of the grantees at Manchester 13 May, 1640. With Wni. Allin made an ammunition house in 1G30. He deposed in 1660, ae. 52 years, and in 1667, ae. about 5S years. Wife Su- sanna adm. chh. 30 (1) 1656; eh. John bapt. 7 (2) 1639, Bethiah bapt. 3 (5) 1642, Samuel m. at Andover 21 May, 1660, Hanna Osgood. Est. settled at Salem .30 (4) 1668; report allowed 29 (4) 1069; wife Susanna and son Samuel. APPLETON, Mr. Samuel, gent., son of Thomas aud Mary A. of Little Waldingfield, eo. Suffolk, Eng., bapt. Aug. 13, 1686. Rem. about 1628 to Reydon, Eng. Came about 1634 to Ips- wich. One of the earliest town officers; frm. May 25, 1636; deputy, 1637. He sent power of attorney Aug. 8, 1639, for management of his lands and tenements at Monks Ely, Eng. to Isaac A., ar. and others of L. W. [L.] Is called my brother by Robert Ryece of Preston, Eng. in a letter to Gov. Wln- tbrop 17 Jan. 1636. He is said by family historians to have m. 1, Judith Everard, and 2, Martha . Ch. b. at L. W.: Mary. Ju- dith, (d. In 1029.) Martha, (m. Richard Ja- cobs,) John, Samuel, Sarah, (m. Samuel Phil- lips.) Judith b, 1634, (m. Samuel Roger.s). He d. at Rowley in June, 1670. Genealo- gies. APT, James, Lynn. Held property secured to Richard Russell, 1643. [A.] ARRATT, John, Boston, propr. 1635. ARCHER, ARCHARD, ORCHARD, Giles, Boston, d. before 1638; had built a house on lands of Thomas Matson. [Suff. De. IV, 170.] Henry, planter, Ipswich, propr.; frm. June 2, 1641. A case of his was referred 4 (4) 1639 by Gen. Court to Ipswich Court. Sold land in Ips. in 1649; his wife released dower on it in 1660. He witnessed a bond given in Boston in favor of Francis Archer of Rot- terdam 20 (6) 1650. He m. at Roxbury Dec. 4, 1639, Elizabeth, dau. of John Stow. ARMESBEY, see Ormsby. ARMITAGE, HERMITAGE, Godfrey, tailor. Lynn, frm. March 14, 1038-9. Rem. to Boston about 1644. Wife ; ch. Samuel b. 7 (8) 164.'5, John bapt. 20 (6i 1048. Samuel bapt. 24 (12) 1049, ae. about 2 days, Samuel b. 14 (2) 1651. Will dated 22 Dec. prob. 11 (12) 1074-5. Wife Mary, son Samuel, dau. Rebecca Tar- box, bro. Joseph. Joseph, tailor, Lynn, bro. of Godfrey, frm. March 9, 1036-7; juryman. 1637. He de- posed in 1661, ae. about 60. [Mdx. Files.] He kept an ordinar.v. Carried goods in his boat to Boston. [Es. Files 3, 97.] He d. June 27, 1080. His wife Jann [Jane?] d. March 3, 1678. [Reg. XXXIII, 60.] Thomas, came in the James from Bris- tol, Eng. May 23, 1635, with Mr. Richard Mather. Settled at Ipswich; frm. 7 Feb. 1036-7; constable, 1638. ARMSTRONG, Gregory, Plymouth; had liberty to dwell at Yarmouth 3 Sept. 1638. ARNOLD, ARNALD, ARNOLL, AR- NELL, Edward, butcher, Boston, 1641. George, Charlestown, sold land in the name of Edward Payne 19 (1) 1640-1. Jasper, ae. 40, with Ann ae. 39. came In the Abigail in July, 1635. John, Cambridge, propr. 1634. Rem. to Hartford. 20 ARNOLD, etc., cont. John, plasterer, Boston, inhab. 1G39, adni. chh. a singlemau, 22 (2) 1043. Frm. May 16, 1643. Adiuiu. gr. to his bro. Samuel A. of Marsh- field May IS, IGGl. Joseph, Braintree. He m. 8 (4) 164S, Re- becca Curtis; eh. William b. 10 (1) 1049, Jo- seph b. 18 (8) 10.52, John b. 2 (2i 1655, Ephraiui b. 4 (11) 1004. Rebecca d. 14 Aug. 1093. Samuel, Sandwich, atba. 1043. Kern, to Yarmouth. Rem. to Marshtteld before 1001. Cb. Samuel b. ilay 9, 1049. Will dated Aug. 19, prob. Oct. IS, 1093, bcq. to wife Elizabeth, sons Samuel and Seth, gr. ch. Elizabeth and Isaac Holmes; dau. Elizabeth's children. His divinity boolis io folio to son Samuel; a great Laliu booli to Mr. Rowland Cotton. Thomas, came in the Plain Joan in May, 1C35, ae. 30 [?]. Watertowu. propr. 1030, frm. May 13, 1640. Presented by jury con- cerning baptism (8) 1051. [Mdx. File.s.] He m. Phebe dau. of George Parlihurst, Sen.; they sold 30 (1) 1055 to her bro. George P. of Wat. land bought of her father G. P. and his wife Susanna 20 Dee. 1648. Ch. Ichabod b. 1 (1) 1040, Richard b. 22 (1) 1642, John b. 19 (12) 1047, Eleazor b. 17 (4) 1051. Rem. to Providence, R. I.; sold Wat. property in 1061. William, Hingham, propr. 1035, Pau- tuxet, placed himself under the jurisdiction of Mass. about 28 (8) 1042. [Suff. De. 1, 33.] ARRINGTON, see Errington. ASH, William, Gloucester, 1650. m. MJUicent, widow of William Southmeade, and reed, deed of land in trust for the children (4) 1C50. ASHLEY, Robert, Springfield, propr., taxed in 1038. Keeper of the ordinary in 1040. Town ofiicer. Made marriage contract with widow Mary Horton Aug. 7, 1641. Ch. David b. June 2, 1642, Mary b. 6 (2) 1644, (m. Oct. IS, 1004, John Roote of Farmington,) Jonathan b, 25 (12) 1645, Sarah b. 23 (6) 1648, Joseph b. 6 (5) 1652. ASHLEY, cont. He d. Nov. 29, 1682. Will dated 9 Oct. 1679, prob. March 27, liiSS; aged; beq. to wife Mary, sons David, .Tonathan and Jo- seph; gr. son John; son John Root. [See Reg. XXXIII. 310.] Thomas, fisherman, Charlestowu, ae. about 26 years, servant of Thomas Uuclie, deposed to list of goods July 19, 1039. [L.] Res. at Cape Ann (Gloucester) in 1639. LEs. Files.] Adm. inhab. Boston, 1058. ASKEW, John, Cambridge, had been a servant of Thomas Bendight of Yarmouth, Eng.; was transferred 14 (12) 1040, to Edward Winslow of Salisbury; law suit. LL.] ASLETT, John, Andover, propr. 1649. [Es. Files.] He m. at Newbury 8 Oct. 1048, Rebecca Ayres; ch. Rebecca b. May, 1052, Mary b. 24 April, 1054, John b. 16 Feb. 1650, Sarah b. 14 Jan. 1058, Ruth b. 3 Aug. 1660, Sarah b. 14 Aug. 1662, Elizabeth b. 26 May, 1066, d. 15 March, 1067, Samuel d. 20 Dec. 1669. He d. 6 June, 1071; will dated 15 (3i prob. 27 (4) 1671, beq. to wife Rebecca, son John, and all my daughters. ASPINWALL, ASPENWALL, ASPIN- ALL, Peter, Dorchester, propr. 1645, frm. May, 1645. Rem. to Muddy River, Boston. Bought farm of 150 acres 14 (6) 1650, in co. with Robert Sharpe. Town officer. He de- posed 4 (8) 1664, ae. about 52 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. first Alice Sharpe who, as a maid servant to William Ting, was adm. chh. Boston 9 (8) 1642. and, as wife of P. A. Dorch. was dism. to that chh. 30 (1) 1645. He m. second 12 Feb. 1661-2 Remember, dau. of Peter Palfrey, who as a maid servant was adm. chh. of Roxbury 24 (9) 1661. Ch. ree. in Bo. and Rox.: Samuel b. Nov. 10, 1062, Peter b. June 14, 1664, Nathaniel b. June 5, 1666, Thomas bapt. 20 (11) 1007. Me- hetabel bapt. 10 (10) 1009, Elizabeth b. 20 (9) 1671, Eleazer and Joseph bapt. 12 (8) 1073, Job bapt. 27 (12) 1675, Timothy bapt. 16 (2) 1082. Will dated 29 Nov. 1087, prob. Jan. 28, 21 ASPINWALL, etc., cont. 1C91-2. To wife Remember; eldest son Sam- uel and other ch. named above, except Job; Mary is added. Inv. shows farming and tanning outfit. Mr. 'William, notary, Boston, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, deacon, 1630, adm. frm. April 3, 1G32; res. at Charlestown some time, [town rec] ; deputy, 1037. Wrote most of the Book of Possessions. His notarial rec- ord, long lost, has come to light in the Bos- ton Athen.x'um Library, and is being print- ed by the Boston Record Commission; it is of great value to students of colonial his- tory. He sympathized with the Hutchin- son party, and drew up the famous peti- tion, asking for lenient treatment; was sen- tenced to be banished, but apologized and was excused. Signed the compact of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation 7 (1) and joined in the purchase of land from In- dians 24 (1) 1637-8. [Arch. 2, 1.] Was clerk of R. I., but left the plantation in 1039 and returned to Boston. He was a member of a company of adventurers, incorporated by the Gen. Court 7 March, 1043-4, and led an exploring party that went from Boston in 1C44, in a pinnace, to discover the great lake by sailing up the Delaware river, where he had formerly been. They returned in a few months, having been opposed by the Dutch. [W.] The Gen. Court accused him 14 Oct. 1651, of charging the court and jury to make the landlord pay rent to the tenant; forbade his acting as clerk or recorder of any county court, and deposed him from the ofBce of clerk of writs of Boston. He deposed be- fore the Court in case of Thomas Geyuer, 31 May, 1652. He gave his house and lands in Bo. to his son-in-law, Mr. John Angier of Bo. June 8, 1652. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Edward b. 20 (7) 1630, d 10 (8) 1030, Hannah b. 25 (10) 1631, (m. John Angier,) Elizabeth b. 30 (7) 1633, Sam- uel b. 30 (7) 1035, Ethlan b. (1) 1630-7, Dor- cas b. 14 (12) 1039. He rem. to Chester, Eng., whence he wrote 13 (1) 1662 to some of the magistrates here, relative to the land which he had given to his son [Angier]. He wrote several books which were published in Eng. See sketch in introduction to Suffolk Deeds, Vol. X. We may note that Mr. Edward Aspinwall of Toxteth, Eng. was a patron of Richard Mather In 1611. [C. M.] ASTWOOD, James, yeoman, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 1639. Rem. to Boston about 1647. Had bond from Joseph Godfrey, Aug. 24, 1647, for money to be paid in Eng. 1 June, 1648. [A.] ^A■ife Sarah; ch. James b. Nov. 29, 10.38, John b. and d. in 1640, John b. March 7, 1641-2, Joseph bapt. Nov. 19, 1643, Joseph b. Nov. 10, 1044, Sarah b. Jan. 10, 1646, Mary b. Dec. 2J, 1647. Will Sept. 17, 1653; wife Sarah; sons James, John and Joseph; dau. Sarah; bro. John A. He desired to be bur. at tlie feet of Mr. Cotton. Wife declined to be exec, because she was going to England, and Wm. Parks was appointed. [Reg. Vll, 337, VIII, 275, and IX, 40; Suff. De. Ill, 403.] John, husbandman, ae. 26, came in the Hopewell in April, 1035. Frm. March 3, 1635-0. He rem. to Conn. He d. at Abutley, Eng.; will dated 27 June, prob. 31 Aug. 1054; wife Sarah; son Samuel exec; bros. William and Robert A.; mother. [Reg. XIV, 304, XXXV, 245, and XXXVIII, 421.] ATHERSON, John, ae. 24, came in the Susan and Ellen in Apr. 1635. ATHEKTON, ADERTON, Humphrey, Dorchester, first mentioned in records March 18, 1037; frm. and deputy May 2. 1038. Magistrate, deputy governor, active in the affairs of the United Colonies, Major-General. ['See many notices in histori- cal works; epitaph in Reg. II, 382.] As birth records of certain children at Winwiek, Eng. correspond with known facts about some of his children, it has been inferred that he came from that parish. I^athaniel Wales, Sen. calls him brother-in-law. Wife Mary; ch. Elizabeth, (bai^t. at Winwiek, Eng. Sept. 28, 1028,) (m. Timothy Mather.) John bapt. at W. Dec. 26, 1629, Isabel bapt. at W. Jan. 23, 1630, (m. Nathaniel Wales, Jr.) Jonathan, Consider, Mary, (m. Joseph Weeks,) Mar- garet (m. James Trowbridge,) Rest bapt. at Dorch. 26 (3) 1039, (m. Obediah Swift,) In- crease bapt. 11 (2) 1041, Thankful bapt. 29 (2) 1044, (m. Thomas Bird, Jr.) Hope bapt. 30 (0) 1646, Watching bapt. 24 (0) 1651, Pa- tience bapt. 21 (2) 1654, (m. Isaac Hum- phrey). He d. Sept. 17, 1661. His will not being 22 ATHERTON, etc., cent. Uft in legal form, admin, was gr. 27 Sept. 1€61, to his eldest son Jonathan and to his sons-in-law, Timothy Mather, James Trow- bridge and Obadiah Swift. Extensive es- tate. ATKINS, Henry, Plymouth, atba. 1G43, frm. 6 June, 1654. Rem. to Barnstable; m. July 9, 1047, Elizabeth Wells. Ch. Mary b. March 13, 1647-8, d. June 15, 1649, Samuel b. Feb. 24, 1651, Isaac b. June 14, 1657. ATKINSON, ADKINSON, Theodore, came as servant to John Newgate, from Bury St. Edmunds; settled at Boston; feltmaker, hatter, merchant; adm. chh. 11 (11) 1634. Town officer. He m. first Abigail, sister of Ann, the wife of Thomas Matson, Sen. [Suff. De. VI, 333.] She was adm. chh. from Ipswich 15 (S) 1648. He m. 2, Mary Lyde, widow, dau. of Rev. John Wheelwright, deeded to her 21 Oct. 1667, as a portion before marriage certain lands in Boston. [Norf. co. Deeds II. 94.] Ch. Theodore b. 10 (2) 1644, Na- thaniel b. 28 (9) 1645, Abigail b. 24 (6) 1647, Eleazer bapt. 3 (12) 1649, ae. about S days, Thomas bapt. 22 (8) 1654, Abigail b. 9 Dec. 1657, John b. June 13, 1672, Theodore b. Feb. 28, 1673, Elizabeth b. Nov. 28, 1692. He d. in 1701, ae. 89. Admin, gr. 3 Oct. 1701, to his grandson Theodore A. of Ports- mouth, N. H., feltmalier, the widow Mary having declined to admin. Thomas, yeoman, Plymouth, frm. 1634, propr. 1636. Thomas, Concord, frm. Dec. 7, 1636; wife Susan; eh. Susanna b. 28 (2) 1641, (m. 10 April, 1660, Caleb Brool^s,) Hannah b. 5 (1) 1643, Rebecca, (m. John Haward Aug. 17, 1656). He d. 18 (1) 1643. Admin, gr. to his wid- ow 25 (9) 1646; "80 pounds to be rec'd from Eng." Major Willard petitioned the court with reference to the estate (paper undated;) Thomas Atkinson, late of Concord, came out of England about 25 years since; left an es- tate in Eng. Left widow (who married "Willi. Almie, the tyler,") and three daugh- ters. Robert Tillison and Robert Atkinson in Eng. named. [Mdx. Files, 1659.] See let- ter from his brother Robert Adkinson of ATKINSON, etc., cent. Timby in the parish of Halifax, Eng.; March 29, 1652, other letters. Thomas went to N. E. 17 years ago this spring, Sold land be- fore he went. Admin, gr. Oct. 4, 1659, to John Hayward and Susanna and Hannah A. on the est. of "Wm. Alline," who m. their mother. [Mdx. Files, 1671.] ATWOOD, see Wood. Elizabeth, Charlestown, adm. chh. 12 (6) 1663. Herman, cordwainer, came from San- derstead, co. Surrey, 15 miles from London; Boston, servant to our bro. Buttall, adm. chh. 24 (12) 1643. Deacon of second chh. He m. 11 (6) 1646 Ann Copp. Admin, gr. 19 (9) 1651. Wife and two ch. [Reg. VIII, 57.] The widow m. Thomas Sexton. Mr. John, gent., Plymouth, frm. 3 Jan. 1636. Assistant 6 March 1637-8. One of the referees in the settlement of the Plymouth partnership in 1641. [B.] Will dated 20 Oct. 1643, prob. Feb. 27. 1643-4. Refers to his brethren. His widow Ann rem. to Boston; adm. chh. 8 (12) 1651. Her will dated April 27, 1650, was prob. June 1, 1654. Both wills beq. to bro. Robert and sister Mary Lee and their ch. Ann and Mary, and to nephew William Crow. Philip, ae. 12, and I'hilip, ae. 13,are men- tioned in the passenger lists of the Planter and the Susan and Ellen in 1635. Are these two persons or do both entries refer to the same as shipping in one vessel and sailing in the other? Philip, Maiden, town officer, deposed in 1660, ae. 40. [Mdx. Files.] He m. first Ra- chel, dau. of Joseph Bacheller, who d. Feb. 5, 1673-4; m. second Elizabeth Grover, April 7, 1675; she d. Oct. 1676, and he m. third Eliz- abeth ; ch. Philip, Abigail b. Dec. 1662, (m. Andrew Mitchell,) Oliver, Rachel b. Aug. 1653, Mary b. (11) 1655, and Philip b. (7) 1658. The wife Elizabeth d. April 3, 1688. Philip, father or son, d. at Bradford Feb. 1, 1700-1701. ATJDEY, ADY, ADDY, Webb, (called also Ady Webb,) Ply- mouth, taxed, 1632; propr. 1636; in court, 1637. 23 ATJDEY, etc., cont. He d. 4 March, 1651. Nunc, will prob. March 19, 1051, beq. to Mr. Reyner, his min- ister, and to the poor. No family mentioned. [Reg. IV, 320. J AUDLY, AUDELEY, see Odlin. Edmund, Salem, suit in court iv 1636. He was adminr. of the goods of Francis Dent of Salem, 1638-9. AUSTIN, AUSTEN, ASTEN, Francis, a pioneer at Dedham, 1636; hi& lot passed to Francis Chicliering before (7) 1640. Jonas, of Tenterden, Eng., with wife Constance and 4 ch. came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Cambridge; propr. 1635; sold laud and rem. to Hingham; propr. 1636; sold land in H. 6 (12) 1050. Rem. to Taunton; juror, 1651. His wife Constant d. 22 April, 1667. He m. 2, Dec. 14, 1667, Frances, widow of John Hill of Dorchester; she d. Nov. IS, 1676. Ch. Esther b. 3 Jan. 1C62, Mary b. 12 May, 1663, Sarah b. 4 Nov. 1665, Jonah b. 1067, John b. July 1, 1671. He d. May 10, 1676. Inv. of his est. filed 2 Nov. 1676. Richard, tailor, of Bishopstocke, Eng., ae. 40, with wife and 2 ch. came in the Bevis in May, 1638. AVEBILL, AVERIE, AVEBITT, AVERY, Christopher, Gloucester, town officer, 1046. His wife was in England in 1653. [Es. Files.] James, Gloucester, propr. 1649. His wife Joan [Greenslade] was adm. to chh. of Bos- ton, "singlewoman" 18 (4) 1643, m. Nov. 10, 1643, and dism. to Gloc. 17 (1) 1644, as wife of J. A. He was a witness to the will of John Bridgmau in 1655. Ch. Hannah b. Nov. 12, 1644, James b. Jan. 16, 1646, Marie b. Feb. 19, 1648. Matthew, Charlestown, propr. 1638; ret. to Eng.; will dated at Wapping, Parish of St. Mary, White Chapel, Eng. 22 April, 1042, prob. London April 13, 1043; recorded. [Mdx. De. II, 90.] Wife Anna and son John; liins- men Wm. Baudrock, Jr., and Wm. Hum- phrey, Jr. AVERILL, etc., cont. The widow m. 2, Wm. Roberts; she and son John sold land in Char, and Eng. in 1656. Rev. Joseph, a minister from Wiltshire, with wife and six small ch. wrecked upon Cape Ann Aug. 16, 1635. [R. M. and S.] His name is given to the outer rock of the Cape. Admin, of his est. Gen. Court Sept. 1, 1035. Thomas, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633. Res. at Salem; frm. Feb. 28, 1042. Blacksmith; propr. With wife Susanna sold land in 1057-8. William, Ipswich, propr. 1637; kept the herd of goats in 1646. Will signed 3 (4) 1052, prob. March 29, 1653, beq. to wife Abigail and seven chil- dren not mentioned by name. William, blacksmith, Dedham, towns- man 1(11) 1650; sergt. 1658. Wife Margaret; ch. Jonathan b. 26 (3) 1053, Hannah b. 27 (7) 1660, (m. 22 (3) 1677, Benjamin Dyer,) Eben- ezer b. 24 (9) 1063, Rachel, (m. 22 (3» 1677, William Sumner). The wife Margaret d. 28 (7) 1078. William, practitioner in physick. ae. about 01 years, Boston, made will 15 Oct. 1083, prob. 13 Mar. 1086-7; beq. to wite Mary and ch. William, Robert and Jonathan A. and Mary Tisdale; sons-in-law William Sum- ner and Benjamin Dyer. Owned housing and land at Dedham. AWARD, see Hayward. AWKLEY, Miles, Boston. Wife Mary; ch. Eliza- beth b. in 1635, Miles b. 1 (2) 1638. AXE, AXEY, AXLEY, James, Lynn; propr. in 1038; res. April 7, 1043. [SufC. De. 1, 41.] Constable, 1644; clerk of market, 1648. [Es. Files.] He d. June 7, 1009; nunc, will, having grown aged; beq. to John Pearson; admin, gr. to wife Frances. She made will Oct. 18, 1670, which was prob. 2 (10) 1670; many be- quests; Joseph Fiske admin. AXTELL, AXDELL, Thomas, Sudbury, propr.; bought land in 1643. Took oath of fidelity 9 (5) 1645. Wife Mary; ch. Lydia b. 1 (4) 1044, [Hannah, 24 AXTELL, etc. cont. (m. June 18, 1059, Capt. Edward Wright,) ] Mary, (m. Sept. 19, 1656, John Goodenow). He was bur. S (1) 1646; inv. taken 6(3)1646; ho desired that his wife Mary should have the est. to bring up his children. The widow m. 16 (4) 1640, John Maynard. [Genealogy in Reg. LIII, 227.] AYER, AYEES, AIR, AIRS, EIRES, EYRE, EYRES, see also Eire, John, Sen., Salisbury, propr. 1640. Sold house and lands and rem. to Haverhill, where he was propr. and purchaser 1048-9. Town officer. Ch. John, Jr., Robert and Thomas also proprs. at Haverhill in 1650; see deed to Abra. Clement in 1692; Hannah b. Dec. 21, 1648, (m. Stephen Webster). He d. March 31, 1657. Will dated 12 March, 1656, prob. at Hampton 6 (8) 1657; beq. to wife Hannah, sous John, Robert, Thomas, Obediah, Peter and Nathaniel; daus. Hannah, Rebecca and Mary. The widow Hannah, "aged," d. Oct. 8, 1688. John, husbandman, Ipswich, 1643-1609; tenant of Mr. John Norton; bro. of Wm. Lampson and his wife and of Edward Chap- man. Rem. about 1672 to Brookfield. Wife Susan; ch. [John, Samuel, Thomas, Joseph, Susanna, Edward;] Mark b. at Ipswich Dec. 14, 1661, Nathaniel b. July 6, 1664. He was killed by the Indians at Squakeag Aug. 3, 1675; inv. filed in 1676, mentions 7 sons and 1 dau. The widow Susanna d. at Ipswich Feb. 8, 1682-3. Samuel, of Norwich, Eng., apprentice, ae. 15, passed exam. May 11, 1637, to go to N .E. to his master John Baker. BABER, Francis, chandler, ae. 36, came from Weymouth, Eng. March 20, 1635. Settled at Scituate. Bought land of William Wills; suit in court, 1637. BABB, Mr. Thomas, attorney for Christopher Browning in Esses court 27 (10) 1636. BABSON, Isabel, widow, Salem, 1637; rem. to Gloucester. She was a midwife; testified in a case in 1657, ae. about 80 years. She d. 6 April, 1661. Admin, gr. to her son James. BABSON, etc., cont. James, Gloucester, frm. May 23, 1666. presumably came with his mother before 1037; sold land in 1647. He deposed in 1003, ae. 30 years. He m. Nov. 16, 1047, Eleanor Hill; ch. James b. Sept. 29, 1648, Eleanor b. June 15, 1651, Philip b. Oct. 15, 1654, Sarah b. Feb. 15, 1650, d. Jan 19, 1076; Thomas b. May 21, 1658, John b. Nov. 27, 1000, Richard b. June 1, 1003, Elizabeth b. 8 (8) 1005, Ebenezer b. Feb. 8, 1068, Abigail b. May 13, 1070. He d. Dec. 21, 1683; his wife d. March 14, 1714, ae. 84. Will dated 4 Dee. 1683, prob. 25 March, 1684, beq. to wife, son John and "other children;" son Philip exec. BACHILER, BACHELER, BACHILLER, BATCHELDER, BATCHELOR, Henry, of Dover, Eng., brewer, with wife Martha and four servants, came from Sandwich, Eng. before June 9, 1037. Settled at Ipswich; propr. before 1039. The inv. of his est. was presented by John B. of Wenham and others, admins., 30 Sept. 1079. John, Sen., Watertown, 1035. Rem. to Dedham. Town officer. Rem. to Reading; propr. 1050. He and his wife Rebecca reed, to Reading chh. from that of Ded. She d. March 17, 1661-2; he m. 2, Sarah . Ch. Samuel b. 8 (11) 1639, Jonathan and David b. 14 (10) 1643, Jonathan d. at Read. Dec. 4, 1653; Rebecca b. Oct. 30, 1660, John b. Feb. 23, 1003, Henry b. July 29, 1604, Sarah b. July 9, 1670, Samuel b. Jan. 23, 1061, Na- thaniel b. March 17, 1674-5. Will dated 2 July 1670, codicil 3 April, 1676, beq. to sons John and David and dau. Mary Cowdrey. Overseers Francis Skerry of Salem, Joseph Hills of Newbury, John Brown and Jonathan Poole of Reading. John, tailor, Salem, 1638, frm. May 13, 1640. His wife memb. chh. 1639. Ch. John bapt. 20 (11) 1038, Mary bapt. 19 (7) 1040, Abigail bapt. 12 (12) 1042, adm. to full com. 12 (11) 1662, Hannah bapt. 23 (4) 1644, Han- nah bapt. 25 (3) 1045, John bapt. 23 (4) 1050, Joseph bapt. 8 (3) 1053. He deposed in 1058, ae. about 47 years. His wife d. 10 (9) and he d. 13 (9) 1675. Will dated in 1073, ae. 63 years; prob. Dec. 4, 1675, beq. to sons John and Joseph and dau. Hannah Corning; to gr. ch. John Cres- sey. Wife Elizabeth to be exec. 25 BACHILER, etc., cont. Joseph, of Canterbury, Eng., tailor, with wife Elizabeth, one ch. and three servants came from Sandwich, Eng. before June 9, 1637. Brought cattle with him in partner- ship with Henry Paramor of Thanet; see accounts July 20, 1G39. [L.] Settled at Sa- lem, propr. 1037, frm. March 16, 1637-S, dep- uty 1643. Ch. Joseph bapt. 22 (6) 16-17, Eliz- abeth adm. chh. 12 (11) 16C2. He rem. to Wenham. He d. (1) 1617. Key. Stephen, b. about 1561, matr. St. John's coll. Oxford, Nov. 17, 1581, B.A. Feb. 3, 1586-7, vicar of Wherwell, Hants, 26 Jan. 1587-8 to 1601; came in the William and Francis Juue 5, 1632, ae. 71, with wif« Helen and others of his family. Settled at Saugus, (Lynn). Frm. May 6, 1035. Entered at once upon church life, drawing down Ihe sus- picions and oppositions of some in power for such independancy. Undertook a scheme for founding a plantation at Yarmouth, but the winter season and the poverty of his associates caused the brave attempt to fail. Eem. to Newbury; thence in 1638-3 Joined in the settlement of Hampton, N. H., to which he is said to have given the name, and whose first minister he became. After earnest service, mingled with inju- dicious (if not erring) conduct, which brought conflicts with his associates and the Mass. government, he rem. to Strawberry Banli, (Portsmouth,) whence he returned to England not far from 1617. Deeded land 8 (7) 1647, to his three grandsons, John and William Sanborne and Nathaniel Bachiler, Jr., all of Hampton. The place of his later residence and the date of his death are not known. He m. first ; he m. 2, Helen , who was ae. 48 in 1631, when he visited ch. at Flushing; she came hither and died; he m. 3. widow Mary , at Strawberry Bank, from whom he separated, leaving her here to a sad and unsavory life. Ch. Theodate, (m. Christopher Hussey,) Deborah, (m. Rev. John Wing,) Stephen, (ae. 16 on enter'ng Ox- ford in 1010,) Ann, (ae. 20 in 1630; m. John Sandburn,) Nathaniel, (m. Hester Mercer; son Nathaniel came here and was an early citizen of Hampton). [See W.; Reg. XVII, XXXVII, XLV, XLVII and Genealogy.] frm. May 29, 1644. Sold land in 1653. First William, victualer, Charlestown, 1634, BACHILER, etc., cont. wife Jane, second wife Rachel; ch. Seaborne bapt. 12 (1) 1634-5, Abigail bapt. 1 (5) 1637, (m. Richard Austin,) Rachel, (m. Philip At- wood,) Susanna, (m. John Lawrence,) Jo- seph b. 20 (6) 1644, Benjamin. He d. Feb. 20, 1669, ae. 72. Will dated 12 (11) 1609-70, beq. to wife Rachel, daus. At- wood and Austin, son Joseph and Joseph and Benjamin Cromwell and Susanna Lavvrence, gr. ch., living with him. The widow Rachel d. May 28, 1676, ae. 73. BACON, George, ae. 43 with ch. Samuel ae. 12, Susan ae. 10, John ae. 8 came in the In- crease in April, 1635. (Name originally writ- ten Mason on the ship's roll, and rewritten Bacon.) Settled at Hingham; propr. Sept. 1635. Ch. bapt Nov. 27, 1640. He was bur. May 3, 1042. Admin, of the est. of George Bacon, sometime of Hing- ham, many years since deceased, was gr. 28 March, 1684, to Capts. John Smith and John Jacob, upon petition of his son Peter, who had maintained his aged mother till her death, and had purchased the rights of his bros. and sisters. Michael, coming from Ireland, with Samuel Cooke and Jolin Smyth, proposed as proprs. 23 (3) 1640, at Dedham. His wife who arrived in Ded. before him was adm. chh. 17 (7) 1641; she d. in 1647. His dau. Alice m. Thomas Bancroft. [His son] Mi- chael of Woburn deposed 17 (4) 1668, ae. about 60 years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. 18 (2) 1648. Will prob. 26 (2) 1649; sons Michael, Daniel and John; dau. Sarah; son-in-law Thomas Bancroft. [Reg. VII, 230.] Nathaniel, tanner, Barnstable, atba. 1643, frm. 2 June, 1040; town officer. He joined the chh. May 3, 1648. He m. Dec. 4, 1642, Hannah Mayo, who was adm. ch. March 18, 1648; ch. Hannah b. Sept. 4, 1643, Nathaniel b. Feb. 5, 1645, Mary b. Aug. 12, 1648, Sam- uel b. Feb. 25, 1650, Elizabeth b. Jan. 28, 1053, Jeremiah b. May 8, 1657, Mercy b. Feb. 8, 1659, John b. June, 1661. Admin, gr. and inv. rendered 29 Oct. 1673, to the widow Hannah. The dau. Elizabeth d. in 1676, and one of the heirs was Han- nah, wife of George Shove. Nicholas, rented land of Mr. John Co- gan. [Court Rec. 1640.] 26 BACON, cont. Rebecca, residence not stated, inventory of her goods taken by John Russell and Ed- ward Collins 1 (8) 1638. [Suff. Prob.] Thomas, witness to will of Ro. Hunt of Sudbury in 1640. Mr. William, Salem, 1641. Res. at Dub- lin, Ireland, in 1639. His wife Rebecca was sister of Humphrey Potter, and dau. of Thomas Potter, sometime mayor of Coven- try, CO. Warwick. Humphrey Potter was killed in the massacre in Ireland and left one dau. Ann, who was taken to Coventry and thence brought to Salem, where she m. Anthony Needham. [Reg. XXXIX, 28.] His will prob. 9 (9) 1653; wife Rebecca; minor son Isaac; Ann Potter. The widow's will was prob. 29 (9) 1655; her bro. Robert Euffum to assist her son Isaac as exec; bros. Joseph Boys, Thomas Avery, and Nathan- iel Felton; sisters BufCum, Boys, Avery, Sugthwick and Horn; cousins Ann P. and Richard Cheelcraft; freed her man Cornel- ius, and gave him a new suit of clothes. Left a fund for the poor in case son die be- fore majority. A debt t obe paid to sister Judith in Eng. BADCOCK, BABCOCK, George, Dorchester, rem. to Milton. Will dated 26 Sept. prob. 2 Feb. 1671. Est. to wife Mary, to bring up the children with; ch. Benjamin, Returne, George, Joseph and Enoch B.; Mary Ellen; Dorothy, Rachel and Leah B., Bro. Robert B. and neighbour Jo- seph Belcher overseers. Lands in Dorch. and Milton, and mill and lands at Dart- mouth in Plymouth patent. Robert, yeoman, captain, Dorchester, propr. before 1648, when he bought addi- tional lands in every division; deed confirmed by Mrs. Ann Glover 26 (8) 1671. Town ofll- cer; captain. Ch. Samuel bapt. 7 (5) 1650, Jonathan bapt. 7 (1) 1651, James bapt. 12 (1) 1654, Abigail bapt. 27 (2) 1656, ae. about 3 months, Nathaniel b. 14 (1) 1657-8, bapt. 6 (4) 1658, Caleb bapt. 21 (8) 1660, ae about 2 months, Ebenezer bapt. 5 (5) 1663, ae. about 7 months, Hopestill bapt. 8 (9) 1663, Hannah bapt. 28 (3) 1665, ae. about 3 months, Elizabeth bapt. 14 (5) 1667, ae. about half a year. Thankful bapt. 27 (4) 1669. Will dated 11 Nov. prob. 7 March, 1694, beq. to wife Joanna, son Nathaniel, gr. child Caleb, son-in-law Henry Vose. BADGER, Giles, Newbury, propr. 1638. Rem. to Wen- ham about 1655; ret. to Newb. [Wen. chh. rec] He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund Greenleaf, who survived him and m. 2, Feb. 16, 1648, Richard Browne. Ch. John b. June 30, 1643. He d. July 10, 1647. Will dated 29 June, prob. 28 Sept. 1647, beq. to wife and child; father Greenleaf and others to divide est. when son is 18 years old. Nathaniel, Newbury, in Ipswich court in 1642. BAGLEY, see Bigelow, BAGNALLY, BAGULEY, BAYNLY, Thomas, Concord, before Gen. Court I (7) 1640. He d. 18 (11) 1643; will prob. 13 (3) 1643. Beq. all to his partner Francis Barker. Inv. mentions carpenter's tools; debt due from Jlr. Barnes of Braintree. BAITON, BETON, J., an early res. of Dorchester. Per- haps husband of Thomassin, memb. chh. be- fore 1639. BAKER. Alexander, ae. 28, with wife Eliza- beth, ae. 23, daus. Elizabeth, ae. 3, and Christian, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Propr. at Gloucester before 1642. Settled at Boston; collar maker. Adm, to chh. with wife Elizabeth 4 (8) 1045. Frm. May 6, 1646. Ch. b. in B.: Alexander b. 15 (11) 1635, Samuel b. 16 ((11) 1637, John b. 20 (4) 1640, Joshua b. 30 (2) 1642, Hannah b. 29 (7) 1644,— all bapt. 5 (8) 1045; William b. 15 (3) 1647, Joseph bapt. 8 (2) 1649, ae. 2 days, Sarah bapt. 25 (3) 1651, Benjamin b. 16 March, 1652, bapt. 27 (1) 1653, Josiah b. 20 Feb. 1654. The dau. Christian m. 18 (5) 1654, Simon Roberts. He d. 1685. Will dated 18 Feb. 1684, prob. II May, 1685. In his 79th year; 12 ch. liv- ing, viz. John, Joshua, William, Josiah, E liza- beth Watkins, Christian Roberts; gr. dau. Elizabeth Remington. Ann. See Bayes. Edward, Lynn, propr.; frm. March 14, 1638-9. One of the creditors of the Iron- works CO. m 1654. [SufC. De., II, 206.] Of 27 BAKER, cont. Boston, wife Jane; eli. Jonathan b. 20 Feb. 1G57. Francis, tailor, ae. 24, cert, from St. Al- bons, Herts, came in tlie Planter, April 2, 1G35. Settled at Boston; wife Isabel; eh. Nathaniel b. 27 (1) 1642. Francis, cooper, Yarmouth, adm. inhab- itant 1 June, 1641. Ch. Samuel b. 1 May, 1G48, Daniel b. Sept. 2, 1650. Will dated 4 March, 1692, prob. Dec. S, 1696, beq. to wife Isball; ch. John, Daniel and William B., Elizabeth Chase and Han- nah Pearse; to Samuel, eldest son of son Nathaniel B. John, Charlestown, 1629-30; No. 12 on first list of inhab. With wife Charity adm. chh. in 1630, frm. March 3, 1634. Ch. Charity bapt. 12 (2) 1635. The Gen. Court allowed him 38 s. from Mr. Clerlie 7 Sept. 1630, for damages in a bar- gain of cloth. John, tailor, Charlestown, adm. chh. 31 (3) 1640, with wife Sarah; ch. Sarah bapt. 13 (7) 1640. Frm. June 2, 1641. "Sarah, dau. of John Balier, formerly my baylie, — the eh. b. in my liouse," rec'd a beq. from Mr. Robert Keayne, May 2, 165G. John, husbandman, Boston, adm. chh. 26 (1), frm. May 18, 1642. Dism. to the chh. at Gorgeana 6 (7) 1646. [W.] John, grocer, ae. 39 ,b. in Norwich, Eng. passed exam, to come to Charlestown. N. E. and there to reside, April 8, 1637, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 31. ch. Elizabeth, John and Thomas and servants Mary Alxarson, ae. 24, Ann Alxarson, ae. 20, Bridget Boulle, ae. 32, and Samuel Arres, ae. 14. Propr. at Wa- tertown, and at Newbury, 1638. Rem. to Ipswich [L.] Propr. Bought a farm in Reading, adjoining Andover in IGGl. Con- veyed his estate to son Thomas, on condi- tion that he should an annuity to himself, his wife and his dau. Elizabeth. The wife Elizabeth testified in IGGG regarding the will of her son Obediah Antrim; who beq. to his wife Martha and bros. John and Thomas B. Launcelot, Boston. Wife Judith; -ch. Elizabeth b. 13 (10) 1644. Nathaniel, yeoman, Watertown, propr. before 1636. He deposed Sept. 21, 1677, ae. BAKEB, cont. about 66 years, regarding Dexter's purchase of Nahant in 1G32 or 1633. [Es. Files.] Hull propr. 1642, Hingham propr. and resi- dent. Town ofHcer. Deeded lands Jan. 15, 1672 to his dau. Mary and her husband, John Loring. He d. June 3, 1682. Will dated 11 May, prob. 25 July, 1682. Wife Sarah; son-in-law John Loring and his ch. Joseph, Jacob, Marah, Rachel, Nathaniel, Isaac and David; to the six ch. of his bro. Nathaniel B., dec. The widow d. at her dau.'s house 19. Aug., 1695. Rev. Nicholas, came early to Hingham; propr.; frm. March 3, 1635-6, deputy. Rem. to Hull. Propr. Applied to Gen. Court 2 Aug. 1G42, for liberty to plant at Seaconk, but does not seem to have gone. Was or- dained minister at Scituate in 1660, and did a good work. He deposed to the wiU of John Allin June 2, 1C63, ae. 53 years. His wife d. 23 April, 1661; he m. 2, Grace — . Ch. Samuel b. Oct. 2, 1638, Mary b. Dec. 1640, (m. Stephen Yinal,) Nicholas, Sarah, (m. Josiah Litchfield,) Deborah bapt. 6 June, 1652, (m. Israel Chittenden). The son John d. April 19, 1678, and his est. was admin, by his bro. Samuel 1 May folg. He d. 22 Aug. 1678. He beq. to wife "in consideration of her extraordinary love and faithfulness in the discharge of her duty unto me and my children during the whole time of her lower station with me aU that was hers before marriage with me, plate, clothing and books," with life use of house at Hull, lands, etc.; to sons Samuel and Nicholas and daus. Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Deborah; to wife's gr. ch. Mary Webb; to ray gr. eh. Mercy B.; bro. Nathaniel B. one of the overseers of the will. Mistress Grace B. deposed. Her dau. Grace Dipple m. at Sol. 16 April, 1666, Joseph Webb of Boston. Richard, Dorchester, propr. Nov. 4, 1639, frm. May 18, 1642. Signed inv. of John Pope in 1649. Ho m. Faith, dau. of Henry Withington; she d. Feb. 3, 1688-9. Ch. Mary bapt. 14 (12) 1640, Mary, (John?) b. 27 (2) 1643, John bapt. 30 (2) 1643, Sarah bapt. 22 (4) 1645, (m. 22 (12) 1664 James White,) John bapt. 28 (7) 1645, Thankful bapt. 19 (1) 1646, Elizabeth bapt. 27 (8) 1650, James bapt. 30 (2) 1654, Elizabeth bapt. 29 (5) 1656, Hannah b. 9 (11) bapt. 11 (11) 1G62. 28 BAKER, cont. He d. Oct. 25, 1G89. Win, dated 7 Oct., 1GS9. Sons Jolin and James, son-in-law Samuel Robinson and my dau. his wife, James White, husband of dau. Sarah, dec, daus. Thankful, wife of William Gi'iggs, Sarah Wlswell and Han- nah B. IReg. XXXIII, XLIII, XLIX.] Robert, ship-carpenter, Salem, propr. 1637; d. from an accident in the building of a ship; the Court caused Richard HoUins- worth, the master builder, to pay 10 pounds to the wife and ch. of Baker in March, 1641. [W.] Samuel, ae. 30, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1035. Sarah, Ipswich, d. in 1051; admin, gr. 30 (7) 1651, to kinswoman Sarah Lumpkin. Thomas, blacksmith, Rosbury, propr. frm. May 2, 1019. Wife — ; eh. Elizabeth b. Oct. 2, 1641, Joseph b. Feb. 24, 1647, Sarah bapt April 24, 1650, Mary bapt. Juno 2, 1652, Mary bapt. Sept. 5, 1653. He admin, June S, 1676, on the est. of his son Thomas, slain by the Indians. [Reg. XXXIV, 201. J He d. Jan. 28, 1683; "Old blind godly fath- er Baker bur. 30 (11) 16S3." Will, dated 27, Oct. 1683. prob. 27 Feb. 1083-4. Wife Eliza- beth, son John, the ch. that were dau. Eliza- beth's; ch. of dau. Sarah, wife of Jabez Jackson; ch. of dau. Maria, wife of Roger Adams; bro. Richard Baker. The widow Elizabeth d. 6 (6) 1685. Walter, Salem, had letter of recommen- dation from Rev. Hugh Peter to Gov. Win- throp 25 (8) 1638. William, sawyer, Plymouth, made bar- gain with Richard Church about work Jan. 7, 1632-3. ]Ply. Col. Rec.[ Had lilierty to reside in the colony 5 Nov. 1638. Is prob- ably William, carpenter, Boston, adm. in- habitant 28 (5) 1651. He m. 23 (7) 1651, Mary, dau. of Edmund Eddiugton. He m. 2, 22 (2) 1056, Pilgrim, dau. of John Eddy of Watertown. Ch. Mary b. and d. 1652, John b. 14 Dee. 1053, William b. 19 Oct. 1055, Na- thaniel b. May 13, 1661. William, husbandman, Charlestown, propr. 1633. With wife Joan was adm. chh. 31 (6) 1033. He was ae. 52 in 1651. Rem. to Watertown and later to Billerica. Ch. Sarah bapt. 20 (3) 1(!38, (m. Nathaniel Hutchinson), Mary bapt. 3 (0) 1040) (m. Samuel Petteford,) BAKER, cont. Stephen bapt. 19 (12) 1641, Martha b. 21 (2) 1044, (m. Wm. Smith,) Bethia. Will dated 19 (11) 1655, prob. 28 (10) 1658, beq. to wife Joan and children; ch. Sarah to remain at her dame Whitman's, Stephen and Mary at Thomas Gould's, Matthew [Martha?] at bro. James' and Bethia with bro. Russell of Woburn. The widow d. Sept. 20, 1669. BALCH, John, Salem, a very early settler, pet- haps one of the Cape Ann Colony under Mr. Thomas Gardner in 1623. Resident before 1628. [Depos. of R. Brakenbury.] Adm. frm. May 13, 1631. Juryman in Gen. Court in 1630. Margery, [wife or dau.?] memb. chh. before 1636. His will signed 15 May, prob. 28 (4) 1648, beq. to wife Annis (Agnes), sons Benjamin, John and Freeborn. The widow's est went to son Benjamin for expenses of her last sickness. Admin. Nov. 25, 1657. BALDEN, BALDTTCKE, John, Dedham. Wife Joanna, ch, .John b. 21 (4) 1635. He d. about 1639, and his widow m. 2, John Gay, q. v. BALDWIN, BALDIN, George, Boston. Wife Anna; ch. John b. 25 (8) 1639, d. (0) 1643, Sarah bapt. 14 (3) 1048, ae. about 3 1-2 years, the mother being now wife of Richard Bradly. Henry, Woburn, propr. He m. Nov. 1, 1649, Phebe Richardson; is she the P.R., widow, who d. Sept. 13, 1710? Ch. Susanna b. Aug. 30, 1650, d. Sept. 28, 1651, Susanna b. July 25, 1052, Phebe b. Sept. 7, 1054, John b Oct. 28, 1656, Daniel b. March 15, 1659, Timothy b. May 27, 1661, Mary b. and a. 1603, Abigail b. Aug. 20, 1067, Ruth b. July 31, 1670, Benjamin b. Jan. 20, 1673. John, ae, 13, with William, ae. 9. came in the Pied Cow, July, 1635. He may be the John Balden who covenanted in 1648 to work four years for Wm. Collier of Dux- bury. Settled in Woburn. Rem. to Billerica. He m. May 15, 1655, Mary Richardson; ch. Mary b. and d. 1059, Mary b. April 11, 1003, John b. Sept 25, 1665, Jonathan b. Jan. 28, 1667, Susanna b. 1070, d. 1075, Thomas b. March 20, 1672, Phebe b. and d. 1675, Su- 29 BALDWIN, etc., cont. sanna b. April 14, 1677, Phebe b. Feb. 7, 1079. He d. Sept. 25, 1687. Will prob. at Boston, before Gov. Andros, 28 Jlarch, 1GS8, beq. to present wife Mary; sons John, Jonathan and Thomas; daus. Mary Jeffs, and Susanna and Phebe B. Henry B. as witness. Sylvester. His wife Sarah and son Richard allowed execs, according to the will before Court of Asst. at Boston 4 (7) 1638. BALE, BALL, Nathaniel, Concord, frm. Hay 22, 1650. Wife Mary; ch. John d. 27 (5) 1649, Nathaniel b. and d. in 1649, Nathaniel b. 3 July, 1663. BALL, BALE, Francis, Springfield, propr. 1643. Con- tracted to build a shop for a smith Sept. 4, 1646. Town officer. He m. 3 (8) 1644, Abigail Burt; ch. Jonathan b. 7 (8) 1645, Samuel b. 16 (1) 1647-8. He was drowned in the Great River in Oct. 1648. The widow m. 2. 12 (2) 1649, Ben- jamin Blun; after his death she m. 3. Dec. 21, 1672, Thomas Stebbins, Jr. who d. Sept. 5, 1683. She deposed regarding land of Francis Ball, Feb. 9, 1690, ae. about 67 years. Made agreement with sons Jonathan and Samuel B. Sept. 30, 1684. John, Watertown, frm. May 22, 1650. Rem. to Concord. Perhaps it was h;s wife Elizabeth who bore child Abigial at W. 26 (2) 1656. He was buried 1 (8) 1655. Inv. filed. Matthew, Dorchester, a witness in 1646. Richard, Salisbury; propr. 1650. BALLARD, William, came in the Mary and John, March 26, 1634. William, husbandman, ae. 32, with [wife] Mary, ae. 26, [ch.] Hester, ae. 2, and John, ae. 1, came in the James in July, 1635. Mr. William appointed by the Gen. Court magistrate at Salem in 1638. Propr. at Sal. and also at Lynn. His children had lands assigned them at Reading in 1644. BALLARD, cont. Mr. William, of Lynn, failed to make a will, but told Nicholas Browne and Gerara Spencer, Jr., that he wished half his est. to go to his wife, and the rest to be divided amongst his children. Test 1 (1) [1689]. [Suf. Prob.] John deposed 29 (4) 1655, ae. about 21 years, regarding his bro. Jenckes, in whose service he was. William, propr. at Newbury in 1645. William, propr, at Andover, by wife Grace, had ch. John b. 17 Jan. 1653, Hannah b. 14 Aug. 1655, Lydia b. 13 April, 1657. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 45 years; [sic copia.] He d. 10 July, 1698. Agrement signed 23 Oct. 1689, between his heirs William Blunt, Henry Holt, Samuel and Joseph Butterfield, John Spalden, Abigail, William and John Ballard and the widow Grace. She d. 27 April, 1694. BALSTON, Jonathan, Boston, adm. townsman 31 (1) 1645; was building a bark in 1649. Wife Mary, ch. John b. (8) 1645, Jonathan b. 2 March 1651, Prudence b. 28 May 1G55, Lydia d. 6 (11) 1655, Elizabeth b. Sept. 18, 1660, Robert b. Dec. 3, 1662 and d. 3 Oct., 1663, Benjamin b. Feb. 8, 1663, Jonathan bapt, 28 (1) 1669, Mary (of sister Balston,) bapt. 10 (6) 1673. Mr. William, Boston, juryman Nov. 9, 1630; frm. May 18, 1631; wife Elizabeth also memb. chh.; "d. soon." Town officer. Sold all his land and buildings to Thomas Con- nell Aug. 5, 1638. Banished for sympathy with Mrs. Hutchinson. His dau. Pittie b. (8; 1630, William bapt. 15 (2) 1633, Mary bapt. 14 (7) 1634, Mehetabel bapt. 24 (11) 1635, Meribah bapt. 9 (2) 1637. BAMBRIDGE, BANBRIDGE, BAIN- BRICK, BANBRICKE. BANBROOKE, Guy, housekeeper, Cambridge, propr. 1634, frm. March 4, 1634-5. He was bur. April 10, 1645. His widow Justice deposed n (5) 1664, ae. about 64 years. [Mdx. Files.] Dau. Jane m. Samuel, son of Bartholomew Gi'een. [Mi.] BANCROFT, BANCROFTE, BANCRAFT, Edward, Plymouth, taxed in 1632; atba. 1643. 30 BANCROFT, etc., cont. Roger, weaver, Cambridge, 1G36, frm. May 18, lC-12; town officer, propr. He signed inv. of Frances Blosse in 16-47. He d. Not. 28, lGu3. Will prob. 4 (2) 1G54. All to wife Elizabeth save beqs. to Mr. Mitchell and elder Frost; wife exec. [Reg. XVI. 74] Thomas, Dedham, townsman, 16JS. Rem to Reading about 1G53. He deposed in 1G81, ae. about 58 years. He m. 31 (1) 1G47, Alice, dau. of Michael Bacon; she d. 29 (1) 1G48; ch. Thomas b. and d. 1648. He m. 2, 15 (5) 1648, Elizabeth Metcalf, who was adm. chh. 14 (10) 1651; and to that of R. from that of Ded. 22 (9) 1669; ch. Elizabeth b. and d. 1650, John b. 3 (12) 1651, Elizabeth b. at R. 7 (10) 1653. He d. at Lynn, lieut, 19 Aug. 1691. Inv. of his est. filed 24 Nov. 1691 by son Eben- ezer, shows land at Reading and Lynn, etc. Agreement for division was made between the widow Elizabeth, sons Thomas, John and Ebenezer, Joseph Brown, husband of the dau. Elizabeth, and Sarah B., the youngest dau., yet unmarried. His widow Elizabeth d. 1 May, 1711. Widow had land assigned her in 1638 at Lynn. BANES, Martha, ae. 20, came in the Defense in July, 1635. BANGS, Edward, yeoman, Plymouth, came in 1C23; had 4 lots; frm. 1G33. Juror, commis- sioner; rem. to Eastham; town ofiicer 1647. Ch. Bethia b. May 28, 1650, Mercy and Ap- phia b. Oct. 15, 1650. His wife Rebecca joined him in a deed in 1651. Dau. Rebecca m. Oct. 26, 1654, Jonathan Sparrow. He made will 11 Oct. 1674,ae. 86 years; beq. to sons Jonathan, John and Joshua: to Jona.'s eldest son, Edward; to dans. Howes, Higgens, Hall, Merricls and Atwood; to the ch. of dau. Rebecca, dec. BANKS, BANKES, Mrs. Lydia, Salem, memb. chh. 1636. After being absent from the chh. 22 years she was dismissed, at her request, 6 (9) 1664, to a chh. in London of which Mr. Nye is pastor. [Salem chh. rec] She wrote from Maidstone, Kent, Eng. Aug. 28, 1646, to her BANKS, etc., cont. bro. William Hathorne; spoke of bro. Read; mentioned W. H.'s sale of her land at the plains; of her cattle; of a trunlj left at bro. Mores. [Es. Files XXXVI, 56.] Another letter, dated IS April, 1648, refers to bro. Roger Moorie; to "my sister, your wife;" to "my bro. Read." She also wrote from Lon- don in 1673, to Daniel Epps, calling him her cousin; spol^e of seeing him as a child in Holland, and at his mother's house in New Eng.; sent respects to his father Symonds, her cousin; refers to his aunt Lalce. [E. and W.] [Reg. LI, 262.] BANSHOTT, Thomas, ae. 14, came in the Bevis in May, 1038. BAKBEB, BABER, BARBOUR, BARBUB, Edward, Dedham. He d. (5) 1644. [Chh. Rec] George, Dedham, townsman 2 (10) 1640, frm. May 26, 1647. Mr. Ralph Wheelocke, In his will, calls him brother-in-law. He rem. to Medfleld; oldest sergeant authorized by Gen. Court to train men 19 Oct. 1652; captain; drew and attested many docu- ments; signed Barbur. Wife Elizabeth, adm. chh. 27 (8) 1643; ch. Mary b. and d. 1643, Mary b. 31 (11) 1044, Samuel b. G (11) 1646, John b. 13 (1) 1649, Elizabeth b. 11 (2) 1651. Admin, of his est. gr. to his son Samuel 15 May, 1685; inv. taken April 23, 1685. James, Dorchester, propr. about 1637. Jeremy, beneficiary in will of Edward Skinner of Cambridge in 1641. John, carpenter, Salem, propr. 1636; adm. chh. 3 (2) 1642. Wife adm. chh. 29 (10) 1640; ch. bapt. 27 (9) 1G40. Faith B. who reed, beq. from Margaret Pease in 1642, was, per- haps, one of these persons. Richard, Dedham, propr. 23 Nov. 1638. Adm. chh. (5) 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. He d. 18 (4) 1644. His inv. taken 15 (5) 1644; will prob. 21 (5) 1646. No family men- tioned. Henry Brock and his son John B. execs. [Reg. Ill, 178.] Thomas, ae. 21, came in the Christian Jilarch IG, 1634. [Thomas was at Windsor, Conn, in 1635.] William, Dorchester. Rem. to Salem; 31 BARBER, etc., cont. propr. 1630. Sold land in Dorchester Oct. 31, 1639; hailing from Ludgate Hill, London, he bought land in Watertown 31 (3) 1648. Res. in Boston In 1652. See draft of his son John "Baber" Oct. 28, 1651. [Suff. De. I, 258.] Had lawsuits in Es. court in 16-11. Inv. of his est. mentions land at Dorch. Admin, gr. to widow Elizabeth 29 (4) 1677. BARCROFTE, John, embarlied with [wife] Jane April 12, 1632. He gave bonds to the Court for her behavior Sept. 3, 1683. BARDEN, William, covenant servant of Thomas Boardman, transferred to John Barker, briclslayer, for 6% years from 1 Dec. 1638, to learn the trade of briclilayer. Marshfield, atba. 1643. Rem. to Middleborougli; wid- ow Deborah admin, on his est. 22 March, 1G92-3. BARKER, Edward, Boston. Wife Jane; ch. Eliz- abeth, "Sonne," b. 17 July, 1050, Mary b. 15 Feb. 1052, John b. 15 Jan. 1653, Sarah b. 9 March, 1654, Thomas b. 23 Aug. 1657. Will dated June 27, 1674, prob. 30 Oct. 1678. Wife Jane to have life use of all; di- vision to be made to surviving ch. at her death. James, tailor, Rowley, propr., frm. Oct. 7, 1640. Wife Grace was bur. 27 (12; 1665; he m. 2, May 22, 1666, Mary Wiat. Ch. Eu- nice b. 2 (4) 1642, bur. (3) 1645, Nathaniel b. 15 (8; 1644, Eunice b. 11 (12) 1645, Grace b. 1 (2) 1650, Tamar b. 15 (10) 1652, Stephen b. Sept. 1653. He was bur. 7 Sept. 1678. Will dated 3 (7) prob. 24 (7) 1078. Says he was b. at Rag- well, CO. Suffolk, Eng. Beq. to wife Mary good support and the fulfillment of marriage contract; to sons Barzillai, James and Na- thaniel, dau. Eunice, her husband John Wat- son and their children; to dau. Grace B.; bro. George Kilborne. Dorothy, Dorchester, memb. chh. before 1639. John, bricklayer, Marshfield, propr. 5 Nov. 1638. Ferryman over Jones River. Took John Harden apprentice 10 Jan. 1638-8. Juror. He d. by the casualty of the sea; inquest Dee. 14, 1652. Admin, gr. to his widow An- BARKER, cont. na Dec. 17, 1652. Division made S June, 1653, to daus. Anna, Deborah and Mary, to be paid at 21 years of age. The widow m. Abraham Blush, who settled with Wm. Bar- den, husband of Deborah, and John Pratt, husband of Ann, 27 Oct. 1066, and wilh Sam- uel Pratt, husband of Mary 2 (9) 1668, for their portions. Robert, Plymouth, apprentice of John Thorp, carpenter, Jan. 20, 1032. [Plym. Col. Rec] His time was to expire in April, 1637. Fei'ryman, town officer, keeper of an ordi- nary at Marshfield in 1046; frm. 6 June, 1654. Will dated 18 Feb. 1689, prob. 10 March, 1691-2, beq. to ch. Francis and Robert B., Rebecca Snow and Abigail Rogers; gr. ch., children of dec. son Isaac, and others. John Barker and Desire his wife witnesses. Richard, husbandman, Andover, bought stock and produce of Wm. Hughes in 1643. [Bs. court rec] Wife .loanna; ch. Ebenezer b. 22 March, 1651, Richard b. 10 April, 1654, Hannah b. 21 Oct. 1656, Stephen b. July, 1659, Benjamin b. 28 Feb. 1003. Will dated 7 April, lOSS, prob. March 28, 1093, beq. to ch. John, William, Ebenezer, Richard, Stephen, Benjamin, Sarah aud Hes- ter, and to gr. daus. Priscilla, Hester and Sarah, ch. of dec. dau. Hannah. Thomas, Rowley, propr. 1643. He was bur. 30 Nov. 1650. Will prob. 25 (1) 1651, beq. to wife Mary; to sister Jane Lambert; to Thomas aud Jane L. and their bros. and sisters; to the town and various in- dividuals. The widow m. Mr. Ezekiel Rogers. William, servant, in Court 6 Oct. 1633, witness from Marblehead in Esses Court in 1642. BARLOW, BARLOE, BABLOOE, Bartholomew, cooper, Boston, had suit in Salem court, 1045. Signed Inv. of Wm. Joice in 1648. Bought house and land Jan. 20, 1653. He d. 26 (7) 1657. Nunc, will prob. Oct. 15, 1057; whole est. to son Thomas. [Reg. IX, 229.] George, before Gen. Court Sept. 19, 1037. Settled at Sandwich. Constable. He m. Jane, widow of Anthony Bessey, whose daus. were before Plym. Court 4 March, 1061-2 for Ill-treating him. 32 BARLOW, etc., cont. He made will Aug. 4, prob. Oct. 31, 1GS4; beq. to wife, sons John and Nathan; to Aaron and Moses B. The widow made will 6 Aug., prob. 5 Oct. 1G93; beq. to sons John and Nathan B. and Nehemiah Bessie; to daus. Ann Hallett, Elizabeth Bodfish and Rebecca Hunter. BARNARD, BERNARD, John, ae. 30 with wife Phebe, ae. 27, and ch. Thomas King ae. 15, John Bernard, ae. 2, and Samuel Bernard, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. I'hebe and her ch. John and Samuel had beq. from her mother Anne, widow, successively, of Anthony Whiting of Dedham, Essex, clothier, and of Thomas Wilson of D., in her ■will prob. 13 Dec. 163S. [Reg. L, 390.] Set- tled at Watertown; propr. 1036; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Ch. rec. at Wat., Mary b. 7 (9) 1639, Joseph b. 12 (9) 1642. He was. bur. June 23, 1646. His widow d. Aug. 1, 1685. The inv. of her est. was talien 5 Oct. 1685, showed a good property. John, ae. 36, with wife Mary, ae. 38, and Henry Haward, ae. 7, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Cam- bridge; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Propr. 1634; sold some lands about 1639. Methusalah, Masachell, Musachiel, of Bateoiiibe, Eng., tailor, ae. 24, with wife Mary, ae. 28, sons John, ae. 3, Nathaniel, ae. 1, and his servant Richard Persons, Salt- er, ae. 30, came from Weymouth, Eng., March 20, 1635. Settled at Weymouth. Ch. Mary b. 27 (7) 1635, Sarah b. 5 (2) 1637. Richard, Watertown, town officer Nov 14, 1635. Robert, husbandman, Salisbury, 1042; Andover 1644, and Nantucliet 1603. Memb. chh. And. 1645. Wife Joanna d at Nan. March 21, 1705. Ch. Hannah, (m. John Stevens,) John b. at Salis. March 2, 1642, Stephen, Mary b. at And. April 8, 1658. He d. at Nan. about 1682. Admin, of his est. was gr. to his son Robert B. Feb. 1, 1714-5, "after he had been dead more than 30 years." Tobias, grad. Harv. Coll. in the first class, 1642. Thomas, husbandman, Salisbury, 1642. Wife Ellen, Eleanor or Helena; ch. Thomas BARNARD, etc., cont. b. 10 (3) 1641, Nathaniel b. 15 (11) 1642, Mar- tha b. Sept. 22, 1645, (m. Thomas Haynes, m. 2, Samuel Bucknam,) Mary, twin of Mar- tha, (m. 1, Anthony Morse, m. 2, Philip East- man,) Sarah b. Sept. 28, 1647, (m. William HaeUett,) Hannah b. Nov. 24, 1649, (m. Benj. Stevens,) Ruth b. Oct. 16, 1651, (m. Joseph Peaseley,) John, Abigail b. Jan. 20, 1656, (m. Samuel Fellows). He was killed by the Indians about 1677. Admin, of his est. was gr. to his widow Oct. 1677; division made in 1679 to nine ch. viz. Thomas B., Wm. Hackett, Thomas Heynes, Jos. Peaseley, Benj. Stevens, John B., widow Moyse, Abigail and Nathaniel B. Mr. William, gent., Charlestown, 1639. Will composed in 1639; he drew exchange on his cousin, Mr. Thomas Free, merchant, Sept. 8. 1640. [L.] Wife Alice adm. chh. 1 (5) 1645. BARNARDSTON, Katharine, Salem, memb. chh. 1639. BARNISTON, Marmaduke, a servant, before Es. court 3 (8) 1637. BARNES, BARRENS, Mr. John, gent., merchant, yeoman, Plymouth, frm. 1633. Gave a bond Oct. 9, 1640. Bought house and land in Roxbury and sold it again June 17, 1656. Signed his name up to 1649, made his mark in 1651. He volunteered for the Pequot war in 1637. He m. Sept. 12, 1633, Mary Plummor; she d, June 2, 1651 or 1661. Ch. Lydia b. April 24, 1647, John d. Sept. 25, 1648, Mary m. Robert Marshall. He gave cattle to his ch. Jonathan, Mary, Hannah and Lydia 24 Aug. 1651. Will, dated March 6, 1677-8, prob. 29 Oct. 1671; wife .Tone, son Jonathan, gr. son, John Marshall, cousin, the wife of Henry Samp- son; kinswoman. Ester Ricket. Refers to dau. Lydia, now deceased. [Reg. VII, 236.] Joshua, planter. Plymouth, appr. to Mr. Paine for 5 years Sept. 4, 1632. Rem. to Yarmouth; com. for division of lands 5 March, 1638-9; prop. frm. 1 June, 1641. JIatthew, miller, Braintree, Boston. Ch. Sarah b. 29 (6) 1641. One of the com. to lay out lots at Concord, 1 Oct. 1645. One xy 33 BABNES, etc., cont. of the owners of the tide mill in Boston in 1650. His wife Rebecca d. 19 (7) 1657. He m. 2, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Hunt. She deposed in Mdx. Court 2 (1) 1655, ae. about 55 years. After Barne's death she had goods appraised at Boston which had been the property of her first husband, T. H. He d. [at Maiden?] about 8 (4) 1667, when inventories of his est. and that Elizabeth inherited from her first husband were filed in Mdx. probate. Bichard, from Penton, Hants., came in the Jonathan in 1639. Brought suit 6 (2) 1652, against Thomas Blanchard for money beq. him by his mother Agnes Bent, who had m. Blanchard after the death of her husband Barnes. [Reg. XXXII, 407.] Thomas, Salisbury, propr. 1639; may be the same as Thomas, blacksmith, Salem. Wife Mary; eh. Benjamin b. 1 Oct. 1655, Mary b. 1658, d. 1660, Mary b. 19 (1) 1661. He was drowned (10) 1663. Inv. filed 28 (4) 1664. Thomas, farmer, weaver, Hingham, propr. 1637, frm. May, 1645. Ch. Thomas and John b. May 21, 1643, Elizabeth b. Dec. 8, 1044, Anna b. June, 1647, (m. Robert Breame,) James b. Apr. 8, 1649, Sarah b. and d. 1650, Peter b. June 6, 1652. He d. 29 Nov. 1672, ae. 70 years. Will beq. to wife and eh. Widow Anna d. 5 April, 1091. William, Gloucester, frm. June 2, 1041. His wife Sarah, of Boston, appl. for divorce and maintenance for herself and ch. 19 (8) 1647. [A.] Sarah, (the same?) m. John Tinli- er, and d. about 13 (10) 1648. [Reg. VII, 174.] Inv. of her estate, with list of debts on tile. One of the 2 daughters Richard Coolie tools to bring up; the other remained with John Tinker; £6, 13 s., 4 d. was apportioned to each. William, house carpenter, Salisbury, propr. 1639. He deposed in 1680, ae. about 60 years. (Ipswich Deeds.) Ch. Mary, (m. John Hoyt,) Hannah b. 22 (11) 1643, (m. John Prowse,) Deborah b. April 1, 1046, (m. Sam- uel Davis,) Jonathan b. 1 (2) 1648, William d. 11 (4) 1648, Rachel b. 30 (2) 1849, (m. Thomas Sargent,) Sarah, (m. 1, Thomas BARNES, etc., cont. Rowell, 2, John Harvey,) Rebecca, (m. Moses Morrill). His will, dated at Almsbury, 7 April, 1696, prob. Sept. 28, 1698, beq. to dans. Mary Hoyt, Deborah Davis, Rachel Sargent, Sarah Har- vey, Rebecca Morrill (and her son William Barnes Morrell,) to son-in-law John Prowse; Abigail Diamond; gr. ch. Sarah Hoyt; to James George, Sen. BABNETT, John, Watertown, propr. 1645. BABNHOTJSE, Richard, gave bond Sept. 2, 1638, to Wm. Pester of Salem. BABNEY, BAENY, Jacob, Salem, frm. May 14, 1634; dep- uty 1635, 1647. He opposed the sentence of the Gen Court against those who peti- tioned for freer franchise. Anna, [his wife?] memb. chh. 1637. He m. 18 (.5) 1657, Hannah Johnson. She d. 5 (4) 1659, and he m. 26 (2) 1660, Ann Witt. Ch. John bapt. 15 (10) 1639, riannah b. 30 (3) 1659, Hannah b. 2 (1) 1660-1, Sarah b. 12 (7) 1602, Abigail b. 3 (8) 1663, John b. 1 (6) 1665, Jacob b. 21 (3) 1067, Ruth b. 27 (7) 1669. He d. at Rehoboth. Will dated 30 July, 1090, aged; prob. Jan. 10, folg.; beq. to eh. John, Joseph, Israel, Jonathan, Samuel, Sarah Hampton, Ruth, Dorcas Throope, Abi- ■ gail Marshall, and Hannah. Wife Ann. Edvrard B., of Braddenham, Bucks, yeoman, beq. 9 Oct. 1643, to "son Jacob B., if he be living at time of my death and come over into England." [Reg. L, 534.] BABNOPE, see Burnope, BABBELI,, George, cooper, Boston, propr., 1638; adm. chh. 5 (7) 1641; frm. May 10, 1043. His wife Anne adm. chh. 25 (1) 1643. He d. 11 (7) 1643. Will prob. 30 (8) 1643; wife Anne; ch. John, James and Anne. [Reg. II, 384, and VIII, 55.] [L.] Thomas, residence not stated, frm. May, 1645. William, d. in Boston 20 (6) 1639, EABBENS, see Barnes. 34 BABBETT, James, planter, Cbarlestown, 1G43, rem. to Maiden; ae. 50 in 1005. Wife Han- nali (Fosdicli) was ae. 50 in 1005. Cli. James b. (2) 1044, Jlary, (m. Jolm Koss.i Han- nah b. 21 (1) 1047, (m. John Scollay,) Ste- phen; John b. May 6, 1055, Sarah, (m. Si- mon Grover). He d. Aug. 10, 1072. Will dated S (5) 1072, beq. to wife Hannah, eldest sou James, daus. Hannah, Mary and Sarah, sons John and Stephen, and to gr. eh. John and Samuel Scolye and John Ross. The widow Hannah made will 9 April, prob. 20 June, lOSl; beq. to gr. ch. Samuel and Thomas [Tingle;] to dau. Hannah ScoUy's two ch.; to daus. Mary Koss and Sarah Grover and their ch. ; to gr. ch. John Barrett. Bro. John FosdecUe exec. John, Taunton, atba. 1643. Stephen, Ipswich, placed by Vincent Potter 21 (4) 1039, with Wm. Foster, as an apprentice. [L.] Stephen, brewer, Boston, made will 1 Aug., prob. 14 (7) 1071. Beq. to his dau. Eliz- abeth Jones; to her husband John and son John. Thomas, Concord, landholder before 1650. He d. 14 (4) 1052. Inv. of his estate filed 5 (S) 1052. Land, farming implements, household goods, house bought of Wm. Aline, etc. Mary, of Concord, who made ■will June 15, 1003, ae. about 73 years, and beq. to sons John and Humplirey B. may have been his wife. Thomas, ae. 16, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Thomas of Chelmsford, propr. may be this man. Will dated 1 (1) 1002, prob. (8) 1608, beq. to wife Margaret, sons John, Thomas and Joseph. , BARKON, BARRONE, Ellis, and Elliz, Watertown, frm. June 2, 1641; propr.; bought meadow in Cambridge in 1653. Wife Grace. Ellis, ae. about 20 in 1053. [Mdx. Files.] (m. 14 (10) 1658, Hannah Hawkins,) Mary, (m. Dec. 10, 1650, Daniel Warren;) Susanna, (m. 14 (10) 1053, Stephen Randall;) Hannah, (m. 17 (9) 1658, Simon Coolidge;) John, Sarah b. 25 (4) 1640, Moses b. (1) 1643. He m. 2, Han- BARRON, etc., cont. nah, widow of Timothy Hawkins, Sen., whose will, dated 18 Aug. 1683, prob. Oct. 6, 1685, mentions her son Timothy Hawkins and her dau. Hannah Barron's ch., gr. ch. Benjamin and Benoni Garfield. He d. Oct. 30, 1076. His will prob. Dee. 19, 1076, beq. to wife, sons Elizeus, John and Moses, and the rest of his seven chil- dren; to gr. ch. Elizabeth B. The inventory mentions "barbaren instruments" and tools "to draw teeth," etc. BARSHAM, BASHAM, BASSOM, William, Watertown, 1630, juror, propr., frm. March 9, 1630-7. Wife Anniball; eii. John b. S (10) 1035, Anna b. 7 (11) 1637, Joshua b. 15 (1) 1640, Susanna b. 28 (11) 1641, Mary b. 23 (4) 1648, Rebecca b. 12 (10) 1657, Elizabeth b. July 29, 1658. He d. 3 July, 1684. He made will 28 Aug. 1683, codicil dated 15 April, 1684, prob. 29 (6) 1684; beq. to sons John, Joshua and Na- thaniel; daus. Hannah Spring, Susanna Ca- pen, Sarah Browne, Mary Bright, Rebecca Winship and Elizabeth B.; gr. son William B., son of John. BARSTOW, BAIRSTOW, BASTOW, BEARSTOW, George, ae. 21 yrs. came In the True- love Sept., 1635. Settled at Dedhani; adm. propr. at request of his bro. Wm. 11 (0) 1637. Res. at Cambridge. Rem. to Seituate. Ch. Margaret bapt. Feb. 24, 1049, George bapt. after the father's death, June 12, 1653. He d. at Camb. 18 (1) 1652. His will dated 10 (1) 1052, beq. to his wife and two chil- dren in equal portions. The widow Susan, dau. of Thomas Marritt, d. in 1054, leaving Margaret about 4 years old and son George about 2. Inv. taken 4 May, 1054; admin, gr. to Tho. Marritt. John, Cambridge. The inv. of his est. taken 2 (12) 16.57, was filed by the widow, Lydia. She m. 2, Rich- ard Standlake of Seituate; was appointed 7 June, 1674, guardian to her 2 sons, John and Jeremiah B., and authorized to receive for them the legacies left them by their un- cle Michael B. of Wat., who also gave lands to her son Michael B. Michael, Miles, Charlestown, with wife Mareia adm. chh. 5 (10) 1635; frm. May 3, 1635; propr. Rem. to Watertown about 1642, 35 BARSTOW, etc., cont. deputy. Signed inv. of Henry Kemball in 1648. His wife Grace d. July 20, 1071; he d. June 23, 1G74. Will dated same day. Beq. to pas- tor, Mr. John Sherman; to the chh. of Wat. 16 pounds; to Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Ran- dall of Sci. ; to Hannah, widow of Wm. Bar- stow, now Prince; to Susan, wife of Wm. Perry of Marshf.; to Michael, John and Jere- miah, sons of John B., dec; to 2 ch. of his bro. George B. dec. and 8 ch. of his bro. Wm. B. dec; to deacons Thomas Hastings and Henry Bright. [Reg. VIH, 16!).] William, ae. 23 yrs. came in the True- love in Sept., 1035. Before the Gen. Court June 7, 1030; Dedham, propr. 1030. Rem. to Scituate. Contracted to build a bridge and keep it in repair in 1004; refers to his son-in-law Moses Simons. He m. at Ded- ham S (5) 1038, Ann Hubbard; she was adm. chh. 10 (2) 1041. Ch. Joseph b. 6 (4) 1039, Mary b. 28 (10) 1641, Patience b. 3 (10) 1043; rec. at Sci.; Deborah bapt. Aug. 18, 1050, William b. Sept., 1652, Martha bapt. April 22, 1655. He d. 1 Jan. 1608. [Dedham rec] Admin, gr. to his widow Anna, [Plym. Court,] 2 March, 1668-9. Inv. filed April 5, 1669. She afterward m. [John] Prince (of Hingham). BARTHOLOMEW, BARTELMEW, Jlr. Henry, Salem, 1035, frm. May 17, 1637; propr.; town officer; deputy. Wife Eliza- beth; ch. Elizabeth bapt. 3 (8) 1641, Hannah bapt. 12 (12) 1642-3, John bapt. 10 (9) 1644, Abraham bapt. 22 (9) 1646, Eleazer liapt. 29 (5) 1049, Abigail bapt. 6 (8) 1050, William bapt. 2 (8) 1052, Eliza bapt. 2 (5) 1054, Henry bapt. 10 (3) 1657, Sarah b. 29 (11) bapt. (12) 1658. Admin, on his est. was gr. to his son Henry 20 Dec. 1092. Inv. shows a fourth part of a mill, land, etc. Richard, Salem, 1037, adm. chh. 21 (4) 1640, frm. June 2, 1041. Made, will in letter to his bro. Henry when about to sail to London; pvoh. Essex Court 4 (6) 1640. To Henry's 2 ch.; to his bro. Wil- liams 3 ch.; to his mother; to Mr. Gearing; to bros. Thomas and Abraham and sister Sarah; to Jacob Barney. William, husbandman, Ipswich, mer- chant, propr., frm. March 4, 1634-5. Deputy; BARTHOLOMEW, etc., cont. register. Agent for Whittingham, Paine and Wade 14 (S) 1647. [A.] Bought laud in Bos- ton July 20, 1059. With wife Mary rec'd to Boston chh. 12 ^1) 1602. William, Dorchester, propr. 1636. When old and sick he was cared for by the town, his house and land going to them, and some goods to persons to whom he beq. He d. in 1652. BABTLETT, Richard, Sen., shoemaker, came to Newbury early. His family Bible is extant, in which he rec. the births of the following ch.: Joaue b. Jan. 29, 1010, (m. Wm. Tit- comb,) John b. 9 Nov. 1013, Thomas b. Jan. 22, 1015, Richard b. Oct. 31, 1021, Christo- pher b. 25 Feb. 1023, Anne b. Feh. 20, 1025; the sons John, Richard and Christopher came to Newbury. [Reg. XI, 192.] He d. 25 May, 1047. Will (oral) prob. 29 Sept. 1647; John had already reed, his por- tion; he beq. to Christopher, Joane and her four daus., Richard and John. The latter had the "great Bible." Robert, cooper, Plymouth, came in the Anne in 1023; frm. 1633, juryman and town officer. He m. Mary, dau. of Richanl War- ren; her marriage portion confirmed to him 7 March, 1636. Ch. Lydia b. June 8, 1047, Jlercy b. March 10, 1650, 1034. BLACKLEACH, BLACKLEDGE, BLACK- LIDGE, John, Boston, sold land at Winnisimet Feb. 27, 1634. Frm. May 0, 1035. Rem. to Salem. Deputy 1036. An active worker for the improvement of the Indians. Wife Eliz- abeth memb. chh. 1038. They were dis- missed from the chh. to that of Hartford, Conn. 5 Oct. 1001, having meantime rem. about 1646, and resided there. Ch. Exercise bapt. 24 (11) 1630, (m. Aug. 24, 1060, Richard Raser.) Joseph b. S (11), bapt. 3 (12) 1638, Elizabeth b. (10) 1641, Benoni bapt. 14 (3> 1(;13, Elizabeth b. 12 (0) 1644; all these given in by the parents. [Es. Files.] Ch. rec. at Boston: Solomon bapt. in Bo. 18 (8) 164C, Solomon bapt. 3 (7) 1648, ae. about 2 days, Mary bapt. 7 (7) 1651. He d. at Wethersfield, Conn. Aug. 23, 1683. Will, dated at Boston 10 Aug. 1671. [Mass. Not. Rec. Book, IV, 91.] Beq. to wife Eliz- abeth, sons John, Benony, and Solomon, daus. Elizabeth and Marie. [Reg. XXXVI, 189.] William, Boston, propi'. adjoining Wm. Davies 9 (8) 1645. BLACKLEY, BLAKELEY, Edward, Roxbury. He was bur,— a widower, — Nov. 3, 1637. His dau. Sarah was bur. May, 1638. The inv. of his est. was taken 25 (10) 1037, by John Stow, Isaac Heath, Joseph Weld, John Johnsone, Thomas Sams, William Parke and Sam m well Basse. Thomas, ae. 20, came in the Hopewell in Aug. 1035. Nunc, will on testimony of John and Mar- tha Mellowes, 30 Jan. 1073; wife to have her thirds of the estate, money being best for 52 BLACKLEY, etc., coat. her because she was aged. Inv. presented Jan 1, 1G73, by wife Susanna. BLACKMOBE, BLAKEMOBE, John, Siiudwich, propr. allowed to ex- ercise inhabitants in arms in 1039; atba. 1643. BLACKSTONE, BLAXTON, BLAXTONE, Elizabeth, ae. 22, came in the Bevis in May, 1C38. Rev. William subscribed toward the expense of returning Thomas Morton to England in 1G28. [Bradford's Letter Book, in Mass. Hist. Coll. 3.] A resident in Bos- ton before the coming of the Dorchester or Charlestown settlers. Was appointed one of the attorneys of the Council for N. E. to put Mr. John Oldham in possession of his grant and to transfer the Council's grant to Thomas Lewis, gent., and Capt. Richard Bonython; the document, signed by War- wicli and Gorges, was endorsed by the at- torneys June 28, 1631. He invited the Win- throp party to come to the Boston peninsula from Charlestown in the fall of 1030; which they were glad to do. Special reserves of land were made for him, and the sum of 30 li. was raised for him by tax in 1634. He was adm. frm. May 18, 1631. He rem. to a section at the border of Mass. and R. I. colonies, "near Mr. Williams, but far from his opinions." [L., P. D.] He m. in Bo. 4 July, 1659, Sarah Stephson (Stephenson), widow. Plymouth Court granted 55 acres of land to her son John S. in fulfillment of marriage contract made at this time. She d. June 15, 1673. He d. in 1675. Inv. taken 28 May; admin. Plym. Court 27 Oct. 1675. Nathaniel Paine and Daniel Smith were app. guardians to his son John Blackstone. Library of 186 volumes beside 3 Bibles; household goods and tools of husbandry; 200 acres of ground. Jlemorandum by the recorder: "This estate was destroyed and carried away with the Indians." BLACKWELL, Jeremy, ae. 18, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. Had acct. with George Bur- cham of Lincoln, Eng., in 1641. [L.] BLACKWELL, cent. Michael, Sandwich, creditor of Wm. Swift in 1642; juror, 1648. Ch. Michael b. 1 June, 1648. BLACKWOOD, BLAKEWOOD, Rev. Christopher, planter, Scituate, bought the house and lands previously owned by Mr. John Lothrop, of Timothy Hatherly Nov. 23, 1640, and sold the same to Mr. Charles Chauneey 5 Oct. 1642. Is evidently the "Mr. Blackwood" who was invited to be the successor of Mr. Lothrop as pastor of the church, but who remained only a short time. BLAGE, BLAGUE, BLAKE, Henry, Plymouth, servant to Elizabeth Watson, widow, transferred to 'ihomas Watson and by him to John Rogers Nov. 8, 1638. Jlay be supposed to be Henry, brick-burner, Braintree, with wife Elizabeth memb. chh. Had accts. In 1039. [L.] Rem. to Boston; he and wife rec'd to chh. 3 (6) 1651. Ch. Philip b. at Br. 24 (1) 1643, Benjamin bapt. 18 (0) 1650, Elizabeth b. Oct. 28, 1652, Martha b. Nov. 2, 1655, Rebecca b. July 5, 1657, Joseph b. Sept. 2, 1660. He d. July 28, 1662. Admin, gr. to the widow for herself and 7 children 12 (9) 1664. [Reg. XII, 48.] BLAKE, BLACKE, George, Gloucester, 1649, town officer. Rem. to Boxford. Wife Dorothy; ch. Re- becca b. Feb. 1641, Deborah b. 10 (9) ■, Prudence b. April 15, 1647, Elizabeth b. (3) 1650, Mary b. Feb. 14, 1652, Thomas b. June 9, 1658, Ruth b. Sept. 5, 1659. Will dated 17 Jan. 1697-8, prob. 1698; beq. to daus. Rebecca Ham, Mary Curtis, and Ruth Shaw; gr. ch. Deborah Kimball, De- borah Perry, Moses Tyler, whose mothers are deceased; to gr. ch. John Bams, and to wife Dorothy. After the death of the widow admin, was gr. to John Fames; inv. taken 17 Feb. 1697-8. Richard, servant, came in the Confi- dence April 11, 1638, ae. 16. William, son of William, bapt. at Pit- minster, Eng., July 10, 1594, m. there Sept. 27, 1617, Agnes Band, widow. Ch. bapt. at P.: John bapt. Aug. 30, 1618, Anne bapt. 53 BLAKE, etc., cont. Aug. 30, 1018, (m. in Boston, Jacob Leager,) "William bapt. Sept. 6, 1620, James bapt. April 27, 1624. Edward, (place and date of birth unknown). He was one of the founders of Springflela in 1036. [Reg. XIII, 297.] Rem. to Dorches- ter; earliest rec. there Jan. 3, 1637. He and his wife were membs. chh., and he was adm. frm. March 14, 1038-9. Town and county clerlj, town officer. He d. Oct. 25, 1663. Will, dated 3 Sept. 1661, prob. 28 Jan. 1663. Beq. 20 s. to the town for the repairing of the burying place. The remainder of his est. he gave one half to his wife and the other half to his 5 ch. The widow d. July 22, 1678. [See Increase Blake, his Ancestors and Descendants.] BLANCHARD, BLANCHAR, BLAN- CHER, Joseph. Boston, d. (10) 1637. [His son] AVilliam, tailor, Boston, made will 27 (7) 1652, and beq. to mother Ann, bro. John, sister Garlick's ch.; to his three ch.; to wife Hannah and her father James Everill. Widow Ann died [apparently at Woburn.] The inv. of her est. taken July 21, 1662, by Abraham and Jacob Barker, was presented by her son John B. Thomas, yeoman, from Penton, Hants, Eng., came from London in the Jonathan in 1639; settled at Braiutree. Bought lands in Boston and Charlestown of Mr. John Wil- son. Rem. to Char, in 1651. He m. in Eng. , -who died in Eng. He m. 2, widow Agnes (Bent) Barnes, who d. on the passage to N. E.; he m. 3, Mary . He d. 21 (3) 1654. Will dated 16 (3), prob. 20 (4) 1654, beq. to wife Mary; ch. George, Thomas, Samuel, Nathaniel; gr. ch. Joseph; to the church of Maiden. He provided that Benjamin Tompson should be fitted for the University if his iiarents consent. [Reg. XVII, 156, and XXXII, 411.] Widow admin. 3 (4) 1656. BLAND, Bridget, Charlestown, widow of Wm. Bland late of Oxford, glover, gave a letter of attorney for collection of legacies in Eng. 4 (9) 1646. [A.] BLANDFORD, John, came from Sutton Mansfield, co. Wilts, in the Confidence in 1638, as servant of Walter Hayne. Settled in Sudbury. Propr. 1639. He deposed to the will of Hugh Griffin in 1058, ae. about 50 years. Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. 27 (11) 1042, Hannah b. 7 (1) 1644, Joan b. (1) 1046, Lydia b. 28 (12) 1047, Stephen b. 3 Dec. 1649. Wife Mary d. 4 (10) 1641, and he m. 2, March 10, 1642, Dorothie, widow of Wright. His will dated 21 Oct. 1687, prob. 23 Nov. folg., beq. to wife Dorothy, son Stephen, son (in-law) Jabesh Browne, son-in-law Ed- ward Wright, dau. Maynard, and to Mary, Elizabeth and James Thackson. BLANKET, BLANCHES, BLANCHARD, John, Marblehead, 1043. Widow, Marblehead, taxed in 1638. Was she the "Ann" who was memb. chh. Salem 30 (4) 1643? William, Salem, Marblehead, 1643. Adm. chh. 14 (12) 1640. BLANTON, AVilliam, carpenter, Boston, 1639; adm. chh. 8 (8) 1642. Wife Phebe; dau. Phebe bapt. 21 (6) 1642, ae. about 5 days; Mary b. (5) 1645. Gen. Court allowed him to keep a cook's shop toward Roxbury in 1647. He d. June 15, 1662. His will beq. to wife, Phebe, son William, daus. Phebe and Mary; to bros. Ralph and John Blantine, the lat- ter of Upton upon Seavern in Worcester- shire, Eng. Owned shares in the Iron works at Taunton. BLASON, Ann, ae. 27, came in the Susan and El- len in April, 1635. BLASDEL, BLESDALE, Ralph, tailor, Salisbury, propr. 1639; lie. to sell wine, 1645. Wife Elizabeth; ch. [Henry,] Mary b. 5 (1) 1641, (m. 1, Joseph Stowers, m. 2, Wm. Sterling,) Sarah d. 17 (1) 1646, [Ralph.] He d. before 1650. His widow d. (6) 166T. Admin, gr. to Joseph Stowers 8 Oct. William, tailor, Boston, adm. Inhab. In 1646. 54 BLEASE, Jobn, Cambridge, bur. 23 (2) 16-16. BLINMAN, BLINDMAN, Rev. Richard, minister, from Wales. Came to Green's Harbor, Marshfleld in 16-10; rem. soon to Gloucester, of which he was one of the founders and pastor. He was prop. frm. Plym. Colony 1 March, 1610-1, but adm. frm. Mass. Colony Oct. 7, 1641. Rem. to New London, afterward to New Haven, Conn. Ret. to England via New- foundland in 1659. [W.] His associates at Mars, and Gloe. were "Mr. Hugh Prychard, Mr. Obadiah Bruen, John Sadler, Hugh Cauken and Walter Tybbot." [Plym. Col. Eec] Wife Mary; ch. Jeremiah b. July 20, 1642, Ezekiel b. Nov. 11, 1643, Azarikam b. 2 (11) 1646. He d. at Bristol, Eng. Will dated Wed. April 13, 1687, prob. July 26, 1687; ae. 72 years and more; to be buried near his wife; beq. to sons-in-law Richard Bowes and dau. Margaret, his wife; Wadland and dau. Han- nah his wife; Henry Acourt and dau. Mar- garet his wife; sons Jeremiah, Nathaniel and Azrikam (with his wife Elizabeth;) dau.-in- law Martha B. and her dau. Anne. [Reg. LIII, 234, and LIV, 39.] BLISH, BLTTSH, Abraham, Barnstable, had accounts with John Cole in 1637; prop, for frm. 1 June, 1641; atba. 1643. Town officer. Ch. Sarah b. Dec. 2, 1644, Joseph bapt. April 9, 1048. His wife was bur. May 26, 1053, or May 16, 1651. He m. (date not given,) Han- nah, widow of John Barker; ch. Abraham b. about 16 Oct. 1654. She was bur. about 16 March, 1658; he m. Jan. 4, 1658-9, Alice Derby, widow. He d. 7 Sept. 1083. He made will 17 April, 1682, prob. 5 March, 1083-4; beq. to wife Alice, sons Joseph ana Abraham, dau. Sarah Orchyard and her 5 children. BLISS, BLISE, BLYSSE, George, Sandwich, propr. 1640. Nathaniel, Springfield, propr. 1646. He m. 20 (9) 1646, Katharine Chapin; ch. Sam- uel b. 7 (9) 1647, Margaret b. 12 (9) 1649, Mary b. 23 (7) 1051, Nathaniel b. 27 (1) 1653. He was bur. IS (9) 1654. His widow m. 31 (4) 1655, Thomas Gilbert; he d. 5 June, BLISS, etc., cont. 1602, and she m. Samuel Marshfleld. Mary, (m. 26 (9) 1646, Joseph Parsons,) Sarah, m. 20 (5) 1659, John Scott,) and Hester, (ra. Dec. 26, 1061, Edward Foster,) may be ch. oi Nathaniel. See Chapin. Thomas, Boston, propr. at Mt. Wol- laston 1039. Frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Rehoboth. Prop. frm. Plym. Colony 1645; town officer 1047. His will, 21 (0) 1647, names son Jonathan; eldest dau. wife of Thomas Williams; Mary, wife of Nathaniel Harmon, son-in-law Nicholas Ide, son Na- thaniel. Nicholas Hyde petitioned Court 7 June, 1648, for a child's portion of the est. [Reg. IV, 282.] BLINNFIELD, Thomas, inv. of his est. taken about 1640 in Suff. Prob. records. BLODGET, BLODGETT, BLOYETT, Thomas, glover, ae. 30, with wife Su- san, ae. 37, and ch. Daniel, ae. 4, and Sam- uel, ae. 1%, came in the Increase April 8, 1635. Settled at Cambridge. Propr. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Wife Susan; ch. Daniel, Samuel, Susanna b. (4) 1637. He d. 7 (0) 1039. His will prob. (Suff.) 25 (1) 1643, beq. to wife Susan, and the three ch. above named. [Reg. II, 186.] BLOIS, BLOISE, BLOYS, BLOSSE, Edmund, planter, Watertown, 1038; had grant of 40 acres of land. Frm. May 22, 1039. He deposed 2 (7) 1663, ae. about 75 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife Mary, ae. 40, and ch. Richard, ae. 11, came in the Francis of Ipswich, April 30, 1634. The son Richard d. in 1665; inv. on file. His wife d. May 29, 1675; he. m. 2, Sept. 27, 1675, Ruth Parsons. He d. about 1681. Will dated 5 Dec. 1076, prob. 5 April, 1081, beq. all to his wife. Francis, Cambridge, frm. June 2, 1641. He was bur. 29 (7) 1646. Widow F'rances; the inv. of her est. was taken 7 (10) 1647, by John Bridge and Roger Bancroft. [Suff. Prob. Reg. YII, 170.] John, bur, in Cambridge April 23, 1646. [Genealogy, Reg. XLI, 298.] BLOOD, BLOD, BLOT, James, yeoman, sergeant. Concord, propr.; frm. June 2, 1641. One of the comrs. 55 BLOOD, etc., cont. to lay out the Hough grant of 400 acres in 1650. Com. to end small causes at Chelms- ford in 1G60. He deposed 30 (1) 16G0, ae. about 55 years, and requested a dispensation from training. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Ellen; ch. James, Mary, (m. Simon Davis). The wife d. Aug. 1, 1674. He d. Sept. 17, 1683. Inv. taken Oct. 7, 1683; will dated June 18, 1680, prob. Dec. 18, 1683, beq. to son James B.; to dau. Mary Davis and her husband, Simon, with their ch. James and Ebenezer. No evidence has been found by the writer to connect James with John and Robert. John, Lynn, witness m court ir. 1647. Rem. to Concord. Admin, of his est. gr. 27 Sept. 1692 to his brother Robert B., Sen. [Court Rec] Robert, yeoman, planter, Lynn, before the court in 1047. Rem. to Concord. He sold, with John, May 1, 1649, the moietie of one tenement and half an oxe gang in Rud- diugtou in the county of Nottingham, Eng., to William Crafts of Lynn. [Es. De. 1, 24.] He m. 8 April, 1653, Elizabeth, dau. of Maj. Simon Willard; ch. Mary b. 4 March, 1655, Elizabeth b. 14 June, 1656, Sarah b. 1 Aug. 1658, Robert b. 20 Feb. 1659, Simon b. o July, 1662, d. April 2, 1692, Josiah b. 6 April, 1064, John b. 29 Oct. 1666, d. Oct. 24, 1689, Ellen b. 14 April, 1669, Samuel b. Oct. 1671, James b. 3 Nov. 1673, Ebenezer b. 15 Feb. 1676, Jonathan b. 1 (7) 1679. He d. Oct. 22, 1701. Admin, gr. to widow Hannah and son Jonathan. Division made Nov. 10 folg. to the widow; sons Josiah, Samuel, James and Jonathan B.; sons-in- law John Buttrick, husband of Mary; Sam- uel Buttrick, husband of Elizabeth; Daniel Colburn, husband of Sarah, and Ebenezer B., 7 years old, son of the eldest son Rob- ert B., Jr., dec. BLOOMFIELD, BLOMFIELD, John, Newbury, 1637. He d. in 1639, and the Gen. Court, 3 March, 1639-40, app. his son Thomas to admin, and to have house and grounds; the lame dau. to have the over-plus of goods not disposed of; will and inv. to be recorded. The son Thomas was a propr. in 1638, and had fam- ily. Rem. to Woodbridge, N. J. BLOOMFIELD, etc., cont. William, ae. 30, with wife Sarah, ae. 2.5, and dau. Sarah, ae. 1, came in the Eliza- beth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Frm. Sept. 2, 1635. Propr., Cambridge. Sold house and lands before 1639. BLOSSOM, Thomas, Plymouth, who had been with the company in Holland, d. of an infectious fever in 1633. [B.] He wrote to Bradford from Leyden, Dec. 15, 1625, concerning Mr. Robinson's death. A son had d. since he left Plymouth; 2 children born since. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3.] His widow Anna m. 17 Oct. 1633, Henry Rowley. Thomas, (perhaps son of the above,) m. June 18, 1645, at Barnstable, Sarah Ewer. He was drowned at Nocett April 22, 1650. Admin, gr. 5 June, 1650, to his widow Sarah; she made over 5 11. to the ch. Sarah, whom she had by him. BLOT, BLOTT, Goodman, Reading, propr. 1647. Johannah, maid servant to deacon Val- entine Hill; adm. cbh. 7 (7) 1644. "Now wife of one deacon Lovitt of Braintree." Dism. to Br. chh. 30 (1) 1645. Robert, Charlestown, 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5. With wife Susan adm. chh. Bos- ton from Charlestown 28 (10) 1644. Sold land at Concord, gr. to Samuel Stretton, 29 (5) 1648. Dau. Mary m. Thomas Woodford. Wife Susanna d. in B. Jan. 20, 1659-60. Will, dated 27 (3) 1662, codicil 27 March, 3665; prob. Feb. 2, 1665-6. Dau. Sarah, her husband Edward Ellis, and her ch. [?] whose names are Woodford; dau. Tosier and her ch. of whom the eldest is John Green; dau. Lovett of Braintree and her ch.; son- in-law Daniel Lovett; son-in-law Daniel Turin's ch. [Reg. XV.] Thomas, Boston, 1636. SLOWER, BLOWERS, BLORES, John, Barnstable, atba. 1643. John, cooper, Boston. Wife Tabitha, ch. Tabitha b. Feb. 12, 1654. Bought house and land Dec. 30, 1658. Will dated 9 Sept. 1675, prob. 2 days later, beq. to wife Tabitha and ch. John, Tabitha, Mary and Thomas. 56 BLOWER, etc., cont. Mrs., part of her money Colonial treasurer 9 (7) 1639. Thomas, ae. 50, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1635. BLOYETT, see Blodget. BOANES, Elizabeth, maid servant to Richard Bellingham, adm. chh. of Boston 22 (6) 1035. BOAKDMAN, BORDMAN, BOORMAN, BOREMAN, BtJRMAN, (see also Bore- man,) Thomas, carpenter, from London. Wife Luce; ch. b. in London. Employed to repair fort at Plymouth, 1635, Sandwich, 1638. He m. 2, at Barnstable March 3, 1644-5, or March, 1645-6, Hannah Annable. Cli. Han- nah b. May, 1046, Thomas b. Sept. 1648, Samuel b. July, 1651, Desire b. May, 1654, Mary b. JIarch, 1656, Mehitabel b. Sept. 1658, Tristram b. Aug. 1661. Will, (Thomas Burman of Barnstable,) May 9, prob. June 4, 1663. Wife Hannah; ch. Thomas, Trustrum, Samuel, Hannah, De- sire, Mary, Mehitabel. Anthony Annibal and William Crocker adminrs. [Reg. VI, 95.] William, Boston, apprentice of Richard Gridley to 17 (8) 1639; then of William Townsend, then of Thomas Witherley, mar- iner, from 30 (11) 1639. [L.] Rem. to Cam- bridge. A memb. of the chh. with his wife Frances; ch. Moses, Rebecca, Andrew, Aaron, Frances, Martha, Mary and 'U'illiam, all bapt. at Camb.; Elizabeth bapt. Aug. 20, 1660. [Mi.] He deposed 26 (6) 1672, ae. 57 years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. 25 March, 1685, ae. 71. Inv. taken 28 May folg.; was filed by the widow Fran- ces. BOBBETT, Edward, Taunton, atba. 1643. In court 8 June, 1649. He m. in Boston 7 (7) 1053, Sarah, dau. of Miles Tarne; ch. Edward b. July 15, 1655, Sarah b. March 20, 1657, (m. March 25, 1680, Samuel Pitts,) Hannah b. March 9, 1660, Damaris b. Sept. 15. 1663, Elkanah (dau.) b. Dec. 15, 1665, Dorcas b. Jan. 20. 1666 .d. April 9, 1674, Esther b. April 15, 1669, Ruth b. Aug. 7, 1671, Deliv- erance b. Dec. 15, 1673. BOBBETT, cont. paid to He was slain by the Indians. Admin, gr. to widow Sarah 6 March, 1676-7; eldest son double portion; other ch. equal shares. BODFISH, BOTFISH, Boniface, (residence not stated,) frm. May 6, 1635. Robert, [Lynn,] juryman at Salem in 1030 and 1037. Of Sandwich in 1640; propr. and town officer; atba. 1643. Ch. Joseph b. April 3, 1651. ( Bridget, who m. Samuel Hinckley, and Mary, who m. Nov. 1659, John Crocker, Jr., may be connected with him. EODINGTON, John, merchant, Charlestown, contract- ed 15 (10) 1646, to deliver lot of fish at the new found land the next fishing season, and wrote his bro. at Mr. James Kirk's to buy the fish. [A.] BODMAN, BADMAN, BOARD]«EAN, John, shoemaker, Boston. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 23 (1) 1644. Ch. John b. (6) 1645, Manoah b. 6 (1) 1646, Sarah bapt. 13 (3) 1049, Samuel bapt. 23 (1) 1651, Joseph b. 17 Oct. 1653, Lydia b. 26 April, 1656. William, Watertown. ch. Rebecca b. 1643. Wife Rebecca; BOGGUST, John, punished as accessory to a fel- ony, 28 Sept. 1030. BOLTER, BOULTER, Nathaniel, [Hampton,] was before Gen. Court, 2 May, 1649. Rem. to Exeter. BOLTON, BOTJLTON, Nicholas, Dorchester, adm. chh. 8 (1) 1644. Frm. May 29, 1644. He was bell- ringer, and messenger for selectmen. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Thankful bapt. 4 (8) 1649, Elizabeth bapt. 18 (11) 1056, (m. Oct. 25, 1670, Experience Willis,) John, (ae. 16 in 1670). He d. May 27, 1683. Nunc, will made 24 Blay, prob. 20 Sept. folg., beq. to wife, son John and dau. Experience Willis. William, Newbury, propr. 1645. He m. 16 Jan. 1654-5. Jane Bartlett; she d. fi Sept. 1659. He m. 2, 22 Nov. 1659, Mary Denison; 57 BOLTON, etc., cont. cb. Mary d. Dec. 0, 1656, William b. 27 May, 1065, Eutli b. 1 Aug. 1667, Elizabeth b. 1672, d. 1674, Sarah b. 5 April, 1677, Hannah b. IS July, 167'J, Joseph b. 8 July, 1682. He d. 27 March, 1697. Will dated 15 Feb. 1694-5, beq. to wife Mary, sons Joseph and Stephen, daus. Jane, Ruth, Elizabeth and Hannah. Son Stephen gave a bond 11 March, 1696-7, to care for his father and mother the rest of their lives. BOND, John, yeoman, NevFbury, propr. 1642. Rem. to Rowley, and to Haverhill about 1667. He m. 5 Aug. 1649, Hester Blalieley; eh. John b. 10 June, 1650, Thomas b. and d. 1652, Joseph b. 14 April, 1653, Hester b. 25 Sept. 1655, (m. Aquila Chase,) Mary b. 16 Dec. 1657, Abigail b. 6 Nov. 1660, (m. Ezra Rolfe). He d. Dec. 3, 1674. Will dated Oct. 31, 1674, prob. 13 April, 1675, beq. to wile Hes- ter; daus. Mary and Abigail B. and Hester Chase; to son Joseph B. The widow m. May 5, 1675, John Williams. William, Watertown, 1631. Town offi- cer, deputy, and speaker of Gen. Court. He deposed 20 (10) 1081, ae. 55 yrs. He m. Feb. 7, 1649, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Biscoe. She d. B'eb. 15, 1692-3; he m. in 1695, Eliz- abeth, widow of John Nevinson. Ch. Wil- liam b. Dec. 1, 1650, John b. Dec. 1652, Thom- as b. Dec. 23, 1654, Elizabeth b. Nov. 30, 1656, (m. Nathaniel Barsham,) Nathaniel b. Jan. 19, 1058, Nathaniel b. Jan. 9, 1059, Sa- rah b. July 27, 1661, (m. Palgrave Welling- ton.) Jonas b. July 13, 1664, Mary, (m. Rich- ard Coolidge). He d. Dee. 14, 1095. Agreement made 23 Jan. folg. between the sons William, Thom- as, Nathaniel and Jonas B., Nathaniel and Elizabeth Barsham and Richard and Mary Coolidge, for division of the estate. BONHAM, BONUM, George, Plymouth, a suit of his arbi- trated in 1040; atba. 1643. Ch. Sarah b. ana d. in 1649, Sarah b. and d. 1650-1, Sarah b. Dec. 10, 1653. BONNER, Marie, servant to Mr. John Cotton, adm. chh. Boston 3 (0) 1634. Dism. to the BONNER, cont. chh. of Dover 18 (0) 1044, now wife to Mr. Daniel Mawd, teacher of the chh. of D. BONNEY, Thomas, shoemaker, of Sandwich, Eng., came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Charlestown; propr. 1635; sold house and lands in 1037. Perhaps the sam« man, Thomas, Duxbury, prop. frm. 5 March, 1038-9. Propr. 31 Aug. 1640; town officer. In Court, 1645. Will dated 2 Jan. 1688-9, prob. 1 May, 1693, beq. to wife Mary and son Thomas; est. to be divided between the children after the death of their mother. BOOMER, Matthew, Lynn, servant to Edmund Needham; called to court, 1647. BORDEN, BOURDEN, John, ae. 28, with wife Joan, ae. 23, and ch. Matthew, ae. 5, and Elizabeth, ae. 3, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Settled at Watertown; took oath of fidelity in 1052. BORDSALL, see Birchall. BOREBANCKE, see Buibanli, Joseph, ae. 24, servant to George Had- bourue, came in the Abigail in June, 1035. BOREMAN, see Boardman, Samuel, Ipswich, a letter to him from his mother Julian, dated at [....] ydon, Eng. 5 Feb. 1041, addressed to him at Ips. proves his residence at that time. Mentions his 5 sisters; father dead 2 years; bro. Christo- pher dare not take upon him so dangerous a voyage as that to New England, as Sam- uel had desired. He rem. to Wethersfield, Conn, where the letter has been preserved. [Genealogy.] Thomas, Ipswich, frm. March 4, 1634-5. App. gager by Gen. Court 27 Sept. 1642. Sold land 27 (10) 1647. He built a bridge, which was protected by Gen. Court 6 May, 1657. He made a contract of marriage for his son Daniel with Hannah, dau. of Rich- ard Hutchinson, testified to 27 (9) 1003. With wife Margaret sold land Dec. 9, 1067. 58 BOKEMAN, etc., cont. He testified to his signature, affixed to a document concerning the building of a mill at Ipswich in 1G35, 28 Feb. 1071, being a very aged man. The date of his death does not appear; but his widow Margaret made will in 1079, prob. March 30, 1080; beq. to kinsmen, Martha Low and Joanna Fellows; sons Daniel and Thomas B.; to Dinah, her son's maid. Inv. mentions Thomas Low. Thomas, Yarmouth, taxed in 1032; atba. 1043. BOSWELL, see Buswell, John, Boston, memb. chh. 1030-1; "dead soon." BOSWORTH, BOSEWORTH, Benjamin, planter, Hingham, deposed 4 (4) 1089, ae. about 24, and Edward, or Ed- mund, one of the founders of Hull, may be presumed to be ch. of Edward, Sen., as well as Jonathan, tailor, propr. at Cambridge, 1033, who deposed 4 (4; 1039, ae. 20, and Na- thaniel, of Hull, who joined with Benja- min 1 (7) 1040, in making a draft on Joseph B. of Coventry, Eng., shoemaker. [L.] Edward, embarked in 1034 with wife and children; he d. on the way and the Gen. Court voted to maintain the widow and her family. Voted 7 July, 103.5, that Mr. Henry Sewall should be paid for their transporta- tion by Jonathan and Benjamin B. and Wil- liam Buckland. The widow d. at Hingham May 18, 1048. Haniel, Ipswich, came in 1038 from Boston, Lincolnshire, in the service of John Whittingham. Juryman, 1048. He deposed in 1081, ae. 00 years. Petitioned in 1083 for the appointment of Abiel Mercier as admin, of the est. of Theo. Shatswell, q. v. His wife Abigail was one of the sisters of Thomas Scott who petitioned concerning his est. in 1084. [Es. Files.] His will, not dated, prob. Sept. 2.", 1083, beq. to wife and dans. Abigail and Elizabeth. John, frm. May 14, 1034. Zaehariah, or Zaccheus, Boston, memb. chh. 1030-1; frm. May 2.5, 1636. Wife Anne; ch. Restored bapt. 26 (6) 1038, Elizabeth b. 24 (.5) 1040, (m. John Morse,) [see Suff. De. Ill, 528, and IV, 144a.] Samuel bapt. 12 (1) BOSWORTH, etc., cont. 1040, ae. about days, Sarah b. and d. in 1640. He. d. 28 (5) 1055; and the widow m. 17 (8) 1050, Thomas Cooper, of Rehoboth. His will, prob. 5 Oct. 1055, beq. to wife, to son Samuel and dau. Elizabeth. BOULE, Bridget, ae. 32, came as a servant with John Baker, in 1037. BOUND, William, Salem, memb. chh. 1636. He and his wife Anne were before the court for opposing infant baptism in 1042; were ex- communicated from the chh. Child James baptized 25 (10) 1030, Andrew bapt. 12 (6) 1638, Peter bapt. 7 (4) 1640. BOURNE, BORNE, BONE, BOWEN, Garratt, Jarrett, Jared, or Jerauld, Bos- ton, frm. May 6, 1035. He rem. to Rhode Island, for which the chh. excom. him 13 (2) 1054. Sold land at Cambridge iu 1004, and at Boston in 1065. Wife Mary d. 30 (3) 1644. Ch. Jerauld or Gerard b. and d. 1643, [Rox. Rec] Jarrett bapt. 7 (1) 1652. Henry, Scituate, memb. chh. Jan. 25, 1634-5; frm. 7 Feb. 1630-7. He m. Sarahs , who was dism. from the chh. at Hing- ham and joined at S. Nov. 11, 1038. He rem. to Barnstable. Deputy, juror. Ch.: an infant bur. May 28, 1042, Ezra, (parent not given,) b. in Sandwich May 12, 1648. His widow Sarah's will, prob. in 1084, beq. to John Hamline and John Phinney, Jr. John, Salem, 1636, propr., memb. chh. 5 (3) 1644; before the Gen. Court, 1049. Ch. John bapt. 18 (3) 1045, Deborah bapt. 27 (4) 1047, Dorcas bapt. 26 (6) 1649. Propr. at Gloucester in 1050. Made contract with Ne- hemiah B. in 1039. [L.] Had business with Willoughby 8 (10) 1045. [A.] He was of Bermondsey, master of the Indevore of Cam- bridge. John, Marshfield, propr. 1643. He m. July 18, 1045, Ales Besbege; ch. Elizabeth b. 31 May, 1046, Thomas b. Oct. 22, 1647, Alice b. March 4, 1649, Anne b. Nov. 1651, Martha b. 4 April, 1653, Mary b. June 5, 1600, Sarah b. Oct. 19, 1663. He was bur. 8 Dec. 1084. Inv. taken May 12, 1686, after the death of the widow Alice; 59 BOUBNE, etc., cont. the eldest dau. Elizabeth had died, leaving 5 children; Thomas was only son and heir. John Mann was app. guardian to Joseph and Elizabeth Bent, who were to be main- tained out of the estate. Nehemiah, of White Chapel, Eng., white baker, had permission to travel to America April 10, 1638; came in the Confi- dence. Settled at Charlestown. Rem. to Dor- chester, where he and his wife Hannah were adm. chh. and their son Nehemiah was baiJt. 14 (4) 1040, ae. 4 days; ch. Hannah b. 10 (9) 1641 at Bo. They were rec'd to Bo. chh. in 1642. He was a debtor of Mrs. Elizabeth Poole of Westminster, Eng., 24 (0) 1646, called shipwright. Was about to build a ship of 250 tons, carrying 20 pieces of ordi- nance. May 8, 1646. [A.] He went to Eng. in 1646 and became maj- or of Col. Rainsborow's regiment in Crom- well's army. Ret. after good service. [W.] For notes on Eng. connections, see Reg. LI, 109-114. Mr. Thomas, Plymouth, land gr. to his son Richard for him Jan. 2, 1636; frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7. He rem. to Marshfield. Propr. 1643. Wife Elizabeth was bur. July 18, 1660, ae. 70. He was bur. May 11, 1664, ae. 83. Will dated May 2, prob. June 9, 1664, made son John right heir and exec, and beq. to him, to daus. [Martha] Bradford, [Anne] Smith, [Margaret] Winslow and [Lydia] Tilden; to son [Nathaniel] Tilden; to John, Thomas, Joseph and Robert Waterman; and to Mr. Arnold. William, laborer, Duxbury, in Court 5 Nov., 1638. Rem. to Scituate. Ch. Lydia b. April, 1645. BOWEN, BOWIN, BOWINE, GriflSn, or Griffith, gent., Boston, adm. chh. with wife Margaret 6 (12) 1638. Was from Langenith, Glamorganshire; had a bond from Henry Bowen May 15, 1640. [SufC. De. I.] Propr. 1644-1652. Ch. Esther bapt. 10 (12) 1638, Abigail bapt. 18 (2) 1641, Peniel b. 10 (3) 1644, Deriah bapt. 11 (2) 1647, ae. about 6 days. He rem. to London, whence he deeded his Boston lands April 17, 1669, to Isaac Addington, chirurgeon, who was contracting marriage with his dau. Elizabeth. Admin, gr. 3 Jan. 1676 to his BOWEN, etc., cont. son Henry. Division of his estate was made 6 Nov. 1683, to sons Francis, William and Henry; to Mr. John Weld and the widow Child. See Reg. XLVII, 453. Obediah, Rehoboth, 1643-4. Ch. Obedi- ah b. Sept. 18, 1651, Mary b. Jan. 18, 1652, Sara b. Nov. 6, 1654, Samuel b. July 16, 1659, Joseph b. June 26, 1602, Thomas b. Aug. 3, 1664, Hannah b. May 3, 1665, Lydia b. April 23, 1G66, Marey b. March 18, 1672, Isaac b. Sept. 30, 1674. Will dated 11 Dec. 1708; grown ancient; prob. Oct. 14, 1710; beq. to sons Samuel and Joseph and dau. Hannah Broolcs; gr. ch. Aaron, Daniel and Nathan, sons of dec. son Obediah; four pewter platters, given to him when he was baptized, he beq. to four gr. daus. Katharine, Sarah, Alice and Eliz- abeth B.; some land, recorded in Reh. he gave to James and Hezekiah B.; also beq. to Lydia Mason. Richard, Rehoboth, town oflBcer, prop, frm. 4 June, 1645, adm. frm. 5 June, 1651. He m. 4 (1) 1646. Esther Sutton. ,He was bur. Feb. 4, 1674. Will prob. 4 June, 1675, beq. to wife Elizabeth, ch. William, Obediah, Richard, Alice Wheaton, Sarah Fuller and Ruth Leverieh. His widow was bur. in 1075. Robert, cutler, Boston, contract after marrying his second wife, 3 (1) 1630. [L.] Thomas, fisherman, Salem, Marble- head, deposed 26 (10) 1646, ae. 24 years; his wife Elizabeth confirmed the testimony which he gave. She deposed in Marcli, 1654, ae. 26 years. Admin, of his estate was gr. March 28, 1705, to John Roades of Marb. who had mar- ried his oldest daughter. BOTJTWELL, BOTJTELL, BOTJTLE, BOW- TELL, Edward, witnessed deeds in Boston In 1645. James, Lynn, propr., frm. March 14, 1638-9. Mary, Lynn, before the court In 1640, may have been his first wife. Will dated 22 (6) prob. 26 (9) 1651; wife Alice, ch. James, John and Sarah. John, propr. at Cambridge in 1638. Had beq. from Edward Skinner in 1644. 60 BOUTWELL, etc., cont. Bought land iu 1648. Wife Margaret; ch. Mary b. Oct. 26, 1646, Margaret b. Jan. 4, 1649-50, John b. 1652. He d. Aug. 30, 1676, ae. about 60. Inv. taken 23 Sept. folg. Leonard, before Gen. Court 2 (4) 1640. Thomas, memb. of the jury of the Quarter Court at Boston 2 (4) 1046, on the Hingham case. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 2-4.] BOWDITCH, BOWDISH, BOWDISHE, William, merchant, Salem, had lawsuit in 1640; propr. 1642. Sold house and land in Sal. to Philip Cromwell 26 Aug. 1680. Elizabeth, adm. chh. 10 (3) 1640, was prob- ably his wife. Ch. Nathaniel bapt. 12 (12) 1642. The inv. of his est. was taken 12 Nov. 1681; a Latin Bible, forty other books, etc BOWER, BOWEBS, Mr. George, planter, Scituate, frm. 7 March, 1636-7; town officer. Sold land in Sci. April 2, 1640. Rem. to Cambridge. AVife Barbarie d. March 25, 1644. He m. April 13, 1649, Elizabeth Wortbington. Ch. Jerath- meel b. 1649. He was before the Court 31 May, 1652, for voting when not a freeman of this Colony. Deeded land to son Benan- nuel in 1656. He d. 1656; in his will he beq. to wife; sons Benauuel, John and Jerathmeel, and daus. Patience and Silence. The widow m. Henry Bowtell. Matthew, d. 30 (11) 1644, at Cambridge. BOWLEB, Mary, in Gen. Court 7 March, 1636-7. BOWLES, BOLDS, John, Roxbury, ruling elder; frm. May 13, 1640. His wife Dorothy was buried 3 (9) 1649. He m. April 2, 1649 [1650] Eliza- beth Heath; she d. July 6, 1655. Ch. Eliza- beth bapt. Feb. 3, 1650, Isaac bapt. April 18, 1652, John bapt. June 27, 1653, Mary b. 20 (2) 1655. Will dated Aug. 22, prob. Oct. 5, 1680. Wife Sarah to have what was promised at ber marriage, less payment already made to Daniel Smith of Rehoboth and others; daus. Elizabeth White, Mary Gardner; son John; Mr. John Eliot. The widow d. 2 Sept. 1686. BOWMAN, John, Marshfield, propr. 1644. Nathaniel, gent., appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Propr. at Watertown, 1636. Rem. to Cambridge about 1650. Wife Anna; ch. B'raucis, Mary bur. Jan 1, 1037-8, Joanna bur. 20 (9) 1038, ae. 3 yrs., Dorcas bur. (12) 1638, ae. 7 days, Nathaniel b. 6 (1) 1040, Jo- anna b. 20 (9) 1642, Dorcas, (m. Benjamin Blackleach). The wife Hannah, (Anna,) de- posed in 1678, ae. 63. He d. Jan. 26, 1681-2. Will dated 21 Oct. 1679, prob. April 4, 1682, beq. to sons Fran- cis and Nathaniel, dan. Dorcas Marsh and gr. ch. Nathaniel and Benjamin Blackleach. BOWSTREET, BOWSTRED, William, Concord, frm. May 22, 1638. He was bur. 31 (.8) 1642. Will, (SufE. Prob.) dated 23 Oct. 1642, prob. 6 (1) 1643, beq. to the children of his sister Elizabeth New- man and to Richard Leton. BOYDEN, Thomas, ae. 21, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. As the servant of Mr. Gilson, he joined the chh. of Scituate May 17, 1635. Thomas, planter, carter, Watertown, frm. May 26, 1647. Bought land in W. 16 (9) 1644. Wife Frances. Ch. Thomas b. 26 (7) 1639, Mary b. 15 (8) 1641, Rebecca b. Nov. 1, 1043, Nathaniel. He rem. to Boston; sold land in 1651 and 1653. Ch. b. in Bo.: John bapt. 21 (2) 1650, Jonathan b. 20 (12) 1651, Sarah b. 12 Oct. 1654. The wife Frances d. March 17, 1658. He m. Nov. 3, 1658, Han- nah, widow of John Mosse, (Morse;) gave bond Oct. 18, 1661, for the bringing up of the ch., of John Morse, late of Medfield. He rem. to Medfleld about 16G2. His wife Hannah made will Oct. 3, prob. Oct. 26, 1676; beq. to the 8 ch. she had by her husband, Joseph Morse, dec, viz. Sam- uel, Joseph, Jeremiah, Hannah Flood, Sarah Lawrence, Dorcas Clarke, Elizabeth Law- rence, Mary Plimpton. BOYKIN, BOYKEN, BOYKETT, Jarvis, or Gervaise, of Channington, Eng.. carpenter, came from Sandwich, Eng., before June 9, 1637. Settled at Charles- town. Propr. Rem. to New Haven, Conn. 61 BOYLSTON, BOYLSTONE, BOILSTONE, BOYSTON, Thomas, ae. 20, came in the Defense in July, 1635, cert., from parish of Fenchurch, London, Eng. Settled at Watertown, cloth- worker, planter. Owned considerable land. He gave a trust deed for the benefit of his wife and ch. 26 (5) 1652; mentioned kinsman Richard Boyson, citizen and cloth-worker, London. Wife Sarah; ch. Elizabeth b. 21 (7) 1640, (m. John Fisher of Medfield, who in his will beq. to her ch. her right in a leg- acie expected from their grandfather's uncle in Eng.;) Sarah b. 30 (7) 1642, Thomas b. Jan. 26, 1644-5. He d. in 1653; his widow m. John Chinery; est. divided in 1668. BOYNTON, BOINTON, John, Sen., tailor, Rowley, propr. be- fore 1643. Deposed to Wm. Bellingham's will in 1662, ae. 48 years. He m. in 1643 El- len Pell of Boston, q. v.; ch. Joseph, John b. 17 (7) 1647, Caleb, Mercy b. 5 (10) 1651, (m. Josiah Clarke,) Hannah b. 26 (U 1654, (m. Nathaniel Warner,) Sarah b. 19 (2) 1658, Samuel. He was bur. 18 Feb. 1670. Will prob. 28 March, 1671. The widow m. 2, Maximilian Jewett. William, tailor, Rowley, propr., frm. May 13, 1040. Schoolmaster. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 56 years. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John b. 19 (10) 1040, bur. March 26, 1665, Elizabeth b. 11 (10) 1642, (m. John Simmons,) Zachary b. 11 (8) 1644, bur. Aug. 4. 1660. Joshua b. 10 (6) 1646, Mary b. 23 (5,' 1648, (m. John Eastman,) Caleb b. 7 (2) 1050, Sa- rah b. 1 (10) 1652, bur. 28 (6) 1654. He d. 8 Dec. 1072. BOYES, BOYSE, BOYCE, Joseph, tanner, Salem, propr. 1038. adm. chh. 7 (2) 1640; frm. May IS, 1642. Sola house and land in 1657. Ch. Hester bapt. 21 (12) 1640, Eliza bapt. 6 (1) 1642, Joseph bapt. 31 (1) 1644. Benjamin bapt. 16 (3) 1647. His will dated 4 (91 1084, prob. Feb. 18, 1C94-5, beq. to wife Ellennor, son Joseph, daus. Mary Southick, Hester [ ] and Elizabeth Hanson; to Joseph's eh. Joseph and Benjamin. Matthew, cloth-worker, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 1639. Rem. to Rowley. Deputy 1042. Ret. to Eng.; res. at Leeds. Deposed BOYES, etc., cont. 16 Jan., 1661, ae. about 50 years. [Reg. XLI. 181.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Samuel b. (7) 1640, Hannah b. 10 (4) 1642, Matthew b. 23 (1) 1644, Elizabeth b. 20 (3) 1040, Grace b. 2 (4) 1648, Elkanab b. 25 (1) 1650, Mercy b. 26 (2) 1650, (sic copia,) John b. 23 (5) 1651, Nathaniel b. 1 (7) 1653, Faith b. 28 (10) 1654. Thomas, Dedham, in Court 5 (1) 1638-9. Wife Ann; ch. Ruth b. 2 (5) 1043. BRABROOK, BRAIBROOKE, BRA- BROOKE, BRAYBROOK, BRAY- BROOKE, Ann, an old woman, d. at Roxbury May 20, 1648. John, Watertown, 1640. Wife Eliza- beth; ch. Elizabeth b. 4 (9) 1640, John b. 12 (2) 1642, Thomas b. 4 (3) 1643. He d. in 1654. The widow and ch. Adam Draper, David Cummine, Thomas and Sam- uel Braybrook petitioned the Court with re- ward to the est.; April 2, 1667. Richard, yeoman, Ipswich, testified in 1659 that he had known a certain farm there 15 years. Deposed in 1679, ae. about 67. Gave marriage portion to dau. Mehitabel and her husband John Downing 20 Oct. 1069, his wife Jone consenting. [Es. Files.] Rem. to Wenham. Will dated 17 July, prob. 23 Nov. 1681, beq. to wife, son and dau. Downing and their children; to the college and to his minister £ 6 apiece. William, Sandwich, propr. 1640. BRACEY, BRESSEY, Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1635. BRACKETT, BROCKET, Peter, Braiutree, had land gr. for 12 heads 24 (12) 1639-40; frm. May 10, 1643. Deputy and magistrate. He deposed May 19, 1073, ae. 64 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Priscilla. He m. 2, Mary, widow of Nathan- iel Williams. Ch. on rec: John b. 30 (9) 1641, Joseph b. 13 (8) 1642, d. 24 (11) 1660, Hannah d. 15 (4) 1057, Mary d. 12 (11) 1660. From the will of his son John. prob. Jan. 30, 1667, we get these items: sister Upham, bro. Cooke, mother Williams' 5 ch.. bro. Twelves, bro. Nathaniel Renolds, bro. Na- thaniel Brackett, sister Sarah Brackett. [Reg. XV, 250.] 62 BRACKETT, etc., cont. KicLard, Braintree, memb. Boston chh. 1G31-2; dism. to Br. chh. 5 (10) 1G41; frm. May 25, 1G3G. Deacon, deputy, magistrate, captain. He deposed 2 July, 1GG8, ae. 56 years. [SufE. Prob.] Wife Alice d. 3 Nov. 1690, ae. 76. Ch. Hannah bapt. 4 (11) 1634, Peter and John bapt. 7 (3) 1637, Rachel bapt. 3 (9) 1639, Mary b. 1 (12) 1641, Josiah b. 8 (3) 1652. He d. March 3, 1690, ae. SO; [gr. St.] Will prob. Dec. 19, 1690, beq. to wife Alice, sons Jolin, Peter and James, sons-in-law Simon Crosby and Joseph Tompson, and their children; Elizabeth and Sarah, ch. or dec. son Josiah; son-in-law Joseph Crosby; daus. Hannah Blancher and Kachel Cros- by; gr. ch. Abigail Tompson, and Hannah, dau. of John B.; son James exec. Houses and lands at Braintree and Billerica. Thomas, Sen., Salem. Ch. Thomas bapt. 12 (10) 1645, Mary bapt. 4 (12) 1648, Joseph bapt. 15 (4) 1651. He admin, on est. of his son Thomas, 1 (5) 1668, for the bene- fit of himself and his now wife Alice. BRADBURY, Thomas, Salisbury, propr. 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Clerk of writs, 1641, deputy, 1651: captain, judge, schoolmaster, recorder of Norfolk county. He m. Mary, dau. of John Perkins; ch. Wymond b. 1 (2) 1637, Ju- dith b. 2 (8) 1638, (m. Caleb Moody.) Thomas b. 28 (11) 1640, Mary b. 17 (1) 1642, (ra. John Stanyan,) Jane b. 11 (3) 1645, (m. Henry True,) Jacob b. 17 (4) 1647, William b. 15 (7) 1649, d. 4 Dec. 1678, Elizabeth b. 7 (9) 1651, (m. John Buss,) .John b. 20 (2) 1654, d. 2* Nov. 1678. Ann b. 16 (2) 16.56. d. in 1659, Jabez b. 27 (4) 1658, d. 28 April, 1677. He d. March 16, 1694-5. His will dated 14 Feb. 1693-4, prob. March 2G, 1095; aged and weak; beq. to gr. ch. Thomas and .Jacob B., who shall pay a sum to their aunt True ana give receipt to their bro. William about the admin, of their father's est. and pay their gr. mother an annuity; to daus. Mary Stanion and Jane True; to gr. ch. Elizabeth Buss; five pounds to the selectmen for the poor; wife Mary and dau. Judith Moody execs. His wife was tried in 1692 for witch- craft; was convicted but not executed. She d. Dec. 20. 1700. BRADE, BRAID, BROAD, see Breed, BRADFORD, Alexander, Dorchester, propr. 1641. Wife Sarah. Will dated 16 (G) 1644, prob. 2 (8) 1645. Wife Sarah; bro. John B.'s children to in- herit the mansion house, lands, etc. after her; bro. Walter Merry to help her In man- aging her affairs; to Robert Stowton. [Reg. Ill, 82.] Robert, tailor, Boston, Inhabitant, 1639; adm. chh. 4 (5) 1640. Wife Martha; ch. Moses b. 2 (1) 1644, Martha b. 9 (9) 1645, d. 13 Aug. 1661. Robert, who deposed in 1664, ae. 32, might have been a son. Will dated 16 Nov. 1677, prob. 28 Dec. 1680; wife Margaret, (refers to marriage contract,) ch. Moses, Martha, (wife of Peter Maverick). AVilliam, the distinguished governor of Plym. Colony and author of the remarkable history of its foundation, was the son ot William and Alice (Hanson,) Bradford, of Austerfleld, Eng., bapt. March 19, 1589-90. Resided at home till the Sci-ooby church, of which he was a member, removed to Hol- land, about 1607. He came to N. E. in the Mayflower, signed the Compact; and made his home at Plymouth. No man did more than he in work as well as care, in the secular and religious Ufe of the Colony. He wrote with his own hand a detailed history of the movement, from the time when the church was organized at Serooby until the year 1650. Into this he introduced numerous letters and lists of names which bring the life of the Colony before the reader in a very vivid way. The book was kept in the hands of his descend- ants until the year 1728, when his grand- son, Maj. John Bradford, lent it to Rev. Thomas Prince, of Boston, to be used in his preparation of a New England Chronology. .4.t some later time it was carried from Bos- ton to England, and placed in the library of the Pulham Palace. Thence it was brought, by the offices of of Hon. George F. Hoar and Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, lately Ambassador of the United States, and de- posited in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with ap- propriate ceremonies May 26, 1897. The State government has issued a very beauti- ful edition of the work, which is sold at the office of the Secretary at $1.00 a copy. In Leyden, Holland, specified as a fustian- 63 BEADFOKD, cont. maker, he m. Nov. 8, 1G13, Dorothy May. She came with him to Plymouth, but d. be- fore landing, Dec. 7, IGliO. He m. 14 Aug., 1623, Alice, dau. of Alexander Carpenter, b. at Wrentham, Eng., and widow of Con- stant Southworth; she survived him, and d. March 26, 1670-1, ae. about SO. Ch. John, left behind in 1020, came over later; ATilliam b. 17 June, 1624, Mercy b. before 1627, (m. Dec. 21, 1648, Benjamin Vermayes,) Josepn b. about 1630. He made nunc, will May 9, 1657; had given John and William tlieir portions of laud ana desired that Joseph's be equal to theirs. Gave to his wife Alice his stock In Kenne- beck trade; desired that the promises he had made to his ch. and others should be made good. He commended to the supervisors oi his est. some small books written by his own hand, to be improved as they shoula see meet. Mr. Thomas Prence, Capt. Thom- as Willett and Lieut. Thomas Southworth, supervisors. Prob. June 3, 1657. [Reg. IV, 39, and V, 385.] The widow made will 29 Dec. 1669, prob. 7 June, 1670; beq. to sister Mary Carpenter; to son Constant South- worth and to gr. ch. Elizabeth Howland, dau. of son Thomas S. dec; sons Joseph and Wil- liam B.; maid servant, Mary Smith; a book out of her late husband's library to friend, Mr. Thomas Prence. [See John Cooper.? will.] BRADISH, Robert, Cambridge, propr. 163.'>. He pl.tced his dau. Hannah as an apprentice with Thomas Hawkins 12 (12) 1640. [L.] Wife Mary d. Sept., 1638. Second wife Vashti. Ch. Samuel b. 13 (12) 10.39, d. 6 (5) 1642. Joseph b. (3) 1638, John b. 3 (10) 1645, Samuel b. and d. in 1648. Will prob. Oct. 29, 1659. Widow Vashti; ch. James, .John, Joseph, Mary (Gibbs,) and Hannah; son-in-law Ezekiel Morrell; bro. Isaac Morrell. [Reg. IX, 225.] BRADLEY, Daniel, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth April 8, 1635. Res. at Ipswich in 1649. Was one of those who ran out the bounds be- tween Ips. and Salem that year and in 1654. He was slain by the heathen 13 Aug. 1689; widow Mary admin. Sept. 30, 1690. John, Dorchester, propr. 1641, frm. May BRADLEY, cont. 18, 1642. Wife Katharine; ch. Salathiel b. 16 (1) 1641, d. 1 (3) 1642, Nathaniel, ae. 70 yrs., d. July 26, 1701. John, Salem, 1636. He d. (4) 1642. Nunc, will, (SufC. prob.) 29 (5) 1642. Deposition by Ursly Greenaway; he gave all to his wife except some of his clothes and tools to his bro.-in-law Wm. Al- len . Inv. taken 21 (4) 1642; lot on Cape Ann side and at Jeffreys Creek. [Reg. II, 185, and VII, 32.] Richard, shoemaker, Boston. He m. Anna (Hannah) widow of George Balden; she was adm. chh. 7 (3) 1648. Ch. John bapt. 1 (2) 1649, ae. about 6 days, Anna b. 16 (10) 1651, John bapt. 28 (10) 1651, Deliverance b. 3 April, 1655. Son John, merchant ot ship Industry; his will prob. 6 Oct. 1676, by father Richard and wife Mary. He d. before Nov. 10, 1679, when inv. of his est. was taken; filed Nov. 13 by the wid- ow Hannah. BRADSHA'W, BREDSHA, John, husbandman, Lynn, sued Thom- as Willes for wages 29 (7) 1640. Rem. about that time. [L.] BRADSTREET, Humplirey, came in the Elizabeth in lt)34, ae. 40, with wife Bridget, ae. 30, and ch. Anna, ae. 9, John, ae. 3, Martha, ae. 2, and Mary, ae. 1. Later ch. Sarah and Re- becca. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1635. Frm. May 6, 1635; deputy. The son John res. at Marblehead in 1657; the dau. Han- nah m. 1, Daniel Rolfe, and 2. Nicholas Holt; dau. JIartha m. William Beale; another dau. m. Nicholas Wallis. He d. before 1657. when the heirs receipted for their portions of his estate. Simon, gent., son of a minister in Lin- colnshire, [C. M.] b. at Hobling, Eng., in March, 1603; was one of the assts. of the Mass. Bay Co. in England in 1629. He came with governor Winthrop in 1630. With wife Anne joined the chh. at its organization. Rem. to Cambridge. Selectman in 1634; sec- retary of the Colony from 1630 till 1643. Asst., deputy governor and governor in suc- cessive years. Owned property at Ipswich in 1635. Resided at Andover. A man of discretion and fidelity. 64 BKADSTREET, cont. He ui. 1, Anne, dau. of Thomas Dudley, Esq., celebrated as the first poetess of N. E., who d. Sept. 16, 1072, ae. about 60 years. He ni. 2, Ann, dau. of Downing. Ch. Sam- uel, Dorothy, (m. June 1-1, 1654, Mr. Seaborn Cotton,) Simon, Dudley, John b. 22 July, 1052, Hannah, (m. Andrew Wiggin,) Sarah, (m. Richard Hubbard,) Mercy, (m. Nathan- iel Wade). He d. at Salem March 27, 1097, ae. 94. His will, dated 23 Dee. 1089, and 27 Jan. 1092-3, prob. 2 April, 1697, beq. to wife Ann; to son Samuel, and his ch. Mercy, John, Simon and Anne; to the 3 ch. of dec. son Simon, Simon, John and Lucy; to son Dudley B. and each of his eh.; to son John, with entail to his ch.; to gr. ch. John Cotton, and to his 6 sis- ters, daus. of my dau. Dorothy; to son-in- law Andrew Wiggin, and his ch. by my dau. Hannah; to dau. Mercy and her husband, Mr. Nathaniel Wade, and to their ch.; to Mr. Samuel Willard. [Reg. I, 75, and VHI, 312.] BRADWICKE, Jijyee, sentenced April 1, 1033, to pay 20 s. to Alexander Beck for promising him marriage without her friends' consent, and now refusing to perform the same. [Col. Eec] BRAGG, Edmund, or Edward, Ipswich, servant to Mr. Symonds, 1042. Propr., town officer. BRAKENBURY, BRACKENBURY, Richard, Salem, frm. May 14, 1034; juryman 1637. Rem. to Beverly. He de- posed 20 Jan. 1680, ae. 80 years, that he came to Salem with Endecott Sept. 1628. [Es. Court Piles; see Es. Inst. Coll. XIII.] Ellyn, [his wife,] memb. chh. before 1636. Hannah bapt. 1 (4) 1651. His will dated 14 (1) prob. (4) 1084, beq. to gr. ch. Benjamin and Ellen Patch and Eliz- abeth Biles with her son Richard; Richard P.; son John P.; dau. Elizabeth; Katharine Kline, sister to gr. son John B.; Jonathan Biles. William, planter, Charlestown, 1630; appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030, adm. frm. March 4, 1632-3. Town officer. Wife Anne adm. chh. 5 (11) 1632. Wife Ales sold land with him in 1650. He sold house Nov. 1, 1639. He BRAKENBURY, etc., cont. res. at Maiden. Ch. Anne b. about 1628, [W.] m. Wm. Foster, [Mdx. De. II, 125.] Mary bapt. June 29, 1634, (m. John Ridge- way,) Samuel b. Feb. 10, 1645-6. He d. (6) 1668, ae. 66. Will dated 24 July, 1667, prob. 21 (7) 1668, beq. to wife Alice, sou Samuel, daus. Anne Foster and Mary Ridgeway and their children; to cousin Rich- ard Bralienbury, son-in-law Wm. Foster, Mr. Michael Wigglesworth and Mr. Benj. Bun- ker. Wife Alice d. Dec. 28, 1670, ae. 70. BRAMPTON, William, gent., bought Powderhorne Hill, Boston, of Hari-y Vane, Esq., (2) 1638. [L.] BRANCH, see Baunsh, Peter, carpenter, late of Holden in Kent, d. and his will was prob. in Suffolk co., dated June 16, 1638. Son John, eleven years old, was apprenticed to Thomas Wiburne, late of Tenterden, Kent, to whom the es- tate was committed for eleven years. Beq. to the widow of Stephen Ingleden or their children. If John die within 11 years the est. to go to the churches of Concord and Scituate. [Reg. II, 183.] William, Springfield, propr. 1616, frm. April 13, 1648. He m. at Winsor, (rec. at Spr.) in 1043, Johan Farnam. She d. Oct. 12, 1075. His [second] wife Katharine d. Aug. 8, 1083. He d. Sept. 10, 1083. BRAND, Mr. Benjamin, (residence not given,) appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030. George, baker, Roxbury. frm. May 22, 1650. He m. July 24, 1643, Martha Heath; he d. about Aug. 13, 1669; admin, gr. to his widow Martha; she d. Aug. 1, 1680,— old. [Reg. XLVIII, 325.] BRANDISH, John, (residence not given,) frm. March 4, 1634-5. BRANDON, BRANDEN, William, Weymouth, propr. Will dated 31 (6) 1646, prob. 28 (8) 1647. Wife Mary; son Thomas, daus. Sarah, Mary, H.Tnnah; bro. William's eldest son. [Reg. 05 BBANDON, etc., cont. A'll, 172.] Mary Branden, widow of Wm. B., late of Asbton Clinton, eo. Bucks, con- stituted Richard Baldwin of Milford, N. E., her attorney to ask of Wm. B. and Thomas B., sons of Thomas Branden of Putnam, eo. Herts, acct. of messuage and lands in Ash- ton Clinton, due to her and her son by virtue of her husband's will, 16 (9) 1647. [A.] BKANE, BBAINES, BBAYNE, Thomas, husbandman, ae. 40, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Had beq. of 3 li. from Dennis Geere of Lynn, 10 Dee. 1635. Agnes, widow, Salem, 1637, may be his relict. BRANKER, BRANCKEB, Mr. John, Dorchester, propr., frm. Nov. 6. 1632. He sold his property Sept. 2, 1637. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. BRAT, cont. Nathaniel, Thomas, Mary Kinge, Sarah, Hannah and Hester B.; to dau. Mary's chil- dren. BRECK, Edward, Dorchester, propr. July 20, 1638; frm. May 22, 1639. A propr. and town officer at Lancaster in 1652. He d. at Dorch. 2 (9) 1662. Will, Oct. 30, 1662; wife Isabel; eh. Robert, John, Mary, Elizabeth, and Susanna; dau. Blake's chil- dren. [Reg. IX, 338.] The widow m. 14 (10) 1063, Anthony Fisher, Sen., who d. April 18, 1671; she d. 22 (4) 1673. BREDCAKE, Mr. Thomas, had granted him from the Gen. Court 13 (9) 1644, 2 small guns from Winter Island by Salem, and a commission to capture any Turkish pirate. BRASIER, BRAZIER, Edward, husbandman, Charlestown, mentioned in will of Nathaniel Sparhawk of Watertown in 1647. Resident, 1653. He d. 3 May, 1689, ae. about 87. Will dated 11 May, 1683, prob. Oct. 1, 1689, beq. to wife, son Thomas and dau. Abigail. BRATCHER, Austin, Charlestown, accidentally killed by Wm. Palmer. Inquest held Sept. 28, 1630. BRATLEY, John, Salem, propr. 1636. BRAY, Osomant, Weymouth. Inv. of his est. presented 23 (12) 1648. Thomas, Yarmouth, punished by the Court 7 Dec. 1641. Thomas, ship-carpenter, Gloucester, propr. 1642. He deposed 30 (1) 1658. ae. about 54 years. He m. 3 (3) 1646, Marie Wil- son; ch. Mary b. Jan. 16, 1647, Thomas b. March 31, 1649, John b. May 14, 1651, Thom- as b. and d. in 16.53, Nathaniel b. June 21, 1656, Thomas b. Jan. 19, 1658, Hannah b. March 21, 1662, Esther b. April 13, 1664. He d. Nov. 30, 1691; Mary Bray, the aged, a. 27 (1) 1707. Will dated 20 Nov. 1672, prob. 29 March, 1692, beq. to wife Mary, ch. John, BREED, BREAD, BRADE, Allen, yeoman, Lynn, propr. 1638. An appraiser 9 (6) 1639. [L.] Ch. Miriam, Allen and John, whose mother d. before 1650. He dei)osed in 1671, ae. 70 years. He m. about KiSO Elizabeth, widow of William Knight. She was a witness to the will of Joseph How in 1650, and paid legacies of W. K. to his heirs in 1057. He deeded part of his est. to younger son John in 1655; refers to linen his mother left him, which is in possession of his sister Miriam. Deeds to son Allen B. and son-in-law William Meriam in 1666. Thomas, cooper, engaged by the Mass. Bay Co. in England, March 23, 1628, to go to N. E. BRELLES, Robert, Scituate, atba. 1643. BRENTON, Mr. William, Esquire, merchant, Bos- ton, adm. chh. (8) 1633. frm. May 14, 1634. Town officer, deputy, much in public busi- ness. Appointed to take charge of the House of Correction to be built at Boston Sept. 25, 1634. He rem. to Providence, R. I. before 10 (10) 1045. [A.] Wife Dorothie, adm. chh. 22 (1) 1635. His wife Martha joined him in a deed of land Feb. 16. 1666. Ch. Barnabas bapt. 24 (11) 1634, Mehetabel b. 28 Nov. 1652, Jaleham b. 15 Nov. 1655. His will, dated 19 Feb. 1673, was prob. af 66 BBENTON, cont. Newport, also recorded at Plymouth; beq. to sons Jalileel, William, Ebenezer, daus. Sarah, Mehitabol and Abigail; sons-in-law Peleg Sanford and John Poole; to cousin Philip Sandy; to sister Christian Sandy; to sister Katharine Cooke's children; to gr. ch. John Poole; to negro servants, who are to be freed in 5 years; to Mr. Roger Williams and other friends. BKETT, Isabel, Boston, memb. chh. 1G30-1; "gone to Salem." William, Duxbury, propr. 6 April, 1640, atba. 1643, frm. 2 June, 1646. Sold land Dec. 26, 1651. Rem. to Bridgewater; ruling elder. Will dated 25 Nov., prob. 7 March, 1681, beq. to wife Margaret and ch. William, Ell- sha, Lydia and Ilannah. BREWEB, BRUER, Daniel, husbandman, Roxbury, em- barljed June 22, 1032, frm. May 14, 1634. Ch. Nathaniel b. May 1, 1635, Sarah b. March 8, 1638. He d. March 28, 1646. Will prob. 20 (3) 1646. Wife Joanna; sons Daniel and Na- thaniel, daus. Ann, Joanna and Sarah. Ann, dau. of widow Bruer, d. March 13, 1658. The widow Joanna d. 7 Feb. 1688, ae. 87 years. John, Cambridge, propr. 1645. Wife Anne; ch. John b. 10 (8) 1642, Hannah b. Jan. 18, 1644-5. Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1639. BREWSTER, Mr. William, son of William Brewster, receiver of Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, Eng. and bailiff of the manor house. He deposed at Leyden June 25, 1609, ae. 42 years; his wife being then 40 and his son Jonathan 16. Educated sometime at Cambridge in Latin and Greek; private secretary to Davison, sec. of State; appointed post-master at Scrooby; the Pilgrim Church met at his house generally, and he entertained them. Was a leader in the removal to Holland; one of those imprisoned at Boston, Lincolnshire. Ruling elder at Leyden. His printing press was a great help. He bore his part with this poor persecuted church above 36 years. He often preached and otherwise greatly helped BREWSTER, cont. the church. He came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact. With him came his wife Mary and 2 sons. Love and Wrestling; the rest of his ch. were left behind and came over afterward. Wrestling d. a young man. The daus. that came over were d. in 1650, but left sundry children. With him came also Richard More, a boy apprenticed to him, who lived at Plymouth, and a bro. of Richard who d. the first winter. [B.] He res. at Duxbury. His wife Mary d. aged, before 1627. "He had many children." [B.] His dau. Fear m. Isaac AUerton. Patience m. Thomas Prence. He d. April 10, 1644, ae. 80 years. Admin, gr. to his sons, Jonathan and Love June 5, 1644. The inv. showed 63 Latin books and between 300 and 400 English books. [Reg. IV, 174, and LIII, 109.] BRIDGE, BRIDGES, Edmund, or Edward, ae. 23, came In the James in July in 1635. Settled at Lynn; blacksmith; frm. Sept. 7, 1639; propr. Rem. to Rowley; suit in court at Ipswich in 1641; propr. The Gen. Court 26 May, 1647, or- dered him to answer at Essex Court for neglect to further public service by delaying to shoe Mr. Symond's horse when he was about to come to Court. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 46 years. [Es. Files.] Rem. to Ipswich; later to Topsfleld. Wife Alice; ch. Mehitabel b. 26 (1) 1641, Edward, Faith, (courted by Daniel Black in 1660; lawsuit). He d. .Tan. 13, 1684; his widow Mary d. Oct. 24, 1691. Edward, Roxbury, frm. May 2, 1639. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. Nov. 18, 1637, Thom- as b. May 31, 1638. He d. 20 or 23 (10) 1683, ae. about 82 years. Will dated 5 Dec. 1677, prob. 27 (10) 1683. Dau. Mary; Edward and other eh. of dec. son John; John Gay, son of dau. Mary. Henry, Watertown, propr. 1636. John, yeoman, Cambridge, propr. 1632, frm. March, 4, 1634-5. Deputy, town officer, deacon. He m. Elizabeth, widow succes- sively of Roger Bancroft and Martin Saun- ders." Marriage contract 29 (9) 1658. [Mdx. De. II.] Ch. Matthew, Thomas, (who m. Dorcas , and left a dau. Dorcas). [Mi.] The widow m. Edward Taylor. [Endorse- ment on the Mar. Contr.] 67 BRIDGE, etc., cont. Robert, Lynn, frm. June 2, 1641. Dep- uty, assistant. Special messenger of the Court to D'Aulnay in 1645. Capt. Bridges and wife were legatees of Capt. Eobert Keayne in 1C53. His wife Mary was a dau. of William Woodcocli of London, gr. dau. of Mrs. Mary Waslibome. [Es. Files 3, 5; Es. Inst. Coll. XVII, and W.] William, Watertown, propr. 1636; Bos- ton, 1043, Charlestown, 1643. Frm. May 26, 1647. He kept the ferry, his bro. Peter Tufts helping him. Wife Mary, dau. of John Oldham, d. about 1646. He m. 2, Persis Peirce, who survived him and m. John Har- rison. She was adm. chh. 30 (9) 1643. Ch. Peter b. Jan. 1643-4, Rebecca b. and d. 1644, Samuel b. 19 (6) 1647, Mary, (m. John Knight). He d. about 1648. BRIDGHAM, BRIDHAM, Henry, tanner, Dorchester, 1641, frm. May 10, 1643. He rem. to Boston; was adm. chh. a singleman 31 (1) 1644. Deacon. His wife Elizabeth gave letter of attorney 29 (9) 1645, to Francis Lyle of Boston to collect 56 li. due her from the est. of her father John Harding of Boreham in Essex, yeoman. Robert Harding a witness. H. B. gave let- ter of attorney 4 (6) 1646, for collection from his bro. Robert Bridgham of est. left by his father Henry B., late of Flotam in Suffollc. [A.] See Frary and Buttolph. Ch. John b. (7) 1045, Joseph 17 Jan. 1651, Benjamin b. 4 May, 1654, Hopestill b. July 29, 1658, Na- thaniel b. S Dec. 1659, d. 1 June, 1600, Sam- uel bapt. 20 (11) 1660, Nathaniel b. April 2, 1662, James b. May 12, 1664. [Henry bapt. 10 (1) 1674, may have been a gr. ch.] Will dated 8 (9) 1670, prob. 13 (2) 1672; in v. fallen 31 (1) 1071. Wife and son Jonathan to carry on the tan yard and complete the instruction of sons Joseph, Benjamin, Sam- uel and James. Son John, already educated, to be joint exec, with his mother. Est. ap- praised at £3608.19. The widow Elizabeth made will, dated 2 Aug. prob. 5 Nov. 1672. Beq. to John, James, Jonathan and the 3 other sons; to sister Hannah Buttall. BRIDGMAN, BRIDGEMAN, BRIGMAN", James, Springfield, propr. 1643; town oflBcer. Rem. to Northampton; sealer of weights and measures, 1661. Ch. John b. BRIDGHAM, etc., cont. 7 (5) 1045, Thomas b. 14 (11) 1647, Martha b. 20 (9) 1649, Mary b. 5 (5) 1652. Wife Sarah d. 3 Aug. 166S. His will, unsigned, beq. to ch. John; Sarah Tilestoue and her son Cornelms; Martha, (wife of Samuel Dicliinson,) and gr. ch. Mary B. Admin, gr. March 29, 1676, to son John. John, Salem, propr. 1647. Wife Eliz- abeth memb. chh. 1 (7) 1050; ch. Mary bapt. 8 (7) 1050. Will prob. (9) 1655; after settling Mr. Per- liius' claim, the rest to daughter. BRIGDEN, BRIGDON, Tliomas, husbandman, of Faversham, Eng., came with his wife in the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Charlestown. Propr. 1634. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Cooper. With wife Mildred sold house In 1659. He and his wife Thomasine adm. chh. 5 (10) 1635. Ch. Thomas, Mary, (m. Henry Kem- ble,) Zachary bapt. 2 (0) 1639. Thomas de- posed 22 (4) 1653, ae. 24. [Mdx. Files.] He d. June 20, 1668. His widow d. March 12, 1669. BRIGHAM, BRIGGAM, BRIGAM, BRIDGHAM, Sebastian, Cambridge, propr. 1638. Rem. to Rowley; propr. 1643. Lie. to sell wine 13 Nov. 1044; deputy, 1646. Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. 12 (5) 1640, Elizabeth b. 7 (i) 1643, Prudence b. 19 (1) 1646, Sebastian b. 2 (5) 1048. Thomas, ae. 32, came in the Susan and EHen in April, 1635; res. at Cambridge and Watertown. Propr.; frm. April 18, 1637. Wife Mercy; ch. John b. 9 (1) 1044, Hannah b. 9 (1) 16.50. Town officer Camb. 1639. He d. at Camb. Dec. 8, 1653. Will, dated 7 (10) 1653-4. Beq. to wife [Mercy], ch. Thomas, John, Mary, Hannah and Samuel. Prob. 3 (8) 1654. [Reg. XVII, 158.] BBIGGS, BRIDGES, BRIGE, Clement, felmonger, came to Plymouth in the Fortune in 1621. He was m. to .loane Allen by Mr. Thomas Stoughton of Dorches- ter, whom the Court fined for the act March 1, 1630-1. Res. at Weymouth from 1630 or thereabouts. He deposed 29 Aug., 1638, that he was dwelling about 22 years ago in South- 68 BBIGGS, etc., coat. wark with Samuel Latliam, felmongor; that Thomas Harlow was then dwelling with Robert Heeks at that place. Ch. Thomas b. 14 (4) 1633, Jonathan b. 14 (4) 1635, Davia b. 23 (6) 1640, Clement b. 1 (11) 1642. Will prob. 24 (8) 1650; wife; sons Thomas, Jonathan, Clement, David, Remember. Prob. by widow Elizabeth July 28, 1659. [Reg. II, 144, VII, 233, and IX ,347.] The widow, in will dated 13 Nov. 1683, prob. Aug. 11, 1691, beq. to gr. ch. Clement and son Re- member Brlggs. John, ae. 20, came in the Bles&ing in July, 1635. Watertown, propr. 1637. Sand- wich, propr. 1640. Wife Katharine; ch. Sam- uel and Sarah. Admin, on his est. June 1, 1641. [Reg. IV, 173.] Matthias, yeoman, Hingham, m. May 9, 1648, Deborah, dau. of Matthew Gushing. She d. 25 Sept. 1700. He d. 24 Feb. 1696-7. Will dated 11 March, 1686-7, beq. to wife Deborah, and to dau. Mary B. which I left in old England. Walter, Scituate, atba. 1643. BRIGHT, Rev. Francis,, trained up under Mr. Davenport, came from Rayleigh, co. Essex, Eng. He was engaged by the Mass. Bay Co. 2 Feb. 1628-9. to come over to N. E. and preach to the Company's servants, to remain three years and be free to return at the end of that time. Transportation both ways, maintenance, and a salary of twenty pounds per annum to be provided. Similar arrange- ments were made with Messrs. Higginson and Skelton 8 April folg. They voted April. 1029, to give him 5 li. toward his loss of wages in Eng., and his charge being in London. He came over in the Lyon's Whelp, arriving May 11, 1G29. Preached to the set- tlers and workmen at Charlestown. [Char, town records.] Ret. to Eng. in 1630 in the Lyon in the summer of 1630. [Du.] He was the first person definitely engaged for cler- ical service in New England. He was a conformist; not agreeing with those that were for reformation, he returned for Eng- land. [Mor.] Henry. Boston, memb. ebh. 1630-1. Be- fore the Gen. Court 7 Nov. 1634, and 6 (1) l(>37-8. Rem. to Watertown; propr. 1642. BEIGHT, cont. Jan. 10, 1660, "aged about SO years," he deeded his "mansion place" in Wat. to Thom- as Hastings, the latter agreeing to care for him during the remainder of his life. [Mdx. De. II, 140.] Was assisted by the town in his age and sickness; d. Sept. 14, 1674, "aged 100 years and upward." [Town rec] Inv. of his few effects was pres. 30 (11) 1674, by widd. Beers. Henry, Jr., Watertown, frm. May 6, 1635. Town oflicer, deacon, surveyor of arms, com. of valuation, sergeant. He de- posed about 2 (2) 1661, ae. about 60 years. [Mdx. Files.] His sister Mrs. Elizabeth Dell, widow, of Bow, co. Middlesex, Eng., left to his ch. a legacy, which was receipted for July 20, 1658. [Suff. De. Ill, 286.] He m. Anna, dau. of Henry and Anna Goldstone. Ch. Anna bur. 28 (8) 1639, ae. 4 yrs., Abigail b. Oct. 12, 1637, (m. Elisha Odlin,) Mary b. 23 (2) 1639, (m. Nathaniel Coolidge,) John b. 14 (3) 1641, Hannah b. 17 (1) 1643, Elizabeth, Nathaniel b. 5 (3) 1647, Beriah b. 22 (7) 1649. He. d. Aug. or Oct. 9, 1686. [Mdx. rec. anfl S.] Will dated 25 Jan. 1680, ae. 78 years, codicil 29 Oct. 16S5, prob. Nov. 11, 1686. Sons John and Nathaniel, daus. Anna Ruggles, Elizabeth Hastings, Mary Coolidge, Abigail Awdley [Odlin,] and Beriah Fowle. Refers to father Goldstone. [See Bond's Hist. Wat. and Bright Genealogy.] One of the above is called "my uncle" by Edward Parks, q. v. Margaret, Mr. Holgraves' sister, had land assigned her in Salem in 1637, next to John Holgraves'. One of the first members of the church. Samuel, Boston, servant to John Sweete, adm. chh. 1 (7) 1644. Frm. May, 1G45. Thomas, Watertown, "g.", mortgaged lands 30 (9) 1640. [L.] He sold house and 10 acres of ground 17 (10) 1640. BKIGHTOIT, see Bright and Broughton, Thomas, ae. 31, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1635. BBIMSMEABE, BRINSMEADE, John, Charlestown, inhab. 1636, adm. chh. 25 (1) 1638. He m. Mary Carter, who was adm. chh. 24 (8) 1639. Ch. Mary b. 24 (5) 1640, John b. 2 (1) 1643. 69 BRIMSMEADE, etc., cont. William, Dorchester. Will prob. 15 (3) 1648; ch. William, Alex- ander, Ebbett, Mary. [l^eg. Ill, 2G6, and IX, S47.] BRISCOE, BRISCO, BRISKOW, BISCOE, BISCO, see Bisco, William, tailor, Boston, 1639, adm. ehli. 30 (11) 1640; frm. June 22, 1641. Wife Cice- ly adm. chh. 4 (5) 1641. His son Daniel (or Natlianiel) adm. ehli. IT (2) was drowned (3) 1642. [W.] He had also sons Benjamin, Ezekiel, and Joseph. He and his wife were dism. to chh. of Milford 27 (6) 1648. William Brisco, Sen., his inventory was taken 13 June, 1667, and admin, of his est. gr. to his son Benjamin. Widow, sick at Winthrop's farm in 3636. IW.] BBITTELL, John, Salem, 1640. Rebecca, (Britt,) had child Ambross bapt. at Salem 30 (5) 1654. BRITTERIDGE, Richard, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; d. in Plymouth harbor Dec. 21, 1620. BRITTON, BRITTAIN, James, Weymouth, propr. He was punished for sympathy with Barnard and Lenthall, (12) 1638-9. A wrong done to him was acknowledged before the Gen. Court 2 (4) 1640. He rem. to Woburn, 1640. He was executed for alleged crime in 1643. [W.] Ch. James, d. at Wob. May 3, 1655, Jane, [dau.?] m. at Wob. Feb. 1, 1659, Isaac Cole. BROAD, see Brade. BROCK, BROOKE. BROOKS, Henry, yeoman, clothier, Concord; frm. March 14, 1638-9. Rem. to Woburn; taxed in 1649; bought land in 1650. Ch. Joseph b. 12 (2) 1641. Wife Susanna d. 15 Sept. 1681; he m. 12 July, 1682, Annis Jaquith. He deposed 27 (10) 1658, ae. about 66 years. [Mdx. Files.] Will dated 18 July, 1682, prob. 20 (2) 1683, beq. to -wife Annes. as by marriage covenant; sons John, Timothy, and Isaac; souin-law John Mousall and dau. Sarah; to dau. Les- BROCK, etc., cont. tor; to Isaac, Henry and Miriam, ch. of son Isaac; to pastors Thomas Carter and Jabez Fox, and Lieut. Wm. Johnson. Henry, Dedham, propr. 1638, adm. chh. 24 (lOi 1641. Bes. in Boston in 16.39. [L.] Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 29 (1) 1640; ch. John adm. chh. 3 (2) 1640. Mary Brock m. 5 (1) 1039, Henry Philips; Elizabeth Brock, adm. chh. 27 (8) 1643, m. 31 (8) 1644, Robert Gowing. He d. in 1652. Will prob. Oct. 19, 1652; beq. to wife Elizabeth and ch. John, Eliza- beth and Anne. [Reg. IV, 288.] Richard Barber calls him son-in-law. Richard, caipenter, ae. 31, came in the Elizabeth and Ann April 27, 1635. BROCKLEBANK, Jane, widow, Rowley, propr. 1643, with sons Samuel and John. She was bur. 26 Dec. 1668. John, Rowley, propr. 1650; town offi- cer. He m. 20 Sept. 1657, Sarah Woodman; ch. John b. 26 (5) 1658, Elizabeth b. 20 Nov. 1660. Will dated 30 Nov. 1665, prob. 25 Sept. 1666, beq. to wife Sarah and daus. Sarah and Elizabeth; to John Stevens and maid ser- vant Mary Michill; father-in-law Archelaus Woodman and bro. Samuel B. overseers. Samuel, Rowley, propr. 1649; town offi- cer; captain. He deposed in 1665, ae. about 35 years. He m. 18 (3) 1652, Hannah ; eh. Samuel b. 28 (9) 1653. Francis b. 26 (7) 1655 ,bur. July 22, 1660, Hannah b. 28 March, 1659, John bur. July 4, 1660, Sarah b. and d. 1666, Sarah b. July 7, 1668, Jane b. Jan. 31, 1670, Joseph b. Nov. 28, 1674. Admin, of his est. was gr. to his widow Hannah; she pres. inv. 26 Sept. 1676; court ordered division to be made to ch. Samuel, Joseph, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. BBOMFIELD, BRUMEEILD, William, in Court 19 Sept. 1637. [See wills and notes on B. family in Reg. LII, 264, and LIII, 9.] BROOK, BROOKE, BROOCK. BROOKS, BROOKES, see Brock, Gilbert, ae. 14. came with William, tn the Blessing in July, 1635; as servant to Mr. 70 BROOK, etc., cont. Wna. Vassell, Seituate, before Plym. Court 5 March, 1U3S-9. Res. in Marshfield in 1C45. Constable. He rem. to Seituate, tlien to Reliobotb. He gave power of attorney 20 March, 1094, to his son-in-law Robert Cross- man of Taunton, who sold his land in Sci. in 1099. Ch. Elizabeth and Sarah baiJt. at Sci. June 21, 1040, Mary bapt. July 15, 1049, Rachel bapt. July 7, 1650, Phebe bapt. Sept. 5, 1052, Bathsheba bapt. April 8, 1055, Re- becca bapt. April 12, 1G57. He d. 13 June, 1095. Will dated June C. 1095, being aged; prob. July 7, folg.: beq. to wife Sarah; to Zachariah Carpenter that lives with me; gr. ch. Bathsheba Walker and Broolj Thresher; to nine daughters, only Ra- chel's share to be given to my gr. son Ben- ony Wigen. Son-in-law Robert Grossman and William Manle execs. Richard, ae. 24, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Propr. at Lynn in 1038; agreed to pay to Francis Godsome 9 (0) 1039. fL.] May be the same as Richard, gunsmith, Boston, bondsman of Wm. Day, exec, of the will of Jane Wood- cock, Aug. 10, 1666. Robert, of Maidstone, Eng., mercer, with Anne his wife and 7 ch., came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Res. at Marble- head. Had a grant of land between his old house and new Nov. 16, 1657. Margaret, widow of Robert B., and mother of .John B., m. 2, Captain George Corwin of Salem. Her first husband had a bro. John B. of London. [Es. Files, 4, 496.] Thomas, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Watertown. Frra. Dec. 7, 1630. Rem. to Concord; con- stable 4 (10) 1638; deputy; captain. Signed inv. of Thos. Atkinson's est. in 1046. Wife Grace d. May 12, 1664. He d. May 21, 1667. Agreement between his heirs June 17, 1667; eldest son .Joshua Brooks, Capt. Timothy Wheeler, (husband of Mary B.,) Caleb and Gershom B. Thomas, before Salem court in 1036; d. at sea before 1639. [L.] William, ae. 20, came in the Blessing, in July, 1635. Settled at Salem, propr. 1039. William, Marshfield, atba. 1043; town oflScer, juryman 1046. He was father-In- BROOK, etc., cont. law to Joseph, son of John Wiston of Sci. 6 March, 1005-6. Rem. to Seituate. Ch. Hannah bapt. Sept. 14, 1645, Nathaniel bapt. March 29, 1646, Mary bapt. Nov. 28, 1047, Sarah bapt. May 20, 1050, Miriam bapt. June 0, 1052, Deborah bapt. March 18, 1054, Thom- as bapt. June 28. 1057, Johanna bapt. Oct. 10, 1659. Will prob. 6 March, 1682-3, beq. to wife Susanna, sons Nathaniel and Thomas, daus. Hannah and Mary; wife's dau. Bathsheba, and gr. ch. Beriah. BROOME, Roger, ae. 17, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1635. BROOMEB, George, tailor, Boston, bought house and land of James Stokes, and sold it 6 (7) 1642. Joan, ae. 13, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Marie, ae. 10, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. BROUGH, BROOFE, Edmund, or Edward, Marshfield; had arbitration of a suit in Plym. Court, 1040. Atba. 1643. Was absent from town meeting 23 Aug. 1052. BROUGHTON, Mr. Thomas, merchant, Watertown. Rem. to Boston. He deposed in 1058, ae. about 44 years. [Es. Files.] He referred in 1646 to his bro. William res. in Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange, London. [Reg. XXXIX, S3.] He bought large tr.aets of land in Boston, Noddles Island, Quampe- gon and Kittery; erected mills, bakehouses, brewhouses. etc.; owned and operated ship- ping. Wife Mai-y, dau. of Nathaniel Brisco; ch. b. and d. in 1643, Elizabeth b. 15 (11) 1645, (m. Jacob Fowle.) Mary b. 5 (5) 1651, Thomas b. May 26, 1653, d. 1 (7) 1654, Na- thaniel b. Dec. 5, 16.54, Thomas b. Dec. 23, 1650, (became a gunmaker; d. in 1702; est. given to bro. Nathaniel and sisters Elizabeth Fowle and Abigail B.;) Hannah b. Dec. 28, 1658. Sarah b. June 9, 1660, Patience b. April 14. 1663, Abigail. He d. Nov. 12, 1700, ae. about 87 years. [S.] 71 #' BKOWN, BKOWNE, Abraham, Watertown, frm. Itlarch 6, 1C31-2. Town officer, com. of Gen. Court. Wife Lydia; ch. Sarah, (m. George Parli- hurst, Jr..) Mary, (m. Lewis,) Lydia b. 21 (1) 1632, (m. Wm. Lakin,) Jonathan b. 15 (H) 1635, Hannah b. and d. in 1638, Abraham b. 6 (1) 1639. He d. in 1650. The widow m. Nov. 27, 1650, Andrew Hodges of Ipswich. [Mdx. Files, 1670.] Christian, widow, Salisbury, propr. 1640; d. 28 (10) 1641. Kev. Edmund, came with Leehford, [see letter of L. to him, dated 10 (10) 1638, in Note-Booli;] res. first at Plymouth. Rem. to Sudbury as minister; propr. 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. He d. 22 (4) 1678. [S.] Will dated 24 May, prob. 9 July, 1678. beq. to wife Anne; to his kinsman Samuel GofEe of Cambridge, whom he adopts as son and heir; to Harvard Col- lege £ 100, and to the town of Sudbury £ 50 towards a school, after death of wife; to kinsmen John Browne of Bury St. Edmunds, CO. Suff. Eng. and Thomas Keade of Sud- bury; to man servant Richard Addams and maid servant Mary Plympton; to John Toll, James Whetcomb, Capt. John Greene and Thomas Walker. Edmund, servant to Wm. Colborne, adm. chh. Boston 22 (41 1634. He m. 14 (12) 1653, Elizabeth Oklye; ch. Mary b. 15 Dec. 1656. He d. in Surinam about Michelmas, 1065. Admin, gr. to his wife 11 Oct., 1666. She d. and the 2 ch.'s grandmother, Mary, widow of Robert Boucier alias Garret, was made one of the trustees of his est. for the benefit of the ch., 2 Nov., 1666. [Reg. XV, 252, and XVI, 335.] Edward, Boston, propr. 1635-1649; frm. May 6, 1635. Edward, [Browne or Bourne,] Marsh- field, propr. 1643. Mr. Edward, or Edmund, Ipswich, propr. 1637. AVill, dated Feb. 9, 1659, prob. 27 (1) 1660. Sons Joseph and John; refers to a beq. given to dec. son Thomas by his aunt Watson In Eng.; bro. Bartholomew; wife Faith. The widow m. Daniel Warner; at her death she BROWN, etc., cont. beq. to these children, dau. Lydia and an- other dau. Francis, servant to John Alby, d. in Braintree (1) 1640. George, carpenter, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. Settled at New- bury. Propr. 1637; frm. May 13, 1640. He d. 1 Aug. 1642. Will dated May 26, 1642, prob. March 28, 1643, beq. to wife, spe- cial bequest if she be with child; to bro. Richard B. of Newb.; to father and bro. Michael if they come over; nephews Mar- gery and Joshua; to Joseph, son of bro. Rich- ard, a share in mill at Salisbury. George, Salisbury; rem. to Haverhill; propr., town oflicer. Deposed before select- men Feb. 18, 1686-7, ae. about 60 years. Cap- tain. He m. at Salis. June 25, 1645, (Court copy,) Ann Eaton; she d. Dec. 16, 1683. He m. March 17, 1683-4, widow Hannah Hazen, who d. Feb., 1715. He d. Oct. 31, 1699, "ae. 76." Will prob. Nov. 6, 1699, beq. to wife; to her son Rich- ard Hazen; her dau. Sarah, wife of Daniel Wiccomb, Jr.; to his bro. Henry B. of Salis. and his bro. William B. and some of their ch. and gr. ch. Henry, shoemaker, Salisbury, propr. 1843. Wife Abigail; ch. Nathaniel b. 30 (4) 1642, Abigail b. 23 (12) 1643, (m. Samuel French,) Philip b. (10) 1646, Jonathan b. 25 (9) 1646, (sic copia,) Abraham b. 1 (11) 1649, Sarah b. 6 (10) 1654, (m. Andrew Gree- ley, Henry b. 8 (12) 1658. He and his wife Abigail deposed 11 (2) 1671, ae. about 56 years. He d. Aug. 6, 1701; the widow d. Aug. 23, 1702. Henry, mariner, of Line House, eo. Middlesex, Eng., bought land in Boston in 1648. Mortg. it to Edward Budd, carver, Jan. 4, 1668. Hugh, Salem, propr. 1636. He deposed 5 (8) 1657, ae. 39 years. [Mdx. Files.] He was sent with others in a boat to Ipswich about 1629 to help the friendly Indians against warlike tribes. [Depos. of W. Dix- ey.] Rem. to Boston. Wife Sarah; ch. Job b. 29 March, 1651, Hugh b. and d. 1652, Sa- rah b. and d. 1653, Sarah d. 3 (2) 1654. 72 Additions and Couuections, 1902. The work of Farmer, mentioned on page 3, was issued in 1829; that of Dr. Savage, was given to the public in 1862. Tlie first word of tlie quotation from Brad- ford on page G is " opprobriously." ABBOT, etc., Edward, Tauntou, atba. 1643; bound himself a covenant servant to Robert Nash, Boston, for 2 years, Jan. 15, IGoO. [A.] ADAMS, John of Concord [son of Henry, Sen., of Braintree?], had power of attorney 25(10)1649 for collection of rents for John Shepheard of Braintree due upon lands lately in occupation of Jonathan Adams, living near Ballsbery, co. Somerset, Eng. [A.] Tho::ias, Chelmsford, d. July 20, 1688, se. 76. [Mdx. rec] ADDIS, William, Gloucester; town officer, 1641. Ch. Millicent (m. William Southmeade), Anne, (m. at Boston 24(9)1652, Ambrose Dart). ADFORD, Henry; June 29, 1651, is the date of baptism of the children. ALBEE, Benjamin ; add children Hannah, bapt. 16(6)1641, and Lydia, b. 14(2)1642. ALCOCK, Thomas, change 1634 to 1639. last line, first column. ALDEN; " Mr. John ."Vlden, the antient magi- strate of Plymouth, died Sept. 12, 1687." [S.] ALLEY, Philip, Salem, called to court in 1645, Add : Philip, ship-master, was lost at sea; his widow m. Pitts. Her nephew John Bundy petitioned May 31, 1671, for possession of her house and land, claiming that she had promised the same to him when he married his present wife with the advice and consent of his aunt and Mr. Alley, her first husband. [Mass. Arch. B, 15, 31.] AMEE, etc., John ; By ,wife Martha he had in Boston ch. John b. March 12, 1653, Martha b. Nov. 10, 1655, William b. March 27, 1057, Martha b. ^\'b. 29, 1659, Mary b. Oct. 10, 1661, Remembrance (son), b. March 18, 1664, Ruth b. June 24, 1666, Joseph b. Feb. 10, 1668, Ruth b. March 1, 1G70. John " Ame,"'shipwright, ■with wife " Anne," mortg. house and land 3 Dec. 1691 and gave deed of sale 13 Oct. 1693. ANDREW, ANDREWS, Samuel, died before Aug. 1, 14 Charles, when his widow reed, deed of 100 acres of land on the West side of Saco river in Maine, on which her husband formerly built a house, etc. ; confirmed by the selectmen of Saco 26(4)1654. [York Deeds.] She mar- ried Arthur Mackworth ; in a deed of laud to George Felt, Jr., (who had married her second husband's dan. Phillippe), she mentions her son James Andrews and her dan. Purchas. [Norf . CO. Rec. IV, 75,] She died in Boston la 1676; beq. to daus. Purchas, Sarah, wife of Aliraham Adams, Rebecca wife of Nathaniel Whorfe and William Rogers (in turn), and a fourth daughter, name not given. ARMITAGE, Thomas, came with Richard Mather; settled at Plymouth; frm. 7 March, 1636-7. Rem. to Sandwich; deputy. APPLETON, Samuel; note, his birth was in 1586. ARNOLD, Richard, Winnisiramet; he died, and admin, of his est. was gr. Sept. 3, 1633, to William Stitson. Thomas, " now suppo.sed to be in New Eng- land," mentioned in the will of his kinsman Richard Arnold, of London, goldsmith, as the son of William A. [Reg. XLVIII, 374.] ASEY, see Hasey. BAKER, Nathaniel, mentions children of his brother Nichulas. Nicholas: add child Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1644, (m. John Vinal). BALLARD, Mr. William, add children, Eliza- beth, (m. at Chelmsford Nov. 11, 1668, William Blunt), Lydia, (ra. 12(2)1674, Joseph Butter- field). He d. 10 July, 1689. BALCH, John; his son Freeborn testified in Piscatatpia court 19 Aug. 1657, aged 23 years. BARROW, see Burroughs. B.4.TEMAN, etc. John, sawyer, Boston, resi- dent, 1648. Wife Hannah adm. chh. 7 (3) 1648. Ch. John b. about (10) 1644, Hannah b. about (1) 1646, Elizabeth b. about (8) 1647, all bapt. 14 (3) 1648 ; Sarah bapt. 7 (8) 1649, aj. about 8 days, Sarah b. 6 (3) 1651 liacliel bapt. 1 (4) 1651, Maryb. 1652, d. 1654, William b. 8 March, 1655, Joseph b. 21 Aug. 1658, Mary b. Sept. 4, 1660. (72-a) Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. Additions and Corrections, 1902. JohnB., of Boston, now resident in Hingliam, made will Nov. 10, 1689, " being aged," prob. Sept. 16, 1690. Beq. to eldest son William and son Joseph if they appear in N. E. to receive it ; to four daus. Elizabeth Arnold, Sarah Eells, Rachel Holman and Mary .Joues; to gr. ch. Samuel and Hannah Holman. Sons-in-law Sam- uel Eells of Hing. andlsaac Jonesof Bo. execs. BATE, BATES, George; Joane Crocour de- posed. BIBBLE, John; his wife Sibil, a dau. of John Tuicl^nell of Wedmore, co. Somerset, gave power of attorney 26 (7) 1650, to her bro. John T., of Wed., to collect legacy, left by her father. [A.] BLACKLEACH, John ; his wife was a dan. of Eobert Bacon, who lived sometime in Wap- ping, afterward near Cree church in London ; certificate of her health made 4 (5) 1649. [A.] BRASIER, etc., Edward, his wife Magdalen was adm. chh. Char. 9 (6) 1656; he was adm. 29 (5) 1S58. Ch. Thomas bapt. 29 (2) 1660, Abigail b. 18 Dec. 1664. BROWN, BROWNE, Nicholas, mariner, sent power of attorney 24 (10) 1649 for collection of rents etc. at Moreton Underhill [Birtsmor- ton?] CO. Worcester. [A.] Thomas, husbandman, planter, Sudbury, one of the petitioners to whom the Gen. Court gave authority to begin that plantation 6 Sept. 1638. Rem. to Concord; bought land 20 (3) 1655, 9 June, 1661, 3 (2) 1671,—" of Concord." Dau. Mary m. first William Woodhead, of Chelms- ford, whose conduct made it necessary for Mr. Browne to write two letters to the governor In Dec. 1670; he deposed at that time, aged about 61 years; his son Thomas, Jr , deposed at the same time, aged about 19 years. [Mdx. files.] Mary ra. second, John Gove of Cam- bridge. Thomas B., Sen. was a member of a committee to divide certain Concord property 26 March, 1675 ; [Mdx. Deeds] ; but 20 Nov. 1680, — "late of Concord, now of Cambridge," —he deeded his Concord lands to his son Thomas, Jr., and acknowledged the deed be- fore Randolph Dec. 6, 1687. He filed on March 11, 1681-2, a list of lands which he had given to his son Boaz before the latter's marriage ; John Gove was one of the witnesses. The son Jabez, who remained in Sudbury until the founding of Stow, in which he joined with Boaz and others, deposed 6 (2)1669, aged about 25 years ; he died in 1692 ; his widow and son Thomas had a letter from Gove, who called her "my sister Brown," and offered to sign their administration bond, Sept. 29, 1692. Thomas B., Sen.'s death is not recorded. Only one person of the name is mentioned in Camb. town and church records for this period ; fined for nominal ofi"ence with others 9 (12) 1656; town officer 1660, 1663 and 1668; adm. chh. May 18, 1666,— children bapt. as stated in text. Having given lands to his older children, he willed his remaining property to his second wife and their children. BUNDY, John, see Alley. BULLARD, William, appoints " Sonnes Nath" Bullard & Moses Colliar executo'^ " of his will. BULLOCKE, Edward, was son of " Mr. Wil- liam B., late of Barkham in Barkshire." [Dep- osition of Elizabeth Clements 26 (5) 1649. A.] BURTON, Edward; the record given under Thomas B. belongs to Edward. Aug. 3, 1682, Samuel Johnson, glover, of Boston, for his wife Phoebe, second dau. of the late E. B. of Hingham, sold her portion in certain lands, referring to Hannah, her oldest sister, and Sarah the third dau. [Suff. De. VI, 323]. BUTLER, Stephen, Boston, proprietor 1648. Ch. of Stephen and Jane : Benjamin b. 2 Aug. 1653, Benjamin b. 10 Feb. 1658, Isaac, b. Oct. 9, 1661, Isaac b. May 29, 1664, James b. Aug. 2, 1665, Isaac b. Aug. 10, 1667 ; Stephen and Tab- ithahad Stephen b. April 22, 1681. Stephen, blacksmith, died in 1717 ; his " mother Tabitha Butler" had certain articles that were her particular property reserved at the admin, of his estate. BUTTON, Mathias; erase from list of his children Thomas, Elizabeth, Mehetabel and Edward, who were transferred in the records from the family of his son-in-law Edward Yeomans. He sued John Godfrey 13 (2) 1659, for " the flreiug of his chimney, which caused the burning of my house and the death of my wife." [Es. Court files.] ^g^ Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. BROWN, etc., cont. Inv. of his est. presented 27 Jan. 1669-70. [Keg. XVIII, 325.] James, Boston, memb. chh. 1630, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Wife Grace; ch. James b. (7) 1645. Will 9 (3) 1651. Beq. to wife Grace and son James; to tbe clih. of Boston of which be was a member; to the children of Thomas Stoclier of Rumney Marsh. James, Charlestown, propr. 1633, adm. chh. 10 (1) 1634, frm. May 25, 1636. Sold land in 1646. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 14 (4) 1634; ch. John bapt. 1 (1) 1639, Mary bapt. 3 (1) 1040. Elizabeth adm. chh. [bapt?] 31 <5) 1641. James, a youth of about 17 yrs., from from Hampton, Eng., came in the James A-pril 5, 1635. James, glazier, Charlestown, frm. May 17, 1G37. Hired Lovell's Island of the town In 1636. He rem. to Newbury; propr. 1637; town officer. Rem. to Salem. He deposed 28 (10) 1658, ae. about 53 years. [Mdx. Piles.] He m. 1, Judith, dan. of Capt. .John Cutting. He m. 2, Sarah, sister of his first wife. She was ae. 53 in 1658. Ch. John b. 4 (11) 1637-8, James b. in 1642, d. in 1643. James b. 19 (6) 1647, Nathaniel b. 21 (9) 165S, Sam- uel b. Jan. 14, 1G56-7, Hannah bapt. Sept. 2, 1658, Abraham bapt. 14 (8) 1660, Mary b. May 25, 1663. Abigail b. Oct. 24, 166.5, Mar- tha b. Dec. 22, 1667. He d. at Salem Nov. 3, 1676. Will prob. 29 (9) 1676; wife Sarah, bro. Nicholas Noyes; ch. John, James, Samuel, Abraham, Anna, Mary, Abigail, Martha, Sarah Beasly; to eldest son John est. left by Henry Bright of Watertown for money lent him many years ago; est. at Newbury left to wife by her father Cutting. Jarrard, servant to Wm. Oolborne, adm. chh. Boston 22 (4) 1634, with Edmund B. John, Salem, one of the Assts. of the Mass. Bay Co. In Eng. and one of the Coun- cil of Governor .John Endecott at the begin- ning of his term, April 17, 1629. He came in the Talbot; gave bond for return freight 2S Sept., 1629, being sent back with his bro. Samuel for speeches and practice tending to mutiny and faction. See Samuel, below. [Reg. XXXV, 250; Suff. De. 1.] BROWN, etc., cont. John, ae. 40, came in the Elizabeth April 17, 1035. John, identified. embarked June 22, 1632. Not John, tailor, ae. 27„ with servants Thomas Hart, ae. 24, and Mary Denny, ae. 24, cert, from Baddow, Essex, came in the Desire in June, 1635. Not identified. Mr. John, gent. In his younger years, travelling in the low countries, he became acquainted with and took a good liking to the church at Ley den. [Mor.] Came there- fore to Plymouth; taxed in 1632; frm.; Asst.; one of the comrs. of the United Colonies. Rem. to Rehoboth before 1646. [See Sam- uel Eddy.] Town oflicer, deputy, magis- trate. Ret. to Eng. before 1659 [Letter of Thos. Mahew to J. Winthrop, Jr.] and be- came the steward of Sir Harry Vane. Came back to R. about 1661. John B. m. at Ply- mouth, 26 March, 1634, Phebe Harding. [Ply. Col. Rec] He d. in the spring of 1662. [Mor.] AVill, dated April 7, 1662. Dau. Mary, wife of Thomas Willett, gr. ch. Martha, wife of John Saffln, gr. ch. John Brown, son of John; gr. ch. Joseph, Nathaniel, Lydia and Hannah B.; son James and wife Dorothy execs. [Reg. VI, 94, and XXXVI, 368. The wid- ow d. at Swansey Jan. 27, 1673, in her 90th year. Her will dated 17 Dec. 1668, prob. 29 March, 1674, beq. to dau. Mary Willett and her ch.; to Sarah, dau. of dau. Sarah Eliot, dec; to son James and daus.-in-law Lydia and Dorothy B. and their children. John, mariner, Salem, propr. and memb. chh. 1637; frm. May 2, 1638. Chosen ruling elder 1660. Wrecked on return from Virginia; lost vessel and goods, but arrived at Sal. in 1661. Had new ship built by Wil- liam Stephens. Ales (.ilice) presumed to be his wife. memb. chh. in 1637. Ch. Jonathan, (d. 1667; est. admin, by his father;) John bapt. 16 (7) 1638, Jacob and Samuel bapl. 13 (1) 1641, John bapt. 1 (3) 1642, James bapt. 17 (5) 1642, Joanna bapt. 9 (2) 1643, Eliza bapt. 23 (10) 1643, Eliza bapt. 14 (2) 1644, Nathaniel bapt. 28 (51 1644. His will dated 2 Jan. 1683, prob. 24 Nov. 1684, beq. to gr. ch. John and Abiel B.; to 4 ch. of his dec. son James B.; to son-in-law Samuel Gardner, Jr. and his wife. 73 BROWN, etc., cont. John, weaver, Duxbuiy, 1641, pro- posed tor frm., but absent when action should have been taken 7 June, 1648. Broth- er of Peter. Bought land in Sandwich 31 Jan. 1649. John, Watertown. Wife Dorothy; eh. Hannah b. 9 (7) 1634, Mary b. 24 (1) 1630. He was. bur. 20 (4) 1036, ae. 36. Lydia, ae. 16, from the Parish of Little Minories, came in the Abigail in June, 1035. Malachi, see Browning. Margery, Newbury, d. March 26, 1650-1. Nathaniel, Springfield. Ch. Nathaniel b. and d. 1049. Nicholas, mariner, Lynn, propr. 1038, com. of Gen. Court 13 May, 1040. Rem. to Reading; propr. 1644; town officer. He ana his wife and children were adm. from chh. of L. Ch. Edward b. Aug. 15, 1040, Joseph b. Dee. 10, 1647, Sarah b. June 6, 1650. He d. April 5, 1673. Will dated (1), prob. 17 (4) 1673, beq. to ch. John, Josiah, Edward, Joseph, Cornelius and Elizabeth, and wlTe Elizabeth. Peter, came in the Mayflower; signea the Compact; frm. 1633. Settled at Ply- mouth. Martha and Mary had divisions of cattle with him in 1627. See story of his getting lost. [Mou.] He d. before Oct. 10, 1633. Est. settled by Court Nov. 11, 1633. Admin, gr. to widow Mary. Children by divers wives. Dau. Mary had 15 li. put into the hands of her guardian John Done for 9 years; dau. Prls- cilla had 15 li. in the hands of her guardian, Wm. Gilson, for 12 years; the rest to the widow for the bringing up of the 2 ch. she had by Mr. Brown. Oct. 10, 1644, Mary, ae. 17 years, chose her uncle, John B. of Dux- bury, guardian. Priscilla also chose him Oct. 28, 1645. She m. Wm. Clark. [Reg. XXXVIL 276.] Peter, Sudbury, propr. 1639. Mr. Richard, Watertown, 1630, frm. May 18, 1631. Town otEcer, deputy, comr., ruling elder. Rem. from eldership for main- taining that the Romish chh. was a true chh., and for holding other heretical opinions. He made complaint when the red cross was cut out of the ensign at Salem Nov. 5, 1634. He BROWN, etc., cont. rem. to Charlestown in 1657. He was ae. 81 or 82 in 1657. AVill prob. March 20, 1661. Beq. to wife Elizabeth; servant Jonathan Simpson; to Phinehas Pratt; sons Richard and George B. in Eng. The widow m. Richard Jackson. Richard, came in the Mary and John in 1633. Settled at Ipswich; sold the house he had built and rem. to Newbury before 1638. Propr. and town officer. Wife Edith d. April 12, 1647, and he m. 16 Feb., 1648, Eliz- abeth, widow of Giles Badger. Ch. Joseph, Joshua b. 10 April, 1642, Caleb b. 7 May, 1645, Elizabeth b. 29 March, 1649, Richard b. 18 Feb. 1650-1, Edmund b. 17 July, 1654, Sarah b. 7 Sept. 3657, Mary b. 10 April, 1660. He d. 26 April, 1661. Will prob. June 24, 1661. Wife; son Joseph dec; ch. Joshua, Richard, Edmund, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Mary (under aged and unmarried;) bro. George dec. Agreement made between John Badger and the Browne children 4 March, 1677-S. Robert, ae. 24, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1635; frm. May 2, 1649. Settled at Cambridge; memb. chh. He m. May 8, 1649, Barbara Eden. He d. Nov. 23, 1690, ae. 70 years. Barbara d. Juue 1, 1693, ae. 80 years. [Gr. St.] Mr. Samuel, app. by the Mass. Bay Co. one of the Council of Governor John Endecott April 17, 1629. Was sent back with his bro. John within a few months, on charge of mutiny. One of them was a law- yer, the other a merchant. They gathered a company at simdry times and read the book of common prayer, and accused the governor and minister of being separatists, etc. [Mor.] Susan, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Thomas, weaver, from Malford, Eng., came in the James in April, 1635, as ser- vant to Thomas Antram. Settled at New- bury. Wife Mary d. 2 June, 1655. Ch. Mary b. 1635— "first white child born in Newbury," [Coffin,] (m. 13 May, 1656, Peter Godfrey,) Francis, Isaac. His wife Mary was a dau. of Thomas Newhall, of Lynn. See his will. Probably the Thomas B. who was a com- moner at Ipswich, 1641. He d. 8 Jan. 1686. "A kind of will," de- 74 BKOWN, etc., cont. fective in some points, was not reed, to probate Feb. 22, IGSO, but admin, of tlie est. was gr. to his son Francis. Thomas, Sudbury, propr. 1G40. The Gen. Court 7 (8) 1G40, granted him 200 acres of land for the 25 li. adventure of Mrs. Anne Harvyes. He seems to have rem. to Con- cord, where by wife Bridget he had ch. Boaz b. 14 (12) 1641, Mary b. 2G (1) 1G4C, Eliezer b. 5 (3) 1649. He is clearly the man who was adm. chh. Cambridge May 18, IGGG; had m. before 1G5S Martha, widow of Thomas Oldhaui; ch. Mehitabel bapt. June 2, 1661, Mary bapt. March 8, 1663, Ebenezer bapt. July 23, lG6o, Ichabod bapt. Sept. 9, 1666. [Mi.] Will dated Nov. 23, 1690, prob. in Jan. folg., beq. to wife Martha, dans. Mehitabel and Martha, and sons Ebenezer and Ichabod. The inv. shows house and land in Camb. and 300 acres at Worcester. William, Boston, with wife Thomasine, servants to Governor Winthrop, adm. chh. 9 (11) 1633. William, soap-boiler, Boston, 1034; Sa- lem 1637. Perhaps a brief residence, from which he returned to Bo. Ch. Sarah bapt. 11 (3) 1634. Will prob. Dec. 19, 1662. Wife Hannah exec; 12 pence apiece to his 6 children. A cow at Billerikey. Mr. William, shop keeper, Salem, 1636; frm. May 2, 1649. He deposea regarding the fishing business of Lord Brookes, Sayes and Sir Uiebard Saltonstall, 23 (6) 164o. [A.] William, Esq. Salem, made will 12 March, 1686-7, prob. at Boston Feb. 1687, beq. to sons William and Benjamin, dan. Winthrop and her 3 children; to cousin Francis B., wine cooper in London; to pastor, Mr. Hig- ginson; to the church; to the poor; to the school for the bringing up of poor scholars; to gr, ch. Sarah Deane; to cousin Thomas Smith; to Joseph Endecott and Wm. Red- furd. He d. 20 Jan. 1687, ae. 79. [Gr. at.] William, fisherman, ae. 26, with [wife] Mary, ae. 26, came in the Love in July, 1635. Settled at Cape Ann 1644. [L.] Adm. chh. Salem 27 (10) 1641. Gloucester, town officer, 1C47. He m. July 15, 1646, Mary "Robeson," perhaps widow of Abraham Robinson of BROWN, etc., cont. Gloc. Ch.' Mary b. July 28, 1(>49, Mary bapt. 28 (11) 1G56, James bapt. 2 (11) 1658. He d. May 3, 1662. Will prob. 25 (4) 1662; wife Mary; son-in-law Abraham Robinson under 21 years and dau. Mary Browne un- der 18 years. William, arrived June 22, 1639, appren- tice to Mr. Vincent Potter, who released him to Thomas Joy, carpenter, Sept. 24, 1639. [L.] William, Plymouth, 1644. Rem. to Eastham. He m. July 16, 1649, Mary Mur- cock. Ch. Mary b. May 14, 1G50, George b. Jan. 16, 1651, William b. April 1, 1654, Sam- uel b. March, 1655-6. Will 27 June, 1685, prob. 31 March, 1694, beq. to wife Marj% sons George, John, James and Samuel, and dau. Mercy. William, gentleman, Sudbury, propr. 1(;39; frm. June 2, 1641. He petitioned the Gen. Court in 1649 for 200 acres of land due for 25 li. put into joint stock by his aunt Mrs. Ann Harvey, who authorized his application. Land laid out to him in Sud- bury. Sold land in 1G53. He m. 15 (9) 1641, "Mary Bisljy of Duxbury;" ch. Mary b. 18 (3) 1643, Thomas b. 22 (3) 1645, Edmund b. 27 (9) 1643 [8?], Susanna b. 4 (12) 1646. Will dated 20 May, prob. 25 Oct. 1676, beq. to his wife Mary his whole interest in the lands given to her by her father Beesbech at Hetcorne and Frittingden in co. Kent, Eng.; to sons Thomas, William, Edmund and Hopestill; to dau. Mary, wife of Benja- min Rice, and her son Ebenezer; to daus. Elizabeth and Sarah B.; to gr. ch. Mary, Thankful, Patience and Sarah B. William, planter, Salisbury, bro. of George and Henry, propr. 1639. Memb. chh. 1677. He m. about 1645 Elizabeth Murford. She became insane in connection with the witchcraft delusion, 1G61-1692. [Es. Files.] Ch. Mary b. 17 (4) 1647, (m. Thomas Hoyt,) William b. 24 (12) 1648, Ephraim b. 24 (4) 1650, Martha b. 5 (5) 1654, Elizabeth b. 6 (6) 1656, (m. Samuel Clough,) Sarah b. 12 (2) 1658, (m. Benjamin Brown). He d. Aug. 24, 1706. BROWNELL, Thomas, planter, Braintree, sold land in 1640. [L.] Had accts. with Robert Keaine 22 (12) 1G46. [A.] 75 BROWNING, BE.OWNINGE, JIalacby, geut., (called also Brown,) Watertown, propr. 1642. Signed as one of the appraisers of John Simson's estate (2) 1G45. A letter of attorney was made 23 (10) 1644 to him to receive an annuity of S li. a year, to be paid by the com. of Chelms- ford. He made Capt. Robert Harding of Boston his agent, 13 (S) 1047, to arrange with Mr. Thomas Browning of Mauldon in Essex, clerk, for reversion in Ratchford Hundred, Essex. [A.] He d. at Mr. Robert Scott's house in Bos- ton 27 (9) 1653. Thomas, Salem, 1636, frm. April IT, 1637. Town officer. He deposed in 1(560, ae. about 73 years. Rem. to Topsfleld before 1G61, aud was dism. 9 Nov. 1663, to join in the forming of a chh. tliere. Ch. Mary bapt. 7 (11) 1637, Deborah bapt. 31 (11) 1646. He d. Feb. 1670. Will, dated Feb. 16, 1670, prob. 28 (4) 1671. Gr. son Thomas Towne, daus. Towne, Simons, Williams and Meaeh- am; wife exec. Joseph Williams and Isaac Meacham agreed on division of the est. 17 (2) 1675. BRTJEN, BBEWEN, Obediah, of Shrewsbury, Eng.. draper, who had been a res. of Fiscataqua. sold June 21, 1642, his share in that Patent which he had purchased of Richard Percyvall, draper, of Shrewsbury, May 4, 1640. [Mass. Arch.] Rem. to Plymouth; prop. frm. 1 March, 1640-1, but did not remain. Settled at Glou- cester. Frm. May 19, 1042. Town officer, deputy, surveyor of the arms. Com. to end small causes. [See autograph in Es. Files I, 17.] Rem. to New London, Conn. BRYANT, BRYAN, BRIAN, John, Sen., Scituate. He d. at Cohannack, (Taunton,) April 28, 1638. Will prob. June 17, 163S. All to son John except a gift to Richard Paul. Inv. taken by Mrs. Elizabeth Poole, Mrs. Jane Poole, Wm. Scradding and Richard Paul. Mr. John Gilbert to take care of the portion of the son John. [Reg. IV, 36.] Stephen, Plymouth, 1638, Duxbury, atba. 1643. In Court in 1651. Frm. June 6, 16.54. John Shaw, Jr., calls him bro-in- law. His dan. Abigail m. Lieut. John Bry- ant Nov. 23, 1665. [Reg. XXXV, 37.] BRYANT, etc., cent. Thomas, servant to Samuel Eedy, be- fore Plym. Court in 1632. Servant to Mr. Allerton, before Boston Court 14 (4) 1642. BUCK, BXTKE, Christian, ae. 26, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Isaac, blacksmith, Scituate, atba. 1643. Referred to in Plym. Col. Rec. in le.'iO and 1655. James, with his servant John Morfleld, came from Hingham, Eng. in 1638 and set- tied at Hingham. Propr., frm. May 22, 1039. He m. at Dorchester June 4, 1639, name of wife not known. Ch. bur. 13 June, 1640, James b. and d. 1642, Lydia bapt. Dec. 13, 1643, James d. 24 April, 1646, Abiel bapt. April 26. 1646, Lydia d. 19 April, 1667. Ch. Lydia, left without father or mother, was a charge of Hingham some years. Ann Bate had care of her. [Arch. 105.] [See Roger Williams.] William, plow-wright, ae. 50, and Roger, ae. 18, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Settled at Cambridge; res. in 1650. He d. Jan. 24, 1657-8, ae. about 73. Inv. filed April 3, 1658, by his son Roger, adminr. BUCKETT, Marie, came in the Anne in 1623 to Plymouth; had lot adjoining that of Joseph Rogers. BUCKLAND, Thomas, frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. William, carpenter, Hingham, (see Plaistow.) propr. 1635. [L.] Rem. to Reho- both. Ch. Benjamin b. July 2, 1640. He sold land in Hing. May 25, 1661. BUCKLEY, see Bulkley, William, shoemaker, Ipswich, 164S, endorsed bond of John Johnson in 1654. BUCKMASTER, BUCKMINSTER, James, Sudbury, propr. 1640. Thomas, laborer, Boston, had grant from Gen. Court 3 March, 1639-40; adm. chh. 4 (8) 1645, frm. May 6, 1646. Wife Joan ndm. from chh. of Scituate 4 (8) 1645. Had 76 BUCKMASTER, etc., cont. land at Sudbury in 1039. Son Lawrence d. 1645 or 104U; beq. to sister Elizabeth B.; Abigail Sherman; bro. Zachary B.; my fath- er; Thomas Spaule and his dau. Mary. He d. Sept. 28, 1G30. Will mentions wife Joanna, ch. Zachary, Thomas, Joseph, Ja- bez; daus. Elizabeth Spowell (and her two ch.), Mary Stevens, Dorcas Corben, and Sa- rah B. [Reg. VI, 3.53, and XIX, 37.] The widow m. Sept. 1, 1661, Edward Garfield, q. V. BTJCKNAM, AVilliam, carpenter, Charlestown. men- tioned in inv. of Nathaniel Sparhawk in 1647. Rem. to Maiden. He deposed 25 (7) 1665, ae. about 03 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Sarah, dau. of Prudence Wilkinson; she petitioned 16 (8) 1602. [Mdx. Files.] Peti- tion concerning son John in 1641. [L.] Other ch. Mercle b. 14 (12) 1047, Sarah b. July, 1050, William b. Aug., 1052, Mehetabel b. Aug., 1634, Edward b. (7) 1057, Samuel d. 13 (7) 1658, Samuel b. Feb., 1059, (was ap- prenticed to John Atkinson, feltmaker, 3 July, 1678). [Es. Files.] He d. March 28, 1679. BUFFAM, BTJFFUM, Robert, Salem, 1638. Wife Thamesin; ch. Lydia b. 19 (12) 1646. [Es. Files.] Admin, gr. to widow Tamson 2 (10) 1669; deposition of Gertrude Pope. Petition or Robert Wilson, John Hill, Wm. Beanes anfl Jeremiah Neale, children and heirs of the deceased, Nov. 25, 1678, and deposition or his dau. Mary Neale, ae. about 30 yrs. Sons Caleb and Joshua referred to. The widow's ■will, dated 10 May, prob. at Boston 13 June, 16S8, beq. to daus. Sarah Beans, Lydia Lock- er, Mary Neele; to the ch. of dau. Margaret Smith; to gr. ch. Deborah Forster and her bro. Robert Willson; Exercise Pope, Da- maris Buffum, Sarah Darlin, Caleb and Tam- masin B., Lydia Lennard and her sister Elizabeth Beckett, Tammazen and Robert Beans, Elizabeth Kellam. Jeremiah Neele; and to sons .Joshua and Caleb. BTJGBEE, BTIGBY, BUGBYE, Edward, ae. 40. wife Rebecca, ae. 32, and dau. Sarah, ae. 4. came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30. 16.34. Settled at Rox- bury. Ch. Joseph b. June 6. 1040, an in- BUGBEE, etc., cont. fant b. and d. 1642. He was adm. chh., an old man, 20 (6) 1665. He d. 27 (11) 1668, ae. above 80. Will prob. 30 Jan., 1668. Son Joseph dau. Sarah Cham- berlain and her ch. Mary and Rebecca C. Son-in-law Richard Chamberlaine exec. [Reg. XIX, 163.] Richard, Roxbury, frm. May 18, 1631. Wife Judith. He d. before 1042. His widow m. Robert Parker, q. v. BUITT, BEWYT, George, Sandwich, propr. 1040, atba. 1643, constable, 1645. BULFINCH, John, Salem, propr., adm. chh. 21 (9) 1640, frm. May 18, 1642. Ann, [wife,] adm. chh. 4 (2) 1641. BTJLGAR, Richard, bricklayer, planter, Boston; paid for work at the fort by Mr. Pynchon in 1632; adm. chh. 13 (2) 1634. Ch. John bapt. at Bo. 20 (2) 1634. He was dism. to chh. at the Falls of Pasch- cataqua 6 (11) 1038. Res. at Dover in 1640. [L.] BULL, Henry, ae. 19, cert, from St. Savior's, Southwark, Eng., named in list of the Eliz- abeth in April, 1035. Henry, ae. 25, came in the James in July, 1635. Thomas, ae. 25, came in the Hopewell in Sept., 1635. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. William, Cambridge. He deposed 7 (8) 1650, ae. about 38 years, that in 1638 he was in the service of Capt. Cooke at his mill close by Major Gibbons' land. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Blyth; dau. Rebecca b. 22 (6) 1644. Will dated 21 May, prob. 12 Oct. 1687, beq. to wife; to sons John, Samuel and Elisha; daus. Rebecca and Mary. BXJLKLEY, BUCKLEY, Rev. Peter, ae. 50, came in the Susan and Ellen in May. 1635, with John, ae. 15, Benjamin, ae. 11, and Daniel, ae. 9; Grace, 77 BULKLEY, etc., cont. ae. 33, was enrolled in the list of the Eliz- abeth and Ann. Settled at Cambridge; householder 8 Feb. 1635. He was of an hon- orable family, a son of Edward B., D.D., and was b. at Woodhil (or Odel) in Bedford- shire, Jan. 31, 1082; grad. St. John's Coll. Cambridge; was silenced for non-conformity. His first wife was dan. of Mr. Thomas Al- len of Goldington; by her he had 9 sons and two daus.; 8 years after her death he m. a dau. of Sir Richard Chitwood, by whom he had 3 sons and one dau. He brought large wealth and did great good. Gave many boolis to the library of Harvard College. Wrote The Gospel Covenant. [C. M.] [See Reg. 42, 45 and 52, and Genealogy.] He hal leave Sept. 1, 1635, with about 12 more families, to begin a town at JXusketaquid, (Concord,) where he was pastor. Sous Ed- ward and Thomas also came here and had families. Ch. b. at C: Dorothie b. 2 (fi) 1040, Peter b. 12 (6) 1643. He d. 9 March, 1658-9. Will dated 14 April, 1658, prob. 20 (4) 1G59; in his 76th year; beq. to wife; to sons Edward, Eliezer and Peter; to dau. Dorothy one hundred pounds iu England which came by the death of one of wife's sisters; to son .John in Eng. and son Joseph, res. not specified; to the widow of dec. son Thomas; to my lord Oli- ver St. John, Chief Justice of the Common pleas; to several individuals. [Reg. X, 167.] EULLARD, BULWARD, George, Watertown. He deposed 28 (10) 1658, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife, Mergrett, d. 8 (12) 1639. He m. 2, lU-atrice Hall, (q. v.) Ch. Mary b. Feb. 12, 1630-40, Jacob b. 6 (2) 1642, Jonathan b. July 12, 1G47. Beatrice d. at Dedham 29 (3; 1652. He m. April 30, 1655, widow Mary Maple- head. He d. Jan. 14, 1688-9. John, Dedham, propr., 1638; adm. chh. with wife Magdelen 2 (5) 1639. Ch. Abi- gail b. 8 (8) 1641, Joseph b. 26 (2) 1643, Han- nah b. 1 (12) 1645, Michael b. 21 (1) 1648. Robert, Watertown, before 1639. "Robert Bullard, the husband of Anne Bullard, bur. 29 (4) 1639, 40 years old." The widow m. 2, Henry Thorp; she had grant of land in 1644. Ch. Benjamin, (m. in Ded- ham 5 (2) 1659, Martha, dau. of Thomas 78 BULLARD, etc., cont. Pidge,) and two or more daughters. [See Thorp.] William,. Dodham, propr., 1638; with wife adm. chh. 13 (10) 1639. Rem. to Charlestown; propr. He d. at Dedh. 24 Dec. 1686, ae. about 85 years. He made will July 5, 1679, codicil 22 May ,1684, prob. at Boston 17 March, 1686-7. Beq. to wife Mary; daus. Mary and Eliza- beth; house and land at Dedham to son Na- thaniel; grand child William, son of Isaac, dec. N. B. Some William B. was memb. chh. of Cambridge in 1658, with wife Mary, for- merly wife of Francis Grisold. [Mi.] BULLEN, BULLEIN, [BOLEYN,] Samuel, Dedham, 1639, propr. 23 (4) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Medfield; deacon. He m. 10 (6) 1641, Mary, dau. of Samuel Morse; she was adm. chh. 7 (4i 1646. Ch. Mary b. 20 (5) 1642, Samuel b. 19 (10) 1G44, Elizabeth b. 3 (12) 1646, (m. Benjamin Wheelock). He d. Jan. 16, 1691-2; division of his est. was made .Tune 24, 1697, to sons Samuel and Joseph and the other heirs, viz. Mary Clarke, John Bullen, Elisha Bullen, the children of Elizabeth Wheelock. the children of Ephraim Bullen, children of Melatiali Fish- er; and Bethia Colburu. BULLFLO'WER, see Bellflower. BULLOCK, Edward, husbandman, ae. 32, came in the Elizabeth April 17. 1635. Will, dated at Dorchester 25 (5) 1649. About to go to Eng. Beq. to wife and daughter-in-law Hannah Johnson. Prob. 29 Jan., 1656. List of debts. [Reg. VI, 355.] Erasmus, Boston, 1632. Henry, husbandman, ae. 40, with wife Susan, ae. 42 and ch. Henry, ae. 8, Mary, ae. 6, and Thomas, ae. 2, cert, from the par- ish of St. Lawrence, Essex, Eng.. c.qnie in the Abigail in June. 163.5. Settled at Charlestown. propr., 1638. Rem. to Salem about 1644. His wife Susan d. about 2 Nov. 1644. [Es Files.] He d. 27 (10) 1663. Will dated Dec. 21, 1663, prob. 29 (4) 1664; wife Elizabeth, son Thomas, gr. ch. John and Elizabeth, ch. of his dec. son, Henry. BUMPAS, BUMPASS. BOMPASSE, Edward, came iu the Fortune in 1621 to Plj'moutu. Settled at Marslifield, taxed in 1U32, atba. 1G43. Dusbury, propr., 1645. Took oath of fidelity iu 1057. CU. Sarah b. March 9, 1631, Elizabeth b. March 2'J, 1633, John b. June 2, 1636, Edward b. April 15, 1638, Joseph b. Feb. 15, 1639-10, Isaac b. last of March, 1642, Jacob b. March 25, 1644, Hannah b. Ai>ril 3, 1646. BUMSTEAD, Edward, frm. May 13, 1640. Thomas, brazier, pewterer, Roxbury. Rem. to Boston about 1644. Wife Susanna; ch. Anna b. June 20, 1639, Mary b. April 24, 1642, Joseph bapt. in Bo. 24 (9) 1644, ae. about 7 days, [W.] Mercy bapt. 20 (11) 1649, ae. about 5 days, Joseph b. Oct. 21, 1653. His dau. Hannah m. April 18, 1659, Thomas Shearer; his son Thomas d. May 3, 1661. With wife Susanna was adm. chh. 30 (10) 1660. Lydia, wife of Mr. John Miller of Yarmouth d. at his house Aug. 7, 1658. Will dated 25 May, prob. 4 Aug. 1677; son Jeremy, daus. Hannah, wife of Thomas Sherwood; Mary, wife of Ambrose Dawse, and Mary, wife of Samuel Bosworth; wife Susanna. BUNDY, John, Plymouth, apprenticed to Griffin Mountague, carpenter, for 8 years from March 14, 1635, transferred to elder Wm. Brewster March, 1636-7. In Court 21 Aug. 1637. Served 17 days against the Narragan- setts from 15 Aug., 1645. Rem. to Boston; thence to Taunton. Wife Martha; ch. Mar- tha b. in Boston Nov. 2, 1649, Mary b. 5 Oct., 1G53, James b. 29 Sept. 1664, Patience d. March 27, 1655, Sarah b. 4 March, 1668, Sam- uel b. 4 Oct. 1670, John b. 6 Oct. 1077, Jo- seph b. 1 Jan. 1679, Edward b. 13 Aug. 1681. Wife Martha d. May 1, 1674; he m. 9 Jan. 1076, Jane Gurney of Mendon. He made will in April. 1681;— Senior, ae. 64 years; beq. to wife and son James; other children by this wife. BUNKER, BUNCKER, BTJNCAR, George, Charlestown, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Town officer. Gave marriage por- tion to his son John on his marriage with Hannah, dau. of Edward Mellows, dec. 4 (3) 1061. His wife Goodith (Judith) was adm. chh. 17 (2) 1636; she d. 10 (8) 1648. He BUNKER, etc., cont. ni. 2, Margaret How. Her will prob. Dec. 18, 1660, beq. to heirs of her first husband in Watertown. He d. at Maiden in 1664. Will prob. 4 (8) 1664; sons Benjamin, Jonathan and John; and three daus. These were Mary, Martha and Elizabeth. [Wyman.] BUNN, BUNNE, Edward, Hull, one of the first planters. May 20, 1642. Propr. 1657. He, widower, m. in Boston 20 (6j 1657, Elizabeth Mason. Will dated 14 April, prob. 20 (8^ 1673, beq. to cousin James Mason, now living with him; cousin Samuel Lee; wife Elizabeth; cousin Sarah Mason. BUNTING, Ann, [Boston?] her will presented for prob. 28 (11) 1640, in Gen. Court. Thomas, apprenticed himself 5 Nov., 1644, to Phinehas Pratt for 8 yrs. BURBANK, see Borebancke, John, Rowley, propr., town officer, frm. May 13, 1640. First wife Ann; second wife Jemima; ch. John, ("little John," credited W'ith work on fencing in 1648,) Timothy b. 18 (3) 1641, bur. July 14, 1600, Lydia b. 7 (2) 1044, Caleb b. 19 (3) 1040, Mary b. 16 (3) 1655, bur. July 12, 1060. He made will 5 April, 1681, prob. 10 April, 1683; aged and decrepid; beq. to wife Geml- na; sons Caleb and John; gr. son Timothy, son of John; and dau. Lydia. The widow Jemima d. 24 March, 1692-3. BURCHAM, BURGHER. BURCHUM, see Birchall, Edward, came in the Anne in 1623 to Plymouth; lot assigned for 2 persons. Land formerly his referred to in 1648. Hem. to Lynn; propr. 1638. Rem. to Salem; frm. 31 (1) 1640. [Es. Court.] George, of Lincoln, mercer, directed payment to be made to Edward B. of Lynn, N. E. 23 (2) 1641. [L.] BURDEN. BUBDON, George, shoemaker, tanner, Boston, adm. chh. 8 (11) 1036, frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Anne adm. chh. 6 (9) 1630. She sent power of attorney from Bristol, Eng.; to her 79 BUKDEN, etc., cont. husband April 8, 1G52. Ch. Thomas b. and d. 1G3T, Elisha b. 4 (12) 163S, Ezekiel b. 28 (1) 1641, Joseph and Benjamin b. and d. 1643, Hannah bapt. 4 (3) 1645, Elizabeth bapt. 28 (9) 1647, ae. about 5 weeks, 4 days, Elisha bapt. S (5) 1650. Will dated 15 (8) 1652, prob. April 30, 1657; ■wife and 2 ch. who may stay in England; father Soulsby; his bro. Timothy. Estate in Old and New Eng. BURDENDON, see Bedortha. BUBDETT, BIRDETT, BIRDITT, Mr. George, Salem, 1634. Frm. Sept. 2, 1635. Rem. to Dover, 1638. [W.] BURDLEY, Giles, Ipswich, resident, 1648-1656. He d. before 1668, when his exec. Theo- philus Wilson confirmed the sale of some land. BURG, BURGESS, BTTRGES, BURGIS, BTJRGE, BXJRDGE, BIRGE, BIRDGE, James, ae. 14, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635; settled at Boston. He m. 19 (8) 1052, Lydia Meed. She was adm. chh. 14 (5) 1661. Sara, adm. chh. 9 (4) 166]. Inv. of his est. pres. by wife Lydia 31 (11) 1670. John, Sen., Sandwich, 1638; made will 14 Aug. 1700, prob. July 3, 1701; beq. to sons John, Thomas, Joseph, Samuel and Jacob; daus. Martha and 4 others. Son Thomas to have certain things till the death of his aunt Martha Severance; wife Mary. Richard, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Robert, Lynn, a witness in 1648. De- posed in 1657, ae. about 36 years. Good- wife, deposed in 1663, ae. about 45 years. Thomas, (Burg,) Sen., Duxbury, propr. 1637, juryman 1642. Rem. to Sandwich, atba. 1643; town officer, 1645; served against the Narragansetts in -1^45. Dau. Elizabeth m. Feb. 12, 1651, Ezra Perry; son Thomas, Sandwich, m. Nov. 8, 1648, Elizabeth Bas- sett. They were divorced 10 June, 1661, at her desire. Thomas, Sen. Sandwich, made will 4 Oct. 1684, prob. 2 March, 1684-5; beq. to wife [Martha,] son Thomas B. ,of Rhode BURG, etc., cont. I&land, sous Jacob, John and Joseph; son Ezra Perry; gr. ch. Thomas, son of John. BURGH, Master Burgh, a minister out of office at Dorchester, mentioned by Lechford in Plain Dealing in 1642. May refer to Rev. Jonathan Burr. BURKBEE, BURPEE, Thomas, Boston, watchman, before the Court 3 Sept., 1639. Rem. to Rowley; propr. 1649. He deposed in 1671, ae. about 58 years. He m. Martha, dau. of John Cheney of New- bury, widow of Anthony Sadler; she was bur. Jan. 24, 1658, and he m. Sarah, dau. of John Kelly. Ch. Hannah b. (1) 1G55, John b. 1656, d. 1657, Sarah b. 1658, d. 1660. Sarah b. 15 (12) 1660, Thomas b. 25 (10) 1663. He d. 1 June, 1701. BURLEY, Phebe, maid servant to Mr. John Cot- ton, adm. chh. Boston 31 (1) 1639. BURMAN, see Boardman. BURNELL, BUNNELL, William, Pulling Point, Boston, jury- man, 1630. Hired one third of the weir at Menotomy in 1641. Wife Mary adm. chh. IJ (4) 1643; ch. Elizabeth bapt. 18 (4) 1643, John b. (8) 1644. The wife Mary d. 16 (9) 1645; he m. 2, Sarah . His will dated 16 (2) 1660, prob. May 17, 1661, beq. to wife Sarah, ch. John, Samuel and Sarah. [Reg. IX, 230, and X, 270.] BURNAP, BURNOP, BURNOPP, BUR- NETT, Robert, Roxbury, propr. about 1640. Rem. to Reading: propr. 1652. Mortg. farm In 1655. Wife Ann d. at Read. April 27, 1681. He m. 2, Mary . Ch. an infant bur. at Rox.1642. Thomas, a father in 1664, Sarah b. 6 (9) 1653. Robert B., Sen., with wife Mary, R. B., Jr. with wife Sarah, and Thomas B., all of Reading, and Isaac Bullard of Ded- ham, with wife Ann, deeded to Elias Park- man in 1668 all their interest in half of a farm in Salem, formerly in possession ol Isaac Burnap. dec. He deposed in his suit 80 BTJBNAP, etc., cont. in court in 1053, ae. about 58 years. [Arch. 38 B.] He a. Sept. 27, 1089. Will dated 15 Nov. 1088, prob. Oct. 1, 1089, beq. to sous Tliomas and Robert; daus. Ann Goenes, [Jones,] and Sarah Browne; cousin Thomas B.; gr. ch. Joseph and Thomas, Sarah and Isaac Soutn- ericke. BUBNES, Margaret, Boston, servant to Mr. John Cotton, adm. chh. 27 (5) 1034. BURNHAM, BURNAM, sec Boardman, John, carpenter, Ipswich, propr.; served in the Peqiuot war and reed, pay from the town in 1039 and 1043. Reed, bequest from kinsman Robert Andrews. Sold house and lot 1 (4) 1648. Wife Mary deposed in 1670, ae. about 45 years; dau. Mary, at same time, ae. about 19. His will signed 31 Dec. 1703, prob. Jan. 24 folg. beq. to sons John and Thomas; to •wife Elizabeth; ch. Joseph, Jacob, Jonathan, David, Abigail and Mary. Owned % of the brigendeen Swan. Robert, yeoman, Boston, sold house- lot in 1648. Bought land at Oyster River May 12, 1657. [Suff. De.] Wife Frances; ch. Robert b. 25 (7j 1647. Elizabeth b. 27 (8) 1051. Thomas, carpenter, Ipswich, propr. 1047. Had land next to that of his brother in 1648. He deposed March 29, 1059, ae. about 40 years; called Simon Tuttle brother, and spoke of uncle John T. in England. His wife Mary, ae. 35, deposed concerning her mother, Mrs. T. at the same time. They testified 23 Jan. 1084, regarding the prom- ises made by Thomas Clarke to his son John C. at the time the latter was about to marry their daughter. His will dated 10 Jan. 1693-4, being aged and infirm; prob. 29 Sept. 1094; had formerly given to sons Thomas, John and James; gives to his six daus. Mary, Johanna h, Abi- gail, Ruth, Sarah and Hester what his wife had desired; residue to wife Mary. BTTBR, BTJRBE, Benjamin, Cambridge, 1636. Jehu, Springfield, one of the founders in 1635-6. [Reg. XIII, 297.] Was paid £18 for the carpenter work on the plantation 81 BTJBB, etc., cont. house; signed the compact May 16, 1636. Measured land. Deputy. Mr. John, frm. May 18, 1631. Rev. Jonathan b. at Redgrave, Suft. about 1004; ministered at Horninger and Beckingshal; was silenced. Came to N. B. with wife and 3 children. [C. M.] Having been a minister in Eng., and of very good report there for piety and learning was In- vited to be asst. pastor at Dorchester 21 (10) 1039. Was charged with teaching familism, «tc., and much discussion took place; he re- nounced his erroneous expressions in 1040. [W.] He d. Aug. 9, 1041. [Blake's Annals.] His widow Frances m. Mr. Richard Dummer, and was dism. to Rowley chh. 25 (7) 1664. Ch. Mary bapt. 23 (10) 1639. Rebecca, memb. chh. Dorchester 4 (12) 1039. Simon, farmer, Hingham. Wife Rose d. 24 (4) 1647; he m. 2, Nov. 28, 1648, Hester ; she d. 3 Feb., 1692-3. Ch. Esther d. 20 (10)' 1645, Hannah b. 7 (0) 1640, Henry d. 14 (12) 1046, Simon and Hannah bapt. Feb. 25, 1654-5, John b. Jan. 6, 1059, Jonathan b. June 13, 1005, d. in Canada Exped. 1090. He d. 7 Feb., 1091-2. Admin, gr. to son Simon. BURRAGE, BOBRAGE, John, Charlestown, 1637. Clerk of market, ferryman. He was ae. 45 in 1662. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Mary adm. chh. wltn him 10 (2) 1642. He m. 2, Joanna Stower, (Jie. 47 in 1671;) who d. Dec. 25, 1080. CH. Mary bapt. 8 (3) 1041, (m. John Marshall,) Hannah b. 14 (10) 1043, (m. John French,) John, ae. 22 in 1608, Elizabeth, (m. Thomas Deane,) Nathaniel b. 1055, d. 1656, William b. June 10, 1657, Sarah b. 24 (11) 1658-9, (m. Wm. Johnson, Bethia bapt. 26 (S) 1661, Thomas b. May 26, 1663, Ruth b. Feb. 28. 1664-5, (m. Ignatius White,) Joanna d. 16 (4) 1668. He d. 19 (8) 1685. Inv. filed by widow- Joanna 15 Dec. folg. Her inv. was taken 13 <1) 1689-90. An agreement for division or the est. was made 2 May, 1694, by Mary Marshall, Hannah French, Elizabeth Poor, William, Bethiah and Thomas B., Sarati Johnson, Ruth White, and Susanna, dau. of John B. dee. BUERELL, BUBRILL, BTJRWELL, George, Sen., Lynn, in Es. Court, 1G37; propr. 1638. Will, dated Oct. 18, 1053, prob. 21 (i) 16.j3; sons Francis, Jolin and George; Francis, child. Ann Burt, in her will calls Francis Burrill her brother. Anne Burrell, wido-sv, d. in Boston 3 Aug., 1659. [Note. In Boston, Eng., Jan. 12, 1620, George Burrell, of Boston, ae. 26, and Mary Cooper of Appley, ae. 20, were lie. to marry.] John, (Burules,) ae. 26, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. John, shoemaker, Roxbury, 1634. Wife Sarah; dau. Sarah b. in July, 1634. Will dated Aug. 3, 1654. Est. to be divided between his wife Sarah and dau. Sarah. Kichard Davis, who had m. the dau. Sarah, was app. admin, jointly with the widow 19 Feb., 1656. [Beg. VI, 353.] BTIRROITGHS, BURROWS. BURROW, BOROWE, Edward, Marshfield, propr. 1650. Jeremiah, Seituate, served against the Narragansetts in 1645. He m. May, 1G51, Hewes; ch. Jeremiah b. March 11, 1651- 2, John b. Nov. 1653, Elizabeth b. March 5, 1654-5. Mary b. Dec. 2, 1656. He lem. to Marshfield. He was drowned. Inquest. Admin, gr. Dec. 3, 1660, to his widow for herself and children. John, of Yarmouth, Eng., cooper, ae. 28, and Anne his wife, ae. 40, passed exam, to go to Salem, N. E. May 10, 1637. Propr. 14 (6) 1637; town officer. John, servant to Mr. John Haule, was before the Gen. Court 6 (7) 1638, for seducing others to his opinions; and J. H. gave bonas for him. In Court 1 Sept., 1640. Robert, Marblehead, propr. 1649. William, ae. 19, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. BURSALL, BURSELL, see Birchall, James, Yarmouth, atba. 1643, town officer, 1645. Admin, gr. 1 Nov., 1670, to widow Emmett, Enet or Euett, and Silas Saers. The 3 dans. to be joint heirs. John, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. 82 BURSLEY, BURSLYNlSr, BURSLYN, Mr. John, Dorchester, propr.. frm. May 18, 1631. Deputy. See acct. of his servant Thomas Lane in 1634. John, Sandwich, m. Mr. Hull's dau. about Nov. 28, 1639. [Sci. and Barns. Chh. Rec] Rem. to Barnstable; his wife adm. chh. July 22, 1643. Constable, 1645. Ch. - d. Jan 25, 1G40, Mary bapt. July 29, 1643, John b. and d. 1644, Johannah bapt. March 1, 1645-6, Elizabeth bapt. March 21, 1049, John bapt. April 11, 1652. The inv. of his est. rend. Aug. 21. 1660, by John Smith and John Chipman. BURT, BUBTES, Edward, salter, shop-keeper, Charles- town. The Court ordered that he should keep Robert Way Aug. 5, 1634. He rec'd a legacie Oct. 24, 1653, from his uncle Thomas Burt, property at Darkin, co. Surrey, Eng. Car- ried on trade with the Barbadoes; dealt In sugar, etc. [Mdx. De. I, 136.] Henry, Springfield, town officer, 1642; frm. April 13, 1648. Clerk of the writs. One of the four men who conducted Sab- bath services in 1651, in absence of a min- ister. Wife Ulalia d. Aug. 19, 1690. Ch. Hannah b. April 28. 1641, (m. Dec. 24, 1657, John Bag,) a dau. b. 1643, Patience b. Aug. IS, 1645, (m. Oct. 7, 1667, John Bliss,) Mercy b. Sept. 27, 1647; sons named in admin, pa- pers Jonathan and Nathaniel. [Reg. XXXII, 302.] He d. April 31, 1662; had given part of bis est. to son Nathaniel; wished his wife to have the rest. Hugh, yeoman, ae. 35, with Ann, ae. 32. Hugh. ae. 15, Edward, ae. 8. and Wm. Bassett, ae. 9, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Lynn. Propr. 1638. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 70 yrs.; had lived in Lynn about 25 yrs. He gave letter of attorney 19 (7) 1646, to receive of Susan, widow of Thomas Burt of Darkin, eo. Sur- rey .cordwinder, 20 li. as per his will, with annuities for 2 yrs., with legacies to Hugh, Jr., and Thomas B. [A.] The son Hugh d. in 1650, appointing his father overseer. He d. Nov. 2, 1661; will dated 7 Oct., prob. 20 (9) 1061, gives to his son Edward all in- terest he has in housing or land in London or elsewhere in Eng., falling to him from his bro. John dec. Son William Bassett; gr. STJB.T, etc., cont. cli. Mary aud Sarah, daus. of his dee. son Hugh. His wife was exec. She d about 1C73. Will dated 8 Jan. lUOi, prob. 20 (4) 1073; beq. to Bassett ch., to Ellen, wife of Wni. aud Hannah Bartrom, to Lydia Bur- rill and to bro. Francis Burrill. Jaiues, Taunton. Town officer, 1045; juror. Guardian to Richard, son of his bro. Richard, late of Taunton, 20 Oct., 1617. Wife Anna d. Aug. 17, 1065. His will prob. 2 March, lOSO; aged and weak; beq. to eldest son James, son Thomas, dans. Hannah aud Rachel and H.'s eh. Ja- cob Hathney (or Hacliuey). John, ae. 29, came in the Defense in July, 1635. Settled at Springfield; taxed in 1638. Richard, Taunton, his death referred to in Plym. Col. Rec. 1047; child Richard survived. Roger, Cambridge. Wife Susan; ch. Samuel b. (12) 1042. BURTON, Boniface, Lynn, frm. May 6. 1635. Juryman, 1636; propr. 1038. Rem. to Read- ing about 1644. In Essex Court 1643. Old father Boniface Burton, aged 113 years, d. 13 (4) 1609. [S.] Will, dated 21 Feb. 1666-7, prob. (Suff.) 24 June, 1609. Wife Frances; niece, wife to Samuel Bennett, her husband and ch. [Reg. XX, 242.] The widow, of Boston, made will 11 Feb. 1009, prob. 17 April. 1679. Beq. to Mary aud Han- nab, daus. of Maj. Gen. John Leverett; to Sarah, wife of Hudson Leverett; to several other women; residue to be divided between Hannah and Rebecca Leverett, Rebecca Davenport and Sarah Addington. Edward, Charlestown, before the ■Court Oct. 3, 1632, propr. 1033; rem. to Hing- ham. John, Salem, 1636. Bought land In 1649. He deposed in 1666, ae. about 58 years. Will, (John, Sen.) dated 14 Oct. prob. 10 Nov. 1084, beq. to sons John, Samuel and Isaac; dau. Hannah, wife of Wm. Osborne and her eh. Samuel O. and others. Richard, before Plymouth Court T June, 1648. BURTON, etc., cont. Thomas, grocer, of London, res. in Bos- ton in 1045 aud signed petition for the re- moval of restriction upon freemanship, in 1045. [W.] His house at Strawberry Bank was sold by Wm. Brenton 4 (11) 1650. Thomas, Hingham, m. Margaret, dau. of John Ottis; ch. Hannah b. May 30, 1041, Phebe b. May 12, 1044, Sarah b. Dec, 1045, Ruth b. Aug. 24, 1040. d. Aufe. 17, 1047, Sa- rah b. May 13, 1649. His widow d. 21 Oct. 1670. BURWOODE, Ales, before the Gen. Court 4 (10) 163S. Thomas, defendant in a suit in Salem court in 1040. Went to England that year. [Es. Court Ree.] BUSBY, BUSBEY, Nicholas, weaver, ae. 50, with wife Bridget, ae. 53, and ch. Nicholas, John, Abra- ham and Sarah, of Norwich, Eng., passed exam. April 8, 1037, to go to Boston in N. E. and there inhabit. Settled at Watertown, propr., 1637, selectman. One of those who surveyed the line between Mass. an-i Plym. plantations in 1659. [Arch. Col. 23.] Will, dated July 25, 1057, son Abraham, sons-in-law William and John Grout, all in N. E. and son John in Eng. Dec. son Nich- olas; daus. Anne Nickerson and Katharine Savory and Sarah Grout. Books of Physic aud Divinity; and weaver's tools. The wid- ow Bridget deeded property to these ch.. May 14, 1059. In v. of her est. was pres- ented July 3, 1060. [Reg. VIII, 278, and X, 173.] William, presented to Gen. Court, for drunkenness, June 5, 1638, was found to have the falling sickness. BUSCOTT, BUSKETT, BUSGUTT, James, ae. 28, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. Peter, smith, had lawsuit in Essex court in 1638. BUSH, Randolph, or Reynold, Cambridge, propr. 1041. Mortg. land in 1644 and re- deemed It in 1657. 83 BtrSHELL, Rutli, ae. 23, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. ETJSHNELL, BUSHNALL, Francis, carpenter, ae. 2G, came in the Planter in April, 1635, with Marie, ae. 26, and ch. Martha, ae. 1 yr. Settled at lioston. Adm. inhabitant, Salem, 1636. He d. at the Winthrop farm at Ten Hills 2S (1) 1636. The widow Jlartha, adm. chh. 3 (12) 163S. Her ch. Mary bapt 17 (12) 1038, (m. 3 (S) 1657, George Robinson). John, barber, glazier, came in the Hopewell in April, 1G35, ae. 21. Settled at Salem. Was paid for glazing windows of meeting house in 1637. Rem. to Boston. Wife Jane; ch. Dorothy b. 19 (12) 1651, Sarah 1). 24 March, 1655, Elizabeth b. Aug., 1657, d. 17 (2) 1662, John b. 19 Jan., 1659, .Tane b. Dec. IS, 1662, William b. June 28, 1666. He d. about 5 Aug. 1667; admin, gr. to wid- ow Jane 11 (9) folg. Second admin, gr. 14 Dec. 1685, to son John, now of full age, for himself, his surviving sister and the child of his dec. sister. The widow had rem. out of this jurisdiction. BTJSHBODE, Thomas, merchant; witness to deed of Robert Nash Sept. 24, 1642. Accts. with Val. Hill 18 (12) 1645. Was of Kikatan in Tirginia in 1646. [A.] BtrSHOP. see Bishop, Richard, Plymouth, hired with Loye Brewster 3 Dec, 1638. Atba. 1643. BTJSSAKEE, Peter, before Gen. Court Sept. 6, 1636. BUSSE, BTJZIE, Simon, Salem, 1645. a witness in court in Ensign William, Concord, frm. March 14, 1638-9. Wife Ann d. Aug. 3, 1674. He m. 2, 24 Dec, 1674, Dorcas Jones; ch. Rich- ard b. 6 (.5) 1640, Ann b. 18 (12) 1641, (Hanna Busse m. Wm. Wheeler 30 Oct., 1659,) Na- thaniel b. 15 (1) 1646, Joseph b. 4 (3) 1649. EXJSWELL, BOSWELL, BUZZELL. Isaac, weaver, Salisbury, propr. 1639. Frm. Oct. 9, 1640. The Gen. Court allowed his removal to Hampton in 1039, but he re- turned. Frm. Oct. 9, 1640. Wife Margerite- d. 29 (7) 1642. He m. 2, Susanna , who d. March 21, 1676-7. Ch. William, Samuel,. Phebe, (m. John Gill,) Mary b. 29 (6) 1645, (m. Philip Brown,) Isaac b. 29 (5) 10.jO. He d. S July, 1683. Will dated April 9, IGSO, prob. Sept. 25, folg., beq. to son Wil- liam and his wife, dau. Sarah, son- in-law John Gill, husband of dau. Phebe, Philip^ Browne, (husband of dau. Mary,) and son Samuel B.; to the three ch. left by son Isaac^ and to gr. ch. Isaac, son of William. BUTCHER, see Garrett. EtTTLEE, Giles, husbandman from Marlborough,. Eng., came in the James, April 5, 1035. John, Newbury, frm. May 2, 1649. H& witnessed the will of Thos. Millard, 1653. Mr., Haverhill, propr., 1647. Nicholas, of Eastwell, Eng., yeoman» ■with wife Joice, 3 ch. and 5 servants, came from Sandwich, Eng.. before June 9, 1637; settled at Dorchester; propr. before Sept. 10, 1637. Frm. March -4. 1638-9. Gent.; town officer; sold land in Roxbury in 1652, hav- ing removed to Martha's Vineyard; gave power of attorney to son John in 1651, for sale of lands, etc. Son Henry was school- master at Dorch. in 1652 and proposed for minister at Uncatie in 1656. Richard, Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm.. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. Stephen, Boston, 1648. Thomas, laborer, Dusbury, In Court 7 June, 1637. Rem. to Sandwich, propr.^ 1640. Atba. 1643. Ch. (Patience b. Aug. 14, 1648,) Dorothy b. Jan. 23, 1650. William, bro. to Richard, Cambridge, propr. 1035, frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Hartford and d. in 1048-9. Inv. brought in to Suff. Prob. by Increase Nowell. admin> about 1652. BTTTMAN, see Pickton. John, Boston, 1649. 84 BUTTEBICK, BUTBICK, BUTTBICK, William, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1G35. [Perhaps he entered in one ship and then changed to the other.] William, an ostler, came in the Planter in April, 1G35, ae. 21. Settled at Concord, frm. May 26, 1647. Sergeant. Rem. to Chelmsford; was one of the com. to invite the pastor and church of Wenham to re- move to Chem. in 1654. [Wen. Chh. Rec] He deposed 28 (1) 1659, ae. about 43 years, as to a house bought by Matthew Allen. [Mdx. Files.] John Hastings calls him son- in-law. W'ife Mary; ch. Mary b. and d. 1648. Wife Sarah d. July 17, 1664. He m. 21 Feb., 1667, Jane Gooduow. Ch. John b. 21 Sept. 1653, Samuel b. 12 Jan., 1654, Edward b. and d. in 1656, Joseph b. 20 Dec, 1657, Sarah b. 27 July, 1662, Mary b. June 17, 1664, d. April 28, 1665. Will dated 1 March, 1687, ae. about 71 years; prob. June 28, 1698; beq. to eldest son John a house he built in Stow; to sou Sam- uel lands at Concord; to dau. Sarah l?arritt; to the ch. of all three. Signed William But- terick. BUTTALL, BUTTLE, BUTTLES, BUT- TOLPH, Leonard, briclilayer, bricli-maker, Bos- ton. His wife Judith adm. chh. 23 (3,' 1641. Sold land at Muddy River 25 (5) 1643. Oct. 22, 1652, he deeded land to secure the pay- ment of an annuity to the Free School of Boston. He deposed in the probate of MaJ. William Holmes of Scituate, ae. 41 years, June 1, 1654. Thomas, leather-dresser, glover, Bos- ton, adm. chh. 22 (7) 1639: frm. June 2, 1641. Came in the Abigail in May, 1635, ae. 32, with wife Anne, (Annis,) ae. 24. Settled at Boston. Anne adm. chh. 28 (7) 1639. Ch. Thomas b. 12 (6) 1637, John b. 28 (12) 1639, Abigail b. 18 (12) 1642, (m. Aug. 15, 1660, David Saywell,) Samuel bapt. 19 (5; 1646, Samuel bapt. 15 (6) 1647, Samuel bapt. 12 (9) 1648, Mehetabel b. 20 (8) 1651. He signed bond with John and Elizabeth (Harding) Frarye concerning Harding est. discharged 1 Oct., 1665. Will, dated 25 (3) 1667. Prob. 18 June, 1667. Wife Anna, sons Thomas and John, daus. Abigail and Mehetabel, kinsman John Par- ker, bro. Henry Bridgham. [Reg. XVI, 159.] The widow Anna, or Hannah, made will 17 BUTTALL, etc., cent. Sept., prob. 10 Nov. 1680; beq. to son John Binglcy and his ch.; to the ch. of sou Thom- as, viz. Thomas, Marah, Abigail and Nicolas; to dau. Mehetabel Frost and her ch. Mehet- abel and Elizabeth. BUTTEKFIELD, Benjamin, Charlestown, 1638. Frm. May 10, 1643. Rem. to Woburn, propr. 1640; later to Chelmsford. Ch. Nathaniel b. at Woburn 14 (12) 1642, Samuel b. May 17, 1647, Joseph b. Aug. 15, 1649. He m. 2, at Chelm. June 3, 1663, Hannah Whittemore. He d. March 2, 1688. Will dated 8 (3) 1677, prob. at Boston 7 June, 1688; beq. to sons Nathaniel, Samuel and Joseph; to Jonathan and Mary, ch. of his dec. son Jonathan; to Deborah, wife of Nathaniel. Samuel, Springfield, propr., mentioned in the Compact in 1636. BUTTEBWOBTH, Samuel, propr. at Weymouth before 1651; frm. May 13, 1640. Taxed at Rehoboth, 1643. Propr., 1645. Will, dated Oct. 13, 1684. Prob. March 3, 1685. To cousins: Abraham B. of Rhode Island and his dau. Ann B.; John B. of Swansey, and his 2 sons Samuel and Ben- .1amin B.; Mary Mason, widow, of S., and her sons Noah and Samuel M. and William Hay- ward of Swansey. Mary m. Thomas Clif- ton, q. V. [Reg. XLI, 191.] BUTTON, John, miller, mylner, Boston, with wife Grace adm. chh. 22 (10) 1633; frm. May 1-1, 1634. He deposed 6 (4) 1667, ae. about 73 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife d. 9 (1) 1638. His second wife Joan adm. chh. 25 (S) 1640. With wife Johanna sold land in B. Dee. 1, 1657. With wife Mary sold land 20 March, 1670-1. Bapt. in Boston 22 (3) 1670, Joseph and Mary of sister Simmons, now wife of John B. Will dated 5 Nov. prob. 22 Nov. 1681, beq. to the church of Boston for the purchase of cups; to wife Mary. Matthew, or Matthias, Boston. Wife Lettice. adm. chh. 26 (11) 1633, dau. Mary bapt. 23 (12) 1633, (m. at Haverhill Dec. 6, 1052, Edward Yeomans.) son Daniel bapt. 22 (12) 1634. He m. at Ipswich about 1639 Joane, widow of John Thornton. [Ips. Rec] 85 BUTTON, oont. Rem. to Haverhill about 1652. Wife Teagle or Tegell; ch. Hannah b. May 31, 1652, Daniel b. 10 April, 1654, d. about 25 (7) 1677, Samuel b. Sept. 1, 1655, Abigail b. 16 June, 1656, Thomas b. Dec. 6, 1657, Mathias b. 17 March, 1657-8, Elizabeth b. Jan. 10, 1659, Peter b. 17 July, 1660, Mehetabel b. Oct. 11, 1661, Patience b. 1 June, d. 30 Oct. 1662, Ed- ward b. Feb. 6, 1663, Sarah, (m. 6 Jan. 1673, James Kingsbury). The wife Teagle d. Feb. 4, 1662; he m. June 9, 1663, ElizabetOi Duston, who survived him and d. July 16, 1690. He conveyed land for the benefit of his wife to his bro.-in-law George Wheeler 11 (2) 1665. He d. Aug. 13, 1672. The inv. of bis est. was filed at Salisbury court 14 April. 1674, by Capt. Nath. Saltonstall, admin. Robert, Salem, memb. chh. 1641; rem. to Boston; frm. May 18, 1642. Ch. Samuel bapt. at S. 27 (1) 1642, Abigail bapt. 17 (11) 1C43, Hannah from the chh. of Salem bapt. at Boston 21 (10) 1645, ae. about 5 days, Sa- rah, do, ae. about 6 days, bapt. 16 (11) 1647, Samuel, do., ae. about 4 days, bapt. 24 (12) 1649, Hannah d. 20 (1) 1650. Will prob. 28 (11) 1650; wife Abigail; son Samuel, daus. Abigail, Hannah and Sarah. The inv. was presented by his widow, now wife of Edward Hutchinson 21 (11) 1650. [Reg. VII, 334.] BTTTTRY, Martha, Cambridge, propr. South Side Charles River 1636. [Court. Rec] Nicholas, ae. 33, with [wife] Martha, ae. 28, and [dau.] Grace, ae. 1, came in the James in July, 1635. BUXTON, Anthony, Salem, propr. 1636; cousin of William Vincent. Wife Elizabeth deposed in 1661, ae. 38 years; ch. Anthony b. 6 (7) 1653, Samuel b. 14 (6) 1655, James b. 8 (6) 1659, d. 15 (2) 1662, Thomas b. 24 (12) 1661, d. 20 (8) 1662, Joseph b. 17 (5) 1663, Hannah b. 27 Jan. 1665. He d. in 1684. Will dated March 8, prob. 29 July, 1684, beq. to wife Elizabeth; dau. Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Cools; sons John and Joseph B.; daus. Lydia, Mary and Sa- rah and their ch.; dau. Hannah unmarried. Ruth, the widow of Thomas Small had bro. John Buxton. BUXTON, cont. Thomas, Salem, 1638. Inv. 5 (4) 1654. BYAM, George, husbandman, Salem, propr., adm. chh. 27 (7) 1640; ren. to Wenham. With wife Susanna sold land 1657. Rem. to Chelmsford; frm. May 18, 1642. Ch. Abra- ham bapt. at Sal. 14 (2) 1644. He adopted Mary, dau. of Mary Harsey, Dec. 16 (7) 1646. Will dated 10 March, prob. 15 (4) 1680, beq. to wife Susannah, son Abram and kins- woman Deborah Jaques. Nathaniel, ae. 14, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Nathaniel, Marshfleld, wit- ness to deed in 1644. BYrOBD, (Pyford,) Peter, before Gen. Court in 1635. BYLEY, BILEY, Henry, tanner, Sarum, ae. 20, with [sister] Mary, ae. 22, Thomas Reeves, ser- vant, and [bro.] John Byley, ae. 20, came in the Bevis In May, 1638. [Mary m. Samuel Dudley; John d. during 1638.] One of those the Court named as founders of Merrimack, (Salisbury,) 1638. He m. in Salisbury, Eng. Rebecca Swayne, who came to N. E. after him; ch. William bapt. 20 Aug. 1633, Rebec- ca bapt. 8 Dec. 1636, (m. 15 Dec. 1654, John Hale,) Henry bapt. 26 Aug. 1638. He d. before 1641. The widow m. 2, 3 April, 1641, John Hall; m. 3, 22 July, 1650, William Worcester; m. 4, in 1663, Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds. She d. 21 July, 1695. [See Batt and Byley Genealogy in Reg. LI and LII.] BYRAM, Nicholas, Weymouth, son-in-law of Abraham Shaw, and one of admins, of his est., appointed by the Gen. Court 29 (8) 1640. Witness to a deed of Kennebec property in 1649. Rem. to Bridgewater. Petitioned Plymouth Court about taxation In 1668. Town ofiicer. Will dated 13 June, 1687, beq. to wife Su- sanna and bro. John Shaw of Wey.; ch. not specified. The widow, aged, made will 7 Sept. 1698, prob. 18 Dec. 1699; beq. to son Nicholas, his wife Mary and ch. Nicholas and Mehetabel; to daus. Abigail Whitman, Deliverance Porter, Experience Willis and Susanna Edson; to gr. ch. Ebenezer Whit- man, Mary Liech and Mary Willis; gave freedom to negro Tom and her maid. 86 CABELL, CABLE, Jobn, Dorchester, 1630. [See Col. Rec] One of the founders of Springfield; signed the Compact May 16, 1636. [Reg. XIII, 297.] Was paid f 11 for sawing the boards and making the locks and nails for the planta- tion house. Land-measurer. Ch. John b. 12 (11) 1640. CADD, Bartholomew, Boston. Inv. presented by widow Mary June 16 1665. [Keg. XIII, 156.] CADE, CADY, James, shipwright, from Northam, Devon, Eug. Res. in Boston, with wife Mar- garet mortg. house and land in Northam, Eng., formerly of his father, Christopher Cade, and his mother Mary Hopper; his wife had a life interest in property at Biddeford, Eng., Dec. 4, 1G38. [L.] [Reg. L, 505. J Prop, frm. of Plym. Colony, 1 Dec, 1640. His wife Margaret adm. chh. Boston 19 (1) 1643. Ch. Mary b. 4 (8) 1640. Nicholas, planter, Watertown, bought land and house in partnership with John Knapp 8 (10) 1645, and sold his share to him 6 (1) 1650. Wife Judith, dau. of William Knapp; ch. John b. Jan. 15, 1G50, Judy b. Sept. 2, 1653, James b. Aug. 28, 1655, Nicholas b. and d. in 1657, Daniel b. Nov. 27, 1659. He rem. to Groton. CAINE, CANE, KENE, Christopher, Cambridge, propr., 1633. Bought land 23 (12) 1642. Wife Margery memb. chh. Ch. Jonathan b. 27 (1) 1640, Na- than b. 5 (6) 1642, Deborah b. 17 (11) 1644, Ruth b. 6 (10) 1647, (m. Marmaduke Johnson; made will 3 April, 1076, prob. April 13, 1677, beq. to bros. Jonathan and Nathaniel, and sisters Easter and Deborah Cane and oth- ers;) Esther. [Mi.] He d. Dec, 1653. Wife Margaret d. April 3, 1687. CAKEBREAD, Thomas, Watertows, frm. May 14, 1634; rem. to Dedham, propr., 14 (7) 1637. Sold in 1638, and rem. to Sudbury, propr. 1640. App. ensign and ordered to lead the company 27 Sept.. 1642. He d. 4 (11) 1642. His widow Sarah had gr. of land in 1645. She m. 2, 7 Nov. 1649, Philemon Whale. 87 CALCOTT, see COLCOKD, and COLLI- COTT. CALEM, see Kilham. CALKIN, CAXTLKIN, CATJKIN, COTICK- LYNE, CAWKIN, Hugh, Plymouth, prop, for frm. 2 March, 1640-1, but did not remain. Settled at Gloucester. Selectman. Frm. Mass. Col. Dec 27, 1642. Com. to end small causes. Wife Ann; ch. Deborah b. March 18, 1644, Rebecca d. 14 (1) 1651. CALL, CALLE, CAUL, John, Sen., Charlestown, 1637, adm. chh. 24 (8) 1639. Town officer, 1646. Rem. to Maiden. His wife Joanna d. at Maiden 30 (11) 1660. He d. in 1677. John, of Charlestown, baker, [a son?] d. in 1697. Thomas, Faversham, Eng., husband- man, with wife Bennett and 3 ch. came from Sandwich, Eng., before June 9, 1637. Set- tled at Charlestown; frm. May 13, 1640. Tile-maker, baker. He deposed [about 1663] ae. about 65 years. [Mdx. Files.] Lived near the ferry on Mystic side, (Maiden). Wife adm. chh. 16 (12) 1639. He m. 2, Joanna Shepardson who d. Jan. 30, 1061. Ch. Thomas, John, Mary, Elizabeth bapt. 21 (12) 1640-1, (m. 1, Samuel Tiuglej-, 2, Daniel Shepardson,) Mercy b. Nov. 7, 1643, (m. 1, Samuel Lee, 2, John Allen). He d. May, 1676, ae. 79. Will dated 23 (9) 1670, date of probate not recorded; beq. to sons Thomas and John; daus. Mary, Eliza- beth and Mercy; Thomas sole exec. CALLOWE, CALLOWAY, Oliver, mariner, Watertown, propr., 1642. He sent money by James Carie from Newfoundland 15 (9) 1647, to Sarali, wife of Henry Messinger. [A.] He m. in Boston Feb. 25, 1655, Judith Clocke, widow. She, as his widow, made will 7 April, 1681, prob. Aug. 14, 1084. Beq. to John Kneland, Sen., Ebenezer English, Jacob Gully; to Marah Hauckins and her five daus. named. CANDALL, Edward, Salem. The inv. of his est. was taken 15 Nov. 1646, by Wm. Ager and Peter Palfrey. CAMPION, CHAMPION, Thomas, of AsUford, Eng., came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Clement, [what relation to Thomas?] res. at Strawberry Bank, (Portsmouth) he sold dwell-house and lands m Cliarles- town to Nicholas Davison April 13, 1647. CANNON. John, Plymouth, came in the Fortune in 1621. CANTERBURY, CANTLEBURY. CAN- TILBURY, William, Salem, propr. 1638; had a fish- ing lot. [Es. Files.] Daus. Rebecca, who deposed in 1658, ae. about 20 years, (m. Ben- jamin Woodrow,) and Ruth, (m. 1, Thomas Small, 2, William Sibley, of whose est. she was exec. 1691). He d. 1 (4) 1663. Will prob. 3 (5) 1663. Wife Beatrice, son John, daus. Rulh and Rebecca, and the latter's children, Joseph and Mary. Division made 29 July, 1684, after the death of the widow. Cornelius, cooper, Hingham, sold land in Hingham 3 (3) 1649; town officer, 1672. Wife Anna; ch. John bapt. July 7, 1652, An- na bapt. May 8, 1653, (m. July, 1679, Peter Barnes,) Mary bapt. Oct. 8, 1654, Cornelius bapt. Jan. 11, 1656, Elizabeth, Martha b. Oct. 7, 1665, Hannah b. June 29, 1669, (m. Stephen Stodder,) Hester b. Nov. 39, 1671, (m. Jan. 15, 1695, John Tower). Wife An- na d. 20 Dec, 1710. His daus. Ann Barns, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Hannah and Hester C. petitioned Jan. 29, 1683, for the division of his estate, as he was unable to make a will in his last sickness, and agreed that their mother should have one seventh of the estate and 20 s. a year from each of them. Stephen Stoddard, wheelwright, admin., rendered ac- count after the widow's death. CAPEN, CAPIN, GAPES, Bernard, b. in Eng. in the year 1552, ni. on Monday in Whitsun week, 1596, Joan, dau. of Oliver Purchase, ("Purchis"). Ch. b. in Eng.: Ruth b. 7 Aug., 1600, Susanna b. 11 April, 1602, d. 30 Nov., 1666, [believed by Stiles and others to have m. 1, Wm. Rock- well, and 2, Matthew Grant. Some discre- pancy in dates.] John b. 26 Jan., 1612; (He came to this country with his parents, m. CAPEN, etc., cent. I, Redegon, dau. of Nicholas Clap of Venn Ottery, Oct. 20, 1637, m. 2, 20 Sept., 1647, Mary, dau. of Samuel Bass of Braintree). The family came from Dorchester, Eug., about Feb. 26, 1632. [See quotation from the diary of W'm. Whitway in Dorch. Pope Fam- ily, p. 13.] [See old family record in Reg. II, 80.] Settled at Dorchester; propr., 5 Aug., 1633, frm. May 25, 1636. He d. 8 Nov., 1638, ae. 76. Will dated Oct. 0, 1638, prob. 19 Nov. 1652. Beq. to wife and son John. Makes his "brother dyer" one of the overseers of the estate. George Dyer deposed. The widow Joanna d. 26 March, 1653, ae. 75 yrs. [See TJpsall.] CARDER, KARDER, Richard, Boston, frm. May 25, 1636-7. Was disarmed and banished with Hutchin- son adherents. One of the subscribers to the constitution of Providence Plantation who bought lands of the Indians in .March, 1637-8. Brought from R. I. to Boston iu 1643 with Gorton et als; tried for alleged heresy and confined at Roxbury. [W^.] CAREW, John, Plymouth, land gr. 2 Oct., 1637. Allowed to be for himself and to take Ed- mund Weston as a partner 7 Oct., 1G39. He m. in June, 1644, Elizabeth . CARLETON, Mr. Edward, Rowley, propr., frm. May 18, 1642. Deputy, 1643-4. Wife Ellen; ch. Edward b. 28 (8) 1639, Mary b. 2 (4) 1642, John, (who gave deed of land in 1661 which his father had previously sold). He left some est. in N. E. when he went out of the country, part of which his son John ob- tained; Christopher and Hannah Babbage and Jeremiah and Nehemiah Jewett rec'd power of admin, on behalf of the ch. of Han- nah, Mr. C.'s widow 29 (9) 1678. [Esses Court.] CARMAN, John, came to Plymouth in the Fortune in 1623; conveyed land with Wm. Tench be- fore 1630. .John, Roxbury, "came to New Eng- land in the year 1631." [E.] Wife Florence. John, Saugus, propr. at Sandwich 3 April, 1637. Com. on division of lands 1640. 88 CARLEY, see Kerley. CARPENTER, Gilbert, petitioned the Gen. Court 13 Nov. 1044, concerning tlie Dartmouth ship. Mrs. Margaret, widow, Dedham, rec'd to chh. 29 (10) 1650. Thomas, carpenter, Amesbury, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1035. Thomazin, ae. 35, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. William, carpenter, came in the Bevis in May, 1038. Settled at Weymouth. With him came his son William, William's wife Abigail, and 4 of their ch. under 10 yrs. of age. Settled at Rehoboth. Bought lands of Indians 30 (11) 1041. He was adm. frm. May 13, 1640. Constable, 1040; deputy, 1641. [Keg. IX, 52.] Ch. Hannah b. 3 (2) 1040, Abiah and Abraham b. 9 (2) 1043. Will dated 10 (10) 165S, prob. 21 April, 1059, beq. to sons John, William, Joseph, Abiah and Samuel; daus. Hannah and Abi- gail; son John Titus. Wife exec. Large estate; many boolis. Widow Abigail's est. admin. 7 Sept. 1687, by son William. CARB, George, shipwright, Ipswich, propr. 1G35; rem. to Salisbury; ferryman in 1041 at the island where he dwelleth, by permission ol' the court at Ipswich. Released his ap- prentice Thomas Coccrey about May, 1041. [L.] He and Lis sons carried on a large business in shipping, mills, etc. He m. Eliz- abeth ; James Oliver of Boston was his bro.-ln-law. Ch. Elizabeth, ae. about 6 years, bapt. at Boston 8 (7) 1650, (m. May 1, 1662, Mr. John Woodmansey,) George b. April 15, 1044, Richard and William b. March ID, 1646, James b. April 28, 1650, Mary b. Feb. 24, 1051, (m. James Bailey,) Sarah b. Dec. 17, 1054, (m. Thomas Baker,) John b. Nov. 14, 1656. He d. April 4, 1682. Adjustment of his est. was made Sept. folg. Numerous papers on file, with accounts of the business. Wil- liam C, James Bayley, Thomas Baker and Thomas Putnam petitioned. The widow d. May 6, 1091. Will prob. June 30 folg. Men- tions sons George, William, John, Richard and James; daus. Mary Bayley, Sarah Baker and Anna Putnam; gr. ch. James Woodman- sye. CARR, cont. Richard, ae. 29, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Salisbury. Elizabeth, widow of George, calls him brother of her husband in 1682. Robert, tailor, ae. 21, with Caleb, ae. 11, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1035. CABRINGTON, see Cordington, Edward, turner, Charlestown, 1633. Frm. May 25, 1030. Rem. to Maiden. De- posed 24 Sept. 1653, ae. about 40. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Elizabeth b. 11 (1) 1039, (m. Stephen Paine,) Mary, (m. Phinehas Sprague,) Sarah b. 9 (7) 1643. His wife Eliz- abeth, ae. 40 in 1658, d. 9 (7) 1084. [Second] wife Mary d. 9 (7) 1684. [Mdx. Rec] He d. 15 (7) 1684; beq. all to dau. Eliza- beth Paine, her husband and her ch. Ed- ward, and to gr. dau. Mary Sprague. Thomas, embarked June 22, 1632. CARSLEY, CASELEY, John, Barnstable, in court with his wife Alls, 1 March, 1641. ^Villiam, planter, Hingham, propr. 17 July, 1037; rem. to Barnstable; frm. Nov. 2, 1037; constable, 1639. In court 7 Dec. 1641. He m. at Sandwich about Nov. 28, 1643, "Mrs. Matthews syster of Yarmouth." Atba. 1043. Ch. b. and d. May 7, 1641, 2 ch. b. and d. in 1049. His widow Sarah admin, on his estate Jan. 20, 1693-4. CARTER, Joseph, son of and Elizabeth Car- ter, step-sou of Francis Kirby, skinner, of London, came 11 April, 1639, with letter of introduction to Gov. John Winthrop. Bought land at Newbury in 1640. Ret. to Eng. [Reg. XXXV, 373.] Joshua, Dorchester, frm. May 14, 1634, sold house and lands Sept. 15, 1037, and rem. to Windsor, Conn. [Reg. IX, 301.] Rem. to Deerfield. Admin, gr. to widow Mary March 27, 1077. Martha, ae. 27, came in the Hopewell April, 1635. Richard, carpenter, Boston ,contracted to cut wood in Nov., 1639. [L.] Wife Anne 89 CAKTER, cont. had deed from her kinsman, John Gosmer, June 5, 1658. Ch. Mary b. 3 (5) 1641, brought suit in Gen. Court 22 May, 1651, against Mr. Charles Sanders for carrying his wife to Eng. without his consent. Sold house and land July 23, 1654. Robert, servant of William Mullens, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; d. soon after arrival. Thomas, blacksmith, Charlestown, adm. chh. 8 (11) 1636, frm. March 9, 1636-7. Constable, 1640. [Wife] Hannah adm. chh. 2 (7) 1639; [second] wife Mary adm. chh. 4 (9) 1643; ch. Anna, b. 10 (1) bapt. 22 (1) 1640, (m. William Green,) Elizabeth b. 22 (2) 3642. bur. 12 (5) 1644. Son John deposed 4 (2) 1660, ae. about 40 years; refers to bro. Wm. Green; Joseph, currier, propr. 1646, Samuel and Thomas petition 18 (8) 1659, about the est. of their bro. W. G. [Mdx. Files.] He made will 5 (3), inv. taken 25 (4) 1652; beq. to wife Mary; eldest son Thomas; other sons Samuel, Joseph and John; daus. Mary Brinsmead and Hannah Greene; gr. eh. [Ca- leb] and Joseph C, John , G. and John B. Inv. mentions the shop, tools, iron and steel, etc. Samuel, shoemaker, referred in 1672, to land he had deeded to his honored father, T. C. of Char, before his death, some years past. The son Thomas, attorney for his bro. Matthew Williams, sold land at Marblehead 9 (10) 1662. Thomas, servant of George Giddings, came in the Planter in 1635. Settled at Salisbury; planter; propr. 1639. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. Oct. 6, 1641, (m. Joseph Lancas- ter.) Martha b. Feb. 1645, Martha b. March, 1647, Elizabeth b. April, 1649, John b. May IS, 1650, Abigail b. Feb. 1652, (m. Stephen Flanders,) Samuel b. Oct. 25, 1656, Sarah, (m. John Davis). His will dated Oct. 30, prob. Nov. 14, 1676, beq. to wife and to eh. John, Samuel, Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, Abigail and Sarah. [See Reg. XXXVI, 319.] Rev. Thomas, b. about 1608, as he de- posed 17 (10) 1662, came first to Dedham, where he was propr. 25 (2) 1637. Rem. to Watertown; frm. May 21. 1638. Became the first minister of the church of Woburn, ordained Nov. 22, 1642. [W.] Sold land in Cambridge 18 (6) 1643. Was a much hon- 90 CARTER, cont. ored pastor, doing much to shape the char- acter of the growing town. Wife Mary; ch. Samuel b. 8 (6) 1640, Judith b. 15 (1) 1642, Theophilus b. 12 (4) 1645, d. 19 (12) 1649, Mary b. 13 (3) 1648, [Mdx. Files.] Thomas, Timothy. He deeded lands to his children before his death; referred to this in nunc, will, prob. Sept. 4, 1684. Beq. library to his eldest son Samuel; rest to be divided be- tween his three sons and his dau. Mary af- ter the death of his wife. He d. Sept. 5, 1684, "ae. 74." The sons Samuel, Thomas, and Timothy and their mother signed an agreement to abide by the will. The children of my brother Thomas Carter, who is now in New England, are mentioned in the will of James Carter of Hinderelay, Suffolk, Eng. 8 Sept. 1655. [Reg. XXXVI, 319.] CARTHWICK, CARTRICK. Michael, carpenter, Ipswich, propr. 1635; reed, pay for work at the bridge and for carriage for the gun in 1642. Constable in 1046. Will dated 16 (11) 1646, prob. 1647, beq. all to the care of his wife till son John Is 21 years of age and dau. Mildred is 22 years old or married, when they shall receive their portions. CARTWRIGHT, Bethia, Salem, made will May 2, prob. May, 1640; beq. to sister Elizabeth Capon in Walderswiek, Susses, Eng., Mary, wife of George Newton of Salem, John Jackson, Jr. of Exeter, Margaret, wife of John J. of Sal., Elizabeth Pellem and Elizabeth Nick- son. CARVER, Mr. John, a worthy pioneer, a capable, self-sacrificing man; a native of England; he emigrated to Ley den, Holland. One of the deacons of the Pilgrim Church, sent to Eng. in 1617 to negotiate for an American home for the Colony; came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact in Cape Cod Bay Nov. 1', 1620; after the signing he was chosen tht first governor of Plymouth Colony; served with ability, but d. of sun-stroke in April. 1621. His wife Katharine who came with him d. in June, 1621. No ch. mentioned in Plymouth documents. His man Roger White and a little boy, Jasper More, appren- CABVEE, cont. ticed to him, d. in the winter of 1620-1. His other man-servant, John Howland, and a boy, Wm. Latham, who came with him, lived here; [see theur names.] Richard, husbandman, ae. 60, of Sljrat- by, Eng., with wife Grace, ae. 40, ch. Eliz- abeth and Susanna, twins ae. 18, and ser- vants Isaac Hart, ae. 22, Thomas Flege, ae. 21, Marable, (Mabel) Underwood, ae. 20, passed exam, to go to N. E. April 11, 1637. Settled at Watertown; yeoman. Will dated 18 Dec, 1638, prob. 9 (7) 1641. Beq. to wife Grace and daus. Elizabeth and Susanna. [Keg. II, 262.] Robert, planter, Marshfield, propr. 3 Sept., 1638, atba. 1643; frm. 7 June, 1648. Juryman, town otficer. He was bur. in April, 1G80, "being 86 years old." CABY, .Tames, draper, merchant, Charlestown, adm. chh. 3 (3) 1647. Cleric of writs 1650. He gave bond for the delivery of sugar Dec. 21, 1652. His wife Eleanor was adm. chh. 30 (9) 1642. She d. Nov. 9, 1697, ae. 80. He d. Nov. 2, 1681, ae. 81. Will prob. April 4, 1682; wife and 5 ch.; Mehetabel, (m. Wm. Welstead,) (John b. 29 (5) 1642, James b. and d in 1644,) Nathaniel b. 7 (1) 1645, Jonathan b. 15 (11) 1646, Elizabeth b. 23 (7) 1G48, and Joanna. [Wyman.] Nicholas, Salem, 1636. In court, 1037. CASE, Edward, Taunton, frm. Dec. 4, 1638; deputy, 1640. CASSELL, CASWELL, CASEWELL, Thomas, Taunton, atba. 1643. Ch. Ste- phen b. Feb. 15, 1648, Thomas b. Feb. 22, 1650, Peter b. Oct., 1652, Mary b. Aug., 1654, John b. July, 1656, Sarah b. Nov., 1658, Wil- liam b. Sept. 15, 1660, Samuel b. Jan. 26, 1662, Elizabeth b. Jan. 10, 1664, Abigail b. Oct. 27, 1666, Esther b. June 4, 1669. Will dated 28 Sept. 1691, codicil 16 March, 1696-7, inv. talien 30 March, prob. 14 Sept. 1697, beq. to ch. Stephen, Thomas, Peter, John, William, Samuel, Mary, Sarah, Han- nah, Elizabeth, Abigail and Hester. Daniel Eamsdell was husband of Hannah. CASTELL, CASTEELE, Mr. John, a creditor of Wm. Swift of Watertown, 1642. Robert, Ipswich, served in Pequot war; town voted him land in 1639, if demanded within a year. CATLIN, see Kirtland. CHACKSELL, CHACKSWELL, CHECK-^ SELL, John, Lynn, witness in court in 1647 and 1650. CHADBOUBNE, William, Boston, 1644. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. (10) 1644. CHAD WELL, Richard, shipwright, Saugus, 1636. [Col. Rec] Witness, Salem court, 1637. Law suit in 1641. [L.] See Sampson, John. Rem. to Sandwich. Propr. 3 April, 1637. He m. July 22, 1649, Katharine Presberry of S. He d. Nov. 27, 1661. Will dated 22 (9), prob. 27 (10) 1681, beq. to son-in-law Lode- wick Hawkse and his cosen Thomas, son of Moses Chadwell. Thomas, bro. of Richard, shipwright, Salem, 1636; of Lynn; propr. 1638. Rem. t(i Sandwich before 1645. Res. at Charles- town in 1670; ret. to Lynn. [See George Da- vis.] Abigail, wife of Thomas, of Charles- town, made will 8 June, prob. 19 June, 1683; beq. to her husband; to sister Ann Pearson of Piscatag; to gr. son Joseph Goose and his sister Susanna Crosse; to sister Wheeler's daus.; refers to Joseph Goose's agreement, dated July 28, 1682. He d. 27 Feb. 1683. Will dated 25 Feb., inv. taken June 18, 1684, beq. to son Moses; to M.'s wife Sarah and son Thomas; to dau. Ruth Needham. CHADWICK, Charles, Watertown, frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer, deputy. He d. April 10, 1682, ae. 86. Will dated June 30, 1681, beq. to wife Elizabeth, (who d. Feb. 22, 1684,) kinsmen Thomas and John Chadwick; to the eldest son of Thomas, and to Charles, eldest son of John. Jere. Nor- eross mentions "bro. Charles Chadwick." 91 CHADWICK, cont. John, Sen., Maiden. Cli. Elizabeth b. April 1, 164S, John d. March 17, 1650. Sarah b. June 1, 1050, James b. April 15, 1653. His will dated 1 (10) 16S0, prob. April 5, 1081, devised to sons John, James and Sam- uel and dau. Hannah; 3 daus. that are al- ready married. CHAFFIN, CHAFFEY, CHAFFE, Matthew, ship-carpenter, Boston. Adm. chh. 7 (6) 1636. His wife Sarah adra. chh. 21 (12) 1640. They were dism. to (place not stated,) 10 (6) 1655. [Rem. to Newbury?] Thomas, one of those the Gen. Court recognized as first planters of Hull, May 20, 1642. Propr. 1657. Rem. to Swansey. He made his will 25 July, 1680, being of great age; beq. to sons Nathaniel and Jo- seph. Inv. taken 15 May, 1683. CHAIRTE, John, his wife before Gen. Court 4 June, 1039. CHALLIS, CHALICE, Philip, planter, Ipswich ,propr. 1636. Lieut. Rem. to Salisbury. Propr. 