WAR RECOR '^^iM iECONDTlAHSBURG TRAINING "^^M ;> a !.■>■• ,»«■;., %M^;ii^-^:^^^ '-''-^ Class J) 4 a _ Book . L ; 7 Ex Copyright 1^^ COFOUGHT DEPOSm THE WAR RECORD OF THE FIFTH COMPANY NEW ENGLAND REGIMENT SECOND PLATTSBURG TRAINING CAMP Published for limited circulation among the former members of this organization ^ PRINTED AT THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1922 0^ COPYRIGHT, 1923 HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS JUL 19 1922 ©CI.A(;77r)6 7 DEDICATED TO OUR DEAD f^arolU W. ©oiioban f^arolti ^. ^ink\)mx Cijarles JE, Eoole FOREWORD We trust that any errors or omissions which may be found in this book will be overlooked, as due to the nature of the sub- ject it was particularly difficult to make a perfect and com- plete record. Had it been possible in November, 1917, to have foreseen the futures of all the 5th Company men and published these records at that time, this book would undoubtedly have been of far greater interest than it is at present. We hope, however, that even now it will be of lasting value as a re- minder of old friends and stirring times. Fifth Company Records Committee. FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD FIFTH COMPANY INSTRUCTORS AT PLATTSBURG JAMES P. COLE Permanent Address Omega, Louisiana. Business Address Louisiana State L^niversity, Baton Rouge, Louis- iana. Present Occupation Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Last heard from May, 1922. As a Captain, Infantry, in the Regular Army detailed to in- struct at Plattsburg. Later assigned to 4tli Division for duty. Sailed overseas, May 5, on H. M. S. Olympic as major commanding a battalion in one of the 4th Division Infantry regiments. German Submarine U-103 rammed and sunk during this voyage on May 11. Landed, Southampton, May 12. Crossed to France from Dover to Calais. In train- ing behind the British lines about four weeks. Entered front lines for four days with the French at Laferte-Milon. Took part in Aisne-Marne Offensive entering the lines July 29, near Sergy on the Ourcq in command of a front line battalion. Was wounded that afternoon, having left leg shattered above the knee and a small hole in shoulder. Sent to Base Hospital No. 48 near Nevers. Evacuated in November, sailing from Brest, November 19, and arriving Newport News, Novem- ber 29. Sent to Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Georgia, as patient. Retired from active service, October 30, 1919. FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD OLIVER JAMES SCHOONMAKER Permanent Address Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Business Address South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Chair Manufacturer. Last heard from May, 1922. Attended 1st Plattsburg Training Camp as 1st Lieutenant, Officers Reserve Corps. Commissioned Major, Infantry, U. S. R., August 8, 1917. Duty as instructor 2nd Plattsburg Training Camp until November 27. Commanding Officer, Supply Train, 76th Division, November 27, 1917 to March 28, 1918. Also on detached service during this period at 3rd Officers Training Camps, Camp Devens. Assigned to 303rd Infantry, March 29. Ordered to Field Officers School at Langres, France, June 24. Assigned to 7th Division, No- vember 17, with duty as Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 55th Infantry. Stations in France: Vesnames, Segogne, Villers-sous-Preny, and Andilly. Retains Reserve Commis- sion as Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry. ALEXANDER KENDALL Permanent Address 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Business Address 126 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Treasurer, Downer, Hunnewell and Company (Importers) . Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., August 15, 1917. Senior Instructor 5th Company, 2nd Plattsburg Training Camp, August 27 to November 27, 1917. Instructor, 1st Company, 3rd and 4th Officers Training Camps, Camp Devens, December 26, 1917 to June 20, 1918. Commanding Officer Company I, 303rd Infantry, at Camp Devens and Uzay-le-Venon, France, until November 11. Promoted to 4 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Major and transferred to 356tli Infantry, Ehrang, Germany, December 20. Arrived at Camp Upton with this organiza- tion, June 1, 1919. Discharged at Camp Devens, July 1, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as Major, Infantry. ROBERT H. GEORGE Permanent Address 184 Livingston Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Business Address Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Present Occupation Assistant Professor of History. Last heard from March, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., August 15, 1917. Instructor 5th Company, 2nd Plattsburg Training Camp, August 27 to November 27. Commander Officer, Company I, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, December 15, 1917. Sailed overseas, July 8, 1918, with same organization. Stationed near Chateauneuf-sur-Cher, July to November, 1918. At- tended 3rd Corps School, Clamecy, September to October, 1918. Attached for duty as assistant to Chief of Division of Western Europe, American Commission to Negotiate Peace, January 1, 1919. Returned to the United States, August 1, 1919, Discharged at Hoboken, August 2, 1919. FORMER CANDIDATES GLENN M. AINSWORTH Permanent Address Columbus, Ohio. Business Address Columbus, Ohio. Present Occupation With Allen Motor Company. Last heard from May, 1919, while still in service. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Ordnance, U. S. R., Novem- ber 23, 1917. Stationed in Washington during the war as specialist on 37 millimeter gun, December 15, 1917 to June 5, 1919. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) ELLIS J. BARDSLEY Permanent Address Mizpah Inn, Syracuse, New York. Business Address Fafnir Bearing Company, New Britain, Connecti- cut. Present Occupation Sales Department. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 304th Infantry, Company B, at Camp Devens from December 15, 1917 to April 5, 1918. On duty Rhode Island State College from April 5, 1918 to August, 1918. Assigned to duty Wentworth Institute, Bos- ton, August 19 to September, 1918. At St. Peter's College, Jersey City, and Fordham College, New York, September, 1918, to February, 1919. From February to April, 1919, on duty at Infantry Officers' School, Camp Lee, Virginia. In- structor in the R. O. T. C. of New Britain, Connecticut, High Schools from April to September, 1919. Discharged Camp Devens, September, 1919. 6 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD CADELLA I. BARROWS Permanent Address 436 West 57th Street, New York City. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Manager Automobile Specialty Business. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Attached to Company C, 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917 to June 1, 1918. Company Commander 34th Company, Depot Brigade, June 1 to July 15, 1918. Commanding Officer S. A. T. C. Technical High School, Springfield, Massachusetts, July 15, 1918 to May 1, 1919. Company Commander Company G, 36th Infantry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1 to July 15, 1919, on Provost Guard in City of Boston. Dis- charged July 15, 1919, at Camp Devens. WESLEY EARL BARROWS Permanent Address 160 Porter Street, Providence, Rhode Island. Business Address 10-1 Murphy Street, Dallas, Texas. Present Occupation Trustee for Aquilla-Mexia Oil Company. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps (later Air Service), U. S. R., November, 1917. Military Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ground School, November 27, 1917 to March 2, 1918. Engineer Officer in charge of Rich Field, Waco, Texas, March 11 to June 1, 1918. Commanding OflScer Casual Company 264, Camp Merritt, June 10 to July 10, 1918. Sailed overseas July 10 and was stationed at Brest and Saint Aignan with this company from July 21 through July 31. Attended school at Saint Maxient, August 1 to August 10. Engineer Officer in charge of field at Aerial Gunnery School, Saint Jean de Monto, August 10 to September 11. Engineer Officer 354th Aero Squadron at 7 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Colombey-les-Belle, Autreville, Saizerais, and Toul Field, September 11, 1918 to April 2, 1919. Engineer Officer 12th and 24tli Air Park, 3rd Army, at Coblenz and Weisenthurm, April 2 to October 31. Special Air Service Attache to Aeronautical Exposition, Amsterdam, September 5 to 30. Discharge date not given. HAROLD M. BATES Permanent Address 19 North Lenape Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey. Business Address Bergougnan Rubber Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from About January, 1921. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 153rd Depot Brigade at Camp Dix. Transferred to Newark, New Jersey, on special edu- cational work June 6, 1918. Commanding Officer of S. A. T. C. at Upper Iowa University, Fayette, and Luther Col- lege, Decorah, Iowa, from September 8 to December 8, 1918. Discharged December 8, 1918, Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa. MAX A. BENGS Permanent Address 121 Park Street, South Manchester, Connecticut. Business Address Cheney Brothers, South Manchester, Connecticut. Present Occupation Silk Dyeing. Last heard from May, 1922. Private at Ordnance Supply School, Camp Hancock, Georgia, May 1 to August 21, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieute^ant, Ordnance, U. S. R., August 21. Shortly after arrival over- seas attended Artillery Ammunition School at Jonchery, September 25 to October 27. At 2nd Army ammunition dump north of Toul as Officer in Charge, October 28, 1918 to May 26, 1919. Discharge date not given. 8 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD JOSEPH B. BISBEE, Jr. Permanent Address 815 Pine Street, Michigan City, Indiana. Business Address Smith Brothers, Inc., Michigan City, Indiana. Present Occupation Manager Plant No. 2. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Attached to Headquarters Company, 316th Infantry, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917. Company Commander Company H, 316th Infantry, April 1 to April 7, 1918. Detached and assigned to Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, New Jersey, equipping and shipping troops over- seas from Overseas Casuals, Permanent Detachment, Camp Merritt, New Jersey. Later given command of District No. 3, Camp Merritt, until discharged April 2, 1919. CHARLES BARNES BLANCHARD Permanent Address 16 Park Drive, Brookline, Massachusetts. Business Address Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Present Occupation Publisher. Last heard from May, 1922. Civilian employee in Personnel Department, Bureau of Air- craft Production, Washington, D. C, February to August, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Air Service Produc- tion, August 15, 1918. In charge of Furlough Section, Industrial Relations Department, Bureau of Aircraft Production in Washington until December, 1918. Trans- ferred to Boston as Assistant Executive Officer, Finance Division, Bureau of Aircraft Production, in December, 1918. Discharged April 1, 1919. WALTER L. BOUVE, Jr. Permanent Address Hingham, Massachusetts. Business Address Not known. Present Occupation Not known. Last heard from About January, 1921, while still in service. 