1639. AVas appointed by the Gen. Court to look after saltpetre breeding 27 Sept. 1642. He deposed in 1609, ae. about 52 years. Was referred to by his wife and others as Philip Watson Challis in some cases. He m. Mary, daii. of William Sargent; ch. Elizabeth, (m. 1, John Hoyt, 2, John Blaisdell,) John b. July 9, 1653, John b. June 26, 165-5, William d. Dec. 19, 1657, Philip Watson b. Dec. 19, 165S, William b. May 28, 1663, Lydia b. May 31, 1665, (m. .Tohn Chase.) Mary b. Aug. 27. 1608, (m. Joseph Dow,) Hannah b. Sept. 20, 1075. He d. at Amesbury about 1681. Inv. pres- ented April 22, 1691. The widow d. Sept. 2T, 1716. CHAMBERLAIN, CHAMBERLAYNE, CHAMBERLIN, Abigail, bapt. at Dorchester 31 (1) 1644, her father being a memb. of the chh. of Con- cord but at present sojourning in D. Edmund, Woburn. Rem. to Chelms- ford before 1656, when he sold land at Bille- rica. Ch. Sarah b. Dec. IS, 1649, a dau. b. March 11, 1651-2. Edward, Roxbury, m. Jan. 4, 1640, Mary Turner. CHAMBERLAIN, etc., cont. Elizabeth, adm. chh. Charlestown 29 (3) 1642. Henry, shoemaker, from Hingham, Eng., came in 1638 with his wife, his mother and 2 ch. to Hingham. Propr., 1638, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Propr. at Hull in 1657. Mrs. C. joined the chh. at Barnstable Oct. 6, 1644. Mrs. C. widow, sister of Mr. Israel Stough- ton, rec'd from Gen. Court a portion of Mr. Andrew's gift 14 May, 1645. Widow Chris- tian C. d. 19 April, 1659, ae. 81 years. Henry, blacksmith, Hingham, sold, Feb. 4, 1660, land gr. him by the town. Either he or his son Henry was town officer in Hull in 1670; son William town officer in 1669. He d. in 1674. Will dated Nov. S, 1673, prob. 29 July, 1674. Beq. to wife Jane, sons Henry and William, daus. Susan Carter, Ursley Cole, and Faith Patterson; gr. ch. John C. See Shelley, Sarah. Richard, Braintree; ch. Richard b. and d. 1042. May be the same as Richard, Sudbury, who made will Feb. 12 ,1672, prob. 18 (4) 1673; beq. to wife what she brought at marriage, etc,; eldest son B('njamin; daus. Rebecca, Mehitabel, Eliza- beth Daniel, Mary Graives; son Joseph and gr. son Jolin Graives. Thomas, Woburn, taxed 1645: frm. May 20, 1644. Rem. to Chelmsford. Ch. Samuel b. Oct. 7, 1647, Mary b. Jan. 30, 1649. Hs m. at Chelmsford, Aug. 10, 1666, Sarah Proctor. He m. April 16, 1674, Mary, widow of John Poulter and of Sergt. John Parker. She d. I'eb. 8, 1692-3, ae. 88. Her son John Poulter d. May 20, 1C76; inv. mentions debts owing his mother Chamberlin and Mr. Samuel Whiting. William, Woburn, taxed in 1648. Rem. to Billerica in 1654. Ch. Timothy b. Aug. l,^, 1649, Isaac b. Oct. 1, 1650, John, [parent not stated,] d. March 3, 1652, Sarah b. May 20, 1655, (m. John Shed,) Jacob b. Jan. 18, 1657, Thomas b. Feb. 20, 1659, Edmond b. July 15, 1660, [1661?] Rebecca b. Feb. 25, 1662, (m. Thomas Stearns.) Abraham b. Jan. 6, 1664, Ann b. March 3, 1665-6. Clement b. May 30, 1669, Daniel b. Sept. 27, 1671. [See Shelley, Sarah.] He d. May 31, 1706, ae. about 86. 92 CHALPIN, see Chapin. CHAMBEES, Amy, Boston, memb. chh., 1G31. Elizabeth, Boston, maid servant to Wm. Baulstone, adm. chh. 3 (6) 1634. Robert, ae. 13, came in the Hopewell, 1635. Settled at Marsbfield; atba. 1G43. Ser- vant of Mr. Edward Winslow; propr. 1644. Kem. and died; partnership acct. in Court 7 Aug., 1655. Thomas, planter, Scituate, 163S, frm. 3 Dec, 1639; atba. 1643. Juror, town offi- cer, deputy. Widow Richarden C. of Sci. made will 18 Nov. 1672, prob. June, 1673. Beq. to Abigail, wife of her son Thomas Curtice, and to Elizabeth his dau.; confirmed to her son John Curtice the bequest made by her husband, of the house and land after her death. CHAMPNEY, CHAMPNIS, John, Cambridge, propr., 1635. Wife Joanna; ch. Mary, (m. Richardson, liv- ing at Woburn in 1658;) Sarah, John, (d. Feb. 20, 1664;) all bapt in Camb. The widow m. 2, Golden Moore. [Mi.] He d. about 1 (2) 1650, when permission was gr. for the sale of his house and land for the benefit of his widow, the wife of Golden Moore, and his children. Mr. Richard, Cambridge, propr. 1635, fnn. May 25, 1636. Ruling elder. Wife Jane. [Mi.] Ch. Esther, "living at Woburn in 1G58; bapt. in England, aged about years when her father joined here." [Mi.] Mary b. (8) 1633, Samuel b. (7) 1035, Sarah b. (3) 1638, Mary b. (9) 1639, John b. 28 (3) 1041, Lydia, Daniel b. 9 (1) 1644. He d. Nov. 26, 1669. Will dated 30 June, prob. 21 Dec. 1669, beq. to wife Jane what she brought at marriage, etc.; to daus. Es- ther Converse, Mary French and Lydia C; to sons Samuel and Daniel; to Josiah Con- verse; to Harvard College 40 acres of land; to Daniel Gooliin, Jr., and Nathaniel Mitch- ell. CHANDLER, CHATTNDLER, Edunmd, Plymouth, creditor of God- bert Godbertson, frm. 1633; res. at Duxbury lC3(!-7; constable; appraiser of est. of Wm. Thomas. CHANDLER, etc., cent. Will dated May 3, prob. 4 June, 1662, be- ing old. Beq. to children Samuel, Benjamin, Joseph, Sarah, Ann, Mary and Ruth. John, shoemaker, Boston, frm. May 13, 1640. He apprenticed his son John to Wil- liam Webb, baker, of Roxbury, 28 (11) 1640- 1 [L.] This son was bur. in R. Dec. 13, 1660. One of the com. app. by the Gen. Court 1 Oct. 1645, to lay out lots at Con- cord. Petitioner for the Nashaway planta- tion in 1645. Adm. inhabitant or Boston in 1647. Ch. Hannah b. at Concord 28 (12) 1640-1. Nathaniel, Duxbury, atba. 1643. Served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Roger, Duxbury, taxed in 1632; frm. 1633. Sold land in 1644. His dau. was in the service of Kenelm Winslow before May 5, 1646. Samuel, Duxbury, taxed in 1632; in Court Oct. 2, 1637; atba. 1643. He m. at Dorchester, 21 (10) 1644, widow Sarah Davis. Inv. of his est. taken at Dux. 17 (9) 1683. William, householder, Roxbury, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. He was bur. 26 (11) 1641. His widow An- nis m. 2, July 2, 1643, John Dane, and 3, John Parmenter. The Gen. Court gave Dane the house and land 17 Oct., 1642, for his pay- ments on behalf of the wife and children. Ch. Thomas, William, Hannah, (m. George Abbot,) and Sarah, (m. William Cleaves,) were mentioned in the will of their mother. [See Parmenter.] Thomas deposed at Ips- wich, March 29, 1692, ae. 64 years; William at same time, ae. 56 years. CHAPEILL, John, collier, Lynn, gave letter of at- torney 4 (8) 1647, to his wife True C. of Bromley in Kent, to ask of John Waters, tailor ,of Chittington, Kent, an annuity of 3 li. passed due by deed of gift of said True to the ch. of her former husband, etc. [A.] CHAPIN, CHAPUN, CHAPINNE, CHAL- PIN, David, Springfield, frm. April 5, 1649. A dm. inhab. of Boston in 1658. He m. 29 (6) 1654, Lydia Crump. Ch. Lydia b. 19 (4) 1055, Caleb b. 2 (2) 1657. Sarah b. at Bo. 3 March, bapt. 6 (1) 1659, Hannah b. Oct. 23, 03 CHAPIN, etc., cont. 1661, Ebenezer bapt. April 3, 1664, Jonathan b. Feb. 12, 1665, Union b. Dec. 26, 1669, Ruth bapt. 8 (10) 1672, (m. Jan. 26. 1698, Wm. Twiug). Samuel, Springfield, frm. June 2, 1641; town ofiicer, 1643; deacon, 1649; employed to conduct service part of the time, 1656-7, when there was no minister in town. Com- missioner, 1651 and 1660. Ch. Japhet, Jo- siah, Catharine, , (m. Gilbert.) Han- nah b. 2 (10) 1644, (m. Sept. 27, 1666, John Hitchcock,) Henry d. April 29, 1668, Henry, Sarah, (m. 14 (2) 1647, Rowland Thomas). He d. 11 Nov. 1675. Will dated 4 (1) 1674, prob. 24 March, 1676, beq. to wife, son Henry and gr. son Thomas Gilbert. Son Japhet C. with his wife Abilene, deposed. The wid- ow Cicely d. Feb. 8, 1682; beq. to sons Henry C. of Spr. and Josiah C. of Braintree; daus. Catharine, wife of Samuel Marshfield, Sarah Thomas and Hannah Hitchcock; to Henry Gilbert, apprentice to John Hitchcock. Son Japhet C. exec. CHAPLAIN, CHAPLAINE, CHAPLIN, Rev. Clement, ae. 48, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in April, 1635. Settled at Cambridge; propr. and selectman Nov. 23, 1635; frm. March 3, 1635-6. Deputy 1636. Rem. to Wethersfield, Conn., and sold house and lands in C. 30 (7) 1645. Ret. to Thet- ford, CO. Norfolk, Eng., and there d. in 1656. Will beq. to bro. Thomas C. of Bury St. Edmunds; mentioned kinsman Wm. Clarke of Roxbury, N. E. [Reg. XXXI, 413, and XXXVIII, 71.] Mr. Hugh, Rowley, propr., frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John b. 26 (6) 1643, Joseph b. 11 (12) 1646, Thomas b. 2 (7) 1648, Jonatlian b. 10 (10) 1651. He was bur. 21 (1) 1653. Will dated 15 (1) 1C54, prob. March 31, 1657; wife Elizabeth; eldest son John; three children mentioned in inventory. The widow Elizabeth m. 9 Dec. 1656, Nicholas Jackson. CHAPMAN, Edward, miller, Ipswich, propr. 1643. He m. Dorothy, dau. of Mark Symonds. Gave house and land to son John 1 Sept. CHAPMAN, cont. 1677; had son Nathaniel who m. a dau. of Andrew Peters; testified 30 April, 1678. Will dated 9, prob. 30 April, 1678, beq. to wife Dorothy, as per mar. conn-a-jt; to sons Symon, Nathaniel and Samuel; dau. Mary, wife of John Barry. Florence, widow, adm. chh. Boston from chh. of Braintree 4 (8) 1645. Henry, servant of Mr. Kean at Salem in 1641. [Es. Court Files.] Before Gen. Court for not obeying a press 2 (4) 1640. Jacob, Boston, brought suit in Es. court in 1636. Propr. 1642. John, Ipswich. Sold lumber Nov. 5, 1633. [Col. Rec] Frm. May 14, 1634. Inv. of his est. taken 1 March, 1677-8; admin, gr. to widow Deborah. Ralph, ae. 20, cert, from St. Savior's, Southwark, Eng., came in the Elizabeth in April, 1635. Settled at Duxbury; bought land 8 Oct., 1639. Partner in ferry at Marsh- field 11 Jan., 1641. Propr. 1644. He m. Nov. 23, 1642, Lydia Wills; ch. Mary b. 31 Oct. 1643, Sarah b. May 15, 1645, Isaac b. Aug. 4, 1647, dau. b. Oct. 5, 1649, son b. 1651. Sarah, John and Ralph bapt. Sept. 27, 1657. Will, dated Nov. 28, 1671, prob. June 4, 1672, beq. to dau. Sarah and her husband Wm. Norcut, or Norkett; to younger son Ralph; to ch. Isaac, John and Mary. Testi- mony that his hands were so swelleil that he could not sign the will. [Reg. VII, 236.] Robert, Marshfield, atba. 1643. William, Hingham. Old Chapman d. Nov. 1639. Will dated 16 Oct. 1639, prob. April 24, 1671. Beq. to dau. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Huett, and her son Ephraim; to his son John Chapman, then in England. CHAPPELL, George, ae. 20, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. Marie, Boston, servant to Mr. John Cot- ton, adm. chh. 31 (1) 1639. Mary, widow, adm. chh. 4 (8) 1645. Nathaniel, Boston, servant to Ather- ton Haulgh, adm. chh. 2 (8) 1634. frm. May 22, 1639. 94 CHABLES, John, Charlestown, propr. 1636. to New Haven. CHASE, etc., cont. Rem. 13 5Iay. Beq. to wife Mary and 2 sons, Benjamin and William. [Reg. V, 388.] William, Salem, Marbleliead, taxed In 1637. Wife Sai-ali adm. chh. 6 (4) 1647. He sealed the meeting house in 1656-7. Will dated 31 Dec. 1672, prob. 27 (4) 1673; ■wife Sarah; cousins Robert C. and Mary, present wife of James Dennis. The wid- ow's nunc, will prob. 29 (4) 1677, beq. to sis- ter Tryphena Geer, and her ch. Tryphena, John and Sarah Fairfield; to Robert Charles' 2 daus. a legacy when he comes over for it; to goodmeu Goldsmith and Haggett; to Mary, wife of James Dennis and her ch. James, Mary, Amos and Agnes. CHARLETT, CHELLET, Nicholas, Boston, servant to John My- 1am, adm. chh. 10 (2) 1642. Frm. May, 1645. Wife Catharine adm. chh. 4 (8) 1645; ch. Eliz- abeth b. and d. 1645, Mary bapt. 3 (8) 1647, ae. about 5 days. He d. and the widow m. Richard Haugh- tou. She had permission from Gen. Court 14 Oct. 1651, to sell the house which N. C. had owned, and admin, on the est. for the benefit of her 2 children. [Arch. 15 B.] CHAEILBY, Anthony, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1. CHASE, CHASSE, see Shaw. Aquila, mariner, Hampton, 1640; rem. to Newbury; propr. 1646. He deposed in 1666, ae. about 48 years. Wife Anne; ch. Sarah, (m. C. Annis,) Anne b. 6 July, 1647, (m. Thomas Barber,) Priscilla b. 14 March, 1648, (m. Abel Merrill,) Mary b. 3 Feb. 1650, (m. John Stevens,) Aquila b. 27 Sept. 1652, Thomas b. 25 July, 1654, John b. 2 Nov. 1655, Elizabeth b. 13 Sept. 1657 ,Euth b. 18 March, 1660, d. 30 May, 1676, Daniel b. 9 Dec. 1661, Moses b. 24 Dec. 1663. He d. Dec. 27, 1670. The widow m. June 14, 1672, Daniel Mussiloway; she d. April 21, 1687. William, planter, Roxbury, came with the first company, 1630, and went with a CO. who made a new plantation at Yarmouth. [E.] Appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Town offi- cer. Served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Mary, dau. of goodman Chase the elder bur. at Barnstable Oct. 28, 1652. Will, dated May 4, 1659, being aged; prob. CHAUKLEY, CHALKLEY, Robert, weaver, from Spitalfields, Lon- don, Charlestown, 1645; town officer. Rem. to Woburn; taxed 1645; frm. May -^G, 1647. He was ae. 55 in 1663; he d. Sept. 2, 1672. Will dated Charlestown, Aug. 27, 1672, prob. March 14, 1672-3; beq. to wife Elizabeth; to Henry Streeter and wife, to Nathaniel Smith of Haverhill, to John Whittemore, to the child Benoni, living in his family, to widow Mary Nash; residue to kinsman Rob- ert C. in Eng. if he come for it within 3 yrs., or to his children; otherwise to "any brothers children of his that shall come for it. If no one come for it, this residue after the wife's death to go to the deacons of the poore of the Towne." The widow Elizabeth d. 13 (8) 1678. CHAUNCEY, CHANSY, Rev. Charles, "A great scliolar and a godly man, procured from Eng. in 1639 by them of Plymouth." [W.] He was b. in Hartfordshire in 1589; studied at Westmin- ster school; B. A. of Trinity college; became professor of Greek, preacher at Marston, afterward at Ware. Reproved for Puritanic teaching, he wrote a submission and after- ward renounced it. Came to N. E., arriv- ing a few days before Jan. 1, 1638. [C. M.] He acted as teacher of the chh. of Plymouth 3 yrs.; rem. to Seituate. Contended for im- mersion of infants in baptism. Brought on great controversy in both churches. [W.J Changed his views about 1654, and was elected president of Harvard College, where he rendered distinguished service. He and his wife adm. chh. of Cambridge (1) 1656. Wife Catharine, a dau. of Robert Eyre, Esq. [C. M.], d. Jan. 24, 1667. [Gr. St.] Ch. Barnabas, Sarah, both adm. chh. Camb. Dec. 10, 1658; Hannah, Nathaniel, Elnathan, Israel, these four bapt. at Sci. Other ch. Isaac and Ichabod. John Holmes, a student and servant to Mr. C, in full com- munion with the chh. of Camb., dismissed to the chh. of Duxbury. [Mi.] He d. Feb. 19, 1671-2, ae. 82. [Gr. St.] [See wills of membs. of his family in Reg. XXXIX, 166.] 95 CHABWELL, Thomas, a witness at Salem in 1641. CHAUNER, Margery, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1. CHEATER, CHATER, CHETEB. John, Newbury. Wife Alice; ch. Han- nah b. 7 Aug. 1G44, Lydia b. 12 Jan. 1047. [Es. Files.] CHECKETT, Josias, Scituate, took oath of alle- giance 1 Feb., 1638. Constable, 1641-2. CHECKLEY, CHEEKLEY, CHICKLEY, John, merchant, suit in Es. court in 1640; res. at Boston, adm. chh. 4 (S) 1645, frm. May 10, 1648. An order drawn in his favor Sept. 8, 1640. [L.] He m. in Boston 5 (1) 1C52, Ann, dau. of Mr. Simon Eires. Res. at Charlestown in 1664, at Bo. in 1670. CHEESEBOROTIGH, William, blacksmith, Boston, with wife Anne adm. chh. 1630, juryman Nov. 0, 1630, fim. May 18, 1631. Dism. to Braintree 16 (12) 1639. Rem. to chh. of Rehoboth 1643, letters of dism. gr. 9 (2) 1648. Frm. Plym. Col. 2 May, 1648. Town officer 1634, deputy 1642. Ch. John bapt. 11 (9) 1632, Jabez bapt. 3 (3) 1635, EUsha bapt. 4 (4) 1637, Joseph b. 18 (5) 1640. CHEESEHOLM, CHESHOLM, CHESS- HAM, [CHISAM, CHISHOLM,] Thomas, tailor, from Newcastle on Tyne, Eng., settled at Cambridge; frm. March 3, 1035-6. Inn-keeper 8 Sept., 1636. Deacon, steward of Harv. Coll.; town offi- cer 1646. He deposed 2 (3) 1660, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Isabel. He d. Aug. 18, 1671. Will dated 17 Aug. prob. 4 (8) 1071, beq. to Elizabeth Sparhawk; to the children of Mrs. Witchfleld, late of Windsor; to William Manning, Edmund An- gler, Benoni Eaton and Mr. Urian Oakes' ch. CHEEVER, CHEEVERS, Bartholomew, shoemaker, Boston, frm. May 26. 1647; propr. Adm. chh. 31 (3) 1646. Will, dated Oct. 21, prob. Dec. 28, 1693. CHEEVER, etc., cent. beq. to wife Lydia, bro. Daniel, and his seven children, named; cousins Ezekiel C, schoolmaster, and Richard C. with his son Bartholomew; to cousins Elizabeth Har- wood, William and Samuel Barrett, Will. Twing, Benjamin Marsh; to Stephen Palmer that married bro. Daniel's dau. Elizabeth; to the ch. of cousin John Ballentine; to the poor of the old church. He left widow Lydia, sister of Wm. Barrett, but no ch. The widow's will was prob. March 14, 1701. [Reg. XXXVI, 305.] Daniel, husbandman, Cambridge. He deposed 7 (2) 1664, ae. about 43 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Esther, (Hester) memb. chh. [Mi.] Ch. Mary b. 14 (12) 1645, Lydia b. 26 (9) 1647, James b. (rec. at Sudbury,) 7 Dec, 1649, John bapt. July 31, 1659, Esther b. and d. 1600, Israel bapt. Jan. 26, 1661, Han- nah and Elizabeth b. and d. 1004, Elizabeth bapt. Aug. 0, 1665. He d. March, 1703-4. Will, dated April 30, 1698, prob. June 21, 1704, refers to bro. Bartholomew C. of Boston, dec; beq. to son Israel, James, daus. Lydia Luxford, Eliza- beth Palmer and Hanuah. wife of William Barrett, sou-iu-law Joseph Champney. Ezekiel, the famous and worthy school- master, b. in London Jan. 25, 1014-5. He res. at Boston in 1037; New Haven, 1038; Ips- wich, 1050; Charlestown, Nov., 1001; Boston again Jan. 0, 1670. He petitioned Es. Court in 1675 respecting the est of Capt. Thomas Lowthrop, brother of his w^lfe. He m. 1, in 1638, Mary ; she d. at New Haven Jan. 20, 1649. He m. 2, Nov. 18, 1652, Ellen, sister of Capt. Thomas Lothrop of Beverly. She d. Sept. 10, 1706. Ch. Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1039, Mary bapt. 29 (9) 1640, (m. Capt. Wm. Lewis,) Ezekiel bapt. 12 (4) 1642, Eliz- abeth bapt. (21 1645, (m. Samuel Goldth- waite, Sarah bapt. 21 (7) 1040, Hannah bapt. 2:. (4) 1648, Abigail b. Oct. 20, 1653, Ezekiel b. July 1, 1055, Nathaniel b. Juue 23, 1657, Tliomas b. Aug. 23, 1658, William b. and d. 1064, Susanna, (m. June 5, 1693, Joseph Rus- sell). He d. at Boston Aug. 21, 1708. [Reg. XXXIII, 104, and XXXVIII, 427, and XLl, 65.] His will dated 16 Feb. 1705-6. prob. 24 Aug. 1708, beq. to wife Ellen; to children Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Thomas and Susanna; to grandson Ezekiel Russell. 96 CHENERY, CHINERY, GENERY, GIN- ERY, Lambert, Watertown; rem. to Dedham, 1G36; frm. May, 1645. He deposed June 17, 1073, ae. 80 years. [Mds. Files.] Wife adni. chli. D. Dee. 4, 1G40. He m. 2, 14 (3) 1G58, Thomasine Hews; slie d. Jan. 2, 1GG9. Ch. Isaac, Jolin, Mary b. 24 (10) 1G50. He d. 30 (11) 1673-4. Will dated 17 (12) 1673, prob. 4 (12) 1674, beq. to sons John and Isaac, dau. Mary, son-in-law Richard Ellice, dau.-in-law Ruth Ellice, widow; to the church of Dedham. CHENEY, CHEYNE, CHEYNEY, CHEANY, CHENY. CHANY, CHEI- NEY, John, came into the land in the year 1635 . He brought 4 children Mary, Martha, John, Daniel. Sarah, his 5th ch. was b. in the last mo. of the year, 1G35, called Febru- ary. He res. at Roxbury; he rem. from our church to Newbury the end of the next sum- mer, 1636. Wife Martha. [E.] A prom- inent citizen of Newbury; town officer. Frm. May 17, 1637. He wrote his will 5 (4) 1666; (on file at Salem). He d. July 28, 1666; his wife d. about 1G84. Ch. Mary, (m. Sept. 3, 1645, Wm. Lawes,) Martha, (m. 1, Anthony Sadler, 2, Thomas Burkby.) John, Daniel, Sarah, (m. Dec. 23, 1652, Joseph Plumer,) Peter b. at Newbury, 1C38, Lydia b. at N. 1G40, (m. Nov. 12, 1657, John Kendriclj,) Hannah b. Nov. 10, 1642, (m. Nov. 16, 1659. Richard Smith, Jr.,) Na- thaniel b. at N. Jan. 12, 1644, Elizabeth b. at N. Jan. 12, 1647, (m. Stephen Cross). William, planter, Roxbury, bought house and 40 acres of ground for 102 li. of Nicho. and Rich. Parker 18 (5) 1639, and a bouse and 61% acres of Walter Blackbourne for 215 li. 30 (7) 1639, and contracted to keep 6 cows for him on shares. [L.] He was adm. chh. 5 (1) 1664-5, frm. May 23, 1666. Town officer; one of the feoffees of the Free School. Wife Margaret; ch. Ellen, (m. March 20, 1642-3, Humphrey Johnson,) Mar- garet (m., as his 2d wife and the mother of all his ch.. Deacon Thomas Hastings,) Thomas, William, John b. Sept. 29, 1639, d. in 1671, Mehitabel b. June 1, 1643, (m. Thoma.s Wight, Jr.,) Joseph b. June G, 1647. He d. 2 (.5) 16G7 ,ae. 63 years. The wid- ow m. 2, Burge, who d. before March, CHENEY, cont. 1070-80. She rem. to Boston; made will Sept. 23, 1086, d. 2 or 3 (5) 1680. Genealogy. CHERRALL, William, baker, ae. 26, with Ursula, ae. 40, came in the Love in July, 1635. CHESSON, Roger, Ipswich, 1641. CHESTER,' Leonard, Cambridge, propr. 1634; wife had grant of land which she sold in 1635. He rem. to Wethersfield, Conn. Wife Mary; ch. John b. Aug. 3, 1635; Dorcas b. Nov. 1, 1637, (m. at Salem, Nov. 12, 1656, Rev. Sam- uel Whiting, Jr.,) Stephen b. March 3, 1639, Mary b. Jan. 15, 1641, Prudence b. Feb. 16, 1043, (m. Thomas Russell,) Eunice b. June 15, 1645, (m. Richard Sprague,) Mercy b. Feb. 14, 1047; (see her will, prob. 21 (10) 1069, at Char.). He d. Dee. 11, 1648. His widow m. Rich- ard Russell, q. v. CHICHESTER, James, Taunton, atba. 1643. Rem. to Salem; adm. chh. 27 (2) 1651. Wife Mary, a witness in Es. court in 1645, adm. chh. Salem 14 (2) 1050; ch. John, James, Mary and Martha bapt. 21 (2) 1650, Sarah bapt. 4 (3) 1651, William bapt. 15 (3) 1053, Eliza bapt 20 (1) 1654, Susanna bapt. 10 (3) 1657. CHICKEN, Joseph, ae. 16, servant to Robert Lovell, husbandman, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. CHICKERING, CHICKERIN, CHECK- ERY, Francis, yeoman, Dedham, propr. 1638, frm. May 13, 1040. Memb. Court valuation com., ensign, selectman, deputy. Wife Amy or Ann adm. chh. 29 (10) 1G40, d. 5 (10) 1649. Ho m. 11 (4) 1650, Sarah Sibble. Ch. Ann, (m. 3 (9) 1059, Stephen Paine,) Elizabeth b. 26 (7) 1638, d. 23 (5) 1642, Bethshua b. 23 (10) 1640, Easter b. 4 (9) 1643, John b. 19 (2) 1640, Mary b. 10 (2) 1648. He d. 2 (8) 1658. Inv. presented by widow Sarah and Capt. Eleazer Lusher, Oct. 17, 1658. The Court allowed her 350 li., includ- 97 CHICKERING, etc., cont. ing 150 li. contracted for at her marriage. [Reg. IX, 346.] Henry, yeoman, Salem, propr. 1639; rem. to Dedham, adm. chh. with wife 29 (11) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. Deputy, deacon. Was In the ship to go to Bng., and excused from service as deputy 27 (8) 1047. He was bur. 22 (5) 1671, ae. 82 years. Will dated 23 (3) 1670, prob. 31 (6) 1671. Beq. to wife Ann; kinsman Nathaniel C, living with him; pastor John Allin; to the school and church of Dedham; to several individuals; to son, Mr. John Chickerin of Charlestown. See Mr. John Allin. Mary, Dedham, made over to John C, her cousin, son of Honry C. of D. in N. E., all her interest in a parcel of land belonging to the Manor of Benecar Hall In CO. Suffolk, 20 (9) 1646. [A.J CHIDLET, Mr. , before Boston Court 7 (7) 1641. [W.] CHILD, CHILDE, Ephraim, Watertown, frm. May 18, 1031. Town officer, deacon, deputy. He d. 13 (12) 1662-3, ae. 70. Will dated Nov. 10, 1662, prob. April 2, 1663, beq. to Ephraim, son of Benjamin C; to his cousin Wm. Bond, whom he app. co-exec, with his wife Elizabeth; to Richard and John C; to Mary Rowles, wife of John Parker; to ser- vant Davie; to Samuel Bush; beq. to her cousin William Bond, and made him exec, of her est; beq. also to his wife and to Wm. junior, John, Thomas, Elizabeth and Sarah B.; to Ric. Child's wife and eldest and second son; to Ric. Beeres and wife and others. Richard, Barnstable. Rem. to Yar- mouth. He m. Oct. 15, 1648, Mary Linnell, or Linnett. Robert, doctor, planter at Nashaway (Lancaster,) in 1644. One of those who pe- titioned for citizenship without church-mem- bership in 1646; had a bro.. Major of a regi- ment in Kent; a person of quality, and there- fore not punished as severely as others for expressions and demeanor deemed disre- spectful, but prosecuted repeatedly ana con- fined sometime in his house (in Boston). [W.] A stockholder in the Iron Works Co. 98 CHILLINGWORTH, SHILLINGS- WORTH. Thomas, shoemaker. Sandwich, 1638, propr. 1640; rem. to Marshfleld; frm. 5 June', 1644; town officer. Admin, gr. to widow Joane March 1, 1652- 3. [Reg. V, 259.] The widow m. Thomas Doged, and they secured to her 4 daus. their shares of the father's est. 7 March, 1653. CHILSOKT, ^\■alsingham, Marblehead, a witness in 1647; owner of a swamp lot in 1649. With wife Mary he sold laud in M. to Francis Johnson 13 July, 1655. CHILTON, James, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact. Res. at Plymouth. Brought with him his wife Mary, who d. within a few months after arrival. He brought dau. Mary, who m. John Winslow. Another dau. came over afterward, that was married. [B.] He d. Dec. 6, 1620. CHING, CHIN, CHYN. George, Salem, Marblehead, taxed in 1638. Was appointed to receive money of John Lyon in 1638. [Court Files.] Witness in 1647. Admin, of his est. gr. 6 (1) 1653, to widow, Elizabeth. [Es. Files X, 11.] CHIPFIELD, Edmund, ae. 20, came in the Hope- well in Sept. 1635. CHIPMAN, John, only son of Mr. Thomas Chip- man of Brinspittal, Dorsetshire, Eng., b. about 1614, came to Plymouth 1630-1, in ser- vice of his cousin Richard Darby, whose father was custodian of certain money due him from the est. of his father. See his declaration and the deposition of Ann Hos- kins in [Reg. IV, 23, and XXXV, 127.] He settled at Barnstable. He was adm. chh. Jan. 30, 1052; ruling elder, town officer, dep- uty. He m. Hope, dau. of John Howland, who was adm. chh. Aug. 7, 1050; she d. 8 Jan. 16S3, ae. 54. [Gr. St.] Ch. Elizabeth b. June 24, 1C47, Elizabeth bapt. Aug. S, 1650, a ch. bur. Sept. 9, 1650, Hope bapt. Sept. 5. 1652, Lydia b. Dec. 25, 1654, John b. and d. 1656-7, Hannah b. Jan. 14, 1658, John, Samuel b. April 15, 1672. CHITTENDEN, CHETTENDEN. Thomas, ae. 51, with wife Rebecca, ae. 40, and ch. Isaac, ae. 10, and Henry, ae. 6, <;ert. by minister of Wapping, Eng , came in the Increase April, 1(535. He settled at Scituate; linen-weaver. Took oath of alle- giance 1 Feb. 1638. Will, dated Oct. 7, 1608, prob. June 4, 1C69. Beq. all to sons Isaac and Henry. [Keg. VII, 178.] CHTJBBTJCK, etc., cont. 1G42, (m. Feb. 18, 1603, Thomas Lincoln, Jr.,) Deborah b. July 6, 1045, d. March, 1650, John b. Dec. 30, 1048. Wife Alice d. 20 Feb. 1074-5. He d. 9 Dec. 1676. Will prob. 27 Dee., 1676., beq. to children Nathaniel, John, Sa- rah, (wife of Jeremy Fitch,) Rebecca, (wife of William Hersey,) Mary, (wife of Thomas Lincoln). CHITTWOOD, Mary, ae. 24, cert, from St. Albons Herts, Eng., came in the Planter April 2, 1635. CHOATE, CHOTE, John, Ipswich, 1648; in court in 1650. Was living at Corporal Andrews' farm in 1058. Sergeant. He deposed in 1000, ae. about 30 years, in 1004, ae. about 40, and in 1083, ae. about 58. [Essex Files.] Wife Anne; ch. John b. June 15, 1661, Margaret, (m. Abraham Fitts,) Samuel, Mary b. Aug. 13, 1006, Thomas, Sarah, (m. John Burn- ham,) Joseph, Benjamin. He d. Dec. 4, 1695. Will dated 7 Dec. 1691; agreement made in place of the will 14 May, 1C97. The widow d. Feb. 16, 1727, ae. up- wards of 90. [Genealogy.] CHOPPIN, Philip, Marblehead, witness in court in 1639. CHUBB, Thomas, carpenter, Boston, freed from the service of Samuel Maverick, and en- iJ.TSed to Wm. Gaylord of Dorchester 3 May, 1C.31. [Col. Rec] Rem. about 1030 to Salem. In court, 1039. Rem. to Beverly. His son "S^ illiani was apprenticed 25 April, 1072, to Zaehery Herrick, carpenter. Sons Thomas, ae. 28, and John, ae. 24 or 25, deposed con- cerning William and their aged father and mother. [Es. Files.] He deposed in 1684, ae. about 75 years. CHURCH, Garret, Waiertown, contributed to the fort at Boston April 1, 1634; frm. May 2, 1049. He deposed 17 (10) 1662, ae. about 51 years. [Mds. Files.] Wife Sarah; ch. John b. 10 (1) 1637-8, Samuel b. 12 (4) 1640. Sarah b. 10 (1) 1642, Mary b. 15 (3) 1644, Jonathan b. 13 (10) 1646, David b. 1 (7) 1657. George, ae. 16, servant of Stephen Kent, came in the Confidenee April 24, 1638. Before Boston Court 7 Sei)t., 1643, and sent to Ipswich. Richard, carpenter, Boston, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Rem. to Weymouth, then to Plymouth before 1632. [B. in Reg. II, 243.] Volunteer for the Pequot War before 1637. Frm. 1033. Rem. to Charlestown. Bought one half of corn mill at Hingham Jan. 24, 1053, and rem. thither. Town officer. He deposed 15 (11) 1656, ae. about 47 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Elizabeth, Uau. of Richard and Elizabeth Warren; she d. 4 March, 1670. Ch. Elizabeth, (m. Caleb Ho- bart,) Joseph, Benjamin, Caleb, Navhaniel, Hannah, Abigail b. June 22, 1647, (m. Dec. 19, 1666, Samuel Thaxter,) Charles, Richard, Sarah, (m. James Burross,) Mary d. 30 April, 1602, Deborah bapt. March 22, 1050, (ui. John Iiish, Jr.). He d. at Dedham, (home of his son Caleb,) 26 Dec, 1008. His will, dated 25 Doc. 1008, gave lands in Hing.. share in Iron Works at Taunton, etc., to wife Elizabeth; to son Jo- seph a double portion, on acct. of the lame- ness of bis hand. [Reg. XIX, 103.] CHUBBUCK, CHUBBOCK, CHUBBEC, Thomas, farmer, came with his wife in 1034 from Hingham, Eng. Settled at Charlestown. Wife Alice adm. chh. April 3, 1635. He rem. to Hingham; propr. Sept., 1635. Ch. Nathaniel bapt. 4 (3) 1635, Sarah bapt. Feb. 1637, (m. Sept. 25, 1657, Jeremiah Fitch.) .Tohn b. and d. 1639, Mary b. Oct. 13, CHURCHHILL, CHURCHALL, CHURCH- WELL, John, Plymouth, atba. 1643. Frm. 5 June, 1651. He m. 17 Dec, 1044, Hannah, dau. of Wm. Pontus; ch. Hannah b. Nov. 12, 1649, (m. John Rogers,) Eleazer b. April 20, 1052, Mary b. Aug. 1, 1654. He d. Jan. 1. 1602. Nunc, will prob. May 99 CHUBCHHILL, etc., cont. 3, 1UU2; sons Joseph, Eleazer, John, William to have estate, part now and the rest at his wife's death. Testimony of his liinswoman Abigail Clark, ae. 20 yrs. [Reg. VI, 94.] The widow, Hannah Churchill, Sen., m. 25 June, 1G69, Giles Rickett. Her est. was distributed 17 March, 1G91. CHURCHMAN, Hugh, Lynn. Presented in Essex Court in 1043, for living 7 or 8 yrs. without his wife. Will, dated 4 (4) 1640, prob. 9 (5) 1G44; to Wm. Winter, his son Josias Hale, and dau. Emma Hale; to Edward Burt. John, embarked June 22, 1632. CHUSMOR, Richard, [Ipswich,] propr. 1637. CHUTE, CHEWTE, SHUTE, Lionell, b. at Dedham, Eng., 15S0, son of Lionell C, clerk; came early to Ipswich; master of the Grammar School; frm. March 13, 1638-9. Bought house and land m 1039. Town officer. He m. Rose ; ch. James bapt. in Dedham, Eng. Feb. 2, 1613-4, Mary bapt. do. Nov. 23, 1619. AVill dated 4 (7) 1044, prob. 7 (9) 1645, beq. to wife Rose and son James; to friend Jo- seph Mosse; to the poor of the chh. of Ips. Refers to dec. son Nathaniel. CLAP, CLAPP, Edward, son of William, of Salcombe Regis, Eng., came about 1633 to Dorchester where his bro. Roger had already settled. Propr., town officer, frm. Dec. 7, 1636; dea- con. See Alderman. He m. 1, Prudence, dau. of Nicholas C. of Venn Ottery; he m. 2, Susanna, [perhaps dau. of Wm. Cockerell, q. v.] Ch. Elizabeth b. about 1034, [Gr. St.] (m. elder James Blake.) Prudence b. 29 (10) 1637, (m. at Dorch. in Feb. 1059-60. Simon Pock, [Hob.] ) Ezra b. 22 (3) 1640, Nehemi- ah bapt. 10 (8) 1646, Susanna bapt. 10 (10) 1048, William bapt. 6 (5) 1651, Joseph bapt. 13 (0) 10.54, Esther or Hester bapt. 3 (0> 1656, Abigail bapt. 1 (3), d. 8 (11) 1659, Joshua bapt 12 (3) 1001, d. 22 (3) 1662, Jonathan b. and d. 1064. He d. Jan. 8, 1604. Will prob. Feb. 17, 1664-5. Beq. to wife, sons Ezra and Nehe- miah, daus. Susanna and Esther; portions CLAP, etc., cout. of daus. to be equal with what they that are married have already received, that is f 30 apiece. Inv. showed house an.l lands- in Dorch. and Milton, 1-3 part of a house £ir Salem, etc. The widow Susanna d. June 16, 1608. John, Dorchester, frm. 26 May, 1647. He d. July 24, 1655. Will prob. Aug. 30, 1635; bros. Nicholas, Thomas, Amlirose and bro. Richard in Eng.; bro.-in-law Edward C; cousin John Capen, cousin Roger C; widow Jone; bequests to church and school. The land sold in 1835, realized a large sum. The widow m. 26 (4) 1656, John Ellis of Medfield; was dism. to that chh. 3 (2) 1664. Nicholas, sou of Nicholas of Venn Ot- tery, Devon, Eng., came to Dorchester about 1033. Town officer, deacon. He m. 1, Sarah, dau. of William C. of Salcombe Regis; he m. 2, Abigail, widow of Robert Sharp. She wit- nessed probate papers as "Abigail Clapp" 15 Jan. 1656; also in 1605. He m. 3, Anna, wid- ow of John Anniball, of Ipswich before April 15. 1667. [Ips. De.] Ch. Sarah b. 31 (10) 1637, Nathaniel b. 15 (7l 1040, Ebenezcr bapt. 17 (1) 1044, Hannah bapt. 20 (7) 1640, (m. Ebenezer Strong.) Noah b. 15 (5) 1007, "of hi!- 2d wife," says town record; but the moth- er was Anna, the third wife; Sarah b. Nov. 22, bapt. 11 (10) 1070, (m. Joseph Mather. He d. Nov. 4, 1679, ae. about 67. Admin, of his est. was gr. 18 Dec. 1679, to his sons Nathaniel and Ebenezer; but, after their death, the trust was given to their brother Noah, 26 Nov. 1716. Capt. Roger, bro. of Edward, above, b. at Salcombe Regis, Eng. April 6, 1609, joined in the Church-Colony organized at Plymouth, Eng., in March. 1029; came in the Mary and John, arriving at Nantasket May 30, 1030. Settled at Dorchester. Propr., town officer, frm. May 14, 1034. He was capt. of tliC militia, deputy, authorized to join per- sons in marriage, and app. Aug. 10, 1065, capt. of the Castle, where he continued 21 ytars. Rem. to Boston in 1686. He m. Nov. 0, 1633, Johanna, dau. of Mr. Thomas Ford, a fellow passenger in the Mary and John. She was b. in Dorchester, Eng., June 8, 1617, and d. in June, 1695. Ch. Samuel b. 11 (8> 1034, AVilliam b. and d. in 1636, Eliz.ibeth b. 22 (4) 1638, (m. Joseph Holmes,) Experience b. and d. in 1640, Waitstill b. 22 (8) 1041, d. 100 CLAP, etc., cont. ((!) I(i43, Preserved b. 23 (9) 1643, Experience biipt. Dec. 21, 1G45, Hopestill b. Nov. t!, IfiiT, Wait b. Marcli 17, 1G49, (m. Jonathan Simp- son.) Tlaanlis bapt. 25 (0) 1650, Desire b. Oct. 17, 1052, Thomas b. April, 1655, d. in 1670, Unite b. 13 Oct., 1656, d. March 20, 1604, Sup- ply b. 30 (8) 1660, d. March 5, 1685-6. He d. Feb. 2, 1690-1; was bur. in the old burying place, now called King's Chapel Buryiug-ground. He left an autobiography, which has been printed, and constitutes one of the most valuable memorials of the found- ers of New England. His will dated Nov. 19, 1690, beq. to his wife and surviving sons Samuel, Preserved, Hopestill and Desire, daus. Elizabeth and Wait, and cousins Ester Bissell and Constant Dewey. Thomas, bro. of Nicholas, above, came early. Settled at Weymouth; frm. March 1.3, 1638-9. He rem. to Scituate; frm. Plym. Col. 5 June 1644. Town officer; deacon, dep- uty. Wife Abigail. Ch. Thomas b. March 1.'. 1639. Increase, Samuel, Eleazer, Eliza- beth, (ni. Thomas King,) Prudence, John b. 18 Oct. 1658, Abigail b. Jan. 29, 1659-00. He d. April 20, 1684, ae. 87 yrs. Will dated 19 April, 1684, in the 87th year of my age, beq. to wife Abigail; eh. Thomas fof Ded- ham.) Samuel, Increase, Elizabeth (King,) Prudence, Abigail and Mary (Tilden;) gr. cb. Elizabeth. [See Clap Memorial, Dorchester Pope Family, and other works. The ances- try of Nicholas and Thomas Clap was dis- covered by Mr. J. Henry Lea.] CLABE, John, before Gen. Court 30 (2) 1640; Christopher Grant gave bonds for him. CLARK, CLARKE, CLERK, CLERCKE, see Clooke, Arthur, Hampton, frm. March 13, 1640. Rom. to Salem; adm. chh. 17 (8) 1041. Rem. to Boston; rec'd to chh. from chh. of H. 2 (10) 1043, with wife Sarah. Propr., 1645. Ch. Sarah bapt. 17 (1) 1044. He d. . Admin gr. to widow Sarah on behalf of herself and her son Oct. 31, 1065. [Reg. XVI, 233.] Barbary, a married woman, husband not named, tried in Es. court in 1639. Bray, Dorchester, 1634. 101 CLARK, etc., cont. Christopher, Boston, 1647. He went to England and returned, "ae. 38," passenger in the Speedwell May 30, 1656. He deposed 3 (2) 1660, ae. 42 years. [Mdx. Piles.] Went to Barbadoes in 1650. [Arch. 15 B.] His wife Rebekah adm. chh. 25 (10) 1047; ch. Su- sanna, ae. about 8 days, bapt. 23 (2) 1648, Dorothie, ae. about 14 days, bapt. 20 - (11) 1649, John b. 3 (12) 1651, Peter b. 14 June, 1653, Rebecca b. 4 May, 1657, Christopher bapt. 19 (12) 1659, Daniel b. Feb. 10, 1661, d. 10 March, 1662, Elizabeth b. Aug. 4, 1603. Daniel, Ipswich, propr. 1034; before Gen. Court 4 (7) 1639; [L.] case referred to Ipswich Court. Rem. to Topsfield. Wife Damaris; ch. Mary b. 1 Nov. 1643, Elizabeth b. 10 Nov. 1047, Dority b. 10 Jan. 1049, Sarah b. 31 Jan. 1051, Samuel b. 5 Dec. 1663, Daniel d. 17 Jan. 1660. Will dated Jan. 10, 1088, prob. 25 (2; 1090, beq. to sons John, Daniel and Humphrey; gr. ch. John Hewlett; to son Home's ch.; to all my daus.; to son Samuel C. in England. Dennis, husbandman, of Dertford, co. Kent, Eug. hearing that his wife Anna was dead, betook himself to the company of Olave Peddington and had two children by her. Learning that Anna was still living, he made a written dismissal of Anna and declaration of adherence to Olave March 12, 1642, in presence of John Winthrop et als. [Suff. Prob. I, 31. [ Edward or Edmund, Sandwich, propr. 1640, atba. 1643. Frances, Boston, maid servant to Mr. John Wilson, adm. chh. 1 (1) 1640. Now wife of one Mr. John Rayner, teacher of the chh. of Plymouth, dism. to Plym. chh. 18 (7) 1642. George, Plymouth, 1637, atba. 1643. Propr. He m. 22 Jan. 1638-9, AUis Martin. He d. in 1644 and the widow m. Richard Bishop. She took the life of her dau. Mar- tha Clarke, 4 yrs.old, July 22, 1648; was sen- tenced to death Oct. 4, 1648. The Court, 6 May, 1648, authorized .John Churchil to dis- pose of the house and land that was .Tohn Clarke's for the benefit of his dau. Abigail Clark. Hugh, Watertown; he rem. to Roxbury. Wife Elizabeth; eh. John b. 13 (8) 1641, Uii- CLABE, etc., cont. ah b. 5 (4) 1644, Elizabeth b. 31 (11) 1647. He deposed in 16S1, ae. about G8. His wife d. 11 Dec. 1692. He d. July 20, 1693. James, Boston, propr. at Braiutree, 24 (12) 1639, of lot for 2 heads. Resided at Mud- dy River. Wife Jone, 1035. [Gen. Court Rec] He m. in Roxbury Elizabeth Wright; cL. Elizabeth and Mary bapt. Jan. S, 1645, Martha bapt. April 25, 1648, Bannah bapt. Dec. 23, 1649, James bapt. April 11, 1652, Samuel b. 9 (2) 1654. "My son James, now in N. E.," had beq. from John Clarke alias Kingman of Wells, Eng., yeoman, in will dated 24 Aug. 1646. [Reg. LI, 115.] His will dated Sept. 11, 1667, was prob. 7 Jan. 1674. Beq. to wife and children, James, Samuel, John and Aaron. Cousin Peter Aspinwall, James Pemerton and son- in-law Walter Morse overseers. Jeremy, agent of Wm. Coddington, 23 (4) 1642, to transact business in Mass. [SufC. De. I, 28.] John, late citizen and chirurgeon of London in 1640, exec, of the est. of Anne Ward, late of Stratford, Es. [L.] Signed iny. of Wm. Hanbury in 1049. Settled at Newbury, frm. May 22, 1638. Propr.; town officer; ex- empt from taxes on account of pursuing his calling in town. Sold Newbury property 1 (10) 1651. Rem. to Boston. Deputy. The Gen. Court gave him a patent on his inven- tion for sawing wood and warming rooms with little cost. The stoves he invented marlied an era in N. E. history. He deposed as to being consulted professionally 6 May, 1662, ae. about 63. [Arch. 15 B.] Ch. John bapt. 8 (12) 1651; Jemina, (m. 6 (9) 1656, Mr. Robert Drue). He d. in 1664. Will prob. Nov. 2.^, 1664; wife Martha, son John, dau. Jemimah Drew and her ch. John and Elizabeth. His widow d. 19 Sept. 1680, ae. 85. [S.] [See traditions and history in Reg. XXXIH, 19 and 226.] John, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. John, Boston, memb. chh. 1031-2, frm. Nov. 6, 1632. Mr. John had lot at Braintree 19 (12) 1637, for 10 heads. John, Cambridge, propr. 1633, frm. May 6. 1635. Agreed to build a weir, 1635-6. CLABE, etc., cont. John, Springfield, had leave to burn tar in 1646. Town officer. He m. 2, (1) 1646- 7, Elizabeth Stebbins; ch. John b. 6 (1) 1647, Sarah b. 27 (lOl 1649, Elizabeth b. 26 (10) 1651, Lydia bur. 1 (11) 1654. Will dated Sept. 15, prob. Sept. 30, 1684, beq. to wife; son John; daus. Sarah Barnard and Mary Morgan. Son-in-law David Mor- gan deposed. Jonas, or Jonah, mariner, Cambridge, propr., ruling elder. Appointed 13 Oct. 1654, v.'itli Samuel Andrew, to talie observations at the northerly bounds of Mass. Plantation. Wife Sarah was bur. 20 (12) 1649, and he m. 30 (5) 1650, Elizabeth — . Ch. Thomas b. 2 (10) 1642, d. 20 (3) 1049, Sarah b. 15 (7) 164-4, Jonas b 4 (7) 1646, Mary d. 15 (9) 1649, Elizabeth Thomas, Timothy, Samuel bapt. Nov. 6, 1659, Abigail bapt. May 4, 1662. [Mi.] The wife Elizabeth d. 25 March, 1673, ae. 41 years. [Gr. St.] He d. Jan. 11, 1699, ae. 80. Will dated 19 Dec. 1699, prob. April 22, 1700, beq. to wife Elizabeth, sons Jonas, Timothy, Thomas, Jo- seph and Samuel; to daus. Susanna and Abi- gail; to dau. Bonner's 3 ch.; to dau. [dilia- loon] and dau. Green; to Dorcas and Jonas Green; to son Timothy's son Samuel. Land in Camb., Groton and Dunstable. Joseph, Dorchester, 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Goodman Clarke, the carpenter, had land at Dorch. Neck, adj. Thos. Makepeace, in 1649. Joseph, Dedham, propr. 28 (7) 1640. Rem. to Medfield. Frm. May IS, 1653. Wife Alice; ch. Joseph b. 27 (5) 1642, Benjamin b. 9 (12) 1643, Daniel b. 29 (7) 1647, Mary b. 12 (]) 1649, Sarah b. 20 (12) 1650. Martha, widow, 85 years old, d. [at Cambridge?] Sept. 19, 1680. [S.] Mary, came in the Hopewell In Sept. 1635. Mr. C, Mariner, Boston, ordered to clear the highway by his cellar 27 (6) 1649. [Town Rec] Nicholas, Cambridge, propr. 1634. Richard, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; res. at Plymouth; but d. soon after arriving. [B.] 102 CLABK, etc., cont. Richard. Plymouth, servant to Mr. Richard Derby, transferred to Mr. Atwood 1 Oct. 1638. Richard, Rowley, propr. 1G43; town offi- cer. He m. (6) 1643, Alice ; ch. Judah b. 5 (4) 1044, bur. July 28, 1660, Hester b. 10 (S; 164.5, Mary b. 22 (10) 1648, John b. 26 (1) 1050. Martha b. 10 (1) [1652.] Will dated 7 Feb. 1073, prob. 31 March, 1074, beq. to son John and dau. Ester Hob- liinson. Inv. takeu 22 Feb. 1673. Rowland, Dedham, propr. 11 (6) 1637. He d. 2 (12) 1638. Mary C, widow, adm. ehh. 1 (2) 1042, d. 22 (3) 1042. Priscilla, who m. Nathainiel Colborn, Mary or Martha, who m. Benjamin Smith, and Elizabeth, who m. George Barber, were also in Ded. about 1039. Thomas, came la 1623 to Plymouth; frw. 1633. Volunteered for the Pequot war in 1037. Town officer. Contracted marriage 20 Jan. 10C4, with wid- ow Alice Nicolls of Boston; her est. reserved for herself and her son John Nicolls, etc. She made will, after marriage. May 5, 1071, prob. 17 (4) 1671. Beg. to husband; to son John N.; to sisters Hannah Hollet, Elizabeth Welch ,and Susanna Hide; to bro. William Hollet. He d. March 24, 1697, ae. 98 years. [Gr. St.] Thomas, late of Plymouth, witnesses a receipt of money paid to Richard Dole of Newbury in 1669. [Es. Files.] Thomas, merchant, shop-keeper, Dor- chester; frm. 1038-9. Propr.; rem. to Bos- ton about 1643; town officer, deputy, cap- tain. Signed inv. of John Hill in 1646. Wife Elizabeth; eh. Mehitabel b. 18 (2) 1640, bapt. 19 (2) 1640; her father being absent in Eng- land, Mr. Stoughton announced her name; Elizabeth b. 22 (3) 1642, (m. 28 May, 1661, Mr. John Freake,) Submit bapt. at Bo. 20 (6) 1646, ae. about 1 day: Submit, ae. about 14 days, bapt. 4 (1) 1649, Benjamin b. 4 May, 1056. Thomas, locksmith, blacksmith, Bos- ton, had land at Braintree 27 (11) 1639. for 8 heads. Wife - — ■; ch. Cornelius b. (10) 1639, Jacob b. (3) 1642, Deborah bapt. 9 (4) 1644, ae. about 6 days, Rachel b. 6 (o) 1646, Thom- as bapt. 22 (6) 1647, ae. about 4 days, Thom- CLABK, etc., cont. as bapt. 17 (10) 1648, ae. about 5 days, Thom- as bapt. 20 (8) 1650. Thomas, residence not stated, deposed regarding the case of Robert Knight in 1655, ae, about 48 years. Thomas, Sen. tanner, Ipswich, propr. 1634; frm. June 2, 1641. One of those who surveyed land up the Merrimac, to whom the Gen. Court voted payment June, 1039. Thomas, Ipswich, carpenter, gave land in Ips. Dec. 18, 1671, to his son Thomas, of same town, tailor. Thomas, yeoman, Reading, propr. 1647; town officer; adm. chh. in 1602. He deposed in 1058, ae. about 40 years. [Es. Files 4, 12.] Wife Else d. June 28, 1658; son Thomas d. Nov. 1, 1073. He d. Sept. 12, 1093; inv. filed. Thurston, ae. 44, wuth Faith, ae. 15, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1630. Settled at Plymouth. CaUed also Tristram, Trustrum. Propr. 1636. Dau. Faith m. Edward Dotey. Son Thurston atba. 1643. He d. about Dec. 10, 1001, of cold and ex- posure. Inquest. Admin, gr. to widow Faith 4 March, 1661. Her est. was divided June 1, 1663, between her dau. Faith Dotey and her sons Henry and Thurston Clarke. William, Roxbury, frm. May 18, 1031, juryman, 3 May, 1031. Mr. William C, of Roxbury, N. E., mentioned in the will of Clement Chaplaine in 1050; q. v. Mr. William, one of the first to plant at Agawam, (Ipswich,) April 1, 1033, [Col. Rec] Had land assigned him Eastward of Labour in vane, southward of the town, Nov. 1034. Rem. to Salem, 1037; vintner. Part of his land fell within the limits of Lynn; for which he had another grant 13 (12) 1042. Dwelling between Linn and Ipswich, he had liberty from the Gen. Court to entertain pas- sengers & cattle, 2 June, 1041. Ch. Bethiah bapt. at Salem 20 (6) 1638, Susanna bapt. 12 (1) 1642-3, Deborah bapt. 6 (6) 1645. Admin, gr. to widow Katharine (5) 1647. Eldest son; another son and a m. dau. by a former wife; 4 younger (minor) children. The Gen. Court lie. the widow to keep the inn and sell wine, if she provide a fit man that is godly for the business. 103 CLABK, etc., cont. William, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633. William, Dorchester, memb. chh. about 1636, with wife Sarah. Propr.; witnessed inv. of John Pratt in 1647. He was dism. 28 (2) 1661, to join in forming chh. at North- ampton; wife Sarah and son Nathaniel dism. later. Ch. Sarah b. 21 (4) 1638, Jonathan b. 1 (8) 1639, Nathaniel z. 27 (11) 1641, Experi- ence (dau.) b. 30 (1) 1643, Increase bapt. 1 (1) 1646, Samuel bapt. 23 (8) 1653, William b. 3 (5) 1656, Sarah bapt. 20 (1) 1658-9. Sarah, wife of W. C, d. at North. 6 Sept. 1675; Sa- rah, wife of Lieut. W. C, d. May 18, 1688. Lieut. W. C. d. at North. July 10, 1690; will dated 10 July, prob. 30 Sept. 1690; beq. to sons .Tohn, Samuel and William and daus. Rebecca and Sarah; to Mary and Sarah, daus. of son Nathaniel. William, weaver, ae. 27, with wife Mar- garet, ae. 21, came in the Plain Joan in 1635; settled at Watertown; frm. May 22, 1639. He rem. to Woburn. Propr. 1651. He de- posed 6 (2) 1664, ae. about 69 years. [Mds. Files.] Ch. Mary b. 10 (10) 1640, (m. Nov. or Dec. 27, 1655, Wm. Loclie,) Elizabeth b. 26 (9) 1642, (m. Dec. 28, 1659, George Brush,) Hannah b. 13 (12) 1645, (m. Joseph Buckmin- ster,) Lydia, (m. Frlssell). He d. March 15, 1682. Will dated 10 (10) 1681, prob. April 4, 1682; weaver; striclcen in years;beq. to wife; to gr. ch. .John Locke, "who hath bin a liver with me many years;" to my three daughters; to the two daus. of my dau. Lidia; dau. frissell, dau. Brush, son George Brush, son William Locke. Margery d. Oct. 11, 1694. William, Yarmouth, took oath of alle- giance and was sworn constable 7 Oct., 1639; frm. 6 June, 1654. He d. Dec. 7, 1688. Nunc, will prob. 28 (12) 1068-9; all to Joseph Benjamin, his son, who pres. inv. of the est. [Reg. VI, 178.] William, Duxbury. He served against the Narragansetts 15 Aug., 1645. Had deed of land in D. March 6, 1649, from his kins- man Wm. Collier. Will dated Jan. 3, prob. June 8, 1687; wife Martha; William Bonney, whom he had brought up. The latter renounced his claim Aug. 7, 1688 rather than remain with the widow. [Gen. Adv. I, 17.] CLARY, John, Watertown. He deposed July 10, 1672, ae. 00 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. 5 (12) 1643, Sarah Cassell; ch. Sarah b. 4 (8) 1647, (m. Dec. 13, 1667, John Perry,) Gershom b 7 (7) 1650. CLAY, Jonas, Wenham, 1643. Thomas, Scituate, plaintiff in a suit before Gen. Court 29 (8) 1640; atba. 1643. CLAYDON, CLADON, CLAYTON, Richard, carpenter, wheelwright, ae. 34, of Sutton, Bedfordshire, made agreement 12 March, 1628-9. to go to Mass. for the Company, to work at his trade, taking with him his wife and one dau.. his bro. Barnaby, ae. 23 yrs., and his sister 14 yrs. old. Came to Salem. [Suff De. I, XVI.] CLEABE, George, carpenter, Plymouth, had leave to build house April 3, 1637. Sold 1 Sept. 1638. He m. 20 Sept., 1638, Abigail . George, Dedham, m. 26 (11) 16i8, Mar- tha Ward. CLEEMOND, John, Boston, servant to Jacob Eliot, adm. chh. 18 (5) 1640. CLEMENT, CLEMENTS, CLEMANCE. CLEMONS, Augustine, painter, of Redding, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Settled at Dorchester. Propr., planter, frm. May 25, 1036. He employed John Tinker to sell for him property at Wockiugton, Berks, Oct. 18, 1038. [L.] Wife Elizabeth. Will dated 31 Jan. 1671, prob. 31 (S) 1674. Beq. to son Samuel his house and lands in Boston, to wife Elizabeth house and lands in Dorch. with the moveable est.; to dau. Elizabeth Sumner and her children Hannah, William, Sarah, Experience, Ebenezer, De- liverance and Clement. Mr. Robert, Haverhill. Deputy and com., 1647. Allowed by Salisbury Court to sell wine at H. in 1653. See Dummer. He d. 29 Sept. 1658. Will dated Sept. 6, prob. 12 (8) 16.58, beq. to wife; sons Job, John, Abraham and Daniel; sons [in law] Moses Pingrin, Abraham Monill and John 104 CLEMENT, etc., cont. Osgood; to my children's children that are In New England; to Mr. Ward, our minister. Another son Robert is mentioned under Fawne. William, Cambridge, propr. on South side of Charles River in 1636. [Col. Rec] He petitioned the Gen. Court for a divorce from his wife May, 1656. The wife Susan desired same. [Mds. Files.] The inv. of his est. talien 15 (12) 1660-70, was filed 21 (4) 1070, by Samuel Hide and John Jackson. CLEVELAND, Jloses, Woburn, propr. 1649. He m. 26 (7) 1648, Ann Winn; ch. Moses b. Sept. 1, 1651, Hannah b. Aug. 4, 1653, Aaron b. Jan. 10, 1654, Samuel b. June 9, 1657, Miriam b. July 10, 1657, Joanna b. Sept. 19, 1661, d. March 12, 1667, Edward b. May 20, ]0G4, Jo- siah b. Feb. 26, 1666, Isaac b. May 11, 1669, Joanna b. April 5, 1670, Enoch b. Aug. 1, 1671. [Genealogy.] CLEVIN, Joan, ae. Sept., 1635. 16, came in the Hopewell in CLIFFORD, George, glover, servant to Mr. Thomas Buttall, Boston, adm. ehh. 18 (1) 1643. En- gaged by the town as a drummer for train- ing-days and watches 27 (9) 1643. Wife ; cb. John, bapt. 10 (3) 1646. John, Salisbury, propr. 1640, rem. Hampton. to Marie, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. CLOTJGH, CLOW, CLTTFF, CLXTFFE, CLOUFE, John, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth April 11, 1635. John, Boston, having served his mas- ter 4 yrs., had a lot gr. him by the Gen. Court, 13 March, 1638-9. John, and Jone, at Charlestown, adm. chh. 21 (1) 1C52. Elizabeth and Mary adm. chh. 9 (6) 1656. John, tailor, Watertown, frm. May 18, 1642. Bought land in 1650. With wife Su- san sold land in 1655. John, house carpenter, Salisbury, propr. 1039. Frm. May 18, 1642. He deposed in 1691, ae. 77 years. Wife Jane d. Jan. 16, 1679; he m. Jan. 15, 1686, Martha Cilley or Sibley. Ch. Elizabeth b. Dec. 16, 1642, (m. Home,) Mary b. July 30, 1644, Sarah b. June 28, 1646, (m. Daniel MerrUl,) John b. March 9, 1648, Thomas b. May 29, 1651, Mar- tha b. March 22, 1654, (m. Cornelius Page,) Samuel b. Feb. 20, 1656-7. He d. July 26, 1691. Will prob. Nov. 3 folg. Beq. to now wife Martha; sons John, Sam- uel and Thomas; son-in-law Daniel Merrill; daus. Elizabeth Home and Sarah Merrill; the children of dau. Martha, wife of Cornel- ius Page, late of Andover, and other gr. ch. Richard, tailor, Plymouth, taxed in 1633, frm. 1034, propr. Volunteer for Pequot War 1637. Before Gen. Court 1 Sept., 1040. William, Watertown, propr. 1645. William, [Sen. or Jun.?] briclilayer, Charles- town, sold land in 1656; adm. chh. 25 (6) 1661. Ch. Benjamin bapt. 30 (1) 1662. Will dated 24 Oct. prob. 17 Jan. 1684, beq. to wife Mary, sons William, John and Sam- uel, and dau. Mary. CLIFTON, CLIFTON, Thomas, Weymouth, frm. June 2, 1641. Mr. James Parker was authorized by Gen. Court 28 (11) 1640, to m. Thomas Clifton and Mary Butterworth. Rem. to Rehoboth 1643. Juror, 1647; prop.; frm. 7 June, 1648. CLOYCE, CLOYS. CLOISE, John, mariner, Watertown, propr. 1638; took oath of fidelity 1652. He rem. to Charlestown before 1656, when he sold land at Wat. Wife Abigail; ch. John b. Aug. 26, 1038, Peter b. 27 (3) 1039, Nathaniel b. 6 (1) 1042. Second wife Jane; ch. Martha b. Oct. 13, 1659. CLOOKE, see CLABKE, Jonah, frm. May 26, 1647. COACHMAN, see Cushman. 105 COATS, Thomas, Lynn, 1646. Bought land in 1649. His wife was presented in Essex court in 1046 for interrupting Mr. Cobbett's preach- ing on Infant Baptism. COBB, Henry, Plymouth, taxed in 1632, frm. 1633. He rem. to Scituate; with wife Pa- tience joined in the org. of the chh. Jan. 20, 1634-5. Rem. to Barnstable, propr. 2 Jan. 1038-9. Deacon, ruling elder. His wife d. May 4, 1648; and he m. 2, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Hinckle.v, Dec. 12, 1649. Ch. b. at Plymouth, recorded at Barnstable: John b. 7 June, 1032, James b. 14 Jan. 1634; b. at Scituate: Mary b. 24 March, 1637, bapt. 26 March, 1637, Hannah bapt. Oct. 5, 1039, Pa- tience bapt. at Barnstable March 13, 1641, Gershom bapt. Jan. 12, 1644, Eleazer bapt. April 2, 1648, Mehetabel bapt. Sept. 7, 1651, bur. March 8, 1652, Samuel b. Oct. 12, 1654, Sarah b. and d. 1058, Jonathan b. Apr. 10, 1660, Sarah b. 10 March, 1602-3, Henry b. 3 Sept. 1067, Ephraim b. 11 Sept. 1671. He made will 4 April, 1678, prob. 3 June, 1679; beq. to wife Sarah; sons James, John, Gershom, Eliezer, Samuel, Jonathan and Henry; to daus. Mary, Hannah and Patience. COBBET, COBBITT, James, ae. 23, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Rev. Thomas, b. at Newbury, 1608; studied at Oxford; came in 1637 to Lynn; [C. M.] associate minister with Rev. Sam- uel Whiting; frm. May 2, 1638; letter to Gov. Winthrop 13 (1) 1643. Wrote several boolis, of which his Practical Discourse on Prayer, pub. in 1657, is best linown. Rem. to Ips- wich not long after 1655. He d. in 1685. His will, neither dated nor witnessed, was proved Nov. 22, 1085. In his cramped chirography it cari-ies a copious creed and essay on life, showing his fine habits of mind and heart. Was drawing nigh to 75th [or 73d] year; 3 children and 2 grand ch. had died; he beq. to wife Elizabeth; re- fers to her ch. and gr. ch.; to son Belcher whose wife d. about a year and a half ago; and his ch. Samuel, whose wife d. about a year and a half ago; Elizabeth and [Bethia or] Bettris B.; to sons Samuel, Thomas and John C. [Es. Files 45, 30.] Had a quantity of malt, a farm of 500 acres near Haverhill; bouse and land at Lynn, etc. COBHAM, alias Cobbitt, Josiah, Webster, clothier, Salisbury, propr. 1639. Must be considered the Josiah, ae. 21, who came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Settled at Cam- bridge; householder 8 Feb. 1635. Hingham; propr. 1037; frm. Oct. 7, 1640. He m. Mary, dau. of Richard Hatfield, q. V. Sold land in 1042; rem. to Ips- wich. Bought house and land at Boston March 7, 1658-9. Returned to Ips. He de- posed in 1691, ae. about 70 years. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 25 (6) 1640, Josiah b. 12 (2) 1642, Martha b. 3 (5) 1643, Moses b. 3 (9) 1645, Sarah b. 25 (6) 1646, Joshua b. 15 (1) 1648, Marah b. 21 (3) 1652, Ruth b. at Bos- ton Aug. 6, 1657. COCKERELL, William, fisherman, Hingham, propr. 1637; litigation in 1639. [L.] Presumably the same as William, admin, of whose est. was had at Essex Court, 11 (10) 1661. [Wife] Elizabeth; admin, of her est. 28 (4) 1064; Edward Clap, Francis Collins and Andrew Wood were appointed admins.; the est. was to be divided between them af- ter all just debts were paid, [which may in- dicate that their wives were her daughters.] COCCREY, Thomas, Salisbury, released from ap- prenticeship to George Carr, shipwright, April 12, 1641. [L.] COCK, COCKE, COX, Oliver, Salisbury, app. Michael Powell his attorney to obtain houses and lands in Framlingham in Suffolk, and to require acct. of his grandfather Robert MerUant oi Way- bread, 5 (10) 1646. [A.] Philip, apprentice to Capt. Wm, Couz- ens to learn the misterie of mariners, was transferred at Dorchester 24 (4) 1649, to John Gill, of Boston, mariner. [Suff. De.] COCKERHAM, COCKRAM, COCKRAINE, William, mariner, of Southold, co. Suf- folk, Eng., ae. 28, with wife Christen, ae. 26, 2 children and 2 servants, passed exam, to go to New Eng. May 15, 1637. Came to Hingham; propr. Ret. to Eng. Oct. 3, 1642, and sent power of attorney to his son Wil- liam March 25, 1657 to sell est. at H. [Hob.] [Suff De.] Had land next to his father-in- 106 COCKERHAM, etc., cont. law Kiobard Eybrooke in 1037. [Hing. Rec] Ch. Martha bapt. Aug. 19, 1038, Jonathan bapt. April 5, 1040, Mary bapt. Feb. 2, 1642. CODDE, Helen, maid servant of Mr. John Wil- son, adm. chh. 6 (9) 1041. CODDINGTON, COTTINGTOIT, Mr. William, gent., of Boston, Eng., re- fused to contribute to the Royal Loan 9 March, 1020. [Reg. XXXVI, 138.] One of the assts. of the Mass. Bay Co. in Eng. March 18, 1029-30. Came to Boston, N. E., soon after. Memb. chh. 1030, frm. May 25, 1030. Asst. and town officer. Favored Mrs. Hutch- inson, and was banished in 1038. Rem. to Newport, R. I.; sold Boston and Braintree property in 1639. John Beachampe calls him bro. in a letter to Wm. Paddy in 1049. [Free- man Genealogy, 23.] His first wife d. at Bo., N. E., in July, 1030. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3.] Wife Mary adm. chh. 1032-3; ch. Mary bapt. 2 (1) 1034, Bedaiah bapt. 1 (3) 1636. CODMAN, CODNAM, Robert, mariner, Salem, had .5 acres of land and 5 for his mother 12 (5) 1637; town officer. Lawsuit, 1037. Rem. to Salisbury; propr. 1039. Salem voted 30 (7) 1047 to au- thorize the sale of the barque he goes in, the profits belonging in part to the town. Rem. about 1050 to Hartford, Conn. Ch. Benja- min bapt. at Salem Nov. 14, 1041, James b. April 15, 1044, at Salisbury. See Quodnam. CODNEE, Christopher, Marblehead. He m. Mary, dan. of John Bennett, q. v. Admin. (9) 1600; ch. Mary, [Jane!] ae. 5, and Christopher, ae. 3. Dau. Joane m. Jo- seph Bubier. The widow contracted mar- riage with Elias White of Marblehead in 1061. [Es. De. II, 31.] She afterward m. Richard Downing. CODDINGTON, CORDINGTON, CAR- RINGTON, Stockdale, Roxbury. He and his wife rec'd beq. from Elizabeth Hobbert in 1643. CORDINGTON, etc., cont. His wife Hannah, an ancient woman, was bur. July 20, 1044. He bought land at Hamp- ton in 1048, and rem. thither. He d. in 1050; admin, gr. to his eldest son John; who, residing in Boston, sold the Hampton land 15 (2) 1650. COE, COOE, Jane, ae. 30, came in the Susan and El- leu in April, 1635. Robert, ae. 38, with wife Anne, ae. 43, John, ae. 8, Robert, ae. 7, and Benjamin, ae. 5, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Matthew, fisherman, Gloucester, in court (10) 1047, propr. 1051. He m. 15 June, 1647, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Wakeley; [he m. 2, about 1057, Mary .] Ch. John b. last of June, 1049, Sarah b. 14 (1) 1051, JIary b. 15 (3) 1653, Abigail b. "of Matthew and Mary, his wife," June 5, 1658, Matthew b. and d. 1600. COFFYN, COFFIN, Mary, maid servant to Mr. Fowle, Bos- ton, adm. chh. 20 (0) 1044. Mr. Tristram, planter, came about 1042 to Haverhill; a witness to the Indian deed 15 Nov. 1042; propr. 1042-X047; rem. to New- bury. Kept an ordinary. Rem. about 1054 to Salisbury. Joined with other Sails, men in 1059 in buying land at Nantucket island and rem. thither in 1000. First magistrate of the island, and a capable officer. Wife Dionis [Stevens.] Ch. Peter, Tristram, (de- posed in 1070, ae. about 44 years,) Elizabeth, (m. Stephen Greenleaf,) James, John d. at Hav. Oct. 30, 1642, Deborah b. and d. 1642, Mary b. Feb. 20, 1645, (m. Nathaniel Star- buck,) John b. Oct. 13 or 80, 1647, Stephen b. at Newb. May 11, 1652. He d. Oct. 2 or 3, 1681. Admin, gr. 29 Nov. folg. to sons James, John and Stephen. See Genealogy, which shows descent from the. C. family of Brixham, Devonshire, Eng. COGAN, COGGAN, Henry, Taunton, atba. 1643, Barnstabl*, took oath of fidelity 5 June, 1644. Wife Abi- gail; ch. Thomas bapt. March 2, 1039, bur. Jan. 26, 1058, John bapt. Feb. 12, 1642, Mary b. and d. 1645, Henry bapt. Oct. 12, 1646. He d. in Eng. about 16 June, 1649. Inv. 107 COGAN, etc., cont. rendered by his widow Oct. 29, 1649. The widow m. 2, John Fennye. [Reg. IV, 284.] John, merchant; his mother Elinor d. in Tiverton, Devon, Eng., before Aug. 7, 1639. He sent power of attorney to Exeter, Eng., 7 (6) 1639, for collection of aught due to him. his wife or children from the est. of Ignatius Jordan of Exeter, Eng. [L.] He came to Dorchester about 1633. Prm. Nov. 5, 1633. Rem. to Boston and set up the first shop in town March 4, 1633-4. [W.] Wife Abi- gail memb. chh. Dorch.; ch. Abigail bapt. Second [?] wife Anne was adm. chh. Boston 27 (5) 1634. Ch. Annah bapt. 6 (9) 1036, Lydia b. 15 (1) 1639, Mary bapt. 30 (3) 1641, John bapt. 8 (3) 1642, Joshua b. Dec. 15, 1652, bapt. as Calib Dec. 20, 1652; Sarah b. Dec. 25, 1657, d. 12 (1) 1658. His dau. Mary m. 1, John Woodie, 2, Thomas Robin- son; Elizabeth m. Joseph Rocke. His wife Maru or Anne d. 14 (11) 1651. He m. 10 (1) 1651-2, Mrs. Martha, widow of Gov. John Winthrop. He d. April 27, 1658. Will prob. Aug. 3, 1658. Beq. to wife Martha, daus. Rocke and Robinson, and son Caleb. The widow d. about 24 Oct., 1660. [Reg. IX, 36, X, 175, and XXXI, 106.] Thomas, Barnstable, atba. 1643. He d. March 4, 1653. Inv. pres. by widow Joane 23 March folg. COGGESHALL, COGGSWELL, COXALL, John, merchant, embarked June 22, 1632; settled first at Roxbury; rem. to Bos- ton. Adm. chh. with wife Marie and ser- vant Anne Shelley from chh. of Rox. 20 (2) 1034. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Deputy. Sym- pathized with Mr. Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson in 1037, and was exiled to Rhode Island. Ch. Hannanell, (dau.) bapt. 3 (3) 1035, Wayte bapt. 11 (7) 1036, Bedaiah bapt. SO (5) 1636. COGGSWELL, Mr. John, came in the Angel Gabriel, and was wrecked at Pemaquid 15 Aug., 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1635. Deeded house and lands at Chebacco Falls 2 (11) 1051, to son-in-law Cornelius Waldo. Ch. John, William, Mary, wife of Godfrey Armi- tage of Boston, and • , wife of Cornelius Waldo. Abraham Wellman of Lynn gave re- COGGSWELL, etc., cont. ceipt to bros. John and Samuel C. in 1672. [See letter of John, Jr., in Reg. XV, 177.] The inv. of his est. taken 27 Dec. 1669, was filed 29 March folg. Mary, Boston, maid servant lo Mr. Richard Bellingham, adm. chh. 29 (6) 1647. COINTEE, (see Winter,) Christopher, Scituate, adm. chh. Dec. 24, 1637. COIT, COYT, see Goit, John, Marblehead, sold houses and lands 9 Feb. 1647; Juryman, 1651. His bro. Solomon C. mentioned. Wife Mary; ch. (John C, the younger,) Abigail b. 3 (2) 1657, Nathaniel b. 13 (2) 1659. Inventory of his estate filed with those dated 1003. [Es. Files.] The widow m. 3 (8) 1667, John Fitch. John C. d. 15 April, 1675. COKE, see Cooke, John, ae. 27, servant to Henry Collins, starch-maker, came in the Abigail in 1635. Marie, ae. 14, came in the Hopewell In April, 1635. COKER, Richard, fined by the Gen. Court 3 March, 1634-5, for enticing certain servants to run away to the Dutch plantation. Robert, came in the Mary and John In l(i33. At Newbury, 1637; yeoman. Before Ipswich court, 1641. Propr., town officer. Wife Catharine d. 2 May, 1678. Ch. Joseph b. 6 Oct. 1640, Sarah b. 24 Nov. 1643, (m. James Smith,) Hannah b. June 9, 1644, Ben- jamin b. 30 June, 1650. Will dated 20 Sept. 1678, prob. 29 March, 1081, beq. to sons Joseph and Benjamin; daus. Hannah Lunt and Sarah Smith; son- iu-law .Tames Smith; kinsmen Joshua and Caleb Moody. COLBORN, COLBORNE, COLEURlf, COALBORNE, COLBRON, Nathaniel, Dedham, propr., 1037. Adm. chh. 29 (11) 1640, frm. June 21, 1641. Town Officer. He m. 25 (5) 1639, Priscilla Clarke; she was adm. chh. 23 (8) 1040. Ch. Sarah b 15 (2) 1640, Rebecca b. 17 (12) 1642, Nathan- iel b. 3 (1) 1644, Priscilla b. 1 (2) 1646, (m. 108 COLBORN, etc., cont. 12 Nov. 10U8, Joseph Morse;) John b. 29 (5) 1648, Mary b. 21 (11) 1650, Hannah b. 20 (11) 1652, Samuel b. 25 (11) 1651, Deborah b. 28 (11) 1656, Benjamin b. 21 (7) 1G59, Joseph b. 1 (10) 1662. Nathaniel, Sen., d. May 11, 1691. Will prob. April 26, 1692 ,beq. to wife Priscilla, sons Nathaniel, John, Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin; daus. Sarah Partridge, Rebecca Pratt, Priscilla Morse, Hannah Alderidge; to Deborah and Joseph, ch. of son-in-law Jo- seph Wight and my dec. dau. Deborah, Pris- cilla d. Aug. 12, 1692. Robert, Ipswich, resident, 1648. He deposed in 1668, ae. about 60 years; wife Alice the same. He d. May 2, 1685. William; William Coleburn of Brent- wood paid £ 25 into the stock of the Mass. Bay Co.; receipt dated 8 May, 1629. He pe- titioned in 1658 for a proper grant of land therefor, and reed. 300 acres. [Arch. 100.] Boston, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, adm frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer many terms. Will prob. 29 (8) 1662. Wife Margery; dau. Sarah Pierce and her dau. Sarah Colpit; dau. Mary Turand and her 5 ch. which she had by George Barrell, viz. James, William, John, Mary and Hannah; dau. Elizabeth Paine. [Reg. XI, 174.] COLBY, COXILBY, Anthony, Boston, 1633. Frm. May 14, 1634. Propr. at Cambridge 1633; sold before 1640. Rem. to Salisbury about 1640. He was dism. from Boston chh. to chh. of Salis. 5 (5) 1646. Ch. John bapt. 8 (7) 1633, Sarah, (m. Orlando Bagley,) Samuel, (deposed in 1692, ae. about 53 years,) Rebecca b. March 11, 1643, (m. John Williams,) Mary b Sept. 19, 1647, (m. Wm. Sargent, Jr.,) Thomas. He d. Feb. 11, 1660; inv. and division of est. in 1662-3. The widow m. William Whit- tred; d. July 8, 1689, or thereabout. Her est. was admin, by son Samuel. List of ch. and gr. ch. [Es. Files, 38, 89.] COLCORD, COLCOTT, Edward, planter, Salem ,1637. Rem. to Dover, N. H. Deposed 8 April, 1673. about gifts of Mr. Bachiler to Chr. Hussey and wife, ae. 56 years. He contracted Nov. 5, COLCOBD, etc., cont. 1G39, to deliver clapboards at Pascatt Rivers Mouth. [L.] He deposed 17 (9) 1669, ae. about 54 years. See Page, Robert. COLDHAM, COULDUM, Thomas, miller, Lynn, frm. May 14, 1634. Propr., juryman. He deposed in 1662, about Mr. Humphrey's mill at L., which lie tended 2 or 3 years; never liept a better mill in England. Was then ae. about 60 years. Ch. Thomas, Clement, (ae. about 37 yrs. in 1662,) Martha, wife of Richard Whit- ney, ment. by son Thomas, [Elizabeth, wife ol John] Symonds. He admin, on the est. of his son Thomas 24 (4) 1673. He d. April 8, 1675, ae. about 86 years. AYill, dated March 14, 1674-5, beq. to wife Joannah, son Clement C, gr. eh. Samuel Symonds, bro. and friend Mr. Henry Rhodes. The son Thomas also referred to cousin Sara Harte. COLE, COLES, COAL, COOLE, COOLLE> Clement, ae. 30, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Served with Mr. Rob- ert Keayne in the business of tailor in 1639. Daniel, tailor, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. P'rm. 5 June, 1644. Had accts. with Thomas Hawkins for Mr. Pollington of London 23 (8) 1640. [A.] He rem. to Eastham; sold land at Marshfleld June 8, 1649. Wife Ruth; ch. Mary b. March 10, 1658, William b. Sept. 1."., 16G3. The wife Ruth d. Dec. 15, 1694, at. 66. He d. Dec. 20, 1694. Admin, gr. if, Jan. folg. to son Israel, at the request of his bros. and sisters. Agreement made between the children, John, Timothy, Israel, James, Wil- liam, Daniel and Thomas, Daniel De.in and his wife Hephzibah, .John Young and his wife Ruth, Joshua Hopkins and his wife Mary, and Medad Atwood and his wife Hester. Henry, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Isaac, carpenter, of Sandwich, Eng., with wife Joan and 2 childi"en, came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Charles- town; frm. March 14, 1638-9. He deposed 2 (4) 1665, ae. about 58 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Abraham b. 3 (8) 1636, Jacob b. 16 (5) 1641, Elizabeth b. 26 (7) 1643. His widow 109 COLE, etc., cont. deposed S (6) 1674, ae. about 74 years; sons- in-law Samuel Bloghead and John Nutter petitioned concerning his estate. [Mdx. Files.] James, shoemaker, inn-keeper, Ply- mouth, taxed in 1633, frm. 1633. Propr., town officer. Kept the famous tavern; lived en the side of the hill which still bears his name. Wife Mary; ch. James b. before 1027, Hugh b. before 1627, (both atba. 1643). He sold to his son Hugh of Swansey, shipwright, land at Saeonnet "granted to the old ser- vants, whereof I am one." Job, Plymouth, 1G34, Marshfield. 1638, Yarmouth later. Prop. frm. 5 March, 1638-9. He m. May 15, 1634, Rebecca Collier. John, Plymouth. His will was prob. in 1637 or 1638. He beq. t& bros. Job, and Daniel C; to sister Re- becca; to Eliza Collyer; to each of Master Collier's men, viz. Edward, Joseph, Arthur, Ralph and John. Money paid goodwife Pad- dock for the child. [Reg. IV, 35.] John, settled at Boston. Before the Court Nov. 3, 1635. Wife Joan; ch. Sarah b. 15 (11) 1641, John b. 17 (9) 1643. John, ae. 40, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Salisbury; -weaver; liropr. 1639. Dau. Elizabeth m. William Carr. He d. in 1682. Admin, gr. to Maj. Robert Pike, who, in deed of 1703, refers to him as his uncle. Margaret, a maid servant, Dedham, adm. chh. (3) 1639, was dism. in 1648 to the clih. of Watertown, having m. a bro. of that chh. named Dow. Rice, or Ryse, Charlestown, memb. Bos- ton chh. 1630; frm. April 1, 1633, propr. Char. 1G34. Wife Arrold; ch. Robert, (d. about 1660,) John, James, Mary, (m. Richard Low- den,) Elizabeth, (m. Thomas Pierce). He d. 15 (3) 1646. Will dated (3) 1646, prob. April 1, 1662. To wife, sons Robert, John and James, and 2 daus. Richard Lowden and Thomas Peirce of Woburn, who m. the daus. aslved for a division of the estate, the eldest and youngest sons having d. without heirs, leaving only one son. The widow, Ar- rold, wrote from Charlestown Aug. 28, 1655, to her son and dau. Jenks and dau. Ruth Coles, giving love of "your bro. John Cole COLE, etc., cont. and bros. and sisters Peirce and Lowden. She wrote 16 (10) 1661 to dau. Ruth Mood, referring to Ruth's former husband. Henry Mudd of Stepney, Eng., mariner, and Ruth his wife, gave power of attorney to John Smith of Charlestown 16 (— ) 1661. [Mdx. Files.] Her will dated 20 (10) prob. 26 (10) 1662, beq. to son John C, .sons Lowden and Perce and their ch.; bro. Solomon Phipps. Robert, Roxbury, came with the first company. [E.] Robert, [Boston?] punished by the Court in 1033. [W.] Robert, Salem, 1637. Propr., 1038. Ann adm. chh. Sal. 1 (7) 1650. Robert, Patuxet, with others, came un- der Mass. Jurisdiction 28 (8) 1642. [SufC. De.] Mr. Samuel, confectioner, comfit-maker, inn-holder, Boston. Memb. chh. with wife Anne 1630-1. JIarch 4, 1633-4 he set up the first house for common entertainment in Bos- ton. [W.] His wife d.; he m. 2, Margaret, dau. of Isaac Greene, of Mersey, co. Essex, before 30 (7) 1647. [A.] He conveyed land in B. March 18, 1665-6, to Samuel, son of Wm. Royall, of Casco Bay, who had m. fCebee Greene, dau. of said Margaret. He made deed of gift Oct. 26, 1653, to Edmund Jack- son and his dau. Mary, and to their ch. Ell- sha and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1666. Refers to gr. son Isaac Grose. He m. third, Oct. 16, 1660, Anne, widow of Robert Keayne. Will, dated Dec. 21, 1666, prob. Feb. 13, 1666-7. To dau. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Weeden; to dau. Mary's eh. by Edmund Jack- son, Elisha and Elizabeth; to gr. ch. Sarah Scenter and her husband John S.; to son John C.'s ch., the eldest of whom is Samuel; to gr. ch. Samuel Royal; to his old servant Elizabeth Ward. [Reg. XV, 249.] Thomas, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1033-4. Settled at Salem. Propr. 1649. The following seems to refer to him: Bapt. at Navestock, Essex, Eng., Dec. 15, 1039, .John, gr. ch. of Thomas Coale. ae. 3 yrs. which came out of N. E. [Reg. XXXI, 324.] His widow Anne made will I Nov. 1079, prob. 2 (5) 1680; beq. to sons Abraham and John C. William, yeoman, gent., planter, Wey- mouth, late of Sutton in the parish of CheTT 110 COLE, etc., cent. Magna, Eng., and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Doughty, of Bristol, merchant, sued for the recovery of her inheritance 18 (8) 162G, and July 29, 1G39. [L.] Mrs. Eliz- abeth Cole was allowed a bill of review by Gen. Court 29 May, 1644. She, a widow, pe- titioned the court 1 (4) 1647. [Arch. 38 B.] Suit with her bro. Mr. Francis Doughty of New Eng. and sister Bridget D. of Eng. COLEMAN, Anne, of Watertown, spinster, ae. 16, ■with her guardian, Samuel Hosier, sent let- ter of attorney to collect legacy of her dec. father, Wm. Coleman, saymaljer, late of Colchester, Eng. 8 (6) 1G39. [L.] Edward, [Boston.] He m. at East- ham Oct. 27, 1048, Margaret Lumbard. [Scit- iiate chh. Eec] Ch. b. at Boston, Elizabeth L. 28 (11) 1051, Mary b. 12 Sept. 1653, d. 6 (7) 1657, Martha b. 8 Aug., 1G55, James b. 31, Jan., 1656. Inv. talien 28 Sept. 1691; widow Margaret deposed. John, shoemaker, Charlestown, propr. 1C37; perhaps a son of the following: Joseph, shoemaker, of Sandwich, Eng., with wife Sarah and 4 children, came from S. before June 9, 1637. Res. first at Charles- town; rem. in 1638 to Hingham, then to Scit- uate. Took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1638. Will dated 30 (4) prob. March 4, 1074, beq. to wife Sarah, eh. Joseph, Zachariah , Thom- as , Sarah, Abiah, Hannah and Mary. Thomas, husbandman, Newbury; in partnership with Sir R. Saltonstall et als., keeping cattle, in 1035. Frm. May 17, 163T. Town officer. Rem. to Hampton, and later to Nantucket. He deposed Aug. 14, 1662, ae. 60 years. Wife Susanna d. 17 Nov. 1650. He m. 11 .July, 1651, Mary, widow of Ed- mund Johnson, with whom he sold land in Hampton in 1052. Ch. b. at Newbury: Ben- jamin b. 1 May, 1040, drowned Oct. 1, 1650, Joseph b. 2 Dec. 1642, Isaac b. 20 Feb. 1046. Susanna, [his child?] d. 2 Jan. 1643. Thomas, gave a letter of attorney 3 (8) 1640, concerning a house at [Esstum?] co. Worcester, and a legacie from John Cole- man of Cotherstock, co. Northampton, car- penter. [A.] COLEMAN, etc., cont. Thomas, Wethersfield, Conn. 1639; dep- uty. Rem. to Hadley, propr. Will dated 29 Sept. 1074, prob. 29 March, 1670, beq. to wife; sons John and Noah; dau. Deborah; dau., the wife of Philip Davis; dau. Tratt's children; to son-in-law Thomas Wells my part of a house at Eversham, Eng.; to his son John now dwelling with me. The widow Frances made will, prob. March 26, 167S; beq. to son John Wells, daus. Mary and Deborah Wells; dau. Gilbert and son Jonathan G., and to gr. ch. COLLAMORE, COLAMORTi, COLIMORE, COLIMER, CTJLIMEB,, Isaac, house-carpenter, Boston, 1636. Propr. He was adm. chh. 5 (12) 1642; frm. May 10, 1G43; wife Margaret adm. chh. 22 (2) 1043. He served Mr. Abraham Mellows March 4, 1634-5; was employed by the gov- ernment in making gun-carriages. He m. 22 (11) 1651, Margery Page. Peter, Scituate, sold land due him for service in 1639; propr. 1G40, atba. 1643, town officer 1650. Will made 16 Jan. 1683, prob. 4 June, 1684, beq. to wife that now is— Mary; to Peter, John, Phebe and William Blackmore; to cousins Mary. Martha and Elizabeth, daus. of Anthony Collamore; to man, Wm. Clift; cousin Anthony C. exec. COLLEN", , Sarah, Dorchester, memb. chh. before 1039. COLLICOTT, COLLICOT, CALLACOTT, Richard, tailor, Dorchester, frm. March 4. 1G32-3. Deputy, 1636. Sergeant in Pequot War. In Indian trade monopoly 1641. [L.] Traded at the Eastward. [W.] Wife Joanna d. 5 (6) 1640. Wife Thomasin had eh. Ex- perience b. 29 (7) 1641, Dependance b. 5 (5) 1043. He rem. to Boston. Deposed 20 (10) 1070, ae. about 67 years. [Mds. Files.] He was bur. July 9, 1G86. [S.] Will dated 23 April, prob. 26 Aug. 1880, beq. to wife Thomezen; to dau. Experience Miles, and her son Richard; to dau. Bethiah C; grand- sons Richard and Samuel C; to dau. Eliza- beth, wife of Richard Hall, of Dorchester, her 3 daus. and her four sons Samuel, Rich- Ill COLLICOTT, etc., cont. ard, Jonathan and Joseph. Lands near Dun- stable and on the western side of the Ken- nebec river, above Abbacadussett's point, i;i Boston, etc. Refers to sister Moleford's house in Bo. COLLIER, COLLYER, COLLER, John, Hull, propr. at the founding of the town 2 May, 1642. John, Watertown, took oath of fidelity in 1652. Deposed in April, 1657, ae. 25; wife Hannah ae. 20. Rem. to Sudbury. Thomas, Hingham, propr. 1635; Hull 1642; propr. 1657; frm. May 6, 1646. He d. G (2) 1647, ae. 71. [Hob.] Will prob. 29 (8) 1647; wife Susan, ch. Moses, Thomas and Susan. [Reg. VII, 173, and X, 88.] The widow d. 10 Dee. 1667. Mr. William, one of the Adventurers to New Plimoth in Eng. 15 Nov. 1026; his brew-house in London mentioned in 1631; was agent of Mr. James Shirly. [B.] One of the "old comers," Plymouth, taxed in 1632, frm. 1633. Visited Boston with Gov. Bradford in 1634 to consult with authori- ties about the Hocliing affair. [W.] One of the referees in adjusting partnership busi- ness between the English and Plymouth proprietors in 1641. [B.] Rebecca m. May 15, 1634, Job Cole; Sarah m. the same day. Love Brewster; Ma- 17 m. April 1, 1636, Gov. Thomas Prence; Elizabeth m. 2, Nov. 1637, Constant South- worth. COLLINS, COLLENS, Christopher, shoemaker, Boston, 1639. Rem. to Braintree. Gave letter of attorney 15 (10) 1645, for the collection of money from Justinian Pearce of Plymouth, co. Devon, due to his wife, Jane Groope. [A.] Edward, merchant, gent., Cambridge, propr. 1636; frm. May 13, 1640. Town offi- cer, deacon. He and his children were leg- atees in the will of Daniel Collins of Lon- don in 1643. [B. and W.] Was of Medford in 1056. [Mdx. De. II.] He deposed 29 (2) 1660, ae. about 57 years. [Mdx. Files.] Was brought up by godly parents; father died and he was placed in a gentleman's house. Af- terward spent a year with old Mr. Rogers Of Wethersfield. Was apprenticed in a 112 COLLIN'S, etc., cont. worthy family. Later went to Dedham, Eng. His wife relates that her father was care- ful in catechising her; at 19 began to seek the Lord for herself. Came to N. E. with her husband and child. [Rel.] He was at- torney for Mrs. Elizabeth Poole of West- minster, Eng., 24 (9) 1646. [A.] He had a tripartite agreement with Richard Glover and Rebecca his wife and Thomas Andrewes and Damaris his wife, of London; and they sent 300 li. worth of cattle for the Craddock farm at Medford; Thomas Bridges and Ed- ward Jack.son of Cambridge, and Thomas Pierce and Edward Converse of Charles- town were appraisers, 12 Oct. 1647. [A.] Wife Martha; eh. Daniel, "living at Koning- berg in Prussia in 1658, about 9 years old when his parents joined here;" [Mi.] John, "minister of God's word at Edinburgh in Scotland," [Mi.] Samuel, "living in Scot- land," 1658, [Mi.] Sybil, ("m. Mr. John Whyting, preacher at Salem," in 1658,i [Mi.] Martha b. (7) 1639, Nathaniel b. 7 (1) 1642, Abigail b. 20 (7) 1644, Edward. He d. 9 April, 1689, ae. about 86; will dated 20 Aug. 1083, and April 0, 1689, prob. 17 (10) 1U89; beq. to wife Martha; she to distribute at her discretion to children and gr. ch. Henry, starch-maker, ae. 29, with wife Ann, ae. 30, ch. Henry, ae. 5, Johu, ae. 3, and Margery, ae. 2, and servants Joshua Griffith, ae. 25, Hugh Alley, ae. 27, Mary Roote, ae. 15, John Coke, ae. 27, and George Burdin, ae. 24, came in the Abigail iu June. 1635, cert, from the parish of Stepney, Eng. Ho settled at Lynn. Frm. March 9, 1636-7. Town officer. Will dated 10 Feb. 1686, ae. about 82 years, prob. 31 March, 1687, beq. to wife; to son- in-law Johnson, sons Henry, Joseph and Ben- jamin, daus. Margery, Hannah and Eliza- beth; refers to son John, dec. John, shoemaker, Boston, 1639; adm. chh. 4 (2) 1646. Wife Susan; ch. John, Thomas b. 15 (8) 1645, Susanna, ae. about 3 yrs., 12 days, bapt. 5 (2) 1645, (m. 25 March, 1062, Thomas Walker). He d. 29 May, 1670; admin, gr. to Gideon Allen . Inv. mentions shoemaker's stock and tools and 3 apprentices, etc. John, Salem, 1642. Rem. to Glouces- ter; town officer 1647. He deposed 30 (1) 1658, ae. about 54 years. Wife Joane; ch. COLLINS, etc., cont. James b. Sept. IG, 1643, Marie b. March 8, 1646, Anna b. Sept. 26, 1649. He d. March 25, 1675. Will dated Aug. 25, 1674, prob. April 21, 1675, beq. to wife Joane, sons John and James, and daus. Anna and Mary; to gr. dau. Mary Slampe. His daus. Mary, (with her husband James Da- vis,) and Anna, petitioned for another admin, after the death of their bro. John. The wid- ow ret. to Salem church. Rev. William, son-in-law of Mrs. Ann Hutchinson; preached some time at Barba- does and did some good. Rem. to Newport. Was before Boston Court on religious mat- ters in 1641. Was killed by the Indians at X. in 1643. [Col. Rec. and W.] COLLISHAWE, COWLISHAWE, William, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Anne and her dau. Sarah Morrice, (8) 1633. Frm. March 4, 1633-4. COLTON, COULTON, George, Hartford. Rem. to Springfield; propr. 1645; one of the chief citizens and officers of the plantation. Deputy, com. for laying out new plantations. Quarter Master of the Hampshire county troop; did import- ant service in King Philip's War. Wife Deborah d. Sept. 5, 1689; he m. March 1, 1692, Lydia Wright, widow, successively, of Lawrence Bliss, John Norton and John Lamb; she d. Dec. 17, 1699. Ch. Isaac b. Nov. 21, 1646, Ephraim b. April 9, 1648, Mary b. Sept. 22, 1649, (m. Oct. 30, 1678, Samuel Barnard,) Thomas b. May 1, 1651, Sarah b. Feb. 24, 1652, (m. Oct. 30, 1678, Samuel Graves,) Deborah b. Jan. 25, 1654, (m. Dec. 28, 1676, Nathaniel Bliss,) Hepzibah b. Jan. 7, 1656, John b. April 8, 1659, Benjamin b. May 26, 1661. He d. Feb. 13, 1699. [Reg. XXXIII, 202.] Will dated 2 April, 1699, prob. Jan. 11, 1699- 1700, beq. to his four sons Isaac, Ephraim, Thomas and John and to their male heirs; to their three sisters, my daughters; to Re- becca, Samuel and Joseph, the children of dau. Sarah, deceased; to John's dau. Abigail. Isaac and Ephraim execs. COLVER, CULVER, COLLIER, Edward, wheelwright, Dedham, propr. 28 (9) 1637. He m. 19 (7) 1638, Anne EUice; ch. John b. 15 (2) 1640, Joshua b. 12 (11) 1642, Samuel b. 9 (11) 1643. COMPTON, CUMPTON, John, laborer, Roxbury, rec'd from that chh. to chh. of Boston, 25 (7) 1642, his wife Susan adm. chh. 25 (12) 1642. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. John, "of Boston, clothier," gave letter of attorney for recovery of "his title to cer- tain lands to him descending," etc., 20 (10) 1645. [A.] "Susanna, widow of the long since de- parted John Compton," beq. her est. to her little gr. ch., Joseph Brisco; prob. Nov. 12, 1664. [Reg. XIII, 153.] COMSTOCK, Jolm, indentured servant of Henry Russell of Weymouth in 1639. CONANT, Christopher, Plymouth, came in 1623. Juryman at Charlestown Nov. 9, 1630. Roger, son of Richard and Agnes, b. at Budleigh, Eng., bapt. 9 April, 1592, came, it is said, to Plymouth about 1622; rem. to Nantasket. Was recommended by friends In Eng. to the Western Adventurers as a successor to Mr. Thomas Gardner, (q. v.,) at the Cape Ann colony, and took charge there in 1625. [Hub.] On the failure of the colony at the end of a year he, with oth- ers, rem. to Naumkeag, which was later called Salem. He appl. for frm. 19 Oct. 1630. Adm. frm. 18 May, 1631. Town officer, deputy. Wife Sarah memb. chh. before 1636. Ch. Roger, ("first born child in Salem," reed, a grant of 20 acres of land 21 (11) 1639,) Exercise bapt. 24 (10) 1637, Lot, Sarah, Mary and others. Will dated 1 (1) 1677, ae. about 85 years; prob. 25 (9) 1679, beq. to son Exercise and his children; son Lot and his ten ch.; dau. Sarah and her ch.; dau. Mary Dodge and her 5 ch.; to Adoniram Veren; to Hannah V. and her 2 ch.; to cousin Mary, wife to Hiller v.; to the daus. of cousin Jane Mason, In- cluding a share for the ch. of Love Stevens; to gr. ch. Rebecca C. and to Mary Leech. Capt. Roger Clap to pay a debt to the dau. of a Mrs. Pitts, living at Culliton in Devon; son Exercise to account for cattle left in his hands by Mr. Dudeny in Eng. for the benefit of his nephew Richard C. See Genealogy; but note statements here, carefully mada 113 CONCKLING, CONKLING, CONCLINE, Anuanias, glassman, Salem; propr., memb. chh., had additional land near his house in 1039. [See SoutUwick and Holmes.] Ch. Lewis bapt. 30 (2) 1643, Jacob and Eliz- abeth bapt. 29 (1) 1649. Snsan adm. chh. 7 (12) 1050. Note.— Capt. John C, who d. at Southold, Long Island, 6 April, 1G94, in 64th year, is said in S. rec. to have been b. in Notting- hamshire, Eng. [Es. Inst. Coll. XXXI.] CONDLIFFE, CUNDLIFFE, CTJNLITHE, Henry, Dorchester, memb. chh. about 1636; frm. May 29, 1644. Elizabeth, memb. chh. before 1639. Ch. Susanna, of wife Su- sanna ,b. 15 and bapt. 29 (1) 1643-4. He and his wife were dism. to join in the forming of a chh. at Northampton, 28 (2) and 1 (7) 1661. He d. at N. Sept. 14, 1673. [Reg. Ill, 176.] Will dated 29 (5) 1609, prob. March 31, 1674, beq. to wife Susan; to her 2 gr. sons John and Henry Webb; to dau. Susan; to War- ham, son of Mr. Eliezer Mather, his pastor; to the town of Northampton for a free school. The widow d. Nov. 19, 1675. She beq. to son-in-law John Webb, his wife Su- san and their children. CONEY, CONNY, James, Braintree, 1640. Ch. Joshua b. (2) 1640, d. (10) 1642, Patience and Experi- ence b. (6) 1042, James d. (10) 1642. CONNELL, CONDELL, Thomas, Boston, 1638. With wife Mary sold house and land July 7, 1645. CONNER, William, came in the Fortune in 1621; settled at Plymouth. CONVERSE, CONVERS, Allen, Salem, propr. 1039; rem. to Woburn. Frm. May 29, 1044. Taxed in 1645. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Zechariah b. Oct. 11, 1042, Elizabeth b. March 7, 1045, d. Aug. 2 ,1661, Sarah b. July 11, 1647, Joseph b. May 31, 1049, Jlary b. and d. 1651, Theo- philus b. and d. 1652, Samuel b. Sept. 20, 1653, Mary b. Nov. 26, 1055, Hannah b. March 13, 1060, (m. Nathaniel Pierce). The wife Elizabeth deposed 7 (8) 1668, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] CONVERSE, etc., cent. He d. April 19, 1679. WiU dated 14 April, prob. 17 (4) 1679, beq. to wife Elizabeth; to the 2 children of dec. son Zechariah; to the ch. of dau. Hannah Pierce; to son Samuel and daus. Sarah and Mary. The widow d. Aug. 9, 1691. [See Genealogy in Eeg. L, 340.] Edward, Charlestown, memb. chh. with wife Sarah, 1630, and of the re-organ- ized chh. of Char., 1632. Frm. 18 May, 1631. Set up a ferry between Boston and Char. June 14, 1631. Juryman, 1030. Rem. to Woburn; propr. 1640. Deacon, town officer. He deposed 24 (1) 1661-2, ae. about 73 years. [Mdx. De. 11, 197.] Wife Sarah d. Jan. 14, 1662, and he m. 2, Joanna, widow of Ralph Sprague, who d. Feb. 24, 1670; (beq. to dau. Mary Edmunds and her dau. Mary; to sons Phineas, John, Richard and Samuel S., and to P.'s dau. Mary.) Ch. Samuel bapt. 12 (1) 1637, Josiah, (deposed 4 (2) 1660, ae. 41 years,) James, (depos. same time, ae. 39,) Mary, (m. Simon Tompson). He d. Aug. 10, 1003. COOK, COOKE, Aaron, Dorchester, 1634; frm. May 6, 1035. Rem. to Windsor, Conn.; rem. before 1063 to Northampton; rem. to Westfleld; keeper of the ordinary there in 1073. Major. Mary, [his wife?] memb. chh. of Dorch. about 1036. He m. 2, Joanna Denslow, who d. April, 1676; m. 3, Elizabeth Nash, who d. Sept. 1687; he m. 4, Rebecca Smith, who d. 6 April, 1701. Ch. Nathaniel, Joanna b. 5 Aug. 1638, Aaron bapt. 21 Feb. 1640-1, Mir- iam bapt. 12 March, 1642, Moses bapt. 16 Nov. 1045, Samuel bapt. 2 Nov. 1650, Eliza- beth bapt. 7 Aug. 1653, Noah bapt. 14 June, 1657. He d. 5 Sept. 1690. Francis, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact. He brought with him his son John. His wife Hester, a Walloon, a memb. chh. came in the Anne in 1623 with other of his children. [B.] Settled at Plymouth. Frm. 1033. Ch. named at the Division of cattle in 1627: John, Jacob, James, Hester, and Mary. He d. April 7, 1063. Will, dated 7 (10) 1659, prob. 5 June, 1633; wife Hester and son John execs, and heirs. [Reg. VI, 95.] 114 COOK, etc., cont. Col. George, gent., Cambridge, frm. March 3, 1635-6. He and his bro. Joseph came in the Defense July 4, 163.5, registered as the servants of Roger Harlakenden; but bought property on their arrival, and occu- pied prominent stations in town and col- ony. Made contract Dec. 1, 1643, with Dr. Samuel Reade of Starford, Eng.; mortg. house at Camb. to S. Symonds of Ipswich. [Ips. De.] He ret. to Eng. and took part on the Parliamentary side in the Revolution. He d. in Ireland, and admin, on his est. was made here 4 (8) 16.52. In 1690 John Quick, of London, husband of his dau. Eliz- abeth, gave power of attorney for the col- lection of est. in N. E. Wife Alice; ch. b. in Cambridge, Elizabeth b. and d. 1640, Thomas b. and d. 1642, Mary b. 15 (6) 1646. Henry, butcher, Salem, propr., 1638. Mortg. house and land in 1649. He m. in June, 1639, Judith Birdsale. Ch. Isaac b. S (2) 1640, Samuel b. 30 (7) 1641, Judith b. 15 (7) 1643, (m. John Pudney,) Rachel b. 25 <7) 1645, (m. Elisha Ivebed,) John b. 6 (7) 1647, Mary b. 15 (7) 1650, (m. Robert Moul- ton,) Martha b. 15 (7) 1650, Henry b. 30 (10) 1652, Eliza b. and d. 16.54, Hannah b. in Sept. 1658, (m. Daniel Cannady). He d. 25 Dec. or 14 (11) 1061. Admin. 26 (4) 1662. Widow Judith d. about (9) 1689. Inv of her est. taken Nov. 23, 1689. John, ae. 17, a servant, came in the Abigail in 1635. Settled at Salem; propr. 1636: frm. May 18, 1642; in court, 1639; ser- vant of Mr. Clark. Adm. chh. 21 (1) 1640; his wife adm. chh. 8 (7) 1040; ch. Sarah bapt. 19 (7) 1640, Eliza bapt. 16 (3) 1641, Mary bapt. 22 (8) 1643. Joseph, gent., older bro. of George, above, came with him. Settled at Cam- bridge. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Deputy, town officer; had charge of the military af- tei his bro. ret. to Eng. He was a son of Thomas Cooke, of Great Yealdham, co. Es- sex, Eng., and made his bro. Thomas C. of Wormingfold his attorney, Nov. 5, 1639. [L.] He ret. to Eng.; deeded Cambridge lands from Stannaway, Essex. Wife Elizabeth; ■ch. Joseph b. 27 (10) 1643, Elizabeth b. 16 (1) 1044-5, Mary b. 30 (11) 1646, Grace b. 9 <10) 1648, Grace b. 1 (3) 16.50, "Ruth bapt. at Camb." [Mi.] [See Epps.] COOK, etc., cont. Josias, yeoman, Plymouth, taxed in 1633, frm. 3 Jan. 1636; atba. 1643. He rem. to Eastham; propr. He m. 16 Sept. 1635, Elizabeth, widow of Stephen Dean. Had gr. of land for the Dean children 3 Sept. 1638. A dau. d. July 24, 1650. Will dated 22 Sept., ae. about 63 years; prob. 29 Oct. 1673; beq. to wife Elizabeth, son Josias, sons-in-law Joseph Harding and Wm. Twining, dau. Bethia H., gr. ch. Jo- seph and Maziah H., gr. ch. Anna Shore; to gr. son Stephen T. a lot that was his gr. father Dean's; dau. Merriam Deane; gr. ch. Josias and Richard C. Widow Elizabeth's inv. was taken May 3, 1687. Moses, plaintiff in a suit in Ipswich court in 1642. Philip, Cambridge, propr., 1646; frm. May 26, 1647. He m. Mary, dau. of Barna- bas Lampson; ch. Mary, Samuel, Hannah, Sarah, Philip bapt. May 5, 1661, John bapt. Aug. 30, 1663. [Mi.] Will, dated July IS, 1066, prob. April 2, 1067; wife Mary; eldest son Samuel; ch. to be placed in families of friends and rela- tives if his wife approve: John, ae. 3, to his sister Singletary of Haverhill; Philip, ae. 5, to Richard Eccles; Hannah, ae. 9, to John Cooper; all to be brought up in Christian nurture and some honest employment; to kinsman Philip Eastman. Margaret, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1. Rachel; she petitioned the Gen. Court, after the death of her husband, 23 May, 1650. Richard, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 28 (6) 1034, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Lieut. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 48 years. [Es. Files.] Owned lands in partnership with Arthur Perry in 1638. [L.] His wife Eliza- beth rec'd 3 li. from the town of Boston 29 (8) 1660, for her services in curing the Span- ish captives. Ch. Elhanan b. and d. 1636, Elisha b. 16 (7) 1637, Elkanah b. 14 (2) 1641, Joseph b. 1 (3) 1642, d. July 2, 1663, Benja- min b. (6) 1644, bur. (3) 1645, Elizabeth bapt. 25 (4) 1648, ae. about 5 weeks and 6 days, Mary bapt. 23 (4) 1650. Will prob. 25 (10) 1073; wife Elizabeth, son Elisha, kinsman John C. and kinswoman Eleanor C; Millicent, wife of Andrew Neale; 115 COOK, etc., cont. to the College at Cambridge; to the children of his bros. William and Walter C. in Eng. Richard, yeoman, Charlestown, Maiden, propr. Lawsuit in Salem Court in 1640. His wife Frances, widow of Isaac Wheeler, de- posed 5 (8) 1052, ae. 44, that she came in the same ship with Thomas Blanchard [the Jonathan] in 1639. [Mdx. Files.] He d. 14 (8) 1658. Will dated 5 (7) prob. Dec. 28, 1658. Wife Frances and her ch. Isaac, Thomas, Elizabeth and Sarah Wheel- er, and his dau. Mary C. The widow m. 5 (7) 1659, Thomas Greene, Sen. Robert, apothecary, Charlestown, 1638; frm. June 2, 1641. Had an acct. with Eliz- abeth, widow of Henry Poole of Westmin- ster 24 (9) 1646. [A.] The Gen. Court gr. him 800 acres of land 7 (8) 1640, in regard of his father's 100 li. adventured in the com- mon stock. The father, Mr. Edward Cooke, Asst. subscribed 50 li. as a loan to the Com- pany at a meeting in London 17 June, 1629. Sent letter by his son to Gov. Winthrop in 1638. Wife Sarah; ch. Samuel b. 10 (6) 1644. Roger, Marshfield, propr. 1643; served against the Narragansetts in 1645. The Court paid the expenses of his sickness and burial 7 March, 1647-8. Mr. Samuel, gent., from Ireland, in- vited to Dedliam 26 (3) and made propr. 6 (5) 1640. See Smyth, John. Susanna, Boston, now wife of one John Jenkins of Sandwich, dism. to that ehh. 26 (1) 1648. Thomas, mariner, Watertown. He d. in Boston (12) 1645. Inv. May 16, 164C. [Reg. VII, 34.] Thomas, Salem. He and his family ■were at the house of Nathaniel Stow of Ips- wich in 1649. [Ips. Files.] Inv. filed by Wm. Bartholomew and Wm. Varney, Essex Prob., (7) 1650. Walter, AVeymouth, 1643; frm. May 18, 1653. Rem. to Mendon, propr. 1663. Will prob. Jan. 18, 1694-5; wife Katharine, eldest son John, other ch. Nicholas, Han- nah, Samuel and Experience. COOLEY, COOLY, COWLEY, Benjamin, Springfield, propr. 1645; town oflicer many terms. Wife Sarah; ch. COOLEY, etc., cont. [perhaps Abelenah, (m. 22 July, 1664, Japhet Chapin,) ] Bethia b. Sept. 16, 1643, (m. Dec. 5, 1664, Henry Chapin,) Obediah b. Sept. 27, 1640, Eliakin b. Jan. 8, 1648, Daniel b. May 2, 1651, Sarah b. Feb. 27, 1653, (m. Jan. 5, 1679, Jonathan Morgan,) Benjamin b. Sept. 1, 1656, Mary b. June 22, 1659, (m. April 21, 1687, Thomas Terry,) Joseph b. March 6, 1661. He d. Aug. 17; his wife d. Aug. 23, 1684. His will and inv. filed Sept. 30 folg. and agreement for division accepted. [Reg. XXXIV, 266.] John, Ipswich, propr. 1638. Inv. taken 14 (1) filed 28 (1) 1654. William, before Gen. Court Nov 5, 1033. COMBE, COOMBS, Mr. John, gent, Plymouth, frm. 1633, also adm. frm. 5 June 1644. He m. Sarah, dau. of Godbert Godbertson, q. v.; conveyed lands 24 Jan. 1633-4, which were her mar- riage portion. William Spooner paid certain debts of his in 1642, and had charge of his children in 1648. COOMBS, COMBE, Henry, fisherman, Salem, propr. 1635. Mortg. land, 1648. Rem. to Marblehead; propr. 1649. Admin. Essex Prob. gr. to widow for her- self and children 2 (10) 1669. She deeded land in 1670 to dau. Susanna and her hus- band Francis Grant. COOLIDGE, John, Watertown, frm. May 25, 1636, town oSicer, deputy. Wife Mary; ch. Ste- phen b. 28 (8) 1039, Obediah b. 15 (2) 1642, Jonathan b. 10 (1) 1645. He d. May 7, 1091, ae. 88. Will dated Nov. 19, 1681, prob. June 16, 1691, names wife Mary, ch. John, Stephen, Simon, Nathaniel, and Jonathan; gr. daus. Sarah and Mary Mixer. The widow d. Aug. 22, 1691, ae. 88. COOPER, COOP, COOPE, Anthony, with wife and 4 sons, 4 daus. and 4 servants, came from Hingham, Eng., and settled at Hingham. [C] Propr. 1635. Ch. Sarah, (m. Oct. 1648, Wm. Woodcock,) Rebeckah bapt. May 20, 1640, d. at Boston 116 COOPER, etc., cont. 22 Dee. 1643, Nathaniel bapt. March 2G, 1G43. Inv. taken Feb. 26, 1635. Benjamin, husbandman, ae. 50, of Bramton, Suff., Eng., with wife Elizabeth, ae. 48, and ch. Lawrence, Mary, Rebecca, Benjamin; Francis Fillmingbam, his son-in- law, ae. 32, his sister, ae. 48, and servants John Kilin and Philemon Dickerson, passed exam, to go to Salem, N. E. May 10, 1637. Settled at Salem. Admin. SufC. Prob. 27 (7) 1637; son Law- rence, dan. Rebecca; and [sister?] Ester Cooper. [Reg. VII, 29.] Claim filed by Fil- mingham, approved by Gov. Bndecott. Re- becca, ae. 15, was in Gov. E.'s family. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] Elizabeth, ae. 24, came in the Planter in April, 1635, cert, from Sudbury, co. Suf- folk, Eng. C'harlestown, adm. chh. 9 (10) 1643. Humility, cousin to Edward Tillie, and his wife, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth. Ret. to Eng. after 1627, and d. there. [B.] John, ae. 41, with wife Wibroe, ae. 42, and ch. Mary, ae. 13, John, ae. 10, Thomas, ae. 7, and Martha, ae. 5, from Olney, Bucks, Eng., came in the Hopewell April, 1635. Set- tled at Lynn; frm. Dec. 8, 1636; juryman, 1037. Rem. to Southampton, Long Island, at the beginning of that plantation in 1639- 40. His dau. Martha m. Ellis Cooke, carpen- ter, of S. John, planter, Scituate, frm. 1634; m. Nov. 27, 1634, Priscilla Wright. Rem. to Barnstable; deputy, deacon. Will dated 28 Dec. 1676, prob. 25 Feb. 1683, beq. to wife Priscilla; after her death to the church of Barnstable, the surviving chil- dren of his sister Alice Bradford, and Lydia Morton. John, Weymouth, sojourning at house of Mr. Henry Waltham. He d., and inv. of his est. was rendered June 9, 1653; will prob. Oct. 21, 1653. To Hazilpenah Willeockes now dwelling with Mr. W.; to friend Thomas Dyer, whom he makes exec. [Reg. V, 303.] John, son by former marriage of Lydia, wife of Gregory Stone ,b. in 1618, came to Cambridge about 1636. Yeoman; propr., deacon, town officer. He m. Anna, dau. of COOPER, etc., cont. Nathaniel Sparhawk; ch. Anna b. 16 ^9) 1642 or 1643, Mary b. 11 (7) 1645, Samuel. John. Nathaniel bapt. May 8, 1659, Lydia b. April 13, 1665, Hannah bapt. Dec. 29, 1667. [Mi.] He d. Aug. 22, 1691, ae. 73. Admin, of his est. gr. to his son Samuel, who g.ave bond May 1, 1693. Mrs. Cooper, memb. Dorchester chU. in 1639. Peter, ae. 28, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Rowley; propr. Wife Emm or Amy; ch. Mary b. 2 (4) 1641, Samuel b. 8 (12) 1646, Deborah b. 30 (6) 1650, Sarah b. 14 (6) 1652. He was bur. Jan. 15, 1057. Will dated 3 Jan. 1667, prob. 31 March, 1668; beq. to wife Emm, ch. Samuel, Mary, Deborah and Sara, and to the ch. of dau. Mary How. The wid- ow was bur. April 18, 1689. Thomas, Watertown. He was bur. 20 (4) 1637-8, ae. 80 yrs. Thomas, his wife, 2 ch., 2 servants and 2 other persons came from Hingham, Eng., to Hingham, N. E. in 1638; frm. March 13. 1638-9. Signature, "Thomas Coop." [Hing. Rec] He rem. to Rehoboth 1643; prop. frm. Plym. Col. 4 June, 1645; town offiecr. Was attorney for Mrs. Anne Palsgrave to March 17, 1656. Son Thomas. Thomas, carpenter, Windsor, Conn., bought land at Springfield Jan. 27, 1642; town officer, 1644. Employed to build meet- ing house Feb. 28, 1644. Signature in Town rec. Ch. Timothy b. 26 (2) 1644, Thomas b. 3 (5) 1646, Elizabeth b. 23 (12) 1648, Mary b. 15 (8) 1651, John b. 12 (2) 1654, Rebecca b. 15 (3) 1657, John b. 19 (3) 1659. Lieut. Thomas C. was killed by the Indians Oct. 5, 1675. His widow Sarah pres. inv. and admin. March 28, 1676; was allowed the estate till son John was 21 years old. Thomas, son of Henry C. of Little Bowden, Northampton, Eng., appr. to Leon- ard Buttolph, bricklayer, of Boston, 29 (6) 1639. [L.] May be the same as Thomas, of Boston, plasterer, who bought house and land Feb. 24, 1658. [See Matthew Smith.] Timothy, Lynn, propr. 1638. Court com. 13 May, 1040. Rem. to Reading; propr. 1647. He and his ch. now in N. E. are named in 117 COOPER, etc., cont. the will of his bro. John C. of Western Hall, 21 Xov. 1G54. [Reg. XXXI, 413.] He was slain by the Indians at Groton 2 March, 1675-G. Inv. on file. Thomas, ae. 18, came in the Christian March 16, 1G34. COPIE, James, frm. May 13, 1640. COPP, William, ae. 20, with Richard, ae. 24, came In the Blessing in July, 1635. William, shoemalier, Boston, adm. chh. 4 (5) 1640, propr., frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Judith adm. chh. 24 (11) 1640. Ch. Johanna adm. chh. 20 (3) 1644, Naomi bapt. 5 (5) 1640, Jonathan b. 23 (6) 1640, Rebecca b. 6 (3) 1641, Ruth b. 24 (9) 1643, Lydia bapt. 3 (5) 1646, ae. about 3 days. Will dated 31 Oct. 1662, prob. 15 March, 1669-70; wife Goodeth, dau. Tewxsbery, sons David and Jonathan, daus. Ruth and Lidia; gr. ch. William, Thomas, John and Mary Harvey, John and Sarah Atwood, Samuel and Sarah Norden. [Reg. XLVIII, 459.] COPSE, John, Watertown; he d., and inv. of his goods and est. was talien 14 (3) 1644, testified by Robert Nichols. COREY, CORY, Giles, Salem, watchman, 1647. [Es. Court rec] Brought suit 26 (12) 1050. He deposed 17 (4) 1672, ae. about 55 years. Wife Margaret; ch. Deliverance b. 5 (6) 1658. He m. 2, Mary, who "was bought out of a Lon- don ship in Virginia by the father of Caleb More; who testified to this and to her good character when she was accused in 1678." [Es. Files.] She d. Aug. 27, 1684, ae. 63 years. [Gr. st.] CORLET, CORLETT, Elijah, master of arts, schoolmaster, Cambridge, frm. May, 1645. He m. Barbara, dau. of and Elizabeth Cutter; ch. Re- becca b. 14 (6) 1644, Hephzibah and Ammi- Ruhamah also baptized here. [Mi.] He d. Feb. 25, 1686-7. CORLIS, CORLISS, CORLEE, CORLES, CORLY, George, farmer, Haverhill, propr. 1645; town oflicer. He m. 26 Oct. 1645, Joanna, dau. of Thomas Davis; ch. Mary b. Sept. 28, 1646, (m. William Neff; she was captured by the Indians with Mrs. Hannah Duston in 1097;) John b. March 4, 1647-8, Johannah b. April 28, 1650, (m. Joseph Hucliins,) Mar- tha b. Jan. 2, 1652, (m. Samuel Ladd,) De- borah b. June 6, 1055, (m. Thomas Eastman,) Ann b. Nov. 8, 1657, (m. John Robie,) Hul- dah b. Nov. 18, 1661, (m. Samuel Kingsbury,) Sarah b. Feb. 23, 1663, (m. Joseph Ayer). He d. Oct. 19, 1686. Will dated Oct. 18, prob. 23 Nov. 1680, beq. to son John, daus. Mary Neff, Johana Hucliins, Deborah Es- man, Martha Lad, dau. Roby and Sarah Cor- ly, and to his wife Johanah. CORNELIUS, Daniel, sawyer, fisherman; Wm. Pierce, mariner, had power of attorney to collect money from him, Nov. 14, 1639. [L.] CORNELL, CORNHILL, CORNISH, CON- NELL, CONDELL, Thomas, inn-holder, Boston, 1638. Sold lands in B. and Braintree Feb. 13, 1639. With wife Mary sold land July 7, 1645. Rem. to Gloucester; propr. 1649. CORNING, CORNEY, CORNISH, CORN- HILL, Samuel, Salem, 1638, frm. June 2, 1641. An acre of land granted him for sowing hemp in 1641. Rem. to Wenham. Wife adm. chh. 5 (2) 1040; she was probably the Eliz- abeth Corning who was a witness to the will of Jane Comins in 1044. Ch. Remem- ber bapt. 3 (3) 1640, Samuel bapt. 14 (1) 1040- 1, Eliza bapt. 4 (4) 1643. CORNISH, Richard, Weymouth. His wife Kath- arine before Gen. Court Aug. 5, 1634. He rem. to Acomenticus; was drowned there in 1644. CORNWALL, CORNEWELL, William, with wife Joanne, adm. chh. Roxbury in 1033. Genealogy in Reg. XLIX, 39. 118 CORRINGTON, John, ae. 33, and Mary, ae. 33, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1C35. CORWIN, CURWIN, George, merchant, captain, Salem, propr. 1638. Town officer many years. He deposed 8 (5) 1667, ae. about 56 years. De- posed 27 (4) 1682, ae. about 70 years; came to the town near 44 years before. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. John Herbert, some- time mayor of Northampton, Eng. and wid- ow of John White, by whom she had daus. Mary, (m. Samuel Andrews,) and Elizabeth, (m. Samuel Gardner). She d. 15 (7) 1668. He m. 22 (7) 1669, Elizabeth, dau. of Winslow, and widow of Robert Brooks. Mrs. C, b. and bapt. in Plymouth, was reed, to chh. of Sal. in 1672. Ch. John, "eldest son," Jonathan bapt. 17 (11) 1640, Abigail bapt. 30 (9) 1643, Hannah bapt. 4 (11) 1645, Eliza bapt. 2 (5) 1648, Penelope b. 7 (6) 1670, (m. 19 Feb. 1684-5, Josiah Walcott,) Susan- nah, "youngest daughter." Admin, of bis est. (4) 1685. The property, which had grown from the 400 pounds brought him by the widow White, was ap- praised at nearly 6000 li. Distribution was made to the widow, son Jonathan, the ch. of dec. son John, dau. Susanna, Josiah Wal- cott for his wife, James Russell for his wife, and to the widow for the other chil- dren. Samuel Gardner filed claims for por- tion due his wife. [Es. Files 44, 86-97; Es. Inst. Coll. IV, 169.] John Shatswell of Ips- wich, in his will in 1646, mentions his "broth- er Curwln." CORWITHEN, CARWITHEN, David, Salem, Marblehead, constable, 1644; juryman, 1658. Grace, [his wife?] adm. chh. 18 (4) 1643. He and his dau. Cur- tis, with others, removing to Southold, L. I., had letters of dismission from the church granted 20 (6) 1065. COSTONE, COSTIN, William, carpenter. Concord, 1642. Rem. to Lynn, and rem. about 1654 to Bos- ton. Ch. Sarah b. in Cone. 24 (1) 1642, Phe- be b. in Cone. 10 (2) [1642?]. Abigail, dau. of Mrs. Costone, of the chh. of Lynn, bapt. in Bo. 28 (11) 1654. CORVANNELL, CORRANNELL, COR- NELLY, William, laborer, Duxbury, before the Court in 1037 and 1638. Servant of William Palmer. COTTA, COTTY, Robert, tailor, Salem, propr. 1636. Frm. May 6, 1635. Had lands for shop etc. at Gloucester; sold house and land in 1664. Johane, [wife?] one of the first membs. chh. of Salem; ch. a son bapt. 28 (11) 1637, Beth- sua bapt. 24 (1) 1639, Mary bapt. 19 (7) 1640, Peter bapt. 1 (3) 1642, Obediah bapt. 10 (7) 1643, John bapt. 11 (3) 1645. COTTLE, COTTELL, William, a servant, ae. 12, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at New- bury. He m. Sarah — , who reed, legacy in 1664 from John Rolfe for herself and two children, Sarah and Ann C. She survived him and m. 2, John Hale. Ch. Sarah b. May 5, 1662, (m. William Titeomb.j Ann b. July 12, 1663, Susanna or Joanna b. Aug. 7, 1665, William b. Nov. 23, 1668. He d. April 30, 1668; in v. Sept. 29, 1608. COTTON, Rev. John, son of Roland C, Esq., b. in Derby, Eng., Dec. 4, 1585, grad. Emanuel Coll., Cambridge. He was vicar of the par- ish of Boston, Eng., from 1626 till 1633. De- clining to conform to some of the ceremonies then prescribed, he was reproved and fined. He went to Southampton in 1629 to see Mr. William Coddington and other friends and parishioners sail for N. E., and charged them to take advice of them of Plymouth and do nothing to offend them. [B.] He wrote Herbert Pelham Oct. 3, 1630, send- ing 3 pieces of gold to buy a hogshead of meal, etc. to send Mr. Coddington in N. E. [Mass. Hist Coll. V, 1.] He came in the Griffin, arriving Sept. 4, 1633. Was installed teacher of the chh. of Boston Oct. 17, 1633. He wielded a powerful influence for good, leaning to the side of Scriptural liberty rath- er tlian to that of severe restriction. He m. first Elizabeth Horrocks. He m. second in Boston, Eng., Mrs. Sarah Story, widow, who came with him to N. E., (whose dau. Eliza- beth Story adm. chh. 24 (1) 1639, m. Went- worth Day q. v.) She survived him and m. 118 COTTON, cont. 2G (6) 1656, Mr. Richard Mather of Dorches- ter. She d. May 27, 1676, ae. 75. Ch. Sea- born, b. 12 (6j 1633, Sarah b. 12 (7) 1635, Eliz- abeth b. 9 (10) 1637, John b. 15 (1) 1639, Maria b. 16 (12) 1641, Rowland bapt. 24 (10) 1644, about 6 days old. He d. in office 23 (10) 1652. Will dated 30 (9) prob. 27 (11) 1652. Beq. to son Seaborne "that south part of his house which Sir Henry Vane built while he sojourned with me, and gave by deed to Seaborne;" books to be divided between sons Seaborne and John; to two daus. Elizabeth and Mary; to wife his house and garden in the market place of Boston in Lincolnshire and moneys in the hands of his bro. Coney, his sister Mary C. or their son John C, together with property in Boston, N. E.; to grandchild Bet- ty Day; to cousin Henry Smith, living with him, cousin John Angier, kinswoman Mar- tha Mellowes and maid Elizabeth Clark; a silver tunn to the church of Boston, to be used among other Communion plate; beq. to Harvard College, and the free school of Bos- ton in case his family return to England. William, butcher, Gloucester, propr. 1642; settled at Boston; adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647, frm. May 26, 1647. Sergt. He deposed in Essex Court in 1661, ae. 43. He and his wife Ann witnessed the will of Thomas Millard of Newbury in 1653. Wife Anne; ch. William b. 31 (3) 1646; Mary, ae. about 5 yrs. 5 months, and John, ae. about 3 yrs. 5 months, both bapt. with William 16 (3) 1647; Sarah b. IS (1) 164S, d. Jan. 22, 1663, William bapt. 23 (12) 1650, d. 29 (6^ 1652, Rebecca b. Dec. 30, 1652, William bapt. 4 (12) 1654, Thomas bapt. 18 (11) 1656, Han- nah b. Sept. 4, 1660, Benjamin b. March 18, 1665. Mary m. March 7, 1659, John Matson. COtTESER, COSSER, William, shoemaker, ae. 26, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635; settled at Boston; frm. May 25, 1636. Inn-holder, victualer. Wife Joan adm. chh. 12 (3) 1639. William and Hercules Cesser were members of the Scottish Charitable Society of Boston, 1658-1065; perhaps this William and Arche- laus. Bought land at Chelmsford 10 Nov. 1664. He deposed June 16, 1663, ae. about 56 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Deliverance b. 4 (1) 1638, Joannah b. 9 (12) 1639, John b. 3 (3) 1642; [Archelaus, husbandman, Lan- COTJESEB, etc., cont. caster, who sold land in B. 16 July, 1664, was he a son?] Will dated 16 April, prob. 29 Sept. 1673. Beq. to wife Johanna, dau.-in-law Margaret C. and son John C. COUSINS, George, husbandman, from Marlbor- ough, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Isaac, locksmith, Rowley, witness in court in 1649; with wife Elizabeth sold land in Rowley, Feb. 1651. With wife Ann sold land in Haverhill 4 Jan. 1657. Rem. to Bos- ton. Sold land at Ipswich Feb. 1656; ch. Sarah b. 31 Aug. 1656. Wife Elizabeth d. 14 (10) 1656. He m. in 1657 Ann Hunt, for- merly wife of John Edwards. Rebecca, of Isaac, and R. C. b. April 2, 1660. COVELL, COUELL, Cesora, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in July ,1635. Ezra, doubtless the person reg- istered thus, settled at Plymouth; atba. 1643. COVEY, COUVE, James, Boston, had grant of land at Braintree for 4 heads 24 (12) 1639^0. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 7 (3) 1647. John, Boston, witness to a deed 3 Oct. 1648. COVINGTON, John, Ipswich, propr. 1(535; sold before 1639. COWDREY, COWDRE, COWDERY, Mr. William, Lynn, propr., 1638. Rem. to Reading. Deputy, town officer, deacon. Deposed 7 (8) 1652, ae. about 54 years, and 27 (7) 1672, ae. 69 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Elizabeth d. Oct. 9, 1659; wife Joannah d. May, 1666; reed, from chh. of Lynn 16 (4) 1666. Wife Alse [Alice] named in will. Ch. Matthias b. 30 May, 1641, Bethiah b. 17 (2) 1643. He d. Nov. 10, 1687. Will dated 12 Feb. 1C84, prob. 17 (10) 1689, beq. to wife Alse; sun Polly; dau. Hannah Polly's 7 ch.: to gr. oh. Bethiah Carter, Rebecca and Mary Cow- dery; to son Nathaniel C, and to gr. ch. Na- thaniel C; mentions marriage of gr. ch. Na- thaniel to Elizabeth Parker. 120 COWDALL, John, Boston, mortgaged house and lands 8 (12) 1G4A. Sold land at Nashaway, (Lancaster,) 5 (8) 1647. He m. Mary, widow ol William Davis, q. v. COWELL, COWHELL, William, "of New England, carpenter," gave bond for £ 10 Nov. IG, 1037, for his and his wife's passage; sued June 26, 1657. [Mdx. Files.] COWLEY, John, Ipswich, 1641. COX, see also Cock, Moses, Ipswich and Hampton before 19 (7) 1640. [L.] COY, Matthew, came from Boston, Eng. with his bro. Richard as a servant to John Whittingham. As a barber, servant to Mr. Atherton Haulgh, Boston, was adm. chh. 1 (11) 1641. Rem. to Wenham. Deposed In 1654, ae. about 33 years. [Es. Files 3, 4.] He m. 29 (6) 1654, Elizabeth Roberts. Richard, Salisbury, propr. 1650. Rem. to Boston. Ch. Caleb b. Aug. 15, 1666. COYTMORE, COYTEMORE, COITMORE, QTJOTMORE, Mr. Thomas, mariner, son of Rowland C. of Wapping, Eng., settled at Charlestown, 1636. Frm. May 13, 1640. Deputy, town ofl5cer. His mother Katharine, dau. of Rob- ert Myles, yeoman, of Sutton, Eng., m. 1, Thomas Grey, of Harwich, Eng., and had dau. Parnell, who m. Increase Nowell; she m. 2, Dec. 23, 1610, Rowland Coytmore. He d. and she came to Charlestown; was. adm. chh. 7 (7) 1638; d. Nov. 29, 1659. She beq. to the ch. of her daus. Tyng, Nowell, and Graves; to gr. dau. Sarah Williams; to dea- con Robert Hale; to Margaret Hutchinson, to Rev. Mr. Symes, pastor chh. of Char. He m. at Wapping June 24, 1635, Martha, dau. of Capt. Wm. Rainsborough ; ch. Kath- arine b. and d. in 1C3G, Thomas bapt. 26 (12) 1641, William b. and d. 1643-4. Capt. Coytmore made his will 25 (6) 1642, bound forth to sea. He was drowned in the wreck of Capt. Hawkin's ship 27 (10) 1644; a right, godly man and an expert seaman. [W.] The widow m. 2, Gov. John Winthrop and 3, John Cogan. No ch. that grew up. [Reg. XXXIV, 258.] CBABB, CRABE, John, appl. frm. Oct. 9, 1630. CRABTBEE, John, joiner, Boston, propr., 1637. Sold land Sept. 25, 1654. Wife Alice; ch. John b. 25 (3) 1639, Deliverance b. and d. 1643. The widow Alice m. 11 (12) 1656, Joshua Hewes. CRACKBONE, CRACKBORNE, Gilbert, planter, Cambridge, propr. 1635; frm. Dee. 7, 1636. Bought house and land in 1646. His first wife related (about 1046) that when young her brother sent for her to come to London; that she came to N. E. with husband and child. Their house was burnt. [Rel.] He m. 2, June 17, 1656, Elizabeth Coolidge. He d. .Tan. 2, 1671-2, leaving est. to his wife and to Joseph and Sarah, the ch of his son Benjamin. His widow m. Richard Rob- bins. CRACKSTON, John, came in the Mayflower, signed the Compact, settled at Plymouth. He d. in 1621. With him came his son John who d. about 1626. [B.] CBADOCK, CRADDOCK, Isabel, ae. 30, came in the Rebecca in April, 1035. Matthew, citizen and skinner of Lon- don, governor of the Mass. Bay Co. in Eng., prior to Mr. John Winthrop's election. Had a large plantation at Medford, mentioned in colonial records 28 Sept., 1630. Was fined 7 Nov. 1632, for his men's absence from training divers times, which gives some evidence that he had recently been or was then in Massachusetts. Letters from Lon- don to Gov. Winthrop, 1636-9. He made will at London 9 Nov. 1640, probated in Charlestown 12 Feb. 1642, giv- ing the following bequests among others: to the poor in Broadstreet where I served my apprenticeship; to the poor of St. Swith- ers where I dwelled: to wife Rebecca, dau. Damaris, brother Samuel O. and his sons Samuel and Matthew; to bro. and sister Sawyer. The widow m. 2, Richard Glover of London; they, as execs, of his will, gave power of attorney Feb. 12, 1645, to Nicholas Davison to settle all the N. E. affairs of the Cradock estate. [A.] She m. 3, Benja- 121 CKADOCK, etc., cont. min WUitchcott. The Gen. Court considered her claims 13 May, 1648. His dau. Damaris m. Thomas Andrews, citizen and leather seller of London, and she and her mother sold the Medford estate to Edward Collins In 1652. [Mdx. De. II, 302.] CBAFT, CRAFTS, CHROFT, Griffin, or Griffith, Roxbury, came In 1630; frm. May 18, 1631; deputy, lieut. Wife Alice d. 26 (1) 1673, ae. 73. Ch. Hannah, (m. Nathaniel Wilson,) John b. July 10. 1630, Mary b. Oct. 10, 1032, Abigail b. March 8, 1034, Samuel b. Dec. 12, 1637, Moses b. April 28, 1641. Will dated 18 May, 1689, prob. Dec. 9, 1690, beq. to wife Dorcas, son Moses, son- in-law Nathaniel Wilson, (and his wife Han- nah,) and Edward Adams (with wife Abi- gail;) son Samuel exec, and residuary lega- tee. The widow Dorcas d. 30 Dec. 1697. CRAGG, Mary, Roxbury, m. Dee. 4, 1639, Thom- as Stone. CRAINE, Elizabeth, Dorchester, memb. ebb. 1641. CRAM, GRAMME, John, Boston, propr., 1635. Perhaps the J. C. who bought land in Hampton in 1058, and had deed of land 5 May, 1659, from Richard Swain for love and brotherly affec- tion. Sons Benjamin and Thomas, dau. Lydia. [Norf. De., 1665.] CRAMPTON, Heury, Plymouth, ree'd pay from Raplh Smith and Edmund Tilson 3 May, 1641. CRAMWELL, CROMWELL, CRANNI- WELL, John, Boston appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, adm. frm. March 4, 1633-4. He d. in 1639. and his bro. Richard, of Woodbridge, co. Suff., Eng., made his bro.- in-law Thomas M.Tn-et attorney for sale of property beq. to him, April 16, 1642. GRAVER, Morgan, servant of Henry Waltham at Weymouth in 1640. [L.] CRAWFORD, CRAFORD, Mr., came in 1634; he was drowned, with bro. and servant in Charles river, Aug. 12, 1634. The Court app. commrs. Oct. 6, 1634, to take Inv. of his est. CRIBB, see Crips, Benjamin, punished for stealing pigs in Dorchester March 22, 1630-1. John, ae. 30, came in tlie Christian March 16, 1634. CRISP, GRIPS, GRISPE, Benjamin, mason, W^atertown, propr., 1636, frm. May 4, 1646. He deposed 7 (8) 1656, ae. about 45 years, tbat he was servant to Maj. Gibbons 25 years agone. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Bridget; ch. Elizabeth b. Jan. 8. 1636-7, Mary b. 20 (3) 1638, Jonathan b. 29 (11) 1639, Eleazer b. 14 (11) 1641, Mehitabel b. 21 (11) 1645, [Zachariah.] His Tvife d. and he m. 2. Jonna Longley, who d. at Charles- town April 8, 1698, ae. 79. In her will she mentioned daus. Mai'y Leman, Sarah Rand and Lydia Nutting; gr. daus. Anna Law- rence, Lydia and Elizabeth Longley, Sarah Nutting, Mary and Elizabeth Shaddock; gr. son Wm. Longley; 3 children in captivity. George, husbandman, planter, Ply- mouth. Rem. to Eastham. He gave letter of attorney to his bro. Robert C. of Southwark, Eng., mariner, to take po.ssession for him of a legacy from his uncle, George C, land situ- ated at Word, near Sandwich, co. Kent, 19 (1) 1640-1. [L.] He made the same bro. of St. Talwins in Southwark attorney for collection of legacy beq. by George C. late of Black- wall. Middlesex, shipwright, 22 (7) 1647. [A.] Will dated 8 June, 1682, prob. 31 Oct. folg., beq. to wife Hephzibah and two minor chil- dren; mentions bro. Israel Cobb, and Samuel Berry (whom he had formerly looked upon as his own.) Mr.; the Court app. commrs. chiefly of Watertown, c- the inv. and distrib. of his est. Jan. 29, 1631-2. GRITCHLEY, CRUTCHLEY, CRITHE- LEY, CROYGHLEY, Richard, blacksmith, Boston, 1639, propr., adm. chh. 24 (2) 1642, frm. May 18, 1642. He m. 1. Alice, widow of Wm. Dyne- ley; contract made Aug. 15, 1639, [Suff. De. 11, 105.] She d. 26 (1) 1645. He m. 2. Jane 122 CE.ITCHLEY, etc., cont. — ; slie was adm. chh. 27 (9) 1647. Ch. Sam- uel b. 25 (10) 1040, Joseph b. 3 (3) 1643, bur. IG (6) 1645, Jane b. 15 (1) 1647, Elizabeth b. Nov. 28, 1653, Mary b. Jan, 18, 1655, Mary bapt. 2 (1) 1656, John b. Feb. 10, 1657, d. Sept. 25, 1658, Richard bapt. 6 (3) 1667, Rebecca, (of Richard and Elizabeth), b. March 1, 1674. Admin, of his est. gr. 10 (7) 1675 to his widow Elizabeth. CROCKER, CROCKER, CROAKHAM, CROCXJM, CROCKTTM, Francis, Barnstable, atba. 1643; served against the Narragansetts in 1645. He ree'd from Plym. Court 2 March, 1646-7, lie. to m. Mary Gaunt, kinswoman to Mr. Coggin of Bar. Rem. to Marshfleld. Dau. Sarah m. 20 Jan. 1676, Thomas Macumber. Francis, Marshfleld, d. about 1700. He wrote his will Sept. 1700; beq. to wife Mary, son Jonathan, dau. Sarah Maeumbei-, gr. ch. Daniel, Mary, Sarah, Ruth, Abigail and Mercy C. and UrsSUa M. John, Scituato, toolv oath of allegiance 1 Feb., 1638; rem. to Barnstable; atba. 1643; frm. 4 June, 1650. Juror, Iteeper of ordinary. Will dated Feb. 10, 1G58; prob. 4 June, 1669, beq. to wife Jone; after her death to his bro. William C.'s ch. John, Job. Samuel, Josias, Eliezer, and Joseph; liinsman Job C. William, planter, Scituate, memb. chh. Dec. 25, 1636. Took oath of allegiance Feb. 1, 1638. Rem. to Barnstable, propr., town officer; deacon. He deposed to the will of Dolor Davis in 1672, ae. about 65 years. Wife AUce. Ch. John b. May 11, 1637, Eliza- beth b. Dec. 22, 1639, d. May, 1658, bur. May, 1658, Samuel b. July 3, 1642, Job b. March 9, 1644, Josiah bapt. Sept. 19, 1647, Eleazer b. July 21, 1650, Joseph b. 1654. Will dated 6 Sept. prob. 19 Oct. 1692, beq. to wife Patience, ch. John, Josian, Eliazer, Joseph, and certain of their children. CROFT, CROFTE, CROFTS, William, yeoman, Lynn, propr. 1638. He deposed in 1682, ae. abopt 70 years. Will dated 5 March, 1688-9, prob. 26 (9) 1689. Wife; son Thomas Ivory, dau. Sarah Ohadwell, cousins, eldest ch. of Peter, Na- thaniel and William Frottingham, sometime of Charlestown; Jonathan, son of James Thomson of Oburn, Hannah, dau. of Wm. Frottingham; dau. Ruth Bailey; wife's daus. CROFT, etc., cont. Sarah Chadwell and Lois Burrill; son-in-law John BurriU exec. His wife Ann deposed in 1667, ae. about 60 years. She made will 25 June, 1675, with his consent; mentions form- er husband Ivory, son Thomas Ivory, father South, dau. Sarah Chadwell, son Theophilus Baylye and wife, John Burrill, Sarah Far- rington alias Potter. Prob. 26 (9) 1689. CROMES, Samuel, [Boston,] will prob. at court in Boston 2 (4) 1646, beq. all to Samuel Bitfield. CROMWELL, CRtTMWELL, CROMLON, see Cramwell, GUes, propr. 1637. His wife Alice d. 14 June, 1648; he m. Sept. 1648, Alice Wise- man; she d. June, 1669. He d. 25 Feb. 1672. Peter, Salem, 1643. Philip, butcher, Salem, propr. 1647; town officer. He deposed 30 (9) 1664, ae. aboui 50 years. Frm. May 3, 1665. He m. [2.] Dorothy, widow of Allen Keniston; marriage covenant 10 (2) 1649. [Es. De. 1, 7.] IShe deposed in 1662, ae. about 57 years. She d. Sept. 27, 1673, ae. 67 years He m. 3, Jlary — , who d. 14 Nov. 1683, ae. 72 He d. 3 March, 1693, ae. 83. [Gr St.] Samuel (residence not stated,) frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Thomas, Newbury. He and his wife died in 1635. Thomas, [son of above?] Newbury, propr. 1643. He was one of the patentees of Hampton in 1638. He deposed in 1660, ae. about 43 years. Thomas, mariner, Boston, 1636. Mas- ter of Ship Separation 26 (4) 1646. [A.] Went in a man of war and captured several Spanish vessels with great riches; stirred Plymouth and Boston on his return. [W.] He d. in 1649. See particulars in Bradford. Will prob. 26 (8) 1649; wife Anne exec; dau. Elizabeth under 21,; goodwife Sherman, goodwife Spaule; to the town of Boston my six bells; refers to the ship Anne. [Reg. Ill, 268.] The dau. Elizabeth m. 18 Aug., 1659, Richard Price. The widow m. 2. Robert Knight; after his death she m. John. Joyliffe. 123 CKOSBY, see Pilsbury, Constance, widow, Rowley, propr. 1643 or earlier, petitioned Ipswicli Court 4 (3) 1674, on behalf of her gr. dau. Sarali Long- home. In connection with this child we learn that Thomas, below, was a son of Con- stante, as well as Mary who m. Nicholas Longhorne. Anthony, chirurgeon, a propr. in R. later with wife Prudence, may have been a son. She was bur. 25 Jan. 1683-4. Simon, husbandman, ae. 26, with wife Anne ae. 25, and ch. Thomas 8 weeks old, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Cambridge. Propr. February 8, 1635; town officer, frm. March 3, 1635-6. Ch. b. in Cambridge; Simon b. (6) 1637, Joseph b. (12) 1639. He d. Sept., 1639, ae. 31. Inv. of his est. taken 15 (9) 1645, by John Bridge and Rich- ard Jackson. Widow Ann yielded to the 3 sons, Thomas, Simon and Joseph certain por- tions 22 (7) 1645. She m. 2, Rev. Wm. Tomp- son of Braintree, who gave his consent to the arrangement. [Arch. 15 B.] Thomas. Sen., Cambridge, had mort- gage for money lent 16 (2) 1640. Propr. Re- siding at Rowley sold Camb. lands in 1649 and 1657. He was bur. at R. 6 May, 1661; his widow Jane was bur. 2 May, 1662. CBOSMAN, Robert, Dedham, townsman, 1642; be- fore Gen. Court 10 May 1642. Had liberty to erect a water-mill in 1652 but declined. He m. 25 (3) 16.52, Sarah Kingsbury. Ch. John b. March 16, 1654, Mary b. July 16, 1655, Robert b. Aug. 3, 1657, Joseph b. April 25, 1659, Nathaniel b. Aug. 7, 1660, Eleazer b. March 16, 1663, d. Oct. 26, 1667, EUzabeth b. May 2, 1665, Samuel b. July 25, 1667, Mercy b. March 20, 1669, Thomas b. Oct. 6, 1671, Susanna b. Feb. 14 1672. He rem. to Taun- ton. Admin, of his est. was gr. 26 Nov. 1692, to John C. and John Thrasher. The est. was di- vided 25 July, 1696, to his ch. John, Robert, Sarah (Woodward,) Mary (Gould,) Elizabeth (Hayward,) Samuel and Mercy (Thresher;) to the ch. of son Joseph, dec. CBOSS, CROSSE, Henry, carpenter, ae. 20, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. CBOSS, etc., cont. John, Watertown. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 10 (3) 1641. He was bur. 15 (7) 1640. The widow m. Robert Sanderson. [Mdx. De. VIII, 147.] John, ae. 50, with wife Anne, ae. 38, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1635; frm. Sept. 6, 1639. His servant Clement Manning's case was before the Court in 1638. He was one of the proprs. of Hampton in 1638, but remained at Ips. Deputy, survveyor of the arms. Pledged ten shillings a year to the support of the free school 6 (10) 1650. Dau. Hannah b. in April, 1636, m. Thomas Ham- mond. [Testimony of Wm. English, Mdx. FUes, 1658.] Her will, dated 19 March, 16.56-7, beq. to her mother Hannah C. one sixth part of the rents of a fai'm in Ips.; to her son Thomas Hammond; to John Sherman and his ch. and to John Lithermore. He d. about Jan. 18, 1650-1, last date in his will, which was prob. 25 (1) 1651; beq. to wife Anne and dau. Hannah; conditional be- quest to Ipswich Free School. [See Piles.] The widow d. in Watertown, Nov. 13, 1669; inv. of her est, filed 21 (4) 1670; the reversion of an old house and orchard mentioned. Margaret, widow, Boston, adm. chh. 6 (11) 1638. Rem. to Rowley. Mentioned in will of Robert Hunter in 1647 and in that of Wm. Belliingham in 1650. Robert, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Served in the Pequot war. His case referred to Ips. Court by Gen. Court 1 (10) 1640. His dau. m. William Nelson; son Stephen deposed in 1663, ae. 16% years; son Robert, at same time, ae. about 21 years. Dau. Martha m. William Dirkee in 1664. He deeded land 13 (11) 1674, to son Stephen and his wife Eliza- beth, to be given them at his death. CROW, CBOWE, CBOE, CROWELL, Mr. John, Charlestown, 1635. His wife had come the year before and bought a house of Mr. AVm. Jennings on her arrival. [Char. Rec] Copy of list of his possessions in Char. (4) 1638, in Mdx. Files, 11. Town officer. He rem. to Yarmouth; took oath of allegiance to Plym. Col. Rec. Dec. 18, 1638; frm. and magistrate 2 June. 1640. Sold a farm in Dorchester to Thomas Makepeace before 1641. [L.] Wife Elishua adm. chh. Char. 4 (11) 1634-5; ch. Moyses (Moses,) bapt. 124 CKOW, etc., cont. 24 (4) 1637. [John, propr. at Billerica, 1654, and Ylverton or Elverton, propr. at Yar- moutb, have been conjectured to be sons.] William, Plymouth, atba. 1643. Land allowed him 1 June, 1663, in respect of his uncle Mr. John Atwood dec. He d. Jan. 1683-4, ae. about 55 years. [Gr. St.] Will dated 2 (11) prob. 6 (1) 1683, beq. to his brethren iu Coventry, Samuel, Robert and Thomas Crow and John and Mary Har- bert; to Ebenezer Spooner and Ephraim Thomas; remainder to wife Hannah. CRTTGOTT, James, juryman. Gen. Court, 28 Sept., 1630. CRTTM, Samuel, wine cooper, Boston, d. about (3) 1646; James Waker was recommended by Mr. E'dw. Winslow to Gov. Winthrop for the administration of the est. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] CTJLLICK, CULLICKE, Capt. John, Chai-lestown, 1639; rem. to Boston in 1644. Adm. chh. with wife and adult ch. John and Eliazbeth 27 (9) 1659. Re- sided some time at Hartford, but ret. to Bos- ton. He d. Jan. 23, 1662-3. Will prob. Jan. 27, 1662; wife Elizabeth, son John and dau. Mary, minors. [Reg. XI, 338.] The widow m. Richard Ely; at her request a deed of porperty in Eng. to Henry CuUicke of Milton, Eng., was recorded dn Boston in 1665. George Fenwick of Worminghurst, co. Essex, Eng., Esq. in his will, dated 10 March, 1656, beq. all his property in N. E. to his sister Gul- lick and her children; also 50 li, to her, 10 li. to bro. C, and a sum to each of their chil- dren. [Reg. XXXVni, 199.] The dau. Elizabeth, when about to marry Benjamin Batten of Boston, merchant, rec'd. from him 23 Oct. 1671, security for her 2-3 share in the rents of houses and lands in Essex co. Eng., the other third belonging to her mother Elizabeth Ely. [Suff. De. VII, 285.] CRTTSE, Richard, Boston, 1640. Inv. of his est. (pei"Sonal) taken by Simon Rogers and Richard Gridley 29 (2) 1640. [Reg. XXX, 80.] CTJDWOBTH, James , Salter, gent., Scituate, frm. 1634. Rem. to Barnstable but returned after a few years. Stood for fair dealing toward the Quakers, and was much opposed for this by other magistrates; was deputy, Asst., Maj. General, com. of United Colonies; agent for the Colony in England and deputy governor in 1681. Wrote letters of historical impor- tanc one to Dr. Stoughton of Aldermanbury in 1634, describes the state of affairs here; calls Rev. Zechariah Symmes cousin; refers to his uncles, apparently in N. E.; one of whom. Uncle Thomas, is about to be married to a widow that has means and 5 children; sends messages to bros. and sisters. Wife — joined the chh, with him Jan. 18, 1634; ch. James bapt. ilay 3, 1635, Mary bapt. July 23, 1637, Jonathan b. and d. 1638, Israel bapt. April 18, 1641, Joannah bapt. March 25, 1643, a child b. and d. 1644. WiU made 15 Sept. 1681, prob. 7 July, 1682, beq. to sons James, Israel and Jonathan; dau. Mary's 4 children, Israel, Robert, James and Mary Wheteombe; dau. Hannah Jones. 125 CUMMINS, CUMMINGS, GUMMING, COMMINS, COMINS, William, Salem, 1636, propr.; brought suit in court in 1637. His widow Jane or Jone's will was prob. 10 (5) 1644, inv. rend. -14 (11) 1646; beq. to son John; gr. ch. Mary and Joannah Bourn; to the church and Mr. Norrice; to goodman Cornish and others. CUREEN, CURWIN, JIatthias, Matthew, Ipswich, propr. 1634. CURBIEE, Isaac, Watertown, propr. 1636. Isaac, husbandman, Ipswich, propr. 1636 and onward. Frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Topsfield before 1660. Deeded land to son Isaac 16 July, 1663. He deposed in 1665, ae. about 65 years. Ch. a son d. at Tops. 28 July, 1660, a son b. and d. 1662. Will dated 8 (3) prob. 14 (4) 1677, beq. to sons Isaac and John, son-in-law John Jewett; gr. ch. Isaac, son of Isaac. Richard, millwright, Salisbury, propr. 1641. Taxed, 1650; town officer, etc. He de- posed 12 (2) 1664, ae. about 47 years; was servant to Mr. Francis Dove at the time land was laid out to him. Built a saw-mill in 1656. Wife Ann joined in a deed in 1653;. d. after CTJKEIEB, cont. 1067. He m. 2. Joanna Pindar, widow of Valentine Rowell and Wm. Sargent. She d. Oct. 1690. Cli. Samuel, Hannah, m. Samuel Foot,) Thomas. Hannah joined with Sarah, widow of Philip Rowell 20 (4) 1601, in peti- tioning for a settlement of the estates of Kichard and Joannah Gunier, dec. CXIBTIS, CURTICE, CUTTRIS, COBTIS, Deodatus, jDlanter, Braintree, bought land in 1040. [L.] Wife Rebecca; ch. Solo- mon b. 8 June, 1043, Ruth b. 8 (11) 1647. Re- becca, [widow?] m. 8 (4) 1648, Joseph Ar- noll. George, servant to Mr. John Cotton, adm. chh. Boston 4 (0) 1639; frm. May 13, 1040. Henry, gent., ae. 27, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in 1635. Settled at Water- town; propr. 1636. Rem. to Sudbury; propr. 1030. Wife Jlary; ch. Ephraim b. 31 (1) 1642. He d., and inv. of bis est. was taken 27 Sept. 1078. "The housing and barn were burnt in the Indian warre time before his death." Filed by Joseph C. The widow Mary d. 3 (10) 1682. Joan Parker of St. Saviour's, South- wark, Eng. in her will dated 24 Aug. 1074, beq. a silver tankard and 6 silver spoons to her bro. Henry Curtis of Sundbury in N. E.; and to his wife and 3 sons, Ephraim, John and Joseph, with him, 20 s. apiece. [Reg. XXXII, 337.] Richard, Scituate, atba. 1643; town officer 1050. [See Chambers.] Ch. Anna b. 12 May, 1049, Elizabeth b. 12 Jan. 1651, John b. 9 Dec. 1653, Jlary b. 9 Jan. 1655, Martha b. 15 March, 1657, Thomas b. 18 March, 1659, Deborah b. 16 April, 1661, Sarah b. 20 July, 1663. Will dated 20 Oct. 1692, prob. Dec. 10, 1693, beq. to son John, who is to care for him and his wife Lydia the rest of their lives; son Thomas; daus. Hannah, Elizabeth Brooks, Mary Badcock and Sarah. Richard, Salem, a witness in court in 1645. Ch. Caleb b. 24 (7) 1646, bapt. with Sarah 21 (2) 1050, Samuel b. 1 (2) bapt. IS (3) 1051, Richard b. 14 (12) bapt. 20 (12) 1652, Sarah b. 19 (1) bapt. 15 (2) 1055, Hannah b. 10 (7) bapt. 28 (11) 1650, John b. and d. 1059, John b. and d. 1660, Mary b. 11 (12) 1662. CURTIS, etc., cont. Richard, cordwinder, Dorchester, propr.; town officer. Rem. to Milton, but came back in 1667. Wife Elizabeth d. 28 (3) 1657; he m. 25 (7) 1657, Sarah, widow of John Strange. Ch. Elizabeth b. 17 (5) 1643, Isaac b. 17 (4) 1658, Joseph b. 4 (7) 1661. William, from Nasing, Eng., came to Roxbury in 1632, bringing 4 cliildren, Thomas, Mary, John and Philip; his eldest son William came the year before, but died in 1634. [E.] Wife Sarah, sister to Rev. John Eliot, was bapt. 13 Jan. 1599-1600. He was propr.; frm. March 4, 1632-3. He con- veyed lands to his son Isaac Feb. It, 1669, on condition that he care for the father and mother the rest of their lives. Ch. rec. in Rox. Isaac b. July 22, 1041, Thomas d. 26 (4) 1050. He d. Dec. 8, 1672, ae. 80; the widow d. March 26 or 28, 1673, ae. 73. Zaccheus, of Downton, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Settled at Salem; bought house near Brooksby, Marljlehead; had grant of land 1646. See Corwithen. At Topsfield, wife Mary; ch. Mary d. 31 Dec. 1674, Mary d. Oct. 21, 1683, Zaccheus d. 7 Nov. 1083. CURWIN, see Corwin. GUSHING, CUSHIN", Matthew, from Hingham, Eng., came in 1038 to Hingham, N. E. with wife, 4 sons and 1 dau., and his wife's sister, Frances Recroft, widow. Town officer, deacon. Wife Nazaretli, (said by the family historian to have been a dau. of Henry Pitcher;) ch. Dan- iel bapt. April 20, 1619, Jeremiah bapt. July 21, 1621, Matthew bapt. April 5, 1623, De- borah bapt. Feb. 17, 1024-5, (m. Mathias Briggs,) John. He d. Sept. 30, 1060, ae. 71 yrs. His heirs, Daniel, Matthew, John and Jeremiah C. and I»ratthias Briggs made agreement for a di- vision of the est. to themselves and their mother Nov. 15, 1060. [Reg. IV, 88, and X, 173.] The widow d. Jan., 1081-2, ae. 96 yrs. Theophilus, bro. of Matthew, came from Hingham, Eng., to Hingham, N. E. in 10.38 [?]. He d. March 24, 1678-9, ae. nearly 100 yrs. CTTRWITHEN, see Corwithen. CUSHMAN, Robert, wool-carder, of Canterbury, Eng., m. at Leyden, Holland, June 3, 1617, Mary, widow of Thomas Chingleton of Sand- wich, Eng. He was associated with Wm. Brewster as agent of the Leyden chh. in negotiations for removal. He came in the Fortune to Plymouth in 1621. See letters and details in Bradford. Though not or- dained he did service as a preacher some- times; and is regarded as the author of the sermon entitled The Danger of Self-love and the Sweetness of True Friendship, preached at Plymouth 9 Dee. 1621. He ret. to Eng. on business of the colony, and d. tliere in 1626. Son Thomas came with him; became an important man here in church and colony. CUSEMAN, alias COACHMAN, James, planter, Scituate. In his will dated April 25, prob. May 24, 1648, he beq. to his cousins John Twisden of Georgiana in co. of Devon, province of Mayne, and Mr. John Fernside of Duxbury; to Wm. Witherell of Scituate. CUTHBEETSON, see Godbertson. CUTLEB, CUTLORE, James, Watertown, propr. 1636. Propr. at Lancaster in 1645. Res. at Cambridge Farms (Lexington) afterward. Wife Ann; ch. James b. 6 (9) 1635, Hannah b. 26 (5) 1638, Elizabeth b. in 1639, d. in 1644, Mary b. 21 (9) 1643. The wife Anna was bur. 30 (7) 1644. He m. 9 (1) 1645, Mary, widow of Thomas King; ch. Elizabeth b. 20 (5) 1646. He d. May 17, 1694, ae. about 88. Will, dated Nov. 24, 1684, at Cambridge Farms, ae. 78, was prob. Aug. 20, 1694. He men- tions ch. and gr. ch. of his wife formerly wife of Thomas King, viz. James, Thomas, John, .John Collar, Richard Parli's wife, John Parmenter's wife, Sarah Waite, Mary John- son, Hannah Winter, Joanna, wife of Phil- ip Russell, Jemimah, Samuel, Phebe. .John, Hingham, propr. 1636. He d. P'eb. 1638. His widow Mary m. sec- ond Thomas Huitt; ch. Thomas, who rem. to Charlestown. He gave a receipt 19 July, 1676, to the selectmen of Hingham for pay- CTJTLEB, etc., cent. ment made to him for the care of his moth- er, Mary Huitt. Richard, frm. .June 2, 1641. Robert, Charlestown, adm. chh. 6 (9) 1G37, frm. May 2, 1638; deacon; town officer. The Gen. Court assumed the bills for his sicliuess 25 Oct. 1636. Ch. Nathaniel bapt. 8 (9) 1640. He d. March 7, 1664-5. Will dated 1 May, 1064, prob. 20 (4) 1665, beq. to wife Rebecca, sons John and Nathaniel, dan. Rebecca, wife of Abraham Arrington, dau. Hannah, wife of Matthew Griffin, shop, tools of his trade, unwrought iron, share in ship Dolphin, etc. Note.— Stephen Fosdicli, in his will in 1663, mentions "a falling ax that goodman Cutler made me." His wife Rebecca d. 18 (1) 1677. Her will dated 25 July, 1676, prob. April 3, 1678, beq. to the same and to gr. children. Will, residence not stated, frm. April 18, 1637. CUTTEE, Elizabeth, Cambridge; she related that she did not remember her fath- er; mother placed her with a godly family at Newcastle (Eng.); had the ministry of Mr. Rodwell. Afterward her husband was taken away; she desired to come to N. E. [Rel.] She seems to have followed her sons, William and Richard, to this country. Lived in Cambridge with dau. Barbara, wife of Elijah Corlett. She made will Feb. 16, 1662- 3, ae. about 87 years. Richard, cooper, Cambridge, 1641, son of and Elizabeth. Parents brought him up in the fear of the Lord. Though he had no opposition of heart against them he came to N. E. [Rel.] Frm. June 2, 1641. Men- tioned as a res. in 1646. Wife Elizabeth d. March 5, 16G2, ae. about 42 years. [Gr. St.] Ch. Elizabeth, Samuel, William b. 22 (12) 164S-9, Ephraim, Gershom, Mark,— all b. and bapt. at Camb.; he m. 2, widow Embsden, (who was adm. chh. Oct. 21, 1661, having litr ch. Isaac and Jacob E. bapt. Nov. 3, 1661;) ch. Nathaniel bapt. Jan. 10, 1663, Rebecca bapt. Oct. 8, 1665, Hephzlbah bapt. Dec. 1, 1667, (dec.) [Mi.] He d. 10 June, 1693, ae. about 72. [Gr. St.] William, wine cooper, Cambridge, propr., town officer, 1639. Rem. to Oharles- 127 CXTTTER, cont. town. Town officer, 1646. Ret. to England, to Newcastle on Tine. Gave power of attor- ney 12 (11) 1G53, to Edward Goff and others. Gave another in 1674 to his brother R. C. of Camb., his friend Elijah Corlett of Camb. master of arts, and his friend Hugh Atliin- son of the co. of Westmoreland, Eng. for sale of property in Char. Genealogy. CUTTING, CUTTIN, Mr. John, Sen., gent., mariner. Water- town, propr. 1636. Res. at Newbury in 1638; propr., town officer. Rem. to Charlestown,' ■where he bought house and land in 1648. Was master of ship Advent of Boston 19 (8) 1647. [A.] Made many voyages to and from Eng. Sold his lands in Newbury to John Hull June 20, 1651. Ch. Judith and Sarah, who m. successively James Brown, q. v.; Mary, who m. Nicholas Noyes. He d. at Newbury Nov. 20, 1659. His wid- ow m. John Miller, and with him sold to their son-in-law Nicholas Noyes land for- merly belonging to Stephen Dummer; which tract Dummer sold to Capt. Cutting, another document tells us. [To. Rec] Richard, wheelwright, came in the Elizabeth April 30, 1634, ae. 11. Settled at Watertown; bought house and land 16 (11) 1646. Wife Sarah; ch. James b. Jan. 26, 1G57-8, b. Sept. 2, 1661, Lydia b. Sept. 1, 1666. He d. March 21, 1695-6, an aged man; will beq. to sons Zachariah and James, daus. Su- san Nucum and Lydia Spring, gr. ch. John Cutting and Elizabeth Barnard. William, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Was agent of Ferdiuando Adams to convey land in 1651. DABYN, Robert, servant to Mr. Joseph Hull, tame from Weymouth, Eng., March 20, 1635. DAGGETT, see Doggett. DAKIN, see Deacon. DADT, DADE, William, butcher, Charlestown, 1630, adm. Boston chh. 1631-2, frm. April 1, 1633. Was one of the attorneys of Mrs. Palsgrave before March 17. 1656. Wife Dorothy, adm. DADT, etc., cont. chh. 31 (6) 1633; she d. March 8, 1670-1. Ch. ■\Villiam, Benjamin bapt. 24 (1) 1635 Na- thaniel bapt. 22 (11) 1636, Zachariah b 16 (3) 1644, Abigail. He d. April 10, 1682, ae. 77. [Gr. St.] Will dated 3 Feb. 16S1, prob. June 20, 1682 beq to wife Martha and to her ch. by former hus- band; to son William and dau. Abigail. DOLLIBEB, DOLLIVEB, 128 DALLIBER, [Dolbear,] Samuel, son of Robert of Stolie Abbot Dorsetshire, Eng., bapt. Feb. 5, 1608, came to Marblehead about 1642; propr., town offi- cer. Son Joseph, ae. 40 in 1669, was also propr. early. He m. 2, Aug. 1, 1654, Mai-y, dau. of Rob- ert EI well; ch. William b. Aug. 17, 1656, Samuel b. July 9, 165S, Mary b. 26 March,' 1602, Richard b. April IS, 1665, Sarah b. Dec! 24, 1607, John b. 2 (7) 1671. He d. 22 July, 1683. Inv. of his est. filed by widow Mary 25 Sept. folg. Division was made to the eldest son Joseph; sons Rich- ard, William and John; daus. Mary, widow of James Gardner, and her son Richard Dal- liber; Sarah D.; Mary, wife of Richard Bab- son, and to son Richard Deilie; who receipted for their portions at various dates, 1684- 1696. Tristram, bro. of Samuel, bapt. at Stoiie Abbot 28 May, 1598, came to Salem before 1641. In fishing business at Marble- head and Gloucester. He returned to St. Ab., whence he wrote April 20, 1648, to John Balch and Wm. Woodberi-y of Sal. concern- ing his account with Wm. Vinson, Osman Dooch and John Stoodly; referred also to John Whitt and goodman Merry, and to Robert Elwell and his wife. Aslis for the date of the death of his wife from the rec- ord; gave power of attorney to his bro. Samuel D. of Marb. for collection of money from John Whitt of Wenomen, [Wenham.] He came again to Mass. He m. 1, Mary • , who d. here 3 July, 1044. He m. 2, at St. Ab. Aug. 31, 1657, Sarah Peavie. He d. at Gloe. 3 July, 1604. [Reg. VI, 251, XXXI, 312. and XXXII, 95.] DALTON, DATTLTON", DOLTON", Philemon, linen weaver, ae. 45, with wife Hannah, ae. 35, and ch. Samuel, ae. ""■;, came in the Increase, April 15, 1635. A 1 DALTON, etc., cont. pioneer at Dedham, 1636. Rem to Hampton; had authority to perform marriages 14 May, 1645. Rem. to Ipswich. He d. in June, 1662. Rev. Timothy, entered St. John's coll., Cambridge, Eng. Sept. 17, 1610, was or- dained 19 June, 1614; vicar of Woolverstone, CO. Suff. JIarch 8, 1615; suspended by the bishop in April, 1636. Came hither soon after and settled at Watertown. Rem. to Dedham; adm. propr. 18 (5) 1637; frm. Sept. 7. 1637. Was one of the party sent by Ded. under permission of Gen. Court in 1638 to observe the southerly part of the patent. He contracted to saw 400 planks for a bridge, 1637. Sold his rights at Ded. in 1639. Rem. to Hampton, where he was elected "teach- er" of the chh. June 2, 1639. He served with ability; opinions differ with regard to the issues which rose between him and Mr. Bachiler, "pastor" of the same chh. He gave certain lands to his kinsman Eman- uel Hilliard, seaman, Jasper Blake, seaman, and to Nathaniel Bachiler, 10 (8) 1657. Wife Ruth; eh. Samuel bapt. at Woolv. 12 March, 1617, bur. same day, Deborah bapt. 3 June, 1619, bur. 19 May, 1624, Timothie bapt. 10 Nov. 1622, Ruth bur. 28 Aug. 1624-5. He d. in 1601, ae. about 84 years. [Hampt. rec] Beq. his est. to wife; to brother Phil- emon and his son Samuel. The widow Ruth made, 22 March, 1663-4, to Nathaniel Bachiler, a deed of certain lands, conditioned on his providing for her in specified particulars till her death, and then paying legacies to De- borah, wife of John Smith; Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Merrie; Phebe, wife of Joseph Ar- nall; Joseph and George Parkers (Park- hurst;) Mary, wife of Thomas Carter of Woburn; Timothy and Benjamin Hilliard; Elizabeth Hilliard, dau. of Elizabeth Mer- rie; Abigail Ambross, dau. of the wife of John Severans; Mary, wife of AVilliam Fi- field; Walter Roper and Hannah Willix. In her will, dated 8 (10) 1655, prob. 12 May, 1666, she beq. to her cozens, Nathaniel Batcheller and his wife Deborah; John Smith, Jr.; Mary, wife to Mr. Thos. Carter of W.; Samuel Dalton (for his son Timothie,) and Deborah Smithe. DAMON, DAMMAN, DAMMANT, DAM- ING, see Eaton, George, Scituate, atba. 1643. DAMON, etc., cont. John, planter, Scituate, 1644. He m. June 16, 1644, Katharine, dau. of Henry Mer- ritt of Sci.; ch. Deborah b. April 25, 1645, John b. Nov. 3, 1647, Zechariah b. and d. 1649, Mary b. July, 1651, Daniel b. Feb. 1652. He m. [2,] 15 Jan. 1659, Martha, dau. of Arthur Howland; ch. Experience b. 17 April, 1662, Silence b. 2 Jan. 1663, Ebenezer b. 11 Jan. 1665, Margaret b. 20 July, 1670. Inv. of his est. was taken 23 Oct. 1676; widow Martha and son Daniel deposed. A later agreement gave a share to son Zachary. John, Reading, frm. May, 1645, propr. 1653; town officer. [Wife] Abigail memb. chh. 1648. Ch. John d. Jan. 14, 1651, John b. March 18, 1652, Abigail b. Aug. 26, 1654, Samuel b. June 23, 1656, Joseph b. Sept. 28, 1661. DANA, DANIE, DANY, Richard, planter, Cambridge, propr. be- fore 1650. Wife Anne; ch. Anne, Jacob, Jo- seph and Abigail, all bapt. in Camb. before 1658; Benjamin bapt. April 8, 1060, Eliz- abeth bapt. April 27, 1602, Daniel bapt. April 3, 1664. [Mi.] He d. April 2, 1090. Inv. filed. No will probated. DAND, Mr. John, [Boston] one of the petition- ers for civil rights to be granted to non- church-members, in 1645; for this he was brought before the Court; discharged 10 May, 1648. [W.] [Col. Rec] DANE, DEAN, see Deane, John, tailor, of Berkhamstead, and Bishops Stortford, Eng., came to Roxbury. Frm. June 2, 1641. In Court 1 (4) 1641. His wife died. He m. July 2, 1643, Annis, wid- ow of Wm. Chandler. He rem. to Ipswich; propr. 1635; but ret. to Roxbury after some yrs, leaving his son John at Ips. He d. 14 (7) 1658. His will names wife Annice, sons John and Francis, and dau. Elizabeth How. Son John, ("Sen.,") deposed at Ips. Jan. 10, 1677, ae. upwards of 60 years; Francis de- posed in 1673, ae. above 57 years. [Mdx. Files.] Thomas, carpenter, ae. 32, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635; settled at Concord. Wife Elizabeth; 129 DANE, etc., cont. cli. a dau. b. 24 (12) 1642, Hannah b. 13 (1) 1645, Elizabeth b. 25 (10) 1648, d. 20 (4) 1649. His wife Mildred d. Sept. 15, 1673. He d. Feb. 5, 1675. Will prob. June 24, 1676, beq. to son Joseph, daus. Sarah Heald, Mary Pellett and Hannah Page. DANFORD, John, his action against Richard Derby in Plymouth court in 1639. DANFORTH, DAMPFORTH, DANFOBD, DAMFORD, Mr. Nicholas, yeoman, came in 1634 from Framlingham, Eng. [C. M.] Settled at Cambridge; propr. and selectman Nov. 23, 1635; frm. March 3, 1635-6. Town officer, deputy. A citizen of excellent qualities and efficiency. Wife Elizabeth d. in Eng. in 1629. Oh. Martha, (m. Rielwird EEeneh. and- sold land with, him inherited feoni h«- father in 1664^) Elizabeth, (m. An- drew Belcher, Thomas, (asst., deputy-govern- or, judge,) Anna, (m. Matthew Bridge,) Lydia, (m. William Beamans,), Samuel, (b. about 1627, became a celebrated minister, colleague of Rev. John Eliot at Roxbury; he d. 19 (9) 1674;) Jonathan, (became very prom- inent In colonial affairs; laid out and sur- veyed many tracts of land; deposed in ±677, ae. about 50 years.) [Es. Files.] He d. (2) 1038. [See Hist. Billerica, Re- ports to Meetings of Danforth Family, etc.] DANIEL, DANNELL, Mrs. Alice, Salem, 103G. Lawsuit in 1638. See Beggarly. Elizabeth, ae. 2 yrs. came in the In- crease April 15, 1635; the name follows the family of Samuel Morse. Robert, husbandman, Watertown, propr.; rem. to Cambridge 1G36; frm. March 14, 1638-9. Town officer. Deposed 26 (4) 1652, ae. 60 years and upwards. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Elizabeth d. Oct. 2. 1643; he m. May 2, 1654, Reana, widow of Wm. Andrew. Oh. Mary b. 2 (7) 1642, Thomas bur. 6 (9) 1644. He d. July 6, 1655. Will, dated 3 July, prob. Oct. 2, 1655. Wife Reana to have the est. he rec'd with her and additional. 5 chil- dren; eldest dau. Elizabeth now wife of Thomas Fanning; sons Samuel and Joseph, daus. Sarah and Mary; cousin Anna Newco- DANIEL, etc., cont. men. [Reg. XXX, 459.] The widow m. Ed- mund Frost. William, inn-keeper, Dorchester, propr. 1646. Rem. to Milton. He m. Katharine, dau. of John Grenaway; ch. John bapt. 6 (6) 1648, Mary bapt. 7 (5) 1650, Susanna bapt. 18 (8) 1646, (m. John Kingsley;) Mary bapt. 10 (3) 1C53, Hannah bapt. 22 (2) 1655, (m. Ben- jamin Badcock,) Samuel bapt. 24 (2) 1659. Will dated 2 July, prob. 28 Sept. 1678. Beq. to wife Katharine, sons John and Sam- uel, daus. Hannah Badcock, son-in-law John Kinsley, grandchildren Susanna Kinsley and Silence [Woods]. Shop and blacksmith's tools to son Samuel. DANTS, Robert, frm. May 10, 1643. DANVARD, DUNVARD, John, Weymouth, before Gen. Court 3 March, 1639-40. DARBY, DERBY, Edward, referred to in the will of Agnes, widow of Augustine D. of Bisley, co. Surrey, dated 21 May, prob. 18 June. 1650. [Reg. XXXIX, 66.] Res. at Weymouth; rem. to Boston. He m. in Boston Jan. 25. 1659, Susanna Hooke. Will dated 4 Jan. prob. 13 Jan. 1623 4, beq. to wife Rebecca, sons Jonathan and Samuel, daus. Sarah Cob, Jane and Ruth Derby; Jane to have silver spoons which her mother left. John, son of Christopher D. of Sturtle near Bridport, co. Dorset, Eng., came to Ply- mouth. Propr. 6 Aug., 1637. Appl. frm. 6 March, 1637-8. Rem. to Yarmouth. Town officer. Ch. a son b. 28 Feb. 1647, Matthew b. Feb. 8, 1649. He d. before 5 March, 1655-6, whea admin, was gr. to his widow. After the death of Nicholas Niearson in 1682 the Court ordered that the land on Monk's Hill in Plymouth should be divided between widows Blush and widow Niearson who had rec'd nothing of her father John Darby, deceased, before. Mr. Richard, gent., bro. of the forego- ing, came to Plymouth about 1630, propr., juryman. Brought with him his kinsman John Chipman, q. v. [Reg. IV, 23, and XXXV, 127.] 130 DARLING, see Dorlon. DARLOE, DARNO, Penelope, ae. 29, came in the Defense in July, 1635, as maid-servant to Robert Keaine. She was adm. chh. Boston 24 (2) 163C. DARRELL, John, passed exam, to go to Salem, N. E. May 11, 1637. DARVILL, DEVEL, Robert, Sudbury, propr. 1639. Wife Esther; ch. Mary b. 10 (3) 1642. Will dated 16 (11) 1661, prob. AprU 1, 1662, beq. to dau. Elizabeth Noice land in Nor- ehurch, co. Hartford, Eng., and in Sudbury, to her daus. Elizabeth, Mary and Dorothy; to dau. Mary D. DASSETT, see Dossett. DASTIN, DAWSTIN, see DURSTAN, Josiah, Charlestown, 1639; wife Lydia, ae. 26 years. [L.] Bought house and land at Medford April 26, 1641. Rem. to Read- ing; propr. 1647. He deposed 21 (1) 1669, ae. 66 years. [Mdx. Files.] Cb. Hannah b. 15 (7) 1645, MaiT b. 1648, d. 1649, Mary b. Nov. 8, 1650, Sarah b. Sept. 25, 1653, Josiah b. May 14, 1056. He d. Jan. 16, 1671. DAVENISH, Thomas. Salem, propr.. 1638; frm. June 2. 1641. Mary adm. chh. 21 (1) 1640-1; ch. Mary bapt. 18 (5) 1641, Bethiah bapt, 30 (9) 1043. DAVENPORT, DAMPORD, DAMFORTH, Rev. John, b. at Coventry, Eng., in 1597, grad, at Magdalen Coll., Cambridge, A. B. 1615, A. M. and B. D. 1625; curate of St. Stephens, London. Went to Holland in 1633. Came to Boston in the Hector June 27, 1637. Settled at New Haven, Conn.; minister 1638- 1667. Ret. to Boston, and was installed pas- tor of the First church Dec. 9, 1667. A hard student and a great preacher. [C. M.] He d. March 15, 1669-70. His son John admin. 1 (7) 1670. Richard, Salem, propr., lieut.;frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Chosen by the Gen. Court May 14, 1634, ensign to Capt. Trask. Rem. to Boston about 1643. He deposed in Salem Court 30 DAVENPORT, etc., cent. (9) 1604, ae. about 58 years. Captain, deputy. He was the third commander of the fort on Castle Island, Boston Harbor. He was killed by lightning at the Island in July, 1665. Admin, gr. 30 Oct., 1665 to Wm. Stoughton, Nathaniel Davenport and Stephen Minot, at request of widow and her sons. [Reg. XVI, 233.] Wife Elizabeth one of the first mem- bers of the chh. Ch. Experience bapt. 27 (6) 1637, John bapt. 19 (7) 1641, Samuel bapt. at B. 5 (5) 1G46, Sarah bapt. 30 (7) 1649, WilUam b. May 11, 1656. Robert Hathorne of Bray, Eng.. in a letter to his bro. Wm. H. in 1653, sends love to his bro. and sister Daveniwrt. Thomas, Dorchester, adm. chh. 20 (9) 1640, frm. May 18. 1042. Wife Mary adm. chh. 8 (1) 1644. Ch. Sarah b. 28 (10) 1643, Thomas bapt. 2 (1) 1645, Mary bapt. 21 (11) 1648, Anna bapt. 29 (10) 1050, Charles bapt. 7 (9) 1652. Abigail bapt. 8 (5) 1655, Mehitabel b. 14 (12) 1656, Jonathan b. 6 (1) 1658-9, Eben- ezer b. 26 (2) 1661, John b. 20 (8) 1664. He d. Nov. 9, 1685. His will, dated July 24, 1083, being aged, gave homestead to son John after the death of his wife. The widow d. Oct. 4, 1691. Genealogy. [Reg. XXXIII, 25.] DAVIS, DAVIES, Barnabas, from Tewksbury, Eng., ae. 36, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Set- tled at Charlestown. Was in the employ of the brothers John and Wm. Woodcoci^; made several .iourneys to Conn., etc. Law suit in 1640-1 for payment of his salary. Refers to his father, James D. and his bro. Reade in Eng. [L.] He deposed 4 (2) 1659, ae. about 60 years. [Mdx. Files.] Elizabeth, [his wife?] adm. chh. Char. 8 (11) 1635. He d. Nov. 27, 1685, ae. about 86 years. Christopher, bondsman for John Davies before Gen. Court 13 Dec, 1636. Dolor, carpenter, Cambridge, propr. 1635. He rem. to Duxbury. Propr. frm. [Plym. Col.] 5 March, 1638-9, adm. frm. 2 June, 1646. He and his wife were dism, from the chh. of Duxbury and joined that at Barnstable Aug. 27, 1648, whither he re- moved. Rem. to Concord. He made will 13 Sept. 1672, prob. 2 July, 1673. Sons Symon and Samuel already had portions; wife Joanna; eldest son John; son- in-law Lewis and Mary his wife; dau. Ruth 131 DAVIS, etc., cont. Hall; to the poor of the town where he may die. Refers to his sons Symon and Samuel as residing at Concord, and his having gone thither at the charges of Roger Chandeler. George, blacksmith, Boston, adm. chh. 20 (G) 1644; frm. May 1645. Wife Barbara adm. chh. 22 (6) 1647. Ch. Samuel b. 17 Oct., 1651, John b. 3 June, 1652. Will prob. April 25, 1655; to wife Barbara, sons Samuel and John. [Reg. V, 306, and IX, .35.] The widow m. 14 (11) 1655, John Brimblecombe, who gave bonds for the pay- ment of the children's portions July 26, 1656. She afterward m. — Chadwell; her est. was admin, on 4 April, 1665, by Daniel Turrell and John Baker. George, Salem, 1641. [Court Files.] Rem. to Reading; propr. 1644. Frm. May 26, 1647. Ch. Hannah b. May 31, 1648, Sarah b. Oct. 1, 1651, Elizabeth b. Jan. 16, 1654, Mary b. Jan. 6, 1657, John b. July 20, 1660, d. Nov. 4, 1660, Susanna b. May 11, 1662. Will, dated Dec. 7, 1664, prob. Sept. 30, 1667. About to sail for Cape Fear, (where he d.); wife and son Benjamin, execs.; to son Joseph what he has in the ship and the weav- ers' loom; 5 daus. under age; bro. Wm. Clark of Lynn, one of the overseers. [SufC. Prob.; Reg. XVI.] He d. July 14, 1667. Isaac, Salem, 1636. Made a pair of stocks. He was ordered to be sent home to his wife in Eng., 15 June, 1637. and money raised for his passage. James, Plymouth, propr. 6 Feb. 1636. James, Braintree. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 7 (3) 1647. James, Sen., Haverhill, propr. and pur- chaser of land in 1646. Town officer. He de- posed 14 (2) 16(53, ae. about 00 years. Ex- cused by Hampton Court from training on account of his age in 1650. His sons James, Jr., and Johni were also proprs.; other ch. Judith, (m. Samuel Gile,) Ephraim, Samuel, Sarah, (m. John Page). His wife Sissilla d. May 28, 1673; he d. ae. about 96 years, Jan. 29, 1078. Will March 17, 1675, codicil July 22, 1678, prob. 1680. Sons John, Ephraim, Samuel and James; dau. Sarah Page; gr. ch. James, son of John, Stephen and Ephraim, sons of Ephraim; James, son of Samuel Glide. DAVIS, etc., cont. James, seaman, Boston, adm. chh. 7 (7) 1634, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Wife Joanna adm. chh. 6 (9) 1641; ch. Jacob b. 11 (5) 1639, Josebeth b. 20 (6) 1642, John d. 13 (9) 1653. He d. Oct 17, 1661; admin, gr. to his wife Johanna 25 (11) 1661. John Wing, who m. one of the daus. of the said Wm. (sic,) re- signed his claim. Jenkin, joiner, Lynn, servant to Mr. Humfrey, frm. March 9, 1636-7. Juryman 1637, propr. 1638. Was punished for crime In 1642. The membs. of the chh. of Lynn pe- titioned the Gen. Court on his behalf Nov. 13, 1644. [Col. Rec, W. and Arch. 10, 26.] Mortg. house and land in 1661. John, (Davy,) joiner, ae. 29, came in the Increase in April, 1635. Settled at Boston; frm. May 25, 1636; disarmed with others who favored Mrs. Hutchinson in 1637; propr. gave a bond 28 (5) 1640. Contracted to build a house for William Rix 31 Aug. 1640. Mr. John Davy, olarke, of Kenninghall, co. Nor- folk, Eng., referred to in another document by Rix may be a connection. [L.] John, Watertown; one of the petitioners for Lancaster, but not a settler there. [Arch. Eccl. I.] Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 20 (1) 1642. The widow Mary d. and Ephraim Child and Richard Davis were app. adminrs. June 19, 1656. John, Ipswich, shoemaker, herdsman, before the Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. Propr.; had additional land in 1651. Sold land at Jabaque, (Chebacco,) Ips. in 1648. John, Salisbury, ae. about 52 years, deposed 14 (2) 1664. A John D. d. at Topsfield 24 Dec. 1672. Will dated May 16, 1672, prob. 25 March, 1673; gave Msts of debts and credits; beq. to his master and his family and others. John, planter, Newbuiy, an early set- tler. Wife Blnor; ch. Mary b. 6 Oct. 1642, John b. 15 Jan. 1644, Zachary b. 22 Feb. 1646, Jeremiah b. 21 June, 1648, Mary b. 12 Aug., 1650, Cornelius b. 15 AprU, 1653, Ephraim b. 29 Sept. 1655. He d. 12 Nov. 1675. Nunc. Will and inv. filed Sept. 26, 1676. Son John to have 4 pounds; rest to remain in wife's hands for life, she paying 12 d. to each son and dau.; rest to them at her death. 132 DAVIS, etc., cont. John* [Barnstable.] Brought goods from Weymouth to Sandwich in his boat for Michael Turner in 1637; did not deliver them at once because T. placed no signal to show the mouth of the harbor. [Court case.] He m. at Nocett March 15, 1648-9, Hannah Lin- nett or Linnell; ch. John b. at Barnstable Jan. 1649, Samuel b. Dec. 1651, Hannah and Mary b. Jan. 3, 1653, Joseph and Benjamin b. June 1656, Simon b. July 1658, Dolor b. Oct. 1660. Will of J. D. Sen. of Barnstable dated 10 May, 1701, prob. April 9, 1703, beq. to sons John, Samuel, Benjamin, Dollor, Timothy and Jabez; daus. Mary Hincldey ,Ruth Linel; dau. Hannah Jones' five ch:; gr. dau. Mary Goodspeed. Margaret, ae. 32, with John, ae. 9, Marie, ae. 4, and Elizabeth, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth April 17, 1635. Margery, a widow, at bro. Burdens, Boston, adm. chh. 15 (1) 1645. " Now wife of Charles Grist of Brain- tree," dism. to Br. 7 (3) 1648. Nathaniel, came in the Hercules April 16, 1634. Nicholas, ae. 40, Sarah, ae. 48, Joseph, ae. 13, with Wm. Locli, ae. 6, cert, from Step- ney parish, came in the Planter March 22, 1634. Res. at Charlestown; rem. to Woburn, 1640. Wife Sarah d. 24 (3) 1643. He m. July 12, 1643, Elizabeth Isaac. Nicholas, died; admin, of his est. in Plym. Col. given by Mass. Gen. Court to John Wales of Boston; Inv. filed at Plym. 13 (5) 1673. Philip, ae. 12, servant to John Ilsbey, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Philip, servant to John Cooke from 20 April, 1638, for 11 yrs. 2 months, from the first day of his arrival in N. E., was ti-ansferred Jan. 5, 1640-1, to Henry Samson. Robert, ae. 30, with Margaret, came in the Confidence April 24, 1638, as servants to Peter Noyes. He settled at Sudbury. Wife Bridgsft; ch. Sarah b. 10 (2) 1646. He d. 19 July, 1655; his will dated 17 July, prob. 2 (8) 1655, beq. to wife Bridget; dau. Sarah, under 21; bro. John D.; sister Margar- et Bennett; apprentice Joseph Newton; to bro. Henry Lolier; 10 s to Mr. Hunt. [Reg. *This may be the son of Dolor. 133 DAVIS, etc., cont. XIX, 43.] The widow m. Dec. 26, 1655, Thomas King. Robert, Barnstable, 1645. Ch. Deborah b. Jan. 1645, Mary b. May 1648, Andrew b. May 1650, John b. March 1, 1652, Robert b. Aug. 1654, Josias b. Sept. 1656, Hannah b. Sept. 1658, Sarah b. Oct. 1660. Will dated 14 April, 1688, prob. June 29, 1693, beq. to wife Ann; sons Joseph, Josiah, Robert and Andrew; daus. Deborah Geere, Sarah and Mary Davis and Hannah Dexter. Samuel, Rumney Marsh, Boston. He was rec'd to chh. Boston 31 (3) 1646, from chh. of Watertown. Wife Anna adm. chh. 17 (2) 1646; ch. Susanna b. May 4, 1646, Mary bapt. 31 (3) 1646, ae. about 26 days, Susanna bapt. 28 (3) 1648, ae. about 3 days, Priscilla b. Aug. 3, 1650, Samuel b. at Braintree 22 (1) 1653, Sarah d. at Br. 29 (6) 1658, William d. 21 (7) 1657, Mary b. May 21, 1660, Sarah b. Sept. 11, 1661, Mary b. March 21, 1663, Eliza- beth b. Oct. 6, 1664, Esther b. Jan. 19, 1665, Rebecca b. July 9, 1667, Nathaniel b. Nov. 26, 1669. Will dated 2 May, prob. 4 July, 1672. Wife Anna; ch. Hannah Griggs, Abigail and Mary Townsend, PrisciUa (lately married,) and Gershom. Susan, ae. 16, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Thomas, sawyer, from Marlborough, Eug., came in the James April 5, 1635. Set- tled at Newbury. Frm. June 2, 1641. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 60 years. Rem. to Haverhill; mason, propr. 1646; town officer. He m. in England Christian — ; [Hav. rec] she d. April 7, 1668. His dau. Joanna m. George Corliss. His son Joseph d. Sept. 15, 1671. Thomas himself d. July 27, 1683. Admin, gr. Oct 30 to Wm. Neffe; another admin, gr. in 1728 to his gr. gr. son John Corliss of Hav. Tobias, Roxbury, 1646. Wife Sarah was bur. Feb. 15, 1648. He m. Dec. 13, 1649, Bridget Kinman. Ch. Sarah b. Feb. 10, 1646, John b. April 17, 1651, Tobias b. June 10, 1653, Isaac b. 7 (10) 1655. He d. April 25, 1690. Will dated 9 June, 1684, prob. 14 July, 1690, beq. to wife; dau. Sarah Stephens and her ch. Sarah, John, DAVIS, etc., cont. Joseph, Mary, Hannah and Timothy; to son John and dau. Abigail. William, smith, Boston, 1635. Wife Mary; ch. Abigail b. 31 (8) 1635, d. 24 (12) 1639, Thomas b. 15 (1) 1636, d. (5) 1638, Aaron b. 20 (5) 1638, d. 32 (8) 1639, John d. 20 (1) 1640, Trine (son,) b. 10 (6) 1640, Mary b. 3 (8) 1644. He died in 1644; the \ridow m. 2. John Cowdall, who sold house and land which had been Davies' 8 (12) 1644. His son William petitioned the Gen. 0)urt for the portions due to him and his bros. and sisters; refen-ed to a deed of Cowdall and his mother. [Arch. 15 B.] William, gunsmith, Boston, sold laud in Bo. 27 (4) 1646. [Book of Poss.] Captain. He contracited at Springfield 31 (8) and m. at Bo. 6 (10) 1644, Margaret, dau. of Mr. John Pynchon. [Spr. and Bo. ree.] She d. 3 (5) 1653; he m. 2. HuUlah, dau. of Rev. Zech. Symmes; after her death he m. Sarah — . Ch. Thomas b. 3 (7) 1645, Anna bapt, 5 (7) 1647, ae. about 8 days, Benjamin bapt, 19 (6) 1649, ae. about 2 days, Ephralm bapt. 18 (3) 1651, d .2 (6) 1652, William b. June 25, 1653, Sarah bapt. 3 (7) 1654, Joanna b. Aug. 16, 1655, Eliza'beth bapt. 26 (6) 1655, Mary b. Dec. 3, 1656, Rebecca b. A ug. 3, 1658, Huldah b. Dec. 21, 1659, Ruth bapt. 17 (12) 1660, Ruth b. Feb. 12, 1662, Deborah b. April 13, 1665, Margaret b. Nov. 13, 1667. He made will 17 May, prob. 26 May, 1676; beq. to wife Sarah; ch. Thomas, Benjamin, William, John. Elizabeth, Maria, Rebecca, Huldah, Ruth, Margarita and Hannah. The ch. he had by former wife Huldah to have what comes from the est. of her parents, Mr. Zechariah and Mrs. Sarah Symmes; his mother Elizabeth Davis is to be paid £ 4 per annum; beq. to bros. and sisters Brock, Sav- age, Willis, Prout, Usher and William Symmes; to mother ffarmer and sister Wy- man, etc. William, apothecai*y, Boston, adm. chh. 28 (5) 1644, frm. May, 1645. Bought land in 1648. [Book of Poss.] Appears to the writ- er to be William, merchant, late of Boston, now of Barbadoes, who, with wife Mary, sold land in Bo. 12 April, 1658. [Suff. De. in.] N. B. William, Sen., and William, Jun., who are designated as propr.s in the Bk. of Pos. may be the two latter; descriptions of DAVIS, etc., cont. lands are not clear. A WiUiam D. was of Roxbury and Muddy River at a later period. He d. 18 (10) 1678, ae. 66 years. DAVISON, Nicholas, merchant, agent for Mr. Mat- thew Craddock, res. in Charlestown in 1639. Res. at Medford in 1642. [Mdx. De. I.] He ret. to Bug. and came again, ae. 45, in the Speedwell, May 30, 1656. He m. Joanna Miller; she was adm. chh. 14 (1) 1652. Will dated 26 March, 1655, prob. 11 (5) 1604, beq. to wife Joan ,son Daniel and dau. Sarah; to bro. John D., whereabouts un- known; to sister Mary Hodges alias Ander- son, wife to John A., and their children; to ch. of bro. Jeremy D. dec, who married and lived at Lin in old Eng.; to nephews Em and Joan Rash. One fourth part of the estate to the town of Charlestown, if wife and chil- dren die before inheriting it. She m. 2, Rich- ard Kent, [Jr.] and, ae. about 65 years, sold land Jlr. D. had owned, June 21, 1678. The widow m. Richard Kent, Jr. DAVY, John, Boston. See Davis, John, above. DA WE, DAWES, John, before Gen, Court Sept. 6, 1631. John, Boston. Will dated 13 Jan. 1682, prob. IS (9) 1684. Wife Mary and children. William, ae. 15, came in the Planter April 0, 1635; res. at Braintree. Frm. May 6, 1646. Rem. to Boston. Wife Susanna; ch. Ambrose b. In Br. 24 (5) 1642, Joanna bapt. 2 (4) 1650, Susan bapt. 17 (8) 1652, Wil- liam b. 8 March, 1655, Johanna bapt. 2 (6) 1657, d. 14 Jan. 1659, Jonathan b. Nov. 3, 1661. William, a mason, a good man, full of days, d. March 24, 1703-4. [S.] DAWSE, Priscilla, maid servant to Mr. Thomas Oliver, Boston, adm. chh. 14 (2) 1639. She was dism. 22 (9) 1640, as the wife of John Rogers, to chh. of Watertown. DAWSON, Henry, laborer, Boston, 1640, adm. chh. 16 (3) 1641, frm. June 2, 1641. Prosecuted by Gen. Court. [W.] 134 DAY, DBA, AntLouy, Gloucester, propr. before 1645. He signed the mill agreement in 1664, and deposed about the matter in 1695, ae. about 80 years. [Bs. Deeds 39, 138.] Wife Susan; ch. John b. 28 (2) 1657, Ezekiel b. March 12, 1659, Ezekiel b. 19, (3) 1662, Na- thaniel b. 9 (7) 1665, Elizabeth b. 2 (2) 1667, Samuel b. 25 (12) 1669, Joseph b. 4 (2| 1672. The bond of his admin. Ezekiel D. was signed May 13, 1708. Hannah, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth and .\nn in May, 1635. John, Watertown, propr. 1642. Ralph, mason, Dedham, townsman 1 (11) 1644, frm. May, 1645. Beat the drum for meetings. He m. 12 (8) 1647, Susan Fair- bank; she d. 8 (5) 1659; and he m. 15 (9) 1659, Abigail Ruggles; ch. Elizabeth b. and d. in 1648, Mary b. 9 (9) 1049, Susan b. 1652, John b. 15 (2) 1654, Abigail b. 22 (2) 1661. Inv. of his est. taken 10 (11) filed 1 (12) 1677, includes mason's tools. In his will, dated Sept. 12, prob. Feb. 1, 1677, he beq. to wife Abigail, ch. John, Ralph, Mary, (wife of John Payn,) and Abigail. Tools and drum to Ralph; citterne to Abigail; one of his swords to son-in-law John Ruggles. Robert, propr. 1634; ae. 30, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635; settled at Cam- bridge; frm. May 6, 1635. He d. in 1648. Robert, ae. 30, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1637, with wife Mary, ae. 28; frm. June 2, 1641. Settled at Ipswich; res. before 1641; brickmaker, town officer. Will dated 11 Aug., prob. 25 Sept. 1683, beq. to son John, referring to his marriage with Sarah Pengry; to son James, and daus. Hannah Lord and Sarah Fiske. Stephen, printer, locksmith, Cambridge, propr. 1030. He sot up his press in March, 1638-9, at the charge of Mr. Glover who d. on the way hither. Printed 1st the freeman's oath, next an almanac, then the Bay Psalm Book. [W.] Deposed April 6, 1656, ae. 62 yrs. Was one of the petitioners for a plantation at Nash- away (Lancaster) in 1648; had much land and was active in the affairs of the planta- tion, but did not remove thither. [Mdx. Files, 1662.] Wife Rebecca, widow of DAY, etc., cent. Boardman and mother of William B., came to N. E. with him; she d. Oct. 17, 16.58. Ch. Stephen d. 1 (10) 1639, Matthew d. 10 (3) 1649. He d. before Jan. 27, 1068, when the inv. of his est. was taken, which was filed by William Boardman. Thomas, Lynn, a witness in 1647. Inv. of his est. taken 9 (4) 1670, and admin, gr. to his widow Mary. Wentworth, gent, a singleman, Boston, adm. chh. 12 (7) 1040. Propr. 26 (2) 1641, had land at Lynn about 1651. He m. Eliza- beth, dau. of — and Sarah Story; her father d. in Eng. and her mother became the sec- ond wife of Rev. John Cotton, with whom she came to N. B. Ch. Elizabeth bapt. 26 (7) 1641, ae. about 4 days, Wentworth bapt. 13 (6) 1643, ae. about 6 days. DEACON, DEAKIN, DAKIN, DEYKING, John, ae. 28, came in the Abigail in July, 1635, with wife Alice, ae. 30. Settled at Lynn; propr. 1638; blacksmith. Witness in Es. Court in 1646. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 60. [Es. Files.] Wife Alice d. 27 (5) 1657, and he m. 2, 25 (10) 1657, Elizabeth, widow of John Pickering. Rem. to Boston. Sold land in Lynn 5 April, 1670. DEACON, alias FRANCIS, John, Plymouth, found dead In Feb. 1035-6. Property delivered by John How- land 2 July, 1640, to Daniel Salmon of Sau- gus for Richard Fi-aucis als. Deacon of Barnestone, co. Leicester, Eng., bro. of the deceased. [Plym. Col. Rec. XIII.] DEANE, see Dane, John, Taunton, frm. Plym. Col. Dec. 4, 1638. Will prob. June 7, 1660; about 00 yrs. old. Wife Alice; ch. John, Thomas, Israel, Isaac, Nathaniel, and Elizabeth; bro. Walter D. [Reg. V, 388.] Stephen, came in the Fortune in 1621 to Plymouth. Had liberty to set up a mill to beat corn in 1632; afterward a grinding- mill. Frm. 1633. Bought house and land in 1633. He m. about 1627 Elizabeth, dau. of widow Alary Ring. He d. Sept. 1634. Admin. Oct. 2, 1634; ch. 135 SEANE, cont. Elizabeth, Miriam and Susanna. The widow ni. Josias Coolje, and res. at Eastham. [Reg. Ill, 378.] Rachel, ae. 31, came in the Planter, April, 1635. Walter, bro. of John, tanner, Taunton, frm. Plym. Col. Dec. 4, 1638. Town officer. Walter D. with wife Eleanor joined in a deed Aug. 20, 1693. [Reg. Ill, 375.] DELL, DILL, Capt. George, mariner, Salem, propr. 1638. Boston 1645. Wife Abigail; ch. John b. (8) 1045, Samuel b. 31 (6) 1647, Joseph b. Feb. 1649, Benjamin b. 27 (2) 1652. Will prob. Aug. 26, 1655. Beq. to sons; to bro. Ralph Dell; to bro. Mr. Richard Bara- chew of Hacliney, near London. Esses Prob. [Reg. V, 443, and VIII, 77.] The wid- ow m. 8 (9) 1655, John Hanniford. DEARE, Philip, Salem, before the Gen. Court 6 March, 1637-8. DEARING, DEERING, Samuel, Braintree. He m. in 1647 Bethia, dau. of Gregory Baxter; ch. Bethia b. 6 (6) 1649, Mary b. 16 (11) 1652, Hannah b. 14 (12) 1654, Sarah b. and d. 1657, Eliza- beth b. 12 (7) 1670. The wife Bethia d. 11 (3) 1649; he m. 5 (9) 1651, Mary Ray; she d. 5 (1) 1657. He m. 9 (10) 1657, Mary Nu- come. He d. 23 (8) 1671; admin, gr. 13 (1) 1671-2, to widow Mary. She m. 27 (2) 1675, George Speere. DEEKES, see Dix. DEIGHTON, Thomas, merchant, Boston, witness to a document 27 (9) 1645. Had acct. with Airs. Elizabeth Poole of Westminster, Eng. 24 (9) 1640. [A.] DELANOY, DELANO, De La NOTE, Philip, b. of French parents, [Wins.,] came to Plymouth from Ley den in the For- tune in 1621. Had lands assigned March, 1623; frm. 1633. Rem. to Duxbury; planter. He deposed 21 (4) 1641, ae. about 36 yrs. [L.] He volunteered for the Pequot War in 1637. He m. Dec. 19, 1634, Hester Dews- bery. He m. 2, Mary, dau. of William Pon- tus aud widow of James Glasse; conveyed lands in 1664. Nunc, will testified to 22 Aug. 1681, prob. 7 July, 1682. Sons Philip, Thomas, John and Samuel, (only son to the relict;) daus. Jane aud Rebecca. DENING, DENIN, DENYN, [DENNE,] William, Boston, servant to Wm. Brenton, adm. chh. 23 (1) 1634. Propr. 14 (10) 1635. Will prob. Jan. 31, 1653; wife Ann; son Obediah in Eng.; kinswoman Mary Powell. [Reg. V, 302.] DENLY, DONLY, Jude, servant to Thomas Jones, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. DENNIS, DENNY, DINNY, Edward, Boston, servant to Wm. Hutchinson, adm. chh. 29 (3) 1636; frm. April 17, 1637. Wife Sarah adm. 22 (7) 1639. Edmund, Boston. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah bapt. 9 (6) 1640, Mary b. 27 (4) 1642, Martha b. 1 (3) 1644, John b. 18 (12) 1645, Joseph b. 13 (4) 1648, Benjamin bapt. 22 (7) 1650. Mary, ae. 24, servant to John Brown, came from Baddow, Essex, in June, 1639, in the Desire. Robert, carpenter, planter, Yarmouth, brought suit in Court 2 March, 1G40-1. Prop., frm. 4 June, 1650. Town officer. Juror. Ch. a son d. 1649, Mary b. Sept. 19, 1649. William, shoemaker, Scituate; frm. Mass. March 9, 1637; bought land 24 March, 1038. Settled the affairs of his son Wil- liam who had gone to Eng. in 1642. Will, dated Feb. 16, 1649, prob. 5 March, 1656, beq. to son-in-law Wm. Parker and Ju- dith his wife, my daughter; to Remember, Dependance and Experience Leichfield. [Reg. V. 335.] j 136 DENNISON, DENISON, Mr. William, Roxbury, frm. July 3, 1632. He was b. at Bisliop's Stortford, co. Hert- ford, Eng.; m. Nov. 7, 1603, Margaret [Chandler?] Monck. Ch. John, Daniel bapt. Oct. 18, 1612, Edward bapt. Nov. 3, 1616, George bapt. Dec. 20. 1620. He brought 3 children to N. E., all sons, Daniel, Edward and George. Daniel m. at Newtowne and was joyned to the church there. He after- wards moved to the chh. at Ipswich. [E.] These sons became very prominent citizens of the colony. He was chosen by the Court constable of Roxbury Nov. 5, 1633. Author- ized to press men for the building of a bridge 27 (8) 1647. Deputy. He signed the inv. of Joseph Weld in 1046. He was bur. Jan. 25, 16.53. Hi.s wife Mar- garet was bur. Feb., 1645. His son, Maj. Gen. Daniel, left a sketch of the family his- tory which is given in Reg. XLVI, and a pedigree is printed in same vol. DENNY, Mary, came as a servant, ae. 24, with John Brown, tailor, in 1635. DENSLOW, Nicholas, Dorchester, frm. March 4, 1632-3. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. Died 8 March, 1666, ae. 90 years. Old wido. D. d. 14 Aug. 1669. DENT, Francis, Salem, frm. May 14, 1634; propr. 1638. Admin, of his goods granted by Gen. Court 5 (1) 1638-9, to Edmund Audeley. DEOEDALL, Hugh, millwright, Hingham; gave a bond June 24, 1641. [L.] i DERBY, see Darby. DERIFALL, DORYFALL, DERREFORD, DERISOTJLD, Anne, ae. 24, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Maid servant to Wm. Coddington, adm. chh. Boston 2 (9) 1634. Barnabas, Boston, adm. chh. 1632-3, frm. May 25, 1636; dism. to chh. of Brain- tree 24 (3) 1640. Propr. 1648. Propr. at DERIFALL, etc., cent. Lynn before 1655. [SufC. De. II, 267.] His wife Elizabeth d. at Br. 10 Sept. 1679; he d. Feb. 2, 1080. Will dated 28 Jan. prob. 24 Feb. 16S0, beq. to kinsman Samuel Spencer all his est. in consideration of his taking care of him the rest of his life; with small legacies to Sam- uel's bros. Obediah and Thomas S. DESALLENOVA, see Salinovas. DESBOROTTGH, DISBOROUGH, DESBRO, DEESBXTRY, Isaac, husbandman, ae. 18, of EU-Tis- ley. CO. Cambridge, came in the Hopewell in April, 1035. Settled at [Lynn.] Suit in Es. Court in 1638. Before Gen. Court 5 (1) 1638-9. [See Eng. Gl. by H. F. Waters in Reg. XLI, 353.] Peter, Roxbury. He made Jonathan Pope of Rox. his attorney to receive wages due him from Griffith Bowen 28 (10) 1647. Thomas, residence not given. Admin, gr. by the Court Sept. 3, 1633, to Mr. John Moody. DEVEL, DEVILE, DEVAL, DEVOL, Walter, Plymouth, in Court 2 Oct. 1037; brought suit, 1640. W'illiam. Braintree. Rem. to Rehoboth; propr. 1643. Ch. John b. and d. 1643. DEVEREATJX, DEVERIXE, DEVORITxi John, fisherman, Salem, Marblehead. Deposed Dec. 24, 1694, ae. about 80. that he came from old England to Sal. about 1630 and had lived there and at Marb. ever since. [Es. Court Rec] Servant of Joseph Dalli- ber in 1042. Had suit with Valentine Hill of Boston regarding his service in fishing at Monhegan about 1049. [Es. Files.] Wife Ann deposed in 1067, ae. about 46 years. DEWER, Thomas, tailor, Boston. He bought house, onsett and garden in B. May 15, 1648. One of the founders of the Scottish Chari- table Society; member 1657-1065. Admin, was gr. 15 Dee. 1694, to his son Sampson D., cooper. 137 DEVOTION, Edward, planter, a singleman, adm. chh. Boston, 22 (1) 1645; frm. May 1645. Res. at Muddy River. Wife Mary; ch. Mary bapt. 25 (12) 1648, ae. about 4 days, Elizabeth bapt. 20 (2) 1651, (m. Joseph Weld,) Martha b. March 13, 1653, (m. John Ruggles.) Han- nah b. Dec. 13, 1654, (m. John Ruggles,) De- borah bapt. 17 (3) 1657, John bapt. 26 (4) 1659, Sarah b. June 19, 1662, (m. Joseph Grif- fin). He was bur. 23 (7) 1685, ae. 64. Will prob. 27 Oct. 1685. Beq. his est. to wife Mary, sons John, Edward and Thomas. Margaret, ae. 9, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. DEWEY, DUEE, Thomas, Dorchester, frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. His son Thomas m. 1 (4) 1648, Constance Hawes. See Clap, Roger. DEWING, DtriN, Andrew, Dedham, adm. chh. 19 (2) 1646, frm. May 6, 1646. Wife Lydia d. 13 (8) 1651. He m. 10 (9) 1652, An Donstall. Ch. John b. 16 (12) 1649, John b. and d. 1651, Andrew b. 26 (11) 1655, Jonathan b. April 3, 1663, Deborah b. 1 (8) 1G68. He d. 16 (7) 1677. Will dated 8 (7) prob. 30 (8) 1677; wife Ann; eldest son Andrew, youngest son Jonathan; eldest dau. Lydia; other daus. Anne and Deborah. DEXTER, cent. vision that Thomas should pay money to his daus. Mary and Frances. [L.] Mary m. John Frend, q. v. Rem. to Sandwich. Ar- bitrated a difference with alderman Hooke of Bristol, Eng. 30 (4) 1648. [A.] Rem. to Boston. He d., and admin, was granted t) Feb. 1676, to Capt. James Oliver and the son, Thomas D., Jr. Land at Lynn, debts at Barnstable, etc. DIBBLE, DEEBLE, DYBELL, Abraham, Dorchester. Rem. to Boston. Rem. to Southfield, (Suffield,) Conn. [See Allen, Henry.] Wife Lydia; ch. John b. 7 (5) bapt. at Bo. 16 (5) 1648, John bapt. 25 (6) 1650. Jolm, Springfield, propr. 1641. Ch. Zachary b. 4 (2) 1644, Elizabeth b. 11 (11) 1645, Sarah b. 26 (1) 1647. He d. in 1646. The widow m. 2 (9) 1647, WilUam Grave of Standford. [Spr. rec] Robert, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 6, 1635. Bailiff, 1638-1640. His son Thomas, to whom a house lot was gr. 17 Dec. 1635, on condition of his building within a year, is ap- parently the Thomas, husbandman, ae. 22, who, w^ith Frances, "soror;" ae. 24, came from Weymouth, Eng., before March 20, 1635. Settled at Dorchester, propr., frm. May 17, 1637. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. DEWHURST, Roger, Salem, called to court 3 (4) 1645. DEXTER, Francis, ae. 13, came in the Planter April 6, 1635. Richard, planter, Boston, 1641. He rem. to Charlestown. He deposed 27 (6) 1666, ae. about 68 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Bridget; ch. Sarah b. 1 (9) 1644, (m. about 1666, Edmund Pinson,) Elizabeth. Thomas, farmer, Lynn, in Court for battery on Capt. Endicott 3 May, 1631. He bought Nahant of an Indian about 1632, but the town claimed prior ownership. [Es. Files 29, 144.] Mortgaged his farm of 800 acres and his fishing weir at Lynn in 1640 and 1642. Gave property at Sandwich to son Thomas in Oct. 24, 1638, with the pro- DICKERlttAN, Thomas, tailor, Dorchester, frm. March 14, 1638-9. Wife Ellen; ch. Abraham, Isaac b. (9) 1637, John bapt. 29 (7) 1644, Sarah b. at Maiden, Oct. 1653, Thomas b. do. Aug. 1655. He d. 3 (11) 1657. Inv. of his est, filed and admin, gr. to the widow 25 (11) 1657. Prop- erty at Dorch. aud Boston. His widow m. John Bullard of Medfield before 1663. DICKERSON, DICKARSON, DICKINSON, DIXISON, see DICKSON, Philemon, tanner, servant to Benjamin Cooper of Branton, Eng., passed exam, to come to Salem, N. E. May 10, 1637. Propr. 1638. Had land granted for tan pits, etc., in 1639 Frm. June 2, 1641. Adm. chh. 7 (12) 1640, Mary adm. chh. 30 (2) 1648. Ch. Mary bapt. 20 (1) 1641-2, Thomas bapt. 10 (1) 1643- 138 DICKEBSON, etc., cont. 4, EUz. laapt. 28 (4) 1646, Peter bapt. 9 (5) 1648. Legatee of Edwai-d Skinner in 1641. Thomas, before Gen. Court 1639 and 1640. Rowley, propr. Wife Jennet; Ch. James b. 6 (7) 1640, Mary b. 27 (7) 1042, Sarali b. Oct. 18, 1644, Mercy b. (8) 1646, Martba b. 9 (12) 1648, Thomas b. 26 (8) 1655, bur. 30 Marel], 1659. He was bur. 29 (1) 1662. Will daited 8 March, 1661, prob. 17 April, 1662, beq. to wife Jennet, son James daus. Sarah and three other daug'hters. DICKSON, DIXON, DIXSON, see DICK- INSON, Rachel, came May 10, 1637, with her grandmother, Margaret Neave of Great Yar- mouth, Eng., widow. Rebecca, maid servant to Richard Bel- lingham, .adm. chh. Boston 2 (3) 1634. John, planter, Salisbury, propr. 1639, He m. 1 Mary — , who d. April 16, 1647; 2, Ann living in 1664; 3. April 14, 1681, Alice who survived him and m. William Allen Ch. Mary b. March 12, 1639-40, John b. Oct, 20, 1642. He d. Dee. 30, 1683. Will prob. 1684. Mentions wife and her gr. ch. Samuel Adams; son John D. and dan. Mary Roe; to dau.-in-Iaw Mary Pressie the greait chest that was her mother's. William, Cambridge, res. in 1633, [Col. Rec.] propr. 1641; frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Jane; ch. Mary b. 10 (6) 1644, Lydia, Abigail b. 10 (1) 1647, Mary bur. 21 (5) 1648, Hannah, John. The wife d. Dec. 4, 1689, ae. about 73. [Gr. St.] He d. Aug. 5, 1692, ae. 78. [Gr. St.] DILL, see Dell. DILLINGHAM, Edward, Lynn; witness at Salem Court in 1637; joined in the founding of Sandwich; propr. 3 April, 1637. Wife Ursula d. Feb. 9, 1656. WiU, May 1, 1666, prob. 5 June, 1667; was in the form of a deed of gift to his two sons Henry and John; property in his hands whose owners, specified, res. in Biteswell and other pliaces in Lancashire, Eng. [Reg. VII, 225.] John, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1, jury- man 1631, Ipswich, propr. 1634. He d. before 6 Sept., 1636, when the Court app. adminrs. Wife Sarah d. soon. Her will dated 14 July, 1636, prob. at Es. Court, :. . (10) 1636, [original, with sundry papers, in Arch. 15 B.]; beq. to her only child Sarah D.; to her mother Thomasine Caly, bros. Abraham and Jacob C, sisters Bull and Bast, wives of John Bull and John Base, Rebecca and Emme C, all in England; to her pastor, Mr. Ward; to Richard Saltonstall and Samuel Appleton and their wives, committing her child and estate to their care. [Es. Ant. 1.] DIMMOCK, Rev. Thomas, Barnstable, frm., and de- puty, 1639. Lieut, and drill-master, 1643. Ord. teaching elder of the chh. Aug. 7, 1650. Wife — ; ch. Timothy bapt. Jan. 12, 1639, bur. June 17, 1640, twin infants bur. March 18, 1640-1, Mehetabel bapt. April 18, 1642, Shu- bael bapt. Sept. 15, 1644. Nunc, will prob. 4 June, 1658. Left all to his wife, for the children were liers as well as his. DIDCTJTT, John, mariner. Sandwich, took oath of allegiance 12 Feb. 1638-9. DIFFY, Richard, servant to Mr. Saltonstall, punished for misdemeanor Nov. 9, 1630. DIKE, see Diz, DIMOND, DIAMOND, John, Salem or Lynn, in court in 1648; he and his man witnesses at court in 1649. DINELY, DYNELEY, William, barber, Boston, adm. chh. 10 (11) 1635, frm. April 17, 1637. Wife Alice; ch. John, Thomas b. 9 (11) 1635, d. 15 (11) 1654, Abigail b. (10) 1637, Fathergone b. 25 (10) 1638. He died, and the widow m. second about Aug. 15, 1639, Richard Gritchley. 139 DINGAM, DENGHAM, DENGAINE, Mr. Henry, Watertown, i)roi)r. 1G36, also propr, at Dedham. Rem. to Roxbury. Referred to as Doctor Dengham in Mdx. De. X, 52. He m. in April, 1G41, Elizabetli Al- cock. He d. 10 (8) 1645. DINGLEY, John, smith, Sandwich, of military age 4 Dec, 1638, frm. 5 June 1644, town officer. Rem. to Marshfield. Deputy. Admiu. of his est. gr. March 18, 1689-90; distribution made to son Jacob, daus. Sarah, wife of Wm. Ford and H.annah. wife of Josiah Keane. and to gr. son Joseph D. DINSDALE, DINSDELL, William, cooper, Boston, adm. chh. 23 (I) 1657, frm. May G, 1657, town officer. Wife iMartha; ch. John b. (3) 1644, Martha b. 10 (II) 1G48, Mary b. 24 (7) 1651, Sar.ah b. 7 Jan. 1657, John, Adam, William, Martha and Maiy bapt. 5 (2) 16.57, and Sarah bapt. 10 (11) folg. ; Thomas b. and d. 1660, Joseph b. Nov. 21, 1661, Jonathan bapt. 24 (9) 1661. He d. 26 (3) 1675; and admin, was gr. to his eldest sons John and Adam in behalf of their mother; they joined with others in testif.ring that their father wished his est. to stand for his wife's maintenance, and be divided after her death. The wife Martha d. Aug. 7, 1696. DITCHFIELD, DUTCHFIELD, Mr. Thomas, Boston, before Gen. Court in 1(341, res. 1()44. Wife Anne; ch. Jone b. and d. 1644, Posthumus b. (6) 1645. He was bur. 24 (2) 1645. DIX, DIKE, DICKES, DEIKE, DEEKS, DIXE, DYKES, Aflthony, master of a vessel, Salem, had grant of land In 1636 for a home and for fishing trade. Was in business along the coast in 1632, etc., with Francis Johnson, q. V. Captured by the pirate Bull, he refused to act as pilot for him. [W.] He was cast away upon the head of Cape Cod in 1639. rC] The widow's land is mentioned in a deed 25 (5) 1639. She m. 2. Nathaniel Pick- man. Edward, Charlestown, memb. chh. 1630; rem. to Watertown; frm. March 4, 1634- 5. Town officer. Wife Jane; ch. Abigail b. 2 (3) 1637, Mary b. 2 (3) 1639, John b. 4 (7) 1640, Rebecca b. 18 (12) 1641. DIX, etc., cent. He d. July 9, 1660. Will mention,s wife, and a bond given her for certain estate of hers; son John; dau. Abigail, wife to Thomas Parks; alludes to two other daus. The widow Susanna brought suit for dowry against Sergt. John Wincoll and John Dis April 2, 1661. She petitioned 18 (10) 1660, ae. between 60 and 70 years; youngest child about 16 years old. [Mdx. Files.] Ralph, fisherman, Ipswich, was paid by the town in 1643 for service against the In- dians. Propr. 1658. Had a bond for pay- ment of money from Wm. White 2 Oct. 1(547. Perhaps Ester, who was rec"d. to the church of Reading, with her children, from the chh. of Ips. 30 (8) 1665, may be of this family. Samuel, .joiner, ae. 43, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Joane, ae. .38, ch. Priscilla and Abigail, and servants Wm. Storey, ae. 23. and Daniel Lindsey, ae. IS, passed exam. April 8, 1637 to go to Boston in N. E. to re- side. But no record of them here. Widow, Ipswich, propr. 1639, may be the widow of Anthony, of Salem. DIXEY, DIXIE, DIXEK, Thomas, Salem, 1637; rem. to Marble- head. Kept the feiTy at Darby Fort side in 1644. Ensign. His wife adm. chh. 17 (7) 1643. Ch. Thomas bapt. 18 (4) 1643, Mary bapt. 12 (11) 1(344, John bapt. 13 (10) 1646, Abigail bapt. 1 (8) 1648, Thomas bapt. 29 (11) 1653, Margaret bapt. 16 (1) 16.5.5-6, John bapt. 26 (2) 1657, Samuel bapt. 20 (1) 1662-3. Will dated 28 Feb. 1680, prob. at Boston 31 Aug. 1686, beq. to son-in-law Gabriel Hol- man; sons Thomas, john, and Samuel; wife Mary and dans. Mary Holman, Abigail Smith. Remember White and Hannah Bow- William, Salem, propr. frm. May 14, 1634. Before the court for taking too high wages 27 (7) 1636. Sergeant. Authorized to keep a "horse boat ferry" 11 (10) 1639. Rem. to Beverly. [Wife] Anne memb. chh. before 1636. Ch. Abigail bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Anna bapt. 17 (4) 1638, John bapt. 19 (10) 1639, Eliza bapt. 3 (8) 1641, Sarah bapt. 2 (5) 1643. He deposed to the inv. of the est. of his son Samuel Dixer at Boston, Jan. 30, 1661. His dau. Elizabeth Stone was adm. to full com. in Salem chh. 20 (6) 1665. and had 4 ch. He deposed 16 Feb. 1680, ae. about 73 years; 140 DIXEY, etc., cont. came to Salem in June, 1629. [Es. Files.] [Es. Inst. Coll. XIII.] His will dated 21 Feb. 1684, prob. 24 June, 1690, beq. to 5 daus., Mary Woodberry, Han- nah Judldn, Abigail Stone and Elizabeth Morgan; gr. eh. Elizabeth and Sarah D.; sons-in-law Samuel Morgan, Edmund Gale, Jonathan Stone and John Stone; other gr. ch. SOBER, see Dover, DOBSON, Capt., set forth from Boston in a ship of 80 tons, double manned to trade at the eastward 19 (1) 1646; captured by D'Aulnay. [W.] Charles. He mortg. his interest in the barque Charles 6 (9) 1649. DODD, DOD, George, mariner, Boston, 1647. Sold land in Cambridge in 1650. "Wife Mary adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647; ch. Patience bapt. 16 (3) 1647, ae. about 1 yr., 35 days, Isaac b. 3 (7) 1651, Mary b. and d. 1653, Elizabeth b. 5 April, 1657, Mehetabel b. May 25, 1660. He d. in Eng. ; the Court gave the widow an allowance out of the est. for herself and the 4 children, July 23, 1663. [Reg. XII, 155.] James, ae. 16, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. John, residence not given. He was to receive payment from Chr. Lawson for Rob- ert Saltonstall, May 15, 1648. DODGE, DODS, Richard, Salem. Adm. chh. 5 (3) 1644. Ch. Richard and Sarah bapt. 3 (5) 1644, Eliz- abeth adm. chh. 20 (2) 1645. Elizabeth adm. chh. 28 (12) 1057. He rem. to Wenham; propr. in 1644, Beverly. Will, dated 14 |9) 1670, inv. June 27, 1671; wife Edith, ch. John, Richard, Samuel, Ed- ward, Joseph, Mary HerricU, and Sarah; bro. Wm. D., Sen.; bro. Michael D. in Eng. to pay rent for land he occupies. The widow Edith, in will dated Feb. 14, 1677, gave her est. to daus. Mary (wife of Ziichary) Herrick, Sarah, (wife of Peter) Woodbury, and their children; and to sons Edward and others. William, husbandman, a passenger in the Lyon's Whelp In 1629 to Salem; recom- DODGE, etc., cont. mended l)y the Mass. Bay Co. to Gov. Ende- cotit to have charge of a team of horses. He bought 200 acres of land in Salem bounds 28 (7) 1644. Ch. John bapt. 25 (10) 1636, William bapt. 19 (7) 1640, Hannah bapt. 24 (5) 1642. DOGGETT, DOGGED, DOGED, DAGGETT, John, Watertown, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, adm. frm. May 18, 1631. Propr. Rem. to Rehoboth and then to Martha's Vineyard. Propr., frm. and deputy. He m. at Reh. 23 (9) 1651, Ann Sutton. He made will May 13, 1673; beq. to wife; to sons John, Joseph and Thomas; daus. Elizabeth and Hephzibah. Lands chiefly at "Martins Vineyard." Friend Isaac Robinson and son-in-law John Eedy overseers of his est. on the islands. Thomas, ae. 30, servant to Thomas OUiver of Norwich, Eng., passed exam, to go to N. E. May 13. 1637. Settled at Concord. Rem. to Weymouth. Planter, town otficer. Rem. to Marshfleld; selectman. His wife d. at Cone. 23 (6) 1642. He m. 2. [Elizabeth] the widow of William Fry of Weymouth, and held tie lands of her daus. till their majority. He m. 3. Joane, widow of Thomas Chilling- worth, q. v. She w^as bur. Sept. 4, 1684. Ch. Rebecca b. at Mars. July 29, 1655. He d. Aug. 18, 1692. Beq. to sons John and Samuel; to dan. Sarah Sherman's ch. Pru- dence, Sarah and Susanna ; to dauis. Hannah Blancher and Rebecca Wilder and their children. See Genealogy. DOLE, Richard, merchant, Newbury. He gave a release of a mortg. of Thomas Davis 22 Sept. 1673. [Norf. rec] He deposed in 1676, ae. about .52 years. He m. 3 May, 1647, Han- nah, dan. of widow Rolfe; she d. 16 Nov. 1678.. He m. 4. March, 1679, Hannah, widow of Capt. Samuel Brocklebank; she d. Sept. 6, 1690. He m. — Patience Walker. Oh. John b. 10 Aug. 1648, Richard b. 6 Sept. 1650, Anna b. and d. 16.53, Benjamin b. 14 June 16.54, Joseph b. 5 Aug. 1657, WilUam b. 11 April, 1060, Henry b. 9 March, 1663, d. Sept. 13. 1690, Hannah b. 23 Oct. 1665. Ap- phia b. 7 Dec. 1668, Abner b. 8 March, 1672. Admin. 30 July, 1705. Genealogy, [Reg. XXXVril. 74.] DO LIBER, see Dalliber. 141 DOLING, see Merry. IX)LTON, see Doten. DONE, DOANE, Mr. John, yeoman Plymouth, frm. and Asst. 1632-3, deacon 1633. Rem. to Eastham; townsman 1655. John, ae. 16, who came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635; Lydia. m. 11 Sept. 1645, Samuel Hicks, probably his children. He made will 18 ^ay, 1,678, ae. 88 years; prob. May 31, 1687; beq. to wife, sons John, Daniel and Ephraim, dau, Abigail; "all my eons and and daughters"; gr. dau. Margaret Hide [or Hix]. The inv. says he d. 21 Feb. 1685, ae. about 100 years. Abigail deposed 29 May, 1686. DONN, see Dunn. DORCHESTEB, Anthony, Windsor, Conn. 1644, rem. to Springfield; propr. about 1649. Town officer. Wife Sarah bur. 9 (9) 1649. Ch. John b. at W. 5 Nov. 1644, Sarah b. 12 (8) 1653, Hester b. 25 (8) 1656, d. 17 Nov. 1662 His [second] wife Martha d. 17 Dec. 1662. His son-in-law Samuel Kiehwell was bur. 9 (4) 1651. He d. Aug. 28, 1683. Inv. pres. Sept. 25, 1683, by son John. Agreement made between sons John and James, gr. ch. Benjamin, dau. Mary, wife of John Harmon, dau. Sarah, wife of Joseph Stebbins, and dau.-in-law Martha, wife of Abel Wright, who claimed something for what her mother, the relict of Samuel Kitcherell, once of Hartford, brought to the late Anthony D. DOBLON, DOKLTJM, DARLIN, DAR- LINE, [DARLING,] George, yeoman, farmer, Salem, Lynn and Marblehead, 1647. Witness in John Ha- thorne case, with wife Kate, in 1657. He de- posed in 1670, ae. about 50 years; in 1681, ae. about 66. Wife Katharine, dau. of Richard Gridley, living at the Eastward, mentioned in his will in 1674. She was a witness to the will of Robert Hawes in 1641. He d. at Salem; inv. taken 13 Sept. 1693, will dated 12 April, prob. Oct. 9, 1693; beq. to wife Katharine, sons Jeames, John, Daniel, Thomas. Benjamin and Henry; daus. Han- nah, Sarah and Margaret. 142 DORETY, One D., an honest man, was drowned in Boston Bay, Nov. 21, 1634. [W.] DORMAN, Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1634; rem. to Topsfleld. Frm. March 4, 1634-5. Wife Ellen d. 27 Feb. 1667-8. Ch. John d. 16 (11) 1661-2, Daniel d. Aug. 10, 1673. He d. 25 April, 1670. Will dated 24 April, prob. 3 May, 1670, beq. to sons Thomas and Ephraim, and cousin Daniel Bradley. DORSET, DOSSETT, DASSETT, DUS- SETT, John, yeoman, locksmith, Boston, propr. 1639; rem. to Braintree. Frm. May 13, 1640. Signed petition about meadows in 1646. [Arch. 45.] He and son John, as execs, of the will of Mary Minot of Boston, sold land to his dau. Comfort D. 20 March, 1676. Ch. Jospeb bur. at Br. (10) 1642. He d. about April, 1677; beq. all to son John and dau. Comfort. DORYFALL, see Derifall. DOTEY, DO TEN, DOLTEN, DOWTY, Edward, planter, of London, servant to Stephen Hopkins, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact: res. at Plymouth. Frm. 1633. He m. [second] Jan. 6, 1634, Faith, dau. of Thurston Clarke. "By second wife he hath seven children living in 1650." [B.] Ch. Edward, John, Thomas. Samuel, Desire, EUzabeth, Mary, I.saac b. Feb. 8, 1647^ Joseph b. 30 April, 1651. He d. Aug. 23, 1655. Will dated May 20, prob. Nov. 21, 1655; to wife and son Edward. The widow Faith m. March 14, 1666, John Philips of Plymouth. See Oenealogy. DOTTERIS, John, son of Edward Andrew's wife, came from Eng. as an apprentice of Mr. Tay- lor; was passed over to the care of Mr Leth- erbee, who employed him in a bark to Bos- ton. Allowed to remain with his mother 19 (8) 1637. [W.] DOUGHTY, DOUGHTEY, Mr. Francis, planter, from Bristol, Eng., at Dorchester 29 (5) 1639. [L.] Wrote Gov. Winthrop in Aug. 1640 from Taunton. Seems to be the minister who opposed the gathering of the church before 1642; he DOUGHTY, etc., cont. was obliged to leave the country with wife and children, and went to Aquithneck [L., P. D.] [Mass. Hist. Coll. %.] Before Plym. Court 2 March, 1640-1. Was out of the coun- try when his suit against his sister Mrs. Elizabeth Oole was acted on by Gen. Court 11 Nov. 1647. James, Scituate; highway surveyor 1662; juryman, 1676. He m. 16 April, 1649, Lydia, dau .of Humphrey Turner. Ch. Mary b. 23 June, 1650, James b. 21 Feb. 1651, Elizabeth b. 5 Nov. 1654, Lydia b. 14 Feb. 1658, Sarah b. 2 April, 1662, Samuel b. 29 Sept. 1664, Robert b. 14 Feb. 1667, Susanna b. 15 Feb. 1670. DOTTNAKD, Marie, ae. 24, servant to James Hosmer, came in the Elizabeth April 9, 1635. DOUGLASS, DUGLICE, Henry, Boston, townsman, 30 (1) 1646. Propr. 1650, frm. May 6, 1657. Ch. Anne, (m. 1 Sept., 1660, Eliphalet Het.) He d. about 17 May, 1667. Will dated 9 Feb. 1662, was prob. 31 July, 1667. 100 li. to the widow Judith; the rest to be divided between the 3 children, a double portion to the eldest son. Wife and son John admin. Land at Cape Fear to gr. Ch. Samuel Het. [Reg. XVI, 227.] The widow Judith made will 30 Jan. 1679-80, prob. April 29, 1680; beq. to gr. eh. Samuel, John, Thomas, Hannah and Mary Hltt. William, cooper, Boston, adm. inhab. 31 (6) 1640. Adm. ehh. with wife Anne 7 (1) 1646. Also propr. at Ipswich, 1641. Bought land at Ips. in 1652. Ch. rec. at Boston: Elizabeth b. 26 (6) 1641, Sarah b. 8 (2) 1643. William b. 1 (2) 1645. See Joan Drake. DOVE, Matthew, placed as a servant with John Blaekleach of Salem for 4 yrs., June 1, 1640 [L.] Oh. (of sister Dove,) Hannah and Elizabeth bapt. 10 (7) 1654, Dorcas (of Mat- thew D.) bapt. 5 (8) 1656, Bethiah bapt. 30 (3) 1658, Daniel bapt. 3 (9) 1661, Deborah bapt. 20 (3) 1666, Matthew bapt. 10 (3) 1668. DOVER, DOBER, John, Springfield, propr. 1643-1664. DOW, DOWE, DOUE, DOVE, Mr. Francis, gent., Salisbury, propr. 1640, commoner, 1650. Ret. to Eng.; was of Salisbury, Eng. in 1664, when Robert Pike was his attorney. His son Peter sold the father's rights at Sails., N. E. in 1674. Henry, husbandman, of Ormsby, Eng., ae. 29, with wife Joane, ae. 30, 4 ch. and servant Anne Maning, ae. 17, passed exam, to go to N. E. April 11, 1637. Settled at Watertown; frm. May 2, 1638. Rem. to Hampton; deputy, 1655. Gave land 3 (8) 1649 to Thomas Nudd, son of his former wife. Wife Jone, bur. 20 (4) 1640. He m. about 1642 Margaret Cole, q. v. Ch. Henry, (deposed in 1669, ae. about 35,) Thomas d. at Wat., bur. July 10, 1641, Joseph b. 20 (1) 1638, Daniel b. 22 (7) 1641, Mary b. 14 (7) 1643, Thomas b. at Hampton April 28, 1653, Jeremiah b. Sept. 6, 1657, and Hannah. He d. April 25, 1659. Will dated 16 (2) prob. 4 (8 )1659, beq. to wife Margarftt, sons Henry, Joseph, Daniel, Thomas, Jeremie; daus. Mary and Hannah. Thomas, Newbury, frm. June 22, 1642. He bought land and house in 1648. Rem. to Haverhill. Wife Phebe; ch. rec. at N.: Stephen b. 29 March, 1642, Mary b. 26 April, 1644, Martha b. 1 June, 1648. He d. 31 May, 1654. Will dated 2!) May, 1654, prob. 8 (2) 1056, beq. to wife Phebe; sons John, Thomas, Stephen, Mary and Mar- tha, all under 21 years. DOWNES, DOWNS, William, servant, before Gen. Court in 1635. Settled at Boston; merchant; had large estate. He m. Hannah, dau. of Mr. Samuel Appleton. They sold to her bro. Samuel and sister Judith in 1676, her share in the est. of her gr. fa. Wm. Paine. [Ips. De. IV, 62.] Admin, of his est. granted 6 April, 1693, to Penn Townsend and others. DOWNAN, DOWNHAM, John, Braintree, before Gen. Court 2 (4) 1640. Wife Dorothy; ch. John b. and d. 1644, Joseph b. 30 (2) 1045, Mary bapt. in Boston 2 (11) 1647, ae. 10 days, Mercie b. 1 (7) 1652, Dorothy d. 18 (1) 1657 8, Ben- jamin b. 14 (8) 1659. 143 DOWNING, Mr. Emanuel, gent., son of George Downing, gent, bapt. at Ipswich, Eng, 12 Aug., 1.585, a lawyer till 1638, in London" came to Salem; frm. Marcli 14, 1638-9. Dep- uty and influential citizen. Had large farm at Groton. His house was burned 6 (2) 1645. [W.] Had grant of land near Dovei-, N. H. Ret. to Eng. and came again, [then perhaps ret. permanently.] He m. at Groton, Eng 10 April, 1622, Lucy, dau. of Adam Win- throp, Esq., and sister of Gov. John Win- throp, bapt. 27 Jan. 1601. His son George, about 20 yrs. of age, grad. Harv. Coll. 1642,' went in a ship to instruct the seamen! Preached at various places on the way to Eng., and was there called to be a preacher in Fairfax's army. [W.] His dau. Ann m. Lieut. Joseph Gardner. Mary, kinswoman to Gov. John Winthrop adm. chh. Boston (9) 1633 . Lucy D., the younger, adm. chh Sa- lem 4 (2) 1647. Ch. recorded here: John bapt. 1 (1) 1640, Dorcas bapt. 7 (12) 1640, Theophilus bapt. 8 (7) 1644. Mr. James, Salem, before Ess. court in 1639. Theophilus, Salem, called to court, 1647. Wife Ellen. Oh. Benjamin bapt. 17 (11) 1646. DOWSE, DOUSE, Francis, tanner, one of George Bur- den's family, Boston, adm. chh. 20 (4) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. Inhab. 30 (10) 1639. Con- stable. Wife Katharine adm. chh. 10 (4) 1643. He was dism. to Char. chh. 25 (3) 1651 Ch. Elizabeth b. 20 (6) 1642, (m. 16 Oct., 1659, Samuel Miles,) Mary bapt. 21 (2) 1644, ae! about 6 days, Hannah b. 7 (11) 1645, Sarah bapt. 7 (9) 1647, ae. about 6 days, Lydia bapt. 26 (3) 1650, d. 6 (8) 1651, Deborah b. 1 (ii) 1651, Naomi b. 26 Oct., 1653, d. 14 (7) 1654, Lydia b. 10 (1) 1655, Sarah b. 2 (4) 1657 ,Mary b. 30 (11) 1658, Naomi bapt. 6 (12) 1658-9. Will dated 13 Dec, prob. 23 Dec. 1680; son-in-law John Hill and dau. Mary, his wife; sons-in-law Matthew Ingram, Mat- thew Collins and Preserved Collicott; daus. Lydia Ingram, Naomi Collins, Deborah Col- licott, Sarah Dunell and Hannah Homer. Lawrence, carpenter, planter, Boston, adm. chh. 22 (1) 1645, frm. May 26, 1647. Rem. to Charlestown; propr. 1647; adm. chh. DOWSE, etc., cent. 21 (1) 1052. Wife Margery; ch. John b. (8) 1C44. bur. (6) 1645. Samuel ae. about 2 yrs 3 weeks, and John, ae. about 22 weeks, bapt 23 (1) 1G46, Elizabeth b. 15 (1) 1647 Will dated 25 Dec. 1691, prob. 21 Nov. 1692 beq. to wife Margery, sons Samuel, Joseph Benjamin. Nathaniel. Jonathan and Eleazer- married daus. Elizabeth and Mary. DRAKE, Joan, widow, Boston, adm. chh 3 flj) 1634. ■ ^ ' Will prob. 5 (10) 1637; beq. to John Nott to her sister Duglas, to her nephew rest of goods in N. E. to Samuel Bellingham All goods in Eng. to her 2 sisters there. Made her mr. (i. e. master,) executor. John, [Dorchester,] appl. for frm. Oct. 19. 1G30. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. He was bur. 18 Aug. 1659. [Wife] Elizabeth adm. chh. Dorch. 19 (4) 1640. "Old widow Drake d. at Windsor, Oct. 7, 1681, at 100th year of age, having lived a widow 22 years." [Reg. XXXVI, 83.] DRAP, Cleare, ae. 30, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. DRAPER, Nicholas, Salem, 1636. Roger, Concord, frm. March 14, 1638-9. He deposed 21 (1) 1658-9, ae. about 68 years. Son Adam. [Mdx. Files.] He m. 2, Mai-y, widow of Nathaniel Hadlock. Ch. Lydia b' 11 (9) 1641. DRAYTON, Henry, Marshfield, atba. 1643. He was found dead 4 Dec. 1651, and the town app. Kenelm Winslow to admin, on their behalf. Inv. taken Dec. 12, 1651 [Reg IV, 319.] DRESSER, John, Rowley, propr. 1642. He deposed in 1668, ae. about 61 years. Wife Mary; ch. Jlary b. 23 (2) 1642. bur. Nov. 27, 1659, Sam! uel b. 10 (12) 1643, Jonathan b. 8 (11) 1646, bur. 10 (10) 1659, Elizabeth b. March 10, 16.50, John, Jr. was a father in 1663. He was bur. April 19, 1672. Will dated 5 March, prob. 144 DREW, DREWE, DREWES, DRITCE, Vincou, (Vincent,) Ilingham, propr. 1630. Cb. John bapt. April, 1641. Rem. to Boston. Bought, with Thomas Hammond, in 1655, a farm at Muddy River; deed 30 Aug. 1658. His will dated Nov. 29, 1677. prob. Jan. 30 folg., beq. to son Vincent; to son John and his wife Mary and their children; to Rozman Druce. DRINKER, Nicholas, Charlestown, constable, 1646. Philip, potter, ae. 39, with wife Eliza- beth, ae. 32, and ch. Edward, ae. 13, and John, ae. 8, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Charlestown; frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 6 (2) 1G38. Town officer, 1646. He d. 23 (4) 1647, beq. his est. to his wife Elizabeth and sons Edward and John, and apprentice, John Gouldsmith. Refers to his bro. James. [Reg. VII, 169.] DRIVER, DRYVER, Robert, tailor, Salem, frm. May 6, 1635. Juryman. 1637. Propr. at Lynn in 1638. He deposed on the Dexter case in 1657, ae. about 65 years. Wife Phebe; ch. Robert, Phebe b. about 1634, Ruth, (m. Robert Pot- ter). He d. April 3, 1680. Robert, ae. 8. came in the Abigail in July, 1635, apparently with the family of Thomas Nore. Seems to be the R. D. a Scotchman, executed for murder in 1675. [S.] DRURY, DREWRIE, George, ae. 19, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Hugh, carpenter, Sudbury, propr. 1641; rem. to Boston, adm. chh. 16 (2) 1654, frm. May 3, 1654. Town otHeer. Wife Lydia adm. chh. 12 (1) 1648; ch. John b. at Sud. 2 (3) 1646, bapt. at Bo. 19 (1) 1649. They sold land in B. Nov. 16. 1660. Mrs. Mary, (wheth- er Hugh's dan. or some other,) made nunc, will in 1680, beq. all to her cousin Samuel Shrimptou. Will dated 1 Nov. 1687, prob. 30 July, 1689, beq. to Mary, widow of his son .Tohn, the est. of which he h.nd been executor, for herself and her children; to sister Lydia Hawkins; DRURY, etc., cont. to sons Thomas; refers to dec. wife Lydia and to dau. Mary. Appoints his friend Hen- ry Allen and brother Henry Rice executors, with his bro. Edward Rice alternate in case of the death of either. DUCKET, Mr., before Gen. Court in Boston in 1641. [W.] DUDBRIDGE, William, Gloucester, propr. 1649. DUDLEY, Mr. Thomas, gent.. Esquire, son of Capt. Roger D., b. at Northampton, Eng.; a clerk to his mother's kinsman Judge Nich- ols; a capt. in the Low Countries; steward to the Earl of Lincoln; resident some time at Boston, Eng. One of the projectors of and later an undertaker in the Mass. Bay Co., 1 (10) 1629. Asst. March 18, and Dep- uty Governor March 23, 1629-30, at the last Court held iu England. Came in the Arbella to Salem, then to Charlestown, in company with Gov. Winthrop. Was gov., dep. gov., or Asst. every year of his life thereafter. One of the 4 first signers of the covenant of the first chh. organized at Charlestown in July, 1630, which rem. to Boston, a few months later . Serg. Maj. Gen., 1644. Res. succes- sively, at Charlestown, Cambridge and Rox- bury. Built a house in Ipswich in 1635, but sold it to Mr. Hubbard. A man of large abil- ity and noble character. Was in full accord with Gov. Winthrop iu maintaining the domination of the estab. chh. (of New Eng- land) over civil and ecclesiastical affairs, after the English fashion. He m. in Eng. Dorothy — , "a gentlewoman whose extrac- tion and estate were considerable." [C. M.] She was bur. Dec. 27, 1643; he m. April 4, 1644, Katharine (Deighton,) widow of Sam- uel Hagborue, who after his death m. Mr. John Allen, pastor at Dedham. Ch. Samuel, Anne, (m. Simon Bradstreet,) Patience, (m. IS Oct. 1632. Daniel Denison,) Sarah, (m. 1, Benjamin Keayne, m. 2, Nicholas Pacy,) Mercy, (m. Mr. John AVoodbridge,) Deborah b. 27 Feb. 1644-5, Joseph b. Sept. 23, 1647, Paul bapt. Sept. 8, 1650. He was bur. July 31, 1653, ae. 76. Will dated 26 April, 16.52, with additions 13 April, May 28 and July 8, 1653, prob. Aug. 15, 1653; 145 DUDLEY, cont. desired to be buried near the grave of his first wife; beq. to all his children by both wives and to grand children Thomas and John D. whom he had brought up; son Jo- seph to have a double portion of the Rox- bury lands, Paul and Deborah single por- tions of same; to the ch. of daus. Bradstreet, Denison and Woodbridge; to dau. Sarah Pacy; to his wife the remaining time of servant John Ranken; to the poor. Gene- alogy. DUHITRST, Henry, ae. 35, came in the Defense In July, 1635. DUKE, John, ae. April 11, 1635. 20, came in the Elizabeth DUMMER. alias PYLDRYM, Mr. Richard, gent., arrived in the Whale 26 May, 1632, [W.] and settled at Roxbury. Frm. May 25, 1632. Built a wa- ter-mill in 1633. Rem. to Ipswich; res. af- terward at Newbury. Went, back to Eng. and ret. in the Bevis in May, 1638, ae. 40, with Alice, ae. 35, Thomas, ae. 19, Joane, ae. 19, .Tane, ae. 10, Dorothy, ae. 6, Richard, ae. 4, and Thomas, ae. 2, and Stephen, hus- Tsandman, ae. 9; these were his broth- ers and members of their families. The ages were not correctly stated. Town ofBcer, deputy. He m. first, Mary — ; Tie m. second, Frances, wid. of Mr. Jonathan Burr; she d. 19 Nov. 1682. Ch. b. at New- bury: Shubael b. Feb. 17, 1635-6, Jeremiah b. 14 Sept. 1645, Hannah b. 7 Nov. 1647, Richard b. 13 Jan. 1650, William b. 18 Jan. 1659. His son Nathaniel was drowned; in- quest 23 (7) 1658. [Es. Files.] He d. 14 Dee. 1679. His will, dated 23 April, 1679, prob. April 1, 1680; wife Frances; dau. -in-law Elizabeth Paine; son Richard. The widow's est. was divided June 30, 1085, between her sons Shu- "bael, Jeremiah and Richard D. Stephen, bro. of Mr. Richard, young- est son of Thomas Pyldrym alias Dummer, was adm. to Middlestreet and Hole farms in Bishopstoke, Hants, on the surrender of his father, 24 Sept. 1625. These he surrendered 22 Feb. 1637-8, to his sons Stephen and Thomas. He came in the Bevis in May, 146 DUMMER, cont. 1638, with wife Alice; ch. Mehitabel b. at Newbury 1 Jan. 1639-40, Jane, Dorothy, Richard, and Thomas. The dau. Jane m. 25 March, 1646, Henry Sewall, Jr. He ret. to Eng. before 1648. [See letter to Henrv Short in Ips. De. in, 256.] He d. at Bishopstoke 6 Sept., 1670. Thomas, gent., of Chicknell, in North Stoneham, co. Hants, seems to be the per- son who came in the Bevis in May, 1638, with dau. Joane ,ae. 19, (who afterward m. Mr. Thomas Nelson of Rowley as his sec- ond wife). Res. at Newbury. Frm. May 13, 1640. Propr. also at Salisbury. Ret. to Eng. Will prob. 9 Nov. 1650 at London. Wife; eldest dau. Joane Nelson and her ch. Sam- uel and Mary N.; dau. Margaret Clements and her ch. now in N. E.; other ch. Thomas, Susan, Hester, Jane, and Mary, all under 21. Margaret m. Dec. 25, 1644, Job Clem- ents of Haverhill. [See Reg. XXXIV, 390, and XXXV, 254, 269, and 321.] I DUNCAN, DUNCUN, DUNKAN, DUN- KIN, DUNCUM, see Dunkin, Mr. Nathaniel, merchant, Dorchester, one of the original church-colony who came in 1C30; [Bl.] frm. May 6, 1635; one of the 7 signers of the second chh. covenant in 1636; selectman, auditor, deputy. He rem. to Boston; with wife was rec'd to chh. 7 (1) 1046. "Learned in Latin and French; a very good accountant." [J.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Peter and Nathaniel. "My son Nathaniel D. and his children" are legatees in will of Ignatius Jurdaine, of Exeter, Eng. March 1, 1635; the sons Peter and Nathaniel, in that of Elizabeth J. of the same, in 1633. [Reg. XLIX, 493.] The inv. of his est. was filed 26 Jan. 1068, by James Trowbridge, admin. DUNFORD, John, Plymouth, banished by the Court 4 June, 1639. DUNHAM, John, weaver, Plymouth, frm. 1633, deacon, deputy, town officer. He d. March 2, 1668-9, ae. about 80. Will dated Jan. 25, 1668, beq. to sons John, Bena- jah and Daniel; son-in-law Stephen Wood; to the rest of my children that are not desig- nated in this my last will twelve pence DUNHAM, cont. apiece if they demand it; to wife Abigail. [Reg. VII, 178.] Samuel, who was in Plymouth, atba. 1643, prop. frm. 1 June 1647, and Joseph, ae. about 41, deposed 3 March, 1677, ae. about 51 years, that their father gave certain lands to their bro.-in-Iaw-Benajah Pratt. Thomas, Plymouth, atba. 1G43, prop, frm. June 1, 1647. DUNN, DONN, Thomas, ae. 2.5, came in the Defense In July, 1635. Settled at — ; frm. May 26, 1647. DUNTON, Robert, Reading, propr. 1644; town oflBcer. Edward and Elizabeth, Salem, membs. chh. 1639. "Removed." Samuel, Reading, propr. 1644. Wife Ann. Ch. Samuel b. Oct. 15, 1647, Hannah b. Feb. 24, 1649, Nathaniel b. Jan. 16, 1655, Elizabeth b. March 25, 1658, Sarah b. March 28, 1660, Mary b. March 5, 1661-2, Ruth b April 4, 1664. He d. Nov. 7, 1683. His will, prob. (12) 1684, beq. to sons Samuel, John and Nathan- iel; daus. Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and Ruth; gr. son Samuel; refers to land which Thomas had to use. John was to maintain father and mother the rest of their lives. Est. settled by son John. The account mentions payments to Hannah, Sarah, Na- thaniel and Samuel D.; refers to death of his father, and to that of his mother in July, 1689. DUNKIN, Samuel, see Col. Rec. 1 (10) 1640. DUNSTEB, Rev. Henry, Cambridge, propr., frm. June 2, 1641. He was president of Harvard College, 1640-1654. He leased Mr. Hum- phrey's mill at Lynn to Francis Ingalls in 1647. [Es. Files Till, 75-8.] "An able pro- ficient in Hebrew, Greeli and Latin lan- guages, an Orthodox Preacher of the truths of Christ." [J.] Became an Anabaptist. Rem. to Scituate. Was one of the revisers of the Bay Psalm Book. [C. M.] His wife DUNSTER, cont. Elizabeth d. 23 (6) 1643. He m. 2, Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Jose Glover. Ch. David b. 16 (3) 1645, Dorothy b. 29 (11) 1647. He d. about 1659. Will dated 18 Feb. 1658, prob. June 21, 1659, beq. to wife; to sons David and Jonathan; to dau. Elizabeth, who is to be brought up by "my sister Mrs. Hills of Mauldon," or "my sister Williard of Concord," in case of her mother's death; to Mr. Chauncey, Mr. Mitchell, elder Frost; to cousin Bowers with her ch. ; to cousin Faith Dunster; to sister Hills and to all her ch. born in this country; to sister Willard and all her ch.; to maid, Mary Russell. DURAND, DURANT, Mr. William, Boston, adm. chh. 7 (7) 1644. A witness to the will of Lawrence Sethiek at Shelter Island in 1660. DURDAL, Hugh, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. DUSTON, DURSTAN, DUSTIN, see DAS- TIN, Thomas, Charlestown, propr. adjoin- ing Ralph Hall in 1648. DUTCH, DOUCH, DOUTCH, DOOCH, Osmond, Osment, or Osman, mariner, Gloucester, sold property at Bridport, Eng., 18 (5) 1639, and arranged for the coming of his wife Grace and son Robert at an early day. [L.] Had lawsuit in Salem court in 1641. He deposed in 1663, ae. about 60 years. His wife Grace, in 1664, ae. about 50. Ch. Robert, (who deposed in 1658, ae. about 35,) Samuel, Hezekiah b. March 29, 1646, Alice, (m. — Meacham, of Ipswich,) Esther, (m. Samuel Elwell,) Mary, (m. Jo- seph Elwell,) Grace, (m. Christopher Hodgs- kins). He d. in Nov. 1684. Admin, gr. to the wid- ow and son Robert. The widow Grace d. Oct. 10, 1694. Will prob. March 28, 1704. DUTTON, John; he was before the Gen. Court 29 (8) 1640. Thomas, Woburn; he deposed in 1658, ae. 39 years. Ch. Thomas, ae. 19. and Mary, ae. 17, in 1667. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Mary b. 14 (9) 165 [0], Susanna b. 27 (12) 1653. 147 DWIGHT, Johu, yeoman, Watertown, propr. 1635; rem. to Dedham; pioneer; frm. March 13, 1038-9. Town officer. Bought one half of a water-mill 8 (G) 1642. Wife Hannah adm. ehh. 9 (11) 1639. She d. 5 (7) 1656; ho m. 20 (11) 1657, Elizabeth, widow successively of Thomas Thaxter and Wm. Ripley. She d. July 17, 1060. He d. 24 (11) 1000. Will prob. March 5, 1660-1; wife Elizabeth; son Timothy, daus. Hannah Whiting, Mary Philips, and Sarah Reynolds. Sons-in-law Nathaniel Whiting, Henrj' Philips and Nathaniel Reynolds. [Reg. X, 204, and XXXI, 178.] Timothy, Sen., Dedham, propr. 28 (0) 1638, having part of the lot of his bro. John. Adm. chh. 30 (6) 1640. Corporal, town offi- cer. He rem. to Medfleld. He m. 11 (9) 1651, Sarah Penman, who d. in 1052; he m. 3 (3) 1653, Sarah Powell. Ch. Sar.th b. 6 (2) 1657, d. 9 (12) 16.59, John b. 31 (3) 1001, Sarah b. 25 June 1664, Josiah b. 14 (8) 1665, and Nathaniel b. 20 (9) 1666. Samuel b. 2 Dec. 1608, Josiah b. 8 Feb. 1070, Seth b. 29 (5) 1073, Anna b. 12 (0) 1075, Henry b. 19 (10) 1070. The wife Sarah d. 27 June 1664. He m. 9 (11) 1004, Anna Flint. She d. 15 (8) 1675. His will dated March 3, prob. March 15, 1670-7; ae. about 07 years; beq. to wife Dor- cas, and sons Timothy and John. DYER, DIER, (Jeorge, planter, Dorchester, juryman, 1630; frm. May IS, 1031. One of the attor- neys for Thomas Purchase May 31, 1041. [L.] Will dated 31 Dec. 1071, prob. 2 Aug. 1072; beq. to daus. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Tris- cott, Mary, wife of Wm. Pond; to son-in-law James White of Dorch. his looms for weav- ing. John, ae. 28, came in the Christian March 10. 1634. Admiu. of the est. of John Dyer of Bos- ton, ironmonger, was gr. 11 June, 1695, to Lis widow Elizabeth and son John; division made to them and to ch. Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah 9 March, 1698. Thomas, cloth-worker, Weymouth, frm. May 29, 1644. Lie. inn-keeper; deputy; dea- con; town officer. He m. 2, Elizabeth, wid- ow successively of Abraham Harding and DYER, etc., cont. John Frary, Jr. Ch. Mary b. 3 (5) 1641, John b. 10 (5) 1643. Will dated 3 Nov. prob. 13 Nov. 1676, beq. to wife f 50 and the estate of her former husband (at Medfield;) to sons Joseph, John, and other children: to his gr. children; to pastor, Mr. Samuel Torrey, and to the church of Weymouth. The widow Eliza- beth, in will dated 20 Nov. prob. 31 Jan. 1678, beq. to her sons Abraham and John Harding, dau. Elizabeth Adams, dau. Pru- dence, son Joseph Dyer, and grand children. William, mylner, (miller) Boston, adm. chh. with wife Marie 13 (lOl 1035; frm. March 3, 1035-0. He and his wife sympa- thized with Mrs. Hutchinson in 1638. [W.J Ch. Samuel b. 20 (10) 1035. He d. in Dorchester 18 (4) 1672, in 93d year. EAGLESFIELD, Mary, Charlestown, adm. chh. 7 (8) 1039. She m. Samuel, son of Henry Adams, of Braintree. They gave letter of attorney 22 (S) 1046, to .John Doe, Salter at the Tonne in Wood St. London, for the collection of legacy from her father Emanuel E., late of London, haberdasher; later she sent for leg- acies from her gr. mother Elizabeth, her sis- ter Hannah and her bro. Samuel E. [A.] EALE, EALES, EELS, ILES, see Ely, John, planter, Dorchester, frm. May 14, 1634. Sold house and land 28 (8) 1640. Bond given to John lies concerning parties at Barnstable, Eng., in 1039, and to John Eels in 1641, show the identity of the man. [L.] He rem. to Windsor, Conn, about 1636; his son Samuel was bapt. at Dorch. 3 (3) 1640, "by communion of ehhs. his father being a memb. of the chh. at Windsor." John, bee-hive maker. Newbury. The Gen. Court sought to arrange for a suitable location for him 14 May, 1045. He d. Nov. 25, 1653, ae. 78. Richard, carpenter, Charlestown, 1638. [L.] He d. 29 (8) 1»)39. leaving an unsigned will; inv. rendered Nov. 29, 1639. Beq. to bro. John and to John Keene in Eng.; to his aunt for her pains and love; to cousins Thomas and Daniel Harris, and to Anne, .Tohn and Abigail Maverick; to William, An- 148 EALE, etc., cont. thony and John Harris; to goodwife Green- land; the rest to his 3 bros. and sister. Samuel, Ipswich, servant of Mr. Natha. Rogers; went to Virginia in 1G39. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-G.] EAMES, AMES, see also Ames, Anthony, Charlestown, propr. 1634; rem. to Hingham; propr.; frm. March 9, 1636-7. Assisted in laying out the line be- tween Mass. Bay and Plymouth, patents. Petition, 2 (4) 1G41. [L.] Town officer, de- puty, captain; serious contention in Hing. and before the Court when he was chosen, rw.] Wife Margery, adm. Chsn. chh. 13 (7) 1635. Son Marli bought house and land with him in Marshfleld 10 Dec. 1651. Dau. Mar- gery m. Oct. 20, 1653, John Jacob. [Was John, who d. 29 Nov. 1641, his child?] He was called "Ames" in Marshfleld records 1652; signatures as witnesses to will of John Rogers, copied by clerli of probate as Eames. Michael Peirse refers to father Eames, and calls Mark his brother. See Samuel Ward. Thomas, brickmaker, Dedham, propr., 1640. Rem. to Medford. Deposed in 1651, ae. about 34 years. Wife Margaret adm. chh. 28 (11) 1641. [Reg. XXXII, 408.] EARIiY, Robert, a passenger in the Hercules in April, 1634. EAST, etc., cent. "Father East" d. March 17, was bur. March 19, 1686-7, said to be 94 years old. [S.] Jeffrey, Salem, propr. 1636; brought suit in court in 1639 to recover pay for his service and for a boat. In court 12 (5) 1642. Sold 30 acres of land at Mackerel Cove for 30s. 6 Oct. 1651; went "out of this jurisdic- tion" so that his acknowledgment of the deed could not be recorded a month later, as Wil- liam Dixie testified. Isaac, cooper, bought land in Salem, 1653, and in Topsfield, 1673; had son Jeffrey. Joseph, Salem, propr. 1639, rem. to Topsfield, weaver, constable. Both these may have been sons of Jeffrey. Roger, Yarmouth, mentioned in inv. of Nath. Sparhawk of Wat. in 1647. EASTON, EASON, Joseph. Cambridge, propr. 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Sold in 1639. Mr. Nicholas, tanner, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1633-4. Settled at Ips- wich; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Deputy. Had lib- erty, Nov. 1634, to build a mill and weir. Testimony concerning his business in Ips. De. 1, 38. Rem. to Charlestown. Shared in the Hutchinson movement, and was banished to Newport in 1638. He m. second, widow Christian Beecher. He d. Aug. 15, 1675, ae. 82. Thomas, Newbury, d. Nov. 24, 1650. EARING, EARWINGE, Mrs. Katharine, widow, Dorchester, memb. chh. before 1639; gave letter of at- torney for collection of money due her in Eng. 27 (7) 10.39. [L.] Rec'd to chh. of Boston 27 (9) 1642. EAST, EASTIE, ESTIE, ESTEY, ASTYE, Francis, carpenter, Boston, adm. chh. 11 (10) 1636; frm. April 17, 1637. [See Ded- ham chh. rec. 1638.] Wife Mary; ch. Sam- uel b. 11 (1) 1639, Mary b. 25 (1) 1642. Eliza- beth b. 1 (9) 1644, David b. 20 (11) 1646, Sarah bapt. 11 (9) 1649, ae. about 2 days, Daniel b. 21 Sept. 1652, Rebecca b. 22 July, 1656, Hannah b. Sept. 4, 1658, d. 15 June, 1659. EASTMAN, EASMEN, see East, Roger, ae. 25, servant to .John Sanders of Lanford, Wilts., Eng., came in the Confid- ence April 11, 1638. House carpenter. Set- tled at Salisbury; propr. 1639. Wife Sarah; eh. John b. March 9, 1640, Nathaniel b. May 18, 1643, Philip b. Dec. 30, 1644, Thomas b. Nov. 11, 1646, Timothy b. Nov. 29, 1648, Joseph b. Jan. 8, 1650, Benjamin b. Feb. 12, 1652, Sarah b. Sept. 25, 1655, (m. 1, Joseph French, 2. Solomon Shepherd,) Samuel b. Nov. 20, 1657. Ruth b. March 21, 1660. He deposed 11 (2) 1671, ae. about 60 years. Sarah deposed same day, ae. about 50. He d. Dec. 16, 1694; will dated June 26, 1691. prob. March 27, 1695. Widow Sarah d. March 11, 1697-8. 149 EASTWICK, ESTICK, see Estow, Edward, mariner, bought land in 1649. Widow, Salem, adm. chh. 21 (4) 1640. Good- wife — adm. chh. 29 (10) 1640. Inv. of his est. taken 22 June, 1666; admin, gr. to wid- ow Hester. Ch. Elizabeth ae. 14, Sarah ae. 12, Hannah ae. 10, Esther ae. 7 and Edward ae. 4. Widow Esther made will 22 July, 1698, prob. June 31, 1708; beq. to gr. ch. Elizabeth Carle, Benjamin, Edward and Estwick Bush, and remainder to dau. Eliz- abeth Bush. EATON, [see Heaton,] Francis, carpenter, came in the May- flower; signed the Compact; res. at Ply- mouth. Frm. 1633. Wife Sarah came with him, with ch. Samuel, and infant; Rachel b. before 1627; Benjamin apprenticed 11 Feb. 1635, for 14 yrs., including 2 yrs. school, to Bridget Fuller, widow; Samuel appr. for 7 yrs. Aug. 13, 1636, to John Cooke, Jr. The wife Sarah d. and he m. 2, Christian — . He d. and admin, was gr. to Thomas Prence and John Done Nov. 25, 1633. LKeg. IV, 34, and Col. Rec] Jonas, Reading, 1647; propr., town ofBcer; wife memb. chh. with him in 1648. Ch. Mary b. 8 (12) 1643, John b. 10 (7) 1645, Jonas b. and d. 24 (7) 1648, [Mdx. De. I.] Joshua b. 4 (10) 1653. He d. Feb. 24, 1673; will prob. 7 (2) 1674; beq. to wife Grace, sons John, James, Joseph, Joshua and Jonathan, and dau. Mary. John, Watertown, propr., frm. May 25, 1636. Rem. to Dedham; propr. 1637; town oflBcer. Wife Abigail, ae. 35, with Mary, ae. 4, and Thomas, ae. 1, and Jane Dammant, ae. 9, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Other ch. Abigail b. 6 (11) 1639, (m. 10 (9) 1659, Robert Mason,) Jacob b. 8 (4) 1642, d. 20 (1) 1646. The son Thomas d. 10 (7) 1649; the dau. Mary m. John Mason. Mrs. Eaton had ch. Jane and John Dammant by former marriage, who were rec'd to chh. of Dedh. 1640 and 1645. He d. 10 (9) 1658. WiU prob. 16 (10) 1658, beq. to wife Abigail; ch. John, Mary and Abigail; to John Dammant of Redding; to John Plimpton of Medfield; to kinsman Ed- ward Hodson. John, Sen., cooper, Salisbury, propr. 1639-1646. Rem. to Haverhill; propr. 1648; EATON, cent. town otHcer. With wife Martha sold land 20 (2) 1655. Ch. John, (deposed in 1060, ae. about 40 years,) Ann, (m. George Brown,) Elizabeth, (m. James Davis,) Thomas, Ruth, (m. Samuel Ingalls,) Hester. His wife Ann d. Feb. 5, 1660; he m. Nov. 20, 1661, Phebe, widow of Thomas Dow. He d. Oct. 29, 1668; will prob. April 13, 1669, beq. to present wife; to sons John and Thomas; to daus. Brown, Davis and Ingalls; to gr. ch. Thomas, (son of John) and Thomas, (son of Thomas,) E'., Hester and John Davis and John Ingalls. Widow Phebe d. Nov. 3, 1672. Inv. of her est, filed 25 Dec. 1672. Nathaniel, bro. of Mr. Theophilus, b. about 1609, came to Cambridge about 1637; propr., frm. June 9, 1638. Became first mas- ter of the school which grew into Harvard College. A grant of land was made to him by the town of Camb. 2 (2) 1638, with this memorandum: "The two acres & two-thirds above mentioned to the Professor is to the Common use forever for a publicke scoole or Colledgc. And to the use of mr. Nath Eaton as long as he shall be Imployed in that worke." Was tried by the Court 4 (7) 1639, on the charge of cruelty to his usher Mr. Nathaniel Briscoe, and to many of his pu- pils. He fied to New Hampshire; was sent back, afterward escaped to Virginia, leav- ing great debts, ill repute. As he had been initiated among the Jesuits, he took it upon him to be a minister there. His wife and ch. were drowned on a voyage thither. He afterward mar. a dau. of Mr. Thomas Graves of Va., formerly of Dorchester, and deserted her. [W.] He officiated at North- ampton, Va., in 1642-3. and d. about 1646. [Reg. XL, 294.] Benoni, son of Mr. Nathan Eaton, whose mother died a member of the chh. of Camb., was in the family of Thomas Cheese- holme and under his care in 1658. [Mi.] Inv. of his est. taken April 3, 1691, was filed by his widow Rachel. Mr. Theophilus, son of Mr. Richard Eat- on, clerk, (whose will may be seen in Reg. XXXVIII, 29,) a merchant of London of fair estate and great esteem for religion, and wis- dom in outward affairs, [W.] arrived at Bos- ton in June, 1637. Rem. very soon to Conn., where he was governor and a person of very great importance. See many sketches. 150 EATON, cont. William, husbandman, of Staple, Eng., witli wife Martha, 3 children and 1 servant, came from Sandwich, Eng., before June 9, 1637. Settled at Watertowu; propr. 1642. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 54 years, and [his son] John, ae. about 22 years. Rem. to Reading; propr. 1644; town officer. He and his wife and 5 children were legatees in the will of the wife's sister, Margaret, widow of Edmund Lane of London, 3 Sept., 1662. [Reg. XXXVII, 378.] Oh. Daniel b. 20 (11) 1638, Mary b. 8 (2) 1643. He deposed in 1667, ae. about 60 years. [Es. files.] He, d. at Read. May 13, 1673. His will dated 26 (7) 1672, prob. June 11, 1673, beq. to wife Martha, sons John and Daniel, dau. Mary, sons-in-law Thomas Browne and Francis Moore. [See Oldham.] The widow in her will, 24 Nov. 1675, prob. 21 (4i 1681, beq. to the same. EBORNE, EABORNE, ABORNE, Samuel, Salem, propr., memb. chh. 1636. He deposed 12 (9) 1666, ae. about 52. Wife Katharine adm. chh. 23 (5) 1648; ch. Samuel, Moses, and Mary bapt. 6 (6) 1648, Rebecca bapt. 23 (1) 1650-1, Sarah bapt. 15 (4) 1656, William bapt. 9 (6) 1668. He m. Katharine, dau. of James Smith of Marblehead, who mentions in his will in 1661, herself and her ch. Mary, Rebecca, Moses, Hannah, James and Sarah. He d-eposed in 1601, ae. 50 years. Thomas, Salem, frm. May 14, 1634. Res. in 1642. [Essex Court files.] ECCLES, ECKLES, ECKELS, EAGLES, Richard, weaver, Cambridge. "Our bro. Jackson's man; brought up many years in Popery." [Rel.] He deposed in 1654, ae. about 40 years. Bought house and land in 1646. Frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Mary d. Aug. 23, 1675, and he m. 2, June 4, 1677, Su- sanna Carter. Ch. of Richard and Mary b. and bapt. in Camb.; Mary, Hannah and Martha. [Ml.] He d. before March 10, 1696-7, when his est. was sold by his dau. EDEN, Barbara, Cambridge, m. in 1649, Rob- ert Brown. EDDENDEN, Edmund, Scituate, propr., 1637; took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1638; frm. 1 June 1641. EDDY, EDDIE, EDY, EEDY, John, son of Rev. William Eddy of Crainbrook, Eng.; came to Plymouth in the Handmaid, arriving Oct. 29, 1630. Rem. to- Watertown; [see Bradford's letter, Reg. II, 244.] "A godly man, now and then a little distempered." [W.] Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Town officer. He desired to be excused from training 15 (10) 1673, ae. 77 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Amy; ch. Pilgrim b. 25 (6) 1634,. John b. 16 (12) 1636, Benjamin bur. in 1639, Samuel b. 30 (7) 1640, Abigail b. 11 (8) 1643. He m. 2. Joanna — , who d. Aug. 25 , 1683, ae. 80. He d. Oct. 12, 1684, ae. 90. Will dated 11 Jan. 1677, prob. Dec. 16, 1684; beq. to sons^ Samuel and John, sons-in-law John Miriam and Thomas Orton; and daus. Mary Orton, Sarah Miriam, Pilgrim Steadman, and Ruth Gardner; wife to have according to their con- tract. Robert, ae. 25, came in the Hopewell in- Sept., 1635. Samuel, Plymouth, taxed 1632; frm. 1633; atba. 1643. Land grant 1636. Placed his son John, (7 yrs. old Dec. 25, 1644,) appr. with Francis Goulder, April 3, 1645, and "having many children and many wants," placed son Zechery (7 yrs. old) with Mr. John Browne of Rehoboth, 2 March, 1646-7. Wife Eliza- beth; ch. rec: Hannah b. June 23, 1647. — , of Boxted, came to Plymouth in Nov. 1639. [W.] This may be Samuel, returning from a visit to England. EEDES, William, carpenter or wheelwright, came in the Lyon's Whelp to Salem, 1629^ [Suff. De. I. XVI.] EDGE, see Hedge. EDMUNDS, John, Boston, memb. chh. 1630, frn». May 18, 1631. Walter, (Gualter,) Concord, 1639, frm. May 22, 1638; constable, 1640. Rem. to Charlestown. Adm. chh. 21 (1) 1652, with wife Dorothy; she d. Sept. 11, 1671. He de- 151 EDMUNDS, cont. posed about 1GG2 that he served apprentice- ship in England at selling strong waters, and desired relief from the prohibitory Act. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Joshua, Mary, Daniel, John b. 2 (5) 1640. He d. July 13, 1667. Will dated 30 (3), prob. Sept. 27, 1667, beq. to wife Dorothy, sons Joshua, Daniel and John, dau. Potter of Con- cord. William, Lynn, propr. ; frm. May 6, 1635. His wife in Court June 5, 1638. He deposed in 1659, ae. about 42 years. He m. in Boston 1 (7) 1662, Ann Martin, widow; his dau. Mary m., same date and place, Joseph Hutehins. Inv. of his est. talten 8 Sept. 1693; admin, gr. to son John; division made Oct. 8, 1694, to ch. John, Joseph and Samuel E., and Mary Hitchins. EDSELL, HEDSALL, Thomas, ae. 47, came in the Elizabeth and Jane in April, 1635. Boston, He m. 16 (7) 1651, Elizabeth Ferman. Fined for vot- ing though not a freeman 18 May, 1652. Bondsman for William Salter, as inhab., 1658. EDSON, Samuel, Salem, propr. 1639. May be Samuel of Bridgewater, who made will 15 Jan. 1688-9, prob. Sept. 20, 1692; having formerly deeded lands to children, now beq. to sons Samuel, Joseph and Josiah; to wife Susanna; to daus. Susanna, Sarah, Mary and Bethiah. EDWARDS, Alexander, Springfield, propr. 1643; town officer. He m. 28 (2) 1642, Sarah Searle, widow. Ch. Samuel b. 7 (1) 1642-3, Hanna b. 18 (12) 1644, Joseph b. 8 (1) 1647, Mary b. 20 (11) 1649, Benjamin b. 24 (4) 1652, Sarah b. 21 (9) 1654. WiU dated 30 Aug., inv. taken 24 Oct. 1690. Beq. to sons Samuel, Benjamin and Nathaniel, daus. Mar.v Field and Elizabeth Claris; to Sarah North, and John and Samuel Davis; wife to be well cared for. Edmond, servant to Henry Feake of Sandwich, transferred to John Barnes 25 Sept., 1639. 152 EDWARDS, cont. Edward, Plymouth, bought house and lands 31 Dec. 1642, to be paid for in money, stockings, shoes, or other merchantable com- modities. Henry, bondsman. Gen. Court, 29 (8) 1640. John, apprenticed 24 Jan. 1638-9, to Ed- mond Chandler of Duxbury, for 5 years. John, blacksmith, Charlestown, con- tract to learn gunsmithery 17 (7) 1640. [L.] Witness to indenture of Stephen Day of Cam- bridge, 16 (2) 1640. His house and goods given by Gen. Court, 27 Sept., 1642, to (his partner) Harman Gar- rett and his heirs. Matthew, Reading; before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1039; propr. He d. 22 (10) 1683. He made will 18 Dec. 1683, prob. April 1, 1684; beq. to wife Mary; dau. Mary Polly and her ch.; daus. Tabitha, Sarah, Abigail and Elizabeth; son Matthew E.; farm on the other side of Ipswich river; to Nicholas Lun; hay and grass at certain places; debt to Capt. Walker for land; cousin Thomas Bancroft joint exec, with the wife. The son Matthew made will 30 July, 1689, and beq. to bro. John Polly, the sisters men- tioned above, and other persons. Nathaniel, merchant, Boston, adm. in- hab. 1647. Legatee and admin, of est. of Nathaniel Smyth, 1651. [Gen Court.] He d. 2 (11) 1653. Admin, gr. to Joseph Hills. Inv. taken 3 Feb. 1653-4. recorded with accounts of J. H. and Thos. Broughton. Rice or Reece, joiner, Salem, propr. 1642. In court as of Wenham in 1647. His wife Joan adm. chh. Boston 9 (3) 1647. He deposed in 1680, ae. about 65 years. Robert, ae. 22, came in the Hopewell la Sept., 1635. Settled at Concord; frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Christian; dau. Sarah b. and d. in 1640; dau. Christian b. 15 (1) 1645. Nunc, will made before Goo. Heaward and Wm. Wood, prob. 2 (1) 1647, beq. all to his wife. Inv. taken 8 (10) 1646. Thomas, shoemaker. Salem, propr. 1637; frm. Feb. 28, 1642-3. Constable 25 (1) 1G44. [Es. Court.] His wife Elizabeth sold land in 1649. Ch. Abr. "son of Edwards of Water- town," bapt. at Salem 19 (6) 1638, Jon, "son EDWARDS, cont. of sister Edwards," bapt. 2 (4) 1639, Joseph, do. bapt. 22 (3) 1642, Joshua bapt. 18 (4) 1643. William, Lynn. Dealt in bees, 1G41. [Es. Court rec] Before the court in 1648. EGGLESTONE, EGLESTON, Bigot, Dorchester, frm. May 18, 1631. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. EIRE, EYRE, EIRES, EYRES, AYER, etc., Mr. Simon, ae. 48, physician, came iu the Increase, April 15, 1635, with wife Dor- othy, ae. 38, and ch. Marie, ae. 15, Thomas, ae. 13, Simon, ae. 11, Rebecca, ae. 9, Chris- tian, ae. 7, Anna, ae. 5, Benjamin, ae. 3, and Sarah, ae. 3 months. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636; frm. April 17, 1637. Deputy. He rem. to Boston; rec'd ehh. 17 (2) 1647. His wife Dorothy d. 11 (6) 1650; he m. 2. Martha — . Oh. Jonathan b. 20 (1) 1637, Dorothy b. 4 (41 1640, Maria b. 26 (1) 1652; Ann m. John Chpcljley; John b. Feb. 19, 1653, John Whit- tingham, his son-in-law, d. 7 (9) 16.53, Judith Whittingham, dau.-in-law, d. 27 (1) 1656. He d. Nov. 10, 1658. Will prob. March 4, 1658-9. Beq. to wife Martha, to 2 youngest children, John and Maria, to eldest son Thom- as and his dau. Dorothy; the rest of I'.is chil- dren having had their portions. In the will of Wm. Paine other children are named, Ben- jamin, Rebecca, Christian. The widow Martha d. July 13, 1687. ELDERKIN, John, Lynn, propr., 1638. Rem. to Ded- ham; propr. 22 (12) 1641. Lot sold before 6 (12) 1642. He sold a new built mill at Lynn 16 (7) 1643. Mortg. half of a mill at Reading June 27, 1046. Wife — ; ch. Abigail b. 13, bapt. 19 (7) 1641; John d. 1641. ELDRED, ELDRECH, Robert, servant to Mr. Nicholas Sym- pkins, transferred for 3 yrs. 25 May, 1639, to Mr. Thomas Prenee. Plymouth, atba. 1643. Rem. to Yarmouth. He m. Oct. 1649, Eliza- beth Nickarson; ch. Nicholas b. Aug. 18, 1650. Inv. of his est. 18 Jan. 1682; some land giv- en to the wife by her father Wm. Nickarson, Sen. ; eldest son to have a double portion. Samuel, Medford, resident before 1651 [Mdx. Files.] Deposed in 1652, ae. about 32 years. Cambridge, before Gen. Court Nov. ELDRED, etc., cont. 22, 1659; deposed Ess. Court 1661, res. at Rumney Marsh. AVife Elizabeth; ch. Eliza- beth b. 26 (8) 1642. Samuel b. 26 (8) 1644, Mary b. 15 (4) 1646, Thomas b. 8 (7) 1648. William, Yarmouth. Wife Ann; suit to protect in 1645. Ch. Ann b. Dec. 1648, Sarah b. Oct. 10, 1650. William Lumpkin of Y. in his will dated 23 July, 1668, beq. to gr. ch. Elisha and Bethia Eldred. Are they ch. of William and Ann? [Genealogy in Reg. LI, 46.] ELFORD, John, mariner, Salem; called to Court 1 March, 1630-1. Drew bill of exchange In 1639. [L.] ELIOT, ELYOT, ELLIOTT, Francis, son of Bennett and Lettice B., of Widford and Nasing, Eng., came as a planter to Braintree; frm. June 2, 1641. Be- came schoolmaster to the Indians under his bro. about 1650. [Reg. XXXVI, 292.] With wife Mary sold land in Br. May 4, 1662. Ch. Mary b. 27 (11) 1640, John b. 17 (2) 1650, Hannah b. 11 (8) 1651, (m. 6 (3) 1670, Stephen Willis,) Abigail b. 12 (11) 1658. Inv. taken 29 Oct., pres. 13 Nov. 1677, by widow Mary. He beq. to his wife Mary; to daus. Rachel Poulter and Hannah Wil- lis, and to Stephen Willis. Dec. dau. Mary Hubbart. Jacob, son of Bennet and Lettice E., 'bapt. 21 Sept 1606, came early to Boston; deacon, ruUng elder; frm. March 6, 1631-2. Wife Margery; ch. Jacob b. 16 (10) 1632, John b. 28 (10) 1634, Hannah b. 29 (11) 1636, [see W. vol. 2, p. 202.] (m. Theophilus Frary 4 (4) 1653,) Abigail b. 7 (2) 1639, Susanna b. 22 (5) 1641, Mehetabel b. (2) 1645, (m. Seth Perry,) Sarah bapt. 5 (10) 1647, Asaph b. 25 (8) 1651, and bapt. 2 (9) 1651, after his father's death. Will prob. Nov. 20, 1651; the widow's will prob. 9 May, 1661. He beq. to wife, son Jacob and dau. Hannah; other ch. to have portions at majority or marriage. [Reg. IV, 53, X, 362, and XXX, 206.] Rev. John, son of Bennet and Lettice (Aggar) Eliot, was bapt. at Widford, Eng., 5 Aug. 1604. [See wills of the father and otliers in Reg. XLVII, 397 et seg.] "The Apostle to the Indians" came to N. E. Nov. 2, 1631; acting pastor of the Boston ehh. 153 ELIOT, etc., cont. in absence of Mr. Wilson; ord. over chh. of Eoxbury in Oct. 1632; frm. May 6, 1631-2. In addition to a faithful performance of his pa- rochial duties he found time for a thorough study of the lan^age of the Indians of Massachusetts, so as to translate the Bible and other boolis into it; and achieved a great ■work in the conversion and education of many individuals. See many notices. He m. in Rox. in 1632, Anne Mumford; she d. 22 March, 1686. Ch. Hannah b. Sept. 17, 1633, John b. Aug. 3, 1636, Joseph bapt. Dec. 20, 1638, Samuel bapt. Jan. 27, 1641, Aaron bapt. Feb. 19, 1643, d. 18 (9) 1655, Benjamin bapt. Feb. 29, 1646. He d. May 20, 1690, in his 86th year. Philip, son of Bennet and Lattice E., bapt. 25 April, 1602, came early to Roxbury; deacon. His wife, ae. 30, and ch.: Marie, ae. 13, Elizabeth, ae. 8, Sarah, ae. 6, Lydia, ae. 4, and Philip, ae. 2, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635. He d. 22 or 24 (8) 1657. Will prob. Feb. 11, 1657. Wife Elizabeth, son Aldis and dau. Sarah Aldis; gr. ch. Henry Withington; dau. Lydia. [Reg. VIII, 281.] The est. of the .widow was divided to her sons-in-law John Aldis, John Smith, of Dedham, and Rich. Withington of Dorchester, Feb. 2, 1660. William, came in the Hercules April 16, 1634. "One Eliot of Ipswich" got lost in Nov. 1634. [W.] In Salem Court in 1660. ELLENWOOD, etc., cont. Mary b. 3 (2), bapt. 5 (4) 1664, Elizabeth b. 27 June, 1666, Sarah bapt. 7 (6) 1666, Benja- min b. 1 (2) 1668, David b. 6 July, 1670. His will dated Jan. 7, 1673, prob. 3 (5) 1674, beq. to wife Helen and ch. Ralph, John, Joseph, Benjamin, David, Mary and Eliza- beth. The widow Eleanor deposed. ELLEN, ELLIN, ALLEN, Nicholas, Dorchester, in Court 4 (4) 1639; propr. Feb. 2, 1646. [George Allen of Boston, son of Daniel and gr. son of Nich- olas A. of Dorch. beq. in 1718 a small farm which had belonged to said gr. fa. N. A. This shows the double spelling of the name.] He deposed in 1656, ae. about 40 years. [Arch. 38 B.] He m. first Martha — ; she d. Sept. 17, 1660; he m. 2, July 3, 1663, Mary, widow of Robert Pond, Jr. They sold the Pond est. Oct. 5, 1665. Ch. Ann b. 3 (11) 1657. Will dated Nov. 16, 1667, prob. May 29, 1668. Wife Mary, eldest son Daniel, his oth- er children; Martha and Mary Pond, his wife's daus. [Reg. XIX, 36.] Daniel admin, on the estate of his bro. Benjamin 11 Jan. 1677. ELLERD, Gartrud, 1636. Salem, member chh. before ELKIN, ELKINS, ELKYN, Henry, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 9 (9) 1634, frm. May 6, 1635. With wife Mary dism. to chh. of Exeter 3 (1) 1639. Will dated 27 April, 1667, prob. 13 (2) 1669, "very aged;" beq. to sons Gershom and Eliezer. Thomas, before the Court Aug. 5, 1634. ELLENWOOD, ELWOOD, Ralph, planter, ae. 28, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. Settled at Salem; rem. to Beverly; suit In Court, settled by arbitration, 1638. He de- posed in 10G9, ae. about 60. Adm. chh. 21 (1) 1647; goodwife adm. chh. 13 (6) 1648. He m. 14 (1) 16.55, Ellen Lyn. Ch. Josiah bapt. 26 (3) 1644, Stephen bapt. 16 (1) 1656, Ralph bapt. 26 (2) 1657, Ralph b. 18 March, 1658, John b. 2 (5) 1659, Joseph b. 12 (3) 1662, ELLERY, Henry, before Gen. Court 20 (3) 1640. ELLET, John, Watertown; wife Margaret; ch. Elizabeth b. 2 (12) 1633, John b. 12 (4) 1635- 6, Anne b. 12 (5) 1638, Samuel and Martha b. and d. in 1640, Sarah b. 22 (10) 1643. Sold land, buildings and privileges 8 (3) 1646. [Samuel?], Salem, witness at court in 1648. ELLISON, ELLISIN, Richard, Braintree; wife Thomasin; ch. Mary b. 15 (G) 1646, Hannah b. 24 (5) 1648, John b. 26 (6) 1650, Sarah b. 10 (4) 1652, Thomasin b. 1 (1) 1655, Experience (dau.) b. 6 (2) 1657, Richard b. 7 (2) 1642. 154 ELLIS, ELIS, ELCE, ELSE, ALICE, Arthur, juryman, Gen. Court, Sept. 28, 1630. Elizabeth, ae. 16, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. Goodwife, Lynn, before the Court In 1647 for living 8 years from her husband. John, Dedham, pioneer 1636, adm. chh. 17 (5) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641. He m. 10 (9) 1641, Susan Lumber; eh. John b. 26 (2) 1646. Rem. to Medfleld. He m. 2, 20 (4) 1656, Joane, widow of John Clap of Dorchester. Will dated Sept. 24, 1690, prob. June 24, 1697; beq. to wife Jone; to eldest son John; to daus. Susanna Evins and Hannah Rocliet articles that belonged to their mother, his first wife; to sons Joseph and Eleazer. John, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Lieut. He m. Elizabeth, [dau. of Edmund Free- man;] in Court June 4, 1645. Ch. (parent not given) Bennett b. 27 Feb. 1048, Mordicai (of John) b. March 24, 1050, Joel b. March 20, 1654, Matthias b. June 2, 1657. Inv. of his est. taken 23 May, 1077, pres. by his widow Elizabeth. Mary, had deed of house in Boston 2 (1) 1645, from Maj. Gen. Gibbons. She after- ward m. — Scarlet. Lieut. Richard, wheelwright, Dedham, adm. chh. 5 (11) 1643. He m. 19 (7) 1650, Elizabeth French; ch. Elizabeth b. 23 (5) 1651, Sarah b. 23 (11) 1052, Mary b. 3 (12) 1654, John b. 31 (11) 1656, Anna b. 15 (1) 1659, Rebecca b. 30 (2) 1661, Eliezer b. Jan. 10, 1663, Joseph b. Oct. 1666, Abigail b. July 5, 1609. He d. Oct. 21, 1094. Admin, gr. to his widow Elizabeth and son John 27 Dec. 1694. Roger, weaver, Yarmouth, suit in court, 1641; atba. 1643; lie. by Gen. Court 12 (9) 1644, to m. Jane Lisham. Ch. John b. Dec. 1, 1648, bapt. at Barnstable April 15, 1649. He rem. to Boston; adm. inhab. In 1653. Bought house in Charlestown 25 (10) 1657. Nunc, will beq. all to his wife; this, with the inv. of his est., was filed 24 (1) 1668-9, by widow "Ales Elce." William, see Allis. ELITHORP, ELLITHORPE, ELLITHROP, Thomas, Rowley, propr. 1643. His first wife d. and he m. 2, Abigail, widow of ELITHORP, etc., cent. Thomas Sumner. Ch. Nathaniel, (deposed in 1686, ae. about 55 years,) (m. Dec. 16, 1657, Mary, dau. of Nicholas Batt,) John b. 18 (3) 1643, Mary, (m. 12 (8) 1655, Henry Ey- ley,) Abigail, (m. Joseph Pickworth). He d. about April, 1654. The Gen. Court adm. his will 3 May, 1654, but it does not apipear. The widow m. 3, Thomas Jones; she joined with son Nathl. and daus. Mary Ryley and Abigail Pickworth 6 April, 1668, In appointing son John attorney for business at Rowley. [Es. Files XVIII and XXXI.] ELLSLEY, see Ilsley. ELMER, Edward, embarked June 22, 1632. Set- tled at Cambridge, propr. 1635. Sold land before 1638. ELMS, ELMES, Ralph, (Radolphus) planter, Scituate, came in the Planter in April, 1035; atba. 1643. Gave bond to John Floyd Oct. 2, 1656, for money lent and paid for passage. He m. 25 Dec. 1644, Kateren Whitcombe. Ch. Sarah b. Sept. 29, 1645. See will of Sarah Elmes, widow of Southwark, co. Surrey, dated 25 Aug. 1053, prob. 20 April, 1054; son Radul- phus Elmes now in parts beyond the seas; sons Jonathan and Henry Elmes. [Reg. XL, 306.] Ch. Sarah b. Sept. 29, 1645, Mary b. June 9, 1648, Joanna b. Mar. 28, 1651, Han- nah b. Dec. 25, 1053, John b. July 6, 1655, Joseph b. March 16, 1658, Waitstill b. Feb. 9, 1660, Jonathan b. 27 Sept. 1603, Rodul- phus b. 27 May, 1608. ELSLY, ELTTSLEY, see Ilsey. ELSTON, John, Salem, suffered shipwreck In Boston Bay 20 July, 1631, with two of Mr. Craddock's fishermen. [W.] ELWELL, ELWAY, Robert, Dorchester, propr. Sept. 1, 1634; frm. at Boston May 13, 1640; at Es. Court 30 (4) 1640. His wife had legacy from a bro. residing at Stoke Abbot, Dor- setshire, Eng., about 1648. [See Tristram Dalliber.] He sold before June 8, 1640, and rem. to Salem; adm. chh. 19 (12) 1642, and soon after to Gloucester. Town officer, comr. to end small causes. He m. 1, Joan — , who 155 ELWELL, etc., cont. d. March 31, 1675. He m. 2, May 29, 1676, Alice, widow of Robert Leacli, who had d. about (5) 1674. She d. April 10, 1691; she beq. her est. to her 5 daus., of whom Alice Bennett was one, and her 2 sons Samuel and Robert Leach. Ch. Samuel, (deposed in 1694, ae. 60 years,) 2 children bapt. at Sal. 28 (6) 1639, John bapt. 23 (11) 1039-40, Isaac bapt. 27 (12) 1641, Josiah, Joseph, (who deposed March 28, 1064, ae. 16 years next May,) Sara b. and d. in 1051, Sarah b. May 12, 1052, d. Aug. 26, 1655, Thomas b. Nov. 12, 1654. bapt. 22 (2) 1055, Jacob b. June 10, 1657, d. May 21, 1058, Richard bapt. April 11, 1658, Mary, (m. Samuel Dalliber). He d. in May or June, 1683. Will, dated 15 May, prob. 20 June, 1683. [See The El- well Family.] ELWOOD, see ELLENWOOD, ELY, ELLY, Edward, servant of John Scobell, car- penter, of Boston, in 1640. [L.] One Ely, a seaman, came in the May- llower, hired to stay in the country a year; when the time was out he ret. [B.] Nathaniel, Cambridge, propr. 1034; frm. May 0, 103.5. Rem. to Conn, where he held several important offices. EMERSON, John, came in the Abigail in July, 1635, at the age of 20 years. Settled at Scltuate; yeoman, planter. Before the Gen. Court Jan. 3, 1630. Sold land in 1636 and 1639. Won a case in court 3 March, 1039-40. He m. at Duxbury, July 19, 1638, Barbara, dau. of Mr. John Lothrop. / EMBERSON, EMERSON, Thomas, baker, yeoman, Ipswich, propr. 1638; selectman, 1646. Conveyed his farm to his son John, for a yearly rental etc. during the lives of himself and his wife Elizabeth; many specifications. [Ips. De. I, 63.] His will dated 31 May, 1653, prob. Jan. 4, 1660, beq. to sons Joseph, John and Na- thaniel, daus. Elizabeth Fuller, and Susan- na E.; to son James, if he shall come over into this country; to wife Elizabeth, whom he malies exec. Genealogy. EMERY, Anthony, carpenter, of Romsey, came in the James in April, 1035. Settled at New- bury, 1037. Selectman, 1048. Rem to Do- ver and Kittery. George, doctor, Salem, 1036. One of the appraisers of John Thome's est. in 1046. The town agreed with him in 1647 about curing goody Lamberte. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 53 years. Wife Mary adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648. She d. about (9) 1673. He d. 20 Feb. 1686-7. John, carpenter, from Romsey, Eng., came in the James in 1035. Settled at New- bury. Prm. June 2, 1641. Town officer; liept the ordinary. His wife d. and he m. 2, Mary, widow of John Webster. Ch. Eleanor, (m. John Bayley.) Anne, (m. James Ordway,) John, Ebenezer, dau. b. 16 Sept. 1648, (m. John Hoag,) Jonathan b. J3 May, 1652, Hannah, (m. Michael Emerson). He d. 3 Nov. 1683. Will dated May 12, prob. Nov. 27, 1683, in his 83d year; beq. to wife Mary, dau. Ebenezer Hoag, son Jon- athan, gr. ch. Mary Emerson, to his six chil- dren; sons John E. and Abraham Merrill overseers. The widow Mary d. April 28, 1694. Will dated Aug. 1, 1693, prob. June 1, 1696, beq. to son Jonathan E.; to Israel's four daughters; to John Webster's son Isra- el; to daus. [Simons;] Abigail Merrill, Johan- nah — and Hannah Emerson; to son Ste- phen W. EMMONS, EMANS, Thomas, cordwainer, Boston, adm. in- habitant in 1647. With wife Martha adm. chh. 18 (11) 1051; frm. May 26, 16.52. He d. May 11, 1664. Will: Wife Martha; ch. Obediah, Samuel, Hannah Crab, Eliza- beth HincliSman, Benjamin; kinswoman Martha Winsor; gr. ch. Thomas, son of Obediah, and Samuel Crab. The wiJow made will March 30, 1666, prob. Feo. 18, 1666-7; beq. to ch. Obediah, Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Alice; gr. ch. Thomas, ?>Iartha, Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth, and Samuel Crab; to kinswomen Martha and Hannah Winsor; son John Hincksman. [Reg. XII, 346.] Edward, servant of John Scobell, car- penter, of Boston, in 1040. [L.] Edward "Eymons," Haverhill, deposed in 1663, ae. 40 years. ',/' 156 ENDECOTT, ENDICOTT, Mr. John; he arrived at Salem Sept. 6, 1628. He was chosen "Governor of the Plantation in the Mattachusetts Bay for the yeare following from the time he shall take his oath," by the Governor and Company in Loudon, 30 April, 1C29. He held the office until the arrival of Mr. John Winthrop, who had been chosen governor of the Company and also of the Plantation, in June, 1630. He took the oath of Asst. 7 Sept. 1630; was again elected governor March 26, 1G49. Was captain of militia, magistrate and one of the most important statesmen of the Colony. He rem. to Boston in 1655. He calls Roger Ludlow "my brother" in a letter to Gov. Winthrop in 1644. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] He m. tirst Anna Gouer, who came over in 1628 and d. in 1629. She was a "cousin" of Gov. Matthew Craddock; see his letter in Mass. Hist. Coll. 2-8. He m. second, Aug. 18, 1630, [W.] Elizabeth Gibson of Cam- bridge, Eng., member of the chh. before 1636. Ch. John and Zerubabel. His will, dated 2 (3) 1659, presented but disallowed by the Court, mentions his farm at Salem which he had bought 4 (8) 1648, of Henry Chickering of Dedham; 2 farms on Ipswich River, bought respectively of Capts. Trask and Hawthorne. ENFLING, Nathaniel, servant of John Cogan, Bos- ton, ae. about 18 yrs., deposed Aug. 8, 1639. [L.] ENGLAND, John, Plymouth, found drowned abont June 5, 1638. ENGLISH, ENGLIS, INGLISH, INGLIS, INGS, INGE, ENGES, Maudit, (also called Madett, Maud, Maudie, Madot,) fuller, from Marlborough, Eng., came in the .Tames April 5, 1635. Set- tled at Boston: propr. 1638. Adm. chh. "la- borer," 5 (7) 1640. He deposed March 20, 1678-9, ae. about 70 years. [Supr. Court Rec] Wife .loan adm. chh. 2 (10) 1643; ch. Hannah b. 2 (1) 1638-9, (m. 2 (5) 1657, Sam- uel Clement,) Mary bapt. 17 (9) 1644, ae. about 4 days. Samuel bapt. 7 (1) 1647, ae. about 9 days, (m. at Hingham Feb. 21, 1672-3, Mary, dan. of Nathaniel and Martha Beale). His Will dated 1 (10) 1684, prob. 18 .July. ENGLISH, etc., cont. 1685, beq. to son Samuel, dau. -in-law Mary, and gr. ch. Madet, Samuel and Nathaniel. Thomas, mariner, came in the May- flower to Plymouth, hired to go master of a shalop here; d. before the ship ret. [B.] Sergt. William, cordwainer, Ipswich, propr. 1637; selectman; frm. Sept. 21, 1642. Rem. to Boston. Adm. townsman in 1652. Deputy. With wife Sara adm. chh. 15 (1) 1662-3. Will dated 4 May, prob. 15 June, 1682, beq. to wife Mary, and to Sarah, dau. of Joshua and Sarah Windsor. Signed, Wil- liam Inglish. Bernard, husbandman. Pulling Point, Boston, bought land of James Bill in 1645, and rec'd deed July 6, 1666. He deposed 21 (4) 1664, ["Ingle,"] ae. about 57 years. [Mdx. Files.] ENSIGN, ENSIGNE, INSIGN, James, Cambridge, propr. 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Thomas, planter, Scituate, 1638, prop. frm., 5 March, 1638-9; atba. 1643; deacon in 1653. He m. 17 Jan. 1638, Eliza, dau. of widow Martha Wilder; ch. Hannah bapt. July 6, 1640. Will, dated July 16, 1663, prob. 9 June, 1664. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John, Hannah and Sarah; wife's sister's dau. Sarah Under- wood, not yet 15 yrs. old; to dau. Hannah's Son, Thomas Shepherd. [Reg. VI, 185.] EPPS, EPES, Mr. Daniel, gent., Ipswich, witness of a deed in 1641; propr.; town officer. Attor- ney for his cousin Joseph Cooke of Cam- bridge in a suit in 1658. [Es. Court files IT, 114.] He resided in London in 1621, when his wife reed, a beq. from her mother's father Thomas Cooke, yeoman, of Peb- mershe, Essex. [Reg. XLVII, 128.] He m. Martha, dau. of Mr. Edmund Read, of Wick- ford, CO. Essex, Eng.; she survived him and m. Deputy governor Samuel Symonds. Ch. Daniel, deposed in 1675, ae. about 50 years; Elizabeth, ae. 13, came in the Abigail in July, 1635; named in the will of her grand- father Reade in 1623; a dau. m. Peter Dun- can of Gloucester. [Es. De. 1662.] 157 ERRINGTON, EBINGTON, ARRINGTON, [Harrington,] Abraham, blacksmith, son of widow Ann, below, Cambridge, 1646. He deposed April 17, 1673, ae. about 53 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Rebecca, dau. of Robert Cut- ler of Charlestown; ch. Rebecca, Hannah, Sarah, Mary bapt. Jan. 13, 1660, Abraham bapt. Nov. 8, 1663. [Mi.] He d. May 9, 1677, ae. 55 years. [Gr. St.] Admin, gr. to widow Rebecca. Ann, widow, formerly of Newcastle- upon-Tyne; res. in Charlestown. [See Sill.] She was b. near Newcastle; the Lord gave her a good husband, but he died. [Rel.] She d. Dec. 25, 1653, ae. 77. [Gr. St.] Ch. Abraham, Rebecca, (m. John Watson). [Mi.] Thomas, Salem; rem. to Lynn; mortg. house at Salem 10 (5) 1643. Res. at Charles- town, sold farm in C. 27 (9) 1649. ESTIE, see East. EVANS, etc., cent. Henry, husbandman, Boston, adm. chh. IS (4) 1643, frm. May, 1645. Wife Amy rec'd from chh. of Roxbury 23 (1) 1644. He was drowned about March 1, 1666-7. Inv. of his est. filed in Mdx. court. Richard, Dorchester, 1040; frm. May 10, 1643. Wife Mary. Admin, gr. 11 (12) 1661, to eldest son Rich- ard, for himself and bros. and sisters. Thomas, [Plymouth.] He d. Jan. 27, 1634. Inv. filed at Plymouth. [Reg. IV, 35.] The court ordered that his debts be paid and the remainder be kept for his widow accord- ing to his will. William, Dorchester, 1640. [L.] Wife Agnes a witness in 1640. William, Gloucester, town officer, 1647. William. Taunton, atba. 1643. Inv. of his est. taken 15 Sept. 1071, pres. by Anna Evance 17 June, 1672. ESPY, Robert, had an acct. with Gen. Court 5 (1) 1039. [Arch. 100.] ESTOW, William, Newbury, propr. about 1638, as John Emery deposed at Salisbury April 9, 1079. He was one of the first planters at Hampton 6 (7) 1638. Deputy. See East- wick. EITE, see Ewell, and Ewer, Henry, ordered to leave Plymouth Col- ony bounds with his family 4 Dec. 1638. Propr. at Sandwich 16 April, 1640. EVANS, EVINS, ETJINS, Mr. David, merchant, Boston. Ch. Na- thaniel bapt. 20 (3) 1050, David d. 2 (9) 1053, Elizabeth b. 10 Aug. 1055, David b. 2 Feb. 1658, Martha d. 8 (7) 1058, Jonathan b. April 3, 1663. He d. 27 July, 1063. Will, dated June 30, 1663; wife Mary; ch. David, Jonathan, Mary, Elizabeth; bro. John Clark. [Reg. XI, 344.] Elizabeth, of Bridgend, Glamorgan- shire, articled as a servant with John Wheel- wright, minister, 5 (5) 1639. [L.] EVELITH, EVELYTH, Sylvester, baker, Boston, 1643. Rem. to Gloucester; his wife Susan, who had joined the chh. 19 (1) 1643, being dism. to join the chh. of Gloe. 12 (3) 1044. Town officer. The wife, ae. .50 years, testified be- fore her husband and Wm. Vinson 30 (1) 1657, on the W. Brown case. She d. 7 (7) 1659. He m. 6 (7) 1662, Bridget Parkman. Ch. Joseph bapt. in Boston, 23 (1) 1643, ae. about 1 year and 9 months. He d. Jan 4. 1689. Admin, of his est. was gr. to son Joseph, who filed at Boston 7 March. 1688-9, an inv. of the est., taken 9 Jan. previous. EVERED, EVERARD, EVERETT, EV- ERITT, Richard, (Everitt,) Springfield, a wit- ness of the deed from the Indians in 1630; was the "chapman" of part of Henry Greg- ory's land, Jan. 24, 1038; propr. of other lands in 1046. Town officer. He m. 29 (4) 1043, Mary Winch. Richard, farrier, Cambridge; propr.; pioneer at Dedham, 1036. He mortg. land in Camb. March 10, 1638-9. [L.] Frm. May 6, 1646. Wife JIary adm. chh. with him 6 (1) 1640; ch. Mary b. 28 (7) 1638, (m. (9) 1662, James Maeharoy,) Samuel b. 31 (1) 10.39, Snrah b. and d. 1041, James b. 14 (1) 1043, 158 EVEBED, cont. Sarah b. 12 (4) 1644, Abigail b. 1647, Israel b. 14 (5) 1651, Ruth b. 14 (11) 1653, Jedidiah b. 11 (5) 1656. He d. 3 (5) 1682. Will dated 12 (3) 1680, prob. 25 July, 1682, beq. to wife Mary; sons Jedidiah, John and Samuel; daus. Abi- gail Puffer and Ruth; James, Daniel and Mary, ch. of dee. dau. Mary and James Mackerwithy; gr. ch. Sarah Fisher. EVEBED, alias WEBB, John, husbandman, from Marlborough, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635; mer- chant, Boston, m. Mary, widow of Thomas Fairweather in 1639. [L.] Memb. chh. 1639. Bought land in D. March 8, 1657. Called Ensign John Webb in an agreement 25 March, 1658. Owned a farm near Chelms- ford and bought a neighboring island 9 (9) 1659. He deposed 20 (4) 1659, ae. about 46 years. [Mdx. Files.] He bought of the In- dians 15 (6) 1666, the tract called Drawcutt or Aiigamtoocooke, upon Mynomack or Mer- rimack. [Norf. De. II.] He was drowned while whaling 17 (8) 1668. [D.] Admin, gr. Dec. 15, 1668, to wid- ow Mary, on petition of Thomas Hiuksman. [Mdx. Files.] His autograph will dated at Drawcutt upon Merrimack, formerly of Bos- ton, 10 Feb. 1665, prob. at Cambridge 13 (9) 1668, beq. to wife Mary; to the church of Boston; to the pastor of the chh. of Clielms- ford; to bro. William Dinsdale of Bo.; to servants Henry Nelson, Hugh Stone, Samuel Mercer alias Watts, John Bennet, Peter Eaghteliagh and Elizabeth Kilbourne; to cousins John, Robert, Thomas, Peter and Nathaniel Eayres, of Haverhill, and the wife of John [U]sleby and any other of that family; to the eldest son of John Bishop, late of Newbury, now of Nantucket. Stephen, husbandman, came with John, above, in 1635. Was a servant of Lt. Wm. Phillips; died 18 Sept. 1659. EVEBILL, James, leather-dresser, shoemaker, Bos- ton, adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 20 (5) 1634; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Town officer. He and Richard Woody hired Bird island of the town 2 (2) 1658, for 60 years at 12 d. or a bushell of salt per annum. Allowance made to him and his dau. Manninge of 140 li. In rate pay in 1680 in consideration of their houses being blown up to stop the great EVEBILL, cont. fire. Ch. Ezekiel bapt. 15 (3) 1636, Coneniah bapt. 4 (9) 1638, Elizabeth bapt. 3 (8; 1641, ae. 3 days. Abiel, who ra. 6 (5) 1655, Eliz- abeth, dau. of Lieut. Wm. Philips of Boston and d. in 1660,— was he another child? His will dated 11 Dec. prob. 2 Feb. 1682, beq. to wife Mary the est. she brought at marriage and more; to daus. Hannah Man- ning and Elizabeth Grant; to gr. ch. James Manning and Elizabeth Adkins; to the old church. EVEBT, EVABT, EVABTS, John, Concord, frm. March, 1637-8. Ch. John b. 29 (12) 1639, Judah b. 27 (8) 1642. EWELL, Henry, shoemaker, of Sandwich, Eng., came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Set- tled at Scituate; adm. chh. April 3, 1636. Vol- unteered for Pequot War in 1637. Rem. to Barnstable. Took oath of allegiance Feb. 1, 1638-9. Prop. frm. June 1, 1644; frm. 3 June, 1657. He m. at Green's Harbor Nov. 22, 1638, Sarah, dau. of Anthony Anniball; ch. John bapt. March 9, 1639, Bbenezer bapt. Feb. 12, 1642, Sarah bapt. Sept. 14, 1645, Hannah b. June 22, 1649, Gershom b. Nov. 14, 1650, Abiah b. Sept. 27, 1653 .Ichabod b. June, 1659, Deborah b. June 4, 1663, Bethlah d. May 8, 16G9. He made will 16 Aug. 1681, being aged; prob. 13 March, 1688-9; beq. to wife Sarah; refers to a legacy given to dau. Hannah by Goody Woodfield; mentions that his house was burned by the Indians; beq. to sons Gershom and Ichabod, daus. Sarah [North- ey,] Hannah, Eunice and Deborah. EWEB, Thomas, tailor, ae. 40, with wife Sarah, ae. 28, and ch. Elizabeth, ae. 4, and Thom- as, ae. 114, came iu the James in June, 1635. Settled at Charlestown; he and his wife adm. chh. 8 (11) 1635. Town officer, 1636. He d. in 1638. Anthony Dyaper of Lon- don and Andrew Blake of Strowde, Kent, Eng., were empowered lo collect money due him Oct. 31, 1638. [L.] Admin, gr. to the widow Sarah 4 (10) 1638. She m. 2, Thomas, son of Mr. John Lothrop of Barnstable. There the ch. Elizabeth d. April 9, 1641. 159 EWSTEAD, [see Husted,] Richard, wheelwright, sent over to Salem by Mass. Bay Co. in 1639. EYBROOKE, see Ibrook. EXELL, Richard, Springfield, propr. 1646-1672. He m. 4 (9) 1651, Hannah Reeves; ch. Mary b. 1 (1) 1652, John b. last of (1) 1655, Lydia b. 4 (9) 1657, Abigail b. 20 (3) 1660. EABEB, Joseph, cooper, ae. 26, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in Apr. 1635. Settled at Bos- ton, propr. He ret. to London and sold land and house in Bo. 7 (6) 1639. [L.] FABINS, FABENS, Elizabeth, ae. 16, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. "Jon" [John or Jonathan] was one of the creditors of the est. of Thomas Dill of Marblehead in 1668. FACE, see Veazie. FAIRBANK, FAIRBANCK, FAIRBANKS, FAIRBANCKE, Jonathan, Dedham, propr. 23 (1) 1636- 7, adm. chh. 14 (6) 1646. Town officer. Wife Grace; ch. John, George, Jonas, Jonathan; Mary adm. chh. 11 (10) 1640 ,(m. 1, Michael Metcalf, 2, Christopher Smith,) Susan, (m. 12 (8) 1647, Ralph Day). He d. 5 Dec. 1668; his will prob. Jan. 26, folg., mentions all the above-named and some of their children. The widow d. 28 (10) 1673. [Reg. XIX, 32.] See will of George Fairbanke of Sowerby in Halifax, Eng., dated May 28, 1650. [Reg. VII, 303.] Genealogy. Richard, Boston, adm. chh. (8) 1633, frm. May 14, 1634. He had leave to sell his shop to Saunders, a book-binder, 7 (6) 1637. He was appointed by Gen. Court 5 (9; 1639, to have charge of all letters to and from Eng., voluntarily brought to his house. He made exchange of land 1 (2) 1652. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. with him; ch. Con- stance bapt. 10 (11) 1635, (m. 30 (1) 1653, Samuel Mattoeke,) Zaccheus bapt. 8 (10) 1639, d. 10 (9) 1653. FAIRFIELD, FAYERFIELD, Daniel, a half Dutchman, b. about 1601; Salem. Rem. to Boston. A convicted criminal in 1641. [W.] Wife Sarah; ch. Mary bur. (5) 1639, Elizabeth b. 30 (8) 1640, (m. 22 (8) 1657, Joseph Sowther,) Mary b. 7 (5) 1643, (m. 20 Aug. 1660, John Parker,) John b. Oct. 28, 1600, Daniel b. Sept. 18, 1662, Sarah b. Feb. 19, 1664, Abigail b. Feb. 22, 1673, Elizabeth b. March 1, 1674, Abigail b. Nov. 6, 1677, Daniel (of Daniel and Ruth) b. Dec. 1, 1680. John, Charlestown, propr. 1638. Ree'd money from the town in 16.56. John, Salem, propr. 1G38; frm. May 13, 1640. He rem. to Wenham. Wife Eliz- abeth adm. chh. 13 (4) 1641; ch. Walter b. about 1636, John bapt. 27 (4) 1641, Benjamin bapt. 27 (4) 1646. He d. 22 (10) 1646. Will dated 11 (10) 1646, prob. at Ipswich 3 (5) 1647, (copy in Mdx. Files.) To wife Elizabeth; to sons Walter, ae. 8 years, and Benjamin, ae. 2 years; cous- in Matthew Edward's land within my farm had from Salem; Henry Bartholomew and Robert Hawes of Salem, supervisors of will. The widow m. 2, Peter Palfrey, who gave bonds to pay the portions of the three chil- dren, Walter, John and Benjamin. [Es. Files VI, 119 and X, 49.] Walter sued Peter Pal- frey 22 (7) 1660, for witholding the estate. [Mdx. Files.] FALDOE, Bartholomew, ae. 16, came in the Planter in April, 1635. FALLAND, Thomas, Yarmouth, frm. 7 Sept. 1641, atba. 1043; juryman, deputy. FALLOWELL, FALLOWAY, Gabriel, Boston, propr.; sold 2 (5) 1639, and rem. to Plymouth. Frm. 1 Sept. 1640; atba. 1043. He d. Dec. 28, 1667, ae. SO. Will, dated Oct. 14, prob. Feb. 1667; wife Katharine, bro. Robert Finney, gr. ch. Jonathan F.; Sarah, dau. of John Wood. [Reg. VII, 177.] The widow Katharine d. 7 June, 1673. Her will was prob. 7 July, 1676. She beq. to her son John Fallowell's wife and children; to gr. ch. Jonathan and Hannah, wife of Jo- 160 PALLOWELI,, etc., cont. seph Bartlett; to ber sister Anne Kinge and her cb. Samuel, Joseph and Isaac Kinge and Hannah May. Bro. Robert Finney. William, [perhaps a son of Giibriel,] Plymouth, bought house and land July 5, 163G. He m. 16 May, 1640, Martha Beal. Martha [his widow?] m. June 29, 1649, Samuel Dunham. FANE, [also called Vaine and Vane,] Henry, turner, Boston, before the Court 13 (1) 1638, and in 1644. With wife Elizabeth sold house and land in B. Jan. 6, 1659. He deposed 30 (4) 1657, ae. about 72 years, regarding Dexter's ownership of Nahant. [Es. Files XXIX, 143.] FABLEY, George, [clothier,] Woburn, taxed in 1645. One of the incorporators of Billerica in 1654. He m. April 9, 1641, Christian Births; ch. James b. and d. 1643, Caleb b. April 1, 1645, Mary b. Feb. 27, 1646, Samuel b. March, 1654, Mehitabel b. April, 1656. He d. Dec. 27, 1693. FAKNHAM, FAKNtTM, EARMAN, VARNHAM, John, joiner, Dorchester, 1638; frm. May 13, 1040. Rem. to Boston; bought shop and land about 1647. Town ofBcer. Wife Elizabeth; son John d. 26 (6) 1652. He m. 7 (2) 1654, Susanna, dau. of Thomas Arnold of Watertown; ch. John b. May, 1655, dau. Elizabeth m. 6 (6) 1657, Joshua Carwithy; Joanna b. 3 (1) 1644, (m. 7 (11) 1657, James English;) Jonathan b. 13 Nov. 1659, Hannah b. 9 (9) 1642, David b. Oct. 30, 1662, Eliza- beth b. Nov. 11, 1667, Thomas b. Sept. 17, 1670. Ralph, barber, ae. 32, with Alice, ae. 28, Mary, ae. 7, Thomas, ae. 4, and Ralph, ae. 2, came in the James in July, 1638. Settled at Ipswich, propr. 1639; rem. to Andover. He (or the son Ralph) m. Oct. 26, 1657 or 1658, Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas and Elizabeth Holt. Thomas, who deposed in 1657, ae. about 24 years, m. at Andover 8 July, 1660, Elizabeth Gibbons. Ralph, Jr. deposed in 1667, ae. about 30 years. [Es. Files.] 161 FARNWORTH, FARNSWORTH, Joseph, cooper, Dorchester, frm. March 13, 1638-9; propr. Wife Elizabeth d.; he m. 2, Mary — . Ch. Hannah bapt. 30 (10) 1638, Mary bapt. 1638-9, Rebecca bapt. 5 (11) 1639, Ruth bapt. 10 (4) 1642, (m. Mr. Puffer,) Samuel bapt. 27 (8) 1644, Samuel bapt. 30 ^3) 1647. Will prob. Feb. 1, 1659; wife Mary and her sons by former husband, Joseph and Thom- as Long; sons Joseph and Samuel; daus. Elizabeth, wife of John Mansfield, Ester; Mary, wife of Abraham Ripley; gr. son Jo- seph Peck, son of Simon Peck, who m. with ray dau. Hannah, now dec; dau. Rebecca. Genealogy. FARR, FAROUGH, FARROWE, [see Fawer,] George, Salem, frm. May 6, 1635. Had gr. of land at Lynn in 1638. He deposed on the Dexter case in 1657, ae. about 63 years. He m. 16 (11) 1643, Ann Whitmore; she de- posed in 1658, ae. about 40 years. Ch. Mary b. Jan. 6, 1644, Martha b. Feb. 25, [1646,] Phebe b. May, [1650.] [Essex Court lists.] He d. 24 Oct. 1662. [Es. Files 41, 114.] The widow Elizabeth deposed 2 June, 1684; had lived 54 years in Lynn on a tract given to her husband George Farr by the towns- men of Lynn. George, Ipswich, 1643, herd-keeper 1647; famous killer of foxes. FARRAR, FARROW, John, carpenter, with wife and ch. came from Hingham, Eng. and settled at Hingham in 1635; propr. 1636. Wife Frances d. Jan. 28, 1688. Ch. Mary, (m. 1, Samuel Slowell, 2, Joshua Beal,) John bapt. June C, 1639, Remember bapt. Aug. 1642, (m. Henry Ward,) Hannah bapt. April 9, 1648, (m. Nathaniel Foulsham,) Nathan bapt. Sept. 17, 1654. He d. 7 July, 1687; will prob. Aug. 17, 1087. Mentions all the ch. except Hannah; also gr. ch. John Garret, Frances and Na- thaniel Ward. [Reg. VI, 315.] Thomas, husbandman, Boston, son of Thomas F., of or near Burnley in Lane; husb. gave letter of attorney 2 (11) 1645, to his bro. Henry F., mariner, to sell or lease, etc. [A.] FARBINGTOir, Edmund, [or Edward,] ae. 47, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 49, and ch. Sarah, ae. 14, Matthew, ae. 12, John, ae. 11, Eliza, ae. 8, from OIney, Bucl^s, Eng., came in the Hope- well April 1, 1635. Settled at Lynn; miller; propr. 1638; mentioned in in v. of Abraham Belknap in 1643. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 74 years. Son John rem. to South- ampton, L. I. He deeded land to son Mat- thew in 1666. He d. 20 (11) 1670. His will dated 12 Aug. 1067, prob. 28 March, 1671, beq. to wife Eliz- abeth his land and corn mill for her life; to sons Matthew and Edward, son Robert Terry, dau. Elizabeth Fuller. John, gave bonds for Isaac Deesbro be- fore Gen. Court 3 (10) 1639. Settled at Ded- ham, townsman 1 (11) 1646. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 5 (2) 1650. Admin, gr. July 28, 1676, to his widow Mary and son ,Iohn. Distribution was made 3 July, 1704, after her decease, to other chil- dren, viz. Nathaniel, Daniel and Benjamin Parrington, Sarah Witherley, Abigail Hoad- ley; and to Mary Kenney, dau. of Mary Far- rlngton, another child, and John Atibot, in right of his mother, sometime Hannah Far- rington, another child. TARWELL, FAREWELL, FERWELL, Henry, Concord, 1640. Rem. to Chelms- ford. Ch. John, (ae. 50 in 1685,) Joseph b. 26 (12) 1640, Mary, Elizabeth, Olive, (m. at Chelmsford Oct. 30, 1668, Benjamin Spauld- ing). Will dated 12 July, in v. taken 5 Aug. 1670, beq. to wife Ollife, son John, Joseph, daus. Mary Bates, Ollife Spalding and Elizabeth Wilkins. Mr. Thomas, Taunton, atba. 1643. Made a contract with his servant James Bishop June 11, 16.39. [Plym. Col. Rec] FAULKNER, FAWKNER, Edmund, or Edward, Andover; licensed to sell wine, 1648. He m. at Salem Feb. 4, 1647, Dorothy Robinson. Ch. John b. 16 May, 1654, Hanna b. May, 1658. The wife Dorothy d. 27 Dec. 1668. FAULKNER, etc., cont. [Reg. XXXIX, 70.] Elizabeth, dau. o( Francis and Abigail F. d. at Andover 17 Aug. 1678. FAUNCE, PHANCE, John, Plymouth, came in 1623: frm. 1633, propr. Ch. Elizabeth b. March 23, 1647, d. March 3, 1649, Mercy b. April 10, 1651, Joseph b. May 14, 1653. He d. Nov. 29, 1654. [Plym. Col. Rec] Inv. taken Dec. 15, 1653. [Reg. V, 259.] His heir apparent, Thomas Faunce, was recog- nized by Plym. Court 29 Oct., 1668. Manasseh, yeoman, came in 1623 to Plymouth; propr. FAWER, FAUER, FAUR, FARR, Barnabas, came with Rev. Richard Mather in the James from Bristol, Eng., May 23, 1635. Settled at Dorchester. Wife Dinah d. 27 (7) 1642, leaving son Eleazer b. 18 (7) 1642. By second wife Grace Negoose, who was dism. from chh. Boston to Dorch. 10 (1) 1644, he had Abigail, bapt. 30 (.5) 1644. He rem. to Boston; was rec'd to chh. 7 (1) 1646. He d. 13 (10) 1654. Will prob. In Feb. folg. Wife Grace; son Eleazer to be kept at school with Mr. Cheever at Ipswich one year; etc. [Reg. V, 305, and IX, 135, Col. Rec] His widow m. John Johnson, q. v. FAUNE, FAWNE, FAWN, Mr. John, gent., Ipswich, propr. 1634, frm. Sept. 2, 1635. Sold land 10 Oct. 1650. Rem. to Haverhill. Ch. Elizabeth, (m. Dec. 8, 1652, Robert Clement). Luke F., stationer, London, in 1665-6 beq. to Mrs. Elizabeth Clement, living near Boston, N. E., eldest dau. of my bro. Mr. John Fawne, and to her son Fawne Clement. [Reg. 1894.] "Robert Clements, of Haverhill in Norfolk, N. E., successor to Mr. Fawne, the father to the wife of said Robert," had deed of land in Ipswich May 18, 1674. FAY, Francis Fawconer of Kingscleare, Hants, gent., beq. to my bro. Edmond Faw- coner that is living in N. E. 200 li., in his will dated 1 Sept. 1662, prob. 21 May, 1663. 1638. 162 Thomas, brought suit in Es. court in PAYERWEATHER, Thomas, Boston, propr. Inv. of his est. taken by Wm. Colborn and John Odlin 8 (11) 1038. included house and lands and personal effects. See Goodhue. TEAKE, FEAKES, FREAKE, Ileni-y, Saugus, Lynn, frm. May 14, 1634. Juryman, 1G36. He rem. to Sand- wich; had land grant 3 April, 1637. Appl. frm. 4 June, 1639. Elizabeth, m. March 24, 1650, John Dillingham. Robert, gent., son of James Feke of London, goldsmith, came to Watertown; frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer, deputy, lieut. He arranged for the sale of patri- mony for himself and sister Judith Palmer, and bro. Tobias F., ae. 17, in 1639. [L.] He m. Elizabeth (Fones,) widow of Henry Win- throp. He d. Feb. 1, 1660 or 1662. Admin, gr. Feb. 18, 1602-3. FEAN, Hannah, servant to Nathaniel Spar- hawk, Cambridge, d. 11 (1) 1649. FELCH, etc., cent. lippe, land bounded by that of her dau. Pur- chas and that of her son James Andrews. [Norf. CO. rec. IV, 75.] He removed to Maiden, where he petitioned Gov. Andros in vain for assistance in 1688. The town aided him and his wife, 1681-1692. Wife Elizabeth, dau. of widow Prudence Wilkin- son: adm. chh. Char. 19 (11) 1639. Ch. Eliz- abeth, (m. (9) 1655, William Leraby,) George, Mary, these three bapt. 26 (11) 1639; Mary, (m. (2) 16G0, James Nichols,) Moyses, bapt. 20 (10) 1640. He d. in 1693; the widow d. in 1694. Gene- alogy. Henry, Gloucester, propr.; rem. to Reading; propr. 1644; sold Gloc. land before 1649. Town officer. Son Henry also a propr. in 1647. He made will 4 July, 1670, prob. 27 (7) folg. Beq. to wife; sons Henry Felch and Samuel [....] ton; to each of his gr. ch. His dau. Alary and her husband John Wl- borne deeded land 2 (6) 1671, to her mother Elizabeth F., widow. FEARING, FERING, John, servant to Matthew Hawk, came in 1638 from Cambridge Eng. and settled at Hingham; propr. 1635, frm. May 26, 1652. Selectman, deacon. Wife Margaret; ch. John, Israel bapt. Sept. 1644, Mary bapt. April 18, 1647, (m. James Hersey,) Sarah bapt. July 29, 1649, (m. Benjamin Lincoln.) He d. 14 May, 1665. Will prob. June 16, 1665, beq. all to wife and ch. [Reg. XIII, 331.] FEASIE, see Veazie. FEBAR, see Faber. FELCH, FELT, George, mason, Charlestown, 1633, re- sided at Mystic Side, 1640. He deposed 20 (11) 1654, ae. about 40 years. He removed about 1640 to Casco Bay, settling at Great Cove; was one of the founders of North Tarmouth, District of Maine. He made an agreement with his son George on the day of the latter's marriage, (9) 1662, to pay him £ 40. See also deed of Jane, widow of Arthur Mackworth, gent., of Falmouth, conveying to George Felt, husband of her dau. Phil- 163 FELLOW, FELLOWS, Samuel, planter, weaver, Salisbury, propr. 1639; frm. May, 1645. Wife Ann d. Dec. 5, 1684. Ch. Samuel b. Jan. 13, 1646, Hannah b. Sept. 15, 1648, (m. Nathaniel Brown). He deposed Nov. 11, 1679, ae. about 60 years. He d. March 6, 1697-8. Admin, of his est. June 30, 1698. William, shoemaker, ae. 24, certified from St. Albons, Herts., came in the Planter April 2, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr.; herdsman, 1639; hu.sbandman. He deposed in 1659, ae. about 50. Will dated Nov. 29, 1676, prob. March 27, 1677, beq. to wife; sons Isaac, Ephraim, Sam- uel and Joseph; daus. Mary, Elizabeth, Abi- gail and Sarah. FELMINGHAM, FILMINGAN, Francis, came in 1637 to Salem; propr, 1637. Adm. chh. 16 (4) 1650. He m. Fran- ces, dau. of Benjamin Cooper, who brought them over at his own charge. [Endecott; Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] Ch. Mary, E'rances, Rebecca and John bapt. 7 (6) 1650. FELTON, Benjamin, turner, Salem, propr. 1636, frm. 22 May, 1639. Constable; his shop men- tioned in a deed in 1647. He deposed In 1668, ae. about 64 years; his wife Mary Oepos. in 1661, ae. about 35 years. Bought a house and land of Mr. Peter's attorney in 1659. Ch. John bapt. 26 (10) 1639, Remem- ber bapt. 28 (3) 1643, Benjamin bapt. 18 (11) 1645. [Col. Rec. 29 (5) 1641.] He d. in 1688. [See wills of supposed re- lations in Yarmouth, Eng. in Reg. LII.] Nathaniel, Salem, son of widow Ellen, (who was adm. ehh. before 1636,) had land assigned with her in 1636. He deposed 12 (9) 1666, ae. about 50 years. Adm. ehh. 13 (6) 1648. Wife Mary; ch. John bapt. 30 (7) 1648, Ruth bapt. 29 (8) 1648, Mary bapt. 6 (2) 1651, Elizabeth b. 18 March, 1652, bapt. 1 (3) 1653, Nathaniel b. 15 (6) bapt. 28 (8) 1655, Mary b. 15 (11) 1657, bapt. 30 (3) 165S, Hannah bapt. 20 (4) 1663, Susanna bapt. 29 (1) 1665. He d. July 30, 1705; will prob. May, 1706, beq. to ch. John, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Ruth and Hannah. FEN, EENN, Benjamin, Dorchester, propr. 1637. Richard, (Fen or Fennye,) ae. 27, came in the Planter April 7, 1635. Robert, Salem. His wife Deborah adm. c-hh. 13 (4) 1641. Ch., a dan., bapt. 4 (5) 1641. Rem. to Boston about 1644. He placed his son Robert Twogood with Thomas Marsh- field in 1040. He m. 1, Deborah — ; he m. 2, 26 (4) 1654, Mary, widow of Capt. Thom- as Hawkins. Ch. Robert bapt. in Bo. 16 (4) 1644, Deborah b. 15 (11) 1645, Elizabeth bapt. 26 (10) 1647. He ret. to London and d. before June, 1657, when his widow bought land in Bos- ton, which she sold to George Munjoy. She m. 3, 27 Feb. 1661, Henry Shrimpton. TENNYE, see FINNEY. FENNER, see Fenn and Venner, Rebecca, ae. 25, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. 164 FENWICK, FENNICK, Eliza, ae. 35, came in the Defense in July, 1635. George, Esq., of Gray's Inn, London, came with wife to Boston in 1636. Went to Conn, in company with Rev. Hugh Peter (4) 1036. Jlrs. Mary P. went from Bo. to Salem with Jlrs. P. 13 (9) 1646. He ret. to Eng.; was made a colonel and gov. of Tinmouth Castle in 1648. [W.] His will dated 10 March, 1646, prob. 27 April, 1657, mentions dau. Elizabeth exec; wife Katharine; father-in- law Mr. Clavering, and his wife Mrs. Doro- thy C; bro. Claudius; sisters Ledgard ana Cullicli; bro. Cullicli; nephew Thomas Led- gard, niece Clifton; niece Rootflower's boy; daus. Elizabeth and Dorothy; their uncle Ed- ward Apsley, Esq. All his est. in N. E. to sister Cullick and her ch., beside liberal money legacies. [Reg. XXXVIH, 199.] FERGOOSE, see Vergoose. FERMAES, FERMASE, FERMACE, FER- MAYES, FORMATS, VERMAES, Abigail, Salem, adm. ehh. 19 (7) 1640. Benjamin, Salem, adm. ehh. 6 (1) 1641- 2. Boston, frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Ply- mouth. Bought house and garden in Ply- mouth 11 July, 1649. He m. Dec. 21, 1648, Mercy, dau. of Gov. Wm. Bradford. Mark, Salem, 1638; frm. May 13, 1640. Alice, widow, Salem, propr. and memb. ehh. Rem. to Boston; she d. 9 (12) 1655. Will prob. Feb. 8, 1656; beq. to sister Joan Towne, to daus. Sarah Langdon, Ester Estick, Susan Goose, and Abigail Hutchinson; gr. eh. Susan Goose; son-in-law Mr. Edward Hutchinson. Est. in Salem and Boston. Jonathan Negus [Negoose,[ a witness. FERNSIDE, FERNISIDE, FARNESEED, FURNESEY, Mr. John, Boston and Duxbury. Suit rs. Bonney in Plym. Court, 1045. He de- posed to the will of John Paybody in 1667. Wife Elizabeth; ch. .Tacob b. 28 (5) 1642, Mary b. 8 (7) 1646. Hannah b. 8 (3) 1650, Lydia b. 3 April, 1653. Abigail bapt. 10 (2) 1653, Elizabeth b. and d. 1658, Ruth b. Aug. 20, 1061, Sarah bapt. 24 (2) 1664. Will prob. at Boston 24 Feb. 1693-4, beq. to wife Elizabeth and son Jacob and each of the daus. now living. FEKRIS, Jeffrey, frm. May 6, 1G35. PESSENDEN, FISSENDEN, FISHING- TON, PHESINGTON, John, glover, Cambridge, propr. before 1G3G. Came to N. E. with his father's eon- sent. [Rel.] Town officer. Frm. June 2, 1641. He and his wife Jane membs. of the chh. in 1G58. [Mi.] He d. Dec. 21, 1G66. Nunc, will prob. April 2, 16G7; beq. to his wife and his kins- man Nicholas F. Aid to be given to Hope Atherton if he came again to the college. His widow d. Jan. 13, 1G82, ae. 80. The widow, in her will dated Dec. 20, 1682, prob. 31 (1) 1G84, beq. her whole estate to her cousin Nicholas Fessenden, he to pay legacies to cousin Hannah Sewall and her children, to sister More and other individ- uals. Judge Samuel Sewall in his diary calls Nicholas cousin, and mentions visiting "Aunt F. with her ch. John, Mary, Elizabeth and Jane at Canterbury, Eng. in 1688-9. FIELD, FEILD, Alexander, cordwinder, Salem, propr., 16-42. His wife adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648. He sold house and land in 1652. Darby, an Irishman, resident of Mar- blehead, 1637. Climbed the White Hill In 1642. [W.] Rem. to Dover. Mrs. Mary, widow, Boston, adm. chh. 25 (10) 1647. Robert, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 14 <2) 1644, frm. May 29, 1644. Came from Yealing, Eng. in the James in April, 1635. Allowed to keep a cook's shop in 1652. Wife Mary adm. chh. 26 (9) 1648; ch. John bapt. 26 (3) 1644, Robert b. 30 (9) 1647, William bapt. 17 (1) 1650, Thomas b. 1 (10) 1G51, Thomas b. 28 Nov. 1652, Robert b. 11 Sept. 1653, John b. June, 1656, Elizabeth b. June 17, 1658, Sarah b. Oct. 20, 1660, d. 30 Sept. 1661. Daniel b. Sept. 6, 1662, Sarah b. March 25, 1665. Admin, gr. to widow JIary 30 (5) 1675. FIFIELD, William, came in the Hercules April 11, 1634. Settled at Hampton. Deposed 9 March, 1669, ae. about 55 years. FILBRICK, see PMlbrick, Robert, Ipswich, reed, land in 1639 for service in the Pequot War. FILBERT, see Philbert. FILER, Walter, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. FINCH, Abraham, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Arthur, witnessed a deed of Sir R. Sal- tonstall March 2, 1629. [Arch. 100, 1.] Daniel, Watertown, frm. May 18, 1631. On a committee of Gen. Court in 1631. Rem. to Wethersfield, Conn. John, Watertown; his wigwam and goods burned in Sept., 1630. Propr. 1636. Rem. to Conn. Samuel, Roxbury, frm. May 14, 1634. His wife Katharine in Court 4 (7) 1638, for speaking against magistrates, etc. He m. Dec. 13, 1654, Judith Potter. He d. 27 (11) 1673; old sister Finch d. 10 (8) 1683. His will dated 10 Nov. prob. 26 Feb. 1673, beq. to the Free School of Roxbury; to the College; to wife's cousin Mary Fressell or to her children; to wife Judith; to Hannan, wife of John Mayo. FINNEY, FENNEY, FENNYE, PHIN- NEY, John, Plymouth, propr. 2 Dec. 1639; frm. 20 Aug. 1644. He rem. to Barnstable; joined the chh. Aug. 29. His wife Chris- tian d. Sept. 9, 1649; he m. at Bar. July 9, or June 10, 1650, Abigail, widow of Henry Cogan; she was bur. May 7, 1053. He reed, a letter, dated at Burdport [Bridport] 10 April, 1654, from his father-in-law Tho. Bishop, asking him to send to him Abigail Coggan, his grand child, to Weymouth to his dau. Mrs. Sarah Lydds in Milcomb; wishes him to care for the other gr. ch. Thomas and Henry Coggan. [Ply. Rec. of Deeds, Vol. 2, folio 135.] He m. 26 June, 1G54, Elizabeth Bayley of Bar.; ch. John, 14 years old, (b. 24 Dec. 1638, at Plymouth,) was bapt. at Bar. July 31, 1653, Jonathan b. 14 Aug. 1655, Robert b. 13 Aug. 1656, Han- nah b. 2 Sept. 1657, Elizabeth b. 15 March, 1658-9, Josiah b. 11 Jan. 1660, Jeremiah b. 15 Aug. 1662, Joshua b. Dec. 1665. Mother lo5 FINNEY, etc., cont. Finney d. at Plymouth April 22, 1650, ae. upwards of SO. [Mother of John and Rob- ert?] Robert, bro. of John, planter, Ply- mouth, propr. Dec. 2, 1G39; town officer; deacon. He m. 1 Sept. 1641, Phebe Ripley. He d. Jan. 7, 1687-8, ae. 80 years. [Chh. Rec] Will dated 20 May, 1686, prob. at Plymouth 14 March, 1687; on file at Boston. Beq. to wife Phebe; to liinsmen Robert and Josiah F. of Ply.; to John F., Jr. of Barn- stable, son of bro. John; to Charity May; to Hannah, wife of Ephraim Morton, Jr. FIRMIN, FEBMAN, FIRMAN, Mr. Giles, apothecary, from Sudbury, Eng., came to Boston; adm. chh. 1632-3. Frm. March 4, 1633-4. Chosen deacon Oc*:. 10, 1633; town officer 1 (7) 1634. He d. before 6 (S) 1634, when his successor in office was chosen. [For English connec- tions see E. and W. and Reg. XXXVni, 72.] Wife Martha Dogget. [D. Genealogy.] Giles, [son of the above?] settled at Ipswich. Ret. to Eng. and became a preach- er and writer. [C. M.] John, came in 1030; settled at Water- town. His wigwam was burnt Nov. 10, 1630. Frm. May 18, 1631. He seems to have ret. to Eng. and to be the person, ae. 46, who came in the Elizabeth of Ipswicrj April 30, 1634. Propr., deacon, selectman Josiah, Boston, servant to John Win- throp, adm. chh. 6 (4) 1640. Thomas, merchant, Ipswich, propr. 1635; bought and sold land in 1647. Inv. of his est. 10 (2) 1648. and admin, gr. to the widow Sarah. FISH, Gabriel, fisherman, Exeter, gave let- ter of attorney Aug. 3, 1639, for collection of money at Thorsthrop and Alford, co. Lin- coln, Eng. [L.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Deborah bapt. at Boston 11 (10) 1642, ae. about 8 days, Abel b. 15 (10) 1644, Elizabeth bapt. 4 (8) 1646, ae. about 5 days. John, Sandwich, propr. 1640; atba. 1643. He and Jonathan F. drew a bill on their father, which was protested 17 May, 1643. [A.] Wife Cecilia; ch. Nathaniel, (par- FISH, cont. entage not stated,) b. at S. Nov. 27, 1648, Caleb b. and d. 1649. He d., and admin, was gr. to the widow Lydia 3 May, 1664; the inv. was taken IS Nov. 1663. Jonathan, bro. of John, above, Sand- wich, propr. 1640, atba. 1643. With wife Mary, called to testify in court 20 Aug. 1644. Ch. Nathaniel b. Dec. 18, 1650. Nathaniel, Sandwich, propr. 1640. Ch. John b. April 13, 1651, Samuel b. Aug. 10, 1668; d. and beq. £ 8 to his aged father 2 Feb. 1691-2. Inv. of the est. of Nathaniel, Sen. taken 14 March, 1693-4. Widow Lydia and her bro. John Miller of Yarmouth admin.; engagement before marriage to pay her as much as he had with her, about £ 66. FISHER, Anthony, Sen., Dedham, propr. 18 (5) 1637. Deputy. He m. in Dorchester 14 (9) 1663, Isabel, widow of Edward Breck. He d. April 18, 1671, in his 80th year. Admin, and division 26 (5) 1671. Sons Daniel, Nathaniel and Cornelius F. and Daniel Morse; dau. Joane, (widow of An- thony F., who had d. a year before). At some previous time, not given with the document, Daniel, Anthony, Nathaniel and Cornelius F. gave bond to their mother, to pay her ten pounds per year at 2 li. 10 s. the quarter of the yeare, in payment to her just content, dureing her naturall life. [Ded. Rec] The widow d. June 21, 1673. Will dated 20 Sept. 1671, prob. 3 (5) 1673, beq. to Abigail, dau. of her dau. Turner; sons-in-law Turner and Samuel Paul; to every one of her gr. ch.; to son John Breck, son Samuel Rigby; rest to her 5 daus.: son-in-law Thomas Holman to pay dau. Susanna 3 pounds toward wedding outfit. Joshua, Dedham, was allowed, 1 (11) 1637, to enter on the priveleges offered by the town to a smith, on behalf of his father, who is expected next summer; but must va- cate if he come not in time to suit the town. The privileges were granted 28 (6) 1038, to Edward Kempe. Joshua, a servant, was adm. chh. (6) 1639. He (or his father) made a plot of ground in Braintree for the Iron Works Co. and the town 16 (9) 1647. Lieut. He m. 15 (1) 1643, Mary Aldis; she d. 3 (7) 1653. He m. 2, 16 (12) 1653-4, Lydia Oliver. 166 FISHEB, cont. Cb. JIary b. 23 (1) 1644, Joshua b. 30 (8) 1645, Abigail b. 29 (12) 1648, Joshua b. 9 (11) 1050, John b. 18 (12) 1651. Admin, and division by agreement Nov. 23, 1672, sons-in-law Thomas Clap, John Holton and Daniel Fisher joining with the sons Joshua, John and Vigilant. The wid- ow Lydia made will 29 (1) 1680, prob. 24 May, 1683. Son Vigilance, daus. Mary Clap, — Burroughs, Abigail Houghton and Ke- becca Fisher; cousins Mary Clap and Jone Fisher; bro. Deacon Aldis, Mr. Adams of Ded., Mr. and Mrs. Man of Milton. Joshua, Sen., smith, Dedham, adm. townsman, 1648; special grant of land 21 (7) 1650. He rem. to Medfield. Wife Anne; ch. Lieut. Joshua and John. He and his wife deed land and furnishings at M. to their son John, when about to marry Eliz- abeth, dau. of the late Thomas Boyleston, of Watertown, April 5, 1658. John's will gives important family items. [Reg. XIX, 34.] Will dated 2 May, prob. 19 (9) 1674. Beq. to wife; dau. Mary, wife of Thomas Battle, and each of her children; gr. ch. Joshua Fisher; gr. ch. Mary, wife to Thos. Clap; gr. ch. Abigail, wife of John Houghton; gr. ch. John, son of Joshua Fisher; gr. ch. Han- nah Burro wes; gr. ch. John, son of John Fisher; his sister Elizabeth and bro. Jona- than; to gr. ch. Vigilance, son of Joshua Fisher. Cousin Daniel F. of Dedham and gr. ch. Joshua F. execs. The widow Anne, in will dated 8 April, 1675, prob. 1 Feb. 1676-7, beq. to dau. Bat- tle, grand children John and Joshua, sons of her late son Lieut. Joshua P., and to John and Elizabeth, ch. of her late son John F. .John, Dedham, propr. 13 (5) 1037; d. 15 (5) 1637. His widow Elizabeth, adm. chh. 21 (6) 1640, d. 31 (11) 1651. Her small est. was admin. 10 (12) 1655, by Henry Chicker- ing and Anthony Fisher. [Reg. VII, 58.] Thomas, carpenter, Cambridge, propr. of house and land, 1634; frm. March 4, 1634- 5. Rem. to Dedham; adm. propr. 18 (5) 1637. He d. 10 (6) 1638. The town gave to his widow 40 shillings toward the bargain tie had made in building the meeting-house, 25 (1) 1639. She paid to the attorney of Elisha FISHER, cont. Bridges, 4 (7) 1639, a legacy left by her hus- band for his dau. Sarah, wife of John Black- ston. [L.] She had leave from Gen. Court 13 May, 1640, to admin, her husband's est., and to sell half of her lot for the bringing up of her children. FISKE, David, wheelwright, Cambridge, Water- town; frm. March 16, 1637-8. Town officer, juror. He deposed April 1, 1672, ae. about 49 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Lydia d. and he m. 2, Seaborne — after 1648; ch. Lydia b. 29 (2) 1647, Sarah bur. 8 (3) 1647, David b. 1 (7) 1648, d. 20 (7) 1049, David b. 15 (2) 1650, Elizabeth, Sarah, Hannah bapt. Nov. 27, 1659. [Mi.] He d. about 1662. Will dated Sept. 10, 1660, prob. Jan. 22, 1662, beq. to dau. Fitch and son David. James, Salem, adm. chh. 2 (5) 1641; frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Newbury; thence to Wenham. Reed, to chh. of W. from that of N. in 1644. Rem. to Haverhill; propr. 1646. Rem. to Groton. He m. Han- nah Pike; [Hav. Rec] ch. James b Aug. 8, 1649, John b. Dec. 10, 1651, Ann b. and d. 1054, Tliomas b. June 23, 1655, Ann b. Feb. 11, 1656, Samuel b. Nov. 1, 1658. He d. at Groton 4 July, 1689; will dated 14 June, 1689, prob. at Cambridge; beq. to sons James, John, Samuel and Thomas, and dau. Hannah. Rev. John, planter, minister, physician, b. at St. James, co. Suffolk, Eng., eldest of four children, all of whom afterward came to N. E. with him in 1637. Grad. at Cam- bridge. Preached three years at Salem; frm. Nov. 2, 1637. Brought letter of recommen- dation to Gov. Winthrop 19 April, 1637. [Mass. H. Coll. 4-0.] He made an agree- ment, ratified by Gen. Court 4 Sept. 1038, with his bro. William F., concerning est. and land. He ret. 200 li. of the est. to W. and became «ole propr. of the land. Wil- liam agreed to leave 100 li. to John in case he should die unmarried under 24 years of age. Rem. to Wenham; gave land for the meetinghouse 2 (1) 1042. Town officer; min- ister. About 1050 he rem. to Chelmsford, where he was pastor until his death. His wife d. Feb. 14, 1671, and he m. again. [C. M.] 167 FISKE, cont. He d. Jan. 14, 1G76. Will dated 8 June, prob. 22 Feb. 1G76, beq. to wife Elizabeth, son Jobn and his wife Lydia, daus. Sarah, wife of John Farwell, and Anna; younger son Moses; to William, eldest son of my bro. William, late of Wen.; to his widow and their other children. His eh. reed, legacies from the est. of their uncle John Clarlse, physician, of Newport, R. I. Nathan, Sen., Watertown, frm. May 10, 1642. He bought land 10 (7) 1643. Wife Susan; ch. Nathan b. 17 (8) 1642, John b. 25 (6) 1647, David b. 29 (2) 1650, Nathaniel b. 12 (5) 1653. He d. June 21, 1676. His sister, Martha tJnderwood, deposed. Will dated 19 June, prob. 10 July, 1676. beq. to sons Nathan, John, David and Nathaniel, and dau. Sarah Gale. Beside the above-named children, he mentioned dau. Sarah. Phinehas, Salem, frm. May 18, 1642. He rem. to Wenham. Mentioned in town rec. 21 (1) 1642; town officer. Son John adm. chh. 21 (11) 1648. He d. 7 (2) 1673. Will prob. 26 (4) 1673; sons John and Thomas; nephew Samuel F.; Mara F. William, bro. of John, above, Salem, frm. May 18, 1642. Lie. by Gen Court to sell wine, 13 Nov. 1644. Deputy. Rem. to Wenham. Constable 26 (12) 1643. [Es. Court.] Wife Bridget; ch. William bapt. 4 (4) 1643, Joseph bapt. 21 (3) 1648. He d. about 1654. Inv. taken 16 (7) 1654. FITCH, FITTS, James, tailor, ae. 30, with wife Abi- gail, ae. 24, and John, ae. 14, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Settled at Boston. Adm. chh. with wife 27 (10) 1635. Ch. Eliz- abeth bapt. 15 (3) 1636, (m. John Parker, mariner, and sold land, April 27, 1659, which had belonged to James and Richard Fitch, and which was beq. to her by Richard). Richard, Boston, propr. 1635. He d. before 1659. Zeehariah, or Zachary, Salem, frm. Sept. 7, 1638. Propr. at Lynn in 1638, and at Reading from 1644. He and his wife rec'd to R. chh. from that of L. before 1648. He deposed 2 (2) 1661, ae. about 70 years; son Joseph at same time, ae. about 23. [Mdx. 168 FITCH, etc., cont. Files.] Ch. Jeremy, propr., at Reading In 1647, Samuel b. at Lynn, (rec. at R.) March 6, 1644, Zeehariah d. June 20, 1647. He d. June 9, 1662. Will dated 10 (1) prob. June 17, 1662, beq. to wife Mary, sons Jo- seph, Samuel, Benjamin, Jeremiah and Thomas; dau. Sarah and her husband John Wesson. FITCHENE, Peter, came in the Champion in 1639. Was drowned at Boston. Inquest 3 (8) 1639. Inv. of goods rendered. FITCHER, Lieut., one of the colony at Mt. Wol- laston about 1623. Left in charge by Ras- dell, was ejected by Morton. Ret. to Eng. LB.] FITTS, FFITT, FIT, Richard, planter, bro. of Robert, New- bury, propr. 1637. He. m. 8 Oct. 1654, Sara Ordway; she d. 24 April, 1668. He d. 2 Dee. 1672. In his will, prob. March 25, 1673, he beq. to bro.-in-law James Ordway; his sister Travisse's dau.; kinsman Abraham F. and his ch., Abraham and daus, all under age. Abraham, in a deed, calls Richard his uncle. Robert, planter, propr. at Salisbury in 1639; rem. to Ipswich about 1652. He m. Grace, sister of Mr. Robert Lord. Son Abra- ham. They gave testimony 22 (10) 1664, as to the promise made by Simon Thompson desiring their son Abraham who married his daughter to come to Ipswich and reside. His cousin Isaiah Wood, son-in-law of Si- mon Tompson, also testified. He d. May 9, 1665. Will dated Jan. 5, 1663, prob. June 26, 1665; beq. to wife Grace the goods and est. left to her by her mother, to dispose of among her kindred; son Abraham F. to have land at Salisbury which he purchased of his bro. Wm. Barnes, and other est.; wife to have remainder for life. Grace app. her bro. Robert Tounsend of Ipsw. her attor- ney in a suit vs. Samuel Gove, June 17, 1667. [Reg. XIII, 112, and XXXI, 323.] The widow Grace d. April 25, 1684. Goodman Fitts, tailor, Charlestown, had liberty to set up a salt pan in 1637. [Town Rec] Additions and Cokrkctions, 1902. CARTER, Richard ; insert " lie " in second line, page 90, after 1641. CHAMBERLAIN, etc., Tliomas; his wife "Mary" sold Land in 1658. [Mdx. Deeds.] William, planter; his wife Rebecca joined him in a deed of land 26 Oct. 1668. CHENEY, William; second column, first and second lines should read : 1679-80. She rem. to Boston ; d. 2 or 3 (5) 1686; will prob. Sept. 23, 1686. CHESTER, Leonard, " armiger," [£;rave- stone]. "The Cliester arms" mentioned in ■ the will of his widow. See Russell below. CLEMENT, etc., Mr. RoI)ert, resident in An- dover, 1642; his dan. "Mary Osgood alias Clemence," deposed 19 July, 1695, aged 58 years; was of Coventry, co. Warwicl^, before 1652. |Es. De. X, 190; Reg. XIII, 272.] COBBET, Rev. Thomas, died Nov. 5, 1685. [S.] COLBORN, William; change "George" to John " Barrel!." COLLIER, Tliomas, with wife Jane, dau. of — Curtes, late of Reading, co. Berks., consti- tuted her bro. John Curtes attorney 21 (10) 1649 for collection of legacy left by her grand- mother, Jane Alexander, of R. [A.] COLLINS, Christopher, perhaps identical with the " shoemaljer" who bought land at Scarbo- rough, Maine, 10 Jan. 1659. His son Timothy removed to Newbury, and Dec. 28, 1680, sold land at " Blew Point," (. e. Scarborough, de- rived from his father Christopher Collins. COOK, Walter; children recorded : Ebenezer b. May 30, 1656, Walter b. Sept. 10, 1657, Nicholas b. Feb. 9, 1659; "a dau. of Walter and Experience Cook" b. Nov. 9, 1602. Hannah m. James Albee; E.xperience ra. Peter Adams. CURTIS, Richard ; insert after Mary Badcock another daughter, mentioned in his will, namely " Martha Clarke." DALLIBER, etc., Tristram ; add : See also the will of Robert Dalyber of Stoke Abbott, yeo- man, dated 20 March, 1632, prob. 27 May, 1633 ; be beq. to sons Robert, Tristram, Samuel and Joseph; daus. Mary, Sarah and Rebecca ; sons in law Walter Burt and Jolin Lesty ; and to "wife." [Reg. XLVIII, 128.] DANE, John; his son John wrote a n.arrativc of his eai-ly life, which, with family pedigree, Is given in Reg. VIII, 147-156. DANFORTH, Nicholas; erase " Martha," etc. from list of children, as she bought land of Thomas Danfortli which /te had " inherited," etc. DARBY, DERBY, Edward ; add children Mary b. Dec. 29, 1660, Priscilla b. Jane 20, 1672, John and Sarah bapt. 8 (10) 1672. Is the tes- tator the same as the foregoing? Date of will should be 1723. DARLOE, Penelope, specified as a maidservant to Robert Keaine when admitted to the Church. D ARVILL, DEVEL, Robert ; " Robert Davoll, of Sudbury, N. E.," made Henry Rice of Lon- don his attorney 19 (8) 1650, to collect dues on lands called the Harrots in the parish of [Nor- church] alias Barkhamsted in Hertfordshire. [A.] DAVIS, DA VIES, etc., James, Hampton; it was the son James who deposed 14 (2) 1663, ss. aljout 60 years. William, Roxbnry, propr. 1043. Wife Eliza- beth adm. chh., and children John, Samuel and Joseph bapt 8 (11) 1649 ; she was buried May 4, 1658; he mar. Oct. 21, 1658, Alice Thorpe, (perhaps widow of John, of Plymouth) ; she was adm. chh. Rox. 7 (4) 1663; died 24 (12) 1067. He mar. third, Jane-, who was adm. chh. 8 (4) 1673; he was adm. chh. "to full communion," 20 (2) 1673. Children, John b. Oct. 1, 1643, Samuel b. Feb. 21, 1644, William and Elizabeth bapt. 14 (4) 1663, Mathew bapt. 24 (11) 1663, Jonathan b. Feb. 7, 1666, Mary, Jane, Rachel b. Aug. 26, 1672, — these three bapt. 18 (3) 1673; Benjamin bapt. 7 (4) 1674, Ichabod b. April 1, 1678, Ebenezer b. April 9, 1678, William b. Jan. 3, 1679-80, Sarah b. July 20, 1681, Isaac b. April 18, 1683, Rachel (m. Josiah Goddard). He died 9 Dec. 1683; [Probate papers] ; will dated Dec. 6, prob. Dec. 28, 1683; beq. to wife (called Jane in the papers); to his "three eldest sons, John, Samuel and Joseph"; to sons Matthew and Jonathan, when they come to age; to dau. Elizabeth a trunk that was her mother's and a bill of 12 pounds. His age is given as 66 years; land specified in Rox. and Boston. (168— a) ^*" Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. Additions and Corrections, 1902. DEACON, alias FRANCIS, John, of Lynn, bad accounts with Gifford in 1G53 etc. [Es. files]. Is probably the man who came in IGiJo ; con- stable. Juryman, sergeant. DEACON, DEAKIN, etc. " One Dakin and his wife dwelling ne.ar Meadford coming from Cambridge where they had spent their Sab- bath," she narrowly escaped drowning while fording the river ; was saved by their dog. [VV.] Richard Francis, Cambridge, lived in "Meadford" 20 Dec. 1GG5, when he and "Ales" Lis wife sold land. He d. at Camb. "an an- tient and goodman indeed," — ce. 80 years." [S. tind Mdx. Uec] DENNIS, William, in his will speaks of son in law " William Peakes" not Parker. DUNCAN, Nathaniel, mar. at Exeter, Eng., Elizabeth Jordon ; license dated .Jan. 3, lUlG-T. DYER, George, his wife Abigail was a member of the church in earliest list— before 1G39. Query : did she die and did he mar. as a sec- ond wife Martha, formerly wife of Edward AVhite, and mother of James W. whom he calls in his will " son in law " ? EAGLESFIELD, Mary, her mother was Sus- anna, dan. of Thomas and Katharine (Myles) Grey, of Harwich, Eng. [L.] See Coytmore. EATON, Francis; read " child Samuel, an in- fant," etc. ELIOT, etc. " Philip Elliott, of Nasing, co. Essex, husbandman, bachelor, aged about 22, and Elizal)eth Sybthorpe, spinster, maiden, aged about 23, daughter of Robert Sybthorpe, deceased," were licensed to marry by the bishop Of London Oct. 20, 1624, her widowed mother consenting. [Printed Rec] FARNHAM, Ralph; came in the year 1G35 ; his son Ralph mar. Elizabeth Holt. The father d. 8 Jan. 1G32-3; inv. filed March 29, 1C93. FALCONER, FAULKNER, etc., Edmund; he made Wm. Twiss, of .-Vudovor, his attorney, 2 (6) 1G50, to collect legacy from the estate of bis father Richard Falconer, late of Kings- cleare, co. Hampshire. [A.] FITCH, Richard, see Reg. XVI., 8G7. GETCHELL, Samuel, cli. Samuel b. 8 Feb- 1657. GLOVER, Rev. Josse, came from Sutton, co. Essex, Eng. ; his windmill at Lynn was sold by trustees for the benefit of his children 22 (3) 1645. [Suff. De. I, 77.] GOOKIN, Daniel, at his death was " aged 75 years." [Co. rec] GOULD, Samuel, Haverhill, propr. 1650. GREENOUGH, William, Boston, made will July 24, 1678; beq. to wife; to dau. Elizabeth land next that of " brother Cooke " ; land where kinsman William Greenougli lives; and land bounded by that of " couzen Sumner " ; to dau. Mary G. and to "couzen William Greenough." I'rob. 18 Feb. by Mrs. Elizabeth G., who, as " Prout, l.ate Greenough," filed inv. 22 May, 1G86; as such she also reed, property from the estate of "her father, Nicholas Upshall." It was the nephew William who mar. Ruth Swift and later mar. Elizabeth, dau. of elder Rains- ford, whose records became intertwined with those of the pioneer. Children Mary, Anna, Luke, William, John, Samuel and Consider were of the younger mau, who died Aug. 6, 1G93. HAIT, HETT, HITT, etc., Thomas, of Hull, late of Stockingham, co. Lincoln, Eng., sent power of attorney thither 10 (7) 1647, for col- lection of rents. [A.] HALL, Edmund, should be HULL. IIASEY, HALSEY, ASEY, etc., William, add child Joseph, baptized as "of Wm. Asey's wife," 28(4)1657. William Hasey mar. second, Judith, widow of Jonathan Poole ; she survived him and mar. afterwards Lieut. Robert Gould, of Hull, and there died in 1704. [See deed of Judith, in possession of heirs of the late Robert Gould.] The Judith mentioned in article' on page 217 is the dau. of Richard Jacobs and wife of William H., Jr., on whose estate she admin, in 1695. HARBOUR, John; see article on Benj. Scott for marriage of the widow, HEARD, HERD, etc., Luke, may be the son of Edmund Herd, weaver, of Claxton, Eng., who beq. his best loom and other things to his eldest son Luke, at 21 years of age, in his will of Nov 20, 1626. [Reg. LI., 423.] HILL, HILLS, Joseph; his wife Helen, not Rose, was sister of Mr. Henry Dunster. Zebulon deposed Feb. 7, 1684-5, se. about 64 years. [Es. De. IX, 8.J HILTON, William, Junior, is the Newbury resident, we judge; not William, Senior, who made his home at Piscataqua river. HOLT, Nicholas, "dish-turner," with wife Martha, sold land to his second son Henry 15 Dee. 1681. Henry m. Feb. 24, 1669, Sarah, dau. of William Ballard. HULL, Rev. Joseph, removed to York, Me. and was settled as their minister in 1643. [W.] He and Roger Garde measured land for Mr. God- frey 5 May, 1644; his wife Agnes witnessed a deed with him in 1645. [York Deeds.] HUTCHINSON, Edward, not " William," was husband of Susanna and father of William. ^=" Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. FFITZPEN, see Phippen. riTZ RANDOLPH, FITZRANDALL, FITZRANDOLPH, FITSRANDALL, FITSRANDLE, Mr. Edward, came from Nottingham- shire, Eng.; settled at Seituate; propr. 1636, adm. chh. May 14, 1637, frm. 4 Sept. 1638. He rem. to Barnstable in 1639; juryman, 1641. Sold house and lands 1 June. 1649. He m. May 10, 1637, Elizabeth Blossom, who was adm. chh. Aug. 27, 1643. Ch. Nathaniel b. and d. 1640, Nathaniel b. about 1642, (m. Mary, dau. of Joseph HoUey,) Mary b. Oct. 6, 1644, Hannah bapt. April 23, 1648, Han nah b. April, 1649, Mary bapt. June 2, 1650, Mary b. May, 1651, John bapt. Jan. 2, 1652, John b. Oct. 7, 1653, Joseph b. March 1, 1656, Thomas b. Aug. 16, 1659, Hope b. April 2, 1661. He removed to New Jersey about 1669. A descendant, Mr. H. C. F. Randolph, of New York city, has secured evidence regard- ing the English connections of the pioneer. N. B. The obnoxious Sir Edward Randolph, who came to N. E. In 1676 and returned with Gov. Andros, is a totally different person. FLACK, Cotton, yeoman, Boston, adm. chh., la- borer, 5 (11) 1633; frm. May 13, 1640. Propr. "Wife Jane; ch. Deborah bur. 1642, Deborah b. 5 (8) 1644. Will prob. Aug. 5, 1658. Wife Jane: son Samuel. [Reg. VII, 353.] FLACKMAN, FLATMAN, Thomas, Braintree, frm. May 13, 1640. Wife — ; ch. Elizabeth b. 7 (3) 1640, Thomas b. 3 (5) 1643. FLAGG, FLEGG, FLEGE, Thomas, ae. 21, came in April, 1637, as servant of Richard Carver. Settled at Watertown; yeoman, lieut., propr., town officer. He petitioned 4 (2) 1659, concern- ing the loss of his left eye by a gun. [Mdx. Piles.] Wife Mary deposed in 1657, ae. about 38 years; ch. Gershom b. April 16, 1641, John b. June 14, 1043, Bartholomew b. Feb. 23, 1614, Thomas b. April 28. 1645, Michael b. March 23, 1650-1, Eleazer b. May 14, 1653, Elizabeth b. 22 (1) 1654-5, JIary b. Jan. 14, 1657, Rebecca b. 5 (7) 1660, Benjamin b. June 25, 1602, Allen b. May 16, 1665. He d. Feb. 6, 1697-8. Will dated 5 March, FLAGG, etc., cent. 1697, prob. Feb. 16, 1697-8, beq. to wife Mary, sons Michael, Thomas, Eleazer, Allen and Benjamin, daus. Mai-y and Elizabeth Bige- low and Rebecca Cooke; to gr. ch. John F., and the heirs of dec. son Gershom. The widow's will, prob. April 21, 1703, names ch. Mary and Elizabeth Bigelow, Rebecca Cook, and Benjamin F. FLANDERS, Stephen, planter, Salisbury, propr. 1646-1677. He m. Jane — , who d. Nov. 19, 1683. Ch. Mary d. May 4, 1650, Stephen b. March 8, 1646-7, Mary b. May 7, 1650, Philip b. July 14, 1652, Sarah b. Nov. 5, 1654, Na- omi b. Dec. 15, 1656, John b. Feb. 11, 1658-9. He d. June 27, 1684; will prob. Sept. 30, 1684. He beq. to eldest son Stephen; to daus. Mary and Naomi F. and Sarah New- hall; to gr. ch. Thomas F.; rest to be divided between sons Philip and John. FLAITNE, FLAWNE, Thomas, Yarmouth, atba. 1643; propr. 1648. FLAVEL, Thomas, with a son, came in the For- tune to Plymouth in 1621. Goodwife F. came in the Anne in 1623. All had lands assigned. FLEMMING, FLEMING, Abraham, husbandman, ae. 40, came in the Increase, April 15, 1635. John, maulster, Watertown, 1647. Town officer. He bought land in 1651. Wife Anne; ch. Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah b. at Wat. 1 (7) 1639, (m. John Barnard, Jr..) John b. at Wat. 25 (1) 1642. Several of these ch. residing in Eng. sold their shares in the Wat. property at various dates. [Mdx. De.] He d. June 4, 1657; the inv. of his est. ■was filed the 24th by the widow, who d. Nov. 11, folg. His will prob. 30 (10) 1658. Beq. to 3 children, viz. Thomas F., Elizabeth Neall and Mary Ruttriffe. [Mdx. Files.] Her will dated 4 (9) 1657, beq. to her dau. Sarah Barnard and her son John Fleming. 169 FLETCHEB, Edward, "cutler," Boston, adm. inhab. 24 (12) 1639; adm. chh. 18 (5) 1640, frm. Oct. 12, 1640. Propr. Sold bouse and shop Sept. 9, 1654. Wife Mai-y adm. chh. 8 (8) 1642. He returned to England; became a minister; came back again and d. here. Edward F., now of Badgeden, co. of Gloucester, "clerke;" will, dated Feb. 20, 1659, prob. in Boston 12 Feb., 1666; admin, gr. to his widow Mai-y. Beq. to her a tene- ment in Gloe. within the precincts of the college, near the Little Cloisters, which is to be rented to Mr. James Forbes and his associates at 40 shillings per annum as long as they wish it for a place of worship; after her death this is to go to his sister Elizabeth Hooper; cousin Margaret Ellis. Goods and est. also in Boston, N. E. Mrs. Mary D. de- posed. Inv. mentions nails, elephant's teeth and other goods in the shop. [Reg. XVI, 231.] Moses, (Moyses,) came in the May- flower, signed the Compact; pes. at Ply- mouth; d. soon after arriving. [B.] Robert, Concord, app. by Gen. Court constable, 2 Nov. 1637. Rem. to Chelms- ford; joined with William F. and others in 1654 in Inviting Mr. John Fiske and the "Wenham church to remove to C. He made will 4 Feb. 1672, ae. about four score years; commits his wife to the care of his son Francis and his wife; beq. to sons Francis, William and Samuel. Inv. taken 12 May, 1677. Rose, widow, Boston, adm. chh. 10 (4) 1643. William, Concord. Wife Rachel d. and he m. 2, 7 (9) 1645, Lydia Bats; ch. Joshua b. 10 (2) [1645], — , daughter, b. 30 (1) 1647. [Mds. tr.] FLINT, Rev. Henry, came to N. E. in 1635; adm. chh. Boston 15 (9) 1635; frm. May 25, 1636; was dism. to ye gathering of a chh. at Mt. WoUaston, (Braintree,) 11 (6) 1639, and was ord. teacher in comijany with Mr. Wm. Tompson, pastor. He m. Margery, dau. of Charles Hoar, Jr., of Gloucester, Eng. Ch. Dorothy b. 11 (5) 1642, Annah b. 7 (11) 1643, (Hanua m. 15 (9) 1662, John Dassitt,) Josiah b. 24 (6) 1645, Margaret b. 20 (4) 1647, 170 FLINT, cont. d. 29 (6j 1648, Joanna b. 18 (12) 1648, (m. 30 (10) 1669, Noah Newman,) David b. 11 (11) 1651, d. 29 (1) 1652, Seth b. 2 (2) 1653, Ruth b. 31 (11) 1654, Cotton and John b. 16 (7) d. 20 (9) 1656. He d. April 27, 1668. Will, dated 24 (11) 1652, prob. 2 July, 1668. Wife Margery; sons Josiah and Seth; daughters. The wid- ow d. March 10, 1686-7. [S.] [Reg. IX, 151, XVIII, 327, and LIII, 92.] John, [Marblehead,] a witness at Es. court in 1639. Mr. Thomas, bro. of Henry, Boston, 1637; frm. March, 1637-8; rem. to Concord. Deputy. Wife Abigail; ch. Ephraim b. 14 (11) 1641. He d. Oct. 8, 1653, ae. 50. Will, dated 21 (10) 1651, left children to care of wife with counsel of Mr. Bulkley, teacher of chh. Cone; his bro. Mr. Henry F., teacher of chh. Braintree; Capt. Simon Willard, and his uncle William Wood of Cone. [Reg. XVI, 72.] The widow d. Dee. IS, 1689, ae. 82. William, Salem, with wife Alice and child. 3 (9) 1045; propr., overseer of fences and highways; juryman. He deposed In 1661, ae. about 58 years. Will prob. Essex Court 27 (4) 1673; wife Alice; dau. Alice m. Henry Bullock, Jr. [Es. De. I, 39;] sons Thomas and Edward F.; son Joshua Ward, son Joshua; to John Ha- thorne; the court also gave a portion to son John Pickering. Widow Alice deposed in 1677, ae. about 70 years. FLOOD, Joseph, baker, ae. 45, with wife Jane, ae. 35, and ch. Elizabeth, ae. 9, Obediah, ae. 4, and Joseph, ae. 6 mos., came in the Abi- gail in July, 1635. Settled at Dorchester. Rem. to Lynn; propr. 1638. [Flood or Floyd] Juryman, 1639. In court for opposition to infant baptism in 1646. Mr., Lynn, propr. in 1638. Richard, Boston, propr. Wife Lydia; ch. Lydia b. in 1643. He d.; the widow m. June 9, 1654, Joseph Gridley. Admin, was gr. to him on the est. of Flood 8 (7) 1662, for his wife and her 4 ch. [Reg. XII, 50.] FLOYD, John, citizen and haberdasher of Lon- don; his wife Anne gave power of attorney 28 (6) 1640, for the care and maintenance of their son Thomas, apprenticed to Arthur Howland of Duxbury, planter. [L.] He came to N. E. and res. at Scltuate. Gave letters of attorney 4 (9) 1C46, for collections in Eng. Released his servant Jane Duglas 2e Oct. 1647. [A.] Rem. to Boston; sold house and land Nov. 28, 1G55. FOBES, VOBES, John, tailor, Duxbury, in Court .5 Aug. 1636; propr.; atba. 1643. Rem. to Bridge- water. Nunc, will July 31, 1662. Wife; two eldest sons John and Edward; dau. Mary. His bro. Experience Michell to help the wife and children. The son John died and his portion went to his bros. Edward and Wil- liam; so George Allin of Sandwich wrote Exp. Michell. [Plym. Prob.] FOGG, James, Gloucester, a witness in 1648. Ralph, Plymouth, gent., taxed 1632, frm. 1683. Was. ae. about 40 yrs. in 1640; testified that he saw specialties delivered to John Stratton at Dedham, Essex, Eng. Dec, 1631. [L.] Rem. to Salem. Secretary of Court 27 (10) 1636. Frm. Mass. Sept. 3, 1634; propr.; town officer. A town clerii was chos- en to take his place in 1647. He applied to Gen. Court 1 (3) 1652, for permission to open "An office of Addresses," or medium of communication between em- ployers and servants, sellers and buyers, etc. Letter in Arch. 105. Susanna, his wife, was a member of the chh. before 1636. Ch. Eze- kiel bapt. 1 (2) 1638, David bapt. 15 (1) 1640. Susan, Salem, gave release to Richard Gibb, of London, refiner, 13 (8) 1647. [A.] Son John, with consent of his mother, sold land in 1648. Ralph, of London, skinner, bought land and warehouses in Boston near his own property, in 1656. John of Barnstable, Eng., merchant, sold land at Salem, N. E., in pos- session of his father Ralph F., in 1665. [Es. De.] FOKAB, John, husbandman, ae. 21, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. FOLGER, John, proposed for a propr. at Ded- ham, 1638. Peter, Martin's Vineyard, witness of a document Oct. 14, 1647. FOLSAM, FOULSHAM, FOTJLCHEB, John, with wife and 2 servants, came from Old Hiugham in 1638 and settled at Hiugham. Propr., town officer; had liberty to erect saw-mill. Sold prop, in 1659, and rem. to Exeter. He m. in Eng. Mary, dau. of Edward Gilman, (who also came to Hing.). Ch. John; Samuel bapt. Oct. 11, 1641, Na- thaniel bapt. June 2, 1644, Israel bapt. Sept. 1644, Peter bapt. April 8, 1649, Mary bapt. April 13, 1651, (m. George Marsh,) Ei)hraim bapt. Feb. 25, 1654-5. He d. 27 Dec. 1681. FOOKES, FOWKES, Henry, Dorchester, propr. 1635; frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. FOORTH, see Ford. FOOTE, FOOT, Joshua, citizen and iron-monger, of London, from 1645 onward did a large amount of business in N. E.; was a member of the Iron Works Co.; res. in Boston in 1653 . Later at Roxbury, and Providence. Will, Suff. Prob. Oct. 31, 1655. Wife and Children. Inv. of est. at Bo. Nov. 15, 1655. [Reg. V, 444, and IX, 137.] Nathaniel, [Salem?] frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Rem. to Wethersfield, Conn. [Reg. IX, 272.] Pasco, Salem, 1636. Adm. chh. 14 (9) 1652, and 8 ch. were baptized, viz. John, Malachi, Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary, Isaac, Pasca and Abigail. He d. 28 (9) 1670; will dated 21 Sept. 1670; aged and weak; prob. 30 (4) 1671; sons Isaac, William and Pasco, daus. Elizabeth, Birtch, Mary and Abigail F. FORD, FOARD, FOORD, FOORTH, Barbara, ae. 16, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. John, ae. 30, servant to Henry King- man, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Peter, see Sims. 171 FORD, etc., cont. Roger, (Foorth,) Cambridge, d. 24 (2) 1644. Thomas, from Dorchester, Eng., came In the Mary and John in 1630 to Dorchester. Frm. May 18, 1631. He rem. about 1635 to Windsor, Conn.; extensive land-holder; dep- uty. Rem. aboxit 1672 to Northampton. Wil:e — d. 18 April, 1643; he m. 2, Mrs. Ann Scott, who joined him in deed 23 Aug. 1672. Ch. Johannah b. June 8, 1617, (m. Capt. Roger Clap,) Abigail, (m. John Strong,) Mary, (m. Aaron Cooke,) Hepzibah, (m. 1, Richard Ly- man, Jr., 2, John Marsh). He d. 9 Nov. 1676. The Inv. of his est. was pres. Jan. 10, 1676, by his son in-law John Strong, to whom admin, was granted jointly with Preserved Clapp and goodwife Marsh. Widow, came in the Fortune to Ply- mouth, and had 4 lots in 1623. Her ch. John and Martha had shares in cattle in 1627. Martha m. Wm. Nelson. AVilliam, miller, Duxbury, atba. 1643; bought land 13 June, 1645; frm. 3 June, 1652. He deposed (to R. Chapman's will,) Oct. 30, 1671, ae. 67 yrs. Rem. to Marshfield. He was bur. Sept. 18, 1676. Will dated 12 Sept. 1676, ae. about 72 years; beq. to wife Anna, sons William and Michael, daus. Margaret and Millicent, gr. ch. John Foard, William and John Carver. rORDHAM, Robert, gent., a witness to the will of Robert Hunt of Sudbury in 1640. Rem. to Southampton, [L. I. or Eng.?] and sold Sud- bury lands in 1643; acknowledged in 1654. [Mdx. De. II, 65.] Lechford calls him "a minister out of office" in 1642. [L., P. D.] FORTEN, John, ae. 14, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1035. FOSDIKE, FOSDICK, FOSDITCH, FORES- DITCH, Stephen, carpenter, Charlestown, inhab. 1635; frm. Sept. 7, 1638. Deposed 22 (4) 1653, ae. 70 years. [Mdx. Files.] Thomas, [his ch.?] d. 21 (4) 1650. [Mdx. Rec] Mary, adm. ehh. 4 (10) 1652. He d. May 21, 1664. He left a widow. FOSDICKE, etc., cont. lame and infirm, ae. about 75 years, who was m. to him a maid about 1624, and took care of his six children by former wife. [Deposition of his "brother" John Witherall, Mdx. Files.] Will dated 23 Feb. 1663, prob. 21 (4) 1664, beq. to wife; to daus. Hannah, wife of James Barrett and Martha, wife of Richard Holding, and to their children; to dan. Marah, wife of Thomas Webb; to son John F. and to the two sons of my son Thomas F. deceased. FOSTER, FORSTER, Andrew, Gloucester, constable 1646. [Es. Files.] Rem. to Andover. Wife Ann; ch. Mary b. 9 July, 1652. He d. 7 May, 1685, "ae. 106 years." His will dated 18 April, 1685, prob. 30 June folg.; "very aged;" beq. to wife Ann, sons An- drew and Abraham, and daus. Sarah and Mary; dau. Hannah had already reed, her portion. Christopher, husbandman, ae. 32, with wife Frances, ae. 25, and ch. Rebecca, ae. 5, Nathaniel, ae. 2, and John, ae. 1, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Lynn; propr. 1638. Lawsuit, 1637. Sold house and land 10 (1) 1645. He gave letters of attor- ney 9 (1) 1645-6, to Daniel King of Lynn, woolen draper, to collect legacy due his wife Frances from her mother Alice Stevens, late of Ewill in Surrey. [A.] Edward, Scituate, 1632, frm. Jan. 3, 1636; atba. 1643. One of the founders of chh., Jan. 16, 1634. He rem. to Barnstable in 1G3S-9. He m. April 8, 1635, Lettice Hand- ford. Ch. Timothy bapt. March 7, 1635, bur. Dec. 5, 1637, Timothy bapt. April 22, 1638. Will, dated Nov. 24, 1643, prob. 20 Aug., 1644; wife Lettice, son Timothy, father Rich- ard Sillis, bro. Isaac Robinson. [Reg. IV, 281.] Hopestill, ae. 14, [19?] embarked on the Elizabeth 17 April, 1635, with his moth- er, the widow Patience, ae. 40. She was a dau. of widow Rachel Biggs. Settled at Dorchester. Both were adm. chh. before 1039. He was propr.; captain. He made an agreement May 10, 1646, with the sons of John Stowe about inheritance from their uncles Smallhope and John Bigg; lands in Cranbrook, Kent, Eng., and vicinity. [SuflC. 172 FOSTEE, etc., cont. De. aud A.] He m. Mary, dau. of James Bate; ch. Thankful bapt. 27 (10) 1640, (m. John Baker,) Hopestill bapt. 10 (1) 1644, Pa- tience bapt. 16 (6) 1640, (m. Thomas Brown,) John bapt. 10 (10) 1648, James b. April 13, 1051, Elisha bapt. 24 (6) 1653, Mary bapt. 10 (12) 1055, (m. 1, Ephraim Sale, 2, Samuel Ward,) Comfort b. 28 (7) 1658, Standfast b. 13 (9) 1060, Richard b. and d. 1663. He d. Oct. 15, 1676. AVill dated 19 July, prob. Nov. 2, 1676, beq. to wife Mary; to son Hopestill and gr. ch. Hopestill; to sons John, James, Elisha, Comfort and Standfast; daus. Thankful Baker, Patience Brown, Mary (un- married); to pastor Flint; to the free school; to the military company. His widow d. Jan. 5, 1703, ae. S3 yrs. [Reg. LII, 194.] John, Salem, 1649. Deposed in 1670, ae. about 52 years. Conveyed land to son John in 1674. Wife Martha, dau. of Ralph Tompkins, deposed in 1670, ae. about 34 years. Ch. Mary bapt. 24 (1) 1649-50, Sam- uel bapt. 7 (1) 1652, John bapt. 3 (4) 1655, Benjamin, Jonathan and David bapt. 21 (5) 1667. Reginald, or Reynold, Sen., husband- man, Ipswich, bought of John Tuttell, 26 Sept. 1038, a house and lands. [Ipsw. Rec] Had charge of the town herd of cattle on South side of the river in 1643; work may be done by his son Abraham. Town officer. With wife Sarah sold land 2 Aug. 1076. His will dated 30 April, 1680, prob. 9 June, 1681, inv. taken 30 May, 1681, beq. to wife Sarah what she brought at marriage, and other things; to sons Abraham, Renold, Isaac, William and Jacob; to daus. Sarah, wife of William Story, and Mary, wife of Francis Paybody; to gr. ch. Hannah Story. The son Abraham d. 15 Jan. 1710-11, ae. about 90. Richard, Plymouth, 1640. Served against the Narragansetts from 15 Aug., 1645. He m. 10 Sept. 1651, Mary Bartlett; ch. Mary b. March 8, 1652. Samuel, sergeant, Wareham, frm. May 22, 1650. Rem. to Chelmsford. Thomas, cannonier, passenger in the Hercules in April, 1634. Settled at Boston. Gunner at the Castle in 1639. Adm. chh. 26 (1) 1642, frm. May 18, 1642. FOSTER, etc., cont. Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Foster, minister; gave letter of attorney in Boston to his bro. Richard F. of Ipswich, Eng., shipmaster, July 29, 1639. Gave letter of at- torney concerning the inheritance of his wife Abigail, dau. of Matthew Wines, of Ipswich, CO. Suffolk, Eng., 19 (1) 1640-1. [L.] Thomas, Weymouth, frm. May 26, 1647. Ch. Thomas b. 18 (6) 1040, John b. 7 (8) 1642. [Mr. Thomas, mentioned in town records of Roxbury 18 (1) 1655, adm. chh. 18 (4) 1665, rem. to Dorchester, is likely to be this son.] William, planter, came in the Her- cules in April, 1634. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1634. Took an apprentice 21 (4) 1639. [L.] He and his son William were taken prisoners at Sally and delivered after 18 months in 1673. [Rox. chh. rec] William, captain, Charlestown, adm. chh. 15 (6) 1652, Anne adm. 23 (7) 1652. Ch. Anna bapt. 5 (7) 1058, Richard bapt. 16 (6) 1663. Elizabeth Hailes, of Stepney, Eng., in her will, 28 Sept., 1664, beq. to her cousin Wm. Foster, of N. E. [Reg. XXXVIII, 422.] FOULFOOT, Thomas, ae. 22, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. FOWNELL, see Furnell. FOUNTAIN, Edward, ae. 28, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. FOWLE, FOULE, Ann, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. George, tanner. Concord, frm. March 14, 1638-9. Surveyor of the arms for C. 22 May, 1639. Rem. to Charlestown. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 24 (9) 1640, Peter b. 2 (10) 1041, James b. 12 (1) 1642, Mary b. 9 (12) 1044. A son Jacob, tailor, Boston, in will dated 14 Dec. prob. 17 Dec. 1678, beq. to bros. John, Peter, Isaac, James and Abraham Fowle, to cousins Samuel and Mary Rugels, to Richard Hincksman, Henry 173 POWLE, etc., cont. Philips and Thomas Skinner; his father Geo. Fowle, executor. George's will dated 11 March, 1681-2, prob. Oct. 3, 1G82, beq. to sons John, Peter, Abra- ham, Isaac, James, and to the ch. of son Zechariah. Thomas, gent., armiger, merchant, 1639. [L.] Settled at Boston; adm. chh. 25 (1) 1643. Wife Margaret adm. chh. 31 (11) 1640. Ch. Elizabeth b. 14 (1) 1639, John b. 1 (5) 1041, Margaret b. 13 (2) 1643, Marie bapt. 16 (2) 1643, ae. about 4 days, James bapt. 8 (10) 1644, ae. about 5 days, Martha bapt. 25 (8) 1646, ae. about 7 days. He was one of the petitioners for citizen- ship of non-church members in 1645. [W.] Shipping accts. 5 (7) 1045. Calls Vincent Potter bro.-in-Iaw. [A.] rOWLER, Philip, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1033. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1634; cloth- worker. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. [See Sweetser.] He deposed 28 Feb. 1671, ae. above 80 years. He m. 1, Mary — , who d. Aug. 30, 1659; he m. 2, Mary, widow of George Norton; contract 27 Feb. 1659. Ch. Mar- garet, (m. Christopher Osgood,) Mary, (m. Wm. Chandler,) Samuel, Hester, (m. 1, Jath- nell Bird, 2, Ezra Rolfe, 3. Robert Collins,) Joseph, Thomas. He adopted his son Jo- seph's son Philip, and deeded hous-j and land to him 23 Dec. 1668. He d. June 24, 1679; admin, gr. to gr. son Philip F.. Sept. 1679. Kiehard, Salem, in Court in 1641. FOX, FOXE, Daniel. Hingham, propr. 1636. ness of a deed in Boston in 1648. Wit- John, ae. 35, with Richard, ae. 15, came In the Abigail in July, 1635. Thomas, Concord, servant to Mr. Cradock, was punished by Gen. Court S March, 1030-1, for suggesting that the Court had taken bribes in the Bratcher case. Propr.; frm. March, 1637-8. Rem. to Cam- bridge. Town officer. His wife Rebecca d. 11 (3) 1647; he m. May 24, 1050, Ellen, wid- ow of Percival Greene; she d. May 27, 16S2, ae. 82. [Gr. st.] He m. April 24, 1683, Eliz- abeth, widow of Charles Chadwick; she d. 174 FOX, etc., cont. Feb. 22, 1084-5. He m. Dec. 10, 1085, Re- becca, widow of Nicholas Wyeth. Ch. Ja bez. bapt. at Concord; in minority when his father joined the chh. of Camb. [Mi.], [Thomas, m. 13 (10) 1647, Hannah Brooks ] He d. April 25, 1693, ae. 85. FOXWELL, FOXALL, FOXALLS, Richard, tailor. [Boston,] frm. 18 May, 1631. Rem. to Plymouth; rem. to Scituate, being dism. to join in forming the chh. Jan. 16, 1034-5. Had probably been a memb. of the chh. in London, of which Mr. John Lothrop was pastor. [See Scituate chh. Ree. in Reg. IX.] He rem. to Barnstable in 1638- 9. He m. first in Eng. and had child John, atba. 1643, who came here and d. Sept. 21, 1646. He m. second. Aune Shelley, who had been a maid servant to Mr. John Coggeshall of Rox. and Bo. and a memb. of the chh. in both places. [Rox. and Bo. chh. Reel She was rec'd to Sci. chh. June 14, 1635, Ch. Mary bapt. Aug. 30, 1635, (m. Jan. 8 16.54, Hugh Cole, of Plym.,) Martha bapt April 22, 1638, Ruth bapt. April 4, 1041. Will, dated April 7, prob. June 3, 1668 sous-in-law Samuel Bacon, Hugh Cole, and William Nelson, husband of his dau. Ruth beq. to the chh., for the poor. A payment to be made to Mr. Adams, woolen draper, who did dwell at the lower end of Gratious St. iu London. [Reg. VII, 179.] FRANCIS, Richard, brickmaker, Cambridge, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Alice; ch. Stephen b. 7 (12 1 1044. Sarah b. 4 (10) 1646, John b. 4 (11) 1649. He d. March 24, 1680-7, ae about 81 years. [Gr. St.] Admin, of his est. gr. to widow Alice April 5, 1687. FRANCIS, alias DEACON, see Deacon. FRANKLIN, FRANCKLIN, FRANCK- LIJ-N, Martha, Boston, m. 24 (8) 1650, William Phillips, Jr. William, blacksmith, came in the Mary and John March 20, 1633-4. Settled at Ips- wich. Rem. to Newbury, theuce to Boston. Adm. chh. 30 (11) 1640. Town officer. De- posed 1 (12) lt!."«2. ae. about 45 years, relative to Wm. Ting's gift of land to his cousin TRANKLIN, etc., cont. John Francklin. [Book of Pos. 43.] He pe- titioned Parliament 6 July, 1G55, for a posi- tion, in view of his losses within the terri- tories of Portugal, etc. It was favorably re- ported. He m. before April 2, 1641, Alice, dau. of Robert Andrews, q. v.; he m. 2, Phe- be — . Ch. Elizabeth b. in Bo. 3 (S) 1638, (m. 6 (8) 1656, George May,) Ebenezer d. 24 (8) 1C44, Eliezer b. and d. 1645. He d. in London. His est. was admin, in Boston July 28, 1658. The widow m. Augus- tin Lyndon; with whom she deeded one half of the houses and lands of the Franklin est. to George and Elizabeth May 2 June, 1660. [Reg. XXXVIII, 384.] William, farmer, Newbury, 1638; rem. to Muddy River, Boston. He was executed in 1644 for the murder of his servant boy Nathaniel Sewall. Wife Joanna; ch. John b. 14 (5) 1642, Benjamin b. 12 (8) 1643, (cooper, Boston, had mortg. of land IC Aug. 1677, from John Wampos alias White). [Mdx. De. VI, 84.] [Rox. Rec. and W.] TBAILE, George, wheelwright, Lynn, propr. 1638. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 30 March, 1641, Hanna b. Nov. 1642, d. 16 Nov. 1662, Eunice b. (10) 1644, Samuel b. 7 (1) 1645, Deborah b. Aug. 1648, Ruth b. April, 1652. He d. 9 (10) 1663. Admin. 29 (4) 1664; wife Elizabeth, one son and four daus. I FBARY, FREAKY, FRAY, FRAIRE, FRAYRYE, John, cordwinder, Dedham, propr., frm. March 13, 1638-9. Rem. to Medfield about 1052. Wife Prudence; eh. John, Theo- philus, Isaac b. 29 (10) 1638, Eliezer b. 14 (12) 1639, d. 1652, Samuel b. 27 (8) 1641, d. 1652. Will dated 11 (4) 1675; in old age; beq. to wife Prudence, sons Theophilus, Eleazer, son Sampson, gr. ch. Hannah Walker, dau. of son Theophilus F.; apprentice Abigail Buckmaster. His widow m. Thos. Dyer. FRATCHFORD, Thomas, [Boston.] Inv. of his est. pres. by Robert Hull and James Johnson, 3 (3) 1648. [Reg. VII, 175.] 175 FREAKE, see Feake. FREEBORN, William, ae. 40, with wife Mary, ae. 33, ch. Mary, ae. 7, Sarah, ae. 2, and John Aldburgh, ae. 14, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Boston; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Was banished for up- holding Mrs. Hutchinson in 1637, and was one of the founders of Rhode Island and Providence plantation. FREEMAN, Anthony, ae. 22, came in the Hopewell in Sept., 1635. Edmund, husbandman, ae. 45, Thom- as, ae. 24, Edmund or Edward, hus- bandman, ae. 34, Elizabeth, ae. 35, Alice, ae. 17, Edward, ae. 15, Elizabeth, ae. 12, and John, ae. 8, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Making allowance for errors in age and the probable repetition of names, this record applies to Mr. Edmund F. and his family. He settled first at Saugus; rem. to Sandwich. [Plym. Col. Rec. I, 57.] Sold lands at Scituate 10 March, 1642, on behalf of his brother-in-law Mr. John Beauehamp, one of the adventurers of the Plymouth Colony. Frm. 7 Feb. 1G36-7. Assistant. His dau. Alice m. William Paddy; Elizabeth m. John Ellis, and Mary m. Edward Perry. His wife Elizabeth d. Feb. 14, 1675. Will dated 21 June, prob. 2 Nov. 1682; made his three sons, Edmond and John Free- man and Edward Perrey execs. Beq. to them; to gr. sons Matthias Ellis and Thomas Pad- dy: to dau. Elizabeth Ellis. Genealogy. John, husbandman, ae. 35, with Sycilie, ae. 4, Marie, ae. 50, John, ae. 9, came in the Abigail in July. 163.5. He settled at Sud- bury; propr. 1639. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Jo- seph b. 29 (1) 1645, James b. and d. 1647. Elizabeth Freeman, [his widow?] m. 13 Nov., 1049, Josiah Haine. Mr. Samuel, gent., from Mawlyn, co. Kent, Eng.; had deed of English property July 22, 1640. [L.] His son Henry, gave let- ter of attorney 12 (10) 1046, for collection of legacy from his grandmother, Priscilla F. of Blackfriars in London, dec. [A.] His house in Watertown was burned Feb. 11, 1630. [W.] Wife Apphia; ch. Samuel b. May 11, 1638. TREESTONE, FBEISTOIT, Anne and Frances, kinswomen of Wm. Hutchinson, adm. chh. Boston 9 (9) and 28 (10) 1634. Elizabeth, late of Alford, co. Lincoln, now of Boston, N. E., spinster, dau. of Rich- ard F. late of Horneastle, co. Lincoln, wool- en draper, dec, gave letter of attorney Oct. 26, 1640, for collection of legacies left by her grandparents Robert and Mary F. [L.] I'BENCH, Dorcas, maid servant to Mr. John Win- throp, adm. chh. Boston 10 (6) 1634; m. Christopher Peake of Roxbury. Edward, tailor, Ipswich, propr. 1637. Rem. to Salisbury; propr. 1640; town officer. Wife Ann; ch. Joseph, John, Samuel, Han- nah. He d. Dec. 28, 1674. Will dated April 10, 1673, prob. April 13, 1675, of great age. beq. to Edward and Symond, sons of his son Jo- seph; to John, eldest son of his son John; to Samuel, eldest son of his son Samuel; to the new born son of his son John; to dau. Philbrick, and her sons John While and William P.; to son Joseph's dau. Anne; son John's daus. Abigail and Hannah; to his ,wife Anne, whom he appoints exec. The widow d. March 9, 1682-3; in v. April 10, 1683. John, Boston, had land gr. at Braintree for 5 heads 24 (12) 1639-40. Adm. chh. of Dorchester 27 (11) 1642; frm. May 29, 1644. Wife Grace; ch. John b. 28 (12) 1640, John bapt. 12 (12) 1642, Thomas bapt. 2 (5) 1643. Other ch. recorded at Br. : Dependanee, (son,) b. 7 (1) 1648, Temperance, (dau.) b. 30 (1) 1051, William b. 31 (1) 1653, Elizabeth b. 29 (7) 1655, Samuel b. 22 (12) 1659. Wife Grace d. 29 Feb. 1680, ae. 59 yrs. [Gr. St.] He m. 2, 8 July, 1683, Eleanor, widow of Wm. Veasey. He d. 6 Aug. 1692, ae. 80 yrs. Division of the est. was made to his eldest son John, to Dependanee, Thomas, Samuel, William, (son of William F., dec.;) to Temperance, wife of John Bowditch, to Elizabeth Wheelock of Mendon; and the ch. of Mary Lamb, dec. [Reg. XII, 353.] John, Cambridge, propr. 1637. He and his wife Sarah membs. chh. and their ch. all bapt. at Camb. Dau. Sarah dism. to chh. of Billerica May 16, 1664. [Mi.] Wife Joan- FRENCH, cent. na [Mdx. Rec] bur. 20 (11) 1645; ch. Sarah b. (8) 1637, Joseph b. 4 (2) 1640, Nathaniel b. 7 (4) 1643. He was bur. 16 (12) 1645. Stephen, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. Deputy. Rem. to Weymouth. App. one of the aids to Magistrates for Court matters 6 (7) 1038. Town officer, 1645. Will dated 17 March, prob. 29 July, 1679; beq. to chh. of Wey.; to sister Mary Ran- dall; to gr. sons Stephen, and Samuel, and gr. daus. Mary, Hannah and Elizabeth; to son Stephen. Land lately sold to bro. Searle. Thomas, Boston, memb. chh. 1631, frm. Nov. 6, 1632. He was dism. to Ipswich 27 (11) 1638. Wife Alice: ch. Mary bapt. 23 (7) 1632, Mary bapt. 2 (1) 1634. Admin, gr. by Gen. Court 5 (9) 1639, to his widow. She was dism. from the Boston chh. 16 (4) 1644, being now the wife of Thomas Hewlett. \\'illiam, tailor, Cambridge, propr. 1035- 6. Confirmed as lieut. 26 May, 1647. Dep- uty. Rem. to Billerica. His wife Elizabeth, ae. 30, with Francis, ae. 10, Elizabeth, ae. 6, Marie, ae. 2%, and John, ae. 5 mos. came in the Defence, July, 1635. John was bapt. by Mr. Hooker in Camb. [Mi.] Other ch. Sarah b. (1) 1638, Jacob b. 16 (11) 1630, Han- nah b. 1041, d. 1642, Hannah, (m. John Brac- ket,) Samuel b. 1645, d. 1646, [Samuel,] Mary b. April 3, 1670, Sarah b. Oct. 29, 1671, Abi- gail b. April 14, 1673, d. 1674, Hannah b. Jan. 25, 1676. The wife Elizabeth d. March 31, 1068, and he m. Mary, widow of John Stearns, May 6, 1669. He d. Nov. 20, 1681, ae. 77. His widow III. June 29, 1687, Isaac Mixer. His est. was divided 6 (10) 1687, between the widow and the three daus. Mary, (now Sharp;) Sarah and Hannah French. The instrument was acknowledged Aug. 26, 1722, by Sarah Cros- bey, Mary, wife of Nathl. Dunckley, and Hannah, wife of John Child. FRIEND, FREND, Mr. John, Salem, 1638, propr. He m. in Oct. 1639, Mary, dau. of Thomas Dexter. Account in Lechford's Note Book. Propr. at Sandwich, 1640. Sold land in Sal. in 1652 to Edward Prescott of London. Will dated 1 (11) 1655, prob. 27 (1) 1656; 176 TKIEND, etc., cont. sons Samuel and James, daus. Elizabeth Pecker, Bethia and Hester. John, carpenter, Boston, 1639. Bought land 1 (6) 1641, deeds made to his wife Mary. She was adm. chh., a widow, 8 (8) 1642. FKISH, John, one of the men with John How- land of Plymouth in the Kennebec afCair in April, 1634. FROST, Edmund, Cambridge, frm. March 3, 1635-6; propr. 1636. Ruling elder. Wife Thomasine, "Thomas-Anne;" [Mi.] eh. John, "baptized in England," [Mi.] Thomas b. (1) 1637, Samuel b. (12) 1638, Joseph b. 13 (11) 1639, James b. 9 (2) 1643, Mary b. 24 (5) 1645, Ephraim, Thomas, Sarah. The wife Thom- asine d., and he m. before 1669, Reana Dan- iel, widow successively of — James, Wm. Andrew and Robert Daniel. [Mdx. De. Ill, 364.] He d. July 12, 1672. Will dated 16 April, "stricken in years;" prob. Oct. 1, folg. He beq. to wife Reana; to sons Ephraim, Thom- as, John and Joseph; to his two daus. Sarah and Mary; to Jacob French and his wife, and the ch. of Golden More; to Harvard Col- lege and to Mr. Alcock's son there. The inv. of the est. of the widow was taken 3 (11) 1675. FROTHINGHAM, rRODINGHAM, William, Charlestown, propr. 1630; appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, adm. frm. March 6, 1631-2. Wife Anne also a memb. Boston chh. 1630; both joined in the organization of the Chasn. chh. in 1632. Ch. Bethia b. 7 (12) 1630, John b. 10 (6) 1633, Elizabeth b. 15 (1) 1635, Peter bapt. 15 (2) 1636, Mary bapt. 18 (2) 1638, Nathaniel bapt. 16 (2) 1640, Stephen bapt. 11 (9) 1641, Hannah b. 29 (11) 1642, Joseph b. and d. in 1645. He d. IS (8) 1651. Inv. of lands, farming effects and household goods. [See Croft] The widow d. July 28, 1674, ae. 67. FRY, FRTE, FRIE, FREY, FFREY, George, husbandman, weaver, Wey- mouth, 1640; frm. May 7, 1651. He deposed 5 March, 1673-4, ae. about 58 yrs., that he FRY, etc., cont. was from Combe St. Nicholas, Eng., and came thence to Wey. in 1640; that he knew Wm. Torrey and his son Samuel there and ever since. [Suff. De. VIII, 392.] Will dated 6 July, prob. 30 Nov. 1676. Beq. to dau.-in- law Mary Smith, wife to James S., Sen.; daus. Ruth Torrey; Naomy Yeale and Mathl- ah Reed. John, wheelwright, of Basing, Eng. with wife and 3 ch., came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Settled at Newbury, propr. 1638. Rem. to Salisbui-y, where he was propr. in 1639; thence to Andover. Wife Anne; ch. John, James b. 5 Feb. 1652, Sara d. 5 March, 1661-2, Elizabeth. The wife Anne d. 22 Oct. 1680. He d. 9 Nov. 1693, ae. 92 years, 7 months. His will dated 16 March, 1685-6, prob. Dec. 5, 1693, beq. to eldest son John; sons Ben- jamin, Samuel and James; dau. Elizabeth Stiles. Signed John Frie. Richard, Dorchester, propr. 1634. William, Weymouth, one of the "pas- sengers" to whom land was assigned in 1636,-12 acres for 2 persons. [See Hull, Jo- seph.] Wife [Elizabeth,] probably dau. of Jonas Humphrey of Dorchester; ch. Eliza- beth b. 20 (10) 1639, (m. Nathan Fiske, Jr.,) Mary b. 9 (11) 1641, (m. Thomas Pierce of Dorchester). He d. Oct. 6, 1642, [or was buried Oct. 26, 1642,] leaving nunc. will. Beq. to his wife, daus. Elizabeth and Mary; to Thomas Har- ris, Thomas Rawlens, and John Meggs, his 3 sisters' youngest children. The widow m. Thomas Dogget. [Reg. XXXIX, 230.] FRYER, FRIER, James, Cambridge. Wife Katharine d. July 28, 1640. Elizabeth, Gloucester, propr. 1645; the Gen. Court, 13 Nov. 1644, annulled her mar- riage with John Richardson, who was proved to be a bigamist. She was living in 1668, deaf and in ill health. [Essex Arch.] Frances, [a man?] Salem, one of the appraisers of the est. of Wm. Gouge in 1646. Thomas, Salem, propr. 1639. Mr. Fryer was one of the "eight men" of Gloucester in 1642. 177 rULLER, Ann, widow, ae. 79; will prob. at Sa- lem 25 (4) 1662. Son Richard Leach; Bethia Farrow, John and Sarah Leach. Edward, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact. Res. at Plymouth. He and his wife who came with him d. in 1621. Their son Samuel, who also came, survived and res. in Plymouth. Edward, Charlestown, before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1639. Giles, prop, for propr. at Dedham, 1638. Rem. to Hampton. Near liinsman of Doc- tor Matthew, of Barnstable in 1673. [See Pettingall.] Giles, weaver, Hampton, son of Roger, of Topcraft, eo. Norf. Eng., yeoman. His only sister Susanna, wife of Tho. Thurton of Croydon, co. Surrey, tobacconist, applied for Inheritance of his estate in London 5 April, 1677. [Norf. Co. Rec. Lib. Ill, folio 63.] John, joiner, Boston, bought land at Lynn 9 (6) 1639, to be paid for by Edward Fuller of Olney, Bucks. [L.] See will of Edward, John's father, prob. 20 Sept. 1656. [Reg. L, 533.] He testified at Salem 25 (2) 1651, ae. 30 years, concerning his bro. Dex- ter's sale of Lady Moody's farm. John, came in the Abigail in May, 1035, with William F. Settled at Ipswich, 1637; rem. to Salisbury, but ret. about 1648 to Ips. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John, James, Wil- liam, Thomas, Nathaniel, Joseph, Susanna, Elizabeth, Sarah. He d. June 4, 1666; will prob. Sept. 25, 1666. His will not dated, prob. 25 Sept. 1666, beq. to wife; to ch. James, William, John, Su- sanna, Elizabeth, Thomas, Nathaniel, Jo- seph and Sarah; another ch. expected. Their gr. father had lately given them portions. James, exec; and he is to have a double portion of any est. that may be recovered in England. John, farmer, maltster, Cambridge, propr. 1644. He deposed 16 (3) 1656, ae. about 40 years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. Feb. 1697-8, ae. 87. Will dated 30 Jan. 1695-6, prob. Feb. 28, 1607-8, beq. to wife Elizabeth; ch. John, Jonathan, Joshua, Jeremiah, Bethia Bond; Jonathan Hide, son of dau. Elizabeth H., dec; also to gr. ch. Mary Brown, Elizabeth and Hannah Hides. 178 FULLER, cent. Matthew, planter, Plymouth; captain. Rem. to Seituate; rec'd to chh. Nov. 7, 1636, by letter from Plym. chh. Propr., sergeant, prop. frm. 7 Sept. 1642. Rem. to Barnsta- ble. Physician. He, or his son Matthew, m. April 8, 1635, Jane, dau. of Mr. John Lothrop. Will dated 25 July, prob. 30 Oct. 1678, gave to wife Frances; to gr. ch. Shubael, son of Ralph Jones; son John; Thomas, Jabez, Tim- othy, Matthias and Samuel, sons of his dee. son Samuel; da us. Mary, wife of Ralph Jones; Elizabeth, wife of Moses Rowley; and Anne, wife of son Samuel; to Bethiah, wife of his son John; to gr. ch. Sarah Row- ley, Jedidiah Jones, and all the rest. To Robert Marshall, the Scotchman. Robert, Salem, 1639; question whether he was to remove in 1643. [Town Rec] Robert, Dorchester, 1640. Rem. to Dedham. He and his wife rec'd to chh. from Dorch. chh. 19 (11) 1648. Wife Ann; ch. Jonathan b. 15 (6) 1643, Benoni b. 16 (4) 1646, d. 5 (7) 1647, Sarah b. 21 (7) 1647, John b. 26 (9) 1649, Mary b. 1 (1) 1653. His wife d. 4 (5) 1646. He m. 2, Sarah — ; she d. 2 (4) 1686. He d. Dec. 14, 1688. Will prob. 28 April, 1690, beq. to gr. ch. John and Prudence Ranger; to son Jonathan F. and dau. Mary Richards. Samuel, physician, also say-maker, m. 1, in Eng. Elsie Glascock; m. 2, at Leyden, Holland, April 30, 1613, Agnes, dau. of Alex- ander Carpenter of Wrentham, Eng.; m. 3, in L. May 27, 1617, Bridget Lee. Came in the Mayflower, signed the Compact. Set- tled at Plymouth. Deacon, frm. 1633; an important citizen of Plymouth; aided the settlers at the B.ay on their arrival in 1630. See his letters about these settlers at Bos- ton and Dorchester to Bradford. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3.] His wife and child came after- ward; another ch. born here. [B.] He d. in 1633, of an infectious fever, after he had much helped others. [B.] Will prob. July 30, 1638, mentions son Samuel, dau. Mercy, bro. W^m. Wright and his wife Pris- cilla; sister Alice Bradford. Refers to chil- dren, Sarah Converse and Elizabeth Cowles, committed to his care, the latter, at Charles- town, to be returned to her parents. His cosen Samuel is to remove from the estate. rULLER, cont. Servants Thomas Symons and Robert Cowles. To the church, to Wm. Brewster, Mrs. Heeks and others. [Reg. IV, 33.] [The widow] Bridget Fuller b. 30 Sept. 1641, Henry Sirkman. Samuel, nephew of Doctor Samuel, was with his uncle at Plymouth before 1638; rem. to Barnstable. [Is he not son of Ed- ward above?] Ch. Thomas b. 18 May, 1650, Sarah b. 14 Dec. 1654, a child b. and d. 1658. Thomas, [smith,] Woburn. propr. 1640. He m. 1, June 13, 1643, Elizabeth Tidd; he m. 2, Aug. 25, 1684, Sarah Wyman. He m. 3, Hannah — , whose daus., wives of James Proctor, Aaron Cleveland and John Wilson, agreed to care for her in 1697. [Wob. Rec] Ch. Thomas b. 22 or 30 (2) 1644, Elizabeth b. Sept. 12, 1645, Ruth 1). May 17, 1648, De- borah b. May 12, 1650, John b. March 1, 1652- 3, Jacob b. May 14, 1655, Joseph b. Aug. 8 1058, Benjamin b. April 15, 1660, Samuel b, May 9, 1662. He made will 9 June, prob. July 4, 1698 beq. to daus. Dean, Ruth Wilkins, Deborah Shaw, sons Thomas, Jacob and Benjamin F gr. ch. David Richardson, Ruth Wheeler and Rethia Fuller. Genealogy. Thomas, Dedham, propr. Nov. 25, 1642. Ralph Fuller of Wortwell, Norfolk, linen weaver, in will dated 23 Oct. 1645, beq. to John, son of his son Thomas F., now in New England. [Reg. LII, 241.] He m. 22 (9) 1643, Hannah Flower; ch. John b. and d. 1644, John b. about 1645, Elizabeth b. 1 (2) 1648, Hannah b. 9 (9) 1650, Thomas b. 26 <12) 1652, Mary b, 25 (1) 1655, Samuel b. 25 (2) 1657, Sarah b. 3 (7) 1659, Thomas b. 23 June, 1662, Hannah Fuller d. April 11. 1672. Will dated 24 Sept. prob. 13 Nov. 1690; "aged;" beq. to wife Hannah, sons John and Thomas, daus. Elizabeth Meadcalfe, Mary Fisher and Sarah Day. William, ae. 2.5, wih John, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in May, 1635. Settled at Ips- wich; propr. 1635; sold house and land in 1630. App. gunsmith by Gen. Court 17 May, 1637. Frm. June 2, 1641. He kept the mill lu 1639. [Col Rec] Rem. to Concord Per- haps he is the W. F., locksmith, who bought land at Hampton 9 (12) 1647. Wife Eliza- beth d. 24 (5) 1642. Ch. Hannah b. 8 (6) 1641. FITRNELL, FT7NNELL, FOUNELI., FOWNELL, John, miller or millwright, Cambridge, 1638, propr.; frm. May, 1645. Bought share in a tide mill in 1650. He sold land in 1654, which he had received from the estate of Col. George Cooke for the education of his daughter. Rem. to Charlestown. "Friends dying, he was left under the care of his father-in-law;" apprenticed at 12 years of age. Went to Hartfordtown, (Eng.) to live with a carpenter; married. [Rel.] Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. (6) 1638. He deposed at Salem in 1664, ae. about 57 years. He d. March 19, 1673, ae. 65. Will dated 30 (7) 1663, prob. 1 (2) 1673, beq. all to his wife Mary for her life, and then to be at her disposing. Widow Mary d. Jan. 25, 1696, ae. 84. Strong, soap-boiler, ship-carpenter, Bos- ton; adm. chh. 18 (1) 1643; frm. May 10, 1643. Wife Eleanor; ch. Elizabeth b. 7 (3) 1643, Mary bapt. 10 (6) 1645, ae. about 8 days, Joanna b. 20 (12) 1646, John bapt. 20 (6) 1648, ae. about 5 days, Samuel bapt. 14 (2) 1650, Mary bapt. 1 (4) 1651, Susanna b. and d. 1652, John b. 28 June, 1653. The widow Eleanor m. in 1659, Michael Lambert. FUSSELL, John, bought house and home lot in Weymouth 28 (7) 1640. Rem. to Medfield about 1651. He d. Feb. 21, 1676. GAGE, GADGE, John, Boston, memb. Chh. 16.30-1, frm. March 4, 1633-4. One of the first to plant at Agawam (Ipswich,) April 1, 1633. [Col. Rec] Dsm. from Boston chh. to that of Ips. 10 (7) 1643. Town officer; member of com. on al- lotments. With wife [Amee] sold land in Ips. 21 (12) 1653. He deposed in 1659, ae. about 50 years, and in 1662, ae. about 58. Rem. to Bradford; town officer. He m. 1, Anna or Amee, — , who d. in June, 1658; he m. 2, in Nov. 1658, Sarah — . Ch. Jonathan, Josiah, Benjamin, Samuel, Daniel, Nathani- el, Thomas. Having promised his son Ben^ jamin, on his marriage to Prudence, dau. of Thomas Leaver, of Rowley, a certain gift of land, he deeded it to Benj.'s son John 12 Dec. 1672. He d. March 24, 1672-3. Will prob. next 179 GAGE, etc., cont. day. Beq. to wife Sarah, five sons and one gr. son. The widow d. July 7, 1681; her est. was given by the Court to her 3 daus., the wives of Wm. Smith, John French and Sam- uel Buswell. Thomas, Yarmouth, debtor of Robert Button in 1G50; took oath of fidelity, 1657. He m. Joane, dau. of Wm. Knight of Salem, and gave a release in 1655 to his mother-in- law Elizabeth K., now wife of Allen Breed, for his wife's patrimony. [Es. Files.] His son, ae. a year and a half, was drowned in a well in 1650; inquest. Other ch. John, Wil- iam and Henry, who d. in the war of 1675- 6; Thomas, Benjamin and Moses. [Geneal- ogy in Reg. LIII, 201.] Rem. to Harwich. In his will, dated 30 June, prob. 19 July, 1695, he beq. to sons Benjamin and Moses. GALLOP, GALOP, Mr. Humphrey, Dorchester, one of the first company, 1630, propr., res. in 1633. Wife Anne; ch. Joseph b. in 1633. John, mariner, fisherman, a trader along the coast; res. at Boston. Paid in 1632 by Mr. Pynchon for carrying a letter. Adm. chh. 5 (11) 1633. Aided the troops en- gaged in the Pequot War in 1637. [B.] [W.] Propr. at Gloucester before 1650. Wife Christobell, adm. chh. 24 (4) 1634. He d. (11) 1649. His will, dated 20 Dec, was prob. 9 (12) 1649-50. He gave 40 s. towards building the new meeting-house; to wife; son John and his wife Hannah; sons Samuel and Nathaniel; dau. Joane Joy and her sons John and Joseph J. The widow d. 27 (7) 1655. Her will was prob. Oct. 31, 1655. [Reg. V, 444, and VII, 209 and 228.] GAGER, William, surgeon, came in the pay of the Mass. Bay government in July, 1630. Set- tled at Charlestown. Memb. chh. and a deacon. He d. Sept. 20, 1630. His son John rec'd from the est. of Gax. Winthrop in 1(349 a debt formerly due the father. GALLEY, GALLY, GALLEE, John, Salem, [Manchester,] 1(336; law- suit, 1637. Will dated 22 May, 1683, ae. about 78 years; prob. 3 March, 1683-4. Sons-in-law Wm. Hoare, Gilacrus Ross and John Giles; dau. Elizabeth Giles; gr. eh. Sarah Ross, Mary Johnson and Elizabeth Trask. GAILDTHAIT, see Goldthwaight. GALE, GAILE, GALL, Edmund, Cambridge. He d. 29 (5) 1642. John, servant to John Button, Boston, adm. chh 3 (6) 1634. "Died soon." Richard, yeoman, Watertown, propr. 1642. Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. 8 (7) 1641. He d. 22 March, 1679. Will prob. April 1, 1679. To wife; to sons Abraham and John, and daus. Mary Flagg and Sarah Garfield, and to Abraham's eldest children, Abraham and Richard. GAINES, GAYNES, Henry, Lynn, propr. 1638. Frm. March 14, 1638. Jane, Lynn; in v. taken 14 (11) 1644. GALLOWAY, George, Lynn, was in possession of lands belonging to Thomas Hampton of Sandwich in 1637, as stated in Hampton's will. GAMBLIN, GAMLIN, GAMLING, Robert, planter, embarked March 7, 1631-2; came to Roxbury. He brought with him his dau. Mary, who was a maid servant in Pynchon's family, "a very graci- ous maiden;" she d. with the small pox in 1633. His son Robert came also, bringing wife Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Mayo of Town Marroling, co. Kent, and her son John Mayo. [See Lechford; Rox. chh. Rec; Reg. XII, 274.] Robert Gamblin was bur. at Concord 7 (7) 1642. William, a witness to Winthrop and Dudley's Indian deed 28 (8) 1642; land at Concord. 180 GAME, William, servant to Angell HoUard of Weymouth in 1641, then to John Crabtree. [L.] GAMER, Thomas, before Gen. Court 2 May, 1649. GANNETT, GANNATT, GARNETT, Judith, ae. 26, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Judith, maid servant to John Cogge^hall, adm. chh. Boston 7 (7) 1634; now wife of Robert Shelley, dism. to Barnstable 14 (5) 1644. Thomas, Duxbury, atba. 1643, ppopr. 1642. Rem. to Bridgewater. Will, dated June 19, 1655. Prob. by widow Sarah 7 Aug., 1655. Beq. to wife and bro. Matthew G. [Reg. V, 261.] GARD, Roger, merchant, of the island of Fay- all, now res. in N. E., was to receive goods on behalf of Abraham Shurt, as by the bond of Manning and Trerese, 13 May 1643. [A.] GARDENER, GARDINER, GARDNER, Sir Christopher, knighted at Jerusalem, came to Mass. in 1631. Made much trouble for the authorities. [B. and W.] See numer- ous sketches. Lyon, ae. 36, with wife Mary, ae. 34, and Elizabeth Coles, their maid servant came in the Batcheler, arriving Nov. 28, 1635. Was an expert engineer, sent by the Lords Say and Seal to begin a fort at the mouth of the Connecticut River. But Mr. Winthrop had sent a bark vdth carpenters and other workmen 4 days before, to take possession of the spot. [W.] He volunteered to help in the laying out and building of the fortification upon Fort Hill in Boston 23 (11) 1635-6. [Town Bee] He rem. to Conn., where lie became a very valuable citizen. Nathaniel, mercbant, Boston. He bought of Capt. Thomas Lake 2 (9) 1649, several shares In the Swampscott and Dover patents. Ricliard, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; became a seaman. Ret. to Eng- land. [B.] GARDNER, GARDINER, GARDENER, GEARNER, Edmund, or Edward, ae. 25, came In the James in July, 1635. Settled at Cam- bridge; propr. Rem. to Ipswich; propr. 1635; frm. Oct. 7, 1640. Was rewarded by order of the Gen. Court in 1645 for making salt- petre. Mrs. Margaret, [his wife?] memb. chh. at Salem in 1639; testified 28 March, 1648, about goods transferred at Ipswich. [Ips. De. 1, 38.] John, Plymouth, servant to Kenelm Winslow, was transferred to George Ken- riek in 1635. Propr. 2 Nov. 1640. Settled at Hingham. Propr. 1656. Wife Mary; ch. John bapt. at H. July 17, 1652, Francis bapt. March 31, 1653, Mary bapt. Nov. 19, 1654, (m. Nathan Farrow,) Samuel bapt. March 23, 1655-6, Deborah bapt. July 5, 1657, James baipt. Feb. 4, 1659-60, Stephen bapt. Aug. 14, 1662, Thomas bapt. June 5, 1664, Benjamin bapt. April 7, 1666, Christian bapt. June 3, 1668, (m. Joseph Dunbar.) He d. 24 Nov. 1668. Inv. filed 28 April, 1669. Richard, yeoman, not the son of Thomas of Salem,] Woburn, propr. 1648. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 39 years. Bought lands of Thos Broughton in 1658. Rem. to Charlestown. Bought land in 1676. He m, Oct. 18, 1651, Anna Blanchard. Ch. John b. Aug. 14, 1652, Anna b. Jan. 17, 1654, Benja- min b. Dec. 26, 1656, Henry b. Feb. 12, 1657, Esther b. Oct. 15, 1659, Ruth b. April, 1661. He gave security 5 (2) 1053, to pay £ 108 to the 2 children his wife had by her former husband. He d. May 29, 1698, ae. 79 years. Will dated March 15, 1696-7, prob. June 6, 1698, beq. to only son Henry; to his son John; to the ch. of daus. Hannah Coddington. Ruth Gjiison, (Ruth and Anna); daus. Hester, Abi- gail, Rebecca and Mehitabel; gr. sons Ben- jamin Johnson, son to dau. Hester, John Whitmore, son to dau. Rebecca, John Con- nett, son of dau. Mehitabel, Richard and Simon Thompson, sons of dau. Abigail; Maj. William Johnson and pastor, Mr. Jabez Fox. Thomas, householder, Roxbury, was buried in Nov. 1638. His widow, "aged sis- ter" G., d. 7 (8) 1658. Children, Thomas, (m. July 4, 1641, Lucy Smith,) Peter, (came, ae. 18, in the Elizabeth, April 17, 1635; m. May 9, 1646, Rebecca Crooke; they made Michael 181 GARDNEK, etc., cont. Powell their attorney, 12 (10) 1646, to receive a legacy from her father Roger Crooke, of Hammersmith, tailor, dec.) [A.] Botn Thomas and Peter had families. Thomas, husbandman, came from Wey- mouth, Dorsetshire, in the spring of 1623-4 as superintendent of the planting of the col- ony sent out by The Western Adventurers of Dorchester, Eng. He spent the foliowiug summer and winter at €ape Ana, having 13 men under him. He was succeeded at the close of the year by Roger Conant, who also held office only one year, when the undertali- ing was abandoned. He settled at Salem, to which Conant and others had removed in 1626; appears in the earliest records extant, as proprietor. Juryman 27 (7) 1630; frm! May 17, 1637; town officer; deputy to Gen. Court. He deeded land 6 Dec. 1671. ac- knowledged 13 (1) 1672-3. First wife's name unknown, (unless she be the Margaret, men- tioned above with Edmund.) He m. after 15 (3) 1642, Damaris, widow of — Shattuck, who was prominent among the Quakers of the town. She d. 28 (9) 1674. Ch. Thomas, George, (a father in 1644.) Richard, Samuel, (b. about 1()27, per depos.) .Toseph, John, Sarah, (m. — Baleh,) Seeth b. 25 (10) 1636, (m. — Grafton,) Miriam, (m. John Hill); Joseph Pope calls George, Richard and Joseph "brothers." He d. 29 (10) 1674. Will, dated Dec. 7, 1668, prob. March 29, 1675, beq. to wife, whom he calls the "mother in law" (step- mother,) of his son Thomas; to sons Thomas, Thomas of Salem, Woburn, propr. 1648. He George, Richard, Samuel, Joseph and John; to daus. Sarah Balch, Seeth Grafton and Miriam Hill, with the two daus. of the lat- ter, namely Miriam and Susanna. [See The Planter's Plea, by Rev. John White, in Young's Chronicles and Hubbard.] Geneal- ogy in preparation by Frank Augustine Gardner, M. D. GARFIELD, GEARFIELD, Edward, Watertown, propr. frm. May 6, 1635. Wife Rebecca; ch. Joseph b. 11 (7) 1637, Rebecca b. 10 (1) 1640, Abigail b. June 29, 1646. Older children, Samuel and Ed- ward were proprs. In Wat. His wife d. April 16, 1661, ae. about 55 years; he m. Joanna, widow of Thomas Buckmaster, and con- veyed, with her, 25 (4) 1663, land to her son Joseph B. 182 GARFIELD, etc., cont. He d. June 14, 1672, [ae. about 97 years.] Will dated 30 Dec. 1668, prob. 11 (5) 1072, beq. to sons Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin; daus. Rebecca Mixter and Abigail G.; gr. ch. Sarah Parkhurst, and Sarah and Ephraim G., and to his wife. The widow made will S (1), prob. SufC. Aug. 17, 1676. Beq. to her three daus. Marie, Dorcas and Sarah, her dau.-in-law Elizabeth Spowell, her grand- child Johanna Lawrence and her son Jabez Buckmaster. [See hypothetical pedigree in Reg. XXXVII, 253.] GARFOARD, GARSFORD, Garvas or Jarvis, gent, Salem, 1634; propr. 1635; memb. chh. 1630; frm. at Salem 13 (1) 1639. He sold a buff coat for Mr. Gar- diner in 1636 to Gov. Winthrop, q. v. His dau., Mrs. Ann Turland, is referred to in Sal. Ree. He sold house and land 26 (7) 1655 GARLAND, Peter, mariner, Charlestown, propr. 1637; Boston, 1638. [L.] Wife Joan; ch. Mary b. in 1654. GARLIK, GARLIKE, Joseph, called to Es. Court in 1639; ser- vant of Moses Maverick at Marblehead, 1640. GARRETT, GARRATT, Herman, gunsmith, Charlestown, made agreement 17 (7) 1640, with John Edwards, blacksmith, to take him as partner. [L.] Rem. to Concord; propr. Jan. 20, 1643. One of the founders of Lancaster; named in an order of the Gen. Court regarding L. in 1653. Res. in Boston about 1659. [Suff. De. IH, 388.] The .same name used by the sachem of the Nan-agansetts in 1661. [lb. 483.] Hugh, Charlestown, inhabitant 1629-30. James, mariner, Charlestown, with wife Deborai adm. chh. 7 (7) 1638; frm. June 6, 1639. Ch. Mary b. 4 (3) 1638, Priscilla b. 28 (4) 1640, James b. (0) 1643, James b. 4 (6) 1646. He was lost at sea Nov., 1657. The widow sold the est. March 30, 1663. Richard, shoemaker, Boston, memb. chh. 1630, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Ch. Han- nati d. (12) 1632. He d. 28 Dec, 1630. [Deposition of James Hawkins; Suff. De. Ill, 344.] GABRETT, etc., cont. Mr. Richard, Scituate, before the Court 5 March, 1638-9; atba. 1643. Umpire in a land suit in 1G50. Oh. Joseph b. 10 March, 1648-9, John b. 25 Nov. 1651, Mary b. 5 Nov. 1655. Mr. Richard, Boston, d. 29 March, 1662; inv. filed 29 July folg. Admin, gr. to widow Lydia. GARRETT, alias BUTCHER, Robert, Boston, 1643. Wife Mary; ch. John b. 2 (4) 1643. His will, dated Nov. 27, 1660, was prob. 15 Aug. 1G68. On a voyage to Barbadoes; beq. to wife Mary for herself and his four ch. John. Robert, Mary and Sarah. His widow was one of the ti-ustees of the est. of Ed- mund Browne 2 Nov., 1666, being grand- mother to his 2 eh. [Reg. XVI, 335.] GARY, GEARY, GERRY, Arthur, Roxbury, fi-m. March 14, 1638- 9. Ch. Samuel b. Sept. 22, 1638. He d. Dec. 17, 1666, ae. 67 years. Will dated Nov. 18, 1664, prob. Jan. 30, 1666. Wife Frances; sons William, Nathaniel and Sam- uel. [Reg. XV, 248.] GASCOYNE, GASKOYEE, GASKELL, Edward, ship carpenter, Salem, propr. 1636. Bought house and land in 16.59. Wife Sarah, Salem, memb. chh. 16.39. Ch. "of Ed- ward," Samuel and Preserved bapt. 7 (6) 1639, Daniel bapt. 10 (8) 1640, Sarah bapt. 14 (3) 1643, Hannah bapt. 1 (1) 1645-6, Edward bapt. 30 (2) 1648. GATCHELL, GETCHELL, GATSHELL, John, planter, Salem, Marblehead, propr. 1637; town requested him to cut off his long hair. He deposed in 1669, ae. about 53 years. Constable in 1657. [His wife.] Wy- boro or Thribrough deposed in 1G70, ae. about 50 years. She d. 11 Oct. 1684. Richard, Marblehead, taxed in 1637. Samuel, planter, Salem, 1637. Rem. to Hampton; sold land and house there 3 (17) 1648. Rem. to Salisbury; commoner, propr. 1650. Wife Dorcas d. Jan. 12, 1684. Ch. Susanna, (m. Joseph Norton,) Priscilla b. Feb. 26, 1648, (m. Solomon Rainsford,) Sam- uel. He made will April 2, 1684, prob. Oct. 6, 1697. 183 GATES, Stephen, with wife and 2 ch. from Hing'ham, Eng., came in 1638 to Hingham. Frm. May 14, 1656. Rem. to Cambridge about 1652; spent a few yrs. at Lancaster; Wife Ann; ch. Elizabeth, (m. in Hing. Johu Lassell,) Mary, (m. John Maynard,) Stephen, Simon, Thomas, Isaac, Rebceca bapt. at Hing. May 3, 1646, d. Jan. 1650. His will, dated 9 (4) prob. 24 (9) 1662, beq. to wife; sons Simon, Stephen and Thomas, daus. Elizabeth, and Mary Mayner. Eliza- beth Bradstare to abide with his wife. The widow m. 2, Richard Woodward; she d.— '■Hannah G., widow"— Feb. 5, 1682; made will 18 April, 1682, prob. 9 (2) 16»3; beq. to dan. Elizabeth Lazell; gr. ch. Mary, dau. of John Maynard, sons Stephen, Simon and Thomas G. "My last husband's name was Woodward, but I generally went by the name of Gates." GATLEY, Adam, Salem. Sold house frame, cellar and li acre of land 11 (2) 1644. GATLIFFE, GATLIVE, GETLIVE, Thomas, miller, Dorchester, Braintree, 1653. He d. before June 24, 1663. Admin, of his est. gr. 28 Oct. 1663, to his widow Prudence and only son Jonathan. Division agreed up- on by them before the Court 30 (8) 1669. Daus. Prudence and Mary; the wife Pru- dence Is called Jonathan's "mother-in-law."^ GAULT, GALT, GOLT, GOLD, GOULT, William, cordwainer, singleman, ae. 29, of Yarmouth, Eng., passed exam. May 11, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Salem; propr. 1638; adm. chh. 1639. Before the court in 1642 for speaking against the rule and the church. Ch. Deborah and Sarah bapt. 10 (7> 1648. He d. 1 (2) 1659. Inv. April 22, 1660; chil- dren mentioned, Rebecca ae. 19, Deborah, ae. 15, Sarah, ae. 13. The dau. Rebecca m. 11 (9) 1663, John BIy, [Bligh.] The Widow m. 2, Richard Bishop. GAUNT, Peter, Sandwich, 1638, propr. atba. 1643. Lydia, [his widow?] made will 28 (10) 1691, prob. April 26, 1692; beq. to sons Israel, Han- naniah and Zacbariah; dau. Lydia; gr. ch. GAUNT, cont. Mercy Hixe, Mary Thirston, James and John Easton and Deborah; to the meeting called quackers, for the service of the truth. GAY, John, Watertown, before 1635; rem. to Dedham in 1636. Frm. May 6, 1635. Town officer. Wife Joanna adm. chh. 25 (5) 1639. John Balducke, her son by former husband, was bapt. 8 (6) 1639. Ch. (of John and Joan- na Gay,) Samuel b. 10 (1) 1639, Hezekiah b. 3 (5) 1640, Nathaniel b. 11 (11) 1642, Joanna b. 23 (1) 1644, (m. John Ware,) Eliezer b. 25 (4) 1647, Abiel (m. Daniel Hawes,) and Jud- ith b. 23 (2) 1649, (m. John Ware,) John b. (3) 1651, Jonathan b. 1 (6) 1653, Hannah b. 16 (8) 1656. Elizabeth, who m. Richard Martin at Salem, in 1660, is said to have been a dau. He d. March 4, 1688; will prob. Dec. 17, 1689. [Genealogy in Reg. XXXIII, 45.] Thomas, before Salem Court for defam- ing a man in 1636. GAYLORD, GAYLARD, GALLARD, GAL- LERD, Wiliam, planter, Dorchester, believed to have been one of the original chh. colony who came in the Mary and John in 1629-30, and one of the first deacons. Signed earliest land grants with the minister and Wm. Rock- well. Juryman Nov. 9, 1630. Town officer, deputy. Re rem. about 1636 to Windsor, Conn. As agent of Mr. and Mrs. Warham, he leased lands in 1639. [L.] Deputy many terms. His wife d. 20 June, 1657. He d. 20 July, 1673, ae. 88. GEARE, GEARES, GEERE, Dennis, ae. 30, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 22, and ch. Elizabeth, ae. 3, Sarah, ae. 2, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Settled at Saugus. His will, dated Dec. 10, 1635, prob. Aug. 6, 1637, rec. in Boston and London, beq. to wife and daus.; to cousin Ann Pankhurst; to Elizabeth Tuesley; Roger Carver of Brid- hemson and John Russell of Lewes in Sus- sex, to be overseers of his est. in Eng. Beq. out of the est. in N. E. to Thomas Topper, Thomas Braines, Thomas Launder, Benjam- in Nye, and Thomas Grenvill; made provision for the ret. of his family to Eng. The residue to be bestowed on the plantations within the province of Mass. Bay. John Winthrop, GEARE, etc., cont. Sen., and others execs for N. E. The colony rec'd 300 li. [Reg. XXXVII, 239.] WUliam, Salem, 1638; frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Wenham before 1644. Wife Try- phena also memb. of chh. Ch. Samuel bapt. 14 (1) 1640-1, Mary bapt. 14 (3) 1643, John bapt. 23 (4) 1644, Ephraim bapt. 17 (2) 1647. Widow Triphena, admin, of his est., sold land 15 May, 1676. GEARNER, see Gardner, GEDNEY, GIDNEY, John, worsted weaver, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Sarah, ae. 25, and ch. Lediah, Hannah and John, and servants Wm. Walk- er and — Burges, ae. 26 years, passed exam. May 11, 1637, to go to Salem, N. E. Propr. 1637, frm. March, 1637-8. Inn-keeper, vint- ner. With now wife Katharine, he deeded lands to his son John, mariner, and his son- in-law Nicholas Potter, Sen., blacksmith in 1661. Mary, Salem, memb. chh. 1637. Ch. Bartholomew bapt. 14 (4) 1640, Eleazer bapt. 15 (3) 1642, Sarah bapt. 23 (4) 1644. He d. Aug. 5, 1688. Will prob. Dec. 12, 1688, rec. at Boston. To dau.-in-law Rebecca Putnam; to Bethiah [Rebecca] dau. of Jos- eph Hutchinson; to the ch. of dau. Mary Pot- ter; to son Bartholomew and his wife and ch.; ch. of son Eleazer G.; to dau. Susanna and ch. she had by son John G. dec. [Gene- alogy in Es. Inst. OoU. XVI.] GELX, see Giles. GENERY, see Chenery. GENNISON, see Jennison. GEOFFREY, GEOFFREYS, see Jeffreys. (xEORGE, GORGE, John, Watertown, an early settler. Wife — , who d. about 1638; ch. Robert and Susan. He m. 2, Anne or Hannah, widow of Henry Goldstone. She deposed in 1654, ae. about 64 years. [Arch. 38 B.] He d. before June 29, 1647, when the widow admin, on his est. She d. April 26, 1670, ae. 79. The inv. mentions debts he owed to his son Robert and dau. Susan. [Reg. VIII, 57.] 184 GEOKGE, etc., cont. John, apprenticed to Mr. John Win- throp for 8 yrs. before Gen. Court 2 (1) 16-10- 1, may have been a son of the above, and the person who beq. to his daus. Elizabeth Glasier, Martha Row, Ruth, Hannah and Mary, and son John G. Nicholas, Dorchester, 1641; frm. May 23, 1666. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 1641; ch. Elizabeth bapt. 9 (1) 1641, (m. Samuel Rigby,) John bapt. 30 (3) 1643, Mary bapt. 21 (10) 1645, (m. James Bird.) Joshua b. about 1648, Nicholas. The son Nicholas d. in Guinea about 1666, ace. to testimony of Giles Young July 18, 1672, when admin, of his est. was gr. to his widow Abigail, with Nicholas, Sen., and John Greenland sureties. His will was prob. 27 (2) 1675. Beq. to wife Elizabeth and to grandson Nicholas, now living with him; children all disposed of in marriage. Peter, oatmeal malier, Braintree, with 'Mary his wife, dau. of John Rowneing of Hunden, co. Suff., dee. gave letter of attorney 19 (9) 1647, for coll. of dues from the ests. of her father and Symon Ray, her former hus- band. [A.] Ch. Susan b. (12) 1642, John d. 2 (9) 1653. He bought land in Br. in partner- ship with Henry Neale 14 (5) 1648. Rem. to Block Island. Sold land in Br. 5 July. 1670. GETCHELIi, see Gatchell. GEBBISH, William, merchant, gent., [Ipsw. De. I, 81, Es. De. 1, 5.] Newbury. Oapt, comr. of Court, town oflScer. He rem. to Boston. He m. 17 April, 1645, Joanna, dau. of Mrs. Eliza- beth GoodaU and widow of Johu Oliver. [See Lowell.] She d. 14 June, 1677. Oh. John b. "12 Feb. 1645," [Sal. rec], 15 May, 1646. [Newb. rec] Abigail b. 10 May, 1647, Wil- liam b. 6 June, 1648, Joseph b. 23 March, 1649, Benjamin b. 13 Jan. 1651, Elizabeth b. 2 Sept. 1654, ..loses b. 9 May, 1656, Mary b. April 1, 1658, (m. John, son of Richard Dole; marriage portion 3 May, 1676;) Anna b. 18 Oct. 1660, Judith b. 10 Sept. 1662. He d. at Salem 9 Aug. 1687, "b. Aug. 19, 1620;" [Sal. to. rec] Will dated 16 July, 1687, prob. 5 Dee. folg., beq. to his former wife's dau. Mrs. Mary Appleton; to sons John, Jo- seph and Benjamin; to William, Bethiah and GERRISH, cont. Parson, ch. of his dec. son William; son Moses Greenleafe and dau. Elizabeth, his wife; dau. Mary Dole. His widow Ann, dau. and exec, of Richard Parlcer, of Boston, gent., made will 2 Feb. prob. at Bo. 21 March, 1687-8; beq. to dau. Ann Jones and her bro. Ephraim Manning; to gr. dau. Ann Sandys. Her death was Feb. 7, 1687-8. [S.] GIBBONS, GIBBINS, GIBBON, Edward, merchant, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1, frm. May 18, 1631. Deputy, Major General. An important citizen. Res. at Charlestown sometime. Wife Margaret memb. chh. 1631. Ch. Jerusha b. 5 (8) 1631, Jotham b. 6 (8) 1633, Edward bapt. 3 (1) 1635, Edward bapt. 26 (1) 1637, Metsathlel bapt. 7 (8) 16.38, John b. 30 (1) 1641. He d. 9 (10) 1654. Inv. 15 (10) 1654. The widow ret. to Eng., and d. at Plymouth, co. Devon. Admin, gr. 28 Feb. 1656 to her dau. Jerusha, wife of Oapt. Thomas Rea. Inv. filed in Boston 16 (10) 1658. [Reg. VIII, 275. IX, 346, and XXXVIII, 426.] GIBBS, GIBB, GIBBE, Giles, Dorchester, propr. 1633, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Rem. to Windsor, Oonn. Oh. Gregory, Jacob, Samuel, Benjamin and Sarah. He was bur. 21 May, 1641. Widow Kathar- ine d. 24 Oct. 1660. Henry, servant of Edmund Hubbard, Sen., came from Hingham, Eng., in 1633; res. at Oharlestown a short time and rem. to Hingham. Mary adm. chh. Charlestown 23 (7) 1652. He d. July 6, 1676. Will dated 15 June, prob. 31 Oct. 1676, beq. to the ch. of Samuel Stowell, Sen. Thomas, Sandwich, atba. 1643, propr. . Ch. John b. Sept 12, 1634, Thomas b. March 23, 1036, Samuel b. 22 June, 1649, Sarah t). April 11, 1652, Job and Bethiah b. April 15, 1655, Mary b. Aug. 12, 1657, Samuel b. June 23, [1659]. Division of his est. was made April 14, 1693, between sons John, Thomas and Sam- uel: providing for their mother's mainten- ance. 185 GIBSON, GIPSON, Christopher, chandler, Dorchester, probably of the first company, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030. Rem. to Boston in 1648; partner of David Selleck in the soap business. [Suff. De. II, 111.] Wife Marie. Will undated, prob. 12 (1) 1674, beq. to cou- sin Hopestill Foster, Jr., and sister F.; cousin Thomas Dampford; Samuel and Clement Maxfield; cousin Williams; David Jones of Dorch.; Mr. Mather and Mr. Mayo; bro. Ed- ward Sealle; Garratt Ingraham's wife Re- becca Seale; Gibson Farr that lives with his gr. fa. Pelton; James Priest; goodman Bark- er that rings the bell; William Ingraham; Alice and Epbraim Serle; Ebenezer Williams, beside what I have done for him since he came from Jamaica; the Second church of Boston, at the North End; Samuel Bed well; cousins John, Elizabeth and Mercy Foster; cousin Joseph Alsop, Jr.; bro. James Brett and his son Samuel; bro. William Lane; sister Snell- ing; sister Mansfield; sister Preston and sis- ter Ingraham; Mr. Houlsworth, a bro. of our church; John Withinton's wife; to the poor. Join, Cambridge, 1634; frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Rebecca; ch. John, fd. Oct. 15, 1679, ae. 48 years. [Gr. st.]) Rebeeca, (m. Charles Steams, ["now joined to the chh. of Watertown," Mi. in 16.58.]) Mary b. (1) 1637, (m. John Buggies,) Martha b. (2) 1639 (m. Jacob Newell,) Samuel b. 28 (8) 1644. Wife Rebecca was bur. at Roxbury Dec. 1, 1061. and he m. July 24, 1662, Joanna, widow of Henry Prentice. He d. in 1094, ae. 93. [Genealogy, Reg. XXXVII, 388.] GIDDINGS, GITTINGS, George, husbandman, ae. 25, with Jane, ae. 20, and servants Thomas Carter, Michael Willmson, and Elizabeth Morrison, cert, from St. Albans, Herts, Eng., came in the Planter April 2, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr.; frm. Sept. 7, 1638. Memb Court valuation com. 13 May, 1640; deputy, town officer. Gave land to son Samuel 30 Blarch, 1675. He deposed March 29, 1659, ae. about 40 years; called Simon Tuttle bro.; his son Thomas was then 23 and John ae. 20. Admin, gr. to his widow Jane 27 (4) 1676. [Es. Inst. Coll. Ill, 184, Reg. XXXVI, 319.] Agreement made by his sons Thomas, John, James and Samuel 26 Sept. 1676. GIGGLES, see Jiggles. GILBERT, Humphrey, husbandman, Ipswich; paid in 1643 for service against the Indians. Bought land toward Wenham in 1650. Taxed at Wenham in 1655. He deposed in 1654, ae. about 38 years?. [Mdx. Files.] Will, dated 14 (12) 1657, prob. March 30, 1058; beq. to wife Elizabeth, son John, and dau. Elizabeth; to Abigail and 3 other daus. who were under age; to Peter Harvie, Rich- ard Palmer, Richard Comer, Moses Eb- berne. The 4 minor daus. petitioned that their husbands be app. adminrs. Jan. 1657-8. Evidence was given 27 (4) 1066, that the dau. Hannah had rec'd her portion. John. Dorchester, a grave, honest gen- tleman; his son was arrested for drunken- ness in 1036. [W.] He rem. to Taunton; frm. Plym. Col. 4 Dec. 1638. Propr., town officer. Will, dated Slay 31, 1654, prob. June 3, 1657; to wife Winnifred, ch. Gyles, Joseph, Thomas, John, Mary Norcrosse, and her dau. Mary; to wife's gr. ch. Elizabeth Peslee. [Reg. V, 338.] Nicholas, Watertown, ill-used by his master, Christopher Grant, who was before Gen. Court 28 (11) 1640. GILD, GILE, see GUILD. GILL, Arthur, ship-carpenter, Dorchester, 1639. Frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Boston. Rec'd to chh. 27 (9| 1642. Wife Agnes; ch. John b. 16 (9) 1639, Thomas b. (8) 1644, Na- thaniel bapt. 11 (2) 1647, d. 2 (7) 1652; dau. Frances m. 17 (8) 1656, Henry Boyen. Admin, gr. to John Sweete for the chil- dren. The acct. rendered 19 March, 1656, mentions eldest son John, son Thomas gone to Eng., dau. Frances Gill and others. [Reg. IX, 228, and XXXI, 102.] Isabel, memb. chh. Dorchester, 1639. John, mariner, Dorchester, memb. chh. 20 (9) 1640, with goodwife Gill, name not given. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Wil- liam Ware; ch. Rebecca bapt. 7 (5) 1050. He m. Ann — . His dau. the wife of Joseph Belcher was dism. to Braintree chh. 6 (7) 1674. John adm. chh. 21 (7) 1662. 186 GILL, cont. Widow Gill at liberty 13 Sept., 1680, to get trees from the common lands for the repara- tion of her mill. [Suff. De. VI, 158.] Wm. Ware beq. to his gr. ch. Obediah and Eliz- abeth Gill in 1G58. The widow Ann's will dated 10 July, 1083, prob. 31 July, beq. to gr. ch. Ann, wife of Rowland Storey, and Joseph, Rebecca, Patience, Mary and Gill, ch. of dec. son-in-law, Joseph Belcher of Milton; to my bro. Roger Billing, Sen. John, husbandman, Salisbury, propr., bought laud 1640; commoner, 1050. He and his wife membs. chh. Wife Phebe joined him in a deed of land 26 Dec. 1659. Ch. Eliz- abeth b. Jan. 8, 1645, (m. MoiTis Tucker,) John b. Oct. 15, 1047, Phebe b. Jan. 6, 1649, (m. Isaac Morrill,) Samuel b. Jan. 5, 1051, Sarah b. June 27, 1654, Moses b. Dec. 26, 1656, Benjamin b. 1662, Isaac b. April 24, 1665. He d. Dec. 1, 1690; will prob. March 31, 1691. Thomas, Hingham, propr. 1635, town officer. Wife Hannah, dau. of John Otis, d. 25 Jan. 1075-6. Ch. Mary bapt. Jan. 1643- 4, (m. John Beale, Jr.,) Sarah, twin of the above, (ra. John Langlee,) Hannah bapt. Nov. 10, 1645, (m. Samuel Clap,) Elizabeth bapt. June, 1647, (m. Samuel Stodder,) Thomas b. March 8, 1648-9, John bapt. April 8, 1651, d. May 23, 1659, Deborah bapt. May 8, 1653, (m. Josiah Lane,) Samuel bapt. Dec. 10, 1055, Nathaniel b. and d. 1657, John b. and d. 1660, Rachel bapt. Oct. 3, 1001, (m. Samuel Stow- ell). He d. 24 Feb. 1704-5, ae. about 89 yrs. GILLAM, Benjamin, shipwright, Boston, adm. chh. 20 (8) 1634, frm. May 0, 1035. He bought Y2 of ship Charitie April 8. 1052. Either he or his son of the same name was master of the ship Charles in Boston, 1005. [Suff. De. V, 09.] He deposed in 1653, ae. about 45 years. [Es. Files.] His wife Ann (Hannah) with son Benjamin, 1 yr. old, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. Was adm. ckh. Boston 3 (11) 1035. Ch. Benjamin b. 1634, Zachary b. 30 (7) 1030, Hannah b. and d. 1038, Hannah b. (11) 1039, Elizabeth b. (11) 1041, Joseph bapt. 13 (8) 1044, ae. about 9 days, Elisha bapt. 21 (3) 1048, ae. about 8 days. Admin, of his est. gr. 19 June, 1671, to GILLAM, cont. sons Benjamin and Joseph. The widow's will, dated 23 Feb. 1673, prob. 31 July, 1674, beq. to sons B. and J. and dau. Hannah, wife of Richard Sharp; gives to H. the care and education of the two motherless chil- dren of her dau. Gwinn. Robert, mariner, Boston, 1637. GILES, GILLES, GYLES, GELL, Edward, apprentice boy of John Young, in court in 1640. Edward, or Edmund, Salem, propr., memb. chh. 1030. Wife Bridget adm. chh. 26 (9) 1648. Ch. Mehitabel bapt. 2 (2) 1636, Remember bapt. 20 (11) 1638, Eleazer bapt. 27 (9) 1640, John b. 15 (2) 1645, [father's cer- tificate in Es. files,] bapt. 11 (3) 1645. The widow Bridget's will, dated 14 (11) 1668, prob. 30 (9) 1680, beq. to sons Samuel and Thomas Very; to sons Eleazer and John Giles; to Slary, wife of Thomas Cutler of Reading. [Es. Files XXXIV, 84.] William, frm. May 14, 1634. GILLETT, GELLETT, JELLET, Jonathan, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. Matthew, came in the Mary and John March '26, 1633-4. Was servant of George Williams of Salem, till his 7 years expired 30 June, 1641. In court (4l 1646. [Es. Court rec] Nathaniel, [Dorchester,] frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. GILMAN, GILLMAN, Edward, yeoman, wih his wife, 3 sons, 2 daus., and 3 servants came to Hingham in 1638. Propr., frm. March 13, 1038-9. He sold his est. in Hingham Oct. 1, 1052, having rem. to Ipswich, where he was a selectman in 1649. Settled later at Exeter, as did sev- eral of his children. Wife Mary; ch. Mary, (m. John Foulsham,) Edward, Moses, Lydia, (m. Jan. 19, 1644-5, Daniel Gushing,) Sarah, (m. John Leavitt,) John. He d. before 10 (2) 1055, when adrcin. of his est. was gr. to his widow Mary, the sons and sons-in-law consenting. [Genealogy claims connection with the family of Gas- ton, Eng.] See Smith, Richard. 187 GILLAWAY, GILLOW, GILLO, John, Lynn. Owner of cattle in 1638. [W.] Constable. 28 (4) 1643, [Es. Court;] in court in 1648. His wife Kose, as his at- torney, sold land in 1661. Will dated 20 Feb. 1672, prob. 27 (4) 1673; wife; ch. John, Mary and Sarah and others; perhaps another. Widow Sarah deposed to the inventory. GILPIN, Anthony, brought several suits in Ply- mouth in 1641. \ GILSON, Ann. ae. 34, came in the Susan and Ellen in 1635. Mr. William, Scituate; frm. and asst. 1632-3. Memb. chh. at its org. in 1634. Owned a wind-mill. Was one of those who undertooli to cut a passage from Greene's Harbor to the bay in 1633. Propr. at Barn- stable in 1639, but did not remove. He d. Feb. 1, 1639. Will, dated Jan. 26, prob. 3 March, 1639-40. Wife Frances; no children; beq. to John and Hannah Dam- mon, the ch. of his sister, and to Daniel Romeball. [Reg. IV, 36, and Plym. Col. Rec] GIMSON, see Jlmpson. GILVEN, Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1639; land sold by widow Katharine at a later time. N. B. Part of the grant seems identical with one made to Thomas Silver. Perhaps error of a colonial copyist of record. GINGEN, GINGINE, GINGILX,, John, tailor, Taunton, atba. 1643, rem. to Dorchester about 1644; propr.; frm. May 6, 1646. Rem. to Lynn, then to Salem. Was a partner of Bray Williins. Will, dated April 10, 1685, ae. about 70 yrs., prob. March 24, 1686, gave land to John Wilkins; beq. to his 3 sisters Elizabeth Baile, Mary and Abigail Wilkins; to Bray Wilkins' 4 children; to Samuel's children; to Thomas, Henry and Benjamin Wilkins' children; to the ch. of leadday knickels (Lyd- ia Nichols,) and Margaret knit (Knight;) to the chh. of Dorch.; to Mr. Loson, minister of Salem village. [Reg. XL, 256.] GINKINS, see Jenkins. GINNER, see Jenner. GINTHAM, James, Dedham, adm. chh. 19 (2) 1646. GIRLING, GTJRLING, Richard, mariner, Cambridge, propr. 1635. His land was sold in 1637 for the benefit of his creditors; only 4 shillings rem. to the widow 4 (4) 1639. [Gen. Court Rec] GLAD WELL, Amos, ae. 16, came in the Increase, April 15, 1635. GLASSE, GLASS, Henry, apprentice to Giles Rickard of Plymouth, who brought suit at Salem against Henry Phelps for his appearance 23 (4) 1645. James, servant to Henry Barnes of Barnstable, was transferred, 13 Feb. 1639, to Manasseh Kempton. Settled at Scituate; atba. 1643. Rem. to Duxbury. He m. 31 Oct. 1645, Mary, dau. of Wm. Pontus; ch. Hannah b. June 2, 1647, Wybra b. Aug. 9, 1649, Hannah b. 24 Dec. 1651. He was drowned Sept. 3, 1652. Admin, gr. to his widow Mary; she m. 2, Philip Delanoy. Amey, see Richard Willis. Roger, servant to John Crocker of Scit- uate, 1639-40, transferred to John Whet- combe. GLEASON, Richard, Sudbury, propr. 1640. GLOVER, GLOWER, Charles, embarked for N. E. June 22, ]632. Settled at Salem. Propr., ship-car- penter, 1638; adm. chh. 10 (3) 1640. Con- stable for Gloucester 31 (10) 1644. [Es. Court.] Elizabeth adm. chh. 23 (3) 1641; ch. Eliza bapt. 13 (3) 1640, Mary bapt. 24 (2) 1642, Samuel b. June 20, 1644, wife Eliza- beth d. 6 (1) 1647. He m. 12 (11) 1649, Esther Saunders, widow. Henry, ae. 24, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, April 30, 1634. Settled at Dedham. Adm. townsman 2 (11) 1642. Rem. about 1652 to Medfield. 188 GLOVER, etc., cont. Admin, gr. to his widow Abigail Sept. 13, 1655. Mr. John, gent, son of Thomas G. of Rainhill, Lancaster, Eng., came to Dorches- ter. He and his wife Anne joined the chh. soon after the re-organization in 1636. He carried on extensive operations in farming and tanning. Town officer, deputy. He rem. to Boston about 1652. Conveyed Eng- lish est. to son Thomas. [SufE. De. I. 333.] Was called tanner in bond of Fowle and Hill, 14 (8) 1647. [A.] Will prob. Feb. 9, 1653. Sons Thomas, Nathaniel, Habbakuk, John and Pelatiah. Rev. Jose or Josse, of London, who had been much interested in the settlement of Massachusetts, died on the way hither in 1638. Brought a printing press. See Day. He made will at London, 16 May, 1638, about to sail beyond the seas; prob. 22 Dee. 1638. Est. to wife for life; then to ch. Rog- er, John, Elizabeth, Sarah, Priscilla; to ser- vant John Steadman; to sister Collins. Land In parishes of Durand and Stone, co. Kent. [Mdx. Files.] [Reg. XXXVIII, 72.] The widow Elizabeth sold land at Cambridge 17 (7) 1639, and reed, money from the execs. [L.] She m. 2, Mr. Henry Dunster, pres. of Harv. Coll. [Reg. XXX, 27, 136.] Suit brought 28 (1) 1655, by John Appleton and Priscilla, his wife, dau. of Mr. G. [Mdx. Files.] [See Humphrey, John.] Dau. Elizabeth m. Adam Winthrop. [Mdx. Court Rec. I, 103.] Mr. Ralph, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Admin, of his est. gr. by Gen. Court, July 2, 1633, to Mr. Mahewe. Stephen, Gloucester, propr. 1649. He m. [?]7 (8) 1663, Ruth Stevens, who, with her infant, d. in Aug. 1664. He d. 10 Sept. 1686. GOAD, see Gott, Abigail, Salem, adm. chh. 8 (7) 1640. Thomas, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. GOADBY, John, ae. 16, came in the Hopewell In April, 1635. GOBE, see Gove. GOBLE, GOBEL, Thomas, Charlestown, propr.; town officer; with wife Alice adm. chh. 30 (6) 1634; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Owned land at Cam- bridge in 1G51. Rem. to Concord. Ch. John deposed 20 (4) 1654, ae. about 25 years, and Thomas, ae. about 2'"', [Mdx. Files.] Mary bapt. 27 (12) 1635, Sarah bapt. 27 (3) 1638. Will dated 30 (9) prob. 29 (10) 1657, beq. to wife Ales, and to his 3 sons and 3 daus.; eldest son now in England; son Thomas' 2 sons, Thomas and Stephen. GODBEBTSON, CXTTHBEBTSON, Godbert, or Cuthbert, a Dutchman, who came over to Plymouth in 1623 from Leyden, Holland, in full communion with the Eng- lish Pilgrims. [Wins.] Had lands assigned in 1623. Frm. 1633. Wife Sarah or Zarah, a sister of Isaac Allerton, and son Samuel came with him. The latter was appr. April 1, 1634, to Richard Higgins, tailor, for 7 years. He d. in 1633, and she d. soon after. Inv. rend. Oct. 23, 1633. Admin, of both ests. gr. to Wm. Bradford 25 Nov. 1633. [Keg. XT, 34.] Lands were confirmed by the Court 3 Aug.. 1640, to John Combe, gent., and Phine- has Pratt, which Godbertson formerly gave to them at marriage with his daus. GODDEN, William, servant of Comfort Starr, ot Duxbury, in court 3 Aug. 1640. GODFREY, Francis, carpenter, Duxbury, land grant, 1638, laid out 28 Oct., 1640, atba. 1643. Referred to in inv. of John Hill of Boston in 1646. Rem. to Marshfield. Rem. to Bridgewater. Will made Oct. 29, 1666; calls himself "an aged inhabitant of the town;" prob. July 30, 1669: wife Elizabeth, dau. Elizabeth Carye, son-iu law John Carye, grandchildren John and Elizabeth; servants John Pitcher and Richard Ginnings, a minor. Goods at Prov- idence and Bridgewater. .Tohn, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1638. Res. at Newbury, servant to John Spencer, as he deposed March 28, 1647. [Ips. De. I, 38.] Rem. to Andover; hus- bandman; lawsuit in Es. Court (7) 1648. Ac- cused of witchcraft March 1, 1659. De- posed in 1661, ae. about 50 years. 189 GODFREY, cont. Joseph, gave bond to James Astwood Aug. 24, 1G47, for money to be paid in Eng- land. [A.] William, husbandman, Watertown, frm. May 13, 1640. As guardian to John, his Sonne, and Sarah, his late wife, he made Mr. Antoine Lawrence of London, linen draper, at the Boar's Head in Gracious street, his attorney 22 (4) 1648, to asis of the execs, of the will of Mrs. Key of Wooborne In Bedfordshire a legacy of 10 li. beq. to John. [A.] Rem. to Hampton; bought land there 3 (7) 1648; sold Wat. land in 1653. Deacon. [Second] wife Margaret; ch. .John, Isaac b. 15 (2) 1639, Sarah b. 15 (3) 1642. He d. March 25, 1671. Will dated 2 (8) 1667, prob. 11 (2) 1671; beq. to wife Mar- gerle, sons John and Isaac, son-in-law Web- ster, and dans. Sarah and Deborah. His widow m., Sept. 14, 1671, John Merrian, [Marion.] GODSON, Francis, Lj-nn, propr. 1638. GOFFE, GOUGH, Edward or Edmund, Cambridge, also propr. at Watertown; frm. May 25, 1636. Deputy, town officer, 1636. With wife Mar- garet sold land to Thomas Woolson, planter, of Camb. 23 (10) 16.53. He m. 1, Joyce — ; she d. Nov. 1639. He m. 2, Margaret; ch. Samuel bapt. in England; about 7 y.?ars old when his father joined chh. of Camb. [Mi.]; he deposed in 1655, ae. about 27 years. [Mdx. Files.] Lydia, Deborah b. 15 (10) 1639, Han- nah b. 23 (li 1643, Nathaniel b. 23 (6) 1643, Abia b. 1 (2) 1646, Mary bur. 23 (2) 1646. He d. Dee. 26, 1658. Will dated 2 April, 1657, mentions wife Margaret; son S:imuel and his mother-in-law, widow Barnard; daus. Lydia, Deborah, Anna and Abia; wife's mother Isabella Williinson; gr. ch. Anna Goffe and .Tohn, Lydia and Jonathan Sprago. The widow ui. Dec, 1662, John Witchfield, of Windsor, Conn. She d. in Camb. in 1669; her will mentions sister Jane, wife of Ed- ward Winship. Eliza, ae. 26, came in the .Tames in July, 1635. John, Newbury, propr. 1638. He d. Dec. 9. 1641. Will dated Dec. 4, 1641, entered on Ipswich record. Beq. to GOFFE, etc., cont. wife Amy and 2 ch. Susan and Hanna, un- der IS years of age. Inv. taken Dec. 16, 1641. Samuel, petitioned the Gen. Court 22 (3) 1639 .that land might be assigned to him- self and his father, Thomas Gough of Lon- don, merchant. [L.] GOLDON, — , his house in Boston was adjacent to Thomas Joy's in 1649. GOLDSMITH, John, apprentice of Philip Drinlier in 1647. Richard, Salem, in Court 5 (5) 1643. Had grant of land at Wenham 23 (4) 1644. Wife Mary adm. chh. 31 (3) 1648; ch. Mary bapt. 15 (8) 1648, Sarah bapt. 14 (5) 1650. Thomas, Salem, propr. 1643; took George Harris, apprentice. Witness in court, 1645. GOLDSTONE, GOULDSTON, GOULDSON, Henry, ae. 43, with wife Anna, ae. 45, and daus. Anna, ae. 18, and Mary, ae. 15, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, April 30, 1634. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636. Was excused by the Court from training Nov. 7, 1634, on account of his age. The dau. Anna m. Dea. Henry Bright; Mary m. Lieut. Joshua Hewes of Roxbury. He was bur. 25 (5) 16.38. The widow m. 2, John George; and after his death pre- sented the inv. of the est. left by Mr. Gold- stone, 29 (4) 1647. GOLDTHWAIGHT, GOULDTHWAIGHT, GOLDTHWAIT, GAILDTHWAIGHT, Thomas, cooper, Salem, carried a suit against Mr. Pelham June 14, 1631. Frm. May 14, 1634. Propr. 1636; town officer. Clerk of the market, 1656-7. First wife [Elizabeth;] second wife Rachel, dau. of Lawrence Leach, widow of John Sibley. Ch. Samuel bapt. 20 (6) 1637, IMehitabel bapt. 27 ^2) 1640. Eliza bapt. 20 (9) 1642. His will dated 5 March, prob. 3 April, 1683, beq. to wife Rachel, son Samuel and son-in- law John King; to Joseph Sibley. 190 GOLDWYER, GOLDWIRE, George, Havei-hill, 1648, Salisbury, planter, bought house In 1648; propr. 1649; juryman, town officer. He m. Martha, dau. of the wife of Joseph Moyse; she survived blm and m. 2, Maj. Robert Pil£e; in deeds he refers to her father-in-law Joseph Moys, sister Martha Greeley, and cousin Ephralm Winsley, Jr. He d. April 12, 1684. GOLT, see Gault. GOOCH, GOUCH, GOOGE, GOTJGE,GUTCH, Robert, Salem, propr. 1637; had land by his father Holgrave. Frm. Dec. 27, 1642. Mentioned with wife Lydia in 1648; witness to a deed in 1647. Ch. John bapt. 3 (S) 1641, Patience bapt. 28 (3) 1643, Lydia bapt. 6 (2) 1645, Magdalen bapt. 17 (11) 1646, Eliza bapt. 19 (9) 1648, Deborah bapt. 16 (2) 1652, Sarah bapt. 4 (4) 1654. He may be the Mr. G. of Newbury, who was before Gen. Court 4 (4) 1639. William. Lynn, propr. 1638. Inv. of his est. talien 28 (8) 1645; admin, gr. to widow Ann for herself and 3 small ch. 30 (4) 1646. Note.— John Gooch, who took oath of fidel- ity at Wells, July 4, 1653, beq. to his son James, 7 May, 1667, a house in Slymbridge, Eng. [Reg. XXXIX, 184.] GOOD, GOODE, Thomas, ae. 24, came in the Bevis in May, 1635. Richard, memb. jury at Boston in 1646 on the Hingham case. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 2-4.] GOODALE, GOODELL, GOODHALL, Elizabeth, of Newbury, late of Yar- mouth, Eng., d. S April, 1647; admin, of her est. gr. March 27, 1648, and re-affirmed by Gen. Court 31 May, 1652, to her sons-in-law Abraham Toppan and John Lowle. Her dau. Susanna m. Abraham Toppan, Eliza- beth m. John Lowle, and Joanna m. 1, John Oliver, and 2, Wm. Gerrish. [See Lowell.] Richard, planter, turner, Newbury, 1638. Salisbuiy, propr. 1639. Wife Dorothy d. Jan. 27, 1664. Ch. Ann, (m. William Al- len:) Richard; Elizabeth m. John Smith. [Es. De. I, 39.] GOODALE, etc., cont. He d. in 1666; will dated June 7 and Sept. 8, prob. Oct. 9, 1666. Beq. to son Richard, of Boston, and dau. Ann, wife of Will. AUin, of Salis.; to gr. dau. Hubbard, and to Cor- nelius Conner, formerly his servant. "Breth- ren" Edward French, Philip Challis and Richard Wells overseers. Robert, ae. 30, with wife Katharine, ae. 28, and ch. Abraham, ae. 2, and Isaac, ae. 6 mos., came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich. Settled at Salem; farmer, planter, propr. 1636. In court in 1645. A child "of sister Goodell" bapt. 31 (3) 1640, Jacob "of Robert" bapt. 2 (11) 1641, Hannah bapt. 6 (6) 1645. He deeded land in 1668 to his dau. Hannah Killum. [Es. Files.] With wife Margaret sold land adjoining. Will dated 12 Oct. 1682, prob. 27 June, 1683; "aged;" beq. to wife, dau. Elizabeth Benuett, gr. ch. John Smith. Widow Mar- garet deposed. GOODENOW, GOODNOW, GOODINOW, Edmund, husbandman, a,e. 27, from Dunhead, Wilts., Eng., with his wife Anne and sons John and Thomas under 4 yrs. of age, with servant Richard Sanger, ae. 18, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Set- tled at Sudbury, propr. 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Town officer, deputy. Lieut. 1 (2) 1651. [Mds. Files.] Ch. Hannah b. 28 (9) 1639, Sarah b. 17 (1) 1642, Joseph b. 19 (5) 1645. Capt. Edmund d. April 5, 1688. John, husbandman, ae. 42, with wife Jane and daus. Lydia and Jane came from Semley, Wilts., in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Sudbury; propr. 1639. He d. 28 March 1654. Will dated 2 (1) prob. 5 (3) 1654. Wife Jane; dau. Jane Wight, son- in-law Andrew Dunning; Abigail, dau. of his bro. Thomas G.; son-in-law Henry Wight of Dedham. [Reg. XIX. 43.] The widow made will July 7, 1662, prob. Oct. 2, 1666; beq. to gr. eh. John, son of Henry Wait, and Jane his wife, living at Dedliam. and to their other ch. Joseph, Daniel Benjamin and a child, name not known. Thomas, ae. 30, with wife Jane, son Thomas, ae. 1 yr. and sister Ursula, came from Shasbury, Eng., in the Confidence April 11, 1638. He settled at Sudbur.v, propr. 1639; selectman, 1639, etc. Rem. to Marlbor- ough. Ch. Mary b. 25 (6) 1640, Abigail b. 11 191 GOODENOW, etc., cont. (1) 1C42, Susanna b. 20 (11) 1643, Sarah d. 7 April 1654, Samuel b. 26 (12) 1645, Susanna b. 21 (10) 1647, Elizabeth d. 28 (10) 1653. The sister Ursula d. at S. 23 (2) 1653. He d. in 1666. Will dated Sept. 29, prob. 24 (8) 1666, beq. to daus. Susanna and Jane, loveing yoak fellow Joane, son Samuel and all his gr. children; bros. John Rudduck, Ed- mund G. and old bro. Ward overseers. GOODNER, Edmund, Ipswich, one of the men app. by Gen. Court 27 Sept. 1642, to look after the breeding of salti>etre. GOODHUE, GOODHEWE, Nicholas, clothworker, ae. 60, with wife Jane, ae. 48, came in the James in July in 1635. As no further record of him appears it may be supposed that he d. soon and that Jane was the "widow" G. who was reproved for not coming to the meeting In 1647. William, weaver, yeoman, merchant, Ipswich, propr. 1(535, frm. Dec. 7, 1636. Dea- con. Bought the commonage of John New- man 1 (2) 1649. Bought land of Nathl. Brownie April 1, 1673. He deposed 6 Jan. 1679, ae. 67 years, in favor of the formation of second (Chebacco) church. [Arch. Eccl. 1.] Wife Mary made will ace. to marriage contract 8 June, 1682, bequeathing her est. to Benjamin and Mary, 2 of the ch. of her son John Fayerweather of Boston. Made deed of gift to son William with consent of his now wife Bethia, May 1, 1686. GOODMAN, John, came in the Mayflower, signed the Compact, res. at Plymouth, d. soon after arrival, probaly from exposure when lost in Jan. 1620-1. [Mou.] Richard, Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm. May 14, 1634; brought suit in Plymouth Court 4 March, 1638-9. Rem. to Hartford. Either he or a son of the same name m. at H. 8 Dec. 1659, Mary Terry and rem.»to Hadley. Admin, of his est. gr. at Northampton court Sept. 26, 1676, to widow Mary and to her cou- sin Ensign Cooke. Her account specifies land at Hadley given to her husband by her father Stephen Terry; sons John, Richard, Thomas; daus. Mary and Elizabeth. Thomas, a creditor of Thomas Watsnn of Duxbury in 1639. [L.] 192 GOODRICH, GOODRIDGE, GTTTRICE, GXTTRIG, GUTTERIDGE, John, tailor, Watertown, propr. 1(336; rem. to Boston. Adm. chh. 29 (11) 1641; frm. May IS, 1642. Wife Prudence adm. chh. 10 (4) 1643; ch. Joseph b. 1 (8) 1642. William, Watertown, propr. 1636. Wife Margaret; ch. Jeremy b. 6 (1) 1637, Joseph b. 29 (7) 1639, apprenticed 8 May, 1645, by widow Margaret to Samuel Thatcher. [Mdx. De. I, 188.], Benjamin b. 11 (2) 1642. He d. and inv. of his est. was taken April 3, 1647. [Reg. VIII, 57.] The widow m. John Hull of Newbury; she d. Feb. 3. 1682. Will dated Aug. 4, prob. 10 April, 1683, beq. to sons Jeremiah, Joseph and Benjamin; gr. son Benjamin G.; to dau. Mary Woodman; gr. ch. Mary Emry and Elizabeth Woodman. GOODSPEED, Roger. Barnstable, 1641; atba. 1643; adm. chh. July 28, 1644. Juror. He m. Dec. 1641, Alice Layton; she was adm. dih. Dec. 31, 1643. Ch. Nathaniel b. Oct. 6. 1642, (d. before 3 May, 1670, when his est. was settled,) John b. June 15, 1645, Mary b. July, 1647, Benjamin b. May 6, 1650, (d. and beq. his est. in 1677,) Ruth b. AprU 10, 1652, Ebenezer b. Dec, 1655, Elizabeth b. May, 1658. The widow Alice made will 10 Jan. 1688, prob. 4 Sept. 1689; beq. to ch. John, Ebenez- er, Ruth (Davis,) and Elizabeth; dau.-in-law Lydia and gr. ch. Benjamin. GOODWIN, GOODIN, GOODING, GOOD- WYN, Anne, ae. 18, servant of Abraham Top- pan, came from Yarmouth, Eng., May 10, 1637, to Newbury. Edward, lighterman, laborer, Boston, 1640; adm. chh. 26 (1) 1642; frm. May 18, 1642. Land transfers in 1&14, 1668, etc. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. Nov. 5, 1676, (m. May 11, 1693, Samuel Gardner,) Edward b. April 9, 1678. Edward, of Boston, boatman, made will 5 Dec. 1693, being aged; prob. 3 Jan. 1694-5; beq. to wife Elizabeth and dau. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Gardner. Bro. John Cleasby and Samuel Jackson overseers. Susanna, Salem, memb. chh. 1637. Mr. William, embarked June 22, 1632; came to Cambridge. Propr. 1633; frm. Nov. GOODWIN, etc., cont. 6, 1C32. Elder of the church. His dau. men- tioned by Winthrop, vol. I, 142. He rem. to Conn. GOOKIN, GOOKINS, GOOGAN, Maj. Daniel, a Kentish soldier, mi- grated to Virginia with his father, Mr. Daniel G.; was attracted to New England by the in- fluence of Rev. William Tompson and the others who visited Va. in 1643. He came to Boston the next year; was adm. chh. May 26, and made frm. May 29. Resided first at Roxbury; rem. to Cambridge in 1648. Was deputy, speaker of the Gen. Court, Asst., and com. on many important matters. A great patron of the work of Rev. John Eliot for the Indians, and a warm friend of theirs, though a sturdy soldier in the inevitable wars. Wrote several works of value. Wife Mary adm. Bo. ohh. 7 (7) 1644; she deposed to the will of Mr. John Willett in 1663. ae. about 45 years. She d., and he m. 2, Hannah — , who d. Oct. 29, 1688, ae. 48 years. [Gr St.] Ch. Mary and Elizabeth, "bapt. eleswhere, not full 6 years old wlien their parents joined this church," [Mi.] Elizabeth bapt. at Rox. March 14, 1644, Han- nah b. and d. 1647, Daniel bur. 3 (7) 1649, Daniel b. 12 (5) 1650. Other ch. named in will. He d. March 19, 1686-7. His striking will, filed at Boston, beq. to wife Hannah the est. which was hers before marriage; to ch. Daniel, Samuel, Nathaniel; to Elizabeth Bat- ter; to John Eliot, her son by her first mar- riage, and to her other ch.; to wife's son Thomas and daus. Hannah Gookin and Mary Savage. The dau. Mary m. Edmund Batter; [did she d. and he m. afterward her sister Elizabeth?] GOOBDLEY, John, Boston, servant to Richard Tut- tle, d. (10) 1638. GOOSE, [see also Negoose,] William, Boston, trustee for John Wal- llngton of London, turner, to receive money 1 (8) 1645. Goody Goose adm. chh. Boston 24 (2) 1659. Ch. John bapt. at Salem 14 (2) 1644. In Salem Court 29 (4) 1664, the inv. of the est. of Mary, widow of Wm. G. was pres.: he had d. many yrs. before, intestate; the widow was distracted, and the town had borne the expense. GORDON, Edmond, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. GORE, GOARE, GOABD, Mr. John, Roxbury, frm. April 18, 1637. He sent letter of attorney 23 (10) 1644, to Jo- seph Browne of Southampton, malster, to prove the will of his father and to execute It for him. [A.] He bought land at Salisbury, the deed of which was made to his widow Rodah 20 Aug., 1658. Wife Rose, (Rhoda,) deposed May 19, 1655, ae. 45; [Suff. De. II.] Ch. Jo'hn "b. in Englan<3, May 23, 1634," Obe- diah b. June 27, 1636, d. May 12, 1646, Abigail [Hanna] b. Aug. 5, 1641, d. April 13, 1642, Abigail bapt. May 7, 1643, Hannah bapt. 18 (3) 1645, Obediah bapt. 25 (1) 1648. The son John seems to be the master of the Mayflow- er, who deposed at Boston 25 (9) 1665, ae. 31 years. He d. 4 June, 1657. Will prob. July 30, 1657; wife Rosa; 5 ch.: John, Samuel, Abigail and Hannah Gore, and Mary Mylame [?] The widow m. 2, John Remington; conveyed lands March 22, 1662; she m. 3, Edward Porter. [Reg. VIII, 382, XXXI, 104 and 177.] Richard, ae. 17, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Settled at Roxbury; frm. May 29, 1644. He m. Nov. 30, 1639, Phebe Hewes. Ch. Hannah b. June 1641, John and Hannah bapt. 1 (5) 1643, Mary b. June 23, 1644, Phebe b. March 12, 1645-6, Joseph b. Sept. 21, 1647, Sarah bapt. March 25, 1649, Joseph b. April 8, 1651, Lydia b. Feb. 20, 1652, Benjamin b. and d. 1654. He d. 29 Sept. 1683. GOBHAM, GOABTJM, GORTIM, GOBOME, GBOOM, GROOME, John, Plymouth, Duxbury. Frm. 4 June 1650. Had land gr. in Plym. 18 Dec. 1638; was partner with John Rogers at Duxbury in 1638-9. [L.] Built a bridge over South riv- er with Joseph Beadle in 1650-1. He deposed 4 (1) 1674-5, ae. about 53 yrs. Was captain of a company for defence against the Indians 4 Oct. 1675. He m. Desire, dau. of John Howland. Oh. Desire b. at Plym. April 2, 1644, (m. at Bar. 7 Oct. 1661, John Hawes,> Temperance b. at Marshfield May 5, 1646, Elizabeth b. 2 April, 1&48, James b. 28 April 1650, John b. 20 Feb. 1651, Joseph b. at Yar- mouth 16 Feb. 1653, Jabez b. 3 Aug. 1656, Mercy b. 20 Jan. 1658, Lydia b. 11 Nov. 1661. 193 GOBHAM, etc., cont. He d. at Swansey 5 Feb. 1675. Admin, gr. to widow and sons James and John, March 1675-6; rights of younger ch. to be guarded. Division made to the widow Desire and ch. James, John, Jabez, Mercye, Lydia, Hannah and Shubael; £ 50 laid aside for the education of S. Admin, bond signed 9 March, 1075. [Plym. Scrap Book.] The widow d., and Inv. of her est. was taken 3 Aug. 1683. [Gen- ealogy.] Ralph, Plymouth, had land gr. 2 Oct. 1637. In Court 4 June, 1G39. He rem. to Swansey. GORNELL, see Gurnell and Cornell. GOBNET, see Gurney. GORTON, John, Roxbury, 1636; frm. May 19, 1639. Wife Mary adm. chh. about 1640; ch. Mary d. Aug. 1636, Mary b. June 21, 1641, Sarah bapt. 21 (11) 1643, Hannah bapt. 5 (1) 1646, a dau. d. (9) 1646, Mary bapt. 7 (3) 1648, Alice bapt. March 8, 1651-2, EUzabeth b. and d. 1654, John bapt. 24 (12) 165.5, drowned 15 (4) 1668, Abraham bapt. 8 (3) 1659. Will dated 17 June, prob. Oct. 19, 1676, beq. to wife Alice, son Abraham, daus. Sarah, Mary and "cales" [Alice.] Samuel, of Ivondon, clothier, came to Boston before 1636; res. in Plymouth in 1637; volunteered for the Pequot War. Put himself in conflict with the authorities of both colo- nies and caused and suffered much trouble. Was banished to R. I. in 1638. Went to Eng. in 1646, and obtained satisfactory documents from Parliament which protected him from further interference. [B., W., and Col. Recs.] Wife — ; ch. Samuel, John, Benjamin, Maher, Sarah, Anna, Elizabeth, Sussanna. Thomas, Plymouth Colony, volunteer for the Pequot War in 1637. GOSSE, GOFFE, John, Watertown, propr.; frm. May 18, 1631. Wife Sarah; ch. Joseph bur. 10 (3) 1631, Elizabeth bur. 25 (10) 1641, Phebe, not recorded, sole surviving child. He was bur. Feb. 15, 1643-4. Inv. 14 (3) 1644. The wido-w m. 2, Robert Nichols, who joned with her in a deed 14 (10) 1644. They rem. to Southampton, L. I. 194 GOSNALL, Henry, Boston, memb. chh. 1630, with wife Mary. GOTT, Mr. Charles, Salem, deacon; deputy, 1G34-5; propr. 1636. He wrote to Gov. Brad- ford July 30, 1629, an account of the ordina- tion of Messrs. Skelton and Higginson. [B.] Rem. to Wenham about 1651. Com. to end small causes in 1654. He and his wife and son Charles were dism. from Salem chh. to that of Wen. Dec. 10, 1663. Sarah, [dau. of Charles?] was adopted by Capt. Thomas Lathrop after the death of her mother, his wife's "cousin." Ch. Deborah bapt. 12 (12) 1636, Charles bapt. 2 (4) 1639, Daniel bapt. 28 (4) 1646. He d. 15 (11) 1667. The widow deposed in 1667, ae. about 66 years. GOTILBE, Thomas, glover, petitioned the Gen. Court in 1645. GOULD, GOOLD, GOLD, Edward, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth April 9, 1635. Settled at Hingham; paiPmaii- er. Had land grant at Boston in 1657. Wife Margaret; ch. Hannah b. March 12, 1643. (m. Samuel Hobart,) Sara;h b. in 1648, Sarah bapt. Nov. 29, 1658, (m. Nov. 29, 1675, Arthur Cain.) The wife d. 6 Feb. 1682. He d. 16 Feb. 1684-5. Francis, Boston, a watchman, before the Court 3 (7) 1639. Francis, Duxbury, atba. 1643. Francis, Braintree; wife Rose; ch. Martha b. 18 (12) 1649, Mary b. 23 (10) 1651. Martha b. 15 (8) 1654, John b. 2 (6) 1657, Samuel b. 12 (6) 1658. Goodman, Reading, propr. 1650. Jarvis, shoemaker, ae. 30, came in the Elizabeth in April, 1635. Settled at Hingham; propr. 1(536. Rem. to Boston. Wife Mary memb. chh. of Hing.; eh. John bapt. at Bo. 30 (6) 1646. ae. about 33 days, Joseph bapt. 25 (1) 1649-50. He d. 27 (3) 1656; admin, gr. 4 July folg. Jeremiah, Weymouth, propr. before 1644; rem. to Rhode Island. Attorney for Wm. Coddington in 1640, and for Henry Sau- dis in 1646. [Suff. De. and A.] ■GOULD, etc., cont. John, husbandman, ae. 25, with wife Grace, ae. 25, cert, from Towcester, co. Northampton, Eng., came in the Defense in July, 1G35. He may be the GOULD, etc., cont. Perlvins,) Mary, (m. John Reddington,) Mar- tha, (m. John Newmareh.) [So stated by the Genealogy of the Family.] John, carpenter. Charlestown, fnu. May GOULDER, GOOLE, 2, 1638. Wife Mary adm. chh 8 (11) 1636; she d. at Ten Hills Farm, Char. 14 (3) 1647. [W.] With wife Joane he sold land at Mal- osed 6 (2) 1652, ae. about 45 years. [Mdx. Piles.] Seth Sweetser calls him brother. Ch. Hannah bapt. 11 (2) 1641, Jacob b. (rec. at Cam- Ijridge,) Sept. 16, 1643. He was opposed to the baptism of infants, and came under the discipline of the church in consequence; was expelled, and became the leader in the forma- tion of the Anti-pedo-baptist (since called Baptist) church of Boston about 1665. His will prob. 30 April, 1674, beq. to wife Mary, son Samuel, daus. Mary Skinner, Me- hetable — , Mary Bunlier, Abigail Shapley and Hannah Gold; son Nathaniel Hay ward and his 2 children; gr. ch. Mary Sliinner, Thomas G., the 2 ch. of Mary Bunker and the 2 ch. of Abigail Shapley. Zaecheus, husbandman, Lynn, headed a petition that husbandmen be excused from training in seedtime and harvest; dated 7 (8) 1640. [L.] Rem. to Ipswich; sold land at Weymouth which had belonged to Jeremy Gould 26 (9) 1644. Rem. to Topsfield. He •deposed in 1661, ae. about 72 years. His wife Phebe d. 20 (9) 1663. Ch. [Phebe, (m. Thomas Francis, Plymouth, 1643; frm. 4 June, 1650. 16 March, 1650. He d. May 17, 1664. propr. 1638, atba. Wife Katharine d. GOULWORTH, John, punished for felony 28 Sept. 1630. GOVE, GOBE, GOFFE, John, Charlestown; frm. May 22, 1638. Adm. chh. Char 3 (3) 1647. Bought house and land 29 Sept. 1647. Will 22 (11) 1647. Wife, sons John and Ed- ward; dau. Mary to be adopted, with his wife's full consent by Ralph Mousall and his wife, to whom he gives a silver poiTinger and 5 li. Legacies to be paid out of the brass in the house or that which is to come out of Eng. by Mr. James Allen. Edward deposed in 1667, ae. about 28 years. [Norf. files.] [Reg. YT.I, 170.] The widow m. 2, John Mansfield, who joined her in paying the sons their portions 5 Dec. 1655. [Char. Rec] Obediah, before Gen. Court 1 Oct., and Essex in 1646. 1645. GOYT, GOYTE, GOIT, see Coit, John, Dorchester propr. 1632; land gr. to others in 1634, if he come not over the next summer. John, perhaps the same, Salem, Marblehead, 1640. [Es. Court rec] Mary adm. chh. 18 (4) 1643. Ch. Joseph and Mary bapt. 30 (5) 1643, Mary bapt. 17 (1) 1643-4. Admin. Ess. Court, (1) 1663. GOWING, GOWEN, Robert. Dedham. a man servant, adm. chh. (5) 1639: propr. Dec. 23, 1640. Rem. to Wenham before 1651. He m. 31 (8) 1644, Elizabeth Brock; ch. John b. 13 (9) 1645, Elizabeth bapt. (2) 1647, Hannah bapt 21 (12) 1648-9. Robert, Wenham, Court 23 May, 1650. petitioned the Gen. 195 GBAFTON, Joseph, mariner, Salem, 1636. Master of the bark Endeavor in 1641. [L.] Made a successful voyage to Pemaquid and Boston in 1639. [W.] Goodwife Grafton desired of the town a lot for her mother at the end of her husband's lot in 1637. [See Scarlet.] Ch. Joseph bapt 24 (11) 1636, John bapt. 28 (2) 1639, Nathaniel bapt. 24 (2) 1642. Two imperfect wills were set aside, and distribution made by consent of heirs as fol- lows: to Bethia Goodhue, John Grafton, John Gardner (for his ch. by wife Priseilla,) the two sons of Joseph, Jr., dec.; the three daus. of Nathaniel; to Mary Meade, William and Edmund Herfleld, Robert Kitchin and his three sisters, Mary Fox, Elizabeth Colyer and Samuel Gardner, Jr. Joshua, Salem, 1649. GBAME, GRAMES, GREAMES, GRIMES, Samuel, pewterer, Boston 163S; ac- counts with him in 1640. [L.] Bondsman for John Hogg in Gen. Court 28 (11) 1640, adm, chh. 26 (1) 1642 ;frm. May 18, 1642. Lot gr. him at Braintree in 1639. Wife Frances; ch. Mai-y b. 27 (2) 1639, bapt. 27 (1) 1642, ae. about 3 yrs. Thomas, Charlestown. ine; cOi. Susan b. 8 (5) 1643. Wife Kathar- GRANGER, GRATJNGER, GRANGE, Bryan, Salem, propr. 1637. Launcelot, Ipswich, res. 1648; rem. to Newbury. Leased farm of Stephen Kent. [Es. files 3, 98.] He m. 4 Jan. 1653-4, Joanna, dau. of Robert Adams; eh. John b. 15 Jan. 1655, George b. 28 Nov. 1658, Elizabeth b. 13 March, 1662, Dorothy b. 15 Feb. 1663, a dau. b. May 15, 1666, Samuel b. Aug. 2, 1668, Abraham b. 17 April, 1673. Thomas, Scituate. His son Thomas was executed in 1642. [W. and Plym. Col. Rec] He d., and admin, was gr. 3 Jan. 1642-3, to Timothy Hatherly and Edmund E'ddenden on behalf of his wife and Children and to pay debts. Widow Grace d. in 1648; will dated Nov. 24, 1648; son John, under age; dau. Elizabeth. Witnessed by Time. Hatherly. [Reg. IV, 283.] GRANT, GBAUNT, Christopher, glazier, Watertown, propr. 1634. Deposed 6 (2) 1658, ae. 48 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Mary; ch. Abigail b. 6 (12> 1634, Joshua b. 11 (4) 1637, Caleb b. 8 (7) 1639, Benjamin b. 6 (7) 1641, Sarah b. 1 (12) 1642-3, Joseph b. 28 (7) 1646, Mary, Mercy,. Christopher b. 1649. He d. Sept. 6, 1685; admin, to sons Christo- pher, Caleb and Joseph; the daus. Sarah Seaverns and Mary Smith deposed, after th& death of their mother, Jan. 19, 1691-2. Matthew, b. in England, Oct. 27, 1601, came to Dorchester, probably one of the orig- inal church-colony that came in the Mary and John in 1629-30; frm. May 18, 1631. He rem. to Windsor, Conn., in 1035-6; was clerk of the chh. there. Ancestor of President Ulysses S. Grant. He m. 1, Priseilla—, Nov. 16, 1625; she d. April 27, 1644, ae. 43 yrs. 2 mos.; he m. 2, May 29, 1645, Susanna, dau. of Bernard Capen, and widow of William Rock- well, who was b. April 5, 1602; she d. Nov. 14, 1664. Ch. Priseilla b. Sept. 14, 1626, Samuel b. Nov. 12, 1631, Tahan b. Feb. 3, 1633, John b. April 30, 1642. [From his own rec.. See- Stjles' Windsor.] He d. 16 Dec. 1681. Seth or Zeth, embarked June 22, 1632. Settled at Cambridge; propr. 1034. Thomas, came from England in same ship with Samuel, son of Wm. Stickney, i. e. before 1638, as S S. deposed at Salem Prob. Court 20 July, 1698. Jane, widow, Rowley, propr. 1643. Ch. John, Hannah, (m. — Brown,) Frances, (m. — Keyes,) Ann, (m. 11 (4) 1658, Robert Emerson). GBAUSE, William, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. GRAVES, GRAVE, John, cow-leech, householder, [See Es. Inst. Coll. XXXI.] Roxbury, a goodly bro. of the chh.. arrived (3) 1633; he brought 5 ch.: John, Samuel, Jonathan, Sarah and Mary; his wife quickly d. and he m. Dec, 1635, Jud- ith [Alward.] [E.] He arranged Nov. 23,. 1638, for collection of rents upon his dau. Sarali's legacy from Thomas Finch of Hert- ford, Eng., from his sister Lydia Ford of Nas- ing, Eng., [L.] See will of Anne G., widow,, of St. Botolph without Algate, dated 10 Feb. 196 OBAVES, etc., cont. 1675. [Reg. L., 423.] Cb. Hannah b. in Rox. Sept. 8, 1636. He d. 4 (9) 1644. Will, dated Nov. 1, 1644. Beq. to cli. John, Samuel, Jonathan, Hanna and Mary; the latter to have the bed her grandmother now lieth upon; if wife live 5 yrs. after the death of my mother, she shall pay 6 li. to my dau. Hannah. "Old mother Graves, of fourscore yeares," was bur. Feb. 24, 1644-5. The son John d. in 1645, and beq. 26 (9) 1645, to bros. Samuel and Jona- than; sisters Sara, Hanna and Mary, and his mother. Richard, husbandman, ae. 33, came in the Abigail in JiUy, 1635. Settled at Salem, propr. 1637; fisherman. His wife adm. chh. 23 (6) 1640; 3 children bapt. 14 (1) 1640-1, Joseph bapt. 16 (8) 1642, Benjamin and Eliza- beth bapt. 6 (6) 1645, Mary bapt. 26 (2) 1648, Richard bapt. 6 (8) 1650, Hannah bapt 15 (6) 1652, Deliverance bapt. 16 (5) 1654, Joan, ae. 30, and Mary, ae. 26, who came in the Hope- well in Sept., 1635, may have been his wife and dau.; the ages of passengers being very carelessly recorded. Samuel, Plymouth, sold house July 4, 1636. Samuel, hatter, Ipswich, propr. 1635, 1634. Jacob deposed in 1657, ae. 36. He d. April 22, 1658, ae. 65; will dated 21 (2) prob. 15 (4) 1658, beq. to wife Joane; ch. John, Jacob and Mary. Refers to wife's est. before marriage with him. John. ae. 27, with Dorcas, ae. 15, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 163.5. Joihn, surgeon, came in the James- April 5, 1635. Jotn, Sandwich, atba. 1643. He was bur. April 4, 1660; will dated 28 Feb. 1659, prob. June 7, 1660, beq. to his sis- ter and her children; James Skiff e. Sen., exec, and residuary legatee. John, Roxbury, d. at Daniel Brewer's house; the Court appointed D. B. adminr. 4 (10) 1638, debts paid to several persons; he had worked at Castle Island. GBEEN, etc., cont. Joseph. Plymouth, arbitration of cer- tain business 2 Nov. 1640; atba. 1643. Perclval, husbandman, ae. 32, with wife Ellen, ae. 32, came In the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Cambridge; frm. March 3, 1635-6. Mrs. G. told in the chh. that she was born of godly parents; father suffered imprisonment, and was taken away while she was young. [Rel.] Ch. John b. (4) 1636, Elizabeth b. (2) 1639. He d. 25 (10) 1639. The widow m. 2, Thomas Fox who arranged for the est. of Mr. G. to pass to her and her children, 24 (3) 1650. Ralph, Boston, child John b. 22 (10) 1642. Ralph, Maiden, eh. — , b. Jan. 1653. Rebecca, Maiden, widow; the inv. of the est. filed 4 (1) 1674-5 by Thomas NeweU on behalf of his wife and the other children. Samuel, Cambridge, propr. 1634, frm. March 3, 1635-6. Doorkeeper of the Gen. Court in 1644. Wife Jane; ch. Elizabeth b. 16 (2) 1640, Sarah b. 7 (8) 1642, Lydia b. 23 (1) 1644-5, Lydia b. 13 (2) 1646, Samuel b. 6 (1) 1647, Joseph b. 7 (9) 1649. Solomon, apprenticed to John Crabtree, joiner, for 7 years, and to remain 1 year as a journeyman, 12 (6) 1639. Agreement made by Elizabeth Leger, widow of John Greene of Hadley in Suffolk. Eng., clothier. BQs sister Mary G. was placed at the same time with William Hudson, fisherman. [L.] See Leager, Jacob. Thomas, ae. 15, cert, from St. Albons, Herts., Eng., came in the Planter, April 2, 16.S5. Same name and age given in the Hope- well later in the same month. Probably the same person, and he the son of the folg. Thomas, Sen., Maiden, lived at Lady Moody's farm at Lynn about 1640; depos. 16 (6) 1662, ae. about 62 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife Elizabeth d. (6) 1658, and he m. 5 (7) 1659, Frances, widow of Richard Cooke. Ch. rec: at Mai.: Dorcas b. May 1, 1653, John b. Jan. 26, 1658. He d. Dec. 19. 1667. Will dated 12 Nov., prob. 15 Jan. 1667, beq. to eldest son Thomas; to sons John, William, Henry and Samuel; daus. Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Martha and Dorcas, and to his wife. William, Charlestown, adm. chh. 8 (5) 1643, frm. May 29, 1644. Rem. to Wobum, GREEN, etc., cont. propr. 1640. He m. Johannah, dau. of Mr. Thomas Carter, sister of Mrs. John Tuttle of Ipswich; she deposed in 1659, ae. 59 years. [Es. Files.] Ch. Mary b. 20 (11) 1644, Han- nah b. Feb. 7, 1646, John b. Oct. 11, 1649. He d. 7 (1) 1653-4. Wdl dated 6 (11) prob. 4 (2) 1654, beq. tO' wife Hannah; to eldest son John a double portion and what his gr. fath- er had beq. to him; other sons and daus. to share alike; wife exec. Bro. John C. and iCapt. Edward Johnson overseers. [Reg. XVI, 74.] GREENFIELD, GE.ENFEILD, Samuel, weaver, ae. 27, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Barbara, ae. 35, and servant, John Teed, ae. 19, passed exam. May 12, 1637, to go to N. E. Reed, inhabitant and propr. at Salem 14 (6) 1637. Rem. to Ips- wich. His wife d. and he m. Susan, widow of Humphrey Wyth or Wise, with whom he sold land 4 March, 1638. Was one of those licensed by the Court 6 (7) 1638, to be- gin the plantation at Hampton. Rem. to Exeter. GREENLEAE, GRENLEFE, Edmund, dyer, gent., Newbury, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Kept a house of enter- tainment in 1639. Com. of the Gen. Court to end small businesses in 1642. Captain. Rem. to Boston; his dyehouse located by the spring 30 (5) 1655. His wife Sarah d. Jan. IS, 1662-3. He m. 2, Sarah, widow of Wil- liam Hills, q. V. Ch. Enoch, Judith, (m. 1, Henry Somerby, m. 2, Tristram Coffin, Jr.,) Stephen, Elizabeth, (m. 1, Giles Badger, m. 2, Richard Browne,) Daniel d. Dec. 5, 1654, Sarah, (m. William Hilton,) [John.] His will dated 22 Dec. 1668, prob. 12 (2) 1671, beq. to son Stephen; daus. Elizabeth Browne, widow, and Judith Coffin; to gr. ch. Elizabeth Hilton and Enoch G.; to Enoch's eldest son James. Cousin Thomas Moon, mariner, overseer; sons Stephen G. and Tristram Coffin execs. Refers to Wil- liam, Ignatius and James Hill, his wife's sons, and to f 50 apiece beq. to them by their aunt. GREENLAND, John, carpenter, Charlestown, propr. on Mystic Side in 1638. Deposition. [L.] Gen. Court gr. him leave to plant on a five acre lot, 7 Oct. 1640. Town officer. He 199 GBEENLAND, cont. deposed 29 (10) 1057, ae. about 50 years, and 17 (-1) 1662, ae. about 60. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Lydia; cii. John b. 16 (8) 1641. Will dated 1 May, 1685, prob. 27 March, 1691, beq. to wife Lydia, sons John and Dan- iel, dau. Abigail Ireland and Daniel's dau. Elizabeth. OREENOTJGH, GREENOW, Mary, Sandwich, memb. chh. before 1644, in. Capt. Bezaleel Peyton and rem. to Boston. William, mariner, brother of the above, deposed 23 July, 1678, ae. about 51 years, relative to her property. Came to Boston, 1664; beq. to her only child and her gr. child, Elizabeth Saunders; beq. to John and Jo- seph Kent, and to Joseph Kent's 3 daus. [Reg. XIII, 12, and XXXI, 105.] HARDING, Abraham, glover, planter, Boston, Braintree, Medfield; frm. May, 1645. He gave letter of attorney 28 (6) 1640, for the collection of legacy left by his father John Harding of Boram, co. Essex, Eng., hus- bandman, dec, from Agnes Greene of Tarl- HARDING, cont. ing, Essex, the widow and exec, of his father. [L.] [See Bridgham.] Will prob. April 24, 1655; wife Elizabeth, son John and other ch. [Reg. IX, 35.] The widow m. 2, John Frary, Jr., and 3, Thomas Dyer. Thomas Buttolph signed prob. bond, and petitioned Court with herself, her hus- band and her son John Harding, (then 21 yrs. of age,) Oct. 1, 16G5, for distribution of the est. John became guardian of bis sis- ter Elizabeth and the other 2 children. [Reg. XVI, 160.] Elizabeth, ae. 12, came in the Abigail in May, 1635; as maid servant of Capt. Ed- ward Gibbons, Boston, she was adm. chh. 17 <12) 1G43. George, Salem, called to court in 10-17. John, Salem, [compare with John Hardy,] frm. May 13, 1640. Bought land at Gloucester in 1652. Town officer 1654. He m. 22 (2) 1652, widow Tibbit. John, Weymouth, selectman, 1643. Admin, on his est. was gr. 2 Nov. 1682, to his son-in-law John Whitmarsh, house- wright. Widow Martha, Plymouth, taxed 1632. She d., leaving 1 son in the custody of Mr. Done. Inv. Oct. 8, 1633. [Reg. IV, 34.] John, of Duxbury, atba. in 1643, may be this son. Phebe, who m. John Brown in 1634, and Winyfride, who m. Thomas Whiton In 1639, are not accounted for. Robert, merchant, captain, Boston, frm. May 18, 1631. Was in partnership with Robert Scott sometime. Res. at Newport In 1640. [L.] [See Bridgham.] Was paid for services by Gen. Court in 1645. Ret. to Eng.; sold the house he had built in Boston Oct. 1, 1651. He m. Philip Hammond, widow, who was disciplined by the chh. of Bo. for lier defense of Mrs. Hutchinson 1 (7) 1639. HARDMAN, HEARDMAN, John, Lynn, witness at court in 1647. HARDY, see Harding and Hart, John, fisherman, Salem, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. A vessel of his was wreclied in 1641; the "wrack" referred to in Gen. Court rec- ords. He desired land about Bass River for bis son Joseph in 1643. Goodwife, adm. chh. HARDY, cont. 14 (2) 1650. His dau. Elizabeth Haskell was reed, to full communion in the chh. 22 (II) 1661. His will, signed 30 (1) prob. 30 (4) 1652. beq. to wife Elizabeth; dau. Elizabeth Has- kell, with her husband Roger H. and their 4 ch., John, William, Mark and Elizabeth; son Joseph and his dau. Elizabeth; gave the time of his apprentice, Thomas Varney, to R. Haskell; the boy's parents may buy the rest of the term. The widow made will 7 (6) 1654, prob. 11 (9) folg.; beq. to the same persons. Thomas, one of the first to plant at Ipswich, April 1, 1633. [Col. Rec] Propr. Presumably the same as Thomas, Haverhill, who gave laud 1 July, 1670, to dau. Mary, wife of Samuel Currier. He made will at Merrimack Village, near Haverhill, (Bradford,) 4 March, 1671-2, with postscript Dec. 12, 1677, when he was ae. about 72 years; prob. March 7, 1677-8; beq. to wife; sons Thomas, John, Joseph, Jacob and William; son-in-law William Hutchins; dau. Mary and her children. HARKER, HEARKER, Anthony, yeoman, Boston, servant to Thomas Leverett, adm. chh. (9) 1633, frm. May 25, 1636. Fropr. He deposed in 1657, ae. about 48 years, concerning the receipt of iron at Edw. Hutchinson's warehouse. Wife Mary adm. chh. 21 (1) 1641; ch. John bapt. 14 (2) 1639, Mary bapt. 17 (8 1 1641. ae. about 5 days, John bapt. 30 (2) 1643, ae. about 10 days, Sarah b. 30 (7) 1646, Mercy bapt. 12 (6) 1649, ae. about 10 days, Elizabeth bapt. 7 (1) 1652. John, Scituate, volunteer for the Pe- quot war, 1637. Before the Court 2 June, 1640. Land confirmed to him 7 Nov. 1643. Partner in land with Peter Collymer in 1642. William, Lynn, propr. 1638. In court for withdrawing from baptizing of infants, 1646. He deposed 17 (5) 1659, ae. about 65 years. His son William rem. to Southamp- ton, L. I.; deposed before N. Y. olBcials, 16 May. 1641, that he was b. in Cincenshier, [Lincolnshire?] and was ae. about 24 years. HARKET, HARKOT, see HACKETT, Richard, Salem, before Gen. Court IT Oct. 1643. 212 HARLAKENDEN, IRLAKINGTON, Iliebard, Esq., Cambridge, propr. 1638. Roger, Esquire, gent., b. in Brlescolne, CO. Essex, Eng., came in the Defense July 3, 1635. with wife Elizabeth, ae. 18, sister Ma- bel H., ae. 21, and servants, Anne Wood, ae. 23, Samuel Shepherd, ae. 22, Joseph Cocke, ae. 27, George Coclse, ae. 25, (see Cooke,) William French, ae. 30, and his wife Eliza, ae. 32. Robert — , and Sarah Simes, ae. 30. Settled at Cambridge. Propr.; town officer. Ch. Elizabeth b. (10) 1636, Margaret b. (7) 1638. He d. Nov. 17. 1638, ae. 27. Will engrossed Dec. 3, 1639, [L.] beq. to wife Elizabeth, dau. Elizabeth, bro. Richard H., bro. John Haynes, sister Neville, cousin Sarah; to his pastor, Mr. Shepherd; to the poor of the chh.; to the library, etc. [Reg. II, 181.] His widow m. 2, Herbert Pelham, Esq. HARLOW, William, cooper. Sandwich, prop. frm. 5 March, 1638-9; frm. 6 June, 1654, propr. . Rem. to Plymouth. Sergeant. He m. Dec. 20, 1649, Rebecca Bartlett; ch. William b. and d. 1650, Samuel b. 27 Jan. 1652, Rebecca b. 12 June, 165.5, William b. 2 June, 1657. He m. 2, July 15, 1658, Mary Faunce; ch. Mary b. 19 (. .) 16.59, Repentance b. 22 Nov. 1660, John b. 19 Oct., 1662, Nathaniel b. 30 Sept. 1664. His wife Mary d. Oct. 4, 1664; he m. Jan. 20, 1665, Mary Shelley; ch. Han- nah b. 28 Oct. 1666, Bathshua b. 21 April, 1607, Joanna b. 24 March, 1069, Mehitabel b. 4 Oct., 1672, Judith b. 2 Aug. 1676. His est. settled Sept. IS, 1691; division made to four sons, Samuel. William, Nathan- iel and Benjamin, and to his seven daugh- ters not named. The widow made oath to the inv. at home, on account of her weak- ness. HARM AN, etc., cent. 23, 1671, d. 13 Nov. 1673, Sarah b. Feb. 1, 1675. Nunc, will made 4 March, 1660, beq. all to his wife. John, son of Edmund Harmon, of Lon- don, tailor, acknowledged himself appi'entice of Francis Cooke of New Plymouth for 7 years from Oct. 1, 1636. Atba. 1643. Served 17 days against the Narragansetts from 15 Aug., 1645. John d. 16 (1) 1661. Widow, had grant of land at Lynn in 1638. HARNETT, Edward, tailor, Salem, 1638; adm. chh. 1 (8) 1643; took Jeremiah, son of William and Alice Chichester, as an apprentice 31 (6) 1658. Wife Scicillea or Cicely, memb. chh. 1639; joined him in deed in 1657. Edward, Jr., adm. chh. 3 (3) 1645. Ch. Jonathan bapt. 17 (9) 1650, Eunice bapt. 3 (7) 1654. HARADEN, HARRADEN, HARRENDEN,. HARANDINE, Edward. Ipswich, about 1650. Rem. to Gloucester; testified in 1656 to the stand- ing of certain line trees before the year 1652. He deposed in 1677, ae. above 50 years. Wife Sarah; ch. Elizabeth, (m. 27 (7) 1676, Thomas Prince, Jr.,) Edward b. about 1650, as he deposed in 1727; Andrew b. 13 (11) 1658, d. March 4, 1683, Ann b. 2 March, 1660, John b. Aug. 7, 1663, Thomas b. 8 (7) 1665, d. April 26, 1683, Joseph b. 18 (6) 1668, Sarah b. 30 July, 1670, d. 3 (7) 1672, Benjamin b. 11 (7) 1671. Admin, on his est. was gr. to the widow and son Edward; they sold land in 1694. HARMAN, HARMON, HERMON, Francis, ae. 43, John, ae. 12, and Sa- rah, ae. 10, came in the Love in July, 1635. HARPER, William, lawsuits in Salem Court in 1641. John, Springfield, propr.; taxed in 1644; HARRIMAN, town officer. Ch. Sarah b. 24 (11) 1644, Jo- seph b. 4 (11) 1646. Elizabeth b. 1649, d. 7 (4) 1652, Mary b. 12 (9) 1651, Nathaniel b. 13 (1) 1654, Ebenezer b. 12 (6) 1657, d. 7 (1) 1660, Sarah b. Oct. 14, 1649, Mary b. Oct. Leonard, Rowley, propr. about 1648. Wife Margaret. He d. 6 May, 1691. Will prob. 29 Sept. 1691, beq. to sons Matthew and Jonathan; daus. Hannah Boynton and Mary H. 213 HAEBINGTON, ABRINGTON, HEB- RINGTON, ERBINGTON, Ed-ward, Charlestown, adm. clib. 3 (3) ]647. Joseph, servant to Capt. Keane. Lynn, lawsuit in 1641. Richard, lime-bumer, Charlestown, inhab. 1643; frm. May 26, 1647. Wife Eliz- abeth adm. chh. 9 (10) 1643; ch. Mary, (m. Seabred Taylor,) Elizabeth b. 15 (1) 1643, (m. Wm. Vine). He d. in 1659; admin, gr. to the selectmen. Robert, Watertown, propr. 1642; took oath of fidelity in 1652; frm. May 27. 1663. Town officer; mill-owner. Hem. Oct. 1, [1647,] Susan George; ch. Susan b. Aug. 18, 1649, John b. Aug. 24, 1651, Robert b. 31 (6) 1653, George b. Nov. 24, 1655, Daniel b. Nov. 1, 1657, Jo- seph b. Dec. 28, 1659. The wife d. July 6, 1694. He d. May 11, 1707, ae. 91. Will names sons John, Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel, Thom- as, Edward: daus. Susanna Beers, Mary Be- mis, Sarah Winship; Joanna Ward, late wife of his son Joseph, and her son Joseph. HABBIS, HABBICE, Anthony, Ipswich, res. 1648. Referred to in the will of Richard Eels in 1639. Arthur, (called also Harrison,) Dux- bury, atba. 1643. Propr. 1 June, 1640. He res. at Boston. Will dated 17 March, 1673, prob. 7 July, 1674, beq. to eldest son Isaac, son Samuel and dau. Mary; rest to wife who was to care for the other children. The son Samuel d. in 1678, and beq. to his wife Hannah, his bro. Isaac, sisters Martha Snell and — Wincbcorne, and their children. George, Salem, propr. 1636. His house by the Cove, the common landing place of the North river. [Es. Court rec] George, a child about 8 years of age, apprenticed (11) 1643, for 12 years to Thom- as Goldsmith to learn his trade. [To. rec] Jane, ae. 28, came in the Christian March 16, 1634; settled at Scituate; adm. chh. June 21, 1635. John, mariner, Rowley, propr. 1643; frm. May 26, 1647. Bought land of Daniel H. of R., carpenter, (artificer, wheelwright,) HARRIS, etc., cont. 5 Aug. 1652. Wife Bridget bur. Aug. 4, 1672; ch. John b. 8 (8) 1649. He consented 28 June, 1680, to the prob. of the will of his "last wife." [Ips. De. IV, 345.] His ch. Elizabeth, Nathaniel, John and Mary reed, bequests from Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, who calls him cousin. Made deeds of gift to sons Nathan- iel and Timothy in 1680 and 1682. He d., aged, Feb. 15, 1G94. Will dated 8 Jan. 1691-2, prob. 27 March, 1695, beq. to wife Alice, referring to their marriage con- tract; to son Nathaniel and his sou John; sons John and Timothy; dau. Mary Allen. Joseph, Salem, 1643. Joshua, apprenticed for 5 years to Thomas Weston, Nov. 5, 1633. In Gen. Court. Parnel, of Bow, London, came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Richard, gent., Cambridge, sold house 6 (1) 1642, which had belonged to John Moores. He d. Aug. 29, 1644. Robert, Roxbury; the Gen. Court freed him from his master 10 (10) 1641. Propr.; frm. May 22, 1650. He bought land at Mud- dy River 9 Feb., 1659. He m. Jan. 24, 1642, Elizabeth Boffee or Boughey, who had bros. Bold, Timothy and Thomas, and sisters Katharine Thorpe, Hannah Wilding, Mary Roe, and Priscilla Bruce. [Reg. V, 307, and XXXIX, 331.] Ch. Elizabeth b. Nov. 9, 1644, John bapt. 8 (6) 1647, Timothy bapt. 14 (5) 1650, Daniel b. May 14, 1652, Priscilla bapt. 19 (8) 1653. Thomas, Roxbury, servant to John Johnson, d. 2 (7) 1040. See Frye, William. Thomas, fisherman, seaman, Ipswich, served agaiust the Indians and was paid by the town in 1643; propr. at Rowley 1643; sold land in R. in 1643, giving deed with wife Martha 22 (12) 1654. He m. Nov. 15, 1647, Martha Lake; ch. Thomas b. Aug. 8, 1648, Martha b. 8 Jan. 1650, John b. 7 Jan. 1652, Elizabeth b. Feb. 8, 1654, Margaret b. 6 Aug. 1657, Mary b. last Jan. 1659, William b. 12 Dec. 1664. He deposed in 165S, ae. 40 years. Will dated 16 July, prob. Sept. 14, 1687; beq. to Wife Martha, sons John, William 214 HABBIS, etc., cont. and Ebenezer. Refers to oldest son who d. beyond the sea. Walter, embarked March 6, 1631, came to Plymouth upon an engagement with Mr. John Atwood of London, under command of Mr. John Done of Plym. for 5 years; was transferred to Henry Howland April S, 1633. Walter, of Dorchester, frm. June 2, 1641, signed the inv. of John Pope in 1649. William, Charlestown, Rowley, propr. 1643. Wife Eedy, or Edee, adm. chh. Charlestown 30 (9) 1642; ch. b. at Rowley 1 (5) 1645. Amy adm. chh. Charlestown 9 (6) 1656. HARRISON, Arthur, (called also Harris, q. v.) Rev. Edward, Boston, adm. inhab. in 1645. Wife Eleanor; ch. Joseph b. 20 (3) 1646; John bapt. 21 (3) 1648, his father being pastor of the church at Virginia; Elizabeth bapt. 28 (8) 1649, ae. about 7 days. John, gent, an attachment granted for him by Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. John, rope-maker, cordish maker, Salis- bury, propr. 1639, frm. June 2, 1641. Sold lands in Salis. to Ralph Blasdale 25 (1) 1643. Rem. to Boston. Rec'd to chh. from S. with wife Grace 17 (12) 1643. One of the attor- neys of John Hodges, citizen and cooper of London in 1647. [Norf. rec] Ch. John b. 2 (2) 1652, Elizabeth b. 2 Aug. 1653, Eliashib bapt. 18 (1) 1655, Anna b. 21 (10) 1656, Bethiah b. Sept. 7, 1658, Ebenezer b. May 31, 1660, Abra- ham b. Sept. 3, 1661, Rebecca b. Feb. 2, 1662, d. July 25, 1663, Isaac b. June 18, 1664. He m. 2, Persis, widow of Wm. Bridges, who was adm. chh. as his wife, 9 (2) 16.54; she d. March 7, 1682-3. He d. Dec. 11, 1684. Richard, Charlestown, witness to a deed in 1647. HARROD, Winnifred, adm. chh. Charlestown 12 (12) 1636. HARSON, Christopher, Wenham, 1643. Court files.] [Essex HART, HEART, compare with Hardy, Edmund, or Edward, Dorchester, propr. 1632; frm. May 14, 1635. Weymouth, propr. 1636. Ch. Martha b. 12 (8) 1640. Isaac, yeoman, Watertown, before Gen. Court 30 (5) 1640; propr. 1642. Sold land in 1656. Rem. to Lynn, afterward to Reading. Propr. 1047. Wife Elizabeth niemb. chh. R. 1648; petitioned Mdx. Court with him in 1656. Ch. Elizabeth b. Dec. 11, 1651, Samuel b. Feb. 9, 1656, (m. 20 Jan. 1073, Mary Witterige; he d. 25 June, 1683. He, ae. about 40, aud she, ae. about 35, de- posed in 1658. [Es. files.] His will dated Feb. 6, 1097, prob. Feb. 19, 1699, beq. to wife Elizabeth, sons Thomas, John, Samuel aud Adam, and dans. Eliza- beth Wenborn and Dabra (Deborah) Proctor. John, embarked March 7, 1631. John, shoemaker, ae. 40, with Mary, ae. 31, came in the James in July, 1635. Set- tled at Salem, Marblehead; propr. 1636; Mary memb. chh. 1637; he was adm. chh. 1638. Witness at Court 1645. Admin, gr. to widow Florence 26 (4) 1656. Inv. 14 (1) 1655-6. Edward Flint, Jeremiah Neale, Joseph Morgan and John Trasli gave power of attorney 1 March, 1672-3, to their bro.-in-law Jonathan Hart, to act for them as husbands of the daughters of the late John and Florence Hart of Marblehead. [See also Es. files XVIII, 58.] Nicholas, Taunton, atba. 1643. [See Rossiter.] Stephen, Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm. May 14, 1634. Propr. Sold in 1635. Rem. to Conn. Thomas, ae. 24, servant to John Browne, tailor, cert, from Baddow, Essex, came in the Desire in June, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1639; town officer. HARTOPP, HARTUB, William, Plymouth, Duxbury, atba. 1643. HARTSHORN, Thomas, Reading, propr., frm. May 10, 1648. Deposed 3 (2) 1654, ae. about 40 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Susanna d. March 18, 1659-60. He m. Hannah — , who was reed, from the chh. of Ipswich 6 (2) 1663; she d. 215 HARTSHORN, cont. July 20, 1073. Ch. Thomas b. Oct. 30, 1C4G, Thomas b. 30 (7) 1648, [Mdx. De. I.] John b. May G, 1650, Joseph b. July 2, 1652. Jona- than b. Aug. 20, 1656, Susanna b. March 2, 1659, Timothy b. Feb. 3, 1661, Mary b. Aug. 19, 1672. He d. about 18 May, 1683, when inv. of his est. was taken. Will dated 26 Oct. 1681, prob. 19 June, 1683, beq. to sons Benjamin and Thomas, dau. Susannah and wife Sarah. HARTWELL, William, Concord, frm. May IS. 1642. Wife Jasan, Jassin, or Jezan, deposed 11 (3) 1675, ae. 67 years, concerning the will of her dau. Sarah Parker, widow. Ch. John b. 23 (12) 1640, Samuel b. 26 (1) 1645, Mar- tha b. 25 (2) 1049, Sarah, (m. — Parker; made nunc, will, as above; beq. to her children and to her sister, wife of Jonathan Hill, of Billeriea; in v. mentions her youngest son John P.). HARVARD, REV. JOHN, FOUNDER OF HAR- VARD COLLEGE, was bapt. at Southwark, CO. Surrey, Eng., Nov. 29, 1607, son of Robert Harvard, (name sometimes spelt Harvie, Harvye, Haverede, Harwar and Haward,) citizen and butcher; and of his wife Kath- arine Rogers, a native of Stratford on Avon. The father was bur. Aug. 24, 1625; his wid- ow m. 10 Jan. 1625-6, Jobu Elletson, citizen and cooper, who d. in June, 1626; she m. 28 May, 1627, Richard Yearwood, citizen and grocer, who d. in Sept. or Oct., 1632. The wills of these persons, of the father of Mrs. Harvard, and of Thomas, bro. of John, dis- covered and collated by Mr. Henry F. Waters, are presented in the Register for July, 1885. Mr. Harvard was matriculated at Eman- uel Coll., Cambridge, 7 July, 1631, A. B. in 1632 and A. M. in 1635. He married Anne, dau. of Mr. John Sadler, vicar of Patcham, CO. Sussex, b. Aug. 24, 1014. He sold some of his lands 16 Feb. 1636-7, and sailed for N. E. soon after. He settled at Charlestown, where he was adm. a towns- man 6 (6) 1637, a special vote giving him "promise of such accommodations as best we can." He and his wife were adm. chh. 6 (9) 1637. As the pastor, Mr. Thomas James, had recently gone away, Mr. Harv- ard officiated in his place, in conjunction HARVARD, cont. with the teacher, Mr. Symmes, though his ill-health forbade his being installed. John- son speaks highly of his preaching. The town chose him a memb. of a com. to con- sider something tending towards a body of laws 26 April, 1638. The Gen. Court had voted to establish a college at Newetowne, (Cambridge;) and he, being one of the teaching elders of a neighboring church, must have felt the needs and realized the importance of the infant institution. He d. of consumption Sept. 14, 1038; and left to the college at Cambridge one half of his estate, a sum amounting to 700 11. [S.] In consideration of this gift the Gen. Court ordered 13 March, 163S-9, that " the college formerly agreed upon to bee built at Cambridg shalbee called Harvard Colledge." He left no issue. The widow married early in 1039 Mr. Thomas Allen, who was installed shortly after as colleague pastor at Charlestown. The Court granted to him 500 acres of land 6 June, 1639, "in regard of Mr. Harvard's gift." They returned to England about 16.50. HARVEY, HARVIE, HARVY, HARBIE, Joseph, husbandman, of Gamscolne, Essex, Eng., died on the voyage to this country. Bequeathed his estate to be lent to poor christians in these plantations for two years; then to be returned to his bro. John Harvie of Wethersfield, Eng. and his sister goodwife Burke in Eng. Dated June 20, 1638; inv. in Boston Court 4 June, 1639, 4S li., 2 s., 9yo d. Richard, ae. 22, with Ann, ae. 22, cert, from St. Albans, Eng., came in the Planter April 2, 1635. Settled at Salem; tailor, propr. 1638. Adm. chh. 5 Oct. 1601. Ch. Anna, Eliz. and John bapt. 8 (10) 1001, dau. Jehodan bapt. 13 (5) 1002, Abigail bapt. (9) 1004. Bro. and sister Harvey were dism. with others to Southold, L. I., 20 (6) 1065. Richard, Concord. Twin daughters b. and d. (9) 1639; wife Margaret d. 2 (10) 1039. Thomas, yeoman, Taunton, atba. 1043; deposed 8 Nov. 1638, ae. about 21 years. William, tanner, Taunton, 1639. Rem. to Boston. He m. 2 April, 1639, Joane Huck- 216 HARVEY, etc., cont. er of Coliannett; she was adm. with him to the ehh. of Boston in 1643. His [second] wife, Martha, was adm. chh. 16 (2) 1654. Ch. Abigail b. 25 (2) 1640, Thomas b. 13 (10) 1641, Experience, dau., b. 4 (1) 1644, Joseph b 8 (10) 1645, William b. 27 Aug. 1651, Thomas b. 16 Aug. 1652, John b. 5 Feb 1654, Mary bapt. 2 (6) 1657. He d. Aug. 15, 1658. Admin, gr. to widow Martha for herself and 4 young ch. April 28, 1659. [Reg. IX, 346.] The widow m. 10 Nov. 1659, Henry Tewxbery. HARWOOD, HARWOODE, HARDWOOD, HARROD, Emm, Salem, deposed Jan. 28, 1701-2, ae. about 71 years, that she lived with Thomas Flint from 1649 to 1653. George, house-carpenter, Boston, 1636. Wife Jane adm. chh. 25 (12) 1642; dism. to chh. at Pequot 26 (8) 1651. Ch. John b. 4 (5) 1639, Deliverance d. (12) 1640, Joanna b. 10 (10) 1642, bapt. with John 5 (1) 1643. Henry, Boston, 1630, herdsman; appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, adm. frm. March 4, 1632- 3. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 1632. Ch. John bapt. 3 (4) 1632. [W.] Rem. to Charlestown; herdsman, 1632. [Wife] Winnifred adm. chh. 12 (12) 1636. Inv. presented in Gen. Court 5 (10) 1637. Henry, shoemaker, Salem, 1638, frm. Feb. 28, 1642-3. Constable. Goodwife adm. chh. 31 (11) 1640. Nunc, will prob. 29 (4) 1664; est. to go to wife for her life, then to his kinswoman Jane, wife of Richard Flinders, last to his wife's dau. Elizabeth, wife of Matthew Nix- on; £4 "to the church, to help the poor in bearing the charge of the Lord's supper." Prob. acct. (9) 1671. The widow Elizabeth sold certain lands 1 Nov. 1669. [Es. files.] Mr. John, tailor, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. 25 (10) 1647, frm. May 22, 1649. Referee in Burt and Rayner acct. in 1655. [Suff. De. II, 170.] Deposed in Gitford case in 1653, ae. about 27 years. [Es. files.] Ch. Elizabeth bapt. 17 (1) 1650, Hezekiah b. April 27, 1653, d. 25 (4) 1654. HASELTINE, HAZELTINE, HAZELTON, HASELDON, Francis, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1. "D. soon." John, Rowley, propr. 1643. He m. Joan Anter, q. v.; ch. Mary b. 9 (10) 1648, Nathan- iel b. 20 (7) 1656. Rem. to Haverhill. He deposed in 1663, ae. about 40 years. With wife Joanna he sold land in Bradford to David H. of Bradford, 4 Jan. 1674. He d. Dec. 23, 1690, ae. about 70 years. Will dated 17 Aug. 1689, prob. 31 March, 1691, beq. to wife; sons Samuel, John and Nathaniel, and dau. Mary. The widow d., aged, July 17, 1698. Robert, Rowley, propr., memb. grand jury 1641. Rem. to Bradford. He m. 23 (10) 1639, Anna — ; ch. Anna b. 1 (2) 1641, Mercy b. (8) 1642, Samuel b. 20 (12) 1645, Mary b. 14 (2) 1646, Abraham b. 23 (3) 1648, Deliverance b. 25 (1) 1651, Elizabeth b. Jan. 15, 1652, both d. 14 (5) 1654, Robert b. 7 (9) 1657, Gershom b. Jan. 31, 1661. He d. 27 Aug. 1674. Will dated 25 Oct. 1673, prob. 29 Sept. 1674, beq. to wife Anna, sons David, Abraham, Robert and Gershom, daus. Deliverance and Marey [or Mercy] ; to minister Symmes and to the town. HASEY, HESYE, HACY, see Halsall, William, yeoman. Pulling Point, Boston. Rem. to Rumney Marsh. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 9 (1) 1650; ch. Elizabeth, Sarah and Hester bapt. 23 (1) 1651, William b. lii Sept. 1652, Susanna b. May 30, 1660, Martha bapt. 24 (2) 1664. Admin, of his est. gr. to widow Judith 4 July, 1695. She had letter of dismission from Ipswich to Bo. chh. 12 (9) 1675. [Mass. Hist Coll. 4-8.] Hester «r Esther, b. 20 March, 16.50-1, m. 11 Jan., 1672, Henry Green of Maiden. [See her own account of her family in Reg. LIV, 211.] HASKELL, HASCALL, HOSKELL, Roger, planter, Salem, 1636. He de- posed in 1664, ae. about 50 years. His wife Elizabeth was a dau. of John Hardy, who beq. to her and her 4 ch. John, William, Mark and Elizabeth in 1652. He d. In 1667; will dated 27 May, prob. 20 (4) 1667; wife Elizabeth; ch. Mark, Wil- 217 HASKELL, etc., cont. liam, John, Roger, Josiah, Samuel, Eliza- beth, Hannah and Sarah; bros. William and Mark H.; sister Jone; son-in-law Wm. Dodge; father in law John Stone. The widow m. 2, Edward Berry of Salem, weaver. [Es. flies XIX, 47, Es. De. Ill, 45.] The bro. Mark may be he who was in court in 1652 for wearing broad lace, and in 1G61 called to account for the ketch Francis and Hanna. William, husbandman, Gloucester, propr. 1645. He deposed in 1672, ae. about 55 years. He m. Nov. 6, 1643, Mary, dau. of Walter Tybbott; ch. William b. Aug. 26, 1644, Joseph b. June 2, 1646, Benjamin, (ae. 92 in 1741,) Ruth, (m. Nehemiah Grover,) Mary, (m. Wm. Dodge,) Mark b. April 8, 1658, Sarah b. June 28, 1660, (m. Jacob Griggs). The wife Mary d. Aug. 16, and he d. Aug. 20. 1693. Will prob. Sept. 4, 1C93, mentions all these ch. and Mark and William, ch. of his son William, dec. [Hist. Gloucester.] [See Genealogy in Es. In. Coll. XXXI.] KASLEWOOD, HAZELWOOD, John, before Gen. Court 6 (10) 1638. HASSARD, HASARD, HAZARD, Thomas, ship carpenter, Boston, adm. chh. 22 (3) 1636, frm. May 25, 1636. Ch. Han- nah bapt. 10 (7) 1637. HASSELL, HASEWELL, HAZELL, John, Ipswich, propr. 1635, frm. March 9, 1636-7. John, Sickunke, (Rehoboth,) lawsuit, 1641, summoned to Plymouth 2 Aug. 1642, to own jurisdiction; lands at R. confirmed to him 6 June, 1649. Prosecuted for attend- ing house meetings Oct. 2, 1650. He made will 17 (7) 1651, prob. 2 March, 1651-2; beq. to any of liis kindred who may demand it 12 pence; to Wm. Howell; to John Clarke of Rhode Island; to Nathaniel Bis- coe of Watertown. All the rest to the pro- curing of liberty for the churches and peo- ple of God. Richard, Cambridge, frm. May 26, 1647. He deposed 17 (10) 1662, ae. about 40 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Joanna or Jane; ch. Elizabeth b. 20 (7) 1643, Joseph b. 20 (7) 1645, Hester b. 6 (10) 1646-7, Annah, (of Richard and Anna,) b. Oct. 6, 1669. HASSEN, see Hazen. HASTINGS, John, tanner, Braintree, frm. May 10, 1643. Rem. to Cambridge; propr. 1648; rec'd to chh. Feb. 16.56. [Mi.] Ch. Elizabeth b. at Br. 2 (5) 1643. His wife d. and he m. 2, Anne, widow of John Meane. Ch. Walter, Samuel, (bapt. in England,) John, Seaborne and Elizabeth. [Mi.] He d. Dec. 2, 1657. Will, dated July 26, 1057, mentions wife Anne, sons Wal- ter, Samuel and John, dau. Elizabeth, dau.- in-law Mary Meane, son-in-law Wm. But- tricke. The widow Ann d. 25 (1) 1606, ae. about 60. The inv. of her est. was filed by son Walter April 3, 1666. Walter and Sam- uel, who had married her two daughters, agreed on division of the est. with Joha Hastings and Elizabeth Billings. Thomas, ae. 29, with wife Susan, ae. 34, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Watertown: frm. May 6, 1635. Yeoman, selectman, deacon, towa clerk, deputy. Non-resident propr. at Ded- ham, 1636. Signed inv. of Wm. Goodrich in 1647. His wife d. Feb. 2, 1650; ho m. 2, Margaret, dau. of Wm. Cheney, of Roxbury. Ch. Thomas b. July 1, 1652, John b. March 1, 1653-4, William b. Aug. 8, 1655, Joseph b. Sept. 12, 1657, Benjamin b. Aug. 9, 1659, Nathaniel b. Sept. 25, 1661, Hephzibah b. ,Tan. 31, 1663-4, (m. Deacon Wm. Bond,) Sam- uel b. March 12, 1665-6. Will dated 12 March, 1082, prob. 7 (7) 1685, beq. to wife Margaret life use of all in her possession; to sons Thomas, John, Joseph, Benjamin, Nathaniel and Samuel; to dau. Hephzibah Bond and to two daus. of son Thomas. HATCH, John, yeoman, Scituate, endorsed a bond Jan. 3, 1636. Jonathan, Plymouth, before Plym. and Gen. Courts in 1640. Sent to Lieut. Daven- port at Salem in 1642. Afterward placed in care of Stephen Hopkins. He served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Hired land of Indians in 1651. Res. at Barnstable. He m. 11 April, 1647, Sarah Rowley; ch. Mary b. 14 July, 1648, Thomas b. 1 Jan. 1649, Jon- athan b. 17 May, 1652, Joseph b. 7 March, 1054, Benjamin b. 7 Sept. 1655, Nathaniel 218 HATCH, cont. b. 5 June, 1657, Samuel b. 7 Oct. 1G59, Moses b. 4 March, 1662, Sarah b. 21 March, 1664, In his will, dated 15 Sept. 1705, he beq to all these sons but Nathaniel and to daus Mary Weeks, Sarah Wing and Mary Row ley, wife of Nathan R. Lydia, sister of Jon athan, before Court 1641-2. Thomas, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. Sold house and lands, except his commons in the Neck, Oct. 31, 1639. Thomas, Yarmouth, propr., frm. 7 Jan. 1638-9. Th6mas, Barnstable, atba. 1C43. Rem. to Scituate. He d. before June 14, 1646, when ch. Han- na was bapt. Inv. presented by widow Grace May 27, 1661. Working tools, timber, an instrument called a violin, etc. [Reg. "V, 338.] The widow of Thomas Hatch of Scituate had lived there 4 or 5 years in 1659, though married to John Spring of Watertown. [Plym. Col. Rec] Daniel Pryor had ch. Daniel bapt. at Second chh. Sci. July 6, 1656, "grand child to our sister Spring." William, merchant, of Sandwich. Eng., with wife Jane, 5 children and 6 servants, came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Set- tled at Sandwich. Ret. to Eng. and came again, a joint undertaker in the Castle in 1638. [L.] Planter; frm. Jan. 5, 1635-6. Lieut., 1643; elder. He d. at Scituate Nov. 6, 1651. Will dated Nov. 5, 1651; wife Jane; daus. Jane Lovell, and Ann Torrey; gr. ch. John Lovell, James, W^illiam. Joseph and Damaris Torrey; sons Walter and William, execs. fReg. IV, 320.] The widow m. 31 March, 1653, Thomas King. HATCHET, William, before Boston Court 7 Oct., 1641. Executed. HATHAWAT, HATHWAY, HADAWAY, Arthur, Marshfield, atba. 1643. Ply- mouth. 1646. He m. 20 Nov. 1652, Sarah Cooke of Plym.; ch. John b. 17 Sept.. 1653, Arthur b. 28 Feb., 1655. Arthur. Dartmouth, made will 9 Feb. 1709- 10, prob. Feb. 6, 1710-11; beq. to sons John, Thomas and Jonathan, daus. Mary Ham- HATHAWAY, etc., cent. mond, Lydia Sisson and Hannah Cadman; to wife Sarah. John, ae. 18, came in the Blessing in July, 1035. Before Gen. Court 6 June, 1637. Res. at Taunton, 1649. Before Plym. Court for lending a gun to an Indian. Res. at Barnstable 16.56. Ch. John b. 16 Aug. 1658, Hannah b. May 1662, Edward b. 10 Feb. 1663. He rem. to Yarmouth. Will dated 3 Aug. 1089, prob. Feb. 15, 1696- 7; beq. to wife Elizabeth, sons Thomas, John, Gideon and Edward; daus. by a former wife; wife to bestow on her two daus. Nicholas, Braintree, had land grant for 4 heads 24 (12) 1639-40. Susan, ae. 34, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. HATHERLY, Timothy, felt maker, merchant, gentle- man, from the parish «f St. Olaves, Southwark, London, [see Irish, John,] came in the Anne in 1023, [Mor.] but returned the folg. winter; came again in the Friendship, about the middle of the summer of 1630, [B.] to Plymouth. Was one of the leading partners in Plymouth Col- ony. Returned to England, and came again In the William and Francis June 5, 1632. Set- tled at Scituate. Frm. Jan. 5, 1634-5. He and his wife joined the (Church Jan. 11, 1634, and his sister, Egglin Handford, joined Nov. 21, 16.35. He was an active and influential citizen, an offlcer in town, Asst. and treasur- er of the Colony, and com. of the United Col- onies. He did not consent to the persecution of Quakers, .and was left off the bench in consequence. He m. 2, Lydia, widow of Nathl. Tilden. Deeded land, etc., in 1666 to Joseph Tilden, conditioned on life-care of himself and wife. He d. Oct. 24, 1666. Will dated Dec. 20, 1664, prob. Oct. 30, 1666, beq. to wife Lydia; Edward Jenkins, his wife and ch.: Nicholas Wade, wife and ch.; Susanna, wife of Wil- liam Brooks and her ch.; Timothy and Eliza- beth Foster; Mr. Thomas Hanford; Fear Robinson, now wife of Samuel Baker, and the other three ch. of Isaac Robinson, John, Isaac and Mercy; wife's ch. Lydia Garratt, and her four ch.; the wife of Wm. Bassett; the widow Preble; George Sutton, his wife and ch.; to Lydia and Thomas Lapham; 219 HATHERLY, cont. Stephen Tildeu; servant Thomas Savory; Mr. Nicholas Baker; Lydia, dau. of Wm. Hatch; friend Joseph TiMen, exec. [W., B., Cud- worth, etc.] HAtJLGH, see Hough. HATILTON, see Holton, William, ae. 23, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. HATHORNE, HAWTHOBN, HATJ- THOKNE, John, Salem, memb. chh. 1637. Rem. to Maiden; Gen. Court licensed him to keep the ordinary. Rem. to Lynn. He deposed in 1665, ae. about 42 years. A brother of Major William. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah bapt. 2 (4) 1644, John bapt. 14 (8) 1646, Priscilla bai>t. 22 (5) 1649. Will dated 19 Oct. 1676, prob. 27 (4) 1677, beq. to wife Sarah; ch. Ebenezer, Priscilla Shore, (and her dau. of same name,) Marah, Phebe, and Nathaniel. Mr. William, Dorchester, propr. and frm. May 14, 1634; town officer. Rem. to Salem In 1636, he and his wife being adm. to the chh. in 1637. Major, town officer, deputy, Asst., com. of United Colonies. One of the most' sagacious and efficient of the colonial leaders. He deposed in court at Salem 2 (10) 1658, ae. about 51 years. Had letters from his bro. Robert H. of Bray, Eng., April 1, 1653, with message to bro. John H. [Reg- XII, 295.] His wife Anna was called "sis- ter"' by Mrs. Lydia Banks; but in what way meant does not appear. A list of his children, in his own hand, has come down, being entered in a volume which he owned. [Es. Inst. Col. Ill, 66.] Ch. Sarah b. 11(1) 1634-5, Eleazer b. 1 (6) 1637, Nathan- iel b. 11 (6) 1639, John b. 4 (6) 1641, (John bapt. 8 (5) 1644,) Anna b. 12 (10) 1643, Wil- liam b. 1 (2) 1645, (William bapt. 8 (2) 1646.) Elizabeth b. 22 (.5) 1649, (Mary bapt. 1 (3) 1G53.) Those in parenthesis are taken from Salem records. His dau. Mrs. Helwis was reed, to full com. in the chh. in 1661. He d. in 1681. Will dated 17 Feb. 1679-80. inv. taken 10 June, 1681. Wife Ann exec; beq. to her, to William, Samuel and Abigail, ch. of dec. son Eleazer; son John; Sarah, widow of dec. son William; gr. ch.Jervice Helwyde, land at Groton if he come over from "Urop" to enjoy it; dau. Sarah Coak- er's two eldest sons by her husband Coaker; to the rest of his gr.ch. Sons John H. and Israel Porter execs. HAVEN, HAVENS, Richard, Lynn, 1645. Wife Susanna, dau. of Thomas Newhall, who names her and her ch. in his will. He deposed in Prob. court in 1691, ae. "4 years. Recjrd in Book II, "copied out of the old book." Ch. Hannah b. 22 (12) 1645, Mary b. 12 (1) 1647, Joseph b. 22 (12) 1649, Richard b. 25 (3) 1651, Susanna b. 24 (2) 1653, Sarah b. 4 (4) 1655, John b. 10 (10) 1656, Martha b. 1658, d. 1659, Samuel b. and d. 1660, Jonathan b. 1660, d. 1662, Nath- aniel b. 30 July, 1664, Moses b. 20 May, 1667. The wife Susanna d. 7 Feb. 1682. He made will 21 May, 1701; aged; beq. to sons John, Nathaniel and Moses; gr. ch. Jo- seph, son of son Richard, dec; dau. Hannah Goodell; son-in-law John Tarbox; dau. Sarah Whitney; gr. ch. [Westol] Cogswell, Han- nah Parker, Hannah Goodell and the ch. of son Moses. HAWLEY, HAWLY, HAULE, see Hale and Hall, John, Charlestown, with wife Bethiah, dism. from Boston chh. 14 (8) 1632, and joined that of Char. Jonathan, Charlestown, propr. 1635. Richard, residence not stated, frm. May 29, 1644. Samuel, Charlestown, died before 16 (— ) 1637, when the inv. of his est. was pre- sented, taken by Raphe Sprage and Raphe Mousell. It included house and land at My- stic side; land in England which was part of his wife's "ioynter." Thomas, Roxbury. Wife Emm, bur. Nov. 29. 1651; he m. Feb. 2, 1651-2, Dorothy (Harbittle,) widow of Thomas Lamb; ch. Thomas bapt. Oct. 8 or 16, 1651, Joseph bapt. 30 (11) 1652, bur. Nov. 3, 1653, Joseph b. 4 (7) 16.54, Elizabeth bapt. 29 (4) 1656, Dorothy bapt. 20 (4) 1658. He was slain at Sudbury April 21, 1676. Widow Dorothy d. Jan. 28, 1697-8. 220 HA WES, HAWS, HAUS, Eflmuud, of London, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Plymoutli, propr. 2 Oct. 1637. Rem. to Duxbur.v; frm. .5 June, 1644. Town oiBeer. Sold lands at Marshfleld in 1649 and rem. to Yarmoutb. Will signed 5 May, 1692, being aged; prob. July 20, 1693; beq. to son John and his wife Desire; to gr. ch. Joseph, Desire, Jabez, Ed- mund, Ebenezer, Isaac and Benjamin Hawes, Elizabeth Doged and Mary Baron; gr. ch. Experience; to gr. gr. children; to John Hathaway. Edward, Dedham, 1648. He was em- ployed to plaster the meeting-house in 1648. He m. 15 (2) 1648, Eliony Lumber; ch. Lydla b. 26 (11) 1648, Mary b. 4 (9) 1650, Daniel b. 10 (12) 1651, Hannah b. 1 (12) 1654, John b. 17 (10) 1656, Nathaniel b. 14 (6) 1060, Abigail b. 2 (8) 1662, Joseph b. 9 Aug. 1664, Deborah b. 1 Sept. 1666. He d. June 28, 1686. WUl prob. 17 Dec. 1689, beq. to wife Eliony, ch. Daniel, John, Nathaniel, Joseph, Lydia Gay, Hannah Ma- son, Abigail Vales and Deborah Pond. Richard, ae. 29, with Ann, ae. 26, and ch. Anna, ae. 2% and Obediah, ae. 6 mos., came in the Ti-uelove in Sept., 1(535. Settled at Dorchester, propr.; frm. May 2, 1638. Other ch. rec. in Dorch., Constance, (m. 1 (4) 1663, Thomas Dewey,) son Eleazer. Admin, gr. on his est. 27 (11) 1656. [Reg. XI, 342.] Robert, a soap-boiler, ae. 19, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Set- tled at Roxbury. Rem. to Salem. His mill referred to in 1648. [Es. files.] Rem. to Wenham; propr. 1(J54. His wife Frances made nunc, will June 12, prob. Essex Court, Sept. 10, 1645; beq. to sons Robert and Ma- thew Edwards, to the young ch. Thomas she had by Robert Hawes; to Alice, dau. of Rob- ert Hawes; to her sister Ellen [Hiler] in Eng.; to Katharine Dorlon and Sarah Bart- lett, the two maids that kept her in her sick- ness; four pounds to a child in old England. He d. 29 (10) 1666, ae. about 84. Will prob. Jan. 18, 1666-7; sons Thomas and John Hawes; dau. Mary; wife; son Humphrey Barrett, exec; bro. John Pierpont and friend Edward Dennison, OTerseers. HAWK, HAWKS, HAWKES, Adam, Charlestown, 1634; rem. (o HAWK, etc., cent. Lynn; propr. 1638. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 50 years; his son-in-law Thomas Hutchinson dep. in same case. [Es. Files, IV, 12.] Wife Anne adm. chh. 21 (9) 1634; she d. 4 (10) 1069. He m. June, 1670, Sarah Hooper. Ch. Sarah b. June 2, 1671. He d. 13 (1) 1671. Division of his est. was made 27 March, 1672, between the widow Sarah, son John, dau. Sarah (under 18 years); to Wm. Coggswell for his wife; to I'rances, Samuel, Thomas and Edward Hutchinson; to Elizabeth Hart, and to Moses, son of John H. Isaac, Lynn, called to court 29 (10) 1646. John, [Dorchester?] frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn., thence about 1660 to Hadley. Ch. John b. 13 Aug. 1643, Na- thaniel bapt. 16 Feb. 1644, Elizabeth bapt. 10 Jan. 1640, (m. Joseph Gillett,) Ann bapt. 1 Oct. 1648, Isaac bapt. Aug. 1650, Slary b. May 23, 1652, Joanna b. Feb. 8, 1653, Eleazer b. 20 Dec. 1655, Sarah b. 29 Sept. 165 T, Ger- shom b. 12 April, 1659. He was bur. .Tune 30, 1662. His widow Elizabeth m. — Hinsdale, after whose death she returned to the Hawks homestead; her sons Eliezer and (4ershom Hawks had por- tions assigned Sept. 27, 1681. Matthew, with wife and servant John Fearing, came from Cambridge, Eng., and settled at Hingham, 1638. Frm. May 18, 1642. Town officer, schoolmaster. Ch. Eliz- abeth bapt. July 14, 1639, (m. Stephen Lin- coln,) Sarah bapt. Aug. 1, 1641, (m. John Gushing, I Bethiah bapt. Jan. 21, 1643, (m. Beu.iamin Stetson,) Mary bapt. Aug. 2, 1646, (m. Benjamin Loriug,) Deborah bapt. March 22, 1651, (m. John Briggs.) Hannah bapt. July 22, 1655, (m. Peter Gushing). His wife Margaret d. 18 March, 1683. He d. 11 Dec. 1684, ae. 74 years. Samuel, before Gen. Court 28 (11) 1640. HAWKINS, Abraham, Charlestown, ae. about 28 years, deposed to the list of goods of his master, Thomas Rucke, July 19, 1639. [L.] Adm. chh. 30 (9) 1643; propr.; frm. May, 1645. Town officer. Elizabeth adm. chh. 13 (2) 1643. He d. 6 (11) 1647. Inv. of his est. presented 221 HAWKINS, cont. by widow Elizabeth IS (1) 1G48-9; working tools, house, land, etc. George, ship-wright, Boston, attorney of George Richardson, of Wapping, mariner. May 1, 1641. James, bricklayer, Boston, before the Court 4 Aug. 1635, for taking too high wages. Had land grant at Braiutree 19 (12) 1637, for 4 heads. Sold dwelling-house in Bo. 5 (9) 1638. He deposed 1 (12) 1659, ae. about 56 years, tliat he saw and read in 1636 an indenture of Thomas Muut with his master, Ricliard Garritt. He deeded land 31 Jan. 1667, to his son-in-law Bartholomew Thread- needle. Wife Mary; ch. Susan b. 13 (12) 1645, Peleg b. 9 (1) 1648, James b. .luly 3, 1652, James b. March 18, 1653, Sarah b. March 18, 1656, Elihu b. Sept. 22, 1658, James, Elizabeth and Sarah bapt. 29 (2) 1667. Will dated 25 June. 1669. prob. 30 April, 1670. Wife Mary; son .Tames; 5 daus., Mary, Ruth, Damaris. Elizabeth and Sarah; to 10 gr. ch. a Bible apiece. [Reg. XLVIII, 460.] Job, ae. 15, came in the Planter April 10, 1635, cert, from Sudbury, Eng. Res. at Boston. Wife Frances; ch. Martha b. 26 (1) 1646, Job b. x\pril 20, 1658. Mary, probably of one of these fami- lies, m. in Boston 21 (9) 1654, John Aylett. Richard. No evidence of his residence here. His wife Jane was forbidden by Gen. Court, 12 March. 1637-8, to meddle in sur- gery, phisick or religion except with the elders, for satisfaction. Her .sons James, Job and Thomas petitioned the Court in 1650 that she might be allowed to live in this jurisdiction; but were denied. She was, however, allowed to come to Boston on her way to England, 23 May, 1655. Thomas, carpenter, captain, shipwright, of White Chapel, had permission to travel to America May 8, 1632. He res. first at Dor- chester, then at Charlestown, (propr. 1636,) and afterward at Boston. Engaged exten- sively in shipbuilding and commerce. Built ship Seafort, of 400 tons, at Boston, and sailed in her 23 (9) 1644 for Spain; there she was wrecked, and 19 persons drowned. He was wrecked at the same place in another ship 2 (12) 1645. His wife Mary was with HAWKINS, cont. him in the Dorchester chh.; ch. Sarah bapt. 24 (1) 1638-9, (m. 4 (11) 1653, Robert Breck, merchant, of Galway, Ireland,) Abigail bapt. 1642, (m. May 13, 1660, Samuel Moore). His son Thomas sold land about 1666. He d. on the ret. voyage of his ship from Eng. in 1648. Inv. filed 2G July, 16.54. Est. divided between his wife, son Thomas and 4 daus. [W.] The widow m. 2, Robert Fenne before 29 (8) 1657. John, Boston, memb. chh. 1631-2; d. soon after. Richard, ae. 15, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Robert, husbandman, ae. 25, with wife Mary, ae. 25. came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Settled at Charlestown. Frm. May 25, 1636. He was adm. chh. 17 (2) 1636. His wife Mary adm. chh. 8 (11) 1635. Ch. Eleazer bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Zachary bapt. 25 (8) 1639, Joseph bapt. 3 (2) 1641. Robert H. d. 11 (7) 1704. [S.] Thomas, baker, Boston, propr. 1636. Purchaser 28 (4) 1645. Wife Hannah adm. chh. 15 (6) 1641; she d. 27 (3) 1644. He m. 2, Rebecca — ; ch. Abraham b. in 1637, bapt. ae. 4 years, 22 (6) 1641, Thomas b. 1 (11) 1636-7, Hannah and Job b. 20 (11) 1640, Hope b. 2 (2) 1643, Hannah b. 1644, (m. June 7, 1661, Edward Howard,) Mehetabel b. Jan. 27, 1656, Richard b. Feb. 20, 1659, Ephraim b. April 5, 1064, Ephraim b. Oct. 15, 1065, Melatiah b. Nov. 12, 1666. Timothy, weaver, Watertown, had grant of trees from Cambridge to pay for timber he used about John French's house, 13 (1) 1647-8; Ijought land in 1651. Inv. of his est. taken 27 Sept. 1651. HAWKSWORTH, Nathaniel, Lynn, appraiser of est. of Jane Gaines in 1644. Thomas, ae. 23, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. Settled at Salisbury; plant- er; propr. 1640. Ch. Mary 1). April 22, 1641, (m. Onesiphorus Page, I Susanna d. Nov. 17, 1655. He d. Nov. 8, 1642; inv. Oct. 8, 1651. Wid- ow Mary was propr. 1650. She m. 2. Bel- shazzer Willix. HAY, Samuel, lawsuit in Essex Court in 1641. HAYDEN, HAYDON, HEYDEN, HOI- DEN, HOYDEN, James, Charlestown, adm. chh. 13 (7) 1635; frm. March 9, 1636-7. Ferryman. Wife Elizabeth; eh. James b. 13 (12) 1637, John b. 26 (10) 1639, Ruhamah b. 18 (9) 1641, Eliz- abeth, Joshua, Mercy, Thomas. The inv. of his est. talcen Dee. 12, 1667, ■was filed by his wife Elizabeth; that of John, [his son?] was taken 3 Dec. 1675. John, Dorchester, propr. 1632, frm. May 14, 1634. Before Gen. Court and ac- quitted 6 June, 1639. Rem. to Braintree. Gen. Court assisted him in the care of a distracted child 1647-1653. Wife Susanna; ch. Jonathan b. 19 (3) 1640, Hannah b. 7 (2) 1642, Ebenezer b. 7 (12) 1645, Nehemiah b. 14 (12) 1647. Samuel and John, Jr., of Brain- tree, may have been older sons. Will dated 31 Oct. 1678, prob. 2(i July, 1682, beq. to wife Susanna, sons Ebenezer, Joseph, Nehemiah and John, dau. Hannah and the ch. of dec. son Samuel. Joseph to be maintained. HAYFIELD, see HAFFIELD. HAYLE, see HAIiE. HAYWAED, HAWARD, HEYWARD, HAYWOOD, HEYWOOD, HOWARD, George, "Heward." Concord, frm. March 1637-8. One of the appraisers of the estate of Wm. Halsted 10 (10) 164.5. Wife Mary; ch. John b. 20 (10) 1640, Joseph b. 26 (1) 1643, Sarah b. 19 (1) 1645, Hannah b. 22 (2) 1647, Simon b. 22 (11) 1648, George b. 2 July, 1654. He was drowned March 29, 1671, while Tielping Wm. Frizzell over the river in a ca- noe. His estate was divided between his widow Mary and his children John, Joseph Simeon, George, Elizabeth Wheeler, Sarah Prescott and Hannah Farrar. Joshua Wheel- er, John Prescott and Jacob Farrar signed, Sept. 23, 1671. [Mdx. Files.] Henry, ae. 7, came with John Barnard in 1634-5. James, tailor, came in the Planter in 1635, ae. 22 years. Cert, from Stepney par- ish. Settled at Charlestown in 1636. Rem. HAYWARD, etc., cent, to Woburn; propr. 1642. Ch. Rebecca b. 4 (10) 1641, d. 4 (10) 1642. Brought suit in Ips- wich Court in 1642. He d. 20 (9) 1642. [The widow] Judith, Woburn, m. Jan. 18, 1643, William Simonds. John, ae. 22, cert, from Stepney parish, Eng., came, in the Planter March 22, 1634. John, Concord, m. 17 Aug., 1656, Rebecca Atkinson ; ch. Rebecca b. and d. 1657, John b. 5 April, 1661, Persis b. 24 April, 1664, Benonl b. and d. 1665. The wife Rebecca d. Aug. 5, 1665. He m. Nov. 30, 1665, Sarah Simond; ch. Sarah b. Aug. 30, 1666. John, Watertown, frm. May 14, 1634-5, ae. 43. Propr. 1636. Constable 1638. Rem. to Dedham; rec'd to chh. 19 (11) 1644 from chh. of Wat. Will dated at Charlestown, July 31, 1672, ae. 79 years; prob. 19 (12) 1672; beq. to Thomas and Samuel Aldredge, Sarah and Esther Judson, Henry During; to Geo. Westbrook; to Andrew During's 5 ch., to Mr. Samuell Phillips of Rowley, his 5 Ch.; to the Colledge at Cambridge a house at Wat.; rest of est. at Ded., Wat, and elsewhere to wife and Samuel Phillips, whom he made execrs. The widow d. at Dedham 23 (2) 1684. She beq. to eldest son Thomas Aldridge and his dau. Mary; son Samuel Aldridge; dau. Sarah Woodcock, (wife of John); gr. dau. Sarah (Westbrook) Woodcock; dau. Esther Kings- bury, (wife of Eleazer.) John, Plymouth. Volunteer for Pequot War 7 June, 1637. Duxbury, atba. 1643. Rem. to Bridgewater; ensign, 1664. Ch. Sarah b. at Plymouth 20 Aug. 1647. Elizabeth, [a dau.?] m. John Ames. Nicholas, fisherman, Salem, propr. 1642. [Called also Howard.] Will dated Jan. 6, 1682. "aged;" prob. 10 April, 1683; beq. to sons Nathaniel and the ch. of dec. son Nehemiah; to Nathl's sons Nathaniel and Nicholas; dau. -in-law Hannah Judkins; to gr. ch. Samuel, Elizabeth, Abigail and Sarah, J. and Hannah H.; to Annah Sargent and Rose H. Richard, (Awards) from Bedfordshire, Eng., sent over with his family to Salem in 1629, by Mass. Bay Co. [Suff. De. I. xvi.] Boston, had grant of house-plot 19 (12) 1637- 8. Robert, Scituate, atba. 1643. 223 HAYWARD, etc., cont. Samuel, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth April 11, 1635; settled at Boston; carpenter. Wife Isabel; ch. James b. 16 (10) 1645. Samuel, Sen., Charlestown, frm. May 2, 1649. Rem. to Maiden. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 9 (5) 1648. Ch. Samuel b. 4 (3) 1646, Han- nah, Martha b. 15 (11) 1652-3, Mary b. Aug. 1654, Sarah b. Feb. 1655-6, Elizabeth b. Sept. 25, 1658, Richard bapt. 22 (5) 1660, Deborah bapt. 6 (5) 1062, Nathaniel, Abigail, Jonathan. Will dated 5 (1) 1680-1, prob. 20 (4) 1681, beq. to sons Samuel, Nathaniel and Jona- than; dau. Hannah's ch.; remaining daus. Martha, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Deborah and Abigail. Widow Elizabeth d. May 12, 1686. Her will dated 11 (3) 1686, prob. 5 May, 1687, beq. to dau. Abigail her share in the est. of her first husband Oalis; to the wife of Sam- uel Haward. Thomas, tailor, of Aylesford, Eng., with wife Susannah and 5 children, came in the Hercules in March 1634. Settled at Cam- bridge; propr. 1635-6. Rem. to Duxbury, propr. and purchaser 5 Nov. 1638. In Court 1644. Frm. 1 June, 1647. Rem. to Bridge- water. Will dated June 29, 1678; yeoman, Sen.; beq. to sons Elisha and Joseph and gr. ch. Joseph. William, Charlestown, propr. 1637; rem. to Braintree, deputy, 1641. Bought land in 1648. Signed his name "William Haywood," as witness to deed of James Everill in 1654. Ch. Huldah, (m. 14 (11) 1652, Ferdinando Thayer,) Jonathan, (m. 6 (3) 1663, Sarah Thayer). He was drowned 10 (3) 1659. Admin, gr. 14 June 1659, to widow Margery for herself and children. [Reg. IX, 346.] The widow d. 18 (5) 1676. Admin, of her est. gr. 1 Aug. 1676, to her son Jonathan. HAZELL, see HASSELL. HAZARD, see HASSARD. HAZEN, HASSEN, Edward, Rowley, propr. about 1646. Town officer. Wife Elizabeth was bur. Sept. 18, 1049. He m. 2, in March, 1649- 50, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Grant; cli. Eliz- HAZEN, etc., cont. abeth b. March 8, 1050-1, (m. Nathaniel Har- ris.) Hannah b. Sept. 1653, (m. William Gib- son,) John b. Sept. 22, 1655, Thomas b. Feb. 20, 1057-8, Edward b. Sept. 10, 1060, Isabell b. July 21, 1662, (m. John Wood,) Priscilla b. Nov. 25, 1664, (m. Jeremiah Pearson,) Ed- ney b. .Tune 20, 1667, (m. Timothy Perkins,) Richard b. Aug. 6, 1669, Hephzibah b. Dec. 22. 1671. Sarah b. Aug. 22, 1673, (m. Daniel Wicom, Jr.). He was bur. July 12, 1683; his widow m. 2, George Browne of Haverhill; she d. In Feb., 1715. [Genealogy in Reg. XXXIIl, 229.] HEALD, HELD, John, Concord, frm. June 2, 1641. He rem. to Roxbury, then to Cambridge. Wife Dorothy; ch. Dorcas b. 22 (3) 1645, d. 1 (3) 1650, Gershom b. 23 (1) 1647, Dorothy b. 16 (8) 1649, Israel b. 30 July, 1660. He d. 24 May, 1662. Autograph will dated 19 April, prob. 16 June, 1662, beq. to wife Dorothy, ch. John, Timothy and Hannah, and five younger. HEALY, HEAY, HEILY, HEALIE, HELY, HALY, HEALE, HELYE, see also HALE, Edward, merchant, res. not given. Gave bond to Wm. Pester of Salem Sept. 2, 1638; action against him Nov. 5, 1639. [L.] Richard, ae. 22, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. Robert, Watertown, propr., 1648. William, Roxbury, frm. May, 1645. Endorsed a bond of J. Scarborough 15 (11) 1645. Signed as witness to will of John Graves in 1045. Rem. to Lynn and then to Cambridge before 1658. His wife and in- fant ch. d. 8 (9) 1649. Second wife Grace, dau. of Miles Ives. Ch. Hannah bapt. 7 (5) 1644, Samuel b. and d. in 1046, Elizabeth b. 9 (9) bapt. 14 (9) 1647, Sarah bapt. 2 (12) 1050. William bapt. 11 (5) 1652, Grace b. and bapt. at Camb.; Nathaniel bapt. Feb. 6, 1658, Mar- tha bapt. Sept. 9, 1660. He d. Nov. 28, 1683, ae. 70. Inv. taken 28 March folg., and admin, gr. to Daniel Cheever. 224 HEARD, HERD, HARD, HORD, HOORD, HUBD, John, tailor, having served with Mr. Win. Hutchinson for divers years was adm. iuhab. of Boston in 1039. Adm. ehh. wltli wife Mary 7 (5) 1639. She deposed in 1662, ae. about 40 years. [Arch. 15 B.] He was to receive 40 s. from Mr. John Beauford 23 (10) 1644. Had accts. with Thomas Foot- man of Gorgeana 5 (2) 1648. [A.] Ch. John bapt. 18 (0) 1639, Hannah bapt. 20 (7) 1640, John bapt. 17 (5) 1642, ae. about 4 days, Jo- seph b. 10 (7) 1644, Mary bapt. 8 (9( 1646, ae. about 7 days, Benjamin bapt. 27 (6) 1648, ae. about 7 days, Mary bapt. 20 (8) 1650, Ben- jamin bapt. Nov. 2S, 1652, Samuel b. March 14, 1655, Jacob (of Ann and John) bapt. 18 (1) 1655, Mehetabel (of John and Mary) b. Dee. 21, 1657, Mehetabel (of Ann) bapt. 27 (10) 1657. John Hurd, Sen., d. Sept. 23, 1690. Will prob. Oct. 2, 1090, beq. to wife Mary; sons John and Jacob; gr. dan. Elizabeth, dan. of Benjamin, dec; dau. Hannah Cowell; Ja- cob's son Jacob. Lulie, linen-weaver, Newbury, propr. 1638. Salem, frm. Sept. 6, 1639. Rem. to Salisbury; propr. 1640. Rem. to Ipswich; d. in 1647. Ch. John b. Feb. 4, d. Feb. 25, 1643; John b. March 6, 1644-5, Edmund. Nunc, will prob. 28 (7) 1647; wife Sarah, sons John and Edmund. At the request of the ch.'s grandfather John Wyatt, Joseph Bigsby, intending mar- riage to the widow, and about removing from this jurisdiction, gave bonds with her 15 (10) 1647, for maintenance of the ch.; their gr. father Wyatt to advise. Sarah was to receive land at Asington, co. Suff., Eng., af- ter her mother's death, if not entailed. William, Plymouth, came in the Ann in 1623. HEARNDALE, Benjamin, Lynn, accused of wit'e-beat- ing in 1647. HEATE, see HAIT. HEATH, Bartholomew, Newbury. Rem. to Hav- erhill; propr. 1646; town officer. He deposed in 1057, ae. about 41 years. Deeded land 12 March, 1668-9, to his sons John, Joseph and 225 HEATH, cont. Josias H. He m. Hannah Moyce; ch. b. at Newb.: John b. 15 Aug. 1643, at Hav. Josh- ua b. and d. 1047, Hannah b. May 7, 1648, d. Nov. 9, 1668, Josiah b. Sept. 4, 1651, Eliz- abeth b. and d. 1054, Benjamin b. 1056, d. 1057, Elizabeth b. 1658, d. 1059. Wife Han- nah d. July 19, 1677. He d. Jan. 15, 1681. Inv. March 28, 1682. I Isaac, harms maker, (armourer?) ae. 50,. Elizabeth, ae. 40, Martha, ae. 30, and Eliza- beth, ae. 5, came in the Hopewell in Sept., 1635. Settled at Roxbury; frm. May 25, 1636. Ruling elder, town officer, deputy. His dau. Elizabeth m. John Bowles, and d. 7 (5) 1655. He was bur. 23 (11) 1660. Will prob. 2 days later. To wife; son; cousin Martha Brand; kinsman Edward Morrice; Mary Mory. The widow Elizabeth d. 14 (11) 1664. Her will mentions sister Burnett and her son Isaac B.; Jacob Newell's wife; Isaac Johnson's dau. that he had by Hannah Heath; cousin. Gary, the old man; goodmen Frysell that m. goodman Buskett's dau.; cousin Capt. Johnson, and sister Waterman. [Reg. X, 65, and XIII, 150.] William, embarked June 22, 1632, came to Roxbury; frm. March 4, 1632-3. Court com. and deputy in 1634; householder. He d. 29 (3) 16-52. His will mentions wife, sons Isaac and Peleg, dans. Mary Spere, and Hannah Tenne, and bro. Elder Heath. [Reg. IV, 287.] The widow was bur. 15 (10> 1060. HEATON, called also EATON, Nathaniel, mercer, Boston, propr. Adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 2 (9) 1034. Had accts. in 1639 with Lechford. Frm. May 25, 1636. Ch. Eleazer b. 22 (7), bapt. 2 (8) 1636, Nathaniel b. 31 (6) bapt. 1 (7) 1639, Elizabeth b. 13 (8) bapt. 8 (8) 1639. The widow m. 2, Joseph Pell, and 3, John Minor. Jabesh "Eaton" and Mary who m. John Gilbert 5 (3) 1653, seemed to be older ch. The widow conveys her right of dower in certain land May 13, 1600. Nathaniel and Elizabeth petitioned Feb. 1. 1604, for a di- vision of the est., which was allowed. [Beg. XIII, 338.] Inv. mentions something which had been given to Cornelius Fisher's wife Leah. HEBBEET, HIBBIRD, HEBARD, HEB- ART, HEBERT, HIBBARD, Robert, Salem, bricklayer, adm. chh. with wife Joanna May 3, 1646. Bought land in 1659. Rem. to Beverly. Ch. Marie b. Nov. 27, 1641, (m. Nicholas Snelling.) John b. Jan. 24, 1642-3, Sarah b. and d. 1644, Jo- seph and Robert bapt. May 7, 1648, Johan- na b. Feb| 23, 1651, (m. John Swanton,) Eliz- abeth b. May 6, 1653, Abigail b. May 6, 1655, (m. Thomas Blackford of Beverly,) Samuel b. June 20, 1658. He d. May 7, 1684; will prob. 24 June, 1684, beq. to wife and children. The widow d. 1696. [Genealogy in Reg. LI, 316.] HECKNELL, John, Braintree. Ch. John b. 3 (10) 1038. HEDGE, EDGE, HEDGES, William, gent., capt, brought a suit in Es. Court in 1637. Settled at Sandwich; sold the time of his servant Robert Wicksen Nov. 8, 1638. Propr. 1640. Frm. 5 June, 1651. Town officer. He rem. to Yarmouth. Ch. Elizabeth b. 21 May 1647, (m. Jan. 4, 1665, Jonathan Barnes of Plym.,) Mary b. 1048. Will dated June 30, i^rob. 11 Aug. 1670. Wife Blanch; ch. Abraham, Elisha, AVilliam, John, Elemuel, Sarah Matthews, Elizabeth Barnes, Mary Sturges and Marcye; sister Brookes to have a livelyhood among his chil- dren so long as she continues a widow. [Reg. VII, 235.] William, Taunton, frm. Mass. Col. May 14, 1639. He d. April 2, 1054. Wife Mary, (dau. of Henry Andrews,) sons John and Henry. [Reg. T, 261.] The widow m. 2. Peter Pitts, and deeded her part of the estate to her sons, her husband endorsing the bond, 15 March, 1654. HEDSALL, see Edsall. HEFFOBD, HEIFER, Henry, transferred by permission of Gen. Court from the service of Mr. Jonathan Wade of Ipswich to that of John Johnson, 1 (10) 1040. Samuel, Ipswich, res. 1648. HEILAND, HEYLAND, HILAND, HY- LAND, Thomas, planter, Scituate, propr. 1637; took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1638; atba. 1643. Juryman; town otficer. His son Thomas was his partner in a suit at law in 1653. Dau. Sarah m. 6 Jan. 1651, Thomas Turner. His will dated 14 Feb. 1682, inv. taken 3 May, 1683, beq. to son Thomas; gr. sons Thomas and John; daus. Elizabeth James, Sarah Turner, Mary Bryant and Deborah Ticknor; Isabel Witherell, sometime wife to son Samuel, now wife to Samuel W.; gr. ch. Benjamin and Elizabeth Bryant. Philip, son of Francis James of Hingham, and Joseph Studson. Lands at Waldern in Old Eng- land, against Waldern Down towards Herf- fields, and a house at Tenterden in Kent, to son Thomas. HEMAN, Francis, residence not stated, frm. May 6, 1646. HEMENWAY, HEMMENWAY, HEN- INGWAY, HINNINGWAY, Ralph, a man-servant, Roxbury, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Memb. chh. 1633. [E.] Propr. He m. July 5, 1634, Elizabeth Hewes; she d. Feb. 4, 1084, ae. 82. Ch. Marah b. and d. 1635, Samuel b. June, 1636, Ruth b. Sept. 21, 1638, John b. April 27, 1641, Joshua b. April 9, 1643, Mary b. April 7, 1644, Elizabeth b. May 31, 1645, Mary b. April 7, 1647. He d. June 1, 1078. Will dated 4 May, 1677, prob. 11 July, 1678, beq. to wife Elizabeth; sons John, Samuel, Joseway; dau. Elizabeth Holbrook. HENDRICK, HENDRICKS, Daniel, planter, Haverhill, propr. 1645; sold land in Hampton 8 (8) 1649; town offi- cer. He deeded land 25 March, 1602, for his seven eldest ch. (specified,) in trust to his bros.-in-law John and Robert Pike. He m. Dorothie, dau. of John Pike, Sen. She d. June 5, 1059. He m. 2, Mary Stockbridge. Ch. Daniel, Hannah b. June 4, 1645, John b. May 23, 1048, Jotham b. March 21, 1049-50, Jabez b. Dec. 3, 1051, Israel b. Nov. 11, 1653, Dorothie b. May 31, 1059, Sarah b. Aug. 8, 1661, Abraham b. Aug. 2, 1063, d. Dec. 1, 1690, Deborah b. Nov. 25, 1666. HEMPENSTALL, Robert, shipwright, Boston, son of Thomas, of Southold. Eng., mariner, sold est. In Eng. to his father-in-law Henry Har- wood 1 (1) 1640-1. [L.] HENDKICKSON, Peter, Boston; wife Margaret; ch. Mary b. 21 (1) 10.39, John b. 22 (12) 1012. HEPBURN, HEIPBOXTKNE, HEYP- BOURNE, George, glover, Charlestown, frm. May 25, 1630. Bell-ringer. 1657. Wife Hannah adm. chh. (2) 1038; eh. Eebecca, Hannah, Sarah. He d. Feb. 9, 1665-6. Will dated 27 (6) 1665, no date of prob., beq. to son Wright, he to pay to each of the ch. viz. Richard, John, and Abigail W.; son Ludkin to secure to his wife what I gave her on her marriage to her first husband; to Sara and Rebecca Sally. Aaron Ludkin was his partner in his trade. HERBERT, HARBERT, HURBERT, HIR- BERT, .Tohn, shoemaker, ae. 23, cert, from Northampton. Eng., came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Settled at Salem; propr. 1637, frm. June 2, 1641. The Gen. Court gr. him land Oct. 7, 1640, on account of the £50 adventure of John Harris. Was one of the appraisers of the est. of John Thorne in 1646. Mary, [his wife?] adm. chh. 1039. Ch. Mary bapt. 29 (1) 1040, John bapt. 15 (8) 1643. He rem. to Southold, L. I.; sold Salem land in 1656. [Es. De.] HERMAN, Nathaniel, Braintree, frm. May 10, 1643. Ch. Nathaniel b. 8 (12) 1640, Mary b. 15 (12) 1642. HERMITAGE, see Armitage. HERN, HERNE, HURNE, George, residence not stated, before ■Gen. Court 2 (4) 1640. Is this the man "Hern" associated with the Hutchinsons at Newport, who taught that women have no souls, etc., in 1638, according to Winthrop? Matthew, Hingham, propr. 1635; ret. -to Eng. before 1640. [L.] HERRICK, HERRICKE, Henry, yeoman, Salem, propr. 1635, frm. May 18, 1031. Rem. to Wenham, and later to Beverly. Wife Edith memb. chh. before 1636. Ch. Zeehariah bapt. 25 (10) 1636, a son bapt. 11 (12) 1037, Henry bapt. 16 (11) 1039, Joseph bapt. 6 (0) 1645, Eliza bapt. 4 (5) 1647, John bapt. 26 (3) 1650, Lyd- ia and Joseph, of — H., bapt. 20 (7) 1666. Inv. of his est. taken 15 March, 1070-1, pre- sented by son Henry; land, books, etc. The widow Edith deposed 28 (9) 1072, ae. about 00 years, that her father Hugh Laskin sold land before he went away about 25 years ago. William, of Boston in 1640. [I.] HERRING, HEARING, HEERING, James, Cambridge, propr. Rem. to Dedham; propr. 19 (5) 1639. Thomas, Dedham, adm. townsman 1643, frm. May 3, 1654. He m. 15 (2) 1650, Mary, dau. of Robert Pierce of Dorchester; he and his wife rec'd from Dorch. chh. 19 (S) 1651. Ch. Mary b. and d. 1051, Thomas b. 13 (5) 1054, James b. 5 (9) 1056, Sarah b. 14 (11) 1058, Deborah b. 10 Oct. 10e(>, Mar- tha b. 11 July, 1068, Thomas b. 28 April, 1670. He d. 27 (6) 1684. Will dated 18 (2) 1673, prob. 7 Nov. 1084, beq. to wife Mary, and to children at her discretion. HERSEY, HEARSEY, HARSYE, William, husbandman, Hingham, propr. 1030, frm. March, 1037-8. Court com. of val- uation, 1640; town officer. Dau. Elizabeth m. Moses Oilman; Judith m. Humphrey Wil- son. He d. March 24, 1658. Will mentions wife Elizabeth; ch. William, John, James, Fran- ces, Elizalieth, Judith; gr. ch. John Croade and William Hersie. Cousin John Farring- ton, Thomas Marsh and son-in-law Richard Croade, overseers. [Reg. VIII, 354] The widow's will, dated 26 Aug. 1670, prob. 25 (8) 1071, beq. to ch. William, John, .Tames, Frances Croade, Judith Wilson and Eliza- beth Oilman. HEWARD, see Haward, John, in Court 7 April, 1635. 227 HERSOME, HERSONNE, HERSOINE, HARSAY, see Winsley, Christopher, Salem, 1643. Rem. to Wenham. Ch. Mary bapt (3) 1646. Mary, widow, d. 2 (7) 1646; admin. 29 (10) 1646. HETHERSAY, HETHERSEE, HEATH- ERSYE, HITHERSEA, Robert, Concord, propr., rem. to Charlestown; mortg. house in Cone. 20 (11) 1640. Called into Essex Court 1643: had lived many years from his wife. Brought suits in Norf. court in 1648. HEWES, HUGHS, HUES, see Huse, Abel, frm. May 18, 1642. John, Scituate, taxed in 1632; appl. frm. 6 March, 1637-8; atba. 1643. Wife Jone. [Plym. Col. Ree. 1634.] Will dated 6 Feb. 1671, prob. 22 Feb. 1674, beq. to wife Joanna, son James H. and son- in-law Jeremiah Hatch. John, Watertown, propr. 1642. Joshua, iron-monger, merchant, Rox- bury, came about (7) of the year 1G33; his wife (Mary), dau. of [Henry] Gouldstone, came the next summer to Watertown, where she joined the chh.; they were m. Oct. [8] 1634. [E.] Propr., town officer, deputy. He rem. to Wiekford in the Narragansett country, whence he gave deeds relating to the est. of Joshua Foote 14 Nov. 166.5. He res. in Boston 1645-1657. His wife Mary d. in Bo. 23 (6) 1655; and he m. 11 (12) 1650, Alice, dau. of John Crabtree. Ch. Joshua b. and d. 1639, Mary b. Dec. 29, 1641, Joshua b. May 25, 1644, Hannah b. 28 Oct. 1057. HEWETT, HUETT, HTJITT, Humphrey, Duxbury, took oath of fidelity 3 Jan. 163G. James, Plymouth, juryman, 1636. Nicholas, Boston. Ch. Zebulon b. (11) 1644. Robert, punished by the Court March 6, 1632-3. Thomas, tailor, Hingham, propr., frm. 26 May, 1047. He deposed June 15, 1603, ae. about 54 years, upon marriage of his dau. Elizabeth with Thomas Hubert. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Chap- HEWETT, etc., cont. man, (who. beq. to her in 1639,) d. 22 May,. 1649. He m. 2, Mary, widow of John Cut- ler. Ch. Ephraim bapt. July, 1639, Jary bapt. May 2, 1640, John bapt. July IS, 1041, James bapt. March 12, 1642-3, Elizabeth b. and d. 1643, Thomas bapt. May 12, 1644, Elizabeth bapt. March 3, 1644-5, Timothy bapt. Feb. 21, 1640-7. He d. 24 May, 1070, ae. about 01 years. Inv. taken 12 Aug. 1070, and admin, gr. to son Ephraim. The est. reed, from Wm. Chapman is mentioned. The widow was living with her son Thomas at Charlestown in 1674. [Town Rec] HEWLETT, Lewis, Charlestown, propr. 1036; be- fore Gen. Court 3 (10) 1639. Rem. to Salis- bury; propr. 1640. Matthew, came in the Hercules in April, 1634. Mr.. Salem; resided at Saugus; de- sired land at Marblehead in 1636. HEWSTEAD, HUSTEAD, HTTSTED, HUSTE, Robert, husbandman, ae. 40, came from Weymouth, Eng., before March 20, 1635. Settled at Braintree; propr. 1639. HIBBABD, see Hebbert. HIBBENS, HIBBINS, Mr. William, gent., Boston, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1033-4; frm. May 13, 1640. Asst., deputy, town officer, agent for the Colony in England, etc. Was adm. to the chh. with wife Anne 28 (7) 1039. The church gave him general letters of introduc- tion and recommendation to churches in Eng. 25 (5) 1041. He rendered most import- ant service to the Colony in Parliament, in. connection with Messrs. Peter and Weld in 1641 and 1642. Made public expression of his gratitude to God for remarkable preser- vation and prosperity, on his return. [W.] He d. July 23, 1654. His widow was adjudged a witch, and ex- ecuted in 1056. Her will, prob. July 2. 1056, beq. to her sons John, Joseph and Jonathaa Moore; to cousin Mark Cooe. [Reg. VI, 283.1 HICKE, HICKS, see HIX. 228 HIGHBORN, David, Boston, a servant, before the Court 1 (4) 1G41. Wife Catharine; ch. Cath- arine b. 2 June, 1654, Solomon and David b. and d. in 1661. HIDE, see HYDE, HIGDON, Peter, servant to Anthony Thatcher, of Saruui, tailor, came in the James, April 5, 1635. HIGGINSON, cent. 1629, to Salem, where he did important, though brief work, as teacher of the church. "A good man, full of faith and full of work." [C. M.] He d. in Aug. 1630. His widow rem. to Charlestown, then to New Haven, Conn. She d. in 1640. Ch. John, Francis, Timothy, Theophilus, Samuel, Anne, Mary, Charles, Neophytus. [Reg. VI, 105.] [Es. Inst. Coll. V, 33.] [See Lord, William.] HIGGINS, HUGGINS, Alexander, Duxbury, took oath of fidel- ity 3 Jan. 1636. Alexander, Salem, 1637. Richard, Eastham, propr. 1650 or ear- lier. He m. Oct. 1651, Mary Yates; ch. Mai-y b. Sept. 1652, Eliakim b. Oct. 20, 1654, Jedal- ah b. March, 1656, Ezra b. June, 1658, Thom- as b. Jan. 1661, Lydia b. July, 1664. John, Dedham, pioneer, 1636; sold land in 1639. John, Hampton, mortg. house and land to secure delivery of pipe staves 22 (1) 1643- 4. [Ipswich rec] Will dated May 31, prob. Oct. 11. 1670; ae. about 61 years; beq. to wife Bridget and son John. The widow m. 2, John Clifford, q. V. Richard, tailor, Plymouth, taxed in 1632; frm. 1634; atba. 1643. Took Samuel Godbertson apprentice in 1634. He m. Dec. 11, 1634, Lydia Chandler; he m. 2, Mary, widow of John Yates; ch. .Jonathan b. July, 1637, Benjamin b. July, 1640, Mary b. 27 Sept. 1652, Eliakim b. 20 Oct. 1654, William b. 15 Dec. 1655, Jedidiah b. 5 March, 1656. Thomas, Plymouth, apprenticed for S years, Jan. 1, 1633-4, to John Jenney. Rem. to Barnstable. He m. at Nocett, Nov. 3, 1648, [Rose,] widow [of Hugh] Tillye. HIGGINSON, Rev. P''rancis, one of the first ministers of the chh. of Salem, b. in 1657, grad. at Emanuel Coll., Cambridge, Eng., A.B. 1609, A.M. 1613; preached at Claybrook in Leices- ter. Was sought by the Mass. Bay Com- pany 23 March, 1628-9, for service in New England. Came in the Talbot, June 29, HILDRETH, HILDRICK, HILDRICKE, Richard, Cambridge, frm. May 10, 1643; town officer, 1645. Rem. to Woburn. One of the founders of Chelmsford; had a special granb of 150 acres of land in 1663 on account of having lost his right hand. His son James, ae. 20, deposed concerning his father's corn, 30 (7) 1651. [Mdx. Files.] He d. in 1688, ae. 83. [Reg. XI, 7.] HILL, HILLS, ILLS, HULL, Abraham, carpenter, Charlestown, adm. chh. 3 (4) 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. Town officer. Sold house 1646. Rem. to Maiden. Deposed 2 (8) 1660, ae. about 45 years; re- ferred to father Robert Longe of Charles- town. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Sarah; ch. Ruth b. 2 (4) 1640, Isaac b. 29 (8) 1641, Abraham b. 1 (8) 1643, Sarah b. 19 (6) 1647, d. Oct. 1649, Sarah b. in Maiden Oct. 1649, Mary b. 9 May, 1652, Jacob b. (1) 1656-7. He d. Feb. 13, 1669-70. Inv. filed 5 (2) 1670, by widow Sarah. Bartholomew, mentioned in Col. Rec. 3 Nov. 1630. Elizabeth, widow, Bo.ston, adm. chh. 5 (3) 1639. Hercules, Scituate, [see William Hatch,] served 13 days against the Narra- gansetts in 1645. John, Dorchester, propr. 1633. Wife Frances adm. chh. before 1639; ch. Samuel bapt. in 1638, Samuel b. in 1640, Jonathan bapt. 12 (5) 1640, Hannah b. in 1641, Mercy b. 8 (11) 1642, [Ebenezer] bapt. 15 (12) 1645, ilartha bapt. 20 (6) 1648, Mehitabel bapt. 18 (12) 1650, Mary m. 12 (2) 1656, Thomas Breeke, Ruth m. 19 (5) 1654, Roger Willis, Rebecca adm. chh. 11 (7) 1664. 229 HILL, etc., cont. He d. 31 (3) 1664. Will prob. 30 (4) 1664, beq. to wife Frances, sons John and Samuel acd dau. Mary; at his wife's death the est. to be divided to the "nine youngest children," or so many as may survive. A son-in-law of the wiaow came from Boggerstow to so- journ at her house 12 (4) 1665. She m. 2, Jonas Austin, and rem. to Taunton, being dism. from the chh. 28 (4) 1074. She d. at Dorch. Nov. 18, 1676. John, blacksmith, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Margaret (51 1641; frm. May 18, 1642. One of the founders of Lancaster ac- cepted by Gen. Court in 1645. He d. July 21, 1646. [Col. Rec] Inventory filed 11 Nov. 1646. [Reg. VII, 35.] John, carpenter, Boston, bond, 14 (6) 1639. [L.] Frm. May 6, 1646. John, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647. John; he rem. to Newbury; the Gen. Court confirmed his sale of land at Water- town 15 May, 1654. John, wheelwright, Salem, propr. 1649, 1658, etc. He m. 1, Miriam, dau. of Thomas Gardner, Sen.; m. 2, Lydia BufCum 26 (6) 1664. Ch. Miriam b. 24 (1) 1658, Susanna b. 31 (5) 1660, Lydia b. March 30, 1666. Eliza- beth b. Dec. 15, 1007, John b. 22 (11) 1670, Robert b. 11 (9) 1676. His will dated 29 Sept. prob. 30 Nov. 1680, beq. to ch. Miriam, Susan, Lydia, Elizabeth, John and Robert. John, Plymouth, rem. before 1631; see letter of Bradford in Reg. II, 244. Joseph, (Hills,) Sen., woolen draper, from Maiden, co. Essex, Eng., deposed 30 July, 1039, that he came in the Susan and Ellen in 1038, as an undertalier, $. e. stocli- holder). [L.] Settled at Charlestown; adm. inhabitant in 1636; res. in the part which became Maiden. Adm. chh. with wife Rose, (sister of Mr. Henry Dunster,) 2 (12) 1639; frm. May, 1645. Deputy. He deposed 16 (10) 1662, ae. about 60. Joseph, Jr., deposed same day, ae. about 32. [Mdx. Files.] His note-boolc, containing business memoranda from 1627 down, is in the possession of the N. E. Hist Gen. Society. His wife Rose d. March 24, 1650. He m. June 24, 1651, 280 HILL, etc., cont. Hannah, widow of Edward Mellows; he petitioned the Court, with her uncle, Mr. Peter Bull^eley, and reed, authority- to sell est. for the benefit of her children, 27 May, 1652. After her death he m. (11) 1655, Helen Atkinson, who d. Jan. 6, 1663, and he m. Aune, widow of Henry Lunt, of Newbury, 8 March, 1665. She deposed in 1671, ae^ about 50 years. Ch. Gershom b. 27 (5) 1639, Mehetabel b. 1 (11) 1040, d. July, 1653, John d. June 28, 1652, Samuel b. July, 1052, Na- thaniel b. and d. in 1053-4, Deborah b. (1) 1656-7, d. Oct. 1, 1662, Abigail b. (8) 1058, d. Oct. 9, 1662, Abigail b. in Boston Jan. 5, 1663. He d. at Newbury 5 Feb. 1686-7, or 1687-8. Will prob. March 14, 1687-8, beq. to wife Anne; eh. Samuel, Wayte, Gershom, Eliza- beth, Hannah; ch. of his dec. son Joseph; gr. ch. Hannah and Elizabeth Blanchard, Hannah Winton and Samuel Green; to Re- becca Newhall; son-in-law Abiel Long and son Samuel execrs. Ralph, yeoman, Plymouth, 1638; sold land 10 Sept. 1043. Rem. to Woburn, propr. 1043, frm. 26 May, 1647. Town officer. One of the incorporators of Billerica in 1654. Gave land for a burying place. He m. at Plymouth, 21 Dec. 1038, Margaret, wido^ of Roger Toothaker; ch. Jonathan b. at Wob. April 20, 1646. He d. 29 April, 1663. Will dated 18 Nov. 1662, prob. 12 (9) 1663, beq. to wife Mar- garet; ch. Ralph, Martha, Rebecca, Nathan- iel and Jonathan; gr. ch. Mary Littlefield and Elizabeth Hill; son-in-law Roger Tooth- aker. The widow Margaret d. 22 (9) 1683, ae. 88. Richard, cooper, Charlestown, propr. 1638. Robert, servant to Mr. Craddock, ae. 20, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Tobias, and wife, [Lynn,] lawsuit in Es. Court, 1040. Thomas, Roxbury, a servant in Mr. John Eliot's family, came in 1633; d. about (12) 1634; faithful, prudent, good. [E.] Mr. Thomas, Plymouth, frm. 7 March. 1030-7. Propr. 1638. Sold house and gar- den, 1640. Valentine, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. HILL, etc., cont. 12 {4) 1G3G, fi-m. May 13, 1G40. Propr., town officer, deacon. Was chief owner of a large wliarf property. Bought lands at Oyster Eiver, (Dover,) before 1049; rem. thither. Wife Frances d. 17 (12) 1044 or 5; he m. 2, Mary —, who was adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647. Ch. Hannah b. 17 (1) 1U3S, (m. Jan. 24, 1659, An- tipas Boyce,) John b. and d. in 1040. Eliza- beth b. 12 (10) 1641, d. 9 (2) 1643, Joseph and Benjamin b. and d. in 1644, Josei>h bapt. 26 (5) 1646, ae. about S days, John bapt. 22 (6) 1647, ae. about 3 days, Samuel bapt. 10 (10) 1648, ae. about 2 days, Mary bapt. 30 (10 » 1649, ae. about 1 day, Elizabeth bapt. 25 (3) 16.J1. He d. before Aug. 3, 1603, when the widow made her friend Mr. Joseph Hill of Maiden her attorney for certain business. Jlr. William, merchant, Dorchester, one of the first company; [Bl.] frm. Nov. 5, 1633. He sold his property July 20, 1638. William, embarked March 7, 1631; came to Roxbury in 1632, a man-servant. Frm. May 14, 1634. He m. Phillis, dau. of Richard Lyman, and rem. to Hartford, Conn. [E.] Wife Sarah; ch. AVilliam, Ignatius and James were legatees of his sister, Mary Goodwyn, widow, of Lyme Regis, Dorset, Eng. in will, 31 March, 1665. [Reg. XXXIX, 79.] His wid- ow m. 2, Edmund Greenleaf of Boston, q. v. William, wheelwright, ae. 70, came In the James in July, 1635. Zebulon, cooper, Gloucester, propr. 1649; having formerly lived in Bristol, Eng., he deposed at Salem 27 (7) 1052, concerning Thomas AA'athing. His wife Elizabeth was dismissed from the chh. of Salem to that of Saybrook, Conn, in 1662. Ch. John b. 2 (4) 1659, Philip b. 24 (10) 1662, Zebulon b. 5 (4) [ ], Elizabeth b. 1 (12) 1604, Abigail b. 24 (7) 1670, Sara b. 22 June, 1675. Will dated 29 March, 1699, prob. 11 March, 1699. Refers to the will of dec. son Zebulon; beq. to son Philip, daus. Elizabeth Murston, Abigail Allen, Sarah Morgan; to gr. ch. Ben- jamin and Elizabeth Ashby. HILLIARD, HILLEB, HILLYARD, HILLIER, Anthony, Hingham, propr. 1639. Hugh, residence unknown, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. HILLIARD, etc., cont. William, ae. 23, carpenter, came In the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Settled at Duxbury; before the Court 12 March, 1638-9. Juryman 1638; atba. 1643. Ownea a mill with George Pollerd in 1640. Propr. William, Boston. Rem. to Hingham. Wife Hester; ch. Hester or Esther b. 25 (1) 1642, (m. at Hingham Jan. 9, 1057, JosepH Bate,) Mary bapt. 7 (4) 1644, (m. at H. Aug. 14, 1664, John Farrow, Jr.,) William bapt. with the others at Hing. March 25, 1655. HILMAN, EUner, ae. 33, came in the Abigail In July, 1635. HILTON, William, came in the Fortune to Ply- mouth, Nov. 1621; his wife and children came in the Anne in 1023. Lands assignea them in 1623. [Plym. Col. Rec] Rem. to Newbury; in acct. with the est. of Joseph Avery in 1635. [Col. Rec] Frm. May 19, 1042. Deputy, 1642-3. Rem. to New Hamp- shire. Ch. Sarah b. June, 1641, Charles b. July, 1643, Ann b. 12 Feb. 1648, Elizabetn b. 6 Nov. 1650, William b. 28 June, 1653. HINCKLEY, HINKLY, Samuel, from Tenterden, co. Kent, came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Set- tled at Scituate. Frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7. Rem. to Barnstable in 1038-9. Juror, town officer. His wife Sarah came with him; was adm. chh. Aug. 30, 1635; they brought four chil- dren: Thomas, (who became governor of Plymouth Colony,) Susanna, (m. Rev. John Smith,) Sarah, (m. Henry Cobb,) and Mary; other ch. b. here were Elizabeth bapt. Sept. 6, 1635, (m. 15 July, 1()57, Elisha Parker,) Samuel bapt. 24 July, 1042, John bapt. 26 May, 1644. His wife d. Aug. IS, 1056; he m. Dec, 1057, Bridget Bodfish. He d. Oct. 31, 1002; will dated 8 Oct. 1002, prob. 4 March, 1062-3, beq. to wife Bridget, sons Samuel, John and Thomas, daus. Su- sannah, Sarah, Mary and Elizabeth, and to his grandchildren. [Reg. VI, 95.] HINDERSAM, Margaret, before Gen. Court 3 (10) 1639; her husband gave bonds. 281 HINDS, HINDES, HYNDS, HATNES, HAINES, HINDE, Elizabeth, a maid servant, came in 1633 to Rosbury; memb. chh.; m. Alexanaer Beck, and was reed, to chh. of Boston 27 (9) 1642. James, Salem, memb. chh. 25 (2) 1G3T, frm. March, 1637-8. Sold land in Marble- head in 1649. Rem. to Southold, L. I. Wife Mary; ch. .John bapt. 28 (6) 1639, James bapt. 2 (6) 1641, Benjamin bapt. 26 (6) 1643, Mary bapt. 19 (2) 1646, James bapt. 27 (12) 1647, Jonathan and Sarah bapt. 11 (4) 1648, Thom- as bapt. 4 (3) 1651. Will, dated 1 March, 1652, inv. dated IS i9) 1655, beq. to wife Mary; to eldest son John his tools and a double portion; other children not specified. [Reg. XXXVII, 161.] Margery, maid servant to John Under- bill, adm. chh. Boston 29 (10) 1633. HINSDALE, HINSDELL, HENSDELL, Robert, Dedham, propr. 1637, memb. ■chh. 1638. Town officer. Rem. to Medfleld. Mortg. land in 1656. He and his wife Ann conveyed lands in M. to Jeremiah Taulie, •citizen and cloth-worker of London, Aug. 20, 1663, as security for the payment of certain sums. Wife Ann adm. chh. 2 (4) 1639; ch. Barnabas b. 13 (9) 1639, Gamaliel b. 5 (1) 1642, Mary b. 14 (12) 1643, Experience, son, b. 27 (11) 1645, John b. 27 (11) 1647, Ephraim ■b. 26 (7) 1650. He rem. to Hadley and later to Deerfleld, where he and his sons Barnabas, John and Samuel were slain by Indians. Inv. of his est. taken Oct. 22, 1676; Ephraim was surety for the widow Elizabeth. HINSTOON, Teague, Charlestown, resident in 1034. HITCHCOCK, Richard, residence not given, was be- fore Gen. Court Aug. 5, 1634. Matthew, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Water- town; propr. 1636. Had a grant of land in payment for his care of the dry herd Sept. 16, 1639. Rem. to New Haven, Conn. HITCHIN, see HTTTCHINS and HUTCH- INSON, Edward, a singleman. adm. chh. Boston 3 (6) 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5. HIX, HICKS, HICKE, HEEKS, HEECKS, Richard, Boston; gave bond with Isaac Walker for the security of the ship Begin- ning; cleared by Henry Parks 27 Oct. 1651. Wife Mary; ch. Timothy b. 2 May, 1649, Mary b. Dec. 1054, Richard b. 20 Jan. 1056, d. July 27, 1058, Elizabeth b. July 25, 1659, Thomas b. Feb. 23, 1661, Elizabeth and Thomas bapt. 10 Oct. 1064, Rebecca b. March 20, 1005, Timothy bapt. 25 (4) 1665. Robert, felmonger, from Southwark, CO Surrey, Eng., came in the Fortune In 1021 to Plymouth. Drew lots for himself, his wife and two children in 1623. (See Clement Briggs.) Frm. 1633. At the di- vision of Cattle in 1627 he had wife Mar- garet, ch. Samuel, Ephraim, Lydia and Phe- be. He d. March 24, 1647. Will dated May 28, 1645, prob. May 15, 1648, beq. to wife Margaret, sons Samuel and Ephraim, gr. son John Bangs; to John Watson and other persons. The widow made will July 8, 1665, giving her est. to son Samuel, dau.-in-law Lydia, gr. ch. John Bangs; to the son of her son Ephraim, now dec; to the son of George Watson, husband of her dec. dau. Phebe. [Reg. 11, 244, IV, 282, and VI, 187.] Thomas, Marblehead, a proprietor in 1649. [Rem. to] Scituate. Will dated Jan. 10, 1652, prob. Oct. 3, 1653. Wife Margaret, sons Zachariah, Daniel and Samuel. The widow being unable to come to Plymouth to prove the will, on account of her age and weakness, the Court ordered that her deposition be taken at home. [Reg. V, 200, and Plym. Col Rec] HOAR, HORE, HOABE, Joanna, widow of Mr. Charles Hoar, brewer, of the city of Gloucester, Eng., came to N. E. about 1042. Her dau. Margery m. Mr. Henry Flint, who was the assoc. min- ister of the chh. of Braintree, and there she made her home. She brought with her sons John, Daniel and Leonard, and dau, Joan- na, b. about 1625. (m. at Br. 26 (5) 1648, Ed- mund Quinsey, Jr.) A son Thomas was mentioned in her husband's will, who seems 232 HOAB, etc., cont. to have rem. in Eng. She d. 21 (10) 1661. [See Genealogy in Reg. LIII.] Daniel, son of the above, came to Bos- ton; in partnership with Richard Cooke, reed, mortg. of land in Bo. 26 (10) 1650. His bro. John conducted a suit for him against Cooke, 1065; he then res. in Hull, Eng. He calls Richard Cooke cousin, iu letter dated April 20, 1663. [Mdx. Files.] [SufC. De. IV, 317, and Col. Rec] Hezekiah, Taunton, atba. 1643; town officer. Ch. Jlercy b. Jan. 1654, Nathaniel b. JIareh, 1656, Sarah b. 1 April, 1058, Eliz- abeth b. 26 May, 1660, Edward b. 25 Sept. 1663, Lydia b. 24 March, 1665, Hezekiah b. 10 Nov. 166S, Mary b. 22 Sept. 1669. John, son of Charles and Joanna, b. about 1623, settled at Scituate; atba. 1643; juryman, 1646; prop. frm. 5 June, 1651. Law- yer, farmer, propr. Sold land in 1659, and rem. to Concord. Remonstrated to the Court about 1665, that he could not obtain justice for his bro.'s interests which he was repre- senting; and was disbarred temporarily from pleading auy case except his own. He ren- dered ever memorable service in protection of the praying Indians, and in obtaining the deliverance of captives held by hostile In- dians in 1675, in consideration of which he reed, a grant of land in 16S2. Ch. Elizabeth, (m. Dec. 23, 1675, Jonathan Preseott,) Mary, (m. Oct. 21, 1668, Benjamin Graves,) Dan- iel b. 1650. He d. April 2, 1704. His wife Alice d. June 5, 1690. Rev. Leonard, son of Charles and Joanna, b. at Gloucester, Eng. about 1032, came to N. E. about 1642. Was grad. at Harvard College in 1650; became its third president, constituted 10 (10) 1672. [S.] He m. Bridget, dau. of Lord John and Alicia Lisle. Ch. Bridget b. March 13, 1673, (m. Mr. Thomas Cotton; res. at Shoreditch, Lon- don, in 1695, her mother then dwelling with her). He d. in Boston 28 Nov., and was bur. at Braintree 6 Dec. 1675, ae. 45 years. Will dated 25 Oct. 1675; beq. to dau. Bridget and wife; to bros. Daniel and John Hoar, sisters Flint and Quinsey; cousins Josiah Flint and Noah Newman. To be interred at Brain- tree. The widow m. Hezekiah Usher. She d. May 25, 1723. [Reg. IX, 154, and 377.] HOAB, etc., cont. Richard, Yarmouth, frm. 7 Sept. 1641; atba. 1643; propr.; elder; com. for Court business; schoolmaster. HOBART, see HUBBARD. HOBBY, John, apparently of Dorchester, arrest- ed for selling beaver skins he found, 20 (3) 1637. [W.] Murdered by John Williams about (7) 1637. HOBLE, John, ae. 13, (sic) husbandman, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. The son of widow Hoble was presented in Plym. Court 2 March, 1640-1. John d. at Springfield 24 (2) 1644. HOBBS, Maurice, Newbury, before Ipswich court in 1642; witness in 1663. Thomas, Salem, a witness in court In 1048. He deposed in 1679, ae. 54 years, con- cerning matters at Wenham in 1651. HOBSON, William, Rowley, reed, bequest from Wm. Belliugham in 1650; propr.; selectman 1052. He m. 12 (9) 1652, Ann, dau. of Hum- phrey Raynor. He was bur. 17 July, 1059. His wife, as adm. of his estate, confirmed in 1601 a deed of land he had formerly sold; and sold a lot which had been her father's. She sold oth- er land in 1682. In the admin, of the est. of John Hobson in 1684 reference is made to his father and mother and bro. and sister Hobson. HODSHEN, HOCHENS, HODCHENS, HODCHEN", HODSOKT, HUTCHEN, see HUTCHINS, George, Cambridge, propr. 1636, frm. March, 1637-8. Town officer. Returned to Newcastle on Tyne, Eng. before 1652; gave power of attorney for sale of Camb. prop- erty, etc. [Mdx. De. II.] Wife Jane; ch. Joseph b. 28 (10) 1639, Luke b. 6 (2) 1644, Anna b. 30 (7) 1645, Abiah b. 3 (2) 1648. 233 HODGES, see Hodsden, Hedges and Miller, Andrew, husbandman, Ipswich, propr. 1639; frm. June 2, 1641. Will dated Oct. 11, 1665, prob. 27 (1) 1666. Wife and her gr. child; cousin Giles Bird- ley, and others; to the poor of the town; to the college at Cambridge. John, mariner, Charlestown, inhabitant, 1633. He gave letter of attorney 23 (6) 1645, for business at Bermuda. [A.] Wife Mary survived him and m. John An- derson, q. V. John, cooper, Salisbury, propr. 1639. AVas of London, Eng. in 1647, when his land was sold by John Harrison, agent. Nicholas, (Miller alias Hodges,) Ply- mouth, served against the Narragansetts from 15 Aug. 1645. [See Hosdone.] Admin, of his est. was gr. to Wm. Hos- kins. Sen. 6 Feb. 1665. Will dated Oct. 24, 1665, beq. to Peter Reife, John and Wm., Jr. Hoskins, to Mary Cobb, Daniel Ramsden and Hannah Reife. [Reg. VI, 187.] William, Taunton, atba. 1643. [See will of Anthony Silpin of Barnstable, Plym. Prob. lib. II, p. 6.] Richard, witness to a deed in Boston, 17 (8) 1645. HODGKINS, HODGKINSON, HODGS- KINS, HOSKINS, Mr. William, planter, Plymouth, frm. 1634, juryman 1636. Propr. He m. Nov. 2, 1636, Sarah Cushman. He m. 21 Dec. 1638, Ann Hyues. Rem. to Ipswich about 1641. He deposed Sept. 29, 1691, ae. about 69 years; had occupied beach privileges fifty years. Placed his dau. Sarah with Thomas and Winnifride Whitney 2 Jan. 1643, to re- main till 20 years of age. Wife Ann de- posed 2 March, 1641; had lived before mar- riage at the house of Mr. Derby, father of John and Richard D. Ch. — b. 30 Nov. 1647, Samuel b. 8 Aug. 1654. HOGG, John, residence not given, before the Court in 1637. Richard, tailor, Boston, propr. 1639. Adm. chh. with wife .Toan 18 (6) 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. Ch. Joseph b. (10) 1636, bapt. 25 (6) 1039, Mary bapt. 22 (5) 1641, ae. about 6 days, John b. 4 (1) 1643, Mary b. 3 (11) 1646. HOMAN, HOEMAN, Nathaniel, took oath of freemanship May 10, 1643. William, husbandman, ae. 40, with wife Winnifred, ae. 35, and children Han- nali, ae. 8, Jeremy, ae. 6, Mary, ae. 4, Sarah, ae. 2, and Abraham, ae. 3 months, and Alice Ashby. servant, cert, from the parish of All Saints, Northampton, Eng., came in the Desire in June, 1635. HOLBECK, Grace, one of John Sampford's family, adm. chh. Boston 16 (6) 1635. William, servant to William White, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; died soon after landing. [B.] HOLBIDGE, Arthur, before Gen. Court Aug. 7, 1635, for taking too high wages. HOLBROOK, John, Sen., yeoman, Weymouth, frm. May 13, 1640. Bought % of a house, land and mill in W. 10 (10) 1656. Bouglit the other half of the heirs of Thomas Gatlive in 1668-9. With wife Elizabeth sold property in 1669. John, Jr., being one of the witnesses. A com. was chosen by the town, 22 Jan. 1674, to confer with him about the mill. Deputy, 1651. His [first] wife Sarah d. 14 (11) 1643. Richard, Dorchester, propr., signed agreement 2 (12) 1646. [Town Rec] Frm. May 10, 1648. Ch. Abigail bapt. 21 (3) 1648, Mary bapt. 17 (1) 1050, John, (m. 24 (9) 1663, Elizabeth Hemeuway). Thomas, ae. 34, of Broadway, Eng., with wife Jane, ae. 34, ch. John, ae. 11, Thomas, ae. 10, Anne, ae. 5, and Elizabeth, ae. 1, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Settled at Weymouth. Memb. of com. to lay out way from Br. to Dorchester, 1640. Frm. May, 1645. Town oflicer, 1648. Of Dorchester, planter, bought land beyond Neponset 31 (6) 1649. Inv. of his est. taken 10 March, pres. 26 April, 1677, by son, Capt. John H. Will dated 31 (12) 1668, prob. April 24, 1677, beq. to wife Jane, sons John, William and Thom- as, daus. Anne Rennolds, Elizabeth Hatch and Jane Drake, gr. ch. John, Peter and Wil- liam H. 234 HOLCOMB, HOLCOMBE, Thomas, Dorchester, propr., frni. May 14, 1034. He sold his property Aug. 12, 1635, and rem. to Windsor, Conn. William, May 26, 164". residence not stated, frm. HOULDING, HOLDEN, HOtJLDEN, HOLDER, Justinian, ae. 23, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1635. Settled at Water- town. Frm. May 6, 1657. Rem. to Cam- bridge; carpenter. He deposed in 1679, ae. about 06 years. Ch. Ebenezer (of Justinian and Mary) b. at Woburn May 11, 1090. He d. in 1691. Will dated 12 Aug. prob. Oct. 6, 1691, beq. to wife Mary; ch. Samuel, John, Isaac, Joseph and three daus. The exec. Isaac Amsden and the dau. Mary were appointed guardians in 1098 for the daus. Grace and Elizabeth. Randall, residence in Mass. not stated. He was brought from Rhode Island to Bos- ton to be tried b.v the Gen. Court with Gor- ten et als. in 1043; imprisoned at Salem. Obtained protection from Parliament in 1646. [W.] Richard, ae. 28, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Water- town. Rem. to Woburn; propr. 1658. Rem to Groton. Deposed Dec. 1658, ae. about 50 years. Wife Martha; ch. Stephen b. 19 (5) 1642, Martha b. 15 (11) 1645, John b. March 17, 1049-50. His wife d. Dec. 6, 1681. He d. at Groton March 1, 1696, aged. In- firm and a widower. HOLDER, HOULDER, Nathaniel, Dorchester, about 1636. memb. ehh. HOLDRED, HOLDROYD, HOLDRIDGE, William, ae. 25, tanner, came in the Elizabeth, April 18, 1635. Settled at Ips- wich. The Gen. Court admitted him to have a lot, (place not stated,) 2 Nov. 1637. Sold 10 April, 1639; propr. at Salisbury. Rem. to Haverhill; propr. 1650. Wife Isabel; ch. b. at Salis.: Sarah b. 1640, d. 1641, Mary b. and d. 1641, Rebecca b. June 20, 1643, (m. Richard Margin, of Dover,) William b. March 15, 1647, Sarah b. Dec. 26, 1650, d. Jan. 4, 1651, Mehitabel b. April 14, 1654, d. June 13, 1657, Mary b. Dec. 24, 1656. 235 HOLGRAVE, Mr. John, fisherman, mariner, Salem, frm. Nov. 5, 1633. Deputy; town officer. Before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. Inn-keeper 1639. Elizabeth his wife one of the first members of the chh. Ch. Joshua, a propr. in 1635; Lydia, memb. chh. 1039. Ch. Eliza bapt. 1 (9) 1640, (m. Robert Gooch). HOLLAND, HOLLON, Christopher, lighterman, taxed at Wo- burn in 1045; rem. to Boston, res. 1647; bought house in 1052. Wife Ann; ch. John b. Feb. 6, 1647, Bridget b. March 14, 1649, Joanna b. 1650, and d. in 1652, Elizabeth b. Feb. 17, 1654. Will dated 3 Feb. 1700-1, prob. 29 March, 1705, beq. to wife Ann and dau. Hannah Senter; had given portions to children; son- in-law John Tuder of New York mentioned. John, ferryman, Dorchester, frm. Dec. 6, 1636. Made voyages to the Eastward; gave testimony in Court in 1635 concerning Wonnerton. Owner of the bark Endeavor. Town officer. Wife Judith; ch. Thomas, John, Nathaniel bapt. 30 (10) 1638, Deliv- erance bapt. 21 (1) 1041, Prudence bapt. 25 (3) 1045, Relief bapt. 10 (3) 1050. Will dated 10 (10) 1651; bound for Virginia; beq. to wife half of his est. exc. the island of Munings Moone, which he gave to his eldest son John in addition to a double share in the rest of the est.; the other half to be divided among the children. Prob. 16 Sept. 1652. [L.] [Reg. IV, 287.] Thomas, Yarmouth, "still a member of a separated church in Old England," had his child Thomas bapt. at Barnstable May 9, 1041. He made will Oct. 1, 1086, prob. 31 May, 1687; beq. to ch. Thomas, Mary, (wife of John Whilding,) Elizabeth, (wife of Samuel Hall.) and Deborah. HOLLARD, HOLLETT, HOLLAND, Angell, shoemaker, ae. 21, with his wife Katharine, ae. 22, embarked from Wey- mouth, Eug. before March 20, 1035. Settled at Weymouth; frm. March 3, 1035-0; propr. 1043. Rem. to Boston. Wife Katharine; ch. Hannah b. 8 (8) 1035, (m. 23 (5) 1652, Wm. Ballentine,) Elizabeth b. (5) 1638, Thomas b. and d. in 1641, [George?] Hephzibah b. 10 (0) 1042, Thomas b. 8 (8), bapt. 10 (9) 1044, Sarah b. 5 (1) 1046, John bapt. 27 (3) 1649, HOLLABD, etc., cont. Mary bapt. 14 (7) 1641, Joanna b. and d. in 1653-4. He d. in Boston last of June, 1670. Inv. pros, by widow Catharine 28 (5) 1671. The est. owed to Mr. Thos. Hollard in England. The widow m. 2, John XJpham. HOLLETT, see HALLETT. HOLLEY, HOLLY, Joseph, Dorchester, 1634. Rem. to Sandwich, atba. 1643. His est. .was divided in May, 1665, and these ch. receipted for their portions: Joseph Holley, Jr., Mary, wife of Nathaniel Fits- randall, Sarah, wife of Joseph Allen, Experi- ence Holley, and Hopestill, wife of Samuel Worden. Samuel, Cambridge, propr. 1639. [Wife] Elizabeth, ae. 30, came in the Blessing in July, 1C35. Will, dated Oct. 22, 1643, mentions wife and son, without giving names. [Reg. II, 385, and XXX, 81.] The son John sold his share 4 Oct. 1645. [Camb. Propr. rec] His widow Elizabeth m. John Kendall. HOLLIDGE, Richard, laborer, Boston, adm. chh. 3 (1) 1639; frm. May 22, 1639. Wife Anne adm. chh. 10 (1) 1639. Her will made 7 Dec. 1081, prob. 24 Aug. 1682, beq. to Madame Brad- street; Mr. John Cotton of Plymouth and his wife; goodwife Rust; the wife of Roger Bur- gis; rest to cousins Abraham and Mary Browne. HOLLINSWORTH, HALLINGWORTH, HOLLINWOOD, Richard, ae. 40, with Susan, ae. 30, Christian Hunter, ae. 20, Elizabeth Hunter, ae. 18, Thomas Hunter, ae. 14, Wm. Hollings- worth, ae. 7, Richard, ae. 4, Elizabeth, ae. 3, and Susan, ae. 2, came In the Blessing in July, 1035. Res. at Salem. Shipwright, [L.] built the ship Sara in 1641. His son Rich- ard testified in 1673 that his father arrived about 40 years ago with a family of 12 and a good est., and was first builder of vessels. [Mass. Arch. LIX, 127.] Susan, adm. chh. 20 (5) 1651. He d. in 1654. Inv. taken 26 (3), filed 25 (4) 1654. He gave land to his sons William HOLLINSWORTH, etc., cont. and Richard and dau. Susanna. [Deposition of his son-in-law Richard Moore.] His dau. Katharine m. John Gedney, Jr. [Es. De. 1, 31.] HOLLOWAY, HOLWAY, HALLIWAY, HALOWAY, John, ae. 21, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Of Boston, tailor. In 1656. [SufC. De. II, 333.] Joseph, millwright. Sandwich, ae. about 35 yrs. in 1640. [L.] Mortgaged house and lands in 1639, released 2 (1) 1640. Wife Rose called to testify in Court 20 Aug. 1644. Inv. rendered Dee. 4, 1647. [Reg. IV, 282.] The widow m. 19 May, 1648, Wm. Newland. Thomas, Plymouth, soldier in the Pe- quot war in 1637. In court at Plym. and Boston in 1638. Timothy, Taunton, atba. 1643. William, tailor, mercer, Taunton, atba. 1643. Rem. to Boston, sold house and lands at Taun. 6 (12) 1650; bought house and land in Bo. 28 (4) 1650. He deposed Sept. 6, 1658, ae. 72 years. He admin, on the estates of his sons Joseph, John and Symeon H., long since deceased, in 1662. [Arch. 15 B.] Wife Mary; eh. Timothy, Elisha, Malachi, Nehe- miah and Esther, bapt. at Dorchester 7 (2) 1650, JIary b. in Bo. April 2, 1653. He was dism. from Dorch. chh. to that of Boston 6 (11) 1060. Will dated 9 May, 1664, prob. April 6, 1065, beq. to wife Elizabeth and ch. mentioned above, excepting Mary, his est. in old and New England. [Reg. XIII, 156.] Her will dated 23 Aug. 1679, prob. 15 July, 1680, beq. to son-in-law Timothy H. of Taunton land wh. had belonged to her husband William H.; to son-in-law Samuel H. and his wife Jane; to Mary, wife of son Elisha H.; to son Mallachy H. of Taunton. William, servant to William Bassett, Marshfield, 1637, [Plym. Col. Rec] atba. 1643, frm. 5 June, 1644. Admin, gr. March 1, 1652-3, to widow Grace; she m. 2, 6 July, 1654, John Phillips, who secured to her 2 daus. their shares of their father's est. She was killed by light- ning; was buried June 24, 1666. The dau. Grace m. in Nov. 1666, Josiah Read. 236 HOLLISTEB, John, Weymouth, deputy and frm. May 10, 1643. Town officer, 1648. HOLMAN, HOLMAR, HOLDMAN, Edward, Plymouth, came in the Anne in 1623; probably returned to Eng. and was the Edward who embarked June 22, 1632, for N. E. Sold house, land and shallop Jan. 10, 1633-4, and received land at Scituate in part payment. Volunteer for the Pequot war in 1037. He m. before 1645 Amey Glasse, widow of Richard Willis, q. v. John, gent, Dorchester, propr., town officer, ensign. Was authorized to receive a payment for the Gen. Court Oct. 3, 1632. As- sociated with Simon Willard and Richard Collicot in monopoly of Indian trade in 1641. IL.] Gave power of attorney 17 (9) 1647, to Thomas Bishop of Bredport, co. Dorset, for collection of rents of Barwick farm in par- ish of Swyer, co. Dorset, by virtue of the will of his father Morgan Holman. [A.] Wife Anna adm. ehh. 4 (9) 1039, d. 1 (10) 1639. He m. 2, — . Ch. John b. 23 (12) 163T, Thomas b. 6 (6) 1641, Abigail bapt. 20 (10) 1642, Anna bapt. 29 (7) 1044, Samuel bapt. 6 (10) 1646, Patience bapt. 28 (11) 1648, Mary. He d. about 1652. Will, dated 10 (4) 1052, proved April 7, 1053, gave est. to wife and ch. named above; wife exec, brethren Rich- ard Collicot and Wm. Robinson overseers. William, Cambridge, propr. before 1639. He d. Jan. 18, 1052-3, ae. 59. The widow Winnifred d. Oct. 16, 1671, ae. 74. Inv. of her est. filed 20 Dec. 1671. Oh. [Hannah], Jeremiah Mary, [Sarah], Abraham, [Isaac], [Seeth]. The dau. Mary d. in 1673; admin, gr. to her brothers Jeremiah and Abram H. 18 Dec. 1673. HOLIMAN", HOLYMAN, HOLLE, Ezekiel, entertained to serve at Castle Island for a year at 10 li. per annum. [Col. Rec] Settled at Dedham, 1636; sold in 1637. Rem. to Salem. Censured by the Court March, 1637, for non-attendance at meetings of the church, and for influencing others. Rem. to Newport; re-baptized Mrs. Scott. [W.] HOLMES, HOMES, HTJLME, HOME, Christopher, residence not stated, be- fore Gen. Court 17 Oct. 1643. Deborah, Salem, asked for grant of land 6 (1) 1636; not granted because it was not thought becoming for a maid to have solitary habitation. Memb. chh. 1637. George, householder, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 1639. His wife Deborah was bur. Feb. 5, 1041. He m. — . Ch. Nathaniel b. Feb. 1, 1039, Deborah b. and d. in 1641, a ch. bur. Oct. 30, 1642, Sarah bapt. 7 (11) 1643, Deborah bapt. 9 (9) 1645, d. 29 (7) 1646. He was bur. Dec. 18, 1645. Will prob. 30 (11) 1651; wife; eldest son Joseph, other ch. The widow d. 6 (11) 1662. [Reg. VII, 30.1 Margery, Boston, adm. chh. 1630. John, gent., Plymouth, taxed in 1632, frm. 1034; messenger of the Court In 1638. Mrs. Sarah, d. Aug. 18, 1650. He d. Oct. 13, 1667. John, see Chauncey. Obediah, glassman, Salem, propr. 1638 and 1639. Constable 1042. [See Conckling and Southwick.] Katharine memb. chh. 1639. Ch. Martha bapt. 3 (3) 1640, Samuel bapt. 20 (1) 1641-2, Obediah bapt. 9 (4) 1644. Obediah, Rehoboth, prop. frm. 7 June, 1648. Suit vs. Mr. Samuel Newman, 1650. Richard, millwright, Rowley, town offi- cer. He deposed at Ipswich March 29, 1692, ae. about 88 years; worked for Mr. Thomas Nelson in building dam, grist-mill and saw- mill, and in making the stones for said grist- mill, in Rowley about 50 years ago. Wife Alice. Will dated 15 July, 1695, prob. 13 Jan. folg.; aged; beq. to dau. Elizabeth, her bus- band John Pearl and their ch. Alice, Ed- mund, Timothy, Mary and John. Mentions her former husband John Knight, of Kettlo Cove. Robert, husbandman, Cambridge, propr. before 1636. Relates that after 20 years of age he removed from his father's house to Northumberland. Bought cattle. Came to N. E. His wife lost her mother wlien young; her mother-in-law had many children. She lived with the vicar of the place; heard much said against Puritans. [Rel.] Wife Jane; ch. Dorcas b. (6) 1638, a. 237 HOLMES, etc. cont. 1G42, John b. (4) 1(339, [Joseph,] Elizabeth b. 2 (1) 1644, Mehetabel b. and d. 1645, Sarah b. 13 (9) 1640, Ephraim b. 1647, d. 1648, [Sam- uel.] Wife Jane d. Oct. 28, 1653. He d. in 1663. Will dated 20 (3), inv. taken 13 (4) 1663; beq. to sons John and Joseph and dau. Elizabeth. William, major, Plymouth, frm. 1633; leader of the Plymouth colony forces in the Pequot War 1637. He ret. to Eng. and served the king and Parliament; camj again in 1649. Had relatives in Eng. and Antigua. He d. at Boston Nov. 12, 1649. Will names Margaret and Mary, daus. of dee. bro. Thom- as H., res. in the island of Antego, and his widow Margaret Webb, and her daus. Ra- chel and Bathsheba, now living in London; the widow and two last named to have the farm if they come to N. E. Kinsman, Job Hawkins, of Boston. [Reg. V, 386, and VII, 230.] William, Scituate, 1636; Marshfield. Prosecuted Dinah Silvester for calling his wife a witch; D. S. retracted May 9, 1661. He was bur. 9 (9) 1678, ae. 86; widow Eliz- abeth bur. Feb. 17, 1689, in 86th year of her age. He beq. his est. to his wife and ch. Israel, Isaac, Josiah, Abraham, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah and Rebecca. HOLT, HOLTE, HOULT, Nicholas, tanner, from Romsey, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Settled at Newbury; husbandman, propr., town officer. Rem. to Andover; sold Newb. property 14 Nov. 1652. He deposed 11 (2) 1671, ae. about 63 years. Wife Elizabeth d. and he m. 12 or 20 June, 1658, Hannah, dau. of Humphrey Bradstreet, and widow of Daniel Rolfe (Rofe); she d. 20 June, 1065, and he m. 21 May, 1660, Martha, widow of Roger Pres- ton. Ch. Elizabeth b. March 30, 1630, Mary b. Oct. 6, 1638, (m. 5 July, 1657, Thomaa Johnson,) Sarah b. June 2, 1640, Samuel b. 6 Oct. 1641, Henry, (a father in 1070,) James, (a father in 1679,) Nicholas, (a father in 1680,) Priscilla b. and d. 1653, Rebecca b. 14 Nov. 1662, John b. 11 Jan. 1603. He d. 30 Jan. 1685. HOLTON, HOULTON, Robert, slater, Boston, adm. chh. 9 (1) 1634, frm. May 14, 1034. Wife Anne adm. 238 HOLTON, etc., cont. chh. 10 (11) 1035; ch. James bapt. 5 (S) 1634, Jabez bapt. 2 (2) 1637. Joseph, servant to Richard Ingersoll before 1044, Salem; deposed in 1669, ae. about 48 years. Wife Sara; ch. on record: Joseph bapt. 15 (3) 1053, Benjamin b. 14 (12) 1057, Henry bapt. 24 (3) 1063, James bapt 20 (3) 1006. Will dated 24 May, 1703, prob. 27 June, 1705, beq. to sons Henry, John, Joseph, James; daus. Elizabeth Buxton and Sarali Needham; gr. ch. Benjamin H. HOLYOKE, HOLIOAK, HOLLIOCK, HOL- LIOCKE, Rev. Edward, Lynn, frm. March 14, 1038-9. Had power from Gen. Court 13 March, 1638-9, to manage the lands of Lord Brooke. Was one of the adventurers in the Piscataqua plantation; sold his share to Rob- ert Saltonstall Oct. 25, 1044. He was deputy for Springfield in 1050, though not resident there; but because his son Elizur was one of its chief citizens. He d. at Rumney Marsh May 4, 1660. Will dated 25 Dec. 1058, prob. June 25, 1660. Only son Elizur; sons-in-law George Keyser, — Prenam, — Andrews, — Tuttle; dau. Han- nah Keasur, dau. Martin; kinswoman Mary Mansfield; kinsman Thomas Morris of New- ham; cousin Davis. HOMSTED, see OLMSTEAD. HOMWOOD, William, Cambridge. Wife Winnlfred; ch. Elizabeth b. 19 (3) 1644. HONYWELL, HUNNIWELL, William, Plymouth, made agreement with Thomas Prence for 7 years from 24 June, 1033; was freed 28 Feb., 1639, and took land of Mr. P. to plant on shares. Land granted to him 1 June, 1641. HOOD, John, weaver and planter, from Hal- stead, Essex, Eng., res. at Cambridge, N. E. 20 (8) 1038, leased property in H. [L.] Res. at Lynn; took as an apprentice Abraham, son of widow Tilton of L., 5 Dee. 1053. Ret. to Eng., and sent word to his wife Elizabeth to deliver him to his mother (widow Tilton;) the latter had meantime m. Roger Shaw of HOOD, cont. Hampton and bad died; and Elizabeth de- livered the boy to his bro. Peter T. of Conn. This act she revoked 10 Nov. 1055, on learn- ing that Hampton Court bad assigned the lad to Shaw. [Norf. De. I, 10.3.] Leased property in H., in possession of his mother Anne and her (second) husband, Thomas Beard. See will of bis father, John H. in Reg. L., 423. [L.] He rem. to Lynn. Sold 14 (C) 1654, to William Crofts of L., yeoman, 3 tenements in Halstead, etc., 40 shillings to be paid to each of John's sisters, according to the will of their father. [Ess. De.] HOOK, HOOKE, Charles, Lynn, a witness in court In 1647. John, servant to Isaac AUerton, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; d. soon after arrival. [B.] Mr. William, merchant, Salisbury, frm. Oct. 12, 1640. Had interests at Agamenticus in 1640. [L.] Came to N. E. about 1634. [W.] Sold land to Samuel Bennett March 15, 1049, referring to his father Humphrey and his uncle William Hoolie. Humphrey was of Bristol, Eng. in 1040. [A.] Ch. Jacot) b. at Salisbury Sept. 15, 1040; William. He d. before 4 (8) 1653, when admin, of bis est. was gr. to bis widow Elinor; she peti- tioned Gen. Court 23 May, 1655, for right to sell lands at the Eastward belonging to her first husband Capt. Norton; granted. She also received power to manage the est. of her late husband Wm. Hoolie for herself and youngest son, but not to sell. Rev. William, minister, ordained at Taunton "by master BisboiJ a schoolmaster and one Parker a husbandman." [L., P.D.] A sermon of his July 23, 1640 entitled "New England's Teares for Old England's Feares." [J., lutrod.] Rem. to New Haven. HOOKER, Kev. Thomas, b. at Marfield, Leicester- shire about 1586; fellow of Emanuel Col., Cambridge; assistant to Mr. Mitchell, the in- cumbent of Chelmsford, Essex, about 1620; kept school at Little Baddow, having Mr. John Eliot (afterward of our Koxbury.) for a tutor. Spent some time in Holland. [C. M.] Came in the Griffin, with Cotton and Stone Sept. 4, 1033; was ordained pastor at Newe- 239 HOOKER, cont. towne (Cambridge) Oct. 11, 1633; frm. May 14, 1634. He rem. with part of the church to Hartford, Conn, about May 31, 1030. [W.] He d. at H. July 7, 1047, ae. 01. His will named wife Susanna, ch. John, Samuel, Sa- rah and Joanna and Mary dec. A sister m. Jlr. George Alcoek. HOOPER, HOUPER, William, ae. 18, came in the James in July, 1635. Settled at Reading, 1044; frm. May 10, 1048. Wife Elizabeth also memb. chh. of R.; ch. Mary b. Nov. 1047, James b. and d. 1049, Sarah b. Dee. 7, 1650, Ruth b. April 15, 1652, d. 15 (2) 1053, William b. Nov. 3, 1658, Hannah b. March 31, 1602, Eliza- beth b. Aug. 20, 1005, Thomas b. April 2, 1668, John b. July 5, 1670. He d. Dec. 5, 1678. Will dated 5 Aug. 1678, prob. 17 (4) 1679, beq. to wife and 6 children that are unmarried. Son William adult. Bro. Capt. Marshall and cousin Ensign Ban- craft overseers. HOOPER, alias POTTLE, alias WARR, Abraham, Plymouth, in Court Oct. 2, 1037. HOPCOTT, Sarah, Salem, adm. chh. 8 (7) 1040, m. Thomas Maey. HOPKINS, John, Cambridge, propr. 103 i, frm. March 4, 1634-5. He rem. to Hartford In 1636; d. in 1654. Ch. Stephen and Bethiah. The widow Jane m. 2, Nathaniel Ward of Hadley. "Jlr., a merchant of London, of fair estate and of great esteem for religion and wisdom in outward affairs," came to Boston in June, 1637. [W.] Richard, Watertown, for selling gun and ammunition to Indians, was sentenced to be whipped and branded on the cheek, Sept. 4, 1032. Mr. Stephen, gent., of London, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; set- tled at Plymouth. Frm. and asst. 1632-3. Volunteer for the Pequot War, 1637. He brought with him his wife Elizabeth, son Giles, and dan. Constanta, (ch. of a former wife,) and Damaris and Oceanus (b. at sea,) HOPKINS, cont. by this wife. [B.] Oh. Caleb and Deborah also drew shares in the cattle in 1627. He d. in 10i4. Will, dated June 6, prob. Aug. 20, 1644. Sous Giles and Caleb; daus. Constance, (wife of Nicholas Snow,) De- borah, Damaris, Ruth and Elizabeth; to Ste- phen, son of Giles. Est. divided May 19, 1647. The widow Elizabeth's est. was admin. Oct. 6, 1659. Agreement made between An- drew Ring, Jacob Cooke and Gyles Hopliins regarding the estate. [Reg. IV, 281, and V, 387.] HOPKINSON, Michael, Boston, servant to Jacob Eli- ot, adm. chh. 6 (11) 1C3S, frm. May 13, 1640. He was dism. "to the gathering of a church at Rowley," 24 (9) 1639. Wife Ann deposed March 30, 1675-6, ae. 60 years. Ch. Jona- than b. and d. 1641, Jonathan b. 9 (2) 1643, Jeremy b. 26 (1) 1645, John b. 7 (11) 1646, Caleb b. 19 (12) 1G48. He was bur. Feb. 28, 1648. Inv. filed 29 (7) 1657. The widow m. afterward John Trumble, aud later Richard Swan. She made her will 4 July, 167S, prob. 24 Sept. 1678. Beq. to sons Caleb, John and Jonathan Hoplcln- son, and others. [Reg. XXXI, 115.] HOPPEN, HOPPIN, HOPPIE, Stephen, weaver, planter, Dorchester, 1646. [See John Pope.] Res. on Thompson'.^ Island in 1059, and had mortg. of land in Boston. Bought house and lands at Rox- bury May 13, 1653. He deposed 30 Oct. 16G6, ae. about 40 years; helped to run the line from the top of the Blue Hills southward about 1642, and had run other lines. [Arch. 30.] Ch. Thomas b. 21 (1) 1655, Opportunity b. Nov. 15, 1657. He d. Nov. 1, 1677. Will prob. 9 May, 1678; beq. to wife Hannah; to sons John, Thomas, Joseph and Benjamin; dan. Opportunity; son Seaver and dau. Hannah; son-in-law Richard Butt. HOBNE, ORNE, see LAHORNE, George, servant to Wm. Deune, Boston, in Court 4 (7) 1638. John, carpenter, Salem, propr. on a court com. in 1638; deacon. Wife Ann memb. chh. before 1636; wife Frances adm. chh. 30 (1) 1656. She joined In a deed in 1659. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 60 years. Ch. HOBNE, etc., cont. Recompense bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Simon bapt. 28 (8) 1649, Benjamin bapt. 25 (12) 1654, Ann bapt. 22 (1) 1657, Jonathan bapt. 1 (6) 1658. His will dated 8 Oct. 1679, being agi^d; codicil 27 Feb. 1683-1, prob. Nov. 25, 1684; beq. to sons John, Symond, Joseph and Ben jamin; daus. Elizabeth Gardner. Jehoadan Harvey, Mary Smith and Ann Felton. HORSEFORD, HORSFORD, HOSFORD, William, Dorchester, propr. 1633, frm. April 1, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. HOBTON, Barnabas, balier, Ipswich, sold land 12 (1) 1641. Thomas, Springfield, a witness of the Indian deed in 1636; propr., taxed in 1638. He d. in 1640. His widow Mary was ex- amined Oct. 9, 1640, for selling her husband's piece to the Indians. She made marriage contract with Robert Ashley Aug. 7, 1641, reserving the rights of her son, Jarmy [Jer- emiah.] 3 years old, and her other son, an infant. [Reg. XXXIII, 310.] Walter, Plymouth, juryman 5 June, 1638. HOSIER, Samuel, planter, Watertown, frm. May 18, 1631; propr., town ofBcer. He was guar- dian of Anne, dau. of Wm. Coleman of Col- chester, Eng., 8 (6) 1639. [L.] He m. [2,] Oct. 13, 1657, Ursula, widow of Stephen Streeter of Charlestown. He d. July 29, 1665. In his will dated July 28, he beq. to Charles Stearns; to bro.'s son in Eng.; to his sister aud Mrs. Front; to the church and pastor; to son Holland's ch., Jo- seph and Sarah; to wife Ursula's children; residue to wife, and after her death to Ste- phen Payne and his children; to my broth- er's sou in England, and to my sister if she be living. The widow m. William Robin- son of Dorchester, and sold her Wat. prop- erty June 27, 1671. HOSKINS, HOSKINE, see also HODG- KINS, John, Dorchester, juryman Nov. 9, 1030; frm. May 18, 1631, propr. Rem. to Wiudsor, Conn. John, adm. frm. May 14, 1G34. aud Thomas, frm. May 6, 1635, may be sons. [See Hist. Windsor.] 240 BOBWOOD, James, ae. 30, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. HOSDONE, see HODSEN. HOSMER, HOSMORE. OSMER, James, clothier, ae. 28, came in the Elizabeth April 9, 1635, with wife Ann, ae. 27, ch. Marie, ae. 2 years, and Ann, ae. 3 mos., and servants Marie Dounard, ae. 24, and Marie Martin, ae. 19. Settled at Cam- bridge; sold land before 1638; rem. to Con- cord. Frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Mary bur. 11 (3) 1641; second wife Alice; ch. Mary b. 1639, d. 1642, Stephen b. 27 (9) 1642, Hannah, b. 16 (6) 1644, Mary b. 14 (2) 16—. James, Jr., was slain in the engagement with the Indians at Sudbury 21 (2) 1676. His wife -Elinne," d. 3 March, 1604-5. James H., Sen., d. Feb. 7, 1685. Thomas, Cambridge, propr. 1633-1642; frm. May 6, 1635. Town officer. Rem. to Hartford. HOUCHIN, HOWCHIN, HUTCHINS, Jeremiah, tanner, Dorchester, propr. before 1639. Adm. chh. with wife 4 (12) 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. He rem. to Bos- ton. Town officer. Deputy. He deposed Jan. 29, 1664-5, ae. about 49 years. [Arch. 15 B.] Wife Esther (Hester;) ch. Mary b. 18 (1) 1640, bapt. at Dorch. 14 (1) 1641, (m. 22 (4) 1657, Nathaniel Greene,) Jeremy b. and d. 1643, Mehetabel bapt. 30 (4) 1644, ae. about 7 days, William bapt. 1 (5) 1649, ae. about 3 days, Hannah bapt. 19 (3) 1650, Jere- miah b. and d. 1651, Jeremiah b. 26 Nov. 1652, Sarah b. 10 March, 1653, Elizabeth, (m. 9 (9) 1653, John Endecott, Jr.,) Sarah bapt. 12 (1) 1654, John b. 27 Oct. 1655, d. 2 (5) 1657, Nathaniel b. July 24, 1658, Richard b. Dec. 10, 1660. Will dated 7 April, 1070, prob. 3 March, 1670-1; beq. to wife Esther life use of houses, lands, tanyards, etc., entrusting to her care his two youngest children Nathaniel and Rachel; to ch. Elizabeth, wife to Mr. James Allen, Esther, wife to Samuel Wheelwright, Mary, wife to Nathaniel Greene, Nathaniel and Rachel H.; to Mr. John Westgate of Harliston, co. Norfolk, Eng., who had charge of his business in Eng. The widow Esther HOUCHIN, etc., cent. deeded land 24 June, 1070. She d. July 2, 1693. Daniel, deposed before Gen. Court in 1640 about 2 children in his charge on the ship. HOUGH, HAUGH, HAULGH, HOFEE, Atherton, geut., a prominent citizen of Boston, Lincolnshire, Eng., one of those who refused the Royal Loan in 1626, a parishioner of Mr. John Cotton, having borne with him the burdens of non-conformity, accompanied him to N. E. in 1633. Res. first at Cambridge, but was a citizen of Boston. Adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth (9) 1033. Deputy, town officer. Was a man of great strength of character. Had grant of land, 130 acres. In Grave's Neclj, between Oyster Bank bay and Gibbons' creek, where he had house, etc., in 1635. Had also a farm at Braintree. His wife Elizabeth d. 14 (8) 1643; his sec- ond wife Susanna was adm. chh. 4 (2) 1646. The inv. of her est. was filed 29 (3) 1051. His son Samuel, b. about 1021, adm. Boston chh. 12 (8) 1044, was a pupil of Mr. Nathaniel Eaton at Cambridge in 1639. [L.] He d. Sept. 11, 1650. William, house carpenter, Gloucester, town officer 1650. He m. Oct. 28, 1045, Sa- rah, dau. of Hugh Calkin; ch. Hanna b. July 31, 1646, Abiah (a son) b. Sept. 15, 1048, Sa- ray b. 23 (1) 1651. HOUHTON, HAUGHTON, Henry, Salem, appointed to supply the place of Mr. Sharpe as ruling elder in ease of absence or sickness, in 1629. [SufC. De. XVIII.] He d. the first winter. [C. M.] John, ae. 4 years, came in the Abigail in June, 1635, cert, from Eaton Bray, co. Bedford, Eng. He seems to be the John, of Dedham, who m. Beatrix — , and had ch. Robert b. 28 (1) 1659, Mary b. 22 March, 1661- 2; rem. to Lancaster, and there had Beatrix b. 3 (10) 1665, (m. Sept. 20, 1683, John Pope,) Benjamin b. 25 (3) 1668, Sarah b. 30 (5) 1672. Will dated 8 April, 1684, prob. June 17 folg., beq. to wife Beatrix and ch. John, Rob- ert, Jonas, Benjamin, Mary and Sarah. April 4, 1721, after the death of the widow, di- vision was agreed upon by John, Robert, Jonas, John Harris and Beatrix Pope. 241 HOUHTON, etc., cont. William, butcber, ae. 22, came in the Increase April 15, 1G35. Settled at Boston. Ch. Sarah bapt. C (2) 1G51, HOUSE, Samuel, ship-carpenter, Scituate, memb. chh. Jan. 10, 1034, frm. 1634. He rem. to Cambridge; sold land at Sei. 13 Nov. 1643. Rem. to Barnstable; 18 (9) 1(J45, he gave letter of attorney to Hez. Usher to col- lect 20 li. left him by Thomas — . [A.] He ret. to Sci. AA^ife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth bapt. Oct. 23, 1636, Sarah bapt. Aug. 1, 1641, John b. at Camb. 6 (10) 1642, d. 22 (2) 1664, John bapt. at Bar. May 18, 1645. He d. in 1661. Inv. of his est. taken at request of his ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1661. [Reg. VI, 95.] Elizabeth m. 1 Jan. 1661-2, John Sutten. HOVEY, Daniel, planter, Ipswich, propr. 1636. He m. Abigail, dau. of Robert Andrews about 1642. Ch. Daniel, John, Thomas, James, Joseph, Nathaniel, Abigail, Priscilla. Letter to Essex Prob. Court, vol. 2, page 244, dated Sept. 27, 1683, names wife and 6 sons and 1 dau., her children. All the sons ex- cept James then living. [Reg. XXXVI, 195.] Daniel, Sen. d. May 29, 1695. Will dated 18 March, 1601-2, aged "seventy thre gointo seventy fower," boq. to sons Daniel, John, Thomas, Joseph and Nathaniel; gr. ch. Daniel, son of dec. son James; daus. Pris- cilla, wife of John Aires, and Abigail, wife of Thomas Hodgliins. The son-in-law John Ayre.s deposed in 1693, ae. about 44 years. HOW, HOWE, HOWES, HOWS, Abraham, Roxbury, about 1636, frm. May 17, 1637, propr. Ch. Elizabeth, memb. chh. 1644, Sarah, Isaac b. June 24, 1639, De- borah b. Sept. 2, 1641, Israel b. July 7, 1644, Abram bapt. Sept. 25, 1653, Hester, (m. 1, Henry Mason, 2, John Sears,) Isaac bapt. 30 (1) 1656. His wife d. 7 (10) 1645, and he m. His will dated 26 May, prob. 2 Nov. 1676, beq. to ch. Abraham, Israel, Isaac, Hester Mason and Deborah; to the ch. of dau. Eliz- abeth; to dau. Sarah's ch. Joseph, Isaac and Sarah. 242 HOW, etc., cont. Daniel, Saugus, (Lynn,) lieut, ordered by Gov. Vane to command and train his company 16 (4) 1636. [W.] Frm. May 14, 1634, propr., deputy, town officer. Comr. of Es. Court in 1637. [Ephraim and Joseph, sons of somebody in Lynn, probably of Daniel, proprs. in 1638.] Edmund, Plymouth Court, requested land 1 April, 1039. Edward, AVatertown, 1633. [Court Rec.] Frm. May 14, 1634. Ruling elder, town offi- cer, deputy. He d. 24 (4) 1644. Will prob. next day. Beq. to Nathaniel Treadway; Anne, wife of John Stonne of Sudbury; and Mary and Elizabeth Knowles; residue to wife. Wid- ow Margaret m. 2, George Bunker; in her will, prob. Dec. 19, 1660, she gave to her sister Mary Rogers, and her [ch.] John and Elizabeth, of Boxstead, Eug.; to John Stone, of Sudbury, and to Nathaniel Treadway of Wat. Daus. Suffrana, wife of N. Tread- way, and Anna, wife of J. Stone. [Reg. Ill, 77, and VII, 60.] Edward, husbandman, ae. 60, with Elizabeth, ae. 50, Jeremy, ae. 21, Sarah, ae. 12, Ephraim, ae. 9, Isaac, ae. 7, and William, ae. 6, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1035. Settled at Lynn; frm. Dec. 8, 1036, propr. 1G38; deputy. He d. suddenly at Boston (2) 1639. Admin, gr. to his widow Elizabeth 22 May, 1639. The widow had a claim upon Mr.s. Philips on belialf of children; seems to refer to Sam- uel and Elizabeth Philips, gr. ch. of Richard Sergeant. [Col. Rec. 1644 and 1045.] James, Roxbury, frm. May 17, 1637, propr. Wife also, name not recorded, memb. chh. about 1635. Rem. to Salem; resident in 1648. Rem. to Ipswich. James, Sen., Ips- wich, memb. jury in 1641. He deposed in 1605, ae. about 61 years. John, Sudbury, frm. May 13, 1640. Town officer 1657. He petitioned 30 (7) 1062, to be excused from training because he was aged, thick of hearing, and maintained 3 soldiers in his family. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Slary; ch. John b. 24 (6) 1640, Samuel b. 20 (8) 1042, Mary b. 1646, d. 1647, Mary b. IS (11) 1653, Isaac b. 8 (6) 1648. He d. 2S (3) 1680. Will dated 24 May, prob. 15 June, 1680, beq. to wife; ch. Samuel, HOW, etc., cont. Isaac, Josiab, Thomas, Eleazer, Sarah Ward, Mary Witherby; gr. cli. John, son of John. Mr. Thomas, (Howes,) planter, Tar- mouth, took oath of allegiance IS Dec. 1G38, prop. frm. 3 Sept. 1639; propr.; com. of di- vision 1G39. Will, dated Sept. 26, prob. Oct. 1, 1665. Wife Mary; sons Joseph, Thomas, Jeremy; gr. ch. Samuel to be taught the trade of a cooper by [his father] Thomas. [Reg. VI, 187.] HOWARD, HAWORD, HA WARD, HA- WOORTH, Nathaniel, Dorchester, adm. chh. 28 (12) 1641; frm. May 10, 1G43. Rem. to Sa- lem. Ch. Eliza bapt. 26 (6) 1666. Robert, Dorchester, propr., 1639; frm. Feb. 1652. Town ofBcer. He rem. to Bos- ton about 1668. Wife Mary; ch. Bethiah bapt. 16 (12) 1639, Nathaniel bapt. 6 (12) 1641, Jonathan bapt. 25 (4) 1643, Hannah bapt. (12) 1643, (m. Samuel Minot,) John bapt. 4 (11) 1645, Abiel bapt. 8 (6) 1647, and Sarah bapt. 20 (5) 1651. His will dated 28 May, prob. 29 Jan. 1683, beq. to wife Mary, son Jonathan and other children. The widow Mary made will 2 July, prob. 19 July, 1683; beq. to son-in-law Wm. Clarlie of Bo.; daus. Bethiah Messen- ger, Hannah Minot, Mary Jones and Tem- perance Smith; Samuel Bass; gr. ch. John, Amee and Mary; the ch. of my son Jeremiah H. ; rest to sou Jonathan H.. Samuel, tailor, Braintree, had lands 19 (12) 1637, for 3 heads. See Hayward, Samuel. William, Salem, and Wenham; rem. to Topsfield. Signed— William Howard— as witness to the inventory of Samuel Smith in 1642. Frm. 13 (3) 1640. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 52 years. Rose adm. chh. Sa- lem 10 (3) 1640, Nathaniel, son of sister H., bapt. 13 (9) 1642. William, Ipswich, sold land 11 (8) 1649. Signed bill against Wm. Payne in 1649. [Es. Files.] William, Hampton, propr. 1650; lieut., deputy, 1644. HOWARD, etc., cont. William, Boston, attorney for R. Bel- liugham and deputy marshall general in an action in Es. court in 1666; deposed, ae. 57 years. HOWELL, Mr. Edward, gent., late of Marsh Gib- bon, Bucks, 1638; settled at Lynn; propr. 1638; frm. March 14, 1638-9; juryman, 1639. He gave letter of attorney in 1640 for the collection of annuity and the sale of lands and tenements in Watton Underwood, Bucks. He rem. about 1641 to Southampton, L. 1. Thomas, brick-layer, Marshfield, in co. with Robert Barker and others bought land, ferry and boat 11 Jan. 1641. He d. at Boston. Will declared on his death-bed June 8, 1647, forwarded by Mr. Aspinwall to Plymouth Prob. court. Est. to be equally divided between his wife and 2 sons; kinsman Job Lane, exec; Edmond Weston to have charge till Lane ret. from Eng. Inv. filed May 31, 1648; admin, gr. 7 June ,1648. [Reg. IV, 282.] [See Daniel Cole.] Job Lane, having returned, refused in writing 19 Oct. 1647, to accept the exec- ship of the will of his uncle. HOWEN, HOWING, HOWYN, Robert, cutler, Boston, adm. chh. 13 (4) 1641, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 17 (2) 1642; ch. John b. (4) 1643, Israel bapt. 14 (6) 1642, ae. about 7 days. The widow d. 27 (7) 1653; inv. taken 6 (8) 1653, by Richard Truesdell. [Reg. VII, 338.] HOWLAND, Arthur, planter, yeoman, Duxbury, propr. 1640; see some of his accounts in 1640. [L.] Prop, for frm. 1 March, 1641-2. Brought suit 5 Nov. 1044, for goods brought from Eng. for him by the wife of Robert Mendam. Hem. to Marshfield. He d. Oct. 30, 1675. Will prob. 7 March folg., beq. to wife Margaret; son Arthur; gr. ch. Assadiah Smith and his 3 bros.; daus. Mary Williamson, Martha Daman and Eliz- abeth Low; gr. ch. Mary Walker and Tim- othy Williamson. The widow Margaret was bur. Oct. 23, 1683. Her will prob. 5 March, 1683-4, beq. to gr. son John Walker; to Ebenezer, Thomas and Arthur, ch. of her son Arthur, whom she made exec. 243 HOWLAND, cont. Henry, yeoman, Duxbury, taxed in 1632, frm. 1633, atba. 1643; town officer. His will dated 28 (9), prob. 8 March, 1670, beq. to wife Mary; cIi. Zoeth, Joseph, John, Samuel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary and Abigail. The widow made will 3 May, 1674, prob. 26 same month; beq. to sons named above and to daus. Abigail Young, Mary Cudworth, Sarah Dennis and Elizabeth Allin. John, came in the Mayflower, as ser- vant (or steward) of Mr. John Carver. Signed the Compact; took an active part in the early explorations. Settled at Plymouth. Town officer; a partner in the Trading Com- pany of the Colony; Asst. or deputy almost continually. Prominent in the church, so that he "assisted in the imposition of hands" upon Rev. John Cotton, Jr. when he was or- dained pastor 30 (6) 1669. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Tillie. [B.] Ch. John b. Feb. 24, 1626, [S.] Desire, (also named at the di- vision of cattle in 1627: she m. John Gorum,) Hope, (b. about 1630, [Gr. st.]; m. John Chip- man,) Deborah ,(m. 4 Jan. 1648, John Smith, Jr. of Plym.,) Elizabeth, (m. 13 Sept. 1649, Ephraim Hiclis,) Ruth, (m. 17 Nov. 1664, Thomas Cushmau). Others named in will. He d. Feb. 23, 1672-3; "a profitable instru- ment of good; the last man that was left of those that came over in the ship called the May Flower that arrived at Plymouth." [Plym. Col. Ree. VII, 34.] He made will 29 May, prob. 6 March, 1672. Grown aged; beq. to wife Elizabeth his house in Rocliey Nook in the town of Plymouth, and made her residuary legatee; beq. to sons John, Jabez, Isaac, Joseph; to daus. Desire Gorum, Hope Chipman, Elizabeth Dickerson, Lydia Browne, Hannah Bosworth and Ruth Cush- man; to gr. ch. Elizabeth, dau. of his son John. Signed and sealed, (but only copies of Plym. wills extant). The widow d. 21 (12) 1687, ae. SO. [Swansey rec] Her will dated 17 Dec. 1686, aged 79 years; beq. to sons named by her husband, and daus. Lydia, Elizabeth and Hannah; to gr. ch. Elizabeth Bursley, Nathaniel Howland, James, Jabez and Dorothy Browne, and Desire Gorum. Son-in-law James Browne and son Jabez execs. Genealogy and sketches. HOWLETT, Thomas, carpenter, [Ips. rec], Boston, HOWLETT, cent. memb. chh. 1630-1; frm. March 4, 1633-4. One of the first planters at Agawam, (Ips- wich,) April 1, 1633. [Col. Rec] "Having lived sundry years at Ips.," he was dism. to that chh. 10 (7) 1643. [Bo. chh. rec] Dep- uty, ensign, deacon. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 52 years. He m. about 1644 Alice, widow of Thomas French. He m. 2 or 3, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Smith. Will dated 4 Nov. 1677, prob. 24 Sept. 1678, beq. to wife Rebecca what she brought with her and other items; to son Samuel and daus. Sarah Comings and Mary Perly; to Alice Comings; to Mary, dau. of his son John, or to his wife; to son Thomas' wife and ch.; rest to son William. The widow d. 1 Nov. 1680. and her est. was given to her two sons James and John Smith. HOYDEN, see HAYDEN. HOWMAN, John, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. [See Holman.] Rem. to Topsfield; selectman, 1661. HOWSEN, HOWSON, Peter, ae. 31, and wife Ellen, ae. 39, cert, to come to N. E. March 11, 1634. Cap- tain: his est. in SufC. Prob. Court 13 (10) 1652. Owner of ship Brocke, etc. [Reg. VIII, 59.] HOYT, HOIT, HOYTE, John, planter, Salisbury, propr. 1639; owned land also at Ipswich in 1641 and at Haverhill in 1650, but resided at Sails, in the section which became Amesbury. Wife Frances d. Feb. 23, 1642-3; he m. 2, Frances — ; ch. Frances, (m. 1, John Colby, 2, John Barnard,) John; Thomas and Gregory b. Jan. 1. 1640-1, Elizabeth b. Feb. 23, 1642, Sarah b. Jan. 10, d. Feb. 26, 1644-5, aiary b. Feb. 20, 1645-6, (m. Christopher B.artlett,) Joseph b. and d. 1648, Joseph b. and d. 1649, Marah b. and d. 1653, Naomi b. Jan. 23, 1654, (m. John Lovejoy,) Dorothy b. April 13, 1656, Mehitable b. Oct. 25, 1664. He d. Feb. 28, 1687-8; admin, of his est. gr. Jlay 8, 1697. Simon, Charlestown, propr. 1630; rem. to Dorchester; propr.; frm. May 18, 1631. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. 244 HUBBARD, HTIBBEB.T, HOBART, Ann, Dedham, m. 8 (5) 1638, Wm. Bar- BtOW. Antbony, Dedham. He m. 14 (2) 1648, Sarah Bacon; ch. Jobn b. 14 (2) 1649, Abra- ham b. and d. 1650. Sarah d. 1652. Mr. Benjamin, "artist," Charlestown, adm. chh. with wife Alice 30 (6) 1633, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Wrote Roger Williams in 1637 about finding a place there. Accompanied the surveying party who laid out the town of Woburn. [To. rec] He (or one of the name) wrote from London 25 (12) 1644, to Gov. Winthrop; good voyage and favorable acceptance b.y many gentlemen through W.'s influence. Had not yet made trial before artists of bis invention concerning longitude. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3-1.] Ch. Benjamin bapt. 30 (1) 1634, Elizabeth b. 4 (2) 1630, Thomas b. 31 (3) bapt. 24 (4) 1639, Hannah b. 16 (10) 1641. Elizabeth, widow, Boston, d. 6 (11) 1643. Her will dated 29 (10) 1643, was prob. (Suff.) 4 (7) 1644. Ch. Hannah and Benja- min Hobert execs.; other ch. Richard, Sarah and Rachel. Money to be paid to Stoctdell and Hannah Carrington. Signed Elizabeth Hobbert. Edmund, Sen., (wrote his name Hub- bard and Hubberd,) from Hingham, Eng., came in 1633 with his wife, son Joshua, dans. Rebecca and Sarah, and servant Henry Gibbs. Settled at Charlestown. Was adm. chh. 19 (6) 1633, with son Edmund and his wife Elizabeth. Benjamin and Alice his wife, and Joshua and his sister Rebecca, were also adm. chh. within a few days. Frm. March 4, 1633-4. Constable March 3, 1634. He rem. to Hingham. Deputy. He m. 1, in Eng., Margaret [Dewey]; she d. and he m. 2, Oct. 10, 1634, Sarah, widow of Mr. John Lyford. Ch. Nazareth, (m. John Beal,) Edmund, Peter. (The latter. Rev. Peter, grad. Magdalen Coll., Cambridge, 1625, minister at Hingham 44 years; kept a careful diary of baptisms, admissions to chh. and local items of great historical value; — wrote his name Bobart; but records: "March 8, 1646, father Hub- beard dyed; June 23, 1649, mother Hobart dyed.") Other ch. of Edmund: Thomas, Re- becca, Sarah, Joshua. [See Hist. Hingham, etc.] HUBBARD, etc., cont. James, Lynn, accused of opposing the baptism of infants; was called before Gen. Court and acquitted 1 (10) 1640. In Essex Court 29 (4) 1643. Rem. to Long Island and sold house and land at Charlestown, 27 (8> 1643. James, Watertown. Wife Sarah; ch. Thomas b. 10 (6) 1633, James, Sarah, (m. — Champney). [Mi.] He d. 26 (11) 1638, ae. 30 years; his will in Court at Boston 10 (10) 1641. His widow m. William Hamlet. Joseph, Newbury, propr. 1637. Robert, a witness to a deed of Hill and Leverett of Boston, 1649. Samuel, Springfield, frm. March 4, 1634-5; town officer; kept the ordinary, 1640. Ch. Ruth b. 10 (2) 1640, Rachel b. 7 (1) 1642- 3, Bethiah b. 29 (10) 1646. William, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630; prob- ably ret. to Eng., and was the William, husbandman, ae. 40, who came with Judith, ae. 25, Mary, ae. 20, Martha, ae. 22, John, ae. 15, William, ae. 13, Nathaniel, ae. 6, and Richard, ae. 4, who came in the Defense in July, 1635. Settled at Ipswich. Propr.; bought house and land of Thomas Dudley in 1635; frm. May 2, 1638; member of the Particular Court of Ips. 1639; had grant of land from the Gen. Court on the North side of Quochecho river, which he sold Oct. 15, 1656, to Capt. Thomas Wiggin of Quomscooke. Gent; wife Judith signed with him. He rem. to Boston. Sold land to son Richard 24 June, 1662. He made will 8 June, prob. 19 Aug. 1670; beq. to son William lands at Tendring Hun- dred, Eng. and at Ipswich, N. E.; referred to lands already given to sons Richard and William; gave more to the latter. Rev. William, the son here mentioned, was grad. at Harvard coll. 1642; pastor at Wenham, 1643, at Ipswich, 1656; wrote a History of New England, of standard value. William, ae. 35, Thomas, ae. 10, and John, ae. 10, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Mary, ae. 24, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Grant of land made to Mr. Hubbard for his family upon condi- tions referred to 12 (3) 1643, by the town of Wenham. 245 HTJCKINS, HUCKINGS, HUGGINS, Thomas, planter, Barnstable, atba. 1643, frm. 3 June, 1652; town officer. He m. in 1042, Mary Wells of Bar. She was bur. 28 July, 1G48, and he m. at Nocett Nov. 3, 1G48, Rose Hellier, als. widow Tillye. Ch. Lydia b. and d. 1G44, Mary b. 29 March, 1646, Elizabeth bapt. Feb. 27, 1647, bur. 8 Dee. 1648, John bapt. Aug. 5, 1649, Thomas bapt. April 27, 1651, Hannah bapt. Oct. 16, 1653, Joseph b. 21 Feb. 1655. He was cast away 9 Nov. 1679, in 62nd year; son Joseph lost with him. Inv. of his est. taken 10 Feb. 1679; agreement made 14 March folg. between the widow Rose, son Thomas, Hope, relict of eldest son John, and her five daughters, Samuel Stores and Mary his wife, James Gorham and Han- nah his wife, aud Jabez Serjeant, in full of legacy given him by his grandfather, the said Thomas H. HUDD, see HOOD, Marie, maid servant to Mr. John Win- throp, Sen., adm. chh. Boston 28 (6) 1634. HUDSON, James, laborer, Boston, propr. 1641. Wife Anne adm. chh. 3 (2) 1642; eh. Lydia b. 27 (2) 1643, Deborah bapt. 20 (8) 1644, James b. 25 (6) 1646, Lydia b. 15 (1) 1648. He m. 3 (12) 1652, Rebecca, dau. of Wm. Browne of Bo.; ch. John b. and d. 1653. The wife Rebecca d. 14 (9) 1653. He m. Mary — , who was adm. chh. 17 (1) 1661; ch. John b. and d. 1654, Mary b. July 27, 1656, Lazarus b. Oct. 22, 1658, Bethiah and Abigail b. Dec. 13, 1059, Samuel b. March 23, 1661, Maiy bapt. 28 (2) 1061. Ebenezer b. March 4, 1662, Elizabeth bapt. 6 (9) 1664, Eleazer b. June 19, 1668. John, household servant to Mr. Hum- phrey, Salem, 1642. Punished in 1649 by Gen. Court. Rem to Manchester; sold house. He deposed in 1670 ,ae. 57 years, Mary, ae. about 50, and Samuel, ae. about 21. John, husbandman, Duxbury. Will, dated Nov. 20, 1683, prob. Sept. 12, 168S; wife Anne; daus. Hannah Turner, Rhoda Palmer, Elizabeth Vicory, Abigail Stetson; son Japhet Turner. [Gen. Adv. I, ■12.] 1639. Mary, widow, Boston, adm. chh. 19 (11) 240 HUDSON, cent. Nicholas, residence not stated, frm. March 9, 1636-7. Ralph, woollen draper, ae. 42, with wife Marie, ae. 42, and ch. Hannah, ae. 14, John, ae. 12, Elizabeth, ae. 5, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1035. Settled at Cambridge; householder 8 Feb. 1635. Rem. to Boston; adm. chh. 17 (2) 1636, frm. May 25, 1036. Will prob. 20 (9) 1651, names dau. Hannah who m. Capt. John Leverett; bro. John Hud- sou; wife's sister, the wife of Mr. Peacock. [Reg. IV, 54.] Thomas, Lynn, propr. in 1638. Sold lands 22 (10) 1045. William, baker, Boston, memb. chh. 1030, frm. May 18, 1631. Went to Eng. in 1645; became ensign of a foot company in Col. Rainsborow's regiment. Returned after good service. [W.] Went again to Chat- ham, CO. Kent, Eng.; gave power of attor- ney concerning property in Boston to his sons William H., inn-holder, and Francis H., fisherman, both of B. April 29, 1656. Wife Susan adm. chh. 1630-1; ch. Nathaniel b. 30 (11) 1633, Richard d. 26 (8) 1641, Hannah, (m. Oct. 10. 1061, Benjamin Richards). HUGGEN, see HIGGINS. HUGHES, HUGHS, HEWGHES, see also HEWES, rarnoll, Lynn; fine for selling strong water without lie. remitted 15 Oct. 1050. William, of "New Medows," sold ani- mals and farm produce Aug. 13, 1643, to Richard Barker; witness, John Hughes. [Es. Court files.] Of Lynn, 1640; refused to pay toward maintenance of ministry. [Es. flies.] HUGHSON, HEWSON, John, merchant, Boston, signed inv. of Wm. Hanbury in 1049. HUIT, see also HEWETT, Ephraim, residence not stated. His widow Isabel sold a 100 li. share in the patents of Piscataqua and Swamseot Sept. 22, 1047. [Suff. De. I, 90.] She seems to be referred to on the same page as Mrs. Isabel Willett, Q. V. HULBTJRT, William; rem. to Windsor, Conn.; thence about 1654 to Hartford; thence rem. to Northampton. HULL, Mr. George, Dorchester, one of the first company 1030, [Blalie.] Frm. March 4, 1032- 3. Town officer, deputy. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. John, Dorchester, propr., frm. Aug. 7, 1G32. [Perhaps this name was a clerical error for Hill.] Rev. Joseph, (called Hall in passenger list,) of Somerset, a minister, ae. 40, with wife Agnes, ae. 25, ch. Joane, ae. 15, Joseph, ae. 13, Tristram, ae. 11, Elizabeth, ae. 7, Tem- perance, ae. 9, Grissell, ae. 5, Dorothy, ae. 3; and servants Judith French, ae. 20, John Wood, ae. 20, and Robert Dabyn, ae. 28, came from W^eymouth, Eng., March 20, 1035. He was allowed by the Gen. Court 5 (8) 1035, to sit down at Wessaguscus, after called Weymouth, and 21 families with him. Prm. Sept. 2, 1035. He rem. to Hingham. One of the com. to assist magistrates 6 (7) 1038; deputy. "Gave his farewell sermon May 5, 1039." [Hob.] Rem. to Barnstable. Frm. and deputy Plym. Col. 1039. Rem. to Yar- mouth and became pastor of the chh. Ch. Benjamin bapt. at Hing. March 24, 1039, Naomi bapt. in 1039, Ruth bapt. May 9, 1641, Sarah d. in 1047. Richard, cai-penter, Boston, frm. April 1, 1634. Robert, blaclismith, chandler, Boston, adm. chh. 29 (3) 1630, frm. March 9, 1036-7. He gave to his son John, when 21 years of age and about to marry, a house and lands in Boston and elsewhere, reserving life use for himself. Referred to in Suffolk deeds III, 300. This son became the celebrated mint-master. Son Edward was commander of Rhode Island forces against the Dutch in 1053. [Es. Piles 2, 95-102.] Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 23 (4) 1639. Will dated 20 (3) 1657; son John, son Ed- mund Quinney and his son John; son Rich- ard Storer; son Edward H. Admin, gr. Feb. 12, 1666, to John, only surviving son. [Reg. XV, 322.] Samuel ae. 25, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May 1635. HULLING, HULING, — , residence not stated, frm. May 22, 1638. HUN, HUNNE, George, tanner, Boston, adm. chh. 22 (3) 1636, frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Anne adm. chh. 3 (1) 1639. He d. (4) 1640. He beq. to wife Anne; son Nathaniel to be servant 5 years to James .Tohnson, who was made his guardian; land in Boston and Braintree. Nathaniel signed the agreement. [Reg. VII, 31.] The widow m. 16 (10) 1051, Wm. Philpot. HUNNIWELL, see Honywell. HUMPHREY, HUMPHREYS, HUM- PREY, Mr. John, Esquire, a magistrate, had grant of land at Saugus 6 March 1632-3. Frm. May 25, 1636. Had sad experiences in regard to some of his ch. in 1641. [W.] He brought into this country an est. of 2,000 li.; was a very useful ruler. [W.] App. by Gen. Court 2 June 1641, sergeant major gen- eral. He d. poor In 1653. Admin, gr. to his son Joseph 13 (10) 1661. The Court gave him a grant of 300 acres which he sold June 25, 1664. Litigation over the farm in 1662 in Es. Court; important documents. Ch. Theo- philus bapt. 24 (11) 1636, Thomas bapt. 26 (6) 1638, Joseph bapt. 5 (2) 1640, Lydia bapt. 25 (2) 1041, Dorcas b. about 1632, Sarah b. about 1634. "July," 1634. Mr. Humphrey and the lady Susan, his wife, one of the Earl of Lin- coln's sisters, arrived at Boston, bringing military supplies, 16 heifers given by Mr. Richard Andrews to the plantaton, one for each of the ministers and the rest to the poor; etc., and mesages from people of qual- ity who desired to come over." [W.] Jonas, from Wendover, Eng., where he had been a constable, [Family Papers,] came to Dorchester about 1637. Memb. chh. 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Propr.; son James propr. 1646. Wife Frances memb. chh. 1639. Ch. Sarah bur. (7) 1038. The wife d. and he m. 2, Jane (Clap), widow of George Weeks; she d. 2 (6) 1068. He d. March 19, 1661-2; will dated March 12, prob. April 17, 1662. Copy in possession of descendants. Beq. to wife; to sons James 247 HUMPHREY, etc., cont. and Jonas; to dau. Susanna, wife to Nich- olas White; to gr. child Elizabeth Frie a chest that was her grandmother's. [See Wil- liam Fry.] HUNT, Edmund, or Edward, Cambridge, propr. 1634; sold house and land in 1636-7. Rem. to Duxbury; land grant Oct. 2, 1637, atba. 1643. Town officer. Inv. taken 20 March, 1656, filed 24 (8) 1657. [Reg. V, 386.] Enoch, from Titenden in the parish of Lee, Eng., [Mass. Arch. 120, 16,] Wey- mouth; 1640; town officer, 1651. In Court 1 (2) 1641. Wife Dorothie, widow of — Barlj- er; she survived him, and m. John King. In her will, dated 14 (4) 1652, prob. 21 (8) 1652, she beq. to dau. Sarah Hunt, referred to Ephraim H., and to ch. Joseph and Ruth Earlier and Susanna Heath. Ch. Sarah b. 4 (5) 1040. He d. before 1647, when Dorothy's lands are mentioned in deeds of abutting tracts. Admin, gr. to son Ephraim 18 (9) 1652; [Reg. V, 239.] The son Ephraim, blacksmith, Wey- mouth, gave letter of attorney 5 (10) 1646, for collection of property in Beaconsfield, Bucks, formerly of John Hunt of Winch- more Hill in Agmondsham parish. [A.] Mary, Salem, adm. chh. 21 (1) 1640-1. Peter, lieut, Rehoboth, 1643; prop, frm. 4 June, 1645., adm. frm. 5 June, 1651; town officer. He m. Dec. 14, 1646, Elizabeth Smith; ch. Sarah b. Jan. 21, 1046-7, Judah b. April 21, 1648, Peter b. June 14, 1650, Enoch b. Feb. 28, 1652, Elizabeth b. March 1, 1654, John b. Oct. 15, 1656, Mary b. June 15, 1658, Ephraim b. March 31, 1661, Tabitha b. Sept. 14, 1663, Daniel b. Feb. 14, 1665, Benjamin b. Sept. 29, 1668, Nath. b. Dec. 31, 1670, d. Aug. 28, 1671. Peter, Morah and Tabitha bur. 1676. He was bur. Oct. 21, 1692. Will dated 19 June, 1689, prob. 26 Dec. 1692; beq. to sons Enoch, John, Ephraim, Benjamin; dau. Judith Williams and her sons Nathaniel and Thomas Cooper; gr. ch. Ann Paine and Sarah Pecke; sons-in-law Samuel Peck and James Willett. Certain land he had of father Bowen. Robert, yeoman, Charlestown, inhabi- tant 1638; rem. to Sudbury. Propr. 1640. Will dated 2 Oct. 1640; wife Susanna exec. HUNT, cont. for herself and the [three] minor childreB; friends Sedgwick and Lyne of Char, over- seers. The widow d., and inv. of her est. was filed 24 (9) 1642. [Reg. VII, 32, and XXX, 80.] William, Concord, rem. to Marlborough; frm. June 2, 1641. Witness to will of Wm. Bowstred of Concord, 23 Oct. 1642. He signed his will Oct. 23, 1667, date of probate not given; beq. to wife Mary, and sons Samuel, Nehemiah and Isaac, and dau. Elizabeth Barnes. HUNTER, Robert, Rowley, propr., frm. Oct. 7, 1640. He was bur. 5 (6) 1647. Will dated 5 (6) prob. 28 (7) 1647, beq. to wife Mary; to Thomas Birkby his shop gear, etc.; to cer- tain poor of the chh.; to Abel Langley, con- ditionally; otherwise to the church. HUNTING, John, Dedham, propr. 28 (6) 1638, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Wife Esther adm. chh. April 24, 1639; ch. Samuel b. 22 (5) 1640, Nathaniel bapt. 24 (10) 1043, Mary adm. chh. 30 (2) 1643. Will dated 15 Dec. 1684, prob. 26 March, 1691; affirms bequests made by wife Hester in her will Jan. 4, 1675; refers to his bro. Francis Seaborne; beq. to son Samuel, liv- ing in Charlestown; to ch. John, Mary Buck- ner, (widow in Boston,) and to her dau. Mary White; to son-in-law Robert Ware, in right of his first wife Margaret; to dau. Hes- ter Fisher; to son-in-law John Peck of Reho- both, in right for his eldest dau. Hester, of his first wife Elizabeth. HUNTINGTON, Margaret, widow, Roxbury, came in 1633; brought children with her. [E.] William, planter, Salibsury, 1643, propr. 1650. He and his wife Joannah ex- changed land in Sails, with John Bayley of Newbui-y and Elnor his wife 1 (10) 1652. Ch. John b. Aug. 1643, James d. Feb. 5, 1646, Mary b. July 8, 1648, (m. Joshua Goldsmith.) He d. about 1689. 248 HUNTLEY, John, Lyun, in court, 1650. HURD, see Heard. HUBST, James, planter, Plymoutb, taxed in 1632, frm. 1G33, propr. 1038. His dau. Mary m. Oct. 16, 1657, Jonatlian Dunliam. Will dated Dec. 10, prob. 2 March, 1657; wife Gartend, [Gertrude;] gr. eh. John, Gershom, James, Eleazer, Hannah and Pa- tience Oobb, and Mary Dunham. [Reg. V, 386.] The widow Gartheren d. before March 30, 1670, when the iuv. of her est. was taken. Margerite, Gharlestown, adm. chh. 30 (9) 1642. William, Sandwich; had a suit in court in 1637. He m. 17 March 1639, Kath- arine Thlckston. Admin, gr. to the widow 1 June, 1641. [Plym. Col. Rec] HUSE, see Hewes, Abel, Newbury, propr., frm. May 18, 1642. He deposed in 1666, aged about 64 years. Wife Eleanor d. 1 March, 1663; he m. 25 May, 1663, Mary Sears. Ch. Ruth b. 25 Feb. 1663-4, Abel b. 19 Feb. 1664, Thomas b. 9 Aug. 1666, William b. Oct. 12, 1667, Sarah b. Dec. 8, 1668, John b. 20 June, 1670, Amy b. 8 Sept. 1673, d. May 12, 1675, Eben- ezer, a dau., b. 10 Aug. 1675. He d. 29 March, 1690. Will dated 7 March, prob. Sept. 30, 1690; to wife Mary that which was her former husband's, etc.; sons Abel, Thomas, William, John; daus. Ruth Browne, Sarah and Ebenezer H. HXTSSEY, Christopher, Saugus, 1632, frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Newbury; propr. 16.37. One of the first planters at Hampton, G Sept., 16.38. He m. 1, Theodate, dau. of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, who gave to them his cat- tle, goods and debts on his return to Eng. [Deposition of Colcord in 1672.] Robert, carpenter, Duxbury, atba. 1643. Sold houes, lands, etc., to Mr. Ralph Partrich 10 (7) 1654. Inv. taken by Ensign John Haward Oct. 30, 1667. [Reg. VII, 177.] HUTCHINS, HUCHENS, see Hochens, John, Newbuiy, brought suit in Ips- wich Court in 1642. Rem. to Haverhill. Gave house and land at Newb. to wife Frances, and cattle to dau. Elizabeth and son William, 23 Nov. 1654. Conveyed land to son Joseph 29 April, 1661. Ch. recorded: Joseph b. 15 Nov. 1640, John b. Oct. 10, 1641, Benjamin b. 15 May, 164[4], Love b. 16 July 1647. He d. Feb. 6, ]685. Will prob. March 30, 1686, beq. to wife Frances; sons William, Joseph, Benjamin and Samuel; daus. Eliza- beth Ayres and Love Sherburne. The widow d. April 5, 1694, and beq. her est. to several of these children. HUTCHINSON, lOdward. son of Edward and Susanna, of Alford, CO. Lincoln, Eng., came to Boston about 1633, adm. chh. (8) 1633, frm March 4, 1633-4. Town officer. He deposed 25 March, 1658, ae. about 56 years. Possessed considerable wealth and transacted a large amount of business. Acted sometimes for bro. Richard H., iron- monger, of London. Was involved in the troubles which grew out of the preaching of his bro. William's wife and his bro.-in-law, Mr. John Wheelwright in 1637 and 1638; and rem. to Newport. Ret. to Eng. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 18 (10) 1633; ch. John bapt. 31 (6) 1634, Ichabod bapt. 3 (7) 1637. George, Charlestown, propr.; memb. chh. 1630, frm. April 1, 1634. Town officer. Wife Margaret; ch. Nathaniel bapt. 9 (8) 1633. He d. Dec. 11, 1660. Will prob. 18 (10) 1660, beq. to wife; son Nathaniel; apprentice boy Eleazer White. Brother John Penticost and Thomas Lynde overseers. John, carpenter, ae. 30, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Richard, yeoman, Salem, propr. 1636; adm. chh. 4 (2) 1647. Bought a farm in 1648 aud sold half of it to Nathaniel Putnam in 1651. [Es. De. and Piles.] He deposed 11 Feb. 1681-2, ae. about 80 years. Wife Alice memb. chh. before 1636. He m. 2, Oct. 1668, Susanna, widow of Samuel Archard; she d. Nov. 26, 1674. He m. 3, Sarah, widow of .Tames Standish. Ch. Abigail bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Hannah bapt. 20 (11) 1638, John b. in 249 HUTCHINSON, cont. May, [Es. Files,] bapt. 2 (5) 1643, (had a deed of part of his father's est. in 1006.) WiU dated 19 June, 1679, prob. 26 (7) 1682; wife to be made comfortable for one of her age by son Joseph; to have what she had when they married if she wish to remove; he beq. to son-in-law Anthony Ashby and dau. Abigail, his wife; son-in-law Daniel Boardmau and dau. Hannah, his wife; sons- in-law Nathaniel Putnam, Thomas Hale and James Hadlocli; gr. eh. Bethia Hutchinson and Sarah Hadloeli; servant, Black Peter; son Joseph exec. [Genealogy in Es. Inst. Coll. IX.] Samuel, bro. of Edward, above, settled at Lynn; propr. before 1638. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 40 years. Will dated 17 April, prob. IG July, 1667, gave beq. to the son Samuel and six daus. of his sister Wheelwright and other relatives, but did not mention wife or child. Susanna, widow of WlH»ja, of Alford, Eng., came to N. E. in company with her son-in-law Mr. John Wheelwright and his wife Marie, her dau., in 1636. Was adm. to Boston chh. 12 (4) 1036. She rem. with them to Exeter; was dism. from Bo. chh. 3 (1) 1639. William, eldest son of WiUiasQ and Susanna, of Alford, Eng., came to Boston in 1034, bringing his wife, Anne, dau. of Fran- cis and Bridget (Dryden) Marbury, b. at Al- ford 20 July, 1691; who was destined to talie a very significant part in the affairs of the new country. She made numerous addresses or sermons on religious subjects in a very e'arnest spirit, but presented a number of doctrines quite out of harmony with those held by the churches of New England; gath- ered about her a large number of men, as well as women; placed the ministers and officials of the colony in a position or embar- rassment and opposition to herself; and drew down on herself and her brother-in- law, Mr. John Wheelwright, a s-torm of per- secution. She was banished to Rhode Island, but not there relieved from pursuit of the Mass. authorities. To this was added the affliction of Indian atrocities; and she was killed by the savages in Sept., 1643. Her husband was a business man of large ability: and no fault was found with him ex- cept for hs sympathy and aid to his wife, HUTCHINSON, cont. whom he nobly supported, however his views may have differed from those she maintained. Children: Edward.bapt. 28 May, 1613, Sus- anna bapt. Sept. 4, 1614, bur. Sept. 8, 1630, Richai-d bapt. 8 Dec. 1615, Faith bapt 14 Aug. 1017, (m. Capt. Thomas Savage.) Bridget bapt 15 Jan. 1018-9, Elizabeth bapt. 15 Feb. 1021-2, bur. Oct. 4, 10.30, William bapt. 22 Jan. 1023. Samuel bapt. 17 Dec. 1624, Anne bapt. 5 May, 1626, Mary bapt. 22 Feb. 1627-8. William bapt. 28 Sept 1631, Susanna bapt. 15 Nov. 1633, Zuriel b. in Bos- ton 13 (1) 1030. Of these Richard, Francis, Bridget and Faith were adm. chh. Boston in 1034. Edward, Jr., a singleman, was adm. chh. 10 (0) 1034. HUTLEY, HUTLIFFE, see Utley, Richard, ae. 15, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr., 1039. Was paid in 1043 for service against the Indians. Bought land 20 Nov. 1045. HYDE, HIDE, HIDES, IDE, George, ship carpenter, mariner, Bos- ton, 1642. Wife Anne adm. chh. 14 (4) 1645; ch. Mary b. 3 (6) 1042, Timothy b. fO) 1044; both bapt. 15 (4) 1645. He d. in 1045. The widow m. Daniel Weld of Braintree. John, tailor, from Marlborough, came in the James, April, 1635. Ens .Tonathan, Cambridge, joined with his bro. Samuel in the purchase of land in 1647. Rec'd to full communion in the chh. with wife Mary Jan. 8, 1001. He deposed 2 (1) 1673. ae. 47 years. Ch. .John and Elizabeth bapt. liam bapt. [....] Jonathan, Samuel, in Feb. 1601, Wil- Nitfholas, Rehoboth, see Ide. Richard, carpenter, Salem, 1042. Sold house and land in 1659. He deposed in 1674, about 00 years old. Ch. Isaac bapt. 17 (5) 1642, Rebecca bapt 31 (1) 1644, Ephraim bapt. 12 (2) 1040, Mary bapt. 2 (11) 1047, Hannah bapt. 7 (2) 1050, Richard bapt. (4) 1652, dau. Christian bapt. 20 (6) 1654. Samuel, planter, Cambridge, came in the Jonathan in 1639. as he deposed in 1652. Settled at Cambridge. Propr.; frm. May 2, 250 TP A ■vroi HYDE, etc., cont. 1649. Deacon. Wife Temperance; ch. Sam- uel, Joshua, b. 12 (1) 1642, Job, Sarah b. 19 (3) 1644, Elizabeth. [Reg. XXXII, 409.] He d. Sept. 14, 1689, ae. about 80. Will dated 10 July. prob. Oct. 1, 1689, beq. to ■wife; sou Samuel and sou-in-law Samuel Woolson; gr. ch. Samuel, John and Sarah H. Bro. Jonathan H. one of the overseers. HYEICKE, see Herrick. HYNDS, see HINDS. IBROOK, IBROOKE, EYBROOKE, [town rec] Richard. Hingham, propr. 1635, in con- nection with William Cockraine, Sen., his son-in-law. Before Gen. Court 5 (1) 1638-9. Ch. Rebecca, (m. Mr. Peter Hobart, widower, and d. 7 (7) 1693, ae. 72 years,) Ellen, (m. at Cambridge, March, 1638, Capt. Joshua Ho- bart,) Margaret, (m. at Charlestown, Feb. 13, 1638-9, John Tower of Hing.). [Hob.] He d. Nov. 14, 1651. Robert, who, at Southold, Eng., March 25, 1657, witnessed a deed of Wm. Cock- raine, [Suff. De. I, 62,] may be supposed to be a relation of the above. IDE, lYDE, [HYDE,] Nicholas, Rehoboth, propr. 1645, frm. 7 June, 1648. He petitioned the Court in 1648 for a child's portion of the est. of Thomas Bliss, who called him son-in-law. Wife Mary bur. Sept. 9, 1690. Ch. Nathaniel b. Nov. 11, 1647, Mary b. Dec. 10, 1649, John b. Dec. 1652, Nicholas b. Nov. 1654, Martha b. Oct. 1656, Elizabeth b. April 6, 1658, Timothy b. Oct. 1660, Dorothy b. May 11, 1062, Pa- tience b. May 25, 1664, Experience b. Oct. 1665. He was bur. Oct. 18, 1690. ILES, see EELS, ILSLIE, ILSLY, ILSBY, ILSBEY, ELSLY, ELirSLEY, John, shoemaker, came in the Confi- dence April 11, 1638, with wife Barbara, ae. 20, and a servant. Settled at Salisbury; bar- ber; propr. 1639; frm. Sept. 6, 1639. He de- posed in 1660, ae. about 50 years. His wife Barbara d., and he m. 2, Sarah, dau. of Rich- ard HafEeld, q. v. Wife Sarah, who signed ILSLIE, etc., cont. deed in 1652, d. Aug. 3, 1673. Ch. John b. March, 1642, Sarah b. Aug. 31, 1644, (m. Philip Greeley.) Ruth b. March 6, 1647, d. May 2, 1650, Jonathan b. Nov. 2, 1052. He d. Dec. 10, 1683; inv. pres. March 25, 1684. William, shoemaker, ae. 26, came In the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Newbury; propr., juryman. One of the wit- nesses to the will of John Cheney 5 (4) 1666. Wife Barbara. Ch. Mary, (m. Samuel Moore.) Elisha, John b. 11 Sept. 1641, Wil- liam b. 23 Feb. 1647, Joseph b. 3 Oct. 1649, Isaac b. 23 June, 1652, Sara b. 8 Aug. 1655, (m. Samuel Hale,) a son b. and d. 1658. He d. July 22. 1681; will daied Feb. 26, 1679, prob. July 28, 1681, beq. to wife Bar- bary, sons John, Joseph, Isaac, Elisha and William; to Samuel Moores, husband of Mary, and Samuel Hale, husband of Sarah I. ; to the wife and ch. of son John. INGALLS, ENGALS, Edmund, (Edward,) Lynn, propr., 1638. In court (4) 1640. His death was caused by a defect in Lynn bridge, for which a jury was called by Gen. Court 18 Oct. 1648, at the request of bis son Robert. Will dated Aug. 28, prob. 14 (9) 1648; wife Ann; ch. Robert, John, Samuel, Henry, Elizabeth, Mary, Faith, (wife to An- drew Allen.) Sarah, (wife to Wm. Bitnar;) bro. Francis Ingalls; son-in-law Francis Dane. Leaves Katharine Skippee with his wife. To John 3 acres of land he hath in England. Francis, tanner, Lynn, propr. 1638. His account with John Humphrey about pur- chase of farm, 1648-1656, in Es. files VHl, 75. He deposed 26 (9) 1662, ae. about 60 years. Rem. to Boston. Will dated 10 Aug. prob. 1 Nov. 1672, beq. to wife Mary and son Joseph Belknap; resi- due to Elizabeth Farnam of Andover, after wife's death. INGHAM, Thomas, Scituate. Ch. Sarah b. 21 Jan. 1647, Sarah bapt. March 2, 1656. INGS, see ENGLISH. 251 INGERSOLL, INKERSALL, Richard, from Bedfordshire, Eng., sent over to Salem with his family by the Mass. Bay Co. in 1629. [SufC. De. I, xvi.] Propr. Maintained a ferry over North river in 1G36. Wife Anne memb. chh. before 163G. Ch. John b. middle of (7) 1644. [Es. files.] Will prob. Jan. 2, 1644-5; wife Ann, sons George, John, and Nathaniel; sons-in-law Richard Pettingell, (husband of Joanna,) and William Haines; dau. Alice Walcott and youngest dau. Bathsheba. The widow m. 2, John Knight of Newbury. [Es. files XIV, 29.] INGOLDSBY, INGLESBY, John, sawyer, Boston, singleman, adm. chh. 6 (9) 1641; frm. May 18, 1642. Bought house and lot Jan. 26, 1651. Wife Ruth; ch. John b. and d. 1649, John bapt. 15 (7) 1650, John b. 10 July, 1653, John b. 2 (8), bapt. as William 7 (8), d. as John 15 (10) 1655; Ebenezer b. 13 Dec, 1656, Peter b. 8 March, 1658, Peter bapt. 13 (1) 1659. INGRAHAM, INGRAM, Edward, ae. 18, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Settled at Salem; propr. 1638, swine-keeper 1640. Richard, Rehoboth, propr. 1645. INMAN, Edward, Braintree. 1648. Ch. John b. 18 (7) IRELAND, Samuel, carpenter, ae. 32, with wife Marie, ae. 30, and ch. Martha, ae. 1%, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. William, yeoman, Dorchester, 1648; frm. May 22, 1650. He was dism. to the new chh. in Boston 3 (12) 1660. Ch. Rebecca bapt. 10 (1) 1649, Rebecca bapt. 20 (8) 1650, Ann bapt. 13 (12) 1652, William bapt. 16 (10) 1655. IRESON, lERSTON, Edward, ae. 32, came in the Abigail in July, 1635, with Elizabeth, ae. 27. Settled at Lynn; propr. 1638. He deposed in 1663, ae. about 62 years. He d. Dec. 1675. Will dated Oct. 26, 1674, prob. 27 (4) 1676; wife Alice, sons Samuel and Benjamin; daus. Elizabeth and Ruth. INNES, see IRONS. IRISH, John, of the parish of Clisdon, co. Som- erset, laborer, was indentured to Timothy Hatherly of the parish of St. Olaves in Southwark, co. Surrey, as a servant, to go to Plymouth in N. E. April 10, 1629. Wit- ness, Robert Winsor, Jr. [SufE. co. files; Reg. XXXIX, 28.] Settled at Duxbury. Inher- ited land of Henry Wallis. Volunteer for the Pequot War, 1637. Land grant 5 March, 1643. Atba. 1643. IRONS, IONS, lANS, IJONS, JIONS, Edward, Salisbury, took oath of fidel- ity in 1645. Matthew, servant to William Colbom, Boston, adm. chh. 20 (2) 1634. Propr. 1637. Kept an ordinary in 1653. Wife Anne; ch. Elizabeth b. 15 (2) 1631, John b. 16 (7) 1638, Elizabeth bapt. 18 (2) 1641, Thomas bapt. 3 (12) 1642, ae. 18 days, Thomas b. 18 (4) 1643. Rebecca b. 26 (12) 1644, Matthias bapt. 14 (1) 1647, ae. about 6 days, Edward bapt. 11 (12) 1648, ae. about 3 days, Samuel bapt. 24 (9) 1650, Ann bapt. 8 (12) 1651, Anne b. 6 June, d. 26 June, 1654, William d. 1 (9) 1654, Katharine b. 1 June, 1655. Matthew d. 13 (3) 1656. He d. in 1661. Will prob. Jan. 30, 1661; sons John, Thomas, Samuel, daus. Eliza- beth and Rebecca. [Reg. XII, 36.] ISABEL, ISBELL, Robert, carpenter, Salem, propr. 1636. Lawsuit, 1641. Ann, his wife, deposed In case of Margaret Pease in 1645. Rem. to Manchester. Sold house and land in 1651. ISAAC, ISACKE, Joseph, Cambridge, propr., frm. March 9, 1636-7; town officer, 1638. Deputy. Re- becca, ae. 36, [perhaps his wife,] came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. He d. 11 (3) 1642. ISLIN, ISLYN, Thomas, Sudbury, frm. May 13, 1640. Town officer, 1643. IVER, Michael, in Es. Court in 1639; before Gen. Court 3 March, 1639-40. 252 IVES, Miles, Watertown, propr. 1630. [Not unlikely he is the man enrolled as Mathias Ives, frm. May 25, 1638.] He sold house and land in Newton village in 1039. See •will of John Ive of Naylonde, co. Suffolk, Eng., prob. 17 June, 1019; beq. to son Miles and his children. [Reg. XXXVIII, 416.] Wife Martha; ch. Sarah b. 11 (8) 1639, Mary b. 10 (5) 1041, Hannah b. 9 (3) 1643. He d. Aug. 20, 1084, ae. 70. [Mdx. rec] Will mentions son-in-law John Polly; son- in-law Luse Allen, and his ch. Abel and Sarah; gr. child Nathaniel Healy; Mary Al- len and Martha Healy; sister Grace Ireland; son James Hubbard. IVEY, IVIE, IVY, James, Braintree. He d. March 3, 1053-4; beq. to his children and to his bro.'s son John Ivey. [Reg. VIII, 128 w.] John, Newbury; the only record is the birth of his son John b. Nov. 6, 1643. IVOBY, IVORYE, William, Lynn, propr. 1038; lawsuit, 1639. Petitioned the Gen. Court in 1645 regarding his long absence on military ser- vice. Inv. of his est. taken 26 (1) 1053, filed at Ipswich, showed carpenters' tools, etc. JACKLING, JACKLINQE, JACKLYN, JAGLIN, Edmund, glazier, Boston, adm. chh. 31 (6) 1034, frm. May 6, 1635. Paid a bill to Robert Tainton, merchant, of London, In 1659. [Suff. De. Ill, 330.] Wife Susan, dan. of Henry Pease; ch. Samuel b. 19 (2) 1040, Susanna b. and d. 1043, Susan b. and d. 1044, Hannah b. 12 (9) 1045, Susan b. 16 (11) 1048, Mehetabel b. 15 Feb. 1053, Marah b. 15 June, 1055, Ruth b. Aug. 4, 1058, Mehetabel and Mary bapt. 8 (2) 1600. Will dated Dec. 23, 1672, prob. 29 Sept. 1081; about to take a voyage to sea; beq. to wife, to daus. Mehetabel and Mary; to son Samuel. The widow, in her will dated 14 March, 1686-7, beq. her est. to dau. Mary Parris. JACKIffAN, James, Newbury. Ch. Mary b. 1644, Sarah b. 18 Jan. 1647, Hester b. 12 Sept. 1651, James b. 22 June, 1655, Joanna b. 14 June, 1057, Richard b. Feb. 6, 1659. He d. 30 Dec. 1694. JACKSON, Edmund, shoemaker, Boston, adm. chh. 15 (9) 1635, frm. May 25, 1036. Wife Mar- tha d. 12 (9) 1052; he m. 7 (11) 1652, Mary Gawdren, widow, dau. of Samuel Cole; she d. 18 Jan. [Feb.] 1058-9. He m. 27 Oct. 1659- 60, Elizabeth Pilkenton. Ch. Hannah b. 1 (1) 1030-7, John b. 20 (8) 1038, Thomas b. 1 (1) 1040-1, Samuel b. 27 (4) 1643, Jeremiah b. (5) 1045, Mary bapt. 17 (2) 1047, Isaac b. 22 (9) 1651, Edmund b. 30 (8) 1654, Elizabeth b. 11 Feb. 1050, Elisha b. 12 Feb. 1058. Sarah b. Sept. 24, 1000, Martha b. Feb. 11, 1001-2, Susanna b. Dec. 2, 1663, Susanna b. Sept. 19, 1600, Edmund b. Oct. 5, 1668. Samuel Cole gave land to his gr. ch. Elisha and Elizabeth J. 6 Oct. 1606. Will, dated 2 May, prob. 28 July, 1675. Beq. to wife Elizabeth and ch. Samuel, Jere- miah, Hannah, (wife of John Andrews,) Sa- rah, Martha, Susanna, Edmund and Mary. The widow Elizabeth m. Wm. Beal, Sen., of Marblehead, and d. 5 Nov. 1083. Edward, gent., Cambridge, frm. May, 1045. Propr. Deputy. Witness to deed and appraiser of the est. of Samuel Holly in 1043. Bought land in 1650. Wife — d. and he m. 14 (1) 1048-9, Elizabeth, dau. of John Newgate and widow of John Oliver; they sold laud in Boston June 2, 1660. Ch. Jona- than, Hannah, Rebecca, Sebiss, Frances d. 5 (8) 1649, Sarah b. in Camb. 5 (11) 1649. bapt. in Boston 21 (2) 1050, Edward, Lydia, Elizabeth, Hannah, Ruth. He d. June 17, 1681, ae. 79; will dated 11 June, prob. 26 Aug. folg., beq. to wife; sons Edward, Jonathan and Sebiss; daus. Ruth J., Hannah Ward, Rebecca Prentice, Lydia Fuller, Sarah Hobart, and Hannah Wilson; gr. ch. and great gr. eh. to the number of 36; sons-in-law John and Thomas OUver and dau.-in-law Elizabeth Wiswall; to the Col- lege; to the use of the ministry; to friend Capt. Thomas Prentice; sons-in-law Joseph Fuller, John Prentice, Nathaniel Wilson, John Ward. Neheniiah Hubart. His widow d. Sept. 30, 1709, ae. 92. Her will mentions 253 JACKSON, cont, dau. Elizabeth Boud in addition to persons named in her husband's will. Henry, planter, ae. 29, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in April, 1()35. Settled at Watertown; gave letter of attorney to Ed- ward How of Wat. to receive debts in N. E. 26 (7) 1639. [L.] John, fisherman, ae. -10, with Margaret, ae. 36, and John, ae. 2, came in the Blessing In July, 1635. Settled at Cambridge, propr., deacon. Ch. Caleb b. and d. 12 (10) 1645, Anna b. 8 (1) 1647, Abigail b. 4 (6) 1648. The inv. of his est. taken 30 Jan. 1674, was filed April 6, 1675. Agreement made 20 Dec. 1076, between the widow Margaret, James Trowbridge, Noah Wiswall, Samuel Trues- dall, Dauiel Preston and Elijah Ivendricli, who had married daughters of the deceased, his son Abram and daus. Deliverance and Sarah, for the partition of the estate. John, wholesale man In Burchen Lane, ae. 30, came in the Defense in July, 1635. Settled at Salem. Memb. chh. with wife Margaret, 1639. Frm. June 2, 1641. Sold lumber to go to Conn. June 2, 1644. Will dated 31 (1) prob. (4) 1655; wife Mary; son John J.; Margaret Nouel. John, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Inv. of his goods and est. 18 (7) 1648. Admin, gr. to widow Katharine: one son and 5 daus., all under 21 years; her husiana to be possessed of the est., bring up the chil- dren, and pay them their portions when due. Evidently she had married again before she settled the estate, but we do not find record of it. John, his house burned in 1636. [W.] John, carpenter, Boston, frm. May 10, 1043. Wife Abigail adm. chh. 12 (7) 1640. She d. and he m. 14 (9) 1057, Jane, dau. of Evan Thomas. Ch. of John and Abigail: Sarah b. 15 (6) 1639. Abigail b. 24 (6) 1641, John b. 26 (4) 1643, Hannah b. 2 (5) 1045, Peter bapt. 12 (7) 1647, d. 5 (9) 1653, Mary bapt. 4 (9) 1649, ae. about 6 days, Benjamin bapt. 23 (12) 1650, d. 11 (9) 1653, Mary bapt. 25 Oct., 1652. Sarnh bapt. 31 Oct., 1652; ch. of John and Jane: John b. and d. 1658, John b. Feb. 24, 1662. He deposed to admin, of Thomas Millard in 1669-70, ae. about 60 years; Abigail deposed, ae. same. JACKSON, cont., Will dated 10 Dec. prob. 29 Jan. 1672. Wife Abigail, son John, dau. Sara Eustace: young- est dau. Mary; working tools to grand child John Eustace. Manus, Charlestown, propr. 1640. Wife Rebecca; ch. Rebecca b. 25 (10) 1643. Richard, yeoman, Cambridge, propr. 1636. Town officer, deputy. Wife Isabell d. Feb. 12, 1661; he m. 2, Elizabeth, widow of Richard Browne of Charlestown; she d. Jan. 11, 1676-7. He made will 22 June, 1672, ae. about 90 years; prob. Oct. 10, 1672. Beq. to wife Elizabeth what she had by former husband R. B.; to the church of Camb.; to Richard Eccles; kinswoman Sarah Childs; Samuel Platts; after his wife wife's decease certain items to kinsman John J. The widow Eliz- abeth, in will dated 14 (4; 1676. prob. 6 (1) 1677, beq. to the ch. of her husband's kins- woman Mary Eccles, dec; to Sarah, wife of Joseph Childs, and to his kinsman John J.; to dau. Wakefield; to Sarah, wife of John J.; to Richard and Martha Eccles; to John and Jonathan Simpson. Refers to former husband Mr. Wm. Browne. Samuel, yeoman, a bondsman in Court Jan. 3, 1036. Scituate; adm. chh. Feb. 25, 1637. Rem. to Barnstable; prop. frm. 1 June, 1641, atba. 1643. Ret. to Sci. in 1646. Town officer. Attorney for Thomas Bell 20 (6) 1647. [A.] His wife d. March 4 or 5 1638. He m. Nov. 20, 1639, Hester, dau. of Richard Sillis. Ch. Anna bapt. March 25, 1638, sev- eral years old; Bethiah bapt. March 14, 1640. Hester bapt. Feb. 5, 1642, Samuel bapt. (7) 1646, Jonathan b. 7 May, 1647. Will dated 28 Aug. prob. Oct. 30, 1682, beq. to wife and son Jonathan. Nicholas, Rowley, m. (5) 1646, Sarah Reilly: m. 2, 9 Dec. 1656, Elizabeth, widow of Hugh Chapman, who petitioned Gen. Court regarding H. C.'s est. 6 (2) 1657. [Arch. B, 2.] Thomas, Plymouth, executed in 1638 for complicity in the robbery and murder of an Indian. William, Rowley, propr. 1039. Wife .Toane bur. Nov. 20. 16S0; ch. Mary b. 8 (12) 1639, Deborah b. 24 (11) 1G44. Will dated 6 Dec. 1680, being aged and 254 JACKSON, cont, decrepid; prob. 4 (3) 1G81. Wife had lately died. He beq. to only son John what he promised him on his marriage with bro. Poore's dau., and to bis son John that be had by Elizabeth, bis late wife; to eldest dau. Elizabeth How; to dau. Mary Foster; to son John Thrumble and dau. Deborah, his wife. JACOB, JACOBS, Nicholas, husbandman, came from old Hingham in 1(!.33 with his wife and 2 chil- dren and their cousin Thomas Lincoln, weav- er, and settled at Hingham. He owned a homestall at Watertown, but sold it before 103G. Kept an ordinary in H. in 1040. Comr., deputy, town officer. Wife Mary; ch. John b. about 1630, Elizabeth, (m. 1, Dee. 4, 164S, John, son of Thomas Thaxter, m. 2, March 23, 1690-1, Daniel Gushing: she d. 24 Nov. 1725, ae. 93 years;) Mary, (m. John Otis, Jr.,) Sarah, (m. Matthew Cushing, Jr.,) Hannah bapt. Feb. 23, 1039, (m. Thomas Loring,) Jo- siah b. and d. 1642, Deborah bapt. Nov. 6, 1643, (m. Nathaniel Thomas,) Joseph bapt. May 10, 1646. He d. 5 (4) 16.57. Will provided for the whole family. [Reg. VIII, 280.] The widow m. 2, March 10, 1659, John Beal; she d. 15 June, 1681. Richard, j^eoman, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633; settled at Ipswich; frm. May 6, 1635. Town officer. He m. 1, Martha, dau. of Samuel Appleton. He m. 2, .Johanna, widow of Robert Hale of Charlestown; contract 6 Oct. 1662. [Mdx. Files.] Sou Richard's will dated 8 .Tune, prob. 26 Sept. 1676, beq. to bi'os. Thomas, John, Joseph and Nathaniel; sisters Martha and Judith. Desires his "two uncle Apple- tons" to be overseers. Samuel Appleton was a witness, and John A. one of the ap- praisers. JAMES, Edmund, planter, Watertown, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Propr., town officer. [Hi* widow] Reana entered into marriage con- tract with Wm. Andrew of Cambridge 11 (6) 1640. [Mdx. De. Ill, 7.] Erasmus, Salem. Marblehead, 1637. Lawsuit, 1039. He deposed in 1654, ae. 49, and his wife Jane, ae. 53. Admin, of his est. June 26, 1660. Ch. Eras- mus J. and Hester, wife of Richard Road, JAMES, cent., made agreement for division of the est. of their mother Jane J. 30 (4) 1669. Gardey, or Gaudy, husbandman, Charlestown. Adm. chh. 15 (3) 1641, frm. May 18, 1642. Anna adm. chh. 28 (11) 1641. He deposed 17 (4) 1654, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.]. Rem. to Boston and was adm. inhab. in 1657. Ret. to Winfarthing, CO. Norfolk, E'ng., for a short time, but came again in 1661. Will dated Dec. 26, prob. Jan. 31, 1083. Beq. his house and land In Winowfarthing to Benjamin Smith and John Curtis, after life use by his wife; beq. to several other persons and to the church of Boston. Francis, with wife and 2 servants, Thomas Sucldin and Richard Baxter, came from Hingham, Eng., in 10.38 and settled at Hingham; propr.; frm. May 10, 1043. His house was burned in May, 1047. He d. 27 Dec. 1647. Francis, Hingham, est. admin, by widow Elizabeth 5 May, 1685; 9 shares in first and third divisions at Cony- hasset, 1 planting lot at Planting HiU. 1 acre fresh meadow bought of Thomas Minor, 9 acres of commons, etc. She admin. July 12, 1688, on the est. of her son Philip. Philip, with wife, 4 children and 2 ser- vants, William Pitts and Edward Mitchell, came from Hingham, Eng., and settled in Hingham in 16.38. He d. soon after he came. Widow [Jane] m. Feb. 14, 1640, George Rus- sell. [Hob.] Ralph, Plymouth, m. 17 April, 1650, Mary Puller. Rosamond, Marblehead, taxed in 1638. Thomas, tailor. [Boston,] was blown up in the ship Mary Rose in Boston Harbor July 27, 1040. [L.] Rev. Thomas, b. about 1563. [Hub.] came about 1631 to Charlestown. With wife Elizabeth adm. chh. Boston 1&31-2; frm. Nov. 0, 1632. He was ordained minis- ter of the church of Charlestown, Nov. 2, 1632. Ch. John b. at Char., bapt. 9 (11) 1032, Thomas became minister at Easthampton, L. I., in 1651. A council of churches met at Chsn. to consider differences be- tween Mr. James and the church 11 (1) 16.35- 6, which supported certain crticisms which had been made regarding his melancholy and 255 JAMES, cont., jealous disposition; and, in accordance with its advice, he removed during the succeeding year. He went to New Haven, Conn.; had land grant in 1G39. Visited Virginia with Tomp- son ^and Kn'owles in 16-42; ret. to New Hav- en, And went back to England about 1648; became minister of Needham Market, co. Suffolk; there he died. Will dated 5 i' eb. 1682, prob. 13 Feb. 1683, beq. all books, household effects and clothes which could be sent, to son Thomas James of Easthampton, Long Island in New Eng- land. In case Thomas be not living est. to be divided between grandchildren or great- grandchildren. Beq. to individuals; 10 li. for the binding out of 3 poor widows' sons. [Reg. LI, 422.] Thomas, Salem, gave letter of attorney 27 (6) 1645 to Thomas Burges of Charles- town to recover a debt of Francis Spicer of Eckton, Northamptonshire, and to sell land in Earles Barton in same co. [A.] This may- be the Thomas, Lancaster, who made will 13 (1), prob. 12 (3) 1660; beq. to cousins Lydia, Mary, Hannah, Christopher and John Lewis; to wife's mother in England, if liv- ing, his housing and land in Eng. William, Salem, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. With wife Elizabeth before Salem Court 27 (7) 1636. William, embarked for N. E'. June 22, 1632. William, mercer, of Boston, N. E., son of Albon James, late citizen and mercer of London, gave letter of attorney to his uncle George Strange, gent., to sell land left him by his uncle, William James, 9 (8) 1640. [L.] JAQTJES, JAQUITH, JAQUISH, JAQTJE, JACKEWISH, Abraham, Charlestown, adm. chh. 9 (10) 1643, frm. May 14, 1656. Anna adm. chh. 13 (2) 1643. Ch. Abraham b. 19 (10) 1644, Mary b. 3 (9) 1646. These children reed, a legacy from their mother's father, James Jordan of Dedham, in 1655. WiU dated 16 (9) 1675, prob. Decfl. 19, 1676, beq. to wife Hannah or Anna, son Abram and daus. Lydia, Sarah and Deborah. JAQTJES, etc., cont. Henry, carpenter, Newbury, 1648. He deposed in 1663, ae. about 44 years. He m. 8 Oct. 1648, Anne Knight; ch. Henry b. 30 July, 1648, Mary b. 1651, d. 23 Oct. 1653, [Richard,] Stephen b. 9 Sept 1661, Sara b. 20 March, 1654, Daniel b. 20 Feb. 1667, Elizabeth b. 28 Oct. 1669, Ruth b. 14 April 1672, Abigail b. 11 March, 1674, [Hannah.] He d. 22 Feb. 1686. His will was presented in court 8 March, 1686-7, and admin, gr. to his son Stephen. JABMAN, Priscilla, ae. 10, came in the Susan and EUen in May, 1635. JABRETT, John, Salem, frm. May 13, 1640. Prob- ably rem. to Rowley, where J. J. was propr. and juryman in 1641. Wife Susanna; ch. Elizabeth bur. July 13, 1660. He was bur. 11 (12) 1647. Will dated 11 (11) 1647, prob. 27(7)1648, beq. to wife Susanna and dau. Elizabeth. JARVIS, Mr. John, juryman. Gen. Court, Sept. 28, 1630. Inv. Suff. Prob. Sept. 26, 1656; had the acct. books of Mr. Robert Patteshall in his Charge. The est owed Wm. Blanten for 24 weeks board. [Reg. XII, 50.] JEEFREY, JEOFFREYS, GEOFFREYS, Edwai-d, ae. 24, came in the Truelove, in Sept. 1635. Robert, ae. 30, wife Marie, ae. 27, with ch. Thomas, ae. 7, Elizabeth, ae. 6, and Mary, ae. 3 came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Settled at Charlestown. Wife Mary adm. chh. 17 (12) 1636. Sold house and land in 1637. Thomas, Dorchester, frm. May 14, 1634. Mr. William, gent., Weymouth, an old planter, [W.] frm. May 18, 1631. Was de- puted with Mr. Wm. Blackstone to put Mr. J. Oldham in possession of his grant. [Suff. De. I. XIII.] Signed a bond for Jeremy Gould in 1641. [L.] Brought a letter from Morton to Gov. Winthrop Aug. 4, 1634. Ch. Mary b. 20 (1) 1642. "— Jeffrey," did valiant service in the Pequot War in 1636-7. [W. in B.] 256 JEFFS, JEFFES, JEFTS, JEFTES, JESS, Henry, Woburn, propr. 1040. One of the incorporators of Billerica, 1654. He m. Sept. 13, 1647, Anna Stowers. He m. 2, May 21, 1649, Hannah Births, who d. Sept. 15, 16C2. He m. 3, Oct. 3, 106G, JIary, widow of Simon Bird; she d. April 1, 1679, and he m. 4, May 5, 1681, Mary Balier, widow, of Concord. Ch. John b. at Wob. May 11, 1651, Hannah d. May, 1653, Hannah b. Feb. 14, 1654, (m. April 30, 1674, Andrew Spauld- ing,) Joanna b. May 24, 1656, (m. John Dun- kin,) Henry b. March 21, 1658-9. He d. May 24, 1700, [ae. about 94.] Will dated March 4, 1691-2, prob. June 17, 1700, beq. to eldest son John and his son Henry; to son Henry; daus. Hannah Spalding and Joannah Button; gr. eh. Mary and John, ch. of John Dunkin, Henry, son of Andrew Spalding, Alice, John, Mary and Hannah Jefts; son-in-law William Baker of Concord. JEKKS, JENCKES, JINKS, Joseph, blacksmith, of Hammersmith in Lynn, 1645, propr.; one of the petitioners for a plantation at Nashaway, but not a set- tler. The Gen. Court granted him a patent for 14 years from May, 1646, for engines for •water mills; the selectmen of Boston were authorized in 1658 to make arrangements with him for construction of fire-engines. He had liberty from the Iron Works Co. in 1656 to set up a mill for making scythes or other iron-work by water. [Es. De. 1, 32.] He assigned a note to his son Joseph 12 AprU, 1655. His first wife did not come over with him. After her death he m. Eliza- beth—. Ch. b. here, Sarah, Deborah, John and Daniel. The wife d. July, 1678. He deposed 17 Sept. 1681, ae. about 81 years, concerning Mr. Leader's coming over to the Iron Works 33 years before, and employing Samuel Bennett to buy land for him. He d. in March, 1683. JEGGLES, JIGGLES, GIGGLES, William, ship-carpenter, fisherman, Salem, propr. 1636; adm. c?hh. 26 (9) 1648. Sold land in 1658. Wife Elizabeth; ch. in- ferred from various circumstances; Daniel, (propr. 1638,) Thomas, (m. by special per- mission of the Gen. Court, by Capt. Ha- thorne 27 Oct. 1647, to Abigail Sharpe; had ch. Abigail, Thomas, Samuel, Elizabeth, William, Daniel, Nathaniel and Mary bapt. Nov. 22, 1668, John bapt. May 13, 1669;) Mary, (memb. chh. 1636). He d. before 28 (4) 1659, when his widow Elizabeth presented in v. of his estate; three of the ch. long ago married, the other abroad at sea; eldest son in England, mas- ter of a ship. JELLIT, see Gillett. JEMSON, JEMPSON, GIMSON, JAME- SON, James, laborer, Boston, 1647; propr.; inspector of the flats. Wife Sarah adm. Chh. 27 (9) 1647; ch. Marie bapt. 28 (9) 1647, John bapt. 3 (7) 1648, James b. 22 (10) 1651, Sarah b. 2 Jan. 1654, Joseph bapt. 20 (4) 1658. He d. Jan. 1661. Inv. 21 (11) 1661; admin, gr. to widow Sarah. [Reg. XI, 341.] The widow d. March 25, 1696. JENKINS, JENKIN, Edward, planter, Scituate, servant of Nathl. Tilden, 1641, atba. 1643, frm. 1 June, 1647. Sold land June 9, 1660. Joseph, son of John Whetstone of Sci. calls him uncle. Wife Lettice. Will dated 2 March, 1699,— very aged,— prob. Aug. 9, 1699, beq. to wife, son Thomas, dau. Mary Cock; to gr. ch. Edward, Mary and Daniel Jenkins, Hannah Turner, Mary Brown and Ruth Cock. Widow Mary made will 26 Jan., 1704-5, bequeathing to son Isaac Ripley, the ch. of son Abraham R., dec, to daus. Mary Wade and Rebecca Smith. Debt due from son Thomas Jenkins. Joel, Braintree, before Gen. Court in 1640, frm. May 6, 1646. Rem. to Maiden. Oh. Lydia b. 13 (8) 1640, Theophilus b. 7 (2) 1642, Ezekiel bapt. in Boston 16 (7) 1649, Obediah bapt. 13 (8) 1650. He d. in Maid. Will dated July 4, 1687, prob. 2 (9) 1689, beq. to sons Lemuel, Ezekiel and Obediah; daus. Lydia, wife of John Paul, Hannah, wife of — Parker, and Hannah, wife of Joseph Merriam: gr. eh. Lemuel and Ezekiel, sons of Lemuel. Lands in Maid, and Reading. John, ae. 26. came in the Defense in July, 1635. Elizabeth, ae. 27, came in the Truelove in Sept., 1635. 257 JENKINS, etc., cont, Jolin, Plymouth, proin-., fria. 3 J;iu. 1636. Volunteer for Pequot War, 1637, and a soldier in the Narragansett War in 1645. Town officer, juror. Rem. to Sandwieb. Propr. He m. 2, Feb. 1652, Mary Ewer of Barastable. Ch. Sarali b. at Bar. 15 Nov. 1653, Jlehetabel b. 2 March, 1654-5, Samuel b. 12 Sept. 1657, John b. 13 Nov. 1659, Mary b. 1 Oct. 1662, Thomas b. 15 July, 1666, Jo- seph b. March, 1669. Inv. pres. 28 Oct. 1684, by his son Zechar- iah. "One Jenkins, late an inhabitant of Dor- chester, and now removed to Cape Poi-pus, was killed by the Indians in 1632." [W.] JENNER, GINNER, see Trerice and Lynde, Rev. Thomas, Roxbury, frm. Dee. 8, 1636. Rem. to Weymouth. He and Thomas, Jr., were proprs. in 1636. Was cailed to be pastor of the church and he and his people were brought into harmony by a gathering of elders 9 (11) 1637. [W.] Frm. Sept. 6, 1639. Deputy; arbiter in a case before Gen. Court, 1640. He rem. to the district of Maine before 1644. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-7.] Thomas of Charlestown sold house and lands at Wey- mouth which had been his father's 28 (10) 1649, and ilrs. Jenner consented to the deed. Esther adm. chh. Char. 9 (5) 1648. JENNEY, JENNY, [JENNINGS,] John, brewer's man, of Norwich, Eng., m. at Leyden, Holland, Sept. 5, 1614, Sarah Carey, of Monksoon, Eng. Came to Ply- mouth in the James in 1623. [Mor.] Drew lots for 5 persons. His wife Sarah and ch. Samuel, Abigail and Sarah had shares in cattle in 1627. He was frm. in 1633. Car- ried on a corn-mill in 1638. wbich the widow continued in 1644. Will dated 28 Dec. 1643, inv. taken 25 May; will prob. June 30, 1644; gives to wife and children mentioned above, also dau. Susan. Dau. Abigail had rec'd something by the will of her grandmother; and he con- sents to her maiTiage with Henry Wood after one year. The widow's will, prob. Aug. 18, 1655, mentions daus. Sarah Pope and Abigail Wood, son Samuel and son Benjam- in Bartlett, and friends. [Reg. IV. 174, and V, 262.] Sarah m. Thomas Pope; Susan m. Benjamin Bartlett. JENNINGS, JENNISON, GENNINGS, GENNISON, Nicholas, ae. 22, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Robert, Watertown, app. ensign to Capt. Patrick in the military company Aug. 10. 1631; propr.; frm. May, 1645. Deputy. As attorney for his bro. William J., former- ly of Wat. but now of Colchester, Eng., he sold land in 1657. Wife Elizabeth d. Oct. 30, 1638, ae. 30. He m. Grace — . Ch. Elizabeth b. 12 (2) 1637, Michael b. 17 (10) 1640, Sam- uel b. 15 (10) 1642. Wife d. Nov. 26, 1086. He d. July 4, 1690. Will dated 15 Sept. 1683, and 2 April, 1687, prob. Oct. 7, 1690, beq. to wife; to dau. Michall Warren; .son-in- liid George Reed; son Samuel exec; gr. sons William and Robert J. Mr. William, captain, Charlestown, built a bouse in 1630; sold, and rem. to Wa- tertown, frm. May 18, 1631. Formerly a partner of Rich.ard Spitty of Grey's Inn, gent. [L.] Was one of the first selectmen; deputy. "Ensign Jenyson went for a pilot in the Thunder to Bermuda Oct. 17, 1633," and reported improved conditions there on his return. [W.] Commanded a company against the Pequots in 1636. Was called to the Court in July 1644 for a slight difference of opinion on the question between the Par- liament and the king; proved to be most loyal to the Colony and the Commonwealth. [W.] Was employed by the Earl of War- wick to see to his vessel at Boston June 27, 1646. [Suff. De. I, 77.] He ret. to Colchester, Eng. See Robert, above. JERNELL, see Jewell. JEWELL, JERNELL, Thomas, ae. 27, miller, came in the Planter in April, 1(>35. Settled at Braintree. Lands assigned him 24 (12) 1639-40, for 3 heads. Wife Grizzell; ch. Joseph b. 24 (2) 1642, Thomas and Hannah b. 27 (12) 1643, (Hannah m. 30 (6) 1664, John Parris, Nath- aniel b. 15 (2) 1648, Grizzell b. 19 (1) 1651, Mercy b. 14 (2) 16.53. He d. in 16.54. Wilt prob. July 21, 1654, beq. to wife and children. The widow Griz- zell about to mari-y Humphrey Griggs, ad- min.. She .afterward m. John Gurney, Sen., Henry Kibbe and John Burge. ['Reg. V, 305.] 258 JESS, JESSE, William, Springfield, 1644, town officer. Ch. Abigail b. 1 (1) 1044-5. He was drowned 1 (1) 1644-5. JESSUP, JESOP, Walter, weaver, ae. 21, came from Weymouth, Eug., before March 20, 1635. JEWETT, Joseph, yeoman, clothier, Rowley, frm. May 22, 1639. Propr.; deputy. Bought a farm of Samuel Belliugham 23 .Tuly, 1653. He arranged with Johu Hull of NeTvbury 6 March, 1656, for pa.vment of an annuity to Mmself and wife. Wife Mary was bur. 12 (2) 1652. He m. May 13, 1653, Ann, widow of Capt. Bozoan Allen; she d. 4 Feb. 1661. [Hob.] Cti. Hannah b. 15 (4) 1641, Nehe- miah b. 6 (2) 1643, Faith and Patience b. 5 (3) 1645, Jeremiah, Jlary b. 4 (2) 1654, Jo- seph b. 1 (2) 1056. He was bur. 26 Feb. 1600. Will dated 15 Feb., prob. 20 March, 1601, beq. to five ch. by former wife and two by last wife; eldest son Jeremiah to have double portion, and he, with sons Philip Nelson and John Oarlton to ibe execs. [See Blodgette's Rowley Settlers.] Maximilian, bro. of the above, Rowley, frm. May 13, 1640. Deacon. Deputy. Wife Ann was bur. Nov. 9, 1667. Ch. Ezekiel b. 5 <1) 1013, Anna b. 26 (12) 1044, Mary b. 18 (12) 1646, Elizabeth b. 22 (3) 1650, Faith b. Oct. 8. 1052, Sarah b. 17 (1) 16.58, bur. June 19, 1660, Priscilla b. and d. 1064. He d. 19, Oct. 1684. Will prob 25 (9) 1684. Wife and her son John Boynton; dau. Eliza- beth; sons Ezekiel and Josepli; daus. Anna (and her son Jonatlian Barker.) Mary Haze' tine. Sarah, Elizabeth Hazeltine and Faith Dowse. JOCEIiYN, see Joslin. JOES, William, ae. 28, came in the Truelove In Sept. 1635. JOHNSON, JONSON, JANSEN, Davy, frm. May IS, 1031. Is believed by some to be the "Mr. Johnson," who came to Dorchester in the Mary and John in 1630, [Bl.] and settled at Dorchester. Propr. 1633-1636. Apparently he d. early in that year and his widow m. again; for the town JOHNSON, etc., coat., granted land June 27, 1636, to son that was." "Mrs. John- Edmond, ae. 23, came in the James in July, 1635. Settled at Hampton. Wife Mary; eh. Peter, John, James and Dorcas. He d. about 1651, and the widow m. 2, Thomas Coleman, of Newbui-y, who gave se- curity 7 (8) 1653, for the portions of the ch. Edward, licensed by Gov. Winthrop to go forth on trading to Merrimack; of which Dep. gov. Dudley complained in Aug. 1632. [W.] Had accounts with the Court July 1, 1634. Edward, joiner, of Canterbury, Eng., came from S.indwich, Eng., before June 9, 1637, with wife Susan, 7 children and 3 ser- vants. Settled at Charlestown. Propr. 1638. Adm. ehh. 25 (1) 1638. [Incorrectly copied "William."] Shipwright. Was one of the six persons appointed by the town of Char, to erect a church and town at Wo- burn, 14 (3) 1640. Became a leader in the town, selectman, clerk, captain, and deputy. Residing at Char., he sold % of a vessel now on the stocks before his dwelling house in 1654. His wife Susan deposed 21 (4) 1664, ae. about 66 years, concerning the match between Matthew J. and the dau. of Peter Palfrey. [Mdx. Piles.] Ch. Edward, George, William, Martha, (m. March 18, 1649, John Amee,) Matthew, John, Susan, (m. James Prentice.) He deposed in 1659, ae. about 60 years. It is generally believed that he was the author of "The Wonder Working Provi- dence of Zions Saviour." [See Introduction to Poole's imprint of that work, Andover, 1867.] He d. April 23, 1672. Will dated 15 (S) 1671, prob. May 11, 1672, beq. to wife Susan and all these chUdren with some of their eh.; specflies est. at Heron Hill, Eng., etc. The widow, in will dated Dec. 14, 1689, beq. all to son John. Francis, gent., Salem, frm. May 18, 1631. Traded at the Eastward in 1632-3. Partner about 1632 vrith Conant, Palfrey. Dike and Pickman. [Es. Files. III. 30 and 80.] Mortg. his farm in Salem 28 (9) 1649. Res. at Marblehead. Town officer, 1657. Lieut. He deposed in 1672, ae. about 66 rears. Wife Johane memb. chh. in first list. 259 JOHNSON, etc., cont., Ch. Naomi bapt. 1 (2; 163S, Ruth bapt. 29 (1) 1640, Eliza bapt. 24 (2) 1642, Francis bapt. 16 (4) 1644, Samuel bapt. 20 (3) 1649, Joanna bapt. 5 (S) 1G51, Sarali bapt. 19 (12) 1653. His dau. Mrs. Sherman was reed, to full com. in Sal. chh. Oct. 5, 1665, and had her child bapt. His sister Mrs. Dorothy Norrice re- ferred to him in a deposition. He m. at Boston 24 (3) 1656, Hannah Hanbury. Admin, of his est. was gr. at Bo. March 23, 1690-1, to Thaddeus Mackartey and Eliza- beth, his wife. Mr. Isaac, gent., of Sempringham, Eng., ae. 22, was lie. April 5, 1623, to marry Lady Arbella Fynes, ae. 22, dau. of Thomas, Karl of Lincoln. Became a large adventur- er in the Mass. Bay Co. in 1629; was chosen one of the Assistants. Came to Boston in the ship Arbella in 1630. One of the members of the church at its foundation. His wife came -with him; but d. at Salem in Aug., 1630. He d. Sept. 30 following, leaving some part of his substance to the colony. [W.] [Reg. LIII, 70.] See numerous sketches. James, leather-dresser, glover, oapt. of a foot company, Boston, adm. chh. 10 (2) 1636, frm. May 25, 1636. Town officer. He Signed inv. of John Oliver in 1641. Wife Mar- garet d. 28 (1) 1643; he m. Abigail — . Ch. James; Joseph b. and d. 1644, Abigail b. 25 (9) 1645, Abigail b. 12 (12) 1646, Elizabeth bapt. 29 (2) 1649, d. 11 (9) 1653, Samuel bapt. 16 (1) 1651. John bapt. 13 (1) 1653. Elizabeth b. 12 April 1655, d. 23 (12) 1663, James bapt. 15 (2) 1655, Mary b. 27 March 1657, Hannah b. 23 Nov. 1659, d. 3 Aug. 1660, Hannah b. June 12, 1661. Mary, widow, Boston, made will Feb. 11, prob. 24 (12) 1669-70. Son Samuel Johnson, daus. Rebecca, wife of William Allen, and Hannah, wife of John Liskcom. Inv. shows goods in shop, household effects, house and land, etc. John, yeoman, Roxbury, chosen by the Gen. Court 19 Oct. 1030, constable of Ros. and surveyor of all the arms of the Colony, a very industrious and faithful man in his place, [W.]; frm. May 18, 1631; town officer, deputy. His house was burned, 2 (6) 1645, with 17 bbls. of the country's powder and many arms. [W.] Agent for Mrs. Kathar- ine Sumpner of London in 1653. He signed JOHNSON, etc., cont, the inv. of Joseph Weld in 1646. His wife Margaret d. 9 (4) 1655. He m. 2, Grace, widow of Barnabas Fawer. [Gen. Court Rec, May, 1656.] Ch. John, Isaac and Humphrey, who came to Rox. and were effi- cient citizens. He d. 30 (7) 1659. Will prob. Oct. 15 folg.; est. to be divided between his 5 children, eldest son to have a double portion. His eldest dau., Mary, m. Roger Moorry, and res. at Providence; sold her share in her father's est. Oct. 12, 1659. [Reg. IX, 224.] The widow Grace made will 21 Dec, prob. 2& Dec. 1671. AU to bros. Jonathan and Ben- jamin Negus. John, ae. 23, came in the Elizabeth,. April 15, 1635. John, ae. 26, with Susan, ae. 24, Eliza- beth, ae. 2, and Thomas, ae. 18 months, came in the James, in July, 1635. John, sail-maker, mentioned in the inv. of Bozoun Allen in 1652. John, Watertown, made an indenture with Daniel Pierce of Watertown, black- smith, 25 (4) 1639. [L.] He m. 19 (8) 1659, Mary Kinge. Ch. Hannah, Whom Parson Bailey calls "a good girl whom I love," when recording her baptism and adm. to chh., Feb. 27, 1686. Her father deeded to her land and houses at Cambridge Farms Nov. 6, 1697, he then res. at Camb. .John, shoemaker, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Bought house and land in 1654. Rem. to Rowley; captain. He deposed in 1671, ae. 67 years', regarding son Thomas and his wife Mary. He d. 29 Jan. 1685-6. Inv. of his est. tak- en 19 March, 1685-6, presented by his widow Hannah; the est was given to her and her ch. Hannai, (wife of Thomas Palmer,) Elizabeth, (wife of James Baily,) and Sam- uel, ae. 14 years. The three signed agree- ment for division 23 May, 1703. Peter, with Bryon Bincks, in Court July 3, 1632. Peter, the Dutchman, Boston, 1638. Richard, Charlestown, propr. 1630; had an acct. with Mr. Saltonstall In Gen. Court Mai-ch 22, 1630-1. Salem 1637; frm. May 17, 1637. Rem. to Lynn. Had grant of land 260 JOHNSON, etc., cont., In 1G3S. Constable 8 (5) 1645; [Es. Court] He deposed in 1663, ae. about 51 years. Will dated 20 Aug., prob. 27 (9) 1666; wife; eh. Daniel, Samuel, Abigail Collins and Elizabetli Tolman. The widow Alice deeded land to her son Samuel and son-in-law John Collins 24 (10) 1666. Mr. Robert, Jr., [sic?] Rowley; will dated 13 (7) 1649, prob. 26 (1) 16.50; beq. to the poor of R. church; to be distributed at the discretion of cousin Thomas Barker and Humphrey Reyner. Inv. shows 3 blacli bats, 6 bands, hour-glass, boolis, etc. Samuel, punished by the Court with Coaker 3 March 1634-5, for enticing others to run away to the Dutch plantation. Res. at Boston. Wife Mary; eh. Peter b. 2 July, 1653, d. 19 (1) 1654. He d. 23 (11) 1656. Inv. presented by widow Mary. She was adm. chh. 14 (12) 1656. Solomon, Sen., Sudbury, propr., 1639; Solomon, Jr., also propr. 1645. S. J., tailor, sold land in 1653. Rem. to Marlborough. Wife Eleanor; ch. Joseph and Nathaniel b. 3 (12) 1639, Johana b. 16 Feb. 1641, Mary b. 23 (11) 1643, Caleb b. 1 (12) 1645, Samuel b. 6 March 1654. His will dated 28 March, 1686, prob. 6 Oct. 1687, beq. to wife Eleanor; son Nathaniel and his 3 sons, Joseph, Samuel and John; sons Solomon and John; son-in-law John Barnes. Thomas, Sandwich, atba. 1643, served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Oh. Priscilla b. Nov. 20, 1657; deputy, Plym. Court, 1637-8. Thomas, Hingham, propr. 1636, drowned 29 (3) 1656. [Boston Rec] Hia widow Margaret d. at Hing. 7 Jan. 1659-60. Nunc, will prob. Jan. 25, 1659-60; beq. to Mary, dau. of John Tucker, Sen., Thomas Lincoln, weaver, and Richard Wood deposed. Reference to her late husband T. J. [Reg. X, 84.] William, planter, Charlestown, adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 13 (12) 1634; propr., frm. March 4, 1634. He deposed 29 (10) 1657, ae. 54 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Ruhama bapt. 21 (12) 1634, Joseph bapt. 12 (12) 1636, Elizabeth bapt. 13 (1) 1639, Jonathan bapt. 14 (5) 1641. James b. ("of William and Jud- JOHNSON, etc., cont. ith,") 21 (6) 1643. William adm. chh. 25 (1) 1638. Will dated 7 Dec. 1677; beq. to wife Eliza- beth, ch. John, Joseph, Jonathan, Nathaniel, Zachariah, Isaac, Elizabeth; dec. dau. Ruha- ma's dau. Elizabeth Bacon. [Genealogy Reg. XXXIII, 81.] Inv. of est. of William and Elizabeth J. taken April 12, 1686. John J. of Haverhill and Zechariah J. of Char, being appointed admins, of the est. of their father William and mother Elizabeth, made division of the same be- tween themselves and their bros. Joseph, Isaac, Jonathan and Nathaniel, 13 April, 1686. JOLLIFPE, JOYLIFFE, Mr. John, merchant, Boston, 1636, agent of Matthew Craddock. [Letters of 0. to W.] Mortg. land in B. 27 (4) 1638. [L.] Town officer. Frm. May 7, 1673, memb. 3d chh. He deposed 2 (1) 1673, ae. 57 yrs. [Mdx. Files.] He m. 28 (11) 1656, Anne, widow, successively, of Capt. Thomas Crumwell and of Robert Knight. Ch Hannah b. May 9, 1660. He d. Nov. 23, 1701, [Sewall.] Will dated 7 Feb. 1699, prob. 27 Dec. 1701; house to Martha, dau. of his late wife and wife of Jarvis Ballard; power of redemption to the heirs of Richard Price; beq. to Katharine Bowles, dau. of his bro. Dr. G^eorge Joyliffe, and other Eng. relatives; to Mr. Simon Wil- lard of Bo. and to the poor. [See Reg. XLII, 71.] JONES, JOANES, JOHNS, JOHNES, JONS, Bithia, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1; "gone to Salem." Charles, ae. 21, came in the Abigail In June, 1635, cert, from Little Minories, Eng. Mr. Edward, (Johnes,) Charlestown, inhabitant 1630, frm. May 18, 1631. Adm. chh. Charlestown 9 (1) 1633; Anna adm. 25 (1) 1638. Their dau. Mary bapt. 8 (11) 1636. Susanna adm. chh. 5 (5) 1641. Sold lands and house 24 (7) 1644. Edward, carpenter, Boston, came from Tiehmersh, co. Northampton, Eng., about May, 1639, intending to come an apprentice to Anthony Stanyon at Exeter; his father, Edward Jones, of Wellingborow, North., giv- 261 JONES, etc., cont., ing his outfit into the hands of William Leeke. Lawsuit June, 1G41. [L.] Griffin, or Griffith, Springfield, propr. 1G4C, frm. April 5, 1649. Ch. Mercy b. 5 (4) 1647, Hephzibah b. 26 (11) 1648, Samuel b. 19 (11) 1650, Ebenezer b. 14 (5) 1653, Thomas b. 9 (4) 1655, Griffith b. 4 (4) 1658, Griffith b. 28 (1) 1060, Experience b. 12 Aug. 1652, Pela- tiah b. July 22, 16G4. His wife d. May 6, 1665. He d. Feb. 19, 1676. Admin, of his est. gr. 23 (7) 1677, to his sons Samuel and Ebenezer. James, residence not stated, frm. May 29, 1644. John, (Johnes,) ae. 18, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635. John, ae. 20, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. John, Plymouth, before Court 2 June, 1640. John, Concord. Wife Dorcas; ch. Eli- phalet b. 9 (11) 1640, Samuel b. (at Cam- bridge) 8 (8) 1648, Ephraim b. 6 Jan. 1650, Elizabeth b. Feb. 11, 1652, Joseph b. 8 June, 1654, John b. 6 July, 1656, Dorcas b. 29 May, 1059, Rebecca b. 28 March, 1662-3. He d. June 22, 1673. Lewis, Roxbury, memb. chh. about 1040. Rem. to AVatertown about 1651. Wife Ann; ch. Phebe b. Jan. 21, 1045, d. 6 (5) 1650, Shubael b. 14 (8) 1051. He d. April 11, 1684. Will mentions wife Anna, ch. Shubael, Josiah and Lydia Whit- ney; friend and bro. John Stone. Matthew, Boston, propr., 1649. Mary, in charge of Alexander Beck, provided for by the Gen. Court 1 (10) 1640. Mr. — , tried in Es. Court in 1639. Mr., a minister, came to N. E. at the same time as Mr. Wilson, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Peter and others, arriving at Boston 6 (8) 1635. Mr. Buckly and Mr. Jones, two Eng- lish ministers, attempted to organize a church at Concord 5 (5) 1635; organization completed 6 (1) 1037, and Mr. .Tones ordained pastor. [W.] He went with part of the people to a new plantation. [J.] See Charles, above. Ralph, Plymouth, atba 1643. Rem. to JONES, etc., cent., Barnstable. Ch. Shobal b. Aug. 27, 1054, Jedidiah b. 4 Jan. 1650, John b. 14 Aug. 1059, Mercy b. 14 Nov. 1666, Ralph b. 1 Oct. 1009. He made will 11 (3) 1091, being aged; prob. April 29, 1692. Beq. to my friends called Quackers; to wife land bought by my father Fuller, etc.; to sons Shubael, Ralph, Samuel, Matthew, Ephraim and John; to daus. Mercy, Mary and Hittable. Richard, of Dinder, Eug., embarked from Weymouth before March 20, 1635. Set- tled at Dorchester; bought house and land in 1635. Richard, Salisbury, witness in Es. court in 1648, may be the same. Alice, ae. 26, who came in the James in July, 1635, was doubtless his wife. He d. intestate, leaving ch. Timothy, Sam- uel, Elizabeth and Mary. The widow Alice conveyed the est. 2 (12) 1642, to Anthony Thatcher of Yarmouth, Richard Baker, Thomas Millett aud George Weeks of Dor- chester for her son Timothy. Reference in the inv. of her est. to her bro. Thatcher and her man John March. [Suff. De. I, 41.] Morgan (John), Springfield, propr. 1643, taxed 1664. Widow Katherine, perhaps his mother, taxed in 1646. She was bur. 2 (9) 1657. Robert, planter, Hingham, propr. 1636; a witness in 1639. [L.] His daus-in-law Eliz- abeth and Jane Curtis, gave him power of attorney 4 (10) 1646, to collect legacies from their grandmother, Jane Alexander, late of Reading, co. Oxford, Eng. [A.] Either he or his son Robert m. Anna, dau. of John Bilible. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Robert, Joseph, Sarah, (m. — Belknap.) Jane, (m. Thomas Collier.) Benjamin bapt. March, 1638, Ephraim bapt. July 29, 1649, John bapt. July 17, 10.52, Elizabeth bapt. Aug. 1002, Ben- jamin bapt. Oct. 27, 1066. He d. 17 Nov. 1691. In his will, dated 20 April, 1088, he beq. to each of the above said ch. except Robert and Ephraim, specifying Benjamin the elder and Benjamin the young- er; beq. to the ch. of Robert, dec. The wid- ow d. 25 Sept. 1712. Sarah, ae. 34, with Sarah, ae. 15, John, ae. 11, Ruth, ae. 7, Theophilus, ae. 3, Rebec- ca, ae. 2, and Elizabeth, ae. 6 mos., came in the Defense in July, 1635. Sister, Cambridge, memb. chh. about 262 JONES, etc., cont., 1041. Carue to this country with her par- ents. [Rel.] Teague, Yarmouth, served against the Narragansetts in 1645; res. in 1649. Thomas, husbandman, ae. 40, came in the Abigail in July, 1635, with Ellen, ae. 36, John, ae. 15, Isaac, ae. 8, Hester, ae. 6, Thom- as, ae. 3, and Sarah, ae. 3 mos. Settled at Dorchester. One of the signers of the church covenant Aug. 23, 1636. Town offi- cer. Wife Ellen d. Feb. 2, 167S. Ch. Thom- as d. in 1635, Hannah b. 28 (1) 1636, Rebec- ca b. 9 (12) 1641. He d. 13 (9) 1667, ae. 75. Will prob. Jan. 15, 1667-8. Wife Ellen, son Isaac, daa. Han- nah, and her children, Henry, Richard, and Elizabeth Way; gr. ch. James and Thomas Greene. [Reg. XV, 325.] Thomas, butcher, from Elsing, co. Nor- folli, came in the Mary and Ann in 1637, ae. 25. Settled at Newbury; propr. 1637. Rem. to E.xeter, and sold land in 1639. Rem. to Charlestown, and sold land in Newb. 6 July, 1650. Deposed in 1654, ae. 45. He d. Oct. 24, 1666. Will dated Sept. 24, prob. (Mdx.) Dec. 18, 1666, beq. to wife Abi- gail and dau. Susanna Goose; son-in-law William G. mentioned in inv. Thomas, Hingham, propr. 1G37. With son Abraham, propr. at Hull in 1657. His Son Abraham sold land May 3, 1658, which his father had given him. Ch. bapt. at Hing., parentage not specified: Thomas bapt. March 29, 1640, Jlary bapt. May 28, 1643. Thomas, of Manchester, dying in Hull; inv. of est. at M. and at H. taken in March, 1680-1, presented at Ipswich. Wife Eliza- beth, sons Abraham, Thomas and Ephraim, (who call her their "mother-in-law,) John (incapable.) daus. Sarah Chamberlain and Hannah Coding. Thomas, Gloucester, freed by the Court from the service of AVm. Richardson 2 (3) 1642. Propr. 1643. He deposed in 1665, ae. 67 years, regarding the first laying out of the marsh of the long cove in Squam. Wife Marie (Mary); ch. Thomas b. March 25, 1640, Ruth b. Feb. 22, 1644, Samuel b. Aug. 1647, Ephraim b. April, 1649, Benjamin b. July, 1651, Remember b. Aug. 1, 1653. He d. 15 (7) 1671; will prob. at Ipswich 26 (7) 1671; inv. filed at Salem same date; wife JONES, etc., cent., and dau. Winslow of Salisbury mentioned. The widow d. 4 (12) 1681. William, Cambridge, propr. 1635. Prob- ably he is the "Will Johns, painter, late of Sandwich, Eng., now of New England," whose wife Margaret came in the Hovcules in March, 1634. She was accused of being a witch; tried and hung in 1648. Her hus- band desired .soon after to ship for Barba- does, but was imprisoned. [W.] JOPE, see JUPE. JORDAN, JORDAINE, JURDEN, see COGAN, Francis, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Propr. in Plum. Island, etc. in 1665. Prosecuted for entertaining a sicli stranger. [Arch. 3S B.] He m. 6 (9) 1635, Jane Wilson; ch. Sarah b. 8 (9) 1636, Hannah b. March 14, 1638, ilary b. and d. 1639, Mary b. May 16, 1641, I.ydia b. Feb. 14, 1643, Deborah b. Dec. 4, 1647. [Ess. Court Rec] He d. April, 1672-3. Will dated April 23, 1672, prob. Sept. 24, 1678; beq. to wife Jane; to gr. ch. Mary Simson; ch. and gr. ch. to Lave what wife may leave. James, Dedham, probably before 1650. He d. 29 (1) 165.5. Will prob. Aug. 1, 1655; son Thomas .7.; dau. Mary, who was blind; the 5 ch. of his dau. Anne, late wife of Abra- ham Jaquith of Charlestown. [Reg. V, 441.] Mary d. 12 (8) 1681. Joane, ae. 16, servant to George Had- bourne, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. John, tailor, Plymouth, in Court 1 Dec. 1640: atba. 1643. Sold land in 1653. Ch. Barali b. 24 Feb. 1650. John, Medford, gave letter of attorney 19 (12) 1645, for collections in Eng. [A.] Stephen, came in the Mary and John in March, 1033-4; settled at Ipswich, propr. 1636; additional grant in 1639. Herd-iieeper, 1645; res. in 1649. Sold land in Ips. 20 (10) 1653. Rem. to Newbury. He m. Susanna, widow of Nathaniel Merrill. He d. 8 Feb. 1669; widow Susanna d. 25- Jan. 1673; admin, gr. to her son Abel Mer- rill. 263 JOSLIN, JOCELYN, JOSELYN, JOSSE- LYN, Thomas, husbandman, ae. 43, ■with wife Rebecca, ae. 43, ch. Rebecca, ae. 18, Dorothy, ae. 11, Nathaniel, ae. 8, Eliza, ae. t), and Mary, ae. 1, and Elizabeth Ward, ser- vant, ae. 38, came in the Increase April. 1635. Settled at Hingham; propr., town oflioer. Bought land of his son-in-law Thomas Xich ols in 1638. [Town rec] Rem. about 1054 to Lancaster. The widow Rebecca m. 2, Wil- liam Kerly; deeded lands in 1664 to sons Nathaniel J. and Roger Sumner. Rebecca m. Thomas Nichols; Elizabeth m. in Boston June 12, 16.52, Edward Yeomans. His will dated 9 May, 1660, prob. 29 (1) 1661, beq. to wife Rebecca, sons Abram and Nathaniel, daus. Rebecca Nichols and Eliz- abeth Emmons, son-in-law Roger Sumner, gr. son Abram J. Signs his name Thomas Joslin. JTJDD, Thomas, Cambridge, propr. 1035, frm. May 25, 1636. Sold before 1638. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. JUDKIN, JTJDKINS, JURKIN, Job., sawyer, Boston, propr. 1637. He gave his eldest son Samuel land in B. Aug. 7, 1662. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 8 (6) 1641, d. 20 (9) 1657. Ch. Job b. and d. 1637, Sam- uel b. 27 (9) 1638, bapt. 15 (6) 1641, Job. b. and d. 1041, Joel b. 30 (7) 1043, Sarah b. 7 (10) 1645. Thomas, Gloucester, propr. before 1645, a witness in 1647. He m. 25 Nov. 1665, wid- ow Anna Heeward. He d. 23 Feb. 1694-5; will prob. 26 March f olg. ; beq. to wife Anna and gr. sons Thomas Sergent and Thomas Ailing; after her death to her children. She d. 27 Jan. 1700. JOY, JAY, Thomas, carpenter, Boston, propr., 1630. He built the town house in 1640. Was arrested in 1646 for helping to get sign- ers to the petition for enlarged franchise, and for questioning the Court's authority in arresting him. Released soon. [W.] Rem. to Hingham. Owned tide-mill and other property 1650. Bought lands of the Indians June 26, 1668. Wife Joane, dau. of John Oallop, deposed 2 (4) 1052, ae. about 34 years. [Arch. 38 B.] Ch. Samuel b. 20 (12) 1639, John b. 10 (8) 1041, Thomas b. 3 (1) 1042, d. 2 Dec. 1648, Joseph b. 1 (2) 1645, Ephraim b. 7 (12) 1646, Sarah bapt. 23 (5) 1648, ae. about 31 days, Benjamin bapt. 12 (3) 1650, Elizabeth bapt. 17 (8) 1652, Elizabeth bapt. 7 (11) 1654, (m. Nathaniel Beal,) Ruth b. Feb. 28, 1658, bapt. 1 (3) 1059, (m. 1, John Low, 2, .John Curtis). He d. in 1678. Will prob. 31 Oct., 1678. The widow d. 20 March, 1690-1. JOYCE, John. Sandwich, propr. 1638, atba. 1643. Rem. to Yarmouth, atba. 1643. Constable 2 June, 1646. Ch. Abigail bapt. at Barn- stable June 1, 1646. Will dated Nov. 20, prob. 5 March, 1666; wife Dorothy, only son Hosea; daus. Mary and Dorcas. [Reg. VI, 188.] William, [Boston,] inv. pres. by Thom- as Savage and Anthony Stoddard 25 (8/ 1648; wife in RattlifCe, London. [Reg. VIT, 175.] JTJDSON, Samuel, Dedham, townsman 1 (11) 1644. Ree'd April 20, 1651, John Jud.son, ae. 14 years, son of Michael J. of Horton in Bradford dale, co. of York, Eng., to be an apprentice. He m. 2 (2) 1644, Bridget Warne; she d. 28 (1) 1646. He m. 6 (8) 1646, Mary, widow of Henry Aldridge. Ch. Maiy b. 20 (8) 1647, Sarah b. 24 (5) 1051, Easter b. 10 (4) 1054. He d. 11 (5) 1657. Will prob. July 30, 1657; daus. Mary, Sarah and Ester Judson; wife Mary with her 2 sons, ch. of a former hus- band, Henry Aldridge. [Reg. VIII, 280.] The widow m. John Hayward. William, before the Court and dis- charged 5 (1) 1638-9. JtrPE, JOPE, Alice, wife of one — , Boston, adm. chh. 24 (11) 1640. Her husband may have been Benjamin, a nephew of Roberk Keayne, living at his house in 1656. William, ae. 40, came in the Batcheler in 1635. JUSALL, Sara, a sufferer from ill-treatment in 1638. [Gen. Court Rec] KADE, see Cade. KARDER, see Carder. 2C1 KEAYNE, KEAINE, KAINE, KANE, KEENE, KENE, see Caine, Jolin, ae. 60 years, with Martha, Eliza, Josins and Sarah Keene, came in the Con- fidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Hingham. He d. 14 111) 1649. Mr. Robert, citizen and merchant tail- or of London, ae. 40, came in the Defense In July, 1G33, with wife Ann, ae. 38, and son Benjamin, ae. 16. Settled at Boston, after a short residence at Lynn. Adm. chh. with wife 20 (1) 1636, frm. May 25, 1636. Deputy, town oflBcer. Carried on large business and left great est. He d. 23 (1) 1656. Will prob. May 2, 1656. Left bulk of property to widow and son; made large bequests to the town of Boston and Harvard College; also beq. to the ch. of his dee. sister Mrs. Grace Jupe, namely, An- thony, (in Eng.,) Benjamin, living in his house, and Mary, wife of John Mosse, (Morse.) of Boston; to Ms wife's sister, the wife of Mr. John Wilson, and to her bro. John Mansfield, and several other persons. His cousin Edward Lawson was one of the overseers. [Reg. VI, 89.] The widow m. 2, Samuel Cole of Boston. William, (Keene,) Salem, Marblehead, taxed in 1638. William, (called also Keeny,) Boston. Wife Agnes adm. cbh. 31 (3) 1646; eh. Mary, ae. about 7% years, and John, ae. about 3, years 10 mos., bapt. 31 (3) 1646. The wife was dism. to the chh. at Pequot 10 (5) 1653. KEITH, John. Plymouth, 1646. KELLY, KALY, KEELE, KEYLE, KEY- LE-S", Abel, Salem, adm. chh. 7 (12) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. David, yeoman, of Hog Island in the precincts of Boston, bought land in the town 13 May, 1656. Wife Elizabeth; ch. David b. 18 Dec, 1647, Samuel b. 9 Oct. 1657, d. Sept. 11, 1658, Samuel b. Nov. 30, 1661. He a. in 1662. Admin, gr. Oct. 23, 1662 to his widow Elizabeth for herself and 5 children. [Reg. XII, 5.] The widow m. Robert Smith, seaman, of Boston, and joined with her son David in a deed of land Aug. 20, 1666. KELLY, etc., cent., Edward, ae. 14, came in the Hopewell in April 1635. Settled at Boston. Took John Berry as an apprentice 30 (1) 1646. [Town rec] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Edward b. Nov. 4, 1664. John, Newbury, propr. before 1640. Ch. Sarah b. 12 Feb. 1640, (m. Thomas Burltbee,) John b. 2 July, 1642, Mary, (m. April 12, 1666, John Belconger.) He d. 28 Dec. 1644. John, Marblehead, in court in 1(346. KELSEY, William, Cambridge, propr., 1633; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Sold meadow 19 (2) 1636. Rem. to Hartford. KEMP, KEMPE, Edward, blacksmith, Dedham, propr. 28 (6) 1638; frm. March 13, 1638-9. Rem. to Wenham; declined oflBce of deacon in 1651. Rem. to Chelmsford in 1655. Esther, m. at Dedham, 15 (9) 1648, Samuel Foster. Will dated 27 Jan. 1667, prob. April 6, 1669, beq. to Esther, her husband S. F. and son S. P.; to kinsman Samuel Kemp of Groton. John, before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1639. Robert, Dedham, adm. chh. April 24, 1639, liis wife adm. chh. 11 (8) 1639. Mr. William, came in the James April 5, 1635. Settled at Duxbury. Juryman. Prop. frm. 5 March, 1638-9; had land grant 7 Jan. 1638-9. Inv. taken Sept 23, 1641, and admin, gr. to his widow Elizabeth Nov. 2, folg. [Reg. IV, 173.] KEMPSTER, Daniel, carpenter, Cambridge, propr. 1642, frm. May 26, 1647. He d. in 1666-7, ae. about 80. He made will 27 Sept. 1665, prob. April 2, 1667. Beq. to Rev. Mr. Mitchell; to cousin Thomas Moul- ton; to the children of kinsman Samuel An- drew; to the dau. of bro. John Kempster, dec. of Needum, Eng.; to Anna, dau. of Thomas Packe. of DunstaU, Eng.; to elder Frost. KEMPTON, Ephraim, tailor, Scituate, an early set- tler. He d. May 5, or June 24 [To. rec] 1645. Inv. filed and admin, gr. 28 Oct. 1645 to 265 KEMPTON, cont., Manasseti and Eplaraim K. His son Ephraim had been in partnership with him from the time of their coming to N. E. Est. set off June 4, 1645. Manasseh K. of Scit. and Thomas Rawlins, Sen., of Boston arranged for the apportionment of the estate to Ephraim and the other three children 8 (4) 1658. [Ply. Deeds II.] Manasseh, yeoman, Plymouth, one of the purchasers or old-comers, shared in the division of cattle in 1627, taxed in 1632, frm. 1633. He d. Jan. 14, 1662-3. "He did much good in his place in the time God lent him." His wife Julian d. Feb. 19, 1664-5, ae. 81. KENDALL, KENDALL alias MILES, Francis, miller, Wobum, 1640, frm. May 26, 1647. Town officer. He deposed in Dec. 1658, ae. about 38 years, and 2 (2) 1662, ae. about 48 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Dec. 24, 1644, Mary Tidd; eh. John b. May or July 2, 1646, Thomas b. Jan. 10, 1648-9, Mary b. Jan. 20, 1650-1, [m. Israel Reed,] EUzabeth b. Jan. 15, 1652-3, v(m. James Pierce,) Hannah b. Jan. 26, 1654-5, (m. Wm. Greene,) Rebecca b. March 21, 1656-7, (m. Joshua Eaton,) Samuel b. March 8, 1659-60, Jacob b. Jan. 25, 1660-1, Abigail b. April 6, 1666, (m. Wm. Reed.) His wife Mary d. 1705. He d. 1708. Will, dated May 9, 1706, mentions eh. above-named and several gr. ch. ; also the 8 eh. of his bro. Thomas K. that were living wlien Thomas d. [Reg. XXXVI, 17.] John, Cambridge, 1644-6. He m. about 1644, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Holly, and sold the H. estate with her in 1646. Presca, Salem, memb. chh. before 1636; "dead" before 1659. Robert, residence not stated frm. May 6, 1647. Thomas, Reading, propr. 1644; bro. of Francis, frm. May 10, 1648. Wife Rebecca, tyjj. Elizabeth b. 17 (8) 1642, (m. John Eat- on,) Rebecca b. 10 (12) 1644, (m. James Bow- tell,) Mary b. 24 (10) 1647, (m. Abraham Bryant,) Hannah b. 27 (11) 1649, (m. Joha Parker, [Mdx. De. I,] Sarah b. 22 (4) 1653, (m. Samuel Dunton,) Abigail b. 20 June, 1655, (m. John Nichols,) Susanna, (m. Nathaniel Goodwin,) Tabitha, (m. John Pearson.) KENDALL, etc., cont., He d. 22 July, 1681. Agreement for divi- sion made 30 Sept. folg. between his widow Rebecca and sons-in-law John Eaton, Abra- ham Briant, John Parker, John Person, Nathaniel Goodwin, James Bowtell, Samuel Dunken and John Niccolls. The widow d. in 1703, ae. 85. [Hist. Reading.] KENDRICK, KENRICK, KENERICK, KINRICK, George, came in the ship with Rev. Richard Mather from Bristol, Eng., May 23, 1635. Settled at Scituate; yeoman, took John Gardiner as an apprentice 22 Feb. 1635-6. Frm. Jan. 5, 1635-6. Adm. chh. with wife April 9, 1637. Rem. to Barnstable, then to Boston. Volunteer for the Pequot War 1637. Town officer 1640. Ch. bapt. at Sci. Deborah Nov. 25, 1638, d. Feb. 21, 1638-9, Deborah b in Bo. 16 (6) 1646, Priscilla bapt. do. 21 (z.) 1650. Wife Jane mentioned in Bo. Rec. He m. at Rehoboth April 23, 1647, Ruth Bowen. John, laborer, yeoman, Boston, adm. cth. 11 (6) 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Sold house and lands in B. Jan. 8, 1652. He rem. to Cambridge tillage (Newton). Wife Anne adm. chh. lei (5) 1640, d. Nov. 15, 1656. Second wife Judith d. at Roxbury Aug. 23, 1687. Ch. Hannah b. 9 (12) 1639, John b. 3 (8) 1641, Elizabeth bapt. 21 (11) 1643, Elisha b. It. (8) 1645, Maria bapt. 10 (7) 1648, Han- nah b. 20 (1) 1651-2. He d. Aug. 29, 1686. Will dated Jan. 21, 1683, ae. about 78 years, prob. 23 Sept. 1686, beq. to vrife Judith; son John; son-in-law Jonathan Metcalf; John, and other ch. of son Eliah K.; to Mr. Nehemiah Hobart. his pastor. The widow "Judah" d. 23 Aug. 1687. 266 KENNEY, KENEY, KENNY, KEN- NINGE, Henry, (Kenninge), placed as an ap- prentice with Wm. Parke of Roxbury 21 (4) 1639, by Vincent Potter. [L.] Rem. to Salem. [Wife] Ann, Salem, adm. chh. 24 (6) 1654. Oh. John bapt. 10 (7) 1654, Mary bapt. 3 (5) 1659, Sarah bapt. 29 (4) 1662. Elizabeth, of sister K., bapt. 1 (3) 1664, — bapt. 12 (3) 1666. William, Marblehead, before Court in 1642. Admin, of his est. 30 (9) 1670. KENNEY, etc., cont., KENNISTON, Mr. Allen, Salem, propr., 1638, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Oorothy menib. chh. 1636. Will dated 10 (9), prob. 28 (10) 1648. Wife Dorothy; beq. to various friends. The widow m. 2, Philip Cromwell. KENT, Edward, Newbury, propr. 1637. Joanna, lormerly widow of Nicholas Davison, m. Mr. Richard Kent, [Jr.] and d. his widow Oct. 30, 1699. [Es. Files 46, 20; Newbury rec] John, probably one of the bros. of Josh- ua, Dedham, 1645, adm. chh. 18 (5) 1652, frm. May 3, 1654. He m. 21 (3) 1662, Han- nah Griswold; they rem. to Charles town, and were reed to that chb. from Ded. chh. April 13, 1673. Ch. Hannah, John, Mary, Joshua bapt. 5 (6) 1673, Joseph bapt. 17 (8) 1675, Samuel, Bbenesser bapt. 22 (6) 1680, Lydia, Mary. Joshua, Dedham, townsman 2 (3) 1643, adm. chh. (9) 1644, frui. May 6, 1640. Went to Eng in 1644; brought bacli with him two bros. in 1645. Went again in 1647 with his wife, but returned (8) 1648, to stay. [Chh.. rec.] Wife Mary adm. chh. 2 (2) 1654; ch. Lydia b. 17 (12) 1046, Sarah b. 27 (1) 1650, Mary b. 15 (10) 1651. His will prob. 14 (9) 1664; beq. all to wife. [Reg. XIII, 13.] Her ■i\'ill prob. 1 Feb. 1676- 7, beq. to eldest dau. Mary [lumbers] and other daus. Lydia, Sara!h and Mary. Richard, yeoman, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1634. Settled at Ipwich; built a weir on Chebacco river in 1634. Rem. to Newbury; frm. March 4, 1634-5. One of the first planters at Salisbury, but did not remove thither. Comr. 1650; town officer. Ch. Rebecca, (m. Samuel ScoUard,) John b. 10 July, 1645. He d. 14 June, 1654. Inv. filed at Ipswich 26 (7) 1654, and at Salem 14 Sept. 1667. Stephen, came in the Confidence April 24, 1638, with wife Margery and servants, among whom was Rebecca Kent, ae. 16. Settled at Newbury. Frm. May 22, 1638. R«m. to Haverhill about 1651. Before Gen. Court 18 May, 1663. He deposed in 1667, ae. about 60 years. Rem. about 1670 to Wood- KENT, cont., brdge, N. J.; [Ips. De. II, 389.] He m. Ann — wlio d. Aug. 3, 1660; he m. May 29, 1063, Ellenor Scadlock. His son-in-law Robert Ford of Hav. sold land on his account 17 March, 1671. Ch. Elizabeth b. 1 March, 1641, d. Feb. 27, 1652, Hannah b. 20 March, 1643, Stephen b. 6 March, 1647, Rebecca b. 3 Aug. 1650, Elizabeth b. Dec. 4, 1653, David b. May 26, 1057. Thomas, Sen., Gloucester, propr. 1643. He d. 1 May, 1658. His widow d. 16 Oct. 1671. KERBY, KIRBY, John, ae. 12, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Settled at Plymouth; atba. 1643. Richard, Sandwich, one of the legatees of Thomas Hampton in 1637, atba. 1643. Wife Jane called to testify in Court 20 Aug., 1644. Ch. Abigail, Jane and Increase d. in 1649. The wife was bur. 23 March, 1649. WOliam, fisherman, planter, Boston, propr. 1639. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 20 (10) 1640, d. 12 (5) 1042. Wife Annis, Anne or Hannah joined him in a deed of land April 1, 1052. KERLY, KERLEY, CARLEY, Edward, ae. 22, husbandman, from Ashmore, Eng., came in the Confidence, April 1. 1638. \ William, one of the first planters at Hull, 20 May, 1642. Rem. to Sudbury, bought land in 1643, and settled there. Frm. May 26, 1647. One of the founders of Lan- caster, 1653. He m. at Sud. 6 (8) 1646, Han- nah King; she d. 12 (1) 1658, and he m. 31 (3) 1659, Bridget, widow of Thomas Rowland- son; she d. 14 (4) 1662. He m. 6 (3) 1664, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Joslin. Ch. Wil- liam, propr. at Sud., 1646, [Mary, (m. 6 Oct. 1647, Richard Smith,)] Henry. He d. Jan. 11, 1683. WiU dated 26 (5) 1669, inv. taken 19 July 1670, beq. to sons William and Henry K. and John Devall. Certain goods which came to him by his last wife appraised by Nathl. Joslin, etc. KERSLEY, see Carsley. KERTLAND, see Kirtland. 267 KETCHERING, CETCHEBIN, KEDQ- EBEB, see Kitcherin, Joseph, Cliarlestown, inhab., 1636, propr. 1638. Adm. chh. 8 (11) 1G36; [wife] Saralh adm. chh. 30 (9) 1643, Salem, flsliing lot granted him at Winter Harbor, 1639. KETTELL, KETTLE, John, Watertown, land laid out for him and a house ordered to be built May 10, 1642. John, Salem, a boy, apprentice to John Lovett of Mackerel Cove, before the Court in 1641. Res. at Gloucester; propr. 1649. Deposed 10 (3) 1653, ae. about 32 years. Wife Elizabeth; eh. John b. March 26, 1654, William b. April 1, 1656, d. 12 Jan. 1676, Elizabeth b. 15 (12) 1657, Mary b. 5 March, 1659, Samuel b. 2 (2) 1662, James b. 20 March, 16(54. He d. 12 Oct. 1685. Nunc, will prob. March 30, 1686, beq. to wife Elizabeth for life; then to their Children. Admin, gr. to Sam- uel Corning, Sen., and wife. Peter, ae. 10, came in the Abigail in May, 1635. Richard, cooper, Charlestown. Adm. chh. with wife Hester 30 (5) 1633; frm. March 4, 1634-5. He m. Esther or Hester Ward, who as maid servant of Atherton Haulgh was adm. Boston chh. 26 (11) 1633, and was dism. to the chh. of Charlestown 17 (5) 1642 as wife of R. K. Ch. Hannah bapt. 29 (8) 1637, John bapt. 8 (10) 1639, Joseph bapt. 2 (12) 1640, Samuel b. 19 (9) 1642, Nath- aniel b. 11 (8) l(>i4, Jonaithau, a father in 1677. He d. June 28, 1680. WUl dated 13 May, prob. 5 (8) 1680, beq. to ch. John, Joseph, Samuel, Nathaniel and Jonathan K. and Hannah Call, and their ch. KEY, KEYES, Robert, Lynn and Watertown. Before Gen. Court 5 June, 1638. Rem. to Newbury about 1644. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah b. 26 (3) 1633, Rebecca b. 17 (1) 1638. Phebe b. 17 (4) 1639. Mary b. in 1641, d. in 1642, Ellas b. May 20. 1643, Mary b. at N. 16 June, 1645. [Solomon, Newbury, m. 2 Oct. 1653, Frances Grant; was he an older child?] He d. at Newbury, July 16, 1647. His widow Sarah gave answer to a bill drawn on him, Aug. 10, 1647. [A.] KETCHAM, CACHAM, Edward, Ipswich, propr. Dec. 8, 1636-7. 1638; frm. Hester, freed from service with John Woolridge by Gen. Court 3 March, 1639-40. KEYSER, KESAR, KEISAR, KEZAR, George, tanner, Lynn. frm. March 14, 1638-9. Constable 31 (10) 1644. [Es. Court.] Owner of a boat. [W.] Mate of Capt. James Smith's ship; traded for negroes at Guinea in 1644; had difficulty with Smith about the cargo, and was prosecuted at home for liidnapping. [W.] He gave letter of attorney 18 (10) 1645 for the coUection of a legacy from the est. of his father, George Kesar of Leig'bton Bussard, Bedf., tanner. [A.] Wife Elizabeth joined him in a deed in 1653. She d. 24 (4) 1659. He deposed In 1664, ae. about 50 years. Ch. George b. (3) 1657, Edward b. and d. 1659. Rem. to Salem; reed, to chh. May 2, 1680, by dlsm. from that of Lynn. He made will Feb. 16, 1686, being full of years; wife Rebecca; sons Eleazer, John and Benjamin; dau. Hannah; son-in-law Thomas Mold and his wife Mary; son Eleazer's ch. Mary and Sarah; son John's ch. John, George and Tmothy; gr. ch. Robert and Sarah Gilloway; Sarah, wife of Robert Can- non; Edward and Susanna Martin of Bos- ton, his first wife's sister's ch.; wife's dau. Elizabeth Ashbey. Thomas, shipmaster, Lynn, contracted for a pinnace in May, 1640. [L.] Lawsuit at Salem in 1641. Wife Mary adm. chh. Boston 14 (4) 1645; ch. Rebecca, ae. about 4 years, 7 mos. and Thomas, ae. about 2 years, 5 weeks, bapt. 15 (4) 1645; Timothy b. 15 (12) 1645. KIBBE, KIBBEY, KEBY, KEBBEY, KID- BY, KIDBYE, Edward, sawyer, Boston, propr. Wife Mary adm. chh. 29 (9) 1645. Ch. Mary, ae. about 5 yrs. 7 mos., 2 weeks, James, ae. about 3 yrs. 6 mos., Elisha, ae. about 10 mos., 10 days, all bapt. .30 (9) 1645; Deborah bapt. 7 (9) 1647, John bapt. 27 (5) 1649, bur. Feb. 8. 1652. Reuben b. and d. 1652, Eliza- beth, rec. in Roxbury, b. 27 (11) 1654. Henry, tailor, Dorchester, propr. 1639. Frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Rachel d. 16 (5) 1657. He m. 8 (8) 1657, Grissel, widow suc- 268 SIBBE, etc., cont, cessively of Thomas Jewell, Humphrey Griggs and John Gurney, Sen.; ch. Shere- biaJi b. 2 (10) 1059. He d. 10 (0) 16G1. Admin, gr. 15 Aug. 1661 to his widoiw, Who presented Oct. 30, folg. an inv. of est. which she brought her husband at marriage. [Reg. X, 360.] She m. John Gurney, Sen. John, Duxbury, propr., 1640, sold land 10 Dec, 1650. Lewis, fisherman, Boston, propr., 1639. Lewis, mariner, of London, with whom Wm. Hudson, Jr., had accts. in 1647, [A.] may be the same person. KIDDER, James, Cambridge, 1649. Rem. to Billerica about 1059. Ensign. Wife Anne memb. chh. with him, dism. to chh. of Biller- ica. Ch. Hannah b. 1 (1) 1649,, Dorothy James, John, Thomas, all bapt, at Camb.; Nathaniel bapt. Feb. 27, 165[8]. Ephmim bapt. May 26, 1661. [Mi.] He d. April 6. 1676: inv. filed June 1, 1677. KILBORNE, George. Rowley, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. James Barker calls him brother. Wife Elizabeth; Ch. Mary b. May 3, 1649, Joseph b. 5 (2) 1652, Jacob b. 10 (6) 1654, Samuel b. 11 (9) 1656, Isaac b. 26 Jan. 1659, Elizabeth b. 2 (1) 1653. He d. 14 Oct. 1085. Inv. ret. by widow Elizabeth Nov. 20, 1685. Thomas, ae. 24, witfh wife Elizabeth, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Thomas, husbandman, ae. 55, with wife Frances, ae. 50, eh. Margaret, ae. 23, Lydia, ae. 22, Marie, ae. 16, Francis, ae. 12, and John, ae. 10, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. KILCUP, KILLCUP, William, sieve maker, Lynn, gave bond for Daniel Hutchins to the Gen. Court 20 (.'!) 1040. Bought land at Lynn with min- erals and privilege of mining in 1650. Rem. to Charlestown. With wife Grace sold Char, houses and lands in 1653. Rem. to Boston. His wife d. Jan. 2, 1678-9, ae. 80. He d. June 9. 1689, ae. 87. 269 KILHAM, KILLAM, KELHAM, KALEM, KILLIN, KULEM, Augustine, Austin, measurer, Salem, 1637. Goal: keeper, 1640. Rem. to Dedham; adm. Chh. with wife Alice 28 (6) 1640. Frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Wenham before 1653. Ch. Lot b. 11 (7) 1640, Sarah bapt. 9 (11) 1641. He d. 5 (4) 1667; the wife "Als" d. 18 (5) 1667. His will dated 2 (4), prob. 24 Sept. 1667, beq. to wife, sons Lot and John. Jolin, came May 10, 1638, as servant of Benjamin Cooper of Branton, Eng., to res. at Salem. Rem. to Dedham; propr. 1648. KILLINGHALL, Margaret, ae. 20, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1035. KILMASTER, John, before Gen. Court 7 Sept., 1641. KIMBALL, KEMBLE, KEMBALL, KEM- BOLD, KIMBOLD, Henry, ae. 42, with wife Susan, ae. 35, and eh. Richard Cutting, ae. 11, Elizabeth K. ae. 4, and Susan K. ae. 1% came in the Elizabeth of Ipswicifa April 30, 1634. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636, frm. May 2, 1638. His dau. Elizabeth m. Thomas Straight and Susanna m. John Randall. [John also said to be a child.] Admin, on his est. 22 (5) 1648. [Reg. VII, 174.] Genealogy. Richard, ae. 39, with wife Ursula and ch. Henry, ae. 15, Elizabeth, ae. 13, Richard, ae. 11, Mary, ae. 9, Martha, ae. 5, .John, ae. 3, and Thomas, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1034. Settled at Wa- tertown; propr.: frm. May 0, 1635. Rem. to Ipswich. Propr. 1637; wheelwright. One of the execs, of the est. of his bro. Thomas Scott. He m. 2, Oct. 23, 1661, Margaret, widow of Henry Dow, who d. 1 1(1) 1675-6. Younger ch. Sarah, Benjamin and Caleb. He had a deed of land and cattle 12 Jan. 1050, from his son-in-law Joseph Fowler. Ursula was a dau. of Henry and Martha Skott [Scott] of 'Rattlesden, Suffolk. Eng.; her mother and bro. Thomas came in the same ship. [Reg. LII, 248.] Will dated 5 March. 1674, prob. 28 Sept. 1675. Beq. to wife the fulfilment of mar- riage contract, etc.; to sons Henry, Richard, John, Thomas, (and his ch..) Benjamin, (and KIMBALL, etc., cont, his cla.,) Caleb (and his T ch.;) to son-in-law John Severans; to daus. Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah (and her eh.;) to wife's ch. Thomas, Jeremiah and Mary; to the two eld- est daus. of Giles Oowes by his first wife; and to cousin Haniell Bosworth. The widow's est. was appraised March 1, 1675-6; admin, gr. to Daniel and Thomas Dow. [Es. Inst. XVIII.] Genealogy. KIMBERLY, Thomas, Dorchester, 1635. Alice [wife of Thomas?] memb. chh. about 1639. KINDE, KYNDE, Arthur, Boston. Wife Jane; ch. Sara:h b. (9) 1646, James d. 19 (5) 1654, James b. 29 Oct. 1654, Mary d. 27 (8) 1655, Nathaniel b. Aug. 1, 1658, Thomas b. 26 Sept. 1659, Mary b. and d. 1662, William b. Feb. 26, 1664. The widow Jane made will IS March, prob. 20 April 1710; beq. to the North church in Boston her silver tankard marked I. K.: to the wives of Increase and Cotton Mather and Stephen French, Jr.; to Sarah Knight; to gr. dau. Mary Harison; to gr. gr. daus. Sarah and Katharine Guille; to gr. gr. dau. Mary Crapo, dau of gr. dau. Jane; to her brc's dau., cousin Hannah Hardman; to ar. daus. Rachel Toker and Sarah Guille; to Thos. Barnard, Sen.; to the ch. of her son John Kind and dau. Sarah Rouse, both de- ceased: William and James Kind, ch. of John and William and Michael Rouse and Sarah Guille being the ch. of Sarah. KING, KINGE, Daniel, woolen draper, gentleman, Lynn, see accts. 1639. [L.] See Christo- pher Foster. He mortg. property at Lynn to secure bills of exchange drawn on his wife 23 (11) 1661. A bill signed by Daniel King of TJxbridge, Middlesex, drap. 6 April, 1639. copied in Note Book 7 (8) 1647. [A.] His son Daniel, of Beconsfield, co. Bucks, Eng., bound for N. E., rec'd money as an adven- ture from his cousin Wm. Guy, May 16, 1653. [Ess. Court files IX, 45 and 46.] Daniel deiwsed Nov. 6. 1655, ae. about 30 [Mdx. Files.] He sold land with consent of Elizabeth his now wife, 1 Aug. 1661. He d. May 27, 1672. Will dated 7 (12) 1671, prob. 26 (4) 1672; "of Swampscott;" beq. to wife Elizabeth, son Daniel and daus. KING, etc., cent., Hannah Blaner, Elizabeth Redden, Sarah Nedom; son Blaner, son Nedom. George, came in the Hercules April 16, 1634. Frm. April 18, 1637. Henry, of Brencsley, came in the James April 5, 1635. Joanna, Boston, servant to Gov. Win- throp, adm. chh. 16 (4) 1639. John, Sen., Weymouth, seaman, before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638, master of a fishing boat in 1640. [L.] Propr. He deposed 24 (4) 1657 in the Tidd ease, ae. about 57 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife d., and he m. Dor- othy, widow successively, of — Barker and Enoch Hunt. [See her will under Hunt] Ch. Mary b. 15 (4) 1639, AbigaU b. 14 (1) 1641. Mr. Joseph, before Boston Court 29 (2) 1641. Admin, gr. 30 (4) 1676 on the est. of Joseph K. who was slain in the war. Percy, (Persis,) ae. 24, maid servant to Mr. Robert Crowley, came in the Elizabeth and Ann April 15, 1635. Robert, ae. 22, a servant, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Samuel, Plymouth, bought land in 1639; atba. 1643. Allowed to l)uild and plant on land he had bought 27 Feb. 1639- 40; and to live in the house with his father- in-law, Giles Riekett. Ch. Samuel b. 29 Aug. 1649, Isaac b. 24 Oct. 1651. Sara, the Gen. Court ordered her goods ret. to her 9 (7) 1639. Thomas, ae. 15, came in the Elizabeth with John Barnard, April 30, 1634. Thomas, ae. 21, [31?] came in the Blessing in July, 1635, with Susan, ae. 30. Settled at Scituate, adm. chh. Feb. 25, 1637. Atba. 1643. Wife Suza adm. chh. before 1639. Ch. Rhoda b. 11 Oct. 1639, George b. 24 Dee. 1642, Thomas b. 21 June, 1645, Daniel b. 4 Feb. 1647, Sarah b. 24 May 1650, John b. and d. 1652, Ann d. about July 26, 1652. The wife Sarah d. June 6, 1652. He m. 31 March 1653, Jane widow of Wm. Hatch. She d. Oct. 8, 1653. He d. 24 Sept. 1691. He made wiU 30 70 KING, etc., cont., June, 1691, prob. Marcb 16, 1691-2; beq. to wife Anne, dau. Sarah Besbey, grandsons John and Thomas Rogers. Set his negro servant Roben free and gave him his bed and five pounds in money. Residue to son Thomas. Thomas, ae. 19, came in the Francis in 1634. SetUed at Watertown; propr. 1640. One of the founders of Nashaway. Wife Mary; ch. Thomas b. 16 (1) 1640-1, bur. 2S (10) 1644, Mary b. 2 (12) 1641-2, (m. Oct. 19, 1659, John Johnson.) He was bur. 3 (10) 1644. Inv. rendered 24 (10) 1644 and 23 (2) 1645. The widow m. in 1645 James Cutler. Thomas, before Boston Court with his wife 14 June, 1642; referred to Salem Court. Thomas, Sudbury, 1642. Wife Anne; ch. Thomas b. and d. 1642; the mother d. 24 (10) 1642. He m. 2, Dec. 26, 1655, Bridget, widow of Robert Davis. She d. a widow, March 1, 1685. Note. Peter King the elder of Shaston, Dorset, gent., named his bro. Thomas K., now dwelling in N. E., in Ms will of May 30, 1658. [Reg. XLIX, 509.] William, ae. 40, with wife Dorothy, ae. 34, ch. Mary, ae. 12, Katharine, ae. 10, Wil- liam, ae. 8, and Hannah, ae. 6, embarked from Weymouth, Eng., before March 20, 1635. Settled at Salem, propr., frm. May 25, 1636; juryman 1637. Had land at the head of Bass river, 1638. Ch. William, (m. about 1652 Katharine, dau. of Michael Shafflin, q. v.), Mehitabel bapt. 25 (10) 1636, John bapt. 11 (9) 1638, Deliverance bapt. 31 (8) 1641. He d. before 1652. William, ae. 28, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. KINGMAN, Henry, ae. 40, with wife Joane, ae. 39, ch. Edward, ae. 16, Joane, ae. 11, Anne, ae. 9, Thomas, ae. 7, John, ae. 2, and servant John Ford, ae. 30, embarked from Wey- mouth, Eng., before March 20, 1635. Set- tled at Weymouth, frm. March 3, 1635-6. Lie. as ferryman 3 March, 1635-6. Deputy, 1638. Town ofilcer. His wife Joan d. April 11, 1659. He d. 5 (4) 1667. Will, dated 24 May, prob. 31 July, 1667. Aged 74 years or thereabout; KINGMAN, cont, sons Edward, Thomas and John K.; daus. Holbrook, Davis and Barnard. [Reg. XVI, 226.] KINGSBURY, Henry, came from Eng. in the Talbot; had a eh. or two sick with the measles March 28, 1630. [W.] Joined chh. Boston with wife Margaret, and the clerk marked the names "dead since." Henry, of Ipswich, propr. before 1638, res. in 1656; called kins- man by John K. of Dedham, was probably a son; he deposed in 1669, ae. about 54 yrs. He rem. to Rowley, thence to Haverhill. [Reg. XIII, 157.] Bought house and land in Hav. 31 March, 1648. He d. 1 Oct. 1687. Inv. ret. 10 Oct. by Jo- seph. John, Watertown, frm. March 3, 1635- 6; propr. Rem. to Dedham, 1636. Propr., town officer, deputy. He d. after long weakness, 12 (7) 1660. [1669?] Will prob. 2 (10) 1659. To bro. Joseph, wife Margaret, kinsman Thomas Cooper of Seaconque, and Henry K. of Ips- wich. The widow made will, prob. 20 (3) 1062; kinsmen Thomas Fuller and Hannah, his wife. [Reg. X, 176, and XI, 40.] Joseph, Sen., yeoman, Dedham, frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Millicent adm. chh. April 24, 1639; ch. Mary b. 1 (7) 1637, Elizabeth b. 14 (7) 1638, Joseph b. 17 (12) 1640, John b. 15 (6) 1643, Eliezer b. 17 (3) 1645, Nathan- iel b. 26 (1) 1650, Sarah, (m. Robert Cross- man). He d. in 1676. Will dated 22 (3) 1675, prob. 1 June, 1676, beq. to sons Joseph, John E,liezer and Nathaniel; wife Millicent; dau. Sarah Crosemen; son-in-law Thomas Cooper of Rehoboth; to gr. ch. Elizabeth Brewer; sons-in-law Robert Croseman and Nathaniel Brewer. Refers to dec. bro. John K. William, Dedham, app. by Gen. Court (7) 1038, to report about unlicensed new- comers. Sarah, [his wife?] adm. chh. 18 (10) 1643, d. 24 (11) 1645. KINGSLEY, KINGSLY, KINGESLEY, KINSLEY, John, husbandman, Dorchester, frm. March 4, 1632-3. One of the 7 signers of the church covenant Aug. 23, 1636. Sold meadow land in Dorch. April 14, 1655. [Rem. 271 KINGSLEY, etc., cont., to Rehoboth?] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Eldad b. in 1638, Renewed b. 19 (1) 1641. John, of Rehoboth, made will 2 (•)) 1C77, prob. 5 March, 1678-9. Beq. to wife Mary and son Eldad. Mary, Reading, bought one half of the Sawmill in R. of John Elderkin, 5 (6) 1646. Stephen, husbandman, Braintree, 1637. Propr. Frm. May 13, 1640. Rem. to Dor- chester and bought Va of the Hutchinson farm Feb. 23, 1656. Ret. to Braintree and sold land in Milton May 11, 1670. Elder of the chh., deputy. Ch. Mary b. 30 (6) 1640. Will dated at Milton 27 (3) prob. 3 (5) 1673; beq. to son John; sons-in-law Henry Crane, Anthony GoUifer and Robert Mason; to the three children of his son Samuel, to the son at the age of 21 and the daus. at the age of 18. KIKGSMAK, KINSMAN, Robert, came in the Mary and John May 24, 1633. Settled at Ipswich. Propr. before 1635. Bought house and land in 1642. KINHAM, Alice, ae. 22, came from Weymouth, Eng., before March 20, 1635. KIBK, Judith, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. KIRMAN, KERMAN, John, Cambridge, frm. March 4, 1632-3. App. to receive money from Mr. Crispe's estate Oct. 18. 1631. Deputy 1634-5. John, Sandwich, debtor of Thos. Hampton, 1637; propr. 3 June, 1640. Mr., master of HawUin's ship Seafort, drowned in the wreck off the coast of Spain in 1044. [W.] KIRTLAND, KERTLAND, KYRTLAND, KIRKLAND, CARTELYN, CATLIN, Nathaniel, ae. 19, came with his bro. Philip in the Hopewell April 1, 1635. Set- tled at Lynn. Rem. to Southampton, L. 1. Deposed at New York May 16, 1641, ae. 22 years. Returned to Lynn. Wife Parnell; ch. John b. (C) 1659, Hannah b. 15 (2) 1662, Elizabeth b. 20 (1) 1664. His will made 17 Aug. 1685, ae. about 72; KIRTLAND, etc., cont., prob. 31 March, 1687; beq. to wife; sons Na- thaniel, John and Philip; daus. Hannah and Mary; gr. ch. of Lee and Collins names. Philip, Sen. propr. Lynn, 1638. further particulars. No Philij), Jr. ae. 21, came In the Hopewell in 1635, from Shortington, Buckingham, Eng.; settled at Lynn. \S'ent with the col- ony to Southampton, L. I.; deposed at New York May 16, 1641, ae. 26 years. Ret. to Lynn. Shoemaker. Bought land in 1652. Wife Alice; ch. Mary b. 8 (4) 1640, Sarah b. 27 (7) 1646, Susanna b. 8 (1) 1651, Hannah b. 12 (4) 1654, Ebenezer b. 11 (4) 165 [6]. Admin, of his oral will gr. 17 (5) 1659, to his bro. John. Beq. to wife Alice and ch. Mary, Sarah, Susanna, Hannah and Eben- ezer. The widow m. Evan Thomas of Bos- ton. [Suff. De. in, 447 and 484.] The bro. John, (time of arrival here not known), de- posed June 26, 1661, ae. about 52 years. KITCHELL, Robert, Braintree, one of the apprais- ers of the est. of Mose Paine, 30 (8) 1643. KITCHEN, John, ae. 21, came as servant to Zach- ary Biekwell from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Settled at Salem, shoemak- er. Before Gen. Court with certain books 3 (7) 1639; propr., 1640, frm. Feb. 28, 1642, constable 1648. Suit against him in 1650. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 42. His wife adm. chh. 26 (12) 1642; ch. Eliza and Hannah bapt. 12 (1) 1642-3, Joseph bapt. 20 (2) 1645. John bapt. 28 (4) 1646, Mary bapt. 23 (2) 1648, John bapt. 21 (1) 1652, Robert bapt. 15 (2) 1655. Will dated 20 Dec. 1675, prob. 30 (4) 1076, beq. to wife and son Robert; other children to inherit after wife. KITCHERIN, see KETCHERING. KINRICK, see KENDRICK. KITSON, Ales, Duxbury, m. Wm. Renolds. 272 KNAPP, KNAP, Nicholas, Watertown, propr. ; fined for selling a medicine for the scurvy which the Court had judged worthless, 1 March, 1630- 1. He sold lands and privileges 6 (3) 1G46. Wife Elinor; ch. Jonathan bur. 27 (10) 1631, ae. 7 weeks, Timothy b. 14 (10) 1632, Joshua b. 5 (11) 1634, Caleb b. 20 (11) 1636, Sarah b. 5 (11) 1638, Ruth b. 6 (11) 1640, Hannall b. 6 (1) 1643. William, cai-penter, Watertown, re- ferred to in Col. Rec. 3 Nov. 1630, with his son. Propr. 1636. Deed of gift to son John in 1655. He d. Aug. 30, 1650, ae. about 80 yrs. Will mentions wife Priscilla,^ widow of Thomas Akers, ch. William, John, James, Mary Smith, Judith Cady, Anne, (wife of Thomas Philbriek,) and Elizabeth Buttery, widow, of Buers St. Mary, co. Suffolk, Eng. [See Mdx. Files and De.] The latter sent power of Attorney 27 Dec. 1660, for collection of her dues. Herbert and Waldegrave Pelham witnesses. [Mdx. Prob. files.] KNEVITT, Ruth, Boston, maid servant to Henry Webb, adm. chh. 2 (3) 1641. KNIGHT, Athagered, [Watertown]. Inv.niadeby Lieut. Hugh Mason and goodman John Coolidge, filed in Suff. Prob. 25 (5) 1643. [Reg. HI, 81.] Alexander, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Child Nathaniel, left alone in the house, was burned to death; inquest April 27, 1618. Ezekiel, Salem, 1637. Rem. to Brain- tree. Wife Elizabeth bur. 28 (2) 1642. Ch. Ezekiel b. 1 (12) 1640, d. 29 (7) 1641. George, (with) his wife and child came from Barrow, Eng., 1038, and settled at Hingham. Goodman — , Reading, propr. 1644. John, Dorchester, 1634; frm. May 25, 1636. Mrs. Knight, memb. chh. about 1636. He d. Nov. 1632. Admin, gr. to Roger Lud- low March 4, 1632-3. John, tailor, of Romsey, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. 273 KNIGHT, cont., John, carpenter, came in the Bevis In May, 1638. John, cai-penter, Cambridge, house- holder 1635. Watertown, propr. 1G36. Gave bond for a payment in 1641. [L.] Sold land at Wat. 4 (6) 1640. Bought land in Sud- bury, 1640. With wife Mary sold Wat. lands in 1652. Propr. at Sudbury; and. rem. to Charlestown. Rem. to Woburn; propr. 1650. Wife Mary d. May 16, 1676. He d. 29 (3) 1674. Will dated 14 (12) 1672, prob. June 10, 1674; confirmed deed of gift to gr. ch. Elizabeth, dau. of son John K., Jr.; beq. to her sister Abigail and to sou-iu-law Robert Peirse of Woburn and my dau. his wife. John, Newbury. A witness in the case of Joseph Avery before Gen. Court, 1635. Propr. 1638; town officer. Wife Elizabeth d. 20 March, 1644. Inv. of his est. taken 15 March, 1677-8, was presented by his widow Bathsheba. Macklin, Matling, Boston, contract- ed in Nov. 1639, to cut wood. [L.] Adm. inhab. in 1645. Wife Dorothy adm. chh. 18 (4) 1643. Master Knight, Ipswich, a minister out of employment in 1642. [L., P. D.] Philip, cooper, Charlestown, inhab. in 1637; a house-lot and other land was voted to him for keeping the ferry in 1651. Wife Margery adm. chh. 7 (3) 1650. Admin. Ess. Court 23 (9) 1665, gr. to wid- ow Margery. Ch. [Jonathan], ae. 26, Phil- ip, ae. 23, Rebecca, ae. 17, Eliza, ae. 13, and Mary, ae. 11. Son Jonathan a witness in court with him 26 (2) 1662. [Mdx. Files.] Richard, tailor, of Romsey, Eng. came in the James April 5, 1035. Richard, tailor, Newbury, 1635, frm. May 25, 1636; propr., town officer. Bought land 5 March, 1648. Rem. to Salisbury. He deposed April 3, 1680, ae. about 78 years. Ch. rec. at N.: Rebecca b. March 3, 1642, Sa- ra b. 23 March, 1647-S. Richard, Weymouth, gave bonds 15 (6) 1637, for the appearance of Robert Corbin, master of the Speedwell, at the next Court. [W.] KNIGHT, cont., Ricbard, slater, Boston, 1641, adm. chh. 20 (1) 1G42, frm. May 18, 1042. Wife Dinah adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642. Ch. Samuel b. 18 (12) 1642, bur. 2.5 (7) 1643, Joseph b. 15 (S) 1645, Jonathan bapt. 11 (1) 1649, ae. about 8 days, John bapt. 1 (10) 1650, Joanna b. 24 Jan. 1652^ Robert, carpenter, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Res. at Marblehead, propr. 1649. He deposed 19 (2) 1673, ae. 58 years, regarding a neighbor's possession of land many years. Robert, merchant, Boston, formerly of Bristol, Eng., was app. attorney for Abra- ham Shurt of Pemaquid 22 (9) 1647, to col- lect money. [A.] He m. about 1651. Anna, widow, of Thomas Cromwell. Ch. Edward b. Feb. 5, 1652, Martha b. Sept. 1, 1653 He d. 27 (4) 1655. Will prob. Aug. 1, 1655; beq. to wife Anna and ch. Edward and Mar- tha. [Reg. V, 442.] The widow m. 3, John Joyliffe. Walter, Duxbury, appl. for land 3 Sept. 1638. A resident in 1640. Walter, was living in Salem before the arrival of Gov. Endecott in 1628. [Deposi- tion of Rich. Brackenbury.] Lawsuits in Es. and Gen. Court 1640 and 1641. William, slater, Charlestown. adm. inhab. 1637. William, Ipswich, propr. 1638. William, Salem, 1636; Lynn, juryman, propr., 1638, frm. May 2, 1638. Constable in 1641. [Es. Court rec] According to the testimony of widow Martha Williams he was a mason and a deacon of a dissenting congregation in England; that he came to N. E. with one Hathorne and others for lib- erty of conscience, leaving estates in Eng.; that his son .Tohn ret. to Eng. in the time of the civil wars. John Porter testified to the same. [Es. Court files; Es. Inst. Coll II 102.] Will dated 2 Dee. 1653, prob. 28 (4) 1655. Wife Elizabeth, sons John and Francis, dau. Anne and her ch., dau. Hannah, and John and Nathaniel Ballard. After legacies are paid to these the residue goes to the 4 ch. he had by last wife Elizabeth; eldest son Jacob to have double jjortion. "Our brother Nicholas Potter" one of the overseers. The widow m. 2, Allen Breed; the dau. Joane m. 274 KNIGHT, cent., Thomas Gage of Yarmouth. Receipts in 1657. John Farrington and John and Nathaniel Ballard, as sons-in-law, and Mary K., as dau. also receipted for their portions. [Es. Deeds II, 52.] KNOCKEE, KNOKAB, George, Charlestown, mentioned in inv. of his bro. Thomas in 1641. He deposed 3 (2) 1666, ae. about 55 years. [Mdx. Files.] Thomas, Charlestown, d. 1641. Inv. 19 (9) 1641. His bro. George Knocker and other persons are mentioned. [Reg III 80.] KNOLLEYS, KNOWLES, Rev. Hansard, came to N. E. in 1638. Took the side of Mrs. Hutchinson in the the- ological controversy then raging, and was allowed or compelled to rem. to Piscataqua. Wrote to England letters of enticism upon the Mass. authonties. Was called to an- swer for them at Boston, and apologized publicly 20 (12) 1639. Was accused of crim- inal deeds. [W.] Ret. to Eng. KNOTT, KNOT, George, Sandwich. He made will In May, prob. 8 June, 1649; beq. to wife Mar- tha, son Samuel and dau. Martha; to Thom- as Dunham, in case he and the dau. marry. KNOWER, KNORE, KNOWE, George, Charlestown, Mystic side, [L.] 1631-1640. Res. at Maiden. He d. Feb. 13, 1674. Will dated 3 (IJ) 1674, ae. 67 years. Beq. to wife Elizabeth, son Jonathan, dau. Mary Merrable, gr. ch. Han- nah and Elizabeth Bucknam. Thomas, clothier, Charlestown, inhab- itant and propr. in 1630. Set in the bilboes 8 April, 1632, for some offence, and for threatening that if punished here he would have the case tried again in Eng. [Col. Rec] An account book, used in London in 1593 and 1594, by Thomas Knower and Abraham Cartwright of London, clothier, was used as a record book by the first town clerk of Charlestown; it gives many names of cloth- iers and others who had dealings with them. Thomas, husbandman, ae. 33, with Noel, ae. 29, and Sarah, ae. 7, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. KNOWEB, etc., cont., Thomas, found dead in his boat on Mystic Side in KUl. [W.] KNOWLES, KNOLLS, Alexander, frm. Dec. G, 1036. Henry, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Kev. John, came to Boston about 1638; adm. chh. as "a studyent," 25 (6) 1639. Was dism. to the chh. of Watertown 1 (1), and ordained colleague pastor to Mr. Phillips 10 (9) 1040. A godly man and a prime scholar. [W.l He was selected to accompany Mr. William Tompson to Virginia in 1042, in the effort to plant churches of the New Eng- land type there. Returned to his worli at Wat. for a time, then ret. to Eng. He sold land in Lynn to the Iron WorKs Co. 24 Oct. 1651. [Es. Files XXI, 85.] Residing at Bris- tol, Eng. 30 March, 1655, sold land in Lynn. [Es. De. II, 97.] [See Bills.] Wife Eliza- beth; ch. Mary b. 9 (2) 1641, Elizabeth b. 15 <3) 1043, Hannah, (m. Benjamin Eyres; peti- tioned for divorce 18 March, 1684-5. [Arch. Dom. 9.] Richard, Plymouth, before the court and acquitted Jan. 2, 1037-8. Propr. 1638-9. He m. 15 Aug. 1039, Ruth Bower. Ch. Sam- uel b. 17 Sept. 1651, Mehitabel b. at East- ham 20 May, 1052, Mehitabel b. and d. 20 May, 1053, Barbara b. 28 Sept. 1053. He had land at the head of George Bowers' meadow in 1640. Will, "the Lad.v Moodie's man," Lynn, res- ident April 28, 1639. [Mdx. Piles.] KNOWLTON, NOLTON, see KENNING, John, shoemalser, Ipswich, propr. 1639; frm. June 2, 1641. Will dated 29 (9) 1653, prob. 28 (1) 1654, beq. to wife Margery; ch. John, Abraham and Elizabeth; bros. Thomas and William K. The widow made will 20 Feb. 16.53, prob. 28 (1) 1654, making bro. Thomas K. exec, of her own and her husband's wills; bro. Wilson one of the overseers; Theophilus W. deposed. Thomas, shoemaker, Ipswich, propr. 1641; bought land in 1641; deacon. Wife Susanna. He d. April 3, 1692. 275 KNOWLTON, etc., cont. William, bricklayer, Ipswich, propr. 1641; sold land in 1643. The account of the est. of W. K. was pre- sented in Essex Prob. by his bro. Thomas in 1078. He had kept two boys from the age of five to eight and a girl from one year old till she married. William, Hingham, propr. died before June 11, 1049, when his widow Anne m. John Tucker. Admin, of his est. was gr. 23 Oct. 1067, to his widow Anne and only dau. Susannah; inv. presented 26 May, 1008. KULEM, see Kilham. KYRTLAND, see Kirtland. KNOWNE, William, Salem, 1642. LACOCK, Lawrence, ship-carpenter, Boston. Wife Alice adm. chh. 22 (1) 1044. LADD, Daniel, husbandman, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633. Settled at Ips- wich; propr. Feb. 5, 1637. Rem. to Salis- bury; husbandman; propr. 1639. Rem. to Haverhill before 1048. Wife Ann; ch. Eliz- abeth b. Xov. 1, 1040, (m. Nathaniel Smith,) Daniel b. July 0, 1642, Lydia b. 8 (8) 1045, (m. Josiah Gage,) Mary b. Feb. 14, 1646, (m. Caleb Richardson,) Samuel b. Nov. 1, 1649, Nathaniel b. March 10, 1651, Ezekiel b. Sept. 16, 1654. Sarah b. Nov. 4, 1657, (m. Onesi- porus JIarsh). The widow Ann d. Feb. 10, 1093-4. [Reg. XXXVIII, 345.] He d. July 27, 1093. Will dated Jan. 30, 1092, prob. Jan. 9, 1094-5, beq. to wife; re- ferred to deeds of land he had given to his ch.; beq. to son-in-law Josiah Gage. Admin, gr. to son Daniel. LAHORNE, LAHERNE, LEIGHORNE, LEYHORNE, [see HOBNE,] James, Duxbury, hired to serve Fran- cis Sprague for 1 year from Feb. 1, 1038-9. Rowland, planter, Duxbury, propr., 1630. Debtor of John Atwood of Plymouth in 1042. Rem. to Charlestown; cow-keeper in 1645; bought land in 1648. He m. Jan. 14, 1635, "Flower." [Flora] — ; she joined him in a deed of land in 1654. LADDON, see LITDDON. LAKE, LEAKE, Anne, ae. 19, came in the Desire, cert, from Baddow, Esses, Eng., in June, 1635. John, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 2 (10) 1643, frm. May 29, 1644. Bought land June 20, 1648. He deposed to the admin, of Thos. Millard in 1669-70, ae. about 51 years. Wife Mary; ch. Caleb b. 27 (3) 1645, Persis bapt. 31 (8) 1647, ae. about 13 days, Mary bapt. 3 (4) 1649, ae. about 4 days. He made will 3 Aug., prob. 9 Aug. 1677; beq. to wife Lucy; bro-in-law Matthew Coy and his wife; cousin Lake; cousins John and Mary, ch. of bro. Luke L.; Mary Saxton. Widow and said John L. execs. James Tay- lor was appointed guardian to the nephew John Lake, 6 Oct. 1677. Capt. Thomas, son of Richard, of Erby, Eng., b. in 1615, ni. Mary, dau. of Stephen Goodyear, deputy gov. of New Haven Col- ony; came early to Boston. Was engaged in trade and had extensive land interests in Maine. He deposed in Boston July 30, 1663, ae. about 48 years, about Penobscot lands, for which he had paid rent to Col. Temple. Wife Mary; ch. Stephen b. 13 (12) 1649, Mary b. and d. 1653, Mary b. and d. 1659, Edward b. and d. 1662, Ann b. Oct. 12, 1663, (m. Mr. Increase Mather.) John b. Feb. 22, 1665, d. June 27, 1690, Nathaniel b. July IS, 1668, Rebecca b. July 6, 1670, Sarah b. Sept. 14, 1671. He was slain by the Indians at Kennebec Aug. 16, 1676. Will dated 27 Feb. 1663, prob. 20 Feb. 1676, beq. to sister Lydia Goodyeare, to Sam. Sheepheard, pastor at Rowley, to cousin George Rokesby, Mr. .John Shearman, pastor at Wat., Mr. Heni-y ffrencham; to wife Mary; to ch. Steven, Thomas and Anne. The widow d. in 1705; beq. her est. to cous- ins John and Richard Watts and Mary Tre- worthy. Thomas, husbandman, Dorchester, adm. chh. 20 (9) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641, propr., town officer. Wife Alice d. Oct. 20, 1678, ae. 70. His kinsman and servant, Thomas Lake, called before the church 19 (12) 1659. He d. Oct. 27, 1678, ae. 80. Will prob. 14 Nov. 1678, beq. to the church a piece of plate for the Lord's table; to his bro. Henry Lake and his children; to one of them, his cousin Thomas L.; to the overseers of the will. 276 LAKIKT, see Larkin. LAMB, LAMBE, Edward, Watertown, propr., sold house and land in 1647-8. Wife Margaret; ch. Han- nah b. 27 (10) 1033, Mai-y b. and d. 1635, Sam- uel b. 3 (2) 1637, Mary b, 30 (2) 1639, John and Increase b. and d, 1640, Elizabeth bapt. in Boston 27 (61 1648, ae. about 11 days. He d. about 1650. The widow m. 2, Sam- uel Allen, and with him as adminr sold house to Thomas Boyden, 19 Oct. 1050, by order of Gen. Court. Roger, residence not stated, frm. May 18, 1031. Thomas, Roxbur.y, came in 1630; brought ch. Thomas and John. [E.] Frm. May 18, 1631. Rec'd the right July 2, 1633, to take slate on Slate Island for 3 years at .yearly rent of 2s., 6d. Wife Elizabeth was bur. Nov. 28, 1639; he m. July 16, 1640, Dor- othy Harbittle. Ch. Thomas and John men- tioned above, Samuel b. (8) 1030, (bapt. at Dorchester,) Abel b. (6) 1633, dau.. Decline b. (2) 1637, Benjamin b. Nov. 27, 1639. Caleb b. 9 (2) 1641, Joshua b. Nov. 27, 1642, Mary bapt. 29 (7) 1644, Abiel b. Aug. 15, 1646. He d. April 3, 1646. The widow m. Thom- as Hawley and sold lands 4 (4) 1669. [SufC. De. VI, 42. Col. rec. 1633.] LAMBERT, Francis, Rowley, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Jane. Ch. Jonathan b. 20 (II) 1639, Gershom b. 16 (1) 1643, Thomas h. and d. 1644-5, John, (m. 14 May, 1662, Abigail Hutchinson,) Ann, (m. Dec. 16, 1659, Thomas Nelson, Jr.). Gershom in his will in 1664 mentions "Aunt Rogers and cousin Eliza- beth Pratt." See Barker, Thomas. He d. Sept. 21, 1647. Will dated the day before, was prob. 28 (1) 1648. He beq. to wife Jane, ch. John, Jonathan, Gershom, and Ann. Jonathan to be brought up as a scholar; bro. Thomas Barker and wife Jane execs. The widow was bur. June 7, 1659. Michael, Salem, lawsuit in 1037, propr. 1G48. Wife Elizabeth in 1647. [Es. Files.] He m. [at Boston] in 1659 Elinor Furnell, widow. Admin, of his est. gr. 29 (9) 1676, to wid- ow EUinor; minor ch. Michael, Abigail, Moses, Rebecca. Richard, .ioiner, Salem, propr. 1636. XAMBERT, cont., Before Geu. Court Oct. C, 1634; before Essex Court in 1637 and 1648. William, ae. 20, came in tne Susan and Elleu in April, 103."). liAMBSON, LAMSON, LAMPSON, Barnabas, Cambridge, propr. and town officer, 1035. Will undated, prob. Suffolk co. about 1040. He disposed of his eh. thus: Mary to bro. Sparhawk, Sarah to bro. Isaac, Barnabey to bro. Parish, [ilartha] to bro. Stone, Jo- seph to bro. Bridge. [Reg. II, 104.] William, Ipswich, propr., frm. May 17, 1637. He had liberty from Gen. Court 7 Sept., 1641, to fell trees on the other side of Chebaceo, not within limits of any town. Inv. of his est. was taken 14 Feb. 1658. Admin. March 29, 16.59; widow Sarah and 8 children; bros. John Ay res and Wm. Fel- lows. The widow being about to marry Thomas Hartshorne of Reading, he gave security 11 (10) 1059, for the payment of the children's portions. Eldest son 16 yrs. old, next 9, third 2, and youngest 24 weeks; daus. aged 14, 7, 5 and 4, respectively. Ac- count against John and the other children by Anthony Potter, March 29, 1682. [Es. files XXXVII, IS.] John deposed ii. 1082, ae. 39 years. LAND, see LANE. LANE, LAINE, LANNE, LAND, Job, carpenter, Dorchester, son of James L. of Great Misenden, Bucks, made Mr. Lenthall, minister of Little Haunden, Bucks, his attorney 20 (9) 1047, with refer- ence to the lands at Rickmansworth in same CO., now or late in possession of Henry or John L.. which rightly descend to Job. [A.] Frm. May 14, 1656. Rem. to Maiden, re- maining a memb. of the Dorch. ehh. De- posed 20 (11) 1054, ae. 30 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Sarah d. about May 10, 1059. He m. (7) 1000, Anna, dau. of Mr. John Rey- ner of Plymouth and Dover. Ch. Sarah bapt. 28 (3) 1048, Mary bapt. 7 (0) 1053, Rebecca b. at Maiden (3) 1058, bapt. at Dorch. 4 (5) 1658, John bapt. 17 (9) 1661, "above 14 of a year old, their dwelling soe remote," Anna b. and d. 1662, Jemina b. Aug. 19, 1666. [See Lane papers in Reg. XI.] Sarah m. Oct. 1655, James Lewis of Barnstable. LANE, etc., cont., William, Dorchester, propr., 1637. Wife Agnes memb. chh. about 1637. Ch. George, ae. 22, came as a servant to Angel Hollard iu 1034-5, with "kinswoman." [sis- ter] Sarah, ae. 18; she m. Nathaniel Baker, Jr.; Annis or Avith, (m. Thomas Lincoln the cooper;) Mary, (m. Joseph Long,) Elizabeth, (m. Thomas Rider;) Andrew. Will prob. July 6, 1654; house to son-in-law Thomas Rider and my dau. Elizabeth, his wife; dau. Mary Long; sons George and Andrew Lane, and Thomas Linck- horne and Nathaniel Baker, all of Hingham; faithful servant, Freedome King- ley; loving bro. Joseph Farnworth and John Wiswell, exec. [Reg. V, 304.] William, Boston, 1049; chimney-sweep- er, 1055. Frm. May 0, 1057. He m. 21 (6) 1656, Mary, dau. of Thomas Brewer of Roxbury; she was adm. chh. 4 (5) 1661. Ch. Samuel b. 23 (11) 1651, John b. 5 Feb. 1653, Mary b. 15 May, 16.56, Sarah b. 15 June, 1657, Wil- liam b. 1 Oct., 1659, Elizabeth b. Feb. 3, 1661, Thomas b. March 8, 1663. Ebenezer b. March 27, 1606. LANG, LANGE, Richard, clapboard-ryver. Weymoutn, came about 1634; made complaint against town officers for failure to allot him a due proportion of land. Case heard by Mr. Stoughton Nov. 23, 1640. [Col. Rec. and L.] LANGDON, LANCKTON, LANGTON, John, sail maker, Boston, witnessed a bond of John Purse in 1045. [A.] Mortg. land March 22, 1661. Wife Sarah; ch. Abi- gail b. Aug. 5. 1060. Admin, of his est. Essex Court gr. 30 (9) 1077, to Stephen Haskett, to whose children, it was proved, he beq. his estate. George, Wethersfield, Conn., rem. to Springfield; town officer 1050. He m. 29 (4) 1048, the widow Hayues of Spr. Ch. Hes- ter b. 22 (6) 1649. Rem. to Northampton. Will dated Nov. 28, 1676, beq. to wife; to son Thomas Hanchet; dans. Corber, Prltch- et and Easier Hannam: son John and gr. son Samuel L. Roger, Ipswich, propr. 1635; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Rem. to Haverhill. Town officer, 1065. Inv. of his est., taken 24 Jan. 1671, was filed by Edmond Bridges. 