9 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917 to June 12, 1918. Assigned to Company C, 807th Pioneer Infantry, Camp Dix, June 12 to August 3. Overseas with same organization from August to October 26 in Saint Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Assigned to Company L, 30th Infantry, 3rd Division, Octo- ber 26. In the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and later in the Army of Occupation with this same company. Returned to the States in August, 1919, with the 30th Infantry. Sta- tioned at Camp Pike, Arkansas, part of the time with Com- pany L and the rest as Adjutant, 3rd Battalion, until May 12, 1920. Assigned to School of Arms, Camp Benning, Georgia, as Detachment Adjutant from May 12 on. In the service as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, until recently. Adjutant Gen- eral now reports him no longer in army. CHAPIN BRINSMADE Permanent Address Washington, Connecticut. Business Address Not known. Present Occupation Not known. Last heard from November, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Sailed overseas, July 8, 1918. Returned to the United States, July 13, 1919. Discharged July 31, 1919, at Camp Dix, New Jersey. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) 10 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD PHILIP MILLER BROWN Permanent Address New Ipswich, New Hampshire. Business Address First National Corporation, Chicago. lUinois. Present Occupation Banking. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Decembtr 15, 1917 to February, 1918, attached to Company B, 314th Infantry, Camp Meade, Maryland. February to April, 1918, Grenade School, Fort Sill, Okla- homa. April to September Commanding Officer North- western University Training Detachment, Evanston, Illinois. September to October Commanding Officer, S. A. T. C, Lombard College and Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. October to December 21, 1918, Commanding Officer, S. A. T. C, Peabody College for Teachers and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Discharged December 21, 1918, at Nashville as Captain, Infantry. RAYMOND WILLIAM BRYANT Permanent Address Care of The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned 312th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917 to June 17, 1918. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, Camp Meade, June 18, 1918 to April 29 1919. Assigned to Overseas Re- placement Depot, Camp Meade, April 30 to May 2, 1919. With same Depot at Brest, May 14 to July 15, 1919. As- signed to 18th Infantry, 1st Division, July 20 to 28, and 28th Infantry, 1st Division, July 29 to August 23. Assigned 11 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD to 7th Machine Gun Battalion, August 29 to October 10. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 8th Infantry, Octo- ber 10 to November 1, 1919. The last four assignments were to Army of Occupation troops. Assistant Camp Personnel Adjutant, Camp Devens, December 21, 1919, to April 12, 1920. Personnel Adjutant and Company Commander, 13th Infantry, April 12 to October 15. Student at the Infantry School, Camp Benning, Georgia, starting October 18, 1920. Still in the service as 1st Lieutenant, 16th Tank Battalion, Camp Meade, Maryland. FREDERICK C. BUBIER Permanent Address 23 Lafayette Park, Lynn, Massachusetts. Business Address Blair & Company, 10 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Bond Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company B, 311th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917 to May 30, 1918. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, Camp Meade, and transferred as follows : 31st Company, 8th Bat- talion, May 31 to June 20; 48th Company, 12th Training Battalion, June 21 to November 25; 6th Company, 2nd Training Battalion, November 26, 1918 to April 4, 1919, all at Camp Meade. Promoted to First Lieutenant August 16, 1918. Discharged April 4, 1919, at Camp Meade. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. MORRIS EVERETT BUMPUS Permanent Address 17 Edgemore Road, Quincy, Massachusetts. Business Address 7 Temple Street, Quincy, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from About January, 1921. 12 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, May 6, 1918. Ordered to report to Kelly Field, Texas, and served as Com- manding Officer of Line 14. Sailed overseas as a casual from Hoboken July 29. Stationed at Saint Maxient, Clichy, and Orley Field. Sailed from Brest, January 14, 1919, and was discharged at Garden City, Long Island, January 21, 1919. HARRY E. BURROUGHS Permanent Address 722 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Business Address 18 Tremont Street, Boston. Present Occupation Attorney-at-law. Last heard from May, 1922. On Recruiting Committee for the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. Four Minute Man for the Public Information Bureau of Washington. Assigned to duty at Camp Hancock, Georgia; at Camp Raritan, New Jersey; and Camps Stewart and Eustis, Virginia. No ranks, dates, or other in- formation available. EDWIN GRANT BURROWS Permanent Address 1306 Washtenaw Terrace, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Business Address Department of Journalism, University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Present Occupation Teacher of Journalism. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sailed from Hoboken as Casual Officer, Janu- ary 9, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, January 23, and Le Havre, January 26. Attended Automatic Weapons School and Infantry Specialists School, Langres, January 28 to February 25. Assigned to Mission Frangaise aupres de I'Armee Ameri- caine, at Centre d'lnstruction, 2nd Army (Army of Verdun), 13 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD February 25 to December 30, 1918. Duty as instructor on American Army and American ways to French Officers de- tailed as tactical advisers for American Troops. With the 38th French Infantry at the front in the Argonne and Cham- pagne (Meuse-Argonne Offensive), September 20 through October 5. Sailed from Brest, January 20, 1919, as Com- manding Officer Casual Company No. 229 arriving at Newport News, February 5. Discharged at Camp Upton, February 20, 1919. JOHN G. BUTLER Permanent Address Willowmead Farm, Roxbury, Connecticut. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Farmer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917 to July 8, 1918. Service overseas from July, 1918 to April 7, 1919. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Cavalry, October 29, 1918. Discharge date not given. DANIEL J. CANTY Permanent Address United States Army, Care of the Adjutant Gen- eral, Washington, D. C. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N. A., No- vember 27, 1917. Reported to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917. Transferred to Camp Travis, Texas, five days later. Left for Camp Merritt, Jan- uary 1, 1918. Sailed overseas on SS Madaiwaski, January 11. Reported to 2nd Division Supply Train on February 3. Served with this division in all its major operations, 14 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD and in the Army of Occupation until July 4, 1919. Gassed at Viersey, Soissons Sector, July 19, 1918, Awarded two American citations for gallantry in action. Awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Fourragere by the French. Ar- rived in New York from overseas, July 27, 1919. Assigned to duty at Northeastern Department, Boston. Transferred to Hawaiian Department, February, 1920, serving as Motor Transport Officer on staff of Major General Charles G. Morton. Accepted commission as Captain, Quartermaster Corps, Regular Army. Transferred to Camp Dix, July 5, 1921. Assigned in February, 1922, to Motor Transport Company No. 85, Army Base, Brooklyn, New York. JAMES H. CARROLL Permanent Address 497 Main Street, Lewiston, Maine. Business Address 215 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, Maine. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company A, 303rd Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917 to June 8, 1918. On duty at S. A. T. C, Clarkson Tech, Pottsdam, New York, June 10 to October 17. Promoted to Captain, Infantry, October 17, 1918, and made Commanding Officer of the S. A. T. C. at the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minne- sota. Summer duty as Physical Director at Camp Funston, Kansas. Discharged October 25, 1919 at Camp Dodge, Iowa. ROLAND H. COBB Permanent Address Denmark, Maine. Business Address Camp Winona, Denmark, Maine. Present Occupation Summer — Camp Director in Maine summer camps. Winter— Instructor at Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut. Last heard from March, 1922. 15 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sailed from Hoboken as Casual Officer, Janu- ary 9, 1918, arriving at Liverpool, January 23, and Le Havre, January 26. Attended Automatic Weapons School, Fort De Peigney, and Infantry Specialists School, Langres, Janu- ary 21 to February 22. Assigned to Company K, 307th In- fantry, 77th Division, Calais and Arras Sectors, March 28. Assigned to Company C, 118th Infantry, 30th Division, June 8, 1918 (Ypres-Lys Offensive, Ypres-Belgium Offen- sive, and Somme Offensive, September 1 to October 25, 1918). Returned to the States in command Company C and was discharged April 4, 1919, at Camp Jackson, Colum- bia, South Carolina. SHELDON C. COLLINS Permanent Address Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Business Address B. D. Rising Paper Company, Housatonic, Massa- chusetts. Present Occupation Paper Maker. Last heard from September, 1921. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 315th Infantry, Camp Meade, Maryland, from December 15, 1917 to March, 1918. As- signed to 154th Depot Brigade, Camp Meade, March 25, 1918, and served there until discharged from service Febru- ary 11, 1919. Discharged as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. ROY E. CONNOR Permanent Address 279 Summer Street, Somerville, Massachusetts. Business Address 131 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Real Estate. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to the 303rd Infantry, 76th Division, 16 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Camp Devens, with duty as Platoon and Company Com- mander, December 15, 1917 to July 3, 1918. With 303rd Infantry in France, July 15 to September 15. Assigned as Instructor at Army Candidates School, Langres, France. Tour of observation of two weeks in the Saint Mihiel Sector with the 2nd Division. Assigned to 54th Infantry, 6th Di- vision, at Montmoyen on January 15, 1919. Returned to the States and discharged at Camp Dix, May 24, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry. LINCOLN B. COPP Permanent Address Cornish, Maine. Business Address Cornish, Maine. Present Occupation Merchant. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Stationed at Camp Devens with the 304th Infantry and 151st Depot Brigade, December 15, 1917 to August, 1918, Stationed at Camp Perry, Ohio, August to October, 1918. Small Arms Firing School and a member of the Infantry Team in the National Matches, 1918. With 380th Infantry, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October to Decem- ber 7, 1918. Discharged at Camp Sherman, December 7, 1918. THOMAS L. CORNELL, 2nd Permanent Address National Folding Box Company, New Haven, Connecticut. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Manufacturing. Last heard fro7n May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sailed overseas, January 15, 1918, and at- tended the Second Corps School, Tactical Course, Chatillon- 17 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD sur-Seine, February 5 to March 1. Assigned to Company F, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, Toul Sector, March 15 to April 1. Cantigny Sector inchiding Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, June 9 to 13. Transferred to Company A, June 5. Aisne- Marne Offensive, Soissons Sector, July 18 to 23. Saizerais Sector, August 4 to 15. Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 16. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Exermont Sector, Sep- tember 29 to October 11. Promoted to Captain, October 29, and assumed command of Company A. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Advance to Sedan, November 1 to 11. March into Germany, November 11 to December 13. Army of Occupa- tion, December 13, 1918 to January 25, 1919. Transferred to 77th Division and placed in command Company A, 306th Infantry, February 15. Detailed as Infantry Instructor, 305th Field Artillery, February 21 to April 1. Placed in command Supply Company, 306th Infantry, April 1. Sailed from Brest, April 18. Arrived Camp Mills, April 25. Dis- charged at Camp Upton, May 10. Cited in 2nd Brigade orders, August, 1918. Decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross by General Pershing, September, 1918. Cited in 1st Division orders, December, 1918. Cited by General Petain and received the Croix de Guerre. WILLIAM B. CORNELL Pre-war Address 8678 Bay Park Way, Brooklyn, New York. Care of Mrs. C. O. Ekvall. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Reported to Port of Embarkation, Ho- boken, January 5, 1918, and sailed overseas January 15. Assigned to duty with 26th Infantry, 1st Division. Pro- 18 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD moted to 1st Lieutenant, July 30, Transferred to 380th Infantry, September 26. Discharged at Camp Sherman, December 12, 1918. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) MAXIME J. CORNELLIER Permanent Address 134 Salem Street, Lowell, Massachusetts. Business Address 102 Cabot Street, Lowell, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Three months in Civil Service as Sub-Inspector of Ammu- nitions. Enhsted in the Ordnance Department, Febru- ary 28, 1918. Assigned to Lowell, Massachusetts, as Engi- neer in charge of tests on Field Artillery Ammunition. Discharged March 5, 1919, as Private, First Class. WILLIAM H. CRABTREE Mail has all been returned. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. MORTON STIMSON CREHORE, Jr. Permanent Address Cohasset, Massachusetts. Business Address Roxbury Carpet Company, Saxonville, Massa- chusetts. Present Occupation Traffic Manager. Last heard from About January, 1921. Reported to the Medical Detachment, 2nd Infantry, Con- necticut National Guard, Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 17, 1917. Joined Headquarters Regi- ment, 1st Army, and went overseas with them March 14, 1918. Eighteen months in France, Medical Detachment, Headquarters Regiment, 1st Army. Promoted to Sergeant, May 17, 1918. Returned to the United States, August 9, 1919, and was discharged August 14, 1919. 19 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD MARTIN L. CURLEY, Jr. Permanent Address 38 Woodville Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts. Business Address 60 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Buyer for Commission House. Last heard from March, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917 to January 26, 1918. Attached to the Aviation School at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, January 27 to March 8. Commanding Officer, 63rd Aviation Squadron, Waco, Texas, March 9 to June 20. At Camp Greene, North Carolina, with same organization, June 21 to July 11. Sailed overseas on SS Megantic, July 29. Arrived in England, August 12. Attached 310th Squadron, August 13 to October 20, as Adjutant and later as Disciplinary Officer and Censor at Amesbury, Salisbury Plains, England. Appointed Adju- tant Aerial Gunnery School, October 21, Chichester Area, Ford Junction, England. Sailed home as Casual Ofiicer from Liverpool on SS Lapland, November 22. Discharged December 24, 1918. HARRY H. DENNING Permanent Address 102 Franklin Street, Brookline, Massachusetts. Business Address Highway Department, State House, Boston. Present Occupation Civil Engineer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Sailed overseas, January, 1918. Attended First Corps School, Gondrecourt, and Third Corps Intelli- gence School. Assigned to Company K, 125th Infantry, 32nd Division. Alsace Sector, May to July 19. Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 22 to August 1. Wounded, August 1. Com- FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD missioned 1st Lieutenant, September 5. Stationed at Blois, St. Aignan, Champlitte, France, and Rengsdorf, Germany, with the Army of Occupation. Discharged at Camp Devens, June 19, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieu- tenant, Infantry. CLIFFORD E. DENNIS Pre-war Address Hamburg, New Jersey. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Supply Company, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Assigned to this organization, February 27, 1918, and sailed overseas, July 8. Returned to the United States, July 13, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Devens, August 1, 1919. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant GeneraVs Office, Washington.) DWIGHT CHARLES DE YETTE Permanent Address 5 Hammond Place, Elmhurst, Long Island, New York. Business Address Blanchard Lumber Company, 11 Broadway, New York City. Present Occupation Lumber Salesman. Last heard from About January, 1921. Senior Inspector, Dayton, Ohio, District Office, Bureau of Aircraft Production, Lumber and Propeller Division, Jan- uary 6, 1918 to April 1, 1919. In connection with this work spent major part of the time at Fort Wayne, Indiana, in charge of inspecting rough lumber and manufacturing air- plane propellers. 21 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD LLOYD J. DILL Next of Kin Mrs. Helen W. Dill (Mother), 4000 Nebraska Avenue, Washington, D. C. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N. A., No- vember 27, 1917. Assigned to duty at Leon Springs, Texas. Transferred to Air Service and assigned to duty with Casual Detachment, Concentration Brigade, July 31, 1918. Dis- charged May 28, 1920. Died on August 28, 1921. {The above information urns obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) *P?arolti |iicl)olas ©onoban Next of Kin Mrs. Eliza E. Donovan (Mother), 41 Oakview Terrace, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to duty at Camp Devens, Decem- ber 15, 1917, and attached to the Supply Company, 304th Infantry. Sailed overseas, July 8, 1918. Upon arrival in France was made Battalion Scout Officer. As liaison officer made several trips to the front with troops. Later attended the 2nd Corps School at Chatillon-sur-Seine in the 37 milli- meter gun course. On the way back from school contracted pneumonia and died at Base Hospital No. 1, Neuilly-sur- Seine, on November 10, 1918. Buried in the American Cemetery at Surenes. WILLIAM T. DOOLEY Permanent Address 87 James Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Business Address Columbia Graphophone Company, Bridgeport Connecticut. Present Occupation Superintendent of Printing Department. Last heard from About January, 1921. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U.S.N. A., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sanitation OflScer, Trades Division, 1st Train- FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD ing Brigade, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, December 28, 1917 to July 8, 1918. Enlisted Mechanics Training Depart- ment, Kelly Field, July 8 to September 17, Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Air Service, September 13. Supply Officer, Vocational Section, S. A. T. C, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, September 17, 1918 to March 13, 1919. Marine and Rail Intelligence, 45 Broadway, New York City, March 13 to July 11. Discharged July 11, 1919, at Hoboken, New Jersey. PHILIP DOREMUS Permanent Address 411 Niagara Life Building, Buffalo, New York. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Salesman, Dfennison Manufacturing Company. Last heard from February, 1922. United States School of Military Aeronautics, Princeton, New Jersey, February 1 to April 1, 1918. Mitchell Field, Garden City, Long Island, April 1 to October 1. United States School of Military Aeronautics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, October 1 to November 25, 1918. ARTHUR RAY ELLIS Permanent Address Terrace Street, Montpelier, Vermont. Business Address State Street, Montpelier, Vermont. Present Occupation Special Agent in Vermont and New Hampshire for Queen Insurance Company of America. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., November, 1917. United States School of Military Aeronautics, University of Illinois, November 27, 1917 to January 17, 1918. United States School of Military Aero- nautics, Ohio State University, January 18 to March 28. On duty Taylor Field, Alabama, March 28, 1918. Appointed Commander of Service Sciuadron. Appointed Commandant FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD of Flying Cadets, August, 1918, and placed on flying status in September. Attended Division Gas School for Instructors at Camp Sheridan, Alabama, for ten days. Overseas orders issued October 22, but held at Hoboken till December 14. Discharged at Washington, D. C. HAROLD G. ELROD Pervianent Address 53 Dartmouth Street, Portland, Maine. Business Address 8 Union Mutual Building, Portland, Maine. Present Occupation Grain Merchant. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, De- cember 15, 1917. Assigned to Depot Brigade, Camp Gordon, Georgia, March, 1918. Assigned to School of Fire, Camp Perry, Ohio, August, 1918. Assigned to 90th Infantry, Camp Sevier, South Carolina, September, 1918. With 90th Infantry, Camp Hancock, Georgia, December, 1918. Dis- charged March 1, 1919. JOHN F. FENTON Permanent Address 1824 Keystone Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Business Address Room 351, Insurance Exchange Building, Chicago, Illinois. Present Occupation Insurance Adjuster for Travelers Insurance Com- pany. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sailed overseas from Hoboken, January 15, 1918, on SS Mongolia, landing at Liverpool, January 30 and Le Havre, February 1. Second Corps School, Chatillon- sur-Seine, France, February 5 to March 10, 1918. Assigned to Company A, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, Toul Sector, March 11 to April 28, 1918. Assigned to Transportation 24 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Corps, April 28, being stationed at Tours, Bordeaux, Mar- seilles, and Paris. Sailed from Brest, October 19, 1919, and was discharged at Washington, D. C, November 1, 1919. GEORGE O. FERGUSON Permanent Address 76 Westland Avenue, Boston. Business Address Not given. Present Occupation Not given. Last heard from About January, 1921. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, TJ. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company D, 312th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917. Transferred to 154th Depot Brigade in July, 1918. In com- mand of the 1st Company till September, 1918. Attended Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry. Assigned to the Machine Gun Company, 380th Infantry, Camp Sherman, Ohio, in September. Discharged at Camp Sherman, De- cember 8, 1918. *^arolti JF* JFlmin Next of Kin Mrs. Mary F. Flynn (Mother), 427 Harris Av- enue, Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Company F, 314th Infantry, 79th Division, December 15, 1917. Sailed overseas with this or- ganization, July 8, 1918. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Octo- ber 21. Served in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Killed in action November 9, 1918, while a member of Company M, 314th Infantry. (The above information was obtained from the Adjutant GeneraVs Office, Washington.) 25 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD ARTHUR E. GARDNER Pre-war Address 410 Main Street, West Springfield, Massachu- setts. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported for duty at Camp Devens, Decem- ber 15, 1917. Assigned to 303rd Machine Gun Battalion, 76th Division, June 13, 1918. Sailed overseas, July 8. Re- turned to the United States, February 23, 1919. Discharged at Newport News, Virginia, May 2, 1919. {The above information ivas obtained from the Adjutant General' s Office, Washington.) JAMES M. GILLEN Permanent Address 119 Pine Street, Bangor, Maine. Business Address 12 Columbia Building, Bangor, Maine. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 77th Division, December 15, 1917 to January, 1918. United States School of Military Aero- nautics, Columbus, Ohio, February to April, 1918. Air Service Flying School, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1918 to January, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Air Service, Signal Corps. NATHANIEL J. GLOVER Pre-war Address 27 Mount Vernon Street, Melrose, Massachu- setts. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. 26 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD IVERS ALFRED HACKETT Permanent Address 33c Main Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. Business Address Not known. Present Occupation Not known. Last heard from February, 1922. Assigned to the 4th Recruit Company, Foit Slocum, July 5, 1918. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Georgia, July 8, 1918. Assigned to 30th Company, Machine Gun Training School. Student Machine Gun School, 154th Company, July 23. Machine Gun Instructor, First Wing Machine Gun School, August 18. Sergeant Instructor, First Wing Machine Gun School, October 8. Sergeant, 121st School Company, E. M. T. D. Machine Gun School, November, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Devens, 7th Company, 2nd Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade, January 11, 1919. Discharged January 15, 1919. ALFRED HANSEN Permanent Address 64 Brush Hill Road, Milton, Massachusetts. Business Address Room 315, 50 Congress Street, Boston. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 313th Infantry, 79th Division, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917. Assigned to 154th Depot Brigade, June 15, 1918. Assigned to 808th Pioneer Infantry, July 7, 1918. Sailed overseas, August 31, landing at Brest, September 7. Regiment assigned to 1st Army Advance Sector arriving at Dombasle-en-Argonne, September 19. Meuse-Argonne offensive September 26 to November 11. Sailed from Brest, June 12, arriving at New- port News, June 22, 1919. Discharged at Camp Devens, July 15, 1919. 27 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD HAROLD GEORGE HARMAN Permanent Address 18 Vanderbilt Road, Hartford, Connecticut. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Insurance. Last heard from About January, 1921, Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Camp Dix, December 15, 1917 to January 23, 1918. Commission transferred to Signal Corps, January 28, Student at United States School of Military Aeronautics, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1 to April 3. Stationed at Waco, Texas, April 8 to May 20 with 4th Company, 1st Regiment, Camp Greene, North Caro- lina, May 31 to August 6, Mitchell Field, August 9-19, Fort Wayne, Detroit, Michigan, August 21 to December 6. Discharged at Fort Wayne, December 6, 1918. THOMAS L. HEFFERNAN Permanent Address United States Army, Care of Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S, R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to duty with 303rd Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Sailed over- seas, June 28, 1918. Returned to the United States, Oc- tober 28, 1919. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, in the Regular Army, July 1, 1920. Present duty with Head- quarters Second Corps Area, Governors Island, New York. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) 28 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD RALPH H. HIGGINS Present Address Uxbridge, Massachusetts. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned Captain, Ordnance, U. S. R., November 23, 1917, Assigned to active duty. Sailed overseas, April 23, 1918. Returned to the United States, January 3, 1919. Discharged January 13, 1919. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washitigton.) CHARLES P. HOWARD Permajient Address Reading, Massachusetts. Business Address 53 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported for duty at Camp Stanley, Texas, December 15. Assigned to Company F, 53rd Pioneer In- fantry, Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, January 10, 1918. Special duty as Assistant Director of Officers' School for Provisional Depot for Corps and Army Troops. Also as Assistant Regimental Adjutant and Trial Judge Advocate. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, July 22. Sailed overseas, August 5, from Camp Upton, New York. Joined 1st Army Corps, Toul Sector, August 27. St. Mihiel Offensive, Sep- tember 12 to 17 (Acting Regimental Adjutant). Meuse- Argonne Offensive, September 26 to November 11 (Battalion and Regimental Adjutant) . Promoted to Captain, Infantry, November 4, 1918. Detached service as head of a depart- ment of United States Liquidation Commission, Paris, April 24 to September 10, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, Sep- tember 26, and discharged October 15, 1919. 29 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD EDWARD HURST Permanent Address 8 Maple Street, Auburndale, Massachusetts. Business Address United Drug Company, Boston. Present Occupation Industrial Engineer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Camp Dix, New Jersey, Decem- ber 15, 1917 to February, 1918. Transferred to Air Service and assigned to Camp McArthur, W^aco, Texas, March, 1918, to April, 1918, acting as second in command of 11th Recruit Squadron, 3rd Regiment. Assigned to Rich Field, Waco, Texas, as Assistant to the Engineer Officer in charge of the repair and maintenance of planes. May, 1918, to January 1919. ROBERT E. JACKSON Permanent Address 234 Main Street, Wakefield, Massachusetts. Business Address Not known. Present Occupation Lumber Business. Last heard from November, 1921. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Assigned to Company M, 49th Infantry, December 15, 1917 to January 1, 1918. Military Postoffice, Hoboken, New Jersey, January 1. 49th Infantry, Camp Merritt, New Jersey, February 25. Headquarters Staff, Camp Merritt, July 1, 1918 to February 24, 1919. RALPH E. JONES Permanent Address 102 Walpole Street, Norwood, Massachusetts. Business Address United States Army, Care of the Adjutant Gen- eral, Washington, D. C. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard from March, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Leon Springs, December 15, 1917. 30 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Kelly Field, Texas, Adjutant, 1st Training Brigade, Decem- ber 25, 1917. Transferred to Air Service. School Military Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technologj^ Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, April 1, 1918. Payne Field, Missis- sippi, Camp Transportation and Engineer Officer, August 1, 1918. Air Service Field Supply Officer, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, July 17 to October 25, 1919. Office of Chief of Staff, War Plans Division, E. and R. Division, February 23 to June 25, 1920. Education Section, Adjutant General's Office, June 25, 1920. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, In- fantry, on July 1, 1920. Student in school at Fort Benning, Georgia, March, 1922. THOMAS F. JOYCE Permanent Address United States Army, Care of the Adjutant Gen- eral, Washington, D. C. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard frovi March, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantrj^ No- vember 27, 1917. Assigned to Company L, 59th Infantry, Camp Greene, North Carolina, from January 18, 1918 to May 5, 1918. Attended Infantry School of Arms, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as Student in Bayonet Course, February, 1918. Sailed overseas May 5 with 59th Infantry, 4th Division. Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 12 to 14, as observer. Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18 to August 12, as Company Commander. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 5 to September 15, as Platoon Com- mander. Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to October 1, as Platoon Commander. Ordered to United States as Liaison Officer and attached to the 11th Division, Camp Meade, 31 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD until November 16. Ordered to Central Officers Training School, Camp Lee, Virginia, as Instructor until April, 1919. Ordered to Port of Embarkation, Newport News, Virginia, as Athletic Officer of the Port until October 10, 1919. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, October 28, 1919. Re- tained Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry. Recom- missioned in Regular Army as Lieutenant. Student in school at Camp Benning, Georgia, March, 1922. WINTHROP W. KENNEY Permanent Address Weston, Massachusetts. Business Address Kenney Brothers & Wolkins, 224 Congress Street, Boston. Present Occupation With above firm. Last heard from April, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S.R., November 17, 1917. Attached to Trench Mortar Platoon, Head- quarters Company, 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, Massa- chusetts, December 15, 1917 to June 27, 1918. First Corps School, Gondrecourt, France, Trench Mortar and 37 Milli- meter Course, July 15 to August 15, 304th Infantry, Cha- teauneuf-sur-Cher, until October 27, 1918. 163rd Infantry, Bourre, until January 15, 1919. 162nd Infantry, Contre, until February 24. Headquarters Troop, 41st Division, Saint Aignan, until May 22. Detached service Gievres until August 16, 1919. Discharged at Camp Devens, Septem- ber 15, 1919. JOHN C. KETCHAM Permanent Address Presque Isle, Maine. Business Address 102 Walnut Place, Syracuse, New York. Present Occupation Student at Syracuse University. Last heard from About January, 1921. 32 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps. Re- signed, January 10, 1918, for purpose of enlistment. Enlisted February 2 and assigned 22nd Company, 20th Engineers (Forestry). Reported for duty Camp American University, Washington, D. C, Februarj^ 4. Appointed Corporal and Company Clerk, February 12. Sailed overseas February 27, landing at Brest, March 11. Stationed at Le Gavre for duty in Forest Exploitation. Ordered to Headquarters 8th Battalion at Orleans, April 14. Appointed Battalion Supply Sergeant, June 1, and Battalion Sergeant Major, August 14. Traveled in Base Sections 3, 5, and 7; interme- diate Section; and the Advance Section near Paris. Re- turned to the United States, June 15, 1919, landing at New- port News, June 26. JOHN M. KINGSLEY Permanent Address 14 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Business Address 571 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Present Occupation Produce — Butter, Eggs, and Cheese. Last heard from April, IQS'J. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company D, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Transferred commission to Quartermaster Corps, August, 1918. As- signed to Motor Truck Company No. 504, Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia, as commanding officer. Sailed over- seas, October 14. Attached to Labor Battalion, Neuf- chateau. Assigned to Sanitary Train, 2nd Division, Engers, Germany, February 10, 1919. Left Army of Occupation, April 16. Discharged at Camp Lee, May 1, 1919. FRANK LAMBERT Pre-war Address 47 Glen Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. 33 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD ROYAL LITTLE Permanent Address 5 Maple Street, Brookline, Massachusetts. Business Address The Lustron Company, 44 K Street, South Boston. Present Occupation Artificial Silk Manufacturing. Last heard Jrom May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, January 5, 1918. Sailed on SS Mongolia, January 15. Landed at Liverpool, England, January 30. Sailed from Southampton, January 31, and landed at Le Havre, Febru- ary 1. Tactical Course, Second Corps School, Chatillon-sur- Seine, February 5 to March 10. Tour of observation, French Front at Arracourt until March 24. Reported to 42nd Divi- sion and assigned to Company K, 167th Infantry, March 24. Baccarat Sector, sub sector Vacqueville, March 29 to June 18. Suippes Sector, sub sector Souain, July 4 to 14. Champagne- Marne Defensive, July 15 to 18. Aisne-Marne Offensive (La Croix Rouge Farm and the Crossing of the Ourcq), July 25 to August 2. Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 16. Essey Sector, sub sector Saint Benoit, September 17 to 27. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 5 to November 9 (Cote de Chatillon, October 11 to 21, and Advance to Sedan, November 2 to 9). March to Germany, November 16 to December 16. Army of Occupation at Sinzig-am-Rhein, December 16, 1918 to April 6, 1919. Sailed from Brest, April 15, and arrived at Hoboken and Camp Merritt, April 25. Discharged at Camp Devens, May 3. WILLIAM R. LYNCH Permanent Address 3 Oak Street, Danvers, Massachusetts. Business Address 19 Congress Street, Boston. Present Occupation Assistant Cashier, Dillon, Read & Company. Last heard from May, 1922. 34 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company K, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Transferred to Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, New Jersey, May 17, 1918. Discharged at Hoboken, February 1, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. Present assignment, 376th Infantry, 64th Division. JOHN H. McCABE Permanent Address United States Army, Care of Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Master Sergeant in the Army. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. N. A., November 27, 1917. Honorably discharged, October 27, 1919. Reenlisted, November 20, 1919. Honor- ably discharged as 1st Sergeant, Motor Transport Company No. 8, Quartermaster Corps, November 19, 1920. Re- enlisted for three years at Boiling Field, Anacostia, D. C, November 26, 1920. Present duty as Master Sergeant, 24th Pursuit Squadron, France Field, Canal Zone. Retains Re- serve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, March 12, 1920. {The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) BERTRAM T. McCARTER Permane7it Address 730 Ravine Road, Plainfield, New Jersey. Business Address Room 623, 195 Broadway, New York City. Present Occupation American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Sailed overseas in January, 1918. Ma- chine Gun Course, Second Corps School, Chatillon-sur-Seine, 35 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD February 1 to March 10. Tour of observation with 95th Regiment, 5th French Army Corps. Assigned to Company C, 103rd Machine Gun Battahon, 26th Division, June 29, 1918. Returned to the States as Machine Gun Instructor and pro- moted to 1st Lieutenant, Camp Hancock, Georgia. Aide-de- Camp to Brigadier General OHver Edwards. Discharged at Camp Hancock, Georgia, March 25, 1919. RAYMOND ANTHONY McDONALD Permanent Address 145 Verndale Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. Business Address Allen Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. Preseyit Occupation Salesman with Dutee, Wilcox, Flint, Inc. (Ford Agents) . Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Student at School of Military Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, De- cember 10, 1917 to March 10, 1918. Officers Instruction Course, Machine Shops, Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas, as Assistant Engineer Officer, March 17 to June 20. Sailed overseas landing at Liverpool, July 26. O. I. C, Liberty and Breguet Hangers, Second Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, France, August 15 to November 1. Assigned to 266th Aero Squadron as Engineer Officer, November 1. Sailed from Bordeaux, April 25, 1919, landing in New York, May 8. Discharged June 10, 1919. FRANCIS E. McGUIRE Permanent Address 245 West 55th Street, New York City. Business Address Same. Present Occupation President, B. C. McGuire Company, New York City; President, New York Premium Company, New York City; President, C. E. Taylor Com- pany, New York City; President, Saire Mer- chandise Company, Philadelphia. Last heard from May, 1922. 36 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD HENRY P. McKEAN, Jr. Permanent Address Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Poultry Breeding and Farming. Last heard from About January, 1921. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., November, 1917. Stationed at Fort Wayne, De- troit, Michigan, until discharged. JOHN H. MAECK Permanent Address Shelburne, Vermont. Business Address Savannah Hotel, Savannah, Georgia. Present Occupation Private Broker. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Engineers, U. S. R., Janu- ary 26, 1918. Sailed overseas to be student at British Tank School, Wareham, England, February 8. Transferred to Tank Corps, March 16, 1918. Returned on SS Lapland as Instructor, June 26. Instructor in American Tank Corps Schools at the following stations — Camp Tobyhanna, Penn- sylvania; Camp Polk, North Carolina; Camp Meade, Mary- land. Assigned to Company A, 301st Tank Corps Battalion, March 26, 1920. Discharged at Camp Benning, Georgia, October 12, 1920. ARTHUR H. MIDDLEMAS Permanent Address 25 South High Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Business Address 95 Pearl Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Present Occupation Bond Salesman with Paine, Webber and Com- pany. Last heard from About January 1, 1921. WILLIAM MATHEWSON MILLIKEN Permanent Address Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Curator of Decorative Arts. Last heard from February, 1922. 37 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Stationed at the School of Military Aeronautics, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, December 7, 1917 to January 31, 1918. Transferred to the School of Military Aeronautics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, February 1, 1918. Transferred to Park Field, Millington, Tennessee, March 16, 1918. Adjutant 282nd Aero Squadron, March 16 to April 4. In command of this Squadron from April 4 until discharged. Stationed at Mineola, Long Island, Field No. 2, from August 1 to August 7. Sailed overseas in command of the 282nd Aero Squadron, August 7. Stationed at the Duxford Aerodrome, Duxford, England, from August 29 to November 21, 1918, and in com- mand of the LTnited States Troops at this station from Octo- ber 1 on. Sailed from Liverpool, November 29, 1918, landing in Boston, December 11. Discharged at Camp Devens, December 23, 1918. LANGDON EMMONS MORRIS Permanent Address 383 Bath Avenue, Long Branch, New Jersey. Business Address 182 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, January 5, 1918. Sailed, January 9, arriving Liverpool, January 23, and Le Havre, January 26. Attended Army Schools at Langres, France, from January to May, 1918. Assigned to 60th Infantry, 5th Division, May, 1918. In lines with 60th Infantry, Anould Sector, to June, 1918. De- tailed to French General Staff College. Served with 8th French Army, Lorraine Front, June to September, 1918. 38 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Assigned to G-3, Headquarters United States Army, Toul, in October, 1918. In February, 1919, detailed as student to the University of Paris until June, 1919. Arrived at Ho- boken, July 29. Discharged at Camp Dix, New Jersey, August 15, 1919. JOHN J. MURPHY Permanent Address Eastport, Maine. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Weather Bureau, United States Department of Agriculture. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917. Transferred to Signal Corps (Air Service) January 31, 1918. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, February 2 to March 28. Detached service at Kelly Field, Texas, April 1 to May 10. Detached service at Elling- ton Field, Texas, until August 25. Promoted to Captain, Infantry, August 14. Attached to 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, Texas, August 26. Assigned to 19th Infantry, Camp Travis, January 10 to October 1, 1919. Discharged at Boston, October 1, 1919. GEORGE E. O'BRIEN Permanent Address 24 Carruth Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts. Business Address 92 South Street, Boston. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S, R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Camp Dix, December 15, 1917, and remained there until May 1, 1918. At this station FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD duties as follows: Attached to OflScers' School from date of reporting till February 1, 1918; then attached to Com- pany F, 309th Infantry, until May 1. Transferred May 1 to Camp Gordon, Georgia. Assigned to Company D, 3rd Infantry Replacement Regiment, and on duty with this out- fit till December 12, 1918. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. EDWARD J. OWENS, Jr. Permanent Address 5 Walnut Street, Newport, Rhode Island. Business Address 816 University Building, Syracuse, New York. Present Occupation Sales Engineer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company E, 303rd Infantry, Camp Devens, from December 15, 1917 to June 10, 1918. Ordered to Newton Technical School Training Detachment as Military Instructor, June 10, 1918. Served as Personnel Officer, Detachment Adjutant, Court Martial and Survey Officer until discharged, January 6, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. JOHN M. PARKER Permanent Address 3 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Travelers Insurance Company. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 313th Infantry, Camp Meade, Maryland, from December 15, 1917 to June 15, 1918. Trans- ferred to 3rd Training Battalion, same station, June 15, 1918. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, August 16, 1918. Discharged at Camp Meade, February 5, 1919. 40 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD CHARLES PARSONS Permanent Address Kennebunk, Maine. Business Address 15 Broad Street, New York City. Present Occupation Mining. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917, and served with this organ- ization until discharged, January 16, 1919. In this duty served in the following capacities. Battalion Adjutant, Regi- mental Personnel Officer, and Company Ccmmander. Pro- moted to Captain, Infantrj^ September 10, 1918. Retains Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry. WALTER C. PECK Pre-toar Address 74 Mill Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. LOREN RAY PIERCE Permanent Address Woodstock, Vermont. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from March, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N. A., No- vember 27, 1917. Assigned to various companies for in- struction at Camp Stanley, Leon Springs, Texas, Decem- ber 16, 1917 to January 10, 1918. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, January 15, 1918, and was on duty there to July 27, 1918. Adjutant 1st Battalion, 52nd Pioneer Infantry, from January 15 to March 17, 1919. Sailed overseas from Hoboken, New Jersey, August 2, 1918. Landed at Brest, France, August 11, 1918. Moved from Brest to St. Nazaire, August 16, 1918 — from St. Nazaire to Montoir, August 22 — from Montoir to Le Mans, September 12 — 41 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD from Le Mans to Ancemont, September 18 — from Ancemont to Brocourt, September 22 — from Avocoiirt to Cheppy Woods, October 4 — from Cheppy Woods to camp near Montfaucon, October 9 — Montfaucon to Cheppy, October 20. Attended the gas school at Chamnont, November 2-9, and rejoined regiment at Nouart, November 12. In camp at Les Senades, Luzy, and attended the 3rd Corps Infantry School at Clamecy, February 15 to March 15, 1919. On March 17, 1919, relieved as Adjutant of the 1st Battalion and made ranking Lieutenant of Company E. Transferred to Chemire and then to Brest, March 19. Sailed for Ho- boken, April 2, on the SS Rotterdam, landing April 11. Sick in hospital at Camp Dix; then transferred to the De- mobilization Group and was discharged, August 2, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry, ranking from March 30, 1920. *]l^arolti !L. pink^am Next of Kin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pinkham (Father and Mother), 69 Sagamore Avenue, West Medford, Massachusetts. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Reported Hoboken, January 8, 1918. Sailed overseas on SS Mongolia, January 15, landing Liverpool, January 30. Sailed from Southampton, Janu- ary 31, landing Le Havre, February 1. Attended 2nd Corps School (Intelligence Course) , Chatillon-sur-Seine, February 5 to March 10. Tour of observation at French Front, March 11 -24. Assigned to 16th Company, 5th Regiment, Marines, 2nd Division. Mortally wounded leading men in assault on machine gun nests in Belleau Woods, June 23, 1918. Died of wounds in hospital, June 24, and was buried at La Ferte- 42 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD sous-Jouarre. Reburied in American Cemetery at Belleau Woods where body will remain at parents' request, ELLSWORTH J. PIPER Permanent Address Bellows Falls, Vermont. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Paper Broker. Last heard from May, 1922. ARNOLD STUART POTTER Permanent Address 54 Allen Avenue, Lynn, Massachusetts. Business Address 261 Franklin Street, Boston. Present Occupation Accountant with Lybrand, Ross Bros., and Montgomery. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant,- Infantry , U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Attached 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917 to January 27, 1918. Attached Company L, 311th Infantry. February 7 attached 303rd Field Signal Battalion. April 26, transferred to Camp Gor- don, Atlanta, Georgia, and attached to 11th Battalion, 157th Depot Brigade. May 21, attached to 63rd Company, 6th Replacement Regiment. Attended Gas and Bayonet Schools, July 6 to August 2. Sailed overseas August 31, in command of Company 21, Camp Gordon August Automatic Replace- ment Draft. Landed at Brest, France, September 7. On September 18, arrived at 76th Division at St. Amand- Montrond. Made M. T. O. at Gradignan near Bordeaux, January 16, 1919. March 3 to June 30, on detached serv- ice at University of Bordeaux. July 15, sent to St. Nazaire and then sailed for Brest, July 19. Sailed from Brest for the U. S., August 6, arriving Camp Dix, August 14. Dis- charged at Camp Devens, September 2, 1919, as 1st Lieu- tenant, Infantry. 43 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD ROBERT EDWIN PRICE Permajient Address 61 Ashley Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Business Address Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, Worthing- ton Building, Springfield, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Special Agent. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Company D, 304th Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917, and later de- tailed as Assistant to Regimental Exchange Officer. Ordered to Depot Brigade, June 28, and subsequently reordered to Company L, 304th Infantry, as Casual Officer. Sailed for France, July 8, as Casual Officer. Transferred from 76th Division to St. Aignon and reported to 37th Division, Au- gust 15. Assigned to Company D, 346th Infantry in Bac- carat Sector. Division relieved September 22 and trans- ferred to the Argonne Forest. Transferred to the Saint Mihiel Sector, October 4. Transferred to Company F, 146th In- fantry, on October 10, and to Company K, on October 12. Division relieved October 16 and sent to Toul. Sick in hospital at Toul, October 18, 1918 to January 6, 1919. Sent to Gondrecourt and thence to 33rd Division in Luxembourg, reporting January 18. Assigned to Company L, 129th In- fantry, and transferred to Company E, February 15. Trans- ferred to Supply Company, April 1, and was Assistant to the Regimental Exchange Officer. Left Luxembourg, April 28, and sailed from Brest, May 15, landing at Hoboken, May 22. Transferred to Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, May 29. Discharged at Camp Grant, June 8, 1919. 44 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD LYLE MILTON PROUSE Permanent Address 424 56th Street, Brooklyn, New York. Business Address Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery, 110 William Street, New York City. Present Occupation Public Accountant. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, January 5, 1918. Sailed on SS. Mongolia, January 15, landing Liverpool, January 30. Sailed from Southampton, January 31, arriving Le Havre, February 1. Attended Second Corps School, Chatillon-sur-Seine, February 1 to March 1, 1918. Observation in Alsace with the French 7th Army, March 1-15, 1918. On duty with the 101st Infan- try, March 1.5, 1918 to March 1, 1919. Toul Sector, April 1 to June 30, 1918. Chateau-Thierry, July 7-14, Cham- pagne-Marne Defensive, July 14-18. Aisne-Marne Offen- sive, July 18 to August 4 (Vaux and Epieds). Saint Mihiel Offensive, September to October, including Les Eparges, Vigneulles, Wadonville. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October to November 11, including Verdun, Bois de Belieu, Beau- mont, and Heights of Meuse. Promoted to Captain, Infan- try, November 13, 1918. Stationed at the Sorbonne Uni- versity of Paris, March 1 to July 1, 1919. Transferred to Brest, July 15, and sailed for United States, July 19, on SS Zepplin. Discharged, August 15, 1919, at Camp Dix. Re- tains Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry. FRANK E. PUNDERSON Pre-ivar Address Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. 45 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD HOWARD RANDALL Permanent Address 9 Patterson Avenue, Brockton, Massachusetts. Business Address Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio. Present Occupation Chemist. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Stationed at Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina, from January 8 to April 4, 1918, as Deten- tion Camp Mess Officer. Sailed overseas and was assigned to Company D, 59th Infantry, taking part in the Aisne- Marne Offensive, July 29, and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive September 29, 1918, Transferred to the 3rd Ammunition Train, Army of Occupation, December, 1918 to February, 1919. March to July, 1919, A. E. F. University, Beaunne, Cote d'Or. Discharged at Camp Devens, August 15, 1919. JOHN A. REGAN Permanent Address 128 Congdon Street, Providence, Rhode Island. Business Address Box 253, Gushing, Oklahoma. Present Occupation Independent Oil Operator. Treasurer of Banigan Petroleum, Inc. La^t heard from March, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported at Camp Dix, December 15, 1917, and attached to 153rd Depot Brigade as Supply Officer until January 5, 1918. Then attached to Battery D, 350th Field Artillery, as Bayonet Instructor. Transferred to Signal Corps and attended Cornell University for instruction as pilot, January to April. Assigned to Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, Long Island, for flying service. Commissioned R. M. A., June 29, 1918. Coast Patrol, 48th Squadron, until August. In charge of cadet athletics. Camp Dick, Dallas, 46 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Texas, August to October. Bombing and night flying school, ElHngton Field, Houston, Texas, October, 1918 to Janu- ary 10, 1919. Discharged January 10, 1919. JAMES J. REGAN Permanent Address 7 Sheridan Street, Natick, Massachusetts. Business Address Tummbly Building, Irving Square, Framingham, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Insurance Salesman. Last heard from About January, 1921. Assisted in celling Liberty and Victory Bonds during the war. DONALD L. RICHARDS Permanent Address 257 Prince Street, West Newton, Massachusetts. Business Address 111 Devonshire Street, Boston. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported to Camp Dix, December 15, 1917, and assigned to Company G, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Sailed overseas with regiment. May 18, 1918. Battalion Transport OflScer, July 1 to November 27. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant and transferred to Supply Company, Novem- ber 27, 1918. Engaged in the following actions: Saint Mihiel, September 12 to 16; Limey Sector, September 17 to October 4; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 16 to Novem- ber 5. Returned from overseas, May 19, and was discharged at Camp Lee, Virginia, May 29, 1919. RALPH P. ROBINSON Permanent Address 5 Main Street, Merrimac, Massachusetts. Business Address Whittier Building, Haverhill, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Supervisor of Physical Education in Haverhill Public Schools. (Until next September, Robin- son will be with MacMillan Expedition in the Far North.) Last heard from August, 1921. 47 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Camp Dix, December 15, 1917. Duty as Assistant Athletic Instructor, Post Graduate School, while attached to 153rd Depot Brigade. Transferred to Avi- ation, January 20, 1918, and assigned to the 32nd and later 35th Aero Squadrons, Waco, Texas. Police Officer, 3rd Regi- ment at Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina, May 23 to August 7. Detailed to Handley-Page Acceptance Park No. 2 and appointed Assistant Supply Officer, August 22. Sailed overseas, August 31, arriving at Liverpool, September 13. Flowerdown Camp, Winchester, England, until October 2. Arrived at Le Havre, October 3. Sent to school at St. Maxient, October 4. Reported to 2nd Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, October 16, and assigned to Replacement Squadron as Assistant Post Athletic Director. Transferred back to Infantry, October 26, and assigned to Company K, 52nd In- fantry, 6th Division. With this organization in the Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Sent to Army Infantry Specialists' School at Andilly, November 17, 1918. Returned to Regi- ment, December 22, and went to Germany with the Divi- sion, May 1. Returned to the United States via Brest, June 5, arriving June 12. Discharged at Camp Devens, July 1, 1919. EDWIN S. ROSS Permanent Address United States Army, Care of the Adjutant Gen- eral, Washington, D. C. Business Address Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland. Present Occupation Army Officer. Last heard from May, 1922. Assistant Intelligence Officer, Northeastern Department, Boston, Massachusetts. Port Intelligence Officer, Newport 48 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD News, Virginia. Acting Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence, 3rd Corps Area. Aide to Major General Adel- bert Cronkhite. Still in the Regular Army as Captain, In- fantry. ERNEST B. ROWE Permanent Address 344 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Business Address 53 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported at Camp Devens, December 15, and attached to Company D, 303rd Infantry. Served overseas from July, 1918 to July, 1919, with same organization. * George SEilUam Egleu Next of Kin Mrs. Thomas Ryley (Mother), Andover Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, IT. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Reported to Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, January 5, 1918. Sailed overseas on SS Mongolia, Janu- ary 15, landing at Liverpool, January 30. Sailed from Southampton, January 31, landing Le Havre, February 1. Attended 2nd Corps School (Tactical Course) , Chatillon-sur- Seine, February 5 to March 10. Assigned to Company L, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division. With this organization dur- ing its service in the Toul Sector. In Aisne-Marne Offensive, 102nd Infantry, attacked near Bouresches, July 19. During advance when company commander was wounded Ryley assumed command but was himself instantly killed shortly afterwards leading the company through heavy machine gun fire. Ryley's body was first buried where he fell and then 49 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD reburied in the American Cemetery at Belleau Woods. His remains were brought back to this country and buried in the West Parish Cemetery, Andover, Massachusetts, on Sep- tember 8, 1921. GEORGE A. ST. CLAIR Permanent Address 58 Eastern Avenue, Boston. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Clerk. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Sailed overseas, January 15, 1918, and landed at Liverpool, January 30. Landed at Le Havre, February 1. Attended 2nd Corps School at Chatillon-sur- Seine, February 1 to March 10. Tour of observation in the Verdun Sector with the French, March 11 to 24. Assigned to 18th Infantry, 1st Division, March 24, in the Montdidier Sector opposite Cantigny, for three weeks. Returned to the United States as instructor. May 15, 1918. Instructor at Infantry School of Arms, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, June 14 to October 1. Instructor at Infantry School of Arms, Camp Benning, Georgia, October 1, 1918 to July 15, 1919. Dis- charged July 15, 1919. RALPH SANBORN Permanent Address 37 Arlington Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Business Address 989 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Present Occupation Advertising and Publicity work with Henshaw Motor Company (Dodge Brothers). Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, No- vember 27, 1917. Attached to the 49th Infantry, Camp Merritt, New Jersey, December 20, 1917. Sailed overseas, July 18, landing July 30. Assigned to duty in the Advance 50 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Section S. O. S. as Assistant Zone Major at Cliablis, August 6. Transferred to Montigny-le-Roi, October 27. Returned to United States, April 15, 1919, arriving at New York, May 14. Discharged at Camp Devens, May 22, 1919. L. B. SARGENT Pre-war Address 9i5 Aldus Street, New York City. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. LAWTON GRISWOLD SARGENT Permanent Address 457 Humphrey Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Business Address Sargent & Company, New Haven, Connecticut. Present OccnpatioJi Hardware Manufacturers. Last heard frorn May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Ordnance Corps, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Stationed at Washington and con- nected with the Drop Bomb Unit of the Engineering Di- vision. MICHAEL A. SCANLON Permanent Address 3-1 Mallon Road, Dorchester, Massachusetts. Business Address 53 State Street, Boston. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company B, 313th Infantry, Camp Meade, December 15, 1917. Transferred to Machine Gun Company, 313th Infantry, March 13, 1918. Howard University Training Detachment, Washington, D. C, May 13 to July 31. Went worth Institute Training Detach- ment, Boston, Massachusetts, until August 31. Valparaiso Training Detachment (Motor Transport), Valparaiso, In- diana, until November 7. Indiana University Training De- tachment until March 15, 1919. Discharged at Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, March 25, 1919. 51 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD HERBERT SCOVILLE Permanent Address 37 East 68th Street, New York City. Business Address 67 Wall Street, New York City. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Served with the American Red Cross at Rome, Italy, from January, 1918 to May, 1919, in the Administrative and Fi- nancial Departments. Commissioned Major, A. R. C, August, 1918, and discharged. May, 1919. JOSEPH RAYMOND SHEEHAN Permanent Address 36 Bates Avenue, Winthrop, Massachusetts. Business Address All-America Cables Incorporated, 89 Broad Street, New York City. Present Occupation Personnel Manager. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Attached to 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, Decem- ber 15, 1917. Company Commander, Company M, 304th Infantry, February 16, 1918. Sailed overseas, July 8, and landed at Liverpool, England, July 22. Landed at Le Havre, France, July 26. Attended 3rd Corps School, Clamecy, dur- ing September. Attached to Company B, 163rd Infantry, November 9, 1918. Company Commander, Company M, 320th Infantry, 80th Division, January 9, 1919. Sailed from Brest, May 20, landing at Hoboken, May 30. Discharged at Camp Devens, June 24, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as Captain, Infantry. CLINTON E. SHERWOOD Permanent Address Mill Hill, Southport, Connecticut. Business Address 333 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from About January, 1921. 52 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company I, 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Sailed overseas and assigned in turn to Companies A, G, H, and I, 359th Infan- try, 90th Division. Saizerais Sector in the Vosges, August 19 to September 10. Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 11 to 28. School of Infantry Weapons, Chatillon-sur-Seine, Septem- ber 29 to October 26. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Novem- ber 1 to 11. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant for meritorious con- duct in action, November 5, 1918, Army of Occupation, November 16, 1918 to May 20, 1919. Discharged at Camp Upton, Long Island, July 7, 1919. NORMAN A. SMALL Permanent Address 1654 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Business Address 120 Milk Street, Boston. Present Occupation Cotton Goods Broker. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 304th Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Assigned to the Depot Brigade in July, 1918. Assigned to the 36th Infantry, 12th Division, in August. FRANCIS ALBERT SMITH Permanent Address 97 Berkeley Street, West Newton, Massachusetts. Business Address 221| Eighth Street, Huntington Beach, California. Present Occupation Partner in Sales Company. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company D, 303rd Infantry, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Transferred to Com- pany K, December 23. Temporary duty with 519th Service 53 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Battalion (colored) as Drill Officer, April, 1918. Transferred to Newton Technical High School Training Detachment as Adjutant, Summary Court Officer, and Insurance Officer, June 10, 1918. Transferred to Schenectady, New York, as Assistant District Inspector of the S. A. T. C, District No. 2 (New York and New Jersey), September 13, 1918. Appointed District Adjutant also October, 10. Discharged, February 17, 1919. ROBERT J. SNIDEWIND Pre-war Address 218 Beardsley Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Last heard from Plattsburg, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Assigned to duty with 211th Aero Squadron. Sailed overseas, July 14, 1918. Returned to the United States, March 1, 1919. Discharged August 30, 1919. (The above information was obtained from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington.) FRED W. STAFFORD Permanent Address 43 North Main Street, Rutland, Vermont. Business Address 37 Strongs Avenue, Rutland, Vermont. Present Occupation Wholesale Grocery Business. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to the 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, December 15, 1917. Attended Officers' School. Trans- ferred to Air Service, January 25, 1918, Attended Adju- tants' Course, School of Military Aeronautics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, February 1 to April 13. Souther Field, Americus, Georgia, April 16, 1918 to February 20, 54 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD 1919. Duties as Assistant Post Supply Officer, Acting Post Adjutant, Acting Post Supply Officer, and Commanding Officer 5th Aero Squadron. HARRY STALEY Permanent Address 510 Davidson Street, Watertown, New York. Business Address Hudson Products Company, 19 Madison Avenue, New York City. Present Occupation General Superintendent for Hudson Products Company. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Company I, 315th Infantry, 79th Division, Camp Meade, Maryland, December 15, 1917. Assigned to Depot Brigade. Appointed Assistant Camp Ex- change Officer. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant prior to dis- charge. GEORGE EUSTIS STEPHENSON Permanent Address 65 St. Mary's Street, Brookline, Massachusetts. Business Address 324 Washington Street, Boston. Present Occupation Assistant Treasurer, Boston Transcript. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, New Jersey, December 15, 1917 to January 23, 1918. Trans- ferred to 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps (Air Service), Janu- ary 23, and assigned to School of Military Aeronautics at Georgia Institute of Technology for instruction. Supply Officer, Detention Camp, Aviation Camp, Waco, Texas, April 8. Organization moved to Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina, May 25, 1918. Ordered to Aviation Gen- eral Supply Depot, Fairfield, Ohio, for instruction, July 29. Ordered to Office of Director of Mihtary Aeronautics, Wash- 55 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD ington, D. C, for ten days and then to Los Angeles. Organ- ized and acted as Commandant of Aviation General Supply Depot, September 12. Relieved of command October 5 and appointed Supply Officer. Discharged at Los Angeles, February 6, 1919. EDWARD PHILLIPS STREETER Permanent Address 437 Park Road, La Grange, Illinois. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Section, Signal Corps, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Assigned to Flying Department at Kelly Field, Texas, December 17, 1917. Duties at this station as Department Personnel Officer, Assistant Adjutant, Flying Instructor, Test Instructor, and Test Pilot, from December 17, 1917 until May 19, 1919. Assistant Executive Officer in charge of special detachment of flying circus operating in connection with Fifth Victory Loan Drive in March, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Air Service, Military Aviation. WILLIAM HENRY GARFIELD LEAGUE Permanent Address 98 Hemenway Street, Boston. Business Address 1 Beacon Street, Boston. Present Occupation Assistant Manager. Last heard from May, 1922. Registrar on Draft Board, Second Draft, Division 7. Passed admission tests for Officers' Training School, Fremont, Cali- fornia, but Armistice came before call to camp. RALPH G. THRALL Permanent Address Broad Brook, Connecticut. Business Address 862 North Howard Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Present Occupation Student at Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Last heard from About January, 1921. 56 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned Provisional 2nd Lieutenant, Cavalry, No- vember 17, 1917, and assigned to duty at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, remaining on duty with the 2nd Cavalry at this station until February 18, 1918. Sailed overseas with same organization, February, 1918, and remained overseas until August, 1919. Took part in the Aisne-Marne and Meuse- Argonne Offensives. Discharged at Camp Upton, Long Island, August 19, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Cavalry. *ar!)arlrs; ilorton ^oole Next of Kin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Toole (Father and Mother), 52 Weld Hill Street, Forest Hills, Boston. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U. S. R., No- vember 8, 1917. Assigned to Company B, 107th Field Signal Battalion, 32nd Division. Sailed overseas, January 13, 1918. Served with this organization in the Belfort Sector, in the Aisne-Marne Offensive at the Ourcq and the Vesle, and in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Killed in action on October 1, 1918, in the Bois de Montfaucon. The open space at the junction of South Street and the Arborway in Forest Hills has been named "Charles Morton Toole Square" as the result of an order passed by the Boston City Council, August 25, 1919, at the request of the citizens of Forest Hills. ERLAND C. TORREY Permanent Address Dixfield, Maine. Business Address Dixfield, Maine. Present Occupation State Fish and Game Warden. Last heard from February, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N. A., No- vember 27, 1917. Ordered to duty at Camp Devens and 57 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD attached to 304th Infantry, 76th Division, from Decem- ber 15, 1917 to July 3, 1918. Attached to 43rd Company, Depot Brigade, Camp Devens, from July 4 to August 15. Transferred to School of Special Training, Camp Perry, Ohio (National Range Camp and School of Rifle and Pistol Practice), August 16 to September 27. Assigned to 97th Division, Camp Cody, New Mexico, September 28, and acted as Assistant Range Officer, 387th Infantry, until No- vember 30, 1918. Discharged at Camp Cody, November 30, 1918. LEWIS RAND TWITCHELL Permanent Address Ashland, Massachusetts. Business Address Box 4253, Miami, Florida. Present Occupation Builder. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to 301st Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. On duty at this station until July, 1918, including duty with 303rd Machine Gun Battalion as Machine Gun Range Officer. On duty with 37th Company, Depot Brigade, for two weeks. From Au- gust, 1918 to February, 1919, with 36th Machine Gun Bat- talion as Supply Officer. On duty with 36th Infantry for two weeks. Transferred to Hoboken, New Jersey, and as- signed to Casual Supply Company at Camp Merritt. Dis- charged at this station, October 13, 1919. JAMES H. VOLKMANN Permanent Address 149 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Assistant European Auditor, Cie Nationale des Radiateurs. Last heard from January, 1922. 58 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. On duty with 303rd Depot Brigade from De- cember 15, 1917 till January 13, 1918. Assigned to Com- pany G, 312th Infantry, 78th Division, January 13 to April 10. From April 11 to May 20 with Company L. Sailed overseas, May 20, and landed at Gravesend, June 5. In training be- hind St. Omer and Arras, June 10 to August 1. Took part in Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 12. Took part in Meuse- Argonne Offensive and was wounded in action, October 17. At Base Hospital 26, October 18 to December 20, and at St. Aignan, December 20, 1918 to January 20, 1919. Sailed for the United States, February 1, and was discharged at Camp Dix, February 22, 1919. EVERETT E. WALKER Permanent Address 13 Porpoise Lane, Atlantic Heights, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Business Address 72 Congress Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Present Occupation Decorator. Last heard from May, 1922. OVERTON S. WEBB Permanent Address Logan, Ohio. Business Address Same. Present Occupation Oil Producer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Ordnance, U. S. R., November, 1917. Served as Commanding Officer of a detachment in charge of the construction of a $10,000,000 Power Plant and Transmission Line at Birmingham, Alabama. Offer of com- mission as Major, Ordnance Corps, not accepted upon dis- charge. 59 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD STEPHEN WEILER Permanent Address 238 Hemenway Street, Boston. Business Address 147 Summer Street, Boston. Present Occupation Photo-Engraver Foreman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N, A., No- vember 27, 1917. On duty with 8th Company, 2nd BattaHon, 151st Depot Brigade, Camp Devens, October 27 to Decem- ber 5, 1918. Transferred to 2nd Development Battalion, December 5, 1918, and was on duty with this organization till February 21, 1919, acting as Supply Officer from Decem- ber 7, 1918, until discharged. ELLERY HARRISON WHEELER Permanent Address 298 High Street, Valley Falls, Rhode Island. Business Address Metropolitan Park Commission, State House, Providence, Rhode Island. Present Occxifotion Civil Engineer. Last heard from May, 1922. November, 1917 to July, 1918, Civil Engineer on construc- tion work at the U. S. Naval Submarine Base, New London, Conn. July, 1918 to August 15, 1918, stationed at Camp Upton, 152nd Depot Brigade, N. A. August 16 to Septem- ber 5, Sergeant 19th Railroad Engineers, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Also acted as drill sergeant. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, September 7 and remained there until September 13. September 13 to May 17, 1919, over- seas service in Advance and Intermediate Service of Supply. Headquarters at Tours, Engineer of Construction. Detached service as Chief of Field Survey Party as Sergeant and Master Engineer from September 30 to November 11, 1918, in Advance, Intermediate and Rear Zone, Service of Supply. November 11, 1918 to May 17, 1919, Chief of party on 60 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD detached service in France on railroad valuation work of all roads used by A. E. F. and all work performed by the French Government, Engineers and Railroads for the A.E.F. Returned to the States in May, 1919, and was discharged at Camp Devens. HARRY F. WHITE Permanent Address 132 Primrose Avenue, Mt. Vernon, New York. Business Address Board of Education Building, Mt. Vernon, New York. Present Occupation Supervisor of Physical Education in Public Schools. Last heard from About January, 1921. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Assigned to Company B, 301st Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Assigned to Headquarters Company, 34th Machine Gun Battalion, 12th Division. Assistant Athletic Officer, 12th Division. As- signed to the Machine Gun Company, 36th Infantry, Janu- ary 30, 1919. Discharged from the service August 18, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. PHILIP M. WIGGIN Permanent Address 38 Everett Street, Bangor, Maine. Business Address Bangor Daily News, Bangor, Maine. Present Occupation Printer. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. N. A., No- vember 27, 1917. Reported for duty at Camp Dix, Decem- ber 15, 1917, and acted as Assistant to Camp Signal Officer until June, 1918. Instructor at S. A. T. C, Bliss Electrical School, Takoma, Maryland, from June 10 to December 30^ 1918. Promoted to Captain, October 22, 1918. Served as Exchange Officer at Takoma till October and as Command- ing Officer from October 10 to December 30, 1918. 61 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD WILLIAM H. WILEY Permanent Address 176 Collins Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Business Address 80 Pliny Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Present Occupation With Wiley, Bickford, Sweet Company, Last heard from January, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Sailed overseas on SS Mongolia, January 15, 1918, landing Liverpool, January 30, and Le Havre, Febru- ary 1, and attended the 2nd Corps School at Chatillon-sur- Seine from February 3 to March 15. Joined 42nd Division, March 17, 1918, and was assigned to the 167th Infantry with whom entire service in France was spent. In Baccarat Sector, Lorraine Front, from March 17 to June 15. On Champagne Front from July 4 to 16 during German Offen- sive toward Chalons (Champagne-Marne Defensive). July 26 to August 7, Chateau Thierry Campaign and Battle of La Croix Rouge Farm and the Crossing of the Ourcq (Aisne- Marne Offensive) . In Saint Mihiel Offensive, September 12 to 23. Taken sick, September 23, and sent to Evacuation Hospital No. 45 at Toul and then to Base Hospital No. 3, Montfort, France. Rejoined Regiment, October 22, 1918. In Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 22 to November 8, the Advance to Sedan. Stationed at Lohndorf, Germany, with the Army of Occupation, December 15, 1918 to April 5, 1919. Sailed for the United States from Brest, April 20. Discharged at Camp Upton, New York, May 3, 1919. KENNETH M. WILSON Permanent Address 11 Prospect Avenue, Leominster, Massachusetts. Business Address 470 Main Street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Present Occupation Insurance Broker, Last heard from May, 1922. I FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Supply Company, 303rd Infantry, 76tli Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917 to June 25, 1918. Assigned to S. A. T. C, Technical High School, Buf- falo, New York, July 1 to September 15. Transferred to S. A. T. C, St. Joseph and St. Francis Colleges, as Command- ing Officer, September 15 to October 12. Transferred to State Normal School, Mansfield, Pennsylvania, October 12, as Commanding Officer of the S. A. T. C, remaining on duty there until discharged, January 13, 1919. CHARLES F. WINSHIP Permanent Address 245 West 76th Street, New York City. Business Address 893 Broadway, New York City. Present Occupation Advertising and Sales Manager. Last heard from December, 1921. Commissioned Captain, Ordnance, U. S. R., November 27, 1917. Property Manager, Rochester, New York, Ordnance District, March 1, 1918 to November 1, 1920, having ac- countability for all ordnance property in the state, north and west of Albany. Incidental duties included command of enlisted detachment and was Personnel Officer. Dis- charged from service, November 1, 1920. ALONZO WOODSIDE Permanent Address 30 Lebanon Street, Winchester, Massachusetts. Business Address Post Office, Boston. Present Occupation Superintendent General Delivery Department. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned Captain, Ordnance, U. S. R., October 30, 1918. Stationed at Eddystone Rifle Plant, Eddystone, Penn- sylvania. Reported to Office of Chief of Field Service, Ord- 63 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD nance Department, Washington. Assigned to Frankford Arsenal, Frankford, Pennsylvania. Small Arms Inspector, Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky. Discharged at Camp Taylor, August 11, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as Captain, Ordnance. HAROLD PAGE WRIGHT Permanent Address 491 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. Business Address P. O. Box 1223, Providence, Rhode Island. Present Occupation Lawyer. Last heard from May, 1922. Recommended for commission, November 27, 1917. En- listed in Aviation, Flying Personnel, at Boston, January 9, 1918. Studied Radio while waiting for assignment. Re- ported, May 25, at Aviation School, Princeton, New Jersey; rated as Private, 1st Class, Air Service, National Army. Discharged, August 12, 1918. Reported at Camp Meade, Maryland, September 12, 1918, and assigned to 8th Com- pany, 2nd Battahon, 154th Depot Brigade. Transferred to 16th Company, Fort Hancock, New Jersey, September 29. Transferred to Battery C, 31st Artillery, Camp Lowe, Oc- tober 8. Transferred to Supply Company, 37th Artillery, C. A. C, Camp Eustis, Virginia, October 15, 1918. Sailed for France on SS Pocahontas with this organization, Novem- ber, 1918, but the transport was recalled on account of Armis- tice, arriving in New York, November 23. Went to Camp Lowe and then to Fort Hancock, New Jersey. On Decem- ber 9, 1918, transferred to Fort Michie, New Y'^ork, and assigned to 15th Company, C. A. C. Discharged at Fort H. G. Wright, New Y^ork, April 15, 1919. 64 FIFTH COMPANY WAR RECORD KENNETH Y. WRIGHT Permarient Address 29 Bartlett Avenue, Arlington, Massachusetts. Business Address Not given. Present Occupation Salesman. Last heard from May, 1922. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., Novem- ber 27, 1917. Attached to Machine Gun Company, 303rd Infantry, 76th Division, Camp Devens, December 15, 1917. Detached Service as Assistant Division Machine Gun In- structor. Assigned to 11th Company, 151st Depot Brigade, July 26, 1918. Assigned to Company A, 36th Machine Gun Battahon, 12th Division, October 19. Discharged at Camp Devens, February 19, 1919. Retains Reserve Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. Present assignment, Com- pany D, 376th Infantry, 94th Division. 65 I PrY *'/>: ■