277 LANGEMORE, John, sei-vant to Christopher Martin, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; d. soon after arriving. [B.] LANGEB, Richard, Hingham, propr. 1636. Will, dated Feb. 20, 1659, prob. 2 May, 1661. Inv. taken Feb. 18, 1660. All his lands in Hingham, N. E. which he bought of his son-in-law Thomas Lincoln, and land at Great Rocke and Conyhasset to his dau. Margaret's oldest son, Joshua Lincoln; beq. to daus. Margaret, Dinah and Elizabeth. Witness, Nicholas Baker. [Reg. X, 269 and XXXI, 178.] LANGFOED, LANCKFORD, John, residence not stated, frm. May 1645. Richard. Plymouth, taxed in 1G32. He d. 14 Sept.; inv. taken by Joshua Pratt and Edw. ffoster, pres. 28 Oct. 1633. LANGHORNE, see LONGHORNE. LANGLEY, LONGLEY, Abel, Rowley, propr. about 1647; town officer; wife Sarah bur. 16 May, 1666. He m. 21 (10) 1GG6, Mary Dickinson; 3d wife Sarah was bur. June 20, 1683. Ch. Sarah b. Nov. 7, 1675, Abel b. 31 (1) 1677, John b. 31 May, 1681. He d. before 7 Oct. 1693, when Joseph Quilter, exec, of his est, conveyed land on behalf of his cousin, Abel L., Jr. Richard, Lynn, propr., 1638. William, Lynn, son of John Longley, clerk, of Frisby, co. Lincoln, made letter of attorney Aug. 8, 1639, to Thomas Meeke of Waynflete St. Mary, co. aforesaid, gent., to sell and rent lands, goods, and legacies descended to him from his said father. [L.] Frm. March 4, 1638-9. Town officer. De- posed in 1661, ae. 47. Rem. to Groton. He d. Nov. 29, 1680. Will made 3 Nov. 1680, recorded 10 (2) 1681; beq. to wife Jo- anna, sons John and William, daus. Mary Lemmond, Hannah Tarbell, Lydia Nutten and Sarah Rand and their children specified. LANNIN, James, glover, ae. 26, cert, from Step- ney parish, came in the Planter March 22, 1634. LANOE, see DELANO. i LAPHAM, Thomas, Scituate, adm. chh. April 24, 1636, prop. frm. 5 March, 163S-9. He sola house and % acre of land in Tenterden, Eng., near to Sir Edward Hales' place called Bures He, to Thomas Hiland; confirmed by the widow 22 June, 1650. He m. March 13, 1636, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Tilden; ch. Elizabeth bapt. May 6, 1638, Rebecca bapt! March 15, 1045, Joseph bapt. Sept. 24, 1648. Will dated Jan. 15, 1644, prob. Oct. 1, 1652; inv. taken Jan. 23, 1648; wife Mary, ch. Eliz- abeth, Mary, Thomas and Lydia. [Reg IV 319.] LARGE, William, and his wife came to Hing- ham in 1635; propr. 1636. 278 LARKIN, LARGIN, LAUKIN, LAWGIN LASKIN, ' Edward, turner, wheelmaker, Charles- town, adm. chh. 23 (7) 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Joanna adm. chh. 11 (81 1038. Ch. .John b. and bapt. 10 (1) 1640, Sarah bapt. 4 (7) 1641, Elizabeth b. 5 (7) 1641, (sic,) Han- nah b. 16 (1) 1643, "of John and Joane," Thomas b. 18 (8) 1644, Joanna, Sarah b. 12 (1) 1647. The son John, in his will, calls John Nowell his brother. Henry, Boston. Wife Anna; ch. Su- sanna b. 16 (11) 1645. He m. 2, Alice, wid- ow of Jeremiah Moore; ch. Joseph b. in 1653, d. in 1654. [Suff. De. "VI, 7.] Hugh, (Laskin,) Salem, propr. 1635, memb. chh. 1636. Servant boy named Eliot in court in 1641. His dau. Edith m. Henry Herrick, q. v. Inv. of his est. March 21, 1658-9. William, Reading, propr. 1647; town officer. Rem. to Groton. He receipted June 10, 1646, for a legacy from his father Wil- liam L., late of Reading, Eng., paid to him by his father-in-law, (step-father,) William Martin. Similar legacy was paid Aug. 5, 1673, to his bro. John L., of Groton. [Wife] Lydia memb. chh. 1648; ch. Mary b. 7 (9), d. 3 (11) 1649, [Mdx. De. I.] William b. May G, 1655, John b. Jan. 3, 1657, Jonathan b. June 28, 16G1, Mary b. Feb. 16, 1662. XARY, Sarah, Charlestown, adm. chh. 2 (7) 1639. LASSELL, LAZELL, Henry, Scituate, memb. chli. 1637. John, Hingham; town officer. He m. Nov. 29, 1647, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen Gates; she d. 3 Aug. 1704. Ch. John bapt. Sept. 8, 1G50, d. 14 May, 1065, Thomas b. Sept. 15, 1652, Joshua b. Nov. 17, 1654, Ste- phen b. Oct. 6, 1656 .Elizabeth b. Feb. 28, 1657-8, d. 7 April, 1076, Isaac b. July 10, 1660, Hannah b. Aug. 31, 1662, (m. — Turner,) Ma- ry b. Sept. 2, 1664, (m. Simon Burr, Jr.,) Sa- rah b. Nov. 29, 1666, (m. Peter Ripley,) John b. April 25, 1669, Israel b. Sept. 24, 1671. He d. Oct. 21, 1700. Will dated 2 Sept. 1695, prob. 16 Jan. 1700-1; sons Thomas, Ste- phen, John and Israel, and the ch. of Josh- ua and Isaac, dec; daus. Hannah Turner, Mary Burr and Sarah Ripley. LATCOME, William, came in the Hercules in April, 1634. LATHAM, LATHOM, LATHTTM, LATH- RUM, Gary, or Carath, Cambridge, propr. Sold house in 1645-6 and rem. to New Lon- don, Conn. Wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Masters; ch. Thomas b. (9) 1639, Joseph b. 2(10)16[..] Mary, executed as a criminal in 1643. [W.] Robert, Marshfleld, propr. 1650, pun- ished for causing the death of his servant, John Walker in Jan. 1654-5. Wife Susanna; ch. Mercy b. 2 June, 1050. William, a servant boy in the family of Gov. John Carver, came in the Mayflower; was taxed in Plymouth in 1632; planter. Rem. to Duxbury . Deposed in 1641. ae. about 32. [L.] He went to Eng. and after- ward to the Bahama Islands. [B.] LATON, LAUGHTON, see LEIGHTON. LATHROP, see LOTHROP. LAUNDER, LAUNDERS, Thomas, ae. 22, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Had beq. of 3 li. from Dennis (ieere of Lynn 10 Dec, 1635. Settled at Sandwich; propr., 1640, atba. 1643. He m. July 2, 1651, Jane Kerbie. Ch. John b. Jan. 2, 1653, Martha b. March 7, 1654, Mary b. Jan. 23, 1656. He d. Nov. 11, 1675. Inv. of his est. taken 15 Nov. 1675. William, Marshfleld, servant to Mr. John Combe, transferred 5 April, 1C42, to Mr. Wm. Thomas, and Nov. 9, 1643, to Thom- as Bourne. Inv. filed Jan. 1, 1648, and will dated 19 Dec. prob. 8 March, 1648. Beq. to the chil- dren of Robert Waterman; to Roger Glase, and to Jonathan Brewster and his wife. LAVER, LAUER, LEVVER, see Leaver, Margery, Dorchester memb. chh. about 1639. WiU, dated 4 (6) 1664, prob. 10 (9) 1664, beq. to Mr. William Tompson, Mr. Richard Mather, Daniel Preston and his wife and children, Jane Gurnet, Mr. John and Thomas Wiswall. [Reg. XIII, 13.] LAWRENCE, LARRENCE, LAWREN- SON, LAWRUN, see Lary, Henry, Gharlestown, propr. before 1638. Christian, [his widow?] with her son John sold house and land July 22, 1646. This John deposed 4 (4) 1639, ae. 24 years. The widow d. March 3, 1647-8. James, a servant, before Boston Court, 29 (5) 1641. John, carpenter, Watertown, propr., 1636, frm. April 17, 1637. He deposed 20 (1) 1657, ae. about 35 years. [Mdx. Deeds] He sold mansion and land at Wat. in 1662 and rem. to Groton. Wife Elizabeth d. Aug. 29, 1663, and he m. Susanna, dau. of Wm. Bachiler of Charlestown. Ch. John b. 14 (1) 1635, Nathaniel b. 15 (8) 1639, Joseph b. and d. 1642, Joseph b. 30 (3) 1643, Jonathan bur. 6 (2) 1643, Mary b. 16 (5) 1645, Peleg b. 10 (11) 1647, Enos b. 5 (1) 1648, Zechariah b. 9 (1) 1658. He d. July 11, 1667; the widow d. July 8, 1668. In his will he appoints his wife and sons Nathaniel and Joseph execs.; names also ch. Enoch, Samuel, Isaac, Jonathan, Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary; the widow 279 liA WHENCE, etc., cont., in her will adds daus. Abigail and Susanna, her own children; beq. to her sisters Rachel Atwood and Abigail Asting. Nicholas, of Oharlestown, sold land ad- joining that of John L. 24 (12) 1648. Rem. to Dorchester. €'h. Samuel bapt. 10 (8) 1652, Thomas bapt. 28 (3) 1654, Mary b. 1656, Pa- tience bapt. 20 (4) 1658, Nathaniel bapt. 12 (6) 1660, Nicholas bapt. 29 (4) 1662, Rebecca bapt. 11 (7) 1664, Ebenezer b. about 1666, Benjamin bapt. 31 (10) 1671. Inv. of his est. includes carpenter's tools; filed 21 May, 1685, by widow Mary. He beq. to wife Mary; to eldest son; to the other four children, Mary Rebecca, Nicholas and Ben- jamin. Robert, Marshfield, propr. 1644. Thomas. Hingham, propr. 1637. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth, (m. 31 (10) 1658, William Smead.) Mary, (m. 28 (8) 1658, Thomas Modesley,) Sarati bapt. March 4, 1643-4. He d. 5 (9) 1655. Nunc, will made in pres- ence of his wife's brother elder Edward Bates of Weymouth and John Smith of Hing., beq. to wife Elizabeth; cert. 16 (3) 1675. The widow rem. to Dorchester, where the daus. married; deposed to a transfer of land in 1675, referring to her children. She d. Feb. 18, 1679. William, Duxbury, atba. 1(543; a son-in- law of Francis Sprague, who sold him land at Dux. April 1, 1644. LAW, etc., cent., of John Cheney and widow of Anthony Sad- dler; sihe died, and he m. 2, May 2, 1666, Faith, widow of John Smith. Ch. Rebecca b. 9 (7) 1646, John b. March 20, 1648, both bur. 9 (7) 1652; Mary b. 23 (3) 1650, bur. 29 (3) 1653, Rebecca b. 1 (4) 1655, Mary b. 15 (8) 1657, John b. 1 March, 1659, bur. 23 (5) 1661, Priscilla b. 18 (9) 1662, Aquila b. July 26, 1667, d. April 15, 1669. He was bur. March 30, 1668. Widow Faith testified about sale of land by him 29 Sept 1668. LAWSON, Christopher, cooper, Boston, 1643. Propr. Many transactions in merchandise and real estate. Propr. at Piscataqua. His wife Elizabeth gave power of attorney 20 (8 )1646. to Barnabas Fawer for collection of legacies from Henry and Thomas James of Filton, CO. Gloc. Eng. [A.] He deposed in 1671, ae. about 55 years. [Es. Files.] Propr. at Haverhill, 1(349. His wife deserted him and returned to Eng.; tie petitioned for divorce 11 Oct. 1670. Ch. Thomas b. 4 (3) 1643, Mary b. 27 (8) 1645. Admin, of his est. was gr. 20 Nov. 1682, to Edward Thyng. Henry, his creditors called to prove their claims at Gen. Court June 14, 1631. LEDAGE, Henry, tailor of James April 15, 1635. Sarum, came in the XAW, LAWS, LAWES, Francis, weaver, born in Norwich, Eng., and there living, passed exam, in April, 1637, to go to N. E. with wife, child Mary and servants Samuel Lincorne, ae. 18, and Anne Smith, ae. 19. Settled at Salem. Propr. His wife adm. chh. 19 (7) 1640. Dau. Mary deposed in 1663, ae. about 48 years. His will dated 6 Nov. 1665, prob. 28 (4) 1666, beq. to dau. Mary, her husband John Neale and their ch. Jeremiah, John, Jona- than and Lydia. William, ae. 12, with Marie, ae. 9, and John, ae. 17, apparently registered as the ch. of John Tuttell, came in the Planter in April, 1635. Settled at Rowley; propr., tovra officer. He m. Sept. 3, 1645, Mary, dau. LEECH, LEACH, Ambrose, carpenter, Sudbury, propr., contracted in 1641 to buUd a bridge over the river. Was one of the sureties for Charles Dobson at Boston 6 (9) 1649. Res. at Narra- gansett Nov. 9, 1663, when he sold land at Boston. [Mdx. Files, 1650.] Mr. John. bro. of Lawrence, Salem, reed, for an inhabitant in 1636. Presented at court in 1647, for not living with his wife. Frm. May 29, 1644. His nunc, will was prob. 20 (10) 1658. He was occupied at the Iron Works. Beq. all to John, son of Richard Leech. Lawrence, sent over to Salem by the Mass. Bay Co. in 1629. [SufC. De. I.] Jury man Nov. 29, 1630. Frm. May 18, 1631. Propr.; town officer repeatedly. Lands gr. to 280 LEECH, etc., cont., liis sons Robert and John, 1636-7. A way laid out in 1657 from the meeting-house on Cape Ann side to his mill. Wife Elizabeth memb. chh. in earliest list. His nunc, will prob. 25 (4) 1602. He was 85 yeai-s old. Beq. all to his wife. Owed £30 for the mill. Admin, gr. to widow Eliza- beth. Margaret, ae. 22, came in tihe Susaa and Ellen in April, 1035. Richard, Salem, 1038; frm. May 3, 1665. He deposed in 1678, ae. about 60 years. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648 or 13 (6) 1648. Ch. John bapt. 3 (7) 1648, John and Sarah bapt. 19 (9) 1648, Rachel bapt. 6 (2) 1651, Eliza bapt. 27 (9) 1653, Mary bapt. 3 (7) 1654, Richard bapt. 15 (4) 1656. His will dated 17 June, prob. Nov. 25, 1687, beq. to wife Sarah; son John; daus. Eliza- beth, wife of Benjamin Collins, Mary, wife of Benjamin Ireson, Hannah and Rachel; Joseph, Sarah and John Herrick, eh. of dau. Sarah; young Pascho Foote, now living with him. [Original, written on isarchment, in Es. Files, 47, 87.] See Fuller, Ann. Robert, collar maker, CharlestowD, 1637. Propr. He deposed in 1663. ae. about 57 years. Sarah adm. chh. 9 (7) 1639. Mary d. Feb. 11, 1658. Ch. Elizabeth m. John Fosket. He d. May 22, 1688, ae . about 80. Will prob. at Boston 14 June, 1688, beq. to the 7 children of John Foskit and dau. Mary; chiefly to Thomas F. and his wife Miriam. LEADER, Ricliard, gent., merchant, Lynn, ageut for the Iron Works Co., in Sept., 1645. He had formerly been employed about mines in Ireland. Covenanted with the Adventurers in Iron Works in 1644 to take charge of their affairs 7 years at £ 100 per annum, with house, ground for horses and cows and passage for himself, wife, 2 children and 3 servants. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] [Suff. De. 1, 62.] Propr., Boston. Aug. 24, 1653. [W.] Sold the slitting mill in Lynn to Capt Wm. Hathorne in 1650. Sold lands in Boston In 1655. Thomas, Dedham, propr. 21 (7) 1638; his wife adm. chh. 30 (2) 1641. Rem. to Bos- ton; adm. townsman 31 (3) 1647. Had charge of the yoking and ringing of swine LEADER, cent., for the town. Wife Rebecca d. 16 (10) 1653. He m. 2, Susanna, widow of George Hau- borne. He m. 3, Ales — , who survived him. Susan, wife of Thomas Leader of Boston made will 24 May, 1657, prob. at Hampton 6 (8) 1657; beq. to her husband; to Edward Rishworth, Thomas Wheelwright, Merabah Smith, Hannah Clifford, Samuel Dalton, Robert Smith, Henry Elkins, Henry Robie and Mary Wedgewood. Inv. shows house and land in H., etc. Edward Rish- worth receipted 31 (9) 1659, for his share of that est. which was given him by Susanna Habborne of Hampton. He d. 28 Oct. 1663. Will dated 17 Oct. 1663, prob. Nov. 3, 1663. To wife Ales the house he used to let; to son Samuel dwelling house, land tools, etc.; to Thomas, Abigail and Rebecca ch. of his late son John. [Reg. XII, 156.] LEAGER, LEGER, LEDGER, LEAGUER, LEGAR, LEGARE, Jacob, husbandman, Boston, 1638, adm. chh. 14 (1) 1641, frm. June 2, 1641. He m. 1, Elizabeth, widow of John Greene of Hadley, Eng., who brought over her son Sol- omon and dau. Mary. [L.] She was adm. chh. Boston 12 (3) 1639. He m. 2. Ann, dau. of Wm. Blake of Dorchester. Ch. Bethia bapt. in Doreh. 10 (6 )1651, (m. Fearnwt Shaw,) Hannah b. Nov. 14, 1655, (m. John Walker.) He d. Feb. 24, 1662-3; will dated Nov. 10, 1662, prob. March 19, 1662-3. Beq. to wife and daus.; to my sister Marie's ch. in Bng.; to Jacob and Joseph Walker and Elishua Thurston; 12 d. apiece to second wife's chil- dren. [Reg. XI, 340; "Increase Blake," p. 23.] The widow d. July 12, 1681, ae. 63 years. LEARNED, LERNED, EARNED, LAR- NET, William, Charlestown, propr. 1630; adm. chh. with wife Goodith 6 (10) 16.32; frm. May 14. 1634; memb. of the com. to pro- pose to the Court a body of laws in 1638. One of the founders of the town and chh. of Woburn, 1640. Town officer. Wife Goodith (Judith,) d.. and he m. 2, Sarah or Jane — . Ch. Isaac and Sarah. He d. March 1, 1645. Widow "Sarah" or "Jane" L., d. at Maiden 24 (11) 1660. Admin, gr. to Ralph Stoepherd April 2, 1661. 281 LEATHEBLAND, William, carpenter, Boston, one of Mr. Roe's servants, adm. chh. 24 (9) 1633. He may be the frm. adm. March 4, 1634-5, en- rolled as "Netherland." He gave half of his house to his sister, the wife of Nathaniel Pa- tridge, and to her husband, about 1647. Per- haps he is the William Lullaby who was in the service of Mr. Hill of Boston (12) 1649. [Es. Files I, 142..] Wife Margaret joined him in a deed to Peter Tyll, sawyer, Feb. 5, 1662. He deposed 25 Jan. 1670, ae. 62 years. LEATHERMOBE, see Livermore. LEAVES, Ellen, ae. 17, came in the Hopewell in Sept., 1635. LEAVITT, LEVITE, LEVET, John, tailor, Dorchester, 1634, propr., frm. March 3, 1635-6. Rem. to Hingham; propr. 1636; deacon, town officer, deputy. ■Vpife — d. 4 July, 1646. Perhaps Mary "Lovitt," memb. Dorch. chh. before 1639, was this person. He m. Dec. 16, 1646, Sarah, dau. of Edward Gilman. Ch. John, Hannah bapt. April 7, 1639,( m. John Lob- dell.) Samuel bapt. April, 1641, Elizabeth bapt. April 8, 1644, (m. Samuel Judkins,) Jeremiah bapt. March 1, 1645-6, Israel bapt. April 23, 1648, Moses bapt. Aug. 12,1650, JosiaU b. May, 1653, Netiemiah b. Jan. 22, 1655-6, Sarah b. Feb. 25, 1658, (m. Nebemiah Clap,) Mary b. June 21, 1661, (m. Benjamin Bates,) Hannah b. March 20, 1663-4, (m. Jo- seph Loring,) Abigail b. Dec. 4, 1667, (m. Isaac Lassell.) See letter concerning the will of John Lobdell in 1673. He d. Nov. 1691, ae. 83. Will prob. 27 Jan. folg. To wife Sarah; gr. ch. Samuel Jud- kin; 9 children, viz.: Samuel, Israel, Moses. Josiah, Nehemiah, Sarah, (wife of Samuel How,) Mary, (wife of Benjamin Bate.) Han- nah, (wife of Joseph Loring,) Abiell. (wife of Isaac Lazell.) Refers to money lent his dau. Sarah when she was a widow by the name of Clap; gr. ch. John, son of Israel; Bathsheba, wife of Joseph Turner, former- ly wife of his son John Leavitt. LECHFOED, Thomas, gent, Clements' Inn, London, practiser at law, arrived at Boston 27 (4) 1638. Kept careful record of papers drawn by or executed before him until his ret. to Eng., Aug. 3, 1641. This Note Book, pub- lished by the American Antiquarian Society in 1885, is a mine of wealth to students of the colonial period. At his suggestion public record of deeds and wills was begun in Bos- ton. He was not in accord with the preval- ent ideas of ehurcih and state here, and after returning to Eng. he published in 1642 "Plain Dealing: or Newes from New Eng- land," a book full of criticism of the colonial governments. His wife Elizabeth was here with him; after his death she m. Sam- uel Wilbore. She was adm. chh. Nov 29, 1645. Inv. of Lechford's est. was filed in B. 3 (3) 1648. and admin, gr. to S. W. After Mr. Wil- bores death she m. Henry Bishop, and d. about 1655. [Reg. XXX, 201.] [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3-3.] LEE, LEA, LEIGH, John, fined 1 April, 1634, for calling Mr. Ludlow names, Ipswich, propr. 1640. He deposed in 165S, ae. about three score years. [Es. Files.] Will dated 12 June, prob. 26 Sept. 1671, beq. to wife: to sons John and Joseph, to Sarah Hungerfoot a portion to be paid her at marriage, beside what I have already giv- en her. provided she continue to live with my wife till that time. His son John sold land 28 Nov. 26, [1674,] which his late fath- er had purchased. Robert, Plymouth, frm. Jan. 3, 1636. He and his wife Mai-y called bro. and sister by Mr. John Atwood; their ch. Anne and Mary also remembered in his will, in 1643. Juryman in 1646. Town officer. The widow Mary d. in Oct. 1681, having spent the last 8 years in the family of her son En- sign John Howland of Barnstable. Inv. pres. 8 March, 1681-2. Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1641. Sold house and lot 2 May, 1659, wife Alice con- senting. He d. 23 March, 1661-2. Will dated 19 March. 1661, prob. 17 April, 1662, beq. to wife Alice; gr. son Richard Lee; dau. Susan- na, now in Eng. or her children, if any of 282 LEE, etc., cont., them shall be here to demand it within 7 years. William, ae. 16, came in the Planter la April, l(i35. LEAVER, LEVER, see Laver, Thomas, linen weaver, Rowley, propr. Bought land 21 (12) 1650. He deposed in 1682, ae. 67 years. He m. 1 Sept., 1643, Mary Bradley; ch. Prudence b. 11 (6) 1644, Thomas b. 2 (5) 1647, Mary b. 5 (7) 1649, Jon- athan b. 28 (.6) 1657, bur. Aug. 8, 1660. He was bur. Dec. 27, 1683. His inv. men- tions only son Thomas, who had been in partnership with him; dans. Prudence, wife of Samuel Stickney, and Mary, wife of Sam- uel Dressar. The widow Mary testified 15 April, 1674, to her husband's promise to Thomas on the day of his marriage. LEEDS, Richard, mariner, ae. 32, of Great Yar- mouth, Eng., with wife Joane, ae. 23, and 1 child, passed exam, to go to N. B. April 12, 1637. Settled at Dorchester, propr. 1638, frm. May, 1645. Ch. Joseph and Benjamin, twins, bapt. 4 (2) 1639, Hannah bapt. 6 (12) 1639-40, m. (Samuel Clap 18 (11) 1658.) Wife Joan d. Feb. 9, 1682. He d. March 18, 1693-4, ae. about 98 years. Will dated 2 March, prob. 30 March, 1692-3, near an hundred years old; beq. to ch. Jo- seph and Benjamin Leeds and Hannah Clap; to the heirs of his dau.-in-law Mrs. Miriam Leeds his land at Northampton; to gr. dh. Joseph L.; to pastor, Mr. Danforth. LEGG, LEDG, John, in service of Mr. Humphrey at Lynn 3 May, 1631. [Col. Rec] Frm. May 6, 1635. Before the Court in 1638. Rem. to Marblehead; propr. 1649. He deposed In 1657, ae. about 45 years, as to the fencing of Nahant by Mr. H. and others. The wife Elizabeth deposed in 1665, ae. about 57 years; son John, ae. about 21. Will prob. 2 (5) 1674: wife Elizabeth and ch. Samuel, John and Daniel. LENNER, LEONARDSON, Solomon, Duxbury, propr. 7 May, 1638, atba. 1043. He rem. to Bridgewater. His est. was settled upon sons Samuel and John and other ch. 27 Oct., 1675. LEIGHORNE, see Lahorne. LEIGHTON, LIGHTON, LATON, LAY- TON, LAUGHTON, LETTIN, LET- TYNE, Alice (Laton), Barnstable, m. in 1641 iioger Goodspeed. John, Ipswich, was paid for Indian ser- vice in 1643. Allowed to build a weir in 1648. Constable. John, [the same?] m. at Bos- ton Sept 1, 1659, widow Johannah MuUings. Richard, Concord, propr. before Jan. 20, 1643, Rowley, propr. about 1643; was paid in 1654 for underpinning the meeting- house. He m. 14 Nov. 1650, Mary — ; ch. Josiah b. at Cone. 20 (12) 1640, a son b. 12 (7) 1643; b. at Rowl., John b. 12 (2) 1651, Mary b. 16 (10) 1654, Ezekiel b. 12 (8) 1657, Rich- ard bur. June 2, 1660, Richard b. Dec. 9, 1664. He was bur. 2 June, 1084. Will prob. 26 Sept.; beq. to wife, sons John and Ezekiel, and daus. Mary and Sarah. Thomas, ae. 23, came in the Elizabeth April 15, 1635; settled at Lynn; propr. 1638; selectman 1643. Frm. March 14 1638-9. Li- censed to sell wine 14 May, 1645. Deputy 1646. He made will 27 July, 1697, prob. Aug. 30 folg.; beq. to eldest son Thomas Laughton; to son Samuel, dau. Rebecca Ingalls and gr. dau. Margaret L.; to the three ch. of son Thomas and to each of son Samuel's ch. LEMON, LEAMON, LEOMON, Robert, Salem, propr. 1636, frm. Dec. 27, 1642. His wife Mary was memb. ehh. 1639. Ch. Grace and Mary bapt. 1 (2) 1639, Martha bapt. 22 (1) 1639-40, John bapt. 27 (1) 1642, Eliza bapt. 17 (10) 1643, John bapt. 12 (8) 1645, Hannah bapt. 7 (6) 1650. Will dated Aug. 2, 1665, prob. 25 (4) 1667; beq. to wife Mary; to eh. Sarah and Han- nah; "to he that did marry with my dafter Mathe;" to Thomas, Robert and Mary Sal- lows; to Benjamin L. his sea-chest and sea instruments. Martha's husband was Bar- tholomew Gale. [Es. Files XXX, 7.] The widow Mary, with Charles Knight, husband of her dau. Sarah, Samuel Beadle, husband of the dau. Hannah, agreed upon a final di- vision 16 (9) 1674. 283 LENTHALL, Rev. Robert, Weymouth. Of good re- port in Eng. ; held some of Mrs. Hutchin- son's opinions as of justification before faith; opposed mutual stipulation (covenant) of ehh. membs. ; maintained that baptism was the only door of entrance to the church- es, etc. The magistrates called him to ac- count and he retracted. The church was gathered fhere with approbation of the magistrates and elders 30 (11) 1638. He rem. to Newport; adm. frm. of R. I. Aug. 6, 1640. Taught school; had land grants. Ret. to Eng. in 1642. [W.] LETTICE, LETTIS, Thomas, carpenter, Plymouth, 1636, propr. 2 Dec, 1639, atba. 1643, frm. June 6, 1653. Juryman, town officer. Took as an apprentice Thomas, son of Thomas Savory, ae. 5 years, 2 Aug. 1653. Wife Anne; ch. Elizabeth, (m. 18 Oct., 1655, Wm. Shirtley,) Dorothy, (m. Dec. 12, 1665, Edward Gray,) Thomas d. 3 Nov. 1650. He made will in 1678, declared Oct. 25, 1681, prob. Oct. 1682. Beq. to wife Anne; dans. Anne, wife of Samuel Tenney, Eliza- beth Cook, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Ed- ward Gray. XEPINGWELL, LAPPINWALL, LEP- PINGWELL, Michael, carpenter, Cambridge. Rem. to Woburn. Taxed in 1645. Wife Isabel; ch, Naomi b. Nov. 8, 1638, Hannah b. and d. 1643, Sarah b. 22 (2) 1644, Hannah b. Jan. 6, 1645, (m. April 15, 1668, Gershom Flagg.) Thomas b. Jan. 13, 1648, Ruth b. Jan. 2, 1649, Michael b. and d. 1651. He d. March 22, 1686-7. Will dated April 2, 1686, prob. April 14, 1687, beq. to son Thomas; to Gershom, son to dau. Flagg; to other daughters. Son-in-law Gershom Flagg exec. LEONARD, John, Springfield, propr. 1638; town officer. He m. 12 (9) 1640, Sarah Heald. Ch. John b. 25 (6) 1641, d. 22 (4) 1648, Joseph b. and d. 1043, Joseph b.. 20 (3) 1644. Sarah b. 13 (10) 1645, Mary b. 14 (7) 1647, Martha b. 15 (2) 1649, Lydia b. 2 (8) 1650, John b. 10 (7) 1652, Benjamin b. 5 (7) 1654, Abel b. 22 (5) 1656, Josias b. 28 (1) 1658, Hannah b. 19 (12) 1659, Rebecca b. 26 (3) 1661, John d. 13 March, 1662-3, Deborah b. 1 Oct. 1663, Ra- chel b. Nov. 8, 1665. Admin, of his est. gr. March 28, 1676 to his widow Sarah. The agreement between the heirs names sons Joseph, Benjamin, Abel and Josiah L., John Keep and Samuel Bliss. LESTER, Andrew. Gloucester, constable 7 (11) 1646. [Es. Court] LETTIN, see Leighton. LEVENS, LEAVENS, John, embarked for N. E. March 7, 1631, came to Roxbury. Arrived in 1632 and adm. chh. [E.] Wife Elizabeth was bur. Oct. 10, 1038; he m. July 5, 1639, Rachel Wright. Oh. John b. April 27, 1640, James b. April 16, 1642, Peter and Andrew (Caleb) b. Sept. 11, 1644, Peter d. (11) 1644, Rachel b. Aug. 1646. He d. Nov. 16, 1647, ae. 65. Admin. 30 (6) 1648. [Reg. VII, 175.] LEVERETT, LEVERITT, Mr. Thomas, from Boston, Eng., one of those vv"ho refused the Royal Loan 9 March, 1626. [Reg. XXXVI, 138.] A memb. of Mr. Cotton's congregation. Came to Boston, N. E. in 1633. Adm. ehh. with wife Anne (8) 1633 and chosen ruling elder; frm. March 4, 1633-4. Propr., town officer, an Impor- tant citizen. Ch. Anne adm. chh. 20 (12) 1641, (m. Isaac Addington.) Jane, adm. chh. 26 (3) 1639, John adm. chh. 14 {bi 1639,( went to Eng. in 1644; was captain of a foot com- pany in Col. Rainsborow's regiment; ret. after good service;) [W.] another ch. John b. here 7 (7) 1633. He d. 3 (2) 1650. Nunc, will made 1 (2) inv. taken 6 July, 1650. All to his wife Ann. The widow Anne d. 15 Oct. 1656. Will prob. 29 Jan. 1656-7 beq. to her son Capt. John; dau. Anne Addington; cousin Elizabeth Fieh; gr. ch. Isaac Addington; to Hudson Leverett: to Sarah Shelly, Francis Langome and Margaret, the maid. [Reg. IV, 121 and 125, and VII, 234.] LEVERICH, LEVEEIDGE, Rev. William, "a godly minister," came in the James to Salem Oct. 10, 1633. [W.I Went with Capt. Thomas Wiggin, who ret. 284 LEVERICH, etc., cont. from Eng. in the same ship to Piseataqua. Was adm. chh. Boston 9 (6) 1635; frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7. After a brief ministry at Pis- eataqua he rem. to Sandwich where he min- istered well. He rem. about 1658 to Oyster Bay, L. I. LEWIS, LEWES, Edmund, ae. 33, wife Mary, ae. 32, and ch. John, ae. 3 yeai-s, and Thomas, ae. 9 months, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, April 30, 1634. Res. at Watertown. Propr.; frm. May 25, 1636. In company with Henry Dow he bought land at Newbury 16 (8) 1644. He rem. to Lynn. Ch. rec. at Wat.; James b. 15 (11) 1G35, Nathaniel b. 25 (6) 1639. a child bur. 6 (9) 1642. ae. 10 days. He d. in 1G.50. Will signed 13 (1), prob. 25 (12) Wife Mary; sons John the eldest, Thomas and 4 others: land at Wat. The widow d. Sept. 7, 1658. George, clothier, Plymouth. Uem. to Scltuate; adm. chh. Sept. 20, 1635. His house and that of goodman Lewis, Jr., mentioned by Parson Lothrop as being in Sci. in 1636. Rem. to Barnstable. Frm. 3 June, 1657. Wife Mary; ch. John bapt. March 11, 1637, Ephraim bapt. July 25, 1641, Sarah bapt. Feb. 11, 1643. Will prob. March 3, 1663; wife Mary; ch. Ephraim, George, Thomas, James, Edward, John, Sarah. His dau. Mary m. Nov. 14, 1643, John Bryant, Jr. [Reg. VI, 185.] •Note. The identification of the ch. is diffi- cult, owing to the similarity of names in the several families. John, of Tenterden, Eng., with wife Sarah, came in the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Scituate. Frm. Plym. Col. 7 Feb. 1636-7. Butcher, rem. to Boston, 1652; ch. Sarah bapt. at Bo. o (11) 1650. Wife Sarah d. 12 (5) 1057; he m. 22 Nov. 1659, Alice, •widovr of Nathaniel Bishop, who joined him in a deed of land 24 Aug. 1659. Ch. Samuel b. Jan. 18, 1()61, Joseph b. Feb. 4, 1662, Benoni b. 25 (11) 1664. John, carpenter, late of Tanton, N. E'., transferred Wm. Roberts an apprentice, to John Crabtree, 16 (4) 1640. [L.] John, planter, Charlestown, inhabitant, 1634, adm. chh. 10 (7) 1644. He rem. to Maiden. Wife Margerite adm. chh. 7 (7) 1638; she d. March 10, 1649. He m. April LEWIS, etc., cont. 10, 1650, Mary Brown. Ch. John b. 12, bapt. 14 (7) 1638, Joseph and Mary bapt. 29 (1) 1640. Samuel b. 24, bapt. 27 (4) 1641, Eliz- abeth b. 10 (7) 1642, Sarah b. Dec. 24, 1647, Abraham b. Dec. 10, 1650, Jonathan b. and d. 1651, Mary b. Jan. 1652-3, Hannah, Isaac, Trial b. (11) 1657. He d. (7) 1657. The widow m. before 1667 — Cutler. [Mdx. De. HI, 203.] Mary, Springfield, had lived 7 years from her husband, and claimed the right by English laws to marry again. She m. in 1645 "a brickmaker" of Spr. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] Robert, sawyer, ae. 28, with Elizabeth, ae. 22, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Settled at Salem. Rem. to Newbury; propr. in the new town, 1643. He d. May 4, 1643. Will referred to in Ess. Court 6 (5) 1644, when inv. was filed. Thomas, Dorchester, memb. chh., land granted him conditioned on his keeping cat- tle for the plantation, Sept. 10, 1637. William, embarked for N. E. Jime 22, 1632; came to Roxbury. Frm. 18 _ May, 1642. Ch. John b. in Eng. [Rox.' Rec.] Nov. 1, 1635, Christopher, b. do. in 1636, Lydia b. at Rox. Dec. 25, 1640, Josias b. July 28, 1641, Isaac b. 15 (2) 1644. William, Cambridge, propr. 1635; frm. Nov. 6, 1632. Rem. to Hartford, then to Farmington, Conn., whence he or his son of same name rem. to Hadley, and was deputy in 1662. Bet. to Farmington, Conn., and d. Aug. 2, 1683. LEWSON, John, residence not stated, frm. March 13, 1638-9. LEYHOBNE, see Lahorne. LIGHTFOOT, LIGHTFOOTE, Francis, Lynn, frm. Dec. 8, 1636. Propr., juryman, 1638. Selectman, 1643. He d. Dec. 10, 1646. Will prob. 29 (1) 1646. To wife Anne; to bro. John L. of Lon- don and sister Isabel L. of Freston, near ola Boston in Lincolnshire; to bro. Pell and Hannah Pell; to Dorothy and Elizabetll Whiting; to Samuel Cobbett. Bro. Hand- furth one of the overseers. 285 XIGHTON, see LEIGHTON. XILFOBD, LILLFOKTH, see LINFOKD. I.ILY, LILLTE, Luke, propr. at Marshfield, atba. 1643; served against tbe Narragansetts in 1645. \ LINCOLN, LINCORNE, LINKHOEN, LINKXTM, Daniel, seaman, sergeant, Hingham, 1644; propr., town officer. Deposed 27 Sept. 1695, ae. 75 years. [Hist. Hing.] Wife Su- sanna d. 20 Feb. 1703-4. Ch. Susanna b. 14 May, 1654, (m. Robert Waterman,) Daniel b. 1657, d. 1658, Hannah b. Sept. 10, 1659, (m. John Lewis,) Daniel b. 1661, Sarah b. Sept. 7, 1664, (m. Nathaniel Nichols,) Ephraim b. May 26, 1667, a son b. and d. 1669, Rachel b. June 27, 1671, (m. Israel Las- sell). Will dated 16 Sept. 1692, prob. 18 May, 1699, beq. to wife Susanna; sons Daniel and Ephraim; daus. Susanna, Hannah, Sarah and Rachel. Samuel, mariner, came from Hingham, Eng. as a servant to Francis Laws in 1635, and settled at Salem. [Gushing.] Rem. to Hingham in 1637. Propr. 1649. Wife Mar- tha; ch. Samuel b. Aug. 25, 1650, Daniel b. Jan. 2, 1652, Mordecai b. and d. 16.55, Morde- cai b. June 14, 1657, (the great-great-great- great-grandfather of President Abraham Lin- coln,) Thomas b. 1659, d. 1661, Mary b. March 27, 1662, (m. Joseph Bate,) Thomas b. 'Aug. 20, 1664, Martha b. Feb. 11, 1666, Sa- rah b. and d. 1669, Sarah b. June 17, 1671, Rebecca b. March 11, 1673-4, (m. 1, John Clark of Plymouth, 2, Israel Nichols, wid- ower^ He d. 26 May, 1690, ae. 71 years; the wid- ow d. 10 April, 1693. Stephen, from Windham, Eng. came In 1638, with wife and son Stephen, and settled at Hingham. Propr. 1638. Wife Margaret was bur. 13 June, 1642. Ch. Ste- phen, (m. Feb. 1660, Elizabeth, dau. of Mat- thew Hawk,) Sarah bapt. 22 May, 1642, d. 4 Nov. 1649. He d. 11 Oct. 1658. Will, made 11 days before, beq. to mother Joan L., son Stephen, and to Susanna, dau. of his bro. Thomas L., husbandman. 286 LINCOLN, etc., cent. Robert, laborer, Boston, (Winnisimet,) 1647. Wife Anne rec'd to chh. 9 (3l 1647. Admin, gr. to the widow July 29, 1663. [Reg. XII, 154.] Thomas, Charlestown, propr. 1634; probably one of the following: Thomas, miller, Hingham, propr. 1635. Rem. to Taunton. Name of first wife un- known; he m. Dec. 10, 1665, Elizabeth, wid- ow [of Francis] Street. He gave land In Hing. to his son Thomas, who sold it 11 Oct. 1662, specifying these facts. Ch. Thomas bapt. Feb. 1637, John and Samuel bapt. Feb. 1639, Mary bapt. Oct. 6, 1642, Sarah bapt. Dec, 1645. He made will 23 Aug. 1683, ae. about 80 years; prob. 5 March 1683-4. Beq. to wife Elizabeth, ch. Thomas, John, Samuel, Mary; dau. Sarah's son Thomas; son-in-law Joseph Willis; William Hack; Mary Street. Thomas, cooper, malster, Hingham, propr. 1636. Wife Annis or Avith, dau. of Wm. Lane, d. Feb. 13 or 14, 1682-3. Ch. Thomas bapt. May 6, 1638, Joseph bapt. Nov. 20, 1640, Benjamin bapt. May 7, 1643, De- borah bapt. Aug. 3, 1645, (m. Samuel Thax- ter,) Sarah bapt. Oct. 5, 1650, d. 7 July, 1658. He d. 28 Sept. 1691. Will prob. 27 Oct. 1692, beq. to ch. Thomas, Joseph, Benjamin, and Deborah, wife of Samuel Thaxter. Thomas, weaver, cousin of Nicholas Jacob, and his wife, came with them from Hingham, Eng. and settled at our Hingham in 1633. Propr. 1635. Frm. March, 1637-8. Wife Susanna d. March, 1641; second wife Mary d. 21 Dec. 1683, an aged woman. No children known. He d. 2 Sept. 1675. Will prob. 26 Oct. 1675; beq. all to wife Mary; after her death to his bro. Samuel and 7 specified ch. of his. Widow Mary d. 21 Dec. 1683. Thomas, husbandman, bro. of Stephen, came from Windham, Eng. in 1638 and set- tled at Hingham. Frm. May 18, 1642; propr., town officer. Wife Margaret, dau. of Rich- ard Langer; ch. Caleb b. Oct. 8, 1643. d. be- fore 1659, .Joshua b. May 3, 1645, Susanna b. Aug. 10, 1046. (m. Joseph Barstow,) Mary b. Feb. 10, 1648, (m. Thomas Marsh,) Thom- as b. Sept. 29, 1050, Daniel b. May 14, 1654, d. 14 Feb. 1669-70, Elizabeth b. Dec. 2, 1656, XINCOLN, etc., cont. (m. Dauiel Lincoln,) Ephraim b. and d. 1659, Kuth b. Nov. 19, 1662, (m. Samuel Gill). He d. 16 Aug. 1692. Will dated 24 May, 1681, prob. 3 Nov. 1692, beq. to wife Mar- garet, daus. Susanna Barstow; Mary, wife of P"'rancis Barber; Sarah, wife of Thomas Mash; Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Lincoln, and Ruth L.; sons Joshua, Caleb and Thom- as. The widow d. 5 March, 1693-4. LINFORD, LINCEFORD, LINSFORD, LINFURTH, LILFORD, LILFORTH, Thomas, Yarmouth, suit in Es. Court by his attorney The. Brook, 1638. Suit brought concerning his goods in Plymouth Court 7 Dec. 1641. His wife Anne punished for crime. Thomas, Rowley, propr. 1643. Bought land in Haverhill in 1648, and bad grants of land beside. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 47. He m. Eliz. Emerson; ch. Eliz- abeth b. April 12, 1648, Mary b. Feb. 7, 1649, Martha b. March 12, 1654, d. June 7, 1660. He d. Nov. 15, 1672; in v. talien 3 days later. His widow Elizabeth d. Feb. 20, 1692-3. LINDALE, LINDELL, LENDALL, James, tailor, Duxbury, propr. 1640. Sold land to Edmund Chandler shortly be- fore his death. Will prob. March 4, 1652; wife Mary, son Timothy, dau. Abigail. Admin, gr. after the death of the widow, Feb. 8, 1652-3, on behalf of the children. [Col. Rec, Reg. IV, 320, and VII, 15.] LINDSEY, LINSEY, LYNSIE, LYNSEY, Christopher, Lynn. He deposed in 1657 that he worlied for Thomas Dexter in fencing Nahant when D. bought it of "Blaeke Will or Duke William." Ho served in Pequot AVar in 1637; was wounded and disabled from service 20 weeks. For this the Gen. Court, 23 May, 1655, allowed him 3 li. Lawsuit in 1641. Built house on the common in 1647. [Es. Files.] He d. April 11, 1669; will prob. 29 (4i 1669. Widow; ch. Eliezer, John and Nahomie. Daniel, ae. 18, servant to Samuel Dix, passed exam, to go to Boston, N. E. April 8, 1637. LINGE, Benjamin, Charlestown, inhab. 1636. LINKES, LINCKS, Philip, Scituate, slain by the bow of a tree JIarch 10, 1637. Admin, gr. 4 Dec. 1638, to Mr. Timothy Hatherly. LINN, LINNE, LYNNE, Henry, Boston, propr., punished for felony 28 Sept. 1630; whipped and banished in Sept. 1631, for writing letters to Eng. full of slander against government and church- es. [W.] He ret. to Boston before 1636. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah b. 20 (6) 1636, Eliza- beth b. 27 (1) 1638, Ephraim b. 16 (11> 1639, Rebecca b. 15 (12) 1645; all bapt. 23 (3) 1647. He d. about 1646; the widow m. 2, Hugh Gunnison. LINNELL, LINNETT, LENNET, LAR- NETT, Robert, called "my brother," by Mr. John Lothrop, adm. chh. Scituate with his wife Sept. 16, 1638, "having a letter of dis- mission from the church in London." Took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1638. Propr. at Barnstable 22 Jan. 1638-9. Ch. Hannah, (m. l.') March, 1648, John Davis of Bar.,) Abi- gail, (m. May. 1650, Joshua Lombard,) Da- vid, (m. March 9, 1652, Hannah Shelley). He made will 23 Jan. 1662, prob. 12 March, 1662-3; beq. to wife; to son David; to Abi- gail and Bethya; to John Davis. The widow Penninnah petitioned the Court 29 Oct. 1669, to recover the house her husband had left her from the hands of David L. LINTON, LYNTON, Richard, Watertown, juryman. Gen. Court, Sept. 28, 1630. He rem. to Lancas- ter; sold house and lot (7) 1645, testified 6 (10) 1646, by his son-in-law Lawrence Wa- ters. Deed of gift to dau. Ann, wife of L. W. 13 March, 1659; one to George Bennett and Lydia his wife my gr. ch. and to their son John, 7 (11) 1662. He d. 30 (1) 1605. Inv. of his est. filed June 20, 1665. LIPPINCOTT, Richard, barber, Dorchester, frm. May 13, 1640. Rem. to Boston. Rec'd to chh. with wife Abigail 28 (10) 1644. Ch. Remem- brance bapt. 19 (7) 1641, John b. 6 (9) 1644, Abigail b. and d. 1646. 287 LISHE, Sarah, residence not stated, admin, of her est. gr. to Lieut. Duncan in Gen. Court 3 (10) 1639. LISLE, LYSLE, LYLE, LYALL, LYOLL, LOYALL, Francis, barber-surgeon, Boston, adm. inhab. 7 (6) 1638, adm. chh. 29 (7) 1639. Had lot at Braintree for 5 heads 25 (9) 1639. Bought house and shop in Bo. 10 (6) 1641. He went to Eng. with Stoughton and others in 1645; was made surgeon of the Earl of Manchester's Life Guards; did not ret. [W.] Wife Alice adm. chh. 29 (11) 1641; ch. Joseph b. 10 (8) 1638, Joseph bapt. 6 (S) 1639, Benjamin b. 1 (11) 1639, Mary bapt. 14 (12) 1640, Joseph b. 14 (!) 1642. The widow d. 30 (3) 1066, and admin, of her est. was gr. to Freegrace Ben- dall Nov. 1, 1666, on behalf of his wife Mary, the dau., and Joseph the son. of Francis and Alice Lisle. [Reg. XVI, 335.] LITTLE, George, tailor, Newbury, propr. 1638. One of the early members of the Baptist church of N. Wife Alice d. 1 Dec. 1680. He m. 19 July, 1681, Eleanor Barnard. Oh. Sarah b. and d. 1652, Joseph b. 22 Sept. 1653, John b. 28 July. 1655. d. 20 July, 1672; Moses b. 11 March, 1657, Sarah b. 24 Nov. 1661. He d. about 1694; widow Eleanor d. at Amesbury 27 Nov. 1694. Thomas, Sen., Plymouth, taxed in 1632; bought a shallop in 1633. Atba. 1643. Rem. to Marshfield. He m. April 19, 1633, Ann Warren. She deposed to the will of Ralph Cliiipman, 6 June, 1672, ae. 60 years. Her son Ephraim, (b. 17 May, 1650,) deposed same day, ae. 22. Thomas, Sen. made will 17 May, 1671, prob. with inv. 1 July, 1672. Beq. to wife; to sons Isaac, Ephraim, Thomas and Sam- uel; gr. ch. John Jones; servant Sarah Pom- rey. LISCOM, LISKTJM, Thomas, witness in Boston 25 (9) 1645. [A] LISTEN, LISSON, Nicholas, Salem, 1637. propr. at Marble- head; named in the aect. of George Pollard in 1646. Sold land before 1649. LISTER, LYSTEK, Andrew, Gloucester, frm. May 10, 1643; propr. 1649. A witness for Mr. Blinman In 1647. [Wenham rec] Wife Barbara; ch. Daniel b. April 15, 1642, Andrew b. Dec. 26, 1644, Mary b. Dec. 26, 1647, Anne b. March 21, 1651. LITCHFIELD, LEICHFIELD, LECH- FIELD, Lawrence, Scituate. Dau. Dependance b. 15 Feb. 1646. Wife Judith, dau. of Wm. Dennis, married after his death William Pealis; she testified 20 March, 1657-8, that her husband, on his death-bed, consented that John Allen of Scituate might adopt his son Josias. 288 LITTLEFIELD, Annis, ae. 38. with children, and servants John Knight and Hugh Durdal, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Francis, Woburn, propr. 1646. Ch. Mary b. Dec. 14, 1646; wife Jane d. Dee. 20, 1646. Rem. to Wells, Maine. John, Dedham, inhab. 31 (6) 1650. He m. 9 (3) 1650, Mary Mere; ch. Rebecca b. 26 (1) 1651. Expedience I), and d. 1659, John b. 5 Oct. 1664, Ebenezer b. 13 Oct. 1669. LITTLEHALE, LITTLEHALL, Richard, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1033. Settled at Newbury; propr. 1638. Rem. to Haverhill. He m. 15 Nov 1647, Mary Lancton; ch. dau. b. and d. 1648, Mary b. Sept. 11, 1649, d. June 8, 16.">0, John b. Nov. 27, 1650. Richard b. and d. 1652, Eb- enezer b. and d. 1654, Richard b. Aug. 24, 1655, Joseph b. 1656. d. 1657, Joseph b. and d. 1658, a son b. and d. 1659, Isaac b. July 9, 1660, Mary b. Jan. 31, 1661, Sarah b. and d. 1663. He mortg. house and 4 acres of land in Haverhill 27 (8) 1648. [SufC. De. I.] He d. Feb. IS, 1063. The inv. of his est, is on file. XIVERMORE, LEATHEBMORE, Jobn, ae. 28, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Water- town; potter; town officer, propr. 1636. Rem. to Xew Haven, Conn, before 1639 and ret. about 1653. Wife Grace; ch. recorded at New Haven: Samuel bapt. Aug. 15, 1641, Daniel bapt. Oct. 6, 1643, a dau. bapt. June 4, 1045, Mary bapt. Sept. 12, 1647; ch. rec. at Wat.: Edmund b. and d. in 1659. He d. April 14, 1684. His will, dated 4 Jan. 1682, ae. 77 or 78 years; prob. 16 (4) 1684; beq. to wife Grace; to eldest son John; son-iu-law John Coolidge's ch. by my dau. dec; to only surviving dau. Martha; to sons Samuel and Nathaniel, and to the latter's daus. Hannah and Grace. The widow Grace made will 19 Dee. 1690; beq. to gr. son James Townsin, the ch. of dau. Hannah Coolidge, and dau. Martha, wife of Abraham Parker of Chelmsford; to sons John, Samuel and JSathaniel. XLOYD, Walter, ae. 27, came in the Hopewell In Sept. 1635. LOBDELL, LOBDEN, Nicholas, (Lobden,) Hiugham, propi". June, 1035. Witness to the will of Thomas Mussell 27 July, 1640. [Reg. Ill, 179.] His wife d. in March, 1641. [Hob.] [Children] Isaac, (m. Martha, dau. of Samuel Ward; rem. to Hull); John, (m. 1, Hannah, dau. of John Leavitt, 2, — , dau. of Nathaniel Bos- worth; rem. to Hull). See will of John, wit- nessed by Isaac, 26 Oct. 1673. LOCK, LOCKE, William, came in the Planter May 22, 1634, ae. 6 years, in care of kinsman Nich- olas Davis. Res. at Woburn. Bought land of goodman Persons of Boston about 1651. [Mdx. De. IV, 229.] Deacon. Deposed 29 XIO) 1658, ae. about 30 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. at Woburn Nov. or Dec. 27, 1665, Ma- ry, dau. of Wm. and Margery Clarke; she d. July 18, 1715. Ch. William b. Dec. 27, 16.57, d. Jan. 9, 1658, William b. Jan. 18, 1658, John b. Aug. 1, 1661, Joseph b. March 8, 1663-4, Mary b. Oct. 16, 1666, Samuel b. Oct. 14, 1669, Ebenezer b. Jan. 8, 1673, James b. Nov. 14, 1677, Elizabeth b. Jan. 4, 16S0, Wil- liam b. June 28. 1684. He d. June 16, 1720. See Trerice. LITSTEB, Edward, servant to Stephen Hopkins, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; com pleted his time, went to Virginia and d. there. [B.] LOCKWOOD, Edmund or Edward, Cambridge, jury- man Nov. 9, 1030, frm. May 18, 1031, con- stable May, 1632. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John b. (9) 1632. He d. before March 3, 1634-5, when vhe Court asked his widow Ruth to bring in writings left in his hands. Admin, gr. to Robert Lockwood on the children and es- tate. Robert, sergt. Salem, frm. March 9, 1636-7. Appl. in 1637 for a lot next to his father Norman. Robert, Watertown, propr. 1636. Sold marsh in Cambridge before 1638. Sold lands 30 (2) 1646, and rem. to Norwalk, Conn. Wife Susan; ch. Jonathan b. 1 (7) 1634, Deborah b. 12 (8) 1630, Joseph b. 6 (6) 1638, Daniel b. 2 (1) 1040, Ephraim b 1 (10) 1041, Gershom b. 6 (7) 1643. LODGE, Grace, Boston, maid servant to Mr. John Wilson, adm. chh. 28 (7) 1633. LOMBARD, see LTJMBARD. LONG, LONGE, John, husbandman, Weymouth, ae. 24, deposed June 24, 1641. [L.] Before Gen. Court 1 (4) 1641. John, Plymouth, hired with Mr. At- wood Oct. 24, 1638. Nathaniel, merchant, Boston, bought of John Turner 15 (12) 1647, one fourth part of the ship Charles, and of John Milom one eighth of the John. [A.] Owned house and land, 1645. Philip, Ipswich, bought land 27 (10) 1047; Boston, propr. He deposed ir 1658 concerning the death of David Selleck in Virginia; ae. about 40 years. Wife Anne adm. chh. 2 (1) 1650. Ch. Joseph b. and d. 1652. He made will Oct. 27, 1658, bound to sea. Wife Anne deposed Nov. 13, 1659, as exec. 280 XONG, etc., cont. Robert, came in 1623 to Plymouth; lands assigned to him in the section with Patience and Fear Brewster. Robert, innholder, ae. 45, witii wife Elizabeth, ae. 30, ch. Michell, ae. 20, Sarah, ae. 18, Robert, ae. 16, Eliza, ae. 12, Anne, ae. 10, Mary, ae. 9, Rebecca and John. ae. 8, Zachary, ae. 4, and Joshua, ae. 9 mos., ■with servant Luce Mercer, cert, from Dun- stable, Eng., came in the Defense July 7, 1635. Settled at Charlestown. Adm. chh. With wife Elizabeth 17 (2) 1636. Joanna adm. chh. 4 (10) 1G52. Hannah b. 2, bapt. 12 (1) 1637, Ruth b. and bapt. 3 (4) 1639, De- borah b. 10, bapt. 23 (6) 1642, Samuel b. 23 (2) 1647. He deposed 21 (1) 1655, ae. about 65 years. Abraham Hill calls him father. [Mdx. Files.] He d. Jan. 9, 1603. Will dated July 10, 1658, prob. 6 Feb. 1663, beq. to wife; ch. Joshua, John, Michael, Zechariah, dau. Kempthorne, Ruth, Deborah, Hannah, Re- becca Rooe, Sarah Hill, Elizabeth ParUer and Anna Converse; gr. son Samuel L. to have his portion when of age. Refei'S to bro. Johnson. The widow Elizabeth had a grandson Henry Cookery, an apprentice in 1673. She d. May 29, 1687, ae. 84. Robert, Newbury, deacon. He deposed 7 (4) 1653, ae. about 32 years. He m. at N. in 1647, Alice Short; ch. a dau. [Mary,] b. Feb. 24, 1647, Abiel b. 19 Feb. 1648, Susanna b. 14 Nov. 1656, a dau. b. and d. 1661, a son [John,] b. April 16, 1664, a son b. March 18, 1665-6. He d. 27 Dec. 1690. Widow Alice d. 17 Jan. 1690-1. Division of his est. agreed on Sept. 28, 1691, by his ch. Abiel, Mary, Rebecca, Susanna, Martha, Shubael and John, and signed by Abiel Long and Daniel Mushel- away, Nicholas Rawlings, Susanna Bland- ford and Martha, Shubael and John Long. Nicholas, ae. 19, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. LONGHORNE, LANGHORNE, Richard, Rowley. He deposed to Bell- ingham matters in 1662, ae. 45. He m. 16 (11) 1647, Mary Crosby; ch. EUzabeth b. Sept., 1649, Constance b. Sept.. 1652, Thomas bur. 8 (121 1653, Samuel b. 1654, bur. 1660, Thomas b. 1657, bur. 1660, Sarah b. 16 (12) 1660. Bethiah b. 9 (4) 1662, Richard b. 20 Jlay, 1665, Thomas b. 1667, d. 1668. LOMGHORHE, etc., cont. He d. at Haverhill 13 (12) 1668; wUl dated Feb. 10. 16C8, prob. 30 March, 1669, beq. to dau. Elizabeth a double portion; the other three daus. to have single shares; beq. to servant Samuel, son of Obadiah Wood. Testi- mony was given that he desired his bro. Thomas L. to be one of the execs., but he de- clined on account of the distance of his abode; also that he sent for his bro., John Pickard, to visit him, and asked him to con- fer with the children's grandmother and their two aunts, to whose care he left them. The dau., Sarah, petitioned Ipswich Court 4 (3> 1674; referred to her grandmother Constante Crosby, and to her uncle Thomas L. of Cam- bridge. Thomas, butcher, and town drummer, Cambridge. He deposed 2 (1) 1671-2, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. about 1646, Sarah, dau. of Bartholomew Green; ch. Thomas b. and d. 1647, Sarah b. 26 (12) 1648, Elizabeth, Mary. Samuel bapt. Dec. 9, 1660, Mercy bapt. May 11, 1662, [Mi.] Patience. He d. May 6, 1685. Will dated April 24, 1085, ae. about 69 years, beq. to wife [Sarah] and three daus. Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary. Prob. 16 (4) 1685. IiONGLEY, see Langley. LOOFE, see Luffe. LOOK, LOCKE, LOOKER, LOKER, LOCK- ER, LUCAR, LTJKER, Elizabeth, widow, Sudbury, d. 18 (3) 1648. Henry, Sudbury, propr. 1639, frm. May 10, 1643. He m. 24 (1) 1647, Hannah Brewer. He d. Oct. 14, 1688. John, Sudbury, took oath of fidelity in 1645; frm. May 6, 1646. Wife Mary; eh. Mary b. 28 C7) 1653. He d. 18 (4) 1653. The widow bought house and lot in 1654. Robert, [Sudbury.] He witnessed Webcowites' deed to Jotham Gibbons 13 (11) 1639. Was bondsman for John Griffin 20' (3) 1640. [L.] 290 LORD, Richard, Cambridge, March 4, 1634-5. Robert. Senior, Ipswich, frm. March 3. 1635-6. Town officer. Recorder, deputy. He was a cousin to John L. of Sudbury, Suf- folk, Eng., to whom he and his mother Katharine sold a tenenment in S. shortly before the date of his will, 1 March, 1640. The mother came to Ipswich; propr. 1637; was made a commoner in 1641. [Reg. XXXI, 160, and L. 111.] He wrote a letter to Wm. Bartholomew, calling him brother; mentioned his own wife and son Thomas Lord; letter presented in Mdx. Court Feb. 2, 1673. He deposed July 30, 1660, ae. 57 years. [Es. Files.] He wrote his will 28 June, 1683; it was probated 25 Sept. folg.; he beq. to his wife Mary, mentioning that they had lived to- gether in marriage almost 53 years; to eldest son Robert; to sons Thomas and Samuel, living at Charlestown; to son Nathaniel; to dan. Sarah Wilson; to Mary, William, Jo- seph and Samuel, the ch. of dau. Chandler, dec; to dau. Abigail Foster and her ch. and to dau. Hannab Grow and her ch. provided that they pay a certain sum to their sister Susanna Osgood and her ch.; to gr. son Sam- uel Lord, now living with me; to gr. son Robert Lord "tersha," (tertins.) Robert, Boston, 1650. Wife Rebecca, dau. of Christopher Stanley; her mother gave her part of a house she was already living in, adjoining her sister Thurston's Aug. 18, 1652. Cli. Robert b. (2) 1651. Thomas, smith, ae. 50, with wife Dor- othy, ae. 46, and ch. Thomas, ae. 16, Ann, ae. 14, William, ae. 12, John, ae. 10, Robert, ae. 9, and Dorothy, ae. 4, came In the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. William, cutler, Salem, propr. 1635. Bought of John Woolcut 23 (9) 1635, the house built for Mr. Francis Higginson, later occupied by Mr. Roger Williams. [Es. Inst. Coll. VIII, 252.] Frm. Sept. 6, 1639. Town officer. His wife Abigail memb. chh. 1636. WiU dated March 2, 1668, prob. 24 (4) 1673; "ancient;" beq. to wife Abigail; kinsman William Lord, with his ch. William and Abi- gail; Mrs. Felton, widow; Joseph Grafton, Sen. and Richard Prince. The widow made will 26 April, prob. 15 June, 1682; beq, to all the ch. of her husband's kinsman W. L. by 291 LORD, etc., cont. propr., frm. name; and to her second husband. Resolved White. William, Salem, frm. Es. Court 1 (5) 1640. He deposed in 1680, ae. about 60 years; his wife Jane, ie. about 56. WiU dated 10 Nov., prob. 24 Nov. 1685; beq. to wife Jane; sons Joseph, William and Jeremiah; daus. Dinah, Abigail, Margaret, Elizabeth Godsoe and Jane. LORING, Thomas, Hingham, propr., frm. March 3, 1635-6. Deputy, deacon. His house was burned 15 March, 1645-6. Rem. to Hull. Propr. 1657. Son John was also propr. at the time. Wife Jane; ch. Thomas, John b. 22 Dec. 1630, [Hing. rec] Isaac bapt. Jan. 20, 1639-40, d. Feb. folg., Isaac bapt. Jan. 9, 1641-2, d. 2 March, 1644-5, Josiah bapt. Jan. 9, 1641, Ben.1amin bapt, Nov. 24, 1644. He d. 4 April, 1661. Inv. taken 27 June, 1662. The widow d. 25 Aug. 1672. Will dated 10 July, prob. 23 Oct. folg., beq. to eldest son Thomas L. and Hannah, his wife; to sons John and Benjamin; to son Josiah's wife. LOOMAN, LXTMAN, LUME, Mrs. Anne, Roxbury. The Court ord- ered inv. of her goods made March 3, 1634-5. This may mean the goods of her husband, of which she was to be admin. If so she probably rem. to Weymouth, and it was her nunc, will which was prob. 21 (8) 1659; gr. ch. Hannah Jackson, heir and exec; gr. ch. John Monticue (Montague) that dwells at the Eastward. Inv. taken by Maximilian Jewett and Samuel Brockle- banke, ret. in Essex Court April 17. 1662. LOOMIS, LOMAS, LTTMMAS, LUMMUS, Edward, ae. 24, embavked on the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635; Edward, ae. 27, embarked on the Elizabeth April 17. 1635. Both entries probably refer to the same per- son, who settled at Ipswich: weaver; com- moner in 1641. Wife Mary deposed in 1672, ae. about 66 years. He d. 29 Aug. 1682. Will prob. 20 Sept. beq. to sons Jonathan, Samuel and Nath- aniel, son John Sherrin and my dau. his wife; son Samuel's children. LOTHKOP, LOWTHROP, LATHROP, LOTHROPP, Rev. John, was minister at Egerton in Kent. Rem. to London in 1624, and was pastor of a Congregational church. The arehUishop caused the arrest of himself and 43 members of the church April 29, 1632, and most of them were imprisoned for 2 years for the simple offense of practising the teachings of the New Testament. His first wife died while he was in prison. [Mor.] He and some others were released on condition of leaving the country, and came to N. E.; he arrived with his family 18 Sept. 1634, and soon after organized a church at Scituate. "So many of us as had been in covenant before" united Jan. 8, 1634-5. and others were added shortly. He was adm. frm. Plym. Col. 7 Feb. 1636-7. Two years later he, with the principal part of the church, rem. to found the church and town of Barnstable. His record of the two con- gregations was copied in 1769 by Rev. Ezra Stiles; the original having since been lost, this copy has been printed by the Hist. Gen! Society, in Reg. IX and X. Mr. Lothrop was a man of deep piety, great zeal and large ability. He m. a second wife, whose name is not on our records, who came here with him, joined the chh. June 14, 1635, and survived him. Children: Jane, (m. April 8, 1635, Samuel Fuller, Jr.,) Barbara, (m. July 19, 1638, John Emerson,) Thomas, (m. Dec. 11, 16.39, "brother Larnett's daughter, widow Ewer in the Bey,"-Sarah, widow of Thomas Ewer of Chariestown,) Samuel, (m Nov. 28. 1644, Elizabeth Scudder,) Joseph (m. Dec. 11, 1650, Mary Ansell.) John, (named in the father's will, believed by de- scendants to be the John bapt. at Barn. Feb. 9, 1644-5.) Benjamin, (named in the will,) Barnabas bapt. June 6, 1636, Abigail bapt Nov. 2, 16.39, Bathshua bapt. Feb. 27, 1641^ and two others who d. in infancy. His will dated Aug. 10, prob. Dec. 8, 1653, beq. to wife; to eldest son Thomas; to*son John wlio is in England; son Benjamin, daus. Jane and Barbara; to each of the rest of his children, both his and his wife's. Mark, Salem, propr. 1642; a kinsman of Thomas L. Capt. Thomas, Salem, Beverly, propr.. frm. May 14, 1634; town officer, deputy. Suit in court, 1659. Served in Acadia in 1654-5. He m. Bethia, dau. of Daniel Rea; LOIHROP, etc., cent. left no child, but adopted a dau. of a cousin of his wife, Sarah Gott. He d. in the war in 1675; nunc, will prob. 22 (10) 1675; beq. a farm to his sister, the wife of Ezekiel Cheever; another to his dau. ISarah Gott Lothrop; land to the town for the use of the ministry; to his bro. Joshua Rea and his 4 youngest ch.; to Noah Fisk; to his wife. [Es. Inst. Coll. II, 177; Reg. XXXVIII, 332.] The widow m. 2, Joseph Grafton, and 3, Wm. Goodhue. LOTTES, John, Springfield, propr. 1645. LOVE, Hezekiah, Taunton, juryman, Plym. Court, 1650. John, Boston, in Court 7 July, 1635. LOVE JOY, John, Andover, propr. 1650. He deposed in 1669, ae. about 47 years. He m. at Ips- wich, Jan. 1, 1651. Mary Osgood; ch. Mary b. 11 April, 1652, Sara b. 11 April, 1654, Wil- liam b. 21 April, 1657, Ann b. 21 Dec. 1659, Christopher b. 1 March, 1661, Joseph b. 8 Feb. 1662, Benjamin b. 4 Dee. 1664, Nath- aniel b. 29 May, 1667, Abigail b. 20 Aug. 1669, Debora b. 4 Nov. 1671, Ebenezer b. 22 Jan. 1673. The wife Mary d. 15 July, 1675. He d. 7 Nov. 1690. His will dated 1 Sept., codicil 23 Oct. 1690, prob. March 31, 1691, beq. to wife Hannah, with whom he had lived in a married con- dition about 13 years, abundant provision, referring to marriage contract; portion al- ready given to William, eldest son now liv- ing; to other sons Christopher, Nathaniel, Joseph and Ebenezer; to daus. Sarah John- sou, Ann Blancher, and Abigail and Debo- rah L. Refers to son Benjamin, for whom certain lands had been intended, and to gr. son John L. Desires his bro. Thomas Os- good and sons William and .Joseph L. to have charge of son Ebenezer and gr. dau. Frances. LOVELL, LOWELL, see LOVETT, Robert, husbandman, ae. 40, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 35, children Zaccheus, ae. 15, Anne, ae. 16, John, ae. 8, Ellen and James, ae. 1 year, and servant Joseph Chickin, ae. 16, embarked from Weymouth, Eng., before 292 XOVELL, etc., cont. March 20, 1C35. Settled at Weymouth; reed, arms from Pynchon in 1636; propr. 1643. Will dated 3 (2) 1652, prob. 25 June, 1672; beq. to wife; sons John and James; son-in- law Andrew Ford and his eldest and young- est sons; to son John's son. Thomas, Sen., came from Dublin, Ire- land, where he had lived in the house witli William and Rebecca Bacon in 1639. Set- tled at Salem about 1641. Kem. to Ipswich, propr. 1647. Deposed 25 Dec. 1694, ae. about 74 years. [Reg. XXXIX, 28.] William, captain, Dorchester, one of the original company who came in 1629-30. LBl.] His wife Wybro before Oen. Oourt 7 (1) 1636-7. Suit at Salem Court 28 (1) 1637. LOVEKING, LOVERtTN, John, Watertown, yeoman, frm. May 25, 1636. Town officer. Nunc, will, dated Oct. 4, 1638, prob. (9) 1644, beq. 100 li. to his bro. that had chil- dren; 20 li. to the church after his wife's death; rest to his wife Ann. She m. June 19, 1039, Mr. Edmund Browne; they gave power of attorney 25 (.5) 1039, for the col- lection of what was due him in Eng. [Reg. Ill, 79 and Suff. De. I, 59.] XOVET, LOVETT, LOVITT, LOVELL, Daniel, Salem, res. 1638. Rem. to Braintree. He and his mother had grant of land in 1639, 12 acres for 3 heads. Leased 60 acres of land from the town of Boston 30 (7) 1650. Son-in-law of Robert Blott. Rem. to Mendon. Wife Joanna deposed June 18. 1670, ae. about 50 years; ch. James b. 5 C8) 1648, Mary b. 1 (7) 1051, Martba b. 4 (7) 1654, Hannah b. 30 (1) 1056. He made will 26 Dec. 1691, prob. April 28, 1692; beq. to wife Joannah, son James, and daus. Mary Tyler, Martha Fairbank and Hannah Ryder. John, Salem, 1638. Res. at Mackerel Cove in 1641; see Kettle, John. Mary [his wife?] adm. chh. Salem 1 (7) 1650. Ch. Sy- mond, Joseph and Mary bapt. 8 (7) 1650, Bethiah bapt. 13 (4) 1652, Abigail bapt. 18 (1) 1654-5. Mary, memb. Dorchester dhh. before 1639. [See Leavitt.] LOW, LOWE, LOE, John, wheelwright, Boston, 1640. [L.J [Suff. De. VI, 230.] Bought land 1645. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642. A son d. 1 (10) 1653. His son Anthony gave letter of attorney 22 (9) 1647, to John Prick, tallow- eliandler. Alderman Bury, to receive legacy from Mary Smith, late of Aldermanbury or Cheapside. [A.] He d. 1 (10) 1653. Admin, gr. to son An- thony, he to provide for his mother during her Ufe. [Reg. VIII, 128 v.] John, Hingham, propr. 1048. Sold home lot and other lands 7 March, 1654-5. He m. Feb. 28, 1648, Elizabeth, dau. of John Stoddard; she d. 14 Sept. 1658. Ch. Eliza- beth b. July 16, 1650, Tabitha b. Jan. 7, 1652, d. 9 (6) 1654, John b. April 3, 1655, Ta- bitha b. June 5, 1658. He d. 25 Jan. 1696. Susannah, ae. (6) 1684. 6, d. at Watertown 19 Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1641, bought land in 1647. His son Thomas m. Martha, dau. of Thomas Boreman, q. v. He deposed in IGOO, ae. about 55, and Sarah, ae. about 23. His will dated 20 April, prob. G Nov., inv. taken 5 Nov. 1677; beq. to wife Susannah; sons John and Thomas; daus. Margaret and Sarah; gr. ch. Thomas Low, Margaret Da- vison, Sarah Saft'ord and Sarah Low. LOWDEN, Richard, husbandman, Oharlestown, adm. chh. 15 (11) 1641, frm. May 18, 1642. Propr. at Wobum 1640, but res. at Char. Bought house and land 27 (8) 1043. Town officer, 1654. [Mdx. Files.] He deposed in 1662, ae. about 44 years. Wife Mary, dau. of Rice Cole; eh. John b. 10 (3), bapt. 15 (3) 1641, Jeremy b. and d. in 1643, Mary b. 24 (12) 1644. LOWELL, LOWLE, John, Newbury, propr. 1638. Frm. June 2, 1641. Deputy, comr., clerk of the writs. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of the widow Elizabeth Goodale, formerly of Great Yar- mouth, Eng. Ch. rec. at N.: Joseph b. 28 Nov. 1&39, Benjamin b. 12 Sept. 1642, Thomas b, 4 June, 1644, Elizabeth b. 16 Feb. 1646. 293 LOS,D, cont. He d. 10 July, 1647. WiU dated 9 (4), prob. 27 (S) 1047, inv. taken 30 (i) 1047. Beq. to Wife Elizabeth one half of his est. and 20 li. out of what came from her mother; to his first wife's children, Jcthn, Mary, Peter, James and Joseph; to his second wife's ehil- di-en, Benjamin and Elizabeth; daus. Eliza- beth and Mary to have of their own moth- er's clothes. Sister Johan Gerrish and bro. WUliam G.; other persons. [Reg. VII, 35.] The Court decided that Elizat)€th should have clothes which had belonged to her gr. mo. Elizabeth Goodale, in possession of her mother now living; Mary, ae. about 17 years, was permitted 15 Oct. 1650, to receive her portion and go to her friends in Eng. Ac- count rendered in Es. prob. (9) 1684. EUza- beth m. 1 Jan. 1667, Philip Nelson. The widow Elizabeth's will, made 17 (1) 1650, was proved 28 (8) 1651. She beq. to her sister Tappine; to her sons-in-law John, James and Joseph Lowle; to son Benjamin and dau. Elizabeth. Bro. Thomas Millard to keep Benjamin till he go forth to be an ap- prentice. Bros. T. M., Richard L., Abra- ham T. and Wm. Gerrish overseers to see Elizabeth brought up to her needle and suit- ably instructed. Percival, merchant, Newbury, propr. 1638. Wife Rebecca d. Dec. 28, 1645. He d. 8 Jan 1664. Richard, bro. of John, Newbury, propr. 1637. He admin, on the est. of his bro. John; was relieved by the Court 18 May, 1653, be- ing very sickly. He deposed in 1674, ae. 72 years. Wife Margaret. Ch. [Percival b. 1639,] Rebecca b. 27 Jan. 1641, Samuel b. 1644, Thomas b. 28 Sept. 1649. He d. 5 Aug. 1682. Will dated June 25, 1681. prob. Sept. 26, 1682. Beq. to wife Margaret, sons Percival, Thomas, Samuel. LUDDAM, LTTDDEN, James, servant to William Almy and David Johnson; the Court ordered payment to be made to him March 1, 1635-6. Settled at Weymouth; corporal, town ofiBeer. Ch. Mary "b. 17 (10) 1636, Sarah b. 15 (9) 1639. Sarah b. 5 (4) 1642. Will prob. Feb. 16, 1692-3; "in old age;" toeq. to sons Benjamin, Joseph and James; wife to have life use of est. 294 LUCAS, LUKAS, Marie, maid servant to Mrs. Anne Newgate, adm. chh. Boston 29 (10) 1633. LTJDDINGTON, LOUDDINGTON, Christian, ae. 18, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635. William, weaver, Chai-lestown, his house beyond the half-mile limit from the village which had been set by the Gen. Court; law repealed 13 May, 1(540. Res. at Maiden. He deposed in 1657, ae. 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Thomas, ae. 20 and John, ae. 17, deposed same day. Wife Ellen; ch. Mary b. 6 (12) 1642, Matthew b. at Mai- den 16 (10) 1657, d. 12 (11) 1G57. He rem. to New Haven, and d. there. Peti- tion for admin, made in Mdx. co. 1 (8) 1661, by John Wayte. James Barrat, admin, filed inv. 1 (2) 1662. LUDKIN, LXTCKIN, LUTKINE, George, with wife and son, came in 1635 and settled at Hingham. [Cu.] Propr. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Rem. to Braintree. He was bur. 22 (12) 1647. Admin, gr. 31 (6) 1648 to Aaron Ludkin. [Reg. VII, 175.] Aaron, tanner, Charlestown. 1648 ;town offi- cer 1649; m. Hannah, dau. of Geo. Hepburn, was probably this son and administrator. Job, Boston. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah b. 7 (10) 1645. William, b. at Norwich, Eng., lock- smith, ae. 33, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 34, with one child and one servant, Thomas Homes, passed exam. April 8, 1037, to go to Boston in N. E., to reside; mortg. two houses at Marblehead in possession of Wm. Chi- chester 18 (5) 1643. Purchased in 1647 a house and shop of John Button, who con- firmed the title to the widow and children 28 May, 1656. Ch. Esther bur. (8) 1645. He was drowned 27 (1) 1652. Admin, gr. to widow Elizabeth. Two children, a son and a daughter. [Reg. VIII, 58.] She d. Aug. 20, 1676; made will 18 Aug., prob. Dec. 6, 1676, bequeathing all to her dau. Lydia AUeyn, and her children; admin, gr. to her son-in-law Edward Alleyn, shop-keeper. Z,VT)VrEl.Z,, John, ae. 50, came in the Confidence, April 11, 1638. LTJDLOW, LUDLOWE, Col. George, Esquire, Dorchester, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Ret. to Eng. soon; thea went to York, Virginia. Will, dated 8 Sept. and 23 Oct. 1655; prob. at London 1 Aug. 1G.56. Wife Elizabeth; nephew Thomas L.; bro. Gabriel, dec; nephew Jonathan, son of his bro. Roger L., now living at Dublin, Ire- land; residue to the ch. of Roger, who ad- min. [Reg. XL, 300.] Mr. Roger, gent., merchant, chosen an Asst. of the Mass. Bay Co. in Eng. 10 Feb. 1629-30, came over in 1630. Settled at Dor- chester. Appld. for frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Town officer, deputy governor. Rem. to Windsor, Conn, in 1636. One of the comrs. of the United Colonies, 1651-3. Rem. to Vir- ginia. Children named in the will of his bro. George: Jonathan, Joseph, Roger, Anne, Mary, and Sarah. LTJFFE, LUFF, LOOF, John, came in the Mary and John May 24, 1633. Settled at Salem. Propr. 1636; weaver. Lawsuit in 1641. Sold land in 1648. [Wife] Bridget adm. chh. 16 (3) 1647. LTJGG, LUGGE, John, Boston, had a grant of land at Braintree 27 (11) 1639 for 9 heads. Wife Jane adm. chh. 10 (12) 1638; ch. Eliz.abeth b. 7 (1) 1638, Mary bapt.|25 (7) 1642, (m. 11 Feb. 1658, Nathaniel Barnard,) John bapt. 4 (6) 1644. LUMPKIN, LUMKIN, Richard, Ipswich, propr. 1638, frm. March 2, 1638. Deputy 1638-9; deacon. Inv. of his est. taken 23 (9) 1642. His widow Sarah, mentioned in Ipsw. rec. Dec. 25, 1643, m. 2, Dea. Simon Stone, of Wat., and sold lands in Topsfleld in 1660. She was related to the Anglers. [Mdx. Files, 1663.] William, weaver. One of the frm. and proprs. of Yarmouth, 7 Jan. 1638-9. [Plym. Col. Rec] Constable, 1639-40. Will, dated July 23, 1668, prob. 29 Oct. 1671. Wife Thomasin; dau. Thomasin, wife of John Sunderling; gr. ch. William Gray and Elisha and Bethia Eldred. [Reg. VII, 236.] LUSE, Harke, Scituate atba. 1643. LUMBERT, LUMBARD, LUMBAR, John, Springfield, propr. 1646; town officer. He m. at New Haven, [rec. at Spr.j 1 (7) 1647, Johan Prichard. Ch. John b. 20 (5) 1648, David b. 16 (8) 1650. Nathaniel b. 6 (7) 1653. He d. in May, 1672; inv. pres. Sept. 24 folg. Thomas, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 18, 1631. Rem. about 1639 to Barnstable. Inn-keeper, 1639. Ch. Bernard, (deposed in 1668, ae. 60 years; adm. chh. Sci. 23 (4) 1639;) Joshua, (adm. chh. Bar. March 14, 1C46;) Joseph, (deposed in 1667, ae. 29 years;) Jobaniah, (bapt. at Dorch. 23(4)1639;) Jedidiah, (bapt. at Bar. Dec 5, 1641;) Ben- jamin, (bapt. at Bar. Aug. 5, 1643.) Will dated March 25, 1662, prob. 7 March, 1664. Wife Joyce; ch. Bernard, Joshua, Joseph, Jedidiah, Benjamin, Caleb, Jemima, and Margaret Coleman; sons-in-law Joseph Benjamine and Edward Coleman; gr. ch. Abigail Benjamin. [Reg. VI, 186.] LUND, LUNDE, Thomas, merchant, late of Hingham in N. E., made letter of attorney Oct. 24, 1640, to Thomas Grubb of Boston, to receive mon- eys due to him. App. attorney for London parties March 28, 1646. [Suff. De. II, 74.] Called also "leather-dresser, of London." [L.] A Thomas Lund was an early settler of Dunstable, a generation later. LUNT, Enoch, blacksmith, Weymouth, reed, a letter of attorney to collect money at Com- berton, co. Cambridge, Eng., 25 (5) 1641. [L.] Henry, came in the Mary and John, March 26, 1633; settled at Newbury in 1635; frm. May 2, 1638; propr. Ch. Sarah b. Nov. 8, 1639, Daniel b. 17 May, 1641, John b. 30 Nov. 1643, Priscilla b. 16 Feb. 1645, Mary b. 13 July, 1648, Elizabeth b. 29 Dec, 1650, Henry b. 20 Feb. 1652. He d. July 10, 1662. Will prob. Sept. 30, 1662; wife Anne; sons Daniel, John and Henry; daus. Sarah, Pris- cilla, Mary and Elizabeth. The widow m. 2. Joseph Hills. [Reg. IX, 33.] LUSH, Henry, ae. 17, servant of Richard Wade, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. LUSHER, Eleazer, Dedham, adm. propr. 18 (5) 1637, memb. chh. 1638, frm. March 13, 1638- 295 LTISHER, cont. 9. Town officer, major, deputy, Asst. Wife adm. chh. 1639. She d. and he m. in Charles- ton Aug. 8, 1662, Mary, dau. of George Bunljer and widow of John Gwinn. Sam- uel, [his son?] d. 30 (10) 1638. He d. 3 (9) 1672; [S.] his relict Mary d. 26 (12) 1672-3. No child referred to in their wills; Lydia, dau. of John and Martha (Bunl^er) Starr, was practically an adopted dau. and reed. beq. from both. [See intro- duction to Dedham Town Records.] LTJSON, John, Dedham, propr. 18 (5) 1637, memb. chh. 1638; his wife soon after. Town officer; com. to end small businesses. Will, dated 15 (12) 1660, prob. May 25, 1661, inv. talien 18 (3) 1601. "Age and in- firmities increasing daily;" beq. house, lands, etc., to kinsman Thomas Battely of D. for Thomas, Robert, Susan, Mary and John, ch. of Robert L. in Old Eng., after death of Martha, the testator's wife; liinswoman Anne, wife of William Bearstowe of Scit- uate. [Reg. X, 267, and XXXI, 178.] The widow d. 5 (5) 1679. LUST, John, Salem; he and his wife living separately in 1648. [E's. files.] LTJTHER, — The Gen. Court decreed 22 May, 1646, that the widow Luther should have the balance of her husband's wages accord- ing to sea custom, after allowing to the mer- chants what they had paid for the redemp- tion of her son. LTJXFORD, James, herdman, servant to Gov. Win- throp, [L.] Charlestown; propr. 1637; propr. at Cambridge before 1638. Res. at Duxbury, 1641. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. (7) 1637, Reuben b. (12) 1640. Divorced, fined and punished in 1G39 and 1640, for bigamy and other offenses. liYDGET, see Alford. LYFORD, Ann, ae. 13, came in the Susan and Ellen in May, 1635. Rev. John, went from Eng. to Ireland about 1620; came to Plymouth in 1624. Proved wicked and treasonable. Rem. to liYFORD, cont. Nantasliet, then to Cape Ann with Conant, [Hub.] thence to Virginia; d. before Oct. 10, 1634, when his worthy widow Sarah m. Ed- mund Hubbard, Sen. of Hingham. His ch. Ruth and Mordecai receipted in 1641-2 for legacies left them in the will of their father. Ruth m. April 19, 1643, James Bate. [B.] [Suff. De. I, 27.] His son Obediah, clerk, d. in Ireland, and Mr. Hubbard was chosen guardian 6 Aug., 1639, of Mordecai, then 14 yrs. old, who was to receive property which Obediah had left. Their mother Sarah, "widow of John Lyford, clerk," dec, and wife of Edmund Hubbard, planter, ae. about 53 years," testified. [L.] LYMAN, Richard, came to Rosbury (9) 1631; brought children Phillis, Richard, Sarah and John. Rem. to Conn. [E.] Frm. July 11, 1633. Wife Sarah, dau. Phillis m. William Hills. He d. in 1640. Genealogy. LYNDE, LINDE, LINE, LYNE, Mary, ae. 6, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Thomas, malster, Charlestown, adm. chh. with wife Margerite 4 (12) 1634. Frm. March 4, 1634-5. Propr.; deputy. He gave letter of attorney 30 (10) 1647, to John Allen of Char, to ask of the Chamberlain of the city of London, Eng. the spending money due Henry Jordan, whose guardian lie was, on account of f XL paid into the Chamber & Oct. 1633, by Margaret Jordan (now his wife) for the use of Henry, son and orphan of Henry Jordan, late citizen and cutler of London. A receipt to her, as widow of H. J., dated 15 May, 1632, and one to Thomas Lynde of Dunstable, co. Bedford, j'eoman, her husband, S Oct., 1633, are annexed. [A.] He and his wife Rebecca made deed of gift to her dau. Rebecca, wife of Thomas Jen- ner in 1670. His wife d. Aug. 23, 1662; he m. Dec. 6, 1665. Rebecca Trerice; she d. an aged woman, Dec. 8, 1688. Ch. Thomas adm. chh. 4 (9) 1643, Henry d. 9 (2) 1646, Mary, Joseph b. 3, bapt. 5 (4) 1636, Sarah b. 16 (2) bapt. 14 (2) 1639, Hannah b. 2, bapt. 8 (3) 1642, Samuel b. 14 (8l 1644, Elizabeth b. at Maiden April 20, 1650, Joseph b. Dec. 13. 1652. He d. dee. 30, 1671. Will dated 21 Dec. prob. 2 (12) 1671, beq. to wife Rebecca, sons 296 XYNDE, etc., cont. Joseph, Samuel aud Thomas, son-in-law Rob- ert Pierpoint in right of his wife, dan. Han- nah Trerise, dan. Mary Wicks of Succenes- sett; to the teaching elder of the church; to widow Syms. LYON, LION, John, Marblehead, taxed in 1637; gave note in 1038 for payment of money to George Ching of Salem. Propr. 1649. Peter, weaver, Dorchester, 1039, propr., frm. May 2, 1649. Susanna, [his wife?] memb. chh. before 1639. His wife "Ann" d. Nov. 26, 1689. Ch. Mary b. 4 (9) 1650, El- hanan b. 23 (7) 1652, Nathaniel b. 28 (10) 1054, Susanna bapt. 28 (1) 1658, Ebenezer b. 20 (12) 1000, Peter bapt. 6 (7) 1003, Israel b. 21 (8) 1060, Mehetable b. 23 (8) 1609, Eliab b. July 12, 1673, Freefraee b. Aug. IS, 1077. Admin, of his est. was gr. 8 Jan. 1694-5, to his son-in-law Daniel Morey, carter, of Boston. Mr. Richard, sent over to Cambridge from England about 1641 by Mr. Henry Mildmay as a tutor to his son, assisted in revising the Bay Psalm Booli. [C. M.] William, husbandman, Roxbury, memb. chh. with wife (Sarah) about 1647. He m. June 17, 1646, Sarah Ruggles; she d. 9 Feb. 1688-9. He m. 2, Martha — . Ch. John bapt. April 10, 1047, Thomas bapt. Aug. 8, 1048, Samuel bapt. June 10, 1050, William bapt. 18 (5) 1052, Joseph bapt. Nov. 30 or 3 (10) 1054, Sarah bapt. 8 (1) 1657, Jonathan bapt. 9 (7) 1606, d. 30 (3) 1008. He was bur. 21 May, 1692. Will prob. 20 Oct. 1692, beq. to sons John, Thomas, Sam- uel, AVilliam and Joseph; to wife Martha. The widow d. 4 Aug. 1694. LYTHEBLAND, see LEATHERLAND. LYVARS, Ju77. His will dated 9 June. 1076. prob. April 26, 1677; "aged;" beq. to wife Amy; sons Thomas, Joshua and John M.; dau. Abigail, her husband Lyonel Wheatley and their cti. 'j-ue widow made will 28 Feb., prob. 1 May. 1677-8; beq. to her son John's ch. Amy, Thomas and Hannah, and to his wife Mary; to Abigail and Mary, daus. of dec. dau. Abi- gail Wheatley. MATTOCKS, MATTOCKE, MATTOX, see Maddox, David, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 1050. He d. about (3) 10.54. The magistrates gave the est. to his widow Sarah, a son and a decrepit dau. May 25, 1654. [Reg. VIII, 270.] The widow m. 2, Thomas Rawlin, Sen. His dau. Elizabeth b. and d. 1655. James, cooper, Boston, had liberty to live with his bro. John Spoore or elsewhere IS (4) 1038; adm. ehh. 24 (12) 1038, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Dism. to ehh. at Mt. Wol- laston for ye winter season 24 (9) 1039. Bought a house lot of Anthony Stoddard 28 (10) 1044, and sold it to John Synderland Dec. 30, 1044. Bought house and land April 25. 1053, and gave it to his son Samuel who was about to marry Constance, dau. of Rich- ard Fairbanks. Dau. Mary m. 9 July, 1001, Samuel Browne. Will, dated Jan. 21, 1000. prob. Aug. 1, 1607. Wife Mary, son Samuel Mattock, daus. Alice, wife of John Lewes, and Mary, wife of Samuel Browne. [Reg. XV, 325.] The widow Mary, aged, made will 8 Jan. 1680, prob. 11 April, 1682; beq. to son Sam- uel, and his ch. James and Samuel; dau. Alice How; gr. ch. Samuel and Joseph Lew- 306 MATTOCKS, etc., cont. is; dau. Mary Bishop; gr. ch. James, Mary and Samuel Browne and Hannah Byshop. John, Salem, worked with Robert Lewis on the ship Sara for Richard HoUings- worth, ship-builder, who gave them an order for the money 19 Aug. 1641. He d. April 22, 1G43; inv. 6 (5) 1644. Stephen, sent over by Mr. Peter and Mr. Weld in 1643, a servant, assigned to Elder How of Watertown, lived with Na- thaniel Treadway of Wat. 5 (2) 1653. [Mdx. Files.] MAtJDE, Rev. Daniel, came in the ship James from Bristol. Eng., in company with Rich- ard Mather in May, 1639. Adm. chh. 20 (7) 1635; frm. May 25, 1636. Was chosen school- master at Boston Aug. 12, 1636. Was dism. to the chh. of Dover 17 (1) 1644, where he was settled as minister; vote to build him a house passed 1 (6) 1648. He m. Mary (Marie) Bonner; q. v. MATJDESLEY, MOSELEY, MODSLEY, Henry, carpenter, ae. 24, came in the Hopewell in July, 1637. Settled at Dorches- ter. Had leave to dwell in Plymouth col- ony 2 April, 1638. Frm. May 6, 1646. Rem. to Braintree. Ch. Mary b. 29 (7) 1638, Sam- uel b. 14 (4) 1641. Res. in Boston in 1639 and in 1652. John, Dorchester, frm. March 14. 1638- 9. His first wife was Elizabeth; son Joseph b. in 1038. He d. 27 (8) 1061. His widow CiceTy admin. Oct. 29, 1661. She made will Nov. 28, 1661; sons Thomas and John; dau. Eliz- abeth. She d. 3 (10) 1601. [Reg. XI, 170.] MATTLDEB, Ffebe, ae. 7, £ame in the Defense in July, 1635. MAITBICE, see Morris. MATTRY, see Morey. MAVERICK, Elias, Charlestown, 1630, adm. chh. 9 (12) 1632-3, frm. June 11, 1033. He is men- MAVERICK, cont. tioned in both Salem and Boston in 1036. He m. Anna Harris, who was adm. chh. 7 (8) 1639; she d. Sept. 7, 1697, ae. 84, ar Read- ing. Ch. .Tames, (d. and his father admin, on his est. 31 Oct. 1671;) John b. 13, bapt. 27 (12) 1635, Abigail b. 10, bapt. 14 (6) 1637. Eliza- beth b. 2 (4) 1639, Sarah b. 20 (12) 1040, Elias b. 17 (1) 1643, Peter, Mary, Ruth, Paul b. 10 June, 1057, Rebecca. Will prob. Nov. 0, 1684. Beq. to wife An- na; sons Elias, Peter and Paul; daus. Abigail Clark, Sarah Walton, Mary Waye, Ruth Smith and Rebecca Thomas; to gr. ch. Joth- ara, son of his son John, James, son of Peter, Ruth Johnson, and others; refers to Jemima, dau. of Lieut. John Smith, wife of his son Paul. Gives to his servant Jonas Holmes the rest of his time. Makes his father-in- law, Dea. William Stitson, Aaron Way, Sen. and Wm. Ireland, Sen. overseers. Rev. John, a native of co. Devon, was matriculated at Exeter Coll., Oxford, 24 Oct. 1595, ae. 18, and took degree of A.B. 8 July, 1599, and A.M. 7 July, 1003; was ovdained deacon at Exeter, Eng. July 26, 1597, and preached in Devonshire. He was chosen one of the ministers of the church-colony which organized at Plymouth, Eng. in March, 1629, and came to our Dorchester, arriving May 30, 1630. Was a propr. and signed the earli- est orders for distribution of lands in the town, with his colleague Warham and Gay- lord and Rockwell, believed to have been deacons. He remained in Dorchester when half of the church went with the other min- ister to colonize Windsor, Conn., in 1635-6; but d. 3 Feb. 1635-6. [Hub.] "Was near 60 years of age; a man of very humble spirit and faithful in furthering the work of the Lord here, both in the churches and civil state." [W.] We have no record of his fam- ily. [Reg. XLIII, 326.] Moses, Dorchester, propr. 1633. Rem. to Salem, propr. at Marblehead in 1637; con- stable in 1043, [Es. Court rec] a business man of much enterprise. He deposed in 1062, ae. about 50 years. He m. 1, Remem- ber, dau. of Isaac Allerton, who conveyed to him in May, 1635, property at Marb. He and his wife and children were reed, to the chh. in 1637. She was living in 1650; [B.] but d. after 1052. He m. 2, 22 (8) 1056, Eu- 307 MAVEBICK, cont. nice, widow of Thomas Roberts; she deposed in 1671, ae. about 43 years. Ch. recorded: a dau. bapt. 7 (6) 1639, Mary bapt. 14 (12) 1640, d. at Boston 20 Feb. 1655, Abigail bapt. 12 (11) 1644, Eliza bapt. 8 (9) 1646, Samuel bapt. 19 (10) 1647, Eliza bapt. 30 (7) 1649, (m. 1, John Turner, 2, Charles Redford,) Remem- ber bapt. 17 (7) 1652, Mary bapt. 6 (7) 1657, Aaron bapt. 20 (1) 1602, Rebecca, (m. John, son of Adam Hawks). He d. 28 June, 1686, ae. 86 years, Will dated March 30, 1686, admin, gr. 15 July, 1686, to widow Eunice; beq. to wife; to Moses Hawke, only surviving child of his late dau. Rebecca; to Samuel and Mary Ward, Abigail Hinds and Mary Dallabare, ch. of his dec. dau. Abigail; to daus. Eliz: Skinner, Remem- ber Woodman, Mary Ferguson and Sarah Norman. In 1691 Edward Woodman of Bos- ton, husband of Remember, petitioned for full settlement of the est. [Es. Files 46, 28.] Ml-. Samuel, (said by Jocelyn to be a son of Mr. John, above,) came in 1625 to Noddles Island, now East Boston, where he was found by the Dorchester and Boston colonists in 1030. Frm. Oct. 2, 1632. Car- ried on fishing, trading and farming. He was paid in 1032 by Mr. Pynchou for a month's wages of Elias M. [Mass Hist. Coll. 2-8.] Did noble work in caring for the Indians when they were suffering from small pox in 1033. He deposed Dec. 7, 1665, ae. 63 years. With wife Amias sold mes- suage at Winnisimmet and interest in the ferry Feb. 27, 1634. They, with their son and heir apparent, Nathaniel, sold Noddles Island, bake house, mill, etc. in 1649. John Thompson calls him father, in 1646. [A.] His dau. Mary m. 1, 8 (12) 1655, John Pals- grave; m. 2, 20 Sept. 1660, Francis Hooke; lived at Kittery. He rem. to New York. Was one of the comrs. of king Charles II in 1664. Took strong ground against the Mass. Bay Com- pany; [.see his letters in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. See deed of his house to dau. Mary; N. Y. De. 1, 133.] A son Samuel d. in 1663, whose widow m. Wm. Bradbury of Salisbury. MAYCOCK, MEACOCK, Peter, Plymouth, sold the 25 acres of land due to him for service 25 Aug. 1638; made bargain with Jonathan Brewster to keep the ferry at North river. Before the court, 1640. MA WEB, see MOORE, William, a stranger in Boston, 163C. MAY, MAYES, MAIES, John, Roxbury, frm. June 2, 1641. Sister M. d. 18 (4) 1651. [Second wife] Sa- rah, an aged woman, reed, from chh. of Dor- chester 29 (2) 1060. Sarah, wife of J. M., d. May 4, 1070. John M., Sen. d. April 28, 1670, ae. about 80. His nunc, will, made Sabbath morning, April 24, prob. April 29, 1670, beq. to son John all the tools and % a tract of land; son Samuel to have the other half; household goods to be divided between the sons after the death of his wife. [Reg. XLVIII, 460.1 MAYER, Thomas, servant to Henry Smith, came to Hingham in 1638. MAYNAED, MYNARD, see MINOR, John, carpenter, Duxbury, witness to will of John Cole in 1637; contracted to build a prison at Plymouth 4 March, 1638-9; had land grant at Dux. in 1640; town officer, 1645. Rem. to Boston; sold Dux. land 20 Aug. 1647. He m. 16 May, 1640, Mary, dau. of Comfort Starr; ch. Hannah and Lydia, ae. about 4 days, bapt. 26 (9) 1648. Inv. of his est. filed 7 (9) 1658. List of debts, 25 (9) 1059. [Beg. IX, 347, and XXXI, 175.] John, Cambridge, propr. 1634; frm. May 29, 1644. May be the folg.: John, maulster, Sudbury, propr. 1639^ selectman, 1646; frm. May 2, 1649. He m. 16 (4) 1646, Mary, widow [or dau.!] of Thom- as Axtell; ch. Elizabeth b. 26 May, 1649, Hannah b. 30 (7) 1653. Will dated 4 Sept. 1672, prob. April 1, 1673, beq. to wife Mary; sons John and Zechary; daus. Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Graves, Lyd- ia, wife of Joseph Moores, and Mary, unmar- ried. MAYO, Rev. John, Barnstable, frm. 3 March, 1039-40. Rev. John, ordained minister of the North church, Boston, Nov. 9, 1655; dismissed April 15, 1672. Mr. John, late of Yarmouth, a com. was appointed to settle his est. upon his wife 308 MAYO, cont. and cliildrt'n 7 June, IGTO. Inv. presented by his widow Thaniasin, not including goods she brought at marriage; division agreed up- on between the widow; the son John; Sam- uel, Hannah and Bathsheba, ch. of the son Nathaniel, dec; Joseph Howes signed on be- half of Hannah Bacon; Thomas Huckens subscribed. The dau. Hannah had m. 4 Dec. 1640, Nathaniel Bacon. Nathaniel d. in 1601. John m. at Eastham 1 Jan. 1G50, Hannah Reycraft, or Lecraft. John, Roxbury, son-in-law of Robert Gamlin, arrived 20 (3) 1632, [E.] Propr. Wife Sarah; ch, Hannah b. April 24, 1657, John b, Feb. 15, 1658, Hannah b. Feb. 10. 1660. Joseph bapt. 13 (11) 1666, Mehetabel bapt. 28 (12) 1668, Thomas bapt. 20 (9) 1670, Benjamin bapt. 1672, Thomas bapt. 16 (9) 1073. He was bur. April 28, 1688. Will prob. June 11, 1691, beq. to wife Hannah: sons John, Thomas and Joseph; daus. Hannah Morrice and Mehetabel Mayo. The widow d. Oct. 5, 1699, Rev. Samuel, Barnstable, ordained a teaching elder (minister) April 15, 1640. Atba. 1643. His wife joined the chh. Jan. 20, 1649. Ch. Mary and Samuel bapt. Feb. 3, 1649, Hannah bapt. Oct 20, 1650, Eliza- beth bapt. May 22, 1653. MEAD, etc., cont, dy,) Patience bapt. 29 (1) 1646, (m, 28 (2) 1669, Matthias Evans,) David bapt, 7 (5) 1650. He d. 12 (3) 1666, ae. about 77. Will prob. 17 July, 1667. Wife Joanna; ch. Lydia, Ex- perience, Sarah and Patience, all under age. IReg. XV, 163.] William, propr. Roxbury. He—, an aged man, was bur, 3 (9) 1683; old sister M. was bur. 9 (9) 1683. His will dated 29 Oct. prob. 29 Nov., beq. to wife Rebecca, and after her decease to the Free School of Roxbury; to son-in-law Joseph Stanton; to bro. Richard M. The widow beq. to the school; to bro. and sister M., and to a num- ber of friends. William, husbandman, Gloucester, law- suit in 1639, constable 22 (9) 1648. [Es. Court rec] [See Southmeade.] MEADCALFE, see Metcalf. John, called to Gen. Court 5 (1) 1638-9, being not yet returned from Piscataqua. MEADOWS, Philip, Roxbury, propr. He m. in April, 1641, Elizabeth Ingulden; ch, Hannah b, Feb. 1, 1042-3. MEACHAM, MACHAM, MECHUM, Jeremiah, clothier, Salem, sold dwell- ing house and land in 1650. He m. Alice, dau. of Osman Douch of Gloucester. [Ess. De.] Will dated 12 April, 1094, prob. Nov. 18, 1C95; "very ancient;" wife Margaret de- ceased; now wife Alice; dau. Rhodia dec; beq, to her son Samuel West; fulling mill to son Jeremiah; to all my children and their children. Agreement for division made June 26, 1090, between Jeremiah and Isaac M., Sarah, (wife of Joseph Boyce,) Rebecca, (wife of John Mecarter.) Bethiah, (wife of George Hacker,) and Hannah Gill, widow, MEAD, MEED, MEADE, MAID, Gabriel, Dorchester, frm. May 2, 1638, Wife Joanna memb. chh. about 1038. Ch. Lydia, named in her father's will, Israel bapt. 2 (7) 1039, Experience bapt. 23 (11) 1641, (m. 4 (10) 1663, Jabez Eaton,) Sarah bapt. 4 (11) 1643, (m. 31 (9) 1664, Samuel Ed- MEAKINS, MEKINS, MEKIN, Thomas, Boston; he and his wife Kath- arine, servants to Edmund Quinsey, adm. chh. 2 (12) 1633, dism. to Braintree 6 (t) 1641. He was adm. frm. March 9, 1630-7. Son Thomas, adm. chh. 30 (1) 1634, reed. beq. from Mr. Thomas Bell, of London, a bro. of Katharine, in 1070. Another child was also a legatee. [See Bell.] Katharine d. Feb. 3, 1050. Ch, rec. at Br.: Sarah b. 24 (2) 1641, Thomas b. 8 (4) 1643, Helen drowned 3 (10) 1638. [It is difficult to distinguisu records relating to Thomas, Sen., and Thomas, Jr.] MEANE, MEENE, MEAN, John, Cambridge, propr. Wife Anne; ch. John b, 3 (12) 1638, d. 10 (6) 1639. Sarah b. 12 ( ) 1639-40, (m. Walter Hastings,) Mary b. 3 (2) 1644, (m. Samuel Hastings,) John b. and d. 1640. He d. 19 (1) 1045-0. The widow m. John Hastings, q. v. 309 MEARS, MEARES, MERE, MERES, MEERE, MEERES, Robert, busbandinan, ae. 45, with Eliz- abeth, ae. 30, Samuel, ae. 3, and John, ae. 3 months, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Boston. Propr. Jan. 1635-0. Eliza- beth adm. chh. 24 (5) 1030. Ch. b. in Bo.: Stephen bapt. 10 (7) 1037, Stephen b. 25 (10) 1038-9, d. Dec. 10, 1061, Samuel b. 7 (4) 1041, James b. 9 (1) 1644. Will dated Feb. 20, 1660, being aged; wife Elizabeth to have life use of est.; beq. to sons Samuel and James and to the first-born ch. of each; to James, son of dec. son John; wife exec, bro. James Johnson and Mr. Thomas Wilder, overseers. Prob. Nov. 13, 1007. [Reg. XVII, 340.] MEECH, John, Charlestown, inhabitant, 1630. See March. MEGGS, John, Weymouth. He m. a sister of William Fry, who beq. to her son John in 1643. Ch. John b. 29 (12) 1641-2. MELLOWS, MELLOWES, MELLHOTTSE, Mr. xVbraham, invested 50 li. in the stock of the Mass. Bay Co. about the year 1030. Came to N. E. Settled at Charles- town; adm. to ch. with wife Martha and son Edward 19 (0) 1033; frm. May 14, 1634. Town officer. He d. in 1638. Will mentioned in Gen. Court 4 June, 1039. Serg. Edward, "heir and assignee," petitioned the Court 9 (4) 1641, for 300 acres more of land. [L.] Oliver, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 20 (5) 1034. Propr. He was one of the partisans of Mrs. Hutchinson whom the Court disarmed in 1037. Ch. Samuel bapt. 7 (10) 1634, Martha bapt. (1) 1636, Mary bapt. 26 (6) 1638, (m. 13 (7) 1655, Eman- uel Springfield). He d. at Braintree. Admin, gr. to his widow Elizabeth 5 (10) 1638. [Reg. XXX, 78.] The widow m. 2, Thomas Malsepeace; who petitioned the Court 22 May, 1051, for power to sell land at Br. for the 6 ch.'s bene- fit, and gave security, with the eldest son John, for the payment of the younger ch.'s portions. John deposed in prob. of Thomas Blackley 30 Jan. 1673, ae. about 53 years, and his wife Martha, ae. about 43 years. MELLEN, MELLIN, MELLERS, Richard, Charlestown. Rem. to Wey- mouth; frm. Sept. 7, 1039. Ch. James b. at Char. 3 (4) 1642, Sarah b. at AYey. 4 (2) 1643. MENDALL, MENDILOUE, MENDLOtTE, MENDLOVE, MENDAM, Mark, laborer, Plymouth, in Court 12 July, 1637. Bought land in 1639. Robert, Duxbury, volunteer for the Pe- quot war in 1037. Had land grant 2 Oct. 1037. Sold house and land in 1039. His wife Mary was punished 3 Sept. 1639. She brought goods out of Eng. which were for Arthur Howland, and kept or sold them, for which her husband paid by sale of lands 5 Nov. 1644. William, Plymouth, servant of Wm. Palmer, transferred in 1633 to Richard Church to learn the trade of carpenter. MERCER, Luce, ae. 19, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Thomas, called to Salem Court in 1639. Thomas, Boston. Wife Edith. Their son Samuel apprenticed to George Carr of Salis- bury 20 Oct. 1676. MERCHANT, MERCHAND, MARCHANT, John, Braintree. Had grant of land for 2 heads 24 (12) 1639. Wife Sarah d. 3 (10) 1038. John, Watertown, propr. 1642. John, Yarmouth, constable, 7 June, 1(548. Ensign of the town company, ap- proved by the Court 8 June, 1004. Lieut. 11 Aug. 1670, called Senior. Ch. Mary b. 20 May, 1648, Abijah b. 10 Jan. 1650. William, Watertown. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 24 (1) 1641. He and his wife were legatees in the will of Edward Skinner of Cambridge in 1641. William, Ipswich, fence-viewer in 1056. His widow Mary made will 25 June, 1679; admin, gr. to Henry Osborn 30 March, 1680; beq. to the ch. of her dau. Mary Osborn; re- fers to the inv. of her dec. husband W. M. 310 MERIAM, MERBIAM, MERION, MIRI- AM, George, Concord, friu. June 2, 1G41. Wife Susanna; eh. Elizabeth b. 8 (9) 1641, Sarah b. 17 (5) 1C49, Samuel b. 21 (ri) 16— Hannah b. 14 (5) 16— Abigail b. 15 (5) 16—, Mary d. 10 (6) 1646. He d. Dec. 29, 1675. Inv. filed by Samuel M. exec. 4 (2) 1676. John, Boston, frm. May 26, 1647. Wife Sarah adm. chh. with him 15 (12) 1G51; ch. John bapt. 22 (12) 1651, Isaac b. Jan. 20, 1652. Joseph, planter, came as an "under- taker" in the Castle, arriving at Charles- town in July, 1638. Settled at Concord. [L.] Suit in Plym. court for money in 1630. Wife Sarah; ch. John b. 9 (5) 1641. He d. 1 (11) 1640-1. Will prob. Sutf. 26 (8) 1642. Wife to have the whole est. for the bringing up of all the ch. until they are 21 years of age; she may sell the house and pro- vide a lesser one. Est. to be appraised when oldest ch. is 21, and wife to have one third; the same if she marries. Brethren Mr. Thomas Flint, Simon Willard and Robert M. overseers. [Reg. II, 184, and L, 506. [ Robert, planter, Concord, bro. of Jo- seph, ae. 26 in 1639, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Owned land at Charlestown in 1638. Deputy 1655. Will dated 10 Dec. 1681, prob. April 4, 1682, beq. to wife; cousin Isaac Day in old England, son of sister Joan D., dec, provided he come to possess it; otherwise to cousin Robert, son of Joseph M. of Concord, dec; cousin Jonathan Hubbard; Joseph French and Sarah Wheeler wTio formerly lived with me. Rest to tJie ch. of two dec. bros. George and Joseph M., specifying 8 persons. William Mirriam, of Hadloe, Kent, clothier. In will dated 8 Sept., prob. 27 Nov. 1635, beq. to sons Joseph, George and Rob- ert; which seems to apply to these Concord pioneers. [Reg. L, 506.] MERICK, MERRICK, MIRICK, MIR- ACK, Henry, Scituate, took oath of allegi- ance 1 Feb. 1638. James, Oharlestown, propr. 1648. John, cooper, Charlestown, 1642. He deposed in 1600, ae. 46 years. [Mdx. Files.] MERICK, etc., cont. He apprenticed son Benjamin toHenryKem- bie, blacksmith, Dec 6, 1657. Wife Judith; ch. HopestiU b. 20 (2) 1G42. Wife Hopestill adm. chh. 10 (7) 1644; ch. Benjamin b. 22 (4) 1644. He m. at Cambridge 3 (2) 1655, Eliza- beth, dau. of Thomas Weyborne of Boston. Ch. Abigail bapt. 17 (12) 1660. He d. 15 Feb.; inv. of his est. taken 22 Feb. 1075. John, Hingham, propr, 1637. He d. 2 July, 1647. Will prob. 9 (7) 1047. M'ife Elizabeth; sister Elizabeth Hilliard and her children; niece Elizabeth M.; ser- vants John Skathe and Ann S.; John and Ann Fisher in Eng. [Reg. VII, 173.] The widow rem. to Roxbury, and sold lands at Hing. 13 (10) 1049. Thomas, Springfield, frm. Oct. 11, 1665. Taxed 1638. Sergeant; much in town office. He sold his dwelling house and other build- ings, with lands, in Spr. 2 (2) 1651. He de- posed 9 Feb. 1690, ae. about 70 years. He m. 14 (2) 1639, Sarah Stebbins. Ch. Thomas b. 12 (2) 1641, Sarah b. 9 (3) 1643, Mary b. 2S (7) 1645, bur. 28 (5) 1646, Mary b. 27 (6) 1647, Hannah b. 10 (12) 1649. He m. 21 (8) 1653, Elizabeth Tilley. Ch. Elizabeth b. 20 (6) 1654, Miriam b. 1 (3) 1656, John b. 9 (9) 165S, Eliz- abeth bur. 11 (11) 1659, Elizabeth b. 4 (5) 1661, Thomas b. 2 Jan. 1663, Tilly b. Oct. 20, 1667, James b. March 2, 1669-70, Abigail b. 7 (7) 1673. Wife Elizabeth d. Aug. 21, 1G84. William, Duxbury, in court 5 Oct. 1636. Town ofl5eer 1646. William, Eastham; suit in court in 1641; townsman 1655; ensign. Ch. William b. 15 Sept. 1643, Stephen b. 12 May, 1646. Rebecca b. 28 July, 1648, Mary b. 4 Nov. 1650, Ruth b, 15 May, 1652, Sarah b. 1 Aug. 16.54, John b. 15 Jan. 1656, Isaac b. 6 Jan. 1660, Rebecca b. 28 Nov. 1668. Will dated 3 Dec, prob. 6 March, 1688; about 86 years old; beq. to wife Rebeccah, sons William and Stephen; the rest of my children. MERRIFIELD, MERRYFIELD, Henry, husbandman, Dorchester, 1649. Ch. Mary, John, Elizabeth, (m. Thomas Pope.) Ruth, all bapt. 16 (2) 1649; Mary bapt. 18 (2) 1652, Thomas bapt. 30 (5) 1654, 311 MERBiriELD, etc., cont. Abigail bapt. 3 (C) 1650, Benjamin bapt. 27 (12) 1C58, Martha bapt. 28 (2) 16G1, Ilei-iv bapt. 31 (5) 1664. He d. April 14, 1687. The widow Margaret d. July 6, 1688. MEBRILL, MERBELL, MEEIAL, John, Ipswich, had grant of land be- fore 1636. Rem. to Newbury, propr. 1638; town officer; frm. ilay 13, 1640. Con\eyed' lands to bro. Nathaniel M. and son-in-law Stephen Swett; [no date; town rec] Wife Elizabeth; dau. Hannah, (m. May 24, 1647, Stephen Swett.) He d. 12 Sept. 1073. Beq. to gr. ch. John Swett and his bros. and sisters. Widow Elizabeth sold land Nov. 20, 1673; she d. July 14, 1682; beq. to son-in-law and gr. ch. Nathaniel, Newbury, propr. 1G38. Wife Susanna; ch. rec. at N., Daniel b. Aug. 20. 1642, Abel b. Feb. 20, 1643. ^Hed. March 16, 1054-5. Will prob. March 27, 1655. To wife Susanna, dau. Susanna; son Nathaniel to have est.., subject to wife's life-interest; he to pay to his sister as di- rected, and to his bros. John, Abraham, Dan- iel and Abel at 22 years of age. Bro. John Si. and Anthony Somerby overseers. The dau. Susanna m. Oct. 15, 1003, Jolm Burbank. The widow Susanna m. 2, Stephen Jordan. [See deed of land by her son Nathaniel 16 Aug. 1601.] MERRITT, MERRETT, MERRICK, Henry, planter, Scituate, took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1038; atba. 1643. Town officer 1642. Goody M. joined the chh. April 16, 1637. His dau. Katharine m. June, 1044, John Dammon. He d. 30 Nov. 1653. Admin, gr. Jan. 24, 1653-4, to his bro. John M. [Reg. V, 200.] John, Scituate, afba. 1643. He d. about the latter part of Feb. 1070. Inv. taken 15 March folg.; mentions his wife Elizabeth; eh. Deborah ae. 21 years last March, John ae. 10, last Feb., Henry ae. 14 last Jan., Jonathan ae. 12 last July. Mary ae. 9 last Dee. and Elizabeth ae. 6 last July. MERRY, etc., cont. Contract of marriage with Elizabeth Hilller widow, 13 (10) 1659. Walter, or Waters, shipwright, Boston, odm. chh. 9 (12) 1633, frm. March 4. 1633-4. ■R ife Rebecca adm. chh. 29 (10) 1633- ch Jeremy b. and d. 1633, Rebecca b. and d 1035, Jeremy b. and d. 1637. The wife Re- becca d. 4 (5) 16.53. and he m. 19 (6) 1653 Mary Doling; ch. Silvanus b. and d. 1655 Walter b. 3 June, 1657. He was drowned 28 (6) 1057. Admin gr Oct. 27, 1657. Wife Mary and son Walter named. [Reg. IX, 230.] The widow m. 13 (9) 1657, Robert Thornton. MESSENGER, MESSINGER, Henry, joiner, Boston, had a great lot at Muddy River, for 2 heads, 11 (9) 1039 Frm. May 3, 1605. Wife Sarah, [see Cal- lowe,] adm. chh. 1 (9) 1640; ch. John b. 25 (1) 1641, Sarah b. 12 (1) l(i43, (m. Nov. 20. 1660 Richard Mason,) Simeon b. (1) 1645, Maryah bapt. 15 (6) 1047, Anne bapt. 20 (11) 1649 Re- becca b. 20 (4) 1053. Henry bapt. 3 (7) 1654, Lydia and Priscilla b. Nov. 22, 1056, PriseiUa d. 21 (4) 1057, Priscilla b. 1659. Thomas b March 22, 1662, Ebenezer b. Oct. 25. 1665, Martha, (m. Sept. 5, lti89, Jeremiah Fitch.) Old Mrs. Messonger, (Sarah M.,) d. June 6. 1697; (twice recorded.) His will dated 25 March, prob. 9 April. 1673, beq. to wife Sarah for herself and the children; to son John. MERRY, MERRIE, Nicholas, before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1039. Joseph, Haveriiill, propr. sold Dec. 22, 1044, and in 1048. Rem. to Hampton. 312 METCALF, MEDCALE, see Meadcalfe, Joseph, seaman, Ipswich, propr. 1634; called to Gen. Court 5 (1) 1638-9. Deputy 1635, 1643-4. With wife Elizabeth sold land in Ips. to Edward Neland a certain Irishman, 5 June, 1665. Will dated June 3. 1605, ae. about GO; prob. 20 Sept.. 1665; beq. to wife Elizabeth.' son Thomas and gr. ch. Joseph, Mary and Elizabeth. Michael, dornix weaver, of Norwidi, Eng.. ae. 45, with wife Sarah, ae. 39, chil- dren Michael, Thomas, Mary, Sarah, Eliza- beth, Martha, Joane and Rebecca, and ser- vant, Thomas Comberbach, ae. 16, passed exam. April 18, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Dedham; propr. 18 (5) 1637, adm. chh. 24 (6) 1639, frm. May 13. 1040. See letter of his, describing the religious persecutions he Additioxs and Corrections, 1902. INGALLS, see will of Robert IngoUs, of Skir- beck, CO. Lincoln, Eng. in Reg. L., p. 72. JACKSON, Richanl ; erase •' Wm."' in last line. JOHNSON, Francis, seems to be tlie " Capt. Johnson," who died at Boston Feb. 2, 1G1)0-1, " aged between 86 and 90." [S.] KENDRICK, KENRICKE, John, Boston, had grant of land at Mnddy River, Boston, for 4 heads, 30(10)1(;39. N.B. This was erroneously copied and printed in the Boston Record Com- missioners' volume as " Remicke," and fol- lowed by the compiler in former statement. IvIMBALL. Richard, died 22 June, 1675. KNIGHT, Alexander, married shortly before 10 Oct., 1640, Anne, dan. of AVilliam Tutty, gent., of St. Stephens, Colman street, London, Eng., who beq. to her in his will, prob. 9 Jan. 1640. [Reg. XLVIII., 142.] John, Newbury, m. 2, Ann, widow of R. Ingersoll. John Jr. d. in Feb. 1677-8. LAW, Winiam, erase statement that his first wife was " widow of Anthony Saddler," which applies to her sister. LEWIS, John, of Tenterden and Scituate; the christian name of Mr. Bishop, former husband of Alice, is not Nathaniel, and is not known to the writer. The date of the deed is 1669. LOBDELL, Nicholas, gave letter of attorney 28 (4"! 1648 for settlement of an account with Nathaniel Peck, of Barbadoes ; one bill dated 4 Feb. 1636. [A.] LORD, p. 294, heading of first column, should be LOWELL. LUXFORD; " goodwife Luxford was buried Sept. 1, 1691." [S.] LYON, etc. ; change "Freefrace" to Freegrace. M.VNNING, William, father and son were often confused in records. Hannah, dan. of William, Senior, having a child recorded at Braintree as born in 1651, cannot be the child born at Cambridge in 1642. This Hannah and all the children registered at Camb. were of William, Jr. MANSFIELD, John; see will of John Mans- field, Esq., dated 13, prob. 31 July, 1601, re- corded In WoodhuU, 47. [Keg. XLVI, 324.] MARION, MERIAN, etc., John, page 300, re- moved from Watertown to Boston; children given on page 311 Ijelong to this person, viz. John bapt. 22 (12) 1651, and Isaac b. Jan. 20, 1652. He constituted John Maryon, the elder, of Braintree [Eng.] his attorney 6 (12) 1648, to collect what was due him from the estate of his father, Issac M., late of Stebbin, co. Essex, Eug. [A.] MAVERICK, Rev. John, was rector of Sea- worthy Aug. 30, 1615; resigned; his successor was instituted March 24, 1629. [Reg. 44, 214.] MATHEW, see MAHEW. MAYOW, Francis, of Charlestown, sent letter of attorney 22 (8) 1650, to Mr. John Smith, minister, of Great Duumow in Essex, Eng., to collect legacy from the estate of John Chaire, late of London. [A.] MERKITT, MERRICK, John, mar. 3 (2) 16G5, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Wyborne, q. v. MILLETT, Thomas ; the surname was dropped out of the form ; he therefore appears under Miller ! MOORE, John, Mendon, signed a statement concerning a cow and provisions delivered to Capt. Henchman May 1, 1676; was " about 95 years old." [.\rch. 70]. William, of Ipswich; will dated 14 Aug., 1660, prob. 26 Sept., 1671, beq. to daus. Mary Powell, Elizabeth More and Ruth Robye and her eldest daughter; to sons Thomas, and (eldest) William. NICHOLLS, not NICHOLAS, Elizabeth, came in 1635. ODLIN, John, " one of the first inhabitants of Boston, the oldest save the goveruour;" [Sewall.] [Reg. VI, 727.] ORMSBY, Richard, removed to Rehoboth. PADLEFOOTE, Jonathan, Cambridge, men- tioned in the inventory of Nath. Sparrow- hawke In 1647; he bought land in Camb. of Edward Winship 30 (3) 1649 ; sold his share in Billerica lauds in 1650 ; administration of his estate was granted 1 Oct. 1661 , to his widow Mary for herself and 4 small children. (312— a) Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. Additions and Corrections. 1902. PARKER, .John, Wobiivn ; wife Marij married third, Thomas Chamberlain. Kev. Thomas, Newbury ; Lechford says he ■was son of " Robert Parlcer, sometime of Wil- ton, CO. Wilts, author of De Politeia Eccles- iastica." [L., P. D.] PARTRICII, PARTRIDGE, Georije, tailor, Duxbiiry, juror 2 M.arch, 1G35-6; house-lot of 30 acres granted hiii. Oct. 6, 1636 ; mar. Sarah Tracy in Nov. 1638; bou.sjht land XV Aug. 1639; had grant of land with meadow " by his father's" 2 Nov. 1640; grant recorded previous ■was to Steven Tr.acy. N. B. this entry led the compiler to suppose that George was the sou of the minister. Rev. Ralph Partrich; but later researches, made at the instance of Mrs. Ed- ■ward C. Chatfield, lead to the conclusion that such ■was not the case, and leave the origin of George unknown. Atba. 16i3; frra. 2 June, 1646; constalUe ; took oath of fidelity in 1657 ; excise oGicer June 3, 16G2; mentioned in list of "ancient freemen and servants " to whom land had been granted, before 1662; juror Dec. 6, 1673. Will dated 29 June, I6S2, prob. 16 Oct. 1695, and inv. filed same day. Beq. to ■wife Sarah; dan. Marcy to have as much as other dans, al- ready married h.ave had ; gr. dan. Bethia Allen, eldest son John P. and son James P. . " In case any estate belonging to me, beyond sea should be brought over heither," his ■wife should dispose of it among the children. PEAKE, William, in his ■will bequeaths to grand- children Dependance and Remembrance Luce. PERKINS, William, called "gent." in a deed of whicli abstract is given by Lechford. PHILLIPS, William, Charlesto^wn and Boston ; lieutenant, captain, major. He made William Phillips, of Badiam, shoemaker, his attorney for collection of accounts in Eng. 10 (12) 1648. [A.] His son John died in .\ug. 1657. Bought land at Saco, Me. and removed thither. Carried on a large amount of business in mills, trading and real estate. Returned to Bo. about 1676; died in 1682-3; -will dated Feb., prob. 29 Sept. 1683, beq. to ■wife Bridget, (who ■was third, not second wife,) sons Samuel and William, and daus. MaryFeild and Elizabeth Alden. PICKERING, John, made Thomas Potter, of Childesmone, Eng. his attorney 25 (8) 1650, to take possession of a house in Coventry in his name. [A.] PINGREE, PENGRY, Aaron and Moses, of Ipswich, N. E., made Thomas Pengry, Sen., of Colcliester, Eng., their attorney for collec- tion of rents in Upton Bishop, co. Hereford, Eng. 15 (S) 1650. POLE, POOLE, "widow Jane died at River House in Boston Sept. 9, 1690." [S.] PRENCE, Thomas; insert comma after name of first daughter, Hannah. The following heirs, directly or through their attornies, sold land of his estate June 10, 1676; Susanna Prence, siugle woman, at Catherine Gate neare the Tower in London; Capt John Freeman in behalf of his wife Marcye; Jonathan Sparrow and his wife Hannah; Nicholas Snow and his wife Jane; Jeremiah Howes and Sar.ah his wife; John Tracy and Mary his wife; and the widow Mary Prence. PRINCE, Thomas, Gloc, deposed 27 (7) 1664, VB. about 45 years. QUINSEY, QUINCY, bounded out in 16S5. Mr. Edmund, lands RE.iD, etc., Robert, was lost in a vessel which sailed from Hampton, N. H., Oct. 20, 1657. Goods and lands appraised 29 (8) 1657 and 5 (1) 1657-8. William, of Boston and Woburn, the refer- ence conccifning his will should read Reg. XLVIII, 381. READING, REDDING, Thomas, removed to East Saco, Maine, and afterward to Casco Bay ; took oath of allegiance to Mass. govt. 5 July, 1653. He died before 10 March, 1673, when his widow Elinor sold land, referring to a mort- gage he had given in 1672. John R. of Wey- mouth, Joseph Donell, of Casco Bay, with Ruth his wife, and John Taylor, of Boston, conveyed their right in another tract which the widow sold in 1680. [York Deeds.] REMICKE, John ; error in copying and print- ing records of Boston forKENRICKE, q. v. . REYNER, Rev. John, made will 19 April, 1659; prob. by widow Frances 30 June, 1669; beq. to wife land at Gildersome in the parish of Batly, CO. of York, Eng., etc.; to children John, Elizabeth, Dorothie, Abigail and Judith ; to son Jachim, of Rowly, and dau. Hannah, wife to Job Lane, "a cup I had with their mother," etc. ^^^ Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. METCALF, etc., cont. had borne in Eng., [Reg. XVI, 279.] Town officer, school-master. Wife adm. chh. 11 (8) 1639. She d. Nov. 30, 1644, ae. 51 years, 5 months, 13 days; was b. at Wagnham, near Norwich, June 17, 1593, married Oct. 13, 1616. [Ded. chh. rec] He m. 2, Mary, widow of Thomas Pidge. He d. Dec. 27, 10G4. Will dated 15 (9) 1064; refers to the covenant made with his wife Mary before their marriage, namely 13 Aug. 1645; sons John and Thomas M.; Michael, Bon of his dec. son Michael; dans. Mary, (wife of Henry Wilson,) Elizabeth, (wife of Thomas Bancroft.) Martha, (wife of Nath- aniel Stow,) Joane, (wife of — Wallier,) Re- becca, (wife of John Mackintosh,) Sarah, (wife of Robert Onion;) his wife's dau. Martha, (wife of Benjamin BuUard;) his dau. Stowes eldest son which she had by her first husband Wm. Briguall, to have four pounds when he Shall attayne to lawful age; gr. eh. John Mackintosh and Robert Onion. IReg. VI, 172.] Prob. Feb. 1, 1664-5. Theophilus, Salem, 1636. METHER, Henry, Boston, made indenture with Thomas Cornish 24 (3) 1039. [L.] MICHELL, MITCHELL, MICHEL, Edward, came from Hingham, Eng., to Hingham, N. E., as a servant of Philip James, in 1638. Before the Court in 1641-2. Experience, planter, came to Plymouth in 1623; frm. 1633. He rem. to Duxbury; juryman, town officer, propr. in 1623 with George Morton. Rem. to Bridgewater. Will dated 5 Dec., 1689, [1688], inv. taken 14 May, 1689, prob. Sept. 4, 1689; beq. to wife Mary, sons Edward and John, daus. Mary iShaw, Sarah and Hannah Haward, and gr. ch. Experience, Thomas and Mary M. George, house-carpenter, Boston. Sold house and land Oct. 21, 1654. Wife Mary; ch. Elizabeth b. Aug. 26, 1645, Mercy b. Aug. 25, 1648, John b. June 3, 1650, Sarah b. Dec. 8, 1652. Rev. Jonathan, b. 1624, at Halifax, Yorkshire, [Mor.] came as a child of 11 in the ship James, from Bristol, Eng., In 1635, In company with Mr. Richard Mather, with his parents Matthew and Susan Michel, who MICHELL, etc., cont. settled in Connecticut. He grad. at Har- vard in 1049 and was installed pastor at Cambridge 21 Jan. 1650. He was adm. frm. May 2, 1645. He was a very acceptable preacher and pastor. He left a valuable record of the families of the church, contain- ing memoranda about times of arrivals, ages, etc. He m. Nov., 1650, Margaret, widow of his predecessor, Mr. Thomas Shepard.Ch. Margaret, Nathaniel b. 1650. d. 15 (5) 1673, John d. Oct. 29, 1659, Samuel b. Oct. 14, 1660, Margaret, Jonathan. He d. 9 (5) 1668. [Rox. rec] Admin, gr. to widow Margaret. Her est. was admin, by son Jonathan April 7, 1691. Matthew, came in the James from Bristol, Eng., in 1635, in company with Mr. Richard Mather. Settled at Charlestown. Rem. to Springfield, and was one of the founders of the plantation in 1636. [Reg. XIII, 29.] Susan M., also mentioned by Mather as being on board the James. Thomas, Charlestown, adm. chh. with Anne 11 (4) 1636. Deputy, 1648. Thomas m. at Maiden, (9) 1655, Mary Molton. Thomas, Boston, [is it the foregoing?] Admin, gr. Feb. 28, 1677, to his widow Anna. Willia,m, Newbury. He m. 7 Nov. 1648, Mary Sawyer; ch. Mary b. 31 Aug. 1649, ,Tohn b. 21 May, 1651, William b. 1 March, 1053, Elizabeth b. 15 March, 1654-5. He d. 10 July, 1654. MICHELSON, MICHISON, MITCHEL- SON, Edward, gent., Cambridge, propr. 1636; marshall of the Gen. Court, 1637, also in 1600; ordered to apprehend Whalley and Goffe. [Suff. De. V, 1.] He m. Ruth Bushell; ch. Ruth b. 9 (9) 1638, Thomas b. (7) 1639, Bethia b. 6 (10) 1642, Edward b. 11 (9) 1644, Elizabeth b. 29 (6) 1646, Deborah, (m. — Wells, adm. chh. Jan. 1, 1664.) [Mi.] The wife d. June 15, 1664, ae. about 52. He d. March 7, 1080-1, ae. 77. [Gr. st] MICKLTHWAITE, Mr. Nathaniel. Boston, factor for Mr. Richard Hutchinson in 1039. [L.] 313 MIGHILL, MIHILL, Thomas, Roxbui-y, Rowley, frm. May 13, 1640. Deputy 1648; deacon; town officer. He and his wife members chh. Rox. about 1637. Ch. Thomas b. 29 (8) 1639, Ezeliiel b. 6 (8) 1642, Timothy b. 21 (4) 1644, Nathaniel b. 1646, Stephen b. 27 (12) 1651, Anna b. 8 (7) 1654. Wife Ellen was bur. 12 (5) 1640. He m. 2, Ann Parratt. He was bur. 14- (5) 1654. Will dated 11 June, 1654, prob. 27 (1) 1655; beq. to wife Ann, sons Samuel, John, Thomas, Ezekiel and Stephen, and dau. Mary; to sister Ann Tenuy; to Faith Parratt, Sen.; to the church. MILDMAY, William, son of Sir Henry, came over to study at Harvard College about 1641, where he remained till 1651, with a tutor, air. Richard Lyon, q. v. [C. M.] MILES, MYLES, see Mills, Edward, Boston, adm. townsman, 1644. John, Boston, frm. March 14, 1638-9. Residing at Concord, he had ch. Mary b. 11 (12) 1639. Joseph, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1634. Joseph at Salem in 1657. Samuel, Boston, frm. May 1645. He m. at Boston, Oct. 16, 1659, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Dowse. MILLARD, MILLWARD, MILLER, John, Salem. George, Lynn, freed from his master. Captain Bridges by the Gen. Court 27 Sept. 1642. Thomas, husbandman, planter, Boston, propr. 1639. Sold land May 2, 1668. Ad- min, of his est. gr. 4 Feb. 1669-70, to John Miller of Rehoboth. Testimony that he had no kindred in this country except this cousin J. M., and that he wished nim to be his heir. Thomas, mai'iner, fisherman. Cape nan, vrronC-ester, deposed Aug. 25, 1640, ae. about 40 years. Selectman 1642. Partner with Osman Douch in fishing, with bead- quarters at Noddles Island, in 1639. [L.] Selectman in 1641. He rem. to Newbury; bought house and land in N., 1650, and sold Gloc. land 9 June, 1652. Wife Isabel in 314 MILLARD, etc., cent. 1640. Ch. Ann b. Nov. 1, 1642, Elizabeth b. 1044, (m. Daniel Pierce, Jr.) He d. at Boston, Sept. 2, 1653. Will made 30 Aug., prob. 25 (9) 1653. Wife Anne; ch. under 18 years of age, Rebecca and Eliza- beth. Rebecca m. May 27, 1656, Thomas Thorpe. See Pierce, Daniel. MILLER, Alexander, servant to Mr. Stoughton Dorchester, 1632, propr. 1634. Frm. May 2, 1638. Rem. to Boston. Rev. John, Dorchester, propr. 1635. Rem. to Roxbury. Elder in the chh., after- ward preached at Rowley. [E.] Frm. May 22, 1(339. Became minister at Yarmouth. Still later pastor at Groton. Propr, at Sand- wich in 1640. Was app. one of the ministers to visit Virginia in 1642, but declined. Gen. Court gave order for his accommodation at y. 14 May, 1648. Prop, for frm. Plym. Col., 4 June, 1650. He d. at Gr. June 14, 1603. Wife Lydia, with him in the chh. of Rox., d. at Boston Aug. 7, 1647 at the house of Thomas Bum- stead. Ch. Mehitophal b. at Rox. July 12, 1638, Lydia b. at Rowley 2 (12) 1640, Susan- na b. at Y. 2 May, 1647, rec. at Rox. Aug. 24, 1647, Elizabeth b. at Y. 13 Oct. 1(349. Ad- min, gr. July 3, 1663, to his son John; books appraised by Anthony Thatcher and Edmund Hawes; other est. by John Larance and James Fiske, Sen. Jotin, Sen., Rehoboth, propr. 1643, town officer 1648. Ch. Hannah b. Dec. 23, 1653, Sarah b. Oct. 15, 1655, Samuel b. Oct. 5, 1658, Joseph b. Aug. 1660, Benjamin b. Sept. 22, 1662. He was cousin and heir of Thomas Millard, of Boston, in 1669. Joseph, ae. 15, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. [See Millard.] Richard, Charlestown, 1637. Rem. to Cambridge. Wife Eleanor adm. chh. Char. 4 (9) 1643; ch. Joseph, James, Hannah. Was Joanna, who m. Nicholas Davison, this Han- nah? Elizabeth, widow of Henry Herbert, James Miller and Joseph M., husband of Mary, only dau. of Walter Pope, made an agreement about lands 7 Nov. 1677. Robert, before Gen. Court 7 Oct. 1646. Robert, Concord, in v. taken 26 (12) l(i46. showed house, lands and farming tools. MILLER, cont. William, Ipswich, paid for service against the Indians in 1646; a resident in 1648. , ^ „ ^_, Thomas, tailor, ae. 30, with wife Mary, ae. 29, and son Thomas, ae. 2, cert, from the parish of St. Saviours, Southwark, Eng., came in the Elizabeth, in April, 1(535. Set- tled at Dorchester. [L.] Propr., town officer. Frm. May 17, 1637. Removed to Gloucester. Bought house and land there in 1655. Wife Mary, dau. of John Grenaway, q. v.; eh. Thomas, came with them from Eng., John b. 8 (5) 1635, Jonathan b. and d. 1638, Mary b. 26 (6) 1639, Mehitabel b. 14 (1) 1641, bapt. 20 (1) 1642. Inv. of his est. taken 23 (7) 1076, was pre- sented by the widow Mary at Ipswich 3 days later. Agreement for division made 27 Sept. 1682, after her death, between Thomas and Nathaniel M., Sarah, widow of John M., Thomas Riggs [husband of — ] and Isaac Elwell, [husband of — ]. MILLS, MILLES, John, Boston, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, frm. March 6, 1631-2. Rem. to Braintree in 1641; he and his wife Susan and their son John bad letters of dismission 14 (6) 1656. Town officer. Had accts. with Edward Witheridge in 1648. [A.] Ch. Joy and Recompense, daus. bapt. 25 (10) 1631, John bapt. 3 (4) 1032, (d. at Br. 27 Feb. 1684-5, ae. 62;) Jonathan bapt. 30 (6) 1635, James bapt. 3 (4) 1638. He d. 5 July, 1678. Mrs. Susanna d. 10 (10) 1675, ae. 80 years. His will dated 12 Jan. 1677, prob. 10 Sept. 1678, beq. to only son John and daus. Mary Hawkins and Su- sanna Dawes; desires that one of John's sons may be fitted for the work of the min- istry, "whieli was the employment of my predecessors unto the third if not the fourth generations." Samuel, Weymouth. He deposed 11 (1) 1640, ae. 21, servant to Henry Waltham. [L.] Rem. to Dedham; townsman 1 (11) 1&44, memb. chh. before 164.6. Wife Fran- ces; ch. Samuel b. and d. 1046, Samuel d. 15 (10) 1019, Benjamin b. 20 (1) 1651, Elizabeth b. 10 (9) 16.52, Stephen d. 3 (10) 16.53, Sarah b. 5 (9) 1654, Rebecca b. 10 (2) 1657. The wife Mary d. Oct 30, and he d. Jan. 1694-5. MILLEB alias Hodges, see Hodges. MILLETT, Richard, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030, frm. June 11, 1633. MILNER, Michael, ae. 23, came in the James in July, 1635. MINGO, — , Boston, a neger, his child Hope b 19 (3) 1641. MINGY, MINGEY, Jeffrey, Dedham, propr. 11 (6) 1637, sold (8) 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. Rem. to Hampton. Beq. his est. in 1658 to his wife and Eliakin Wardwell. MINOR, MINABD, MINORD, MINORT,. MYNARD, see Maynard, James Boston. Wife Mary; ch. Aman- der b. (7) 1645. Mary Mynate, ae. about 45, ■deposed to the will of Mary Truesdell, Nov. 26, 1674. John, carpenter, Boston, bought land 1 April, 1648. His widow Elizabeth and James Johnson, adminrs., sold his house and land Dec. 19, 1659. May 13, 1660, she sold her right of dower in land previously belonging to her former husband, Nathaniel "Eaton;" [see Heaton.] Sold land to her son-in-law John Barnes of Boston, cooper, March 1, 1609-70. Her will, dated 11 March, 1671, prob. 27 (10) 1683, beq. to ch. Jabez, Nath- aniel and Eleazer Eaton; to cousin .uary Bartholomew; to the 5 ch. of her dau. Fisher; to dau. Elizabeth Barnes. Admin, gr. to her sons Cornelius Fisher and Nathaniel Heaton of Wrentham. Thomas, [signature "Minor,"] (Jharles- town, memb. chh. 1632; propr. 1634; rem. to Hingham, propr. 1636. He m. April 23, 1634, Grace, dau. of Walter Palmer; ch. Clement bapt. March 18, 1638, Thomas bapt. May 10, 1640, Ephraim bapt. May 1, 1642, Joseph bapt. Aug. 25, 1644. Rem. to Hing- ham. Signed petition for liberty to plant at Whitehead Neck in 1645; also for Nashaway same year. Rem. to New London, Conn. 315 MINOT, MYNOT, George, son of Thomas, of SafEron- Walden, Eng., b. Aug. 4, 1594, came to Dor- chester before 1G34; frm. April 1, 1634, one of the ten men same year, and afterward; rul- ing elder 30 years. Deputy. Wife Martha; ch. John b. 1626, James b. 31 (10) 1628, Stephen b. (3) 1G31, Samuel b. (10) 1635, Han- nah b. (2) 1637, (m. Mr. William Stoughton.) His wife d. 23 (10) 1657. He d. 24 (10) 1671. Will dated Sept. 10, 1669, prob. 2 Feb. 1671. Beq. to sons James, Stephen, Samuel, and to Stephen and Sam- uel, sons of his deceased son John. MINTEB, Desire, came in the Mayflower to Plym- outh in the family of Mr. John Carver. Ret. to her friends in Eng. after his death, and d. there. [B.] MIBIAII, see Meriam. MITCHELL, see Michell. MIXEB, MIXTEB, Isaac, ae. 31, with wife Sarah ae. 33, and son Isaac, ae. 4 embarked for N. E. at Ipswich, Eng., April 10, 1634. Settled at Wa- tertown; propr. 1036. Frm. May 2, 1638. Town oflicer, clerk of train-band. He d. in 1655. Will prob. June 19, 1655; beq. to wife Sarah; to son Isaac; to dau. Sarah, wife of John Stems; owned a share in the schooner Diligent. [Reg. XIX, 42.] The widow deposed 23 (4) 1657, ae. about 58. [Mdx. Files.] MOLL, Adam, tailor, ae. 19, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. MONDAY, MONDE, MONDEY, Henry, Salisbury, gent.; frm. May 13, 1640; propr.; appointed by the Gen. Court, 6 (9) 1(539, on the com. on division of lands at S. Juryman. Wife — d. July 22, 1654. Gave his house, lands and commonage in S. to his nephew Philip Wollidge Aug. 3 and 27, 1655. MONJOY, see Munjoy. MONISH, Lieut., second commander of the fort on Castle Island in Boston Harbor. [C] MONTAGUE, MOUNTAGTJE, Griffin, carpenter. Muddy River, Bos- ton, 1635. [Col. Rec] Sold the time of his apprentice, John Bundy, to William Brew- ster of Plymouth 6 March, 1636-7. Rem. to Cape Porpoise, Maine. Took oath of fidelity July 5, 1653. Mrs. Anne Looman, of Weymouth, beq. to her gr. son, John Monticue, that dwells at the Eastward. Richard, Boston, 1646. Rem. to Salem; witness in 1647. Wife Abigail adm. chh. Bo. 4 (2) 1646; adm. chh. Salem 31 (8) 1647; ch. Sarah b. and d. 1646, Martha bapt. 20 (4) 1647. His wife was dism. 25 (3) 1651, to the chh. of Wethersfield, Conn., whither he rem. Thence about 1059 he rem. to Hadley. Clerk of writs 1680. He d. Dec. 14, 1G81. Will dated 8 July, 1681, prob. 28 March, 1682, beq. to wife Abi- gail, sons Peter and John, daus. Mary and Abigail Warriner; dau. Martlia White and the two ch. she had by Isaac Harrison. Gen- ealogy. MOODY, Mr. John, Roxbury, frm. Nov. 5, 1633. Deputy 1634-5. Wife Sarat. The Lady Deborah, "a wise and an- ciently religious woman," [W.] came to Lynn before 1638, when she is recorded as a propr. Rem. to Salem. Adm. chh. 5 (Z) 1640. Was presented in court in 1(>41 for opposing In- fant Baptism. Her house was unroofed in a tempest 4 (0) 1646. [W.] H.ad a grant of 400 acres of land from Gen. Court in 1640. Rem. to Long Island. [See Es Files 2, 20.] Her house attacked by Indians in 1643. One of the patentees of Gravesend, L. I., living there in 1654. Her son Henry was also a grantee, and sold land which he had reed, from his mother Deborah Modye deceased. May 11, 1659. William, came in the Mary and John May 22, 1633-4; settled at Ipswich; land grant 1634. Rem. to Newbury; frm. May 6, 1635. Town officer at N. Saddler. Gave land and goods to son Samuel 8 Sept. 1673. His wife Sarah d. Jan. 13, 1672. Ch. Sam- uel, Joshua, Caleb. [See will of Samuel.] He d. Oct. 25, 1073. MOON, MOONE, Robert, tailor, Boston, had accounts with Wm. Gibbones, and gave power of at- torney to Joseph Howe 7 (3) 1645. [A.] 316 MOORE, MOOB, MORE, see Morrey and Mawer, Edmund, Newbury, propr., petitioned Gen. Court 18 Oct. 1648, for full title to lands bought of John Lowle, dee. Wife Ann d. 17 June, 1676. Ch. Martha b. 12 Dec. 1643, Jonathan b. 23 April, 1646, Mary b. 30 Nov. 1656, Hannah b. April 2, 1601, d. 25 March, 1665. He deeded land to son Edmund with consent of son Jonathan, 20 Dee. 1677. Ellen, a little girl, in charge of Mr. Ed- ward Winslow, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; she d. soon after arrival. [B.] Enoch, Cambridge, propr. 1637. Francis, Sen., Cambridge, propr., frm. May 22, 1638. He m. 1, Katharine, who was bur. 3 (2) 1643; he m. 2, Elizabeth. Ch. Francis, Samuel, (9 years of age when his father joined the chh. of Camb., having been bapt. in Eng.; was in Barbadoes in 1658;) Anne, (now Kidder,) Rebecca; ("Elizabeth, wife of F. M. hath 3 children at the time of her joining Camb. chh., the youngest, Rebec- ca, being 15 at the time of her joining the chh. which was (1) 1657." [Mi.] He d. 20 Aug. 1671, ae. 85 years. Inv. of his est. taken 24 (8) 1671, was burnt with the records of the court, and a copy which had been made was afterwards filed. The widow Elizabeth d. 5 Nov. 1683, ae. 84 years. [Gr. St.] George, Scituate, propr. 1636; rem. to Duxbury. Servant to Edward Dotey, 1638. Ferryman over Jones River. See Morrey. Golden or Goulden, Cambridge, propr., frm. June 2. 1641. Rem. to Billerica about 1658. Was of Medford in 1664. [Mdx. De. II.] Wife Joane, widow of John Cliampney, d. Feb. 18, 1675; ch. HannaTi b. 15 (1 or 9) 1643, Lydia, Ruth. [Mi.] He d. Sept. 3, 1698, ae. about 89. Hannah, perhaps the same as Anne, memb. chh. Salem, 1636, sold land on Darby Fort side in 1660. Hugh, embarked for N. E. April 12, 1632. Isaac, ae. 13, came in the Increase April 15 1635. Jasper, a child; in charge of Mr. John Carver came in the Mayflower; d. in 1621. [B.j MOORE, etc., cont Jeremiah, came from Windham, Eng., to Hingham in 1638. Rem. to Boston. Was adm. to chh., a singleman, 4 (4) 1(543; frm. May, 1645. Ch. Samuel bapt. 29 (6) 1647, Jeremiah b. 17 (10) 1648, Mary bapt. 16 (12) 1650, (m. John Cotta.) He d. in 1650. Inv. taken 13 (11) 1650. [Reg. VII, 34.] John, Dorchester, propr. before 1634; frm. May 18, 1631; town officer to 1638. John, Cambridge, propr. before 1836; frm. July 3, 1632. Agreed to keep cattle in 1636. Memb. valuation com. for Camb. 13 May, 1640. Deacon. John, Salem, suit against him in court in 1636. Frm. Dec. 8, 1636. Ch. Jerusha bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Benjamin bapt. 18 (5) 1641, Ephraim b. or bapt. 10 (10) 1643. John, ae. 24, a servant, came in the Planter in March, 1634, certified from Step- ney parish. John, the governor's servant, mentioned in Boston records in 1(>39. John, Sen., yeoman, Sudbury, propr. 1640; John, Jr., also propr. Bought land in 1642; town officer. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Philemon Whale, q. v. John, Sudbury, made will 25 Aug. 1608, prob. 7 April, 1674. Beq. to eldest son John, of Lancaster; sons William, Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin; daus. Elizabeth, wife of Henry Rice; Mary, wife of Daniel Stone, and Lydia, wife of James Cutler, who reed, a portion upon her marriage with her former husband, Samuel Wright. Refers to his "age." John, Braintree, wife Bridget d. in 1643. Old John Moore of 100 years died 27 (8) 1679. [Roxbury Records.] John Mendon, d. 25 (8) 1679; nunc, will prob. 19 Feb. 1679. Beq. to wife Elizabeth and sons and daughters. Richard, came as a boy, apprenticed to William Brewster, in the Mayflower to Plym- outh. He deposed 27 Sept. 1684 ae. about 70 years, that he came from the house of Mr. Thomas Weston in London; that he knew of the arrival of Mr. Weston's colony in Mass. Bay about two and a half years later, the 317 MOOB.E, etc., cont. coining of Weston a short time afterwards, and the desertion of the colonists soon after by reason of Indians and siclsness; etc. [Reg. L., 203.] A brother and a sister Ellen came ■with him. He settled at Duxbury; yeoman; propr. Rem. to Salem. Mariner; adm. chh. 27 (12) 1641; was a retainer and servant of Richard HoUingsworth, whose dau. he m. as a second wife. Deeded land in 1675 to his sons Caleb and Richard and dans. Susanna and Christian. Deposed April 1, 1690, ae. about 78 years. [Es. Files, 48, 75.] He m. at Dux. Oct. 20, 1636, Christian Hunt; she was adm. chh. Sal. 16 (4) 1650; she d. Oct. 5, 1686. He m. 2, Susanna, dau. of Richard Hollings- worth. Ch. Samuel and Thomas bapt. 6 (1) 1642, Caleb bapt. 31 (1) 1644, Joshua bapt. 3 (3) 1646, Richard bapt. 2 (11) 1647, Susanna bapt. 12 (3) 1650, Christian bapt. 5 (7) 1652, Mary b. 15 (11) 1661. Samuel, Salem, propr. 1636; frm. May 18, 1631. Ch. Samuel bapt. 25 (10) 1636, Re- member bapt. 9 (10) 1638. Thomas, Dorchester, propr., town offi- cer, 1634; frm. May 18 1631. Thomas and Elizabeth Moore are recorded among the chil- dren bapt. a:t Dorch. about 1636, by com- munion of churches, one or both of their par- ents being membs. of the chh. at Windsor or Hingham. He rem. to Windsor. Thomas, Salem, propr. 1636; wife Martha joined chh. with him in 1639. They were dismissed to some other church not specified. He rem. to Southold, L. I., and sold land at Sal. in 1656. Ch. Thomas and Martha bapt. 21 (8) 1639, Benjamin bapt. 2 (6) 1640, Nathaniel bapt. 3 (5) 1642, Hannah bapt. 29 (10) 1644, EUzabeth bapt. 31 (11) 1646, Jonathan bapt. 3 (4) 1649, Mary bapt. 15 (4) 1651. William, SMem, 1638. William, Ipswich, deeded land on east side of the river of Exeter to his dau. Mary, wife of Robert Powell, 22 Jan. 1660. MOORECOCK, MORECOCK, Bennett, ae. 16, Nicholas, ae. 14, and Marie, ae. 10, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. See Thomas Whiton and John Smith, Plymouth. Mary m. 16 July, 1649, William Browne of Plym. MOOTEHAM, Thomas, [Boston,] chosen ensign In place of sergt. Morris, Nov. 5, 1633. [Col. Rec] MORDEN, Jane, ae. 30, came in the Christian March 16, 1034. MORECROFT, Mr. John, before Boston Court 2 (1) 1640-1. [Col. Rec. and L.] MOREY, MAURY, MORIE, MATJRIE, MORREY, MORY, George, Duxbury, propr. 31 Aug. 1640. John, ae. 19, came in the Blessing In July, 1635. Roger, Salem, propr. 1636; "neatherd;" memb. chh.; [wife] Elizabeth adm. chh. 17 (8) 1641. Ch. Jonathan bapt. 2 (2) 1637, Ap- phia bapt. 17 (4) 1638, Mary bapt. 16 (11) 1639, Benjamin bapt. 20 (3) 1641 or 1649. I MORFIELD, John, servant of James Buck, came in 1638 from Hingham, Eng. to Hingham, N. E. MORGAN, Bennett, came to Plymouth in the For- tune in 1621. Had lands assigned in 1623. James, husbandman, Roxbury. frm. May 10, 1643. Mortg. land in 1644; sold land in 1651. He m. Aug. 0, 1640, Margery Hill. Ch. Hannah b. July 18, 1642, James bapt. 3 (1) 1643-4, John bapt. Sept. 30, 1645, Jo- seph bapt. 29 (9) 1647, Abraham bapt. 3 (7) 1648, d. 2 (6) 1649, a dau. bapt. 17 (9) 1650. Miles, Springfield, propr. 1645. Town officer. Ch. Mary b. 14 (12) 1644, Jonathan b. 16 (9) 1646, David b. 23 (7) 1648, Pelatiah b. 7 (5) 1650, Isaac b. 12 (3) 1652, Lydia b. 8 (2) 1654, Hannah b. 11 (12) 1656, Mercy b. 18 (5) 1058, Nathaniel b. June 14, 1658. The inv. of his est. was taken July 12, 1699; presented by Jonathan, David and Isaac; division made to them and their bro. Nathan- iel; Samuel Terrey assented to this in right of their sister, his first wife; his dau. Han- pah to have a good cow upon the day of her marriage. Robert, Salem, 1636. Adm. chh. 10 (4) 1650. He deposed in 1671, ae. 70 years. Ch. 318 MORGAN, cont. Samuel, Luke, Joseph and Benjamin bapt. 23 (4) 1050, Robert bapt. 15 (10) 1G50, Kethiah bapt. 29 (3» 1G53, Aaron bapt. 24 (3) l(iG3. Will dated 14 (0) 1072, prob, 24 (4) 1G73, beq. to wife Margaret and her father Nor- man; ch. Samuel, Benjamin, Robert, Joseph, Moses and Bethia. MOKLEY, MORLY, Doctor John, Braintree, frm. May, 1G45. He m. 20 (2) 1647, Constant Starr. Dr. Comfort S. calls him bro. -in-law. He was a legatee in the will of his uncle Thomas Bur- nail, citizen and cloth-worker of London, 19 Aug. 1G61. [Reg. XXXVUI, 419.] He made will 18 Jan. 16G0, prob. April 2, 16G1; beq. property in N. E. and at Chest- hunt, CO. Hartford, Eng. to wife Constant, and after her death to his sister Ann Farm- er; refers to the will of his dec. mother Kath- arine M. The widow made will April G, 1G67, prob. June 14, 1G69; beq. to bro. Joy Starr, sisters Ann Farmer, Suretrust Rouse; to Mrs. Dorothy Shepard of Rowley; to cousins John Starr, Sen., Simon Eyres, Elizabeth Farniise. Elizabeth Edmunds; kinswoman Lydia Minard. Ralph, Charlestown, d. (7) 1G30. Wid- ow at house of John Greene; inhabitant in 1G30; was cared for by the town in 1G35. Robert, servant to Mr. Andrew Ma- thews late barber surgeon, was appointed by the Mass. Bay Co. March .5, 1G28, to serve the plantation as barber and surgeon for 3 years. Did he come here? Sarah, appr. for 9 years to Mr. Nathan- iel Turner of Saugus, 8 April, 1632. MORREXL, MORRILL, Abraham, blacksmith, Cambridge, propr. 1G3G. Rem. to Salisbury. Propr. 1640. Had land at Haverhill in 1649. Wife Sarah; ch. Isaac b. July 10, 1G46, Jacob b. Aug. 24, 1648, Sarah b. Oct. 14, 1650, (m. 1, Philip Rowell, m. 2, Onesiphorus Page, m. 3, Dan- iel Merrill,) Abraham b. Nov. 14, 1652, Moses b. Dec. 28, 16.55, Aaron b. Aug. 9, 1658, Rich- ard b. and d. 1G59, Lydia b. March 28, 1660-1, (m. Ephraim Severance,) Hephzibah b. Jan. 1662-3, (m. Capt. John Dibbs). He fell sick and d. at Roxbury; was bur. 20 (4) 1662. Will not dated, prob. at Hamp- MORRELL, etc., cont. ton 14 Oct. 1GG2, beq. to wife and minor ch. Isaac, Abraham, Jacob, Sarah, Moses and Lydia. The widow conveyed 1 (9) 1665, to Thomas Bradbury and her bro. Job Clement certain property in trust for her dan. Heph- zibah who was b. after the father's death. Edward, laborer, Yarmouth, deposi- tion 7 Oct. 1G39; in Court and indicted in 1G41. George, before Gen. Court 6 (7) 1638. Plymouth Court provided for him 31 Aug. 1638. Isaac, blacksmith, embarked for N. E. June 22, 1632. Came to Roxbury: frm. March 4, 1632-3. Propr. Wife Sarah; ch. Isaac b. and d. 1632, Isaac b. and d. 1G33, Hannah b. Sept. 12, 1636, (m. Daniel Brevi- er,) Elizabeth b. and d. 1638, Isaac bur. Jan. 31, 1630, Abraham b. June 6, 1640, d. 13 (9) 16G1. The wife Sarah d. 9 (11) 1G72, ae. 72. He d. Dec. 18, 1G61. Will prob. Jan. 23, 1661-2. Sons-in-law John Smith, Tobias Da- vis and Daniel Brewer; dau. Katharine Smith; cousin Isaac M.; gr. ch. [Reg. XI, 36.] Mr., a minister, brought over to Mas- sachusetts by Robert Gorges, who had been appointed by the Council governor for New England, in 1623. He had power and au- thority of superintendencies over other churches, but made no use of it; only spoke of it as he was about to return a year after the governor. He resided at Wessaguscus. [B.] MORRICKE, John, Hingham. Will dated 24 June, prob. 9 Sept. 1647. Beq. to his sister Elizabeth Killer, and her ch. John and Anne Scathe; to wife Elizabeth; to Wm. Heley; if his "neese" Elizabeth Mor- ricke, .John and Anne Fisher shall come over, etc. His widow Elizabeth sold land at Hing. 13 (10) 1649. She d. 25 (6) 1650. Will dated 14 March, 1G49, prob. 5 (7) 1650. At Hing- ham, but now dwelling in Roxbury; Robert Hull of Boston and Leonard Fellowes of Great Bowden in old England execs.; to Wil- liam P. of Ipswich, Richard F. of Conn., Samuel P. of Salisbury, William Healy of Roxbury and his two eldest children, Mr. 319 MORRICKE, cont Eliot and Mr. Danforth of Rox., Mr. Hub- bert of Hing., Ann Hillard of Hing., John and Ann Scath; my sister Grace Allam in Lincolnshire. [Reg. VII, 232.] 3I0ERIS0N, Elizabeth, ae. 12, came with the family of George Giddings in the Planter April 2, 1635, cert, from the parish of St. Albons, Herts., Eng. MORRIS, MAXTRICE, MORES, MORRICE, MORtrS, Ademia, Rehoboth, propr. 1646. Edward, carpenter, from Keniton Mag- na, Dorset, came in the confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Roxbury; mentioned in town records 23 (12) 1652. Probably the person who, at Boston, m. 20 (9) 1655, Grace Bett. Admin, of his est. gr. Jan. 27, 1690-1, to his eldest son Isaac M. Rice, Charlestown, inhabitant 1634. Wife Hester — ; ch. Hannah, Hester b. 6 (1) 1641. He d. 25 (2) 1647. Richard, Boston, memb. chh. with his wife in 1630; juror Nov. 9, 1630; frm. May 18, 1631. Kes. some time at Roxbury; dep- uty 1634-5. Was dism. to the chh. of Pasch- quataqua (Exeter,) 6 (11) 1638. Was of Do- ver in 1639, shipping clapboards. Ensign, lleut. Wrote an address concerning Capt. Underbill in Latin in 1040. [L.] Wife Len- ora dism. to chh. of P. 3 (1) 1639. Robert, Rehoboth, Seacunelj; suit in Plym. court in 1641; lands confirmed lo him 2 May, 1043. Sarah, dau. of Mrs. Anne Cowlishawe, adm. chh. Boston (8) 1033. Thomas, Seacunk. rem. to New Haven and sold house and lands at S. 26 Nov. 1640. IPlym. Coi. De.] William, of Royston, co. Hartford, butcher, apprenticed to Wm. Collier, gent, for 5 yrs. from April 4, Charles 13, was transferred Aug. 1637, to Love Brewster of Duxbury, yeoman. William, bricklayer, Boston; [compare ■with the preceding.] He deposed 4 (2) 1659, ae. 45 years. [Mdx. Files.] With wife Dor- cas mortg. land in Bo. Jan. 13, 1664. MORSE, MORSS, MOSS, MOSSE, Anthony, shoemaker, of Marlborough, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Set- tled at Newbury. Frm. May 25, 1636. Propr. . He deposed 9 May, 1665, ae. about 58 years. Wife [Mary?] Ch. recorded: Benjamin b. 4 March, 1640, Sarah b. 1 May, 1641, Han- nah b. 1642, Lydia b. and d. 1045, Lydia b. 7 Oct. 1047, d. May 19, 1048, Mary b. 9 April, 1649, d. 14 June, 1602, Hester b. 3 May, 1651, Joshua b. 24 July, 1653. He d. Oct. 12, 1086. Will dated 29 April, 1680, prob. 23 Nov. 1686, beq. to sons Rob- ert, Peter, Anthony, Joseph, Benjamin and Joshua and their children; to daus. Thurlo, Stikny, Newman and Smith, or their ch.; to dau. Rebecca Homs; to gr. ch. Rich. Thur- lo. Signed Anthony Morse. Joseph, ae. 24, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Water- town; propr. 1036. Wife Esther, dau. of John Peirce of Wat; ch. Joseph b. 30 (2) 1637, John b. 28 (12) 1638, Jonathan bur. 12 (3) 1643, Jonathan b. 7 (9) 1043, Hester b. 7 (1) 1645. He d. March 4, 1690-1. Admin, gr. to his son John. Joseph, [Mosse,] planter, Ipswich, propr. 1637. Will dated 24 (2) prob. 29 (7) 1646; beq. to wife Dorothy, sons Joseph and John, dau. Hannah. Samuel, husbandman, ae. 50, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 48, and (son) Joseph, ae. 20, came in the Increase April 15, 1035. Settled at Dedham. Propr. 1036. Frm. Oct. 8, 1040. Town officer. Rem. to Medfield. He d. April 5, 1054. Will prob. 30 (11) 1054. To wife Elizabeth; to sons John and Daniel, and to Ann, wife of son Joseph, dec; to dau. Mary Bullen. Inv. taken 10 (5) 1054. [Reg. V, 299, and IX, 141.] The widow d. June 20, 1654. Thomas, Dedham, proposed for memb. in chh. at its formation in 1638; adm. chh. 28 (4) 1640. 320 MORSE, etc., cont. William, shoemaker, from Marlbor- ough. Eng. came in the James April 5, 1635. Settled at Newbury. Frm. March 3, 1 035-6. Propr. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Hannah b. 6 March, 1641, Timothy b. 10 June, 1648, d. 10 Dec. 1659, Abigail b. 14 Feb. 1051, [Jona- than, Obediah, Elizabeth.] Elizabeth M. d. March IS, 1655. He d. 29 Nov. 1683. Will signed 8 Aug. 1683, prob. March 25, 1084, beq. to wife; dau. Abigail and her husband John Kendrick with their children; sons Jonathan and Obe- diah, daus. Elizabeth (and her 4 ch.) and Hannah (and her son John Stiles). MORTON, MOTJRTON, MOURT, George, of York, Eng., m. at Leyden, Holland, July 23, 1612, Julia Ann, dau. of Alexander Carpenter; came to Plymouth in the Anne in 1623; 8 lots were assigned to him and Experience Mitchell. No further record of him found. Ephraim and John are believed to be his sons. His son Nathaniel, b. at Leyden, (m. at Plymouth Dec. 22, 1635, Lydia Cooper; see John Cooper;) became secretary of Plym. Col.; wrote a valuable history, (based largely on Bradford's work,) called New England's Memorial, or Moort's Relation. Mary, adm. chh. of Boston in 1630-1. Thomas, came in the Fortune in 1621; res. at Plymouth. Had share of cattle in 1627. Propr.; sold land in 1639. Thomas, Jr., came in 1623; parentage not stated. Thomas, of Clifford's Inn, gent, in com- pany with Capt. Wollaston, arrived in N. E. in 1622, with 30 servants. Settled at Mount Wollaston, afterward included in Braintree. His dissipations and riotous dealings with both whites and Indians were utterly dis- gusting to the settlers at Plymouth and Bos- ton, and endangered the peace and welfare of the whole region. He was remonstrated with to no effect; then punished in 1030 for wordy attacks on the government and people of Mass. Bay, for injuries done to the In- dians and for selling weapons to them, etc. Wrote a hostile book, "The New English Canaan." Was sent to Eng.; lay a long time in Exeter jail. Came to Boston in 1044; was tried; freed on acct. of bis age and poverty, and allowed to go out of the jurisdiction. Rem. to Agamenticus, and d. about 1646. [W. and B.] See Fitcher and Wollaston. MORY, see Morey. MOSELEY, see Maudesley. MOSES, John, shipwright, Duxbury, sued for pay for a pinnace he had built, 21 (4) 1641. [L.] MOTT, MOTE, Adam, tailor, ae. 39, with wife Sarah,, ae. 31, and children John, ae. 14, Adam, ae. 12, Jonathan, ae. 9, Elizabeth, ae. 6, and Mary, ae. 4, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Settled at Roxbury; frm. May 25, 1636. Rem. to Hingham; called to Geu. Court 6 (7) 1638. Nathaniel, Scituate, atba. 1643; served against the Narragansetts in 1645. He m. at Braintree 25 (10) 1656, Hannah, widow of Peter Shooter; ch. Nathaniel b. 28 (10; 1657, d. 13 (1) 1600, John b. 19 (0) 1059, Mary b. 15 (10) 1064, a dau. b. 5 (12) 1660, Elizabeth b. 17 (3) 1671, Experience d. 24 (10) 1672, Edward b. 11 (3) 1673, Ebenezer b. 7 (10> 1675. He was killed by the Indians Feb. 23, 1675. MOULTOUr, MOLTON, James, Salem, propr., frm. March. 1637- 8. Res. at Wenham in 1644. Constable 29 (10) 1046. [Es. Court.] Wife Mary also memb. chh. Ch. James bapt. 7 (11) 1637, Samuel bapt. 25 (10) 1642, Elizabeth bapt. 9 (5) 1047. His will dated 20 Feb. 1078, prob. March 30, 1080, beq. to wife; sons James and Sam- uel and dau. Mary Friend; to the college; to the church, and to the minister, Mr. Jo- seph Gerrish. John, of Ormsby, Eng., husbandman, ae. 38, with wife Anne, ae. 38, children Hen- ry, Mercy, Anne, Jane and Bridget, and ser- vants Adam Goodens, ae. 20, and Alice Eden, ae. 18, passed exam. April 11, 1037, to go to N. E. Settled at Newbury; frm. May 22, 1038. One of the founders of Hampton named in Col Rec. 6 (7) 1638. Will dated 23 Jan. 1049, prob. 1 (8) 1050; wife Ann, sons Henry and John; daus. Ann, Jane and Bridget; son Samborne; Mary Sam- borne. Mary, widow, ae. 30, with servants John Maston. ae. 20, and Merrean Moulton, ae. 23, and Ruth Moulton, singlewoman, ae. 321 MOTTLTOIT, etc., cont. 20, passed exam, at the same time as John, above. Settled at Salem; memb. chh. 1637. Robert, Mr., carpenter, shipwright, sent over in 1G28-9 by the Mass. Bay Co., came to Salem; frm. May 18, 1031. Deputy. Was of Charlestown in 1G34. Ret to Sal. Propr., town officer. Ch. Abigail bapt. 22 (3) 1G42, Robert bapt. 23 (4) 1044. Will prob. 26 (4) 10.55. Son Robert M.; dau. Dorothy Edwards; gr. son Robert M.; Josh- ua and goodwife Buffum. The son Robert's will was prob. 28 (9i 1005. Thomas, fisherman, Charlestown, mas- ter of Ralph Glover's boat 3 Nov. 1030. [Col. Rec] He deposed 4 (4) 1039, ae. about 30 years. [L.] He rem. to Maiden. Sold land in 1650. Wife Jane adm. chh. 2 (12) 1632; deposed 20 (11) 1054, ae. 45 years; [Mds. Files.] ch. John bapt. 16 (1) 1033, Martha bapt. 24 (5) 1635, Hannah bapt. 20 (9) 1641, Elizabetli bapt. 24 (2) 1042. He d. 24 (10) 1657. Will dated 5 (8) prob. 24 (10) 1057, beq. to son Winslow and Sarah his wife; to sons Michell and Adams, rest to wife and sons John and Jacob. Thomas, Newbury, propr. 1638. Rem. to Hampton. Deposed in 1055, ae. about 60 years. [Arch. 38 B.] aiOTJSALL, MOUSELL, MOWSALL, John, husbandman, Charlestown. adm. chh. with wife — 23 (0) 1034; frm. Sept. 3, 1034. Deputy, 1034-5, deacon. Rem. to Wo- burn; propr. 1040. He deposed in 1603, ae. about 07 years. Ch. Eunice, (m. at Wob. Nov. 1, 1049, John Broolis). He d. March 27, 106.5. Will dated 19 (4) 1660, prob. April 4, 1065, beq. to wife Joan- na; son John; son John Brooks ch.; Ephraim Bucke and Hannah Lippenwell. Bro. James Tomson one of the overseers. Ralph, carpenter, Charlestown, memb. original chh.; was dism. with wife Alice and others Oct. 14, 1632, to form the local chh. of Char. Town officer, deacon, deputy. Ch. Thomas bapt. 25 (3) 1033. He d. April 30, 1657. Will dated 13 April, prob. 23 (4) 16.57, beq. to ch. John, Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary, Ruth Wood and Marie Gove; cousins Nathaniel Ball and Mary Waine; Thomas Osburne, Wm. Crouch, wid- ow Streeter; dear friend and countrywoman Mrs. Green. Rest to wife Alice. MOUSALL, etc., cont. The widow d. 1674. Inv. of her est. taken 4 Feb. 1674. Ruth, Salem, reed, to chh. by letter testimonial 31 (11) 1040. MOUSAB, Jolm, Salem, propr. 1639. MOUSGRAVE, MTJSGEAVE, Mary, Concord, d. 25 (10) 1049. MOXAM, MOXOM, MOXON, Rev. George, was adm. to the chh. of Dorchester at the same time with Revs. Samuel Newman and William Tompson, about 1030. Rem. to Springtield, where he was the first minister. Frm. Sept. 7, 1637. House built for him in 1038. He sold house and lands to the town Sept. 14, 1052. No further record of him there. Ch. Union b. 10 (12) 1041, Samuel b. 10 (3) 1645, a son b. 19 (3) 1047. His daus. Martha and Rebecca were among the persons who accused Mary Parsons of witchcraft in 1051. MOYCE, MOICE, MOISE, Joseph, joiner, Salisbury, propr. 1040- 1658. He was a legatee in the will of Mr. Nicholas Stanton of Ipswich. Eng. m 1048. [E. and W.] He and his three sons had lands assigned them at Haverhill in 1649. Wife Hannah d. at Salis. in 1658. Martha, wife 1, of George Goldwyer, and 2, of Rob- ert Pike, calls Joseph Moys father-in-law, and Mary, wife of Andrew Greeley, sister. MtTDD, Peter, engaged as servant with Ralph Woory of Charlestown, 29 (5) 1047, for one year, to go with him in the ship. [A.] MXTDGE, Jarvis, called to the Court 4 (10) 1638. The name appears at Hartford, 1040. MXJLLINS, MULLINES, MOLINES, Mr. William, came from Leyden, Hol- land in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; res. at Plymouth. Brought with liim his wife, son Joseph and dau. Priscilla, and a servant Robart Carter. He d. Feb. 21, 16'20-1; his wife, son and servant d. during that winter. The dau. survived, and m. John Alden. [B.] 322 MUN, Benjamin, Springfield, res. 1G49, propr. 1651. He m. 12 (2) 1649, Abigail, widow of Francis Ball. Ch. Abigail b. 28 (4) lOoO, John b. 8 (12) 1G52, Benjamin b. 1 (1) 1(355, James b. 10 (12) 1G50, Natlianiel b. 25 (5) ICGl. He d. Xov. 1C75. Admin, gr. to widow Abigail. She m. Thomas Stebbins, Jr. [See Ball.] ■^ I JIX7NDAY, see Monday. MTJNDEN, Abraham, Springfield, propr. 1644. He m. 16 (3) 1044, Anne Munson. Ch. Mary b. 8 (6) 1645. He was drowned Oct. 29, 1645. MUNNINGS, etc., cent, wieh, April, 1634. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636. He deposed 23 (4) 1657, ae. 58; his wife Johanna, ae. 45. [Mdx. Files.] The Gen. Court allowed him 5 li., Oct. 28, 1636, in regard of the loss of his eye in the voyage to Block Island. He rem. to Sud- bury. Propr. 1639. Acted for the planta- tion In buying land of the Indians 25 (5) 1639. [L.] He rem. to Boston: cordwinder; sold land at Wat. in 1652. Ch. George b. at Bo. Nov. 24, 1055. He d. Aug. 24, 16.58. Will prob. Sept. 16, 1658; wife Johannah, formerly wife of Sy- mon Bo.vers. [Reg. VIII, 3.54.] The wid- ow m. Sept. 21, 1659, John Laughton. MUNJOY, MONJOY, George, mariner, ship-carpenter, came from Falmouth, in Caseo, province of Maine, to Boston; was adm. chh. 5 (3) 1047; frm. May 26, 1647. He sold, Aug. 18, 1667, prop- erty left him by his father John M. of Ab- botsham, co. Devon, Eng. to William Tyther- ley, of Bythefoard, co. Dev., mariner, now res. in Boston; bis sister Mary, wife of John Sanders of Braintree, N. E., joined in the deed; reference made to their sister Martha M. of Abbotsham. [Suff De.] He m. Mary, dau. of Dea. John Philips, q. v. Ch. rec. at Eo.: John b. 17 April, 1653. George b. 21 April, 16.56, John bapt. 27 (2) 1656, Josiah b. April 4, 1658, Philip bapt. 1 (4) 1662, Mary bapt. 1 (5) 1665, Hephzibah bapt. 9 (9) 1673, . William Reskew, and with him sold land March 24, 1635-6. MYGATT, Joseph, Cambridge, propr. 1634 and 1635. MTLAM, MILAM, MILOM, Humphrey, cooper, Boston, houcrht land of his bro. John 7 (12) 1650. Wife Mary ch Mary b. 23 (3) 1652, Constancy b. 15* Dec 1653, Sarah, incorrectly rec. "of John and Mary," b. 6 April, 1656, Abigail d. 7 May 1059, Abigail b. Oct. 10, 1660, Hannah b June 27, 1663, Ruth b. 26 April, 16G6. He d. in April. 1667. Will dated Feb 14 prob. 3 May, 1667, beq. to wife Mary, ch Mary, Constance, Sarah, Abigail and "Han- nah; to apprentice Xath Claddis. fRe- XV 326, and XVI, 56.] l =■ - . NANNEY, NANNY, NANNYES, Robert, ae. 22, "sent away," [fitted out?] by Robert Cordell, goldsmith, Lombard St.. London, came in the Increase April 14. 1635. Rem. to Dover; returned to Boston He m. about 1652 Katharine, dau. of Mr. John Wheelwright; ch. John b. Feb. 16, 1653 d. 20 (7) 1654, John b. Aug. 12, 1655, John b! Aug. 12, 1656, bapt. Aug. 17, 1656, d. 11 {lOj 1658, Joseph b. and d. 1658, Samuel b. Aug. 27, 1659, Mary b. June 22, 1661, Elizabeth b. Jan. 2, 1663-4. He conveyed to Mr. W. and his son Samuel W. 19 (2) 1663, certain pieces of property in trust for his wife and the children she had borne him. He d. Aug. 27, 1663. Will mentions prop- erty at Hampton, Wells, Boston, etc. and at Barbadoes in company with his uncle Richard Hutchinson of London. [Reg. XII, 155, Suff. and York Deeds.] The widow m.' 2, Edward Naylor, from whom her father desired her divorce Sept. 11, 1673. [ArcU Dom. 9.] NASH, NASHE, Gregory, Charlestown, memb. chh 1630; he and his wife d. (12) 1630. James, Sen. shoemaker, veoman Wey- mouth, frm. May. 1645. Town officer, 1648. Sold land and wharf at Boston Jan. 29, 1651 Deputy 1655. Wife Alice; ch. Jacob.' Had' water works at Marshfield in 1651. Admin, of his est. was gr. 31 Dec. 1680 to sons John, of Boston, cooper, and Jacob, of Weymouth. John, cooper, Boston, with wife Anne adm. chh. 3 (11) 1635: frm. May 25, 1636. Had liberty to wharf before his property 27 (9) 1643. Slade agreement with Wm. Frank- lin to pay certain tolls for vessels coming up the stream for his use or for the mill. Wife Christian; ch. Benjamin bapt. 10 (11) 1635, Constance b. 25 (10) 1638, John b. 18 (7) 1640, Eleazer b. 30 (7) 1642, Samuel b. 15 (6) 1044, Ebenezer b. 6 (3) 1646, Elizabeth bapt. 30 (11) 1647, ae. about 9 days, Samson bapt. 2 (6) 1649, ae. about 2 days, Joseph b 26 (12) 1651. 324 Robert, butcher, free victualer, Boston, 1040. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 25 (l->) 164''' House at Bendairs dock in 1647. Bought balf of a vessel of George Dod in 1650; mortg. hou.se and land in 1652. Was trad- ing with Thomas Follit of Pascataqua in 16o2. [Es. Files II, 39.] Samuel, yeoman, Duxbury, frm. 1633, volunteer for the Pequot war in 1637; served' against the Narragansetts in 1645; app. lieut. 1645. He deposed 6 July, 1682, ae. about 8() years. [Plym. Col. rec] Will dated 2 June, 1681, beq. to dau. Mar- tha Clark; to Samuel and Ichabod, ch. of his dec. gr. son Samuel Samson: gr. daus. Eliz- abeth Dillano and Mary Howland. Samuel, shoemaker, Weymouth, late of Burrough Green, co. Cambridge, Eng. gave NASH, etc., cont. letter of attorney 25 (5) 1041, to Enoch Lunt of Wey., blacksmith, to rec. a debt in Eng. William, Charlestovvn. adm. chh. with ■wife Mary 30 (0) 1634; propr. 1635. He d. about 1637. Widow Mary was rec- ognized as a propr. in his place in 163S. She d June 18; will prob. July 3, 1674; beq. to son Peter and dau. Marie, wife of Thomas Hale; to next kinswoman Hanna Eddenden. NEAL, NEALE, Henry, carpenter, Braintree, had land grant for 3 heads 24 (12) 1639-40. Town officer. He deposed in Mdx. court 30 (4) 1654, ae. about 35 years. Rem. to Provi- dence, R. I., about 1657; bought house and land, which sold in 1661, after re- turning to Br. [Prov. rec] Active in town business to old age. Wife Martha was bur. 23 (5) 1653. He m. 11 (12) 1655, Hanah, dau. of Quinton Pray. Ch. rec. at Br.: Martha b. 16 (11) 1042, Samuel b. 31 (5) 1647, Henry b. 19 (1) 1649, Hannah b. 2 (2) 1651, bur. 20 (9) 1657, Sarah b. and d. 1653, Joseph b. 6 (8) 1660, Mary b. 1 (11) 1664, Ra- chel b. 12 (1) 166.5, d. 15 (10) 1675, Deborah b. 7 (1) 1667, Benjamin b. 7 (1) 1668-9, Ruth b. 25 (10) 1670, Lydia b. 8 (10) 1672, Elizabeth b. 28 (4) 1675, Joanna b. May 27, 1680, Re- becca, Rachel, (m. 24 (1) 1697-8, Ralph Pope). He d. Oct. 16, 1688, ae. 71 years. [Gr. St.] The statement is made on his gravestone that he was the father of 21 children. Will dated Aug. 11 and Sept. 12, 1088, prob. Feb. 27, 1690-1, beq. to wife Hannah; sons Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin and Henry; daus. Abigail Scott, Hannah, wife of Nehemiah Heiden, Sarah Merryfield, Mary Thyre. Ruth Thayre, Deborah, Lydia, Rebecca, Rachel. Elizabeth and Joanna; calls Samuel AUis the cousin of his son Henry. James, witness of a deed of Mrs. Stoughton at Dorchester, in 1649. John, Salem, before Boston court 3 (7) 1639; frm. May IS, 1042. He m. Mary, dau. of Francis Laws, q. v.; she was adm. chh. 21 (1) 1047; ch. John bapt. 22 (3) 1642, John bapt. 24 (1) 1643-4, Jeremiah bapt. 18 (11) 1645, Lydia bapt. 7 (2) 1650, Jonathan bapt. 15 (6) 1652, Mary bapt. 29 (2) 1655, John bapt. 24 (11) 1657, Joseph b. or bapt. 14 (1; 1059. He d. 12 May, 1672. Will dated 3 May, Iirob. 28 (4) 1672, beq. to wife Mary; sons NEAL, etc., cont. Jeremiah, John, Jonathan and Joseph; dau. I^ydia Hart; gr. ch. John, Mary and Sarah N. and Lydia H. The widow m. 2, Andrew Mansfield. Her est. was divided to sons Jere- miah, Jonathan and Joseph 7 (7) 1681. William, [Boston,] made nunc, will 3 (8) 1646; goodwife Mylom and John Har- wood deposed. NEAVE, NEAXTE, NEVE, Margaret, of Great Yarmouth, widow, ae. 58, and Rachel Dixson, her grand-dau. passed exam. May 10, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Salem; adm. chh. 21 (1) 1647; she d. 1 June, 1058. Richard, entered a case in Court, but failed to prosecute 1 (10) 1640. NEEDHAM, NEADHAM, NEEDAM, Anne, Boston, memb. chh. 1631-2. Elizabeth, gave a letter of attorney 25 (3) 1048, to John Scott to receive goods be- longing to her husband in Virginia, being credibly informed of his death. [A.] Nicholas, Braintree, propr. 1036. William, cooper, Braintree, propr. 1639, frm. May 10. 1648. William, cooper, Boston, aged, made will 10 June, prob. 26 Dec. 1690; beq. to Wm. and John N., ch. of his dec. kinsman John N., late of Boston; to bro. Andrew N., a tailor, living in London, and to his son Thomas; to the Third church of Boston; to Mr. Sam- uel Willard, teacher; to Edward Spaulding; to Joseph Thompson, Sen. of Billeriea. NEGOOSE, NEGTJS, GOOSE, Benjamin, Salter, husbandman, Boston, propr. 1639; adm. chh. 10 (4) 1043, frm. May 10, 1648. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 14 (2) 1640, bapt. 11 (4) 1643, (ra. 2 March, 1059, Richard Barnard,) Benjamin b. (7) 1041, bapt. 11 (4) 1643, Mary b. 7, bapt. 8 (8) 1643, Samuel b. 17 (10) 1645, Jabez bapt. 9 (2) 1648, ae. about 9 days, John bapt. 31 (6) 1051, Hannah b. 2 Oct. 10.53. Will made 17 Sept. 10S4, "being aged;" prob. 19 Jan. 1693-4; beq. to dau. Elizabeth Barnard, to her j'oungest dau. Elizabeth, and her 3 other daus.; to son Jabez N. and 3 oth- er children not named. Signed Benjamin Negus. S25 NEGOOSE, etc., cont. Grace, Boston, adm. chh. with her bro. Jonathan 27 (5) 1634. She m. Barnabas Fawer, and was dism. to the chh. of Dor- chester 10 (1) 1643. After his death she m. John Johnson, Son., of Koxbury; in the di- vision of Fawer's est. she retained a wood- lot in Boston which came from Thomas Ne- gus to her. [Gen. Court, 14 Oct. 1056.] Jonathan, Boston, adm. to chh., a sln- gleman. 27 (5) 1034, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Town officer. He deposed in 1657, ae. about 50 years. [Copy in Es. Files, 1678.] Ch. Isaac bapt. 3 (1) 1650, ae. about 10 days, Maria bapt. 10 (5) 1653. NELSON, Mr. Thomas, gent., the wealthiest of the Yorkshire men who founded Rowley. Came first to Boston. Lent money on mort- gage to Richard Evered of Cambridge. [L.] Was one of the chief town officers of Rowley from 1638. Deputy, com. of Court, etc. Built mills in 1640-2; [see Holmes, Richard.] He went to England on business, and died there. He m. tirst — , who came with him and d. soon. He m. 2, Joane, dau. of Mr. Thomas (and niece of Mr. Richard) Dummer. Contract in Es. Files 3, 67, dated 15 (12) 1641. Ch. Philip and Thomas came with him; Mercy b. 26 (12) 1043, Samuel. He made will here, adding to it when about to start for home; dates, Dec. 4, 1045, and 6 (6) 1048; prob. 21 Feb. 1050. Beq. to eldest sou Philip a double portion; to sons Thomas and Samuel and dau. Mercie. Re- fers to his aunt Katharine Witham, and to a legacy she had left to Philip; Richard Bel- lingham and Richard Dummer execs, and to have charge of the education of the three eldest children; to wife Joane his mill, mill- house and lands in Rowley for her life; the reversion to his children. The commission- ers of the estate found in Mr. D.'s hands f 1685-14-09. Division of the houses and lands was agreed upon Sept. 16, 1670, be- tween the sons Philip and Thomas and John Stocke who had married their sister Mercy, his attorney, Benjamin Alford, acting for him. The prob. account shows that the admin, went to York and Hull to collect moneys due the est.; and proved the will and had it recorded in Eng. William, Plymouth, before 1030; land grant 3 Aug. 1040, atba. 1643. Juryman, NELSON, cont. 1648. He m. 29 Oct. 1640, Martha Ford; ch. Joane b. 28 Feb. 1650. Will dated 31 Oct. 1079, prob. 5 March, 1079-80, beq. to wife Martha, sons John and William; dau. Martha Cobb. Inv. of the widow's est. was taken 7 March, 1083-4. NETHERLAND, William, residence not stated, frm. March 4, 1634-5. See Leatherland. NEVILL, William, siugleman, Ipswich, in the service of Mr. Whipple. Will dated 15 (2) 1643, prob. (7) 1643; beq. to his master's ch. Mary, Ann and others; to his partner Wil- liam Robinson; William Gooderson, goody Langtou,to Mary and Sarah L. and Jane Woodam. Roger Langton exec. NE-WBERRY, NE-WBtTRY, Richard, Weymouth, propr. 1(U3, town officer 1652. Mr. Thomas, Dorchester, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Bought the house Mr. Pynchon built; had with it 80 acres of land, and 20 acres at Squantum. Deputy. Had charge of the work at Castle Island. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. Ch. Sarah, (m. Henry Wolcott,) Mary, (m. Daniel Clark,) Benjamin. [SufE. De. Ill, 525.] He d. in 1635 or 1636. Will dated 12 (10) 1035, prob. Jan. 28, 1036-7. Beq. to wife Jane 200 li., with all which she brought with her at marriage; rest to be equally divided among his children, except that three of his younger daus. should have 50 s. apiece less than the others. Wife exec; Mr. John War- ham and William Gaylord overseers. The widow m. Mr. ,Tohn Warham. and with him leased Neponset lands to Richard Wright 1 (3) 1639. [L.] Feb. 6. 1669, his sons Joseph and Benjamin N. and sons-in-law Henry Wolcott and Daniel Clark, with Mr. War- ham and William Gaylord in behalf of the three youngest children, petitioned for lands in W. which properly belonged to his estate. [Arch. 15 B.] NE-WTBEY, William, came in the Mary and John. March 26, 1633-4. 326 NEWCOMB, NEWCOME, NXJCOM, Fraueis, husbandiiiau, ae. 30, with wife Bachel, ae. 20, aud cliildren Racbel, ae, 2i/i, and John, ae. 9 ruonths, came in the Planter, April G, 1C35. Settled in that part of Bos- ton which became Braiutree. Wife Rachel adm. chh. 28 (12) lt;35. He was dism. to chh. of Br. 10 (12) 103!). Ch. Hannah bapt. 15 (8) 1037, Mary b. 31 (1) 1640, (m. (lOi 1057, Samuel Dearing,) Sarah b. 30 (4) 1043, Ju- dith b. 10 (11) 1045, Peter b. 10 (3) 1048, Abi- gail b. 10 (5) 1051, Leah b. 30 (5) 1054, Eliz- abeth b. 26 (6) 1058. He d. June 13, 1072, accounted 100 years old. NEWCOMIN, John, a young man, murdered by John Billington of Plymouth in 1030. NEWELL, Abraham, ae. 50, with wife Frances, ae. 40, and children Faith, ae. 14, Grace, ae. 13, Abraham, ae. 8, John, ae. 5, aud Isaac, ae. 2, came in the Frances of Ipswich April 30, 1034. Settled at Roxbury. Frm. March 4, 1C34-5. Son Jacob also mentioned by Eliot as coming with him. Faith, servant to Robert Scott, was adm. chh. Boston 14 (4) 1045. He deeded lands to son Abraham 4 Sept. 1005, in consideration of an annuity to be paid himself and wife. [Suff. De. IV, 90.] He d. June 13, 1672, ae. 91 years. "Mother" Frances Newell, neere 100 yeare old, d. 13 or 10 (11) 10S2. His will, dated 8 Feb. 1609, prob. 4 (5) 1072, beq. to sons Abraham. John, Isaac, Jacob, William Toy, wife Frances. NEWGATE, John, hatter, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. 3 (0) 1034, frm. March 4, 1034-5. Dep- uty, town officer. Wife Anne, [Johannah?]; ch. rec. at Bo.: Elizabeth, (adm. chh. 30 (1) 1034, m. 1, John Oliver, 2, Edward Jackson,) Sarah, (adm. chh. 20 (4) 1040,) Hannah b. and d. 1033, Hannah b. 1 (0) 1035, (m. 22 (12) 1052, Simon Lynde,) Joseph d. 14 (10) 1058. He made a will Oct. 2, 1038, when expect- ing to go to Eng.: lands at Horningerth, co. Suff., Eng. to eldest son John; other ch. Sa- rah, Hannah, Nathaniel, Joseph, Elizabeth Oliver; servant Theodore Atkinson. [L.] This was not probated. He d. about 1665. Will prob. Sept. 11, 1065. Wife Ann, son Nathaniel N., sons-in- NEWGATE, cont. law Peter Oliver, Simon Lynde, John Oliver, dec. and Edward Jackson; daus. Elizabeth. Jackson, Sarah Oliver, Hannah Lynde; bro.- iii-law Thomas Townsin of Lynn; wife's sis- ter that married with my uncle's son, Wil- liam Newgate, living in London; 5 li. per an- num to Harvard Coll.; etc. [Reg. XIII, 333.] Widow Ann's will dated 6 Aug. 1670, prob. S April, 1079, beq. to son Nathaniel's son Nathl.; gr. dau. Elizabeth Lind and her bros. and sisters; Jonathan and Sebise Jackson; Hannah Smith, once my maid; goodman Hale; to brethren that are of our private meeting; to sister Jladsou, the elder woman, sister Alcock that was. A John Newgate, of Bury St. Edmunds, Eng., in his will prob. 5 Oct. 1049. beq. to his bro. John Newgate now living resident in parts beyond the seas called New Eng- land; also to bro. Joseph Newgate. [Reg. XXXIII, 57.] KEWLAND, Anthony, Salisbury, 1649, propr. John, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Elizabeth, widow of John, bur. May 24, 1671. Jerem.v, Ipswich, was paid for Indian service in 1043. Jeremiah, Taunton, ch. Anthony b. 1 Aug. 1057, Elizabeth b. 18 May, 1650, Susan- na b. 15 July, 1664, Jeremiah b. 8 Feb, 1007, John b. 25 March, 1069, Mary b. 17 July, 1071, Benjamin b. 1 Oct. 1673, Mercy b. '25 March, 1670. He d. 25 July, 1081. His children Jeremy, Benjamin and John Newland, William and John Witherly, William Cobb and Nicholas Smith, gave their discharge to Anthony Newland as admin, of the estate of their father Jeremiah and mother Katharine N., 10 Jan. 1701. William, Weymouth, 1640. [L.] Rem. to Sandwich. Propr.; juryman, 1640; frm. 7 Sept. 1041. Allowed to train the towns- men June, 1045. Lieut. 1047. Deputy. He m. 19 May, 1648, Rose, widow of Joseph Uolloway; ch. Mary b. 16 April, 1649, Eliz- abeth bur. Sept. 4, 1658. He d. in April, 1694; beq. to wife Rose, dau. Mercy, wife of William Edwards and her dau. Elizabeth; to his bro. John N.; brc- in-law William AUin. 327 UEWHALL, NEWILL, Anthony, Lynn, propr. 1G38. Will dated 14 Jan. 1»55G, prob. March 31, 1(;57. Grandchildren Richard and Elizabeth Hood; son John, dau. Mary and her husband. Thomas, Lynn, propr. 1G38. Wife Mary d. 25 Sept. 1C65. His sou Thomas deposed 10 (9) 10S3, ae. about fiO years; refers to his father and uncle Anthony X. He d. 25 May, 1074. Will dated April 1, KiGS, prob. 1 (5) 1674. Sons Thomas and John; bro. Farrington; son Thomas Browne's children; son Richard Haven's eh. Joseph, Richard, Sarah. Nathaniel and Moses; daus. Susanna Haven and Mary Browne. NEWMAN, NTJMAN. John, husbandman, came in the Mary and John March 2G, 1G34; settled at Ipswich; propr. 1034; was paid for work at the watch- house in 1G47. Sold house and land in 1046. His will dated Nov., 1073, prob. 31 March, 1674, beq. to wife for life, and to his chil- dren what she might leave. Called Senior. Widow Alice deposed. Elizabeth, ae. 24, came in the James in June, 1635. Robert and Thomas came with John in 1635. Rev. Samuel, [b. at Banbury, Eng. about 1000,] came to Dorchester about 1636 or 1637, and joined the chh. in company with Revs. Moxam and Tompson. Remained there a year and a half; was then pastor at AVey mouth five years. [C. M.] Rem. to Re- hoboth; was ordained pastor in 1644. A man of admirable scholarship and a very accept- able preacher. He revised here a work on which he had been some time engaged, and which was published at London, a Concord- ance of The Bible in English, the best book of the kind up to that day. He also per- formed a large ministerial service. He d. July 5, 1003. Will dated Nov. 18, 1661, prob. March 3, 10G3-4, beq. to wife Sybil; sons Samuel, Antipas and Noah; dau. Hopestill and two others; to old servants, Mary Humphreys of Dorchester, Elizabeth Cubby, of Wey., Elizabeth Palmer, of Reh., and present servant Lydia Winchester. The dau. Hopestill m. Rev. George Shove. Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1638. Will dated Jan. 8, 1675, beq. to wife Sa- NEWMAN, etc., cont. rah; sons Thomas, John and Benjamin, the latter "gone to the wars." Inv. and wilt filed 28 Jlarch, 1G76. NEWTON, Anthony, Dorchester, propr. 1637, herdsman, 1653. Had grant of land at Brain- tree for 3 heads in 1639, but did not reside there. Additional land in 1607. Rem. to Milton. One of the seven first members of the church there, 24 (2) 1G78. His wife dism. to join the same 18 (7) 1081. Ch. Hannah and Mary bapt. 6 (1) 1641, Mary d. 31 (11) 1G63. John bapt. 8 (11) 1642, Ephraim bapt. 19 (7) 1647, Abigail bapt. 18 (12) 1650, (m. 17 (10) 1695, James Puffer). Son John's est. was admin, by the father 23 May. 1078. "My son Anthony and dau. Joane, now in N. E.," mentioned in will of John Newton of Colliton, Devon, chirurgeon, 3 April, 1046. [Reg. XLIX, 384.] Ellen, came to Plymouth in the Anne in 1G23, and had one lot of land assigned her. John, Dorchester, propr., frm. March 4, 1632-3. John, of Dedham, townsman 2 (11) 1642, frm. May 10, 1G43. A kinsman and legatee of Edward Allen. John, a witness in Boston in 1G45. LA.] Richard, Sudbury, propr. 1G39; frm. May, 1G45. One of the founders of Marlbor- ough. [Arch.] Wife Anne; ch. John b. 20 (8) 1641, — b. Oct. 20, 1643, Mary b. 22 (4) 1644, Moses b. 26 (1) 1646, Hannah b. 13 April, 1654, Daniel b. 21 Dec. 10.55. Richard, husbandman. Marlborough. His will dated 8 Sept. 1093, prob. 17 Nov. 1707, beq. to wife Hannah; ch. John. Mary, (wife of Jonathan Johnson,) Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Elizabeth Dingley, and Sarah Taylor. NICHOLAS, Austin, Plymouth, came in the Fortune in 1021. Elizabeth, ae. 2.5, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. One Nicholas, servant to Mr. Thatcher at Yarmouth, 1040. [L.] Nicholas, the Swede, Scituate, propr. Scituate, 1G3G; called Nicholas Albeson the Swede in report of soldiers of Sci. in Phillip's war in 1676. [Hist. Sci.] 328 NEWMARCH, John, Ipswich, propr. 1648; propr. also at Rowley, 1643. Sold to Richard Long- home. Martha deposetl at Ipswich 29 (1) 1654. [See Zaecheus Gould.] NICHOLS, NICOLES, NICKOLDS, Jane, "servant to our teacher," adm. chh. Boston, 7 (2) 1639. John, Watertown, propr. 1036. Randolph or Randall, biscuit baker, Charlcstown, adm. chh. 3 (3) 1647. Signed inv. of Abr. Hawkins in 1647. Bought land in 1657. Wife Elizabeth; eh. Sarah b. 27 (11) 1642, Hannah b. 4 (2) 1647, John b. Jan. 1653. Will dated 4 Dec. 1088, prob. Nov. 9, 1691; housing and lands in Uxbridge, co. Midd., Eng., beq. him by his father William N., he beq. to son John and to Elizabeth and Han- nah, ch. of son Nathaniel, dec; the est. in Uxbridge given him by uncle Robert N., dec, he beq. to son Randall; Char, property to wife Elizabeth and his 9 gr. eh., the ch. of his daus. Hammond and Elizabeth Tuck with those of Nathaniel. Refers to son-in- law Thos. Tuck, dec; David, son of the late David Anderson and of Katherine his wife, now wife of Capt. Richard Spraguc. Richard, Ipswich, propr.; before Gen. Court 1 (10 ) 1040. Rem. to Reading; sister N. adm. chh. R. from that of I. in 1060. He d. 22 Nov. 1074. Will dated 19 Nov. prob. 11 Dec. 1674, beq. to wife Ann, sons John, Tliomas and James, and daus. Mary and Hannah. Robert, Watertown, gave a letter of attorney 27 (1) 1644, to Rufus Barton to re- cover a debt of George Roome of Rhode Island. [A.] He rem. to Southold, L. I., sold land at Wat. in 164S. He m. about 1644 Sa- rah, widow of John Gosse. [Suff. De. I, 55.] Sarah, adm. chh. Charlestown 4 (9) 1643. Walter, Cambridge, householder 8 Feb. 1G35, frm. Dec. 7, 1036. Thomas, planter, Cambridge, propr., sold before 1038. Rem. to Hingham; propr. 1637-8. Town officer. He drew exchange, 15 (8) 1639, on his bro. George N., the exec, of the est. of his father Walter N., clothier, late of Coggeshall, co. Essex, Eng., who d. 1 April, 1639. [L.] He m. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Jocelyn; she d. 22 Sept. 1675, ae. 58 years. He m. Sept. 23, 1681, Dorcas — . She NICHOLS, etc., cent. d. 15 Oct. 1094. Ch. Thomas, Rebecca and Elizabeth bapt. Jan. 1043; Hannah b. Feb. 18, 1045, Ephraim b. May 14, 1048, Israel b. Sept. 1, 1050, Nathaniel and Mary b. July 3, 1653, Sarah b. July 15, 1055, Charity b. May 3, 1058, rajtienee b. Dec. 25, 1660. He d. 8 Nov. 1696. William, Salem, propr. 1638. Rem. to Topsfleld; propr. 1051. He deposed in 1052, ae. about 53 years; and again, in 1661, ae. about 63; again 14 May, 1694, ae. upwards of 100 years, that he had lived more than 42 years on a farm which he bought of Henry Bartholomew. [Reg. IX, 377.] Wife Margaret in 1001. Will dated April 26, 1003, prob. Feb. 17, 1095, mentions wife Mary and children. Mary, (wife of Thomas Cane or Cave,) Hannah, (wife of Thomas Wilkins,) and John: these children petitioned the court about the estate. NICHOLSON, NICKEKSON, John, Watertown, propr. 1037. William, weaver, ae. 33, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Anne, ae. 28, and ch. Nich- olas, Robert, Elizabeth and Anne, passed exam, in April, 1037, to go to N. E. Settled at Boston. Frm. May 22, 1038. He rem. to Yarmouth. Bought lands of the Indians at Manamoiet before 1 Dec. 1603. His sons- in-law Robert Eldred, Nathaniel Co veil and Tristram Hedges were in Court with him 31 Oct. 1000, on acct. of a letter he had writ- ten, defaming Gov. Hinckley. His sons Nicholas, Robert, Samuel, John, and Joseph joined with them in a petition for land at Man., 5 June, 1067. His dau. Elizabeth m. at Y., last week of Oct. 1049, Robert Eldred. His wife Anne reed, a legacy from her fath- er Nicholas Busbey in 1060. NIDDES, Anne, Boston, maid servant to William Brenton, adm. chh. 13 (2) 1634. NILES, NYLES, John, Braintree. Frm. May 26, 1647. Wife Jane; ch. Hannah b. 16 (12) 1630, John b. 1 (4) 1038, Joseph b. 15 (6) 1040, Nathaniel b. 16 (6) 1642, Samuel b. 3 (12) 1644, In- crease b. 16 (10) 1646, Benjamin b. 1 (11) 1648. The wife d. 15 (3) 1054. He d. 8 Feb. 1693-4, ae. about 91. 329 ITILE, see Ifeal and Niles, John, Dorchester, propr. 1634-1638. NICHOSON, see Nicholson. NIXON, NICKS, Matthew, fisherman, Salem, propr. 1638. [See E's. Files, 1647.] NODDLE, William, Salem, frm. May 18, 1631. Is believed to have owned or lived on the island which has born his name since 1630, now East Boston. The only record of him beside his freeman- ship is the folg. : One Noddle, an honest man of Salem, carrying wood in a canoe in the South River, was overturned and drowned in 1032. [W.] NORCROSS, Mr. Jeremiah, Cambridge, propr. be- fore 1642, frm. Feb. 1652. Bought house and land at Watertown (3) 1649. Town offi- cer. His acct. with his son John Smyth be- fore Gen. Court 1 (10) 1040. [See Smith, John.] He d. in 1657. Will pres. at Court Oct. 6, 1657; declared before he went to England; wife Adrean; son Nathaniel and his wife Sarah; son Richard and his wife Mary; Mary, wife of my wife's son John Smith; bro.'s dau. Anne, wife of Samuel Davis; bro. Charles Chadwick; Sarah, wife of Francis Macy; to gr. ch. in old England. The son Nathaniel, a university scholar, was called to be minister of Nashaway [Lancaster] in 1643. [W.] NOKDEN, NORTHEND. Hugh, Boston. He m. Joanna, form- erly Copp; ch. Hannah bapt. 30 (3) 1647, ae. about 5 days. Samuel, shoemaker, Boston, propr.; frm. May 23, 1666. Town officer, frequent witness of deeds. Wife Joanna; ch. Sarah bapt. 12 (6) 1649, Samuel b. 8 (9) 1651, Nath- aniel b. 27 Nov. 1653, Benjamin b. 15 June, 1656. The wife Joanna d. 29 (4) 1656, and he m. in 1656, Elizabeth, dau. of Philemon Pormort; ch. Elizabeth b. 2 Sept. 1657, Su- sanna b. 26 Nov. 1659, Joseph b. 28 Feb. 1663, Abigail bapt. 10 (10) 1665, Joshua b. July 3, 1606, Mary b. March 22, 1669, Marah bapt. 27 (1) 1670, Isaac b. March 8, 1672. NOLTON, see Knowlton. NORMAN, Hugh, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. He m. 8 Oct. 1639, Sarah White. In Court 1650. He returned to England, to Orchyard, a parish near Taunton, and abandoned his family here. [Testimonj of Thomas AUyn and Thomas Richards in 1654.] [Plym. De. II.] John, Sen., Salem, probably son of Richard, below, summoned -to Court 3 May, 1631. Propr. 1636. Rem. to Manchester. Contracted 23 March, 1657, to build a house for the use of the ministry. He certified to the Court the births of four children 29 (11) 1644. Wife Arabella adm. chh. 21 (3» 1637, or 25 (12) 1637. Ch. John b. in Aug. 1637, bapt. 4 (1) 1637-8, Lydia b. middle of Jan. 1639, bapt. 23 (11) 1639, Hanna b. 14 Jan. 1642, Ann bapt. 1 (3) 1042, Arabella b. 14 (2) 1044, Martha bapt. 17 (3) 1040, Richard bapt. 5 (8) 1051, Joseph bapt. 8 (7) 1053, Joseph bapt. 7 (7) 1056. The inv. of his est. was filled 26 (7) 1672. Widow Arabella d. 23 Nov. 1679; her inv. was filed by John 29 (4) 1680. Richard, presumed to be the "old good- man Norman," who, "with his son," was liv- ing at Salem Sept. 6, 1628, as Richard Brak- enbury testified. Sergt. Lockwood decUned a lot adjoining his "father Norman," 17 (2) 1637. His "son" may be John, above, or Richard, who deposed in 1673, ae. about 50 years; but evidence is wanting. Lieut. Richard, Marblehead, inv. taken Nov. 20, 1683, had ch. there mentioned, Rebecca Richaru, William, John, Elizabeth, Joseph, Benjamin and Jona- than; widow Margaret. Part of her portion in Edward Diman's hands. NORRICE, NORRIS, Mr. Edward, minister, Boston, adm.' chh. 21 (5) 1039; frm. May 13, 1040. His wife Elinor adm. chh. 18 (0) 1039. He was granted leave to reside at Salem where he was teacher of the church, 15 (7) 1039; and letters of dismission for both were granted 26 (10) 1639. "A grave and judicious elder." [W.] The town of Salem chose "yong Mr. Norris to teach skoole" (11) 1039; and granted "Mr." N. 116 acres of land 21 (11) 1639. Dor- othy N., Salem, adm. chh. 18 (1) 1655, deposed March 22, 1655-6, as to being at the house of 330 NOERICE, etc., cont. ber bro. Francis Johnson at Marblehead tliree or four years before. [Reg. XXXIX, 3SG.] He d. 23 (10) 1659. Will prob. 27 (4) 1660; son Edward N. NORTH, Alice, memb. ehh. Dorchester, before 1639. John, ae. 20, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1637. Sold land 7 (1) 1642. Mr., called captain, Plymouth, came over in 1643; called into Court for seditious, boastful speeches 5 March, 1643-4, and re- quired to leave the jurisdiction within 2 months. [Plym. Col. Rec] Richard, husbandman, Salisbury propr. 1639, frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Ursula; ch. L/lary, (m. Thomas Jones,) Sarah, Susanna, (m. George Martin.) [See suit of the latter couple vs. Nathaniel Winsley in Supr. Court, Boston.] [Testimony in Norf. Files, 80.] He d. March 1, 1667; will dated Jan. 26, 1648, prob. April 14, 1668. Widow Ursula made will May 19. 1668, codicil 24 June, 1669, prob. April 11, 1671; beq. to gr. ch. Mary, wife of Nathl. Winsley, and her dau. Hephsi- bah; to Mary, wife of Thos. Jones, and to Susannah, wite of George Martyn. NOETHEND, NORDEN, Ezeliiel. Rowley, propr. before 1648; corporal, town officer. He deposed in 1662, ae. 40 years, and in 1692, ae. about 64 years; worked in the building of mills by Thomas Nelson in 1640, etc. He m. Dec. 1, 1648, Edna, widow of Richard Bayley; dh. Edna b. July 1, 1649, (m. 1, Thomas Lambert, m. 2, Andrew Stickney,) Elizabeth b. Sept. 17, 1651, Elizabeth b. Oct. 19, 1656, (m. 1, Hum- phrey Hobson, m. 2, Thomas Gage,) .John b. Jan. 18, 1658, Sarah b. Jan. 3, 1661, (m. Thomas Hale,) Ezekiel b. Nov. 8, 1666. He d. Sept. 7, 1698. Will dated Feb. 8, 1697-8, prob. in 1678, beq. to wife Edna, son Ezekiel, daus. Edna Stickney, Elizabeth Gage, and Sarah Hale. Jeremiah, Rowley, servant of Mr. Wil- liam Bellingham, reed. beq. from Mr. B. in 1650. NORTHCOATE, NORTHCUTT, William, Yarmouth, atba. 1643; served against the Narragansetts in 1645. NORTHEY, John, Marblehead, a witness in court in 1646. WiU dated 8 Nov. 1688, prob. June 30, 1691, beq. to son John; daus. Sarah Martin and Doixrthy Pickett; gr. ch. Jdhn, Peter, Samuel, Robert and Thomas N. and John P. NORTON, Francis, of London, came to Charles- town; resident in 1630; adm. townsman 1637; to-n-n officer, 1646. Adm. chh. 10 (2) 1642; frm. May 18, 1642. Lieut., deputy. Brought suit for money at Salem 25 (9) 1641. Wife Mary adm. Chh. 10 (1) 1639. She reed, a bequest by the will of her father, Nicholas Houghton of London, 2 March, 1648, and by that of her bro. Robert H. of St. Olave's, ISouthworth, co. Surcey, brewer, 25 Dec. 1653. Ch. Abigail, (m. John Long,) Mary, (m. Joseph Noyes,) Deborah, (m. Zechary Hill,) Elizabeth, (m. 1, Timothy Symmes, m. 2, Ephraim Savage.) [Reg. XLII, 65.] Capt. Francis N. had charge of the armory at Bos- ton in 1659. [Town rec] George, carpenter, probably the "Nor- ton, carpenter," sent over to Salem by the Mass. Bay Co. in 1629; settled at Salem. Frm. May 14, 1634. Town officer. Rem. to Gloucester. One of those to whom the Gen. Court gave permission to erect a village at Jeffreys Creek, (Manchester,) 13 May, 1642. Deputy. He leased "Groton Farm" of Lucie, widow of Emanuel DowTiing in 1656. [Es. Files XI, 39.] Rem. to Wenham chh. 21 (7) 1645. Wife Mary adm. chh. 1637; ch. Freegrace b. about 1635, John bapt. 2 (8) 1637, N.athauiel bapt. 19 (3) 1639, George bapt. 28 (1) 1641, Mary b. about 1643, Mehit- abel b. about 1645, Sana'h bapt. 15 (12) 1646, Hannah b. about 1648, Abigail bapt. 14 (7) 1651, Elizabeth bapt. 7 (6) 1653. Inv. of his est. 22 (7) 1659; list of children attached. Henry, placed under bonds by the Gen. Court 4 March, 1634-5. Rev. John, '"b. at Startford in Hartford- shire, 6 May, 1606," [C. M.] a godly man and preacher in England, came with his family at the invitation of Mr. Edward Winslow. to the Massachusetts in the autumn of 1635; 331 NOKTON, cont. preached at Plymouth, where their pastor, Mr. Smith, gave over his place to him; but he left them to came to Mass. [W.] Re- moved to Ipswich where he was invited by sundry of his acquaintance; so he went to them and became their minister. [B.] Had grant of lands at Ips. 16 (2) 1638. Rem. to Boston as teacher of the First church. Was sent to England as an agent of the colony in 1662. He d. 5 April, 1663. He made will 14 Jan. 1661, prob. 16 April, 1663; refers to a call to England he had reed.; beq. to his wife, and after her death to the children of his bro. William N. of Ipswich, N. E.; to William; to my mother, ibro. Thomas, and sisters Martha Wood, Mary Young and Elizabeth N., all to be paid at bro. Thomas' house in London; to tne poor of the First chh. of Boston; library to go to any son of bro. William ^^iio may en- ter the ministry. Mrs. Mary, his widow, sold land in Ips. Sept. 8, 1671. She d. Dec. 17, 1677. [L. H.] A man of eminent ability and learning. Author of several books. His Answer to Appollonius on Church Govern- ment, written in 1645, was the first Latin book written in this country, according to C. M. NicTiolas, Weymouth, bought, Feb. 20, 1639, of Richard Standerwick of Broadway, CO. Stomerset, clothier, all the cattle in the hands of Mr. Hull in N. E. [Plym. Col. rec] Town officer, 1646. Ch. Isaac b. May 3, 1641, Jacob b. March or April, 1643. Richard, cooper, Boston, resident, 1649- 1654. Wife Dorothy; ch. Richard d. 10 (12) 1649. Inv. of his est. taken 8 Aug. 1657, and filed by Hugh Williams, admin. William, ae. 25, came in the Hopewell Aug. 29, 1635; settled at Ipswich. Bro. of Mr. John. Bought house and land 4 Sept., 1648. He deposed Dec. 18, 1658, ae. about 50 years. His will dated 28 April, 1694 prob. May 15 folg., beq. to son John only 10 shillings be- cause he had reed, his portion "in Larning and bringing up at the colleage;" dau. Eliza- beth Wainrite; son Bonase to take care of his mother. William, Hingham. Propr., frm. March 3, 1635-6. He d. June, 1639. His widow Anne brought NORTON, cont. suit in 1641 against Samuel Ward, concern- ing a piece of land Which he had bought of her late husband. [L.] She m. 2, John Tucker. NORWICK, John, residence not stated, frm. May 13, 1640. NOTT, John, legatee of widow Joane Drake in 1637. His portion ordered to be placed in the hands of William Cheeseborough 4 Sept. 1638. NOUBSE, NURSE, Francis, a youth, in court in 1639; res. at Salem; propr. 1647. In court, 1658. He deposed 26 (9) 1666, ae. about 45 years. NOWELL, NOELL, Increase, a member of the Mass. Bay Co. in England, came in the fleet with Win- throp in 1630. Settled at Charlestown. Joined in the first church organization, with wife Parnell, in July, 1630. and in the re-or- ganization at Char, in 1632. Was elected ruling elder 27 July, 1630; Asst.. deputy, sec- retary of the Colony, town ofilcer. Wife Parnell was dau. of Thomas Grey, mariner, of Harwich, Eng., by his first wife, Kathar- ine, dau. of Robert Myles, of Sutton. [L.] She d. March 25, 1687, ae. 84. Ch. Increase b. 19 (9), bapt. 21 (9) 1630, d. 6 (1) 1632, Abi- gail b. 27 (2) bapt. 3 (4) 1632, d. 6 (1) 1634, iSamuel bapt. 22 (9) 1634, Eliezer b. and d. 1636, Mehitabel bapt. 4 (12) 1637-8, Increase bapt. 23 (3) 1640, MaiT b. 26 (3) 1643, Alexan- der; Mary, adm. cJih. Charlestown, 7 (12) 1646, may be error of record for baptism. He d. Nov. 1, 1655. Will dated 23 (4), prob. 25 (10) 1655, beq. to wife Parnell, mother Coitmore, sons Increase, Alexander and Sam- uel, daus. Mehetabel and Mary, and to per- sonal friends. The widow d. March 25, 1687. [S.] [Reg. XXXIV, 253.] NOYES, NOYCE, NOYS, NOIES, [sig.] Rev. James, son of Rev. William, rector of Cholderton, co. Wilts., Eng., and of his wife Anne, sister of Mr. Robert Parker; in her will, prob. April 27, 1658, she beq. to sons James and Nicholas in New England. Rev. Thomas Parker of Newbury calls him and his bro. Nicholas "cousins." [Reg. XLIX, 332 NOTES, etc. cont. 261.] He was matriculated at Braseuose coll. Oxford, 22 Aug. 1627. He m. about 1633 Sarah, dau. of Mr. Joseph Browne of South- ampton. He came in the Mary and Joha Mareh 26, 1633-4; frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Kes. a while at Ipswich. Came to Newbury about March, 1634-5, and was associated in the work of the ministry with his kinsman Rev. Thomas Parker. Ch. Joseph b. 15 Oct. 1637, James b. 11 March, 1639, Sarah b. 12 Aug. 1641, d. 21 Feb. 1653, Moses b. Dec. 1643, John b. 3 June, 1645, Thomas b. 10 Aug. 1648, John b. June 4, 1649, Rebecca b. 1 April, 1651, WiOiam b. 22 Sept. 1653, Sarah b. 21 March, 1655-6. He d. Oct. 21, 1656. Will signed 17 Oct. prob. (9) 1656. Wife and children; bro. Nich- olas N.; cousin Thomas Parker. The widow Sarah d. 13 (7) 1691. Her will, dated 11 Nov. 1681, being aged, was prob. 29 (7) 1691. Sons Joseph, James and Moses; dau. Sarah, wife of her son John, and their ch. Sarah, Jdhn and Oliver; sons William and Thomas; daus. Rebecca and Sarah. Nicholas, bro. of James, came with him in the Mary and John March 26, 1633-4. Set- tled at Newbury on the beginning of the plantation a year later. Frm. May 17, 1637. Propr., town officer, deacon. Ret. to Eng. and came again in 1639. See his deixtsition ■with that of Peter, below. He m. Mary, dau. of Capt. John Cutting; ch. Mary b. 15 Oct., 1641, (m. John French,) Hannah b. 30 Oct. 1643, (m. Peter Cheney,) John b. 20 Jan. 1645, Nicholas b. 22 Dec. 1647, Cutting b. 23 Sept. 1649, Sarah b. 13 Sept. 1651, d. Feb. 21, 1652, Sarah b. 22 Aug. 1653, (m. Matthew Pettin- gell,) Timothy b. 23 June, 1655, James b. 16 May, 1657, Abigail b. 11 April, 1659, (m. Simeon French,) Rachel b. 20 March," 1661, (m. James Jackman,) Thomas b. 20 June, 1663, Rebecca b. 18 May, 1665, d. 1 Dec. 1683. He d. 23 Nov. 1701, ae. 83. [Genealogy in Reg. L. 35.] Peter, yeoman, from Penton, co. Hants, ae. 47, with son Thomas, ae. 15, and dau. Elizabeth, came in the Confidence, April 24, 1638. Settled at Watertown; "gent;'- propr. 1642; frm. May 13, 1640. App. by Gen. Court Surveyor of arms, 13 May, 1640. Settled at Sudbury; lands assigned to him and Thomas in 1639. Selectman 1639, et seq. Ret. to Eng. and came again in the Jonathan in 1639; deposed in the Blanchard NOTES, etc. cont. case in Salem Court, in 1652. Nicholas, Dor- othy and Peter, Jr., came with him. [Reg. XXXII, 407.] Deputy. He gave by deed to his second son Peter, June 24, 1654, a tract of land in Andover, Eng., adjoining land of Mr. Thomas Noys; the elder son Thomas, to whom a share in the land had been given be- fore, now conveyed his title to Peter, Jr. [Suff. De. II, 32.] Will dated 22 Sept., prob. Oct. 5, 1657, beq. to sons Thomas, Peter and Joseph, and daus. Elizabeth, wife of Josiah Haines, Dorothy, wife of John Hayne, and Abigail, wife of Thomas Plimpton; to kinsman Shadrach Habgood and pastor, Mr. Edmond Browne. NUDD, Thomas, son of Jone, [first] wife of Henry Dow, who gave him a tract of land at Hampton in 1649. Came to Watertown in 1637; rem. to Hamp. NUNN, Richard, ae. 19, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. NTJRTON, see Norton. NTTTBBOWNE, Francis, ae. 16, came in the Defence in July, 1635. NUTT, NUTTE, NUTE, Miles, Watertown, propr. 1636; frm. May 17, 1037. Rem. to Woburn; propr. 1645. Wife Sybil, widow of John Bibell, adm. chh. Charlestown 29 (6) 1660; ch. Sarah, (m. Nov. 5, 1644, John Wyman, and afterward Thomas Fuller,) Anna, sometime of Lancas- ter. ■ -'■'' He d. July 2, 1671, ae. about 73. He and his wife Sybil made a mutual agreement or w ill 4 Jan. 1658; her dau. Anne, wife of Rob- ert Jones and her ch. to inherit certain prop- erty. He made will 1 Feb., prob. 15 (10) 1074; beq. to wife Sybil and dau. Sarah, wife of John Wyman, and to her ch. The widow m. 3, John Doolittle of Rumney Marsh; she d. Sept. 23, 1690, ae. 82. NTLES, see Niles. 333 NYE, NOY, Benjamin, Sandwich, had bequest of 30 shillings from Dennis Geere of Lynn 10 Dec 1C35. Propr. 1C40. He m. 19 Oct 164o" Katharine Tupper. Ch. Jonathan b. 20 Nov. 1G49, (parents not stated,) Mary b. April 8, 1652. Goodwife Nye was a member of the chh. in 1694. OAK, OAKS, OAKES, OKES, Edward, merchant, Cambridge, propr., 1640; town officer. Frm. May 18, 1642 He deposed 3 (2) 16G0, ae. about 56 .yearsr'lMdx. Files.] He was attorney for Jlrs. Elizabeth Poole of Westminster, Eug., 24 (9) 1646. Ch Urian bapt. in England; about 10 years old when his father joined Camb. chh.; [Mi ] afterward president of Harvard College- Ed- ward bapt. in England, Mary and Thomas toapt. in Camb. [Mi.] Thomas b. 18 (4) 1644. He d. at Concord Oct. 13, 1689, ae. 85 years. Inv. of his est. talien Jan. 30, 1691-2. [See records of the family in Reg. XXXI, 324.] lot Richard, Boston, propr. before 1636; was forfeited because not built upon. Thomas, Cambridge, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 3 (9) 1646 Thomas b. and d. 1648, Elizabeth b. 26 (3) 1649, Hannah bapt. at Camb. (no date given ) Thomas b. after his father's death, bapt March 20, 1658-9. He d. In 1658. The widow m. Samuel Hay- ward or Howard: her dau. Abigail H bapt at Camb. Sept. 23, 1666, rem. to Maiden. [Mi.] WiU dated Sept. 22, prob. 28 (10) 1658 beq. to wife Elizabeth and children not speci- fied; bro. Edward O. OAKLEY, see Oateley. ODLIN, ODLYN, ATJDLYN, AUDELYN ATJDLEY, ' John, armourer, cutler, Boston, frm May 14. 1634. "One of the very first inhabi- tant of Bo." [S.] One of the richer inhabi- tants who subscribed to the Free School In 1636. He deposed 10 June, 1084, concerning the town's purchase of the rights of Mr. Wil- liam Blackstone. Wife Margaret; ch. John b. and d. 1635, Hannah b. and d. 1637, Elisha b. 1 (5) 1640, John b. 3 (12) 1641, Hannah bapt. 29 (S) 1643, ae. about 8 days, (m. Jere- miah Bumstead,) Peter b. 2 (6) 1646. He d. Dec. 18, 1685. Will signed imper- fectly "John Odlin," dated "fift day of month one thousand six hundred eight foure ore five," prob. 11 Jan. 1685, beq. to sons John, Peter and Elisha; to grandchUd Hannah Bumsted; great Bible to Peter; Bible-Gen- eva translation, and Calvens Institutions; the rest of his boolis to be divided between the three. OFFIT, Thomas, with wife Isabel, members of the ehh. of Roxbury about 1632. [E.] OFFLEY, Mr. David, gent., Boston, propr. 1638. Mortg. house and garden in security for bills of exchange payable by his mother to Mr. Robert Houghton 10 (0) 1041. Partner with Samuel Hosier in the business of talking and curing sturgeon at Yarmouth, 16 (6) 1639. Had accts. with Mr. Robert O., citizen and mercer of London, and with Stephen O. Joined in a letter of attorney with his wife Elizabeth, 26 (7) 1039, concerning est. at Glaston, Eng., to Edward or Henry Wool- cott, or others. [L.] Was a propr. at Wa- tertown in 1644. OATES, see Otis. ODDINGSELL, ODDINGSELLE, Thomas, gent., Salem, drew exchange on his father, John O. of Epperston, co. Not- tingham, Esquire, Aug. 28, 1640. [L.] John Blackleaeh sued him at Salem; payment in part made in 1642. [Es. Files.] ODELL, ODLE, William, Concord. Ch. James b. 1639, bur. 1641, Rebecca b. 17 (5) 1642. 334 OLBON, see Albon. OLDHAM, OXTLDAM, Mr. John, came to Plymouth in 1623. Was associated with Lyford in schemes to overthrow the government and substitute episcopal rule; wrote letters to persons in England who were hostile to the Colony; was detected and bani.shed. The Western Ad- venturers of Dorchester, Eng., sent him to Cape Ann in 1625, but he accomplished nought. He went to Eng., and came again in 1630. Settled at Watertown. Frm. May 18, 1631. Deputy, 1634-5. Gen. Court OLDHAM, etc., cont. granted him a farm at Wat.; this he mortg. to Mr. Craddocli. Was on important com- mittees. Had grants from the Indians of islands in Narragansett Bay. Was slain by Indians wliile on a trading voyage at Block Island in July, 1G3G. [W. and B.] John, ae. 12, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1C35, res. at Duxbury, atba. 1643; and Thomas, ae. 10, who came at the same time, res. at Scituate; m. Nov. 20, 1656, [1657] Mary Witberell; had ch. Mary b. 20 Aug. 1658, Thomas b. 30 Oct. 1660; may both be children of John, above. OLIVER, OLLIVER, OLYVER, Christopher, residence not stated, be- fore Gen. Court Nov. 7, 1634. John, linen draper, of Bristol, Eng., eame to Newbury about April 9, 1639. He deposed Sept. 17, 1640, ae. 27 years. Frm. 13 May, 1640. [Suff. De. I, 51.] He m. Joan- na, dau. of Mrs. Joanna Goodale. Ch. Mary b. June 7, 1640, (m. S Dec. 1656, Samuel Ap- pleton of Ipswich.) He d. 1642, intestate. The Gen. Court 14 June, 1642, gave the est. to the widow, Joane, ou condition that she pay 100 li. to the dau. at her marriage or at 18 years of age; the widow m. 17 April, 1645, William Ger- rish. The Gen. Court allowed him, 2 May, 1649, to take charge of the portion of the dau. Mary, and to pay it to her when she is 14 years of age. Joseph Perry of Bristol, Eng., mercer, deposed 16 Jan. 1642, concern- ing the matter; a letter of attorney was sent to Francis Brewster to receive certain money of the widow of John Oliver or of Mr. Ger- rish, her husband, 30 (9) 1646. [A.] Mr. Thomas, embarked for N. E. March 7, 1631; settled at Boston; adm. chh. with ■wife Anne in 1632; frm. Nov. 6, 1632. Be- came ruling elder of the chh. Town officer, a man of great influence in the community. His wife Anno d. (3» 1635; he m. about 1637, Anne, widow [of Oliver Purchase, Sen.] His dau. -in-law, Sarah Purchase, was adm. chh. 31 (3) 1646. The wife was adm. chh. 27 (9) 1642. Ch. John, (adm. chh. in 1632,) Peter, (adm. chh. 23 (4) 1639,) Samuel, (adm. chh. 21 (3) 1643,) Abigail, (adm. chh. 30 (5) 1643,) Ja,mes, (deposed in 1655, ae. about 35 years. [Es. Files.] adm. chh. 13 (4) 1640,) Nathaniel d, (9) 1633, Daniel d. (4) 1637. OLIVER, etc., cont. His will dated March 13, 1652, prob. Jan. 27, 1657. Wife; sons John, Peter, Jamea, Samuel; dau. Abigail, wife of James John- son; daus. Woodfall and Havens; Richard Woodfall at Muddy River; Hannah Tarne. To all gr. ch. in Old and New England 10 s. apiece. [Reg. VIII, 351.] Thomas, calinder, ae. 36, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Mary, ae. 34, children Thomas and John, and servants, Thomas Doged, ae. 30, and Mai-y Sape, ae. 12, passed exam. May 13, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Salem. Propr. Sold land in 1659. His wife who had suffered somewhat In Eng. for refusing to bow at the name of Jesus, did not join the chh. of Salem, but publicly de- manded to receive the Lord's Supper, etc., in 1639. Was incessant in her demands and re- proaches, and was repeatedly punished. [W.] The husband was in court for his pro- tests in 1646. OLMSTEAD, OMSTED, HOLMSTEAD, James, embarked for X. E. June 22, 16.32. Propr. at Cambridge 1633; frm. Nov. 6, 1632; constable, 1634, Rem. to Hartford. Nicholas, Cambridge, propr. of a house- lor and other land 1635; sold 20 Feb. 1636. OLNEY, ONE, Thomas, shoemaker, ae. 35, with [wife] Marie, ae. 30, and [sons] Thomas, ae. 3, and Etnetus (sic) cert, from the parish of St. Allions. Herts, came in the Planter April 2, 1635. Settled at Salem, propr. 1636. Frm. Slay 17, 1637. For his agreement in belief with the Hutchinson party in 1638, he was ordered to depart from the colony. Son Nabadiah bapt. 27 (6) 1637. ONG, ONGE, — , came with his wife in the Lyon in 1(;30. [W.] Probably his widow Frances O., of Wat., fermerly of Lavenham, Eng., is re- ferred to as a witness to conversation which took place in her shop in L.. b.v Robert Ryece, in letter to Gov. Winthrop in 1636. She was bur. at Watertown (9) 1638. John White, who owed her 25 li., gave security to John Sherman 20 July, 1643, for the pay- ment of this etc. in the behalf of the chil- dren. Simon O., who may have been one of these ch., sold a house at Wat. 20 (12) 335 ONG, etc., cont. 1646. He deposed 8 (2) 1672, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] His est. was admin, by liis bro. Jacob O., Nov. 8, 1678. ONION, ONYON, Jolm, Braintree, propr. for 2 heads 24 (12) 1639. Robert, ae. 26, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. Settled at Roxbury; his wife Mary and infant child were bur. 4 (2i 1643. [W.] He rem. to Dedham. Townsman 1 (11) 1644, adm. chh. 23 (1) 1645, frm. May 6, 1646. He m. 3 (10) 1643, Grace Ebrew; she d. 16 (12) 1647. He m. Sarah — . Ch. Sarah b. 23 (3) 1649, Susan bapt. 27 (3) 1649, Mary b. 12 (12) 1650, Hannah b. 29 (4) 1656, Benjamin b. 24 (10) 1659, Joseph b. 10 Marchj 1662-3, Grace b. 22 March, 1665-6, Sarah, (I he wife,) d. Feb. 25, 1671; he d. Nov. 21, 1673. Admin, of his est. was gr. 30 Jan. 1673, to Thomas Medcalfe. ORCHARD, see ARCHER. ORDWAY, Abner, suit in Plymouth Court, 1650, James, Newbury, propr. 1048. He de- posed, 1609, ae. about 45 years. He m. 25 Nov. 1648, Anne, dau. of John Emery; she d. March 31, 1687. Ch. Ephraim b. 25 April, 1650, a child d. June 18. 1050, James b. 10 April, 1651, Edward b. 17 Sept. 1653, Sarah b. Jan. 14, 1055, Sarah b. 14 Sept. 1650, John b. 17 Nov. 1058, Isaac b. 4 Dec. 1000, d. 16 Jan. 1009, Jane b. 22 Nov. 1003, Hannaniah b. 2 Dec. 1005, a child d. June 6, 1068, [Anne b. 12 Feb. 1070, Mary b. 5 April, 1672.] ORMSBY, ORMESBY, ARMSBEY, ORMS- BEY, Anne, widow, had lands assigned her in Boston in 163.5, confirmed in 1633. She was adm. chh. 28 (6) 1639, and dism. with Jane Willies and Elizabeth Tuttle 8 (7) 1639, to [Ipswich] church. Edmund, Boston, had a great lot at Muddy River for 3 heads, 16 (2) 1638. Richard, planter, Haverhill; propr. 1650; town officer; also lived at Salisbury some time. He deposed in 1660, ae. 52 years. 336 ORMSBY, etc., cont. Rem. to Hehoboth; sold lands to Robert Pilie in 1663. Wife Sarah; ch. John, Thomas b. Nov. 11, 1645, Jacob b. March 6, 1647-8. Inv. of his est. talien 30 (5) 1664. Debts by book left at Salisbury, etc. Widow Sarah deposed. ORNE, see HORNE. ORRIS ORRICE, ORRYS, George, ae. 21, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1035. Res. at Boston; blaclcsmith. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 15 (1) 1045; ch. Mary bapt. 23 (1) ae. about 1 year, 7 months, John b. 1 (1) 1646, Bethiah bapt. 30 (5) 1648, ae. about 6 days. Experi- ence bapt. 25 (3) 1651, Sarah b. 16 (Nov.) 1653, Jonathan bapt. 8 (12) 1656, Samuel b. 20 Dec. 1059, Nathaniel b. April 27, 1664. ORTON, Thomas, Charlestown. Wife Mary adm. chh. 12 (2) 1650; ch. Mary b. 27 (6) 1648, William bapt. 5 (12) 1659, Ebenezer bapt. 17 (11) 1663. Thomas bapt. 7 (3) 1665, Anne bapt. 5 (6) 1600, Abigail bapt. 19 (7) 1668. OSBORN, OSBORNE, OSBTJRN, OS- BXJRNE, OZBAN, Christopher. Duxbury, called into Ply- mouth Court 4 Dec. 1038, but marlied in the record "dead." James, Springfield, propr. 1646. He m. in 1045 or 1646 Joyce Smith. Ch. Eliz- abeth b. 27 (3) 1047, Mary b. 10 (1) 1049, James b. 8 (3) 1654, Sarah b. 3 (12) 1657, Sam- uel b. 1 Feb. 1663. His est. was divided by agreement Sept. 29, 1685, between his sons James and Sam- uel. John, Braintree. Ch. John b. 2 (12) 1639, Matthew d. (3) 1041. Mary, indicted for the murder of her dau.; was acquitted 19 (7) 1637. Mary, fined by the Gen. Court for giv- ing Quicksilver to her husband 29 (5) 1041. Matthew, Weymouth, appr. to John Reade 14 Sept. 1037, transferred to John Done of Plymouth 21 Aug. 1037. He d. at W. (3) 1641. OSBOEN, etc., cont. Richard, before Gen. Court 19 (T) 1637. Thomas, Charlestown, adm. chh. 10 (7) 1644. Rem. to Maiden, but returned after some years. He and his wife were reed, to the chh. of Char, from that of Maiden ■23 (12) 1601. Ch. Sarah b. 29 (1) 1G47, Thom- as b. June 26, 1649, Mary b. March 11, 1651- •2, — b. April 30, 1654. William, merchant, Hingham, propr. 1635; Salem, propr., town officer, frm. May 22, 1639. He went to Braintree to become clerk of the Iron Works; son — , b. at Br., bapt. at Dorchester Jlay 26, 1644, being born at the house of his brother. [Dorch. Chh. Rec.J He rem. to Boston about 1652. Wife Fredisweed adm. chh. 23 (3) 1641; ch. Recom- pense bapt. May 26, 1044, Hannah b. 24 (6) 1646, Bezaleel b. 8 (1) 1049, Joseph b. 6 (2) 1652, Jonathan b. Nov. 16, 1656. Admin, gr. Aug. 26, 1662, to the widow for herself and 5 children; eldest son had taken one degree; land at Wenham and Dorches- ter. [Reg. XI, 345.] OSGOOD, Christopher, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. Settled at Ipswich; lirickmaker; propr. 1634. Frm. May 6, 1635. Will dated April 19, prob. 10 (8) 1650, beq. to wife Margery; son Christopher; daus. Mary, Abigail, Elizabeth and Deborah; wife exec; father Philip Fowler one of the over- seers. The daus. Mary m. John Lovejoy, Abigail m. Shoreborne Wilson, Deborah m. John Ross or Riiss. The widow m. 2, Thom- as Rowell of.Andover; she m. 3, Thomas Coleman of Newbury. Residing at Nan- tucket, she deeded 27 Slay, 1673, to her son Thomas O. of Newbury, the house and land where she dwelt in the time of her former husband, Thomas Rowell, which is now in possession of Christopher O.; he to pay cer- tain sums to her son Jacob Rowell and her daus. Abigail Wilson and Deborah Russ. She made another deed to him of the nature •of a will, 8 June, 1675. [See Reg. XIII, 200.] John, yeoman, Newbury, 1638. One of the original settlers of Hampton, allowed by the Gen. Court 6 (7) 1638. Res. at Newbury in 1648. Rem. to Andover; deputy, 1651. Sergeant, 1658. [See petition of 17 settlers of And. in Es. Files IV, 127.] His wife Sa- rah came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. 337 OSGOOD, cont. with 4 children, hailing from Horrell, Eng. William O., William Jones and Margery Parke, a servant, were fellow passengers. Ch. Sarah, (m. John Clement,) John, Mary, (m. Henry Ingalls, Elizabeth, (m. John Browne of Reading,) Stephen, Hannah, (m. Samuel Archer). He d. in 1651. Will signed April 12, 1650, prob. Nov. 25, 1651; in his 54th year; born July 23, 1595; beq. to wife Sarah; ch. Ste- phen, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sarah Clem- ents and her dan. Bakah; servant Caleb Johnson; to the chh. of Newbury 18 shillings to buy a cushion for the minister to lay his book upon; rest to son John and wife Sarah, whom he makes execs. [Reg. XIII, 117.] The widow d. April 8, 1667. William, Salisbury, 1650. Testified 1 (3) 1054, ae. about 45 years, about Anthony Sadler's purchase of a house in the year 1650. [Arch. 38 B.] Will dated 15 March, 1700, beq. to son Wil- liam, his wife Abigail and his son John; to gr. dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Flanders; to gr. ch. William, Hannah and John, ch. of dec. son John; to gr. son Thomas Quimby, son of dec. dau. Elizabeth; to daus. Joanna, wife of Robert Jones, and Sarah, wife of John Colby; to his dau. Mary and her hus- band Thomas Currier. OTIS, OTTIS, GATES, OATISE, John, planter, Hingham, propr. 1635. Frm. March 3, 1635-6. Town officer. His buildings burned March 15, 1645-6. He rem. about 1655 to Weymouth. Wife Margaret d. 28 (4) 1653. He d. May 31, 1057, ae. 76. [Hob.] Will prob. July 28, 1057. To wife; to son John, who was made exec; to dau. Margaret Bur- ton and her three children; to dau. Hannah Gile; to Mary and Thomas Gile, Jr.; to daus. Anne and Alice. [Reg. VIII, 279.] Elizabeth, Weymouth, widow, made will 12 Sept. 1672, prob. 17 July, 1676. Beq. to son John Streme, dau. Elizabeth and son-in-law Lt. John Hol- brook. John, Scituate, bur. May 8, 1641. OVELL, Nathaniel, cordwinder, of Dover, em- barked for N. E. from Sandwich, Eng. be- fore June 9, 1G37. OTLEY, OATLEY, OAKLEY, TJTLEY, Mr. Adam, Lynn, fined by the Court 7 (7) 1641, for aiding Thomas Owen to escape from prison. Represented his father-in-law Mr. John Humphrey, in lawsuit in I642' [Suff. De. I, 33; Col. Rec, W.] Sarah, perhaps his wife. adm. chh Charlestown 30 (0) 1034. [Es. Files VH, 128. j OWEN, Thomas, merchant, Boston, attorney of Mrs. Anne Stratton in 1040. [L.] Punished for misconduct 7 (7) 1641. Sheltered by Mav- erick. [W.] William, Braintree, 1050; frm May 7 1051. He m. 20 (7) 1050, Elizabeth DaviesJ Charles Grice calls him son-in-law. Ch Dan- iel bur. 14 (8) 1051, Deliverance, dau.,' b. 15 (12) 1054, Ebenezer b. 1 (3» 1657, d. of small pox on Canada expedition in Aug. 1690 Dan- iel b. 23 (9) 1659, a son b. 1 (0) 1067, Obediah b. 1 (12) 1670. He d. 17 Jan. 1702. The widow d. 3 June 1702. PACKARD, PACKER, Samuel, came from Windham, Eug. in 1638, with wife and child, and settled at Hingham. Propr. 1038. Rem. to Bridge- water. Ch. Elizabeth, Samuel, Hannah and Israel bapt. 19 July, 1040, Zaecheus, Jane and Abigail bapt. April 20. 1051; Deliverance bapt. July 11, 1652. Will dated 29 Oct. 1084, prob. 3 March, 1684-5, beq. to wife Elizabeth, ch. Samuel' Zaecheus, John, Nathaniel. Mary, (wife of Richard Phillips,) Hannah, (wife of Thomas Randall,) Jael, (wife of John Smitli,) De- borah, (wife of Samuel Washburn,) and De- liverance, (wife of Thomas Washburne;) gr ch. Israel and Deliverance Auger, and' oth- ers. PACT, Nicholas, Salem, propr. 1638. He m. 1, Katharine — , who had plighted her troth to Mark Vermais; both confessed their error before the Court 28 (10) 1040. She was adm chh. 23 (3) 1041. Ch. Hannah bapt. 20 (3) 1642. He m. 2, Sarah, dau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley, who had been the wife of Benja- min Keayne, Jr., and had been divorced from him. She was admitted inhabitant of Bos- PACY, cent. ton in 1055. She d. Nov. 3, 1659. Will prob. 26 (9) 1659, gave all to her dau. Anna Keayne. PADDOCK, Robert, smith, Plymouth, creditor of Job Cole, 1038; atba. 1043, Duxbury, propr. 1638. Goodwife rec'd money from est of Job Cole '-for tlie child." Ch. Zachariah b 20 Jlarch, 1630, Mary b. 10 Jlarch, 1038 -\lice b. 7 March. 1040, a dau. b. 1641 John h. 1 April, 1643. He was bur. July 2.5, 1050; on his death-bed be gave his son John to Capt. Thomas Wil- lett; the widow Mary confirmed this in Nov folg. She sold house and shop to Stephen Wood Dec. 3, 16.50. The dau. Alice m "4 March, 1650. Thomas Roberts. William Palmer, b. 27 June. 1634. was his son-in-law [Plym. Col. Rec. vol. YIII.] PADDY, William, skinner, merchant, from Lon- don, came in the James April 5, 10.35. Set- tled at Plymouth; frm. Jan. 3, 1030; deputy, 1039. Rem. to Boston. He was one of the lessees of the trade at Kenuebeck up to 1650. Mr. John Beauchamp, one of the partners in Plymouth Company, calls him cousin in letter in Plym. Deeds, II; refers also to bro Freeman, Paddy's father, and to bro. Cod- dington. He m. 24 Nov. 1639, Alice, dau. of Edmund Freeman; she d. 24 April. 1651 and he m. 2, 3 (10) 1651, Mary, sister of AVm' Greeuough, and widow of Bezaleel Payton Ch. Elizabeth b. 12 Nov. 1641, John b '>5 Nov. 1043. Samuel b. 1 Aug. 1045, Thomas b. 6 Sept. 1647. Joseph b. and d. 1640, Wil- liam b. 16 Sept. 1652. Other ch. named in his will: Mercy, (m. Leonard Dowden.) Na- thaniel, Hannah, Benjamin. M'ill prob. Sept. 9, 1658. Beq. to wife and children; also to Sarah and Mary Pay- ton, ch. of his wife by former husband. Oth- e- bequests. Leonard Dowden and Tliomas Paddy gave bonds July 10, 1680, to admin, on the remaining est. of their father, Wm. Paddy, dec. [Reg. Vn, 339, VIII, 335, and XXXI, 321.] 338 PAGE, Abraham, tailor, of Great Baddow, Es- sex. Eng., had a bond Aug. 25, 1030, from Wm. Vincent, for £ 20 when he should be 21 years old; otherwise to his bros. Isaac and PAGE, cont. Jacob P. [Suff. De. I, OC] He settled at Boston; gave letter of attorney 23 (10) 1C45, for collection of dues in Eng. [A.] Wife Mary; see Col. Rec. 1G3S. Edward, cooper, Boston, was freed from bis master 29 (2) 1641. Gave a bond for the payment of money April 8, 1663. He was bur. Aug. 16, 1603. Admin, of his est. gr. to his widow Abiah 22 Dec. 169.3. John, Hiugham, signed a petition to Gen. Court 4 Nov. 1646. Rem. to Haverhill about 1652. Wife Mary [Marsh?] d. Feb. 15. 1606. Ch. John bapt. July 11, 1641, Onesi- I)horus bapt. Nov. 20, 1642, Benjamin bapt. July 14, 1644, Mary bapt. May 3, 1646, (m. 1, John Dow, 2, Samuel Shepherd,) Joseph bapt. March 5, 1647, Cornelius bapt. July 15, 1649, Sarah bapt. July 18, 1651, (m. James Sanders,) Elizabeth b. and d. 1653, Mercy b. April 1, 16.55, (m. John Clough,) Ephraim b. and d. 1650. He d. Nov. 23, 1687. Admin, gr. to gr. son Thomas, March 12, 1721-2; division Nov. 1723. John, came in 1030, with wife and 2 children from Dedham, Eng.; had relief sent him in the hard times of 1630 by his min- ister, Mr. John Rogers. [W.] Settled at Watertown. Constable Sept., 1630. Propr.r house burned April 21, 1631. Wife Phebe; ch. Samuel b. 20 (6) 1633, Daniel bur. 10 (6) 1634. Son John refers to his father's lands in a deed in 1662. He d. Dec. 18, 1676, ae. about 00; inv. filed. His widow d. Sept. 25, 1677, ae. about 87. Margaret, Salem, a town charge; mon- ey was voted 30 (7) 1647, to pay her pas- sage to England, Robert, husbandman, ae. 33, with wife Lucy, ae. 30, ad children Frances, Margaret and Susanna, and servants William Moul- ton, ae. 20, and Anne Wad, ae. 15, of Orms- by, Eng., passed exam. April 11, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Salem. Wife Lucy adm. chh., 1630. He was adm. frm. May 18, 1642. Rem. to Hampton; deputy, deacon. He se- cured the claims of his brother Edward Col- cord and his wife Ann, in 1654 and 1670. Ch. Rebecca and Samuel bapt. at Sal. 1 (7) 1639. He d. Sept. 22, 1670. Will dated Sept., prob. 29 Sept. 1679, beq. to sons Francis and Thomas; daus. Mary Fogg, Margaret San- PAGE, cont. borne, and Hannah, wife of Henry Dow; gr. ch. Seth, James, and Hannah Fogg; Jo- seph, Benjamin, Robert, Hannah, Sarah and Ruth Moulton; Jonathan Samborne; Rebecca, Hannah. Samuel, Lucie and Meriah Mar- ston; Joseph, Samuel. Symon and Jabez Dow; Robert, Samuel, John, Mary and Lucie Page; (some of these gr. ch. called by their marriage names in the will. Thomas, tailor, ae. 29, with wife Eliz- abeth, ae. 28, and children Thomas, ae. 2, and Katharine, ae. 1, and servants Edward Spurlis, ae. 22, and Kat: Taylor, ae. 24, cert, from All Saints, Stayning, (London,) came In the Increase in April, 1635. We note that Thomas, gent., Saco, (Maine,) gave bond 22 (1) 1040-1. [L.] William, Watertown, planter, bought land in 16.50. Wife Anne; ch. John b. and d. 1642. They toolj John, son of George Parlihurst, Jr., to bring up in 1646. [Suff. De. I, 78.] He d. (10) 1664. He made will 16 Dec. 1664, prob. April 4, 1605; beq. to wife Han- nah; at her death to each of his kindred now in N. E., to kinsman Thomas Leason; to Ed- ward L. now living with me. PAGRAM. air. Richard, Charlestown, propr. 1635. PAINE, PAYNE, Edward, of Wapping, mariner, Charles- town, inhabitant, 1638. He sold, by his at- torney, George Arnell, land at Char. 19 (1) 1640-1. His son Joseph, ae. 22 years, sold land and houses at Char. 2 (9) 1649. Moses, gent., Cambridge, propr. before 1638; rem. to Braintree. Ensign; frm. June 2, 1641. He m., as his last wife, Judith, wid- ow of Edmund Quinsey. Ch. Moses, Ste- phen, Elizabeth, (m. Nov. 17, 1643, Henry Adams). He d. 21 (4) 1643. Will prob. 30 (8) 1643; beq. to wife Judith; to sons Moses and Ste- phen, and dau. Elizabeth. Goods and lands at Br., Camb., Concord and Pascataqua, and in Old England. [Reg. II, 263.] Mr. Robert, Ipswich, propr. 1639, one of the com. for furthering trade in 1(540. Frm. June 2, 1641. He deposed in 1607, ae. 339 FAINE, etc., cout. about 65 years. Deputy 1647-8. [Safe. De. III. 357.] Thomas, of Wrentom, co. Suff, Eng., weaver, ae. 50, passed exam. May 10, 1637, to go to Salem in N. E., with wife Elizabeth, ae. 53, and children Thomas, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Dorothy and Sarah. Settled at Salem; propr. 1637. Son Thomas bound to Nich: Poore; suit in Es. Court in 1037. Will dated 10 (2) 1638; in v. 10 (5) 1644; beq. to wife, son Thomas, dau. Mary, kins- man Henry Blomfield. Thomas, Dedham, propr. 28 (9) 1040; with wife Rebecca adm. chh. 23 (2) 1641; frm. June 2, 1641. Ch. Rebecca b. 19 (7) 1642, Thomas b. 29 (1) 1644, John b. 27 (2) 1646, Elizabeth b. 6 (1) 1648. Will dated 26 July, prob. Sept. 23, 1686, beq. to wife Rebecca; sons Thomas and John; son-in-law Thomas Patten on behalr of his wife Rebecca, dec; gr. ch. Rebecca Patten; dau. Elizabeth Hunting. Inv. shows weaving implements, etc. Thomas, Yarmouth, inhabitant 1641; land confirmed 1648. Rem. to Eastham; townsman 1655, or earlier. Is perhaps the Thomas, mariner, whose widow Hannah admin, on his est. at Boston 29 July, 1667. [Reg. XVIII, 154.] Thomas, son of Thomas Paine, of Lon- don, merchant, came to N. E. with his moth- er Jane, who had m. 2, Mr. Thomas Mahew; he chose them his guardians Oct. 14, 1647, being 15 years old and upwards. [SufC. De. I, 86.] Walter, Charlestown, resident, 1635. William, husbandman, ae. 37, with wife Anna, ae. 40, children Susan, ae. 11, Anna, ae. 5, John, ae. 3, and Daniel, ae. 8 weeks, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. William, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in July, 16.35. Resided at Salem, Ipswich and Bos- ton. Frm. May 13, 1640. Paid for work done on the ship Sara at Salem in 1641. Of Ipswich, merchant, propr. 1639. Town offi- cer. His dau. Hannah m. April 2, 1651, Samuel Appleton, Jr. William Payne, late ol Lanham, now of New Eng., mentioned in letter to Gov. Winthrop 17 Jan. 1636. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] In a deposition in Es. Files, 1658, he calls Anthony Stoddard cousin. PAINE, etc., cont. Will made at Boston, 2 Oct. 1660. Long infirm; beq. to wife Hanna dwelling house at Boston, mill at Watertown and household effects; to Hanna, Samuel and Judith, ch. of his dec. dau. Hanna Api)leton; to Benjamin,. Mary, Rebekah, Christian, Ann and Doro- thy, ch. of Symond Eyers, dec, and to Sy- mond, son of Symond E., Jr., dec; to sis- ter Page, and to her ch. John, Samuel, Eliz- alieth, Mary, Phebe; to the ch. of his sister Hament, viz. John, Elizabeth and Hanna; to kinswoman Elizabeth House, dau. of Sam- uel and Elizabeth H.; to two daus. of his cosan John Tall, when of age; to son-in-law Samuel Ajjpleton; to William Howard, Jerl- my Belcher, Anthony Stodder, Christopher Clarke, Oliver Purchase, (whom he re- quests to be helpful to his son John con- cerning the accounts of the Iron worke;) to Mary Ingion; to the ministers, Norton and Wilson of Boston, Shirman of Wat, Browne of Sudbury, Cobblt of Ips., Fisk of Chensford, Phillips of Rowley, Mayhoo of the new chh., Boston. To the CoUedge at Cambridge, 20 li. to be kept as a stock forever. Made his son-in-law Samuel Ap- pleton, son John, and Mr. Anthony Stod- der execs., and Mr. Christopher Clarke, Mr. Joseph Taintor and Mr. Oliver Purchase overseers and feofees in trust. Gave his execs, power to expend 100 li. out of the est. for some pyous use and necessary worke. In a postscript he gave 5 li. to Doctor Clarke and 5 li. to Capt. Thomas Clarke Company to buy them Cullers. Witnesses John Mayo, Chri.stopher Clarke and Will: Howard. [Reg. X, 85.] William, shoemaker, Salem, bought shop of John Baylyes In 1649. PAINTER, PAYNTER, Thomas, joiner, Boston, juryman 28 Sept. 1630; adm. chh. 5 (7) 1040; frm. Oct. 12, 1640. Had a grant of land from Gen. Court at Rowley 6 June, 1039. Gave letter of attorney 5 (11) 1647, for collection of mon- ey from Wm. Withington of Rhode Island. [A.] Wife Katharine; ch. William d. 30 (7) 1639, Thomas b. and d. 1639, Elizabeth d. 24 (2) 1640. The wife d. in 1641. He m. a second wife, and had an other child. One Painter of Hingham, who had lived at New Haven and Rowley and CharlestowQ, was I 340 PAINTER, etc., cont. PAIiGBAVE, etc., cont. wliipped iu 1G44 for refusing to have his dau. Mary, wife of Roger Willington; to child baptized at the church where his wife Anna and other children of her son and dau. was a member. [W.] PAKES, William, Scituate, atba. 1643. His dau. was drowned 15 Nov. 1053; inquest. Alcock; to John Heylet, eldest son of her dau. Lydia, he to be educated in physick; to Jlary, wife of John Maddox; to grand- children. A debt due to John Pattison in old England. PALPLIN, John, before Gen. Court 4 (4) 1639. PALPREY, Jane, widow, m. George Willowes or Willis of Cambridge; had eh. John and Eliz- abeth Palfrey. [Mi.] Peter, yeoman, planter, Salem, jury- man. Gen. Court, 1630; frm. May 18, 1631. One of the settlers before the arrival of En- deeott. (Depos. of Brakenbury.) Had land at the head of Bass river. Rem. to Read- ing. Town officer at both places. [Wife] Edith memb. chh. before 1636. After her death he m., about 1046, Elizabeth, widow of John Fairfield. Ch. Jonathan and Jeho- dan bapt. 25 (10) 1630, Remember bapt. 16 (7) 1638, Mary bapt. 15 (10) 1039; other ch. were the wives of Samuel Pickman, Mat- thew Johnson and Benjamin Smith, men- tioned in the father's will; Johnson sued the est. in 1663 for a portion promised him at marriage. [Mdx. Files.] Remember went to Roxbury to live, and m. Peter Aspinwall. See Fairfield. He d. Sept. 15, 1663. Will dated Oct. 21, 1662, codicil added 19 May, 1663, prob. 15 (10) 1603; far stricken in years; beq. to son- in-law Matthew Johnson; to youngest dau Mary P.; to sons-in-law Samuel Pickman, Peter Aspinwall and Benjamin Smith. PALGRAVE, PALSGRAVE, Mr. Richard, physician, Charlestown, propr. 1630; with wife Anne adm. chh. 1031, frm. May 18, 1031. Ch. John, (who quit- claimed land in 1057,) Mary, (m. Roger Wil- lington,) Sarah, (m. Dr. John Alcock; d. 29 (9) 1665, ae. 44 years,) Rebecca b. 25 (5) 1631, John b. 6 (1) 1634, Lydia b. 15 (11) 1635, Bethiah b. and d. 1638, Elizabeth. He d. about 1655. His widow, dwelling at Stepney, Eng., made a letter of attorney March 17, 1056. [Midx. De. II, 32.] She ret. to N. E. and d. at Roxbury 17 (11) 1069, ae. 75. Will prob. May 13, 1669. Beq. to eldest PALMER, Abraham, Charlestown, with wife Grace adm. chh. in 1630. Frm. May 18, 1631. Town clerk, deputy. Sold lands, houseinge, timber and accommodations 30 (1) 1647. Engaged in trade at Barbadoes and other W. I. ports. [Suff. De. II, 103.] He d. at Barbadoes; admin, gr. to his wife Grace 23 (7) 1053. [Reg. VII, 338.] The widow d. Dec, 1000. Inv. of her est. taken 20 Dec, 1660, filed 2 (2) 1661. Edward, carpenter, [Boston.] He was fined by the Gen. Court in 1639-40, for ask- ing too high a price for a piece of timber for the stocks. [L., and Col. Rec] George, wine-cooper, Boston, propr.; in court 30 (2) 1040. Was of Ipswich in 1050, and contracted to deliver pipe-staves. Mortg. his house and land Feb. 11, 1055. Wife Elizabeth. Henry, Newbury, 1638-1042; frm. June 22, 1042. Before Boston court 2 (1) 1040-1. Rem. to Haverhill; propr. 1044; town officer. Com. to end small causes 20 May, 1047. Ex- cused by Hampton court in 1650 from train- ing, on account of infirmities. He m. Eliza- beth; ch. rec. at Hav.: Bathshua d. Feb. 26, 1654. His wife d. Nov. 22, 1664. He d. July 15, 1680. His will dated 10 July, prob. 28 Sept. 1080, beq. to gr. ch. John Dal- ton, Elizabeth Ayer, now wife to John Clem- ents, Samuel and Timothy A.; to son and dau. Robert and Elizabeth A.; son and dau. Samuel and Mehitabel Dalton. John, Boston, 1636; had lands at Brain- tree; frm. March 13, 1038-9. Audrey, wid- ow, Boston, had the house of her son John as a part of what he had reed, from his father; Gen. Court, 22 May, 1050. This she sold March 11, 1052. [See Book of Poss., p. 36 and 37, and SufC. De. I, 313.] John, ae. 24, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Perhaps the sea- man who res. at Hingham; propr. 1635; who 341 PALMER, cont. deposed In 1641 that he came to dwell at H. about 4 years before; propr. He was wrecked but not drowned in 1039. [W.] Rem. to Scituate. In court 1C50. Yeoman. Ch. John, Elnathan, Samuel bapt. Feb. 1G40, Josiah bapt. June 7, 1043, Elizabeth d. 6 July, 1047, Hannah bapt. May, 1647. Will dated 7 Feb. 1675, prob. 7 March, 1070; beq. to eldest son John and his ch. Sarah, Han- nah, Elizabeth and Bezaleel; to second son Samuel, third son Josiah, and dau. Hannah. John, Rowley, propr. 1643. He deposed in 1693, ae. about 70 years. He m. 17 (7) 164.5, Ruth — ; she was bur. Oct. 13, 1649. He m. 2, 14 (.5) 1050, Margaret — . Ch. Han- nah b. 1 (7) 1647, bur. 25 Oct. 1670, John b. 7 (8) 1049, bur. Aug. 0, 1083, Elizabeth b. 1 (8) 1652, John b. 15 (1) 1056, Francis b. 4 (10) 1657, Sarah b. 13 (11) 1001. He d., aged, 17 June, 1695. Will dated 23 Aug. 1693, prob. July, 1095. Richard, ae. 29, came in the James in July, 1035. Thomas, Rowley, propr. 1643. He m. (0) 1643, Ann — ; ch. Samuel b. 20 (6) 1044, Timothy b. 2 (2) 1047, Thomas b. (0) 1650. The wife Ann was bur. 22 Feb. 1080. His will dated 2 Aug., prob. 28 Sept. 1069. Walter, Charlestown, accused and ac- quitted of causing the death of Austen Bratcher, Sept. 28, 1030; frm. May 18, 1031. Constable, 1033-1630. Rem. to Seakonls. Frm. Plym. Col. 28 Oct. 1645. Deputy, town officer, juryman. Wife Rebecca and dau. Grace, (who m. Thomas Minor,) adm. chh. Char. 1 (4) 1033. Ch. Hannah bapt. 15 (4) 1634, Elihu bapt. 24 (11) 1035, Nehemiah bapt. 23 (9) 1037, Jloses bapt. 6 (2) 1640, Ben- jamin b. 30 (3) 1042. He d. at Sothertowne, in the county of SufColke, about 1002. Will prob. 11 May, 1062; wife and son Elihu execs.; children John, Grace, Jonas, William. Gershom, Ne- hemiah, Moses, Benjamin, Hannah, Rebec- ca, Elizabeth. [Reg. XI, 39.] William, nailer, came in the Fortune to Plymouth in 1021; taxed at Duxbury in 1032; frm. 1633. Wife Frances and son William had shares in the cattle in 1027. Will prob. Dec. 4, 1037; wife, a young wom- an; son Henry, dau. Bridget, grand child Rebecca; Moyses Rowly; Stephen Tracy; the PALMER, cont. church of Plymouth. [Reg. IV, 35.] John AVillis brought suit against the executors of this will, having m. Elizabeth, formerly wife of William the younger, son of the above. William, yeoman, Newbury; one ot those licensed by Gen. Court to begin a plan- tation at Hampton (7) 103S; frm. March 13, 1638-9. He conveyed all his property In Hampton and Newbury, March 10, 1645, to John Sherman of Watertown, and Martha, his dau., Sherman's wife, in lieu of est. in Great Ormesby, Eng. which was her inher- itance. J. and M. S. sold all their share in his est. to his youngest son Joseph P. in 1661. William, divorced by Gen. Court 19 Oct. 16.50, from his wife Elinor who had married another man in England. William, Yarmouth, with wife Judith, dau. of James Feke of London, goldsmith, gave letter of attorney Dec. 5, 1039, to To- bias Dixon, citizen and mercer of L., to sell a house and shop in Lumbard street, late in occupation of one Brampton. [L.] He was allowed to train the inhabitants of Y. in 1039 and 1043; lieut., deputy. PALMEELEY, John, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1035. PANCRUST, Ann, ae. 10, came in the Abigail in June, 1035. PANTRY, PANCRY, PEYNTREE, William, Cambridge, 1033, propr. 1035, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Was excused by the Court from training, on account of his age, Nov. 7, 10.34. [See Tuttle, Richard.] PARDON, William, laborer, Weymouth, frm. May, 1645. [See Collins and Poole.] PARIS, John, merchant, Charlestown, gave power of attorney March 3, 1645, to Maj. Edward Gibbons, specially to recover his wife's portion from Mr. Wm. Barnard of Char. Mortg. house at Barbadoes and cer- tain shipping property to John Allen of Char. 4 (4) 1050. 342 PARISH, PARRIS, Tliouias, clothier, ae. 22, came in the Increase in April, 1035. Settled at Water- town; propr. lOSti; rem. to Cambridge; frm. April 18, 1037. Town officer, 1039. Con- tracted to sell lands at Halstead, Eng. for John Hood, Oct. 22, 1038. Ret. to Eng. be- fore 1054. Was described in a deed as "gent," of Nayland, Suftolli co. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 3 (2) 1038, Thomas b. 21 (5) 1041. ( PARK, PARKE, PARKS, PARKES, Edward, [Watertown?] a "cousin" of Gov. Winthrop, wrote him from London 8 March, 1047, asking his aid and advice for his "uncle" Henry Bright and son Henry Parks about land ordered to himself by the Court. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-7.] Joseph, Hingham, propr., suit about fences in 1039. [L.] I Richard, Cambridge, householder 1035. [See Edward Winship.] Robert, residence not stated, had leave of the Gen. Court 30 May, 1044, to marry Alice Tompsou without further publishment. William, Roxbury, came, a single man, in the 12th month, 1030. [E.] Deacon, town officer, deputy, commissioner; frm. May 18, 1031. He owned land also at Stonington. Signed iuv. of John Levens in 1048. He m. Martha, dau. of John Holgrave, of Salem; she d. Aug. 25, 1708, in her 04th year. Ch. Theoder b. July 26, 1637, (m. Samuel Wil- liams,) Hannah b. Aug. 28, 1639, d. 26 (4) 1665, Martha b. March 2, 1641, Sarah bapt. 19 (9) 1643, bur. 8 (9) 1644, John b. June 30, 1645, d. 10 (4) 1040, John bapt. 13 (3) 1049, Deborah bapt. (2) 1051, William bapt. 8 (8) 1654, d. 14 (5) 16.56, John d. 4 (3) 1063. See letter from his bro. Thomas P. of Souther- towne in 1661. He d. May 11, 1685. Will prob. 30 July, 1685, beq. to wife Martha; son Samuel Wil- liams and his children, Samuel, John, Park, Ebenezer, Deborah, Martha and Abigail; son Isaac AVilliam's ch., especially William whom I have brought up; refers to land that belonged to bro. Thomas Parks; son John Smith and dau. Smith; bro. Samuel Parks and his sons Robert and William; Hannah Williams. [Reg. XXXI, 176.] PARILL, Edward, Watertown. Admin, of his est. June 2, 1644. [Reg. VIII, 56.] PARKER, PARKE, PARKES, PARKERS, Abraham, Woburn, taxed, lt>45; rem. to Chelmsford. He m. Xov. 18, 1644, Rose Whitlock; ch. Hannah b. Oct. 29, 1045, John b. Oct. 30, 1647, Abraham b. March S, 1649, d. Oct. 20, 1051, Mary, (m. at Chelm. Dec. 11, 1078, James, son of Capt. James Parker). The inv. of the estates of Abraham and Rose was taken March 23, 1696, admin, gr. to son Moses. Edmund, Roxbury, propr., rem. to Lan- caster. He m. at Rox. May 31, 1647, Eliz- abeth, [dau. of Abraham] How; ch. Eliz- abeth bapt. 2 (2) 1648, Elizabeth bapt. 29 (2) 1640, Abraham bapt. 5 (7) 1652, Jlercy and Esther b. at Lane. 28 (8) 1654, Deborah b (11) 1055, Alaru, Esther and Deborah bapt. at Rox. 22 (4) 1050. George, carpenter, ae. 23. came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1035. A George Parker took oath of fidelity at York, Nov. 22, 1052. Rev. James, Weymouth, a godly man and a scholar, many years a deputy of the Court, was called to Pascataqua to be their minister in 1042. Had good success. [W.] Sold houses and lands at Wey. 20 (9) 1644, res. at Strawberry Bank. Frm. May 29, 1644. James, Woburn, 1640, taxed 1645. Rem. to Billeriea in 1054, to Chelmsford in 1058. He m. May 23, 1043, Elizabeth Long; ch. Elizabeth b. March 12, 1045, Ann b. Jan. 5, 1040, John b. Jan. 18, 1648, Sarah b. Aug. 29, 1650, d. Oct. 15, 1051, James. He d. at Groton in 1701, ae. 83 years. [Hist. Billeriea.] John, carpenter, from Marlborough, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1035. Set- tled at Boston. Wife Jane adm. chh. 8 (11) 1030. Ch. Thomas b. 2 (8) 1635, bapt. 22 (11) 1030, Noah b. 3 (2) bapt. 8 (2) 1038. Jane, of Boston, widow, by deed of gift, 15 (5) 1046, gave to her eldest dau. Margaret and her heirs 21 feet square in the angle at the meeting of the streets out of her house-lot; the house and rest of lot to sons John, Thom- as, and Noah; 6 li. apiece out of her chattels 343 PARKER, etc., cont. to daus. Sarah and Alice at 18 years of age, or marriage; property to remain In the hands of her husband in case of her death before the sons became of age. She m. Richard Tare (Thayer); made a conveyance of land to Clement Corbin Oct. 7, 1656. The dau. Sarah m. 22 (4) 1653, Isaac Bull. John, Hingham, propr. 1636. John, Taunton, frm. 7 Sept. 1641; atba. 1643. He d. Feb. 26, 1657. Will: wife Sarah; children Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary, Abigail; bro. Mr. John Summers, minister; wife's sister's son Nathaniel Smith and her other ch.; sister Elizabeth Philips and James Ph. of Tau. and ch.; cousin James AVallier's ch.; mentions house at Boston, share in Tau. iron worljs, lands of bro. Parker. [Reg. VII, 177.] John, shoemaker, Boston; wife Sarah adm. chh. 20 (G) 1644. Is he not the son of John and Jane? John, Woburn, propr. 1649; Billerica, 1654; sergt. Built first meeting house; town officer. He m. Mary, widow of John Poulter of Raleigh, Esses, Eng., whose dau. Eliza- beth m. Jonathan Danforth. He m. 3, Thos. Chamberlin. He d. June 14, 1667. [Hist. Billerica.] Joseph, tanner, ae. 24, from Newbury, Eng., came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Newbury. Propr. at Salisbury 1639, carpenter. Rem. to Andover. Memb. chh. 1645. He was a witness in Salem Court in 1642. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675-6. Wife Mary; ch. John, Joseph b. May 1642, Thomas, Sarah, Stephen b. 1 March, 1651, Hester b. 12 May, 1654, John b. 30 June, 1656, Samuel b. 14 Oct. 1659, Ruth b. 2 June, 1661. He d. Nov. 5, 1678. Will prob. 29 (9) 1678. Wife Mary; children Joseph, Thomas, Step- hen, Samuel, Sarah, Mary, Ruth; bro. Nath- an P.; est. in England, some at Rumsey. Widow Mary d. Oct. 2, 1695; admin. April 6, 1696. Judith Parker, widow, of Charles- town, sold a house and land in Hampton 23 (3) 1045, to John Marian of Watertown; pay- ment to be made at either of her dwellings in any of the 6 towns in the bay, namely Char., Bo., Camb., Wat, Rox., or Dorch. PARKER, etc., cont. Mr., Salem. Ch. JIary bapt. 13 (10> 1646. Nathaniel, baker, of London, ae. 20, came in the Bevis in May, 1638. Nathan, bro. of Joseph, Newbury. Rem. to Andover. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 40 years. One of the 10 first members of the chh. in 1645. He m. at N. 20 Nov. 1648, Su- sanna Short, who d. 26 Aug. 1651. He m. 2, Mary — . Oh. Nathan, John b. 20 Dec. 1653, James b. 14 Aug. 1655, Mary b. 14 April, 1657, Hanna b. 14 May, 1659, Mary b. 1660, Eliza- beth b. 20 Jan. 1663, Robert b. 26 Feb. 1665, Sarah and Peter b. April 3, 1670. He d. 25 June, 1685. Nicholas, yeoman, Roxbury, came to N. E. about the 3d month, 1633 . [E.] Frm. March 4, 1633-4. With Richard P., he sold house and land at R. to William Oheney July 18, 1630. He mortg. land to Henry Symons of Boston; testified to 5 (6) 1643. Rem. to Bo. about 1642. Wife Anne joined chh. of Bo. with him by dism. from chh. of Rox. 25 (12) 1642. Ch. Joanna bapt. at Bo. 1 (4) 1635, Jonathan b. 1 (12), bapt. 2 (12) 1639, Abiel b. 15 (11) 1641, Abiah bapt. 27 (1) 1642, ae. about weeks, Joanna, (m. 5 (5) 1655, Arthur JIasou). Ralph, Gloucester, propr. 1649. Richard, merchant, Boston, 1639, or earlier: adm. chh. 23 (11) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. [He may be the Richard Parke who was. propr. at Cambridge in 1636.] Bought house and land at Braintree 3 (1) 1640. [L.] With wife Ann he sold, May 8, 1653, land in the woods on the westerly side of Charles river, about 3 miles from Natick. Deeded land to his dau. Ann Manning, about to marry John Sands, Oct. 9, 1669. Wife Anne adm. chh. Bo. 24 (11) 1640. Ch. Joseph b. and d. 1638, Sarah b. 8 (5) 1641. Will dated 3 Jan., prob. 21 Feb., 1672-3, beq. to gr. ch. Ephralm Manning, son of his dau. Ann M., Ann, wife of John Sands, and the 3 daus. of his dec. dau Payne; to the poor of the church of which he was a member; dau. Ann M. exec. Robert, planter, servant to William As- pinwall, Boston, adm. chh. 9 (1) 1634, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Was disciplined by the chh. "for selling the inheritance of his wife's chil- 344 PARKER, etc., cont. dren," but was restored to fellowship 24 (5) 1636. Rem. to Cambridge. Was dism. to that chh. 1 (12) 1656. [Rox. and Camb. chh. rec.] Propr., but not resident of Billerica In 165-1. Deposed in 1670, ae. about 66. Wife Judith; ch. Benjamin b. (4) 1636. Nathaniel b. 28 (5) 1638, Sarah b. (2) 1640, John, "of Jud- ith, widow of Richard Bugby, who God tooke," bapt. at Koxbury 27 (1) 1642, Kaehel. He made will 21 March, 1682, ae. about 82 years; beq. to dau. Sarah Foster and her ch. Sons Benjamin and John, dec, had reed, full portions. Prob. 7 (2) 1(')85. The widow d. May 8, 1682, ae. 80. Rev. Thomas, son of Rev. Thomas P. the eminent preacher and writer, "natus et baptizatus die Pentecoste, anno 1575, be- ing Juno 8tli, as I take It," [S.] came to Ips- wich in the Mary and John March 26, 1634. Rem. with the first settlers to Newbury, of which he was the minister until his death. He maintained a policy which was more Presbyterian than that of the churches of New Eng. In general and was somewhat op- posed by certain parishioners; yet all con- ceded him a pure, unselfish, capable minis- ter. He never married. His mother, Mrs. Dorothy P. of Mildenhall, Wilts, in her will, dated 10 Oct. 1649, beq. £200 to him; men- tions daus. Sarah, wife of Thomas Bayley, Elizabeth, wife of Timothy Avery; the 4 ch. of Sarah B.; John and Benjamin Wood- bridge, Sarah Kerridge and Lucy Spar- hawke. [Reg. XXXII, 337.] He d. 24 April, 1677; will dated 12 Sept. 1663, prob. 23 May, 1677, at Boston, beq. to nephews John and Benj. Woodbridge and Nicholas and Sarah [widow of James] Noyes. Thomas, ae. 30, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Lynn; propr. 1638. Frm. May 17, 1637. Rem. to Reading, propr.; deacon. Ch. Mary b. Dec. 12, 1647, Martha b. Marcli, 1649, Nathaniel b. May 16, 1651, Sarah b. Sept. 30, 1653, d. Oct. 20, 1656, Jonathan b. May 18, 1656, d. June 10, 1680, Thomas h. Aug. 9, 1668, Samuel b. March 26, 1070, Sarah b. Feb. 28, 1671, Deborah b. Aug. 15, 1674. He d. Aug. 12, 1683. Will dated 3 Aug.. prob. Dee. 18, beq. to wife Amy; sons John, Thomas, Nathaniel and Hananiah; daus. Mary and Martha; gr. ch. Samuel and Sarah PARKER, etc., cont. P.; to Jolin "a great Bible that Boniface Burton gave me." Walter, ae. 18. came in the Love in July. 1635. William, Watertown, deputy, 163.5, frm. June 2, 1641. Propr. at Sudbury. 1639. Wife Elisabeth; ch. Ephraim bur. 12 (6) 1040, at. 6 months; Ruhama b. 19 (7) 1641, Palti, dau. of William P. of the chh. of Wat., bapt. In Boston 4 (12) 1648, ae. about 1 month. William, husbandman, Scituate, 1637; took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1038; prop, frm. 1 Dec. 1640; had grant of land as an old resident, in 1674. He m. April, 16.39. Mary Rawlins; she d. Aug. 1651; eh. Mary b. 1 Jan. 1(539-40, William b. Dec. 1643, Martha bapt. June 13, 1647, Patience b. Feb. 1618. He ra. 2, Nov. 3, 1651, Mary, dau. of Humphrey Turner. Ch. Lydia b. May 9, 1653, Miles 1). June 25, 1655, bapt. April 6, 1656. Lydia bapt. April 13 folg., Joseph b. Oct. 4, 16.58, Nathaniel b. JIarch 8, 1662. Will dated 1 July, 1684, prob. 3 Oct. folg., beq. to wife Mary; ch. Miles, Nathaniel, Lydia, Joseph, Mary, Judah. Patience (Ran- dall;) gr. ch. Stephen Totman. William, inn-keeper, Taunton, constable March 1, 1641. Frm. 2 March, 1640-1. Will dated March 15, 1659, being 60 years old; prob. 4 June, 1662. Wife Alice; James Phihps; Elizabeth, wife of James Walker. Inv. taken 10 (12) 1661. [Reg. VI, 93.] James Phillips receipted for his uncle's bequest 3 (7) 1662, at the hand of his aunt AUis Paine. PARKHTJRST, PARKUST, PARKIS, George, yeoman. Watertown, propr. 1642; frm. May 10. 1643. He m. about 1644, Susanna, widow of Mr. John Simson. Rem. to Boston, where his wife confirmed deeds of land in 1651 and 1655. Ch. Daniel bapt. at Bo. 10 (4) 1649. Joshua bapt. 7 (1) 1652, Caleb bapt. 26 (12) 1653, George, Jr., of Wat., a father in 1«>46, [SufC. De. I, 78.] and Phebe, (who m. Thomas Arnall.) were older children. PARKMAN, PARKEMAN, Elias, mariner. Dorchester, propr. 1633, frm. May 6, 1(535. Had servant Richard Serle in 1('>37. [W.] Rem. to Windsor. Conn. [SeeL.] Was afterward at Saybrook. Rem. to Boston about 1648. Bought land and 345 PABKER, etc., cont. house Aug. 7, 1652. Wife Bridget; ch. Mary bapt. 24 (7) 1648, Deliverance b. 3 (6) 1651, Nathaniel b. June 24, 1655; Sarah, (m. Sept. 18, 1661, John Jarvis. Admin, was gr. Aug. 20, 1662, at the re- quest of the widow, Bridget, and her eldest son, to Thomas Rawlings, on behalf of the family and creditors of Elias Parljman, Sen., sui^posed to be deceased 28 of July, 1662. [Reg XII, 50.] PARMENTER, PARMITER, PALMEN- TER, PALMITER, PARMINSTER, Benjamin, Salem, propr. 1637. Took — . appreuUee, to teach him his trade. De- posed in 1666, ae. 57 years; his wife Mary, in 1667, ae. about 57. John, yeoman, Roxbury, resided for some time, then rem. to Sudbury, where he was a deacon. [B.] Propr. and selectman, 1639. Son John also propr. Com. to end small causes, 1640. He m. Aug. 9, 1660, Annis, widow of AVm. Chandler and of John Dane. She d. March 15, 1683; he d. 1 (3) 1671, ae. 83. Will dated 25 March, prob. 25 (5) 1671, beq. to gr. son John P.; to wife Annie; to dau. Woods and son-in-law John Wood of "Mal- bery." Cousin Cheevers, shoemalier, in Bos- ton, one of the execs.; cousin John Stibbins one of the overseers. The widow's will, dated Nov. 1, 1672, prob. Nov. 15, 1083, beq. to her son John Chandler the estate left her by her husband Dane; he to pay to John Dane, and to her sons Thomas and William Chand- ler, certain sums; to her daus. Hannah Abbot and Sarah Cleaves. Cousin Elizabeth Denl- son, Anna Stebbins and sister Wise to aid in division of estate. Sons Thomas and John Chandler, execs.; sons Wm. Chandler, George Abbot and William Cleaves. Timothy Stev- ens and Mary Wise overseers. Robert, Braintree, deacon, frm. May 22, 1650. He m. 3 (2) 1048, Leah Wheatley; ch. John b. 1653, Elizabeth b. 22 (8) 1657, Hannah b. 17 (11) 1658. He d. June 27, 1696, ae. 74 years. Will dated 23 Feb. 1693-4. prob. July 9, 1696, beq. to only son Joseph, wife Leah, and daus. Elizabeth Peniman and Hannah Tompson. FABRIE, see Perry, Edward ae. 24, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. PARR, Abel, residence not stated, frm. June 2, 1641. James, residence not stated, having hia house burned, was aided by the Gen. Court 17 Oct. 1643. PARBATT, PARRETT, Francis, Rowley, propr. Deputy 7 (8) 1640; clerli of the writs 10 (10) 1641; deacon. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Ehzabeth b. 1 (3) 1640, Faith b. 20 (1) 1642, Sarah b. 22 (12) 1643, Mercy b. 23 (1) 1646, Mary b. 15 (5) 1647, Martha b. 9 (8) 1049, Hannah b. 21 (12) 1651. Made will Nov. 18, 1655, intending a jour- ney to England; prob. 30 (7) 1656. Beq. to wife and six daus. FARBISE, Christopher, Boston, propr. 9 (2) 1649. PABSONS, Benjamin, iSpringfield propr., deacon, town officer 1651. He m. 1, 6 (8) 1653, Sarah, [dau. of Richard Yore, of Windsor. Conu.] who d. Jan. 1, 1676; he m. 2, Sarah, widow of John Leonard Feb. 21, 1677. Ch. Sarah b. Aug. 18, 1656. (m. James Dorchester,) Ben- jamin b. Sept. 15, 1658, Mary b. Dec. 10, 1660, d. Jan. 27, 16(>2, Abigail b. Jan. 6, 1662, (m. 1, John Mun, 2, John iRichards.) Samuel b. Oct. 10, 1666, Ebenezer b. Nov. 17, 1668, Mary b. Dec. 17, 1670, (m. Thomas Richards,) Heze- kiah b. Nov. 24, 1673, Joseph b. Dec. 1675. He d. Aug. 29, 1689. Hugh, sawyer, bricklayer, Springfield, propr. 1646, town officer. He m. 27 (8) 1645, Mary Lewis. Ch. Samuel b. Oct. 4, 1648. bur. 1 (8) 1649, Joshua b. Oct. 26, 1650, d. June 4, 1651. The wife was accused of wtchcraft and of the murder of her babe. Condemned to death 22 May, 1651. [Reg. I, 263.] He was also tried and convicted on the charge of witchcraft; but his sentence was set aside by the Gen. Court. Joseph, Springfield, propr., town officer, 1645; cornet of the company. A witness of Pynchon's purchase from the Indians, July 15, 1636. Town officer. Rem. to Northamp- ton; kept an ordinary in 1661; ret. to Spr. He m. Nov. 26, 1646, Mary, dau. of Thomas Bliss, of Hartford, she d. Jan. 29, 1712. Ch. Joseph, John, Benjamin bur. 22 (4) 1649. Samuel, Ebenezer, Jonathan b. June 6 1657. David b. April 30, 1659, Mary b. June 27, 346 PARSONS, cont. 1661, (m. 1, Joseph Ashley, 2, Joseph Willis- ton,) Hannah, (m. Pelatiah Glover,) Abigail b. Sept. 3, 1666, (m. John Colton,) Hester, (m. Joseph Smith.) He d. Oct. 9, 1683. [Reg. I, 266.] Robert, Lynn, propr. 1638; frm. March 14, 1638-9. Robert, servant to Martin Saunders, Braintree, d. 26 (10) 1665. William, carpenter, "sley maker," Bos- ton, adm. chh. 20 (2) 1644, frm. May, 1645. He deposed at Salem in 1680, ae. about 60 years. With wife Ruth, he sold land at Bo. July 21, 1654. Ch. Ruth b. 3 (8) 1645, Naomi bapt. 6 (2) 1651. He d. at Boston, Jan. 31, 1701-2, ae. 88 years. [See S.] Will dated 20 Dec. 1695, prob. Nov. 6, 1702, beq. to Ruth Swift, Naomi Young, Sarah LoreU and gr. ch. Su- sanna Young, whom he makes exec. Susanna Codner of Roxbury requested prob. of the will. PARTRICH, PARTRIDGE, PATRIDGE, Capt. John, his account with Capt. Clarke before Gen. Court 17 Oct. 1649. May have lived here. Perhaps the father of William, below. Nathaniel, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 21 (3) 1643, frm. May 29, 1644. His wife — . adm. chh. 23 (2) 1643, was a sister of William Leatherland, who gave them half of his house about the year 1647. [Deposition, Suff. De. Ill, 382.] Rev. Ralph, came to N. E. in 1636. [W.] Settled at Duxbury. Frm. 6 March, 1637-8. See his letter in 1642. [B.] Was from Sutton, co. Kent; see deed of portion to his dau. Mary on her marriage with John Marshall, Nov. 29, 1631. [Suff. De. Ill, 417.] His dau. Elizabeth m. Mr. Thomas Thatch- er, pastor at Weymouth and Boston. [A.] His son George had grant of land at Dux. He was a very efficient and useful man; practised medicine beside pastoral duties. Will, dated Sept. 29, 1655, prob. May 4, 1658; spoke of dec. wife Patience; beq. to daus. Mary, wife of John Marshall, and her sons Robert and John, and Elizabeth Thatch- er, and her ch. Thomas, Ralph, Peter and Pa- tience; to his sister Elizabeth Tidge; to Wil- liam Brett; to his servants Joseph Prior and Anna Reiner. [Reg. V, 387.] PARTRICH, etc., cont. William, Lynn, propr. 1638, frm. March 14, 1638, Salisbury, propr. 1640-1654. He m. Ann — . Ch. John, Rachel d. April 19, 1050, Hannah, Elizabeth b, Feb. 14, 1642, (m, Jo- seph Shaw,) Nehemiah b. May 5, 1645, Sarah b. Aug. 24, 1647, Rachel b. June 19, 1650, (m. Joseph Chase,) William. He reed, a legacy of 43 pounds for his children from the est. of John Partridg of Olney, Buckingham, Eng., declared at Hampton Court 5 (8) 1652. [Norf. CO. rec] He d. July 5, 1654; admin. Oct. 3, folg. The widow Ann m. 2, Jan. 1, 1655, Antliony Stanyan, who conveyed land 11 June, 1659, to her son John, of Boston, seaman, for lega- cies left John and his sisters Hannah and Elizabeth by their gr. father John P. PARRYER, see Perry and Purrier, William, ae. 30, with wife Alice, ae. 37, and Children Mary, ae. 7, Sarah, ae. 5, and Katharine, ae. 18 months, came in the Hope- well April 1, 1635, from Olney, Bucks, Eng. PASMER, Bartholomew, Boston; ch. Abigail b. (4) 1641. PATCH, Edmund, Salem, propr. 1638. Wifo — , memb. chh.; ch. Abram bapt. 5 (6) 1649. Elizabeth, the first born English female of Salem and of the Massaehuestts colony, died at Beverly Jan. 14, 1714-5, [Boston News Let- ter; Reg. IV, 289.] James, in will in 1658, names bros. John Patch and Nicholas Woodbury. Rem. to Wenham. He gave bond Feb. 20, 1673, to Richard and Samuel Dodge of Wen., that he would not sell any of his property; this was for the security of himself, his dau.-in-law and the children. Inv. of his est. was taken 10 Nov. 1680; admin, gr. to his nephew Thomas Patch; mention made of his two gr. sons, Edmund and Abraham, sons of his son Abraham. [Es. Piles, XXXIV, 88-9.] Nicholas, Salem, propr., 1639; adm. chh. 14 (2) 1050. From the reference to [his son] Thomas in the admin, of Edmund, it may be inferred that they were brothers. The inv. of his est. was presented in court 27 (9) 1673, and division made to his two sons John and Thomas by mutual agreement. 347 PATCHIN, Joseph, Roxbury; goodwife adm. cbli. in 1649. Gh. Joseph b. 14 (2) 1643, John b. 20 (10) 1644, bapt. 24 (1) 1650; a child d. (3) 1649. PATTESOIT, Edward, ae. 33, came in the Christian March 16, 1634. Res. at Rehoboth; propr. 1643; grant forfeited. PATIENCE, Thomas, Salem, presented to the court for opposing infant baptism 1 (4) 1641; re- ferred to Mr. Endecott. Hindered his child from baptism. Marked "gone" in Es. Court Files, 12 (5) 1642. PATBICK, Capt. Daniel, Watertown, engaged by the government to make shot 7 Sept. 1630; frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer; captain of a company of soldiers. Rem. to Cam- bridge, propr. 1033; later to Stamford, Conn. His wife was a Duteli woman. [W.] He was murdered about March 1643-4. (New Haven Col. rec] PAtTL, PATJLLE, PALLE, see Poole, Daniel, mariner, from Ipswich, co. Suf- folk, Eng., of Boston, N. E., gave letter of at- torney for the sale of lands in I., and the de- livery of money to his wife Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1640. [L.] Richard, entertained to serve at the fort in Boston from 29 July, 1636, at 10 li. per annum. [W.] Settled at Taunton, planter. Lie. to keep an inn, 1640. He m. 8 Nov. 1038, Margery Turner of T. Mrs. Margerie Paul was remembered In the will of Elizabeth Poole. She m. 2, Henry Withington. of Dor- chester; Samuel, her only son, m. 9 (11) 1666, Mary Breck, of Dorch.; he d. Nov. 3, 1690. PATTEN, PATTIN, Nathaniel, gent., yeoman, planter, late of Crewkerne, Eng., bought house and land at Dorchester 28 (4) 1640; propr., town officer. Brought suit, and presented accts. against the undertakers of ships Charles and Hope- well in 1640. [L.] Bought wharf, land and buildings in Boston in 1654. His wife, Mrs. Patten, adm. chh. 29 (8) 1641. He d. Jan. 13, 1671. Admin, gr. to his widow Mrs. Justin (sic) Patten Aug. 2, 1072. Her will dated 2 Jan. 1673, prob. 3 Feb. 1075, beq. to the church to be laid out in plate; to sister Pike and her dau. and the dau.'s chil- dren; cousin Benjamin Bate; to several friends. Thomas, Salem, propr. 1642. William, Cambridge, agreed to keep 100 cattle March 13, 1635; propr. 1636, frm. May, 1645. One of the incorporators of Billerica, 1654, but did not remove to it. Wife Mary; oh. Mary, bapt. in England; about 4 or 5 years old when her parents joined the chh. of Camb. [Mi.] William bur. 22 (1) 1C45-0, Thomas b. (8) 1C36, Nathaniel d. (11) 1039, Sarah b. 27 (11) 1641, Nathaniel b. 28 (5) 1643. He d. Dec. 10, 1668. Est. divided April 6. 1669, to widow and ch. Thomas, Nathaniel, and Sarah Patten and Mary Griggs. [Mdx. Files.] His widow d. Sept. 20, 1673. Ad- min, gr. to Thomas and Nathaniel S (2) 1674. PAULMIN, Sebastian, brought to N. E. by his uncle, Nicholas Simpkin, was left in ap- prenticeship with Robert Keayne, and money with him, until his mother could be heard from; 28 (5) 1636. [W.] PAYBODY, PEABODY, Francis, husbandman ae. 21 years, cert, from the parish of St. Albons, eo. Herts, Eng., came in the Planter April 2, 1635, set- tled at Ipswich; propr. 1636; rem. to Tops- field. Lieut.; frm. 18 May, 1642. He deposed 24 (4) 1662, ae. "about fifti yeares." He m. Mary, dau. of Reginald Foster: she d. April 9, 170.5. Ch. [John, Joseph. William, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Hepsibah, Lydia, Mary,] Ruth b. 22 May, 1658, Damaris b. and d. 1660, Samuel b. 4 June, 1662, d. 13 Sept. 1677, Ja- cob b. 28 July, 1664, Hannah b. 8 May, 166», Nathaniel b. 29 July, 1669. [Genealogy In Reg. II, 153.] He d. Feb. 19, 1697-8. John, planter, Duxbury, frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7, propr. Will dated at Duxbrook, Plym. Col. July 16, 1649. prob. at Boston, April 27, 1667, re- corded at Plymouth; beq. to wife Isabel; sons Thomas, Francis and William: to John, son of William Paybody; to dau. Annis Rouse, and to John, son of John Rouse. [Reg. XIL 312.] 348 PATTLLT, POLLY, BenjamiD, before Gen. Court 1C40; Salem, herdsman, 1647-1657. PAYSON, PASON, PAISON, Edward, a man servant, memb. chh. Roxbury, 1634. [E.] Propr., frm. May 13, 1640. He m. Aug. 20, 1640, Ann Parks; she was bur. Sept. 10, 1641. He m. 2, Mary Eliot, Jan. 1, 1642. Ch. Marah b. Sept. 2, 1641, John b. June 11, 1643, Jonathan b. Dec. 19, 1644, d. 7 (11) 1666, Ann b. April 22, 1647, Johanna bapt. 25 (1) 1648, d. 16 (6) 1650, Joanna bapt. Feb. 5, 1649, bur. Feb. 15, 1650, Anne bapt. 30 (9) 1651, Susanna bapt. 28 (6) 1653, d. 29 (7) 1654, Susanna bapt. 1 (5) 1655, Edward bapt. 28 (4) 1657, Ephraim bapt. 20 (12l 1658, Samuel bapt. 21 (7) 1662, Mary bapt. 19 (1) 1664-5. Will dated 10 Nov. 1688, prob. Sept. 3, 1691. Beq. to wife Mary; sons John, Ephraim, Edward and Samuel P.; sons Ben- jamin Tucker and Preserved Capen; a Bible to each grandchild. Giles, ae. 26, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635, from Nazing, Eng.; settled at Roxbury. Deacon; husbandman; frm. April 18, 1637. He m. in April, 1637, Eliza- beth Dowell; she d. Jan. 8, 1677. Ch. Eliza- beth b. and d. 1639, Samuel b. Nov. 7, 1641, Elizabeth b. 4 (12) 1644, Sarah bapt. July 16, 1648. He d. 28 Jan. 1688, ae. 78 years . Admin, of his est. was gr. 29 April, 1697, to daugh- ters Elizabeth Brown of Boston, widow, and Sarah Wiswall of Newton, widow. PAYTON, PEYTON, PAITON, Bezaleel, mariner, Boston, adm. chh. 7 (7) 1644. Narrowly escaped wreck at Cony- hasset, on his way home from Barbadoes, in a vessel of 60 tons, in 1648. [W.] Wife, sometime called Mary (jreenow, reed, to chh. from chh. of Sandwich 28 (5) 1644; ch. Sarah b. 9 (6), bapt 13 (6) 1644, Mary b. 7 (3) 164G, Abigail bapt. 23 (5) 1648. Admin, of his est. 21 (9) 1651. [Reg. VIII, 58.] The widow m. 3 (10) 1651, William Paddy. PEACH, Arthur, Plymouth, a young man, served in the Pequot War; committed crime; on his flight from Plym. in 1638, he killed an PEACH, cont. 29 (8) Indian, and was executed. IPIym. Col. Rec, and B.] John, Sen., fisherman, Salem, 1630; rem. to Marblehead; propr., town officer. He deposed 25 (1) 1672, ae. about 60 years; had lived in town 41 years. Several other de- positions confirm this. He d. 20 Aug. 1683. Will dated 2 Oct. 1682, prob. Sept. 30, 1683, beq. to John Squire, my sister's son in Barbadoes; to bro. Thomas' widow and sister Margery's ch. in England, under the direction of cousin John Minsoni of Simborough; to cousin William Peach's two sons, John and Thomas; cousin John Legg to pay; to cousin William Hine, his wife Abigail and their ch.; to cousin Peter Dallivar and his dau. Margaret; rents due in England. John, Junior, brother of the above, Marblehead. He deposed 25 (1) 1672, ae. about 58 years; had lived in M. about 33 years. Both he and his bro. John were se- lectmen at the same time. Wife Alice a wit- ness in 1644. His will dated 10 Jan. 1687-8, prob. May 21, 1694, beq. to wife Alice; to gr. ch., the chil- dren left by dau. Waters; to daus. Mary Woods and Eliz-abeth Legg; to my only son William Peach, his wife Emme and two song John and Thomas; house and lot to be held in feetail by J. and T. and their male heirs forever. PEACOCK, Marie, ae. 15, came in the Hopewell, April, 1635. Richard, glazier, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 1(539. He rem. to Boston about 1654. Wife Jane d. 9 (5) 1653; and he m. 17 (6) 1654, Margery Shove, widow. Ch. Samuel b. Feb. 18, 1639, Caleb b. March 1, 1641, d. Sept. 26, 1659. Inv. taken last of April, 1669; admin, gr. to his son Samuel. The widow d. at the house of her son, Mr. George Shove, in Taunton; bur. 17 April, 1680. William, ae. 12, came with Marie, above. Settled at Roxbury; yeoman; adm. chh. Feb. 21, 1660. He m. April 12, 1653. Mary Willis. Ch. William b. and d. 1655. Another "son" William m. 3 Aug. 1681, Sarah Edsall. 349 PEAKE, Christopher, Roxbury, frm. March 4, 1634-5. He m. Jan. 3, 1G36, Dorcas French; she d. Oct. 14 or 15, 1694. Ch. Jonathan b.' Dec. 17, 1637, Dorcas b. March 1, 1G39, Han- nab b. Jan. 25, 1642, bur. 5 (8) 1660, Joseph b. Feb. 12, 1644, Ephraini bapt. 11 (2) 1652, [March 16, 1652,] Sarah bapt. 9 (1) 1656. Will dated 2 (2», prob. 2 (6) 1666; wife and children as above-mentioned. The inv. men- tions land where he had intended to set up tan-fats. [Eeg. XV.] Note. Thomas Peake of Birmingham, Eng., in his will in 1654. beq. to "the daus. of my brother Peake which dwell in Eng. and every of those which dwell beyond the sea " [Reg XXI, 413.] William, Seituate, m. May 6, or Oct. — , 1650, Judith Lechfeelde; cii. Israel b. 22 Feb. 1655, Eleazer b. 3 May, 1657. Will dated 31 Oct. 1682, inv. taken 14 Feb. 1682-3, beq. to wife Judith; sons Israel, Eleazer and William; dau.-in-law Depend- ance Leichfield and her ch. Dependance and Remember Luce. The widow, in her will of Bept. 5, 1685, beq. to the same children. PEARCE, PEARS, see Pierce. PEARSON, PEIRSON, PIERSON, PER- SON, PERSONS, PERSUNE, Rev. Abraham, adm. chh. Boston 5 (7) 1640; as "a studyent," had "leave to join in ye gathering of a church at the Long Isle- land" 11 (8) 1640. Was minister at South- ampton, L. I., till 1644, when he rem. to Bran- ford, Conn.; thence he rem. to NeTvark. N. J. '"A godly, learned man." [W.] "A Yorkshire man, pious and prudent. [C. M] Bartholomew, Watertown, bought land in 1644; frm. May 10, 1648. Rem. to Wo- burn. Wife Azlee, Uzlah, or Ursula; ch. Bartholomew b. and d. 1640, Bartholomew and Jonathan b. 26 (12) 1641, Martha b. 17 (7) 1643. Joseph b. 8 (9) 1650. John, Reading, propr. 1644; frm. May 26, 1647. Town officer. He deposed 2 (2) 1661, ae. about 45 years. His wife Madeline depos. in 1669, ae. about 50 years. Ch. Mary b. 20 (4) 1643, Bethiah b. 15 (7) 1645. Sarah b. 20 (11) 1647, John b. June 22, 1650, James b. Nov. 2 1652. Will dated 19 April, 1679. prob. 25 (4) 1679; wife Maudlin, son John, daus. Mary Burnap, 350 PEARSON, etc., cont. Bethiah Carter and Sarah Townsend; ser- vant John Lilly. John, Rowley, propr., town officer, 1649; deacon. Wife Dorcas; ch. Mary b. 26 (3) 1643, John b. 27 (10) 1644, Samuel b. 29 (5) 1648, Mary b. 17 (12) 1651, Jeremy b. 25 (8) 1653. Joseph b. Aug. 21, 1656. Benjamin b. 6 (2) 1658, Phebe b. April 13, 1660, Sarah b May 6, 1666. Will referred to but not extant; the widow- Dorcas declined to admin. May 19, 1694, the son John did the same 28 July folg.; sons Jeremiah and Stephen undertook the charge, and gave bond Aug. 6. Inv. taken Jan 11,' 1693-4, shows nearly the time of his death. Richard, Salter, ae. 30, came from Wey- mouth, Eng., xMarch 20, 1635. as servant to M. Bernard of Batcombe, Eng. PEASE, PEAS, Henry, at some time a servant to Gov. Winthrop, was adm. to the chh. of Boston with wife Susan in 1(531 or 1632. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. They were dism. to the chh. of Eraintree "for this winter," 22 (9) 1640, but are afterward mentioned in Bo. records as res. there still. Dau. Susan adm. chh. 16 (6) 1635. The wife was bur. 25 (10) 1643. His [second] wife Bridget was adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647. His son John, in his will dated 23 Feb. 1682, mentions father Henry and bro. Henry. He d. in 1648. Will dated 3 Aug., prob. 26 (11) 1648-9. Wife; sons John and Henry; dau. Susanna Jacklin and her two children. Land in Bo. and Br., the latter in pos.session of Richard Tare. The widow d. before 6 Feb. 1683, when the surviving son, Henry, admin, on her est. [Reg. XXX, 203.] John, ae. 27, with child Robert, ae. 3, and Dorcas Greene, ae. 15, came in the Fran- cis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Sa- lem; before Gen. Court Nov. 3, 1635, for treatment of his mother, Mrs. Weston, (who is mentioned below.) Sold house and land to Richard IngersoU 18 (4) 1644. [Sufif. De.] John, Salem: wife Mary; ch. .John b. 30 (3) 1654, Robert b. 14 (3) 1656, Mary b. 8 Oct. 1658, Abraham b. 5 (8) 1662. Luce, wife of — Pease, before the Court at Boston 17 Oct. 1643. for alleged .sympathy with Gorton's opinions. PEASE, etc., cont. Mai-f;;uvt, widow, Salem, meuib. chli. 1G39; will dated 1 (7) 1042, prob. 1 (11; 1645; beq. to grandchild John, sou of her son Rob- ert Pease, and to Faith Barber. [Court Files I, 35.] She seems to have married Francis Weston, and to have been called "Pease" again after his death. Robert, ae. 27, came in the Francis of Ipswuch April 30, 1(;34. Settled at Salem; adm. chh. 1 (18) 1G43. Ch. John, Robert, (de- posed in 1070, ae. about 41 years,) Nathaniel, Sarah and Mary bapt. 15 (8) 1043. Admin, of his est. gr. 3 (11) 1044, to wid- ow Maria; sons John and Robert mentioned. PEASELEY, PEASLE, PEASLY, Joseph, Newbury, propr. ; frm. June 22, 1642. He bought land of Mr. Stratton which he afterward resigned to the town. [No date.] Rem. to Haverhill; propr. 1046; town officer. Rem. to Salisbury. Wife Mary; ch. Elizabeth, Jane, (m. John Davis,) Mary, Sa- rah b. Sept. 20, 1642, (m. Thomas Barnard,) Joseph b. Sept. 9, 1040. He d. Dec. 3. 1000; will, prob. Nov. 11 folg., beq. to wife Mary; son Joseph; daus. Eliz- abeth, Jane and Mary; gr. ch. Sarah Sawer. Admin, of the e.st. of widow Mary was gr. to her son Joseph Sept. 27, 1094. PEAT, John, husbandman, from DuffiU, Derby, Eng., ae. 38, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635. PECK, Mr. Joseph, from Hingham, Eng. came to Hingham, N. E. in 1638, with wife, 3 sons, a daughter, and 5 servants. Frm. and dep- uty March 13, 1038. Commissioner. Rem. to Seaeonk in 1645. Prop. frm. Plyrn. Col. 4 June, 1041; lie. to marry persons 2 Oct. 1650. Ch. recorded here: Simon, Samuel bapt. Feb. 3, 1038-9, Nathaniel bapt. Oct. 31, 1641. Israel bapt. March 31, 1643, Samuel, Hannah and Israel bapt. July 10. 1('>40. He d. Thursday, Dec. 22, 1003. Will prob. 3 March, 1603-4. Beq. to sons Joseph, John, Nicholas, Samuel and Nathaniel, and dau. Hubbert. The sons united in a statement Dec. 24, 1003, of an amplification of the writ- ten will which was made on their father's death-bed; which the Court accepted. See Fa rn worth. PECK, cont. Rev. Iiobert, preacher of the Gospel In the town of Hingham, Eug., came in 1638, with his wife, two children and two ser- vants, and settled in Hingham; where he was ordained teacher of the church Nov. 28, 1638. [Hob. and W.] He sailed for England with wife and son Joseph 27 Oct. 1641, and returned to his former parish. Will dated at Hingham, Eug. 24 July, 1651, prob. lu April, lOOS; sous Thomas, Samuel, Roljert, dec, and Joseph; children of his d.au. Anne, wife of Capt. John Mason of Seabrooke, Conn, river, N. E.; wife Martha. [Reg. XXXIX, 05.] Thomas, shipwright, Boston, resident before 1050; bought land in 1656. His wife Elizabeth petitioned the Geu. Court in his absence 23 May, 1650. Ch. Elizabeth b. Jan. 19, 1052. He deposed 17 (4) 1673, ae. 54 years. [Mdx. Files.] His will dated 3 March, 1698, and 20 Jan. 1099-1700, prob. 15 Feb. folg., beq. to wife Elizabeth; daus. Elizabeth Fisher, Rachel Potter and Faith Waldo; gr. ch. Elizabeth and James Gooch and William and Mary Peck, ch. of son John P., dec; Benjamin and Samuel, ch. of sou Benjamin P.; had taken two of sou Nathaniel's ch. to bring up since he came home; gr. ch. Joseph, Elizabeth and Sarah P.; principal heir and exec, son Thom- as P. of Bo. shopkeeper. PEIRCE, see PIERCE. PELHAM, PELLUM, John, ae. 20, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1035. Settled at Rehoboth. Town officer 1048. Mr. Herbert, Esquire, Cambridge, 1635, propr. 1038; frm. May, 1045. His sister Pen- elope, ae. 10, came May 15, 1035, to pass to her bro.'s plantation in N. E.; (she m. Gov. Richard Bellingham 9 (9) 1641.) He m. Eliz- abeth — ; ch. rec. at Camb.: Mary b. 12 (9) 1643, Frances b. 9 (9) 1045. He was town officer, deputy, Asst.; chosen treasurer of Harvard College 27 (10) 1643. [W.] Land adjoining in and near Sudbury. [Sud. Rec] He ret. to Eng. Will, dated at Ferrers iQ Bewers Hamlet, co. Essex, 1 Jan. 1672, gave to sisters Elizabeth Pelham and Penelope, wife of R. Bellingham, Esq.; to his sons Waldegrave, Edward, Nathaniel and Henry 351 FELHAU, etc., cont P.; to his daus. Penelope, wife of Josias Winslow, Anne P., Katharine Clark, and — , the wife of Cuthlach Eliot, (Guthlach Tol- liot,) and her dau. Elizabeth; to son Jere- miah Stonnard. Son Edward to have the property in N. E. Prob. 30 March, 1676. [Reg. XVIII, and XXXIII.] Mr. William, may be the passenger left behind by the Arbella. [W.] [Water- town.] Appl. frm. Oct. 19. 1630. One of the bondsman of Nicho. Knapp 1 March, 1G30-1. Rem. to Sudbury; propr. and select- man, 1639. The Gen. Court established him as captain 12 Aug. 1645. PELL, Ellen, maid servant of Atherton Haulgh, adm. chh. Boston 4 (5) 1641; dism. 1 (8) 1643, to Rowley, where she went in a way of marriage; letters of dism. to same granted 21 (2) 1644, being now wife to one John Bointon, member of that chh. Joseph, butcher, Boston, frm. March 14, 1G38-9. He m. Elizabeth, widow of Na- thaniel Eaton. Admin, on his est. was gr. 23 (2; 1650. Agreement between the widow and children of the deceased. [Reg. VII, 234.] — Pell, Lynn, propr. 1638; Reading, propr. 1G44. Thomas, tailor, ae. 22, came in the Hopewell in April, 1635. Thomas, chirurgeon, Boston, app. at- torney for Edmund Leach, gent., Oct. 29, 1051. May be the Lynn and Reading man. William, chandler, Boston, adm. chh. 7 (7) 1634; frm. May 6, 1635. With wife Alice sold land April 17, 1655. Ch. Mary b. 30 (4) 1634. (m. 1 (9) 1655, Richard George.) Nathaniel b. and d. 1638, Hannah b. 14 (11) 1640, Deborah bapt. 2 (4) 1644, ae. about 6 days. Will dated 22 (12) 1671, prob. 4 (3) 1672. Wife Alice; son-in-law Richard George and his wife Mary; sons John and Samuel, and grand sons John and William, sons of his son Samuel. PELTON, John, Dorchester, propr. Ch. John bapt. 2 (1) 1645, Samuel bapt. 25 (11) 1646, Mary bapt. 18 (12) 16.54. He d. Jan. 23, 1680; inv. of his est. filed June 9, 1681. In his will, prob. 10 March, 1680-1, he beq. to wife Susanna, and ch. John, Samuel, Robert and Mary. Old moth- er Pelton was bur. May 10, 1706. PEMBERTON, PEMMERTON, Mr. James, Charlestown, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Propr. 1633. One of those who had "planted" at Mystic side; peti- tioned Gen. Court 14 (12) 1640. [L.] [Wife] Alice adm. chh. 31 (6) 1633. James, with [second] wife JIarget and son-in-law Ed- ward Barlow, referred a controversy with the Dexters to Capt. Robert Keayne and others 9 (1) 1653. Margaret deposed Dec. 15, 1662, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. James bapt. 14 (7) 1633, Mary bapt. 3 (2) 1636, Sarah bapt. 30 (10) 1638, John bapt. 24 (2) 1642. He d. at Maiden Feb. 5, 1661-2. Will dat- ed 23 (1) 1659-60, prob. April 1, 1G62, beq. to wife Margit, son John, daus. Marie, wife of Edward Barlow, and Sara. James, laborer, Boston, adm. chh. 25 (10) 1647, frm. May 10, 1648; brewer. Ap- pears to be the man who is mentioned in the will of Robert Keayne as his servant and afterward his partner. Wife Sarah, dau. of Alice, wife of Thomas Mar.shall; q. v. Ch. John bapt. 26 (10) 1647, Sarah bapt. 28 (11) 1648, ae. about 6 weeks, James bapt. 13 (2) 1051, Thomas bapt. 27 (1) 16.53, d. 29 Sept. 1661, Joseph b. 2 July, 1655, Eliza- beth b. 26 Dec. 1657, Benjamin b. April 26, 1660, Mary b. July 13, 1662, Benjamin b. March 11, 1665, Jonathan b. Aug. 28, 1668, Ellener b. Feb. 3, 1671. [A James P. had son John b. at Newbury 10 Feb. 1647, which cor- responds to the baptism of John, above.] Will dated 12 Feb. 1695, prob. Oct. 29, 1696, beq. to wife Sarah and children John, Joseph, Benjamin, Jonathan, Ebenezer and Slary Pemberton and Elizabeth Elatson; to gr. ch. James and George, sons of dec. son Thomas. John, Boston, memb. chh. 1632, frm. April 1, 1634. Propr. 1635. Rem. to New- bury: propr. 1638; was admonished for some offence against the chh. of N. by Boston 352 PEMBERTON, etc., cont. ohh. 25 (0) 1<)39: but was reconciled and dism. "recomendatorily" to that chh. 4 (8) 1G40. Before Ipswich court in lG-11. Con- stable 1047. His wife Elizabeth d. at N. 22 Feb. 1045. He ret. to Eng. and d. at Lawford, co. Es- sex. Will dated 9 Sept. 1653, prob. 25 March, 1054. Goods in N. E. in charge of Hercules AVoodman; beq. to dau.-in-law Deborah Goffe. there born; in case of her death to his bro. .Tames Pemberton and his sister Robinson. Other goods to bros. William, Richard and Thomas. [Reg. XXXIX, 61.] PEMBROOKE, PENYBROOK, Francis, Dedhani, testified to Mr. Edw. Allen's will, 29 (S) 1042. Adm. chh. 30 (5) 1043. PEMTREE, PEMTRE, PEINTRE, PEN- TRY, William, Cambridge, propr. 1033. PEN, PENN, PENNE, PENNY, Christian, came to Plymouth in 1623. Had one lot assigned to her. Ellene, m. at Plymouth, 20 July, 1639, Thomas Riddings. Hannah, sister of James, "servant to James Everill," adm. chh. Boston 15 (1) 1635; m. William Townsend. James, came in the first company; ap- pointed beadle to attend the governor Aug. 23, 1030; messenger of the Court in 1034. Settled at Boston; propr., town officer, rul- ing elder of the church. Appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030. Was sent as messenger of the chh. to carry contributions to "ye poore church of Christ yt was banished from Bermudas to Segoton or Segotea," 28 (1) 1650; his de- tailed report is in the records of the church. Deputy, 1647. Wife Katharine adm. chh. with him in 1630. She survived him; she beq. her est. to Mr. James Allen's ch. 25 Oct. 1679. He made will 29 (7) prob. 23 (S) 1671. Beq. to kinsmen Mr. James Alliu and Penn Town- send; for the maintenance of poor scholars at the College; to the first church of Boston; to his sister Hannah Townsend and her ch. Peter, James and Deborah; to the ch. of Hannah Hull, viz. Thomas, Mary and Han- PEN, etc., cont. nah; to sister Mary MinCer], and to Sarah. Sheally; to wife, life use of estate. William, a son of Anthony, of Birm- ingham, Eng., shoemaker, as per deposi- tion in Mass. Arch. VIII, 92; came early to Charlestown. Rem. to Braintree. Gave a general acquittance and deed of 120 acres of land at Br. 23 (12) 1647. [A.] William, sawyer, Braintree, bought land in Br. April 21, 1653. PENDLETON, Capt. Bryan or Brian, Watertown^ frm. Sept. 3, 1034. Town officer, deputy, memb. artillery co., etc. Rem. to Sudbury; propr. and selectman, 1639. Appointed by the Court to train the company 13 May, 1640. With wife Eleanor sold land and housing at Wat. March 20, 1048. Res. at Sud. 2 years. Rem. to Portsmouth, N. H.; deputy, coun- cillor, major. Rem. to Saco and Keune- bunkport, Maine. Ret. to Portsmouth, where he d. He deposed 2 (5) 1669, ae. about 70 years, concerning boundary line of Ports- mouth. [Xorf. De. II.] Will dated Aug. 9, 1677, schedule dated April 5, 1681. Wife Eleanor; son James and his children; gr. ch. Pendleton Fletcher. [Reg. Ill, 122.] PENMAN, Sarah, Dedham, m. in 1651 Timothy Dwight. PENNAIRE, PENNAIRD, PENYER, PENOIRE, Robert, ae. 21, came with Capt. Babb Sept. 8, 1635. Was before the Court at Bos- ton 3 (7) 1639. May be the same as Robert I'en or Penny, at Salem, 1038. Thomas, ae. 10, came with Robert. Robert, late of Stanford, appointed Jonathan Sellick his attorney, 18 Oct. 1071, for collection of a legacy left him by his bro. Mr. Wm. Penoyer, late of London. [Suff, De VI, 280.] PENNIMAN, PENNYMAN, James, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Lydia, 1031. Rem. to Braintree. Frm. March 6, 1031-2. Ch. James bapt. 26 (1) 1633, Lyd- ia bapt. 22 (12) 1034, John bapt. 15 (11) 1636, Joseph b. at Br. 1 (0), bapt. at Bo. 29 (7) 1039, Sarah b. 10 (3) 1641, Hannah b. 26 353 PENNIMAN, etc., cont. (3) 1W8, Abigail b. 27 (10) 1651, (m. 18 (2) 1G78, Samuel Neale,) Mary b. 29 (7) 1653, Iary Lawrence, late Mun.i'oy, de- posed to the inventory of her late father, 27 Dec. 1083. Mr. John, minister, from Wrentham, Eng.; came before 1638, when he was as- sociated with Mr. Ezekiel Rogers and others in the company for Rowley, to whom the 357 PHILIPS, etc., cont. Gen. Court granted land 13 March, 163S-9. The town of Salem offered "a village to him and his company." The chh. of Dedham desired him for its pastor in 1638; but, in view of "the service of the church of Cam- bridge and the foundation of the colledge," he declined the call. Yet he was adm. to Ted. chh. with his wife (3) 1640; they had leave of the chh. to return to England a year later, and sailed 26 (8) 1641. He is mentioned by Lechford as "a minister out of office" in 1641-2. [L., P. D.] [W., Col. Rec, Ded. Chh. Eec. and Salem Town Rec] John, Duxbury, a volunteer for the Pe- quot War in 1637; propr. 1640; atba. 1643. He bought, 19 Oct. 1639, a house in D. of Robert Mendall, for which annual payments were to be made at Boston. He m. at Marshfield JuJy 6, 1654, Grace Holloway. He m. March 14, 1666, Faith, [widow of Edward] Doten. She d. Dec. 21, 1675; made will Dec. 12, 1675, giving her est. to h er daus. Mary. Elizabeth and Desire. Admin, was gr. to John Rouse, husband of Mary, Nov. 4. 1676. Ch. Joseph b. last of March, 1655. He made will 20 Oct. 1C91. ae. about 89 years; beq. to eldest son Samuel, and son Benjamin, and each of their sons. Prob. 16 May. 1692. Martin, Dedham, propr. 11 (6) 1637; sold in 1642. Nicbolas, butcher, Dedham, pioneer, 1636; frm. May 13, 1640. Sold land about 1641. Memb. Court Valuation com. 1640. Rem. to Weymouth; town officer, 1648. Rem. to Boston about 1651. Ch. Experience, dau., b. 8 (3) 1641. Caleb b. 22 (11) 1643. He m. 4 (10) 1651, Hannah Salter; ch. Elizabeth b. Feb. 24, 1652, Hannah b. Nov. 25, 1654, Nich- olas d. 1 (6) 1657. Nicholas b. May 12, 1660, d. Aug. 18, 1661, Abigail b. Feb. 20, 1661, Sarah bapt. 6 (3) 1666, Thomas b. Oct. 19. 1667. He d. Thurs., 15 March, 1669-70; in v. 24 April folg. The widow m. John Ruggles. [Reg. XLVIII, 460.] William, Taunton, atba. 1643. Will dated April 16, 1654. Aged three- score and ten at least; wife Elizabeth, son James, son-in-law James Walker, dau. Eliza- beth Walker, and their little dau. Hester and other children. [Reg. V, 260.] William, vintner, inn-holder, Charles- town, adm. chh. with wife Mary 23 (7) 1639, PHILIPS, etc., cont. frm. May 13, 1640. Daniel Field, of Tring,. Eng., in a letter to Seth Sweetser, May 10, 1642, sent love to Wm. Philips and his wife. He rem. to Boston. His wife Mary d. 1 (3) 1646; he m. 2, Bridget, widow of John San- ford. Mortg. his hou.se, called Ship Tavern, March 10, 1657, for the payment of certain sums to her children. She d. and he m. 3, Susanna, widow of Christopher Stanley. She d. 16 (4) 1655, leaving a will, dated same day as his, 10 (7) 1650; prob. Aug. 2, 1655. To dau. -in-law Mary Feild, dau. Martha Thurs- ton, dau. Rebecca Lord, sons William and Nathaniel P., daus. Elizabeth and Phebe P., dau. Sarah; to Eliaabeth and William Aspin- wall; to any of lier bros.' or sisters' children that may come over; to Richard and George Bennitt who were her servants. Residue to her husband, Wm. Philips. [Reg. V, 447.] Capt. Richard Thurston and Martha, his wife, and Mr. Robert Lord and Rebecca, his wife, living in Eng., sold their rights in a cer- tain house in Boston in connection with Lieut. Philips, Jan. 8, 1656. Ch. rec. in Bos- ton: Elizabeth, (m. 6 (5) 1655. Abiel Everill, and 2, John Alden, [Reg. X, 269.] Phebe bapt. 16 (2) 1640, (m. July 26, 1659, Zechariah Gillam.) N.athaniel bapt. 19 (2) 1641, Mary b. 17 (12) 1643. He d. Aug. 1657. PHINNET, see Finney. PHIPPEN, PHIPPENY, David, son of Robert Fitzpen or Phip- pen of Weymouth, Eng., came early to Hing- ham; propr., frm. March 3, 1635-6. Rem. to Boston before 1637. Wife Sarah; ch. John b. and d. 1637, John b. and d. 1640. Will prob. 31 (8) 1650; to wife Sarah house, shop, store, and tools; a house-lot to each of the sons Benjamin. Gamaliel and George, and to son-in-law, Thomas Yeo. A cow to son George Vickars. Son Joseph joint exec. with the wife. His three eldest sons were legatees in th& will of his brother George, rector of St. Mary's chh., Truro, Eng., 20 July, 1650. [Reg. XLIX, 244.] .Judith, ae. 16, came in the Planter March 22, 1634, cert, from the parish of Stepney. 358 PHIPPS, FIPPS, Solomon, Charlestown, adm. chli. 15 (11) 1641; frm. May 18, 1642. Town officer. "Mother Phipps" adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642. Wife Elizabeth; ch. EIizal>eth b. 23 (2) 1043; Joseph bapt. 13 (81 1661. Will dated 24 Ma.r, 1670, prob. 14 (10) 1671; beq. to wife Elizabeth; ch. Solomon, Samuel, Joseph, Elizabeth Roy; to dau.-[ in-law?] Mary P. Elizabeth P., an aged widow, d. Nov. 1, 1688. William, Plymouth, closing a term of service to the partners, sold the portion of land due to him to John Winslow, 31 Aug. 1636. PICKARD, PICKETT, John, carpenter, Salem, propr., adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648. Rem. to Rowley; town offi- cer and propr. 1648. He deposed in 1664. ae. about 42 years. First wife Jane; second wife Ann; ch. rec. at R.: Rebeca b. 3 (8) 1645, John b. 1 (1) 1653; ch. rec. at Salem; John, Thomas and Sarah bapt. 9 (9) 1648, Rebecca bapt. 30 (4) 1650, Daniel bapt. 25 (ID 1651, Jacob bapt. 3 (7) 1654; eh. b. at Rowley: Sarah b. 3 (11) 1656, Ann b. 15 (5) 1659, Sam- uel b. (3) 1063. He d. Sept. 1683. Will prob. 27 (9) 1683. Wife Ann; sons John and Samuel P., Thomas Hammond and Solomon Phipps; daus. Rebec- ca, Sarah, Mary, Ann, Jane and Hannai. PICKBAM, PICKROM, John, Watertown. Wife Esther; dau. Jone bur. 13 (10) 1630, ae. 20 years; son John bur. 6 (5) 1639. The widow was propr. in 1636. She and her son George sold a piece of land Sept. 1, 1646, to Joshua Stubbs and his mother-in-law Abigail Benjamin. John, ae. 30, d. at Wat. 10 (10) 1650. PICKRYN, John, punished by the Court Sept 28^ 1630, as accessory to a felony. PICKWORTH, John, Salem; lie went to Plymouth and got a wife before 1631. [B. in letter to W. See Reg. II, 243.] Propr. at Jeffrey's Creek in 1637. Ch. Ruth, Hannah and John bapt. 14 (3) 1638, Joseph bapt. 12 (12) 1642, Rachel bapt. 3 (3) 1646, Benjamin bapt. 2 (5) 1648, Sarah bapt. 6 (8) 1650, Abigail bapt 2 (8) 1652. His will prob. 25 (9) 1663, names wife Ann; sous Samuel, .Joseph, Benjamin; daus. Ruth Masterson, Hanna Callem and Abigail P. The widow Ann beq. her est. 10 May, 1682, to daus. Ruth Mastons and Rachel Sible; son Joseph P.'s dau. Ann; gr. ch. Ann, dau. of John Killem and dau. Rachel's youngest dau. Ann S. Prob. 3 April, 1683. PICKERING, PICKE, John, Cambridge. Wife Mary; ch. Ly- dia b. Nov. 5, 1638, Abigail b. 22 (2) 1642. John, car[>enter, Salem, propr. 1636. Contracted 4 (12) 1638, to build the new meetng-house, and was employed 25 (1) 1644 to keep the bridge in repair for 16 years. Wife Elizabeth memb. chh. 1639. Ch. Eliza bapt. 3 (1) 1643-4, Elizabeth b. 17 (6), bapt 31 (6) 1646, [certificate in Es. Files.] Will dated 30 (5) 1055, prob. 1 (5) 1657. Wife Elizabeth; sons John and Jonathan, minors. The widow m. 25 (10) 1657, John Deacon. Genealogy. PICKTON, PICDEN, PIGDON, Thomas, Salem, propr. 1638. in court in 1647. A^'iU prob. 28 (9) 1677. Wife and heir. She d. 25 Dec. 1683. dated 29 Dec. 1677, prob. (4) 1684, beq. to Wm. Cash, Sen.; to Jeremiali Butman and wife and their ch. Jeremiah, Matthew, John, Joseph and Benjamin B. A witness Ann exec. Her will PID, Richard, 22, 1642. residence not given, frm. June PICKETT, alias PARKTIS, Christopher, planter, Boston. He m. in Roxbury in June, 1647, Elizabeth Stone. PICKMAN, see Pitman. PIDCOCK, George, tailor, Duxbury. He m. IS May, 1640, Sarah Rickard. Before Court 1641. Exempt from training 1643. Con- stable 1656. 359 PIDGE, PIGGE, PIG, Thomas, householder, "a godly. Chris- tian man," [E.] Roxbury. Frm. May 14, 1634. Propr. Wife Mary; ch. Martha b. 12 (1) 1642, bapt. 12 Hi 1643, (m. in Ded. 5 (12) 1059, Benjamin Bullard.) A dau. m. Wood of Braintree, and had ch. Mary and Sarah, twins, b. and bapt. at Rox. 25 (10) 1612. Son Thomas, ae. 18, testified for Nicholas Wood 20 (4) 1653. [Mdx. Files.] He d. and was bur. Dee. 30, 1643. Will prob. 7 (12) 1644. Beq. to wife, sons Thomas and John. daus. Hannah, Sarah, Martha and Mary. [Reg. Ill, 78.] The widow m. 2, Michael Metcalf. PIERCE, PEABCE, PEARS, PEARSE, PEIRCE, PIERS, Abraham, Plymouth, one of the "pur- chasers or old-comers," had share in cattle In 1627; frm. 1633. Settled at Duxbury. His dau. Alice was taken to Barnstable for bapt- ism by his wife's sister, goody Scudder, and bapt. July 21, 1650. Admin, of his est. gr. 3 June, 1073. to his son Abraham, who was allowed to take the remainder of the est. after paying portions to his bro. Isaac P. and his sisters Rebecca Wills and Alice Baker. Anthony, weaver, Watertown, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Bought land, 1655. Seems to be the son of John of Wat. Daniel, ae. 23, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, April 30, 1035. Settled at New- liury. Frm. May 2, 1038, blacksmith. Propr.; town officer. Wife [Sarah] d. July 17, 1054. He m. 2 ,Dec. 20, 1654, Anne, (widow of Thomas) Milward. Ch. Daniel, Joshua b. 15 May, 1042, Sarah, (m. Caleb Moody,) Martha t. 14 Feb. 1048, (m. Thomas Noyes.) He d. 27 Nov. 1077. Will prob. March 26, 1078, beq. to wife Ann according to marriage contract; to her son-in-law Thomas Thorpe; rest to son Daniel Pierce and his male heirs. John, cooper, Dorchester, propr., frm. IMay 18, 1631. Town officer. Rem. to Bos- ton. Sold Dorch. property 28 (12) 1642. Adm. inhab. Bo. 28 (12) 1041. Wife Parnell d. (8) 1639; 'he m. 2, Mary — ; she d., and he m. 3. 10 (6) 1054, Rebecca Wheeler, widow, of Boston. Ch. Joseph b. 30 (8) 1631, Abi- gail b. 17 (5) 1633, John b. 3 (1) 1634-5, Nehe- miah b. 1037, d. 1639, Mary b. (I) 1640, Nehemiah b. 17 (11) 1041. PIERCE, etc., cont. Will prob. Oct. 11, 1661; wife Rebecca; sons Samuel and Nehemiah, daus. Mary, Mercy and Exercise. Est. at Bo. and Dorch. [Reg. X, 359.] John, weaver, ae. 49, of Norwich, Eng., with wife Elizabeth, ae. "36," and children John, Barbara, Judith and Elizabeth, and servant John Gedney, passed exam, to go to Boston, N. E., April 8, 1637. Settled at Wa- tertown. The dau. Judith m. at Woburn Jan., 30 or Dec. 30, 1644, Francis Wyman. He d. Aug. 19, 1661. Will dated 7 (1) 1657- 8, prob. 1 Oct. 1601, beq. to wife Elizabeth, son Anthony and "the rest of" his children. The widow d. March 12. 1600, ae. about 79 years. Her will names children Anthony, Robert, John, Esther Morse and Mary Cold- ham; gr. daus. Mary and Esther Ball, ch. of her dau. Elizabeth; John, son of Anthony, and Judah, dnu. of Robert. [The son] Robert deposed 29 (10) 1058, ae. 38 years; Robert deposed at Ipswich in 1003, ae. about 50 years. John, wife Elnor, before Gen. Court, Boston, in 1039 and 1641. John, wife Eliza- beth; eh. John and Elizabeth b. at Bo. 16 (4) 1643. Elizabeth the wife d. at Sudbury 12 June, 1655. [This may be the son of John of Wat] Mark. Cambridge, propr. 1CU2. to Conn. [Reg. XLIX, 500.] Rem. Marmaduke, tailor, came before June 9, 1(537. from Sandwich. Eng., with wife Mary and one servant. Settled at Salem; had serious trouble with his "boy;" testimony given before Gen. Court 3 (10) 1&39. [Col. Rec. and L.] Michael, Ilingham, 1645. Rem. to Scituate. Took John Reade as an apprentice July 15, 1653. His wife d. 31 Dec. 1662; he m. Ann — . Ch. Persis bapt. Jan. 7, 1645, Benjamin, John, Ephraim, Elizabeth, Debor- ah. Anna and Abigail, all bapt. at Iling. May 9, 1665; Abiah, iRuth. [Hist. Hiug. and Col. Rec] He was a captain in King Philip's War, and was slain in battle. His will dated 15 Jan. 1675, prob. 22 July, 1670, made his son Benjamin exec; beq. to wife Annah, son John; to son Ephraim. and his ch. Elial^im and Ephraim; refers to a gift from father Eames, and calls Mark E. and Charles 300 PIERCE, etc., cont. Stockbridge brothers; to oh. Abigail and Mary Holbrook, Elizabeth, Sarah, Anoah, Abiah, Ruth and Persis Peirse; to gr. ch. Elizabeth and Abigail Holbrook. Phebe, ae. 18, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Robert, Dorchester, made a commoner, Oct 31, 1639, adm. chh. 9 (4) 1640. Frm. May 18, 1642. Res. on Pine Neck in 1644, and on his "great lot" the latter part of his life. He m. Ann, dau. of John Grenaway, Who conveyed land to her in 1651. She d. Dec. 31, 1695, ae. about 104 years. [Gr. St.] Ch. Thomas, b. about 1635, [Gr. St.], Debor- ab b. (12) 1639, d. 15 (2) 1640, Mary, (m. Thomas Herring,) and Sarali who d. before 1658. He or his son Thomas built the dwelling, still known as "The Old Pierce House." He d. 5 (11) 1664. Will dated 13 ,8) 1664, prob. 2 March, 1664-5; de.sired to leave est. so that it might be enjoyed by his survivors "with comfort and peace." To wife one-half of real est. for life, and half the personal to dispose at her death; son Thomas to have half the land now and the rest at his moth- er's death; he paying 20 li. to his sister Mary, wife of Thomas Herrin of Dedham and 10 11. to be divided between her 5 children. A worthy charge to his children. [Reg. XIII, Thomas, Charlestown; wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 10 (11), and he adm. chh. 21 (12) 1634. Prm. May 6, 1635. He rem. to Wo- burn; propr. 1()43; town ofHeer. Signed a pe- tition in 1663, ae. about 46 years old. [Mass. Arch. vol. 106.] Wife Elizabeth was ae. 71 in 1667. Ch. Abigail bapt. 17 (4) 1639, a son John b. at Wob. 7 (1) 1643, Thomas b. Jan. 21, 1644, Elizabeth b. Dec. 25, 1C46, Joseph b. Sept. 22, 1648, d. Feb. 27, 1648-9, Joseph b. Aug. 14, 1649, Stephen b. July 16, 1651, Sam- uel b. 16.54, d. 1655, Samuel b. April 7, 1656, William b. March 7, 1656-7, James b. May 7, 1659, Abigail b. Nov. 20, 1060. He d. Oct. 7, 1666. Will dated Nov. 7, 1665, ae. about 82 years; beq. to wife Eliza- beth; gr. ch. Mary Bridge and Elizabeth Jeffs, now dwelling with me; to all gr. ch.; to Harvard College. The widow deposed to the inv. March 22, 1666-7, ae. 71 years. William, Barnstable, atba. 1643, of Tar- mouth, atba. 1643. PIERCE, etc., cont. Mr. William, mariner, master of the Lyons' Whelp and other ships, made many voyages across the Atlantic, bringing passen- gers and supplies. Came to Boston to reside atiout 1632. Adm. chh. 1632;, wife Bridget adm. chh. 2 (12) 1633. Town officer, colonial officer. One of the most influential citizens. He was shot 13 (5) 1641 by people of Provi- dence Island, Bermuda, as he was taking a load of colonists from Massachusetts colony to the island. [W.] [See Pearce, Peirce ana Pierce Genealogies.] PIERPOINT, PEIRPOINT, POYNTE, PEARPOINT, James, Ipswich, herdsman, 1(546. PEIR- John, malster, Ipswich, l&iS, had deed of land in Roxbury from his father-in-law John Stow. He bought land in Ips. 15 Nov. 1649. Memb. chh Rox. Nov. 17, 1650; frm. May 26, 1652. Town officer. Ch. Thank- ful b. Nov. 26, 1649, John b. July 22, 1651, Jt^hn b. Oct. 28, 1652, dau. Experience b. 4 (11) 1654, infant b. and d. 1657, James bapt. 8 (11) 1659, Ebenezer bapt. 22 (10) 1661, Jona- than d. 23 (8) 1663, Thankful bapt. 27 (10) 1663, Joseph bapt. 12 (6) 1666, Benjamin bapt. 2 (6) 1668. He deposed in Essex Court in 1670, ae. 51 years. He d. at Rox. Dec. 7, 1682, ae. 64 years. Will, written by himself, 12 Oct. 1681. prob. 21 Dec. 1682, attested by his brotlier Robert P., his widow Thankful, his ch. John, Jamea and Ebenezer, the guardians of his sona Joseph and Benjamin, John Hayward, hus- band of his dau. Experience, and Dea. Wm. Parke. Beq. lands, mills, malthouse, etc. Refers to cousin Baret. Robert, Ipswich, maulster, resident, 1648. Rem. to Roxbury; wife Maria adm. chh. 20 (6) 1665. Ch. Jonathan d. 23 (8) 1663, Jonathan bapt. 20 (6) 1665, Thomas bapt. 6 (11) 1667, Ezra d. 21 (9) 1669, James bapt. 25 (8) 1674, Sarah bapt. 29 (3) 1680. Admin, of his est. was gr. 12 July, 1694, to Sarah and Jonathan P. PILBEAME, James, Boston, inhabitant, 1649. Rem. to Reboboth. Admin, of his est. gr. 6 (3) 1(553, to his son-in-law Leonard Rice. [Reg. V, 261.] 361 PIKE, PYKE, James, Chai-lestown, adm. clib. 3 (3) 1647, frm. May 26, 1647. Rem. to Reading. CIi. John b. 1 (11) 1653. John, Ipswicli, propr. witness in Court at Cambridge Aug. 4, 1635. Rem. to New- bury in 1635, with sons John and Robert who became also proprietors at once and town officers. Attorney for Mr. Eson [Easton] at Salem Court 28 (1) 1637. [Es. Files.] In 16G9 Jolm, Jr., gave testimony concerning the organizing of town and chh.. He deposed 30 (1) 1048, respecting a payment made as constable of Ips. He d. at Salisbury 26 May; will signed 24 May, prob. Oct. 3, 1654. PILSBITRY, PEELSBURY, PILSBERY, William, yeoman, husbandman, Dor- chester, resident, 1648. Bought house and land at Newbury of Edward Rawson, Dec. 10, 1651. Bought land at Salisbury 8 (1) 1658. He m. Dorothy Crosby. [Court Rec. 1 ( 4) 1641.] Ch. Deborab b. 10 (2) 1042, Job b. 16 (8) 1043, Caleb b. at N. 28 Jan. 16.53, d. 4 July, 1680, William b. 27 July, 1656, Experi- ence b. 1 April, 1058, Increase b. 10 Oct. 1660, Th.inkful b. 22 April, 1662, Joshua d. 20 June, 1674, [Moses, Abel.] He d. 19 June, 1686. Will dated 2 April, prob. 10 Sept. 1086, beq. to wife Dorothy, ch. Moses, Abel, William, Increase, Job, Debor- ah Evens, Experience and Thankful P. PIKT, PINE, PINNE, PINNEY, PYNEY,' PYNNY, Mr. Humphrey, Dorchester, one of the original colony that came in the Mary and John in 1029-30. Propr. ; frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. He d. 20 Aug. 1083; liis widow d. 18 Aug, 1684. Thomas, Weymouth, gave letter of at- torney July 31, 1040. [U] Frm. May, 1645. PINCHON, see Pjmchon. PINDAR, PYNDAR, Henry, carpenter. Ipswich, commoner. 1641; one of the builders of the prison in 1652. Sold house and land and commonage 20 Jan. 1657. The widow Elizabeth gave land to Edward Deare and his wife Eliza- beth, her granddaughter, Aug. 24, 1666. Mary, ae. 53, Francis, ae. 20, Marie, ae. PINDAR, etc., cent. 17, Joanna, ae. 14, Katharine, ae. 10, and John, ae. 8, came in the Susan and Ellen In April, 1635. Richard, Gloucester, in court 1047. PINGREE, PINGRY, PENGRY, Aaron, Ipswich, 1040, propr. He m. Jennet, widow of Robert Starkweather. He beq. to her son John S. and to the 3 sons and 3 daus. of his bro. Moses P. in his will dated May 4, 1684, prob. Nov. 17, 1696. "Moses, saltmaker, Ipswich, boug^ht land in 1041. Town officer, deacon. He deposed in 1001, ae. about 50 years. Wife Lydia, dau. of Mr. Robert Clement; ch. Sarah, (m. John Day.) Lydia, (m. Thomas Burnam,) Moses, Aaron, John, Thomas, Mehitabel, Abigail b. Jan. 30, 1066. He a. Jan. 2, 1695. PINION, PYNION, PINGON, Nicholas. Lynn, with wife Elizabeth, called to court several times in 1047-8. Testi- fied 1 April, 1001. ae. about 53 years, against the loyalty of a neighbor. [Arch 106.] PINSON, PYNSON, PINCIN, Thomas, Seituate. took oath of allegi- ance 1 Feb. 16.38, atba. 1643; memb. of a board of arbitration, 1048. He m. 10 Nov. 1039, .Toane Stanley. Ch. Thomas b. May 15, 1040, Hannah b. Dee. 4, 1042, fm. Jan. 15, 1061. George Young.) Will made 4 April, 1089, being aged; prob. 27 June, 1094; beq. to son Thomas, son-in-law John Witherell, gr. ch. Thomas, Hannah, Margery, Elizabeth and Patience Young, Thomas P. and Joshua W. Dau. Hannah Morey consented to the probate. PITCHER, PICHER, Andrew, Dorchester, propr., frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Margaret; ch. Samuel bapt. 18 (2) 1641, Experience bapt. 25 (7) 1042, Mary bapt. 30 (9) 1644, (m. Isaac Rush,) Ruth bapt. 25 (5) 1647, John bapt. 11 (6) 1650, Natli- aniel bapt. 18 (2) 16.52, Jonathan. He d. 19 (12) 1600. Will prob. 9 (3> 1661. To wife and children. [Reg. X, 206, and XXXI, 177.] Note. The will of William Pitcher was prob. Es. CO. 30 (4) 1676. Bro. .John Pitcher living at Kenton, Devonshire, Eng.; friend Andrew Tucker. S62 PITFORD, PETFORD, Peter, Marljlehead; was plaintiff or de- fendant in several suits in Es. Court, 1641. Weiglier of fish in 1648. [Es. Files.] PITMAN, PICKMAN, Natliauiel, witnessed a bond given to Wm. Pester of Salem, Sept. 2, 1630. Propr. 1639. Partner with Conant and others in Eastern trade. Deposed in 1662, ae. about 47 years. He m. TabitUa, widow of Anthony Dikes, as slie deposed in 1657. Will d.ated Sept. 23, 1684, prob. Nov. 24, 1685. Wife deceased. Daus. Mary Hodges, Hannah, wife of John Sanders, and Tabitha ffeveryeare; Bethiah Cole; son Nathaniel's childi-en. The dau. Tabitha m. 30 (6) 1664, E'dmond Feveryear. PITNEY, PITTNET, James, Ipswich, propr. 1639. the same as May be James, feltmaker, Marshfield, atba. 1643; propr. Kern, to Boston. Adm. inhab- itant in 1652: Will dated March 14, prob. March 21, 1663, 80 years old. Son John Thomas, Sen., and dau. Sarah Thomas; son James Pitney and dau. Abigail. [Reg. VI, 18.5.] Sarah, ae. 22, with children, Sarab, ae. 7, and Samuel, ae. 1%, and Margaret, ae. 22, came in the Planter in April, 1635. PITHOUSE, John, husbandman, of Marlborough, Eng., came in the James, April 5, 1635. PITTS, PITT, PIT, PYTT, Edith, servant of Samuel Jackson of Scituate, in 1636. [Plym. Col. Rec] Edmund, linen weaver, came with his wife and child and his bro. Leonard P. and Adam Foulsham, from old Hingham, and settled in Hingham. Propr. 1637. Frm. May 13, 1640. Town officer. Wife Ann d. Nov. 1686. Ch. Mary bur. 15 June, 1641, Sarah bapt. Dec. 29, 1639, Mary bapt. Sept. 8, 1642, Ann bapt. Dec. 22, 1644, Isaac bapt. April 12, 1646, Elizabeth b. April 23, 1648. Deborab b. Nov. 6, 1651, John b. Nov. 27, 1653, Jeremiah b. Jan. 25, 1656. Edmund gave letter of PITTS, etc., cent. attorney in 1646 for the collection of 20 li. due L. P. from John [ffltling] of Hingham in CO. Norfolk. [A.] He d. 13 May, 1685, ae. about 72, [Hob.] Will prob. 20 May, beq. to wife Ann; daus. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Joanes, Sarah, wife of Abraham Hollman, Mary, wife of John Bull, Anne, wife of Benj. Eastman, De- borah Witton and ber sons John and David; gr. ch. Benj. and Thomas Eastman, Thomas Joanes and Samuel Jay. Elizaljeth, memb. chh. Dorchester be- fore 1639. She signed a receipt for money reed, from Daniel Salmon, 21 (9) 1639. [Es. Court Files.] Elizabeth was adm. chh. Charlestown 13 (2) 1639. Mrs. Elizabeth, Weymouth; admin, of her est. was gr. Aug. 1, 1655, to her dau. Elizabeth and her hus- band, Wiliam Holbrook. Leonard, bro. of Edmund, servant to John Burrell, d. at Boston 13 Feb. 1645. Peter, Taunton, atba. 1643. Note the following: Peter, Bristol, made will 9 .Tune, 1692, prob. 12 Jan. folg.; beq. to sons Samuel, Pet- er and Ebenezer, daus. Alice, Mary and Sarah; wife Mary. William, oame in the Fortune to Plym- outh in 1623. William, came in 1638 from Hingham, Eng., and settled at Hingham. William, Marblehead, merchant, bought houses and land at M. in 1647. Propr. 1049. He m. 7 (10) 1655, Susan, widow of Philip Aealy. Rem. to Boston. Susanna made nunc, will prob. Sept. 29, 1668, % of her est. to dau. Mary Lattimore, the other half to her husband. Admin, on est. of Susanna Ely, since Pitts, was gr. 25 (1) 1670, to John Bundy of Taunton, -who appeared to be near- est of kin. PITTY, PETTEE, William, Weymouth, propr. Ch. John b. 28 (11) 1638, Joseph b. 16 (5) 1639. Mary b. 13 (11) 1642. His will dated 14 April, 1679, prob. 29 July folg., beq. to wife Mary; eldest son Joseph; sons Samuel and William; dau. Mary, wife to Henry Adams. 303 PLACE, PLAICE, PLAISE, PLASSE, PLASE, Peter, laborer, yeoman, Boston, adm. chh. 4 (2) 1646, frm. May 6, 1646. Wife Alice adm. ehh. 18 (1) 1643; ch. Hannah b. 20 (11) 1642, (m. Stephen Talby,) Elizabeth b. 29 (7) 1644, Joseph b. 19 (8) 1646, Peter bapt. 30 (11) 1647, ae. about 3 days, Peter bapt. 17 (4) 1649, ae. about 2 days, John bapt. 1 (7) 1650, Elizabeth b. Oct. 21, 1652, d. 8 (6) 1654, Sarah b. Sept. 3, 1657. Admin, of his est. gr. 22 April, 1675, to his widow Alice, and was assumed by her son John, mariner, after her death, Oct. 1, 1G81. Thomas, Cambridge, propr., sold before 1639, Boston, frm. May 13, 1640. William, gunsmith, from the parish of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London, came to Salem about 1637. Had special arrangements made for liis residence and shop because of his business. His wife was Phebe (Man- ning), widow of James Waters of the same parish, and mother of Richard Waters of Salem. He d. April 15, 1646, at the house of Thomas Weeks of S.; admin, of his est. 5 (6) 1646. PLAISTOW, Josias, gent, came early to N. E. He took 4 baskets of corn belonging to Chicka- tabot in Sept. 1631. For this he was com- pelled to restore 8 baskets, to pay a fine of 5 li., and be degraded from the title of gentle- man; and his men, William Buckland and Thomas Andrew to be whipped for being ac- cessory. [W .and Col. Rec] PLIMPTON, etc., cent. 9 (2) 1648, John b. 5 (6) 1649, Peter b. in 1651. bapt. 7 (1) 1652. He rem. to Deerfield. Was slain by the Indians in 1676. lav. of his est. filed at Nuf- field, Sept. 24, 1678, by widow Jane. Thomas, Sudbury, servant of Peter Noyes, bought land of him in 1643. Wife Abigail; eh. Abigail b. 30 (7) 1653, Jane b. 18 Aug. 1655, Peter b. Jan. 4, 1666. He was killed by the Indians and his house and bam burned. Inv. of the re- mainder taken 11 Sept. 1676. Agreement for division made 29 March, 1697, by the children, Thomas, (the eldest son,) Jane, (wife of Joseph Dabe.) Elizabeth, (wife of John Lock,) Mary, (wife of Matthew Stone,) Hannah, (singelowman,) and Peter. PLUETER, PLTTMMER, Anne, Plymouth, m. 6 Feb. 1635-6, Henry Samson. Francis, linen weaver, Newbury, propr., frm. May 14, 1634; town officer. Bought land 5 March, 1648. Wife Ruth d. 17 or 18 Aug. 1(>47. He m. widow Ann Palmer 31 March, 1649, who d. 18 Oct. 1665. He m. 29 Nov. 1665, Beatrice, widow of Wm. Oantle- bury of Salem. Agreement 25 Nov. 1670. Ch. Samuel, Joseph, Mary, (m. April 20, 1660, John Cheney, Jr.) He d. 17 Jan. 1672. Inv. of his est. and what Beatrice brought filed together 25 March, 1673. Mary, Plymouth, m. Sept. 12, 1633, John Barnes. PLANTAYNE, see Blanton. PLAYER, Oiles, before Gen. 1640. Court in 1638 and PLIMPTON, PLYMPTON, PLIMTON, PLTTNTON, Elizabeth, came in the Jonathan in 1639. See depositions in the case of Blanchard vs. Barnes, Mdx. Court, 1652. [Reg. XXXII, 407.] She m. John Butter. John, Dedham, adm. chh. 20 (il) 1642; propr., frm. May 10, 1643; town officer. Ser- geant. He m. 13 (1) 1644, Jane Dammin; [see Eaton, John;] ch. Hannah b. 1 (1) 1645, John b. 21 (1) 1646, d. 26 (2) 1647, Marah b. PLITMLEY, PLIMLEY, Alexander, Boston, Braintree, had been in the employ of Mr. Colbron; had grant of land at Br. 26 (6) 1639, for 3 heads. Wife Hester; son Submit b. 8 (11) 1653. Will dated 8 March, prob. 30 March, 1681- 2, beq. to wife Easter, sons Joseph and Sub- mit, daus. Easter, Hannah and Elizabeth; son Winter. POCHER, George, Braintree, d. 29 (7) 1639. POD, PODD, Samuel, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635, Ipswich, propr. 1641. Widow Grace, Ipswich, d. May 31, 1695. 364 PODGER, PODYER, PODYERD, PODY- EARD, Johu, miller. Hingbaiu, brought suit in Es. court (11) 1G41; and [his widow] Jane made Roger Clap of Dorch. her attorney in the same suit 27 June, 1646. Witness Geo. Weeks. [Bs. Files.] Ch. Mary bapt. April 27, 16-44, Jlehitabel b. and John b. and d. 1644, Mehetabel and John bapt. Dec. 1645. See Ward, Samuel. POFPER, George, Braintree, bad grant of land 24 (12) 1639, for 5 heads. James, ae. about 68, d. 25 July, 1692. Widow, aged, d. IS (12) 1676. POGET, Thomas, residence not stated, frm. May 26, 1647. POLLARD, George, miller, Duxbury, attorney for John Pollard of Boston, 19 (4) 1641. [L.] Yeoman, formerly of Stoke Clere, Eng., in partnership with William Hiller, he agreed with the inhabitants of Dux. 7 Nov. 1639, to erect and maintain a water milne for grind- ing and stamping English and Indian com. He rem. from the town before 10 Nov. 164G. [Ply. Col. Bee] A natural inference is that he is George, Marblehead, his will, dated 13 (3) prob. 31 (10) 1646, beq. to goodman Tiler of Lynn, John Hart, the younger, and Chris- topher, son of Edmond Nicolsoi. John, husbandman, merchant, Boston, late of Belcham. co. Essex, Eng., receipted for cheese 3 (10) 1640. [L.] Katharine, a maid, Boston, adm. cbh. 10 (10) 1G39. William, shepherd, carter, ordinary keeper, Boston, 1044. Wife Anne; ch. Johu b. 4 (4) 1644, Samuel b. 24 (11) 1645, Hannah b 10 (11) 1648, d. 2 (6) 1662, William b. 20 March, 1652, Elizabeth b. 13 Jan. 1653, Jo- seph b. 15 March, 1657, Sarah b. 20 Oct. 1659, Benjamin b. April 22. 1063, Ann b. Oct. IS, 1664, Jonathan b. April 12, 1660. William, Jr. d. .Tan. 24, and the son Joseph d. Dec. 30, 1690. Will dated 15 Oct. 1678. prob. June 3. 1680, beq. to eldest son John and the rest of my sons and daughters; to wife Anne. POLLEY, POLLY, George, Woburn, propr. 1649. He m. May 21, 1049, Elizabeth Winn; ch. John b. Dec. 16, 1650, Joseph b. Dee. 25, 1652, George b Jan. 4, 1655, Elizabeth b. April 14, 1657, Samuel b. and d. 1660, Hannah b. and d. 1662, Hannah b. June 28, 1663. He d. Dec. 22, 1683. Will dated June 5, 1683, prob. April 1, 1684, beq. to wife Eliza- beth, sons John, George, Samuel and Ed- ward, daus. Elizabeth, Hannah and Sarah. Widow Elizabeth d. May 2, 1695. John, Roxbury, propr. His wife Su- sanna was adm. chh. in 16.50, d. 30 (2) 1664; wife Mary adm. chh. 8 (5) 1066, d. 30 (0) 1666; wife Hannah d. June 8, 1684. Ch. John; Mary and Sarah bapt. June 2, 1650, Hannah bapt. 15 (12) 1651, Abigail b. 4 (4) 1654, Bethiah bapt. 20 (12) 1658, Susanna bapt. 22 (10) 1661, Rebecca bapt. 10 (6) 1668, Joanna bapt. 13 (1) 1669-70, Mehitabel bapt. IS (12) 1671, Rhoda bapt. 25 (11) 1673, Sarah bapt. 25 (5) 1680. Hannah, m. Isaac Curtis; was adm. chh. 30 (2) 1671. He d. April 2, 1689, ae. 71. Will dated 17 Dec. 1688, prob. March, 1690-1 ,beq. to son- in-law John Peelam and Mary his wife, of Reboboth; to son John under 21 years of age; son-in-law John Lion; wife Jane to have according to contract; to bis 7 daus. by first wife Susanna; dau. the wife of Benjamin Saben; to his 6 daus. by bis third wife Han- nub, viz. Rebecca, Johanna, Mehitabel, Rho- da, Patience and Sarah; the 4 motherless ch. of dau. Saben. POMEROY, POMROY, PUMROY, PUM- MERY, , Eldad or Eltweed, Dorchester, frm. March 4, 1632-3. Appointed by Gen. Court constable of Dorcb. June 3, 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn., then to Northampton. His wife d. 5 July. 16.55. and he m. widow Lydia Parsons. He deeded land in W. to bis son Caleb in 1664, upon C.'s marriage. His son Joseph was apprentice to goodman Gunn. Ch. Eldad d. at Nor. In 1660, Medad bapt. 19 Aug. 1638, Caleb b. 6 March. 1041. Mary bapt. April 21, 1644, Joshua bapt. Nov. 22, 1646. POND, John, came with Wintbrop in 1030; was sent back to his father by him for more pro- visions; another son came also. Wintbrop 365 POND, cont. afterward sent love to William Pond, one of his neighbors in England, in a home letter. Robert, the elder, Dorchester. Wife Mary; eh. Mary m. John Blackman. The inv. of his est. was taken 27 (10) 1637. A chest of carpenter's tools and pump tools arc mentioned. [Reg. VII, 30.] Mary and William petitioned the Court for admin, of the est. and it was ordered 10 May, 1648. His widow m. in 1649 or 1G50, Edward Shep- hard of Cambridge; who conveyed, 24 Feb. 1G50-1, to John Blackman, son-in-law to the late Robert r., one half the house and lands which W. P. had owned. Robert, who had ch. Mary b. 14 (5) 1G57, and Martha b. 13 (2) 1060, and whose widow Mary m. Nicholas Ellen, relationship not stated. William, Dorchester, adm. chh. with "goody" Pond, 28 (12) 1641. Contracted to lay the ground-sills of the meeting-housv? 10 (7) 1655. Ch. Sarah bapt. 6 (12) 1641, Abigail bapt. 19 (1) 1646, Samuel bapt. 16 (1) 1655, Elizabeth and Martha b. 17 (12) 1657. Judith b. 16 (8) 16.59, Thankful b. 15 (11) 1661, George b. 20 (11) 1665, Mindwell b. 24 (6) imi. PONNT, Thomas, ae. 21, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in 1635. PONTON, PONTING, Richard, apprenticed to .John Reade of Braintree for 8 years, before Boston Court 2 (1) 1640-1. Boston, husbandman, adm. chh. 28 (10) 1644. PONTirS, William, probably the William Pantes (a.s copied), fustian maker, from near Dover, England, who m. at Leydeu. Holland, Dec. 4, 1610, Wybra Hausen, a maid; William Brewster being a witness. Came to Ply- mouth early. Had lands at Thorp, near Windberry Hill, referred to in a Court order as gr. to him "long since." Propr.; frm. 1633. Juryman, 1636. He d. Feb. 0, 16.52-3. Will dated Sept. 9, 16.50, prob. Feb. 20, 1652. Beq. to daus. Mary, (wife of James Glasse; had a child Wybra;) and Hannah, (wife of John Churchill). [Reg. V, 259.] 366 POOLE, POOL, POLE, see Paul, Edward, sawyer, ae. 26, came as ser- vant to George Allen from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Settled at Weymouth. Sought to obtain Mary Lane, servant of Richard Silvester for a wife (1) 1041. [L.l He gave letter of attorney to William Par- don to collect legacies due his wife Sarah from Edmund Piuney and Elizabeth Stand- erwiek, of Broadway, Somersetshire, 5 (10) 164.5. [A.] Will prob. Oct. 26, 1644; beq. to wife, sons Samuel, Isaac, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Ja- cob, and dau. Sarah. [Reg. XHI, 12.] Mrs. Elizabeth, an ancient maid, chief founder of the Plantation of Taunton, came in 1637. She lost much cattle and endured many hardships. [W.] Plymouth Court or- dered lands laid out for her 3 March, 1639- 40. She d. May 21, 1654. Will dated 17 (3) 1654, ae. about 65 years; beq. to her bro. Capt. William P. of Tau.; to her cousin John, her bro.'s eldest son; and to his bros. Tim- othy and Nathaniel; to cousin Mary P.; to her kind old friend, sister Margery Powle, widow. [See Richard Paul.] [Reg. V, 262.] Henry, girdler, London, came early to N. E.: resided at Boston. The only mention of him on B. records is this: he died 14 (7) 1043. His will dated 20 Aug. 1643, was prob. in London. He beq. to wife Elizabeth; to sons Henry, Robert and Edmund; to father Rowland Poole and sister Martha Castle; to bro. Randall P. and his children; to Anna Paullmoore; to Wm. Bartholomew; to the Colledge of Cambredg in New England ten pounds; to Robert Castle, Thomas Bendish, and Mr. Peter, whom he appointed overseers of his est. in England; made Nehemiah Bourne, William Davis, Robert Cooke and Thomas Dayton overseers for N. E.; wife Elizabeth exec. Richard Shearman. Thom- as Bartholomew, Jo Wakelin and George Story witnesses. J. H. S. Fogg, M.D. fur- nished copy of the foregoing to the Reg. for July. 1892. Descendants of Mr. Poole, re- siding in Eng., have corresponded recently with offlcers of the Hist. Gen. Society. John, yeoman, miller, Cambridge, men- tioned about 1033; res. at Lynn, propr. be- fore 103S; witness in case in Ess. court 27 (4) 1037; before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. Rem. to Reading. Made contract with the town POOLE, etc., cont. ill 1(;-14 to build a dam, turn the course of a stream, erect and maintain a water-mill for the use of the inhabitants. Proprietor: town officer. Lawsuit about mill iu 1G52. [Mdx. Files.] His servant John England in court 1637. With wife Margaret sold house and land in 1G53. [Es. De. II, 105.] [Judith, first wife?] memb. chh. of Reading, 1G48. He d. 1 (12) 1C(J7. Will dated 14 (12i 1666, beq. to son Jonathan; dau. Mary, wife of Matthew Edwards; son-in-law William Bar- rett; gr. eh. John and Lydia Barrett, Marey, Sarah and Elizabeth Edwards; to bro. and sister Armitage and their children; cousin Godfrey A.; Mr. and Mrs. Dane of Andover. Samuel, Boston; his child Anne bapt. 7 (6) 1642, ae. about 8 days. William, servant to Col. John Ende- cott, Salem, in Es. Court, 1638 and 1641. William, gent. Taunton, frm. Dec. 4, 1638. He and his wife made Mr. John Dore of Axmouth, CO. Devon, their attorney for the collection of a legacy from the est. of her bro. .John Greene, of Milton, Somerset- shire, dec. [A.] See wills of Devonshire Pooles, [Reg. XLVIII, 490.] The wife and son Theophilus were named in the will of her kinswoman Katharine Northcote, widow, of Hoxton, CO. Mdx., Eng., dated 11 Jlarch, in 1685. He removed to Dorchester aud was schoolmaster from 1659. He and his wife were reed, to the chh. from that of Tan. 31 (1) 1672. Ch. John, Timothy aud Nathaniel, named in will of Elizabeth in 16.54; William bapt. at Roxbury 20 (4) 1658, d. at Dorch. April 21. 1687, Mary, (m. 28 March. 1672, Daniel Henchman). He d. Feb. 24 or 25, 1674, ae. 81 years. [See epitaph in Reg. II, 381.] The widow Jane made will at Dorchester 29 Aug. 1690, prob. June 25, 1691; beq. to son John and daus. Bethesda Filer and Mary Henchman; to gr. son John, or his sister Jane her share in the Iron Works at Taunton; to every one of her gr. children; to her minister, Mr. John Dan- forth. POOR, POOBE, POER, PORE, Alice, ae. 20, came iu the Bevis in May, 1638. Daniel, came in the Bevis In 1638, ae. 14 years. Settled at Andover. He ui. at POOR, etc., cont. Boston Oct. 20, 16.50, Mary Farnum. Ch. Sara b. 28 Dec. 1652, Matthew, dau. b. 4 Nov. 1654, Daniel b. 5 Sept. 1656, John b. 5 Sept. 1658, d. 24 Dec. 1690, Hanna b. 6 May, 1660, Elizabeth b. 15 April, 1661, Deborah b. 18 April, 1664, Ruth b. 16 Feb. 1665, Priscilla b. 22 June, 1667, Lucy b. 28 Sept. 1670. Will dated 7 June, 1689, prob. 24 June, 1690. Wife Mary; sons Daniel and .John, daus. Ruth, Lucy, Martha, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Deborah, Elizabeth aud Priscilla; bro.-in-law John Farnum. John, Lynn, propr. 1638, rem. to New- bury. Ch. John b. 21 June, 1642, Hannah b. 14 Oct. 1645, Elizabeth b. 8 Nov. 1647, Mary b. 15 July, 1648, Hannah b. 25 March, 1649, Henry b. 13 Dec. 1650, Mary b. and d. 1652, Joseph b. 4 Oct. 16.53, Sarah b. 5 June, 1655, Lydia b. 5 Dec. 1656, Edward b. 5 April, 1658, Abigail b. 26 March, 1660, Abigail b. o Aug. 1661. He d. 23 Nov. 1684. Inv. filed by widow Sarah. Nicholas, Saugus, sued by his appren- tice or workman Thomas Paine in Es. court in 1637. Samuel, ae. 18, came in the Bevis in May, 1638; settled at Newbury. Bought land April 15. 1652. Ch. Rebecca b. 7 Feb. 1648, Mary b. 21 March. 1650, Samuel b. 14 Oct. 1653, Edward b. 27 May, 1656, Elizabeth b. 20 Jan. 1658, Joseph b. 10 June, 1661, Sarah b. 4 June, 1664, Edward b. 22 Feb. 1667, Mary b. 21 Feb. 1671. He d. 31 Dec. 1683. Nunc, will dated 25 March, 1684, beq. to ch. Samuel, Edward, Elizabeth, Sara, Hannah, Mary, Benjamin, Joseph P. and Rebecca Smith; gr. ch. Mary Parson; to wife Rebecca. POPE, Anthony, embarked at London, in the Falcon, Dec. 25, 1635. Settled at Charles- town. He d. Feb. 1, 1712-3. Ephraim, Boston, propr., 1637. He m. widow Ann Bacon, who was adm. chh. 4 (8) 1657; her son John Bacon and Ephraim and Elizabeth P. were bapt. Oct. 18, folg. His will, dated Jan. 24, 1676, gave est. to his ch. named above. 367 POPE, cont. John, Sen., weaver, Dorchestei\ frm. Sept. 3, 1G34, propr., selectman; one of the seven signers of the chh. covenant Aug. 23, 1G36. Ch. rec. at Dorch. : John b. 30 (4) 1635, Nathan b. (5) 1641. He d. 12 (2) 1646. Will prob. 5 (4) 1649. Beq. to wife Jane and dan. Patience, to bro. Thomas, to Joshua, his sister's husband, to William Smead, his apprentice boy, to Ste- phen Hoppin, a weaver, and to Hannah Jan- sen, (Johnson,) his servant. The widow Jane (dau. of Nicholas Clap, of Venn Ottery, co. Devon,) d. 12 (11) 1662. Beq. her est. to her dau. Patience, (wife of Edward Blake,) and her children Mary, Sarah and Jane. John, husbandman. Dorchester, be- lieved to be a son of John, Sen., though not named in the wills of the Senior or his wife; had land at Salem in 1636, and was proposed for propr. at Dedham in 1639; settled at Dor- chester before 1643. His home was on Squantom. Had extensive lands. He m. Alice — , living in 1651; then Margaret — , who survived him and d. Oct. 20, 1702, ae. about 74 years. Ch. Thomas b. Nov. 27, 1643, Margaret, (m. — Peirce,) William, John b. March 5, 1658, Susanna, (m. John Cock,) Ma- ry, (m. Thomas Cock,) Ebenezer, (sewed in the war of 1690,) Thankful, (m. Smith Wood- ward,) Ralph b. in 1673, Jane. (m. John Mun- ning,) Joseph b. and d. 1679. He d. 18 Oct. 1686. Admin, gr. to widow Margaret 11 Nov. 1686. Order for division April 4, 1700. Eldest son Thomas had re- ceipted for his portion; other heirs: ch. of son John, dec; sons William and Ralph; Margaret Peirce, only ch. of dec. dau. Mar- garet; davis. Susanna, wife of John Cox, Ma- ry, widow of Thomas Cox, Thankful, wife of Smith Woodward, and Jane, wife of John Munnings. John, carpenter, Boston, before the Court 30 (2) 1640, for ill-behaviour while an apprentice or servant: rem. to Bristol. He d., unmarried, April 2, 1686. Inv. shows carpenter's tools, etc.; had worked on the meeting house. Jonathan, Roxbury, a witness, 1647. [A.] He deijosed 22 May, 1650, ae. about 24 years, to the nunc, will of John Woodey. [Arch. 15 B.] Joseph, came in the Mary and John March 26, 1634-5; settled at Salem. Propr.; POPE, cont. husbandman; frm. May 17, 1637. Became a Quaker. Wife Gertrude adm. chh. 4 (1) 1649; ch. Damaris bapt. 22 (2) 1643, (m. Josh- ua Buffum,) Hannah bapt. 20 (5) 1645, Han- nah bapt. 26 (1) 1648, (m. Caleb Buffum,) George bapt. 8 (5) 1649, Joseph bapt. 27 (8) 1650, Benjamin bapt. 17 (2) 1653, Enos, Sam- uel bapt. 18 (3) 1656. All these are mentioned in his will, dated Sept. 11, 16(>6. He requested his bros. George, Richard and Joseph Gardner and his cous- ia, Samuel Shattok the elder to be overseers of the will. Lieut. George Gardner deposed 27 (4) 1667. Thomas, cooper, Plymouth, taxed in 1632; house-lot granted in 1636; volunteer in the Pequot war in 1637; constable, 1645; propr. at Plymouth and Dartmouth. Gave receipt to George Bonum 30 Oct. 1652. Rem. to D. about 1674. He m. July 28, 1637, Ann, dau. of Gabriel Fallowell; he m. 2, May 29, 1646, Sarah, dau. of John Jenney. Ch. Han- nah b. in 1639, (m. Joseph Bartlett,) Seth b. Jan. 13, 1648, Susanna b. in 1649, (m. Jacob Mitchell.) Thomas b. March 25, 1651, Sarah b. Feb. 14, 1652, (m. 1, Samuel Hinckley, 2, Thomas Huckins,) John b. March 15, 1653, d. July, 1675, Joanna b. about 1657, (m. John Hathaway,) Isaac. Will dated July 9, 1683; aged. Beq. to son Seth and grandson Thomas; to gr. son Ja- cob Mitchell, dau. Deborah Pope and other daus.; son Isaac, not yet 2 years old. Prob. Nov. 2, 1683. Thomasiu, widow, of Bristol, Eng., gave power of attorney 4 March, 3645, to Robert Knight, to collect anything due her from Richard Russell of Charlestown. [A.] It is not certain whether she had lived here. See the following. Walter, Charlestown, propr., bought house of John Wignall, 1630. Ch. Mary m. Joseph Miller, and sold land, inherited from her father, Nov. 7, 1677. POKMORT, PORMONT, PURMORT, Philemon, school-master, Boston, adm. to chh. with wife Susann, 28 (6) 1634. Frm. May 6, 1635. Intreated to become schole- master 13 (2) 1635. Propr. Sympathizing with Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Wheelwright, he rem. to Exeter; was dism. from the chh. 6 (11) 1638. Ret. to Bo. and was in the em- 368 PORMORT, etc., cont. ploy of Valentine Hill 9 (S) 1645. [A.] Sub- sequently rem. to Wells, Me. His wife Su- san d. 29 (10) 1642. He m. Elizabeth — . Ch. Lazarus b. 28 (12) 1635-6, Anna b. 5 (2) 1638, Pedajah b. 3 (4) 1640, Borshuali bapt. 4 (5) 1647, Mary, (m. 24 (9) 1652. Nathaniel Adams, Jr.,) Elizabeth, (m. in 1656 Samuel Norden,) Martha b. 16, bapt. 19 June, 1653. PORTER, Abel, having served our bro. Grulib 4 years, had a grant of land in Boston, in 1637. He was adm. chh., a singleman, 23 (11) 1640. He m. in 1642-3 Anne, widow of William Simmons; who was adm chh. 23 (2) 1643. Will dated 15 Sept. 1685, prob. 6 May, 1686, beq. to wife Ann; sons Abel and John; dau. Abigail; dau. Low. Edward, chandler, husbandman, came In 1636; brought children, John, ae. about 3 years, and William, ae. about a year. [E.] Settled at Roxbury. Frm. May 17, 1637; deputy, 1638-9. Bought house and land in Boston Nov. 28, 1655. Sold Rox. property in 1659. Rem. to Boston. Signature in inv. of Daniel Brewer, 1647. Wife Anna; ch. Elizabeth bapt. Dec. 25, 1637, (m. — Nash,) Hannah b. Oct. 18, 1639, (m. Fathergone Dineley.) Mary b. and d. 1642, Joseijh b. 5 (3) 1644, Deborah b. April 26, 1646. He m. Rhoda, widow of John Remington and of John Gore. She sold land in Rox. 7 Dec. 1677. His est. was appraised 3 Aug. 1677; inv. filed by widow Rhoda. His will dated 28 July, 1677, beq. to his wife and four chil- dren; servant Thomas Watts. Elizabeth, Roxbury, m. Jan. 20, 1636, Isaac Johnson. John, farmer, Roxbury, frm. Nov. 5, 1633. Rem. to Hingham p;ropr. 1633; dep- uty; town officer. Rem. to Salem about 1644. Town officer many times. Sold house and land at Hing. 15 (1) 1648. Adm. chh. 29 (2) 1649. He deposed in 1669, ae. 73 years. He testified concerning Wm. Knight, Jan. 1672-3, ae. about 85 years. [So recorded.] Rem. to Wenham. Sergeant. Wife Mar- garet, widow of — Odding, memb. chh. of Rox. with him. [E.] She d. and ho m. 2, Mary — , who was adm. chh. Salem 5 (3) PORTER, cont. 1644. Ch. John. Samuel, Joseph bapt. Sept. 9,1638, Benjamin bapt. Nov. 1639, Israel bapt. Feb. 12, 1642, Mary bapt. 12 (8) 1645, Jona- than bapt. 12 (1) 1648, Sarah bapt. 3 (4) 1649. He d. 6 Sept. 1676. Will dated 28 April, 1673, prob. 26 (7) 1676, beq. to wife Mary; sons John, Benjamin, Israel and Joseph; dau. Mary, wife of Thomas Gardner, and her 3 children; dau. Sarah; John, son of son Sam- uel; to Mr. Higginson and to the poor of Salem. Nathaniel, Salem, propr., frm. April 17, 1637. Bell-ringer, 1638. Signed as witness the will of John Sanders in 1643. Mary, [his wife?] adm. chh. before 1639. Richard, husbandman, embarked at Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Set- tled at Weymouth. Frm. May 18, 1653. Ch. Ruth b. 3 (8) 1639. Will dated 25 Dec. 1685, prob. 26 Dec. 1689, beq. to Thomas, only son of dec. son Thom- as; to son John; gr. ch. Ruth Richards and Samuel Bayly; dau. Mary Bick- nell. Robert, Concord, was complained of in 1650 by the selectmen of Sudbury for burn- ing down their woods, making tar. Roger, husbandman, ae. 55, from Long Sutton, Hants, Eng., with daus. Joane, Su- san, Mary and Rose, came in the Confidence April 11, 16.38. Settled at Watertown. Frm. May 2, 1639. He d. 3 (2) 1654, ae. about 71 years. Inv. taken 14 (2) 1654. His widow Grace d. June 3, 1662, ae. about 70 years. Her will men- tions daus. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Smith, and Martha, wife of Capt. John Sherman, and their ch., and her bro. John Coolidge. POSMORE, see Pasmer, also Hosmer, James, Concord. Wife Alice; ch. Ste- phen b. 13 (9) 1642. POST, POAST, Stephen, Cambridge, propr. 1634. [Rem. to Hartford?] Richard, Lynn, Woburn, taxed, 1645. He m. Feb. 27, 1649-50, Susanna Sutton. He m. Nov. 18, 1662, Maiy Tyler. 369 POTTEK, Anthony, Ipswich, resident, 1648. Men- tioned in will of Edmund Bridges, 1660. John, Charlestown, inhabitant 1636. John, Sudbury, propr. 1640. Luke, yeoman. Concord, frm. March 13, 1638-9. Deacon. Wife Mary d. 3 (2) 1644; he m. 2, 19 (8) 1644, Mary Edmands. Ch! Eunice b. 2 (1) 1640, Eunice b. 2 (2) 1641, Re- becca b. and d. 1643, Lulve b. 30 (3) 1646, Dor- othy b. 9 (2) 1650, Bethia b. 4 Nov. 1659, Lul^e d. 13 Aug. 1661. Will dated 11 June, 1695, codicil dated 15 Sept. 1697, prob. Nov. 1, 1697, beq. to wife; to son Judah Potter; daus. Unis Fry, Eliz- abeth Jones, — Barrett and Dorothy Broolis. Nicholas, bricklayer, Lynn, propr. 1638. Lie. to draw wine in 1646. Wife Alice d 28 (12) 3657, or 26 (11) 1658. He m. 2, Mary, dau. of John Gedney. Ch. Mary b. and d! 1C59, Hannah bapt. 25 (1) 1661," Sarah b. 4 Oct. 1662, Mary b. 10 (9) 1663, Samuel bapt 10 (1) 1664-5, d. 10 (1) 1645, Hannah bapt. 8 (2) 1666, Lydia bapt. 10 (12) 1666, d. 17 (7) 1608, Bethiah bapt. 12 (5) 1668, Samuel bapt. April 25, 1669, Lydia bapt. July 17, 1G70. He d. 18 (8) 1677. Will dated 10 (8) prob. 29 (9) 1677, beq. to children by his late last wife, Samuel, Benjamin, Sarah, Mary, Han- nah and Bethiah: to son Robert and dau. Elizabeth Newell; father John Gedney, and bros. Bartholomew and Eleazer G. Robert, householder, Roxbury, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Wife Isabel; ch. Deliverance bapt. at Boston 5 (1) 1637. He was banished for alleged sympathy with Mrs. Hutchinson in 1638. Was brought back from Rhode Island in 1643 with Gorton and others, and tried for alleged heresies; was confined at Rowle.v. [W.] Bur. at Box. June 17, 1653. Vincent, gent, ae. 21, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in May, 1635. Had appren- tices, John Johnson, Stephen Barrett, Henry Kenninge and William Browne, whom he placed with new masters in 1639. [L.] [See Thomas Powle.] He was entertained to serve at the fort in Boston for one year from 13 (8) 1636, at 10 li. wages. [W.] William, ae. 25, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. 370 POTTER, cont. William, ae. 27, with wife Frances, ae. 20, and ch. Joseph, ae. 20 weeks, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. William, Braintree, had grant of land 30 (10) 1639, for 11 heads. William, Watertown, propr., 1638; sold land and house 8 (9) 1645. William, Roxbury, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. He m. June 2, 1645, Judith, wid- ow of John Graves. He d. 17 (11) 1653. Will beq. to wife's dau. Hannah Grave; to his bros. John and George and sister Jane, and to sister Anne's dau. the wife of John Coking, in Eug.; to the minister of Braintree; to the College; to the school of Roxbury. POTTLE, see Hooper. POWELL, Michael, merchant, Dedham, propr. 1639, adm. chh. with wife Abigail 16 (2) 1642. Town clerk, deputy. Rem. to Boston. Was one of the creditors of Thomas Yeow, 17 Dec. 1651. He and Thomas Lake gave bonds to Es. Court in 1649. [Files I, 113.] De- clined to accept the position of elder of the second chh. to which he, though a layman, was called, after he had preached to them sometime, unless the Court approved, 6 Sept. 16.53. They disapproved, "because It tended to discourage learning," since he had neither the learning or abilities requisite for the office. [Arch. Eccl. 1.] He deposed 18 Sept. 1602, ae. 56. [Es. Files.] Ch. Eliza- beth b. 10 (4) 1641, (m. 23 Aug. 1650. Richard HoUingworth,) Dorothy b. 2 (5) 1643, Michael b. 12 (8) 1645, Margaret liapt. 14 (11) 1648, ae. about 8 days, Sarah, (m. at Dedham, 3 (3) 1653, Timothy Dwight,) Mary, (m. at Bos- ton, 27 (3) 1657, Edward Wright). The two last are not rec. as his daus. He d. Jan. 28, 1672-3. [W.] Admin, gr. March 20, 1672-3, to his widow Abigail. Her will dated 14 March, prob. 28 April, 1677, beq. to daus. Abigail Howlett, Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Dorothy Perry and Margaret Howard; to Samuel Howlett and others. Inv. filed 28 April, 1677, by sons Anthony Hayward and Seth Perix William, cooper, Charlestown, 1636. As tenant to Edward Payne, he sold land POWELL, cont. 13 to Plymouth; frm. 1633. Sold laud near the high cliff in 1633-4. He m. a dau. of Godbert Godbertson, q. v. Hannah, [his dau.?] m. 18 March, 1651, ^Villiam Spooner. He d at Charlestown April 19, 1680, ae. about 90 vears. [Gr. St.] Will dated 8 Jan. 1G77. prob. 15 (4) 1680, beq. to wife Mary and son Joseph. His son Samuel had d. in 1079, bequeathing to bros. Joseph Pratt and John Rogers, and to his own wife and chil- dren. Richard, Charlestown, propr. 1649; rem. to Maiden. Ch. Mary b. 30 (7) 1643. Thomas b. 5 (3) 1646, Mercy b. June 15, 1650. Thomas, residence not stated, frm. May 26, 1647. PRAY, Quinton, fineiTman, Lynn, in the em- ploy of the Iron Works Co. before 1646. In court 1647. Deposed 27 (S) 1653, in the case of John Gifford vs. the I. W. Co., ae. about 5S years. Rem. to Braintree, and continued iu the same business. W'ife Joan; ch. Rich- ard, [See Es. Court Rec], John, Hannah, (m.'as his second wife. Henry Neale,) Dor- othy, (ae. about 16 years in 1650, m. Richard Thayer, Jr.). He d. 17 (4) 1667. Inv. of his est. taken 21 (5) 1667, and admin, gr. to widow Joan. 371 PREBLE, Abraham, Scituate, witnessed a deed ill 1639; took oath of fidelity about 1644. Rem. to York in the district of Maine. He m. at Sci. Judith, dau. of Nathaniel Tilden. Ch. Nathaniel bapt. at Second chh. of Sci. April 9, 1648. [See wills of Prebles, residing at several points in Kent, Eng., in Reg. L, 118; see Gen- ealogy.] PRENCE, PRINCE, Mr. Thomas, gent., came in the For- tune in 1621 to Plymouth. Was chosen gov- ernor in 1633; re-elected repeatedly. A part- ner in the Trading Co. [B.] "A wellwiller to all that feared God and a terrour to the wicked." [Plym. Col. Rec] Rem. to East- ham before 1649. Wife [Patience] d. in 1634. [B.] He m. April 1, 1635, Mary Collier. Ch. Rebecca, (m. 22 April, 1646, Edmund Freeman, Jr.,) Mercy, (m. Feb. 13, 1649, John Freeman,) Hannah, (m. Feb. 13, 1649, Nathan- iel Mayo,) Jane, (m. 9 Jan. 1660, Mark Snow,) Judith, (m. 28 Dee. 1665, Isaac Barker). Other ch. named in the will. He d. March 29, 1673, in his 73d year. Will dated 13 March, prob. 5 June, 1673, beq. to wife Mary goods that were hers before mar- riage; to his seven daus. Hannah Marcye, Jane Marsh, Jane, wife of Mark Snow, Mary Traeye, Sary Howes, Elizabeth Howland and Sary Howes, Elizabeth Howland and Ju- dith Barker; to gr. ch. Theophilus Mayo and Susanna Prence, dau. of his son Thomas, deceased; to son John Freeman. Bro. Thom- as Clarke to be a help to the wife. N. B. Thomas Prince of All Saints Barking, London, carriage maker, in his will, dated 31 July, prob. 14 Aug. 1630, beq. to "my son Thomas Prence now in New England" a sil- ver bowl and a seal ring of gold, to be de- livered to him at his nest return; also beq. to dau. Rebecca, wife of Thomas Dipple, citizen and merchant tailor, of London, etc. [Em. and W.] PRENTICE, etc., cent. Gibson; they admin, on the est. 6 (S) 1663. Robert, Roxbury, propr. 1639. He d. 3 (12) 1665. Admin, was gr. April 26, 1666, to Capt. Thomas Prentice. [Reg. XAa, 334.] Capt. Thomas, yeoman, Cambridge. Wife Grace; ch. Grace, bapt. in England, and about 4 years old when her parents^ joined here; Thomas and Elizabeth b. 22 (11) 1649, memb chh. with Mary, John. [Mi.] He d. July 7, 1709. ae. 89. The wife Grace d. Oct. 9, 1692. Valentine, Roxbui-y, came to this land in 1631; joined the chh. in 1632; brought but one son, John; buried another at sea; lived a godly life. [E.] Wife Alice; son John adm. chh. 24 (7) 1665. An Alice d. at Concord 8 (1) 1643. He d. in 1633. The widow m. 2, John Wat- son. PRESBTJRY, PBESBERRY, John, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Ch. Mary b. 10 (3) 1641. He was bur. May 19, 1648. Katharine, [his widow?] m. July 22, 1649, Richard Chadwell of Sandwich. PRESCOTT, John, blacksmith, Watertown, bought house and land at Lancaster, (Nashaway,) 5 (S) 1647. Took oath of fidelity 1652. Peti- tioned Gen. Court 19 June, 1650. He fin- ished his mill and began to grind corn 23 (3) 1654. [Mdx. De. Ill, 406.] Wife Mary. Dau. Mary m., 1648, Thomas Sawyer. Will dated 8 (S) 1673; in old age; prob. April 4, 16S2; beq. to wife, sons John, Jona- than and Jonas; to James Sawyer his gr. ch. and servant; to daus. Mary, Sarah and Lyd- ia; to gr. ch. Martha Ruge. PRENTICE, PRENTISS, Henry, Cambridge, planter, propr.; also at Sudbury, 1639. Frm. May 22, 1650. Wife Elizabeth d. May 13, 1643; he m. Jo- ane — ; ch. Mary b. 25 (9) 1044, (m. Na- thaniel Hancock,) Solomon, Abiah b. 22 (3) 1648, Samuel b. 3 (6) 1650, Sarah, Henry; all born and bapt. in Cambridge. [Mi.] He d. June 9, 1654. His widow m. John PRESGRAVE, Peter, servant to Mr. Samuel Maver- ick, before Gen. Court 6 (7) 1638. PRESLAND, PRESTLAND, Nicholas, Plymouth, engaged with Ed- ward Winslow to saw boards in 1634. Vol- unteer for the Pequot war in 1637. 372 PRESTON, Daniel, husbandman, Dorchester, propr., deacon, town officer. Ch. — bapt. 15 (12) 10J5, Daniel bapt. 7 (8) 1649, John bapt. 14 <7) 1651, Mary, (m. 28 May, 1662, Eliezer Fawer). His wife Mary d. 5 Oct. 1695. He was bur. Nov. 12, 1707, ae. 86 or 88 years. [Chh. rec] Admin, of his est. was gr. 18 March, 1707-8, to his son Daniel. Edward, Boston. He gave letters of at- torney 20 (9) 1645, to Hugh Williams to col- lect dues in England. [A.] Wife Margaret; ch. William b. 30 (11) 1G51, Mary b. 1 Jan. 1653. John, and his wife, membs. chh. of Reading, 1648. Roger, tanner, ae. 21, came in the Eliz- abeth April 8, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. before 1639. Wife Martha sold house and land 11 March, 1657-8. He leased the Em. Downing farm of George Norton in 1659. [Es. Files XI.] His widow m. 2, Nicholas Holt. She de- posed in 1666, ae. about 44. [Es. Files XI, 106.] Ch. Thomas and Samuel. William, ae. 44, with wife Marie, ae. 34, and children Elizabeth, ae. 11, Sarah, ae. 8, Marie, ae. 6, and John, ae. 3, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. Settled at Dor- chester. Propr. 18 Feb. 1635. Sold before 1639. Rem. to New Haven. [Reg. XXXIII, 421.] PRICE, David, Dorchester, propr. 1635, frm. Dec. 7, 1636. John, Duxbury, hired with Stephen Tracy for 4 months, June, 1638. [Plym. Col. Rec] Rebecca, ae. 14, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Richard, tailor, b. at Shrewsbury, Eng.; a man of middle stature, black hair, thin face, etc.; charged with having left Jo: Pick- ering of Piscataqua, having 4 years yet to serve from 25 April, 1639; sued at law 5 (7) 1640. [L.] Merchant, Boston, frm. Oct. 19, 1644. Sold land Sept. 16, 1669, reserving remainder for wife Elizabeth and their chil- dren. Made will at the island of Nevis 16 April, 1674, prob. at Boston 31 July, 1674; beq. to PRICE, cont. wife Elizabeth; ch. Thomas, JollifiEe, Eliza- beth and Richard. Walter, shop-keeper, Salem. Ho admin, on the est. of his servant John Watkins in 1041; propr.; frm. Dec. 27, 1642; juryman, town officer. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 45 years. Was one of the purchasers of Nod- dle's Island in 1659. Owned largely in ves- sels and lands. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. with him 6 (1) 1642, deposed in l(i68, ae. about 51 years. Ch. Eliza bapt. 13 (1) 1641, Theodore bapt. 30 (9) 1643, John bapt. 18 (11) 1645, Hannah bapt. 30 (11) 1647, William bapt. 24 (1) 1649-50, Samuel bapt. 12 (1) 1653- 4, Walter bapt. 16 (1) 1656. Will dated 21 May, prob. 1 (.5) 1674, beq. to wife Elizabeth; sons William and John; daus. Elizabeth Rucke, Hannah Veren, Anne Bradstreet; gr. ch. Elizabeth and Anne Price, Elizabeth, John and Hannah Croad; bro. William Gerrish and Capt. Thomas Lothrop overseers. rRICIIARD, PRITCHARB, PRITCHET. Capt. Hugh, came to Plymouth; was prop, for frm. 1 March, 1640-1, but did not re- main. Re s. a while at Cape Ann, (Glouces- ter.) Rem. to Roxbury about 1642. Frm. May 18, 1642; deputy 1643 and 1647. One of the chief in the town. [W.] Wife Elinor; c^h. Abiel or Abigail bapt. 26 (10) 1641, Zeba- diah b. and d. 1643, Phebe bapt. 20 (8) 1644, an infant b. and d. 1649, Mary — , a servant of his, was bur. Jan. 10, 1643. Ret to Broughton, co. Denbigh, Wales; sold (by his attorneys) his property at Rox. June 8, 1656. Richard, shoemaker, Yarmouth, prop, frm. March, 1642-3, adm. frm. 5 June, 1644. Propr. Bought house and land at Charles- town 12 (12) 1652, and rem. thither. Was reed, to chh. with wife Anne and dau. Tem- plar, by dism. from the chh. of Y. 29 (5) 1660. Will dated 22 Jan. 1668, prob. 20 (2) 1669, beq. to wife Margerie; to gr. ch. Hannah, ^vife of Alexander Stewart, and her ch. James and John; gr. ch. James, and Samuel Templar: Richard Taylor and his eh. Rich- ard and Ann; to d.au. Hannah, wife of Rich- ard Templar, and her children. Receipts for their portions were given by Alexander Stewart, son of Ane Templar: John Cham- borlin, husband of Deborah T., in behalf of his wife and her bro. Samuel T. [Ply. and Es. Prob.] 373 PRICKARD, PRIlCHARb, PkilCHET. PRICE, cont. Roger, Springfield, propr. 1643; frm. April 13, 1648. Town officer. His wife liYanees was bur. 9 (1) 1651. Alice, of Spr. was m. 18 (12) 1644, to William Bradley of New Haven. Nathaniel, also of Spr., m. 12 (4) 1C51, Hannah Lanckton. William, Ipswich, witness in 1640; propr. Bought house and land at Topsfield In 1G60. Rem. to Broolvfleld or Quaboag. Had a mill. Sold Ips. land 10 Nov. 1673. Sergeant. Was killed by the Indians, with his son Samuel, Aug. 3, 1676. Inr. filed at Ips. 27 (1) 1677, by son William. Est. divided to widow and 8 children, who were John, William, Jo- seph, (b. March 1, 1658,) Elizabeth, Sarah, b. Jan. 22, 1662,) Mary, Hannah and Esther. PBIDE, John, Salem, propr. 1636. Suit in Es. Court in 1636. Admin, of his est. gr. and inv. filed (10) 1647. PRIEST, Degory, of London, adm. frm. of Ley- den, Holland, Nov. 16, 1615; m. in Leyden, Nov. 4, 1611, Sarah, dan. of John Vincent of London, Mr. Allerton's sister. Came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; settled at Plymouth, but died Jan. 1, 1620-1. His wife and children came to Flym. at a later time. Mary and Sarah reed, shares in the cattle in 1627. [B. and Col. Kec] James, Dorchester, propr. 1637, frm. May 10, 1643. Rem. to Weymouth; child James b. 8 (3) 1640. His will dated 4 March, 1675, prob. 28 April, 1676, beq. to wife and son-in-law Sid- rach Thayer. Inv. mentions a debt due from bis son-in-law Henry Turbifleld. The widow, in will dated at Boston 24 May, 1676, beq. to son Joseph Priest and his son James; to daus. Hannah Rust, Elizabeth Hollice, Deliverance Thare and Mary Turbifleld; to son-in-law Richard Rust; to Sarali Bagley or Bayley, whom she had brought up from a child, PBIME, Mark, 'Rowley, propr. before 1650. Town otBeer. Res. 1672. Wife Ann; ch. Samuel b. 14 (6) 1049, Mary bur. 6 (11) 1653. He was bur. 21 Dec. 1683. Will signed but 374 PRIME, cont. not dated, prob. April 15, 1C84, beq. to soa Samuel, his wife Sara and their children. Samuel died soon and the t-wo estates were settled upon his widow Sarah and her ch, Samuel, Sarah, Marke and Ann. PRINCE, see also Prence, John, Cambridge, propr. 1634, frm. MarcTi 4, 1634-5. Rem. to Hingham; propr. 1635. Rem. to Hull; propr. 1642; town otticer; ruling elder. He m. at Watertown, May, 1037. Alice Honor; she died, and he m. Anna, widow of William Barstow. Ch. all bapt. at Hingham: John bapt. May 16, 1638, Eliza- beth bapt. Aug. 9, 1640, (m. Josiah Loring,) Joseph bapt. Feb. 26, 1642, Martha bapt. Aug. 1645, Job bapt. Aug. 2, 1647, Samuel bapt. Aug. 19, 1049, Benjamin bapt. April 25, 1652, Isaac bapt. July 9, 1G54, Thomas bapt. Aug. 8, 1658. He d. 16 Aug. 1676, in his 66th year. Will dated 9 May, prob. Oct. 18, 1676, beq. to wife Anne; ch. John, Joseph, Elizabeth, (wife to Josiah,) Martha, (wife to Christopher Wheaton,) .lob, Samuel, Isaac and Thomas. John, Hingham, propr., town ofiicer. Wife Margaret, ch. Mary b. 8 (2) 1649, (m. Joseph Joy,) Sarah b. Feb. 22, 1652, d. 21 (3> 1653, Sarah, (m. Thomas gayer,) Deborah b. Aug. 23, 1657, (m. Wm. King). His will dated June jlO, 1689, prob. Feb. 5, 1690-7, beq. to the above-named; to gr. ch. Wm. and Deborah King, Thomas Sayer and Joseph '"Jay." Richard, tailor, Salem, propr. 1638, reed, inhabitant 1639; fi-m. Dec. 27, 1642. Town officer many times; deacon. He de- posed in 1672, ae. about 59 years. Wife Mary adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648. Ch. John bapt. 20 (12) 1641, Joseph bapt. 10 (7) 1643. (died, and beq. to bros. and sister and her children, Nov. 14, 1R77;) Mary bapt. 26 (2) 1648. (m. Stephen Daniel,) Samuel bapt. 18 (3) 1651, Richard bapt. 18 (1) 1654-5, Jonathan bapt. 15 (1) 16.56-7. Will signed 21 (4) 1675, ae. about 61 years: prob. 22 (10) folg.; beq. to wife; sons Joseph, Samuel, Richard and Jonathan; dau. Mary Daniel; gr. oh. Stephen and Mary Daniel. [Es. Files XXIV. .56.] Roibert, Salem, propr. 1649. He m. 5 (2) 1662, Sarah Wan-en; ch. James b. and d. PRINCE, cont. 1GC4, James b. 15 Aug. 1668, Elizabeth b. 19 (12) 1669. WUl prob. 30 (4) 1674, bQq. to wife; to children James, Joseph, Elizabeth, and to Henry Brag. Thomas, Wenham, propr. 1644. Rem. to Gloucester; propr.; sold certain lands be- fore 1649. [E's. FUes.] Deposed in 1659 concerning William Brown. Wife Margaret dejwsed in 1666, ae. about 40 years. Ch. Thomas b. 24 (10) 1650, (m. 27 (7) 1676, Eliza- beth, dau. of Edward Harradeu,) John b. 12 (9) 1653, Mary b. July 19, 1658, (m. 10 (7) 1675, Hugh Row,) Isaac b. Nov. 7, 1663. He d. 17 Jan. 1690. Will dated 14 Jan. 1689, prob. 25 (1) 1690, beq. to wife Margar- et; sons Thomas and Isaac; dau. Mary Rowe, and gr. ch. John Prince, Abraham Rowe and others; to cousin Abra'ham Patch. PRIOR, PRYOR, Thomas, Scituate, toolj oath of allegi- ance 1 Feb. 1G38. He was bur. June 22, 1639; will prob. Sept. 28, 1639. Son John exec; probably the John who came in the Hopewell in Sejrt. 1635, ae. 16 years;) other sons Joseph and Daniel here, and Samuel and Thomas, and daus. Elizabeth and Mary in England; [Reg. IV, 36.] He was formerly of Watford, co. Herts, maulster; sons John and Daniel sold property there 28 (6) 1640. [L.] Joseph, not yet 20 years old, sued Daniel and his wife Mary 5 Nov. 1644, for his portion of the pat- rimony. PROCTOR, PROCTER, George, Dorchester, propr. 1634; frm. May 17, 1637. Wife Edith; ch. Sarah, Mary. Hannah, Abigail b. 24 (6) 1637, Thomas b. 16 (10) 163 [9], Samuel b. 8 (9) 1640, (became a cooper; joined his mother in a deed of land in 1668.) He d. 29 ai) 1661. Will dated 27 Jan.. prob. 27 Feb., beq. to wife Edith; son Sam- uel; daus. Sarah, Mary, Hannah and Abigail. [Reg. IX, 173.] John, husbandman, ae. 40, with Martha, ae. 28, .Tohn, ae. 3, and Marie, ae. 1 year, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1635; bought addi- tional land in 1647. Rem. to Salem. He deposed in 1667, ae. 75 years; mentioned bro. Giddens. PROCTOR, etc., cont. ^\'m dated 18 Aug., prob. 28 (9) 1672; aged and inllrm; beq. to wife Martha tlie house that was George Stevenson's; to four daus., Martha White, Abigail Varney, Sara Dodge and Hanna Weeden; to three sons, John, Jo- seph and Benjamin Proctor; to gr. ch. John and Martha Hadley. Benjamin deposed in 1668, ae. about 17 years. Testimony was given 17 Oct. 1672, that he gave his wife's clothing to his daus. and Martha Hadley; and gave a pair of oxen to son James White. Robert, Salem, frm. May 10, 1643. Seems to be the Robert, of Concord, who m. 31 (10) 1645, Jane Hildreth; had ch. Sarali b. 12 (8) 1646, Gershom b. 13 (3) 1648, and Mary b. 8 (2) 16.50. Rem. to Chelmsford. His will, dated 10 March, 1695-6, prob. July 13, 1697, beq. to wife Jane; sons Gershom, Peter, James, John, Samuel, Israel and Thomas, (if he live and return from sea to N. E.;) daus. Dorothy Barrett and EUzabeth Proctor. PROUT, Timothy, ship-carpenter, mariner, Bos- ton, adm. chh. 20 (2) 1644, frm. May 29, 1644. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 40; was at Barbadoes the last summer. Wife Margaret adm. chh. 2 (3) 1646; ch. Timothy b. 10 (1> 1645, Susanna b. 26 (2) 1647, John bapt. 11 (12) 1648, ae. about 8 days, Josepli bapt. 9 (12) 1650, William b. 23 May, 1653, Benjamin b. 6 July, 1655, Ebenezer b. 14 March, 1656, d. 5 April, 16.59. The ^vife Margaret d. 29 Oct. 1685. Elizabeth, wife of T. P., d. Jan. 19, 1693-4, in her 57th year. [Oopp's Hill Epi- taphs.] He d. Nov. 3, 1702, ae. above 80 years. [S.] Will dated 7 March, 1699, prob. 17 Dec. 1702, beq. to sons John, Joseph, Ebenezer and Tim- othy, (if alive and shaU return,) cousin Mary Jackson; to grand and great grand children. PROWER, Salamon, servant of Christopher Mar- tin, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; died not long after arriving. [B.] PRUDDEN, Rev. Peter, came from Eng., July 26, 16.37. with 15 or more associates. Dedham offered them lands 11 (6) 1637, but they de- clined them. He went with Mr. Davenport and Mr. Eaton (by water) to Quinepiack 30 (1) 1638. [W. and Reg. XI, 238.] 375 PUFFER, see PofEer. PURCHASE, PURCHAS, PURCHIS, PURCHES, Oliver, of Dorchester, E'ng., came in 1633 to our Dorchester. He died soon, as a grant of land was given to his -widow in 1633. His son Oliver came with him; res. first at Dorch., then rem. to Taunton; later to Lynn, and finally to Concord; -n-as frm. Dec. 7, 1G36; deposed at Lynn in 1665, ae. about 48 years. His dau. Joan, b. about 1578, m. in Eng., Whit Monday, 1696, Bernard Capen, and came with him to Dorch. in 1C33. The widow seems to be the person who m. ruling elder Thomas Oliver, of Boston, as his second wife, about 1642; and his dau.-in-law Sarah Purchase, adm. chh. Boston 31 (3) 1646, her child. Mr. Thomas, gent., came at an early day to Maine. He sold to. Gov. John Win- throp and the Mass. Bay Co. 22 (5) 1639 a tract of land at Pagiscot 4 miles square, with provision for their jurisdiction. He sued cer- tain men for taking from his premises at P. some moose skins that belonged to Abaco- dusset an Indian sagamore, May 31, 1641. [L.] He rem. to Lynn. Sold three-eighths of the Blessing to Valentine HiU 29 (8) 1644. [A.] His wife Mary d. at Boston 7 (11) 1655. He d. May 11, 1678, ae. 101 years; will dated 2 May, 1677, prob. 25 (5) 1678. Widow Elizabeth and five children; had lost most of his est. at the Eastward. Widow and son Thomas execrs.. Friends Mr. Henry Jocelin, cousins Oliver Purchase of Hammersmith, and Edward Alline of Boston overseers. William, a witness to deed of Wm. Pot- ter of Watertown 8 (10) 1645. PURRIER, see Perry, William, Ipswich, propr. 1638; Salis- bury, 1639. PUBTOIT, Elizabeth, widow, adm. chh. Boston (9) 1633. Will prob. 29 (2) 1650; son John, heir; feather bed to Mr. John Cotton in case son John should die; Bible to Robert Blott; rest to the church. [Reg. VII, 233.] PUTNAM, John, formerly of Abbotsason in Buck- inghamshire, England, [town record,] came early to Salem. Planter, yeoman. Had grants of land in 1640 and onward; was adm. chh. 4 (2) 1647. His wife Prlscilla was adm. chh. 21 (1) 1640-1. His sons John, Nathaniel and Thomas came also to Salem, and were enterprising citizens. John (who deposed March 30, 1685, ae. about 68 years,) m. 3 (7) 1652, Rebecca Prince; Nathaniel (who de- posed 30 (1) 1685, ae. about 65 years, that he had lived 46 yrs. in Salem,) m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Hutchinson; Thomas m. 1, 17 (8) 1643, Ann, dau. of Mr. Edward and Prudence Holyoke, who d. 1 (7) 1665; he m. 2, 14 (9) 1666, Mary Wren, widow. [Salem town rec] He deeded lands to his son John, re- ferring to lands given to son Nathaniel, 3 (1) 1653, and to the bounds of his brothers. Other deeds in 1662. He d. 30 (10) 1662. PUTTELL, PYCE, Alice, maid servant to Judith Quinsey, adm. chh. Boston 4 (7) 1636. PYFORD, see Byford. PYNCHON, PINCHON, PINCHIN, PYN- SON, see Pinson, Mr. Wlliam, Esquire, came in the Ar- bella in 1630. Assistant. Settled first at Dorchester; sold house in 1634; res. at Rox- bury till he had arranged for the beginning of the plantation at Agawam, (Springfield,) for which the Gen. Court made him chief commissioner 3 March, 1635-6. Bought lands of the Indians. See agreement of the first settlers in article on Mr. Pynchon in Reg. XIII, 289. Frm. Aug. 2, 1642. He was the leader in the new settlement. Wrote a book on Justification, printed in 1650, which reed. severe criticism from the most prominent min- isters and statesmen of the Colony. He ret. to England in 1662, and died there. His wife d. soon after he landed, and he m. Mrs. Frances Sanford of Dorchester. His son John, b. in Eng., became a very influential man, whose stamp is left on the history of the Oonn. Valley for the remainder of the century. Valuable papers of his in Mass. Hist. Coll. 2-8. 376 PYE, George, a More, with Mr. Cradock; the Court decided 5 June, 1038, that advice must be had from Rye about his case. PYKE, see Pike, Tabitha, maid servant of Richard Bell- ingham, adm. chh. Boston 1 (0) 1640. PYITE, see Pin. QXTICK, Anne, sold house and garden in Charl- ton (Charlestown.) late the property of Will: Studson, 23 (10) 1640. John, Lynn, propr. 1638. William, se'aman, Charlestown, 1638. Was in the Narragansett country in 1638. [Mass. Hist. 37, 323.] Sold house and land 26 (11) 1643. QUILTEB, Mark, planter, Ipswich, propr. 1636. His wife Frances deposed concerning his sick- ness, etc. [Es. Files 4, 127.] He made will Feb. 7, 1653, prob. 28 March, 1654; to wife, sons Mark and Joseph, daus. Mary, Rebecca and Sarah. Widow Thamar Q. deposed in 1661 regarding the sickness of her only son Joseph Q. She d. July 2, 1694. QITINSEY, QTJINSYE, QTJINCY, Mr. Edmund, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Judith (9) 1633; frm. and deputy March 4, 1634. Memb. of com. to assess rates 10 (9) 1634. The town voted that his lands and those of Wm. Ooddington at Mt. Wollaston, (Braintree.) should be bounded out, 14 (10) 1625. Memb. of com. to lay out others' lands there 4 (11) 1635-6. Ch. Edmund, a promin- ent citizen of Braintree, d. 7 Jan. 1097-8, in his 68th year. [Hob.] He d. before April 9, 1639, When Judith Q.'s lands are referred to in deed of adjacent tract. The widow m. Moses Paine, and was dlsm. to chh. of Br. from Bo. chh. 30 (1) 1645. See wills of Anne Quinsie. of Lillford, and John Quineey. of Widgthorpe, co. Northamp- ton, Eng., in Reg. XLVII, 525. Genealogy. QTJODNAM, see Codman, Robert, brought suit in Es. Court in 1038. Perhaps it was his— "Quodnam's"— pin- nace by which Mr. William Pynchon sent a letter from Springfield to Gov. Winthrwp in 1645. QtrOTMORE, see Coytmore. BABEY, RABBE, Katharine, of Yarmouth, Eng., ae. 6a, a waterman's widow, passed exam. April 12, 1637, to go to N. E. to remain with her son. She settled at Salem; was adm. chh. 2 (5) 1641. RAINBOROW, RAYNBOROWE, RAINS- BOROUGH, William, merchant, Charlestown. 1639, mortg. house and 10 acres of land in Water- town which had been the home of Robert Feakes, 17 (10) 1640. [Sufif. De. and L.] He ret. to Eng. 1644; became colonel of a regiment in Cromwell's army, having Israel Stoughton as lA. col., Nehemiah Bourne a major. John I^everett a captain, and Wm. Hudson an ensign. RAINSFORD, RAYNESFORD, Edward, merchant, Boston, memb. chh. 1630; res. at Dorchester before 1632, but ret. to Bo. Frm. April 17, 1637. He deposed to the will of Rich. Truesdell 29 (10) 1671, ae. about 60 years. Edward, passenger in the -A-bigail in July, 1635, is probably this man re- turning from a visit to Eng. Wife — d. (4) 1632. His second wife, Elizabeth, adm. chh. Bo. 15 (10) 1633; ch. Josiah or Joshua and Mary bapt. 17 (4) 1632, J. d. (7) 1632, Jolin b. 30 (4) 1034, Jonathan b. (8) 1630. Ranis b. 4 (4) 1638. (m. Josias Belcher.) Nathan b. (6) 1641. David b. (7) 1644, Solomon bapt. 25 (8) 1646. Elizabeth bapt. 25 (12) 1048, Hannah bapt. 12 (11) 1050. Anna b. 1 (12) 1051, bapt. 8 (12) 1051 or 1052, Edward bapt. 15 (8) 1654. His wUl dated 3 Aug., prob. 28 Aug. 16S0, beq. to wife Elizabeth; to dau. Mary Parcy- full; to the ch. of son Jonathan R.. dec, viz.: Jonathan, Dorothy and Mary; to sons John, Solomon. David, and Nathan R.; to daus. Reanus Belcher. EIiz.abeth Greenough and Anna Hough. Raynsford's island and other lands, vessels, etc., mentioned in inventory. John, Lynn, juryman, 1638. He deposed .30 (4) 1657, ae. about 55 years, that, about 25 377 RAINSFORD, etc., cont. years before he was servant to Capt. Tomer, •who, with other men, fenced in Nahant, and kept cattle there in common. RAMSDEN, RAMESDEN, RAMSDELL, Joseph, Plymouth, planted a piece of land on shares in 1641; atba. 1643. He m. 2 March, 1645, Rachel Eaton; she deposed in 1648, ae. about 23 years. He m. 16 Oct. 1661, Mary Savory, of Plymouth. Ch. Daniel b. 14 Sept. 1649. RAND, RANDE, James, Plymouth, came in 1623. Robert, husbandman, Charlestown, 1635, rem. to Lynn; he reed, a beq. from Rob- ert Keayne, his former employer. Wife Alice adm. chh. 8 (11) 1635; ch. Margery, adm. chh. 9 (10) 1643, Thomas, Susanna, Alice, Xathauiel bapt. 3 (9) 1630, Elizabeth bapt. (11) 1639. Hannah, dau. of Robert, b. at Salem (4) 1657. His widow, Alice, d., and her will, dated 22 (6) 1663, was prob. Aug. 17, 1691; beq. to sons Nathaniel and Thomas; gr. ch. John, Ed- mund, Samuel, Thomas, and the 4 daus. of her son Thomas. RANDALL, RANDOLL, — , of Mt. Wollaston, one of those oan- ished in 1638 for supporting Mrs. Hutchin- son's party. C. A. S., Philip, Dorchester 1633; frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Windsor. Was bur. 26 Sept. 1648. Oh. Philura, (m. George Phelps,) and Abraham. Robert, formerly of Wendover, as he deposed, b. about 1606. [Mass. Arch. 125, 16,] settled at Weymouth; wife Mary bur. 3 (7) 1640. He m. 2, -; ch. Mary b. 20 (1) 1642. He d. 3 May, 1691; inv. taken 16 May. John Randall exec. His will dated 27 March, prob. 25 May, 1691, beq. to ch. John, Thomas, Mary, now wife to Abraham Staple of Mendon, Hannah, now wife to John Warfleld of same. William, Scituate, suit in court, 1641, atba. 1643, Marshfleld, propr. 1645, frm. 6 June, 1654. His wife Elizabeth was legatee In the will of Michael Barstow. Ch. Sarah ibapt. witli two folg. Nov. 23, 1645, Joseph b. March, 1642, Hannah b. March, 1644, William RANDALL, etc., cont. b. Dec. 1647, John b. April, 1650, Elizabeth b. Oct. 1652, Job b. 8 Feb. 1654-5, Benjamin bapt. Nov. 8, 1659, Isaac bapt. Jan. 9, 1658. He d. Widow Elizabeth d. at Wat. Dec. 24, 1672, ae. about 80. William, Newbury. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 40 years. He m. 4 Oct. 1649, Eliza- beth — . Ch. Elizabeth b. 13 May, 1650, Wil- liam b. 2 March. 1653, John b. and d. 1655, Mary b. 26 March, 1656, Hannah b. 7 Jan. 1658. RANDOLPH, see Fitz Randolph. RASDELL, Mr., a partner of Capt. Wollaston In the colony at the Mount about 1623. Went to Virginia. [B.] RASHLEY, Henry, Boston, had accts. with Capt. Hawkins, and was in his employ 22 (10^ 1645. [A.] Bought house and land Nov. 28, 1648. His wife Susanna reed, from the Gen. Court title to his land 14 Oct. 1651, as he had de- parted long since and was never heard of. [Arch. 15 B.] Rev. Thomas, Boston, adm. chh. 8 (1) 1640, as "a studyent." Ch. John bapt. 18 (3l 1645, ae. about 6 weeks. He was "chap- lain" at Cape Anne in 1042. [L., P. D.] Rem. to Exeter where he was minister about 1643. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-7.] RATCLIFFE, RATLIFFE, Philip, Salem, was ordered to be pun- ished for malicious and scandalous speeches against the government and the chh. of S. June 14, 1631. Capt. Roger Clap writes that he saw the sentence carried out by whipping and cutting off his ears. Such punishments were common in Europe at that period. RAWLINGS, RAWLEN, RALLENES, ROLLINS, James, Newbury, propr. 1637, 1638; frm. May 14, 1634. Jasper, briekmaker, Roxbury, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Rem. to Boston. His wife Jane came in the Increase in April, 1635. He m. 2, June 8, 1651, Mary, widow of Thom- as Griggs. 378 EAWXHTGS, etc., cont. He (J. iu 1665. Will dated 17 (11) prob. 13 (4) 16G5, gave all to wife Mary; lin gives a house-lot to any of bis children who may come over to settle here. Richard, plasterer, Boston, adm. chh. 18 (1) 1643; frm. May 10, 1G43. Wife Mary adm. chh. 8 (8) 1642. Thomas, Sen., carpenter, planter, Rox- bury, came with the first company, 1630; he brought 5 children, Thomas, Mary, Joane, Nathaniel and John. He rem. to Scituate; his wife Mary, after great suffering, d. there about 1639. [E.] Propr., frm. May IS. 1631. He rem. to Boston. Emm, wife of Thomas B. d. at Bo. 27 (10) 165.5. He m. 2 (3) 1656, Sarah Maddox. His dau. Joane m. at Sci. Jan. 28, 1645-6, Ephraim Kempton. Mary m. April, 1639, William Parlier. Thomas, fisherman, seaman, of Weymouth and Bos- ton, who deposed April 12, 1641, ae. about 32 years, appears to he the son of the above. He d. 15 March. 1660; will prob. April 4, 1660. Wife Sarah; sons Thomas and Na- thaniel. House and land in Bo. and farm at Sci. [Reg. IX, 226.] BAWLINSON, see Bowlandson. BAWSON, Edward, gent., son of David R., citizen and merchant tailor of London, b. In Gil- lingham, Eng., April 16, 1615. [G^enealogy.] He deposed May 4, 1687, ae. about 55 years. [Suff. De. VI, 174.] Came to Newbury about 1C37; town clerk, deputy, clerk of the court. Rem. to Boston in 1650, being chosen secretary of the Colony. An efficient offi- cial and important citizen. He m. Rachel, dau. of Richard and Rachel Perne, of Gil- lingham, gent.; ch. b. at Newb.: [Edward, Rachel,] David b. 6 May, 1644, Perne b. Sept. 16, 1646; b. in Boston: William b. May 21, 1651. Hannah bapt. 10 (8) 1653, d. 27 (3) 1656; Rebecca b. Oct. 19, 1654, Rebecca b. May 21, 1656, (m. an imposter; went with him to Eng. and was lost on the ret. voy- age;) Elizabeth b. Nov. 12, 1657, Grindall bapt. 30 (11) 1658, John bapt. 14 (5) 1601. He d. Aug. 27, 1693. Admin, gr. 4 Jan. 1693-4, to son William. Warrant to dis- tribute est. April 6, 1695; partial acct. Jan. 14, 1722. Genealogy. [Reg. IU, 201, and XXXVni, 308.] EAVENSDALE, John, residence not stated, frm. May 6, 1635. BAY, RATES, REA, REY, WRAY, Daniel, bought house in Plymouth in 1630. Rem. to Salem before Feb. 6, 1631; so Bradford says in letter to Winthrop; [Reg. II, 240.] Frm. May 14, 1634; propr. 1636; town oflScer. [Dau.] Bethia memb. chh. 1637. Agreement made between his heirs 26 (4) 1662, in accordance with a will he began but did not finish. Son Joshua and his son Daniel; daus. Rebecca and Sarah, under age; son Thomas Lothrop and his wife. Simon, Braintree. He d. 30 (7) 1641. Inv. taken Feb. 20, 1641. RAYMOND, RAYMENT, Richard, mariner, Salem, frm. May 14, 1634; propr. 1636; town officer. Bro. R. and his wife dism. to chh. of Seabrook iu 1662. He deeded land in 1668 to his son-in-law Oli- ver Maunering. [Es. De. Ill, 44.] [Wife], Judith memb. chh. 1636. Ch. Barsheba bapt. 11 (5) 1636, Joshua bapt. 3 (1) 1639, Lemuel bapt. 3 (11) 1640, Hannah bapt. 12 (12) 1642, Samuel bapt. 13 (5) 1645, Richard bapt. 2 (11) 1647, Eliza bapt. 28 (2) 1650, Daniel bapt. 17 (2) 1653. REYNOR, RAYNER, RAYNOR, REY- NER, Humphrey, Rowley, bro. of Mr. John, frm. May 18, 1642, deputy 1649; ruling elder. Ch. dau. Ann, (m. 12 (9) 1652, William Hobson;) Jachin, (m. Nov. 12, 1662, Eliza- beth Denison). He was bur. 14 Sept. 1660. Will dated 10 Sept. 1660, mentions daus. Whipple and Hob- son; son Wigglesworth; gr. ch. Humphrey, John and William H., and Mary W. Rev. John, b. at Gildersome, co. York, came in 16.35 or 1636 to Plymouth. Was chosen teacher; lands granted him Feb. 6, 1636. Frm. 6 March, 1637-8. Wrote a let- ter on Moral Laws in 1642. [B.] Was called to be pastor at Dover, N. H. and rem. thith- er. He m. 1st a dau. of — Boyes; he m. 2, Frances Clarke, who had been a maid ser- vant in the family of Rev. John Wilson, and was dism. to the chh. of Plym. 18 (7) 1642. Ch. Jachin, Anna, (m. Job Lane,) John, Eliz- 379 BETNOB, etc., cont. abeth, Dorothy, Abigail, Judith, a dau. b. 26 Dec. 1647, Joseph b. 15 Aug. 1650, d 3 Nov. 1652. Mr. John Reynor, teacher of Dover church d. 21 (2) 1669; Mr. J. R. pastor of do. d. 21 (10) 1676. [S.] [See Lane Family Papers in Reg. XI, and B.] Thurston, ae. 40, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 36, and children Thurston, ae. 13, Jo- seph, ae. 11, Elizabeth, ae. 9, Edward, ae. 10, and Lydia, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1635. Settled at Water- town. Propr. 1642. Rem. to Wethersfleld, Conn. BEAD, BEADE, BEED, BEEDE, BEID, etc., Benjamin, Duxbury ,atba. 1643. Esdras, (Ezra,) tailor, Boston, 1638, frm. June 2, 1641. Of Salem, propr. 1638; adm. chh. 10 (3) 1640; [wife] Alice adm. chh. 29 (10) 1640. Deputy 1648. Had grant of land at Wenham, 1643; juryman, dea- con. Rem. to Chelmsford in 1655 Adm. inhabitant of Boston again in 1658. Admin, on his est. was gr. 17 Dec. 1680, to his son Obediah of Boston. John, Rehoboth, innkeeper, 1649, prop, frm. 4 June, 1650. Town officer. Admin, of his est. was gr. to widow Rachel and Thomas R. 7 June, 1676. Goodman, Scltuate, atba. 1643. Ch. Israel bapt. at Dorchester 31 (5) 1042; "his father sent him by his mother from Scituate whereof himself e was member." [Dorch. Chh. Rec] John, of Weymouth, planter, tooli a 10 years lease of Capt. Tyng's farm at Mt. Wol- laston 14 (2) 1639. [L.] Frm. May 13, 1640. Propr. Rem. to Braintree. With wife Sarah gave letters of attorney 27 (9) 1645, to re- ceive gift to her from her father, William Lessie, of Blyborough, co. Suff. Eng. [A.] Ch. John b. 29 (6) 1640, Thomas b. 20 (9) 1641. Matthew, Salem, servant to Charles Gott, in court, 1638. Philip, Weymouth, propr. 1641; frm. May 30, 1660. Ch. Philip b. 24 (8) 1641. Will dated 15 Dec. 1674, prob. 5 May, 1676, beq. to son Philip, wife Mary and son-in- BEAD, etc., cont. law John Vining. Bro. Thomas Dyer and friend Richard Porter overseers. Robert, Boston, frm. April 17, 1644. Land gr. in Bo. 1637, having been a res. in 1635. Sealer of leather. Rem. to Exeter, N. H. Wife Hannah d. 24 (4) 1655. Second wife Susanna survived him and m. John Presson or Preston of Bo. with whom she conveyed land 11 June, 1668. Ch. Hannah, (m. John Souter,) Mary. Rebecca b. and bapt. at Bo. 29 (7) 1646, Deborah bapt. 28 (11) 1648, ae. about 3 days, Sarah bapt. 1 (7) 1650, Samuel bapt. 3 (2) 1653, d. 31 (1) 1654, Samuel b. Feb. 28, 1654. Thomas, ("red.") apprentice of Thomas King of Watertown. with 2 years time unex- pired 24 (10) 1644. [King's Inventory.] Thomas and Mary had dau. Elizabeth d. in Boston March 28. 1658, and son Thomas d. 11 May, 1661. Widow Mary m. 14 Aug 1660, Thomas Matson. Thomas, Salem, propr., juror ai Gen. Court Sept. 28, 1630; frm. April 1, 1634. Ensign, 1636. [Wife] Sarah adm. chh. 7 (12) 1640; second wife Mary. Ch., two bapt. 31 (3) 1640, Aaron bapt. 18 (1) 1648 9, Su- sanna bapt. 23 (7) 1649, John b. 1651, d. 1662, Mary bapt. 10 (2) 1653, Eliza bapt. 13 (3) 1655. Remember bapt. 26 (2) 1657. Sarah bapt. 15 (1) 1659-60. Jacob b. 1662, d. 1663, Jacob bapt. 7 (9) 1663, Sarah bapt. 19 (6) 1666. Admin, of his est. 25 (4) 1667. Children by the first wife 4 sons and 1 dau.; by his second wife 7 ch.: 2 sons about 20 and 4; 5 daus. ae. 17, 14, 12, 10, and IVa years. William, ae. 48, with Mabel, ae. 30, and George, ae. 6, Ralph, ae. 5, and Justice, ae. 18 months, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Settled in Boston; frm. Sept. 2. 1635. He bought of Nicholas Davis, of Charles- town, his house and 60 acres of land at Woo- borne 7 (5) 1648, and removed thither. His will dated 9 April, was prob. in Lon- don 31 Oct. 1656; recorded at Charlestown. Admin, gr. to widow Mabel. He beq. to wife; to the four youngest ch.; to his three ch. that are married in N. E. viz. George. Ralph and Michael (sic:) Money due him from Wm. Brenton and others. [Reg. XVni. 3S1.] The widow m. Henry Summers. 380 William, of Batcome, tailor, ae. 28. BEAD, etc., cont. with wife Susan, ae. 29, ch. Hannah, ae. 3, Susan, ae. 1, and his servant Richard Adams, ae. 20, and his wife and child, came from Weymouth, Bug. before March 20, 1635. Settled at Wey- mouth. Deputy, 1036. Town officer. Frm. March 14, 163S-9. Rem. to Boston in 1646; bought land, etc. Adm. ehh. with wife Su- sanna 15 (3) l(i4". She d. 12 (8) 1653, and he m. 20 (1) 1654, Ruth Croolie. Ch. Wil- liam b. 15 (10) 1639, Esther b. 8 (3) 1641, John b. 25 (7) bapt. at Bo. 27 (7) 1640, Wil- liam b. Fel). 3, 1654-5, Isaac b. April 18, 1656, Hannah d. 25 (9) 16.50, Susanna ni. Dec. 13, 1659, Samuel Smith, Isaac b. April 18, 1656, Ephraim b. Nov. 23, 1657, (bapt. as ch. of "Ephraim of Wey.,") Jonathan 1). and (1. 1059, Timothy b. Aug. 11, 1660, William b. May 7, 1602, Hezekiah b. July 6, 1663, Sa- rah b. June 20, 1005, Elizabeth b. Dec. 22, 1666, Elizabeth b. April 22, 1669, John (ot Wm. and Hannah.) bapt. 25 (2) 1669. Admin, of his est. gr. 28 Nov. 3667, to John Wiswall, Jr. REAPS, see Ropes. RECEOFT, BICROFT, Frances, widow, sister of Matthew Cushing's wife, came with him to HIngham in 1638. [See Ward, Samuel.] RECKSWELL, John, Lynn, witness at court in 1(549. REDAWAY, RUDWAY, James, Hehoboth, propr. 1646. Town officer 1653; juror. Ch. John b. Dec. 10, 1644, Mary b. May 27, 1646, Martha b. March 15, 1648, James b. last of March, 1650, Liddia b. May 30, 1052, Rebeclsa b. middle of Feb. 1654. Son James was bur. Oct. 1676. Admin, gr. 6 March, 1676-7, to his bro. John, who was allowed a double portion; his 3 sisters to have the rest. James, Sen. was bur. March 31, 1684. Will dated 26 July, 1677, being aged, prob. June 18, 1684, beq. to daus. Sa- rah, Martha and Rebecca, to David, son of Samuel Carpenter, Rebecca, dau. of Abiah C, and John, son of William C; rest to son John R. REDDING, READING, BIDDINGS, Joseph, Boston, memb. chh. 1C31-2; propr. at Cambridge before 1033; frm. May 14, 1(J34. Rem. to Ipswich; propr. 1039. His will was brought into court 29 (1) 1681, and the widow Annice's est. was ap- praised 1 April, 1081. Miles, cooper, Boston, frm. May 14, 1034. His lands referred to in a deed In 1058, as "of old in his possession." He made will 23 Oct. prob. 6 (Oj 1071. Beq. to the deacons of the First church of Bos- ton for the poor and for the use of the church; books to goodman Dowse, Thos. Matson, Sen. and Robert Bradford. Thomas, Plymouth (town or colony,) volunteer for the Pequot war in 1037. He i^. 20 July, 1639, Ellene Penny. Placed his male child, about 5 years old, in care of Gowen White 4 June, 1645, to be brought up to the age of 21 years. REDDINGTON, Abraham, Topsfield, propr. 1645. His wife Margaret was dism. from chh. of Sa- lem to that of Tops. 19 (1) 1664. He deposed in 1673, ae. 58 years. Ch. Elizabeth b. 18 Feb. 1645, Abraham b. 25 Nov. 1647, Thom- as b. 25 July, 1049, Sarah b. 15 March, 1054, Isaac d. May 4, 1057, Isaac b. 27 June, 1057, Isaac bapt. 18 (5) 1658, Benjamin b April 19, 1661. Will dated 14 Oct. 1693, prob. Nov. 8, 1697, beq. to sons Abraham and Thomas, daus. Elizabeth Prescutt and Sarah Row and wife Margaret. John, Salem, 1646; rem. to Topsfield. Town officer 1661. Wife [see Gould, Z.]; ch. Eliza bapt. 8 (9) 1646, John b. 20 June, 1649, Mary b. 4 May, 1051, Martha and Phe- be b. 7 April, 10.55, Daniel b. 17 March. 1657, Sarah b. 12 March, 1658-9, John d. March 8, 1659. He d. 15 Nov. 1690. He made will 7 Nov. 1690, ae. about 70 years; prob. 25 of same month; beq. to son Daniel; to the ch. which dau. Mary R. had by her first hus- band John Herrick and her last husband Robert [Cue]; to daus. Martha, wife of John Gould, and Phebe, wife of Samuel Fisk; wife to have what was promised her by writing. BEDDOCKE, see Buddock. 381 BEDIAT, REDYATE, RIDDETT, KID- DET, RYDEAT, John, ae. 26, came in the Confidence in 1633, from Sutton Mandifield, Wilts, as ser- vant to Walter Hayne. Settled at Sudbury; propr. 1644; frm. May, 1645. Rem. to Marl- borough. [Arch. Eccles. I.] He m. 26 (6) 164.3, Anne Volt; ch. John b. 19 (2) 1644, Me- hitabel b. 26 (10) 164.5, Hannah b. 12 (2) 1648, Samuel b. 22 (8) d. 9 (9) 1653. BEDFEN, REDFYN, REDSEN, REDSYN, William, Cambridge, propr. 1642; sold 8 (7) 1640. REEVE, etc., cont. He m. April 15, 1045, Hannah Rowe. He rem. to Springfield. Propr. 1040; drummer, town oflScer. Ch. Hannah b. 11 (12) 1648, John b. 1651, d. 1652. He was bur. 5 (9) 1050. William, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638; before Es. Court 1640. REMICK, REMICKE, John, Boston, had grant allowed him at Muddy River 30 (10) 1639, for 4 heads. REDNAP, REDNAPE, REDKNAPP, Joseph, late of Hampton, co. Middle- sex, and citizen and cooper of London, came early to Lynn. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634; propr. before 1038. Juryman, 1038. He sold land called Blackbush, near Hampton Court, Mdx. CO. Eng., now in possession of his mother, Elizabetli Redlcnap, Oct. 26, 1640. [L.] [Suff. De. I, 99.] He deposed 30 (4) 1669, ae. between 70 and 80 years old. He was bur. Friday, Jan. 22, 1684-5; "a man of 110 years old." [S.] Made will 20 May, 1681, prob. at Boston 28 Oct. 1686, beq. to sons Nathaniel and Benjamin. REDMAN, Richard, before Gen. Court 3 ("■ 1639. Ransomed from the Indians, and discharged by the Court 4 Nov. 1646. Robert, Dorchester, propr.; his land adj. to that of some of Mrs. Stoughton's in 1(549. Rem. to Milton. He deposed in 1050, ae. about 45 years. [Arch. 38 B.] He d. 13 (11) 1078. Will dated 30 Dec. prob. 31 Jan. 1078, beq. to wife Luce; youngest son Charles and dau. Mercy; son Everinden and dau. Ruth, his wife; eldest son John; son-in-law William [Delene.] REEVE, REEVES, John, came in the Christian, March 16. 1634. Salem, propr. 1642. Jane, [his wife?] adm. chh. 23 (6) 1640. Margery, m. Francis Weston, at Ply- mouth, 1639. Thomas, servant of Henry Byley came iu the Bevis in May, 1638. Settled at Rox- bury; set free from the service of John Gore by the Gen. Court, 1644. Frm. May, 1645. REMINGTON, RIMINGTON, John, carpenter, Newliury, 1037; frm. May 22, 1038. Rem. to Rowley and was ap- pointed to train the company there 13 May, 1640. [Col. Rec] Lieut.; propr. 1643. Rem. to Roxbury; re-constructed the meeting- house in 1658. Propr. "Late inhabitant of Rowley, now of Roxbury," he sold land 1659-1602. Wife Elizabeth d. at Rowl. Oct. 24, 1058; he m. 2, Rhoda, widow of John Gore; she survived him and m. 3, Edward Porter. Son John, carpenter, propr. at Rovn. 1052, had large family; difficult to separate the two sets of children's births. Son Thom- as also res. at Rowl., and Jonathan at Cam- bridge at the death of the father. He d. at Rox. June 8, 1667. Admin, gr. to son Jonathan and John Steadman. RENNELL, see Reynolds, James, Plymouth, atba. 1043. RESKEW, RXJSKEW, William, Cambridge, appointed to make a pound, 1630. He m. widow Hester Must before March 24, 1635-6, when he sold a piece of land by her consent. [Camb. Propr. Rec] REVELL, Mr. John, one of the Adventurers of the Mass. Bay Co., came in the Jewell, in the fleet with Winthrop in 1630; returned with Capt. Peirce in the Lyon. [Du.] REW, REWE, Edward, Taunton, atba. 1643; town ofl5- cer 1647. He d. 26 July, 1678. Will dated July 18, prob. 30 Aug. 1678. Beq. all to wife Sarah. REX, see BIX. 382 BEYNEB, see BAYNER. BEYCBAFT, see Mayo. BEYNOLDS, BEINOLDS, BEIGNOLDS, BANOLDS, see Bennell, Henry, tailor, Salem. 1641. Adm. chU. 6 (1) 1653. His wife mentioned in 1648. [Es. Files.] With wife Sarah sold land in 1665. John, Watertown, propr., town officer 1635, frm. May 6, 1635. Richard, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. Sarah, came in the Elizabeth of Ips- wich April 30, 1634. Robert, shoemaker, Boston, adm. chh. 10 (6) 1634, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Sold land at Muddy River in 1645 and 1653. Wife Mary adm. chh. 4 (8) 1645. Will prob. July 27, 1659; wife Mary; son Nathaniel; dau. Ruth Whitney and her eldest son; dau. Tabitha Abda and her son Mat- thew; dau. Sardh Mason and her son Nath- aniel. [Reg. IX, 138.] William, Plymouth, one of the party with John Howland at Kennebeck, in the Hocking affair in 1634. Reed, land on Dux- bury side Feb. 6, 1637. Owned cattle in 1638. He m. 30 Aug. 1638, Alis Kitson. Sold land in 1640. William, Salem, adm. chh. 10 (3) 1640. BHODES, BOADS, BODES, Henry, Lynn, witness in court in 1647. Zachary, Rehoboth, propr. 1643, prop, frm. Plymouth Col. 4 June, 1645. BICE, BISE, BYCE, BYSE, Edmund, yeoman, Sudbury, propr. and selectman, 1039; frm. May 13, 1642. deputy 1643. Memb. of com. to convey lands at Whip Sufferage in 1657. He deposed 3 (2) 1656, ae. about 62 years. [Mdx. Files.] Rem. to Marlborough. Thomas, Samuel and Jo- seph B. were also petitioners for church priv- ileges there. [Arch. Eccl. 1.] Sold land to his sons Edward and Henry R. 20 Feb. 1654. Wife Tamazine d. 13 June, 1654. C'h. Ben- jamin b. 31 (3) 1640. He m. 1 March, 16.55. Mercy Brigham. He d. in May, 1663. Petition for division of (his estate was signed 16 (4) 1663. by widow BICE, etc., cont. Mercy, 8 elder and 2 younger children. [Mds. Files.] John, Dedham. Wife Ann; ch. John b. 26 (8) 1650, Mary b. 6 (7) 1652, barah b. 2 (4) 16.54, John b. 18 (6) 1656, Rachel b. 3 Sept. 1664. Philip, tailor, Boston, 1640; adm. chh. 21 (9) 1611. Admin, of his est. Feb. 3, i664, to Dea. R. Truesdale and Richard Tailor. [Reg. XIII, 338.] Richard, Cambridge, agreed to keep 100 c-ows for town 1 March, 1635; frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Concord. Deposed 21 (4) 1670, ae. 60 years. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. Eliza- beth b. at C. 27 (8) 1641, John b. 23 (12) 1643. He d. June 9, 1709, ae. nearly 100 years. Robert, Boston. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Joshua b. 14 (2) 1037, Nathaniel b. 1 (2) 1639, Patience b. and d. 1632. Widow —, -propr. at Sudbury, 16.39. She appears to be the person who m. Miles Tarne of Boston about 1652. See his will. BICHABD, BICHABDS, BICHi-o, David, Roxbury, a witness to deed of Joseph Wise in 16.50. Old Davy R. was bur. 1 (7) 1680. Edward, joiner, miller, Lynn, wtness in court in 1639. Lawsuit in 1046. He deposed in 1662, ae. about 40 years. He and his wife Ann wrote. 12 June, 1668, to their son Wil- liam R., living in Philadelphia or elsewhere, asking him to come liome and settle, as they were getting old; would give him half the place. They refer to other children, Daniel, Mary and Abigail. [Es. Prob.] Edward, shoemaker. Dedham. propr. 16.38, adm. chh. 17 (5) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641. Selectman. He m. 10 (7) 1638 Susan Hunting; she was adm. chh. 19 (11) 1644; ch. Mary b. 29 (7) 1639. John b. 1 (5) 1641, Dorcas b. 24 (7) 1643, d. 12 (8) 1648, Sarah b. 25 (3) 1651. He d. 25 (0), and his wife Susanna d. 9 (7) 1684. His will, attested 25 Sept. 1684, beq. to his wife; to sons John and Natlianiel R.; to son Builard and dau. Mary BuIIard; to son Hearsey; to gr. dau. Mary Gay. 383 BICHABD, etc., cont. George, called before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. John, laborer, Plymouth, had grant of land at Mannammet Jrond 5 Nov. 1638. Nathaniel, embarKed for N. E. June 22, 1632. Settled at Cambridge. Propr. 1633. Frm. Nov. 6, 1632. Mr. Thomas, one of the original colony of Dorchester, [Bl.] frm. May 18, 1630. Propr. Rem. about 1639 to Weymouth. [L.] Owned a mill in com. with Henry Waltham; in his absence, his wife Welthia (Welthianii,) adjusted partnership matters before Gen. Court 28 (11) 1640. Selectman, 1043. Willprob. 28 (11) 1650. Wife Welthian; sons John, James, Samuel Joseph and Ben- jamin; daus. Mary, Ann, Alice and Hannah. [Reg. VII, 232.] The dau. Hannah d. at Bos- ton 10 (9) 1651. The widow's vnU dated at Boston, 3 July, prob. 4 Nov. 1679, beq. to children John, James; to Thomas, Alice, Hannah, William, Mercy, John, Samuel, Melatiati, Mary and Sarah Bradford, children of William Bradford of Plymouth Colony and my daughter Alice, deceased; to Samuel, Thomas, Jr., Bathsheba and Mehetable Hinckley, Hannah Glover, Melatiah Croelser, Sarah Bacon and Mary Wiborne, ch. of Thomas Hinckley of Plym. Col. and my dau. Mary, dec: to Ephraim and John, sons of Ephraim Hunt and my late dau. Anne; to children of these grandchildren; to the poor of Boston; to Harvard College; to Sarah Lev- erett, widow of our late honored governor; to eai»h of the overseers of the will. William, Plymouth, taxed in 1G32. William, Weymouth, sold house and lands in Wey. and in Braintree 12 (2) 1648. William, his business with John Turner re- ferred to in Gen. Court 1 Sept. 1640. Wife Grace. Ch. James b. June 2, 1658, Benjamin b. May 19, 1660. Admin, on est. of W. R. of Wey., gr. 24 'April, 1683, to widow Mary for herself and children. RICHARDSON, RICHESON, RICHISSON, Amos, Boston, propr. 1645. Acct. of merchandise in Suff. De TI, 176. Admin, on est. of James Smith in 1653. Wife Mary adm. chh. 25 (10) 1647. Ch. Mary bapt 26 (10) 1647, John, ae. about 29 days, bapt. 26 384 RICHARDSON, etc., cont. (10) 1647, Amos bapt. 20 (11) 1649. ae. about 6 days, Stephen b. 14 (4) 1652, Cath.irine b. 6 Jan. 1654, Sarah b. 19 July, 1657, Samuel b. 18 Feb. 1659, Prudence b. Jan. 31, 1662. Edward, Newbury. Ch. Edward \>. 21 Dec. 1649, d. 25 March, 1655, Caleb b. 18 Aug. 1652, Ruth b. 23 Nov. 1655, Moses b. 4 April, 1658, Mary b. 2 Sept. 1660. He d. 14 Nov. 1685. Ezekiel, planter, Charlestown, memb. chh. with wife Susanna 1630, frm. May IS. 1631 ; deputy. One of the founders of the (re- organized) chh. at Charlestown, Nov. 14, 1632. Rem. to Woburn. Propr. 1640. Town officer. Oh. Phebe bapt. 3 (4) 1632, (m. Nov. 1, 1649, Henry Baldwin,) Theophilus bapt. 22 (10) 1633, Josiah bapt 7 (9) 1635, John bapt. 21 (5) 1638, d. 7 (11) 1642, Jonathan bapt. 13 (12) 1639. James bapt. 11 (5) 1641, Ruth b and d. 1643. He d. Oct. 21, 1647. Will prob. 1 (4) 164.S. Wife Susanna; .sons Theophilus, Josias aud James; dau. Phrtie; bros. Samuel and Thomas R. [Reg. VII, 172.] The wdow m. Henry Brooks. Deed made to her from Sam- uel R. 27 (1) 1651. [Char. Rec] George, ae. 30, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636; before Gen. Court 1 (10) 1640. George, of Wapping, mariner, bought 13 (3) 1639, and sold, per his attorney. May 1, 1641, 200 acres of land at Salem, lately in possession of Peter Palfrey. The Gen. Court ordered a trial of the case of the Dartmouth ship which he had, and which had recently been lost, 12 (9) 1644. Henry, carpenter, of Canterbury, Eng., came in the Hercules in March, 1634, with wife Mary, 5 children, and 1 servant. John, Woburn. The Gen. Oourt heard the testimony of Nelson Hutchinson, 13 Nov. 1644. that he had seen, within 12 months, the wife of John R., living in England; the Court, therefore, adjudged his last marriage with Elizabeth Frier to be void. Ruth, of EUzabeth R., b. at Wob. 31 (6) 1643. Samuel, yeoman, Charlestown, adm. chh. 8 (12) 1667, frm. May 2, 1638. Rem. to Woburn, 1640; town officer. With wife Joan- na brought suit again John Marble June 7, 1658. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. John bapt. 12 (9) RICHARDSON, etc., cont. loo9, Hannah b. and d. 1G42, Joseph b. 27 (5) lfrl3. Samuel b. May 22, KAA. !-< Aug. 15, 1649, Thomas b. Dec. 31, 1651, d. Sept. 27, 1C57. He d. suddenly March 23, 1657-8, leaving 4 sons and 2 daus., of whom the eldest John, was 19; Joseph, Samuel, — abotit 13, Stephen about 8. retition for settlement was filed after 3 years. [Mdx. Files.] Joanna, in will prob. 1677, beq. to these sons au.l to dau. Mary Mousall. Thomas, Oharlestown, frm. May 2, 1638. Rem. to Woburn, 1640; propr., town officer. Wife Mary adm. chh. 21 (12) 1635; ch. Mary bapt. 17 (9) 1638, (m. May 15, 1655, John Baldwin,) Sarah bapt. 22 (9) 1640, Isaac b. 24 (3) 1643, Thomas b. Oct. 4, 1645, Ruth b. April 14, 1647, Phebe b. Jan. 24, 1648, Nath- aniel b. Jan. 2, 1650. He d. Aug. 28, 1651. William, Newbury; Ms servant, Thomas Jones, freed from service 20 May, 1642. Ch. Sarah b. May 15, 1655. RICROFT, see R*croft RICKS, see Rix. RIDER, RYDER, Samuel, YarmoutTi, one of the frm. and proprs. of Yarmouth, 7 Jan. 1G38-9. Town officer; captain, reduce^d to ranks in 1654. He m. 23 Dec. 1656, Sarah Bartlett. Ch. Mary b. 6 Sept. 1647, Samuel b. 18 Nov. 1657. Will dated 20 Nov., prob. 2 March, 1679, beq. to wife Anne, sons Benjamin, Samuel, Zachary and Joseph, daus. Jane, Elizabeth and Mary. Thomas, came in the Hercules, April 16, 1034. Settled at Weymouth, rem. to Bos- ton. Wife Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Lane of Dorchester; ch. Elizabeth bapt. at Bo. 14 (8) 1649, Jacob bapt. 10 (6) 1651, Nathaniel bapt. 4 (10) 1653, Hannah b. 7 March, 1655. He d.; the widoTV, being left with 5 small children, the Court allowed her, 23 May, 1655, to sell a house at Doreh. Which had been left by her father to her and her chil- dren. RICKARD, RICKETT, RICARD, Giles, Sen., weaver, Plymouth, propr., frm. 7 Sept. 1641; juror, town officer. Brought suit at Salem 23 (4) 1645, concerning his ap- prentice boy, Henry Glass. Reed, letter of attorney for collection of a debt 13 (4) 1646. [A.] Samuel King was his son-in-law. His wife Judith d. Feb. 6, 1661-2; and he m. 20 May, 1602, Jone Tilson. He m. 25 Jan. 1669, Hannah Churchill, Sen. WMU dated 8 Jan. 1684, prob. 5 March, 1684- 5, beq. to wife Hannah; to gr. son John, son of dec. son John; gr. sons Gyles, and John, sons of Gyles, whom he made exec, and re- siduary legatee. The inv. of the widow Hannah's est. taken March 17, 1691, names articles at houses of her Ch. Joseph, Eleazer, John, William, and John Drew; things giv- en to gr. ch. Hannah Dotey and to Martha Dotey. Sarah. Plymouth, m. 16 May, 1640, George Pidcock. Thomas, Scituate, town officer, 1639-40. Will dated 14 Nov., prob. 8 June, 1648. Beq. to Thomas PinChin and others; to cozen Henry Borne. [Reg. IV, 283.] RIDDLESDEN, Marie, ae. 27. came Ellen in April, 1635. in the Susan and RIDGE, Mary, 1632-3. before the Gen. Court March 6- RICKDALE, see Rigdale. RIGBY, Jcyhn, Dorchester, propr. 1637, frm. IS May 1642. Wife Isabel also memb. chh.; ch. Elizabeth bapt 1 (3) 1638. Samuel bapt. 20 (8) 1640, Mehetable bapt. 3 (2) 1643, Abigail bapt. 22 (4) 1645. . He d in 1646. His widow Isabel signed an agreement of proprs. 2 (12) 1646-7. Inv. taken 16 (2), filed 9 (10) 1647. RIGDALE, RICKDALE, John, came in the Mayflower to Plym- outh- signed the Compact. Both he and his wife Alice d. in the first sickness in the next spring. [B.] AUce, memb. chh. of Dorches- ter before 1639. may be a relation. 3S5 BIGGS, Edward, Roxbury, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. He m. AprU 5, 1633, Elizabeth Koos; she d. Oct. 1635. He m. 2, Elizabeth — , who d. 2 (7) 1069. Ch. Lydia bur. Aug. 1G33, Elizalbeth bur. May, 1634, John bur. (8) 1634, Edward, Mary. He d. 5 (1) 1671. Will dated 2 Sept. 1070, prob. 6 (1) 1671-2; son Edward and his wife and children; dau. Mary Twitehell and her ch. Rachel and Haup; to Hannah Twitehell; gr. eh. Elizabeth Allen. EIGHT, see Wright. RING, RINGE, RINDGE, Andrew, Plymouth, son of widow Mary; propr. 2 Nov. 1640; atba. 1643; frm. 2 June, 1640; juror, 1650. He m. 23 April, 1640, Deborah, dau. of Stephen Hopkins. Will made 14 Dee. 1691, stridden in years; prob. 22 March, 1092-3; beq. to sons William and Eleazer; dans. Mary, Deborah and Su- sanna; .John, son of dau. Elizabeth Mayo, late of Eastham, and Mary, dau. of dau. Mary Morton. Daniel, fisherman, Ipswich, propr. 1048. Wife Mary [Kinsman.] Ch. Daniel, Mary, Susanna, Roger b. June 19, 1657, Sarah b. Aug. 7, 1059, Isaac. He d. Feb. 1661. Will prob. March 25, 1662. The widow m. before 1005, Uzzall Wardwell. and rem. to Bristol. The dau. Susanna had her uncle Robert Kinsman ap- pointed guardian in 1069. Widow Mary, Plymouth, made will Oct. 28. 1633. Beq. to son Andrew and dau. Elizabeth, wife of Stephen Dean. [Reg. IV, 34.] Robert, came as a servant of John San- ders, in 1638; settled at Salisbury; cooper. Propr.; frm. Oct. 9, 1640. He ret. to Eng. in 1643. Came back about 1050. Lost some .rights thereby in the town. [See suits in Norf., SuEf. and Supr. court files.] Carried on fishing business at Ring's Island. Wife Eliza- beth; ch. Hannah, (m. — Harrison.) Eliza- beth, (m. Nathaniel Griffin.) Martha h. Dec. 2. 1654. (m. Henry Trussell.) Jarvis b. Feb. 1657, John b. Feb. 27, 1661, Joseph, Robert. He d. Nov. 25. 1690. Will dated Jan. 23. 1687, prob. March 31, 1691, beq. to sons John, Joseph, Robert, and Jarvis; daus. Hannah Harrison, now in Eng., Elizabeth Griflfen 380 RING, etc., cont. and Martha Trueswell; to gr. ch. Elizabeth and Mariah Griffen, Sarah Trueswell and Jarvis Ring; to Will Cottle, son to Sarah, now wife of John Hale of Newbury, and to her dau. Joanna; to Rev. Thomas Wells and his son Titus. RIPLEY, William, weaver, from Lynn, Eng., came in 1638; settled at Hingham. Propr. 1638. He m. 2, Sept. 29, 1654, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Thaxter. He d. 20 (5) 1656. Will prob. Jan. 24, 1056- 7, beq. to sons John and Abraham. [Reg. VI, .354.] The widow m. 3, John Dwight. ROBBINS, ROBINS, see also Roberts and Robinson, Nicholas, shoemaker, Cambridge, propr., sold about 10.38. Rem. to Duxbury; bought land 4 Oct. 1038. Will prob. 4 (1) 1050. Wife Ann; children John, Ivatheren, Mary and Hannah. [Reg. IV, 319.] Richard, (on town records called Roberts,) Charlestown, with wife Rebecca adm. chh. 24 (3) 1640. Ch. John bapt. as of R. and R. "Robinson," 31 (.3) 1640. Rem. to Cambridge. Ch. John bapt. at Ohar. [Mi.], Samuel b. 22 (3) 1643; other ch. Nathaniel and Rebecca. His wife d. and he m. March 26, 1673. Elizabeth, widow of Gilbert Crack- bone. See deeds. Thomas, Duxbury, atba. 1043. Thomas, Salem, served a Court war- rant in 1641. Propr. 1650. He deposed March 29, 1675, ae. about 55 years. Will dated 18 April, 1680, prob. Suff. co. 18 Jan. 1688, and admin, gr. to Wm. and Re- becca Pinson. Beq. to cousin Wm. Pinson and his wife Rebecca; my sister's dau.; to wife Mary; to Wm. Trask, Jr. ROBERTS, ROBERT, see Robins, Hugh, Gloucester, witness in court, 1647. John, Roxbury, frm. May 22, 16.39. He d. 27 (9) 1651. Admin. Feb. 2, 1653. Bro. Samuel R. at Salisbury. [Reg. VH, 337, and IX, 142.] List of debts filed 22 (6) :rOBEBTS, etc., coat. BOBINSON etc., cout^ feSS, menti^^n 2 months' wages for service in Abraham. Sen., d. 23 Feb. 104o. the ship Goodfellow. ^nna, widow, meml). (Ah. Salem. 1637. Joseph, embarlied for N. E. June 22. Anthony, before the Gen. C!ourt (10) 1632. 1636. Nicholas. Cambridge, propr. 1635. -EWen, passed exam. April 11. 163T. to go Samuel, see Robins, Samuel. to N. E. Old mother Roberts, a Welsh woman, d. at Rox. 1 (T) 1645, in the 103d year of her age. Bdhert, Ipswich, was paid for service against the Indians in 1643. Sold house and land in 1658. Wife Susan consented. He deposed in 1659, ae. about 40; bad known of the Denison farm above 24 years. Inv. of his est. filed 29 Sept. 1663. Land at Chebacco. Thomas Plymouth, servant of Mr. At- wood. in Court in 1637 and 1640. Bought liouse and land 8 Jan. 1639; atba. 1643 at Marslifield. He m. 24 March. 1650, Mary Padducli of Plymouth. Thomas, (see Rodbard.) hatter Rox- bury. frm. May. 1645. Rem. to Houston in 1646 Wife Eunice adm. chh. Bo. lo (3) lt.47. Ch. Timothy b. 7 (6). bapt. 9 (6) 1(546. Eliza- beth bapt. 11 (4) 1648. Lydia bapt. 18 (3) 1651. Eunice b. 18 Aug. 1653. He d and the widow m. 22 (8) 1656. Moses Maverick. As admin, of her former hus- ■band's est. ^he sold certain lands March b. 1666. for the benefit of the four above- mentioned children. William, was assigned by Robert Lewes of Boston, carpenter, 16 (4) 1640. to John Crabtree. Of Weymouth in 1646. [Mdx. Files] WUliam. wine-coop, alias marmer, of Wapping, CO. Mdx.. Eng., sold land in Char. 18 (8) 1646; [Char, reel; and of ■Charlestown. sold one-half of his house to John Thomson 23 (3) 1648. [A.] Admin, of his est. was gr. 8 May. 1080, to Richard Way, cooper of Bositon. ^ROBINSON, ROBEBSON, ROBERTSON, see also Robins and Roberts, Abraham, fisherman. Cape Ann. Glou- cester, part owner of a boat in 1641; propr. before 1649. [L.] Abraham R.. "son-in-law" of William Brown of Gloc. under 21 years of Age in 1662. Was he not a son of this man? Isaac, son of the beloved pastor of the Pil-rim church at Scrooby and Leyden. Hol- land, came to N. E. in 1631. according to a note of Judge Sewall's conversation with him. He was b. in Leyden in 1610; res. at Plymouth a short time, but rem. to Scituate. Frm. 1633. Rem. with the chh. to BarnsUble in 1039; deputy, collector of excise, juror. He m June 27. 1636. Margaret, dau. of Egglin Hanford. Mr. Hatlierly's sister. She was bur June 13, 1649, and he m, a second wife whose name does not appear. Ch. Susannah bapt. Jan. 21, 1637-8. John bapt. April 5, 1640. Isaac bapt. Aug. 7. 1642, Feare bapt. Jan '>6 1644, (m. Isaac Baker,) Mercy bapt. July 4. 1647, Israel bapt. Oct. 5. 1651. Jacob bapt. May 15. 1653. Isaac, ae. 15. came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Settled at Lynn. Servant of Mr. Wood. In Court in 16.37. Jane, before Gen. Court 3 (10) 1639, re- garding her house. John, miUwright, Ipswich, propr. 1635- 1G39 Will dated 27 Feb. 1(^7. prob. 30 March, 1658. beq. to Alice, wife of Thomas Hewlett, and to Thomas Howlett. Jr. John, blacksmith. Haverhill, bought house and land of Joseph M">-y '^ l^;^' BouL-ht house and land in Exeter 20 (12) 1651. Residing in Hav. sold house and land there 5 Aug. 1651, wife Elizabeth joining. John, late servant to our bro. Newgate. Boston, had grant of a house-plot 28 (8) 1639. Perhaps he is the person caUed John Robert- sonne. to whom a lot was granted 27 (2) MO. It is not unlikely that he is the John Robison servant to Wm. Philips, wlio made will - June. 1653. prob. 9 June folg.. and beq. to his mother and sister in case they be alive and claim it; otherwise to W. P. and Robt. ffeild. John, Salem, propr.. memb. chh. 1639. Lawsuit in 1641. Witness. 1647. Will dated 22 Sept. Inv. taken by Elias 387 BOBINSON, etc., cont. Stileman and RicliaPd Prince 28 (9) 1653. Beq. to wife Eleanor for her life; then to the first one of his kindred that shall come to seek it; beq. to Elder Samuel Sharpe, and John Jackson of Boston. Robert, ae. 41, came in the Christian, March 16, 1634. Mr. Thomas, Roxbury, propr. about 1636; wife Silence memb. chh. Rem. to Bos- ton. Sold all his remaining right and inter- est in lands at Rox. 11 Nov. 1662. Thomas, mariner, Boston, sold the Speed- well to Thomas Witherley of Southwark, co. Surrey, 27 (5) 1640. [L.] Ch. Ephraim d. 22 Sept., and Samuel d. 16 Jan. 1661-2. He de- clined to admin, on est. of his son Samuel R., 28 Oct. 1662, and the trust devolved on his son John. [Reg. XII, 51.] He made his will 17 March, 1665, prob. 27 April, 1666. Beq. to wife; to ch. Thomas, James, Joseph and Mary R.; son John sup- posed to be in Eng. ; to bro. Joseph Rocke. [Reg. XV.] Peter Oliver and Joseph Rock, admins, petition Gen. Court for leave to sell a house and land in 1667. [Arch. 15 B.] Compare with following. Thomas, gentleman, Scituate, bought house and land in 1642. Com. of town, 1643. Acct. with widow Alice Thompson Sept. 2, 1640. [L.] Juryman 1644; took oath of fidel- ity 3 March, 1644-5; prop. frm. 4 June, 16.50. Bought hou.ses and land in Boston Aug. 29, 1654. He m. in Bo. 10 (11) 1652, Mary, dau. of John Cogan, and widow of John Woodey. She d. 26 Oct. 1661. He m. Elizabeth, widow of Richard Sherman, q. v. "Robinson, that lived at Little Walden- field, Eng.," came with wife and 6 children in company with Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, in 1636. Letter of Brampton Gurdon to Gov. Winthrop. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4 series, IV, 560.] William, husbandman, yeoman, Dor- chester, rented premises 30 (7) 1639. [L.] Frm. Dec. 27, 1642. With wife Margaret sold land Oct. 1664. He m. 2, Ursula, widow of Samuel Hosier, q. v. Ch. — , Samuel ■bapt. 14 (4) 1640, Increase bapt. 6 (1) 1642, Prudence bapt 17 (10) 1643, m. John Bridge of Roxbury,) Waiting bapt. 26 (2) 1646, (m. Joseph Penniman.) His will not dated, was prob. 31 July, 166S, EOBINSON, etc., cont. by consent of widow Ursula and ch. Samuel, and Increase R., John Bridge and Joseph Peniman; beq. to the ch. above-named and to his wife's dau. Mary Streeter. William, tailor, Salem, frm. May 18, 1642; propr. 1637; another grant to him and his son in 1649. Sold land in 1660. Wife Isabel memb. chh. 1637. Ch. Anna bapt 3 (10) 1637, Samuel bapt. 26 (10) 1639, Mary bapt. 12 (1) 1642-3, Timothy bapt. 28 (4) 1644, Mark b. and d. 1645, [certificate in Es. Files.] Hester bapt. 28 (3) 1654. Will dated Feb. 9, 1676-7, prob. 29 (9) 1678. Son Joseph at Barbadoes; sons Samuel and John execs.; dau. Sarah Newbury; gr. ch. Timothy R. ROCKE, Joseph, shop-keeper, merchant, Boston, probably a resident in 1(549, adm. chh. 18 (11) 1651, frm. May 26, 1652. He deposed 16 (9) 1670, ae. about 51 years. [Arch. 15 B.] He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Cogan, who wfls Bdm. to chh. with him; eh. Elizabeth b. 5 (12) 1651, Sarah b. Jan. 17, 1&52, d. 27 (4) 1654. Elizabeth bapt. 29 (11) 1653, Rebecca b. and d. 1655, John b. Nov. 2, 1656, Joseph b. Feb. 1, 1657, d. Sept. 10, 1660, Hannah, (m. 9 (8) 1657, James Breding.) Samuel b. May 17, 1662, Benjamin b. Sept 3, 1663, Elisha b. Feb. 16, 1666. The widow m. 2, Wiliam Clements. [SufC. De. IV. 225.] Thomas, Weymouth, servant to Ed- ward Smith, d. 15 (5) 1642. ROCKETT, John, Dorchester, propr. 1633; his land transferred to another in 1634. Richard, Dorchester, propr. 1633-1638; Braintree, had grant of land for 5 heads, 24 (12) 1639-40. He and his wife Agnes sold house and land, formerly of Zachary Bick- nell; Gen. Court gave decision upon it March 9, 1636-7. Ch. John b. 1 (10) 1641. ROCKWELL, William. Dorchester, probably one of the original church-colony; juryman Nov. 9, 1630; deacon; one of the leaders in granting lands to settlers. Rem. to Windsor, Conn., in 1636-7 with Mr. Warham and half of the- church. 388 BOCKWEIiL, cont. He d. 15 May, 1640. His widow Susanna thew Grant, q. v.. Cli. Joan b. April, 1625, (probably dau. of Bernard Capen of Dorches- ter, Eng., m. there 14 April, 1624,) m. 2, Mat- John b. 18 July, 1637. Samuel b. 28 March, 1631, Ruth b. Aug. 1633, (m. Christopher Huntington,) Joseiph, Sarah b. 21 July, 1638, (m. Walter Gaylord.) [Genealogy.] BOCKWOOD, see Beckett, Richard, Braintree. Inv. of his est. taken 7 (6), admin, gr. 15 (9) 1660; Elder Kingsley and Anne Koekett de- posed. Payment made to his dafter; another made for a cow that was killed by John Kockwood. Admin, of the est. of the widow Anne Rockwood was gr. 29 April, 1664, to Jolin Taylor that m. her dau. Phebe. Inv. taken at her decease, March 1, 1664. [Reg. X, 175, and XIII, 333.] BODBAED, Thomas, Boston, sold share in a house by his attorney 16 Dec. 1646. See Roberts, Thomas. BODES, see Bhodes. BOGEBS, Daniel, sawyer, Braintree sold land 14 (5) 1642. David, Braintree, had gr. of land 24 (12) 1639, for 2 heads. Ch. Ruth b. 3 (11 )1640. He d. 24 (7) 1642. BOGEBS, etc., cont. his N. E. parish, in the church way he be- lieved to be the purest in the whole world. Beq. to wife Mary; to nephew Mr. Samuel Stone of Conn.; to my consen, his son; dear bro. and feUow-servant, Mr. Philips; to his sometime servant Elizabeth Tenuey, ells Parratt; to niece Mrs. Mary Matosius of Maiden, Essex, Eng.; to niece, Mrs. Elizabeth C.ton, wife of the preacher of Rotterdam in Holland; to the wife of cousin Rogers of liil- lerica; books to Harvard coll.: to Ezekiel, son of the late Mr. Nathaniel Rogers of Ips- wich; to the church and town of Rowley for support of two teaching elders, conditioned on their election of an elder to fill a vacancy within 4 years after it occurs, the bequest to go to Harvard coll. in default of this condi- tion. [See Reg. V, 125, and XU. 158-188.] The widow Mary made will 22 July, 1678, prob. 1 April, 1679: beq. to cousins Thomas and Ann Nelson of Rowley: to Thomas Lam- bert; to Mr. Cobbitt. Philip Nelson, exec. James, ae. 20, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. John, Dedham, pioneer, 1636. App. to go upon the discovery of Charles river, 21 (7) 1638. Frm. May 17, 1637. He gave power of attorney 17 (7) 1639 to Arthur Draper and Daniel Rogers to receive money from Thomas Rogers. [L.] John, clothier, Watertown, son of Thomas Rogers of Moulsham in the parish of Chelms- ford, CO. Essex., sheomaker, dec, gave letter of attorney 16 (10) 1645. [A.] Rev. Ezekiel, b. in Wethersfleld, Eng., In 1590, son of Richard Rogers; B. A. ai Ben- nett's Coll., Cambridge, 1604, M. A. at Christ's Coll. 1608; settled at Rowley, Eng. Came with a colony to N. E. in 1637-8, and founded Rowley. Frra. May 23, 1639. Was installed pastor 10 (3) 1639. [W.] He m. 1, Joane Hartopp, dau.-in-law of Thomas Dam- pier of Stratford at Bow, gent., who beq. to her in his will 26 March, 1617; he m. 2, a dau. of Mr. John Wilson, who came with him to N. E. and was bur. 8 May 1649; he m. 3. Mary widow of Thomas Barker, 10 July. 1651; who was bur. 12 Feb. 1678-9. All his children died young. He d. Jan. 23, 1660-1. His will, dated 1( April, 1660, prob. 26 March, 1661, refers to his father Mr. Richard Rogers; and to his 17 years' pastorate at Rowley, Eng.; to his suspension and to his rest and comfort m John, Weymouth, propr. 1643; deacon, town officer. Ch. Lydia b. March 27, 1642. He d. Feb. 11, 1660-1. Will prob. April 13 folg., beq. to wife Judith; ch. Mary, wife of John Rane, Lydia, wife of Joseph White, Hannah, wife of Samuel Pratt, and Sarah R., under 18 years of age. John, and wife Priscilla (Dawse), dism. from chh. of Boston to that of Watertown 22 (9) 1640. He m. Nov. 3. 1053. Abigail Martin. Rem to Wenham; reed, to the chh. by letter from Wat. in 1654. Cli. (ree. at Wat.): John b 11 (7) 1641. Mary b. 26 (8) 1043. Abigail b. Jan. 21, 1655. He d. Dec. 22. 1674. ae. about 80 years. [Reg. XLI, 168.] John weaver, planter. Duxbury, taxed in 1632, frm. March 1, 1641-2. Town officer. 389 KOGERS, etc., cont. com., juror. Suit at law in 1639. [L.] He m. 16 April, 1639, Ann Churchman. Lived at Scituate about 1647. [Depos. of son John in 1699.] Rem. to Marshfleld. John R. of Marshfleld, Sen., will dated Feb. 1. 1660, prob. 5 June, 1661; wife Frances exec: sons John, Joseph, Timothy; daus. Ann (Hudson,) Mary, Abigail; gr. ch. George and Joihu Russell. John Hudson lived on his land at Namasakeeset. [Reg. VI, 93.] Joseph, came in the Mayflower to Plym- outh; had lands assigned in 1623; frm. 1633. Rem. to Duxbury. Allowed to keep a ferry over Jones' river, near his house, 2 March, 1635-6. He and his bro. John R. had grant of land 6 April, 1640. Rem. to Eastham; ap- pointed lieut. of the company at Nawsett in 1647. Ch. Sarah b. and d. 1C33, Joseph b. 19 July, 1635, Thomas b. Marcli 29, bapt. at Scituate May 6, 1638, Elizabeth b. 29 Sept. 1639, John b. 3 April, 1642, Mary b. 22 Sept. 1644, James b. 18 Oct. 1648, Hannah b. 8 Aug. 1652. His will dated 2 Jan., prob. 5 March, 1677-8, beq. to sons Thomas, John and James, daus. Elizabeth Higgins and Hannah R.; to wife. Beriab Higgens to have a share with the children because he had lived with him a great wliile, etc. Rev. Mr., a minister, brought in 1628 by Mr. Allerton to Plymouth for the people to hear, proved to be erased in his braine, and was sent back. [B.] [Mass Hist. Coll. 3-1.] Rev. Nathaniel, minister, b. about 1598 at Haverhill, Eng., son of Mr. John Rogers, the famous preacher of Dedham; grad. at Emanuel coll., Cambridge; preached at As- sington, Eng. Came thence to N. E. June, 1636, arriving here 17 Nov. 1636. [See letter of Brampton Gurdon to John Winthrop in Reg. XLI, 183.] Settled at Ipswich, where he was minister till his death, 3 July, 1655. He m. Margaret, dau. of Robert and Mary [Sparhawk] Crane of Great CoggeshaU, co. Essex; ch. Mary bapt. Feb. 1628, (m. Mr. William Hubbard, of Ipswich, N. E.), Jdhn b. 23 Jan. 1630, (became pres. of Harvard coll.;) Nathaniel b. 30 Sept. 1632, Samuel b. 16 Jan. 1634-5, Ezekiel, d. in N. E. 5 July, 1674. Timothy b. at Ips. 9 Nov. 1638. He d. July 3, 1655. His nunc, will was prob. 25 (7) 1655. Beq. to wife Margaret; to sons John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Timothy and R06EBS, etc., cont. Ezekiel; to dau. — money had been paid al- ready; to gr. ch. John, Nathaniel and Margar- et Hubbard; to cousin John Rogers; to Eliza- beth, Nathaniel, John and Mary, cli. of his cousin John Harris, of Rowley; to maid ser- yants Mary Quilter and Sarah Fillebrown; to Harvard coll. 5 li. The widow deposed, Mardi 30, 1665, ae. about 55 years; she d. 23 Jan. 1675. Robert, Boston, ae. 23 years, deposed Nov. 23, 1640, to a claim put forward by his kinsman, John R. of Agamenticus, ae. about 27 years, concerning goods lost in the ship Rose. [L.] He resided at Newbury. Bought part of Plum Island, flnal deeds of which are in Es. Files XI, 61-3. Susanna, widow, New- bury, made will 3 July, 1665, prob. Sept. 24, 1677; beq. to sons Robert, Thomas and John, and dau. Elizabetth. Simon, ae. 20, came in the Defence in July, 1635. Simon, Concord, wife Mary; d. 1 (6) 1640. Simon, tanner, cordwinder, Boston, adm. inhabitant 25 (5) 1642; bellmann 1653. With John Parker, sold land in Bo. June 16, 1649. Adm. chh. 10 (4) 1644. Wife Susan adm. chh. 10 (4) 1643; ch. Nathaniel b. 14 (11) 1642, bapt. 12 (1) 1643-4, Lydia b. 1 (10) 1645, Joha bapt. 23 (5) 1648, ae. about 5 days, Elizabeth bapt. 3 (6) 1651, Simon b. 28 April, 1654, Gamaliel b. 26 March, 1657, Joseph b. July 29, 1662 . Will dated 1 April, 1678, prob. 30 Jan. 1679, beq. to wife Susannah; to eldest son Gama- liel, son Joseph and dau. Elizabeth Rust. Thomas, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth, bringing his son Joseph; his other children came afterwards. He died in the first sickness, but his son Josepli was mar- ried and had 6 children; and the rest of his ch. were married and had many children (in 1650. [B.] Probably Joseph (foregoing) and John of Duxbury were his ch., but proof is incomplete. See Genealogy by Drummond. ROLFE, ROALFE, ROAFE, ROFFE, Barbary, ae. 20, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Daniel, (called Rofe, Rose and Rouse,) Ipswich, 1648, taxed in Rowley in 1650. He m. Hannah, (Anna) dau. of Humphrey Brad- street. 390 ROLFE, etc., cont. He (1. and iuv. of his est. was taken June 24, 1C54. The widow m. 2, Nicholas Holt. Henry, Newbury, propr. AVife Honour; ch. Anna, (m. 1, Thomas Blaucliard, 2, Rich- ard Gardner,) Hannah, (m. Richard Dole,) John, Benjamin. He d. 1 March, 1642-3. Will, dated 15 (12) 1G42, beq. to wife, eldest son John and Ocuer children under 21 years; brother John R., cousin John Sanders of Salisbury, and kins- man Thomas Whiteer. The widow Honour made nunc, will at the house of Thomas Blanchard in Charlestown; prob. at Ipswich 20 (12) llioO. Beq. to sons Benjamin and John, dan. Hannah Dole that lives at New- bury, and another dau.; to her 4 grand chil- dren; 3 pounds, ten shillings due her in Eng- land. John, husbandman, ae. 50, with wife Ann, dau. Hester, and servant Thomas Whit- tle, (Whittier,) ae. 18, came from Melehitt Parke, Eng., in the Confidence, April 11, 1638. Settled at Salisbury; propr. 1639-1652. He removed to Newbury. Will dated Feb. 4, prob. March 29, 16C4; beq. to dau. Hester, wife of John Sam.ers, and ber ch.; to Sai-ah, wife of William Cot- tell, and her ch. Sarah and Ann C in addi- tion to his former gifts to her; to gr. ch. Isaac, and Joseph Ring; to Elizabeth fenrop- Sflire and Esther Ring: to Thomas Whittier's ch.; to children at Newbury; to son, and to his ch. Marie and Rebecca; to Benjamin R's. sons John and Benjamin; to Ann, wife of Richard Gardner; to tlie 6 ch. of Richard Dole, whom he appoints exec. Oct. 22, 1668, claim was made for these legacies by Rich- ard Ring of Marlborough, Eng., and ".is ch. Joseph, Isaac and Esther R. and Elizabeth Shropshire; and they sent Joseph over to col- lect them. [Es. De.] KOMAN, John, Cambridge, d. 19 (10) 1638. EOMEBALL, see Rumball. BOODE, Thomas, Salem, in court, 1641; Boston, attorney for Nicholas Roe of Glasten in Somersetshire, yeoman, son of John Roe, dec. ROOK, James, Watertown. Mary b. May 5, 1646. Wife Honor; ch. BOOKMAN, John, ae. 45, with Elizabeth, ae. 31, and John, ae. 9, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. BOOS, Elizabeth, Rosbury, m. in 1633, Ed- ward Riggs. ROOT, BOOTS, BOOTES, Ralph, husbandman, ae. 50, with Mary, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Settled at Boston. He sold land estated upon his dau. Sarah by Edward Whitfield; deed confirmed by Gen Court Feb. 28, 1649. His wife Mary was adm. chh. 3 (12) 1638; she d. 15 (9) 1655. He, being stricken in age,, deeded his house and land March 14, 1659- 60, to his dau. Sarah, wife of James Bal- ston. His nunc, will was prob. JIarch 29, 1666. Beq. to son and dau. Balston; to dau. Jeane Buttell, and to dau. at Linn. [Reg. XV.] Joseph, of Great Chart, Eng., came In the Hercules in March, 1634. Settled at Sa- lem. Lawsuit, 1640. [Josiah?] adm. chh. 13 (6) 1648. Ch. Josiah, Bethiah, John and Susanna bapt. 24 (7) 1648, Thomas bapt. — 1650, Jonathan bapt. 28 (8) 1665. BOPEB, BOAPER, John, carpenter, ae. 26, from New Bueknam. Eng., with wife Alice, ae. 23, and children Alice and Elizabeth, passed exam. April 13, 1637, to go to N. E. Settled at Dedham. Frm. June 2, 1641. Propr. 11 (6) 1637. Wife Alice adm. chh. 13 (7) 1639. He rem. to Charlestown before 1649. Ch. b. here: Mary bapt. 22 (7) 1639, Rachel b. 18 (1) 1039, d. 16 (5) 1641, Hannah b. 5 (2) 1642. Ephraim and Benjamin b. 23 (12) 1644. Sa- rah, m. at Dedham April 18, 1669, James Maknab. [See William Allen.] Walter, carpenter, Ipswich, rem. to Topsfield; frm. May 13, 1642. Agent for William Payne in 1653. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 48 years. Will dated 15 July, prob. 28 Sept. 1680, beq. to wife Susan, son John and Nathaniel, daus. M.try, Elizabeth and Sarah, gr. ch. Elizabeth. Susan, Margaret, Rose and Sa- rah Sparkes and Elizabeth and Susan Dutch.. 391 BOOTEN, ROOTON, ROOTENS, Richard, Salem, propr. 1036. Lynn, propr. 1038. Katharine, [his wife?] adm. chh. 20 (5) 1651. He d. 20 (7) 1003. Will dated June 12, prob. 25 (9) 1603. Wife; kinsman Edmund R.; to Jonathan Hartshorne, if he continue with my wife; to pastor Mr. Whitiug; to Henry Rhodes and John Taylor. ROPES, ROAPES, ROPPS, George, servant to Mr. Garfoard, Sa- lem, before Gen. Court in 1636. Lawsuit, 1637. His time expired in 1638; he went to Eng.; was to have 20 acres of land on his return. Carpenter. Wife Mary adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642; ch. Jonathan bapt. 5 (4) 1642, Mary bapt. 3 (9) 1044, John bapt. 4 (5) 1047, William bapt. 26 (8) 1651, Abigail bapt. 29 (8) 1654, Samuel bapt. 15 (1) 1656-7. Admin, gr. to his widow Mary 3 (10) 1670. Ch. John and George Kopps, and John Nor- man. ROSCOE, see Ruskew. ROSE, see Row and Rolfe, Ezra, Ipswich, propr. 1648. George, Concord. He d. 20 (2) 1649. [Mdx. Files.] John, Watertown, propr. 1036; Cam- bridge, d. Dec. 12, 1040. BOSSITER, Bray, [Brian?] gent., physician. Dor- chester, came in the Mary and John in 1629- 30. Propr. Sold land to Wm. Hutchinson. [L.] Rem. to Windsor, Conn., where he wit- nessed a deed Sept. 12, 1647. [Sufif. De. I, 98.] Rem. to Guilford, Conn. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3-10.] Mr. Edward, one of the Assistants, came to N. E. in 1630. He d. before Nov. 29. 1630. [W.] His dau., widow Jane Hart, petitioned Gen. Court for aid in 1685, being 70 years old. [Reg. XXXIII, 242.] Hugh, Dorchester, had grant of land adjoining "Mr. Rosciter's ground," Feb. 10, 1634. ROtrSE, ROWSE, see Rowes, Faithful, sadler, Charlestown, adm. chh. 1 (5) 1643; frm. May 29, 1644. Town otHcer, 1046. Wife Suretrust, a sister of Dr. Comfort Starr, adm. chh. 30 (9) 1642; Mer- cie adm. chh. 9 (lOl 1643. He made will 9 April, 1664, prob. 21 June; beq. to wife; dau. Mercy Sweat; sister Mor- ley; Hannah Mainer now with me; to the church, the college and the Grammar school. The widow Suretrust d. .Tan. S. 1085, ae. about 86 years. Her will dated 20 (S) 167:^ prob. April 6, 1686, beq. to son-in-law John Sweat and dau. Marie his wife; to kins- women Elizabeth Fernside, Elizabeth, wife of Joshua Edmunds, Marie, wife of John Pell, and Elizabeth and Lydia. daus. of Sam- uel Hale; to James, son of kinsman James and Hanna Hayden; to Elizabeth F.'s 3 daus.; to John, son of Comfort Starr. George, Plymouth, had grant of land 3 Sept. 1038. George, Braintree, had graat of land for 5 heads 24 (12) 1039. Frm. May 13, 1040. George, (Rose,) Concord, d. 20 v3) 1649. John, Marshfield, servant to Thomas I'rence, transferred in 1634 to John Barnes; atba. 1043; propr. 1640. Had lie. to marry 7 Jan. 1038-9. Town officer 1045. Ch. Mary b. Aug. 10, 1040, John b. Sept. 28, 1643, Si- mon b. 14 June, 1645, George b. May 17, 1048. He d. Dec. 16, 1684. Will dated May 30, 1082, beq. to wife; ch. John, Simon, Mary, Anna and Elizabeth. Bro. William Pay- bodie one of the overseers. The court al- lowed the widow to take oath to the will and iuv. at home on account of her age and ^Neakuess. His widow Annis made will Nov. 10. 1687; prob. Sept. 12. 1688. Daus. Mary Price, Anna Holmes and Elizabeth Bourne; sons John and Simon Rows; servant Samuel Cornish. [Gen. Adv. I, 41.] ROW, ROWE, ROE, ROWES, see Rouse, Edward, Gloucester, propr. 1050. Hugh and John, brothers, [his sons?] made agree- ment in 1062. Elenor, widow, adm. chh. Boston 2 (10) 1043. Jane. Taunton, m. 23 March, 1639-40, Henry, from Platford, Eng. came in Thomas Gilbert. the James, April 5, 1635. 392 Additions and Corrections, 1902. REYNOLDS, William, removed to Cape Por- poise, Me. ; tooli oath of allcsiance 5 July 1653. Ferryman at Kcnnybiincke river, to have 3 pence a passenger. With wife Alice deede d land to son John April 12, 1675, conditional upon his care of the parents for their life-time. RICHMOND, Mr. John, a sea-captain trading on the coast of Maine, sued in court at Yorlv Feb. 7, 1636, for wages due for labor performed by a servant he had let out. Compare with the following. John, Senior, Taunton, died March 30, 1663- i, aged 70 years. Will dated 14 Dec. 1663; eldest son John and his son Thomas ; younger son Edward and his sou Edward; sou iu law William Paule aud Mary hU wife; son in law Edward Rew and Sarah his wife. [Reg. VII, 180.] KIDUI.!:SDEN, Marie; her age was 17, not 27, in ship list. ' daugh- was son of "John Robins of Thidingworth, Leicestershire, Eng." We find no further particulars of the Rox- bury man ; the death of his mother is given on page 387. ROBINSON, John, HaverhUl, gave a letter of attorney 17 (8) 1050, for collection of legacy left by his father John Robinson, blacksmith, of Mapersall, co. Bedford. [A.] He removed to Exeter, N. H. ; deposed 26 June, 1601, sb. about 45 years. [Pise, court flies.] died in 1675. Wife Elizabeth and son David survived. ROPER, Walter, resided at Hampton some- time; propr. in 1641; selectman, 1644; child Mary bapt. Aug. 22, 1641 ; sold house In 1647 and rem. to Topsfleld. ROYAL, William; it was Margaret Greene who was "second wife of Samuel Cole, of Boston." RING, widow Mary ; insert in her will ter Susan." RIS, RICKS, REX, William, weaver, planter, son of Robert, of Kenniughall, co. Norfolk, grocer, sold partimony 31 (6) 1640, to sister Elizabeth Waters, of K., widow. Contracted for the building of a house in Boston same day. [L ] Wife Grace adm. chh. 7 (1) 1646. Ch. Elisha b. 6 (6) 1645, bapt. 8 (1) 1G46. Mary b. 4 (1) 1646, Ezekiel b. 30 Nov. 1650, d. 17 (12) 1658, John, (admin, on estates of bro. Elisha and sister Mary in May, 1672,) Thomas, (part- ner with Johu R. and Andrew Newcomb in a house and land in Bo.) He d. 13 (9) 1657. ROBERTS, Hugh, Roxbury, adm. chh. Oct. 20, 1650; child -bapt. 23 (8) 1650. John, Roxbury ; Eliot's record says : " John Roberts he came to New England in the yeare (1636) he brought with him his aiged mother, wife aud seven children ; Thomas & Edward sons Elizabeth, Margery, Jones, Alee, Lidea, Ruth, Deborah, daughters, he was one of the first fruits of Wales y' came to N. E. calle to Christ by the ministry of y' Revend & worthy instrum' Mr. Wroth." The John Roberts who died in Boston and whose admin, is given on page 386 is a different person ; the brother to whom reference is made is Samuel Robins of Salisbury, who died be- tween 1665 and 1672, stating in his will that he (392 RUSSELL, John, Cambridge, clerk of writs, 1645. With John R. Jr. witnessed a deed of land 4 Nov. 1646. [Col. rec] It is claimed by certain eminent historians that he is the man who resided at Wethersfield, Conn., and lateral Hadley, Mass., where his son John (grad. Harv. Coll. 1645), was minister. If this be the case the Woburn man is a different person. The widow of tlie latter deposed 20 (8) 1680, iE. 66 years. Richard, merchant, " formerly of Bristol, Eng." [A.] His widow Mary, widow of Leon- ard Chester, made will 20 Nov. 1688, prob. Oct. 1, 1689; beq. to ch. Capt. John and Stephen Chester, of Wethersfield, Conn.; to Dorcas, wife of Rev. S. Whiting, of Billerica; tlie ch. of dec. dau. Prudence Russell, viz. Thomas, Mary and Prudence 11.; to Mary "my silver wine cup marked jj'^" "and to Prudence my silver plate with the Chesters arms on it " ; to sons in law James Russell and Capt. Richard Sprague. SALISBURY, SALSBERY, SALSBURY, S0LS3URY, William, Dorchester, 1648; one of the herdsmen of the town cattle ; rem. to Milton ; signed agreement of inhabitants about parsonage land 18 May, 1664. He deposed 12 (3) 1656, a;, about 34 years. [Arch. 38 B, p. 191-3.] 7 May, 1677, Susanna his widow was adm. to full com. iu Dorch. chh. ; she was dis- missed to Milton chh. 18 (7) 1681. Ch. Wil- a) 8^» Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. Additions and Corrections, 1902. liam b. 14 (6) 1659, Abigail, Elizabeth, Sus- anna b. 27 (2) 1C62; these four owned tlie cov- enant 1 (5) 1677; Samuel, Cornelius, Hannah and Joseph were bapt. same day. He died before 25 Anj;. 1675, when adminis- tration was granted to the wiihnv ; she d. about II Nov. 168i, when her eld. -.t sou William "of Swansey" was made acliu. of her estate and his father's. Signature to bond " William Salsbery." SANKEY, Robert, rem. to Saco, Me.; died before 1642. [Yorls Deeds.] SAVAGE, SAVIDGE, Henry, Haverhill, propr. 1644 : rem. to Portsmouth, N. H. SAUNDERS, Edward ; one of his name was agent for Capt. Francis Champernowne in New Hampshire in 1644. John, Ipswich, rem. to Hampton, N. H., afterwards to Wells, Me. SEDGWICK, Robert, mar. a dau. of Mr. Wil- liam and Dorothie Blaise, of Andover, Eng. ; reed, a legacy from Jane, widow of Richard Blake, and another from Mrs. Martha Blake, 6 (12) 1650; paid out of the latter 3 pounds to Mrs. Dorothie Smith. [A.] SHAW, Abraham, town officer before 1640. propr. 1644; removed to Portsmouth, N. H. SHEPARD, etc. John, carpenter, of Braintree, with wife Margaret, dau. of Henry Squire, late of Kinweston, near Somertou, in Somerset- shire, gave letter of attorney 25 (10) 1649 to John Adams of Concord to receive dues for lands lately in occupation of Jonathan Adams, living near Ballsberry, eo. Som. [A.] SHERMAN, see wills of English relations in Reg. L. and LI. SLEEPER, Thomas ; the land which he bought of Lawson is proved by the bounds given to be at Hampton. [Suff. De. 1, 61.] SMITH, John, of Hampton, afterward of Nan- tucket, made will 14 Feb. 1670; beq. to sons John and Samuel all his land on Nantucket, they to pay to their sisters Deborah and Abi- gail 5 pounds apiece ; land at " Martins Viue- yard" to son Philip not then in good health; wife Deborah executri.x, and friends Mr. Tho- mas Mayhew and Thomas Macy overseers. STEWARD, James, came in the Fortune to Plymouth in 1621 ; had land assigned in 1623. STILEMAN, Elias, Sen. was licensed inn- keeper at Salem 3 Sept. 1635. He transacted much business in lumber etc. at Piscataqua. See letters in Es. court files IX, 150-3. He d before Nov. 7, 1662, when theinv. of his estate was filed; his widow Juditli sued Rich. Hutch- inson in Nov. 1663 for her tliirds in certain laud which had been sold. ■■ Damaris Mans- field the daughter of our brother Stileman," was baptized at Salem March 30, 1663 TRe" XXVIII, 206 and LI, 346.] Richard, rem. to Portsmouth, N. H. about 1657; Jan. 1662, he deposed, 83. 51 years. [Es. flics]. Ch. Mary b. Jan. 6, 1657 (m. Nathaniel Fox), Elizabeth b. May 8. [1658] (m. John Jordan), Richard b. March 20, 1667-8. He d. Oct. II, 1678. STODDARD, Anthony, "the antientest shop- keeper in town." [S.] STONE, John, fisherman, mariner, was from Chidcocke, Dorset, and certificate of his health and that of his wife Joan was taken 25fl0) 1649. [A.] ' SWAYNE, Elizabeth, (p. 442,) came in the " Susan and Ellen." SYMONDS, SIMONS, Henry, was one of the members of "the church which was gathered at Lynn for Long Island." [L., P. D.] TAYLOR, George, Lynn, made will Dec. 20, 1665, prob. 31 March, 1668; beq. to wife Eliza- beth all except a legacy to servant Joseph Farr. TILLIE, TILLY, the Boston midwife here mentioned was Alice, wife of William. [Col. Bee. 11 May, 1647, and 2 and 4 May, 1649.] TINKHAM, TINCUM, Ephraim, had a land grant at Plymouth. Resided at Duxbury in 1647. TUTTELL, TUTTLE, Richard ; his widow m. 2d, Mr. Edward Holyoke, and sold property with him 8 Sept. 1648. [Suff. De. I, 142]. VASSALL, William, made his will 31 July, 1655, prob. 12 June, 1657. He was a son of John Vassall, gent., mariner, captain and owner of 2 ships in the fleet against the Armada, by his second wife, Anna Russell, and was born at Stepney, Mdx., 27 Aug. 1592. He m. Anna, dau. of George Kinge, of Cold Norton, co. Es. ; mar. license June 9, 1613. ^g°- Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. BO"W, etc., cont. "Mr. Owen Roe, of London, having house and lott and certain cattele among us, had a grant of 200 acres of land at Mt. Wollaston for the present releife of his cattell, and for him to injoy whenas he shall become an inhabitant amongst us, and not otherwise," 20 (4) 1636. William Leather- land, one of his servants, was adm. chh. In 1633. Robert, ae. 40, with wife Margery, ae. 40, and children John and Robert, ae. 15, Elizabeth, ae. 13, Mary, ae. 11, Samuel, ae. 9, Sarah, ae. 7, Daniel, ae. 3, and Dorcas, ae. 2, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. BOWELL, BOWHEEL, Thomas, carpenter, Salisbury, propr. 1639-1041. Rem. to Ipswich. Was employed to build a prison in 16.52. Rem. to Andover. First wife d., and he m. [2,] Margaret, wid- ow of Christopher Osgood; contracting, Feb. 24, 1650-1, to bring up her 2 sons and 2 daus. Ch. Valentine, (adult in 1646,) [and Jacob b. about 1660.] He d. about 8 May, 1662. Will dated Feb. 24, 1650-1, prob. Sept. 30, 1662. Second inv. made after the widow's death, June, 1681. BOWLAND, William, Plymouth, taxed in 1632; suit in court in 1040. BOWLANDSON, ROWLINGSON, ROLEN- SON, EAWLINSON, Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1637, frm. May 2, 1638, constable, 1645. Rem. to Lan- caster. He m. between 1644 and 1048 Bridg- et, widow of Robert Mussey, who survived Lim and m. 2, May, 31, 1059, Wm. Kerley, Sen.; she d. June 14, 1602. Ch. Thomas, Eliz- abeth, (m. Richard Wells,) Martha, (m. John Eaton,) Joseph. He d. Nov. 17, 1657. Inv. of his estate tak- en 27 (11) 1057; certain tools injured by be- ing lost at Charlestown by the sea-shore a long season; oxen at Salisbury. Mr. Joseph R., the son, deposed. BOWLEY, Henry, planter, Plymouth, taxed in 1032; frm. 1634. Rem. to Scituate, where he and his wife joined the chh. Jan. 8, 1634. Rem. to Barnstable; propr. 22 Jan. 1638-9. BOWLEY, cent. Town officer. Son Moses, ["Moyses?"] He m. Oct. 17, 1633, Ann, widow of Thomas Blossom. See will of William Palmer. He m. 2, 22 April, 1652, Elizabeth Fuller; ch. Mary b. 20 March, 1653, Moses b. 10 Nov. 1654, child d. 15 Aug. 1056, Shobal and Me- hitabel b. 11 Jan. 1660, Sarah b. 16 Sept. 1662, Aaron b. 1 May, 1666, John b. 22 Oct. 1667. BOWTON, BOOLTON, Richard, husbandman, ae. 30, with wife Ann, ae. 30, and child Edmund, ae. 6, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. The son Edmund d. at Lynn 4 March, 1674-5 He d. about 1083; a will dated 21 April, 1682, bequeathing to wife Mary, and adopted son Daniel Poole was not allowed; will dated Oct. 12, 1683, giving est. to Nathl. Felton, Sen. on condition of his caring for the wife Mary, was prob. 27 (9) 1683. BOYAL, ROYALL, BYALL, BLALL, William, cooper and cleaver of timber, engaged March 23. 1628, sent over by the Mass. Bay Co. to Salem. Res. at Caseo Bay in 1030. Royall's river in what is now Yar- mouth, Me. flowed by his house, and reed, his name. About 1675 he rem. to Dorches- ter, where he d. June 15, 1676. He m. Phebe, second wife of Samuel Cole of Boston, dau. of Margaret Greene, who survived him, and d. July 16, 1678. Ch. John, Samuel, Isaac, Joseph, Mary and Mehetabel. [Gen. by E. D. Harris in Reg. XXXIX, 348.] BOYCE, BOISE, Robert, Boston, memb. chh. 1632, frm. April 1, 1634. Ch. Joshua bapt. 16 (2; 1637, Nathaniel bapt. 24 (1) 1639. BOYLE, Gabriel, Plymouth, atba. 1643. EOYLEY, see Biley. BUCK, BUCKE, Mr. Thomas, came from Maiden, co. Essex, in April, 1638; made a list of goods brought with him, to which he deposed 19 July, 1639, ae. about 48 years. [L.] Set- Tied at Charlestown. His wife adm. chh. with him 5 (2) 1640; frm. 13 (2) 1040. Rem. to Salem. Propr., town officer. Rem. to Bos- ton. Was a draper, distiller, and inn-keeper. 393 BUCK, etc., cont. Had a house called the Swan in 1G51. Ch. Steplien bapt. at Salem. Son Thomas was lost at sea; will prob. June 26, 1653, beq. to bros. John and Samuel, of Sal., sister Joane Kalsoe, and to father Thomas. His will dated 7 Dee. 1062, prob. 1 May, 1668, beq. to wife Elizaljeth, ch. John, Sam- uel, .loane. wife of Henry Farnham and her son Thomas Swan. Admin, of the est. was gr. 3 (10) 1G70, to the widow. KUCKMAN, George, a creditor of Thos. Hampton of Sandwich in 1637. RUDDOCK, RUDDYK, Jolliff, Boston, merchant, attorney for John C'rabtree, 1647. [A.] He d. (7) 1C49. Inv. taken 12 (8) 1649. Admin, gr. to John R. [Reg. VII, 176.] John, yeoman, planter, Sudbury, propr. 1640, frm. May 13, 1640. He and his horse took Capt. Leverett to the Manhatos in 1653- 4. [Col. Rec] He was one of the com. to convey lands at Whip Sufferage in 1657. He deposed 4 (8) 1664, ae. about .55 years. [Mdx. Files.] Rem. to Marlborough. Will dated Jan. 28, prob. March 15, 1692-3, beq. to wife Rebecca; kinsmen John and Joseph Banester, Samuel Andrew, Jr. and Abigail, wife of Josiah Jones, Jr.; to the town a black broadcloth burying cloth; to his minister, Mr. William Brinsmeade, a chest that had belonged to his bro. Alex- ander B. RUGGLES, etc., cont. His widow petitioned, July 27, 1669, that her youngest son Samuel might have one half of the house, as her husband desired. [Reg. XXXI, 321.] JefCery, Boston, came from Sudbury, Eng.; had help from Mr. John Rogers in time of famine. He d. soon. [W.] Wife Margaret memb chh. 1630. John, Sen., Bo.ston, frm. July 3, 1632; built at Deer Island before 1641. Herds- man, 1643. Wife Frances memb. chh. 1630 He was memb. chh. in 1631. Ch. ae. 11 d in Jan. 1631. [Du.] John, shoemaker, ae. 44, with wife Barbara, ae. 30, and child John, ae. 2, came iu the Hopewell in April, 1635, from Nazing CO. Essex, Eng. Settled at Rosbury. Propr' His wife d. (11) 1036; he m. Margery Ham- mond, q. V. He d. 15 (7) 1658. Will prob. 30 Jan. 1663-4, names wife aiargery. son John, bro.-in-law Edward Bridge, and ser- vant Samuel Perry. [Reg. XII, 343.] RUGG, RUGS, Margery, before Gen. Court 30 April 1640. RUGGLES, RUGGLE, (ieorge, Boston, adm. to chh. (9) 1633; wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 2 (12) 1633; both dism. to chh. of Braintree 16 (12) 1639-40. Had house-i)lot in Bo. in 1636, and lauds at Br. in 1639. Frm. March 4, 1633-4. Sold land at Br. to the Iron Works Co. in Sept. 29, 164.5. Ch. Elizabeth bapt. 8 (10) 1633 (m. 24 (2) 1655, Wm. Browne,) Mary bapt. 3 (11) 1035. John bapt. 31 (10) 1637, George h. 5 (3) 1040, d. 1641, Rachel b. 15 (12) 104'> Samuel b. 3 (11) 1648, a dau. b. 16 (12) [ ]' Sarah b. 29 (7) [....], Mehetabel b. 16 (5) 1650. ^ ' 304 Thomas, elder bro. to John; children of a godly father: one of the Nazeing christians- came in the yeare 1637; his firstborn son d.* in Eng.; his second son John was brought over as a servant by Philip Eliot, and he brought two other children with him, Sa- rah and Samuel; Mary his wife approved herself a godly christian by a holy and blameless conversation. [E.] Settled at Koxbury. Propr. He d. Xov. 15, 1044. Will, dated 9 (9) 1644, gave to wife, sons John and Samuel, and dau. Sarah. [Reg. HI, 265.] His son John, Called John R., Jr., d. in 1658. [Reg. IX, 139.] See Lyon. His widow m. — Roote' and d. 14 (12) 1674-5, in her S9th year. RUM, George, ae. 25, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. RUMBALL, RUMBOLL, ROMEBALL, Daniel, Salem, propr. 1043. Named as cousin in the will of William Gilson of Scit- uate in 1639. Furnished the iron for the meeting house in 1647. Deposed iu 1681, ae. four score years and odd. Sarah, his wife, had laud in the right of George Nor- ton. HUMBALL, etc., cont. He iiiade a will 1 Oct. 1677; beq. to dau. Elizabi'tli Ricliartls; to son William; to dau. Wary aud her sons John and Ephraim Kemp- thon; to gr. ch. John R.; sons Richard Rich- ards and Ephraim Kempthon. He made another will 10 May, ICSl; beq. to the same in quite different proportions, which led the son AVilliam to oppose the prob. of this will. [Es. Files XXXYI, 111, etc.] Thomas, ae. 22, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1035. BUSH, Jasper, Dorchester. 1043, propr. ; frm. May 20, 1044. His wife Elizabeth and dau. Thankfnl d. (9) 10.57; he m. 2, 24 (1) 1664, Judith - . Ch. Preserved b. 24 (7) 1051, Eliz- abeth b. 24 (8) 1653, Thankful bapt. 1 (9) 1657. He d. 23 (12) 1008, ae. 58. Admin, gr. to his widow Juidith and son Preserved for herself and children. Preserved chose Wil- liam Sumner as his guardian and Elizabeth chose Samuel Thatcher, 30 (2) 1669. KUSCO, RUSKEW, [ROSCOE?]; William, husbandman, ae. 41, wife Re- becca, ae. 40. children Sarah, ae. 9, Marie, ae. 7, Samuel, ae. .5, and William, ae. 1, cert, from the parish of Billerica in Eng. came in the Increase in April, 163,5. Settled at Cambridge. Com. of Gen. Court 1635-6. He m. Hester, vridow of (Edward* Jluste: with whom he sold land at C. March 24, 1635-6. BUSS, John, Newbury. Rem. to Andover. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 50 years Ch. John b. 24 June, 1641, Mary b. 16 Feb. 1643. Will dated 7 Jan. 1091-2, prob. March 29, 1692, beq. to son John; to dau. Mary Foster and her dau. Hannah Astinn. BUSSELL, Elizabeth, adm. chh. Charlestown 21 (121 1634. George, ae. 19, came in the Elizabeth April 9, 16.35; settled at Hingham; propr. 1636. Rem. to Plymouth; a "midstead" granted him 3 April, 1637. Frm. Plym. Col. 3 June, 1657. Rem. to Scituate; atba. 1643. Was a miller. Ret. to Hingham. He m. Feb. 14. 1639, Jane, widow of [Philip] James; she d. Feb. 22, 1688, ae. about 83 BUSSELL, cont. years. [Gr. St.] Ch. [George, Samuel,] Mary b. April 1, 1641, (m. John Jacob,) Eliz- abeth b. Feb. 12, 1642, Martha b. Oct. 0, 1645, Patience, (m. Pertha Macvarloj. He d. 20 May, 1694, ae. 99 years. [Gr. St.] Henry, Weymouth, son of Thomas U. of Chalfont St. Gyles, co. Bucks, yeoman, d. Jlay 24, 1640; wife Jane; only child living, Elizabeth, ae. 10 years. Will dated L'S (11) 1039, was presented before Gov. 'ihouias Dudley Oct. 10, 1040; [L.] prob. 30 (10) 10i3. Beq. to wife; dau. Elizabeth and indentured servant John Comstocli. Jlr. John, Dorchester, propr. 1633. He d. Aug. 20, 1033. Admin, gr. by Gen. Court Sept. 3, 1033, to Wm. Gaylard aud Wm. Rockwell. He gave half of his est. to the church of Dorch.; the rest to his bros. Hen- ry R. and Thomas Hyatt; to his man he gave his time; mentioned gooduian Caping as one of the olde Dorch. people. John, planter, Marshfield, atba. 1643; frm. 5 June, 1644. Bought land in 1651. John, Barnstable, served against the Narragansetts in 1645. John, Dartmouth, (probably one or the other of the foregoing,) made will 19 Jan 1087-8, prob. 2 April, 1095; beq. to sons John and Jonathan and to gr. son John, son of Joseph. .Tohn, Cambridge, propr. 1035, frm. March 3, 1035-6. Town officer; clerk of the writs. Rem. to Woburn; propr. 1640. His wife Elizabeth d. Dec. 10, 1044; he m. May 13, 1645, Elizabeth Baker. Ch. Samuel (J. Dec. 1, 1667. He deposed 5 (2l 1071, ae. about 55 years. [Mdx. Files.] John R., "the Ana- baptist," d. 1 (4) 1676. [Mdx. Rec] [See Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-8.] Will dated 27 (3) 1676, beq. to wife Elizabeth, son .Tohn and dau. Mary Brooks. The widow d. Jan. 17, 1089-90. Final settle- ment of the estates by gr. son John. Nicholas, Lynn, living at the house of Thomas Pynion [Pinson.] in court, 1647. Ralph, Lynn, a witness in court, 1647. Richard, merchant, woolen-draper, Charlestown, with wife Maud adm. chh. 22 (3) 1641; frm. June 2, 1641; town officer. He bought cattle, etc. 1643; purchased property 395 RUSSELL, cont. at Pemaquid and other points along the coast. Had a "quantity of glass" consigned to him about 1C41. [A.] His wife Maud d. about 1652; and he m. Mary, widow of Leonard Chester, who was adm. chh. 21 (12) 1655; her dau. Prudence loaned money on mortg. to B. Barnard July 11, 1667. Ch. Katharine, (m. 29 (9) 1G54, William Boswell,) James b. 1 (8) 1640, bapt. 30 (3) 1641, Eliza- beth b. 12 (8) 1644, Daniel. He d. 14 (3) 1676. Will dated 29 (1) 1674, prob. 18 (3) 1676, beq. to wife Mary and her children, (see Chester;) to sons James and Daniel Russell; dans. Katharine, wife of Wm. Roswell, and Elizabeth, wife of Na- thaniel Graives; to sisters Elizabeth Corbett and Sarah Russell, widow, now living at Bristol; to sister Mary Newell, widow, and her sons John and Joseph N.; to James Carey; to the ch. of these persons; to Har- vard College; the church and town of Charlestown; several ministers; house ser- vants, etc. The widow d. Nov. 30, 1688, ae. about 80. William, carpenter, Cambridge, about 1636; propr. 1645. Wife Martha memb. chh.; ch. Joseph b. in England; about 10 years old when his mother joined here; [Mi.] Benja- min, John b. 11 (7) 1645, Martha, Philip, Wil- liam, Jason, Joyce bapt. May 13, 1660. Jo- seph deposed 30 (7) 1651, ae. 25 years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. Feb. 14, 1661. The widow m. before 1665 Humphrey Bredsha; she signed the BiUerica deed on behalf of her former hus- band W. R. RUST, Henry, glover, Boston. Rem. to Hing- ham; propr. 1635; frm. Jlarch, 1637-S; town clerk 1645. [Col. Rec] He res. in Bo. again, and bought house and land of widow Aw- drey Palmer March 11, 1652. RUTH, see Druse, Vincent, residence not stated, frm. May, 1645. RUTTER, [RUTOR?] John, ae. 22, servant of Peter Noyce, came in the Confidence April 24, 1638. Set- tled at Sudbury; propr. 1640. He contracted with the selectmen Feb. 17, 1642, to "sett, sawe, hew & frame" a house; [for the use of RUTTER, cont. the minister?] He m. Nov. 1, 1641, Eliza- beth Plimton; ch. Elizabeth b. 6 (8) 1642, John b. Feb. 9, 1645, Rebecca b. 28 (12) 1647. In 1675 Baptist Smedley had a gr. ch. Jablsh (Jabez) Rutor. RYDEAT, see Rediat. SABINE, SABIN, William, miller, Rehoboth, 164.3, frm. 3 June, 1657. First wife — ; he m. 2, Dec. 22, 1663, Martha Allen of Medfield; ch. Sam- uel, Elizabeth, Joseph b. 24 (4) 1645, Benja- min b. 3 (5) 1646, Nehemiah b. 28 (3) 1647, Experience b. 8 (6) 1648, (m. Aug. 20, 1672, Samuel Ballins,) [BuUen?] Mary b. 23 (5) 1652, (m. April, 1674, Nathaniel Allen,) Abi- gail b. 8 (9) 1653, Hannah b. 22 (10) 1654, (m. Nov. 10, 1673, Joseph Allen,) Patience b. last of 12 mo. 1655, Jeremiah b. 24 (1) 1657, Sarah b. 27 (7) 1660, (m. July 1, 1686, John Kiugsley,) James b. Jan. 1, 1664, John b. 27 (8) 1666, Hezekiah b. April 3, 1669, Noah b. March 4, 1671, Mehitabel b. May 16, 1673, Mary b. Sept. 8, 1675, Sarah b. Feb. 16, 1677, Margaret b. April 30, 1680. He was bur. Feb. 9, 1686-7. Will dated June 4, 1683, prob. SufC. July 17, 1687, beq. to wife; to children Samuel, Joseph, Benja- min, James, John, Hesekia, Noah, Experi- ence, Abigail, Hannah, Elizabeth, Patience, Mehetabel, Mary, Sarah and Margaret. [Gen- ealogy. Reg. XXVI, 52.] SACKETT, Simon, Cambridge, propr. 1633. He d. before Nov. 3, 1635, when admin, of his est. was gr. by the Gen. Court to his widow Isabel, who was a householder in February following. SADLER, Anthony, ae. 9, [19?] came as a servant with Stephen Kent in the Confidence, April, 1638. Shoemaker. Res. at Newbury until the settlement of Salisbury, where he set- tled. He m. Martha, dau. of John Cheney of N.; ch. Abiel b. 2 Nov. 1650. He was drowned 23 (2) 1650. The widow m. 2, Thomas Burlvby of Ipswich; was bur- ied Jan. 24, 1658. John, Plymouth, propr. frm. 2 March, 1640-1; rem. to Gloucester. Frm. May 19, 1642. Constable, and authorized to train men; selectman. 396 SADLER, cont. Mr. Richard, Lynn, propr. 1638; frm. March 14, 1G3S-9. Clerk of writs, 1641. Rem. to Reading; propr. 1644. SAFFIN, SAFFINE, Mr. John, merchant, Boston, propr., town otiicer. Timothy Hathei'ly and James Cudworth testitied 25 (10) 1657, that he lived in Seituate from the time he was 12 years old till about 1653; and was of good charac- ter during that time. [Midlsx. Files. Reg. XXI, 115.] He m. 2 Dec. 1658, Martha, dan. of Thomas Willett; ch. John d. Dec. 11, 16C1, John b. April 14, 1G62, Thomas b. March 18, 1664, Simon b. April 14, 1606, Josiah b. Jan. 31, 1667, Joseph b. Feb. 2, 1669, Benjamin b. June 15, 1672, Joseph b. Jan. 24, 1670, bapt. 12 (1) 1077. He deposed to the will of John Stebbin in 1081, ae. about 47 years. He m. 2, Elizabeth, widow of Peter Lidgett, whose will, dated 10 Feb. 1085-0, beqeathing to her son Charles Lidgett and dau. Usher, met with considerable opposition in 1087. He left a Diary, which is in the possession of a descendant. SAFFORD, Thomas, husbandman, Ipswich, propr. 1641. Bought farm of Henry Kingsbury 8 Feb. 1648. His win dated 20 Feb. 1066, prob. 26 March, 1007, gave his farm, etc. to son Jo- seph, on condition of his care of the father and mother and paying certain amounts to daus. Elizabeth, Mary and Abigail. Joseph deposed JLarch 29, 1692, ae. about 59 or 60 years, as to what he heard in Ips. 40 years before. One of the daus. had m. — "Kilum." SALE, SEAL, SEALE, SAYLE, SEALES, SEARL, see also Searl, Edward, Marblehead, his wife Mar- garet before Gen. Court in 1637. Edward, Weymouth, frm. Nov. 2, 1637; rem. to Rehoboth; propr. 1643-6. Returned to Wey. Ch. Ephraim bapt. at Hingham in May, 1638. Obediah b. at Wey. 26 (5) 1040, Nathaniel, Rebecca, (m. at Bo. 28 May, 1062, Jarrett Ingraham.) Marian, (m. at Reh. 10 (12) 1063, Wm. Carpenter. The wife, — d. at Reh. July 13, 1604. He d. at Wey. Inv. taken April 13. 1693. [See will of son Ephraim, prob. Jan. 29, 1090- 1, beq. to "aged father Mr. Edward Sale" and bros. and sisters; account of admin, gives names.] SALE, etc., cont. John, Charlestown, inhabitant, memb. chh. 1630. Was punished for theft April 1, 1633; was bound over to Mr. Coxeshall for 3 years, and his dau. Phebe was also bound to Mr. C. for 14 years. Ran away to the Indians, but came back Jan. 30, 1634-5. [Col. Rec. and W.] SALLOWES, SALLES, Michael, Salem, propr. 1635. Will dated 14 (9), prob. 31 (10) 1646. Sons Thomas, Robert, John, Samuel and Michael; dau. Martha; son-in-law Edward Wilson. See Wolf. The inv. of the est. of Grace S. was taken June 29, 1664. SALINOVAS, SCILLA NOVA, DESAL- LENOVA, DESALLENOBA, De SAL- INOVAS, Peter, Weymouth, consulted by the Gen. Court in Sept. 1635, about an expedi- tion against the French. [W.] His lands re- ferred to in deed of Waltham Dec. 12, 1637; made agrement with Mr. Waltham about a mill 27 (4) 1638. [L.] SALLY, SOLLY, Manus or Manes, Charlestown, adm. chh. 3 (3) 1647, frm. May 20, 1047; town offi- cer. Mary adm. chh. 9 (5) 1048. He m. Sa- rah Hepburn, [Wyman.] Ch. Rebecca b. 20 (8) 1040. He d. 4 (3) 1050. [Mdx. Files.] SALMON, SAMON, SAMMON, Daniel, Salem; lawsuits in 1639. Was one of the creditors of the Iron Works Co. in 1054. He deposed in 1600, ae. about 50 years; had been a servant of the I. W. un- der Mr. Gifford. His wife Margery a lega- tee in will of widow Axey in 1670. Thomas, a witness to deed in Boston in 1050. Admin, of his est. gr. at Northamp- ton March 29, 1076, to his widow Mary. SALTER, Sampson, of Caversham, [Faversham?] Eng. fisherman, came in the James in April, 1635. TheophUus, Ipswich, resident, IfrlS. Wife JIartha. [Es. Files, 1650.] William, fisherman, Boston, propr. 1635. Acted for Aug. Clement in sale of property in 1638. [L.] He deposed in 1055, ae. about 48 years. [Es. Files.] Wife Mary; ch. Peleg b. 15 (1) 1035, Elizabeth bapt. 26 397 SALTER, cont. (2) 1040, Mary b. 10 (6) 1042, Jabez bapt. 17 (0) 1046, ae. about 8 days, .Jabez b. (7) 1047 Mehetabel bapt. 30 (2) 1048, ae. about 4 days' John bapt. 8 (4) 1051, Elisha b. 7 March, 1654' d. 14 (7) 1655, Lydia b. 24 Blarch, 1057, Ann bapt. 22 (1) 16.57. Hannah m. in Bo. 4 (10) 1651, Nicholas Philips. Goodman Salter d. 25 March, 1608. His will dated 11 May, prob. 23 Nov. 1675, beq. to wife; to son Jabez. dau. Beck, dau. Mehit- able. son Jno. Inventory shows goods in shop, etc. SALTONSTALL, Sir Richard, linight, of Huntwick, Eng., came in the Arbella with Gov. Winthrop in 1630. Had been a stockholder and Assistant in the Mass. Bay Co. in Eng. since 102S. Was also one of the pattentees of Dover and Swampscott. He res. at Watertown. Was a signer of the church covenant at its organ- ization; frm. May 18, 1031. He took an im- portant share in the plans and movements of the colony. Deputy. Wrote a book, ad- verse to the Council, which was brought in- to court in 1042. Took high ground against the capture and murder of negroes in Guinea by Capt. Smith and Mr. Kesar in 1045. [W.] He returned to England and died there. Wife Grace, dau. of Robert Kaye, of Wood- some, Esq., d. before he came to N. E.; ch. Richard, Robert, Samuel, Henry, Rosamond, Grace came to N. E. The sons were active and influential citizens; the daus. returned to England. Second and third wives and other children recorded in Eng. See Gene- alogy. SAMSON, etc., cont. Henry, cousin of Edward Tillle and his wife, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth. Propr.; frm. Jan. 5, 103.5-6; volunteer for the Pequot war in 1037; com. of Court. He rem to Dux bury. Will dated 24 (10) 1684, prob. 5 March 1084-a, beq. to sons Stephen, John, James and Caleb, daus. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Sprout, Hannah, wife of Josias Holmes, dau now the wife of John Hanmore, Mary, wife of John bummers, Dorcas, wife of Thomas Bony. John, Marblehead. He was appr. with Richard Chadwell, shipwright, June, 1035. by Francis Toby of Rotherhith, Surrey, Eng. [L.] Attachment against the est. of ' John Saunders gr. to him by the Court 2 (1) 1640-1. He d. and admin, was gr. 28 (7) 1054, to AVilliam Samson. [Reg. VHI, 356.] Richard, tailor, ae. 28, came in the Eliz- abeth and Ann in May, 1635. Robert, a cousin of Gov. John Win- throp. embarked with him for N. E. in 1030. SAND- SAMOND, see Simmons, William, ae. 19, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1035. SAMS, SAMMES, SAMENS, .John, Koxlinry, bought lauds about (8) 1040 which passed into possession of Gov. Thomas Dudley in 1042. Thomas, Salem, Marblehead, 163S. Prosecuted for speaking to a maid servant and contracting marriage with her without leave of her master or mistress. [Es Court Rec] SAMSON, SAMPSON, Abraham, Duxbury, in court 4 Dec. 1638; propr. 1040; atba. 1043; town officer; frm. June, 1654. 398 SANBROOKE, SANDBROOKE, BROCK, SANDERBANT, John, an only sou, bro. to "Sarah, vour sister Feake's maid;" had lived .i year or two with an attorney; desired to spend his days in New Eng., and came from London to Gov. -^Mnthrop in 1633. apprenticed for 5 years; mentioned by Edward Howes in letter to J. Winthrop, Jr. [Mass. Hist Coll 4-0.] Thomas, Boston. Will dated 10 (3), prob. (12) 1649. Beq. to wife Elinor; to bro. William S.. sister Alice S. and cosen Samuel S.; to the poor members of the chh. of Bo.; to Jonathan Shrimpton; residue to cosen Mr. William P.vnsou. [Reg. VH. 227.] William Pynson of Woolverhampton, co. Stafford, gent., sent power of attorney 20 Dec. 1058, for the col- lection of this legacy. [Suff. De. Ill, 244.] SANDERS, SAUNDERS, SANDEN, SAN- DIN, SANDYN, Arthur, Salem, 1038; Marblehead. Lie. to keep an ordinary in 1640. He and his son witnesses in court in 1045. Admin, of his est. 25 (4) 1007. The widow Margaret made will Aug. 20, 1607, prob. 23 (5) 1075. To children of dec. son John, SANDERS, etc., cont. viz. Samuel aud Ephraim; to ch. of Nicholas Merritt by her dau. Mary, being 8 sons and a daughter. Edward, Watertown, sick at Piscata- qua when called to appear before Gen. Court at. Boston, 5 (1) 163S-9. Punished 19 Oct. 1654. Edward, Scituate, served against the Nar- ragansetts in 1645, may be the same. Daniel, Cambridge, d. Feb. 27, 1039-40. John, husbandman, ae. 25, from Lan- ford, Wilts, Eng., with wife Sarah and ser- vants Roger Easman, Wm. Cottle and Rob- ert [Ring,] came in the Confidence April 11, 1038. Was one of those allowed to begin the plantation at "Merrimack," Salisbury, G (7) 1038. Frm. May 13, 1040. Rem. to Newbury; town officer. Ret to Weeks in the parish of Downton, Wilts, England, 1G55; appointed his kinsman Richard Dole his at- torney for business in N. E. 9 May, 1074. He m. 12?] Hester, dau. of John Rolfe; ch. Hes- ter b. Sept. 5, 1039. John b. and d. 1041, Ruth b. Dec. 10, 1642, John b. Dee. 10, 1044, Sarah b. Aug. 20, 1040, Mary b. June 12, 1049, Abi- gail b. April 12, 1051, Joseph b. 1053, d 1054, Elizabeth b. 20 Jan. 1054. John, Salem, propr., frm. May 25, 1630. Of Marblehead in 1639. Deputy 1042. "Eliz- abeth Sanders, i. e. Kitchen," adm. chh. 10 (3) 1040. Ch. John bapt. 1 (9) 1040. Will Oct. 28, 1643; son John, under age; father Joseph Grafton; wife. John, Ipswich, propr. 1035; sold before 1039. John, chief of Mr. Weston's plantation at Weymouth in Feb., 1022-3. [B.] Marie, ae. 15, came in the Planter April 6, 1035. Martin, currier, ae. 40, wife Rachel, ae. 40, children Lea, ae. 10, Judith, ae. 8, and Martin, ae. 4, with servants Marie Ful- ler, ae. 17, Richard Smith, ae. 14, and Rich- ard Ridley, ae. 10, came in the Planter April 6, 1635. Settled at Braintree. Wife Rachel adm. chh. Boston 8 (9) 1635, dism. to chh. of Br. 16 (2) 1639. He deeded lands to his son John when about to marry Mary Monjoy; acknowledged 13 (6) 1657. His wife d. Sept. 15, 1051; he m. Elizabeth, widow of Roger Bancroft. SANDERS, etc., cont. He d. Aug. 4, 1058. The widow m. 3, John Bridge. An agreement, made between Eliz- abeth, John and Martin Saunders, and Fran- cis Eliot, all of Br., the widow and ch. of Martin S., late of Br., was signed 28 (7), and endorsed by Elizabeth Bridge, late widow of M. S., 7 (2) 1059. Robert, Cambridge, propr. 1639; town officer; frm. May 23, 1039. In partnership with H. Usher 10 (10) 104.5. [A.] Will dated 1 March, prob. 3 May, 1683, beq. to Christian Pelton for the care of him in his old age, and to his sons John, Hope- still and Samuel. Sylvester, book-binder, Boston, 1637. Tobiah, Lynn, in court in 1650. Tobias, Taunton, atba. 1643. William, carpenter, indebted to Mr. Belliugham and Mr. Gibbins, contracted to serve them 3 years 19 (10) 1636. [W.] One of the founders of Hampton 6 (7) 1638. SANDERSON, SATJNDERSON, Edward, Watertown, m. Oct. 15, 1645, Mary Eggleston; ch. Jonathan b. 15 (7) 1646. HeniT, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Robert, goldsmith, silversmith, Hamp- ton, 1038. Rem. to Watertown; deacon. Sold Hamp. lands in 1650. Rem. to Boston; part- ner of John Hull, the mint-master. Wife Lydia; second wife Mary, widow of John Cross. Ch. Mary bapt. Oct. 29, 1639, (m. James Peniman,) Joseph b. 1 (11) 1641, Ben- jamin bapt. 29 (5) 1649, Sarah bapt. 18 (11) 1051, Robert bapt. 22 (8) 1052, John d. Sept. 18, 1058. His wife Mary d. June 21, 1081, ae. 74 years. [Gr. St.] He m. 3, Elizabeth — , who d. Oct. 15, 1695, ae. about 78 years. [Gr. St.] He d. 7 Oct. 1093. Will prob. 20 Oct. beq. to wife Elizabeth; son Robert S. and dau. Anne West; gr. ch. Robert Darby, Mary Caswell, Joseph Jones, the ch. of Robert and Anna .and of James Peniman; gr. gr. dau. Abia Beard: son-in-law Richard West; brother Edward S.; Joseph, son of William S.; refers to house and land at Wat., had by former wife; kinsman Wm. Shattuck of Wat. The widow's will prob. 21 Nov. 1094, beq. to daus. Ann Beckford and Anna West; to 399 SANDERSON, etc., cont. Alice Beard, Mary Caswell, niece Alice Carl- ile and her dau. Elizabeth, cousin Francis Carlile, Jr.; to Mehitable and Mary, dau. of Thomas Lincoln, Joseph, Richard and Benja- min West; Mary and Lydia, daus. of Wm. Saunderson; gr. dau. Mary Caswell aud oth- ers. [Reg. LII, 23.] SANDS, SANDIS, SANDYES, Mr. Henry, Boston, dism. to the gath- ering of a church at Rowley 24 (9) 1639; frm. Oct. 6, 1640. Ret. to Bo. Gave letter of at- torney 5 (2) 1646. [A.] Assigned % of ship Welcome 3 (11) 1648. Wife Sibil adm. chh. with him 30 (10) 1638; eh. Deliverance bapt. 6 (11) 1638, John b. 28 (6) 1646, Deliverance b. (6) 1644, Mary d. 14 (8) 1654, Samuel b. 20 (4) 1640, d. 20 Feb. 1658, Mercy b. 24 (1) 1640. He d. in 1651; admin, gr. 30 (11) 1651; many names of creditors given in the pa- pers. [Reg. VII, 336.] The widow's servant, Hannah, dau. of — Ireson of Lynn, d. 5 (9) 1654. SANEOED, SANDFORD, SAMFORD, SAMFOARD, John, Boston, memb. chh. 1030, frm. April 3, 1632. Cannonier at the fort, 1634. Memb. of bridge committee, 1633. Wife — ; ch. John bapt. 26 (4) 1633, Eliphal, dau. bapt. 10 (10) 1637. Rem. to Rhode Island and was one of the signers of the constitution of that plantation 7 (1) 1637-8. Richard, laborer, planter, Boston, adm. chh. 30 (11) 1040, frm. June 2, 1641. Placed his son John apprentice with Joseph Armi- tage, tailor, 14 (11) 1640. [L.] John became a schoolmaster; d. in 1676; beq. to his bro. Robert S. and the ch. of Edward Turner. Wife Margery d. in 1G40. Dau. Mary m. 25 (8) 1G5G, Edward Turner. Son Thomas made will 10 Sept. 1681, inv. filed 7 Aug. 1083. Thomas, Dorchester, 1634, propr., frm. March 9, 163G-7. SANKEY, Robert, ae. 30, "sent away by Robert Cordell, goldsmith. Lombard street, Lon- don," came in the Increase April 14, 1635. SANTLEY, SANCLEY, John, ae. 34, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Settled at Cambridge; propr. 1635; sold before 1638. SANGER, SANGAR, Richard, ae. 18, came as servant of Edmund Goodenow in the Confidence, April, 1G38. Res. at Sudbury; propr. 1639; rem. to Watertown in 1649. Was a blacksmith. Wife Mary; eh. Mary b. 26 (7) 1650, Nathan- iel b. Feb. 14, 1651, John b. Sept. 6, 1657, Sarah b. March 31, 1G63, Richard b. Feb. 22, 1GG6-7, Elizabeth b. July 23, 1G69, David b. Dee. 21, 1671. He d. Aug. 20, 1691. He and his sons Na- thaniel and John guarded the mill at Wat. during King Philip's War. [Bond.] SAFE, Mary, ae. 12, came with the family of Thomas Oliver of Norwich, Eng. May 13, 1637. SARELL, see Sale and Searl. SARGENT, SARGEANT, SERGEANT, JIary, servant to Thomas Matson, d. in Braintree (8) 1641. William, late of Northampton, haber- dasher of hats, now of Charlestown in N. B. planter, and Sarah, his wife, late the wife of William Minshall of Whitchurch, Salop, Eng.; a certificate of their health was made Nov. 14, 1G39. [L.] Adm. chh. Char. 10 and 17 (1) 1G38-9. Rem. to Maiden, where he was an active citizen, deacon and lay-preach- er in the church. [J.] Rem. to Barnstable. Wife Sarah; ch. Elizabeth, Hannah, John bapt. 8 (10) 1639, Ruth b. 25 (8) 1642, Sam- uel b. 3 (1) 1644. He d. Dec. 16, 1682. Will dated 9 March, 1G79-80, prob. March 3. 1682-3, beq. to wife Sarah his bouse at Mai.; to sons John and Samuel and daus. Hannah Felch and Ruth Bourn; to gr. son Samuel Bill. The widow d. Jan. 12, 1688-9. Mr. William, seaman, one of the first to plant at "Agawam," or Ipswich, April 1, 1633. [Col. Rec] Frm. May 2, 1638. Also one of the first proprs. of Hampton, 6 (7) 1638. Propr. and res. of Salisbury, 1639- 1650; res. at Newbury in 1652. Ret. to Sails.; one of the founders of Amesbury. Made gift-deeds to sons Thomas and Wil- liam in 16G9. Theophilus Shatswell calls him brother. [He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Perkins;] he m. Sept. 18, 1670, Joanna, wid- 400 SARGENT, etc., cont. ow of Valentine Rowell, who survived him and m. Oct. 20, 1G7G, Richard Currier. Ch. Lydia, Mary, (m. Philip Challis,) Elizabeth d. Sept. 14, 1G41, Thomas b. June 11, 1643, William b. Jan. 2, 1G45, Elizabeth b. Nov. 22, 1G48, (m. Samuel Colby.) Sarah b. Feb. 29, 1651, (m. Orlando Bagley). His will dated March 24, lGTO-1, prob. April 1,3, 1675, beq. to ch. Thomas, William, Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah; gr. ch. William, Eliza- beth, Lydia. Mary and Thilip Watson Chal- lis; Dorothy and Elizabeth Colby and Wil- liam Sargent. Thomas and Sarah execs.; bro.-in-law Thomas Bradbury and friend Maj. Robert Pike overseers. William, Gloucester, propr. 164.5. He signed the mill agreement in 1664, and de- posed regarding it in 1694, ae. about 71 years. Wife Abigail; ch. William b. Aug. 16, 1658, Samuel b. May 22, 1661, Nathaniel b. and d. 1663, Abigail b. May 8, 1665, Na- thaniel b. 28 (3) 1671, Joseph b. 27 (1) 1675. Mary b. 24 (9) 1678. Inv. of his est. taken 25 May, 1711; admin, gr. to Daniel Sargent. SATCHWELL, see Shatswell. SAEY, Ralph, [Roxbury?] had leave from Gen. Court 22 May, 1639, to reside where his house was,— though above half a mile from the meeting-house. SAVAGE, Thomas, tailor, ae. 27, cert, from the parish of St. Albons. Eng., came in the Planter April 2, 1G35; settled at Boston; adm. chh. 3 (11) 1G35, frm. May 25, 1636. Became captain in militia. Rem. to R. I. in 1637, and was one of the signers of the constitution and purchasers of the land from the Indians. Sold property 12 (G) 1639; [L.] ret. to Bos- ton, in a short time. Signed inv. of Wm. Joice in 1648. Did a large business as a merchant. He deposed 26 (9) 1664, ae. about 57 years. [Es. Files X, 59.] He m. 1, Faith, dau. of William Hutchinson; ch. Abijah b. 1 (6) 1638, Thomas b. 28 (3) 1640, Hannah b. 28 (41 1643, (m. Oct. 26, 1660, Benjamin Gillam,) Ephraim b. 2 (5) 1645, Mary bapt. 6 (4) 1647, Dorithea bapt. 30 (10) 1649, Perez b. 17 (12) 1651. Faith d. 20 (12) 1651. He m. 2, 15 (7) 1652, Mary, dau. of Zachariah SAVAGE, cont. Symmes, pastor of Charlestown; ch. Sarah b. June 25, 1653, Richard bapt. 27 (6) 1654, d. 23 (7) 1655, Samuel b. Nov. 16, 1655, Sam- uel b. Aug. 22, d. 22 (6) 1657, Zachariah bapt. 4 (5) 1658, Ebenezer b. May 22, 1660, John b. Aug. 15, 1661, Benjamin bapt. 12 (8) 1662, Arthur b. Feb. 26, 1663, Elizabeth b. Nov. 8, 1667. Will prob. 23 Feb. 1681, devised to wife Mary; dans. Hannah Gillam, Mary Thatch- er, — Higginson, H. Dinnice; sons Thomas, Ephraim, Ebenezer, Benjamin and Perez; to the widow Hannah and son Thomas of dec. son Habia; to the four ch. of Mary Thatcher, and to Mary, dau. of dau. Higgin- son. SAVEL, SAVILL, William, joiner, Cambridge; account of work for Nathl. Eaton, 1641. [L.] Rem. to Braintree. Wife Hanna; ch. John b. 22 (2) 1642, Samuel b. 30 (8) 1643, Benjamin b. 28 (8) 1645, Hannah b. 11 (1) 1647, (m. (3) 1669, John Needam,) William b. 17 (5) 1650. His wife Hanna d. 14 (6) 1650; he m. 2, 6 (9) 1655, Sarah Gannitt; ch. Sarah b. 1 (8; 1654. He d. G (2) 1669. Will 19 Feb. 1668-9. Wife Sarah: sons John, Samuel, Benjamin and William; daus. Hannah and Sarah. Agree- ment made 14 June, 1669, between widow and sons; she to have all she brought their father. [Reg. XLVHI, 323.] SAVORY, Anthony, Plymouth, frm. 1633. John, a servant of Walter Merry, ship- wright, Boston, in 1640. [L.] Thomas, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4; settled at Plymouth; one of the party at Kennebec, in the Hocking affair in 1634. In Plym. Court 5 Oct. 1636. Marshall, 1652. Before Gen. Court at Bos- ton in 1G38 and 1640. Sold a house about IG Sept. 1641. Suit for a canoe. Plym. Court, 1646. He rec'd beq. from Timothy Hath- erly, his employer, in 1644. He placed his son Thomas, ae. 5 years, apprentice to Thomas Lettice, carpenter, 2 Aug. 1653, and Benjamin, ae. 9 years, with John Shaw 3 Nov. 1G53. Ch. Moses b. 22 Jan. 1649, d. 9 June, 1650, Samuel b. 4 June, 1651, Jonathan b. 4 March, 1652, Mara b. 7 April, 1654. Wife Annis. 401 SAVOBY, cont. Will dated April, 1674, prob. 7 March, 1670, beq. all to wife Anne, she to consider son Aaron at her decease. She deeded in 1677-8 to sons Anthony and Aaron, land her husband obtained of their bro.-in-law Sam- uel Eddy. [Genealogy, Reg. XLI, 369.] William, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633. SAWEN, SAWIN, SAWIBTG, John, cordwiuder, Watertown, frm. May 26, 1652. A son of Robert Sawin, late of Boxford, CO. of Suff. Eng. He sold Oct. 12, 1651, to Samuel Groome of Langham, Essex, [Eng.] shipwright, his house and garden in Boxford; reserving the rights of his bro.'s wife, promising to give in addition a deed from his wife if desired. Legatee of Edward Skinner of Cambridge in 1641. Wife Abigail, [dau. of George Munning;] ch. Mun- ning b. 14 (2) 1655, Thomas b. Sept. 27, 1657. Inv. talien 1 Oct. 1690; admin, gr. to his sous John and Munning S. SAWKYNN, William, ae. 25, came in the Defense in July. 1635. SAWFORD, Elizabeth, Charlestown, adm. chh. 28 (11) 1641. SAWTELL, SARETELL, SATELL, Richard, Watertown, propr. 1636. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 1 (3) 1640, Jona- than b. 24 (6) 1039, Mary b. 19 (9) 1040, Han- nah b. 10 (10) 1642, Zeehariah b. 26 (5) 1643. Rem. to Groton; town clerk. He d. Aug. 2, 1094. His wife d. Oct. 18 1694. Thomas, Boston, one of our Teacher's servants, adm. chh. 17 (2) 1647; frm. May 2, 1649. Will, written by Mr. John Wilson, prob. 18 (9) 1651. To Mai-y Wilson, dau. of the minister; to his bro. Richard Sattell and to Richard's eldest son; to his bro. and sister Kenricke at Muddy River. Admin, gr. to Richard Sautell. [Reg. IV, 286, and XXX, 204.] SAYER, SAYERS, SAYRE, SAYRES, SAY, SAYS, SEGABS, Elizabeth, and Mary came from Hing- ham, Eng., in 1638, and settled in Hingham. James, tailor, of Northbourn, Eng., came in the Hercules of Sandwich, in March, 1034. Job, Lynn, propr. in 1038 of 00 acres at Rumney Marsh. [Suff. De. I, 55.] Rem. to Southampton, L. I. Deposed 16 May, 1041, ae. 28 yrs.; b. in Bretfortshier, [Bedford- shire.] Thomas, Lynn, propr., frm. May 22, 1638. Rem. to Southampton, L. I. in 1640. SAWYER, SAYER, SAYERS, SAIER, SAWEB, SAYWABD, Edmund, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Edward, Rowley, propr. before 1645; deposed in 1668, ae. about 60 years. Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. and d. 1645, John b. 17 (7) 1647. He was bur. 9 March, 1673; nunc, will prob. 31 March, 1674. Henry, millwright, Salisbury, propr., reed, grant of land with Abraham Morrill for a corn mill in 1641. Thomas, yeoman, Lancaster, propr. 1648; town oflBcer, 1652. He m.[in 1648] Mary [Pres- cott.] Ch. Thomas b. 2 (5) 1649, Ephraim b. 16 (11) 1650, Marie b. 4 (11) 1652, Joshua b. 13 (1) 1655, James b. 22 (1) 1657, Caleb b. 22 (2) 1059. Will dated 6 March, 1705-0, prob. April 12, 1720, beq. to wife Mary, sons Thomas, Josh- ua, James, Caleb and Nathaniel, and dau. Mary Wilder. The latter testified that she had her father and mother during 8 or 9 months while her bro. Thomas was in cap- tivity. William, Salem, propr. 1042. Rem. to Newbury. Sold house and lot March 24, 1048. Wife Ruth; ch. John b. 24 Aug. 1045, Samuel b. 22 Nov. 1046. Ruth b. 16 Sept. 1048, Mary b. 7 Feb. 1649, d. June 24, 1059, Hannah b. and d. 1059, Frances b. 1658, d. 1659, Mary b. 29 July, 1600, Stephen b. 25 April, 1663, Hannah b. 11 Jan. 1664, d. Aug. 1, 1683, Francis b. 3 Nov. 1070. 402 SAXTON, see Sexton, TLouias, miller, inn-holder, Boston, 1644. Wife Luce; ch. Mary b. 2 (11; 1G44, Joliu b. li!) June, 1G47. lie m. 2, 10 (1) 1051, Ann Atwood, widow; cli. Samuel b. S Oct. 1G53, Joseph bapt. 11 (3) 1050, Natlianiel b. Nov. 29, 1058, Elizabeth b. June 8, 1001, (m. at Chelmsford May 8, 1078, Josiah, son of Capt. James Parlier). The wife Ann d. 23 June, 1001. Third wife Mary; ch. Benjamin b. May 18. 1004, Mary b. Jan. 0, 1005, Moses b. May 31, 1009. With wife Mary he mortg. laud in 1074. Will of Thomas Saxton, Sen. of Boston, inn-holder, dated 11 May, 1070, prob. 2 Dec. 1080, beq. to wife Mary and children. Inv. mentions money to his son Thomas S.'s re- lict. SCADDING, William, Scituate, witness and apprais- er to will of John Bryant, 1038. SCALES, SCAILS, William, Rowley, prop. frm. May 13, 1040. LJohn, James, Susanna, were they his children?] He was bur. July 10, 1682. SCARBARBOW, SCARBROW, SCARBOR- OUGH, John, Roxbury, frm. May 13, 1040; his wife Mary adm. chh. about the same time. Ch. John b. and d. in 1642, Hannah bapt. Dec. 3, 1643, Samuel b. Jan. 20, 1045. He was slaine by charging a great gunne, June 9, 1640. Inv. filed 17 (12) 10.50. [Reg. VIII, 50.] His widow m. 2, Oct. 1, 1047, Philip Torrey. [Court Rec. 4 (9) 1040.] SCARLET, Anue, widow, Salem, member chh. and propr. 163(5; d. 28 (12) 1639; will prob. (11) 1042. Bro. Samuel Scarlet in old Eng.; her three ch. Mary, Margaret and Joseph; sis- ter Dennice; bro. James [Hindes] and his wife; bro. Joseph Grafton. Margaret adm. chh. 27 (12) 1642. Jane, widow, mother of Edward Ben- dall, adm. chh. Boston, (10) 1635. John, mariner, Boston, 1640. Occupied a house and brew-house of Edward Ben- gali's in 1653. Bought land April 24, 1058. Wife Thomasine adm. chh. 2 (2) 1054; ch. Mary and Jane b. Sept. 21, 1653. SCARLET, cont. Will dated Feb. 16, prob. 21 March, 1C87-8. To wife; to dau. Thomasine Taylor; to gr. son James Fryer. Robert, servant of Benjamin Felton, in Court in 1635 and 1636. Samuel, Boston, mariner, a witness in 1645 to James Smith's sale; deposed July 30, 1663, ae. about 43 years. His wife Mary (Ellis) Scarlet had house in Boston from her uncle, Maj. Gen. Edward Gibbons, in 164D. [Suff. De. II, 172.] His will dated April 22, prob. 16 May, 1675, beq. his very large property to his wife; to ffreegrace Bendall; Love Proute and her heirs; .Terusha Rae and her heirs; to Hope- for and Ephraim Bendall; Maiy, Thomasine, Betty and .lane Scarlett; to his brother's 3 daughters; to John Feal^e, Jr.; to the second church in Boston; to Harvard College; and to the poor of the town of Kersy in Suffolk in old England, the place of his nativity. Final division made by the trustees 30 Jan. 1679. SCHOFIELD, SCOFIELD, Richard, ae. 23. came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1035; settled at Ipswich; leather-dresser; bought house and land in 1640. Sold 2 (5) 1643. Wife Mary. SCHOTJLER, William, Merrimack, near Newbury, a vintner, from London. For murder of Mary Sholy, sentenced to be hung 19 (7) 1037. SCOBELL, John, carpenter, Boston, brought suit against John Holland for work done, 10 (1) 1640. [L.] SCOLLARD, SCULLARD, SKTILLARD, Samuel, Newbury, 1637. One of the original grantees of Hampton. 1638; but did not go to reside. He m. Rebecca, [dau. of Richard Keut.] Ch. Mary b. 9 Jan. 1641, Re- bekah b. 4 Feb. d. 6 March, 1643, Sarah b. 18 June, 1645, Martha d. 6 March, 1645. He d. in April, 1647. Will dated 27 (1) prob. 28 (7) 1647; beq. to wife and daus. Ma- ry and Sarah; provision for expected son. The widow m. John Bishop. 403 SCOATES, see Scott and Scotto, Thomas, of Saruin, came in the James April 5, 1635. SCOTT, Benjaniin, Cambridge. Wife Mai-y; ch. Joseph b. 14 (15) 1644, Benjamin b. 5 (5) 1645. Wife Margaret; ch. John b. 2 (5) 1648. Is Benjamin of Rowley, 1G62, the same? Will dated June 6, prob. Sept. 26, 1671. His widow Margaret was executed for witch- craft in Salem 22 Sept. 1693. Benjamin, Braintree, 1643. Wife Han- nah; ch. Hannali, (m. Christopher Webb 18 (11) 1654,) John b. 25 (10) 1640, Peter b. 6 March, 1643, Benjamin, (d. 1683; beq to Ben- jamin, son of his bro. Peter S., and to the eh. of his bro. Chr. Webb). He d., and the widow Hannah m. 21 (7) 1647, John Harbor, who gave bonds for the payments of the children's portions. John, Charlestown, adm. chh. 17 (2) 1642, frm. May 22, 1639. Constable, 1658; deposed, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] Will dated 9 Nov. 1681, prob. April 4, 1682, beq. to William Wilson and his wife Remem- ber, their son William; to the ch. of Edward Wilson. John, servant to Lawrence Southwick, of Salem; his time extended by Gen. Court 10 May, 1648. Richard, shoemakei", Boston, adm. chh. 28 (6) 1634. [See Newport records.] Is he the man who m. a sister of Mrs. Hutchin- son and was re-bapt. by Williams, the wife by Holyman, in 1638? [W.] He reed. beq. from his bro. George Scott, of London, mer- chant, in will dated 9 Sept. 1640, prob. 22 April, 1642; in which reference is made to their father Edward Scott, of Gleuisford, CO. Suffolk, clothier. [Reg. LI, 254.] Robert, late servant to John Sampford, was adm. chh. Boston 15 (10) 1633; merchant, haberdasher, 1639, [L.] frm. May 10, 1643. Bought i/o of the bark Bride 18 (9) 1648. Was a partner of Robert Harding at one time. His wife Elizabeth was adm. chh. 10 (12) 1638. She deposed 4 Dee. 1663, ae. about 47, that she knew Robert Smith about 26 year.? ago. [See Smith.] Ch. Nathaniel bapt. 19 (6) 1638, Elizabeth b. 10 (10) 1640, Mary b. 28 (12) 1642, Mary bapt. 5 (1) 1643, ae. about 6 days, John b. and d. 1645, John bapt. 16 SCOTT, cent. (6) 1646, ae. about 20 days, Samuel bapt. 1 (6) 1647, ae. about 4 days, John bapt. 6 (3> 1649. ae. about 15 days, Joseph bapt. 9 (4> 1650, Redemption b. March 2, 1653, Deliv- ernnce bapt. 6 (1) 1653, Eleazer b. 18 Julv 1654. Admin, gr. to widow Elizabeth March 24, 1053. [Reg. VIII, 276.] She m. 2, John Sweete. 1042. Eoger, before Es. grand jury 14 (10> 404 Thomas, ae. 40, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 40, and ch. Thomas, ae. 11, and Elizabeth, ae. 9, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1635. Martha Scott, ae. 60, came In the same ship. He settled at Cambridge; propr. 1633, frm. March 4, 1634-5. Rem. to Ips- wich; propr. 1635; town officer. 1653. He was a son of Henry Skott of Rattlesden, Suf- folk, yeoman, and his wife Martha; the fath- er d. in 1624, and the widow came as above; her dau. Ursula, wife of Richard Kembold or Kimball, came in the same ship [Reg LII, 248.] M'ill dated 8 March, 1653-4, prob. 28 (1> 1654, beq. to sou Thomas; dans. Elizabeth, Abigail. Hannah, Sarah and Mary. Bros! Richard Kimball," Thomas Rowlinson. Sen. and Edmund Bridges, execs. His son Thom- as S., of Stamford, Conn, sold land in Ips. by his agent Rich. K. 31 Jan. 1654. He paid legacy of his father to his sister Hannah, wife of Edmund Lock wood, of Stamford, 15 March, [1667. ] After his death, in 1683, his sis- ters Abigail, wife of Haniel Boswortb, and Elizabeth Spofford, with Thomas Patch, pe- titioned for re-admin, of the est. of their father. [Es. Files 41, 71.] The widow m. Jlr. Ezekiel Rogers; made will at Boston, June 22, 1678, prob. 2 (6) 1678, beq. to son and dau. Snelling's children and dau. Mar- tha R. SCOTTO, SCOTTON, [see Cobbett,] Joshua, merchant, Boston, adm. chh. 19 (3) 1639, with his bro. Thomas; reference to their mother, "our sister Thomasine Scot- toe." Propr., ensign. Sold house and land at B. to Robert Windsor Jan. 2, 1656. He deposed 7 (2) 1657, ae. about 40 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Lydia adm. chh. 23 (3) 1641; ch. Joshua b. and d. 1641. Joshua b. 12 (6) 1643, Lydia b. 30 (4) 1645, Elizabeth bapt. 1 (6) 1647, ae. about 2 days, Rebecca b. 10 SCOTTO, etc., cont. Oct. 1G52, Mary b. 11 May, 1656, Thomas b. 30 June, 1650. He d. Jan. 2, 1697-8, ae. S3 years. [Gr. St.] Will dated 23 June, 1696, prob. 3 March, 1097-8, beq. to wife Lydia; ch. Thomas, Eliz- abeth Savage, Rebecca Blackman, Mary CheeUley and Sarah Walker; sons-in-law Maj. Thomas Savage and Capt. Samuel Checkley. Thomas, joiner, Boston, frm. May 22, 1638, adm. chh. 19 (3) 1639. The town gave leave March 6, 1637-8, to Thomas Scottoe, the son of our sister Thomasine Scottoe, to build an liouse on his mother's ground. Thomas and wife Joan had ch. Thomas bapt. S (10) 1639, Thomas b. and d. (4) 1641, Thom- as b. and d. 1642, John b. 2 (3) 1044, Thomas b. 3 (1) 1046-7, d. 11 (9) 1657, Mehetabel bapt. 11 (12) 1648, ae. about 4 days, Joshua (of Thomas and Sarah) b. 23 Dec. 1655, Sarah b. 27 Sept. 16.57, Thomasine b. 4, d. 26 Aug. 1659, Thomasine b. Aug. 18, 1660. Sarah adm. chh. 26 (3) 1661. Will prob. Dec. 18, 1601; wife Sarah, son John; other children; bro. Joshua Scotto, aged mother Sanford. [Reg. X, 362.] Thomasine, widow, adm. chh. Boston 7 (7) 1034. She had sons Thomas and Josh- ua. SCRAGGS, SCRUGGS, Thomas, Salem, propr., frm. and dep- uty, Sept. 2, 1635. Town officer. Comr. of first Quarterly Court held at Salem, 27 (4) 1636. Wife Margery. His dau. Rachel Rai- ment adm. to full communion in chh. 22 (11) 1061. Inv. filed 24 (4) 1654. The widow sold her rights of dower to her son-m-Iaw John Ray- nient same month. SCUDDER, SKXTDDEB, John, ae. 16, came in the James in June, 1635. Settled at Salem; currier. Propr. 1042-6. His wife memb. chh. 21 (1) 1647; ch. Mary bapt. 11 (4) 1648, Hannah bapt. 19 (6) 1649. He rem. to Southold, L. I.; sold Salem land in 1665. John, Barnstable, atba. 1643; frm. June 6, 1654. Elizabeth, Gamaliel Wayte's maid adm. chh. of Boston 28 (5) 1644; dism. to chh. of Barnstable 10 (8) 1644; she m. Nov. 28, 1644, Samuel, son of Mr. John Lothrop. SCTJDDEB, etc., cont. He d. and she m. John Scudder. Ch. John, (of Elizabeth, formerly Lothrop, now wife of J. S.,) bapt. in Boston 7 (10) 1645, Eliza- beth and Sarah bapt. at Barnstable May 10, 1046, Mary bur. Dec. 3, 1640, Hannah bapt. Oct. 5, 1651. Goody Scudder was a sister of the wife of Abraham Pierce. [Sci. and Bar. Chh. Rec, Reg. IX and X.] Thomas, Sen. Salem, propr. 1638-1649. [Wife] Elizabeth adm. chh. 21 (4) 1640; ch. Eliza, bapt. 18 (1) 1649, Rachel, not de- scribed,) adm. chh. 4 (1) 1649. His will dated 30 Sept. 1657, prob. 29 June, 1658, beq. to wife Elizabeth; ch. John, Thom- as, Henry, Elizabeth Bartholomew; to Thom- as, son of dec. son William. The inv. of widow Elizabeth was filed 29 (0) 1666. SEABEBRY, SEABURT, John, planter, seaman, Boston, bought house 25 (0) 1630, and was adm. inhabitant. Rem. to Barbadoes. [Depos. of Chr. Clarke in Arch. 15 B.] Wife Grace adm. chh. 15 (3) 1642; ch. Samuel b. 10 (10) 1640, bapt. 22 (3) 1642. She went to her husband at Bar- does, and after his death, but before Feb. 1650, m. Anthonie Lane. She approved 14 Oct. I(i51, of the sale of a house of her hus- band's by John Milam. [Gen. Court Rec] Sons Samuel of Duxbury and John of Barba- does, laid claim to certain lands formerly belonging to their father, April 16, 1662. SEAGAB, SEAGEE, SEGAB, Jacob, Watertown, propr. 1642. Lawrence, a youth of about 17 yrs., from Hampton, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Thomas, Newbury, 1637. William, Watertown, his lands referred to in a deed of Simon Onge in 1646. SEALIS, SILLIS, SYLICE, SYLLIS, Richard, planter, Seituate, joined the chh. Dec. 24, 1637. Deacon, 1653. He m. Dec. 15, 1637, Eglin Handford, Mr. Hath- erly's sister, who had joined the chh. Nov. 21, 1635. Frm. Sept. 4, 1638. Edward Fos- ter, in his will, 1(543, calls him lather Will 17 (11) 1653; wife Egline, daus. Han- nah, wife of John Winchester, and Hester, wife of Samuel Jackson. [Reg. V, 335.] 405 SEABORNE, John, tailor, Boston, 1639. Wife Mary adm. ehh. 20 (G) 1644. SEARL, SEARLE, SERLE, SALE, see also Sale, John, Springfield, lot-measurer, 1637; propr., taxed in 1638. He m. 19 (1) 1638-9, Sarah Bauldwin. Ch. John b. 30 (3j 1641. He was bur. 6 (7) 1641. His widow had ad- ditional lands granted. Philip, Sen., Roxbury, sold tis share in Nipmung lands in 1639. [Sons] Philip and Jolin had families. [Box. rec] Richard, servant to Elias Parkman of Dorchester, prosecuted for resisting punish- ment 3 (3) 1637. [W.] SEARCH, John, weaver, Boston, adm. chh. 19 (7) 1641, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Katharine adm. chh. 29 (11) 1641. Bought house and land in B. which they had occupied some time Oct. 7, 1661. SEARS, SEARES, SARES, SAYER, SAY- ERS, SEERS, SEIR, John, Charlestown, adm. chh. 28 (1) 1641; deposed in 1663, ae. about 50. [Arch. 106.] Frm. June 2, 1641. Rem. to Woburn, 1640; town officer. Licensed to keep a house of common entertainment in 1653. Wife Susanna adm. chh. 2 (12) 1639; she d. Aug. 29, 1077. He m. 2, Hester, widow of Henry Mason, q. v. She d. Aug. 14, 1680; he m. 3, Nov. 2, 1680, Ann Farrar. Hester's will, dated 2 March, 1679-80, prob. at Boston July 12, 1680, beq. to Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Ellitt; to my sister Deborah Sketton, sister Curtice, bros. Isaac, Israel and Abra- ham How and their ch.: cousin Mary Gran- dee's eh.; to Sarah and Hester Parker; to her husband John S. He d. Oct. 5, 1697. SEARS, etc., cont. wife Dorothy; brother Thacher; to lehabod Paddock. [Reg. XL, 261.] [The pedigree stated in Sears' Genealogy shown to be mythical, in Reg. XL, 261.] Thomas. Newbury, propr. 1038; bought house and lot of Wm. Sawyer in 1648. He m. 11 Dec. 1650, Mary Hilton alias Downer; ch. Mary b. 30 Oct. 1657, Rebecca b. 15 Nov 1661. He d. 10 Ma.v, 1001. inv. pres. 26 (9) 1661. SEAVER, SEVER, Robert, Roxbury. came in the Mary and John JIarch 24. 1033-4; frm. April 18, 1637. He m. Dec. 10, 1634, Elizabeth Allard; she d. June 6, 1657. He m. 2, Elizabeth Ballard, who d. 18 (10) 1669; he d. May 13, 1683, ae. about 74. Ch. Shuball b. Jan. 31, 1639. Caleb and .Toshua b. Aug. 30, 1041, Elizabeth b. 19 (9) 1643, Nathaniel bapt. Jan. 8, 1045, Han- nah b. Feb. 14, 1647, d. 3 (4) 1648, Hannah b. Oct. 13, 16.50, d. 3 (12) 16.53. [Reg. IX, 287.] His will, dated 16 Jan. 1081. prob. 5 July, 1683, beq. to his wife; to sons Shubael, Josh- ua and Caleb; to son Samuel Crafts and gr. son John Seavers. Signed Robert Seaver. SEDG-ttriCK, .John, ae. 24, came in the Truelove in Sept. 103.5. Richard, Plymouth, taxed in 1032. Taxed at Marblehead in 1637. Rem. to Yar- mouth; propr. 103S; atba. 1643; frm. 7 June, 1653. Comrs. app. 26 Oct. 1647, to meet at his house on Indian affairs. Will, dated 10 (3) 1607, cod. dated 3 Feb. 1675, prob. 15 Nov. 1676, by widow Dorothy and eldest son Paul; beq. to youngest son Sylas; to son-in-law Zachery Paddock and his wife Deborah; to eldest son Paull; to Robert, captain, merchant, deputy and frm. March 9, 1630-7, Charlestown, With wife Joanna adm. chh. 27 (12) 1636. Bought part of a house in Boston Sept. 1, 1638. [L.] One of the founders of the Artillery com- pany in 1638. As Major General he had command of all the ships sailing from New England in 16.54. [Suff. De. II, 185.] He reed, from the government 6 June, 1655, i 1793 for naval services. John Sedgwicke, brewer, of St. Saviour's, Southwark, Eng. in his will, dated 27 Nov. 16.38, speaks of Woburn Bedfs. where he was born; beq. to his bro. Robert Sedgwicke of Charlestown ill N. E.; mentions his mother Elizabeth Sedgwick of W., widow He was a son of William S. of London, gent. [Reg. XXXVIII, 200.] Ch. Samuel bapt. 31 (1) 1639, Hannah bapt. 14 (1) 1641. William, Robert. He d. in Jamaica. May 24, 16.56. Admin. gr. in Loudon to his widow Johauna 30 Sept. 1656. She afterward m. Rev. Thomas Allen, formerly of Char. 406 SEDLEY, James, Wessaguscus, (Weymouth.) paid liy Mr. PyncUon for killing a wolf in 1632. SEELEY, SELY, Robert, AVatertowu, 1630; frm. May IS, 1G31. Sold to bis servant, Philip Swadden the balance of his service, 14 June, 1631. App. to lay out and measure lots Sept. 13, 1634. Rem. to Wethersfleld, Conn. Was second in command under Capt. Mason in the Pequot War; one of the founders of New Haven. SELLECK, ZELLECK, ZELLESH, ZUL- LESH, David, soap-boiler, Dorchester, frm. May 18, 1642. Bought house and land in Dorch. 24 (4) 1639, [L.] and in Boston 24 (12) 1641, and rem. thither. He did a large amount of trading and commerce along the coast. Wife Susan adm. chh. Boston 25 (1) 1643. He was rec'd from Dorch. chh. 23 (1) 1644. Ch. David b. 11 (10) 1638, Jonathan b. 20 (3) 1641, .lohn b. 21 (2) 1643, Nathaniel bapt. 27 (5) 1645, ae. about 9 days, Johanna bapt. 13 (12) 1647, ae. about 2 days, Elizabeth b. 1 (12) 1651, Susanna d. 10 (9) 1653. He d. about Oct. 1, 1654, in Virginia. Admin, by William Brenton 18 (12) 1654-5. [Reg. IX, 58, and 141, and XVI, 49.] SELLEN, Joan, ae. 52, and Ann, ae. 7, came in the Elizabeth April 17, 1635. John, allowed to plant at Agawam, (Ipswich,) May 29, 1633. [Court Rec] Tliomas, Boston, 1638, Braintree, d. 3 (10) 1642. [Is this the "Soiling" who was expected to go with his wife to John Winthrop, Jr., at Hartford in 1636? [W.] ] SEMOND, see Simmons. SENDALL, SINDALL, Samuel, cooper, Newbury, Boston; frm. May, 1645. Wife Joanna; they sold land in B. Nov. 16, 1603. Ch. Joanna bapt. in B. 21 (7) 1651, Mary b. March 13, 1652, d. 23 (5) 1054, Ann bapt. 20 (2) 1657. He deposed 30 Oct.. 1607, ae. about .50 yrs. Will prob. 8 Oct. 1684, beq. to his "singular comfortable and good wife," to whom he made deed of gift before marriage, dated 4 SENDALL, etc., cont. Oct. 1681; to her dau. Abigail Warren; to his dau. Johanna Hunloke; to cousins Mary, wife of John Cotta, and Johanna Wing; to son-in-law John Hunloke and his ch. .John, Jonathan, Johanna, Sarah and Mary. Cer- tain lands in co. with Maj. Robert Pike. SENNETT, SINNOTT, Nicholas, ae. 13, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Walter, Waters, fisherman, Boston. Wife Mary adm. chh. 23 (3) 1047; ch. Mary 1) 19 (9) 1040, (m. 20 Nov. 1061, John Sparke,) Elizabeth b. 23 (4) 1042, John b. 10 (5) 1643, Stephen b. 12 (9) 1045, d. 14 (7) 1657; all but Elizabeth bapt. 30 (3) 1647; Joseph bapt. 12 (1) 1648, Sarah bapt. 28 (2) 1650, Thomas l)apt. 28 (1) 1052, Isaac b. and d. 1054. He d. intestate. Order for division of his est. Nov. 20, 1067; and land sold by John for ai: the heirs Feb. 11, folg. SENSION, JIatthias, Dorchester, frm. Sept. 3,. 1634. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. SEPHEN, Henry, Sandwich, atba. 1643. SE WALL, SE WELL, SEWILL,SIIEWELL, Henry, of Coventry, Eng., gent., "sott of Henry Sewall or Shewell of C, alderman, dec," gave an outfit of servants and cattle to his son Henry, who came in the Elizabeth and Dorcas in 1634; wintered at Ipswich, and in spring of 1635 rem. to Newbury. He also gave 50O acres of land in N. and val- uable property in Coventry to Henry upon his marriage with .Jane, dau. of Stephen Dummer March 25, 1046. [A.] He and his wife Ellen arranged before Gen. Court 6 Oct., 1635, with reference to residence and support. Called to court in 1650. [See will of his mother Margaret, ae. 72 years, 7 May, 1628. [Reg. LIT, 250.] He d. in Rowley in March, 1656-7, in his 81 St year. The son Henry, frm. May 17, 1637, was an important citizen of Newbury. He re- turned to England and resided some years; several of his children were born there. He came back before 1048. He d. May 10, 1700, ao. 86. His widow d. 13 Jan. folg. ae. 74. Of their eh. the most distinguished was Sam- 407 SEWALL, etc., cont. uel. known in history as "Judge Sewall." His inter-leaved almanacs, which have come down to us, contain many very valuable notes upon personages of the colonial period [See Hist. Col.; Hist. Newbury; Ec VII 46, 205.] " ' Nathaniel, one of the 20 ch. sent over from Eng. in the Seabrldge In 1643; d. in 1644 through exposure and ill-use of his master William Franklin. Thomas, (also called Sowell,) Spring- field. 1648. Ch. - b. and d. in 1648, Abigail b. 14 (1) 1649. SHAFLIIT, SHAFFLIN, Michael, tailor, came in the James April 5. 1G35; settled at Charlestown; propr 103o. Rem. to Salem; propr. 1636; frm. May 18, 1642. He deposed July 1, 1685, ae. about 80 years, as to the contract between Wm. Kmg, Jr. and his dau. Katharine about 165'> Her sister Sarah m. Robert Stone. [Es Court Files in Es. Inst. Coll. XVI.] Eliiiabeth memb. chh. 1639. He d. 12 Dec. 1086. Will dated 5 April, 1686, prob. 19 May, 1687, beq. to wife Alice, dans. Katharine and Sarah Stone. SEWARD, see Sawyer, William, Taunton, atba. 1643. to Conn. [Reg. LII, 323.] SEVERANCE, SEVERANS, John, victualler, vintner, Ipswich propr. 1637. Rem. to Salisbury; propr. 1639 Wife Abigail d. June 17, 1658; he m Oct '> 1663, Susanna, widow of Henry Ambrose.' Ch. Samuel b. 19 (7) 1637, Ebenezer b. 7 (1) 1637, Abigail b. and d. 1641, Abigail b. 25 (3) 1643, (m. John Church,) Mary b. 5 (6) 1645, (m. James Coffin,) John b. 24 (9) 1647 Joseph b. 14 (12) 1649, Elizabeth b 8 (">)' 1652, d. 23 (4) 1658, Benjamin b. Jan., 1654 Kphraim b. April 8, 1656. Elizabeth b. June 17, 1658, d. Feb. 5, 1662-3. He d. April 9. 1682. Will dated April 7 prob. May 9, 1682, beq. to wife Susanna;' sons John, Ephraim and others; gr. ch Jon- athan Church; son-ln-Iaw James Coffin. SEVERN, SEAVERN, SEVERNE, SEB- BORNE, SYVERENS, see Seaborn, John, tailor, Boston, frm. May 17, 1637 Having served 3 yrs. in town, was ' adm' inhab. 12 (6) 1639. Wife Mary; ch. Eliza- beth b. 21 (8) 1642, Mary b. 15 (7) 1644, De- borah b. and d. 1645. SEXTON, SAXTON, see Saxton, [Rev.] Giles, [Charlestown,] memb. jury at Bratcher inquest Sept., 1630; frm.' May, 1631. He appears to be the minister, a Yorkshire man, studious and learned, who resided at Scituate and Boston, and After- ward returned to England-to Leeds [C M 1 IL., P. D.] ■ Richard, ae. 24, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. SHAPLEIGH, see Treworgy, Rem . Nicholas, of Kingsweare, Devon, mer- • chant, bought of James Treworgy now res- ident in New England, for 1500 li all his lands, houses, tish, fishing coast, etc., in N E. April 2, 1041. [York Deeds.] He res some time at Strawberry Bank and else- where in the Piscataqua region, where his father, Mr. Alexander Shapleigh, was early an agent of Gorges. He sold S. B. property and bought house and land in Boston 22 (3) 1645. Rem. to Charlestown and bought lands there 8 (8) 1648. Called Captain in depos. 24 (9) 1051. Wife Anne; ch. Joseph; Benjamin b. in Boston (7) 1645. He d. in 1661-2. Will dated 21 (11) 1661-2, beq. to "Nicholas"; to sons Joseph and Ben- jamin. The widow Anne and son Joseph execs. [Mdx. Files, 1666.] 408 SHARPE, SHARP, Alice, maid servant of Wm. Ting, Bos- ton, adm. chh. 9 (8) 1642; "now wife of one Peter Aspinwall of Dorchester," dism. to that chh. 30 (1) 1645. Robert, ae. 20, came in the Abigail in July, 1635; settled at Braintree, rem. to Re- hoboth in 1643. Propr., town officer; prop, for frm. 4 June, 1650. Rem. to Muddy River. Roxbui-y. First wife Mary; 2d wife Abigail;' ch. John b. at Braintree 12 (1) 1642, Abigail b. 1647, Mary bapt. at Rox. Dec. 5, 1652. He d. in July, 1653 or 1654; admin. 19 (11) 1654; his widow Abigail requested that Thomas Meekins and Peter Aspinwall be app. trustees of his est. and that the son be placed under care of the former and the 2 daus. Abigail and Mary be under that of the latter. In 1665 John was reported 22 SHABPE, etc., cont. yrs. old, Abigail 17, and Mary 12. John gave bonds for payment of bis sisters' por- tions. The widow m. 2, Nicholas Clap of Dorch. about 165G. [Reg. VIII, 270, X, 84, and XXXI, 103.] Mr. Samuel, master gunner of ordi- nance, app. a menib. of Gov. Eudecott's Council for 3 yrs. 3 March, 102S; came with him to Salem; apj)!. frm. Oct. 19, 1(530, adm. frni. July 3, 1«32. Propr. 1035; elder of the ehh.; town officer. Wife Alice memb. chh. before 1030. The town voted 1 (10) for the relief of Mrs. S. for the year ensuing, 17 (12) Ui5~. Ch. a dau., who d. 3 Jan. 1031, [Du.] Elias bapt. 1 (11) 1030, Edward bapt. 14 (2) 1039, Mary bapt. 29 (4) 1640, E.xperience bapt. 19 (7) 1041, Nathaniel bapt. 10 (9) 1644, Hannah bapt. 31 (11) 1640. Admin, of his est. 27 (0) 1666; division made to his ch. Nathaniel and Hannah Sharpe, Thomas .Teggells, Christopher Phelps and John Morton, Nov. 29, 1607. Mr. Thomas, one of the Assts. of the Mass. Company, came to Boston probably with Gov. Winthrop; memb. chh. 1030. His dau. d. 3 Jan. 1630-1; his house burned March 16, 1630-1. [W.] He went away (to Eng.) 29 March, folg. [Reg. XXXV, 233.] SHATSWELL, SATCHELL, SATCHWELL, SATSWELL, John, Ipswich, with his wife 1633. [Court Rec] Propr. 1634. His will dated 11 Feb. 1646, prob. 30 Alarch, 1047; wife Johan, son Richard, about to marry Rebecca Tuttle; my brothers and sisters children that are here in N. E. ; bro. Theophilus S., bro. Curwin and sister Web- ster. The widow Joanna d. 17 April, 1648. I Richard, Ipswich, rented lands of John Tuttle; renewed lease in 1654. Propr. 1648. Ch. Mary d. Sept. 1657, Richard d. 28 Jan. 1002, Sarah b. 19 Aug. 1058, Ann b. 21 Feb. 1604, Richard, (m. at Newbury 17 Dec. 109G, Eleanor Cheney). He d. July 13, 1694. Theophilus, husbandman, Ipswich, reed, pay from the town in 1643 for service against the Indians. Propr. 1048. Rem. to Haverhill; town officer and propr., 1049 and onward. Deposed concerning the lease of SHATSWELL, etc., cont. Tuttle lands in 1602, ae. about 45 years. Mentioned kinsman Richard S. He m. Su- sanna, [Bosworth, says Ha v. Town Rec] Ch. Mary, Lydia, (m. Sept. 17, 1003, John Griffin,) Hannah, (m. Richard Mercer). He d. Aug. 17, 1063. He signed his will 20 (4) 1603, prob. 13 (8) folg.; beq. to wife; to daus. Mary, Lydia and Hannah; to Haniel Claris; kinsmen Philip Challis and brother William Sargent overseers. Wife Susanna and dau. Hannah Mercer execs. After their death Haniel Bosworth petitioned the court, 10 April, 1683, that his ward Abiall Mercier might be appointed admin.; which was done 19 June, 1704. Susanna, "spinster widow" of Theophilus, deeded land 3 Jan. 1070, to her son-in-law Richard M. [Ips. De.] The inv. of her est. was pres. 23 May, 1072, by Haniel Bosworth and John Griffin. SHATTUCK, SHATTOCK, SHATOK, Samuel, feltmaker, Salem, adm. chh> 2 (5) 1041, son of widow Daraaris, who was. adm. chh. 15 (3) 1042, m. 2, Thomas Gardner. He deposed 27 (4) 1074, ae. about 58 years. He was a propr.; a leading Quaker of the town; was banished, as such, in 1057. Went to England and obtained concessions for the sect. Came baclv to Salem. [Es. Inst. Col. III.] Wife Grace; ch. Samuel b. 7 (8) 1049, Hannah b. 28 (0) 1051, Damaris b. 1 (9) 1653,. Priseilla b. 1 (3) 1659, Return b. 10 (0) 1062, Retire b. 28 (1) 1064. Patience b. 18 (9) 1066. He d. 6 June, 1689. Will dated April 6. previous, beq. to wife Hannah, sons Sam- uel and Retire, and six daus. Division made Nov. 1, 1701. William, shoemaker, Watertown. propr. 1042. He deposed 3 (2) 1660, ae. about 38 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Susanna; ch. Mary b. 25 (6) 1045, John b. 11 (12) 1646. He res. at Boston, KJ52-4. Ret. to Wat. He died Aug. 14, 1672, ae. 50. In his will he gave to son Samuel Church; to sons John, Philip, William, Benjamin and Sam- uel; "to my ten younger children that are married;" to wife Susanna and to each gr. child. The widow m. 2, Mr. Richard Nor- cross. She d. Dec. 11, 1686. Philip, Wil- liam and Samuel Shattuck, Jonathan Brown, Fay and Abigail Morse, all children, natural or by marriage, receipted for their portions of the estate 29 March, 1087. See Genealogy. 409 SHAW, SHAWE, SHAXTE, SHAWS SHASE, ' Abraham, called in his will, "sometime of Halifax in co. York, clothier, then of Ded- ham, N. E., planter," frm. March 9, lG3t5-7. Came first to Watertown, propr., 1036. His house was burnt in Oct. 1G36, and he rem. to Dedham. Constable 6 (7) 1638. Rem. to Cambridge; town officer 1040. Had grant «£ coal or iron stone which may be found in any common ground at this country's dis- posing 2 Nov., 1637. Had liberty to erect a corn mill Feb. 12, 1630-7. Mary, [his wife?] adm. chh. Charlestown, 1 (5) 1645. Will made about Nov., 1038, prob. in 1038; ch. eldest son Joseph; eh. Mary, John and Martha, the 2 latter being infants; Joseph and John to have his lot at Dedham. Mr. Ed- ward Allen admin. [Reg. II, 180.] Nicholas Biram was his son-in-law. Coal mines at Halifax, Eng., to be sold. [L.] Edward, sawyer, Duxbury, 1632; in •Court 2 Oct. 1037. Hired Dec. 1, 1638, for 1 year, with Robert Bartlett. James, Plymouth, atba. 1643, frm. 6 June, 1654. John, Sen., planter, Plymouth, one of the "purchasers or old-comers," had share in the division of cattle in 1627, frm. 1632-3. One of those who undertook to cut a pas- sage from Green's harbor to the Bay before July 1, 1633. Had additional lands in 1636; juryman, 1648. John [Sen. or Jr.?] served 17 days against the Narragansetts in 1645. The son John sold land to his bro.-in-law Stephen Bryant in 1051. Wife Alice was bur. March 6, 1654-5. John, butcher, Boston, 1049. Wife Elizabeth bought land in B. Nov. 9, 1654. SHAW, etc., cont. kinsman, Robert Parker, etc. [Beg VII 236.] Thomas, Charlestown. Ch. John b 4 (1) 1647. SHEAFE, Mr. Jacob, merchant, Roxbury, [per- haps son of Mrs. S., widow, memb. chh. and propr. at Box. about 1637.] He rem. to Bos- ton. Sold house and yard in Rox. about 22 (7) 1643. Town officer, wealthy man. He m. about 1643 Margaret, dau. of Henry Webb; she was adm. chh. 15 (3) 1647; ch. Elizabeth b. 1 (8) 1644, (m. Sept. 7, 1660, Robert Gibbs,) Samuel bapt. 9 (2) 1048, Mary bapt. 19 (3) 1050, Sarah b. Sept. 14, 1052. Ebenezer b. Feb. 4, 1053-4, Marcye bapt. 29 (5) 1055, Mehitabel b. May 28, 1658, (m. Sampson Sheafe; see Suff. De. Ill and VI,) Jacob, (posthumous,) b. July 23, 1659. He d. JIarch 22, 1659. Admin, by widow Margaret 23 (9) 1659. Large est.; a quarter part of 3 mills at Rox.; house and ground at Boston; sugar at Barbadoes and Eng.; % of the ketch Tryall and her cargo, acct. of sales of provisions at Newfoundland by Mr. Croad. etc. [Reg. X, 83.] The widow m. 2, Rev. Thomas Thatcher of Boston. SHED, Daniel, Braintree. He rem. to Bille- rica. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 1 (8) 1647, Daniel b. 30 (6) 1049, Hannah b. 7 (7) 1051, John b. 1 (2) 1054, Elizabeth and Zachariah b. 17 (4) 1056. SHEFFIELD, SHEAFFIELD, Deliverance, "now wife of Mr. Hugh Peters, pastor of the chh. of Salem," dism. to that chh. from Boston 2 (11) 1039. Robert, in Court Sept. 4, 1632. Roger, Cambridge, propr. 1030, frm. March 14, 1038-9; town officer. Rem. to Hampton; deputy 1051. Wife Anne; ch. Mary d. 20 (11) 1039, Esther b. (4) 1638. Mary h. 29 (7) 1645. Thomas, "Shase," "Chase," planter, Hingham, 1639. [L.] Thomas, Barnstable, atba. 1643. Town officer 1646; in Court 1647. Will dated June 25, prob. July 1, 1072; 410 Edmund, Roxbury, frm. May 29, 1644. Rem. to Braintree. He m. April 17, 1044, Mary, dau. of Richard Woodie; she d. 30 (1) 1662. He m. 5 (7) 1002, Sarah, dau. of John Beal, and widow of Thomas Marsh, of Hingham; who d. Nov. 9, 1710, ae. about 84 yrs. Ch. John b. March 0, 1644-5, Ed- mund b. 15 (10) 1040, Anne b. 1 (2) 1049, Isaac b. 15 (1) 1651, Mary b. 14 (4) 1653, Mat- thew b. 20 (3) 1655, Samuel b. 26 (9) 1657, Mary b. 20 (4) 1663, Nathaniel b. 10 (1) 1005. a dau. b. 23 (4) 1667. He admin, on the est. of his son Edmund 27 June, 1079. He d. 13 Oct. 1705. ae. about 90 yrs. SHELDON, SHELTON, Sampson, Boston, 163G. SHELLEY, SHELLY, SHEELE, Robert, embarked for N. E. June :i2, 1632; settled at Boston; propr. He was prob- ably the husband of "widow Shelley," whose house is referred to in the bounds of land, 25 (9) 1(>37. Her "son" had land grant in Captaines Plaiues at Mount Woolystone, 27 (11) 1G39. Anne, maid servant to John Coggeshall of Roxbury, afterward wife of Richard Foxwell of Scituate, Robert, (fol- lowing,) and Margaret, maid servant to Wm. Coddington, adm. chh. Boston 19 (4) 1G3G, seem to the writer to be children of Robert and this woman. Robert, Scituate, 1636; adm. chh. May 14, 1037. Rem. to Barnstable. He m. at Sei. Sept. 20, 1G3G, Judith — ; she was rec'd to chh. of Barn, in 1644 by letter from the chh. of Boston. He was adm. frm. June 6, 1654. Ch. Hannah bapt. July 2, (m. March 9, 1652, David Lynnett,) Mary bapt. Nov. 23, 1639, John bapt. July 31. 1G42. He d. 6 Sept. 1692. Will dated 11 March, 1688-9, prob. 19 Oct. 1G92, gave all to wife Susanna for the support of herself and "them that I leave with her." Refers to son John. SHEPARD, SHEPHERD, SHEPHEARD, Edward, mariner, Cambridge, bought house and lands of James Herring; deed recorded in 1G39. Was adm. chh. with "his first wife, Violet;* their children that were in minority when he joyned are Abi- gail now living at Dedham, Deborah now also at Dedham, Sarah now dwell- ing at Braintree; the eldest of these aged 12 years, the 2d. 10; the 3d, 7 yeer, being all baptised in England." [Mi. in 1658.] The wife Violet d. Jan. 9, 1648-9; Capt. Shepard m. 2. Mary, widow of Robert Pond, of Dorchester, about 1650. Ch. John adm. •chh. Camb. before 1658; Elizabeth, Abigail, 4, Thom- as Harwood). Will dated 23 (7) 1073, prob. 13 June, 1074, beq. to dau. Rachel, wife of Thomas Har- wood. John, residence not stated, frm. March 4, 1032-3. He was banished by Gen. Court 3 Sept. 103"), "for dangerous opinions." Rem. to Rhode Island. John, Weymouth. He sympathized with Mr. Lenthall and combined with oth- ers to hinder the orderly gathering of the church, and trying to set up another there; was fined by the Court 13 (1) 1038-9. See Silvester. [W. and Col Rec] Rev. John, yeoman, minister, Barn- stable, atba. 1643. Adm. chh. Oct. 6, 1644; prop. frm. 6 June, 1649, frm. 5 June, 1051. Juryman; deputy. App. to attend meet- ings of the Quakers and hear their defense. Reported in their favor. Withdrew from the communion of the church for conscien- tious reasons; was "declared noe member for that reason only," but restored later. Preached occasionally at Bar. In Sept. 1661, he led in organizing a church which a council refused to approve. [MS. in Mass. Hist. Coll., quoted by Felt.] Was called to be pastor at Sandwich. Accepted, and served them from 1073 till 1GS9. Res. at Sand, in 1094. Sold house and lands in Bar. 21 Oct. 1607, for £ 150. He m. about June 13, 1043, Susanna, dau. of Samuel Hinck- ley; ch. Samuel bapt. Oct. 20, 1644, Sarah bapt. May 11, 1045, Ebenezer b. and d. 1640, Mary bapt. Nov. 21, 1649, Dorcas bapt. Aug. 18, 1650, John b. and d. 1051, Shubael bapt. March 10, 1052-3, John b. Sept. 1050, Ben- jamin b. Jan. 7, 1658, Ichabod b. Jan. 7, 1000, Elizabeth b. Feb. 1062, Thomas b. Feb. 1664, Joseph b. Dec. 6, 1667. John, a parishioner of Mr. Richard Mather at Toxteth, [Prince,] came with Mr. SMITH, etc., cont. M. in the James from Bristol, Jlay 2,3, 1035. His wife and Mary also mentioned by Mr. M. as being on board. Settled at Dorches- ter. Frm. May 25, 1030. Herdsman, propr.; made repairs on the meeting-house in 1053; chosen Quarter Master of the troop of Suf- folk regiment; confirmed by the Court I'J Oct. 1052. He m. in Roxbury, Aug. 1, 1647, Katharine, dau. of Isaac Morrel. Ch. Mary, (m. 1, Nathaniel Glover, 2, Mr. Thomas, afterward Gov. Thomas Hinckley, and d. July 29, 1703, "ae. 73;") Elizabeth bapt. 19 (10) 1647, Anna bapt. 7 (7) 1051, Mary bapt. 17 (4) 1055, (m. 10 (5) 1073, Samuel Pelton.) John bapt. 12 (8) 1050, Waitstill b. 11 (10> 1058, [10.57?] Samuel b. 18 (1) 1058-9, De- liverance b. 21 (11) 1000. Samuel b. 26 (10) 1C02, Sarah b. 9 (2) 1065, Abigail b. 31 (6) 1008, Joseph b. 30 (3) 1071, d. about a month after. He d. April 29, 1678. Will dated Dec. 10, 1070. prob. July 25, 1078. Beq. to wife Katharine, dau. Mary Pelton, son John, and other children not named. Refers to the portion given to his dau. Mrs. Mary Hinck- ley at her marriage with Nathaniel Glover, and her receipt dated 1 (9) 1060, and gives her nothing at this time. Dau. Mary Pel- ton had received a part of her portion. Inv. filed by the widow 3 Aug. 1078; another inventory filed after her death by Samuel Bay ley, son-in-law, 1 Nov. 1710. [Reg. XXXVII, 344.] John, Lynn, juror, 1030; frm. April 17, 1037; had land grant in 1638. Rem. to Read- ing. Ch. Mary b. 15 (9) 1648, John b. 4 (8) 1051. See Jeremiah Norcross. John, planter, Salem; propr. 1042. Perhaps the J. S., frm. May 20, 1647. Rem. to Marblehead. Sold land adjoining his father Goodell in 1658 and 1607. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Goodell; 3 chil- dren. Inv. of his est. taken Sept. 8, 1688, returned by the widow. John, Medford, before Gen. Court 5 June, 1638. John, Hampton, about 1640; rem. to Nantucket. Mentioned in H. records as J. S. of Nantucket. His son John remained in H. and m. D«borah — ; had dau. Deborah, 421 SMITH, etc., cont. who became the wife of Nathaniel Baeheller. See Dalton. John, Plymouth, apprenticed for 7 years July 25, 1633, to John Jenny; time shortened to 5 years. He m. 7 Dec. 1038, Bennett Moorecoclc. He was a plantei-; had suit in court 5 March, 1643. Oh. Jeremiah b. about 1645, appr. to Thomas Whitney and wife Jan. 30, 1049; Jo.seph b. 16 April, 1652. Mr. John, from Dublin, Ireland, part- ner with Samuel Cooke, March 10, 1639. [L.] His wife Hannah was reed, as an inhabitant at Dedham (lately arrived from Ireland,) 23 (4) 1040, and adm. chh. Boston 21 (12) 1040-1. Though proposed for a propr. at Ded. with Coolie and Bacon, he settled at Boston. Propr.; the rate of John Smith, gent., was remitted 30 (11) 1642, on account of his great losses in Ireland. J<*n, Sen., Watertown, propr. 1630. Frm. Dec. 7, 1636. His land adjacent to that of John Benjamin in 1645. Wife Isabel was bur. 12 (8) 1639, ae. 60. Note John, Sudbury, perhaps son of this "Senior;" he m. 13 (8) 1647, Sarah Hunt; ch. John b. 7 (11) 1648, Robert b. 11 May, 1654. See also. John, Lancaster. His will dated 12 (2) 1065, prob. 27 (7) 1669, beq. to sons John and Rich- ard; daus. Ann More and Ales. John, Dedham. Wife Margaret; ch. John b. 5 (5) ^644, d. 14 (6) 1645. John, Taunton, prop. frm. 3 Sept. 1639. John, Oharlestown, shJp-carpenter, in- habitant 1644. Wife Sarah; ch. Benoni, d. 15 <4) 1046. He d. 26 (1) 1673. Will dated 8 March, prob. 17 (4) 1673; "Senior" beq. to wife Sarah and ch. 2,000 acres of land at Lancaster, giv- en him by the Indians; to sons John, James and Josiah, and daus. Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary, property at Char. etc. The widow, an aged woman, d.Nov. 12, 1687. Judith, maid-servant to Edward Hutch- inson, Boston, adm. chh. 2 (8) 1634. Lawrence, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 10, 1643. Bought house and lands in SMITH, etc., cont. 1650. Wife Mary; ch. Mary bapt. 5 (4) 1642, Mary b. 28 (12) 1642-3, Rebecca bapt. 22 (12) 1644-5, (m. John Nash of Boston.) [SufE. De. IX.] The Clap Memorial asserts that there was another dau., Elizabeth, who m. 31 Oct. 1068, Nathaniel Clap. [See children attri- buted to John Smith of Dorch., ante.] He d. 3 (8) 1665. Nunc, will prob. Jan. 31, 1665-0. Wife exec. Est. to be divided be- tween her and their children. [Reg. XIII, 337.] The widow d. June 11, 1683. Lucy, apprenticed to Mr. Ludlow of Dorchester for 7 years, July 5, 1631. Perhaps dau. of Mrs. Frances [Smith] Sandford, and sister of Henry. Martin, servant to John Byrt, wit- nessed a bond in Boston 9 (8) 1045. Matthew, shoemaker, embarked at Sandwich, co. Kent. Eng., for N. E. before June 9, 1035. Brought v,lfe Jane and 4 chil- dren. Res. at Charlestown in 1037. The wife was adm. chh. 22 (10) 1639; he was adm. chh. 1 (5) 1640. Propr. at Salem. 1637, but no evidence of residence. Frm. May, 1645. Matthew, Dorchester, bought house of Wm. Barber Oct. 3, 1639. [Town rec] Per- haps he is Matthew of Braintree, who had a grant of land for 5 heads 24 (12) 1639-40. Michael or Mighill, Charlestown. propr., adm. chh. 1 (5) 1045. frm. May 26, 1047. Lived at Maiden. Wife Jane; ch. Michael, Samuel b. 19 (5) 1648, Pelatiah, John, Nathaniel, Sarah bapt. 4 (6) 1661. Nathaniel, "died in New England," per- haps at Ipswich. His will dated 1 Jan. 1048. and 19 Feb. 16-50. prob. at London 20 March, 1650, prob. also ojt Ipswich 30 Sept. 1651, copy tiled also in Mass. Court, [Arch. 15 B.] beq. money and goods in N. E. and elsewhere, some in Mr. George Corwin's bauds. Kinsman Thomas Edwards; cousin Nathaniel Edwards; uncie John Smith; sister Hanna Mellowes and cou- sin Hannah M. in N. E'.; bro. Samuel Wand- ley; bro. Samuel Fisher; sisters Wandley and Halford. Mr. John Niccols, flaxmau, bro. Andrew Halford and his son William H. Another will was offered by Mr. Joseph Hills. [Reg. XXVIII, 418.] [Mdx. Files.] Nehemiah, Marshfield, prop. frm. 6 March, 1638-9. Com. on the allotment of 422 SMITH, etc., cont. meadows 5 May, 1640. He m. 21 Jan. 1639, Ann, dau. of Mr. Thomas Bourne. Rev. Ralph, a Puritan of an independant type, asked permission to come to New Eng- land with the colony of the Mass. Bay Co.; they consented to his application, and al- lowed liim to come to N. E. in one of their ships in 1628, expresing doubts as to the probability of his independent views harmon- izing with the standards held by the com- pany. He was, therefore, taken on the con- dition that he would submit to such orders as should be established, and that he would not exercise the ministry within the limits of their patent. He stayed awhile, with his wife and fam- ily at Nantasliet; requested passage with some I'lymouth people to that plantation ia 1G29, and was soon engaged by the church to be their pastor, and duly ordained to the office. Resigned in 1637, but continued to re- side there for some years, [B. and Col. Recs.] Frm. 1G32. Appointed on important matters. Was invited by the people of Jeffrey's Creek, (Manchester,) to be their minister, and sold his house at Plym. and rem. thither about 1045. Was adm. to ehh. of Salem 14 (9) 1647. He d. at Boston, March 1, 1660-1. Admin, of his est. was gr. April 18, 1661, to Nath- aniel Masterson, his late wife's son. The inv. taken by Wm. Cotton and Wm. English, shows books of some value, appraised by the bookseller, Hezekiah Usher, etc. Ralph, came from Hingham, Eng., in 1633, and settled at Charlestown; rem. about 1636 to Hingham. Propr. 1637. Rem. to Eastham in 1G.53. Ch. "child" bur. Feb. 15, 1640. Samuel bapt. July 11, 1641, John bapt. July 7, 1644. Daniel bapt. March 2. 1646-7, Elizabeth bapt. Sept. 1648. (Thomas; see Reg. XXVI, 438;) Deborah b. at Eastham 8 Mardh, 1654. Ralph Smith d. at Eastham, and admin, was gr. Oct. 27, 1685, to his widow Grace and son Samuel. [Plym. Ool. Rec] A per- plexing question in this connection is, who was the Ralph Smith wlio d. at Roxbury 7 (6) 1672, ae. 95? Richard. Cobannet, (Taunton,) took •oath of allegiance 3 Dee. 1638, prop. frm. 3 SMITH, etc., cont. Sept. 1639. He m. 27 March, 1G4G, Ruth Bonum; ch. Thomas b. 23 April, 1647, d. in 1648, Hannah, (twin,) b. 23 April, 1647. Inv. of his est. and that of his wife Ruth filed 28 Oct. 1684. Richard, Ipswich, propr. KUl. His dau. m. Edward (Jilman, Jr., who bought land of him at Ips. 9 Oct. 1G47; this land he mortg. 25 (10) 1648, to his father Edward Oilman, Sen., who sold it 2 Oct. 1651, to his brother Richard Smith, of Shroppum, co. Norfolk, Eng., evidently the same man. Richard, Sudbury, m. 6 Oct. 1647. Mary Kerley: ch. Hannah b. 21 (7) 1651. The wife with infant, d. 27 (3) 1654. He rem. to Lan- caster. He ra. 2, 2 (6) 16.54, in Boston, widow Joanna Quarlis; eh. John b. 20 (11) 1655, Frances b. 26 (6) 1657. Will dated 14 June, 1680, ae. about 55 years; son of Antony Smith of Burvild [BurghfieldV] in Berkshire, Eng.; lived 14 years at Watertown; served Jeremiah Nor- cross; rem. to Sudbury; lived with cousin Thomas Read, Sen.; refers to marriage and death of wife and child at Boston, and resid- ence at various places at the East; returned to Sud. and was cared for by Read, to whom he beq. all his est. Robert, wine cooper, London, came about 1(>37 to N. E., bringing with him his wife and sister Mary Smith; had sent over his sister Anne Smith the year before. He and his wife ret. to Eng., leaving his sisters here; Anne m. John Kenrick of Boston about 1G38, and had several children by him; Mary m. Philip Torrey and had children and was living in Bo. 4 Dec. 1663, when Elizp;i- beth, widow of Robert Scott, deposed to the foregoing statement. [See Scarbarrow.] [Reg. XL, 63.] Samuel, ae. 32, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 32. and children Samuel, ae. 9, Elizabe1;h, ae. 7, Mary. ae. 4, and Philip, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Set- tled at Salem; frm. Sept. 3, 1G34; propr. 1638. Rem. to Enon, (Wenham.) Will d.ated 5 Oct., prob. 27 (10) 1642. Wife Sarah; refers to promise made to her at mar- riage; son William Browne with his sous William and John; son Thomas Smith, dau. Mary. 423 SMITH, etc., cont. Thomas, Salem, frm. June 11, 1633; de- puty, 1635. Had leave to accompany those who set out the bounds of Boston and Sau- gus, July 8, 1635. Rem. to Gloucester. Com. to end small causes, 1644. Wife Grace testi- fied for Mr. Blinman in 1647. [Wenham chh. rec] Ch. Benjamin bapt. 17 (12) 1636, Nath- aniel bapt. 24 (1) 1639. He and bis son George were drowned 5 (12) 1661. Admin, of iis est. 28 (9) 1662, for the widow and children. Thomas, weaver, from Romsey, Eng., came in the James, April 15, 1635. Settled at Ipswich. Propr. early. Rem. to New- bury. Frm. May 17, 1637. Ch. [Richard, John,] Thomas, (drowned Dec. 6, 1646), [Ips. De. 1,] Rebecca b. 20 Feb. 1639. James b. 10 Sept. 1645, John b. March 9, 1647, Mathias b. 27 Oct. 1652, Thomas d. 1652, Thomas b. 7 July, 1654, d. 1676. He d. 26 April, 1666. The widow m. 2, Thomas Howlett; d. 1 Nov. 1680, and her est. was given to her sons James and John Smith. Thomas, carpenter, Watertown, propr. 1636. Sold land in 1651. He m. Mary, [dau. of William] Knapp. Ch. James b. 18 (7) 1637. John bur. 26 (8) 1639, ae. 3 days, Thomas b. 26 (6) 1640, John b. 10 (10) 1641, Joseph b. 10 (4) 1643. He d. 10 March, 1693. Will dated March 16, 1687-8, prob. May 8. 1693, beq. to wife Mary; sons Thomas, John, Epbraim, Jona- than and Joseph; dau. Mary and tlie ch. of dec. dau. Sarah; gr. ch. James Smith of Pis- cataqua. William, Weymouth, frm. Sept. 2, 1635, deputy 1636; appointed by the Court to act for the magistrates in certain cases 6 (7) 1638. Propr. 1640. Complaint made against him in 1640, as one of the frm. and proprs. of the town, by one who had not had due proportion of land, as he claimed. [L.] Ch. Ruth b. 1639, d. 1640, Nehemiah b. Oct. 2, 1641. William, tailor, Charlestown, inhabi- tant in 1637, adm. chh. 8 (5) 1643, frm. May 29, 1644. Wife Hannah or Anne, adm. chh. 23 (7) 1640; ch. Hannali or Anna b. and bapt. 27 (7) 1644, Nathaniel b. 25 (11), bapt. 3 (11) SMITH, etc., cont. 1640, Mary b. 20 (10) 1642, Hephzibah b. 28 (12) 1644. Inventory, dated 1 (2) 1654, of the est. of William Smith of Charlestown and of his wife, both deceased. William, Rehoboth, propr. 1643; prop, for frm. 4 June, 1645; constable 1647; high- way surveyor 1651. Note. John Smith of London, citizen and merchant tailor, beq. to the t^hildren of his cousin William Smith in New Eng., and to Mary, his now or late wife, in will prob. 17 Dec. 1655. [Reg. XVI, 75, and XXXVIII, 71.] SNELL, John, Salem, 1637. He may be the fol- lowing or the father of this man. John, shipwright, Boston. Wife Philip- pee died, and he m. Hannah, dau. of James Smith of Weymouth. Ch. Susanna b. 21 June, 1659, Anna b. Jan. 2, 1661, John b. Oct. 9, 1663, Phillippe d. Oct 10, 1663, Simou b. Aug. 22, 1667, of Joiin and Hannah. He d. 27 Nov. 1668. Will prot). 27 Jan. folg. Beq. to wife Hannah and four chil- dren; son John to be brought up by his fath- er-in-law James Smith and mo.-in-law Jone S.; Susanna and youngest dau. Jane by wife; Hannah by his master and Mrs. Timothy Prout, Sen.; money to be sent to his bro. Symon S. of London, Eng. Mary, adm. chh. Charlestown 12 (6) 1633. SNELLING, William, physician, son of Thomas S., Esq., and Johan, his wife, of Chaddlewood, In Plympton St. Mary in Devon, m. at Bos- ton 5 July, 1648, Margaret, dau. of Gyles Stagge, gent., and Anne, his wife, of South- wark, Eng. [Newbury town rec] Cam'» to Newbury; res. there some time; rem. to Bos- ton. Bought house and land Oct. 13, T654, and sold same with wife Margaret in 1G57. Ch. William b. 24 June 1649, Anne b. 2 March, 1652, Anne b. at Boston 7 May. 1654. Wife Margaret d. 18 June, 1667, ae. 46 years. ICopps Hill Epitaph.] He d. in Nov. 1674; will dated 7 May, prob. Nov. 12, 1674; stricken in years; beq. to son William and dau. Anne. [Genealogy in Reg. LII, 342.] 424 SNOW, Anthony, feltmaker, Plymouth, l&TJ. Res. at Marshfleld, atba. 1643. He m. 8 Nov. 1639, Abigail, dau. of Richard Warren. Ch. (rec. at Marshfleld,) son b. 25 March, lCi)5, Ales b. 18 [Jan.] 1657. Will dated 20 Dec. 1685, prob. Jan. .'!, 1692- 3, beq. to wife Abigail, son Josiah, daus. Lydia, Sarah and Alice and the children of dau. Abigail; gr. ch. James, Hannah and Abi- gail I'''oord. Bro. Joseph Warren one of the overseers. Nicholas, Plymouth, came in 1623; taxed in 1632, frm. 1633; atba. 1643. Rem. to Eastham. He m. before 1627, Constance, dau. of Stephen Hopkins. Ch. Mark b. May 9, 1628. He d. Nov. 16, 1676. He mad.? wiU 14 Nov. 1676. Beq. to ch. Mark. Joseph. Stephen, John and Jabez; to wife Constant; to the church of E. The widow d. Oct. 1677. Richard, Woburn, propr. 1645. Ch. Daniel b. Feb. 4, 1644-5, d. July 18, 1646, Samuel b. May 28, 1647, Zachariah b. March 29, 1649. He d. 5 May, 1677. Will dated 30 (11) 3676, prob. 19 June, 1677, beq. to wife Anis and sons John, James, Samuel and Zachary. Genealogy in Reg. XLVII, 81. Thomas, barber, Boston, adm. chh. 5 (7) 1644, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Milcah adm. chh. 18 (4) 1043. They mortg. their house, to which the sign of the dove was fixed, 16 Dec. 1667. Ch. Melatiah b. (8) 1038, bapt. 12 (7) 1641, ae. about 3 years, Hannah bapt. 21 (2) 1644, Samuel bapt. 6 (3) 1049, .\bigail b. 10 (1), bapt. 14 (1) 1051, Mehetabel b. 8 Feb. 1654, Milcha, (m. 22 March, 1659, Samuel Fisher.) He d. in 1668-9. Will dated 10 Nov. 1688, prob. April 28, 1609. Wife Milcha to dispose of the est. at her discretion among his chil- dren. [Reg. XX, 240.] William, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635, as a servant of Mr. Ric'hard Derby to Plymouth. Was trans- ferred 31 Aug. 1030, to Edward Dotey, to serve 7 yeai's longer. SOMERBY, Anthony, son of Richard, son of Henry, of Little Bythum in Lincolnshire, [his own statement in Newb. rec] came in the Jona- than in 1030, as he deposed in the Blanch- SOMERBY, cont. ard case in 1652. [Es. Files 2, 32.] Settled at Newbury. Kept the school one year. The Gen. Court app. him clerk of writs and re- corder of births, etc., 27 Oct. 1647, Frm. May 18, 1642. Propr., town officer. He de- posed April 3, 1080, ae. 70 years. Wife Abi- gail d. 3 June, 1073; only child Abiel b. 8 Sept. 1641. He d. 31 July, 1686. Beq. his est. to grand children Henry, Abiel and Anthony S. and Elizabeth Moody (and her son Daniel,) to gr. daus. Abigail and Rebecca; to Elizabeth Morse; dau. -in-law has had allowance out of her husband's estate, and £ 60 is in her bro. John Kelly's hands; bro. Tristam Coffin and cousin Nathaniel Clark overseers. Henry, bro. of Anthony, Newbury, frm. May IS, 1642. Propr. He m. Judith, dau. of Edmund Oreenleaf; ch. Sarah b. Feb. 10, 1645, Elizabeth b. Nov. 1646, John b. Dec. 24, 1648, d. in 1650, Daniel b. Nov. 18, 1650, d. 1076. He d. Oct. 2, 1652; widow pres. inv. and petitioned Es. Court that her ch. Daniel, Sara and Elizabeth might have his est., 18 (9) 1052. She m. 2, March 2, 1653, Tristam Coffin. SOMES, SOAMES, SOOMS, SOMNES, Morris, Gloucester, in court in 1647; propr. 1649. He m. Margery, who d. Jan. 22, 1646; he m. 2, June 26, 1647, Elizabeth Ken- dall. Ch. Mary b. March 1. 1641-2, (m. John Hammond,) Sarah b. June 15, 1643, (m. Henry Witham,) Timothy, John b. April 22, 1648, Lydia b. Oct. 3, 1049, Nathaniel, Patience, Joseph, Abigail, Hannah b. Sept. 3, 1658. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 58 years. He d. Jan. 16, 1689. Admin, gr. Dec. 28, 1692. SOULE, George, servant to Edward Winslow, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth. Frm. 1633; volunteer for the Pequot War in 1637; res. at Duxbury. Com. of Court, 1640; de- puty, 1(342. His wife Mary and son Zacha- riah had shares of cattle with him in 1627. He had 8 children living in 1650. [B.] He made will 11 Aug. 1677, aged and weak; prob. 5 March, 1679-80; sons John, Nathaniel and George, daus. Elizabeth, Pa- tience, Susannah, Mary. 425 SOUTH, Thomas, Lynn, propr. 1638; excused from training in regard of his age, in Salem Court, 29 (10) 1640. William, residence not stated, banished by the Gen. Court 4 (7) 1638. SOTJTHCOAT, SOUTHCOTE, Captain, came in the Mary and John with the church-colony that founded Dor- chester in 1629-30. Had been a Low Country soldier; led the exploring party that went up Charles River in search of a place for the colony. [CI.] Mr. Richard and Mr. Thomas appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630; "Captain" was adm. frm. May 18, 1631. Propr. Dorch. until Dec. 2, 1633. Both removed soon. See Hist. Windsor and other Conn, histories. SOXITHWICK, SOUTHICK, SETHICK, John, Salem. He m. Sarah, widow of Samuel Tid; ch. Sarah b. June, 1644, Mary b. 10 (8) 1G46, Samuel b. 19 (12) 1658. [Salem rec] Lawrence, glassman, Salem, propr., frm. Sept. 6, 1639. [See Conckling and Holmes.] His wife Cassandra memb. chh. 1639. They were Qualiers. Elizabeth adm. chh. 1 (7) 1650. Ch. Provided bapt. 6 (10) 1639, Provided b. (10) 1641. [Es. Files.] WiU dated 10 (5) 1659, at the house of Nathaniel Silvester at Shelter Island; prob. Ess. Court 29 (9) 1660. Sons Daniel S. and John Burnell; daus. Provided S. and Mary, wife of Henry Traslie; to Deborah and Josiah S.; to Ann Potter; to Heniy Traske's ch. Mary, Sarah and Hannah; Samuel and Sarah, ch. of John S. SOUTHER, SOWTHEB, Nathaniel, Plymouth, frm. Oct. 4, 1635; clerk Plym. Court Jan. 3, 1636-7. Rem. to Boston. Adm. townsman in 1649; frm. Mass. May 18, 1653. Was a notary. He deposed Oct. 19, 1654, ae. about 62 years. Wife Alice d. 27 (7) 1651; he m. 5 (11) 1653, Sarah Hill, widow; same day his dau. Mary m. Joseph Shaw, (afterward m. John Blake;) a dau., Mrs. Hannah Johnson, is referred to in Plym. Col rec. in 1659; Joseph and John Souther in Bo. 1657-1660. He d. 27 (4) 1655. Admin, gr. July 31, 1655, to his widow; goods she brought with her were allowed to her. [Reg. IX, 135.] SOUTHERLAND, Matthew, Plymouth, in Court 1 Oct. 1638. SOUTHMEADE, SOUTHMAYDE, William, mariner, Gloucester. He m. 28 Nov. 1642, MilUcent, dau. of William Ad- dis; ch. William b. Sept. 12, 1643, John b. and d. 1645, John b. 31 (10) 1646. Admin, of his est. 20 (12) 1648. His sons William and John rem. to New London, Conn.; the widow m. 2, William Ash; deeded land to him (4) 1650, which was to go at his death to her sons. She m. 3, Thomas Beebe, and joined with them June 12, 1668, in deed •^f land at Boston. [Petition in Arch. 15 B.] SOUTHWORTH, SOUTHWOOD, Constant, son of the second wife of Gov. Bradford, came early to Plymouth. Lands granted to William Bradford for Constant and Thomas S. on North side of Eel River, (Duxbury,) Oct. 6, 1G36. He m. 2 Nov. 1637, Elizabeth Collier. Will dated 27 Feb. 1678, inv. taken 15 March, 1678-9; beq. to wife Elizabeth, sons Edward, Nathaniel and William, daus. Mer- eye Freeman, Alice Church, Mary Alden, Elizabeth and Priscilla S.; to cozen Eliza- beth Howland; to gr. son Constant Free- man. Thomas, Plymouth, bro. of Constant, Duxbury; captain. He m. 1 Sept. 1641, Eliz- abeth, [dau. of Mr. John] Reyner. He d. Dec. 8, 1669, "a great and good man;" will prob. March 1, 1669-70. To dau. Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Howland; bro. Constant S. to join with them in care of his wife in her poor condition; to Thomas Faunce and Wm. Churchill. [Reg. YII, 179.] SPARROW, Richard, Plymouth, taxed in 1633, con- stable 1639-40. Rem. to Eastham, towns- man 1655. Will dated 19 (9) 1660; wife Pandora, son Jonathan, grandchildren .John, Priscilla and Rebecca S.; to the church of E. [Reg. V, 388.] 426 SPABHAWK, SPABBOWHAWK, Mr. Nathaniel, Cambridge, propr. 1636, frni. May 23, 1639. Deacon. He was a son of Samuel S. of Dedham, Eng., b. Feb. 16, 1597-8; m. Mary, dau. of John Angier of same place. [Rel.] [Reg. L, 400, 415, etc.] He gave a letter of attorney 20 (lOj 1644, to Thomas Adams of London, to recover a debt of 16 li. 2 s. 10 d. of Mr. Owen Roe of L. for clothes, dyet, bookes and other neces- saries for his son. [A.] Deputy, deacon. Wife Mary d. Jan. 25, 1643-4. Wife Kath- arine d. July 5, 1647. Ch. Nathaniel, Anne, (m. John Cooper,) Mary, Esther, (living in 1658 with Thomas Cheesholme,) [Mi.] Sam- uel b. 27 (8) 1638, d. 13 (8) 1639, John d. 21 (7) 1644, Ruth b. and d. 1645. He d. June 27, 1647. Admin, of his est. in 1649; long list of debtors and creditors; reference to Wm. S.'s est.; to Easter S.; John S. at Copell in Eng. [Reg. VII, 175.] SPAULE, SPALLE, SPOWELL, Thomas, Boston, propr. before 1649. Wife Alice, dau. of Richard Sherman, died. He m. 18 (6) 1653, Mary Gutteridge. Ch. Mary b. (7) 1644, Elizabeth b. 29 (7) 1646. Will dated 23 Feb. 1670, prob. 29 (2) 1671. luv. taken 22 (2) 1671. Beq. to wife Mary, dau. Mary Knight and her husband Joseph Knight; kinswoman Elizabeth, dau. of Ed- mund Browne of Dorchester. SPALDING, SPAULDING, SPALDEN, SPOLDEN, Edward, Braintree, propr. 1640; frm. 13 May, 1640. Rem. to Wenham. One of the witnesses of Christopher Young's will 9 (1) 1647. Juryman, 1G4S. Sold house and lands in 1654, wife Rachel consenting. Was one of the founders of Chelmsford in 1655. Town officer. Wife [Margaret d. in 1640;] he m. 2, Rachel — ; ch. Grace bur. (3) 1641, Benjamin b. 7 (2) 1643, Edward, John, Jo- siah, (ae. 21 years in 1670, [Mdx. Files,] Dinah, (m. at Chelms. Feb. 9, 1674, Eleazer Brown). He d. Feb. 26, 1670. Will dated 13 Feb. 1666, prob. 5 (2) 1670, beq. to wife Rachel; sons Edward, John and Andrew; dau. Di- nah. The widow Rachel d. soon after, and admin, on both estates was gr. to sons John and Edward. SFEAB, 1644. George, [Braintree?] frm. May 29, George Speare m. at Braintree 27 (2) 1675, Mary Dearing. SPENCEE, SPENSEB, Edward, Lynn, propr. 1638. Gari'ett or Jarrett, Cambridge, propr. 1634, frm. March 9, 1636-7. The Court granted him leave to keep the ferry at Lynn 13 March, 1638-9. A witness in Ess. Court in 1641. Mr. John, gent, came in the Mary and John, March 26, 1633-4. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Settled at Ipswich. Had liberty to build a mill and weir, Nov. 1634. Deputy. Author- ized by the Court 3 March, 1635-6, to have a house built for the plantation to be set- tled at Wenicunnett. Res. at Newbury, and was a propr. in 1635. Testimony regarding his business, Ips. De. I, 38. He ret. to Eng- land and d. about 1650. His will, dated 1 (6) 1637, recorded in Ips. De. I, 55; beq. all his lands and goods in N. E. to his nephew John Spenser, who is to pay £ 10 to his rev- erent instructor in Christ Mr. Cotton after three years; to every child of bro. Thomas Spenser; in case John die the est. to go to bro. T. S. and his ch.; or if they die, then to the eh. of bro. Nicholas and sister Rachel Kid well; to cosen Gardner's ch. The nephew John sold some of the N. lands 28 Aug. 1650. Michael, Cambridge, propr. 1635, frm. March, 1637-8. Propr. at Lynn in 1638. Lawsuit, 1641. Made draft Jan. 19, 1648, upon his cousin, Daniel Spencer, grocer, in Friday street, London, payable to Thomas Ruck, haberdasher, at London bridge, for 30 li. part of a legacy from his uncle Richard Spencer. [Ess. Court Files, XVII, 75.] Thomas, Cambridge, propr. 1633, frm. May 14, 1634. William, Cambridge, frm. March 4, 1C32; propr. 1633; town offlcer and deputy 1634. Perhaps he returned to England, and was the William who came in the Mary and John in March, 1633-4. 427 SPIGHT, James, Charlestown. Ch. James b. 1 (11) 1C46. SPILSBEKKIE, SPILSBEKY, William, Newbury, bought land of Samuel Hall IS July, 1657. [See Pilsbury.] SPOFARD, SPOrrORD, SPAFPORD, SPAFORD, Jolm, Rowley, propr. before 1G43. He deposed to Bellingliam matters in 1602, ae. about 50 years. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Scott, q. v. Ch. Elizabeth b. 14 (12) 1646, John b. 24 (10) 164S, Thomas b. 4 (11) 1650, Samuel b. Jan. 31, 1652, Han- nah b. 1654, Mary b. 1 (9) 1656, Sarah b. 15 Jan. 1658, bur. Feb. 15, 1660, Sarah b. 22 March, 1661, Francis b. Sept. 24 1665. Will prob. 6 (9) 1678. Wife Elizabeth; sons Francis, John, Thomas and Samuel; daus. Elizabeth, Hannah, Mary and Sarah. Genealogy. SPOONER, Thomas, linen weaver, Salem, frm. March, 1637-8; propr., town officer. Clerk of the market, 1656. Amy memb. chh. 1637. Admin, of his est. gr. to his widow Eliza- beth 29 (9) 1664. She d. 31 (10) 1670. Her will prob. 26 (1) 167", Cousins Margaret Rueke at Boston and Thomas Clarke at Cambridge; children of her son Rucke and his wife her dau., Hannah Spooner; other grandchildren John, Jr., and Elizabeth Os- borne; widow Elizabeth Owen. Son-in-law John Rueke exec. William, of Colchester, Eng. appren- ticed himself, 27 March, 1637, to John Holmes of New Plymouth, in America, gent.; was transferred 1 July, 1637, to John Coombs of Plym., gent. [Plym. Col. Rec] Settled at Plymouth. Frm. June 6, 1654. Was ordered to pay the debts of his master, Mr. Coombs, and to take care of his chil- dren, Aug. 1, 1648. Rem. to Dartmouth in 1660. Wife Elizabeth d. 28 April, 1648; he m. 2, 18 March, 1651, Hannah Pratt; eh. John, Sarah b. 5 Oct. 1653, (m. John Sher- man,) Samuel b. 14 Jan. 1655, Martha, (m. John Wing,) William, Isaac, Hannah, Eben- ezer, Mercy. He d. in March, 1683-4. Will dated JIarch S, inv. taken 14th. Aged; beq. to the chil- dren named above and to Joshua, son of his dau. Hannah. [Genealogy.] 428 SPOWELL, see Spaule. SPRAGUE, SPRAGE, Francis, came to Plymouth in 1623; taxed in 1632; in court July 1, 1634. etc., frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7. Of Duxbury, 1643 Sold land at D. April 1, 1644, to son-in-law Wm. Laurence. Anna and Mercy had shares In cattle with him in 1627. Ralph, husbandman, fuller, sou of Ed- ward, of Upway, Dorset, fuller, "sometimes of Fordington, co. of Dorset," came with his bro. Richard to Salem in 1628. They made their way through the woods to Charlestown in the spring of 1029, and were there when the party arrived to build the Great House and make other preparations for the com- ing of Gov. Wiuthrop and his party. He appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630, was adm. frm. May 18, 1631. Lieut. The court app. him con- stable of Watertown in 1630. Deputy 1635 and afterward. He rem. to the part of Char, which became Maiden. He m. Joane, dau. of Richard Warren of Fordington, yeoman, who left legacy to her and her children John, Jonathan, Richard, Samuel, Mary and Phinehas; she empow- ered John Holland of Tinekleton, Dorset, fuller, to collect this for her, 29 (6) 1640. [L.] She was adm. to the chh. with her husband in 1630, and joined with him in the organization of the Charlestown chh. in Nov. 1032, and in that of Maiden in 1049. His father-in-law, John Corbin, wrote him from Upway, Dor- set, March 25, 1651. [Reg. IV, 289, and LI, 105.] Ch. Samuel bapt. at Bo. 3 (4) 1632, Mary bapt. at Char. 14 (7) 1634, (m. Daniel Edmunds,) Phinehas bapt. 31 (5) 1637, Jonathan d. Dee. 1050. He d. (9) 1050. Distribution of his est. was made 6 (11) 1650, to widow Joanna and ch. John. Richard, Samuel, Mary and Phin- ehas. The widow m. 2, Edward Converse, q. V. Richard, bro. of Ralph, [see letter of Corbin, above said, and will of their father Edward, in Reg. XLIX, 264.], Charlestown 1029. Frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer. One of the appraisers of Thompson's Island in 1657. Lieut. His wife Mary was memb. chh. Boston with him in 1630, and in that of Char, at its organization in 1632. He d. Nov. 25, 1668, ae. 63. Will dated 17 (7) prob. 11 Dec. 1608, beq. to wife Mary; to Nathaniel Rand; cousins Richard and John SPBAGTJE, etc., cont. S.-, Mary, wife of Daniel Edmunds; bro. William S. of Hingham; Margery, wife of Lawrence Dowse; Alice, wife of Thomas Lord; to Harvard College; a liberal amount to the church of Char. His widow deeded to the chh. 1 March, 1671, her shop and chamber over it adjoining the meeting house, fronting on the market-place, adjoining land of John Long. William, bro. of Kalph and Richard, planter, Charlestown, rem. to Hingham. Propr.1630. Town officer. Wife Millicentadm. chh. Char. 3 (2) 1635; ch. Antony bapt. 23 (3> 1636, John bapt. at Hing. April, 1638, Samuel bapt. May 24, 1640, Jonathan bapt. March 20, 1641-2, d. 4 July, 164T, Persis b. Nov 12, 1643, (m. John Doggett,) Joanna b Dec. 1645, (m. Caleb Church,) Jonathan b May 28, 1G48, William b. July 2, 1650, Mary b. April 5, 1652, (m. Thomas King,) Hannah b. Feb. 25, 1654, d. 31 March, 1659. He d. 26 Oct. 1675. Will dated 19 Oct. 1675 To wife Millicent; ch. Anthony, Sam- uel, William, John, Jonathan, Persis, wife of John Doggett, Johanna, wife of Caleb Church, and Mary, wife of Thomas Kmg. To Anthony the sword that was his bro. Richard Sprague's. The widow d. 8 Feb. 1695-6. SPBING, John, ae. 45, with wife Elmer, ae. 46, and children U&ry. ae. 11. Henry, ae. 6, John, ae. 4, and William, ae. 9 months, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, April 30, 1634. Settled at Watertown; planter; propr. 1636. Took oath of fidelity, 1652. Made deed of gift to his son Henry, March 21, 1656-7, with reserve for his lifetime. His [second] wife, Grace formerly widow of Thomas Hatch of Scituate, res. at Sci. in 1659. [Plym. Col. Rec] See Hatch. SPUB, SPURR, SPOOEB, John, husbandman, late of Clapton in Somersetshire, with his bro. John Mattocke, cooper, had grant of land in Boston, 1638. Frm May 22, 1638-9. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. with him 14 (2) 1639; ch. Mary b. 20 (1) 1637, Mary bapt. 21 (2) 1639, Ebenezer b. 3 (3) 1642, Elizabeth bapt. 30 (1) 164d, ae. about 6 days, Martha b. and d. 1648, John b. 16 (4) 1650. ^ SPRALL, Mary, ae. 20, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. SPUBKS, Edward, ae. 22, servant of Thomas Page, came in April, 1635. SQTTIBE, George, Concord; his son — b. 11 (1) 1643. Samuel, Salem, adm. chh. 30 (2) 1648. Thomas, planter, Charlestown, one of the membs. chh. at local re-organization, Nov. 2, 1632; frm. May 14, 1634. Town offi- cer, 1646. Res. at Maiden in 1653. Res. at Boston, and sold land in 1659, Wife Bridg- et; they were m. about 1633. [Mdx. Files, 1653.] STACKHOUSE, STAGHOTTSE, Richard, Salem, propr. 1636. Rem. to Beverly. Kept the ferry toward Ipswich from June 30, 1653. With wife Susan sold land in S. in 1658. He deposed in 1690, ae. about 78 years. Ch. Jonathan, Hannah and Abigail bapt. 14 (3) 1648, Ruth bapt. 8 (5) 1649, Samuel bapt. 13 (12) 1652, Mary bapt. 25 (4) 1654. Admin, of his est. was gr. 1 Jan. 1704, to eldest dau. Hannah Harris, of Boston; John Harris and Isaac Perkins of Ipswich signed her bond. STACY, STAGEY, Hugh, Salem, 1639; rem. to Dedham. Propr. 28 (9) 1640; frm. Feb. 28, 1642-3. Bet. to Salem; with wife Margaret dism. to chh. of Sal Nov. 1641. Ch. Hannah b. 17 (12) 1640, John bapt. Sal. 9 (8) 1642, Deboran bapt. 30 (9) 1643, John bapt. 29 (1) 1646. John, Salem, witness in court, 1646; propr. at Marblehead in 1648; deposed in 1654, ae. 60 years; referred to his son Henry, John, Jr., before Court 4 (4) 1639. Admin. Ess. court 27 (4) 1672, gr. to wid- ow Eleanor. Nicholas, Salem, a witness in 1643. Richard, Taunton, atba. 1643, town officer 1648, juror 1651. Admin, of his est. gr. 7 Dec. 1687, to Thorn- as Lincoln. Simon, Ipswich, propr. 1637; town offi- cer. Simon, Jr. deposed March 29, 1692, ae. about 50 years. Capt. Simon d. Oct. 27. 1699. BTACY, etc., cont. Thomas, miller, Ipswich, 1648. Rem. to Salem. He m. 4 (8) 1653, Susanna Woos- ter; eh. Thomas b. July 6, 1654, William b. April 21, 1656, Rebecca b. Dec. 7, 1657, Eliz- abeth b. April 16, 1659, Joseph b. June 27, 1660, Mary b. Nov. 7, 1661. [Bs. Court Files.] He and his wife and 9 ch. were reed, to Sa- lem chh. from that of Ips. April 20, 1676. He d. 23 July, 1690. Will dated Feb. 1689-90, prob. 25 Nov. 1690, beq. to wife Su- sannah, ch. Thomas, William, Joseph, Si- mon, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Susannah. STANBURY, STAlfBOBOtTGH, Josiah, planter, Lynn, propr. 163S. Rem. to Southampton, L. I. Wife, Frances, dau. of Henry Cransden or Gransden, of Tun- bridge, Eng., sued his widow for her patri- mony 27 (7) 1639. [L.] He gave letter of at- torney 15 (9) 1647, to Hez. Usher of Bos- ton regarding a house at Banbury, Eng. beq. to him by his father William Stanborough, late of Cannons Ashbie, Northamptonshire. [A.] Thomas, laborer, yeoman, Boston, townsman 25 (11) 1640. Wife Martha adm. chh. 29 (9) 1645; eh. Thomas b. 15 (8) 1642, John b. 15 (7) 1645, Nathan b. 25 (10) 1646, Martha bapt. 11 (1) 1649, ae. about 6 days, Sarah bapt. 1 (4) 1651, [of William?] He d. 26 (7) 1652. Admin, gr. after many years, 26 Nov. 1697, to eldest son Thomas. STANDISH, etc., cont. Lora and dau.-in-law Mary; beq. to wife Barbara; eldest son Alexander; sons Myles, Charles and Josias; to "Marrye Robenson whome I tenderly love for her Grandfathers sake;" to servant John Swift, Jr.; to son and heir apparent, Alexander, lands in Orm- sticlie, Borsconge, Wrightington, Maralsley, Wooburrow, Crawston and the isle of Man, which were detained from him; his great- grandfather being a younger brother from the house of Standish of Standish. STANDLAKE, STANDLECK, STANDLT, STANDLEY, Daniel, Scituate. He was bur. May 7, 1638. Will prob. 3 March, 1639-40. Beq. to wife and two chil- dren. [Reg. IV, 36.] His youngest child, a girl, was bur. April 19, 1639. Joane, who m. Thomas Pinson, may have been of this family. STANDY, Robert, ae. 22, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Thomas, interpreter for the Mass. troops in the Pequot war. [B.] STANESBY, John, Cambridge, propr. and chh. memb. about 1638. Remained with his fath- er in England till 11 years of age. [Rel.] STANDISH, STANDISHE, STANDIGE, see Stanley, James, Salem, propr., 1636; frm. May 13, 1640. Juryman, 1641. Sarah, memb. chh. 1637. The inv. of his est. was filed 27 (9) 1679, by his widow Sarah. Captain Myles, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; res. first at Plymouth, then at Duxbury. Frm. 1633; Asst.; chief officer of the militia of the Colony; com. of the United Colonies; a partner in the Trading Company. A brave, tireless work- er for public weal, a sagacious magistrate and worthy character. He m. 1, Rose — , who came with him, and d. Jan. 29, 1620-1; ho m. 2, Barbara — , before 1627, when she and his children, Alexander, Charles and John, had shares of cattle with him. His will, dated March 7, 1655, prob. May, 1657; desired to be buried near his dec. dau. STANLEY, STANDLY, STANLECK, STANDISH, STANDIGE, Christopher, tailor, ae. 32, with wife Susanna, ae. 31, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Settled at Boston; frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Susanna adm. chh. 23 (4) 1639; ch. Rebecca, (m. Robert Lord,) Mar- tha, (m. Richard Thurston). He d. 27 (1) 1646; will dated 27 (1) 1646, prob. 19 (1) 1649, beq. a house and certain lands to Richard and George Benet; to Sa- rah, dau. of Rev. John Cotton, and Mary, dau. of Rev. John Wilson; to the church and Free School of Boston; to each of the teach- ing elders of Boston and their wives a pair of gloves; residue to wife Susan. The wid- ow m. William Phillips. John, d. intestate on the way to New England; the Court ordered, 3 March, 1634- 5, that his bro. Thomas S. should have part of the est. in trust, and bring up the son 430 STANLEY, etc., oont. John; his bro. Timothy S. should have the remainder, and bring up the dau. Ruth. A third child d. soon after the father. [Col. Rec] Thomas, Saugus, deputy 1635. Con- stable at Es. court 27 (4) 1636. Rem. to Hartford, Conn., and later to Hadley. He d. Jan. 31, 1663. Will dated 29 Jan. 1659, beq. to wife Bennett; son Nathaniel and his three daus. These are said to have been Hannah, (m. Samuel Porter,) Mary, (m. John Porter,) Sarah, (m. John Wads worth). [Hist. Hadley.] Timothy, Cambridge, propr. 1635. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. STANTON, STANION, Anthony, glover, planter, ae. 24. came in the Planter, April 6, 1635. Settled at Bos- ton. Rem. to Exeter, and afterward rem. to Hampton, N. H. He deposed 13 April, 1675, ae. about 68 years. Wife Mary; ch. John b. in Bo. 16 (5) 1642. STANTON, Margaret, Rowley, propr. 1643; she was bur. 15 (2) 1646. STAPLES, STAPLE, Jeffrey, Weymouth, propr. Ch. Mar- tha bur. 17 (12) 1639. He d. in 1646-7. Inv. taken by Edward Bates and John Upham (1) 1647. Margery, widow, [of Jeffrey?] sold land in Wey. 10 Jan. 1658; she was not able to go to Court for the record of the deed by reason of age and weakness. Lieut. John Holbrook acted for her in the case. John, Sen., Weymouth, frm. May 10, 1648, propr. He and his son gave testimony in town matter in 1654. Ch. Rebecca b. 27 (9) 1639, Joseph b. 19 (12) 1641. He d. at Dorchester. Inv. taken 13 July, 1683. Will dated 18 March. 1681-2, prob. 2 Aug. 1683; beq. to sons John, Abraham, Joseph, and to daus. Rebecca, wife of Sam- uel Sumner, and Sarah, wife of Increase Sumner. Samuel, Braintree, propr. He m. Mary Cole, 1644; m. Mary Boles 30 (6) 16.52. Ch. Mary b. 24 (7) 1655, Rachel b. 31 (8) 1657. Sarah b. 5 (10) 1660. STAECT, John, Dorchester, propr. 1638. STABK, STARKE, Robert, [Concord.] Admin, of his est. gr. 31 (8) 1646, to Capt. Willard, Joseph Wheeler and Richard Lettin. [Reg. VIII, 57.] STARKWEATHER, Robert, husbandman, Roxbury, propr.; rem. about 1050 to Ipswich. Sold house and land in Rox. given him by his father John Roberts, Dec. 18, 1651. Wife Janet; ch. Eliz- abeth bapt. July 23, 1643, Lydia b. June 23. 1644, John bapt. 2 (6) 1646, Deborah bapt. 27 (0) 1648. STARR, STARES, Mr. Comfort, chirurglon, of Ashford, Eng., came in the Hercules in March, 1634, with 3 children and 3 servants. Settled at Cambridge; propr. 1635; rem. to Dusbury; had land grant 7 Aug. 1638; frm. 4 June, 1639; his servant William Godden in court 3 Aug. 1640. His sister Constant, memb. chh. Dorchester before 1639, m. John Mor- ley. He was remembered in the will of his bro. Jehoshaphat Starr of Ashford, Feb. 2, 1659. Rem. to Boston. Wife — d. June 25, 1658, ae. 63. He d. Jan. 2, 1659. Will prob. Feb. 3, folg., beq. to Samuel S.; to the 5 ch. of dec. dau. Maynard; to the ch. of dee. son Thom- as S., and to his widow Hannah, in Eng.; to gr. son Simon Eire for his education; to son John S.; to dau. Elizabeth Ferniside; to bros.-in-law John Morley and Faithful Rouse; property in Boston and at Eshitis- ford in Kent, in old England. [Reg. IX, 223.] Robert, mariner, Salem, m. 24 (9) 1650, Susanna, dau. of [Richard] HoUingsworth; she d. 17 May, 1665. He m. 30 (10) 1669, Mary Conkling, widow, deeding a house, etc. to her, as a marriage portion. [Bs. Files.] Ch. Susanna b. and d. 1652, Robert b. and d. 1653, Robert b. 8 (2) 1655, Susanna b. 31 (10) 1661, Mary b. 9 (8) 1670, Sarah and Hannah b. 22 June, 1673. He deeded in March, 1671-2, to Richara Moore and Philip Cromwell certain property for the benefit of his ch. Robert, Richard and Susanna. The inv. of his est. was taken 24 (4) 1679; 431 STARR, etc., cont. widow Mary to have all for the mainten- ance of herself and the children. Thomas, yeoman, of Canterbury, Eng. ae. 31, with wife Sarah and one child, Su- san Johnson, ae. 12, took passage from Sand- wich, Eng. March 11, 1634. Settled at Dor- chester; taxed in 1640. Wife Susanna Diemb. chh. about 1639. He died, and the widow Susanna was ap- pointed admin, of his est. 2 (1) 1643. "Sis- ter Starr of the Dorchester church" was noted as communing with the chh. of Wen- ham 17 (9) 1644. STATIE, Hugh, came in the Fortune in 1621; had lands assigned in Plymouth in 1623. Compare with Stacy. STEADMAN, STEDMAN, STIDMAN, Isaac, ae. 30, with Elizabeth, ae. 26, Nathaniel, ae. 5, and Isaac, ae. 1, came in the Elizabeth April 8, 1635. Settled at Scit- uate; adm. chh. July 17, 1630. Constable and frm. 7 June, 1648. Ch. Elizabeth bapt. Nov. 24, 1637. Rem. to Boston. Isaac, of Muddy River, Boston, yeoman, bought the Stanford Farm of the heirs of Mrs. Anne Hibbens Dec. 28, 1657. Will dated 2 (8) prob. 19 (10) 1678, beq. to sons Nathaniel and Thomas; wife to have the estate she brought; daus. Elizabeth [Hanum.] Hannah Hide and Sara French. Inv. states his age about 70 years. John, merchant, Cambridge, propr., town officer, frm. May 13, 1640. The Gen. Court app. him ensign 1 Oct. 1645. He made marriage contract for his dau. Martha with Joseph, son of Joseph Cooke, formerly of Carab. 29 Oct. 1665. [Mdx. De. Ill, 436.] Wife Alice; she went to London, before com- ing to this country, to get spiritual help from some minister. [Rel.] Ch. Elizabeth, [Mi.] Sarah b. 11 (11) 1643, Martha b. 3 (4) 1646, (m. — Bracket,) [Mi.] He d. Dec. 16, 1693, ae. 92. His wife d. March 6, 1689-90, ae. about 80. Robert, Cambridge, frm. March 14, 1638-9. He deposed 25 (6) 1659, ae. about 58 years. His dau. Elizabeth, ae. about 18, and maid Elizabeth Willinton, ae. about 24 years, also deposed. [Mdx. Files.] Ch. born STEADMAN, etc., cont. and bapt. at Camb.: John, Mary and Thom- as; the latter d. April 2, 1659. [Mi.] He d. about 20 Jan. 1666. Inv. on file. STEBBINS, STEBBING, STEBBEN, STIB- BINS, Edward, Cambridge, propr. 1633, frm. May 14, 1634. Memb. of a com. of Gen. Court in 1635. Rem. to Hartford. John, biscuit maker, Roxbury, 1644. He m. April 17, 1644, Anne Munke. She was bur. 4 (2) 1680. He sold land 29 Dec. 1666. He m. 2, June 4, 1680, Rebecca Hawkins of Boston. [See depositions with his will.] He d. 4, was bur. 7 (10) 1681, ae. 70 years. His will, dated 23 Jan. 1677, prob. 15 Dec. 1081, beq. to wife Anne, cousins John and Jane Keene and Mehitabel Eldridge. He said before witnesses that his second wife should have exactly what he had devised to the first. John, Watertown, propr. 1044. Wife Margaret; ch. John b. 25 (1) 1040, Mary b. C (8) 1641. Martin, gardiner, Roxbury, signed an obligation to pay money in semi-annual in- stalments 17 (8) 1639. [L.] He rem. to Bos- ton about 1647, where he was a brewer; sold Rox. property in 1048. He m. Dec. 25, 1639, Jane Greene; she d. in Bo. 24 July, 1050. Ch. Hannah b. Oct. 23, 1640, Mary b. Feb. 1, 1642, Nathaniel bapt. March 22, 1644. He d. about (8) 1659. Admin, gr. to John S. 23 (9) 1659. Many names of debtors given in prob. papers. [Reg. XXXII, 317.] Rowland, ae. 40, with wife Sarah, ae. 43, and children Thomas, ae. 14, Sarah, ae. 11, John, ae. 8, and Elizaljeth, ae. 6, and Mary Winche, ae. 15, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. He res. at Spring- field soon after its settlement; propr. 1641. Rem. to Northampton after some years. His wife Sarah d. in Spr.; was bur. 4 (8t 1649. He d. at North. Dec. 14, 1671. Will dated 1 (1) 1669; beq. to son Thomas and his seven children; to son John and nine ch.; lo dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Clarke, and her three ch.; to son-in-law Merrick's three daus.; to Mary Munde; friend John Pynchon and bro. Robert Bartlett overseers. [Reg V 71.] 432 STEBBINS, etc., cont. William, gent. Boston, purchased the reversion of the Glover est. 21 (4) 1641. [L.] STEELE, STEEL, George, Cambridge, propr. 1633: frm. May 14, 1634; town officer, 1634. Rom. to Hartford. John, Cambridge, propr. 1633, frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. STEMSON, see Stephenson. STEPHENS, STEVENS, Francis, [Salem Court,] testified con- cerning an agreement of goodman James and Mr. Hill, 1 (5) 1649. Henry, stone-mason, ae. 24, came in the Defence in July, 1635; Alice, his wife, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Was in the employ of John Humphrey in 1640. [Es. Court Rec] [Col. Rec] Settled at Bos- ton. Adm. chh. 8 (12) 1651, frm. May 26, 1652. Bought land at Muddy River 22 (9) 1644; sold Feb. 27, 1661. He deposed 2 (1) 1673, ae. 60. Wife Alice adm. chh. IS (4) 1643; [second] wife Mary adm. chh. 15 (12) 1651. Ch. John b. 10 (7) 1637, James b. 10 (2) 1640, Joseph b. 1 (7) 1642, all these bapt. 18 (4) 1643; Deborah b. 25 (2) 1645, Deliverance bapt. 15 (2) 1650, ae. about 4 days, Joanna b. May 28, 1652, Henry b. July 20, 1656, Thomas bapt. 11 (5) 1658, Josh- ua b. and d. 1659, Henry b. May 25, 1663, John bapt. 19 (5) 1663, Samuel b. Sept. 24, 1665, Silence b. July 26, 1668. Henry Stevens d. June 11, 1G90. John, tailor, Boston, custodian of ar- ticles of Thomas Watson in 1639. [L.] Frm. June 2, 1641. John, husbandman, ae. 31, from Gon- sham, Oxfordshire, came in the Confidence in April, 1638. Settled at Newbury. Frm. May 18, 1642. Propr. Rem. to Andover. Ch. John b. June 20, 1639, Timothy b. 22 Sept. 1641, Nathan, Ephraim, Elizabeth, (m. Joshua Woodman,) Mary, (m. John Barker,) Joseph b. 15 May, 1654, Benjamin b. 24 June. 1656. He d. 11 April, 1662. Admin, gr. 24 (4) 1662, to widow Elizabeth. She testified 16 (4) 1673, ae. 60 years, concerning Samuel, son of her brother Joseph Parker, of An- STEPHENS, etc., cont. dover. [Mdx. Files.] She d. 1 May, 1694, "ae. 81 years." Her will, signed Oct. 21, 1687, codicil added Sept. 7, 1691, beq. to ch. John, Timothy, Nathan, Ephraim, Joseph, Benjamin, Elizabeth Woodman, Mary Bar- ker, and their children. Prob. Sept. 25, 1694. John, husbandman, sergeant, Salis- bury, propr. 1640-1654. He deposed in 1667, ae. about 56. Wife Katharine; ch. John b. Nov. 2, 1639, Elizabeth b. and d. 1641, Eliz- abeth b. Feb. 4, 1642, (m. Morris Tucker,) Nathaniel, Mary, (m. 1, John Osgood, 2, Na- thaniel Whittier,) Benjamin. He d. Feb. 1688-9; will dated April 12, 1686, prob. Nov. 26, 1689, beq. to sons John, Benjamin and Nathaniel; dau. Mary Os- good; to gr. ch. Benoni Tucker a "kiverlet of goodman Buswell's weaving," etc. Robert, sawyer, ae. 22, cert, from Step- ney parish, Eng., came in the Planter March 22, 1634. Res. at Braintree; land grant 24 (12) 1639, for 3 heads. Propr., town officer; living in 1672. Widow Mary d. 22 Jan. 1691-2, ae. about 90 years. Ch. Sarah b. 31 (3) 1641. Thomas, ae. 12, came in the Abigail in May, 1635; res. at Boston; frm. May 3, 1665. Rem. to Sudbury. Iron monger; bought land in 1605. Wife Sarah; ch. John 1). May 15, 1048, Thomas b. Dee. 28, 1651, Jonas b. Oct. 27, 1653, Aaron b. Feb. 28, 1654, Sarah b. Aug. 31, 1657, d. June 29, 1658, Thomas b. May 20, 1658, Moses b. April 22, 1659, Joseph b. April 17, 1661, Sa- lah b. Dec. 8, 1663. Mr. William, shipwright, Salem, propr. 1636-7; taxed at Marblehead in 1637; frm. May 13, 1640. Rem. to Gloucester. Built a vessel for Mr. Griffin in 1633, and one for John Brown of Salem and Nicholas and John Bulhack, of Jersey, merchants, in 1661- 2; contract in Es. Co. Files; printed in Es. Inst. Coll. XIII. A prominent citizen Ch. Isaac and Jlary bapt. at Salem 2 (11) 1639, Ruth bapt. 7 (1) 1640-1, Joshua, of sister S. bapt. 21 (5j 1666. Deeded land to wife Phil- lip and sons James and Isaac in 1667. Was charged with treason to Charles II in 1667 and fined; the wife Philip petitioned for re- lief on ground of their old age, etc. Granted Oct. 9, 1667. [Arch. 106.] 433 STEPHENS, etc., cont. Williain, husbandman, ae. 21, from Gonsham, Oxon, Eng., with his mother Alice and his wife Elizabeth, and servants, came in the Confidence April 24, 1638. Settled at Newbury; frm. May 18, 1642. Propr.; yeoman. He m. 19 May, 1645, Elizabeth — . Ch. Bitfield b. 16 March, d. July 23, 1649, John b. 19 Nov. 1650, Samuel b. IS Nov. 1652. Ann [Alice?] widow, d. at Newbury July 17, 1652. He d. 19 May, 1653. Will signed, prob. 30 (4) 1653. Wife Elizabeth, sons John and Samuel. His widow m. March 3, 1653-4, Wm. Titcomb. STEPHENSON, STEVENSON, STEM- SON, STIMSON, Ambrose, residence not given, frm. May 10, 1643. Andrew, shoemaker, cobbler, former- ly of Newcastle, Eng., [see Sill,] res. at Cambridge; propr. before 1648. His house was bought by the town for a house of Cor- rection, and he was hired for service there- with Jan. 17, 1655. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Joane; ch. Deborah bapt. in Eng. and about 6 years old when her parents joined here, [Mi.] (m. Robert Wilson;) Sarah, Rebecca b. 20 (11) 1642, John b. 29 (10) 1644, Mary, Lydia b. 2 (6) 1648, Andrew, Hannah. He deposed In 1672, ae. 60 years. His will dated May 3, 1681, prob. Oct. 1, 1683, beq. to wife Jane, eldest son Andrew, dau. Sarah and her ch. Joseph and Mary Lowden; and other children. John, cobbler, Boston, adm. chb. 23 (1) 1644; frm. May, 1645. Wife Sarah; ch. Onesimus b. 26 (10) 1643, John b. (7) 1645, Paul bapt. 21 (8) 1647, ae. about 3 days, Jo- seph bapt. 23 (1) d. 10 (7) 1651, James b. Oct. 1, 1653, Sarah b. Feb. 6, 1655. He d. (date not known,) and the widow, called in record "Stephson," m. 4 July. 1659, Rev. William Blackston. After his death Plymouth Court granted to her son John 55 acres of land in fulfilment of a marriage contract. STEBNE, STERNES, STEAKNS, Charles, Watertown, frm. May 6, 1646. Wife Rebecca, dau. of John and Rebecca Gibson of Cambridge. Ch. Samuel b June 27, 1650, Shubael, Charles, John, Isaac, Sam- uel, Rebecca, (Sternes alias Traine,) Mar- STERNE, etc., cont. tba Hutchinson. [The son] Charles died at Salem; admin, gr. to his bro. Shubael Sept. 9, 1696, and division made to the above- named bros. and sisters. Isa.ac, sometime of Stoke Nayland, co. Suffolk, Eng. tailor, came early to Water- town. Planter, propr.; frm. May IS. 1631. Town officer. His wife was a dau. of John Barker of S. N., clothier, and her mother III. 2, — Munnings of Gaynes Colne, Essex, Eng.; letter of attorney Aug. 24, 1640. [L.] Ch. Isaac b. 6 (11) 1632, Sarah b. 22 (7) 1635, Samuel b. 2 (2) 1638. Other ch. known: Ma- ry, (m. Isaac Lerned July 9, 1646,) Hannah, (m. Dec. 25, 1650, Henry Freeman,) John, Elizabeth, (m. Samuel Manning,) Abigail, (m. John Morse). He d. June 19, 1671; will prob. in Oct. folg., beq. to wife Slary; to ch. Isaac, John, Samuel, the ch. of dec. dau. Mary Lernet; daus. Sarah Stone, Elizabeth Manning and Abigail Morse; to kinsman Charles Sternes; to several grand children. The widow d. April 23, 1677. Mr. Nathaniel, Dedham, adm. chh. 15 (Q) 1647, frm. May 2, 1649. Lieut. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 22 (6) 1661, Samuel b. 25 (9) 1660. Nathaniel b. 4 Dec. 1668, Isaac b. 15 (6) 1672, d. 13 (6) 1676. The wife Mary d. Dec. 10, 1083. STERTE, STERRT, Thomas, ae. 15, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. William, Boston, d. in 1644 or 1645. No record of him. His widow Jane was adm. chh. 4 (8) 1645; ch. Sarah, ae. about 1 year, weeks, bapt. 5 (8) 1645. STETSON, STUDSON, STEEDSON, STIT- SON, Robert, carpenter, Duxbury, constable 7 March, 1642-3; frm. and deputy 7 June, 1653; cornet of the troop of horse G Oct. 1059. Ch. bapt. at the second church of Scit- uate: Joseph b. June, 1639, Benjamin b. Aug. 1641, Thomas b. 11 Dec. 1643, Samuel b. June, 1646, John b. April, 164S, Eunice b. 28 April, 1650, Lois b. Feb. 1652, Robert 1>. 29 Jan. 1653. He made will 4 Sept. 1702, being aged; prob. 5 March, 1702-3; beq. to wife Mary; sons Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel and Robert; 434 STETSON, etc., cont. dau. Eunice Rogers; Abigail, widow of dec. BCD John. William, yeoman, Boston, propr. 1637; rem. to Charlestown before 1640; propr. next to Winnisimmet bounds. Deacon. Had accounts with persons in Bristol, Eng. Jan. 25, 1640. [Sutr. De. I, 1.] He m. 1, widow Elizabeth Harris; he m. 2, Mary, widow of Zechariah Hill, whose ch. Thomas, Daniel and Ann are called cousins by Richard Eels in 1639. His will dated 12 April, 1668, prob. 21 Nov. 1692, beq. to John, Thomas, William and Daniel Harris and Anna, wife of Elias Mav- ericli, ch. of his first wife; to Sarah Norton, dau. of his late wife Mary; to Deborah, wife of Matthew Griffen, and Zechariah and Ab- raham, sons of her former husband, Zech. Hill; to kinsmen Elias Hill and Abigail his wife; to Sarah Johnson who now dwells with me; negro Sambo shall have his free- dom. STIBBINSjSee Stebbins. STICHE, Henry, Lynn, before the court in 1647; Richard S. a witness in the case. STICKXAND, see Strickland. STICKNET, William, husbandman, Boston, with wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 6 (11) 1638. Frm. Oct. 7, 1640. He was dism. to the gathering of a chh. at Rowley 24 (9) 1643. With wife Elizabeth sold land in R. 27 May, 1662. Ch. Amos, (names bros. Andrew and Samuel In his will Aug. 27, 1678;) Samuel, Mary, (m. May 10, 1667, James Barlier, Jr.,) .lohn b. 14 (1) 1640, Faith b. 4 (12) 1641, Andrew b. 11 (3) 1644. Thomas and Elizabeth b. 3 (1) 1646, Mercy and Adding (daus.) b. 14 (11) 1648, Elizabeth bur. 4 Dec. 1659. He was bur. 25 Jan. 1664. STILEMAN, STILLMAN, Elias, Sen. Salem, frm. July 3, 1632, propr. 1636. Elias, Jr. a father in 1639. Hannah adm. chh. 27 (2) 1651. Rem. to New Hampshire; was recorder of deeds, etc., a man of affairs. Admin, of his est. 26 (9) 1663. STILEMAN, etc., cont. Richard, scrivener, Cambridge, 1644. Rem. to Salem; sold house and land in S. 9 Aug. 1647. Wife Hannah; ch. Samuel b. 23 (3) 1644, Samuel bapt. at Salem 20 (5) 1651. He m. at Andover 4 Oct. 1600, Eliza- beth Fry. STILSON, STILLSON, William, yeoman, Charlestown, adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 22 (1) 1633; frm. June 11, 1633; propr. 1635; deputy; town offi- cer. Ord. deacon 16 (8) 1659. Owned land at Winnisimmet from about 1641; sold it 8 (2) 1662. He deposed 28 (10) 1658, ae. about 58 years. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Elizabeth d. Feb. 16, 1669-70. He m. Aug. 22, 1670, Mary Norton. He d. April 11, 1691, ae. 90. Will. STIMSON, see Stephenson. STOCKBBIDGE, John, wheelwright, ae. 27, came in the Blessing in July, 1635, with wife Ann, ae. 21, and son Charles, ae. 1. Settled at Scituate. Wife joined the chh. July 16, 1637. He car- ried on a water-mill. Tooli oath of allegi- ance 1 Feb. 1638. Town officer. Rem. to Boston about 1650. Wife Anna d. and he m. 9 Oct. 1643, Elizabeth Sone, of Scituate. She d., and he m. Mary — . Ch. rec: Hannah, bapt at Sci. by Mr. Lothrop Oct. 8, 1637. (m. 29 (8) 1656, William Ticknor;) Elizabeth b. at Sci. about (7) 1639, taken to Bo. for bap- tism 10 (5) 1642, to avoid her being im- mersed, as Mr. Cliauncey Insisted must be done;) Sarah bapt. by Mr. Wetherell at Sci. March 15, 1645-6, Hesther bapt. July 11, 1647, John b. at Bo. 19 July, 1657. He d. 13 (8) 1657. WiU dated 4 (7) 1657, prob. 8 April, 1658. To vrife Mary house and household goods at Bo., etc.; to eldest son Charles the mill at Sci. with connected house and land, he paying 10 li. to his sister Elizabeth; youngest son John to have a house at Sci. where Gilbert Brocks lived, and pay 10 li. to his sister Mary; to dau. Esther the house at Sci. where Wm. Ticknor lived, etc.; to dau. Han- nah H. 40 s. out of money in her husband's hands; to dau. Sarah 10 li. [Reg. VII, 352.] The widow m. 8 April, 1660, Daniel Hen- ricke. 435 STINNINGS, Richard, Plymouth, apprenticed to Robert Bartlett in 1635; executed with two others in 1635 for complicity in the robbery and murder of an Indian. STOCKER, Thomas, Boston, an agrreement with John Cogan referred to 2 (12) 1640. [L.] Res. at Rumney Marsh in 1651, when James Browne of Bo. beq. to his children. STOCKMAN, Isaac, Scituate, town officer, 1647. STODDARD, STODDAR, STODDER, ST ODER, Anthony, linen draper, Boston, adm. chh. 28 (7) 1639, frm. May 13, 1640. Deputy 1650; town officer. He m. 1, Mary, whom the Stoddard Genealogy states to have been the dau. of Mr. Emanuel Downing; (she may be the person, "liinswoman to Gov. John Winthrop, vrho was adm. chh. Boston (9) 1633.) He m. 2, about 24 (6) 1647, (date of marriage contract,) Barbara, dau. of Nicho- las Clap of Venn Ottery, Eng., widow of Joseph Weld of Rox.; she was reed, to chh. of Bo. from that of Rox. 25 (10) 1647; she d. 15 (2) 1655, and he m. Christian — . Ch. Ben- jamin bapt. 23 (6) 1640, ae. about 11 days, Solomon bapt. 1 (8) 1643, ae. about 4 days, Samson b. 3 (10) 1645, Grace bapt. 16 (5) 1648, ae. about 2 days, Samuel bapt. 20 (11) 1649, ae. about 6 days, Simeon bapt. 25 (3) 1651, Sarah b. Oct. 21, 1652, Stephen bapt. 8 (11) 1653, Anthony b. June 16, 1656, Chris- tian b. March 22, 1658, Lydia b. March 27, 1660, Joseph b. and d. Dec. 1661, John b. April 22, 1663, Ebenezer b. July 1, 1664, Dor- othy b. Nov. 24, 1665, Mary b. March 25, 1668, Jane b. July 29, 1669. He d. March 16, 1686-7. [S.] Will dated 29 Dee. 1684, prob. 19 May, 1687, beq. to wife what is due according to contract before marriage; to dau. Grace; rest to other eight children, Solomon, Samson, Anthony, Chris- tion, Lydia, Dorothy, Mary and Jane. John, Hingham, propr. 1(338; frm. May 18, 1642. One of the first proprs. at Hull; but ret. to Hing. He d. 19 Dec. 1661. Will prob. Jan. 31 folg..; sons John, Daniel and Samuel.; dau. Hannati, wife of Gershom Wheeloeli; gr. ch. John and Elizabeth Low. [Reg. XI, 35. See also V, 21.] STOCKIIT, George, Cambridge, propr., 1634., frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. [Genealogy, Reg. L. 171.] STOKES, Grace, ae. 20, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. James, Boston, sold Brown before 1642. house to George STONE, STON, Gregory, Watertown, 1636, rem. to Cambridge; propr. 1637; frm. May 25, 1636. Deacon. Deputy. He deposed 18 (7) 1658, ae. about 67 years. [Es. Files.] He d. Nov. 30, 1672, ae. 82. Will prob. 14 (10) 1672. Wife Lydia and her children by former husband, John Cooper and Lydia Fiske; sons Daniel, David, John and Samuel; daus. Elizabeth, (wife of — Potter, living at Ipswich in 1658;) [Mi.] and Sarah, (wife of Joseph Miriam;) gr. son John, son of David S. [Reg. VIII, 69.] The widow d. June 24, 1674. John, ae. 40, came in April 9, 1635. the Elizabeth John, Salem, propr. 1636. Maintained a ferry to Cape Ann side. Adm. chh. 13 (6) 1654; Ellen adm. chh. 6 (1) 1653. Wife Abi- gail; eh. John b. 25 (9) 1654, Samuel b. 15 (9) 1658. Elizabeth, bro. Dixey's dau., was adm. chh. 20 (0) 1665, and had ch. John, William, Samuel and Abigail bapt. Nattoaniel S. had Nathaniel, Samuel and Elizabeth bapt. 29 (7) 1666. Was he a son of John? John, fisherman, Lynn; a meadow named for him; rem. before 1648, [Mass. Hist. Coll. 6.4,] to Hull; had leave from Plymouth Colony govt, to fish for bass at Cape Cod divers years; permission recalled 2 Oct. 1650, to accommodate Plym. persons. Had additional grant of land, 1657. He d. Dec. 23, 1663; wUl dated 5 May, 1659, prob. Jan. 27, 1663-4, all to wife Joane except 60 li. to bro. Simon Stone's 3 children who lived sometime at Cousingstone, Somerset- sbire, Eng. [Reg. XII, 273.] John, householder, "an old Kentish man," Roxbury, was bur. Oct. 25 or 26, 1643. [Chh. and town recs.] The land of his heirs was noted in proprs.' list. Perhaps Thomas, 436 STONE, etc., cont. Tvho m. Dee. 4, 1639, Mary Cragg, was one of these. Robert, Weymouth, propr. before 1651. Rev. Samuel, b. at Hartford^. Eng.; grad. of Emanuel Coll. Cambridge; was a lecturer at Towcester; [C. M.] came as an assistant to Mr. Hooker Sept. 4, 1G33. Set- tled at Cambridge; propr. 1C33. Frm. May 14, 1C34. He rem. to Hartford, Conn., in 1630. Jlrs. Elizabeth, lately called Mrs. Elizabeth Allen but now wife of Mr. Samuel Stone, teacher of the church at Hartford, was dism. from the chh. of Boston to Hart- ford chh. 25 (5) 1641. Simon, "husbandman, ae. 50, with wife Joan, ae. 38, and children Frances, ae. 16, Ann, ae. 11, Simon, ae. 4, Marie, ae. 3, and John, ae. 5 weeks, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Settled at Watertwn; frm. May 25, 1636; town officer, deacon. Ch. rec. at Wat: John b. or bapt. 15 (6) 1635, Eliza- beth b. 5 (2) 1639. His wife d., and he m. Sarah, widow of Richard Lumpkin of Ips- wich; her will prob. Oct. 6, 1063. He d. Sept. 22, 1665. Will prob. Oct. 3, 1665, by his bro. Gregory Stone and Stephen Day. Sons Simon and John; dans. Frances and JIary; Johanna and Nathaniel Green, ch. of Frances and her husband Thomas Greene; kinsmen John and Daniel Warner and Thomas Wells. [Reg. II, 128, and III. 182.] STONHARD, STONEHARD, STONNARD, STONIARD, STANNARD, John, Roxbury, propr. 1045. He d. 13 (6) 1649; inv. taken a week later; the Court allowed the widow Margaret to sell house and land for payment of his debts and for her support, Oct. 17, 1649. STORER, Richard, son to Elizabeth, wife of Robert Hull, was adm. inhabitant of Boston and had a great lot at the Mount, (Brain- tree,) for 3 heads, 25 (9) 1639. STORY, STOREY, STORYE, STORYN, Andrew, Ipswich, propr. 1635; served in the Pequot War; was before Gen. Court 1635; had grant of land from the town in 1639. STORY, etc., cont. Elias, servant to Edward Winslow, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; d. soon after arrival. [B.J Elizabeth, Boston, dau. of Mrs. John Cotton, adm. chh. 24 (1) 1639. She m. Went- worth Day. George, a young merchant of London, had a lawsuit at Salem in 1641; kept in the house of Mrs. Sherman in Boston; was the chief mover in the controversy of Mrs. S. against Mr. Keayne in 1642. [W.] William, ae. 23, servant to Samuel Dix, joiner, of Norwich, Eng., passed exam, to go to Boston in N. E. to reside, April 8, 1637. Probably he is William, carpenter, Ipswich, propr. 1642; reed, mortg. of land as security for a debt Oct. 21, 1650. [His wife] Sarah deposed in 1668, ae. about 48 years. STOTT, error in record for Scott. STOTJGHTON, Mr. Israel, came early to Dorchester; propr., deputy, Asst.; frm. Nov. 5, 1633. Did important service in the Pequot War in 1637; see letter in W. He ret. to England in 1644; was a lieut. col. in the Parliamentary army. He d. in the service. Will prob. in 1650. Wife Elizabeth. He beq. 300 acres of land to Harvard Coll. [Reg. VII, 333.] Inv. tak- en 2 (2) 1650. The dau. Hannah m. James Minot; he joined the widow In the sale of house, mill, etc., to Thomas Meakins, Nov. 14, 1655. Ch. rec. in Dorch.: William b. 30 (7) 1631, Hannah b. (2) 1637, John bapt. 1 (10) 1638, Rebecca bapt. 29 (6) 1641, (m. William Taylor 25 (6) 1664,) Thomas bapt. 30 (5) 1644. Eldest son Israel. The widow Judith Smead was his sister, and in the inv. of her est. he mentions "my brother Clarke." Thomas, "ancient," i. e. ensign, Dor- chester, came in the first company; constable 28 Sept. 1630; frm. May 18, 1631; propr.. town officer. He took it upon him to join Clement Briggs and Joane Allen in mar- riage; for which the Gen. Court fined him 1 March. 1630-1. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. He d. 25 March, 1661. 437 STOW, STOWE, John, Roxbury, arrived In N. E. 17th of 3d montli, 1634; brought with him his wife and 6 chiidren, Thomas, Elizabeth, John, Nathaniel, Samuel and Thanliful. His wife Elizabeth, a very godly woman, was bur. Aug. 24, 1638. [E.] She was a dau. of lUrs. Rachel Biggs, wlio came in 1635 to Dorches- ter, with her dau. Foster; and the Foster and Stow children reed, valuable legacies from their uncles John and Smalhope Biggs of Cranbrook and Maidstone, Kent. He was adm. frm. Sept. 3, 1634; propr.; deputy. Rem. to Concord; sold Rox. property 20 (4) 1648. Signed inv. of John Levens in 1648. Dau. Elizabeth m. Henry Archer of Ipswich. The son Nathaniel of Ips. deposed in 1670, ae. 48 years. Thanliful m. John Pierpoint of Rox- bury. [Es. Files. XVI, 68.] STOWELL, Samuel, Hingham, propr. He m. Oct. 25, 1649, Mary, dau. of John Farrow; ch. Mary b. Oct. 16, 1653, (m. John Garnet) Samuel b. July 8, 1655, John b. March 15, 1C57, David b. April 8, 1660, Remember b. April 22, 1662, (m. Thomas Remington,) a child b. and d. 1664, William b. Jan. 23. 1665, Israel b. 1668, d. 1669, Israel b. Aug. 10, 1670, Elizabeth b. June 7, 1673, (m. George Lane,) Benjamin b. June 3, 1676. He d. 9 Nov. 1683. Will prob. 30 Jan. 1683-4. Wife Mary and sons Samuel and David. Other ch. to share with them after the mother's death. The widow m. Oct. 10, 1689, Joshua Beal. STOWER, STOWEBS, John, planter, Watertown, frm. May 25, 1636; selectman. John Stowers, Sen., of Parham, co. Suf- folli, Eng., his father is referred to in a deed of land 4 Oct. 1650. Wife Jane; second wife Phebe, who joined tiim in a deed of land in 1650. Ch. Elizabeth bur. 10 (10) 1635, ae. 8 months, Elizabeth b. 14 (2) 1637, Sarah b. 8 (1) 1641-2. He. rem. to Newport, R. I. Nicholas, memb. chh. Boston 1630, but res. at Charlestown; one of the founders of Char. chh. in 1632. Frm. May 18, 1631. Wife Amy; ch. Richard, adm. chh. 12 (2) 1650, Joanna adm. chh. 14 (1) 1652, Sarah, Joseph bapt. 23 (12) 1632, Abigail bapt. 28 (4) 1630, John d. 15 (6) 1638. STOWEB, etc., cont. He d. 17 (3) 1646. Will dated 16 (3) 1646, beq. to ch. Joseph, Richard, Jone, Abigail, and dau. Farr; John Burrage and John Knight joined with Richard and Joseph 16 (1) 1668, in asljing that their bro. Samuel Hayward be app. admin. To wife Amy house and ground in Charlestown, and a hay lot on Misticli side near the North spring, next our sister Rands, etc.; to sons Richard and Joseph; to daus Abigail and Jone Stow- er and dau. Farre. [Reg. Ill, 179.] The inv. talien 1 (5) 1646, is entitled "Inventory of Lands, etc.," of Amy Slower, widdowe of Nicholas Stower late deceased." [Suff. Prob.] The widow d. Feb. 2, 1667-8. The son Richard, with his wife Hannah, dau. of Henry Frost, of Ipswich, co. SutEollj, Eng., mariner, gave power of attorney 15 (8) 1647, for collection of rents of a house and gar- den near the tower church in I., the inher- itance of said Henry. [A.] STRANGE, STRANG, George, gent., Dorchester, propr. 1634; frm. May 6, 1635. Rem. to Hingham. Tool! advice about .searching in England for his wife's lands, 18 (8) 1638. [L.] Reed, deed 4 Dec. 1638, of property in Northam, co. De- von, Eng. Suit was brought against him in 1640 by his servant Dermondt Matthew. His nephew William James and Thomas Foster made him their attorney for collec- tions in Eng. in 1640. Ch. Nathaniel bapt. at Hing. Feb. 1637, bur. 29 Nov. 1642, Eliza- beth bapt. 2 May, 1641. John, Boston, propr. 1649. Wife Sarah; ch. Sai-ah b. 18 (S) 1651. "Goody" adm. chh. 9 (2) 1654. He d. about 1657; admin, gr. Oct. 15, 1657, to Richard Curtis. [Reg. IX, 230.] STRAIGHT, STRAIT, STEAITE, STREIT, Capt. Thomas, Watertown, bought house and land in 1646. Tooli oath of fidel- ity, 1652. He deposed in 1666, ae. 47 years. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Kimball; ch. Susanna, (m. John Wellington,) Thomas b. Feb. 19, 1659, Elizabeth, m. June 6, 1684, Joseph Wellington.) He d. Nov. 22, 1681. WiU prob. 20 (10) 1081, beq. to wife; daus. Elizabeth S. and Susanna Wellington, and sou Thomas. 438 STBAINE, Richard, brewer, Boston, sold land April 1, 1648. Residing at Westminster, Eng., he and wife Anne sold other Boston land April 9, 1659. STBATTON, STBETTON, STREATON, Ann, widow, plaintiff in suit against Wm. Pester at Ipswich in 1642. Elizabeth, ae. 19, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. John, gent., merchant, came to Salem about 1631: frm. May 21, 1G63. A fine, levied upou him by the Gen. Court, was ordered to be remitted 19 Sept. 1637, if he go to Merrimaclj. Charlestowu, propr. 1638. He was a son of John Stratton, of Shotley, Eng., gent., b. about 1606; his moth- er was a dau. of Mrs. Mary Dearhaugh of Barringham, co. Suffolk, Eng. His bro. Wil- liam S. was ready to come to N. E. in 1G28, but was left behind by his uncle Joseph, who settled at James City, Va.; so he deposed in a lawsuit in 1640. Sister Elizabeth, wife of John Thorndilie, sister Dorothy, spinster, and his mother, were all of Salem. [L.] Mr. Samuel, Watertown, surveyor of town lots in 1647. He deposed in 1672, ae. 80 years; his son John ae. 39 years. [Mdx. Files.] His wife d., and he. m. in Boston 27 (6) 1657, Margaret Parker, widow, who sur- vived him and d. Dec. 7, 1676, ae. 81. He d. Dec. 18, 1672, leaving maintenance to his wife, and beq. to sons Samuel and John, and to Samuel, son of dec. son Rich- ard. William, Salem, bought land in 1649. STREAM, STREEM, STREME, STROMYE, STRONYE, John, Hingham, propr. 1635. Propr. also at Weymouth. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Benjamin d. 27 (3) 1663, Thomas d. July 1, 1662. He died, and the widow m. 2, John Otis. After his death she is referred to in Wey- mouth records as Widow Gates in connection with town lots in the first and second divi- sions which had belonged to her former hus- bana. STREET, Alice, ae. 28, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Rev. Nicholas, came to Taunton about 1637, when he was ordained assistant pastor. [L., P. D.] Enrolled as atba. 1643. Rem. to New Haven in 1659. Genealogy. STREETEB, Stephen, shoemaker, Gloucester, propr. 1642 or earlier; [may be the Ste. Streete, frm. May 29, 1644.] Rem. to Charlestown; adm. to chh. with wife Ursula 14 (1) 1652. Ch. Stephen, Samuel, John, Sarah, Hannah b. at Cliar. 10 (9) 1654, Rebecca. His wiU dated 10 (4), prob. 24 (5) 1652. beq. to wife Ursula and these children, commit- ting the two latter, respectively, to Richard Sprague and Charles Chadwick. The widow m. 13 Oct. 1657, Samuel Hosier of Water- town. [Reg. XXXVI, 161.] STRICKLAND, STICKLAND, STICK- LING, John, Charlestown, 1629-30; rem. to Watertown, 1630; juryman; frm. May 18, 1631. Rem. to Wetherafield, Conn. Thwaites or Thweights, Dedham, propr. 27 (8) 1640. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 3 (3) 16.50; ch. Elizabeth b. 12 (2) 1647, John b. 17 (12) 1648, Rebecca bapt. 19 (11) 1650, Joseph b. 22 (11) 1654, Jonathan b. 23 (4) 1657. STRONG, John, tanner, Dorchester, a member of the original church-colony that came in the Mary and John in 1629-30. Frm. March 9, 1636-7. Rem. to Taunton; was constable 4 Dec. 1638, juryman in 1640. Rem. to Wind- sor, Conn. He rem. to Northampton about 1659. Was ruling elder of that church. He m. Abigail, dau. of Thomas Ford, of both Dorchesters, and of Windsor. Ch. John, Re- turn, Thomas, Jedidiah bapt. at Dorch. by communion of churches 14 (2) 1639, Josiah, Ebenezer, Abigail, Elizabeth b. 24 Feb. 1047, Experience b. 4 Aug. 1650, Samuel b. 5 Aug. 1652, Joseph, Mary b. 25 Oct. 16.54. Sarah, Hannah b. 30 May, 1659, Esther or Hester b. 7 June, 1661, Thankful b. 25 July, 1663, Jerijah b. 12 Dec. 1665. [Reg. VIII, 180.] He d. 14 April, 1699, [ae. 04?] He beq. to ch. and gr. ch. Sons Samuel and Jerijah execs. Genealogy. 439 STRINGER, John, servant to Mrs. Kni-ht, whipped for miscarriages toward his mistress and Mrs. Stoughton, 21 (8) 1637. [W.] STROUD, STROWDE, John, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. STUBBS, STUBS, STABBS, Joshua, Watertown, frm. May 2, 1649. He m. Abigail, dau. of John and Abigail Benjamin; ch. Samuel b. 3 (6) 164G, Mary, (m. March 24, 1674-5, John Traine,) Eliza- beth, (m. Jonathan Stimson.) He rem. to Charlestown, and sold in 1654 his homestall in Wat., his wife's mother consenting. He d. soon after, and his widow m. John Woodward. She was adm. to Char chh 9 (1) 1656. Richard, Hull, one of the first planters, noted by Gen. Court May 20, 1642. He m. [1?] in Boston, March 3, 1659, Margaret Read. He m. Elizabeth, who survived him. Ch. Richard and others. Will dated 22 May, prob. June 21, 1677, beq. est. to wife for life or until she marry; children to have portions when they come of age. STUDLEY, STUTLY, STOODLY, John, Gloucester, lawsuit brought against him by his master in 1643. A witness in court in 1647; propr. 1650. Mortg. his house and land in 1651. Referred to in let- ter of Tristram Dalliber. John, Boston. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Jon. than b. 8 Dec. 1659, Benjamin b. May 23, 1661. STURGES, see Turges, Edward, yeoman, Charlestown, 1634. Rem. to Yarmouth; atba 1643. Town officer; frm. June 5, 1651. Kept an ordinary. Ch. Mary bapt. at Barnstable June 1, 1646, Elizabeth b. at Y. 20 April, 1648, Joseph, (a child?) bur. 16 April, 1650. Inv. of his est. taken 12 Oct. 1695; widow Mary, son Thomas. The marriage contract he made with Mary, widow of Zephaniah Rider of Yarmouth 20 April, 1692, is in Barnstable Prob. rec. vol. 2 folio 14. William. Charlestown, propr. 1635. STUBBIN, John, Watertown, soldier on two occa- sions, petitioned for land and support for STURTEVANT, STERTEVANT, STURD- IVANT, Samuel, Plymouth, planted land on shares in 1641; atba. 1643; bought land 1647- town officer. Oh. Ann b. 4 June, 1647 (m 7 Dec. 1665, John Waterman,) John b. and d 16d0, Mary b. 7 Dee. 1651. Samuel b 19 April, 1654, Hannah b. 4 Sept. 1656, John b 6 Sept. 1658, Lydia b. 18 Dec. 1660, James b. 11 Feb. 1663, Josepn b. 19 July, 1666. Will dated Aug. 1, prob. Oct. 29, 1669- beq. to wife to son-in-law John Wate'rman' to sons Samuel, James, John, Joseph; child expected. [Reg. VII, 180.] STUTSON, see Stetson. STUTTIN, Joan, Boston, adm. chh. 21 (9) 1634. STYTH, Margaret, fore 1639. memb. chh. Dorchester be- SUCKLIN, Thomas, a servant of came from Hingham, Eng., E., in 1638. Francis James, to Hingham, N. 440 SUMNER, SOMNER, SUMER, SOMERS, Henry, ae. 15, and Elizabeth, ae. 18 came in the Abigail July 4, 1635, cert, from' Northampton, Eng. Res. at Woburn in 1C63; wife then in Barnstable. She d. at the house of her mother Elizabeth Worden before Sept. 28, 1668. He m. 2, Mabel, widow of William Read, a sister of Francis Kendall, and moth- er of Francis and John Wyman. [See Mdx Files 13.] His will dated 14 Oct., prob. 23 Nov. 1675, beq. to son Henry Somers and wife Mabel and 'her children. Henry opposed the proba- ting of the will, giving reasons which were duly answered. [Suff. Prob., file 750.] Prob. 23 (10) 1684. The widow made will 22 Jan. 1689-90, prob. June 17 foig.; beq. to son George Read and his wife and her other children. Thomas, Rowley, propr. and purchaser SUMNER, etc., cont. before 1C43. "The goods of Abigail, the late wife of Thomas Sumer deceased," were ap- praised 31 (S) 1643. The widow filed the inv. stating that she owed f 1, 18. [Sufif. Prob.] She m. 2, Thomas Ellithorp. His dau. Jane, b. about 1641, m. Robert Coates, Sen., of Lynn; deposed to the.se facts and petitioned for admin, on the est. of her bro. Thomas. William, Sen., Dorchester, b. at Bices- ter, Oxfordshire, Eng., bapt. 27 Jan. 1604-5, son of Roger and Joan [Franlilin] Sumner; m. 22 Oct. 1025, Mary West. Ch. William, Roger bapt. 8 Aug. 1632, George bapt. 1 March, 1633-4, Samuel b. in Dorch. 18 (3) 1638, Increase b. 23 (12) 1642, Joan, (m. — Way.) Abigail d. 10 Feb. 1657. He and his wife "Marie" were membs. chh. in 1636; he was adm. frm. May 17, 1037. Deputy, town officer, com. to try small causes. His wife d. June 7, 1676. He d. Dec. 9, 10S». Will dated 23 June, 1681, prob. 24 March, 1091-2, beq. to the 9 children of his dec. sou William; to sons Roger, George, Samuel and Increase, and to dau. Joane Way. Beq. to servants Rebecca Adams and Anthony Hancocke. [Genealogy in Reg. VIII, 128 a, and IX, 297.] SUNDERLAND, SINDERLAND, SYN- DERLAND, SYNDERLING, John, parchment maker, Boston, 1640; adm. chh. 9 (2) 1043. Bought and sold land in 1644. His servant, Clement Critchet, d. 29 (3) 1653. Wife Dorothy; ch. John b. (10) 1640, Mary b. 12 (1) 1642, (m. 29 (9) 1656, Jonathan Ransford,) Hannah b. (8) 1643, James b. 18 (1) 1646, James bapt. 6 (6) 1648, Benjamin bapt. 26 (5) 1652. The wife d. Jan. 29, 1063. He m. Thomasin — , who joined him In a deed June 29, 1604. Matthew Armstrong calls him father-in-law. [Suff. De. Y, 51.] SUTTON, Ambrose, carpenter, Oha.rlestown, b. 1612. at Westwell, near Burford, Eng.; went to Aquidnet in 1038. [L.] Elizabeth, spinster, Charlestown, dau. of John Sutton, late citizen and draper of London, dec, and of Elizabeth, sometime his wife, gave letter of attorney 23 (5) 1641, to Francis Lisle of Boston and Walter Black- borne of London, haberdasher. SUTTON, cont. George, planter, Scituate, prop. frm. 5 March, 1038-9; atba. 1643. Town officer. He m. March 13, 1030, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Tilden. Ch. Lydia bapt. Sept. 13, 1646, Sarah bapt. Sept. 15, 1050, Elizabeth bapt. Aug. 28, 1653. John and his wife came from Attle- bury, Eng., in 1638, and settled at Uingham. Propr. [Ch.] Hannah d. Oct. 1642. He made will 12 Nov. 1691, ae. about 70 years; beq. to wife Elizabeth and ch. John, Nathaniel, Nathan, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah and Hester. Lambert, Charlestown, adm. chh. 4 (2) 1041, frm. May 29, 1644. Rem. to Wohurn; taxed, 1645. He d Nov. 27, 1649. Will dated 8 (9) 1649, rec. Mdx. Deeds I, 13; wife Elizabeth; John Russell, Jr., and Mary Russell. Richard, Roxbury, propr. before 1650. Wife Sarah d. 12 (9) 1072. SWAIN, SWAYNE, SWAINE, [SWAN,] Henry, Charlestown, propr. 1638. Jeremiah, Charlestown, propr. 1042; rem. to Reading. Propr. 1(547. Town officer. AVife Mary memb. ctih. of Reading. Ch. Jeremie Tsapt. 1 (1) 1643, John b. 30 (11) 1644. Mary b. at Reading 15 (2) 1647, Thomas b. 6 (S) 1049, Elizabeth b. 8 (12) 1651. He d. April 2, 1658. Inv. filed 25 (4) 1658, and admin, gr. to the widow Mary. John, Watertown, propr. 1042. Rem. to Cambridge. He m. Feb. 1, 1050, Rebecca Palfrey; she d. July 12, 1654. He m. 2, March 2, 1655, Mary Pratt, who d. 11 Feb. 1702, in her 70th year. He d. June 5, 1708, in his 88th year. [Gr. St.] Richard, planter, Hampton, (7) 1638; frm. March 13, 1038-9. He owned a house and land at Exeter before 1650. Gave part of his house-lot in Hamp. to his dau. Grace and her husband, Nathaniel Boulter, Sept. 4, 1660; another tract, 12 (5) 1063, to Hezekiah, eldest son of his son WilUiam, dec.; the widow Prudence to have the use of it till Hez. is 21 years old. He deposed 10 (7) 1602, ae. about 67 years. He rem. to Nantucket, and sold his remaining estate to his son-in- law Boulter July, 1663. Martha, widow of 441 SWAIN, etc., cont. his son Francis, in. 2, Caleb Leverich of Mid- dleborough, Long Island: confirmed a gift of lands te had made to bis sister Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Weare of Hampton. He m. Jane, widow of George Bunker of Tops- field, with whom he sold land at T. July 5, 1660. William, ae. 50. and Elizabeth, ae. 16, came in the Elizabeth and Ann; Elizabeth, ae. 20, came in the Planter, and William, ae. 16, and Francis, ae. 11, came in the Rebecca In April, 1635. William settled at Watertown; frm. and deputy March 3, 1635-6. Was appointed by the Gen. Court one of the com. to govern the people at Connecticut. His dau. Mary lived at Roxbury, but rem. to Conn, with him, and married at New Haven. [K.] SWAN, [SWAIN,] Henry, Charlestown, propr. 1638, Salem, propr. 1639; frm. May 22, 1639. Ch. Thomas bapt. 26 (12) 1642, Eliza bapt. 8 (12) 1645. He d. before 23 (10) 1651, when Sarah, child of Henry, dec. and Joan d. in Boston. [See Halsey.] Richard, husbandman, Boston, adm. chh. 6 (11) 1638, frm. May 13, 1640. He was ■dismissed to the gathering of a ch. at Row- ley 24 (9) 1639. His first wife Aon was bur. Apra 4, 1658; and he m. March 1, 1658-9, Ann, widow of John Trumble. She deposed 30 March, 1675, ae. about 60 years. Oh. John bapt. at Bo. 13 (11) 1638, iRobert, (deposed in 1662, ae. 36 years,) Mercy b. 4 (5) 1640, Faith b. 30 (1) 1644, vSarah, (name written and crossed out in 1647.) He was bur. May 14. 1678. Will dated 25 April, prob. 23 May, 1678, beq. to wife Ann, as by mar. eoutraet; to son Robert and his son Richard; to son-in-law Joseph Boynton, his wife Sarah and ch. Elizabeth, Samuel and Sarah B.; to daus. Frances Quilter, Jane Wilson. Dorothy Chapman and Mercy War- ener. The widow Ann made will 4 July, prob. 24 Sept. 1678; beq. to daus. Abigail Bay ley and Mary Ivilbome; to son Caleb Hopkin- son a chest that father Gott made; to sons John and Jonathan Hopkinson; one book to John Trumble. 442 SWANSON, Anna, Boston, memb. chh. 1632. May be for Swan. See Riichard above. SWEET, SWEETE, SWETT, Benjamin, Newbury. Confirmed as en- sign by Gen. Court 14 Oct. 1651; captain. He m. 1 (9) 1647, Hester, dau. of Nathaniel Weare; ch. Hester b. 17 June, 1648, Sarah b. 7 Nov. 1650, Mary b. 7 Jan. 1651, Mary b. 2 May. 1654, Benjamin b. 5 Aug. I6.06, Jo- seph b. 21 Jan. 1659, Moses b. 16 Sept. 1661. He was slain by the Indians at Black Point 29 June, 1677. Inv. filed 17 (8) 1679. [Norf. Court Rec] His widow m. 31 March, 1679, Stephen Greenleaf. She d. 16 Jan. 1718, ae. 89. John, Salem, propr. 1636. Frm. May 18, 1642. Fined 5 li., 6 June, 1637, for shoot- ing a wolf dog of Col. Endecot's in the Col.'s back yard. John, caulker, ship-carpenter, mer- chant, Boston, adm. chh. 10 (12) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641. Propr. Charlestown, 16.50. Wife Temperance adm. chh. 10 (12) 1638, d. (11) 1645. Second wife Susanna adm. chh. 23 (3) 1647, d. July 16, 1666, ae. 44 years. [Copps Hill Ep.] Third wife Elizabeth, widow of Robert Scott, joined him in a deed of Scott's lands 10 Dec. 1668. [See Upshall.] Ch. Susanna b. 3 (2) 1647, Temperance bapt. 5 (6) 1649, d. 28 (9) 1061, John b. 8 Sept. 1651, Mary b. and d. 16.54, Abigail b. and d. 1650, Mehetabel b. 1657, d. 1658, Mehetabel b. 8 Dec. 16.59. He d. April 25, 1685, ae. 82 years. [Copps Hill Ep.] Will dated 18 Oct. 1677, prob. 14 May, 1685, beq. to son John Oliver and dau. Susanna; to son Edwards and dau. Mary; to their children; to the college at Cam- bridge: to Wm. Browne; to his bros. three children in England. Phebe, widow, d. at Newbury May 6, 1605. Stephen, cordwainer, Newbury, 1047. He deposed in 1604. ae. about 40 years. He m. 24 May, 1647, Hannah, dau. of John Mer- rill; she d. 4 April, 1662. He m. 4 Aug. 1663, Rebecca Smith, who d. 1 March, 1670. Ch. John b. 20 Oct. 1648, d. 13 Jan. 16.52, Ste- phen b. and d. 1650, Hannah b. 7 Oct. 1651, Stephen b. 28 Jan. 16.54. Elizabeth b. 16 Jan. 1656, Joseph b. 28 Nov. 1657, Mary b. SWEET, etc., cont. April 25, lOGO, Mary b. 17 March, 1602. Ben- jamin b. 20 May, 1664, Rebecca b. 4 Dec. 1GG5, d. 31 May, 1GC6, Rebecca b. 2T Feb. 1670. Thomas, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. 6WETMAN, SWEETMAN, SWATMAN, Tliouias, weaver, Cambridge, propr. frm. May 2, 1638. Wife Isabel; ch. Eliza- beth b. 16 (11) 1645, Rebecca b. 7 (2) 1649, Mehetabel, Surah, [Thomas?] Ruhamah, Samuel bapt. May 22, 1659, Bethia bapt. July 7, 1661, [Mi.] [Hephzibab?] He d. Jan. 8, 1682-3, ae. 73. Inv. of hia est. was tiled by widow Isabel. SWEETSEE, SWITSIR, SWITZER, Seth, shoemaker, CUarlestown, adm. chh. 8 (11) 1638, frm. March 14, 1638-9. A letter to him from his cousin Daniel Field, dated at Tring, Herts, Eng. May 10, 1642, mentions his cousin Crane, father Lake, AViUt Hoten, his brothers, and his sister Elis. He was to receive a butt of leather, for which he was to pay 10 11. to Thomas Welch or goodman ffowler; love to Wm. Philips and his wife. [A.] He made a deed of gift to his son Benjamin in 1660. Wife Bethia; second wife Elizabeth Oakes, m. at Cambridge April, 1661. Ch. Benjamin, Sa- rah, Mary, (m. 3 (11) 1654, Samuel Blanch- ard,) Hannah bapt. 12 (11) 1638, Elizabeth b. 27 (11) 1642. He d. May 27, 1662. ae. 56. Will signea 24 May, prob. June 17, 1662, beq. to wife Elizabeth, dau. Sarah, son Samuel Blancher and his wife Mary, dau. Hanna Fitch, and to his wife's three children. Son Benjamin and Edward Drinker execs.; Mr. Richard Russell and my brother Thomas Gold over- seers. SWIFT, SWYFT, JIargaret, brought suit for damage against Robert Cotta in Salem Quarterly Court 27 (4) 1636; decision in her favor; rest of the stuff to be restored to her. Thomas, Dorchester, propr. 1634, frm. May (!, 1635. Town officer. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Joan, (m. in Boston 5 (9) 1657, .Tohn Ba- ker,) Thomas b. 17 (4) 1635, Obediah b. 10 (5i 1638, Elizabeth bapt. 24 (11) 1640, Ruth bapt. 16 (5) 1643, (m. 10 Oct. 1660, Wm. SWIFT, etc., cont. (Jreenow,) Mary bapt. 21 (7) 1645, (m. 11 (11) 1663, John White,) Anna bapt. 14 (9) l(yl7, James bapt. 10 (D 1649, Hannah b. March 11, 1651, Siisdiiinj bapt. 15 (12) 1651, (m. 18 (2) H;72, Hopestill Clap,) Ephraim b. June T. 1656. He d. May 4, 1675, ae. 75. Will dated 20 April, prob. 30 July, 1675, beq. to wife Eliz- abeth; sons Thomas and Obediah; to daus. not specified; to the town for the maintain- ing an able ministry; to former servants, Henry Merryfield and Anne, wife of Rob- ert Spurr. Bros.-in-law William Sumner and John Capen overseers. His widow d. Jan. 26, 1677, ae. 67. [See Upsall.] William, Watertown, propr. 1636; rem. to Sudbury; propr. 1642. Rem. to Sandwich. I-awsuit at Salem in 1638. His son Edward was apprenticed to George Andrews, butch- er, in Eastchepe, London. He sold a house and land at Sud. 28 (4) 1641. [Sufif. De. and Col. Rec. vol. I.] He d. at Sandwich; inv. taken 29 Jan. 1642. Wife Joane admin., and Daniel Wing gave bonds with her; a house at Sudbury was mortg. to Mr. Burton. The widow's will was prob. 12 (8) 1662. Beq. to Daniel Wing's two sons, Samuel and John; grand children Hannah Swift and Experience Al- len; to Mary Darby; to Hannah Wing the elder, and her daus.; to Zeliadiah Allin; son William exec. [Reg. IV, 173, and VI, 96.] SWINDON, William, ae. 20. came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1636. Soldier in the Pequot war; had grant from the town in 1639. SWINNERTON, Job. planter. Salem, propr. 1637, frm. Sept. 6, 1639. [Wife] Elizabeth, Salem, memb. chh. 1639. He m. 19 (5» 165S, Ruth Symons; she d. 22 May. 1670. He m. 2 (7) 1(.73, Hester Baker. Ch. Jasper b. 4 (4) 1659, Joseph b. 8 (12) 1660, Eliza b. 26 (12) 1662, Ruth b. 22 March, 1664, Mary b. 17 May. 1G70. Job Swinnerton, yeoman, made will 14 March. 1699-1700, prob. May 6, 1700; beq. to wife Easter, .sons Jasper. Joseph. Benjamin, Joshua and James, (two last under 21 year.s,) daus. Mary. Easter. Abigail Hannah, and the children of dau. Elizabeth Hutchinson. 443 SWINFOBTH, John, ship-carpenter, partner of Thom- as Robinson of Boston, died, and the account of partnership in the bark Speedwell was filed 29 (5) 1040. [L.] SYDLEY, SIDLEY, Thomas, ae. 22, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1035. SYKES, SIKES, Richard, Dorchester, adm. chh. 4 (9) ll!39, frm. May 13, 1G40. Wife Phebe adm. chh. 9 (4) 1040; ch. Rebecca bapt. 9 (3i 1041; '•went to Springfield." [Note in Dorch. chh. lec] Propr. Jan. 5, 1041-2; town officer 1042. Covenanted Feb. 10, 1053, to ring the bell and care for the meeting house. Ch. Experience b. 5 (9) 1042, Enerease [Increase] b. (0) 1044, Nathaniel b. 30 (S) 1040, Vic- tory b. 3 (1) 1048-9, James b. 11 (4) 1051. He made will Feb. 24, 1070, and beq. to wife Phebe, sons Nathaniel, Enerease, Vic- tory and James; some land next to brother Burt's. The widow Phebe d. Jan. 2, 1087. SYLVESTEB, SILVESTER, Richard, Dorchester, propr.; appl. frm. 19 Oct. 1030. Rem. to Weymouth. Was fined 2 li. and disfranchised 13 (1) 1638-9, for joining in an attempt at organizing a church which was not authorized by the au- thorities. [See Smith, John.] Sold house and lot 23 (7) 1040. Rem. to Marshfield. Town officer. Wife Naomi; ch. Lydia b. 8 (10) 1033, (m. at Scituate Sept. 4, 1052, Na- thaniel Rawlings,) John b. 14 (1) 1634, Peter bur. Aug. 30, 1042, Joseph b. 12 (2) 1642, Elizabeth b. 23 (11) 1643, (m. at Sci. Jan. 21, 1658, John Lowell,) Naomi bapt. April 14, 1650, Hesther bapt. March 20, 1054, Ben- jamin bapt. May 17, 1057. He made will which was prob. Sept. 24, 1663. Beq. to wife Naomi; sons John, Jo- seph, Israel, Richard and Benjamin; daus. Lydia, Dinah, Elizabeth, Naomi and Hes- ter. The widow's est. was admin. Nov. 26, 1066. [Reg. VI, 95, and VII, 178.] SYMMES, SIMMS, SIMS, SEMMES, Rev. Zechariah, son of Rev. William, b. at Canterbury, Eng. April 5, 1599, grad. at Cambridge univ.; was rector at Dun- stable, Eng., from Sept. 1625, till 1033. Came to Boston in 1034. Was adm. chh. 5 (8) 1634. SYMMES, etc., cent. Was invited to become teacher of the chh. of Charlestown, adm. chh. Dec. 6, 1034, and ordained Dee. 22. On the resignation of Rev. Thomas James from the office of pastor, he ■was called to that position, which he filled from 10.36 till his death in 1670. A man of high character, a strong upholder of the truth, very serviceable to the parisli and the colony. [See Cudworth.] He m. Sarah — , "whose goodness exceeded her stature;" [Johnson.] Ch. William bapt. at Dunstable Jan. 10, 1020, Marie bapt. April 10, 1028, (m. Thomas Savage,) Elizabeth bapt. Jan. 1, 1029, (m. Hezekiah Usher,) Huldah bapt. March IS, 1030, (m. William Davis,) Han- nah bapt. Aug. 22, 1032, Rebecca bapt. Feb. 12, 1033; Ruth b. at Char. Oct. 25, 1035, (m. Edward Willice,) Zachary b. 9 Jan. 1638, Timothy b. 7 May, 1640, Deborah b. Aug. 28, 1642. He d. Feb. 4, 1070. [S.] Will dated 20 (11> 1004, prob. 31 (1) 1071, had given marriage portions to son William and daus. Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth. Huldah, Rebecca and De- borah, and something to daus. Brock and Savage; set aside a portion for dau. Ruth; sou Zechary had a library and some house- hold stuff when he went to Rehoboth; beq. to son Timothy, brother Sir. William Symmes; rest to wife, through whom most of his property came; a large English Bible that was her mother's specified; referring to his papers, said be never intended or pi'epared anything to be put in print. Gave a token to each of his sons-in-law and grand- children. The widow Sarah d. June 10, 1073. Her will, prob. Dec. 28, 1676, beq. to son Zach- ary; gr. dau. Margaret Prout; son Timothy; gr. ch. Margaret and Hannah Davies; son William; sons Zachary, Timothy and Wil- liam; sons John Breke and his wife, Thom- as Savage and his wife, Humphrey Both, Edward Willice and his wife. Ruth Wil- lise and Deborah Prout testified to the will. SYMONDS, SIMONDS, SYMONS, SI- MONS, see Simonson, Mr. Henry, merchant, Boston, adm. townsman 30 (11) 1643; frm. May 10, 1043. Land granted to him and his partners to erect one or more corn mills upon. Liberty was given them or their successors to alter the draw-bridge. He was one of the first 444 SYMONDS, etc., cont. to trade and plant at Lancaster. His ch. Rich-Grace was bapt. at Bo. 21 (2) 1()44. He was bur. 14 (7) 1C43. His widow Su- sanna m. 2, Isaac Wallier, and confirmed a sale of land May 14, 1G45. [Col. Rec] John, Salem, propr., 1(>36; frm. March, 1637-8. [Wife] Mary memb. chh., 1638. Ch. Samuel bapt. 4 (9) 1038. Elizabeth before the court in 1648. Will prob. 19 (7) 1671, beq. to wife Eliza- beth; sons James and Samuel; refers to dec. dau. Ruth Swinnerton; servant John Pease. Mark, Ipswich, propr. 1036; frm. May 2, 1038; constable, 1639; held other town offices. Samuel, gent., Ipswich, propr., frm. March, 1037-8, deputy and Asst. 6 June, 1038; deputy governor. A man of large ability and excellent record as a citizen and public official. Mentions cousins Gallop, Waite and Harris in a letter to J. Wiuthrop. Jr. in 1652. In a letter in 1662, mentions his only brother, who dwells at Much Yeldham, Es- sex. He m. 1, Dorothy Harlakenden; m. 2, Mar- tha, dau. of Edmund Reade and widow of Daniel Epps, Sen.; m. 3, Rebecca, widow of John Hall of Salisbury. Ch. Samuel, (d. in 1654; will on file;) John, (in England in 16.")3;) Harlakenden, William, Martha, Ruth, Pris- cilla, Dorothy, (m. Thomas Harrison of the parish of Dunstans in the East, London; they sent power of attorney 10 Feb. 1053, to her bros. Samuel and William S., for the collection of anything due them). His will dated 10 Feb. 1673, and Jan. 8, 1677, prob. Nov. 6, 1078, beq. to wife Re- becca all that belonged to her in Eng. be- fore marriage with him; also ample pro- vision at his farm in Ipswich called Argilla, or elsewhere, if she prefer; to sons Harla- kenden and William; to son and dau. Epps; she to have the "damaske sute which was the lady Cheynies if she desire"; to dau. Mar- tha and her husband John Denison; to son and dau. Emerson; to daus. Baker and Dun- kin; to son Chute; to gr. dau. Sarah Sy- monds; to wife's gr. dau. Rebecca Stace; son John Hale one of the ovenseers; refers to brother Mr. Richard Fitz Symonds, from whom a legacy is expected for son Harla- kenden. The widow Rebecca d. July 21, 1695. Her inv. showed articles marked W. 445 SYMONDS, etc., cont. R. and others marked R. H.; son and dau. Hall mentioned. Mrs. Martyn is one of the ch. to whom Mr. Symond's estate was di- vided 15 Oct. 1679. Thomas, carpenter, Braintree, had land grant for a family of 10 persons in 1639. Ch. Joan b. 8 (9) 1638, Abigail b. 8 (9) 1040, d. 30 (3) 1042, Anne d. (4) 1640, Thomas, (wheth- er a child or the father, the record does not show). Thomas, Boston, in old age, made will 28 Nov. 1681, prob. 10 Aug. 1682; beq. to Abraham Bushey's wife and Samuel Perce, cooper. William, planter, Ipswich, propr., 1635. Had charge of the herd of cattle. Sold land in 1654. Rem. to Haverhill. With wife Elizabeth sold land 4 Sept. 1658. William, Concord, his wife Sarah was bur. 3 (2) 1641. Rem. to Woburn. Taxed in 1645. Town officer. He m. Jan. 18, 1043. Judith, widow of James Hayward. He de- posed in Dec. 1058, ae. about 47 years. Ch. Sarah b. July 28, 1044, Judith b. March 3, 1C45, Mary b. Dec. 9, 1047, Caleb b. Aug. 11, 1049, William b. April 15, 1651, Joseph b Oct. 18, 1652, Benjamin b. March 18, 1653- •t, Tabitha b. Aug. 20, 1055, James b. Nov. 1, 1058, Bethiah b. May 9, 1059, Huldah b. Nov. 20, 1000. He d. June 17, 1072. Admin, gr. to widow Judith and sons Caleb and William. The latter died in 1072, and his est. was divided between his ten bros. and sisters and a gr. ch. of widow Judith Simons; Joseph, Benja- min and James S. were minors .and their guardians acted for them. [Mdx. Files.] The widow d. Jan. 3, 1089. TABOR, John, Sir Richard Saltonstall's "man," witnessed a deed of his March 2, 1629. [Mass. Arch. 100, 1.] Philip, Watertown, contributed plank to the building of the fort at Boston, April 1, 1634, frm. May 14, 1034. He was one of the proprs. of Yarmouth, 7 Jan. 1038-9. Lydia T. was one of the daus. of John Mas- ters, to whom he beq. in 1639. Timothy, of Batcome. Eng. tailor, ae. 35, with wife Jane, ae. 35, children, Jane, TABOK, cont. ae. 10, Anne, ae. S, Sarah, ae. 5, and servant, William Fever, embarked for N. E. from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. TAINTOR, TAYNTOB, Joseph, ae. 25, servant of Nicholas Gi:y, carpenter, from Upton Gray, co. South- ampton, came in the Confidence April 11, K)38. Settled at Watertown; propr., town officer. Propr. at Sudbury, 1C39. Ho m. — , dnu. of Nicholas Guy, whose widow beq. to his children. Ch. Anne b. 2 (7) 1644. Jo- seph b. 2 (7) 1G45, Rebecca b. 18 (G; 1647, Benjamin b. 22 (11) 1G50, Jonathan b. 10 (8) 1654, Sarah b. Nov. 20, 1657, Simon b. 30 (7) 1660, Dorothy b. Aug. 13, 1663. He deposed 2 (8) 1663, ae. about 49 years. [Mds. Files.] He d. Feb. 20, 1689-90. Will beq. to wife Mary; sons Joseph. Benjamin, Jonathan and Simon T.; sons-in-law Elnathan Beers and John Taller; dau. Mary Pollard; gr. ch. John Tailer and others. TALBIE, TALBT, John, Salem, propr. 1636. Wife Dor- othy; ch. Difficulty bapt. 25 (10) 1636. Dor- othy, in court for violent actions toward him in 1G37, was executed 6 (10) 1639, for the murder of her child Difficult. [W.] Inv. of his est. rendered (11) 1644. John [his son?] was apprenticed to Henry Cooke 29 (11) 1655. TALBOT, TALBTTT, Moses, Plymouth, one of the crew of John Howland at Kennebec River in April, 1634, was shot by Hocking. Peter, Plymouth, having been in the employ of Edward Dotey, and having a claim on land for his service, sold his claim Aug. 22, 1636. Peter, who m. at Dorches- ter, .Tan. 12, 1667, Mary Waddell, may be the same person. Ralph, Salem, a witness, 1643. Court Files.] [Ess. TALCOTT, John, embarked for N. E. June 22, 1632, settled at Cambridge; frm. Nov. G, 1632; deputy, propr. Sold May 1, 1G3G. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. We note the following: Admin, of the est. of Lieut. Col. J. T. of Hartford was gr. at Boston 12 Nov. 1688, to TALCOTT, etc., cont. his bro. Samuel T., gent., and his son-in- law Joseph Wadsworth, gent., both of Hart- ford. TALMADGE, TALMAGE, TALMIGE, Thomas, Lynn, juryman, Es. Quarterly Court, 27 (4) 1636. He and Thomas, Jr. had lands in 1638. Elizabeth d. 20 (10) 1660. William, carpenter, Boston, meuib. chh. 1630, frm. May 14, 1G34. Res. at Roxbury some time and rem. to Lynn, where his wife died. [E.] Rem. to Boston before Aug. 8, 1640, when he and his bros. Thomas and Robert Talmage and their deceased sister Jane's husband, Richard Walker, gave let- ter of attorney for the receiving of money due them from the estate of their father, John T. husbandman, late of Newton Sta- cey, CO. Hants. He had grant of land in Bo. " 1G35. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. Sept. 20, 1666, Mary b. Jan. 13, 1668. TAPLEY, TOPLEY, see Toplifif. TAPP, see Topper. TAPPAN, see Toppan. TARBELL, TARBALL, TARBOL, Thomas, Watertown, propr. 1617. He deposed in 1656. ae. about 38 years. Rem. to Groton in 1662; had liberty to erect a mill. Wife Mary; ch. Thomas, adult in 1662, perhaps Abigail, (m. Sept. 30, 1672. .Toshua Whitney,) Elizabeth b. Jan. 5, 1656, Wil- liam b. 26 (12) 1658. Mary T. d. 29 (2) 1674, ao. 54. He d. at Charlestown, of small pox 11 June, 1678. Inv. of his est. taken 25 (7) 1678. [L. H.] TARBOX, John. Lynn, lawsuit in 1G39. One of the creditors of the Iron Works Co. in 1655. [Sufif. De. I.]. Ch. Jonathan d. 16 (4) 1654. He d. 26 May, 1674. Will dated 25 (9) 1673, prob. 2 (5) 1674. Wife; sons John and Sam- uel. Samuel deposed 30 (4) 1669, ae. about 22 years. TARLING, Christopher, ran away from his mas- ter; in Court Nov. 5, 1633. 446 TARNE, TERNE, Miles, leather-dresser, Boston, appl. for a lot for 5 heads 28 (10) 1040; adin. chh. 8 (8) 1C42; frm. Ma.v 10, 1G43. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 14 (2) 1039; d. before 23 Oct. 1052, when he and his second wife (probably wid- ow of Kobert Rice,) sold land for the use of her two small children by former husband, their names not given. [Col. Rec] Ch. Han- nah b. (8) 1038, bapt. 21 (2) 1039, Delivear- anee b. 30 (7» 1041, Sarah, (ni. 7 (7) 1054, Ed- ward Bobbett). The dau. Deliverance reed, legacy from Charity White Feb. 5, 1000. Inv. of his est. filed by his widow Eliz- abeth July 27, 1070; "the house and land where he lived, the reversion whereof at the death of his wife being the inheritance of Joshua Rice as by covenant the 15 : 12 : 00." TART, TARTE, Edward. Scituate, atba. 1643. Servant of Nathaniel Tilden in 1641. Thomas, planter, Scituate; juryman, 1040; with wife Elizabeth joined chh. in 1041. Dau. Elizabeth m. Thomas Williams; her portion to be paid out of goods in hands of Wm. Braclienbury, 3 May, 1041. [Plym. Col. Rec] Ch. .lonathau and Eunice bapt. at Boston 11 (2) 1041. TATMAN, see Totman. TATISLEY, Thomas, servant to Joshua Hewes, Roxbury, was bur. 23 (10) 1641. TAYLOR, TAILOR, Dennys, widow, one of the family of Mr. John Wilson, Boston, adm. chh. 8 (9) 1635. Is most probably the Dionis, ae. 48, who came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 103.5, with Elizabeth, ae. 10. Edward, Reading, propr. 1647; with wife memb. chh. in 1048. Town officer. Wife Christian d. about 1073. Wife Elizabeth d. Jan. 22, 1680. [See Bridges, John.] — , of Haverhill, Eng., came to N. E. in 1030; his wife died soon. [W.] No clue yet found to his identity. George, ae. 31, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1035; settled at Lynn; propr. 1638. Frm. May 2, 1038. Constable 31 (10) 1647. Opposed infant baptism. [Es. Piles.] De- posed in 1654 to the bringing of beaver from TAYLOR, etc., cent. Saco to Boston for Francis Johnson about 1630. He d. 28 (10) 1667. Gregory, Boston, memb. chh. 1030-1. Rem. to Watertown. Frm. May 14, 1034. He sold land to Simon Eire prior to IMi. Constable 1042. Wife Alice; ch. Samuel bur. 6 (2) 1632, ae. 3 days. Henry, Barnstable. He m. Dec. 19, 16.50, Lydia Hatch; ch. Lydia b. 21 June, 16.55, Jonathan b. 20 April, 1658. Henry, chirurgeon, Boston, mentioned In 1067. [Arch. 100, 116.] Mr. Henry, Boston, wife Mary; ch Han- nah b. July 7, 1605. They sold warehouse, land, etc. in Bo. May 0, 1007. Other ch. la- ter. James, Concord. He m. 19 (8) 1641, Isabel Tomkins; ch. Henry b. and d. 1648. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Samuel b. June 21, 1650, Thomas b. and d. 1659. He deposed 19 (11) 1071, ae. about 64 years. [Mdx. Files.] Isa- bel deposed 11 (3) 1675, ae. about 60 years, to the will of Sarah Parker. John, residence not stated, frm. May 18. 1631. May be the " — Taylor, of Haver- hill, Eng." who came in 1630, and whose '"wife d." soon after. [W.] Witness to a document in Boston in 1045. [A.] Frm. May 7, 1051. He may be the John, Cambridge, with wife Katharine, membs. chh. in 1658; ch. Joseph b. and bapt. iu Camb. [Mi.] He d. 7 (7) 1083, ae. 73. [Mdx. Rec] [Gr. St.] Beq. all to wife Katharine, who beq. 21 Sept. 1685, to her gr. ch. John and Jo- seph T., ch. of dec. son Joseph, late of Long Island, and to several female friends in Camb.; dau.-in-law Airs. Mary T. Jonathan, Springfield. Ch. Mary b. 1 (6) 1049. Philip, residence unknown, frm. May 18, 1042. Richard, Boston, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Mary; ch. John bapt. 6 (12) 1646. Richard, Watertown, made will 6 May, prob. Oct. 4, 1059; beq. to wife Ann and dau. Frances Adams. Richard, Yarmouth, atba. 1643; town officer, juror. He was lie. to marry Ruth,. 447 TAYLOR, etc., cont. dau. of Gabriel WUelding, 27 Oct. 1G46; ch. Ruth b. 29 July, 1647, bur. 1648, Ann b. 2 Dec. 1648, bur. 29 March, 1650, Ruth b. 11 April, 1649, Martha b. 18 Dec. 1650. Admin, of his est. gr. 4 March, 1673-4, to John T., John Gorum and John Thatcher; division made to two sons and five daus. Note made of articles he had given to ch. John, Martha, Joseph, [Mary.] Samuel, Ipswich, resident 1648; keeper of one of the herds of cattle. Memb. town committee. Deposed in 1658, ae. about 40 years. Thomas, Salem, 1636. Thomas, planter, Watertown, gave a bond 7 (1) 1640. [L.] Propr. 1642. Rem. to Reading; sold land at Wat. in 1660. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Seabred b. 11 (1) 1642; the wife Elizabeth and child Benoni d. Feb. 18, 1650. Old Thomas T. d. at Ipswich April X% 1686. Tobias, had lawsuit vs. John Shaw of Plymouth in 1646. William, son of William of Bodding- ton, in Cornwall, carpenter, covenant ser- vant of Mr. John Atwood of Plymouth, was transferred March 12, 1638-9, to Thomas Little for 7 years. William. Concord, 1649. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 19 (12) 1649, Samuel b. and d. 1655, John b. 19 Oct. 1656, Abraham b. 14 Nov. 1656 [7?] Isaac b. 5 March. 1659, Ja- cob b. 8 May, 1662, Joseph b. 7 April, 1664. TEAD, TEED, TEDD, TIDD, TYDD, John, tailor, came early. Settled at Charlestown, propr. 1637. Rem. to Woburn, 1640. Sold land In 1652. Town officer. Pe- titioned Gen. Court regarding land in 1648. Ch. John, Jr., propr. also in 1646; John. ae. 19, servant to Samuel Greenfield, weaver, who came from Norwich, Eng. May 12, 1637, I thinli; Samuel. Marv, (m. Dec. 24, 1644, Francis Wymap,) Elizabeth, (m. Jan. 13, 1643, Thomas Fuller). Wife Margaret d. 1651. He d. April 24, 1656. Will dated 9 (2) prob. 10 (9) 1656, beq. to wife Alice, son John, daus. Mary and Eliz- abeth; to son Savell's ch. Benjamin, Hannah, John and Samuel; to son Samuel's daus.; to gr. ch. Thomas Fuller and John Kendall. TEAD, etc., cont. Joshua, Charlestown, adm. chh. 10 (1) 1639; frm. 22 May, 1639. Rem. to Salem. Had large estate. Owned and commanded a vessel named the Swallow, and traded along the Eastern shore. John Richards and others of Kennebeck, captured the bark and a freight of beaver, etc. in May, 1656. Testimony given in suit of J. T. against Richard Callicot in Mdx. court, 18 (4) 1657. IGen. Adv. I, 90.] Wife Sarah adm. chh. 9 (7) 1639. She d. 15 Oct. 1677, ae. 71 years. He m. 2. Rhoda, [whom the writer believes to have been successively wife of John Gore, John Remington, and Edward Porter. She d. at Roxbury Aug. 22, 1693, ae. 86 years.] Ch. .John b. at Char. 15 (4) 1641, Joseph b. 15 (10) 1643, Sarah, (m. 24 Sept. 1656, Zech- ariah Long, dau. (m. Samuel Lord). His will dated 12 April, 167.5, prob. 30 Oct. 1678. beq. to wife Sarah; dau. Lord and her children; gr. ch. Marie Long; rest to be di- vided between his gr. ch. Admin, of the estate was gr. to widow Rhoda and Samuel Lord; the widow declined the trust and L. gave bonds Nov. 1, 1678. TEAL, see Theal. TEFFE, TEFT, TIFF, TIFTE, William, tailor, Boston, adm. inhab- itant 24 (10) 1638; with wife Anne adm. chh. 2 (6) 1640. Frm. June 2, 1641. Will dated 1 (3) 1646, prob. 2 (8) 1648; testified to and recorded Nov. 23, 1672. Beq. to dau. Lydia f 7 reed, for her in England as a legacy from Robert Elving; she is not to marry without her mother-in-law's consent; to the eldest child of his bro. John T.; rest to wife Anne, whom he made exec. [Original in Arch. B.] The widow m. Henry Allen, q. v. TEMPLAR, TEMPLER, TEMPLE, Richard, husbandman, Yarmouth, con- stable 4 June, 1645, propr., town officer 1650. Ch. Abigail b. at Charlestown 15 (5) 1647. His wife. dau. of Richard Pritchet, adm. chh. Charlestown 29 (5) 1660. Ch. Richard bapt. at Char. 5 (5) 16(i3. TENCH, William. Plymouth, came in the For- tune in 1621; had lands assigned in 1623; deeded land with John Carman before 1630. 448 TEMPLE, Abraham, Salem, propr. 1C36; lawsuit 1638. Dorothy, Plymouth, servant to Stephen Hopkins; she and her child bound, 8 Feb. 1638 ,to John Holmes. Richard, Salem, propr. 1644. Ch. Rich- ard b. at Char. 15 Oct. 1654. Richard of Concord bought land at C. 3 (11) 1660. TEBRE, TEBRY, TERREY, John, ae. 32, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. Robert, ae. 25, and Richard, ae. 17, came in the James in July, 1635. Mr. Stephen, came in the Mary and John in 1629-30 to Dorchester. [Bl.] Prm. May IS, 1631. Constable, 1635. [Col. Rec] Rem. to Windsor, Conn.; thence to Hadley. His [first] wife was bur. June 5, 1647. He m. [second] Elizabeth — . Ch. Mary b. 31 Dee. 1631, (m. Richard Goodman,) John b. 6 March, 1637, Elizabeth b. 9 Jan. 1641, (m. Philip Russell,) Abigail b. 21 Sept. 1646. His widow d. at Hadley. Her nunc, will prob. March 25, 1684, beq. to daus. Good- man and Kellogg; admin, gr. to son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Kellogg. Thomas, ae. 28, came in the James in July, 1G35. Before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. TENNEY, TENNY, Thomas, Rowley, propr. 1643. Rem. to Bradford. He deposed 4 May, 1680, ae. about 66 years. Wife Ann was bur. 26 (7) 1657. Ch. John b. 14 (10) 1040, Hannah b. 15 (1) 1642, Mercy b. 17 (4) 1644, Thomas b. 16 (5) 1648, James b. 15 (6) 1650, Sarah b. 15 (2) 1652, d. 10 April, 16.53, Daniel b. 16 (5) 1653. He d. 20 Feb. 1699. William, Rowley, propr. 1643; deacon. Wife Katharine; ch. Elizabeth b. 9 (2) 1643, Mary b. 24 (7) 1640, Samuel b. 6 (2) 1650. bur. Aug. 5, 1660, Ruth b. 16 March, 16.53, Sarah b. 20 (7) 1656. He d. 5 Aug. 1685; in v. ret. by widow Katharine 29 Sept. 1691. TEY, [TAY,] John, Boston, made will in presence of Jacob Eliot, prob. 7 (10) 1641. Son Allin to have books when he is of age. to be given to him when he comes over; his trees to be given to persons named; beq. to his cousin TEY, etc., cont. Jackson of Watterton, to good wife Worm- woode, to Mr. Raynsford, .Mr. Ofifley, good- wife Search, Mr. Rainsford's man John; the rest to be divided between John Whight and John Wylie, his kinsmen. THATCHER, THACHER, Mr. Anthony, of Sarum, tailor, came with his wife in the James in April, 1635; they were the sole survivors of a wreck at Cape Ann Aug. 16, 1635; the Gen. Court apptd. him adminr. of the est. of Mr. Jo.seph Avery Sept. 1, 1635; gave him the island on which the wreck occurred 9 March, 1636-7. He was taxed as a propr. at Marblehead 1 (11) 1637. Rem. to Yarmouth; took oath of al- legiance to Plym. Col. 7 Jan. 1638-9. Dep- uty: had lie. to marry persons; magistrate. Richard Sears called him brother. Admin, of his est. was gr. to John T. 30 Oct. 1667, and to his widow Mary 5 March, 1667-8. Samuel, husbandman, Watertown, dea- con, selectman; frm. May IS, 1642. Deputy. Member of chh. of Cambridge. He signed the inv. of Wm. Goodrich in 1647. Wife Hannah; ch. Hannah b. 9 (8) 1645, (m. John Holmes,) Samuel b. 20 (10) 1648. He d. 30 (9) 1669. The widow's will names son and dau. John and Hannah Holmes; son Samuel and his dau. Mary; sister Cheev- ers; the widow of Jonathan Mitchell; Eliza- beth Rush; Nathaniel and Joseph, sons of Jonas Clarke; Samuel Prentice. Rev. Thomas, son of Rev. Peter, of Sarum, Eng. and a nephew of Anthony, above, [C. M.] b. May 1, 1620. came in 1635 to Boston. Frm. May, 1645. Was not a uni- versity grad. but studied with Rev. Charles Chaunce.v. Became highly educated; was skilled in medicine, and very ingenius in mechanical matters. [C. M.] He was or- dained pastor of the chh. at Weymouth Jan. 2, 1644. After a long term of useful service there, he was called to be pastor of the South chh. of Boston, Feb. 16, 1669. He m. May 11, 1643, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Ralph Partridge, minister at Duxbury; she d. June 2, 1604. He m. 2, Margaret, dau. of Henry Webb, and widow of Jacob Sheafe, who sur- vived him, and d. Feb. 23, 1693. Ch. Peter bapt. at Salem 20 (5) 1651, Ralph, Thomas, Patience. Elizabeth. He d. Oct. 15. 1678. [Reg. XXXVH.] 449 THAXTER, THACKSTER, Thomas, linen-weavpr, HlngUam.propr. 1G38. frm. 18 May, 1642; deacon. Thomas, son of Mr. John Thaxter, parson of Bridg- ham, CO. Norfolk, Eng. and Anne, his wife, ■was bapt. Feb. 1, 1595; admin, on the est. of his bro. Daniel, minister of Kirliby, 5 Oct. 1625; reed, property at K. and at Bramer- ton; his name does not appear later in Norf. CO. records. May be believed to be the Hing- ham man. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John, b. about 1626, Elizabeth, Sarah, (m. Thomas Thurston,) Thomas d. 6 Jan. 1646, Daniel d. 22 April, 1663, Samuel b. May 19, 1641. Sam- uel bapt. March 27, 1642. He d. Feb. 4, 1653-4. Inv. taken Feb. 20. Agreement of the heirs regarding the est. April 20, 1654. The widow m. 29 (7) 1654, William Ripley, who d. 20 (5) 1656. She m. at Dedham 20 (11) 1657, John Dwight. She d. July 17, 1660, "drowned in a well." [Hob.] [Reg. VIII, 128 w.] THAYLER, Faithful, Springfield, a witness to the Indian deed in 1636. THAYER, TAYER, TARE, Richard, [shoemaker,] probably bro. of Thomas, folg., and bapt. at Thornbury, Eng. April, 1601. He came in 1641, bringing 8 children. [Depos. of son Richard,] Set- tled at Braintree. Sold land to son Richard in 1648. Rem. to Boston. He m. at Thorn- bury 5 April, 1624, Dorothy Mortimore; ch. Richard bapt. Feb. 10, 1024-5, Cornelius, De- borah bapt. Feb. 1629-30. (m. 11 April, 1653, Thomas Faxon,) Jael, (m. 17 March, 1654, John Harbour, Jr.) Sarah, (m. 20 July, 1651, Samuel Davis.) Hannah, (m. 28 May, 1664, Samuel Hayden,) Zachariah, (d. 29 July, 1693, and est. admin, by bro. Richard.) Na- thaniel, [Abigail d. 6 Aug. 1717, ae. 66 years.] He m. 2, Jane, widow of John Par- ker; joined her in conveyance of land to her Parker children in 1652. He d. before 1668. [Suff. De. V, 446.] Thomas, shoemaker, Braintree, b. at Thornbury. Eng., came before 1639; when he had a grant of land for 9 heads and 40 acres more, 76 acres in all. He m. at Thornbury April 13. 1618, Margerie Wheeler; ch. Thom- as bapt. at T. 15 Sept. 1622, Ferdinando bapt. April 18, 1625, Shadrach, (Sydrick,) THAYER, etc., cont. bapt. May 10, 1629, [Sarah, (m. Jonathan Hayward.) ] He d. 2 (4) 1665. Will dated 24 June, 1664, prob. Sept. 13, 1665. Beq. to wife and sons mentioned above. The widow d. 11 (12) 1672. [Reg. XIII, 335, and XXXVII, 84.] THEAL, THELE, [TEAL,] Nicholas, Watertown, in court 6 March, 1637-8. Sold house and lands 23 (7) 1645. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Joseph b. 24 (8) 1640, Elizabeth b. 5 (4) 1643. THICKSTON, Katharine, m. in 1639 William Hurst of Sandwich. THING, Jonathan, before the Gen. Court 1 (4> 1641. In the service of Henry Ambrose, [Charlestown.] as per Court Rec. 29 May, 1644. Rem. to Exeter. He deposed in 1667, ae. about 46 years. [Es. Files.] Inv. of his est. taken 29 April, 1674; agreement made between Johanna and .Jonathan T. to man- age the est. jointly, bring up and educate the children, and pay Samuel, Elizabeth and Mary their portions when they come of age. THIRBER, see Thurber. THOMAS, Evan, vintner, Boston, a Welchman, with wife and children, had grant of land from Gen. Court 1 Sept. 1640. Adm. chh. 4 (2) 1641; frm. June 2, 1641. Town officer. Wife Jane adm. chh. 7 (1) 1646; he had grant of land for heads 25 (11) 1640; ch. rec. at Bo. : Jane b. 16 (3) 1641, (m. 14 (9) 1657, John Jackson,) Dorcas b. and d. 1642. Eliuor, (m. before 1654 Lyouel AVhitley, (Wheatley,) and conveyed land with him in 1667 which had belonged to her father). His wife d., and he m. about Nov. 8, 1659, Alice, widow of Philip Catland (Kirtland,) of Lynn. He d. Aug. 25, 1601. Admin, gr. to wid- ow Alice Oct. 30, 1061. [Reg. XI, 38.] Hugh, Roxbury, propr., adm. chh. 1650, frm. May 7, 1651. He and his wife were legatees of his nephew John Roberts of Rox- bury, in will prob. July 28. 1676. He d. May 6, 1683, ae. about 76 years. His widow Clement d. Sept. 24, 1683. James, Salem, propr. 1649. 450 THOMAS, cont. Jolin, ae. 14, came in the Hopewell in Sept., 1035. John, Marshfleld, atba. 1G43. He m. Dec. 21, 1648, Savah, dau. of James I'itney; ch. John b. Nov. 16, 1649, Elizabeth b. Sept. 12, 1652, Samuel b. Nov. 6, 1655, Daniel b. Nov. 20, 1659, Sarah b. Sept. 1661, James h. Nov. 1663, Ephraim b. [1667.] Admin, gr. Aug. 7, 1609, to widow Sarah. Mary, RoxbuiT, servant to Hugh Pritchard, d. 10 (4) 1643. Rowland, Springfield, propr., town offi- cer. He m. 14 (2) 1647, Sarah Chapin; she d Aug. 5, 1684. Ch. Joseph bur. 12 (4) 1648, Samuel bur. 5 (1) 1649, Mary b. and d. 1650. William, a very early settler at Marsli- fleld, one of the "purchasers or old comers," frm. 4 Dec. 1638. Son Nathaniel, who acted for him in talking an apprentice 2 Nov. 1636, d. 13 Feb. 1674, ae. about 68 years. [Gr. St.] He d. in Aug. 1651, ae. about 78 years. Will dated July 9, 1651; beq. to son Natiiau- iel his wife, and children Nathaniel, Mary, Elizabeth and Dorothy. To Marshfleld church "a table-cloth of nine foot long;" gifts to James Petney, William Collier, Ed- ward Bulkley and Edward Bumpas. [Keg. IV, 319.] William, ae. 26, husbandman, from Great Comberton, Worcester, Eng., passed exam, to go to N. E. May 10, 1637. THOMPSON, THOMSON, see also Tomp- son, Archibald, Marblehead, propr.; lawsuit, 1637. He was drowned in 1641. [\\ .] Mr David, fishmonger, from London, came over about 1623 to begin a plantation at Piscataqua River. [Hub.] Took posses- sion in 1626 of the island called Tievour s in Boston harbour, afterward called by his name, and erected a habitation there; died soon after. These facts shown to the Gen. Court, they granted the island (which had been included in Dorchester) to his son John Thompson, 10 May, 1648. [See also Beg. IX, 248.] Edmund or Edward, Salem, propr., memb. chh. 1638. He and his wife were THOMPSON, etc., cont. witnesses in court in 1643. Propr. at Wen- ham, 16.43. Ch. Thomas bapt. 12 (12) 1642-3,. Anna bapt. 4 (5) 1647. Edward, servant to William White, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth. Died, soon after arrival. [B.] James, Charlestown, adm. chh. with wife, 31 (6) 1633; frm. May 14, 1634; propr. 1635. Rem. to Woburn in 1640; propr., towa officer. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 65 years. His wife Elizabeth d. Nov. 8, 1643; he m. Feb. 14, 1643-4, Susanna Blodgctt; she d Feb. 10, 1660-1. Ch. Simon, James, (d. Jan. 24, 1646,) [Olive, (m. Sept. 3, 1650, John Cutler,) ] perhaps others. John, Watertown, propr., frm. May 6, 1635. Wife Margaret; ch. John bur. 10 (2). 1636 ae. 3 months, [Samuel bur. 28 (1) 1642.]. He was bur. 28 (12) 1638, ae. 30 years. John, Weymouth, town officer. 1645. John, Plymouth, atba. 1643. Served against the Narragansetts 17 days from 15 Aug 1645. In court 3 March, 1644-5. Town officer; juryman. Did he rem. to Barnsta- ble' He m. at Plym. 26 Dec. 164o. Mary Cooke; ch. John d. U Feb. 1648, John b. 24 Nov 1649. Ch. of John of Barnstable: Hes- ter b. 28 July, 1652, Elizabeth b. 28 Jan. 1654, Sarah b. 4 April, 1657, Lydia b. Oct. 5, 1659, Jude b. 24 April, 1662, Thomas b. 19 Oct. 1664. Will dated 23 April, 1696, "weak througli inflrmities of age;" prob. 8 July, 169o. Simon (Tompson,) rope-maker, Ips- wich, propr. 1636; frm. June 2, 1641. Bought house and land in 1648. Rem. to Chelms- ford AVas active in securing the removal of Wenham people to Chem. in 1654-5. Ret. to Ipswich. He deposed April 4, 1668, ae. about 60 years. [Ips. De. II. 61.] He m. a sister of Henry Short, as the latter deposed in 1665. „„ His will, dated 25 June, 10. o, prob. .8 March, 1676, beq. to wife Rachel what she brought at marriage, etc.; to son-in-law Ab- raham Fitts; to gr. ch. Symon, Samuel, W U- liam, Thomas, Tompson. Mary and Joan- uah Wood; gr. ch. Abraham and Sarah Fitts; dau Wood and son-in-law Isaiah Wood. Thomas, ae. 18, came in the Abigail in July. 1635; settled at Springfield; propr. 1636. 451 THOBN, THOBNE, John, carpeuter, Lynn, propr. 1G38. Nunc, will testified to 27 July, prob. 4 (G) 1G46. A gift to James Thomas; best hat to John Jackson, Jr.; residue to Ann Pauls- grave. John, cooper, Cambridge, probably not a "pioneer," made will 20 Dec. 1681, prob. 14 April, which is here given on account of its important statements. He beq. to son John land at South Molton, co. Devon, Bng.; to Nathaniel, Hannah and Anna, ch. of his ^'predecessoi'" Nathaniel Merriclc a tenement in Barnstable, Eng.; to sister Ann T. of Bar.; kinsmen Joseph Prout of Boston and "Wni. Barratt of Cambridge; to wife Ann and son Symon T. Peter, ae. 20, came in the Elizabeth in April, 1035. Sarah, distracted, placed by the Court under care of Alexander Beck of Boston, 22 May, 1G40. William, laborer, res. at Muddy River, Boston, memb. chh. Roxbury; frm. May 2, 1638. [William, residence not given, a jury- man at Essex Court in 1641, may be the same.] Adm. chh. Boston 17 (2) 1647. Wife — , memb. chh. of Bo.; ch. Desire-truth bapt. At Ros. 22 March, 1644, Hannah bapt. 9 (3) 1047, Israel bapt. in Bo. 14 (5) 1650, Mary bapt. 5 (0) 1655. THORNDIKE, THORNEDICKE, Mr. John, gent., Salem, 1635. One of the first to plant at Agawam, i. e. Ipswich, April 1, 1633. [Col. Rec] He m. Elizabeth, 0. Partner of William Brenton and others 1651. [SufC. De. I.] Wife Mar- tha, dau. of Christopher Stanley; ch. Sam- uel b. 11 July, 1652, Elizabeth b. Sept. 20, 1664, Elizabeth (of Capt. Richard and Mary) b. May 26, 1666, Hannah, who m. 23 (7) 1652, Thomas Love, and Benjamin, who ni. 12 Dec. 1000, Elishua, dau. of Robert Walk- er, may have been ch. of Capt. Richard. THWAYTE, Alexander, [Concord,] the Gen. Court granted his corn to Mr. Peter Bulkley 2 (4) 1640. THWING, Benjamin, ae. 16, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Boston; joiner. Townsman 28 (1) 1642; adm. chh. 17 (12) 1643; frm. May, 1645. Wife Deborah adm. chh. 9 (8) 1642; ch. Deborah b. and d. 1642, John b. 21 (9) 1644, Benjamin bapt. 18 (5) 1647, ae. about 4 days, Rachel bapt. 17 (1) 10.50, ae. about 5 days, Edward b. 14 Nov. 1652, William bapt. 28 (10) 1656, Deborah b. 13 Jan. 1659. Admin, gr. to his widow Deborah and son. John 8 Jan. 1673. 453 TIBBALDES, Thomas, ae. 20, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1G35. TIBBET, TIBBETTS, TIBBOT, TIB- BOTTS, TYBBOTT, TYPIT, Henry, shoemaker, ae. 39, with Eliz- abeth, ae. 39, and children Jeremy, ae. 4, Samuel, ae. 2, and Remembrance, ae. 28. came iu the James in July, 1035. Rem. to Dover. Joaue, before Es. Court in 1048. Walter, came with Rev. Richard Blin- man and others to Marshfield; and was prop, frm. 2 March, 1040-1, but did not remain. Settled at Gloucester. Frm. May 19, 1042. Selectman and constable 1043. [Ess. Court.] Licensed to sell wine 20 May, 1047. He d. 14 (0) 1051. Will signed 5 (4(, prob. I'j Oct. 1051. Beq. to his wife for her life and then to grand son Richard Diclie; to dau. Mary, her husband, Wm. Hasliell, and their children; to son-in-law Edward Clarke, and to John and Joseph C; to Elizabeth Dick, Elnor Bapsone, wife of James Bap- some, and to Zebulon Hill. Inv. filed in Ips- wich court 1 (7) 1051. The widow m. John Harding, q. v. TICKNALL, Henry, ae. 15, came in the Hopewell In Sept. 1035. TTIDD, TYDD, see Tead. TILDEN, cent. phen, daus. Judith, Mary, Sarah and Lydia; to servants Edward Ginkins and Edward Tarte. Wife to have a house at Tenterden. The son Thomas, b. in 1021, deposed at prob. of R. Chapman's will; son Joseph was made exec, of the will of his father's bro. Joseph Tilden. citizen and girdler of London, Feb. 1, 1042. The widow Lydia and her daus. Mary and Sarah were legatees. The dau. Lydia afterward m. Richard Garrett. [Plym. Col. Rec. XII; Reg. IV, 173, and XXXVIII, 322.] Thomas, came to Plymouth in 1023; had 3 lots assigned him. TILER, see Tyler, Job, a criminal at Mt. WoUaston in 1037. [W.] TILESTON, TILSTON, TILESTONE, Thomas, Dorchester, propr. 1034, frm. March 9, 1030-7. Juryman 1040; town offi- cer. Wife Elizabeth: ch. Timothy, Eliza- beth bapt. 3 (0) 1039. Ruth bapt. 3 (8) 1041, (m. 1, Richard Denton, 2, Timothy Foster,) Cornelius bapt. 17 (3l 1040, d. 20 (5) 1059, Naomi bapt. 7 (3) 1048. Bathshuba bapt. 16 (7) 1049, (m. John Payson,) Onesiphorus bapt. 19 (8) 1051. He d. June 24. 1094. ae. 83 years. Will dated 19 Feb. prob. July 12, 1094, beq. to sons Timothy and Onesiphorus, and to the children of daus. Ruth Foster and B.ith- sheba Pason, dec. TIFF, see Teff. TIKE, Robert, Salem, 1043. TILDEN, John, Scituate, atba. 1043. Perhaps a son of Nathaniel. Nathaniel, yeoman, from Tenterden, Eng. came in the Hercules of Sandwich in March, 1034, bringing wife Lydia, 7 children and 7 servants. Settled at Scituate, where his house was noted by Parson Lothrop in Sept. 1034. Town officer, ruling elder. Dau. Mary m. March 13, 1030, Thomas Lap ham; dau. Sarah m. same day George Sutton; Ju- dith m. Abraham Preble. His will, dated May 25, prob. July 31, 1041, beq. to wife, sons Joseph, Thomas and Ste- TILL, TYLL, TYLLS, James, Scituate. servant to John Emer- son, 1037-9, and to Mr. Hatherly in 1043. Res. at or near New Haven in 1040. [A.] Peter, servant of John Clois; the Court ordered his master to use him well and teach him the trade of a seaman or else discharge him, 31 (8) 1039. Peter, Boston, m. 20 (12) 1050, Elizabeth Nick. Bought land in 1062. The widow d. Nov. 20, 1090. Admin, of her est. gr. Aug. 25, 1091, to Thomas Downe. TILLIE, TILLEY, TILLY, TELEY, Mr. Edward, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; res. at Plymouth. Both he and his wife Ann who came witli him died in the spring of 1021. They brought with them cousins Henry Samson and Hu- mility Cooper. The former remained here; 454 TILLIE, etc., cont. the latter was seat for into England, and died there. [B.] John, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; res. at Plymouth. Took part in the explorations, and died from the ex- posure and hardships in the spring of 1621. He brought his wife and daughter Eliza- beth. The wife d. about the same time as he; the dau. m. John Ilowland. [B. and Wins.] Note. Among the marriages at Leyden, Holland, we find that of ".Tan Telly, and Prijntgen van der Velde," 3 March, 1G15, at rieterskirU, (opposite the house of Mr. John Itobinson). His trade was that of "saeij- weroker," or say-weaver; he was accom- panied by his father, Paulus Tellij, and the bride by her mother Maeijcken Tay, whose marriage is on record to Abraham van der A'elde. 27 June, 1591. Many circumstances point to this as the John Tillie of the May- flower; yet the date is late for the time of the birth of the eldest child of Elizabeth Rowland; nor does it correspond to the age asserted for her at her death. It may be that this is a second marriage of J. T., anrt Elizabeth his child by a former wife; or that this Dutch wife died, and that Tillie m. a second wife, whose child by her former hus- band was the bride of John Howland. Mr. John, Dorchester, came in the first company in 1G29-30. fBl.] Frm. March 4, 1634-5. Had a lot granted him July 5, 1636, as the great lot to his brother's home lot. Seems to have died soon; the house which had been his was ordered to be repaired. Mrs. Tilly's land mentioned in 1637 and 1660. She was a midwife in Boston, and for some reason was imprisoned: petitions of Bo. and Dorch. people for release were denied by the Gen. Court 23 May, 1650. Nathaniel, ae. 32, came in the Abigail In May, 1635. Thomas, Plymouth, court case 1636, atba. 1643. William, ae. 28, cert, from the parish •of Little Minories, Eng. came in the Abigail iii June, 1635. William, Barnstable, atba. 1643. William, with wife Alice, sold dwell- ing-house at Boston 26 (4) 1649; by his au- thority Hugh (Junnlson guaranteed the sale. His dau. Sarah m. 1. Henry Linn, 2. Hugh tfunnison, 3, — Mitchell. See H. G. TILLOTSON, TILLISON, John, Rowley, propr. about 1045; rem. to Newbury. Before the court in 1650. [Es. Files.] He m. 14 July, 1648, Dorcas Cole- man; she d. 1 Jan. 1654. He m. 21 May. 1655. Jane Evans. Ch. a ch. b. and bur. in l(i48, Mary b. 13 Feb. ItMO, John b. 21 Feb. 1(!.50, James b. 19 Dec. 1652, Philadcli)hia b. 28 Dec. 16,56, Joseph b. 11 Juu. 1657, Jona- than b. 6 July, 1659. TILLY als. HILLIER, Hugh, came in the Lyon's Whelp to Salem in 1629. appointed to help in setting up a saw-mill. Rem. to Yarmouth. One ot ihe witnesses to the will of Peter Werden in 1638; atba. 1643. Wife Rose; ch. Deborah b. 30 Oct. 1643, Samuel b. July, 1646. Widow Tillye m. at Nocett Nov. 3, 1648, Thomas Higgins. [Scituate Chh. Rec] TILSON, TILLSON, Edmoud or Edward. Plymouth, had land grant 3 Sept. 1638; frm. 1 March, 1641- 2. Juryman. Admin, of his est. and allowance gr. to his widow Joane 5 March, 1660-1. [Reg. V, 338.] TILTON, John, Salem, 1641. The wife of his son John presented to the Court for oppos- ing Infant Baptism in 1641. TING, see Tyng. TINKER, TINCKER, John, planter, agent for Augustine Clement 27 (4) 1638. [L.] Res. at Boston; adm. chh. 5 (12) 1653; frm. May 3, 1654. He lu Sarah, divorced wife of William Barnes, q v., and undertook to bring up the younger child, 13 (10) 1648, according to her will. He m. Alice — , who was adm. chh. 19 (4) 1053; ch. Sarah b. and d. 1651, Mary b. July 2. 1653, John bapt. 30 (7) 1655, Amos bapt. 16 (3 1 1658. John T., of Lancaster, trader, had deal- ings witli Nomauacomak Nov. 9, 16.59. [Suff. De. Ill, 307.] Thomas, came in the Mayflower to I'lymouth, with wife and a son; all died iu the first sickness. [B.] 455 TINGLET, TINGLE, Palmer, miller, ae. 21, came in the Planter in April, 1635. Settled at Ipswich. Reed, land in 1039 for service in the Pequot war; sold before 1643. TINKHAM, TINCUM, Ephraim, servant to Timothy Hather- l.v; transferred in 1034 to John Winslow. Propr. 2 Aug. 1642. Ch. Ephraim b. 5 Aug. 1649, Ebenezer b. 30 Sept. 1651, Peter b. 25 Dec. 1653, Hezekiah b. 8 Feb. 1655, John b. 7 June, 1658. Mary b. 5 Aug. 1661, John b. 15 Nov. 1663, Isaac b. 11 April, 1666. He made will 17 Jan. 1683, prob. 5 June, 1685; beq. to wife Mary, ch. Ephraim, Eben- ezer, Peter, Elkiah, John, Isaac, Mary Tom- son. TISDALE, John, yeoman, Duxbury, brought suit in court 7 June, 1636; planter and propr. 5 Nov. 1038, atba. 1643, constable 1045. Of Taunton, Dec. 26, 1651, bought land at Dux. of Wm. Brett. John, Sen., was killed by the Indians 27 June, 1675. His wife Sarah d. Dec, 1676. His will prob. 2 Nov. 1676, beq. to sons John, James, Joshua and Joseph; gave to daus. Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and Abigail. The Court made note that the two younger had endangered their lives in protecting the prop- erty. [Plym. Col. Rec] An agreement was made 4 June, 1677, between these four sons and the three sons-in-law, John Smith, James Dean and Nathaniel French. TITCOMB, William, yeoman, Newbury, frm. June 22, 1642. Deputy 1055. Town officer. He m. Joanna, dau. of Richard Bartlett; she d. June 28, 1653; he m. 3 March, 1654, Eliz- abeth, widow of William Stephens; ch. Sa- rah b. Feb. 17, 1640, Hannah b. 8 Jan. 1641, Mary b. 17 Feb. 1643, Milla (Millicent) b. 7 June, 1646, d. 20 Jan. 1064, William b. 18 March, 1648, d. 2 June, 16.59, Penuel b. 16 Dec. 1650, Benajah b. 28 June, 1653, Eliza- beth b. 12 Dee. 1654, Rebecca b. 1 April, 1656, Tirza b. 21 Feb. 1657, William b. 14 Aug. 1659, Thomas b. 11 Oct. 1661, Lydia b. 13 June, 1663, "Millesent" d. Feb. 8. 1063, John b. 17 Sept. 1064, Ann b. 7 July, 1666. Will dated 18 Sept. 1676, prob. at Ipswich 8 days later; beq. to daus. Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth Bartlett, Rebecca, Tersa, Lydia TITCOMB, cent. and Anne; to sons Bennia, William, PenieU Thomas and John. Peniell heir and oxec. TITUS, TYTTJS, Robert, husbandman, ae. 35, with wife Hannah, ae. 21, and children John, ae. 8, and Edmond, ae. 5, came in the HopewelT in April, 1035. Settled at Boston. Had land adjoining Mr. Blackstoue 14 (10) 1035. Frm. May 13, 1040. Rem. to Weymouth. Rem. about 1044 to Rehoboth. Frm. Plymouth Colony 7 June, 1650. Ch. rec. at Weymouth; Abiel b. 17 (1) 1640, Content b. 28 (1) 1643. TOBEY, TOBY, Francis, in court 7 July, 1635. Thomas, Scituate; rem. to Sandwich; was a member of the chh. in 1694. He m. at Sandwich, 18 Nov. 1650, Martha Knott. Ch. Thomas b. Dec. 8, 1651. TODD, TOD, TOOD, John, clothier, merchant, Rowley, propr. early, taxed in 1650; juryman, 1651, town offi- cer. Kept the ordinary. He deposed in 1672, ae. about 50 years. Wife Susanna; ch. Mehit- abel b. 10 (11) 1649, John b. and d. 1645, Ma- ry b. June 10, 1659, Susanna b. Sept. 5, 1004, Thomas b. 3 (10) 1665, Timothy b. May 2, 1668. James b. Feb. 8, 1671. He d. 14 Feb. 1689; will prob. 25 March, 1690. TOLLEK, Marie, ae. 16, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. TOLMAN, TOULMAN, TOtTLEMAN, TOLEMAN, Thomas, wheelwright, Dorchester, res. 1639, propr., frm. May 13, 1640. Town offi- cer. Wife Sarah; ch. Sarah, (m. 18 (1) 1658- 9, Henry Leadbetter,) Hannah bapt. 2 (6) 1639, Hannah b. 27 (5) 1642, John bapt. 31 (5) 1042, Ruth bapt. 7 (10) 1644. His wife Katharine d. Nov. 7, 1077. He d. June 18, 1090. Will dated Oct. 29, 1088, in his 80th year, prob. 5 (12) 1691. Eld- est son Thomas; daus. Sarah Leadbetter,. Rebecca Tucker, Ruth Ryall, Hannah Lyon and Mary Collins; son John Tolman; James Tucker, husband of Rebecca, to pay a cer- tain sum to Isaac Ryall's two eldest daus.. Ruth and Mary. [Reg, XV.] 456 TOMLIN, TOMLINE, TOMLYN, THOM- LINS, TOMLINS, TOMLYNS, Mr. Edward, Lyun, propr., frm. May 18, 1631. Ordered by Gen. Court Sept. 3, ]634, to impress men for the manufacture of military supplies. Deputy 1634. Fore- man of jury, 1636. Edward, ae. 30, and Benjamin, ae. 18, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Propr. at Lynn, 1638; constable 31 (1) 1641. [Es. Court.] He and Timothy T. and Mr. Hansard Knowles and others, warned from claims on Long Island 28 (7) 1641. Capt. Ed. Tomlins, of London, gent, bought land of Jos. Rednape of Lynn Feb. 1, 1648. Mr. Timothy, Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm. March 4, 1632; rem. to Lynn; propr. 1638. Licensed to keep house of entertain- ment at Saugus 8 Sept. 1636. Deputy. TOMPKINS, TOMKIN, TOMKINS, John, Salem, 1636, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Margaret; ch. Hannah bapt. 10 (12) 1638, Elizabeth bapt. 19 (3) 1639, Hannah bapt. 21 (12) 1640, Sarah bapt. 1 (11) 1642, (m. 1 (6) 1663, John Waters,) Elizabeth b. 29 (9) bapt. 17 (11) 1046, Mary bapt. 29 (2) 1649, Deborah bapt. 8 (4) 1651. Wife Mar- garet d. 18 (5) 1672. He m. Sept. 1673, Mary Read. He d. 23 June, 1681. John, Concord. Ch. Ruth b. 1 (4) 1640, John b. 25 (7) 1642. Ralph, husbandman, ae. 50, with wife Katharine, ae. 58, and ch. Samuel, ae. 22, Elizabeth, ae. 18, and Marie, ae. 14, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. Res. at Dor- chester in 1637 and later. Frm. May 2, 1638. Rem. to Salem. Planter. Sold house, lands and common rights 2 (4) 1648, to John Farn- ham of Dorch. Wife Katharine adm. chh. 3 (2) 1642; Martha, (m. John Foster,) John bapt. 16 (12) 1644, (he deposed in 1670, ae. about 25 years). He expressed his mind about disposing of his estate to his bro. Sam- uel Eborne and Nathaniel Felton just after the burial of his wife, before he removed to Bridgewater to his son Samuel. Would car- ry out agreement made with his wife at mar- riage; would talk with his son Foster. Admin, gr. 12 (9) 1606, to son John, who had the land; rest to Mary, dau. of John Foster. TOMPSON, see also Thompson, Rev. William, curate of the church of Winwick, Lancashire, some time; there his son Eliezer was bapt. Oct. 21, 1635. He came to New England in 1636 or 1637; joined the chh. of Dorchester, of which his life-long friend Mr. Richard Mather was pastor. Preached a while at Accomenticus, (Klt- tery;) then came to Braintree, where he was installed pastor, with Mr. Henry Flint as teacher, Nov. 19, 1639. He was "a very gracious, sincere man,— an instrument of much good,— a man of much faith." [W.] He was selected as the leader of the party of ministers sent by the Mass. Bay govern- ment to Virginia in 1643 to present to that colony the distinctive principles of the churches and government of New England. He wrote, in conjunction with Mr. Mather, a book entitled "An Answer to Mr. Charles Herle," reviewing the history of affairs in Lancashire in which they had taken part. He was adm. frm. May 13, 1640. He m. in England Abigail — , who d. Jan. 1, 1642-3. He m. 2, Annah, widow of Simon Crosby, who survived him. She is called "An Tom- son" in Cambridge records in 1646. Ch. Sam- uel b. Feb. 16, 1630, William, Eliezer, Mary. Elinor, Joseph b. 1 (3) 1640, Benjamin b. 14 (5) 1642. He d. 10 (10) 1066, "in the 09th year of his age." [D.] His widow d. 11 (8) 1675. TOOGOOD, TWOGOOD, John, sent 1 (10) 1640, by the Gen. Court to the wife of Thomas Marshfield of Conn., to whom his father Robert Fen had appr. him. TOOKIE, see Tucky. TOOTHAKEB, Roger, ae. 23, with Margaret, ae. 28, and child Roger, ae. 1, came in the Hope- well in Sept. 1635. Settled at Plymouth. He d. soon; lands granted to his widow Margaret 5 Feb. 1637-8. She m. 21 Dec. 1638, Ralph Hill. TOPPER, TAPP, Thomas, had beq. of 5 li. from Dennis Geere of Lynn 10 Dec. 1635. Joan, Lynn, sued persons for defamation in 1639. 457 TOPPAN, TAPPAN, TOPPING, TAP- PING, Abraham, cooper, of Yarmouth, Eng. ae. 31, Susanna his wife, ae. 30, children Pe- ter and Elizabeth, and servant Anne Good- in, passed exam. May 10, 1687, to go to N. E. Came to Newbury, where he had lands and house; was town officer. Elizabeth m. Samuel Mighill. Other ch. Isaac, Abraham, Jacob b. Dec. 24, 1644, Susanna b. 13 June, 1649, a child d. Feb. 12, 1649, John b. 23 April, 1651. He d. Nov. 5, 1672. Will dated 7 June, 1670, prob. 25 March, 1673; beq. to wife Su- san; sons Peter, Jacob, (about to marry Han- nah Sewall,) Abraham, Isaac and John; to son-in-law Samuel Mighill. The widow Su- sanna who had deposed 9 Dec. 1670, ae. 66 years, d. March 20, 1689. Genealogy; [Reg. XXXIII and XXXIV.] George, Charlestown, d. 14 (. .) 1650. [Mdx. Rec] Richard, draper, Boston, adm. chh. with wife Judith (9) 1633, frm. March 4, 1633-4. He sold to Thomas Robinson of Scituate, Aug. 29, 1654, all houses anil lands in Boston, his wife Alice co-signing. His wife Judith d. in 1635; he m. 2, Alice — , who was adm. chh. 17 (2) 1647. Ch. Tim- othy b. and d. 1033, Joseph b. and d. 1645, Joseph bapt. 11 (4) 1648, ae. about 15 days, Benjamin bapt. 21 (5) 16.50. i TOPLIFF, TOPLEY, TAPLEY, TOPLIF, Clement, Dorchester, propr. about 1637; adm. chh. 4 (12) 1639, frm. May 13, 1040. Herdsman. 1653. One of the signers to the Thompson's Island agreement 7 (12) 1641. Wife Sarah adm. chh. about 1638; ch. Jon- athan b. (2) 1037, Sarah bapt. 26 (3) 1639, Obedience bapt. 2 (8) 1642, (m. 20 Feb. 1659, David Cope,) Samuel bapt. 10 (3) 1646, Pa- tience, (m. 27 (1) 1607, Nathaniel Homes). He d. Dec. 24, 1672, ae. 69 years. Will dated 26 Jan. 1666, prob. 31 Jan. 1672. Beq. to wife Sarah; ch. Samuel Toplif, David Jones, David Cope, Patience Toplif. The widow Sarah d. July 29, 1693, ae. 88 years. TORBEY, TORY, James, Scituate, lieut., frm. S June, 1655. He deposed in 1657, ae. 44 years. He m. 2 Nov. 1643, Ann, dau. of William Hatch; ch. James b. 3 Sept. 1644, William b. March TORREY, etc., cont. 15, 1646, Joseph b. March 18, 1648, Damarls b 26 Oct. 1651, Jonathan b. 20 Sept. 16.54, JIary b. 14 Feb. 1656, Josiah b. 28 Jan. 1658, Sarah b. 9 Feb. 1660, Joanna b. 4 May, 1663, Bethiah b. July 19, 1665. He d. July 0, 1665, and inv. was pres. by his widow Ann Oct. 11, 1665. [Reg. V, 338, and VI, 187.] Joseph, one of the purchasers at Reho- both, 1643; juryman 1646, frm. 7 June, 1648; in court 1050. Philip, yeoman, from Combe St. Nich- olas, CO. Somerset, Eng., came in 1040 to Rosbury. Frm. May 18, 1642. He deposed 5 March, 1673-4, as to his history; was ae. about 59 years; testified to his acquaintance with William Torrey and his son Samuel, who came with him from the same place, and whom he had known ever since. State- ments confirmed by George Fry. [Suff. De. VIII, 392, and Arch. XV, A, 11.] [Reg. XL, 62.] He m. Oct. 1, 1647, Mary, dau. of Rob- ert Smith, and widow of John Scarbarow; ch. Joseph b. and d. 1649, Jonathan bapt. 22 (4) 1651, Mary b.apt. 9 (2) 1654. He was bur. 16 (3) 1686. William, from Combe St. Nicholas, Somerset, came in 1640, and settled at Wey- mouth. Captain, commissioner, town offi- cer, deputy. A good penman and sljilled in the Latin tongue, usually clerk of the dep- uties. [J.] His son Samuel, who came with him, became pastor of the chh. of Wey- mouth in 1664. He had life-lease of ground in Bristol, called The Torreys, in possession of John HoUister, whose will refers to it Sept. 12, 1690. [Reg. XL, 62.] Ch. Naomi b. 3 (10) 1641, [13 (10) 1640,] Mary b. 3 (10) 1642. [Aug. 4, 1642.] Mycajah b. 12 (8) 1643, [12 (10) 1643,] Angel b. June 4, 1657. Will dated 15 May, 16S6, prob. July 2, 1691, beq. to sons Samuel, William, Micajah; to wife and her sons Josiah and Angel; to gr. dau. Hayward. TOTMAN, TATMAN, John, embarked for New Eng. June 2, 1632; came to Roxbury. Frm. May 2, 1638. Propr. Wife Joannah d. Sept. 29, 1668. Ch. Jabez b. Nov. 19, 1641. He d. Oct. 28, 1670; will dated .30 (7) prob. 13 (9) 1670, beq. all to his only son Jabez. 458 TOSE, John, planter, Hingham, defendant in a lawsuit, 1039. LL-] TOTTINGHAM, Henry, yeoman, Woburn, propr. I(j40. He deposed in 1U58, ae. about 50 years. Ilis wife Anna d. Feb. 23, 1053-4; be m. July 13, lli5-l, Alice Eager. [Mdx. Court Rec] Will dated 10 (7) 1078, prob. April 1, 1079, beq. to son Nebemiah and to children he may have; to son Elijah; a toljen to the min- ister. Rev. Thomas Carter. TOWER, TOWERS, John, planter, Hingham, propr. 1037; frm. 13 March, 1638-9. Before Gen. Court 1040 and 1045. He deposed 9 .Tan. 1670, ae. about 69 years. [To. Rec] He m. Eeb. 13, 1038, Margaret, dau. of Richard Ibrooic; she d. 15 May, 1700. Cb. John b. Dec. 13, 1039, Jonathan b. Aug. 1, 1041, Ibrook b. Feb. 1043, Jeremiah b. March 9, 1645-0, Elizabeth b. June 4, 1648, (m. Wm. Roberts,) Sarah b. July 16, 1650, Hannah b. July 17, 1652, (m. David Whipple,) Benjamin b. Nov. 5, 1651, Jemiua b. April 25, 1659, Samuel b. Jan. 26, 1661. He d. 13 Feb. 1701-2. TOWLE, TOLL, John, Sudbury, propr. 1644, frm. May, 1045, town officer, 1647. Wife Katiiarine; eh. John b. 20 (9) 1041, d. 31 (111 1042, Mary b. 8 (10) 1043, Rebecca b. 5 (3) 164ti, John b. 28 (12) 1647. Roger, Boston, servant to Henry Webb in 1039. [L.] Frm. May 29, 1644. TOWN, TOWNE, Edmund, apprentice to Henry Skerry, came in 1037 to Salem. Sergeant. Rem. to Topsfleld. Wife Mary; ch. Sarah b. 20 April, 1657, d. In 1661 and — d. in 1002-3. His est. was divided 27 (4) 1678, as his widow declared he had wished, to herself, 4 sons and 5 dans. Distribution in 168:? to ch. Edmund, Jacob, Joseph, Rebecca, wife of Francis Nurse, and Sarah Bridges. John, Springfield, a witness to the In- dian deed in 1636. William, planter, Cambridge, propr. 1635. Wife Martha; ch. Peter bapt. in Eng- TOWN, etc., cent. laud, and aliout 3 years old when his par- ents joined Camb. chh.; [Mi. J Mary b. (7) 1637. His wife d. Jan. 20, 1673-4. He d. March 30, 1685, ae. 80. Inv. taken 26 May, 1685. William, gardiner, Salem, frm. April 18, 1637. Rem. to Topsfleld. With wife Jo- anna deeded land to son Joseph in 1663, when he was about to marry Phebe, dau. of Thomas Perkins. Joanna was reed, from Sal. chh. to that of Tops. 19 (4) 1604. She deposed in 1670, ae. 70 years; he deposed in 1660, ae. about 00 years. TOWNSEND, TOWNSHEND, Thomas, I.ynn, propr. 1638, frm. March 14, 1638-9. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 60 years. He was a bro.-in-law of John New- gate of Boston, who made a beq. to him in 1665. He d. 22 (10) 1677. Christopher, scrivener, witnessed a bond in Boston 9 (8) 1645. William, baker, husbandman, Boston, servant to Nicholas Willys, adm. chh. 3 (6) 1034, frm. May 25, 1636. Sold land in 1651. He deposed 17 (7) 1668, ae. about 67 years. Wife Hannah, sister of elder James Penn; ch. Eleazer bapt. 12 (4) 1636, Patience bapt. 28 (3) 1637, Hannah b. 4 (2) 1641, (m. 1, 3 April, 1657, Thomas Hull, 2, Hope Allen, 3, Richard Knight, 4, Richard Way,) Peter b. 20 (S) 1042, JIary bapt. 24 (9) 1644, ae. about 7 (lays, d. 29 Nov. 1658, James b. 15 (11) 1646, Isaiah bapt. 5 (9) 1648, ae. about 3 days, De- borah bapt. 25 (6) 1650, (m. Nathl. Thayer.) Penn b. 20 (10) 1651, John b. 3 Sept. 1653, d. 17 (6) 1654. He d. in 1669; inv. taken 27 (7) 1669; admin, gr. to widow Hannah 29 Oct.; division made 20 Oct. 1669, between Nathaniel Thayer, hus- band of Deborah, Hannah (then Knight,) and James, Peter and Penn T. The widow taught school in 1691; she d. Jan. 17, 1699- 1700, in her 93d year. [S.] Inv. renderea by son Penn T. 26 March folg. TOT, William, laborer, husbandman, distiller of strong water, Boston, adm. chh. 8 (8) 1642, frm. May 27, 1063. Rem. to Billerica, whence he sold lands in Bo. Oct. 5, 1063. He m. Sept. 14, 1644, Grace, dau. of Abraham 459 TOT, cont. Newell; cb. Grace b. 23 (G) 1645, John bapt. 21 (9) 1647, ae. about 5 days, Isaiah bapt. 10 (1) 1650, ae. about 7 days, Abiel b. 21 Jan. 1C52, Nathaniel b. 23 Feb. 1654. Peter bapt. 25 (12) 1654, Jeremiah b. 18 July, 1657 Elizabeth b. June 25, 1660. The widow Grace d. at Roxbury 11 April, 1712, in her 91st year. TRACY, TRACE, Thomas, ship-carpenter, Watertown, rem. to Salem in 1636. [Sal. Town Rec] Stephen, say-malver, youngman, from England, accompanied by Anthony Clemens, married at Leyden, Holland, Dec. IS, 1621,' Trifose Le — , maid, of England. He came to Plymouth in 1623. Frm. 1633. Kes. at Duxbury. Town officer 1638-9. His wife Triphosa and ch. Sarah ind Rebecca had shares in cattle in 1627. Ret. to England; was at Great Yarmouth 20 March, 1654-5; gave power of attorney to John Winslow to divide his lands and chattels at D. between his son John, dau. Ruth and the rest of his five ch. living in N. E. [Ply. Deeds, II.] William, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. TRAIN", TRAINE, TRANE, John, ae. 25, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1636; husbandman; took oath of fidel- ity 1652. He deposed 20 (10) 1664, ae. about 50 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Margaret -, who d. 18 (10) 1660, ae. about 44 years. He m. Oct. 12, 1675, Abigail Bent, who d. Aug. 17, 1691. Ch. Elizabeth b. 30 (7) 1640, Mary b. 10 (8) 1642, Rebecca, (m. Michael Barstow,) Sarah b. 3 (11) 1646, Abigail b. 31 (11) 1648, John b. May 25, 1651, Thomas, Hannah b. Sept. 7, 1657. He d. Jan. 29, 1680-1. Will prob. April 4, 1081, beq. to wife Abigail; sons John and Thomas; daus. Elizabeth Stratton, Rebecca Basto, Sarah Cole, Abigail Towning and Hannah Child, and their ch.; to dau. Mary Memory's ch. John, Samuel, Joseph and Ma- ry. TRASK, TRASKE, Osman, Osmund, planter, Salem, propr. before 1649. Rem. to Beverly; constable. He deposed in 1665, ae. about 38 years. He m. 1 (11) 1649, Mary — ; she d. 2 Jan. 1661, TRASK, etc., cont. aud he m. 2, May 22, 1663, Eliza Galley. Ch Sarah b. (7) 1650, Edward b. 6 (4) 1652 Mary b. (3) 1657, John b. 15 (6) 1658, William b. and d. 1660. He d. about 1676. Inv. ,f his est. taken 5 March, 1676, filed by widow Elizabeth in Ipswich court 27 March, 1677. One of the items is 2 pounds due from John Traske his brother's son. The court made the widow admin, and placed the rest in her hands- she to give the eldest .son 40 acres of land with house upon it; the other 8 children, Sarah Mary, Samuel, Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth,' William and Jonathan, to have 50 pounds apiece; the .same for the expected child The widow deeded land to her five sons, Sam- uel, Benjamin, Joseph, William and Edward T. 27 March, 1679, to be delivered after she Ijad paid the legacies due to daus. Sarah, Mary and Elizabeth. [Ips. De. IV, 242 ] Mr. William, a very early resident of Salem, certainly by 1628; memb. chh. Aug. 6, 1629, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630. Com of Gen. Court in 1632; deputy. Captain of the East regiment, and muster master. Com- manded a company in the Pequot war in 1637. Had large tracts of land for his ser- vices. Set up a water-mill for grinding corn and a fulling mill before 1640. [Es. Court Files.] He deposed in the Dexter case, 22 (2) 1657, ae. about 69 years; depos. also 29 Nov. 1664, ae. 77 years, that he was one of the lot-layers of the town about 34 years ago. This age corresponds with a deposi- tion made by William Trask in London, Jan. 15, 1623, ae. 34, when about to go to Delft, Holland. Wife Sarah; ch. Mary bapt. 1 (11) 1636, Susanna bapt. 10 (4) 1638, (m. 19 (12) 1663, Samuel Eborne,) William bapt. 19 (7) 1640, John bapt. IS (7) 1642, Eliza bapt. 21 (7) 1645, Mary bapt. 2 (8) 1652, Anna (dau. of Mary,) bapt. 18 (4) 1654, Sarah (of sister T.) bapt. 14 (7) 1656. [Henry, adult in Sa- lem in 1652; no token of relationship in rec- ords. The mention of John T., his brother's son, in inv. of Osman T., seems to prove him a brother of William.] He d. May 15, 1666. Will dated May 15, prob. June 24, 1666. Beq. to wife Sarah provision for her life; to sons William ana John; to daus. Sarah, Susan and Mary; to grand children. Inv. taken May 15, 1666. [See Genealogy in Reg. XI, 257, and LIII 43.] 460 TRAVELL, TBEVELL, TREBLE, Henry, Marblehead, a witness in 1C40. John, accused by Jane Moultou in l(j40. TRENTtTM, Tliomas, in July, 1035. ae. 14, came in tlie Blessing [L.] XatUaniel, before Gen. Court 30 (2) 1G40. TRAVERS, Henry, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1C33-4. Settled at Newbury; propr. 1G37. Wife Bridget; ch. Sarah, James b. 28 April, 1645. He made will July 26, 164S. Ret. to Eng- land and d. there. The widow m. March 30, 1659, Richard Windorr or Window of Gloucester, with whom she sold land in 1659. TREABWAY, Nathaniel, Sudbury, propr. 1639; rem. to Watertowu. Town officer. Wife Sur- ferana or Sufrany d. July 22, 1682; ch. Jon- athan b. Nov. 11. 1640, Mary b. Aug. 1, 1642, Elizabeth b. 3 (2) 1046, Deborah b. 2 (6) 1657, Lydia, (m. Oct. 2, 1667, Josiah Jones,) James, Josiah. He d. July 20, 1689. Will names sons Jon- athan, James and Josiah; dau. Mary Hawk- ins' children, Jonathan Fisher and Mary H.; children of dau. Ha ward by her husbands Hapgood and Haward; sons-in-law Josiah Jones and Joseph Goddard; kinsman John Jacuas. TREADWELL, TREDWELL, Edward, Ipswich, had a lot granted to him by the Gen. Court 2 Nov. 1637, and other lots by the town later. Thomas, smith, ae. 30, with wife Mary, ae. 30, and child Thomas, ae. 1, came in the Hopewell in July, 1635. Settled at Dor- chester. Propr. 1036-7. Suit against him in Gen. Court 29 (6) 103G. Sold all est. 20 June. 16.38. Rem. to Ipswich; propr. 1635. Purchased house and lands 27 (4) 1638. [Ips. Rec] Ch. Mary b. 29 Sept. 1636, Naihaniel b. 13 (ilarch) 1640, [H ] b. 21 March, 1643, Martha b. 16 March, 1643. [Es. Files \II, 48.] His will dated 1 June, prob. 26 Sept. 1671, beq. to wife; sons Thomas and Nathaniel; daus. Mary. [Ester] and Martha. ".My sis- ter Bachellor" is mentioned. The widow Mary tiled the inv. 26 (7) 1671. TRESCOTT, William, husbandman, Dorchester, frm. May 10, 1643. He ra. Elizabeth, dau. of George Dyer. With wife Elizabeth sold land in D. 27 March, 106.5. She d. July 31, 1699. He admin. Jlarch 20, 1654-5, on the est. of his bro. Thomas, mariner, of Boston. He d. Sept. 11, 1699, ae. 84 years, 8 months. Made will 9 Aug. 1699, prob. 25 Oct. 1699; beq. to sons Samuel and John; to dau. Mar- tha Adams and her ch. Mercy, Mary and Martha Huens; to dau. Abigail and her ch. Amiel and George Weeks; to dau. Sarah Modesly; to gr. ch. Joseph Trescott. Be- quests made to his wife Elizabeth by her father Dyer, late of Dorc^h. are to be given as he directed in his will. TREBLE, John, accused of crime in 1640. [L.] TRERICE, TRERISE, TREROISE, TRA- RICE, Nicholas, mariner, master of the ship Planter, 1035-9. settled at Charlestown. Propr. also at 'tt'oburn in 1640. He mortg. all his lands in Char., Linefield and Mistick- lield to Joshua Foote, ironmonger, of Lon- don, 10 (10) 1644. Rem. to Woburn. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 12 (3) 1039; ch. John b. 26 (3) bapt. 3 (4) 1639, Samuel b. 7 (3) 1643. He m. second wife Rebecca, who deposed 2 (2( 1662, ae. 56 years; acknowledged tlie sale of laud formerly her husband's to Edward Johnson, and filed copy of the admin, papers gr. by the court at Boston on the estate of Nicholas Trerise, dated 6 (7) 1653. Mary- Lock witnessed her deed, and William Lock testified with her. [Mdx. Files.] The wid- ow Hebec'ca m. 22 (2) 1655, Thomas Genner [Jenner.] TREVORE, TREVOTJR, TREVOYRE, William, a seaman, came in Mayflower; was hired to stay a year in this country; when his time was out he returned to Eng- land. [B.] He testified in 1650 before Tn- <-rease Nowell, probably at Charlestown, that he was bere in 1619 and took possession of "the island of Trevour" for David Thomp- son. [Reg. IX, 248.] See Thompson, David. 461 TBESLER, TBUSLEB, TRUSLOE, Thomas, Salem, propr., 1G39; frm. Dec. 27, 1642. Constable 4 (7) 1643. [Es. Court.] Clerk of the Market; refuted charges brought against him before Gen. Court in 1650. Wife Eleanor memb. chh. 1C39. He d. March 5, 1653-4. Inv. on file. The will of his widow Eleanor dated 15 Feb. 1654, prob. 26 (4) 1655, beq. to sons Henry, Nicholas and Edward; two daus; gr. ch. John Phelps and others; a legacy left by her late husband to a dau. in Eng. [Reg. XXXI, 103.] The inv. mentions son-in-law Edward Phelps. TROTT, TROT, Thomas, Dorchester, propr., town offi- cer; frm. May 29. 1644. Wife Sarah; ch. Preserved bapt. 19 (1) 1646, (m. 11 (5> 1667, John Baker,) Sarah bapt. 12 (1) 1654, (m. June 2, 1675, Bernard Capen,) Mary b. 26 (11) 1656, Samuel b. 27 (6) 1660, John b. 24 (9) 1664, Thankful bapt. 5 (11) 1667, ae. about weeks, James b. 2 (4) 1671, Thomas, Jr. a father in 1682. He d. July 28, 1696, ae. about 82 years. Will prob. Sept. 10, 1696, beq. to son Thom- as' children Thomas and Mary, and his wid- ow; to sons John, James and Samuel, and daus. Preserved Baker, Sarah Capen and Thankful Kinsley; and to wife Sarah. TROWBRIDGE, TROBRIDGE, Mr. Thomas, merchant, gent. Dorches- ter, propr. before 1637, rem. to Boston; res. 20 (7 1 1039, and was of New Haven before 12 (8) 1647. [A.] Wife memb. chh. about 1637; ch. James bapt. in 1637-8, (m. 30 (10) 1659, Margaret, dau. of Maj. Humphrey Atherton, and rem. to Newton). TRUANT, TROUANT, Morris, Dorchester, 16.'?0. [Col. Rec] Duxbury. atba. 1643; town officer. Rem. to Marshfield about 1647; constable 1650. He m. 16 Oct. 1639, Jane — . He d. April 21, 1685. Will dated 33 Dec. 1678, prob. Oct. 20, 1685, beq. to wife Jane; ch. John, Joseph, Mary, Elizabeth, Mehet- abel and Hannah. TROTMAN, John, bought house and land in Boston; ret. to London, and sent power of attorney 16 (12) 1644, to his wife Katharine in Bo. bv virtue of which she sold it 28 (4) 164-5. TRTTE, TBEW, Henry, Salem, propr. before 1646. [Es. Files.] Rem. to Salisbury; bought house and lot in 1657. He m. Israel, dau. of John Pike, Sen.; she survived him, and m. 2, June 18, 1660, Joseph Fletcher. Ch. John bapt. 13 (5) 1645. Henry b. 8 (1) 1646, bapt. 14 (1) 1647, Lydia bapt. 4 (12) 1648, Joseph bapt. 8 (12) 1651, Benjamin bapt. 19 (12) 1653, Je- mima bapt. 26 (2) 1657. His est. was settled upon his son John by Sails, court 10 (2) 1660. [Norf. co. De. Ill, 85.] TREWORGY, TRUEWORTHY, John, Newbury, son of James and Katharine (Shapleigh) T.. m. 15 Jan. 1646, Mrs. Penuel Spencer, [perhaps dau. of John S.] Ch. John b. 12 Aug. 1049. [See Reg. V, 345.] His mother m. 2, Edward Hilton. [Will in Norf. De. Ill, pt. 3, 115.] * *Mrs. Katharine Hilton, dau. of Alexan- der Shapleigh, wife, first of James Tre- worthy, second of Edward Hilton, made nunc, will, attested at Hampton Court 30 May, 1676. Beq. to James, son of John Tre- worth.v, a silver beaker, to be kept in the hands of her dau. Elizabeth Oilman till he comes of age; to James, son of John T.; to Edward Hilton, Jr.; to gr. ch. Samuel and ilary G. and Joanna Merideth; to Jlr. Sam- uel Dudley; to daus. Joanna M. and Eliza- beth G.; to Abigail, wife of Edward G.; to Betty, Katharine, Sarah and Lydia G.; to Mrs. Lucie Wells, goodwife Robinson and Jane H. Son-in-law Capt. John Gilman exec. Mr. Wells to be paid. Rest to be di- vided among all her gr. ch. TRUESDALE, TRTJESDELL, Richard, Boston, servant to Mr. John Cotton, adm. chh. 27 (5) 1634; frm. March 4. 1634-5. Became a butcher. Deacon. He deposed 28 Jan. 1670, ae. about 64 years. His will dated 9 Sept. 1609, verbally amended before his death, was proved in Jan. 1671-2. Beq. to wife Mary; cousins Samuel, Rebecca, Thomas and Richard T.; kinsman William Gilbert; Mr. Cotton's 3 children. Seaborn, .John and Maria Mather. The widow, in her will prob. Nov. 26, 1674, beq. to these persons, mentioning Rebecca wife of her cousin Wm. Gilbert, and her son W. G. Jr.; to cousin Wm. Emblin; liro. John Hood's 2 children; to Mr. Thos. Thatcher; to the first and third churches of Boston. 462 TRUMBULL, TRUMBLE, TRUMLE, TRUMMELL, John, ship-master, mariner, Charles- town, in Court 7 March, 1636-7; propr.; frm. May 13, 1640. Res. at Cambridge 1638-1643; was living in 1655, ae. 80. [Wyman.] Went to London to hear Mr. Sedgwicli preach be- fore coming to N. E.; and made notes of the sermon. [Rel.] Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. Char. 27 (9) 1652; ch. Elizabeth b. (4) 1038, John b. 4 (6) 1641, Hannah b. 10 (10) 1642, Mary b. at Char. 9 (12) 1644, James b. 7 (10) 1647. The widow Elizabeth d. in 1G06, ae. 86. John, Roxbury, propr. and memb. chh. about 1640. Agreed to division of the Thou- sand acre tract 20 (11) 1057. John, Rowley, propr. about 1643; se- lectman, 1650; Isept the boolj. Land given for keeping school, conflrmefit to his son John. He m. (6) 1650, Ann, widow of Michael Hop- kinson. Ch. Abigail, (m. — Baily,) Mary, (m. — Kilburne,) and John. He was bur. 18 (5) 1657. Inv. ret. by wid- ow Ann 29 (7) 1657. She m. afterward Rich- ard Swan, q. v. [Reg. XXXI, 115.] Ralph, Marshfleld, atba. 1643. TROWTON, Thomas, witness of a deed of Water- town property, 19 (12) 1645. TUBBS, William, Plymouth, Duxbuiy, atba. 1643. Brought suit in 1635 against John Barnes. Frm. 7 Feb. 1636-7. Volunteer in the Pe(iuot war in 1637. He m. 9 Nov. 1637, Mercy Sprague. She went to Rhode Island, and he obtained a divorce from her 7 July, 1668. He d. 2 (3) 1688; will dated Feb. 20, 1677, prob. June 13, 1688. Wife Dorothy; ch. Samuel, William, Bethiah, Benjamin and Joseph. [Gen. Adv. I, 19.] TUCK, Robert, vintner, Watertown, propr. 1636; a pioneer at Hampton (7) 1038. Frm. Sept. 7, 1639. He. d. at Hampton; inv. taken 17 Nov. 1664. His widow .Johannah d. 14 Feb. 1673; double inv. rend, in April, 1674. .John Sam- borne, the adminr., and .John Sherbourn, part heir to the est, made an agreement TUCK, cent. with William, son of Robert Tuck, of Gorl- ston, near Yarmouth, Eng., a son of the above, 25 (12) 1674. John Tuck of Hampton, carpenter, gr. son of R. T. Sen., reed, a share 26 (12) 1673. Thomas, blacksmith, Salem, propr. 1636. Made the iron work for the carriages of the "peeces" [guns] in 1644. He de- posed in 1667, ae. 55 years. TUCKER, George, Marblehead, in court (10) 1647. John, yeoman, Watertown, propr. be- fore 1636; rem. to Hingham. Propr. 1635-6. Admin. 25 (11) 1659, upon est. of Marg. John- son, who beq. to his dau. Mary. Wife — d. 23 May, 1644; he m. 2, June 11, 1649, Ann, widow of William Nolton or Knowltoa; ch. John, Joseph bur. 5 Dec. 1642, Mary bapt. Oct. 8, 1640, (m. Dec. 30, 1660, Joseph Church). He d. Aug. 5, 1661; nunc, will prob. Aug. 15; wife Anne; son John; dau. Mary; good- wife Jacob who hath been a mother to me and mine; goodwife Beal; Mr. Hubbard, et als. The widow d. Oct. 8, 1675; will prob. 26 (8) 1675. Beq. to her gr. ch. Paul Gif- ford and his sister Susanna Jewell. [Reg. X. 269, and XXXI, 178.] John, Salem, 1644. Sawed the boards for the meeting house in 1644. Robert, Weymouth, town officer, 1643. Ch. Sarah b. 17 (1) 1639. Rem. to Glouces- ter; town officer, 1650. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Ebenezer d. 1652, Experience b. and d. 16.52, Epliraim b. 27 (6) 1653. Rem. to Milton; se- lectman, 1677. Will dated 7 March, prob. 30 March, 1681- 2, beq. to sons James, Joseph, Manasseh, Ephraim, Benjamin; daus. Rebecca Feno, Elizabeth Clap, Mary Jones, and Wife Eliz- abeth; bro.-in-law Dea. Henry Allen, of Bos- ton. TUCKY. TOOKIE, John, Charlestown, 1650. He made will Aug. 16, adm. chh. 12 (2) 1665, prob. March 2, 1667; beq. to his master William Bachel- der and his dame Bridget Wines, widow. 463 TXJFTS, John, came in 1638 from Hingham, Eng., to our Hingham, as a servant to Thom- as Cooper. Peter, yeoman, planter, Charlestown, propr., ferryman in 1646 with his brother- in-law William Bridges. Rem. to Maiden. Frm. 3 May, 1665. He m. Mary Pierce; ch. Peter, James, John b. 7 (3) 1653, Mary b. 10 (4) 1655, Jonathan b. 1657, d. 1658, Jonathan b. 3 (1) 1660, Elizabeth, Mercy, Sarah. He d. May 13, 1700, ae. 83. Will dated 1 March, 1693, codicil dated July 8, 1695, prob. June 10, 1700, beq. to wife Mary; sons Peter, Jonathan and John; daus. Mary, widow or John Eades; Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Lynde; Mercy, widow of Joseph Waite, called Mercy Jenkins in codicil; and Saran, wife of Thomas Oalies; to gr. ch. James Tufts, the 3 sons of Peter, and all other gr. ch. The widow d. Jan. 10, 1702-3, ae. 75. [Genealogy in Keg. LI, 299.] TUPPER, Thomas, shoemaker, Lynn, propr. April 3, 1637. Ch. — b. Jan. 16, 1638. Rem. to Sandwich: atba. 1C43. In Court March 1, 1641. Thomas who had ch. b. 1675, may be his son. Thomas, Sen., d. 28 March, 1676, in 98th year and 2d month. Anne, [his widow,] d. 4 June, 1676, In 90th year. TURBALL, Thomas, Watertown, had land adj. that of Thomas Streit in 1648. TTTRGES, see Sturges, Mr., Cambridge, propr. 1642. TTJRLAND, Ann, Salem, dau. of Jarvis Garfoard, propr. 1635. TURNER, Charles, Salem, in Court in 1639. Daniel, Duxbury, atba. 1643. Daniel, Springfield, 1645, escaped from prison. [Pynchon.] Elizabeth, ae. 20, came in the Hope- well in April, 1635. Elizabeth, Salem, memb. chh. 1037. Humphrey, tanner, [Col. Rec. 1643,] Plymouth; frm. 1632-3. Rem. to Scituate; TURNER, cent. memb. chh. 1634. Town officer. Ch. Mary bapt. Jan. 25, 1634-5, (m. Nov. 13, 1651, Wil- liam Parker,) Joseph bapt. Jan. 1, 1636, Na- thaniel bapt. March 10, 1038, Lydia, (m. James Doughty). Will dated 28 Feb. 1669, prob. 5 June, 1673. Eldest son John, other ch. Joseph, Daniel, Nathaniel, Mary Parker, Lydia Doughty; gr. ch. Humphrey T.; gr. ch. Jonathan and Jo- seph, sons of his eldest son; gr. ch. Abigail T., dau. of son Nathaniel; gr. ch. Mary Doughty. Jeffrey, husbandman, Dorcbester, propr. Ch. Praise-ever, son, bapt. 24 (3) 1640, Increase bapt. 15 (8) 1642, Patience bapt. 10 (9) 1644. He d. (2) or (3) 1654. Will rn-ob. 25 (3) 1054. Wife Isabel; sons Praise-ever and In- crease. The widow d. 12 (10) 1660; admin, of her est. 5 days later. [Reg. V, 30.5, ViII, 354, X, 266, and XXXI, 178.] John, came in the Mayflower to Ply- mouth from Leyden, Holland. Signed Ihe Compact. Brought two sons. All died in the spring of 1621. Another child, a daugh- ter, came some years after to Salem and married there; was living in 1650. [B.] John. Scituate, served against the Nar- ragansetts in 1645. Ch. Jonathan b "0 Sept. 1646, Joseph b. and d. 1647, Joseph b. 12 Jan. 1649, Ezekiel b. 7 Jan. 1650, Lydia b. 24 Jan. 1652, John b. 30 Oct. 1654, Elisha b. 8 ilarch, 1656, Mary b. Dec. 10, 1658, Benjamin b. March 5, 1660, Ruth bapt. May 17, 1063. Inv. of his est. taken by John Chipman and John Ottis 31 May, 1667. [Reg. VII, 177.] John, merchant, Rosbury, frm. May 2, 1649. Some John Turner bought % of the pinnace St. John Jan. 29, 1640. [SufE. De. I, 50.] Wife Elizabeth d. Oct. 2, 1647. He m. Ch. Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1647, De- borah bapt. 14 (11) 1648, John bapt. 8 (4) 1651. John, son of John Turner of Walton, CO. Suffolk, yeoman, with consent of his aunts Susan and Sarah Boyton of Walton, placed himself an apprentice with Edward Beudall of Boston in N. E. and the West Indies, April 20, 1647. Was transferred 7 (5) 1648, to Mr. Richard Parker of Bo.; and March 10, 1657-8, to John Saffin, merchant, who engaged to teach him to write and ci- pher if he be capable. [Su£f. De. Ill, 130 a.] I 464 TTJBNER, cont. Lawrence, Lynn. Wife Sarah in Court in 1650. L. T. of Rhode Island deposed in 1G53, ae. about 32 years. [Es. Files.] Margery, Cohannet, (Taunton,) m. 8 Nov. 1638, Richard Paul. Michael, Sandwich, bought suit in court, 1637, against John Davis, who brought goods for him from Weymouth; constable 1641; atba. 1643. Mr. Nathaniel, Saugus, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1630; frm. July 3, 1632. Captain; deputy. One of the force sent by the Mass. Bay gov- ernment 25 (3) 1636, to avenge the death of Mr. Oldham. His house and goods acci- dentally burned in 1636. [W.] A commis- sioner of the Essex Quarterly Court at its first session, 27 (4) 1686. One Turner of Charlestown, a man about 50 years of age, drowned himself in 1641. Left a wife. [W.] Richard, planter, Boston, adm. chh. 1032; rem. to Providence. Arrangements for collection of money in 1040. [L.] Robert, Boston, Edward Bendall's man- servant, adm. chh. 8 (7) 1633. Vintner, inn- holder at the sign of the Anchor, propr.; frm. March 4, 1033-4. Wife Penelope; ch. Ephraim b. 13 (10) 1039, Sarah b. 11 (1) 1640, (m. Nov. 15, 1660, John Fairweather,) John b. 1 (10) 1642, Joseph b. 7 (7) 1644, Benja- min b. 6 (1) 1040, Daniel b. 26 (9) 1050, d. 4 (2) 1651. He d. in 1004. Will dated 9 (5), prob. 24 (6) 1064; beq. to wife; to ch. Ephraim, John, Joseph and dau. Fairweather; to the first and new chhs. of Boston and that of Cam- bridge; to Capt. Oliver's company and the other three cos.; to Mr. Stalham of Tarling in Essex. Land and minerals at Chelms- ford, land at Centry Hill, Boston, etc. [Reg. XIII, 11.] Robert, shoemaker, Boston, a res. in 1640; [L.] adm. chh. 17 (12) 1643. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 7 (1) 1646; ch. John b. and d. 1643, John bapt. 15 (7) 1044, ae. about 7 days, Habbaliuli b. IS (2) 1047, Elizabeth bapt. 18 (4) 1648, Frances bapt. 26 (6) 1650, ae. about 6 days, Robert b. and d. 1652. He d. in 1651. Will dated 14 Aug., prob. 3 Dec. 1651, beti. to wife and ch. John. Hab- bakuk and Elizabeth; in case of their de- TURNER, cont. cease the est. was to go to Abigail Death, dau. of his bro. Peter Turner, and to Hanna Hill, dau. of his wife's sister Frances H. Beq. to John Spurr's wife. [Reg. IV, 285.] Thomas, ae. 42, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1035. Settled at Hingham. Sold house and land in 1640. Mortg. J4 of his bark Nov. 1, 1648. Rem. to Scituate. He m. Jan. 1051, Sarah Hiland; ch. Nathaniel b. 1 March, 1654, Elizabeth b. July, 1656, Ma- ry b. Sept. 15, 1658, Eunice b. April 10, 1662, Grace b. 1665, Ephraim b. June, 1668. He and his wife Sarah both d. Nov. 1688. Will dated Dec. 4, 1688, prob. March 13, 1688-9. Beq. to dau. Grace T.; to eldest son Nathan T., to son Thomas T. loom and the tackling; to all his children 5 li. apiece. [Gen. Adv. I, 42.] Widow Salem, 1636. William, tailor, Dorchester, adm. chh. 10 (11) 1042; propr. before 1046. Frm. May 10, 1043; bailiff 1061. Rem. to Boston. A prominent member of the First Baptistx church of Charlestown and Boston, and suf- fered great persecution in consequence. Was imprisoned a long time. Afterward did re- markable service as a soldier and Captain in the war aginst King Philip and his In- dians. He ni. Frances, mother of his child Pru- dence, b. at Bo. Oct. 12, 1605. She d.; he m. Mary, widow of John Pratt; she d. about 1672, and he m. Mary, widow of Key Alsop. A son William was with him in the Indian war; Thomas, an other soldier in his com- pany, is believed to have been the father of the William, who, as "grandson of William," had a grant of land in 1730. [See Bodge's King Philip's War; Reg. XI.] He was killed at Hadley May IS, 1070. "Turner's Falls" is his memorial. Will dat- ed 10 Feb. 1675-0, "about to go forth in the service of this country against the heathen our barbarous enemies," beq. to wife Mary property left to her by her former husband, Key Alsop, and other property; his children to inherit the latter after her death. The church of Dorchester took a collection for his family 10 (6) 1679. TTTSOLIE, Elizabeth, ae. 55, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. 465 TURNEY, Benjamin, Concord, frm. June 2, 1641. Ch. Kebecca b. 16 (12) 1G39, Sarah b. 11 (10) 1641, Ruth b. 28 (11) 1643. TURRELL, TURRILL, TERRILL, TTTR- AND, TURIN, TARANT, Daniel, blaelismith, anchor smith, cap- tain, Boston, propr. before 1649. Wife Lya- ia adm. chh. 29 (6) 1647, d. June 23, 1659. He m. 2, Mary Barrell, widow, dau. of Elder Wm. Coleborne. She d. Jan. 23, 1697. Ch. Daniel b. 16 (6) 1646, John bapt. 4 (1) 1649, Joseph b. Dec. 27, 1653, d. 10 (3) 1654, Joseph b. March 25, 1655, Rebecca b. Dec. 26, 1655, Anna b. Aug. 20, 1657, d. Aug. 8, 1658, Sam- uel b. June 14, 1659, Lydia b. Nov. 30, 1660, Coleborne b. Dec. 4, 1662, Sarah and Eliza- beth b. and d. 1663, Benjamin b. June 21, 1665, Humphrey b. Sept. 10, 1669, Mary b. April 4, 1672. He made will 12 July, 1688, prob. Aug. 3, 1693; beq. to wife Mary, sons Daniel, Col- born and Samuel; Humphrey and Sarah, ch. of son Joseph; Sarah and Lydia Foster, ch. of dec. dau. Lydia; to kinswoman Elizabeth Gording. TTJTTELL, TUTTLE, Henry, Hiugham, propr. 1635; frm. March, 1637-8; constable 1640. John, mercer, ae. 39, with Joan, ae. 42, John Lawrence, ae. 17, William Lawrence, ae. 12, Marie Lawrence, ae. 9, Abigail Tut- tell, ae. 6, Symon Tuttell, ae. 4, Sara Tut- tell, ae. 2, and John Tuttell, ae. 1, cert, from the parish of St. Albons, Herts, Eng. came in the Planter in April, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1635; frm. March 13, 1638-9; deputy 1643. Shipped goods to Barbadoes in 1650, in aeeoimt with London parties; his wife Joanna signing invoices. [Stiff. De. I.] During his absence in Ireland in 1654, she renewed a lease of land to Richard Shats- well. She went to Carrick Fergus, Ireland, where the husband d. Dec. 30, 1656, as she wrote 6 April folg. ; she refers to his will and to her Lawrence and Tuttell children. Hanua mai'ried there. [Letters in Es. Files 5, 29, 31.] Depositions in Essex Court in 1662. Richard, husbandman, ae. 42, with Ann, ae. 41, and children Anna, ae. 12, John, ae. 10, Rebecca, ae. 6, and Isbel, ae. 70, (sic.) came in the Planter in April, 1635. Settled TUTTELL, etc., cont. at Boston. Adm. chh. with wife Anne 27 (10) 1635; frm. March 3, 1635-6. He was a bro. of John, above. [Es. Files 5, 28.] His servant John Goordley d. (10) 1638. He d. 8 (3) 1640. His dau. Hannah waa adm. chh. 25 (10) 1647; dism. 8 (5) 1649, to chh. of Hartford, now wife of one John Pan- try. William, husbandman, ae. 26, with Elizabeth, ae. 23, and children John, ae. 3^, Ann, ae. 2%, and Thomas, ae. 3 months, came in the Planter in April, 1635. Settled at Boston. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 14 (6) 1636. Had liberty to build a windmill at Charlestown in 1635; propr. 1636. He brought suit about a mare in 1637. [W.] Ch. Jonathan bapt. 2 (5) 1637, David bapt. 7 (2) 1639. The wife was dism. 8 (7) 1639, to the church of [Ipswich.] TWINING, TWYNING, AVilliam, Yarmouth, atba. 1643; served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Frui. 3 June, 1652. He rem. to Eastham; townsman, 1655. Ch. Stephen b. 6 Feb. 1659, William. He (William, Senior,) d. at E. 15 April, 1659. TWISDEN, John, planter, Scituate, prop. frm. 5 March, 1638-9. Juryman, 1641. An infant child was bur. Aug. 9, 1638. Ellice T. [his widow,] m. Nov. 20, 1649, Joseph Tilden. TWITCHELL, TUCHELL, TUCHINE, Francis, Dorchester, propr. 1634. Joseph, Dorchester, Nov. 1633, [Col. Rec] frm. May 14, 1634; propr. Deed of land May 24, 1656. He d. 13 (7) 1657. Inv. of his est. pres. 26 (9) 1657, by Timothy Wales and Benjamin Twitchell. Joshua, Dorchester, propr. 1635. Cler- ical error for Joseph, probably. TYBBOTT, see Tibbets. TYLER, TILER, Abraham, Haverhill, propr. 1644. He m. Dec. 26, 1650, Hannah or .Tohannah Far- num; ch. Abraham b. June 4, 1652, d. Dec. 466 TYLEB, etc., cont. 2, 1054, Hannah b. Dee. 10, 10.").5, d. June 8, 1(502, Abraham 1). Jlay 21, 1059, d. Nov. 23, 1008. He d. May 6, 1073. Will dated 5 May, prob. 14 Oct. 1073; beq. to wife and to Rob- ert, son of Robert Clements. The widow was reed, to the ehh. of Salem from that of Haverhill Feb. 1079; m. 2, Edward Brum- idge, who d. Jtine 10, 1099. Job, husbandman, at Mt. WoUaston in 1637; [W.] settled at Andover, gave moitg. of house, etc. as security for a payment of money, 5 March, 1050. He deposed in 1001, ae. about 40 years. Wife Mary same age. Ch. John d. 28 Sept. 1052, John b. 10 April, 1653, Samuel b. 24 May, 1654. Joseph, witnessed a deed at Salem in 1645, and at Boston in 1049. Nathaniel, husbandmau, Lynn, with wife Jane, 1640; witnessed deed at Salem in 1645. Sold land in 1052, and sailed for Elngland. Son Joseph T., living at Shrews- bury; sister Jane, wife of Edward Sanford ■of London. [Ess. De. I, and Suit. De I.] [Reg. XIII, 33.] TYNG, TING, TINGE, Edward, upholsterer, merchant, from London, came to Boston before 13 (7) 1036, Tvhen he bought house-plot and garden. Brother of William. Adm. chh. 30 (11) 1040; frm. 2 June, 1041. lie deposed Oct. 6, 1057, .ae. about 40 years. [Mdx Files.] Town officer; his dial-post mentioned in 1043. Owned large farm at Braintree, wharf, etc. In Bo. Gave land in 1052 to his cousin John Franeklin. [Book of Pos.] Wife Mary adm. •chh. 5 (7) 1040; ch. Hannah b. 7 (1) 1640, (m. May 8, 1661, Habiah Savage,) Mary b. 17 (2) 1641, Jonathan bapt. 14 (10) 1042, ae. about 4 days. Deliverance b. (0) 1645, Rebecca b. 23 (1) 1046, d. 10 (1) 1649. Edward bapt. 1 <2) 1649, Rebecca b. 13 (.5) 1051, William b. March 3, 1052, Eunice b. March 8, lO.'.o, Jo- seph b. July 12, 1657, d. July 30, 1658. DeUverance m. Col. Daniel Searle, Esq., gov. of Barbadoes. He d. Sept. 28, 1681, ae. 81 years. [S.I Will dated 25 Aug. 1677, prob. Sept. 19, 1681, beq. to son Edward; dau. Eunice, (m. Sam- uel Willard.) son-in-law .Joseph Dudley; to gr. oh. Thomas, Hanuah and Mary Savage, Thomas, Edward, Joseph and Paul Dudley, Samuel Searle and John Tyng. Rest to wife TYNG, etc., cont. Mary. Edward T., Esq. d. at Dunstable Dec. 27, 1081. William, merchant, captain, Boston, propr. 8 (8) 1638; adm. chh. 3 (1) 1639; frm. and deputy; much in office in town and col- ony. Treasurer. Wife Elizabeth, dau. of Rowland and Katharine Coytmore of Wap- ping, Eng. She d. and he m. Jane — , who d. (3) 8 1652. Ch. Elizabeth b. 6 (12) 1037, (m. Capt. Thomas Brattle,) Anna b. (llj 1039, adm. chh. of Charlestown 9 (6) 1056, (m. Mr. Thomas Shepard, Jr.) Bethiah b. IT (3) 1(541 , (m. Richard Wharton,) Mercy b. 13 (11) 1042, (m. Samuel Bradstreet). He d. 18 (11) 1052. Inv. of his est. 25 (3) 1053. [Reg. VIIL 62; Suff. De. Ill, 294.] Suits at Ess. Court in 1654 by Capt. Edward Bridge. TYNKLER, Sarah, ae. 15, came in the Blessing in July, 1635. TYPIT, see Tlbbet. TJDALL, Philip, Gloucester, plaintiff in an ac- tion in Essex Court 20 (9) 1042. Propr. 1050. trFFOED, TJFFOTT, Thomas, embarked June 22, 1632; frm. March 4. 1(532-3. One of the founders of Springfield in 1636. [Reg. XIII, 297.] UNDERHILL, ('apt. John, Boston, adm. chh. 1030; frm. May 18, 1031. Deputy 1(>34. Became governor of Piscataqua plantation; and there made utterances which gave offence to Mass. Bay autliorities. For this and other charges he was summoned to Boston; came 29 (11) 1(539. and apologized to the church. Was restored to fellowship 3 (7) 1640. Wife Hel- ena, a Dutch woman, adm. chh. Bo. 15 (10) 10.33; disni. to chh. of Exeter 22 (0) 1641; ch. Elizaltetli bapt. 14 (12) 1635, .Tohu bapt. 24 (2i 11542. ae. about 13 days. He rem. to the Dutch settlement, (New York) in 1042. [W.] 467 TTNDEBWOOD, James, baker, Salem, 1637. Lawsuit, 1639. Mr. Tlionias Oliver depos. (3) 1654, to having visited U.'s wife in Norwich, Eng. recently, and tried in vain to persuade her to come to him in Salem. [Arch. Dom. 9.] He deposed in 1661, ae. about 50 years. Sold land in 1651. Was owner of the ketch Dol- phin in 1658. Joseph, Hingham, 1637; rem. to Water- town. Frm. May 16, 1G45. Wife Mary; ch. Thomas b. 11 (8) 1658. The mother d. 4 months later. He m. 2, in Dorchester, 26 (2) 166.5, Mai-y How. He d. 16 (12) 1676, ae. about 62. Admin, papers name his ch. Joseph, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Thomas and Margaret. [Gene- alogy, Reg. XXXVIII, 400.] Martin, ae. 38, with wife Martha, ae. 31, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Watertown. Frm. Sept. 3, 1634. The wife wrote «, letter to Mr. John Fiske in 1645, concerning her cousin Phinehas Fiske. [See Wenham Chh. Rec.] Martha d. 6 (3) 1684, ae. 83 years. Peter, husbandman, ae. 22, came in the Rebecca in April, 1G35. Thomas, gentleman, Hingham, propr. 1636, frm. March 9, 1636-7; deputy. Rem. to Dorchester; later to Watertown, where he bought house and land 3 (1) 1651-2. Will dated 19 July, 1079, prob. 2 (8) 1680, beq. to wife Magdalen the est. she brought and the rest of his est. unless son Thomas, now in England, should come within two years to claim his portion. The widow Mag- dalen d. at Cambridge village April 10, 1687, ae. about SO; est. appraised nest day. Will prob. 20 April; beq. to kinsmen, John and Hannah Gibson, Thomas Undei-wood, Rich- ard Child, his wife Mehitabel Demake (Dim- ock), and their children. William, Concord, frm. May 22, 1650. Rem. to Chelmsford; town officer. Wife Sa- rah; ch. Remembrance b. 27 (12) 1639, Sa- rah b. 25 (7) 1641, (m. Daniel Blogget, and at his death in 1672, requested that her fath- er W. U. be made adminr. of his est.;) Pris- cilla b. 16 (12) 1646, Aquilla b. 3 (5) 1647, Rebecca d. 6 (2) 1650, [Deborah, Samuel.] The wife Sarah d. 5 Nov. 1684. TJPHAM, TJPPAM, John, husbandman, ae. 35, with [wife] UPHAM, etc., cent. Elizabeth, ae. 32, [children] John, ae. 7, Na- thaniel, ae. 5, and Elizabeth, ae. 3, and Sa- rah Upham, ae. 26, embarked from Wey- mouth, Eng. before 20 March, 1635. Settled at Weymouth. Yeoman, deputy, deacon. Frm. Sept. 2, 163.5. Rem. to Maiden. [L.] Made gifts of land in 1662 to Elizabeth, wid- ow of son Nathaniel; to sou Thomas in 1664, and to son Phineas 2 (12) 1670. He m. 2, Katharine, widow of Angel Hollard, re- nouncing claim to the est. she reed, from Hollard 14 (6) 1671. His son John bur. at Wey. 5 (4) 1640. Robert Martin calls him brother. He d. Feb. 25, 1681, ae. 84. [Reg. XXXIIl, 41.] Genealogy. TTPSALL, TJPSHALL, UPSELL, John. Salem, wrote a deposition in a case in Essex Court in 1643. Nicholas, inn-keeper, Dorchester, jury- man 1030, frm. May 18, 1031. Rem. 1o Bos- ton. With wife Dorothy reed, from Dorch. chh. 28 (5) 1644. Kept, the Red Lion tavern. He was prosecuted in 1651 for speaking re- proachfully of the Court's judgment against Quakers, and was imprisoned and banished for his fellowship with them. His wife suf- fered much with him, and the family had many hardships. Ch. Anna b. (12) 163.5, d. 7 (9) 1651. Elizabeth b. (12) 1637, (m. July 4, 1652, William Greenow,) Susanna b. 7 (12) 1639, (m. Joseph Cocke,) Experience b. 19 (1) 1640, d. Aug. 2, 1659, Ruth bapt. 15 (8) 1642. He d. in Aug. 1666, ae. about 70. His wife d. Sept. 18, 1675, ae. about 73. Will prob. Oct. 31, 1666, gave to his wife Dorothy, to his dau. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Greenow, his dau. Susanna, wife of Joseph Cock, gr. ch. Elizaljeth Greenow and Elizabeth Cock. The furnishings of a chamber and his books and papers to the Society of Quakers. [Reg. XXXIV, 21, and XV, 250.] The widow made will 30 Aug. 1673, prob. 17 Jan. 1675; beq. to her ch. and gr. ch. of the Cocke and Green- ow families; to her bro. John Capen and sisters Elizabeth Swift and Honour Han- nam. UPSON, Stephen, a lawyer, ae. 23, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. See Wright, Edward. 468 "UPTON, John, servant of Edward Winalow of Salisbury, in 1040. [L.] John, sometime of Hammersmith [Lynn,] rem. to Salem; bought laud in S. in 1662. TJSHER, Hezeljiah, book-seller, Cambridge, 1645, frm. Slaroh 14, 1638-9; propr.,' town officer. Rem. to Boston in 1644 or 1645. Engaged in trade with Barbadoes, etc. Wife Frances d. 25 (2) 1652; he m. 2 (9) 1652, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Zechariah Symmes; they were adm. chh. Boston from chhs. of Camb. and Char. 14 (12) 1646. He m. 3, Mary, dau. of Wil- liam Alford, widow of Peter Butler. Ch. Hezokiah b. (4) 1639, John b. 11 (7) 1643, bur. (10) 1645, Elizabeth b. 1 (12) 1645, John b. 17 (2) 164S, Sarah bapt. 17 (9) 1650, Han- nah b. Dec. 29, 1053, d. 24 (5) 1654, Zechariah b. Dec. 20, 1654, d. 23 (6) 1656, Rebecca, (m. 1 May, 1660, Abraham Browne). He d. May 13 or 14, 1076. Will dated 11 May, prob. 19 May, 1676, beq. to wife Ma- ry: sons Hezekiah and John; dau. Sa- rah Tyng and her ch. John and Mary; gr. ch. Hezekiah and Elizabeth Browne; to wife's ch. Hannah, Mary, Peter and Sam- uel Butler; bro. Samuel Usher in England; Robert and Elizabeth U.; son-in-law Samuel Shrimpton; Elizabeth the wife and Eliza- beth the dau. of son John; bro. John Har- wood and sister Elizabeth, Elizabeth Sedg- wick and the rest of their children; Han- nah Scottow; Rachel, wife of Thomas Har- wood and her ch.; mother Sarah Symmes and several of her children; Harvard Col- lege; the poor of Boston and those of the Third church; church of Cambridge; bros. Thomas and Robert Rolph and their fami- lies; bro. Robert Alfery of Mayfield; Mr. Thomas and Mr. Peter Thatcher; Moses Payne, Sen.; Maudit Ings, and Rebecca My- rick. TTTTON, TJTTING, Anne, Roxbury, adm. chh. 11 (10) 1640; d. (11) 1641. Will recorded; beq. to George Berber, to Anne, wife of Henry Philips, to John and Elizabeth Brock, to Elizabeth, wife of Henry Brock. UTLEY, see Otley, Samuel, Scituate, m. 6 Dec. 1648, Han- nah Hatch; ch. Lydia b. 28 Dec. 1659. Admin, of his est. was gr. 3 June, 1(»62, to his widow. VALE, Jeremiah, Salem, witness in court In 1639; propr. 1647. Bought land in 1648. Sold house and land in 1051 and removed out of this plantation and jurisdiction. [Es. De. I, 11.] Katharine adm. chh. 6 (2) 1045; ch. Abigail bapt. 18 (3) 1645, Sarah bapt. 21 (1) 1646-7, Jeremiah bapt. 30 (10) 1649. Nathaniel, Concord, 1647. Wife Ma- ry; ch. John b. 27 (5) 1647, Nathaniel b. 23 (9) 1649. [Mdx. De.] VAINE, see Fane. VANE, Sir Henry, Esquire, son and heir to Sir Henry Vane, comptroller of the King's house, [W.] b. about 1612, educated at Mag- dalen College, Oxford; travelled in France and Geneva; adopted Puritan views. He came to Boston in the Defence, arriving in Oct. 1635. He was adm. chh. Boston 1 (9) 1635; chosen governor May 25, 1636. He was not re-elected the following spring, owing to a strong opposition from the party of Mr. Winthrop, who was again chosen. He returned to England Aug. 3, 1637. There he entered unto public life, and became treasurer of the realm. On the breaking out of the struggle between King Charles and the Parliament he took the side of tne people. His subsequent history is well known. New England has great cause to be proud of having had a share in the man- ly, humane work of this noble statesman. See Winthrop, et als. [Reg. II, 121.] VARNHAM, VARNtTM, George, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Will dated 21 (2) prob. 12 (8) 1649. Wife; son Samuel, dau. Hannah. The son, Samuel, ao. 64, deposed Sept. 25, 1683, concerning his father's ownership of certain lands. Thomas, ae. about 25 years, deposed In Ips. in 1657. 469 VARNEY, William, Ipswich. One of the apprais- ers of the est. of Thos. Cook (7) 1650. Inv. taken 1 (1), filed 30 (1) 1654. VASSALL, VASSELL, Mr. William, Esquire, came first in 1628, as one of the Assistants of the Mass. Bay Co. to Salem. Ret to England with his family in the Lyon in 1630. [Du.] He came again in the Blessing, in July, 1635, ae. 42, with wife Ann. ae. 42, and "ch. Ju- dith, ae. 16, Francis, ae. 12, John, ae. 10, Ann, ae. 6, Margaret, ae. 2, and Mary, ae. 1.' Settled at Roxbury. His wife joined the chh. in 1035. [E.] Rem. to Seituate. Adm. chh. Nov. 28, 1636. Took oath of allegiance to Plym. Col. Feb. 1, 1G38-9. Town officer. His surveying instruments referred to in Plym. Col Ree. in 1642. Rem. to Murshfleld; ptopr. 1643; town officer. Was not in sympathy with the attitude of Mass. Bay and Ply- mouth governments toward persons wlio differed from the received opinions in pol- itics and religion; and used his influence for greater charity toward Quakers, etc. The elders expressed their disapproval of his utterances; the church of Plymouth sent him a message by John Cook, which is re- corded in the book of the Second Church, Seituate, dated Apr. 14, 1645; hoping he would desist from proceedings inl ended, but questioning whether they would commune with him if he went on. He went to England in 1646. with a petiiion to Parliament for the liberty of English sub- jects. He rem. to Barbadoes; died in 1655-6. Will dated 13 July, 1655, gave property to his .son John; daus. Judith, (who m. April S, 1640, Resolved White,) Frances, (m. July 16, 1640, James Adams,) Anna m. Nicholas Ware. Mar- garet and Mary. Part of these heirs sold their shares in certain lands IS July, 1657 [Suff. De. Ill, 34.] [Reg. LI. 286.] VAUGHAN, VAUGHN, VAUHAN, VAHAN, John, Watertown, 1633, propr. 1(J36. Sold land before 1642. VEAZIE, VEASIE, VEZAY, VESET VEZA, PHESE, FACY, FEASY, Robert, Watertown, propr. 1636, died before 1642 when his widow Mary, having m. 2, George Parkhurst, sold land to Wil- liam Parker. [Mdx. De. II, 58.] Robert [called fface] who d. in 1656-7, and beq to friend John Founell, may have been a child of his. William, Braintree, frm. Hay 10, 1643 Bought house and land of .lames Covey in 1G51. Wife Ellinor; ch. Hannai b. 18* (1) 1044, (m. 26 (7) 1665, Johp Greenleaf.) Wil- liam b. 6 (8) 1647, Solomon b. 3 (11) 1650, Elizabeth b. 13 (8) 1653, Samuel b. 24 (6> 1656. Ellen b. 4 (3i 16.59, (m. Feb. 20, 1680, Stephen Paine.) Mehetabel b. 17 (12) 1660' Mercy b. 20 (11) 1669, (m. 24 April, 169o! John Ruggles). He d. June 16, 1681. ae. 65. [Gr. St.] The widow contracted marriage with John French 8 July, 1683. His will dated 30 June, prob. 27 July, 1681, beq. to wife Elen; sons William, Solomon, Samuel; to daus. Han- nah Grenleafe, Abigail tayr, [Thayer,] Elen, Mehetabel and Mercy Veazy; to Christian Alison. VENN, Thomas, residence not mentioned, but probably in or near Boston. The Gen. Court promised May 20, 1644. to give him land in proportion to the stock taken in the Company by his father, Mr. John Venn, if he should show an order from his father therefor. VENNEB, VENNOR, VINOR, Rebecca, Dorchester, memb. chh. about 1637. Thomas, cooper, Salem, frm. March, 1637-8. Rem. to Boston. Ret. in 1651 to London, and sold Boston lands, house and warehouses in 1656. Wife Alice; ch. Thom- as bapt. 16 (3) 1641, Hannah bapt. at Bo. 2 (12) 1644, Samuel bapt. 3 (1% 1649. He was leader of the -'Fifth Monarchy Riot," in Lon- don, and was executed Jan. 19, 1661. [Reg. XLVII, 437.] William, Springfield, propr.; leased his VERY, VEREY, [see Giles,] ground Jan. 10, 1644, to Rise Burdondon for Thomas, Gloucester, propr. 1649. With ^ y^^^'®- wife Hannah sold land in 1661. [To. Rec] 470 VEBEN, VEBEINO, Joshua, called a "repr", came in the Jaines April 5, 1G35. Settled at Salem; he and his wife Jane were adm. chh. 21 (-1) 1640. Dorcas memb. chh. before 103G. She sold her farm in 1650. Hilliard adm. chh. 1 (0) 1G4S, Mary adm. chh. 21 (1) 1647. Hil- liard deposed in 1658, ae. about 37 years. Philip, "roopr," came in the James April 5, 1C35. Settled at Salem; wheel- wright; constable 10 (12) 1637; LEs. Court.] lawsuit in 1639. Wife Dorcas memb. chh. 1636. Kem. to Providence. [W.] Probably the "Verin" of whom W. narrates that he was punished because he would not allow his wife to attend Mr. Williams' meetings as often as she wished. Philip with wife Johanna sold land in 1661. Philip, Jr. adm. chh. 3 (4) 1640. VERMAIS, VERMASE, see Fermaes. VIALL, VYALL, John, laborer, weaver, webster, Boston, 1639, adm. chh. 2 (3), f rm. June 2, 1641. He sold house and land about 1659. Wife Mary adm. chh. 11 (5) 1641; ch. Hopestill, dau. b. 14 (6) 1639, (m. 1 July, 1659, William Shutt,) Mary b. 30 (9) 1641, (m. 26 Jan. 1658, John Sun- derland,) John bapt. 2 (4) 1644, ae. about 5 days, Nathaniel bapt. 26 (5) 1646, ae. about 3 days, Marie bapt. 18 (1) 1649, ae. about 7 days, Sarah b. 14 March, 1651-2, Joseph b. 4 June, 1054, Abigail b. 21 Oct. 1656. He rem. to Swansey; d. 26 Feb. 1685; inv. filed 6 June, 1687. by widow Elizabeth. Will devised to wife Elizabeth; to his children by her and to the six ch. of his first wife, viz. sons John and Nathaniel, and daus. Hope- still Pitts, Mary Burroughs, Sarah Moore, .and Abigail [Magicli.] John had the Ship tavern in Boston. Benj. was blind. Jellyan, maidservant to Thomas Grubb, Boston, adm. chh. 13 (4) 1640. VICKARY, VICKARS, VICKERY, VECK- ARE, George, Salem, 1636. He rem. to Hull; propr. 1657. He m. Rebecca, dau. of David Phippen. Admin, of his est. was gr. to his widow Rebecca, and son Jonathan "Vickary"; son George "Vickare" also signed admin, bond VERNAM, Margaret, widow, one of Thomas Lev- erett's family, adm. chh. Boston 28 (12) 1635. VINAL, Stephen, Scituate, prop. frm. 5 March, 1638-9. Anna, spinster, [his widow?] reed, deed of land with other proprs. in 1648. She d Oct. 6, 1664; admin, of her est. gr. to Ste- phen and John V. [Keg. VI, 186.] Stephen m. Feb. 26, 1662, Mary Baker, Martha m. April, 1646, Isaac Chittenden. VINCENT, VINSON, VINCETT, Adrian, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633-4. Humphrey, Cambridge, propr. 1634. Rem. to Ii)swich. Propr. 1637. He d. Dec. 5, 1664. Will dated 1 (11) 1660, prob. 28 March, 1665; growing aged; beq. to Mr. Samuel Symonds and his dau. Martha, and to Thomas Harris. Mr. John, Sandwich, had land grant 20 March, 1636-7. Frm. Oct. 1637. Mary, Sandwich, m. 8 Nov. 1648, (man's name wanting), [Plym. Col. Rec] William, pot-maker, Saugus; applied for land at Salem (Jlarblehead,) in 1636; a tract laid out to him, his mother and his cosen Anthony Bucstone. Frm. May 10, 1643. Keeper of the ordinary; selectman. Wife Sarah adm. chh. with him 23 (11) 1650; testified, ae. about 40 years, in the case of Mr. Blinman vs. George Norton in 1660. [Wenham Chh. Rec] He deposed in 1663, ae. about 53 years. Ch. Elizabeth b. May 16, 1644, John b. May 15, 1648, William b. Sept. 9, 1651, d. 1675, Richard d. 24 July, 1652, Jacob bapt. 11 (2) 1658, Richard b. Sept. 1, 1658. Thomas b. April 1, 1662, Abi- gail b. May 21, 1668, (m. Jacob Elwell). He sold land in 1684 to son-in-law Hugh Row. He d. 17 Sept. 1690. The widow Rachel d. Feb. 15, 1707. His will dated 19 March, 1684, prob. 25 (9) 1690, beq. to wife Rachel, son John, dau. Abigail, dau. Sarah Parsons, the children of dec. daus. Gardenr and El- lery; gr. son John, son of John Cooke. William, witness at Plymouth 1 Oct. 1638. May be the foregoing. William, yeoman, of Bromfield, Essex, gave a bond, dated Aug. 25, 1036. in favor of 471 VINCENT, etc., cont. Abraham Page of Great Baddow, Essex, tailor, for £20. [Suff. De. 1.] Whether this is the above-named person or not is an inter- esting question. One wonders why this document should have been recorded in Suff. De. if not relating to persons here resident. VINES, Edward, servant to Robert Darrill, Sudbury, was bur. 1 (1) 1640. VIXON, VICKSON, see Wickson. VOBES, see Eobes. VOYSET, Simon, a witness to a deed of Robert Nash Sept. 24, 1642. VINTON, John, Salem or vicinity. Children of John and Anna recorded: Elnor b. (3) 1648, John b. 2 (1) 1650, William b. 30 (2) 1652, Blaze b. 22 (2) 1054, Ann b. 4 (2) 1656, Eliz- abeth b. (11) 1657, Sara b. 16 (7) 1662. WADE, WAYDE, Jonathan, embarked June 22, 1632; came to Charlestown; propr. 1632. Wife Susanna adm. chh. 25 (3) 1633; frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Ipswich; propr. 1635. En- gaged in business with William Paine and others. [SufC. De. Ill, 357.] Ch. Jonathan, Nathaniel, (ae. 36 in 1684,) Thomas, Mary bapt. 2 (8) 1633, Elizabeth. Wife Susanna d. Nov. 29, 1678. He d. 13 June, 1683. Will dated 17 June, 1657, and another dated 22 (3) 1669, were presented in court 25 (1) 1684, and the sec- ond approved. Beq. to sons Jonathan, Na- thaniel and Thomas; wife Susanna; son An- thony Crosby, dau. Prudence C. and their ch. Thomas, Nathaniel and Jonathan C; son William Symonds and his dau. Susanna; son Elihu Warden and his wife Elizabeth. Men- tions land in England; debt due to Sir Wil- liam Peak. Many details. [Es. Inst. Coll. IV, 23.] Nicholas, Scituate, took oath of alle- giance 1 Feb. 1638. Will made 7 Feb. 1683, beq. to sons John, Thomas, Nicholas, and Nathaniel; dau. Su- sannah White had her portion in her forme^ WADE, etc., cont. husband Wilcom's days; he beq. to his ch. Nicholas, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Hannah. Richard, cooper, from Simstuly, ae. 60, with wife Elizabeth, ae. [5] 6, dau. Dinah, ae. 22, and servants Henry Lush, ae. 17, and Andrew Hallett, ae. 28, embarked from Wey- mouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. Set- tled at Dorchester; propr. Rem. to Sand- wich; propr. 1640. Samuel, Lynn, propr. His servant, Richard Wilson, before the Court in 1639. Rem. and gave power of attorney for dis- posing of his lands, 20 (8) 1641. Thomas, bro. of Jonathan, had ac- counts in Court June 2, 1635. Col. Thomas d. in Ipswich Oct. 4, 1696; bro. or son of Jonathan? WADFIELD, John, Scituate, atba. 1643. WADILOUE, Nicholas, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. WADSWORTH, Christopher, Duxbury, taxed in 1632; frm. 1633. Constable for the section be- tween Jones' river and Green's Harbour Jan. 1, 1633-4, and in 1638. He was slain by the Indians 18 (2) 1676. [S.] His widow Grace made will, dated Jan. 1687-S, in old age and infirmities, prob. June 13, 1688. Son John, exec; son Joseph and his wife; children of dec. son Samuel; dau. Mary Andre wes, widow; gr. ch. John, Mary and Abigail W. [Gen. Adv. I, 20.] William, embarked June 22, 1632; set- tled at Cambridge. Frm. Nov. 6, 1632; propr. 1633. Town officer. Sold Camb. property in 1637 and rem. to Hartford. WAFFE, John, Charlestown. Katharine adm. chh. 1 (5) 1645; ch. John b. 22 (7) 1645, Thom- as b. 29 (9) 1646. WAINWEIGHT, WAINMAN, WANER- ITES, Francis, Ipswich, merchant, propr.; had land for service in the Pequot war in 1637. He and his wife Philip, made Wil- liam Norton their attorney 23 (9) 1647, to re- 472 WAINWHIGHT, etc., cont. cover property left Philip by her father, George Sewall, of Hasted, co. Essex, Eng.; another letter to John Tuttle. [A.] Was paid by the town for service against the In- dians in 1643. He and his company haa suit to recover fish that had been lost in 1648. [Es. Files.] Bought land at Haver- hill in lOS."!. Promised to give eldest son John a portion on his marriage with Eliz- abeth, dau. of Mr. Wm. Norton of Ipswich, March 10, 1674; and deeded land to him April 4, 1091, his wife Hannah consenting. He d. at Salem May 19, 1692. WAIT, WAITE, WAYTE, WEIGHT, see also Wade, Alexander, before Gen. Court 17 May, 1637. Gamaliel, planter, Boston, servant to John Sampford, adm. chh. 15 (10) 1633; frui. March 4, 1634-5. Conveyed house and land to his wife Grace Sept. 26, 1666. Ch. Moses b (4) 1637, d. (1) 1638, Grace b. 10 (lit 1638, (m. 6 May, 1662, Richard Price,) Moses bapt. 23 (6) 1640, Samuel bapt. 7 (9) 1641, ae. about 7 days, Deborah bapt. 21 (11) 1043, ae. about 4 days, John bapt. 16 (9) 1645, ae. about 3 days, Elizabeth bapt. 16 (11) 1047, ae. about 5 days, Gamaliel bapt. 17 (9) 1650. He d. suddenly Dec. 9, 1685, ae. about 87. The widow was bur. June 3, 1687. [S.] Admin, of his est. was gr. to widow Grace 12 Jan. 1685. John, Charlestown, adm. chh. 15 (11) 1640; frm. May 20, 10-17. Rem. to Maiden He deposed in 1663, ae. about 45 years. Ch, Samuel, (called in record "of Samuel,") b. Oct. 11, 1650, Mary b. Aug. 31, 1653, Han nah b. 9 (7) 1656, Mehetabel b. 15 (7) 1658, Thomas b. 1 (7) 1660, Rebecca b. Nov. 22, 1662, Nathaniel b. May 27, 1667. Capt. .Tohn d. Sept. 2, 1693, ae. 75 years. [Gr. St.] [See will of Joseph Waite, clerii, of Sproughton, co. Suffolk, Eng., 7 June, 1070. Reg. XXXI, 160.] Richard, tailor, Boston, adm. chh. 28 (6) 1634; frm. 9 (1) 1630-7. Had garden plot toward the new mylne 25 (7) 1637; a lot at Braintree Jan. 11, 1637-8; had liberty to set up a porch before his house 31 (3) 16.j2. He deposed 24 (1) 1650, ae. about 50 years. [Es. Files.] Wife Elizabeth, member of the chh. of Newbury in 1639, reed. Bo. chh. 4 (8j 1C45; 473 WAIT, etc., cont. ch. Isaac b. and d. 1038, Returne, son, bapt. 14 (5) 1639. Hannah b. 14 (7) 1041, Nathan- iel bapt. 5 (9» 1043, ae. about 11 days. Mary b. 15 (12) 1645, Samuel bapt. 9 (5) 1648, ae. about 20 days, Elizabeth bapt. 17 (9) 1050, Joseph, ae. 14 years, d. 20 (9) 1051. Eliza- beth bapt. 18 (2) 1652. John (of Richard and Rebecca) b. 1 Nov. 1653, d. 5 Nov. 16,58, Abi- gail bapt. 15 (4) 1050, Richard b. Dec. 10, 1058, John b. Feb. 9, 1660, Rebecca b. Jan. 3. 1603. Sarah b. June 23, 160.5, Heiborne bapt. 23 (7) 1607. His servant Mary Fitch d. 24 (8) 1644. Richard Waite of Boston, marshall, made will 6 Jan. 1671, prob. 9 Nov. 1080. Wife Rebecca; ch. Return, Richard, John, Abi- gail (Jones). Bro. Gamaliel W. and bros. son John W. execs. Richard, Watertown, 1037. Wife Ma- ry; ch. Stephen bur. 8 (1) 1(j38. ae. 9 days, John b. (3) 1639, Thomas b. 3 (1) 1041. He d. Jan. 16, 1668, ae. about 60 years. Admin, gr. to widow Mary Feb. 16 folg. on request of her three sons John. Thomas and Joseph. The widow d. Jan. 21, 1678-9, ae. 72 years. Admin, gr. to eldest son JohD April 2, 1679. WAKEFIELD, John, Salem, Marblehead. propr. 1037. Was witness to a document at Martin's Vine- jard Oct. 14. 1647. He rem. to Boston. His dau. Elizabeth m. Aug. 20, 1660, .fasper Frost. Admin, of his est. was gr. at Boston, 18 July, 1067, to his widow Anne. William, ae. 22, and Anne. ae. 20. came in the Bevis in May, 1038. Settled at Hamp- ton. Frm. March 13, 1638-9. Clerk of writs 1041. Witnessed a bond at Newbury in 1640. WAKELY, WAKELIE, Henry, Springfield, propr. 1649. He m. 4 (7) 1649, Sarah Gregory. Thomas, husbandman, Hingham, propr. 1035. frm. March 3. 1635-6. Sold land Sept., 1647. Ch. Thomas bapt. June 14, 1640, Sarah b. and. d. 1641. Thomas, Gloucester, town officer. 164G. He with wife Elizabeth and John with his wife Elizabeth sold land in 1061. WAKE, William, Salem, 1G37. Lawsuit in Es. and Gen. Court 1 (7) 1640. Will prob. 22 (4) 1654. Dau. Katharine W. in Eng., if living. Bro. John W. in Eng. WAKEMAN, WACKMAN, Samuel, came to N. B. with wife Eliz- abeth (0) 1631. [E.] Settled at Roxbury. Frm. Aug. 7, 1632. Rem. to Cambridge. Propr. 1635. Deputy. One of the undertak- ers of the ships Charles and Hopewell in 1640. [L.] Rem. to Hartford, and was killed with other colonists, in attempting to land at Providence in the West Indies, in 1641. [W.] WALDEN, Aune, memb. chh. Boston, 1632. She m. at Plymouth 29 Nov. 1638, John Smaley. WALDO, Cornelius, suit in Ipswich Court in 1646. Before the Court at Salem 6 (5» 1647, as security for his bro. Thomas W. He m. Hannah, dau. of Jonn Coggswell of Ipswich, and reed, from him a deed of house and land Jan. 2, 1651-2. Rem. to Chelmsford. Ch. Elizabeth, (m. Josiah Brackett.) John, Cornelius, Daniel b. Aug. 19, 1657, Martha b. Feb. 27, 1658, twin sons b. and d. 1659, Deborah b. Jan. 28, 1662, (m. Edward Emer- son,) Judith b. July 12, 1664, Mary b. and d. 1665, .Jonathan. He d. Jan. 3, 1700, ae. 75. His widow a. Dec. 25, 1704, ae. 80. Genealogy. [Reg. LII, 213.] WALES, Nathaniel, weaver or webster, came with Mr. Richard Mather from England in 1635. Settled at Dorchester; propr., memb. chh., frm. Nov. 2, 1637. He rem. to Boston; was reed, to chh. with wife Susan 3 (1) 1651. She was a dau. of John Greenaway; q. v. He d. Dec. 4, 1661, Will prob. Feb. 1 f olg. ; beq. to wife Susan; sons Timothy, John and Nathaniel; bro.-in-law Humphrey Ather- ton. [Reg. XI, 37, and XXXII, 321.] WALEORD, Thomas, blacksmith, came to Charles- town before 1628, and was living in a thatched and palisadoed house on the ar- rival of the Spragues. In some unexplained ■way he incurred the displeasure of the au- thorities, and was ordered to leave the prov- ince with his wife and to pay a fine of XL 474 WALFORD, cont. shillings, "for contempt of authority and for confronting officers," Oct. 20, 163]. He paid the fine by killing a wolf. His goods were sequestrated for debts Sept. 3, 1633. Thomas Walford d. in New Hampshire. Depositions made in N. H. court 27 June, 1667, by his widow Jane, ae. 69, son Jere- miah W., gr. son John Homes, ae. 26, Mary Brooken, ae. 32, and Martha Westbrook, ae. 22, respecting his estate. WALGRAVE, Thomas, Sudbury, propr. 1643. WALKER, WAKER, WOAKER, Augustine, mariner, Charlestown, adm. chh, 23 (7) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Hannah; ch. Hannah b. 12 (7) 1640, Samuel b. 11 (8) 1642, Augustine b. 14 (10) 1646, James b. 25 (5) 1647. He d. before 8 (6) 1654, when the inv. of his est. was taken; admin, was gr. to George Bunker and Edward Burt; whose sale of certain lands was confirmed by the Gen. Court 22 May, 1656. Captain W., a very aged planter, bur. at Lynn May 16, 1687. [E.] Henry, Ipswich, 1644; worked on the bridge, made pipe-staves. &c. Rem. to Glou- cester; propr. 1647. Sold land on South side of Chebacco river 29 (7) 1653. He d. Aug. 30, 1693. Will dated 29 Aug. 1690, prob. 20 Oct. 1693, beq. to the chil- dren of his sons William Haskell and Abra- ham Robinson, and to Nathaniel Coyt who lived with him. Isaiah, residence not stated, frm. May 6, 1646. Isaac, Sen. shop-keeper, res. at Salem. One of the petitioners for privilege of plant- ing at Nashaway in 1645. Rem. to Boston; adm. chh. 2 (3) 1646. Signed inv. of John Hill in 1646. He bought Long Island in Cas- co Bay June 4, 1655. Wife Susanna, widow of Henry Simmons, d. after 14 May, 1645. He m. 2, Margaret — . Ch. Isaac b. and d. 1645, Susanna b. and d. 1046, Isaac b. 11 (8> 1647, Experience bapt. 20 (8) 1649, d. Feb. 11, 1657, Nicholas b. 1 (10) 1651, Stephen b. and d. 1656. Will dated 8 Sept. 1672, prob. 17 (7) 1674, beq. to son Isaac, Nicholas and Stephen; to dau. Susanna and her husband Thomas Stan- bury; to nevew Thomas Stanbury, Jr.; res- idue to wife, Susanna. Refers to his bro. Additions and Corrections, 1902. VEAZIE, etc., William, Braintroc, made Henry Newban, of Calcot iu co. llutlaiul, and Eliza- betli Veazis his attoruies 3(1 1)10-19 to take po.ssession for him of a house in Cnniley, co. Leic. now in possession of Edwanl Wallis. [A.] WARD, Sauinel, Hingliam, sold one eighth of the bark Sea Flower 23 An,';. 1«19. [A.] WALKER, Robert, in meiitioniiiji his decease Seivall says — "a very good man." WARE, WEAKI., WEYR, Nathaniel, Haver- hill, propr. 1G45; dau. Hester m. 1 (9) 1(U7 Benjamin Sweet, of Newbury; Nathaniel [his son] b. about 1631, m. Dec. 3 or 30, 16.56, Eliza- beth, dau. of Richard Swain, of Hampton; John, [liis sou?] d. at Newb. Oct. 12, 1653. WEBB, Richard, " of Milton, near Sitting- bourne, CO. Kent, cordwaiuer, bachelor, about 21, and Joan Ashfold, of Brenzet, maiden, about 18, daughter of Thomas Ashfold, late of the same parish. Jurat, deceased, now in the government of her mother Joan A.-ilifold, as is testified by her son Thomas Ashfleld," had license from the bishop of Canterbury to marry, Nov. 13, 1627; to be at St. Mary Bre- din's, Canterbury. Richard Weljb and Mary Rowlett, of St. Martin's, Cant, had license to marry Dec. 28, 1633. WHALE, Elizabeth, third wife of Philemon, was widow of Hugh Griffin, as stated in the will of John Moore, Sen., whose wife Eliza- beth was evidently a dau. of Whale. WHARTON, Edward, was sued in Piscataqua court in 16+2 and 1644. Came to court 30 June, 1663, "to bear witness to the truth" as he said ; the judges ordered him placed iu the stocks, and told him he was "a vagabond Quaker," and had him passed from constable to constable to Salem, " his habitation." WHEELWRIGHT, Rev John; his dau. M.ary m. 1 Edward Lloyd or Lide, 2, Theodore At- kinsou. WHEELER, Joseph, Concord; Elizabeth was the first wife and Sarah the second. Thomas, of Sandwich, co. Kent., Eug., bought land in Sandwich 30 March, 1647, of George Crispie, of Plimouth, planter. [A.] WHITCOMB, John, Sen., died 24 (7) 1662. Agreement was made 2 Oct. 1662, between the heirs, namely the widow, Frances, and chil- dren John, Jonathan, Job, Josiah, .Abigail and Mary. The widow died 17 (3) 1671. It %vas John, Jr., who died April 6, 1683. WHIPPLE, elder John, Sen.,deposcd 28 March, 1665, a>. about GO years. [Es. flies.] WHITE, John, of Muddy River, deposed 8 June, 1676, aged " Si.xty od years." [Arch. 106, 211.] WHITING, Rev. Samuel, was born 20 Nov. 1597. WHITTAKER, WHITHARE, etc., Abraham " Whithare," of Manchester, deposed 24 (9) 1663; was "about threescore years old"; his wife Mary also deposed, se. about 30 years. A. " Whittiker,"of Haverhill, with wife Eliza- beth, !B. about 29 years, deposed 27 (4) 1664 about what John Godfrey said in his house; sold laud 2 Sept. 1671, which he had bought of his father in law, William Simmons; wife Elizabeth consented. WILLIAMS, Rev. Roger, was re-baptized at Providence by Holyman in 1637, after which he re-baptized Holyman aud ten others. [W.] WISWALL, John, "elder, died .Aug. 16, 1687, a;. 86." [S.] WOODBRIDGE, Rev. John, "died March 17, 1694-5, X. 80." [S.] WRIGHT, Edward, deposed iu April, 1669, ae. about 34 years. [Mdx. files.] WYBORNE, Thomas; in his will insert daugh- ter Elizabeth Merritt and her dau. Deborah; sous Thomas and James W. executors. YEOMANS, Edward, resident at Haverhill in 1652 ; child Edward b. 6 May, 1657. Elizabeth Yeomans, widow, mar. 9 M.ay, 1662 [1CG3?], Edward Kilby. Cbildren of Edward Yeomans b. iu Haverliill, Mary b. 4 (11) 1653, Thomas b. 6 (9) 1657, Elizabetli b. 10 June, 1659, Edward b. 6 Feb. 1663. [Es. co. flies.] Erroneously - placed iu list of Matthias Button's children in the text. (474— a) Read Introduction and Directions to Searchers. WALKER, etc., cont. Nicholas Cowling. Admin, on the est. of N. C. late of Bristol, Eng. was gr. to his sister Susanna W. and her husband I. W. 7 Aug. 10C9. James, ae. 15, apprentice to John Browne, baker, came in the Elizabeth In April, 1G35. Sarah, ae. 17, servant to Wil- liam Bracey, linen draper, Cheapside, Lon- don, came in the same. He settled at Taun- ton; atba. 1043; juryman, 1643; frm. 4 June, 1G50. James, (Walker,) lately married, had letter from Gov. Winslow of Plym. Col. to Gov. Winthrop, as he went to admin, on the est. of his wife's kinsman Samuel Crum, 4 (4) 1646. James W., Jr., m. at Taunton 23 Dec. 1647, Barsheba — . James W., Sen. ; his wife Elizabeth d. 30 July, 1678; he m. 4 Nov. 1078, Sarah Rew. He performed a marriage in 1680. [Plym. Col. Rec] John, Rosbury, memb. cbh. 1C33; frm. May 14, 1634. His wife memb. chh. 1633-4. Dorcas W. was bur. April 17, 1640. John, Hingham, propr. 1636; rem. to Marshtield, atba. 1643; son-in-law of Arthur Rowland; called into Court 6 June. 1643. He m. 20 Oct. 1654, Lydia Reid; ch. Lydia b. Sept. 30, 1655, John b. Oct. 26, 1657. Admin. Dec. 28, 1663; wife Lydia, daus. Lydia, Martha and Mary, under age. [Reg. ,VL 187.] Richard, shoemaker, from Marlbor- ough, Eng., came in the James April 5, 1635. Richard, ae. 24, came in the Elizabeth April 15, 1635. Richard, Salem, propr., frm. March 4, 1633-4. Prescis, [Persis or Priseilla,] Sa- lem, memb. chh. 1639; ch. Abraham and Sa- rah bapt. 6 (10) 1639. Richard, residence not stated, deposed in the Burnap case in 1653, ae. about 41 years. [Arch. 38 B.] Richard, Boston, propr., allotment va- cated 21 (1) 1636. His wife, Anne, formerly wife of Robert Houlton, was in Court for intemperance 30 (2) 1638. Richard, gent., Lynn, juryman, 1630, propr. 1638; captain; deputy; planter; surety for Howes of Mattacheeset, 1638. Rem. to Beading; propr. 1644; town oflicer. Lent money on mortgage to Sir Richard Temple WALKER, etc., cont. in 1669, and cancelled the bond in 1070. He deposed in 1676, ae. about 65 years. Ch. Tabitha b. 1647. [Mdx. De. I.] He, (residence not stated.) joined in 1639 with William, Thomas and Robert Tal- mage, bros. of his late wife Jane, in a letter of attorney for the collection of moneys from the overseers of the will of John Talmage of Newton Stacey in the co. of Southampton, husbandman, the bro. of their father. Thom- as Talmage, and from the execs, of the will of their bro. Symon Talmage. [L.] Capt. Richard AV. bur. 10 May, 1687. Admin, of his est. gr. 19 June, 1688, to wid- ow Sarah. Robert, linen webster, Boston, memb. chh. 1631-2, frm. May 14, 1634; propr.; cow- keeper 1638. Shop-keeper. He deposed April 10, 1679, ae. about 72 years, that he resided with his father in Manchester, co. of Lancaster, Eug. in the year 1623; that he there knew Mr. Henry Sewall and his son Henry who came to Newbury, N. E., they being his overthwart neighbors. [Ess. Court Rec] Wife Sarah; ch. Elishua b. 14 (12) 1635, (m. Dec. 12, 1660, Benjamin Thurston,) Zacharias b. 15 (7) 1637, John b. 22 (7) 1639, Sarah b. 15 (9) 1641, bur. 19 (10) 1643, Jacob b. 21 (1) 1644, Joseph b. (5) 1646, Thomas and Mary bapt. 22 (2) 1649, ae. about 10 days, Eliakim b. 3 (5) 1652, d. 30 (7) 1654, John d. 22 (5) 1652, Mary b. 1 (9) 1654. He d. May 29, 1687. Admin, of his est. gr. 17 Aug. 1687, to widow Sarah. The wid- ow d. Dec. 21, 1095. [S.] Robert, probably error for Augustine, in bapt. rec. of Hannah in Charlestown 27 (7) 1640. Samuel, Reading, propr. 1643. Rem. to Woburn. With wife adm. chh. about 1650. Town officer. Deposed April 2, 1601, ae. about 44 years. Licensed to sell strong waters in April, 1602. Ch. Samuel b. 28 (7) 1043, Joseph b. 10 (1) 1645, Hannah b. 11 (2) 1647, d. 28 (2) 1648, Israel and Hannah b 28 (4) 1048, John b. 14 (12) 1649, Benja- min b. June 4, 1652, d. 26 April, 1053. He d. Nov. 0, 1084. Admin, of bis est. was gr. to sons Samuel and Joseph. N. B. The Samuel of Woburn who m. Ann, widow of Arthur Alger, and had several children, whose widow deeded land in 1702 to sons Isaac and Ezekiel, seems to the writ- WALKER, etc., cont. er to have been the person who was b. in 1643. Thomas, brick-maker, Boston, 1650. Wife Anne; ch. Thomas, Elizabeth b. 18 (6) 1650, John b. March 15, 1652, Anne b. 1654, d. 1655, Samuel b. June 26, 1656, Anne b. and d. 1659. He d. in 1659. Admin. Sept. 1, 1659, gr. to widow Anne and son Thomas. [Reg. IX, 347.] William, ae. 15, came in the Elizabeth April 15, 1635. William, servant of John Gedney of Norwich, Eng. came to reside at Salem, N. E. May 11, 1637. WALL, Joan, ae. 19, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. WALLEN, Kalph, came in the Anne to Plymouth. Taxed in 1632, frm. 1633. Sold part of his land in 1633. His wife Joyce had share of cattle with him in 1627. She, as widow, sold land 7 Sept. 1643. WALLER, Christopher, tray-maker, Salem, propr. 1649. He deposed in 1661, ae. about 41 years. Mortg. house and land to James Browne, glazier 16 June, 1664. [Es. Files XIX, 115.] Will dated 7 Oct. 1676, prob. 30 (9i 1076. Wife Margaret; Joseph Woodrow, living with her. Matthew, Salem, propr. 1636. Lawsuit about finishing a house in 1641. William, Salem, propr. 1644; town oflOi- cer. WALLINGTON, WALLINGFORD, see Wellington, Nicholas, ae. 9, a poor boy, servant of Stephen Kent, came in the Confidence, April 24, 1638. Resided at Newbury. Bought the Henry Travers farm of Richard and Bridget Windorr Oct. 1, 1659. Rem. to Bradford. Gave an acre of land to the town toward the settlement of an able and faithful ministry. WALLINGTON, etc., cont. Feb. 7, 1677. He m. 30 Aug. 1654, Sarah Travers. Ch. John b. and d. 1655, Nicholas b. 2 Jan. 1656, John b. 7 April, 1659, Sarah b. 20 May, 1661, (m. Nov. 25, 1679, Caleb Hopkinson,) Mary b. 22 Aug. 1663, James b. 6 Oct. 1665, Hannah b. 27 Nov. 1667, Wil- liam b. 7 Feb. 1670, Joseph b. April 20, 1672, Elizabeth b. June 23, 1674, Esther b. June 8, 1676, Benjamin b. June 27, 1678, Abigail b. June 24, 1680. He was taken captive at sea, and never came home. He d. 10 May, 1682. Inv. of his est. taken 22 Sept. folg.; est. left in the widow's hands for the bringing up of the young child and the lame child, Nicholas. [Es. Files 38, 49.] Final division made Aug. 1, 1703, to James, Joseph, Elizabeth, Esther, Benjamin, Abigail and Nicholas W., Caleb Hopkinson, Daniel Russell and Joseph Poor. WALLIS, WALLACE, Henry, Duxbury, made a covenant with John Irish that which ever of them out-lived the other should inherit his 5 acre lot. He d. before April 2. 1641, when the Court gave the land to Irish. Ralph, husbandman, ae. 40, with George, ae. 15, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. George, gent, now residing in N. E.. reed. mortg. of farm-house and lands at Rumney Marsh, Boston, called Rumly Hall, Dec. 3, 1656; discharged April 2, 1657. He and his son and two men were there 5 months. Robert, Ipswich, propr. 1638. He and [son?] Nicholas W. bought land in 1661. Nicholas deposed March 29, 1692, ae. about 58 years. Thomas, merchant, Plymouth, bought land 1639; made contract to buy sturgeon of Henry Watts, fishmonger, of Black Point, Prov. of Maine, 1639. [L.] Frm. Mass. Bay Col. May 10, 1643. William, Charlestown, adm. cbh. 30 (9) 1642. WALSTON, Jane. ae. 19, came in the Truelove in Sept. 1635. 476 WALSBY, David, Braintree, 1650; frm. May 7, 3651. He m. Hannah, dau. of William Man- ning, who beq. to his gr. son Samuel W.; she d. 2 (12) 1655, and he m. 24 (V) 1656, Ruth Bass. Ch. Samuel b. 9 (2) 1651. d. March, 1679, David b. 29 (7) 1655, Ruth b. 22 (7) 1659, Abigail b. 15 (4) 1667, Mary b. 15 (11) 1673. WALTHAM, WALTTJM, WALTON, Henry, merchant, Weymouth; memb. of Fishing company allowed by Gen. Court 1635; deputy 1636. Arranged about mill 27 (4) 1633. [L.] Sold house and land granted him by the town to Mr. Thomas Thatcher, pastor of the church, 5 (6) 1656. His son AVilliam was bur. Nov. 3, 1640, leaving est. to bros. Thomas and Henry, and sisters Anne and Phillyne. [Reg. II, 103.] His widow Ann petitioned concerning the estate in 1659. [Arch. 15 B.] James, Plymouth, case in court, 1636. Jonathan, Weymouth, witnessed deed of Francis Williams in Boston in 1645. Town officer, 1651. WALTER, Lieut. Lynn, rem. before 1643. [Mass. Arch.] WALTON, see Waltham, George, before Gen. Court 4 (10) 1638. Mr. Henry, Lynn, propr. 1638. Rem. to Boston. Salem court ree. mentions his servant Mary — , a witness in 1641, and him- self in 1643. He rem. to Portsmouth, R. I., whence he gave a letter of attorney 11 May, 1646, to Richard Bulgar of Bo. [A.] Wife Mary; eh. Job b. at Bo. 27 (7) 1639, Adam b. 8 (3) 1643, William b. 29 (7) 1645. Rev. William, of Seaton, co. Devon, Eng., came to N. B. about 1636. [J.] Settled at Hingham; propr. 1635; frm. 3 March, 1635- 6. Rem. to Weymouth; thence to Marble- head; taxed in 1637. Was one of those to whom the Court gave leave to plant at Jef- frey's Creek or Manchester in 1640, but re- mained as minister at Marblehead. Wife Elizabeth; children as certified by himself in Es. Files: John b. at Seaton in Devon 6 (2) 1627, Elizabeth b. at same 27 (8) 1629, Martha b. at same 26 (2) 1632, Nathaniel b. at Hingham 3 (1) 1636, Samuel b. at Mar- 47' WALTON, cent. blehead 5 (4) 1639, Josiah b. 20 (10) 1641, Marie b. 14 May, 1644, (m. Robert Bartlett). He d. at Marblehead "of an appoplexie;" was bur. 9 (9) 1668. [Rox. Chh. Rec] Admin, was gr. to his widow Elizabeth 27 (9) 1668. In the will of his son Josiah, 27 (9) 1673, we learn the names of the married daus.: Martha Munjoy, Elizabeth Conant and Mary Bartlett. Final agreement for di- vision made 29 March, 168,5, after the death of the widow and Josiah; Elizabeth is called Mansfield. [Es. Files XLV, 12.] WALTJEB, Abraham, mentioned in the inv. of Nathl. Sparhawk of Cambridge in 1(>47. WARD, Andrew, Watertown, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. Rem. to Wethersfield, Conn. Benjamin, ship-carpenter, Boston, propr. 1635 and 1637; adm. chh. with wife Mary 6 (4) 1640; frm. June 2, 1641. He d., and admin, of his est. was gr. 26 Dec. to his widow Mary. She deposed that she had a son Stephen Butler by a former husband; that she had lived abut 45 years with her husband. Ward. She made will 4 July, prob. 21 July, 1667; son Stephen But- ler exec; beq. to her three gr. ch. Mary Hol- loway whom she and her husband had brought up, and William and Benjamin H., their father, William H. to have care of their portions; to other individuals, and to the poor. [Reg. XVIII, 154.] Esther, maid servant to Mr. Atherton Haulgh, adm. chh. Boston 26 (11) 1633; Hes- ter, now wife of Richard Kettle of Charles- town, she was dism. to the chh. of Char. 17 (5) 1642. John, Salem, propr. 1641; memb. chh. 1639. Alice was adm. chh. 7 (12) 1640. One Ward, an honest young man of Salem, was drowned in 1641. [W.] The will of Alice, widow, dated 28 Dee. 1652. was prob. 27 (1) 1655; inv. taken 23 (11) 1654. She desired that her dau.-in-law Sarah Ward should be brought up by John Baker and Elizabeth, his wife. John, chirurgeon, Ipswich, frm. May 3, 1649. Sold house and land in 1648. Had WARD, cont. mortg. of property in Boston from John Low Oct. 9, 1652. His will dated 28 Dec. 1652, prob. 25 (1) 1656; beq. to cousin Nathaniel, son of uncle Nathaniel Ward, house and lands at East Mersey in Essex, Eng., given to him by his father in bis will, of which Edmund Shar- man of Dedham had been agent; to two sons of cousin Ward of Wethersfield; to cousin John Barlier's eldest dau., Anne, and son Samuel, of Boxstead in Essex; to mother's poor relations; to the youngest sons of cous- in Samuel Sharman who died some time since in Boston, N. E.; to cousin Philip Shar- man in Rhode Island; conditional bequest to Harvard College; boolss and chirurgery chest to Thomas Andrews of Ipswich. Miles, mariner, Salem, frm. June 2, 1641. A sea-captain, who made voyages coastwise. Was made attorney of Thomas Painter, 5 (11) 1647, to collect money of Wm. Withington of Rhode Island. [A.] Mar- garet, [his wife?] was adm. chh. Salem 21 (9) 1640. Ch. — bapt. 25 (2) 1G41, John bapt. 26 (10) 1641, Lydia bapt. 31 (11) 1646, Martha bapt. 1 (1) 1648-9. He made an oral (nuncupative) will in Vir- ginia 3 (1) 1650; it was prob. here (71 1650; beq. all his est. to his wife and four children. A legacy of f 40 is expected from his father in Eng.; to be paid by his brother. Rev. Nathaniel, was grad. at Emanuel coll., Cambridge, Eng. 1603, adm. Lincoln's Inn May 15, 1607, and nominated as a bar- rister 17 Oct. 1615. [Reg. XLIII, 326.] Was ordained; rector of Stondon Massey; came to New Eng. about 1634. Settled at Ips- wich. Pastor of the church. The Gen. Court gave him a farm of 600 acres near Andover; this he gave to Harvard College Dec. 10, 1646. He returned to Eng.; set- tled at Sherfield, near Brentwood. He was a very original and valuable writer; his chief work is The Simple Cobbler of Agawam. His children, (as given in the Candler Pedi- gree,) were John, who came here, was first minister of Haverhill; Susan, who m. Giles Firmin, q. v.; and James. See Memoir by John Ward Dean. Samuel, yeoman, Hingham, propr. 3 April, 1636; frm. March 9, 1636-7. Deputy. Had lawsuit in 1640 about land which he had rec'd in payment for cloth sold. The WARD, cont. town granted permission 12 June, 1643, to Anthony Eames, Samuel Ward and Bozoun Allen to set up a common Corne Mill for the town; Gowen Wilson had been miller of the town; in future either Thomas Lincoln or John Pogger was to be miller. Laing- town rec, quoted in Arch. 59, 8.] Rem. to Hull before 1655. [Mdx. De. I, 119.] Rem. to Charlestown. Sold land at Hingham March 30, 1665. Owned large tracts of land at Hingham, Hull, Charlestown. His wife — died at Hing. Nov. 28, 1638; he m. 2, Frances — , [See Recroft.] They were adm. to chh. of Char. 9 (6) 1656. Ch. Samuel bapt. Nov. 18, 1638, Henry bur. 15 May, 1642, Ma- ry, (m. Ambrose Gould,) Martha, (m. Isaac Lobdell). He d. Aug. 30, 1682. ae. 89. Will signed March 6, 1681-2, prob. Oct. 3, 1682; beq. to wife Frances all that she brought when they were married and life-use of house and lands which were to be inherited by son Samuel at her death; other property to Samuel; to the daus. of his son Samuel and son-in-law Isaac Lobdell a house he had built at Char.; to dau. Mary and her husband Ambrose Gool land at Hull; to Harvard College the island lying betwixt Hing. and Hull, called "Bom- kin Hand," which he wished to have called Ward's Island. Man Rogers to serve 3 years longer. The est. at Hull was appraised at the request of dau. Martha Lobdell. The widow Frances d. in Boston June 10, 1690. See will of John Ward of Stratford, Suf- folk, clothier, dated 19 Oct. 1629, prob. 18 May, 1631, in which is a bequest to son Samewell. [Reg. L, 113.] Thomas, juryman. Gen. Court 28 Sept. 1630. Dedham, prop, for propr. 1638. William, Sudbury, 1639; frm. May 10, 1643. Deputy, town oflBcer, com. to end small causes. He deposed 4 (8) 1664. ae. about 61 years. [Mdx. Files.] Rem. to Marlborough. Wife Elizabeth; ch. William b. 22 (11) 1640, Samuel b. 24 Sept. 1641, Eliz- abeth b. 14 (2) 1642, Increase b. 22 (11) 1644, dau. Hopestill b. 24 (11) 1646, William b. 22 (12) 1648. He d. Aug. 10, 1687. Will dated 6 April. 1686, beq. to wife Elizabeth; ch. John, In- crease; the ch. of sons Richard and Eleazer, dec; son-in-law Abraham Williams; to all his ch. by former wife and present wife. 478 "WARD, cont. The widow d. Dee. 9, 1700, in 87th year. IGr. St.] Genealogy. WARDALL, WARDELL, WODDELL, WADDELL, WARDWELL, see Wattell, Thomas, shoemalier, Boston, adiu. ehh. 9 (9) 1G34, frm. March 4, 1034-5; propr. Jan. 1G35-6. Dism. to Paschataqua with Wheel- wright adherents (i (11) 1038, but returned. AVife Elizabeth; ch. Eliakim bapt. 23 (9) 1034, Martha b. (0) 1037, Samuel b. 10 (3) 1043. He d. in Boston Dec. 10, 1040. "Mis. War- del, an antient wido," d. 22 Feb. 1097. Thomas, Ipswich, propr. 1048. William, servant to Edmund Quinsey, adm. chh. Boston 9 (12l 1033. He was dism. to the chh. of Pashcataqua with Wlieel- wright party (11) 1038. Rem. to Rhode Island, whence he was brought for trial in 1043 with Gorton and others, on accusation of heresy, etc.; confined at Watertown. W'ife Alice d.; he m. Dec. 5, 1057, Elizabeth, widow of John Gillitt, (Jellett.) with whom he contracted to bring up her dan. Hannah, then 2 years old, in consideration of living in the widow's house. [Reg. XII, 275.] Ch. Meribah bapt. 25 (4) 1037, Usal, son, b. 7 (2) 1039, Elihu bapt. 5 (10) 1041, Elihu b. (9) 1042, Mary b. (2) 1044, Leah b. 7 (10) 1040. Abigail b. April 24, 1000, d. 23 Aug. 1001. His will, prob. 18 April, 1070, beq. to wife Elizabeth one half of house in Boston for life; to her daus. Hannah and Deborah Gil- lett; to his eldest son Uzall and son Elihu; to daus. Leah, wife to William Tower, Meri- bah, wife to Francis Littlefleld of Wells, and Mary, wife to Xathaniel Rust. [Reg. XLVIII, 458.] WARDEN, Jane, Plymouth, sued — Weelis for money lent 5 Jan. 1035. WARE, WEAR, WARES, WEARE, WARRE, WAR, Nicholas, [Scituate,] m. Anna, dau. of William Vassall. Robert, Dedham, propr. Nov. 25. 1042, adm. ehh. 2 (8) 1040; frm. May 20. 1047. He m. 24 (1) 1045, Margaret Hunting; she d. 20 WARE, etc., cont. (0) 1070; he m. 3 (3) 1070, Hannah Jones; she d. 20 April, 1721. ae. 84. Ch. John b. (8) 1040, Nathaniel b. 7 (8) 1G48, Margaret h. 14 (12) 1050, d. 22 July, 1004, Robert b. 1 (0) 10.13, Esther 1). 28 (7l 10.">. (m. Samuel Man.) Samuel b. 30 (7) 1057, Ephraim b. 5 (9) 1059, Elizabeth b. 19 (9) 1001, Joseph b. and d. 1003, Ebeuezer b. 28 Oct. 1007. He, "the aged," d. April 19. 1099. Will dated Feb. 25, 1098. prob. May 11, 1099, gave his large est. to wife Hannah, sons John, Robert. Samuel, Ephraim, Ebenezer and oth- er children. [Ueg. XLI, 21.] William, shoemaker, Dorchester, adm. chh. 17 (2) 1043; one of the ruling elders in 1040, according to Lechford; an arbitrator in a lawsuit. Rem. to Boston. He d. Feb. 11, 1057. Will dated March 26, lOat!, prob. 1 April, 1058. Wife Elizabeth; dau. Sarah; gr. ch. Obediah and Elizabeth Gill; lands and house in Bo. and Dorch. John Gill, mariner, and Edward Grant, ship-car- penter, husbands, respectively, of Elizabeth and Sarah, confirmed a deed of land at Dorch. made by the widow July 9, 1001. [Reg. VIII, 353.] WARHAM, WAREHAM, Rev. John, ordained by the bishop of Exeter at Silferton, Devon, May 23. 1019. Preached also at Exeter. [DorcU. Pope Fam- ily, p. 11.] One of the two ministers of the Dorchester Colony, chosen to ofiice at Ply- mouth in March, 1029, came in the Mary and John; arrived at Nantasket May 30. 1030. and settled at Mattapan, soon called Dorchester. Frm. May 18, 1031. Rem. to Windsor, Conn, with about half of the church during 1035 and 1030. He was a man of great strength of character, and de- serves much praise for his consecration and service in laying the foundations of two commonwealths. His wife d. in the autumn of 1034. [W.] He m. 2, Jane, widow of Thomas Newberry, who d. 23 April, 1045. He m. 3, 9 Oct. 1002, Abigail, widow of Johu Branker. He d. 1 April, 1070. Ch. Samuel d. 1047; Abigail bapt. 27 May. 1038. (m. Thomas Al- lyn.l Hephzibah bapt. 9 Aug. 1040, d. 1047. Sarah b. 28 Aug. 1642, (m. Return Strong.) Hester b. 8 Dec. 1G44, (m. 1. Rev. Eleazer Mather. 2. Rev. Solomon Stoddard, and was grandmother of Rev. Jonathan Edwardsi. 479 WARNER, WERNER, Andrew, Cambridge, propr. 1633; frm. May 14, 1634; propr., town officer. He sold in 1G36, and rem. to Hartford, Conn. He rem. to Hadley about 1659. He d. Dec. 18, 1684. Will dated 18 June, 1681, prob. March 31, 1685, beq. to wife Eastor, sons Jacob, Daniel, Isaac, Andrew, Robert, John; daus. Ruth, — Pratt, and — Hills; to Mary, wife of John Taylor. Daniel, Ipswich, propr. adjoining John Wyate in 1639; frm. June 2, 1641. He m. about 1660 Faith, widow of Edmund Browne; her will dated 25 June, 1669, prob. 30 March, 1680, made her husband D. exec; beq. to sons Joseph and John and dau. Lyd- ia B.; eldest daughter has received her por- tion. He d. Sept. 9, 1688. [Believed by Hoyt to be a son of William, below.] John, ae. 20, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Settled at Watertown; propr. 1630. Rem. to Rhode Island. He was arrested in 1643 and brought to Boston; tried and imprisoned for alleged religious errors. Per- mitted to ship himself and family for Eng- land at some Mass. port, 27 May, 1642. [Col. Rec] Thomas, before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1639. Thomas, wife Katharine, had ch. b. at Bos- ton Dee. 24, 1658. Thomas, of Boston, fisherman, admin, of his est. by Mr. Richard Russell April 24, 1660. [Reg. IX, 348.] William, Ipswich, propr. 1635; propr. 1639; frm. May 2, 1638. WARR, see Hooper, Abraham, Ipswich, res. 1648. His will dated 22 (3) 1654, beq. to wife and dau. Sarah, asking the former to care for S. as if she were her own. WARREN, WARRIN, Abraham, Salem, 1635. In Es. Court in 1638. Bought land adjoining some he owned in 1661. Arthur, Weymouth, before Gen. Court 6 (1) 1637-8. Ch. Arthur b. 17 (9) 1639, Abi- gail b. 27 (8) 1640, Jacob b. 20 (8) 1642. Inv. of his estate "which he bequeathed to his wife for the maintenance of his chil- dren," taken by Will Vessie, John Rogers WARREN, etc., cent. and Thomas Dyer. Lands, house and fur- nishings; musliet given to his eldest son. Not dated. [Suff. Prob.] John, Watertown, came [probably] in 1630. Frm. May 18, 1631. Town officer. Sympathized with Qualiers. In court con- cerning baptism, (8) 1651. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Margaret d. Nov. 6, 1662. Ch. John, Mary, (m. John Bigelow,) Daniel, Elizabeth, (m. James Knapp). He d. 13 (10) 1667, [ae. 82.] He made will 30 Nov. prob. 16 Dec. 1667, being aged; beq. to ch. Daniel, John, Mary Begelow and Eliz- abeth Knope; to gr. ch. Mary B.; to Michell, dau. to Richard Bloyce, dec; to each gr. ch. Ralph, Salem, Marblehead, taxed in 1638; before Gen. Court in 1639. Richard, of London, came in the May- flower; signed the Compact; settled at Ply- mouth; "an useful instrument; bore a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the settlement." [Mor.] His wife and children came in the Anne in 1623. In the division of cattle in 1627 shares were given to him, to his wife Elizabeth, and to ch. Nathaniel, Joseph, Mary, Anna, Sarah, Elizabeth and Abigail. He d. before 1628. His widow Elizabeth d. Oct. 2, 1673, ae. about 90. Mary m. Rob- ert Bartlett, Elizabeth m. Richard Church, Ann m. Thomas Little, Sarah m. John Cooke, Jr., and Abigail m. Anthony Snow. [See Reg. VII, 177, and Plym. Col. Recs.] WARRINER, WARRENER, William, Springfield, frm. May 2, 1638. Propr.; town officer. Signature in town rec- ords. 1049. He m. 31 (5) 1639, Johanna Scant. Ch. James b. 21 (11) 1640, Hannah b. 17 (6) 1643, Joseph b. 6 (12) 1644. Division of his estate was made by agree- ment Sept. 27, 1676, between the widow Eliz- abeth and her ch. James and Joseph W. and Thomas Noble. WASHBURN, John, tailor, Duxbury, taxed 1632; bought house and land March, 1634-5. Atba. 1643; frm. June 2, 1646. Rem. to Bridge- water. His wife Margery, ae. 49, with sons, Johu, ae. 14, and Philip, ae. 11, came in the Elizabeth and Ann April 13, 1635, cert, from 480 WASHBTJBN, cont. Eversham, co. Worcester, Eng. John, Jr., and Philip also atba. in 1G43. John, the younger, mentioned in Plym. Rec. 4 Dec. 1638; served against the Narragansetts in 3045; he m. Dee. 6, 1645, Elizabeth Mitchell. WASON, Phebe, widow, Boston, adm. chh. 16 (4) 1G39. WATERBXTRY, John, Watertown, sold house and land, (cellar to be completed,) 15 (8) 1646. William, Boston, memb. chh. 1630-1. with wife Alice, WATERHOUSE, Mr. Thomas, schoolmaster, Dorchester, 1639; frm. May 13, 1640. "Mrs." W., also memb. church. WATERMAN, John, passenger on the Jonathan in 1639, in care of Peter Noyes. [Reg. XXXII, 410.] Settled at Sudbury; propr. 1639. Richard, sent over by the Mass. Bay Company in 1629 to Salem; his chief employ- ment to be to get venison for the govern- ment. [Suff. De. I, X.] Paid by treasurer Pynchon in 1632 for killing a wolf. Propr. and town officer, 1636. He was banished for sympathy with the Hutchinson party in 1638. Brought from Rhode Island in 1643, with Gorton and others, and tried for alleged heresy; some of his property con- fiscated for charge?, and ho bound over for later appearance. [W.] Oh. Nathaniel bapt. 20 (6) 1637, two ch. bapt. 8 (5) 1638. Robert, yeoman, Plymouth, bought land 7 May, 1639. Rem. to Marshfleld, frm. 7 March, 1042; propr. 1643; deputy 1646; town officer. He m. 11 Dec. 1C38, Eliza- beth, dau. of Thomas Bourne; ch. John b. April 19. 1642, Thomas b. 30 Nov. 1644. He d. Dec. 10, 1652. Admin, gr. to widow Elizabeth March 1, 1652-3. [Reg. V, 259.] Thomas, Roxbury, his wife Ann (Han- nah,) d. June 5, 1641. He d. Jan. 22, 1675, "aged." Beq. to son Thomas, Mr. John Eliot, Nicholas Williams and to his wife. His [second] wife Margaret, with his consent made her will 19 May, 1670, prob. 27 (1?^ 1682, Beq. to son Thomas W., Jr.; to sister WATERMAN, cont. Ann Burnett of Redding; to cousin Ann Bul- lard, her eldest dau. Abigail Wight, and her bro. Thomas Burnett; to cousin John Bowles' 3 children; to the Indian cliurch at Nonan- tum; to Mess. Eliot and Danforth; to Sarah Southricke; cousin Robert Burnett and Isaac Bullard execs. As the execs, had d. before her, the Court gr. admin, to Anne Bullard; Richard EUicc and James Thorpe, bondsmen. WATERS, WAITERS, Anthony, Marsbfield, atba. 1643, propr. 1045. John, Boston or Charlestown, memb. chh. with wife Francis, in 1030. Both l. be- fore Nov. 29, 1630. "My servant, old Wavers of Neyland." [W.] Mary, [a dau.?] adm. chh. Bo. 1632-3. Lawrence, carpenter, AVatertown, propr. 1036-7. Planted the intervale between Penacook and Still rivers before 1047; a re- gion then included in Lancaster. Son-in- law of Richard Linton. [Sufif. De. I, 79 and 85.] Rem. in 1675 to Charlestown, where his son Stephen resided. Wife Anna; ch. Lawrence b. 14 Feb. 1634, Sarah b. Dec. 7, 1630, Mary b. Jan. 27, 1637-8, Rebecca b. 1639, d. 1640, Daniel b. 6 (12) 1041, Stephea b. Jan. 24, 1642, Joseph b. at Lancaster 29 (2) 1047, Jacob and Rachel b. 1 (1) 1049, Ra- chel d. 31 (1) 1649, Samuel b. 14 (11) 1651, Johaunah b. 26 (1) 1652, d. 21 (2) 1054, Ephraim b. 27 (11) 1055, d. 17 (4) 1659, Re- becca, (m. at Lancaster 4 (11) 1664, Josiah Whetcombe). He d. Dec. 9, 1687, ae. near 85 years. [Mdx. Rec] Richard, bapt. at St. Botolph Alders- gate, London, Eng., March 3, 1004, son of James Waters, citizen and ironmonger, and his wife. Phebe, dau. of Mr. George Man- ning, gent, of Downe, Kent. James W. was bur. Feb. 2, 1017, and the widow m. 2, Feb. 23, lOlS, William Plasse, guumaker; they came to Salem, N. E. where Richard had his home from about 1030. He was a gunsmith. Frm. 22 May, 1039. Propr. He deeded land to dau. Mary and her husband, Clement Eng- lish, in 1073. His wife Joyce, was adm. chh. 23 (3) 1641. Ch. rec. here, a dau. bapt, 27 (9) 1640, Eliza bapt. 20 (12) 1042, d. 4 (12) 1662,. Abigail bapt. 18 (3) 1045, (m. 20 Oct. 1069. Wm. Punchard,) Ezekiel bapt. 9 (2) 1647, 481 WATERS, etc., cont. Susanna bapt. 1 (2) 1G49, (m. — Pulsifer,) Hannah bapt. 30 (11) 1652, (m. — Striker,) Sarah, [a dau.?] (m. 26 Feb. 1651, Joshua Ray,) Phebe, [a dau.?] (m. 11 (8) 1658. Thom- •as West; she d. 16 April, 1674;) Mary, (m. 27 Aug. 1667, Clement English,) Martha, Wil- liam, John and James also named in will. He signed his will 16 July, 1676; it was prob. 28 (9) 1677; he beq. to wife Joyce and ch. William, Ezekiel, John, James, Martha, Abigail Punchard, Mary English, Susanna Pulsifer and Hannah Striker. WATHEN, WATHIN, WARREN, — Wathen, propr. at Lynn in 1638. George, Salem, propr. 16-tO; adm. chh. 23 (3) 1641. Margaret, widow, [Salem,] admin, gr. 3 (11) 1644, to Dea. Charles Gott and John Home. Thomas, Gloucester, son of Edmund W., 1648; [Salem Court Piles.] went to the war in Eug. and died with Prince Rupert. Rebecca Joy, a little related to him, asked for the appointment of William Sergent of Gloc, who was his father's sister's son, as admin, of his est. 27 (7) 1652. Inv. ret. (4) 1653. Another inv. ret. by kinsman Eze- kiel W. June 30, 1658. [Essex Inst. Coll.; Reg. XXXII, 341.] John, Salem, servant of Walter Price, d. in 1641; admin, by Price, who had paid his passage, etc., for which he had the estate. WATLIN, Richard, ae. 28, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. WATSON, cont. son Elkanah deposed March 13, 1688-9. [Gen. Adv. I, 43.] John, embarked June 22, 1632; came to Roxbury; frm. Nov. 5, 1633. Propr. He m. April 3. 1634, Alice, widow of Valentine Prentiss; ch. John b. Jan. 1634-5, Joshua b. Aug. 1637, d. 30 (2> 1049, Dorcas b. Sept. 20, 1639, Caleb b. June 29, 1641, Mary b. May 2, 1644. He d. 5 (11) 1671. Will prob. 5 (12) 1671, beq. to his 4 children, John, Caleb, dau. Dar- ken [Dorcas] and dau. Mary. Wife Alice to have life use. John, yeoman, Cambridge. He gave power of attorney 11 (8) 1647, to George Hutchins for collection of legacy from the will of Richard Walters, late of Whickamin, CO. of Durham, Eng., smith. [A.] Will of John Watson, Sen. prob. Mdx. Court 5 (9) 1672. John Watson, Jr., and Rebecca Wat- son, Sen. mentioned. He or his son John m. Rebecca Errington, who d. Nov. 11, 1690, ae. 05. He d. May 20, 1711, ae. 92. Thomas, tailor, Salem, 1036; frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Johane, memb. chh. before 1636, joined him in a deed in 1672. He d. 1 March, 1672-3; the widow d. (10) 1674. Thomas, planter, Duxbury, made state- ment of accounts and will 28 (7) 1639. when about to embark for England. Certain mon- eys to go, in case of his death, to his niece Anna W.. dau. of John W., dec; she dwells with her mother-in-law Elizabeth, wife of John Grey, dwelling near Quinapeage, [L.] WATTELS, see Wardall, Richard, Ipswich, propr. 1637. WATSON, see Challis, Elizabeth, widow, Plymouth, assigned her servant, Henry Blage, Nov. 8, 1638, to Thomas Watson. George, yeoman, Plymouth, frm. 1033. bondsman 1639, juror 1646. Wife Phebe d. 22 May, 1663. Ch. Samuel b. 18 Jan. 1647, d. 20 Aug. 1649. Elizabeth b. 18 Jan. 1647, Jonathan b. 9 March, 1651, Elkanah b. 25 Feb. 1655-6. Inv. of his est. taken Feb. 2, 1688-9; his WAY, WAYE, Aaron, Dorchester, propr. 1640, frm. May 7, 1651, Bought a farm at Rumley Marsh, jointly with Wm. Ireland, 19 Feb. 1G51, and rem. to Boston. Gave bonds for his bro. Richard Way in 1657. Was dism. to the New chh. Bo. with his wife and W. I. 3 (12) 1660. Ch. Mary bapt. 14 (11) 1648, Aaron bapt. 6 (8) 1650, William bapt. 30 (11) 1C52, Susanna bapt. 1 (2) 1660, Joanna (of Aaron and Joan, in Bo.) March 5, 1663, John b. May 8, 1666, Elizabeth b. June 23, 1667, Moses b. June 13, 1672. Will dated 25 Aug. prob. 26 Sept. 1095, beq. to wife; to ch. Mary, Susanna, Moses, Aaron, 482 "WAT, etc., cont. William, Joanna. Bros. George and la- crease Sumner and cousin Wm. Ireland over- seers. George, mentioned in Dorchester Rec- ords 2 Jan. 1037-8, as having had a grant of land formerly, but no proof that he came. George, Boston, deposed 27 (5) 1052, ae. about 33 years. [Arch. 38 B.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 19 (1) 1651. Mr. Henry, Dorchester, one of the first company; [Bl.] carried on fishing business. His boat saved three shipwreclied men off the coast, 26 July, 1631. Two other boats of his were lost, 5 men killed by the In- dians and 2 drowned, in 1G32. [W.] Adm. chh. 5 (3) 1643. His wife Elizabeth d. 23 (4) 1005, ae. 84. He d. 24 (3) 1007, ae. 84. Richard, cooper, lieut. Dorchester, adm. chh. 5 (3), frm. 10 (3) 1043; propr. 1648. Rem. to Salem, but ret. before 1655. Rem. to Bos- ton; adm. townsman 27 (2) 1657. Deposed in 1606, ae. about 42 years. Ch. Henry bapt. At Sal. 23 (10) 1051, Eliza bapt. 8 (7) 1053. Wife Hester adm. chh. Dorch. 14 (8) 1055; joined in deed of land at Sal. in 1659. Ch. Richard bapt. 17 (4» lt!55, Jonathan bapt. 3 (111 1657, d. 6 (9( 1658, Hannah b. in Bo. May 23, 1662, Hannah (of Richard and Beth- iah) b. July 13, 1077. Richard Way m. Han- nah Knight Aug. 13, 1689. His son Henry made will Dec. 2, 1674, prob. Nov. 15, 1675. Beq. to sister Elizabeth and bro. Richard Way. Jr. His father Richard and uncle Aa- ron Way overseers. He d. 23 June, 1697. Will dated 2 Jan. 1600-7. prob. Oct. 8. 1097, beq. all to wife Hannah, believing that none of his own children were surviving. Robert, Dorchester, under the care of "Mr. Way" and Mr. Ludlow up to Aug. 5, 1034, was then placed by the Court in charge ■of Edward Burton. Widow, Dorchester, her land men- tioned in a list of proprs. of great lots, 23 <12) 1646. WEAVER, James, stationer, cert, from St. Albons, Herts., Eng. ae. 23, came in the Planter April 3, 1635. WEAVER, cont. Clement, before Gen. Court 2 (4) 1C40. Edmund, husbandman, ae. 28, from Anckstrey, Herts, came in the Planter April 3, 1035, with wife Margaret, ae. 30. WEBB, WEB, WEBBE, see Audey and Everard, Christopher, Braintree, frm. May, 1645. Propr. 1656. He d. June. 1671. Will prob. 2 (9) 1071, beq. to son Christopher, wife Humility, daus. Mary Shefiield and Sarah Buckmaster. The son Christopher d. 30 May, 1(!94. ae. 64 years. The widow Humility d. Nov. 1087, ae. 99. Mr. Henry, merchant, from Salisbury, Eng., came to Boston about 1(>37; had leave to buy the house where he dwelt 25 (7) 1037; adm. chh. (12) 1038, frm. March 13. 1038-9. Had great lot at the Mount for 10 heads Jan. 11, 1037-8, and grant of a farm of 200 acres 28 (7) 1640. Bought one seventh of the ship Seabright 9 (8) 1042. [A.] Town oflicer; al- lowed to trade with the Indians. [Letter to Iron Works co. in 1653 in Es. Files 4. | Wife Dowsabel adm. chh. 10 (12) 1638. d. Feb. 28. 1659. Dan. Margaret b. in Salisliury Sept. 25, 1625, m. 1, Jacob Sheafe, 2, Mr. Thomas Thatcher. He d. Sept. 7, 1660. Will dated 5 April, prob. 13 Sept. 1060. Only dau. Margaret, late wife of .Jacob Sheafe. and her daus. Elizabeth and Mehitabel principal heirs: beq. to sister Jane, wife of dec. bro. John Webb of Titherly in Hampshire; to his cousin Eliz- alieth, wife of John Blackleach. and her dau. Elizabeth; to cousin Francis Grunn and her ch. Elizabeth and .Tone; to late sister Eliz- al)eth Sanford's sons, John and Samuel San- ford; to wife's sister Barbara, wife of Rei- nold Sewall, of Salisbury, joiner; to David and Elizabeth Sewall, his late wife's cous- ins; to Harvard College; to the town of Bos- ton; to several individuals. [Reg. X, 177, and XL, 259.] John, yeoman, brasier, Rosbury, set free from his master, William Parks, June 11, 1633. Rem. to Boston; adm. chh.. sin- gleman. 9 (12) 10,33; frm. Dec. 7, 1030. Owned house and land at Braintree, which he sold 19 (2) 1648. Adm. inhabitant of Boston in 1051. Town officer. Wife Anna; ch. Su- san d. 17 (10) and Richard d. 30 (10) 1651. Richard, Cambridge; wife Elizabeth 483 WEBB, etc., cont. adm. chh. Boston. 1G31. Frm. Nov. 2, 1632; propr. 1G33; sold id 1635. Rem. to Hartford, Conn. Richard, shoemaker, Weymouth, propr. 1640. Rem. to Boston. Adm. chh. 28 (10) 1644. Propr.; town oflScer; sealer of leather 1649. Wife Mary adm. chh. 22 (1) 1645; ch. Joseph, ae. about 4 years, and Nehemiah, ae. about 3 years, bapt. 12 (11) 1644-5. He d. July 2; will prob. July 21, 1659. Di- vided his house and yard between his eld- est son Joseph and his youngest son Nehe- miah; beq. other things to Nehemiah, to dau.- in-law Ester Pearce and her ch. Moses and Ester; rest to Joseph, whom he appoints exec. Dea. Upham of Maiden and Lieut. Roger Clap of Dorchester, overseers and advisers of the children. Joseph chose his uncle Upham, Lieut. Clap and Dea. Clap to be his guardian. [Reg. IX, 138.] Joseph m. at Scituate 16 April. 1666, Grace Dipple. [See Baker, Nicholas.] He was clerk of courts, 1689-1698. [Suff. De. X, Introduc- tion.] William, Roxbury. frm. May 2a, 1636. Rem. to Boston. Wife Rebecca follo^NCd the business of baking. [E.] Both reed, to Bo. chh. 31 (1) 1644. He d. (10) 1C44. The widow sold Rox. lands April 21, 1G53. Her will, Dec. 10, 1654, gave est. to grand, dau. Rebecca, dau. of Godfrey Armitage. [Reg. V, 303, VIII, 356, XXXI, 104; and E.] WEBSTER, cont. He d. before Nov. 4, 1646, when the Court gave admin, to the widow Mary. At her desire division was made to the 8 minor children thus: to the eldest son, John, the farm, he paying to the youngest son Na- than 5 li. or a quarter of the value of the farm; Mary, Stephen and Hannah to have equal shares in the island bought of widow Andrews; Elizabeth, Abigail and Israel to have 20 nobles apiece; all at 21 years of age. The widow m. 29 (8) 1650, John Emery. He and his son John Emery were appointed guardians of Israel, ae. 18, and Nathan, ae. 16, at their request, 26 (9) 1662. The family rem. to Newbury. Mary m. Oct. 2. 1648, John Emery, Jr.; John m. June 13, 1653, Anne, dau. of Nicholas Batt; Hannah m. April 1, 1657, Michael Emerson, (and had dau. Hannah who m. Thomas Duston, and was the heroine of the Indian captivity;) Abigail m. Abraham Merrill; Stephen m. 1, Hannah Ayer, 2, Judith Broad; Elizabeth m. Samuel Simmons; Israel m. 1, Elizabeth Browne, 2, Elizabeth Lunt; Nathan m. Mary Haseltine. See the mother's will under Em- ery. Thomas, frm. May 29, 1644; see Hamp- ton, N. H. records. WEDGEWOOD, John. Ipswich, propr. 1637; before Gen. Court 3 (7) 1639. Kern, to Hampton. "WEBBER, Thomas, mariner, Roxbury, rem. to Boston about 1643; reed, from that chh. to Bo. chh. 31 (1) 1044. Master of the ship Mayflower, made contract Oct. 7, 1652, then residing in Eng. [Suff. De. III. 06.] Wife Sarah; eh. Sarah, b. 1643, Bathsheba bapt. 24 (7) 1648, ae. about 3 days, Thomas bapt. 2 (12) 1650, Mehitabel b. and d. 1652. WEBSTER, John, Ipswich, propr. 1634; frm. March 4, 1634-5; clerk of the bonds, 1642. He seems to be the John Webster, baker, who •was admitted an inhabitant of Salem in 1637 and had a grant of land; who was a ■witness in Ess. court in 1639, and applied for land at the Creek in 1642. His wife, Mary, was a sister of John Shatswell, who mentioned her in his will. WEED, WEEDE, Jonas, Watertown, frm. May IS, 1631. Was disra. from the chh. to that of Wethers- field, Conn., May 29, 1635. John, planter, Salisbury, propr. 1650- 1064. Lieut; he deposed at Salis. court 8 (2) 1662, ae. about 35 years. He m. Nov. 14, 1650, Deborah, dau. of Samuel Winsley; ch. Samuel b. Feb. 15, 1651, Mary b. Sept. 5, 1653, John b. Nov. 1, 1655, Ann b. July 26, 1657, (m. Edward Hunt,) Deborah b. June 15, 1659, (m. Christopher Bartlett,) George b. May 25, 1661, Nathaniel, Ephraim b. Feb. 24, 1666, Joseph b. July 9, 1671, Thomas b. July 17, 1674. He d. March 15, 16S8-9; inv. of his est. taken March 21, admin, gr. June 24, 1690. \he widow Deborah d. April 20, 1695. 484 WEEDEN, Edward, carpenter, ae. 22, came in the Susan and Ellen April, 1635. Settled at Lynn; res. 1639; rem. to Boston about 1641. Wife Elizabeth; ch. Samuel b. (6) 1644, Eliz- abeth, Sarah, Mary, Ann and Edward bapt. 17 (4) 1667. Admin, on his est. was gr. 18 Dee. 1679, to his widow Elizabeth. She,— Elizabeth Weeden, the midwife,— d. June 11, 1690. WEEKS, WICKS, George, Dorchester, frm. May 18, 1040, propr. Town officer. Signed inv. of John Pope, 1646. He in. in Eng. Jane, dau. of William Clap of Saleombe Regis; she and her son Thomas were named in the will of her bro. William C. in 1636; she was adm. to cbh. of Dorch. with her husband 21 (10) 1639. He d. Dec. 28, 1650; admin. 22 (11) 1650. The widow m. 2, Jonas Humphreys of Dorch.; she d. 2 (6) 1668. Will dated 29 (11) 1666, prob. 19 Nov. 1668, gave to sons Amiel and William and their wives; to son Joseph, dau. Jane; to gr. ch. Amiell, Ebenezer, Thankful, Elizabeth and Jane; to son-in-law Benjamin Bates; sisters Jone and Susann.a Clap and cousin Hannah Clap; to Mary Atherton. [Reg. VH, 334, and Genealogy.] John, tanner, ae. 20, with Marie, ae. 28, and Anna, ae. 1, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. May be the following. Mr. John, planter, Plymouth, frm. 3 Jan. 1636. Res. near John Alden. Was ex- pelled from the church with his wife for opinions considered very wrong, about 1637. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 4.] Rem. to Aquidnecli or Rhode Island; had a bro. Thomas at Staines, Middlesex, Eng. in 1639. [L.] Was captured with Gorton and others; tried at Boston, and imprisoned at Ipswich in 1643 for alleged religious errors. [W.] Thomas, turner, inhabitant Charles- town 1636. Rem. to Salem 1638. William Plasse d. at his house in 1646. [See George, above.] He sold land in 1652. Wife Alice adm. chh. Char. 12 (12) 1636; to chh. Salem 1639. Ch. Bethiah bapt. 27 (12) 1641, Han- nah bapt. 5 (11) 1644. Will dated 9 (7) 1655, prob. Ess. Court (4) 1056. Wife Alice; daus. Bethiah and Han- nah; cousin Robert Gray. WEIGHTMAN, WIGHTMAN, John, Charlestown, adm. chh 31 (5) 1641. He d. 24 (7) 1684, ae. 80 years. [Mds. Rec] His will dated 12 Oct. 1681, prob. 21 (S) 1684, beq. to three cousins Sarah Ran[d], Han- nah Cleesby and Rebecca Edington; to sis- ter Elizabeth Sliiffe, and after her decease to her dau. Rebecca Edington; shop to Thomas Rand and Thomas Beard. John Cleesby of Boston, exec. WEILLXTST, Joist, chosen by the Gen. Court, 1 March, 1630-1, surveyor of ordinance and caunonneer. Had leave to go to his own country as he desired July 3, 1632. WELBIE, WELBY, WILBY, George, ae. 16, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1635. Settled at Lynn; propr. 1638. Brought suit at Ipswich court in 1041. Rem. to Southampton, Long Island. De- posed May 16, 1641, at New Yorlv; b. at Northamptonshire, ae. about 25 years. WELCH, WELSH, Jacob, husbandman, ae. 32, came in the Rebecca April 9, 1035. Thomas, yeoman, Charlestown; Seth Sweetser was to pay him money in 1642. Mentioned at Cambridge in 1040. Adm. chh. Char. 12 (2) 1650; frm. May 22, 16.50. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 9 (6) 1650. Ch. Thom- as b. 7 July, 1655, Jonathan bapt. 9 (8' 1659, Jonathan bapt. 8 (4) 1600, Nathaniel bapt. 10 (7) 1665, Jonathan bapt. 16 (7) 1600. Will dated 15 Feb. 1700, prob. May 26, 1701, beq. to wife Elizabeth; ch. Thomas, Ellianah, Jonathan, and Dorcas Eaglostone, and gr. son Thomas, son of Thomas. Pris- cilla Croswell testified that she had often heard her bro. Thomas Welsh speali of his son Ellianah's fidelity. WELD, WELDE, WELLS, Daniel. Braintree. frm. June 2. IfUl. He rem. to Roxbury March 23, 1051. Wife Alse was bur. 18 (2) 1647; he m. 30 (5) 1647, Ann Hide. He d. 22 (5) 1666, ae. 80 or 81. Will prob. Nov. 3. 1600. Wife Ann; son Daniel in Eng- land; ch. of himself and wife, namely: Jo- seph and Bethiah Weld, Timothy Hide; dau. 485 WELD, etc., cont. Mary Hide bath had her portion aiready, but her son may have something at Ann's death. Joseph, Koxbury, captain, householder, propr., town officer, deputy. Wife Elizabeth d. Oct. 1038. He m. April 30, 1G39, Barbara, dau. of Nicholas Clap of Venn Ottery, Eng! Ch. Edmund b. July 14, 1G3G, Sarah bapt. Dec. 21, 1040, Daniel b. Sept. 18, 1042, Jo- seph bapt. 9 (12) 1044, d. 7 (10) 1045, Marah b. Aug. 2, 1040. He was bur. Oct. 7, 1046. See accounts in A. Will dated at Ipswich, 2 (4) 1640, prob. 10 (8) 1646, beq. to wife Barbara and her children Daniel, Sarah and Mara; to his ch. by first wife, John, Thomas, Edmund, Mary and Hannah; to dau. Dennison; to the col- lege at Cambridge; annuity to Mr. Cudding- ton; to the poor of the church; refers to Mr. Hooker. [Reg. VII, 33.] Mary m. Daniel Harris; Sarah m. John Franck; Marah m. Comfort Starr. Mortg. discharged 4 July, 1666. The widow m. 2, Anthony Stoddard. Rev. Thomas, vicar at Terling, co. Es- sex, Eng. from 1024 to 1032; was noted by archbishop Laud as "uncomformablo" Nov. 25, 1030; fined 10 Nov. 1031. Came to Rox- bury with his family, arriving June 5, 1032. Was minister alone some months, and then ordained pastor, in company with Mr. John Eliot, teacher, Nov., 1032. Was in full sym- pathy with the Winthrop party against Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Wheelwright in 1037. Wi-ote preface to second edition of Win- throp's Antinomians and Familists Con- demned in 1043. Wrote The Bay Psalm Book, jointly with Richard Mather and John Eliot in 1039. Wrote other books. Was sent by the government to England with Mr. Hugh Peter and Mr. William Hibbens in 1041, and accomplished much in advanc- ing the interests of the colony during the period of the Revolution. After much pub- lic service, he became vicar of Gateshead parish, at Newcastle, Eng. about 1640. He d. in London March 23, 1000. [D.] Wife Margaret; ch. rec. at Terling: John bapt. 6 June, 1025, Thomas bapt. 20 July, 1626, Samuel bapt. 8 Oct. 1629, Edmund bapt. 8 July, 1031. Joseph, who also came to Rox- bury, was his brother. [Reg. XXXVI, 36, 62 and 405.] Margaret, widow of Thomas Weld late of Gate side by Newcastle, clerk, made will 20 March, 1664, prob. 16 Nov. 1671. 486 WELD, etc., cont. Beq. to bro. Mr. William Doget and her sister Anna, his wife; to sister Elizabeth Wade, dec. and their children; to kinsman John Jeffreson. [Reg. LII, 249.] WELDIN, WELDEN, Kobert, Charlestown, chosen captain of 100 foot. [Du.] He d. of consumption Feb. 16, 1030-1; bur. in Boston with a military funeral 18th. Elizabeth, memb. chh. Bos- ton 1030-1, rec. by early clerk as "gone to Watertown." See Wheldon. WELLINGTON, WILLINGTON, see Wal- lington, Roger, planter, Watertown, 1630. Suit in court in 1051. He deposed Dec. 1673, ae. about 04 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Ma- ry, dau. of Dr. Richard Palsgrave; ch. John b. 25 (5) 1038, Mary b. 10 (12) 1040, Joseph b. 9 (8) 1043, Benjamin, Oliver b. Nov. 23, 1048, Palsgrave. He d. March 11, 1097-8. Will dated 17 Dec. 1697, prob. April 11, 1698; "feeble by rea- son of age;" beq. to sons John. Joseph, Ben- jamin, Oliver and Palsgrave; gr. ch. John. Mattocks, Roger W., and Mary Livermore. WELLMAN, WILLMAN, William, Gloucester, propr. 1049. WELLS, WELLES, see Weld, Isaac, Scituate, took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1038. Rem. to Barnstable. Juryman 1042. Adm. chh. May 27, 1643. His will dated 5 June, prob. 5 March, 1678, beq. all to wife. His widow Margaret died. Admin, gr. 27 Oct. 1675, to Mr. John Miller and Isaac Chapman, nearly related to her; they were to be residuary legatees. Joseph, residence not stated, frm. March 3, 1635-6. Deputy 1636. Richard, Lynn, propr. 1638. Frm. March 14, 1638-9. Richard, glover, Salisbury, propr. 1640- 1654. Deacon. He deposed 11 (2) 1671, ae. about 64 years. He d. July 12, 1672; admin. Oct. folg. He m. Elizabeth Rowlandson, who survived him and made will Aug. 26, 1677, prob. April 11, 1083. Beq. to her bros. Thomas and Joseph R., her sister Martha Eaton, and some of their children. WELLS, etc., cont. Thomas, ae. 30, and Ann, ae. 20, came in the Susan and Ellen in April, 1G35. Ann, ae. 15, was also enrolled in the Planter in April, 1035. Settled at Ipswich. Propr. 1035; additional in 1051. Frm. May 17, 1037. Hus- bandman. He m. Abigail Warner. Ch. Na- thaniel, John, Sarah, Abigail, Thomas b. Jan. 11, 1040, Elizabeth, (m. John Burnham,) Hannah, Lydia. He d. Oct. 20, will prob. Nov. 15, 1000. Widow Abigail d. July 22, will prob. Sept. 26, 1671. Thomas, Cambridge, householder, 1035- William, before Gen. Court Sept. 7, 1641. WEN, WENBANE, see Winbourne. WUST, cont. Thomas, came in the Mary and .Tohn March 24, 1033-4. Res. at Salem. Henry and Thomas seem to be his sons. Henry de- posed 31 May, 1680, ae. about .57 years. Hen- ry and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas adm. chh. 4 (11) 1005; their ch. Elizabeth bapt. 25 (1) 1000. Thomas m. 11 (8) 10.58, Phebe, dau. of Hichard Waters; removing to Brad- ford, had a letter of dismission to the chh. at Haverhill Dee. 3, 1077. His ch. Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin bapt. at Sal. 25 (1) 1066, and John bapt. 20 (1) 1667, Samuel, of H., bapt. 10 (12) 1006. Twiford, Plymouth, servant to Edward Winslow for 7 years from Feb. 22, l(i35-6. JIarshfield, atba. 1043. Served against the Narragansetts in 1045. Bought house and land at Ipswich in 1057. WEND ALL, Thomas, before Gen. Court Sept. 7, 1643. Referred to Ipswich; his master to pay charges of the trial, and extend his time of service to malie it up. WEST, Edraond, creditor of Wm. Launders of Marshfield in 1648. P^rancis, carpenter, Duxbury, in Court 2 Nov. 1640. Marshtield, constable March 1, 1041-2. Bought house and land Aug. 4, 1042. Atba. I(i43. Frm. 8 June, 1055. He m. Margery — about 1040. Isabel, inv. of her est. pres. in Ess. Court 2 (11) 1044. John, ae. 11, came in the Abigail July, 1035. Settled at Ipswich, propr. Brought suit in court in 1042. Sold house and lot 28 June, 1649. He deposed in 1673, ae. about 58 years. John, Beverly, m. Mary, widow of Henry Ley. Inv. of his est. gr. 13 Nov. 1683, to Thos. West. Launslet, a witness in a Lynn case at Es. Court in 1639. Matthew, Lynn. frm. March 9, 1030-7; pi'opr. 1638. Witness in Gen. Court, 1IJ45. Opposed to Infant baptism in 1046. [Es. Files.] Susan, Salem, called to Court 3 (4) 1645. WESTCOTT, WASKOTE, Marie, Marblehead, witness in Court in 1040. Stuckley, Salem, 1030. Banished in 1038 for sympathy with the Hutchinson party. WESTGATE, John, singleman, Boston, adm. chh. 12 (7) 1040. Dism. 26 (7) 1047, to the church of Pulham Mary, in Norfolk in England. WESTON, Edmund, planter, Duxbury, servant to John Winslow, transferred 2 Nov. 1036, to William Thomas. Land grant 1 June, 1640. Town officer. Atba. 1643. He d. in 1686 in his 80th year. Will dated Feb. 18, 1685-0, prob. June 3, 1086. Gene- alogy. [Reg. XLI, 285.] Francis, Plymouth, taxed in 1632, frm. 1033. He m. 27 Feb. 1039-40, Margery Reeves. Francis, Duxborough, admin, of his est. gr. April 4, 1093, to his son Peter. Francis, Salem. [See Margaret and John Pease.] Frm. Nov. .5, 1033. Deputy 1035. Town officer 1030. He and Margaret sued for defamation 20 (10) 1037. Banished for adherence to Mrs. Hutchinson in 1638. Brought from Rhode Island with Gorton 487 WESTOK, cont. and others in 1643; tried and imprisoned. [W.] John, Salem, adm. ehh. 13 (6) 1048. He deposed in ItiSS, ae. about 03 years. [See King, Wm.] Cli. Sarah bapt. 10 (3) 16.57, John bapt. 29 (6) 1661, Elizabeth bapt. 28 (8) 1663. Matthew, sued in Salem court in 1036. Mr. Thomas, citizen and iron-monger ■of London, was at first an associate, but af- terwards a rival of the colonists of Ply- mouth. Sent over a colony of his own to Wessaguscus (Weymouth) in 1622, consist- ing of about 60 men and 19 women. The settlement was a miserable failure; aud was entirely abandoned at the end of about a year. [Mor.] He came to N. E. in 1623. After some stay on this coast he went to Virginia, whence he returned to England. He died at Bristol at the time of the wars, •of the sickness at that place. [B.] [See Moore, Richard.] His only dau. Elizabeth m. at the house of Moses Maverick, Roger Conant, of Marblehead. [Depos. in Mary- land Archives. See Reg. L, 202.] Thomas, took Joshua Harris as an ap- prentice before Gen. Court Nov. 5, 1633. WESTWOOD, William, ae. 28, with wife Bridget, ae. 32, and John Lea, ae. 13, came in the Fran- cis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Cambridge; propr.; frm. March 4, 1634-5. He rem. to Hartford in 1636, and to Hadley about 1659. Comm. of the court. He d. at H. April 9, 1669, ae. about 63. Will dated 27 Dec. 1665, prob. Sept. 29, 1669, beq. to wife Bridget, son Aaron and dau. Sarah Cooke. The widow d. May 12, 1676, ae. about 74; will made 20 Dec. 1670, prob. Sept. 22, 1676, beq. to dau. Sarah and her husband Aaron Cooke, with their eh. West- wood, Aaron, Sarah and Joanna; to the church of Hadley; and to individuals. WETHERELL, WITHERELL, WITH- RILL, WEATHERALL, WETHER- ILL, John, Sudbury, propr. 1639. Rem. to Watertown; propr.; frm. May 13, 1642. In a petition to the Gen. Court in 1663, he men- tions his bro. Stephen Fosdick. Wife Grace deposed in 1654, ae. about 60 years. WETHERELL, etc., cont. She d. Dec. 16, 1670. Dau. Mary was bur. 20 (2) 1655, ae. about 20 years. He d. Jan. 23, 1672, ae. about 78 years. He beq. to Mr. Sherman; to kinswoman Ma- ry Webb of Charlestown; to kinsmen Ralph Day and James Thoi-p of Dedham; to Wm. Priest of Wat. Rev. William, M.A., of Maidstone. Eng. schoolmaster, with wife Mary, 3 children and 1 servant, came in the Hercules of Sand- wich March 14, 1634-5. He had grad. from Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, July 3, 1619, from co. York; took degrees of B.A. and M.A.; was licensed, as of Maidstone, ba., about 25, to marry Mary Fisher, maid- en, dau. of Joan Martin alias Fisher, now wife of John Martin, yeoman, March 26, 1627. [Gen. Adv. I, 21.] Settled at Charles- town; taught the Grammar school; his sal- ary for the year 1036 adjusted by a com. Rem. to Cambridge, where he stayed till 16,38, when he rem. to Duxbury. Propr. 31 Aug. 1040. Was called to be pastor of the second church at Scituate in Sept. 1644. and filled the position the rest of his life. [Rec- ords extant.] Frm. Ply. Col. 1 June, 1658. Ch. Samuel, John, Mary, (m. Nov. 20, 1056, Thomas Oldam.) Elizabeth, (m. Dec. 22, 1657, John Bryant,) Theophilus, Daniel, Sarah b. Feb. 10, 1044, bapt. Sept. 7, 1045, Hannah b. 20, bapt. 28 Feb. 1046. He d. April 9, 1684, ae. 84. Will dated 29 March, prob. 4 June, 1684. beq. to gr. ch. Samuel, Joshua aud Hannah, the ch. of his eldest son Samuel, dec. and to his widow Isabel; to sons John, Theophilus and Dan- iel; to dau. Mary Oldam. WEYBORNE, see Wybom. WHALE, Philemon, weaver, Sudbury, bought land in 1643; frm. May 10. 1648. His wife Elizabeth d. 20 (4) 1647. He m. 7 Nov. 1049, Sarah, widow of Thomas Cakebread. She d. Dec. 105[.]. He m. 3, Elizabeth — , who d. Nov. 8, 1688. He d. 22 Feb. 167.5. Will dated 19 Jan. 1675, prob. 4 (2) 1676, beq. to wife Elizabeth; to William, Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin, ch. of his dau. Elizabeth Moores. See will of John W. of Colchester, Eng. 1609; bro. Philemon. [Reg. LIII. 303.] 488 WEYLEY, John, Reading. Ch. Elizabeth b. 4 (1) 3649. [Mdx. De.] WEYMOUTH, WEIMOUTH, Jonatlian, seaman, residence not given, brought suit in court at Boston against Ed- ward Hale and Arthur Browne 5 Nov. 1G39. [L.] Made will 19 Nov. 1039, prob. 24 (5) 1G43; beq. to John Sweete, shipwriglit, of Bo. WHARTON, Edward, Salem; propr.; reed, addi- tional land, near his house 16 (4) 1651, show- ing prior residence. He d. 12 (1) 1677-S. Nunc, will, testified to 27 (4) 1678; 2 bros. in England and a bro. and sister by the mother's side; sister's son Edward Winditt, whom he brought out of Eng.; to Mary, wife of Henry Trask, Han- nah Sibley, widow, and Sarah Mills and her children. WHEAT, Jane, servant of Peter Palfrey of Sa- lem, in court in 1637. Joshua, ae. 17, cert, from St. Saviour's, Southwark, Eng., came in the Elizabeth in April, 1635. Moses, Concord, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Thomasin deposed 15 July, 1660, ae. about 45 years. Ch. Samuel b. 25 (8) 1640, Moses bur. 28 (4) 1641, Hannah b. 15 (11) 1643, Rebecca b. 16 (4) 1644, Jane d. 13 (8) 1648, John b. 19 (9) 1049, Aaron d. 13 June, 1658. He d. May 5, 1700; will dated 19 Sept. 1691, prob. June 11, 1700, beq. to ch. Sam- uel, John, Moses, Rebecca, Joshua, Hannah, (wife of Samuel) Stratton, and Sarah Hill. WHEATLEY, Gabriel, Watertown. Will prob. 13 (5) 1647; placed his estate in the hands of Bi-yan Pendleton, who was to pay himself what was his due and give the rest to his (W.'s) daughter. [Reg. IH, 79.] John, residence not given, frm. May 10, 1643. WHEATON, Robert, Rehoboth, propr. 1643. WHEELDON, WEELDEN, WHEILDON, WHEILDEN, WELDING, Gabriel, had permit from Plymouth Court to dwell at Mattacheese (Yarmouth,) 3 Sept. 1638. Town officer 1641-2. Rem. to Lynn, then to Maiden. He and his young- est son John W. sold to Wni. Crofts 21 Oct. 16.")3, lands in Arnold and elsewhere in Not- tinghamshire, Eng. [Es. De. I, 24.1 Ch. Ruth, about to marry Richard Taylor, 27 Oct. 1646. Sarah, (parentage not stated.) b. 21 June, 1050. He d. .Ian. 1053-4. He made his will 11 (12) 1053, prob. 4 (2) 1654. Gave 10 shillings to the church; rest of est. and money due him from Wm. Crofts of Lynn to wife Mar- garet. [Reg. XVI, 75.] Sons Henry and John brought suit for their portions in 1655. [Mdx. Files.] Henry. Yarmouth, atba. 1643. Served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Katharine, wrote a letter to John Shan- vat of Nottingham, 29 (4) 1639, concerning the death of Martha Weelden of Dedham, drowned about 12 days before. [L.] Kath- arine m. at Plymouth 9 Oct. 1639, Giles HoiJkins. Ralph, [Y'armouth,] called to Court with his dau. 7 July, 1648. WHEELER, WHELLER, Isaac, tailor, Charlestown, 1639; adm. ehh. 30 (9) 1042, frm. May 10, 1043. Town officer, 1040. Wife Frances adm. chh. 1 (5) 1045; ch. Isaac, Thomas, Elizabeth b. 8 (5) 1041, Sarah b. 13 (1) 1043. He d. before 1650; the widow m. 2, Rich- ard Cooke of Maiden. She deposed in 1652, ae. 44 years, that she came in the .lonathan in 1639 with the Blanchards. Joined In a deed of land in 1657. Her ch. mentioned in the will of Mr. Cooke. John, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1603-4. Settled at Salisbury; bar- ber; propr. 1039-1052. Rem. to Newbury. Wife Anne d. Aug. 15, 1602. Ch. David, (who came in the Confidence in April. 1638, ae. 11,) George, of Concord, and others named in will. He d. in 1670; his will dated March 28, 1668, prob. Oct. 11, 1070, beq. to son David; sons .Tohn and Adam of Salisbury, Eng.; to son William, if he come over into this coun- 489 WHEELER, etc., cont. try; to daus. Mercy, Elizabeth Button and Ann Chase; to Susanna, wife of his son George, and to his eh. Ephraim and Sam- uel; to son Roger's ch. Mary and Joseph; to dan. Elizatieth's ch. Thomas, Mary and Eliz- abeth; to dau. -in-law Susanna the land for- merly given to her husband George, on which he built. Son Henry exec, and resid- uary legatee. [Norf. De.] Joseph, Concord, frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Sarah was bur. 19 (5) 1042. Second wife Elizabeth; ch. Joseph b. 1641, d. 1642, Mary b. 20 (7) 1643, Rebecca b. (7) 1645. He deposed to the will of Thomas W. 17 (1) 1678, ae. about 68 years. Obediah, Concord, frm. June 2, 1641. Wife Susanna d. 24 (1) 1649. Ch. John b. 27 (11) 1640, Ruth b. 23 (2) 1642, a son b. and d. 1643, Samuel b. 22 (12) 1644, Susanna b. 17 (1) 16[..] He d. Oct. 27, 1671. He made will 6 (8) 1671, ae. about 63 years; beq. to his six chil- dren, Joshua, Obediah, Samuel, John, Jo- siab and Susannah. Admin, was gr. Dee. 19, 1671, to kinsman Thomas W. and son John. Richard, Dedham, propr. 1644. He m. 4 (3) 1644, Elizabeth Turner; ch. Sarah b. 4 (12) 1645, Mary b. 5 (8) 1646, John b. 18 (8) 1648, d. 17 (12) 1661, Samuel b. 4 (11) 1650, Hannah b. 30 (6) 1653, Joseph b. 5 (12) 1655, Abraham b. 7 (10) 1659; Elizabeth, Samuel and Sarah d. in 16.56. He m. at Lancaster 2 (6) 1658, Sarah, dau. of John Prescott; ch. rec. at L. : Jacob b. and d. 1663, Zebadiah b. 2 (11) 1664, Sarah b. 1 (12) 1666, Elizabeth b. May 22, 1669, Samuel b. 29 (2) 1671. He was slain by the Indians Feb. 10, 1676. Inv. of his est. taken 21 (6) 1676, mentions goods at Dedham as well as laud and goods at Lancaster. Thomas, miller, yeoman, Salem, worked on the bridge in 1640; propr. 1647. Rem. to Lynn. He deposed in 1053, ae. about 50 years. With wife Mary sold land in L. in 1057; she was adm. chh. 1 (9) 1648. Ch. Isaac and Zipporah bapt. 19 (9) 1648. Thomas, captain. Concord, frm. May 18, 1642. Wife Ruth, dau. of William Wood; ch. .Joseph, (deposed at Probate of the will of [his bro.] Thomas Wheeler 17 (10) 1678, WHEELER, etc., cont. ae. about 68 years,) Ephraim, (ae. about 21 years in 1039,) [L.] Deliverance, Thomas, Nathaniel d. 6 Jan. 1676. Capt. Thomas, husband of Ruth, d. Dec. 10, 1676. Thomas, servant to Austin Clement, painter, came in the James April 17, 1035. Afterward called tailor. Settled at Boston; adm. chh. 11 (7) 1036; propr.; frm. April 17, 1637. He deposed 2 (2) 1652, ae. about 48 years. [Arch. 38 B.] Wife Rebecca; ch. Jonathan b. 20 (8) 1637, Joseph b. 15 (3) 1640, Rebecca b. 17 (4) 1653. He d. 16 (3), and his will was prob. 25 (5) 1054. Beq. to wife Rebecca, son Joseph and dau. Rebecca. [Reg. V, 305.] The wid- ow m. 2, 10 (0) 1654, John Peirce. Timothy, captain, Watertown, propr. 1642; rem. to Concord; frili. May 13, 1040. Signed inv. of Robert Miller 26 (12i 1646. He sold land at Charlestown 9 (7) 1657. Wife Jane d. 12 (12) 1642; he m. 2, Mary — . Ch. Elizabeth b. 6 Oct. 1661. He d. July 30, 1687, ae. about 86 years. [Gr. St.] Will prob. Sept. 0, 1087. Men- tions Joseph. Ephraim and Deliverance, sons of his bro. Thomas W. [Reg. XXXVIII, 34.] William, Salem, called to court 30 (10) 1645. WHEELOCK, WHEELOCKE, Ralph, [believed, though without ab- solute evidence, to be the Rev. Ralph Wheel- ock, who was an alumnus of Clare Coll., Cambridge, Eng., A.B. in 1626, and A.M. in 1631, and was ordained in the church ol^ England;] appears here first at Watertown; thence rem. to Dedham, of which church and town he was one of the most valuable founders, learned, devout, unselfish, and practical. He was propr. 14 (7) 1037; frm. March 13, 1638-9; selectman; schoolmaster; deiiuty to the Gen. Court; com. to end small causes; appointed to join persons in mar- riage. He rem. to Medfield, continuing his prominence and usefulness. Wife Rebecca was with him from the first at Dedham; ch. Rebecca, (m. in Roxbury 7 (4) 1654, John Crafts,) Gershom, Eliezer, Benjamin b. 8 (11 1 1039, Samuel b. 22 (7) 1642, Record b. 15 (10) 1043, Experience b. 1048. He signed his will 3 (3) 1081; inv. taken 31 Jan. 1083; prob. 1 May, 1684; beq. to eld- 490 "WHEELOCK, etc., cont. est son Gershom and other sons Benjamin, Eliezer and Samuel; sons-in-law Increase Ward and Joseph Warren; gr. ch. Rebecca Craft; refers to deceased wife; brother George Barbur one of the overseers of the will. WHEELWRIGHT, Rev. John, grad. Cambridge univ. 1614; vicar of Bilsby, co. Lincoln, Eng. 1623-1631. He came to Boston with wife and family in 1636. Reed, to chh. 12 (4) 1636. Preached at Braintree and often at Boston. Joined with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, In advancing views which were regarded erroneous and seditious by most of the clergy and rulers; after much controversy was banished 2 (9) 1637. Rem. to Exeter, N. H., and later to Wells, Maine. His sen- tence of banishment was revoked by the Gen. Court in 1644, upon his making an apology for "inconsiderate" words at the time of the controversy. He was pastor at Hampton, 1647-1658; at Salisbury from Dec. 9, 1662, till his death. He was conceded to be upright, earnest and effieiejit for good; and rendered valuable service in laying foundations for three states. He deeded, 22 Oct. 1677, to his dau. Sarah Crispe, of Bos- ton, land and tenement at Mawthorp in the parish of Willougrarblehead, 1037; one of the parties to a law-suit. 1037; rem. to Jlanchester. He deposed in 1060, ae. about 40 years. He made an oral will (0). prob. 20 (9) 1674; beq. to son Edward one half the land; the other half to wife for the bringing up of the children he had by her; 5 shillings apiece to the two ch. of the first wife; 5 H. debt due to son .John above his share of the est., to be paid him when 21 years of age. The son Edward, of Beverly, sold his share of the land 2 (11) 1074. John, Ipswich, propr., 1035; sold prop- erty before 1039. He d. at sea Feb. 20, 1078-9; nunc will, beq. to John and Abiel Kelly. Thomas, (perhaps the Thomas V.'hittle, who came in the Confidence in 1038. servant or John Rolfe.) Salisbury, res. in 1044: had liberty to make tar in 1049. Rem. to Haver- hill; propr. from 1049; frm. 23 May, 1000. He m. Ruth Green. [Hav. Rec.]; ch. Mary b. Oct. 9, 1647, (m. Sept. 21, 1000. Benjamin Page,) John b. Dee. 23. 1049, Ruth b. Aug. 9, 1051, (m. April 20. 1675, Joseph True.) Thomas b. Jan. 12. 1053, Susanna b. March 27, 10.50, (m. July 15, 1074, Jacob Morrill.) Nathaniel b. Aug. 11, 10.58. Hannah b. Sept. 495 WHITTIEK, etc., cont. 10, 1600, (m. May 30, 1683, Edward loung,) Richard b. June 27, 1603, Elizabeth b. Nov. 21, 1666, (m. Juue 22, 1669, James Sanders, Jr.,) Joseph b. May 8, 1669. He d. Nov. 28, 1696. Admin, on his est. gr. Feb. 1, folg.; division of est. May, 1699. The widow d. July, 1710; admin, of her est. Sept. 19, folg. See will of John Rolfe. WHITRIDGE, WHITERIDGE, WHIT- ERED, William, carpenter, ae. 30, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 30, and son Thomas, ae. 10, came in the Elizabeth April 11, 1635. Set- tled at Ipswich; propr. 1636. Served in the Pequot war and had grant of land from the town in 1039. (Samuel, and William (b. March 31, 1658,) are believed to have been sons.] He m. 2, Susanna, widow of Anthony Colby. He d. Dee. 9, 1668. Estate settled July 2, 1669, by son Tliomas, and in 1699 by gr. son Thomas. WHITTINGHAM, John, gent., came from Boston. Lin- colnshire, in 1638, bringing with him ser- vants Haniel Bosworth. Richard and Mat- thew Coye, John Anniball, Robert Smith, and perhaps others. [Depos. in Es. FUes 3, 4.] Settled at Ipswich; partner of William Paine and Co. [SufC. De. Ill, 367.] He m. a dau. of Mr. William Hubbard; dau. Martha m. Dr. .John Clarke. [Reg. XXXIII, 226, and XXXIX, 170.] His will was prob. 27 (1) 1049; beq. to wife Martha; to youngest sons Richard and Wil- liam certain lands at Southerton near Bos- ton, CO. Lincoln; other lands to eldest son John; to three daus. Martha, Elizabeth and Judith, money, stock in Ipswich Trading Co., and rents of land in Eng. ; father-in-law Mr. Wm. Hubbard, bro, Mr. Samuel Haugh, and wife execs.; beq. also to Mrs. Smith and Haniel Bosworth. WIBORNE, see Wyborne. WICKAM, WICCOM , WICOME, WY- COME, Richard, Rowley, propr. 1043. Deeded lands to .son Daniel 20 Jan. 1001, mentioning son John. Wife Ann bur. Aug. 25, 1674. He was bur. Jan. 27, 1603. WICKS, see Weeks. WICKSON, WIXAM, WIXON, VIXON, Robert, Plymouth , servant of William Edge, ti'ansferred 8 Nov. 1638, to Thomas Prence. Atba. 1643. In Court 3 March, 1644-5. Town officer, 1646. Frm. 5 June, 1651. Rem. to Eastham. Will dated 1 Oct., prob. 18 Oct. 1686; beq. to wife Alice, dau. Jemimah, sons Titus and Barnabas, gr. ch. Nathaniel Mayo. WIER, WYEB, Robert, Boston. Wife Mary; ch. John b. 1 (9) 1646. Nathaniel, Haverhill, propr. 1645. WIFE, WIFFE, see Wise. WIGGINS, WIGGIN, Thomas, Lynn, 1649. Worked for the Iron Works Co.; carted coal, helped build the finery chimney, etc. He m. at Reading 27 (6) 1649, Sarah — . Rem. to Rustport, N. Y.; deposition, 1060. [Es. Files.] Distinguish carefully from Capt. Thomas Wiggin, the eminent pioneer of New Hamp- shire. WIGGLESWORTH, Edward, Chariestown, 1638. Rem. to New Haven. His son Michael came to Har- vard College, from which he was graduated in 1651, and became the eminent preacher of the church of Maiden, author of the strik- ing poem. The Day of Doom. Edward d. at New Haven Oct. 1, 1653. WIGHT, Henry, Dedham, frm. May 26, 1647. Wife Jane; ch. John b. 13 (10) 1652, Joseph b. 11 (3) 1054, Daniel b. 24 (9) 1650, Benja- min b. 18 (4) 1659, Jonathan b. 2 July, 1662. Admin, of his est. was gr. 28 April, 1681, to the widow .Jane and son Joseph. Inv. showed land and buildings at Dedham and land at Wrentbam. Thomas, bro. of Henry, Dedham, propr. IS (5) 1637, adm. chh. with wife Alice (7) 1640; frm. Oct. 8, 1040; selectman. Rem. to Medfield. Ch. Samuel b. 5 (12) 1639, Ephraim b. 27 (11) 1645. Will prob. 24 (2) 1674; mentions agreement Hiade with his present wife before their mar- riage which is in the hands of Mr. John Eliot, her brother; beq. to sons Henry, Thom- 496 "WIGHT, cont. as, Samuel and Ephraim, dau. Mary, wife •of Thomas Ellis, and her dau. Juda. The widow Lydia made will 20 Dec. 1673, prob. July 27, 1U7G; bcq. to the children of her former husband James Peniman, Samuel, Mary, Lydia Adams, Bethiah Allin, Hannah Hall, Abigail Carie. Cousin Jacob Eliot and Theophilus Frary overseers; son Samuel P. exec. Ephraim Wight was indebted to the estate when inv. was taken, a sum beq. in Lis father's will. WIGHTMAN, see Weightman. WIGNALL, Jlr. Alexander, juryman May 3, 1G31; frm. May 18, 1631. John, built a house and resided in Charlestown 1630. WILCOCKSON, WILCOXON, William, linen weaver, ae. 34, with Margaret, ae. 24, and son ,Tohn, ae. 2, cert, from St. Alljons, Herts. Eng. came in the Planter April 2, 1035. Uesidence unlinown. Frm. Dee. 7, 1636. WILD, WILDE, WILDES, George, ae. 37, liusbandman, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635. Joseph, m. at Roxbury Dec. 3, Mary Tompsou. 1641, William, ae. 30, Alice, ae. 40, and John, ae. 17, came in the Elizabeth in April, 1035. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 103.5. Rem. to Rowley; carpenter. With wife Elizabeth sold land to James Barker 1 (3) 1049; deed made 16 (4) 1652. Will dated May, prob. 30 Sept. 1662, beq. to wife Elizabeth and kinsman John Wild and his son John. WILBOARE, WILBOBE, WILBORNE, Samuel, merchant, with wife Ann, ^adm. chh. Boston 1 (10) 1633. Frm. March 4, 1633-4. Was one of the incorporators of Providence Plantation in 1637, but returned to Boston. He m. about 1045 Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Lochford, the famous no- tary. He d. 29 (7) 1656. Will dated April 30, prob. Oct. 23, 1656. Beq. to wife Elizabeth sons Samuel, Joseph, Shadrack; to his man John Macklist, a Scotchman. [Reg. V, 385, VI, 290, and XXX, 201.] The widow m. 3, Feb. 20, 1650, Henry Bishop. WILCOCKS, WILCOX, William, Cambridge, propr.; town offi- cer; frm. May 25, 1036. He m. 22 (lli 1050, Mary Powell. He d. Nov. 28, 1053. Will prob. 3 (11) 1653. Legacies to "loving brethren that are of my family meeting," Roger Bancroft, John Hast- ings, Thos. Fox, Wm. Patton and Francis Whitmore; to pastor, Mr. Mitchell, and elder Frost; to honored bro. Richard Francis; to •cousin John Woods; to sister, the widow Hall, and to her sou William and dau. Su- san; residue to wilV iuul to the cliildren of his sister Christ!;' n Boyden in Englan'!. {Reg. XVI, 70.] WILDER, WYLDER, Edward, husbandman, Hingham, propr. 1037, frm. May 29, 1044. Town officer. He served in King Philip's war. He m. Eliz- abeth, dau. of Anthony Eames of Medfleld. [Hist. Hing.] She d. 9 June. 1052. Ch. Eliz.i- beth, (m. Israel Fearing,) John, Ephraim, Isaac, Jabez, Abiah, (m. William Clark of Plymouth,) Mehitabel, (m. Joseph Warren of Plym.) Abigail, Anna or Hannah b. March 10, 1005-6, Mary b. April 5, 1008, (ra. Francis Le Baron, and second Return Wait). His estate was admin. June 20, 1091, by widow Elizal)cth and son Jabez; division made 2 July, 1094, to son John, to Isaac's son Thomas, to son Jabez, daus. Elizabeth, Abia, Mehetabel, Anna, Abigail, Mary. Martha, widow, spinster, from Ship- lock. Oxfordshire, Eng.. with dau. Mary Wilder, came in the Confidence April 11, 1638. Settled at Hingham. Propr. 1638. She d. 20 April, 1652. Roger, servant to John Carver, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; d. in 1021. Thomas, husbandman, Charlestown, propr. 1038. Frm. June 2, 1641. Bought land in Cliar. 27 (S) 1643; town officer. Rem. to Lancaster. 1059. Wife Anna adui. chh. 7 (3) 10.50. Signed inv. of Philip Drinker In 1647. Ch. Mary bapt. 3 (5) 1042, Thomas b. 497 WILDEB, etc., cont. 4 (7) ir.44. He deposed 17 (4) 1654, ae. 33 [35] years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. Oct. 23, 1667. Will dated 22 (11) 1G67, prob. March 4, 1667-8, beq. to wife Ann and ch. Marie, Thomas, John, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Ebenezer. WILEY, WILLY, John. Reading, gave bonds for John White before Gen. Court 30 July, 1640 Propr. 164S. Wife Elizabeth meiib. chh. 1C48, d. Aug. 3, 1662. Ch. Elizabeth b. March 4, 1649, Timothy b. April 24, 1653, Susanna b. July IG, 1655, Sarah b Feb 4 1658. ■ ' WILKES, Mr. Samuel, Boston, propr., town offi- cer 1634. One of the richer inhabitants who contributed to the free school in 1636. AVilliam, Boston, propr. 1636. Wife Joan adm. chh. 9 (12) 1633. Dism. to church [of Ipswich?] 8 (7) 1639. WILKINS, WILKINSON, WILKENS, Bray, husbandman, Dorchester, propr., frm. May 14, 1634. Licensed to keep a ferry over Neponsett river 6 (7) 1638. (See Gin- gine.) AVith Henry Way and Richard Leeds had land granted in 1639 at Thompson's Isl- and, provided they set forward fishing, etc. Either he or a son Brave was adm. to the re-organized church 9 (4) 1640. He and John Gingine bought a large tract of land at Sa- lem to which they rem.; they mortg. two thirds of the tract March 31, 1673. [Reg. XL, 256.] He deposed 30 (4) 1680, ae. about 68 years. Wife Hannah adm. chh. before 1639; adm. chh. of Salem 24 (6) 1654; ch. Samuel bapt. 5 (11) 1639, John bapt. 22 (3) 1642, Lydia bapt. 25 (9) 1644, Thomas bapt. 16 (3) 1647, Margaret bapt. 10 (12) 1648-9, Henry bapt. 7 (1) 1651. He d. Jan. 1, 1702, in his 92d year. [Diary of Joseph Green.] WILKINSON, WILKERSON, Ann, ae. 94, d. at Billerica 2 (3) [Mdx. Eec] 1684. Isabel, widow, Cambridge, propr. 1637-8. She d. Feb. 23, 1655. Edward Winship and Edward Goffe m. her daughters. Henry, tallow-chandler, ae. 25, came in WILKINSON, etc., cont. the Elizabeth and Ann in April, 1635. Set- tled at Ipswich; propr. 1635; sold house and land 30 Aug. 1638. [Ipsw. Rec] Prudence, widow. Charlestown, propr.; rem. to Mystic Side before 1640. [L.] In her will dated 9 (11) 1655, she names, her son John, and her dau. Elizabeth Felt. ^'Sister Joane, wife of John Wilkinson, now in X. E." was a legatee in the will of Mary Skilton of London in 1655. [E. and W.] WILLAED, George, planter, Scituate. took oath of allegiance 1 Feb. 1638. In court 1 June, 1641. Ch. Deborah and Daniel bapt. Sept. 14, 1645, Joshua bapt. Nov. 2, 1645. [Second Chh' Kec] Simon, Cambridge, propr. 1634. Rem. to Concord. Sergeant; appointed to exercise the military company 13 (8) 1636. [W.] "A Kentish soldier;" [J.] Was either deputy or Assistant for about 40 years. Major. Had a patent, with associates, in 1641, for trading with the Indians and collecting tribute from them. [L.] Rem. to Lancaster. Signature iu inv. of Thomas Atkinson in 1640. A man of unusual energy, sagacity and character. He m. Mary, sisrer of Rev. Henry Dunster, q. V. Ch. [Mary, (m. Joshua Edmunds,) Elizabeth, (m. Robert Blood,) Josiah, Sam- uel,] Simon b. 31 (11) 1639, Sarah b. 24 (5) 01- 27 (4) 1642, [m. Nathaniel Howard,! Above-hope b. 30 (8) 1640, d. at Lane. Dec. 23, 1063, Simon b. 23 (0) 1649, Mary b. 7 (7) 1653, [m. Cyprian Stevens,] Henry b. 4 June, 16.55, John b. 30 June, 1657, Daniel b. 26 Dee. 3658, Joseph b. at Lane. 4 (11) 1660, Benja- min, Hannah b. G (8) 1666, (m. Capt. Thomas Brintuall,) Jonathan b. Dec. 14, 1669. He was bur. 27 (2) 1670. [S.] Inv. of his est. filed 6 (1) 1676-7, by Mrs. Willard. She petitioned the Court in 1681, (having mean- time married .Toseph Noyes,) for further set- tlement of the estate, especially as to lands due him from the Indians, for the benefit of the six younger children, some of whom were "very young." The Willard Memoir states that at Horse- monden, Kent, Eng., there lived a Richard Willard, who had son Simon bapt. 8 April, 1605, and George bapt. 4 Dec. 1614, to whom he made beq. in his will, dated 12 Feb. 1616, prob. 9 March folg. It is believed that these are the above-mentioned pioneers. 498 WILLETT, WILLET, WILLETTS, Mrs. Isabel, residence not stated, sold a share in the Piseataqua patents. [Su£f. De. I, 90.] Thomas, merchant, Plymouth. Frm. 1633. Agent for Plymouth Colony at Kenne- bec, lti35. Lands confirmed to him, 1G38. Partner in building a barli iu 1041. Captain, 1647. Partner in the Kennebec trade, 1G49. Assistant, 1651. He m. ,Tuly 6, 1636, Mary, dau. of Mr. John Browne; she d. Jan. 8, 1699. Ch. Martha, (m. John Saffin,) Esther b. 6 July, 1647, Hezekiah b. and d. 1651; Re- becca, [liis child?] d. 2 April, 1652. He d. at Seakonk Aug. 3, 1674, in 64th year. [Plym. Col. Rec, Reg. X, 181.] Will dated 20 April, 1071, prob. 12 Aug. 1674. Beq. to sons James, Hezekiah, Andrew ana Samuel; sons-in-law John SafHn and Samuel Hooker; bro.-in-law James Browne; gr. ch. Samuel Hooker's six sons, John Saffin's four sons by my dau. Martha; dau. Esther Wil- lett; gr. ch. Sarah Eliot; to the church of Rehoboth and to Rev. John Myles; to dau. Mary Hooker. Mr. John Saffin, merchant, of Boston, deposed to tlie inv. 25 Nov. 1674. [See MS. notebook of John Saffin.] Toby, embarked June 22, 1632, for N. E. WILLEY, Allen, husbandman, Boston, adm. chh. 2 (9) 1634. Wife Alice adm. chh. 9 (9) 1634. Alice, [dau. or widow,] m. in Bo. 5 Dec. 1659, John Garretson. Frances m. in Bo. 10 (5) 1652, Joseph Howe. Isaac, Boston. Wife Johanna; ch. Isaac bapt. 2 (6) 1640, Hannah bapt 6 (1) 1642, Sarah b. 19 (4) 1644. He m. in Bo. 8 June, 1660, Frances, dau. of Edward Burch- am of Lynn. WILLIAMS, Alexander, servant to Mr. William Thomas, Marshfield, 1041; atba. 1643. Ann, ae. 10, came in the Abigail in July, 1035. Ann, memb. chh. of Salem in 1639. Edward, Scituate. atba. 1643. Admin, of his est. gi-. to Ensign John W. 29 Oct. 1671. Eleazer, Salem, memb. chh. 1037. [Wife] Elizabeth, Salem, deposed in 1690. ae. about 80 years, regarding the family of R. Hollingworth, Sen. WILLIAMS, cent. George, Salem, frm. May 14, 1034; jury- man 1636. Ch. .Ton. bapt. 25 (10) 1630, Sam- uel bapt. 12 (6) 1638, Joseph bapt. 10 (3) 1640, Bethiah bapt. 13 (9j 1(M2, George bapt. 1 (7) 1044. Will dated 23 (7i prob. 18 (8) 1054. Wife Mario; eldest son .Tohn; dau. Marie Bishop and her 2 children; sons Samuel, Joseph and George; daus. Sarah and Bethia. The wid- ow Marie's will dated 1 (8) was prob. 17 (9) 1654. Hugh, feltmaker, Boston, a singleman, ndm. chh. 1 (11) 1641. Frm. May 18, 1642. With wife Sarah he sold land in Bo. Jan. 8, 1657. Sold land in Bo. and at Block Isl- and June 17, 1063, to his bro. John W., of Barnabe st, London, feltmaker. Rem. to Block Island. Wife Sarah adm. chh. 23 (1) 1644. Servant Elizabeth Rose d. 20 (11) 1655. John, the confessed murderer of John Hobby, was sentenced by Gen. Court 19 Sept. 1637. John, Sen., Scituate, farmer, frm. 3 Dec. 1039; deputy 1040. Will, dee.19. 1007; beq. to dau. Mary Dod- son, son John. Ann, wife of .John Pratt, De- borah, wife of Wm. Burden. Mary Barker, and his two gr. ch. John and Aliraliam B.; Nicholas Baker of Scituate. [Reg. VII, 178.] John, Roxbury, his dau. Elizabeth memb. chh. about 1644. [E.] John, Newbury, husbandman, bought land in 1642. Rem. to Haverhill iu 1047. He m. Jane, who d. Nov. 21, 1680. Ch. John, Sarah, (m. John Ayer, Jr.) Mary b. 20 Sept. ]041. (m. Daniel Bradley,) Lydla b. 15 March, 1642, Joseph b. April 18, 1049. He d. Feb. 10, 1673. Will dated Doc. 9, 1670. prob. March 18, 1673-4. Sons John and Joseph; daus. Mary, I.ydia and Sarah; gr. ch. Sarah Eyers. Inv. of the widow's est. was pros, by son Joseph 29 March, lOSl. Nathaniel, laborer, glover, sergeant, Boston, adm. chh. 20 (3) 1039; frm. May 13, 1640. Wife Mary adm. chh. 4 (5) 1640; ch. Riitli b. 1638, Elizabeth b. 21 (8) KHO. Na- thaniel b. 10 (7) 1042. John bapt. 18 (0) 1644, ae. about 3 days, Mary b. 30 (9) 1040, Han- nah bapt. 7 (11) 1648, ae. about 9 days. Will dated 22 (2) 1601, prob. 10 (7) 1662. AVlfe Mary; dau. Belknap and her two chll- 499 WILLIAMS, cont. dren; the rest of his children. Inv. taken 7 (3) 16G1. [Reg. X, 270, and Reg. XXXI, 178.] The widow m. Peter Brackett. Matthew, lawsuit in Salem Court in 1641. See Thomas Carter. Richard, tanner, Dorchester, 1633. [Col. Rec] His wife Frances and [sister] Eliz- abeth were membs. chh. of Dorch. before 1639. Rem. to Taunton; sold land and priv- ileges at Dorch. 20 (8) 1646. Made his bro. Samuel, of Essington, Gloucestershire, Eng. his attorney 21 (S) 1616, to sell his share of a tucke mill at Sinwell, adjoining Essing- ton. [A.] He and his sister Elizabeth, now ic New Eng., were legatees in the will of his sister Jane W. of Whetenhurste, co. Gloc. dated 31 May, 1650, prob. 30 June, 1655. Frm. Flym. Col. 5 June, 1644; deacon, dep- uty, town officer. Ret. to Dorchester; town officer 1058. He d. 13 July, 1688. Elizabeth was drowned 13 Oct. 1688. He made will 5 May, 1686, aged about SO; prob. 10 Oct. 1693; beq. to sons Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Thomas and Benjamin; daus. Elizabeth and Han- nah; wife Frances. The widow, being of great age, made will 20 Oct. 1703, prob. March 7, 1705-6; beq. to son Parmiter; to the widows of sons Nathaniel, Joseph and Ben- jamin; to son Thomas and dau. Elizabeth Bird of Dorchester. [See wills, etc. In Reg. XXXVII, XLV and LI.] Robert, laborer, Boston, adm. chh. 10 <2) 1642; townsman 1642; frm. May 10, 1643. Oh. Joseph b. (5) 1641, bapt. 17 (2) 1642, Phe- be b. (rec. "of Richard,") (6) 1643, bapt. 3 (7) 1643, ae. about 8 days, Benjamin b. (rec. "of Richard,") (6) 1645, John bapt. 7 (7) 1645. Will dated 12 Dec. Prob. 30 Jan. 1677, beq. to ch. Joseph and Benjamin Williams and Phebe Eglon. Inv. presented in court Feb. 28, 1677-8, by son Joseph. Robert, Roxbury, frm. May 2, 1638. Wife Elizabeth adm. chh. 1637; she was bur. 27 (5) 1074, ae. 80. Ch. Isaac b. Sept. 1, 1638, Stephen b. Nov. 8, 1640, John, (d. 6 Oct. 1658,) Samuel, (ae. between 15 and 16 years, adm. chh. in 1647-8. [Town Rec] Wife Elizabeth d. July 28, 1674. Did he marry Nov. 3, 1675, Margaret, widow of .John Fear- ing of Hingham? And did he marry later Martha Strong, who d. Dec. 22, 1704, ae. 91 years? Did he die at Rox. Sept. 1693? His WILLIAMS, cont. wife d. at Rox. 22 Dec. 1690. [Genealogy in Reg. XXXIV, 69.] Mr. Roger,— not the minister,— one of the founders of Dorchester, 1630. [B!.] Frm. May 18, 1631. Propr.; town officer. Had rem. to Windsor, Conn, before 1639. Rem. to Boston; deeded 2 acres of land in Dorch. conditionally, 7 (8) 1650. Made ref- erence to the kindred of Lydia Buck. [SufT. De. I, 127.] His wife is stated by his son, (as quoted in note in Dorch. Church Rec.,) to have been Lydia Bates. Son Ebenezer b. in Jan. 1649. Rev. Roger, b. according to a deposi- tion he made, about 1601, may be quite confi- dently stated to have been the son of James Williams, citizen and merchant tailor of London, and his wife Alice; their wills, prob. respectively in 1621 and 1634, mention sons Roger, Robert and Sydrach, and dau. Kath- arine, wife, successively, of Ralph Wight- man and John Davies; Alice specifies that Roger is "beyond the seas." [See the very full study of this matter by Mr. Henry F. Waters in Reg. XLII.] He refers in letters to a bro. Robert, schoolmaster at Newport, and a bro. who was a Turkish merchant. He arrived at Boston, with his wife, Mary, Feb. 5, 1630. Became discontented and rem. to Plymouth. Was rec'd to the chh. after a time, and chosen assistant minister with Rev. Ralph Smith. [Mor.] Rem. to Salem in 1633 and became minister of that chh. Composed a treatise, in which he maintained that it was wrong for the Colony to depend upon the King's patent as a ground of claim- ing the country; that the churches of Eng- land were unchristian. He sent a copy of this writing to the governor 27 Dec. 1633; w'as rebuked, and promised to refrain from teaching such things publicly; but broke the truce. He further taught that a magistrate ought not to tender the oath of fidelity to an unregenerate man, and that no christian ought to pray with such a person, though it were his wife or child; that a man ought not to give thanks after the Sacrament or after a meal; etc. He wrote a letter to his church in August, 1635, protesting that he would not commune with the churches at The Bay, who held with the magistrates, nor with them unless they would refuse all such communion; and for this reason re- fused to pray with his own wife. Kept a 500 WILLIAMS, cont. meeting at bis bouse for tbose wbo agreed with him. [Mor.] After much discussion he was sentenced, 3 Sept. 1635, to depart out of the jurisdiction within six weeljs. Rem. to Providence. After removing he adopted views antag- onistic to the baptism of infants and in fa- vor of immersion of adults; but his condem- nation by Mass. Bay Colony was on wholly different grounds. He rendered most valuable service to all New England by his wise influence over the Indians, averting several threatened con- flicts. He went to Eng. about 1644; brought back a charter for Providence plantation and letters of commendation, from persons of high station, which favorably impressed Mass. Bay authorities. [See W., B., Mass. and I'lym. Col. Rec, and letters to Winthrop, father and son, in Mass. Hist. Coll.] Children: Mary b. at Plym. Aug. 1633, Freeborne b. at Salem Oct. 1635, Providence b. at Prov. Sept. 1638, Mercy b. about 15 Sept. 1640, Daniel b. 15 Feb. 1641, Joseph b. (10) 1043. [Prov. Town Rec; Es. Inst, Coll. II, 48.] He died about April, 1683. [Reg. LIII, 60.] Ruth, Boston, maid servant to Mrs. Messenger, adm. chh. 17 (2) 1647. Samuel, Yarmouth, atba. 1643. He may be Samuel, cooper, Salem, bought land ot John Williams of Sal. 14 Dec. 1658. Thomas, came in the Mayflower to Plymouth; died soon after arrival. [B.] Thomas, Plymouth, servant to Widow Warren, in court in 1635. Volunteer for the Pequot war in 1637. Rem. to Eastham about 1649; townsman, 1655. He m. 30 Nov. 1638, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Tarte, of Scituate; ch. Nathaniel b. 24 April, 1655. "Having lived to old age," he made will 10 May, 1692, prob. Oct. 22, 1696. Beq. to gr. ch. John Smith and William, son ot John Nickerson; to daus. Sarah Nickerson, Marcy Nickerson, Elizabeth and Mary Hopkins, and the ch. of dau. Hannah Mulford. These ch., except Hannah, signed an agreement 12 Oct. 1696, and with them signed two Wil- liam Niekersons, Rich Col (Cole,) John Smith, Joshua Higgins and Joseph Smith, as heirs. WILLIAMS, cont. Thomas, Charlostown, set up a ferry between Char, and Winnissimmet, (now Chelsea,) 18 May, 1G31. From his occupa- tion we may judge him to be the Thomas, of Salem, servant to Mr. Hol- grave, who made will 25 (2) 1G4G, prob. 5 (9) folg. Beq. to John Spoor of Boston his share in the boat and certain money, due. Inv. taken 1 (3) 1646. Thomas, Boston, either he or his wife had been members of the chh. of Exeter. Wife Elizabeth d. April 30, 1658; he m. 2, Anne — . Ch. Mary bapt. 11 (6) 1050, Mary b. July 30, 1052, Thomas b. March 29, 1001, Charles b. Sept. 20, 1602, Thomas b. April 9, 1064, Elizabeth b. Feb. 0, 1GG7, Susanna b. June 1, 1669. William, of Great Yarmouth, Eng. ae. 40, with wife Alice, ae. 38, and 2 children, and Elizabeth W. of the same place, single- woman, ae. 31, passed exam, to go to N. E. April 11, 1637. [For Elizabeth see Richard W.] He settled at Watcrtown. Propr. 1642. Probably his son Abraham is the per- son who was notified concerning swine Feb. 26, 1655-6, for himself, his mother, his broth- er and his bro.'s wife. William, Lynn, in the employ of Mr. John Humphrey in 1641. [Es. Court Rec] WILLIAMSON, Ami, ae. IS, came In the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. Michael, ae. 30, servant to George Gid- dings, came in the Defence in July, 1035. Settled at Ipswich; propr. 1035. .Michael W., locksmith, of Rhode Island, and Anne, his wife, gave letter of attorney 2 (8) 1639, for the collection of a legacy bequeathed to her by Dennis Geere late of Saugus, given to her under the name of Anne Panckhurst. Gave release 1 Sept. 1640. [L.] Paul, Ipswich, propr. 1635. Timothy, Marshfield, frm. Plym. Col. 3 June, 1037. Perhaps the "Mr. Williamson," who, with Capt. Standish, met Massasoit in conference March, 1621. [Mou.] He m. June, 1653, Mary Uowland. Ch. Mary b. July 7, 1C54, Timothy b. Feb. 15, 1655-6, Joanna b. Nov. 21, 1057, Martha b. May 1, 1670, Abi- gail b. Aug. 10, 1G72, George b. May 2, 1675. 501 WILIilAMSON, cont. He was bur. Aug. 6, 1676. Will prob. 20 June folg. beq. to son Timothy; rest to wife for the bringing up of the children. WILLIS, etc., cont. He died intestate; admin, gr. 14 May, 1703, to the nearest kinsman, bis nephew Elkanah W. WILLIS, WILLICE, WILLYES, WIL- LIES, WILLISE, WILLOIS, WIL- LOWS, Elizabeth, servant to Mr. Increase Nowell of Charlestown, d. 16 (10) 1635. George, Cambridge, propr. 1636; frm. May 2, 1638. Desired to be excused from training about 1662, ae. 61 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. widow Jane Palfrey, who had children John and Elizabeth Palfrey. [Mi.] On joining the chh. in 1640 she spoke of being formerly in Newcastle and Heddon, Eng. [Rel.] Ch. Thomas b. 28 (10) 1638, Ste- phen b. 14 (S) 1644. He d. in 1690; surviving wife Sarah. Henry, Plymouth colony, volunteer for the Pequot war in 1637. Henry, Boston, wife Mary; ch. John d. 8 (1) 1653, Mary b. 26 July, 1655, Henry b. 2 Aug. 1657. Jeremiah, Duxbury, before Plym. Court 4 Dec. 1638. Jeremiah, Lynn, before Salem Court 28 (1) 1637; owed for a "short- hand book" in 1639. [L.] John, Duxbury; he m. Elizabeth, wid- ow of Wm. Palmer. [Jr.?] and was one of the appraisers of the est. of Wm. Palmer, Sen., 1637. See his accounts in Plym. Col. Ree. and in L. Had land grant in 1640; atba. 1643; frm. 3 June, 1652. His dau.-in-law Rebecca Palmer was servant of Mr. John Mayo in 1651. John, [Sen. or Jr.?] m. at Boston 11 (11) 1654, Hannah Elsse. Will dated 15 (4) 1692, prob. 20 Sept. 1693, beq. to sons Nathaniel, Jonathan, John, Jo- seph and Comfort; daus. Hannah Hayward and Elizabeth Harvey. Mr. John, Boston, adm. chh. with [wife] Jane in 1632; frm. Nov. 6, 1632; dep- uty 1634. He was drowned 21 Nov. 1634. [W.] Lawrence, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Served against the Narragansetts in 1645. Probably the same as Lawrence, of Bridgewater, who m. at Bos- ton 5 (7) 1657, Mary, dau. of Thomas Make- peace, of Bo. Michael, cutler, Dorchester, frm. May 2. 1638; propr. Rem. to Boston. Adm. In- habitant in 1647. Wife Joane adm, chh. Dorch. with him about 1637. Second wife Mildred; ch. rec. in Bo.: Michael b. 11 Nov. 1652, dau. Addingstill d. Sept. 6, 1658. Will 21 June, 1669. Wife Mildred; sons Experience and Michael to have shop and tools; dau. Temperance; grandchild Joseph Philips; married daughters and gr. ch.; cous- in Jabesh Salmon of Roxbury. Nathaniel, Boston, propr. at Spectacle Island, before 1640. Nathaniel, Sen., Sandwich, constable 1640- 1; atba. 1643. Rem. to Bridgewater. Ch. b. at Sandwich: Elkanan b. May 20, 1639, Judith b. June 14, 1641, Mary and Nathaniel b. April 14, 1648. He d., leaving widow, dau. Bethiah and son Elkanan. Inv. of his est. taken 9 (7) 1686; his son admin, with the aid of his uncle John W. [Gen. Adv. I, 17.] Nicholas, mercer, Boston, adm. chh. 2T (5; 1634, frm. Sept. 3, 1634. Wife Ann adm. chh. 3 (6) 1634. He d. leaving a will; inv. taken 20 (4) 1650; [Reg. VII, 234.] 24 Feb. 1650-1, Henry Willis of Bury St. Edmunds, felmonger, Martha Hues, Mary Biggs and Ann Lang- horne, widows, of London, app. Benjamin Smith of Boston. N. E. their attorney for collection of their shares in this est. Smith calls Willis his uncle. [Suff. De. I, 158.] Richard, planter, Plymouth, servant to John Barnes, transferred to Thomas Prence in 1634. Propr. 1038. He m. 11 Oct. 1639, Amey Glasse. He d., and his widow m. Ed- ward Holman. His son Richard, about 7 years old, was appr. Jan. 24, 1648, to Giles Rickard, weaver. Robert, Boston. Wife Sarah; ch. Sa- rah b. 10 (11) 1642, Mary b. 18 July, 16.53. Mr. Thomas, Lynn, propr. 1638; memb. Salem Particular Court 6 June, 1639. His land refeiTed to in a deed of Timothy Tom- lins June 14, 1641. 502 WILLIX, WILLIP, Belsbazzar, Salisbury, propr. I(i48. He n; Mary, widow of Thomas Hawksworth; hp d. Jan. 23, 1650-1. Widow Mary admin, on the est. of both husbands in 1651. Rob- ert Tuck was paid for diet of two children of B. W. She d. July, 1675. WILLS, William. Scituate, frm. 5 June, 1651. He m. at Plymouth, 4 or 5 Sept. 1638, Luce — . [Scituate Chh. Rec] Ch. Samuel b. May, 1640, Lydia b. April, 1645. He d. Oct. 1688. Will made B'eb. 2'5, 1683, in his 85th year; prob. Dec. 12, 1688. Beq. to wife Luce; son Samuel, his wife Rebecca and his children. [Gen. Adv. I, 42.] The widow d. June 21, 1697. ■WTLLOTTGHBY, Mr. Francis, merchant, Charlestown, adm. propr. 1638; adm. chh. with wife Mary 3 (10) 1639, frm. May 13, 1G40. Gave bond in trade concerning tobacco in 1640. [L.] Deputy in 1642 and afterward. Town ofHcer, 1646. Magistrate. He rendered important service to the col- onies as a member of Parliament from Portsmouth, Eng. in 1647, and again in 1057- 8. He ret. to Charlestown from his second absence about 1662. The Court gave him 1000 acres of land in token of his services 15 Oct. 1669. His wife Mary died, and he m. 2, in Eng. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, dau. of William Locke and widow of Mr. Daniel Taylor; she was adm. chh. Char. 13 (8) 1667; ch. Sarah bapt. 13 (4) 1641, Hannah b. and d. 1643, Nehemiah b. 18 (4) 1644, Jeremiah b. 29 (5) 1647, Francis bapt. at St. Olaves in London 29 Feb. 16.^9-60, Susanna, dau. of the Wor- shipful Francis Willoughby bapt. at Char. 21 (6) 1664. The two last ch. had bequests from their mother's sister Jane Locke, in 1069. [L., A., Reg. XXX, XXXV, and XL.] His will dated 4 June, 1670, prob. April 10, 1671; refers to his mother's payment of legacies from his father to his children; beq. to eldest son Jonathan and each of his chil- dren; to his wife the estate which she shall testify to having brought at her marriage and a share of his other property; to sons Nehemiah, William and Francis, and d.au. Susannah: to dau. Campfidd. who had pre- viously reed, her portion; to aunt Hammond if alive, and to cousin Laur. H.; to his pas WILLOUGHBY, cont. tor and teacher; to cousin March during her widowhood free use of the house where she dwells; to the school in Charlestown 300 acres of land given him by the town but never laid out, lying beyond Wol)urn; to Laur. Dowse and Edward Wilson, and to his man, Richard Waldron. WILLOWES, see Willis. WILMOT, Ralph, residence not mentioned, set free from his master by order of Gen. Court 7 Oct. 1641. Thomas, Braintree, witness of a docu- ment 27 (9) 1(545. [A.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Elizabeth b. 4 (2) 1647. WILLY, see Wiley. WILSON, WILLSON, Benjamin, Taunton, atba. 1G43. Com- pare with Benjamin, Charlestown, inhabitant, 1657; his wife memii. chh. and their son Benjamin bapt. 1 (3) 1664. He d. at sea; inv. of his est taken 9 Jan. 1666. Edward, Salem, made will April 19, 1638. Prob. at Boston. Beq. his est. to bros. Thomas and William; all to Thomas in case William do not come over to New Eng. Wit- ness, Robert Hawkins. [Reg. VIL 30.] Henry, Dedham, propr. 23 (4) 1640, frm. June 2, 1641. He m. 24 (9) 1642, Mary, dau. of Michael Metcalf. She deposed 11 Xov. 1669, to will of Hezekiah Gay, her age being about 54. [Reg. XLVIII, 324.] Ch. Michael b. 7 (6) 1644, Sarah b. 24 (4) 1650, Mary b. 7 (9) 1652, Elizabeth b. 4 (11) 1653. Ephraim b. 2 (4) 1656. He d. Feb. 8. 1686. Jacob, sawyer, Braintree. 1638; frm. June 3, 1641. Ch. Isaac b. 28 (11) 1640, Saral b. 28 (11) 1641. Jacob. Taunton, in Plymouth Court 20 Aug. 1644. Lambert, chirurgeon, was engaged by the Mass. Bay Co. in Eng. in 1629 to remain with the Salem people three years If he will, to practise his profession, learn reme- 5(« WILSON, etc., cont. dies of the Indians, and teach one or more youths his art. Winthrop says that Mr. Wil- son, our chief surgeon, was with the soldiers in the Pequot war in 1G37. [Col. Rec. and B.] Kev. John, son of Kev. William Wilson, canon of St. George's chapel, Windsor, Eng., was b. In 15S8, grad. from Christ's coll., Cam- bridge, was ordained and entered upon the worli of the ministry in England, chiefly at Sudbury. He was engaged by the Mass. Bay Co. to come to N. E., and came in the fleet with Winthrop. Began to preach at Charlestown 10 July. 1G30; joined in organizing the first church July 30, and was ordained its teacher Aug. 27, 1G30. Continued in office after the chh. rem. to Boston, and till the close of his life. Was a good preacher, an ardent ad- vocate of what he believed and and vigor- ous in opposing measures or persons when he thought them opposed to the Word of God. Tooli a leading part in all the great movements of his day, and stood for ortho- doxy and conservatism, even when that in- volved intense persecution of opponents. Yet was reputed liind and liberal in personal dealings. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Mans- field, a sister of the wife of Benjamin Keayne. She did not come over with him at first; was adm. chh. 20 (1) 1630; she d. be- fore 1661. Ch. John adm. chh. Boston 3 (1) 1644, became minister at Dorchester and af- terward at Medfield; Mary b. in Boston 12, bapt. 15 (7) 1633, adm. chh. 19 (9) 1648, (m. Mr. Samuel Danforth, long minister at Eox- bury.) Elizabeth adm. chh. 19 (9) 1648. He d. Aug. 7, 1667, ae. about 78 years and a half. [B.] Will dated 31 May, prob. 21 Aug. 1667. Beq. to John Wilson, Jr., son of his dec. son Edmund W., Doctor of Physic, late of the city of London, and to Bridget, wife of Nicholas Prideaux, merchant, of Bar- badoes, dau. of the same; to his son John W^, pastor of the church of Medfield, and to Sarah, Elizabeth, John and Susanna, his children; to his dau. Mary, wife of Mr. Sam- uel Danforth, pastor of the church of Rox- bury, and to their children John, Mary, Eliz- abeth and Samuel; to his cousin Edward Rawson; to his kinswoman Mrs. Anna Page; to his bro. John Mansfield, his wife and chil- dren; to cousin, Mrs. Sarah Higginson; to his friends Gaudy and Ann James a testi- WILSON, etc., cont. mouial for their love and service to him; to fellow officers in the church and several brethren in the ministry. [Reg. XVII, 343, and XXXVIII, 306.] Joseph, Dorchester, frm. May 2, 1638. He gave letter of attorney 21 (2) 1646, to William Harvee to receive his part of the goods of his bro. Benjamin, deceased. Re- siding at Boston, 19 (0) 1646, he was attor- ney for John Crabtree of Barbadoes. [A.] Nathaniel, planter, Roxbury, Muddy River. He made John Wilson of Halifax in Yorkshire, cloth-worker, his attorney 19- (*) 1647, to collect legacy left him by Na- thaniel Holgate of Halifax, dec. [A.] He sold house at Rox. Feb. 16, 1652. He m. April 2, 1645, Hannah, dau. of Griffin Crafts; eh. Hannah bapt. 2 May, 1647, Nathaniel bapt. April 30 or 8 (3) 1653, Joseph and Ben- jamin bapt. .Tan. 31 or 17 (12) 16."m, Isaac b. Aug. 24, 1658, Mary b. May 2, 1661, (rec. in Boston,) Abigail bapt. 10 (2) 1664, Samuel b. June 10, 1666. Richard, servant of Samuel Wade of Lynn, was before the Gen. Court 3 (7» 1039. Richard, servant of Mr. Thomas Cheesholme, before Court 29 April, 1641. Richard, tan- ner, bricklayer, Cambridge, propr. 1636. Bought a house at Charlestown, which he sold 8 (8) 1647. [Town Rec] He sold Camb. land and house March 16, 1651, and rem. to Boston. He had ch. John bapt. 1 (4) 1651. He m. 2, 7 (2) 1654. Sarah Hurst. He d. about 1654. Will dated Aug. 19, 1654; beq. all his est. to wife Sarah. List of debts mentions something due to her sister Elizabeth if she be alive, and refers to her mother; attested by his widow Sarah, now wife of John Benham. [Reg. V, 305, and VIII, 277.] Theophilus. Ipswich, propr. 1637; sold land 28 (12) 1641; bought land 20 (10) 1642. Dorchester, propr., frm. March 13, 1638-9. His land passed to Thomas Tredwell. With [wife] Elizabeth witnessed the will of his sister Margery KnowUon in 1654. He de- posed in 16S0, ae. about 79 years. Thomas, miller, Roxbury, bro. of Ed- ward and William, arrived in N. E. (4) 1633. [E.] Frm. May 14, 1634. Was before the Court 4 (10) 1638, for taking too much toll. See Edward, ante. He was dism. 12 (4> 504 WILSON, etc., cont. 1642, to the chh. of Hampton; rem. thence to Exeter. Wife Ann; ch. Humphrey. Sam- uel. Joshua, Deborah b. at Ros. (C) 1634, Lydia b. (9) 1636. Will dated 9 (11) 1642, prob. Suff. and Ips- wich 9 (11) 1642; beq. to wife and children. [Reg. II, 384.] The widow m. John Legat of Ex. who made over to Anthony Stanian cer- tain cattle for the benefit of her dau. De- borah W. 5 (12) 1644. William, joiner, planter, Boston, bro. of Edward and Thomas, adm. chh. with wife Patience 6 (7) 1635; frm. May 25. 1636. Rem. to Braintree. Leased, 22 (8) 1638, land In Dunnington, Lincolnshire, Eng., adjoin- ing his bro. Thomas and his father William AV.; his mother Alice may come over. [L.] He was keeper of the prison at Boston in 1645. Ch. Shoreborne b. 6 (6) 1635, Mary b. 11 (11) 1637, John bapt. 9 (12) 1639, Joseph bapt. 13 (9) 1642, ae. about 5 days, Joseph b. 10 (9) 1643, [1642?] Newgrace b. and d. 1645. He d. before 18 May, 1653, when his widow brought suit against Thomas Faxon about her son Joseph; the Court freed the boy, and permitted her to appr. him to a new master. She d., and her est. was divided to her chil- dren, (no names mentioned,) April 30, 1663. [Reg. XII, 53.] WILTON, David, Dorchester, paid Mr. Pynchon for beaver in 1632; propr. 1633, frm. June 11, 1633. Rem. to Windsor, Conn. Lieut. Rem. to Northampton. He d. Feb. 5, and was bur. at Windsor Feb. 6, 1677-8. His widow m. goodman Hos- mer of Hartford. Dau. Mary m. Capt. Sam- uel Marshall of W. WINBOURNE, WIMBOUBNE, WEN- BORNE, WENBANE, William, husbandman, Boston, before Gen. Court in 1645; adm. chh. with wife Elizabeth 9 (1) 1650; frm. May, 1645. He bought a house and lot 14 (12) 1644; sold Aug. 11, 1662. [Is he the William Wen who, with wife Elizabeth, had son John b. in Bo. 2? (9) 1635?] Son John b. 21 (7) 1638. WINCALL, WINCHELL, WINCHILL, John, yeoman, Watertown, propr. 1636, frm. May 6, 1646; chosen surveyor in 1647. Rem. to Piscataqua. Engaged in 1659 to WINCALL, etc., cont. build a sawmill upon the salmon falls of great Newicliawannocli river for Walter Price and Richard Cooke. Deposed 6 July, 1671, relative to contracts he had made for the sale of lumber; referred to his bro. Thomas Broughton. Robert. Dorchester, propr. 1635, frm May 6, 1635. Thomas, yeoman, before Gen. Court March 4, 1632-3; propr. at Cambridge; sold lands before 1638. Rem. to Watertown; propr. 1642. Sergt. Elizabeth, who came In the Rebecca April 9, 1G35, ae. 52, may have been his wife, and John, ae. 13, who came at the same time, his son. His [second?] wife Beatrix d. June 11, 1G55, ae. about 80 years. He d. June 10, 1657, ae. about 70 years. Son John filed inv. of the est. Oct. 6, 1657. WINCHESTER, Alexander, Boston, servant to Mr. Hen- ry Vane, adm. chh. 8 (9) 1635. Propr.; rem. to Braintree, having his dismission to that chh. 12 (5) 1640. Frm. Dec. 7, 1636; deputy 1641. Rem. to Rehoboth; prop. frm. Ply- mouth Col. 4 Juno, 1645. Ch. Marie bapt. 19 (9) 1637, Elizabeth b. 28 (1) 1640, Hannah b. 10 (10) 1642. He d. July 16, 1047. Will prob. June 8, 1648. Wife, children under 15 years of age. [Reg. IV, 283.] Account presented 6 March, 1648-9. Portion in the est. confirmed 3 June, 1657, to Mr. Nicholas Peck, who had mar- ried Mary, the eldest dau. [Plym. Col. Rec] John, Roxbury, frm. March 9, 1636-T. Rem. to Hingham; propr. 1636; rem. to Mud- dy River, Boston, and bought Ronton Farm of the heirs of Mrs. Ann Hibbens Dee. 28, 16.57. He m. in Scituate, Oct. 1.5, 163S, Han- nah, dau. of Richard Syllice; she d. IS Sept. 1697; ch. John bapt. at Hing. .Tune 2, 1644, Mary bapt. March 26, 1648. Josiah b. March 27, 1655, rec. at Rox. He made will 17 June, 1691, ae. fourscore years and upward; prob. 14 June. 1694; beq. to wife Hannah; ch. John. .Tosiah. Mary Drew; JIary, dau. of dec. son Jonathan. WINDOWE, WINDOE, WINDOB, WINDE, Ricliard. Gloucester, in court (lOi 1647; was living away from his wife. Town offl- 505 WINDOWE, etc, cont. eer, 1C54. He m. March 30, 1659, Bridget, widow of Henry Travers. Will dated 2 May, prob. 7 (4) 1665, beq. to wife Bridget and her son James Travers; dau. Ann; sou-in-Iaw Anthony, committing him to the care of his uncle Bennett; dau.- in-law Elizabeth Bennett a Bible that was her father's; Richard Coding. Inv. of the est. of the widow was taken 9 Oct. 1673. WINDSOR, WINSOR, WINSWORTH, John. Scituate. He m. Oct. 15. 1638, Hannah Syllice. The inv. of his est., taken by John An- drews. John Blowar and Bernard Harris, was filed at Boston 15 Feb. 1666, and admin, gr. to .Tames Neighbor. Joseph, Sandwich, 1638, atba. 1643. Robert, turner, Boston. His wife Re- becca adm. chh. 12 (8) 1644; approved to keep a cooks shop 29 (2) 1672. She d. "an antient wide," Jan. 28, 1697. Ch. John b. 10 (12) 1644, Joshua bapt. 13 (4) 1647, ae. about 7 days, Mary bapt. 30 (10) 1649, ae. about 11 days. Thomas b. Sept. 30, 1652, Rebecca b. Dec. 20, 1654, Constance b. May 7, 1657, Thomas b, Oct. 1, 1659, Sarah b. May 7, 1662, Samuel b. Sept. 18, 1664, William bapt. Sept. 25, 1664, Lydia b. Aug. 1, 1666, John b. April 22, 1669. WINES, WIND, WINDS, WINDES, Barnabas, Watertowu. propr., frm. May 6, 16.35. He sold planting ground in 1642. Rem. to Conn., thence to Southold, L. I. before 1662. Faintnot, flax-dresser, Charlestown, in- habitant and propr. 1635, frm. May 29, 1644. He d. Feb. 25, 1664. Will dated 1 Sept. 1663, prob. 20 (4) 1665, beq. to wife Bridget; to the children of my cousin Nicholas which he had by cousin Hester W.; to the ch. of cousin Elizabeth Harsnett, now wife to FEphraim] Pope, namely John Bacon, Ephraim and Elizabeth P.; to bro. Daniel W.; to cousin Peter Churchman's children. WING, Deborah, dau. of Rev. Stephen Bach- iler, m. Rev. John Wing. He resided at Sand- wich, Eng., then at Hanbury. Rem. to Flushing, Zealand, where he was pastor of the Puritan church; theu resided at the Hague where he d. about 1629. The widow WING, cont. came to New Eng. bringing three sons, Dan- iea, John and Stephen, leaving son Matthew in Eng. Settled at Sandwich. Daniel, Sandwich, atba. 1643. Ch. Han- nah b. July 28. 1642, Lydia b. May 23, 1647, Samuel b. Aug. 28, 16.52, Heph.sibah b. Nov. 7, 1654, .John b. Nov. 14, 16.56. Beulah b. Nov. 16, 1658. He d., and inv. of his small estate was presented May 3, 1659, by his bros. John and Stephen; est. confirmed to his children. [Reg. V. 387. XXXVni, 376, XXXIX, 192, and XL, 325.] John, bro. of Daniel, Sandwich, cred- itor of Thos. Hampton, 1637; propr. 1640; rem. to Yarmouth. Ch. Ephraim b. 30 May, 1648, drowned in the snow 11 Dec. 1648; Jo- seph b. 2 Sept. 1650. John Wing that mar- ried one of the daughters of James Davis is mentioned in the probate papers of Davis. [Reg. XI, 340.] He deposed iu case of Fran- cis Dent, before Gen. Court, Lu 1638-9. He made will 2 May. 1696, grown aged; prob. Aug. 10. 1609. Beq. to wife Meriam, sons Joseph and Annanias, gr. ch. John and Elnathan W. and Elizabeth Turner; daus. Susanna Parslow and Oseah Turner. The widow Miriam's will dated at Harwich, May 24, 1701, was prob. Jan. S, 1702-3; kinsman Deane Smith, son of her kinswoman Bethia S. of Manamoiet. Robert, ae. 60. with wife Judith, ae. 43, came in the Francis of Ipswich April 30, 1634. Settled at Boston; laborer, adm. chh. 8 (8) 1642. Sent a message .July 26, 1641, to his cousin Wing of Lomford, dwelling in Ladyes place, by Dedham, Eng. [L.] He was before the Court 11 Nov. 1647; was dis- charged as being a poor man with 4 small cliildren and nothing to live upon, and 80 years of age. Wife Johanna; ch. .John b. 22 (5) 1637, Hannah b. 14 (12) 10.39, Jacob b. 31 (5) 1642. Elizabeth b. (6i 1644. (m. April 3. 1661, John Walley,) Joseph b. 13 (4) 1646, Benjamin b. 11 (12) 1648. He d. 24 (9) 1651; nunc, will prob. 3 (10) 1651. All to wife Johanna, praying her to be good to his children. The Court ordered that she should be responsible to the four children she had by him. [Reg. IV, 54.] Stephen, bro. of Daniel. Sandwich. 1640. Wife "Osith" d. April 29, 1654. He 506 WING, cont. m. 2, 7 (11) 1G54. Sarah Briggs. Cli. Deborah b. 10 Oct. 1048, Kphraiiu b. 2 April, 1G45), Mercy or Mary b. 13 Nov. IC.'iO, Stephen b. Sept. 2, 16.5(5, Sarah b. Fob. 5, l(i.-)8, John b. Sept. 25, 1656, Sarah b. Feb. 5, 1658, .lohn b. Sept. 25, 1661, Abigail b. Jlay 1. liic,4. Eb- euezer b. 11 (5) 1671, Matthew b. 1 (1) 1673. WINN, WINNE, WYNN, Edward, carpenter, hired at Brough- ton, Eng. and brought over to N. E. by Bar- nabas Davis with his family about 1639. [L.] Settled at Woburn. Propr. 1640. Frm. 5 (10) 1643. His wife Joanna or Jane d. March 8, 1648-9. He deposed 17 June, 1670, ae. about 71 years. He m. Aug. 10, 1649, Sarah Beal. She deposed 7 (8) 1668, ae. about 60 years. [Mds. Files.] Ch. Ann, (m. Sept. 26, 1648, Moses Cleveland,) Elizabeth, (ni. May 21, 1649, George Polly,) Increase b. 5 (10) 1641. She d. March 15, 1679-80. He d. Sept. 5, 1682. Mr., at Marshfield; his "man" enrolled as atba. 1643. WTNSHIP, WINSHEP, WINDSHIP, WINCHIP, Edward, Cambridge, propr. 1633. Serg. 1643. Deputy; town officer. Sold his share in the Billerica lands, including one share that "was his father Parks." Wife Elizabeth memb. with him in 1658; ch. by tirst wife Jane, also a memb. Camb. chh. Sarah, Mary, Ephraim and .Toanua; ch. by Elizabeth: Edward, Abigail, Samuel, Joseph bapt. Aug. 25. 1661, Margery bapt. Feb. 5, 1664, Mehitabel bapt. Nov. 17. 1607; all b. and bapt. in Camb. [Mi.] He d. Dec. 2, 1688, in his 70th year; his widow Elizabeth d. 19 Sept, 1600, in her 58th year. [Gr. St.] His will dated Sept. 16. 1685. prob. Oct. 1, 1689, beq. to sons Ephraim. Edward, Samuel, Joseph, daus. M.iry, Elizabeth, Abigail. Margery, Joannah and Mehitabel and wife. Bros. Samuel Stone and John Grene overseers. The wid- ow, Oct. 18, 1689, beq. to her 3 sons Edward, Samuel and Joseph; and to her 4 daus. Eliz- abeth, Abigail, Margery and Mehetabel; also to Mary Brown and her sister Joanna. [See Gotfe and Witchfield.] WINSLEY, WENSLEY, WINSLOW, Mr. Samuel, planter, Salisbury, C (7) 1638. [Col. Rec] Frm. May 22, 1638. Sur- veyor of the arms, 1 Sept. 1040; seller of strong waters, 1054; deputy. His wife Eliz- abeth d. June 2, 1049; he m. 2, Ann — , who d. March 21, 1676-7. Ch. Deborah, (ui. .John Weed,) Samuel, Nathaniel, (see North,) Ephraim b. April l.">, 1641, Elisha b. May 30, 1646. He d. June 2, 1603. Inv. and admin, of his est. by son Samuel in Oct. folg. The inv. of the est. of the widow mentions a bill of Wm. Buswell for 4 years, 5 mouths diet. fEs. Inst. Col. VII.] WINSLOW, Edward, printer, son of Edward Wins- low, Esquire, b. at Droitwich, Eng. Oct. 19, 1595; res. at London. Rem. to Leyden, Hol- land. There he married. May 0, 1014, Eliz- alieth Barlver of Chatsuu, Eng. He came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; settled ni Plymouth. Was oue of the Trading CO.; agent of the Colony; magistrate. Assistant, and in 1044 was chosen (ioveruor. He wrote Hypocrisy Unmasked, Good News from New England, and numerous important letters. Was a man of large powers and deep devo- tion to the interests of the Colony. He brought with him his wife; two men-ser- vants, George Sowle and Elias Story, and a little girl who had been placed in his care, Ellen .More; she d. in 1621. His wife d. soon after coming, and he m. 2. May 12. 1621. Su- sanna, widow of Mr. William White; she survived him, and d. Oct. 1, 1680. He d. at sea May 8, 1055. Ch. Edward, John, .Tosiah, Elizabeth. Gilbert, bro. of Edward, bapt. Oct. 29, 1600, came in the Mayflower; signed the Compact; drew lots in Plymouth in 1023. Ret. after a few years to Eng. and d. there. John, bro. of Edward, yeoman, bapt. April 18, 1597, came to Plymouth in the For- tune in 1621. He rem. to Boston in 1655. Bought the mansion of the late Antlpas Boice 19 Sept. 1671. Wife Mary came with him to Plymouth, and drew share in cattle in 1627. Ch. Sarah, (m. in Bo. 19 July. 1000, Myles Standish, Jr..) Benjamin b. at Plym. 12 -Vug. 10.53. Will dated 12 March, 1073, prob. 21 May, 1674 Beq. to wife Mary; sons Benjamin, Edward, and John; to William Payne, son 507 WINSLOW, cont. of liis dau. Sarah Meddlecott; to Parnell, dau. of his son Isaac; to the children of his dau. Latham; to son Edward's children; to son Edward Grey's children which he had by my dau. Mary; to son Joseph's two chil- dren; to gr. ch. Mary Harris' two children; to kinsman Josiah Winslow, governor of New Plymouth; to bro. Josiah; to kinswom- an Eleanor Baker, dau. of my bro. Kenelm; to Mr. Paddy's widow; to negro girl Jane her freedom after 20 years. Josiah, bro. of Edward, bapt. Feb. 16, lt;05-6; was sent over as an accountant to Mr. Shirley in 1631 to Plymouth. Settled ai Marshfield; frm. 1633; deputy 1643. Ch. Elizabeth b. Sept. 24, 1637, Jonathan b. Aug. 8, 1638, Margaret b. July 15, 1640, Rebecca b. July 15, 1643, Hannah b. 30 Nov. 1644. He was bur. Dec. 1, 1674, in his 69tli year. Will prob. 1 March, 1674-5, beq. to his four daus.: to gr. ch. Hannah Miller, living with his wife; to Mr. Samuel Arnold, the teacher. The will was declared void in regard to his bequeathing house and lands at Marshfield after having previously given them to his son Josiah; otherwise the will was declared In force. Widow Margaret exec. Kenelm, bro. of Edward, joiner, bapt. May 3, 1599. Came to Marshfield; frm. 1633. He m. in June, 1634, Ellen or Eleanor, wid- ow of John Adams. He d. at Salem Sept. 13, 1672; his widow Ellen was bur. Dec. 5, 1682, .ae. 83 years. His will dated 8 Aug.; testified before Wm. Hawthorne, was prob. at Plymouth 5 June, 1673. Certain estate, formerly given to son Kenelme; wife Ellinor's est. to go to son Nathaniel after her decease; son Job; dau. Ellinor; gr. ch. Kenelme Baker, Mary Adams and others not specified. WINSOK, see Windsor. WINTER, Christopher, planter, Plymouth and Scituate, atba. 1643. He m. about 4 Sept. 1038, Mrs. Jane Cooper. [See Church and Court Records.] Christopher, Marshfield, made will 6 (7) ICSO, prob. 5 March, 1683-4. Daus. Mary Read, Naomy Turner, Annah Badson, Mar- tha Huett; gr. ch. Maiy and John Read; Sol- omon, Bridget and Elizabeth Huett; klns- WINTER, cont. man Christopher, son of Timothy Winter of Braintree. John, Scituate, prop. frm. 5 Nov. 1638- 9; atba. 1043. His sou John bapt. April 1, 1638. [His wife] Katharine d. 19 Dec. 1653. Jolm, tanner, Watertown, propr. 1036. He d. 14 (2) 1002, ae. about 90 years. Will mentions sons Richard and Thomas, late of London; son Johu of Wat.; dau. Alice Lach- man of London. William, Lynn. He deposed in 1057, ae. about 73 years, respecting Thomas Des- ter's buying Nahant of the Indian called Blacke Will or Duke William for a suit of clothes. He was presented to the Court in 1641 for speaking against Baptism of In- fants, etc. He and his son Josias Hale and his dau. Emma Hale, were legatees in the will of Hugh Churchman in 1040. WINTHBOP, John, Esquire, son of Adam Winthrop of Groton, co. Suffolk, Eng., was born Jan. 12, 1587-8. He was elected governor of the Mass. Bay Company in London, Oct. 20, 1029; the Co. having voted to combine in one person the two offices previously existing, the moder- ator of the Company's deliberations and the executive officer of the plantation. He sailed from the Cowes Easter Monday, March 29, 1630, in the Arbella, and arrived at Cape Ann June 12, 1630, at "Mattachusetts" June 17. His letters to his wife and others, (pre- served in his History of New England,) de- scribe the arrival of other vessels at "Charle- ton" July 1; he dated letters at that point up to Aug. 14; first dates at Boston Nov. 29, 1030. He received the reins of government from Gov. Endecott, whose term had ex- pired; and entered at once upon a wonder- ful career of office and influence. His His- tory of New England is the most complete mirror of the life and spirit of that day; re- ferred to in this work as W. He married 1, April 16, 1005, Mar.v, dau. of John Forth, who was bur. June 20, 1015; he m. 2, Dec. 0, 1615. Thomasine, dau. of William Clopton, who d. Dec. 8, 1616; he m. 3, April 29, 1019, Margaret, dau. of Sir John Tindall, knight, b. about 1590, who came to Boston a year after him, and d. June 14, 1647; he m. 4, Dec. 4, 1047, Martha, dau. of 508 WINTHBOP, cont. Capt. Williiim Raiusborough, and widow of Capt. Thomas Coytmore of Charlestown; she survived him, and m. John Cogan. Children: John, (became governor of Conn.,) Henry, Forth, Mary, Anna, Stephen, Adam, Deane, Nathaniel, Samuel, William bapt. in Boston 20 (G) 1631, Sarah, Joshua bapt. 17 (10) 1048, d. 11 (11) 1651. He died March 20, 1649. [E.] WISE, WISSE, (sometimes incorrectly writen Wife and WifEe,) see Wyeth, Elizabeth, a widow, memb. chh. Rox- bury about 1634. [E.] Jane, widow, Roxbury, bur. April, 1637. Humphrey, husbandman, Ipswich, propr. 1635; d. in 1638. Ipswich Court con- sidered his estate 20 March, 1630. The wid- ow Susan had m. Samuel Greenfield, for- merly of Salem; the Court allowed them to iidmiu., to sell the house, lands and goods; G. gave bonds to bring up the five children, Benjamin, Joseph, Em, Sarah and Ann, and pay them their portions at age. Benj. was apprenticed to Abraham Perkins for 7 years. John, Cambridge, d. 9 (7) 1644. Joseph, Roxbury, propr. about 1640. Mortg. house, malthouse and kiln 25 (0) 1647. Wife Mary memb. chh.; ch. Joseph bapt. April 1, 1643, Joseph and Jeremiah bapt. 3 (3) 1646, Sarah bapt. 26 (10) 1647, (ui. June SO, 1069, Caleb Lamb.) Mary bapt. 3 (12) 1649, John bapt. Aug. 15, 1652, Henry bapt. 4 (1) 1054, Bethia bapt. 19 (2) 1057, Katharine bapt. 10 (8) 1658, Benjamin b. and d 1660, AVilliam bapt. 9 (1) 1661, Benjamin 1). and d. 1004, Abigail bapt. 24 (4) 1066. He d. Sept. 12. 1684. Admin, was gr. 15 Sept. 1084. to his widow and son John, of Chebacto, co. of Essex, minister. His wid- ow Mary d. Aug. 4, 1693. WISEWALL, WISWELL, WISWALL, John, iron- monger, Dorchester, propr.; frm. March 14, 1038-9. Deacon, deputy; chosen ruling elder, but declined; afterward accepted the office in Boston, to which he removed about 1669. Mortg. land in Dorch. 7 Nov. 1068. Wife Margaret adm. chh. with him about 1036. See letter to thorn from her parents, Thomas and Ann Smith in Eng. dated May 11, 1660, referring to their rela- tives either Wiswall or Smith. [Mass. Arch., 509 WISEWALL, etc., cont. printed in Reg. VII, 273.1 Ch. John, [Suff. De.] Rebecca b. 3 (6) 1(39, Deborah bapt. 30 (3) 1041, (m. Wm. Cheney, Jr.,) Sarah b. 10 (12) bapt. 26 (12) 1042-3, Lydia bapt. 13 (2) 1045, Mary, (m. Mahaleel Munnings,) Benjamin bapt. 10 (2) 1040, Martha b. 23 (12) 1051, about 11 o'clock at night & bapt. 14 (1) 1652. Will dated 9 July, prob. 24 Aug. 1687, beq. to son John, dau. Hannah Overman, dau. Fisher and her ch., son and dau. Cutter, son Matthew and dau. Johnson, dau. Lydia Bal- lard's ch., dau. Mary Emans, son [Henry] and dau. Mountfort. The inv. filed 14 Feb. 1687: iron ware; lands in Bo. and Dorch., etc.; refers to gr. ch. Benjamin Cheney and Jacob and Samuel Royal. Thomas, Dorchester, propr., memb. chh. about 1636 with wife Elizabeth. He deeded houses and lands at Dorch. 25 (9) 1657, to his son Enoch, who was about to marry Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Johu Oliver. His dau. Hester m. "Captin Johuson's son" and was dism. 24 (1) 1661-2 to the chh. of ■\Voburu. He was dism. 5 (4) 1664, for the beginning of a chh. at Cambridge Village, and was there chosen ruling elder. [Dorch. Chh. Rec] Ch. Enoch, Noah bapt. 30 (10) 1638, Ebenezer b. 8 (12) 1641, bapt. 9 (4) 1650, Hester, (m. — Johnson). WISEMAN, James, Braiutree, had grant of land for 3 heads 24 (12) 1039. Ch. James b. 8 (8) 1640, Jlercie b. 28 (1) 1043. Will, dated 7 Feb. 1080. prob. 3 May, 1681, beq. to son James; dau. Martha Vearin and her 5 ch. John, Thomas. James, Joseph and Ebenezer; to youngest dau. Sarah. WITCHFIELD, John, embarked for N E. June 22, 1032; settled at Dorchester; propr.; frm. June 11, 1(;33. Rom. to Windsor, Conn. Ruling elder. His wife d. 26 April, [1657.1 and he m. Mar- garet, widow of Edward Goffe of Cambridge. Margaret, of Windsor upon Canoetiooate River, d. at Cambridge about the end of the 4th montli, 1067; made will 21 April. 1663, prob. 5 (8) 1068; beq. to her husband; to her daus. Hannah and Abia Goffe: to the chil- dion of dec. sister Jane Winship: to Edward and Deborali, ch. of Saratiel G.; to dau.-in- law Elizabeth Uayward, and others. WITHERDEN, WETHERDEN, WYTH- ERDEN, WITHERNDEN, Jobu, miller, millwrigUt, Scituate, atba. 1643. Sold land in 1645. Rem. to Boston. Sold 14 of the wind-mill on the common, near to Fox Hill Feb. 12, 1654. Bought another tract in 1661, which he and his wife Mary- sold same year. WITHERELL, see Wetherell. WITHERIDGE, WYTHEBIBGE, Edward, mariner, Boston, adm. chh. 24 (12) 1(543, frm. May 20, 1044. Had ac- counts with Sedgwick, Hill and Mills 23 (3) 1648. [A.] John, Watertown, (perhaps same as Witherell,) mentioned in Col. Rec. 1 (4) 1641. Admin, gr. Nov. 5, 1672, to widow Mary; dau. Mary reed, balance of est. 24 Dec. 1680. WITHERLEY, Thomas, before Gen. Court G June, 3639. WITH, WITHIE, WITHE, see Wyeth, Kobert, ae. 20, "Marg." ae. GO, and Su- .san, ae. 16, came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1635. WITHINGTON, Henry, Dorchester, is believed to have come aljout the same time as Mr. Richard Mather, in H>35; one of the seven signers of the church covenant at the re-organizing, 23 Aug. 1636. Selectman 2 Oct. 1636; propr. Ruling elder; "a man that excelled in wis- dom, meeliness and goodness." [D.] By first wife Elizabeth who d. 6 (12) 1G60, he had ch. Richard, Mary, (m. Thomas Danforth,) Ann, (m. James Bates, Jr..) Faith, (m. Rich- ard Baker). He m. widow Margarie Paul, (formerly Turner,) of Taunton; she survived him and d. May 20, 1GT6. He d. Feb. 2, 1666, ae. 79. Will dated 8 (11) 1664, ae. about 76 or upon 77 years of age; son Richard to perform contract made at marriage with wife Margarie, and pay her 10 li. extra; beq. to Richard, to Faith Baker, Mary Danforth and Anna Batte; to John Baker, Samuel Danforth, Samuel Batte and Samuel Paull; to all his grandchildren except Mary Robinson; to Messrs. Mather and Tompson; to the church: to Richard's four sons John, Ebenezer, Henry and Philip. Prob. 15 Feb. 1666-7. [Reg. XVI, 52.] 510 WITHMAN, John, place of residence not given, frm. May 18, 1642. WITTER, William. Lynn, lawsuit. 1639. Called to Court for antagonizing Infant Baptism 22 May, 1646. Will dated 5 (6) 1652, inv. taken Nov. 15, 1659, prob. 24 (4) 1661; wife Annis; son Jo- siah; dau. Hannah, wife of Robert Burdin. WOAKEB, see Walker. WOLLASTON, Captain, Mr., founder of the Colony of Mt. Wollaston about 1623; a man of pretie parts. When the colony failed he took part of his servants to Virginia and sold them there. [B.] Had a conditional grant of land at Scituate In 1640. Was before the Gen. Court 7 Sept. 1641. Compare with next name. WOLLENSTON, Edward, gent., sued for debt in Ply- mouth Court and swine attached by George Allen of Sandwich, 1641. WOOD, WOODS, Constant, ae. 12, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Daniel, Ipswich, paid for service against the Indians in 1643; propr. 1644. Inv. of his est. taken 23 JIarch, 1648. Edmond, Springfield, one of the orig- inal isroprietors in 1636. [See Reg. XIII, 207.] .Tonas also appears as a propr., and John, a father in 1658. Edward, baker, Charlestown, bought hailf of a house Nov. 1, 1639. [L.] Adm. chh. 30 (1) 1G40, frm. May 13, 1640. His wife Ruth adm. chh. 24 (3) 1640, d. 29 (0) 1642; ch. Tabitha bapt. 30 (3) 1641. Edward Wood, '•the elder of that name," died 27 (9) 1642. Admin, gr. 4 (10) 1642. [Reg. III. 81.] Edward, mariner, would seem to be the younger of the name, referred to above; his wife Elizabeth seems to be the person, ae. 38. who came in the Increase Ajiril 15, 1G35. with [son] Nathaniel, ae. 12. Edward bought land at Boston .Ian. 12. 1655; which his wife Elizabeth, acting in his absence, mortg. July 21, 1659. Elizabeth adm. chh. WOOD, etc., cont. Char. 10 (4) 1W4; Joanna adiu. chh. Char. 31 (5) 1644. Admin, of the est. of Capt. Wood was gr. 11 Feb. 1674, to his widow Elizabeth; John Sandys and Joseph Webb witnesses. Henry, Plymouth, sometimes called "Wood alias Atwood." propr. 16 Sept. 1641; atba. 1643. Rem. to Middleborough. He m. 2G April, 1644, Abigail, dau. of John Jenney; ch. Samuel b. 25 May, 1647, Jonathan b. 1 Jan. 1649, David b. 17 Oct. 1651. He d. before 30 Sept. 1670, when inv. of his est. was taken. Admin, was gr. to his widow Abigail. His son John made nunc, will April 13, 1073, bequeathing to his two youngest bros., his sister Mary and his moth- er. The court ordered lands of his to be given over to Al>iall and James, the two youngest bros., by Samuel, the eldest bro. John, Salem, 1636; propr. at Lynn, 1638. Ttm. May 13, 1640. We may note that a John Woods of Ipswich d. 13 Aug. 1684. John, pin-maker, Sudbury, propr. 1639; frm. May 10, 1643; town officer. Rem. to Marlborough; sold S. land Sept. 20, 1663. Deposed 4 (8) 1664, ae. about 54. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Mary; ch. John b. 8 (3) 1641, Frances b. 10 (3) 1645, Isaac b. 14 July, 1655. John, servant to Mr. Joseph Hull, came from Weymouth, Eng. before March 20, 1635. John, Wood alias Atwood, Plymouth, propr. 1636; juryman 1638; atlja. 1(>43. He ni. Sara, dau. of Richard Masterson. q. v.; ch. John b. 4 March, 1649, Nathaniel b. 25 Feb. 1051, Isaac b. 27 Feb. 1653; other ch. Mary Holmes, Sarah Fallowell, Abigail Leanard, Mercy, Elizabeth and Ilanuah. He d. and in his will, prob. 7 March, 1075, beq. all to widow Sarah, after her death to he divided to all his children. Admin, on est. of his son John. Jr., gr. same day to Na- thaniel. AVhole family mentioned. [Plym. Col. Rec] Jonas, Springfield, propr. iu 1631!. Nicholas, Dorchester, propr. 1638; herdsman; frm. June 2, 1641. He was a member of the chh. of Braintree; he m. [Ma- ry], dau. of Thomas Pidge, of Roxbury; •their twin daus., Mary and Sarah were bnpt. WOOD, etc., cont. at Uox. 25 (10) 1642. Ch. Jonathan b. Jan. 3, 1651. He rem. to Medfield. Will d.ated 16 Jan. 1669-70, at his farm la Natick; beq. to Anna, his now wife; son Jonathan, not yet 21; son Eleazer; daus. Ma- ry Thurston, Mehitabol and Abigail Wood, and 3 others; dee. dau. Hannah Harding's son Abraham; dau. Bethia to have houses and lands in Watertown he uad by last wife, after her decease. [Reg. XLIII, 457.] His dau. Elizabeth m. Samuel Morse; Sarah Basa was also a dau.; John Thirston and Thomas Bass admin, on the est. 2 (2) 1670. [Mdx. PMles.] Obediah. biscuit maker, Ipswich, propr. 1049; sold land Dec. 4, 1671. His will signed 26 Oct. 1694. prob. Dec. 3, folg., beq. to wife (called Hazelpena in In- ventory;) ch. Obediah, James. Nathaniel, Jo- siah, Samuel. Elizabeth. Mary. Susanna and Margaret; to the ch. of dau. Itutli, dec. William, husbandman, ae. 27, with Elizaljeth, ae. 24, and John, ae. 46, [?] came in the Hopewell in Sept. 1035. Settled at Saugus; frm. May 18, 1631; deputy 1635. Rem. to Sandwich; propr. 3 April, 1037; town officer. Wife .lane called to testify in Court 20 Aug. 1644. Ch. (parentage not stated,) Miriam b. and d. iu May, 1648, Mary b. 29 March, 1649. We must note here the AA'illiani wlio d. at Concord May 14, 1671. Will dated 15 Sept. 1670; ae. about 8S years; prob. 20 (4) 1672; beq. to dau. Ruth Wheeler and son Thomas W.; to gr. ch. Abigail Hosmer; to son Mi- chael Wood. WOODBERY, WOODBURY, Jolm. from Somersetshire. Eng. came to Cape Ann about 1624; ret. to Eng. after about 3 years, and remained six months; son Humphrey came back with him. See deposition of H. 16 (12) 1680, ae. about 72 years. [Ess. Files.] Settled at Salem; con- stable Sept. 28. 1C>30; deputy, 1635. Agnes niemb. chh. 16.3.52. Mr. Daniel Henchman was engaged to assist him in the grammar school March 26, 1660. Gave land in Ips. to Joseph Emerson as a marriage portion with his dau. Elizabeth, which they sold 14 Sept. 16.52. He sold rest of his farm at Ips. 18 (10) 10.">.5. Wife Margaret; ch. Seth b. 26 (1) 1044, .Toseph bapt. 1 (2) 1049. ae. about 4 days, (his father being a member of the chh. of Ipswich,) Bethiah bapt. 15 (10) 1650, Sarah d. 10 (9) 1053, Mary, (m. 20 (6) 1654, John Tappin). He d. 13 Aug. 1607. [Es. Files XV, 138.] Will dated 5 .July, inv. taken Sept. 18, prob. Nov. 15, 1667. Estate left to wife Mar- garet and two daus. Martha and Bethia; re- fers to written inventory and directions there given. WOODROW, see Canterbury. WOODWARD, WOODWORTH, WOOD- ARD, WOODWORD, EzekicI, carpenter, Boston, m. about 1650 Anne, dau. of William Beamsley, and had deeds of house and orchard in Bo. in 1651 and 1658. Rem. to Ipswich, from which he sold Bo. lands in 1662. He deposed at Salem 30 (9) 1680, ae. about .58 years; had m. Elizabeth, widow of John Solart, Sen. of Wenham in 1672. Ch. Anne b. Aug. 10, 1651, Sarah b. Jan. 21, 1653, Sarah b. 14 July. 1053, (sic), Margaret b. Feb. 24, 1655, Elizabeth b. Oct. 22, 1657, Prudence b. April, 1660. [Reg. XXXII, 75.] George, fishmonger, ae. 3.5. cert, from St. Botolphs, Billingsgate, London, shipped in the Hopewell and the Rebecca in April, 1035. George, soap-boiler, Boston, res. In 1037; frm. May 6, 1046. Nothing further has been found reg.arding him, but the folg. may relate to a son of the same name. Admin, of the est. of George Woodward of Boston was gr. 1 May, 1697, to widow Lydia. Final division made 2 April, 1711, to eldest son Abraham, bros. George. Na- thaniel and Ichabod, sister I^ydia .wife of Robert Harris, and to the widow Lydia. Henry, husbandman, Dorchester, 513 WOODWARD, etc., cont. memb. chh. 1G39, frm. May 10, 1643; propr. With wife Elizabeth sold land 10 (9; 1659. [Reg. IX, 301.] James, Watertown, servant to Mr. Sal- tonstall, called to Gen. Court 8 March. 1630- 1. Nathaniel, carpenter, Boston, servant to Mr. Coddington, adm. chh. 8 (10) 1633, frm. April 17, 1637. He was "mathemati- tion" of the party that took observation for the most southerly parts of the patent, as reported to Gen. Court 10 (3) 1638. His wife Mary who was adm. chh. 23 (11) 1640, had beq. from her bro. Samuel Jackson of Bos- ton, Eng. in his will, dated 7 Aug. 1642. He and his wife were dism. to Taunton 8 (8) 1G48, and had letters of recommendation to that chh. 15 (6) 1653. Ch. John, Robert and Nathaniel had house-plots at Bo. Dec. 18, 1637; son Elisha d. 21 (2) 1644; Prudence, (dau. of Nathaniel W. of Bo.) m. in 1661 Christopher Mosse. ] Genealogy in Reg. LI, 169. [ Peter, Dedham, propr. 28 (7) 1640, adm. chh. 7 (11) 1641, frm. May 18, 1642. Town officer. His wife was adm. chh. 7 (2) 1643. He deposed to the will of Edw. Richards in 16S4, ae. about SO years; his son Peter, also, ae. about 46 years. His dau was killed by her horse 11 Aug. 1683. [Rox. Rec] Peter W., Sen., d. 9 (3) 1685. Ralph, merchant, of Dublin, Ireland, leased ground in 1632; formed partnership with William Bladen and Fisher in 1637 for investments in New England. He came to Hingham. James Ridway was to work for him in the interest of Bladen, and Thom- as Benson for Fisher. He accounted to his partners in IG-'iS, and sold his interests in Dublin. Propr. at Hing. 1636-7; frm. March, 1637-8. Deacon, commissioner of Court. He m. Feb. 12, 1639, Mai-y — , who d. 4 Feb. 1660. His only dau. Sarah m. May 8, 1645, John Smith, of Hing. He d. 5 Jan. 1662. Admin, of his est. gr. April 11, 1663, to .John Smith. [Suff. De. Ill, 175; Reg. XII, 52.] Richard, ae. 45, with wife Rose, ae. 50, and children George and John, ae. 13. came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich April 30, 1635. Settled at Watertown; miller; frm. Sept. 2, 1635. Bought a windmill in Boston WOODWABD, etc., cont. and sold (or mortgaged) the same in 1648. His wife Rose d. Oct. 6, 1662, ae. 80; he m. (settlement dated April 18, 1663,) Ann, wid- of Stephen Gates of Cambridge. She de- posed 12 (4) 1673, ae. about 70 years. [Mdx. Files.] He d. Feb. 16, 1664-5. Inv. of his est. filed April 4. 1665. His widow d. in Stow Feb. 5, 1682-3. See Gates. His son Amos, ae. 38 years, made will Oct. 9, prob. 5 Nov. 1679. He beq. to his bros. Thomas and Na- thaniel Patten; to Sarah, dau. of his sister Griggs; to bros. Daniel and John W.; to sister Mary Wayte, Sarah Gates and Re- becca Fisher. AValter, Scituate, taxed in 1633; frm. 2 March, 1640-1; atba. 1643; town officer 1645, WOLCOTT, WOOLCOTT, WOOLCOOT, Henry, b. at or near Tolland, Somerset- shire, Eng. about 1578, came to Dorchester in the first company; appl. frm. Oct. 19, 16.30, adm. frm. April 1, 1634; propr., select- man. Rem. in 1636-7 to Windsor. Conn, Was one of the undertakers of the ship Hopewell in 1640. [L.] Wife Elizabeth; ch. Joihn, (d. in Eng.) Anna, (m. JIatthew Griswold,) Henry, George, Christopher, Ma- ry, (m. Job Drake.) and Simon. He d. May 30, 165.5. [Reg. I, 251.] His widow d. 5 July, 1655. John, planter, yeoman, from GInston. Eng., came to Watertown; frm. March 4, 1634-5. Householder at Cambridge. 1635-6. Rem. to Salem. Sold the Higginson-Wil- liams house to Wm. Lord 23 (9) 1635. His wife Mai-y died, and he m. Winnifred. He died before 17 (5) 1638, when the inv. of his est. was taken. Nov. 26. 1638. his daus. Eliz- abeth and Mary, minors, applied for the ap- pointment of their un.^les Richard Vayle of Glaston, yeoman, and Christopher Atkins, mercer, as their guard'ans, to attend to their lauds in Glaston, etc. Elizabeth m. David Offley, and gave letter of attorney on this business in 1639. The widow sold her Wat. lands to Edmund White 31 May, 1641. William, Salem, 1636. A bill of his was underwritten 24 (3) 1643. by Aspinvall. [-v.] 514 WOLF, WOOLF, WOOLFF, roler, yeoiiiMU, Saleiii, frni. Muy 14, 1634; jurymau, KiSU. MaiUia iiietub. cbh. 1636. Dau. Freeboru Sallowe reed, to obli. March 27, 1044. Rem. to Beverly. He d. 20 (10) 1675. Will dated 20 Dec. prob. next day, beq. to wife Martha; gr. ch. Mary aud Sarah Solace; son .John Black «xec. WOLHOTJSTON, Marie, ae. 30, came in the Planter In April, 103.5. WOOLRIDGE, WOOLRICH, WOLRICH, WOOLRYCH, Mr. John. Charlestown, appl. frm. Oct. 19, 1030; adm. frm. March 4, 1033-4. Traded ■with the Indians. Town officer. Wife Sa- rah niemb. chh. Boston 1030; she survived him and m. 2, AVilliam Ayre. [Town Rec] She was adm. chh. Char, with him 15 {1) 1633. WOOLSTONE, Elizabeth, Boston, maid servant Nicholas Willis, adm. chh. 28 (10) 1034.. of •WOORY, WORY, Ralph, white tanner of leather, Charles- town, propr. 1040; petitioned for regulation of the business 2 (4) 1041. [L.] Allowed by Gen. Court to export goat skins in 1045. He raortg. his house, shop, warehouse and yard to Thomas Bell of London 8 (4) 1051. Adm. ■chh. 4 (9) 1043. Town officer. 1040. Was "of London" in 1640. [Mdx. Files.] Wife Margaret; ch. John b. 13 (4) 1041. Abel 1i 13 (9) 1642, Hannah b. 8 (1) 1043-4. WORCESTER, WOOSTER, Rev. William, first miuLster of Salis- bury; [J.] propr. 1039; frm. May 13, 1640. He m. 1, Sarah — , who d. April 23, 1050; he m. 2. July 22, 10.50. Rebecca, widow, succes- sively, of Henry Biley and John Hall. Ch. WOOLLY, Christopher. Concord. He m. 26 (12) 1040. Ursula Woddell; she d. June 13. 1074; ch. Hannah b. 24 (11) 1047, d. 21 (12) lt>48. Sarah b. 8 (3) 1648-9. WORDE, Thomas, residence unknown, frm. May 18, 1642. WORDEN, WERDEN, Isaac, came in the Increase April 15, 1635. Peter, Sen., Yarmouth. Will dated Feb. 9. 1038. prob. 5 March, l(>38-9; beq. all to only son Peter and his son John, save a goat to John Lewis. I Reg. IV, 30.] Lands, tenements and goods at Claton, Lancashire, Eng. Way, Marblehead, propr. 1648. WORMALL, WORMWOOD, WORNAM, James, Boslou. owned house aud wharf in 1649. Joseph, carpenter. Concord. Rem. to Boston in 1»>4S. He sold to the Iron Works Co. his house and land and interest in wharves, etc. Jan. 11, 1651. Rem. to Scit- uate. Frm. Plym. Col. June 3. 1657. Wife Jliriam; eh. Josiah b. at Rowley (8 1 1042, Mark bur. at Rowl. 6 (11) 1653. Hester bapt. at Bo. 21 (3) 1048, (he a memb. of chh. of Concord). His will, dated Feb. 4, 1661, prob. June 24, 1602, beq. to wife Miriam; son Josias; dans. Sarah and Hester. [Reg. VL 94.] William. Boston. Wife Christian adm. chh. 4 (2) 1646. It may be inferred from several circumstances that he d. not long Susanna, (m. Oct. 4. 10.53. Thomas Stacey.) ^^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^U^ ^,^0^ „,. Efl ■Samuel, William, Sarah b. and d. 1041, Tim othy, Mo.ses, Sarah b. 1646, d. 1049, Eliz- abeth b. 1648, d. 1649, Elizabeth b. Jan. 9, 1649-50. He d. Oct. 28. will prob. Dec. 2, 1602; he beq. to wife Rebecca; sons Samuel, Wil- liam, Timothy and Moses; d.aus. Susanna Stacey and Rebecca Bylie; gr. eh. Rebecca Stacey and William Worcester. The widow m. 4, Deputy gov. Samuel Symonds ward Belcher. His son Edward and her d.au. Mary m. 8 (11) 1665. WRAST, Marie, ae. 24, cert, from St. Albons, Herts., came in the Planter April 2, 1635. WRAY, see Ray. 515 WBIGHT, WRITE, RIGHT, RITE, Anthony, Sandwich, propr. 1640, atba. 1643; town officer, 1645. Dorothie, widow, Sudbury, m. 10 March, 1642, John Blandford. In his will he mentions "son-in-law" Edward Wright. Edward, Sudbury, evidently came to New England with Dorothy above-men- tioned; but whether his father also came or not can not be known from present data. He was propr. about 1C56; captain of mili- tia. He sold to John Hoare March 4, 1671-2, all his right and title to an estate in "Castell Bromwick," (Castle Bromwich,) in the co. of Warwick, Eng., which fell to him as only son and heir of Francis Wright of same place; which was given to Francis 27 June, 10 James, on his marriage to Mary, dau. of John Wiggins, of Aldredge, co. Stafford, by his father Edward Wright of Castell Bromwich, whose heir apparent he was. He refers to having been in England a year before the date of this sale. He rec"d in part payment a house in Concord, of which John and Alice Hoar made full deed 1 Aug. 1682. He m. in Boston, 27 (3) 1657, Mary Powell. He m. at Sudbury, June 18, 1659, Hannah Axtell. (as recorded in town book,) or Han- nah LTpson, (as given in the transcript at Cambridge). Ch. Hannah b. Jan. 10, 1660, Dorothy b. Oct. 20, 1662, Sarah b. Jan. 17, 1664, Mary b. Jan. 2, 1666-7, (m. July 28, 1690, Noah Clap.) Elizabeth b. March 6, 1668, Samuel b. April 9, 1670, Edward b. March 18, 1677, Martha b. 25 (10) 1681. He deeded lands 26 Jan. 1683, his (third) wife Elizabeth joining, to his sons Samuel and Edward, they to pay certain sums to their three sisters: conditions Included life income for himself and wife. He also gave land Dec. 31, 1683, to his son Peter, on the occasion of his marriage to Elizabeth, dau. of widow Elizabeth Lambson. An agree- ment was signed by all the heirs at a later day, Robert Blood joining in it. Peter agreed to pay a certain sum to his sister Sarah. [Mdx. De.] He d. intestate 7 Aug. 1703; admin, of his est. gr. 6 Sept. 1703, to wife Elizabeth and eldest son Samuel. George, Salem, 1636. [Es. Court and Town Rec] Propr.; kept, the ferry between WRIGHT, etc., cent. Butt point and Darby fort. Elizabeth adm. chh. 21 (1) 1640-1. George, planter, captain, Rehoboth, summoned to Plymouth Court in 1646. Henry, Dorchester, propr. Nov. 2, 1634; frm. May 6, 1035. Wife Elizabeth; eh. Ma- ry b. 1 (2) 1635, Samuel b. 14 (12) 1636. John. Charlestown, 1640; one of the founders of Woburn; frm. May 10, 1643; dep- uty, town ofl5cer. deacon. Wife Priscilla; ch. John b. 27 (7) 1646, Joseph, Ruth, (m. Jonathan Knight,) Deborah b. Jan. 21, 1648- 0, Sarah b. Feb. 16, 1052-3, (m. Joshua Saw- yer). [Reg. XXXVIII, 76.] He d. .Tune 21, 1688; wife Priscilla d. April 10, 1687. .John, Newbury, had ch. ,Tohn b. 7 Dec. 1650, Ruth b. 31 May, 1652. Admin, of his est. 30 (10) 1658, gr. to Edward Bragg. Nicholas, Sandwich, had ch. b. at Sand- wich: Sarah b. 8 Dee. 1648, Mordecai b. 30 Oct. 1649, bur. March 20, 1649-50, Mary b. June 4, 1651. Richard, planter, Boston, memb. chh. with [wife] Margaret in 1630-1; frm. May 14. 1634. Was probably the com. of Gen. Court at Saugus in 1632. Leased lands at Neponset of Mrs. Warham 1 (3) 1639. [L.] Was dism. to chh. of Braintree 16 (12) 1639. Sold lands and a water mill at Br. 30 (8> 1640. Richard. Plymouth, propr. 1636; atba. 1043; frm. June 5, 1644. He m. 6 Nov. 1644, Hester Cooke; ch. Esther b. 1649, Isaac b. and d. 1652. His son John went into mili- tary service, leaving a will which was prob. 7 June, 1676; his other sons Adam and Isaac, and dau. Esther, and the father were leg- atees. In his will, dated 8 June, prob. 24 June, 1691, he beq. his est. to his three children, Adam, Esther and Mary, the last a widow. Robert, Boston. Wife Mary; ch. John bur. (1) 1645, Robert b. 16 June, 1653, Jo- seph b. 14 Nov. 1655. Samuel, Springfield, propr. 1641; rem. to Northampton. Frm. April 13, 1648; dea- con. Was employed by the town to conduct divine service part of the time in 1656 and 1657, in absence of a minister. Wife Mar- 516 WRIGHT, etc., cont. garet; ch. Samuel, (a father in 1C54,) James, Mary, Hannah, (m. Nov. 1G45, Thomas Steb- bins,) Margaret, (m. 8 (10) 1G53, Thomas Ban- croft,) Hester, (m. Samuel Marshfield.i Lyd- ia, (m. 1, Ltwrenee Bliss, 2, John Norton, 3. John Lamb, 4, George Colton,) Judah b. IC (3) 1G42, Helped b. 15 (7) 1644. His will dated 10 (9) 1663, prob. March 27, 1666, beq. to wife Margaret, sons James and Judah, with remainder to son Samuel; to daus. Mary, Margaret, Hester and Lydia. [Reg. IV, 335, and XL, 280.] William, came in the Fortune in 1621; settled at Plymouth; had lands assigned in 1623; frm. 1633. Samuel Fuller, in his will, calls him brother. \Yill Sept. 16, 1633; its prelude is a pretty full creed; beq. all to wife Priscilla except a ewe lamb to Plymouth church and certain articles to friend elder Brewster; refers to friend and brother Wm. Bradford, gent. £Reg. IV, 35.] William, Sandwich, bur. May 2, 1648. WYAT, WIAT, WIET, Edward, Dorchester, frm. May, 1645. He brought suit against Robert Corbin, mas- ter of the Speedwell 15 (6) 1637. [W.J His wife Mary was a famous midwife; she had a record of 1100 and odd births which she had attended; she d. Feb. 6, 1705. He a. Feb. 14, 1680. Will dated 9 (12) prob. 28 April, 1681. Inv. says he d. Feb. 13, 1680. Beq. to wife Mary, son Nathaniel, dau. Waitstill Vose. James, Taunton, atba. 1643; constable 1644; frm. 1648; lieut. 7 Oct. 1651; juryman. He d. suddenly July 5, 1664. Admin, gr. to widow Mary; inv. taken July 27, 1664. [Reg. VI, 185.] John, Ipswich, propr. 1639; record of lands in Ips. De. I, 151. Luke Heard's chil- dren were his grandchildren. WYBERT, Elizabeth, Boston, maid servant to Mr. John Winthrop, adm. chh. 22 (10) 1633. WYBORNE, WEYBORNE, WYBURN", WIBORN, Thomas, saddler, came from Tenterden, Kent, before June, 1638. [See Peter Branch.] 517 WYBORNE, etc., cont. Settled at Duxbury, propr. 1038. Rem. to Scituate, 1643. Rem. to Boston. Sold land in 16.52. Wife Elizabeth; ch. John, Jona- than d. 10 (10) 1653, Nathaniel b. March 12. 1655, Elizabeth, (m. 3 (2) 1655, John Mer- rick.) Jaraes d. March 7, 1658. Will prob. Oct. 28, 1656; wife Elizabeth; son John; dau. Mary. [Reg. VI, 289.] WYETH, WYTH, WIETH, WITH, WITHE, Nicholas, mason, Cambridge, propr. 1645. He m. in England and had dau. Sa- rah bapt. in Eng. who came here; was about 13 years of age when he joined Camb. chh.; m. — Fisk of Watertown. Second wife Re- becca, widow of Thomas Andrews; ch. bapt. in Camlj.: Mary b. 18 (11) 1648, Nicholas b. 20 (7) 1M9, Martha, John and William. [Ml.] Joined chh. Jan. 7, 1644; said he was an ap- prentice when 16 years old; lived on 12 years; the Lord brought Mr. Banekes to a place 16 miles away; being able-bodied he often went to hear him. Came to N. E. in spite of the opposition of relatives. Had friends at Long Island, but did not wish to settle there. The Lord raised up his wife. [Rel.] Sold land In 1660. WYTON, see Whiten. WYMAN, WEYMAN, Francis, tanner, Charlestown, 1640; rem. in 1640 to Woburn; frm. May 6, 1657. Propr. He m. 1, 30 (10) 1644, Judith Peirce; he m. 2, Oct. 2, 1650, Abigail, dau. of William Read. Ch. Judith b. and d. 1652, Francis, William, Abigail, Timothy b. Sept. 15, 1661, •Joseph b. Nov. 9, 1663, Nathaniel b. Nov. 25, 166.5, Samuel b. Nov. 29, 16G7, Thomas b. April 1, 1671, Benjamin b. Aug. 25, 1674, Stephen b. and d. 1676, Judith b. Jan. 15, 1679. He d. Nov. 28. 1699, ae. about 82 years. [Gr. St.] Will dated 5 Sept. 1698, prob. 11 Dec. 1699, beq. to wife Abigail, ch. William, Timoth.v, Benjamin, .Joseph, Nathaniel, Sam- uel, Thomas, .\bigail, Judah [Judith;] to the two elders of the Baptist church in Boston. John, tanner, Charlestown, 1640; rem. to Woburn in 1640; propr. Frm. 26 May, 1647; lieut. He deposed 18 (10) 1660. ae. about 39 years. [Mdx. Files.] He m. Nov. 5, 1644, Sarah, dau. of Miles Nutt, who sur- WYMAW, etc., cont. Tived him and m. 2, Thomas Fuller; ch. Sam- uel b. and d. 164G, John b. March 28, 1648. Sarah b. April 15, 1650, (m. Joseph Wallier,) Solomon b. Feb. 26, 1652, David b. April 7, 1654, Elizabeth b. Jan. 18, 1656, d. Nov. 21, 1658. Bathsheba b. Oct. 6, 1658, (m. Nathan- iel Tay or Fay.) .Tonathan b. July 13, 1601, Seth b. Aug. 3, 1663, Jacob. The son John d. in 1G76: inv. mentions housing and lands given by his gr. father Nutt. He d. May 9, 1684. [Genealogy by T. B. Wyman in Reg. Ill, 33.] YALE, David, merchant, of London, one of the assignees of John Sampson 21 (4) 1641. [L.] Bought a house and land in Boston in 1645, which his agents sold in 1651. One of the petitioners for the extension of the privileges of freemanship to those who were not church-members in 164.5. Was a broth- er of the wife of Gov. Hopkins of New Haven; [W.] Mrs. Eaton's son. [R. Wil- liams: Mass. Hist. Coll. 4-6.] Wife Ursula; ch, Elizabeth b. and. d. 1644, David b. 18 (7) 1645. YATES, John, Duxbury. Child John h. 15 Aug. 16.50. He rem. to Eastham, and there died. Admin, gr. June 8, 1G51, to his widow Ma- ry. She m. 2, Richard Higgins. [Plym. Col. Rec] William, ae. 14, came in the Abigail in July, 1635. YEO, YEW, Allen, seaman, Boston, mortg. two thirds of a shallop 28 (5) 1640. [L,] Suit in Salem Court, 1640. Thomas, fisherman, mariner, Boston, witnessed a deed in 1638. [L.] Mortg. fur- niture, boats, tackling, salt, and debts due him at the Eastward, for the security of certain debts Dec. 17, 1651. With wife Sa- rah sold house and lands Dec. 16, 1653. YEOMANS, Edward, Charlestown, petitioned Gen. Court 16 Oct. 1650. He m. in Boston June YEOMANS, cont. 12, 16.52. Elizabeth, dau, of Thomas .Joslin,. of Hingham. He deposed in 16G2, ae. about 32 years. He m. in Haverhill Dec. 2. 16.52, Mary Button: ch. JIary b: Jan. 4, 1653. Sam- uel b. Sept. 1, 16.55, Thomas b. Dec. 6, 1657, Elizabeth b, Jan. 10, 1659, Mehetabel b. Oct. 11, 16G1, Edward b. Feb. 6, 1663, YOtTDALL, see TJdall. YOUNG, YOXJNGE, YEONGE, Christopher, son of Mr. Christopher Y„ minister, of Southwold. Eng., came to Salem about 1636. He rem. to Wenham; propr. 1644. Ch. Sarah b. latter end of tenth month, 1639. Mary b. 8 (12) 1640, Chris- topher b. middle of 7 mouth, 1642, d. (ll> 1643-4, Christopher b. 2 (12) 1644. His will dated 19 (4) 1647, directed that his 3 children be sent back to Great Yar- mouth in Norfolk, Eng.: the two daus. to his mother-in-law, the wife of Richard Elvin, to be brought up; mentions dau. Sarah, his sisters, the wife of Joseph Y, and the wife of Thomas Moore of Salem. Gen. Court, 2 May, 1649, ordered the execs, to put the boy forth in this country, as Mr. John Philips had declined to receive him; the two daus. also, unless Mr. Elvin should prove willing to receive them. .John, bro. of Christopher, Salem, 1636. He m. Mary, dau. of Thomas Warren of Southwold, Eng., merchant, who beq. to her two ch. Mary Gardiner and Benjamin Y. in his will dated 4 March. 1641, prob. Sept. 13, 1645. See also wills of the father Christo- pher and mother Margaret Y. in 1626 and 1G30. [Reg. LII. 245.] His apprentice Ed- ward Gell [Giles?] was in court in 1640. John, Plymouth, atba. 1643. He m. 13 Dec. 1648, [name of bride wanting.] Cli. Joseph b. and d. 1651, .Joseph b. Dec. 1654, Nathaniel b. April, 165G, Mary b. April 28, 1658, Abigail b. Oct. 1660, David b, April 17, 1062, Lydia b. 1664, Robert b. Aug. 1667,. Henry b. 1669. d, 1670, Henry b. March 17, 1672. He d. Jan. 28, 1690. Will dated 19 Jan. 1688, prob. April 21, 1691, beq. to wife Abi- gail; ch. John, Joseph, Nathaniel, David, 518 YOtTNG, etc., cont. Robert, Henry, and three daus. The widow d. April 7, 1692. Her est. was divided April 19, 1692. Joseph, mariner, Salem, 1G3S. He took a freight of beaver to Eng. for the Ply- mouth Company in 1638, in the Mary and Ann. [B.] Sold land at Sal. in 1049. Paul, Suffolk CO., the Court ordered the constables to gather up and settle his estate 1 June, 1641. Perhaps he was the husband of the "widow Young" of Cam- bridge, to whom a grant of land was made Oct. 1638. YOTJNGLOVE, Samuel, ae. 30, with Margaret, ae. 28, and child Samuel, ae. 1. came in tlie Hope- well in Sept. 103.5. Settled at Ipswich. Butcher. I'ropr. 1035. Deposed as witness to an assault Nov. 23, 1008. ae. about 02 years. [Reg. XVI, 49.] Sold land In 1058. Inv. of his est. Oct. 24; admin, gr. Nov. 20, 1089, to son Joseph with consent of son Samuel. His gr. son Samuel Griffin admin, on remainder Feb. 7, 1722-3. Mary Y. reed, beq. from her father Gerhard Haddon in 1690. ZELLECK, ZtTLLESH, see Selleck. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Aspinwall, William, His Notarial Record. A. Blake, James, Annals of Dorchester. Bl. Bradford, Gov. William, History of Plymouth Plantation. B. Clap, Capt. Roger, Autebiography. C. Records of Mass. Bay Colony or The General Court. Col. Rec. Gushing, Matthew, Record of Hingham Settlers. Cu. Danforth, Rev. Samuel, Journal, in Roibury Church Records. D. Dudley, Gov. Thomas, Letter to Countess of Lincoln, in Mass. Hist. Coll. 8. Du. Eliot, Rev. John, in Roxbury Chiu'eh Records E . Emmerton and Waters, Gleanings in English Wills, etc. Em. and W. Essex Antiquarian, The. Es. Ant. Essex Institute, Collections. Es. Inst. Coll. Founders of New Eingland, (passengers from England), Samuel Gardner Drake. Genealogical Advertiser, The. Gen. Ad. Hammond, Lawrence, His Diary, in Mass Hist. Coll. Sec. Ser. vii. L. H. Register, The N'. E. Historical-Genealogical. Reg. Hobart, Rev. Peter, Records of Hingham Church, Diary. Hob. Hubbard, Rev. William, History of New England. Hub. Johnson, Mr. Edward, Wonder-Working Providence. j, Lechford, Thomas, Note Book (legal memoranda). L. " " Plain Dealing. L. P. D. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections. Mass. Hiss. Coll. Mather, Rev. Cotton, Magnalia. C. M. Mather,Rev. Richard, Autobiography and Sketch. E. M. Mitchell, Rev. Jonathan's, Record of Cambridge Church. Mi. Morton, Nathaniel, New England's Memorial. Mor. Mourt's Relation, Mass. Hist. Coll. 8. Mou. Original Lists, The, (passengers from England,) John Camden Hotten. Plymouth Colony Records. Plym. Col. Rec. Relations or narratives of persons joining the Church in Cambridge. Rel. Sewall, Judge Samuel, Diary. S. Winslow, Gov. Edward, "Hypocrisy Unmasked" and "Good News From N. E." Wins. Winthrop, Gov. John, History of Massachusetts. W. N.B. While the abstracts of Massachusetts wills and administrations in this book have been made by the compiler from the original papers or the earliest official copies at Boston, Cambridge, Salem, Plymouth, Taunton, Barnstable and Northampton, he has also referred to the "Genealogical Register," where the reader may find copies or abstracts of a portion of these, made by William Blake Trask, A.M., the late Justin Winsor, L.L.D., and others ; and to the same periodical for the " Genealogical Gleanings in England," by Henry F. Waters, A.M., Mr. J. Henry Lea and others, from which a large number of Notes of Eng. wills and admins, have been taken. All these are credited to "Reg.", without specifying the individuals whose work is enshrined within the pages of that inestimable quarterly. Ancient documents, printed in the valuable collections of the Mass. Historical Society and Essex In.stitute, have been acknowledged in detail when practicable, but more often in a general way. Genealogies in magazines or separately published are mentioned where special circumstances have made such reference seem desirable ; but the statements in this volume are made upon entirely independent examination of original sources ; and, in some cases, present facts not known to the writers of those genealogies. INDEX TO PLACES OUTSIDE OF THE STATE. EI JJd tol^oSrE IS Kix^F''io'i°hkw,^(^°to''(4tz?e. H 'toVt^^l'oTf ^"^ C«-ctiou,; A extend, to Bra.lcr, B to Cook. C to Abbotsason, . . . 376 Abbotsham, . . . 823 Abutley, .... 22 Acadia 292 Agatnenticiis, Accomeu- ticus, 239, 321, 390,457 AgmoiKlsham, . . 248 Altlerman Bnry, 125, 293 Aldredge, .... 516 Alford, 16G, 170, 249, 250 Amesbury, . . 89, 208 Anckstrey, . . . 483 Andover, . 333, 512, F. Appley 82 Aquidueck, 143, 413, 485 Arnold, .... 489 Ashford, . . . 8S, 431 Ashmore, .... 2()7 Aslitou Clintou, . 66 Assiugton, . . 225, 390 Attlebury, ... 441 Austerlleld, ... 63 Axmouth 367 Aylesford, ... 224 Badgden, .... 170 Baddow, 73, 136, 215, 276 Badlam, .... E. Bahama 279 Ballsbery, ... A, G. Banbury, .... 430 Baunstock, ... 323 Barbadoes, 17, 42, 46, 82, 101, 113, 134, 183,211, 263, 302, 317, 324, 341, 342, 349, 375, 405, 467, 469, 470, 504, I). Barford, .... 512 Barkbam B. Barnstable, Barnstaple, 15, 148, 171, 306,452 Barncdtone, . . . 135 Barringham, . . . 439 Barrow, .... 273 Barrow Upton, . . 39 Barwick, .... 237 Basing, .... 177 Barkliamstead, . . C. Batly F. Batcome, Badcombe, 10, 33, 350, 380, 445 Beaconsfleld, . 248, 270 Beauworthy, . . E. Beckingshall, . . 81 Bedfordshire, 223, 252 Bednal Green, . . 414 Belcham, .... 365 Belleaw, .... 491 Bcneear Hall, . . 98 Rerkhanistead, . . 129 BermoudBey, ... 59 Bermuda, ' 258, 353, 361 Bewcrs ll.iralet (Buers), 351 Bicester 441 Biddet'ord, Bvtiiefoard, ■ 19, 87, 323 Eillerica, . . 302, 395 Bilsby, 491 Blnningbam, . 350, 353 Birtsmorton, . . B. Bishopstocke, . 24, 146 Bishops Stortford, 129, 137 Biteswell, .... 139 Blaby (lioine of Chester), 97 Black Point, ... 476 Blackwall, ... 122 Block Island, 333,335, 499 Blyborongh, . . . 380 Boddington, . . . 448 Boraiu, Boraham, 68, 202, 211 Borsconge, . . . 430 Boston, "6, 19, 59, 67, 82. 107, 119, 12(1, 241, 234, 285, 494, .-.14 Bow, .... 69, 214 Boxford 402 Boxstoad, .... 242 BracUlonhara, . . 34 Branktiy, .... 301 Bramton, . 117, 138, 269 Brenzet G. Braunton, .... 15 Bray, . . . 131, 220 Bredport 237 Brencsley, . . . 270 Brentwood, ... 109 Bridgend 158 Bridgham, . . . 450 Bridhemson, . . . 184 Bridport,48, 130, 147,165 Brinspittal, ... 98 Bristol, 20, 55, 79, 111, 138, 142, 162, 231, 239, 266, 274, 275, 305, 307, 313, 335, 368, 396, 420, 421, 458, 475, 486, F. Brixham 107 Broadway, 234, 332, 366 Bromfleld, . . . 471 Bromley 93 Broiighton, . . . 506 Buckintnn, ... 12 Bndleiiih, .... 113 Buers St. Mary, . 273 Burchen Lane, . . 254 Bnrdport, Bridport, 165 Bures Isle, ... 278 Burford 441 Burnley, .... 161 Bnrroueh Green, . 324 Burvikf, [Burghfleld?] 423 Burv 305 Bury St. Edmunds, 23, 72, 94, 827, 418, 502 Galoot, G. Cambridge, 14, 78, 119, 131, 157, 163. 216, 221, 229, 239, 356, 357, 389, 390,412, 417, 444, 488, 490, 491, 494 Canada, .... 81 Cannons .\shbv, . 430 Canterbury, 6, 26,127,165, 208, 259, 432, 444, G. C.ipe Fear, . . 132, 143 Cape Porpoise, Porpus, I 258 ,316, F.l Carrick Fergus, 469 CascoBay, 110, 163 ,393, 4 •4, F. Castle Bromwlch 1 . 516 Caston, . . . . 187 Cavendish, . . 201 Cavershani, . . 397 Chaddlewood, . 424 Chalfont St. Gilc s. 393 Channington, 61 Clialham, . . . 246 Chatsum, . . . 507 Chelmsford, . . 239 Chester, . . 22 Chesthunt, . 319 Chew .Magna, no Chichester, . 417 Chicknell, . . 146 Cliidcockc, F. Cliildesiuune, . . E. Chittington, . 93 Cholderton, . 332 Cincenshier, . 212 Clapton, . . 429 Claton, . . . 515 Claybrooke, . 229 Claxton, . . . 1). Clement's Inn, 282 Clifford's Inn, 321 Clisdon, . . . 252 Coggeshall, . . 329 Colby, • . . . 14 Colchester, 111, 25t i, 428, E. Cold Norton, G. CoUiton (Colyto 0. 328 Combe St. Niche lai ., 177, 458 Comberton, . . 295 Connecticut, 15, 13 1,156, 165, 181, 29 6, 389 Cork, . . . 6 . Ill Cotherstock, . Cousingstone, . 436 Coventry, 27, 59, 12 4 5,131, 07, B. Cowes, . . . . 508 Craft, . . . . 491 Cranbrook, 49, 151 ■ 172, 4£ 8,492 Crawston, . 430 Crewkerne, . . 37 Cropston, . . . 414 Croyden, .' . . 178 Culliton, . . . 113 Cumley, . . . G. Danes Halle, . . 207 Darkin. . . . 82 Uartnioutli, . . 89 Dcdham, 19, 33, "lO 0. 112. 171,339,412,41 3,4 27,5'i-; Delaware, 2 I Delft, . . . '. 46;') Deptford, Derlf or 1, ll'l. Derby, . . . . 119 Devises, . . 39, 48 Devon, . . . . 307 Dinder 263 Dorchester, 76, 88, 172, 182, 334, 389 Dover, 6, 25, 231, .304,307, 320, 324, 337, 366, 371, 379, 398, 454 Downc 481 Downs, The, . . 197 Downtnn, . . 126, 399 Droitwich, . . . 507 Dublin, 27, 293, 422, 6U Duffll, 351 Dunhead, .... 191 Dunnington, . . . 605 Dunstable, 290, 296, 444 Dunslall, .... 265 Durand, .... 189 Earls' Coin, . .213,411 Easthampton, 255, 256 East Mersey, . . 478 Eastward, 259,291,304, 316,376 Eastwell, .... 84 Eaton Bray, ... 241 Ecklon, .... 256 Edinburgh, ... 112 Egerton, • ... 292 EU-Tisley, ... 137 Elsing 263 E!i;;!and, 6, 10, 13,23,24, 27, 40,41,43,44,46,47, 49, 51,53,00,62,63, 69, 73, 78, 80-2, 90, 93, 93, 98, 101, 103, 106, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 116, 125, 131, 137, 139, 141, 142, 148, 16S, 169, 177, 189, 190, 193-6, 204, 206, 210, 218, 219, 221, 222, 227, 22s. 233, £36, 237, 238, 210, 213, 245, 246, 219, 2.>7, £61, 263, 265, 207, 271, 274, 275. 279, 282. 287, 288, 292, 29.3-9,300,303,310,311, 313, 316, 317, 321, 323, 325, 326, 330, .332, 3.S5, 339, 348-350, 356, 367, 358, 365, 371, 372, 375, 376, 377, 884, 886, 888, 392, 396, 398, 403. 407, 409, 410, 411, 414, 423, 438, 442, 452, 455. 460, 469, 470, 474, 478, 480, 482, 480, 4S9, 490, 493, 494, 497. .WO, 501, 503, 509, 516, 517, D. Epperston, . . . 3.34 Erby 275 Erlescolnc (see Earl's C). Essex- 203 Essington, ... 500 ! Esstum Ill lEwlU, 173 E.s..;tcr. 38, 57, 90, 108, 140, 154, 166, 171, 187, 199, 202, £01, 263, 299, 807, 320. 321, 368, 378, S80, 4^)0, 441, 479, 4'.il. 505, B, C, F. PLACE IN'DEX. Faruiouth, . . 163, 323 FarmiiiKton, 21, 45, 285 Faversliam, 68, 87, 397 Fa.vall ijii Fenchurch, ... 02 Filton 280 Flotani, .... es Flushing, . . 2G, 506 Forclinglon, ... 428 Foivy 356 Frainliugham, 106, 130 France, . . Fi-eston, . . Frisby, . . . Frittenden, . Fnlliam Palace, . . Galway, .... 222 Gamscolne, . . . 2!6 Geneva, .... 4(;9 Gildersome, . 37a, e. Gillingham, ... 379 Glaston, . . 335, 514 Gloucester, 170, 20G, 232, 233 . 4C9 . 285 . 278 47, 75 03 265, 285, 846, 407,431, 437, 474, 480, 492, 512 Hartfordsliire, . . 95 Harwich, 43, 121, 180, 332, C. Hasted 473 Haverliill, . . 390, 447 Ileddon, . 208, 411. 502 Henborough, . . 208 Heron (Herrn) Hill, 14, I „ 259 Hertford 191; Hetcorne, ... 47, 75 Hindeiclay, ... 90 Hinfrham, 39, 41, 70, 99 116, 117, 126. 161, 171,' 185, 255, 286, 313,318. 351, 303, 417, 404 Hobling, .... 64 Goldington, Gonsham, Gorgeana, Gorlstoiie, Graveseiid . . . 78 46, 433, 434 . . 28, 225 . . . 403 197, 316 Great Baddow, 338, 472 Great Bowden, . . 319 Great Chart, . . . 391 Great Coggeshall, . 390 Great Coinberton, . 451 Great Dunmow, . E. Great Misenden, . 277 Great Orniesby, . 342 Great Yarmouth, 139,283, 293,325,417,400,501,518 Great Yeldham, . 115 Grey's Inu, . . . 258 Groton, . . . 144, 50s Guilford, . . Guilsburgh, . Guinea, . 18 Hackney, . . Haddam, . . Ha. .en Hall, . Hadley, . . Hadloe, . . Hague, ....„„, Halifax, 23, 160, 313, 410, 504 Halstead, 238, 239, 343 Ham, ]97 Hammersmith, . . i82 Hampstead, . . I8, C. Hampsworth, . . 19 Hampton, 17, 25, 26, 57 73, 84,95, 101, 105,107, 111, 121-4, 129, 143, 158, 165, 178, 179, 183, 190, 198, 199, 208, 226 229, 243, 249, 302, 321 ' 322, 324, 333, 339, 342, 354, 357, 382, 399, 400, 403, 405, 417, 421,430 441, 463, 473,491,C, F,' G. Hampton Court, . 382 Hanbury, .... 506 Harliston, .... 241 Hartford, 13, 20, 52, 77 84, 107, 113, 125, 142,' 192, 207, 231, 239, 247, Holder) Holland Hooke Norton, Horncasitle, . Horninger, . Horningerth, . . „. Horrell, .... •s'.u Horsemonden, . . 49,s Ho.\ton, .... 3i;7 Hull, 32,; Hundon, .... jg.-, Huntington, ... is Huntwick, . . . 39^ Ipswich, 144,173,348,438 Ireland, 12, 20, 33, 115 281, 296, 411, 406 Islington, . . . . 2O8 .Jamaica, . 186, 406, 433 Kenncbeck, 14, 16, 04, 86 la, 117, 338, 383, 401, 448, 499 Kennebunk. . . . F. Kennebnnkport, see Cape Porpoise, ... 353 ICenningliall, . . 1,32, E Kent, . 98, 193, 436, '49s Kenton 366, 387, 416, 455, 460, 464, 493 Lillford, .... 377 Lincoln, . . . 53^ 79 Lincolnshire, 64, 212, 320 Line House, ... 72 Little Baddow, . . 239 Little Bowden, . . 117 Little Bythum, . . 425 Little Ilannden, . 277 Little Jlinories, 455, 495 Little Waldingtteld, 20, Mi ford, . .66,70,298 Milton, . 125, 367, G Minge, 491 Kersy, KIkatat, . . Kingscleare, Kingslynne, . . Kingston, . . . Kingswcare, . . Kinweston. . . Kirkby, . . Kittery, 371, 45 Kouingberg, . Lancashire, . . Landen, . . . . ^„ Lanford, Langford, 149 2U8, 323, 399 Langenith, ... 60 Langham 491 Lanham 340 Lavenhani, . 210, 3:;5 . 362 . 403 . 84 1G2, D. . 2U3 . 52 . 408 . G. . 450 , B, 1) . 112 . 4 201 London, 6, 16, 18, 24 31 32, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44, 48^ 50,52,54,55,57,60, 62' (i8, 69, 71,82,83,89,95, 102, 109, 112, 11,5, 116, 121, 122, 131, 142, 144 146, 148, 150, 151, 157' 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 178, 1,S4, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 198,202, 207 208, 213, 215, 216, 221' 232, 234, 239, 245, 249 253, 256, 260, 264, 282 295, 290. 298, 306, 309' 317, 321, 324, 325, 327 328, 331, 332,334,338' 339, 340, 342, 344, 353, I 354, 350, 304, 366, 367 372, 374, 379, 393, 398! 403, 404, 406, 416, 418 422, 423, 424, 427, 437* 438, 441, 443, 445, 448' 4ol, 457, 460, 401, 463, 460, 467, 470, 484, 486 498, 499, 500, 502, 503 504, 518, A, C, D, e' Long Island, 18,51,316, 350, 457, 474, 517, G Long Sutton, . . 359 ^""•'-o" 305 f'3>I2 Shrewsbury, . . 76, 373 Shroppum, . . . 423 Sidbury, .... 418 Silferton, .... 479 Simborough, . . 349 Simstuly 209 Siniwell 500 j Sittingbourne, . . G. Skirbeck, . . . 494, 1). Skratbey, .... 91 Slymbridge . . . 191 Somerset, . . 247, 51 1 Somerton, ... G. Southertowne, 201,342, 343, 496 Southampton, 6, 12, 51, 117, 119, 162, 172, 193, 204, 272, 333, 350, 402, 430, 485 Southold, 106, 114, 119, 227,232, 251, 405, 506 Soutliwark, South worth, 68, 77, 94, 122, 126, 155, 216, 219, 2.f2, 252, 315, 331,388, 406, 419, 424, 489 Southwold, ... 518 Sowerby 160 Spain, . . . 222, 272 Sproughton, . . . 473 Staines 485 Stamford, Stanford, 18 348, 353, 404 Stannaway, . . . 115 Stanton, . . . . 512 Staple 151 Stapleton, . . . 208 Starford, Startford, 115, 3.'il Stubbin, .... E. Stepnev, 48, 110, 112, 173,205, 223, 297, 341, 358, 433, G. Stockingham, . . I). Stoke .Vbbot, 128, 155, C. Stoke Clare, . . . 365 Stoke Nayland, . . 434 Stondon Massey . 478 Stone 189 Stonington, . . . 343 Stratford, 18, 102, 216, 478 Stratford at Bow . 889 Strawberry Bank (see al- so Portsmouth), 26,83, 343, 404 Sturtle 130 Strowde .... 159 Sudbury, 117, 166, 201, 206, 222, 291, .394, 504 Surinam, .... 72 Sutton, . 104, 110. 121, 332, 347, D. Sutton Mandlfleld, 206, 382 Sutton Mansfield, . 54 Swampscot, Swamscot, 181, 246, 272, 398 Swanzey, .... 18 Swyer, .... 237 Tarling, Terling, . 211. 212, 465,486 Taunton, .... 330 Tenterden, 24, 65, 226, 231, 278, 285, 454, 517, I). Tewksbury, . . . 131 Thetford Ill Thidingworth, . . K. Thornbury, . . . 4.'i0 Thorsthorp, . . . 16(; Tichmersh, . . 2iil Timby, 23 Tinckleten, . . . 428 Tinmouth Castle, . 164 Titenden, .... 248 Titherly 483 Tiverton, . . . . 108 Tolland 514 Topcraft I7s Towcesler, . 195,411 Town Marroling, . 180 Toxteth, Toxteth Park, 22, 305, 421 Tring, . . . 358, 443 Truro, 358 Tunbridge, ... 430 Upton Bishop, . . E. Upton Gray, . 204, 446 Upton on Seavern, . 54 Upwav, .... 428 Uxbriilgo, . . 270, 329 VennOttery, 100,368,436, 4S« Virginia, .52. 73, 84, 118, 149, l,iO, 193, 215, 2.35, 256, 275, 289, 295, 296, 314, 325, 457, 478, 488, 10 226 90 K. Waldern, . . . Walderswick, Wales, Welsh, 18, Waneflitt, . . . . 491 Wapping. 24.43.99, 121, 222, 303, S39, 384, 3M7, 467, A. Ware 95 Watford, . . 195, 375 WattoM Underwood, 2-13 Waybread, . . . 106 Wavhill 46 Wayueflete St. Mary, 278 Wedmore, ... Wellingborow, . . 201 Wells, 102, 191, 324, 479, 491, C. Wendover, . . 247, 378 West Indies, . . 474 Westerley, . . . 417 Western Hall, . . 118 Westminster, 60, 95, 112. 116, 136,334, 439 Westmoreland, . . 128 >Vestwell, . ... 441 Whetenhnrste, . . 600 Wethersfleld, 9, 94, 97, III, 112, 165. 171, 216, 277, 316, 389, 407, F. Weymouth, 10,14.33,48, 97, 128, 138, 165, 171, 182. 197, 209, 228, 233, 247, 259, 262, 271, 272, 292, 295, 303, 350, 358, 369, 380, 472, 495, 511. 512 Whcrwell, ... 26 Whickamifi, ... 482 White Chapel, . . 60 Wilton E. Whitchurch, . . 400 White Hill, The . 165 Wliitllel)ury, . . 298 Witkford, . 157, 228 Widford, . . 153, 354 Widgcthorpe, . . 377 Willoughby, ... 491 Wiltshfre 24 Winchmore Hill, . 248 Windham, 286, 317,338 Windsor, 37,80, 117,138, 142, 144, 148. 153, 165, 172, 184, 1.S5, 187, 196 200, 221, 234, 240,244, 247.2.15, 301, 304, 307, 318, 326, 345, 346, 356, 365, 388. 4(17, 426, 439, 500, 504, 509, 514 WinfarMiing, . . 255 Will wick, ." 22, 305, 457 Woburn, Wooburn, 190, 406 Wockingham, . . 806 Wooburrow, . . 430 Woodbridge, 56, 122, 267, 800 Woodhull, ... 78 Wolverliamptou, . 898 Wolverstone, . . 129 Worcester, . . . Ill Word 122 Wonningfold, . . 115 Woriiiinghurst, . . 125 Worlwill, ... 179 Wotton at Stone, . 207 Wrentham, 14, 64,178,357 Wrentom, . . . 453 Wrighlington, . . 430 Ynrnioulli (sei-also Grcnl Yarmouth). 17, 183, 192. 377, 458, 463 Yealing, .... 165 Ycldham (sec Much Ycld- ham). York, 295,299.321 .375.0. Yorkshire, 326, 408, 4»8 "GENTLE" PIONEERS OF MASSACHUSETTS. Residents to whom the titles, Knight, Esquire, Gentleman, Armiger or Lady were applied in legal documents or by trustworthy writers in the Pioneer Period, and those whose fathers in England were so designated officially. Probably there were many others of whom the writer has not found evidence. I Allen, Edward, Thomas, Appleton, Samuel, Atwood, John, Barnes, John, Beesbeech, Thomas, Bellingham, Richard, William, Berry, William, Bowen, Griffith, Bowman, Nathaniel, Bradstreet, Simon, Brampton, William, Brenton, William, Bright, Thomas, Brown, John, William, William, Browning, Malachi, Bulkley, Peter, Chester, Leonard, Child, Robert, Coddington, William, Cole, William, Collins, Edward, Combe, John, Cook, George, Joseph, Samuel, Cudworth, James, Curtis, Henry, Cutting, John, Darby, John, Richard, Day, Wentworth, Doughty, Francis, Dow, Francis, Downing, Emanuel, Dudley, Thomas, Dummer, Richard, Stephen, Thomas, Eaton, Nathaniel, Epps, Daniel, Faune, .John, Falconer, Edmond, Fenwicls, George, Fogg, Ralph, Fordham, Robert, Fowie, Thomas, Freeman, Samuel, Gardiner, Cliristopher, Gerrish, William, Glover, John, Graves, Thomas, Greenleaf , Stephen, i. *■ * Haines, John, Hall, Samuel, Harlakenden, Richard, Roger, Harrison, John, Hatherley, Timothy, Hedge, William, Hibbens, William, Holman, John, Hopkins, Stephen, Hough, Atherton, Howell, Edward, Hull, Edmund, Humphrey, John, Jackson, Edward, Jeffrey, William, Johnson, Arbella, Francis, Isaac, Keayne, Mrs. Benjamin, King, Daniel, Leader, Richard, Lechford, Thomas, Ludlow, George, Roger, Makepeace, Thomas, Mansfield, John, Mayhew, Maliew, Thomas, Miclielson, Edwani, Monday, Henry, Moody, Deborah, Morton, Thomas, Nelson, Thomas, Newberry, Thomas, Oddingsell, Thomas, Offley, David, Paine, Moses, Patten, Nathaniel, Pelham, Herbert, Perkins, William, Plaistow, Jozias, Poole, Elizabeth, William, Potter, Vincent, Prence, Thomas, Purchase, Oliver, Thomas, Pynchon, William, Rawson, Edward, Robinson, Thomas, Rossiter, Bray, Saltonstall, Richard, Sewall, Henry, Shove, George, Simpkins, Nicholas, Smith, John, Snelling, William, Spencer, John, Strange, George, Stratton, John, Symonds, Samuel, Thorndike, John, Throckmorton, George, John, Underwood, Thomas, Vane, Henry, Vassal, William, Walker, Richard, Wliiting, Samuel, Elizabeth (St. John), Whittington, John, Wilson, John, Elizabeth, (Mansfield) Winthrop, John, WoUenstou, Edward, ABBREVIATIONS. Acct. Ae. Atba. Adm. Admin. App. Appr. Appl. Arch. Asst. Bapt. Beq. b. Bro. bur. Cert. Ch. Chh. Col. Co. Conn. Dau., Dec. De. Def. Depos, Dep. d. Dism. Eng. Es. Est. Exam Account. Agi'd. Able to bear arms. Admitted. Administer, administration Appointed. Apprentice, apprenticed. Applied, applied for. Archives, or official documents. Assistant, magistrate. Baptized. Bequeathed, bequests. Born. Brother. Buried. Certified. Child, children. Church. Colony, colonial. Company, County. Connecticut, daus. Daughter, daughters. Deceased. Deeds. Defendant. Deposed or deposition. Deputy, representative. Died. Dismissed. England. Essex, (the county of). Estate. Examination. Exec. Executor, executrix. Folg. Following. Frm. Freeman, (citizen). Gen. General. Gent. Gentleman. Gov. Governor. Grad. Graduated. Gr. ch. Grand-child. Gr. gr. ch. Great-grand-child. Gr. Granted. Gr. St. Grave-stone. Inv. Inventory. Mag. Magistrate. m. Married. Mdx. Middlesex, (county). Memb. chh. Member of church. Norf. Norfolk, (connty). Nunc. 1 Nuncupative, i. e., oral. Ord. Ordained. Org. Organized. Plym. Plymouth. Prob. Probate, probated. Prop. Proposed. Propr. Proprietor. Q. V. Quod vide, (which see). Reed. Received. Rec. Records. Ref. Referred. Rem. Remained, Removed. Res. Resided. Residence. Bet. Returned. Suff. Sufeolk, (county). Brackets, [ ], are used in two ways. reference to some book or document 1 They enclose the authority or source of a statement, or a reference ■ Which may well be ^^^^^^i*^; ^^^ o^s^atements which are believed to be correct, but for '■ Zi:ZT:rZi::^1Z. absomte. documentary evidence. \ THE PIONEER TOWNS. SETTLED 1620—1650. TOWNS. Andover Barnstable Boston Braintree Cambridge Charlestown Concord Dedham Dorchester Eastham Duxbury Gloucester Haverhill Hingliam Hull Ipswich Lynn Lancaster Maiden Manchester Marblehead Marshfield Medfield Medford Newbury Northampton Plymouth Reading Rehoboth Rowley Roxbury Salem Salisbury Sandwich Scituate Springfield Sudbury Taunton Topsfield Watertown Wenham Weymouth Wobum Yarmouth PRIMITIVE NAMES. Cochichewack Seppecan Shawmut Mt. Wollaston Newe Towne Charltowne Musketaquid Mattapan Nawsett Cape Ann Pentucket Bear or Bare Cove Nantasket Agawam Saugus Nashaway Mystic Side Jeffrey's Creek (included first in Salem.) Rexhame Boggestowe Meadford Nonotuck Lynn Village Seekonk Naumkeake Colchester Agawam Cohannet Enon Wessaguscus Charlestown Village Mattaeheeset ' PLANTING. ABBREVIATIONS. 1634 And. 1638 Bar. 1630 Bo. 1635 Br. 1632 Camb 1629 Char. 1635 Cone. 1636 Ded. 1630 Dorch. 1644 Easth. 1632 Dux. 1642 Gloc. 1641 Hav. 1634 Hing. 1630 Hu. 1633-4 Ipsw. 1632 Ln. 1643 Lan. 1649 Mai. 1645 Man. 1630 Marb. 1632 Mars. 1650 Medfi. 1630 Medfo. 1635 Newb. 1653 North. 1620 Plym. 1642 Red. 1645 Reh. 1639 Rowl. 1630 Rox. 1626 Sal. 1640 Salis. 1638 Sand. 1633 Sci. 1636 Spr. 1639 Sud. 1638 Tau. 1648 Tops. 1630 Wat. 1643 Wen. 1635 Wey. 1647 Wob. 1639 Yar. 522 OCCUPATIONS, TRADES, ETC. As Specified in Original Documents. Apprentices, 14 Glaziers, 5 Apothecaries, 4 Glovers, 15 Armourers, 3 Goldsmith, 1 Artist, (surveyor,) 1 Grocers, 2 Bakers, 19 Gunsmiths, 8 Barbers, barber surgeons, 7 Haberdashers, 6 Becliive malier, 1 Hatters, feltmakers. 8 Blacksmiths, 39 Innholders, vintners, ordinary keepers, 30 Boatmen, ferrymen or lightermen. 13 Ii-onmongers, 5 Bookbinder, 1 Lawyers, 6 Bookseller, 1 Limeburner, 1 Braziers, pewterers. 4 Locksmiths, 4 Brewers, 6 Mariners, sea captains, 75 Bricklayers, brickmakers. 23 Masons, plasterers. 11 Butchers, 14 Malsters, 9 Calinder, 1 Merchants, Mercers, 103 Oannonier, 1 Millers, 28 Carpenters, joiners, housewrights, 168 Millwrights, 13 Chandlers, 6 Ministers, 91 Chimney sweeper, 1 Nailers, (nail-makers,) 2 Clapboard ryrer. 1 Notaries, 2 Clothiers, cloth-workers, 20 Oatmeal maker. 1 Collar-maker, 1 Ostler, 1 Collier, 1 Painters, 3 Confectioner, comfit maker. 1 Parchment maker. 1 Coopers, 54 Physicians, surgeons, chirurgeons. 21 Cow-leech, 1 Pin maker. 1 Cutlers, 5 Pipe-stave makers. 2 Dish-turners, 2 Planters, farmers, husbandmen, 323 Distiller, 1 Plow-wright, 1 Drapers, 10 Potters, 2 Dyer, 1 Printers, 2 Farrier, 1 Rope makers, cord makers, 11 Felmongers, 2 Sadlers, 2 Fineryman, 1 Sailors, 12 Fishermen, 34 Sail makers. 3 Fishmongers, 3 Salters, saltmakers, 5 Flax dressers, flaxmen. 2 Sawyers, 18 Fullers, 2 Scriveners, 6 Gardiners, 3 Sieve maker. 1 Girdler, 1 Schoolmasters, 16 Glassmen, 3 Skinners, 3 523 Ship carpenters, shipwrights, 52 Shoemalters, cordwainers, 81 Slaters, 2 Soap-boilers, 4 Starch makers, 3 Stationer, 1 Tailors, (limb-dressers,) 115 Tanners, curriers, 41 Thacker, 1 Tray makers, 2 Turners, 6 Upholsterer, 1 Weavers, say-makers, websters, 62 Wheelwrights, 16 Wool-carders, 8 The total number of "Pioneers" on record Is about 6,CMX). Of these the occupations of only 1,725 were mentioned; 323 being called tillers of the soil, (including both wealthy landholders and humble plowmen,) 210 house and ship carpenters, 115 tailors, 103 mer- chants, 91 ministers, 81 shoemakers, 75 sea- captains, 62 weavers, and so on. We have further some 471 cases in wliich the records specify the settlers' SOCIAL POSITION. Gentlemen, Ladies, Esquires, Knights, 117 Yeomen, 122 Servants, Laborers, 240 NOTE'. Let it be remembered that the figures given above do not include all those who be- longed to the classes mentioned, because the occupation and rank of the majority of the pioneers was not designated. Besides, persons sometimes changed em- ployment, and "servants" became "masters," or proved to be "gentlemen." Any employee or person under the control of another might be called "servant," whatever his family con- nections. INDEX TO OTHER NAMES AND CR05S=INDEX TO PIONEERS. Allow for great variety in Spelling. ABBOT, 1G2, 346 ABDA, 383 ACOURT, 55 ADAMS, 29, 39, 48, 72, 122, 128, 139, 148, 167, 174, 196, 322, 339, 363, 369, 381, 418. 427, 441, 447, 461, 470, 492, 497, 508 ADDINGTON, 60, 83, 284 ADDIS 426 AEALY, 363 AGAR, 87, 153 AKERS, 273, 415 ALBEE, 10, 72 ALBESON 328 ALCOCK 19, 43, 140, 177, 239, 327, 341 ALDEN 209, 322, 323, 358, 426, 485 ALDIS, ALDOWS, 154, 166, 167 ALDBURGH 10, 175 ALDRIDGE, 109, 223, 204 ALEXANDER, 202 ALFERY, 409 ALFORD 326, 469 ALGER 475 ALLARD, 406 ALLEN, ALLIN, ALLEYNE, ALLYN, 17, 20, 28, 35, 64, 68, 78, 85, 87, 98, 138, 139, 145, 1.54, 171, 191, 195, 200, 201, 202, 206, 216, 231, 23G, 241, 244, 251, 253, 259, 260, 276 288, 294, 296, 320, 327, 328, 330, 342, 353, 366, 370, 380, 396, 406, 410, 412, 418, 437, 443, 448, 459, 463, 478, 479, 497, 510, 512 ALLEfRTON, 67, 76, 189, 239, 307, 374, 390 ALLEY 112 ALLING, 264 ALLIS 155, 323 ALLISON, 470 ALMOND, ALMY, 23, 294 ALSOPP, 180, 465 ALAVARD, ALWOOD 39, 196 ALXARSON, 28 AMBROSE 129, 408, 450 AMEE 259 AMES 19, 53, 223 AMSDEN, 235 525 ANDERSON 134, 234, ANDREW, ANDRE"WS, 81, 92, 99, 102, 112, 119, 122, 130, 142, 163, 175, 201, 220, 238, 242, 247, 253, 255, 364, 394, 443, 472, 478, 506, ANDROS, 163, ANGIEK, 17, 22, 38, 96, 120, 413, ANNABALL 15, 57, 100, 159, ANNIS ANSELL ANTEB ANTRUM, ANDRAM 28. 39, APPLETON, 139, 143, 185, 189, 255, 340, APSLEY ARCHER 249, 337, ARMITAGE 367, 400, ARMSTRONG ARNOLD, ARNELL, 60, 126, 129, 161, 339, 345, ARRES, see AYERS ARRINGTON, see ERRINGTON ASH ASHBY 231, 234, 250, ASHLEY, 240, 347, .ASPINWALL, 102, 243, 341, 344, 358, 408, ASTWOOD ATHERTON, 19, 165, 203, 462, 474, 485, ATKINS 159, ATKINSON, 13, 71, 77, 128, 223, 230, 3(Mi, 327. ATWOOD, 26, 31, 103, 109, 118, 125, 215, 275, 280, 282, 289, 387, 403, 448, AUDLEY, see ODLIN, AUGER AL'STIN, ASTING 26, 230, 280, AVEHILL, AVERY 27, 231, AWARDS, .see HAYWARD, AWKLEY AXEY AXTELL 308. AYER, AYERES, etc.. 17, 21, 118, 1159, 209. 242, 249, 277, 341, 484. 499. AYLETT 222. 341. 329 517 169 427 496 95 292 217 74 512 164 438 484 441 508 28 127 420 268 415 514 190 498 514 491 511 338 395 273 345 397 516 515 449 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. BABBAGE BABSON 128, BAOHILER, BATCHELDER, etc., 23, 109, 129, 249, 420, 422, 461, BACON, 31, 174, 245, 261, 293, 309, 338, 367, 384, 414, 422, 494, BADCOCK 126, BADGER 74, B.VDSON BAGG BAGLEY, BAGEBLEY, 109, 374, 401, BAKER, 17, 25, 28, 39, 46, 59, 89, 132, 173, 219, 220, 257, 262, 277, 278, 337, 355, 360, 387, 395, 443, 445, 462, 477, 484, 499, 508, 510, BALCH, 128, BALDEN 29, BALDUCKE BALDWIN 66, 384, 385, BALE BALL 30, 38, 322, 323, BALLANTINE, 96, BALLABD 43, 261, 274, 406, William d. 10 July, 1689. BALLINS, BALSTON, 93, 300, BANCROFT, 26, 55, 67, 152, 239, 313, 399, 497, BAND BANESTER BANGS BANKS 6, 220, BARACHEW BARBER, BARBUR, 13, 70, 95, 287, 351, 422, BARKER, 19, 27, 32, 54, 55, 186, 243, 246, 248, 259, 261, 266, 269, 270, 276, 356, 372, 389, 433, 434, 435, 478, 497, 499 BARLOW, 47, BARNARD, 70, 102, 113, 128, 169, 190, 223, 244, 270, 271, 288, 295, 325, 342, 351, BARNES, 27, 54, 88, 152, 168. 188, 210, 226, 248, 261, 315, 364, 392, 455, 463. BARNEY 36, BAR'RELL 109, BARRETT, 35, 85, 96, 172, 221, 294, 361, 367, 370, 375, BARRON, 221, BARRY, BAR STOW, 209, 245, 286, 287, 296, 300, 355, 357, 374, 378, BARTHOLOMEW, 116, 160, 291, 315, 329, 366, 88 BARSHAM, 58 454 BARTLETT, 13, 57, 173, 213, 221, 244, 258, 368, 385, 410, 432, 436, 456, 477, 463 480, 484 BARTON 329 506 BARTROM 85 130 BASS, 12, 52, 88, 243, 301, 477, 511 199 BASSETT, 37, 80, 82, 236 508 BATE, BATES, 49, 76, 162, 170, 173, 231, 82 280, 282, 206, 296, 348, 431, 485, 493, 416 500, 510 BATT 19, 155, 484 BATTEN, 125, 200 BATTERLY 296 511 BATTER, 19, 20, 193, 356, 417 182 BATTLE 167 64 BATJDROCK 24 184 BAXTER, 136, 255, 304, 493 406 BAYLEY, 49, 89, 123, 156, 165, 188, 248, 188 260, 331, 340, 345, 369, 374, 418, 421. 360 442, 463 235 BEACHAM 107, 175, 338 509 BEADLE 193, 283 396 BEAL, 41, 47. 64, 157, 161, 187, 245, 2.53. 391 255, 264, 410, 438, 463, 495, 507 BEAMAN 130 517 BEAMSLEY, 513 53 BEANE 77 394 BEARE, BEERS 69, 98, 214, 446 232 BEARD, 239, 399, 485 517 BEASLEY, 73 136 BEAUFORD 225 BECK 65, 232, 262, 398, 452 491 BEDWELL 186 BECKFORD 399 BERBE 426 BEGGARLY, 130 ,507 BELCHER, 43, 27, 44, 50, 130, 186, 187, 352 340, 377, 515 BELCONGER 2655 BELKNAP, 162, 251, 262, 499 357 BELL, 254, 309, 453. 515 BELLINGHAM, 57, 62, 108, 124, 139, 144, 502 204, 233, 259, 326, 331, 351, 377, 399, 116 428, 494 466 BEMIS 49 BENDALL, 288, 403, 464, 465 452 BENDIGHT 21 412 BBNDISH 366 94 BENFIELD, 492 BENHAM 504 460 BENJAMIN 104, 191. 295, 359, 422, 440 BENNETT, 4.5, 46, 83. 107. 133, 155, 156, 405 159, 191, 257, 287, 354, 358, 430, 493, 506 526 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. BENSON. ^^* „„v!rr 34, 40, 47, 54, 60, 460 BERBER, OQ BERNARD ^^• BERRY, 122,218,205, BEESBEECH, BISBY, ... 47, 51, 59, 75, BESSEY, "^^ BETT, BETTS, BETSCOMBE 54, 270 256 350 293 271 33 320 495 204 BEWFORD, :; ■.;■.■.; 3,'?3 BLOOMFIELD, BLANER, BLANTON. BLASDE-LL 92. 20o, 21o BI.IGH BLINMAN 288.424.454, BUSH. BLUSH 32, Bj.ISS 82, 113, 251, 284, 302, 346, BLODGET, BLOGHEAD HO. 451 BLOIS, BLOOD, BIBBLE BICKNELL BICKNER BICKWELL BIDDLECOME, BIGBLOW BIGGS BIGSBY, BILL, BILLING 50, BILLINGTON, BINKS BINGLEY, BIRAM, BYRAM, BIRBIN, BIRCHALL, etc ] ' l^i" oV- 22, 174, 185, 25 ( 369 300 272 * 206 169, 480 172, 418, 438, 502 225 . . . . 157. 203. 400 187, 200, 218, 371 327 51 471 130 517 468 480 516 340 31 ... 109, 393 293, 376, 512 43, 506 30 498, 260 85 410 195 115 500 234 58, 218 BIX)SSE, . BLOSSOM, BLOT BLOWER, SdMAN:;.. 19.32,135,250 BLY BOBBETT, BODFISH, BOFFE Sf'::::::::::«:o»:™:^:^ BONHAM, BONUM 183 ... 447 33, 231 ... 214 441 300 368 307 BIRD, BIRDLEY, BISCOE ■■ ™ 257 SSSoP, 51,'l01,'l59; 162Vl65,"l83; 237; ' 239, 282, 285, 307, 357, 403, 497. BISSELL BITFIELD, ;^j^ BITNAR, " BLACK, 499 101 123 07, 297, 515 BDACKBOURNE, ^'- ^ BLACKLEY, 483 310 , . ,,, 306, 405 BI/ACKMAN jj^ BLACKMORE ^^^^ BLADEN, 4g, lLiS4i,-66:ioo;-i29;-i59:28i,-368:426 S:t?cS:D,'34:46."63;'ll6,'l4i:230, BLANCHA ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^g^^ ^^.^ 42o, 292, 299, 443, BLAND, BLANDFIELD, BLANDFORD, . 489 54 12 206, 290, 510 \;^ ... 102, 307 BONNER 98 BONNEY '"^' 53 BONYTIION, ^^2 BORADEL ,j^3 BOREMAN ggg SwoSH:'79,"244,'270:m4O4:409; 496 BOUCIER ■■■ 28 1Sb:47; 125:209; j^-^^^^^^ ... 444 ?^x;;;;;;:;:;;;:"i3t;i4o; 248. 266.301 BOWEvS ^_j 266 BOTJTWELL .^-p^ BOWDITCH 147 275 BOWER ■■- ■-. 261 431, 481 BOWLES, BOLES 22o. 261, 4i^, ^^^ BOWSTREET, ^.^; ^g. BOYDEN ' ' ;jgg BOYEN 167 BOYLSTON •- - ;,- ■ 3.2. 442 BOYSON 464 BOYTON 4-5 BRACEY, Bradford; 4. 5. 6, 56 60 63, 112.117. 164, 178, 189, 194, 230. 35o, 3.9. 381. 384. 426. 517 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. BRACKETT, 10, 62, 176, 354, 432, 474, BRADBURY, . . . 202, 308, 319, 354, 401, BRADLEY 29, 142, 283, 374, BRADSTARE BRADSTREET, 145, 146, 236, 238, 355, 373, 390, 467, BRADWICKE BRAGG 375, BRAINES BRAKBNBURY, 15, 17, 29, 274, 330, 341, BRAMPTON BRANCH, BRAND BRANKER BRATCHER, 174, 342, BRATTLE, BRBAME BRECK 166, 222, 229, 348, BREDSHA, BREED, 180, BREEDING BRENTON 83, 329, 380, BRETT, 186, 347, BREWER, 50, 271, 277, 290, 319, BREWSTER, 16, 79, 84, 112, 127, 179, 205, 279, 290, 308, 316, 317, 320, 335, BRIDGE, BRIDGES, 9, 47, 55, 112, 124, 215, 277, 314, 361, 370, 388, 394, 399, 404, 447, 459, 464, BRIDGHAM 85, BRIDGMAN BRIGHAM BRIGGS 69, 126, 221, 232, 437, BRIGHT, 35, 36, 73, 190, BBIGNALL, BRIMBLECOMBE, BRIMSMEADE 90, BRINTNALL BRISCOE 70, 71, 113, BROAD BROCOAS, BROCK, BROCKS, 31, 70, 134, 195, 357, 435, 444, BROCKLEBANK, 141, 291, BRO»ISON BROWN. BROWNE, 10, 25, 27, 30, 31, 35, 38 41, 47, 48, 54, 81, 84, 128, 136, 137, 150, 151, 158, 163, 173, 178. 183, 192, 193, 190, 199, 212, 224, 230, 244, 216, 249, 254, 285, 293, 298, 303, 306, 307, 318, 328, 333, 337, 340, 349. 370, 375, 387, 394, 409, 413, 416, 423, 427, 433, 436, 442, 469, 475, 476, 480, 484, 489, 499, 507, 500 BROOK, BROOKS, 23, 47, 51, 60, 75, 119, 491 126, 174, 201, 219, 226, 238, 287, 322, 499 370, 384, 395, 491 183 BROOKEN, 474 BROUGHTON 37, 51, 152, 505 512 BROWNING 25 BRUCE, 214 42 BRUEN, 55, 355 516 BRUMIDGE, 467 184 BRUSH, 104 447 BRYANT, 39, 76, 226, 266, 285, 403, 410, 488 342 BUBIER 45, 107 517 BUCK 300, 318, 322 225 BUCKLAND, 59, 364 479 BUCKMASTER, 104, 175, 182, 483 408 BUCKNAM, 33, 274 467 BUCKNELL 51 34 BUCKNER 248 444 BUFFAM 12, 27, 230, 322, 368 396 BUDD 72 274 BUGBEE 345 388 BULGAR, 477 407 BULL 39, 139, 140, 363 456 BULHACKE, 433 369 BULKLEY 170, 230, 262, 451, 453, 494 BULLARD, 80, 138, 202, 207, 313, 360, 517 383, 452, 481 BULLEN 320 396 BULLOCK, 170 467 BUMPASS 451 212 BUMSTEAD 314, 334 24 BUNDY, 316, 363 383 BUNKER, 65, 195, 242, 296, 297, 442, 474 507 BURBANK, 205, 312, 420 343 BURCHAM, 13, 53, 499 313 BURDEN, 51, 112, 133, 144, 499, 510 132 BURDENDON, 470 394 BURG, 97, 204, 258 498 BURGESS 37, 184, 201, 236, 256, 419 150 BURKBEE, 97, 248, 265, 396 484 BURMAN, 59 512 BURNELL 319, 426 BURNAP, 20, 80, 3.50, 475 469 BURNETT, 225, 481 513 BURNHAM 18, 99, 362, 487 16 BURR 146, 279 BURRAGE 438 BURRELL, 83, 123, 363 BURROUGHS 99, 167, 471 BURSLEY 244 BURT, 30, 37, 41, 82, 100, 217, 306, 422, 444, 474 BURTON 205, 337, 345, 443, 483 BUSBY, 202, 329 513 BUSCOTT 225 52S OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. BUSH 98, BUSHELL BUSHEY BUSSARD, BUSSE BUSWELL, 180, 433, BUTLER, 13, 469, BUTMAN, BUTT BUTTERFIELD BUTTALL 23, 68, 105, BUTTERICK, 38, 56, 85, BUTTOLPH 39, 50, 117, BUTTERY, BUTT'ON, . . ISO, 211, 257, 294, 452, 490, BUXTON, BUCSTONE 86, 238, BYLES, BYRT BYLEY, 208, 382, CADE, CADMAN, OADY, CAINE, CANE CAKEBREAD, CALKIN, 55, CALL, 268, CALLEM, see KILHAM. CALEY, GAMPFIELD OANADY, CANNON CANTLEBURY OAPE'N, 35, 37, 90, 100, 196, 349, 376, 389, 443, 462, CARDER, CARLE 87, CARLETON OARLILE 399, CARMAN Oi-RPENTER, 64, 71, 178, 321, 381, CARR 106, 110, CARRIE, OARRINGTON, 49, CARTER, 48, 70, 89, 92, 120, 129, 151, 186, 199, 274, 322, 350, 459, 494, CARVER, 169, 172, 184, 244, 279, 316, 317, CARY 189, 258, CASH, CASSELL 104, CASWELL, 399, CATLAND, see KIRTLAND 51, GAVE, CHADWELL 23, 132, 372, CHADWICK 1"4, 330, 150 CHAFFEE 303 42 OHALLIS 191, 401, 409, 482 445 CHAMBERLAIN, 77, 263, 344, 373 268 CHAMBERS 300 63 CHAMPNEY 06, 24,5, 317 507 CHANDLER, 9. 12 , 129. 132, 137, 152, 477 174, 229, 287, 291, 346 359 CHAPIN 55,110,302,451 240 CHAPLIN 103 30 CHAPMAN, 25, 172, 228, 254, 288, 442, 391 454, 486, 513 218 CH^IRLES 95 212 CHASE, 28, 58, 92, 347, 357, 490 273 CHAUNCEY 53, 147, 449 518 CHECKLEY 153, 405, 491 471 CHEELCRAFT 27 65 CHEESEBOROUGH 332 422 CHEESEUOLM 47, 150, 415. 427, 504 515 CHEEVER, . . 47. 49, 162, 224, 292. 346. 449 264 CHENERY 62 219 CHENEY, 52, SO, 204, 218, 251, 280, 333. 273 344, 364, 396, 409, 445, 453, 509, 512 329 CHESTER 396 488 CHICHESTER 294 241 CHICKEN 292 412 CHICKERING 14, 157, 167 CHILD, CHILDS, 60, 132, 176, 254, 460, 468 139 CHILLINGWORTH 141 503 CHING 297 115 CHINGLETON 127 268 CIIIPMAN 82, 130, 244, 464 364 CHISAM, see CHEESEHOLM, CHITTENDEN 28, 471 468 CHITWOOD 78 464 CHUBBOCK 41 150 CHURCH, . . 29, 408, 409, 420, 429. 403, 480 259 CHURCHILL 100, 101, 306, 420 400 CHURCHMAN 390. .50(i. 508 44S CHUTE 445 397 CILLEY 105 310 CLAP, 12. 19, SS. lOG. 113, 138, 155. 167, 497 172, 187, 247, 282, 283, 303, 3(i5, 368, 245 378, 409, 416, 422. 436. 443, 463, 484, 422, 485. 480, 516 500 CLARK, 14, 15, IS, 28, 46, 49, 51, 61, 02, 497 74, 78, 81, 94, 100, 102, 103. 108. 115, 396 120, 132, 152, 158, 168, 198. 202, 218, 359 243. 28(;. 289. 307, 326. 340. 3.-2. 372. 300 379, 405, 409, 414, 418. 425, 428. 432. 400 437, 449, 454, 490, 49T 450 CLADDIS 324 329 CLAUDIUS 164 398 CLEASBY 102, 485 439 CLEAVES 03. 346 529 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. CLEMENT, 25, 146, 157, 162, 204, 306, 319, 337, 341, 362, 388, 455, 460, 467, 490, [Mr. Robert, Andover, 1642.] CLEVELAND, 179, CLIFFORD 229, CLIFT CLIFTON 85, 105, CLOOKE, CLOCKE CLOPTON CLOUGH, 75, 203, CLOYCE COATS COBB, . . 122, 130, 231, 234, 249, 326, COBBET, . . 12, 106, 206, 285, 340, 389, COBLECH COCKERELL COCK 213, 257, 307, COCCREY COCKRAINE CODDINGTON, COTTINGTON, 102, 119, 137, 181, 194, 338, 377, 411, 486, CODNER, 45, COE, COOE COFFYN, 199, 408, COGAN, 19, 121, 122, 165, 207, 388, 436, COGGESHALL 174, 181, 303, 397, COGSWELL , 221, COIT, COKE COKER 220, COKING COLBORN, 72, 73, 78, 103, 109, 163, 252, 364, COLBY, 244, 337, 401, COLCORD, COLDHAM COLE, COLES, 12, 55, 70, 92, 112, 143, 174, 181, 197, 198, 243, 253, 265, 293, 299, 303, 308, 338, 363, 393, 431, 460, COLEMAN, 240, 250, 295. 337, COLLAMORE 40, 111, COLLAR COLLICOT 144, 237, COLLIER, 29, 104, 110, 196, 262, 320, 372, 420, COLLINS, 16, 27, 106, 108, 112, 122, 144, 174, 189, 201, 261, 272, 281, 342, 411, COLLISHAWE COLQUIT, COLTON 347, COMER COMSTOCK, CONANT 6, 182, 296, 363, 477, CONCKLING CONY, 120 OONNELL 30 495 CONNER 191 507 CONNETT, 181 281 CONVERSE 93, 112, 178, 290, 428 111 COOK, 26, 34, 67, 77, 86, 117, 133, 136, 164 150, 157, 169, 172, 179, 192, 199, 213, 87 219, 233, 240, 284, 366, 414, 410, 422, 508 432, 446, 451, 470, 471, 480, 488, 489, 339 505, 516 454 COOKERY 290 441 COMBE, COOMBS 189, 279, 428 327 COOLIDGE, 35, 58, 69, 121, 273, 289, 364 417 COOP 45P 17 COOPER, 11, 59, 82, 138, 163, 248, 269, 100 271, 298, 321, 417, 420, 427, 436, 454, 468 464, 508 89 COPP 330 251 COPPER, 43 CORBER, 277 514 CORBET 396 347 CORBIN 77, 273, 344, 428, 517 228 CORDELL, 18, 324, 400 425 CORLIS 133 509 COREY, COARY, 417 411 CORLET 127, 128 474 CORLY 118 474 CORNING, 25, 118, 268 112 CORNISH,, 125, 313, 392 261 CORWIN, 71, 302, 409, 422 370 CORWITHEN, 12, 126, 161 COSTONE, 119 466 COTTA, 317, 407, 443 496 COTTLE 386, 391, 399 339 COTTON, 5, 21, 22, 52, 58, 05, 80, 81, 94, 360 126, 135, 202, 233, 236, 239, 241, 305, 376, 417, 423, 427, 430, 437, 462, 494 COURSER, 120 501 COUSINS, 106 455 COVELL 329 212 COVEY 470 127 COWDALL, 134 448 COWDREY 25 COAVELL 225 451 COWEN, 298 COWES 209, 270 456 COWLES 178, 179 320 COWLING 475 109 COX, see COCK 9, 302, 304 517 COY 206, 276, 496 186 COYTMORE 332, 467, 509 395 CR ABB 156 488 CRABTREE, 181, 199, 228, 285, 387, 394, 504 431 CRACKBONE 386 530 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. CRADOCK, 18, 50, 134, 155, 157, 174, 230, 201, 335, CRAFT 56, 406, 490, 491, CRAG, CRAGG CRAINE, CRANE 272, 390, CRANNIWELL CRANSDEN CRAPO CRESSEY, CRISMAS, CRISP, 272, CRITCHET CRITCHLEY CROADE 227, CROCKER 57, 1S8, CROFT 239, CROMWELL 20, 01, 261, 267, 274, CROOK 181, 203, CROSBY 03, 176, 290, 362, 457, CROSMAN 71, CROSS 91, 97, 210, 209, CROSWELL CROUCH CROW CROWLEY CROWN 38, CRUM CRUMP CUBBY, CUE CUDWORTH, 244,397, CULLICK 125, CUMBERBACK CUMMINS 62, 118, CURRIER 126, 212, CURTIS, 12, 20, 53, 93, 119, 126, 202, 204, 255, 262, 264, 337, 365, 406, CUSHING 69, 187, 221, 255, CUSH JIAN 16, 234, CUTLER 158, 187, 228, 271, 285. 317. 412, CUTTER 118, 209, 244. CUTTING 73, 128, 269, DABE DABYN DACKES DALLIBER, 128, 137, 155, 156, 308, 349, DALTON 129, 281, 341. DAMON 150, 188, 243, 312, 364, DAMPIER DANE 93, 251, 346, DANFORD DANFORTH, 43, 50, 283, 320, 344, 367, 481, 504, DANIEL 19, 43, 177. 200, 374 377 DARBY, DERBY, 55, 98, 130, 234, 399, 504 425, 443 437 DARCY 412 443 DARLING, see Dorlon. 300 DARUELL 472 430 DASSET 170 270 DAVENPORT 11, 69, 83, 204, 218. 375 25 DAVIS, DA VIES, 34, 49, 52, 82, 90, 93, 38 111, 113, 118, 121, 123, 133. 134, 141, 491 150, 152, 102, 200, 201, 238, 271, 287, 441 289, 319, 330, 338, 351, 300, 380. 444, 139 450, 465. 500, 506. 507 373 DAVISON, .. 17, 18, 88, 121, 267, 29.3, 314 384 DAWSE 79, 315,380 489 DAY, 51, 71, 119, 120, 152, 100, 179, 305. 431 311, 362, 437, 488 381 DAYTON 366 472 DEACON 359 271 DEANE, 38, 40, 75, 81, 109, 115, 179, 386, 399 456. 478 485 DEARE 201, 362, 413 322 DEARHAUGH 439 23 DEARING 39, 327, 42( 270 DEATH 465 48 DEIGHTON 145, 206 475 DELANO Y, etc 12, 188, 324 93 DELENE 382 328 DELBRIDGE 15 381 DELL, DILL 69, 136, 160, 211, 411 444 DENMAN 418 164 DENNIS, 12, 42, 95, 244, 288, 298, 401, 403 312 DENISON, 57 145, 140, 201, 221, 346, 379. 244 387, 445, 486 401 DENNY 73, 240 DENSLOW 114 438 DENT 506 381 DENTON 454 244 DESBOROUGH 162 LEVEL 267 451 DEWEY 101, 221, 245 .509 DEWSBERY 136 333 DEXTER, 133, 145, 161, 176, 178, 209, 364 287. 508 247 DIAPETl, 159 48 DIBBLE 14 440 DIBBS 319 422 DICK 454 413 DICKERSON 68, 117, 244, 278 389 DICKSON, DIXON 325, 342. 359 367 DIKE, see DIX 259, 363 186 DILL, see Dell. DILLINGHAM 163 510 DIMMOCK 468 531 OTHER NAMES AND CKOSS INDEX. DIMOND 34, 330 DINELY 122, 369 DINGLEY 328 DXNSDALE 159, 299 DIPPLE 28, 372 DIRKEE 124 DIX, DEIKE, DIKE, 128, 140, 287, 437, 454 DIXEY 149, 43G DIXER 140 DOBSON, 280, 305 DODD 206, 324 DOE 148 DODGE 113, 218, 347, 375 DODSON, 51, 499 DOGGETT, DAGGETT, 98 166, 177, 221, 335, 371, 429, 486 DOLE, 103, 185, 391, 399 DOLING, 312 DONE 74, 150, 215 DONSTALL 51, 77, 138 DOOLITTLE, 48, 333 DORCHESTER 346 DORLON, 200, 221 DORE, 367 DOTEN, DOTEY, 111, 207, 317, 358, 385, 425, 446, 464 DOTTERIS, 18 DOUGHTY, 103 DOUNARD, 241 DOUGLASS 144, 171 DOVE 125, 143 DOW, . . 92, 110, 150, 269, 271, 297, 333, 339 DOWDEN 338 DOWELL, 349 DOWNE, 454 DOWNER 406 DOWNING, 45, 62, 65, 107, 144, 331, 373, 436 DOWSE, 259, 314, 381, 429, 503 DRAKE, 143, 144, 234, 332, 514 DRAPER, 62, 205, 389 DRESSER 283 DREW, DRUSE 102, 145, 385 DRINKER 190, 443, 497 DRURY 51 DRUSE, see DREW 210 DRYDEN 250 DUDLEY, 14, 65, 86, 180, 206, 245, 259, 338, 398, 462, 467, 512 DUDENY, 113 DUMMER 81, 128, 326, 407 DUNBAR, 13, 181 DUNCAN, DUNKIN 157, 266, 288, 445 DUNCKLBY, 176 DUNELL, 144 DUNHAM 41, 161, 249, 274 DUNNING 191 DUNTON, 257 DUNSTER, 189, 230, 498 DURDAL, 288 DUREING 223 DUSTON 86, 118, 484 DUTCH, DOOCH, 128, 309, 314, 391 DWIGHT, 353, 357, 370, 386, 450, 494 DYER, 24, 88, 117 148, 175, 212, 380, 461, 480 EAGER 459 EAGLESFIELD 10 EALE, EELS, 15, 148, 214, 435 EAMES, see also AMES, 53, 360, 478, 497 EAST 357 EASTON, 43, 225, 362 EASTMAN 33, 62, 115, 118, 363, 399 EASTWICK 158, 164 EuVTON, 72, 96, 197, 241, 266, 309, 315, 352, 364, 375, 378, 393, 401, 415, 486, 518 EBREW, 336 E'BORNE 186, 457, 460 ECCLBS 115, 254 EDEN, 74 EDDENDEN 196, 202, 325 EDDINGTON, 29, 485 EDDY 29, 45, 76, 141, 151, 309, 402 EDGE 496 EEDES 464 EDMUNDS 319, 370, 392, 428, 429, 498 EDSALL 349 EDSON 86 EDWARDS, 120, 182, 221, 322, 327, 367, 422, 442, 479 EGGLESTONE 399, 485 EGLON 500 EIRE, EYRES, 39, 95, 96, 275, 319, 340, 431, 447. 490 ELDBRKIN 272 ELDREt), ELDREDGB, 153, 295, o29, 432 ELIOT, 12, 61, 73, 104, 126, 130, 153, 193, 203, 205, 207, 230, 239, 240, 278, 304, 320, 327, 352, 354, 355, 394, 399, 449, 481, 486, 496, 497, 499 ELKIN, 281 ELLETSON 216. 3.52 ELLEN 14, 366 ELLERY, 471 ELLBTT 303, 304, 406 ELLIS, 56, 97, 100, 170, 175, 403, 443, 481, 497 ELLSWORTH, 420 ELITHORP 39, 441 ELSE, 502 BLVIN, ELVING 448, 518 532 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. BLWELL 37, 128, 147, 315, 471 ELY 125, 363 BMBLIN 462 EMBSDEN, 127 EMERSON, 156, 196,' 287, 292, 445, 454, 474, 484, 513 EMERY 40, 158. 192, 336, 484 ESfMETT 82 E'iMMONS 264, 509 EIMONS 156 ENDECOTT, 05, 73, 74, 75, 117, 138, 197, 203, 241, 274, 341, 348, 367, 409, 442, 508 ENGLAND, 367 ENGLISH, 49, 87, 157, 423, 469, 482 ENSIGN, 48 EPPS, 31, 445, 512 ERRINGTON 415, 482 ESTABROOK, 512 EUSTACE, 254 EVANS 155, 208, 309, 362, 455 EVEREX), EVEEETT 20, 326, 354 EVERILL 54, 224, 297, 353, 358 EWELL 19 EWER 56, 258, 292 EWETT 82 FACE, 470 PAIRBANK 135, 293, 306, 418 FAIRFIELD 95, 341 FALLOWELL, 41, 368, 511 FANNING 130 FARMER 3, 4, 134, 319 FARMTSE 319 FARNHAM, 65, 251, 367, 394, 457, 466 Ralph, came in July, 1635. Son Ralph m. EUzabeth Holt. R. F. d. 8 Jan. 1692-3; inv. filed March 29, 1693. FARNWORTH 277, 351 FARR 161, 186, 438 PARRAR 223, 406 FARRELL 51 FARRINGTON 123, 227, 274, 328 FARROW 178, 181, 231, 438 FARWELL, 168, 414 FAUCET 413 FAUNOE 213, 426 FAWER 186, 260, 280, 326, 373 FAUNE 105 FAXON 450, 505 FAY 518 PAYERWDATHER, 159, 192, 465 FEAKE 152, 342, 398, 403 FEARING 221, 497, 500 FELCH, FELT 400, 498 FEX,LOW, FELLOWS 33, 59, 277, 319 FELMINGHAM 117 FELTON, 12, 27, 240, 291, 301, 393, 403, 416, 421, 457 FEN 222, 41.5, 457 FBNNO, 463 FENWICK 125 FERGUSON, 308 FERMAES 64, 338 FERNSIDE, 127, 392, 431 FEVER 446 FEVERYEAR, 363 FIELD 152, 358, 387, 443 FIFIELD, 129 FILLEBROWN 390 FILER 367 FINCH 196 FINNEY 40, 59, 108, 160, 161 FIRMIN 152, 478 FISHER, 39, 62, 66, 78, 159, 179, 225, 248, 311, 315, 319, 351, 422, 425, 461, 488, 509, 514 FISKE, 24, 135, 170, 177, 292, 314, 340, 381, 436, 468, 517 FITCH, 99, 108, 167, 284, 312, 416, 443, 473 FITCHER 321 FFITLING, 363 FITTS 99, 451 FITZ RANDOLPH 236 FITZ SYMONDS, 455 FLAGG, 49, 91, ISO, 284 FLANDERS 90, 337 FLETCHER 353, 415, 462 FLINDERS 217 FLINT, 148, 173, 215, 217, 232, 233, 311, 457 FLOOD 61 FLOWER 179 FLOYD 155 FOBBS, FORBES 170 FOGG 339, 366 FOLLETT 52, 324 FOLSAM, see FOULSHAM 187 FONES 163 FOOT 126, 228. 281, 461 FOOTMAN 225 FORD, 100, 140, 196, 271, 293, 326, 425, 439 FORTH 508 FOSDIKE 35, 127, 488 FOSKITT 281 FOSTER, 35, 36, 49, 55, 65, 77, 186, 219, 255, 265, 270, 278, 345, 348, 395, 405, 438, 454, 457, 466, 493 FOUNELL 470 FOULSHAM 161, 363 FOWLE, 52, 70, 71, 107, 370, 420 FOWLER 269, 337 FOX 70, 181, 196, 199, 497 FOXWELL 411 533 lOTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. FRANCIS, 135, 497 FRANK 486 FRANKLIN 18, 297, 324, 408, 441, 467 FRARY, 85, 148, 153, 212, 497 FREE, 33 FREEBORN 13 FREEMAN, 338, 372, 426, 434 FRENCH, 42, 72, 81, 93, 130, 149, 155, 177, ISO, 191, 211, 213, 222, 244, 247, 271, 301, 311, 333, 350, 432, 456, 494 FRENCHAM, 41, 276 FRXCK 293 FRIEND, 138, 321 FRISSELL, 104, 165, 223, 225 FROST, 19, 85, 130, 147, 265, 438, 473, 497 FROTHINGHAM, 123 FRY, 141, 214, 248, 310, 370, 435, 458 FRYER 384, 403, 512 FULLER, 51, 150, 156, 162, 178, 253, 255, 262, 271, 281, 292, 333, 356, 393, 399, 416, 448, 493, 517, 518 FURNELL, 276 FYNES 260 GAGE, 274, 275, 331 GAINES, 222 GALE 141, 168, 283 GALLOP, 264, 445 GALLOWAY 210 GAMBLIN, 180 GEYNER 22 GANNETT, 401 GARDNER, 29, 61, 73, 113, 119, 128, 144, 156, 192, 196, 230, 240, 266, 297, 368, 369, 391, 409, 427, 471 GARFIELD 35, 77, 180 GARFOARD 464 GARLIK, 54 GARNET 438 GARNESEY, 18 GARRETT, 11, 72, 152, 161, 219, 222, 323, 413, 454 GARRETSON, 499 GARY, 11, 225 GATES, 279, 492, 514 GATLIFFE 234 GAULT 51 GAUNT, 123 GAWDREN 253 GAY, 29, 67, 221, 303, 383, 503 GAYLORD, 99, 307, 326, 389, 395 6EARE, 66, 95, 133, 200, 279, 334, 457, 501 GEARING, 36 GEDNEY 236, 360, 370, 476 GEE, 297 CELL 518 GENNER, see JENNER. GENCKS, see JENKS. GEORGE 34, 190, 214, 352, 490 GERRISH, 191, 294, 321, 335, 373 GIBBONS, GIBBENS, 77, 122, 155, 161, 212, 316, 342, 399, 403 GIBBS 64, 171, 245, 410 GIBSON, 88, 157, 224, 372, 46S GIDDINGS 320, 375 GIFFORD, 217, 371, 397, 463 GILBERT, 43, 55, 76, 94, 225, 302, ba2, 462, 492 GILES 180, 337, 518 GILL, 49, 84, 106, 186, 309, 479 GILLAM 205, 358, 401 GILLAWAY 187, 268 GILLETT 221, 355, 479 GILLOW 513 OILMAN 171, 227, 282, 423, 462 GILSON, 61, 74, 394 GINGE^^ 498 GTNKINS 454 GINNINGS 189 GLASIER 185 GLASS 136, 237, 279, 366, 385, 502 GLASSCOCK 178 GLOVER, 27, 112, 121, 135, 147, 208, 322, 347, 371, 384, 414, 421, 433 GODBERTSON, 16, 93, 116, 189, 229, 371, 418 GODDEN 263, 431, 406 GODFREY, 22, 74 GODSOE, GODSON, 71, 291 GOFPE, 72, 128, 313, 353, 498, 507, 509 GOLDSMITH, 9, 95, 145, 214, 248 GOLDSTONE, 69, 184, 228 GOLDTHWAIGHT 96 GOLDWYER 198, 322 GOOCH 235, 351 GOODALE, 15, 40, 185, 220, 293, 294, 305, 335, 421 GOODENOW, 25, 85, 400 GOODERSON, see GUTTERSON 326 GOODHUE 196, 292 GOODMAN 449 GOODRICH, 11, 14, 44, 218, 449 GOODSPETilD 133, 283 GOODWIN, 231, 266, 458 GOODYEAR, 276 GOOKIN 39, 41, 93, 193 GOORDLEY, 466 GOOSE 91, 164, 263 GORDING 466 GORE, 11, 369, 382, 448 531 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. GORGES 53, GORHAM, 47, 244, GORTON 88, 350, 370, GOSSE GOSMHR GOTT 292, 299, 380, 442, GOUER GOULD, GOLD, 29, 124, 256. 329, 354, 381, 443, Samuel, HaverWll, propr. 1650. GOULDER, GOURD GOVE 168, 299, GOWING, GRAFTON 182, 291, 292, 399, GRANDEE, 304, GRANGER GRANT, 88, 101, 116, 159, 186, 196, 202, 224, 268. 389, GRAVES, 16, 41, 42, 92, 113, 121, 138, 150, 224, 233, 308, 370, GRAY, 121, 197, 284, 295, 332, 482, 485, GREELEY 72, 191, GfREEN. GREENE, 30, 43, 56, 72, 90, 102, 110, 116, 174, 201, 211, 230, 241, 266, 281, 290, 319, 322, 350, 367, 393, 432, 217, 437, 494, 495, 498, GREENFIELD, 448, GRBENLEAF, 27, 107, 185, 231, 413, 425, 442, GREENLAND 149, GREBNOUGH, 338, 349, 377, 443, GREENSLADB GREGORY 158, GRENAWAY, .... 39, 64, 130, 315, 361, GREENWOOD GRBNVILL GRIDLEY 56, 125, ±42, GRIFFIN, 18, 54, 127, 138, 290, 386, 409, 413, 433, 435, GRIFFITH GRICE, GRIST 133, GRIGGS, 29, 133, 218, 258, 269, 348. 356, 378, GRISWALD, 78, 267, GROOM GROSSE, GROUT GROVER, 23, 35, 49, GROW GRUBB, 295, GRUNN GUILD, GILE, 14, GUILLE GULLIVER 319 GULLY, 87 448 GUN 365 371 GUNISON, 287, 455 329 GURDON, 388 90 GURGEFIELD, 46 482 GURNEY 79, 258, 269, 279 157 GUTTERIDGE 427 GUY 270, 446 478 GYPSON 181 151 GWIN 187 206 HABGOOD, see HAPGOOD 322 HACK, 286 70 HACKER, 309 403 HACKETT 33, 205 406 HACKNEY, 83 11 HADBOURNE, HEBOURNE, 58, 263, 281, 412, 420 479 HAD AWAY, 209 HADDEN 519 396 HADLEY 303, 375 508 HADLOCK 144, 250, 303 322 HAFFIELD 106, 251 HAGBOURNE 14, 145 HAGER 87 HAGGITT, 95 507 HAINES, HAYNES, 33, 48, 49, 54, 175, 509 213, 252, 277, 333, 382 HAIT 143, 395 470 HALE, 49, 86, 100, 119, 121, 173, 207, 250, 185 251, 255, 278, 325, 327, 331, 386, 392, 468 445, 489 24 HALFORD 422 473 HALL, 12, 31, 78, 86, 111, 235, 247, 428, 474 445, 492, 497, 515 15 HALLETT 33, 103, 472 184 HALSALL, HALSEY 442 170 HALSTBAD 40, 223 HAM 53 519 IIAMME:NT, 340 112 HAJILET 245 338 HAMLIN 59 HAMMOND, 124, 145, 212, 219, 329, 359, 514 394, 412, 425, 503 514 HAMPTON, 34, 180, 267, 272, 394 402 HANBURY, 102, 246, 260, 453 110 HANCHET, 277 83 HANCOCK 372, 441 218 HANDS 211 291 HANMORB 398 471 BANNER 417 483 HANNIFORD, HANDFORTH, 136, 172, 132 219, 285, 387, 405 270 HANNUM 277, 432, 468 272 HANSON, 62, 63 535 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. HAPGOOD 333, HARADEN 299, HARBITTLE 220, HARBOUR 404, H.VRDING, 73, 76, 85, 115, 148, 210, 297, 404, 420, 454, 495, HARDMAN HARDY 210, HARLAKENDEN, 115, 415, HARLOW 36, 69, HARMAN, 55, HARNDEN HARRIMAN HARRINGTON HARRIS, 148, 149, 177, 190, 224, 227, 241, 307, 390, 429, 435, 445, 471, 486, 488, 506, HARRISON 68, 234, 271, 316, 386, HARROD, 17, HABSEY HARSNET, HART. 41, 73, 91 109, 215, 221, 325, 365, HARTOPP HARTSHORNE 277, HARVARD, HARVEY 34, 75, 118, 186, 240, 502, HARWOOD, 96, 227, 325, 421, HASELTINB, 19, 259, HASEY, HASKELL 212, 454, 474, HASKETT HASSELL HASTINGS 36, 69, 85, 97, HATCH, 19, 219, 220, 228, 229, 234, 270, 429, 447, 458, HATHAWAY 221, HATHERLY, 53, 196, 211, 252, 287, 387. 397, 401. 405, 456, HAUSEN HAVEN 328, HAWES 138, 142, 160, 184, 193, HAWKINS, 35, 47, 64, 87, 109, 121, 145, 164, 182, 198, 238, 272, 315, 329, 432, 461, HAWKS 13, 91, 163, 205, 286, 308, HAWKSWORTH HAYDEN 17, 325, 392, HAYLET, see AYLETT. HAYMAN 14, HAYWARD, HEYWOOD, etc., 13, 17, 23, 33, 85, 124, 152, 195, 201, 249, 264, 313, 334. 361, 370, 438, 445, 450, 458, 461, 502, HAZARD 461 HAZEN 72 375 HEALD 130, 284 276 HEALY 253, 300 450 HEARD 49, 225, 517 HEATH 52, 65, 225, 248, 355 511 HEATON, see BATON 315 271 HERBERT, etc 125 217 HEDGE 18, 329 445 HELWYDE, HELWYS, 220 210 HEMENWAY 234 142 HENCHMAN 367, 513 493 HENDRICK, HENRICK 435 420 HEPBURN 294, 397, 492 49 HERBERT 119, 314 HERFIELD 196 HERLE 305, 457 508 HEBRICK 99, 141, 278, 281, 381 445 HERRING, 361, 411 201 HERSBY, 99, 163, 383 86 HEWES, 16, 97, 121, 190, 193, 226, 447, 502 506 HIBBENS, 432, 486 392 HIGGINS 31, 189, 390, 455. 501. 518 389 HIGGINSON, 69, 75, 194, 291, 369, 401, 392 504, 514 15 HILAND 278, 465 504 HILDRETH, 375 469 HILER, HILLIER, see HILLIARD. 484, HILL, HILLS, 14, 24, 25, 40, 50. 77. 84, 209 103, 137, 144, 147, 152, 182, 189, 199, 512 208, 216, 245, 247, 282, 290, 295, 301, 277 318, 323, 331, 369, 376, 413, 417, 422, 38 426, 433, 435, 454, 457, 465, 474, 480, 309 489, 510 HILLIARD, 129, 221, 246, 311, 312, 319, 469 320, 365, 45» 368 HILTON 199, 406, 462 HINCKLEY, 57, 106, 133, 329, 368, 384, 421 492 HINCKSMAN 156, 159, 173, 357 366 HINDS, HINES, 42, 234, 308, 349, 403 335 HINSDALE 221, 492 221 HITCHCOCK, 94 HITT, see HAIT. HIX, HEEKES, HICKES, 69, 142, 179, 503 184, 210, 244, 415 314 HIXON, 492 503 HO AG, 156 450 HOAR 170, 180, 516 HOBART, see HUBBARD. 17 HOBSON 331, 379 HOCKING 112, 446 HODGES, 17, 72, 134, 215, 297, 363 HODGKINS 147, 242 509 HODSDEN, 234 49 HOGG, 196 536 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. HOLBECK 403 HOI.BIiOOK, 226, 271, 337, 361, 363, 411, 431 nOLDEN 172 HOLGATE 504 HOLGKAVE 69, 343, 501 HOLIMAN 404 HOLLAND 5, 51, 403, 428 HOLLARD 181. 277, 468 HOLLEY 169, 253, 260 HOLLICE 374 HOLLINGSWORTH, 29, 307, 318, 370, 431, 499 HOLLISTER 458 HOLLO WAY 327, 358 HOLM AN 19, 140, 166, 363, 417, 502 HOLMES, HOMES, 21, 85, 95, 100, 294, 307, 320, 326, 302. 308, 438, 449, 458, 474, 511 HOLT 30, 64, 161, 305, 373, 414 Nic'holas, diSli-turner, with wife Martha, sold land to his second son Henry 15 Dee. 1081. Henry m. Feb. 24, 1669, 'Sarah, dau. of William Ballard. HOLTON. HOULTON 166, 475 HOLYOKE 376 HOMER 144 HONOR 374 HOOD 328, 343, 462 HOOK 330, 138, 308 HOOKER, 12, 46, 176, 371, 412, 437, 486, 499 HOOPER 170, 221 HOPCOTT 297 HOPICINS. 18, 109, 142, 218, 289, 386, 425, 449, 489, 501, 518 HOPKINSON 103, 442, 463, 476 HOPPEN, HOPPER 87, 298, 368 HORNE 12, 27, 101, 105, 482 HORROCKS 119 HORTON 21, 95 HOSIER Ill, 334, 388,439 HOSKINS 08, 2.34 HOSMER 143, 203, 50.5. 5U HOUGH, HAUGH, etc., 40, 1)4, 121, 268. 352, 377, 477. 496 HOUGHTON, 167, 331. 334, 443 HOULDSWORTH 186 HOUSE, see also HOW 210, 340 HOVEY 18, 409 HOW. HOWES. 3i; 46, 66, 79, 117, 129, 254, 255, 282, 301, 304, 306, 307, 309, 316, 334, 340, 343, 370, 372, 308, 400, 468, 475, 499 HOWARD 222 HOWELL 218 HOWLAND, 64, 91, 98, 129, 171, 177, 193, 202, 215, 282, 310, 324, 383, 426, 446, 455, 475, 501 .'53- HOWLETT 101, 176, 370, 387, 424 HOYT 34, 75, 92 HUBBARD, HOBART, 13, 16, 36, 41, 05, 99, 107, 145, 185, 191, 194, 209, 228, 251, 253, 266, 296, 302, 311. 320, 351, 390, 463, 494, 496 HUCKINS 118, 309, 308 HUDSON 13, 199, 269, .377, 390 HUGHES, see HEWES 32, 418 HUGHSON 145 HUIT, 34, 127, 508 HULL, 82, 128, 175, 192, 259, 319, 332, 3,53, 309, 437, 459, 511, 513 HUMPHREY, HUMPHREYE, 16. 22, 24, 44, 100, 132, 147, 177, 246, 251, 283, 328, 338, 379, 433, 485, 501 HUN 357 HUNGERFOOT 282 HUNLOKE 407 HUNNIBORNE 419 HUNT, 27, 34, 47, 120, 133, 172, 270, 318, 384, 420, 422, 484 HUNTER 33, 124, 236 HUNTING 1 !. 340, 357, 3S3, 479 HUNTINGTON 205, 389 HURST 203, 450, 504 HUSSEY, 26, 109 HUTCHINS 152. 206, 260, 482 HUTCHINSON, 29, 45, 58, 86, 113, 121, 136, 164, 176, 184, 203, 210, 212, 221, 225, 250, 272, 274, 276, 301, 313, 324, 376, 384, 392. 401, 404, 422, 434, 443, 491 HYDE, . . 55, 103, 105, 142, 178. 432. 485, 486 INGERSOLL 350, 356 H^BITT 417 IBROOK 107, 459 IDE 55 II.KS 301 ILSLEY 133, 206 INGALLS 147, 150, 251, 28.3, 337 ING, INGS, INGLE, see English. INGIONE 340 INGRAHAM 144, 186, 397 INGULDEN 309 IRELAND 200, 203, 253, 307, 483 IRESON 281, 400 IRISH 90, 476 ISAAC 133 IVES 224 lAEY 36 IVORY 123 INGLEDEN, 65 JACUAS, see JAQUES 461 JANSEN 368 JACKLING 350 JACKMAN 333 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. JACKSON, 29, 41, 74, 90, 94, 105, 110, 112, 124, 192, 291, 327, 388, 405, 449, 450, 452, JAMESON JACOB 20, 26, 41, 149, 207, 395, JAMES, 19, 39, 216, 226, 255, 280, 313. 395, 433, 440, 444, JANES 37, JAQUES 70. 86, JARRETT, JARRARD JAY JEPFRESON JEFFREY JEFFS JEGGLES JENKS 30, JENKINS, 48, 116, 219, 454, 404, JENNER, 188, 290, JENNEY, 229, 368, 422, JENNINGS, JEWELL, 201, JEWETT, 13, 49, 62, 88, 125, JTNGINE JOCELYN 267, 329. 370, JOHNSON, 6 17, 34, 44, 52, 70, 70, 78, 87, 97, 98, 111, 140, 162, 175, 180, 181, 199, 210, 225, 226, 238, 271, 290, 292, 294, 307, 310, 315, 326, 328, 331, 335, 341, 354, 357, 368, 369, 370, 426, 432, 435, 447, 401. JOLLIFFE, 123, JONES, 35, 39, 48, 81, 84, 125, 133, 130, 155, 178, 185, 186, 201, 243, 288, 331, 333. 337, 363, 370, 385, 394, 399, 412, 458, 401, 463, 473, 479, JORDAN, 51, 108, 146, 205, 256, 296, 312. JOY 75, 180, 190, 363, 374, JOYCE JUDKIN, 141, 223. JUDSON 13, JUPE KAYE KADE, sec CADE. KEAYNE, KEENE, etc., 28, 68, 75, 94, 109, 110, 131, 140, 145, 148, 194, 208, 214, 264, 299, 338, 348, 352, 378, 411, 417, 432, 437, KEBED KELLY 80, 425, KELLOGG KELSEY, KELSOE KEMBY KEMP 166, KEMPTHORN KEMPTON, 188, 379, KENDALL 236, 425, 440, 514 KEXDRICK 97, 254, 321, 303 KENNEY 463 KENNINGE KENNISTON 504 KENT, 17, 18, 49, 99, 134, 196, 211, 403, 438 476, 263 KERBY 89, 207, 279, 298 KERLY, 204, 393, 363 KERRIDGE 480 KETTELL 293, 48 KEYLEY 361 KEY, KEYES 190, 409 KEYSER, KEZAR 238, 398, 203 KIBBEE 201, 204, 491 KIBBEN 461 KIDDER 511 KIDWELL 124 KILBOURNE, 32, 159, 442, 463 KILHAM, CALLEM 77, 191, 359, 291 KILIN 498 KIMBALL, KEMBALL, 9, 36, 53, 68, 518 404. 412, KING, 33, 40. 51, 66, 101, 127, 133, 161, 171, 172, 190, 201, 219, 260, 267, 374, 380, 385, 408, 429, 488, KINGMAN 49, 102, KINGSBURY, 86, 118, 124, 223, KINGSLBY, KINGLEY, 130, 277, 389, 396, KINGSTON, KINSMAN KIRK KIRTLAND, CATLAND, etc KITCHEN, 48, 196, KITCHERILL KITSON KLINE, KNAPP, 11, 87, 202, 352, 424, KNBLAND, KNIGHT, 38, 66, 68, 103, 123, 188. 237, 252, 256, 261, 271, 283, 288, 368, 369, 427, 438, 440, 459, 483, KNORE, KNOWER KNOTT KNOWLES, KNOLLYS, 45, 49, 242, 250, KNOWLTON 463, LACHMAN LADD 118, LAKE 31, 181, 214, 262, 276, 370, LAMB 15, 38, 113, 176, 220, 509, I-AMBERT 32, 156, 179, 331, LAMBSON 25, 115, 509 274 494 495 482 401 282 223 265 398 504 115 495 449 394 311 265 290 395 448 423 102 370 123 513 416 423 345 477 47 196 420 258 11 317 427 463 397 117 438 494 133 397 462 323 386 57 450 399 142 383 65 480 87 516 145 456 457 504 508 416 443 517 389 516 538 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. LANCASTER, fiO, 151 LANE, 82, 186, 187, 243, 286, 366, S79, 385, 405, 438 LANGDON, LANCTON, 164, 288, 326, 374 LANGEAIORE 302 LANGER 286 LANGLEY 122, 187, 248, 298 LANGOME, 284 LAPHAM, 219, 454 LARKIN, LASKIN 72, 227, 354 LASSELL 41, 183, 2S2, 286 LATHAM 69, 91, 305,508 LATTIMORE 201, 303 LAUGHTON 44, 326 LAUNCE 412 LAUNDER 184 487 LAWRENCE, 26, 37, 44, 61, 122, 1S2, 190, 314, 357, 418, 428, 466 LAWS 97, 325 LAWSON 141, 265 LEE(^H, . . 86, 113, 156, 178, 190, 352, 452 liEADBETTBR 456 LEADER 257 I,EAGER 54, 199 LEARNED 49, 434 LEASON 339 LEATHERBEE, LBATHERLAND, LERABY, . . 142, 103, 282, 326, 347, 393 LEAVITT 187, 289 LE BARON 497 LECROPT, 309 LECHFORD 4, 225, 497 LEDGARD 164 LEE, LEA, . . 23, 79, 87, 178, 282, 488, 512 I,EAVER 40, 179 LEEDS 498 LEGAT, 504 LEGG 349 LEIGHTON 61, 192 I VEAZIE 176, 4S0 VEREN 20, 113, 294, 373, 509 VERMASE, see FERMAES. VICARS 358 VICKARY 246 VINAL 28 VINCENT 86, 128, 158, 338, 374 VINES 214 VINING 380 VOLT 382 VORE 340 VOSE 27, 517 WADDELL, WODDBLL, WARD- WELL 315, 386, 446, 472, 515 WADE. ^VAD, 65, 209. 226, 257, 295, 339, 486 WADLAND 55 WADSWORTH 431, 446 WAGGETT 493 AVAINWRIGHT 51, 332 WAIT. 127, 191, 294, 405, 445, 464, 497, 514 WAKELEY 107 WAKELIN, 366 W ALDEN, 418 WALDO 108, 351 WALDRON, 503 WALES, 22, 50, 133, 200, 466 WALKER, 71, 72, 112, 125, 141, 152, 175. 184, 232, 243. 279. 281, 313, 344, 345, 358, 405, 445, 446, 453, 518 W ALLEN, 493 WALLEY 414, 506 WALLIDGE 316 WALLINGTON, see WELLINGTON. WALLIS 64, 252 WALSBY 299 WALTER 29S, 482 WALTHAM 117, 122, 315, 384, 397 WALTON 307 WANDLEY 422 AVAMPOS 175 WARD. 42, 102, 104, 110, 139, 161, 170, 173, 192, 214, 239, 243, 253, 264, 268, 289, 308, 332, 381, 491, 492 WARE 184, 186, 248, 418, 442, 470 WARFIELD, 378, 411 WARHAM, 5, 11, 184, 307, 326. 388, 516 WARNER 62, 72, 437, 487 WARREN, 35, 36, 48, 99, 258, 288. 374, 407, 425. 428. 491, 497. 501, 518 548 OTHER NAMES AND CROSS INDEX. WARRENER 310, WARWICK AVASHBURN 08. WATERMAN GO, 225, 279, 280, WATERS, 5, 12, 93, 210, 287, 349, 304, 457, 487, WATHEN 231, WATKINS 27, WATSON, 32, 53, 72, 92, 158, 192, 232, 272, WATTS 159, 276, 309, WAY, . . 82, 203, 263, 307, 387, 441, 459, WEBB, 23, 28, 93, 114, 159, 172, 238, 273, 404, 410, 449, 459, 488, WEBSTER 25, 39, 156, 100, WEDGEWOOD WEED WEEDEN 110, WEEKS, WICKS, 219. 247, 262, 297, 364, 461, WEIGHTMAN, WIGHTMAN, WELCH 103, WELD, 52, GO, 137, 138, 228, 250, 260, 436, WELLINGTON 58, 193, 341, 432, WELLMAN, WELLS, . . . Ill, 191, 246, 386, 393, 437, WELSTEAD, WEN WARDEN, see WORDEN. WESSON WEST 44, 309, 399, 400, 441, WESTBROOK, 223, WESTGATE 5. WESTON, 37, 88, 214, 243, 317, 318, 350, 351, 382, WETHERELL, 51, 127, 172, 335, 362, WHALE 87, WHALLEY WHARTON WHEATLEY 306, 346. WHEATON 17, WHEELDON 2.35. WHEELER, 16, 42. 71, 84, 86, 91, 116. 179, 223, 311, 360, 4.50, WHEELOCK 31, 78, 176, WHEELWRIGHT, 158, 202, 241, 249, 250, 281, 324, WHETSTONE WHITE, 14, 28, 29, 37, 45, 48, 61, SI, 90, 107, 119. 128, 140, 148. 175. 176, 234. 248, 249. 291, 316. 330. 335. 375. 389, 443, 447, 449, 451, 470, 472, 491, 507, 442 WHIPPLE S'>(i R7^Va. ^^^ ;;|fe;, %/ ^>W;; ^ ^^ ,_''-^i^'. ' ,^*' .^:4:'>-^ o ; /\ °!'^- ^'-\ ^^^ ^'\ ^ o ^0 -7-, » '^^'i^^^W * < o^ ' • • * (.0 ^, o •J ^ c' ©■^ * '>• "" ^° V. '•' \* .. -*• ,1* "V •■-•■ a" ^o. •^ / ,>-..^^^ ^ ^ z.:^ -■>..« .A. ^o. ^ A" "^ \*" ,. "-*- ^ O. • = . ^ 1.'*°- %> V **'*'*<:' ,0 .^■*